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COVID-19 fearmongering

MSM dirty dance around human mortality


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It looks like healthy people younger then 60 have little to fear but fear itself. But fear is addictive and it looks like panic, including panic buying had spread in the USA, fueled by irresponsible and often evil MSM fearmongering. 

Fauci and friends comletly failed us: he was unable or unwilling to provide relevant information about the virus. Also highly questionable was his role in gain of function experiments, which put him is a very dangerous position of biological war criminal.  Please not that information about so called "vaping epidemic" was suppressed and genome of the pathogen that couse it, if such exists,  was never sequenced.

CDC attributed it to E-cigatettes, but there were cases when a single time users got the disease. X-ray picture is suspiciously common with COVID-19.[ CDC ] Chinese did some research and published X-ray pictures of waping patients were attributed to COVID-19 my the supercomputer running a spcial program of images recognition and classification.  That does not prove anything, but it increases the plausibility of the hypothesis that waping epidemic in the USA in August 2019 has some relations to COVID the epidemic of 2020 and might be its precursor, with early, less contagious,  mutation of the same virus.

Statistic reported about COVID-19 was distorted by MSM to induce fearmongering and increase profits (MSM provide positive feedback loop in such cases and their role probably is negative not positive as they provoke overreaction). The only reliable statistics about COVID-19 epidemics are so called "excessive deaths" statistics and it shows that 2020 is not that different from 2019.

ther are higher not not dramatically so and it is unclear how many of excessive death occurred because of panic with people dying at home from heart attacks and similar mass killers of older people. Isolation definitely increases the mortality among old people and may be not less then COVID-19 itself.   Total number for the year probably will be less then 10% above the average. Here’s how many extra deaths over normal numbers have occurred during coronavirus pandemic, according to a statistician -

The coronavirus killed tens of thousands in the United States during the pandemic’s first months, but it also left a lesser-known toll: thousands more deaths than would have been expected from heart disease and a handful of other medical conditions, according to an analysis of federal data by The Washington Post.

Fr example, reporting deaths from the virus neoliberal MSM do not split it by age groups as this would decrease the level of fear in the population ( and their profits ). Also reporting just the number of death from the virus, not the deviation form the average number of deaths for a week or a month or so artificially increases panic.

Reporting  deaths from the virus neoliberal MSM do not split  it by age groups as this would decrease the level of fear in the population ( and their profits ).   Also reporting just the number of death from the virus, not the deviation form the average number of deaths for a week or a month or so artificially increases panic.

Panic and fear artificially incited by neoliberal MSM and cowardice to face the risks immanent in any epidemics (as well as driving the  car) is doing more damage than the disease itself.  They provoked the wave of panic hoarding in the USA which started in February with  isopropyl alcohol and hand sanitizer (which in early March reached $60 fro 8 ounces bottle on Amazon ;-)  but spread starting from March 10 to many other products categories including paper towels, bathroom tissue, all types of sanitizers and non perishable food.

Sometime media coverage looks like a complete 100% departure from reality.  More people will die in Yemen and Syria each day going forward, and no one cares. Many old people will serious chronic condition who are die from coronavirus induced pneumonia would die from flu induced bakterial pneumonia the same year as they are too weak to resist even flu.  Winter is a very bad season for such people in any case.

Of course, another extreme is fatalism as expressed by Paul Bogdanich in his post at (Mar 11 2020 )

I should have clarified, I'm an American living in the United States. That said, it bothers me. The absolute lack of any detectable level of courage or fortitude in the face of diversity (hard times) is just stunning. Old people die. Everyone dies over time. Viruses like the flu or SARS, or COVID-19 accelerate that process from time to time. It's just what viruses do. There is no cure for either death or viruses. If you want, the biblical "Ye shall surely die."

Even in advanced age life has meaning and is exciting when you're solving concrete problems heling your family or community, or humanity as a whole. Many outstanding achievements were made people over 70 year old (Verdi wrote Otello at 74  and Falstaff (1893) being 80) People over 70 now dominate presidential race in the USA ;-) And unlike fatalists thinking, we do not need to apply to our life the moral metrics which are appropriate only to communities who live on a verge of survival. Loosing some part of annual national income to save lives via quarantine is affordable. Mass testing is a sure way to improve cost efficiency of quarantines and similar measures during virus epidemics. Retired people can and should stay home and avoid situation where they can catch the infection. Reckless behaviour during  virus epidemics is a crime and need to be punished appropriately.

But it is true that the panic can do more damage than the virus itself. And that we need an objective perspective to access the level of threat inherent in this virus epidemics. In the USA a reasonable threshold for classifying the treat as serious  are probably events that exceed car fatalities. In 2016  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) registered 37,461 killed, an average of 102 per day.

In the USA a reasonable threshold for classifying the treat as serious  are probably events that exceed car fatalities. Which means around 40K people killed per year with the average over 100 per day. The society accepts this level of fatalities as normal, so why this virus epidemics should be treated differently ? Nobody stops driving cars because of this level of risk.

We are still in single digits of victims per day with COVID-19. It did proved high infectious. But there is highly infectious and highly deadly pathogens are two distinct group that do not mix. It is as if viruses  need to make choice between high mortality and high transmission: viruses that kill their host, before the host infects others,  die with the host and this can't kill many hosts without eliminating themselves as well.

With this coronavirus, there seems to be a larger then usual window (aka incubation period) during which a person can be infected and transmitting the virus, without having symptoms. In a way this is a rather "clever" virus. But long incubation period does not eliminates biological reason why highly infectious viruses should evolve to become less deadly in order to succeed.

While the US government of Mar 13 declared  the coronavirus a US national emergency and offered $50 billion for support of state and local governments to fight the virus with FEMA,  additional measures will not have an immediate effect.  But they will definitely slow down the spread of virus "flattening" the epidemics curve and this allowing more paciet to survive.

The current dynamic of epidemic in the USA and the world so far is exponential growth of cases with most infections clustered in just  half-dozen countries. Which is typical for an early stage of virus epidemic. Excluding China which now is past its peak and is in decline, the other fastest growing  hotspots are Italy, Iran, Spain and France. As of Mar 10, 2020 in the USA -- only three states  --  Washington State, New York, and  California have over 100 cases: 

Confirmed cases for the past 10 days for countries and U.S. states with >100 new confirmed cases as of March 10:

Country/State   3/1   3/2   3/3   3/4   3/5   3/6   3/7   3/8   3/9  3/10

Italy           566   342   466   587   769   778  1247  1492  1797  1977
Iran            385   523   835   586   591  1234  1076   743   595   881
Spain            39    36    45    57    37   141   100   173   400   622
France           30    61    13    81    92   276   296   177    83   575
Germany          51    29    37    66   220   188   129   241   136   281
US, Washington                                                        267
Norway            4     6     7    24    31    21    39    29    29   195
US, New York                                                          173
Denmark           1     0     2     4     0    13     0    12    55   172
US, California                                                        144
Switzerland       9    15    14    34    24   100    54    69    37   117
Sweden            2     1     6    14    59     7    60    42    45   107

Posted by: S | Mar 11 2020 18:43 utc | 42 

A a typical flu epidemic in the USA infects tens of million people and cause approx 20-50K fatalities per year (somewhere between 0.1% and 1%)  but does not create any headlines in neoliberal MSM.  According to the CDC’s weekly US flu report of February 22, 2020,

“So far this season there have been at least 32 million flu illnesses, 310,000 hospitalizations and 18,000 deaths from flu.”

For comparison the mortality rate in South Korea, where more than 1,100 tests have been administered per million residents, comes out to just 0.6% and concentrated in the old and/or with chronic conditions. In view of USA media hysteria about Coronavirus COVID-19, we need to concentrate on facts, not fears.  Here is Craig Murray comparison with the Hong Kong flu pandemic of 1968/9:

The Hong Kong flu pandemic of 1968/9 was the last really serious flu pandemic to sweep the UK. They do seem extraordinarily regular – 1919, 1969 and 2020. Flu epidemics have much better punctuality than the trains (though I cheated a bit there and left out the 1958 “Asian flu”). Nowadays “Hong Kong flu” is known as H3N2. Estimates for deaths it caused worldwide vary from 1 to 4 million. In the UK it killed an estimated 80,000 people.

If the current coronavirus had appeared in 1968, it would simply have been called “flu”, probably “Wuhan flu”. COVID-19 may not be nowadays classified as such, but in my youth flu is definitely what we would have called it. The Hong Kong flu was very similar to the current outbreak in being extremely contagious but with a fairly low mortality rate. 30% of the UK population is estimated to have been infected in the Hong Kong flu pandemic. The death rate was about 0.5%, mostly elderly or with underlying health conditions.

But there was no massive panic, no second by second media hysteria, over Hong Kong flu. Let me start being unpopular. “Man in his 80’s already not very well from previous conditions, dies of flu” is not and should not be a news headline. The coverage is prurient, intrusive, unbalanced and designed to cause hysteria.

Diamond Princess liner  represents the perfect environment for the spread of the virus.  Thousands of people jammed in a small place serviced by a single ventilation system…’s virus heaven. Surely all on board are dead by now? Well no.

The reality is that most of the deceased presented with existing pathologies, for example, chronic lung disease (often due to smoking), impaired immune response, pre-existing age related illness and disability, latent infections (esp. TB), use of pharmaceutical product (whether prescribed or not), other infection types, poor nutrition (never, ever underestimate the deleterious effects of junk food), etc. Not all the patients were tested for the corona virus either - so how do we even begin to think we know what they had going on?

As Trump tweeted ‘So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!’

He made a fair point, but that does not excuse him sleeping for two months and not preparing to the  epidemics. Several factors determined the USA response:

All in all it is clear the that US administration do not have any plan and improvised as infection unfold. Here we can mention a highly negative, unprofessional  role of National Institute of Allergy and Infections Diseases (NIAID) Director Dr. Anthony Fauci. It looks like he is one trick poly, an advocate of vaccinations (does he hold stocks related to vaccination is unknown) . In context of this epidemic after sleeping two months, he started advocating taking drastic measure in order to "flatten the curve" without providing any data that can convince us that such a flattening is needed  (The Last Refuge ):

The concept of “flattening” the virus curve; the presumptive reason for social distancing; is based on a theory to extend the spread of COVID-19 to a lesser incident rate over a longer duration, thereby lessening the burden on the U.S. healthcare system.  Hence, ‘flatten’ the spike in infections.

Put another way: “Flattening” means the same number of people eventually contract the virus, only they do so over a longer period of time, and the healthcare system can treat everyone because the numbers do not rise to level where the system is overloaded.  In theory that seems to make sense.

However, no-one is asking: what is the current stress level on the healthcare system right now?  Where are we in that capacity?… and what is normal capacity level during a high-level flu outbreak?… and Where are we when compared against that baseline?

Again, Dr. Fauci slept like the rest of Trump administration for two months and suddenly in mid March started to give alarmist  interviews, several a day,  provoking overreaction.  Later he admitted that his based on zero facts fearmongering "worst case scenario" about several million victims was wrong and was exaggerated at least ten times, but it was too late. A SHOCKING CORRECTION Dr. Fauci Went from a Possible 1.7 Million US Deaths Due to Coronavirus to a Possible 200,000 US Deaths. In reality, there probably will be less then 60K deaths in the USA. The damage tot he economy was already done. Instead of establishing in January a mission in Korea and studying the disease,  he was caught without pants. 

The reaction of neoliberal MSM seems to be utterly and totally disproportionate to the risk. When  all official information sources march in lock-step you can reasonably assume some sort of mind-fuck is underway.

But how high risk and what kind of risk could COVID-19 represent? I can only speculate but a few possibilities present themselves. (Remember I’m referring to the reaction here, not the virus itself).

For a start the economic impact of the panic will be considerable. Stocks and bonds will crash precipitously. Millions of investors will be ruined. Nobody knows how far the drop can go.

Wealthy investors could end up buying assets for a fraction of their true worth. It’s happened before on multiple occasions. Then there’s Big Pharma which is sitting on a potential gold mine

MSM dirty dance around human mortality is very annoing.  Risk is clearly tolerated less these days, safety measures are everywhere. But life of ordinary people under neoliberalism is not valued. BS jobs, junk food, subprime and expensive healthcare, crude “entertainment”.

Also significant percentage of those who will die from COVID-19 would die from flu too.

  • utu says:Show Comment
    @Anonymous (n)
    60,000 people die every month in Italy. Many of them old. Now we have 1,000 reported dead due to the Covid-19. Most of them old. Many of them would have died anyway from some cold or flu that would further aggravate their poor state of health. This year Covid-19 got there first.


  • Monotonous Languor says:Show Comment
  • March 13, 2020 at 7:03 am GMT • 300 Words

    After sober analysis, extensive reading, and careful assessment of each and every fact either directly or indirectly related to COVID19, I am now fully convinced of the following:

    – The virus was deliberately created by aliens from the Betelgeuse solar system, who have been secretly spying on our planet for the last 200 years.
    – The Betelgeusians have developed a supremely accurate quantum computer model (“It’s Quantum!”) of our species, which predicts what various factions of humanity will do given any set of specific circumstances and inputs.
    – The Betelgeusians, in their infinite wisdom, have decided to re-balance various factions of humanity here on earth, depending on their projected threat to other populations and the planet in general.
    – After running various scenarios through their quantum computer (“It’s Quantum!”), the results for advancing an optimal future became obvious.
    – The COVID19 was created specifically to attack Italians, Iranians, and Han Chinese.
    – In their computer simulation (“It’s Quantum!”), those three groups were considered most egregiously able to perpetrate negative effects on the rest of humanity in the future.
    – Therefore, the Betelgeusians made the onerous decision to create and release the virus.
    – Various intended consequences were also the result of the simulation (“It’s Quantum!”); these include vituperation and blowback on the US Deep State embedded for lo! these many years.
    – A popular mass uprising will take effect against the Derp State, and leftism/progressivism will finally be tossed out on its collective ear all over Western Civilization. It will be so thoroughly maligned, that it will finally end up on the ash heap of history, never to return.
    – The Betelgeusians will surreptitiously introduce an antidote into the ecosphere, thereby eradicating all further related susceptibility and deaths.
    – The Betelgeusians will look down on their handiwork with benign satisfaction.
    – Western Civilization will again have a chance to flourish like never before, entering a new Renaissance, and everybody will live happily ever after.

    There… don’t you like my story much better than all the other nonsense you’ve been pummeled with lately? (You can thank me later.)

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    Old News ;-)

    [Jul 30, 2021] The Unhinged Fearmongering Over Kids and COVID Has Reached New and Absurd Levels, by Matt Vespa

    Notable quotes:
    "... If there's any demographic that isn't at risk, it's children. Children were never an issue when it came to COVID. Their caseload was never the majority, the plurality, or even a fraction that you could call 'significant.' ..."
    "... If they do contract COVID, it's usually not a bad case. A child's survival rate is a whopping 99.995 percent when it comes to infection. They're virtually bulletproof. ..."
    "... Since the start of the pandemic, only 335 kids under the age of 18 have died from COVID. Is one too many? Of course. It's tragic but hardly cause for a national panic. By this logic, we can no longer drive automobiles. Too much death. ..."
    "... Schools have also never been a source of super spread. The schools in Irvine, California reopened in September of 2020. A report last March noted at the time, that of the 23,000 students in the Irvine School District, just 17 contracted COVID. How many of the 3,000 employees? Only three. And this was when the vaccine was not readily available. ..."
    "... Should people still be careful? Sure, but this isn't a 'Apocalypse Now' mentality. ..."
    Jul 20, 2021 |

    They have nowhere to go. The liberal media and the experts see another avenue to lock us down -- and they're going full bore. The Delta variant, which doesn't make you sicker nor is it more lethal, is a problem for the unvaccinated. But we're not locking down again. No way. There's a midterm election coming up, so no -- not even Joe Biden is going to back such a move. It's the same reason why there will be no mandatory vaccination protocol. There's an election coming up. If this were a national emergency, politics be damned -- everyone gets a shot, right? They're readily available to everyone who can get them. That should be the mindset. It's not. Why? Because obviously, it's not a do-or-die situation. If a mandatory vaccination mandate is being kept in the desk until after an election, it's all politics. We've known this for months.

    And now, they're trying to gaslight us on children and COVID. Fellas, I have bad news. We've been paying attention. If there's any demographic that isn't at risk, it's children. Children were never an issue when it came to COVID. Their caseload was never the majority, the plurality, or even a fraction that you could call 'significant.' This notion that children are under threat is science fiction and it doesn't help that a hyper-partisan Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, who was not shy about wanting to declare gun violence a national health issue, is peddling this fearmongering.

    The science is clear. Children generally do not get it or spread it. If they do contract COVID, it's usually not a bad case. A child's survival rate is a whopping 99.995 percent when it comes to infection. They're virtually bulletproof.

    Since the start of the pandemic, only 335 kids under the age of 18 have died from COVID. Is one too many? Of course. It's tragic but hardly cause for a national panic. By this logic, we can no longer drive automobiles. Too much death.

    Schools have also never been a source of super spread. The schools in Irvine, California reopened in September of 2020. A report last March noted at the time, that of the 23,000 students in the Irvine School District, just 17 contracted COVID. How many of the 3,000 employees? Only three. And this was when the vaccine was not readily available.

    The vaccines right now are not available for kids under the age of 12. They're not at-risk. They're not carriers. Should people still be careful? Sure, but this isn't a 'Apocalypse Now' mentality. Also, the store-bought masks that people, like Fauci, are saying kids under three should wear don't stop the spread of COVID. Fauci mentioned that in his emails .

    [Jul 30, 2021] COVID-19 and the Fear-Mongering Five-Percenters by ROBERT GOLDBERG

    May 10, 2021 |

    America is winning the battle against COVID-19. But you wouldn't know it by listening to our politicians and public health authorities.

    President Joe Biden has said he will still wear a mask after vaccination -- even when outside or gathering indoors with other vaccinated individuals -- calling it a "patriotic responsibility." Days earlier, Biden's chief medical adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci , insisted that children should still wear masks while playing outside, even though outdoor transmission is virtually impossible.

    They're hardly the only doomsayers. Vaccines are rolling out quickly...

    ... ... ...

    It's true that we may never get all the way to zero. But we don't have to. Expecting zero transmission is both unrealistic and unnecessary. We accept all manner of risks as the price of going about our daily lives. The flu kills tens of thousands of Americans each year. Car accidents claim about 40,000 lives annually. But most people don't shun social contact each flu season or refuse to drive.

    [Jul 30, 2021] How Media Fear-Mongers Misrepresent COVID-19 by JOHN HARTUNG

    Sep 18, 2020 |

    ... ... ...

    Fear-mongering can be lucrative. Bad news grabs readers' attention and enables testing companies to reap unprecedented profits -- but only if context is not allowed to dampen enthusiasm for accentuating the negative. For example, even if U.S. deaths due to PIC top 400,000 in 2020, whether COVID-19 without serious comorbidities caused the vast majority of those deaths or only the largest portion, those deaths should be considered in the context of the size of the U.S. population (about 328 million ) and the number of deaths otherwise expected this year (about 2.8 million ). In the context of those denominators, PIC deaths are a real concern, but they are not catastrophic. As put by Michael Barone ,

    the 1957-58 Asian flu killed between 75,000 and 116,000 people in the United States, between 0.04% and 0.07% of the nation's population then. The 1968-69 Hong Kong flu killed about 100,000, 0.05% of the population.

    The current [Covid-19] death toll of 185,000 is 0.055% of the current population. It will go higher, but it's about the same magnitude as those two flu outbreaks and less deadly for those under 65. Yet, there were no statewide lockdowns, no massive school closings, no closed office buildings and factories, restaurants, and museums. No one even considered shutting down Woodstock.

    As of 2018, about 700,000 people have died from HIV/AIDS, and about 655,000 people die from heart disease while about 140,000 die from stroke each year in the United States. Even though stroke and heart disease are not contagious, their combined 795,000 deaths will swamp reasonable projections for COVID-19 deaths – but still, the effect of deaths from stroke, heart disease, and HIV/AIDS has not been catastrophic because combating those illnesses has not entailed policies that cause massive unemployment, divert health care from other lethal illnesses , and raise the specter of economic collapse. Three hundred and twenty eight million is a big denominator.

    Given a concerning-but-not-catastrophic PIC pandemic, public health responses also need to be kept in proper perspective. Wrong context is even worse than no context. Erring on the side of caution, the CDC decided to advise more stringent strategies than might have been appropriate – identifying and isolating patients, requiring social distancing, economic and social lockdowns, compulsory mask wearing, maybe even tracing contacts, et cetera -- many of the strategies that helped defeat Ebola virus epidemics .

    Sounds good, but there are two problems. The first is feasibility of enforcement. China's government has the power over its provinces and people to enforce lockdowns and quarantine major cities like Wuhan (11 million people). The United States is not that "united." We have states' rights. Even states whose governors try to isolate their state from other states find that their policies have more holes than a sieve. A country that champions "Give me liberty, or give me death" and "Live free or die" cannot enforce strictures that could work in theory.

    Feasibility of enforcement aside, there is an epidemiological hitch that cannot be overcome even in theory. Compared to coronaviruses ( common cold , COVID-19) and influenza viruses (flu), Ebola is super-lethal. Super-lethal means that victims do not live long enough to become asymptomatic long-term carriers. But with COVID-19 we have asymptomatic regular-spreaders, silent spreaders , and super-spreaders . So when new cases and deaths decrease below pandemic levels in areas where CDC recommendations have been largely observed, and those areas begin to "open up" in response, non-immune people who come out of lockdown are at high risk of being infected by a plethora of highly mobile carriers. This phenomenon drives what is often called a "second wave" of Covid-19 (per the second bump in Figures 1 and 3). The term "second wave" can be misleading. The virus does not do anything new

    [Jul 29, 2021] Covid Treatment Options Remain Elusive, Despite Months of Effort and Rising Delta Cases by Joseph Walker

    Notable quotes:
    "... Federal officials concentrated their resources on quickly developing vaccines, with success. However, a relative dearth of drug research focused on coronaviruses, despite previous outbreaks, held back a fast response on treatments ..."
    "... Red Texas btw had 1,387 new cases today. A state with 30 million people. 5 (yes that's five) deaths. The fourth straight day new cases fell. Weird how those stats aren't making it into the fear-mongering articles. ..."
    "... Israel is struggling with a fourth wave of infections, and the Israeli Health Ministry announced at that Pfizer vaccine is only 39% effective against the Delta variant there. People who have had Covid and recovered are not being reinfected at a high rate. ..."
    "... Time to stop the fear-mongering and hysteria. There is risk to everything in life, and you can't hide under the bed for the rest of your lives because something might happen. Let's get back to normal and stop being held prisoner by confused people like Fauci who don't understand their 15 minutes of fame are long over. ..."
    Jul 29, 2021 |

    Federal officials concentrated their resources on quickly developing vaccines, with success. However, a relative dearth of drug research focused on coronaviruses, despite previous outbreaks, held back a fast response on treatments . Scattered U.S. clinical trials competed against each other for patients. When effective yet hard-to-administer drugs were developed, a fragmented American healthcare system struggled to deliver them to patients.

    Covid-19 cases, and the need for treatments, are continuing. U.S. hospitals are bracing for new surges of cases with the Delta variant spreading

    ... The Biden administration recently said it would spend $3.2 billion to support the development of Covid-19 antiviral pills.

    ... ... ...

    A lack of knowledge among healthcare providers has made it difficult to get even the available treatments. When Bob Bellin of Austin, Texas, tested positive for Covid-19 last December, he remembered that then-President Donald Trump had taken a monoclonal antibody treatment from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.

    Suffering from a mild cough and a headache, the retiree was worried about his chances of developing a bad case of the virus because he has a compromised immune system condition. He says he called a telemedicine provider to inquire about antibody treatment, but the physician assistant on the call initially didn't know about it. After some pleading, the healthcare worker agreed to research the drug's availability, he says.

    Several minutes later, she got back to him with the names of sites where he could get the antibody treatment. The next week, Mr. Bellin received the infusion over a three-hour visit. A week later, he started his regular running routine again.

    ... ... ...

    Remdesivir, first authorized by the Food and Drug Administration in May 2020 and later granted full approval, is now given to roughly half of all hospitalized patients. Yet patients often recover slowly regardless of whether they receive the treatment or not, doctors say.

    "The effect of remdesivir is something a statistician can show you in a trial of 1,000 people, but it's not something where you really can see a day-to-day impact on your patients," says Dr. Griffin of ProHealth.

    ... ... ...

    The Recovery study, which has examined at least 12 drugs so far, found the most effective of all Covid-19 treatments for hospitalized patients to date, dexamethasone, which cut the risk of death in patients on ventilators by a third. The Oxford scientists reported the results in June 2020 , less than three months after they first began evaluating it.

    ... ... ...

    Last November, the FDA authorized the first drugs designed specifically to target Covid-19 in people who weren't hospitalized based on preliminary trial results. These monoclonal antibodies were modeled after the natural antibodies people produce to fight the new coronavirus.

    Researchers at companies including Regeneron and Eli Lilly & Co. developed these monoclonal antibody therapies in less than a year, compared with the decade or longer it usually takes to bring a drug to market. The work was sped by earlier research by Regeneron and others to develop antibodies for the MERS virus. The new drugs worked well in early Covid-19 patients, reducing the risk of hospitalization or death by 70% in trials.

    Yet of the nearly one million doses shipped to hospitals and clinics from November through early May, just 49% were used by patients over the period.

    One factor in their limited use was the fact that influential panels that issue Covid-19 treatment guidelines balked at endorsing them before full clinical trial data was available. The NIH and the Infectious Diseases Society of America didn't recommend using the drugs until February and March, respectively, after Lilly provided results from a Phase 3 study.

    ... ... ...

    The hospital treated 1,469 patients with the drugs through early July, and as many as 30 people a day at the peak, says Jonathan Parsons, a pulmonologist and executive vice chair of clinical operations for Wexner's internal medicine department.

    Of the patients treated so far, 4.8% have gone on to be hospitalized, compared with an estimated 8% to 9% for similar patients not infused with the drug, he says.

    Looking ahead, the best solution would be an antiviral that can be taken early in the disease as a pill, doctors say.

    Finding highly effective treatments with tolerable side effects is likely to take years and require more coordination between government, universities and industry...



    The posts below are sad - Trump, Trump, Trump. A man who's been gone for eight months. I guess that's better than dealing with Biden's endless problems. I suppose letting in thousands of illegals, many with covid, still isn't an issue?

    Love the constant blaming of "delta" on unvaxxed Trump supporters. Sure, it's mostly red states, but the enormous fact that keeps getting ignored is the fact over 60% of whites have vaxxed. African Americans? 9%. Yes 9%. That means millions of adult AAs who can get shots, won't.

    Not surprising is AAs make up a large portion of the current hospital load (which still isn't bad). Of course all the media and the people making this political want to say's "red states". I guess they don't want to offend Biden's voting base?

    Red Texas btw had 1,387 new cases today. A state with 30 million people. 5 (yes that's five) deaths. The fourth straight day new cases fell. Weird how those stats aren't making it into the fear-mongering articles.

    jack Canzonetta SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
    FDA, CDC, FAUCI all downplayed Regeneron's treatment--a super treatment --I also asked my about DR above Regeneron's treatment .. We were discussing a plan in case I contracted the Wuhan lab virus, he didn't say much Regeneron - I also found out the outlets to receive it were limited and they had produced many of product.. Fauci was singing only one note--Moderna --
    Catherine G Attara-Fink SUBSCRIBER 27 minutes ago
    How about we need treatment for those who have been vaccinated and get Covid after the fact???
    thomas barloon SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
    Today I saw a 50 year old man with active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) . Each time he coughs, he releases millions of tuberculosis organisms into to the air and fills the rooms he enters with infectious active bacteria. Should our patient with active tuberculosis be allowed to go when and where he wants? Would you enter a cafe where he is eating or enter a room where he is living? Of course, most would hope the man with active TB stays home and takes medication to treat his active infection. Now, in many states, people with active COVID are allowed to enter cafes and stores. Who are those with acitive COVID? One does not know until one tests and traces and isolates. And an effective vaccine is also available and monoclonal antibodies are available to all. Why do doctors not use HCQ and Invermectin and zinc? Simple. These and many other medications do not work. Yes, the results are available for all to read for free in NEJM, JAMA, Nature. Follow facts not fantasy.
    William Lamb SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
    I guessed face mask might not be in this picture, since there are those who claimed it is ineffective and covered one smile. Beside, it is their constutional rights to infect others and care less for their fellow American, when they see that it is good to share the same misery to others.
    Dick Motley SUBSCRIBER 56 minutes ago
    What an ironic post. You DO realize the vaccines are also categorized as emergency use because they're also considered experimental right? And you HAVE heard about adverse reactions to the vaccines, right? And you HAVE heard about "breakthrough" cases (reinfection) among the vaccinated, right?
    Sorry, did I say "ironic"? I meant "moronic".
    Jamilla Graves SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago
    It would be irresponsible for the WSJ to spread propaganda about drugs that have been disproven as treatments against and to prevent COVID-19.
    jes merrell SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago
    Agreed. It is equally irresponsible for the layman poster to spread propaganda such as "tens of thousands" of doctors are doing what?
    If the poster is a physician, virologist or immunologist, offer your credentials along with your medical advice. It will then have credibility, your opinions have none.
    Mikey Metz SUBSCRIBER 3 hours ago
    "Fragmented health care" is correct. When will Congress and at least 60 percent of Americans wake up and realize health care in a capitalized society does not work like Target Corp. or any business that works in a competitive environment. And to read how little money is spent in this area is horrible. The world has dealt with terrible viruses forever--and the feet dragging continues.
    Julia Harte SUBSCRIBER 3 hours ago
    Here are protocols provided by frontline workers that are having success with preventing and treating covid 19.
    Claire V SUBSCRIBER 4 hours ago (Edited)
    We are not in Russia or China where the state mandates what to do. with your thinking it has to be difficult for you to be in a country where there is freedom of choice.
    Who are you to tell 50% of the population of the country what to do? Who are you to mandate to get an experimental vaccine? This is everyone's individual decision. If you are vaccinated you are safe. Didn't Biden say you are 100% safe?
    Richard Dole SUBSCRIBER 6 hours ago
    Let's see, all the Science (actual peer reviewed studies) indicate that those who have recovered from COVID (naturally vaccinated) or been jabbed are good to go, have broad immunity. So why worry about others if you are protected........
    J Domingo SUBSCRIBER 6 hours ago (Edited)
    So why worry about others if you are protected........
    Because this is not about protecting people.

    It is about controlling people.

    That is the only explanation for why Covid survivors are put on the BAD list. If they don't line up and demonstrate their servility, they are in trouble. T

    Thomas Erb SUBSCRIBER 6 hours ago
    Now, a new NIH-supported study shows that the answer to this question will vary based on how an individual's antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 were generated: over the course of a naturally acquired infection or from a COVID-19 vaccine. The new evidence shows that protective antibodies generated in response to an mRNA vaccine will target a broader range of SARS-CoV-2 variants carrying "single letter" changes in a key portion of their spike protein compared to antibodies acquired from an infection. These results add to evidence that people with acquired immunity may have differing levels of protection to emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants. More importantly, the data provide further documentation that those who've had and recovered from a COVID-19 infection still stand to benefit from getting vaccinated.
    J Domingo SUBSCRIBER 5 hours ago (Edited)
    Israel is struggling with a fourth wave of infections, and the Israeli Health Ministry announced at that Pfizer vaccine is only 39% effective against the Delta variant there. People who have had Covid and recovered are not being reinfected at a high rate.
    Now, a new NIH-supported study shows that the answer to this question will vary...
    Quoting a study that is not yet published provides little useful information, and cannot be used to conclude vaccination is superior to recovery from natural infection.
    Thomas Erb SUBSCRIBER 5 hours ago
    you missed a part of the Israeli quote

    The two-dose vaccine still works very well in preventing people from getting seriously sick, demonstrating 88% effectiveness against hospitalization and 91% effectiveness against severe illness, according to the Israeli data.

    David Richardson SUBSCRIBER 5 hours ago
    Because I still have about a 20% chance of getting the Delta virus if I am in direct contact with unvaccinated and unmasked people. I then have a 10% chance of getting seriously ill. But, the many people who post exactly the same question know this data. It is reported daily by outlets ranging from the MSM to Fox. You just don't like it . It cuts your argument that unvaccinated people are not a concern or threat to vaccinated people to shreds Man up. Or, at least, shut up. If you or others decide not to get vaccinated you are materially raising the immediate risk to others and--perhaps even worse--the odds that you will bread an even worse variant.
    Hersh Goel SUBSCRIBER 3 hours ago
    you do not have a 20% chance of getting Delta virus from unvaccinated pople - dont shake hands, dont hug or kiss. dont get in crowded places like elevators. wear an eye shield and mask - your risk is essentially zero. The evidence is the thousands of unvaccinated health care workers who took care of covid 19 cases for over a year.

    But if you want to have 'direct contact' with people, thats a choice you make.

    T Swan SUBSCRIBER 5 hours ago
    This from India news, July 1, 2021

    'Not a long-drawn process': Bharat Biotech expecting WHO approval soon As several European countries are accepting WHO-listed Covishield, Covaxin too is expected to receive WHO approval soon.

    Stephen Carroll SUBSCRIBER 6 hours ago
    The highest rates of unvaccinated people live in the inner cities. In order to get support from liberals the Democrats have neglected these inner city people so it would not disprove their narrative that it is suburban conservatives that are failing to get vaccinated.
    Nikola Sizgorich SUBSCRIBER 6 hours ago
    Time to stop the fear-mongering and hysteria. There is risk to everything in life, and you can't hide under the bed for the rest of your lives because something might happen. Let's get back to normal and stop being held prisoner by confused people like Fauci who don't understand their 15 minutes of fame are long over.
    K Baker SUBSCRIBER 4 hours ago
    Everybody knows a person can still get covid even if a person is fully vaccinated and spread it to other people. Except JD. He will Spin that a 1000 different ways to try to confuse people. He is talking to himself.
    J Domingo SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
    Everybody knows a person can still get covid even if a person is fully vaccinated...
    That's truly funny.
    "You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations." Joe Biden, speaking at the CNN Town Hall in Cincinnati, OH, July 21, 2021
    K Baker, and most D's don't even know what their confused leader believes and is saying publicly about the vaccine.

    Without misinformation, the Left would be bereft of information.

    [Jul 20, 2021] Who is paying Academy bureaucrats orders the tune: The American Academy of Pediatrics is demanding that all children over the age of 2 years old wear face masks at schools and nurseries

    Always follow the money...... Every. Single. Time. Looks like Pfizer is the biggest donor of this Academy. From twits: "AAP child-masking directive has zero citations to support its masking recommendations, but it does have a citation for their support to send *even more* federal $$$ to all schools, even schools that are closed: it's a teachers union lobbying document."
    Jul 20, 2021 |

    The American Academy of Pediatrics is demanding that all children over the age of 2 years old wear face masks at schools and nurseries, a suggestion that goes further than any previous restrictions.

    Show Me The Data
    @txsalth2o · Jul 19 The American Academy of Pediatrics wants all kids masked until vaccinated?!? Let's go to their website and see who the biggest donor is....

    The group, which has 67,000 members in primary care, announced that even if kids have been vaccinated they should still be forced to wear masks, suggesting that "Combining layers of protection that include vaccinations, masking and clean-hands hygiene will make in-person learning safe and possible for everyone."

    The group also claims that "masking is proven to reduce transmission of the virus and to protect those who are not vaccinated."

    The group's statement also claims universal masking is "the most effective strategy to create consistent messages and expectations among students without the added burden of needing to monitor everyone's vaccination status."

    The demand goes further than that of the CDC, which has said that children and adults who work in schools who are fully vaccinated don't need to wear masks.

    The AAP is echoing Anthony Fauci, who last week called for all children older than 2 to be forced to wear masks:

    Many states have scrapped and even banned mask mandates at this stage.

    Last week, health authorities in California attempted to enforce a mask mandate for children, before apparently backing down just hours later:

    * * *

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    [Jul 19, 2021] The Panic Pandemic by John Tierney

    Jul 19, 2021 |

    Authored by John Tierney via,

    Fearmongering from journalists, scientists, and politicians did more harm than the virus...

    me title=

    Unmute Fullscreen Pause Up Next Wall Street Bounces, After Selloff Fed Boosts Liquidity SoftBank Said to Plan $14 Billion Sale of Alibaba Shares NOW PLAYING China's Companies Have Worst Quarter on Record, Beige Book Says U.S.-Saudi Oil Alliance Under Consideration, Brouillette Says ETF Volumes Surge in Current Market Environment Investors Have Given Up on a V-Shaped Recovery, BNY's Young Cautions

    The United States suffered through two lethal waves of contagion in the past year and a half. The first was a viral pandemic that killed about one in 500 Americans -- typically, a person over 75 suffering from other serious conditions. The second, and far more catastrophic, was a moral panic that swept the nation's guiding institutions.

    Instead of keeping calm and carrying on, the American elite flouted the norms of governance, journalism, academic freedom -- and, worst of all, science. They misled the public about the origins of the virus and the true risk that it posed. Ignoring their own carefully prepared plans for a pandemic, they claimed unprecedented powers to impose untested strategies, with terrible collateral damage. As evidence of their mistakes mounted, they stifled debate by vilifying dissenters, censoring criticism, and suppressing scientific research.

    If, as seems increasingly plausible, the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 leaked out of a laboratory in Wuhan, it is the costliest blunder ever committed by scientists. Whatever the pandemic's origin, the response to it is the worst mistake in the history of the public-health profession. We still have no convincing evidence that the lockdowns saved lives, but lots of evidence that they have already cost lives and will prove deadlier in the long run than the virus itself.

    One in three people worldwide lost a job or a business during the lockdowns, and half saw their earnings drop, according to a Gallup poll . Children, never at risk from the virus, in many places essentially lost a year of school. The economic and health consequences were felt most acutely among the less affluent in America and in the rest of the world, where the World Bank estimates that more than 100 million have been pushed into extreme poverty.

    The leaders responsible for these disasters continue to pretend that their policies worked and assume that they can keep fooling the public. They've promised to deploy these strategies again in the future, and they might even succeed in doing so -- unless we begin to understand what went wrong.

    The panic was started, as usual, by journalists. As the virus spread early last year, they highlighted the most alarming statistics and the scariest images: the estimates of a fatality rate ten to 50 times higher than the flu, the chaotic scenes at hospitals in Italy and New York City, the predictions that national health-care systems were about to collapse.

    The full-scale panic was set off by the release in March 2020 of a computer model at the Imperial College in London , which projected that -- unless drastic measures were taken -- intensive-care units would have 30 Covid patients for every available bed and that America would see 2.2 million deaths by the end of the summer. The British researchers announced that the "only viable strategy" was to impose draconian restrictions on businesses, schools, and social gatherings until a vaccine arrived.

    This extraordinary project was swiftly declared the "consensus" among public-health officials, politicians, journalists, and academics. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, endorsed it and became the unassailable authority for those purporting to "follow the science." What had originally been a limited lockdown -- "15 days to slow the spread" -- became long-term policy across much of the United States and the world. A few scientists and public-health experts objected, noting that an extended lockdown was a novel strategy of unknown effectiveness that had been rejected in previous plans for a pandemic. It was a dangerous experiment being conducted without knowing the answer to the most basic question: Just how lethal is this virus?

    The most prominent early critic was John Ioannidis, an epidemiologist at Stanford, who published an essay for STAT headlined "A Fiasco in the Making? As the Coronavirus Pandemic Takes Hold, We Are Making Decisions Without Reliable Data." While a short-term lockdown made sense, he argued, an extended lockdown could prove worse than the disease, and scientists needed to do more intensive testing to determine the risk. The article offered common-sense advice from one of the world's most frequently cited authorities on the credibility of medical research, but it provoked a furious backlash on Twitter from scientists and journalists.

    The fury intensified in April 2020, when Ioannidis followed his own advice by joining with Jay Bhattacharya and other colleagues from Stanford to gauge the spread of Covid in the surrounding area, Santa Clara County. After testing for Covid antibodies in the blood of several thousand volunteers, they estimated that the fatality rate among the infected in the county was about 0.2 percent, twice as high as for the flu but considerably lower than the assumptions of public-health officials and computer modelers. The researchers acknowledged that the fatality rate could be substantially higher in other places where the virus spread extensively in nursing homes (which hadn't yet occurred in the Santa Clara area). But merely by reporting data that didn't fit the official panic narrative, they became targets.

    Other scientists lambasted the researchers and claimed that methodological weaknesses in the study made the results meaningless. A statistician at Columbia wrote that the researchers "owe us all an apology." A biologist at the University of North Carolina said that the study was "horrible science." A Rutgers chemist called Ioannidis a "mediocrity" who "cannot even formulate a simulacrum of a coherent, rational argument." A year later, Ioannidis still marvels at the attacks on the study (which was eventually published in a leading epidemiology journal). "Scientists whom I respect started acting like warriors who had to subvert the enemy," he says. "Every paper I've written has errors -- I'm a scientist, not the pope -- but the main conclusions of this one were correct and have withstood the criticism."

    Mainstream journalists piled on with hit pieces quoting critics and accusing the researchers of endangering lives by questioning lockdowns. The Nation called the research a "black mark" for Stanford. The cheapest shots came from BuzzFeed, which devoted thousands of words to a series of trivial objections and baseless accusations. The article that got the most attention was BuzzFeed's breathless revelation that an airline executive opposed to lockdowns had contributed $5,000 -- yes, five thousand dollars! -- to an anonymized fund at Stanford that had helped finance the Santa Clara fieldwork.

    The notion that a team of prominent academics, who were not paid for their work in the study, would risk their reputations by skewing results for the sake of a $5,000 donation was absurd on its face -- and even more ludicrous, given that Ioannidis, Bhattacharya, and the lead investigator, Eran Bendavid, said that they weren't even aware of the donation while conducting the study. But Stanford University was so cowed by the online uproar that it subjected the researchers to a two-month fact-finding inquiry by an outside legal firm. The inquiry found no evidence of conflict of interest, but the smear campaign succeeded in sending a clear message to scientists everywhere: Don't question the lockdown narrative.

    In a brief interlude of journalistic competence, two veteran science writers, Jeanne Lenzer and Shannon Brownlee, published an article in Scientific American decrying the politicization of Covid research. They defended the integrity and methodology of the Stanford researchers, noting that some subsequent studies had found similar rates of fatality among the infected. (In his latest review of the literature , Ioannidis now estimates that the average fatality rate in Europe and the Americas is 0.3 to 0.4 percent and about 0.2 percent among people not living in institutions.) Lenzer and Brownlee lamented that the unjust criticism and ad hominem vitriol had suppressed a legitimate debate by intimidating the scientific community. Their editors then proceeded to prove their point. Responding to more online fury, Scientific American repented by publishing an editor's note that essentially repudiated its own article. The editors printed BuzzFeed's accusations as the final word on the matter, refusing to publish a rebuttal from the article's authors or a supporting letter from Jeffrey Flier, former dean of Harvard Medical School. Scientific American , long the most venerable publication in its field, now bowed to the scientific authority of BuzzFeed.

    Editors of research journals fell into line, too. When Thomas Benfield, one of the researchers in Denmark conducting the first large randomized controlled trial of mask efficacy against Covid, was asked why they were taking so long to publish the much-anticipated findings, he promised them as "as soon as a journal is brave enough to accept the paper." After being rejected by The Lancet , The New England Journal of Medicine , and JAMA , the study finally appeared in the Annals of Internal Medicine , and the reason for the editors' reluctance became clear: the study showed that a mask did not protect the wearer, which contradicted claims by the Centers for Disease Control and other health authorities.

    Stefan Baral, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins with 350 publications to his name, submitted a critique of lockdowns to more than ten journals and finally gave up -- the "first time in my career that I could not get a piece placed anywhere," he said. Martin Kulldorff, an epidemiologist at Harvard, had a similar experience with his article, early in the pandemic, arguing that resources should be focused on protecting the elderly. "Just as in war," Kulldorff wrote, "we must exploit the characteristics of the enemy in order to defeat it with the minimum number of casualties. Since Covid-19 operates in a highly age specific manner, mandated counter measures must also be age specific. If not, lives will be unnecessarily lost." It was a tragically accurate prophecy from one of the leading experts on infectious disease, but Kulldorff couldn't find a scientific journal or media outlet to accept the article, so he ended up posting it on his own LinkedIn page. "There's always a certain amount of herd thinking in science," Kulldorff says, "but I've never seen it reach this level. Most of the epidemiologists and other scientists I've spoken to in private are against lockdowns, but they're afraid to speak up."

    To break the silence, Kulldorff joined with Stanford's Bhattacharya and Sunetra Gupta of Oxford to issue a plea for "focused protection," called the Great Barrington Declaration . They urged officials to divert more resources to shield the elderly, such as doing more tests of the staff at nursing homes and hospitals, while reopening business and schools for younger people, which would ultimately protect the vulnerable as herd immunity grew among the low-risk population.

    They managed to attract attention but not the kind they hoped for. Though tens of thousands of other scientists and doctors went on to sign the declaration, the press caricatured it as a deadly "let it rip" strategy and an "ethical nightmare" from "Covid deniers" and "agents of misinformation." Google initially shadow-banned it so that the first page of search results for "Great Barrington Declaration" showed only criticism of it (like an article calling it "the work of a climate denial network") but not the declaration itself. Facebook shut down the scientists' page for a week for violating unspecified "community standards."

    The most reviled heretic was Scott Atlas, a medical doctor and health-policy analyst at Stanford's Hoover Institution. He, too, urged focused protection on nursing homes and calculated that the medical, social, and economic disruptions of the lockdowns would cost more years of life than the coronavirus. When he joined the White House coronavirus task force, Bill Gates derided him as "this Stanford guy with no background" promoting "crackpot theories." Nearly 100 members of Stanford's faculty signed a letter denouncing his "falsehoods and misrepresentations of science," and an editorial in the Stanford Daily urged the university to sever its ties to Hoover.

    The Stanford faculty senate overwhelmingly voted to condemn Atlas's actions as "anathema to our community, our values and our belief that we should use knowledge for good." Several professors from Stanford's medical school demanded further punishment in a JAMA article, "When Physicians Engage in Practices That Threaten the Nation's Health." The article, which misrepresented Atlas's views as well as the evidence on the efficacy of lockdowns, urged professional medical societies and medical-licensing boards to take action against Atlas on the grounds that it was "ethically inappropriate for physicians to publicly recommend behaviors or interventions that are not scientifically well grounded."

    But if it was unethical to recommend "interventions that are not scientifically well grounded," how could anyone condone the lockdowns? "It was utterly immoral to conduct this society-wide intervention without the evidence to justify it," Bhattacharya says. "The immediate results have been disastrous, especially for the poor, and the long-term effect will be to fundamentally undermine trust in public health and science." The traditional strategy for dealing with pandemics was to isolate the infected and protect the most vulnerable, just as Atlas and the Great Barrington scientists recommended. The CDC's pre-pandemic planning scenarios didn't recommend extended school closures or any shutdown of businesses even during a plague as deadly as the 1918 Spanish flu. Yet Fauci dismissed the focused-protection strategy as "total nonsense" to "anybody who has any experience in epidemiology and infectious diseases," and his verdict became "the science" to leaders in America and elsewhere.

    Fortunately, a few leaders followed the science in a different way. Instead of blindly trusting Fauci, they listened to his critics and adopted the focused-protection strategy -- most notably, in Florida. Its governor, Ron DeSantis, began to doubt the public-health establishment early in the pandemic, when computer models projected that Covid patients would greatly outnumber hospital beds in many states. Governors in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan were so alarmed and so determined to free up hospital beds that they directed nursing homes and other facilities to admit or readmit Covid patients -- with deadly results.

    But DeSantis was skeptical of the hospital projections -- for good reason, as no state actually ran out of beds -- and more worried about the risk of Covid spreading in nursing homes. He forbade long-term-care centers to admit anyone infected with Covid and ordered frequent testing of the staff at senior-care centers. After locking down last spring, he reopened businesses, schools, and restaurants early, rejected mask mandates, and ignored protests from the press and the state's Democratic leaders. Fauci warned that Florida was "asking for trouble," but DeSantis went on seeking and heeding advice from Atlas and the Great Barrington scientists, who were astonished to speak with a politician already familiar with just about every study they mentioned to him.

    "DeSantis was an incredible outlier," Atlas says. "He dug up the data and read the scientific papers and analyzed it all himself. In our discussions, he'd bounce ideas off me, but he was already on top of the details of everything. He always had the perspective to see the larger harms of lockdowns and the need to concentrate testing and other resources on the elderly. And he has been proven correct."

    If Florida had simply done no worse than the rest of the country during the pandemic, that would have been enough to discredit the lockdown strategy. The state effectively served as the control group in a natural experiment, and no medical treatment with dangerous side effects would be approved if the control group fared no differently from the treatment group. But the outcome of this experiment was even more damning.

    Florida's mortality rate from Covid is lower than the national average among those over 65 and also among younger people, so that the state's age-adjusted Covid mortality rate is lower than that of all but ten other states. And by the most important measure, the overall rate of " excess mortality " (the number of deaths above normal), Florida has also done better than the national average. Its rate of excess mortality is significantly lower than that of the most restrictive state, California, particularly among younger adults, many of whom died not from Covid but from causes related to the lockdowns: cancer screenings and treatments were delayed, and there were sharp increases in deaths from drug overdoses and from heart attacks not treated promptly.

    Chart by Jamie Meggas

    If the treatment group in a clinical trial were dying off faster than the control group, an ethical researcher would halt the experiment. But the lockdown proponents were undeterred by the numbers in Florida, or by similar results elsewhere, including a comparable natural experiment involving European countries with the least restrictive policies. Sweden, Finland, and Norway rejected mask mandates and extended lockdowns, and they have each suffered significantly less excess mortality than most other European countries during the pandemic.

    A nationwide analysis in Sweden showed that keeping schools open throughout the pandemic, without masks or social distancing, had little effect on the spread of Covid, but school closures and mask mandates for students continued elsewhere. Another Swedish researcher, Jonas Ludvigsson, reported that not a single schoolchild in the country died from Covid in Sweden and that their teachers' risk of serious illness was lower than for the rest of the workforce -- but these findings provoked so many online attacks and threats that Ludvigsson decided to stop researching or discussing Covid.

    Social-media platforms continued censoring scientists and journalists who questioned lockdowns and mask mandates. YouTube removed a video discussion between DeSantis and the Great Barrington scientists, on the grounds that it "contradicts the consensus" on the efficacy of masks, and also took down the Hoover Institution's interview with Atlas. Twitter locked out Atlas and Kulldorff for scientifically accurate challenges to mask orthodoxy. A peer-reviewed German study reporting harms to children from mask-wearing was suppressed on Facebook (which labeled my City Journal article "Partly False" because it cited the study) and also at ResearchGate, one of the most widely used websites for scientists to post their papers. ResearchGate refused to explain the censorship to the German scientists, telling them only that the paper was removed from the website in response to "reports from the community about the subject-matter."

    The social-media censors and scientific establishment, aided by the Chinese government, succeeded for a year in suppressing the lab-leak theory, depriving vaccine developers of potentially valuable insights into the virus's evolution. It's understandable, if deplorable, that the researchers and officials involved in supporting the Wuhan lab research would cover up the possibility that they'd unleashed a Frankenstein on the world. What's harder to explain is why journalists and the rest of the scientific community so eagerly bought that story, along with the rest of the Covid narrative.

    Why the elite panic? Why did so many go so wrong for so long? When journalists and scientists finally faced up to their mistake in ruling out the lab-leak theory, they blamed their favorite villain: Donald Trump. He had espoused the theory, so they assumed it must be wrong. And since he disagreed at times with Fauci about the danger of the virus and the need for lockdowns, then Fauci must be right, and this was such a deadly plague that the norms of journalism and science must be suspended. Millions would die unless Fauci was obeyed and dissenters were silenced.

    But neither the plague nor Trump explains the panic. Yes, the virus was deadly, and Trump's erratic pronouncements contributed to the confusion and partisanship, but the panic was due to two preexisting pathologies that afflicted other countries, too. The first is what I have called the Crisis Crisis, the incessant state of alarm fomented by journalists and politicians. It's a longstanding problem -- humanity was supposedly doomed in the last century by the "population crisis" and the "energy crisis" -- that has dramatically worsened with the cable and digital competition for ratings, clicks, and retweets. To keep audiences frightened around the clock, journalists seek out Cassandras with their own incentives for fearmongering: politicians, bureaucrats, activists, academics, and assorted experts who gain publicity, prestige, funding, and power during a crisis.

    Unlike many proclaimed crises, an epidemic is a genuine threat, but the crisis industry can't resist exaggerating the danger, and doomsaying is rarely penalized. Early in the 1980s AIDS epidemic, the New York Times reported the terrifying possibility that the virus could spread to children through "routine close contact" -- quoting from a study by Anthony Fauci. Life magazine wildly exaggerated the number of infections in a cover story , headlined "Now No One Is Safe from AIDS." It cited a study by Robert Redfield, the future leader of the CDC during the Covid pandemic, predicting that AIDS would soon spread as rapidly among heterosexuals as among homosexuals. Both scientists were absolutely wrong, of course, but the false alarms didn't harm their careers or their credibility.

    Journalists and politicians extend professional courtesy to fellow crisis-mongers by ignoring their mistakes, such as the previous predictions by Neil Ferguson. His team at Imperial College projected up to 65,000 deaths in the United Kingdom from swine flu and 200 million deaths worldwide from bird flu. The death toll each time was in the hundreds, but never mind: when Ferguson's team projected millions of American deaths from Covid, that was considered reason enough to follow its recommendation for extended lockdowns. And when the modelers' assumption about the fatality rate proved too high, that mistake was ignored, too.

    Journalists kept highlighting the most alarming warnings, presented without context. They needed to keep their audience scared, and they succeeded. For Americans under 70, the probability of surviving a Covid infection was about 99.9 percent , but fear of the virus was higher among the young than among the elderly, and polls showed that people of all ages vastly overestimated the risk of being hospitalized or dying.

    The second pathology underlying the elite's Covid panic is the politicization of research -- what I have termed the Left's war on science , another long-standing problem that has gotten much worse. Just as the progressives a century ago yearned for a nation directed by "expert social engineers" -- scientific high priests unconstrained by voters and public opinion -- today's progressives want sweeping new powers for politicians and bureaucrats who "believe in science," meaning that they use the Left's version of science to justify their edicts. Now that so many elite institutions are political monocultures, progressives have more power than ever to enforce groupthink and suppress debate. Well before the pandemic, they had mastered the tactics for demonizing and silencing scientists whose findings challenged progressive orthodoxy on issues such as IQ, sex differences, race, family structure, transgenderism, and climate change.

    And then along came Covid -- "God's gift to the Left," in Jane Fonda's words. Exaggerating the danger and deflecting blame from China to Trump offered not only short-term political benefits, damaging his reelection prospects, but also an extraordinary opportunity to empower social engineers in Washington and state capitals. Early in the pandemic, Fauci expressed doubt that it was politically possible to lock down American cities, but he underestimated the effectiveness of the crisis industry's scaremongering. Americans were so frightened that they surrendered their freedoms to work, study, worship, dine, play, socialize, or even leave their homes. Progressives celebrated this "paradigm shift," calling it a "blueprint" for dealing with climate change.

    This experience should be a lesson in what not to do, and whom not to trust. Do not assume that the media's version of a crisis resembles reality. Do not count on mainstream journalists and their favorite doomsayers to put risks in perspective. Do not expect those who follow "the science" to know what they're talking about. Science is a process of discovery and debate, not a faith to profess or a dogma to live by. It provides a description of the world, not a prescription for public policy, and specialists in one discipline do not have the knowledge or perspective to guide society. They're biased by their own narrow focus and self-interest. Fauci and Deborah Birx, the physician who allied with him against Atlas on the White House task force, had to answer for the daily Covid death toll -- that ever-present chyron at the bottom of the television screen -- so they focused on one disease instead of the collateral damage of their panic-driven policies.

    "The Fauci-Birx lockdowns were a sinful, unconscionable, heinous mistake, and they will never admit they were wrong," Atlas says. Neither will the journalists and politicians who panicked along with them. They're still portraying lockdowns as not just a success but also a precedent -- proof that Americans can sacrifice for the common good when directed by wise scientists and benevolent autocrats. But the sacrifice did far more harm than good, and the burden was not shared equally. The brunt was borne by the most vulnerable in America and the poorest countries of the world. Students from disadvantaged families suffered the most from school closures, and children everywhere spent a year wearing masks solely to assuage the neurotic fears of adults. The less educated lost jobs so that professionals at minimal risk could feel safer as they kept working at home on their laptops. Silicon Valley (and its censors) prospered from lockdowns that bankrupted local businesses.

    Luminaries united on Zoom and YouTube to assure the public that "we're all in this together." But we weren't. When the panic infected the nation's elite -- the modern gentry who profess such concern for the downtrodden -- it turned out that they weren't so different from aristocrats of the past. They were in it for themselves.

    RasinResin 54 minutes ago

    Vive la France! The French just burnt down several vaccination clinics. Your turn America.

    KnitDame 51 minutes ago

    They've had enough.

    Lore 35 minutes ago

    The entire Big Pharma Industial Complex needs to be shut down. Tens if not hundreds of thousands of medical professionals and media mouthpieces and other enablers need to face Nuremberg panels for crimes against humanity, with execution for all those convicted.

    Yes, the virus was deadly

    That is the great shortcoming of this article. "The virus" was no more dangerous than the common cold or seasonal flu. Even this author is reluctant to call this thing out for,what it really was: the virological equivalent of 1938 War Of The Worlds, essentially a saturation-marketed exercise in mass hysteria.

    Going forward, an even greater crime is being committed with these clot shots. That atrocity is still unfolding.

    Virgil Krenshaw PREMIUM 44 minutes ago

    The Stanford faculty senate overwhelmingly voted to condemn Atlas's actions as "anathema to our community, our values and our belief that we should use knowledge for good."

    Is it not the peak of irony that "scientists" now use the word "anathema," the same language the Catholic Church would use in an excommunication?

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: COVID has mutated into a suicide cult . Lockdowns and vaccines are the Kool Aid.

    11th_Harmonic 51 minutes ago remove link

    The United States suffered through two lethal waves of contagion in the past year and a half. The first was a viral pandemic that killed about one in 500 Americans -- typically, a person over 75 suffering from other serious conditions. The second, and far more catastrophic, was a moral panic that swept the nation's guiding institutions.

    First point: false . There was no viral pandemic that killed about one in 500 Americans. It was the typical flu season. Where did the flu go ?

    Second point: false . There was nothing 'moral' about the panic.

    Po0h Bear 15 minutes ago (Edited)

    All children over 2 should wear masks at school, regardless of vaccination status, pediatrician group says

    They orgasm over suffering. Especially the suffering of innocent children.

    ZH Lurk 39 minutes ago remove link

    Most of the people who died were fat. Really fat. Obese.

    Did the MSM mention that? Did they highlight that fact? Did they show hospital beds filled with the bubberous dying? No, of course not.

    That would be fat shaming. A sin so unpardonable, it is far better to let people die and wreck a planet's economy.

    And they wonder why so few people now take anything the MSM says seriously. Clowns, all of them. Get back into your clown cars and stay there ... silently.

    Kiev Connie of the MugMeddin 1 hour ago

    Science is science. It's not political, it's not sensational journalism, and it's not Business. It's science, applied to medicine. There was no need to fabricate profit out of Covid-19.

    I Write Code 14 minutes ago

    Panic. And greed. And incompetence. And fascism.

    The four donkeymen of the Pandemolypse.

    19331510 35 minutes ago remove link

    Dr. David Martin Ends covid, Fauci, DOJ, politicians -in one interview

    TonTon just now

    The first was a viral pandemic that financially incentivised medical personnel to massively inflate death rates pretending that the virus alone killed about one in 500 Americans, whereas realistically, many deaths were mainly due to other causes .

    Fixed the intro for you.

    [Jul 19, 2021] Officials and neoliberal MSM changed the narrative: Vaccines now no longer designed to prevent infection, they are designed to prevent hospitalization and deaths

    Neoliberal MSM now are trying to swipe under the carpet the bankruptcy of the idea or achieving "herd immunity" via mass vaccination campaign. Which was sent to its grave by Delta variant.
    The fact that CDC does not track mild cases does not prevent estimate them from other statistics relying of percentage of hospitalization cases to total cases and deaths to total cases. If we use death state for the USA (624746 death for 34994151 cases), then for 1063 death of vaccinated people we will have around 60K infected. Of we assume that death of vaccinated is ten time less probable then for non vaccinated the number will 600K. As such cases are concentrated in a few big cities they probably ensure the spread of the virus even in totally vaccinated population. Then the question arise: was the gain from this mass campaign ? And high level medical bureaucrats already failed us with the lockdown and quarantine which did not have any noticeable effect of epidemic and then made all sacrifices a joke by riots in major cities.
    As CDC admits: "The findings in this report are subject to at least two limitations. First, the number of reported COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough cases is likely a substantial undercount of all SARS-CoV-2 infections among fully vaccinated persons. The national surveillance system relies on passive and voluntary reporting, and data might not be complete or representative. Many persons with vaccine breakthrough infections, especially those who are asymptomatic or who experience mild illness, might not seek testing. Second, SARS-CoV-2 sequence data are available for only a small proportion of the reported cases."
    Fauci and other high level medical bureaucrats, who put all eggs into vaccination basket made a very risky move. They knew that there were no successful vaccine against coronaviruses, because they constantly mutated, and still put them whole country into questionable path of "total immunization"
    Notable quotes:
    "... The COVID-19 vaccines are extremely effective, but a few vaccinated people have gotten sick. ..."
    "... "Breakthrough" infections are typically mild and might be less contagious than other cases. ..."
    "... Out of more than 157 million fully vaccinated Americans, only 733 people had died of COVID-19 as of July 6, according to CDC data . At least 3,554 people had been hospitalized and survived. The CDC is no longer tracking mild breakthrough cases. ..."
    Jul 15, 2021 |

    Originally from: Fully vaccinated people who got COVID-19 describe their mild symptoms, and their relief that they'd gotten a shot

    ... ... ...

    The COVID-19 vaccines have been extremely successful at preventing serious illnesses that could lead to hospitalizations and deaths. But no vaccine is 100% effective at preventing infection, Dr. Lisa V. Adams, an associate dean for global health at Dartmouth College, told Insider.

    "We know there are and will be some breakthrough infections in individuals who are vaccinated - at least until we get to a point where there is very little virus circulating," Adams said. "The good news is that their illness should be very mild."

    The vaccines are designed to prevent hospitalizations and deaths

    In early July, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said new data indicated that 99.5% of COVID-19 deaths in the US were in unvaccinated people.

    Out of more than 157 million fully vaccinated Americans, only 733 people had died of COVID-19 as of July 6, according to CDC data . At least 3,554 people had been hospitalized and survived. The CDC is no longer tracking mild breakthrough cases.

    About 75% of breakthrough infections occurred in people 65 and older. That included cases in nursing homes , whose residents and staff members were among the first Americans to get vaccinated.

    Paul Offit, the director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, told Insider that even with a smattering of breakthrough infections taken into account, the vaccines had met the goal of protecting most people from severe illness.

    "The goal of these vaccines is to keep you out of the hospital and keep you out of the ICU and keep you from dying. If you have a mild infection where you're PCR positive and have essentially an asymptomatic infection, that's fine," Offit said, referring to a type of COVID-19 test.

    'Breakthrough' cases might cause some symptoms, but they're usually mild

    Emerging data suggests many breakthrough infections are so mild that they might as well be asymptomatic.

    A recent analysis of breakthrough infections in the UK indicated that the top symptoms of Delta-variant COVID-19 were a runny nose and a headache, largely because most people mingling and exposed to the virus were younger or fully vaccinated.

    [Jul 12, 2021] Another fiasco: Fauci (and some other high level medical bureaucrats) fake dream of herd immunity was crushed by Delta variant

    Jul 12, 2021 |

    "Certainly, immunity decreases over time...the question is how much time," one doctor told CNBC during an interview Monday morning.

    Before Delta arrived in Israel, some believed the country had reached "herd immunity". But as Dr. Scott Gottlieb and others have pointed out, COVID is now endemic in the human population, and reaching "COVID zero", a standard that Israel is aiming at, simply might not be possible . Israeli officials have already acknowledged that with the large percentage of Israeli's vaccinated, deaths and hospitalizations associated with COVID will likely continue to decline, even if the number of new cases does rise.

    [Jul 05, 2021] Before the pandemic was a pandemic, already 4.75 million Americans had been exposed to the novel coronavirus

    Highly recommended!
    Jul 05, 2021 |

    Lurk , Jul 4 2021 14:52 utc | 3

    Before the pandemic was a pandemic, already 4.75 million Americans had been exposed to the novel coronavirus

    Serologic Testing of US Blood Donations to Identify Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)–Reactive Antibodies: December 2019–January 2020

    Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 72, Issue 12, 15 June 2021, Pages e1004–e1009,
    Published: 30 November 2020


    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), was first identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, with subsequent worldwide spread. The first US cases were identified in January 2020.

    To determine if SARS-CoV-2–reactive antibodies were present in sera prior to the first identified case in the United States on 19 January 2020, residual archived samples from 7389 routine blood donations collected by the American Red Cross from 13 December 2019 to 17 January 2020 from donors resident in 9 states (California, Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin) were tested at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for anti–SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. Specimens reactive by pan-immunoglobulin (pan-Ig) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) against the full spike protein were tested by IgG and IgM ELISAs, microneutralization test, Ortho total Ig S1 ELISA, and receptor-binding domain/ACE2 blocking activity assay.

    Of the 7389 samples, 106 were reactive by pan-Ig. Of these 106 specimens, 90 were available for further testing. Eighty-four of 90 had neutralizing activity, 1 had S1 binding activity, and 1 had receptor-binding domain/ACE2 blocking activity >50%, suggesting the presence of anti–SARS-CoV-2–reactive antibodies. Donations with reactivity occurred in all 9 states.

    These findings suggest that SARS-CoV-2 may have been introduced into the United States prior to 19 January 2020.

    My calculation is based on the statistical extrapolation of 106 out of 7389 samples over 331 million people in the USA. That gives 4.75 million cases of sars-cov-2 infection having gone "silent" in the USA prior to the report of the outbreak in China.

    The unwillingness and secrecy of the USA government in the initial phase of the official arrival of corona in the USA, the strange and unexplained outbreak of the still mysterious EVALI disease in the summer of 2019 (that in hindsight shared oddly many symptoms with COVID), the bad flu season that suddenly disappeared when corona appeared in the USA: it all points to Fort Detrick.

    Jörgen Hassler , Jul 4 2021 19:11 utc | 23

    Lurk @3:

    "My calculation is based on the statistical extrapolation of 106 out of 7389 samples over 331 million people in the USA."

    You can't make that extrapolation, the sample size is too small, and the total population too heterogenic. The cases might reflect an out break in just one state, or even one area. And we don't know the characteristics of the virus strain found – for all we know what happened in Wuhan could very well be that the virus mutated in a way that made it more contagious. Among other things; after all it's just a hundred positives.

    But the article clearly shows that there are still questions to be answered about where the virus came from – if I'm not mistaken there has been pre jan 2020 cases found in Italy as well.

    Lurk , Jul 4 2021 20:20 utc | 32

    @Jörgen Hassler | Jul 4 2021 19:11 utc | 23

    You can't make that extrapolation,

    Well yes I can and I did. I was completely open about it being a statistical extrapolation. It is IMHO a relevant estimate, because even if the extrapolation is off by an order of magnitude, it would still imply almost half a million cases - or almost 50 million , if the error was to the other side.

    In both cases, it paints the origins of the pandemic in a dramatically different light.

    Hell, even if my estimate was off by two orders of magnitude - 50,000 cases - that would still be a huge number of cases and make an entirely new investigation of the WHO on USA territory an evident priority - if these organiztions were independent, objective and free from political pressure.

    the sample size is too small, and the total population too heterogenic. The cases might reflect an out break in just one state, or even one area.

    While 7389 samples is not a huge sample size, it is not ridiculously small either. The samples were from 9 states, clearly not from a single cluster. Read the article, mkay? If the statistical foundations were really that bad, it would not have been published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.
    And we don't know the characteristics of the virus strain found – for all we know what happened in Wuhan could very well be that the virus mutated in a way that made it more contagious.

    Oh come on, you're really pushing things here. None of the strains identified thus far differ by an order of magnitude in infectiousness or transmissibility. The assumptions that you are trying to introduce are far more shaky than any of my statistical broadstrokes.
    Peter AU1 , Jul 4 2021 20:35 utc | 35

    This piece from Lurk's link

    " Of these 106 specimens, 90 were available for further testing. Eighty-four of 90 had neutralizing activity, 1 had S1 binding activity, and 1 had receptor-binding domain/ACE2 blocking activity >50%, suggesting the presence of anti–SARS-CoV-2–reactive antibodies."

    As with all diseases, some people will have a natural immunity to SARA-Cov_2 virus. How can natural or innate immunity be differentiated from acquired immunity?

    Lurk , Jul 4 2021 20:40 utc | 37

    @Jörgen Hassler | Jul 4 2021 19:11 utc | 23

    And then there are other interesting factiods, apart from the mysterious EVALI that I have already mentioned before.

    What about the biggest German corona cluster in the town of Gangelt ? Look it up on the map, it is right next to NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen , the major European AWACS base and Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum , a huge underground NATO command and control base.

    In the Netherlands, the big early cluster was in an otherwise agricultural backwater area that just happens to be the location of Volkel Air Base , the Dutch site where the USA stores nuclear weapons (in the latter half of 2019, they had been very busy modernizing said nukes, causing a lot of extra traffic to and from the USA).

    Contributors to this site from Spain and possibly Italy (from memory - reports were made early 2020) made similar observations about the geographical peculiarities of early corona clusters in their localities.

    What about the 2019 Wuhan Military World Games and the noteworthy competitive results (or should I say absense thereof) of the USA athletes, who were too sick to perform and were medevac'ed back to the USA? The Wuhan International Hotel that the USA team stayed in was closer to the infamous wet market than any Biolabs. The Chinese authorities were quick to point out the hotel as a much more prominent source of infections than the market, but western media never picked up on those pesky details.

    Peter AU1 , Jul 4 2021 22:09 utc | 49

    This article is a US hit piece on China but it also shows the military games may have been the world superspreader event.
    At the outbreak of covid, US military refused to have their athletes tested, but the article looks at many other teams that become ill around the time they were returning from the games. Absolutely nothing on the US team other than they only came in 35th place, deligation included seven "senior leaders" and two dept of state people

    Lurk, quite interesting post @45 On the allergies, symptoms range from mild to severe. Hives are mild, choking to death severe.
    anaphylaxis I refers to those that are severe as in face or throat swelling resulting in death.
    Long covid, and other virus that can take a long tome to recover from I believe trigger inflammation of the myelin sheath that insulates the nerves.

    [Jul 03, 2021] Breakthrough infections, which occur when fully vaccinated people are infected by the pathogen that their shots were designed to protect against

    So Fauci push toward "herd immunity" was meaningless from the very beginning. In Israel 50% (which has 85% of adults fully vaccinated with Phizer vaccine) of infected with Delta were vaccinated.
    Both South African variant and the Delta variant (also known as B.1.617.2) changed the picture of "herd immunity". Official figure is that Two doses of Pfizer's vaccine are still 88 percent effective at preventing symptomatic Delta infections. You can probably cut this figure by half to get more realistic estimate based on Israel experience with Pfizer vaccine. Israel has fully vaccinated about 85 percent of adults
    Worryingly, a recent study documented several cases during India's spring surge in which health-care workers who were fully vaccinated with AstraZeneca's vaccine were infected by Delta and passed it on.
    Now there is talk about that vaccinated people might need booster shots . Which essentally mean re-vaccination with the newer version of vaccine.
    Jul 03, 2021 |

    When breakthrough cases do arise, it's not always clear why. The trio of vaccines now circulating in the United States were all designed around the original coronavirus variant, and seem to be a bit less effective against some newer versions of the virus. These troublesome variants have yet to render any of our current vaccines obsolete. But "the more variants there are, the more concern you have for breakthrough cases," Saad Omer, a vaccine expert at Yale, told me. The circumstances of exposure to any version of the coronavirus will also make a difference. If vaccinated people are spending time with groups of unvaccinated people in places where the virus is running rampant, that still raises their chance of getting sick. Large doses of the virus can overwhelm the sturdiest of immune defenses, if given the chance.

    The human side of the equation matters, too. Immunity is not a monolith, and the degree of defense roused by an infection or a vaccine will differ from person to person, even between identical twins . Some people might have underlying conditions that hamstring their immune system's response to vaccination; others might simply, by chance, churn out fewer or less potent antibodies and T cells that can nip a coronavirus infection in the bud.

    Read: You're not fully vaccinated on the day of your last dose

    The effects of vaccination are best considered along a spectrum, says Ali Ellebedy, an immunologist at Washington University in St. Louis. An ideal response to vaccination might create an arsenal of immune molecules and cells that can instantaneously squelch the virus, leaving no time for symptoms to appear. But sometimes that front line of fighters is relatively sparse. Should the virus make it through, "it becomes a race [against] time," Ellebedy told me. The pathogen rushes to copy itself, and the immune system recruits more defenders. The longer the tussle drags on, the more likely the disease is to manifest.The range of vaccine responses "isn't a variation of two- to threefold; it's thousands," Ellebedy told me. "Being vaccinated doesn't mean you are immune. It means you have a better chance of protection."

    For these reasons and more, Viviana Simon, a virologist at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, in New York, dislikes the term breakthrough case , which evokes a barrier walling humans off from disease. "It's very misleading," she told me. "It's like the virus 'punches' through our defenses."

    Vaccination is actually more like a single variable in a dynamic playing field -- a layer of protection, like an umbrella, that might guard better in some situations than others. It could keep a lucky traveler relatively dry in a light drizzle, but in a windy maelstrom that's whipping heavy droplets every which way, another person might be overwhelmed. And under many circumstances, vaccines are still best paired with safeguards such as masks and distancing -- just as rain boots and jackets would help buffer someone in a storm.

    Read: People are keeping their vaccines secret

    In some ways, the shots' staggering success in trials -- where breakthrough cases were also observed, causing appropriately minimal stir -- may have papered over the inevitability of post-vaccination infections in more natural settings. "The vaccines exceeded expectations," Luciana Borio, a former acting chief scientist at the FDA, told me. Now, as we exit what Borio calls the "honeymoon phase" of our relationship with the jabs, we need to temper our enthusiasm with the right amount of realism, especially as more data on the shots' strength and longevity accumulate. Even excellent vaccines aren't foolproof, and they shouldn't be criticized when they're not. "We can't expect it's going to be perfect, on day one, always," Borio said.

    A team at the CDC is tracking breakthroughs and will soon start reporting case counts, as well as any patterns related to where, or in whom, these infections are occurring, Martha Sharan, a CDC spokesperson, told me. Details like those matter. They can help experts figure out why post-vaccination infections happen, and how they might be stopped. "The reassuring part is, these cases will not go unnoticed," Omer told me.

    Most of the time, vaccines are far more likely to offer some help than none. Serious disease, hospitalization, and even death will still occur , as will less well-studied outcomes, such as the long-term symptoms that often arise from less severe disease. But should post-vaccination infections climb to unexpectedly high rates, backup plans will quickly kick into gear. Some shot recipients might get second or third shots to bolster their immune response; others might be administered a tweaked vaccine recipe to account for a new viral variant.

    There's something a touch counterintuitive about breakthrough cases: The more people we vaccinate, the more such cases there will be, in absolute numbers. But the rate at which they appear will also decline, as rising levels of population immunity cut the conduits that the virus needs to travel. People with lackluster responses to vaccines -- as well as those who can't get their jabs -- will receive protection from the many millions in whom the shots did work. In a crowd of people holding umbrellas, even those who are empty-handed will stay more dry.

    Katherine J. Wu is a staff writer at The Atlantic, where she covers science.

    [Jul 03, 2021] Delta Variant Fuels Missouri's Covid-19 Uptick

    Might be uptick might be statistical noise. The differences are stillsmall... in Israel the Delta variant is infecting vaccinated people, who represent as many as 50% of new cases
    If vaccines don't cover everyone, we need to know why and how we can fix it. Fauci is one trick pony who made all bets of the success of the vaccines, decpite that fact that there were no any sucessful coronavirus vaccine developered before COVID-19 epidemic.
    Notable quotes:
    "... Most Covid-19 patients in the Mercy hospital in Springfield are unvaccinated, though there have been a few cases among people who were vaccinated, Dr. Sistrunk said. ..."
    Jul 03, 2021 |

    The variant, which is about 40% to 60% more contagious than the previous dominant variant, is sending more people to hospitals in the northern and southwestern parts of the state, health officials say.

    In Springfield, Mo., Mercy Hospital had 90 Covid-19 patients on a recent day, up from 10 seven weeks ago, said William Sistrunk, lead infectious-disease doctor for Mercy, a multistate hospital system with several facilities in Missouri. Almost all had the Delta variant, and most were unvaccinated, he said. The hospital's caseload peaked at about 120 in late December.

    Officials say the patients being admitted are younger, ages 30 to 60, a change from the last two waves of infection. "It ramped up a lot faster than it did last fall when we had that wave," Dr. Sistrunk said. "What's happening in Springfield may be an early warning for other communities. This variant, we need to take this seriously."

    The number of people in the hospital with Covid-19 in Missouri has started to climb in recent weeks. The latest seven-day average is 864, up from 668 a month prior, according to the state health department. During the winter surge in Covid-19 cases in 2020 and 2021, hospitalizations topped 2,700 several times. Missouri has a population of 6.1 million.

    ... In Missouri, 55% of adults have received at least one vaccination shot, 11 percentage points below the national rate, according to the CDC. Most Covid-19 patients in the Mercy hospital in Springfield are unvaccinated, though there have been a few cases among people who were vaccinated, Dr. Sistrunk said.

    [Jul 01, 2021] There is zero evidence that those that previously had covid get reinfected

    Jul 01, 2021 |


    Gugsknowsall 3 hours ago remove link

    I had covid last summer, for me was like a bad flu, 3-4 days of severe symptoms then I recovered, never went to hospital. There is zero evidence that those that previously had covid get reinfected, none at all, we have developed natural immunity. Inspite of this everyone is pushing me to get DNA altering vaccines, everyone, even my Dr., who should know better.

    What I find ammusing in all of this is that the same people pushing this vaccine on me and others are the same people who won't even eat a GMO banana, paying 5 times more for "organic" bananas...

    Sono 2 hours ago

    Yesterday a friend of mine who works in major hospital said she had a patient whom is 34 male, no prior health complications was put through surgery to remove a major blood clot. It's unclear what damage was done at least as of yesterday. Chart says he received the Pfizer vaccine April 19th and may 6th. Did the vaccine cause this? Anybody guess. But hospital staff noted how unusual his case is.

    rejectnumbskull 3 hours ago (Edited)

    It is beyond sad when the so-called medical industry feels it has the authority to label Americans into these 2 categories. Kick Fauci out now! The sick-care mafia has no business dictating any type of domestic policy.

    SaulAzzHoleSky 3 hours ago

    Study out of England shows HIGHER emergency room and death rates (2x-8x) among vaccinated people older than 50 compared to those unvaccinated older than 50. See pages 13-14.

    Those below 50 had lower rates but shouldn't they be completely immune??

    HowdyDoody 2 hours ago

    The 'vaccines' were accepted for emergency use on the basis that they slightly reduced the severity of symptoms in slight cases of disease. Joe and Jane Public think the 'vaccine' gives them immunity. MSM has not been correcting the misunderstanding

    Twox2 3 hours ago (Edited)

    "If you are vaccinated, you diminish dramatically your risk of getting infected and even more dramatically your risk of getting seriously ill. If you are not vaccinated, you are at considerable risk," Fauci once again repeated.

    "Mr. Science" seems to have another agenda entirely, since he clearly makes it up as he goes along. I used the Covid risk calculator (from Oxford University...which many consider the number one rated university in the world) and it showed my risk of death at 4 in 10,000 and risk of hospitalization at 1 in 732...during the three-month peak of the pandemic.

    As one in his 7th decade, with 3 stents, this is my purported "considerable risk".

    How does this guy retain any credibility at all?

    White Domestic Tourist 3 hours ago

    Vaxxes would be deadly to people with vascular conditions i think.

    11b40 3 hours ago

    Yep....73 yr old cancer survivor (Agent Orange Lymphoma). Never took flu shots, never got the flu. No plans to get one of these jabs, either, as like you, I did my own research. I'm fit and lead a healthy lifestyle. Also believe in Ivermectin & HCQ regimens if I happen to get infected with something serious. Took HCQ malaria pills, like so many other soldiers, with no side effects. Everybody took them when told the other option was malaria. Since the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident, I have been watching my government lie to me, and this has felt like one big con job since the beginning. There is no doubt in my mind now that long term, the results of these shots will not be good for us.

    [Jul 01, 2021] Fauci: There Are Now Two Americas, The Vaccinated The Unvaccinated ; ZH commenter: There are now two Americas. One that's retarded. And one that wants Fauci on a lamppost.

    Authorities doe not telling truth: people who already have COVID do not need to be vaccinated. Also if Delta varient can infect vaccineted in conserable quantities how any resobale person can maintain this goal of "herg immunity". How it can be achieved if a vaccinated person can be infected and thus spread the disease both amoung vaccinated cohort and among the unvaccinated cohort. The fact the vaccinated people are infected with Delta changes the game and here Senator Paul is wrong.
    Pushing vaccination on chidren in such curcumstances changes nothing is became a very questionable move both from scientific an from ethical perspective.
    Jul 01, 2021 |

    America's favourite Chinese lab funding coronavirus doomonger doctor Anthony Fauci announced Tuesday that there are now two Americas, a vaccinated America and an unvaccinated America.

    As Senator Rand Paul noted earlier this week , there is a boat load of misinformation on the matter coming from a government that is indiscriminately pushing vaccinations:

    Rand Paul TEARS Into Senate Witness for Indiscriminately Pushing Vaccines

    SexyJulian 3 hours ago

    There are now two Americas. One that's retarded. And one that wants Fauci on a lamppost.

    liberty2 1 hour ago (Edited)

    Note that the officials said there's no such thing as "herd immunity" last year. Now this year they keep saying that we can reach "herd immunity" if we are 70% vaxxed! Terms are used if it fits their narrative.

    Ride_the_kali_yuga 3 hours ago (Edited)

    In the Covidian Cult, there is true believers in one side and heretics on the other side. Vaxxed and unvaxxed.

    Divide and rule strategy, as always. Do not undurestimate the ratio of retarded people among the population, it has been growing like a cancer for decades. It amazes me how perfectly coordinated those MSM Covidian propaganda events appears worldwide.

    In here France, 2 days ago, most MSM have all simultaneously gone full berserk (without any reason) blaming the reluctant ones. One of them on TV said something like : "if it was me, i will use police to drag those who refuse these "vaccines" from their home and force it on them"

    This was priceless, this little man has morbid obesity. We now officialy all live on the twilight zone on steroids. Land whales dictate how people should consider their own health. This ride seems to never end.

    We now have officialy entered the dehumanization phase of the unvaxxed. The sanitary gulag is not far from here.

    NIRP-BTFD 1 hour ago

    There are 2 Americas. The 0.01% (the rulers that own everything) and the serfs.

    DemandSider 1 hour ago

    Exactly, parasite and host. Fauci would be the former, obviously.

    [Jun 30, 2021] Twelve year was enrolled in the Pfizer vaccine clinical trial. She's now in a wheelchair, has an NG tube, and is suffering from severe memory loss, along with many other issues.

    Statement by the mom:
    The key unanswered question is: what benefits for 12 years old vaccine provides. I do not see any, while risks are real and unknown. At this point we already know that vaccine cause serious heart problems in some vaccinated young people (say below 30 yours old)
    Fauci bears some responsibility for this indent
    Jun 30, 2021 |

    Twelve year-old Maddie was enrolled in the Pfizer vaccine clinical trial. She's now in a wheelchair, has an NG tube, and is suffering from severe memory loss, along with many other issues.

    Full video is here


    I am SO sorry for this girl. She relied on her parents, their job, to protect their minor children. They failed.
    I am very sorry for what's happened, but lady that is exactly what you get by disregarding your fellow citizens &
    relying on the government for your truth. Its been obvious to all those with open minds, that this entire pandemic is
    a huge scam, the worst scam in human history. The old saying comes to mind, "and if the government told you to go jump
    off the roof, would you?" Sadly leftists answer, "how many times?" Karen

    The only way I would I "consider" allowing my child to sign up to be a guinea pig in any clinical trial is if they had a life threating incurable disease and the trial was specific to their disease & participation was a "chance" to save their life. I worked in a clinical trial office, you agree to being the guinea pig when you agree that you will never know if you're injected with
    1. a placebo OR
    2. the "drug" its self.
    You're also informed in advance of how many visits (minimal # of visits) the trial will require of you to fully participate as it usually requires regularly scheduled bi weekly or monthly visits. It's in a office setting & your mandated to keep the doctor informed of everything, even an emergency, because theres a written script "behind the scenes" of what to do along the way if "this" or "that" happens. That way you collect better data of adverse reactions. Plus there are the very important (to the medical side anyway) non disclosure agreements.
    I noticed here it seems the family reached out to "emercency" facilities when things started going wrong.
    Are these "trials" being conducted standard procedure or not. MAJOR DANGER

    What sort of parent would give their kid an untested, un-needed vaccine? There is NO excuse. None. Zero. Mother should be in tears. 100% well deserved.


    " in healthcare" means nothing anymore. I've been in healthcare for 25 years and it blows my mind how many 500,000$ plus educations lined up for the "vax" AND do not know the simple definition of a vaccine. I watched 1st hand as practically overnight medicine went from being science based to political weapon. We used to have to have an evidence based system where doctors would look at the published studies and make decisions based on the best info available. That's all gone now. You can't even trust the medical journals anymore that at one time were the pinnacles of scientific medical discovery. The hospital I've worked in for 25 years is going to mandate the vax as soon as the FDA approves it,which means I'm out. 15% of us are unvaxed and they have plans to get rid of us. The medical tyranny STARTED w the mandating of the flu shot years ago for HC workers and now it's covid. It's not going to end ,just wait til the next shit show released on us. Next time they will have the ballz to say ur locked in ur home until u comply. Then when u can't pay ur property taxes because u cant leave the house to work u find out who actually owns ur home. Peetoonya

    The US "Healthcare" INDUSTRY ranks 37th in the world. John Hopkins put out a report that the 3rd leading cause of death is going to your doctor and doing what he/she says! I remember in the 90's they ran off or bought out most of the private practices especially in the rural areas with malpractice claims if they didn't sell out. But these days you can make up to $50,000 a year just sending people the bill for your inflicted genocide. Medical Billing Specialist Salary in the United States All the cowardly doctors will do as they are told for fear of losing their license. PS The profession that has the highest rate of suicide is Doctors! I haven't been to a doctor in 21 years. Riseliberty

    This is not a vaccine. Do you understand? It is experimental gene therapy. You cannot compare this with any FDA approved vaccine you've had in the past. Hehe62

    Before watching one clip I suggest you watch the entire press conference. ALL of the participants explained they are pro science and pro vaccine up front.
    They have been harmed-most likely permanently by this *vaccine* and as you can see by the twitter disclaimer they have been silenced, told they are suffering from anxiety versus a vaccine side effect and our medical community has done NOTHING to follow up on what is going on.

    As an NP who has been thrust into covid from the get go I now daily see covid 19 vaccine injuries albeit less than those suffered from these victims; depending on how you see it.

    Type 1 diabetes in a perfectly healthy 16 year old athletic boy with healthy family members now requiring insulin for the rest of his life-happened right after 2nd pfizer. Tons of shingles and herpes viruses, and regular colds that have taken out staff members for 3-4 weeks versus 2-3 days in the past.

    As an NP that started in the military and has all vaccines and vaccinated all my children and seeing and living in the medical community throughout this I personally will NEVER get another vaccine the government suggests or requires ever again. I will NEVER go see a mainstream medical provider ever again unless I'm taken against my will or knowledge.

    Sure, tons of people have gotten the vax without issue, but YOU are the phase III clinical trial for this thing, it has only been about 6 months. Long term effects who knows. I have a feeling it isn't going to get better. And the fact that these people have been completely silenced, questioned, and "debunked" by mainstream media and the public as a whole that suddenly seems to have 100% confidence in their government???? is EXTREMELY concerning. Ron

    God bless Maddie and her family. For context, I'd like to know how many children have had the Pfizer vaccine without serious side effects. We shouldn't fall into the left wing tactics of using anecdotal emotional cases to distort reality to make a larger point. The fact is that vaccines have saved millions of lives and prevented millions of crippling side effects from polio, smallpox, yellow fever, mumps, measles, hepatitis, HPV . Regretfully, some of the vaccinated have suffered side effects, but the benefit greatly outweighs the risk. JedWSmith

    For perspective, this "vaccine" has caused more deaths than all the other vaccines given over the last century. Maybe caution is warranted. This little child had an almost ZERO chance of any complications from the China virus. There's ZERO reason for someone who's had the China virus and recovered, having natural antibodies, to get the vaccine. The therapeutics work. They were demonized only because a sitting president, hated by the fake media, big pharma, and the DC deep state, promoted them. Dillard

    Offering up your child for experiments, was it for $$$$$$$?

    Remember the Canadian govt with pop up vaccination sites offering children ice cream if they got the jab, and they did it WITHOUT PARENTS CONSENT? Think about that one. The govt rolls up and opens a vaccine tent near your home, your child sees FREE ICE CREAM and goes to get free ice cream and gets injected without your knowledge. That is some real evil there. William Walker

    I'm terribly sorry for the young girl, but I'm inflamed with anger that the stupid parents put not one, but THREE children through clinical trials giving them the vaccine–all the while touting the science (oh, the science!) which completely contradicts the claims that young people are in any way threatened by Covid as a demographic. This is tragic, this is moronic liberalism, and this is a direct result of the parents swilling all the false idiocy from CNN and MSNBC without questioning the actual empirical data and science. PALydia

    "Trials" are done to determine outcome. The word "trial" is synonymous with the word "experiment." I.e. you are playing Russian Roulette when you enroll your child in ANY trial. That IS science. You should NEVER assume something is safe and harmless when it is still in "trial" phase .never mind these vaccines bypassed animal trials and all previous mRNA vaccines failed animal trials. My heart breaks for this child but it's criminal for any parent to subject their child to this. LiberalsRPinworms

    Was waiting for the "but we still think you should vaccinate your kids too "

    I find it interesting that all these cult members keep saying they're pro science. However, scientific experiments are based on hypotheses, not already known facts. Why is she upset? Her kid wanted to provide data to this experiment and did just that. Too bad she wasn't an outlier considering, if she were, she could probably still eat food on her own. Thanks for your contribution to the science folks! navi282

    I am very sorry about what has happened to Maddie, but the responsibility lies with the parents who believe in the false religion of "scientism" and have opted into the con-game that vaccinations are genuine healing methodologies. As an engineer Maddie's mother should have studied logic and the philosophy of science and then discerned that the politicization of the medical field in recent years created confirmation bias, poor SPC (statistical process control), and question-begging fallacies from those who should have known better. Complicity or Ignorance -- take your pick. Matt Walters

    Being pro-science means you base decisions on data. There is not yet a data set for the short and long-term risks, benefits, and side effects of this vaccine that would allow a science-based decision to take it or not. Those who are pro science wait for reliable data before considering taking an experimental vaccine that is not approved by the FDA. constitution rules

    For USA children ages 5 to 18:
    Population: ~57,000,000
    Covid deaths: 263
    Chance: < 1 in 200,000 Para Bellum

    I notice a common trend among these child abuser parents .they go online to complain how their kids were maimed by the experimental mRNA, but then they always have to preface it by saying "oh but we're pro vaccine and pro science"

    Well, I am anti-vaccine and I'm anti-mRNA. Have some conviction you retard. No wonder you find yourselves in the position you're in.

    I sincerely feel bad for your kids. You stole their lives from them and they will never be the same and while the fallen man part of me wants to say "just deserts", the Catholic part of me prays the rosary for you and your kids every single night. solome

    ' .we are pro-vaccine and pro-science'

    .these parents make a great case that academia does not necessarily convey common sense it can convey a buttload of chutzpah ..we know that because Washington DC is full of it excessive hubris, too and, in turn, they can make decisions that prove disastrous for the future of We the People Christina

    This is a terrible tragedy for this family. I hope this beautiful young girl will eventualy recover fully. I hope her parents will recover as well.

    As for her parents, however, who are obviously very intelligent, did they miss the reams and reams of scientific studies, white papers, and patent applications available to the public before they permitted their child to get this not yet approved, experimental gene therapy injection?

    Did they not watch the hours and hours of video interviews and presentations by doctors, virologists, epidemiologists, etc., who warned, warned, warned us to NOT TAKE IT?

    Even after big tech started censoring and scrubbing most of this information off the net and everywhere else, even before the massive pro-vax propaganda machine cranked up, millions of people informed themselves about what it really is and thus decided to not be part of the human trials.

    Most of us had our flu shots and regular real vaccines as well, real vaccines are not the issue, here.

    I'm really sorry to tell you this, Mom, but you either ignored the real science or you, too, were caught up in the propaganda that caused so many people to automatically reject any thing people on the other side of the debate had to say.


    This is a very, very sad day in America. It's a very, very sad day for this family.

    But maybe other parents will think twice, now, before they sign their children up for potentailly horrific experiences related to the gene therapy injections. Maria

    So sad. I feel sorry for the girl. But parents are volunteering much young children.
    Look at this: President Donald J. Trumper

    "Twelve year-old Maddie was enrolled in the Pfizer vaccine clinical trial."

    The complete blame belongs on the parents. The tearful mother, an electrical engineer, said she and her husband were pro-vaccine. If they were so smart, why in the hell would they enroll their CHILD in a clinical trial for a fast-tracked vaccine, especially when children are not in a high-risk group, and Covid-19 survival is 99.8 percent? I am furious with these highly educated people. THEY WERE DUMBER THAN DOORKNOBS TO SACRIFICE THAT GIRL TO THE GOVERNMENT/PHARMA COMPLEX. Libby ChickenLittle

    When I was a 12 year old girl, I didn't even know what a clinical trial was. But then again, I grew up at time when kids were allowed to be just kids and not political pawns by their brainwashed parents. Sorry mom – I know comments are going to be harsh – but you deserve EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. smith. jane smith.

    Q. How does a government make a pro-vaccine person turn into an anti-vaccine person?

    A. Give them a vaccine that makes them sicker than they were before they got the vaccine, sicker with the very thing the vaccine was supposed to prevent.

    I was told to go get a flu shot by my commander. Being a good USAF airman, I did so. I was just a kid following orders. Two days later I was in the hospital, so sick with the flu until I could not take 4 steps without getting so dizzy that I had to stop moving to keep from throwing up. And it took 5 days before I was able to walk down a hallway without getting dizzy!

    That was the last time I ever had a flu shot. Or the flu.

    And that was over 35 years ago.

    If the vaccine is such a good idea, then why does everybody have to get it in order for it to work?

    How about those who get the vaccine just leave those alone who choose not to get it?

    And after what has happened to this lady's kid(s) .

    Why the heck is she still PRO‐vaccine ???? 58

    I blame the Fauci, Government, and the MSM for brainwashing fear amongst the masses. If you are repeatedly gaslighted about almost every issue, you begin to believe the lies. You can add schools also as they indoctrinate instead of teaching critical thinking.

    [Jun 26, 2021] 26 fully vaccinated people have died from Delta variant

    Highly recommended!
    This is a fiasco for Fauci "herd immunity" campaign. It means that vaccinated people can become infected and spread the virus much like unvaccinated people.
    Jun 26, 2021 |

    Cases of the Delta variant of coronavirus have almost doubled in a week with 73 people now confirmed to have died after testing positive for the variant, 26 of whom had had both vaccine doses.

    Public Health England (PHE) said that as of Monday, the UK has seen 75,953 confirmed cases of the Delta variant first identified in India, up 33,630 - or 79% - from the previous week.

    While just 26 people died more than two weeks after their second COVID-19 vaccine dose from the Delta variant, more than 30.6 million in the UK have had both jabs, according to the latest government figures .

    PHE said a total of 806 people in England have been admitted to hospital with the Delta variant as of 14 June, a rise of 423 on the previous week.

    [Jun 26, 2021] GOP Sen. Ron Johnson Under Fire for Holding Event on Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccines by Natalie Colarossi

    So we have real problems with vaccines as Delta mutation puts the end of Fauci and company fake dream about herd immunity -- it infects vaccinated people, but we can't discuss that the US medical establishment is corrupt, in bed with Big Pharma and failed us.
    This "medical bolshevism" should better be stopped.
    Notable quotes:
    "... Johnson said Sheryl Ruettgers will detail "severe neurological reactions that still inhibit her ability to live a normal life, including muscle pain, numbness, weakness and paresthesia" that she experienced after getting the COVID-19 vaccine earlier this month. ..."
    Jun 26, 2021 |

    Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson announced plans to hold a news conference to discuss adverse reactions related to the COVID-19 vaccine, drawing backlash from health care experts who view the move as "dangerous" and a way to promote misinformation.

    © Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is facing backlash after he announced plans to hold a news conference to discuss the negative effects of the COVID-19 vaccine. Here, Johnson listens during a hearing in the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on June 22, 2021 in Washington, DC.

    In a statement Friday, Johnson said he plans to give a platform to six people from across the country who claim to have had negative health reactions after receiving the coronavirus jab. Johnson said the conference will take place Monday to allow the individuals to tell their stories and discuss issues that have been "repeatedly ignored" by the medical community, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

    The Republican senator, who has been a vocal critic of vaccine mandates and has previously advocated for alternative and unproven drug treatments to COVID-19, faced immediate backlash from critics who feel the event will be a platform for spreading misinformation about the safety of vaccines.

    Dr. Jeff Huebner, a doctor in Madison, Wisconsin, said that Johnson was "promoting dangerous and unfounded claims" about the vaccine that contradict medical research and analysis.

    "As a member of the Wisconsin medical community I'm gravely concerned about the impact his event and remarks will have on our ability to return to normal and protect Wisconsinites from COVID-19.," Huebner said in a statement, the Journal Sentinel reported .

    Joanna Bisgrove, a Wisconsin primary care doctor, told FOX6 that Johnson's statements and event are "putting people at risk and already hurting people."

    Tony Evers, the state's Democratic governor, added Friday that Johnson was being "reckless and irresponsible" and said the event was "jeopardizing the health and safety" of the state's vaccine rollout and economic recovery.

    .@SenRonJohnson, you're being reckless and irresponsible. The #COVID19 vaccine is safe and effective and based on years of science and research. Every time you suggest otherwise, you're jeopardizing the health and safety of the people of our state and our economic recovery.

    -- Governor Tony Evers (@GovEvers) June 25, 2021

    In defense, Johnson said Friday that he is "just asking questions" and isn't against the vaccine.

    "We're all supporters of vaccines. As I've repeatedly said, I'm glad that hundreds of millions of Americans have been vaccinated, but I don't think authorities can ignore and censor some of the issues," Johnson said in a tweet responding to Evers. "On Monday, we'll bring light to stories that deserve to be seen, heard & believed."

    Monday's event in Milwaukee will include statements from former Green Bay Packers player Ken Ruettgers and his wife, Sheryl.

    Johnson said Sheryl Ruettgers will detail "severe neurological reactions that still inhibit her ability to live a normal life, including muscle pain, numbness, weakness and paresthesia" that she experienced after getting the COVID-19 vaccine earlier this month.

    Additional testimonies will be heard from individuals from Ohio, Missouri, Utah, Michigan and Tennessee.

    The medical community has long stressed that the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine far outweigh the risks of possible side effects. Earlier this week, top U.S. health officials, medical agencies, laboratory and hospital associations issued a statement reiterating the benefits by stating that getting vaccinated is the "best way to protect yourself, your loved ones, your community, and to return to a more normal lifestyle safely and quickly."

    Newsweek contacted Johnson for additional comment, but did not hear back in time for publication.

    Newsweek, in partnership with NewsGuard, is dedicated to providing accurate and verifiable vaccine and health information. With NewsGuard's HealthGuard browser extension, users can verify if a website is a trustworthy source of health information. Visit the Newsweek VaxFacts website to learn more and to download the HealthGuard browser extension.

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    [Jun 26, 2021] COVID is 99.9% survivable

    Jun 23, 2021 |


    Fiscal Reality 10 hours ago (Edited) remove link

    Masks don't work.

    Social distancing was ineffective.

    COVID is 99.9% survivable.

    Lockdowns caused severe societal degradation and familial problems.

    THE MSM was complicit in spreading the fear and lies.

    Healthy people have NEVER been quarantined in the past.

    Older Americans that lived through the 1976 Swine Flu Scam-o-Rama smelled a rat immediately

    .GOV, the CCP, Gates, Sore-***, the WHO and the Globalists created this fake epidemic ON PURPOSE.

    If you got the vax, good luck. I hope your mRna is ok in 5 years.

    If you allow your children to get the vax, you are inhuman.

    The end.

    [Jun 26, 2021] Social pressure

    Jun 23, 2021 |

    marieeiram 14 hours ago

    I have been fighting for the last few months to convince my son and his family to not get vaxed. They live near Seattle. They have a 15 yr old, and all of his friends point at and bully that kid because he is NOT vaccinated. My son and his wife both have jobs, have to wear masks at all times, and have lost the friendship of co-worker. The pressure in really bad, but they are hanging tuff.

    [Jun 26, 2021] Fauci and other government officials are coming under increased scrutiny for continuously moving the goalposts.

    Jun 25, 2021 |

    moving the goalposts .

    When does this end? Why must this go on? They cannot and will not answer because this is not about a virus. Yet when we are told we must lockdown again, especially when the triple mutant variants arise

    [Jun 26, 2021] Surgeon Fired From College Of Medicine For Voicing Concerns About COVID Shots For Kids

    Highly recommended!
    IF expressing concerns for kid vaccination is a punishable offence that's 100% pure Lysenkoism and strongly smells with Stalinism.
    Jun 26, 2021 |

    Via The Justice Center For Constitutional Freedom,

    The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms represents Dr. Francis Christian, Clinical Professor of General Surgery at the University of Saskatchewan and a practising surgeon in Saskatoon .

    Dr. Christian was called into a meeting today, suspended from all teaching responsibilities effective immediately, and fired from his position with the University of Saskatchewan as of September 2021.

    There is a recording of Dr. Christian's meeting today between Dr. Christian and Dr. Preston Smith, the Dean of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan, College of Medicine, Dr. Susan Shaw, the Chief Medical Officer of the Saskatchewan Health Authority, and Dr. Brian Ulmer, Head of the Department of Surgery at the Saskatchewan College of Medicine.

    In addition, the Justice Centre will represent Dr. Christian in his defence of a complaint that was made against him and an investigation by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan. The complaint objects to Dr. Christian having advocated for the informed consent of Covid vaccines for children.

    Dr. Christian has been a surgeon for more than 20 years and began working in Saskatoon in 2007. He was appointed Director of the Surgical Humanities Program and Director of Quality and Patient Safety in 2018 and co-founded the Surgical Humanities Program. Dr. Christian is also the Editor of the Journal of The Surgical Humanities.

    On June 17, Dr. Christian released a statement to over 200 doctors which contained his concerns regarding giving the Covid shots to children. In it he noted that he is pro-vaccine, and that he did not represent any group, the Saskatchewan Health Authority, or the University of Saskatchewan.

    "I speak to you directly as a physician, a surgeon, and a fellow human being."

    Dr. Christian noted that the principle of informed consent was sacrosanct and noted that a patient should always be "fully aware of the risks of the medical intervention, the benefits of the intervention, and if any alternatives exist to the intervention."

    "This should apply particularly to a new vaccine that has never before been tried in humans"¦ before the vaccine is rolled out to children, both children and parents must know the risks of m-RNA vaccines," he wrote.

    Dr. Christian expressed concern that he had not come across "a single vaccinated child or parent who has been adequately informed" about Covid vaccines for children.

    Among his points, he stated that:

    1. The m-RNA vaccine, is a new, experimental vaccine never used by humans before.

    2. The m-RNA vaccines have not been fully authorized by Health Canada or the US CDC, and are in fact under "interim authorization" in Canada and "emergency use authorization" in the US. He noted that "full vaccine approval takes several years and multiple safety considerations "" this has not happened."

    3. That in order to qualify for "emergency use authorization" there must be an emergency. While he said there is a strong case for vaccinating the elderly, the vulnerable and health care workers, he said, "Covid does not pose a threat to our kids. The risk of them dying of Covid is less than 0.003% "" this is even less than the risk of them dying of the flu. There is no emergency in children."

    4. Children do not readily transmit the Covid virus to adults.

    5. M-RNA vaccines have been "associated with several thousand deaths" in the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System in the US. "These appear to be unusual, compared to the total number of vaccines administered." He called it a "strong signal that should not be ignored."

    6. He noted that vaccines have already caused "serious medical problems for kids" worldwide, including "a real and significantly increased risk" of myocarditis, inflammation of the heart. Dr. Christian notes the German national vaccine agency and the UK vaccine agency are not recommending the vaccine for healthy children and teenagers.

    The Saskatchewan Health Authority/College of Medicine wrote a letter to Dr. Christian on June 21, 2021, alleging that they had "received information that you are engaging in activities designed to discourage and prevent children and adolescents from receiving Covid-19 vaccination contrary to the recommendations and pandemic-response efforts of Saskatchewan and Canadian public health authorities."

    Dr. Christian's concerns regarding underage Covid vaccinations are not isolated to him. The US Centre for Disease Control had an "emergency meeting" today to discuss the growing cases of myocarditis (heart inflammation) in younger males after receiving the Covid-19 vaccines.

    The CDC released new data today that the risk of myocarditis after the Pfizer vaccine is at least 10 times the expected rate in 12 "" 17 year old males and females. The German government has issued public guidance against vaccinating those under the age of 18.

    The World Health Organization posted an update to its website on Monday, June 21, which contained the statement in respect of advice for Covid-19 vaccination that " Children should not be vaccinated for the moment ." Within 24 hours, this guidance was withdrawn and new guidance was posted which stated that "Covid vaccines are safe for those over 18 years of age."

    Dr. Christian says there is a large, growing "network of ethical, moral physicians and scientists" who are urging caution in recommending vaccines for all children without informed consent. He said, physicians must "always put their patients and humanity first."

    Dr. Byram Bridle, a prominent immunologist at the University of Guelph with a sub-speciality in vaccinology, recently participated in a Press Conference on Parliament Hill on CPAC organized by MP Derek Sloan, where he discussed the censorship of scientists and physicians. Dr. Bridle expressed his safety concerns with vaccinating children with experimental MRNA vaccines.

    Justice Centre Litigation Director Jay Cameron also has concern over the growing censorship of medical professionals when it comes to questioning the government narrative on Covid.

    "We are seeing a clear pattern of highly competent and skilled medical doctors in very esteemed positions being taken down and censored or even fired, for practicing proper science and medicine," says Mr. Cameron.

    The Justice Centre represented Dr. Chris Milburn in Nova Scotia, who faced professional disciplinary proceedings last year after a group of activists took exception to an opinion column he wrote in a local paper. The Justice Centre provided submissions to the College on Dr. Milburn's behalf, defending the right of physicians to express their opinions on matters of policy in the public square and arguing that everyone is entitled to freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, as guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms "" including doctors. The Justice Centre noted that attempting to have a doctor professionally disciplined for his opinions and commentary on matters of public interest amounts to bullying and intimidation for speaking out against the government.

    Last week, Dr. Milburn also faced punishment for speaking out with his concerns about public health policies, as he was removed from his position as the Head of Emergency for the eastern zone with the Nova Scotia Health Authority. In an unusual twist, a petition has been started to have Dr. Milburn replace Dr. Strang as the province's Chief Medical Officer.

    "Censoring and punishing scientists and doctors for freely voicing their concerns is arrogant, oppressive and profoundly unscientific", states Mr. Cameron.

    "Both the western world and the idea of scientific inquiry itself is built to a large extent on the principles of freedom of thought and speech. Medicine and patient safety can only regress when dogma and an elitist orthodoxy, such as that imposed by the Saskatchewan College of Medicine, punishes doctors for voicing concerns," Mr. Cameron concludes.

    Mr. Apotheosis 4 hours ago

    These mother f'ers are seriously evil. To the bone evil.

    high5mail 3 hours ago

    I'm Canadian and the sooner they throw Trudeau and Manitoba's Pallister out of office won't be too soon.

    It is effen ridiculous what this country turned into. Makes California appear to be a free place compared to here and that is saying something.

    I am jealous of people living in Florida, Texas and South Dakota. They don't know how lucky they are that some people in power there are not only intelligent but have cajones...

    No_Pretzel_Logic 2 hours ago

    The Davos crowd is clutching most of the Western countries by the short hairs. does that feel, plebe?

    [Jun 22, 2021] Interesting and potentially sinister bureaucratic games with definitions of the terms "pandemic" and "herd immunity"

    Jun 22, 2021 |

    Articus1978 , says: June 17, 2021 at 12:58 pm GMT • 5.4 days ago

    Who needs a bio-weapon when changing a few words in the WHO's definition of "pandemic" and "herd immunity" will have the desired effect?

    If you asked most people to define what a pandemic is. They would probably tell you that it is disease which kills enormous numbers of people around the world. I would have said the same thing myself but we would be wrong. In recent years, WHO changed the definition of pandemic, serology and herd immunity which made our present state of emergency a near certainty.

    According to WHO, prior to 2009, a pandemic would involve enormous numbers of deaths. In the public mind, such a pandemic, with enormous numbers of deaths, would justify the government declaring a state of emergency requiring lock-downs,masks, social distancing, etc, and possibly, even promoting a trial vaccine if the number of fatalities were enormous. Not so anymore. Now a virulent flu can be called a pandemic. And herd immunity ain't what it used to be either. Now the WHO definition of herd immunity is grotesquely skewed towards vaccination. Who would have guessed?

    When is a pandemic not a pandemic?
    Since 2003, the top of the WHO Pandemic Preparedness homepage has contained the following statement: "An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness."

    However, on 4May 2009, scarcely one month before the H1N1 pandemic was declared, the web page was altered in response to a query from a CNN reporter. The phrase "enormous numbers of deaths and illness" had been removed and the revised web page simply read as follows: "An influenza pandemic may occur when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity." Months later, the Council of Europe would cite this alteration as evidence that WHO changed its definition of pandemic influenza to en-able it to declare a pandemic without having to demonstrate the intensity of the disease caused by the H1N1 virus.

    9June2020 WHO website, Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Serology.
    Definition of Herd Immunity:
    Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection. This means that even people who haven't been infected, or in whom an infection hasn't triggered an immune response, they are protected because people around them who are immune can act as buffers between them and an infected person. The threshold for establishing herd immunity for COVID-19 is not yet clear.

    13Nov2020 WHO website, Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Serology, antibodies and immunity.
    Definition of Herd Immunity:
    'Herd immunity', also known as 'population immunity', is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached.

    Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it. Read the Director-General's 12 October media briefing speech for more detail.

    Vaccines train our immune systems to develop antibodies, just as might happen when we are exposed to a disease but – crucially – vaccines work without making us sick. Vaccinated people are protected from getting the disease in question. Visit our webpage on COVID-19 and vaccines for more detail.

    As more people in a community get vaccinated, fewer people remain vulnerable, and there is less possibility for passing the pathogen on from person to person. Lowering the possibility for a pathogen to circulate in the community protects those who cannot be vaccinated due to other serious health conditions from the disease targeted by the vaccine. This is called 'herd immunity'.

    'Herd immunity' exists when a high percentage of the population is vaccinated, making it difficult for infectious diseases to spread, because there are not many people who can be infected. Read our Q&A on vaccines and immunization for more information.

    The percentage of people who need to have antibodies in order to achieve herd immunity against a particular disease varies with each disease. For example, herd immunity against measles requires about 95% of a population to be vaccinated. The remaining 5% will be protected by the fact that measles will not spread among those who are vaccinated. For polio, the threshold is about 80%.

    Achieving herd immunity with safe and effective vaccines makes diseases rarer and saves lives.

    Find out more about the science behind herd immunity by reading our dedicated Q&A or watching or reading this interview with WHO's Chief Scientist, Dr Soumya Swaminathan.

    These are topics which should have been discussed openly if we had an independent media and a government which did not take its instructions from WHO, the UN et al. Without the "pandemic" and the government and media collusion, could a state of emergency ever have been declared?

    John Fisher , says: June 17, 2021 at 1:54 pm GMT • 5.3 days ago

    Who needs a bio-weapon when changing a few words in the WHO's definition of "pandemic" and "herd immunity" will have the desired effect?

    Indeed. This is merely one of the many telltale signs of an elaborately planned operation.

    Skeptikal , says: June 18, 2021 at 7:44 pm GMT • 4.1 days ago
    @John Fisher o much baggage that I can't help wondering whether it, too, hasn't been weaponized.

    Why can't it be a bacterial infection?

    I thought that quite a lot of controversy surrounding the so-called Spanish flu concerned the issue of whether the millions of deaths really were caused by the virus, or by a secondary bacterial infection.

    In the case of covid-19, too, there is now considerable speculation that the real damage (second and third phases as described by practicing physicians) is caused by the spike proteins, not the virus itself.

    The new definition seems to prime the public to accept increasing demonization of viruses and draconian social control measures to combat the new "enemy" -- a virus, fer chrissakes.

    [Jun 22, 2021] Eric Clapton shares his feelings candidly about the past year of Covid lockdown

    Jun 22, 2021 |

    ghost of q.mensch , says: June 17, 2021 at 1:37 pm GMT • 5.3 days ago

    Eric Clapton shares his feelings candidly about the past year of Covid lockdown, in this 25 min YT (06/14/21):

    He talks about the flip-flops in policies and actions of British political and public health officials throughout the the entire pandemic that frequently set off his "bullshit radar", and:

    -How he has been surprised to have been attacked/labeled a Trump supporter (within England ?!) for his public statements during the the pandemic.

    -Talks about his own frightening symptoms after receiving the two-jab, AstraZeneca spike protein-coding DNA-adenovector type experimental gene therapy vaccine agent.

    It's YT, so the video may not be up for long .

    Robert Dolan , says: June 17, 2021 at 6:13 pm GMT • 5.2 days ago
    @ghost of q.mensch

    Love Eric Clapton ..disturbing about his reaction to the jab.

    He once gave a fabulous slightly drunken rant regarding the foreign invasion of England, and of course he was labeled a "racist."

    [Jun 20, 2021] University Of Florida Lab Finds Dangerous Pathogens On Children s Face Masks by Meiling Lee

    Notable quotes:
    "... Gainesville parents in Florida concerned about the harm caused to their children wearing face masks all day at school in 90 °F weather sent out six masks""five that were worn by children ages 6 to 11 for five to eight hours at school, and one worn by an adult""to be analyzed for contaminants at the University of Florida's Mass Spectrometry Research and Education Center. ..."
    "... Five of the masks were found to be contaminated with parasites, fungi, and bacteria, according to Rational Ground . Only one mask was found to contain a virus that can cause a fatal systemic disease in cattle and deer. Other less harmful pathogens that can cause ulcers, acne, and strep throat were also detected. ..."
    "... None of the controls were contaminated with pathogens, while "samples from the front top and bottom of the t-shirt found proteins that are commonly found in skin and hair, along with some commonly found in soil." ..."
    "... The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that kids should continue to wear masks and social distance until they are able to get vaccinated, despite data showing that children are minimally affected by COVID-19 and are not super-spreaders of the virus. ..."
    Jun 19, 2021 |

    Authored by Meiling Lee via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    A laboratory at the University of Florida that recently analyzed a small sample of face masks, detected the presence of 11 dangerous pathogens that included bacterias that cause diphtheria, pneumonia, and meningitis.

    A student wears a mask as he does his work at Freedom Preparatory Academy in Provo, Utah, on Feb. 10, 2021. (George Frey/Getty Images) 1

    Gainesville parents in Florida concerned about the harm caused to their children wearing face masks all day at school in 90 °F weather sent out six masks""five that were worn by children ages 6 to 11 for five to eight hours at school, and one worn by an adult""to be analyzed for contaminants at the University of Florida's Mass Spectrometry Research and Education Center.

    Of the six masks, three were surgical, two cotton, and a poly gaiter. Masks that have not been worn and a t-shirt worn at school acted as the control samples.

    Five of the masks were found to be contaminated with parasites, fungi, and bacteria, according to Rational Ground . Only one mask was found to contain a virus that can cause a fatal systemic disease in cattle and deer. Other less harmful pathogens that can cause ulcers, acne, and strep throat were also detected.

    None of the controls were contaminated with pathogens, while "samples from the front top and bottom of the t-shirt found proteins that are commonly found in skin and hair, along with some commonly found in soil."

    Amanda Donoho, a mother of three elementary school children, teamed up with other parents to send the masks to the lab because her sons broke out in rashes from prolonged mask-wearing.

    "Our kids have been in masks all day, seven hours a day in school ," Donoho told Fox & Friends on June 17. " The only break that they get is to eat or drink. "

    Donoho said that while students do not have to wear a mask outside at school since April 2021, masks were still required when they were within six to eight feet of each other. Masks must also be worn on school buses.

    Further research is needed to better understand what is being put on children's faces, says Donoho.

    Superintendent Carlee Simon at the Alachua County Public Schools (ACPS) in Gainesville, Fla. did not respond to a request for comment.

    The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that kids should continue to wear masks and social distance until they are able to get vaccinated, despite data showing that children are minimally affected by COVID-19 and are not super-spreaders of the virus.

    Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, signed an executive order on May 3, suspending all COVID-19 emergency restrictions, including mask-wearing. However, certain school districts like ACPS kept their mask policy in place for the remainder of the school year, while masks were optional within the community.

    ACPS says masks will be optional for the 2021""22 school year but would continue to be required on school buses until mid-September unless the federal transportation regulation changes.

    The CDC says masks are still required on planes, trains, buses, and at airports.

    In an updated June 17 guidance , masks are no longer required in "outdoor areas of a conveyance (like a ferry or the top deck of a bus)" and fully vaccinated individuals may resume everyday activities that were done prior to the pandemic without mask-wearing or physically distancing unless required by federal or state law.

    People are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after their second shot of a messenger RNA vaccine or after a single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

    The CDC did not give guidance for people who've recovered from COVID-19 and have natural immunity.

    The Epoch Times has contacted the CDC for comment. 25,737 134 NEVER MISS THE NEWS THAT MATTERS MOST ZEROHEDGE DIRECTLY TO YOUR INBOX

    Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories.

    [Jun 18, 2021] Manipution of death stats sure to effect of baby boom of 1946-1964

    In 1954, annual births first topped four million and did not drop below that figure until 1965, when four out of ten Americans were under the age of 20. Mid-20th century baby boom - Wikipedia
    Jun 18, 2021 |
    E5 6 hours ago

    20% more babies were born in 1946 than in 1945.

    State for the record which two years you believe there will be 20% more dead boomers than the year before.

    Then contemplate the truth about that.

    Trade accordingly... and factor in what the government will do with that crisis. Truth? or Control?

    [Jun 12, 2021] How Fanatics Took Over The World

    Jun 12, 2021 |

    Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via,

    Early in the pandemic, I had been furiously writing articles about lockdowns. My phone rang with a call from a man named Dr. Rajeev Venkayya. He is the head of a vaccine company but introduced himself as former head of pandemic policy for the Gates Foundation.

    Now I was listening.

    me title=

    Replay Unmute Duration 0:22 / Current Time 0:22 Loaded : 100.00% Fullscreen Up Next Replay the list The World Now Officially Has Five Oceans UP NEXT Kevin Connolly and girlfriend welcome daughter Edge Of The World: Going Up River Political leaders arrive in Cornwall for G7 summit French president Emmanuel Macron slapped in face during visit to town The G7 summit: What you need to know Awake: Gina Rodriguez On What Drew Her To The Film Awake: Lucius Hoya On How He Prepared For His Role NOW PLAYING

    I did not know it then, but I've since learned from Michael Lewis's (mostly terrible) book The Premonition that Venkayya was, in fact, the founding father of lockdowns. While working for George W. Bush's White House in 2005, he headed a bioterrorism study group. From his perch of influence "" serving an apocalyptic president" he was the driving force for a dramatic change in U.S. policy during pandemics.

    He literally unleashed hell.

    That was 15 years ago. At the time, I wrote about the changes I was witnessing, worrying that new White House guidelines (never voted on by Congress) allowed the government to put Americans in quarantine while closing their schools, businesses, and churches shuttered, all in the name of disease containment.

    I never believed it would happen in real life; surely there would be public revolt. Little did I know, we were in for a wild ride"¦

    The Man Who Lit the Match

    Last year, Venkayya and I had a 30-minute conversation; actually, it was mostly an argument. He was convinced that lockdown was the only way to deal with a virus. I countered that it was wrecking rights, destroying businesses, and disturbing public health. He said it was our only choice because we had to wait for a vaccine. I spoke about natural immunity, which he called brutal. So on it went.

    The more interesting question I had at the time was why this certified Big Shot was wasting his time trying to convince a poor scribbler like me. What possible reason could there be?

    The answer, I now realized, is that from February to April 2020, I was one of the few people (along with a team of researchers) who openly and aggressively opposed what was happening.

    There was a hint of insecurity and even fear in Venkayya's voice. He saw the awesome thing he had unleashed all over the world and was anxious to tamp down any hint of opposition. He was trying to silence me. He and others were determined to crush all dissent.

    This is how it has been for the better part of the last 15 months, with social media and YouTube deleting videos that dissent from lockdowns. It's been censorship from the beginning.

    For all the problems with Lewis's book, and there are plenty, he gets this whole backstory right. Bush came to his bioterrorism people and demanded some huge plan to deal with some imagined calamity. When Bush saw the conventional plan" make a threat assessment, distribute therapeutics, work toward a vaccine" he was furious.

    "This is bulls**t," the president yelled.

    "We need a whole-of-society plan. What are you going to do about foreign borders? And travel? And commerce?"

    Hey, if the president wants a plan, he'll get a plan.

    "We want to use all instruments of national power to confront this threat," Venkayya reports having told colleagues.

    "We were going to invent pandemic planning."

    This was October 2005, the birth of the lockdown idea.

    Dr. Venkayya began to fish around for people who could come up with the domestic equivalent of Operation Desert Storm to deal with a new virus. He found no serious epidemiologists to help. They were too smart to buy into it. He eventually bumped into the real lockdown innovator working at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico.

    Cranks, Computers, and Cooties

    His name was Robert Glass, a computer scientist with no medical training, much less knowledge, about viruses. Glass, in turn, was inspired by a science fair project that his 14-year-old daughter was working on.

    She theorized (like the cooties game from grade school) that if school kids could space themselves out more or even not be at school at all, they would stop making each other sick. Glass ran with the idea and banged out a model of disease control based on stay-at-home orders, travel restrictions, business closures, and forced human separation.

    Crazy right? No one in public health agreed with him but like any classic crank, this convinced Glass even more. I asked myself, "Why didn't these epidemiologists figure it out?" They didn't figure it out because they didn't have tools that were focused on the problem. They had tools to understand the movement of infectious diseases without the purpose of trying to stop them.

    Genius, right? Glass imagined himself to be smarter than 100 years of experience in public health. One guy with a fancy computer would solve everything! Well, he managed to convince some people, including another person hanging around the White House named Carter Mecher, who became Glass's apostle.

    Please consider the following quotation from Dr. Mecher in Lewis's book: "If you got everyone and locked each of them in their own room and didn't let them talk to anyone, you would not have any disease."

    At last, an intellectual has a plan to abolish disease" and human life as we know it too! As preposterous and terrifying as this is "" a whole society not only in jail but solitary confinement" it sums up the whole of Mecher's view of disease. It's also completely wrong.

    Pathogens are part of our world; they are generated by human contact. We pass them onto each other as the price for civilization, but we also evolved immune systems to deal with them. That's 9th-grade biology, but Mecher didn't have a clue.

    Fanatics Win the Day

    Jump forward to March 12, 2020. Who exercised the major influence over the decision to close schools, even though it was known at that time that SARS-CoV-2 posed almost risk to people under the age of 20? There was even evidence that they did not spread COVID-19 to adults in any serious way.

    Didn't matter. Mecher's models" developed with Glass and others" kept spitting out a conclusion that shutting down schools would drop virus transmission by 80%. I've read his memos from this period" some of them still not public" and what you observe is not science but ideological fanaticism in play.

    Based on the timestamp and length of the emails, he was clearly not sleeping much. Essentially he was Lenin on the eve of the Bolshevik Revolution. How did he get his way?

    There were three key elements: public fear, media and expert acquiescence, and the baked-in reality that school closures had been part of "pandemic planning" for the better part of 15 years. Essentially, the lockdowners, over the course of 15 years, had worn out the opposition. Lavish funding, attrition of wisdom within public health, and ideological fanaticism prevailed.

    Figuring out how our expectations for normal life were so violently foiled, how our happy lives were brutally crushed, will consume serious intellectuals for many years. But at least we now have a first draft of history.

    As with almost every revolution in history, a small minority of crazy people with a cause prevailed over the humane rationality of multitudes. When people catch on, the fires of vengeance will burn very hot.

    The task now is to rebuild a civilized life that is no longer so fragile as to allow insane people to lay waste to all that humanity has worked so hard to build.

    [Jun 12, 2021] Plunge protection team in action? CDC To Hold -Emergency Meeting- After 100s Suffer Heart Inflammation Following COVID Vaccines

    Can't wait for Fauci's next round of explanations.
    Jun 10, 2021 |
    You_Cant_Quit_Me 21 minutes ago

    Will insurance companies charge higher life insurance premiums to those who were vaccinated?

    Kelley 28 minutes ago (Edited)

    It's the CDC's version of the Plunge Protection Team.

    If anyone assumes the 'emergency' is about protecting the public, this is my message to you: harharharharhar!

    Divide_And_Conquer 38 minutes ago remove link

    Satanists must be eliminated at all costs

    Just a Little Froth in the Market 6 minutes ago

    "Another 1,260 were reported in people 65 or older through claims data from Medicare claims data. Neither number raised safety signals, Steve Anderson, director of the FDA's Office of Biostatistics and Epidemiology said."

    Of course there were no safety signals. Nothing's more important than Joetard reaching his July 4th goal

    on target 34 minutes ago

    Why is the CDC even recommending this vaccine for the young, the immune, and those with antibodies. Unethical. Unscientific. No bang for buck. Why wait a week. Why not meet tomorrow. Answer--it takes a week to get their cover stories together. Zero confidence now in the CDC and anything they say. It is all political Science.

    [Jun 12, 2021] According to the risk calculator of university of oxford an average middle aged healthy person has a 0.00015% chance to die from covid

    Jun 10, 2021 |

    According to the risk calculator of university of oxford i have a 0.00015% chance to die from covid. (If sars-cov-2 is even real lol) I'm not going to risk my health with any of this experimental stuff.

    Calculate your risk here.

    [Jun 06, 2021] What Did Fauci Tell Trump About Wuhan

    Gain of function experiments were a backdoor to the development of biological weapon despite the convention for the prohibition of bioweapons. That makes Fauci a really sinister figure. And that also partially explains overreaction of most governments to the second rate threat -- they suspected the worst.
    The mood of the US public, if we judge it from WSL comments now is rather unfavorable for the government as a whole and Fauci personally.
    Notable quotes:
    "... James Freeman is the co-author of "The Cost: Trump, China and American Revival." ..."
    "... He's a two-faced political animal who acts in the best interests of keeping his job through multiple administrations. ..."
    "... As far as his scientific principles...well, those walked out the door years ago ..."
    "... he just went along with whatever helped him avoid accountability. ..."
    "... Basically he was, and is, a coward unwilling to be honest and forthright. Instead he longs for the limelight and the adoration of a public that was lead down some 'rabbit hole' through his dishonest proclamations. ..."
    "... Nuremberg type trials need to be convened for Fauci, Andersen, Barric, Daszak, the Bat Lady and other CCP Wuhan scientists. Fauci clearly lied-video proof is readily available. Fauci and the CCP are guilty of crimes against humanity. I hope I live to see such a trial. I remember the German trials on black and white TV. ..."
    "... The broad lockdown was a national disaster ..."
    "... It seems that Dr. Fauci may have colluded with other scientists to dismiss and coverup the possibility of a lab origin. ..."
    Jun 02, 2021 |

    Highly skilled in the ways of Washington, Dr. Anthony Fauci persuaded a reluctant President Donald Trump to endorse shutting down much of the U.S. economy in the spring of 2020. After Mr. Trump turned against the idea, many governors continued to mandate shutdowns, supported by bleak pronouncements from Dr. Fauci and his adoring media fan base. The broad lockdown was a national disaster, yielding questionable public-health benefits and a mountain of new federal debt that America's children will spend many years trying to finance. Prior to selling Mr. Trump on this radical therapy to address Covid-19, did Dr. Fauci disclose everything he knew about the possibility that a Chinese lab partly funded by his own institute might be the source of the pandemic?

    Publicly, Dr. Fauci played down this possibility in 2020. But a trove of his emails obtained by two media outlets suggests that early in the pandemic, he had reason to take this potential scenario very seriously.

    In our bizarre media age, since the two outlets are generally pro-Fauci and anti-Trump, it's not easy to find the news they've uncovered, even in their own reports. Instead, Dr. Fauci is cast as a tireless and dedicated public servant who""don't laugh""is uncomfortable in the media spotlight...

    ... ... ...

    Since the two outlets (WaPo and BuzzFeed -- editor) that did so much to promote the Russia collusion hoax are still reluctant to let go of any anti-Trump narratives, news consumers may need to rely on other publications to tell them what the Post and Buzzfeed found. Nicholas Jensen takes a crack in the Australian:

    America's top medical adviser Anthony Fauci was informed as early as February 2020 that Covid-19 exhibited unusual viral characteristics which could have potentially been engineered in a lab, according to emails published.
    A trove of private correspondence, obtained by The Washington Post and Buzzfeed, reveal some of the crucial moments leading up to the pandemic in early 2020 when Dr Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, sought urgent information regarding the nature and origins of Covid-19... In one email from Kristian Andersen, a virologist at the Scripps Research Institute in California, Dr Fauci was told that Dr Andersen and his fellow scientists had to "look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features (potentially) look engineered".
    The email dated February 1, 2020 said Mr Andersen and three other respected colleagues had discovered a genome "inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory".

    James Freeman is the co-author of "The Cost: Trump, China and American Revival."

    James Slemaker SUBSCRIBER 46 minutes ago

    The truth will most likely never be known with any certainty. Bejing will not cooperate. Biden will sweep it away as no longer relevant in his 90 day report. The progressive media have too much invested in their early narrative to dig deep enough outside the official channels.
    DeWitt Payne SUBSCRIBER 50 minutes ago
    I saw Fauci on the news today saying he was "cautiously optimistic" about an HIV/AIDS vaccine.


    This is a virus that has never been cleared from a patient by the human immune system alone. Before drug regimens were developed to lower viral load to undetectable and other drugs introduced to prevent infection in the first place, the Infection Fatality Rate was 100%. A vaccine fools the immune system into thinking there was an infection and develop antibodies, B and T cells that will clear or prevent an infection. But infection itself has been shown to not develop immunity. Any rational analysis would conclude that a vaccine was extremely unlikely, if not impossible to develop. Fauci clearly isn't rational.

    Stephen Phillips SUBSCRIBER 55 minutes ago (Edited)
    It is absolutely sickening that Fauci was able to get away pedaling his false narrative on the American people. What is worse is, due to crack mainstream media, most Americans will never learn the truth about this guy. And the damage this guy did as our elected leaders at all levels, Federal, State & Local, just played along.

    At least there are some red states out there that saw the light and opened up way sooner versus later. Travel to a blue state - and you will wonder what country you are living in... and those blue state citizens just take it.

    If you want the definition of someone who way over stayed their welcome, Fauci is your man.

    Tom Dillon SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
    "...the allegedly publicity-shy government official needs to share everything he knows about the U.S. taxpayer money that went into Wuhan and the global horror that came out of it."
    Don't hold your breath. Government bureaucrats know the first lesson of bureaucracy - always cover your rear end. The Swamp is inculcated with the second lesson - never give up one of our own. Washington insiders love to throw around the term "accountable", as in, "that person should be held accountable", or, we need to hold "them" accountable. When you hear that word, just know, no one will be "held accountable" or pay any price for their malfeasance.
    David Pearlman SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
    He's a two-faced political animal who acts in the best interests of keeping his job through multiple administrations.

    As far as his scientific principles...well, those walked out the door years ago.

    Gregory Hansen SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
    In the beginning Fauci was just an obscure bureaucrat whose thoughts and ideas didn't really have any serious percussions. Then he is thrown into the spotlight and his ruminations suddenly have consequences. At that point he becomes a 'weather vane' pointing himself in what ever direction the wind is blowing.

    He was afraid to go against the accepted orthodoxy so he just went along with whatever helped him avoid accountability. And with whatever would continue to bolster him in the eyes of the media and an adoring public.

    Basically he was, and is, a coward unwilling to be honest and forthright. Instead he longs for the limelight and the adoration of a public that was lead down some 'rabbit hole' through his dishonest proclamations.

    EDWARD HUGHES SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago (Edited)
    Nuremberg type trials need to be convened for Fauci, Andersen, Barric, Daszak, the Bat Lady and other CCP Wuhan scientists. Fauci clearly lied-video proof is readily available. Fauci and the CCP are guilty of crimes against humanity. I hope I live to see such a trial. I remember the German trials on black and white TV.
    Ray Woodcock SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
    The broad lockdown was a national disaster
    That was entirely predictable. Fortunately, some officials understood that and didn't go along with it.
    Tom Motley SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
    Looks to me that .Deborah Birx was the smartest person in the room. She got out of Dodge before it hit the fan while Fauci made the TV circuit"¦.. and wrote a book to boot.
    Alan Veenstra SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago (Edited)
    Fauci is going down in flames. Sadly the MSM will likely escape a similar fate, thereby encouraging them to take even bolder steps as the propaganda arm of the DNC.

    The MSM should be ashamed and apologetic. They should take a fresh new look at all the other controversial issues since 2016, including the Steele dossier, Russian collusion, Hunter Biden and both impeachment fiascos. While these issues may be fully explored and revealed, it will be with their complete opposition however.

    David Remmler SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago (Edited)
    It seems that Dr. Fauci may have colluded with other scientists to dismiss and coverup the possibility of a lab origin. The emails are at odds with his public pronouncements lauding China as "transparent" and later dismissing the possibility of a lab leak origin as highly unlikely. He made the statements despite China's obvious dishonesty, silencing of whistleblowers and obstruction of investigations into the origins of the pandemic. This seems to fit a pattern of serious dishonesty or mistakes on his part. This is the same man who called the threat of Covid "minuscule" in February of last year and flipped his opinion on masks. His dishonesty was misleading and gave many people, including this physician, a false impression about the threat early in the pandemic.

    [May 29, 2021] The virus was real. The crisis was a hoax.

    May 28, 2021 |

    scraping_by 5 hours ago

    The virus was real. The crisis was a hoax.

    From the git-go, the MSM coverage of this whole thing was shrill doom ****. Fantasies of widespread transmission and almost universal infection were the only stories allowed. The narrative repeated the he didn't believe and then he got it story, expert opinion about the end of the human race, and brave front line heroes otherwise known as underpaid nurses.

    Even the government (billionaire) conspiracy facts aren't connected to the credulity such as it is. The panic was almost entirely by the MSM, for the MSM, and still the policy of the MSM. And yes, it's accurate to call it policy.

    [May 28, 2021] Immunity to the coronavirus may persist for years, what it could mean for vaccination efforts

    The USA vaccination efforts were badly thought out and badly implemented, resulting in dramatic economic losses for non-existent public health gains. Looks like governments suspected that "the genie is out of the bottle" -- pathogen escaped from biolab in the USA or China and badly overreacted, creating unnecessary economic losses and mass unemployment comparable with the Great Depression.
    There is no need to vaccinate people who already have had COVID-19. Natural immunity is much better than a vaccine that was rushed through the FDA.
    Also many people are naturally immune to COVID-19 due tot he fact that they have previous coronavirus infection. This issue is completely ignored in neoliberal MSM/
    Notable quotes:
    "... Obviously, you not only got immune to the Wuhan virus, but also to the globalist/collectivist and state propaganda. Those of us who lived in Soviet socialist "paradise" get it back in the USSR while protecting our mind and soul from state propaganda and government statistics. ..."
    "... So more of the lies are being exposed, the lies that some who want to be in control have told are so bad, and yet some believe them. Why was SARS not a continuing pandemic, if it is the same base virus ..."
    "... This is too funny. So at some point is anyone going to ask why this report is being featured on yahoo FINANCE? The answer is in the reference to the publicly-traded, pharmaceutical companies named in the Dr.'s interview. ..."
    May 27, 2021 |

    Dr. Adrian Burrowes, Family Medicine Physician &CFP Physicians Group CEO, joined Yahoo Finance to discuss the latest on covid-19.

    Thomas 2 hours ago

    I had Covid twice. Once in 2020 and once this year. The first time I had it I coughed for two whole months. I had a fever off and on and I had to sleep with an extra pillow. I was miserable but I thought it was the flu because we didn't know the virus was here yet. It was only after I was tested for antibodies several months later did I learn that I had it.

    This past January, I got it again after some co-workers came down with it and we all were tested. I was quarantined for 10 days. During this 10 day period, I was only sick for 1 day with a slight stomach ache and diarrhea.

    The rest of the time I was out doing yard work and cutting dead limbs out of my trees.

    I told my wife that if my T-Cells had that good of memory to protect me that well, I probably won't get the shot. After all, what can the shot do for me that the virus hasn't already.

    Mike -> Thomas 38 minutes ago

    Obviously, you not only got immune to the Wuhan virus, but also to the globalist/collectivist and state propaganda. Those of us who lived in Soviet socialist "paradise" get it back in the USSR while protecting our mind and soul from state propaganda and government statistics.

    With the time, I hope enough Americans will develop the same herd immunity to propaganda masquerading as news, unhealthy "guidance" from government health agencies and corrupt intelligent agencies' deceptions that serve self-centered bureaucrats and political operatives, not the country. G-d Bless!

    Ed 3 hours ago

    So more of the lies are being exposed, the lies that some who want to be in control have told are so bad, and yet some believe them. Why was SARS not a continuing pandemic, if it is the same base virus, and did not have a vaccine. and yet you hear nothing about it, could it be that people gained immunity and so it is not a horrible thing as this engineered virus. and remember that SARS started in the same area of the world as this covid 19.

    AB 3 hours ago

    This is too funny. So at some point is anyone going to ask why this report is being featured on yahoo FINANCE? The answer is in the reference to the publicly-traded, pharmaceutical companies named in the Dr.'s interview.

    [May 28, 2021] Immunity to the coronavirus may persist for years, what it could mean for vaccination efforts

    The USA vaccination efforts were badly thought out and badly implemented, resulting in dramatic economic losses for non-existent public health gains. Looks like governments suspected that "the genie is out of the bottle" -- pathogen escaped from biolab in the USA or China and badly overreacted, creating unnecessary economic losses and mass unemployment comparable with the Great Depression.
    There is no need to vaccinate people who already have had COVID-19. Natural immunity is much better than a vaccine that was rushed through the FDA.
    Also many people are naturally immune to COVID-19 due tot he fact that they have previous coronavirus infection. This issue is completely ignored in neoliberal MSM/
    Notable quotes:
    "... Obviously, you not only got immune to the Wuhan virus, but also to the globalist/collectivist and state propaganda. Those of us who lived in Soviet socialist "paradise" get it back in the USSR while protecting our mind and soul from state propaganda and government statistics. ..."
    "... So more of the lies are being exposed, the lies that some who want to be in control have told are so bad, and yet some believe them. Why was SARS not a continuing pandemic, if it is the same base virus ..."
    "... This is too funny. So at some point is anyone going to ask why this report is being featured on yahoo FINANCE? The answer is in the reference to the publicly-traded, pharmaceutical companies named in the Dr.'s interview. ..."
    May 27, 2021 |

    Dr. Adrian Burrowes, Family Medicine Physician &CFP Physicians Group CEO, joined Yahoo Finance to discuss the latest on covid-19.

    Thomas 2 hours ago

    I had Covid twice. Once in 2020 and once this year. The first time I had it I coughed for two whole months. I had a fever off and on and I had to sleep with an extra pillow. I was miserable but I thought it was the flu because we didn't know the virus was here yet. It was only after I was tested for antibodies several months later did I learn that I had it.

    This past January, I got it again after some co-workers came down with it and we all were tested. I was quarantined for 10 days. During this 10 day period, I was only sick for 1 day with a slight stomach ache and diarrhea.

    The rest of the time I was out doing yard work and cutting dead limbs out of my trees.

    I told my wife that if my T-Cells had that good of memory to protect me that well, I probably won't get the shot. After all, what can the shot do for me that the virus hasn't already.

    Mike -> Thomas 38 minutes ago

    Obviously, you not only got immune to the Wuhan virus, but also to the globalist/collectivist and state propaganda. Those of us who lived in Soviet socialist "paradise" get it back in the USSR while protecting our mind and soul from state propaganda and government statistics.

    With the time, I hope enough Americans will develop the same herd immunity to propaganda masquerading as news, unhealthy "guidance" from government health agencies and corrupt intelligent agencies' deceptions that serve self-centered bureaucrats and political operatives, not the country. G-d Bless!

    Ed 3 hours ago

    So more of the lies are being exposed, the lies that some who want to be in control have told are so bad, and yet some believe them. Why was SARS not a continuing pandemic, if it is the same base virus, and did not have a vaccine. and yet you hear nothing about it, could it be that people gained immunity and so it is not a horrible thing as this engineered virus. and remember that SARS started in the same area of the world as this covid 19.

    AB 3 hours ago

    This is too funny. So at some point is anyone going to ask why this report is being featured on yahoo FINANCE? The answer is in the reference to the publicly-traded, pharmaceutical companies named in the Dr.'s interview.

    [May 28, 2021] Unclean, reused masks and your chances to get bacterial pneumonia

    May 23, 2021 |

    JOHNLGALT. 4 hours ago (Edited) remove link

    Why would anyone with half a brain wear a BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA producing MASK? Source:

    Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza Pandemic. Tuesday, August 19, 2008.

    Implications for Future Pandemic Planning

    The majority of deaths during the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 were not caused by the influenza virus acting alone, report researchers from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health. Instead, most victims succumbed to bacterial pneumonia following influenza virus infection. The pneumonia was caused when bacteria that normally inhabit the nose and throat invaded the lungs along a pathway created when the virus destroyed the cells that line the bronchial tubes and lungs.

    The work presents complementary lines of evidence from the fields of pathology and history of medicine to support this conclusion. "The weight of evidence we examined from both historical and modern analyses of the 1918 influenza pandemic favors a scenario in which viral damage followed by bacterial pneumonia led to the vast majority of deaths," says co-author NIAID Director 🐍Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.🐍. "In essence, the virus landed the first blow while bacteria delivered the knockout punch."

    [May 28, 2021] Scott Atlas -- Lockdowns Not Only A Heinous Abuse Of Power, They Also Failed To Protect The Elderly

    May 20, 2021 |

    Authored by Isabel van Brugen and Jan Jekielek via The Epoch Times,

    The lockdowns implemented to curb the transmission of COVID-19 in the United States and across the globe have not only been a "heinous abuse of power," but they have also failed to protect the elderly and vulnerable, according to former White House COVID-19 adviser Dr. Scott Atlas .

    In an interview for Epoch TV's " American Thought Leaders ," Atlas, a public health policy expert, suggested that the consequences of lockdowns, which he believes have been largely fear-driven, will be felt in the country for decades to come.

    "We will have a massive price to pay for what was done in the United States," said Atlas.

    "The consequences of the lockdowns have been enormously harmful and they will last for decades after this pandemic is completely finished."

    In November 2020 Atlas resigned as former President Donald Trump's special adviser on the White House pandemic task force. He is a senior fellow for the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

    A large failure on the part of public health experts, Atlas said, has been the approach to stop COVID-19, the disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus , at all costs, disregarding the consequences of the policies that were implemented in an attempt to do so.

    And while he believes that imposing initial lockdowns during the onset of the pandemic last spring was an "appropriate" response, that was only because the world was reacting to extremely "imperfect knowledge," including an estimated fatality rate that was higher than what the world knows now.

    Further, the restriction of movement orders implemented last year as the virus began to spread across the country were initially pushed as short-term measures to prevent the overcrowding of hospitals and health care facilities, he said.


    Soon, Atlas said, rational thinking and critical thinking disappeared, and lockdown measures were driven by fear. No longer was the goal to prevent the overcrowding of hospitals, but it gradually shifted to stopping COVID-19 cases altogether.

    "Fear is very powerful, and it was really shown how powerful fear is during this pandemic. They [Americans] bought into it because it was temporary, because [people] thought that would be a very small price to pay to get things sort of under control, and have some handle on how to proceed," Atlas said.

    The public health policy expert suggested that a "frenzy" took over out of fear, out of a lack of leadership by the faces of public health to put things into context and perspective, and to recognize immediately what the consequences of these lockdowns would be.

    "There's a big reason why lockdowns were never recommended in prior pandemics," Atlas added.

    "And those rules, those simple rational logical assessments, were thrown out the window."

    Protecting the Elderly, Vulnerable

    Lockdowns have ultimately failed, Atlas said, as they failed to protect the elderly and high-risk individuals in the early months of the pandemic last year. Meanwhile, countless others have suffered due to diversions of medical resources.

    "We saw even in March, April, May [2020], the lockdown policies were number one, failing to protect the high risk people""people were dying, they were elderly. The nursing home deaths made up 40 to 50 percent of all deaths," Atlas explained.

    "And it was through many of our states; at one point in Minnesota, 80 percent of the deaths were [in] nursing homes."

    Americans were also skipping chemotherapy treatments, while people who had suffered acute strokes and heart attacks were too afraid to call an ambulance as they didn't want to be in a medical setting, and the majority of live organ transplants weren't conducted during the onset of the pandemic, Atlas said.

    Meanwhile, child abuse and domestic abuse skyrocketed, opioid deaths and suicides surged, and there has been a dramatic rise in young people suffering from depression and anxiety, he added.

    "I think that it is still somehow held by many people that OK, the lockdowns are an economic harm, but we're saving lives. No, you're destroying families, you're destroying lives, and you're literally killing people with the lockdowns," Atlas said.

    Citing June 2020 data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlas said that one in four young adults contemplated suicide.

    "The lockdowns failed, they still failed to protect the people who are high risk, and the lockdowns destroyed and killed," Atlas said.

    "Many other people destroyed families, sacrificed our children out of fear for adults""even though the children do not have significant risk. And we didn't care as a country. We kept them out of school."

    He added: "It's a disgrace. It's a heinous abuse of the power of public health experts to do what was done."

    yerfej 4 hours ago

    Funny how 78% of those who were hospitalized or died of "covid" were obese, and everyone else was old or comorbid. BUT the progressive lunatics in government demanded schools be shutdown...

    NIRP-BTFD 4 hours ago

    He added: "It's a disgrace. It's a heinous abuse of the power of public health experts to do what was done."

    Atlas should replace Fauci asap!

    Dabooda 47 minutes ago

    Actually, keeping the kids out of government schools is probably the best thing that you could do for them, unless you really WANT them to turn into brain-dead propagandized drones of indeterminate sex. Homeschool them for about $200 (for a full 12 year curriculum.

    chunga 3 hours ago

    The facility where my wife works as an RN has not seen much of a pandemic materialize over the last year and a half. Dystopia Virus was not the leading cause of death or sickness but the staff spends a huge amount of time (almost all) on that at the expense of everyone else. She tells me just as many died from extreme "treatment" for Dystopia Virus and that they are not doing that anymore. One was a last ditch cancer treatment.

    Of all the science not followed, the medical community has earned a great share of this.

    TightLiner 3 hours ago remove link

    Guy I know is an ICU nurse. They quit using ventilators when 80% of people on them died. He said, once you're on a ventilator you're not coming off alive.

    chunga 3 hours ago remove link

    All the ingredients for a pandemic are there, except the pandemic itself. Where my wife works they are still occupying themselves largely with meetings and filling out Dystopia forms. Corporate management is trying to bribe the staff to get the experimental injections with bonuses and perks. That figure is right around 50/50 who've refused.

    Pernicious Gold Phallusy 3 hours ago

    The reptilian viciousness of hospital administrators is on full display for all staff to see. Nobody would forget opening their front door and finding a saltwater crocodile.

    Al Jolson 4 hours ago

    Motion for Temporary Restraining Order Against Use of COVID Vaccine in Children

    The case will challenge the EUAs for the injections on several counts, based on the law and scientific evidence that the EUAs should never have been granted, the EUAs should be revoked immediately, the injections are dangerous biological agents that have the potential to cause substantially greater harm than the COVID-19 disease itself, and that numerous laws have been broken in the process of granting these EUAs and foisting these injections on the American people.

    Portal 4 hours ago remove link

    Covid is a Trojan horse that brought Fascism to the western world. Just like Hitler, "emergency powers" become permanent fascism.

    When the Saints start getting dragged to jail you know your country is turning fascist. "3rd Canadian pastor arrested for holding worship services violating COVID-19 orders"

    jammyjo 3 hours ago

    Atlas was pilloried, but he was the man we needed instead of Fauci. Atlas had a more balance perspective. Fauci was scared of his own shadow, and maybe even corrupt since he was a life long government hack.

    strych10 2 hours ago remove link

    The only reason such power was granted is because the country is chock-full of obese, poorly educated morons who were easily frightened into ludicrously unworkable "solutions" by a profit driven media and idiotic, power hungry politicians.

    NoPension 2 hours ago remove link

    Still the best.....

    Local TV reporter addressing a group of Amish leaders..." Why hasn't covid seemed to affect the Amish?"

    Amish leader... " the Amish don't have tv"

    [May 28, 2021] The difference between "die from" and die with"

    May 23, 2021 |

    5 play_arrow

    NotaSheep 4 hours ago

    While a lot of people have died with the WuFlu virtually no one has died from it.

    JOHNLGALT. 4 hours ago

    You might want to read what you just typed & see if it makes sense.

    russellthetreeman PREMIUM 4 hours ago (Edited)

    I think this is what notasheep is referring to. Only 6% died of covid per cdc.

    CDC: 94% of Covid-19 deaths had underlying medical conditions

    NotaSheep 3 hours ago

    And they underestimated. By a lot.

    [May 28, 2021] SARS-CoV-2 spike S1 subunit induces hypercoagulability

    Notable quotes:
    "... may have contained downstream effects of some endothelial changes that would give rise to the hypercoagulable state that is characteristic of the disease ..."
    "... We suggest that, in part, the presence of spike protein in circulation may contribute to the hypercoagulation in COVID-19 positive patients and may cause severe impairment of fibrinolysis. Such lytic impairment may be the direct cause of the large microclots we have noted here ..."
    May 26, 2021 |

    Amyloid deposits in response to spike protein

    The researchers examined the fluorescent amyloid signals in abnormal clots and in healthy platelet-poor plasma (PPP) with or without spike protein.

    This showed a marked increase in dense abnormal amyloid clots, called amyloid deposits, in PPP to which spike was added, with or without thrombin. Thrombin alone also created an extensive fibrin clot. However, there was a significant increase in the percentage area of amyloid deposits.

    Related Stories

    The greatest change followed the addition of both spike and thrombin.

    Platelet activation

    When whole blood was exposed to spike protein even at low concentrations, the erythrocytes showed agglutination, hyperactivated platelets were seen, with membrane spreading and the formation of platelet-derived microparticles.

    In all samples, spontaneous amyloid deposits formed after exposure to the spike protein without the need for thrombin exposure.

    Clotting in microfluidics channels

    Microfluidics systems were set up to simulate extensive endothelial damage, with resulting hypercoagulability. This showed that COVID-19 produced changes in the clotting profile of the PPP.

    Clot formation in healthy PPP occurred slowly and gradually, to a moderate size, and with orderly clot layers that allowed blood flow to occur through the channel's center. These clots were easily removed by flushing the channel at 1 mL/min.

    The PPP from COVID-19 patients showed large disorderly clots that often projected into the channel's center and obstructed the flow. These clots were impossible to dislodge at the earlier flow rate or even at a higher flow.

    Again, large clots formed in PPP from COVID-19 patients when it was exposed to thrombin in about 90 seconds. However, most of the clotting happened in one burst, with not much propagation of the clot thereafter, indicating rapid consumption of the thrombin.

    This was not the case with PPP exposed to spike protein, where a fibrous laminar clot was combined with a chaotic clot. Moderate flow disruption was also observed. These clots could also be removed with similar ease. This intermediate state could be due to the absence of multiple other biological factors that may have hindered the formation of the characteristic clots seen in COVID-19 patients.

    Mass spectrometry

    The results of mass spectrometry of the healthy PPP with spike protein showed changes in the structure of the beta and gamma fibrin(ogen) proteins, together with complement 3 and prothrombin. These proteins showed resistance to degradation by trypsin, a powerful proteolytic enzyme, in the presence of spike protein.

    What are the implications?

    The researchers show that the spike S1 not only interacts directly with both platelets and with the key clotting protein fibrinogen and its activated form, fibrin, causing changes in the protein that, in turn, alter the way blood clots.

    In PPP, the addition of thrombin was found to induce fibrinogen's polymerization into a fibrin mesh. Exposure to spike protein was shown to precipitate dense clots.

    When spikes and thrombin were added to healthy PPP, the formation of abnormal amyloid deposits was increased. These also showed significant changes in the blood cells' ultrastructure, including the red cells and platelets.

    The presence of extensive spontaneous fibrin networks following the addition of the spike protein to whole blood matches the ultrastructural appearance seen on COVID-19-positive blood smears. Here again, the primary features were anomalous clotting, amyloid in the clots, and spontaneous fibrin network formation.

    The study also shows that it may alter blood flow in COVID-19. The microfluidics simulation showed that the PPP from COVID-19 patients, which is almost pure fibrinogen, formed large obstructing clots. The PPP " may have contained downstream effects of some endothelial changes that would give rise to the hypercoagulable state that is characteristic of the disease ."

    " We suggest that, in part, the presence of spike protein in circulation may contribute to the hypercoagulation in COVID-19 positive patients and may cause severe impairment of fibrinolysis. Such lytic impairment may be the direct cause of the large microclots we have noted here ."

    Thus, the free S1 subunit has harmful effects on the host even without direct infection of the cells themselves. This strengthens the case for targeting the spike protein via antibodies and vaccines.

    *Important Notice

    medRxiv publishes preliminary scientific reports that are not peer-reviewed and, therefore, should not be regarded as conclusive, guide clinical practice/health-related behavior, or treated as established information.

    Journal reference:

    [May 28, 2021] Johns Hopkins Prof- Half Of Americans Have Natural Immunity; Dismissing It Is -Biggest Failure Of Medical Leadership

    H ere is link to Dr. Makary interview. This may not be the Video mentioned in the article above but it is a similar gist of his critizisms of the CDC.
    May 26, 2021 |

    Dr. Marty Makary made the comments during a recent interview, noting that "natural immunity works" and it is wrong to vilify those who don't want the vaccine because they have already recovered from the virus.

    Makary criticised "the most slow, reactionary, political CDC in American history" for not clearly communicating the scientific facts about natural immunity compared to the kind of immunity developed through vaccines.

    " There is more data on natural immunity than there is on vaccinated immunity, because natural immunity has been around longer," Makary emphasised.

    "We are not seeing reinfections, and when they do happen, they're rare. Their symptoms are mild or are asymptomatic," the professor added.

    "Please, ignore the CDC guidance," he urged, adding "Live a normal life, unless you are unvaccinated and did not have the infection, in which case you need to be careful."

    "We've got to start respecting people who choose not to get the vaccine instead of demonizing them," Makary further asserted.

    The professor's comments come amid a plethora of media generated propaganda suggesting that natural immunity isn't enough, and that those who do not choose to take the vaccine should be socially ostracised Justus D. Barnes 4 hours ago (Edited) remove link

    I would not call it a hoax as some people do get sick and die.

    However. Some people are allergic to peanuts. So lets force everyone to get vaccinated against peanuts?

    I think of this whole thing as $#IT politicians shoving their $#IT policies down stupid peoples throats. In a free America any thoughtful person would asses the danger that corona or a peanut would present to them personally and then take the action they thought best. IMHO If your state does not let you make the choice for yourself then you join a class action lawsuit against your state or move.

    FurnitureFireSale 4 hours ago remove link

    And that's the problem in that what America has become: a bunch of thoughtless sheep that do what their idols tell them to do; what the commercials tell them to do; what the brainwashing convinces them to do. There are many, many of them and a good amount of thoughtful ones (us)too. It is the latter having these discussions about these therapies, no matter how much the MSM and FAANG's try to supress it. Many highly intelligent people I know have gone ahead and gotten their shots. Several in my circle have not- never will. The have nots understand just what is going on. The liberal states that are pushing this agenda need to be reeled in via a class action. One should not be forced to move based upon their vaccination status. It's as arbitrary as saying "move to a state where they don't serve peanuts". You're exactly right.

    sun tzu 3 hours ago (Edited) remove link

    Deaths from purely from covid was probably in the 25,000 range in the past 14 months, which is less than half of 5 months of flu deaths each year. Some died due to pneumonia or cytokine storm. Others died when the spike proteins got into their blood and caused clots. The vast majority died with covid, either real or thru a false positives. Probably 25-50K were murdered on ventilators.

    philipat 1 hour ago remove link

    As I have written about previously, the CDC/WHO are playing (political) games with science and their actions only discredit themselves and raise other obvious questions which challenge the official explanation(s) of events, in summary as follows:

    1. The definition of Herd Immunity has been changed (including in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary) to EXCLUDE natural immunity as a contributing factor. This is scientifically false because naturally acquired immunity is the best type of immunity because it is a complete immune response which conveys long-lasting immunity and prevents transmission of any virus. This is NOT true for the "vaccines" whose manufacturers only claim a reduction in the severity of any symptoms. The obvious conclusion based on the science is that naturally immune people have a stronger claim on "Vaccine Passports" than the vaccinated.
    2. Not only is it unnecessary for naturally immune people to be vaccinated, there are potential dangers in doing so. Based again on scientific knowledge from earlier attempts to develop vaccines for CoVs, there is a very real risk of ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement), also described as Pathogenic Priming from occurring when people with non-neutralizing antibodies are exposed to further challenge from either a live virus or high concentrations of viral antigen. This can potentially occur in both vaccinated people (we will know during the next "Flu" season) and in naturally immune people exposed to high concentrations of viral antigen which triggers non-neutralizing antibodies. The subsequent autoimmune reaction can result from a triggered "cytokine storm" which can result in the shutdown of vital organs and death,
      Ironically, this MIGHT explain some of the many AEs being seen with the "vaccines" where an autoimmune effect is seen.

      The only possible reason for the above denials 1-2) of the science is so as to comply with the official narrative that everyone needs vaccination "" presumably for reasons other than science and public health.

    3. The CDC still recommends the RT-qPCR test to diagnose "new cases" at a cycle threshold (Ct) of >35 cycles, typically run at 35-45 or even 50 cycles. This despite the fact they fully understand that at these high cycle counts, the numbers of "false positives" are high (up to 95% in some labs). However, in coming to terms with "a few breakthrough cases" of disease in vaccinated people, CDC has been running trials to sequence the virus (in the hope of blaming new variants) obtained from such people. However, to be included, only samples from patients confirmed positive with a PCR test run at a Ct of <28 cycles are allowed. Why the difference?

      The dilemma for CDC here is obvious. If they recommend that for reasons of accuracy, ALL PCR tests are run at a Ct of <28, they will not be able to find many "new cases" (a/k/a false positives) to inflate the case numbers and have ample material to blame "Covid deaths" on. If they run the trials on "breakthrough infections" at a Ct of >35 (as recommended for general use) they will "confirm" (by their own definition) thousands of such " extremely rare breakthrough cases". This clearly demonstrates duplicity on the part of CDC and destroys their credibility, which has been built on science not politics.

    4. The Virus origin dilemma. The Overton window has allowed two, and only two, "explanations" for the origin of the virus. Setting aside the fact that whenever the Establishment presents a limited number of explanations for anything, they are always all wrong (and in this case there are other explanations surrounding the Military Games, held in Wuhan at around the time the first patients were recorded) it is now obvious that the desired conclusion is a "leak" at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). That means we must also set aside the fact that Bio Safety Level 4 labs don't just "leak" "" I can attest to this from personal experience of BSL training.

      The dilemma for the Authorities with this explanation, not yet widely recognised, is that if indeed this is the explanation, it means that wild SARS-CoV-2 virus (and other man made variants in the "gain of function" research, was being experimented with in WIV so as to infect the respiratory system of those "infected". Other bodily contamination transported out of the lab is entirely impossible due to the security features built-in at BSL-4 facilities (Pressure gradients, UV exit lighting, 3 changes of clothing involving showers with various chemical components etc. "" these are SERIOUS safety precautions)

      That being the case, why then has it not been possible to isolate and purify said virus (and its variants) for the purposes of confirming its existence and for use in more accurate tests and diagnostics plus for use in making natural (real) vaccines?

    konputa 4 hours ago

    The CDC are vaccine pushers and owners of numerous vaccine patents. It seems to me they are doing their job as intended, it's just that the public misunderstands their purpose. Their mission isn't public health.

    CheapBastard 5 hours ago (Edited)

    That's exactly what my doc told me. Stay healthy and take the relevant supplements like Vitamin D. Most likely have immunity from previous Flu infections with cross-over protection.

    Problem is for the CDC and Big Pharma is their Fear **** can't be promoted and they can't make mind-numbing profits from natural immunity.

    What a mess_man 4 hours ago

    We knew this last spring with the Diamond Princess.

    [May 28, 2021] CDC, masks, sheeple and childred summer camps

    I can't decide whether CDC staff which created the guidelines below are Faucists (corrupted coops with a party line), sadists, or idiots...
    L. Ron Hubbard is green with envy. In Hell.
    May 23, 2021 |

    ... here are some key ingredients in the CDC's recipe for dystopian summer fun:

    UpTo11 4 hours ago remove link

    Just went to a high school graduation ceremony in Texas. 1 student had a mask. No one else in the stadium of 400. Not sure who wears masks anymore at all.

    ChargingHandle 3 hours ago remove link

    Come to oregon and you will see all species of sheeple wearing masks even when completely by themselves.

    GunnerySgtHartman 2 hours ago

    I still see people wearing masks while driving their cars ... with nobody else in the cars ... talk about sheeple.

    pods 4 hours ago (Edited) remove link

    Is your summer camp following these ridiculous guidelines?

    Well my kid won't attend.


    These guidelines may prevent some kids getting pooned by a counselor, so there is an upside.

    strych10 2 hours ago

    Pooning isn't a concern. Dicking is the issue.

    Reaper 4 hours ago

    Obedience is the beginning of modern slavery.

    high5mail 4 hours ago remove link

    Scotty Beam me up

    I am tired of woke, chinese flu, fauci, biden, trudeau and most of all, the people who don't question the insanity and go along with it.

    They have succeeded in taking the pleasure out of living. We are nothing more than cattle with no rights, chipped and monitored.

    Life was not meant to be like this....

    Mike Rotsch 4 hours ago

    If the summer camp follows the CDC, it's the wrong camp.

    GoodyGumdrops 4 hours ago (Edited)

    Anyone who allows their child to be indoctrinated into this fear cult is seriously messed up. How can anyone justify treating children this way?

    It sickens me to think that these kids are being taught to sacrifice their health for a bunch of narcissistic hypochondriacs acting like frightened children instead of behaving like normal, mentally healthy adults.

    [May 28, 2021] Hope is not lost...

    Notable quotes:
    "... A ten-year-old boy absolutely humiliated a school board in Florida as he spoke passionately in requesting the council to stop the unscientific and ridiculous mask mandate for the district at the school. ..."
    May 28, 2021 |

    Kanzen Saimin 4 hours ago (Edited)

    Hope is not lost...

    WATCH: A 10-Year-Old Boy Humiliates School Board Over Unscientific Mask Mandates

    A ten-year-old boy absolutely humiliated a school board in Florida as he spoke passionately in requesting the council to stop the unscientific and ridiculous mask mandate for the district at the school.

    [May 28, 2021] Don t mention Ivermectin; It ll Affect the Vaccine Rollout

    May 17, 2021 |

    Hemiola , May 16 2021 18:16 utc | 33

    "Based on the lack of a rational explanation for the actions of the WHO, Merck, FDA and Unitaid, we conclude that they result from an active disinformation campaign ... "

    FLCCC Alliance statement on the irregular actions of Public Health Agencies and the widespread disinformation campaign against Ivermectin

    Nice South African summary:

    Don't mention Ivermectin; It'll Affect the Vaccine Rollout

    The Virus and the Parasite

    Grieved , May 17 2021 3:06 utc | 95

    @33 Hemiola

    Thank you for the latest release from FLCCC. When you find the time to comment, you always supply powerful material - I am extraordinarily grateful for this.

    I just spent the time to read the release, and I was absorbed from beginning to end. Of course, there's some unavoidable scientific terminology, but very little, and most of the document stands as a revolutionary manifesto, a call to action, a call to resist the misinformation and the disinformation permeating the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The document illustrates in a verifiable and succinct charge how the WHO has loaded the dice against the use of ivermectin as both a prophylactic and a treatment for COVID-19, in order to argue against its adoption - and this, in a world that is increasingly adopting its use because it quite simply works.

    It works, and the results from all over the world are recorded by doctors, showing that it works up to a 90% effectiveness in the main and close to 100% in some cases, and it does this with negligible collateral harm demonstrated across billions of doses and many decades - and the WHO, despite that in 2018 it formally lauded its safety, now says that it doesn't work and that it may be dangerous.


    So what is the Why of the WHO?

    This release from FLCCC explains why and describes the underlying, systemic rottenness in the western medical system, how it has been tainted for decades by corporations and large funding sources - and how the common doctors, fighting to do no harm and to save lives, are up against a wall of opposition during this pandemic that is breathtakingly huge.

    The FLCCC press release goes beyond the medical science and explains also the corporate tactics that have demolished scientific method. It presents a call to action, and sketches the only tools we have to resist. It says much that we already know - but these are doctors and awarded researchers telling us all the things that are so obviously fishy in the institutional responses to the pandemic.

    Big Pharma, Big Science, Big Media, Big Tech, Big Government, Big Foundations - all in collusion, all following the trail originally blazed by Big Tobacco.

    See, we know how it works because we've watched it for decades. The FLCCC release does us the service of reminding us and enumerating the instances when corporate venality (my word, not theirs) has destroyed the truth simply to make money.

    I recommend it:
    FLCCC Alliance Statement on the Irregular Actions of Public Health Agencies and the Widespread Disinformation Campaign Against Ivermectin

    [May 28, 2021] CDC's Absurd Guidelines For Summer Camps- A Recipe For Dystopian Fun

    What CDC knows what we do know to issue such draconian guidelines? This looks like is a concentration camp not summer camp...
    Notable quotes:
    "... Two-layer masks should be worn at all times "" indoors and out ""except for eating, drinking and swimming ..."
    "... Don't allow close-contact games and sports ..."
    "... Avoid sharing of objects such as toys, games and art supplies ..."
    "... Separate children on buses by skipping rows ..."
    "... Divide children into "cohorts" and then keep them away from other cohorts ..."
    "... Children should stay three feet away from kids in their cohort and six feet away from those outside their cohort; campers and staff should stay six feet from each other, as should fellow staff members ..."
    "... While eating and drinking, stay six feet away from everybody, even your own cohort ..."
    May 23, 2021 |

    CDC Trapped in March 2020 Mindset

    In April, the CDC published guidance for operating youth camps that was the latest eye-rolling example of CDC maximalism that conflicts with what we've learned about Covid-19.

    Before we examine the CDC guidance, let's review some of the key things that we now know about Covid-19 that we didn't in March 2020:

    With that knowledge in mind, here are some key ingredients in the CDC's recipe for dystopian summer fun:

    Who exactly are these draconian, fun-killing guidelines meant to protect? The children aren't in any meaningful danger"" the number of children who typically drown in a given year is more than double the number of child Covid deaths we've observed in 15 months .

    Meanwhile, against a backdrop of rapidly-vanishing Covid-19 infections across the country, camp staff will have had more than ample opportunity to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 before the first kids arrive.

    We're told to "follow the science," but what is the CDC following? The agency's guidelines read like they were written during the early dark ages of the Covid outbreak, when the peril was still filled with overwhelming mystery, and "erring on the side of caution" still had a trace of credibility.

    As Columbia University pediatric immunologist Mark Gorelik told New York Magazine , " We know that the risk of outdoor infection is very low. We know risks of children becoming seriously ill or even ill at all is vanishingly small. And most of the vulnerable population is already vaccinated. I am supportive of effective measures to restrain the spread of illness. However, the CDC's recommendations cross the line into excess and are, frankly, senseless. Children cannot be running around outside in 90-degree weather wearing a mask. Period. "

    Read more and subscribe at

    4 hours ago

    Who cares what the CDC says? They have ZERO credibility and should be charged with fraud and "Crimes Against Humanity"

    UpTo11 4 hours ago remove link

    Just went to a high school graduation ceremony in Texas. 1 student had a mask. No one else in the stadium of 400. Not sure who wears masks anymore at all.

    ChargingHandle 3 hours ago remove link

    Come to oregon and you will see all species of sheeple wearing masks even when completely by themselves.

    GunnerySgtHartman 2 hours ago

    I still see people wearing masks while driving their cars ... with nobody else in the cars ... talk about sheeple.

    Snakerockhiker 3 hours ago

    The CDC guidance has nothing to do with Covid-19 and everything to do with maintaining and increasing fear, breaking down societal relationships, and ensuring people are following operant conditioning protocols like Pavlov's dogs. A gang of criminals are running America's medical heirarchy. We need to eliminate them.

    [May 22, 2021] Running Out of Patience for the CDC

    May 21, 2021 |

    "Ultimately, the point of life is not about avoiding diseases and meeting arbitrary standards of health. Society has its necessary functions and its priorities that exist regardless of the recommendation of public health experts. It's about time the CDC understood that." ~ Ethan Yang

    n May 16, 2021, the CDC updated its guidance , stating that fully vaccinated people could resume their lives as normal, including not wearing a mask. It goes without saying that not only was the CDC's initial position that vaccinated people still have to practice all the same precautions as those that are unvaccinated ridiculous, it's also way behind what some states have been doing. Citing the success of places like Florida and Texas as completely open states flouting every overly protectionist measure put out by the CDC would be beating a dead horse at this point. Of course, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky clarified that in regards to the new guidance on vaccinated persons not having to wear masks,

    "Not everybody has to rip off their mask because our guidance changed," she said. "If you are concerned, please do consult your physician before you take off your mask."

    CNN also cited its own medical analyst Dr. Leana Wen, who criticized the CDC for being overly cautious on mask-wearing for vaccinated individuals. This is of course the same CDC that at the beginning of the pandemic lied to the public about how people should not wear masks in an attempt to prevent a shortage. Eventually, of course, the narrative changed to the current regime of masks being the one thing that will save humanity. As we know this is also a ridiculous policy, as the overwhelming evidence points out that masks are not the silver bullet to stopping infectious disease and only help in specific contexts. Jenin Younes writes on this subject when she notes ,

    "On June 5, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a paper stating that "widespread use of masks by healthy people in the community setting is not yet supported by high quality or direct scientific evidence and there are other potential benefits and harms to consider."

    Throughout the entire pandemic, the CDC has been the arbiter of comically cautious guidance, arbitrary and unethical recommendations, and it contradicted itself so many times that it would be a decent question to ask if anyone really listens at this point. Perhaps this would be a good thing in a way as states and communities chart their own course towards voluntary solutions based on their own contexts. Although it is certainly great to see people taking matters into their own hands and living their lives based on reason and responsible behavior, if we are going to have a CDC it would be best that it does its job well and not act as a detriment to society sowing confusion and fear.

    The CDC's Less Than Stellar Track Record

    It is worth mentioning that the CDC is credited with leading the eradication of smallpox and credit should be given where credit is due. However, we should not let that distract us from the fact that the CDC has always had a track record of being overly cautious to the point that their guidelines are unrealistic, trigger-happy on issuing guidance that would later be retracted, and especially as of recently being absolutely disconnected from society.

    Let's go back to the very beginning of the pandemic before the lockdowns. The CDC was already starting off on the wrong foot when it came to procuring test kits. Reason Magazine writes ,

    "A far more consequential error also occurred in February, when the agency botched the development of the first batch of test kits that states were supposed to use to begin the testing process. The CDC had already declined to use a German test backed by the World Health Organization, preferring to create its own, as is typical for the agency. This cost several weeks during the time when the virus was just beginning to spread in the U.S. And when the CDC did send out test kits to states, the majority of those kits delivered faulty results."

    This issue with test kits was only resolved once development was turned over to the private sector. An article in The Atlantic points out that in May the CDC was conflating viral and antibody tests. Viral tests detect active Covid cases while antibody tests detect past infections, and conflating the two paints a very different picture for the severity of active caseloads.

    Of course, nobody can forget that the CDC endorsed the use of lockdown policies as if it was common sense science, which not only failed to stop the virus but proceeded to throw the entire country into disarray. An article published by AIER back in June of 2020 recounts these absurd policies by noting ,

    "In particular, two unprecedented and massively destructive physical distancing policies were implemented: (1) quarantining an entire population (i.e., "stay-at-home" orders), and (2) shutting down entire industries and significantly altering the operations of other industries that were "permitted" to continue to operate. This includes educational establishments, such as day care facilities, primary and secondary schools, and religious institutions, which provide important educational and recreational services for children."

    At one point Dr. Fauci stated in a CNN interview that he was confused on why every single state in the country wasn't implementing a stay-at-home order. Despite mounting evidence for the tremendous collateral damage lockdowns were causing with little benefit to show, the CDC continued to advocate for the use of lockdown policies.

    Finally, we should never forget the blatant political pandering to the teachers' unions when it came to school closures. Keeping schools open isn't even a controversial topic; in fact, closing schools is largely considered a fringe position in the scientific community, and even President Biden was advocating for the opening of schools. It is clear that closing schools are massively harmful not only to children but to the parents who now have unexpected child care burdens. At the same time, children are not a significant source of transmission and are not vulnerable to the virus.

    If there wasn't already enough said, the CDC even issued an unconstitutional nationwide moratorium on evictions as if it had not meddled enough with the economy and the constitutional order. Fortunately, there is now a class-action lawsuit against the CDC for this offense.

    Key takeaway

    The CDC has always been out of touch and overly cautious when it comes to advising the country on issues of public health. In a way that is understandable, as one could argue they are simply trying to present the safest and healthiest way to live. Even then, those recommendations could be overturned by new developments as in the case of drinking while pregnant , which we now know isn't an issue if done in moderation. Even then, there is absolutely no excuse for advocating lockdown policies which go beyond an abundance of caution into the realm of recklessness and neglect. Ultimately, the point of life is not about avoiding diseases and meeting arbitrary standards of health. Society has its necessary functions and its priorities that exist regardless of the recommendation of public health experts. It's about time the CDC understood that.

    In reaction to Covid-19, the CDC really took things to a whole new level of absurdity. The amount of hubris, ignorance, and condescension exhibited by our public health leaders truly soared to new heights. Not only that but it had real consequences not just for the people who had to live under the CDC's recommendations but for its own credibility. It would be fair to say the CDC needs a wakeup call because they truly have tested our patience for what's becoming far too long.

    [May 22, 2021] An Education in Viruses and Public Health, from Michael Yeadon, Former VP of Pfizer – AIER

    May 22, 2021 |

    [May 22, 2021] DR MIKE YEADON-Three facts No 10's experts got wrong - Daily Mail Online

    May 22, 2021 |

    On Monday more than 30million Britons will be under Tier Two and Three restrictions.

    We will then have days – a few weeks at best – until the inevitable total lockdown.

    While Boris Johnson will be the person announcing that catastrophic decision, the measures are being dictated by a small group of scientists who, in my view, have repeatedly got things terribly wrong.

    The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) has made three incorrect assumptions which have had, and continue to have, disastrous consequences for people's lives and the economy.

    Firstly, Sage assumes that the vast majority of the population is vulnerable to infection; second, that only 7 per cent of the population has been infected so far; and third, that the virus causing Covid-19 has a mortality rate of about 1 per cent.

    Many individuals who've been infected by other coronaviruses have immunity to closely related ones such as the Covid-19 virus, argues Dr Mike Yeardon +5

    Many individuals who've been infected by other coronaviruses have immunity to closely related ones such as the Covid-19 virus, argues Dr Mike Yeardon PM Boris Johnson considering placing England under national lockdown Loaded : 0% Progress : 0% 0:00 Previous Play Skip Mute Current Time 0:00 / Duration Time 0:53 Fullscreen Need Text According to Cambridge University the Covid-19 mortality rate is at 1.4% , followed by Imperial College London with 1.2% and an Australian study with 0.75% Dr Yeardon cites the Stanford study, saying: 'After extensive world wide surveys, pre-eminent scientists such as John Ioannidis, professor of epidemiology at Stanford University in California, have concluded that the mortality rate is closer to 0.2 per cent.' +5

    According to Cambridge University the Covid-19 mortality rate is at 1.4% , followed by Imperial College London with 1.2% and an Australian study with 0.75% Dr Yeardon cites the Stanford study, saying: 'After extensive world wide surveys, pre-eminent scientists such as John Ioannidis, professor of epidemiology at Stanford University in California, have concluded that the mortality rate is closer to 0.2 per cent.'

    In the absence of further action, Sage concludes that a very high number of deaths will occur.

    If these assumptions were based on fact, then I might have some sympathy with their position.

    After all, if 93 per cent of the country – as they claim – was still potentially vulnerable to a virus that kills one in 100 people who are infected, I too would want to use any means necessary to suppress infection until a vaccine comes along, no matter the cost.

    The reality, though, is rather different.

    Firstly, while the Covid-19 virus is new, other coronaviruses are not.

    We have experience of SARS in 2003 and MERS in 2012, while in the UK there are at least four known strains of coronavirus which cause the common cold.

    Many individuals who've been infected by other coronaviruses have immunity to closely related ones such as the Covid-19 virus.

    Multiple research groups in Europe and the US have shown that around 30 per cent of the population was likely already immune to Covid-19 before the virus arrived – something which Sage continues to ignore.

    +5 +5

    Sage has similarly failed to accurately revise down its estimated mortality rate for the virus.

    Early in the epidemic Sage modelled a mortality rate of around 1 per cent and, from what I understand, they may now be working with a number closer to 0.7, which is still far too high.

    After extensive world wide surveys, pre-eminent scientists such as John Ioannidis, professor of epidemiology at Stanford University in California, have concluded that the mortality rate is closer to 0.2 per cent.

    That figure means one in 500 people infected die.

    When applied to the total number of Covid deaths in the UK (around 45,000), this would imply that approximately 22.5million people have been infected.

    That is 33.5 per cent of our population – not Sage's 7 per cent calculation.

    Sage reached its conclusion by assessing the prevalence of Covid-19 antibodies in national blood surveys.

    Yet we know that not every infected individual produces antibodies.

    Indeed, the immune systems of most healthy people bypass the complex and energy-intensive process of making antibodies because the virus can be overcome by other means.

    The human immune system has several lines of defence.

    These include innate immunity which is comprised of the body's physical barriers to infection and protective secretions (the skin and its oils, the cough reflex, tears etc); its inflammatory response (to localise and minimise infection and injury), and the production of non-specific cells (phagocytes) that target an invading virus/bacterium.

    In addition, the immune system produces antibodies that protect against a specific virus or bacterium (and confer immunity) and T-cells (a type of white blood cell) that are also specific.

    Covid-19 immunity may only last for a few months Loaded : 0% Progress : 0% 0:00 Previous Play Skip Mute Current Time 0:00 / Duration Time 1:27 Fullscreen Need Text RELATED ARTICLES SHARE THIS ARTICLE Share

    It is the T-cells that are crucial in our body's response to respiratory viruses such as Covid-19.

    Studies show that while not all individuals infected by the Covid-19 viruses have antibodies, they do have T-cells that can respond to the virus and therefore have immunity.

    I am persuaded of this because, of the 750million people the World Health Organisation says have been infected by the virus to date, almost none have been reinfected.

    Yes, there have been a handful of cases but they are anomalies, a tiny number among three quarters of a billion people.

    The fact is that people don't get reinfected. That is how the immune system works and if it didn't, humanity would not have survived.

    Percentage change in coronavirus cases across London in the week to October 25. Dr Yeardon writes:' Ministers and some parts of the media present the pandemic as the biggest public health emergency in decades, when in fact mortality in 2020 so far ranks eighth out of the last 27 years.' +5

    Percentage change in coronavirus cases across London in the week to October 25. Dr Yeardon writes:' Ministers and some parts of the media present the pandemic as the biggest public health emergency in decades, when in fact mortality in 2020 so far ranks eighth out of the last 27 years.'

    So, if some 33.5 per cent of our population have already been infected by the virus this year (and are now immune) – and a further 30 per cent were already immune before we even heard of Covid-19, then once you also factor in that a tenth of the UK population is aged ten or under and therefore largely invulnerable (children are rarely made ill by the virus), that leaves about 26.5 per cent of people who are actually susceptible to being infected.

    That's a far cry from Sage's current prediction of 93 per cent.

    It is also worth contextualising the UK death toll.

    Ministers and some parts of the media present the pandemic as the biggest public health emergency in decades, when in fact mortality in 2020 so far ranks eighth out of the last 27 years.

    The death rate at present is also normal for the time of year – the number of respiratory deaths is actually low for late October.

    In other words, not only is the virus less dangerous than we are being led to believe, with almost three quarters of the population at no risk of infection, we're actually very close to achieving herd immunity.

    Which is why I am convinced this so-called second wave of rising infections and, sadly, deaths will fizzle out without overwhelming the NHS.

    On that basis, the nation should immediately be allowed to resume normal life – at the very least we should be avoiding a second national lockdown at all costs.

    I believe that Sage has been appallingly negligent and its incompetence has cost the lives of thousands of people from avoidable, non-coronavirus causes while simultaneously decimating our economy and today I implore ministers to start listening to a broader scientific view.

    My argument against the need for lockdown isn't too dissimilar to the Great Barrington Declaration, co-authored by three professors from Oxford, Harvard and Stanford universities – laughably dismissed as 'emphatically false' by Health Secretary Matt Hancock who has no scientific qualifications – and signed by more then 44,000 scientists, public health experts and clinicians so far, including Nobel Prize winner Dr Michael Levitt.

    In my opinion, this government is ignoring a formidable collective of respected scientific opinion and relying instead on its body of deified, yet incompetent advisers.

    I have no confidence in Sage – and neither should you – and I fear that, yet again, they're about to force further decisions that we will look back on with deep regret.

    If we are to take one thing from 2020, it is that we should demand more honesty and competence from those appointed to look after us. Share or comment on this article: DR MIKE YEADON:Three facts

    [May 22, 2021] Michael Yeadon -- No need of vaccine, COVID-19 pandemic effectively over - FoxExclusive

    Highly recommended!
    Money quote: "I think the PCR test at present is throwing up so many false positives that in fact we're misdiagnosing the cause of the deaths that are being reported. The number of deaths at the moment is normal for the time of year. So if I'm right and the pandemic is fundamentally over, what's going on? And I think quite simply it's not over because SAGE says it's not!"
    Notable quotes:
    "... You also don't set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn't been extensively tested on human subjects." ..."
    May 22, 2021 |

    Michael Yeadon has voiced [his concerns about government policies regarding COVID-19] and it has left everyone shocked. As Pfizer pharmaceuticals breaks news for bringing corona virus vaccine , a former vice president and chief scientists of the company Michael Yeadon said that there is no need for any vaccine to end the ongoing pandemic.

    According to a report published in the Lockdown Sceptics, Yeadon wrote: "There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic. You do not vaccinate people who aren't at risk from the disease. You also don't set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn't been extensively tested on human subjects." Yeadon made the comment on the vaccine development while criticizing the role played by the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), a government agency of the UK.

    SAGE is tasked with a role to determine public lockdown policies; in the UK, as a response to the COVID-19 virus. He added, "SAGE says everyone was susceptible and only 7 per cent have been infected. They have ignored all precedent in the field of immunology memory against respiratory viruses. They have either not seen or disregarded excellent quality work from numerous world-leading clinical immunologists; which show that around 30 per cent of the population had prior immunity."

    Michael Yeadon wrote "They should also have excluded from 'susceptible' a large subset; of the youngest children, who appear not to become infected biology; means their cells express less of the spike protein receptor, called ACE2. I have not assumed all young children don't participate in transmission, but believe a two-thirds value is very conservative. It's not material anyway. So SAGE is demonstrably wrong in one really crucial variable, they assumed no prior immunity, whereas the evidence clearly points; to a value of around 30 per cent (and nearly 40 per cent if you include some young children, who technically are 'resistant' rather than 'immune')."

    He concluded that the pandemic is effectively over and; can easily be handled by a properly functioning NHS (National Health Service).

    [May 22, 2021] Skeptical COFID-19 sites

    Some of those should be taken with a grain of salt as they are detached from reality in their ownway...
    May 22, 2021 |

    TonTon 13 hours ago remove link

    They have total control of the narrative and if there is any push back by anybody they are censored or scapegoated. The journey into Informational Dystopia took less than 18 months.

    19331510 13 hours ago remove link

    Covid19 links.


    Video Sharing: ; ; ;

    Healthcare Professionals :

    Dr. Samantha Bailey; Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya; Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche; Dr. Ron Brown; Dr. Ryan Cole; Dr. Peter Doshi; Dr. Richard Fleming; Dr. Simone Gold; Dr. Sunetra Gupta; Dr. Carl Heneghan; Dr. Martin Kulldorff; Dr. Paul Marik; Dr. Peter McCullough; Dr. Joseph Mercola; Dr. Lee Merritt; Dr. Judy Mikovits; Dr. Dennis Modry; Dr. Hooman Noorchashm; Dr. Harvey Risch; Dr. Sherri Tenpenny; Dr. Richard Urso; Dr. Michael Yeadon;

    A list of Canadian doctors :

    Lawyers : Dr. Reiner Fuellmich; Rocco Galati;

    Drug Adverse Reaction Databases: (Search; Suspected Drug Reactions Reports for Substances) COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE MODERNA (CX-024414); COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE PFIZER-BIONTECH; COVID-19 VACCINE ASTRAZENECA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19); COVID-19 VACCINE JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S)

    Research papers: (pcr tests) (face masks) (lock downs) (child/teacher morbidity) (transmission by children) (masks/restaurants) (biased trial reporting) (infections/vaccines)

    19331510 13 hours ago

    If there is only one website you visit let it be .

    They post articles from a wide range of sites.

    Please share with everyone you know and stay well.

    [May 22, 2021] Warning about Faucism From Former Pfizer Chief Scientist by Michael Yeadon

    Highly recommended!
    For full text see Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics – the Deadly Danger of False Positives – Lockdown Sceptics
    Also pretty impressive highlight are available Warning from former Pfizer Vice President Michael Yeadon (21 Apr 2021)
    Michael Yeadon, wasn't just any scientist. The 60-year-old is a former vice president of Pfizer, where he spent 16 years as an allergy and respiratory researcher. He later co-founded a biotech firm that the Swiss drugmaker Novartis purchased for at least $325 million.
    This is amazing interview for a scientist who really knows his staff... His warning is essentially a very powerful warning against Lysenkoism in science.
    I disagree with him on some minor points like wearing masks in closed spaces as well as the spectrum of applicability of vaccines (I think that healthcare workers, teachers and other people who systematically interact with a lot of (possibly infected) people might benefit from vaccination, which should in any case be strocly voluntary. But I agree that vaccinating people who already have had COVID-19 and children s very questionable and probably indefensible practice -- flavor of Lysenkoism which is called Fauchism. Also stress of vaccines and downgrading therapy is also Faucism, or worse.

    I also disagree with his statement that vaccine should be effective against all strains. Now we know that htis not the case. For exampe South afrecan mutation successfully infects people vaccinated wit the the first generation vaccines.

    He is against medicines which are used with violation of safety protocols. He is anti unsafe medicines, no matter what they are.
    We never have such an absurd attribution of death to COVID, when that fact the diseased is false positive serve as the key reason of death
    Lockdowns were political hysteria. Witch hunt against witches which never arrived. They were unscientific and fradulent. Lockdown were never used before because they are ineffective. Instead in the past guaranteed the sick. Mass testing of people without symptoms is Lysenkoism and defies common sense.
    Non-symptomatic people will not infect you. That's faucism and new flavor of Lysenkoism.
    Asymptomatic transmission is bunk. It can happen but this never exceed fraction of one percent.
    It is all about increasing of the level of fear and increasing political control as in famous quote. The only open question to what end this control will used for.
    PCR technology is similar to technology used in forensic investigation using genetic material. They just ignore false positives. Nobody in the world releases the percentage of false positive of PcR test and dependence of the number of false positive on the number of amplification.
    May 18, 2021 |

    I never expected to be writing something like this. I am an ordinary person, recently semi-retired from a career in the pharmaceutical industry and biotech, where I spent over 30 years trying to solve problems of disease understanding and seek new treatments for allergic and inflammatory disorders of lung and skin. I've always been interested in problem solving, so when anything biological comes along, my attention is drawn to it. Come 2020, came SARS-CoV-2. I've written about the pandemic as objectively as I could. The scientific method never leaves a person who trained and worked as a professional scientist. Please do read that piece. My co-authors & I will submit it to the normal rigours of peer review, but that process is slow and many pieces of new science this year have come to attention through pre-print servers and other less conventional outlets.

    While paying close attention to data, we all initially focused on the sad matter of deaths. I found it remarkable that, in discussing the COVID-19 related deaths, most people I spoke to had no idea of large numbers. Asked approximately how many people a year die in the UK in the ordinary course of events, each a personal tragedy, They usually didn't know. I had to inform them it is around 620,000, sometimes less if we had a mild winter, sometimes quite a bit higher if we had a severe 'flu season. I mention this number because we know that around 42,000 people have died with or of COVID-19. While it's a huge number of people, its 'only' 0.06% of the UK population. Its not a coincidence that this is almost the same proportion who have died with or of COVID-19 in each of the heavily infected European countries – for example, Sweden. The annual all-causes mortality of 620,000 amounts to 1,700 per day, lower in summer and higher in winter. That has always been the lot of humans in the temperate zones. So for context, 42,000 is about ~24 days worth of normal mortality. Please know I am not minimising it, just trying to get some perspective on it. Deaths of this magnitude are not uncommon, and can occur in the more severe flu seasons. Flu vaccines help a little, but on only three occasions in the last decade did vaccination reach 50% effectiveness. They're good, but they've never been magic bullets for respiratory viruses. Instead, we have learned to live with such viruses, ranging from numerous common colds all the way to pneumonias which can kill. Medicines and human caring do their best.

    So, to this article. Its about the testing we do with something called PCR, an amplification technique, better known to biologists as a research tool used in our labs, when trying to unpick mechanisms of disease. I was frankly astonished to realise they're sometimes used in population screening for diseases – astonished because it is a very exacting technique, prone to invisible errors and it's quite a tall order to get reliable information out of it, especially because of the prodigious amounts of amplification involved in attempting to pick up a strand of viral genetic code. The test cannot distinguish between a living virus and a short strand of RNA from a virus which broke into pieces weeks or months ago.

    I believe I have identified a serious, really a fatal flaw in the PCR test used in what is called by the UK Government the Pillar 2 screening – that is, testing many people out in their communities. I'm going to go through this with care and in detail because I'm a scientist and dislike where this investigation takes me. I'm not particularly political and my preference is for competent, honest administration over the actual policies chosen. We're a reasonable lot in UK and not much given to extremes. What I'm particularly reluctant about is that, by following the evidence, I have no choice but to show that the Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, misled the House of Commons and also made misleading statements in a radio interview. Those are serious accusations. I know that. I'm not a ruthless person. But I'm writing this anyway, because what I have uncovered is of monumental importance to the health and wellbeing of all the people living in the nation I have always called home.

    Back to the story, and then to the evidence. When the first (and I think, only) wave of COVID-19 hit the UK, I was with almost everyone else in being very afraid. I'm 60 and in reasonable health, but on learning that I had about a 1% additional risk of perishing if I caught the virus, I discovered I was far from ready to go. So, I wasn't surprised or angry when the first lockdown arrived. It must have been a very difficult thing to decide. However, before the first three-week period was over, I'd begun to develop an understanding of what was happening. The rate of infection, which has been calculated to have infected well over 100,000 new people every day around the peak, began to fall, and was declining before lockdown. Infection continued to spread out, at an ever-reducing rate and we saw this in the turning point of daily deaths, at a grim press conference each afternoon. We now know that lockdown made no difference at all to the spread of the virus. We can tell this because the interval between catching the virus and, in those who don't make it, their death is longer than the interval between lockdown and peak daily deaths. There isn't any controversy about this fact, easily demonstrated, but I'm aware some people like to pretend it was lockdown that turned the pandemic, perhaps to justify the extraordinary price we have all paid to do it. That price wasn't just economic. It involved avoidable deaths from diseases other than COVID-19, as medical services were restricted, in order to focus on the virus. Some say that lockdown, directly and indirectly, killed as many as the virus. I don't know. Its not something I've sought to learn. But I mention because interventions in all our lives should not be made lightly. Its not only inconvenience, but real suffering, loss of livelihoods, friendships, anchors of huge importance to us all, that are severed by such acts. We need to be certain that the prize is worth the price. While it is uncertain it was, even for the first lockdown, I too supported it, because we did not know what we faced, and frankly, almost everyone else did it, except Sweden. I am now resolutely against further interventions in what I have become convinced is a fruitless attempt to 'control the virus'. We are, in my opinion – shared by others, some of whom are well placed to assess the situation – closer to the end of the pandemic in terms of deaths, than we are to its middle. I believe we should provide the best protection we can for any vulnerable people, and otherwise cautiously get on with our lives. I think we are all going to get a little more Swedish over time.

    In recent weeks, though, it cannot have escaped anyone's attention that there has been a drum beat which feels for all the world like a prelude to yet more fruitless and damaging restrictions. Think back to mid-summer. We were newly out of lockdown and despite concerns for crowded beaches, large demonstrations, opening of shops and pubs, the main item on the news in relation to COVID-19 was the reassuring and relentless fall in daily deaths. I noticed that, as compared to the slopes of the declining death tolls in many nearby countries, that our slope was too flat. I even mentioned to scientist friends that inferred the presence of some fixed signal that was being mixed up with genuine COVID-19 deaths. Imagine how gratifying it was when the definition of a COVID-19 death was changed to line up with that in other countries and in a heartbeat our declining death toll line became matched with that elsewhere. I was sure it would: what we have experienced and witnessed is a terrible kind of equilibrium. A virus that kills few, then leaves survivors who are almost certainly immune – a virus to which perhaps 30-50% were already immune because it has relatives and some of us have already encountered them – accounts for the whole terrible but also fascinating biological process. There was a very interesting piece in the BMJ in recent days that offers potential support for this contention.

    Now we have learned some of the unusual characteristics of the new virus, better treatments (anti-inflammatory steroids, anti-coagulants and in particular, oxygen masks and not ventilators in the main) the 'case fatality rate' even for the most hard-hit individuals is far lower now than it was six months ago.
    As there is no foundational, medical or scientific literature which tells us to expect a 'second wave', I began to pay more attention to the phrase as it appeared on TV, radio and print media – all on the same day – and has been relentlessly repeated ever since. I was interviewed recently by Julia Hartley-Brewer on her talkRADIO show and on that occasion I called on the Government to disclose to us the evidence upon which they were relying to predict this second wave. Surely they have some evidence? I don't think they do. I searched and am very qualified to do so, drawing on academic friends, and we were all surprised to find that there is nothing at all. The last two novel coronaviruses, Sar (2003) and MERS (2012), were of one wave each. Even the WW1 flu 'waves' were almost certainly a series of single waves involving more than one virus. I believe any second wave talk is pure speculation. Or perhaps it is in a model somewhere, disconnected from the world of evidence to me? It would be reasonable to expect some limited 'resurgence' of a virus given we don't mix like cordial in a glass of water, but in a more lumpy, human fashion. You're most in contact with family, friends and workmates and they are the people with whom you generally exchange colds.

    A long period of imposed restrictions, in addition to those of our ordinary lives did prevent the final few percent of virus mixing with the population. With the movements of holidays, new jobs, visiting distant relatives, starting new terms at universities and schools, that final mixing is under way. It should not be a terrifying process. It happens with every new virus, flu included. It's just that we've never before in our history chased it around the countryside with a technique more suited to the biology lab than to a supermarket car park.

    A very long prelude, but necessary. Part of the 'project fear' that is rather too obvious, involving second waves, has been the daily count of 'cases'. Its important to understand that, according to the infectious disease specialists I've spoken to, the word 'case' has to mean more than merely the presence of some foreign organism. It must present signs (things medics notice) and symptoms (things you notice). And in most so-called cases, those testing positive had no signs or symptoms of illness at all. There was much talk of asymptomatic spreading, and as a biologist this surprised me. In almost every case, a person is symptomatic because they have a high viral load and either it is attacking their body or their immune system is fighting it, generally a mix. I don't doubt there have been some cases of asymptomatic transmission, but I'm confident it is not important.

    That all said, Government decided to call a person a 'case' if their swab sample was positive for viral RNA, which is what is measured in PCR. A person's sample can be positive if they have the virus, and so it should. They can also be positive if they've had the virus some weeks or months ago and recovered. It's faintly possible that high loads of related, but different coronaviruses, which can cause some of the common colds we get, might also react in the PCR test, though it's unclear to me if it does.

    But there's a final setting in which a person can be positive and that's a random process. This may have multiple causes, such as the amplification technique not being perfect and so amplifying the 'bait' sequences placed in with the sample, with the aim of marrying up with related SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA. There will be many other contributions to such positives. These are what are called false positives.

    Think of any diagnostic test a doctor might use on you. The ideal diagnostic test correctly confirms all who have the disease and never wrongly indicates that healthy people have the disease. There is no such test. All tests have some degree of weakness in generating false positives. The important thing is to know how often this happens, and this is called the false positive rate. If 1 in 100 disease-free samples are wrongly coming up positive, the disease is not present, we call that a 1% false positive rate. The actual or operational false positive rate differs, sometimes substantially, under different settings, technical operators, detection methods and equipment. I'm focusing solely on the false positive rate in Pillar 2, because most people do not have the virus (recently around 1 in 1000 people and earlier in summer it was around 1 in 2000 people). It is when the amount of disease, its so-called prevalence, is low that any amount of a false positive rate can be a major problem. This problem can be so severe that unless changes are made, the test is hopelessly unsuitable to the job asked of it. In this case, the test in Pillar 2 was and remains charged with the job of identifying people with the virus, yet as I will show, it is unable to do so.

    Because of the high false positive rate and the low prevalence, almost every positive test, a so-called case, identified by Pillar 2 since May of this year has been a FALSE POSITIVE. Not just a few percent. Not a quarter or even a half of the positives are FALSE, but around 90% of them. Put simply, the number of people Mr Hancock sombrely tells us about is an overestimate by a factor of about ten-fold. Earlier in the summer, it was an overestimate by about 20-fold.

    Let me take you through this, though if you're able to read Prof Carl Heneghan's clearly written piece first, I'm more confident that I'll be successful in explaining this dramatic conclusion to you. (Here is a link to the record of numbers of tests, combining Pillar 1 (hospital) and Pillar 2 (community).)

    Imagine 10,000 people getting tested using those swabs you see on TV. We have a good estimate of the general prevalence of the virus from the ONS, who are wholly independent (from Pillar 2 testing) and are testing only a few people a day, around one per cent of the numbers recently tested in Pillar 2. It is reasonable to assume that most of the time, those being tested do not have symptoms. People were asked to only seek a test if they have symptoms. However, we know from TV news and stories on social media from sampling staff, from stern guidance from the Health Minister and the surprising fact that in numerous locations around the country, the local council is leafleting people's houses, street by street to come and get tested.

    The bottom line is that it is reasonable to expect the prevalence of the virus to be close to the number found by ONS, because they sample randomly, and would pick up symptomatic and asymptomatic people in proportion to their presence in the community. As of the most recent ONS survey, to a first approximation, the virus was found in 1 in every 1000 people. This can also be written as 0.1%. So when all these 10,000 people are tested in Pillar 2, you'd expect 10 true positives to be found (false negatives can be an issue when the virus is very common, but in this community setting, it is statistically unimportant and so I have chosen to ignore it, better to focus only on false positives).

    So, what is the false positive rate of testing in Pillar 2? For months, this has been a concern. It appears that it isn't known, even though as I've mentioned, you absolutely need to know it in order to work out whether the diagnostic test has any value! What do we know about the false positive rate? Well, we do know that the Government's own scientists were very concerned about it, and a report on this problem was sent to SAGE dated June 3rd 2020. I quote: "Unless we understand the operational false positive rate of the UK's RT-PCR testing system, we risk over-estimating the COVID-19 incidence, the demand on track and trace and the extent of asymptomatic infection". In that same report, the authors helpfully listed the lowest to highest false positive rate of dozens of tests using the same technology. The lowest value for false positive rate was 0.8%.

    Allow me to explain the impact of a false positive rate of 0.8% on Pillar 2. We return to our 10,000 people who've volunteered to get tested, and the expected ten with virus (0.1% prevalence or 1:1000) have been identified by the PCR test. But now we've to calculate how many false positives are to accompanying them. The shocking answer is 80. 80 is 0.8% of 10,000. That's how many false positives you'd get every time you were to use a Pillar 2 test on a group of that size.

    The effect of this is, in this example, where 10,000 people have been tested in Pillar 2, could be summarised in a headline like this: "90 new cases were identified today" (10 real positive cases and 80 false positives). But we know this is wildly incorrect. Unknown to the poor technician, there were in this example, only 10 real cases. 80 did not even have a piece of viral RNA in their sample. They are really false positives.

    I'm going to explain how bad this is another way, back to diagnostics. If you'd submitted to a test and it was positive, you'd expect the doctor to tell you that you had a disease, whatever it was testing for. Usually, though, they'll answer a slightly different question: "If the patient is positive in this test, what is the probability they have the disease?" Typically, for a good diagnostic test, the doctor will be able to say something like 95% and you and they can live with that. You might take a different, confirmatory test, if the result was very serious, like cancer. But in our Pillar 2 example, what is the probability a person testing positive in Pillar 2 actually has COVID-19? The awful answer is 11% (10 divided by 80 + 10). The test exaggerates the number of covid-19 cases by almost ten-fold (90 divided by 10). Scared yet? That daily picture they show you, with the 'cases' climbing up on the right-hand side? Its horribly exaggerated. Its not a mistake, as I shall show.

    Earlier in the summer, the ONS showed the virus prevalence was a little lower, 1 in 2000 or 0.05%. That doesn't sound much of a difference, but it is. Now the Pillar 2 test will find half as many real cases from our notional 10,000 volunteers, so 5 real cases. But the flaw in the test means it will still find 80 false positives (0.8% of 10,000). So its even worse. The headline would be "85 new cases identified today". But now the probability a person testing positive has the virus is an absurdly low 6% (5 divided by 80 + 5). Earlier in the summer, this same test exaggerated the number of COVID-19 cases by 17-fold (85 divided by 5). Its so easy to generate an apparently large epidemic this way. Just ignore the problem of false positives. Pretend its zero. But it is never zero.

    This test is fatally flawed and MUST immediately be withdrawn and never used again in this setting unless shown to be fixed. The examples I gave are very close to what is actually happening every day as you read this.

    I'm bound to ask, did Mr Hancock know of this fatal flaw? Did he know of the effect it would inevitably have, and is still having, not only on the reported case load, but the nation's state of anxiety. I'd love to believe it is all an innocent mistake. If it was, though, he'd have to resign over sheer incompetence. But is it? We know that internal scientists wrote to SAGE, in terms, and, surely, this short but shocking warning document would have been drawn to the Health Secretary's attention? If that was the only bit of evidence, you might be inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. But the evidence grows more damning.

    Recently, I published with my co-authors a short Position Paper. I don't think by then, a month ago or so, the penny had quite dropped with me. And I'm an experienced biomedical research scientist, used to dealing with complex datasets and probabilities.

    On September 11th 2020, I was a guest on Julia Hartley-Brewer's talkRADIO show. Among other things, I called upon Mr Hancock to release the evidence underscoring his confidence in and planning for 'the second wave'. This evidence has not yet been shown to the public by anyone. I also demanded he disclose the operational false positive rate in Pillar 2 testing.

    On September 16th, I was back on Julia's show and this time focused on the false positive rate issue (1m 45s – 2min 30s). I had read Carl Heneghan's analysis showing that even if the false positive rate was as low as 0.1%, 8 times lower than any similar test, it still yields a majority of false positives. So, my critique doesn't fall if the actual false positive rate is lower than my assumed 0.8%.

    On September 18th, Mr Hancock again appeared, as often he does, on Julia Hartley-Brewer's show. Julia asked him directly (1min 50s – on) what the false positive rate in Pillar 2 is. Mr Hancock said "It's under 1%". Julia again asked him exactly what it was, and did he even know it? He didn't answer that, but then said "it means that, for all the positive cases, the likelihood of one being a false positive is very small".

    That is a seriously misleading statement as it is incorrect. The likelihood of an apparently positive case being a false positive is between 89-94%, or near-certainty. Of note, even when ONS was recording its lowest-ever prevalence, the positive rate in Pillar 2 testing never fell below 0.8%.

    It gets worse for the Health Secretary. On September the 17th, I believe, Mr Hancock took a question from Sir Desmond Swayne about false positives. It is clear that Sir Desmond is asking about Pillar 2.

    Mr Hancock replied: "I like my right honourable friend very much and I wish it were true. The reason we have surveillance testing, done by ONS, is to ensure that we're constantly looking at a nationally representative sample at what the case rate is. The latest ONS survey, published on Friday, does show a rise consummate (sic) with the increased number of tests that have come back positive."

    He did not answer Sir Desmond's question, but instead answered a question of his choosing. Did the Health Secretary knowingly mislead the House? By referring only to ONS and not even mentioning the false positive rate of the test in Pillar 2 he was, as it were, stealing the garb of ONS's more careful work which has a lower false positive rate, in order to smuggle through the hidden and very much higher, false positive rate in Pillar 2. The reader will have to decide for themselves.

    Pillar 2 testing has been ongoing since May but it's only in recent weeks that it has reached several hundreds of thousands of tests per day. The effect of the day by day climb in the number of people that are being described as 'cases' cannot be overstated. I know it is inducing fear, anxiety and concern for the possibility of new and unjustified restrictions, including lockdowns. I have no idea what Mr Hancock's motivations are. But he has and continues to use the hugely inflated output from a fatally flawed Pillar 2 test and appears often on media, gravely intoning the need for additional interventions (none of which, I repeat, are proven to be effective).

    You will be very familiar with the cases plot which is shown on most TV broadcasts at the moment. It purports to show the numbers of cases which rose then fell in the spring, and the recent rise in cases. This graph is always accompanied by the headline that "so many thousands of new cases were detected in the last 24 hours".

    You should know that there are two major deceptions, in that picture, which combined are very likely both to mislead and to induce anxiety. Its ubiquity indicates that it is a deliberate choice.

    Firstly, it is very misleading in relation to the spring peak of cases. This is because we had no community screening capacity at that time. A colleague has adjusted the plot to show the number of cases we would have detected, had there been a well-behaved community test capability available. The effect is to greatly increase the size of the spring cases peak, because there are very many cases for each hospitalisation and many hospitalisations for every death.

    Secondly, as I hope I have shown and persuaded you, the cases in summer and at present, generated by seriously flawed Pillar 2 tests, should be corrected downwards by around ten-fold.

    I do believe genuine cases are rising somewhat. This is, however, also true for flu, which we neither measure daily nor report on every news bulletin. If we did, you would appreciate that, going forward, it is quite likely that flu is a greater risk to public health than COVID-19. The corrected cases plot (above) does, I believe, put the recent rises in incidence of COVID-19 in a much more reasonable context. I thought you should see that difference before arriving at your own verdict on this sorry tale.

    There are very serious consequences arising from grotesque over-estimation of so-called cases in Pillar 2 community testing, which I believe was put in place knowingly. Perhaps Mr Hancock believes his own copy about the level of risk now faced by the general public? Its not for me to deduce. What this huge over-estimation has done is to have slowed the normalisation of the NHS. We are all aware that access to medical services is, to varying degrees, restricted. Many specialities were greatly curtailed in spring and after some recovery, some are still between a third and a half below their normal capacities. This has led both to continuing delays and growth of waiting lists for numerous operations and treatments. I am not qualified to assess the damage to the nation's and individuals' health as a direct consequence of this extended wait for a second wave. Going into winter with this configuration will, on top of the already restricted access for six months, lead inevitably to a large number of avoidable, non-Covid deaths. That is already a serious enough charge. Less obvious but, in aggregate, additional impacts arise from fear of the virus, inappropriately heightened in my view, which include: damage to or even destruction of large numbers of businesses, especially small businesses, with attendant loss of livelihoods, loss of educational opportunities, strains on family relationships, eating disorders, increasing alcoholism and domestic abuse and even suicides, to name but a few.

    In closing, I wish to note that in the last 40 years alone the UK has had seven official epidemics/pandemics; AIDS, Swine flu, CJD, SARS, MERS, Bird flu as well as annual, seasonal flu. All were very worrying but schools remained open and the NHS treated everybody and most of the population were unaffected. The country would rarely have been open if it had been shut down every time.

    I have explained how a hopelessly-performing diagnostic test has been, and continues to be used, not for diagnosis of disease but, it seems, solely to create fear.

    This misuse of power must cease. All the above costs are on the ledger, too, when weighing up the residual risks to society from COVID-19 and the appropriate actions to take, if any. Whatever else happens, the test used in Pillar 2 must be immediately withdrawn as it provides no useful information. In the absence of vastly inflated case numbers arising from this test, the pandemic would be seen and felt to be almost over.

    Dr Mike Yeadon is the former CSO and VP, Allergy and Respiratory Research Head with Pfizer Global R&D and co-Founder of Ziarco Pharma Ltd.

    chris/irish Bob 3 days ago ,

    so they say. i doubt that seriously. sounds as if the " watch out " that vaccinated can kill you is another ploy to keep fear porn alive.

    Tom Clark chris/irish 3 days ago ,

    Its both...its fear porn and also shedding...according to researchers.

    The National Vaccine Information Center published an important document relevant to this topic titled "The Emerging Risks of Live Virus & Virus Vectored Vaccines: Vaccine Strain Virus Infection, Shedding & Transmission." Pages 34-36 in the section on "Measles, Mumps, Rubella Viruses and Live Attenuated Measles, Mumps, Rubella Viruses" discuss evidence that the MMR vaccine can lead to measles infection and transmission.

    Studies Show that Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease

    The Vaccinated Spreading Measles: WHO, Merck, CDC Documents Confirm

    shedding vaccines studies

    [May 22, 2021] Lysenkoism on the march -- CDC Changes Test Thresholds To Virtually Eliminate New COVID Cases Among Vaxx'd

    May 22, 2021 |

    Authored by Kit Knightly via,

    New policies will artificially deflate "breakthrough infections" in the vaccinated, while the old rules continue to inflate case numbers in the unvaccinated.

    The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) is altering its practices of data logging and testing for "Covid19" in order to make it seem the experimental gene-therapy "vaccines" are effective at preventing the alleged disease.

    They made no secret of this, announcing the policy changes on their website in late April/early May, (though naturally without admitting the fairly obvious motivation behind the change).

    The trick is in their reporting of what they call "breakthrough infections" – that is people who are fully "vaccinated" against Sars-Cov-2 infection, but get infected anyway.

    Essentially, Covid19 has long been shown – to those willing to pay attention – to be an entirely created pandemic narrative built on two key factors:

    1. False-positive tests. The unreliable PCR test can be manipulated into reporting a high number of false-positives by altering the cycle threshold (CT value)

    2. Inflated Case-count. The incredibly broad definition of "Covid case", used all over the world, lists anyone who receives a positive test as a "Covid19 case", even if they never experienced any symptoms .

    Without these two policies, there would never have been an appreciable pandemic at all , and now the CDC has enacted two policy changes which means they no longer apply to vaccinated people.

    Firstly, they are lowering their CT value when testing samples from suspected "breakthrough infections".

    From the CDC's instructions for state health authorities on handling "possible breakthrough infections" (uploaded to their website in late April):

    For cases with a known RT-PCR cycle threshold (Ct) value, submit only specimens with Ct value ≤28 to CDC for sequencing. (Sequencing is not feasible with higher Ct values.)

    Throughout the pandemic, CT values in excess of 35 have been the norm, with labs around the world going into the 40s.

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    Just a Little Froth in the Market 15 hours ago

    They are manipulating the numbers to make it look like only the unvaxxed get infected. That is fraud, and this rogue agency needs to be stopped.

    Enraged 1 hour ago remove link

    The CDC is not an independent government agency, but is actually a subsidiary of Big Pharma.

    The CDC owns patents on at least 57 different vaccines, and profits $4.1 billion per year in vaccination sales.

    There are CDC patents applicable to vaccines for Flu, Rotavirus, Hepatitis A, HIV, Anthrax, Rabies, Dengue fever, West Nile virus, Group A Strep, Pneumococcal disease, Meningococcal disease, RSV, Gastroenteritis, Japanese encephalitis, SARS, Rift Valley Fever, and chlamydophila pneumoniae.

    yerfej 7 hours ago

    People might be starting to get the impression that the federal regime, which owns the media, judiciary, academia, bureaucracy, and big tech, are attempting to manipulate information to increase their power and wealth. The elites have confiscated almost ALL the commoners wealth and now they want the rest of the money and complete and total control. Mao or Stalin would be proud of these fascists.

    LetThemEatRand 17 hours ago

    Imagine living under the rule of a globalist oligarchy that controls the Press. That.

    JakeIsNotFake 14 hours ago remove link

    What is that if not an obvious and deliberate act of deception?

    Well, before 3/20, this would have been a FELONY. Each time a lab provided a patient with KNOWINGLY FALSE test results, the lab and the doctor would have been subject to a 16 month term in the state penitentiary. For each instance.

    Can you imagine getting a positive, terminal prognosis, committing a well deserved murder, and then not dying?

    Oopsie! My bad.

    gregga777 14 hours ago

    Government, and that especially includes the so-called "Scientists" in government service, are Corrupt, Incompetent, Unaccountable and Untrustworthy. The Government's so-called "Scientists," including those funded by Government contracts, are no more trustworthy than politicians.

    PeterLong 14 hours ago

    Sometimes you have no choice. We had to undergo surgical procedures in a hospital and had to get tested a few days before. Whether they use the same parameters for these type cases as for others I don't know. Perhaps they are reluctant to turn away or delay surgical cases for BS reasons and therefore possibly use more realistic standards , but my opinion of the entire medical industry has become so low that I could believe anything. I still wonder about hospital and other medical practices finances concenring this scam. Have they continued to profit somehow despite being shut down in some ways?

    Beebee 1 hour ago (Edited) remove link

    Same here, Peter. Hubby's mother broke her elbow last year. And we had to bring her to tests to do surgery. She was negative. But, afterwards, suddenly, developed lymphoma. Now, I wonder about these tests! The cancer chemo was delayed due to all this stuff. She had so many Covid tests, all negative, and just now completed the chemo rounds. It's not necessary and they do make a profit. She is the only reason we stay here, otherwise we would moved from NY. She's a mess, and I resent the fact the hold-ups are due to testing.

    fewer 36 minutes ago

    Hospitals made tons of money on this. Uncle Sugar pays so much, and the administrators always slice & dice the budget/reports so they seem on the edge of bankruptcy no matter what. Naturally all of this is "debunked" by (((the usual sources))).

    Here's one fact that the "debunkers" deliberately ignore: the feds pay for all the treatment of uninsured C19 patients... including illegals . Normally if an illegal comes to the ED and needs to be admitted, the hospital can't refuse to do that and instead has to eat the cost (well, they pass the cost on to hardworking, insurance having people like you and me, but bear with me).

    If they admit the person for a reason *other* than C19, then the hospital still eats the cost. Now, tell me, what's the incentive here if an illegal comes in with a bunch of comorbidities and needs admission to manage those? What should be recorded as the admitting diagnosis/problem if they can get swabbed for a high Ct PCR test (a meaningless positive result)?

    lasvegaspersona 7 hours ago

    After more than 50 years in medicine, I tell friends and family, 'stay away from us if you can'. Modern medicine is a rats nest of false positive testing and chasing trivial abnormalities on imaging studies.

    The sad part is patients feel relieved when they are told 'nothing was finally found'....this after great expense of time and money.

    spiff 54 minutes ago

    Caught Red-Handed

    Yes, define "Caught". I have a feeling life will continue without consequences for the perpetrator of this fraud, or even your average person knowing about it.

    _triplesix_ 14 hours ago

    CDC, FBI, CIA, DHS, NIH, EPA, DOE...shall I go on?

    Drater 6 hours ago


    JakeIsNotFake 13 hours ago

    CDC is .gov. As an NGO, (funded by 99% .gov and 1% phony donations), the CDC can legally, (not honestly), claim they are just an advisory body.

    While noteing the distinction, please pay attention to the language: Mask mandate, guidelines, advisories are NOT laws. Just like travel advisories, protocols, and best practice. These are all weasel words. And totally unenforceable.

    snatchpounder PREMIUM 9 hours ago

    Everything is rigged, this plandemic, elections, markets you name it because when there's currency to be made you'll always have someone more than willing to do it. Big pharma is making a killing literally in this case and tax slaves paid for the gene therapy shots creation. And all the rubes who took the shot will pay much more than just currency for their naivety.

    archipusz 11 hours ago

    We can speculate all we want about what the agenda is of the CDC.

    But what we know is that it has nothing to do with the truth or our health.

    Enraged 1 hour ago remove link

    The CDC is not an independent government agency, but is actually a subsidiary of Big Pharma.

    The CDC owns patents on at least 57 different vaccines, and profits $4.1 billion per year in vaccination sales.

    There are CDC patents applicable to vaccines for Flu, Rotavirus, Hepatitis A, HIV, Anthrax, Rabies, Dengue fever, West Nile virus, Group A Strep, Pneumococcal disease, Meningococcal disease, RSV, Gastroenteritis, Japanese encephalitis, SARS, Rift Valley Fever, and chlamydophila pneumoniae.

    paranoid.dragon 8 hours ago

    amazing they do not even try to hide the deception.

    but reporting on such deception will have one labeled a "conspiracy theorist", and the FBI classifies "conspiracy theorists" as "domestic terrorists".

    That's right, re-stating publicly available comments and policies of government agencies and officials will have you branded as a domestic terrorist.

    And the "intellectuals" in the media, academia, and "think-tanks" have abandoned all logic and common sense to serve their masters in the government and big pharma.

    history will not forget.

    smacker 12 hours ago

    Very good article which rightly exposes the CDC and all those around it for being utterly corrupt and are perpetrating a fake pandemic with sinister objectives.

    crazzziecanuck 11 hours ago

    You realize, it's Putin's fault. Putin can rig a presidential election, it's child's play for him to manipulate the CDC to do his evil bidding.

    Everything is Putin's fault: Trump, COVID, 737 Max crashes, slavery, crucifixion of Christ, the end of the dinosaurs, and so on.

    archipusz 13 hours ago

    Notice how Rand Paul will argue with Fauci about policy over when we should wear a mask, BUT WILL NOT DARE ASK THEM WHY THEY HAVE, AND ARE, COMMITTING CRIMINAL FRAUD WITH THE PCR TESTING?

    Demystified 2 hours ago

    It's a rigged game, a scam. These people are so dishonest, and intent on falsifying Covid test results by applying different standards for vaccinated and unvaccinated people? They are perpetuating a fraud on the people.

    You have to be brain dead to not see what they are doing.

    Robert De Zero 3 hours ago remove link

    This is so evil. Medicalized dictatorship, supported by propaganda media, is here.

    Alien 851 4 hours ago

    This is NEWS??? Are you kidding?

    It was March 2020 when they changed the rules on reporting of Covid deaths to run the count as high as possible. It is still used in fear headlines today! How about wildly fluctuation "new cases" that seem to totally respect state borders...?

    For God's sake, wake the hell up!!!!

    In March, the CDC redefined what is to be reported by Medical Examiners in the US. One of them gave examples of Covid Death cases reporting criteria:

    "The case definition is very simplistic," Dr. Ngozi Ezike, director of Illinois Department of Public Health, explains. "It means, at the time of death, it was a COVID positive diagnosis. That means, that if you were in hospice and had already been given a few weeks to live, and then you also were found to have COVID, that would be counted as a COVID death. It means, technically even if you died of clear alternative cause, but you had COVID at the same time, it's still listed as a COVID death."

    [May 15, 2021] COVID Deaths Plummet As Excess Mortality Falls To Pre-Pandemic Levels - ZeroHedge

    May 15, 2021 |

    MAY 15, 2021

    Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

    In any given year during the past decade in the United States, more than 2.5 million Americans have died - from all causes.

    The number has grown in recent years, climbing from 2.59 million in 2013 to 2.85 million in 2019. This has been due partially to the US's aging population, and also due to rising obesity levels and drug overdoses . In fact, since 2010, growth rates in total deaths has exceeded population growth in every year.

    In 2020, preliminary numbers suggest a jump of more than 17 percent in all-cause total deaths, rising from 2.85 million in 2019 to 3.35 million in 2020.

    The increase was not all due to covid. At least one-quarter to one-third appear to be from other causes. In some cases, more than half of "excess deaths" were attributed to "underlying causes " other than covid. But whether due to untreated medical conditions (thanks to covid lockdowns), or drug overdoses, or homicides, total death increased in 2020. In other words, total excess mortality is a partial proxy for covid deaths. Whatever proportion of total deaths covid cases may comprise, it stands to reason that if total deaths decline, then covid deaths are declining also. Moreover, looking at total deaths helps cut through any controversies over whether or not deaths are properly attributed to covid.

    What has been the trend with these "excess deaths" in recent months?

    Well, according to data through mid-March reported by Our World in Data and by the Human Mortality Database, excess mortality began to plummet in early January and is now back to levels below the 2015-2019 average:

    Excess mortality peaked the week of January 3 and then it began to collapse, dropping back to summer 2020 levels by mid February. By March 14, excess mortality was at 1 percent above the 2015-2019 average. All this occurred even as very few Americans were vaccinated. When excess deaths began to drop, less than one percent of Americans had been fully vaccinated . At the end of January, less than tw o percent of Americans had been fully vaccinated. By the end of March, when excess mortality returned to 2019 levels, 15 percent of the population had been fully vaccinated.

    As of May 11, only one-third of Americans had been fully vaccinated, although "experts" insist 60 to 70 percent of the population must be vaccinated before we can expect to see a drop-off in deaths like that which occurred earlier this year.

    Yet, as of the week of March 22 -- excess mortality was below both the 2015-2019 average and below the total for the last year before the official beginning of the covid pandemic (2019).

    It's likely these facts won't stop "public health" bureaucrats from continuing to insist that another "wave" of covid deaths and cases is right around the corner. These activists have many strategies for pushing vaccine passports, mask mandates, and even continual precautionary business closures. They'll tell us that new covid variants are sweeping the globe. This is what they were saying in January, for instance, when Vox was telling us it was too dangerous to even visit the grocery store . At least one expert in late January warned us that the coming weeks would be " the darkest weeks of the pandemic ."

    It's now clear such predictions were spectacularly wrong. By late January, totals deaths were already in precipitous decline.

    But what about the lag in data? We're only looking at data up to mid-March because it tends to take several weeks for estimates of total deaths to become reasonably reliable. Yes, that data shows a big drop off. But what about the numbers for April and May? Should we expect those death totals to surge again with a promised "fourth wave" of new covid death?

    If we consider the more recent case and death totals attributed to covid, we see few signs of a new surge.

    Although Anthony Fauci and other government employed technocrats have been unable to provide any explanation at all for it , the fact remains that months after Texas and Florida and Georgia have either abolished or greatly scaled back all social-distancing and mask mandates, cases and deaths are generally declining, and total deaths per million (attributed to covid) remain below what we've seen in states with severe lockdowns.

    The trend in the United States overall is similar. Indeed, it appears that nearly all states have seen sizable drops in both cases and deaths, regardless of the mask or social-distancing policies in place.

    Notably, it's only in recent weeks that "CDC guidelines" are beginning to admit the reality. It wasn't until April 26 that the CDC declared that fully vaccinated Americans are allowed to venture outside without masks on . The CDC states these "recommendations" unironically as if it weren't the case that most Americans -- outside of true-believer hotspots like San Francisco and Chicago -- stopped wearing masks outside a long time ago. The hermetically sealed world of government employees and corporate journalists appears unaware that at least half the country pretty much went back to normal last fall.

    So now what?

    The technocrats know that they need to keep pressing hard for more de facto vaccine mandates -- pushed mostly by corporate America for low-risk younger populations. Most Americans can already see that covid numbers are already in decline in spite of months of Americans flouting mask mandates and social distancing guidelines. People can see that children -- an increasing number of whom are returning to schools -- aren't a significant factor in the spread of disease. So it will be important for the regime to push vaccines for children more aggressively before people stop listening to the "experts" completely.

    Don't expect the regime to admit it has been wrong about anything. If anything, it will double down on the usual narrative. It's worked pretty well so far.

    man_hammer 2 minutes ago (Edited) remove link

    What excess death rate ?

    2020 8.9 1.19 %

    2019 8.8 1.29 %

    2018 8.7 1.35 %

    2017 8.6 1.37 %

    2016 8.5 1.31 %

    2015 8.4 1.21 %

    2014 8.3 1.02 %

    2013 8.2 0.82 %

    2012 8.1 0.54 %

    Net increase of deaths is zero

    alexcojones 1 hour ago remove link

    Covidiots (noun)

    So-called experts, pseudo scientists, and fake media pundits were on TV, comparing Covid-19 to the Spanish Flu of 1918 when the lockdowns began. Compare:
    The so-called Spanish Flu of 1918: Went from February 1918 to April 1920 or 26 months. It killed an estimated 50 million war-weakened people in a world with a then population of 1.8 billion.

    If we adjusted for the world population increase and for Covid-19 to be as deadly as the Spanish Flu, C-19 would have killed roughly 216 million people (50 million x 4.3 to offset for the increase of population = 216 million).
    At present and using population increase it appears that Covid-19 is only 1% as deadly as the Spanish Flu. Even if not adjusting for the massive population increase its still only about 4.2% as deadly as the Spanish Flu.

    Plandemic or Scamdemic, you choose

    JaxPavan 1 hour ago

    Take a look at the CDC total death figures for 2020. It's the only year they publish CDC "predictions" instead of what the states actually reported. That's right, CDC is "predicting" the past in 2020. Fact is the real overall mortality probably didn't budge much in 2020.

    Lying sacks of excrement.

    2thelastman 8 minutes ago

    I wouldn't believe anything "science" tells us any longer. Throw all the charts at me you want to, you've lied so often about so much so completely that you have zero credibility left. None, nada, nicto.

    The communists have accomplished that much.

    [May 14, 2021] Wuhan Mistake (Honest Mistake Parody) - Louder With Crowder

    May 14, 2021 |

    Cathy Snyder , 11 months ago

    That was pretty excellent...loved the little clips of President Trump saying "China" and "Chinese"! The media's reactions are priceless!

    Thong Slapping V8 , 11 months ago

    The Crowder team has some serious musical talent

    Shadow Banned , 11 months ago

    I would love to see a "HOTEL CHINAFORNIA" parody!

    XSquibX , 1 month ago

    Where I keep a bio lab
    Next to wet markets
    That's how we do
    But this time
    Something just escaped
    And I just wanted to
    Just I thought you'd wanna know
    Oops my bad
    I swear I never meant for this
    I never meant
    Don't look at me that way
    It was a Chinese mistake
    Don't look at me that way
    It was a Chinese mistake
    An honest mistake
    When I'm in the lab
    I F up
    And pathogens get away
    Chinese flu
    I swear I never meant for this
    I never meant
    Don't look at me that way
    It was a Chinese mistake
    Don't look at me that way
    It was a Chinese mistake
    An honest mistake
    Don't look at me that way
    It was a Chinese mistake 
    Don't look at me that way
    It was a Chinese mistake

    [May 13, 2021] CDC slaps Fauci face: Fully Vaccinated People Can Stop Wearing Face Masks, Physical Distancing in Most Settings by Brianna Abbott

    May 13, 2021 |

    People who have been fully vaccinated should still follow precautions in doctor's offices, airports, nursing homes, the agency recommends

    Fully vaccinated people don't need to wear a mask or physically distance during outdoor or indoor activities, large or small, federal health officials said, the broadest easing of pandemic recommendations so far.

    The fully vaccinated should continue to wear a mask while traveling by plane, bus or train, and the guidance doesn't apply to certain places like hospitals, nursing homes and prisons, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday.

    The fully protected can, however, resume doing many of the things they had to give up due to the pandemic, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said.

    "We have all longed for this moment, when we can get back to some sense of normalcy," Dr. Walensky said. "That moment has come for those who are fully vaccinated."

    The CDC considers people fully vaccinated either two weeks after receiving their second dose of an mRNA vaccine, such as the one from Pfizer Inc. PFE 1.03% and partner BioNTech SE or Moderna Inc., MRNA -1.84% or two weeks after getting the single-shot vaccine from Johnson & Johnson .

    [May 11, 2021] The German Corona Investigation. -The PCR Pandemic

    May 11, 2021 |

    First published in October 2020

    The German Corona Investigative Committee has taken testimony from a large number of international scientists and experts since July 10, 2020.

    Scroll down for the Video and Full Transcript of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich 's presentation.

    Their conclusions are the following:

    Full Transcript

    Hello. I am Reiner Fuellmich and I have been admitted to the Bar in Germany and in California for 26 years. I have been practicing law primarily as a trial lawyer against fraudulent corporations such as Deutsche Bank, formerly one of the world's largest and most respected banks, today one of the most toxic criminal organizations in the world; VW, one of the world's largest and most respected car manufacturers, today notorious for its giant diesel fraud; and Kuehne and Nagel, the world's largest shipping company. We're suing them in a multi-million-dollar bribery case.

    I'm also one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee. Since July 10, 2020, this Committee has been listening to a large number of international scientists' and experts' testimony to find answers to questions about the corona crisis, which more and more people worldwide are asking. All the above-mentioned cases of corruption and fraud committed by the German corporations pale in comparison in view of the extent of the damage that the corona crisis has caused and continues to cause.

    This corona crisis, according to all we know today, must be renamed a "Corona Scandal" and those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil damages. On a political level, everything must be done to make sure that no one will ever again be in a position of such power as to be able to defraud humanity or to attempt to manipulate us with their corrupt agendas. And for this reason I will now explain to you how and where an international network of lawyers will argue this biggest tort case ever, the corona fraud scandal, which has meanwhile unfolded into probably the greatest crime against humanity ever committed.

    Crimes against humanity were first defined in connection with the Nuremberg trials after World War II, that is, when they dealt with the main war criminals of the Third Reich. Crimes against humanity are today regulated in section 7 of the International Criminal Code. The three major questions to be answered in the context of a judicial approach to the corona scandal are:

    1. Is there a corona pandemic or is there only a PCR-test pandemic? Specifically, does a positive PCR-test result mean that the person tested is infected with Covid-19, or does it mean absolutely nothing in connection with the Covid-19 infection?
    2. Do the so-called anti-corona measures, such as the lockdown, mandatory face masks, social distancing, and quarantine regulations, serve to protect the world's population from corona, or do these measures serve only to make people panic so that they believe – without asking any questions – that their lives are in danger, so that in the end the pharmaceutical and tech industries can generate huge profits from the sale of PCR tests, antigen and antibody tests and vaccines, as well as the harvesting of our genetic fingerprints?
    3. Is it true that the German government was massively lobbied, more so than any other country, by the chief protagonists of this so-called corona pandemic, Mr. Drosten, virologist at charity hospital in Berlin; Mr. Wieler, veterinarian and head of the German equivalent of the CDC, the RKI; and Mr. Tedros, Head of the World Health Organization or WHO; because Germany is known as a particularly disciplined country and was therefore to become a role model for the rest of the world for its strict and, of course, successful adherence to the corona measures?

    Answers to these three questions are urgently needed because the allegedly new and highly dangerous coronavirus has not caused any excess mortality anywhere in the world, and certainly not here in Germany. But the anti-corona measures, whose only basis are the PCR-test results, which are in turn all based on the German Drosten test, have, in the meantime, caused the loss of innumerable human lives and have destroyed the economic existence of countless companies and individuals worldwide. In Australia, for example, people are thrown into prison if they do not wear a mask or do not wear it properly, as deemed by the authorities. In the Philippines, people who do not wear a mask or do not wear it properly, in this sense, are getting shot in the head.

    Let me first give you a summary of the facts as they present themselves today. The most important thing in a lawsuit is to establish the facts – that is, to find out what actually happened. That is because the application of the law always depends on the facts at issue. If I want to prosecute someone for fraud, I cannot do that by presenting the facts of a car accident. So what happened here regarding the alleged corona pandemic?

    The facts laid out below are, to a large extent, the result of the work of the Corona Investigative Committee. This Committee was founded on July 10, 2020 by four lawyers in order to determine, through hearing expert testimony of international scientists and other experts:

    1. How dangerous is the virus really?
    2. What is the significance of a positive PCR test?
    3. What collateral damage has been caused by the corona measures, both with respect to the world population's health, and with respect to the world's economy?

    Let me start with a little bit of background information. What happened in May 2019 and then in early 2020? And what happened 12 years earlier with the swine flu, which many of you may have forgotten about? In May 2019, the stronger of the two parties which govern Germany in a grand coalition, the CDU, held a Congress on Global Health, apparently at the instigation of important players from the pharmaceutical industry and the tech industry. At this Congress, the usual suspects, you might say, gave their speeches. Angela Merkel was there, and the German Secretary of Health, Jens Spahn. But, some other people, whom one would not necessarily expect to be present at such a gathering, were also there: Professor Drosten, virologist from the Charite hospital in Berlin; Professor Wieler, veterinarian and Head of the RKI, the German equivalent of the CDC; as well as Mr. Tedros, philosopher and Head of the World Health Organization (WHO). They all gave speeches there. Also present and giving speeches were the chief lobbyists of the world's two largest health funds, namely the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust. Less than a year later, these very people called the shots in the proclamation of the worldwide corona pandemic, made sure that mass PCR tests were used to prove mass infections with Covid-19 all over the world, and are now pushing for vaccines to be invented and sold worldwide.

    T hese infections, or rather the positive test results that the PCR tests delivered, in turn became the justification for worldwide lockdowns, social distancing and mandatory face masks. It is important to note at this point that the definition of a pandemic was changed 12 years earlier. Until then, a pandemic was considered to be a disease that spread worldwide and which led to many serious illnesses and deaths. Suddenly, and for reasons never explained, it was supposed to be a worldwide disease only . Many serious illnesses and many deaths were not required any more to announce a pandemic. Due to this change, the WHO, which is closely intertwined with the global pharmaceutical industry, was able to declare the swine flu pandemic in 2009, with the result that vaccines were produced and sold worldwide on the basis of contracts that have been kept secret until today.

    These vaccines proved to be completely unnecessary because the swine flu eventually turned out to be a mild flu, and never became the horrific plague that the pharmaceutical industry and its affiliated universities kept announcing it would turn into, with millions of deaths certain to happen if people didn't get vaccinated. These vaccines also led to serious health problems. About 700 children in Europe fell incurably ill with narcolepsy and are now forever severely disabled. The vaccines bought with millions of taxpayers' money had to be destroyed with even more taxpayers' money. Already then, during the swine flu, the German virologist Drosten was one of those who stirred up panic in the population, repeating over and over again that the swine flu would claim many hundreds of thousands, even millions of deaths all over the world. In the end, it was mainly thanks to Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and his efforts as a member of the German Bundestag, and also a member of the Council of Europe, that this hoax was brought to an end before it would lead to even more serious consequences.

    Fast forward to March of 2020, when the German Bundestag announced an Epidemic Situation of National Importance, which is the German equivalent of a pandemic in March of 2020 and, based on this, the lockdown with the suspension of all essential constitutional rights for an unforeseeable time, there was only one single opinion on which the Federal Government in Germany based its decision. In an outrageous violation of the universally accepted principle " audiatur et altera pars ", which means that one must also hear the other side, the only person they listened to was Mr. Drosten.

    That is the very person whose horrific, panic-inducing prognoses had proved to be catastrophically false 12 years earlier. We know this because a whistleblower named David Sieber, a member of the Green Party, told us about it. He did so first on August 29, 2020 in Berlin, in the context of an event at which Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. also took part, and at which both men gave speeches. And he did so afterwards in one of the sessions of our Corona Committee.

    The reason he did this is that he had become increasingly sceptical about the official narrative propagated by politicians and the mainstream media. He had therefore undertaken an effort to find out about other scientists' opinions and had found them on the Internet. There, he realized that there were a number of highly renowned scientists who held a completely different opinion, which contradicted the horrific prognoses of Mr. Drosten. They assumed – and still do assume – that there was no disease that went beyond the gravity of the seasonal flu, that the population had already acquired cross- or T-cell immunity against this allegedly new virus, and that there was therefore no reason for any special measures, and certainly not for vaccinations.

    These scientists include Professor John Ioannidis of Stanford University in California, a specialist in statistics and epidemiology, as well as public health, and at the same time the most quoted scientist in the world; Professor Michael Levitt, Nobel prize-winner for chemistry and also a biophysicist at Stanford University; the German professors Kary Mölling, Sucharit Bhakti, Klud Wittkowski, as well as Stefan Homburg; and now many, many more scientists and doctors worldwide, including Dr. Mike Yeadon. Dr. Mike Yeadon is the former Vice-President and Scientific Director of Pfizer, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. I will talk some more about him a little later.

    The Covid-19 Numbers Game: The "Second Wave" is Based on Fake Statistics

    At the end of March, beginning of April of 2020, Mr. Sieber turned to the leadership of his Green Party with the knowledge he had accumulated, and suggested that they present these other scientific opinions to the public and explain that, contrary to Mr. Drosten's doomsday prophecies, there was no reason for the public to panic. Incidentally, Lord Sumption, who served as a judge at the British supreme court from 2012 to 2018, had done the very same thing at the very same time and had come to the very same conclusion: that there was no factual basis for panic and no legal basis for the corona measures. Likewise, the former President of the German federal constitutional court expressed – albeit more cautiously – serious doubts that the corona measures were constitutional. But instead of taking note of these other opinions and discussing them with David Sieber, the Green Party leadership declared that Mr. Drosten's panic messages were good enough for the Green Party. Remember, they're not a member of the ruling coalition; they're the opposition. Still, that was enough for them, just as it had been good enough for the Federal Government as a basis for its lockdown decision, they said. They subsequently, the Green Party leadership called David Sieber a conspiracy theorist, without ever having considered the content of his information, and then stripped him of his mandates.

    Now let's take a look at the current actual situation regarding the virus's danger, the complete uselessness of PCR tests for the detection of infections, and the lockdowns based on non-existent infections. In the meantime, we know that the health care systems were never in danger of becoming overwhelmed by Covid-19. On the contrary, many hospitals remain empty to this day and some are now facing bankruptcy. The hospital ship Comfort , which anchored in New York at the time, and could have accommodated a thousand patients, never accommodated more than some 20 patients. Nowhere was there any excess mortality. Studies carried out by Professor Ioannidis and others have shown that the mortality of corona is equivalent to that of the seasonal flu. Even the pictures from Bergamo and New York that were used to demonstrate to the world that panic was in order proved to be deliberately misleading.

    Then, the so-called "Panic Paper" was leaked, which was written by the German Department of the Interior. Its classified content shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that, in fact, the population was deliberately driven to panic by politicians and mainstream media. The accompanying irresponsible statements of the Head of the RKI – remember the [German] CDC – Mr. Wieler, who repeatedly and excitedly announced that the corona measures must be followed unconditionally by the population without them asking any question, shows that that he followed the script verbatim. In his public statements, he kept announcing that the situation was very grave and threatening, although the figures compiled by his own Institute proved the exact opposite.

    Among other things, the "Panic Paper" calls for children to be made to feel responsible – and I quote – "for the painful tortured death of their parents and grandparents if they do not follow the corona rules", that is, if they do not wash their hands constantly and don't stay away from their grandparents. A word of clarification: in Bergamo, the vast majority of deaths, 94% to be exact, turned out to be the result not of Covid-19, but rather the consequence of the government deciding to transfer sick patients, sick with probably the cold or seasonal flu, from hospitals to nursing homes in order to make room at the hospitals for all the Covid patients, who ultimately never arrived. There, at the nursing homes, they then infected old people with a severely weakened immune system, usually as a result of pre-existing medical conditions. In addition, a flu vaccination, which had previously been administered, had further weakened the immune systems of the people in the nursing homes. In New York, only some, but by far not all hospitals were overwhelmed. Many people, most of whom were again elderly and had serious pre-existing medical conditions, and most of whom, had it not been for the panic-mongering, would have just stayed at home to recover, raced to the hospitals. There, many of them fell victim to healthcare-associated infections (or nosocomial infections) on the one hand, and incidents of malpractice on the other hand, for example, by being put on a respirator rather than receiving oxygen through an oxygen mask. Again, to clarify: Covid-19, this is the current state of affairs, is a dangerous disease, just like the seasonal flu is a dangerous disease. And of course, Covid-19, just like the seasonal flu, may sometimes take take a severe clinical course and will sometimes kill patients.

    However, as autopsies have shown, which were carried out in Germany in particular, by the forensic scientist Professor Klaus Püschel in Hamburg, the fatalities he examined had almost all been caused by serious pre-existing conditions, and almost all of the people who had died had died at the very at a very old age, just like in Italy, meaning they had lived beyond their average life expectancy.

    In this context, the following should also be mentioned: the German RKI – that is, again the equivalent of the CDC – had initially, strangely enough, recommended that no autopsies be performed. And there are numerous credible reports that doctors and hospitals worldwide had been paid money for declaring a deceased person a victim of Covid-19 rather than writing down the true cause of death on the death certificate, for example a heart attack or a gunshot wound. Without the autopsies, we would never know that the overwhelming majority of the alleged Covid-19 victims had died of completely different diseases, but not of Covid-19. The assertion that the lockdown was necessary because there were so many different infections with SARS-COV-2, and because the healthcare systems would be overwhelmed is wrong for three reasons, as we have learned from the hearings we conducted with the Corona Committee, and from other data that has become available in the meantime:

    A. The lockdown was imposed when the virus was already retreating. By the time the lockdown was imposed, the alleged infection rates were already dropping again.

    B. There's already protection from the virus because of cross- or T-cell immunity. Apart from the above mentioned lockdown being imposed when the infection rates were already dropping, there is also cross- or T-cell immunity in the general population against the corona viruses contained in every flu or influenza wave. This is true, even if this time around, a slightly different strain of the coronavirus was at work. And that is because the body's own immune system remembers every virus it has ever battled in the past, and from this experience, it also recognizes a supposedly new, but still similar, strain of the virus from the corona family. Incidentally, that's how the PCR test for the detection of an infection was invented by now infamous Professor Drosten.

    At the beginning of January of 2020, based on this very basic knowledge, Mr. Drosten developed his PCR test, which supposedly detects an infection with SARS-COV-2, without ever having seen the real Wuhan virus from China, only having learned from social media reports that there was something going on in Wuhan, he started tinkering on his computer with what would become his corona PCR test. For this, he used an old SARS virus, hoping it would be sufficiently similar to the allegedly new strain of the coronavirus found in Wuhan. Then, he sent the result of his computer tinkering to China to determine whether the victims of the alleged new coronavirus tested positive. They did.

    And that was enough for the World Health Organization to sound the pandemic alarm and to recommend the worldwide use of the Drosten PCR test for the detection of infections with the virus now called SARS-COV-2. Drosten's opinion and advice was – this must be emphasized once again – the only source for the German government when it announced the lockdown as well as the rules for social distancing and the mandatory wearing of masks. And – this must also be emphasized once again – Germany apparently became the center of especially massive lobbying by the pharmaceutical and tech industry because the world, with reference to the allegedly disciplined Germans, should do as the Germans do in order to survive the pandemic.

    C. And this is the most important part of our fact-finding: the PCR test is being used on the basis of false statements, NOT based on scientific facts with respect to infections . In the meantime, we have learned that these PCR tests, contrary to the assertions of Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and the WHO, do NOT give any indication of an infection with any virus, let alone an infection with SARS-COV-2. Not only are PCR tests expressly not approved for diagnostic purposes, as is correctly noted on leaflets coming with these tests, and as the inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, has repeatedly emphasized. Instead, they're simply incapable of diagnosing any disease. That is: contrary to the assertions of Drosten, Wieler and the WHO, which they have been making since the proclamation of the pandemic, a positive PCR-test result does not mean that an infection is present. If someone tests positive, it does NOT mean that they're infected with anything, let alone with the contagious SARS-COV-2 virus.

    Even the United States CDC, even this institution agrees with this, and I quote directly from page 38 of one of its publications on the coronavirus and the PCR tests, dated July 13, 2020. First bullet point says:

    " Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019 nCOV [novel coronavirus ] is the causative agent for clinical symptoms ."

    Second bullet point says:

    " The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019 nCOV infection ." Third bullet point says: " This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens ."

    It is still not clear whether there has ever been a scientifically correct isolation of the Wuhan virus , so that nobody knows exactly what we're looking for when we test, especially since this virus, just like the flu viruses, mutates quickly. The PCR swabs take one or two sequences of a molecule that are invisible to the human eye and therefore need to be amplified in many cycles to make it visible . Everything over 35 cycles is – as reported by the New York Times and others – considered completely unreliable and scientifically unjustifiable. However, the Drosten test, as well as the WHO-recommended tests that followed his example, are set to 45 cycles. Can that be because of the desire to produce as many positive results as possible and thereby provide the basis for the false assumption that a large number of infections have been detected?

    The test cannot distinguish inactive and reproductive matter. That means that a positive result may happen because the test detects, for example, a piece of debris, a fragment of a molecule, which may signal nothing else than that the immune system of the person tested won a battle with a common cold in the past. Even Drosten himself declared in an interview with a German business magazine in 2014, at that time concerning the alleged detection of an infection with the MERS virus, allegedly with the help of the PCR test, that these PCR tests are so highly sensitive that even very healthy and non-infectious people may test positive . At that time, he also became very much aware of the powerful role of a panic and fear-mongering media, as you'll see at the end of the following quote. He said then, in this interview: " If, for example, such a pathogen scurries over the nasal mucosa of a nurse for a day or so without her getting sick or noticing anything, then she's suddenly a MERS case. This could also explain the explosion of case numbers in Saudi Arabia. In addition, the media there have made this into an incredible sensation ."

    Has he forgotten this? Or is he deliberately concealing this in the corona context because corona is a very lucrative business opportunity for the pharmaceutical industry as a whole? And for Mr. Alford Lund, his co-author in many studies and also a PCR-test producer. In my view, it is completely implausible that he forgot in 2020 what he knew about the PCR tests and told the business magazine in 2014.

    In short, this test cannot detect any infection, contrary to all false claims stating that it can. An infection, a so-called "hot" infection, requires that the virus, or rather a fragment of a molecule which may be a virus, is not just found somewhere, for example, in the throat of a person without causing any damage – that would be a "cold" infection. Rather, a "hot" infection requires that the virus penetrates into the cells, replicates there and causes symptoms such as headaches or a sore throat. Only then is a person really infected in the sense of a "hot" infection, because only then is a person contagious, that is, able to infect others. Until then, it is completely harmless for both the host and all other people that the host comes into contact with.

    Once again, this means that positive test results, contrary to all other claims by Drosten, Wieler, or the WHO , mean nothing with respect to infections, as even the CDC knows, as quoted above.

    Meanwhile, a number of highly respected scientists worldwide assume that there has never been a corona pandemic, but only a PCR-test pandemic . This is the conclusion reached by many German scientists, such as professors Bhakti, Reiss, Mölling, Hockertz, Walach and many others, including the above-mentioned Professor John Ioannidis, and the Nobel laureate, Professor Michael Levitt from Stanford University.

    The most recent such opinion is that of the aforementioned Dr. Mike Yeadon , a former Vice-President and Chief Science Officer at Pfizer, who held this position for 16 years. He and his co-authors, all well-known scientists, published a scientific paper in September of 2020 and he wrote a corresponding magazine article on September 20, 2020. Among other things, he and they state – and I quote:

    " We're basing our government policy, our economic policy, and the policy of restricting fundamental rights, presumably on completely wrong data and assumptions about the coronavirus. If it weren't for the test results that are constantly reported in the media, the pandemic would be over because nothing really happened. Of course, there are some serious individual cases of illness, but there are also some in every flu epidemic. There was a real wave of disease in March and April, but since then, everything has gone back to normal. Only the positive results rise and sink wildly again and again, depending on how many tests are carried out. But the real cases of illnesses are over. There can be no talk of a second wave. The allegedly new strain of the coronavirus is "

    – Dr. Yeadon continues –

    " only new in that it is a new type of the long-known corona virus. There are at least four coronaviruses that are endemic and cause some of the common colds we experience, especially in winter. They all have a striking sequence similarity to the coronavirus, and because the human immune system recognizes the similarity to the virus that has now allegedly been newly discovered, a T-cell immunity has long existed in this respect. 30 per cent of the population had this before the allegedly new virus even appeared. Therefore, it is sufficient for the so-called herd immunity that 15 to 25 per cent of the population are infected with the allegedly new coronavirus to stop the further spread of the virus. And this has long been the case ."

    Regarding the all-important PCR tests, Yeadon writes, in a piece called " Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics: The Deadly Danger of False Positives ", dated September 20, 2020, and I quote

    " The likelihood of an apparently positive case being a false positive is between 89 to 94 per cent, or near certainty ."

    Dr. Yeadon, in agreement with the professors of immunology Kamera from Germany, Kappel from the Netherlands, and Cahill from Ireland, as well as the microbiologist Dr. Arve from Austria, all of whom testified before the German Corona Committee, explicitly points out that a positive test does not mean that an intact virus has been found.

    The authors explain that what the PCR test actually measures is – and I quote:

    " Simply the presence of partial RNA sequences present in the intact virus, which could be a piece of dead virus, which cannot make the subject sick, and cannot be transmitted, and cannot make anyone else sick ."

    Because of the complete unsuitability of the test for the detection of infectious diseases – tested positive in goats, sheep, papayas and even chicken wings – Oxford Professor Carl Heneghan, Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, writes that the Covid virus would never disappear if this test practice were to be continued, but would always be falsely detected in much of what is tested. Lockdowns, as Yeadon and his colleagues found out, do not work. Sweden, with its laissez-faire approach, and Great Britain, with its strict lockdown, for example, have completely comparable disease and mortality statistics. The same was found by US scientists concerning the different US states. It makes no difference to the incidence of disease whether a state implements a lockdown or not.

    With regard to the now infamous Imperial College of London's Professor Neil Ferguson and his completely false computer models warning of millions of deaths, he says that – and I quote: " No serious scientist gives any validity to Ferguson's model." He points out with thinly veiled contempt – again I quote:

    " It's important that you know, most scientists don't accept that it " – that is, Ferguson's model – " was even faintly right. But the government is still wedded to the model ." Ferguson predicted 40 thousand corona deaths in Sweden by May and 100 thousand by June, but it remained at 5,800 which, according to the Swedish authorities, is equivalent to a mild flu. If the PCR tests had not been used as a diagnostic tool for corona infections, there would not be a pandemic and there would be no lockdowns, but everything would have been perceived as just a medium or light wave of influenza, these scientists conclude. Dr. Yeadon in his piece, " Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics: The Deadly Danger of False Positives, writes: " This test is fatally flawed and must immediately be withdrawn and never used again in this setting, unless shown to be fixed ." And, towards the end of that article, " I have explained how a hopelessly performing diagnostic test has been, and continues to be used, not for diagnosis of disease, but it seems solely to create fear ".

    Now let's take a look at the current actual situation regarding the severe damage caused by the lockdowns and other measures. Another detailed paper, written by a German official in the Department of the Interior, who is responsible for risk assessment and the protection of the population against risks, was leaked recently. It is now called the "False Alarm" paper. This paper comes to the conclusion that there was that there was and is no sufficient evidence for serious health risks for the population as claimed by Drosten, Wieler and the WHO, but – the author says – there's very much evidence of the corona measures causing gigantic health and economic damage to the population, which he then describes in detail in this paper. This, he concludes, will lead to very high claims for damages, which the government will be held responsible for. This has now become reality, but the paper's author was suspended.

    More and more scientists, but also lawyers, recognize that, as a result of the deliberate panic-mongering, and the corona measures enabled by this panic, democracy is in great danger of being replaced by fascist totalitarian models. As I already mentioned above, in Australia, people who do not wear the masks, which more and more studies show, are hazardous to health, or who allegedly do not wear them correctly, are arrested, handcuffed and thrown into jail. In the Philippines, they run the risk of getting shot, but even in Germany and in other previously civilized countries, children are taken away from their parents if they do not comply with quarantine regulations, distance regulations, and mask-wearing regulations. According to psychologists and psychotherapists who testified before the Corona Committee, children are traumatized en masse, with the worst psychological consequences yet to be expected in the medium- and long-term. In Germany alone, to bankruptcies are expected in the fall to strike small- and medium-sized businesses, which form the backbone of the economy. This will result in incalculable tax losses and incalculably high and long-term social security money transfers for – among other things – unemployment benefits.

    Since, in the meantime, pretty much everybody is beginning to understand the full devastating impact of the completely unfounded corona measures, I will refrain from detailing this any further.

    Let me now give you a summary of the legal consequences. The most difficult part of a lawyer's work is always to establish the true facts, not the application of the legal rules to these facts. Unfortunately, a German lawyer does not learn this at law school but his Anglo-American counterparts do get the necessary training for this at their law schools. And probably for this reason, but also because of the much more pronounced independence of the Anglo-American judiciary, the Anglo-American law of evidence is much more effective in practice than the German one. A court of law can only decide a legal dispute correctly if it has previously determined the facts correctly, which is not possible without looking at all the evidence. And that's why the law of evidence is so important. On the basis of the facts summarized above, in particular those established with the help of the work of the German Corona Committee, the legal evaluation is actually simple. It is simple for all civilized legal systems, regardless of whether these legal systems are based on civil law, which follows the Roman law more closely, or whether they are based on Anglo-American common law, which is only loosely connected to Roman law.

    Let's first take a look at the unconstitutionality of the measures. A number of German law professors, including professors Kingreen, Morswig, Jungbluth and Vosgerau have stated, either in written expert opinions or in interviews, in line with the serious doubts expressed by the former president of the federal constitutional court with respect to the constitutionality of the corona measures, that these measures – the corona measures – are without a sufficient factual basis, and also without a sufficient legal basis, and are therefore unconstitutional and must be repealed immediately. Very recently, a judge, Thorsten Schleif is his name, declared publicly that the German judiciary, just like the general public, has been so panic-stricken that it was no longer able to administer justice properly. He says that the courts of law – and I quote – "have all too quickly waved through coercive measures which, for millions of people all over Germany, represent massive suspensions of their constitutional rights. He points out that German citizens – again I quote – "are currently experiencing the most serious encroachment on their constitutional rights since the founding of the federal republic of Germany in 1949". In order to contain the corona pandemic, federal and state governments have intervened, he says, massively, and in part threatening the very existence of the country as it is guaranteed by the constitutional rights of the people.

    What about fraud, intentional infliction of damage and crimes against humanity?

    Based on the rules of criminal law, asserting false facts concerning the PCR tests or intentional misrepresentation , as it was committed by Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and WHO, as well as the WHO, can only be assessed as fraud. Based on the rules of civil tort law, this translates into intentional infliction of damage. The German professor of civil law, Martin Schwab, supports this finding in public interviews. In a comprehensive legal opinion of around 180 pages, he has familiarized himself with the subject matter like no other legal scholar has done thus far and, in particular, has provided a detailed account of the complete failure of the mainstream media to report on the true facts of this so-called pandemic. Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and Tedros of the WHO all knew, based on their own expertise or the expertise of their institutions, that the PCR tests cannot provide any information about infections, but asserted over and over again to the general public that they can, with their counterparts all over the world repeating this. And they all knew and accepted that, on the basis of their recommendations, the governments of the world would decide on lockdowns, the rules for social distancing, and mandatory wearing of masks, the latter representing a very serious health hazard, as more and more independent studies and expert statements show. Under the rules of civil tort law, all those who have been harmed by these PCR-test-induced lockdowns are entitled to receive full compensation for their losses. In particular, there is a duty to compensate – that is, a duty to pay damages for the loss of profits suffered by companies and self-employed employed persons as a result of the lockdown and other measures.

    In the meantime, however, the anti-corona measures have caused, and continue to cause, such devastating damage to the world population's health and economy that the crimes committed by Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and the WHO must be legally qualified as actual crimes against humanity , as defined in section 7 of the International Criminal Code.

    How can we do something? What can we do? Well, the class action is the best route to compensatory damages and to political consequences. The so-called class action lawsuit is based on English law and exists today in the USA and in Canada. It enables a court of law to allow a complaint for damages to be tried as a class action lawsuit at the request of a plaintiff if:

    1. As a result of a damage-inducing event
    2. A large number of people suffer the same type of damage.

    Phrased differently, a judge can allow a class-action lawsuit to go forward if common questions of law and fact make up the vital component of the lawsuit. Here, the common questions of law and fact revolve around the worldwide PCR-test-based lockdowns and its consequences. Just like the VW diesel passenger cars were functioning products, but they were defective due to a so-called defeat device because they didn't comply with the emissions standards, so too the PCR tests – which are perfectly good products in other settings – are defective products when it comes to the diagnosis of infections. Now, if an American or Canadian company or an American or Canadian individual decides to sue these persons in the United States or Canada for damages, then the court called upon to resolve this dispute may, upon request, allow this complaint to be tried as a class action lawsuit.

    If this happens, all affected parties worldwide will be informed about this through publications in the mainstream media and will thus have the opportunity to join this class action within a certain period of time, to be determined by the court. It should be emphasized that nobody must join the class action, but every injured party can join the class.

    The advantage of the class action is that only one trial is needed , namely to try the complaint of a representative plaintiff who is affected in a manner typical of everyone else in the class. This is, firstly, cheaper, and secondly, faster than hundreds of thousands or more individual lawsuits. And thirdly, it imposes less of a burden on the courts. Fourthly, as a rule it allows a much more precise examination of the accusations than would be possible in the context of hundreds of thousands, or more likely in this corona setting, even millions of individual lawsuits.

    In particular, the well-established and proven Anglo-American law of evidence, with its pre-trial discovery, is applicable. This requires that all evidence relevant for the determination of the lawsuit is put on the table. In contrast to the typical situation in German lawsuits with structural imbalance, that is, lawsuits involving on the one hand a consumer, and on the other hand a powerful corporation, the withholding or even destruction of evidence is not without consequence; rather the party withholding or even destroying evidence loses the case under these evidence rules.

    Here in Germany, a group of tort lawyers have banded together to help their clients with recovery of damages. They have provided all relevant information and forms for German plaintiffs to both estimate how much damage they have suffered and join the group or class of plaintiffs who will later join the class action when it goes forward either in Canada or the US. Initially, this group of lawyers had considered to also collect and manage the claims for damages of other, non-German plaintiffs, but this proved to be unmanageable.

    However, through an international lawyers' network, which is growing larger by the day, the German group of attorneys provides to all of their colleagues in all other countries, free of charge, all relevant information, including expert opinions and testimonies of experts showing that the PCR tests cannot detect infections. And they also provide them with all relevant information as to how they can prepare and bundle the claims for damages of their clients so that, they too, can assert their clients' claims for damages, either in their home country's courts of law, or within the framework of the class action, as explained above.

    These scandalous corona facts, gathered mostly by the Corona Committee and summarized above, are the very same facts that will soon be proven to be true either in one court of law, or in many courts of law all over the world.

    These are the facts that will pull the masks off the faces of all those responsible for these crimes. To the politicians who believe those corrupt people, these facts are hereby offered as a lifeline that can help you readjust your course of action, and start the long overdue public scientific discussion, and not go down with those charlatans and criminals.

    Thank you.


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    [May 11, 2021] The German Corona Investigation. -The PCR Pandemic

    May 11, 2021 |

    First published in October 2020

    The German Corona Investigative Committee has taken testimony from a large number of international scientists and experts since July 10, 2020.

    Scroll down for the Video and Full Transcript of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich 's presentation.

    Their conclusions are the following:

    Full Transcript

    Hello. I am Reiner Fuellmich and I have been admitted to the Bar in Germany and in California for 26 years. I have been practicing law primarily as a trial lawyer against fraudulent corporations such as Deutsche Bank, formerly one of the world's largest and most respected banks, today one of the most toxic criminal organizations in the world; VW, one of the world's largest and most respected car manufacturers, today notorious for its giant diesel fraud; and Kuehne and Nagel, the world's largest shipping company. We're suing them in a multi-million-dollar bribery case.

    I'm also one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee. Since July 10, 2020, this Committee has been listening to a large number of international scientists' and experts' testimony to find answers to questions about the corona crisis, which more and more people worldwide are asking. All the above-mentioned cases of corruption and fraud committed by the German corporations pale in comparison in view of the extent of the damage that the corona crisis has caused and continues to cause.

    This corona crisis, according to all we know today, must be renamed a "Corona Scandal" and those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil damages. On a political level, everything must be done to make sure that no one will ever again be in a position of such power as to be able to defraud humanity or to attempt to manipulate us with their corrupt agendas. And for this reason I will now explain to you how and where an international network of lawyers will argue this biggest tort case ever, the corona fraud scandal, which has meanwhile unfolded into probably the greatest crime against humanity ever committed.

    Crimes against humanity were first defined in connection with the Nuremberg trials after World War II, that is, when they dealt with the main war criminals of the Third Reich. Crimes against humanity are today regulated in section 7 of the International Criminal Code. The three major questions to be answered in the context of a judicial approach to the corona scandal are:

    1. Is there a corona pandemic or is there only a PCR-test pandemic? Specifically, does a positive PCR-test result mean that the person tested is infected with Covid-19, or does it mean absolutely nothing in connection with the Covid-19 infection?
    2. Do the so-called anti-corona measures, such as the lockdown, mandatory face masks, social distancing, and quarantine regulations, serve to protect the world's population from corona, or do these measures serve only to make people panic so that they believe – without asking any questions – that their lives are in danger, so that in the end the pharmaceutical and tech industries can generate huge profits from the sale of PCR tests, antigen and antibody tests and vaccines, as well as the harvesting of our genetic fingerprints?
    3. Is it true that the German government was massively lobbied, more so than any other country, by the chief protagonists of this so-called corona pandemic, Mr. Drosten, virologist at charity hospital in Berlin; Mr. Wieler, veterinarian and head of the German equivalent of the CDC, the RKI; and Mr. Tedros, Head of the World Health Organization or WHO; because Germany is known as a particularly disciplined country and was therefore to become a role model for the rest of the world for its strict and, of course, successful adherence to the corona measures?

    Answers to these three questions are urgently needed because the allegedly new and highly dangerous coronavirus has not caused any excess mortality anywhere in the world, and certainly not here in Germany. But the anti-corona measures, whose only basis are the PCR-test results, which are in turn all based on the German Drosten test, have, in the meantime, caused the loss of innumerable human lives and have destroyed the economic existence of countless companies and individuals worldwide. In Australia, for example, people are thrown into prison if they do not wear a mask or do not wear it properly, as deemed by the authorities. In the Philippines, people who do not wear a mask or do not wear it properly, in this sense, are getting shot in the head.

    Let me first give you a summary of the facts as they present themselves today. The most important thing in a lawsuit is to establish the facts – that is, to find out what actually happened. That is because the application of the law always depends on the facts at issue. If I want to prosecute someone for fraud, I cannot do that by presenting the facts of a car accident. So what happened here regarding the alleged corona pandemic?

    The facts laid out below are, to a large extent, the result of the work of the Corona Investigative Committee. This Committee was founded on July 10, 2020 by four lawyers in order to determine, through hearing expert testimony of international scientists and other experts:

    1. How dangerous is the virus really?
    2. What is the significance of a positive PCR test?
    3. What collateral damage has been caused by the corona measures, both with respect to the world population's health, and with respect to the world's economy?

    Let me start with a little bit of background information. What happened in May 2019 and then in early 2020? And what happened 12 years earlier with the swine flu, which many of you may have forgotten about? In May 2019, the stronger of the two parties which govern Germany in a grand coalition, the CDU, held a Congress on Global Health, apparently at the instigation of important players from the pharmaceutical industry and the tech industry. At this Congress, the usual suspects, you might say, gave their speeches. Angela Merkel was there, and the German Secretary of Health, Jens Spahn. But, some other people, whom one would not necessarily expect to be present at such a gathering, were also there: Professor Drosten, virologist from the Charite hospital in Berlin; Professor Wieler, veterinarian and Head of the RKI, the German equivalent of the CDC; as well as Mr. Tedros, philosopher and Head of the World Health Organization (WHO). They all gave speeches there. Also present and giving speeches were the chief lobbyists of the world's two largest health funds, namely the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust. Less than a year later, these very people called the shots in the proclamation of the worldwide corona pandemic, made sure that mass PCR tests were used to prove mass infections with Covid-19 all over the world, and are now pushing for vaccines to be invented and sold worldwide.

    T hese infections, or rather the positive test results that the PCR tests delivered, in turn became the justification for worldwide lockdowns, social distancing and mandatory face masks. It is important to note at this point that the definition of a pandemic was changed 12 years earlier. Until then, a pandemic was considered to be a disease that spread worldwide and which led to many serious illnesses and deaths. Suddenly, and for reasons never explained, it was supposed to be a worldwide disease only . Many serious illnesses and many deaths were not required any more to announce a pandemic. Due to this change, the WHO, which is closely intertwined with the global pharmaceutical industry, was able to declare the swine flu pandemic in 2009, with the result that vaccines were produced and sold worldwide on the basis of contracts that have been kept secret until today.

    These vaccines proved to be completely unnecessary because the swine flu eventually turned out to be a mild flu, and never became the horrific plague that the pharmaceutical industry and its affiliated universities kept announcing it would turn into, with millions of deaths certain to happen if people didn't get vaccinated. These vaccines also led to serious health problems. About 700 children in Europe fell incurably ill with narcolepsy and are now forever severely disabled. The vaccines bought with millions of taxpayers' money had to be destroyed with even more taxpayers' money. Already then, during the swine flu, the German virologist Drosten was one of those who stirred up panic in the population, repeating over and over again that the swine flu would claim many hundreds of thousands, even millions of deaths all over the world. In the end, it was mainly thanks to Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and his efforts as a member of the German Bundestag, and also a member of the Council of Europe, that this hoax was brought to an end before it would lead to even more serious consequences.

    Fast forward to March of 2020, when the German Bundestag announced an Epidemic Situation of National Importance, which is the German equivalent of a pandemic in March of 2020 and, based on this, the lockdown with the suspension of all essential constitutional rights for an unforeseeable time, there was only one single opinion on which the Federal Government in Germany based its decision. In an outrageous violation of the universally accepted principle " audiatur et altera pars ", which means that one must also hear the other side, the only person they listened to was Mr. Drosten.

    That is the very person whose horrific, panic-inducing prognoses had proved to be catastrophically false 12 years earlier. We know this because a whistleblower named David Sieber, a member of the Green Party, told us about it. He did so first on August 29, 2020 in Berlin, in the context of an event at which Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. also took part, and at which both men gave speeches. And he did so afterwards in one of the sessions of our Corona Committee.

    The reason he did this is that he had become increasingly sceptical about the official narrative propagated by politicians and the mainstream media. He had therefore undertaken an effort to find out about other scientists' opinions and had found them on the Internet. There, he realized that there were a number of highly renowned scientists who held a completely different opinion, which contradicted the horrific prognoses of Mr. Drosten. They assumed – and still do assume – that there was no disease that went beyond the gravity of the seasonal flu, that the population had already acquired cross- or T-cell immunity against this allegedly new virus, and that there was therefore no reason for any special measures, and certainly not for vaccinations.

    These scientists include Professor John Ioannidis of Stanford University in California, a specialist in statistics and epidemiology, as well as public health, and at the same time the most quoted scientist in the world; Professor Michael Levitt, Nobel prize-winner for chemistry and also a biophysicist at Stanford University; the German professors Kary Mölling, Sucharit Bhakti, Klud Wittkowski, as well as Stefan Homburg; and now many, many more scientists and doctors worldwide, including Dr. Mike Yeadon. Dr. Mike Yeadon is the former Vice-President and Scientific Director of Pfizer, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. I will talk some more about him a little later.

    The Covid-19 Numbers Game: The "Second Wave" is Based on Fake Statistics

    At the end of March, beginning of April of 2020, Mr. Sieber turned to the leadership of his Green Party with the knowledge he had accumulated, and suggested that they present these other scientific opinions to the public and explain that, contrary to Mr. Drosten's doomsday prophecies, there was no reason for the public to panic. Incidentally, Lord Sumption, who served as a judge at the British supreme court from 2012 to 2018, had done the very same thing at the very same time and had come to the very same conclusion: that there was no factual basis for panic and no legal basis for the corona measures. Likewise, the former President of the German federal constitutional court expressed – albeit more cautiously – serious doubts that the corona measures were constitutional. But instead of taking note of these other opinions and discussing them with David Sieber, the Green Party leadership declared that Mr. Drosten's panic messages were good enough for the Green Party. Remember, they're not a member of the ruling coalition; they're the opposition. Still, that was enough for them, just as it had been good enough for the Federal Government as a basis for its lockdown decision, they said. They subsequently, the Green Party leadership called David Sieber a conspiracy theorist, without ever having considered the content of his information, and then stripped him of his mandates.

    Now let's take a look at the current actual situation regarding the virus's danger, the complete uselessness of PCR tests for the detection of infections, and the lockdowns based on non-existent infections. In the meantime, we know that the health care systems were never in danger of becoming overwhelmed by Covid-19. On the contrary, many hospitals remain empty to this day and some are now facing bankruptcy. The hospital ship Comfort , which anchored in New York at the time, and could have accommodated a thousand patients, never accommodated more than some 20 patients. Nowhere was there any excess mortality. Studies carried out by Professor Ioannidis and others have shown that the mortality of corona is equivalent to that of the seasonal flu. Even the pictures from Bergamo and New York that were used to demonstrate to the world that panic was in order proved to be deliberately misleading.

    Then, the so-called "Panic Paper" was leaked, which was written by the German Department of the Interior. Its classified content shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that, in fact, the population was deliberately driven to panic by politicians and mainstream media. The accompanying irresponsible statements of the Head of the RKI – remember the [German] CDC – Mr. Wieler, who repeatedly and excitedly announced that the corona measures must be followed unconditionally by the population without them asking any question, shows that that he followed the script verbatim. In his public statements, he kept announcing that the situation was very grave and threatening, although the figures compiled by his own Institute proved the exact opposite.

    Among other things, the "Panic Paper" calls for children to be made to feel responsible – and I quote – "for the painful tortured death of their parents and grandparents if they do not follow the corona rules", that is, if they do not wash their hands constantly and don't stay away from their grandparents. A word of clarification: in Bergamo, the vast majority of deaths, 94% to be exact, turned out to be the result not of Covid-19, but rather the consequence of the government deciding to transfer sick patients, sick with probably the cold or seasonal flu, from hospitals to nursing homes in order to make room at the hospitals for all the Covid patients, who ultimately never arrived. There, at the nursing homes, they then infected old people with a severely weakened immune system, usually as a result of pre-existing medical conditions. In addition, a flu vaccination, which had previously been administered, had further weakened the immune systems of the people in the nursing homes. In New York, only some, but by far not all hospitals were overwhelmed. Many people, most of whom were again elderly and had serious pre-existing medical conditions, and most of whom, had it not been for the panic-mongering, would have just stayed at home to recover, raced to the hospitals. There, many of them fell victim to healthcare-associated infections (or nosocomial infections) on the one hand, and incidents of malpractice on the other hand, for example, by being put on a respirator rather than receiving oxygen through an oxygen mask. Again, to clarify: Covid-19, this is the current state of affairs, is a dangerous disease, just like the seasonal flu is a dangerous disease. And of course, Covid-19, just like the seasonal flu, may sometimes take take a severe clinical course and will sometimes kill patients.

    However, as autopsies have shown, which were carried out in Germany in particular, by the forensic scientist Professor Klaus Püschel in Hamburg, the fatalities he examined had almost all been caused by serious pre-existing conditions, and almost all of the people who had died had died at the very at a very old age, just like in Italy, meaning they had lived beyond their average life expectancy.

    In this context, the following should also be mentioned: the German RKI – that is, again the equivalent of the CDC – had initially, strangely enough, recommended that no autopsies be performed. And there are numerous credible reports that doctors and hospitals worldwide had been paid money for declaring a deceased person a victim of Covid-19 rather than writing down the true cause of death on the death certificate, for example a heart attack or a gunshot wound. Without the autopsies, we would never know that the overwhelming majority of the alleged Covid-19 victims had died of completely different diseases, but not of Covid-19. The assertion that the lockdown was necessary because there were so many different infections with SARS-COV-2, and because the healthcare systems would be overwhelmed is wrong for three reasons, as we have learned from the hearings we conducted with the Corona Committee, and from other data that has become available in the meantime:

    A. The lockdown was imposed when the virus was already retreating. By the time the lockdown was imposed, the alleged infection rates were already dropping again.

    B. There's already protection from the virus because of cross- or T-cell immunity. Apart from the above mentioned lockdown being imposed when the infection rates were already dropping, there is also cross- or T-cell immunity in the general population against the corona viruses contained in every flu or influenza wave. This is true, even if this time around, a slightly different strain of the coronavirus was at work. And that is because the body's own immune system remembers every virus it has ever battled in the past, and from this experience, it also recognizes a supposedly new, but still similar, strain of the virus from the corona family. Incidentally, that's how the PCR test for the detection of an infection was invented by now infamous Professor Drosten.

    At the beginning of January of 2020, based on this very basic knowledge, Mr. Drosten developed his PCR test, which supposedly detects an infection with SARS-COV-2, without ever having seen the real Wuhan virus from China, only having learned from social media reports that there was something going on in Wuhan, he started tinkering on his computer with what would become his corona PCR test. For this, he used an old SARS virus, hoping it would be sufficiently similar to the allegedly new strain of the coronavirus found in Wuhan. Then, he sent the result of his computer tinkering to China to determine whether the victims of the alleged new coronavirus tested positive. They did.

    And that was enough for the World Health Organization to sound the pandemic alarm and to recommend the worldwide use of the Drosten PCR test for the detection of infections with the virus now called SARS-COV-2. Drosten's opinion and advice was – this must be emphasized once again – the only source for the German government when it announced the lockdown as well as the rules for social distancing and the mandatory wearing of masks. And – this must also be emphasized once again – Germany apparently became the center of especially massive lobbying by the pharmaceutical and tech industry because the world, with reference to the allegedly disciplined Germans, should do as the Germans do in order to survive the pandemic.

    C. And this is the most important part of our fact-finding: the PCR test is being used on the basis of false statements, NOT based on scientific facts with respect to infections . In the meantime, we have learned that these PCR tests, contrary to the assertions of Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and the WHO, do NOT give any indication of an infection with any virus, let alone an infection with SARS-COV-2. Not only are PCR tests expressly not approved for diagnostic purposes, as is correctly noted on leaflets coming with these tests, and as the inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, has repeatedly emphasized. Instead, they're simply incapable of diagnosing any disease. That is: contrary to the assertions of Drosten, Wieler and the WHO, which they have been making since the proclamation of the pandemic, a positive PCR-test result does not mean that an infection is present. If someone tests positive, it does NOT mean that they're infected with anything, let alone with the contagious SARS-COV-2 virus.

    Even the United States CDC, even this institution agrees with this, and I quote directly from page 38 of one of its publications on the coronavirus and the PCR tests, dated July 13, 2020. First bullet point says:

    " Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019 nCOV [novel coronavirus ] is the causative agent for clinical symptoms ."

    Second bullet point says:

    " The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019 nCOV infection ." Third bullet point says: " This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens ."

    It is still not clear whether there has ever been a scientifically correct isolation of the Wuhan virus , so that nobody knows exactly what we're looking for when we test, especially since this virus, just like the flu viruses, mutates quickly. The PCR swabs take one or two sequences of a molecule that are invisible to the human eye and therefore need to be amplified in many cycles to make it visible . Everything over 35 cycles is – as reported by the New York Times and others – considered completely unreliable and scientifically unjustifiable. However, the Drosten test, as well as the WHO-recommended tests that followed his example, are set to 45 cycles. Can that be because of the desire to produce as many positive results as possible and thereby provide the basis for the false assumption that a large number of infections have been detected?

    The test cannot distinguish inactive and reproductive matter. That means that a positive result may happen because the test detects, for example, a piece of debris, a fragment of a molecule, which may signal nothing else than that the immune system of the person tested won a battle with a common cold in the past. Even Drosten himself declared in an interview with a German business magazine in 2014, at that time concerning the alleged detection of an infection with the MERS virus, allegedly with the help of the PCR test, that these PCR tests are so highly sensitive that even very healthy and non-infectious people may test positive . At that time, he also became very much aware of the powerful role of a panic and fear-mongering media, as you'll see at the end of the following quote. He said then, in this interview: " If, for example, such a pathogen scurries over the nasal mucosa of a nurse for a day or so without her getting sick or noticing anything, then she's suddenly a MERS case. This could also explain the explosion of case numbers in Saudi Arabia. In addition, the media there have made this into an incredible sensation ."

    Has he forgotten this? Or is he deliberately concealing this in the corona context because corona is a very lucrative business opportunity for the pharmaceutical industry as a whole? And for Mr. Alford Lund, his co-author in many studies and also a PCR-test producer. In my view, it is completely implausible that he forgot in 2020 what he knew about the PCR tests and told the business magazine in 2014.

    In short, this test cannot detect any infection, contrary to all false claims stating that it can. An infection, a so-called "hot" infection, requires that the virus, or rather a fragment of a molecule which may be a virus, is not just found somewhere, for example, in the throat of a person without causing any damage – that would be a "cold" infection. Rather, a "hot" infection requires that the virus penetrates into the cells, replicates there and causes symptoms such as headaches or a sore throat. Only then is a person really infected in the sense of a "hot" infection, because only then is a person contagious, that is, able to infect others. Until then, it is completely harmless for both the host and all other people that the host comes into contact with.

    Once again, this means that positive test results, contrary to all other claims by Drosten, Wieler, or the WHO , mean nothing with respect to infections, as even the CDC knows, as quoted above.

    Meanwhile, a number of highly respected scientists worldwide assume that there has never been a corona pandemic, but only a PCR-test pandemic . This is the conclusion reached by many German scientists, such as professors Bhakti, Reiss, Mölling, Hockertz, Walach and many others, including the above-mentioned Professor John Ioannidis, and the Nobel laureate, Professor Michael Levitt from Stanford University.

    The most recent such opinion is that of the aforementioned Dr. Mike Yeadon , a former Vice-President and Chief Science Officer at Pfizer, who held this position for 16 years. He and his co-authors, all well-known scientists, published a scientific paper in September of 2020 and he wrote a corresponding magazine article on September 20, 2020. Among other things, he and they state – and I quote:

    " We're basing our government policy, our economic policy, and the policy of restricting fundamental rights, presumably on completely wrong data and assumptions about the coronavirus. If it weren't for the test results that are constantly reported in the media, the pandemic would be over because nothing really happened. Of course, there are some serious individual cases of illness, but there are also some in every flu epidemic. There was a real wave of disease in March and April, but since then, everything has gone back to normal. Only the positive results rise and sink wildly again and again, depending on how many tests are carried out. But the real cases of illnesses are over. There can be no talk of a second wave. The allegedly new strain of the coronavirus is "

    – Dr. Yeadon continues –

    " only new in that it is a new type of the long-known corona virus. There are at least four coronaviruses that are endemic and cause some of the common colds we experience, especially in winter. They all have a striking sequence similarity to the coronavirus, and because the human immune system recognizes the similarity to the virus that has now allegedly been newly discovered, a T-cell immunity has long existed in this respect. 30 per cent of the population had this before the allegedly new virus even appeared. Therefore, it is sufficient for the so-called herd immunity that 15 to 25 per cent of the population are infected with the allegedly new coronavirus to stop the further spread of the virus. And this has long been the case ."

    Regarding the all-important PCR tests, Yeadon writes, in a piece called " Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics: The Deadly Danger of False Positives ", dated September 20, 2020, and I quote

    " The likelihood of an apparently positive case being a false positive is between 89 to 94 per cent, or near certainty ."

    Dr. Yeadon, in agreement with the professors of immunology Kamera from Germany, Kappel from the Netherlands, and Cahill from Ireland, as well as the microbiologist Dr. Arve from Austria, all of whom testified before the German Corona Committee, explicitly points out that a positive test does not mean that an intact virus has been found.

    The authors explain that what the PCR test actually measures is – and I quote:

    " Simply the presence of partial RNA sequences present in the intact virus, which could be a piece of dead virus, which cannot make the subject sick, and cannot be transmitted, and cannot make anyone else sick ."

    Because of the complete unsuitability of the test for the detection of infectious diseases – tested positive in goats, sheep, papayas and even chicken wings – Oxford Professor Carl Heneghan, Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, writes that the Covid virus would never disappear if this test practice were to be continued, but would always be falsely detected in much of what is tested. Lockdowns, as Yeadon and his colleagues found out, do not work. Sweden, with its laissez-faire approach, and Great Britain, with its strict lockdown, for example, have completely comparable disease and mortality statistics. The same was found by US scientists concerning the different US states. It makes no difference to the incidence of disease whether a state implements a lockdown or not.

    With regard to the now infamous Imperial College of London's Professor Neil Ferguson and his completely false computer models warning of millions of deaths, he says that – and I quote: " No serious scientist gives any validity to Ferguson's model." He points out with thinly veiled contempt – again I quote:

    " It's important that you know, most scientists don't accept that it " – that is, Ferguson's model – " was even faintly right. But the government is still wedded to the model ." Ferguson predicted 40 thousand corona deaths in Sweden by May and 100 thousand by June, but it remained at 5,800 which, according to the Swedish authorities, is equivalent to a mild flu. If the PCR tests had not been used as a diagnostic tool for corona infections, there would not be a pandemic and there would be no lockdowns, but everything would have been perceived as just a medium or light wave of influenza, these scientists conclude. Dr. Yeadon in his piece, " Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics: The Deadly Danger of False Positives, writes: " This test is fatally flawed and must immediately be withdrawn and never used again in this setting, unless shown to be fixed ." And, towards the end of that article, " I have explained how a hopelessly performing diagnostic test has been, and continues to be used, not for diagnosis of disease, but it seems solely to create fear ".

    Now let's take a look at the current actual situation regarding the severe damage caused by the lockdowns and other measures. Another detailed paper, written by a German official in the Department of the Interior, who is responsible for risk assessment and the protection of the population against risks, was leaked recently. It is now called the "False Alarm" paper. This paper comes to the conclusion that there was that there was and is no sufficient evidence for serious health risks for the population as claimed by Drosten, Wieler and the WHO, but – the author says – there's very much evidence of the corona measures causing gigantic health and economic damage to the population, which he then describes in detail in this paper. This, he concludes, will lead to very high claims for damages, which the government will be held responsible for. This has now become reality, but the paper's author was suspended.

    More and more scientists, but also lawyers, recognize that, as a result of the deliberate panic-mongering, and the corona measures enabled by this panic, democracy is in great danger of being replaced by fascist totalitarian models. As I already mentioned above, in Australia, people who do not wear the masks, which more and more studies show, are hazardous to health, or who allegedly do not wear them correctly, are arrested, handcuffed and thrown into jail. In the Philippines, they run the risk of getting shot, but even in Germany and in other previously civilized countries, children are taken away from their parents if they do not comply with quarantine regulations, distance regulations, and mask-wearing regulations. According to psychologists and psychotherapists who testified before the Corona Committee, children are traumatized en masse, with the worst psychological consequences yet to be expected in the medium- and long-term. In Germany alone, to bankruptcies are expected in the fall to strike small- and medium-sized businesses, which form the backbone of the economy. This will result in incalculable tax losses and incalculably high and long-term social security money transfers for – among other things – unemployment benefits.

    Since, in the meantime, pretty much everybody is beginning to understand the full devastating impact of the completely unfounded corona measures, I will refrain from detailing this any further.

    Let me now give you a summary of the legal consequences. The most difficult part of a lawyer's work is always to establish the true facts, not the application of the legal rules to these facts. Unfortunately, a German lawyer does not learn this at law school but his Anglo-American counterparts do get the necessary training for this at their law schools. And probably for this reason, but also because of the much more pronounced independence of the Anglo-American judiciary, the Anglo-American law of evidence is much more effective in practice than the German one. A court of law can only decide a legal dispute correctly if it has previously determined the facts correctly, which is not possible without looking at all the evidence. And that's why the law of evidence is so important. On the basis of the facts summarized above, in particular those established with the help of the work of the German Corona Committee, the legal evaluation is actually simple. It is simple for all civilized legal systems, regardless of whether these legal systems are based on civil law, which follows the Roman law more closely, or whether they are based on Anglo-American common law, which is only loosely connected to Roman law.

    Let's first take a look at the unconstitutionality of the measures. A number of German law professors, including professors Kingreen, Morswig, Jungbluth and Vosgerau have stated, either in written expert opinions or in interviews, in line with the serious doubts expressed by the former president of the federal constitutional court with respect to the constitutionality of the corona measures, that these measures – the corona measures – are without a sufficient factual basis, and also without a sufficient legal basis, and are therefore unconstitutional and must be repealed immediately. Very recently, a judge, Thorsten Schleif is his name, declared publicly that the German judiciary, just like the general public, has been so panic-stricken that it was no longer able to administer justice properly. He says that the courts of law – and I quote – "have all too quickly waved through coercive measures which, for millions of people all over Germany, represent massive suspensions of their constitutional rights. He points out that German citizens – again I quote – "are currently experiencing the most serious encroachment on their constitutional rights since the founding of the federal republic of Germany in 1949". In order to contain the corona pandemic, federal and state governments have intervened, he says, massively, and in part threatening the very existence of the country as it is guaranteed by the constitutional rights of the people.

    What about fraud, intentional infliction of damage and crimes against humanity?

    Based on the rules of criminal law, asserting false facts concerning the PCR tests or intentional misrepresentation , as it was committed by Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and WHO, as well as the WHO, can only be assessed as fraud. Based on the rules of civil tort law, this translates into intentional infliction of damage. The German professor of civil law, Martin Schwab, supports this finding in public interviews. In a comprehensive legal opinion of around 180 pages, he has familiarized himself with the subject matter like no other legal scholar has done thus far and, in particular, has provided a detailed account of the complete failure of the mainstream media to report on the true facts of this so-called pandemic. Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and Tedros of the WHO all knew, based on their own expertise or the expertise of their institutions, that the PCR tests cannot provide any information about infections, but asserted over and over again to the general public that they can, with their counterparts all over the world repeating this. And they all knew and accepted that, on the basis of their recommendations, the governments of the world would decide on lockdowns, the rules for social distancing, and mandatory wearing of masks, the latter representing a very serious health hazard, as more and more independent studies and expert statements show. Under the rules of civil tort law, all those who have been harmed by these PCR-test-induced lockdowns are entitled to receive full compensation for their losses. In particular, there is a duty to compensate – that is, a duty to pay damages for the loss of profits suffered by companies and self-employed employed persons as a result of the lockdown and other measures.

    In the meantime, however, the anti-corona measures have caused, and continue to cause, such devastating damage to the world population's health and economy that the crimes committed by Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and the WHO must be legally qualified as actual crimes against humanity , as defined in section 7 of the International Criminal Code.

    How can we do something? What can we do? Well, the class action is the best route to compensatory damages and to political consequences. The so-called class action lawsuit is based on English law and exists today in the USA and in Canada. It enables a court of law to allow a complaint for damages to be tried as a class action lawsuit at the request of a plaintiff if:

    1. As a result of a damage-inducing event
    2. A large number of people suffer the same type of damage.

    Phrased differently, a judge can allow a class-action lawsuit to go forward if common questions of law and fact make up the vital component of the lawsuit. Here, the common questions of law and fact revolve around the worldwide PCR-test-based lockdowns and its consequences. Just like the VW diesel passenger cars were functioning products, but they were defective due to a so-called defeat device because they didn't comply with the emissions standards, so too the PCR tests – which are perfectly good products in other settings – are defective products when it comes to the diagnosis of infections. Now, if an American or Canadian company or an American or Canadian individual decides to sue these persons in the United States or Canada for damages, then the court called upon to resolve this dispute may, upon request, allow this complaint to be tried as a class action lawsuit.

    If this happens, all affected parties worldwide will be informed about this through publications in the mainstream media and will thus have the opportunity to join this class action within a certain period of time, to be determined by the court. It should be emphasized that nobody must join the class action, but every injured party can join the class.

    The advantage of the class action is that only one trial is needed , namely to try the complaint of a representative plaintiff who is affected in a manner typical of everyone else in the class. This is, firstly, cheaper, and secondly, faster than hundreds of thousands or more individual lawsuits. And thirdly, it imposes less of a burden on the courts. Fourthly, as a rule it allows a much more precise examination of the accusations than would be possible in the context of hundreds of thousands, or more likely in this corona setting, even millions of individual lawsuits.

    In particular, the well-established and proven Anglo-American law of evidence, with its pre-trial discovery, is applicable. This requires that all evidence relevant for the determination of the lawsuit is put on the table. In contrast to the typical situation in German lawsuits with structural imbalance, that is, lawsuits involving on the one hand a consumer, and on the other hand a powerful corporation, the withholding or even destruction of evidence is not without consequence; rather the party withholding or even destroying evidence loses the case under these evidence rules.

    Here in Germany, a group of tort lawyers have banded together to help their clients with recovery of damages. They have provided all relevant information and forms for German plaintiffs to both estimate how much damage they have suffered and join the group or class of plaintiffs who will later join the class action when it goes forward either in Canada or the US. Initially, this group of lawyers had considered to also collect and manage the claims for damages of other, non-German plaintiffs, but this proved to be unmanageable.

    However, through an international lawyers' network, which is growing larger by the day, the German group of attorneys provides to all of their colleagues in all other countries, free of charge, all relevant information, including expert opinions and testimonies of experts showing that the PCR tests cannot detect infections. And they also provide them with all relevant information as to how they can prepare and bundle the claims for damages of their clients so that, they too, can assert their clients' claims for damages, either in their home country's courts of law, or within the framework of the class action, as explained above.

    These scandalous corona facts, gathered mostly by the Corona Committee and summarized above, are the very same facts that will soon be proven to be true either in one court of law, or in many courts of law all over the world.

    These are the facts that will pull the masks off the faces of all those responsible for these crimes. To the politicians who believe those corrupt people, these facts are hereby offered as a lifeline that can help you readjust your course of action, and start the long overdue public scientific discussion, and not go down with those charlatans and criminals.

    Thank you.


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    [May 11, 2021] Looks like anti-mask and anti-vaxes online communities attract highly educated critical thinkers

    "the group who is most likely to purposefully choose to #not #vaccinate are #highly #educated. In speaking with them, these are people who have read the primary literature themselves, & they're correctly interpreting it, so it's not a misunderstanding." ... "I like the "Defying public health officials..." by reading and thinking for themselves? and these MIT heads live in The Land of the Free? smh"..."It's terrifying because the conclusion is essentially that the "anti maskers" have a better grip on the data, but surely they must be wrong because they challenge orthodoxy."
    May 11, 2021 |

    commie lee jones


    May 10

    "The lack of transparency within these data collection systems -- which many of these users infer as a lack of honesty -- erodes these users' trust within both government institutions and the datasets they release."

    "In fact, there are multiple threads every week where users debate how representative the data are of the population given the increased rate of testing across many states."

    "These groups argue that the conflation of asymptomatic and symptomatic cases therefore makes it difficult for anyone to actually determine the severity of the pandemic."

    "For these anti-mask users, their approach to the pandemic is grounded in more scientific rigor, not less."

    "These individuals as a whole are extremely willing to help others who have trouble interpreting graphs with multiple forms of clarification: by helping people find the original sources so that they can replicate the analysis themselves, by referencing other reputable studies...

    that come to the same conclusions, by reminding others to remain vigilant about the limitations of the data, and by answering questions about the implications of a specific graph."

    "While these groups highly value scientific expertise, they also see collective analysis of data as a way to bring communities together within a time of crisis, and being able to transparently and dispassionately analyze the data is crucial for democratic governance."

    "In fact, the explicit motivation for many of these followers is to find information so that they can make the best decisions for their families -- and by extension, for the communities around them."

    "The message that runs through these threads is unequivocal: that data is the only way to set fear-bound politicians straight, and using better data is a surefire way towards creating a safer community."

    "Data literacy is a quintessential criterion for membership within the community they have created."

    "Arguing anti-maskers need more scientific literacy is to characterize their approach as uninformed & inexplicably extreme. This study shows the opposite: they are deeply invested in forms of critique & knowledge production they recognize as markers of scientific expertise"

    "We argue that anti-maskers' deep story draws from similar wells of resentment, but adds a particular emphasis on the usurpation of scientific knowledge by a paternalistic, condescending elite that expects intellectual subservience rather than critical thinking from the public."

    And yet in the conclusion they lament "the skeptical impulse that the 'science simply isn't settled,' prompting people to simply 'think for themselves" to horrifying ends." They then compare it to the January 6 Capitol riot. Bizarre and fascinating document.
    Derrick S. @DuLouef · May 10 This paper reads as an appeal to eradicate skepticism and affix in its place, a strict adherence to dogma, absent of critical thinking. Feels like they would just prefer people take it on faith that the church of science is infallible, and stop questioning it.

    [May 11, 2021] MIT researchers found that skeptics place a high premium on daton data analysis and empiricism; they believe that science is a process, and not an institution

    The link to the paper is https:// .pdf
    May 11, 2021 |

    MIT researchers 'infiltrated' a Covid skeptics community a few months ago and found that skeptics place a high premium on data analysis and empiricism. "Most fundamentally, the groups we studied believe that science is a process, and not an institution."

    pi_over_3 18 hours ago

    This is the most amazing thing I've read all week. 41 Reply Share Report Save

    simsonic 5 hours ago

    This paper shows some crazy data about the complexity and stupidity of some people. They know just enough to be "smart" and as a researcher I'll dispute a major premise - that these people act in good faith. They do not. How do I know? Just go talk to them, read what they wrote, and watch what they do. They don't analyze the data. They analyze some data and dismiss a lot of good data that says the opposite. 6 Reply Share Report Save

    ItsKonway 6 hours ago
    · edited 5 hours ago

    We argue that anti-maskers' deep story draws from similar wells of resentment, but adds a particular emphasis on the usurpation of scientific knowledge by a paternalistic, condescending elite that expects intellectual subservience rather than critical thinking from the public.

    Damn they fucking nailed the libs. 18 Reply Share Report Save

    brentwilliams2 17 hours ago

    In my experience, I've seen a lot of people who absolutely look at the data. However, they do not have a science background, so therefore they often misinterpret things. They often see things in the data that really aren't there, or that the data really can't prove. 48 Reply Share Report Save

    WaltzRoommate 15 hours ago

    You've gotta do something.

    You can either try your best, put your ideas out for public scrutiny, and try to be intellectually honest or you can completely outsource your thinking to people who (a) still might have no clue what they're talking about, (b) might not have your best interest at heart, (c) are possibly not using scientific processes so much as appeals to conformity. 19 Reply Share Report Save

    brentwilliams2 6 hours ago

    This is the way I view it: If it is a singular government entity sharing information, then I am generally skeptical. However, in the case of something like covid, you have independent entities across the world with scientists agreeing on several key things. In that instance, the chance of a conspiracy goes so far down that it is more prudent to lean on their scientific expertise than my own analysis, which is probably so corrupted by my personal bias as to not be very accurate. So I'm not sure I agree with the idea that I have to do something - adding my own uneducated opinion in with the massive amount of other uneducated opinions is not adding any value to the world. In fact, I would say it is an active detriment as it muddies the waters, and at least here in the US, I think it is what has pushed us into more anti-scientific thinking. 4 Reply Share Report Save

    WaltzRoommate 4 hours ago

    Why is a dispersed power structure more reliable? It's not like they don't all have powerful incentives to conform.

    adding my own uneducated opinion in with the massive amount of other uneducated opinions is not adding any value to the world.

    Your opinion on who is credible to follow blindly is equally as credible as your opinion on covid.

    Seriously though, just read source material. It's not that hard and when you do, you'll notice it's not written in Latin and filled with PhD math. It's accessible to anyone and it'll become intuitively obvious to you why you should be allowed to enter the discussion. 6 Reply Share Report Save

    brentwilliams2 3 hours ago

    Your opinion on who is credible to follow blindly is equally as credible as your opinion on covid.

    Disagree completely. If you look at the worldwide community of scientists and they agree on several key things, my opinion does not trump that. Now granted, there is a slight chance that system fails. For example, in the US, the sugar lobby successfully placed health blames on fat instead of sugar; however, those instances are in the minority, especially when there are more institutions studying any given issue. As for my opinion, I could have an ego and say that I could read the studies myself and form my own conclusion. I studied at a very well-respected university and consider myself fairly mentally adept; however, my background is not in the sciences and I would undoubtedly misconstrue something. Beyond that, half the world's population is below average intelligence, and to think that they are going to draw conclusions that are both correct and yet different from the scientific community at large is simply laughable to me. But what they can do is misconstrue things, share it with their equally uneducated friends, and build a swell of uninformed opinions that have the same voting power as everyone else. And we are seeing this in action right now because people think that their own opinions are better than someone who has studied the subject for decades.

    And again, to be clear, I'm not advocating for blind following. If something doesn't seem right, then ask questions - that makes a ton of sense. But I think where people get messed up is that they see something that doesn't seem to add up, but rather than ask questions of a subject matter expert, they then try to answer it themselves, and they (laypeople) will almost always be wrong in that situation. 1 Reply Share Report Save

    WaltzRoommate 3 hours ago

    If you don't read the literature then you have no idea if there is a "slight" chance of the system failing. I've literally never met a half decent scientist who had any respect for the institutions today. The system actually fails quite often due to a metric shit load of problems with every aspect of scientific institutionalism from publication biases, to media backlash and public backlash, to unqualified scientists with bad methods, bad research, and bad results.

    Know-nothing normie idiots treat scientists like some sort of intellectual super soldier titans of knowledge, but most of them are midwits who lack passion and do the bare minimum to get by. The only way to be informed is to be an actual part of the process by actually reading the literature and taking an active role in your own thought processes. 1 Reply Share Report Save

    brentwilliams2 2 hours ago

    most of them are midwits

    You think that someone who has advanced degrees in a specific niche is anywhere close to a "midwit"? Sure, scientists are not infallible, but you are going the opposite extreme. 1 Reply Share Report Save

    WaltzRoommate 2 hours ago

    Degrees are more of a measure of how long you're willing to stay in college for than anything else. It used to be 10% of society going, probably approximately the top 10% intellectually, and now there's not only far more and far less impressive people, but their grades are inflated. The private sector knows I'm right, which is why "Hey, I have a degree!" will no longer just instantly land you a job.

    What I'm saying is really not that extreme. Scientists are not excluded from the maxim that 90% of everything is crap. Scientists are not the exception to the fact that most employees phone it in day to day. Scientists are not excluded from social and political pressures, and neither are the institutions that they work for.

    You should not outsource your thinking based on the claims of institutions that those institutions are wonderful. You should read the subject matter well enough to ask intelligent questions and have a web of belief to fall back on that is based on actual information and not based on a game of telephone. You should then put your thoughts up to public scrutiny, ask questions as needed, and develop some working understanding of the world around you. This statement is not extreme. 3 Reply Share Report Save

    brentwilliams2 1 hour ago

    I have to admit that I'm getting so incredibly tired from people saying stuff like this: "Degrees are more of a measure of how long you're willing to stay in college for than anything else." That's just absurd. You have no idea what goes into a doctoral thesis, at least from a reputable school.

    I see a trend in your posts where there is a string of truth, but then takes a much more extreme view of that situation. For example, yes, as more people are pushed into college situations, it will be less that are potentially qualified, but that is a GIANT leap to what you then say. And yes, surely there are well-educated but ultimately lazy scientists, but again, you use that minority to make generalized statements over the entire scientific community.

    At the end, what you say has merit - if you ask questions directed to subject matter experts and not your layperson peers , and continue to educate yourself, at some point you will have an opinion that has validity. But we are talking about years of study to then understand the issues well enough to dispute those who already have those years of experience and study. If you want to go that route, that's completely fine, but that is not the average person, nor anywhere close to it. It frankly is a lot more effective to simply get better at being more discerning who to trust from that existing group of experts. Vote Reply Share Report Save

    the_seraphim 17 hours ago

    I'm a covid skeptic in that I believe it's real, but don't trust my government to tell a) the truth and (b) not sensationalise it for their benefit.

    I like to see the data and evaluate things myself, I'm pretty smart with that and was in the early day "close the borders or were screwed" camp back in December 2018 / January 2019

    Empirical data is the only thing worth anything.

    I do worry for people who don't have my background in science or know when to stop and say "I don't know so let's just do the safe thing" though.

    [May 10, 2021] Inputs, for example, from our CDC, have consistently been wrong, or manipulated to achieve a political end. Masks were necessary, then they weren't

    May 10, 2021 |


    Inputs, for example, from our CDC, have consistently been wrong, or manipulated to achieve a political end. Masks were necessary, then they weren't J Joe Ross

    Am I the only one amused by the illusion of precision when it comes to defining outcomes associated with "herd immunity". Inputs, for example, from our CDC, have consistently been wrong, or manipulated to achieve a political end. Masks were necessary, then they weren't . Six feet, became three feet, then back to six feet. We will get thru this, because we must.

    [May 10, 2021] Love it when people unintentionally and accidentally tell the truth

    May 10, 2021 |

    Conventional wisdom holds this was worth it because lives were saved by shutting workplaces and schools and telling people to stay home. But a new study by University of Chicago economist Casey Mulligan shows the opposite

    Love it when people unintentionally and accidentally tell the truth

    Conventional wisdom holds this was worth it because lives were saved by shutting workplaces and schools and telling people to stay home. But a new study by University of Chicago economist Casey Mulligan shows the opposite

    J Domingo
    The lockdowns were not supposed stop anything.
    Love it when people unintentionally and accidentally tell the truth.
    Love it when people unintentionally and accidentally tell the truth

    Conventional wisdom holds this was worth it because lives were saved by shutting workplaces and schools and telling people to stay home. But a new study by University of Chicago economist Casey Mulligan shows the opposite

    J Domingo
    The lockdowns were not supposed stop anything.
    Love it when people unintentionally and accidentally tell the truth.
    Love it when people unintentionally and accidentally tell the truth

    Conventional wisdom holds this was worth it because lives were saved by shutting workplaces and schools and telling people to stay home. But a new study by University of Chicago economist Casey Mulligan shows the opposite

    J Domingo
    The lockdowns were not supposed stop anything.
    Love it when people unintentionally and accidentally tell the truth.
    Love it when people unintentionally and accidentally tell the truth

    Conventional wisdom holds this was worth it because lives were saved by shutting workplaces and schools and telling people to stay home. But a new study by University of Chicago economist Casey Mulligan shows the opposite

    J Domingo
    The lockdowns were not supposed stop anything.
    Love it when people unintentionally and accidentally tell the truth.
    Love it when people unintentionally and accidentally tell the truth

    Conventional wisdom holds this was worth it because lives were saved by shutting workplaces and schools and telling people to stay home. But a new study by University of Chicago economist Casey Mulligan shows the opposite

    J Domingo
    The lockdowns were not supposed stop anything.
    Love it when people unintentionally and accidentally tell the truth.

    [May 10, 2021] Lockdowns Didn't Stop Covid

    May 10, 2021 |

    Covid-19 lockdowns shaved 3.5% off U.S. GDP in 2020 even as the federal government spent more than $2.6 trillion in relief measures. Millions of children fell behind in learning and nearly 100,000 businesses closed for good.

    Conventional wisdom holds this was worth it because lives were saved by shutting workplaces and schools and telling people to stay home. But a new study by University of Chicago economist Casey Mulligan shows the opposite. After the first month of the pandemic, organizations that adopted prevention protocols became safer places than the wider community. Officials who didn't see that coming forgot that organizations are rational and look for cooperative solutions that improve the welfare of the group, such as reducing the risks of communicable disease.

    In "The Backward Art of Slowing the Spread? Congregation Efficiencies during COVID-19," Mr. Mulligan uses empirical data to test the presumption that the workplace was less safe than the home. He recognizes that "absent costly prevention activities, larger groups naturally have more infections per member."

    Yet as he notes, people join firms "in part because they value the group's management of local externalities and public goods." That's an economist's way of saying that the human capital of a company is tied to its capacity to protect employees and serve customers.

    There is little doubt that infection would spread faster in congregations than in smaller groups if both engaged in similar practices. But since larger groups have an incentive to spend on expensive methods of prevention, larger organizations might be better at prevention than households with fewer people.

    This is what happened. "Available data from schools, hospitals, nursing homes, food processing plants, hair stylists, and airlines," Mr. Mulligan writes in the study, "show employers adopting mitigation protocols in the spring of 2020." These were "physical barriers," like masking and air filtering, but also included distancing protocols, pods and screenings. Households were less likely to implement similar precautions.

    According to the study, "per-capita transmission rates on site fell dramatically, usually to levels below household transmission."

    In one example, "an hour worked in the Duke Health system went from being more dangerous than an hour outside work to being more than three times safer." Overall, "both the spread data and the prevalence data suggest that the prevention efforts worked, or at least that something about the organization keeps infection rates below what they are outside the organization."

    [May 09, 2021] Flu Has Disappeared Worldwide During the COVID Pandemic

    May 09, 2021 |

    ( 306 BeauHD on Thursday April 29, 2021 @11:30PM from the effective-public-health-measures dept. An anonymous reader quotes a report from Scientific American: Since the novel coronavirus began its global spread, influenza cases reported to the World Health Organization have dropped to minuscule levels . The reason, epidemiologists think, is that the public health measures taken to keep the coronavirus from spreading also stop the flu. Influenza viruses are transmitted in much the same way as SARS-CoV-2, but they are less effective at jumping from host to host. As Scientific American reported last fall , the drop-off in flu numbers was both swift and universal. Since then, cases have stayed remarkably low. "There's just no flu circulating," says Greg Poland, who has studied the disease at the Mayo Clinic for decades. The U.S. saw about 600 deaths from influenza during the 2020-2021 flu season. In comparison, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated there were roughly 22,000 deaths in the prior season and 34,000 two seasons ago.

    Because each year's flu vaccine is based on strains that have been circulating during the past year, it is unclear how next year's vaccine will fare, should the typical patterns of the disease return. [...] Public health experts are grateful for the reprieve. Some are also worried about a lost immune response, however. If influenza subsides for several years, today's toddlers could miss a chance to have an early-age response imprinted on their immune system. That could be good or bad, depending on what strains circulate during the rest of their life. For now, future flu transmission remains a roll of the dice.

    [May 09, 2021] Face mask in ubic places mandate couls have saved 5% of GDP in comparison with lockkdowns

    May 09, 2021 |

    An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Washington Post: After a late-spring lull, daily coronavirus cases in the United States have again hit record highs , driven by resurgent outbreaks in states such as Florida, Arizona and California. Hospitals in Houston are already on the brink of being overwhelmed, and public health experts worry the pandemic's body count will soon again be climbing in tandem with the daily case load. The dire situation has raised the specter of another round of state-level stay-at-home orders to halt the pandemic's spread and caused a number of governors to pause or reverse their ongoing reopening plans.

    Against this backdrop, a team of economists at investment bank Goldman Sachs has published an analysis suggesting more painful shutdowns could be averted if the United States implements a nationwide mask mandate .

    "A face mask mandate could potentially substitute for lockdowns that would otherwise subtract nearly 5% from GDP," the team, led by the company's chief economist, Jan Hatzius, writes. It's worth noting the authors of the report are economists and not public health experts. Their primary motivation is to protect the economic interests of Goldman Sachs's investors, which is why they're interested in the effects of federal policy on gross domestic product. But their findings are in line with a number of other published studies on the efficacy of masks.

    The Goldman Sachs report notes the United States is a global outlier with respect to face mask use, which is widespread in Asia and currently mandated in many European countries. Though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention " recommends " the use of masks in public and 20 states plus the District of Columbia have implemented their own mandates, there is no binding national policy, with wide regional variations in mask use around the country. "

    We estimate that statewide mask mandates gradually raise the percentage of people who 'always' or 'frequently' wear masks by around 25 [percentage points] in the 30+ days after signing," the authors write. "Our numerical estimates are that cumulative cases grow 17.3% per week without a mask mandate but only 7.3% with a mask mandate, and that cumulative fatalities grow 29% per week without a mask mandate but only 16% with a mask mandate."

    [May 09, 2021] May 7, 2021 at 9:33 pm

    May 09, 2021 |

    Update CDC/aerosols 5-7-2021

    Some of the References look familiar/

    [May 09, 2021] Economists Disagree Over How Much Covid-19 'Herd Immunity' Needed for Recovery

    There is no or very little (depending of type of vaccine) immunity from South African mutation in the USA for people who already were vaccinated.
    From comments: "Herd Immunity or Heard on the Street immunity? COVID was way over-played in order to get Biden in the WH. Now the shoes on the other foot and the Herd Concept is eroding pretty darn fast"... "Here in the US, it's undeniable that the quantity of covid cases were intentionally over counted -- likely for political reasons."
    "If the re-infection rate is near zero and those who are the most vulnerable are 95% inoculated why should the remaining unvaccinated (mostly youth) be needed to reach herd immunity? Their reaction to COVID-19 is either undetectable or no worse than a mild cold. Some people, journalists, just do not want to think and/or act logically."
    Notable quotes:
    "... For example, there is no herd immunity from South African mutation in the USA for those who were immunized with the Moderna vaccine and Johnson and Johnson vaccine ..."
    "... And more mutations will follow this and the next year. So the concept of "herd immunity" when applied to coronaviruses looks to me fuzzy; in this sense this is the goal that the nation probably can't achieve. Remember the "flattering of the curve" fiasco in NYC. Quarantine measures were completely decimated by Floyd-gate riots and authorities were forced to swallow the bitter pill. Measures they advocated proved to be useless and economically damaging. ..."
    "... Coronaviruses like C19 are a moving target. Moreover, there are large swats of the US population that have weakened immune system (including some seniors) who that does not respond to vaccination, creating no protection. In large cities like NYC they will serve as the reservoir of virus mutations vaccination, or no vaccination. ..."
    "... We have Fauci making unfounded statements that confuse everyone and now economists are going to tell us when herd immunity will become operative. Can't do any worse than the 'media docs'. ..."
    May 09, 2021 |

    Some view herd immunity -- the point at which a critical mass of a population become immune to a disease-causing virus or bacteria -- as a key factor in determining when Covid-19 will be conquered and economies will return to normal. Until herd immunity is reached, some say, governments will restrict activities to prevent the disease's spread, resulting in fewer goods and services being produced and consumed.

    Other economists say businesses can reopen and economic activity can rebound without full herd immunity, and likely will.

    Part of the challenge for economists is that it is hard to know exactly when a given place will achieve herd immunity, if ever. For Covid-19 , epidemiologists generally believe it will require having at least 60% to 80% of a population develop antibodies, curbing the virus's ability to spread.

    ... ... ...

    Economists at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. have tried to incorporate immunity estimates into their forecasts by looking at daily vaccination progress around the world and take account of estimates of how many people have already been infected.

    According to their calculations, 60% of the population in the U.S. and U.K. are already immune to Covid-19; the biggest economies of Europe will get there by August.

    Serg Bezrukov

    I agree with Umesh Patil.

    For example, there is no herd immunity from South African mutation in the USA for those who were immunized with the Moderna vaccine and Johnson and Johnson vaccine .

    And more mutations will follow this and the next year. So the concept of "herd immunity" when applied to coronaviruses looks to me fuzzy; in this sense this is the goal that the nation probably can't achieve. Remember the "flattering of the curve" fiasco in NYC. Quarantine measures were completely decimated by Floyd-gate riots and authorities were forced to swallow the bitter pill. Measures they advocated proved to be useless and economically damaging.

    Coronaviruses like C19 are a moving target. Moreover, there are large swats of the US population that have weakened immune system (including some seniors) who that does not respond to vaccination, creating no protection. In large cities like NYC they will serve as the reservoir of virus mutations vaccination, or no vaccination.

    Rick Schaler SUBSCRIBER 3 hours ago

    We have Fauci making unfounded statements that confuse everyone and now economists are going to tell us when herd immunity will become operative. Can't do any worse than the 'media docs'.

    Umesh Patil


    [May 08, 2021] Only two things are infinite, human stupidity and the universe, and I'm not sure about the universe: The CDC repoted under 2,500 confirmed flu cases for the US for the entire season. In the previous season, the CDC estimated there were 38 million cases, or 99.99% fewer cases.

    May 08, 2021 |

    Im4truth4all 1 hour ago

    "Only two things are infinite, human stupidity and the universe, and I'm not sure about the universe." - Attributed to Einstein: The CDC repoted under 2,500 confirmed flu cases for the US for the entire season. In the previous season, the CDC estimated there were 38 million cases, or 99.99% fewer cases.

    ReadyForHillary 1 hour ago (Edited)

    No different from climate "science". Ferguson repeated the mistake made by the first warming hysterics - making predictions that can be tested empirically. The latter learned to push their predictions out to the year 2100 so they can never be tested.

    JaxPavan 1 hour ago

    "As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK. There are many diseases which can cause serious illness which are not classified as HCIDs.

    The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak. Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.

    The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) continues to consider COVID-19 as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), therefore the need to have a national, coordinated response remains and this is being met by the government's COVID-19 response .

    Cases of COVID-19 are no longer managed by HCID treatment centres only. All healthcare workers managing possible and confirmed cases should follow the updated national infection and prevention (IPC) guidance for COVID-19 , which supersedes all previous IPC guidance for COVID-19. This guidance includes instructions about different personal protective equipment (PPE) ensembles that are appropriate for different clinical scenarios."

    COVID isn't even on the list

    [May 08, 2021] Imperial College Predicted Catastrophe In Every Country On Earth... Then The Models Failed

    Why this jerk is still listened to? Only because his predictions suit the neoliberal elite. ..completly wrong, never in doubt.....
    May 08, 2021 |

    Authored by Phillip Magness via The American Institute for Economic Research,

    The satirist Ambrose Bierce once defined prophecy as the "art and practice of selling one's credibility for future delivery." Covid-19 has produced no shortage of doomsaying prophets whose prognostications completely failed at future delivery, and yet in the eyes of the scientific community their credibility remains peculiarly intact.

    No greater example exists than the epidemiology modeling team at Imperial College-London (ICL), led by the physicist Neil Ferguson . As I've documented at length , the ICL modelers played a direct and primary role in selling the concept of lockdowns to the world. The governments of the United States and United Kingdom explicitly credited Ferguson's forecasts on March 16, 2020 with the decision to embrace the once-unthinkable response of ordering their populations to shelter in place.

    Ferguson openly boasted of his team's role in these decisions in a December 2020 interview , and continues to implausibly claim credit for saving millions of lives despite the deficit of empirical evidence that his policies delivered on their promises. Quite the opposite – the worst outcomes in terms of Covid deaths per capita are almost entirely in countries that leaned heavily on lockdowns and related nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) in their unsuccessful bid to turn the pandemic's tide.

    Assessed looking backward from the one-year mark, ICL's modeling exercises performed disastrously . They not only failed to accurately forecast the course of the pandemic in the US and UK – they also failed to anticipate Covid-19's course in almost every country in the world, irrespective of the policy responses taken.

    Time and time again, the Ferguson team's models dramatically overstated the death toll of the disease, posting the worst performance record of any major epidemiology model . After a year, some of the ICL predictions reach farcical territory. Their forecast of 179,000 deaths in Taiwan, which never locked down, was off by 1,798,000% (as of this writing, Taiwan has just 12 Covid-19 deaths). A similar story played out in other countries that eschewed the lockdown approach for the first year of the pandemic. Imperial overstated the predicted mortality of Sweden (392%), South Korea (17,461%), and Japan (11,670%) in the absence of heavier-handed NPIs than any of these countries actually imposed.

    But what about the rest of the world? Most other countries experimented with some form of Neil Ferguson's prescriptive advice over the last year, although for different degrees of severity and duration. Despite widely different mortality outcomes of their own, no other country provides anything approaching a clear validation of the ICL model.

    The searchable results above ( please view on desktop or turn mobile to landscape and reload for best results ), compared to the actual death toll on March 26, 2021 – one year after the original release of Imperial's international model .

    The table depicts three modeled scenarios that were published in ICL's report from one year ago (ICL also included a fourth scenario attempting to approximate focused protection of elderly populations; however this approach was not meaningfully attempted in any country).

    The first scenario shows an extreme "suppression" model, triggered when a country reached 1.6 deaths per 100,000 residents. This strategy envisioned a stunning 75% overall "uniform reduction in contact rates" across the entire population. Even in the short term, this approach is akin to the harsh measures first implemented in the Wuhan region of China as distinct from the lesser lockdowns with "essential business" exemptions seen in most of the world. But ICL's suppression strategy also assumed that this measure "will need to be maintained in some manner until vaccines or effective treatments become available" – basically a full year or more of uninterrupted lockdown.

    No country on earth maintained a 75% suppression rate of all contacts for an entire year, making ICL's first model an extreme hypothetical of what a "best case" aggressive policy response could attain rather than a predictive reflection of reality. Despite its hypothetical nature, ICL's suppression model still managed to overstate the number of Covid-19 deaths in all but the 20 worst-afflicted countries – none of which used anything close to the scenario's policy approach.

    The second ICL strategy is closer to reality in most countries. This "mitigation" model envisioned mandatory population-wide social distancing with a primary aim of preserving hospital capacity to treat the disease – a "flattening of the curve" as the popular slogan maintained. Using the most conservative replication rate that they modeled, R=2.4, Imperial's "mitigation" forecasts managed to dramatically overstate the number of deaths in every single country on earth. Using a higher R0 yields even more extreme overpredictions. But sticking with the 2.4 scenario is sufficient to show the systemic problem in the ICL model. Their "mitigation" numbers were too high by roughly 20-30% in hard-hit locations such as Peru, Mexico, and the Czech Republic – all countries that used stringent lockdown measures at several points in the last year . On the other extreme, ICL overstated the "mitigation" scenario's predicted death toll by 100,000% or more in a dozen countries. All but about 20 of the hardest-hit countries had "mitigation" forecasts that ran high by 100% or more.

    The third ICL strategy projected the results of an "unmitigated" pandemic in which governments did nothing at all. This is the scenario that famously predicted 2.2 million deaths in the United States, 500,000 in the United Kingdom, and similar catastrophic outcomes across the world. Although Ferguson's team has a bad habit of falsely claiming credit for saving millions of lives premised upon these apocalyptic numbers, the truth is they all amounted to wild exaggerations from a fundamentally flawed model. At the 1-year mark, no country on earth approached anywhere near ICL's "unmitigated" projections, and certainly not any of the countries that avoided heavy-handed lockdowns.

    Although ICL did not release its full timeline of how the pandemic would play out under these scenarios, its modeling enterprise was built upon the assumption that the peak daily death toll for each country would hit approximately three months after the introduction of the virus. For most countries, that means a predicted peak sometime in the summer of 2020, with the overwhelming majority of forecast deaths to have occurred by the end of that wave. A year later, most countries have not even remotely resembled the tolls predicted under most of the ICL model scenarios.

    Several questions remain.

    Why is Ferguson, who has a long history of absurdly exaggerated modeling predictions, still viewed as a leading authority on pandemic forecasting? And why is the ICL team still advising governments around the world on how to deal with Covid-19 through its flawed modeling approach? In March 2020 ICL sold its credibility for future delivery. That future has arrived, and the results are not pretty.

    asteroids 2 hours ago (Edited)

    As a computer scientist familiar with statistical modelling I took a look at his code. It made me want to puke. This joker should not be confused with Niall Ferguson, a top notch historian.

    gspanner PREMIUM 4 minutes ago

    The article doesn't mention that he broke the lockdown he espoused to travel across london to screw his partner. So one rule for me....

    He also was responsible for the slaughter of millions of cows during a Foot and Mouth outbreak (probably for no reason). His previous doom **** predictions for precious infectious disease outbreaks have been wrong. His model has been discredited because the code/methodology is fundamentally flawed, written in error ridden out of date language and code.

    Yet the BBC wheel him out whenever they need to justify the draconian regulations without any questions of his idiocy which I am afraid seems likely because they need to maintain /support the licence fee agreement with the government.

    It all stinks.

    Majorca PREMIUM 10 minutes ago

    Dr. John Ioannides(Stanford University California): Much closer to the reality. Does not fit the "script"

    JaxPavan 1 hour ago

    "As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK. There are many diseases which can cause serious illness which are not classified as HCIDs.

    The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak. Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.

    The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) continues to consider COVID-19 as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), therefore the need to have a national, coordinated response remains and this is being met by the government's COVID-19 response .

    Cases of COVID-19 are no longer managed by HCID treatment centres only. All healthcare workers managing possible and confirmed cases should follow the updated national infection and prevention (IPC) guidance for COVID-19 , which supersedes all previous IPC guidance for COVID-19. This guidance includes instructions about different personal protective equipment (PPE) ensembles that are appropriate for different clinical scenarios."

    Janet_the_Gannet 3 hours ago

    Why is Ferguson, who has a long history of absurdly exaggerated modeling predictions, still viewed as a leading authority on pandemic forecasting?

    I imagine because his predictions feed into a pre-existing agenda.

    Not Your Father's ZH 2 hours ago

    Vicious criminal Neil Ferguson playing key role in new lockdowns - by Jon Rappoport, December 24, 2020

    Professor Neil Ferguson, and the idiot presidents and prime ministers who believe his computer predictions : Nothing is riding on this except the immediate future of the human race. Ferguson used old failed model to predict COVID deaths - by Jon Rappoport May 4, 2020

    The five key events in the fake pandemic - by Jon Rappoport, December 22, 2020

    Janet_the_Gannet 2 hours ago

    "Ferguson co-founded the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, based at Imperial, in 2008. It is the leading body advising national governments on pathogen outbreaks."

    "It gets tens of millions of dollars in annual funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation"

    Colour me not at all surprised

    phoolish 3 hours ago

    A couple videos where I explain my experience as a researcher in modeling ...

    4thmeal 2 hours ago remove link

    Because he's one of the stupid ones willing to do it. Any decent statistician will not use models to predict outcomes like this, as it is problematic and error prone. Add in a lot of unknowns to said model and any outcome prediction is going to be absolute crap. It's junk science.

    SDShack 3 hours ago

    Why is Ferguson, who has a long history of absurdly exaggerated modeling predictions, still viewed as a leading authority on pandemic forecasting?

    Why is Michael Mann still a professor at Penn State after being exposed as the Globull Warming Hockey Stick Faker? As the ClimateGate emails's all about money. Same as it ever was. Follow the money!

    Detective Miller 3 hours ago

    You have answered your own question. That view serves a certain ideology, does it not? They pay people like that to continue screaming FIRE! because it gives them POWER.

    Taffer 2 hours ago

    Taiwan had 12 Covid deaths. I wonder how many the US actually had, removing all the government incentives to state almost every death as Covid related that is.

    Gone 2 hours ago

    And flu disappeared. But hey they got to try out their genetic crap on millions.

    Gone 2 hours ago

    Rerun of this

    Zero-Hegemon 2 hours ago

    Ferguson provided the best models that money could buy. They wanted global fear and he delivered.

    Follow the money.

    End Times Prophecy 3 hours ago

    COVID-19 Total Deaths Worldwide to Date : 0.0

    $1.2 M Reward Offered For Proof COVID-19 Virus Exists

    After testing 1,500 samples from people who tested positive for the CCP Virus [COVID-19], these scientists found that ALL of the samples had evidence of Influenza A and Influenza B , something that had already been discovered in other cases, and none of COVID-19 .

    El Chapo Read 2 hours ago

    ...and Neil Ferguson was caught, in the middle of the strongest UK lock downs, criss-crossing London on several occasions to shag his mistress. The moment I heard that fact, it confirmed we were being scammed.

    JSG 2 hours ago

    His married mistress which is even worse!

    Kelley 50 minutes ago

    It's simple : Ferguson is paid through Imperial College because he comes up with numbers that match his paymaster's agenda.

    smacker 1 hour ago (Edited) remove link

    "And why is the ICL team still advising governments around the world on how to deal with Covid-19 through its flawed modeling approach?"

    I suspect the answer to this question is that Neil Ferguson produced the overly dramatic predictions that the political elites wanted, so they could impose authoritarian control over their populations, like we have seen in the UK, Europe, US and elsewhere. Let's not forget that Ferguson along with most governments are all now fully on-board with the so-called Climate Change Crises. So they all had common motives.

    MilwaukeeMark 2 hours ago (Edited)

    They weren't interested in truth. Leaders fear the truth as the Wicked Witch feared water. They were interested in peddling fear. Trauma based events like what we got with the MSM nightly fear **** gets people to by-pass reason and go right into reaction mode. I'm still seeing people out jogging with masks on. It worked.

    BigJJ 1 hour ago (Edited)

    During every "lockdown" in the UK people were still permitted by their gloriously benevolent government to hop on the London underground so mixing with millions of people per day, to go on buses all across the country so mixing with hundreds of people per day, to get in taxis mixing with dozens of people per day, to go to supermarkets at any time mixing with hundreds of people etc etc etc. This had nothing to do with stopping a virus and everything to do with killing small independent businesses and any business such as pub chains where people could sit and speak together about the upcoming trials of all Western politicians.

    [May 07, 2021] The Liberals Who Can't Quit Lockdown - The Atlantic

    Notable quotes:
    "... EMMA GREEN ..."
    "... MONICA GANDHI ..."
    "... EMILY OSTER ..."
    "... DEREK THOMPSON ..."
    May 07, 2021 |

    The Liberals Who Can't Quit Lockdown

    Progressive communities have been home to some of the fiercest battles over COVID-19 policies, and some liberal policy makers have left scientific evidence behind.

    EMMA GREEN MAY 4, 2021
    A woman wearing a face shield, surgical mask, and plastic poncho holds up signs in protest of school reopening.
    Teachers in Massachusetts protest a school-reopening plan. MEDIANEWS GROUP / BOSTON HERALD / GETTY

    L urking among the jubilant americans venturing back out to bars and planning their summer-wedding travel is a different group: liberals who aren't quite ready to let go of pandemic restrictions. For this subset, diligence against COVID-19 remains an expression of political identity -- even when that means overestimating the disease's risks or setting limits far more strict than what public-health guidelines permit. In surveys, Democrats express more worry about the pandemic than Republicans do. People who describe themselves as "very liberal" are distinctly anxious. This spring, after the vaccine rollout had started, a third of very liberal people were "very concerned" about becoming seriously ill from COVID-19, compared with a quarter of both liberals and moderates, according to a study conducted by the University of North Carolina political scientist Marc Hetherington. And 43 percent of very liberal respondents believed that getting the coronavirus would have a "very bad" effect on their life, compared with a third of liberals and moderates.

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    Last year, when the pandemic was raging and scientists and public-health officials were still trying to understand how the virus spread, extreme care was warranted. People all over the country made enormous sacrifices -- rescheduling weddings, missing funerals, canceling graduations, avoiding the family members they love -- to protect others. Some conservatives refused to wear masks or stay home, because of skepticism about the severity of the disease or a refusal to give up their freedoms. But this is a different story, about progressives who stressed the scientific evidence, and then veered away from it.

    me title=


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    For many progressives, extreme vigilance was in part about opposing Donald Trump. Some of this reaction was born of deeply felt frustration with how he handled the pandemic. It could also be knee-jerk. "If he said, 'Keep schools open,' then, well, we're going to do everything in our power to keep schools closed," Monica Gandhi, a professor of medicine at UC San Francisco, told me. Gandhi describes herself as "left of left," but has alienated some of her ideological peers because she has advocated for policies such as reopening schools and establishing a clear timeline for the end of mask mandates. "We went the other way, in an extreme way, against Trump's politicization," Gandhi said. Geography and personality may have also contributed to progressives' caution: Some of the most liberal parts of the country are places where the pandemic hit especially hard , and Hetherington found that the very liberal participants in his survey tended to be the most neurotic.

    The spring of 2021 is different from the spring of 2020, though. Scientists know a lot more about how COVID-19 spreads -- and how it doesn't. Public-health advice is shifting. But some progressives have not updated their behavior based on the new information. And in their eagerness to protect themselves and others, they may be underestimating other costs. Being extra careful about COVID-19 is (mostly) harmless when it's limited to wiping down your groceries with Lysol wipes and wearing a mask in places where you're unlikely to spread the coronavirus, such as on a hiking trail. But vigilance can have unintended consequences when it imposes on other people's lives. Even as scientific knowledge of COVID-19 has increased, some progressives have continued to embrace policies and behaviors that aren't supported by evidence, such as banning access to playgrounds, closing beaches , and refusing to reopen schools for in-person learning.

    "Those who are vaccinated on the left seem to think overcaution now is the way to go, which is making people on the right question the effectiveness of the vaccines," Gandhi told me. Public figures and policy makers who try to dictate others' behavior without any scientific justification for doing so erode trust in public health and make people less willing to take useful precautions. The marginal gains of staying shut down might not justify the potential backlash.

    Read: Overcaution carries its own danger to children

    E ven as the very effective covid-19 vaccines have become widely accessible, many progressives continue to listen to voices preaching caution over relaxation. Anthony Fauci recently said he wouldn't travel or eat at restaurants even though he's fully vaccinated, despite CDC guidance that these activities can be safe for vaccinated people who take precautions. California Governor Gavin Newsom refused in April to guarantee that the state's schools would fully reopen in the fall, even though studies have demonstrated for months that modified in-person instruction is safe. Leaders in Brookline, Massachusetts, decided this week to keep a local outdoor mask mandate in place, even though the CDC recently relaxed its guidance for outdoor mask use. And scolding is still a popular pastime. "At least in San Francisco, a lot of people are glaring at each other if they don't wear masks outside," Gandhi said, even though the risk of outdoor transmission is very low .

    me title=

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    Scientists, academics, and writers who have argued that some very low-risk activities are worth doing as vaccination rates rise -- even if the risk of exposure is not zero -- have faced intense backlash. After Emily Oster, an economist at Brown University, argued in The Atlantic in March that families should plan to take their kids on trips and see friends and relatives this summer, a reader sent an email to her supervisors at the university suggesting that Oster be promoted to a leadership role in the field of "genocide encouragement." "Far too many people are not dying in our current global pandemic, and far too many children are not yet infected," the reader wrote. "With the upcoming consequences of global warming about to be felt by a wholly unprepared worldwide community, I believe the time is right to get young scholars ready to follow in Dr. Oster's footsteps and ensure the most comfortable place to be is white [and] upper-middle-class." ("That email was something," Oster told me.)

    Sure, some mean people spend their time chiding others online. But for many, remaining guarded even as the country opens back up is an earnest expression of civic values. "I keep coming back to the same thing with the pandemic," Alex Goldstein, a progressive PR consultant who was a senior adviser to Representative Ayanna Pressley's 2018 campaign, told me. "Either you believe that you have a responsibility to take action to protect a person you don't know or you believe you have no responsibility to anybody who isn't in your immediate family."

    Goldstein and his wife decided early on in the pandemic that they were going to take restrictions extremely seriously and adopt the most cautious interpretation of when it was safe to do anything. He's been shaving his own head since the summer (with "bad consequences," he said). Although rugby teams have been back on the fields in Boston, where he lives, his team still won't participate, for fear of spreading germs when players pile on top of one another in a scrum. He spends his mornings and evenings sifting through stories of people who have recently died from the coronavirus for Faces of COVID , a Twitter feed he started to memorialize deaths during the pandemic. "My fear is that we will not learn the lessons of the pandemic, because we will try to blow through the finish line as fast as we can and leave it in the rearview mirror," he said.

    Progressive politics focuses on fighting against everyday disasters, such as climate change and poverty, struggles that may shape how some people see the pandemic. "If you're deeply concerned that the real disaster that's happening here is that the social contract has been broken and the vulnerable in society are once again being kicked while they're down, then you're going to be hypersensitive to every detail, to every headline, to every infection rate," Scott Knowles, a professor at the South Korean university KAIST who studies the history of disasters, told me. Some progressives believe that the pandemic has created an opening for ambitious policy proposals. "Among progressive political leaders around here, there's a lot of talk around: We're not going back to normal, because normal wasn't good enough," Goldstein said.

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    Read: Schools aren't super-spreaders

    In practice, though, progressives don't always agree on what prudent policy looks like. Consider the experience of Somerville, Massachusetts, the kind of community where residents proudly display rainbow yard signs declaring in this house we believe science is real . In the 2016 Democratic primary, 57 percent of voters there supported Bernie Sanders, and this year the Democratic Socialists of America have a shot at taking over the city council. As towns around Somerville began going back to in-person school in the fall, Mayor Joseph Curtatone and other Somerville leaders delayed a return to in-person learning. A group of moms -- including scientists, pediatricians, and doctors treating COVID-19 patients -- began to feel frustrated that Somerville schools weren't welcoming back students. They considered themselves progressive and believed that they understood teachers' worries about getting sick. But they saw the city's proposed safety measures as nonsensical and unscientific -- a sort of hygiene theater that prioritized the appearance of protection over getting kids back to their classrooms.

    With Somerville kids still at home, contractors conducted in-depth assessments of the city's school buildings, leading to proposals that included extensive HVAC-system overhauls and the installation of UV-sterilization units and even automatic toilet flushers -- renovations with a proposed budget of $7.5 million. The mayor told me that supply-chain delays and protracted negotiations with the local teachers' union slowed the reopening process. "No one wanted to get kids back to school more than me It's people needing to feel safe," he said. "We want to make sure that we're eliminating any risk of transmission from person to person in schools and carrying that risk over to the community."

    Months slipped by, and evidence mounted that schools could reopen safely. In Somerville, a local leader appeared to describe parents who wanted a faster return to in-person instruction as "fucking white parents" in a virtual public meeting; a community member accused the group of mothers advocating for schools to reopen of being motivated by white supremacy. "I spent four years fighting Trump because he was so anti-science," Daniele Lantagne, a Somerville mom and engineering professor who works to promote equitable access to clean water and sanitation during disease outbreaks, told me. "I spent the last year fighting people who I normally would agree with desperately trying to inject science into school reopening, and completely failed."

    In March, Erika Uyterhoeven, the democratic-socialist state representative for Somerville, compared the plight of teachers to that of Amazon workers and meatpackers, and described the return to in-person classes as part of a "push in a neoliberal society to ensure, over and above the well-being of educators, that our kids are getting a competitive education compared to other suburban schools." (She later asked the socialist blog that ran her comments to remove that quote, because so many parents found her statements offensive.) In Somerville, "everyone wants to be actively anti-racist. Everyone believes Black lives matter. Everyone wants the Green New Deal," Elizabeth Pinsky, a child psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital, told me. "No one wants to talk about how to actually get kindergartners onto the carpet of their teachers." Most elementary and middle schoolers in Somerville finally started back in person this spring, with some of the proposed building renovations in place. Somerville hasn't yet announced when high schoolers will go back full-time, and Curtatone wouldn't guarantee that schools will be open for in-person instruction in the fall.

    me title=

    me title=

    Read: Are outdoor mask mandates still necessary?

    P olicy makers' decisions about how to fight the pandemic are fraught because they have such an impact on people's lives. But personal decisions during the coronavirus crisis are fraught because they seem symbolic of people's broader value systems. When vaccinated adults refuse to see friends indoors, they're working through the trauma of the past year, in which the brokenness of America's medical system was so evident. When they keep their kids out of playgrounds and urge friends to stay distanced at small outdoor picnics, they are continuing the spirit of the past year, when civic duty has been expressed through lonely asceticism. For many people, this kind of behavior is a form of good citizenship. That's a hard idea to give up.

    And so as the rest of vaccinated America begins its summer of bacchanalia, rescheduling long-awaited dinner parties and medium-size weddings, the most hard-core pandemic progressives are left, Cassandra-like, to preach their peers' folly. Every weekday, Zachary Loeb publishes four "plague poems" on Twitter -- little missives about the headlines and how it feels to live through a pandemic. He is personally progressive: He blogs about topics like Trump's calamitous presidency and the future of climate change. He also studies disaster history. ("I jokingly tell my students that my reputation in the department is as Mr. Doom, but once I have earned my Ph.D., I will officially be Dr. Doom," he told me.) His Twitter avatar is the plague doctor: a beaked, top-hat-wearing figure who traveled across European towns treating victims of the bubonic plague. Last February, Loeb started stocking up on cans of beans; last March, he left his office, and has not been back since. This April, as the country inched toward half of the population getting a first dose of a vaccine and daily deaths dipped below 1,000, his poems became melancholy. "When you were young, wise old Aesop tried to warn you about this moment," he wrote, "wherein the plague is the steady tortoise, and we are the overconfident hare."

    EMMA GREEN is a staff writer at ​ The Atlantic , where she covers politics, policy, and religion.

    [May 06, 2021] Aldous Huxley Foresaw Our Despots - Fauci, Gates, The Vaccine Crusaders

    This is starting to look really like staging of "Brave new world..." Today's society is closer to Huxley's "Brave New World" than to Orwell's "1984". But there are clear elements of both. If you will, the worst of both worlds has come true today.
    May 06, 2021 |

    Authored by Patricia McCarthy via,

    In 1949, sometime after the publication of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four , Aldous Huxley, the author of Brave New World (1931), who was then living in California, wrote to Orwell. Huxley had briefly taught French to Orwell as a student in high school at Eton.

    Huxley generally praises Orwell's novel, which to many seemed very similar to Brave New World in its dystopian view of a possible future. Huxley politely voices his opinion that his own version of what might come to pass would be truer than Orwell's. Huxley observed that the philosophy of the ruling minority in Nineteen Eighty-Four is sadism, whereas his own version is more likely, that controlling an ignorant and unsuspecting public would be less arduous, less wasteful by other means. Huxley's masses are seduced by a mind-numbing drug, Orwell's with sadism and fear.

    The most powerful quote In Huxley's letter to Orwell is this:

    Within the next generation I believe that the world's rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.

    Aldous Huxley.

    Could Huxley have more prescient? What do we see around us?

    Masses of people dependent upon drugs, legal and illegal. The majority of advertisements that air on television seem to be for prescription drugs, some of them miraculous but most of them unnecessary. Then comes COVID, a quite possibly weaponized virus from the Fauci-funded-with-taxpayer-dollars lab in Wuhan, China. The powers that be tragically deferred to the malevolent Fauci who had long been hoping for just such an opportunity. Suddenly, there was an opportunity to test the mRNA vaccines that had been in the works for nearly twenty years. They could be authorized as an emergency measure but were still highly experimental. These jabs are not really vaccines at all, but a form of gene therapy . There are potential disastrous consequences down the road. Government experiments on the public are nothing new .

    Since there have been no actual, long-term trials, no one who contributed to this massive drug experiment knows what the long-term consequences might be. There have been countless adverse injuries and deaths already for which the government-funded vaccine producers will suffer no liability. With each passing day, new side-effects have begun to appear: blood clots, seizures, heart failure.

    As new adverse reactions become known despite the censorship employed by most media outlets, the more the Biden administration is pushing the vaccine, urging private corporations to make it mandatory for all employees. Colleges are making them mandatory for all students returning to campus.

    The leftmedia are advocating the "shunning" of the unvaccinated. The self-appointed virtue-signaling Democrats are furious at anyone and everyone who declines the jab. Why? If they are protected, why do they care? That is the question. Same goes for the ridiculous mask requirements . They protect no one but for those in operating rooms with their insides exposed, yet even the vaccinated are supposed to wear them!

    Months ago, herd immunity was near. Now Fauci and the CDC say it will never be achieved? Now the Pfizer shot will necessitate yearly booster shots. Pfizer expects to make $21B this year from its COVID vaccine! Anyone who thinks this isn't about money is a fool. It is all about money, which is why Fauci, Gates, et al. were so determined to convince the public that HCQ and ivermectin, both of which are effective, prophylactically and as treatment, were not only useless, but dangerous. Both of those drugs are tried, true, and inexpensive. Many of those thousands of N.Y. nursing home fatalities might have been prevented with the use of one or both of those drugs. Those deaths are on the hands of Cuomo and his like-minded tyrants drunk on power.

    Months ago, Fauci, et al. agreed that children were at little or no risk of getting COVID, of transmitting it, least of all dying from it. Now Fauci is demanding that all teens be vaccinated by the end of the year! Why? They are no more in danger of contracting it now than they were a year ago. Why are parents around this country not standing up to prevent their kids from being guinea pigs in this monstrous medical experiment? And now they are " experimenting " on infants. Needless to say, some have died. There is no reason on Earth for teens, children, and infants to be vaccinated. Not one.

    Huxley also wrote this:

    "The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' -- this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats ."

    - Crome Yellow

    Perhaps this explains the left's hysterical impulse to force these untested shots on those of us who have made the decision to go without it. If they've decided that it is the thing to do, then all of us must submit to their whims. If we decide otherwise, it gives them the righteous right to smear all of us whom they already deplore.

    As C.J. Hopkins has written , the left means to criminalize dissent. Those of us who are vaccine-resistant are soon to be outcasts, deprived of jobs and entry into everyday businesses. This kind of discrimination should remind everyone of ...oh, Germany three quarters of a century ago. Huxley also wrote, "The propagandist's purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human." That is precisely what the left is up to, what BLM is planning, what Critical Race Theory is all about.

    Tal Zaks, Moderna's chief medical officer, said these new vaccines are "hacking the software of life." Vaccine-promoters claim he never said this, but he did. Bill Gates called the vaccines " an operating system " to the horror of those promoting it, a Kinsley gaffe. Whether it is or isn't hardly matters at this point, but these statements by those behind the vaccines are a clue to what they have in mind.

    There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears , so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it.

    This is exactly what the left is working so hard to effect: a pharmacologically compromised population happy to be taken care of by a massive state machine. And while millions of people around the world have surrendered to the vaccine and mask hysteria, millions more, about 1.3 billion, want no part of this government vaccine mania.

    In his letter to Orwell, Huxley ended with the quote cited above and again here because it is so profound:

    Within the next generation I believe that the world's rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.

    Huxley nailed the left more than seventy years ago, perhaps because leftists have never changed throughout the ages. 61,497 173

    Fat Beaver 14 hours ago (Edited)

    If i am to be treated as an outcast or an undesirable because i refuse the vax, i will immediately become someone that has zero reverence for the law, and i can only imagine 10's of millions will be right there with me.

    strych10 14 hours ago

    Welcome to the club.

    We have coffee in the corner and occasional meetings at various bars.

    Dr. Chihuahua-González 13 hours ago

    I'm a doctor, you could contact me anytime and receive your injection.

    Fat Beaver 13 hours ago (Edited)

    I've gotta feeling the normie world you think you live in is about to change drastically for the worse...

    sparky139 PREMIUM 10 hours ago

    You mean you'll sign papers that you injected us *wink *wink? And toss it away?

    bothneither 2 hours ago

    Oh geez how uncommon, another useless doctor with no Scruples who sold out to big Pharma. Please have my Gates sponsored secret sauce.

    Unknown 6 hours ago (Edited)

    Both Huxley and Orwell are wrong. Neoliberalism (the use of once office for personal gains) is by far the most powerful force that subjugates the inept population. Neoliberalism demolished the mighty USSR, now destroying the USA, and will do the same to China. And this poison dribbles from the top to bottom creating self-centered population that is unable to unite, much less resist.

    Deathrips 15 hours ago (Edited) remove link

    You gonna cover Tucker Carlsons show earlier today on FOX news about vaxxx deaths? almost 4k reported so far this year.

    19331510 14 hours ago (Edited)

    AGE Deaths

    0-24 23

    25-50 184

    51-65 506

    66-80 1164

    81-100 1346

    U 321


    Joe Joe Depends 13 hours ago

    India up in arms about mere 1%

    spanish flu was 3%

    JimmyJones 9 hours ago

    Is the population of india up in arms or is the MSM?

    Nelbev 10 hours ago

    Facebook just flagged/censored it, must sign into see vid, Tuck also failed to mention mRNA and adenovirus vaxes were experimental and not FDA approved nor gone through stage III trials. Beside deaths, have blood clot issues. Good he mentioned how naturally immune if get covid and recovered, better than vaccine, but not covered for bogus passports. Me personally, I would rather catch covid and get natural immunity than be vaccinated with an untested experimental vaccine.

    19331510 14 hours ago

    Covid19 links.


    Video Sharing : ; ; ;

    Healthcare Professionals :

    Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya; Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche; Dr. Ron Brown; Dr. Ryan Cole; Dr. Richard Fleming; Dr. Simone Gold; Dr. Sunetra Gupta; Dr. Carl Heneghan; Dr. Martin Kulldorff; Dr. Paul Marik; Dr. Peter McCullough; Dr. Joseph Mercola; Dr. Lee Merritt; Dr. Judy Mikovits; Dr. Dennis Modry; Dr. Hooman Noorchashm; Dr. Harvey Risch; Dr. Sherri Tenpenny; Dr. Richard Urso; Dr. Michael Yeadon;

    A list of Canadian doctors:

    Lawyers : Dr. Reiner Fuellmich; Rocco Galati;

    Drug Adverse Reaction Databases: (Search; Suspected Drug Reactions Reports for Substances) COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE MODERNA (CX-024414); COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE PFIZER-BIONTECH; COVID-19 VACCINE ASTRAZENECA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19); COVID-19 VACCINE JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S)

    Research papers : (pcr tests) (face masks) (lock downs) (child/teacher morbidity) (transmission by children) (masks/restaurants) (biased trial reporting)

    Covid19 links.


    Video Sharing : ; ; ;

    Healthcare Professionals :

    Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya; Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche; Dr. Ron Brown; Dr. Ryan Cole; Dr. Richard Fleming; Dr. Simone Gold; Dr. Sunetra Gupta; Dr. Carl Heneghan; Dr. Martin Kulldorff; Dr. Paul Marik; Dr. Peter McCullough; Dr. Joseph Mercola; Dr. Lee Merritt; Dr. Judy Mikovits; Dr. Dennis Modry; Dr. Hooman Noorchashm; Dr. Harvey Risch; Dr. Sherri Tenpenny; Dr. Richard Urso; Dr. Michael Yeadon;

    A list of Canadian doctors:

    Lawyers : Dr. Reiner Fuellmich; Rocco Galati;

    Drug Adverse Reaction Databases: (Search; Suspected Drug Reactions Reports for Substances) COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE MODERNA (CX-024414); COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE PFIZER-BIONTECH; COVID-19 VACCINE ASTRAZENECA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19); COVID-19 VACCINE JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S)

    Research papers : (pcr tests) (face masks) (lock downs) (child/teacher morbidity) (transmission by children) (masks/restaurants) (biased trial reporting)

    Ultramarines 15 hours ago (Edited)

    His making of the gamma and delta workforce was quite prescient. We are seeing it play out now, we all know gammas and delta. There was a really good ABC tv movie made in 1980 Brave New World. Excellent show, it shows the Alphas and names them Rothchild and so on. Shows what these people specifically want to do to the world. I wonder if the ruling psychopaths actually wait for science fiction authors to plan the future and then follow their script.

    Mineshaft Gap 10 hours ago

    If Huxley were starting out today no major publisher would touch him.

    They'd tell him Brave New World doesn't have a diverse enough of cast. Even the mostly likable totalitarian guy named Mustapha turns out to be white! A white Mustapha. It's soooo triggering. Also, what's wrong with a little electronic fun and drug taking, anyway? Lighten up , Aldous.

    Meanwhile his portrait of shrieking medieval Catholic nuns who think they're possessed in The Devils of Loudun might remind the leftist editors too uncomfortably of their own recent bleating performances at "White Fragility" struggle sessions.

    Sorry, Aldous. Just...too...problematic.

    [May 03, 2021] COVID-19 almost totally eliminated flu epidemic. Why ?

    Notable quotes:
    "... I am still trying to figure out the SCIENCE of BLM mostly peaceful protests were just safe, fine and dandy while churches had to be shut down or grandma would die. ..."
    May 03, 2021 |
    Bollockinell 6 hours ago

    This is probably the first time in the history of mankind that an illness that has been with us our entire lives has magically disappeared only to be immediately replaced by another one with exactly the same symptoms!

    2banana 7 hours ago

    I am still trying to figure out the SCIENCE of BLM mostly peaceful protests were just safe, fine and dandy while churches had to be shut down or grandma would die.

    In this day and age, we all need to do our own research and we all need to think for ourselves, because the big pharmaceutical companies are more concerned with profits than anything else.

    If you are harmed by their experimental therapies, the big pharmaceutical companies won’t be there to pick up the pieces for you if something goes horribly wrong.

    [May 03, 2021] Masks help to prevent other infections so in closed spaces they are justified

    May 03, 2021 |

    Stonebird , Apr 27 2021 8:50 utc | 6

    Quote "So there may be a new form of normalcy where masks don?t necessarily have to go away.?

    Dr. Leonard A. Mermel, medical director of epidemiology and infection control at Rhode Island Hospital, who said making people wear masks all the time was worth it to stop the spread of other viruses aside from COVID-19.

    ?Within the Lifespan system we are seeing far fewer of all the respiratory viruses than we are used to seeing at this moment in the calendar year? So it?s impressive: the COVID preventative strategies are having an impact on other respiratory viruses, which just makes sense: they spread in a similar fashion,? said Mermel.

    ?It would not surprise me if that became a recommendation from the CDC,? he said. ?It?s a pretty low price to pay to try to reduce the risk to oneself and to particularly loved ones who may be at particular risk of these sorts of infections causing harm,?

    Of course "lockdowns" are being used in the same way, (ie in the UK) where they would love to have a third wave. ( Wave goodbye as freedom flies ). This is not a question of numbers but of policy that hides and tries to ignore .... rebellious attitudes. (The recent massive march in London that you didn't see reported by the BBC (!) Or we can have Bill Gates getting agitated about "patents" being used by anyone else (ie Russia and China) Who might "learn their techniques". This is in spite of Russia offering help to the West with their own research (Was that for the "Oxford" vaccine ?).
    "Many hands make light work", but with all of them trying to push the switch in their own direction, we will be lucky if a fuse doesn't blow somewhere

    [May 03, 2021] Why authorities ask vaccinated people wear masks and obey social distancing rules?

    May 03, 2021 |

    acheron2016 10 hours ago

    IF vaccines worked it shouldn't matter to a vaccinated person whether you have a vaccination or not.

    The entire "what about the poor wretch that is so ill he cannot survive a vaccine" is just virtue signaling tripe. FIRST no person has a claim on your life. Period, the only exception being your own children. And even that has finite limits.

    The more truthful complaint is "I KNOW it is a scientific fact that flu vaccines are at BEST 70%, and often closer to 40% effective. So I am afraid of my own shadow." This exposes a risk aversion that has long since crossed over into the mental illness of full on uncontrollable paranoia.

    Let the person that is so sick they cannot be around other people self isolate. Let the person that is so terrified they cannot function in society self isolate too!

    The fake outrage and virtue signaling sociopaths have well and truly outlived the patience of everyone on the planet that doesn't require psychotropic drugs to make it through the day.

    [May 03, 2021] 53 prominent German actors/actresses have become satirical too! They've simultaneously released 1-minute satirical statements.

    May 03, 2021 |

    Penelope , Apr 26, 2021 10:34 PM

    53 prominent German actors/actresses have become satirical too! They've simultaneously released 1-minute satirical statements.

    [May 03, 2021] Take Off Your Mask and Go Outside by Daniel Halperin and Monica Gandhi

    Money quote: " Discarding pointless practices like outdoor masking and obsessive “ hygiene theater †would make the continuing necessary precautions, including indoor masking, easier to accept."
    Apr 28, 2021 |

    You don’t need to wear a mask outdoors.

    That applies whether you’re vaccinated against Covid-19 or not, regardless of your age, and despite the other qualifications in the Centers for Disease Control’s latest guidance , released Tuesday. The only exception is in a packed setting in which social distancing is impossible, such as a political rally or a sports arena filled to capacity.

    The three main Covid mitigation strategies are distancing, masks and ventilation. Accumulating evidence indicates how difficult it is to contract the virus outdoors, which is as ventilated as it gets. One modeling study estimated that ventilation outside, even with only a gentle breeze, is well over 100 times as effective as in an office, and more than 1,000-fold better than in most homes.

    Documented cases of outdoor Covid-19 transmission are rare. A study in Wuhan, China, where the virus originated, used careful contact tracing and found that only one of 7,324 infection events was linked to outdoor transmission. An analysis of more than 232,000 infections in Ireland found that only one case in 1,000 was traced to outdoor transmission. An extensive review from the University of Canterbury concluded that outdoor transmission is rare and warned of “the potential impact on physical and mental health and wellbeing†of discouraging people from congregating outdoors.

    Coronavirus droplets are rapidly dissipated in the air and deactivated by ultraviolet radiation, heat and humidity. That’s why the World Health Organization concluded in December that masks are unnecessary outside as long as physical distancingâ€"which WHO defines as one meter, or around three feetâ€"can be maintained.

    Mr. Halperin is an adjunct professor at the Gillings School of Global Public Health at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and author of “Facing Covid Without Panic.†Dr. Gandhi is an infectious-disease physician and professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco.

    [May 03, 2021] It's like the neolibel elite is testing the level of our stupidity

    May 03, 2021 |

    Apr 27, 2021 12:28 AM

    Yes just finished listening to my dose of bullshit on ABC. The amazing thing is they actually telling you it's bullshit if people listen closely. The number of new infections in India. Hundreds of thousands. Deaths a few hundred. In a country where the normal annual death rate is 9.6 Million and 26,000 people die EVERY DAY. It's like a joke. Like they testing our stupidity. And you can't say; No we not falling for it because there is no longer anywhere to say it! I feel like I have permanent road rage over this crap.

    Researcher , Apr 27, 2021 4:11 AM Reply to Dick

    It's the tone and emotive words like crisis, and other exaggerated terms they use that triggers fear. The viewer remembers the number of cases, not deaths because the number is larger. But the cases are based on testing.

    [May 03, 2021] Fascinating fellow

    May 03, 2021 |

    Moneycircus , Apr 27, 2021 4:15 PM Reply to Judith

    YT: Kary Mullis – The Full Interview by Gary Null

    Judith , Apr 27, 2021 4:28 PM Reply to Moneycircus

    Thanks, Moneycircus.

    After watching that I searched for more interviews with him. He did a number of TED talks, in the early 2000's. Also did an interview with "Google Tech" about his work on a medicine for Anthrax.

    Interestingly, he liked being able to work with computer models of bacteria and tht like. It would be very interesting to know what he would have thought about Drosten's computer model of sarscov2 which set the standard for the PCR testing.

    Also, what he would have thought of the covid injections.

    His final TED talk was very funny and very sweet. Called Sons of Sputnik.

    Fascinating fellow.

    [May 03, 2021] Teachers abusing kids. Disgusting. Pfizer and Moderna experimenting on kids. Criminal

    Highly recommended!
    Notable quotes:
    "... "teachers abusing kids" ..."
    "... " Pfizer and Moderna are both running clinical trials for their experimental mRNA shots on 11,000 children as young as six months old . Both trials began in mid-March. Moderna calls its study KidCOVE . Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca are also using children as guinea pigs . These companies have no moral fiber and are driven solely by profits. That is a given. But the parents are something beyond surreal." ..."
    May 03, 2021 |

    Jacques , Apr 27, 2021 10:18 AM

    "teachers abusing kids"

    No shit. Yesterday, as I was driving from my hideaway up on the hill in the woods, I caught a glimpse of a group of preschoolers coming out of the forest. I thought that they had facemasks on, which I found preposterous, so I stopped, checked the rear-view mirror and waited for them to come closer. Sure enough, they did have the fucking things on. Mind you, it was a nice sunny day, the air fresh, the perfect April weather.

    I went full postal and yelled at the teachers with just about all my might. They didn't seem to give a shit. Maybe they're too afraid, like of "losing their job". Damn, in retrospect, I should have addressed the kids and told them to tell the teachers to wipe their ass with the stupid masks.

    This is truly horrible, and I know what I'm talking about. I started school in 1970, a short while after the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. At a time when all hope was crushed, when the purges started. When people were afraid of "losing their job", if not worse. The teachers took out their fear, or perhaps anger, on us kids. Save for some, they came hard on us children and passed on us the oppression inflicted on them by the regime. I, as other kids, saw them as enemies and fought against them throughout my younger years. I was only able to come out of that in university (on the other side of the world).

    What the teachers are doing today is much worse. It's not just mindfuck, it physical terror. They're taking party in asphyxiating the kids.


    Corarden , Apr 27, 2021 11:30 AM Reply to Jacques

    Very interesting observation born from real experience Jacques – that the oppressed adults took it out on the children, focused it through their own lens onto their helpless captives in a mirror image of the larger version of the cruelty and dehumanising process. Horrible. Undeniable based on current events.

    Arby , Apr 27, 2021 5:06 PM Reply to Corarden

    "VAERS: Two-year-old baby in Virginia dead six days after second experimental Pfizer mRNA shot"
    From the above linked-to article by ? (The Covid Blog):

    " Pfizer and Moderna are both running clinical trials for their experimental mRNA shots on 11,000 children as young as six months old . Both trials began in mid-March. Moderna calls its study KidCOVE . Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca are also using children as guinea pigs . These companies have no moral fiber and are driven solely by profits. That is a given. But the parents are something beyond surreal."

    Peter , Apr 28, 2021 12:10 AM Reply to Arby

    Sickening. Evil.

    Corarden , Apr 27, 2021 10:36 AM Reply to NickM

    Judge Christian Dettmar

    " the children are not only endangered in their mental, physical and spiritual well-being by the obligation to wear face masks during school hours and to keep their distance from each other and from other persons, but, in addition, they are already being harmed. At the same time, this violates numerous rights of the children and their parents under the law, the constitution and international conventions. This applies in particular to the right to free development of the personality and to physical integrity from Article 2 of the Basic Law as well as to the right from Article 6 of the Basic Law to upbringing and care by the parents (also with regard to measures for preventive health care and 'objects' to be carried by children) "

    As Reiner Fuellmich stated recently – 'They are coming after the children.'

    [May 03, 2021] Florida Gov. DeSantis Says Lockdowns Were A Huge Mistake by Ivan Pentchoukov

    Apr 16, 2021 |

    Authored by Ivan Pentchoukov and Jan Jekielek via The Epoch Times,

    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis issued a statewide stay-at-home order on April 1 last year locking down the Sunshine State for 30 days amid a global panic about the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus outbreak. Sitting in his office exactly a year later, he told The Epoch Times that the lockdowns were a “huge mistake,†including in his own state.

    “We wanted to mitigate the damage. Now, in hindsight, the 15 days to slow the spread and the 30â€"it didn’t work,†DeSantis said.

    “We shouldn’t have gone down that road.â€

    Florida’s lockdown order was notably less strict than some of the stay-at-home measures imposed in other states. Recreational activities like walking, biking, golf, and beachgoing were exempted while essential businesses were broadly defined.

    “Our economy kept going,†DeSantis said. “It was much different than what you saw in some of those lockdown states.â€

    The governor nonetheless now regrets issuing the order at all and is convinced that states that have carried on with lockdowns are perpetuating a destructive blunder.

    After the 30 days of the initial lockdown in Florida lapsed, DeSantis commenced a phased reopening. He faced fierce criticism at each stage from establishment media and his own constituents beholden to the lockdown narrative.

    The governor fully reopened Florida on Sept. 25 last year. When cases began to rise as part of the winter surge he did not reimpose any restrictions. Lockdown proponents forecast doom and gloom. DeSantis stood his ground.

    The governor’s persistence wasn’t a leap of faith. Less than two weeks after Florida’s full reopening in late September, scientists from Stanford, Harvard, and Oxford went public with the Great Barrington Declaration, which disavowed lockdowns as a destructive and futile mitigation measure. The declaration, which has since been signed by 13,985 medical and public health scientists, calls on public officials to adopt the focused protection approachâ€"the exact strategy employed by DeSantis.

    Despite dire predictions about the pandemic in Florida, DeSantis has been vindicated. On April 1, 2021, Florida ranked 27th among all states in deaths per capita from the CCP virus, commonly known as the coronavirus.

    The ranking’s significance is amplified because the Sunshine State’s population is the sixth oldest in the United States by median age. Californiaâ€"the lockdown state often compared to Florida due to its lower per-capita death rateâ€"is the sixth youngest . The risk of dying from the CCP virus is highest for people over 55, with the group accounting for 93 percent of the deaths nationwide.

    While Florida is doing either better or relatively the same as the strict lockdown states in terms of CCP virus mortalities, the state’s economy is booming compared to the crippled economies in California and New York. Though less quantifiable, the human suffering from the lockdown-related rise in suicides, mental health issues, postponed medical treatments, and opioid deaths is undeniably immense.

    “It’s been a huge, huge mistake in terms of policy,†DeSantis said.

    “All I had to do was follow the data and just be willing to go forward into the teeth of the narrative and fight the media,†he added.

    “As people were beating up on me, what I said was I’d rather them beat up on me than have someone lose their job. I’d rather have them beat up on me than have kids locked out of school. I’m totally willing to take whatever heat comes our way because we’re doing the right thing.â€

    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis gives a thumbs up as he leaves a press conference where he spoke about the cruise industry at Port Miami on April 08, 2021 in Miami, Florida. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

    ‘Don’t Let Them Roll Over Us’

    The Epoch Times spent a day embedded with DeSantis as he crisscrossed the state on April 1, jetting southeast from the seat of state government in Tallahassee to a press conference in Titusville and then back north to the Clay County Fair on the outskirts of Jacksonville.

    Across dozens of encounters with Floridians from all walks of life, one trend persisted. People thanked DeSantis for his work and his policies. Business owners praised him for not shutting them down.

    Chris Allen, the owner of Java Jitters, opened a coffee shop in Orange Park Mall during the pandemic.

    “We could not have done that if it wasn’t for Ron DeSantis,†Allen told The Epoch Times after personally thanking the governor during an encounter at the Clay County Fair.

    A staff member for Gov. Ron DeSantis holds a “DeSantis 2024, Make America Florida†hat at the Clay County fair on April 1, 2021. The staff member said the hat was handed to the governor by a fair attendee. (Ivan Pentchoukov/Epoch Times)

    At the time of the interview, Florida’s unemployment rate was 4.7 percent compared to 6.2 percent nationally. Lockdown states like New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and California had some of the highest rates in the countryâ€"8.9 percent, 7.8 percent, 7.3 percent, and 8.5 percent respectively.

    “I have a tough time paying for a meal in Florida just because I saved a lot of these restaurants from oblivion,†DeSantis said. Hours after this claim, a curly fries stand at the fair declined to charge the governor.

    DeSantis said some people get emotional when they meet him. Several of the interactions with the governor at the Clay County Fair resembled that description. An visibly moved elderly veteran urged the governor to not “let them roll over us.â€

    “If we hadn’t stood up, these people may not have jobs, the businesses may have gone under, the kids wouldn’t be in school, there’d be all these things,†DeSantis said.

    “This really, really impacts people in a very personal way. And I don’t think anything prior to COVID that I’ve seen in politics can quite do it on this level. And it’s really unfortunate that there were governors that had power [who did] the opposite. It really shouldn’t depend on the governor.â€

    Reopening the state wasn’t as easy as lifting his own stay-at-home measures. When DeSantis issued the final reopening order in late September last year, he signed a companion order prohibiting local Florida governments from restricting people from working or operating a business. The order had far-reaching consequences across the state, especially in densely-populated, liberal-leaning locales where the local authorities imposed their own strict measures.

    DeSantis adopted a hands-off approach to local regulations at first, thinking that voters would ultimately hold local authorities responsible. It became obvious eventually that some places would remain locked down despite the data showing that doing so would have no positive impact on the spread of the virus.

    “They weren’t going to open this stuff up unless I pried it open,†DeSantis said.

    “We had the data. We talked to some of the best scientists in the country,†DeSantis said, referring to Martin Kulldorff from Harvard, Jayanta Bhattacharya from Stanford, and Sunetra Gupta from Oxford.

    “Every Floridian has a right to work. Every business has a right to operate.â€

    In areas that were forced to reopen as a result, the economies are now booming with new hotels and restaurants opening, DeSantis said.

    DeSantis received a law degree from Harvard and is a textualist when interpreting the Constitution. He believes barring the local authorities from placing restrictions on the people and businesses was squarely within his authority.

    “You can’t have 67 different minimum wages, or 67 different regulations on hotels. We are one state economy, and we need to have certain rules of the road,†DeSantis said.

    Gov. Ron DeSantis delivers remarks at a press conference in Titusville, Florida, on April 1, 2021. (Screenshot via Epoch Times)

    ‘They Are Never Going to Admit They Were Wrong’

    Standing behind the desk in his office in Tallahassee, DeSantis leafed through a folder of praise he’s received from around the nation and across the globe. Hanging on the walls around the relatively small space was a portrait of Abraham Lincoln, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights as well as the uniform the governor wore as the captain of the Yale baseball team.

    When asked why he chose Lincoln, DeSantis said the president is the best example of a leader who had to make difficult decisions in a time of crisis. When asked why some of the leaders today have continued with lockdowns even with ample evidence of their ineffectiveness, the governor theorized that the people involved have committed too much to the narrative and have made it impossible to change course.

    “You have a situation where if you’re in this field, the pandemic, that’s something that you kind of prepare for and you’re ready for. And a lot of these people muffed it ,†he said.

    “When push came to shove, they advocated policies that have not worked against the virus but have been very, very destructive. They are never going to admit they were wrong about anything, unfortunately.â€

    Elected leaders aren’t the only ones to blame, according to the governor. The media and big tech companies played a major role in perpetuating fears about the virus while selectively censoring one side of the mitigation debate. DeSantis said the media and tech giants stood to benefit from the lockdown as people stayed home and consumed their products.

    “It was all just to generate the most clicks that they could. And so that was always trying to do the stuff that would inspire the most fear,†DeSantis said.

    Two weeks after the interview, an undercover video recorded by Project Veritas showed a technical director at CNN talking about the boost the network received due to its pandemic coverage.

    “It’s fear. Fear really drives numbers,†CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester said. “Fear is the thing that keeps you tuned in.â€

    The fear-mongering worked, DeSantis said, pointing to CDC statistics showing that 4 out of 10 American adults delayed or avoided getting urgent or routine medical treatment in June 2020. The agency’s report said that the pattern may have contributed to the excess deaths reported during that period, due to preventable illnesses and injuries going untreated.

    Emergency room doctors had reported that fewer people were coming in with cardiac-related chest pains while more were coming in with late-stage appendicitis, something that is usually caught much earlier. The pandemic has also led to a sharp decrease in cancer screenings and detections.

    “When you have people too scared to go to the emergency room when they’re literally having a heart attack, that didn’t happen in a vacuum,†DeSantis said.

    “Corporate media played a role in that, by really whipping up people into a frenzy.â€

    The profit motive wasn’t the only factor potentially driving the media’s slanted coverage, according to the governor. The pandemic hit the United States in an election year, presenting an opportunity to heap the blame on President Donald Trump.

    “They viewed it as an opportunity to damage Trump. Obviously, they hated Trump more than anything,†DeSantis said.

    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in his office in Tallahassee, Florida, on April 1, 2021. (Screenshot via Epoch Times)

    ‘Council of Censors’

    In the April 1 interview, DeSantis criticized big tech companies for censoring critics of lockdowns. Less than a week after the interview, the governor himself became the victim of censorship. YouTube, without warning, scrubbed videos of a roundtable discussion between DeSantis and prominent scientists from Harvard, Oxford, and Stanford who assessed that lockdowns are ineffective.

    The American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) was the first to flag the video’s disappearance. The original clip is now hosted on a different platform and appears along with a full transcript on the AIER website .

    “Google and YouTube have not been, throughout this pandemic, repositories of truth and scientific inquiry, but instead have acted as enforcers of a narrative, a big tech council of censors in service of the ruling elite†DeSantis said in response to YouTube’s censorship during an April 12 video conference call with three of the scientists from the banned video.

    “When they took down the video … they were really continuing what they’ve been doing for the past year: stifle debate, short-circuit scientific inquiry, make sure that the narrative is not questioned. And I think that we’ve seen already that that has had catastrophic consequences for our society.â€

    The takedown of the video suggests that Big Tech intends to keep exercising the awesome power it directed against Trump in the closing days of the previous administration. Twitter and Facebook banned the president, cutting off a direct line of communication between the commander-in-chief and tens of millions of Americans.

    DeSantis thinks that the power monopolies have now is far more extensive than what the United States had witnessed at the turn of the century.

    “What we’ve seen with the big tech and the censorship, they are exercising more power than the monopolies at the beginning of the 20th century ever could have exercised,†the governor said. “The type of power that they’re exercising now in some respects is even more profound than the type of power that government typically exercises.â€

    No End In Sight

    Desantis believes the lockdown states may never fully reopen because the leaders there have invested so heavily in the narrative while the voters have grown fearful.

    While restrictions are easing across the nation, only six states, including Florida, have fully reopened, according to a tracker maintained by USA Today . Eight states never issued a stay-at-home order.

    “I think if your goal is no cases, then there may never be an end to it, because you’re never gonna have zero COVID,†DeSantis said, adding that a more pragmatic goal would be to aim towards a hospitalization rate indicative of a respiratory virus endemic.

    “But I don’t know that they’re willing to accept that reality. I think they’re going to try to have no cases at all, which would basically mean there would never be a full end to these policies, which is scary.â€

    [May 03, 2021] Tucker Carlson Says People Who Wear Masks Outside Should Be Mocked by Paul Joseph Watson

    Apr 27, 2021 |

    Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

    Leftists reacted with fury after Fox News host Tucker Carlson said people who wear masks outside should be mocked and that parents who made their kids wear them were engaging in "child abuse."

    me title=

    Carlson noted that masks were "purely a sign of political obedience like Kim Il-Sung pins in Pyongyang" and that the only people who voluntarily wear masks outside are "zealots and neurotics."

    He then asserted that the tables should be turned on Biden voters who have been harassing conservatives for almost a year for not wearing a mask in public.

    "The rest of us should be snorting at them first, they're the aggressors – it's our job to brush them back and restore the society we were born in," said Carlson.

    "So the next time you see someone in a mask on the sidewalk or on the bike path, do not hesitate. Ask politely but firmly, ' Would you please take off your mask? Science shows there is no reason for you to be wearing it. Your mask is making me uncomfortable, " he added.

    "We should do that and we should keep doing it until wearing a mask outside is roughly as socially accepted as lighting a Marlboro on an elevator."

    The Fox News host went on to call mask wearing "repulsive" while asserting that forcing children to wear masks outside should be illegal.

    "Your response when you see children wearing masks as they play should be no different from your response to seeing someone beat a kid in Walmart. Call the police immediately. Contact Child Protective Services. Keep calling until someone arrives," Carlson said.

    "What you're looking at is abuse, it's child abuse, and you are morally obligated to attempt to prevent it," he added.

    As expected, Carlson immediately began trending on Twitter, with hysterical leftists hyperventilating over Tucker once again challenging their cult. Many called for the Fox News host to be fired while others ludicrously described him as a "national security threat."

    As we highlighted yesterday , even Dr. Fauci now admits that the risk of vaccinated people spreading COVID outside is "minuscule," and yet some health professionals are pushing for the mask mandates to be made permanent.

    The transmission of COVID-19 outdoors is almost non-existent, making mask mandates merely a political tool of population control.

    In a recent open letter to the German government and state premiers, five leading members of the Association for Aerosol Research (GAeF) wrote, "The transmission of SARS-CoV-2 viruses takes place indoors almost without exception. Transmission outdoors is extremely rare and never leads to cluster infections as can be observed indoors."

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    Fiscal.Enema 8 hours ago (Edited)

    In all fairness... Tucker should have pointed out that SOME MASKS do filter out the virus most of the time.

    Wearing a mask outdoors in most situations is ridiculous, stupid, and dangerous.

    3M N95's 1860 which are electrostatically charged have good filtration protection against most virus.

    Why the us government did not fund this type of mask for all is telling what the overall strategy is.

    Controlling you, your neighbor, and others that think for themselves.

    Its not about the virus

    Robert Neville 7 hours ago

    Actually, M95 masks filter out 95% of particles over 4 microns in diameter in perfect conditions. In the real world it is much less effective than that. Viruses are generally less than one micron in size so they are ineffective for most viruses. Also, the masks are so hard to breath through that some version have an exhale valve so they do nothing to protect others if you are infected. Most masks don't protect your eyes. The only thing that works is a space suit that is decontaminated before you remove it. The rest is virtue siganling.

    Fiscal.Enema 6 hours ago


    Properly fitted n95's do protect against virus and the science proves it.

    Dickweed Wang 10 hours ago (Edited)

    This is an excerpt from the "Stanford Study" from November 2020 (that's been making the rounds in the alternative media and conservative media space recently) about the uselessness of masks in preventing "the virus":

    A meta -analysis among health care workers found that compared to no masks, surgical mask and N95 respirators were not effective against transmission of viral infections or influenza-like illness based on six RCTs [28] . Using separate analysis of 23 observational studies, this meta -analysis found no protective effect of medical mask or N95 respirators against SARS virus [28] . A recent systematic review of 39 studies including 33,867 participants in community settings (self-report illness), found no difference between N95 respirators versus surgical masks and surgical mask versus no masks in the risk for developing influenza or influenza-like illness, suggesting their ineffectiveness of blocking viral transmissions in community settings [29] .

    It's predictable that the usual suspects have come out of the woodwork to "fact check" and disparage the entire paper (do an internet search for 'Stanford Mask Paper' and you'll see what I'm talking about). Their main criticism is 'that wasn't published by Stanford', while they totally ignore the claims made in the paper. When you look at the people and organizations doing the fact checking it really shows that the entire mask issue is a political/control ploy. Here's the link to the entire paper if anyone is interested:

    [May 03, 2021] He who wear mask while alone in car should also wear condom while alone in bed. The power of propaganda about wearing masks outdoor coming from TV truly rots your brain

    From comments: " Tucker is right on this one. If you wear a mask outside you truly are a moron. You may as well add goggles and a butt plug." ... "Don't forget about those solo drivers with masks on!", "Maskers are stupid scared virtue signalers"
    May 03, 2021 |

    Dickweed Wang 10 hours ago (Edited)

    As an anti-mask militant for quite a while now I've been going out of my way to ask people with masks on outdoors why they're wearing one (I've really tried to be polite but it's getting increasingly hard to do that). In literally hundreds of instances I haven't gotten a straight answer yet. It's stunning that people are so gullible but it shows what the power of propaganda really is. 99% of that is coming from teevee, which truly rots your brain.

    Capt Tripps 10 hours ago remove link

    They are signaling the submission to a tyrannical state. That submission makes us all less free.

    safelyG 10 hours ago

    mister tucker is wrongeddy wrong wrong.

    we must all wear multiple masks. indoors. outdoors. at work. at play. while we sleep. while we bathe. while we eat. while we sing praises unto the most high.

    and we must remain 8 feet apart, one from the other. at all times.

    and report our whereabouts and our contacts and our body temperature. to the authorities.

    get your vacines!

    bill n melinda

    radical-extremist 10 hours ago

    When Tucker Carlson says to tell people to take off their masks and call CPS on parents who mask their children he's trolling the Left. And because the Left has no sense of humor or irony or hypocrisy...they're of course OUTRAGED, which was his point.

    Realism 10 hours ago remove link

    I like it best when hiking outside, in 75 degree weather with a nice breeze, you see people put up their mask as they walk by

    Pure comedy, it's hard to understand the stupidity if you think you'll get any disease much less Covid walking by someone

    And importantly, would you really be hiking if you had Covid LOL

    aztrader 10 hours ago

    Mask wears see it as a badge of honor because they "care" about other people. In reality, it's a badge of Stupidity and ignorance.

    Prince Velveeta 10 hours ago (Edited) remove link

    California is an open-air mental ward. I was just out there and the collective idiocy is astounding. People jogging with masks on , exaggerating their breathing as they pass you in some competitive virtue signaling event. I witnessed some idiot jogging up the hill past my family member's house, with a bandana on his face, being sucked into his mouth as he's gasping for air.....

    [Apr 29, 2021] Slowly But Surely, The Truth Is Coming Out: Pfizer CEO admitted that fully vaccinated people will need a third shot of the vaccine within 12 months If you don t want to believe me, perhaps you will believe the CEO of Pfizer. This week, he admitted that fully vaccinated people If you don t want to believe me, perhaps you will believe the CEO of Pfizer. This week, he admitted that fully vaccinated people This week, he admitted that fully vaccinated people will need a third shot of the vaccine within 12 months

    Apr 29, 2021 |

    Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said people will “likely†need a third dose of a Covid-19 vaccine within 12 months of getting fully vaccinated. His comments were made public Thursday but were taped April 1.

    Bourla said it’s possible people will need to get vaccinated against the coronavirus annually.

    From the very beginning of this crisis, I have been warning my readers that any immunity would be very temporary.

    Natural COVID immunity is very temporary, and immunity conferred by the vaccines is very temporary too.

    The CEO of Pfizer is comparing the COVID vaccines to flu shots. Every year millions of Americans rush out to get their flu shots, and the CEO of Pfizer is admitting that it looks like the COVID vaccines will be on a similar schedule …

    “There are vaccines that’s like polio that one dose is enough, there are vaccines like pneumococcal vaccine that one dose is enough for adults and there are vaccines like flu that you need every year,†Bourla said. “The Covid virus looks more like the influenza virus than the polio virus.â€

    If people are going to need a new shot every year, that means that COVID will be with us for a very long time to come.

    This is essentially an admission that the COVID pandemic will not be ending any time soon.

    Needless to say, Pfizer stands to make giant mountains of money if COVID vaccines become a yearly thing, and we need to keep that in mind.

    A lot of people that I know are going to be extremely upset when they finally realize that the two shots that they got only provide temporary immunity.

    And of course lots of people are still getting sick after being fully vaccinated. According to the CDC, so far there have been almost 6,000 documented cases of people being infected after getting two shots, and dozens of them have died …

    The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has reported that roughly 5,800 people who received a coronavirus vaccine still ultimately came down with the disease anyway, according to CNN.

    Of those 5,800, 396 of them (roughly 7 percent) were hospitalized; 74 of the vaccinated people ultimately died. The report proves that the vaccines, though frequently touted by the government and the media, are not guaranteed to prevent everyone from contracting the virus.

    That wasn’t supposed to happen.

    But it is happening.

    Meanwhile, there is a lot of uncertainty about how the current vaccines will fare against variants that have already developed and variants that will develop in the future.

    At this point we just don’t know how effective the vaccines will be, but the New York Times is assuring us that we don’t have anything to be concerned about…

    “I use the term ‘scariants,’†said Dr. Eric Topol, professor of molecular medicine at Scripps Research in La Jolla, Calif., referring to much of the media coverage of the variants.

    “Even my wife was saying, ‘What about this double mutant?’ It drives me nuts. People are scared unnecessarily. If you’re fully vaccinated, two weeks post dose, you shouldn’t have to worry about variants at all.â€


    I have a feeling that Dr. Eric Topol will end up eating those words.

    The reason why a new flu vaccine comes out every year is because the flu is constantly changing and mutating.

    The same thing is happening to COVID, and there are already dozens of mutant variations spreading around the globe.

    To me, Dr. Eric Topol’s statement was exceedingly irresponsible, especially considering some of the studies that have come out lately. Here is just one example …

    Two doses of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine were found to have only a 10.4% efficacy against mild-to-moderate infections caused by the B.1.351 South Africa variant, according to a phase 1b-2 clinical trial published on Tuesday in the New England Journal of Medicine . This is a cause for grave concern as the South African variants share similar mutations to the other variants leaving those vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine potentially exposed to multiple variants.

    In this article, I haven’t even discussed all of the side effects that we have been witnessing. A few days ago, the FDA issued an unprecedented order regarding the Johnson and Johnson vaccine because it was causing blood clots in a number of cases…

    This week, the Food and Drug Administration called for a halt in the administration of the single dose vaccine for COVID-19 manufactured by Johnson and Johnson. The halt was ascribed to the rare incidence of blood clots that could potentially be related to the vaccine.

    I am glad that the FDA decided to step in, but the order came too late for this guy …

    When the news broke about the pause of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine Tuesday, one Coast family was already living with a tragedy they believe was caused by the vaccine.

    It started out as a normal day for 43-year-old Brad Malagarie of St. Martin. This busy father of seven spent the morning at his D’Iberville office before heading to get a Johnson & Johnson vaccine a little after noon.

    He returned to work, and within three hours coworkers noticed he was unresponsive at his desk.

    It shouldn’t be controversial to say that rushing experimental vaccines through the testing process was a really bad idea.

    We should be putting the safety of the American people first, and nobody knows for sure what the long-term effects of these experimental treatments will be.

    In this day and age, we all need to do our own research and we all need to think for ourselves, because the big pharmaceutical companies are more concerned with profits than anything else.

    If you are harmed by their experimental therapies, the big pharmaceutical companies won’t be there to pick up the pieces for you if something goes horribly wrong.

    * * *

    Michael’s new book entitled “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America†is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.


    1. Requiring Vaccine IDs or passports violates medical privacy - Right?
    2. Unvaccinated are NOT a threat because the vaccinated are protected - Right?
    3. Preventing unvaccinated from participating in society is discrimination - Right?

    The Antisoiler 5 hours ago remove link

    It appears they are moving in the direction of mandating a vaccine subscription, where you will pay monthly or yearly.

    Trends indicate subscription based revenue generation is a win-win for both producer, consumer, and eugenicist.

    Remember, you will own nothing and be happy about it. You will be free from the burden of asset management. And, you'll essentially be a slave, working till you drop into a grave or incinerator.

    Fed Supporter 6 hours ago remove link

    Sorry Michael Snyder, you are flat out wrong about natural immunity not lasting very long.

    A corona virus from 17 years ago, every year those who were infected get tested for immunity, and guess what every year for 17 year those previously infected individuals still have immunity.

    Further, the current corona virus , Covid, is 80% similiar to the one from 17 years ago. Some virologits estimate that 30% of the world has cross immunity and can not get Covid.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but you need to do more research. You are parroting the MSM outlets who were selling fear and citing quacks from stanford, etc that said "we just don't know", No they do know they just wanted to ramp fear sky high. Memory T cells are a thing.


    Antibody that inhibits the new coronavirus discovered in ... › sars-antibody-inhibits-ne...

    May 18, 2020 â€" Blood samples from the patient, who had SARS in 2003, contained an ... Antibody that inhibits the new coronavirus discovered in patient who had SARS 17 years ago ... Antibodies form part of the body's immune response to pathogens. ... But Vir Biotechnology has fast-tracked the antibody for development ...

    Here we studied T cell responses against the structural (nucleocapsid (N) protein) and non-structural (NSP7 and NSP13 of ORF1 ) regions of SARS-CoV-2 in individuals convalescing from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ( n = 36). In all of these individuals, we found CD4 and CD8 T cells that recognized multiple regions of the N protein. Next, we showed that patients ( n = 23) who recovered from SARS (the disease associated with SARS-CoV infection) possess long-lasting memory T cells that are reactive to the N protein of SARS-CoV 17 years after the outbreak of SARS in 2003; these T cells displayed robust cross-reactivity to the N protein of SARS-CoV-2. We also detected SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells in individuals with no history of SARS, COVID-19 or contact with individuals who had SARS and/or COVID-19 ( n = 37). SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells in uninfected donors exhibited a, etc.

    Fed Supporter 6 hours ago

    BTW natural immunity is way better than Mrna vaccines, which are narrowly tailored to target proteins on the spike protein. Once it mutates, like the South Africa and UK mutations, the pfizer vaccine will need modified to target the new mutations hence yearly boosters at $180 a pop. We will be chasing this thing forever, always behind on catching the mutated viruses. Invest in Pfizer their stock will go so high, they are going to make a ton of money off the sheep.

    Also, some doctors, said it is not wise to get vaccinated for corvid if you already had it.

    Also isn't peculiar the mutations all occurred in countries that ran human trials, Brazil, UK, SA, Israel. These countries were the first to have humans vaccinated and they are the first to have mutations.

    Bacon's Rebellion 4 hours ago

    "Just look at the number of medicines pulled from pharmacies in the last 20 years that the FDC originally said were perfectly safe"

    Think for yourself 4 hours ago (Edited) remove link

    also, the mRNA vaccine 'targets' the s-proteins by genetically hijacking your cell to construct biochemical factories to create these s-proteins. Not only is it a fixed overhead (no off switch, it's in your genes now) but that overhead is spent building parts that are designed to inflame your immune system. Even after so-called 'immunity' is acquired, those biochemical factories will keep working to produce, the immune system will keep working against the low-level inflammation, so the cells will not only be spending fuel on negative output, but the spare viral proteins floating around it's creating are just begging to be assimilated into even more mutant strains.

    I am convinced that the mRNA 'vaccine' is exponentially increasing the mutation potential of covid-19.

    Libertarian777 5 hours ago

    THIS GUY GETS IT. Lack of antibodies does not mean immunity disappears.

    Pazuzu 4 hours ago

    Upvoted for clever use of term 'virologits'. If ever there were a bunch of gits the virology bunch fits the bill.

    Josey Yahoo 6 hours ago remove link

    Is anybody else stating to feel like they are being played?

    For a year now I have been saying that this is a flu, just another flu, being blown into a major issue to literally destroy our nation.

    First the lockdowns, to destroy small business, as the large companies will gladly assist in the elimination of cash. NOTE, the immediate calls for cash not to be used as it would transmit the virus, then all of a sudden a coin shortage, when was the last time that happened, oh, that's right, NEVER!

    freedommusic 4 hours ago (Edited)

    > Huh? Unvaccinated are a threat to other Unvaccinated people who want to get vaccinated and don't want to die.

    No problem that's what your double mask, self isolating, and social distancing is for. Since it is SO EFFECTIVE , it will provide the necessary protection until all the smart people get vaccinated.

    Then all the unwashed, ignorant, unvaccinated fools will die off as a result of natural selection.

    Everyone wins here and nature wins.


    taketheredpill 6 hours ago

    Or maybe the vaccine is 99.9925% Effective (6000 sick out of 80 Million with full dose) and Pharma guys rounded up?

    Bacon's Rebellion 6 hours ago (Edited) remove link


    Assuming 100% accuracy of the "cause of death" being Covid19:

    Covid19 survival rates for all age groups:
    563,000 dead / 329,000,000 total population = 99.829% survival.

    Covid19 survival rates over the age of 75:
    245,000 dead / 55,000,000 people = 99.555% survival rate.

    Covid19 survival rates under the age of 55:
    40,000 dead / 229,000,000 people = 99.983% survival rate.

    Covid19 survival rates under the age of 25:
    550 dead / 103,000,000 people = 99.9995% survival rate.

    Explain to us why in the world we need to vaccinate the 16 to 25 folks? Vaccination DOES NOT MEAN you can't catch it or spread it...

    "" We don't know yet whether or not it prevents you from getting infected where you're not with symptoms...but you have virus in your nasopharynx that you could then infect an unvaccinated person who might be vulnerable, and you will inadvertently and innocently get them sick," Fauci explained."

    The whole vaccine jive talk is packed with "Could", "Maybe", "Possibly", "Likely", "Unknown"...ect.

    Bacon's Rebellion 5 hours ago (Edited)

    " get people to lock down, wash hands, wear masks etc."

    Yeah, we did that, and we have 31,000,000 confirmed cases.

    How many people contracted Covid19 but were never tested?

    Estimating the Fraction of Unreported COVID-19
    "The results are striking: ...The range of results across model assumptions and time periods utilized vary between 6 to 24 unreported cases."

    So, at 6 unreported for every reported, more than half of the US population has been exposed...your masks and lockdowns have been a huge failure....

    186,000,000 infections and 563,000 dead = .3% death rate.

    University of Chicago

    Fed Supporter 5 hours ago remove link

    Bacon, don't confuse taketheredpill with facts, his mind is already made. I'll bet he is a paid sock puppet or just some sick liberal trolling one of the few places post comments that make sense, and that aren't a bunch of collectivist mindless sheep.

    russellthetreeman PREMIUM 6 hours ago

    It's not a vaccine. It doesn't even come close to halfway meeting the definition of a vaccine.

    It's not a pandemic. It doesn't even come close to halfway meeting the definition of a pandemic.

    The sars cov 2 virus has a known survival rate of WELL over 99+%.

    sun tzu 6 hours ago remove link

    The average sheep thinks over 30 million Americans died of covid-19 last year. Idiocy rules

    A Lunatic 6 hours ago (Edited)

    That still pales in comparison to the 150 million gun deaths we had last year, according to Joe.

    Bacon's Rebellion 5 hours ago

    "It's not a vaccine"...correct, it's a drug that forces your immune system to do something it doesn't want to do.

    The original mRNA researcher when it actually, sorta, worked "I felt like God!"


    baja canada 6 hours ago remove link

    All BS. My wife and I are unvaccinated and have travelled half the country, always maskless, over the past year. Not sick, haven’t been sick. Our dog is fine, too.

    sun tzu 6 hours ago

    Same here. I've been to Mexico 3 times too. Nobody around me, family and co-workers, has gotten sick or died.

    Lead Engineer PREMIUM 6 hours ago

    And the CDC estimates that over 30% of the population has been infected. So if we assume that another 20% had previous natural immunity and another 50% of the susceptible have been vaccinated, then you can see that this pandemic is rapidly going extinct.

    Captive1 6 hours ago (Edited) remove link

    " From the very beginning of this crisis, I have been warning my readers that any immunity would be very temporary. Natural COVID immunity is very temporary, and immunity conferred by the vaccines is very temporary too."

    Disqualifying statement. There is no data to support this statement. Antibody surveillance studies have shown durability and case studies have demonstrated no reinfections to those who had an initial antibody response on the first infection. Not to mention T Cell memory. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Immune memory to COV2 is long lived and protective across multiple strains. I would link the papers but I'm not helping people not be retarded anymore. Big pharma wants you to believe that immunity is temporary to drive profit. It's not.

    Huxley's Ghost 6 hours ago remove link

    We know so little about the immune system (really the entire human body); basic concepts, yes but effect of environment, innate experience, stressors, diet, etc..not a clue. Individual immune systems because of all these factors are more like fingerprints--vastly unique to each unit. The endocrine and immune systems are black boxes to the medical community but they act like are doing more than spit-balling.

    Huxley's Ghost 5 hours ago remove link

    In theory, they (vaccine companies) annually analyze what strains are prevalent in the world and predicted to have the greatest impact. Those strains get selected for production of the annual flu shot; it could be the case that the same strain(s) prevailed. Or not. These days you can't believe anything anymore.

    Last time I had the flu shot was over 30 years ago. I had flu once since then and took Tamiflu, which was miraculous in its speed (identify and dose early while viral load is low) of effect, minimal/no side effects, and efficacy. I was back on my feet in about 36 hours--fully. I have heard people report horrible abdominal/GI issues (temporary). I was lucky.

    strych10 3 hours ago remove link

    OK, I've said this before but I will repeat it, ultra basic here:

    Natural immunity tends to be both "deeper" and "broader" than what one of these mRNA (straight up or adeno vector, doesn't matter) can provide.

    When a virus infects you there are a lot of different things that happen. The two that matter the most for the purposes of this discussion are as follows:

    1) Your body sees a wide array of viral surface proteins and gets a look at the actual capsid and lipid envelope too. Particularly after you immune system shreds up some of the buggers and looks at the pieces.

    2) Your body gets to see millions of variations on this, including the most statistically common variations in surface protein structure.

    This means that your body develops a set of antibodies that is much wider than a single introduced protein can provide.

    With the vax you get one structure, lab controlled QC, a single "image" of the target if you will. In the wild you get a bunch of various proteins and a ton of variation in their physical shape, hundreds or thousands of images from various angles.

    The result is that you get a relatively wide array of antibodies and a hugely wider picture of what is "not self". This makes it easier for your body to recognize the same or similar infectious agent/infection next time. You also now have a set of antibodies with variable structure making it more likely that they can neutralize a mutant strain of the same virus (or something substantially similar) or at least blunt the next virus' attack long enough to buy time for your immune system to learn about it without you getting a serious illness.

    duck_fur 2 hours ago

    You seem to have a background in virology. What of the issue of coding errors - either during or after manufacture - within the mRNA payload? What of the possibility of the expressed protein exhibiting a fold due to the error(s)?

    strych10 1 hour ago

    I'm not a virologist. I'm a cell biologist.

    So, trying not to make this a full on basic genetics class...

    Yes, what you're asking is possible. It's also statistically rare. The root of misformed proteins tends to be genetic code error or a mistake in copying that code into mRNA.

    Ribosomes, which translate mRNA into a protein, tend to be very good at their job and if they make an error can often detect it, back up and fix it and then begin sequencing again. Errors do occur but they're rare. At this stage more common is an issue of improper folding of the protein resulting in an improper tertiary structure and the inability to form a quaternary structure due to this. (A quaternary structure is an overall structure formed by multiple proteins folded to fit together into a larger unit which serves a purpose. For example, hemoglobin is formed from four separate proteins that fold up and then can fit together to form hemoglobin.)

    So, assuming that the QC is good, which I have no reason to believe that it is not, coding errors are not really a problem. It's the fact that the QC is too good.

    But then you have to step back and ask if this matters. Yes and no, and I'll give you a quick explanation of each.

    An antibody is, essentially, like a Y of gum you're sticking on the key to a lock. The virus has a key that unlocks the cell, the antibody prevents these two things from coming into physical contact so the key can never open the lock. Once bound this antibody also marks whatever it has bound to for destruction by other parts of the immune system. That in mind...

    Yes: If CoV-2 were to mutate to the point that the spike proteins in question changed enough that an antibody couldn't bind to the virion then the virus could evade the antibodies that neutralize the virion and mark it for destruction.

    No: In order to do this, generally, you need quite a bit of mutation to change the physical structure of the spike. In a lot of cases this would make the virion non-operational because the same change that allows it to avoid the antibodies also means it can no longer fit that key into the desired lock.

    So, does it really matter? Again, yes and no. If the virus can "figure out" a key that still opens the desired lock (or another one) and doesn't fit the antibody it will avoid the immune system until the immune system figures out what's going on. This takes some time. Infected cells have to signal that they're infected, inspection has to be done, antibodies synthesized etc.

    So, IMHO, and it's just my opinion: the fear of "breakthrough" is rather overblown. However, it is still real. In a natural infection there is less chance of this kind of "breakthrough" because your body has more data on the invader meaning that the invader usually needs to change a lot more in order to evade the immune system hence "broader" and "deeper". That said, there are viruses that are pretty good at this. Influenza A is one of them.

    This is the root of what you may have heard last year about "T-cell immunity". People had previously encountered a disease substantially similar to CoV-2 and it was similar enough that they produced an antibody that neutralized CoV-2.

    Quasimodo. 48 minutes ago remove link

    If you have breakthrough, you have a new virus. A mutation, not just a variant. Most variants have only slight changes in protein. A variant is more likely to spread and be more virulant if it is less deadly since the host survives long enough to spread the virus further, while a deadlier form (although could happen) will die out quickly as more hosts will die

    strych10 15 minutes ago

    I actually had to ask my wife about the technical definition about this.

    For CoV-2 to change enough to be "not CoV-2" it would require significantly more alteration than you're stating here.

    The things that would change the classification are things like capsid shape, nucleic acid type, mechanism of infiltration or exfiltration.

    You need far more than simply the ability to evade current immune response. Hence why Influenza A can jump species, come back and still be Influenza A.

    Codery 1 hour ago

    Ya but that’s just like science, can you explain how any of that helps get rid of Trump?

    strych10 1 hour ago remove link

    Yes, in three letters. CNN.

    sun tzu 6 hours ago remove link

    Stay away from big hospitals. They are contract killers for big pharma

    Sluggo315 3 hours ago

    My older brother that has three or four co-morbidities (weight, BP, asthma, one more I think) was rushed to the hospital for a bowel blockage. He spent the night in the emergency room, and was admitted into the hospital for tests. They put him on the COVID floor. Tell me these hospitals are not in on it too!!!?

    TheTruthisSomewhere 5 hours ago remove link

    The article unfortunately is going from the erroneous position that this is worse than the flu. It is not the statistics are cooked and it is a testdemic. Variants are always less potent and yes people have natural immunity to this. It is almost a Gaslighting article based on quasi facts and hearsay.

    [Apr 28, 2021] Joe Rogan is being attacked by Fauci the White House for daring to have an honest discussion about Covid-19 vaccines by Zachary Leeman

    Joe Rogan: "I think it's safe to get vaccinated, but if you're 21 years old ... if you're a healthy person and you're exercising all of the time and you're young and you're eating well, I don't think you need to worry about this."
    And Fauci response: "You have to put a little bit of societal responsibility in your choices, and that's where I disagree with Mr. Rogan."
    It is unclear how Fauci response correlates with the fact that existing vaccines are less effective or (in case of Pfizer and South African strain) ineffective against new mutations. Does he acts as Big Pharma lobbyist, or what ?
    Also, you have to be skeptical of pharmaceutical companies and the fact that they cannot be sued if something goes wrong with the vaccine.
    Apr 28, 2021 |
    White House health adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci and communications director Kate Bedingfield have made a point of belittling and attacking podcaster Joe Rogan for daring to have a mixed opinion on Covid-19 vaccines.

    As Rogan has skyrocketed over the years to arguably the most influential and successful podcaster around, he has also turned into an intensely controversial figure, mainly for liberals who fear his willingness to give a platform to right-wing figures like Alex Jones and his less-than-PC takes on everything from transgender athletes to Covid-19 vaccines.

    The latter is what landed the former 'Fear Factor' host in the hot seat this week as a clip from a recent episode of 'The Joe Rogan Experience' made its way across social media and critics painted Rogan as an anti-vaxxer spreading disinformation.

    The controversy stems from Rogan saying, during a conversation with fellow comic Dave Smith, he would not recommend that a healthy person in their early 20s get a Covid-19 vaccine as they are not as vulnerable to the virus as older generations (who account for the majority of Covid deaths in the US) and people with preexisting medical conditions.

    The Spotify podcaster also said pushing for kids to be vaccinated is "crazy," citing his own childrens' history with getting Covid-19, as both recovered relatively quickly.

    Critics painted Rogan's comments as an angry anti-vaxx rant, urging his millions of listeners to avoid getting inoculated against Covid-19. However, they ignored the fact that Rogan says in the clip (and has said in the past) that getting vaccinated seems mostly safe and is indeed "important" for certain people.

    Criticism of Rogan reached a bizarre new level on Wednesday when the White House appeared to launch a coordinated effort to disparage and belittle the podcaster, completely dismissing his opinions.

    In multiple interviews, Fauci blasted Rogan for ignoring "societal responsibilities," arguing even young and healthy people should get vaccinated as asymptomatic individuals can still spread the virus.

    The infectious disease expert also believes "kids of all ages" will be vaccinated by the end of the year – there are no vaccines on the market in the US approved for anyone under 16 – and everyone should "absolutely" get inoculated.

    ALSO ON RT.COM Rose McGowan tells Democrats they are in a cult, and their whining, defensive responses prove her right

    Bedingfield also dismissed Rogan's opinion in a CNN interview where she said Rogan not being a doctor basically strips his words of any merit.

    "I guess my first question would be, did Joe Rogan become a medical doctor while we weren't looking?" she asked. "I'm not sure that taking scientific and medical advice from Joe Rogan is perhaps the most productive way for people to get their information."

    Initial social media criticism of Rogan is one thing, but the White House pitting themselves against a private citizen having an open and frank discussion on a podcast is concerning. It's alarming enough that White House officials busy with vaccination efforts and a still-fresh administration would take the time to debate Rogan on the subject, but the responses to his discussion also show that administration officials are fearful of open debate and conversations about the vaccines. If one even strays from the belief that vaccines are 100% safe and every single person, regardless of age or health, should take them, they are attacked, at least if you have the following that Rogan has.

    Rogan's discussions on Covid-19 vaccines do not boil down to a debate on whether getting inoculated against the virus is good for everyone or not. The recent viral clip even opens with the podcaster saying vaccines are safe, and he acknowledges that what he says about children and young, healthy people is not true across the board. He merely expresses concerns as a father and gives a personal opinion that in no way discourages everyone from getting a vaccine.

    Looking at Fauci and Bedingfield's responses, it appears they aren't even debating what Rogan actually said.

    Fauci, who has been a controversial figure himself and accused of flip-flopping multiple positions during the pandemic, argues that it is the potential transmission of the virus from one person to another that is the reason everyone should be vaccinated. Rogan never talks about the risk of transmission though. He simply makes the argument that a healthy individual who is younger may not need a vaccination to protect themselves from the deadlier aspects of Covid.

    Bedingfield's argument is even lamer as she says without a "Dr." title, Rogan simply can't have concerns about vaccinations for children and others. She argues no one should take "medical advice" from a podcaster, setting Rogan up as a man who presented himself as some kind of expert on vaccines, dishing out advice to his listeners, who apparently aren't intelligent enough to make up their own minds, according to these critics.

    Fauci and Bedingfield and any other White House official who decides to paint Rogan as the face of anti-vaxxers should be ashamed of themselves. Their personal attacks are an opportunistic way to take a shot at someone who has somehow become a near-pariah on the left, and to discourage open and frank discussions about vaccines. Their swift dismissal of a comedian who is not quite waving the flag for every single person to be vaccinated shows that they don't want discussion from citizens they want compliance and for people to keep nodding their heads at their ever-changing talking points and guidelines.

    It really doesn't matter who is right in the White House versus Joe Rogan debate because there shouldn't be a White House versus Joe Rogan debate. Ironically, Fauci and Bedingfield have probably made more people aware of Rogan's comments by addressing them. They and other officials have taken questionable criticism of a fairly harmless conversation and used it to create a false narrative about one man to strike fear into anyone who would dare consider what he or anyone else would say above what they do.

    If you like this story, share it with a friend!

    [Apr 27, 2021] The Gamaleya Center statement - Official website vaccine against COVID-19 Sputnik V

    Notable quotes:
    "... Science Mag ..."
    Apr 27, 2021 |

    Covid-19 Vaccine Thrombosis:


    A comprehensive analysis of adverse events during clinical trials and over the course of mass vaccinations with the Sputnik V vaccine showed that there were no cases of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST).

    All vaccines based on adenoviral vector platform are different and not directly comparable. In particular, AstraZeneca’s ChAdOx1-S vaccine uses chimpanzee adenovirus to deliver the antigen, consisting of S-protein combined with leader sequence of tissue-type plasminogen activator. The vaccine from Johnson&Johnson uses human adenovirus serotype Ad26 and full-length S-protein stabilized by mutations. In addition, it is produced using the PER.C6 cell line (embryonic retinal cells), which is not widely represented among other registered products.

    Sputnik V is a two-component vaccine in which adenovirus serotypes 5 and 26 are used. A fragment of tissue-type plasminogen activator is not used, and the antigen insert is an unmodified full-length S-protein. Sputnik V vaccine is produced with the HEK293 cell line, which has long been safely used for the production of biotechnological products.

    Thus, all of the above vaccines based on adenoviral vectors have significant differences in their structure and production technology. Therefore, there is no reason and no justification to extrapolate safety data from one vaccine to safety data from other vaccines.

    The quality and safety of Sputnik V are, among other things, assured by the fact that, unlike other vaccines, it uses a 4-stage purification technology that includes two stages of chromatography and two stages of tangential flow filtration. This purification technology helps to obtain a highly purified product that goes through mandatory control including the analysis of free DNA presence. In addition, the volume of nucleic acid is several dozen times lower in adenoviral vectors compared to Pfizer and Moderna vaccines (1 to 2 mcg vs 50 to 100 mcg, correspondingly).

    A study published in The New England Journal of Medicine on April 9, 2021, discusses that the cause of the thrombosis in some patients vaccinated with other vaccines could be insufficient purification that leads to the emergence of significant quantities of free DNA. Insufficient purification or use of very high doses of target DNA/RNA can result in adverse interaction of a patient’s antibodies that activate thrombocytes with elements of the vaccine itself and/or free DNA/RNA, which can form a complex with the PF4 factor.

    Link to the study:

    The Gamaleya Center is ready to share its purification technology with other vaccine producers in order to help them minimize the risk of adverse effects during vaccination.

    [Apr 26, 2021] Genetic Vaccines -- Are They the New Thalidomide by Dr. Lee Merritt

    Highly recommended!
    Notable quotes:
    "... He had a total loss of his platelets -- the little blood cells that stop bleeding. In spite of being treated by a team of physicians, he died two weeks later from a brain hemorrhage, and was reported to have had zero platelets . ..."
    "... What happened to this physician and the others seems to be a new previously unseen problem related to vaccination -- despite the manufacturers' claims. ..."
    "... Increasingly, vaccine manufacturers and government officials are following the sarcastic maxim from Samuel Shem's novel of medical residency entitled The House of God that "if you don't take a temperature you can't find a fever." In other words, if we don't critically look at the actual recorded patient damage, we won't find our products to be defective. ..."
    "... Moreover, a vaccine is supposed to prevent disease. By that definition, these agents are not even vaccines. They are more properly termed "experimental unapproved genetic agents." By admission of the manufacturers themselves, both the Pfizer and Moderna products only lessen the symptoms of COVID; they don't prevent transmission. ..."
    Apr 26, 2021 |

    Many Americans have heard the news account of Dr. Gregory Michael, a 56-year-old Florida physician who, after receiving his first dose of a Pfizer COVID vaccine on December 18 of last year, was hospitalized three days later. He had a total loss of his platelets -- the little blood cells that stop bleeding. In spite of being treated by a team of physicians, he died two weeks later from a brain hemorrhage, and was reported to have had zero platelets .

    By February 10, 2021, 36 other similar cases were reported in the mainstream media. Pfizer, which along with its partner BioNTech made the vaccine the doctor received, said in a statement that it was aware of the death. Typically, they concluded, "We are actively investigating this case, but we don't believe at this time that there is any direct connection to the vaccine."

    Pfizer made this "finding" despite several unusual circumstances of the case. First, low-platelet disorders, known as idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), most commonly affect children, and generally follow a viral illness. Only 10 percent of ITP cases occur in adults, who usually present with a slow onset form of the disorder, referred to as chronic ITP. The disorder usually starts by someone noticing easy bleeding, such as slow oozing from gums or the nose, or bruises showing up without trauma. Rarely do platelets drop below 20,000, and generally treatment either reverses the disease or prolongs life for years in spite of the problem.

    What happened to this physician and the others seems to be a new previously unseen problem related to vaccination -- despite the manufacturers' claims.

    Increasingly, vaccine manufacturers and government officials are following the sarcastic maxim from Samuel Shem's novel of medical residency entitled The House of God that "if you don't take a temperature you can't find a fever." In other words, if we don't critically look at the actual recorded patient damage, we won't find our products to be defective. Now, major media are increasingly getting on board, condemning "vaccine hesitancy" and pushing everyone to get vaccinated for COVID, discounting any dangers. But in the practice of medicine, we are supposed to employ the "precautionary principle" -- above all do no harm.

    Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 "vaccines" are experimental, employing a genetic technology never before used on humans. Ironically, many people who wouldn't purchase the first edition of a new car line are lining up to take an injection they know nothing about, that has never successfully passed animal trials, that could never meet the required "safety level" for a "drug," and is unapproved for the prevention of COVID except as an emergency experiment .

    Legally, those who get the vaccine are unnamed participants in a Stage IV FDA trial.

    Moreover, a vaccine is supposed to prevent disease. By that definition, these agents are not even vaccines. They are more properly termed "experimental unapproved genetic agents." By admission of the manufacturers themselves, both the Pfizer and Moderna products only lessen the symptoms of COVID; they don't prevent transmission.

    Vaccination was first invented to treat smallpox, which had a a fatality rate of up to 60 percent. Then other diseases such as typhoid and polio were similarly addressed. But vaccination is not used when effective safe treatment is available. Although censorship has confused the public understanding, overwhelming evidence dating back to the 1970s shows that viruses can be treated with "lysosomotropic agents." The truth is, hundreds of papers have shown that chloroquine, and its later version hydroxychloroquine, are very effective in treating this virus if given early. A worldwide open architecture online review of COVID survival ( showed that death rate was 78.7-percent lower in those countries where hydroxychloroquine was used early and often:

    Multiple large studies done in outpatient settings show very excellent prevention and cure with these and other drugs such as Ivermectin. In Mumbai, India, a study was done of the city police force of 10,000 officers. No deaths were recorded in the 4,600 officers taking a small dose of hydroxychloroquine each week. All the deaths were in the untreated group. Using Worldometer statistics, COVID deaths per capita in New York State are 2,656 per million population; in New Jersey they are 2,821 per million population. In India the rate is 126 per million and in Uganda it is only seven per million. Neither India nor Uganda used social distancing in any real way. But they do use hydroxychloroquine. New York (except for Dr. Zev Zelenko and a few others) does not use the drug.

    As to the claims of the efficacy of the drugs, the declaration of 95-percent effectiveness of the Pfizer product was shown to be bunkum by Dr. Peter Doshi, the associate editor of the British Medical Journal , writing in that publication. After doing an independent review of the data submitted to the FDA, Dr. Doshi reported that only 30 percent of test subjects, at best, experienced even the slightest benefit (symptom reduction). Absolute risk reduction -- in other words stopping transmission -- he estimated at less than one percent.

    The limited benefit of taking the drugs is made worse by the relatively high death tolls from the new mRNA therapy. During the first two months of the rollout of Pfizer and Moderna "vaccines" in 2021, 95 percent of deaths from vaccines recorded in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) were for those agents, meaning only five percent of reported deaths involved all the other vaccines put together. Compared to 2019, deaths in VAERS are up 6,000 percent. Thirty-six deaths were recorded in the first quarter of 2020 versus 1,754 in the first quarter of 2021.

    In Israel, where the Pfizer mRNA product is being used exclusively and a major push is on to vaccinate the whole population, an independent review of government data after two months of the vaccine program was done by the Aix-Marseille University Faculty of Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases Unit's Dr. Hervé Seligmann and engineer Haim Yativ. They showed that when 12.5 percent of Israelis were vaccinated, 51 percent of the deaths from COVID were in the vaccinated group. Additionally, in the over 65-year-olds, vaccination resulted in death from COVID 40 times more than in unvaccinated people. In other words, this is not protecting people from COVID but increasing fatalities from the disease -- and this neglects the number of other side effects.

    If the truth were known, most sane, thinking people would not likely take part in such an experiment. With the truth hidden and with threats of travel bans and an unwarranted fear of COVID, and with pressure from employers and the politicization of COVID in general, Americans have been throwing caution to the wind.

    The Unknowns

    To understand what is actually happening to people after receiving the mRNA agents, I reviewed data in VAERS -- an open-source searchable database of possible vaccine side effects reported by both providers and patients. According to the CDC website:

    VAERS is used to detect possible safety problems -- called "signals" -- that may be related to vaccination. If a vaccine safety signal is identified through VAERS, scientists may conduct further studies to find out if the signal represents an actual risk.

    The main goals of VAERS are to:

    • Detect new, unusual, or rare adverse events that happen after vaccination.

    • Monitor increases in known side effects, like arm soreness where a shot was given

    • Identify potential patient risk factors for particular types of health problems related to vaccines

    • Assess the safety of newly licensed vaccines

    • Watch for unexpected or unusual patterns in adverse event reports

    • Serve as a monitoring system in public health emergencies

    The CDC acknowledges limitations of the system, including:

    • Reports submitted to VAERS often lack details and sometimes contain errors.

    ◦ Serious adverse events are more likely to be reported than mild side effects.

    ◦ It is generally not possible to find out from VAERS data if a vaccine caused the adverse event.

    I searched the VAERS database using keywords that would identify bleeding problems and thrombocytopenia (low or absent platelets). Entries are defined by age groups and sex with a narrative account of the injury.

    In a two-and-a-half-month period from December 15, 2020 to March 12, 2021, 358 cases of unusual clotting or bleeding were identified, and it makes grim reading. There were 104 cases of frank thrombocytopenia (low platelets) -- some including young people. However, the numbers alone do not adequately convey the problems. In one case about an 18-29 year-old female, the physician wrote this: "Patient was seen in in my office on 1/19/21 with complaint of heavy vaginal bleeding. A CBC was obtained which revealed an H/H of 12.2/36.1 and a platelet count of 1 (not 1K, but 1 platelet!) This was confirmed on smear review." The surprise and horror the doctor experienced upon seeing the absence of platelets is clear when reading the report.

    But the platelet problem may just be the most severe expression of a physical derangement that is producing bleeding of all sorts. As seen in the table below, there were 49 people with brain hemorrhages -- nine fatal at the time of reporting. A number of other people arrived at Emergency Departments with bleeding from multiple sites, or internally, so massive that they could not be stabilized even to clearly define the sources of the bleeding.

    Severe Thrombocytopenia 94 Various Spontaneous Skin bleeding 10
    Mild Thrombocytopenia 11 Vein bleeding from temple 1
    Thrombocytopenic Petechial rash/bruising 5 Prolonged surgical site bleeding 3
    Severe Pancytopenia 2 Severe multifocal bleeding 5
    Unknown Hematologic Problem 1 Severe internal bleeding 5
    Multifocal or "massive" brain hemorrhage 20 Severe uncharacterized bleeding 3
    Focal brain hemorrhage 29 Bleeding from cancer site liver 1
    GI Bleed 34 Renal dialysis shunt 1
    Severe Vaginal Bleeding 7 Hematuria 2
    Vaginal Bleeding 21 Renal bleed 1
    Bleeding in Pregnancy 6 Tonsillar bleed 1
    Bleeding with Miscarriage 12 Acute Uterine Fibroid hemorrhage 1
    Irreg Menses 4 Nosebleed 32
    Oral bleeding 8 Spontaneous Splenic hemorrhage 1
    Subconjunctival Hemorrhage 11 Injection Site Bleeding 21
    Intraocular bleed 4 Arm Bruising 1

    Most cases of severe problems were in people over the age of 50 years. But there were many younger people involved, especially in the less severe-but-unusual bleeding problems. Of the 36 reported nosebleeds, six were either unable to be stopped with usual measures, were recurrent, or were recorded as having significant blood loss or dubbed "profuse." Many were associated with other symptoms: photophobia (eye sensitivity to light), headache, hives, "sick in bed," brain fog, and face swelling. The youngest patient with a nosebleed was, sadly, a toddler requiring emergency care. Unusual skin bleeding was also reported. Four 65-plus-year-old males reported blood spontaneously oozing through the skin: one from the legs, one from the scalp, one from an old biopsy site, and one from an old healed "boil" site. Frank bleeding at the time of the inoculation occurred 14 times. Some bleeding was momentary, but often the bleeding was difficult to stop, recurrent, and/or persisted after the patient returned home. (How many times have you had an injection and bled at all, let alone bled off and on for hours?)

    Perhaps the saddest were the bleeding episodes that preceded spontaneous miscarriages. Here are some direct entries in VAERS:

    40-49 y.o. Female: The evening of my vaccination I began to feel feverish, weak and achy. During the night I woke with heavy bleeding and found out the following morning I had miscarried my otherwise healthy pregnancy.

    39 y.o. Female: Internal brain bleeding 10 days after 1st dose Covid vaccine; brain damage, confused, suffering memory loss; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician (patient).

    30-39 y.o. Female: 48 hours after injection developed micro-hemorrhages in her right eye. Symptoms resolved and 12/29 recurrence of bleeding to right eye slightly worse than before

    65+ y.o. Male: Patient developed significant nose bleed after receiving vaccine. Required emergency department visits x 2 and hospitalization.

    65+ y.o. Female: Vaccine administered 02/02/2021. By Thursday 2/11/2021 patient almost nonverbal, by Monday 2/15/2021 patient went to the hospital with bruising, sores on her stomach and clots reported as thrombocytopenia. Deceased by Friday, 2/19/20201.

    40-49 y.o. Female: Bleeding, myalgia, tingling in the fingers of the right hand; fatigue immediately upon vaccination -- bleeding at the injection site which the employee reports as filling the Band-Aid over the site. When she got home in the evening and took it off blood ran.

    65+ y.o. Female: Within 15 min of the injection, the individual became aphasic and stroke like symptoms. She was taken to the ER where she was later diagnosed with a cerebral hemorrhage and passed away.

    When such facts are presented, the standard retort from vaccine advocates is, "We have given millions of vaccines, so a few deaths are to be expected." Besides the fact that a willingness to sacrifice individuals for the nebulous good of the masses represents a bankrupt moral order, simply calculating the numbers of deaths is inadequate. "Experts" need to take the time to read the narrative to open their eyes -- and their hearts -- to the suffering happening. There are over 25 pages of such stories printed from VAERS entries, and we must consider, "How many of these people are now dead, and how many are going to die?"

    A second-year medical student armed with the facts should recognize looming disaster -- where are the experts?

    In truth, neither recipients nor their doctors know what is in these "vaccines." Only a few people at the top of the Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca research groups really understand them. These mRNA injections produce a potentially deadly pathogen -- the spike protein -- in your cells.

    The Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer product says that it contains "a nucleoside-modified messenger RNA (modRNA) encoding the viral spike glycoprotein (S) of SARS-CoV-2." If your immune system is strong enough to withstand this onslaught and create some immunity, you may survive the first onslaught. But even if you don't die in the short term, mRNA is an epigenetic controller of DNA . Though this foreign synthetic mRNA doesn't actually become part of your DNA to make you a "GMO human," as some people have been worrying about, it can control DNA in ways we have yet to completely understand . We literally have no idea whether this bodily additive is going to have a side effect of expressing cancer genes, or of repressing cancer protective genes, or thousands of other potentially deadly unknowns.

    Additionally, the Pfizer vaccine includes all types of ingredients that may by themselves create ailments. The Pfizer shot contains "lipids ((4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2- hexyldecanoate), 2-[(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide, 1,2-distearoyl-snglycero-3-phosphocholine, and cholesterol), potassium chloride, monobasic potassium phosphate, sodium chloride, dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate, and sucrose."

    I insert this list just for completeness -- don't expect to make sense of it. Your doctor can't either. I understand "sucrose" (sugar) and sodium chloride (salt), but who doesn't get lost in the "hydroxybutyl" and "distearoyl" lipid list?

    After doing some sleuthing and having some inside knowledge to start from, I discovered that this lipid particle is an adjuvant called "Matrix M." As described in scientific literature, "Adjuvant Matrix-M™ is comprised of 40 nm nanoparticles composed of Quillaja saponins , cholesterol and phospholipid."

    Matrix-M essentially wraps the mRNA in a lipid coating that allows it to move through cell walls and to linger in your system. Matrix-M is derived from plant chemicals called saponins, which have poorly understood properties in plant biology. They can be toxic to humans in some cases, and have been traditionally used by aboriginal tribesmen to poison fish. Should we consider that comforting?

    The pharmacology industry has a long history of removing bad drugs from the market. Thalidomide is perhaps the most famous example of a pharmacologic disaster. The drug was released in 1957 for its sedative effects and was touted as being safe for everyone including "pregnant women and children." In 1961, Dr. William McBride, an obstetrician, discovered that thalidomide was useful for "morning sickness" in pregnant women. Later he began to see unusual and devastating birth defects in babies born to women for whom he had prescribed the drug. Independently, Dr. Widuking Lenz, a pediatrician in Germany, also associated thalidomide with severe and unusual birth defects, such as the absence of limbs or parts of limbs. Sometimes an infants' hands were attached at the shoulders, there being no connecting long bones at all. By 1962 the drug was taken off the market.

    But unlike with our new, experimental agents, recognition of the thalidomide problem was made relatively easy by several factors. First among these was the uniqueness of the deformities. These were both profound and obvious, which stand in stark contrast to the current bleeding problems, which appear on the surface to be normal problems in clinical medicine -- such as nosebleeds. Even now, doctors continue to call the loss of platelets "ITP" -- even though what we are seeing is not the same as what we would expect to see under that diagnosis. ITP simply does not kill adult males in a few days.

    Second, with thalidomide, the physician who first began using the drug for nausea in pregnancy was also the doctor who delivered the affected babies, so he could readily put two and two together. In the case of our COVID drugs, when your doctor tells you to get a vaccine, he doesn't administer it, doesn't witness the injection, and usually doesn't follow up to see how you fared. And if you were to suddenly develop a vision problem or bleeding from the bowel, you wouldn't be seen by your PCP; you would be in an Emergency Department -- and they don't usually ask about your recent vaccine history.

    Third, Dr. Lenz presciently recognized that, in the case of thalidomide, many less-severe deformities, when put into perspective, revealed "gradations of the defect." Unfortunately in the present case, lesser degrees of clotting problems are indistinguishable from bleeding issues frequently encountered in an Emergency Room or doctor's office. For example, if a 75-year-old hypertensive male -- who has gotten a COVID shot -- suffers a brain hemorrhage and dies, it would not likely be deemed unusual, and the relationship to vaccination may not even be explored.

    Keeping that in mind, we should assume the worst when it comes to these new COVID shots. When any new drug problem starts, it begins slowly and unrecognized -- like a snowball beginning to roll down a mountain. By the time the problem is generally acknowledged, the avalanche is well on its way. In the case of thalidomide, over 100,000 children were severely damaged before the drug was removed from use. Though VAERS has the potential to shorten recognition time of drug problems by trying to spot the "unusual patterns," this requires that physicians be aware of the system, and take the time to enter any suspected side effects -- not just the worst cases. It also requires that researchers care enough to look. This is not happening. A report previously submitted to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality revealed that fewer than one percent of adverse events get reported to VAERS.

    In the past, testing done on mRNA technology revealed problems specifically involving the clotting system. Antibody-mediated platelet damage has been suspected. Yet today when these exact problems arise, the researchers are mum. Do the experts not study or know their own vaccine research history?

    For those who are concerned about the risks, we need to advocate for ourselves, either through contacting legislators or simply refusing to take the shots. It's obvious that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to release untried technology upon the entire world population, and not be deterred by any inconvenience such as unexplained death.

    We need to stop being a gullible population that forces our children to get vaccinated for trivial, non-fatal diseases such as mumps. We need to stop believing in the god-like status of medical technocrats who claim to be making the world safer. We need to reject the idea that vaccine deniers are anti-scientific troglodytes. We must reject the unspoken premise under which pharmaceutical companies and doctors operate -- that all vaccines are always safe in all people all the time. It should not be considered unreasonable to require scientific transparency, honesty by drug manufacturers, and safety from vaccines.

    Vaccines are only indicated for diseases with a high risk of death or morbidity, and for which there is no cure. After seeing the esteemed leaders in medicine denigrate hydroxychloroquine (even though it was a recognized treatment used successfully elsewhere for SARS, and mentioned favorably by Dr. Fauci for MERS), after watching three plants used in the production of hydroxychloroquine burn down in a year -- two on the same day -- after watching doctors lose their jobs and be censored for speaking truth and saving lives with old safe drugs that work, and now, after seeing experimental genetic agents being rolled out for use globally that have never passed animal testing and have only a few months human trials, perhaps it is time to address the 800-pound gorilla in the room and ask, "Are they trying to kill us?"

    Dr. Lee Merritt has been in the private practice of Orthopaedic and Spinal Surgery since 1995, has served on the Board of the Arizona Medical Association, and is past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. She is a lifelong advocate for a patient's right to choose their own medical care without government intervention.

    OhSoGood tex52 4 days ago ,

    Please point to a vaccine that didn't have such a tiny fraction of issues.

    Start with Polio... are you going to say that was a bad idea?

    Pauper Jim j b 4 days ago ,

    Try this:

    [Apr 26, 2021] White House Mask Theater

    Apr 26, 2021 |

    //Describing the move as "theater," Paul said that it would harm efforts to get people vaccinated if the public doesn't believe the shot has an impact in curbing the spread of the virus. He was referring to an online meeting between world leaders, in which President Joe Biden was the only official wearing a mask .

    Biden forgot that "this theater was so ridiculous that people would call him out on it," he added. Last week, others had questioned why the president would wear a mask in such a setting. All the other world leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau were not wearing masks.

    "If I want to go visit the White House, Republicans, and Democrats who go visit, even though they've all been vaccinated or had the disease, they're being tested with a deep sinus test," Paul told Fox News over the weekend,

    "And they're being told that wear the N95 masks to go in the White House, even though they've all been vaccinated," he added.

    "So, there is no science behind any of this. It's fear-mongering. But it also has a deleterious effect, in that it's discouraging people from getting the vaccine because they're saying, well, if the vaccine doesn't mean anything, it doesn't seem to have any protective benefit, you get no benefit. "

    If people cannot "quit wearing the mask," some have asked why they should get vaccinated at all, Paul said.

    "I think that's the wrong attitude," the Kentucky Republican added.

    "But this is what's coming from Biden and the so-called scientists that he's putting forward."

    It comes as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s director, Rochelle Walenksy, said the agency is looking into revising its mask provision for people who are outside.

    "We'll be looking at the outdoor masking question, but also in the context of the fact that we still have people who are dying of COVID-19," she told "Today" last week.

    ...The current CDC guidelines say that "masks may not be necessary when you are outside by yourself away from others, or with people who live in your household."

    The Epoch Times has contacted the White House for comment.

    [Apr 15, 2021] Number racket in COVIS-19 space

    Apr 15, 2021 |

    youngman 3 hours ago

    and if we had an accurate count of how many died of this virus....we would see it was not bad at all.....but the healtcare workers made more money if they said it was covid than if it was just a heart attack.....and remember one got the flu this year...

    [Apr 15, 2021] The Pandemic is Over! - Dr. Ryan Cole, CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics

    It is interesting presentation. He promotes ivermectin and points that CIVID-19 kill 90% of virus in petri disk study. He point s the NIH is co-holder with Moderna of a parent for the vaccine. The main points:
    1. We are no longer in pandemic, we are in endemic. Wearing makes in open space is idiotism.
    2. Coronavirus are seasonal and they have
    3. Average Covid19 age of death 78.6 yo. Average annual US age of death in the is the same
    4. Low vitamin D is the main reason of higher susceptibility.
    Apr 15, 2021 |

    [Apr 15, 2021] Covid is a very selective virus

    Apr 15, 2021 |

    Covid is a strange one. At a certain age and health spectrum (especially obesity) people that caught covid had a 10% plus or minus chance of not surviving. For everyone else, a nothing burger. The flu is/was more dangerous. play_arrow 3 play_arrow 4

    sun tzu 2 hours ago

    For people over 80, the survival rate is 95%. That's including tens of thousands murdered by ventilators and hundreds of thousands who died of something else blamed on covid-19

    LeftandRightareWrong 2 hours ago

    A high % of elderly + co-morbidities did not survive.

    theWHTMANN 2 hours ago

    So sick and old people die. Wow I am surprised.

    [Apr 14, 2021] CDC determined surface transmission is not the main route by which SARS-CoV-2 spreads. The risk of transmission is low in this instance

    Apr 14, 2021 |

    run75441 | April 14, 2021 9:21 pm


    A few notes catching you up on stuff.

    I would not recommend licking the counter top as it does not taste very good. In any case, the transmission of COVID-19 does not come from touching surfaces. And I am reiterating what I had read approximately a year ago.

    The Atlantic 's Staff Writer Derek Thompson reiterates what is pretty much known since the advent of COVID and ignored by many.

    " Deep Cleaning Isn't a Victimless Crime" brings the point home in its content on surface contamination.

    Based on "epidemiological data and studies of environmental transmission factors; the CDC determined surface transmission is not the main route by which SARS-CoV-2 spreads. The risk of transmission is low in this instance."

    Fomites are "objects or materials such as clothes, utensils, and furniture likely to carry infection. The surface transmission of COVID is low risk in the spread of SARS-CoV-2." Originally the thought was it to be a major contributor of spreading COVID.

    Instead, COVID-19 is an airborne threat and spreads through tiny aerosol droplets lingering in the air in unventilated spaces. Rhinovirus is a common virus and the predominant cause of a common cold. It spreads via aerosols .

    The solution is ventilating areas which may not be so due to being closed in by walls, etc.

    And outspoken researchers such as Jose-Luis Jimenez, an aerosol scientist at the University of Colorado Boulder, were insisting on needing focus on ventilation rather than surfaces and windows rather than Windex. Instead, they were being loudly rebuffed or ignored.

    "Watching people troll Aerosol Science reminds me of Creationists telling Evolutionary Biologists there is no evidence for Evolution. My students in 1st semester Physics easily follow the fluid dynamics of your presentation slides (drag F, Reynold's #, etc)." Clark Vangilder, PhD

    [Apr 14, 2021] More False Covid Hysteria

    Apr 14, 2021 |

    Let's start with this blaring headline from the Miami Herald:

    White House looks at domestic travel restrictions as COVID mutation surges in Florida For those of you not familiar with my previous pieces on the Florida pandemic as viewed from my perch in the Sarasota/Bradenton area ( A Covid Panic Update and Why Does the Liberal Media Refuse to Report Meaningful Data on COVID? ), I have been a consistent critic of the scare tactics because I look at the actual facts. Here's the latest numbers for February compared to November and December 2020. The percent of patients hospitalized with COVID at Sarasota Memorial Hospital in December was 10.3%. That number now is 6.27%. Do you call that a surge?

    The 7 Day Positivity rate has gone from 5.4% in November to 3.2%. Yes, people are still being infected with COVID and a very small percentage of those are hospitalized. And even smaller number wind up in the ICU.

    And what about the death rate? If you just read the Miami Herald headline you would assume they are stacking bodies. Nope. The number of people who have died at Sarasota Memorial in the last 86 days (17 November 2020 to 10 February 2021) is averaging 1 per day. (Yes, I know, two died today but none died yesterday, so it averages out).

    Stumbling Joe Biden, or should I say his handlers, are pissed that Ron DeSantis, our Governor, is not playing the fear game. Florida is open for business and we have something approaching a normal, pre-COVID life (except for the brainwashed who have been bamboozled into improperly wearing masks).

    Deap , 12 February 2021 at 01:11 PM

    Here is the major Covid hysteria turning point, used to seal Trump's political defeat so the Democrat's could claim Trump murdered over 300,000 persons. This happened shortly after Nancy Pelosi tore up Trump's SOTU address in Feb 2020, which was her declaration of war against him. The real felony murder charge should fall on Dr. Deborah Birx, the infamous Scarf Lady.

    APRIL 2020: The federal government is classifying the deaths of patients infected with the coronavirus as COVID-19 deaths, regardless of any underlying health issues that could have contributed to the loss of someone's life.

    Dr. Deborah Birx, the response coordinator for the White House coronavirus task force, said the federal government is continuing to count the suspected COVID-19 deaths, despite other nations doing the opposite.

    "There are other countries that if you had a pre-existing condition, and let's say the virus caused you to go to the ICU [intensive care unit] and then have a heart or kidney problem," she said during a Tuesday news briefing at the White House. "Some countries are recording that as a heart issue or a kidney issue and not a COVID-19 death.

    "The intent is ... if someone dies with COVID-19 we are counting that," she added.

    Eric Newhill , 12 February 2021 at 02:47 PM

    You are spot on from where I'm sitting. What you see is not just true in Florida. It is true across the country.

    I have access to data pertaining to a sample of Americans from across the country - and it's not a small sample (i.e. consists of many millions). Inpatient bed utilization per 1,000 in < 65 products is same as, or lower than, the previous years. Ditto ICU utilization.

    We are not seeing a large volume of covid diagnosed people/people receiving treatment, nor hospitalizations for covid, nor deaths due to it in < 65 products. The deaths are minuscule in number/% and are almost exclusively among those with a history of serious underlying conditions - the kind of underlying conditions that kill you sooner or later anyhow.

    In > 65 products, the figures are a little higher, but still tiny (just like a bad flu season) and bed day utilization is flat compared to previous years. Deaths tend to be among those at, or above, their actuarially expected year of death.

    We are being to told to understand that what we see (or not see, more accurately) is explained by covid damage being done primarily to the indigent elderly; people on Medicaid,in low grade nursing homes, etc - and not to our people, who the type working or paying for Medicare Advantage. The indigent are always effected worse because they don't take of themselves. That is axiomatic in our business.

    At any rate, it still appears to me - based on the data - that relatively healthy, educated people have little to worry about from covid, beyond economic destruction caused by reactionary policies and by associated loss of freedoms that America is supposed to represent.

    Ghost Ship , 12 February 2021 at 03:54 PM

    The US excess deaths for 2020 show that approximately 300,000 more people died than were predicted to die in 2020.

    Even as U.S. deaths from COVID-19 surpassed 400,000 this week, some Americans dispute the accuracy of the death toll, contending it is exaggerated.

    Final figures aren't yet in, but preliminary numbers show 2020 is on track to become the deadliest year in U.S. history, with more than 3.2 million total deaths – about 400,000 more than 2019 – a sharp increase that public health experts attribute to COVID-19 and aligns with reported deaths from the disease.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 2,835,533 U.S. deaths in 2019. Before the pandemic, models projected a slightly higher number, about 2.9 million deaths, for 2020, said Dr. Jeremy Faust, an emergency physician at Brigham and Women's Hospital.

    It's not a coincidence, he said, that the 400,000 excess deaths closely resemble the number of coronavirus deaths in the U.S., which reached 401,796 as of Wednesday, according to Johns Hopkins data.

    "That is not a seasonal change or just a random bad year," Faust said. "That is what every person who can correctly attest to these numbers can plainly see is a historic increase in excess mortality. If we put that together with the number of coronavirus deaths, it's game, set, match."

    FWH , 12 February 2021 at 04:35 PM

    Former President Trump's pandemic team addressed comorbidities at one time (well over 90% comorbidity). The "Swiss Doctor" website notes average age of death (I think it was 78 in US and 82 worldwide). These are clear signs that this additional information is being collected; just not consistently and widely published.

    I thought early on that consistent complete factual reporting by even a single local TV station could collapse the pandemic in a pocket. I remember others said early on that active resistance was needed for change (the covidians are "true believers", like religion, who will not be put off).

    The consistent, complete factual reporting has not taken place. This blog post may have found the key. "More governors need to go on the offensive."

    Posted by: FWH |

    Eric Newhill , 12 February 2021 at 05:11 PM

    Ghost Ship,
    What is the methodology used to arrive at the "excess deaths" number? Is it similar to Cuomo's nursing home deaths counting, but in reverse? Why are raw numbers being used and not rates (e.g. deaths per 100K)? Why is 2020 being compared to just one data point, 2019? Why not compare an *age adjusted* rate per 100K for 2020 to each of the past 10 years (hint, I know what that would show and it doesn't maximize covid hysteria)?

    How many excess deaths, such that they may be, are actually attributable to the increases in drug overdoses and suicides in 2020? To lack of screenings and early diagnosis due to doctor office and hospital shut downs and restrictions? To people too scared of covid exposure to continue treatment for chronic conditions even if they could see their doctor? To illegal aliens and other recent third world immigrants (another hint moment)?

    You're allowing yourself to be gaslighted under the guise of wanting to appear informed.

    Yes. There is a covid virus. Yes it will make some people with weak immune systems + a heavy viral load, sick. No. It's not more deadly than the some of the flues that come around from time to time, like every ten years +/-.

    akaPatience , 12 February 2021 at 05:22 PM

    SO, there were reportedly 400,000 more US deaths in 2020 than in 2019. Considering that the very eldest of the huge Baby Boom generation turned 74 in 2020, I wonder if such an increase in deaths per year is something we're going to witness for the foreseeable future?

    What does our resident actuarial have to say about US death rates vis a vis aging Baby Boomers???

    English Outsider , 12 February 2021 at 07:48 PM

    Eric - I've got the picture, here in Europe and also in the States, that it's a race between the new variants and mass vaccination.

    B117 gave us quite a scare. The figures were going down nicely, as in the States, then along came this new variant. In Ireland, Portugal (less certain because less genomic testing) and the UK the same pattern: New variant. Cases, and later deaths, rising sharply. Control measures (lockdown etc). Then an equally sharp drop.

    So in those three countries I don't think there's any doubt that after the new variant came along it was only lockdown that prevented the hospitals getting hopelessly overloaded. Now it's a question of hoping that mass vaccination will have its effect before the new variant gets further ahead.

    There's some B117 in the States but not enough genomic testing is done to be quite sure how much. The SA variant also, and the two Brazilian variants. The mysterious thing about the Brazilian variants in Manaus is that they seem to be attacking people who by rights should have immunity from previous exposure to Covid. I've just heard in Europe of yet another variant (N439K "Romania variant") this one seemingly more resistant to treatment but I don't know if it's more transmissible and don't know if it's reached the States.

    As are you, I'm sceptical about the stats put out. They don't allow for the effects of such lockdown as there has been. They don't allow for the fact that flu deaths have gone right down. They don't allow for informal lockdown - that is, people who isolate whatever the advice is. They don't allow for increased deaths from other conditions that didn't get treated because of the pandemic. And the crude stats I'm seeing don't allow for different cultural patterns, and different population densities, that increase transmission rates and therefore death rates by up to four times.

    So instead of rooting around in that thicket I believe it's safer to stick to the one verifiable fact. That is that the new variants are more transmissible, possibly more dangerous, and that if the race between them and vaccination is lost then all that will stop the hospitals getting overloaded over your way will be control measures of the sort that were successful in Ireland, Portugal and the UK.

    Is this right, or are there factors that alter the picture in the States that don't alter it here?


    I've gone off your man Fauci, by the way. Heard him bad mouthing Trump. Nothing about what I reckon is going to be counted as one of the great achievements of the Trump Presidency, Operation Warp Speed. Nothing about the fact that he himself lost the plot several times last year. Just a sneaky little jibe. He could be Paracelsus come again for all I care but I put him down as a rat.

    And I'm not at all sure that William Barr shouldn't be placed in the same Hall of Infamy.

    Jose , 12 February 2021 at 07:56 PM

    Larry, you might be biased, we live in a "sane state" as oppose a democratic "state of fear."

    Remember Darth Maul's One Truth, fear is my ally...

    Shanks , 13 February 2021 at 01:48 AM

    I have one data point to offer from an unlikely area and that too from India. Make of it what you will.

    I invested in Pharma stocks specifically generics makers that export to USA and Europe largely. I get copies of earnings conference calls posted and a typical is like this

    This is the third time, I have seen a reference to the lowest-flu-shot sales in a decade . This is from Lupin and I have seen similar lines from CFOs in the earnings calls of Cipla, Aurobindo generics makers that have a large US generics presence.

    from the linked pdf file...

    Talking about sales - U.S. sales grew by 4% sequentially at US$188 million in
    Q3 FY21, as compared to US$180 million in Q2 FY21, and grew by 1% as
    compared to Q3 FY20. The sequential growth was driven by ramp up in
    Albuterol as well as new products like Lapatinib, Tacrolimus etc. The demand
    for seasonal products continues to be pretty weak on back of the weakest flu
    season in the last decade, leading to a fall in quite a few of those products as
    compared to the previous year.
    Other in-line products however. remain

    For those of you who posted that there's something off about flu season, the above is a good indicator; though it still does NOT explain why the deaths seem higher than normal at an elevated 3000 deaths/week. Personally, I have no idea what's a "normal" weekly death rate is, as macabre as it may sound to ask.

    Eric Newhill , 13 February 2021 at 01:12 PM

    Seamus Padraig,
    Why yes of course.

    Everyone with some rudimentary smarts is fixated on "excess deaths", because it sounds, well, smart - and would have merit if done right and with full transparency into methodology. As I said, those figures, as thrown around today, have serious methodological flaws and who knows how they are really calculated.

    IMO, a more telling metric will be life expectancy in years, currently at 78.8 years (2019 figure). If covid is the existential scourge that Covidians want it to be, then life expectancy should show a decline in 2020. On the other hand, if what I am saying is true, that covid is merely killing those who were going to soon die anyhow, then life expectancy, in years, will remain the same. That finding would also support what you say about anyone testing positive and dying for any reason being chalked up to covid; an understanding that I agree with more than not.

    2020 figures are not yet available.

    I also note that Google searches for age/sex adjusted mortality rates direct you away from that and towards links about how terrible covid is and how many excess deaths there have been. It is near impossible for the general public to find adjusted mortality rates for the past 20 years. I'm sure that's done on purpose by the tech-Marxists. Of course the CDC site is a scrambled mess still. No luck there either.

    Fred , 13 February 2021 at 01:18 PM


    "Hospitals have never been in danger of collapsing..."

    Now that there has been a change in administrations there's a change of tune of the narrative. Why are states still ordering lockdowns and masks if there was never any danger of hospitals being overwhelmed? That was the whole point of doing so. Well, actually, driving Trump from office was the point. Mission accomplished.

    Deap , 13 February 2021 at 01:40 PM

    A few months ago when the first "Johns Hopkins study" (French female epidemiologist study) analyzing CDC data was squelched, it concluded from the official CDC morbidity data there were NO excess deaths in 2020 when plotted against the prior 10 years of CDC data.

    This CDC data "study" was immediately depublished by Johns Hopkins with the claim this study conclusion would be confusing to the public.

    However, it did serve the purpose to put CDC on notice and make sure any future CDC data reports conformed to the prevailing Democrat narrative, or risk also getting "cancelled".

    The latest official "gaslighting" narrative claims regular seasonal influenza morbidity is close to ZERO because everyone is wearing masks and social distancing - which stopped regular flu in its tracks according to this narrative.

    Yet for some reason this exact same masks and social distancing that stopped seasonal influenza cold, did nothing to stop "covid"?

    2020: Influenza = 0; Covid = 350,000. C'mon, man.

    When Democrats run both the media narrative and the deep state data gathering operations, we will never know the truth.

    Though I suspect many of actually do know the truth regardless of the massive Democrat efforts to keep gas-lighting the public for their own political gain. Yes, they are that venal. Look what they have accomplished for their own self-interests so far.

    KMD , 13 February 2021 at 01:50 PM

    Here's multiple breakdowns of the CDC's own data. It does not support nationwide lock-downs.

    TL:DR Removing New York City, not the state, just the city, it was a bad flu season in the U.S.
    A better response would have been to educate the public with ways to boost their immune systems so as to avoid hospitalization. Vitamin D and Zinc supplements among other strategies.Depending on an EULA experimental "vaccine" as a magic bullet was flawed thinking.

    As others have noted we also have a boomer generation aging up and out.

    Deap , 14 February 2021 at 05:17 PM

    A sane discussion: Medicine, law, covid, censorship and media. The Rubin report explores covid tribal hysteria by those censored by new media algorithms with three popular media personalities who are experts in their field.

    Media censorship in medicine has translated to private censorship among medical colleagues. No deviations allowed from the corporate medical orthodoxy - even conventional medicine suffering now from the heavy hand of media censorship.

    Where is this taking us - when will freedom finally leak out from under this heavy non-science censorship hand?

    [Apr 12, 2021] Education Tragedy in Los Angeles

    Apr 12, 2021 |

    The L.A. district considers students engaged merely for logging on to the online teaching platform. Yet even by this low standard, the Great Public Schools Now report finds that "over 13,000 middle and high school students were consistently disengaged in fall 2020," and "an additional 56,000 did not actively participate on a daily basis." In January and February, some 22,800 students missed three or more days of class a week.

    During the 2020-2021 school year, 37% of Los Angeles kindergartners exhibited basic literacy skills, compared to 57% a year before. A fall 2020 assessment showed that only one in three middle- and high-school students displayed grade-level reading and math skills.


    Mac Moore SUBSCRIBER 43 minutes ago

    It really is sad what the Dems have done to kids, for what? Political gain? What a sick party that puts their greed for power above their own children. They over-played their hands on COVID-19 and Race relations to scare citizens to their party and to keep minorities on the plantation. Now, we have kids about as confused about life, relationships and virtues as one can get.

    [Apr 12, 2021] Has the Era of Overzealous Cleaning Finally Come to an End- - The New York Times

    Apr 12, 2021 |

    This week, the C.D.C. acknowledged what scientists have been saying for months: The risk of catching the coronavirus from surfaces is low.

    When the coronavirus began to spread in the United States last spring, many experts warned of the danger posed by surfaces. Researchers reported that the virus could survive for days on plastic or stainless steel, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advised that if someone touched one of these contaminated surfaces -- and then touched their eyes, nose or mouth -- they could become infected.

    Americans responded in kind, wiping down groceries, quarantining mail and clearing drugstore shelves of Clorox wipes. Facebook closed two of its offices for a " deep cleaning ." New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority began disinfecting subway cars every night.

    But the era of " hygiene theater " may have come to an unofficial end this week, when the C.D.C. updated its surface cleaning guidelines and noted that the risk of contracting the virus from touching a contaminated surface was less than 1 in 10,000 .

    "People can be affected with the virus that causes Covid-19 through contact with contaminated surfaces and objects," Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the C.D.C., said at a White House briefing on Monday. "However, evidence has demonstrated that the risk by this route of infection of transmission is actually low."

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    The admission is long overdue, scientists say.

    "Finally," said Linsey Marr, an expert on airborne viruses at Virginia Tech. "We've known this for a long time and yet people are still focusing so much on surface cleaning." She added, "There's really no evidence that anyone has ever gotten Covid-19 by touching a contaminated surface."

    Special offer: Subscribe for $1 a week.

    During the early days of the pandemic, many experts believed that the virus spread primarily through large respiratory droplets. These droplets are too heavy to travel long distances through the air but can fall onto objects and surfaces.

    In this context, a focus on scrubbing down every surface seemed to make sense. "Surface cleaning is more familiar," Dr. Marr said. "We know how to do it. You can see people doing it, you see the clean surface. And so I think it makes people feel safer."

    Image A
    A "sanitization specialist" at an Applebee's Grill and Bar in Westbury, N.Y., wiping down a used pen last year. Restaurants and other businesses have highlighted extra cleaning in their marketing since the pandemic began. Credit... Hiroko Masuike/The New York Times

    But over the last year, it has become increasingly clear that the virus spreads primarily through the air -- in both large and small droplets, which can remain aloft longer -- and that scouring door handles and subway seats does little to keep people safe.


    "The scientific basis for all this concern about surfaces is very slim -- slim to none," said Emanuel Goldman, a microbiologist at Rutgers University, who wrote last summer that the risk of surface transmission had been overblown. "This is a virus you get by breathing. It's not a virus you get by touching."

    The C.D.C. has previously acknowledged that surfaces are not the primary way that the virus spreads. But the agency's statements this week went further.

    "The most important part of this update is that they're clearly communicating to the public the correct, low risk from surfaces, which is not a message that has been clearly communicated for the past year," said Joseph Allen, a building safety expert at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

    Catching the virus from surfaces remains theoretically possible, he noted. But it requires many things to go wrong: a lot of fresh, infectious viral particles to be deposited on a surface, and then for a relatively large quantity of them to be quickly transferred to someone's hand and then to their face. "Presence on a surface does not equal risk," Dr. Allen said.

    In most cases, cleaning with simple soap and water -- in addition to hand-washing and mask-wearing -- is enough to keep the odds of surface transmission low, the C.D.C.'s updated cleaning guidelines say. In most everyday scenarios and environments, people do not need to use chemical disinfectants, the agency notes.

    "What this does very usefully, I think, is tell us what we don't need to do," said Donald Milton, an aerosol scientist at the University of Maryland. "Doing a lot of spraying and misting of chemicals isn't helpful."

    Still, the guidelines do suggest that if someone who has Covid-19 has been in a particular space within the last day, the area should be both cleaned and disinfected.

    [Apr 12, 2021] Another COVID Myth Dies The Death - ZeroHedge

    Apr 12, 2021 |

    Another COVID Myth Dies The Death BY TYLER DURDEN MONDAY, APR 12, 2021 - 05:00 AM

    Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The American Institute for Economic Research,

    Going to the grocery store in Massachusetts in 2020 guaranteed you would breathe heaps of sanitizer. A full-time employee scrubbed down shopping carts between customers. Conveyor belts at the checkout counter were blasted and wiped between every sale. Glass surfaces were sprayed as often as possible. The plastic keypads on credit machines were not only covered in plastic – why putting plastic on plastic stopped Covid was never clear – but also sprayed between uses.

    Employees would carefully watch your hands to see what you touched, and as you exited the space would cover the area with cleaning spray.

    It was the same at offices and schools. If a single person turned in a positive PCR test, the entire place had to be evacuated for a 48-hour fumigation. Everything had to be wiped, sprayed, and scrubbed, to get rid of the Covid that surely must be present in the bad place. The ritualistic cleaning took on a religious element, as if the temple must be purified of the devil before God could or would come back.

    All of this stemmed from the belief that the germ lived on surfaces and in spaces, which in turn stemmed from a primitive intuition. You can't see the virus so it really could be anywhere. The human imagination took over the rest.

    I was in Hudson, New York, at a fancy breakfast house that had imposed random Covid protocols. It was cold outside but they wouldn't let me sit inside, even though there were no government restrictions on doing so. I asked that masked-up twenty-something why. She said "Covid."

    "Do you really believe that there's Covid inside that room?"


    Subway cars were cleaned daily. Facebook routinely shut its offices for a full scrub. Mail was left to disinfect for days before being opened. Things went crazy: playgrounds removed nets from basketball hoops for fear that they carried Covid.

    During the whole pathetic episode of last year, people turned wildly against physical things. No sharing of pencils at the schools that would open. No salt and pepper shakers at tables because surely that's where Covid lives. No more physical menus. They were replaced by QR codes. Your phone probably has Covid too but at least only you touched it.

    "Touchless"' became the new goal. All physical things became the untouchables, again reminiscent of ancient religions that considered the physical world to be a force of darkness while the spiritual/digital world points to the light. The followers of the Prophet Mani would be pleased.

    Already back in February, AIER reported that something was very wrong about all of this. Studies were already appearing calling the physical-phobic frenzy baseless.

    The demonization of surfaces and rooms stemmed not just from active imaginations; it was also recommended and even mandated by the CDC. It offered a huge page of instructions on the need constantly to fear, scrub, and fumigate.

    On April 5, however, the CDC page was replaced by a much-simplified set of instructions, which includes now this discreet note: "In most situations, the risk of infection from touching a surface is low ." Oh is that so?

    The link goes to the following:

    Quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) studies have been conducted to understand and characterize the relative risk of SARS-CoV-2 fomite transmission and evaluate the need for and effectiveness of prevention measures to reduce risk. Findings of these studies suggest that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection via the fomite transmission route is low, and generally less than 1 in 10,000, which means that each contact with a contaminated surface has less than a 1 in 10,000 chance of causing an infection .


    So much for the many billions spent on cleaning products, the employees and the time, and hysteria and frenzy, the rise of touchlessness, and gloves, the dousing of the whole world. The science apparently changed. Still it will be years before people get the news and act on it. Once the myths of surface transmission of a respiratory virus are unleashed, it will be hard to go back to normal.

    Fortunately the New York Times did some accurate reporting on the CDC update, quoting all kinds of experts who claim to have known this all along.

    "Finally," said Linsey Marr, an expert on airborne viruses at Virginia Tech. "We've known this for a long time and yet people are still focusing so much on surface cleaning." She added, "There's really no evidence that anyone has ever gotten Covid-19 by touching a contaminated surface ."

    Still, I'm willing to bet that if right now I headed to a WalMart or some other large chain store, there will be several employees dedicated to disinfecting everything they can, and there will be customers there who demand it to be so.

    How many years will it take before people can come to terms with the embarrassing and scandalous reality that much of what posed as Science last year was made up on the fly and turns out to be wholly false?

    JMRPete 4 hours ago

    It was never about health, and never about sense. It's about OBEY!!!

    Mile High Perv 2 hours ago

    It's also about fear and controlling people's thoughts, emotions, and actions.

    We have nothing to fear except fear itself.

    Western medicine has never been about health, pandemic or not, and now the truth is out in the open for those who want to see.

    Frito 2 hours ago

    The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

    H.L. Mencken

    [Apr 12, 2021] The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary

    Apr 12, 2021 |

    Already back in February, AIER reported that something was very wrong about all of this. Studies were already appearing calling the physical-phobic frenzy baseless.

    The demonization of surfaces and rooms stemmed not just from active imaginations; it was also recommended and even mandated by the CDC. It offered a huge page of instructions on the need constantly to fear, scrub, and fumigate.

    On April 5, however, the CDC page was replaced by a much-simplified set of instructions, which includes now this discreet note: "In most situations, the risk of infection from touching a surface is low ." Oh is that so?

    The link goes to the following:

    Quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) studies have been conducted to understand and characterize the relative risk of SARS-CoV-2 fomite transmission and evaluate the need for and effectiveness of prevention measures to reduce risk. Findings of these studies suggest that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection via the fomite transmission route is low, and generally less than 1 in 10,000, which means that each contact with a contaminated surface has less than a 1 in 10,000 chance of causing an infection .


    So much for the many billions spent on cleaning products, the employees and the time, and hysteria and frenzy, the rise of touchlessness, and gloves, the dousing of the whole world. The science apparently changed. Still it will be years before people get the news and act on it. Once the myths of surface transmission of a respiratory virus are unleashed, it will be hard to go back to normal.

    Fortunately the New York Times did some accurate reporting on the CDC update, quoting all kinds of experts who claim to have known this all along.

    "Finally," said Linsey Marr, an expert on airborne viruses at Virginia Tech. "We've known this for a long time and yet people are still focusing so much on surface cleaning." She added, "There's really no evidence that anyone has ever gotten Covid-19 by touching a contaminated surface ."

    Still, I'm willing to bet that if right now I headed to a WalMart or some other large chain store, there will be several employees dedicated to disinfecting everything they can, and there will be customers there who demand it to be so.

    How many years will it take before people can come to terms with the embarrassing and scandalous reality that much of what posed as Science last year was made up on the fly and turns out to be wholly false?

    JMRPete 4 hours ago

    It was never about health, and never about sense. It's about OBEY!!!

    Mile High Perv 2 hours ago

    It's also about fear and controlling people's thoughts, emotions, and actions.

    We have nothing to fear except fear itself.

    Western medicine has never been about health, pandemic or not, and now the truth is out in the open for those who want to see.

    Frito 2 hours ago

    The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

    H.L. Mencken

    [Apr 09, 2021] Distrust of the establishment plays a role in vaccine hesitancy, but it's probably time to back off on the prevailing commentary suggesting that those avoiding vaccines are irresponsible, uninformed or politically manipulated

    Highly recommended!
    Notable quotes:
    "... Dr. Kaplan is a faculty member at the Stanford School of Medicine Clinical Excellence Research Center and the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. He has served as associate director of the National Institutes of Health and chief science officer at the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. ..."
    Apr 09, 2021 |

    Originally from: Stop Taking Shots at Those Who Fear Them - WSJ By Robert M. Kaplan April 8, 2021 6:21 pm ET

    Distrust of the establishment plays a role in vaccine hesitancy, but it's probably time to back off on the prevailing commentary suggesting that those avoiding vaccines are irresponsible, uninformed or politically manipulated. Achieving herd immunity requires that about 70% of Americans are vaccinated or contract Covid and develop natural immunity, which official numbers place around 10% of the population. Polls consistently show that 21% say they will definitely not get the vaccine and about a third rate their chances of taking the vaccine as less than 50%. It's better to address common fears and concerns respectfully and informatively than with hectoring and condescension.

    Dr. Kaplan is a faculty member at the Stanford School of Medicine Clinical Excellence Research Center and the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. He has served as associate director of the National Institutes of Health and chief science officer at the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

    [Apr 03, 2021] How 6 feet became 3- Meet an ER doctor behind the research showing kids are still safe in school with new social-distancing s

    Apr 03, 2021 |

    It turns out that children who attend schools with mask requirements are likely just as safe from COVID-19 sitting just 3 feet from each other and not the 6 feet previously recommended by the Centers for Disease and Prevention.

    Those findings, which were used by the CDC to update its guidance about schools in mid-March, stem from a study conducted over the fall and winter examining transmission rates in K-12 schools in Massachusetts, where masks are required for most public-school students and all staff.

    Putting students closer together in classrooms did not lead to an increase in COVID-19 cases, a group of medical researchers and policy experts concluded in the accepted manuscript published March 10 in the medical journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.

    One of the researchers is Dr. Elissa Schechter-Perkins, an emergency-room physician at Boston Medical Center who has done infection control for the ER there during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    " Back in spring of 2020, we didn't know a whole lot about COVID-19," she said in a March 23 interview with MarketWatch. "And based on what we have seen in influenza pandemics, it was thought that closing schools would be essential and effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19."

    But now, as the pandemic has stretched into its second year and the science is still evolving, it looks like the 6-foot rule, which was particularly onerous for classrooms, may not be necessary.


    MarketWatch: Has much of the research around distancing in schools so far been anecdotal?

    Dr. Elissa Schechter-Perkins: I would say it went beyond anecdotal evidence. There have been multiple studies that are primarily epidemiologic in nature, from around the world and around the U.S., in which students went back at closer distances. [Editor's note: The World Health Organization recommends 1 meter -- about 3 feet -- in schools.] There haven't been large amounts of in-school transmission, and there haven't been increased cases in school settings compared to the surrounding communities. So there has been a slowly emerging body of literature, saying that our schools are safe, even with fewer than 6 feet of distance between the students.

    MarketWatch: How do you think mitigation factors like masking, plexiglass dividers, or open windows affect transmission in schools?

    Schechter-Perkins: It's a really important point. Our study really was not able to tease out which of the mitigation measures other than distancing was not important. I think it's important to understand that every school in the districts in Massachusetts that were part of our study had a 100% masking mandate for all staff and all students in Grade 2 and above, and the majority of districts had either a masking requirement or masking was strongly encouraged in the younger students as well. [Editor's note: The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education requires noses and mouths to be covered at all times, except during designated breaks, for staff and students in second grade or older. Kindergartners and first graders were encouraged to wear masks or shields, but it's not required . ]

    Many of the schools, but not all, had multiple other mitigation measures in place, including daily symptom screening. Many of them had other mitigation measures in place, such as ventilation checks and requirements for contact tracing and quarantining for exposed people. Although we can't say which of the mitigation measures was the most important, our thought is [that if] the bundle of mitigation measures taken in aggregate is sufficient in decreasing the spread of COVID-19, then it becomes safe to decrease the distance between students. We shouldn't extrapolate our findings to other less controlled environments where those other factors are not in place.

    MarketWatch: Now that we have the new CDC guidance for schools, are you planning any follow-up studies?

    Schechter-Perkins: It's going be really important to continue to follow the data, and it's something that the country has really struggled with over the last year. As new studies come out and new evidence comes out, the guidelines should change, and that's been a real struggle for the United States population at large to come to terms with. We're not used to things changing so rapidly, but I would say as schools do open for more in-person learning it is really essential that we continue to see what happens, especially as we know that the new variants are circulating but also vaccination is increasing.

    MarketWatch: Do you think it's a possibility that one day we would see that spacing requirement shrink even further?

    Schechter-Perkins: I absolutely would be open to that. I'm very optimistic about where we are right now. We are doing an excellent job vaccinating greater and greater numbers of the population, and I am really hopeful that we can decrease the transmission of COVID-19 in our country to the point that it becomes, instead of widespread, it becomes episodic in our communities. [Editor's note: About 16% of the U.S. population has been fully vaccinated, as of March 31, according to the CDC .] At that point, we can use other public health measures, such as rapid diagnostic testing, rapid contact tracing, rapid surveillance testing and quarantines -- and really tamp down the transmission of COVID-19.

    When we start to get to that point, I do think we'll be able to open up a lot of things with less distancing requirements, and life will look much more like normal. We're not there yet, but I do you think that that is in the future.

    The other opportunity to keep in mind is what was mentioned in the CDC guidelines, where they talk about cohorting. This has worked really well in other countries, particularly in Europe, where they have groups of students that don't require any distancing between them. So if there's an outbreak, that particular cohort or bubble is at greater risk, but [the virus] is not anticipated to spread outside of that cohort. That's another model that can be looked at, as a way to get more students back in the classroom and try to get life more back to normal. Our study did not evaluate that at all. That is more of an international phenomenon.

    MarketWatch: Strictly from a vaccination point, how long do you see distancing being necessary in schools?

    Schechter-Perkins: It's a tough question to answer. Our study was conducted during a time where virtually nobody was vaccinated. [Editor's note: It was conducted between Sept. 24 and Jan. 27.] What our study and others have shown is that vaccination is not essential to getting back into school safely, as long as the mitigation measures are in place. In order to really start relaxing some of the other mitigation measures, you really have to have a large portion of not just the teachers but the entire community vaccinated. We'll get there, but I think it's still a long way away.

    MarketWatch: One of my co-workers has talked about how there's a cycle of an exposure, kids get tested or stay home, and then they resume school in person. Would cohorting be one way to offset that type of cycle?

    Schechter-Perkins: It would. The cycle that we have is really dependent on where in the country you are. Certain places are very aggressively quarantining. I don't know if this has changed in New York, but I know it at one point all it took was two cases in a school building, and the entire school would shut down for quarantine. [Editor's note: New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is reportedly re-evaluating that policy, as of March 14, according to Gothamist .] That is incredibly conservative and a really damaging policy that's not necessary. More schools across the country are going to more of a modified quarantine, in which, as long as students are only exposed in school with masks on, they're not being made to quarantine. There are many places that have recently gone to that sort of model, and reportedly there hasn't been a lot of in-school transmission, even with that modified limited quarantine. So I'm eagerly awaiting publication of that data.

    Right now, if people are within 6 feet of each other for a cumulative 15 minutes, according to the CDC guidelines , they should still be quarantining. But, hopefully, that's not entire classrooms at a time. There's a lot of variation in how people are interpreting exposure in the school setting. I do worry that the constant exposure–shut down–quarantine the whole class for 10 days–then resume [cycle] may very well be too conservative and too disruptive, and it may also not prevent more cases. If it's not preventing the cases, then I don't think we want to pursue that strategy. But I think we still need more data.

    MarketWatch: Do you think that's a leftover reaction from last spring?

    Schechter-Perkins: It's been really hard to change. Way back when we set out these guidelines, they were based on the best evidence at the time. It's really important for guidelines to change as the evidence evolves. We need to keep doing the studies, providing the science, so that the guidelines can then catch up to what the evidence actually shows.

    MarketWatch: At what age are children in a K-12 school at higher risk for contracting the virus?

    Schechter-Perkins: It seems like about 12 years old, maybe about puberty, is about when things start to change, when younger kids who seem more protected and less likely to transmit start to behave more and more like adults, as far as their infection risk and their transmission risk.

    That said, in our study, and plenty of others, even high schools are still safe for students and for staff with those mitigation measures in place. So even though you have older students who may behave more like adults as far as the virus goes, they can still be safe in school settings.

    And they are at particular risk for some of the harms of not being in school. We see harms to their mental health, with anxiety, depression, isolation, suicide, as well as tremendous learning loss. So that risk-benefit analysis really needs to take place as far as keeping schools closed. We've seen that, in a regulated school environment, they can still be safe in school, and their teachers and their educators can also be safe in schools with them.

    Schechter-Perkins later noted in email that "even though they may have a higher risk of getting ill or transmitting the virus compared to younger students, I still think they can belong in school, since the risk in school is not higher than it is outside of school."

    This Q&A has been edited for clarity and length.

    Read more A Word from the Experts interviews:

    It's a 'question of time' before another virus jumps from animal to human, says co-inventor of flu treatment Tamiflu. Preventative therapies are needed.

    The new B.1.1.7 is a 'superspreader' strain. Here's how the U.S. can control it, says Dr. Eric Topol.

    Dr. James Hildreth: Here's how to instill vaccine confidence among people of color

    [Apr 02, 2021] Was COVID-19 quarantine worth it?

    Apr 02, 2021 |

    there are essentially two countries inthe USA: one is the country of big cities with high dencity of population were carantine probably makes some sense and aother countryside with low density of population (let's say areas 100 miles or more from major metropolitan area, where restriction were much less sensible. Also authorities behaviour during summer riots has shown that this was about deposing Trump as much as about COVID-19.

    boyplunger7777 48 minutes ago

    Was COVID-19 quarantine worth it? In addition to $6 trillion in new debt. The ruined businesses, the damage to school children, the psychological pain, depression, and anxiety as well as substance/domestic abuse? The lingering damage to sporting events, concerts, and outdoor entertainment? You tell me.

    [Apr 01, 2021] NYT reporter against the Atlantic vaccine cheerleaders

    There are a lot of issues with vaccine rollout. One issue is that they do not check if a person has immunity to the virus or not.
    Another issue is how long vaccine will be effective is the next year we might face yet another strain of the virus. Coronaviruses are mutating viruses and that's why previous attempts to create vaccine failed.
    Are those people who demonstrate a severe reaction to the vaccine the same people who would get severe case of COVID-19 if infected ?
    Yes another issue is "emergency use". Long time effects are not known. We do not know why immunity for some people do not emerge and they became ill even after being immunized. We do not know how long immunization status hold. Will it weaken in six months to the level when infection became possible again or. and how effective it is against new strains.
    So this rush with vaccine rollout is a large scale biological experiment with uncertain consequences.
    In this sense any skeptic is valuable.
    Notable quotes:
    "... and then that test came back negative. ..."
    "... suspected but unconfirmed ..."
    Apr 01, 2021 |

    Alex Berenson- The Pandemic's Wrongest Man - The Atlantic Derek Thompson, Staff writer at The Atlantic

    For the past few weeks on Twitter, Berenson has mischaracterized just about every detail regarding the vaccines to make the dubious case that most people would be better off avoiding them. As his conspiratorial nonsense accelerates toward the pandemic's finish line, he has proved himself the Secretariat of being wrong :

    Usually, I would refrain from lavishing attention on someone so blatantly incorrect. But with vaccine resistance hovering around 30 percent of the general population, and with 40 percent of Republicans saying they won't get a shot, debunking vaccine skepticism, particularly in right-wing circles, is a matter of life and death.

    Jon D. Lee: The utter familiarity of even the strangest vaccine conspiracy theories

    Berenson's TV appearances are more misdirection than outright fiction, and his Twitter feed blends internet-y irony and scientific jargon in a way that may obscure what he's actually saying. To pin him down, I emailed several questions to him last week. Below, I will lay out, as clearly and fairly as I can, his claims about the vaccines and how dangerously, unflaggingly, and superlatively wrong they are.

    Before I go point by point through his wrong positions, let me be exquisitely clear about what is true . The vaccines work. They worked in the clinical trials, and they're working around the world. The vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson seem to provide stronger and more lasting protection against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants than natural infection. They are excellent at reducing symptomatic infection . Even better, they are extraordinarily successful at preventing severe illness from COVID-19. Countries that have vaccinated large percentages of their population quickly, such as the U.S., the United Kingdom, and Israel, have all seen sharp and sustained declines in hospitalizations among the elderly. Meanwhile, countries that have lagged in the vaccination effort -- including the U.K.'s neighbors France and Italy, and Israel's neighbor Jordan -- have struggled to contain the virus. The authorized vaccines are marvels, and the case against them relies on half-truths, untruths, and obfuscations.

    me title=

    me title=

    Berenson's claim: In country after country, "cases rise after vaccination campaigns begin," he wrote in an email.

    The reality: In country after country, cases decline after vaccination campaigns begin.

    One of Berenson's themes is that the mRNA vaccines are badly underperforming outside the clinical trials and are possibly even causing a spike in cases after the first shot. But just this week, CDC researchers studying real-world conditions came to the opposite conclusion : The mRNA vaccines by Moderna and Pfizer are 90 percent effective two weeks after the second dose, in line with the trial data. "COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for all eligible persons," they concluded.

    Still, Berenson pushes the argument that the vaccines are causing suspicious illness and death. On Twitter and in his email to me, Berenson claimed that an "excellent" Denmark study showed a 40 percent rise in infections immediately after nursing-home residents received their first vaccine shot.

    I reached out to that study's lead author , Ida Rask Moustsen-Helms at the Statens Serum Institut, who said that Berenson had mischaracterized her findings. She explained to me that the Danish nursing homes in question were already experiencing a significant COVID-19 outbreak when vaccinations began. Many people in the long-term-care facilities were likely already sick before their vaccine was administered, and "these people would technically count as vaccinated with confirmed COVID-19, even if the infection happened prior to the vaccination or its immune response," she said. With limited vaccines, countries ought to give the first vaccines to the groups most likely to get COVID-19. That's exactly what seems to have happened here. Berenson is scaremongering about the vaccines by essentially criticizing their wise distribution.

    In our emails, Berenson further argued that many of the perceived benefits of the vaccines are illusory. "It is very hard to distinguish the course of the epidemic this winter in countries that have vaccinated heavily, such as Israel and the UK, and those that have not, such as Canada and Germany," he wrote.

    This is hogwash. In the U.K. and Israel, hospitalizations have fallen by at least 70 percent since mid-January, and they remain low. In Canada , hospitalizations fell by significantly less, and in Germany, the seven-day average of COVID-19 cases has more than doubled since mid-February; its government has debated a new lockdown .

    This stage of the pandemic is a race between the variants and the vaccines. In many states, such as Michigan and New York, normalizing behavior combined with more contagious strains of the virus are pushing up cases again. This is not evidence that America's vaccination campaign isn't working. Quite the opposite: It highlights the urgency of moving faster to deliver vaccines, which are our best chance to control the spread of contagious variants.

    Berenson's claim: Pfizer-BioNTech's clinical-trial data prove that the companies are being shady about vaccine efficacy.

    The reality: His "proof" is a total mischaracterization of trial data.

    Berenson seems to enjoy spelunking through research to find esoteric statistics that he then dresses up with spooky language to make confusing points that sow doubt about the vaccines. Arguing that COVID-19 cases spike after the first dose, he directs people to the Pfizer-BioNTech FDA briefing document , which reports hundreds of "suspected but unconfirmed" COVID-19 cases in the trial's vaccine group that aren't counted as positive cases in the final efficacy analysis.

    me title=

    me title=

    But "suspected but unconfirmed" doesn't refer to participants who were probably sick with COVID-19. On the contrary, it refers to participants who reported various symptoms, such as a cough or a sore throat, and then took a PCR test -- and then that test came back negative.

    "His point is absolutely stupid, and I would know because I enrolled participants in the Pfizer-BioNTech trial," Kawsar Talaat, an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University, told me. "He's talking about people who call in and say, 'I have a runny nose.' So we mark them as 'suspected.' Then we ask them to take a PCR test, and we test their swab, and if the test comes back negative, the FDA says it's 'unconfirmed.' That's what suspected but unconfirmed means."

    Read: Coronavirus reinfection will soon become our reality

    When I emailed Pfizer and BioNTech representatives about Berenson's claim, they struggled to even understand what I was talking about. Someone was taking a group of several thousand people who had tested negative for COVID-19 and, from afar, diagnosing all of them with COVID-19? "Does not make sense," a BioNTech spokesperson responded curtly.

    If you were enrolled in Berenson's vaccine trial for SARS-CoV-2 and never contracted the virus, but one day you told a clinician that you had a bit of a cough, Berenson would mark you down as "infected with COVID-19" and blame the vaccine. That's the logic here, and, as you can tell, it's not really logic; it just seems like an attempt to find something -- anything -- wrong with the vaccines.

    Berenson's claim: The mRNA vaccines dangerously suppress your immune system, possibly causing severe illness and even death.

    The reality: His claim is based on a total misunderstanding of how the immune system works.

    Berenson wrote in an email that "the first dose of the mRNA vaccine temporarily suppresses the immune system." He has claimed on Twitter that the mRNA vaccines "transiently suppress lymphocytes," or our white blood cells, and suggested that this might lead to "post-vaccination deaths."

    Scientists tore this one to shreds. "The claim he is making is simply fearmongering, connecting a simple physiological event with bogus claims of deaths," Shane Crotty, a researcher at the Center for Infectious Disease and Vaccine Research at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology, told me. "The observation of lymphocyte numbers temporarily dropping in blood is actually a common phenomenon in immune responses."

    Renee DiResta: Anti-vaxxers think this is their moment

    A little background is useful here: White blood cells are the immune system's scouts. After an effective vaccination, some of them leave the blood and go to the site of inflammation, such as the arm that received the shot. "The cells are not gone," Crotty said. "They come back to the blood in a few days. It is generally a good sign of an immune response, not the opposite." To demonstrate that the vaccines are counterproductive, then, Berenson is pointing to the very biological mechanism that strongly suggests they're working just as scientists expected.

    me title=

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    Readers are surely familiar with other biological events that sound bad in the short term but are part of a normal, healthy process. When you lift weights at the gym, your muscles experience small tears that recover and then strengthen over time. Imagine if some loudmouth started screaming in the middle of the weight room, "You all think you're building your muscles, but actually you're tearing them to shreds, and it could kill you!" You would probably carry on calmly, assuming that this guy just got a little overexcited after finding a Yahoo Answers article about muscle formation and stopped reading after the first paragraph. Berenson's claim is basically a version of that, but for your immune system.

    "Actually," Talaat said, "his argument is even worse than your analogy. Muscles really do tear at the gym. But lymphocytes don't go away. They just move. What he's describing as dangerous in these tweets is just the regular functioning of our immune system."

    Berenson's claim: In Israel, the shots are causing a scary number of deaths and hospitalizations.

    The reality: Israel is a sensational vaccine success story: a nearly open economy where COVID-19 rates are plunging. See for yourself!

    On February 11, Berenson warned his followers that early data from Israel proved that vaccine advocates "need to start ratcheting down expectations." This was a strange claim to make at the time: An Israeli health-care provider had reported no deaths and four severe cases among its first 523,000 fully vaccinated people. But the claim seems even more ridiculous now, in light of Israel's incredible success since then. New positive cases in Israel are down roughly 95 percent since January. Deaths have plunged, even though the economy is almost fully open .

    When I asked Berenson to explain his beef with Israel's vaccine record, he sent a link to a news story in Hebrew that, he said, reported "several hundred deaths and hospitalizations and thousands of infections in people who have received both doses." I can't read Hebrew, so I reached out to someone who can, Eran Segal, a computational biologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science, in Rehovot, Israel. He replied by email: "This link actually shows that the vast majority of those who died were NOT vaccinated." By Segal's calculations, the vaccines have reduced the risk of death by more than 90 percent in the Israeli population. Segal also said that "numbers of infections only went down, and even more so among the age groups who were first to vaccinate."

    Berenson is wrong about all sorts of little things when it comes to Israel, but I want to emphasize how straightforward and obvious the big picture is here. Israel is a world leader in vaccinations . Its COVID-19 cases have plunged, and its economy is roaring back to life.

    Berenson's claim: Healthy people under 70 shouldn't get a vaccine.

    The reality: Outside of extremely rare cases, every adult should get a vaccine -- and if it's authorized for children, children should get it too.

    I wanted to know where Berenson stood on the most important question: Who does he think should get a vaccine, and who does he think shouldn't? This was the core of his answer:

    For most healthy people under 50 -- and certainly under 35 -- the side effects from the shots are likely to be worse than a case of Covid. Over 70, sure. The grey zone is somewhere in the middle and probably depends on personal risk factors.

    This response has two huge problems. First, although the disease clearly gets more severe with age, drawing a line at 70 is nonsensical. Those in their 50s and early 60s are three times more likely to die from this disease than a 40-something, and 400 times more likely to die than a teenager, according to the CDC.

    [Apr 01, 2021] "Professor" Neil Ferguson

    Apr 01, 2021 |

    One person stands out... ( Score: 4 , Informative) by Archtech ( 159117 ) on Thursday April 01, 2021 @12:41PM ( #61224618 )

    Oh, surely not. "Professor" Neil Ferguson has never met an epidemic he couldn't portray as a world-ending catastrophe. He has often been wrong by four orders of magnitude.

    https://statmodeling.stat.colu... [] [] [] Re:One person stands out... ( Score: 2 ) by Frank Burly ( 4247955 ) on Thursday April 01, 2021 @01:44PM ( #61224940 )

    I'm not a Neil Ferguson fan, but AC below seems correct. [] In particular, Ferguson's doomsday prediction of 500k dead in the UK was based on just letting the virus run its course. Almost a year later, with 120k dead, this seems like it would be in the right ballpark.

    Honestly though, I thought he was an economist moonlighting as an epidemiologist, but it turns out that I had it backwards. So maybe "ballpark" isn't good enough.

    [Apr 01, 2021] 'The Pandemic's Wrongest Man'

    Apr 01, 2021 |

    The pandemic has made fools of many forecasters. Just about all of the predictions whiffed . Anthony Fauci was wrong about masks . California was wrong about the outdoors . New York was wrong about the subways . I was wrong about the necessary cost of pandemic relief . And the Trump White House was wrong about almost everything else .

    Fauci has been a disaster ( Score: 2 ) by schwit1 ( 797399 ) on Thursday April 01, 2021 @01:55PM ( #61225004 )

    He has lied at every turn [].

    And why did the CDC's method for counting deaths change in March 2020 []? Summary is Irresponsible without Links ( Score: 3 ) by eepok ( 545733 ) on Thursday April 01, 2021 @02:48PM ( #61225280 ) Homepage

    The article has very important links that should probably be included in the summary because those links given EXTREMELY important context.

    Summary : Anthony Fauci was wrong about masks.
    Article Link : Fauci said, "There's no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you're in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it's not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is..."

    He wasn't wrong that masks are important and need to be worn. He was wrong about masks when he made a comment before on March 8, 2020 . On March 8, 2020, the WHO counted 213 total cases in the US to date. At the time it seemed unnecessary to wear a mask in public and, furthermore, the concern was that there would be a mask shortage for medical workers... AND THERE WAS. No one was mass-producing cloth masks yet. We all remember the "how to make a cloth mask at home" tutorials right?

    Summary : New York was wrong about the subways
    Article Link : New York City is shutting down its subway system every night, for the first time in its 116-year history, to blast the seats, walls, and poles with a variety of antiseptic weaponry, including electrostatic disinfectant sprays.

    Surface transmission has been shown to be low risk. This is a relatively new conclusion. Transit systems have shown to be low-probability vectors for transmission, but that is likely due to VASTLY reduced use, reduced occupancy, and and the ridiculous amount of cleaning they're doing now. The precautions have prevented the need for knee-jerk closures of the transit systems. That's not being wrong... that's being successful.

    Summary : I was wrong about the necessary cost of pandemic relief.
    Article Link : We Can Prevent a Great Depression. It'll Take $10 Trillion.

    That still seems about right. It hasn't nor will it come as a single check being written, but all the stimulus adding up will probably cost around that much-- especially if you factor in the MASSIVE amounts of expenses (and lost revenue) taken on by major public institutions with the blind hope of getting reimbursed by FEMA. That's right, a lot of the relief is being debt-financed by organizations other than the Federal government and if we want to prevent recession or depression, we're going to have to keep spending. Re:Right vs Wrong ( Score: 4 , Insightful) by Rob Y. ( 110975 ) on Thursday April 01, 2021 @01:01PM ( #61224708 )

    And whoever wrote this article and included the phrase "Fauci was wrong about masks" is making a political statement. Fauci pretty much winked at us at the time he said masks won't make much difference. He was saying that because there was a run on them, and doctors weren't able to find enough N95's. In that light, yes, it was more important for doctors to get them than the general public - who were already being recommended to socially distance.

    As the epidemic wore on, Fauci and almost anybody else acting responsibly recommended mask wearing for everyone when out in public. But the talking points still include "...but Fauci said masks don't work". It's out of date, irrelevant, and a political distraction tactic at best... Re:Right vs Wrong ( Score: 2 ) by l0n3s0m3phr34k ( 2613107 ) on Thursday April 01, 2021 @03:14PM ( #61225414 ) Absolutely, it's like people saying "well, the Church said the Earth is the center of the solar system!" in discussing modern astronomy. Or, a bit more modern, always trying to factor in the affect of the aether on the propagation of light.

    Science works by observation, experiments, and data. "Tradition and order", the 2nd Pillar of US Conservatism, specifically "conserving the values that have been established over centuries" [] and therefor the idea of "doubling down" no matter what more recent data shows is just part of the fundamental core ideals.

    [Mar 31, 2021] The "Unvaccinated" as outcasts by C.J. Hopkins

    Mar 31, 2021 |

    So, the New Normals are discussing the Unvaccinated Question. What is to be done with us? No, not those who haven't been "vaccinated" yet. Us. The "Covidiots." The "Covid deniers." The "science deniers." The "reality deniers." Those who refuse to get "vaccinated," ever.

    There is no place for us in New Normal society. The New Normals know this and so do we. To them, we are a suspicious, alien tribe of people. We do not share their ideological beliefs. We do not perform their loyalty rituals, or we do so only grudgingly, because they force us to do so. We traffic in arcane "conspiracy theories," like "pre-March-2020 science," "natural herd immunity," "population-adjusted death rates," "Sweden," "Florida," and other heresies.

    They do not trust us. We are strangers among them. They suspect we feel superior to them. They believe we are conspiring against them, that we want to deceive them, confuse them, cheat them, pervert their culture, abuse their children, contaminate their precious bodily fluids, and perpetrate God knows what other horrors.

    So they are discussing the need to segregate us, how to segregate us, when to segregate us, in order to protect society from us. In their eyes, we are no more than criminals , or, worse, a plague , an infestation. In the words of someone (I can't quite recall who), "getting rid of the Unvaccinated is not a question of ideology. It is a question of cleanliness," or something like that. (I'll have to hunt down and fact-check that quote. I might have taken it out of context.)

    In Israel , Estonia , Denmark , Germany , the USA , and other New Normal countries, they have already begun the segregation process. In the UK , it's just a matter of time. The WEF, WHO, EU, and other transnational entities are helping to streamline the new segregation system, which, according to the WEF, " will need to be harmonized by a normative body, such as the WHO, to ensure that is ethical ."

    Cowboy , says: March 29, 2021 at 4:26 pm GMT • 2.4 days ago


    Nice thoughts but the high priests of the new secular cult of scientism are playing a zero sum game. It's an either/or for them; slavery or scalp. The rituals of the cult reinforce the dogma. The continual washing of hands as an act of purification. The mask as an act of penance for your defiling breath. Forced solitude to keep you in front of the 24 hour Cult broadcasts on tv. Social distancing as a way to inculcate insular thinking. Any resistors to the new rituals will be brought to a tribunal of neo torquemadas. Perhaps a better way to be thinking of the resistance is in terms of knighthood.

    Auntie Analogue , says: March 29, 2021 at 5:25 pm GMT • 2.3 days ago

    A black market trade in forged been-vaccinated-passports should be expected to debut and thrive.

    [Mar 31, 2021] Stupidity and unintended consequences characterize human actions and interactions far more accurately than malice aforethought and design.

    Mar 31, 2021 |

    Dr. Robert Morgan , says: March 30, 2021 at 4:34 pm GMT • 1.4 days ago

    TTSSYF: "Good point, but what drives the "experts" to push this? Would that not be a conspiracy of sorts?"

    Certainly there are factions among the so-called experts, and the members of factions can "conspire" with each other to win out over other factions. I don't doubt that at all. Nor do I doubt that anything that happens will advantage some groups and disadvantage others, and that groups fight to advance their own interests. Yet, to claim that the whole pandemic was planned in advance down to the last detail by a shadowy group of conspirators called "Globocap", as CJ Hopkins often seems to do, I think is a bridge too far. Stupidity and unintended consequences characterize human actions and interactions far more accurately than malice aforethought and design. Some see conspiracy where in reality there is only chaos.

    [Mar 31, 2021] So the bulk of U.S. political "leaders" and media geniuses shriek in horror at the thought of someone needing to present an ID in order to vote. This, we are endlessly told, is a crime against humanity. But every pleb and prole will need to produce a government-issue "vaccine passport

    Mar 31, 2021 |

    Buck Ransom , says: March 30, 2021 at 4:06 am GMT • 1.9 days ago

    So the bulk of U.S. political "leaders" and media geniuses shriek in horror at the thought of someone needing to present an ID in order to vote. This, we are endlessly told, is a crime against humanity. But every pleb and prole will need to produce a government-issue "vaccine passport;" without it, they will forfeit the right to leave their residence,
    go to the park, or enter a grocery store.

    I think even the normies may start to dimly discern something not quite right here.

    [Mar 31, 2021] Techno-totalitarism

    Mar 31, 2021 |

    Dr. Robert Morgan , says: March 29, 2021 at 8:43 pm GMT • 2.2 days ago

    CJ Hopkins: "This stuff is built into the structure of the system. It is a standard feature of totalitarian societies, cults, churches, self-help groups, and well, human society, generally."

    Quite true, and why I tend to think the so-called pandemic isn't a result of a conspiracy as such, but rather should just be seen as an expected outcome in a technological society that increasingly and necessarily depends on the recommendations of "experts" to operate. Take that necessary fact, and couple it with the built-in conformism of human nature (herd mentality), and voilà, you get today's techno-totalitarianism. In short, never suspect conspiracy when ordinary stupidity will serve perfectly well as an explanation.

    [Mar 31, 2021] The shutting down of economies all over the world, the faulty PCR tests producing false positives, counting as many deaths as possible as Covid deaths, the lies and deceit, the shutting down of dissenting opinions, the firing of doctors, the banning of alternative medicines this type of behavior cannot be put down to "stupidity"

    Mar 31, 2021 |

    Dr. Robert Morgan , says: March 30, 2021 at 4:34 pm GMT • 1.4 days ago

    TTSSYF: "Good point, but what drives the "experts" to push this? Would that not be a conspiracy of sorts?"

    Certainly there are factions among the so-called experts, and the members of factions can "conspire" with each other to win out over other factions. I don't doubt that at all. Nor do I doubt that anything that happens will advantage some groups and disadvantage others, and that groups fight to advance their own interests. Yet, to claim that the whole pandemic was planned in advance down to the last detail by a shadowy group of conspirators called "Globocap", as CJ Hopkins often seems to do, I think is a bridge too far. Stupidity and unintended consequences characterize human actions and interactions far more accurately than malice aforethought and design. Some see conspiracy where in reality there is only chaos.

    Thomasina , says: March 30, 2021 at 7:15 pm GMT • 1.2 days ago
    @Dr. Robert Morgan fled on masks, so I'm willing to admit these might not have been part of the plan. And the vaccines might also have been an opportunistic play by the pharmaceutical industry. Heck, why not? They were given immunity from prosecution for their vaccines. Same with the useless ventilators.

    But the shutting down of economies all over the world, the faulty PCR tests producing false positives, counting as many deaths as possible as Covid deaths, the lies and deceit, the shutting down of dissenting opinions, the firing of doctors, the banning of alternative medicines – this type of behavior cannot be put down to "stupidity".

    Enjoy the Great Reset.

    Petermx , says: March 30, 2021 at 4:46 pm GMT • 1.3 days ago
    @bcos t">

    Good tunes, better lyrics. I have never felt more disrespect, contempt and had such complete lack of confidence in the authorities in the US. Until the last year I had complete confidence in at least the science of the American medical establishment which maybe led me even to have a little too much confidence in my own doctors. I always had good doctors but no one is faultless and I realize if I had not had an unquestioning confidence in my doctors some serious problems I had may have been solved much earlier. But the problem is not our doctors. They are good, many excellent and they have spoken out against incompetents like Fauci.

    [Mar 31, 2021] Perhaps the Hindu caste system is a better analogy. The unvaccinated will become Dalit or "untouchable."

    Mar 31, 2021 |

    Timothy Kelly , says: March 30, 2021 at 5:22 pm GMT • 1.3 days ago

    The comparisons of the New Normal to Nazi Germany have become thread bare if not misleading in my opinion but the author hits all the key points. Perhaps the Hindu caste system is a better analogy. The unvaccinated will become Dalit or "untouchable."

    [Mar 30, 2021] There is something rotten in the state of Covid

    The level of corruption of science (and medicine is just a branch of science) in the USA is really astounding. It is Lysenkoism, pure and simple. And vaccine debate, or absence of thereof is just a tip of the iceberg, one manifestations of corrupt nature of neoliberalism in the USA and the level of amorality and corruption of the neoliberal elite. After all the essence of neoliberalism is "profits before people".
    Notable quotes:
    "... it's what it looks like to me too... pfizer must be laughing all the way to the bank, or blackrock - whatever.. i guess the johnston vaccine or whatever will have to be pushed harder too.. ..."
    Mar 30, 2021 |
    gottlieb , Mar 30 2021 16:10 utc | 15

    Well these aren't vaccines as much as flu-shots. Indeed they're already buzzing about combining the annual flu jab with the covid 'vaccine' for inoculation once or twice a year depending on the severity of variant season. Vaccines are supposed to offer protection against disease for long periods of time. The flu shot isn't a vaccine and neither are these Covid jabs. And contrary to a comment above these 'vaccines' have proven very effective to 'cure' serious Covid patients, much like the gene-therapies being used to great effect.

    I certainly wouldn't take the experimental mRNA 'vaccines' until much more data is in. Is there a reason the mRNA rabies vaccine hasn't been approved after years of trying? And of course folks are quick the forget the Moderna/Pfizer medicines have not been approved either except for "emergency use."

    And now finally there is out in the open debate about the origins of the 'novel' Corona virus of which so many react as if it is not novel at all. Not to say we'll ever know the truth - imagine the legal liability of setting off a global pandemic.

    There is something rotten in the state of covid. Let's put on our gasmasks and get to the bottom of it.

    ptb , Mar 30 2021 16:21 utc | 17

    @15 gottlieb

    Well these aren't vaccines as much as [seasonal] flu-shots.

    That seems to be a very significant possibility.

    james , Mar 30 2021 16:25 utc | 18

    it's what it looks like to me too... pfizer must be laughing all the way to the bank, or blackrock - whatever.. i guess the johnston vaccine or whatever will have to be pushed harder too..

    james , Mar 30 2021 16:25 utc | 19

    it is hard not to be cynical..

    norecovery , Mar 30 2021 16:53 utc | 23

    Most people are not grasping the serious wrong-headedness of this mass vaccination effort. I transcribed a germane section of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche's interview so folks here can please read it until they understand what he's saying. (I inserted punctuation and paragraphs to make it more readable.)

    "If you go to war, you better make sure you have the right weapon. The weapon in itself can be an excellent weapon, and that is what I'm saying about the current vaccines, I mean just brilliant people who have been making these vaccines in no time and with regulatory approval and everything, so the weapon in itself is excellent. The question is, is this the right weapon for the kind of war that is going on right now? And there, my answer is definitely no. Because these are prophylactic vaccines, and prophylactic vaccines should typically not be administered to people who are exposed to high infectious pressure. So don't forget we are administering these vaccines in the heat of a pandemic.

    "So in other words, while we are preparing our weapon, we are fully attacked by the virus – the virus is everywhere – so that is a very different scenario from using such vaccines in a setting where the vaccinee is barely or not exposed to the virus. And I'm saying this because if you have a high infectious pressure, it's so easy for the virus to jump from one person to the other. So, if you're immune response is just mounting, as we see right now with a number of people who get their first dose – they get their first dose, the antibodies are not fully mature, [inaudible] are not very high, so their immune response is sub-optimal. But they are in the midst of this war. While they are mounting an immune response they are fully attacked by the virus. And every single time – I mean, this is textbook knowledge – every time you have an immune response that is sub-optimal in the presence of an infection, in the presence of a virus that infects that person, you are at risk for immune escape. So that means that the virus can escape from the immune response.

    "So I'm saying that these vaccines – I mean, in their own right of course, are excellent – but to use them in the midst of a pandemic and do mass vaccinations, because then you provide within a very short period of time with high antibody [types ?] [inaudible] I mean, that wouldn't matter if you could eradicate if you could prevent infection. But these vaccines don't prevent infection – they protect against disease.

    "Because unfortunately, we look no further than the end of our nose, in the sense that hospitalization, that's all that counts – you know, getting people away from the hospital. But in the meantime, you're not realizing that we give, all the time during this pandemic, by our interventions the opportunity to escape the immune system. And that is of course a very, very dangerous thing, especially when we realize that these guys they only need 10 hours to replicate.

    "So we think that by making new vaccines – new vaccines against the new infectious strains – we think we're going to catch up. It's impossible to catch up. The virus is not going to wait until we have those vaccines ready. I mean, this thing continues. As I was saying, the thing is, I mean, if you do this in the midst of a pandemic, that is an enormous problem. These vaccines are excellent, but they are not made for administration to millions of people in the midst, in the heat of a pandemic. So that is my point."

    Mina , Mar 30 2021 16:56 utc | 25

    BBC buries detail about the new AZ problems
    blood clots... in the brain
    31 of whom ... 7 died.

    Luckily, the EU has approved a change of name of the AZ vaccin

    But this latest point is not mentioned by most MSM of course...

    Digital Spartacus , Mar 30 2021 16:57 utc | 26

    James @ 19

    It's impossible to not be cynical.

    norecovery , Mar 30 2021 17:16 utc | 30

    Mass vaccination apparently is accelerating the mutation of more dangerous variants. Do the experts not understand that the antigen-specific antibodies the vaccinations are eliciting, actually compromise people's innate broadly-based immune resistance to variants?

    psychohistorian , Mar 30 2021 17:27 utc | 31

    @ defaultcitizen | Mar 30 2021 16:55 utc | 24 who wrote

    .....Yet some persist in shouting "The King is NAKED!" in the land of the blind and deaf and naked – their words quickly washed away by the next wave of crashing yaddayadda. Inspiring. Admirable. I need a double shot, now and then, to keep my courage and anger up. Graffiti on the cyber time-tunnel hearkens the occasional weary voyager.

    Thanks for that and the sentiments about what b has to go through to keep churning out the truth he finds within his bias like we all have.

    We are an interesting species struggling to evolve or perish it seems and yet adding my textual white noise to yours feels positive in some way and so I do it. I think it is a small percentage that don't feel the impotent rage of our social system and that rage is causing it to lose trust.

    I have been waiting over 50 years for the failure tipping point in the private finance based social system and I feel it is close. But I have to admit I felt more positive in the middle of the Occupy movement because their were people in the streets and it was focused on Wall Street....and it sure as heck isn't now.....sigh

    Jackrabbit , Mar 30 2021 17:30 utc | 32

    Mina @Mar30 16:56 #25

    AstraZeneca has been plagued with problems that get lots of media attention (production problems, suspected health problems, etc.)

    And the J&J vaccine is still hard to find. There are now dozens of places to get a vaccine in NYC but I could only find 4 or 5 that give the J&J vaccine (along with one of the mRNA shots) - at least two of which note that they are not giving "first dose" shots and another says (in a FAQ on their site) that they are only receiving Moderna vaccines "at this time".

    IMO we are being herded into the mRNA vaccines.

    But if you complain to others about that (as I have) you are treated as though you are "anti-vaxx / anti-science.


    norecovery , Mar 30 2021 17:46 utc | 34

    karlof1 – The "anti-vaxxer – anti-science" smear is analogous to "anti-American" if one criticizes U.S. foreign policy. Simplistic demonization is encouraged by the mainstream media with news delivered in sound bites in order to dumb down the populace and manufacture consent (or paranoia).

    karlof1 , Mar 30 2021 17:53 utc | 36

    norecovery @30--

    That's why I see getting vaccinated now as a waste of time and medicine. My lifestyle hasn't changed much at all with the pandemic, although my employment of precautions has soared. That will change with our cross-country road trip during the month of April as we interact with many more people and visit their homes. Yes, aside from lodgings, they'll be kin--but--unprotected interactions with kin are often the source of infection. As we see cases soar once again, it's clear that the vaccine was seen as some sort of panacea when it's not that at all. People ought to wonder why they're prompted to get a new flu shot annually; it's because it mutates and a different formula's required. I've never had a flu shot and don't get the flu, mainly because of my lifestyle. What's most important for me is my preferred vaccine--Sputnik V--isn't available in my nation and may never be approved for use here. For me, the AIDS experience is my reference--Sex wasn't deadly until it suddenly was (All STDs were never considered in the same league) which prompted a change in behavior. Same with COVID, although flu is clearly a deadly virus for many.

    [Mar 30, 2021] Any veteran newsman like yourself must have recognized the traditional hallmarks of an overblown, concerted, government-corporate media campaign when this 24/7 Corona hysteria first cranked up more than a year ago.

    Mar 30, 2021 |

    St-Germain , says: March 26, 2021 at 2:07 pm GMT • 4.1 days ago

    What we're seeing is the most extravagant Madison Avenue "product launch" in America's 245-year history, and it's coming at us full-throttle from all sides. It's virtually impossible to turn on the TV or radio without being deluged by one emotive vignette after the other all of which are aimed at promoting vaccination.

    Good job, Mike Whitney. In a free society, normal, healthy life is possible without TV and MSM. But our Western world may have already reached the point where real life may become impossible with those two cynical propaganda purveyors.

    Any veteran newsman like yourself must have recognized the traditional hallmarks of an overblown, concerted, government-corporate media campaign when this 24/7 Corona hysteria first cranked up more than a year ago. Alas, the great majority who have never set foot in a newsroom are still taking this nonsense at face value. Trusting souls -- that's what corporate-government aims for.

    [Mar 27, 2021] I wonder if people still believe the official COVID propaganda?

    Looks like large swats of population are completely delusional
    Mar 27, 2021 |
    Idiocrates , Mar 24 2021 18:21 utc | 17

    I wonder if people still believe the same shit about covid?

    Of protests and resistance can change Merkel's mind about lockdowns what does this say about the motives for the whole sharade?

    Who still thinks this is fact and science based?

    vetinLA , Mar 24 2021 18:42 utc | 21

    17 asked; "I wonder if people still believe the same shit about covid?"

    Who knows, reality will be the final decider. Speaking only about here in the U$A, Americans don't handle reality well, if at all...

    bevin , Mar 24 2021 21:09 utc | 43

    Does anyone doubt that proper medical attention, including drugs, nursing care and hospital access would have greatly reduced the number of deaths in the pandemic? The problem of the pandemic is firstly that it was allowed to rage out of control, providing the perfect conditions for increasingly dangerous variants to evolve and secondly that it imposes on societies the need to provide public health systems to ensure that the ability to pay doctors, rent beds and buy drugs is not needed to ensure treatment.
    Capitalism is about making profits out of the desperation of humanity. It is already being reported that the drug companies intend to use their patents to make enormous profits, while refusing to make their formulae available so that generic vaccines can be supplied to the billions who cannot afford to buy them.
    The irony that life has in store for capitalism's cheerleaders being the inevitability of future waves of Covid which will slay hundreds of millions- the direct result of a systemic choice.

    [Mar 26, 2021] Are PCR tests picking up spike proteins from the mRNA vaccines?

    Mar 26, 2021 |

    Finally, COVID vaccinations are re-accelerating in US and EU...

    Source: Bloomberg

    And while cases are up modestly (are PCR tests picking up spike proteins from the mRNA vaccines?), death rates continue to tumble...

    [Mar 23, 2021] The Masters of Covid are too powerful to be challenged openly

    Mar 23, 2021 |

    The Deputy Director of the State Influenza Institute Dr Daria Danilenko wryly commented: "For the first time in the history of scientific observation, the world faced an epidemic season without influenza".

    The Masters of Covid are too powerful to be challenged openly. This week, they disposed of the Tanzanian President, John Magufuli . A cheeky man, he tested papaya, goat and engine oil for covid using WHO-supplied tests, and they all turned out to be positive. He rejected testing and declared Tanzania free of covid. Then, the London Guardian newspaper (in a section funded by Bill Gates) called for him to be removed.

    ... ... ...

    President Lukashenko also refused the WHO diktat, and was almost deposed, but he fought back – after all, Belarus is not in Africa. The Swedes, as you know, also gave ground under pressure. Perhaps President Putin acted wisely when he did not contradict the Masters of Covid. They are, apparently, an irresistible force in the current world. They removed Trump, they locked Europe down. Putin would also have been destroyed – and Russians would end in an endless lockdown, like Israel or France.

    I cannot answer the question of how the Masters of Covid were able to do it. Neither Schwab, a second-rate professor in Zurich, nor Gates, the owner of a large data company – could have achieved such a result by any known means. Will we ever know who is behind them? Or is that very question to be condemned as a conspiracy theory?

    By the way, Magufuli, the late president of Tanzania, was an outstanding personality. A Russian newspaper wrote:

    Magufuli looked everywhere to cut unnecessary expenses, and the saved money was used for the construction of roads and for free education (with him, not only primary, but secondary schools became free, as well). He reduced the cabinet from 30 to 19 people, and fired about 150 high-ranking officials as unnecessary or corrupt. An audit revealed that 10,000 salaried civil servants existed on paper only. Magufuli cancelled two deals with China, which had already been signed by his predecessor, President Kikwete: the construction of the country's first electrified railway and the largest port in East Africa in Bagamoyo. Only a madman could agree to the conditions proposed by the Chinese. Magufuli was indignant. The railway was eventually built by a Turkish company; the Tanzanian authorities still cannot agree on the port with Chinese investors. Magufuli believed that the scale of the pandemic is greatly exaggerated and some forces use it to sabotage the economy, wrote Associated Press. He did not want to introduce quarantine fearing that the level of poverty would rise.

    In short, a wonderful person! But he undertook to chop down a tree that was beyond his strength.

    The Masters of Covid played on our fear of death. I wonder how they will overcome it while instigating a world war? Perhaps they will do it by trying to make our life so miserable that we will accept mass annihilation, if not gladly, at least placidly.

    Israel Shamir can be reached at [email protected]

    Max Payne , says: March 21, 2021 at 6:05 pm GMT • 2.3 days ago

    The great hack will be the next move after covid, a true false flag. Blamed on Russia. A hack that will impact businesses and more importantly end-users. Create havoc for the everyday man. Deleted accounts and intermittent comnection. Make it real (who cares some NSA server got hacked But people will care when they can't get their porn).

    If even half of this SolarWinds hack is true

    The great hack scenario has to be timed just right so that Russia (or China) are actually in the middle of some kind of minor cyber attack/operation. Make it look like it was TOO successful. For years the people have been primed for 'Russian hackers'.

    All you have to do is use Obamas internet killswitch to disconnect the people from facebook and gay porn for 48 hours and have an NSA spokesman blame Russia on radio and TV (that will scare the kids having to use such antiquated tech) and watch it work itself.

    Biden don't BS me pretending to be senile. I want my cheque!

    Johan , says: March 21, 2021 at 11:15 pm GMT • 2.1 days ago

    "That's how they spoke of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gadhafi; both were killed and their 'rogue states' devastated."

    Note also how the images of Hussein, unwashed and unshaved hiding somewhere in a wild place, Gaddafi in the gutter, and the narrative of Bin Laden executed while wearing pyjamas where distributed by the Western media. Narratives of crude humiliation, evil barbarians done away with, they end up as loosing suckers. A culture which cannot at least show some respect, this is not typically Western though

    Marshall Lentini , says: March 22, 2021 at 11:27 am GMT • 1.6 days ago

    I'll preface my comments by saying I have great respect for you as a writer. Apart from CJ Hopkins and Pepe Escobar, I think you're one of the best actual literary stylists here, even with imperfect English. And you have been against the hoax from day one. Unfortunately, I think you're impressionistic style is getting in the way of finer analysis and leading you to absurd conclusions.

    I cannot answer the question of how the Masters of Covid were able to do it. Neither Schwab, a second-rate professor in Zurich, nor Gates, the owner of a large data company – could have achieved such a result by any known means. Will we ever know who is behind them? Or is that very question to be condemned as a conspiracy theory?

    This is you not doing your homework. Gates is not merely the "owner of a large data company", which you'd understand if you troubled to "google" this for approximately one minute.

    It is irritating to have to point out, again, that the Gates Foundation is the largest "individual" contributor to the WHO – the same WHO you just accused of assassinating two African presidents who resisted its agenda:

    But even that is deceptive. Note in the chart at that link two other large donors, Rotary Club and National Philanthropic Trust. No surprise that the Gates Foundation donates to and works closely with both:

    So, Gates money is flowing into the WHO, alone, constantly and from several places. It would take too long to list all the personnel in all the various organizations and institutions with ties to the Foundation or any of its many, many "sister" orgs, but it's symbolic that the current Director-General, Tedros, is Ethiopian, and the Foundation opened an office in Addis back in 2012, and has been dumping money into the country. Tedros got in with GAVI (another Foundation front) and the Aspen Institute (also partly funded by the Foundation) around that time.

    The more you look into this, the more you'll find Foundation money and players at every level, in every project and "initiative" and study, big or small.

    Of course, Gates has been explicitly criticized for controlling the WHO's narrative:

    He got a huge boost after Trump briefly pulled out of funding it. One could call it suspicious timing, but it was more probably just Trump doing something he couldn't follow through with, in this case because of his term-limit.

    There is no one "behind" Gates precisely because there is no one with greater wealth except Bezos, who does not have even a tenth of Gates' vision, connections, or influence; and because Gates' power is tangential to traditional power – i.e. the specter of "health", which traditional power centers have lined up to enforce. $182 billion (Gates' assets plus Foundation assets, a total which no one ever mentions) goes a long way in buying local politicians pretty much everywhere.

    The simple fact is that Gates represents something unique in the history of power, in the Foucauldian sense, and this must be understood to get a clear picture of what is happening to global civilization, apart from the overshoot effects of civilization itself.

    Through his vast "philanthropic" network and investments, Gates has made himself the Panopticon, the supreme surveyor of "bodies", under the guise of "medicine" and "philanthropy".

    Don't believe me? All right. Just know that the Foundation is very up-front about their donations; you can see them all here, on a rather annoying spreadsheet: – see if you can sort through all the names and reasons for the donation without getting a headache.

    Not only are these means known, they are more than enough to buy off literally anyone but Bezos, Musk, two Africans and Lukashenko, while Putin wisely played ball for a while to avoid censure.

    You have to get on the ball about this. We all have to.

    But I suspect what's going on here is:

    – "Fringe" right intellectuals have for so long wanted to name the Jew behind everything, they can't accept that the supervillain we got is not Jewish
    – "Fringe" right intellectuals have a psychological habit / heuristic bias of expecting a still bigger villain behind whatever else they perceive

    The only good news here is that Gates is out front declaring his plans. You don't need a smoking gun when it's firing at you almost daily.

    [Mar 22, 2021] The unprecedented pandemic, as defined by the timeous WHO (heavily diluted) definition of the term, has been addressed in the unprecedented locking down of entire populations

    The measures taken might not so much against the pandemic as against growing opposition to neoliberalism and legitimization of neoliberal elite.
    Mar 22, 2021 |
    Carver , Mar 21 2021 20:15 utc | 48

    As cononavisus are seasonal spring reduction will be interpreted as the sucess of vaccinaions, while authom jump as the next wave requreing another round of vccinations.

    The unprecedented pandemic, as defined by the timeous WHO (heavily diluted) definition of the term, has been addressed in the unprecedented locking down of entire populations manner. No consideration was apparently given to the prospective consequences of an array of this and related directives that withdrew normal health care from entire populations and rendered another prospectively fatal blow to global economies. The new flu has been repeatedly verified as creating no more deaths than its annually experienced (influenza) predecessors.

    The main-stream indoctrination propaganda narrative would have everyone believe that the flawed but purposeful use of the loudly ill-advised testing methods are proclaimimg an endless resurgence of the pandemic.

    The flawed tests produce false positive results in surges that rhyme with the surges of totally unnecessary testing which are ingeniously generated from easily abused track and trace amongst many other scams.

    The absurd claims of the WHO that it has now pontificated is that natural herd immunity no longer exists and that immunity can only be obtained via mass and totally inclusive vaccination. Their infantile script appears to be the doctrine of their major self-appointed sponsor, being none other than the repeatedly discredited, unqualified and lifelong self-enrichment expert Mr Gates, who appears as a busybody manipu;ator at every turn.
    It is now ascertained by a core of genuinely qualified, erudite, concerned and political immune knowledge that any attempt to achieve herd immunity via vaccinations will inevitably create endless leaks of virulent variants. The logic is not obvious to the lay person, but it is to those that know what they are talking about.

    For me it is the initial approach as adopted by the UK govnmnt of aimiing for natural herd immunity that rings in my ears. The message from the original medical authority was clear and stated that any pandemic cannot be stopped, it can only be slowed down. As with all viral infections it must generate an overwhelming immune system response in the population which needs to be enabled as quickly as possible in order to defend against and counter the virus and the propensity for the generation of variants. Only the genuinely and highly vulnerable should be identified for protective isolation.

    lysias , Mar 21 2021 20:24 utc | 49

    If people strengthen their immune systems with things like Vitamin D, that will provide protection against all strains of all infections. But governments are quite uninterested in encouraging this.

    [Mar 19, 2021] Fauci and his masks wearing hypocrisy

    Mar 19, 2021 |

    Jonathan E 21 hours ago 19 Mar, 2021 01:31 AM

    What studies exist that show mask wearing to have made any difference? Seems like a easy question for Fauci to answer plainly and simply. He has had a year to find one. Fauci is a master sociopath who uses 'gaslighting' in his narrative. For example when he is accused of mask theatre he says 'here we go again with the theatre, lets get down with the facts.' But mask theatre is a fact because science does not support people with immunity to be needing to wear a mask.

    Dee Wilson 1 day ago
    18 Mar, 2021 09:09 PM
    Anthony Fauci is a fraud.. the super dumbed downed Americans which are becoming slowly less stupid....are ( way behind the rest of the world ) in knowing WHO runs your government as a dictator entity... Trump got rid of it .. Biden brought this evil back to the US.. WHY ????..... read and learn what this rot means.... it is not good.

    [Mar 19, 2021] Fauci behaviour resembles the behaviour of a drug dealer interetined only in pushing his drugs

    Mar 19, 2021 |

    Je suis CHUMP 1 day ago
    18 Mar, 2021 09:06 PM

    Fauci is a drug dealer. He has been a drug dealer since he was a teenager, and he started it at his dad's pharmacy. Pfizer/Moderna/OxAsZ syrup doesn't give any protection, so why let them inject their syrup into you with the risk of dying from blood clots and allergic reaction?

    picklenickel RussianSpy222 1 day ago
    18 Mar, 2021 10:06 PM
    Fauci is addicted to fame now, and will do anything to prolong his time in the spotlight.
    Macanesewarrior 1 day ago 18 Mar, 2021 08:47 PM
    Hopefully fraudci will wear a third or even a fourth mask. How about just a plastic bag over his head tied at the throat?
    Biff Shackleford 1 day ago 18 Mar, 2021 09:20 PM
    the old good cop bad cop routine. Rand like the rest of the R's are only there to appear as though they are fighting for you. Appear a threat never be one. Tough talk doesn't translate into any real world results.

    Dee Wilson 1 day ago
    18 Mar, 2021 09:09 PM
    Anthony Fauci is a fraud.. the super dumbed downed Americans which are becoming slowly less stupid....are ( way behind the rest of the world ) in knowing WHO runs your government as a dictator entity... Trump got rid of it .. Biden brought this evil back to the US.. WHY ????..... read and learn what this rot means.... it is not good.

    [Mar 19, 2021] If [recovered and vaccinated people are] not spreading the infection, isn't [wearing a mask] just theatre? by denouncing current mask rules as "theater."

    Mar 19, 2021 |

    The Kentucky senator demanded Fauci explain why Americans who'd already been sick with Covid-19 and recovered, or received the vaccine should be "wearing masks well into 2022" during a Senate hearing on Thursday. Insisting there "no scientific studies arguing or proving that infection with Covid does not create immunity," Paul demanded the doctor cite "specific studies" to bolster his claims that "everyone" should wear a mask (or two masks, as Fauci's trend-setting television appearances have encouraged).

    "If [recovered and vaccinated people are] not spreading the infection, isn't [wearing a mask] just theatre?" the senator queried, arguing that as of last fall, just five of the 38 million confirmed cases of the virus were believed to be reinfections.

    After an uneasy pause, Fauci dismissed the notion that vaccinated people double-masking was just for show, arguing even vaccinated Americans would be helpless in the face of a South African Covid-19 variant that has recently emerged. However, while the South African variant has shown itself to be more resistant to the AstraZeneca vaccine, individuals vaccinated with the Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech jabs appear to retain whatever benefits they would otherwise have received from the shots.

    As Fauci attempted to talk up the ferocity of the South African variant, which has not been shown to be any more infectious or harmful to the patient than any of the other viral variants, Paul accused him of making policy based on conjecture – all but suggesting that new strains would slip into the country and begin infecting helpless vaccinated Americans willy-nilly, undoing all the hard work the government's vaccination campaign had accomplished and returning Americans to square one if they didn't wear their masks.

    Such a claim would seem to run contrary to the US government line suggesting Americans should get vaccinated as soon as humanly possible, an issue Paul took care to point out. "You want to get rid of vaccine hesitancy? Tell them they can quit wearing their mask after they get the vaccine!" he explained.

    You want people to get the vaccine? Give them a reward instead of telling 'em that the nanny state's going to be there for three more years and you've got to wear a mask forever!

    "If you already have immunity, you're wearing a mask to give comfort to others. You're not wearing a mask because of any science," the senator concluded. Fauci icily reiterated that he "totally disagreed" after the Republican accused him of "parad[ing] around in two masks for show."

    Even though Fauci agreed it was unlikely someone would get infected with the original strain, he once again argued that "we in our country now have variants."

    When you talk about reinfection and you don't keep in the concept of variants, that's an entirely different ballgame. That's a good reason for a mask.

    While Fauci and his media cheerleaders have a habit of dismissing Paul's criticisms out of hand as the meaningless opinions of a layperson, the Kentucky senator is also a doctor, though a trained ophthalmologist rather than an immunologist.

    Some watching the latest Fauci-vs-Paul battle on social media questioned the seriousness of the latest viral "variant," implying that these new strains were little more than paper tigers whose role was to enter epidemiological stage right just in time to keep the population frightened for a few more months.

    Home USA News WATCH: Rand Paul challenges Fauci's ever-more-elaborate 'mask theatre' on Senate floor 19 Mar, 2021 00:00 Get short URL WATCH: Rand Paul challenges Fauci's ever-more-elaborate 'mask theatre' on Senate floor © Susan Walsh / Pool via Reuters 107 Follow RT on RT US coronavirus czar Anthony Fauci has again butted heads with Republican senator (and fellow doctor) Rand Paul over the government's mask mandates. Paul got under Fauci's skin by denouncing current mask rules as "theater."

    The Kentucky senator demanded Fauci explain why Americans who'd already been sick with Covid-19 and recovered, or received the vaccine should be "wearing masks well into 2022" during a Senate hearing on Thursday. Insisting there "no scientific studies arguing or proving that infection with Covid does not create immunity," Paul demanded the doctor cite "specific studies" to bolster his claims that "everyone" should wear a mask (or two masks, as Fauci's trend-setting television appearances have encouraged).

    "If [recovered and vaccinated people are] not spreading the infection, isn't [wearing a mask] just theatre?" the senator queried, arguing that as of last fall, just five of the 38 million confirmed cases of the virus were believed to be reinfections.

    After an uneasy pause, Fauci dismissed the notion that vaccinated people double-masking was just for show, arguing even vaccinated Americans would be helpless in the face of a South African Covid-19 variant that has recently emerged. However, while the South African variant has shown itself to be more resistant to the AstraZeneca vaccine, individuals vaccinated with the Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech jabs appear to retain whatever benefits they would otherwise have received from the shots.

    As Fauci attempted to talk up the ferocity of the South African variant, which has not been shown to be any more infectious or harmful to the patient than any of the other viral variants, Paul accused him of making policy based on conjecture – all but suggesting that new strains would slip into the country and begin infecting helpless vaccinated Americans willy-nilly, undoing all the hard work the government's vaccination campaign had accomplished and returning Americans to square one if they didn't wear their masks.

    ALSO ON RT.COM 'No data, no evidence': Fauci admits CDC advising against air travel for vaccinated Americans a 'judgement call'

    Such a claim would seem to run contrary to the US government line suggesting Americans should get vaccinated as soon as humanly possible, an issue Paul took care to point out. "You want to get rid of vaccine hesitancy? Tell them they can quit wearing their mask after they get the vaccine!" he explained.

    You want people to get the vaccine? Give them a reward instead of telling 'em that the nanny state's going to be there for three more years and you've got to wear a mask forever!

    "If you already have immunity, you're wearing a mask to give comfort to others. You're not wearing a mask because of any science," the senator concluded. Fauci icily reiterated that he "totally disagreed" after the Republican accused him of "parad[ing] around in two masks for show."

    Even though Fauci agreed it was unlikely someone would get infected with the original strain, he once again argued that "we in our country now have variants."

    When you talk about reinfection and you don't keep in the concept of variants, that's an entirely different ballgame. That's a good reason for a mask.

    While Fauci and his media cheerleaders have a habit of dismissing Paul's criticisms out of hand as the meaningless opinions of a layperson, the Kentucky senator is also a doctor, though a trained ophthalmologist rather than an immunologist.

    Some watching the latest Fauci-vs-Paul battle on social media questioned the seriousness of the latest viral "variant," implying that these new strains were little more than paper tigers whose role was to enter epidemiological stage right just in time to keep the population frightened for a few more months.

    Paul was infected with the virus a year ago and has argued he is now immune, pointing to the almost nonexistent rate of reinfection among those recovered from the virus. Fauci received the Moderna vaccine in January. While he has become a vehement defender of face coverings, the Biden administration's top health advisor initially urged Americans not to wear them, suggesting last February that the protection they offered was largely illusory and urging ordinary people to leave them on the shelves so that they would be available for the healthcare workers who needed them.

    CyanTeepee 1 day ago 18 Mar, 2021 09:09 PM

    Dr. Fauci talks out of both sides of his mouth and can't be trusted he changes the narrative whenever they need to incite more fear and control into the public 'Biden administration's top health advisor initially urged Americans not to wear them, suggesting last February that the protection they offered was largely illusory and urging ordinary people to leave them on the shelves so that they would be available for the healthcare workers who needed them."

    Drifter275 CyanTeepee 22 hours ago
    18 Mar, 2021 11:48 PM
    Yes, and he is improperly wearing the inner mask. It is open at the top under his eyes. He is inhaling and exhaling across his eyes. That dries his eyes and exposes his eyes to being inoculated with virus either when inhaling or exhaling.

    Reilly 1 day ago
    18 Mar, 2021 09:05 PM
    When science has become like a religion where if you go against the tide , you are labeled a heretic by the scientific field your are dissenting against. Science is about investigating and debating on the theories in "question". Its not about closing down and censoring apposing views, which do not line up with this profit driven "dogmatic science" we have today.

    CrabbyB 1 day ago
    18 Mar, 2021 10:30 PM
    So if you get the jab you are still in danger from other variants... how can someone have a so-called vaccine passport then? If you've had the jab he's saying it counts for nothing and you still need a mask. Note his confirmation they will be pushing for a new jab every six months in that talk too

    Reilly 1 day ago
    18 Mar, 2021 09:16 PM
    The doctors today are hypocrites, they are just salesmen for big pharma and do not have moral fortitude anymore. They used to take the Hippocratic Oath, "Do No Harm" being the first tenet of this Oath. They are now no different to a car salesmen trying to sell you a dodgy car for cheap, just so they can make some quick money.
    Laura Johnson Reilly 10 hours ago 19 Mar, 2021 11:59 AM
    Hippocratic oath ends when money talks... but wait why do you expect something different from the doctors, they are people just like you and me and if the society worships only one god 'money' how do you expect doctors to be different. Yeap, salesmen - some years ago I heard USA is the united salesmen of America but now this culture is exported all over the world, started with multilevel marketing, market economy and neoliberal thinking... so by now it might be called hypocritic oath, lol...haha

    FredMc Reilly 22 hours ago
    19 Mar, 2021 12:19 AM
    It has been replaced with the "hypocritical" oath.

    [Mar 14, 2021] Twelve questions nobody will ask Dr. Fauci?

    Mar 14, 2021 |

    Steven Keitha day ago ,

    1.If the PCR test works -- Why the false positives?
    2.If the masks works -- Why the six feet?
    3.If the six feet works -- Why the masks?
    4.If all three works - Why the social distancing?
    5.If all four work -- Why the Lockdown?
    6.If all five work -- Why the vaccine?
    7.If the vaccine works - Why do people care if I will get one or not? (They can't get it from anyone if vaccine works)
    8.If the vaccine is safe -- Why the no liability clause from BIG PHARMA side?
    9.If the PCR test works - Why Kary Banks Mullis (creater of PCR method) said: "PCR tests CAN'T be used to determine if someone is positive or negative in a matter of ANY virus."
    10.If Kary Banks Mullis was not a threat to their agenda - Why he died in unexplained circumstances few months before world heard about CONvid-1984?
    11.If CONvid-1984 exists -- Why has it not been isolated according to CDC?
    12.If there is no conspiracy - Why the media, governments and oligarchs of this world are trying to vaccinate the WHOLE WORLD?

    [Mar 12, 2021] Opinion- Lessons of the Long Covid Year - WSJ

    Unlike this charlatan Fauci thinking, measures should be gradated by density of population. countryside does not need as severe restrictions as big cities with their high density of population. Less populous state need different measured then the most populous.
    The US even managed to fail to introduce temperature checks in airports in February 2020, when the scenario unfolding was pretty clear. To say nothing about quarantine for those who came form "hot zones".
    Mar 12, 2021 |

    The tragedy is how poorly we've adapted as we've learned more about the risks. Studies from Europe showed nearly half of deaths were occurring in nursing homes, and children rarely transmitted the illness or became severely ill. Treatments improved as doctors learned more, but government prescriptions didn't change. As Philippe Lemoine argues nearby , the accumulating evidence is that lockdowns don't reduce the virus spread in the long run.

    Lockdowns nonetheless became an ideological battle. The media became lockdown cheerleaders as they sought to take down Mr. Trump, with tragic results for lost businesses, lost livelihoods and health damage in late diagnoses, untreated conditions and mental illness that will compound for years.

    Children have lost a year of learning, which many will never make up. The lockdown recession hurt low-income workers the most, while affluent Americans could work from home. While it's impossible to quantify the social harm, last summer's riots and the deepening political discord didn't happen in a vacuum.

    There was an alternative. Tens of thousands of doctors signed the Great Barrington Declaration, which recommended that government minimize deaths and economic harm by protecting the vulnerable while letting most Americans return to normal life. Individuals and businesses could adjust to the virus and socially distance as they saw fit. The media and progressive elites dismissed these voices and refused to drop their lockdown dogmatism.

    The Covid pandemic has seen the greatest loss of American liberty outside wartime. Politicians closed houses of worship without regard for the First Amendment. They ordered arbitrary shutdowns that favored some businesses but punished others. Politicians and governments have used the pandemic to justify an enormous expansion of state power. Government had to act in March to avoid economic catastrophe from the lockdowns it ordered. But the politicians keep amassing power even as vaccines are rolling out.

    Government spending and deficits have reached heights unseen since World War II as a share of the economy, and taxes are likely to follow. The Federal Reserve has become a de facto arm of the Treasury to finance deficits, with unknown future consequences.

    C Chad Koepke SUBSCRIBER 6 hours ago The forecasts from political pundits and "health experts" stated there would be millions of US deaths if no lockdowns were instituted. Sweden was much more laze fairer in the approach and the death rates are not all that different from lockdown USA... C Chad Koepke SUBSCRIBER 6 hours ago The forecasts from political pundits and "health experts" stated there would be millions of US deaths if no lockdowns were instituted. Sweden was much more laze fairer in the approach and the death rates are not all that different from lockdown USA... C Christopher Hsu SUBSCRIBER 4 hours ago ... ".In total, in an unmitigated epidemic, we would predict approximately 510,000 deaths in GB and 2.2 million in the US, not accounting for the potential negative effects of health systems being overwhelmed on mortality." P Paul Bremner SUBSCRIBER 4 hours ago Andrew Wachtel:
    Wrong, Paul. That figure was even assuming a lockdown.

    The study assumed NO lockdown or any other mitigation for the 2.2 million casualty number in the US.

    The study looked at a variety of lockdown and distancing options ranging from least selective to most comprehensive.

    Then it presented findings in the "Results" section where it said the following:

    In the (unlikely) absence of any control measure s or spontaneous changes in individual behaviour, we would expect a peak in mortality (daily deaths) to occur after approximately 3 months.....In total, in an unmitigated epidemic , we would predict approximately 510,000 deaths in GB and 2.2 million in the US, not accounting for the potential negative effects of health systems being overwhelmed on mortality.

    Source: Imperial College
    "Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand." pp 6-7.

    Date: 16 March, 2020 M Marc Antos SUBSCRIBER 6 hours ago If you look at the developed countries with the highest per capita deaths, its the UK, Italy, and the US in no particular order. Whatever we did, it didn't work. We'll have to do an autopsy report on the US response when everyone is vaccinated.

    Letting the virus spread among healthier populations and isolating vulnerable populations hasn't worked wherever they've tried it. You can't completely isolate the sick and elderly as they have caregiving needs. What has worked best are intrusive methods that aren't compatible with any system that values liberty and privacy. I'm not advocating for that, but I am saying that viruses prey on the openness that free societies value. A long term pandemic could result in a greater and greater amount of people willing to surrender their cherished freedoms. T Tom Richard SUBSCRIBER 5 hours ago Suicides are up, overdose deaths are up, murders are up considerably.
    Because people either couldn't or wouldn't get to hospitals, logic states that deaths from heart attacks, strokes, etc. are up.
    Not to mention, sending infected patients into nursing homes front-loaded deaths into a concentrated time frame.
    As viruses cause deaths annually, the lock downs will be found to have increased deaths in 2020 more than the virus itself - and devastated our children in the process.
    It was a monstrous decision. L larry roberts SUBSCRIBER 5 hours ago Look at the excess deaths in 2020. Excess Deaths are the number of deaths from all causes during a crisis above and beyond what we would have expected to see under normal conditions. For 2020, the majority of excess deaths are reasonably attributable to Covid19 either directly or indirectly. The data is available on the CDC website. The number of excess deaths is > 500K. Andrew Wachtel Andrew Wachtel SUBSCRIBER 5 hours ago The UK and Italy instituted some of the longest and most draconian lockdowns in the world.

    Whatever they did didn't work either. B BILL GOSSETT SUBSCRIBER 6 hours ago (Edited)

    President Biden and Democrats blame Donald Trump for 530,000 American deaths

    Yet in March when Trump wanted to shut down air travel and the borders, these same people called him a racist and other derogatory names. That alone would have prevented 300,000 deaths.

    I remember this clear as day, but I am sure the leftist will deflect with some other nonsense. Like thumb_up 6 Reply Share link Report
    F Francis Grimes IV SUBSCRIBER 6 hours ago The secret to the lockdowns---which did not happen unilaterally across the country--is uncovered in the below quote, dateline March 20, 2020

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) worked to scupper the phase-three coronavirus relief package on Sunday after Majority Whip James Clyburn (D., S.C.) told caucus members last week that the bill was "a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision."
    It was never about public health, public safety, or anything else related to the virus. D David Solak SUBSCRIBER 7 hours ago Eye covering is just as important as a mask in my opinion. There was a story on NBC about this.
    The passenger who is employed by NBC noted that people who have some sort of covering, even glasses , have a lower rate of infection.
    When someone sneezes or coughs the droplets can easily enter your eyes where your eyelids are a mucus membrane.
    We haven't had so much as a sniffle since 2019, when we caught some nasty virus and we all know where it came from. S Steve Gokorsch SUBSCRIBER 7 hours ago
    The media became lockdown cheerleaders as they sought to take down Mr. Trump, with tragic results for lost businesses, lost livelihoods and health damage in late diagnoses, untreated conditions and mental illness that will compound for years.
    Night after night we heard from the MSM how this pandemic was because of President Trump's actions or inactions - it did not matter what he did; he was wrong and to blame. Their contempt and hatred for him hurt us, all of us. They did not report facts but instead tailored their broadcasts to paint him in a negative after day after day.

    Note they to this day do not blame President Xi. Hmm, wonder why?

    [Mar 10, 2021] US government forgot that first and foremost in COVID-19 vaccination campaign is to avoid excessive zeal: where I live, people have signs in heir front years which read "f**k the Vaccines".

    Mar 10, 2021 |

    snake , Mar 10 2021 18:35 utc | 6

    a most disturbing review of the government response to pharma demands that the government force those it governs to pay for and take the pharma offered vaccines. Basically I see it as a declaration of war against human rights

    Texas is fighting back, they have removed the requirement of a mask.. and where I live, people have signs in heir front years which read "f**k the Vaccines".

    [Mar 08, 2021] The CDC Is About To Be Canceled By Google Facebook For COVID Heresy - ZeroHedge

    Mar 08, 2021 |

    The CDC Is About To Be Canceled By Google & Facebook For COVID Heresy BY TYLER DURDEN MONDAY, MAR 08, 2021 - 16:45

    Authored by Simon Black via,

    On Friday afternoon, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (still called the CDC, even though they added a 'P') released a heretical report about mask-wearing and COVID-19.

    The report, authored by at least a dozen medical doctors, PhD researchers, and, bizarrely, a handful of attorneys, examined how mask mandates across the US affected COVID cases and death rates.

    You'd think with all of the media propaganda about mask effectiveness and all the virtue signaling, with politicians and reporters appearing on live TV wearing masks that the data would prove incontrovertibly and overwhelmingly that masks have saved the world.

    But that's not what the report says.

    According to the CDC's analysis, between March 1 and December 31 last year, statewide mask mandates were in effect in 2,313 of the 3,142 counties in the United States.

    And, looking at the county-by-county data, the CDC concludes that mask mandates were associated with an average 1.32% decrease in the growth rates of COVID-19 cases and deaths during the first 100 days after the mask policy was implemented .

    Wait, what? Only 1.32%?

    You read that correctly, they didn't misplace the decimal: according to the federal government agency that is responsible for managing the COVID-1984 pandemic, the difference between mask mandates and no mask mandate is literally just a 1.32% difference.

    And bear in mind, it's entirely possible that the real figure is even lower than that, given all the questionable COVID statistics.

    For example, the CDC reports that influenza cases in the United States have dropped to almost zero in the 2020-2021 flu season, down from 56 MILLION the previous year.

    It's amazing they expect anyone to take this data seriously.

    Are we honestly supposed to believe that the flu has been eradicated?

    Or is it possible, that, maybe just maybe, at least some influenza cases have been misdiagnosed as COVID?

    If that's the case, then the real impact of masks on COVID growth rates is potentially much lower than 1.32%.

    Even the CDC seems to understand this, because at the end of its report, they inspidly conclude by stating that mask mandates " have the potential to slow the spread of COVID-19. . ." [the bold is mine, obviously]

    Really? " Potential "? That's HERESY! And an obvious contradiction to WHO guidance. It makes we wonder whether Google and Facebook are gearing up to censor this report, given they have self-appointed themselves as the Ministry of Truth.

    Frankly it's pretty incredible that the data was too weak for the CDC to make a clear assertion about the benefits of mask mandates.

    (though I did say there were a couple of lawyers who co-authored this paper and using non-committal language like "potential" certainly sounds like typical weasel lawyer-speak.)

    Now, please don't misunderstand the point of this letter. I'm not here to bash masks or say that they don't work, or go on some anti-mask rant.

    The point is that I'm pro-data. And pro-reason.

    Public health policies come with consequences. There are always costs, and there are (hopefully) benefits.

    The CDC has just published an official analysis of the benefits, quantified at precisely 1.32%.

    What are the costs of their decisions? Well there's plenty of data about that too.

    For example, a recent study published earlier this month in the premier scientific journal Nature shows that Americans who wear masks are more likely engage in riskier activities, like, you know, leaving the house.

    The study conclude that mask mandates "lead to risk compensation behavior" and mask wearers "spend 11-24 fewer minutes at home on average and increase visits to some commercial locations– most notably restaurants, which are a high-risk location."

    Other consequences are more grim.

    There have been several studies which chronicle the alarming rise in severe mental health issues, including a spike in youth suicide, as a result of various public health policies, including mask mandates and lockdowns.

    For example, another study published in Nature from early January reported that, in late 2020, suicide rates among children in Japan jumped 49%.

    And the US government's Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service (SAMHSA) reported an incredible 890% increase in call volume to its nationwide suicide hotline last April.

    Then there are the economic consequences to consider: Do mask mandates boost the economy by giving people more confidence to go out and spend? Or do mask mandates compel more people to stay home to avoid the hassle, and hence reduce economic activity?

    There's still no conclusive analysis on the subject. But you'd think that policymakers would want to know.

    You'd think that they would look at all the data, all the pro's and con's, economic consequences, public health consequences, etc., and make an informed, rational decision.

    But that doesn't seem to happen anymore.

    There can be no rational discourse on the topic. You're not allowed to ask any questions or express any intellectual dissent, otherwise you'll be denounced as a conspiracy theorist.

    You have one job: obey. It's not even about 'trusting the science' anymore, as we've been told to do over and over again during the pandemic. Because now the science tells us that mask mandates "have the potential" to reduce Covid growth rates by just 1.32%.

    Not that you'll hear this in the media.

    There actually was a bonanza of coverage over the weekend about the CDC's new report.

    • The Washington Post headline read "After state lift restrictions, CDC says mask mandates can reduce deaths".

    • The New York Times reported that "Wearing masks, the [CDC] study reported, was linked to fewer infections with the coronavirus and Covid-19 deaths."

    • NBC called the report "strong evidence that mask mandates can slow the spread of the coronavirus. . ."

    But very little of the media coverage bothered to mention the real data, i.e. the marginal 1.32% reduction in growth rates.

    Just like the CDC's influenza data, it's incredible that the media expects to be taken seriously, or that they pass themselves off as an objective, unbiased source of information.

    [Mar 06, 2021] I expect to see the bottom up resistance worldwide to COVID-19 fearmongering to continue to grow

    Mar 06, 2021 |

    snake , Mar 6 2021 6:03 utc | 83

    News tonight announced one state <=governing Americans in the USA, think it was Alabama passed a law, making statements about the possible risks, composition or adverse consequences of the so called vaccine (RNA script) which c\n be supported (like if you don't shut up, we will bankrupt you with an expensive trial) is to be made unlawful..

    Could such a law be an infringement against the 1st amendment? "Congress shall make no law ..abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

    What about applying the same logic to news outlets, that promote false flag ops, suppress real news, promote lies, favor for access to mass media, those that speak the untruth, and condone presenting testimony without support, as fact?

    Resistance of the governed to nation state hegemony over mankind seems to be growing in every nation state in the world. A possible logic for the lock down (conspiracy theory) is that it was designed to keep the governed of the different nation states from talking with each other. <=debate please. Those who govern are becoming concerned: conditions have ripen for the bottom to change the balance of power at the top or even to reduce oligarchs and political leadership to equivalent or less than deplorable level.

    ... ... ...

    The beginning of the war between the non-conforming governed and those that wield the power of the nation states seems to be marked by the nation state system's globally coordinated declaration that the flu is a Pandemic; the propaganda allowed to be presented over the privately owned media and viewed as prime time content by the mass audience projects powerful media support for the nation state leaders and reals in billions of corporate tax deductible advertising $s to support the media effort to make what the politicians want to come true.

    The response of the governed to support of private party products by the political leadership of the various nation states in the name of a questionable pandemic has shown that resistance by those who are the governed is not only possible but highly effective, much more effective than ever I thought possible.

    Judging from the flu is a pandemic scenario, I expect to see the bottom up resistance worldwide to continue to grow..and as yet unknown dark underground networks to grow. Interesting times seem to be ahead.

    Norwegian , Mar 6 2021 8:10 utc | 89

    @snake | Mar 6 2021 6:03 utc | 83

    Judging from the flu is a pandemic scenario, I expect to see the bottom up resistance worldwide to continue to grow..and as yet unknown dark underground networks to grow. Interesting times seem to be ahead.

    Thank you for this optimistic perspective, I believe you are right. It must be so.

    [Mar 03, 2021] Nobody can enter or leave the Promised Land. But the virus is smart; it finds its way around the vaccine.

    Mar 03, 2021 |

    Israel leads the world in corona vaccinations; vaccines are forced on people; the unvaccinated aren't even allowed to shop for food. Airports are closed down; nobody can enter or leave the Promised Land. But the virus is smart; it finds its way around the vaccine.

    The old non-vaccinated virus could kill some old people well into their eighties or nineties. The new virus attacks children.

    Vaccinated people also can get Covid, as did my mother-in law, despite two jabs she duly received.

    Masks remain in force, schools remain shut, the new round of elections is due very soon, probably leading to no better result than the previous three rounds.

    ... ... ...

    Nature has its own ways. It is insistent and persistent. Coronavirus was successful (on its own terms) where flu was eradicated. These two viruses occupy the same evolutionary cell. Anti-flu vaccines saved many people from flu and prepared the ground for Covid. In Lombardy, Italy Covid came down hard on the old people who were vaccinated against flu; ditto in Israel, where flu vaccination was offered to all. I await with horror the next threat that will creep out of the abyss if coronavirus is defeated. Meanwhile, in Israel, it fights back with great vigour.

    ... ... ...

    Our problem is not so much bad will (and here I disagree with my esteemed colleague Mike Whitney ) but the noble and quixotic desire to save mankind from some perceived peril. P.G. Wodehouse tells us of four scouts who, in their quest for a good deed, helped an old lady to cross the street, and reported to their guide. All four of you were needed for that, asked an amazed guide. Well, she put up quite a strong resistance, they replied. Until recently, only governments played God and that was bad enough. But now every Tom, Dick and Harry with an extra billion dollars in his pocket wants to save mankind.

    [Mar 03, 2021] Gates and coronavirus fearmongering

    Mar 03, 2021 |

    Besides being silly, this guy knows too much! In 2015, Gates gave a "prescient warning about the threat of a pandemic", says a reviewer . To what extent was it "prescient" if in the same 2015, Gates patented a coronavirus quite similar to the one that attacked mankind in 2020? Perhaps he is prescient "for the same reason that arsonists have the earliest knowledge of future fires", as Ron Unz remarked .

    The fact-checking site 'corrects' me:

    Fine, so he had five years to bring his "weakened version" to full strength!

    Now he promotes plans that would make our world uninhabitable. Blotting out the sun is one of his great ideas. Gates wants to spread some metallic powder in the air so the world will enter eternal darkness. No farting cows, no Covid-spreading beaches: a cold world, all too similar to Texas at this moment is our future if we do not stop these bastards.

    I have a simple clear-cut proof that Warmers do not even believe in the nonsense they utter. (Some, like young Greta, do not understand what they say.) They speak of farting cows, but they never mention the biggest farting cow: the US Military, which is bigger than all the armies and fleets of the world put together and has the biggest carbon footprint on earth. Greta and Gates never called for its cutting down to size, let alone dismantling, though in the prism of their logic all Americans should be able to eat juicy steaks and drive gas-guzzlers for a hundred years just by scrapping their Juggernaut.

    Their ideas are bonkers. In order to switch to electric cars, we would need to destroy Africa and Latin America, to get the rare earth elements (like lithium) for the batteries. Africans and Latin Americans from devastated lands would be forced to move to Europe and the US, a win-win for tycoons, but lose-lose for the people. The problem is with very rich folk, I wrote in my recent piece . They want to reshape humans, planet Earth, our future. Why? Because they can. Or they think they can.

    Grandiose plans are a real danger, because now people can do more than they can calculate the consequences of. Like Hecatoncheires, mankind has more brawn than brain. People want to act like gods without having god's intelligence. The Soviets (inspired by Marx who preferred titans to Olympic gods) made a lot of these mistakes. They dammed the rivers, destroying thousands of villages with their rich culture, and created manmade shallow seas, a breeding ground for mosquitos. The dams became obsolete quite fast; but there was no way to reverse the project: the lands were already ruined. Some of the biggest Soviet projects achieved by huge efforts of the people were handed over by Yeltsin to his pet oligarchs, and their huge yachts are the only tangible results of these efforts. Until now, the Russians could only feel happy that the greatest of all Soviet projects, turning Siberian rivers to flow southwards into Central Asia, was mercifully derailed by the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    [Mar 01, 2021] What is the reason for closing venues at 8 or 9 PM. Should we suppose the virus only creeps in after 20.00

    Mar 01, 2021 |

    Reply Jacques Nov 16, 2020 7:52 AM Reply to Andrew Thompson

    The mocking bit notwithstanding, how we move on from this shite is a good question.

    Spreading information to get as many people on board as possible. Common sense, roots, traditions should kick in sooner or later, at least in the case of some. Over here, in our little Central European country, I see more and more of that. I mean how stupid is it to impose a 9:00 p.m. curfew to stop the spread of a virus? Even educated people (see the comments above about how educated people most susceptible to fall for this crap) should be able to understand that.

    Legal action.

    Resistance of this or that kind 8 0 Reply Julia Nov 16, 2020 8:03 AM Reply to Jacques

    Yeah, the nonsensical evening curfews on bars and restaurants (like ones which suppose a virus only creeps in after 20.00) seem like a good starting point to get people on board with anger and frustration, and later some action. As for legal action, protests are spreading everywhere, but are not really covered in global media; maybe what is needed is some sort of global underground network so people can communicate and organise from country to country. Later, we will need some sort of underground transport network anyway, for people who have refused to get the vaccine. 7 0 Reply

    [Mar 01, 2021] The mass application of questionable against mutating coronavirus vaccine might be another step toward harnessing humans to the sickness industry

    Looks like same safety measures are just obsessive Howard Hughes syndrome. The way people actually handle masks facilitates spreading of the virus ;-)
    Mar 01, 2021 |
    Nov 16, 2020 6:28 AM

    "However, many types of vaccine are likely to be needed to end the pandemic"

    It is often suggested that the vaccine for this non-existent disease will contain some shite that will eventually kill people, sterilize them, alter their genetic makeup, and so on, all of which is possible, but let's say that it doesn't.

    The vaccine, or the first in a series of vaccines for this one will establish a precedent, will be another step toward harnessing humans to the sickness industry. I remember some f-head from the WHO mention that something along the lines that "we've created a vaccine-dependent population". No shit! The occidental population today is just about completely dependent on the sickness industry. To begin with, humans are just about unable to bear offspring without a sickcare attendant masking himself as a doctor. In many jurisdictions it might even be illegal for humans to bear their kids on their own. And so on so forth, sickcare is behind people's asses all their lives, a fact most people not only do not question, but readily embrace. Whatever minuscule ailment they're suffering from, they run to the nearest white-coat dispenser of pharmaceutical poison. Well, maybe not all doctors are like that, but all probably are to some extent, not to mention that they have to follow lege artis protocols written by scheisskopfs of Fauci's kind, which gives them little maneuvering space.

    Now, the sickness industry is upping the ante and taking all that to another level. It might well be that people will be dropping dead or turning into zombies after whatever crap is now being concocted, but if not, there will be one vaccine after another, plus a permanent state of emergency, and all sorts of hygienic phantasmagoria.

    The natural ability of human beings to survive will deteriorate another quite a few notches. Gezzah Potts Nov 16, 2020 6:25 AM

    When one is stuck at home, in lockdown, and you avoid MSM News like the plague; you don't really notice the covid propaganda except when you're out shopping and enter a supermarket or shop.
    Been back at work just over 2 weeks now, and the propaganda is everywhere, especially on the train system. Both on the platform, and on the train itself, its like Orwell's 2 minutes of hate!
    I'm grateful that at least I know why it's being being pumped out relentlessly, and about the scamdemic and the Great Reset and all the other nasties.
    Met yet another covid sceptic today, and another very positive, maskless chat.
    Turns out we're in a couple of the same groups. George Mc Nov 16, 2020 9:49 AM Reply to Jacques

    The scare tactics by the MSM have been the single biggest giveaway in this whole farce. And this is why I cannot understand these formerly intelligent Left-wing sites which have just swallowed the bull without further ado. Indeed not only do they swallow but they're incredibly belligerent about the deadly pandemic and get ferociously snooty about any doubters. The covid crap has effectively neutered all political dissent.

    Why can't these Left sites understand that the MSM is the voice of the ruling class? It's a voice that comes from higher up than all those cartoon political clowns – whose true job is to get pelted with rotten fruit before their next replacements arrive for further pelting. And when the MSM drone on about the deadly plague that's what the ruling class want us all to believe . The lockdowns are therefore not some kin of progressive action move. Quite the reverse. Reply May Hem Nov 16, 2020 12:11 PM Reply to George Mc

    The other giveaway in the farce is the lack of any sort of debate or questioning on mainstream media. Any sign of an intelligent question about the 'virus' is met with ridicule and condemnation.

    And the censorship on social media? Something strange going on here. That so many accept what they're being told is the worst part of it. Jacques Nov 16, 2020 12:50 PM Reply to May Hem

    I grew up in a Second World country, where media were state owned and spewed out an endless stream of complete bullshit. Safe for a handful of diehard communist idiots, nobody believed a word of they were saying. And people were able to read between the lines.

    We're pretty much in an analogical situation now, in the First World (BTW, I was expecting that the First World wouldn't outlive its nemesis by more than a few decades – the writing was on the wall. I would have never imagined that they'd pull something like this COVID crap). The media are completely full of shit. Just about everything that's published is pushing some hidden agenda.

    Hopefully, people will realize that quickly and will turn to alternative sources. Then, again, one might ask the question how long before those get corrupted too. Also, censorship, including removal from the Internet, might make it impossible for outlets like that to operate. So, people will just have to realize that those smartphones, Internet connections, and all this crap serve for nothing but their indoctrination and stop using them. There still are books and people are still able to speak – we have ways to pass information. George Mc Nov 16, 2020 2:05 PM Reply to Jacques

    I'd say the "communist" appellation is irrelevant. Censorship is just as effective – and indeed even more so – under capitalism.

    Someone once noted the difference between East and West propaganda by saying that in the old Soviet Union hardly anything was permitted but every tiny thing was important whereas in the West everything is permitted and nothing is important.

    State owned dictatorships have a massive disadvantage in that anyone with any brains living under them knows they are being bullshitted. But under capitalism, everyone thinks they are floating on wings of informational freedom without realising that the info is being managed by clever associative methods e.g. corralling the sensitive stuff into "loony fringe" sites while relaying the lies through sites normally trusted. Reply kevin Nov 16, 2020 5:21 PM Reply to George Mc

    It is trickier under capitalism, but I think the failure of the population to view the media as disseminators of propaganda stems from the lack of understanding that we are ruled by an organized oligarchy. Once that is understood, the role of oligarchic media becomes as obvious as the role of state broadcasters in communist regimes.

    However, we do have state broadcasters like BBC and CBC that are very similar to Pravda and there is a direct comparison to be made. Reply George Mc Nov 16, 2020 6:39 PM Reply to kevin

    Gore Vidal once cited amazement of a visiting Soviet official who was interested in seeing the fabled free Western press and was astonished at the dreary uniformity of it. Vidal told him there were far more effective ways of controlling minds than totalitarianism – indeed there are effectively different forms of totalitarianism. Reply George Mc Nov 16, 2020 1:57 PM Reply to May Hem

    This is precisely the power of the covid story. Under the guise of "protecting public safety", the MSM can "legitimately" ban all alternative views. And it is no longer a matter of "protecting national security" (which no-one believes in anyway). It is a matter of life and death for people in real time . If you were to appear on TV and breathe even a word of doubt, you would be ferociously condemned by the media – and even by a significant number in the population. wardropper Nov 16, 2020 3:34 PM Reply to Julia

    Is it possible that all we who frequent these pages are just wrong, and there is no great reset, no larger plan, and that our governments have just become increasingly careful in the face of what they perhaps *know* is a biological weapon?

    I'd say, no, it isn't possible.
    It doesn't even take advanced scientific knowledge to realize that the 'facts' we are constantly presented with in the MSM are not facts at all.

    My mother was a nurse, and I grew up with access to, and an interest in, all her reference books, so perhaps I have an advantage there, but in any case virology had hardly got off the ground in her day.

    At least what I know from decades of familiarity with common knowledge about bacteria and viruses bears out what most people here have discovered: That something much more pervasive and sick is currently at work than any mere virus.
    The science generally pushed out at us by the media is infantile in its wrongness, its illogicality and its inconsistency – exactly in line with pretty much anything else you care to name which ends up in modern media hands.

    Checking out what real doctors are saying about all this is very reassuring – I mean those doctors who are either retired and have little to lose by telling the truth or who possess great courage and consider the truth to be more important than their own short-term career prospects.

    There are now plenty of them.

    [Mar 01, 2021] If COVID-19 were really that dangerous, there would be thousands if not millions of biohazard containers set up across the world for 'mask disposal'. Just like the hospitals.

    Mar 01, 2021 |

    dtoc Nov 16, 2020 1:12 PM Reply to Jacques

    if CV was real, there would be thousands if not millions of biohazard containers set up across the world for 'mask disposal'. Just like the hospitals. 12 0 Reply kevin Nov 16, 2020 5:27 PM Reply to dtoc

    Very good point, that is another clear tell.

    [Feb 26, 2021] No Household Asymptomatic Spread

    Feb 26, 2021 |

    The CDC just admitted in its own report that asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic transmission within households - a key justification for lockdowns - turns out to be virtually nonexistent. Household transmission is the primary mode of infection for COVID-19.

    As The Federalist 's Georgi Boorman writes:

    The Jan. 29 report's conclusion seems to fit the pro-mask narrative, of course: "Schools might be able to safely open with appropriate mitigation efforts [such as masking and not allowing student cohorts to mix] in place." In the 17 rural Wisconsin schools surveyed, only seven cases were linked to in-school transmission out of 4,876 pupils, and no staff members were infected at school during the study period.

    While the report spends ample time explaining the mitigation strategies employed in the schools and the high reported mask compliance (92%) among students, the authors later discuss something you probably have not seen in any of the mainstream media's coverage of this report:

    "Children might be more likely to be asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19 than are adults This apparent lack of transmission [in schools] is consistent with recent research (5), which found an asymptomatic attack rate of only 0.7% within households and a lower rate of transmission from children than from adults. However, this study was unable to rule out asymptomatic transmission within the school setting because surveillance testing was not conducted" (emphasis added).

    The study, a meta-analysis of 54 studies into household transmission of COVID-19, was posted as a pre-print over the summer and published in December.

    The most significant portion of the analysis finds that while asymptomatic and presymptomatic cases account for just 0.7% of transmission, symptomatic cases had an 18% attack rate within the household. In other words, most people who contract COVID-19 at home were infected by someone who was visibly ill .

    "Estimated mean household secondary attack rate from symptomatic index cases ( 18.0% ; 95% CI, 14.2%-22.1%) was significantly higher than from asymptomatic or presymptomatic index cases ( 0.7% ; 95% CI, 0%-4.9%; P < .001), although there were few studies in the latter group. These findings are consistent with other household studies28,70 reporting asymptomatic index cases as having limited role in household transmission," reads the study.

    As Boorman continues: " The key, if not central, rationale for non-pharmaceutical interventions such as masking, distancing, and staying at home is allegedly significant transmission from people who don't show symptoms . If the contagiousness of people without symptoms is not what drives the spread of SARS-COV-2, then no COVID restriction on public life besides staying home when you are clearly sick could be justified, considering the obvious negative consequences of these restrictions."

    Read the rest of the report here .

    homeskillet 41 minutes ago (Edited)

    The CDC is virtually a private organization whose sole profits come from the sale of their fraudulent and destructive vaccines which members hold patents to. This medical tyranny must be burned to the ground.

    BurningFuld 30 minutes ago remove link

    I got one for ya:

    In 2020, 58,972,613 people died worldwide.

    In 2019, 58,390,000 people died worldwide.

    In 2018, 57,630,000 people died worldwide.

    In 2017, 56,940,000 people died worldwide.

    In 2016, 56,330,000 people died worldwide.

    In 2015, 55,820,000 people died worldwide.

    On average from 2015 to 2020, 630,523 more people die each year.

    In 2019, there were 760,000 more deaths worldwide than in 2018.

    In 2020, there were 582,613 more deaths worldwide than in 2019.

    Contrary to what almost all people believe because of the non-stop media brainwashing, there wasn't any unusual amount of worldwide excess deaths in 2020, in truth, there were slightly fewer deaths.

    In 2020, 582,613 more people died than in 2019, a decrease of 177,387 deaths from the 760,000 excess deaths in 2019 versus 2018. Also, the 582,613 excess deaths in 2020 were 47,910 below the yearly average increase of 630,523 deaths from 2015 to 2020.

    In 2020 there were "supposedly" 1,833,737 deaths from Covid-19.

    So, why aren't these "supposed" 1,833,737 deaths from Covid-19 in 2020 showing up in the 2020 worldwide death rate?

    csc61 38 minutes ago

    CDC is a for-profit organization that obtains the majority of its income via pharmaceuticals. So, pardon me if I'm a little suspicious.

    Now you'll have to excuse me .... I'm off to ask the fox if I should lock up the henhouse at night.

    adr 27 minutes ago

    So, only 18% of people exposed to symptomatic people in their own home tested positive?

    Where's the danger?

    Less than a 20% chance of being infected when you are in an enclosed area with a symptomatic person, and near zero chance of getting infected from "asymptomatic" people.

    Tenebrose 18 minutes ago

    It's always been about control.

    BinAnunnaki 31 minutes ago

    Asymptomatic is simply a false positive

    [Feb 21, 2021] The vanishing of flu-deaths, for example, suggests COVID gets a lot more credit than it deserves, though flu-death counts in prior years were rough statistical inferences from a dataset far from complete.

    Feb 21, 2021 |

    The Alarmist , says: February 12, 2021 at 3:54 pm GMT • 8.4 days ago

    @Ron Unz Actual death by COVID alone would be a fraction of that, with most being mortality displacement by COVID acting on one or a combination of comorbidities that would have proven fatal over some time in the not-so-distant future. Some of the "excess" deaths of 2020 will also be attributable to the aging of the population as a whole, as well as by increases of the population in general, not even taking into account the healthiness or not of new arrivals. Some of the excess or premature deaths will include deaths of despair as well as death for other causes where treatment of other illnesses or conditions was postponed out of fear of COVID.
    The Alarmist , says: February 12, 2021 at 8:53 pm GMT • 8.2 days ago
    @Ron Unz fe expectancy age).

    What the political reaction to COVID most certainly is is a catalyst for world leaders to take steps they could only dream of a few years ago; they couldn't shut down world travel and national economies to save a world they assured us will die in twelve years, but they found they could sell that tough medicine if they convinced enough of us it could kill a lot of us in three weeks within the next years.

    I look forward to your American Pravda article on this subject when we have the benefit of a couple more years of hindsight, assuming they still let you publish. I might even want to write it myself.

    [Feb 21, 2021] The Tycoon Plot by Israel Shamir

    Feb 21, 2021 |

    Perhaps, but a better explanation is that some evil tycoon(s) played the part of Karl Stromberg who intended to nuke both Moscow and New York causing war and world-wide devastation, as in the James Bond movie. It could be somebody like Bill Gates, who is a major investor in Wuhan Lab. A fact-checking site with its weasel language admitted that the Lab "has received funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, but Bill Gates can hardly be called a "partner" in the laboratory." Sure, not a partner. Just an investor, and that is more important than a partner. And he is not the only one; other multi-billionaires also are involved in bioresearch, in vaccine manufacturing, in Big Pharma. "Glaxo, BlackRock, and Bill Gates are all partners, but not owners of Pfizer", says another fact-checker . "In 2015, Anthony Fauci did issue a USD 3.7 million grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but not to "create the coronavirus" – the fact-checking site adds. Well, you could not possibly expect Fauci to word the grant in such a straightforward way, could you?

    Perhaps it is too formidable a job even for an evil tycoon like Gates. A plot of several evil tycoons is more likely. Together, they could try to change the world and mankind to suit them.

    The evil tycoons could poison China on their New Year holiday and take this uppity state down a ring or two. They could import the virus into the US to undermine and remove Trump whom they hated. (He was certain to win the elections but for Corona.) They could poison Europe to weaken it and make it more docile and obedient to their demands – and to buy their assets on the cheap. Corona and lockdown did not harm them for they are normally withdrawn from the bustle of the common man's life.

    The billionaires control the media; that much we know, and the part media has played in the Corona crisis was enormous. The media coverage of the crisis has a huge hidden cost. Try to publish information you consider important on the front page of a newspaper. It will cost you a lot. Still, all newspapers belonging to the Billionaires' Media block beginning with the New York Times and ending with Haaretz gave at least a third of its front page to Corona news each day. The sheer cost of this advertising runs into billions. Will we ever know who paid for it?

    Steven Soderbergh's (2011) film Contagion predicted many features of the Covid-19, notably the origin of the virus. In the film, the disease originates from bats in China and is spread through markets where contaminated pork meat is sold. How could Soderbergh (or his script writer Scott Z. Burns) possibly know eight years before the event that the contagion should originate in the Chinese bats? Who told him? Wouldn't you expect he knew something? Burns was instructed by WHO experts, the CNN site explains. Isn't it interesting that the same Bill Gates is a major donor of WHO? Is it entirely impossible that already in 2011 Gates' people began to leak some details of the future virus through their own WHO to Hollywood?

    The tycoons could force a weak state to follow their instructions. Scientists do obey orders: otherwise, no grants, no positions. In April 2020, the German scientists were ordered , "to instill the fear of Corona". And they did it, as we learned this week, producing numbers of dead on demand.

    It seems that tycoons gained most from the Corona Crisis. Their assets grew by trillions, while the assets of the middle classes decreased by the same amount. More importantly, all states suffered from the crisis; they took loans and credit, they were responsible for their citizens' health, while billionaires just had fun and enjoyed it. For this reason, I tend to dismiss the case against states, be it the US or China, while (some) billionaires appear the only possible villains.

    These billionaires are able to influence people much better that the state. Consider Pierre Omidyar. Besides being the owner of eBay, he is the force behind hundreds of NGOs. His organisations form the 'progressive' agenda and train the foot soldiers of the Green Deal. Roslyn Fuller of Spiked-online checked the plethora of NGOs he employs.

    She says his NGOs and charities are "engaged in 'social engineering' – that is, using their resources to artificially change the structure of society to how they think it should be. If successful this would amount to an extreme circumvention of democracy, utilising money not just to win elections, but to substitute paid or subsidised content for actual support, and thereby flip an entire political culture on to a different track by amplifying some voices and drowning out others."

    He is just one of the Masters of Discourse, next to the infamous George Soros. Facebook, Google, Twitter and Amazon are even more powerful. The billionaires have immense clout and they decide what we can and can't say and write. Just last week Amazon banned my Cabbala of Power , a book that was sold by them for some ten years. The estimable The Unz Review is banned on Facebook and shadow-banned on Google. Twitter switched-off President Trump, showing who is the real boss of the United States. Probably almost all movements described as 'leftists' nowadays are engineered by the tycoons like Omidyar or Soros. True left had been left for dead on the battlefield of ideas.

    The tycoons are directly involved in the Corona Crisis, because its results are good for them. And it means they have us where they want to have us, and they won't let us out. We are cancelled until we regain the government and cancel them.

    SAGE, as British Corona management team rather presumptuously named itself (it included the ridiculous figure of Neil Ferguson, he of the millions of predicted deaths), already declared that lockdowns will be a part of British life for years to come, vaccine or no vaccine. The Guardian , the Voice of the Oligarchs, gently pooh-poohed them, for it is not good to declare what must happen right away. Let people have some hope, so they run to vaccinate themselves, and then only afterwards can we reveal that, sorry, it does not help, you still have to don a mask and observe social distance and, yes, suffer lockdowns. "It's much easier to follow the rules if we think of them as temporary."

    The plotters' plans aren't secret; they were described by Klaus Schwab in his book The Great Reset . Schwab is not a great thinker, being merely a weak scientist with just a few publications, and not a good or even decent writer. He had to collaborate with a journalist Thierry Malleret to produce the book. He is just a voice for the tycoons. But the question is, will he/they get what they want?

    My preliminary answer is No. We recently had an important event, Davos-2021, the online gathering of tycoons and their intellectual henchmen. For the first time in many years, they invited Vladimir Putin. Chairman Xi gave the first talk. The idea was to demonstrate that Russia and China agree to their plans. I was very worried, I must admit, and the Chinaman's speech didn't calm me (as opposed to our friend Pepe Escobar who celebrated his appearance). Yes, Xi said China will proceed at its own speed and by its own route but towards the same goals. Sustainable, inclusive, all the dog-whistle words were there. I expected an even worse talk by Putin. For years he has wanted to be invited and co-opted by the Western decision-makers, and here was a great opportunity to jump on their bandwagon.

    St-Germain , says: February 11, 2021 at 3:39 pm GMT • 9.4 days ago

    Bravo! Israel Shamir. I enjoyed every syllable of that essay. It frames the shocking reality that is nowhere treated so forcefully in print in the decadent West. These tycoons not only purchasse their corrupted governments but are positioned to trade them in concert like Monopoly board properties, all in plain sight of our blind mass media. Putin courageously stepped up a notch when he said as much to the Davos crowd and then demonstratively restored to his own countrymen many of the basic freedoms that have just been erased in the locked-down EU. How long will it take for Europe's venal career politicians to realize they are in danger of becoming just expendable hirelings in the new world order they have so gleefully promoted? Probably nothing short of a revolution could now save the United States from the new feudalism. But Putin's warning must have resonated among the European politicians, whose status and relevance still derives from a long tradition of statism with a strong social components. Will the national governments finally grasp that the gravest threat is not the hated populism but relegation to irrelevance by corporations and plutocrats. The stakes are clear; either governments will reassert their prerogatives or plutocrats will govern.

    Emslander , says: February 12, 2021 at 12:12 pm GMT • 8.5 days ago

    The next strong man we elect must be an actual STRONG man. I salute Trump for his genius in identifying the real majority in this country and for forcing the techno-oligarchs into overdoing their election steal. Now we need someone who is willing to establish real authority on behalf of the un-queer.

    [Feb 14, 2021] Caught In The Act - New York Times -Selectively Misquotes- Scientists To Fit Its -Prescribed Narrative-

    Notable quotes:
    "... The information could be key to determining how and when the outbreak started, and to learning how to prevent future pandemics. ..."
    Feb 14, 2021 |

    uncle tungsten , Feb 13 2021 19:43 utc | 23

    The New York Times continues Trump's anti-China campaign by claiming that China hindered a WHO investigation into the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and is withholding data.

    On W.H.O. Trip, China Refused to Hand Over Important Data
    The information could be key to determining how and when the outbreak started, and to learning how to prevent future pandemics.

    Chinese scientists refused to share raw data that might bring the world closer to understanding the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, independent investigators for the W.H.O. said on Friday.

    The investigators, who recently returned from a fact-finding trip to the Chinese city of Wuhan, said disagreements over patient records and other issues were so tense that they sometimes erupted into shouts among the typically mild-mannered scientists on both sides.

    China's continued resistance to revealing information about the early days of the coronavirus outbreak, the scientists say, makes it difficult for them to uncover important clues that could help stop future outbreaks of such dangerous diseases.

    "If you are data focused, and if you are a professional," said Thea Kølsen Fischer , a Danish epidemiologist on the team, then obtaining data is "like for a clinical doctor looking at the patient and seeing them by your own eyes."
    Peter Daszak , a member of the W.H.O. team and the president of EcoHealth Alliance in New York, said the trip was emotionally draining, as he and the team came to terms with the trauma of the early days of the pandemic. The team interviewed some of the first people to fall ill with Covid-19 in Wuhan, as well as medical workers.

    "The world doesn't realize, you know, that they were the first to get this thing," Dr. Daszak said, "and they didn't know how bad it was."

    While the Times claims that the Chinese have more data than they provided (they don't) and insinuates that they have something to hide, the researchers quoted in its piece reject both as nonsense.

    Linking the NYT propaganda piece Peter Daszak refuted its basic tone:

    Peter Daszak @PeterDaszak - 11:27 UTC · Feb 13, 2021

    This was NOT my experience on @WHO mission. As lead of animal/environment working group I found trust & openness w/ my China counterparts . We DID get access to critical new data throughout. We DID increase our understanding of likely spillover pathways.

    New data included env. & animal carcass testing, names of suppliers to Huanan Market, analyses of excess mortality in Hubei, range of covid-like symptoms for months prior, sequence data linked to early cases & site visits w/ unvetted live Q&A etc. All in report coming soon!

    Quoting Daszak's tweet Thea Fischer pitched in:

    Cont. reading: Caught In The Act - New York Times "Selectively Misquotes" Scientists To Fit Its "Prescribed Narrative"

    What a convenient distraction from an investigation into Fort Detrick. Or even just a brief summary of the reason for its closure and its sorry tale of gross mismanagement. Gee look over there...

    JB , Feb 13 2021 21:51 utc | 39

    US Gov statement today:

    Calling for transparency, Sullivan said "China must make available its data from the earliest days of the outbreak."

    Read more here:

    Tollef Ås اس طلف , Feb 13 2021 22:03 utc | 40
    What else would or could we expect from a gutter publication like "The New York Times"? I've been to New York at several "Times" -- at ages six, eight, sixteen and fifty-six -- and have observed the continued desaccitation and delapitation of the times there. As "for instance" the renevenation of such other places I've lived in like Tehran, Shànghâi, Bêijing, Hángzhou or (stragely enough) even Oslo and Hälsingfors/Helsinki.
    Sam F , Feb 13 2021 22:20 utc | 43

    I find it astonishing that WHO denies that Covid originated in the Wuhan outbreak. It was there that Fauci's NIAID did bat coronavirus enhancement research without doing vaccine research. They did that there because they were not allowed to do such dangerous research in any lab in the US! Did WHO investigate that?

    From Newsweek April 28, 2020:

    National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the organization led by Dr. Fauci, funded scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other institutions for work on gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses.

    In 2019, with the backing of NIAID, the National Institutes of Health committed $3.7 million over six years for research that included some gain-of-function work. The program followed another $3.7 million, 5-year project for collecting and studying bat coronaviruses, which ended in 2019, bringing the total to $7.4 million.

    Many scientists have criticized gain of function research, which involves manipulating viruses in the lab to explore their potential for infecting humans, because it creates a risk of starting a pandemic from accidental release.

    SARS-CoV-2 , the virus now causing a global pandemic, is believed to have originated in bats. U.S. intelligence, after originally asserting that the coronavirus had occurred naturally, conceded last month that the pandemic may have originated in a leak from the Wuhan lab. (At this point most scientists say it's possible -- but not likely -- that the pandemic virus was engineered or manipulated.)

    I have heard that the virus originated first in bats in a district not far from Wuhan. But it certainly seems likely that even that resulted from the Wuhan lab work. If not, one would need some strong reason that they just happened to be doing bat coronavirus enhancement research there and nowhere else in the world!

    foolisholdman , Feb 13 2021 22:34 utc | 45

    steven t johnson | Feb 13 2021 19:57 utc | 25

    but as far as just making stuff up...generally. Really, the mainstream media most likely to simply make stuff up are still Fox News, Breitbart, the tabloids (you know, like the Murdochs' Star.)

    They all repeat lies such as that "The Russians poisoned Skripal and his daughter", that "Russia shot down MH17", that "Russia invaded Georgia", that "Russia fixed the 2016 election for Trump" and I am sure there are many other statements which are repeated over and over again, in the MSM, as though they were established facts, though most of them are merely barely arguable assertions.

    Doryphore , Feb 13 2021 22:35 utc | 46

    @Sam f,

    The newsweek article provided no sources for the claim GoF research was funded and done at WIV.

    The claim is rejected here. They did seem to fund one study using GoF but it's unclear where that study was done.

    Doryphore , Feb 13 2021 22:35 utc | 46

    @Sam f,

    The newsweek article provided no sources for the claim GoF research was funded and done at WIV.

    The claim is rejected here. They did seem to fund one study using GoF but it's unclear where that study was done.

    Patroklos , Feb 14 2021 1:44 utc | 56

    The MSM lies and serves as the main vector for imperial propaganda and misinformation. It's also the main medium for preparing populations to accept narratives in the event of conflicts. Given that WE all know that, would not our time be better spent analysing current contexts rather than frittered away trying hold these media to some truth-in-reporting accountancy long ago abandoned? My response when told the NYT is full of shit, is... and? The more on the 'left' (rofl) these media claim to be (e.g. The Guardian) the worse their mendacity because they masquerade as progressive outlets and soften up readers to accept lashings of BS.

    That said, my favourite posts by b, and comments by the community here, are analytical, like the Russia-EU situation. Who cares what misinformation is circulated by commercial purveyors of hype? On the subject of China, for example, what's happening in Taiwan? Are they going ahead with their ultra-provocative 'independence' referendum?

    ak74 , Feb 14 2021 2:25 utc | 57

    Where's Judith "Niger Yellowcake Uranium" Miller and Jayson Blair when you need them?

    These intrepid former New York Times reporters are urgently needed to return and restore integrity to the New York Times!

    God knows they would be an improvement for the Times--the Newspaper of Record ... Lies.

    js , Feb 14 2021 10:09 utc | 70

    Viruses are thoroughly studied all around the world – among other things for creating new vaccines (see Sputnik V). They are efficient vectors and their capability to bypass human immune system is rather useful.

    Wuhan lab got its P4 security level some years ago in cooperation with Institute Pasteur and French state. It is worthwhile to know that IP has patented coronaviruses in attempt to create malaria vaccine (*).

    At one moment "gain of function" research was banned in United States by Barack Obama. It continued, but was moved overseas to China. Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak from Ecohealth Alliance (and WHO) were both involved.

    So blaming China is really a two-edged sword – once they through caution to the wind the whole cardhouse could be crumbling down.

    Lab leak is a real possibility – Alina Chan (@Ayjchan) with colleagues has written extensively on this subject. It cannot be outruled.

    (*) Robin Monotti

    FRANCE: Accomplished pharma prof thrown in psychiatric hospital after questioning official COVID narrative: Professor #Fourtillan was taken to the Uzès psychiatric hospital of Le Mas Careiron, where he has been held since.

    Fourtillan gained widespread publicity when a recent film by Pierre Barnérias, giving a voice to critics of the official narrative, became viral in France.

    In Hold-Up, Professor #Fourtillan spoke of his concern that the COVID-19 crisis was fabricated and is being used to impose a dangerous vaccine on the world population: CLIP:
    Extrait Holdup:

    Among the public documents Fourtillan has analyzed and made public are patents for SARS-COV-1, which contains parts of the malaria virus, dating back to 2003. The patents were used by various labs to develop vaccines.

    2011 saw the Institut Pasteur filing a further patent application for "SARS-COV-2," identical to the previous one, according to Fourtillan, who says this was done because commercial exploitation of the first patent started in 2003 and would expire 20 years later, in 2023

    The Wuhan P4 lab. was built following an agreement between France and China signed in 2017, France's then–Interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, joined the official opening ceremony of the Wuhan Institute of Virology's P4 lab

    together with Yves Lévy, co-president of the steering committee. Lévy is the husband of Agnès Buzyn, who was France's health minister when the COVID-19 crisis erupted. She was responsible for signing the decree that banned over-the-counter sales of #hydroxychloroquine in France

    js , Feb 14 2021 10:09 utc | 70

    Viruses are thoroughly studied all around the world – among other things for creating new vaccines (see Sputnik V). They are efficient vectors and their capability to bypass human immune system is rather useful.

    Wuhan lab got its P4 security level some years ago in cooperation with Institute Pasteur and French state. It is worthwhile to know that IP has patented coronaviruses in attempt to create malaria vaccine (*).

    At one moment "gain of function" research was banned in United States by Barack Obama. It continued, but was moved overseas to China. Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak from Ecohealth Alliance (and WHO) were both involved.

    So blaming China is really a two-edged sword – once they through caution to the wind the whole cardhouse could be crumbling down.

    Lab leak is a real possibility – Alina Chan (@Ayjchan) with colleagues has written extensively on this subject. It cannot be outruled.

    (*) Robin Monotti

    FRANCE: Accomplished pharma prof thrown in psychiatric hospital after questioning official COVID narrative: Professor #Fourtillan was taken to the Uzès psychiatric hospital of Le Mas Careiron, where he has been held since.

    Fourtillan gained widespread publicity when a recent film by Pierre Barnérias, giving a voice to critics of the official narrative, became viral in France.

    In Hold-Up, Professor #Fourtillan spoke of his concern that the COVID-19 crisis was fabricated and is being used to impose a dangerous vaccine on the world population: CLIP:
    Extrait Holdup:

    Among the public documents Fourtillan has analyzed and made public are patents for SARS-COV-1, which contains parts of the malaria virus, dating back to 2003. The patents were used by various labs to develop vaccines.

    2011 saw the Institut Pasteur filing a further patent application for "SARS-COV-2," identical to the previous one, according to Fourtillan, who says this was done because commercial exploitation of the first patent started in 2003 and would expire 20 years later, in 2023

    The Wuhan P4 lab. was built following an agreement between France and China signed in 2017, France's then–Interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, joined the official opening ceremony of the Wuhan Institute of Virology's P4 lab

    together with Yves Lévy, co-president of the steering committee. Lévy is the husband of Agnès Buzyn, who was France's health minister when the COVID-19 crisis erupted. She was responsible for signing the decree that banned over-the-counter sales of #hydroxychloroquine in France

    js , Feb 14 2021 10:09 utc | 70

    Viruses are thoroughly studied all around the world – among other things for creating new vaccines (see Sputnik V). They are efficient vectors and their capability to bypass human immune system is rather useful.

    Wuhan lab got its P4 security level some years ago in cooperation with Institute Pasteur and French state. It is worthwhile to know that IP has patented coronaviruses in attempt to create malaria vaccine (*).

    At one moment "gain of function" research was banned in United States by Barack Obama. It continued, but was moved overseas to China. Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak from Ecohealth Alliance (and WHO) were both involved.

    So blaming China is really a two-edged sword – once they through caution to the wind the whole cardhouse could be crumbling down.

    Lab leak is a real possibility – Alina Chan (@Ayjchan) with colleagues has written extensively on this subject. It cannot be outruled.

    (*) Robin Monotti

    FRANCE: Accomplished pharma prof thrown in psychiatric hospital after questioning official COVID narrative: Professor #Fourtillan was taken to the Uzès psychiatric hospital of Le Mas Careiron, where he has been held since.

    Fourtillan gained widespread publicity when a recent film by Pierre Barnérias, giving a voice to critics of the official narrative, became viral in France.

    In Hold-Up, Professor #Fourtillan spoke of his concern that the COVID-19 crisis was fabricated and is being used to impose a dangerous vaccine on the world population: CLIP:
    Extrait Holdup:

    Among the public documents Fourtillan has analyzed and made public are patents for SARS-COV-1, which contains parts of the malaria virus, dating back to 2003. The patents were used by various labs to develop vaccines.

    2011 saw the Institut Pasteur filing a further patent application for "SARS-COV-2," identical to the previous one, according to Fourtillan, who says this was done because commercial exploitation of the first patent started in 2003 and would expire 20 years later, in 2023

    The Wuhan P4 lab. was built following an agreement between France and China signed in 2017, France's then–Interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, joined the official opening ceremony of the Wuhan Institute of Virology's P4 lab

    together with Yves Lévy, co-president of the steering committee. Lévy is the husband of Agnès Buzyn, who was France's health minister when the COVID-19 crisis erupted. She was responsible for signing the decree that banned over-the-counter sales of #hydroxychloroquine in France

    William Gruff , Feb 14 2021 10:36 utc | 72

    Peter AU1 @68: "The most likely source at the moment for the jump from bats to humans appears to be mink. Farmed mink."

    Yes. Farmed mink living in cages at Fort Detrick. You cannot get rapid generational mutations in the virus in a homogeneous population as that population gets infected with the same strain all at once. The population must be isolated into small groups that are sequentially infected from one group to the next in order to force rapid adaptation of the virus.

    We are still talking several hundreds of years of mutation in the virus that somehow occurred in just a couple years. Obviously the virus was edited from its natural state and then cycled through dozens of generations of infection in caged mink. The intention of those dozens of virus generations in mink was partially to obfuscate the genetic code and hide the edits.

    kiwiklown , Feb 14 2021 11:04 utc | 74

    Posted by: A.L. | Feb 13 2021 18:04 utc | 8 -- "Now if only the NYT will focus on NY and write about its own "exemplary" covid 19 response and totally "transparent" handling of nursing home covid 19 deaths figures..."

    Good riposte.

    However, I have noticed that whenever the MSM chooses to call out a misdemeanour, they would castigate a single individual (eg. they might report that Cuomo or Newsom has been asked to go fly a kite), but they NEVER blame the entire US government.

    On the other hand, they pin ALL wrongdoing in China on "the evil CCP regime", and not the individual Chinese governor or bureaucrat at fault.

    Western values, anybody?

    vk , Feb 14 2021 12:52 utc | 81

    Chinese State media has published something about the NYT article:

    U.S.' continued deception, deflection, politicization


    @ Posted by: js | Feb 14 2021 10:09 utc | 70

    It was a possibility until the WHO investigation team visited the Wuhan lab and ruled it out. The SARS-CoV-2 is not in the lab's "catalogue" (I don't know how you call that in English) and there was no signs of any leaks of unprocessed samples.

    The links you posted are from December 2020, when the speculation was still somewhat valid (even if a long shot).


    @ Posted by: jean | Feb 13 2021 20:37 utc | 31

    Which makes him the ideal investigator. He knows which variations of the coronavirus are from labs and which aren't.

    It would be weird if he wasn't in the team.

    Norwegian , Feb 14 2021 13:35 utc | 86

    @vk | Feb 14 2021 12:55 utc | 82

    Trust does not belong at all anywhere near science. Critical thinking in relation to science is important in evaluating an existing hypothesis and the data that goes along to support it , but critical thinking alone is not sufficient, if the data is missing it is not science, because there is no way to falsify the often outrageous claims (That is where we are with "global warming" and "covid").

    Also required is imagination, without imagination you cannot formulate new laws from the information available and then you will never progress.

    It boils down to being able to verify and replicate a scientific hypothesis through data and experiments, trust has no place in it. This also why "peer review" is fundamentally unscientific since it mostly functions as a gate-keeping mechanism defending mainstream views.

    The Essence Of Science In 60 Seconds (Richard Feynman)
    If it disagrees with experiment, its wrong. It doesn't matter how beautiful your guess is, it doesn't matter how smart who made the guess is, or what his name is. If it disagrees with experiment, its wrong.

    Transferred to journalism, a similar rule must apply. If a claim is made that cannot be verified independently, it is not journalism.

    m , Feb 14 2021 16:57 utc | 93

    Of course is SARS-CoV-2 not registered under that name at Wuhan in the records of 2019. The designation "SARS-CoV-2" stems from the WHO and has been introduced only in Feb. 2020. The Wuhan Institute of Virology did however work with RaTG13 - the bat virus from south China - which is the closests known relative to SARS-CoV-2. In fact, it was Shi Zhengli from the Wuhan Institute of Virology who had discovered RaTG13 in 2013.

    I have never claimed that SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon. Gain-of-function research isn`t about creating bioweapons. It is about modifying viruses that accure naturally in such a manner that they mimic hypothetical viruses that could emerge naturally in the future and might pose a serious epidemic threat. The rationale behind this is that by doing research with such viruses before they emerge provides mankind with the knowledge to fight them when a similar virus eventually does emerge naturally.

    I have also never claimed that SARS-CoV-2 -emerged- at the wet market in Wuhan. I wrote that it had been -detected- there first.

    karlof1 , Feb 14 2021 18:08 utc | 96

    Global Times Editorial today proves conclusively that Jake Sullivan is merely continuing Pompeo's policy of lies and distortions while misusing science in a failing attempt to politicize the pandemic and concludes:

    "While the new US administration claims that it is different from its predecessor, it has hardly kept its distance from the previous policies on major issues involving China and COVID-19. Such self-contradictive moves will only cripple the current administration's abilities to make clear and resolute policies. The dominant authority of science and rationality is fading in American society, and desire often goes ahead of facts. This is the most significant sign that the US is declining."

    How's that for a swift kick to the groin--BidenCo is no different from TrumpCo. Or maybe this was the blow:

    "The only goal of the US to attack China with COVID-19 is to cover its own ineptitude. But the world will not always be fooled by the US."

    Yes! China is now enjoying the Lunar New Year and welcoming the Year of the Ox with extremely few pandemic issues while the Outlaw US Empire continues to record 100,000+ new cases daily and a death toll that's not abating. In other words, its policy remains a failure--one that it can't hide.

    It has yet to dawn on the Neoliberalcons that every time they open their mouths to smear Russia or China all they accomplish is digging the hole they're mired inside deeper, nor have they figured out that it's a Credibility Hole that lies and such only serve to deepen while Truth is what fills it in. But Truth is something they cannot abide since their entire gambit is based on lies and falsehoods.

    kiwiklown , Feb 15 2021 0:29 utc | 100

    vk @89: "You can't have it both ways...."

    Typically simplistic American "mindset". To them, it is always either-or, black-white, good guys-bad guys. False choices. False logic. I do not read vk's bombast, but this phrase jumped out. Neither do I read those who "challenge" Gruffy. It is all about so little time to read so much. And about sense and sensibility.

    Posted by: William Gruff | Feb 14 2021 21:53 utc | 99 -- "SARS Mk.II was neither precise nor intended to be very devastating.... just the closest that the CIA could find off the shelf to a "Goldilocks virus".....

    Highly plausible fit to the events as played out on the ground. We can also suggest that Wuhan was a field test for a virus product undergoing continuing "improvement". I note that China mounted a war-response, continue to maintain a war-footing (medically speaking), and now counter-strike with suggestions for the US leadership to invite the WHO to inspect their bio-labs.

    Smith , Feb 15 2021 2:55 utc | 104

    I'm seeing a lot of people here are just East vs West cultural warriors nonsense. For them, the West is bad, thus the East is now the "shining city in the hill".

    I'd echo vk and Norwegian here, don't trust anyone without verifiable evidences, analyze the contents (if it's good for your health, your livelihood, will it benefit your people?) and judge them based on that.

    The exact same person can be right about certain things but can be wrong about certain things.

    Don't be a contrarian who puts your position as the opposite position of your supposed enemy (i.e. Putin is good because he's anti-USA, likewise for China and WHO/UN).

    [Feb 03, 2021] Extra death stats sugessts the the pandemic was overblown

    Feb 03, 2021 |

    A British View of the Imposture NICK KOLLERSTROM JANUARY 25, 2021 3,300 WORDS 222 COMMENTS REPLY Tweet Reddit Share Share Email Print More RSS

    2020 saw 14% more deaths than average, last year in England & Wales and that amounted to seventy-five thousand extra deaths. We here use the Office of National statistics figures, as it gives total weekly deaths, plus also for comparison an average value of corresponding weekly deaths over the previous five years. [1]

    That compares with the figure of ninety thousand deaths for the entire United Kingdom, due allegedly to covid-19.

    We here ask and answer the question, what caused that excess of deaths ? The answer will not be certain, but will be the simplest possible explanation. By Occam's razor we are obliged to take it.

    For the first quarter of last year, deaths in England and Wales were down : for whatever reason, overall weekly mortality was 3% below the yearly average. Then around the spring equinox on March 23 rd Lockdown was announced and suddenly, deaths surged right up so that thousands of extra deaths started happening week after week. That continued all through April and May and then finally, in the first week of June Britons were allowed out again: with relief we could walk the streets and parks, cafes and pubs opened up again.

    Those months of Lockdown saw fifty-nine thousand excess deaths (see graph). That comes from counting the eleven weeks ending 27 March to the 5 th June, as being the lockdown period.

    The question arises as to what caused them? Could it have been, for example, the shock? The month of April averaged ninety percent more deaths than usual! Then May was not quite so bad, as folk got used to the grim new reality.

    In the weeks after the Lockdown i.e. after the first week of June the whole excess of deaths suddenly vanished. Over the next four months deaths remained exactly average compared to previous years.

    The graph shows this distinct, three-stage process.

    OBNS data for weeks ending
    3rd Jan to 20th March 12 weeks 138,916 143,738 -4,822 -3%
    27 March to 5 June 11 weeks 168,396 109,703 +58,693 +54% LOCKDOWN
    12 June to 9 Oct 18 weeks 166,392 165,808 +584 0%

    These figures suggest that it is the lockdown itself and not any virus, that caused the excess deaths.

    We're here reminded of a careful survey done last May which found that, in all countries with reliable death-figures, their increase in mortality began after the lockdown was imposed and not before. There is a very simple difference between cause and effect: the cause comes first, before the effect!

    A second Lockdown was imposed over the month of November. This lacked the same terror and shock value of the first and so only reached a net 18% excess of mortality: for the five weeks from week ending 6 November to that of 4th December there were nine thousand excess deaths, compared to the seasonal average.

    Figure: weekly data from the Office of National Statistics for 2020, comparing total mortality per week with an estimated average from the previous five years.

    After the autumn equinox as the nights grew longer the government again started to terrorise the population with talk of the 'dark winter' to come. Somehow they knew that a 'second wave' was coming, and so there would have to be a 'second lockdown' and no Christmas. Here's what I said in a podcast on 20 th October :

    They are trying to resuscitate another big scare, trying to claim there is a second wave come this autumn, they have started drumming up fear again, they have imposed these levels of Lockdown which are rather terrifying. A lot of stress they are putting on people, I've been wondering, are the deaths going to go up again like last time?

    Did that happen? The figures show as before a surge around the time of the lockdown and just before it, however this time it did not vanish after the lockdown. That's because there was not really any easing up. On the contrary yet more draconian measures were announced, with the unheard-of measure of police stopping people walking outdoors, to ask them if they had good reason to be out of their house? Meeting friends was forbidden, etc. That pressure pushed up the mortality even more and we here especially note the 'Christmas week' ending 25 th December, with a whopping 45% excess mortality. That is not a merry Christmas, it's an extra three and a half thousand people popping off (as compared to previous years) in a week, caused presumably by shock and despair of Xmas being cancelled. The week after that it was still very high, 26% excess, as folk faced the bleak new year.

    It helps to express that excess mortality as overall monthly means, for the last few months of 2020. Thus taking each month as a whole and selecting four weeks of data for each month:

    September from weeks ending 11 Sept to 2 Oct. +4%
    October 9 Oct to 30th Oct +7%
    November 6 Nov to 27 Nov +18%
    December 4 Dec to 1st Jan +21%

    Slowly the excess deaths (comparing, as before, with previous years) have increased through the autumn and winter. The month of December had ten thousand extra deaths. Should one take the government's view, that these deaths were caused by the CV19 virus, and that the increasingly severe restrictions were a necessary response to 'contain' the spread of this virus? A simpler hypothesis would be that there is no virus killing people, whereas the stress of bankruptcy, solitude, loneliness, etc. imposed by government edicts really has been killing people. Thus for example 'tier 4' was announced on 19 th December for large parts of England and that resulted in the highest mortality for the week following. That knockout blow to everyone's Christmas – never banned since the days of Oliver Cromwell – had the deep impact, driving up the mortality index.

    Overall it would appear to be the government's lockdown policy that has been killing people and not some new disease. Stress, loneliness, fear and despair have been causing the excess of deaths: together with emptying out of hospitals, especially of old folk and cancellation of normal services because of the 'pandemic.' If the government knows this, then it is a population-reduction program.

    A recent US CDC report agreed with the approach we've here taken, that the significance of CV19 can only be appreciated in terms of total mortality. Published on the John Hopkins University website on 22 nd November (but soon removed), it endorses the view that no virus is killing people, any more than normal flu, whereas deaths from other causes are being re-classified as Covid19:

    According to new data, the U.S. currently ranks first in total COVID-19 cases, new cases per day and deaths. Genevieve Briand, assistant program director of the Applied Economics master's degree program at Hopkins, critically analyzed the effect of COVID-19 on U.S. deaths using data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in her webinar titled "COVID-19 Deaths: A Look at U.S. Data."

    From mid-March to mid-September, U.S. total deaths have reached 1.7 million, of which 200,000, or 12% of total deaths, are COVID-19-related. Instead of looking directly at COVID-19 deaths, Briand focused on total deaths per age group and per cause of death in the U.S. and used this information to shed light on the effects of COVID-19.

    She explained that the significance of COVID-19 on U.S. deaths can be fully understood only through comparison to the number of total deaths in the United States.

    After retrieving data on the CDC website, Briand compiled a graph representing percentages of total deaths per age category from early February to early September, which includes the period from before COVID-19 was detected in the U.S. to after infection rates soared.

    Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.

    "The reason we have a higher number of reported COVID-19 deaths among older individuals than younger individuals is simply because every day in the U.S. older individuals die in higher numbers than younger individuals," Briand said.

    Briand also noted that 50,000 to 70,000 deaths are seen both before and after COVID-19, indicating that this number of deaths was normal long before COVID-19 emerged. Therefore, according to Briand, not only has COVID-19 had no effect on the percentage of deaths of older people, but it has also not increased the total number of deaths.

    These data analyses suggest that in contrast to most people's assumptions, the number of deaths by COVID-19 is not alarming. In fact, it has relatively no effect on deaths in the United States

    When Briand looked at the 2020 data during that seasonal period, COVID-19-related deaths exceeded deaths from heart diseases. This was highly unusual since heart disease has always prevailed as the leading cause of deaths. However, when taking a closer look at the death numbers, she noted something strange. As Briand compared the number of deaths per cause during that period in 2020 to 2018, she noticed that instead of the expected drastic increase across all causes, there was a significant decrease in deaths due to heart disease. Even more surprising, as seen in the graph below, this sudden decline in deaths is observed for all other causes.

    This trend is completely contrary to the pattern observed in all previous years. Interestingly, as depicted in the table below , the total decrease in deaths by other causes almost exactly equals the increase in deaths by COVID-19. This suggests, according to Briand, that the COVID-19 death toll is misleading. Briand believes that deaths due to heart diseases, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia may instead be recategorized as being due to COVID-19.

    Base on this analysis, the best way to end the ongoing mass-killing of elderly Britons would be to terminate the lockdowns and resume normal life. As Dr Simone Gold (of Frontline Doctors ) well explained , CV19 is just 'killing' elderly people who were about to die anyhow. It cannot be shown that 'having' CV19 i.e. testing PCR-'positive' contributed to shortening their life. So that isn't a causal connection, i.e. the alleged illness has not 'caused' their death. That's why the age-distribution of CV-19 is indistinguishable from that of the normal population.

    The average age of death in England & Wales is 81.5 years, while the average age of 'Covid-19 fatalities' is 82.4 years (ONS data). What this tells us is very simple: the disease does not exist.

    The concept of PCR 'testing' has always been fraudulent . The so-called PCR 'test' multiplies up fragments of nucleotide-chains and the number of 'positive' cases depends on the multiplication factor used as well as how many persons are tested. There will never come a time when the virus is 'cured' or 'solved' or whatever people imagine the government is trying to do (if it knows!), such that the PCR test ceases to generate 'positive' tests. No-one will ever give you evidence that people who test 'positive' get ill more often than others. Is there an aim of government policy, aside from terrorising the populace? Is it to kill the virus? That can never happen because the virus isn't alive.

    he World Health Organization has now backtracked over the PCR 'test', saying (January 13 th ) it is merely a diagnostic tool that can assist. It now advises –

    Where test results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen should be taken and retested using the same or different NAT technology.

    In other words, a single PCR test should not be used for diagnosing Sars-Cov-2 infection. It's merely a guide!

    Most PCR assays are indicated as an aid for diagnosis, therefore, health care providers must consider any result in combination with timing of sampling, specimen type, assay specifics, clinical observations, patient history, confirmed status of any contacts, and epidemiological information.

    So we finally have it that the PCR cannot be relied upon a diagnostic test. Which is exactly what its inventor Kary Mullis said. So forget all of the figures you've heard about 'cases' and 'covid deaths' – they cannot be relied upon.

    If one did want to believe there was a disease associated with this virus, then surely we'd agree with Dr Alexander Myasnikov, appointed last year as Russia's chief medical advisor. In an interview he explained how the world had greatly over-reacted to the CV19 story and death numbers in the West were greatly over-counted. He added:

    "It's all exaggerated. It's an acute respiratory disease with minimal mortality."

    Thus the former Chief Medical Officer of Ontario has recently challenged his government's policy saying, "We're Being Locked-down for an Infection Fatality Rate of Less than 0.2%?" and the lockdown is not "supported by strong science." He here means, that for those who test PCR-positive one in five hundred will die. The time-period here involved needs to be defined, eg it could be one month: we all die, and given the median age of alleged-CV19 deaths is around 80 that could well be a normal rate of mortality – especially if they are PCR-testing everyone admitted to hospitals.

    Last November a Cornish nurse went public, saying the hospital wards had been empty over months when it was claimed they were overflowing. She said whenever they had flu patients they were classified as Covid: 'flu and Covid cases are now recorded as 'the same thing' on death certificates.' . That wouldn't be necessary if the disease really existed. Not surprisingly, the flu this winter has mysteriously vanished . One woman who walked round her local hospital filming its empty wards was arrested by police entering her home the next day.

    The virus itself cannot be shown to exist, by which we mean that it cannot be reliably differentiated from all the other normal coronaviruses, that have been with us since time began. It has never been isolated, let's be clear about that. Last April an EU science department admitted :

    " No virus isolates with a quantified amount of the SARS-CoV-2 are currently available "

    And the same thing was echoed a few months later by the US Centre for Disease Control:

    " Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available , assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA " [2]

    In other words, nobody can hold a test-tube or petri-dish and say, 'Here is COVID-19.' Published gene-sequences of the alleged virus are mere hypothetic constructs. Yes some disease broke out in Wuhan in November 2019 and yes the Chinese authorities published a gene-sequence allegedly of it, but so what?

    Fear Porn Promotion

    The government needs your fear. It wants your attention but knows that it has no prospect of improving your life in any way. Thus we have a health minister who knows nothing about health or well-being: he can get your attention by telling you that you won't be able to fly without a vaccine. They need your fear, and in the last century the government was able to arouse your fear by threatening to press the nuclear button. That doesn't work any more. The UK govts latest exercise in fear-porn advises citizens to behave as if they are ill . ('Act like you've got it') Yes, that sounds just like how to promote health.

    It further promotes the diabolical idea that perfectly healthy persons can transmit disease ('anyone can spread it'). Here one could quote the WHO expert Dr Maria van Kerkhove: 'From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onwards to a secondary individual. Its very rare.' (Head of the WHO Emerging disease and zoonosis unit at a news briefing from the UN agency's headquarters at Geneva, 6.6.20). Admittedly she was pressured to backpedal and retract, but she did say it. [3]

    In the words of the Daily Mail , 'Terrifying new TV ads' are being promoted by the Government (23 Jan 2021) The above fear-porn promotion is through the US media agency Omnigov, who signed a 110 million Lockdown advertising deal – on March 2 nd , three weeks before the Lockdown.

    The journalist Neil Clark commented [4] on 'the report in the Daily Telegraph newspaper that the UK government struck a deal worth £119m with an American advertising company, OMD Group, urging people to 'Stay Home, Stay Safe' a full three weeks before Boris Johnson ordered a lockdown. Think about what this means.' That meme 'Stay home Stay safe' would have been blueprinted the previous year at the US 'Event 201' by Bill Gates et. al. Fear blocks out rational, coherent thought which is why the government needs it.

    People may be forgetting how debilitating winter flu can be and how it can last for weeks. Now they want to call it COVID. Let's here support Prof. Dolores Cahill, who has been looking at the sequencing of PCR testing. In Ireland it was found that of fifteen hundred PCR tests 'all of them were influenza A and B, not one of them were SARS-COV2.' Her group will be seeking legal action where the tests come back as influenza rather than the specific CV19 and doctors can be sued for medical negligence. ( Corbett Report, 23 mins) That sounds like a promising way of dealing with this phantomic virus.

    'Is this an epidemic of despair?' asked that perceptive commentator Peter Hitchins . Scientists are trained not to take notice of emotions and instead to look for things, objects as causative agents, whereas here we agree with Peter Hitchens that the negative soul-conditions of the populace caused by government policies are leading to death. Hitchens' article quotes the distinguished professor of medical microbiology, Sucharit Bhakdi:

    'He said that older people had the right to make efforts to stay fit, active, busy and healthy. But he warned that the shutdown of society would condemn them to early death by preventing this.

    'Social contacts and social events, theatre and music, travel and holiday recreation, sports and hobbies, all help to prolong their stay on earth. The life expectancy of millions is being shortened.'

    In a prediction that has turned out to be terribly accurate, he added: 'The horrifying impact on the world economy threatens the existence of countless people. The consequences for medical care are profound. Already services to patients who are in need are reduced, operations cancelled, practices empty, hospital personnel dwindling. All this will impact profoundly on our whole society.'

    That is what is killing people, there is no other pandemic.

    We're here concerned with UK, however for comparison let's end with a graph showing the US weekly mortality rate over 2020, showing the very same effect.

    The graph shown an excess of 280k deaths above normal-expected levels, following the lockdown. The web-page hosting this graph states 'The large spike in deaths in April 2020 corresponds to the coronavirus outbreak.' I'm here suggesting a different view.

    By Nick Kollerstrom , PhD, author of The Great British coronavirus Hoax, A Sceptics view (banned by Amazon.)


    [1] Using fifty-two weeks i.e. 364 days of the year, from the week ending 3 rd January 2020 to that of 1 st January 2021, the ONS compares a week in 2020 with the average value for 2015-9.

    [2] CDC '2019-Novel Coronavirus Real-Time PCR Diagnostic Panel performance characteristics' p.39, 13.7.20. This has been scrubbed from the Web, but see BMJ response to it.

    [3] A huge Chinese study of ten million around Wuhan between May and June showed 'no evidence that positive cases without symptoms spread the disease': Nature 20.11.20 'Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening'.

    [4] RT 'Covid-19 reverse psychology' by Neil Clarke, 28.10.20, deleted but preserved on the Hugo Talks video

    [Jan 26, 2021] I accept the older guidance from Johns Hopkins that lockdowns are political, not medical

    Jan 26, 2021 |

    Jackrabbit , Jan 25 2021 2:40 utc | 69

    Many things could be done. How about a fully paid six week lockdown?

    b doesn't provide the context for Biden's remark. Biden was walking back his initial optimism about defeating the virus by inoculating 100 million people. And today Biden surrogates even walked-back that goal by saying they want 100 million SHOTS to be given (the current vaccines require TWO shots).

    Furthermore, b is asking for trouble by advocating for a new lock-down. Yet, MAGICALLY, there is no longer push-back from the astro-turf libertarian mob. LOL.

    But it's unclear if lock-downs would work. Most of us already live in virtual "lockdown" because everyone that's not essential works remotely; most activities are cancelled; and testing is now ubiquitous. Plus almost everyone wears masks now in public and practice social distancing.

    Further complicating a call for more/more stringent lock-down is that there are a lot of false positives and possibly some counting of influenza deaths as Covid-19 deaths. (Note: Acknowledging that doesn't mean that I don't believe the pandemic isn't real and very deadly.)

    What do we NOT DO that successful countries have done?

    Lancet Study

    Why would anyone trust what Lancet has to say after they completely discredited themselves? oldhippie and Lurk explain how "the authorities" are still screwing around with bogus studies.

    oldhippie , Jan 25 2021 15:14 utc | 114

    JR @ 69

    Thank you, JR. Yes, the Lancet has comprehensively discredited itself. So has nearly all of the medical firmament.

    There is nothing to replace that medical firmament. Each of us pretends we are able to discover which authority and which evidence we are ready to believe in. None of us has particular ability to do that. For myself I will accept the current guidance from WHO that lockdowns are ineffective and meaningless. I accept the older guidance from Johns Hopkins that lockdowns are political, not medical.

    And otherwise, for myself, consider WHO as largely a cats paw for Bill Gates and Hopkins more like an arm of the intelligence community than a medical resource. Cue the WHOs on first routine. All madness.

    Anyone who tells me to be totally passive and obedient and to STFU while waiting for inevitable doom is simply an enemy. That would be half of this bar? And why argue? "The science" is any damn thing any advocate wants it to be. I didn't drag the science down to that level. The scientists and doctors took the money and did it to themselves.

    [Jan 25, 2021] Crisis careerists and PcR tests exaggerated pandemic (aka Casedemics)

    An interesting commentary. Introduces a new term "Crisis careerists"
    Jan 25, 2021 |

    Ralph Seymour , says: January 25, 2021 at 6:44 pm GMT • 8.1 hours ago

    Terrific summary and analysis of the current situation:

    [Jan 09, 2021] They are looking at hundreds of patients on their screens and they don't know when the next ambulance will be available

    Jan 09, 2021 |

    George Mc , Jan 8, 2021 6:36 PM

    Terror ratcheting up on TV:

    "They are looking at hundreds of patients on their screens and they don't know when the next ambulance will be available"

    The power of the PCR voodoo boxes.

    [Jan 02, 2021] WHO (secretly) changed their definition of "Herd Immunity"

    Jan 02, 2021 |

    he World Health Organization has changed the definition of "herd immunity" on the Covid section of their website, inserting the claim that it is a "concept used in vaccination", and requires a vaccine to be achieved.

    Both of these statements are total falsehoods, which is demonstrated by the WHO's own website back in June, and every dictionary definition of "herd immunity" you can find.

    To quote the WHO's own original definition:

    Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or a natural immunity developed through previous infection.

    This definition was posted on the WHO's website on June 9th of this year, and conforms with the general usage of the term for generations .

    Then, on October 15th, we woke up to find the words on the side of the barn had changed . The definition has been altered to this:

    'Herd immunity', also known as 'population immunity', is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached.

    No explanation is offered for the change, in fact note of the change is made on the website at all.

    Indeed all the previous versions of the website have been totally wiped from the wayback machine. A telling thing to do, in and of itself.

    We're only aware of the change because screencaps of the original exist:

    The new definition, aside from being inaccurate and off-handedly disposing of decades of epidemiological research, is also contradictory. It includes the phrase:

    Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it."

    Which is newspeak doublethink nonsense. The entire point of vaccination IS "exposing" people to the virus.

    This revised, inaccurate and contradictory definition of "herd immunity" was first expressed in a speech by WHO Director General Thedros Adhanom on October 12th. Within three days that speech had been added, word for word, to the website. And within a month of the change, the UK had approved the first commercial vaccine for Sars-Cov-2 infection.

    We're truly in an Orwellian timeline, where the powers that be can simply change the meaning of words and phrases to suit their purpose.

    [Jan 01, 2021] Five Times This Year The New York Times Accidentally Told The Truth

    Only five ;-)
    Notable quotes:
    "... I'm still stunned that the paper did a study that confirmed what people have suspected, namely that a high cycle threshold used on PCR testing was creating the appearance of a pandemic that might have long receded. The testing mania was generating wild illusions of millions of "asymptomatic" carriers and spreaders. How severe was the problem? Read this and weep ..."
    "... up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus, a review by The Times found. ..."
    "... A major reason for the ongoing lockdowns are due to the pouring in of positive case numbers from massive testing. If 90% of these positive tests are false, we have a major problem. The whole basis of the panic disappears. All credit to the Times for running the article but why no follow up and why no change in its editorial stance? ..."
    "... I am deeply concerned that the social, economic and public health consequences of this near total meltdown of normal life -- schools and businesses closed, gatherings banned -- will be long lasting and calamitous, possibly graver than the direct toll of the virus itself. ..."
    "... During the Covid-19 pandemic, the world is unwittingly conducting what amounts to the largest immunological experiment in history on our own children. We have been keeping children inside, relentlessly sanitizing their living spaces and their hands and largely isolating them ..."
    "... in the course of social distancing to mitigate the spread, we may also be unintentionally inhibiting the proper development of children's immune systems. ..."
    "... The psychological effects of loneliness are a health risk comparable with risk obesity or smoking. Anxiety and depression have spiked since lockdown orders went into effect. ..."
    Jan 01, 2021 |

    Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The American Institute for Economic Research,

    The paper of record in 2020 shifted dramatically to the most illiberal stance possible on the virus, pushing for full lockdowns, and ignoring or burying any information that might contradict the case for this unprecedented experiment in social and economic control. This article highlights the exceptions.


    Even within the blatant and aggressive pro-lockdown bias, and consistent with the way the New York Times does its work, the paper has not been entirely barren of truth about Covid and lockdowns. Below I list five times that the news section of the paper, however inadvertently and however buried deep within the paper, actually told the truth.

    1. Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn't Be.

    I'm still stunned that the paper did a study that confirmed what people have suspected, namely that a high cycle threshold used on PCR testing was creating the appearance of a pandemic that might have long receded. The testing mania was generating wild illusions of millions of "asymptomatic" carriers and spreaders. How severe was the problem? Read this and weep:

    In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus, a review by The Times found.

    On Thursday, the United States recorded 45,604 new coronavirus cases, according to a database maintained by The Times . If the rates of contagiousness in Massachusetts and New York were to apply nationwide, then perhaps only 4,500 of those people may actually need to isolate and submit to contact tracing.

    The implications of this revelation are incredible. A major reason for the ongoing lockdowns are due to the pouring in of positive case numbers from massive testing. If 90% of these positive tests are false, we have a major problem. The whole basis of the panic disappears. All credit to the Times for running the article but why no follow up and why no change in its editorial stance?

    2. Scientists See Signs of Lasting Immunity to Covid-19, Even After Mild Infections .

    Byline By Katherine J. Wu

    Gone missing this year in public commentary has been much at all about naturally acquired immunities from the virus, even though the immune system deserves credit for why human kind has lasted this long even in the presence of pathogens. That the Times ran this piece was another exception in otherwise exceptionally bad coverage. It said in part:

    Scientists who have been monitoring immune responses to the virus are now starting to see encouraging signs of strong, lasting immunity, even in people who developed only mild symptoms of Covid-19, a flurry of new studies suggests. Disease-fighting antibodies, as well as immune cells called B cells and T cells that are capable of recognizing the virus, appear to persist months after infections have resolved -- an encouraging echo of the body's enduring response to other viruses .

    Researchers have yet to find unambiguous evidence that coronavirus reinfections are occurring, especially within the few months that the virus has been rippling through the human population. The prospect of immune memory "helps to explain that," Dr. Pepper said.

    3. Why You Shouldn't Worry About Studies Showing Waning Coronavirus Antibodies .

    Byline Apoorva Mandavilli

    Reinforcing the solid point above:

    Data from monkeys suggests that even low levels of antibodies can prevent serious illness from the virus, if not a re-infection. Even if circulating antibody levels are undetectable, the body retains the memory of the pathogen. If it crosses paths with the virus again, balloon-like cells that live in the bone marrow can mass-produce antibodies within hours.

    4. Schoolchildren Seem Unlikely to Fuel Coronavirus Surges, Scientists Say .

    Byline: Apoorva Mandavilli

    It's still a shock that so many schools closed their doors this year, partly from disease panic but also from compliance with orders from public health officials. Nothing like this has happened, and the kids have been brutalized as a result, not to mention the families who found themselves unable to cope at home. For millions of students, a whole year of schooling is gone. And they have been taught to treat their fellow human beings as nothing more than disease vectors. So it was amazing to read this story in the Times :

    So far, schools do not seem to be stoking community transmission of the coronavirus, according to data emerging from random testing in the United States and Britain. Elementary schools especially seem to seed remarkably few infections.

    5. One-Third of All U.S. Coronavirus Deaths Are Nursing Home Residents or Workers .

    Byline Karen Yourish, K.K. Rebecca Lai, Danielle Ivory and Mitch Smith

    Another strangely missing part of mainstream coverage has been honesty about the risk gradient in the population. It is admitted even by the World Health Organization that the case fatality rate for Covid-19 from people under the age of 70 is 0.05%. The serious danger is for people with low life expectancy and broken immune systems. Knowing that, as we have since February, we should have expected the need for special protection for nursing homes. It was incredibly obvious. Instead of doing that, some governors shoved Covid patients into nursing homes. Astonishing. In any case, the above article (and this one too) was one of the few times this year that the Times actually spelled out the many thousands times risk to the aged and sick as versus the young and healthy.

    Notable Opinion columns

    The op-ed page of the paper mirrored the news coverage, with only a handful of exceptions. Those are noted below.

    Is Our Fight Against Coronavirus Worse Than the Disease?

    Op-ed by David Katz

    I am deeply concerned that the social, economic and public health consequences of this near total meltdown of normal life -- schools and businesses closed, gatherings banned -- will be long lasting and calamitous, possibly graver than the direct toll of the virus itself. The stock market will bounce back in time, but many businesses never will. The unemployment, impoverishment and despair likely to result will be public health scourges of the first order.

    Worse, I fear our efforts will do little to contain the virus, because we have a resource-constrained, fragmented, perennially underfunded public health system. Distributing such limited resources so widely, so shallowly and so haphazardly is a formula for failure. How certain are you of the best ways to protect your most vulnerable loved ones? How readily can you get tested?

    Quarantine May Negatively Affect Kids' Immune Systems .

    Op-ed by Donna L. Farber and Thomas Connors

    During the Covid-19 pandemic, the world is unwittingly conducting what amounts to the largest immunological experiment in history on our own children. We have been keeping children inside, relentlessly sanitizing their living spaces and their hands and largely isolating them. In doing so, we have prevented large numbers of them from becoming infected or transmitting the virus. But in the course of social distancing to mitigate the spread, we may also be unintentionally inhibiting the proper development of children's immune systems.

    What Has Lockdown Done to Us? .

    Op-ed by By Drew Holden

    Our mental health suffers, too. The psychological effects of loneliness are a health risk comparable with risk obesity or smoking. Anxiety and depression have spiked since lockdown orders went into effect. The weeks immediately following them saw nearly an 18 percent jump in overdose deaths and, as of last month, more than 40 states had reported increases. One in four young adults age 18 to 25 reported seriously considering suicide within the 30-day window of a recent study. Experts fear that suicides may increase; for young Americans, these concerns are even more acute. Calls to domestic violence hotlines have soared. America's elderly are dying from the isolation that was meant to keep them safe.

    [Dec 29, 2020] Small but important difference

    Dec 29, 2020 |

    mijj , Dec 28 2020 20:35 utc | 12

    > "Wuhan, where the first large outbreak of Covid-19 occurred"

    .. ahem .. where a detection was first made public. (not the location of the first outbreak)

    [Dec 28, 2020] Twelve Times The 'Lockdowners' Were Wrong - ZeroHedge

    Dec 28, 2020 |

    Twelve Times The 'Lockdowners' Were Wrong BY TYLER DURDEN SUNDAY, DEC 27, 2020 - 23:35

    Authored by Phillip Magness via The American Institute for Economic Research,

    This has been a year of astonishing policy failure. We are surrounded by devastation conceived and cheered by intellectuals and their political handmaidens...

    The errors number in the thousands, so please consider the following little more than a first draft, a mere guide to what will surely be unearthed in the coming months and years. We trusted these people with our lives and liberties and here is what they did with that trust.

    1. Anthony Fauci says lockdowns are not possible in the United States (January 24):

    When asked about the mass quarantine containment efforts underway in Wuhan, China back in January, Fauci dismissed the prospect of lockdowns ever coming to the United States :

    "That's something that I don't think we could possibly do in the United States, I can't imagine shutting down New York or Los Angeles, but the judgement on the part of the Chinese health authorities is that given the fact that it's spreading throughout the provinces it's their judgement that this is something that in fact is going to help in containing it. Whether or not it does or does not is really open to question because historically when you shut things down it doesn't have a major effect."

    Less than two months later, 43 of 50 US states were under lockdown – a policy advocated by Fauci himself.

    1. US government and WHO officials advise against mask use (February and March)

    When mask sales spiked due to widespread individual adoption in the early weeks of the pandemic, numerous US government and WHO officials took to the airwaves to describe masks as ineffective and discourage their use.

    Surgeon General Jerome Adams tweeted against masks on February 29. Anthony Fauci publicly discouraged mask use in a nationally broadcast 60 Minutes interview on March 7. At a March 30 World Health Organization briefing its Director-General supported mask use in medical settings but dissuaded the same in the general public.

    By mid-summer, all had reversed course and encouraged mask-wearing in the general public as an essential tool for halting the pandemic. Fauci essentially conceded that he lied to the public in order to prevent a shortage on masks, whereas other health officials did an about-face on the scientific claims around masking.

    While mainstream epidemiology literature stressed the ambiguous nature of evidence surrounding masks as recently as 2019 , these scientists were suddenly certain that masks were something of a magic bullet for Covid. It turns out that both positions are likely wrong. Masks appear to have marginal effects at diminishing spread, especially in highly infectious settings and around the vulnerable. But their effectiveness at combating Covid has also been grossly exaggerated, as illustrated by the fact that mask adoption reached near-universal levels in the US by the summer with little discernible effect on the course of the pandemic.

    1. Anthony Fauci 's decimal error in estimating Covid's fatality rates (March 11)

    Fauci testified before Congress in early March where he was asked to estimate the severity of the disease in comparison to influenza. His testimony that Covid was "10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu" stoked widespread alarm and provided a major impetus for the decision to go into lockdown.

    The problem, as Ronald Brown documented in an epidemiology journal article , is that Fauci based his estimates on a conflation of the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) and Case Fatality Rate (CFR) for influenza, leading him to exaggerate the comparative danger of Covid by an order of magnitude. Fauci's error – which he further compounded in a late February article for the New England Journal of Medicine – helped to convince Congress of the need for drastic lockdown measures, while also spreading panic in the media and general public. As of this writing Fauci has not acknowledged the magnitude of his error, nor has the journal corrected his article.

    1. "Two weeks to flatten the curve" (March 16)

    The lockdowners settled on a catchy slogan in mid-March to justify their unprecedented shuttering of economic and social life around the globe: two weeks to flatten the curve. The White House Covid task force aggressively promoted this line , as did the news media and much of the epidemiology profession. The logic behind the slogan came from the ubiquitous graph showing (1) a steep caseload that would overwhelm our hospital system, or (2) a mitigated alternative that would spread the caseload out over several weeks, making it manageable.

    To get to graph #2, society would need to buckle up for two weeks of shelter-in-place orders until the capacity issue could be managed. Indeed, we were told that if we did not accept this solution the hospital system would enter into catastrophic failure in only 10 days, as former DHS pandemic adviser Tom Bossert claimed in a widely-circulated interview and Washington Post column on March 11.

    Two weeks came and went, then the rationale on which they were sold to the public shifted. Hospitals were no longer on the verge of being overwhelmed – indeed most hospitals nationwide remained well under capacity, with only a tiny number of exceptions in the worst-hit neighborhoods of New York City.

    A US Navy hospital ship sent to relieve New York departed a month later after serving only 182 patients , and a pop-up hospital in the city's Javits Convention Center sat mostly empty . But the lockdowns remained in place, as did the emergency orders justifying them. Two weeks became a month, which became two months, which became almost a year. We were no longer "flattening the curve" – a strategy premised on saving the hospital system from a threat than never manifested – but instead refocused on using lockdowns as a general suppression strategy against the disease itself. In short, the epidemiology profession sold us a bill of goods.

    1. Neil Ferguson predicts a "best case" US scenario of 1.1 million deaths (March 20)

    The name Neil Ferguson, the lead modeler and chief spokesman for Imperial College London's pandemic response team, has become synonymous with lockdown alarmism for good reason. Ferguson has a long track record of making grossly exaggerated predictions of catastrophic death tolls for almost every single disease that comes along, and urging aggressive policy responses to the same including lockdowns.

    Covid was no different, and Ferguson assumed center stage when he released a highly influential model of the virus's death forecasts for the US and UK. Ferguson appeared with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson on March 16 to announce the shift toward lockdowns (with no small irony, he was coming down with Covid himself at the time and may have been the patient zero of a super-spreader event that ran through Downing Street and infected Johnson himself).

    Across the Atlantic, Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx cited Ferguson's model as a direct justification for locking down the US. There was a problem though: Ferguson had a bad habit of dramatically hyping his own predictions to political leaders and the press. The Imperial College paper modeled a broad range of scenarios including death tolls that ranged from tens of thousands to over 2 million, but Ferguson's public statements only stressed the latter – even though the paper itself conceded that such an extreme "worst case" scenario was highly unrealistic. A telling example came on March 20th when the New York Times's Nicholas Kristof contacted the Imperial College modeler to ask about the most likely scenario for the United States. As Kristof related to his readers, "I asked Ferguson for his best case. "About 1.1 million deaths," he said."

    1. Researchers in Sweden use the Imperial College model to predict 95,000 deaths (April 10)

    After Neil Ferguson's shocking death toll predictions for the US and UK captivated policymaker attention and drove both governments into lockdown, researchers in other countries began adapting the Imperial College model to their own circumstances. Usually, these models sought to reaffirm the decisions of each country to lock down. The government of Sweden, however, had decided to buck the trend, setting the stage for a natural experiment to test the Imperial model's performance.

    In early April a team of researchers at Uppsala University adapted the Imperial model to Sweden's population and demographics and ran its projections. Their result? If Sweden stayed the course and did not lock down, it could expect a catastrophic 96,000 deaths by early summer. The authors of the study recommended going into immediate lockdown, but since Sweden lagged behind Europe in adopting such measures they also predicted that this "best case" option would reduce deaths to "only" 30,000.

    By early June when the 96,000 prediction was supposed to come true, Sweden had recorded 4,600 deaths. Six months later, Sweden has about 8,000 deaths – a severe pandemic to be sure, but an order of magnitude smaller than what the modelers predicted . Facing embarrassment from these results, Ferguson and Imperial College attempted to distance themselves from the Swedish adaptation of their model in early May. Yet the Uppsala team's projections closely matched Imperial's own UK and US predictions when scaled to reflect their population sizes. In short, the Imperial model catastrophically failed one of the few clear natural experiment tests of its predictive ability.

    1. Scientists suggest that ocean spray spreads Covid (April 2)

    In the second week of the lockdowns several newspapers in California promoted a bizarre theory: Covid could spread by ocean spray (although the paper later walked back the headline-grabbing claim, it is outlined here in the Los Angeles Times ). According to this theory – initially promoted by a group of biologists who study bacterial infection connected to storm runoff – the Covid virus washed down storm gutters and into the ocean, where the ocean breeze would kick it up into the air and infect people on the nearby beaches. As silly as this theory now sounds, it helped to inform California's initially draconian enforcement of lockdowns on its public beaches.

    The same week that this modern-day miasmic drift theory appeared, police in Malibu even arrested a lone paddleboarder for going into the ocean during the lockdown – all while citing the possibility that the ocean breeze carried Covid with it.

    1. Neil Ferguson predicts catastrophic death tolls in US states that reopen (May 24)

    Fresh off of their exaggerated predictions from March, the Imperial College team led by Neil Ferguson doubled down on alarmist modeling. As several US states started to reopen in late April and May, Ferguson and his colleagues published a new model predicting another catastrophic wave of deaths by the mid-summer. Their model focused on 5 states with both moderate and severe outbreaks during the first wave. If they reopened, according to the Imperial team's model, New York could face up to 3,000 deaths per day by July.

    Florida could hit as high as 4,000, and California could hit 5,000 daily deaths. Keeping in mind that these projections were for each state alone, they exceed the daily death toll peaks for the entire country in both the fall and spring. Showing just how bad the Imperial model was, the actual death toll by mid-July in several of the examined states even fell below the lower confidence boundary of its projected count . While Covid remains a threat in all 5 states, the post-reopening explosion of deaths predicted by Imperial College and used to argue for keeping the lockdowns in place never happened.

    1. Anthony Fauci credits lockdowns for beating the virus in Europe (July 31)

    In late July Anthony Fauci offered additional testimony to Congress. His message credited Europe's heavy lockdowns with defeating the virus, whereas he blamed the United States for reopening too early and for insufficient aggressiveness in the initial lockdowns. As Fauci stated at the time, "If you look at what happened in Europe, when they shut down or locked down or went to shelter in place -- however you want to describe it -- they really did it to the tune of about 95% plus of the country did that."

    The message was clear: the United States should have followed Europe, but failed to do so and got a summer wave of Covid instead. Fauci's entire argument however was based on a string of falsehoods and errors.

    Mobility data from the US clearly showed that most Americans were staying home during the spring outbreak, with a recorded decline that matched Germany, the Netherlands, and several other European countries. Contrary to Fauci's claim, the US was actually slower than most of Europe to reopen. Furthermore, his praise of Europe collapsed in the early fall when almost all of the lockdown countries in Europe experienced severe second waves – just like the locked down regions of the United States.

    1. New Zealand and Australia declare themselves Covid-free (August-present)

    New Zealand and Australia have thus far weathered the pandemic with extremely low case counts, leading many epidemiologists and journalists to conflate these results with evidence of their successful and replicable mitigation policies. In reality, New Zealand and Australia opted for the medieval ' Prince Prospero' strategy of attempting to wall themselves from the world until the pandemic passes – an approach that is highly dependent on their unique geographies.

    As island nations with comparatively lower international travel than North America and Europe, both countries shut down their borders before the as-of-yet undetected virus became widespread and have remained closed ever since. It's a costly strategy in terms of its economic impact and personal displacement, but it kept the virus out – mostly.

    The problem with New Zealand and Australia's Prince Prospero strategy is that it's inherently fragile. All it takes to throw it into chaos is for the virus to slip past the border – including by accident or human error. Then heavy-handed lockdowns ensue, imposed with maximum disruption at the spur of the moment in a frantic attempt to contain the breach.

    The most famous example happened on August 9 when New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern declared that New Zealand had reached 100 days of being Covid-free . Then just two days later a breach happened , sending Auckland into heavy lockdown. It's a pattern that has repeated itself every few weeks in both countries.

    In early December, we saw a similar flurry of stories from Australia announcing that the country had beaten Covid . Two weeks later, another breach occurred in the suburbs around Sydney, prompting a regional lockdown . There have been embarrassing missteps as well. In November the entire state of South Australia went into heavy lockdown over a single misreported case of Covid that was mistakenly attributed to a pizza purchase that did not exist. While both countries continue to celebrate their low fatality rates, they've also incurred some of the harshest and most disruptive restrictions in the world – all the result of premature declarations of being "Covid-free" followed by an unexpected breach and another frantic lockdown.

    1. "Renewed lockdowns are just a strawman" (October)

    In early October a group of scientists met at AIER where they drafted and signed the Great Barrington Declaration , a statement calling attention to the severe social and economic harms of lockdowns and urging the world to adopt alternative strategies for ensuring the protection of the most vulnerable. Although the statement quickly gathered tens of thousands of co-signers from health science and medical professionals, it also left the lockdown supporters incensed. They responded not by scientific debate over the merits of their policies, but with a vilification campaign .

    They answered by flooding the petition with hoax signatures and juvenile name-calling, and by peddling wildly false conspiracy theories about AIER's funding (the primary instigator of both tactics, ironically, was a UK blogger known for promoting 9/11 Truther conspiracies ). But the lockdowners also adopted another narrative: they began to deny that lockdowns were even on the table.

    Nobody was considering bringing back the lockdowns from the spring, they insisted. Arguing against the politically unpopular shelter-in-place orders in the fall only served the purpose of undermining public support for narrower and more temperate restrictions. The Great Barrington authors, we were told, were arguing with a "strawman" from the past.

    Over the next several weeks in October a dozen or more prominent epidemiologists, public health experts, and journalists peddled the "lockdowns are a strawman" line . The "strawman" claim saw promotion in top outlets including the New York Times , and in an op-ed by two principle co-signers of the John Snow Memorandum, a competing petition that lockdown supporters drafted as a response to the Great Barrington Declaration.

    The message was clear: the GBD was sounding a false alarm against policies from the past that the lockdowners "reluctantly" supported in the spring as an emergency measure but had no intention of reviving. By early November, the "strawman" of renewed lockdowns became a reality in dozens of countries across the globe – often cheered on by the very same people who used the "strawman" canard in October.

    Several US states followed suit including California, which imposed severe restrictions on private gatherings up to and including meeting your own family for Thanksgiving and Christmas. And a few weeks after that, some of the very same epidemiologists who used the "strawman" line in October revised their own positions after the fact. They started claiming they had supported a second lockdown all along, and began blaming the GBD for impeding their efforts to impose them at an earlier date. In short, the entire "lockdowns are a strawman" narrative was false. And it now appears that more than a few of the scientists who used it were actively lying about their own intentions in October.

    1. Anthony Fauci touts New York as a model for Covid containment (June-December)

    By all indicators, New York state has suffered one of the worst coronavirus outbreaks in the world. Its year-end mortality rate of almost 1,900 deaths per million residents exceeds every single country in the world. The state famously bungled its nursing home response when Governor Andrew Cuomo forced these facilities to readmit Covid-positive patients as a way to relieve strains on hospitals. The policy backfired as most hospitals never reached capacity, but the readmissions introduced the virus into vulnerable nursing home populations resulting in widespread fatalities (to this day New York intentionally undercounts nursing home fatalities by excluding residents who are moved to a hospital from its reported numbers, further obscuring the true toll of Cuomo's order).

    New York has also fared poorly during the fall "second wave" despite reimposing harsh restrictions and regional lockdown measures. By mid-December, its death rate shot far above the mostly-open state of Florida, which has the closest comparable population size to New York. All things considered, New York's weathering of the pandemic is an exemplar of what not to do.

    Cuomo's policies not only failed to contain the virus – they likely made it far more deadly to vulnerable populations. Enter Anthony Fauci, who has been asked multiple times in the press what a model Covid response policy would look like. He gave his first answer on July 20th : "We know that, when you do it properly, you bring down those cases. We have done it. We have done it in New York."

    Fauci was operating under the assumption that New York, despite its bad run in the spring, had successfully brought the pandemic under control through its aggressive lockdowns and slow reopening. One might think that the fall rebound in New York, despite locking down again, would call this conclusion into question. Not so much for Dr. Fauci, who told the Wall Street Journal on December 8 : "New York got hit really badly in the beginning" but they did "a really good job of keeping things down, and still, their level is low compared to the rest of the country."

    [Dec 27, 2020] The New COVID-19 Strain Is A Political Disaster Of Our Own Making - ZeroHedge

    Dec 27, 2020 |

    The New COVID-19 Strain Is A Political Disaster Of Our Own Making BY TYLER DURDEN SUNDAY, DEC 27, 2020 - 9:20

    Authored by Rob Sutton via,

    By seeking answers to scientific questions no-one had asked, we find ourselves assigning importance to discoveries which may have none...

    I n justifying the move to a new national lockdown, the leaders of the UK briefly enjoyed the political fortune of a headline-grabbing finding: a new strain of Covid-19, possibly more virulent than the old.

    This strain, despite the paucity of scientific data, has been described as "up to 70 per cent more transmissible than the old variant," and it is this figure which has gripped the media and policymakers. The tendency towards catastrophism is palpable.

    Yet this new strain, VUI-202012/01, quickly transcended its role within national politics as the justification for introducing Tier 4 lockdowns. The fear of a new, super-transmissible mutant strain has spread to other nations, who are similarly eager to display the sort of knee-jerk reactionary interventions being generously described as "decisive leadership." Over 30 countries have banned entry by UK citizens over fears of the new strain, with chaotic scenes at Dover exacerbating already tetchy Brexit negotiations.

    Never mind that the Department of Health committee whose recommendations regarding the new strain expressed considerable uncertainty about the transmissibility and dangers posed. At present, the precautionary principle completely dominates decision making in Westminster and the devolved assemblies. "Better safe than sorry," we hear, as further lockdowns are announced without the slightest hint of legislative oversight.

    How has this happened so quickly? It seems that hardly had news of a mutant strain of Covid-19 broken that we were promptly shepherded into Tier 4 and became a global pariah. To understand how this panic has developed, we need to understand the nature of diagnostic medicine, its relationship to the scientific method, and how both might be abused for political ends.

    In Britain, we have one of the most advanced scientific, medical and technological infrastructures in the world. This infrastructure was greatly expanded during the early months of the pandemic, with Covid-19 diagnostic testing capacity rapidly increased. The reasons for this increase were largely political. By pushing to achieve 100,000 tests per day, the government hoped it might reassure an anxious public.

    Under normal circumstances, medical tests are generally not used with such political goals in mind. They form part of a process of hypothesis testing and Bayesian reasoning to guide the rational medical management of patients with diagnostic uncertainty. We begin by forming a question, choosing a test to answer that question, and applying that test, bearing in mind the limits of diagnostic certainty for a given investigation.

    The key here is that a diagnostic test is used to answer a specific question. We do not, as a matter of both economic feasibility and ethical restraint, apply scattergun testing to vast swathes of the population without a good reason. In populations at risk of a disease but otherwise asymptomatic, we might use screening to identify disease in an early stage and to improve treatment outcomes. But never before have we attempted to apply such intensive "screening" for such a poorly understood disease to guide such far reaching policies as the infringements of civil liberties we are currently seeing.

    At present, national testing programmes are being used as political vehicles to justify pre-determined policy prescriptions, instead of as scientific instruments to answer well-formulated diagnostic questions. Those policy makers who saw testing infrastructure as a way to tally-up some quick political points have instead scored something of an own goal, subjecting us to a torrent of data which, instead of reassuring us, only serves to give us more questions. The perversion of the scientific method doesn't get much worse than this.

    As an anxious patient who is subject to a battery of tests will only become more anxious as incidental findings lead to further follow-up questions, so too do our policymakers find themselves with more problems than answers through the indiscriminate application of the full arsenal of testing methods at the disposal of the British state. And these problems have a habit of producing even more problems through a cycle of positive feedback.

    Since the early days of the pandemic, the UK's testing capacity has been aggressively expanded. The original target of 100,000 tests per day was no sooner reached than it was replaced by a new target of 200,000 tests per day. The political thinking here is obvious: a big number ought to reassure the public. But this is extraordinarily myopic.

    More intensive testing leads to new justifications for even more intensive testing. The cycle is as follows: we start with a moderate testing capacity which is primarily used to detect cases among the sickest and most vulnerable patients, in order to guide further treatment. Concerns are raised by those not able to access testing for themselves. The government pledges to expand testing beyond its initial scope, and broadens the eligibility criteria to include doctors, nurses, care home workers and others.

    We start to include more and more asymptomatic carriers for whom a positive case has an essentially negligible risk of serious harm. Yet the number which captures the public's attention is the absolute number of positive cases. With a vastly increased number of tests, we get a vastly increased number of positive cases. And the government, seeing a situation running away from it and desperate to regain control by those limited means available to it, promises to further increase testing capacity. The cycle continues.

    More tests will naturally lead to more cases, particularly if those tests are used indiscriminately and with no real strategy in mind. The problem compounds when we consider the increase in the absolute number of false positives. The growth in false positives is linear with increase in number of tests, but the negative consequences for society spread out as a highly non-linear network, with isolation of contacts of (falsely) positive cases having expansive and synergistic negative consequences for broader society. But even without this, and assuming that all our positive results are true positives, by using testing as a form of mass-surveillance we have set ourselves up for a never-ending cycle of lockdowns.

    The same logic applies to the genetic testing which has unearthed this "new" strain, although we may yet find that it has been in circulation globally for a long time . By testing more, without knowing what we are testing for, we will find things which, from a political perspective, necessitate further intervention.

    The corpus of data which can be poured over to find new justifications for ongoing restrictions continues to grow. With the added dimension of genomic studies, the potential for the noise to smother the signal grows, particularly at a time when there is strong public and political demand for a coherent narrative. There will always exist some metric sufficiently intimidating that it might be used to justify a new lockdown. Yet we keep searching without really knowing what we are searching for or why we are doing it.

    There is essentially no logic upper limit to how intensively we can test and how many different techniques we can apply to elucidate Covid-19 and its various strains. Some strains will inevitably be more virulent, and will, by definition, have a greater tendency to spread. This is not, in itself, a cause for alarm; it is simply Darwinism on a microscopic scale. And whether these findings matter from a policymaking perspective is an altogether different question.

    The scientific method begins with a question and sets out to find an answer. If we decide to seek answers without questions, then we end up with data which must be interpreted and given significance post hoc, regardless of whether that significance really exists. Positive feedback cycles are difficult to escape from. The various governments of the UK and its devolved legislatures urgently need to rationalise the use of testing and clearly justify the introduction of any new investigative methods. Otherwise, we will be trapped by a political crisis of our own making.

    [Dec 27, 2020] New Study Suggests Asymptomatic COVID Patients Aren't -Driver Of Transmission

    Are not so called asymptomatic cases mostly a side effect of excessive amplifications in PcR tests? So they are healthy people who were "false positives" in PcR test. If this is true they present no danger.
    Dec 25, 2020 |

    Thanks in part to a massive investment in research by the British government, a lot of interesting data has come out of the UK, including a study which supposedly found evidence that immunity to COVID 'degrades' in the months after infection . Now, other studies have come to seemingly contradictory conclusions . It's just another reminder how fraught and complicated the process of study and research can be during an unprecedented pandemic.

    It should also be a reminder, particularly as all the world's top COVID-vaccine manufacturers reassure the public that their vaccines will work against the more infectious mutated strains allegedly discovered in the UK and South Africa, among other places, that the leading scientific and public health authorities aren't always 100% certain when it comes to - as they like to call it - "the science".

    And in yet another reminder of this principle, the American Medical Association's JAMA Network Open journal has published new research from a government-backed study that appears to offer new evidence that asymptomatic spread of COVID-19 may be significantly lower than previously thought.

    Some members of the public might remember all the way back in February and January when public officials first speculated that mass mask-wearing might not be that helpful unless individuals were actually sick. They famously back-tracked on that, and - for that, and other reasons - decided that we should all wear masks, and that lockdowns were more or less the best solution to the problem, even as millions of Americans continued to flout the new "rules" daily.

    But for those who don't, this paper makes one thing clear: For all the talk in the press about asymptomatic people being infectious, which included a heavy-handed rebuke of a WHO scientist who nonchalantly said a few months back that asymptomatic people don't spread the virus as effectively, there haven't been many large-sample-size longer-term studies that study how "asymptomatic" patients actually spread the virus vs. how "symptomatic" patients do, since most public health agencies don't even collect data on whether people who test positive are asymptomatic, pre-symptomatic, or symptomatic (a specification which, as most people probably know by now, can vary widely).

    Since the pandemic has only been ongoing for less than a year now, researchers have instead tried conducting "meta studies" - that is, comparing data collected in dozens of studies examining some aspect of the virus's functionality. In the paper noted above which examined 54 separate studies with nearly 78K total participants, the authors claim that "The lack of substantial transmission from observed asymptomatic index cases is notable...These findings are consistent with other household studies reporting asymptomatic index cases as having limited role in household transmission."

    This is of course not the first time we have heard this. Aside from the WHO scientist example cited above, two British scientists recently published an editorial in the BMJ imploring scientists to rethink how the virus spreads "asymptomatically".

    They pointed to "the absence of strong evidence that asymptomatic people are a driver of transmission" as a reason to question such practices as "mass testing in schools, universities, and communities."

    That's not to say that asymptomatic people can't spread the virus, it's just to say that maybe there is a significant difference in risk levels in terms of exposure . Of course, public health officials at this point seem to be afraid to acknowledge anything that questions the notion that everybody is potentially a threat. To be clear, the WHO's current guidance on the issue is that "while someone who never develops symptoms can also pass the virus to others, it is still not clear to what extent this occurs, and more research is needed in this area" - but at this point, they have changed their guidance and flip-flopped so many times, who even knows, understands or cares what they say?



    me title=

    Anyway, it's just some more food for thought next time somebody tries to lecture you about "the science".

    adr 1 hour ago (Edited) remove link

    Asymptomatic people can not spread a viral infection.

    This was considered fact until 2020.

    valjoux7750 1 hour ago

    Friend of mine passed away from non covid illness and the hospital offered to pay all his medical bills if allowed to record as covid. His wife accepted.

    Robespierre2020 23 minutes ago

    They will never, ever admit that asymptomatic actually means false positive. They must keep the case count up at all costs to keep stoking the fear.

    Itchy and Scratchy 1 hour ago

    The Big Lie is mutating quickly! Hide the women & children!

    Newstarmistagain 1 hour ago

    Anybody else get the feeling that this coronavirus nonsense is really nothing more than a huge Pavlovian experiment being conducted on the entire population? You do realize that Pavlov's dogs ended up catatonic, and in a state of perpetual fear, eh goiyim cattle?

    PanGlossius 1 hour ago

    Right on. This smells like the brute simplicity of Skinner or Pavlov programming. Crude, careless, short time horizon. Like the practitioners are just running out the clock.

    namrider 1 hour ago remove link

    Conflicting reports and information because it = PSYOP

    MrBoompi 33 minutes ago

    What is a "covid patient"? Someone who tested positive? The pcr test doesn't detect live viruses. Why would someone who is not sick, aka asymptomatic, be considered a patient?

    This is the fraud we are enduring.

    jomama 46 minutes ago

    Out of ~10,000,000 people observed, not a single case of asymptomatic transmission.

    This lie has the been premise for healthy people to wear masks.

    Reject the authoritarianism immediately.

    [Dec 24, 2020] Virus mutations are typically less lethal than the earlier form of the virus. Serial mutations are most common when herd immunity is being reached.

    Dec 24, 2020 |

    Liberty Blogger , Dec 22 2020 8:08 utc | 47

    Virus mutations are typically less lethal than the earlier form of the virus. Serial mutations are most common when herd immunity is being reached.

    How does this established science fail to disrupt virus lockdown mania?

    Fake science wins again on the panic scale.

    [Dec 10, 2020] Covid epidemic, PCR test abuse, and other calamities

    The fact that Cr (number of amplification cycles) was not reported, creates some bad thoughts. Especially about Fauci and his gang ;-) Can Fauci be sued for criminal negligence?
    Dec 10, 2020 |

    wonderman 3 hours ago remove link

    I lost my dad due to a drunk driver. Therefore, we should ban cars and alcohol. Maybe, we should also ban bottles because the drunk driver drank out of a bottle. Oh, and maybe we should ban humans too because ... You see the logic!

    LEEPERMAX 3 hours ago

    It's worth repeating


    Lansman 2 hours ago

    They will continue to manipulate the test results to ensure the desired level of fear and panic. It is the only way to get the public to accept their absurd lockdowns and mask requirements.

    Patrick Bateman Jr. 2 hours ago

    99.9992% of the US population has survived.

    ThePub'Lick_Hare 2 hours ago

    Time for every state to follow Florida by class action suit. This farce has gone on too long. Kudos to Florida for taking the initiative. Now at last people can ask relevant questions and insist on proper protocol. The Portuguese High Court saw false COVID testing for what it is, the spark and flame of a reign of terror. Time to douse the flames and the douche-bags inflaming the scam-demic.

    Lucky Guesst 3 hours ago

    The test results weren't supposed to change until after they got Trump out and after the vaccine release so the sheep could bow to the Democrats for "saving" them. The PCR cycle threshold will change to 5 after our 100 days of penance.

    Ajax_USB_Port_Repair_Service_ 2 hours ago (Edited)

    " Whoever wins the presidency " Will get the credit.

    Agree, covid hysteria is being controlled by some group more powerful than our president.

    [Dec 06, 2020] Tested 'Positive' For COVID-19- Be Sure To Ask This Question

    Highly recommended!
    Dec 06, 2020 |

    The lockdowns are based on surging "cases" which are based on positive PCR test results.

    However, what exactly is a positive PCR test result? What does it mean? As Dr. Tommy Megremis summarized recently :

    If you are generally aware, the PCR test is used to amplify small amount of genetic material so as to recognize patterns of DNA by "cycling." (Also, for RNA virus, the RNA is converted to DNA in order to be detected, it's just the way the test works) This is how we have been able to recognize the genomes in Egyptian mummies and Wooly Mammoths. It works because if you amplify and cycle enough times to "grow" legitimate DNA fragments, you get something with with a fair amount of specificity. W hat is becoming more and more apparent is that the PCR test was not designed as a diagnostic tool for infection, and really cannot function as one without having a huge amount of false positives, period.

    When it comes to COVID, the presence of viral particles picked up by the PCR technique does not and has not been quantitatively linked to an active "symptomatic" infection. It simply cannot be so, because infection threshold as a result of viral load is different for each patient. It turns out, if you "cycle" over around 25 times, the false positivity of COVID infection starts getting very high.

    I and others have explained in blogs how people can be exposed to virus, and mount a simple innate immune response and never know any differently. When you test these people with very low viral loads, who are not sick, you can find the viral RNA code that is used to "diagnose" if you cycle enough times. The last I read, Labcorp cycles at least 40 times to detect viral genome fragments. The PCR test was never intended for diagnosis of infection but as a qualitative test for presence of parts of a virus genome. I know there has been some confusion circulating the net about what the inventor Kary Mullis had said about that. But we walk daily with people who have any number of parts of killer virus or bacterial genomes which one could pick up with a PCR test if one had the specific test for it. Would we claim that that individual was an infected patient? No!

    So given all that, PeakProsperity's Chris Martenson explains below , in great details, the answer to the most important question you should ask if you or a loved one gets a positive PCR test result .

    "What's the Cycle Threshold (CT) value for that test?"

    Sounds wonky but it's actually really important to understand. A low CT value means someone is loaded with virus. A high value, oppositely, means less of a viral load.

    Beyond a certain level the load is insufficient to either infect someone else or be of any clinical or epidemiological relevance whatsoever.

    The problem? Governments all over the country and world are basing their decisions on CT values that are very high. Too high.

    * * *


    WHO PCR 47 (!) Cycles

    CT over 35 is non-infectious

    Cycle Thresholds Too Damn High

    Corman Drosten retraction request

    Bad Testing Video Sept 1



    Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories.

    UK PCR positive standards

    Kansas CT cutoff of 42 -- 10-5-20


    6 hours ago remove link

    Jon Rappoport (excellent blog) nails it in some of his recent posts.


    "July 16, 2020, podcast, 'This Week in Virology': Tony Fauci makes a point of saying the PCR Covid test is useless and misleading when the test is run at '35 cycles or higher.' A positive result, indicating infection, cannot be accepted or believed.

    "Here, in techno-speak, is an excerpt from Fauci's key quote: ' If you get [perform the test at] a cycle threshold of 35 or more the chances of it being replication-competent [aka accurate] are miniscule you almost never can culture virus [detect a true positive result] from a 37 threshold cycle even 36 '

    "Too many cycles, and the test will turn up all sorts of irrelevant material that will be wrongly interpreted as relevant.

    "That's called a false positive.

    "What Fauci failed to say on the video is: the FDA, which authorizes the test for public use, recommends the test should be run up to 40 cycles. Not 35.

    "Therefore, all labs in the US that follow the FDA guideline are knowingly or unknowingly participating in fraud. Fraud on a monstrous level, because millions of Americans are being told they are infected with the virus on the basis of a false positive result, and

    "The total number of Covid cases in America -- which is based on the test -- is a gross falsity.

    "The lockdowns and other restraining measures are based on these fraudulent case numbers.

    GenuineAmerican 3 hours ago

    Fauci has lied again the PCR maximum cycle for a accurate test results is 25 NOT 35. PCR is run, or should be run at 21-25 cycles everything else will give a false positive. Had a friend in Scottsdale MAYO. I had to go to this god-forsaken place to get him out. They were running the PCR at 42 cycles to keep him in the hospital because he had very, very good UNION insurance!! The health industries are all crooks, lying to people to get more money being paid to the orgainizations by the feds.

    BaNNeD oN THe RuN 7 hours ago

    IQ tests were always seriously flawed, just like the PCR test

    It does not measure creative or lateral thinking ability at all.

    I had scores that put me in the top 0.5% but I had no illusion that made me anything more than a good test taker.

    NatsarimAmericanoLion 6 hours ago

    Giorgio Palmas 21 hours ago

    2015: 2,602,000
    2016: 2,744,248
    2017: 2,649,000
    2018: 2,839,205
    2019: 2,909,000
    According to usalivestats(dot)com, there are 2,486,700 so far this year. There could be a lag in reports, but I doubt enough to fulfill their doomsday claims. The CDC still admits only 6% of these "COVID" are without 2 or more comorbidities, so that's about 25,000 or so. This is a mild flu season. Here are the recent flu numbers:
    FLU DEATHS 2010's
    2010: 36,656
    2011: 12,447
    2012: 42,570
    2013: 37,930
    2014: 51,376
    2015: 22,705
    2016: 38,230
    2017: 61,099
    2018: 34,157

    choctaw charley 5 hours ago remove link

    so what's the purpose behind the bogus plandemic. In order to institute a one world plantation several things have to happen. Foremost is the sense of "nationhood". a nation can be thought of as modeled on the family unit. We look similar, we share religious beliefs, economic and political views and we have a common history which we take pride in. We trust rely on and help another. If you have half a brain you don't need me to describe how all these are under attack. So how does the plandemic play into this? Yesterday you neighbor was your neighbor. Today he is behind a mask because the government tells you that he is a threat to you and your family and you to his! The plandemic was used to to hugely expand the mail-in ballot fraud further driving in the wedge suspicion. Then there is this: when you get your covid test there will be a permanent file created with your name on it. It will contain your genetic code and the test result. this will become the social register that is all over Europe. Get a traffic ticket; late in making a payment; engage in disapproved political activity as I am doing at this moment? All these will find their way into your file and will in the future determine the rate you pay on your home mortgage whether you can be employed in a government job, what you have to endure to board a commercial aircraft etc. There is also a great likelihood that contained in the vaccine will be a tracking component. Consider also population segment most vulnerable to covid: older retired people drawing on an already bankrupt social security ponzi scheme. Hitler referred to these as "Useless Eaters". He had a system in place to rid society of these. Later these faciliries were expanded to include the Jewish population.

    flyonmywall 9 hours ago

    I've done lots of PCR in my life. If you have to do over 35 cycles to detect or amplify something, you're probably barking up the wrong tree or there is something wrong with your assay.

    Once you ramp up the cycles to past 35-40 cycles, you're just amplifying non-specific competing amplification products, of which there are always some.

    You could have the best designed primers in the world, there is always some random **** that happens to get amplified at high cycle counts.

    Zero-Hegemon 4 hours ago

    False positives are beneficial for obtaining COVID money and creating hysteria.

    KimAsa 9 hours ago (Edited)

    these psychopaths have redesignated the normal course of annual deaths from heart disease, and other common ailments that old people die from, to Covid 19, to create the illusion of a deadly pandemic. they claim to have isolated this virus out of one side of their mouth, out the the other side they claim it has mutated (how many times?) so can't produce proof that this virus even exists. and out of their ******* they claim to have developed a vaccine?

    this is and always has been about the vaccinating the public for free moral agency prevention.

    Ride_the_kali_yuga 9 hours ago

    Covid "tests" are an efficient way to feed the false pandemic narrative with nonsensical numbers of "contaminations". Masks are a mark of submission.

    africoman 9 hours ago

    Re-posting someone's comment from this article Here

    by John Wear, (retired) lawyer, accountant, and author.

    Excellent points, now let's threw a monkey wrench in it to the Operation Warp Speed play_arrow

    Schooey 6 hours ago

    Its all BS

    KimAsa 9 hours ago (Edited)

    these psychopaths have redesignated the normal course of annual deaths from heart disease, and other common ailments that old people die from, to Covid 19, to create the illusion of a deadly pandemic. they claim to have isolated this virus out of one side of their mouth, out the the other side they claim it has mutated (how many times?) so can't produce proof that this virus even exists. and out of their ******* they claim to have developed a vaccine?

    this is and always has been about the vaccinating the public for free moral agency prevention.

    Ms No 8 hours ago

    They actually murdered people with the lockdown too though. Knowingly and premeditated...certainly some of those were also declared covid.

    smacker 8 hours ago

    " this is and always has been about the vaccinating the public "


    That has become clear. What we are only now slowing learning is what the sinister motive is.

    kellys_eye 9 hours ago

    Is the test for Covid or Covid-19. Can it tell the difference? The 'normal' flu and influenza are both corona viruses and this is the 'high season' for such cases in the Northern hemisphere.

    Strangely (or not) the incidence of actual flu and influenza are suspiciously MUCH lower than they should be.

    Ergo - tests that prove 'positive' for Covid are likely either false OR reporting on the flu/influenza.

    The LIES keep mounting and mounting.

    Harry Tools 5 hours ago

    there is no pandemic

    RedNeckMother 3 hours ago

    I will add another: FDA: 40 recommendation for testing

    And let's not forget the comments by Fauci that if they're testing at 35 they're going to get a lot of false positives.

    There's an attorney in Ohio who has filed a FOI to obtain all the ct levels used by the labs testing in Ohio. It will be very interesting once that is revealed - I'm sure our governor already knows the answer. If I recall, the NYT itself did an article on this very topic awhile back and estimated that 90% of the positive results in CT and NY were bogus. And going from 40 to 35 I believe reduces positives by 63%.

    We're being played.

    MoreFreedom 5 hours ago remove link

    Dr. Martenson's videos are very good. He's clear.

    As for "the science" and scientists, we all make mistakes. If we didn't make mistakes, we wouldn't have scientists pointing out other scientist's mistakes. But it's not a question of whose science is correct, it's that science is no excuse for taking away peoples' liberty.

    SRV 7 hours ago

    The inventor of the test (Dr Kary Mullis) was very outspoken that it was NOT developed for human virus confirmation...he died of cancer just weeks before the first Covid cases (hmmmm).
    The test procedure was developed as a screening tool in lab research, and he won a Nobel Prize for it!

    It's in your face proof of the scam we're all being subjected to that almost no one ever questioned (brilliant move really)... ONE cycle above 35 (each cycle doubles the amplification) will explode the the false positives.

    And... if you have no symptoms you DO NOT have the virus (remember how much play the "asymptomatic" BS story got early on... another psyop). Notice how none of the athletes never get sick and are back in two weeks... yet it's never questioned by a soul paid to look the other way!

    smacker 9 hours ago

    " What is becoming more and more apparent is that the PCR test was not designed
    as a diagnostic tool for infection, and really cannot function as one without having
    a huge amount of false positives, period. "

    This is not knew and didn't need to become "more and more apparent".

    The inventor of the PCR test Kary Mullis is on video record stating it. Sadly his expert
    knowledge has been wilfully ignored by the political elites and countless talking heads
    and "experts" because it doesn't suit them and didn't fit their agenda.

    It's time to prepare the gallows and stock up with rope.

    smacker 7 hours ago remove link

    The PCR test is used precisely because it can be manipulated to produce as many "cases" as wanted.

    Just turn the dial up on "amplification cycles" and hey presto, you get as many positives as you want.

    The cases are not genuine cases but simply PCR positive tests, but are reported as "cases" and then
    "infections" by MSM who are "In On It".

    The idea is "FEAR Management" which allows draconian CovID rules like lockdowns and tiers and
    social distancing to be introduced which accustoms people to being managed and controlled.

    It then ramps up demand for vaccines which is the ultimate objective. Initially (or soon after), the
    vaccines will contain nano-technology - dust-chips - which will be used for surveillance and control.
    Some say they will also contain ingredients to render people infertile (ie population control).

    We are seeing in plain sight the biggest coup ever against mankind.

    It must be stopped.

    smacker 7 hours ago remove link

    The PCR test is used precisely because it can be manipulated to produce as many "cases" as wanted.

    Just turn the dial up on "amplification cycles" and hey presto, you get as many positives as you want.

    The cases are not genuine cases but simply PCR positive tests, but are reported as "cases" and then
    "infections" by MSM who are "In On It".

    The idea is "FEAR Management" which allows draconian CovID rules like lockdowns and tiers and
    social distancing to be introduced which accustoms people to being managed and controlled.

    It then ramps up demand for vaccines which is the ultimate objective. Initially (or soon after), the
    vaccines will contain nano-technology - dust-chips - which will be used for surveillance and control.
    Some say they will also contain ingredients to render people infertile (ie population control).

    We are seeing in plain sight the biggest coup ever against mankind.

    It must be stopped.

    4 hours ago

    [Dec 06, 2020] How dare you granny killer to question usefulness of PCR test

    Dec 06, 2020 |

    GenuineAmerican 3 hours ago

    Fauci has lied again the PCR maximum cycle for a accurate test results is 25 NOT 35. PCR is run, or should be run at 21-25 cycles everything else will give a false positive. Had a friend in Scottsdale MAYO. I had to go to this god-forsaken place to get him out. They were running the PCR at 42 cycles to keep him in the hospital because he had very, very good UNION insurance!! The health industries are all crooks, lying to people to get more money being paid to the orgainizations by the feds.

    NatsarimAmericanoLion 6 hours ago

    Giorgio Palmas 21 hours ago

    2015: 2,602,000
    2016: 2,744,248
    2017: 2,649,000
    2018: 2,839,205
    2019: 2,909,000
    According to usalivestats(dot)com, there are 2,486,700 so far this year. There could be a lag in reports, but I doubt enough to fulfill their doomsday claims. The CDC still admits only 6% of these "COVID" are without 2 or more comorbidities, so that's about 25,000 or so. This is a mild flu season. Here are the recent flu numbers:
    FLU DEATHS 2010's
    2010: 36,656
    2011: 12,447
    2012: 42,570
    2013: 37,930
    2014: 51,376
    2015: 22,705
    2016: 38,230
    2017: 61,099
    2018: 34,157

    africoman 9 hours ago

    How dare you granny killer /sarc

    Frito 4 hours ago

    The past was erased, the erasure forgotten, the lie became truth.

    George Orwell - 1984

    [Dec 05, 2020] Mask are useful in closed spaces; a mask will catch some virus particles (and some bacteria and fungal spores), therefore it protects your health and that of people around you. The idea that opposing mask-wearing is somehow promoting "Freedom" is ridiculous.

    But in open spaces outside of densely packs crowds wearing of the mask is really ridiculous and opposing mask-wearing is somehow promoting "Freedom"
    Dec 05, 2020 |
    foolisholdman , Dec 3 2020 21:38 utc | 53

    EoinW | Dec 3 2020 19:06 utc | 22

    There are no excess deaths. People may be dying with Covid 19(using a faulty test how can anyone know?) but they are not dying of Covid 19.

    So why are the hospitals filling up?

    As to mask use: a mask will catch some virus particles (and some bacteria and fungal spores), therefore it protects your health and that of people around you. If everyone wears a mask there will be less diseases spread. (Less 'flu, fewer colds, less spread of TB.) Mask wearing is not lethal and not for ever. Stop the stupid bitching and wear one for the sake of other people if not for yourself!
    The idea that opposing mask-wearing is somehow promoting "Freedom" is ridiculous. The Chinese with their epidemic under control are vastly more free than we in the UK with our raging disease. E.g. the Chinese are free to not wear a mask if they feel like it.

    [Dec 05, 2020] The shotage of hospital beds capacity is being touted as the driver for lockdown. This is another great example of fear mongering by withholding the context.

    See also Nothing spectacular; this is not a new black death
    Dec 05, 2020 |
    Nathan Mulcahy , Dec 3 2020 19:24 utc | 28

    dearth of hospital capacity is being touted as the driver for lockdown. This is another great example of fear mongering by withholding the context. At 6:27 minutes in this interview of Dr. Margaret Flowers by Chris Hedge, Dr. Flower points out that from 1975 to today, the population of USA has increased from 215 million to 331 million. Yet at the same time, the total number of hospital beds has decreased from 1,500,000 t0 925,000!!!

    When the population increased by 53% the hospital capacity decreased by 38%. Without this contextual information, no wonder that the population is so very afraid of the dangerous corona virus, that they are willing to allow the government to inject them with a concoction made by a new technology, whose long term effects are unknown, and even whose efficacy is questionable at best. It is questionable on multiple fronts. If I understand it correct, Pfizer measures efficacy by quantifying any reduction in symptoms (rather than immunity). Besides, the occurrence of covid-19 is being measured with an ill-defined test method (see here

    It is so easy to fool people who cannot think critically.

    (Disclaimer: I have nothing against traditional vaccines, which I take. I am also not saying that COvid-19 is harmless. Rather its dangers are being overblown. Especially overblown is the inherent virulence of the virus in comparison to other related parameters that ultimately cause death)

    cirsium , Dec 3 2020 22:09 utc | 60

    Like the flu, the common cold and the other corona viruses, we simply have to manage it, and hope it evolves into something a little less contagious over time.

    well said Blue Dotterel (38, Dec 3)

    @foolisholdman, 54
    Hospitals are always fill up during the winter respiratory virus season. SARS-CoV-2 is not the only respiratory virus in circulation at present.

    ptb , Dec 4 2020 1:22 utc | 101


    European mortality data, week 49

    The yellow band is incomplete data, so still rising somewaht probably. Nevertheless, EU is coming out of it looking like the current flare up is about half as bad as the initial wave in the spring. This is WITH many weeks of reimposed restrictions.

    [Dec 05, 2020] Lockdown lead to atomization of labour

    Dec 05, 2020 |

    Jen , Dec 3 2020 22:56 utc | 76

    VK @ 24:

    "... Lockdowns as being inherently against the working class is a capitalist (liberal) falsification: if you pay them while they're kept safe in their homes, you'll have the best of the two worlds for the working class (being paid without working). This option is only an anathema for the middle class and the capitalist class - who can't imagine a world without the proletarians serving them ..."

    We all live in an interconnected world and middle class, capitalist class (whatever that's supposed to mean) and proletarians alike supply goods and services to one another. Money is the medium that facilitates such exchanges. It follows then that proletarians also serve one another and ditto for the other classes.

    If working classes are paid to stay in their homes, who then supplies their needs? In spite of Jeff Bozo's efforts and those of Elon Musk, not all transport is self-automating and robots in Amazon warehouses still need some human inputs to operate quickly and without hitches.

    One could also argue that working fulfils other, non-monetary needs. Karl Marx actually foresaw this when he wrote about anomie in capitalist systems of production, in which workers are denied control over their lives and the work they do by being denied any say in what they produce, how they produce it, the resources and environment needed to produce outputs, and maybe even whether they can be allowed to work at all.

    Lockdowns can be viewed as another method in which to deny people control over their work and work environments. People socialise at work and lockdowns may be a way to deny workers a place or a means to connect with others (and maybe to form unions). Is it any wonder then, that during lockdowns people's mental health has become an issue and public health experts became concerned at the possibility that such phenomena as suicide and domestic violence could increase?

    foolisholdman , Dec 3 2020 22:59 utc | 78

    foolisholdman | Dec 3 2020 22:21 utc | 68

    You can understand this from this quotation. It is the internal contradictions of the wesern capitalist system that is driving the changes we observe, not "pressure applied by China", which I would say is a myth.

    "The fundamental cause of the development of a thing is not external but internal: it lies in the contradictionariness within the thing. This internal contradiction exists in every single thing, hence its motion and development. Contradictionariness within a thing is the fundamental cause of its development, while its interrelations and interactions with other things are secondary causes."

    "It (Materialist dialectics) holds that external causes are the conditions of change and internal causes are the basis of change, and that external causes become operative through internal causes. In a suitable temperature an egg changes into a chicken, but no temperature can change a stone into a chicken, because each has a different basis."
    Mao Zedong. "On Contradiction" August 1937. Selected Works, Vol.1, p.315.

    Mark2 , Dec 3 2020 23:09 utc | 80

    Lockdowns are a medical protection to eradicate a contagious virus.
    The lock downs we have had are fake and we're designed to fail. For political reasons.
    The very people who complained 10 months ago, were responsible for them not working,
    10 months later those people are still complaining. They are the ones who have prolonged the contagion.
    They are to blame. That includes the polatians and duped public.
    It's deliberate !

    [Dec 01, 2020] Putting on a mask to drive in the car alone is like putting on a condom to go to bed alone and fall asleep.

    COVID-19 fears turned the vast majority of Americans into compliant sheep unable to think.
    Dec 01, 2020 |

    America's New Normal - Silent, Obedient Consent - Zero Hedge

    As we were driving to the park, I noticed a few bike riders on the side of the road wearing masks while biking. I thought to myself – WTF. That is completely idiotic. Then we began walking along the miles of trails. The park was moderately busy, but you passed someone every few minutes.

    Sadly, I would estimate that 80% of the people we passed on the trails were masked and fearful of us unmasked hooligans. I can only imagine their thoughts as they wondered why we were risking their lives by being so careless.

    I was disgusted by the lack of critical thought exhibited by these people. I might have understood if it was only people over 70 years old wearing the masks, but most of these people were young. They have virtually a zero risk of dying from this flu. They have virtually a zero risk of catching it on a walking trail at a State park. But, they obediently and silently do as they are told by their overlords.

    I am saddened by how easily the totalitarians have been able to use fear, propaganda, lies and misinformation to turn the vast majority of Americans into compliant sheep. It is so clear to me that this engineered flu panic is nothing more than another chapter in the scheme to enslave global populations under the thumb of global elitist billionaires who want to control us and enrich themselves.

    NotMyCircus 5 hours ago

    Everyday I see people alone in their cars wearing masks - there are very few people in the world who can think critically and use reasoning to understand the actual risks for COVID-19.

    99.63% of the people don't get it...

    StubbleJumper 4 hours ago

    Putting on a mask to drive in the car alone is like putting on a condom to go to bed alone and fall asleep.

    DamnSheeple 1 hour ago

    I just stare at them, honk and laugh.

    Omega Point 4 hours ago

    I agree, it really pisses me off seeing kids with masks. It is child abuse. Not only is it physically harming, it is doing psychological damage too. These kids will be afraid of their own shadow.

    Anyway, I'm getting a new t-shirt made that displays two children with masks on and the title "child abuse". I should get some interesting comments.

    diana_in_spain 4 hours ago remove link

    Parents telling their children to wear masks outside , it's beyond belief. We are truly doomed

    trailer park boys 4 hours ago

    Masks don't prevent. Masks don't minimize spread. Masks are unhealthy for the wearer.

    The whitecoat bureaucrats know this. It is not about science or health. It IS all about control.

    "The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule." - H.L. Mencken ay_arrow

    JUST THE FACTS 4 hours ago

    I dip my face diaper in cheap Vodka so its all wet looking

    before entering the supermarket.

    People get out of my way without being asked.

    fnfcst 1 hour ago (Edited)

    Right! If social distancing works, stay way the F* far away from me.

    sentido kumon 4 hours ago

    People have always been like this. They can not grasp philosophy, history, science or any other subject beyond eating and f'king. This whole covid hysteria has made that much obvious. Its likely that humans devolve and relinquish their brains since they have no use for it (other than eating and f'cking) and are just content being told.

    Omega Point 4 hours ago

    Perhaps the "elites" have a point. Too many useless eaters, breeders, and breathers.

    [Nov 23, 2020] There is evidence that asymptomatic transmission DOES NOT occur:

    Nov 23, 2020 |

    Vasco da Gama , Nov 22 2020 22:51 utc | 58

    There is evidence that asymptomatic transmission DOES NOT occur :

    Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly ten million residents of Wuhan, China

    Stringent COVID-19 control measures were imposed in Wuhan between January 23 and April 8, 2020. Estimates of the prevalence of infection following the release of restrictions could inform post-lockdown pandemic management. Here, we describe a city-wide SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening programme between May 14 and June 1, 2020 in Wuhan. All city residents aged six years or older were eligible and 9,899,828 (92.9%) participated. No new symptomatic cases and 300 asymptomatic cases (detection rate 0.303/10,000, 95% CI 0.270–0.339/10,000) were identified. There were no positive tests amongst 1,174 close contacts of asymptomatic cases. 107 of 34,424 previously recovered COVID-19 patients tested positive again (re-positive rate 0.31%, 95% CI 0.423–0.574%). The prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Wuhan was therefore very low five to eight weeks after the end of lockdown.
    my emphasis

    This study comes supporting early (June 2020) official statements by WHO where:

    We have a number of reports from countries who are doing very detailed contact tracing. They're following asymptomatic cases, they're following contacts and they're not finding secondary transmission onward. It's very rare and much of that is not published in the literature. From the papers that are published there's one that came out from Singapore looking at a long-term care facility. There are some household transmission studies where you follow individuals over time and you look at the proportion of those that transmit onwards.We are constantly looking at this data and we're trying to get more information from countries to truly answer this question. It still appears to be rare that an asymptomatic individual actually transmits onward.
    ( my emphasis ) COVID-19 daily press briefing 08 June 2020 (~33m24) - transcript

    There existing or not "asymptomatic transmission" is a key piece of information because there lies the fundamental justification for isolation measures imposed on asymptomatic individuals with positive rtPCR test results. Further, without asymptomatic transmission, general confinements can not be scientifically justified for the purposes of slowing down/flattening the curve as has been claimed .

    This recenters the pandemic response where it should be all along: properly diagnosed cases.

    It is very curious that no later than 24 hours, WHO, was backtracking on the original statements , letting us know that models [as opposed to actual epidemiological studies] suggest otherwise but since they were models they were not mentioned. I'll chalk that up as excess zeal at best.


    The supplementary material the study published in Nature was also revealing in terms of the rtPCR testing protocol, which employed, following Chinese National Guidelines, Ct values of ~35/34 (ORF and N genes respectively) on average. This arcs back to the question that has been haunting us, why are these tests being threshold at such high Ct values. In the Chinese case there appears to be an explanation. As the very title of the study mentions, these are tests made for screening purposes not diagnostic .

    The following is very enlightening, contrast the following case definitions:

    The European Case definition for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), as of 29 May 2020


    Diagnostic imaging criteria

    Radiological evidence showing lesions compatible with COVID-19

    Laboratory criteria

    Detection of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid in a clinical specimen [2] [rtPCR test]


    Case classification

    1. Possible case: Any person meeting the clinical criteria
    2. Probable case:
      Any person meeting the clinical criteria with an epidemiological link
      Any person meeting the diagnostic criteria
    3. Confirmed case: Any person meeting the laboratory criteria [see above]

    my emphasis

    The Chinese Diagnosis and definition of confirmed cases with COVID-19

    Mild case The clinical symptoms are mild and no pneumonia manifestations can be found in imaging .

    Moderate case
    Patients have symptoms such as fever and respiratory tract symptoms etc., and pneumonia manifestations can be seen in imaging .

    Severe case
    Patients who meet any of the following criteria: dyspnea or respiratory rate ≥30 breaths/min; oxygen saturation ≤93% at a rest state; arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2)/oxygen concentration (FiO2) ≤300 mmHg. Patients with >50% lesions progression within 24 to 48 hours in lung imaging should be treated as severe cases.

    Critical case
    Patients who meet any of the following criteria: occurrence of respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation; presence of shock; other organ failure that requires monitoring and treatment in the Intensive Care Unit.[at this severity they apparently dispense with imaging]

    Clinically-diagnosed cases
    The clinically-diagnosed cases were only allowed for the cases in the Hubei Province for the period of February 9 to 19 based on the 5th edition of the Scheme released by the National Health Commission of China released on February 8 and abolished on February 19. A presumptive case was defined as meeting the following criteria: (1) recent travel history to Wuhan City or Hubei Province; or close contact with a confirmed or probable case; or cluster transmission; (2) fever and/or respiratory symptoms; (3) laboratory evidence of normal or decreased number of leukocytes and/or lymphopenia. Those presumptive cases with further radiographic evidence showing pneumonia but without a positive RT-PCR test result were defined as clinically-diagnosed cases .

    my emphasis

    The take away: The Chinese rely on radiological imaging to confirm COVID-19 cases NOT on rtPCR tests which they limit for screening purposes, as opposed to the European which use radiological imaging to define a probable case and rtPCR testing to confirm. The Chinese rely on a tried and tested method for confirming diagnostic and the European rely fallible method generaly used for screening to confirm diagnostic .

    This is absolutely absurd!

    [Nov 18, 2020] Everybody Knows the Fight was Fixed OffGuardian

    Nov 18, 2020 |

    Jodie Nov 16, 2020 11:38 PM

    Wim Hof: "Afraid of corona? Fuck off!

    You are not afraid of the corona virus?

    "Afraid of corona? Fuck off! By the way, I think I've already had it. I am never sick, but last February I had a good few days. My wife too. Not that I was sick in bed or anything, because I'm too busy for that. In nature you don't have time to be sick either. There you rely on your immune system. That's your best friend. If you take good care of it, it will take good care of you. You really don't need a vaccine for that. That's why this is so important. This book, the movie, everything. Everyone should know this! "

    Your method would also work wonders for your immune system. Does it also help against corona?

    "Sure. And they aren't miracles, are they? We already scientifically demonstrated this in 2014. Back then it was about the E. coli bacteria, but the damage it causes to humans is basically the same as that of coronaviruses. It causes chronic inflammation in the lungs. Look, you shouldn't wait until you're on a stretcher on your way to intensive care, then it's too late. A house that is ablaze cannot be saved. But at an earlier stage, the Wim Hof ​​Method is much stronger than the corona virus. In fact, if everyone were to apply the method, such a lockdown would be totally unnecessary. And masks, and five feet away, and all that other nonsense. Stop it anyway. Vaccines, money, power, that's the disease! The answer is just in yourself. "

    DENMARK: 9 days of protests over a new law that "would be able to define groups of people who must be vaccinated. People who refuse the above can be coerced through physical detainment, with police allowed to assist."

    Covid accounts for less than half of last month's excess deaths

    Covid-19 justifies less than half of last month's excess deaths compared to the average of the last five years, the National Statistics Institute (INE) revealed on 13 November in its latest analysis of mortality in Portugal.

    The preliminary data revealed, indicate that "46.5 percent of the increase in deaths between 5 October and 1 November compared to the average of the last five years was due to deaths by Covid-19": of the 1,132 above-average deaths in that period, 526 were attributed to Covid-19.

    The disease caused by the new coronavirus caused less than a third (29.3 percent) of the 8,686 deaths that are above the average of the last five years, between 2 March and 1 November. 4 0 Reply

    Schmitz Katze , Nov 17, 2020 1:34 AM Reply to Jodie

    Wim Hof: "Afraid of corona? Fuck off!

    Kalen , Nov 16, 2020 8:20 PM Reply to George Mc

    MRNA technology is untested and its inoculation and immunogenicity model unproven so far. The mechanism of immuno-response to mRNA vaccine itself as well as side effects of cell development largely unknown, possibly facilitating enhanced autoimmune response. And that are general questions about technology not specific to COVID.

    Regarding SC2/COVID vaccine: They published nothing but headlies to blatantly bump the stock prices and dump their own shares. I checked everywhere no details. I will wait for paper in NEJM or BJM about phase 3 results as they published in July about result of phase 2 with 50% of severe to moderate side effects after second inoculation.

    Pfizer and Moderna have already been paid. So they have to hype junk they vomit.

    Moneycircus , Nov 16, 2020 5:37 PM

    UK Column News – 16th November 2020

    "When good science is suppressed by the medical-political complex, people die."

    Covid-19: politicisation, "corruption," and suppression of science , BMJ, Nov 13, 2020.

    "Politicisation of science was enthusiastically deployed by some of history's worst autocrats and dictators, and it is now regrettably commonplace in democracies.20 The medical-political complex tends towards suppression of science to aggrandise and enrich those in power. And, as the powerful become more successful, richer, and further intoxicated with power, the inconvenient truths of science are suppressed. When good science is suppressed, people die."

    Read full article here:

    Kier Starmer, Chief Tory Whip on the Labour Bench:
    "The challenge is how we get ready for the vaccine a logistical operation probably larger than we've seen since WW2." He then launches into military language: "The government must be quick, decisive and effective so we can give the British people the security that they need."

    Labour's culture secretary Jo Stevens complains gov does not censor online platforms enough. She says Labour has been warning the gov for years against vaccine skeptics.

    In reality the "disinformation" strategy does not come from Labour:

    In 2014 David Cameron, then PM, called at UN for regulation of the Internet. In 2017 Amber Rudd, then Home Secretary, interviewed Big Tech about counterterrorism and "hate". Google News Lab, Poynter Inst, and George Soros-backed fact checkers began to delist sites from search, including UKC and 21st Century Wire. 2018 Theresa May, then PM, formed Rapid Response "fake news units" in Cabinet Office, Foreign Office, Culture Dept, "using cutting edge software to work round the clock to monitor online breaking news stories and social media discussion." The Rapid Response Unit's chief, Alex Aiken,in 2018 gave examples of "concern" regarding social media posts on chemical weapons attacks in Syria, and the NHS and crime. 2019 Online Harms White Paper consultation completed by July. No overt action but covert activity has blossomed through 77th Brigade, 13th Signals Reg, etc. Sep 2019 BoJo spoke the the UN, with great foresight choosing to focus on vaccine "disinformation". Center for Countering Digital Hate (UK site, US spelling) identifies anti-vac as a worry.

    Axminster Hospital, Northern Devon Healthcare Trust, makes up rules against 93 y/o man.
    Nephew refused entry with his 93-y/o uncle because he was not wearing mask, for which nephew had an exception. Hospital demanded he wear a lanyard and complete tracing forms. Pressure alarmed his uncle, causing unnecessary risk to health.
    Bus driver had previously refused to let 93 y/o aboard bus because he forgot mask.

    UKC: Beliefs have become law. We don't have laws. We don't have evidence and facts. Instead people are being turned against each other.

    Further information: this is not a tender, it's a done deal.
    UKC viewer points out this is a contract award notice, agreed in advance, with the notice published to satisfy public procurement regulations.
    GBP 1.5 million contract awarded to Genpact UK

    Genpact UK slogan: Adapt and rise: building resilience for communities, people and businesses.
    It says its activities include: supply chain, leasing, mortgages and loans, on boarding, property, claims and underwriting, trade shows, credit risk management.
    UKC: looks like an enforcement agency.

    MHRA told UKC that EU tenders are visible in UK, thus not advertised locally. What is meant by expected high volume of adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine? MHRA replied:

    "A number of previous vaccination campaigns have been considered in order to derive estimates of ADR volumes in a forthcoming vaccination campaign Actual numbers of reports will be dependent on the number of doses administered and the use of concurrent treatments (for instance to manage fevers). Our past experience with other new immunization campaigns is that we tend to receive around one yellow card per 1,000 doses. Most ADRs are short term It is important to not that a report of a suspected side effect is not poof that the vaccine cause it, but a suspicion by the reporter that the vaccine may have caused the side effect."

    At the time of its tender award MHRA said its legacy systems could not handle the anticipated volume of Adverse Drug Reactions.

    UKC: MHRA's answer is not consistent with earlier statements.

    Mike Robinson: If as MHRA says the adverse reactions are 1 in 1,000 why would you need artificial intelligence. A simple database would suffice.
    David Scott : the level of adverse reaction must be enormous. The government must be asking how many casualties there will be.

    Brian Gerrish: People should know they can sue the Pharma companies. The government says they are not liable but under common law the people within those companies who knowingly implement mistakes are liable for their actions. The individual carries guilt for the crime.

    BBC Radio Four: "We don't know which vaccine will work. There are at least three vaccines. People may have to take more than one vaccine at different times to build up immunity."

    Metro: Sep 2019: Children could be forced to have compulsory vaccination under Government plans
    Health Secretary Matt Hancock says children could be forced to have compulsory vaccinations. Speaking at a fringe event at the Conservative Party conference in Manchester, in Sep 2019, he said parents must 'take responsibility' over the issue.

    "We need a massive drive to get these vaccination rates back up I said before that we should be open minded and frank, what I'd say is that when we – the state – provide services to people, then it's a two-way street, you have got to take your responsibilities too.

    So I think there is a very strong argument for having compulsory vaccinations for children when they go to school because otherwise they are putting other children at risk.'

    Now, you have got to make sure the system would work, because some children can't be vaccinated and some may hold very strong religious convictions that you would want to take into account.

    But, frankly, the proportion of people in either of those two categories is tiny compared to the 7 per cent or 8 per cent now who don't get vaccinated.'"

    UKC: Do you see what he is omitting: free will and rational judgement. You can have a religious or medical exception or you have to comply. Or no education for you.

    Police officers stop evangelical church from holding baptism service attended by 30 worshipers for breaching lockdown restrictions.
    – Two police vans and police car parked outside church's Mount Zion Hall building
    – Lead pastor Regan King, 28, said he wanted to hold the baptism in defiance of the restrictions because it 'served a greater good'.

    "Although tyranny may successfully rule over foreign peoples, it can stay in power only if it destroys first of all the national institutions of its own people."
    -- Hannah Arendt

    [Nov 18, 2020] Back in medieval times, the folk believed in Satan and witchcraft. It wouldn't have taken much to start off a panic about a demonic force threatening a community and plenty of people would be willing to vouch for sinister sightings

    The virus continues to evolve. The vaccine needs approval from regulators - and they, supposedly, will only grant that if they're sure that the jab is safe and works well. Meanwhile, concerns have been raised that mutated forms of the virus might hamper the effectiveness of future vaccines.
    It comes after 12 people were found with a mink-related strain of the virus following an outbreak in Denmark.
    Notable quotes:
    "... When someone tests positive we say they tested positive for Covid-19, but that is [different from what is ] the disease, not the virus, which is Sars-CoV-2. That's the first problem. Secondly, it was termed new, when neither the disease nor the virus is new because coronaviruses have been with us forever. ..."
    "... When the number of cases falls below a certain level, you must stop testing . Because if you keep testing people who are not infected, you are going to get more false positives than positives. ..."
    "... Many labs in Germany were creating artifacts in the lab through poor procedures. They created a cluster of 60 people in Bavaria. On retesting it turned out 58 were clear. ..."
    "... The whole idea of an immunity passport is stupid. Even if vaccinated and you have antibodies, you can only be protected if the number of viruses is low. ..."
    "... Vaccines against coronaviruses are unlikely to work and could be dangerous -- especially if you put the gene of the virus into the body , supposedly to make your cells produce the characteristics of the virus against which the antibodies are supposed to act. ..."
    "... These vaccines will create waste products and now the killer lymphocytes may start attacking healthy cells. I cannot prove this has happened but so many vaccines trials have had such serious side effects, pains, swelling, fever, muscle ache. The Astra Zeneca trial had to change its protocols before continuing which is not allowed. ..."
    "... Then transverse myelitis emerged. There are reasons to suspect that the killer lymphocytes may have been triggered into an autoimmune attack. ..."
    "... How are they going to prove a virus is effective? If you are under 70 your chance of dying from this virus is minuscule. If you are losing 5 out of 10,000 lives how are you going to show that a vaccine saves lives? It's not statistically significant. ..."
    "... As for lockdown, they are killing people who are not diagnosed for cancer, heart disease, from depression, from suicide, and economic depression that causes poverty. They are killing far more than they save. ..."
    "... If I was a "Conspiracy Theorist" I would wonder: is the mRNA vaccine is intended to weaken the immunity response? Because that is clearly a risk. ..."
    "... "a country where loneliness is widespread .. Americans prefer myths that induce them to act out of habit so they can lose themselves in the group." ..."
    "... The author here might be breaking the neoliberal convention of not describing people who live alone in terms other than 'Independent', 'Confident' and 'Emotionally Intelligent' ..."
    "... I commute for 3 hrs a day for work, at rush hour in a total of 6 busses full packed with the masked herd. Mine lets my nose uncovered 6 months of this got tested for work last week.. tested NEGATIVE there you go with your highly contagious deadly disease. ..."
    Nov 18, 2020 |

    Back in medieval times, the folk believed in Satan and witchcraft. It wouldn't have taken much to start off a panic about a demonic force threatening a community and plenty of people would be willing to vouch for sinister sightings.

    All of this could go on till the local priest decided it was alright to return to normal. Since he was in direct communion with God, he was the one with the credentials to determine when things were safe again. Now we have this: "Covid-19: Normal life back next winter, says vaccine creator

    The impact of a new Covid vaccine will kick in significantly over summer and life should be back to normal by next winter, one of its creators has said."

    Prof Ugur Sahin, BioNTech co-founder, says,

    "I'm very confident that transmission between people will be reduced by such a highly effective vaccine – maybe not 90% but maybe 50% – but we should not forget that even that could result in a dramatic reduction of the pandemic spread"

    Just tell us when it's safe, Professor. We'll believe you!

    Howard , Nov 16, 2020 10:17 PM Reply to George Mc

    Here's an article from Global about COVID vaccines which features BioNTech.

    Moneycircus , Nov 16, 2020 12:41 PM

    "The time has come for homo sapiens to stand up and start becoming human again. This scare has led man to lose reason as he follows the pied piper's call and we are being led to the downfall of civilization.

    Stand up, take those masks off your face, grasp each other's hands again -- no more social distancing, what utter nonsense because of a virus that has been with us since the beginning of mankind -- and start singing. The sound of the human voice is the only thing which is going to halt this pied piper's madness."

    -- Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi

    Are We Being Told the Truth About COVID-19?, Nov, 11, 2020 | Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi is a Thai-German specialist in microbiology and co-author of Corona, False Alarm.

    Moneycircus , Nov 16, 2020 1:45 PM Reply to Moneycircus

    Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi (notes from interview Nov 11, 2020)

    When someone tests positive we say they tested positive for Covid-19, but that is [different from what is ] the disease, not the virus, which is Sars-CoV-2. That's the first problem. Secondly, it was termed new, when neither the disease nor the virus is new because coronaviruses have been with us forever.

    These viruses co-exist with us . Every few months they mutate so that my immune system will accept them, otherwise they would be recognized on the second visit and be shut out. So it is completely normal that the most successful viruses in the world, which keep the host alive, which don't want to kill us, change a little all the time.

    When the number of cases falls below a certain level, you must stop testing . Because if you keep testing people who are not infected, you are going to get more false positives than positives.

    Many labs in Germany were creating artifacts in the lab through poor procedures. They created a cluster of 60 people in Bavaria. On retesting it turned out 58 were clear.

    Scenario two is immunity. The science is very fuzzy. One arm is the antibody that catches the virus before it attaches to the cell but this antibody fights one-to-one. It is a matter of numbers. The number of antibodies can become exhausted before more virus comes along.

    The whole idea of an immunity passport is stupid. Even if vaccinated and you have antibodies, you can only be protected if the number of viruses is low.

    Also antibodies peak after you are immunized but with time they decline. Your immune system does not do work unless there is a purpose. After two or three months, even with the passport, you are not immune.

    Our old antibodies are partially effective against new coronaviruses . Once the new virus enters our cells, waste products of the virus sit on the outside of the cell. The immune system's second arm, the killer lymphocytes emerge.

    Lymphocytes spot the similarity of the new virus to the old and attack the cell. One killer lymphocyte can kill many viruses-infected cells.

    This is the body's natural defenses. This is why more than 90% of people who are infected already have background immunity. Several recent reports have suggested people do have these lymphocytes and even those who don't display them may have them 'waiting in the wings' in the lymph nodes.

    Vaccines against coronaviruses are unlikely to work and could be dangerous -- especially if you put the gene of the virus into the body , supposedly to make your cells produce the characteristics of the virus against which the antibodies are supposed to act.

    These vaccines will create waste products and now the killer lymphocytes may start attacking healthy cells. I cannot prove this has happened but so many vaccines trials have had such serious side effects, pains, swelling, fever, muscle ache. The Astra Zeneca trial had to change its protocols before continuing which is not allowed.

    Then transverse myelitis emerged. There are reasons to suspect that the killer lymphocytes may have been triggered into an autoimmune attack.

    Secondly, suppose you have successfully generated antibodies but you have also reawakened those killer lymphocytes , like a boxer, you are stronger and ready for the next fight. Now when the real virus comes along, and overcomes the few antibodies that exist, you have so many killer lymphocytes ready for battle that they overdo it.

    This would be immune response dependent enhancement which ends in an over-strong immune response.

    How are they going to prove a virus is effective? If you are under 70 your chance of dying from this virus is minuscule. If you are losing 5 out of 10,000 lives how are you going to show that a vaccine saves lives? It's not statistically significant.

    As for lockdown, they are killing people who are not diagnosed for cancer, heart disease, from depression, from suicide, and economic depression that causes poverty. They are killing far more than they save.

    Lawyers around the world are going to bring those people to justice. The first cases are currently being filed in Germany. I hope the right ones will be taken to court because what they are doing is criminal. It is not a matter of belief. We know people are dying around the world because of these lockdown measures. Millions of people are starving to death in India and other places.

    We should be taking about why and how has our society allowed these things to happen. How and why and we must get answer so this will never happen again.

    Moneycircus , Nov 16, 2020 1:59 PM Reply to Moneycircus

    If I was a "Conspiracy Theorist" I would wonder: is the mRNA vaccine is intended to weaken the immunity response? Because that is clearly a risk.

    Vaccine trials suggest it affects quite a few people's immune systems negatively. So if another virulent disease were to come along in the near future, those people weakened by the vaccine would be very vulnerable to a different virus . (see Francis Boyle). If Covid were a deadly threat the risk might be worth it. That does not seem to be the case.

    Even if not deliberate conspiracy -- Let's use Bill Gates' own logic: Pandemics are the greatest threat facing humanity , or the second after "climate" -- according to Gates himself.

    Why would you mess with the immune system of hundreds of millions of people?

    The proposal from Bill and Melinda is to give it to healthcare workers and the elderly first. Again, examine the logic. If the vaccine produces casualties, you would have just created a crisis in the state health system -- perhaps bringing it to its knees, while accelerating the cull of elderly.

    Isn't one of the proposals of the Big Tech mafia to end traditional healthcare and replace it with "digital health" via a screen ?

    Myall , Nov 16, 2020 11:49 AM

    "a country where loneliness is widespread .. Americans prefer myths that induce them to act out of habit so they can lose themselves in the group."

    The author here might be breaking the neoliberal convention of not describing people who live alone in terms other than 'Independent', 'Confident' and 'Emotionally Intelligent'

    George Mc , Nov 16, 2020 10:52 AM

    You will be pleased to hear that your commender in chief is providing such excellent guidance on the requisite behaviour:

    "It doesn't matter that we were all doing social distancing, it doesn't matter that I'm fit as a butcher's dog, feel great. And actually, it doesn't matter that I've had the disease and I'm bursting with antibodies. We've got to interrupt the spread of the disease and one of the ways we can do that now is by self-isolating for 14 days when contacted by Test and Trace."

    So, things that DON'T matter: doing social distancing being as fit as a butcher's dog feeling great having had the desease and bursting with antibodies

    You must still follow the rules for track and trace and you should still be scared shitless!

    wardropper , Nov 16, 2020 2:38 PM Reply to George Mc

    These are people whose brains don't work, and who like having brains that don't work. People to be avoided at all costs – and certainly not allowed to become Prime Ministers.

    I_left_the_left , Nov 18, 2020 1:54 PM Reply to wardropper

    Comrade Carrie appears to control Boris's brain. Greens won 2.7% of the popular vote, but she found a better way to get her fantasy policies adopted than respecting what the stupid plebs want.

    Arsebiscuits , Nov 16, 2020 3:22 PM Reply to George Mc

    Being as fit as a butchers dog doesn't make any sense. He's got the Biden dementia going on

    Theobalt , Nov 16, 2020 7:00 PM Reply to Arsebiscuits

    They have to be fitter than the chocolate maker's dog though

    Theobalt , Nov 16, 2020 6:57 PM Reply to George Mc

    I commute for 3 hrs a day for work, at rush hour in a total of 6 busses full packed with the masked herd. Mine lets my nose uncovered 6 months of this got tested for work last week.. tested NEGATIVE there you go with your highly contagious deadly disease.

    [Nov 18, 2020] This whole coronavirus thingy is becoming ridiculous. I don't think it's a complete fake but what we relly have is a new coronavirus which is slightly more dangerous than the flu, which kills practically only very old people with comorbidities

    Nov 18, 2020 |

    Micron , Nov 17 2020 11:47 utc | 102

    This whole coronavirus thingy is becoming ridiculous. I don't think it's a complete fake ; yes, there is coronavirus named COVID-19, yes it is highly contagious, yes it's a health hazard.

    But to sum it up, we have here a new coronavirus which is slightly more dangerous than the flu, which kills practically only very old people with comorbidities, with 99,98% chances (ok, 99,95% if you like) of surviving it. given these odds, I'll pass on the vaccine, thank you.

    From the beginning, the whole treatment of this thing stank to high heaven. I'm sorry, but the only meaningful explanation I can give is this one : big pharma and its various shills (politicians or doctors) recognized the opportunity such a virus would mean ; they then set out to systematically downplay or kill any possibility of cheap and effective treatments, and cleverly directed the firehose of dollars which was poured onto the laboratories developing a vaccine.

    Some facts :
    - in France, we had two large-scale studies, Discovery and Hycovid, which were started (very reluctantly) and were pratically forced to include HCQ+AZ in their panel.
    - In the weekend following publication of the fraudulent Lancet newspaper, our health minister ordered a full stop.
    - Since then, months have gone by; NOT ONE JOURNALIST has either 1) investigated who were the accomplices of the Lancet fraud 2) questioned why all national and international authorities reacted in lockstep 3) and most importantly WHY THE DECISIONS TO STOP THE STUDIES WERE NOT REVERSED following the Lancet's retractation.
    -In October, we learn that the EU Commission gave a cool 1 billion to buy remdesivir. ONE WEEK before the WHO study concluding on the ineffectiviness of remdesivir came out.

    I'm sorry, but this is becoming a little too much. One coincidence OK, but here we are talking about a string of improbable events, with NO ONE analyzing with a cool head what happened or reversing decisions that were taken based on obvious frauds.

    Three weeks ago, our president solemnly declared that our OR would be saturated in mid-November with 9000 people under respiratory assistance, no matter what we do. Well here were are, and the tally is 4.800. Not a good situation, but still only half ; and with nobody pointing out that every winter, our OR are saturated anyway due to the flu and the influenza.

    I think we should all grow up and do a more level-headed analysis of the pros and cons. The most ridiculous thing perhaps is to see all those politicos sanctimoniously declare the sanctity of life ; in a world where you can abort babies at your convenience, practices eugenics, and where euthanasy is aggressively pushed into the mainstream, this is perhaps the most hypocritical bullshit I have ever heard.

    DG , Nov 17 2020 12:15 utc | 104

    Fauci was promoting AZT as a safe cure for AIDS in the 90's. AZT was killing people. I lost many dear friends from AZT.

    Fauci is a fraud.

    Avid Lurker , Nov 17 2020 13:53 utc | 109

    @ dave at 115:

    False Positive Covid Tests Will Extend Unjustified Lockdowns, Fauci Admits 'Miniscule' Accuracy

    gm , Nov 17 2020 14:44 utc | 116

    @Posted by: Avid Lurker | Nov 17 2020 13:53 utc | 117

    Meh...Fauci is a political creature who has talked on both sides of his mouth on many $ubject$, and goes with the (money)flow as long as he can get away with it without reducing his credibility too much.

    I wonder if Fauci is *still* singing the praises of Gilead's remdesivir, that $3K per treatment apparent snake oil, according to critics:

    Dr. Eric Topol, vice president for research at Scripps Research sez:

    and this,

    and this:

    Nevertheless the $3K per shot remdesivir just got *full* FDA approval, no doubt thanks in large part to High Priest Fauci's blessings and hosannas.

    Hausmeister , Nov 17 2020 15:06 utc | 119

    Most likely a game changer:
    Portugiese court rule against PCR-test
    Sorry, guys, this is a link to one of the best real-left Corona blogs, but in German language. In Portugal a court decided that a PCR-test cannot be accepted as a proof of a viral infection. Now think about its consequences!

    [Nov 09, 2020] 100s Of UK Medics And Academics Urge Boris Johnson- COVID Data Is -Exaggerated- And Second Wave Talk Is -Misleading- -

    Nov 09, 2020 |

    100s Of UK Medics And Academics Urge Boris Johnson: COVID Data Is "Exaggerated" And Second Wave Talk Is "Misleading"

    by Tyler Durden Mon, 11/09/2020 - 04:15 Twitter Facebook Reddit Email Print

    Almost 500 medics and academics have penned a letter to U.K. prime minister Boris Johnson - just hours after the U.S. election has been "decided" - informing him that official Covid data is being "exaggerated" and that talk of a second wave of Covid is "misleading".

    The letter was critical of the government's handling of the virus and said that the response to the pandemic has been "disproportionate" relative to the risk, according to the Daily Mail .

    The group claims that mass testing has "distorted the risk of the virus" , that the high numbers of tests are likely to be producing false positives, and that the infection and death rates need to be put into the context of normal seasonal rates.

    The group of scientists, medics and academics have also claimed that the U.K.'s second wave "has already peaked":

    Professor Tim Spector, who leads the Covid Symptom Study app aiming to track the spread of Covid-19 in the UK, confirmed that there were 'positive signs' the country has 'passed the peak of the second wave'.

    The letter is titled "First Do No Harm". It comes one day after the U.K. confirmed 24,957 positive tests, up 13.9% from the week prior's total. Immunologist Dr. Charlotte R Bell, pediatrician Dr. Rosamond Jones, and Keith Willison, Professor of Chemical Biology at Imperial College are among those who signed the letter.

    "The management of the crisis has become disproportionate and is now causing more harm than good," it says. "We urge policy-makers to remember that this pandemic, like all pandemics, will eventually pass but the social and psychological damage that it is causing risks becoming permanent."

    "After the initial justifiable response to Covid-19, the evidence base now shows a different picture," it continues.

    "The problem of functional false positive rates has still not been addressed and particularly in the context of low prevalence of disease whereby false positives are likely to exceed true positives substantially and moreover correlate poorly with the person being infectious. Alongside this we have the issue that it is normal to see an increase in illness and deaths during the winter months," the letter continues.

    Then, the group points out that the "second wave" may not be any different from a normal U.K. November: "It is notable that [the] UK death rate is currently sitting around average for this time of year. The use of the term 'second wave' is therefore misleading . We have the knowledge to enable a policy that protects the elderly and vulnerable without increasing all other health and economic harms and which is not at the expense our whole way of life and particularly that of the nation's children."



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    "The R rate of the coronavirus dropped in five regions of England this week - except London and the South East, where it did not change - and stayed stable at between 1.1 and 1.3 in England and the UK as a whole. Last week marked a drop from 1.2 to 1.4 the week before," the Daily Mail concluded.

    The letter was organized by a group called UsForThem, which opposes strong coronavirus restrictions.

    philipat , 5 hours ago

    It won't make any difference. They KNOW it is inconsistent with facts and makes no sense, which is precisely why they are doing it. It's part of the intended psychological grooming exercise. And it's simply what they are being instructed to do by the Puppet Masters. This David Icke video explains the process:

    kleptomistic , 1 hour ago

    Brazilian City Ravaged
    by Coronavirus
    Reached Herd Immunity
    in Just Months, Study Finds

    >Blood donations suggest that up to half of Manaus was infected at the epidemic's peak

    >coronavirus...swept through with little to no measures in place to stop infection

    >No lockdown was implemented and no major steps were taken to limit the spread of the virus.

    Manaus Brazil
    >Population 2,182,763

    Ravaged By Corona-virus?

    >4.5 times as many deaths as expected for that time of year!

    Wow! Ok, how many people died?

    ""The researchers estimate close to 4,000 people died from COVID-19 in Manaus"

    WTH? Are you kidding me!

    4.5X = 4,000
    x = 888
    4,000 – 888 = 3,112

    So an extra 3,112 people, OUT OF 2,182,763, died AND YOU CALL THAT "RAVAGED"?

    HALF of the population infected and 99.86% of population survived....THAT'S RAVAGED!?

    Let me guess, half of the dead were at the end of their lives health wise, 70% were over 65 and the medical care for everyone in the people's Socialist Utopia of Manaus is chit?

    Note the source is freaking they realize what they're printing. And Science News is big on "Climate Change" killing us all.

    Jerrod , 1 hour ago

    Even the UK MSM has started to realise it's a politicalized issue now, they've screwed up the economy so much that if they unlock, everything will collapse, they have no choice but to continue furlough (UBI) and faux lockdowns until the whole thing implodes, alternatively they could admit it and take responsibility, but when do politicians do that...

    kleptomistic , 38 minutes ago

    Covid-19 in California

    November 8, 2020
    24 people died from Covid-19
    7 of them lived in a care facility.

    74% of California deaths are over age 65
    27% of deaths are in care facilities

    Population of 36,560,000 other news

    76 people died yesterday, in California, from "medical errors".

    Aloha_Snackbar , 5 hours ago

    These politicians will just keep locking everything down until there's a vaccine and you can't reason with them about it; it doesn't matter that lockdowns kill more people than the virus and it doesn't matter how effective it is for people to build up active immunity. It doesn't matter that masks cause serious health problems and weaken immunity despite being evidently ineffective at slowing the spread of Covid and influenza.

    The vaccine is coming and for many people it won't be voluntary. In America we have guns and so the task of trying to forcibly inoculate everyone is a bit more daunting.

    BStreetMan , 5 hours ago

    It's an RNA virus. Forget vaccines.

    Aloha_Snackbar , 4 hours ago

    There's gonna be a vaccine regardless even if it's ineffective at providing passive immunity. There's too much money involved for them not to create one for mass distribution.

    strych10 , 4 hours ago

    It's not just money.

    Politicians have a pathogical inability to admit they've ever been wrong. So much so that they'll knowing lie on video and then contradict that lie, again on video, the very next day. When asked about the contradiction they'll deny saying whichever thing is convenient to deny in the moment.

    They do it on the news literally every day.

    Chain Man , 3 hours ago

    The Globalist are out to destroy "Free Speech", not so hard for them to do on line but, the street is another thing. Covid- 19 is just the tool they need. Pubs and restaurants where locals come together has always been a area of cross communication. They want to keep people from organizing.

    I worry about them (Biden and Globalist) trying to use Covid-19 (low Death rate) as a Line of acceptable conditions for a lock down in the name of safety of life. Then they will lock us down for the flue if needed. It's all about keeping people from organizing (Free Speech.)

    [Nov 02, 2020] A significant number of countries (e.g. Austria, Denmark, Germany [partial, Hesse Berlin only], Greece, Hungary, Norway) never had any excess mortality problem.

    Nov 02, 2020 |

    ADKC , Nov 2 2020 3:28 utc | 76

    The European Mortality Monitoring Project (EUROMOMO) has been monitoring excess mortality in Europe since 2008 for the purpose of "detecting and measuring, on a real-time basis, excess number of deaths related to influenza and other possible public health threats across participating European Countries."

    EUROMOMO's key metric is called the "z-score". Briefly, z-scores remove differences due to seasons and populations so that they are directly comparable with different countries and different time periods. More details on z-scores:

    What is a z-score?

    The following link shows "z-scores by country":

    Z-scores by country

    The user can adjust the period sliders to examine any length of time between 2015 and 2020. For example, to examine the UK's z-scores for 2020 simply adjust the sliders to the range 2020-01 to end (currently 2020-42). The user will be able to see that while there was a problem with excess mortality for the period from 2020-12 to 2020-22 there has been no real problem since. Also, the user will notice that a significant number of countries (e.g. Austria, Denmark, Germany [partial, Hesse & Berlin only], Greece, Hungary, Norway) never had any excess mortality problem.

    [Oct 30, 2020] There's a clue to the mass psychology of the Covid Death Cult. The rhetoric is very familiar from forecasts of rising climate chaos, but with "Covid19" substituted for "climate".

    Oct 30, 2020 |

    Flying Dutchman , says: Website October 28, 2020 at 10:18 am GMT

    The World Economic Forum:

    "Far from settling into a 'new normal', we should expect a Covid19 domino effect, triggering further disruptions – positive as well as negative – over the decade ahead. "

    There's a clue to the mass psychology of the Covid Death Cult. The rhetoric is very familiar from forecasts of rising climate chaos, but with "Covid19" substituted for "climate".

    In spite of all the rhetoric about a "green economy" and a "Green New Deal", deep down everyone except the most idiotic right-believers in the climate-industrial movement know that the climate crisis cannot be solved within the framework of the economic civilization.

    Since no one wants to face the implications of this, the global technocratic elites waging the terror-lockdown assault which uses Covid as a pretext had the idea to include among their propaganda a substitution of "Covid", which everyone (wrongly) believes can be controlled and suppressed by system institutions (just as they wrongly believe it needs special control), for the uncontrollable Earth.

    In that way they hope to exorcise the demon of mass fear-itself over unsolvable resource limits and uncontrollable ecological blowback and collapse by redirecting this mass-psychological energy into belief in the Covid cult and enthusiastic faith in the governments and globalist entities struggling to preserve their power. It's a call to throw away all uncertainty, doubt, rational thought and immerse oneself in the terminal mass know-nothingism.

    Maskochism and hex spacing are designed to be constant day-to-day rituals reinforcing this brain-dead obedience and propitiatory mindset.

    [Oct 24, 2020] Effects of overhyping the threat are indirect: lifting stay-at-home orders and opening restaurants isn't enough: Until consumers feel safe, they're going to stay away.

    Oct 24, 2020 |

    Richard Steven Hack , Oct 22 2020 22:19 utc | 34

    Forget Shutdowns. It's 'Demand Shock' That's Killing Our Economy.

    ... A recent survey by research firm Datassentials, for instance, found that 58% of those surveyed described themselves as "uncomfortable" with dining indoors, and 36% described themselves as "very uncomfortable." Not surprisingly, then, no matter how creative restaurants get, traffic is still down sharply in most places, and 2.5 million restaurant workers who lost their jobs in April remain unemployed. Similarly, gyms have been open in most states for months now. But a recent survey of 5,000 gym-goers by RunRepeat found that 70% haven't returned and 43% said they had no plans to go back. Half a dozen gym chains have filed for bankruptcy in recent months, including 24 Hour Fitness, the owner of New York Sports Club, and Gold's Gym, with many of them permanently shuttering a majority of their locations...

    The point is that lifting stay-at-home orders and opening restaurants isn't enough: Until consumers feel safe, they're going to stay away.

    [Oct 24, 2020] People are dying at a significantly lower rate in 2020 then normal

    Oct 24, 2020 |

    Deltaeus , Oct 22 2020 20:22 utc | 20

    What do you make of the latest mortality figures?


    ptb , Oct 22 2020 21:11 utc | 23

    fewer car accidents

    Deltaeus , Oct 22 2020 21:30 utc | 28

    ptb @23
    Thanks for responding. That's a good falsifiable hypothesis - I'll try and investigate the data to see if it explains the fact that people are dying in the US at a significantly lower rate than normal. If I can find the data, I'll report back.

    When I look at the charts, I see an epidemic that's over, but I'm willing to be convinced there is something else going on.

    ptb , Oct 22 2020 22:59 utc | 37

    @Deltaeus 28,29

    Thanks for looking that up, was curious about that actually.

    The 5-10% dip below the baseline is certainly a tantalizing clue to something ... Maybe the extreme precautions taken around hospitals and nursing homes simply mean the elderly are getting other infectious diseases less often.

    As for epidemic being over in the US, the serious-symptomatic hospitalization stats say otherwise. I'd take the baseline mortality level as a sign that treatment has drastically improved, combined with the 70+ age group now being much more isolated and thus protected, if often miserable.

    I.e. mask use is common enough in urban areas that it is working for those at risk of dying who take it super seriously, but not enough to stop the infections for everyone else.

    Deltaeus , Oct 22 2020 21:46 utc | 29

    Traffic fatalities down 2% despite miles travelled being down by 16%. So a 2% reduction in traffic deaths, which itself is only 2% of deaths from all causes.
    There must be something else driving the total mortality down lower than normal.


    A statistical projection of traffic fatalities for the first half of 2020 shows that an estimated 16,650 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes. This represents a decrease of 2 percent as compared to the 16,988 fatalities reported to have occurred in the first half of 2019
    Preliminary data reported by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) shows that vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in the first 6 months of 2020 decreased by about 264.2 billion miles, or about a 16.6-percent decrease.

    [Oct 20, 2020] Does America Have A COVID Problem Or An Obesity Problem

    Highly recommended!
    Covid-19 essentially revealed the sad truth.
    Oct 20, 2020 |

    While we have previously reported - and by now it is common knowledge - that Covid-19 usually kills only the very old with virtually no deaths in the 45 and under category and most deaths in the 75 and over category.

    Indeed, as Deutsche Bank's Jim Reid noted when discussing the average age of fatalities from Covid, "it is remarkably consistent around the 80-82 year old mark."

    Then overnight, Bloomberg's John Authers pointed out how startling this mortality rate varies from country to country, when referencing another chart from Jim Reid:

    As Authers writes, "The U.S. is a remarkable outlier. How can that possibly be?"

    According to Reid, a small part of this might be down to many of the other countries having an older population. For example, Italy's median age is 45 (43 in Europe), whereas it is 38 for the US.

    However, another explanation offered by the Bloomberg commentator, which feeds into the political debate of the moment, "is that all the other developed countries on this chart have some form of universal state-provided healthcare." But rather than get embroiled in that debate, Authers instead looks at the normal average age of people when they die. The following is a chart of life expectancy (in years) at birth for all the members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development:

    As shown in the chart above, the U.S. - which as we discussed last week is turning into a banana republic with just a 50% share of the population in middle-income households, roughly the same category as Turkey, China and, drumroll, Russia - has lower life expectancy than the Czech Republic or Chile, and is lagged only by countries that are significantly poorer. It trails the other major economies by several years, in many cases roughly equal to the gap in the age at which Covid-19 victims die.

    According to Authers, instead of focusing on Covid, "it might make sense for the U.S. healthcare debate to revolve around treating this as a national disgrace and trying to make common cause over fixing it, rather than having an arid political argument, but I digress."

    Which brings us to the topic at hand, namely does America have a covid problem, or is it just an extension of America's far more serious problem of obesity. To wit, tne of its greatest life-shortening effects is diabetes. Here are the most recent OECD numbers on diabetes prevalence:

    As Authers observes, "the U.S. lags behind only the much poorer nations of Turkey and Mexico in this dismal category, and has more than double the diabetes prevalence of the main developed economies of Europe", and summarizes:

    Once the country has finished tearing itself apart over the pandemic, which will probably only happen once the virus has finally gone away, a new debate over diabetes and obesity will be necessary. Let's hope it can be more constructive than the current one.

    The numbers also shed light on why the US has had a relatively difficult time containing the pandemic according to the Bloomberg author, and also suggests that a "Swedish" model of "focused protection" for those most vulnerable could be harder to apply to the US, because a far higher proportion of obese Americans are at risk. In other words,"allowing most of the population to return to life as normal is going to require confining a lot of people to their homes for the duration -- judging by the diabetes numbers, maybe twice as many as in Sweden, as a proportion of the population. As Authers puts it " that isn't feasible. "

    Of course, concerns about the obesity epidemic - and not just in the U.S. - are nothing new, and we have covered them for much of the past decade . Additionally, the attempt by investors to profit from obesity is also not new. Back in 2012, Bank of America published a report on "Globesity" which it described as one of three global mega-trends. As Authers reminds us, "it offered a list of 50 stocks that it thought would benefit from a global fight on obesity, including some counterintuitive names such as Pepsico Inc. and Nestle SA, both of which it thought were better positioned to move toward less fattening products -- but which produce plenty of products, such as sugary drinks, that contribute to obesity."

    One year earlier, Solactive started an obesity index of smaller companies working in drugs and diagnostics connected to the issue -- primarily diabetes. Soon after, Janus Henderson launched an exchange-traded fund to track it, with the appropriate ticker symbol "SLIM." Then, in January of this year, the announcement was made that the ETF would be liquidated, an event that finally took place on March 12. As Authers writes, "that represented a missed opportunity" because this is how the obesity index has performed relative to the S&P 500 since inception



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    And here a remarkable statistic: the SLIMmers have done even better than the FANGs since the market bottom, meaning that bets on America getting fatter are even more profitable than betting on the giga-caps.

    That said, as Authers notes judging by the valuations of the obesity index at present, the short-term opportunity may have passed. It trades at an insane P/E ratio of 94.66x, (which "drops" to 30.4 if one excludes the non-profitable companies). For the longer term, however, the lesson according to Authers that all countries should learn from the dreadful experience of the U.S. over the last eight months is that any given health emergency grows that much worse if you are overweight.

    In summary, " it's too late to help in the battle against Covid-19, and it's too late to profit from the smallest companies working in the fight against diabetes, but the world will have to combat obesity. In due course, capital will flow toward financing that fight. "

    [Oct 20, 2020] The Covidian Cult by C.J. Hopkins

    Oct 20, 2020 |

    One of the hallmarks of totalitarianism is mass conformity to a psychotic official narrative. Not a regular official narrative, like the "Cold War" or the "War on Terror" narratives. A totally delusional official narrative that has little or no connection to reality and that is contradicted by a preponderance of facts.

    Nazism and Stalinism are the classic examples, but the phenomenon is better observed in cults and other sub-cultural societal groups. Numerous examples will spring to mind: the Manson family, Jim Jones' People's Temple, the Church of Scientology, Heavens Gate, etc., each with its own psychotic official narrative: Helter Skelter, Christian Communism, Xenu and the Galactic Confederacy, and so on.

    Looking in from the dominant culture (or back through time in the case of the Nazis), the delusional nature of these official narratives is glaringly obvious to most rational people. What many people fail to understand is that to those who fall prey to them (whether individual cult members or entire totalitarian societies) such narratives do not register as psychotic. On the contrary, they feel entirely normal. Everything in their social "reality" reifies and reaffirms the narrative, and anything that challenges or contradicts it is perceived as an existential threat.

    These narratives are invariably paranoid, portraying the cult as threatened or persecuted by an evil enemy or antagonistic force which only unquestioning conformity to the cult's ideology can save its members from. It makes little difference whether this antagonist is mainstream culture, body thetans, counter-revolutionaries, Jews, or a virus. The point is not the identity of the enemy. The point is the atmosphere of paranoia and hysteria the official narrative generates, which keeps the cult members (or the society) compliant.

    In addition to being paranoid, these narratives are often internally inconsistent, illogical, and well, just completely ridiculous. This does not weaken them, as one might suspect. Actually, it increases their power, as it forces their adherents to attempt to reconcile their inconsistency and irrationality, and in many cases utter absurdity, in order to remain in good standing with the cult. Such reconciliation is of course impossible, and causes the cult members' minds to short circuit and abandon any semblance of critical thinking, which is precisely what the cult leader wants.

    Moreover, cult leaders will often radically change these narratives for no apparent reason, forcing their cult members to abruptly forswear (and often even denounce as "heresy") the beliefs they had previously been forced to profess, and behave as if they had never believed them, which causes their minds to further short circuit, until they eventually give up even trying to think rationally, and just mindlessly parrot whatever nonsensical gibberish the cult leader fills their heads with.

    Also, the cult leader's nonsensical gibberish is not as nonsensical as it may seem at first. Most of us, upon encountering such gibberish, assume that the cult leader is trying to communicate, and that something is very wrong with his brain. The cult leader isn't trying to communicate. He is trying to disorient and control the listener's mind. Listen to Charlie Manson "rapping." Not just to what he says, but how he says it . Note how he sprinkles bits of truth into his stream of free-associated nonsense, and his repetitive use of thought-terminating clichés, described by Robert J. Lifton as follows:

    "The language of the totalist environment is characterized by the thought-terminating cliché. The most far-reaching and complex of human problems are compressed into brief, highly selective, definitive-sounding phrases, easily memorized and easily expressed. They become the start and finish of any ideological analysis." -- Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: : A Study of "Brainwashing" in China , 1961

    If all this sounds familiar, good. Because the same techniques that most cult leaders use to control the minds of the members of their cults are used by totalitarian systems to control the minds of entire societies: Milieu Control, Loaded Language, Sacred Science, Demand for Purity, and other standard mind-control techniques. It can happen to pretty much any society, just as anyone can fall prey to a cult, given the right set of circumstances.

    It is happening to most of our societies right now. An official narrative is being implemented. A totalitarian official narrative. A totally psychotic official narrative, no less delusional than that of the Nazis, or the Manson family, or any other cult.

    Most people cannot see that it is happening, for the simple reason that it is happening to them. They are literally unable to recognize it. The human mind is extremely resilient and inventive when it is pushed past its limits. Ask anyone who has struggled with psychosis or has taken too much LSD. We do not recognize when we are going insane. When reality falls apart completely, the mind will create a delusional narrative, which appears just as "real" as our normal reality, because even a delusion is better than the stark raving terror of utter chaos.

    This is what totalitarians and cult leaders count on, and exploit to implant their narratives in our minds, and why actual initiation rituals (as opposed to purely symbolic rituals) begin by attacking the subject's mind with terror, pain, physical exhaustion, psychedelic drugs, or some other means of obliterating the subject's perception of reality. Once that is achieved, and the subject's mind starts desperately trying to construct a new narrative to make sense out of the cognitive chaos and psychological trauma it is undergoing, it is relatively easy to "guide" that process and implant whatever narrative you want, assuming you have done your homework.

    And this is why so many people -- people who are able to easily recognize totalitarianism in cults and foreign countries -- cannot perceive the totalitarianism that is taking shape now, right in front of their faces (or, rather, right inside their minds). Nor can they perceive the delusional nature of the official "Covid-19" narrative, no more than those in Nazi Germany were able to perceive how completely delusional their official "master race" narrative was. Such people are neither ignorant nor stupid. They have been successfully initiated into a cult, which is essentially what totalitarianism is, albeit on a societal scale.

    Their initiation into the Covidian Cult began in January, when the medical authorities and corporate media turned on The Fear with projections of hundreds of millions of deaths and fake photos of people dropping dead in the streets . The psychological conditioning has continued for months. The global masses have been subjected to a constant stream of propaganda, manufactured hysteria, wild speculation, conflicting directives, exaggerations, lies, and tawdry theatrical effects. Lockdowns. Emergency field hospitals and morgues. The singing-dancing NHS staff. Death trucks. Overflowing ICUs. Dead Covid babies. Manipulated statistics. Goon squads. Masks. And all the rest of it.

    Eight months later, here we are. The Head of the Health Emergencies Program at the WHO has basically confirmed an IFR of 0.14% , approximately the same as the seasonal flu. And here are the latest survival rate estimates from the Center for Disease Control:

    The "science" argument is officially over. An increasing number of doctors and medical experts are breaking ranks and explaining how the current mass hysteria over "cases" (which now includes perfectly healthy people) is essentially meaningless propaganda, for example, in this segment on ARD , one of the big mainstream German TV channels.

    And then there is the existence of Sweden, and other countries which are not playing ball with the official Covid-19 narrative, which makes a mockery of the ongoing hysteria.

    I'm not going to go on debunking the narrative. The point is, the facts are all available. Not from "conspiracy theorist" websites. From mainstream outlets and medical experts. From the Center for Fucking Disease Control.

    Which does not matter in the least, not to the members of the Covidian Cult. Facts do not matter to totalitarians and cult members. What matters is loyalty to the cult or the party.

    Which means we have a serious problem, those of us to whom facts still matter, and who have been trying to use them to convince the Covidian cultists that they are wrong about the virus for going on eight months at this point.

    While it is crucial to continue reporting the facts and sharing them with as many people as possible -- which is becoming increasingly difficult due to the censorship of alternative and social media -- it is important to accept what we are up against. What we are up against is not a misunderstanding or a rational argument over scientific facts. It is a fanatical ideological movement. A global totalitarian movement the first of its kind in human history.

    It isn't national totalitarianism, because we're living in a global capitalist empire, which isn't ruled by nation-states, but rather, by supranational entities and the global capitalist system itself. And thus, the cult/culture paradigm has been inverted. Instead of the cult existing as an island within the dominant culture, the cult has become the dominant culture , and those of us who have not joined the cult have become the isolated islands within it.

    I wish I could be more optimistic, and maybe offer some sort of plan of action, but the only historical parallel I can think of is how Christianity "converted" the pagan world which doesn't really bode so well for us. While you're sitting at home during the "second wave" lockdowns, you might want to brush up on that history.

    alan kerns , says: October 13, 2020 at 8:34 pm GMT

    Maybe CJ deserves the benefit of the doubt as to whether this piece is intended to be a satirical exposé of "regular official narrative[s], like the "Cold War" or the "War on Terror" narratives" which normal people feel are "entirely normal. Everything in their social "reality" reifies and reaffirms the narrative, and anything that challenges or contradicts it is perceived as an existential threat."
    I smell the coming of Covid Museums any-every-where to "bear witness" to the dangers of pandemics so that "never again" can we allow another catastrophic Pandemic to happen. Glory be to "safe and effective" Vaccines for ever and ever; Amen!
    What a breath of fresh air is that German TV documentary linked to by CJ – a very thorough and rational and honest and succinct summary of the Covid Pandemic.

    Dr. Robert Morgan , says: October 13, 2020 at 10:30 pm GMT

    C.J. Hopkins: " the only historical parallel I can think of is how Christianity "converted" the pagan world which doesn't really bode so well for us."

    Yes, that's it. The death cult known as Christianity enveloped the Western world long ago. We've all been living in it all our lives, particularly Americans. Corpses come back to life? Of course they do. That's what everyone thinks. LOL. Jesus made things appear out of thin air? It must be true. And of course, it's necessary to die to attain eternal life. Jesus himself said so, and it's so plainly true the point hardly needs to be emphasized.

    But rather than attributing all of this to a totalitarian conspiracy, I attribute it to human nature. The truth is, the vast majority of people are unreasoning conformist assholes who enjoy inflicting their petty tyrannies on each other. The more nonsensical they are, the greater their pleasure. As Sartre so aptly put it, "L'enfer c'est les autres" -- Hell is other people. This death cult includes the innovation of mind control, which at the time was unique to Christianity.

    My current theory, admittedly speculative, is that the group mind of the West, as it careens to an apocalypse of world-ending proportions, is still deeply in the thrall of the Christian death cult. It wants to die, and is doing what it can to bring this about, because only when the world dies can the crucified rabbi return. Owing to the culture Christianity has spawned, even the so-called atheists have this expectation buried deep in their subconscious.

    obwandiyag , says: October 13, 2020 at 10:43 pm GMT

    Notice how our genius who is so smart he doesn't have to be a scientist to explain scientific data to us in a condescending manner doesn't mention permanent internal organ damage.

    What the statistics on permanent internal organ damage, guy with initials instead of a name?

    What, can't find the data? How could that be? I thought you were an epidemiological genius.

    [Oct 20, 2020] I've been wearing a hand painted [by me] , in large bright red letters:" COVID -19 IS A SCAM" , black tee-shirt and matching hand-painted mask, on a more or less daily basis for the last 8 weeks.

    Oct 20, 2020 |

    When the narrative is oversold people became cynical. That's the classic "Crying Wolf!" situation, repeated again and again. Excessive deaths stats does not support "COVID-19 as a new Black Death" narrative and that provide some funny situations alike with this shirt.

    While infection was dangerous and some suspect that it was result of "gain of function" experiments, the level of response was disproportional to the threat. It's like they stages "Covid-revolution" -- a drastic social change in the society, which affects the way we work, the way we communicate with each and the way we entertain each other in a very profound fashion.

    onebornfree , says: Website October 13, 2020 at 10:01 pm GMT

    Good news?

    I've been wearing a hand painted [by me] , in large bright red letters:" COVID -19 IS A SCAM" , black tee-shirt and matching hand-painted mask, on a more or less daily basis for the last 8 weeks. [The mask I only wear when I have to enter a store with an idiotic "masks are mandatory" policy.]

    To date, much to my surprise, 38 people have stopped me and said " I agree" or similar, and only 4 have said "you're wrong" or similar, [one large Australian male halfwit has been the only person threatening me with violence to date – he got really mad- I just gave him the finger and didn't argue- eventually he fucked off.

    Of the agreers, perhaps the most notable was a cop who was driving by me on a main road as I waited for a bus. He slowed to a stop and I thought "Oh-oh, what's he going to book me for, no mask?", then he lowered his passenger side window [he wasn't wearing a mask, as required locally], and said "I agree". I said "Huh?". He said "your shirt, I agree with the message". I was shocked and happy at the same time.

    My conclusion: there are many out there , [perhaps a majority?]who know that the whole thing is a scam, they just don't let everyone know. It's the silent majority phenomena all over again, perhaps.

    Regards, onebornfree

    [Oct 19, 2020] When does incompetence turn into a crime -- This is the question we should be asking as government fails again

    Oct 19, 2020 |

    I was in Baghdad in 1998 during US airstrikes, watching missiles explode in great flashes of light as they hit their targets. There was some ineffectual anti-aircraft fire , the only result of which was pieces of shrapnel falling from the sky and making it dangerous to step outside the building we were in.

    To my surprise I saw a reporter, a friend of mine with long experience of war, crawling into the open to use a satellite phone that would not work inside. When he returned, I said to him that it must have been a very important phone call for him to take such a risk. He laughed bitterly, explaining that the reason for his call was that his paper in the US had demanded that he contact some distinguished "expert" in a think tank in Washington to ask him about the air attacks.

    Despite my friend being a highly informed eyewitness to the events he was describing, his editors insisted that he access the supposed expertise of the think tanker thousands of miles away. A more covert motive was probably to spread the blame if the reporter on the spot expressed criticism of the airstrikes.

    I recalled this story when watching Boris Johnson and his ministers interact with his medical and scientific experts, Chris Whitty and Sir Patrick Vallance, sometimes deferential, sometimes dismissive. Naivety and calculation are at work here. Politicians grappling with crises, be it a war or a pandemic , are frequently over-impressed by experts with the right bedside manner and a command of the technical jargon. They are less good, and the same applies to the media, in knowing if this apparent expertise has real practical value in averting some pressing danger. Often it does not. A doctor or an academic specialist may know a lot about how the virus operates inside the body, but have no idea and no experience of how to stop it spreading from person to person in an epidemic. This is quite a different skill.

    Politicians are feckless in choosing the right experts, in part because they may be out of their depth in a crisis. There is nothing wrong with this, so long as they plug into the expertise of somebody who really does know what to do and how to do it. Governments often pick the wrong expert out of simple ignorance and because he or she is there primarily to beef up the government's credibility and provide a scapegoat in case things go wrong.

    This strategy worked well enough from the government's point of view during the first lockdown in Britain, but it is now crashing in flames as the scientists refuse to provide political cover for failed policies.

    The manifesto of the mutiny is the Sage memo of 23 September, published this week, which recommended a circuit-breaking lockdown to prevent "a very large epidemic with catastrophic consequences". Rejection of this recommendation by the government understandably got all the headlines, but towards the end of the memo there is an extraordinary admission that is surely more important than the row about circuit-breaking measures and the different regional lockdowns. Watch more

    [Oct 19, 2020] COVID Is Not A -Categorically Different Danger- -

    Oct 19, 2020 |

    COVID Is Not A "Categorically Different Danger"

    by Tyler Durden Thu, 10/15/2020 - 17:40 Twitter Facebook Reddit Email Print

    Authored by Donald Boudreaux via The American Institute for Economic Research,

    Since March, the coronavirus has been treated as if it is a danger categorically different from other dangers , including other viruses. But this treatment is deeply mistaken. The coronavirus is not a categorically different danger. It occupies a location on the same spectrum that features other viruses. Reasonable people can and do debate just where this location is – that is, how much more dangerous is the coronavirus than are ordinary flu viruses and other 'novel' viruses that plagued us in the past. But the coronavirus is well within the same category as other viruses.

    Yet humanity has reacted – and continues to react – to the coronavirus as if it is a beast that differs from other health risks categorically. The hysterical overreaction by the press, public-health officials, and politicians – an overreaction undoubtedly supercharged by social media – has convinced many people that humanity is today being stalked by a venomous monster wholly unlike anything to which we are accustomed.

    Only by assuming that this virus differs fundamentally from other risks can governments continue to get away with unprecedented and arbitrary restrictions on peaceful human activities – restrictions on activities such as working at the factory or office, on dining out, on attending religious services, on going to school, and even on seeking medical treatments for non-Covid-related ailments. Only by being convinced that the coronavirus poses a threat categorically unique are ordinary men and women led to change their ways of living and interacting as fundamentally as many have done, and to tolerate the categorical change in governments' responses to epidemics.

    Quaking with fear that the angel of death lurks as never before in every stranger's breath, on every person's fingertips, and around every corner, people today treat each other categorically differently from how they treated each other until this past March. They leap frantically away from approaching strangers on sidewalks. They "meet" their co-workers only online. Neighbors no longer visit each other's homes, while those who still dare to chat outside stand far apart, as if each is about to morph any moment from a Dr. Jekyll into a Mr. Hyde. When they stage athletic events, the stands are filled not with human beings but with eerie cardboard cutouts.

    Other human beings are no longer treated as potential partners in productive social cooperation, whether for work or pleasure. Now regarded as meaty and mobile vials of unprecedented poison, other human beings are treated by so many of us in a way that differs categorically from how we treated them for centuries up until just a few months ago. "Social distancing" is undermining social cooperation – which means that it's undermining civilization itself.

    Is there any evidence to justify this categorical change in behavior?

    Covid's Risks



    me title=

    My always wise friend and sometime co-author Lyle Albaugh has from the start understood that Covid, while certainly no nothingburger, is not remotely close to being the extraordinary monster that it has become in the popular mind . And so he's having the following information printed on business-card-sized notices:


    Seasonal Flu Infection Survival Rate (for population as a whole): 99.90%

    This single slice of information should be sufficient to put Covid-19 in proper perspective. It makes plain that the risk that this disease poses to humanity as a whole does not differ categorically from the risk of seasonal flu – or, for that matter, from any of the many other perils that we humans routinely encounter. And because these figures show the estimated chances of survival of those who are infected with Covid, even for persons 70 years of age or older Covid obviously is not a categorically unique threat.



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    And yet, again, humanity has reacted to Covid in a manner categorically unique. It's as if a hornet rather than a honeybee found its way into our home, and so to protect ourselves from the somewhat-more-threatening invader we commenced to frantically scour every room of our home with a flamethrower.

    But I despair that the information shared by Lyle – or even the more extensive information shared by my courageous colleagues at AIER – will have any noticeable impact. Very many people today seem almost eager to be misled about the danger posed by Covid. Much of humanity today appears to perversely enjoy being duped into the irrational fear that any one of us, regardless of age or health, is at the mercy of a brutal beast categorically more lethal than is any other danger that we've ever confronted. I hope that my despair proves misguided.

    Locker up , 2 hours ago

    Does anybody remember the original plan? "Flatten the curve" so not to overwhelm the care facilities? This should be the only reason to take away people's regular routine and also to "Protect the most vulnerable". Most of the extra lock down crap was to destroy Trump's great economy so the Democratic Party would have one issue to vote for them. Shysters.

    adr , 2 hours ago

    There is no such thing as asymptomatic spread of a virus. A virus can not replicate by itself, since it is just a strand of errant RNA. It requires a host cell to replicate.

    If cells are not being actively infected, there can be no increase in viral load, so there is a complete and total impossibility of becoming infectious.

    If you aren't sick, you can't infect others.

    Eric Post , 2 hours ago

    Yes, you can. Look up Typhoid Mary and see. After her death her autopsy showed she was full of Typhoid but it did not harm her in anyway, yet she was able to spread it.

    zardov , 1 hour ago

    Typhoid is a bacterial infection, not a virus.

    Mtnrunnr , 2 hours ago

    Lockdown made sense for 2 weeks in NYC. This crap we are doing now is insane.

    househonky , 2 hours ago

    Wrong. Thousands died in NYC because doctors destroyed people's lungs with ventilators. It was murderous medical malpractice.

    I Write Code , 1 hour ago

    The original quite reasonable fear was that this was a weaponized or at least gain-of-function experiment that might have mortality far beyond the strength of mortal men. It turns out that, whatever the truth of its origin, in practice, by all the current evidence, it's a nasty bugger but does not kill any unprecedented number of people.

    This is quite an interesting experimental result, actually.

    The problem is Fauci, who actually sponsored this hideously dangerous work, never explained it that way to the public. Instead he repeatedly said, "WE HAVE NO IMMUNITY!", but he's also a moron, hasn't read a biology book in forty years, and had no idea what he was even talking about.

    So now, it sure seems that it's a nasty bugger but no more, but Our Elite Scientific Leaders cannot bring themselves to say it.

    pearlsbeforepigs , 1 hour ago

    The author is not comparing apples to apples. The ignorance is staggering, especially coming from ZeroHedge commentors who are normally pretty smart but regarding covid-19 they have let themselves be unscientifically influenced by politics. In actuality EVERYONE is guessing when it comes to covid-19 because we simply don't know what percentage of people have been infected. If we don't know that number then everything else that we postulate is just guessing based pretty much on nothing. It has turned into a ridiculous political debate instead of a health science discussion.

    Aetherwizard , 2 hours ago

    This article demonstrates a total lack of mathematical skills. Yes, the virus has been kept in check for the most part and the death rate is presently falling. Everyone who has worked on mitigation deserves credit for the success to date.

    Here we are in year number two. Flu season is just starting and the rapid spread of COVID-19 is ramping up. Last year, the virus started from just one person in China; this year the virus will be starting from millions of people all around the planet. The virus is not only being carried by humans, but it is literally spread all over the surface of the globe.

    Despite lockdowns and harsh measures, the virus still managed to infect over 38 million people from a single case, and killed over 1 million. And now this article is making it sound like the virus is benign and nothing to worry about.

    COVID-19 is highly contagious. It spreads even when people do not show symptoms of having the disease. We are going into the time of year when flu viruses easily spread; imagine how much easier it is for COVID-19 to spread. Even if the death rate remains low, the numbers of infected people will reach incredibly high numbers in the next six months. Nothing we can do will stop this disease right now.

    Hopefully, the medicines and equipment needed to treat people have been stocked up. But we also need uninfected health care workers to apply the medicine. Even if there is not a single lockdown anywhere, people will be getting sick in huge numbers and will not be able to pump our gas, sell us groceries, transport goods to stores, harvest the crops, process our food, and on and on. The magnitude of disease spread, deaths, and economic hardships will exceed anything we saw last Spring.

    And here we read Pollyanish articles telling the world that COVID-19 is a hoax and that there is nothing to worry about. The ignorance is staggering.

    dustinwind , 2 hours ago

    In the words of government covid is a "tremendous opportunity" created by a "crisis that shouldn't be wasted".

    Zeusky Babarusky , 28 minutes ago

    Seems as though Governor Chris Christie had a change of thinking relative to Covid-19. He did not get the easy pass Donald Trump got, if Trump did indeed have the virus. Christie says he did not take the proper precautions regarding the virus, and he paid a pretty big price for it. Why is it that those who have not contracted Covid-19 and experienced a bad ordeal with it, are the ones constantly parading out these articles downplaying the virus? My guess is they are idiots. Here's a link. You can read about Christie's change of mind regarding Covid-19.

    Chris Christie's Experience With Covid-19

    [Oct 15, 2020] Three scientists give their best advice on how to protect yourself from COVID-19

    Notable quotes:
    "... COVID-19 spreads mainly among people who are in close contact (within about 6 feet) for a prolonged period. ..."
    "... "Current data do not support long range aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2, such as seen with measles or tuberculosis. Short-range inhalation of aerosols is a possibility for COVID-19, as with many respiratory pathogens. However, this cannot easily be distinguished from 'droplet' transmission based on epidemiologic patterns. Short-range transmission is a possibility particularly in crowded medical wards and inadequately ventilated spaces ." ..."
    "... Kimberly A. Prather, PhD, Distinguished Chair in Atmospheric Chemistry, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego. ..."
    "... Linsey C Marr, PhD, Charles P. Lunsford Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech. ..."
    "... Donald K Milton, MD, DrPH, Professor of Environment Health at The University of Maryland School of Public Health. ..."
    Oct 15, 2020 |

    Right now, the CDC website does not acknowledge that aerosols typically spread SARS-CoV-2 beyond 6 feet, instead saying :

    " COVID-19 spreads mainly among people who are in close contact (within about 6 feet) for a prolonged period. Spread happens when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks, and droplets from their mouth or nose are launched into the air and land in the mouths or noses of people nearby. The droplets can also be inhaled into the lungs."

    The site says that respiratory droplets can land on various surfaces, and people can become infected from touching those surfaces and then touching their eyes, nose or mouth. It goes on to say,

    "Current data do not support long range aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2, such as seen with measles or tuberculosis. Short-range inhalation of aerosols is a possibility for COVID-19, as with many respiratory pathogens. However, this cannot easily be distinguished from 'droplet' transmission based on epidemiologic patterns. Short-range transmission is a possibility particularly in crowded medical wards and inadequately ventilated spaces ."

    Confusion has surrounded the use of words like "aerosols" and "droplets" because they have not been consistently defined. And the word "airborne" takes on special meaning for infectious disease experts and public health officials because of the question of whether infection can be readily spread by "airborne transmission." If SARS-CoV-2 is readily spread by airborne transmission, then more stringent infection control measures would need to be adopted, as is done with airborne diseases such as measles and tuberculosis. But the CDC has told CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jonathan LaPook that even if airborne spread is playing a role with SARS-CoV-2, the role does not appear to be nearly as important as with airborne infections like measles and tuberculosis.

    All this may sound like wonky scientific discussion that is deep in the weeds -- and it is -- but it has big implications as people try to figure out how to stay safe during the pandemic. Some pieces of advice are intuitively obvious: wear a mask, wash your hands, avoid crowds, keep your distance from others, outdoors is safer than indoors. But what about that "6 foot" rule for maintaining social distance? If the virus can travel indoors for distances greater than 6 feet, isn't it logical to wear a mask indoors whenever you are with people who are not part of your "pod" or "bubble?"

    Understanding the basic science behind how SARS-CoV-2 travels through the air should help give us strategies for staying safe. Unfortunately, there are still many open questions. For example, even if aerosols produced by an infected person can float across a room, and even if the aerosols contain some viable virus, how do we know how significant a role that possible mode of transmission is playing in the pandemic?

    Aerosols can be thought of as cigarette smoke. While they are most concentrated close to someone who has the infection, they can travel farther than 6 feet, linger, build up in the air and remain infectious for hours. As a consequence, to lessen the chance of inhaling this virus, it is vital to take all of the following steps:



    Whether you are indoors or outdoors, remember that your risk increases with the duration of your exposure to others.

    With the question of transmission, it's not just the public that has been confused. There's also been confusion among scientists, medical professionals and public health officials, in part because they have often used the words "droplets" and "aerosols" differently. To address the confusion, participants in an August workshop on airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine suggested these definitions for respiratory droplets and aerosols::

    All respiratory activities, including breathing, talking and singing, produce far more aerosols than droplets. A person is far more likely to inhale aerosols than to be sprayed by a droplet, even at short range. The exact percentage of transmission by droplets versus aerosols is still to be determined. But we know from epidemiologic and other data, especially superspreading events , that infection does occur through inhalation of aerosols.

    In short, how are we getting infected by SARS-CoV-2? The answer is: In the air. Once we acknowledge this, we can use tools we already have to help end this pandemic.

    Kimberly A. Prather, PhD, Distinguished Chair in Atmospheric Chemistry, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego.

    Linsey C Marr, PhD, Charles P. Lunsford Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech.

    Donald K Milton, MD, DrPH, Professor of Environment Health at The University of Maryland School of Public Health.

    [Oct 11, 2020] Money laundering time? Covid-19 can survive on CASH for 28 days, study claims

    Oct 11, 2020 |

    Coronavirus can survive on certain surfaces, including banknotes and mobile phone screens, for nearly a month in cooler climates, new research by Australian scientists suggests.

    Covid-19 is able to survive in the open for a significantly longer length of time than was previously thought, according to a study by the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) published by the Virology Journal.

    "Establishing how long the virus really remains viable on surfaces enables us to more accurately predict and mitigate its spread, and do a better job of protecting our people," said CSIRO's chief executive, Dr. Larry Marshall.

    According to the research, the virus has proven to be "extremely stable" and able to thrive on smooth, non-porous surfaces, including paper and plastic banknotes, glass, and steel. Kept at around room temperature – 20C (68F) – Covid-19 stayed alive for a whopping 28 days, which is some 10 days longer than the survival time of the regular flu virus. It should be noted that the experiment was carried out in the dark, as UV light is very effective in killing the coronavirus.

    Higher temperatures are significantly less comfortable for the virus. At 40C (104F), it was able to survive for less than 24 hours. At 30C (86F) Covid-19 demonstrated quite mixed results, staying alive for some seven days on stainless steel, plastic notes and glass, but only three days on vinyl and cotton cloth. On paper cash, the contagious virus was still detected after 21 days under those conditions.

    [Oct 09, 2020] Your chances of dying from Covid-19- If you're healthy under 65, a 40-mile daily commute by car is more likely to kill you -- RT Op-ed

    Oct 09, 2020 |

    Your chances of dying from Covid-19? If you're healthy & under 65, a 40-mile daily commute by car is more likely to kill you 7 Oct, 2020 12:46 Get short URL Your chances of dying from Covid-19? If you're healthy & under 65, a 40-mile daily commute by car is more likely to kill you FILE PHOTO: A doctor checks the identity of a man before taking swabs. Toulouse. France. April 28th 2020 © Getty Images / Alain Pitton/NurPhoto 424 Follow RT on RT

    By Malcolm Kendrick , doctor and author who works as a GP in the National Health Service in England. His blog can be read here and his book, 'Doctoring Data – How to Sort Out Medical Advice from Medical Nonsense,' is available here . Yes, coronavirus is a serious infection for the elderly and vulnerable. But, for just about everyone else, it's a relatively mild condition with a very low fatality rate. The only thing to fear is our overreaction to it.

    In this piece, I intend to establish a reasonably accurate estimate for the risk of dying of Covid-19 for the average healthy person under the age of sixty-five.

    If we go back to the start of the pandemic, most of the world locked down based on a prediction that the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of Covid-19 would be in the region of one per cent.

    In the UK, the pandemic modellers at Imperial College London, the group with the greatest influence on Government policy, estimated the IFR at 0.9 percent. In short, they predicted that approximately one in a hundred people infected with the Sars-Cov2 virus would die.

    Has this estimate proven accurate? If so, within a world population of between seven and eight billion, we would expect to suffer up to 76 million deaths. So far, there have been just over one million .

    Having said this, no-one predicted that everyone could become infected. The Imperial College model suggested that about 80 percent of people would need to be infected before we reached 'herd immunity.' I prefer to call it community-wide immunity. We are not cattle.

    READ MORE UK health secretary claims rise in Covid-19 cases is 'very serious problem' UK health secretary claims rise in Covid-19 cases is 'very serious problem'

    Which means that we were not going to reach that figure of 76 million. Under this 80 percent model, we might expect to reach 61 million deaths (7.5bn x 0.8 x 0.1). Even with this reduced number, we are a long way short. How long might it take to get to 61 million?

    At present, worldwide deaths are running at around 5,000 per day. At this rate, it would take 33 years to reach sixty million deaths. I am not certain what the time limitation is before a pandemic could be considered to have ended. I would imagine that 33 years might be stretching things a little far.

    Perhaps a more important point to consider is this. Do we know how many people have been infected up to this point? If so, we can make a better guess at the likely IFR, and your risk of dying.

    Dr Mike Ryan, the executive director of the World Health Organization's health emergencies programme, recently stated the WHO has estimated that 750 million people have been infected worldwide .

    If this is the case, calculating the current, rather than the estimated, IFR is pretty straightforward. You simply divide the one million deaths [1,034,068, to be fully accurate], by 750m.

    1,034,068/750,000,000 = 0.138 percent.

    ALSO ON RT.COM 'A terribly difficult and lonely death': WHO laments 1 million Covid-related deaths worldwide but says virus can be suppressed

    So, an IFR of 0.138 percent. Which is significantly lower than the initially predicted one per cent. Or, to turn this figure around, according to the WHO figures, if you become infected with Covid-19, there is a one-in-750 chance you will die.

    Of course, figures will vary from country to country. In Kenya, for example, the most recent attempt to estimate the IFR showed an exceptionally low rate. A study was done where antibodies for Sars-Cov2 were taken between April and June 2020. It was found that seroprevalence, the number of people showing antibodies, was 5.2 percent. (This will be an underestimate of true infection numbers, as many people do not create antibodies).

    This represents an 'infected' population of just under three million (2,796,107), and there had been 71 deaths. Which provides an Infection Fatality Ratio of 0.00254 percent. This extremely low rate is, currently, unexplained .

    On the other hand, the country with the highest overall death rate based on mortality per million is Peru. The total population of Peru is 32 million, and there have been just over 32,000 deaths. Which is a population fatality rate of almost exactly 0.1 percent. How many people have been infected in Peru in total? Uncertain. However, their IFR is going to end up in excess of 0.1 percent. Not everybody has yet been infected.

    READ MORE Covid-19 death toll tops 1 MILLION worldwide as pandemic spikes in US, Brazil & Europe Covid-19 death toll tops 1 MILLION worldwide as pandemic spikes in US, Brazil & Europe

    Why is there so much variation? This is currently unknown. Some people think that the indigenous population in Peru is at much higher risk than the surrounding 'European' population, due to genetic factors. However, let's leave aside country-to-country and genetic variability for now. Overall, if you get infected, it looks as though the chance of dying currently stands at one in seventy hundred and fifty.

    However, there is another enormously important factor at play here. Which is that, in almost all countries, Covid-19 is far more serious and deadly in the elderly population. Therefore, the average IFR doesn't tell you much about your real risk. You need to factor in age.

    For example, across most of Western Europe, if we look at excess mortality rates since the start of the epidemic, there have been just over two thousand more deaths than normal in those under the age of 45. These figures come from EuroMOMO, which gathers data from 24 European countries, with a combined population of 240 million (The UK is treated as four separate countries).

    EuroMOMO describes its mission thus: 'The overall objective of the original European Mortality Monitoring Project was to design a routine public health mortality monitoring system aimed at detecting and measuring, on a real-time basis, excess number of deaths related to influenza and other possible public health threats across participating European Countries.'

    In those aged over 45, there have been more than 200,000 excess deaths. The figures from EuroMOMO in more detail are:

    1-14 years = -15 deaths (minus 15)

    15-44 years = 2,075

    45 – 64 years = 17,826

    65 – 74 years = 25,674

    75 – 84 years = 65,982

    85 + years = 98.069

    So in all, for people aged 65-plus, there were 190,857 excess deaths.


    Below is the EuroMOMO graph of all deaths across Europe on a week-by-week basis in 2020. As you can see there is a big rise in excess deaths, that started in late March and was finished by the middle of May. There was a further small blip in early September, which has now gone.

    RT © EuroMOMO

    Essentially, if you are under 45 the risk of death (so far) has been 0.00158 percent or about one in 70,000. Over the age of 65 it is 0.17 percent. What is it for those with no significant underlying medical conditions? Much lower.

    Leaving that issue aside, for those in the lower age range, even in those up to 65, the risk of death remains extremely low. The following statement comes from a paper written by three Stanford University doctors, entitled 'Population-level COVID-19 mortality risk for non-elderly individuals overall and for non-elderly individuals without underlying diseases in pandemic epicenters':

    "People <65 years old have very small risks of COVID-19 death even in pandemic epicenters and deaths for people <65 years without underlying predisposing conditions are remarkably uncommon."

    READ MORE Death toll from Covid-19 could 'very likely' reach 2 MILLION before vaccine widely available, WHO says Death toll from Covid-19 could 'very likely' reach 2 MILLION before vaccine widely available, WHO says

    As this paper went on to say, looking at Europe, and various US States:

    "The COVID-19 mortality rate in people <65 years old during the period of fatalities from the epidemic was equivalent to the mortality rate from driving between 4 and 82 miles per day for 13 countries and 5 states."

    To put this another way, for healthy individuals under the age of 65, even during the peak weeks of the pandemic, a forty-mile commute was more likely to kill you than Covid-19 in most European countries and several US States.

    Yes, for the elderly and vulnerable, Covid-19 is a serious infection, with an Infection Fatality Ratio significantly higher than most influenza epidemics. With the possible exceptions of 1957 and 1968, and leaving aside the flu pandemic of 1918-19 – which dwarfs everything else.

    However, for the rest of the population, Covid-19 has proven to be a relatively mild condition with a very low fatality rate.

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    The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

    [Oct 09, 2020] A scientific review of the science behind lockdown concludes the policy was a MISTAKE will have caused MORE deaths from Covid-19 by Rob Lyons

    Oct 07, 2020 |
    23:01 / Updated 3 hours ago Get short URL A scientific review of the science behind lockdown concludes the policy was a MISTAKE & will have caused MORE deaths from Covid-19 Anti-lockdown protest in London, Britain, August 29, 2020 © REUTERS / Henry Nicholls 97 Follow RT on RT The report, analysing the information available to UK policymakers in March, says schools shouldn't have shut, that only vulnerable groups like the old should have been isolated, & that herd immunity may have been a better route.

    A new paper by researchers at Edinburgh University suggests that lockdowns do not help to reduce the death toll from Covid-19, but may simply postpone those deaths. It's another piece of evidence that suggests that a different strategy to combat the pandemic - one that doesn't impose blanket restrictions across society - is needed.

    The research was done by a team from Edinburgh's School of Physics and Astronomy. If that sounds odd, Professor Graeme Ackland, one of the authors, has a good explanation. He told me: "From March, every serious epidemiologist has been seconded to SPI-M (the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Modelling) and SAGE (the main Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies), producing new research on a timescale of days. There simply aren't enough of them to also do replication or even careful peer review. But there were thousands of people who could do data-cleaning, code checking, validation and replication."

    Ackland and his colleagues were, he says, "tasked by SPI-M and SAGE with exploring any 'reservations'. SPI-M understood very well the problem of groupthink in a closed community, and asked us to 'kick the tyres' on everything. Another thing real epidemiologists would do themselves given enough time."

    ALSO ON RT.COM Thousands of the world's top scientists are finally speaking out against lockdowns. Let's pray it's not too little, too late

    Their paper is not really a criticism of the original modelling done before lockdown. In fact, it uses the model used by Imperial College to assess a wider range of scenarios than was done at the time. "My overall opinion" , says Ackland, "is that the government's experts have reliably produced better predictions than the 'newspaper experts'."

    One sentence in the new paper is particularly striking in regards to the original Imperial College work: "Contrary to popular perception, the lockdown, which was then implemented, was not specifically modelled in this work." Given that lockdown carried on for months, and schools remained shut until the autumn, the failure to go back to see what the model says about the effects of lockdown is remarkable.

    The aim of the paper is to "replicate and analyse the information available to UK policymakers when the lockdown decision was taken in March 2020" . The paper concludes that the original model would have provided a good forecast if based on a reproduction number for the virus of 3.5. (The Imperial report on 16 March was based on the 'R' being between 2.2 and 2.4.) The counter-intuitive outcome of the model is that it suggests that "school closures and isolation of younger people would increase the total number of deaths, albeit postponed to a second and subsequent waves" .

    The model suggests that prompt interventions were effective in reducing peak demand for intensive care beds, but would also prolong the epidemic. In some scenarios, this could lead to more deaths in the long term. Why? Because, as the paper notes, "Covid-19 related mortality is highly skewed towards older age groups. In the absence of an effective vaccination programme, none of the proposed mitigation strategies in the UK would reduce the predicted total number of deaths below 200,000."

    It's wise to be cautious about any particular numbers. When researchers applied a similar model to Sweden, for example, the numbers were far in excess of the real outcomes. Nonetheless, the thing that really caused alarm back in March wasn't the much-quoted half a million deaths from a 'do nothing' policy. It was the Imperial team's assertion that the 'most effective mitigation strategy' they examined - case isolation, household quarantine and social distancing of the elderly - would lead to around 250,000 deaths.

    READ MORE UK health secretary claims rise in Covid-19 cases is 'very serious problem' UK health secretary claims rise in Covid-19 cases is 'very serious problem'

    This was the reason, we were told, that nothing short of lockdown would do. If the government had asked Ferguson to model lockdown, and the result was 200,000 deaths - in other words, in the same ballpark - would we have gone into lockdown, given the damage it has done?

    Specifically, for Covid-19, closing schools and universities was a serious mistake, it would seem (contrary to comments in April by Professor Neil Ferguson, who led the original modelling). Keeping them open would have meant lots of younger people getting the virus, with relatively little harm, but would have speeded up the process of achieving 'herd' immunity.

    In conclusion, the authors write: "The optimal strategy for saving lives in a Covid-19 epidemic is different from that anticipated for an influenza epidemic with a different mortality age profile." At the very least, says Ackland, schools could have remained open while doing everything possible to protect the most vulnerable groups. The absolute priority was to keep the disease out of hospitals and care homes.

    Unsurprisingly, this is exactly the message coming from SAGE before the Imperial College modelling results were published on 16 March. For example, Professor Graham Medley - the chair of SPI-M and a member of SAGE, told BBC Newsnight on 13 March: "This virus is going to be with us for a long time, we're going to have an epidemic and then it will become endemic and join in with all the other coronaviruses that we all have all the time, but don't notice. We're going to have to generate what we call herd immunity. So that's a situation where the majority of the population are immune to the infection. And the only way of developing that in the absence of a vaccine is for the majority of the population to become infected."

    The trick is to ensure that the people who are worst affected by the disease are protected from it - which, despite the lockdown, the UK government failed to do.

    READ MORE The NHS needs to stop being hysterical. Taking steps to shield the vulnerable elderly from Covid is NOT 'age-based apartheid' The NHS needs to stop being hysterical. Taking steps to shield the vulnerable elderly from Covid is NOT 'age-based apartheid'

    Postponing an avalanche of cases is not necessarily a bad thing. For example, it has allowed us to find some specific treatments, particularly showing that the steroid dexamethasone can save the lives of some of the most ill patients. We've learned that ventilators, which were such a huge focus at the start of the crisis, are less useful than first thought. On the other hand, we've learned that kidney dialysis machines could be vital. If a vaccine could be rolled out soon, that could be very important, too, but that looks unlikely before next spring.

    However, the fact remains that this epidemic will only end when either enough people have been infected with it to end widespread transmission or until an effective vaccine becomes available. It would be much better, given the modelling, if the people who get it are young and healthy, rather than old or with a pre-existing illness.

    Instead of holding its nerve, as Sweden did, the UK government panicked and imposed unprecedented restrictions on our freedom. This has done enormous damage to the economy, mental health, children's education and much more. Worse, if the modellers are correct, lockdown won't really have much impact on saving lives. And having committed to this course, the government doesn't seem to have double checked if this made sense using the very models they relied on in the first place.

    The fact that cases have been rising across Europe - particularly in countries like France and Spain that imposed the strictest lockdowns - should give us cause for concern, but not alarm. There are indications that the rate of spread has slowed down, possibly reflecting the impact of some population immunity, although case numbers are still rising. However, the numbers dying from it are low, and currently make up only around 2% of all deaths in England and Wales.

    We could end up in the worst of all scenarios: ever more restrictions, more and more older people getting the virus, and heading into winter with the usual seasonal rise in other illnesses like influenza on top of Covid - with all that means for pressure on healthcare.

    There is still time to change course, open up society for younger people, protect and support the vulnerable and allow the epidemic to take its course. There is no scenario where nobody dies and everything is fine and dandy. We have been hit by a deadly new virus. That's no excuse for bad policies that risk turning a crisis into a disaster.

    ALSO ON RT.COM As Boris Johnson announces Britain's 'great reset', were the Covid 'conspiracy theorists' right all along?

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    The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

    Rob Lyons

    Rob Lyons is a UK journalist specialising in science, environmental and health issues. He is the author of ' Panic on a Plate: How Society Developed an Eating Disorder'.

    [Oct 03, 2020] Looking at excess deaths, it looks like the Covid pandemic is basically over.

    Oct 03, 2020 |

    Deltaeus , Oct 2 2020 20:50 utc | 119

    The one statistic that it seems no-one can manipulate is excess mortality .

    I cannot get around the fact that the number of deaths per month increased to double the normal rate for a couple of months and then went back to normal by June or so. It varies by country. Spain had double the normal death rate for a month or so, now back to normal. USA had one and half times normal for longer. Germany never exceeded 20% above average.

    Some people track "covid deaths" but there are intrinsic difficulties with such statistics (co-morbidity) even if you are striving for objectivity, and every region has different definitions.

    The media seems to be talking a lot about "cases" and not talking about "deaths" - is that because deaths are back to normal?

    Looking at excess deaths, it looks like the Covid pandemic is basically over.

    If anyone can provide some insight into why excess death statistics do not say what I think they are saying, I'd be delighted to learn more.

    [Sep 29, 2020] If the goal of the Bilderburg and Davos groups was to control or reduce world population, they have been startling ineffective in doing so; if COVID was about population control, they could have genetically engineered and release a virus that actually killed more than really unhealthy people, instead of restricting people's freedoms over an overhyped (to be polite) virus.

    Sep 29, 2020 |

    eD , says: September 27, 2020 at 3:19 am GMT

    While Mike Whitney is on the right track, I think he is incorrect when he echoes other internet commentators that the end game of Operation COVID is population reduction.

    Since World War II, global population has increased by 80 million each and every year. Of course, as the world population grew, from just over 2 billion at the end of World War 2 to almost 8 billion today, the annual percentage increase decreased since the annual 80 million was coming off of a bigger base population. Until this year, the annual increase in absolute numbers has always been 80 million.

    Rich people often go to conferences and talk about wanting to control population, but that has never come close to happening. Only the Chinese and Japanese governments implemented effective population control programs. If the goal of the Bilderburg and Davos groups was to control or reduce world population, they have been startling ineffective in doing so. If COVID was about population control, they could have genetically engineered and release a virus that actually killed more than really unhealthy people, instead of restricting people's freedoms over an overhyped (to be polite) virus.

    The obvious conclusion is that this crowd has no interest in population control whatsoever. But they are concerned with reducing industrial activity and greenhouse gas emissions. And that is to be accomplished by keeping up population growth, but reducing the standard of living of everyone but the Davos crowd to medieval peasant levels. They want to keep their slaves, thank you very much. The plan is to get to a global population of 11 billion people but everyone but a few families has a diet of rice and beans.

    The victims of this scheme, which is flat out evil, can enjoy one irony. While the lockdowns may have curbed greenhouse gas emissions, the worldwide temperature drop this year was only o.o1 degree Celsius (0.02 to 0.03 Farenheit). Yeah, it would have been more without the lockdowns, but all thisfor 0.01 degrees.

    One issue is that greenhouse gas emissions are primarily caused by population growth itself, so turning everyone into third world peasants but having lots and lots of them won't work. Poor people in India contribute a lot by just cutting down trees for cooking fires. The bigger issue is that since 2018, methane released from tundra and the Artic Ocean has started overtaking carbon as the main greenhouse gas. Which means the game is already over in terms of controlling greenhouse gasses. Its a matter of adjusting now, though granted a decrease in worldwide population would make the adjustment easier.

    By the way, even with the old fashioned carbon emissions, closing all the mom and pop businesses and churches and forcing everyone to buy everything online and have it shipped to them is counter-productive.

    Dumbo , says: September 27, 2020 at 8:20 am GMT
    @eD t care about diseases. They just care about control. They are evil psychopathic narcissists.

    Sad thing is, most people are dumb as rocks and fall every time for the tales of these snake oil salesmen.

    These days in Montreal there was a protest for "climate action", "protection of migrants" and "BLM" – and of course with all the people wearing masks against "Covid". A March of Zombies if there ever was one.

    RoatanBill , says: September 27, 2020 at 1:17 pm GMT

    Here's the latest from the CDC regarding survival rates.
    CDC COVID-19 Survival Rates

    Age 0-19 -- 99.997%
    Age 20-49 -- 99.98%
    Age 50-69 -- 99.5%
    Age 70+ -- 94.6%

    This is one giant political scam.

    Stephen J. Gray , says: Website September 27, 2020 at 10:55 pm GMT

    Excellent article. I believe the treachery of the so-called elites have no boundaries. Evil is their master and control of the populace is their aim. I also believe we need mass arrests of those that are using this virus as a cover for their agenda for the world.

    omegabooks , says: September 28, 2020 at 5:01 am GMT

    So how many times have the criminal psycho elites tried their "time to take over the world" shtick for the past thousands of years and for some strange reason they never could? Because they are criminals. Because they are psychopaths. Because they are elites but only in their own minds as they think they are gods. And speaking of God .ever hear of the Bible? There's a passage in Ecclesiastes that pretty much sums it up: from Ecclesiastes 1:9–"The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun." (KJV) And what is the definition of insanity (for psychopaths are insane, right?)–doing the same thing (nothing new under the sun) over and over (that which is done is that which shall be done) expecting different results . when the result is always the same. And I don't give a crap how wealthy Gates is he and his god Satan are not in control .God controls Satan (see Job Chapter Two) doncha know .and so does Christ (see Matthew Chapter Four). Dystopian future? Only if you want it that way and believe the nonsense that the elites are in control. With freedom comes responsibility which most folks these days couldn't handle with a ten foot pole; hence they'll accept whatever slavery the elites think they'll cajole the people to accept. Have fun with that. Turning oneself into a "wear a mask or else" Karen bully has consequences .do these idiots know how much their hatred will destroy them? When idiots become psychopaths ..

    GMC , says: September 28, 2020 at 7:38 am GMT
    @RoatanBill argill, DuPont, John Deere, and others have either bribed their way into securing certain countries farmland, or have used regime change tactics in order to secure even more farmlands { Ukraine's, Syria's breadbasket etc. }. In Ukraine, Monsanto's gmo corn is called AmeriKanski Kookarooza – and it's easy to see the difference between the gmo vs the locally grown corn. Shall we talk about the takeover, of the world's fresh water aquifers? = Same corporate game. Or the sabotage of the independent farms in all of the Americas. Russia and China has been watching for years, and are developing their plans to be fairly independent – time is running out. Thanks
    Verymuchalive , says: September 28, 2020 at 3:17 pm GMT

    You're probably right about the sociopath tag. Certainly, they're completely deluded. Creating conditions for war when you have so much to lose is incredibly stupid, as Rasputin never said to Tsar Nicholas.

    Alfred , says: September 28, 2020 at 6:38 pm GMT

    as Rasputin never said to Tsar Nicholas.

    Rasputin worked to bring about peace. He got the Tsar to sack ministers who were pro-British. Rasputin was shot by a British Agent. There was previously another attempt on his life – also by the British.

    Alfred , says: September 28, 2020 at 3:52 pm GMT
    @vot tak "current best estimate" of chances of dying from the virus if you get infected:

    1 out of 34,000 for ages 0 to 19;

    1 out of 5,000 for ages 20 to 49;

    1 out of 200 for ages 50 to 69; and

    1 out of 20 for ages 70 and up.

    Here's another way to look at the same numbers. If you get infected, your chances of surviving are as follows:

    Age Group Probability of Survival

    0-19: 99.997%
    20-49: 99.98%
    50-69: 99.5%
    70+: 94.6%

    anon [842] Disclaimer , says: September 28, 2020 at 3:54 pm GMT

    I'm a conservative who wants non-interventionism, less globalization and less immigration (preferably zero), and I see things very differently.

    For the life of me I can't understand why self-proclaimed conservatives are so keen on getting things back to where they were, which they complained often as a world run by liberals. As far as I'm concern, a lot more good will come from this than bad. The most important is the decentralization of work and with it, the decongestion of cities. Remote work lessens the need for immigration. Less air travel lessens globalization. More parents will begin to embrace homeschooling thus lessening the power of our education establishment. More universities will go bankrupt as they lose students in particular full fee paying foreign students.

    Our cities are bastions of liberalism. As more people move away from them to return closer to their kin in the center of the country, the power of cities will decline. All the protests esp. in (D) run cities in the West coast and NE will only hasten their own demise, which will be good for America.

    Our current economy relies far too much on the service sector. Cities have become centers of excessive drinking, eating, gambling, night-clubbing, drug addiction, prostitution and all sorts of unseemly activities that led to our moral decline. The decline of these establishments and cities will lead to stronger families and a return to moral values.

    Smarby , says: September 29, 2020 at 5:36 am GMT

    If the goal of the Bilderburg and Davos groups was to control or reduce world population, they have been startling ineffective in doing so.

    What if their goal wasn't to reduce the entire population, but only certain segments? Replacement Migration isn't a term that conspiracy theorists made up. How close do you suppose the correlation is between the decline in white birth rates and things like"straight white male" and "whiteness" becoming pejoratives in modern context?

    trackit , says: September 29, 2020 at 7:49 am GMT

    imho by inserting HIV in Corona by "Gain Of Function" research they were looking just to make a serious bioweapon. And the giveaway is the reaction out of any proportion in lockdowns and hysteria, that is, they are still following the plot even if their bioweapon was a pathetic dud.

    [Sep 29, 2020] Covid is not the Spanish Flu, not the Black Plague and the Genocidal Planetary Killer Virus it was cracked up to be. It kills more people than the annual influenza, but not significantly more.

    Notable quotes:
    "... The second type of Covid-19, is Covid "The Political Contrivance" or, rather, C ODENAME: O peration V irus Id entification 20 19. This iteration of the Covid phenom relates to the manner in which a modestly-lethal respiratory pathogen has been inflated into a perennial public health crisis in order to implement economic and societal changes that would otherwise be impossible. This is the political side of Covid, which is much more difficult to define since it relates to the ambiguous agenda of powerful elites who are using the infection to conceal their real intentions. ..."
    "... hospitals were given a financial incentive to label each and every death as "covid." $13,000 a pop. ..."
    "... Note also that the media claims that rioting and looting doesn't spread covid, funerals for dead negroes do not spread covid, abortion clinics do not spread covid, but going to church DEFINITELY spreads covid and Trump rallies are the most super-spreader events of all... ..."
    "... Since gov't is making hydroxychloroquine and other treatments near impossible to use, gov't is essentially murdering sick people. Does murder count towards the virus death statistics? ..."
    "... The virus is real enough, but the hype surrounding it and the mendacity involved in every report means no one KNOWS what the actual truth is. It should be obvious, however, that it's not the equal to the Spanish Flu or the Black Death. The reaction to the virus is infinitely worse than the virus itself, thanks to the swine in gov't. ..."
    "... The CDC's own figures of several weeks ago make clear that only 6% of the 200 000 US deaths from Covid were actually directly because of Covid. ..."
    "... The other 94% were said to have been either very elderly or to have at least 2 underlying serious medical conditions. ..."
    "... I suspect many people would die when contracting the "ordinary" flu under the same circumstances. ..."
    "... "... Of course people go to the hospital, moving into the autumn flu season but there is no science to suggest a second wave should happen." ..."
    Sep 29, 2020 |

    Originally from: Gates, Kissinger and Our Dystopian Future, by Mike Whitney - The Unz Review

    "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it." George Orwell

    Can we agree that there are two types of Covid-19?

    The first type, is Covid-19 ,"The Virus", which is a fairly mild infection that most people don't even realize they've contracted. They remain either asymptomatic or have slight flu-like symptoms that go away after a week or so. A tiny sliver of the population– that are mainly-older, vulnerable people with underlying health conditions– can develop complications, become seriously ill and die. But, according to most analysis, the chances of dying from Covid are roughly between 1 in every 200 to 1 in every 1,000 people. (CDC-IFR- 0.26%)

    In other words, Covid is not the Spanish Flu, not the Black Plague and the Genocidal Planetary Killer Virus it was cracked up to be. It kills more people than the annual influenza, but not significantly more.

    The second type of Covid-19, is Covid "The Political Contrivance" or, rather, C ODENAME: O peration V irus Id entification 20 19. This iteration of the Covid phenom relates to the manner in which a modestly-lethal respiratory pathogen has been inflated into a perennial public health crisis in order to implement economic and societal changes that would otherwise be impossible. This is the political side of Covid, which is much more difficult to define since it relates to the ambiguous agenda of powerful elites who are using the infection to conceal their real intentions.

    RoatanBill , says: September 28, 2020 at 11:27 am GMT

    @vot tak

    Please explain the CDC's most recent survival statistics, which are:

    Age 0-19 -- 99.997%
    Age 20-49 -- 99.98%
    Age 50-69 -- 99.5%
    Age 70+ -- 94.6%

    The virus is real enough, it's just not the threat its made out to be.

    Getaclue , says: September 28, 2020 at 9:01 pm GMT
    @animalogic te you and want you, if not dead, impoverished, shut up, and "quarantined" permanently -- it's painful to watch so very many people cheer this on out of Covid Cowardice and/or utter stupidity while dragging the rest of us along with them unfortunately .:
    Robert Dolan , says: September 29, 2020 at 2:31 am GMT

    hospitals were given a financial incentive to label each and every death as "covid." $13,000 a pop.

    The most revealing number is the number of total deaths year to year has NOT increased this year, which makes it obvious that covid really hasn't had much of a real impact at all.

    Note also that the media claims that rioting and looting doesn't spread covid, funerals for dead negroes do not spread covid, abortion clinics do not spread covid, but going to church DEFINITELY spreads covid and Trump rallies are the most super-spreader events of all...

    RoatanBill , says: September 29, 2020 at 10:29 am GMT
    @vot tak ely inappropriate in the way it's being used according to the man who invented it, so all the positives and negatives are bullshit.

    Since gov't is making hydroxychloroquine and other treatments near impossible to use, gov't is essentially murdering sick people. Does murder count towards the virus death statistics?

    The virus is real enough, but the hype surrounding it and the mendacity involved in every report means no one KNOWS what the actual truth is. It should be obvious, however, that it's not the equal to the Spanish Flu or the Black Death. The reaction to the virus is infinitely worse than the virus itself, thanks to the swine in gov't.

    Rogue , says: September 29, 2020 at 11:45 am GMT
    @vot tak

    The CDC's own figures of several weeks ago make clear that only 6% of the 200 000 US deaths from Covid were actually directly because of Covid.

    The other 94% were said to have been either very elderly or to have at least 2 underlying serious medical conditions.

    I suspect many people would die when contracting the "ordinary" flu under the same circumstances.

    Covid is real enough – but no way has it been serious enough to warrant a worldwide lockdown.

    I'm still undecided whether the lockdown is overreaction, or conspiracy.

    Alfred , says: September 29, 2020 at 12:59 pm GMT

    "... Of course people go to the hospital, moving into the autumn flu season but there is no science to suggest a second wave should happen."

    Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says "Second Wave" Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, "Pandemic is Over"

    [Sep 29, 2020] CDC is settling on an Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) for COVID-19 of about 0.65%.

    Sep 29, 2020 |

    MARK CHAPMAN September 24, 2020 at 8:45 pm

    From all I have read, it looks as if the CDC is settling on an Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) for COVID-19 of about 0.65%. That fluctuates a bit, and sometimes is presented as low as 0.1%. But consensus in the field seems to be that the infection rate as a whole is grossly underestimated, and may be 25 times as high – this seems to be supported by the 'new cases' phenomenon, whereby the more they test, the more cases they discover, which in turn seems to suggest more cases await discovery than current testing can keep up with. At the same time, though, even fiddling with the death rate by incorporating all deaths of tested people regardless whether COVID actually killed them cannot conceal that the fatality rate of confirmed cases is quite low. COVID-19 is extremely contagious but chance of recovery for those infected is in the order of 98% even by conservative estimate, and the demographic for whom it is most dangerous is well-established as elderly, perhaps above age 75, and the immune-compromised.

    Against that backdrop, SARS CoV (2003) and MERS (2012) were considerably less contagious, but significantly more dangerous – SARS CoV was 16 times more deadly at 9.6% IFR, and MERS 57 times more deadly at 34.3 %. Both are coronaviruses. In both cases the at-risk group included the elderly, although MERS seemed mostly to affect men, and the immune-compromised. In neither case is a vaccine available to this day. In neither case was a lockdown employed.

    What can we deduce from this? I'm going to suggest governments fell hook, line and sinker for the Imperial College model and its grossly-flawed projections of huge numbers of deaths. Lockdowns, in their turn, were desperate efforts to stave off those mass deaths. But entirely the wrong lessons were learned, and governments still seem to believe – or pretend to, for their own purposes – that going back into lockdown is an efficacious way to deal with an apparent 'surge' in cases. But this has already been shown to not prevent such deaths as occur from Coronavirus, and it looks to me like safeguarding facilities for the elderly and weak, such as care homes, would suffice. There is a totally-unsupported linkage of large numbers of infections with large numbers of deaths. And for so long as we commit to wiping out an airborne viral infection by suppressing it, we can never open our international borders until the last case has been eradicated worldwide. Every country will have a large pool of uninfected potential victims with no herd immunity. Astra-Zeneca/Oxford's vaccine trials have been suspended because of unanticipated deleterious effects on test subjects.

    BLATNOI September 25, 2020 at 3:48 am

    Well, a 1% or .65% death rate is a huge number of deaths if everybody necessary for herd immunity gets infected (~60-80% of all people based on the contagiousness). And apparently it's not familiar to humans so everyone gets infected with it, unlike the flu or cold to which many already have some antibodies. And you're still likely not to notice it that much in your circle, but all of a sudden you end up with 2 million dead in the US where so many are obese, and COVID is known for playing with the heart rate in addition to causing breathing difficulties.

    There is actually a MERS vaccine that finished Phase II. It was made by the same Russian institute responsible for the coronavirus vaccine and they've been testing it for the last few years. This explains why they had such a head start in vaccine development. They basically took their MERS system and replaces it with the COVID specific antibody and felt so certain about it that they injected themselves with it already back in the spring.

    There is an interview there with the developer. I know it's Kevin Rothrock's outfit, but the interview was actually very good and professionally done from a science angle. I'm not sure they translated it from Russian entirely as I read it a while ago.

    MARK CHAPMAN September 25, 2020 at 10:10 am

    That's interesting. According to the source I cited, both SARS CoV and MERS are also zoonotic, meaning they originate in animals and are not familiar to humans – SARS CoV's natural reservoir was horseshoe bats and MERS from contact with Dromedary camels. I have seen suggestions, which seem to be supported by the rapid decline in deaths relative to the rise in infections, that herd immunity for COVID 19 may be a much lower threshold than previous viral infections, possibly as low as 20%.

    BLATNOI September 25, 2020 at 7:24 pm

    Mathematically, it does not make any sense that herd immunity for any disease to which you need to develop immunity would be less than 50%, because until that threshold, each infected person has on average a greater chance of coming in contact with someone who does not have immunity, than with someone who has immunity. Now as you get to 50%, then the reproduction rate of the virus across population starts to matter. If it's low, just above 1, then you might become healthy and non infectious before you can infect someone else so herd immunity can be just above 50%. However if it's really high, like the 20 of measles, then even 99% will not be enough to kill it as it will always find someone who is a good host for it and that's why measles is so hard to wipe out, even though almost everyone has a vaccination.

    MARK CHAPMAN September 25, 2020 at 7:36 pm

    Interesting; I did not think about it from a mathematical point of view. I wonder where the figure of 20% came from? Now I could challenge them and look smart.

    Oh, hey – what do you know? I was just browsing for something interesting to read while I ate my Instant Pot Peach Cobbler (delicious with French Vanilla ice cream, and I used way less sugar than the recipe called for), and I found an article claiming a low (although not quite 20% low) herd immunity is possible because of pre-existing immunity in T-cells, and that a significant number of people worldwide already had some level of resistance to COVID-19 before it even arrived on-scene.

    Dr. Michael Yeadon, Chief Science Officer for Pharma giant Pfizer for 16 years, is the source for some of the material, although I have not watched the video and do not know how much of what is claimed he is responsible for. A lot of jaw-dropping inferences that at least half the COVID test results might be false-positives, and maybe many more. If the numbers claimed have any solid backing and are accurate, then the survival rate for COVID-19 is only marginally less than the flu – 99.8% versus 99.9% for flu.


    BLATNOI September 25, 2020 at 11:09 pm

    I forgot to mention that it's possible for the disease to end before reaching 50% if the transmission rate goes below 1, but this is due to other factors such as quarantines, people taking precautions, it's summer and it doesn't transmit well, etc But that means it ended before herd immunity has been reached. If the transmission rate was always less than 1, then there would have been no big outbreak at all and it would have died out by itself after infecting a few dozen people. If the conditions revert to the original where the transmission rate was more than 1, and the disease is still around and less than 50% of people have immunity, it will start spreading again.

    Herd immunity is ultimately a mathematical concept so it has to be above 50%. If people already have pre-immunity, either from a previous disease that looked similar or from a vaccine, then that counts as well as part of those 50%. But I thought the deal with the coronavirus was that all humans did not have any pre-immunity to it since it was so different and that's why everyone got scared at the beginning. Because if that is the case, then it will infect ~60% of the entire human population in the best case herd immunity scenario.


    MARK CHAPMAN September 26, 2020 at 3:25 am

    "If the conditions revert to the original where the transmission rate was more than 1, and the disease is still around and less than 50% of people have immunity, it will start spreading again."

    Hence my main point that even if we managed to wrestle it to submission using suppressive techniques such as lockdown and quarantine, we would never be able to allow travelers from or to other countries until it was extinct everywhere. Suppression was always a bad idea.


    BLATNOI September 28, 2020 at 2:33 pm

    Well the point was that you could slow it down long enough for a to find some better treatment techniques or for vaccine to be ready. I admit that I didn't think it likely, but since a vaccine is coming out in January, it seems like it was quite an achievable goal, even if the economic damage was not worth it. Now that there is no appetite for lockdowns since the mortality rate is too low and it mostly kills people not in 'your' (i.e. most) demographic, it still might not be enough time to prevent a second wave, but it'll take care of a third one I guess. And they did find a cheap steroid that shuts down the overly strong immune response in the bad cases. It's been credited for lower mortality lately in the US and the low mortality in Russia. So that was the reasoning behind fighting it. Everyone being vaccinated is a more palatable herd immunity strategy for politicians and a huge number of other people, as opposed to the alternative. The economic damage and the bravery of citizens in the face of something that kills only 1% of infected (and mostly old people) was underestimated.


    MARK CHAPMAN September 28, 2020 at 6:50 pm

    Well, some Canadian provinces – the only ones that matter, I guess, Quebec and Ontario – spent much of today's news cycle declaring that the dreaded Second Wave is already upon us. Cases, naturally, not deaths; they cite 'new infections' with the terrified wonder that implies this was not the expected result of accelerated testing, at all. What we's gonna do? I submit it is a shot across the bow of the 20% or so who are not convinced that this is the Great Scourge childhood Bible tales warned us about; wear a fucking mask and start looking like you like it, bucko, or we'll be back in Lockdown City before you can say "droplets'. It looks more and more like no progress against the virus is going to be measured until the entire population is so cowed that it will accept any withdrawal of its freedoms, while congratulating itself for being so noble and community-minded. Hint – stop thinking 'Rights', and start thinking 'Privileges'.

    But I did hear a sort-of rebuttal to my usual charge that we will never be able to open national borders until every single 'case' has been eradicated worldwide – No, they said; as this situation evolves, we will have quicker and more reliable testing, and we can test, test, test everyone who is entering the country until we are satisfied all travelers from other lands are COVID-free. And we'll have a vaccine, as well, the magic potion that will prevent those who have never had it from ever having it.

    Perhaps. But to me, it's a little like death-penalty cases. If you only once send an innocent plaintiff to his death, it's once too often. If only once a COVID test is inaccurate and a single case carrying a live virus is permitted to enter, it will maul a population rich in uninfected victims in less time than it takes to say it. Herd immunity is a far better concept, and there is absolutely no requirement to risk the lives of the elderly to achieve it. Let it rage among the healthy and younger population until it runs out of steam, and it's beaten. But they're too busy trying to suppress it, then wailing and gnashing their teeth and demanding more sacrifice until the unworkable somehow works.


    PATIENT OBSERVER September 26, 2020 at 4:21 am

    The 20% figure may be from NYC's experience. Covid-19 spread in that city has largely been eliminated yet with only about 20% (IIRC 22%) immunity of the general population. Those numbers were mentioned in a Congressional hearing involving Rand Paul and the good Dr. Faulucci whatever.

    The 50% requirement likely assumes a completely homogeneous population that is randomly interacting. Yet, children apparently have a lower likelihood of catching and transmitting the disease and may not be counted in the 20-22% figure. Moreover, it's the health impact of the spread that matters. A reasonably health adult has little chance of a severe reaction to an infection. Indeed, getting infected seems to be a free and effective form of vaccination contributing to the decline of further spread.

    My suspicion is that masks and social distancing have only a minor contribution toward reducing the spread. Only a complete lock down would guarantee a reduction in the rate of transmission.

    My inexpert but nevertheless fact-based assessment is that the most effective and least damaging strategy is to protect those groups with a high likelihood of an adverse effect from an infection while allowing the 90%+ of the population to go about their business.

    The above strategy may not be PC as young but overweight people would be singled-out thereby countering the body positivity message that fat is beautiful. Often mentioned by non-MSM sources is that the US's poor Covid track record can be partially explained by the very high rates of obesity with its related health problems. Such inconvenient facts to not play well for an exceptional nation populated by heroes.

    JRKRIDEAU September 26, 2020 at 8:53 am

    I just glanced at it but I think that it is an edited, and somewhat shortened, version of the original Russian-language interview .

    MARK CHAPMAN September 24, 2020 at 10:59 am

    Yes, it's funny you should say that, because I just got off the phone with my Mom. We were setting up lunch today; she mentioned that Coronavirus has killed almost 200,000 people in the USA, and I told her that was way off, that's the number worldwide and the media routinely confuses it to scare people. So I immediately looked it up after putting down the phone, and indeed it is over 199,000 deaths in the USA. It is indeed deadlier than the flu; but still, it is not the plague and the number of deaths has tapered off dramatically, hence the need to refer to 'cases' now rather than 'deaths', although obviously if you are a 'case' it is still very unlikely you will be a 'death'.

    I would argue over the 'hidden deaths' unless you do not mean that such deaths should be attributed to coronavirus, since there seems to have been a deliberate effort on the part of the western health-care system to attribute any peripherally-related death to coronavirus and if anything, the number is probably lower than stated. But it has certainly taken off more than I thought.

    CORTES September 24, 2020 at 12:11 pm

    The bulk of the information at

    relates to the ongoing mayhem generated by violence using firearms in Chicago.

    Scroll down through the dismal stats on drive-by shooting incidents and the like and there are a couple of sections dealing with Coronavirus demographics and, especially interesting, listed comorbidities for deaths in Cook County cases. The footnotes detail the sources and remind us to distinguish between cases of death WITH Cv19 and FROM Cv19. The blurring of causes of death benefits only the fearmongers, I believe.

    The Scottish death certificates I used to see regularly listed several causes of death, in descending order of importance. The few English ones I saw had far fewer details, and perhaps the US system followed the English example.

    MARK CHAPMAN September 24, 2020 at 3:48 pm

    Gee; humour is to be found in a variety of odd places these days. The comparison between COVID fatalities and being shot offered a Case Fatality Rate (CFR) of 3.68% for the former, while a much higher rate of 17% was attributed to 'Hi-Speed Lead'. And the CFR for COVID is likely exaggerated as well, due to linking of deaths owing to comorbidities as you mentioned. I think the global average COVID CFR is about 2%.

    CORTES September 27, 2020 at 1:28 am

    Yes, they do have a mischievous sense of humour – one of the "spikes" on the CV19 graphic there is shaped like a handgun.

    The shot-in-the-ass &c-ometers are good too.

    CORTES September 24, 2020 at 11:49 am

    John Helmer seems to take great delight in describing the growth of cheesemaking in Russia since the introduction of retaliatory sanctions:

    Let's hope that the boutique niche specialists can avoid being crushed by the conglomerates. And who knows, perhaps one day one of the western facing foodies will acquire a taste?

    ET AL September 24, 2020 at 12:42 pm

    It reminds me of that famous French song from the 1980s Fromage, Fromage by Desireless:

    Au dessus le camembert,
    Glissent d'ail en le fromage Bleu d'Auvergne

    CORTES September 24, 2020 at 2:38 pm

    Mechant, Et Al!

    As penance you should read "The Cheese and the Worms" about the Holy Inquisition dealing with a nutty Miller in Friuli.

    MARK CHAPMAN September 24, 2020 at 3:56 pm

    Catchy; I like her voice.

    MARK CHAPMAN September 24, 2020 at 3:15 pm

    That was a singularly interesting post; I always enjoy Helmer's work because it is impeccably sourced, but in this instance the pie charts offered persuasive evidence as to why Belarus was almost immediately selected as the underground railroad for European cheeses masquerading as originating within the customs union. Belarus had 25% of the Russian cheese import market in 2013, and its share ballooned to 86% this year. Added to that would be Lukashenko's fence-sitting and flirtation with the EU, said tacit alliance and cooperation having gone into the toilet bowl with the EU's complicity in trying to overthrow and replace him, whipped on by Uncle Sam. Another nice own goal, you failures.

    As an aside, I greatly appreciate Putin's earthy and impromptu sense of humour; in response to cheesemaker Sirota's assurances that in the next two to three years, Russian cheese exports would make established European cheese producers tremble, he inquired "Will it make them tremble because it is delicious, or because of something else?"

    BLATNOI September 24, 2020 at 8:45 pm

    I don't know if I mentioned it here, but I went to my wife's hometown in the summer of 2019 (I was there earlier as well), and one of the free days I went to the supermarket and bought six to eight different cheeses that said "made in Russia" to try. I left the rest of the blocks to her sister after trying. It wasn't bad actually. Not as good as stuff I can get in Germany but close enough to it, but much better than typical American or Canadian made cheeses. I know it's not a high bar, but still.

    I guess I'm comparing it to Russian chesses from 2015. It was edible but not much different than the cheap cheeses I could get at the ubiquitous Russian supermarkets in Israel. There almost all the stuff was imported from Poland or Russia, and there were a few of homemade varieties that had different names from the official Western version, like Tal-Emek instead of Emmental, where it was slightly inferior but really depended on the month. The Russian cheeses were often different in taste and were different kinds, but were nothing extraordinary. They just didn't copy the Western famous types and concentrated on their own thing. Which I guess is not allowed under the EU rules. Now they copy and call it by the original name too and the taste is great.

    I wish I could get more stuff from Europe and Russia here, but I think my current country has some sort of import mafia where they don't want to compete with outside products too much. The problem is that unlike Russia, they often just don't make that type of cheese so the import substitution amounts to: "Just eat something else. Who needs all these stupid cheeses anyways. We survived many centuries without Emmental. Why don't you just eat our traditional food and be happy; there are pseudo-scientific studies showing that it's healthy!"

    MARK CHAPMAN September 24, 2020 at 9:54 pm

    I did not try a great variety of cheese in Russia when I was there, so my palate is quite limited; we had a medium-hard ripened cheese that was whitish-yellow, sort of creamy in colour and mild in flavour that we liked and pretty consistently bought to eat with rulka and bread as a light meal. But that was in, what, 2006 or so. So the Russian cheese market might have really taken off. And that was in the Primorskye region, which is pretty rural compared with the great cities like St Petersburg and Moscow, where I imagine the variety to be quite cosmopolitan, although back then most of it would likely have been international rather than domestic. We did shop at a few supermarkets, but most of our food purchases came from open-air markets with small shops or the ubiquitous stalls made by cutting one side out of an old shipping container.

    Overall I am encouraged by the Russian response to sanctions, because it seems to me very positive to use it as an opportunity to infuse the domestic industry – rather than being bitter and indulging in recriminations, which would only give the enemy satisfaction, Russia reorients its markets and uses gentle mockery, which makes the enemy feel cheated, balked and ineffective.

    MARK CHAPMAN September 24, 2020 at 6:35 pm

    Pop quiz – who said this?

    "95% of the people in Finland or the United States or Germany believe that Russian state poisoned Navalny. The facts don't matter as much as what people believe in."

    Bonus question – if that's true, how can such a reality coincide with this one?

    "But it is far from clear that Ms Merkel is ready to pull the plug on Nord Stream 2. The chancellor's messaging on the pipeline has been remarkably consistent and the Navalny affair has, so far, barely impinged on it. Moreover, she is backed by most of the German political establishment.

    The opposition Greens tabled a motion in the Bundestag last week calling on the government to stop the project, which will bring gas directly from Russia to Germany across the Baltic Sea. Green party leader Annalena Baerbock said Nord Stream 2 was "splitting Europe".

    Yet Ms Baerbock and her party found themselves almost entirely isolated. Erstwhile enemies from across the political spectrum ganged up to savage their motion. It was one of the few occasions on which Ms Merkel's CDU/CSU, the Social Democrats, the hard-left Die Linke and the hard-right Alternative for Germany had ever agreed on anything

    At the same time, Berlin has continued to insist that political issues -- specifically, the Navalny affair and the need for a robust European response -- must be kept apart from economic ones, notably infrastructure projects that are seen as essential for Europe's energy security.

    Ms Merkel was asked in late August, shortly after Mr Navalny had arrived in Berlin for treatment, if Germany should quit Nord Stream 2. Her response was clear: the two issues should, she said, be "decoupled". Nord Stream 2 should be completed, she added, since it would be operated by economic actors in both Russia and Europe. There is no reason to believe her view has changed since then -- novichok or no novichok."

    How sad – the Germans just do not seem to care about Navalny! Unless it is the 95% of Germans who are outside the government (apart from the Greens) and the business community. Ich weiß, welche Seite meines Brotes gebuttert ist.

    CORTES September 25, 2020 at 2:48 am

    Does the name of the person begin with a K?

    MARK CHAPMAN September 25, 2020 at 9:45 am

    Why, yes; yes, it does. Fortune favours the bold.

    TROND September 25, 2020 at 1:21 pm

    Lykken står den kjekke veps.

    Sorry, i just had to say that

    MARK CHAPMAN September 24, 2020 at 7:11 pm


    MARK CHAPMAN September 24, 2020 at 10:14 pm


    Where's me doubloon?

    MOSCOWEXILE September 25, 2020 at 1:26 am

    It's in the post.

    [Sep 29, 2020] President Duterte is said to have ordered police and the military to shoot dead anyone who defied or protested COVID-19 lockdown orders on the island of Luzon

    Sep 29, 2020 |

    JEN September 27, 2020 at 6:00 pm

    President Duterte is said to have ordered police and the military to shoot dead anyone who defied or protested COVID-19 lockdown orders on the island of Luzon – the largest island and the most populous in the Philippines – back in March / April 2020. The sources for this news are nearly all MSM sources and Amnesty International.

    Duterte is the first Filipino President to have come from outside the political elite based in Manila. This in itself makes him an easy target for Washington who would rather get rid of someone they don't know or can't control instead of try to understand where he is coming from and work with him.

    As mayor of Davao City in Mindanao, in the southern part of the country, Duterte had promoted policies to help disadvantaged women in areas of reproductive rights education and fighting domestic violence. As any fule knows from following the MSM, Duterte is supposedly a misogynist who makes crude fun of women. In addition, Duterte has expressed interest in working with China and establishing better relations with Beijing, and this in itself, coming from a leader of a former US colony, makes him a potential target for regime change tactics.

    I'd be very careful of anything reported about what Duterte says or doesn't say by the mainstream press and groups like Amnesty International: it is very likely that Duterte's utterances are taken out of context and twisted into something that conforms to a stereotype depicting him as crude, violent and Stone Age, and consequently encourages the Western public to accept his forced removal if and when the opportunity presents itself.

    JULIUS SKOOLAFISH September 28, 2020 at 3:47 am

    "I'd be very careful of anything reported about what Duterte says or doesn't say by the mainstream press and groups like Amnesty International "

    I totally concur.

    I have been a long time admirer of President Duterte (as has a niece-in-law of mine).

    I have a great dossier of his speeches and interviews. For example:
    • Interview with Maria Finoshina on RT – a true investigative journalist.

    But then I started seeing him parading around with his full cabinet in those ridiculous masks and wondered if 'they' had got to him.

    And then this.

    Still hopeful

    MARK CHAPMAN September 27, 2020 at 12:22 pm

    Did he actually say that, in so many words, in instructions to the police? "Shoot anyone you want"?

    JRKRIDEAU September 27, 2020 at 6:49 pm

    Well it is a paraphrase but basically yes.but it was aimed at drug dealers. I had not heard about the Covid-19 orders that Jen mentioned but it sounds a bit like something he would say.

    Apparently a lot of people have been shot but I cannot remember the figures. Possibly in the 1,000s?

    Jen, also, has a good point that he is not from the elite and the MSM media.

    MARK CHAPMAN September 28, 2020 at 4:37 am

    And he has incurred the wrath of the USA by evicting the American military presence. Adding insult to injury by punctuating it with "I can always go to China".

    I'm sure the USA didn't maintain military facilities there for 65 years because they like the climate.

    [Sep 29, 2020] The Mayor of Nashville was caught red-handed discussing via email how to hush up the relatively-small numbers of cases that were linked to restaurants and bars, because putting restaurants and bars back into lockdown was the decided-upon action that would be taken to show the eejits in the electorate that their elected officials are looking out for public health.

    Sep 29, 2020 |

    MARK CHAPMAN September 26, 2020 at 6:33 pm

    Ha, ha, haaaaa!!! Booga-booga!! Coronavirus is gonna getcha!!!

    Yes, indeedy, the Mayor of Nashville was caught red-handed discussing via email how to hush up the relatively-small numbers of cases that were linked to restaurants and bars, because putting restaurants and bars back into lockdown was the decided-upon action that would be taken to show the eejits in the electorate that their elected officials are looking out for public health.

    One more time – COVID-19 is real. It's not fabricated, but the way it is being ridden to political Nirvana is unprecedented, and if it does not destroy the global economy altogether, putting us back to the barter system and working for food, it will be a fucking miracle.

    [Sep 26, 2020] The Stockdale Paradox

    Notable quotes:
    "... You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end -- which you can never afford to lose -- with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be. ..."
    Sep 26, 2020 |

    grug-cave-head , 2 hours ago

    Let me post something.

    The Stockdale Paradox[ edit ]

    James C. Collins related a conversation he had with Stockdale regarding his coping strategy during his period in the Vietnamese POW camp. [21] [ non-primary source needed ] When Collins asked which prisoners didn't make it out of Vietnam, Stockdale replied:

    Oh, that's easy, the optimists. Oh, they were the ones who said, 'We're going to be out by Christmas.' And Christmas would come, and Christmas would go. Then they'd say, 'We're going to be out by Easter.' And Easter would come, and Easter would go. And then Thanksgiving, and then it would be Christmas again. And they died of a broken heart. This is a very important lesson.

    You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end -- which you can never afford to lose -- with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be. [22]

    Collins called this the Stockdale Paradox. [21]

    [Sep 26, 2020] Cure worse than the disease- Study says UK lockdown linked to thousands of excess deaths

    Highly recommended!
    Sep 26, 2020 |

    Thousands of Britons who suffer heart attacks and strokes are dying at home instead of seeking medical treatment, a new study has found, as new government figures show 75,000 are projected to die as a result of lockdown measures.

    Stay-at-home orders prompted countless people suffering from serious medical conditions to avoid hospitals, according to the study's findings, which were published in the Heart medical journal and first reported by the Daily Mail. The paper noted that deaths from heart disease in private homes surged by 35 percent from March to July, resulting in 2,279 more fatalities on average over the past six years. However, heart and stroke deaths in hospitals dropped by around 1,400 during the same period, suggesting that some who chose to stay home would have died anyway even if they had been hospitalized. The researchers calculated that in total, there were 2,085 excess deaths in England and Wales that could be linked to heart attack and stroke sufferers who refused to seek out medical treatment. This means that between March 2 and June 30, every day 17 people died needlessly from heart attacks.

    ... ... ...

    [Sep 18, 2020] Effects of riots vs effect of Presidential rallies on COVID-19 spread in the USA large cities

    Protests potentially nullified all potential positive effects from lookdown in large cities like NYC, if such exist. So all economic damage was in vain and lockdown was just a capricious and arbitrary move by ambitious and power hungry Dem politicians. And that fact alone make the major on NYC and the governor on NY state look like completely politicized idiots.
    If the crowd is dense, as often is the case in riots at places of confrontation with the police cordon, it does not matter much if people are indoor or outdoor, what matters if the length of the contact. Add to this that looting happens indoors.
    Sep 18, 2020 |

    ...On Wednesday, Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh called out CNN's hypocrisy on this matter, noting that "if people can protest in the streets by the tens of thousands, if people can riot, if people can gamble in casinos, then certainly they can gather peaceably under the First Amendment to hear from the president of the United States."

    Butthurt from this exchange, CNN Newsroom drafted in "medical analyst" Leana Wen , who happens to be a former Planned Parenthood president, to explain why science means COVID doesn't affect BLM protests as much as Trump rallies.

    "It does not care why it is that people are gathering but it does care about the conditions under which they're gathering," Wen argued, adding "outdoors much safer than indoors and wearing masks obviously much safer than not wearing masks."

    "I would also in this case would distinguish between the behavior of the participants while at protests versus rallies," she continued, arguing that BLM protesters are more "aware" of the risks than Trump supporters.

    "At protests many people are aware of the risks and doing everything they can to reduce that risk versus at many of the rallies we are seeing people going in defiance," Wen claimed.

    [Sep 15, 2020] Fauci- -I Have To Disagree- With Trump On COVID -Rounding The Corner

    There are very few Fauci enthusiasts among ZeroHedge crowd
    Sep 15, 2020 |

    Authored by Michael Nadler via,

    American Thinker has run several articles like this one about Dr. Anthony Fauci's political bias (which is his right). But the Miami Herald published an article that was aimed at undermining President Trump , which actually contains compelling evidence that Fauci's bias or ignorance is affecting what he is telling the American people about Covid-19. In the article, Dr. Fauci: 'I have to disagree' with Trump on coronavirus , the author writes:

    Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious diseases expert, disagreed on Friday with President Donald Trump's assertion that the country is "rounding the corner" on the coronavirus pandemic.

    "I really do believe we're rounding the corner," Trump said during a White House briefing on Thursday. He added that newweekly cases have gone down by 44% since July.

    "I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with that because if you look at the thing that you just mentioned, the statistics, Andrea, they're disturbing," Fauci told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Friday.

    "We're plateauing at around 40,000 cases a day and the deaths are around 1,000.

    From his interview with Andrea Mitchell Friday, the Herald quotes Fauci as stating, "We're plateauing at around 40,000 cases a day and the deaths are around 1,000."

    In fact, he is very wrong : the average daily new cases for the past two weeks have been 31,411, dramatically less than Fauci's 40,000 number; and the average daily deaths for the past two-weeks have been 697, a full 30% less than Fauci's 1,000.

    More significant, do these graphs of weekly average new cases (blue graph) and deaths (red graph) from Bloomberg look like we're "plateauing?"

    Source: Bloomberg

    Fauci has a right and obligation to express his views about the current situation and the future risks, but he should not mislead the public about the facts.

    As a reminder, here are his comments from last week:

    me title=

    "We've been through this before," he said. "Don't ever, ever underestimate the potential of the pandemic. And don't try and look at the rosy side of things."

    "I keep looking at that curve, and I get more depressed and more depressed about the fact that we never really get down to the baseline that I'd like," he said.

    EmmittFitzhume , 59 minutes ago

    Deep State Fauci has to go. Perhaps to prison

    GoldenDebt , 58 minutes ago

    Dr FRAUDci is non stop lying and flip-flopping

    SMSpiff , 42 minutes ago

    It's safe to come out of your basement now, Joe.

    Pope Innocent III , 37 minutes ago

    The nature of the Fauci scam is the total intentional destruction of induction and deduction.

    Jerky Miester , 32 minutes ago

    You've been ****ting up this board for 3 years 7 months, you little phaqqot. Time to get out of the basement and earn an honest living....unless you make your bread and beer money being a pro troll. KYS now.

    NotAGenius , 39 minutes ago

    This is the legal argument to indict Fauci on mass murder charges, justified but justice no longer exists in the USA, written by a legal writer. These comments and Fauci's crimes would convict Fauci of mass murder and sentence him to prison for life: .

    Covidiot Lvr , 7 minutes ago

    Zeroes want Fauci's head on a stick...but decry liberals who interfere with the free speech rights of conservatives on college campuses.

    Free speech or no free speech - which is it, Zeroes?

    knopperz , 55 minutes ago

    The flu vaccination is now 78 years around.
    The flu is still there.

    Next Stop --> 78 Years wearing a diaper in your face.
    Get used to it suckers.

    All those people pushing the Corona Narrative should be hanged by the Balls.

    CheapBastard , 53 minutes ago

    We are obviously rounding the corner with fewer cases and fewer deaths. Most businesses trying to reopen. Fauci is political hack and was from the start. he's also totally incompetent or a liar giving Americans completely wrong advice from the start. The MSM loves him because he's anti-Trump.

    2hangmen , 54 minutes ago

    Fauci has been wrong since day 1 on Covid. He's done multiple 180s on policies, and the fact this is NOT a deadly virus in comparison to all other virus outbreaks. He's still playing politics and he's still making millions from Big Pharma and the Deep State. Fauci, please say good bye, and ride off into the sunset with your ill gotten gains.

    NotAGenius , 44 minutes ago

    Trump can't fire Fauci. He is a career government employee. Trump gave him a platform in the beginning. Trump has been right about Fauci now and mostly about this cold virus too, advocating the best medicine possible for it - hcq - while Fauci prevented Americans from getting this cheap commercial safe and effective medical treatment. Fauci has committed mass murder by withholding a life-saving medicine from Americans. The FDA is criminal too, same reason. FDA has also been paying hospitals $39,000 for every patient they kill with the fatal ventilators, killing more than saving according to records. But the government wants more deaths for bigger numbers. The American medical system is actually a genocidal organization now, trying to kill as many Americans as possible in many different ways, many associated with this medical fraud. Fauci should be imprisoned for life were any justice to exist in America. At best, Trump can minimize and ignore him and arrange for him to have no venue to spout b.s. and lies publicly. That's what we basically need: Fauci minimized if not disappeared.

    blueapples Staff , 33 minutes ago

    Why would he ever fire the fall guy? If he fired him, you'd still have the push for lockdowns, the policies based on flawed statistical models, and all the other nonsense. Except then without a guy like Fauci to place blame on, the administrations role in this becomes much more apparent.

    It makes more sense to have a guy like Fauci on board to deflect to, especially given his career as a government employee, so that it looks like there's some nefarious underlying force that is working against the administration when the reality is that that nefarious underlying force is working in tandem with it.

    JaWS , 49 minutes ago

    Damn the cases. I know about 10 people that have tested positive for covid19. Most cases are not much more than a cold. Some not even that bad. Look at the deaths. That's where the narrative should go. They are significantly down from the peak.

    Samual Vimes , 23 minutes ago

    SAY WHAT! -- FDA is outsourcing Covid-19 testing to 10 Chinese companies

    serotonindumptruck , 38 minutes ago

    "Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious diseases expert ..."

    I have to disagree with this.

    SummerSausage , 36 minutes ago

    If they left off the word "expert" it would be an accurate statement.

    Bollixed , 6 minutes ago

    Fauci is an expert. An 'ex' is a has-been and a 'spert' is a drip under pressure. He fits the bill perfectly.

    curtisw , 9 minutes ago

    "Because I have a vaccine to peddle."

    -- A. Fauci

    scottyji , 19 minutes ago


    Fauci's narcissisticly obsessed with his "expert image" and his lucrative role as pimp for Big Pharma = total Napoleon Complex, two-faced, stinkin' bureaucrat of the Deep State.

    Ergo I.C. , 28 minutes ago

    Because Fauci and his buddy Bill Gates are trying peddle vaccines worth billions of dollars.

    adr , 39 minutes ago

    Since Fauchi is supposedly an expert, maybe he can tell us why people suffering from hay fever are being told they have Covid.

    Solarstone , 30 minutes ago

    Because you can have both. Try again

    CallingDrFraudschi , 25 minutes ago

    Proof please.

    In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.51–1.20; I 2 = 30%, p = 0.25)

    A. General flaws

    1. Of the 29 studies analyzed by the Lancet meta-study, seven studies are unpublished and non-peer-reviewed observational studies that should not be used to guide clinical practice according to the medRxiv disclaimer (references 3, 4, 31, 36, 37, 40 and 70; see table above).
    2. Of the 29 studies considered by the meta-study, only four are about the SARS-CoV-2 virus ; the other 25 studies are about the SARS-1 virus or the MERS virus, both of which have very different transmission characteristics: they were transmitted almost exclusively by severely ill hospitalized patients and not by community transmission.
    3. Of the four studies relating to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, two were misinterpreted by the Lancet meta-study authors ( refs. 44 and 70 ), one is inconclusive ( ref. 37 ), and one is about N95 (FFP2) respirators and not about medical masks or cloth masks (see detailed analysis below).
    4. The Lancet meta-study is used to guide global facemask policy for the general population. However, of the 29 studies considered by the meta-study, only three are classified as relating to a non-health-care (i.e. community) setting . Of these three studies, one is misclassified ( ref. 50 , relating to a hospital environment), one showed no benefit of facemasks ( ref. 69 ), and one is a poorly designed retrospective study about SARS-1 in Beijing based on telephone interviews ( ref. 74 ). None of these studies refer to SARS-CoV-2.
    5. The authors of the Lancet meta-study acknowledge that the certainty of the evidence regarding facemasks is "low" as all of the studies are observational and none is a randomized controlled trial (RCT). The WHO itself admitted that its updated facemask policy guidelines were based not on new evidence but on "political lobbying" .

    In view of these shortcomings, University of Toronto epidemiology professor Peter Jueni called the WHO study "methodologically flawed" and "essentially useless".


    1. In the US state of Kansas , the 90 counties without mask mandates had lower coronavirus infection rates than the 15 counties with mask mandates. To hide this fact, the Kansas health department tried to manipulate the official statistics and data presentation.
    Consuelo , 36 minutes ago

    Fauci has been torpedoed here --- even without his lying numbers (of cases & deaths). With the actual non-LYING numbers, he should be stripped of his medical license and prosecuted for gross negligence, even gross-er Incompetence, and for potential Criminal $Gain off his rather cozy relationship with Big Pharma and Bill Gates...

    This whole thing was a $SCAM of the highest order.

    aelfheld , 34 minutes ago

    Fauci's a bureaucrat.

    Bureaucrats have unqualified immunity.

    Everybodys All American , 43 minutes ago

    During the Spanish Flu of 1918 no one as I can tell was advocating for everyone to be vaccinated either for or against their will. That tells you everything about this Dr. Fauci imo. He should be removed from the planet.

    drstrangelove73 , 6 minutes ago

    I've posted about Tony several times this year.I spent an academic quarter as a medical student on his service at the NIH,then saw him again many times in the 80's when I returned as a fellow.He is a lifelong democrat,and card carrying member of the deep state who has played politics with the management of viral infections for 40 years.Let that sink in.He has been the director of the same NIH institute for 40 years.No one else in the history of the institute has been a director for half that long.You think he doesn't know how to play the game? _arrow

    asteroids , 14 minutes ago

    How does Fauci explane Sweden? The number of new cases is very low. Their death rate is almost zero. Sweden now has herd immunity without a vaccine.

    Hyzer , 9 minutes ago

    He pretends it doesn't exist, just like the MSM.

    TannyDanner , 3 minutes ago

    He's trusting the plebs won't do their own research. I'm looking at the data almost daily and am beyond thankful that Sweden had the balls to go about it the way they did and not bow down to the bullies.

    legalize , 18 minutes ago
    Useful_Idiot714 , 35 minutes ago

    700 mostly old people with other diseases are dying from this each day in a country of 325,000,000. Sounds like we need mail in voting so that the frightened commies can vote early and often to save us by electing a senile racist rapist pedophile.

    SummerSausage , 46 minutes ago

    Panic is Fauci's objective.

    Democrats love big government which means more power for Fauci, more taxes and less freedom for you.

    Robert Paulson , 30 minutes ago

    Panic is too unpredictable, and disruptive.

    The "hope" is for respectful, solemn acceptance that Big Brother/Sister can save "us" from ill health, poverty and international "enemies."

    I mean **** was broken across most institutions throughout Western Civilization before the flu was weaponized into a means of control. But the whole theater has become absurd.

    Loser Face , 16 minutes ago

    Everyone should watch this video, which explains the US mortality curve:

    The casedemic is pure and blatant FUD targeted towards Trump and Americans.

    JamcaicanMeAfraid , 27 minutes ago

    I predict on November 4th and if Dementia Joe is elected Fauci and his super ego will stand before any microphone put in fromt of him and say "Joe Biden has put a stop to covid, he has conquered the virus."

    aelfheld , 44 minutes ago

    Fauci sees the statistics as disturbing because they indicate an endpoint to his prominence.

    JaWS , 51 minutes ago

    There are 4 men in my county that were tested positive within about 3 days of each other and they had to quarantine for 14 days. About a week into it they started meeting everyday down at the local fishing hole to fish while no one else was around. One of these men is 80 years old. The other 3 are in their 70s. Does this sound like something to shut the entire country down?

    GoldenDebt , 1 hour ago

    Dont be a moron

    Dr Fraudci is all politics and he's LYING. Dr FRAUDci also never condemned the protests as being potential SUPER-SPREADER events

    He's a criminal

    moneybots , 13 minutes ago

    "I really do believe we're rounding the corner," Trump said during a White House briefing on Thursday. He added that newweekly cases have gone down by 44% since July.

    "I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with that because if you look at the thing that you just mentioned, the statistics, Andrea, they're disturbing," Fauci told Andrea Mitchell on Friday.

    The statistics say Trump is right, according to the chart. Why is Fauci lying to the American people?

    Thalamus , 45 minutes ago

    Fauci's worst case prediction of 1.7 million deaths from Covid-19 kind of came up short at only 10K; but at least he didn't yell fire in a crowded theater .

    Zerogenous_Zone , 48 minutes ago

    which statistics?

    to quote the great Mark Twain (now classified by the leftists as a rassiss)...

    "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics ."

    the one statistic that is relevant, is the decrease in mortality...

    and I for one, would like to know how they created a Covid-19 specific test...wait...what was that?

    THEY HAVEN'T?! it is an antigen test...that is, if you have any residual from your LAST flu shot (they inject you with lysed virus to build up your antibody count...antigens!) you could test positive...

    and probably a majority of the tests are at issue since the test is highly inaccurate...

    but who cares? the virus is out of the box and here to you have either already been exposed, or you will soon be exposed...and NO vaccine will be sufficient (since viral strains mutate almost immediately)...especially the comment cold (news flash!! the 'common cold' is a CORONAVIRUS!!)

    [Sep 11, 2020] Out Of The Memory Hole -- The Dystopian Thread From 9-11 To The COVID Hysteria -

    Sep 11, 2020 |

    Authored by Edward Curtin via,

    For anyone old enough to have been alive and aware of the attacks of September 11, 2001 and of so-called COVID-19 in 2020, memory may serve to remind one of an eerie parallel between the two operations.

    However, if memory has been expunged by the work of one's forgettery or deleted by the corporate media's flushing it down the memory hole, or if knowledge is lacking, or maybe fear or cognitive dissonance is blocking awareness , I would like to point out some similarities that might perk one up to consider some parallels and connections between these two operations.

    The fundamental tie that binds them is that both events aroused the human fear of death.

    Underlying all fears is the fear of death. A fear that has both biological and cultural roots. On the biological level, we all react to death threats in a fight or flight manner. Culturally, there are multiple ways that fear can be allayed or exacerbated, purposely or not. Usually, culture serves to ease the fear of death, which can traumatize people, through its symbols and myths. Religion has for a long time served that purpose, but when religion loses its hold on people's imaginations, especially in regard to the belief in immortality, as Orwell pointed out in the mid-1940s, a huge void is left. Without that consolation, fear is usually tranquilized by trivial pursuits.

    In the cases of the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the current corona virus operation, the fear of death has been used by the power elites in order to control populations and institute long-planned agendas. There is a red thread that connects the two events.

    Both events were clearly anticipated and planned.

    In the case of September 11, 2001, as I have argued before , linguistic mind-control was carefully crafted in advance to conjure fear at the deepest levels with the use of such repeated terms as Pearl Harbor, Homeland, Ground Zero, the Unthinkable, and 9/11. Each in its turns served to raise the fear level dramatically. Each drew on past meetings, documents, events, speeches, and deep associations of dread. This language was conjured from the chief sorcerer's playbook, not from that of an apprentice out of control.

    And as David Ray Griffin, the seminal 9/11 researcher (and others), has pointed out in a dozen meticulously argued and documented books , the events of that day had to be carefully planned in advance, and the post hoc official explanations can only be described as scientific miracles, not scientific explanations. These miracles include: massive steel-framed high-rise buildings for the first time in history coming down without explosives or incendiaries in free fall speed; one of them being WTC-7 that was not even hit by a plane; an alleged hijacker pilot, Hani Hanjour, who could barely fly a Piper Cub, flying a massive Boeing 757 in a most difficult maneuver into the Pentagon; airport security at four airports failing at the same moment on the same day; all sixteen U.S. intelligence agencies failing; air traffic control failing, etc. The list goes on and on. And all this controlled by Osama bin Laden. It's a fairy tale.

    Then we had the crucially important anthrax attacks that are linked to 9/11. Graeme MacQueen, in The 2001 Anthrax Deception , brilliantly shows that these too were a domestic conspiracy.

    These planned events led to the invasion of Afghanistan, the Patriot Act, the U.S. withdrawal from the ABM Treaty, the invasion of Iraq , the ongoing war on terror, etc.

    Let us not forget years of those fraudulent color-coded warnings of the terrorist levels and the government admonition to use duct tape around your windows to protect against a massive chemical and biological attack.

    Jump to 2020 .

    Let me start in reverse while color-coded designs are fresh in our minds. As the COVID-19 lockdowns were under way, a funny thing happened as people were wishing that life could return to normal and they could be let out of their cages. Similar color-coded designs popped up everywhere at the same time. They showed the step-by-step schedule of possible loosening of government controls if things went according to plan. Red to yellow to green. Eye catching. Red orange yellow blue green. As with the terrorist warnings following September 11, 2001. In Massachusetts, a so-called blue state where I live, it's color chart ends in blue, not green, with Phase 4 blue termed "the new normal: Development of vaccines and/or treatments enable the resumption of 'the new normal.'" Interesting wording. A resumption that takes us back to the future.

    As with the duct tape admonitions after 9/11, now everyone is advised to wear a mask. It's interesting to note that the 3 M Company, a major seller of duct tape, is also one of the world's major sellers of face masks. The company was expected to be producing 50 million N95 respirator masks per month by June 2020 and 2 billion globally within the coming year. Then there is 3 M's masking tape but this is a sticky topic.

    After the attacks of September 11, 2001, we were told repeatedly that the world was changed forever. Now we are told that after COVID 19, life will never be the same. This is the "new normal," while the post-9/11-pre-Covid-19 world must have been the old new normal. So everything is different but normal also. So as the Massachusetts government website puts it, in the days to come we may be enabled to enact "the resumption of 'the new normal.'" This new old normal will no doubt be a form of techno-fascist transhumanism enacted for our own good.

    As with 9/11, there is ample evidence that the corona virus outbreak was expected and planned; that people have been the victims of a propaganda campaign to use an invisible virus to scare us into submission and shut down the world's economy for the global elites. It is a clear case, as Peter Koenig tells Michel Chossudovsky in this must-see interview , that is not a conspiracy theory but a blatant factual plan spelled out in the 2010 Rockefeller Report , the October 18, 2019 Event 201 , and Agenda 21 , among other places.

    Like amorphous terrorists and a war against "terrorism," which is a tactic and therefore not something you can fight, a virus is invisible except when the media presents it as a pale, orange-spiked bunch of floating weird balls that are everywhere and nowhere. Watch your back, watch your face, mask up, wash your hands, keep your distance – you never know when those orange spiked balls may get you.

    As with 9/11, whenever anyone questions the official narrative of Covid-19, the official statistics, the validity of the tests, the effectiveness of masks , the powers behind the heralded vaccine to come, and the horrible consequences of the lockdowns that are destroying economies, killing people, forcing people to despair and to commit suicide, creating traumatized children, bankrupting small and middle-sized businesses for the sake of enriching the richest, etc., the corporate media mock the dissidents as conspiracy nuts, aiding the viral enemy.

    This is so even when the dissenters are highly respected doctors, scientists, intellectuals, et al., who are regularly disappeared from the internet. With September 11, there were initially far fewer dissenters than now, and so the censorship of opposing viewpoints didn't need the blatant censorship that is now growing daily.



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    This censorship happens all across the internet now, quickly and stealthily, the same internet that is being forced on everyone as the new normal as presented in the Great Global Reset , the digital lie, where, as Anthony Fauci put it, no one should ever shake hands again.

    A world of abstract images and beings in which, as Arthur Jensen tells Howard Beal in the film, Network , "All necessities [will be] provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused." A digital dystopia that is fast approaching as perhaps the end of that red thread that runs from 9/11 to today.

    Heidi Evens and Thomas Hackett write in the New York Daily News :

    With the nation's illusion of safety and security in ruins, Americans begin the slow and fitful process of healing from a trauma that feels deeply, cruelly personal leaving citizens throughout the country with the frightening knowledge of their vulnerability.

    That was written on September 12, 2001.

    [Sep 10, 2020] Munk Debates- Scientific Community Has Over-Reacted To COVID-19 Threat ( The Data Proves It) -

    Sep 10, 2020 |


    Are we overreacting to COVID-19?

    Be it Resolved, the scientific community has overreacted to the threat of COVID-19 and the data prove it...

    Six months into a global pandemic and 63,000 scientific papers later, scientists and medical researchers continue to be perplexed by COVID-19. There are many unknowns with the virus, and one of the most controversial is how deadly it really is. Since the beginning of the pandemic, leading health institutions such as the World Health Organization and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases have warned that COVID-19 is much more dangerous than the seasonal flu and that, without expansive public health measures, millions of people around the world could die from the virus.

    But there are some in the scientific community who disagree. And they say they have the data to prove it. Antibody testing of large population groups indicates that we could be grossly underestimating the number of people who have been infected by the virus – which means we are dramatically overestimating the death rate. Given these findings, they question whether sweeping public health controls are the way to approach a possible second wave of COVID-19 this autumn.


    To understand the true prevalence of COVID-19 infections in the United States, Jay Bhattacharya has recently undertaken several seroprevalence studies (the study of antibodies in a population). You can read about his study of Santa Clara County in California here and his study of 5,600 Major League Baseball employees here .

    Sten Vermund has published numerous scholarly studies on infectious diseases, which you can view here .

    During the debate both Jay and Sten speak about COVID-19's "infection fatality rate" (IFR). IFR is one of the most important characteristics of an infectious disease in determining its severity. It is basically the ultimate measure of a disease's ability to cause death. You can learn more about IFR and how it is estimated here . In the debate, both Jay and Sten agree that the current estimates of the COVID-19 infection fatality rates are overestimated and therefore misleading. To learn more, read Jay's Wall Street Journal op ed.

    During the debate, Sten points out that between March and May of 2020 there was a 19 per cent excess death rate in the United States. Excess death rates refer to the difference between the observed numbers of deaths in specific time period and expected number of deaths in the same time period. According to Sten, the excess rates are probably 28 per cent higher than the official deaths tally of COVID-19 because so many cases are not reported. This article supports this view.


    me title=

    Jay argues that part of the science community's overreaction to COVID-19 has been censorship of unpopular scientific views . Jay refers to an op ed in the New York Times by Michael Eisen that expresses concern about how scientific study pre-prints are being released before they are peer reviewed, and calling for the establishment of a scientific "rapid review" service for pre-prints.

    One of the scientists Jay identifies as having an unorthodox view on COVID-19 is Gabriela Gomez, She speaks about her research on herd immunity occurring when as little as ten percent of the population has been infected with the virus here and you can read her research article here .

    Sten and Jay disagree with each other about the feasibility of isolating the most vulnerable members of society, particularly the elderly, while letting the rest of the population continue to live normally . Sten refers to a New York Times article by David Katz which supports the strategy of "vertical interdiction", where those over 60 are "preferentially protected."

    Jay refers to the recent release of findings from a Public Health England study that found negligible spread among one million students who returned to school in June.



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    During the debate Jay identifies Sweden's approach to COVID-19 as a model for the world, while Sten argues it represents a failed strategy. You can decide for yourself by listening to the Munk Debate, Be it resolved, Sweden is the model for how to fight this pandemic and the next.

    Listen to the full debate below:

    [Sep 09, 2020] America Has Always Run on Terror -

    Sep 09, 2020 |

    America Has Always Run On Terror

    From bomb drills to COVID lockdowns, protective rituals based on irrational fear are a mainstay of American culture. A masked TSA agent at Bradley International Airport, CT. (By Eric K. Warncke/Shutterstock)

    SEPTEMBER 8, 2020


    12:01 AM


    With the 19th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks looming like a hangover it is worth asking the price we pay for fear itself. Barack Obama said at his convention you must vote Democrat out of fear for our democracy. Don Jr. said pretty much the same a week later, just reversing the names and the politics. Everyone wants you to be afraid of anarchy, either the white or black version. The message from all sides is fear. It sounds so 2020 but it is as old as the modern era.

    America's fear in my childhood was that we were going to die at school when the Russians nuked America. We hid under our desks during drills, we huddled away from the windows with our coats over our heads and waited to die. For an elementary student raised to believe what he was taught, it was a nightmare. My third grade teacher even identified Ground Zero as the cinder parking lot next to the school, and for some reason told us it would happen in the morning.

    Americans were taught to be afraid even as we were the apex predator on the planet with the world's only atomic bomb. We dutifully rewarded president after president for maintaining the most massive national security state ever known, but we never felt safe. We spent the best years of the American Century huddled like shelter dogs. We never saw that it was all a trick, like conjuring a pandemic out of a virus which doesn't even cause symptoms in many of its hosts and unlike almost anything else, like cancer or heart attacks, has a fatality rate well below a single percent (so we count cases, not fatalities -- to generate fear). As with terrorism, diabetes and ladder falls harm more American lives than the Russians.

    In the face of COVID, living in daily fear of terrorism seems almost nostalgic. For me, our first family plane trip after 9/11 started at a Japanese airport where security seemed about the same as before. But when we transferred to a U.S. domestic flight the world changed.

    The newly-erect TSA tore into us. After shouting at my lack of preparedness to present various documents quickly enough, they pulled my pre-teen daughter away and impounded a nail clipper and some sort of medieval-looking eyebrow curling device. She started to cry, and when I tried to go to her I was held back. A security incident was underway I was told. The TSA agent said harshly to her "I'm trying to keep you from dying on that airplane!" My little one started to say something, but I shouted to her to be quiet. I'd learned at some eastern European border checkpoint long ago the only answer. Submit and board the plane. Submit and we can see grandma tonight at our destination.

    Later, as a federal whistleblower, I was placed on some sort of list. I could fly, but my trips through the airport would be met with a firm "Sir, I need you to step over here." The protocols created to protect me from terrorists had been twisted to turn me into one. Every time I was told I had been randomly selected, wonderfully Orwellian in how the TSA workers at least seemed to believe it.

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    I of course could refuse to hand over my electronics, but TSA would just confiscate them, so why resist? Of course I could speak to a supervisor, but I'd miss my flight. My old computer took minutes to cold boot and that angered the TSA agents and prolonged my searches. So I bought a fast Chromebook to make my surveillance more convenient.

    In a perfect melding of fears the 9/11 Memorial Museum showed us how much of this is farce. After being closed since March to protect us from COVID they will reopen to the general public on September 12. A symbolic day for sure but one with no science behind it. Why not September 3 or 24? Because it doesn't matter, the danger was never very real. And the museum, with its cavernous interiors (it is built into the basements of the old Twin Towers) is allowed to host only 25 percent of its capacity. Same for every other museum in NYC, 25 percent whether they have state-of-the-art HVAC systems and thousands of square feet or are contained within early 19th century parlors. It doesn't matter because it doesn't matter; there's no science behind it because there is no serious threat behind it.

    In New York we are told it will be the death of us to reopen restaurants for a quick meal, but from day one of the virus we have been welcome to sit in poorly ventilated subway cars. We can't have more than a handful of customers inside a store, but we can spend six hours inside an airplane cabin. Ten people gathered for a party is a death trap but 300 massed for a BLM protest isn't. The less it makes sense the more it makes sense to just submit and go along, because thinking is hard.

    So it is no surprise I wear a mask outside. I alone seem to remember enough from biology class to question how a soggy piece of cloth, or a dust mask with an air escape valve on the side (i.e., your virus-laden exhaled breath goes out) is unlikely to do much, like hanging garlic to ward off vampires. But I am allowed to buy milk at the store with a mask. I am allowed to be part of society. I can avoid being scolded by the self-appointed mask Jugend . I can have a socially distanced conversation with my Democrat neighbor who believes she will literally risk her life to vote in-person, saving democracy itself after Trump supposedly gutted the post office. Like many, she has an Old Testament view of the virus; it is both punishment for electing Trump and the way of delivering us from him.

    Those irrational fears from the Cold War and post-9/11 are nothing compared to today; imagine the McCarthy Red Scare powered by social media. Every week it has been something new that will destroy us -- war with North Korea and Iran, Boogaloo Bois, Trump the Manchurian Candidate, not enough beds, and not enough ventilators. We're worried a fascist government is taking away free speech and we're worried the government isn't doing enough to suppress free speech to stop hate. There are too many guns for us to be safe and not enough guns to protect us.

    After a decade of terrorists everywhere (when they were actually nowhere) we transition to live in terror of the virus. People not only support the restrictions and lockdowns, they want more to feel safer, much like Americans demanded more nukes thinking they'd sleep better during the Cold War. The enemy is those who oppose more retrictions.

    It's not to say people do not die from the virus or there aren't reasons to take prudent action. It's to say what we are doing in response does not keep many more alive for the price we are paying. Same story as with terrorism, the Cold War, whatever noise makes you jump in the dark. The bark outweighed the bite.

    Fear as a policy has yielded a nuclear arms race which nearly destroyed the world, the lost decade of freedoms sacrificed to protection from terrorism, and the hundreds of thousands dead in pointless revenge wars. Now comes the wasted spring, summer, and autumns of COVID overreaction, destroying the economy and breaking the spirit of people. The goal of conditioning through fear is always the same.

    Because submission scales. Decades-long nuclear arms race? OK. Support a war in Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria and Libya and Yemen and Somalia? Patriot Act, torture, prison camps, drone assassinations? Yes is always the easiest way to imagine you can allay fear forever until the next scary thing is revealed. Yale welcomes students back to campus with all sorts of restrictions then warns them they will see death in their dorms. So in 2020, already conditioned to accept being humiliated barefoot before every flight, it is easy to accept losing jobs, or to lock down whole cities, or close off state borders. It was easy for people to accept being denied saying goodbye to a terminally ill loved one, or to be blocked from attending church or their child's birth, by the government.

    Fear is very powerful, and learned helplessness a dangerous thing. So forgive my dry heart when I am not sure I should fear for our democracy even as I fear for our sanity. And don't be surprised at how quickly the virus clears away once the election is over. And don't be surprised when it is replaced by a new thing to fear.

    Peter Van Buren, a 24-year State Department veteran, is the author of We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People, Hooper's War: A Novel of WWII Japan, and Ghosts of Tom Joad: A Story of the 99 Percent.

    E.J. Smith Mark B. 12 hours ago • edited

    Basic human behavior here in my home state of Michigan is being indelibly modified by fear. I see it in people driving alone wearing a mask in their car. There was the guy yesterday at the outdoor golf range hitting balls - not very well - 50 feet away from everyone else wearing his mask the entire time. It's not required. It's not even suggested.

    There's the look of pure terror in people's eyes when you inadvertently stray within their physical distancing radius while shopping at the local store. The kid in my younger son's Boy Scout troop who flipped out at my son for coming too close to him without a mask while they were on a Scout-sanctioned outdoor hike. Then there's the whole school fiasco.

    I respectfully disagree with Mr. Van Buren on one point. This isn't going away any time soon regardless of the election. The behavior will not be "unlearned." The residual fear will remain. Masks will be a "thing" just as they are in China. Masks are now fashion accessories and you can buy them with your favorite team's logo on them.

    Too much effort has been invested in the narrative and making the "new normal" acceptable. Too many otherwise marginal people like our beloved Governor Whitmer have been empowered for all of this simply to evaporate.

    RisingSunEnglishRose E.J. Smith 6 hours ago

    I'm not in Michigan, but Los Angeles has similar restrictions, and I don't see the irrational fear going away any time soon. It broke 100 degrees yesterday, and people were jogging outdoors in masks. I make a point of not wearing one except when required by law. Every day, I walk to the supermarket, and the number of people who jump into the street (without looking! One man nearly got hit by the bus!) upon seeing a human face is startling. I fear for our future. The mass hysteria boggles my mind.

    AlexanderHistory X 17 hours ago

    Well, it isn't much, but living in nyc I mostly walk wherever I am going. I carry a mask in my pocket and put it on to enter stores because I won't be allowed in without it. But I walk without a mask on.
    Some stores, and it's very clear which, you can go in without a mask. Like my regular bodega. Either way, it's the small acts of defiance that count in such an environment. Or at least that's what I tell myself.

    Feral Finster 15 hours ago

    It goes back well before the Cold War. Remember the First Red Scare, and the fear of anarchists lurking around every corner? Or for that matter, Solid Citizens of the day quaking at the thought that William Jennings Bryan might win the presidency and institute Free Silver, which was practically bomb-throwing anarchy.

    Before that, Southerners shook at the thought of slave uprisings, and Northerners at Indian raids.

    Mr W Feral Finster 14 hours ago • edited

    My ancestors who came to the US around the turn of the last Century had to sign statements that they were not anarchists.

    SatirevFlesti 13 hours ago • edited

    "The less it makes sense the more it makes sense to just submit and go along, because thinking is hard. So it is no surprise I wear a mask outside"

    Precisely the kind of thinking and abject submission that will ensure that this insanity continues indefinitely (or until the election, depending on the outcome). I've never yet worn a mask and will not. If that means that only place I can go outside home is the park, so be it. I'll be leaving this worthless world soon enough. But, I will not wear a useless placebo face muzzle in order to humor others in their irrational fears and paranoia.

    Wallstreet Panic 8 hours ago

    "My third grade teacher even identified Ground Zero as the cinder parking lot next to the school, and for some reason told us it would happen in the morning."
    That was some world-class phycological torture.

    MPC 7 hours ago

    I think Peter is on to something here.

    I reflect back to my own childhood, in a household of Calvinist-like obsessions and guilt. Faith as both identity and torture. Habits that even having left that behind, I can't quite shake.

    "Sinners in the hands of an angry God"

    Secondly, I think some level of fear and neuroticism is inevitable in a super complex system like industrial civilization. There seems to be a pervasive yearning to escape from it that I too have felt. Minimalism, environmentalism, modern readaptations of Buddhism and Stoicism, etc all are facets of this in my view. Perhaps human nature is simply telling us that this 200 year old development needs quite a bit more refining before we're happy with it for the long term. We've lost too much of our freedom and we want it back, but generally not at the cost of much material comfort. A split like that will take
    a long time to reconcile.

    Thomas Storck 4 hours ago

    You wrote, "a virus which doesn't even cause symptoms in many of
    its hosts and unlike almost anything else, like cancer or heart attacks,
    has a fatality rate well below a single percent (so we count cases, not
    fatalities -- to generate fear)."

    By "a single percent" did you mean 1%? In Ohio, where I live, the death rate has been consistently between 3 and 4%. Not the black plague, certainly, but serious enough. Much more than the seasonal flu, where the death rate is less than 1%

    [Sep 06, 2020] Inactive fragments on virus RNA trigger false positives in most common COVID test due to way too many cycles of amplification which amplifies noise along with the signal and efffectly turns noise (inactive fragments on RNA) into signal, new study finds

    Highly recommended!
    From comments: "Article is poorly written by someone who does not know medical science. There are no viral "cells" so the headline is a put off right away. The comment about "sensitivity" is misplaced as PCR tests are too sensitive: ergo false positives. I believe "specificity" is the word the author was searching for. If a test lumps true positives with false positives, then it lacks specificity."
    Sep 05, 2020 |

    In the past, our reports raising questions about the accuracy of COVID-19 tests have been met with accusations of 'fearmongering' and spreading 'misinformation'.

    But not today.

    That's because new research from the University of Oxford's Center for Evidence-Based Medicine and the University of the West of England has found that the swab-based technique used for most COVID-19 testing is at risk of returning "false positives" since copies of the virus's RNA detected by the tests might simply be dead, inactive material from a weeks-old infection. Although patients infected with COVID-19 are typically only infectious for a week or less, tests can be triggered by virus genetic material left over from a weeks-old infection.

    The team's research involved analyzing 25 studies on the widely used polymerase chain reaction test. PCR tests use material collected with a swab - the most common type of test around the world, and especially in the US - then utilize a "genetic photocopying" technique that allows scientists to magnify the small sample of genetic material collected, which they can then analyze for signs of viral RNA.

    What the researchers here have effectively found is that these PCR tests just aren't sensitive enough to distinguish if the viral material is active and infectious, or dead and inert.

    For those who desire a more comprehensive understanding of how these tests work, the chart below can be helpful.

    Professor Carl Heneghan, one of the authors of the study, said there was a risk that a surge in testing across the UK was increasing the risk of this sample contamination occurring and it may explain why the number of Covid-19 cases is rising but the number of deaths is static.

    "Evidence is mounting that a good proportion of 'new' mild cases and people re-testing positives after quarantine or discharge from hospital are not infectious, but are simply clearing harmless virus particles which their immune system has efficiently dealt with," he told the Spectator.

    Professor Heneghan added that international scrutiny might be required to avoid "the dangers of isolating non-infectious people or whole communities." ZKnight 14 minutes ago

    Fake science. How about purify the virus first and establish a gold standard for testing first. No, of course not because the CDC has a patent for Covid-19 and nobody is allowed to try find it to see if it exists. play_arrow LogicFusion 27 minutes ago

    Everybody is a Covid-19 / Coronavirus expert now!

    Read about the failed coin dealer and convicted felon's performance. It's hilarious!

    Martin Armstrong becomes Covid-19 Coronavirus Expert overnight play_arrow ducksinarow 59 minutes ago

    Covid -19 has been so politicized that I don't believe a word of any publication for or against testing, existence of the Virus, or anything that provokes testing or issues opinions about locking down communities. Just like the riots, Covid news is just plain boring. play_arrow ominous 3 hours ago

    Link to goes to home page, not this story.

    Where is the original story posted? play_arrow play_arrow ominous 3 hours ago (Edited)

    Perhaps this y_arrow 1 Rabbi Blitzstein 38 minutes ago

    "Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes the laws" - Mayer Amschel Rothschild. play_arrow play_arrow tangent 4 hours ago remove link

    People who recommend a vaccine for an entirely cured virus should lose their license to practice medicine. 99.9% cure rate applying to people who take it before being hospitalized is one of the biggest success stories in the history of medicine for HCQ. Not only that, but there are multiple other likely cures that simply have not been studied well. You'd think people would appreciate the fact that the common cold has been cured, but instead they just whine that big pharma isn't getting those bucko bucks.

    I honestly expected a ticker tape parade like in the movies when that first cure study came out. But instead they took a massive **** on the study and on the doctor... ****ty world we live in. ay_arrow Pair Of Dimes Shift 2 hours ago

    An exec (55+) at my company is gung ho about the vaccine.

    Unfortunately, I just had to give him a "wait and see" response although I know vaccines for coronaviruses are impossible. play_arrow 2 play_arrow ThanksIwillHaveAnother 4 hours ago (Edited)

    Viruses are not full cells. They are DNA/RNA wrapped with a protein the clings to a cell then the cell imports the DNA/RNA to start making its proteins. So what is inactive? If that person sneezes on another person depending on immune system status that other person could get a bad infection. y_arrow 4 CrabbyR 3 hours ago

    viruses utilizes CELL structures and host DNA to replicate dna or rna according to the viruses genetic code, the protein jacket is the final product to

    disguise the virus from detection and to bind on another cell after the compromised cell RUPTURES, there's more to it but if it cannot copy itself effectively it can become nonviable and unable to infect another cell. It replicates DNA inside a host cell, It is not a complete organism and cannot replicate unless it can inject its DNA into a host cell. Antibodies cling to viruses and destroy this ability to bind to a target cell. A non viable virus has a damaged coat or DNA RNA that has to many Dimers (damage or code breaks) Bacteria is more in line with what you think a virus is y_arrow onewayticket2 4 hours ago (Edited) remove link

    they lost me when they changed the definition of "death" to include "presumed, untested" cases (while bI@#$% ing at me that we needed to "follow the science")....and even got busted for the laughable motorcycle accident being classified as a covid death and the Labs that were sending in 100% positive results. (until they were caught) play_arrow OutaTime43 4 hours ago remove link

    The test detects RNA. Not necessarily viable virus. Also, it will detect RNA presence in an individual who may already have antibodies and may be immune. We are bombarded daily by viruses of which we already have immunity. play_arrow sun tzu 10 hours ago

    Shocking news that the South Koreans already discovered and published back in May. Western big pharma driven medicine is garbage 😂😂😂

    play_arrow Roger Casement 10 hours ago


    World Bank exporting COVID-19 Testing Kits in 2018??????

    https: // play_arrow 7 play_arrow sun tzu 10 hours ago

    Interesting play_arrow play_arrow Jack Mehoff 1 more time 9 hours ago

    Business as usual play_arrow play_arrow Argon1 7 hours ago

    Preparation for agenda 2021 in 2017. play_arrow 1 play_arrow CrabbyR 4 hours ago

    WOW.......ties a few strands from other sources together into a real ugly picture play_arrow play_arrow Welsh Bard 10 hours ago

    The professor who won the Nobel prize for work in this field, said that the way this test is being operated with over forty cycles, means that any results are entirely meaningless.

    In Britain, having spent over £15 billion setting up PCR testing systems and a shaky test and trace apparatus on top of that, it appears that 90% of positive results now appear to be false. This is compounded by the fact that when a hot spot develops, more testing is done to show a rapid increase in more false positive results, meaning further new lockdowns and even more testing to prove yet more false positive results ad infinitum.

    Now whether this is by design or ineptitude, people must decide for themselves but the outcome is utter chaos.

    For those countries who have not followed the Swedish model especially countries like Australia and New Zealand who have set up complete isolation, now face a future perpetually cut off from the rest of the world.

    Okay, new techniques will and are coming along to treat the disease like HCQ when used correctly maybe as a prophylactic and a vaccine that will need to be constantly upgraded like the Flu vaccine, means that the whole world has painted itself into a corner unless drastic revision is now made to the whole sorry mess.

    In the meantime, we will now be stuck with digital currency and the introduction of ID Health Cards that will limit people in how they travel where they work and access to a whole heap of things like government services.

    Welcome to the new world order! play_arrow 1 KuriousKat 11 hours ago (Edited) remove link

    Don't tell the Shameless Aussie gov that after arresting hundreds for simply voicing doubt on need to lockdown entire city...Next time it will be thousands and not a damn thing they can do to stop it..These people are trickling us the truth how worthless the tests are when pretty much everyone knows. play_arrow espirit 12 hours ago remove link



    Imperial College

    John Hopkins


    Line all those peeps up against the wall, and the first one to rat gets to live.

    I'll provide my own ammo... ay_arrow Sick Monkey 6 hours ago

    Not everyone working in these agencies are dishonest but like you and I we have to work and eat.

    Most of them are trapped in this mess with bills to pay threatened by NDA.

    play_arrow 1 Urban Roman 12 hours ago

    Not particularly new news. Been talked about since April at least -- it's an RNA virus, it has its own polymerase, and it leaves lots of RNA fragments in its wake.

    The Corona family of viruses make 5 or 6 strands with partial copies of their RNA molecule. negative copies are made first, and then copied again into positive copies. Finally the one big RNA is made with the entire genome on it.

    So about a dozen RNA molecules are made for each finished virus particle that is produced. And finally, a variety of different primers are used for the PCR tests, some are matched to the small partial RNA copies and others are matched to various features on the large whole-virus RNA. They can give different results for the same sample.

    So, someone who registers on a PCR test has probably been exposed to the virus, but the test gives no clue as to whether it is an active infection, or the person is contagious, or they are just coming down with it, or they got over it six months ago. play_arrow 4 play_arrow 1

    10 play_arrow gordo 12 hours ago remove link

    Sweden, no masks, no lock downs, ALL SCHOOLS OPEN, herd immunity, no second wave.

    Still think your masks and lock downs are working muppets?

    1 play_arrow The 3rd Dimentia 13 hours ago SARS-CoV2 and the Rise of Medical Technocracy. Lee Merritt, M.D. play_arrow 3 play_arrow hugin-o-munin 13 hours ago

    I'm glad to see that many are starting to counter the official narrative.

    We've been asleep for too long and allowed these agendas to fester to the point we're at now where a college dropout software salesman and a former 3rd world communist terrorist (neither of whom have any medical degree) are dictating to the world how everyone needs to get a DNA altering vaccine and a medical ID. It's completely nuts and bonkers yet more or less the entire planet's governments follow in 'lockstep' with ever more draconian laws and regulations incarcerating people in their own homes, making them wear masks causing oxygen deprivation and shutting down the entire world economy.

    lay_arrow Warthog777 , 13 hours ago

    Article is poorly written by someone who does not know medical science. There are no viral "cells" so the headline is a put off right away. The comment about "sensitivity" is misplaced as PCR tests are too sensitive: ergo false positives. I believe "specificity" is the word the author was searching for. If a test lumps true positives with false positives, then it lacks specificity.

    Cabreado , 13 hours ago

    "accusations of 'fearmongering' and spreading 'misinformation'.
    But not today."

    Well, much of the world has known for months now about the testing lies...

    and I'd be remiss to not remind the Tylers that they indeed played a role in the fear mongering along the way; quite intently so.

    Crush the cube , 13 hours ago

    Busted, published 2018, what a scam.

    Digital-Anarchy , 14 hours ago

    Anyone who would use the term "virus cells", has no clue what they're talking about and should be completely disregarded. Viruses are not cells. PCR tests are searching for something your body produces in response to a virus as well. They are not produced specifically for a singular virus either. The entire concept of PCR testing is garbage. This **** was a scam from the get-go.

    hugin-o-munin , 13 hours ago

    Yes it is evident now that this entire pandemic is false and political. The goal seems to be to vaccinate entire populations and the question people need to ask is - why? what for? Aside from the obvious economic motives there are some more sinister plans that most people will have a hard time accepting but these need to be looked at. Several years ago there were a group of doctors and researchers that died of suspicious suicides who were collaborating and studying vaccines and the link to autism.

    The effort was led by Dr.Jeffrey Bradstreet who was researching the natural substance GcMAF and how this could boost the immune system. What he discovered was that many vaccines had a compound/substance called Nagalase in them that is unnatural and has a detrimental effect on the immune system and function of GcMAF (which is produced by our own bodies) and has no business at all being in vaccines. Just before he was able to blow the whistle on this he also died of a suspicious 'suicide' and today most of the clinics and research groups working on GcMAF have been destroyed and ruined. Draw your own conclusions.

    snblitz , 14 hours ago

    Dr. Kary Mullis invented the PCR test. He said it was ineffective for this purpose.

    Though he was addressing its use in a prior virus hoax unleashed upon the world.

    I bet you didn't know this scam has been used before.

    That is why I was able to call out the scam right from the start. The second I saw them using the PCR again, I knew it was from the same playbook.

    snblitz , 14 hours ago

    So many lies.

    Viruses are not alive. They have no metabolic functions. They cannot move.

    Don't believe me? Get a degree is virology or microbiology or just a read a book on the subject. Or capture a wuhan-virus yourself and watch it under a microscope. It won't move. It won't consume anything. It will just sit there inert.

    The problem is that you are being lied to at a scale you cannot imagine.

    I know, off to the fema re-education camp for me for spreading false information about the wuhan-virus.

    Though I am not the one spreading fear and hysteria.

    aldousd , 13 hours ago

    There article is confused, but the work of the doctor is not. Viruses use your cells to reproduce. When your immune system targets the virus it actually kills your own cell which has become host to the virus. The virus particles and markers, and the DNA of the virus can be detected in these dead cells, but dead cells cannot serve as a factory for more viruses. So it's effectively a dead virus infected cell. Not a dead virus cell.

    So while the transcription of the idea here was done by an idiot, it's not an idiotic idea. The tests cannot tell if the virus came in a living cell that is actively producing more viruses or a dead host cell that has been assassinated by your immune system. That's what they're talking about here.

    mstyle , 11 hours ago

    what about the chromosome 8 stuff that has been mentioned lately?

    (since you appear to be rather intelligent)

    hugin-o-munin , 11 hours ago

    Thanks. Well the chromosome 8 discovery in the PCR test specifications/details is strange and worrying because it makes you wonder why it's part of this at all. Some believe it's to get more false positive results while others believe it is what the mRNA vaccines are intended to target and if that's right then it's really sinister. What exactly is the plan? To make all of us get Downs Syndrome? I don't know but judging by all their other lies and schemes it wouldn't surprise me.

    IRC162 , 14 hours ago

    Fuggin progressives and their pandemic political prop. But really this reaction is the same as their reaction to 'racial injustice'. They focus on feelings before the facts are known in order to achieve their end, and then do their best to bury/ignore the facts when they are gathered later.

    94% COVID deaths with multiple comorbidities.

    10 unarmed blacks killed by police in 2019 (6 were in self-defense).

    adr , 15 hours ago

    Why didn't you mention that nearly all labs are running 35-40 cycles which guarantees a positive test, simply from noise.

    The inventor of the test said if you don't find anything after 15 cycles, it probably isn't there. After 20 cycles the noise starts to be greater than any real information. By 30, the test is mostly noise. More than 35, the test is completely worthless.

    Of course I've been saying this for five months, but most people didn't listen. After the NYT article came out, people I know started saying, "How did you know?"

    I said, "Because I have critical thinking skills. Why didn't you believe me? Name a time I've steered you wrong."

    Antiduck , 14 hours ago

    333 labs in florida had 100% positivity. (stupid word.)

    ZenStick , 12 hours ago

    Exactly correct.
    Nobody will touch this line of reasoning in public or on media.

    Identify as Ferengi , 15 hours ago

    See above, Born2Bwired.

    The PCR test is not useful for what they are using it for apparently. This has been known since the beginning. Here is quote regarding AIDS:

    "Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize in Science for inventing the PCR, is thoroughly convinced that HIV is not the cause of "AIDS". With regard to the viral load tests, which attempt to use PCR for counting viruses, Mullis has stated: "Quantitative PCR is an oxymoron." PCR is intended to identify substances qualitatively, but by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers. Although there is a common misimpression that the viral load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed, in some cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV. The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves.

    What PCR does is to select a genetic sequence and then amplify it enormously. It can accomplish the equivalent of finding a needle in a haystack; it can amplify that needle into a haystack. Like an electronically amplified antenna, PCR greatly amplifies the signal, but it also greatly amplifies the noise. Since the amplification is exponential, the slightest error in measurement, the slightest contamination, can result in errors of many orders of magnitude."

    naro , 15 hours ago

    NYTimes article last week suggested that only 10% of Covid positive PCR tests are clinically significant and infectious.

    [Aug 31, 2020] We might have to wait forever for science to show the Covid threat is over, so let's use our common sense get back to normal -- RT Op-ed

    Highly recommended!
    Notable quotes:
    "... It's time to stop fetishizing scientific methods. We have to accept that there are many elements of Covid-19 that science may never understand and if we wait for it to do so, we will never again be able to live a normal life. ..."
    "... Science, if it is working properly, will not come to a conclusion that is wholly wrong. But not everything that is true can be established by a randomized control trial followed by peer review. Take the theory, popularized by Dr John Lee's work in the Spectator , that Covid has become less deadly as it spreads, and is now basically inert. ..."
    "... People need to accept this about Covid (and hopefully later, much else) and stop fetishizing the scientific method at times when a bit of common sense would do the job. ..."
    "... Consider this article , written by three scientific minds. It is a measured and 'data driven' analysis of whether Covid is becoming less deadly. But is blinkered by an assumption that only official data, no matter how muddled, can be relied upon. All you really need to do is ask doctors whether they are seeing people come in with Covid, or if they are dying of Covid when they do. Instead it focuses on case numbers, which are not worth the paper they are written on. ..."
    "... So many people have been so frightened – understandably – by exaggerated accounts of the threat posed by Covid-19, and it will take a lot to persuade them that they have been sold a pup. But they need to be persuaded, so that can get their old lives back. The present regime will never take on this responsibility because it would center on an admission of massive guilt on their part. ..."
    "... What is needed now from all sensible people is calm but insistent argument, with friends, relations and authorities alike, for the total abolition of all coronavirus-related restrictions. We saw some of that in London and Berlin over the weekend, and it was fantastic to see such well organized and clear minded dissent against the sinister 'new normal'. ..."
    Aug 31, 2020 |

    By Peter Andrews , Irish science journalist and writer based in London. He has a background in the life sciences, and graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in genetics

    It's time to stop fetishizing scientific methods. We have to accept that there are many elements of Covid-19 that science may never understand and if we wait for it to do so, we will never again be able to live a normal life.

    The Covid-19 outbreak is largely over, and man's attempts to slow, stop or understand the virus have failed. Science will eventually discover more about the pandemic but it is a slow process.

    Science, if it is working properly, will not come to a conclusion that is wholly wrong. But not everything that is true can be established by a randomized control trial followed by peer review. Take the theory, popularized by Dr John Lee's work in the Spectator , that Covid has become less deadly as it spreads, and is now basically inert.

    This would perfectly explain why so many people died of Covid-19 in a short period of time, and why deaths have basically flat-lined since April. It fits with many Covid studies confirming fast evolution , different strains and reinfection . Furthermore, a change to the virus itself could explain why the same patterns in deaths have been seen everywhere, irrespective of lockdowns, demographics, contact tracing or any other scheme.

    ALSO ON RT.COM Weird science: Covid-19 does NOT cause heart damage, as blockbuster study had basic calculation errors

    In fact, with each passing day it is increasingly probable that the virus has mutated to a milder form. The trouble is it would be nigh on impossible to establish this with the instruments of science, now or any time soon. The vagaries of individual human bodies and microscopic particles are just beyond the scope of exact science.

    People need to accept this about Covid (and hopefully later, much else) and stop fetishizing the scientific method at times when a bit of common sense would do the job. We are paralysed by a need for the World Health Organization or Public Health England to conjure up some peer-reviewed study or other confirming to 99.9 percent likelihood that we can go back to normal now. That will never happen, but we have to get back to normal.

    Consider this article , written by three scientific minds. It is a measured and 'data driven' analysis of whether Covid is becoming less deadly. But is blinkered by an assumption that only official data, no matter how muddled, can be relied upon. All you really need to do is ask doctors whether they are seeing people come in with Covid, or if they are dying of Covid when they do. Instead it focuses on case numbers, which are not worth the paper they are written on.

    Here is another paper , co-authored by the brilliant Professor Carl Heneghan of the University of Oxford's Center for Evidence-Based Medicine. He has been tireless in his questioning of the government's interpretation of coronavirus statistics, although it has taken far too long for him to be given any kind of platform from which to address the public.

    The study, while no doubt accurate and valuable for establishing fine points of detail, seeks to answer whether the infection fatality ratio has been falling in the UK. A comprehensive review of the limited data suggests that it has, but so what? What does that mean to the average Joe, confused as to whether they should send their child to school in the morning, or whether it would be irresponsible to give their elderly parents a hug?

    ALSO ON RT.COM Just wait for a vaccine? First confirmed REINFECTION means there may be no way to eradicate Covid

    So many people have been so frightened – understandably – by exaggerated accounts of the threat posed by Covid-19, and it will take a lot to persuade them that they have been sold a pup. But they need to be persuaded, so that can get their old lives back. The present regime will never take on this responsibility because it would center on an admission of massive guilt on their part.

    What is needed now from all sensible people is calm but insistent argument, with friends, relations and authorities alike, for the total abolition of all coronavirus-related restrictions. We saw some of that in London and Berlin over the weekend, and it was fantastic to see such well organized and clear minded dissent against the sinister 'new normal'.

    Like this story? Share it with a friend!

    The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

    [Aug 24, 2020] From Lockdown to Police State- The "Great Reset" Rolls Out by Ellen Brown

    Aug 24, 2020 |

    Mayhem in Melbourne

    On August 2, lockdown measures were implemented in Melbourne, Australia, that were so draconian that Australian news commentator Alan Jones said on Sky News : "People are entitled to think there is an 'agenda to destroy western society.'"

    The gist of an August 13 th article on the Melbourne lockdown is captured in the title: " Australian Police Go FULL NAZI , Smashing in Windows of Civilian Cars Just Because Passengers Wouldn't Give Details About Where They Were Going."

    Another article with an arresting title was by Guy Burchell in the August 7 th Australian National Review : " Melbourne Cops May Now Enter Homes Without a Warrant , After 11 People Die of COVID -- Australia, This Is Madness, Not Democracy." Burchell wrote that only 147 people had lost their lives to coronavirus in Victoria (the Australian state of which Melbourne is the capital), a very low death rate compared to other countries. The ramped up lockdown measures were triggered by an uptick in cases due to ramped up testing and 11 additional deaths, all of them in nursing homes (where lockdown measures would actually have little effect). The new rules include a six week curfew from 8 PM to 5 AM, with residents allowed to leave home outside those curfew hours only to shop for food and essential items (one household member only), and for caregiving, work and exercise (limited to one hour).

    "But the piece de resistance ," writes Burchell, "has to be that now police officers can enter homes with neither a warrant nor permission. This is an astonishing violation of civil liberties . Deaths of this kind are not normally cause for government action, let alone the effective house arrest of an entire city." He quoted Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews, who told Victorians, "there is literally no reason for you to leave your home and if you were to leave your home and not be found there, you will have a very difficult time convincing Victoria police that you have a lawful reason." Burchell commented:

    [U]nder this new regime you can't even remain in your house unmolested by the cops, they can just pop 'round anytime to make sure you haven't had Bruce and Sheila from next door round for a couple of drinks. All over a disease that is simply not that fatal .

    Last year more than 310,000 Australians were hospitalised with flu and over 900 died. By all metrics that makes flu a worse threat than COVID-19 but police weren't granted Stasi-like powers during the flu season. Millions of people weren't confined to their homes and threatened with AUS$5,000 fines for not having a good reason for being out of their homes.

    At an August 19 th press conference , Australia's second most senior medical officer said the government would be discussing measures such as banning restaurants, international travel, public transport, and withholding government programs through "No Jab No Pay" in order to coerce vaccine resisters.

    An August 13 article on LifeSiteNews quoted Father Glen Tattersall, a Catholic parish priest in Melbourne, who said the draconian provisions "simply cannot be justified on a scientific basis":

    We have a curfew from 8 pm to 5 am, rigorously enforced including by the use of police helicopters and search lights. Is the virus a vampire that just comes out at night? Or the wearing of masks: they must be worn everywhere outside, even in a park where you are nowhere near any other person. Why? Does the virus leap hundreds of metres through the air? This is all about inducing mass fear, and humiliating the populace by demanding external compliance.

    Why the strict curfew? Curfews have been implemented recently in the US to deter violence during protests, but no violence of that sort was reported in Melbourne. What was reported, at least on social media , were planes landing in the night from ‎the Chinese province of Guandong carrying equipment related to 5G and the Chinese biometric social credit system, which was reportedly being installed under a blanket of secrecy.

    Angelo Codevilla, professor emeritus at Boston University, concluded in an August 13 th article, "We are living through a coup d'état based on the oldest of ploys: declaring emergencies, suspending law and rights, and issuing arbitrary rules of behavior to excuse taking 'full powers'."

    Questioning the Narrative

    Melbourne has gone to extremes with its lockdown measures, but it could portend things to come globally. Lockdowns were originally sold to the public as being necessary just for a couple of weeks to "flatten the curve," to prevent hospital overcrowding from COVID-19 cases. It has now been over five months, with self-appointed vaccine czar Bill Gates intoning that we will not be able to return to "normal" until the entire global population of 7 billion people has been vaccinated. He has since backed off on the numbers, but commentators everywhere are reiterating that lockdowns are the "new normal," which could last for years.

    All this is such a radical curtailment of our civil liberties that we need to look closely at the evidence justifying it; and when we do, that evidence is weak. The isolation policies were triggered by estimates from the Imperial College London of 510,000 UK deaths and 2.2 million US deaths, more than 10 times the actual death rate from COVID-19. A Stanford University antibody study estimated that the fatality rate if infected was only about 0.1 to 0.2 percent; and in an August 4 th blog post , Bill Gates himself acknowledged that the death rate was only 0.14 percent, not much higher than for the flu. But restrictive measures have gotten more onerous rather than less as the mortality figures have been revised downward.

    A July 2020 UK study from Loughborough and Sheffield Universities found that government policy over the lockdown period has actually increased mortality rather than reducing it, after factoring in collateral damage including deaths from cancers and other serious diseases that are being left untreated, a dramatic increase in suicides and drug overdose, and poverty and malnourishment due to unemployment. Globally, according to UNICEF, 1.2 million child deaths are expected as a direct result of the lockdowns. A data analyst in South Africa asserts that the consequences of the country's lockdown will lead to 29 times more deaths than from the coronavirus itself .

    Countries and states that did very little to restrict their populations, including Sweden and South Dakota, have fared as well as or better overall than locked down US states. In an August 12 th article in The UK Telegraph titled " Sweden's Success Shows the True Cost of Our Arrogant, Failed Establishment ," Allister Heath writes:

    Sweden got it largely right, and the British establishment catastrophically wrong. Anders Tegnell, Stockholm's epidemiologist-​king, has pulled off a remarkable triple whammy: far fewer deaths per capita than Britain, a maintenance of basic freedoms and opportunities, including schooling, and, most strikingly, a recession less than half as severe as our own.

    Not restraining the populace has allowed Sweden's curve to taper off naturally through "herd immunity," with daily deaths down to single digits for the last month. (See chart .)

    The Pandemic That Wasn't?

    Also bringing the official narrative into question is the unreliability of the tests on which the lockdowns have been based. In a Wired interview , even Bill Gates acknowledged that most US test results are "garbage." The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technology used in the nasal swab test is considered the "gold standard" for COVID-19 detection; yet the PCR test was regarded by its own inventor, Nobel prize winner Kary Mullis, as inappropriate to detect viral infection . In a detailed June 27 th analysis titled " COVID-19 PCR Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless ," Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter conclude:

    Without doubt eventual excess mortality rates are caused by the therapy and by the lockdown measures, while the "COVID-19" death statistics comprise also patients who died of a variety of diseases, redefined as COVID-19 only because of a "positive" test result whose value could not be more doubtful.

    The authors discussed a January 2007 New York Times article titled " Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn't ," describing an apparent whooping cough epidemic in a New Hampshire hospital. The epidemic was verified by preliminary PCR tests given to nearly 1,000 healthcare workers, who were subsequently furloughed. Eight months later, the "epidemic" was found to be a false alarm. Not a single case of whooping cough was confirmed by the "gold standard" test – growing pertussis bacteria in the laboratory. All of the cases found through the PCR test were false positives.

    Yet "test, test, test" was the message proclaimed for all countries by WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom at a media briefing on March 16, 2020 , five days after WHO officially declared COVID-19; and the test recommended as the gold standard was the PCR. Why, when it had already been demonstrated to be unreliable, creating false positives that gave the appearance of an epidemic when there was none? Or was that the goal – to create the appearance of a pandemic, one so vast that the global economy had to be brought to a standstill until a vaccine could be found? Recall Prof. Codevilla's conclusion: "We are living through a coup d'état based on the oldest of ploys: declaring emergencies, suspending law and rights, and issuing arbitrary rules of behavior to excuse taking 'full powers'."

    People desperate to get back to work will not only submit to a largely untested vaccine but will agree to surveillance measures that would have been considered a flagrant violation of their civil rights if those rights had not been overridden by a "national emergency" justifying preemption by the police powers of the state. They will agree to get "immunity passports" in order to travel and participate in group activities, and they will submit to quarantines, curfews, contact tracings, social credit scores and informing on the neighbors. The emergency must be kept going to justify these unprecedented violations of their liberties, in which decision-making is removed from elected representatives and handed to unelected bureaucrats and technocrats.

    A national health crisis also a necessary prerequisite for relief from liability for personal injuries from the drugs and other products deployed in response to the crisis. Under the 2005 Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREPA), in the event of a declared public health emergency, manufacturers are shielded from tort liability for injuries both from the vaccines and from invalid or invasive tests. Compensation for personal injuries is a massive expense for drug companies, and the potential profits from a product free of that downside are a gold mine for pharmaceutical companies and investors. The liabilities will be borne by the taxpayers and the victims.

    All this, however, presupposes both an existing public health emergency and no effective treatment to defuse it. That helps explain the otherwise inexplicable war on hydroxychloroquine , a safe drug that has been in use and available over the counter for 65 years and has been shown to be effective in multiple studies when used early in combination with zinc and an antibiotic. A table prepared by the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons ( below ) found that the US has nearly 30 times as many deaths per capita as countries making early and prophylactic use of hydroxychloroquine.

    The latest international testing of hydroxychloroquine treatment of coronavirus shows countries that had early use of the drug had a 79% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of the safe malaria drug. Lowering the US mortality rate by 79% could have saved over 100,000 lives. But an effective, inexpensive COVID-19 treatment would mean the end of the alleged pandemic and the vaccine bonanza it purports to justify.

    The need to maintain the appearance of a pandemic also explains the inflated reports of cases and deaths. Hospitals have been rewarded with increased fees for reclassifying cases as COVID-19. As deaths declined in the US, the numbers of cases reported by the Centers for Disease Control were also gamed to make it appear that America was in a "second wave" of a pandemic. The reporting criterion was changed on May 18 from people who tested positive for the virus only to people who tested positive for either the virus or its antibodies. The exploding numbers thus include people who have recovered from COVID-19 as well as false positives. The Loughborough and Sheffield researchers found that when controlling for other factors affecting mortality, actual deaths due to COVID-19 are 54% to 63% lower than implied by the standard excess deaths measure.

    Ushering in "The Great Reset"

    Forcing compliance with global vaccine mandates is one obvious motive for maintaining the appearance of an ongoing pandemic, but what would be the motive for destroying the global economy with forced lockdowns? What is behind the "agenda to destroy Western society" suspected by Australian commentator Alan Jones?

    Evidently it is this: destroying the old is necessary to usher in the new. Global economic destruction paves the way for the "Great Reset" now being promoted by the World Economic Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the International Monetary Fund and other big global players.

    Although cast as arising from the pandemic, the "global economic reset" is a concept that was floated as early as 2014 by Christine Lagarde, then head of the IMF, and is said to be a recharacterization of the "New World Order" discussed long before that. It was promoted as a solution to the ongoing economic crisis triggered in 2008.

    The World Economic Forum – that elite group of businessmen, politicians and academics that meets in Davos, Switzerland, every January – announced in June that the Great Reset would be the theme of its 2021 Summit. Klaus Schwab, founder of the Forum, admonished:

    The world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed.

    No country will be allowed to opt out because it would be endangering the rest, just as no person will be allowed to escape the COVID-19 vaccine for the same reason.

    Who is behind the Great Reset and what it really entails are major questions that need their own article, but suffice it to say here that to escape the trap of the globalist agenda, we need a mass awakening to what is really going on and collective resistance to it while there is still time. There are hopeful signs that this is happening, including massive protests against economic shutdowns and restrictions, particularly in Europe; a rash of lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the lockdowns and of police power overreach; and a flood of alternative media exposés despite widespread censorship.

    Life as we know it will change. We need to ensure that it changes in ways that serve the people and the productive economy, while preserving our national sovereignty and hard-won personal freedoms.

    Ellen Brown is an attorney, chair of the Public Banking Institute and author of thirteen books, including her latest, Banking on the People: Democratizing Money in the Digital Age . She also co-hosts a radio program on PRN.FM called " It's Our Money ." Her 300+ blog articles are posted at

    [Aug 24, 2020] The virus is not imaginary, but badly exaggerated as well as ineptly treated.

    Aug 24, 2020 |

    RadicalCenter , says: August 23, 2020 at 3:53 am GMT

    @Brás Cubas ite the contrary. What he said is that its severity has been intentionally and systematically exaggerated, and that is clearly correct and provable.

    Here are experienced medical doctors providing well-documented detailed criticism of the covid-19 death stats and the wide ranging dishonesty in their inflation. They note that thus far, more accurate and honest stats suggest that this virus has been not as lethal as recent flu strains in some countries, about the same in some, and slightly worse in some. Not imaginary, but badly exaggerated as well as ineptly treated.

    RoatanBill , says: August 23, 2020 at 11:48 am GMT
    @mark tapley

    I'm a business owner. There's no point in me opening up because the customer base is stupid enough to believe the lie. All I would be doing is running up my expenses.

    This scam is a stroke of evil genius. What will stop it is economic collapse, nothing else.

    HarvardSqEddy , says: August 23, 2020 at 7:44 pm GMT

    But wouldn't economic collapse mean there'd be nothing left to stop?

    [Aug 24, 2020] What I don't understand is why there hasn't been an investigation into the mysterious upper respiratory virus that broke out at the Greenspring Retirement Community in Fairfax County, Virginia last summer. 63 people became ill and three died

    Aug 24, 2020 |

    Minnesota Mary , says: August 23, 2020 at 9:30 pm GMT

    What I don't understand is why there hasn't been an investigation into the mysterious upper respiratory virus that broke out at the Greenspring Retirement Community in Fairfax County, Virginia last summer. 63 people became ill and three died. Very unusual for something like that to break out in the summer months. Is there a connection to Covid-19? Fort Detrick Lab in Maryland is about an hour away from the breakout.

    Godfree Roberts , says: Website August 23, 2020 at 10:57 pm GMT

    Curb your enthusiasm for the WSJ. Western media and get away with portraying China's government as 'opaque' because so few of their writers read Chinese. In fact, self-criticism is built into Chinese governance as these comments by Shao Yiming, virologist and chief HIV/AIDS expert at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC), and the head of the CCDC, Dr. George Gao, illustrate.

    Like most such Western 'revelations,' the story appeared in Chinese newspapers last April and in the Japanese news in May:

    [Hide MORE]

    Caixin: Many people compare China's CDC with the U.S. counterpart and call for the agency to have greater authority. What's your thought?

    Dr. George Gao: We must understand the technical nature of the work at CDCs. They use scientific methods to carry out surveillance of infectious diseases, assess risks and send timely alerts. They also carry out intervention based on the nature of the epidemic and set up national standards and guidance to deal with diseases. But it is almost impossible for China's CDC system to complete such tasks with their current resources and coordination capacity. The Covid-19 outbreak proves the problems and the urgent need for CDC reforms. There are about 20,000 people working in the American CDC system, compared with only 2,000 in China, and they cover almost four times the population of the U.S. The U.S. CDC has more than 500 people focusing on research, warning, intervention, public education and emergency response related to flu virus, but the team in China is only 2 0.

    There should be dedicated teams to track and conduct long-term studies of seasonal flu, novel influenza and respiratory infections. They need to carry out massive surveillance, sample collection, testing and analysis to study the virus and response measures. Such tasks can't be completed with only 10 to 20 people.

    China has identified 36 infectious diseases in the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, but fewer than half of the diseases are under study by dedicated teams. Although the China CDC has strived to hire high-end talent over the past 10 years, it has difficulties retaining them. Institution-building should be enhanced in the disease control system. We should eliminate certain institutional barriers such as limiting CDC's responsibility to human disease control while assigning animal disease surveillance to agricultural departments. In the U.S., the CDC regularly monitors risks from animals. The frequent outbreak of zoonotic diseases (those transmitted from animals) reminds us of the importance of cross-department cooperation.

    On the other hand, the national CDC should not only function in Beijing. In countries like the U.S. and Russia, the national CDC often has branches and dispatches teams to states and cities to collect first-hand information. I think in China, while strengthening the power of the national CDC, it is also important to combine disease control departments at the provincial level with the CDC for better coordination.

    It is a great pity that the direct reporting system to monitor infectious disease set up after the SARS outbreak didn't play its due role during this epidem ic.

    Under the rules, the cases should be submitted to the system whenever there are more than three unknown pneumonia cases. The system is in place with a network covering more than 70,000 reporting points across the country, and doctors can do it with a simple click. The reports will be simultaneously submitted to the national and local level of the Disease Control and Prevention Center (CDC). The idea of the direct reporting system is to reduce administrative intervention and save time in the face of an epidemic.

    But after 15 years of operation of this costly system, all the efforts unbelievably turned out to be in vain, and hierarchical review and administrative intervention were back in place. Why were there such actions, which violate the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, could happen in government and law enforcement departments? Why didn't local experts fulfill their duty according to the infectious disease reporting rules? And why did the National Health Commission and its experts fail to collect important information in a timely w ay? Whether we can find true and adequate answers to these questions will be important to future work.

    And as to

    An entirely new disease that spreads in silent, asymptomatic fashion can easily escape initial detection, and we should not be surprised that no one in China noticed the Wuhan outbreak when it first began in October or November.

    Obviously, it was spreading in silent, asymptomatic fashion in the USA much earlier, as lab tests and image analyses have shown. The difference between China's and our CDCs was that that they were looking for it and we issued restraining orders to anyone who attempted to test for it.

    Why 'Smart' Covid-19 Virus May Be Here to Stay. By Yang Rui, Denise Jia and Han Wei. Caixin, Mar 19, 2020

    [Aug 24, 2020] We will never find out who was behind the Great Coronavirus Reset

    While the virus is perfectly real, its severity has been intentionally and systematically exaggerated, and that is clearly is provable. So the working hypoethisi is that somebody badly needed Coronavirus reset, iether for political or financial purposes or both.
    Aug 24, 2020 |

    onebornfree , says: Website August 23, 2020 at 12:13 am GMT

    "Who is behind the Great Reset "?

    Lawsuits and court cases ain't gonna do it. These motherfuckers own the courts.

    [Aug 23, 2020] COVID hysteria kills.- The Telegraph - Sic Semper Tyrannis

    Aug 23, 2020 |

    23 AUGUST 2020 "COVID hysteria kills." The Telegraph

    " ... Research commissioned that July by the firm Kekst CNC showed how far public perceptions about the pandemic had been skewed, finding they were inclined to believe the spread and fatality was more than a hundred times worse than the reality.

    For example, the average Briton was found last month to estimate that the disease had wiped out as much as 7 per cent of the United Kingdom, which would equate to around 4.6 million people, rather than the actual rate in the tens of thousands. They estimate just over 22 per cent of the population have had Covid-19, which at just over 14.6 million people would be well over the current confirmed case tally of 322,000.

    " When people estimate risk, they overestimate it massively ," says King College London's Professor Neil Greenberg, who works with Public Health England as part of the Health Protection Research Unit for Emergency Preparedness and Response. "We are very poor as a public at estimating what risk really means."

    That does not mean the threat posed by Covid-19 can be summarily dismissed, but experts are keen for a sense of proportion.

    Prof Udi Qimron, the incoming head of clinical microbiology and immunology at Tel Aviv University, recently highlighted that 99.9 per cent of the world's population has so far survived the virus, as the total number of coronavirus deaths does not exceed 0.1 per cent of the total population anywhere around the world. (See the table below for the latest data on European deaths)


    Nervousness? Apprehension? Nah! Not in the US. Here it is just plain old gutlessness. We are not the people our ancestors were. pl

    Jack , 23 August 2020 at 01:06 PM

    It's clear now Florida + Sweden mix model for covid was correct strategy.

    Protect elderly and sick from infection, maintain economic activities and secure your pharmaceutical supply chains.

    Economic destruction by doomsday advocates caused job losses across the world.

    As this article in the Daily Mail notes Sweden's policy worked as well as the lockdown policy without the economic destruction.

    Col. Lang is correct. "We are not the people our ancestors were." We are an afraid people. We wouldn't otherwise trade our liberty for the false security of mass surveillance, government propaganda, and this lockdown that continues. Sad!

    Mike Whitney , 23 August 2020 at 01:36 PM

    I wonder if you would be interested in publishing this excellent short article on the stoic and highly-principled tank commander, Heinz Guderian??

    He may have fought on the wrong side, but he fought bravely and honorably.

    Deap , 23 August 2020 at 04:07 PM

    As Albert Camus wrote in The Plague: potentially deadly events like this give some people their sole reason for living. And the cure, for them, becomes fatal.

    Serge , 23 August 2020 at 06:10 PM

    Hi Colonel, this is totally unrelated but I thought that you would find this Houthi video that I saw off of Al Masdar interesting:

    Shows the Houthis wiping out the main IS bastion in Yemen earlier in the week. Prisoners treated well, they wouldn't be treated like this in Syria/Iraq or in any country where franchises exist.

    VietnamVet , 23 August 2020 at 07:14 PM

    The risk is relative. It is nil if you are not exposed to a coronavirus shedding person. If you must work with the public to get paid, live in a multi-generational household, or are over 70 the risks of getting ill and dying are greater. Coronavirus has killed 180,558 Americans to date which is almost five times more than the 36,750 who died in automobile accidents last year. The virus is the third leading cause of death in America after heart disease and cancer. The is no national coordination and funding to test every American daily to see who is ill and who is not. Without universal testing there is absolutely no way to know the risk of going out the door. With testing and agreement by the American public to isolate if the daily antigen test positive and receive government healthcare, the pandemic can be ended without needing a vaccine. This would require healthcare for all and a working government which the ruling elite are absolutely against. Although the costs of the national testing program are less than the amount already lost in economic activity from the Pandemic Depression.

    The basic problem is the US public health system was dismantled so for-profit hospitals and professional managers could extract wealth from the ill. Money is earned by treating the patients not curing them. Employee based health insurance by design does not cover everyone leaving a hodge-podge of government programs; the VA, Medicare, Medicaid and local programs for the left-overs. The current US system is simply incapable of containing the pandemic. Only a functional government like New Zealand or South Korea can.

    The US federal government decided to do nothing and wait for a for-profit vaccine next year. 300,000 Americans are projected to die this year. If there is no vaccine or treatment, the death toll from coronavirus could reach 675,000 - the number who died of the Spanish flu in the USA in 1918 and 1919 (but with a 1/3 fewer people). No big deal for Wall Street who got 4 trillion dollars to keep charging upwards; unless, the unrest continues and expands.

    Escarlata , 23 August 2020 at 07:37 PM

    Peaceful transition of power to this people...

    Lars , 23 August 2020 at 08:09 PM

    What I read in Swedish media does not correspond well with what I see reported by others, usually from outside of the country. Sweden has done worse than its close neighbors Norway and Finland and they are paying a rather steep economic price for their inaction. Regarding Florida, where I live, the infections are not receding yet and we have yet to see what will happen with opening the schools. I suspect the misinformation has a political purpose. There are more people in Florida wearing masks now, mainly due to local municipalities requiring them and that is positive. Some think that is a political issue, failing to realize it is an IQ test.

    nbsp; turcopolier , 23 August 2020 at 08:23 PM


    You see what you want to see in the press depending on what you choose to read. Yes, lefties like you always want to talk down to people. You are typical. Why are you darkening my door again?

    nbsp; turcopolier , 23 August 2020 at 08:25 PM


    You should go out and get a job in which you would work for your own money and stop letting daddy take care of you like a little girl.

    nbsp; turcopolier , 23 August 2020 at 08:30 PM


    Judy Miller the journo queen used to tell me that I am a gloomy gus, but I am nothing compared to you. When did you last have a positive thought? Was it painful?

    nbsp; Fred , 23 August 2020 at 08:38 PM


    Your information seems to be out of date or terribly localized. The discontent with the face burka mandate is increasing, though there's nothing stopping you from wearing one 24/7.

    "Florida reported 4,300 new cases Saturday, continuing a downward trend that has seen the number drop from above 10,000 new cases per day a month ago."

    "Hospitalizations due to COVID-19 have also been declining. "

    nbsp; turcopolier , 23 August 2020 at 08:42 PM


    The US national collective death toll is about .05% thus far. Can't handle that, eh?

    [Aug 21, 2020] If You're Reading This, You Might Be A Conspiracy Theorist

    Highly recommended!
    Science now is a highly politicized science and that's a huge problem. Ask USSR scientists about possible consequences. Is Kapitsa noted long ago in his obitiary on Ernest Rutherford death as soon as science become rich it lost its freedom. "
    "The year that Rutherford died (1938) there disappeared forever the happy days of free scientific work which gave us such delight in our youth. Science has lost her freedom. Science has become a productive force. She has become rich but she has become enslaved and part of her is veiled in secrecy. I do not know whether Rutherford would continue to joke and laugh as he used to.
    Lysenkoism in Stalins's USSR was the first robin of this process. Now it became commonplace. That's why we see so many pseudo-scientists -- politicians who pretend to be scientists like Fauci. and so much corruption like among Professors of economics (all those neoclassical economic scoundrels)
    Aug 20, 2020 |

    Authored by John Steppling via,

    "...a permanent modern scenario: apocalypse looms and it doesn't occur."

    - Susan Sontag, AIDs and its Metaphors

    "I should not misuse this opportunity to give you a lecture about, say, logic. I call this a misuse, for to explain a scientific matter to you it would need a course of lectures and not an hour's paper. Another alternative would have been to give you what's called a popular scientific lecture, that is a lecture intended to make you believe that you understand a thing which actually you don't understand, and to gratify what I believe to be one of the lowest desires of modern people, namely the superficial curiosity about the latest discoveries of science. I rejected these alternatives."

    - Ludwig Wittgenstein, A Lecture on Ethics

    If you're reading this, then you've probably been called a conspiracy theorist. Also you've been derided and shamed for questioning the "science" of the Covid debacle.

    The idea of science is now a badly corrupted idea. In a nation, today, (the USA) which in educational terms ranks 25th globally in science skills and reading, and well below that in math; all one hears is a clarion call to science. In reading skills the US placed below Malta, Portugal, and right about the same as Kazakhstan.

    But in a nation that no longer reads, and *can* no longer read, it is not surprising that knowledge is absorbed via the new hieroglyphics of gifs (interestingly the creator of gifs wanted it pronounced with a soft g the more to sound like a peanut butter brand) and memes.

    So-called 'response memes' are the new version of conversation, and most register and communicate (sic) confusion. As beer ad marketers know, the state of your brain after consuming a six pack is pretty much the standard target ideal for advertising. And it relays a message that six pack confusion is actually a good and perhaps even sexy state in which to find oneself.

    Education is for those with money, those who can afford the proper foundational skills to get into Harvard, MIT, Cal Tech and the Stanford. For everyone else science is Star Trek.

    But I digress. The point is that most Americans imagine that they revere science, and they ridicule anyone they think of as unscientific. But they think of it in cult terms, really. Its a religion of sorts. The only people who don't are those 'real' religious zealots, Dominionist and Charismatic Christians (like Mike Pompeo, Mike Pence, Rick Perry, Betsy DeVos et al) who hold positions of enormous power in the US government under the least scientific president in history.

    The Christian right doesn't like any science, ANY science. But for most of that target demographic (the educated mostly white 30%), the cry is to "trust the science" even the great Greta says to "trust the science".

    The problem is, science is not neutral, its as politicized as media and news and the pronouncements of celebrities.

    In May 2020, The Lancet published an article revisiting the 1957 and 1968 Influenza pandemics.

    The 1957 outbreak was not caused by a coronavirus -- the first human coronavirus would not be discovered until 1965 -- but by an influenza virus. However, in 1957, no one could be sure that the virus that had been isolated in Hong Kong was a new pandemic strain or simply a descendant of the previous 1918–19 pandemic influenza virus.

    The result was that as the UK's weekly death count mounted, peaking at about 600 in the week ending Oct 17, 1957, there were few hysterical tabloid newspaper headlines and no calls for social distancing. Instead, the news cycle was dominated by the Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik and the aftermath of the fire at the Windscale nuclear reactor in the UK.

    By the time this influenza pandemic -- known colloquially at the time as "Asian flu" -- had concluded the following April, an estimated 20 000 people in the UK and 80 000 citizens in the USA were dead. Worldwide, the pandemic, sparked by a new H2N2 influenza subtype, would result in more than 1 million deaths.

    To date, Covid 19 has not reached the million death marker in the US, and yet we are seeing the most draconian lockdowns in modern history, the total suspension of democratic process and a level of hysteria (especially in the U.S. and UK) unprecedented. I wrote about some aspects of this on my blog here , mostly touching on the cultural effects

    Allow me to quote The Lancet again.

    The subsequent 1968 influenza pandemic -- or "Hong Kong flu" or "Mao flu" as some western tabloids dubbed it -- would have an even more dramatic impact, killing more than 30 000 individuals in the UK and 100 000 people in the USA, with half the deaths among individuals younger than 65 years -- the reverse of COVID-19 deaths in the current pandemic.

    Yet, while at the height of the outbreak in December, 1968, The New York Times described the pandemic as "one of the worst in the nation's history", there were few school closures and businesses, for the most, continued to operate as normal.

    I remember the 68 Hong Kong flu. I was in my last year of high school. The summer after was Woodstock, the 'summer of love'. Not a lot of social distancing going on. But we are past numbers and statistics having any real meaning. The Covid narrative is now in the realm of allegory.

    The media perspective is utterly predictable. Liberal outlets that have the inside track to government are seen to be reinforcing the mainstream story (VOX, Slate, Huff Post, The Guardian and Washington Post). In a recent VOX article the message was only a sociopath would NOT wear a mask and that the 'science' was unanimous.

    Of course its no such thing. But the message of sites like VOX, or Daily Beast, or Wa Po or the truly reprehensible Guardian, are always going to be to hammer away 'on message'. The same is true for what passes for moderate news organs like the NY Times, ABC News, The Hill, and BBC. There has been virtually no dissenting opinions expressed in these rags.

    All these news outlets are given clear messages by the spin doctors in government, by the White House, and by contacts within the State Department and Pentagon. And by the advertising firms employed by the state (such as Ruder Finn).

    "Ad agencies are not in the business of doing science."

    - Dr. Arnold S. Relman (Madison Ave. Has Growing Role In the Business of Drug Research, NY Times 2002)

    The WHO, the CDC, and most every other NGO or government agency of any size hires advertising firms. The WHO, which is tied to the United Nations, is a reasonably sinister organization, actually.

    Just picking up a random publication from the WHO, on what they call 'the tobacco epidemic' and you find on page 33 the following chapter heading "Objective: Effective surveillance, monitoring and evaluation systems in place to monitor tobacco use."

    Reading further and all this is really saying is that the populace of any country is best put under surveillance. It's for their own good, you see.

    But back to the science. Here is a small trip down memory lane

    Institutions of medicine, global and national possess no more integrity than your average NGO (Amnesty International, Médecins Sans Frontières, Oxfam et al). And that means not very much.

    To understand the nature of institutional corruption one must understand Imperialism. The institutions of Imperialist nations are going to further Imperialist ideology. (see Antonio Gramsci, ideological hegemony). The US is not in the business of helping Americans .

    Modern monopoly forms better reflect that scientific knowledge, and its advanced application to production, are concentrated, ultimately, not in physical objects but in human beings and human interaction with those objects. It is monopoly of the labour power of the most highly educated workers, by both imperialist states and Multi National Corporations, that forms the ultimate and most stable base of imperialist reproduction.

    – Sam King (Lenin's theory of imperialism: a defence of its relevance in the 21st century, MLR)

    The idea of super-exploitation needs to be conceptually generalised at the necessary level of abstraction and incorporated in the theory of imperialism. Super-exploitation is a specific condition within the capitalist mode of production [ ] the hidden common essence defining imperialism.

    he working class of the oppressed nations/Third World/Global South is systematically paid below the value of labour power of the working class of the oppressor nations/First World/Global North. This is not because the Southern working class produces less value, but because it is more oppressed and more exploited.

    – Andy Higginbottom (Structure and Essence in Capital 1, quoted by John Smith Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century)

    The US jobless rate just hit 2.1 million. Officially. Making the total something over forty million. Its much higher in reality. Nobody has work. There is no work and we are at the start of a period of massive evictions, foreclosures, and delinquencies - and the homeless population will soon reach Biblical proportions (in some cities, such as Los Angeles, its already Biblical). Will be simply of a magnitude never before seen.

    Hence the authoritarian policing of lockdowns in, for example, New Zealand, suggests something like a practice run. The ruling class in western nations knows full well this is coming. And one wonders if it's not, in fact, a part of the plan (oh here is where someone says conspiracy theory probably Louis Proyect).

    Yes it's a fucking conspiracy theory. It is a theory based on evidence, however.

    Why are the US and UK and a host of other countries deliberately ensuring a massive depression? Because they care about your health? They are worried we all might catch the flu? Has the US ever demonstrated a concern with your health and well being before?

    Remember how many discretionary tax dollars go to health care and how much to defense. Conspiracies do occur. The denial of that fact seems to be a hallmark of the pseudo or false left. Does the suspension of democratic process not cause this soft left any problems at all? Look at Sweden, at Belarus no lockdown and no problem.

    It should be noted that there are a great many terrific doctors in the US. Dedicated and brilliant, often. But they are not the system. The system is run for profit.

    With about three-fourths of Americans under lockdown, the unintended consequences will be vast. There has been a notable decrease in the number of heart attack and stroke patients arriving at hospitals, presumably because they are afraid of catching the coronavirus or of not finding a hospital bed.

    As the economy spirals downward, we can also expect an increase in mental health crises, domestic violence and suicides. While lockdown supporters say that to have a functioning economy, we must have good public health, the reverse is also true: To have good public health, we must have a functioning economy.

    – Alex Berezow PhD (Geopolitical Futures, 2020)

    Alfred Willener wrote an interesting book in 1970, analysing May 68 in France. He analyses the answers students gave to various questionnaires they responded to. The section regarding science is worth quoting.

    'The scandalous fact is that, for all the means that science has put at our disposal, most people live not much better than in the Middle Ages'. The system benefits from science in the following way: through the atom bomb, through 'the power of statistical research', through computers, through the chemical industry being 'in the hands of the state', through space research.

    'In the end, you realize', concludes one reasonably logical reply, 'that technological progress, which makes economic growth possible, does not satisfy the fundamental needs of man and is used above all to maintain and strengthen the system'.

    Lastly, I should like to quote one quite unexpected reply, which forms the extreme point of pessimism: ' Everyone is oppressed by science.'

    – Alfred Willener (The Action-Image of Society on Cultural Politicization)

    I doubt seriously one would get such responses today in any European or North American country. The contemporary indoctrination regards science is acute. And the media abounds in junk science. Click bait science. And this is where most people have their opinions formed for them.

    There is a paper put out by one of the founders of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, called The Great Reset. The conclusion of the book reads a global level, if viewed in terms of the global population affected, the corona crisis is (so far) one of the least deadly pandemics the world has experienced over the last 2000 years."

    In other words, a mortality of .06% is simply not commensurate with the extreme measures the governments of the world (the West in particular) are taking.

    There is no question, none, that those measures, the lockdown, the masks, the distancing, and the attending *diseases of despair*, will kill more people by a factor of ten than the virus itself.

    This is not even to begin discussing the psychological harm done, in particular to children. And not just harm to children, but severe harm to the most vulnerable .

    What is being internalized by children is three fold. One, there is something inherently sick and contagious about ME. Two, everyone MIGHT be a threat to my health. And three, obey authority, because you don't want to end up like those smelly homeless people were are trying to hard to avoid.

    Children take things personally. They tend to blame themselves. Even in the comparative sanity of Norway, where I reside, children are increasingly anxious about the world. How could they not be? All this for a health risk of .06%.

    But it is more than just the decimation of the economy in the US and UK. It is a dismantling of the culture. One in three museums closed because of Covid will not re-open. Ever. Where does all that art go?

    Just a guess but probably very wealthy collectors will gobble it up at wholesale prices.

    The predictable outcome of these lockdowns, certainly in the US, is a guaranteed minimum income. Very minimum. Restrictions on travel, all freedom of movement in fact, will not soon return to normal. Various forms of surveillance and tracking, as well as health certifications, are the goal of the state.

    Also, if this pandemic succeeded so well, with so little resistance, why not have another? And there is another aspect to the SWAT mask police, and that is that western society is becoming alarmingly hypochondriacal. Children are kept out of school for runny noses. If all kids with snotty noses were kept out of class, nobody would get an education.

    There is a dire future of two or three generations now developing and maturing with very weak immune systems. So that if a natural mutation takes place one day, from a Corona virus or any other, a genuinely serious pandemic could kill tens of millions.

    It is not a speculation that there are people who prosper and even benefit during an economic crisis -- as smaller business owners struggle, large corporations and banks benefit from huge government subsidies, giving them more power to buy failing small businesses, for example. And it is a fact that many of those people have enormous economic power to shape the policies that can benefit themselves.

    It is not a speculation that they would appreciate having strict measures of control against the people by limiting their freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom to travel, or by installing means of surveillance, check points and official certifications for activities that might give freedom to the people beyond the capitalist framework.

    It is not a speculation that they would benefit from moving our social interactions to the digital realm, which can commodify our activities as marketable data for the advertising industry, insurance industry and any other moneyed social institutions Including education, political institution, legal institution, and financial institution.

    Such matters should be seen within the context of the western history being shaped by unelected capitalists with their enormous networks of social institutions.

    – Hiroyuki Hamada (Wrong Kind of Green, April 2020)

    The collapse of retail is accelerating. This is emerging as a monopolization of retail. Few shops will remain, in fact, except luxury stores in select gated areas. The rest will be online and probably rudimentary. The culture and the economy are being strip-mined and recreated for a select clientele. The collapse of the economy means the collapse of the bottom 90% or so.

    The very richest men and corporations on the planet are making huge profits.

    And yet, there are precious few voices of dissent to the master narrative in the US. In Norway, the lockdown was about five weeks. But its a sparsely populated country and one hardly noticed it save for the kids being home and not in school. But schools reopened and the Prime Minister actually made a speech apologizing, in effect, for an *unnecessary* lockdown. She had been frightened.

    But now, with a mild uptick in positive cases the country is considering stricter limitations on travel. Why?

    There is no uptick in deaths, only in positive test results. The fact remains the virus attacks the aged and the already sick. But this is very telling, I think. The Norwegian government doesn't want to be seen as disobedient. They don't want to not follow the grand plan provided by western agencies and experts. Even if they seemingly don't really believe it.

    (The saddest aspect is the voice of Dr. Mads Gilbert, a known advocate for Palestinian rights, who has weighed in on the side of fear. Why? I have no idea. But it is worth noting his predictions from March 2020 were staggeringly wrong.)



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    But clearly the groupthink pressure is powerful and small nations do not want to be singled out for bucking the *science* . There are economic coercions threatened, tacitly, as well. The pressure to conform is huge and it takes a Herculean effort -- both individually and as a nation, to resist. And *experts* seem to have a hard time admitting they were wrong.

    The science has been consistently wrong from day one.

    As I say, this is now allegory. Or fable. There is nothing reasonable or rational in the lockdown measures of the US and UK and NZ. Or anywhere. And this is not even to touch upon the criminality of the Gates Foundation and Bill Gates buying public influence and visibility. Not trained in any medical discipline, Gates has somehow made himself one of the faces of the pandemic.

    And to deconstruct Gates' language is to find a disturbing quality of authoritarian hubris. Gates utters declarations as if he were God speaking to his flock. All from a man who has done little save steal from his partners and exploit the poor of India and Africa. One of the most striking aspects of this whole last few months has been the enormous and coordinated effort the Gates machine has put into rehabilitating his image.

    If you google "Crimes of the Gates Foundation" for example, you will get ten different fact-checkers officially denying any crimes and another half dozen articles ridiculing those who question Gates motives, his profit from vaccines, or even his alignment with eugenicists (depopulation adherents)– all are derided as, yes, conspiracy theorists.

    If you dare to question the rushing of an untested vaccine you are called an anti-vaxxer.

    My children are vaccinated. I just don't like the idea of a hurried untested vaccine produced for a virus that needs no vaccine. And one promoted by a creepy millionaire.

    But clearly the Gates charm offensive is in overdrive. The pastel cardigan is everywhere. And yet, his favorable rating in recent surveys is around 56%. That is actually not very high given the amount of self-promotion involved. It's better than Mark Zuckerberg and Joe Biden, though. Gates is not likeable. No amount of spin can change that.

    The final factor to note is the Trump effect. Many liberals would literally rather see dead in the street if it meant discrediting Trump. It is no longer quite a zero sum game, though. But overall the hatred of Trump is now at a religious level, too.

    And behold, the opposition is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. If you want a window in the black heart of Biden, watch and/or listen to his testimony around the Waco inferno. The inherent sadism and lack of humanity is glaringly apparent.

    As for Kamala Harris:

    As a San Francisco social worker, I sat on the school district committee that met with families of chronically truant students. Once, when we asked a student why he didn't go to school, he said there was too much police tape and shootings at his school bus stop.

    Harris, as CA Attorney General, was putting parents/caregivers in jail if their child was chronically truant. Also as Attorney General, she denied a DNA test to Kevin Cooper, a very likely innocent man who came within hours of execution in 2004.

    – Riva Enteen (Counterpunch Aug. 2020)

    These are the servants of capital.

    The left should be emphasising the economic aspect of lockdown because it is the working class who are the principal victims of lockdown."

    - Phil Shannon (Lockdown Skeptics, June 2020)

    A Downing street tweet today:

    We're putting tougher measures in place to target serious breaches of coronavirus restrictions. Fines for not wearing a face-covering will double for repeat offences, up to £3,200."

    This is a class-based assault. The wealthy will not be fined for not wearing a face-covering on their private beaches, or dinner parties at the yacht club.

    [Aug 02, 2020] Dems will keep their knee on the throat of small businesses for as long as they possibly can for the sole purpose of crippling the economy to defeat Trump in November

    Aug 02, 2020 |

    3 play_arrow

    Old White Guy , 3 hours ago

    Democrat politicians will keep their knee on the throat of small businesses for as long as they possibly can for the sole purpose of crippling the economy to defeat Trump in November. They don't care about the damage this causes. Keeping schools closed in the fall will result in single parents staying home from work to care for their kids. At very least it stifles the economy.

    Send kids back to school, the majority wants this.

    Vote in person November 3rd, make your vote count.

    kaiserhoffredux , 3 hours ago

    Exactly. There is no logic, reason, or precedent for quarantining healthy people.

    To stop a virus, of all things? Ridiculous.

    Ignatius , 2 hours ago

    They've perverted the language as regards "cases."

    A person could test positive and it might well be the most healthy situation: his body encountered the virus, fought it off, and now though asymptomatic, retains antibodies from a successful body response. The irony is that what I've described is the very response the vaxx pushers expect from their vaccines.

    Shameless political posturing.

    coletrickle45 , 2 hours ago

    So if you have 99 - 99.8% chance of surviving this faux virus

    But a 100% chance of destroying lives through poverty, bankruptcy, small business collapse, job losses, domestic abuse, depression, anxiety, fear.

    What would you choose? Cost benefit analysis seems pretty obvious.

    Gold Banit , 2 hours ago

    Most people just regurgitate things they hear, they have lost the ability of creative and free thought.They have been deliberately dumbed down. The entire system has created a mutant society which is easy to control and manipulate.

    "The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses." ― Malcolm X ay_arrow

    sensibility , 2 hours ago

    The COVID-19 Hoax has "Nothing" to do with "Real" Science, It's 100% about "Political" Science.

    Therefore, No Matter What, Politicians will Bend and Manipulate this for "Political" Gain.

    Who Stirred and Exposed the Swamp?

    The Swamp Inhabitants Desperately Want & Intend to do Whatever it Takes to Return to the Old Pre Trump Days of Operating Above the Law Without Exposure and Impunity.

    Consequently, Those who Support the COVID-19 Hoax are Swamp Members & Supporters.

    Know your Adversary!

    monty42 , 2 hours ago

    Trump didn't drain, stir, or expose the swamp, sorry that dog don't hunt. He has appointed recycled establishment swamp creatures his entire term. He appointed Fauci to the Covidian Taskforce. He says wearing masks is patriotic.

    The promises he made his followers did not manifest. Another 4 years after being lied to is just the same old routine, nothing new.

    Until you people are honest about the reality of the situation, you'll never stop the cycle of D/R destruction.

    [Aug 02, 2020] Politics, Not Science, Is Keeping Schools Closed -

    Aug 02, 2020 |

    Politics, Not Science, Is Keeping Schools Closed

    by Tyler Durden Sat, 08/01/2020 - 09:20 Twitter Facebook Reddit Email Print

    Authored by Yinon Weiss via,

    Politicians speak about following the science to set COVID-19 policy, but their decisions are more about political objectives than they are about medical efficacy.

    Why else did California Gov. Gavin Newsom shut down retail businesses in March when the state had under 300 cases per day but allow them to be open in July when the state clocked in at over 10,000 cases per day?

    me title= NOW PLAYING

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    Why else would Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear allow liquor stores to stay open but close down churches? Why did Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer insist that buying lottery tickets remain legal but made it illegal to buy garden supplies ? And how did New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo use "science" to prohibit outdoor funerals but allow outdoor protests?

    But as badly as our lockdowns have damaged local businesses, a potentially even bigger problem is created by the physical closure of schools. One of the most important functions of a civil society is to protect and educate its children, and the cancellation of in-person education stands to become one of the most detrimental acts of collateral damage during this pandemic.

    California currently expects its 5-year-olds to complete kindergarten exclusively through online distance learning. For this dubious undertaking, the politicians are given passionate political cover. The Los Angeles Teachers Union maintains that "the only people guaranteed to benefit from the premature reopening of schools amidst a rapidly accelerating pandemic are billionaires and the politicians they've purchased" -- as if billionaires typically send their kids to L.A. public schools. The wealthy will send their children to in-person private schools or hire additional tutors, while most American families will suffer from a widening education gap that could set their kids back years. Worst of all, none of this is medically substantiated.

    Children Are Safe

    There is a great deal of fear generated in the media about risk to children, but the truth is that children are incredibly resistant to coronavirus. So much so that children are far more likely to die from the flu , or even just from driving to school, than from COVID-19.

    The CDC has recorded a total of 20 COVID-19 deaths in children ages 5-14 compared to almost 2,000 deaths from non-COVID causes in the same time period for the same age group. It means children have been 100 times more likely to die from non-COVID causes during the pandemic than from COVID. This puts the risk of COVID death for children 5 to 14 in the same ballpark as deaths by lightning .

    Claims of long-term damage or mystery illnesses have not been backed by any definitive evidence and they therefore serve more as a scare and intimidation tactic than as a medical guide. The truth is that children so far have had around a 1 in 20,000 rate of COVID-19 hospitalizations, according to the CDC. While controversial to some, Sweden's policy of keeping primary schools open even at the height of the pandemic serves as an excellent counterpoint. With over 1 million children, Sweden did not have a single death of a school-aged child despite full attendance and no masks.

    Sweden is not alone in sending kids to school. Denmark opened its schools back up in April. Finland kept normal class sizes when it reopened. Parts of Montana opened schools back in May, as did parts of Canada and Germany. The Netherlands announced that Dutch students didn't even need to socially distance anymore as they experienced very low transmission rates. Schools all across Europe have reopened successfully, both with and without masks. The risk to the children themselves therefore cannot be used as a justification for the massive damage created by ceasing in-person education. But what about the teachers?

    Transmission From Children to Adults Is Rare

    Science magazine, a preeminent journal that dates to 1880, recently published a comprehensive analysis studying school reopenings around the world and concluded that " younger children rarely spread the virus to one another or bring it home. "

    A study in Switzerland, including a review of World Health Organization contact tracing, failed to find evidence of a single case of a child passing coronavirus to an adult . A comprehensive study in Iceland isolated SARS-CoV-2 samples from every positive case, sequenced the virus genome, and tracked the mutation patterns. This analysis, along with contact tracing, allowed researchers to identify definitively who passed the virus to whom. The study concluded "[E]ven if children do get infected, they are less likely to transmit the disease to others than adults. We have not found a single instance of a child infecting parents." A study of schools in Ireland found " no evidence of secondary transmission of COVID-19 from children attending school. "

    New Zealand conducted a study across 15 schools in which 18 individuals with COVID-19 were in close contact with 735 other students and 128 staff members, yet no teacher or staff member contacted COVID-19 from any of the initial 18 cases and only two students out of the 735 would later test positive. The New Zealand study concluded: "Our investigation found no evidence of children infecting teachers."

    Cases and close contacts among teachers and students in 10 New Zealand high schools showing one secondary case in a student. Source: "COVID-19 in Schools – the Experience in NSW"

    Denmark, The Netherlands, Finland, Belgium, and Austria all opened schools and " found no evidence of increased spread of the novel coronavirus after schools reopened. " The same was found in scientific studies in France , Sweden , and Germany . A leading British epidemiologist goes even further to claim there is not a single known case of a teacher being infected of coronavirus from a student anywhere in the world.

    Since there could still be a rare school outbreak, such as experienced in Israel, students with high-risk household members should be given a distance education option, and teachers who believe themselves or their households to be at high risk should be allowed to teach remotely, balancing the risk for all parties. This way healthy students can be be educated by healthy teachers. With science overwhelmingly pointing to reopening schools, why do so many schools intend to remain closed?

    The Politics of Teaching

    If children are at minimal risk, transmission to adults is rare, and both can be accommodated with optional distance learning, why are some schools suspending all in-person education? It's certainly not because of the parents, who would be the last people to send their children into a dangerous situation. The vast majority of parents support reopening schools with modifications, perhaps because they best understand the cost-benefit of depriving their children of a full education.

    The reason many schools won't open, just like why so many places originally locked down, comes back to fear and politics. The Los Angeles' teachers union, for example, recently came out with a list of demands before returning to teach in person. These included defunding the police, ending charter schools, "Medicare for All," and a new wealth tax . It was not until the union came out with these demands that Newsom announced closure of nearly all schools in California -- overriding individual school districts that had planned to open.

    In a brazen announcement, the union put in bold words the conclusion of their argument: "Normal wasn't working for us before. We can't go back" – openly conveying that this negotiation was more about changing what they didn't like about American education and society before the pandemic, and certainly not about what is best for children. Despite overwhelming scientific evidence pointing to the safety of school reopenings, union President Cecily Myart-Cruz labeled doing so " anti-science ." Yet, it's also no wonder that so many teachers have concern for their safety now, as media outlets like CNN continue to run sensationalized stories building up school reopenings as dangerous while downplaying the actual science and evidence.



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    Day Care at School Gives the Game Away

    Cities left with little choice due to their political environment are trying to mitigate the situation for parents. New York City will offer day care for 100,000 students attending schools that are only partially reopening, though this largely defeats the point of keeping children from being at school in the first place. If school closing advocates are correct, this would only expose children to a broader cohort of peers and would make teachers, children, and their caretakers less safe.

    Some districts in California are offering day care right on school campus for half and full day programs , at a cost. So parents can pay to send their kids to school to be watched but not to be taught. Ironically, a student might be physically at a school under the watch of paid day care while simultaneously "attending" the very same school online.

    It is clear that science is not the driving principle behind any of these policies, which helps explain why both the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics have advocated for opening on-campus education .

    Teachers Are Essential Workers

    There are few functions in society more essential than educating our children. "Education of our children is an essential Texas value," Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton recently wrote in a letter directing that health officials cannot completely close schools, and they certainly cannot preemptively close schools with no evidence of local school spread.

    The CDC recently concluded that "in-person schooling is in the best interest of students, particularly in the context of appropriate mitigation measures similar to those implemented at essential workplaces."

    The education of our children is too essential to be used as a political bargaining chip.

    If nurses can come to work every day and treat the sick and infected, then certainly teachers can be expected to come to work and teach the young and healthy. _arrow 3 Macho Latte , 2 hours ago

    WuFlu Hysteria Ends Nov. 4

    More than 55.3 million tests confirm:
    ✓ Deaths from WuFlu = Flat Line
    ✓ Hospitalization from WuFlu = Flat Line

    The Virus Charts thru 7/31/20

    DemonRats = an Existential Threat to America & Humanity

    WuFlu Lies Matter

    Question_Mark , 47 minutes ago

    "The Virology Journal" - the official publication of Dr. Fauci's National Institutes of Health - published what is now a blockbuster article on August 22, 2005, under the heading - get ready for this - "Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread." Write the researchers, "We report...that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before of after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage."

    This means, of course, that Dr. Fauci has known for 15 years that chloroquine and its even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus ("therapeutic") but prevent future cases ("prophylactic"). So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine. In other worlds, it's a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci's NIH in 2005, "concentrations of 10 um completely abolished SARS-CoV infection." Fauci's researchers add, "chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.

    When one thinks of all the destruction brought about by the so-called lockdown, it hurts to know we are being defrauded. Ouch.

    Indelible Scars , 3 hours ago

    Wife taught for 32 years. She is a badass teacher and the kids obviously loved her. I urged her to get out while the getting was good and now she's happy she did. Her district is a complete mess and almost all of the good teachers have retired or moved to another district. She hates what has happened to education.

    hllnwlz , 1 hour ago

    Teacher here. Agree 100%. The sooner this butch is dead, the freeer we all will be.

    The complete and abject failure of public education is is 100% at the Feds door.

    1) The poor academic performers who become ed/liberal arts majors never could've gone to college without the printed loan money.

    2) the system could not support a 9 month work year, insurance, and pensions not to mention support staff and admin pay and bennies without the fed bc schooling doesnt add enough value to the economy; very few kids leave school able to move directly into a role in the economy productive enough to offset the insane cost of their education.

    3) inflation made moms have to go to work. No one to support the kud and hold them accountable table but, MORE IMPORTANTLY, theres no one to call the school to account when Johnny cant read.

    The Fed is the root of all evil.

    (Okay, I'm oversimplifying, but I'm pissed off.)

    Vince Clortho , 3 hours ago

    The longer students are away from the cultural marxist "education" system the better.

    Schools are now Bolshevik programming mills and the teachers are the willing puppets spreading marxism.

    Defund the schools. Defund the universities, Defund the student loan program.

    Local communities with limited dollars can do a far better job of providing real education.

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

    Old White Guy , 3 hours ago

    Democrat politicians will keep their knee on the throat of small businesses for as long as they possibly can for the sole purpose of crippling the economy to defeat Trump in November. They don't care about the damage this causes. Keeping schools closed in the fall will result in single parents staying home from work to care for their kids. At very least it stifles the economy.

    Send kids back to school, the majority wants this.

    Vote in person November 3rd, make your vote count.

    [Jul 31, 2020] If this is indeed the "Fort Detrick flu", as many people here (including me) have speculated upon, do you really believe that "western governments might be persuaded to seek and/or spread truthful data."

    Jul 31, 2020 |

    Lurk , Jul 30 2020 22:35 utc | 31

    @ John Iacovelli | Jul 30 2020 22:03 utc | 25

    If this is indeed the "Fort Detrick flu", as many people here (including me) have speculated upon, do you really believe that "western governments might be persuaded to seek and/or spread truthful data."

    I would rather expect these governments (and the lackey media) to cover up all traces of the initial outbreak, classify all high level government briefings about the subject and drown any rational and fact-based discourse in a swamp of hysterical projections and divisive diversions.

    John Iacovelli , Jul 30 2020 23:28 utc | 37


    "persuaded" is more rhetorical than realistic, certainly. But it doesn't hurt to try. In the case of the tobacco industry and cancer, for example, it took decades, but eventually when 90%+ of the general public saw the link, even the industry had to admit it. And governments, corporations and the powerful spend an awful lot of money to keep the truths of many of their horrible actions from the media... yet some of that information seeps through. We must hope and do what we can.

    May your "Fort Detrick Flu" be mild!

    [Jul 30, 2020] U.S. Officials Disseminate Disinformation About 'Virus Disinformation'

    Notable quotes:
    "... Associated Press ..."
    "... ..."
    "... Washington Post ..."
    Jul 30, 2020 |

    U.S. Officials Disseminate Disinformation About 'Virus Disinformation' Getald , Jul 29 2020 17:44 utc | 1

    In another round of their anti-Russian disinformation campaign 'U.S. government officials' claim that some websites loosely connected to Russia are spreading 'virus disinformation'.

    However, no 'virus disinformation' can be found on those sites.

    The Associated Press as well as the New York Times were briefed by the 'officials' and provided write ups.

    AP : US officials: Russia behind spread of virus disinformation

    Two Russians who have held senior roles in Moscow's military intelligence service known as the GRU have been identified as responsible for a disinformation effort meant to reach American and Western audiences, U.S. government officials said. They spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

    The information had previously been classified, but officials said it had been downgraded so they could more freely discuss it. Officials said they were doing so now to sound the alarm about the particular websites and to expose what they say is a clear link between the sites and Russian intelligence.

    Between late May and early July, one of the officials said, the websites singled out Tuesday published about 150 articles about the pandemic response, including coverage aimed either at propping up Russia or denigrating the U.S.

    Among the headlines that caught the attention of U.S. officials were "Russia's Counter COVID-19 Aid to America Advances Case for Détente," which suggested that Russia had given urgent and substantial aid to the U.S. to fight the pandemic, and "Beijing Believes COVID-19 is a Biological Weapon," which amplified statements by the Chinese.

    The first mentioned piece, Russia's Counter-COVID Aid To America Advances The Case For A New Detente , is by the well known author Andrew Korybko, a U.S. political analyst living in Moscow. It was published at . The essay discussed the Russian Coronavirus aid flown in early April from Russia to the U.S. The analyst concludes that such aid can be seen as the beginning of a new détente between the U.S. and Russia.

    There is zero 'virus disinformation' in the Korybko piece. The aid flight did happen and was widely reported. In a response to the allegations the proprietors of O neWorld point out that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in a recent Q&A also alluded to a new détente with Russia. Was that also 'virus disinformation'?

    The second piece the 'officials' pointed out, Beijing believes COVID-19 is a biological weapon , was written In March by Lucas Leiroz, a "research fellow in international law at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro". It is an exaggerating analysis of the comments and questions a spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry had made about the possible sources of the Coronavirus.

    The original spokesperson quote is in the piece. Referring to additional sources the author's interpretation may go a bit beyond the quote's meaning. But it is certainly not 'virus disinformation' to raise the same speculative question about the potential sources of the virus which at that time many others were also asking.

    The piece was published by, a "BRICS information portal" which publishes in the languages of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). It is presumably financed by some or all of those countries.

    Another website the 'U.S. officials' have pointed out is which publishes in Russian and English. The AP notes of it:

    A headline Tuesday on about the unrest roiling American cities read "Chaos in the Blue Cities," accompanying a story that lamented how New Yorkers who grew up under the tough-on-crime approach of former Mayors Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg "and have zero street smarts" must now "adapt to life in high-crime urban areas."

    Another story carried the headline of "Ukrainian Trap for Biden," and claimed that "Ukrainegate" -- a reference to stories surrounding Biden's son Hunter's former ties to a Ukraine gas company -- "keeps unfolding with renewed vigor."

    U.S. officials have identified two of the people believed to be behind the sites' operations. The men, Denis Valeryevich Tyurin and Aleksandr Gennadyevich Starunskiy, have previously held leadership roles at InfoRos but have also served in a GRU unit specializing in military psychological intelligence and maintain deep contacts there, the officials said.

    InfoRos calls itself a 'news agency' and has some rather boring general interest stuff on its site. But how is its writing in FOX News style about unrest in U.S. cities and about Biden's escapades in the Ukraine 'virus disinformation'? I fail to find any on that site.

    In 2018 some "western intelligence agency" told the Washington Post , without providing any evidence, that InfoRos is related to the Russian military intelligence service GU (formerly GRU):

    Unit 54777 has several front organizations that are financed through government grants as public diplomacy organizations but are covertly run by the GRU and aimed at Russian expatriates, the intelligence officer said. Two of the most significant are InfoRos and the Institute of the Russian Diaspora.

    So InfoRos is getting some public grants and was allegedly previously run by two people who before that worked for the GU. What does that say about the current state and the content it provides? Nothing.

    The NYT adds that hardly anyone is reading the websites the 'U.S. officials' pointed out but that their content is at times copied by more prominent aggregator sites:

    "What we have seen from G.R.U. operations is oftentimes the social media component is a flop, but the narrative content that they write is shared more broadly through the niche media ecosystem," said Renee DiResta, a research manager at the Stanford Internet Observatory, who has studied the G.R.U. and InfoRos ties and propaganda work.

    There are plenty of sites who copy content from various outlets and reproduce it under their name. But that does not turn whatever they publish into disinformation.

    All the pieces mentioned by AP and NYT and attributed to the 'Russian' sites are basically factual and carry no 'virus disinformation'. That makes the 'U.S.officials' claims that they do such the real disinformation campaign.

    And the AP and NYT are willingly falling for it.

    People being prepared for Russia having the worlds first covid19 vaccine, the US will of course say it was stolen from them. Infantile politicians create infantile press to feed infantile articles to adult children. Critical thinking skills do not exist in the US population.

    vk , Jul 29 2020 17:44 utc | 2

    There's a corporativist aspect to all of this.

    The development of propagation of information/disinformation through the internet eroded the power of the old newspapers/news agencies. It's not that this or that particular website is getting more views, but that the web of communications - the the imperialistic blunders + decline of capitalism post-2008 -, as a whole, weakened what seemed to be an unshakeable trust on the MSM (the very fact that this term exists already is historical evidence of their loss of power).

    And this process manifests itself not only in loss of power, but also loss of money: this is particularly evident in the social media, where Facebook (Whatsapp + Facebook proper) and Google are beginning to siphon advertisement money from both TV and the traditional newspapers (printed press). When those traditional printed newspapers went digital, they behaved badly, by using paywalls - this marketing blunder only accelerated their decline in readership and thus further advertisement money, generating a vicious cycle for them.

    The loss of influence of public opinion for the MSM also inaugurated another very important societal shift: the middle class' loss of monopoly over opinion and formation of opinion. Historically, it was the role of the middle class to be highly educated, to go to academia (college) and, most importantly, to daily read the newspapers while eating the breakfast. The middle class was the class of the intellectuals by definition, thus served as the clerical class of the capitalist class, the priests of capitalism. With the popularization of the internet, the smartphone and social media, this sanctity was broken or, at least, begun to deteriorate. We can attest this class conflict phenomenon by studying the rise of the term "expert" as a pejorative one. In the West's case, this shift begun through the far-right side of the political spectrum, but the shift is there.

    The popularization of what was once a privilege is nothing new in capitalism. The problem here is that capitalism depends on infinite growth to merely exist (i.e. it can't survive on zero growth, it is mathematically impossible), so it has to "monetize" what still isn't monetize in order to find/create more vital space (Lebensraum - a term coined by the hyper-capitalist Nazis) for its expansion and thus survival. Hence the popularization of college education in the USA (then in Europe). Hence the popularization of daily news through the internet/social media. This process, of course, has its positives and negatives (as is the case with every dialectical process) - the fall of the MSM is one of the positives.

    So, in fact, when the likes of AP, Reuters, NYT, WaPo, Guardian, Fox, CNN spread disinformation against "alt-media", they are really just protecting their market share - the fact that it implies in suppression of freedom of speech and to mass disinformation and, ultimately, to war and destruction, is merely collateral damage of the business they operate in. They are, after all, capitalist enterprises above all.

    bevin , Jul 29 2020 18:16 utc | 3
    Excellent analysis, as always, by b. And vk's points are very pertinent too. One tiny quibble: I doubt that the Nazis coined, though they certainly popularised, the term lebensraum.
    There is an air of desperation about these campaigns against "Russian" "disinformation" massive changes are occurring, and, because they are so vast, they are moving relatively slowly.
    The old media model, now totally outdated, was the first thing to fall. Now capitalism itself is collapsing as a result of the primary contradiction that, left to itself, the marketplace will solve all problems.
    As Washington, where magical thinking is sovereign, is demonstrating, left to itself the hidden hand will bring only misery, famine, death and the Apocalypse. This was once very well understood, as a brief look at the history of the founding of the UN will show, now it is the subject of frantic denial by capitalism's priesthood who have grown to enjoy the glitter and sensuality of life in a brothel. It is a sign of their mental decay that they can do no better than to blame Russians.
    jayc , Jul 29 2020 18:23 utc | 4
    One should presume the anonymous officials responsible for this ground-breaking report (sarc) are close to the various "combatting Russian disinformation" NGOs. They are merely living up to the mission statements of their benefactors. AP and NYTimes are being unprofessional and spreading fake news by failing to reveal their sources. It's mind-numbing - the BS one must wade through.
    donkeytale , Jul 29 2020 18:42 utc | 5
    VK @ 2

    Good point however with one glaring contradiction in your thinking.

    You make valid a very criticism of capitalism yet you tend to applaud Chinese capitalist growth (although you tend to deny Chinese capitalist growth is capitalist, a feat of breathtaking magical thinking).

    The great Chinese wealth is fully 75% invested in bubblicious real estate valuations of non-commercial real estate built on a mountain of construction debt. Sound familiar?

    The irony is Chinese growth since 2008 has been goosed along entirely by the very same financialized hyper capitalist traits as US: great gobs of debt creating supply-side "growth", huge amounts of middle wealth tied to asset inflated bubbles, and of course the resulting income and wealth inequality that rivals US inequality and continues to increase over time.

    I snorted coffee out my nose when Gruff tried to totally excuse Chinese income inequality for being only slightly less than US about the truth? Chinese inequality is heinous, only slightly less than the also heinous US level.

    The diseased working class in China only has an an arm and two legs hacked off while the diseased US working class is fully quadriplegic. Much, much better to be a fucked over by globalization Chinese citizen! Lmao

    psychohistorian , Jul 29 2020 19:19 utc | 6
    @ b who ended his posting with
    And the AP and NYT are willingly falling for it.

    Sorry b, but AP and NYT are active participants in the disinformation campaign of failing empire and are not falling for anything

    The folks that are falling for it are the American public that has lost its ability to discriminate with the fire hose volume of lies told to them on a daily basis.

    Empire is in the process of defeating itself which is the only safe way of ending the tyranny of global private finance. I commend China and Russia for having the patience and fortitude to hold the safe space for the dysfunctional social contract having private control of the lifeblood of human commerce to self destruct.

    JohnH , Jul 29 2020 19:21 utc | 7
    This is SO hilarious! The propagandists are worried about Russian virus dis-information when most dis-information has come from the US government in the person of Trump and from the CDC, which spent months discrediting the effectiveness of face masks!!!

    Theses propagandists need to get real jobs dealing with real world problems.

    JohnH , Jul 29 2020 19:21 utc | 8
    This is SO hilarious! The propagandists are worried about Russian virus dis-information when most dis-information has come from the US government in the person of Trump and from the CDC, which spent months discrediting the effectiveness of face masks!!!

    Theses propagandists need to get real jobs dealing with real world problems.

    jason , Jul 29 2020 19:25 utc | 9
    there has been no national response to coronavirus but there must be a national acceptance that this national non-response is China's fault. and any sources reporting truthfully about the US or disseminating statements easily found elsewhere, as long as they are Russian, Chinese, Venezuelan, Cuban, Iranian, etc., is pure disinformation. How brittle and weak the US is. Where's the Pericles to say to the Spartans, "enter our city and inspect our defenses"? The US is a nation of heavily-armed mice and sheep.

    btw, the China love on display around here is pretty funny. in that the Chinese government has mounted a national response to a very serious threat, China is a nation in a way that the US is not. There is no US or we would not have 50 states doing different things in response to the corona outbreak. the US is already dead. But China is a thoroughly authoritarian capitalist state. they are who they are in a dialectic competition with the US and other capitalist powers, not because of some Maoist-Confucian amalgam that inspires such wisdom in their brilliant leaders, who are just as quick to destroy their environment for capitalist gain as anyone on this planet is. The decline of the US will not make China or Russia or any "emerging" power less authoritarian or violent. au quite the contraire. They are Shylocks who will try to better instruction.

    However, none of this is of concern to people in the US, whose only concern is the Nazi spawn who've been running "the West" for much longer than the last 75 years. but it's time to kill the bitch, not let it keep screwing us and breeding.

    div> Russia's rush to have the first COVID vaccine will be viewed by the propagandists as just another evil attempt by Putin to embarrass the US. Should it prove safe and effective, you can bet that it will be banned in USA, because anything Russian is by definition bad.

    Posted by: JohnH , Jul 29 2020 19:30 utc | 10

    Russia's rush to have the first COVID vaccine will be viewed by the propagandists as just another evil attempt by Putin to embarrass the US. Should it prove safe and effective, you can bet that it will be banned in USA, because anything Russian is by definition bad.

    Posted by: JohnH | Jul 29 2020 19:30 utc | 10

    Clueless Joe , Jul 29 2020 19:46 utc | 11
    As others already said, this is a bit rich, considering that virus disinformation comes from Trump himself, both live and on Twitter, quoting genuine hacks and megalomaniac doctors, depending on the week.
    Reality check: Russians will be able to travel across the world way before Americans, for obvious healthcare reasons.
    dh , Jul 29 2020 19:50 utc | 12
    @2 I would think adblocking has a lot to do with it too. I'm always surprised that it has been allowed to continue.
    moon , Jul 29 2020 20:13 utc | 13
    Posted by: bevin | Jul 29 2020 18:16 utc | 3

    Bevin, I agree, I once had a short exchange on Mondoweiss about the term Lebensraum, it had been used in some type of marketing by my favorite Swizz supermarket. Which then, apparently caused an uproar. The term Lebensraum on its own is rather innocent. Leben (life) Raum (space), a noun compound. Context matters. And I am sure I checked it, and Micros definitively did not use it in any type of world conquering settler context. I haven't stumbled yet across a Micros supermarket anywhere outside Switzerland, ;)

    Here is link to the German Wiki entry via Google translate:

    vk , Jul 29 2020 20:24 utc | 14
    @ Posted by: donkeytale | Jul 29 2020 18:42 utc | 5; Posted by: jason | Jul 29 2020 19:25 utc | 9

    Err... this post is not about China.

    I think you are the rabid ideologues seeing ghosts, not me.

    Perimetr , Jul 29 2020 20:34 utc | 15
    AGREE with psychohistorian @ 6

    The NTT no longer qualifies as "the paper of record". More like toilet paper if nothing better can be found.

    Perimetr , Jul 29 2020 20:35 utc | 16
    apologies, meant NYT, i.e. New York Times
    barovsky , Jul 29 2020 20:38 utc | 17
    I'm under the impression that Info Ros is a Russian government-funded, supported, backed, site, it certainly looks like it and its reportage is decidedly 'neutral'.
    donkeytale , Jul 29 2020 20:40 utc | 18
    VK @ 14

    Actually my comment illustrated the inconsistency of your critique of capitalism post-2008 but nice slide away. Two thumbs up. Way up.

    blum , Jul 29 2020 20:41 utc | 19
    This is SO hilarious! The propagandists are worried about Russian virus dis-information when most dis-information has come from the US government in the person of Trump and from the CDC, which spent months discrediting ...
    Posted by: JohnH | Jul 29 2020 19:21 utc | 8

    This is close to my overall take on matters. But I wouldn't put so much emphasis on face masks but on something along the lines of Covid is notthing but a flu. Face masks were initially discussed quite controversially everywhere.

    For Georgio Agamben too, strictly a favorite of mine, it was simply another State of Exception too. Suppressive biopolitics:


    Were it gets interesting is here:
    A report published last month by a second, nongovernmental organization, Brussels-based EU DisinfoLab, examined links between InfoRos and One World to Russian military intelligence. The researchers identified technical clues tying their websites to Russia and identified some financial connections between InfoRos and the government.

    Gotta add that institution to my link list collection on matters.
    EU disinfo Lab

    They have a competitor which seems Bruxelles based too, Patrick Armstrong alerted me to a while ago:
    EUvsDisinfo is the flagship project of the European External Action Service's East StratCom Task Force


    But yes, on first sight InfoRos seems to be neatly aligned with US alt-Right-Media in basic outlook. More than with the US MSM.

    And now I first have to read what has been on Andrew Korybko's mind lately. ;)

    blum , Jul 29 2020 20:42 utc | 20

    sorry didn't close html tag.
    uncle tungsten , Jul 29 2020 21:20 utc | 21
    Integrity Initiative strikes again. AP and NYT rush faithfully to print. Journalist gets an extra dime.
    Rutherford82 , Jul 29 2020 22:13 utc | 22
    Many Americans of all walks of life do not trust their own government, yet most people here seem to have faith that their media outlets are telling the truth. How do you break through to the public that has utter faith in whatever newspaper or television channel they prefer and highlight the lies in a way which gains real traction?

    I believe it takes leadership, which, for Americans, mean celebrities have to endorse the idea or it likely won't be taken seriously. This cult of celebrity is mirrored on social media platforms, where millions flock to be a part of some beautiful person's beautiful photograph or some known personalities acceptable opinion du jour.

    There is a great bond gripping the minds of American media consumers. They have trained their entire lives to worship at the cult of celebrity and this is the key to breaking the entire media landscape down for them.

    This also is the key to unlocking the voices of those who know better with regards to media lies, but keep silent out of fear.

    Will a Joe Rogan or Tucker Carlson be able to break the spell? I think it will never happen based on how Hollywood gatekeeps celebrity and based on how hopelessly apathetic most are to Julian Assange.

    Ben Barbour , Jul 29 2020 22:36 utc | 23
    Lol I write for One World. I'm an American who has never had a piece edited or been told what to write. I was allowed to write a piece about Russia where I was critical of their policy of backing the STC in Yemen (I thought it was bad to divide Yemen). No one makes anybody tow any specific line. I decided not to publish my piece on Russia and the STC in Yemen because I didn't find the topic interesting enough, but I was 100% allowed to be critical of Russia.

    If it's a GRU outfit then it's a bad one.

    Hoarsewhisperer , Jul 29 2020 23:14 utc | 24
    Lol I write for One World. I'm an American who has never had a piece edited or been told what to write.
    Posted by: Ben Barbour | Jul 29 2020 22:36 utc | 23

    Is it possible that you're just the in-house joke at OW?
    If they don't care that you'd write "tow" instead of "toe" or that you're too lazy/thoughtless to reproduce the full name of the entity for which STC is an acronym, before using the acronym, then it suggests that One World's Editorial Standards are as lax as your own :-)

    Jen , Jul 29 2020 23:29 utc | 25
    "... Two Russians who have held senior roles in Moscow's military intelligence service known as the GRU have been identified as responsible for a disinformation effort meant to reach American and Western audiences, U.S. government officials said. They spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly ..."

    Of course GRU agents always work in pairs, guided only by the mysterious telepathic powers of the Russian President and no-one or nothing else, as Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov did in Salisbury in March 2018 when they supposedly tried to assassinate or send a warning to Sergei Skripal, and as Dmitri Kovtun and Andrei Lugovoy did in London in November 2006 when they apparently put polonium in a pot of tea served to Alexander Litvinenko in full view of patrons and staff at a hotel restaurant. It's as if each agent carries only half a brain and each half is connected to its complement by the corpus callosum that is Lord Vlademort Putin's thoughts beaming oing-yoing-yoing-like through the atmosphere until they find their targets.

    And of course US government officials always speak on condition of anonymity.

    As Agence Presse News puts it:

    "... The information had previously been classified, but officials said it had been downgraded so they could more freely discuss it. Officials said they were doing so now to sound the alarm about the particular websites and to expose what they say is a clear link between the sites and Russian intelligence ..."

    So if US government officials can now freely discuss declassified news, why do they insist on being anonymous? This would be the sort of news announced at a US national press club meeting with Matt Lee in the front row asking awkward and discomfiting questions.

    norecovery , Jul 29 2020 23:35 utc | 26
    The malicious cultivation (including Gain of Function research) and implantation of this biowarfare agent (and other ones such as Swine Fever) by the U.S. Intelligence services in various places around the world (especially in China and Iran), the intentional faulty responses and deceptive statistics administered by the monopoly-controlled medical establishment, the feigned inability to provide adequate testing, care, and treatment, along with planned economic destruction as a means of restoring investor losses and control of populations through stifling of dissent, are at the heart of the deflection and projection of blame. That broadly-based subject is barely discussed in alternative media and is totally obfuscated in MSM, because the "denier-debunkers" dispute the possibility of such extreme malice existing in our institutions, in spite of previous experience with events such as 9/11 and the '08 financial crisis.
    Hoarsewhisperer , Jul 29 2020 23:48 utc | 27
    So if US government officials can now freely discuss declassified news, why do they insist on being anonymous?
    Posted by: Jen | Jul 29 2020 23:29 utc | 25

    My guess is that they don't know when to quit.
    They embrace the Mythbusters motto...
    "If a thing's worth doing, it's worth overdoing."

    Benson Barbour , Jul 29 2020 23:54 utc | 28
    "Is it possible that you're just the in-house joke at OW?
    If they don't care that you'd write "tow" instead of "toe" or that you're too lazy/thoughtless to reproduce the full name of the entity for which STC is an acronym, before using the acronym, then it suggests that One World's Editorial Standards are as lax as your own :-)"

    Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jul 29 2020 23:14 utc | 24

    Fair point on tow vs toe. That's why editing exists when writing articles. As for the STC part, that is common knowledge if you follow basic geopolitics. When making a post in a comment thread, should I write out "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria" before using the acronym ISIS? If I am posting in a comment thread about Iran, do I need to write out "Mujahedin-e Khalq" instead of just using MEK?

    It just displays a massive level of ignorance on your part. Nice try though.

    Hoarsewhisperer , Jul 30 2020 0:29 utc | 29
    It just displays a massive level of ignorance on your part. Nice try though.
    Posted by: Benson Barbour | Jul 29 2020 23:54 utc | 28

    Thanks. Do you realise that you've just wasted 50+ words explaining why BB didn't bother writing the 3 words that STC stands for?

    VietnamVet , Jul 30 2020 0:59 utc | 30
    Global media moguls are blaming the 1,000 American deaths per day from the Wuhan coronavirus on Donald Trump to finally get him out of the way. But they are silent on their and the Democrats complicity in the death toll due to the lack of a national public health system or the funding to pay for it.

    The USA is going to hell. A scapegoat is needed. For the media and Democrats, Russia is to blame. Anybody else rather than themselves, the true culprits. Donald Trump blames China for the pandemic if he acknowledges it at all but that is where all of Tim Cook's iPhones are made. Blaming China is globalist heresy.

    Jackrabbit , Jul 30 2020 1:03 utc | 31
    norecovery @Jul29 23:35 #26

    I think there's a reasonable case to be made that this is what has occurred.

    And, if true, it is covered up by sly suggestions that nCov-19 was man-made with hints or a smug attitude that convey the message that China created the virus. As well as a virtual black-out in Western media of Chinese suggestions that the virus may have started in USA or been planted in Wuhan.

    But then, I already stand accused of attributing magical powers of self-interested foresight and boldness to US Deep-State due to my belief that Trump was their choice to lead USA in 2016. And so I expect you're theory will receive the same derision. Yet Empires have not been shy about killing millions when it was in their interest to do so.

    In any case, I've written many times that USA/West's unwillingness to fight the virus has been dressed up as innocent mistakes. Even if the West wasn't the source of the virus they have much to answer for. Yet very few have taken note of the way that USA/West have played the pandemic to advance their interests - from lining the pockets of Big Pharma to blaming China for their own "incompetence" (a misnomer: the power-elite are very competent at advancing their interests!).

    Inconvenient Truths:

    Kay Fabe , Jul 30 2020 1:29 utc | 32
    It seems disinformation has been redefined to mean information that counters someone else's (yours) belief. We pretend to be in an Age of Reason but really, we have just replaced religious beliefs with secular beliefs. Science has been taken over by pseudoscientists that have replaced priests. The conflict of interest by the science/priests who profit from their deceptions is beyond criminal.

    To know what is the truth you just have to look at whats being censored. Nobody being censored for supporting mask mandates, claiming vaccines are safe, and not questioning the blatant data manipulation of COVID cases that anyone with an open mind and IQ of 100 , and who reads the data, definitions and studies can see through.

    It seems people on both sides of the fence have replaced their brains with their chosen ideology. Its like watching a Christian, Jew and Muslim arguing which is the best or true religion. No point in it.

    james , Jul 30 2020 1:33 utc | 33
    thanks b!

    so, lets say GRU agents are feeding russian propaganda sites... how does that compare to all the CIA-FBI agents and has been hacks working for the western msm?? seems a bit rich for the pot to be calling a kettle black, even if they are lying thru their teeth! i am sure if someone did a story on how many CIA - m16 people are presently working with the western msm, they would have a story with some legs... this shite from anonymous usa gov't officials is just that - shite..

    @ Ben, or Benson Barbour .. thanks for your comments!

    Prof K , Jul 30 2020 1:50 utc | 34
    Anyone notice that the Democrats still haven't presented any plan whatsoever to flatten the curve in the US? They are just as bad as Trump.
    Seer , Jul 30 2020 1:55 utc | 35
    Ben Barbou @ 23
    Lol I write for One World. I'm an American who has never had a piece edited or been told what to write. I was allowed to write a piece about Russia where I was critical of their policy of backing the STC in Yemen (I thought it was bad to divide Yemen). No one makes anybody tow any specific line. I decided not to publish my piece on Russia and the STC in Yemen because I didn't find the topic interesting enough, but I was 100% allowed to be critical of Russia.

    There's such a thing as self-censorship. Mainstream US news has effectively brought up folks to be this way: stay in line or become unemployed- doesn't need to be stated. Not aimed at you, but it needs to be said (und understood).

    Ben Barbour , Jul 30 2020 3:14 utc | 36
    @35 That's a very good point. I completely agree. Self-censorship and group think are two of the biggest problems in modern journalism/analysis. One World consistently publishes pro-Pakistan and pro-China articles. When I was first sending them submissions, I did a piece on US vs China in Sudan and South Sudan. I considered omitting China's culpability in escalating the conflicts, and instead focus on laying the blame squarely at the feet of the US. In the end I told the truth about both countries' imperialist escalations (to the best of my ability).

    There is a lot of incentive to self-censor at just about any outlet. It's more comfortable to fit in with a site's brand.

    In the case of the Russia-STC article, I really just found the subject matter to be thin. Russia's support of the STC is mostly just diplomatic. Not a lot to write about.

    AntiSpin , Jul 30 2020 3:55 utc | 37
    Think you can't possibly be more outraged than you already are?

    Try this --
    The Government's Weapon Against Reality Winner: COVID-19
    By John Kiriakou, Reader Supported News
    27 July 20

    One Too Many , Jul 30 2020 4:09 utc | 38
    Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jul 30 2020 0:29 utc | 29

    Google or duckduckgo "STC in Yemen". First hit, it's not that hard.

    J W , Jul 30 2020 5:39 utc | 39
    Posted by: james | Jul 30 2020 1:33 utc | 33

    Small wonder that food from Anglozionists is so bad, they love being in the kitchen but they can't stand the heat.

    ak74 , Jul 30 2020 5:40 utc | 40
    The Americans are increasingly unhinged in their spittle-flecked accusations against not only Russia, but also China, Iran, Venezuela, etc.

    It's so pathetic as to be humorous.

    Underlying the USA's Two Minutes of Hate campaigns, however, is a deeper disease that defines Americans as a nation and as a people.

    Namely, Americans have an inbred fundamentalist belief in their own Moral Superiority as the Beacon of Liberty, Land of the Free, blah, blah, blah--no matter how many nations they have bombed back to the Stone Age, invaded, colonized, regime changed, sanctioned, or economically raped in the name of Freedom and Democracy™.

    Donald Trump is half correct.

    The United States of America is truly a great nation alright--but great only in terms of its deceit, great in terms of its delusions, and great in terms of the horrors that it has inflicted on much of the world.

    Comparing America to the Nazis would be a high insult ... to Nazi Germany, as the Third Reich only lasted about 12 years, while the American Reich has unfortunately lasted well over 200 years and gotten away with its crimes against humanity by possessing what are likely the greatest propaganda machine and political deception in human history: the American Free Press and the world historic lie called "American Freedom."

    Harold Pinter in his 2005 Nobel Literature Prize speech briefly but powerfully exposes this heart of American darkness:

    "The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It's a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.

    I put to you that the United States is without doubt the greatest show on the road. Brutal, indifferent, scornful and ruthless it may be but it is also very clever. As a salesman it is out on its own and its most saleable commodity is self love. It's a winner."

    Blue Dotterel , Jul 30 2020 6:23 utc | 41
    And the disinformation in the USA continues.

    "Top US immunologist Dr Anthony Fauci is now saying citizens are not "complete" in protecting themselves from the Covid-19 pandemic unless they go beyond wearing a mask and add in eye protection like goggles, too."

    More provocation from the oligarchy. Now, that masks are becoming less controversial, time to step up the provocation, division and control.

    Fauci is also behind the anti-hydroxychloroquine propaganda, as well, that even b has swallowed. This, despite it being used effectively in other countries. All of this simply because Trump supports it (ergo, it must be bad) and Big Pharma (who control Fauci,
    CDC abd WHO) can't profit significantly from its use.

    Of course vacines are still an issue:

    "During the course of the debate, Kennedy also talked about the regular vaccines most people take, from Hepatitis B to the flu shot, emphasizing that no proper testing had ever been done, which is mandatory for any other medication. Vaccines "are the only medical product that does not have to be safety-tested against a placebo," he explained."

    Kennedy said

    "it's not hypothetical that vaccines cause injury, and that injuries are not rare. The vaccine courts have paid out four billion dollars" over the past three decades, "and the threshold for getting back into a vaccine court and getting a judgment – [the Department of Health and Human Services] admits that fewer than one percent of people who are injured ever even get to court."

    So, how well has the Russian vaccine been tested? Does anyone know?

    Blue Dotterel , Jul 30 2020 6:40 utc | 42
    It is interesting how USAians are being played by the oligarchy.

    On foreign policy, the dems and reps are in basic agreement and the propaganda is to bring the masses together to hate Russia, Chaina and anyone else who the Western (US) oligarchy has targeted.

    Domestically, unity is the enemy of the oligarchy. The masses must be controlled through division and diversion, so the dems and reps play good cop, bad cop (bad and good being relative to the supporter) to ensure the masses are diverted from important oligarch issues to issues of irrelevance to the oligarchs, but easily manipulated emotionnally by the oligarchs for the beast.

    It seems so obvious, and yet, works so well.

    vato , Jul 30 2020 7:31 utc | 43
    Posted by: VietnamVet | Jul 30 2020 0:59 utc | 30

    "[...]Donald Trump blames China for the pandemic if he acknowledges it at all but that is where all of Tim Cook's iPhones are made. Blaming China is globalist heresy."

    Then why do you phrase it the "Wuhan coronavius" yourself?

    Jams O'Donnell , Jul 30 2020 7:59 utc | 44
    Posted by: ak74 | Jul 30 2020 5:40 utc | 40

    Thanks for that link.

    Mark2 , Jul 30 2020 9:32 utc | 45
    For those interested in corona virus truth,
    I am interested in the question -- - was it spread by negligence or deliberately?
    That question must be relivant to this debate on MOA.
    I ask this now becouse -- --
    Tonight on bbc 'panorama' there investigating the spread of the virus from Hospital to care homes !! I'm told there is some pretty shocking information exposed.
    Some may wish to catch that prog. Heads up.

    I just add an obversation. -- western psychopathic disinformation and projection has led to a confused public. A public deciding to disengage with politics. To the gain of the psychopaths.

    H.Schmatz , Jul 30 2020 10:41 utc | 46
    A new candidate to the demonization and disinfo operations has been added...Germany...which has been labeled "delinquent" by the a clear exercise of projection...

    Of course, to not be insulted or labeled delinquent, you must act as these other countries enumerated by Southcom commander, to work for the US ( not your country...) and moreover pay for it....Typical mafia extortion, isn´t it?

    uncle tungsten , Jul 30 2020 10:49 utc | 47
    norecovery #26
    That broadly-based subject is barely discussed in alternative media and is totally obfuscated in MSM, because the "denier-debunkers" dispute the possibility of such extreme malice existing in our institutions, in spite of previous experience with events such as 9/11 and the '08 financial crisis.

    YES to that and thank you for that post. That the institutions of state and private sectors are the incubators and propagators of extreme malice is axiomatic in the UKUSAI and its five eyed running dogs is beyond doubt. They attack and scorn any critic or unbeliever. They assault and pillory truth speakers and those who might question 'their narrative'.

    Then if all that fails the hunt them down and make preposterous claims about them being anti semitic of anti religion or anti their nation.

    Mendacity is the currency of the permanent state and its minions and they need to be outed and shamed and challenged at every opportunity.

    uncle tungsten , Jul 30 2020 11:00 utc | 48
    VietnamVet #30

    Wuhan coronavirus you say?

    Fort Detrick coronavirus would be on the mark and as you most likely know, you cannot trust the USA lying eyes once you have served them in their killing fields.

    Even that right wing ex special forces advocate Steve Pieczenic testifies to the fact of a deadly virus in USA in November/December plus his beloved bloggers say way earlier than that around Maryland etc. Then there is the small problem of the 'vaping' illness that generated lots of pneumonia like fatalities in June/July. And then the instant closure of Fort Detrick due to its leaking all over the place through a totally inadequate waste water treatment plant that couldn't scrub a turd let alone a virus.

    Fort Detrick Virus is closer to the reality imo.

    William Gruff , Jul 30 2020 11:00 utc | 49
    The problem with presstitutes, possibly including Ben Barbour , (disclaimer: I've never read any media products that particular individual generated) goes beyond the point made by Seer @35 . To be sure, there is no chance that a presstitute would bite the hand that feeds it, but there is more depth to the problem of why they all suck so badly, at least the ones in the US. While journalism degrees are the university equivalent of Special Education (nowadays referred to as "Exceptional Student Education" , which is very fitting for students from such an "exceptional" nation), they still prepare the future presstitute to understand that their capitalist employers have interests beyond their immediately apparent ones. That is, more important to a capitalist employer than tomorrow's sales and profits is the preservation of capitalism itself.

    But the problem is deeper still. The presstitute that is successfully employed by a capitalist enterprise will invariably be one that knows not to criticize the employer's business, the capitalist system it depends upon, and the empire that improves that employer's profitability. More importantly, that successful hireling will additionally have been brainwashed from infancy that all of these things are good and necessary aspects of the modern world that need to be ideologically defended. The prospective presstitute will be one that not only voluntarily, but eagerly serves its capitalist masters varied interests. After all, when there are plenty of whores to choose from, would you hire one that requires explicit instructions on every last thing you expect from them and just follows those instructions mechanically or the the one that puts effort into figuring out what would please you and delivers that with enthusiasm? Keeping this dynamic in mind will allow one to better understand the capitalist mass media's products.

    Steve , Jul 30 2020 11:24 utc | 50
    The contempt at which the American ruling class hold their citizens is galling. The US corporate media operates as if their targeted audience are all morons.
    moon , Jul 30 2020 11:37 utc | 51
    you cannot trust the USA lying eyes once you have served them in their killing fields. ...
    Posted by: uncle tungsten | Jul 30 2020 11:00 utc | 48

    that's not a good argument, uncle t. But yes I wondered to to what extent VV or good old VietnamVet has been won over to the Trump diction.

    blum , Jul 30 2020 11:39 utc | 52
    I wondered to to
    I wondered too to what extent VV seemingly has been ...
    William Gruff , Jul 30 2020 12:00 utc | 53
    Mark2 @45: "...was it [ novel coronavirus] spread by negligence or deliberately?"

    Most likely both.

    There is evidence to suggest that the virus was circulating in the US prior to it being discovered in China. While it is possible this could have been the results of testing the transmissibility of the virus, it seems more probable that it was an accidental release from Fort Detrick. This would explain the facility being shut down last year. Military facilities are never shut down simply for breaking a few rules but because those rule violations led to something unpleasant.

    An accidental release, coupled with the fact that the synthetic origin of the virus would become apparent to scientists worldwide, resulted in a need to quickly establish an alternate explanation for the virus. Since the US was losing its trade war with China, and use of a bioweapon to turn the tide was already gamed out and on the table anyway, the virus (or possibly a very similar strain that had been pre-selected for the attack) was deliberately sprayed around a market in Wuhan.

    The CDC and CIA probably thought that the virus was contained in the West and that since it was a surprise to the Chinese it would run rampant there and result in their economy shutting down and their borders being closed, decoupling China from the world. With the Chinese treating the virus as a bio attack and defeating its spread, followed by the virus rampaging through the West, the dynamic changed. Now in order for the virus to decouple China it must become endemic in the West. The Chinese must be made to close their borders in fear of becoming infected from the rest of the world. To make this backup plan a reality, and to get the economies moving again as fast as possible, some western leaders have decided to accelerate the spread in the hopes of quickly developing "herd immunity" . Taking out some retirees whom the capitalists view as a burden on the economy is just some nice icing on the cake.

    Mark2 , Jul 30 2020 12:04 utc | 54
    @ 51 & @ 52
    I'd say not ! I'm confided Vietnam Vet is doing 'balenced' Reporting ! The subject of this post. Take another look at both this post and his comment. A lesson in how to be unbiased but truthfull.
    Soooo any one got a definition of fake news.
    Mine would be Truth before personal agenda.
    oldhippie , Jul 30 2020 12:18 utc | 55
    Self censorship works well.

    Straight cash payoffs work well too.

    CIA has had total control of media for 70 years now. It was a priority when they set up shop.

    Mark2 , Jul 30 2020 12:19 utc | 56
    William Gruff @ 53
    I think yours is just about the most clear and concise summary of this whole virus catastrophe that I have seen so far. And that's a hell of a statement !
    Unrelated I wonder what would have happened if the Chinese whistle blower had not blown the whistle ? Now that's one to ponder ? As bad as this all is world wide, where would be right now ? Dose not bare thinking about.
    vig , Jul 30 2020 12:21 utc | 57
    Posted by: Mark2 | Jul 30 2020 12:04 utc | 54

    What are you trying to tell me? Anyone that does not acknowledge the virus originated in China and that China didn't respond as fast as it could have? And more polemically: there is some kind of African Marxist heading WHO who obfuscated China's late information to the WHO?

    There is a dot of truth in everything. There is also a dot of truth in the fact that Trump or his relevant admin was informed early enough.

    Mark2 , Jul 30 2020 12:27 utc | 58
    Big @ 57
    What ?
    jadan , Jul 30 2020 12:35 utc | 59
    We've been acquainted with this virus about 7 months or so and it is difficult to separate reliable information from disinformation. We know very little about it, eg, we don't know whether those who recover can be reinfected. Is it like the common cold, against which there is no immunity? We just have to assume that the Trump virus has infected every level of the administration so that there is ignorance and unadulterated stupidity from the lowest level in the ministry of propaganda to the secretary of state and, of course, the president himself currently celebrating the wisdom of an animist/Christian hybrid doctor from Africa spewing the foulest disinformation one can imagine.
    vig , Jul 30 2020 12:46 utc | 60
    Big @ 57
    What ?
    Posted by: Mark2 | Jul 30 2020 12:27 utc | 58

    babbling: look if this is the good old VV from SST, I wouldn't want to nail him on the usage of Wuhan virus. But on the larger content of his comment, I am wondering.

    Full discovery: I entered the US conspiracy universe shortly after 9/11. I'll probably never forget there was this one commenter that completely out of then current preoccupations within the diverse theories, you recall?, suggested that the Chinese were approaching via the Southern borders.

    There surely should be a way how the US and Russia

    vig , Jul 30 2020 12:48 utc | 61
    There surely should be a way how the US and Russia

    There surely should be a way how the US and Russia repartition their claims. After all historically the Russian had some type of partly real Yellow threat too ... :)

    Mark2 , Jul 30 2020 12:54 utc | 62
    Vig @ 60
    Thanks for clearing that up. Cheers
    Hannibal , Jul 30 2020 12:56 utc | 63
    Can probably trace this back to the "integrity initiative" and/ or the Atlantic Council. That's a web worth untangling with transparency.

    Spot on James @ 33

    One Too Many , Jul 30 2020 13:05 utc | 64
    Posted by: Mark2 | Jul 30 2020 12:19 utc | 56

    Except the "whistle blower" was not a whistle blower since local, provincial, and nations institutions were already advised or in the process of being advised. Dr Wenliang posted his information in a private chatroom with other medical professionals on December 30th. Timeline of events:

    Dec 27 -- Dr. Zhang Jixian, director of the respiratory and critical care medicine department of Hubei Provincial Hospital, files a report to the hospital stating that an unknown pneumonia has developed in three patients and they are not responding to influenza treatment.

    Dec 29 -- Hubei Provincial Hospital convened a panel of 10 experts to discuss the now seven cases. Their conclusion that the situation was extraordinary, plus information of two similar cases in other hospitals, prompted the hospital to report directly to the municipal and provincial health authorities.

    Dec 30 -- The Wuhan Municipal Health Commission issued an urgent notification to medical institutions under its jurisdiction, ordering efforts to appropriately treat patients with pneumonia of unknown cause.

    Dec 31 -- The National Health Commission (NHC) made arrangements in the wee hours, sending a working group and an expert team to Wuhan to guide epidemic response and conduct on-site investigations. The Wuhan Municipal Health Commission released a briefing on its website about the pneumonia outbreak in the city, confirming 27 cases and telling the public not to go to enclosed public places or gather. It suggested wearing face masks when going out. The Wuhan Municipal Health Commission released briefings on the pneumonia outbreak in accordance with the law. WHO's Country Office in the PRC relayed the information to the WHO Western Pacific Regional Office, then to the international level headquarters.

    Jan 1 -- The NHC set up a leading group to determine the emergency response to the epidemic. The group convened meetings on a daily basis since then.

    Jan 2 -- The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) received the first batch of samples of four patients from Hubei Province and began pathogen identification. The NHC came up with a set of guidelines on early discovery, early diagnosis and early quarantine for the prevention and control of the viral pneumonia of unknown cause.

    Jan 3 -- Dr. Wenliang signs a statement not to post unsubstantiated rumors.

    There's no "whistle blowing" as the information of the cases were already going up the chain of command. These are facts that can be sourced by multiple media outlets. I can't believe this fallacy keeps floating and doesn't flush.

    Lurk , Jul 30 2020 13:52 utc | 65
    In retrospective analyses, SARS-COV-2 was found in routinely collected samples of European sewage water dating back to at least december 2019. A french doctor reviewed archived medical samples and imagery from patients who had fallen mysteriously ill in the latter half of 2019 and also found that some had been early cases of COVID-19.

    The real coronavirus whistle-blower is a doctor in Washington state USA who tested for the virus in Januari 2020 and was silenced by USA medical and federal authorities.

    I am afraid that there will never be a sincere investigation into the real cause of the "vaping disease" that caused many deaths from sudden respiratory failure in the USA in the summer of 2019. Tell me again when Ft. Detrick labs was shut down exactly?

    Lurk , Jul 30 2020 13:59 utc | 66
    @ Hannibal | Jul 30 2020 12:56 utc | 63

    Don't forget to mention Mark2's employer, the 77th brigade . We're in an information war , after all.

    Piotr Berman , Jul 30 2020 14:00 utc | 67
    What are you trying to tell me? Anyone that does not acknowledge the virus originated in China and that China didn't respond as fast as it could have? And more polemically: there is some kind of African Marxist heading WHO who obfuscated China's late information to the WHO?

    There is a dot of truth in everything. There is also a dot of truth in the fact that Trump or his relevant admin was informed early enough.

    Posted by: vig | Jul 30 2020 12:21 utc | 57

    vig repeats widely spread arguments, basically, the "official propaganda" from offices related to an orange-American (excessive time spend on golf courses changes skin color, perhaps in combination with sunscreen, without sunscreen you would get a "redneck look").

    1. Origin: somewhat debatable, but any virus has to originate somewhere. Every country was on receiving end of pathogens from other countries.

    2. China did not respond as fast as it could have. Now, how fast and effective was USA? One has to note that clusters of fatal lung infections happen regularly, but this is because of mutations that increase impact on health, while separate mutations increase (or decrease) the transmission. Draconian measures are necessary if you get both, but you do not lock cities, provinces, introduce massive quarantine programs until you know that they are necessary. For the same reasons, the response in Western Europe and USA was not as fast as it could have.

    3. "African Marxist heading WHO mislead poor naive Americans". What is the budget of American intelligence, and American disease control? Do they collect information, do they have experts? In particular, American authorities knew pretty much what Chinese authorities knew, and they had benefit of several weeks of extra time to devise wise strategy. Giving this benefit to people with limited mental capacities has a limited value. Perhaps China is at fault here too, Pompeo reported about pernicious impact of Chinese Communist Party on PPT meeting in USA, that could have deleterious impact on education and thus on mental capacities.

    Pompeo himself may be a victim. He excelled as a West Point student, but if the content of education was crappy, diligence impacted his brain deeper and not for the better. But nobody attempts to blame CCP for that.

    vk , Jul 30 2020 14:17 utc | 68
    @ Posted by: Mark2 | Jul 30 2020 12:19 utc | 56

    It would've changed nothing.

    For starters, the "whistleblower" wasn't a whistleblower at all: he thought he had found a resurgence of SARS, not a new pandemic. Secondly, the head of respiratory diseases at the region already was investigating some cases of a "mysterious pneumonia" since end of November or mid-December - so the investigation already was well under way.

    Discovering a new disease is not magic: a doctor cannot simply go the market, see a random person, and claim he/she discovered a new virus. Doctors are not gods: they can only diagnose the patients under their care.

    The point of discord that the Western MSM capitalized upon was the fact that some random officer from the local police intercepted his private social media and made him sign a letter of reprimand. No Law is ever perfect, and these episodes of false triggers do happen even in Western Democracies.

    Little known fact (one which the Western MSM censored) is that the so-called "whistleblower" was a member of the CCP. After knowing the details of the situation (including that the disease was already being investigated), he quickly realized the state-of-the-art and went to the frontlines to fight the pandemic - as any member of the CCP would've done. Revolutionary communist parties have this tradition that comes since the Bolshevik Party, where the leadership always leads by example. The Bolsheviks themselves lost the vast majority of their elite in the Civil War, as they always led in the front (vanguard). Fidel Castro himself led his army in the front when the invasion of the Bay of Pigs begun. So, it is not surprising this doctor, once having the facts on the field, quickly shut up and went to the frontline as a vanguard soldier.

    After the whole truth came to the forefront, the Western MSM quickly begun to meltdown over the fake story they fantasized, and the Taiwanese MSM invented a story of some another whistleblower who had discovered the virus "at the end of November". That one never truly gained traction, and silently died out.

    But all of this is moot point for the West, because Trump and the other European liberal powers refused to believe either that the virus was real or that it could reach them until February the next year.

    But all of this

    Den lille abe , Jul 30 2020 14:17 utc | 69
    I think it is OK that b nails the US makes yet another display of stupidity.... on the other hand I presume that b also has other things to care about, I mean exposing the US as a "fake" nation is a full time job!
    Americans have at least the last 50 years been known for fails, even Churchill commented something like "the Americans will fail numerous times, but eventually they will get it right" well that was back then! Today it is fail upon fail. I know that there must be bright people over there, but it is my sincere impression, that they are a very small minority. Maybe their schooling system has all gone bonkers ?
    "3% of all Americans believe the Earth is flat! WTF!!!
    America is on a steep slope downward.
    Den lille abe , Jul 30 2020 14:31 utc | 70
    I am personally not worried much about Covid 19, although I am 63 and live in Sweden, the "black Sheep" in Europe because of our rather lax restrictions, the Swedes themselves are rather good at keeping distance and using common sense.
    I am much more worried that the American culture of ignorance, brain farts, stupidity and low IQ media will infest my country further and maybe completely ruin it.
    Especially by the junk that comes out of Hollywood, pure Sh*t served nice and hot!
    I am happy I know, I have not got to endure further 30 years of this.
    Prof K , Jul 30 2020 14:52 utc | 71
    A few months ago, b posted a link to a Canadian vlogger who lives in Nanning, China. The vlogger took us on a tour of a so called Wet Market. Here, the vlogger takes us to another Wet Market tour. He does a good job dispelling racist stereotypes and showing real life in China.

    Mark2 , Jul 30 2020 14:56 utc | 72
    One to many @ 64
    Thanks ! So there was a group of whistle blowers then. It's down to definitions again. Perhaps mine is a little more loose. But it's of no concern.
    For the sake of this excellent thread, perhaps we could all be a little less pedantic. VK ?
    cirsium , Jul 30 2020 15:19 utc | 73
    @uncle tungsten, 11:00 Jul 30

    Also relevant - Crimson Contagion - the pandemic simulation run by the US government from January to August 2019 and was based on an infectious coronavirus coming from a food market in China

    PleaseBeleafMe , Jul 30 2020 15:23 utc | 74
    @Dla 69,70

    Everywhere u go in this world you'll find some version or an "murican" in every country. Even a country like modern first world Switzerland has its "mountain folk".
    In my personal experience with Americans I'm most often pleasantly surprised at their levels of sophistication and introspection over their American experiences. An enjoyable and as pleasant a people as anywhere. This may be clouded by mostly meeting these people outside of the US where unless tourists are well educated and travelled and by default more aware of a negative view of their homeland that exists outside of the US. For some reason most of these Americans I've met abroad are decidedly non republican in nature and are mostly
    from California and North and North Eastern States. Fellow future Canadians I would call them.
    The other side of the coin is when I've travelled to the states. Texas, Florida, Arizona. Whew! What a difference. I've learned that talking politics is impossible and the natives are almost entirely ignorant of anything outside their bubble. Outside of talking points there is no information behind their arguments. Their knowledge of the outside world is incredibly lacking and the view of the US in it is overwhelmingly positive.
    It isn't Americans its America and its leadership, its influences, systems and all the other shit that make the US the salad it is. The people r redeemable.

    William Gruff , Jul 30 2020 15:34 utc | 75
    Calling the professionals doing their jobs in China "whistleblowers" is inaccurate. "Whistleblower" implies revealing information that others are trying to hide. In this case the suggestion is that the Chinese government was trying to hide the outbreak. This is nonsense as the Chinese government was unaware of an outbreak until after the relevant professionals had determined that there was an outbreak. There is no way the Chinese government could have known about an outbreak before the outbreak was identified by the professionals tasked with identifying outbreaks. The only ones who knew about the outbreak before the outbreak occurred were the US "intelligence community" .

    [Jul 30, 2020] What Will Happen to Neoliberalism after the COVID-19 Crisis -- Will It Survive by Prof. Joseph H. Chung

    Notable quotes:
    "... Some of the neoliberal countries may be at the stage of the collusion; some of them may find themselves at the stage of oligarchy; some of them may be at the stage of corruption culture. ..."
    "... In Japan, since 1957, there were twenty-one prime ministers of whom 75% were one-year or two-year prime ministers despite the four-year term of prime ministers. The short life span of Japanese prime ministers is essentially due to the short term interest pursued by the corrupted golden triangle composed of big business, bureaucrats and politicians. Unless, Japan uproots the corruption culture, it will be difficult to save the Japanese economy from perpetual stagnation. ..."
    "... In the U.S. the big companies are spending a year no less than $2.6 billion lobbying money for the promotion of their interests, while the Congress spends $ 2.9 billion and the Senate, $860 million for their respective annual operation. Some of the big companies deploy as many as 100 lobbyists. ..."
    "... It is unbelievable that the amount of lobbying is as much as 70% of the annual budget of the whole legislative of the U.S. ..."
    "... Under such lobbying system, each group should deploy lobbyists to promote their interests. The immigrants, the native Indians, the Afro Americans, the alienated white people and other marginal groups cannot afford lobbyists and they are often excluded from fair treatment in the process of making laws and policies ..."
    "... In the case of the U.S. its rank increased from 18 in 2016 to 22 in 2019. Thus in three years, the degree of corruption increase by 22.2% ..."
    "... The U.S. is the richest country in the world, but it is also a country where income inequality is the most pronounced. I will come back to this issue in the next section. In relation to the corona virus crisis, income inequality means an army of those who are most likely to be infected and who are unable to follow CDC guidelines of testing, self quarantine and social distancing. Finally, the privatization of public health services has made the whole country unprepared for the onslaught of the virus. ..."
    "... The experience of Japan shows how this can happen. The economic depression after the bubble burst of 1989, Japan had to endure 30-year deflation. The government of Japan has flooded the country with money to restore the economy, but the money was used for the bail-out of big corporations neglecting the healthy development of the SMEs and impoverishing the ordinary Japanese people. South Korea could have experienced the Japanese-type economic stagnation, if the conservative government ruled the country ten more years. ..."
    "... The neoliberal pro-big company policy of Washington has greatly depleted consumer demand and SMEs even before the onslaught of the coronavirus. ..."
    "... Fourth, the U.S. economy is shaken up so much that the neoliberal regime will not able to recover the economy. Thus, the survival of neo-liberalism looks uncertain. But, if the coronavirus crisis continues and destroys SMEs and if only the big corporations survive owing to bailout money, neo-liberalism may survive and we may end up with authoritarian governance ruled by the business-politics oligarchy. ..."
    Jul 27, 2020 |

    For the last forty years, neo-liberalism has dominated economic thinking and the formulation of economic policies Worldwide.

    But the corona virus crisis has exposed, in a dramatic way, its internal contradictions, its incapacity to deal with the corona crisis and its incompetence to restore the real economy ruined by the crisis.

    In this article, we will focus on the relationship between Neoliberalism and the Corona Crisis:

    To save democracy and the global economy, We need a new economic model which supports the future of humanity, which sustains human livelihood Worldwide.

    1. Neoliberalism and the initial Outbreak of the Corona Virus

    The most important part of neoliberalism is the relation -often of a corrupt nature- between the government and large corporations. By corruption, we mean illegal or immoral human activities designed to maximize profit at the expense of people's welfare. In this relation, the government may not be able to control and govern the large corporations. In fact, in the present context, the corporations govern and oversee national governments.

    Hence, when the corona virus broke out, it was difficult for the government to take immediate actions to control the virus break-out to save human lives; It was quite possible that the price of stocks and large corporations' profit had the priority.

    The theory known as neoliberalism distinguishes itself from the old liberalism prevailing before the Great Depression.

    It became widely accepted mainly because of its adoption, in the 1970s and 1980s, by Ronald Reagan , president of the U.S. and Margaret Thatcher , prime minister of Great Britain as an economic policy agenda applied nationally and internationally.

    The justification of neoliberalism is the belief that the best way to ensure economic growth is to encourage "supply activities" of private sector enterprises.

    Now, the proponents of neoliberalism argue that public goods (including health and education) can be produced with greater efficiency by private companies than by the State. Therefore, "it is better" to let the private enterprises produce public goods.

    In other words, the production of public goods should be "privatized". Neoliberals put profit as the best measure of efficiency and success. And profit can be sustained with government support. In turn, the private companies' policy is that of reducing the labour costs of production.

    Government assistance includes reduction of corporate taxes, subsidies and anti-labour policies such as the prohibition of labour unionization and the abolition of the minimum wage.

    Reduction of labour cost can be obtained by the automation of the production of goods

    Under such circumstances, close cooperation between the government and the private corporations is inevitable; even it may be necessary.

    But, such cooperation is bound to lead to government-business collusion in which the business receives legal and illegal government support in exchange of illicit money such as kick-backs and bribes given to influential politicians and the people close to the power.

    As the collusion becomes wider and deeper, an oligarchy is formed; it is composed of corporations, politicians and civil servants. This oligarchy's raison d'être is to make money even at the expense of the interests of the people.

    Now, in order to protect its vested interests, the oligarchy expands its network and creates tight-knit political community which shares the wealth and privileges obtained.

    In this way, the government-business cooperation can be evolved by stage to give birth to the corruption culture.

    Some of the neoliberal countries may be at the stage of the collusion; some of them may find themselves at the stage of oligarchy; some of them may be at the stage of corruption culture.

    South Korea

    When the progressive government of Moon Jae-in took over power in 2017, South Korea under the 60-year neo-liberal rule by the conservatives was at the stage of corruption culture.

    The progressive government of Moon Jae-in has declared a total war against the corruption culture, but it is a very long way to go before eliminating corruption.

    In South Korea, of six presidents of the conservative government, four presidents were or are in prison for corruption and abuse of power. This shows how deeply the corruption has penetrated into the fabrics of the Korea society

    In Japan, since 1957, there were twenty-one prime ministers of whom 75% were one-year or two-year prime ministers despite the four-year term of prime ministers. The short life span of Japanese prime ministers is essentially due to the short term interest pursued by the corrupted golden triangle composed of big business, bureaucrats and politicians. Unless, Japan uproots the corruption culture, it will be difficult to save the Japanese economy from perpetual stagnation.

    Lobbying and "Corruption Culture"

    Many of the developed countries in the West are also the victims of corruption culture. In the U.K. the City (London's Wall Street) is the global center of money laundry.

    In the U.S. the big companies are spending a year no less than $2.6 billion lobbying money for the promotion of their interests, while the Congress spends $ 2.9 billion and the Senate, $860 million for their respective annual operation. Some of the big companies deploy as many as 100 lobbyists.

    It is unbelievable that the amount of lobbying is as much as 70% of the annual budget of the whole legislative of the U.S.

    True, in the U.S., lobbying is not illegal, but it may not be morally justified. It is a system where the law makers give privileges to those who spend more money, which can be considered as bribes

    Under such lobbying system, each group should deploy lobbyists to promote their interests. The immigrants, the native Indians, the Afro Americans, the alienated white people and other marginal groups cannot afford lobbyists and they are often excluded from fair treatment in the process of making laws and policies

    Some of the developed European countries are also very corrupted. The international Transparency Index rank, in 2019, was 23 for France, 30 for Spain and 51 for Italy.

    In the case of the U.S. its rank increased from 18 in 2016 to 22 in 2019. Thus in three years, the degree of corruption increase by 22.2%

    What is alarming is that, in the corruption culture, national policies are liable to be dictated by big businesses.

    In South Korea, under the conservative government, it was suspected that the national policies were determined by the Chaebols (large industrial conglomerates), not by the government.

    As matter of fact, during the MERS crisis in 2015, the anti-virus policy was dictated by the Samsung Group. In order to save its profit, Samsung Hospital in Seoul hid the infected so that the number of non-MERS patients would not decrease.

    In Japan, the Abe government made the declaration of public health emergency as late as April 6, 2020 despite the fact that the infections were detected as early as January, 2020.

    This decision was, most likely, dictated by Keiretsu members (grouping of large enterprises) in order to save investments in the July Olympics. Nobody knows how many Japanese had been infected for more than three months.

    Similarly, Trump was well aware of the sure propagation of the virus right form January, but he waited until March 13, 2020 before he declared the state of effective public health emergency. The obvious reason was the possible fear of free fall of stock price and the possible loss of big companies' profits.

    The interesting question is: "The delayed declaration of public health emergency, was it Trump's decision or that of his corporate friends?" It doesn't matter whose decision it was, because the government under neoliberal system is controlled the big businesses.

    So, as in Japan, Italy, Spain, France and especially, the U.K, Trump lost the golden time to save human lives to keep profit of enterprises.

    God knows how many American lives were sacrificed to save stock price and company profit!

    Thus, the neoliberal governments have lost the golden chance to prevent the initial outbreak of the dreadful virus.

    2. Neo-liberalism and the Propagation of Corona-Virus

    We saw that the initial outbreak of the virus was not properly controlled leading to the loss to golden time of saving human lives, most likely because of the priority given to business and political interests.

    The initial outbreak of the virus was transformed into never-ending propagation and, even now, in many states in the U.S. the wave of the virus is getting higher and wider.

    This tragic reality can be explained by four factors:

    1. people's mistrust in the government,
    2. unbounded competition,
    3. inequitable income distribution,
    4. the absence of public health system.

    These four factors (above) are all the legacies of neoliberalism.

    The people know well that the corrupted neoliberal government's concern is not the welfare of the people but the interest of a few powerful and the rich. The inevitable outcome is the loss of people's trust in the unreliable government.

    This is demonstrated by Trump's indecision, his efforts of ignoring the warning of the professionals, his fabricates stories and above all, his perception of who should be given the right to receive life-saving medical care at the hospital.

    Under such circumstances, Americans do not trust the government directives and guidelines, allegedly implemented to protect people from the virus.

    The guideline of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) for self quarantine, social distancing and wearing face masks has little effect. There is another product of neoliberalism which is troublesome. I mean its credo of unbounded competition.

    It is true that competition promotes efficiency and better quality of products. However, as competition continues, the number of winners decreases, while that of losers rises. The economy ends up being ruled by a handful of powerful winners. This leads to the segregation of losers and leads to the discrimination of people by income level, religion, race and colour of skin.

    In the present context, largely as a result of government policy, there is little to no social solidarity; each individual has to solve his or her own problems. I was sad when I saw on TV a young lady in California saying:

    "To be killed by the COVID-19 or starve to death is the same to me. I open my shop to eat!"

    This shows how American citizens are left alone to fight the coronavirus. Furthermore, neoliberalism has another unhappy legacy; it is the widening and deepening income inequality.

    The U.S. is the richest country in the world, but it is also a country where income inequality is the most pronounced. I will come back to this issue in the next section. In relation to the corona virus crisis, income inequality means an army of those who are most likely to be infected and who are unable to follow CDC guidelines of testing, self quarantine and social distancing. Finally, the privatization of public health services has made the whole country unprepared for the onslaught of the virus.

    In fact, in the U.S. there is no public health system. For three months after the first breakout of the virus, the country lacked everything needed to fight the virus.

    Thus, neoliberalism has made the U.S not only to lose the golden time to prevent the initial breakout but also it has let the wave of virus to continue. Nobody knows when it will calm down. As a matter of fact, on July 4, there were 2.9 million infected and 132,000 deaths; this gives a death rate of 4.6%. Given U.S. population of 328 million, we have 402.44 deaths per million inhabitants which is one of highest among the developed countries. The trouble is that the wave of virus is still going higher and wider. On July 4, the confirmed cases increased by 50% in two weeks in 12 states and increased 10% to 50% in 22 states.

    3. Neo-liberalism and the very Foundation of the U.S. Economy

    The message of this section is this. The foundation of the American economy is the purchasing power of the consumers and the job creation by small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The consumer demand is 70% of the GDP, the SMEs create 66% of jobs. Unfortunately, because of neoliberalism, the consumers have become very poorer and the SMEs have been neglected in the pro-big-company government policies. The COVID-19 has destroyed the SMEs and impoverished the consumers. Nobody would deny the contribution of neo-liberalism to globalization of finance, the creation of the global value chain and, especially the free trade agreement.

    All these activities have allowed GDP to grow in developed countries and some of new industrial countries. However, the wealth created by the growth of GDP has gone to countries already developed, some developing countries and a small number of multinational enterprises (MNE). The rich produced by GDP growth has led to the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few privileged. What is more serious is this. If the skewed income distribution in favour of a decreasing number of people continues for long, the GDP will stop growing and decades-long deflation is quite possible, as it has happened in Japan.

    According to the OECD data, in the period, 1975-2011, the GDP share of labour income in OECD countries fell by 13.8% from 65% to 56%. In the case of the U.S., in the same period, 1970-2014, it fell by 11%. The falling labour-income share is necessarily translated into unequal household income distribution. There are two popular ways of measuring income distribution: the decile ratio and the Gini coefficient.

    The decile ratio is obtained by dividing the income earned by the top 10% income earners by the income earned by the bottom 10% income earners . The decile ratio in 2019 was 18.5 in the U.S. as compared to 5.6 in Finland. The decile ratio of the U.S. was the highest among the developed countries. Thus, in the U.S. the top 10 % has an income 19 times more than the bottom 10%, while, in Finland, the corresponding ratio is only 6 times. This shows how serious the income gap is in the country of Uncle Sam.

    The Gini coefficient varies from zero to 100. As the value of the Gini increases, the income distribution becomes favourable to the high-income households. Conversely, as the value of the Gini decreases, the income distribution becomes favourable to low-income households. There are two types of Gini: the gross Gini and the net Gini. The former refers to Gini before taxes and transfer payment, while the latter refers to Gini after taxes and transfer payment. The difference between the gross and the net Gini shows the government efforts to improve the equality and fairness of income distribution The gross U.S.- Gini coefficient in 2019 was 48.6, one of the highest among the developed countries.

    Its net Gini was 38.0 so that the difference between the gross and the net Gini was 12.3%. In other words, the U.S. income distribution improved only by 12.3% by government efforts as against, for example, an improvement of 42.9% in the case of Germany, where the gross Gini was 49.9 while the net Gini was 28.5 The net Gini of the U.S. was the highest among the developed countries. The implication is clear. The income distribution in the U.S. was the most unequal. To make the matter worse, the government's effort to improve the unequal income distribution was the poorest among the developed countries. There are countless signs of unfortunate impacts of the inequitable income distribution in the country called the U.S. which Koreans used to admire describing it as "mi-gook- 美國미국 – Beautiful Country". Now, one wonders if it is still a "mi-gook".

    The following data indicates the seriousness of poverty in the U.S. (data below prior to the Coronavirus crisis).

    These data give us an idea on how so many people have to suffer from poverty in a country where per capita GDP is $65,000 (2019 estimate), the richest country in the world. Most of the Americans work for small- and medium-sized companies (SMEs). In the U.S., there are 30 million SMEs. They create 66% of jobs in the private sector. The SMEs are more severely hit than big companies by the coronavirus.

    In fact, 66% of SMEs are adversely affected by the virus against 40% for big firms. As much as 20% of SMEs may be shut down for good within three months, because of the virus. Under the forty years of neoliberal pro-big corporation policies, available financial resources and the best human resources have been allocated to big firms at the expense of the development of SMEs.

    The most damaging by-product of neoliberalism is no doubt the widening and deepening unequal income distribution for the benefit of the big corporations and the uprooting of SMEs. This trend means the shrinking domestic demand and the disappearance of jobs for ordinary people.

    The destruction of the domestic market caused by the shrinking consumer demand and the disappearance of SMEs can mean the uprooting of the very foundation of the economy.

    The experience of Japan shows how this can happen. The economic depression after the bubble burst of 1989, Japan had to endure 30-year deflation. The government of Japan has flooded the country with money to restore the economy, but the money was used for the bail-out of big corporations neglecting the healthy development of the SMEs and impoverishing the ordinary Japanese people. South Korea could have experienced the Japanese-type economic stagnation, if the conservative government ruled the country ten more years.

    The neoliberal pro-big company policy of Washington has greatly depleted consumer demand and SMEs even before the onslaught of the coronavirus. But, the COVID-19 has given a coup de grâce to consumer demand and SMEs To better understand the issue, let us go back to the ABC of economics. Looking at the national economy from the demand side, the economy consists of private consumer demand (C), the private investment demand (I), the government demand (G) and Foreign demand represented by exports of domestic products (X) minus domestic demand for imported foreign products (M).

    GDP=C + I + G + (X-M)

    In 2019, the consumer expenditure (C) in the U.S. was 70% of GDP, whereas the government's spending (G) was 17%. The investments demand (I) was 18%. The net exports demand (X-M) was -5%.

    In 2019 the composition of Canadian GDP was: C=57%; I=23 %; G=21 %; X-M=-1%.

    Thus, we see that the U.S. economy heavily depends on the private domestic consumption, which represents as much as 70% of GDP compared to 57% in Canada. The government's contribution to the national demand is 17% as against 21% in Canada. In the U.S. a small government is a virtue according to neoliberals. In the U.S. the private investments account for only 18% of GDP as compared to as much as 23% in Canada. In the U.S., off-shoring of manufacturing jobs and the global value chain under neo-liberalism have decreased the need for business investments at home. It is obvious then that to save the American economy, we have to boost the consumers' income. But, the consumer income comes mainly from SMEs. We must remember that the SMEs create 66% of all jobs in the U.S. Therefore, if consumer demand falls and if SMEs do not create jobs, the US economy may have to face the same destiny as the Japanese economy. This is happening in the U.S. The corona virus crisis is destroying SMEs and taking away the income of the people.

    The coronavirus crisis is about to demolish the very foundation of the American economy.

    4. Corona Virus Crisis and the Survival of Neoliberalism

    The interesting question is this. Will neo-liberalism as economic system survive the corona virus crisis in the U.S.?

    There are at least four indications suggesting that it will not survive.

    1. First, to overcome major crisis such as the corona virus invasion, we need strong central government and people-loving leader. One of the reasons for the successful anti-virus policy in South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore was the strong central government's role of determining and coordinating the anti-virus policies. As we saw, the gospel of neo-liberalism is the minimization of the central government's role. Having little role in economic policies, the U.S. federal government has proved itself as the most incompetent entity to fight the crisis. It is more than possible that the U.S. and all the neoliberal countries will try to get away from the traditional neoliberal governance in which the government is almost a simple errand boy of big business.
    2. Second, the people's trust in the neoliberal leaders has fallen on the ground. It will be difficult for the neoliberal leaders to be able to lead the country in the post-corona virus era.
    3. Third, the corona virus crisis has made the people aware of the abuse of power by the big companies; the people now know that these companies are interested only in making money. So, it may be more difficult for them to exploit the people in the era of post-COVID-19.
    4. Fourth, the U.S. economy is shaken up so much that the neoliberal regime will not able to recover the economy. Thus, the survival of neo-liberalism looks uncertain. But, if the coronavirus crisis continues and destroys SMEs and if only the big corporations survive owing to bailout money, neo-liberalism may survive and we may end up with authoritarian governance ruled by the business-politics oligarchy.

    5. Search for a New Economic Regime: Just-Liberalism

    One thing which the corona-virus crisis has demonstrated is the fact that the American neo-liberalism has failed as sustainable regime capable of stopping the virus crisis, restore the economy and save the democracy. Hence, we have to look for a new regime capable of saving the U.S. economy and democracy. We would call this new regime as "Just-liberalism " mission of which is the sustainable economic development and, at the same time, the just distribution of the benefits of economic development. Before we get into the discussion of the main feature of the new regime, there is one thing we should discuss. It is the popular perception of large corporation. Many believe that they make GDP grow and create jobs. It is also the popular view that the success of these large corporations is due to the innovative managing skills of their founders or their CEOs. Therefore, they deserve annual salary of millions of dollars. This is the popular perception of Chaebols in South Korea.

    But, a great part of Chaebols income is attributable to the public goods such as national defence, police protection, social infrastructures, the education system, enormous sacrifice of workers and, especially tax allowances, subsidies and privileges. In other words, a great part of the Chaebols' income belongs to the society, not the Chaebols. Many believe that the Chaebols create jobs, but, in reality, they crate less than 10% of jobs in Korea. We may say the same thing about large corporations in the U.S. In other words, much of the company's income is due to public goods. Hence, the company should equitably share its income with the rest of the society. But do they?

    The high ranking managers get astronomical salaries; some of them are hiding billions of dollars in tax haven islands.

    We ask. Are large corporations sharing equitably their income with the society? Are the corporate tax allowances they get too much? Is the wage they pay too low? Is CEO's income is too high?

    It is difficult to answer these questions.

    But we should throw away the mysticism surrounding the merits of large corporations; we should closely watch them so that they do not misuse their power and wealth to dictate national policies for their own benefit at the expense of the welfare of the people. The new regime, just-liberalism, should have the following eight features.

    First, we need a strong government which is autonomous from big businesses; there should be no business-politics collusion; there should be no self-interest oligarchy of corruption.

    Second, it is the time we should reconsider the notion of human right violation. There are several types of human right violation in developed countries including the U.S. For example, the racial discrimination, the inequality before the law, the violation of the right of social security and the violation of the right of social service are some cases of violation of human rights defined by the U.N. The Western media have been criticizing human right violation in "non-democratic countries", but, in the future, they should pay more attention to human right violation in "democratic countries."

    Third, the criterion of successful economy should not be limited to the GDP growth; the equitable distribution of the benefits of GDP growth should also be a criterion; proper balance between the growth and the distribution of growth fruits should be maintained.

    Fourth, market should not be governed by "efficiency" alone; it must be also "equitable". Efficiency may lead to the concentration of resources and power in the hands of the few at the expense of social benefit; it must be also equitable. As an example, we may refer to the Chaebols (big Korean industrial conglomerates) which kill the traditional village markets which provide livelihood to a great number of poor people. The Chaebols may make the market efficient but not equitable. The Korean government has limited Chaebols' penetration into these markets to make them more equitable.

    Fifth, we need a partial direct democracy. The legislative translates people's wish into laws and the executive makes policies on the basis of laws. But, in reality, the legislative and the executive may pass laws and policies for the benefit of big companies or specific group of individuals and institutions close to the power. Therefore, it is important to provide a mechanism through which the people – the real master of the country – should be allowed to intervene all times. In South Korea, if more than 200,000 people send a request to the Blue house (Korean White House) to intervene in matters judged unfair or unjust, the government must intervene.

    Sixth, those goods and services which are essential for every citizen must be nationalized. For example, social infrastructure such as parks, roads, railways, harbours, supply of electricity should not be privatized. Education including higher education should be made public goods so that low income people should get higher education as do high income group.

    This is the best way to maximize the mass of innovative minds and creative energy to develop the society. Above all, the health service should be nationalized. It is just unbelievable to see that, in a country where the per capita GDP is $63,000, more than 30 million citizens have no medical insurance, just because it is too expensive. Politicians know quite well that big companies related to insurance, pharmaceutical products and medical professions are preventing the nationalization of medical service in the U.S. But, the politicians don't seem to dare go over these vested interests groups and nationalize the public health system. Remember this. There are countries which are much poorer than the U.S. But, they have accessible universal health care insurance system.

    Seventh, the economy should allow the system of multi- generational technologies in which not only high-level technologies but also mid-level technologies should be promoted in such a way that both high- tech large corporations and middle-tech SMEs can grow. This is perhaps only way to insure GDP growth and create jobs.

    Eighth, in the area of international relations, it is about the time to stop wasteful ideological conflict. The difference among ideologies is narrowing; the number of countries which have abandoned the U.S. imposed democracy has been rising; the ideological basis of socialism is weakening. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, 48% of countries are democratic, while 52% are not. According to Freedom House, in 2005, 83 countries had net gain in democracy, while 52 countries had net loss in democracy.

    But in 2019, only 37 countries had net gain while 64 countries had net loss. Between 2005 and 2018, the number of countries which were not free increased by 26%, while those which were free fell by 44%. On the other hand, it is becoming more and more difficult to find authentic socialism. For example, Chinese regime has lost its pure socialism long time ago. Thus, the world is becoming non-ideological; the world is embracing ideology-neutral pragmatism.

    To conclude, the corona virus pandemic has given us the opportunity to look at ourselves; it has given us the opportunity to realize how vulnerable we are in front of the corona virus attack.

    Many more pandemics will come and challenge us. We need a world better prepared to fight the coming pandemics. It is high time that we slow down our greedy pursuit for GDP growth; it is about the time to stop a wasteful international ideological conflict in support of multibillion dollar interests behind Big Money and the Military industrial complex.

    It is therefore timely to find a system where we care for each other and where we share what we have .


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    Professor Joseph H. Chung is professor of economics and co- director of the Observatoire de l'Asie de l'Est (ODAE) of the Centre d'Études de l'Intégration et la Mondialisation (CEIM), Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). He is Research Associate of the Center of Research on Globalization (CRG). Growing Social and Wealth Inequality in America

    [Jul 21, 2020] Prof. Balloux's: SARS-CoV-2 behaves in most ways like a pandemic influenza strain

    Jul 21, 2020 |

    Anonymous , Jul 20 2020 1:50 utc | 55

    Reading Prof. Balloux's thread and I have to say:

    What? "Complications: Any life-threatening infection requires time to fully recover from and can lead to long-term sequelae. This is true for influenza and #COVID19, which have both been linked to a wide spectrum of long-term adverse consequences." The flu has long-term adverse consequences??

    What? What? "Vaccines: Vaccination against influenza began in the 1930s. The efficacy of flu vaccines is generally good." Is he talking about these flu vaccines that are frequently extremely ineffective, and prone to greater adverse reactions than other vaccines? Do they get some other flu vaccine at UCL?

    Wha... "Summary: #SARSCoV2 behaves in most ways like a pandemic influenza strain. The only major epidemiological difference between #COVID19 and flu pandemics is the age risk distribution, with influenza being highly dangerous to young children in addition to the elderly." This UCL that he's part of, is that some UCL that's located elsewhere in the galaxy other than the UCL in London?

    And he works at the Genetics Institute. Just to reassure everyone.

    [Jul 20, 2020] Are asymptomatic cases just false positives or they are a short stage of the disease (and it is unlear if at this stage person cantranmit the virus to others) after which it became regular, symptomatic case ?

    Jul 20, 2020 |

    m , Jul 20 2020 7:09 utc | 83

    Is the high share of 70% asymptomatic cases really confirmed?? The last time I heard something about that isue it whas claimed to be 15-20% with no evidence for high numbers of undiscovered asymtomatic cases. The extensive testing with a low percantege of positives seems to confirm this.

    If the asymptomatic cases were really around 2/3 then this would mean the number of real cases is much higher the the number of officially counted cases, by the factor of 3 roughly.

    [Jul 20, 2020] Ron Paul Exposes Big Holes In The COVID 'Spike' Narrative -

    Jul 20, 2020 |

    Ron Paul Exposes Big Holes In The COVID 'Spike' Narrative 07/20/2020

    Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

    Motorcycle accidents ruled Covid deaths? In the rush to paint Florida as the epicenter of the "second wave" of the coronavirus outbreak, government officials and their allies in the mainstream media have stooped to ridiculous depths to maximize the death count. A television station this weekend looked into two highly unusual Covid deaths among victims in their 20s, and when they asked about co-morbidities they were told one victim had none, because his Covid death came in the form of a fatal motorcycle accident.

    Sadly, this is not an isolated incident. In fact the "spike" that has dominated the mainstream for the last couple of weeks is full of examples of such trickery.

    me title=

    Washington state last week revised its Covid death numbers downward when it was revealed that anyone who passed away for any reason whatsoever who also had coronavirus was listed as a "Covid-19 death" even if the cause of death had nothing to do with Covid-19.

    In South Carolina, the state health agency admitted that the "spike" in Covid deaths was only the result of delayed reporting of suspected Covid deaths.

    An analysis of reported daily Covid deaths last week compared to actual day-of-death in Houston revealed that the recent "spike" consisted largely of deaths that occurred in April through June. Why delay reporting until now?

    We do know that based on this "spike" the Democrat mayor of Houston cancelled the convention of the Texas Republican Party. Mission accomplished?

    Doesn't it seem suspicious that so many states have experienced "delayed" reporting of deaths until Fauci and his gang of "experts" announced that we are in a new nightmare scenario?

    Last week in Florida – which is perhaps not coincidentally the location of the Republican Party's national convention – another scandal emerged when hundreds of Covid test centers reported 100 percent positive results. Obviously this would paint a far grimmer picture of the resurgence of the virus. Orlando Health, for example, reported a positivity rate of 98 percent – a shocking level – but a further investigation revealed a true positivity rate of only 9.4 percent. Those "anomalies" were repeated throughout the state.



    me title=



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    "Cases" once meant individuals who displayed sufficient symptoms to be treated in medical facilities. But when the scaremongers needed a "second wave" they began reporting any positive test result as a "Covid case." No wonder we have a "spike."

    Politics demands that politicians be seen doing "something" rather than nothing, even if that something is more harmful than doing nothing at all. That is why Washington is so addicted to sanctions.

    The same has been true especially in Republican-controlled states in the US in response to the coronavirus. Faced with a virus that has killed about one-third as many people as the normal, seasonal flu virus in 2018, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has endorsed a partial shutdown of the economy resulting in millions tossed into the despair of unemployment. Then he arbitrarily shut down bars because massively increased testing showed more people have been exposed to the virus. And he mandated that people wear face masks. Neither shutting down bars (instead of restaurants or Walmarts) nor forcing people to wear masks will have any effect on the progression of the virus through society. But at least he looks like he's doing "something."

    We are facing the greatest assault on our civil liberties in our lifetimes. The virus is real, but the government reaction is political and totalitarian. As it falls apart, will more Americans start fighting for their liberty?

    [Jul 20, 2020] Goering though had a good understanding of the modern western world and the dymanics of COVID-19 epidemics

    High numbers of asymptomatic are a feel good propaganda thing. Most have no symptoms when they first become contagious, but the numbers that never develop symptoms are relatively low.
    Jul 20, 2020 |
    Peter AU1 , Jul 20 2020 8:58 utc | 95


    Plenty of genuine people here that have developed their thoughts away from herd mentality. And most are different in some aspects.
    My thought is all free thinkers begin with a baseline or foundation and then expand from there in relation to their experiences. Baseline starting points differ, as does life experiences.
    For me, I guess being able to raise a family and see them able to go out in the world and start their own family is my baseline. This is overlapped with the historical saying - 'a good leader brings peace and prosperity to his people'.

    Goering though had a good understanding of the modern western world ...
    Göring: Why, of course, the people don't want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.

    For most here, democracy is still the sacred cow, but even that is something I no longer worship. Democracy is controlled by whoever controls the media.
    For me, the baseline is family, as in father mother and children, and, a leadership capable of, or who's main interest is bringing peace and prosperity for the people..

    [Jul 20, 2020] Economists' superiority is a sociological construct that economists desire to maintain

    Jul 20, 2020 |

    This Paul Krugman column helped crystallize the weirdness of the ongoing economists versus epidemiologists spat, perhaps more accurately described as the 'some economists, especially those with libertarian politics, versus epidemiologists spat.' Different theories, in turn below the fold.

    steven t johnson 07.20.20 at 2:37 pm

    "1) The theory that economists actually are superior Certainly, epidemiologists' workhorse models have had mixed predictive success " The predictive power of the economists' models, or their guidance of government policies that have ended business cycles (for an example) by contrast has had presumably unmixed success? I believe it is misleading to phrase the point this way: The theory is that the laws of economics as expounded in the academy are laws of nature, a description of the anatomy of the final society, the endpoint of human history, if not human evolution. Thus, any unwelcome conclusions from epidemiological models must be rejected.

    "(2) The theory that economists' superiority is a sociological construct that economists desire to maintain." The word "sociological" may be written here, but the discussion seems to indicate that it actually means, psychological trait. In plain terms, it means the vanity of economists. Insofar as it is a sociological construct, it refers to things like the status ascribed to economists by those who employ them, who fund their institutions, who make sure the right kind of economic education is started in elementary schools and beyond, etc. In this view, critiquing the competence of epidemiologists is merely a tactic in servicing the constitutency that desires a different policy.

    The OP has vehemently asserted however such a view of the academy is criminal. And that it is the first priority of all decent people to fight such imitations of thought. The OP is as one with Jason Brennan on this, despite a trifling disagreement over manners or the lack of. Nonetheless I suggest the variation in economists in their distaste for epidemiologists roughly coincides with the variation in what kind of service they're selling and in the constituency they sell too. A Hanson who sells a radical critique of humanity will tack a different tack than another economist.

    "(3) The theory that economists and epidemiologists have different motivations or values both disciplines have likely systematic biases towards one notion of the broader welfare rather than another." This says that the economists are driven solely by disinterested commitments to independently chosen values and that particular interests have no role whatsoever. This says it is not even conceivable some aggressive economists are attacking epidemologists' competence to help sell the pre-determined policy -- predetermined by those who will benefit monetarily by it and who have the power to rule not formally guaranteed (and strenuously denied) to make policy independent from mere elections -- of reopening the economy no matter what.

    "(4) The theory that epidemiology challenges the basic ideological presuppositions of (some) economists The externalities of people's actions during coronavirus are extremely high, and the prospect of decentralized solutions for those externalities extremely low." This is a plea for the golden mean, maybe? The assumption that sophisticated von Hayek should be taken seriously strikes me as doubtful. (And, no, I'm not too sure about Coase either.)

    So it seems to me the problem of why some economists and fellow travelers like Brennan are aggressively impugning the competence of epidemiologists is because it helps promote favored policies of inaction. That is, that it's not much of a problem. The problem is why such transparent nonsense isn't dismissed for what it is. The OP's herculean diplomacy seems to me to deny this is a problem at all.

    [Jul 20, 2020] Media Mask-Mania, Or COVID-19 Groupthink -

    Jul 20, 2020 |

    Media Mask-Mania, Or COVID-19 Groupthink by Tyler Durden Sun, 07/19/2020 - 23:30 Twitter Facebook Reddit Email Print

    Authored by Michael Lesher via,

    I never thought I'd see the day when publicly wearing a muzzle would constitute a proof of virtue in the same country whose government, less than twenty years ago, rationalized the bloody invasion of Afghanistan as a way of saving women from veiling their faces .

    But then, I never thought I'd hear American liberals proudly denounce supporters of the US Constitution as a "death cult," nor that I'd actually start to find Donald Trump sounding almost reasonable.

    But at least there's one thing we can all be sure about: "mainstream" news media, busily cheerleading for the death of freedom, will continue to gush with absurdities, self-contradictions and victim-shaming memes in their propaganda war to Keep America Gagged. The Bill of Rights (in case you haven't noticed) is history; today, we demonstrate our patriotism by creeping around hiding our faces. Dissenters need not apply.

    If you think I'm exaggerating, I suspect you haven't been paying attention. Recently I had the poor judgment to turn on National Public Radio for about an hour, under the impression that I was going to learn something about the day's news.

    I could have saved myself the trouble. During the hour in question, I learned nothing at all about the presidential election campaign (now in its final months), nothing about the tens of millions of my fellow citizens whose jobs have been snatched away by government fiat, nothing about climate change, nuclear arms buildups, international refugees or growing worldwide poverty – nothing even about the intensification of air and water pollution authorized by recent federal regulation, although pollution kills an estimated 100,000 Americans every year .

    No – for a solid hour, I heard the following: that COVID19 – in reality, at most, a moderately serious flu virus – is the worst medical threat the United States has ever faced; that this "deadly" virus (the word "deadly" was repeated obsessively, even though the disease is fatal in a tiny percentage of cases) has been empowered by a conspiracy of Republican politicians serving the arch-demon Donald Trump; that recent data showing the rapid decline in deaths attributable to the virus may have been faked, because the numbers aren't what the "experts" want them to be; and that a massive increase in COVID19 tests – primarily among people between 20 and 40 years of age who are subjected to swabbing because their employers demand it, not because they're in any danger – cannot possibly have anything to do with a rise in the number of reported infections, and that anyone who dares to suggest otherwise is "putting lives at risk."

    But the real theme of the hour was masks, masks, masks: how to make them, how to wear them, their different types, who doesn't seem to have enough of them, and why muffling our faces (even though no such thing was ever demanded of us during dozens of past viral outbreaks) is absolutely, positively good for us all.

    I waited in vain for some mention of the fact that every single order requiring the wearing of muzzles in the US is probably unconstitutional , a matter that National Public Radio – which once prided itself on its legal affairs reporting – might have been expected to care about.



    me title=

    Nor did anyone mention that just a few months ago, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention was explicitly advising against a general mask-wearing regime , as was Anthony Fauci, the High Priest of COVID19.

    No, facts would only have complicated matters. After all, we already knew what good little boys and girls were expected to do with those muzzles. At the close of each weather forecast, just in case anyone had missed the point, the reporter said cheerily, "And when you go out – put on a mask." "And drink milk with every meal," I half expected him to add, but I guess self-conscious condescension would have spoiled the effect.

    Put on a mask.

    In well over half a century, I cannot remember a weather report that ended with a brisk piece of non-meteorological advice, let alone a patently silly one – after all, if these magical masks were to make any difference, their greatest usefulness would have been at the beginning of the outbreak, not on its heels.

    Yet throughout March, while police-state fever prompted the suspension of democracy in some 40 states and most of the US population was being hustled into virtual house arrest, the pro-incarceration crowd's loudest voices unanimously insisted that masks were of no practical value.

    For anyone who has forgotten, Fauci told 60 Minutes that :

    [t]here's no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you're in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little better and it might even block a droplet, but it's not providing the perfect protection that people think it is. And often there are unintended consequences – people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face."

    That was how things stood when the epidemic was new and all stops were out. And now? Contemplating the lockdown-lovers' belated fetish for surgical gear, one can only imagine the US Navy ceremoniously issuing an air-raid warning at Pearl Harbor a hundred days or so after the Japanese attack had wiped out much of the fleet.

    But you've got to hand it to the mask-maniacs. No matter how many of their excuses for muzzling the population go the way of the Great Auk, they keep the new ones tumbling out so fast you can hardly keep track.

    Here's one peddled on July 14 in the Los Angeles Times : even though the masks won't really prevent infection, they may reduce the amount of the virus you breathe in – that is, just in case you happen to come across an infected person who somehow manages to breathe into your (masked) face from a very short distance and for an extended period. (No one cited in the article bothers to discuss how often such a scenario is likely to occur.) According to a Dr. Monica Gandhi:

    [t]here is this theory that facial masking reduces disease severity."

    In other words, you'll get COVID19 with or without a mask, but the effects will probably be milder if you muffle your face.

    But wait a minute – even if "this theory" is correct (note that it contradicts everything the propagandists have been telling us about masks for the last three months), wasn't it always the case that the overwhelming majority of those who catch COVID19 have very mild symptoms, or no symptoms at all?

    So what's the big advantage of the mask? The article is silent on that point – and Dr. Gandhi herself ultimately admits that her "theory" remains unproven. But that doesn't stop the Times from lambasting a few local California officials who have raised inconvenient questions about mandatory muzzling.

    "This anti-mask rhetoric is mind-blowing, dangerous, deadly and polarizing," the article quotes Dr. Peter Chin-Hong as responding. Why? Because masks prevent infection? No. Because they save lives? No. Criticizing the muzzle mandate is "deadly" because – wait for it – because:

    [t]here is no evidence that [wearing a mask] is dangerous."

    Well, actually, there is such evidence; Anthony Fauci admitted as much to 60 Minutes in March.

    But the main problem with this retort is that it misses the point: people are being forced to mask their faces in public without any evidence that it's dangerous not to.

    Dr. Chin-Hong's implicit confession that this is so knocks the stuffing out of the mandate – and the Times' rationale. But to say so openly is "dangerous, deadly [there's that favorite adjective again] and polarizing." It's no accident that the symbol of submission currently in vogue is one that covers the mouth. The real message of the mask-maniacs is that we have no right to say what we think.

    And speaking of "polarizing," what about the personal viciousness to which mask-mania so frequently descends? I have lost track of the number of videos circulated by so-called news outlets that depict frustrated shoppers losing their cool over being forced to dress like mummies.

    Apparently this is supposed to be cute – as in, "Get a load of that stupid, Trump-supporting bitch having a public meltdown." Myself, I feel sorry for these people; I share their exasperation, and I empathize with them over the invasion of their privacy.

    As for the propagandists who peddle Schadenfreude in support of governors-turned-dictators – I indict them as heartless hypocrites, who claim to value our collective welfare and prove it by publicly humiliating their victims. Would they take similar pleasure, I wonder, in mocking the reaction of a black shopper who'd just been called "nigger"?

    And it gets worse. In the upside-down world of COVID19 media values, even death is no protection from victim-shaming. Recently, American news organizations "reported" the death of an Ohio man who had the misfortune to die on July 4 of what they gleefully called "complications of COVID-19."

    More than two months earlier, the victim had posted a comment on social media saying he wasn't going to "buy a mask." The articles – which even named the deceased (a combat veteran) – practically salivated over the fact that he had had the audacity to go to a swimming pool in mid-June, where he may have contracted the virus. You see? screamed the reporters' moralizing subtext. The maskless, self-indulgent right-wing bastard got what he deserved!

    Just for the record, let me note that there are a number of things we don't know. We don't know whether the poor man actually wore a mask or not. (He wrote in late April that he didn't intend to buy one, but that's really not the same thing.) We don't know how he actually caught the virus. We don't know whether he could have been saved with better treatment; it's even possible he waited too long to seek medical help.

    Given his youth and the apparently lightning pace of his descent into serious illness, his death from COVID19 is so highly unusual that its medical significance amounts to another thing we don't know.

    Most important, we don't know whether wearing or not wearing a mask had anything at all to do with his death. (If he was infected while at a swimming pool, I doubt even the mask-maniacs would insist that he should have worn it in the water.)

    What we do know is that he was targeted for savage personal attacks after he died, first on social media and now in the press.

    "[P]eople have come out of the woodworks, posting nasty, hateful comments about a man they knew nothing about," one of his friends has said. "Most of it crossed the line into harassment. When reported to Facebook, nothing was taken down nor was there ANY action taken," he added, while "[t]hose that defended [him] faced consequences from Facebook in way of bans."

    Well, at least the pattern of the propaganda makes sense, in a way: slander the nonconformist and you can get away with murder; defend him, you're silenced.

    Even the New York Times' resident faux progressive, Michelle Goldberg, has taken up the cry. Another "Trump fan," she sniffed on July 14 , has become a "macabre cliché" by dying of a disease she blames him for contracting.

    I wonder whether Ms. Goldberg would be smirking about a woman who was raped some two months after posting a comment to the effect that "I'll go wherever I want and dress however I like." My guess is that the analogy hasn't occurred to her; she knows her job, and it's about propaganda, not consistency.

    And the propaganda's bottom line is as clear as it is grim. Forget about your personal liberties. Forget about the democracy you thought you were living in. The mask – the symbol of fear, of arbitrary rule, of the abolition of normal social life, of voiceless submission – isn't going away any time soon.

    Nor is the police state that sponsors it.

    "There's going to be no summertime lull with a big wave in the fall," says Eric Toner , one of the boffins of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, a partner of the neoliberal American Enterprise Institute that has been instrumental in promoting lockdowns from the start.

    It's clear that we are having a significant resurgence of cases in the summer, and they'll get bigger. And it'll keep going until we lock things down again. "

    And how long before the cycle of incarceration really ends? "[S]everal years," Toner says blandly, adding the sinister afterthought that people who resist being muzzled "will get over it. It's just a question of how many people get sick and die before they get over it."

    Makes you feel kind of warm and protected, doesn't it? Thank heaven people like Toner know our needs so much better than we do.

    The media ubiquity of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security is another ominous feature of the current wave of propaganda.

    Last October, the Center ran a coronavirus pandemic "simulation" in New York City – cosponsored by the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – for an assembly of powerful people in business and government, after which its members openly speculated about the possible need for "censoring social media content" on the theory that "[m]isinformation and disinformation are likely to be serious threats during a public health emergency."

    These facts obviously bear on the organization's motives and credibility, at the very least. But you won't hear them mentioned when the Center's data are repeated as fact in mainstream media, nor when its members assure us that if we don't wear masks for the next two years we'll all drop dead.

    Is it unreasonable to hope that reporters might want to explore why "health security" is presumed to entail censorship? Or whether the huge investment of the Gates Foundation in vaccine development has any influence on its partner organization's bleak predictions for escaping the coronavirus without a new vaccine? Or whether, having insisted first on devastating lockdowns and now on worthless face masks, the Center will use its political leverage to demand mandatory vaccination when the time comes?

    Professor Lawrence Gostin is another worrisome presence in the media, including Michelle Goldberg's recent sanctimonious outburst in the New York Times – where, pretending to describe the consequences of the virus, she catalogs the devastation of the lockdowns instead:

    [A] record 5.4 million people lost their health insurance between February and May. A generation of American kids will have their educations derailed, and many parents who don't lose their jobs due to the economic crisis will see their careers ruined by the demands of child care

    [ ]

    The psychological consequences alone will be incalculable. Even before the coronavirus, researchers spoke of loneliness as its own epidemic in America. A March article in the medical journal JAMA Psychiatry attributed 162,000 deaths a year to the fallout of social isolation. Now people are being told that they can socialize only under the most stringent conditions. Much of what makes life sweet is lost to us, not for days or weeks, but months or years.

    As I said, this is a chillingly accurate summary of the consequences of the mass incarceration foisted on us by more than 40 state governors, most of them Democrats, beginning in early March – when each one, with a unilateral declaration of a "health emergency," seized quasi-dictatorial powers, shunted aside the Constitution and bankrupted the citizenry. Those "emergency" powers have not been relinquished to this day.

    But neither Goldberg nor her hero, Professor Gostin, offers a single word of criticism for any of those governors, and certainly not for the Democratic Party leadership that has backed this democracy-destroying, economy-wrecking madness at every step. For them, everything is the exclusive fault of one man: Donald Trump.

    Coming from Goldberg, that might be just another election-year screed against an incumbent the Times dislikes. But what about Gostin? Well, although Goldberg never mentions it, Professor Gostin just happens to be the author of the model version of the Emergency Health Powers Act , the adoption of which in all fifty states (if in somewhat different versions) made possible the coup the governors pulled off by claiming "emergencies" several months ago.

    It's worth remembering that Gostin's proposed bill was sharply criticized by the American Civil Liberties Union back in 2001 as "replete with civil liberties problems" and "a throwback to a time before the legal system recognized basic protections for fairness."

    In fact, some of its specific objections to the EHPA deserve quoting at length, in light of where the Act's reckless application has brought us today:

    1. It fails to include basic checks and balances. The Act would grant extraordinary emergency powers, but that kind of authority should never go unchecked. Public health authorities make mistakes, and politicians abuse their powers The lack of checks and balances could have serious consequences for individuals' freedom, privacy, and equality. The Act lets a governor declare a state of emergency unilaterally and without judicial oversight, fails to provide modern due process procedures for quarantine and other emergency powers and contains no checks on the power to order forced treatment and vaccination.

    2. It goes well beyond bioterrorism. The act includes an overbroad definition of "public health emergency" that clearly do[es] not justify quarantine, forced treatment, or any of the other broad emergency authorities that would be granted under the Act.

    3. It lacks privacy protections. The Act requires the disclosure of massive amounts of personally identifiable health information to public health authorities, without requiring basic privacy protections and fair information practices . That not only threatens to violate individuals' medical privacy but undermines public trust in government activities.

    It's not hard to see why Ms. Goldberg is reluctant to give us the accurate back story for her star witness. The ACLU's list of warnings about the potential abuses of the law Gostin drafted is a near-perfect précis of what has actually happened: unilateral declarations of an "emergency," state by state, where none really existed; the seizure by each governor of almost unlimited power to order quarantines and forced vaccinations; the elimination of "due process" restrictions on mass confinement; the dismantling of privacy protections along with basic rights.

    I don't intend to sing the praises of the ACLU, which – like so many other liberal institutions in the US – has been missing in action since the actual coup began last March. But no one can deny the prescience of its critique. And Goldberg knows her readers aren't stupid: once they are aware of the role Gostin played in orchestrating the overthrow of their freedoms, they're not likely to grant him the pied piper status Goldberg wants him to have.

    Why does she cite Gostin? First, to "prove" – like Eric Toner in another context – that the COVID19 outbreak, the current excuse for the denial of our liberties, will last another two years; amazingly, Goldberg claims this while insisting simultaneously that the same outbreak is practically over in New Zealand, Taiwan and Italy after just a few months.

    But she also needs him to explain, albeit in somewhat indirect language, why democracy isn't good for us.

    According to Gostin, the coronavirus has proved that "health system capacity alone is almost useless unless you have a government that can unleash that capacity promptly and consistently." Obviously, we can't do that if we have to bother with pesky constraints like representative government or the public will. And from Gostin's perspective, we've been dabbling in the utopianism of democracy for too long as it is: "It's going to take several years for us to be able to come out of all of the trauma that we've had," he warns.

    And I think that suggests the real message Goldberg and the other propagandists are keen on peddling. They didn't do this to us. It's not that we've been lied to and illegally confined. It's not that our state executives have defied their oaths of office. It's not that their media mouthpieces have offered us one swindle after another: lockdowns, business closings, job losses, muzzling, scare-mongering, the destruction (as Goldberg herself admits) of "much of what makes life sweet" – theater, cinema, public discussion, time shared with friends.

    The problem is us. We've been clinging to dreams of freedom – and that will cost us. The lockdown-lovers are going to punish us for our wrongheaded attachment to notions of individual rights, and they will punish us still more for continuing recalcitrance. But note this: they can only get away with it by selling us one more lie – namely, that what they're doing to us is really the work of a disease beyond anyone's control.

    "The coronavirus is a natural disaster," Goldberg writes.

    No, it isn't.

    The coronavirus is just another flu. The real disaster has been the work of human beings. Resisting it must be, too.

    [Jul 20, 2020] Some politically incorrect thought about the origin of the virus

    Jul 20, 2020 |

    MARK CHAPMAN July 18, 2020 at 9:58 am

    I once thought the whole thing was a Big-Pharma scam to grab a shitload of cash. But Big Pharma – I don't think – would have engineered it to start in China, and it's not made-up;

    [Jul 15, 2020] Fauci has been wrong about everything...- Navarro

    Jul 15, 2020 |

    "And when Fauci was telling the White House Coronavirus Task Force that there was only anecdotal evidence in support of hydroxychloroquine to fight the virus, I confronted him with scientific studies providing evidence of safety and efficacy. A recent Detroit hospital study showed a 50% reduction in the mortality rate when the medicine is used in early treatment.

    Now Fauci says a falling mortality rate doesn't matter when it is the single most important statistic to help guide the pace of our economic reopening. The lower the mortality rate, the faster and more we can open." Navarro in USA Today


    "Laputa's population consists mainly of an educated elite, who are fond of mathematics, astronomy , music and technology, but fail to make practical use of their knowledge. Servants make up the rest of the population.

    The Laputans have mastered magnetic levitation. They also are very fond of astronomy, and discovered two moons of Mars. (This is 151 years earlier than the recognized discovery of the two moons of Mars by Asaph Hall in 1877.) However, they are unable to construct well-designed clothing or buildings, as they despise practical geometry as "vulgar and mechanick". The houses are ill-built, lacking any right angles, [6] and the clothes of Laputans, which are decorated with astrological symbols and musical figures, do not fit, as they take measurements with instruments such as quadrants and a compass rather than with tape measures . [7] They spend their time listening to the music of the spheres. They believe in astrology and worry constantly that the sun will go out." wiki on Gullivers Travels.


    Ah, I see it now! Dr. Fauci is a Laputan seer! He is devoid of any real comprehension or respect for the ordinary humans trying to deal with actual pandemic problems rather than "the music of the spheres."

    Is he a Democratic Party operative? I doubt it. He is simply "out of it." pl

    J , 15 July 2020 at 10:46 AM

    The first thing that should popped up like a red flag that Fauci was a few bricks of a shy load upstairs, was his 'luv' for Hillary.

    From 2013:

    nbsp; Mike46 , 15 July 2020 at 12:40 PM

    Fauci doesn't matter. Over the weekend the WH tried to strongarm parents to get on board with school reopening. They are fucking with the wrong interest group.

    Mark K Logan , 15 July 2020 at 12:47 PM

    There is a better, albeit a more difficult way to undermine Fauci. Educate the people that this issue has vast economic consequences and we must factor in those consequences when crafting an over-all policy. Fauci, I expect, will openly admit he is approaching the topic from a purely medical perspective...which is exactly what he's supposed to be doing.

    As is, Trump is leaves himself wide open to the obvious counter: Neither he nor his economic adviser have any medical expertise.

    Trump may be trapped in a zero-sum game mindset.

    Terence Gore , 15 July 2020 at 02:07 PM

    "Tony Fauci has many, many vaccine patents and there's one vaccine patent that he has that is a way of packaging a coronavirus with some other vaccine in a protein sheet and then delivering it through a vaccine he somehow ended up owning that patent Tony Fauci will be able to cash in . So Fauci's agency will collect half the royalties for that vaccine [related to the coronavirus]."

    The founding of moderna on mrna medicine. At end of video talks about analogy of climbing Mt Everest and needed to have 1 big investor

    "Sunderland co-founded the VC firm, known for making ambitious investments, after having led program-related investments for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which provided financial support to Moderna while she was there. Since 2010, Moderna has been working on developing messenger RNA (mRNA) that allows the body's cells to act like reprogrammed biological factories, producing antibodies needed to battle diseases, including viruses.

    "The nice thing about big bets is that they play out over time. ... We made an investment five years ago in Moderna, and mRNA was a big bet, and you see it playing out in terms of their ability to get a rapid vaccine for Covid. ... You have to take those big bets," Sunderland said."

    Fauci interview

    "The other thing that is amazing in its evolution is the amount that we've learned about HIV pathogenesis, the reservoir, the potential for controlling the virus, either in the absence of antiretroviral [treatment] or in a modified regimen that takes away the need to have a single pill or multiple pills every single day. The thing that remains the holy grail of unaccomplished goals is the development of a highly effective, safe vaccine. And that is something that's not surprising because of the very special situation with HIV, that the body -- as much as we study pathogenesis and understand it so incredibly well -- the body does not make an adequate immune response against HIV, which is the reason why no one has yet spontaneously cleared the virus by their immune system. And so what we need to do, and where we're combination putting a lot of effort into, but also struggling with, is the issue of the development of a vaccine that would be effective enough to be able to be deployed.

    We have one situation that took place, well after that meeting in San Francisco, where a trial of a candidate vaccine -- in a trial named RV 144 that took place in Thailand -- showed a 31% efficacy, which gave us some great hints of correlates of immunity and are the basis for a number of subsequent trials, but still was not good enough to deploy. So we have a number of very large vaccine trials, going on now throughout the world, including a heavy concentration in southern Africa. But we also are pursuing another line of vaccine research, which is the attempt to present to the body, in the proper conformation with sequential immunizations, the capability of making broadly neutralizing antibodies. And if we're successful in that, then I think we have a really good chance of developing a vaccine that would have an efficacy and safety profile good enough to actually deploy it."

    I think over time mrna "vaccines" will change medicine. Are we opening Pandora's box? Possibly.

    [Jul 15, 2020] Errors in Florida virus positivity report- ... actual rate much lower- Wash Examiner

    Jul 15, 2020 |

    "errors in Florida virus positivity report: ... actual rate much lower" Wash Examiner

    "The investigation into data from the Florida Department of Health, conducted by Fox 35 News , showed labs reporting a 100% positivity rate in testing, meaning that every single person who was tested was positive for the coronavirus. Several other labs had high positivity rates upward of 80%.

    One hospital, Orlando Health, responded to the investigation and confirmed that the report is inaccurate, saying that its positivity rate was 9.4% and not 98% as the report stated.

    Another hospital, Orlando Veteran's Medical Center, is listed in the report with a positivity rate of 76%, but the hospital says the actual number was 6%." Washington Examiner


    Evidently there are over 300 facilities in Florida that have been reporting wildly exaggerated positivity rates on COVID-19 testing. This seems to have occurred because of guidance given by the state medical department that was just blindly, madly ignorant as to how to do arithmetic, not calculus - arithmetic. Hey, Florida medical bureaucrats, how about the idea of having a few other people check your work product for accuracy before you issue guidance?

    The Democrats, devoid of conscience when power is at stake, are having a wonderful time using worthless numbers from all over the country in their propaganda. In fact the only numbers that matter are the death and the hospitalization rates. Even these must be looked at carefully to know if deaths are falsely being attributed to COVID-19 and if people are being hospitalized with mild illnesses. pl

    nbsp; akaPatience , 15 July 2020 at 11:49 AM

    The elderly account for the majority of COVID-19 deaths. It was reported in USA Today a few months ago that Medicare reimbursement for pneumonia, a major cause of death, is $5,000. IF COVID-19 is claimed as the cause of death, Medicare reimburses $13,000. I wonder how many hospital administrators are opting for more than 2.5X the Medicare reimbursement by stating the official causes of death are the virus, especially when a positive COVID test result apparently isn't required and/or if COVID isn't the primary cause of death?

    BillWade , 15 July 2020 at 11:49 AM

    If these medical math idiots keep this up here in Florida I hope they are ready to cook their own meals 24/7 cause they are wrecking havoc on our restaurants, not to mention the lost incomes these hard working restaurant folks are experiencing.

    At least our county, Charlotte, voted yesterday to no mandatory mask wearing.

    nbsp; Fred , 15 July 2020 at 12:23 PM

    This is woke war, just like with little miss SJW who sabatagued Florida's Covid-19 dashboard. Some folks should go to jail for fraud, but we only fine and jail people for going to the beach now.

    Lesly , 15 July 2020 at 12:26 PM

    I don't think this is a DNC conspiracy. This is a S. Florida thing.

    Medical fraud is crazy high there. Scammers have used the cover of Florida's older demographic to bill state/federal authorities for services/products neither requested nor rendered for years, perhaps decades. My mother received a call from someone to confirm she would be receiving a medical machine in the 90s. Recently my father told me about two friends who waited over two hours to get tested. They got fed up and left, but not before they signed a form with their information. They received a call about a week later informing them they tested positive. Apparently testers are getting a nice government refund for their services.

    I don't think Japan shut down their economy and they have had minimal cases/deaths due to their habit of wearing masks. The Colorado governor is right if you don't have a medical reason to not wear a mask.

    BABAK MAKKINEJAD , 15 July 2020 at 12:50 PM

    From BBC 2018: it was sent to me by another friend and is interesting. Most probably, that epidemic completely passed you by. And yet: There were around 50,100 excess winter deaths in England and Wales in 2017-18 -- the highest since the winter of 1975-76, figures from the Office for National Statistics show.

    Where was the panic then?

    nbsp; Fred , 15 July 2020 at 12:55 PM


    Thank goodness NY,NJ,MI and all the other states are fraud free. The Japanese did not start wearing masks because of corona viruses. Try tuberculous and its history in the islands.

    Eric Newhill , 15 July 2020 at 01:01 PM

    AkaPatience has it right. There are financial incentives to hospitals to include even a presumed diagnosis of CV-19. There are also financial incentives to cities and states to maximize case and death counts. CDC guidelines are wide open for a loose "interpretation" of what constitutes a CV-19 death. Those of us who actually look at the real data with the mission of understanding big insurance bottom lines (vents, ICU, etc. are very expensive encounters) see that a substantial proportion of CV-19 attributed hospitalizations and deaths are actually due to other causes and the CV-19 was either "presumed" or was present, but not the primary cause (e.g heart attack in a person with a history of cardiac issues).

    When we look at the so called "excess deaths" across the country we are not seeing a CV-19 driven phenomenon. Looking at CV-19 in isolated geographies, such as New York City, there was a small effect, but that has stopped. More importantly, when we look at years of life lost, we are not seeing anything of note, even in NYC; meaning that the deceased are people that were expected to be deceased within 12 months CV-19 or no CV-19 - though, admittedly, that picture won't be 100% clear until a retrospective assessment next year.

    BABAK MAKKINEJAD , 15 July 2020 at 01:28 PM

    An iconoclastic take on the pandemic, and the measures taken to contain it

    Some of the statements may be disputed today (this article was published about 4 weeks ago: see below), but many of the points made still stand. The author is scathing about the data and the science, and their misuse. He makes a number of obvious points about the use of [faulty] masks, among other things. Regarding children, I am not sure it is as clear-cut as he presents the facts to be.

    No doubt this will be debated for many years to come, as it takes 10 to 15 years -- perhaps longer -- to get over the economic shock suffered since March 2020!

    Out of curiosity, I have compiled a few figures, below, with countries that did not take drastic lockdown measures (eg: Sweden), and those that did, but a bit late (eg: France), and finally those that took them early on (eg: Vietnam). If you look at Sweden, the ratio with France is about 1 to 6, which mirrors the population figures (10m Swedes Vs 67m French people, and 5,500 dead in Sweden Vs 30,000 dead in France). In other words, the French had a complete lockdown and the Swedes did not, but the figures are comparable: on that basis, the Swedes were right and the French were wrong. But if you look at Vietnam -- an extreme case (of success) -- you have close to 100m people and zero deaths.

    My conclusion would be that draconian measures early on work, but they may not be a complete and general lockdown of the entire population (as done in the UK for 4 months or so); it may be the quarantine of sick people (or suspected cases) with systematic contact tracing. But what is for sure is that a complete lockdown introduced too late (eg: UK and to a lesser extent France, Italy and Spain) is of little benefit.

    The UK, thus, had the worst outcome: a complete lockdown that was introduced 10 to 20 days too late at least, and a huge shock to the economy, with 50,000 dead, which is a sad record in Europe.

    Germany is a mixed model up to a point, and has done far better than France or the UK, maybe because measures were taken earlier, and also the health-care system is better resourced and more resilient (c.9,000 dead out of >80 m people).


    Coronavirus Cases:
    Population 10.25 m

    Coronavirus Cases:
    Pop.: 8.9 m

    Coronavirus Cases:
    Pop.: 83 m

    Coronavirus Cases:
    Pop.: 67 m

    >95 m population
    372 confirmed cases
    No deaths (zero)

    Confirmed cases 1,545
    Population: 4.9 m

    South Korea
    Population: 62 m
    Coronavirus Cases:

    nbsp; turcopolier , 15 July 2020 at 02:07 PM


    You assume that all these countries are not lying about the numbers. Do you have some way to prove that they are not?

    BABAK MAKKINEJAD , 15 July 2020 at 02:11 PM

    Col. Lang:

    I cannot prove a negative.

    I am more trusting of the numbers of New Zealand and Sweden and Michigan.

    nbsp; turcopolier , 15 July 2020 at 02:13 PM


    It is an issue whether or not you can prove a negative. Why Michigan?

    BABAK MAKKINEJAD , 15 July 2020 at 02:18 PM

    The numbers from Michigan, Sweden, and France are internally consistent among one another - the ratios are close.

    BABAK MAKKINEJAD , 15 July 2020 at 02:37 PM

    There was a report of COVID-19 in Barcelona back in March of 2019.

    This would mean the number of infected people is far, far higher, hence the relative death rate must be far, far lower.

    Furthermore, we could be encountering different variants of the virus at different time periods and places.

    It could be that the variant in Vietnam was different than the one in Wuhan or in Italy.

    Furthermore, different races could have, collectively, different responses to the same pathogen; measles is not as deadly among Near Eastern children as among the Nordic children - for example.

    Eric Newhill , 15 July 2020 at 02:43 PM

    You are absolutely correct. Florida is a fraud outlier. There was so much fraud on ACA insurance that at least one major insurance company will no longer offer ACA products in some of the more populous zip codes. A lot of the fraud was involving narcotics prescriptions and drug rehab centers (massive), but there was a wide variety of other forms of fraud as well. I hear the same from the Medicare Advantage teams.

    [Jul 14, 2020] C has it correct. Everything besides death rates is meaningless. Unfortunately, the deaths need to be genuine Covid deaths not just any death.

    Jul 14, 2020 |

    Bull Gator , Jul 14 2020 5:11 utc | 73

    I am a Biomedical Scientist with expertise in this area. Made antibodies and PCR tests for a living for 35 years, I did other stuff to but I did make some World Class Antibodies and other discoveries. My gut feeling is that all of these tests are tremendously flawed and not reliable in any way to make any kind of decision for either the patient or society. It is almost impossible to create a truly specific test and and it would take a considerable amount of time and effort to get one that could be performed on large numbers of samples. At least a year or more even with a Herculean effort. So the bottom line is it is all Bull Shit at best. Garbage in Garbage out is what you have. Would you base anything in your life on information that you know is inaccurate? You would have to be intoxicated, greedy or needing sex badly to go to that place. The Scum of humanity has pushed a large number of people to that state. I think the outcome is going to be very unpleasant for many.

    [Jul 10, 2020] Losing around forty thousand men killed and wounded in a single day, many of whom would succumb to their wounds or freeze to death shortly was not uncommon during WWI or WWII.

    Jul 10, 2020 |

    likbez 07.10.20 at 9:08 pm

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Losing around forty thousand men killed and wounded in a single day, many of whom would succumb to their wounds or freeze to death shortly was not uncommon during WWI or WWII.

    They tried to defend their country, the economy, etc.

    There too many despicable cowards now. Especially among jingoistic US politicians.

    Operation Bagration - Wikipedia

    Between 22 June and 4 July 1944, Army Group Centre lost 25 divisions and 300,000 men

    Russian probably lost twice as much.

    [Jun 26, 2020] Dr. Karl Friston, made waves when he published his study mapping the real susceptibility of contracting Coronavirus. His suggests that 80% are not susceptible and challenge the rationale for a lockdown

    Jun 26, 2020 |

    Agent76 , says: Show Comment June 23, 2020 at 2:27 pm GMT


    Named the "most influential" brain scientist of our time, Dr. Karl Friston, made waves when he published his study mapping the real susceptibility of contracting Coronavirus. His results are staggering and challenge the rationale for a lockdown like no other.

    Jun 15, 2020 The Collapse of the COVID-1984 Narrative

    Now that the major institutions pushing the COVID panic are now admitting that the virus is not an existential threat and the lockdowns were not necessary, what does this mean for the future of the COVID-1984 police state and the ushering in of the new "biosecurity" paradigm?

    [Jun 25, 2020] A summary on COVID-19 from Deap

    Notable quotes:
    "... Several nurses, e.g. in New York City, described an oftentimes fatal medical mismanagement of Covid patients due to questionable financial incentives or inappropriate medical protocols. ..."
    Jun 22, 2020 |
    22 June 2020 A summary on COVID-19 from "Deap"

    "From an alleged media research and review organization: Trust, but verify. COVID-19 - what we now know today Overview According to the latest immunological and serological studies, the overall lethality of Covid-19 (IFR) is about 0.1% and thus in the range of a strong seasonal influenza (flu). In countries like the US, the UK, and also Sweden (without a lockdown), overall mortality since the beginning of the year is in the range of a strong influenza season; in countries like Germany, Austria and Switzerland, overall mortality is in the range of a mild influenza season. Even in global "hotspots", the risk of death for the general population of school and working age is typically in the range of a daily car ride to work. The risk was initially overestimated because many people with only mild or no symptoms were not taken into account. Up to 80% of all test-positive persons remain symptom-free.

    Even among 70-79 year olds, about 60% remain symptom-free. Over 95% of all persons develop at most moderate symptoms. Up to 60% of all persons may already have a certain cellular background immunity to Covid19 due to contact with previous coronaviruses (i.e. common cold viruses).

    The median or average age of the deceased in most countries (including Italy) is over 80 years and only about 4% of the deceased had no serious preconditions. The age and risk profile of deaths thus essentially corresponds to normal mortality. In many countries, up to two thirds of all extra deaths occurred in nursing homes, which do not benefit from a general lockdown. Moreover, in many cases it is not clear whether these people really died from Covid19 or from weeks of extreme stress and isolation. Up to 30% of all additional deaths may have been caused not by Covid19, but by the effects of the lockdown, panic and fear. For example, the treatment of heart attacks and strokes decreased by up to 60% because many patients no longer dared to go to hospital. Even in so-called "Covid19 deaths" it is often not clear whether they died from or with coronavirus (i.e. from underlying diseases) or if they were counted as "presumed cases" and not tested at all. However, official figures usually do not reflect this distinction. Many media reports of young and healthy people dying from Covid19 turned out to be false: many of these young people either did not die from Covid19, they had already been seriously ill (e.g. from undiagnosed leukaemia), or they were in fact 109 instead of 9 years old. T

    he claimed increase in Kawasaki disease in children also turned out to be false. Strong increases in regional mortality can occur if there is a collapse in the care of the elderly and sick as a result of infection or panic, or if there are additional risk factors such as severe air pollution. Questionable regulations for dealing with the deceased sometimes led to additional bottlenecks in funeral or cremation services. In countries such as Italy and Spain, and to some extent the UK and the US, hospital overloads due to strong flu waves are not unusual.

    Moreover, this year up to 15% of health care workers were put into quarantine, even if they developed no symptoms. The often shown exponential curves of "corona cases" are misleading, as the number of tests also increased exponentially. In most countries, the ratio of positive tests to tests overall (i.e. the positive rate) remained constant at 5% to 25% or increased only slightly. In many countries, the peak of the spread was already reached well before the lockdown.

    Countries without curfews and contact bans, such as Japan, South Korea, Belarus or Sweden, have not experienced a more negative course of events than other countries. Sweden was even praised by the WHO and now benefits from higher immunity compared to lockdown countries.

    The fear of a shortage of ventilators was unjustified. According to lung specialists, the invasive ventilation (intubation) of Covid19 patients, which is partly done out of fear of spreading the virus, is in fact often counterproductive and damaging to the lungs.

    Contrary to original assumptions, various studies have shown that there is no evidence of the virus spreading through aerosols (i.e. tiny particles floating in the air) or through smear infections (e.g. on door handles or smartphones). The main modes of transmission are direct contact and droplets produced when coughing or sneezing.

    There is also no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of face masks in healthy or asymptomatic individuals. On the contrary, experts warn that such masks interfere with normal breathing and may become "germ carriers". Leading doctors called them a "media hype" and "ridiculous". Many clinics in Europe and the US remained strongly underutilized or almost empty during the Covid19 peak and in some cases had to send staff home.

    Millions of surgeries and therapies were cancelled, including many cancer screenings and organ transplants. Several media were caught trying to dramatize the situation in hospitals, sometimes even with manipulative images and videos. In general, the unprofessional reporting of many media maximized fear and panic in the population. The virus test kits used internationally are prone to errors and can produce false positive and false negative results. Moreover, the official virus test was not clinically validated due to time pressure and may sometimes react positive to other coronaviruses.

    Numerous internationally renowned experts in the fields of virology, immunology and epidemiology consider the measures taken to be counterproductive and recommend rapid natural immunisation of the general population and protection of risk groups. At no time was there a medical reason for the closure of schools, as the risk of disease and transmission in children is extremely low.

    There is also no medical reason for small classes, masks or 'social distancing' rules in schools. The claim that only (severe) Covid-19 but not influenza may cause venous thrombosis and pulmonary (lung) embolism is not true, as it has been known for 50 years that severe influenza greatly increases the risk of thrombosis and embolism, too. Several medical experts described express coronavirus vaccines as unnecessary or even dangerous. Indeed, the vaccine against the so-called swine flu of 2009, for example, led to sometimes severe neurological damage and lawsuits in the millions. In the testing of new coronavirus vaccines, too, serious complications and failures have already occurred.

    A global influenza or corona pandemic can indeed extend over several seasons, but many studies of a "second wave" are based on very unrealistic assumptions, such as a constant risk of illness and death across all age groups. Several nurses, e.g. in New York City, described an oftentimes fatal medical mismanagement of Covid patients due to questionable financial incentives or inappropriate medical protocols.

    The number of people suffering from unemployment, depressions and domestic violence as a result of the measures has reached historic record values. Several experts predict that the measures will claim far more lives than the virus itself. According to the UN 1.6 billion people around the world are at immediate risk of losing their livelihood.

    NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden warned that the "corona crisis" will be used for the permanent expansion of global surveillance. Renowned virologist Pablo Goldschmidt spoke of a "global media terror" and "totalitarian measures".

    Leading British virologist Professor John Oxford spoke of a "media epidemic". More than 600 scientists have warned of an "unprecedented surveillance of society" through problematic apps for "contact tracing". In some countries, such "contact tracing" is already carried out directly by the secret service. In several parts of the world, the population is already being monitored by drones and facing serious police overreach. A 2019 WHO study on public health measures against pandemic influenza found that from a medical perspective, "contact tracing" is "not recommended in any circumstances". Nevertheless, contact tracing apps have already become partially mandatory in several countries." Deap

    turcopolier , 22 June 2020 at 03:54 PM


    "an alleged media research and review organization" Who? I have been doing fatality % for Virginia and Alexandria on a daily basis, the number is consistently .02% on a developing cumulative basis. Hey, folks, suck it up! Move on!

    jerseycityjoan , 22 June 2020 at 04:57 PM
    If this is "alleged" then why should I trust it? Anybody can write anything on the Internet and make it sound official.

    This item sounds suspect, for example:

    "Several medical experts described express coronavirus vaccines as unnecessary or even dangerous. Indeed, the vaccine against the so-called swine flu of 2009, for example, led to sometimes severe neurological damage and lawsuits in the millions. In the testing of new coronavirus vaccines, too, serious complications and failures have already occurred."

    I thought we were eagerly awaiting a good vaccine. Just because developing and using a vaccine is not without risk and disappointment is no reason to jump to the conclusion that we should stop attempting to get an effective vaccine. If the swine flu vaccine of 2009 had been that prolematic the damage suits would have amounted in the multi-billions, not the millions.

    walrus , 22 June 2020 at 05:36 PM

    Professor John Oxford, whom you quote about a "media epidemic" certainly doesn't agree with your position.

    As for your post, it completely misses the main point, even if you are correct about the mildness of the infection; that is the logistical consequences of millions of sick people : (a) not turning up for work, and (b) swamping and breaking the medical infrastructure.

    You need to understand that we have only 8.5 million cases and 400,000 deaths according to WHO. World population is over 5 billion. You fail to understand the potential scale of this thing.

    To put it another way; we are dealing with a small grassfire at present. The forest is as yet unbutton and unprotected.

    Terence Gore , 22 June 2020 at 05:45 PM

    contains links to the claims

    voislav , 22 June 2020 at 07:05 PM
    There is a lot wrong with this article. A lot of vague, unsupported, and false statements, no links or anything. "Experts", "Leading doctors", etc., again, who are the people saying these things and what are their credentials? I won't go into all of it since that would be too long, but I'll address one thing.

    Regarding mortality rate, the statement "latest immunological and serological studies, the overall lethality of Covid-19 (IFR) is about 0.1%" is utter nonsense. Immunological and serological studies are not used to determine lethality, they look at antibody formation and corresponding viral load.

    0.1% number is just made up, current US death rate is 0.035% vs. overall population (so 120,000 deaths over 340 million people), Europe is slightly higher at 0.045%. For comparison, typical flu season is much less severe, it's 0.01% vs. overall population, bad flu season is 0.02%. So, this is already twice as bad as the worst flu seasons, and it still has ways to go.

    And yes, there is a discussion to be had on how deaths are attributed (COVID-caused vs. COVID-incidental), but that cuts both ways. Many people likely died before they were tested, especially amongst the older population.

    Upstater , 22 June 2020 at 07:33 PM
    There is considerable information presented, much of which I have not seen before. Key statements should have footnotes directing us to source material. Without references this is mostly hearsay.
    walrus , 22 June 2020 at 08:23 PM
    The content of this article is a cut and paste from a disreputable "swiss policy research institute" that has no credentials. While the original article has links, they lead to more hearsay.
    Randy , 22 June 2020 at 08:27 PM
    Article is a total load of crap, unfounded statements. I read some good stuff on SST but also some garbage which this article is, pure garbage.
    Jim , 22 June 2020 at 09:24 PM

    What is different now: cause of death as COVID-19 are affixed to death certificates when there is no actual medical confirmation.

    The CDC sent out a letter to the "medical community" months ago, to record deaths with COVID-19 when it might be, or could be, or someone feels it was, etc., along with when it is actually verified as the primary cause, and of course when it was present but not necessarily a cause of the cause of death.

    It will take a while to sort this out, if it ever is sorted out. Until then, death rates are inaccurate for this disease, period.

    The CDC's action/recommendation was and is very controversial, yet media hyenas rarely discuss it as their agenda is what it is.


    J , 22 June 2020 at 10:30 PM

    ALL phones (android and apple) have contact tracing software embedded in the phone's core software tied to the bluetooth.

    drb , 22 June 2020 at 10:42 PM
    For those wo are interested, the IFR (the mortality rate for those who have antibodies) has been measured or calculated in 60+ papers. They are listed here below with links to the original papers

    a mortality of 0.3% is a very strong flu, like 1957 or 1968. However, we will never know the "true" mortality since so many states forced nursing homes to take in covid patients, creating artificially high mortality compared to other years.

    Also please see Ref. 25 in the following link, a letter sent to Merkel by two german doctors. No one with good vitamin D dies.

    doug , 22 June 2020 at 11:06 PM
    Ioannidis, who has long been the most skeptical of Covid-19's seriousness, just published an analysis of IFR from a large number of countries.

    However, it's already killed .16% of all the residents of New York State. So the IFR there is at least .16% and that would require all of NY had been infected. Serologic studies show less than 20% have been infected. Most in the City with much fewer in outlying areas.

    IFR varies considerably between countries and regions. For instance it's lower in Calif (0.2% ish). than New York (> .6% ish). Ioannidis lists the median (not mean which is higher) IFR as .26%.

    This is indeed evidence that something, aside from the well known age and co-morbidities, strongly affects the lethality of Covid-19. It may be vitamin D deficiency, or partial cross-immunity from corona virus that cause a portion of common colds. And that likely means places like NY have higher IFRs than most other places.

    On the other hand lots of places like Fla. are opening up. Young people are crowding the bars and the positive test numbers are spiking to record levels. Since they are young they are very unlikely to die or even get seriously ill. And deaths are not increasing. At least for now. And I don't expect deaths in Fla. to be anywhere near NY.

    Yeah, Right , 23 June 2020 at 12:21 AM
    And yet.. and yet.. and yet..

    I keep having this nagging thought at the back of my mind, and it is elegent in its simplicity: those nations which insisted in taking this seriously from the very beginning have done very well, with few deaths, and are now resuming "normal services" while keeping the rest of the world at arms length.

    While those countries that essentially shrugged their shoulders and took half-measures are still struggling with no end in sight.

    How odd, hey?

    Yet I read this article and it reads for all the world like Deap has concluded that the latter group erred by being too harsh, not in being too slack.

    I live in a country with roughly 1/10th of the USA's population, and it has had less than 1/100th the number of deaths. And it is coming out of lockdown with nary an uptick in new infections.

    There would be very, very few people here who would conclude that Deap has the faintest idea what he is talking about.

    Mike46 , 23 June 2020 at 12:28 AM
    "The Case Fatality Rate (CFR) is the ratio between confirmed deaths and confirmed cases.
    During an outbreak of a pandemic the CFR is a poor measure of the mortality risk of the disease. We explain this in detail at" *

    Link to Chart:

    CFR for the US on June 22nd was 5.26%. The global CFR on June 22nd was 5.25%

    *Case fatality rate of COVID-19 (%) (Only observations with ≥100 cases)
    Variable time span Jan 19, 2020 – Jun 22, 2020
    Data published by European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)

    Raw data on confirmed cases and deaths for all countries is sourced from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).

    Our complete COVID-19 dataset is a collection of the COVID-19 data maintained by Our World in Data. It is updated daily and includes data on confirmed cases, deaths, and testing.

    We have created a new description of all our data sources. You find it at our GitHub repository here. There you can download all of our data.


    Terence Gore , 23 June 2020 at 01:02 AM

    just following random links

    Some of the information seems to be well sourced to me. Whether or not I can make heads or tails of it is a different story

    Deap , 23 June 2020 at 01:08 AM
    The Mercury News: NB: non-peer reviewed study at time of publication

    ".....The risk study by Dr. Rajiv Bhatia, clinical assistant professor of primary care and population health at Stanford, and Dr. Jeffrey Klauser, adjunct professor of epidemiology at UCLA, looked at publicly available case incidence data for the week ending May 30 in the 100 largest U.S. counties as states began to reopen.

    "The thing we are looking for is to start a discussion of risk," Bhatia said. "We're bombarded with data on death and cases."

    The study found a person in a typical medium to large U.S. county who has a single random contact with another person has, on average, a 1 in 3,836 chance of being infected without social distancing, hand-washing or mask-wearing.

    If that sounds like a tolerable risk, consider the odds of being hospitalized. The study found a 50-to-64-year-old person who has a single random contact has, on average, a 1 in 852,000 chance of being hospitalized or a 1 in 19.1 million chance of dying based on rates as of the last week of May.

    "We were surprised how low the relative risk was," Klausner said....."

    Mike46 , 23 June 2020 at 01:12 AM
    There is an old saying I heard many years ago - I think it was from Bob Frodle, my first boss. Don't recall the actual context of the conversation. Here it is: "Figures don't lie but liars can figure". It is even more relevant today.

    I was curious about the origin of this quotation. It's been around since at least 1854. I particularly enjoyed this one from a little later in an 1888 article on free trade from a Sacramento newspaper:

    "It was a highly protective measure. The cry of free trade was a false one, and was maliciously put forth by "the uncrowned king" and other Republican leaders. Figures would not lie, but liars will figure, and were doing so in this campaign. She said that not a mill would shut down or a hammer stop from the passage of the Mills bill. Too much money was being made by them."

    The Mills bill never became law, BTW.

    Mike46 , 23 June 2020 at 02:16 AM

    Mercola has been called a charlatan.

    Wikipedia (I know it's easily manipulated) but you can verify this for yourself:

    "Mercola's medical claims have been criticized by the medical, scientific, regulatory and business communities. A 2006 BusinessWeek editorial stated his marketing practices relied on "slick promotion, clever use of information, and scare tactics."[4] In 2005, 2006, and 2011, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned Mercola and his company that they were making illegal claims of their products' ability to detect, prevent, and treat disease.[8] The medical watchdog site Quackwatch has criticized Mercola for making "unsubstantiated claims [that] clash with those of leading medical and public health organizations and many unsubstantiated recommendations for dietary supplements."[9] Of Mercola's marketing techniques, oncology surgeon David Gorski says it "mixes the boring, sensible health advice with pseudoscientific advice in such a way that it's hard for someone without a medical background to figure out which is which."[10]


    DC , 23 June 2020 at 02:17 AM
    The article appears to be designed to get things back to normal so the stock market doesn't crash and portfolios of debt assets don't need to be written down from coming defaults.

    I think it should be considered that we won't get the economy back unless people feel safe.

    For anyone who says it's not real and you don't need to wear a mask, I say; "you go first, I'll hold your beer"!

    Eric Newhill , 23 June 2020 at 07:10 AM
    I agree with a lot of what the article says.

    Regarding the increases in new cases in some states;
    1. Primarily due to more testing. Most of the new cases are asymptomatic and are in people under 40 years old. Very little threat.
    2. The increase in hospitalizations in some states is a small number and is due to people who are in the hospital for elective surgeries (big backlog after three months of no elective surgeries permitted) and for labor and delivery. They are tested now upon being admitted. Yes, they are in the hospital and, yes, they tested positive, but they are in the hospital for reasons unrelated to C-19 and are asymptomatic.

    The people pushing this latter statistic as evidence of a "second wave" are real scum. IMO, they want to have the people too scared to go to the ballots so there can be vote tampering with mail-in ballots. I have no evidence for this particular claim. It's just my sense. Points 1 and 2 are from data.

    Eric Newhill , 23 June 2020 at 07:11 AM
    "Dear" should = "DEAP".

    I always forget that this computer has a hyperactive autocorrect

    mcohen , 23 June 2020 at 07:13 AM
    I dunno man.i dunno.this whole thing is off.what if a second new virus,not covid 19,but uses covid 19 antibodies as a pathway to do serious damage.a 1-2 knockout blow
    Weigh that up against over population.Yes,I do believe we are all living it right now.It has been spoken about and now 2020 it has started.
    Just imagine.Todays teens living in a future world where all the whales are dead.Just bones left in a museum.Too many people.
    The Chinese and Indians went hand to hand.That will become future combat.MAD is bad.unsustainable.Bring all the troops home,scrap the weapons.Change the rules of engagement.knives and hand to hand combat only
    English Outsider , 23 June 2020 at 07:48 AM
    Deap - I also am disappointed in the way the pandemic's been handled by most Western countries. Walrus tells us that by late last year virologists knew something nasty was brewing. Yet as late as mid-February of this year the responsible authority in Europe was assuring us that there was "low risk" to the general population. I assume the Health Authorities were asleep at the wheel in the US as well, because apart from Trump's limited ban on China travel - and that decision, I believe, taken in defiance of the then general consensus - the US also seems to have been late responding.

    The stats tell us little when it comes to national comparisons. Sweden's sometimes compared to other Scandinavian countries with lower death rates and this is instanced as showing failure of the Swedish approach. But this ignores the fact that Swedish care homes are larger than in the neighbouring countries and poorly run, so they were due for higher death rates in any case.

    In the UK there seems to be a policy of reporting cause of death as Covid when, say, that patient was due to die of an unrelated comorbidity. I think this is correct reporting because if I were due to die of cancer in a couple of years it'd still be Covid that killed me today, but it means that countries that don't report deaths in the same way seem to be doing better when they're not.

    Also in the UK we worsened the death rate by sending infected patients back to care homes. So UK comparisons don't help much in that respect either when it comes to looking at what the best policy is.

    For what they're worth the stats so far show the US not doing too badly when it comes to deaths per million. You ought to be doing a lot worse, given the high level of international travel and given that the conditions in the inner cities are ideal conditions for transmission. Perhaps, therefore, there's worse to come. My uninformed guess is that there probably is. In any case the US national stats tell us very little when it comes to making comparisons between this or that national policy. One cannot lump an entire continent together like that.

    But the stats are going to be argued about for ever. Away from all that there are two aspects I think are not sufficiently considered.

    1. I don't accept the "let it rip because they're due to die anyway" approach. That goes against normal principles of public health, particularly so in this case because we still know little about the virus.

    2. I don't think we've got our heads around the economic effects if no vaccine or effective treatment turns up.

    Whatever governments do the vulnerable are going to isolate anyway. I met a young woman recently who has a condition that means if she gets Covid she dies, no question. Of course she's going to take what precautions she can, and does.

    Millions of the vulnerable are in the same boat. The UK Prime Minister is in his fifties and nearly died of Covid. You can be quite sure that there are now plenty of the economically active of that age and older who saw that and who will now tend to keep away from gatherings where they might catch the disease too. The resultant changes in our patterns of consumption and our patterns of work will be profoundly disruptive to the already tottering economies of many Western countries.

    For those two reasons I believe there's a strong argument for going all out to eradicate the disease or to severely limit its spread. I think your view is that the crude national or State-wide lockdowns aren't the best way to tackle the problem and that I agree with wholeheartedly. But we should still be looking to be doing much more than we are to tackle it and, if possible, to prevent the disease entirely

    Poul , 23 June 2020 at 08:29 AM
    A feature of Sweden is that the politicians have very little to say in how a pandemic is handled.

    According to Swedish constitutional tradition since ca 1632 political leaders cannot interfere with the decisions of government agencies.

    So no matter what urges/fears a Swedish politician may have (in order to curry favour with the voters). It's a technocratic decision by experts on how the situation is to be handled.

    Such a practice could very well lead to better decisions than what we have seen in many other European countries.

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    The 122,000 deaths in the US so far is conclusive evidence that COVID-19 is no ordinary flu, which kills about 40,000 a year. And the toll will be much higher, since cases in many states are spiking.

    Posted by: JohnH | 23 June 2020 at 10:24 AM " Verify your Comment Previewing your Comment

    [Jun 23, 2020] Stanford Prof Median Infection Fatality Rate Of COVID-19 For Those Under-70 Is Just 0.04%

    Jun 23, 2020 |

    Stanford Prof: Median Infection Fatality Rate Of COVID-19 For Those Under-70 Is Just 0.04% by Tyler Durden Mon, 06/22/2020 - 22:50 Authored by Daniel Payne via,

    A scientist known for his contrarian takes to dire COVID-19 predictions has released a paper claiming that antibody evidence suggests the median coronavirus infection fatality rate for those under 70 is just 0.04%.

    The estimate throws into sharp relief the lopsided mortality figures for the disease, which has claimed an inordinate number of elderly people across the planet while leaving younger individuals mostly unscathed.

    John Ioannidis, a professor of epidemiology and population health at Stanford University, argues in a paper published earlier this month that COVID-19 "seroprevalence studies," which measure infection rates using the presence of antibodies in blood samples, "typically show a much lower fatality than initially speculated in the earlier days of the pandemic."

    "It should be appreciated," he writes in the paper, "that [the fatality rate] is not a fixed physical constant and it can vary substantially across locations, depending on the population structure, the case-mix of infected and deceased individuals and other, local factors. "

    In the paper, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, Ioannidis surveyed 23 different seroprevalence studies and found that "among people <70 years old, infection fatality rates ranged from ... 0.00-0.23% with median of 0.04%."

    The median fatality rate of all cases, he writes, is 0.26%, significantly lower than some earlier estimates that suggested rates as high as over 3%.

    In the paper, Ioannidis acknowledges that "while COVID-19 is a formidable threat," the apparently low fatality rate compared to earlier estimates "is a welcome piece of evidence."

    "Decision-makers can use measures that will try to avert having the virus infect people and settings who are at high risk of severe outcomes," he writes.

    "These measures may be possible to be far more precise and tailored to specific high- risk individuals and settings than blind lockdown of the entire society."

    [Jun 19, 2020] Fake Science And Public Hysteria - The New Driving Force Of Politics

    Jun 18, 2020 |

    International Man : The Lancet recently retracted an anti-hydroxychloroquine study, which the media had used to attack Trump.

    Trump had admitted to taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventative measure against the coronavirus. The media then went into a frenzy. The talking heads often cited The Lancet study as proof hydroxychloroquine was dangerous.

    The bottom line is that bogus research made its way -- likely deliberately -- into one of the most prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals in the world. People then used this "science" as a political weapon.

    What is your take on this?

    Doug Casey : I'd say the whole charade is tragic, except that "tragic" has become the most overused word in the language today. It bears a short discussion.

    Look at the recent death of a small-time career criminal, George Floyd. It's as if "tragic" were part of his name. It's as if people no longer understand the meaning of the word. A tragedy used to mean that a heroic protagonist succumbed to a cosmic force. There are no heroes in the degraded melodrama, just villains, where a costumed thug murdered a street thug under the color of law.

    Sorry to go off on a tangent. But it's a timely instance of another word whose meaning has been twisted. It's Orwellian, like so many other things in our devolving society.

    Let's talk about something that's actually tragic: the corruption of science over the last couple of generations.

    I've subscribed to Scientific American , Discover, and New Scientist for many years. During this time, I've noticed a distinct change in their respective editorial policies. They've all been politicized, captured by the PC left. These popular magazines are nowhere near the quality they once were. But this is just symptomatic of a bigger problem.

    You might recall the 2018 hoax where three academics, disgusted with widespread incompetence and dishonesty in research, submitted absurd "spoof" papers to twenty leading journals. They were written in gobbledygook, full of made-up facts and flawed reasoning. But most, as I recall, were peer-reviewed and published.

    If you research the subject a bit, you come to the conclusion half the peer-reviewed papers -- absolutely in "soft" fields like psychology, sociology, political science, race and gender studies, etc. -- are unreadable, dishonest, useless, and pointless.

    Why might this be? If an academic wants to advance in today's university system, he has to publish research. It's Pareto's Law in action, the 80–20 rule. It's pretty reliable, 80% of this sort of thing is crap because it's written mainly to fabricate credentials, not advance knowledge.

    This is a bad thing.

    It's causing the average guy, who may not know anything about science but still has some respect for it, to lose that respect. That's because science has become politicized.

    You can see it with the conflicting information about COVID-19. Is it deadly or just another seasonal flu? Does it affect everyone, like the black death, or mainly the old and sick? Does almost everyone who contracts the virus get very sick or die or only a tiny percentage? Should you quarantine or live normally?

    So far, as near as I can tell, the great virus hysteria has gone from being the next black plague to basically a big nothing. It's not nearly as bad as the Asian Flu from the 50s or the Hong Kong Flu from the 60s. Forget about the Spanish Flu -- there's no comparison whatsoever. The main effect of COVID isn't medical; it's the hysteria that's destroyed the economy. And political actions are even more insane than those after 9/11.

    Politics thrives on hysteria. The politicization of everything is the real problem. And it's not just about the total disruption of society and multitrillion-dollar deficits. For instance, I've played poker with a bunch of guys in Aspen every Monday night for years. Now, even though the lockdown in town is easing, the group is breaking up because most of them insist that everyone wear a mask. I won't, nor will a couple of other guys. So, between that and a few guys who are now scared to socialize no matter what game over. It may also mean the end of a larger Friday business lunch group I belong to that's been around for decades.

    There are millions of similar small rips in the social fabric taking place everywhere now. And they're largely justified by "the science."

    The real problem is that the knock-on effects of the virus will last much, much longer than the trivial virus itself -- which will soon burn out and be forgotten. The political, economic, and social changes, however, will linger for years, as will attitudes toward "science."

    International Man : What are the implications of people corrupting the scientific process to launder their political propaganda to shape mainstream opinions?

    Doug Casey : You might think this is a new thing, but the left, in particular -- who have always been advocates of social engineering -- love using "science" to further their political agenda.

    The first important instance of this was Karl Marx and his notion of "scientific socialism" -- a totally bogus idea.

    Since he first promoted it over 150 years ago, the concept has become ingrained in the culture, especially academia. People have been taught to believe there's such a thing as "scientific socialism," and that it's not just inevitable, but desirable. In fact, it's pseudoscience. But that's just the first example of corruption of science in modern times.

    Keynesianism is another example. Keynesians believe that they can manipulate the economy as if it were a machine.

    A machine is a horrible analogy for the economy, however. It's not a machine or a factory where you can pull levers to make magic happen -- which is precisely what the Keynesians (who run the economic world today) think they can do.

    The economy is more like a rainforest, which is very complex. It can't be manipulated from outside by apparatchiks enforcing rules. And if you do try to manipulate a rainforest from outside, you're likely to destroy it.

    Keynesianism is a perfect example of scientism (that's the use of the vocabulary and trappings of science for inappropriate subjects). You can see scientism used everywhere in the humanities and "soft" sciences. This is usually to legitimize some type of state intervention.

    Sociology and psychology are basically about social engineering. They're not generally scientific so much as scientistic. They often try to put a scientific patina on forcing people to interact with each other in prescribed ways.

    But it goes way beyond just sociology and psychology. English departments are notorious for using leftist literary works to insinuate certain ideas in students. Economics departments use arcane math formulas to describe human action -- pure scientism, with lots of ideological baggage. Marx himself was primarily a historian. Many college degrees today are completely bogus and worthless. An example? There are degrees in gender studies.

    The trend is way out of control. Ridiculous scientific concepts that started with Marx are everywhere.

    The same people -- by that, I mean those with Marxist, socialist, and Keynesian outlooks -- are behind the global warming frenzy, which is full of pseudoscience, fudged numbers, and bogus statistics.

    The latest manifestation of all this, of course, is the COVID hysteria.

    But behind it all is state funding of science -- Big Science. It started in earnest after World War II.

    Government funding is authorized by politicians. They make decisions for political reasons. In order to qualify, you have to come up with results that are politically acceptable, which itself is the best reason for not having any government funding.

    But some might ask: Without the government, where would Big Science get the billions needed for giant projects?

    In fact, most of the capital that goes into scientific research from the state would still go into science; knowledge has value. But money would be allocated economically, not politically, thereby creating more wealth -- much more than today, when much is wasted on politically caused boondoggles. Most government science spending is necessarily misallocated.

    The increasingly political nature of science funding has served to discredit the idea of science itself.

    International Man : The Democrats liken themselves as the so-called "Party of Science." What do you think?

    Doug Casey : It's nonsense, but it's very clever marketing on their part.

    They get away with it because the Republicans are basically the party of business. And more importantly, the people who vote Republican tend to be traditionalist and religion-oriented.

    That's a problem because scientific thinkers tend to see religion as irrelevant, dangerous, or even laughable -- at best, as an inaccurate or bogus way to describe the world.

    Democrats, on the other hand, are notoriously secular and non-religious. Coincidentally, so are most scientists. That's resulted in some unfortunate confusion. Democrats, illogically, seem to believe that just because they're secular, they must be scientific.

    The fact is, however, that the Democrats are not the party of science.

    In fact, they're the party of pseudoscience, bogus science, and scientism. Science doesn't mix well with politics -- or religion.

    But Democrats are clever marketers, linking themselves with science to differentiate themselves from Republicans, the party of tradition and religion.

    When you think about tradition and religion, it can bring to mind flat earth theories, geocentric astronomy, Torquemada, the persecution of Galileo, and witch trials. Democrats love to paint themselves as rational advanced thinkers and Republicans as superstitious atavists.

    Of course, religion and science have been at each other's throats forever. Another reason I've always said the Dems are more the evil party and the Reps more the stupid party. But a pox on both their houses

    International Man : Events like this seem to be a prime reason why a growing number of people are losing confidence in previously credible institutions and the self-anointed "experts."

    What does this mean?

    Doug Casey : Tens of millions now have college degrees that they think mean something. In fact, they're worth less than a high school diploma was before World War 2. People go on to get PhDs, which, it's always been said, stands for "piled higher and deeper."

    Especially since World War 2, government has gotten vastly bigger and involved in everything. Huge mistake

    The government's role is simple -- to protect people from coercion: protection from domestic coercion, which implies the police force; protection from transnational coercion, which implies an army; and providing justice within the country, which implies a judicial system.

    The government shouldn't do anything else.

    But since it's now involved in absolutely everything, you need "experts" to decide what's to be done.

    We see this today with people like Dr. Anthony Fauci, who's nothing more than a lifelong bureaucrat. He's lived in the swamp his entire life, and he's a typical technocrat. He believes he knows what's best for you.

    People like Fauci have assumed tremendous power over other people and the way society works. He's a clever politician and has been effective at backslapping and backstabbing. And wheedling his way into a high bureaucratic position. The government is full of people like him.

    Another important thing about COVID is that they call it a "health crisis."

    That's untrue for several reasons. First, health is something that you take care of yourself. It's personal, not public. As wonderful and as advanced as medicine has become, it's of little use for maintaining your health.

    You maintain your health through proper diet, exercise, and good habits. Medicine is about repairing damage if you have a serious injury or illness. It overlaps, obviously, but is essentially very different from health care.

    Anyway, COVID has been dressed up as an excuse to not just destroy the economy, but in many ways, destroy society itself. Similar to global warming, Keynesianism, Marxism, and other forms of scientism.

    It's one of many signs of how society is degrading at an accelerating rate.

    I don't know what the next massive boondoggle is going to be after this is over. You might recall the police state pictured in the excellent movie "V for Vendetta" was brought into being because of a fake virus epidemic. Talk about life imitating art! If things keep going in this direction, the US will start looking like the old USSR.

    International Man : Society is degrading at an accelerating pace. What can people do to protect themselves?

    Doug Casey : Unfortunately, the whole world seems to worship democracy. Democracy, however, is really just mob rule dressed in a coat and tie. Worse, that trend is not only still in motion, but it's accelerating.

    What can you do to protect yourself? It's becoming a situation of sauve qui peut -- every man for himself. That's where gold comes in.

    I've always been a fan of gold -- always for savings and often as a speculation. It's been great, and gold bugs have done very well. It's gone from $35 to over $1,700. And it's going much higher.

    It's a great way to save money and build capital over time. At the moment, I'm speculating in gold mining stocks , which are extremely cheap. I expect the next mania to be in them.

    But I don't have any political solutions for people, except to stop looking to politics as the solution to problems. And stop acting like a bunch of chimpanzees looking for a leader.

    Politics is the problem, the cause of most of today's problems. It's not the solution.

    * * *

    Economically, politically, and socially, the United States seems to be headed down a path that's not only inconsistent with the founding principles of the country but accelerating quickly toward boundless decay. It's contributing to a growing wave of misguided socialist ideas. That is precisely why NY Times best selling author, Doug Casey just released this urgent new video titled The Most Dangerous Event of the 21st Century which outlines what comes next and what you need to do to be ready.

    Click here to watch it now .

    [Jun 19, 2020] I Warned About the COVID and Now I Feel Like a Fool

    Notable quotes:
    "... Anthony DiMauro is a freelance writer based in New York City. His work has appeared in ..."
    "... , Real Clear Media, and elsewhere. You can follow him on Twitter @AnthonyMDiMauro. ..."
    Jun 15, 2020 |

    We do still need to worry about the coronavirus's spread. But how can we when the experts have completely forsaken our trust? Dr. Anthony Fauci (L), director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases speaks next to Response coordinator for White House Coronavirus Task Force Deborah Birx, during a meeting with US President Donald Trump and Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards D-LA in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC on April 29, 2020. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

    Since the pandemic began, I've been described as a so-called "COVID warrior," which makes some sense. After all, I've defended the shutdowns of large gatherings. I've insisted that it's wise to temporarily close churches and postpone funerals and other ceremonies. I've argued that extreme caution is necessary -- that to do anything else would be to blatantly and selfishly ignore the scientific information at our disposal. I've held the opinion that, although it has caused irrevocable harm to the economy and caused millions of people to suffer, business owners who close up shop for fear of spreading contagion are in the right.

    Now I feel like a fool.

    By no means am I a coronavirus denier -- more than 100,000 and counting have died from the COVID. But with conflicting reports about everything from wearing masks to the spread of the virus through surfaces coming out of the World Health Organization and the CDC almost weekly, my head is spinning. Nothing seems to make sense anymore.

    For fear of spreading the virus, health experts have consistently recommended shutting down and avoiding public spaces, including schools , playgrounds , public pools , and public transportation . They've also advocated for limiting large gatherings and closing anything that might draw crowds. It's advice that's been repeated for months -- to the point that those ignoring it have been reviled and accused of experimenting with " human sacrifice ."

    That's because asymptomatic carriers of the virus, though they may feel all right themselves, can become mass spreaders of the deadly contagion, especially in large groups. This is why Michigan residents protesting their state's lockdown in Lansing were deserving of shame -- they likely caused mass immiseration and sickness, right?

    Wrong. Turns out, health officials didn't really believe any of that.

    Just last week, the WHO announced that it's extremely rare for asymptomatic spreading of the coronavirus to occur. If you feel fine, then you're probably not a grave threat to anyone, especially if you're wearing a mask and gloves. Then the WHO backtracked on that statement, ultimately arriving at the completely unhelpful determination that " this is a major unknown ." Health experts simply don't know to what extent the disease is transmitted by asymptomatic carriers -- yet they still feel confident that the risks of the coronavirus shouldn't impact our protesting of police brutality.

    One rightly wonders how, within a span of weeks, we went from shaming people for being out in the streets to shaming those who won't join the crowd .

    What's more, contact with infected animals and surfaces is unlikely to cause COVID-19 to spread, and chlorine kills the virus upon contact, so clean pools are also safe. But of course, many schools, playgrounds, pools, and businesses were forced to close.

    Livelihoods have been destroyed, children are paying a high price through a loss of time and key social-educational development, and mental health across the country is on the decline .

    And now some journalists from prominent publications -- the same ones that have been demanding oh-so-extreme caution -- are performing breathtaking gymnastics in an effort to backtrack, explaining that there's no evidence of outdoor coronavirus spread. Now, it's "prolonged indoor close contact" that we have to worry about.

    They may be right. Maybe protesters really shouldn't worry (though they probably should ). But that doesn't excuse what seems to be a disgusting hypocrisy that trampled on the livelihoods of more than 30 million Americans. Understandably, many are outraged and have lost all faith in the experts.

    Health advice can't shift with politics -- COVID-19, cancer, and the flu don't know party lines. The virus is either unmanageable or manageable. That's it.

    Now, with Trump aiming to restart his so-called "MAGA rallies," we'll inevitably have -- and already have had -- another round of tut-tutting from the media about how horribly irresponsible it is to gather in crowds. But who can possibly blame those who shrug these warnings off? MAGA rallies very well could spread COVID-19, but in the event they do, the George Floyd protests will be equally culpable. Expert credibility has been lost.

    Maybe we should, as many of my more classically liberal friends have been saying all along, allow people to make their own choices, take their own risks, open their own businesses back up, hold their own protests against injustice.

    Whatever the case, given the whiplash the public has experienced over these past few weeks, we certainly won't be running to health experts as readily as before. Certainly, social distancing practices have helped flatten the curve, but living your life based on the inconsistent messaging of the WHO and the CDC is a recipe for disaster. If a second wave does appear, it will be cautious individuals and community innovation that provides the solutions -- not those who have done nothing to earn our trust.

    Anthony DiMauro is a freelance writer based in New York City. His work has appeared in The National Interest , Real Clear Media, and elsewhere. You can follow him on Twitter @AnthonyMDiMauro.

    [Jun 18, 2020] Oxford Experts- -There Is No Scientific Evidence For COVID Two-Meter-Rule

    Jun 18, 2020 |

    It's become a farce of historic proportions. As a general rule, the government has resisted any demands by businesses to reduce the government's arbitrary limit from 2 metres to 1 metre . This would have greatly helped businesses to avoid expensive health and safety compliance and reopen this summer.

    While the government and its science team dither back and forth, the economy continues to crater, and unemployment is spiralling.

    Meanwhile, scientists from the vaunted committee of experts known as 'SAGE' (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies), are busy issuing warnings to ministers that the public will need to wear masks and also 'minimise their time together' if they sit closer than 2 metres apart.

    It's already well-known by now according to real data and the experience of European countries – that the virus was seasonal and has already 'left the building,' and that the only demographic who were ever at any serious risk were elderly persons with chronic comorbidities, and more specifically, those residing in care homes.

    Why are UK government officials still resisting relaxing social distancing measures? Has this become some sort of elaborate political face-saving exercise now, or is there a larger social engineering agenda in motion?

    The UK Telegraph reports...

    The two-metre rule has no basis in science, leading scientists have said as the Government comes under increasing pressure to drop the measure.

    Writing for The Telegraph , Professors Carl Heneghan and Tom Jefferson, from the University of Oxford, said there is little evidence to support the restriction and called for an end to the "formalised rules".

    The University of Dundee also said there was no indication that distancing at two metres is safer than one metre.

    The intervention comes as two Government ministers suggested on Monday that the rule is likely to be relaxed following a review commissioned by Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister.

    On Tuesday, shops experienced daily footfall drops of 41 percent compared to the same day last year, while enormous queues built up outside because of social distancing requirements.

    Examining the current evidence for the two-metre rule, Prof Heneghan and Prof Jefferson looked at 172 studies cited in a recent review in The Lancet and found just five had dealt explicitly with coronavirus infection in relation to distance. Only one mentioned coming within six feet of a patient, and that paper showed proximity had no impact.

    "Queueing outside shops, dodging each other once inside, and not getting too close to other people anywhere: social-distancing has become the norm," they wrote.

    "The two-metre rule, however, is also seriously impacting schools, pubs, restaurants and our ability to go about our daily lives.

    "Much of the evidence in this current outbreak informing policy is poor quality. Encouragement and hand-washing are what we need, not formalised rules."

    A University of Dundee study suggested that 78 per cent of the risk of infection happens below one metre and there is just an 11 per cent chance of any increased distance making a difference.

    Dr Mike Lonergan, a senior statistician and epidemiologist who reviewed 25 papers compiled for the World Health Organisation (WHO) said:

    "Our conclusion is that avoiding contact is very important and that a one-metre distance might be slightly better than just avoiding contact, but the difference is unlikely to be much. These data give no indication that two metres is better than one metre."

    Continue this story at The Telegraph...

    The hope remains that more real science and sober analysis will continue emerging which can hopefully influence the government to return to reality, and put the incredible COVID lockdown debacle behind it. But can they?

    [Jun 14, 2020] Podcast- Pandemic Profiteering - How Billionaires Are Looting American Taxpayers by Mnar Muhawesh Mnar Muhawesh

    Notable quotes:
    "... MintPress News ..."
    "... This program is 100 percent listener supported! You can join the hundreds of financial sponsors who make this show possible by becoming a member on our Patreon page . ..."
    Jun 09, 2020 |

    In this episode, we are joined by MintPress News senior staff writer, Alan MacLeod . MacLeod covers everything from socioeconomic inequality, the oligarch class in Western nations, U.S. foreign policy in the Global South, and press freedom. He is also the author of " Bad News From Venezuela: Twenty Years of Fake News and Misreporting and Propaganda in the Information Age: Still Manufacturing Consent. "

    Since April, he has uncovered how COVID-19 came to be a boon for the ultra-wealthy , reporting that America's billionaires, including Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Michael Bloomberg and others, accrued more wealth in the first three weeks of the lockdown than they made in total prior to 1980. Billionaire wealth surged by $484 billion in just three months, while a record 40 million Americans filed for unemployment.

    This economic phenomenon, the largest radical transfer of wealth out of the hands of taxpayers and into the hands of billionaires, was the largest taxpayer bailout of the wealthy in American history.

    As MacLeod reported,

    In the last 30 years, U.S. billionaire wealth soared by over 1100 percent while median household wealth increased by barely five percent. In 1990, the total wealth held by America's billionaire class was $240 billion; today that number stands at $2.95 trillion. Thus, America's billionaires accrued more wealth in just the past three weeks than they made in total prior to 1980."

    While the pandemic and subsequent lockdown turned the world upside down for working-class people, forcing upon them school closures, long lines at the grocery store, empty shelves, panic buying, record unemployment, and miles-long bread lines, little media attention was given to the Billionaires buying islands and land where they could enjoy life in first-class bunkers built to withstand a nuclear war.

    If anything, the coronavirus has lifted the veil to expose the growing inequality in the United States, an unfortunate reality in the world's richest country.

    Macleod leaves us with a salient statistic, explaining that while Amazon owner Jeff Bezos makes $1 million every three minutes, "Amazon staff, directly employed by Bezos, also risk their lives for measly pay. One-third of all Amazon workers in Arizona, for example, are enrolled in the food stamps program, their wages so low that they cannot afford to pay for food."

    Alan MacLeod joins MintCast to explain all of this and how the coming economic crash that is expected to contract the economy by 40 percent will only advance the interests of America's ultra-wealthy and increase their wealth even further.

    America already faces a reality in which less than one thousand billionaires influence policies that ensure more tax obligations for the working class to the benefit of ultra-wealthy oligarchs. Corporate media ensures this reality by presenting billionaires in a positive light, often as philanthropists who run charitable organizations. Yet, in reality, they are little more than big fish eating off of the hard work of the working class.

    This program is 100 percent listener supported! You can join the hundreds of financial sponsors who make this show possible by becoming a member on our Patreon page .

    Subscribe to this podcast on iTunes , Spotify and SoundCloud . Please leave us a review and share this segmen t.

    Mnar Muhawesh is founder, CEO and editor in chief of MintPress News, and is also a regular speaker on responsible journalism, sexism, neoconservativism within the media and journalism start-ups.

    MintPress News is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.

    [Jun 13, 2020] Stockman Calls Bullst On The Latest COVID-19 Fear-Mongering About Spikes In Texas, Arizona

    Jun 12, 2020 |
    Authored by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

    Dr. Fauci and the Scarf Lady are not the only Virus Patrol miscreants spreading the Covid Hysteria and thereby empowering the authorities to keep suffocating everyday economic life and personal liberty in America.

    In fact, there is a whole camarilla of current and former health officials, purported disease experts, all-purpose talking heads and other Washington apparatchiks who continue to appear on mainstream media, peddling the hoary tale that coronavirus is some kind of horror flick monster: It purportedly just keeps springing from its Lockdown grave – whack-a-mole fashion – the instant officialdom relaxes its quarantine edicts.

    Call these people the "groomers" of Big Pharma, and their job is to keep public fears on the boil so that the demand for high-priced treatments, cures and preventative vaccines becomes overwhelming. And given that the Covid is now rapidly succumbing to the exhaustion of its infection cycle and the summertime sun, their exact current mission is one of bridging the gap.

    That is, finding and publicizing local outbreaks and "hot spots" during the months just ahead so that the Virus Patrol will remain in full control of policy and the narrative until the Covid makes its forecasted second wave rebound during next fall's flu season.

    After all, they desperately need these hot spots to keep the aggregate narrative alive because it is visibly collapsing by the day.

    Back in early May, for instance, the NYT breathlessly carried a leaked study from the Trump Administration that projected a massive surge of new infections and a near doubling of daily death rates by early June relative to levels than extant:

    As President Trump presses for states to reopen their economies, his administration is privately projecting a steady rise in the number of coronavirus cases and deaths over the next several weeks. The daily death toll will reach about 3,000 on June 1, according to an internal document obtained by The New York Times , a 70 percent increase from the current number of about 1,750 .

    The projections, based on government modeling pulled together by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, forecast about 200,000 new cases each day by the end of the month, up from about 25,000 cases a day currently.

    The numbers underscore a sobering reality: The United States has been hunkered down for the past seven weeks to try slowing the spread of the virus, but reopening the economy will make matters worse.

    Needless to say, that one went down the memory hole ages ago (i.e. around Memorial Day). As of June 10, in fact, actual daily averages for the month to date were:

    In other words, these Washington modelers (this one was prepared by FEMA) couldn't hit the broadside of a barn with the antiaircraft guns Chairman Kim uses to dispatch his adversaries. So to keep the Covid-Hysteria alive, they send out the hot spot "groomers".

    On of the most mendacious of these groomers is Dr. Scott Gottlieb, who was the Donald's first FDA commissioner and is an alleged pedigreed "conservative" with a berth at the American Enterprise Institute to burnish his numerous sinecures with Big Pharma.

    Gottlieb is also a CNBC regular, and yesterday, sitting astride a screen crawler which read "Texas reports second day of record hospitalizations", he was busy promulgating the "hot spot" news about two red states, whose merely semi-craven GOP governors have belatedly attempted to get their economies back in business:

    When you look at hotspot regions like Arizona and Texas , they have to be concerned, particularly areas around Houston right now. They could lose control of this very quickly," says @ScottGottliebMD on balancing re-opening with public health.

    We call bullshit!

    Gottlieb was peddling a pimple on the elephant's ass because, apparently, cable TV audiences generally and bubble vision's especially, were born yesterday. That is, they are infantile victims of recency and confirmation biases and will apparently believe anything served up in a context-free modality.

    The truth is, there is nothing worrisome whatsoever going on in Arizona and Texas beyond the fact that the coronavirus started its inexorable spread in these interior states later than on the East and Left coasts, and is therefore cresting slightly later, as well.

    But as of June 8, the count of infected cases and WITH Covid deaths in Arizona stood at 27,678 and 1,047, respectively. Those figures a hot spot do not make, nor do they offer any reason for not getting the state's boot-heel off the economy ASAP.

    Relative to the USA as a whole and the New York epicenter, Arizona's figures per 100,000 population compare as follows as of June 8:

    In other words, Arizona's mortality rate is less than half of the US average and only 11% of that for New York. So why is it a worrisome "hot spot" by the lights of Virus Patrol shills like Gottlieb?

    Indeed, the WITH-Covid mortality rate in Arizona stands at nearly rock bottom, clocking in at at just one-fifth to one-half of the mortality rates in much as European Christendom. To wit, current rates per 100,000 include:

    But when context doesn't matter, of course, any pimple can be depicted as a large boulder. Thus, the number of new cases in Arizona is allegedly soaring, suggesting that the state has jumped the gun letting its citizens out of house arrest too soon.

    In fact, during the first 8 days of June, Arizona reported 7,742 new cases – a figure which is sharply higher than the 2,189 new cases reported for the last eight days of April, for example.

    But that gain is entirely a function of the testing rate and then some. Thus, during the June 1 to June 8 span, the state reported 62,825 new tests, implying an infection rate of 12.3% .

    By contrast, during April 22 to April 30 the state reported only 15,185 new tests (one-fourth of the June figure), implying an infection rate of 14.4% .

    So the state is testing a lot more, as it has been instructed to do by Washington, and such accelerated testing is generating a falling infection rate!

    And that's not the half of it. By now there are more than enough antibody tests of different US populations to be reasonably certain that in a state like Arizona with a population of 7.38 million that there have been far more infected cases than the 27,678 cases reported through June 8.

    Generally, antibody tests show infection rates of 5-20% in the general population, which would imply total cases – most of which remained asymptomatic or resulted in mild illnesses – of between 370,000 and 1.5 million for Arizona.

    So, actually, higher reported cases daily may mean nothing at all as to the current status of the virus among the population. More likely, it actually means that what is already there is being slowly discovered after the fact ; it's stale, irrelevant old news, not an alarming new development, to say nothing of evidence of a hot spot.

    Indeed, the latter is a meaningless but loaded term, honed for TV talking points, but is incapable of conveying any meaningful information about context at all. That is, the real test is how does what's happening with the coronavirus now compare with year-in-and-year-out illness, hospitalization, disease and mortality trends?

    Self-evidently, you do not empower the state to put its citizens under house arrest and destroy the livelihoods of millions of workers and tens of thousands of small businesses on account of a bad run of seasonal illnesses that leaves more people than usual home in bed or even heading to the hospital for treatment.

    To the contrary, this whole Lockdown Nation thing is about the modern equivalent of the Black Death – the presence of a virulent killer that can takedown the young, the old, the healthy, the sick and all categories between with equal alacrity.

    But, again, there is nothing to support that Grim Reaper notion in the data, and most especially not the "hot spot" flavor of the week in Texas and Arizona.

    The mortality rate from all causes for Arizona for the four months from January through the end of April (latest available) is shown below.

    Naturally, the total mortality rate surmounts the cause of death attribution and coding issues; and it means that unless these total death rates are significantly elevated from the norm, then nothing unusual – or at least worthy of drastic quarantine policies–is actually going on.

    On a per 100,000 basis, the Arizona's total mortality rates for the first four months of the year have been as follows:

    The above does not indicate the Black Plague at loose. The tiny elevation in 2020 relative to the previous four years is just statistical noise!

    Moreover, there is no new signal coming out of this "noise" owing to the higher testing and infection rates being reported in recent days. Again, the evidence for that is in the state's own published data on hospitalization rates, among others.

    Between March 23 and June 1, Arizona consistently reported new WITH-Covid hospitalization cases of between 40 and 60 per day on a statewide basis.

    During June 3 through June 8, however, the number of new hospitalizations daily has dwindled to 34, 19, 17, 10, 4 and 5 , respectively.

    The last few days, in fact, have had the lowest new hospitalizations since before the Donald's malpracting doctors triggered the Covid Hysteria on March 13.

    So, hot spot my eye!

    In this connection, they also keep trotting out the hoary old claim that the hospitals are in danger of being overrun with new cases – per the crawler on the screen yesterday during Gottleib's appearance on bubble vision.

    Alas, it never happened previously in Arizona and is not remotely in danger of happening now. Even during the peak of new hospitalizations between April 20 and May 8, the utilization rate of hospital intensive care beds rose from 72% to 78% and has remained at that level ever since.

    Finally, it is worth noting that Arizona's WITH-Covid mortality data show the same dramatic skew toward the elderly, as is true with the rest of the country. Fully 77% of the Covid deaths in Arizona have been among the 65 and older population, which comprises just 17% of the state's overall population.

    That fact alone, of course, militates strongly against the across-the-board stay-at-home and general quarantine orders in the first place.

    The Arizona WITH-Covid mortality rate through June 9 breaks out as follows by age cohorts. That is to say, anyone under 55 years old driving to the Scottsdale Fashion Mall would have had a greater chance of being killed in an auto accident than being felled by the Covid:

    Deaths Per 100,000 population:

    With respect to Texas, it's the same story. There is no "hot spot", period.

    Its reported cases and deaths through June 8 are actually far lower than those for Arizona and in the sub-basement relative to the overall USA figures, to say nothing of the nursing-home based disaster-data reported for New York and New Jersey.

    That is, the number of infected cases in Texas amounts to 256 per 100,000 or 68% of the Arizona rate, 42% of the overall USA rate and just 13% of the rate of infected cases among the New York state population.

    Likewise, the WITH-Covid mortality rate through June 8 in Texas was 6.2 per 100,000. That's just 43% of the Arizona rate, 19% of the USA average and only 5% of the New York state rate .

    So Texas isn't remotely a "hot spot" or some kind of warning about reopening too soon, and is actually a thundering rebuke of the entire Lockdown Nation narrative.

    That is, Texas was late and tepid about the lockdown, and among the first to begin "reopening" in early May.

    Yet its reported infected case rate of 256 per 100,000 is just 10% of the real "hot spot" rate of 2,477 per 100,000 in the five boroughs of New York City; and its mortality rate of 6.2 per 100,000 population is just 3% of New York City's 196 per 100,000 rate.

    So for crying out loud, with that kind of yawning gap and rock bottom absolute level, what is this clown, Scott Gottlieb, doing on bubble vision warning about Covid dangers in Texas?

    Answer: He's grooming the sheeples in order to keep the Killer Covid narrative alive and the money and legal immunities flowing to the drug companies chasing cures and vaccines.

    It goes without saying, course, that the alleged surge in new cases reported in Texas during recent days is just as bogus as the claims about Arizona.

    Yes, new cases reported during June 1 to June 8 averaged 1,416 per day or about 61% higher than the rate of 877 per day reported for April 22 to April 30. Except, the number of new tests also rose by about 60% from 113,500 to 168,500, leaving the infected rate virtually unchanged at a very low 6.7% .

    Again, if you want to talk "hot spots", try New York City. The the infected rate per test has run north of 20% in the Bronx, for example.

    So the question recurs. Why are people like Scott Gottlieb out pimping the Killer Covid story in the face overwhelming evidence that it it nothing of the kind.

    Perhaps, it might be noted that Gottlieb went straight from medical school to various jobs at the FDA before becoming commissioner in 2017, and then heading out the revolving door to Pfizer's Board of Directors in May 2019.

    And, yes, here's the list of the top five firms being supported by billions from Washington in the race for a Covid vaccine, which may or may not happen, but whether safe or not will be of no never-mind to Big Pharma.

    After all, Washington has already indemnified them against lawsuits; pretty much guaranteed that they can name their charge per dose; and will be doing all it can to make getting a tap on the arm from one or more of the Big Pharma competitors a mandatory duty of citizenship.

    Call it what you will, but don't call it honest capitalism. And chalk it up as still another blow to the idea of limited government and personal liberty.

    The five companies are Moderna, a Massachusetts-based biotechnology firm, which Dr. Fauci said he expected would enter into the final phase of clinical trials next month; the combination of Oxford University and AstraZeneca, on a similar schedule; and three large pharmaceutical companies: Johnson & Johnson, Merck and Pfizer . Each is taking a somewhat different approach.

    Read more of Stockman's analysis here .

    [Jun 13, 2020] N.J. Businesses Defy Lockdown After Murphy Hypocritically Violates Own Order

    Critics said the Murphys were holding themselves to a different standard.
    Jun 13, 2020 |

    On Thursday, a Republican lawmaker introduced legislation, dubbed "Murphy's Law," that would nullify any executive order the governor himself violates. Assemblyman Jay Webber noted that Murphy attended the rallies on Sunday, when outside gatherings were limited to no more than 25 people to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Two days later, Murphy raised the limit to 100 people and exempted political protests.

    "Executive orders should end for everyone when governors break their own rules for themselves," Webber said in a statement. The legislation, of course, has virtually no chance of being signed by Murphy, a Democrat who stood by his decision to demonstrate and on Thursday urged the like-minded to continue to do so peacefully, using masks and other virus precautions.

    But business owners and others are expressing their own frustration with the governor, with unsanctioned startups of indoor dining and other activities in a state whose death toll, 12,443, is second only to New York's. As Murphy, 62, in recent days has relaxed some restrictions put in place to slow the virus' spread, he has warned that cases will jump when more people come in contact with one another.

    A second U.S. coronavirus wave is emerging in states including Texas, Florida and California while New Jersey's cases have slowed. But throughout the Garden State, some say they're willing to risk a swifter return to typical operations -- albeit with some precautions.

    [Jun 12, 2020] We were lied to about coronavirus and the mass lockdowns. Here's the proof by Tucker Carlson

    Jun 12, 2020 |

    Millions of Americans remain subjected to unprecedented restrictions on their personal lives, their daily lives, their family's lives.

    The coronavirus lockdowns continue in many places. You may not know that because it gets no publicity, but it's true. And if you're living under it, you definitely know.

    As a result of this, tens of millions of people are now unemployed. A huge number of them have no prospects of working again. Many thousands of small businesses are closed and will never reopen. More Americans have become dependent on drugs and alcohol, seeing their marriages dissolve, and become clinically depressed.

    Some of them delayed their weddings. Others were banned by the government from burying their loved ones in funerals. Some Americans will die of cancer because they couldn't get cancer screenings, some unknown number have taken their own lives in despair. Others have flooded the streets to riot because bottled up rage and frustration take many forms.

    The cost of shutting down the United States and denying our citizens desperately needed contact with one another is hard to calculate. But the cost has been staggering.

    The people responsible for doing all of this,say they have no regrets about it. We faced a global calamity, they say. COVID-19 was the worst pandemic since the Spanish flu. That flu killed 50 million people.

    We had no choice. We did the right thing. That's what they're telling us. Is it true?

    The answer to that question matters, not just because the truth always matters, but because the credibility of our leaders is at stake here. This is the biggest decision they have made in our lifetimes. They were able to make it. They rule because we let them. Their power comes from us.

    As a matter of public health, we can say conclusively the lockdowns were not necessary.

    So the question, now and always is, are they worthy of that power? That's not a conversation they want to have. And right now, they don't have to have that conversation because all of us are distracted and mesmerized by the woke revolution underway outside.

    They just created a separate country in Seattle. Huh? We'll bring you the latest on that. But we do think it's worth four minutes taking a pause to assess whether or not they were in fact lying to us about the coronavirus and our response to it.

    And the short answer is this: Yes, they were definitely lying.

    As a matter of public health, we can say conclusively the lockdowns were not necessary. In fact, we can prove that. And here's the most powerful evidence: States that never locked down at all -- states where people were allowed to live like Americans and not cower indoors alone -- in the end turned out no worse than states that had mandatory quarantines. The state you probably live in.

    The states that locked down at first but were quick to reopen have not seen explosions of coronavirus cases. All of this is the opposite of what they said would happen with great confidence.

    The media predicted mass death at places like Lake of the Ozarks and Ocean City, Md. -- places where the middle class dares to vacation. But those deaths never happened. In the end, the Wuhan coronavirus turned out to be a dangerous disease, but a manageable disease, like so many others. Far more dangerous were the lockdowns themselves.

    For example, in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, panicked and incompetent governors forced nursing homes to accept infected coronavirus patients, and as a result, many thousands died, and they died needlessly.

    This is all a remarkable story, but it's going almost entirely uncovered. The media would rather tell you why you need to hate your neighbor for the color of his skin. The media definitely don't want to revisit what they were saying just a few weeks ago, when they were acting as press agents for power-drunk Democratic politicians.

    We were all played. Corrupt politicians scared us into giving up control over the most basic questions in our lives. At the same time, they gave more power to their obedient followers, like Antifa, while keeping the rest of us trapped at home and censored online.

    Back then, news anchors were ordering you to stop asking questions and obey.

    Chris Cuomo, CNN anchor: All right, so while most Americans are staying inside -- or should be, right, if they're not out protesting like fools -- they're not happy about being told to stay home. Staying home saves lives.

    And the rest of us should be staying at home for our mothers and the people that we love, and to keep us farther apart, will ultimately bring us closer together in this cause.

    Our collective conscientious actions -- staying home.

    Oh, if you love your mother, you will do what I say. It turns out cable news anchors don't make very subtle propagandists.

    And then Memorial Day arrived in May, and some states started to reopen. Millions of grateful Americans headed outdoors for the first time in months, and the media attacked them for doing that. They called them killers.

    Swimming with your kids, they told us, was tantamount to mass murder.

    Claire McCaskill, MSNBC political analyst: Frankly, a lot of the people in those crowds -- they thought they were, you know, standing up for what the president believes in and that is not to care about the public safety part of this.

    Robyn Curnow, CNN host: Look at this. I mean, this is kind of crazy, considering we're in the middle of a global pandemic.

    I mean, as one person quipped, you know, that's curving the curve. That's not flattening it.

    Don Lemon, CNN anchor: Massive crowd of people crammed together, as if it were just an ordinary holiday weekend despite the risks of a virus that has killed more than 98,000 people.

    Boy that montage was the opposite of a MENSA meeting. Has that much dumbness been captured on tape ever?

    The last clip you saw was from May 25th. That was just over two weeks ago. "Ninety eight thousand people are dead. How dare you leave your house? You don't work in the media. You're not essential."

    But it didn't take long for that message to change completely. In fact, it took precisely five days.

    Here's the same brain dead news anchor you just saw less than a week later. He is no longer angry, you'll notice, about Americans going outside. As long as they are rioting and burning and not doing something sinful, like swimming with their children, he is delighted by it.

    Lemon: And let's not forget, if anyone is judging this -- I'm not judging this, I'm just wondering what is going on. Because we were supposed to figure out this experiment a long time ago. Our country was started because -- this is how: the Boston Tea Party. Rioting.

    So don't -- do not get it twisted and think that, oh, this is something that has never happened before. And then this is so terrible, and where are we in these savages and all of that. This is how this country was started.

    Yes, don't judge. This is how this country was started -- by looting CVS and setting fire to Wendy's. Of course, you took American History. You knew that.

    Andrew Cuomo 's brother must have been in the same history class because he had the same reaction.

    Chris Cuomo: America's major cities are filled with people demanding this country be more fair, more just.

    And please, show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Because I can show you that outraged citizens are the ones who have made America what she is and led to any major milestones.

    They are here to yell, criticize, blame, and shame.

    Citizens have no duty to check their outrage.

    Wow. So, one minute they were mass murderers for going outside. Now, they're Sam Adams. They're patriots. They're American heroes.

    If all of this seems like a pretty abrupt pivot, fret not. Rioting is not a health risk as long as it helps the Democratic Party's prospects in the November election . Rioting will not spread the coronavirus.

    Sounds implausible, but we can be certain of that, because last week, hundreds of self-described public health officials signed a letter saying so. They announced that the Black Lives Matter riots are a vital contribution to public health. In effect, they're an essential medical procedure.

    But that doesn't mean you get to go outside. You don't. Thanks to coronavirus, you do not have the right to resume your life, and if you complain about that, it's "white nationalism." That was their professional conclusion.

    Does a single American believe any of that? No, of course not. It is too stupid even for CNN to repeat, so they mostly ignored it. That's an ominous sign if you think about it. It means these people are done trying to convince you, even to fool you.

    They're not making arguments, they're issuing decrees. They think they can. They no longer believe they need your consent to make big decisions to run the country. Once the authority stops trying to change your mind, even by deceit, it means they've decided to use force -- and they have.


    During the lockdowns, people whose loved ones died were not allowed to have funerals for them. Think about that. It's hard to think of anything crueler, but it happened to a lot of people. They claimed it was necessary. It was not necessary. And we know that because now that a man has died whose death is politically useful to the Democratic Party , the authorities have given him three funerals and not a word about a health risk.

    Or consider King County, Wash -- that's where Seattle is. Restaurants in King County are operating at just 25 percent capacity. That's the law now. Nonessential businesses are allowed just 15 percent capacity. The effect of that is economic disaster. Most small businesses run on very small margins. They can't survive for long, and in fact, many have failed.

    What should they do? They should join Antifa, obviously, because in King County, Wash., Antifa can do whatever Antifa wants to do. They have taken over an entire six-block section of downtown Seattle, and that's fine with health authorities. There is no social distancing required. They're essential.

    Are you getting the picture? Is it adding up to a message? Yes, the message is we were played. We were all played. Corrupt politicians scared us into giving up control over the most basic questions in our lives. At the same time, they gave more power to their obedient followers, like Antifa, while keeping the rest of us trapped at home and censored online.

    In other words, they used a public health emergency to subvert democracy and install themselves as monarchs. How were they able to do this? The sad truth is, they did it because we let them do it. We believed them, therefore, we obeyed them.

    If there's anything good to come out of this disaster, it's that none of us will ever make that mistake again.

    Adapted from Tucker Carlson's monologue from " Tucker Carlson Tonight " on June 10, 2020.

    [Jun 11, 2020] We were lied to about coronavirus and the mass lockdowns. Here's the proof by Tucker Carlson

    Video Tucker: Our leaders used a health emergency to subvert democracy Jun. 11, 2020 - 10:32 - Corrupt politicians scared us into giving up control over our own lives.
    Jun 11, 2020 |

    Millions of Americans remain subjected to unprecedented restrictions on their personal lives, their daily lives, their family's lives.

    The coronavirus lockdowns continue in many places. You may not know that because it gets no publicity, but it's true. And if you're living under it, you definitely know.

    As a result of this, tens of millions of people are now unemployed. A huge number of them have no prospects of working again. Many thousands of small businesses are closed and will never reopen. More Americans have become dependent on drugs and alcohol, seeing their marriages dissolve, and become clinically depressed.

    Some of them delayed their weddings. Others were banned by the government from burying their loved ones in funerals. Some Americans will die of cancer because they couldn't get cancer screenings, some unknown number have taken their own lives in despair. Others have flooded the streets to riot because bottled up rage and frustration take many forms.

    The cost of shutting down the United States and denying our citizens desperately needed contact with one another is hard to calculate. But the cost has been staggering.

    The people responsible for doing all of this,say they have no regrets about it. We faced a global calamity, they say. COVID-19 was the worst pandemic since the Spanish flu. That flu killed 50 million people.

    We had no choice. We did the right thing. That's what they're telling us. Is it true?

    The answer to that question matters, not just because the truth always matters, but because the credibility of our leaders is at stake here. This is the biggest decision they have made in our lifetimes. They were able to make it. They rule because we let them. Their power comes from us.

    As a matter of public health, we can say conclusively the lockdowns were not necessary.

    So the question, now and always is, are they worthy of that power? That's not a conversation they want to have. And right now, they don't have to have that conversation because all of us are distracted and mesmerized by the woke revolution underway outside.

    They just created a separate country in Seattle. Huh? We'll bring you the latest on that. But we do think it's worth four minutes taking a pause to assess whether or not they were in fact lying to us about the coronavirus and our response to it.

    And the short answer is this: Yes, they were definitely lying.

    As a matter of public health, we can say conclusively the lockdowns were not necessary. In fact, we can prove that. And here's the most powerful evidence: States that never locked down at all -- states where people were allowed to live like Americans and not cower indoors alone -- in the end turned out no worse than states that had mandatory quarantines. The state you probably live in.

    The states that locked down at first but were quick to reopen have not seen explosions of coronavirus cases. All of this is the opposite of what they said would happen with great confidence.

    The media predicted mass death at places like Lake of the Ozarks and Ocean City, Md. -- places where the middle class dares to vacation. But those deaths never happened. In the end, the Wuhan coronavirus turned out to be a dangerous disease, but a manageable disease, like so many others. Far more dangerous were the lockdowns themselves.

    For example, in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, panicked and incompetent governors forced nursing homes to accept infected coronavirus patients, and as a result, many thousands died, and they died needlessly.

    This is all a remarkable story, but it's going almost entirely uncovered. The media would rather tell you why you need to hate your neighbor for the color of his skin. The media definitely don't want to revisit what they were saying just a few weeks ago, when they were acting as press agents for power-drunk Democratic politicians.

    We were all played. Corrupt politicians scared us into giving up control over the most basic questions in our lives. At the same time, they gave more power to their obedient followers, like Antifa, while keeping the rest of us trapped at home and censored online.

    Back then, news anchors were ordering you to stop asking questions and obey.

    Chris Cuomo, CNN anchor: All right, so while most Americans are staying inside -- or should be, right, if they're not out protesting like fools -- they're not happy about being told to stay home. Staying home saves lives.

    And the rest of us should be staying at home for our mothers and the people that we love, and to keep us farther apart, will ultimately bring us closer together in this cause.

    Our collective conscientious actions -- staying home.

    Oh, if you love your mother, you will do what I say. It turns out cable news anchors don't make very subtle propagandists.

    And then Memorial Day arrived in May, and some states started to reopen. Millions of grateful Americans headed outdoors for the first time in months, and the media attacked them for doing that. They called them killers.

    Swimming with your kids, they told us, was tantamount to mass murder.

    Claire McCaskill, MSNBC political analyst: Frankly, a lot of the people in those crowds -- they thought they were, you know, standing up for what the president believes in and that is not to care about the public safety part of this.

    Robyn Curnow, CNN host: Look at this. I mean, this is kind of crazy, considering we're in the middle of a global pandemic.

    I mean, as one person quipped, you know, that's curving the curve. That's not flattening it.

    Don Lemon, CNN anchor: Massive crowd of people crammed together, as if it were just an ordinary holiday weekend despite the risks of a virus that has killed more than 98,000 people.

    Boy that montage was the opposite of a MENSA meeting. Has that much dumbness been captured on tape ever?

    The last clip you saw was from May 25th. That was just over two weeks ago. "Ninety eight thousand people are dead. How dare you leave your house? You don't work in the media. You're not essential."

    But it didn't take long for that message to change completely. In fact, it took precisely five days.

    Here's the same brain dead news anchor you just saw less than a week later. He is no longer angry, you'll notice, about Americans going outside. As long as they are rioting and burning and not doing something sinful, like swimming with their children, he is delighted by it.

    Lemon: And let's not forget, if anyone is judging this -- I'm not judging this, I'm just wondering what is going on. Because we were supposed to figure out this experiment a long time ago. Our country was started because -- this is how: the Boston Tea Party. Rioting.

    So don't -- do not get it twisted and think that, oh, this is something that has never happened before. And then this is so terrible, and where are we in these savages and all of that. This is how this country was started.

    Yes, don't judge. This is how this country was started -- by looting CVS and setting fire to Wendy's. Of course, you took American History. You knew that.

    Andrew Cuomo 's brother must have been in the same history class because he had the same reaction.

    Chris Cuomo: America's major cities are filled with people demanding this country be more fair, more just.

    And please, show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Because I can show you that outraged citizens are the ones who have made America what she is and led to any major milestones.

    They are here to yell, criticize, blame, and shame.

    Citizens have no duty to check their outrage.

    Wow. So, one minute they were mass murderers for going outside. Now, they're Sam Adams. They're patriots. They're American heroes.

    If all of this seems like a pretty abrupt pivot, fret not. Rioting is not a health risk as long as it helps the Democratic Party's prospects in the November election . Rioting will not spread the coronavirus.

    Sounds implausible, but we can be certain of that, because last week, hundreds of self-described public health officials signed a letter saying so. They announced that the Black Lives Matter riots are a vital contribution to public health. In effect, they're an essential medical procedure.

    But that doesn't mean you get to go outside. You don't. Thanks to coronavirus, you do not have the right to resume your life, and if you complain about that, it's "white nationalism." That was their professional conclusion.

    Does a single American believe any of that? No, of course not. It is too stupid even for CNN to repeat, so they mostly ignored it. That's an ominous sign if you think about it. It means these people are done trying to convince you, even to fool you.

    They're not making arguments, they're issuing decrees. They think they can. They no longer believe they need your consent to make big decisions to run the country. Once the authority stops trying to change your mind, even by deceit, it means they've decided to use force -- and they have.


    During the lockdowns, people whose loved ones died were not allowed to have funerals for them. Think about that. It's hard to think of anything crueler, but it happened to a lot of people. They claimed it was necessary. It was not necessary. And we know that because now that a man has died whose death is politically useful to the Democratic Party , the authorities have given him three funerals and not a word about a health risk.

    Or consider King County, Wash -- that's where Seattle is. Restaurants in King County are operating at just 25 percent capacity. That's the law now. Nonessential businesses are allowed just 15 percent capacity. The effect of that is economic disaster. Most small businesses run on very small margins. They can't survive for long, and in fact, many have failed.

    What should they do? They should join Antifa, obviously, because in King County, Wash., Antifa can do whatever Antifa wants to do. They have taken over an entire six-block section of downtown Seattle, and that's fine with health authorities. There is no social distancing required. They're essential.

    Are you getting the picture? Is it adding up to a message? Yes, the message is we were played. We were all played. Corrupt politicians scared us into giving up control over the most basic questions in our lives. At the same time, they gave more power to their obedient followers, like Antifa, while keeping the rest of us trapped at home and censored online.

    In other words, they used a public health emergency to subvert democracy and install themselves as monarchs. How were they able to do this? The sad truth is, they did it because we let them do it. We believed them, therefore, we obeyed them.

    If there's anything good to come out of this disaster, it's that none of us will ever make that mistake again.

    Adapted from Tucker Carlson's monologue from " Tucker Carlson Tonight " on June 10, 2020.

    CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM TUCKER CARLSON Tucker Carlson currently serves as the host of FOX News Channel's (FNC) Tucker Carlson Tonight (weekdays 8PM/ET). He joined the network in 2009 as a contributor.

    [Jun 10, 2020] Covid threat reactions which remain deeply embedded in many people's psyche was another example of rampant hysteria trumping facts. Common denominator: one's personal confrontation with mortality and existential fears.

    Jun 10, 2020 |

    Deap , 08 June 2020 at 01:16 PM

    Covid threat reactions which remain deeply embedded in many people's psyche was another example of rampant hysteria trumping facts. (No pun intended, it is just a good serviceable word)

    Common denominator: one's personal confrontation with mortality and existential fears. Existential fears can never be taken away by outside forces, words, promises or even external changes. They are embedded deeply within us and each of us has to confront them solely on our own.

    At one time religious played a dominant role in responding and ameliorating existential fears. No longer. And this is what is now getting acted out in the covid hysteria and the BLM hysteria. There are too many lies and too many things avoided in this present blame scenario to be healing or functional at this time.

    But as long as the Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer types bow, kneel and "put on African garb" in appeasement - the need to make peace with one's own existential fears and one's own mortality is momentarily circumvented by their inauthentic side show. Black intellectuals laugh at this white preening. Black radicals just up the price for submission.

    We have let craziness lead to hot wars in the past, even within our own living memories. Because of existential fears tagging along with external fears. "Stopping communism which will destroy our way of life" - was that the only argument and was it ever valid?

    Maybe Marianne Williamson was more prescient that given credit in the DNC debates. She sensed a deep darkness in the US soul. Too bad she demanded it carry a partisan label. She failed her own better instincts when she did that.

    [Jun 10, 2020] Is the Coronavirus Scare a Psychological Operation

    Jun 10, 2020 |

    overnments have used psychological warfare throughout history to manipulate public opinion, gain political advantage, and generate profits. Western governments have engaged in such tactics in the war on terrorism as well as in its predecessor, the war on communism.

    In both cases, state-sponsored terrorism and propaganda were used to distort the public's perception of the threats, leading to increased governmental control of society and huge financial benefits for corporations.

    It appears that the same kinds of effects are being seen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Many of the features and outcomes seen in the war on terrorism and the war on communism are evident in this new "war on death."

    Therefore, it's reasonable to wonder if the extreme response to COVID-19, and its associated virus SARS-COV-2, could be another psychological operation against the public.

    Considering facts about the disease and the disproportionate response emphasizes the possibility.

    If COVID-19 has been co-opted for manipulation of the public, through hyping the threat and pushing exploitive solutions, who is behind it and who benefits?

    Let's first review what features and outcomes the "coronavirus scare' shares in common with the "red scare" that drove the perceived threat of communism and the "Muslim scare" behind the perceived threat of terrorism. Here are a dozen characteristics that these perceived threats share.

    Fear-based and globally directed Media saturation with bias toward fear Data manipulation and propaganda Censorship of opposing views Intelligence agency control of information Preceded by exercises mimicking the threat Series of claims made that are later proven false Response threatens democracy Large increase in wealth and power for a few; increase in social inequality Increased government control of the public and reduced individual freedoms Response kills far more than the original threat Evidence for manufactured events (see below)

    There are also differences between the COVID-19 pandemic response and the "wars" on communism and terrorism. One difference is that, for the virus, agencies dedicated to public health have taken the lead. Although the central characters that hyped the communism threat and the terrorism threat were sometimes the same people , they tended to represent military, diplomatic, or intelligence agencies.

    The primary actors driving the coronavirus lockdowns and associated control mechanisms are political leaders. However, the directives being acted upon come from the World Health Organization (WHO), an agency of the United Nations ostensibly responsible for international public health.

    Others controlling the coronavirus scare are national health agencies, most notably the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS).

    Are these agencies acting solely in the interest of public health?

    The WHO

    The common impression is that the entire matter began in reaction to events in China but even that is not clear. For example, the virus is said to have originated in the city of Wuhan and the first, limited, lockdown occurred in that area from January to March.

    China has since said that it warned the WHO about the virus during the first week of January. However, it is known that U.S. intelligence agencies were aware of the potential outbreak even before that, in November 2019. A Chinese spokesman later suggested that the U.S. military might have brought the virus to Wuhan during the military games held there in October.

    The first instance of an entire country being locked down for the coronavirus was in Italy. This occurred on March 9 th based on advice from the Italian government's coronavirus adviser Walter Ricciardi , who said, "The situation risks going out of control and these measures are necessary to keep the spread at bay. "

    Ricciardi, a WHO committee member, later admitted that Italy had inflated the death counts from the virus, stating:

    "The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus."

    Many have noted the inordinate influence of billionaire Bill Gates on the activities and direction of the WHO. As of 2017, this influence was seen as troubling, with health advocates fearing that:

    because the Gates Foundation's money comes from investments in big business, it could serve as a Trojan horse for corporate interests to undermine WHO's role in setting standards and shaping health policies."

    Gates has been called a ruthless schemer by his Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen and Allen is not alone in that assessment.

    Despite engaging in a costly "public charm offensive," Gates is seen by many as a predatory and monopolistic opportunist hiding behind a false front of philanthropy. With regard to the coronavirus scare and Gates' stated goal of vaccinating the entire world population, however, people should be most concerned that he has worked diligently on mechanisms of population control .

    Of course, no one person controls the world yet so who is supposed to be running WHO, apart from Bill Gates? The face of the WHO is Dr. Tedros Adhanom, the director-general of the organization. Tedros has a poor history of ethics in leadership, with many accusations having been made against him including that he covered-up epidemics in the past.

    Alarms about Tedros began to go off immediately after his appointment in 2017, when he named Robert Mugabe, the former dictator of Zimbabwe, as a goodwill ambassador to the WHO. Mugabe's rule over Zimbabwe was dominated by " murder, bloodshed, torture , persecution of political opponents, intimidation and vote-rigging on a grand scale." This appointment indicated that Tedros' judgment of goodwill was dubious at best.

    A letter from a group of American doctors that same year described why Tedros has become known as " Dr. Cover Up ."

    They wrote:

    "Your silence about what is clearly a massive cholera epidemic in Sudan daily becomes more reprehensible. The inevitable history that will be written of this cholera epidemic will surely cast you in an unforgiving light."

    They added that Tedros was "fully complicit in the terrible suffering and dying that continues to spread in East Africa."

    Problems at WHO didn't start with Tedros, however.

    After the H1N1 pandemic of 2009, evidence came to light that the WHO had exaggerated the danger and had spread fear and confusion rather than helpful information. It was later learned that "Italy, Germany, France and the U.K. made secret agreements with pharmaceutical companies" that "obliged the countries to buy vaccinations only if the WHO raised the pandemic to a level 6."

    The WHO then proceeded to change its guidelines for defining a pandemic in order to accommodate those contracts, thereby increasing the public's fear despite the fact that the pandemic never became a serious threat.

    Although WHO has been praised for its work to reduce some illnesses like polio, it has also been found that drugs and vaccines recommended by WHO have been " found to be harmful and without significant clinical effect."

    A comprehensive view suggests that the WHO is more of a corporate interest agency than an organization committed to preserving public health. That's not surprising due to the fact that 80% of WHO's funding comes from "voluntary contributions" provided by private donors including pharmaceutical companies and industry groups like Bill Gates' Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI).

    nd since the worldwide response to COVID-19 has been directed and coordinated by an organization that works on behalf of multi-national corporations that stand to benefit, the idea that the coronavirus scare could be a psychological operation seems plausible.

    The CDC

    In the US, the CDC is also heavily influenced by corporate and political interests. This became clear when, in 2016, a group of senior scientists within the CDC filed an ethics complaint against the agency making that exact claim. They wrote:

    It appears that our mission is being influenced and shaped by outside parties and rogue interests ."

    The scientists noted that, in order to pursue political objectives, "definitions were changed and data cooked" at CDC, even to the point of misrepresenting data to Congress.

    Like the WHO, the CDC has a history of pushing harmful vaccines. An example was covered in a 60 Minutes episode exposing the harm done by the Swine Flu vaccine in 1976 and CDC's urging that all Americans be injected with that harmful vaccine. The report revealed that the illness was hyped based on very questionable data and the vaccine caused neurological damage.

    The current Director of CDC is retired US Army doctor Robert Redfield, who is known for having led the Pentagon's disastrous response to HIV-AIDS in the 1980s.

    A devout catholic, Redfield saw AIDS as the product of an immoral society. For many years, he championed a much-hyped remedy that was discredited in tests. That debacle led to his removal from the job in 1994."

    Public health reporter Laurie Garrett remarked:

    "Redfield is about the worst person you could think of to be heading the CDC at this time. He lets his prejudices interfere with the science, which you cannot afford during a pandemic."

    The CDC is an agency within the department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Alex Azar, a lawyer and former pharmaceutical company executive, was appointed as Secretary of HHS in 2017. Azar has deep connections to the pharmaceutical industry and is known for having engaged in price gouging with his former employer.

    Azar is also known for leading the HHS response to the anthrax scare of 2001, the first known bioterrorism attack on the United States. The anthrax attacks were targeted against members of Congress and the media that were dissenting voices in the national discussion about the Patriot Act, the oppressive legislation introduced immediately after the 9/11 attacks.

    Although Muslims were first blamed through highly questionable evidence, it was ultimately found that the weaponized anthrax came from U.S. military laboratories .

    Azar was instrumental in defining the National Biodefense Strategy in 2018, working closely with John Bolton , Trump's National Security Advisor. Bolton, a neocon and member of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), has a long history of pushing authoritarian policies and war.

    In the US the person most visibly in charge of the COVID-19 response is Anthony Fauci, who is the long-time director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Like Redfield, Dr. Fauci is a Catholic and has said that values he learned in his Jesuit education continue to guide him.

    After weeks of Fauci having led the coronavirus response in the US, it was learned that his NIAID had funded "gain of function" research at the Wuhan laboratory where the SARS-COV-2 virus is suspected of having originated.

    Fauci's response to questions about that inexplicable coincidence was simply to denounce "conspiracy theories" rather than addressing the questions directly, much as others did when questioned about 9/11 foreknowledge.

    Whether SARS-COV-2 was genetically engineered in a laboratory, like the NIAID-funded Wuhan lab, is a subject that has become of interest to many scientists.

    The Wuhan laboratory is not the only place the US supports work like this, however, as the Pentagon funds such labs in 25 countries across the world. Located in places such as Eastern Europe, the Middle East, South East Asia, and Africa, these labs isolate and manipulate viruses like the bat coronaviruses from which SARS-COV-2 originated. This bat-research program is further coordinated by a group called EcoHealth Alliance.

    The manipulation of viruses for gain of function at US funded labs is, like the origin of the weaponized anthrax at US labs, evidence that bioterrorism and pandemics can be manufactured events. This is another way in which the coronavirus scare could reflect the war on terrorism and war on communism, both of which were driven by manufactured terrorist events .

    It is remarkable that Fauci funded work to manipulate coronaviruses then became the voice of the coronavirus pandemic response while also working closely with Bill Gates' GAVI initiative. Fauci has boasted that NIAID and GAVI work together to push vaccines with "outright collaboration between us in setting the standard of what is needed."

    This makes it easier to see that a new pattern of hyped pandemics resulting in increased population control and global vaccinations is not only possible but would be a very lucrative business model.

    The NHS and Corporate Nations

    By now it's well known that the initial projections for deaths due to COVID-19 were massively overestimated and one academic paper was responsible for the panic. The lead author of that paper, Neil Ferguson of Imperial College, has since resigned in disgrace from his government advisory position. Much like the US government's explanation for destruction of the World Trade Center buildings, his estimates were based on computer models that cannot be shared with the public.

    As in the US, UK intelligence agencies have taken a leading role in managing the coronavirus scare. The terrorism expert who is expected to be the next chief of MI6 was selected to lead a new " biosecurity centre " to evaluate the coronavirus threat and "enable rapid intervention."

    Additionally, the UK intelligence agency known as Government Communication Headquarters (GCHQ) was granted powers over the NHS's computer systems . GCHQ is known for engaging in illegal activities related to population control mechanisms such as mass surveillance .

    Totalitarian outcomes are further enabled with billionaire Peter Thiel's CIA-initiated company Palantir managing the databases used by both the CDC and UK's NHS that drive COVID-19 decision making.

    For perspective, in 2009, Thiel said, "I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible," providing another clue that public health and awareness are not the main priorities behind the coronavirus scare.

    The data behind the COVID-19 pandemic was never reliable, with test kits being inaccurate , government policies inflating the death counts , and the media focusing solely on fear-based predictions that are repeatedly proven false.

    Recently, scientists and government leaders from other countries, including Russia, Germany and Denmark , have begun speaking out about how the coronavirus threat has been exaggerated.

    The outcomes of the coronavirus scare have included huge windfalls for billionaires, financial institutions , and corporations. Legislation being passed in response to COVID-19 is largely beneficial to corporate interests. The outcomes for everyone else have been fear, unemployment, poverty, loss of freedoms, grave risks to democracy, and death.

    How this is possible is related to the fact that governments, and the nations they represent, are no longer what they were. In many ways, corporations have replaced governments as the drivers of public policy and, as with Peter Thiel's Palantir, the public's interest is not their concern. Meanwhile, over two dozen companies have become larger and more powerful than many national governments.

    As a result, governments are now false fronts for corporations and the decisions they make, for example to lockdown citizens and remake their economies, are driven by profit-based strategies indifferent to public interests.

    In summary, the features and outcomes of the coronavirus scare reflect those of previous psychological operations including the war on terrorism and its predecessor, the war on communism.

    The people and agencies driving the coronavirus scare have a history of unethical behaviors, including hyping pandemics to push vaccines, and appear to seek long-term profits through implementation of a highly controlled society. Therefore, the response to COVID-19, if not the virus itself, can be seen as a psychological operation used to drive those outcomes.

    [Jun 06, 2020] Why Does The New York Times Brazenly Deny The Obvious Zero Hedge

    Jun 06, 2020 |

    by Tyler Durden Fri, 06/05/2020 - 22:00 Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The American Institute for Economic research,

    Don't laugh derisively, as people do these days, but I've always admired the New York Times . First draft of history. Talent everywhere. Best production values. Even with its ideological spin, it can be scrupulous about facts. You can usually extract the truth with a decoder ring. Its outsized influence over the rest of the press makes it essential. I've relied on it for years. Even given everything, and I mean everything.

    Until now. It's just too much. Too much unreality, manipulation, propaganda, and flat out untruths that are immediately recognizable to anyone. I can't believe they think they can get away with this with credibility intact. I'm not speaking of the many great reporters, technicians, editors, production specialists, and the tens of thousands who make it all possible. I'm speaking of a very small coterie of people who stand guard over the paper's editorial mission of the moment and enforce it on the whole company, with no dissent allowed.

    Let's get right to the offending passage. It's not from the news or opinion section but the official editorial section and hence the official voice of the paper. The paragraph from June 2, 2020, reads as follows.

    Healing the wounds ripped open in recent days and months will not be easy. The pandemic has made Americans fearful of their neighbors, cut them off from their communities of faith, shut their outlets for exercise and recreation and culture and learning. Worst of all, it has separated Americans from their own livelihoods.

    Can you imagine? The pandemic is the cause!

    I would otherwise feel silly to have to point this out but for the utter absurdity of the claim. The pandemic didn't do this. It caused a temporary and mostly media-fueled panic that distracted officials from doing what they should have done, which is protect the vulnerable and otherwise let society function and medical workers deal with disease.

    Instead, the CDC and governors around the country, at the urging of bad computer-science models uninformed by any experience in viruses, shut down schools, churches, events, restaurants, gyms, theaters, sports, and further instructed people to stay in their homes, enforced sometimes even by SWAT teams. Jewish funerals were broken up by the police.

    It was brutal and egregious and it threw 40 million people out of work and bankrupted countless businesses. Nothing this terrible was attempted even during the Black Death. Maximum economic damage; minimum health advantages . It's not even possible to find evidence that the lockdowns saved lives at all .

    But to hear the New York Times tell the story, it was not the lockdown but the pandemic that did this. That's a level of ideological subterfuge that is almost impossible for a sane person to conjure up, simply because it is so obviously unbelievable.

    It's lockdown denialism.

    Why? From February 2020 and following, the New York Times had a story and they are continuing to stick to it. The story is that we are all going to die from this pandemic unless government shuts down society. It was a drum this paper beat every day.

    Consider what the top virus reporter Donald J. McNeil (B.A. Rhetoric, University of California, Berkeley) wrote on February 28, 2020, weeks before there was any talk of shutdowns in the U.S.:

    There are two ways to fight epidemics: the medieval and the modern.

    The modern way is to surrender to the power of the pathogens: Acknowledge that they are unstoppable and to try to soften the blow with 20th-century inventions, including new vaccines, antibiotics, hospital ventilators and thermal cameras searching for people with fevers.

    The medieval way, inherited from the era of the Black Death, is brutal: Close the borders, quarantine the ships, pen terrified citizens up inside their poisoned cities.

    For the first time in more than a century, the world has chosen to confront a new and terrifying virus with the iron fist instead of the latex glove.

    And yes, he recommends the medieval way. The article continues on to praise China's response and Cuba's to AIDS and says that this approach is natural to Trump and should be done in the United States. ( AIER called him out on this alarming column on March 4, 20202.)

    McNeil then went on to greater fame with a series of shocking podcasts for the NYT that put a voice and even more panic to the failed modeling of Neil Ferguson of the Imperial College London.

    This first appeared the day before his op-ed calling for global lockdown. The transcript includes this:

    I spend a lot of time thinking about whether I'm being too alarmist or whether I'm being not alarmist enough. And this is alarmist, but I think right now, it's justified. This one reminds me of what I have read about the 1918 Spanish influenza.

    Reminder: 675,000 Americans died in that pandemic. There were only 103 million people living in the U.S. at the time.

    He continues:

    I'm trying to bring a sense that if things don't change, a lot of us might die. If you have 300 relatively close friends and acquaintances, six of them would die in a 2.5 percent mortality situation.

    That's an astonishing claim that seems to forecast 8.25 million Americans will die. So far as I know, that is the most extreme claim made by anyone, four times as high as the Imperial College model.

    What should we do to prevent this?

    You can't leave. You can't see your families. All the flights are canceled. All the trains are canceled. All the highways are closed. You're going to stay in there. And you're locked in with a deadly disease. We can do it.

    So because this coronavirus "reminds" him of one he read about, he can say on the air that four million people could soon die, and therefore life itself should be cancelled. Because a reporter is "reminded" of something.

    This is the same newspaper that in 1957 urged people to stay calm during the Asian flu and trust medical providers – running all of one editorial on the topic. What a change! This was an amazing podcast -- amazingly irresponsible.

    McNeil was not finished yet. He was at it again on March 12, 2020, demanding that we not just close big events and schools but shut down everything and everyone "for months." He went back on the podcast twice more, then started riding the media circuit, including NPR . It was also the same. China did it right. We need to lock down or people you know, if you are one of the lucky survivors, will die.

    To say that the New York Times was invested in the scenario of "lock down or we die" is an understatement. It was as invested in this narrative as it was in the Russia-collaboration story or the Ukrainian-phone call impeachment, tales to which they dedicated hundreds of stories and many dozens of reporters. The virus was the third pitch to achieve their objective.

    Once in, there was no turning back, even after it became obvious that for the vast numbers of people this was hardly a disease at all, and that most of the deaths came from one city and mostly from nursing homes that were forced by law to take in COVID-19 patients.

    That the newspaper, a once venerable institution, has something to answer for is apparent. But instead of accepting moral culpability for having created a panic to fuel the overthrow of the American way of life, they turn on a dime to celebrate people who are not socially distancing in the streets to protest police brutality.

    To me, the protests on the streets were a welcome relief from the vicious lockdowns. To the New York Times , it seems like the lockdowns never happened. Down the Orwellian memory hole.

    In this paper's consistent editorializing, nothing is the fault of the lockdowns.

    Everything instead is the fault of Trump, who "tends to see only political opportunity in public fear and anger, as in his customary manner of contributing heat rather than light to the confrontations between protesters and authority."

    True about Trump but let us remember that the McNeil's first pro-lockdown article praised Trump as perfectly suited to bring about the lockdown, and the paper urged him to do just that, while only three months later washing their hands of the whole thing, as if had nothing to do with current sufferings much less the rage on the streets.

    And the rapid turnaround of this paper on street protests was stunning to behold. A month ago, people protesting lockdowns were written about as vicious disease spreaders who were denying good science. In the blink of an eye, the protesters against police brutality (the same police who enforced the lockdown) were transmogrified into bold embracers of First Amendment rights who posed no threat to public health.

    Not even the scary warnings about the coming "second wave" were enough to stop the paper from throwing out all its concern over "targeted layered containment" and "social distancing" in order to celebrate protests in the streets that they like.

    And they ask themselves why people are incredulous toward mainstream media today.

    The lockdowns wrecked the fundamentals of life in America. The New York Times today wants to pretend they either didn't happen, happened only in a limited way, or were just minor public health measures that worked beautifully to mitigate disease. And instead of having an editorial meltdown over these absurdities, preposterous forecasts, and extreme panic mongering that contributed to vast carnage, we seen an internal revolt over the publishing of a Tom Cotton editorial, a dispute over politics not facts.

    The record is there: this paper went all in back in February to demand the most authoritarian possible response to a virus about which we already knew enough back then to observe that this was nothing like the Spanish flu of 1918. They pretended otherwise, probably for ideological reasons, most likely.

    It was not the pandemic that blew up our lives, commercial networks, and health systems. It was the response to the virus that did that. The Times needs to learn that it cannot construct a fake version of reality just to avoid responsibility for what they've done. Are we really supposed to believe what they write now and in the future? This time, I hope, people will be smart and learn to consider the source.

    [May 30, 2020] Coronavirus Propaganda Mimics War Propaganda

    May 29, 2020 |
    Authored by Jeff Deist via The Mises Institute,

    In the period leading up to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, the Bush administration and its media accomplices waged a relentless propaganda campaign to win political support for what turned out to be one of the most disastrous foreign policy mistakes in American history.

    Nearly two decades later, with perhaps a million dead Iraqis and thousands of dead American soldiers, we are still paying for that mistake.

    Vice President Dick Cheney, Attorney General John Ashcroft, Assistant Attorney General John Yoo, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, were key players behind the propaganda -- which we can define as purposeful use of information and misinformation to manipulate public opinion in favor of state action. Iraq and its president Saddam Hussein were the ostensible focus, but their greater goal was to make the case for a broader and open-ended "War on Terror." ​

    So they created a narrative using a mélange of half-truths, faintly plausible fabrications, and outright lies:

    And so forth.

    But the propaganda "worked" in the most meaningful sense: Congress voted nearly 3–1 in favor of military action against Iraq, and Gallup showed 72 percent of Americans supporting the invasion as it commenced in 2003. Media outlets across the spectrum such as the Washington Post cheered the war . National Review dutifully did its part, labeling Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul, Justin Raimondo, Lew Rockwell, and other outspoken opponents of the invasion as "unpatriotic conservatives."

    Tragically, the American people never placed the burden of proof squarely with the war cheerleaders to justify their absolutely crazed effort to remake the Middle East. In hindsight, this is obvious, but at the time propaganda did its job. Disinformation is part and parcel of the fog of war.

    What will hindsight make clear about our reaction to COVID-19 propaganda? Will we regret shutting down the economy as much as we ought to regret invading Iraq?

    The cast of characters is different, of course: Trump, desperately seeking "wartime president" status; Dr. Anthony Fauci; epidemiologist Neil Ferguson; state governors such as Cuomo, Whitmer, and Newsom; and a host of media acolytes just itching to force a new normal down our throats. Like the Iraq War architects, they use COVID-19 as justification to advance a preexisting agenda, namely, greater state control over our lives and our economy. Yet because too many Americans remain stubbornly attached to the old normal, a propaganda campaign is required.

    So we are faced with a blizzard of new "facts" almost every day, most of which turn out to be only mildly true, extremely dubious, or plainly false:

    Again, much of this is not true and not even intended to be true -- but rather to influence public behavior and opinions. And again, the overwhelming burden of proof should lie squarely with those advocating a lockdown of society, who would risk a modern Great Depression in response to a simple virus.

    How much damage will the lockdown cause? Economics aside, the sheer toll of this self-inflicted wound will be a matter for historians to document. That toll includes all the things Americans would have done without the shutdown in their personal and professional lives, representing a diminution of life itself. Can that be measured, or distilled into numerical terms? Probably not, but this group of researchers and academics argues that we have already suffered more than one million "lost years of life" due to the ravages of unemployment, missed healthcare, and general malaise.

    By the same token, how do we measure the blood and treasure lost in Iraq? How much PTSD will soldiers suffer? How many billions of dollars in future VA medical care will be required? How many children will grow up without fathers? And how many millions of lives are forever shattered in that cobbled-together political artifice in the Middle East?

    Propaganda kills, but it also works. Politicians of all stripes will benefit from the coronavirus; the American people will suffer. Perversely, one of the worst COVID propagandists -- the aforementioned Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York -- yesterday rang the bell as the New York Stock Exchange reopened to floor trading. He now admits that the models were wrong and that his lockdown did nothing to prevent the Empire State from suffering the highest per capita deaths from COVID. Like the architects of the Iraq War, he belongs on a criminal docket. But thanks to propaganda, he is hailed as presidential.

    [May 27, 2020] The CDC Slashed The COVID-19 Fatality Rate To A Fraction Of Earlier Estimate Used To Justify Lockdowns

    May 27, 2020 |

    Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

    Governments throughout the world and across the US justified extreme, draconian, undemocratic, and unconstitutional (in most US states) "lockdown" and stay-at-home orders on the grounds that the COVID-19 virus was exceptionally fatal.

    In March, the World Health Organization (WHO) was claiming that the fatality rate was a very high 3.4 percent .

    Yet as time went on, it became increasingly clear that such high estimates were essentially meaningless because researchers had no idea how many people were actually infected with the disease. Tests were largely being conducted on those with symptoms serious enough to end up in emergency rooms or doctor's offices.

    By late April, many researchers were publishing new studies showing that the number of people with the disease was actually much higher than was previously thought. Thus, it became clear that the percentage of people with the disease who died from it suddenly became much smaller.

    Now, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released new estimates suggesting that the real fatality rate is around 0.26 percent.

    Specifically, the report concludes that the "symptomatic case fatality ratio" is 0.4 percent. But that's just symptomatic cases. In the same report, the CDC also claims that 35 percent of all cases are asymptomatic.

    Or, as the Washington Post reported this week:

    The agency offered a "current best estimate" of 0.4 percent. The agency also gave a best estimate that 35 percent of people infected never develop symptoms. Those numbers when put together would produce an infection fatality rate of 0.26, which is lower than many of the estimates produced by scientists and modelers to date."

    Of course, not all scientists have been wrong on this. Back in March, Stanford scientist John Ioannidis was much, much closer to the CDC's estimate than the WHO. The Wall Street Journal noted in April :

    In a March article for Stat News, Dr. Ioannidis argued that Covid-19 is far less deadly than modelers were assuming. He considered the experience of the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which was quarantined Feb. 4 in Japan. Nine of 700 infected passengers and crew died. Based on the demographics of the ship's population, Dr. Ioannidis estimated that the U.S. fatality rate could be as low as 0.025% to 0.625% and put the upper bound at 0.05% to 1% -- comparable to that of seasonal flu.

    Not that this will settle the matter.

    Proponents of destroying human rights and the rule of law in order to carry out lockdowns will continue to insist that "we didn't know" what the fatality rate was back in March. The lack of evidence, however, didn't stop proponents of lockdowns from implementing policies that destroyed the ability of families to earn a living, and which also created social conditions that caused child abuse and suicides to spike.

    But for more sane people, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Those who have claimed that lockdowns are "the only option" had virtually no evidence at all to support their position. Indeed, such extreme over-the-top measures such as the general lockdowns required an extreme level of high-quality, nearly irrefutable evidence that lockdowns would work and were necessary in the face of a disease with an extremely high fatality rate. But the only "data" the prolockdown people could offer was speculation and hyperbolic predictions of bodies piling up in the streets.

    But that became politically unimportant.

    The people who wanted lockdowns had gained the obeisance of powerful people in government institutions and in the media . So actual data, science, or respect for human rights suddenly became meaningless. All that mattered was getting those lockdowns. So the lockdown crowd destroyed the lives of millions in the developed world -- and more than a hundred million in the developing world -- to satisfy the hunches of a tiny handful of politicians and technocrats.

    [May 26, 2020] Any "nationwide" statistics for the virus without exclusion of the NY metropolitan area for the USA is big fat lie. At least it is clear that it distorts the picture for the rest of the country.

    May 26, 2020 |
    1. likbez , May 26, 2020 7:48 pm

      How does that affect this specifically? What we see is that the US has a slower decline in cases than these other nations.

      My point is the form of the curve in the USA was partially distorted by the NY metropolitan areas with its huge and very specific problems and demographics. This area accounts for around 40% of cases.

      Death per million normalize the number of death for the population of the whole county and that's it.

      But my pint is that the USA is not homogeneous country and will never be.

      In this sense any "nationwide" statistics for the virus without exclusion of the NY metropolitan area for the USA is big fat lie. At least it is clear that it distorts the picture for the rest of the country.

      We have core inflation which exclude food and energy, why we can't have death without NY metropolitan area?

      Another important point that the number of death as a statistics is another one big and fat lie. Or at least is very suspect. I would like to stress that only the difference between number of death for the particular period and average for several previous years has scientific value. Not the absolute number.

      And what is interesting that for March 2020 COVID-19 epidemic was a lives saver. Such an interesting paradox.

      There are essentially two outcomes of COVID-19 -- one in this pneumonia does not develop, and the second in which virus pneumonia develops.

      The only way to die from the virus is to die from virus pneumonia or complications (including organs failures due to the lack of oxygen).

      Everything else (including gunshot wounds 😉 belongs to "with COVID-19" category and in the USA constitutes probably 80% of reported COVID-19 deaths. In other words, most of deaths reported are very sick people with significant percentage already of the death bed.

      For people at the end of their life scan coronavirus is often the last straw that break the camel back, so to speak. Cutting this lifespan for several months or a couple of years at best.

      And there is nothing special for this role of coronavirus. Flu acts exactly the same way: pneumonia as a flu complication is one of the most common ways for the old sick people to meet the creator.

      Unfortunately we know very little about conditions in which pneumonia develops (there are probably some generic markers in play as well as sex and a couple of other metrics ) other that the main victims are obese (often morbidly obese), diabetics (which in the USA is almost synonym with obesity) and hypertonics (those are intersecting categories).

      Chances for everybody else to get this (very dangerous indeed) virus pneumonia are approx. 100-1000 times less.

    [May 26, 2020] Death normalized to population zise (aka death per million)

    May 26, 2020 |

    S , May 26 2020 18:23 utc | 75

    Britain has had the second highest number of deaths from Covid-19 so far, 36.875 according to the current count.

    Relative to population, it is currently only the fifth:

       #  Country         Deaths /
       1  San Marino         1,251
       2  Belgium              808
       3  Andorra              658
       4  Spain                570
       5  United Kingdom       557
       6  Italy                546
       7  France               424
       8  Sweden               390
       9  Netherlands          335
      10  Ireland              326
      11  United States        298
          Russia                25
          China                  3

    [May 26, 2020] CDC Confirms Remarkably Low Death Rate - Media Chooses To Ignore COVID-19 Realities -

    May 26, 2020 |

    For the first time, the CDC has attempted to offer a real estimate of the overall death rate for COVID-19, and under its most likely scenario, the number is 0.26%.

    Officials estimate a 0.4% fatality rate among those who are symptomatic and project a 35% rate of asymptomatic cases among those infected, which drops the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) to just 0.26% - almost exactly where Stanford researchers pegged it a month ago.

    We destroyed our entire country and suspended democracy all for a lie, and these people perpetrated the unscientific degree of panic. Will they ever admit the grave consequences of their error?

    sybaris , 3 minutes ago remove link

    I believe the CDC has lied from the start, and will continue to lie for one goal in mind, making certain enough people fall ill to make any vaccine regiment they cook up mandatory (because of the sudden realization of bad numbers) do not trust a word these people say, they are proven liars. Sars 1 circa 2003 had a cfr of 15%, sars-cov-2 is a variant of the first one, in a year the true cfr will actually be known, sure as hell won't be known now with this limited data set, and that is why this seemingly good news is extremely deceptive......

    FinkPloyd, 52 minutes ago


    § Estimates only include onset dates between March 1, 2020 – March 31, 2020 to ensure cases have had sufficient time to observe the outcome (hospital admission or death).

    ¶ Estimates only include hospital admission dates between March 1, 2020 – March 31, 2020 to ensure cases have had sufficient time to observe the outcome (hospital discharge or death).

    ** Estimates only include death dates between March 1, 2020 – March 31, 2020 to ensure sufficient time for reporting.

    This Scenario represents a current best estimate about viral transmission and disease severity in the United States, with the same caveat: that the parameter values will change as more data become available.

    Are not predictions of the expected effects of COVID-19.

    Flynt2142ahh, 1 hour ago (Edited)

    Weak dumb decaden society ... where to start - Intellectually lazy media and public plus weak analysis skills across board coupled with a culture that likes a quick fix and fast takes - you get snow-pocalypses that turn into light dustings with school closures that you and I know are total BS... and now you get fake pandemics. In a society that needs to ask if you are glutten free or are you non binary... or for some strange reason these upright walking sapiens need to "save" a billion year old planet from what I am not entirely sure of - cuz the math of those models is crap too -whoops said the quiet part out loud.. (last i checked it was not climate that blew up the world trade back on 9/11 ) ... losing faith in humanity here... and those in the media carrying water for the chicoms & W.H.O need to relocate to the China and enjoy their version of freedom and liberty..

    TruthDetector, 1 hour ago (Edited)

    “ We destroyed our entire country and suspended democracy all for a lie, and these people perpetrated the unscientific degree of panic ( for this plannedemic ).

    Will they ever admit the grave consequences of their error?”

    I’ve got a dollar that says the only substantive thing we’ll ever hear from the Fake Stream Media (FSM) is...


    Any one willing to wager $1 against my prediction?

    Patmos, 1 hour ago remove link

    So basically it should have been what’s been known since very early on:

    Isolate the elderly and the infirm, maybe recommend masks as part of that protection plan especially if you’re going to be around that vulnerable subset, so that if you got it you don’t give it to them.

    Instead we got:

    Be very afraid, because the Bill Gates funded WHO said so, and oh yeah also take this vaccine which helps pad Bill Gates’ coffers.

    [May 26, 2020] Our society is now easily propagandized with fear

    May 26, 2020 |

    Jack , 24 May 2020 at 05:10 PM


    I agree with your conclusion.

    I'm not sure it is the 14th amendment that is the proximate cause. I would argue that the 17th amendment did more for centralization which IMO inevitably has led to the symbiotic relationship between big business and big government. A veritable oligarchy.

    I'm also not certain that it has to do with ideology either as there's not been any opposition to this centralization by either the left or right. While I get that "socialism" is the boogeyman for the right, the reality is that the biggest socialists are the ostensibly "capitalist" Wall St financiers who have socialized their speculative losses at every turn. Why are the "right" so silent to this when the scale is so gargantuan?

    IMO, the problem is much more deep rooted. It is societal. The attitudes and proclivities of our society began a dramatic and steady shift over the last 50 years and it has only accelerated. Values have changed and we see it across the board from our politics to our economy.

    Over the last 50 years, for example, the majority of food production, processing and distribution became consolidated into a handful of large corporations. All aspects of it from agricultural inputs to processing and distribution. This consolidation along with close financial relationships between these corporations and the political system has enabled massive corporate welfare and cartelization. Trump for example, has pushed massive taxpayer payments to the large multinational agribusinesses to the tune of hundreds of billions. So this is not an ideological divide. Both the left and right have enabled this under the rubric of supporting the "small family farm".

    Market consolidation has taken place in practically every segment with one of the most insidious being the consolidation in media. Couple that with Citizens United and the financialization of economy where financial speculation is where the biggest "wealth" creation takes place and we can see the erosion in our societal value system. From business to politics it's all about immediate personal gain.

    Where in history can we find a dominant power that voluntarily dismantled it's productive capacity to ship it to an enemy state? All so that the financial and political elite could personally gain in the short term. This can all be traced back to the trend of centralization, IMO.

    The wars we have fought in the past decades as well as our large garrisons around the world at tremendous cost both financially and in lives have brought what national benefit? We've been in Afghanistan for 19 years to what end? Military spending continues to rise not because there's a strategy but because of the huge benefits to the vested class. The massive expenditures on various boondoggles engendered by the financial gains for the few in the revolving door.

    As blue peacock noted in another thread and I agree wholeheartedly is that our society is now easily propagandized with fear. Both 9/11 and the Wuhan virus exemplifies how easily Americans will voluntarily support increased authoritarianism. Take for example the Patriot Act, where with the exception of one senator, everyone voted for it without any qualms on its implications for constitutionally protected civil liberties. And that senator, Russ Feingold was a Democrat. The authoritarians are counting on this partisan and faux ideological divide among the citizenry.

    Where does this lead? IMO, more authoritarianism. The constitution cannot be a bulwark when citizens no longer have the will to sacrifice and defend its precepts.

    Tyler , 24 May 202 0 at 09:41 PM

    Someone described the current situation as the Inner (Democrat) and Outer (Republican) Parties coming to parity, with identity politics (IDPOL) being pushed so hard because its not really giving up any of the real power...

    [May 24, 2020] 'How Could the CDC Make That Mistake?' The government's disease-fighting agency is conflating viral and antibody tests, compromising a few crucial metrics that governors depend on to reopen their economies. Pennsylvania, Georgia, Texas, and other states are doing the same.

    Notable quotes:
    "... "According to CDC, the disease of obesity affects about 78 million Americans 1 and the ASMBS estimates about 24 million have severe or morbid obesity." ..."
    May 24, 2020 |

    Richard Steven Hack , May 24 2020 23:54 utc | 46

    And the government botching of this crisis continues...

    'How Could the CDC Make That Mistake?' The government's disease-fighting agency is conflating viral and antibody tests, compromising a few crucial metrics that governors depend on to reopen their economies. Pennsylvania, Georgia, Texas, and other states are doing the same.

    And overseas as well...

    'Politicised nature' of lockdown debate delays Imperial report

    And of course, the effect of that...

    Nearly half of US states haven't contained their coronavirus outbreaks, a new study finds

    And no, Sweden is not doing better...

    Just 7.3% of Stockholm had Covid-19 antibodies by end of April, study shows
    Official findings add to concerns about Sweden's laissez-faire strategy towards the pandemic

    Finally, a large scale study on HCQ - 86,000 patients, with 15,000 receiving HCQ...

    Trump drug hydroxychloroquine raises death risk in Covid patients, study says

    The color of coronavirus:
    COVID-19 deaths by race and ethnicity in the U.S.

    Blacks are *twice* as likely to get it as whites and Latinos. American Indians are *five times* more likely to get it. They conclude the best indicator is poverty.

    From The Lancet, a study of New York patients... Epidemiology, clinical course, and outcomes of critically ill adults with COVID-19 in New York City: a prospective cohort study

    Between March 2 and April 1, 2020, 1150 adults were admitted to both hospitals with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19, of which 257 (22%) were critically ill.

    The median age of patients was 62 years (IQR 51–72), 171 (67%) were men. 212 (82%) patients had at least one chronic illness, the most common of which were hypertension (162 [63%]) and diabetes (92 [36%]).

    119 (46%) patients had obesity.

    As of April 28, 2020, 101 (39%) patients had died and 94 (37%) remained hospitalised.

    203 (79%) patients received invasive mechanical ventilation for a median of 18 days (IQR 9–28), 170 (66%) of 257 patients received vasopressors and 79 (31%) received renal replacement therapy.

    The median time to in-hospital deterioration was 3 days (IQR 1–6).

    In the multivariable Cox model, older age (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 1·31 [1·09–1·57] per 10-year increase), chronic cardiac disease (aHR 1·76 [1·08–2·86]), chronic pulmonary disease (aHR 2·94 [1·48–5·84]), higher concentrations of interleukin-6 (aHR 1·11 [95%CI 1·02–1·20] per decile increase), and higher concentrations of D-dimer (aHR 1·10 [1·01–1·19] per decile increase) were independently associated with in-hospital mortality.

    Note: 36% had diabetes; 46% were fat. Like I've said before, "diabetes" is a code word for "fat." And how many people in the US are fat and thus at risk? "According to CDC, the disease of obesity affects about 78 million Americans 1 and the ASMBS estimates about 24 million have severe or morbid obesity."

    So much for "let's just isolate the elderly" we can attend our baseball games this summer and stuff ourselves with crap food...

    [May 24, 2020] Preliminary Estimate of Excess Mortality During the COVID-19 Outbreak -- New York City, March 11 May 2, 2020 MMWR

    May 24, 2020 |

    During March 11–May 2, 2020, a total of 32,107 deaths were reported to DOHMH; of these deaths, 24,172 (95% confidence interval = 22,980–25,364) were found to be in excess of the seasonal expected baseline. Included in the 24,172 deaths were 13,831 (57%) laboratory-confirmed COVID-19–associated deaths and 5,048 (21%) probable COVID-19–associated deaths, leaving 5,293 (22%) excess deaths that were not identified as either laboratory-confirmed or probable COVID-19–associated deaths ( Figure ).

    [May 22, 2020] Washington officials admit to counting GUNSHOT DEATHS in Covid-19 tally, say virus death toll likely underreported despite lapses

    Yes, gunshot wounds are clearly the ffect of the new coronavirus.
    May 22, 2020 |

    Health officials in Washington state said they are reassessing their Covid-19 fatality data, warning of underreported deaths.

    Even after noting that five people who died of gunshot wounds were inexplicably included in the figures.

    [May 22, 2020] Mortality due to COVID-19 in the USA

    May 22, 2020 |

    TRM , says: Show Comment Next New Comment May 21, 2020 at 10:53 pm GMT

    Connecticut and North Carolina are missing some weeks in 2020 (5 weeks & 3 weeks respectively). Pennsylvania is also negative but not missing any weeks. Interesting, I'll have to look into that.

    The entire USA is about 4.5% higher than the 4 year average.

    In some online discussions some were suggesting using "excess deaths" to see what effect the covid-19 disease is having and I thought that would be a reasonable approach as it gets past the deaths "with/from" issue.

    State 2016-19-Av 2020 Diff
    -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
    Entire USA 915946 956410 40464

    California 88731 91453 2722
    Florida 65372 68427 3055
    Georgia 26955 27649 694
    Illinois 35539 38088 2549
    Massachusetts 19074 21800 2726
    Michigan 31957 35598 3640
    New Jersey 24525 32600 8075
    New York State 33187 39267 6079
    New York City 17614 35524 17910
    Pennsylvania 44275 37383 -6892

    All the data is from this CDC page:

    The script and all related files are here if you want to kick the tires:

    The script generates data for all 50 states plus DC and New York City (CDC treats it separately from New York State).

    I follow the advice of Ken Thompson, "When in doubt use brute force". The script is nothing fancy and dumps to file a lot as that is how I like to debug.

    I will be doing up a Powershell script for this as well so the Windows folks can run it natively if they don't have WSL2 or a Linux system around.

    [May 21, 2020] The most recent CDC COVID-19 mortality data

    May 21, 2020 |

    Don Bacon , May 19 2020 18:05 utc | 134

    From the most recent CDC COVID-19 mortality data report, Feb 1 to May 16:
    > US deaths 62,515 [which are inflated, and yet comparable to annual flu deaths]
    > US deaths from all causes – 97% of expected deaths. [i.e. no 'excess' deaths] . . here
    > The media currently reports 90,694 deaths which they get from Johns Hopkins. That's an organization which ought to be examined. CDC data is not used by the media, but CDC doesn't have a great record either:
    > CDC estimates that, from October 1, 2019, through March 28, 2020, there have been 24,000 – 63,000 flu deaths . . here
    > For 2017-2018, the CDC first estimated 80,000 flu deaths, then later reduced the estimate (their word) to 61,000.
    > In the news now: San Diego County California public health first reported 194 Covid deaths out of a population of 3.3 million. After autopsies and testing of tissue, health department reported only 6 of the 194 actually died of Covid.
    > Meanwhile the lives of millions of people of all ages have been adversely affected.
    > But hey, the banks have more money.

    [May 18, 2020] Rages Listening To Virus Experts Has Led To Death Despair by Ron Paul

    Notable quotes:
    "... On April 21st the Washington Post savaged Georgia governor Brian Kemp's decision to begin opening his state after locking down for weeks. "Georgia leads the race to become America's No. 1 Death Destination," sneered the headline. ..."
    "... Milbank, who is obviously still getting paid while millions are out of work, sees his job as pushing the mainstream narrative that we must remain in fear and never question what "experts" like Dr. Fauci tell us. ..."
    "... in places that are opening, we're not seeing this spike in cases. ..."
    "... Shutting down the entire United States over a virus that looks to be less deadly than an average flu virus – particularly among those under 80 who are not already sick – has resulted in mass unemployment and economic destruction. More Americans may die from the wrong-headed efforts to fight the virus than from the virus itself. ..."
    "... Americans should pause and reflect on the lies they are being sold. Masks are just a form of psychological manipulation. Many reputable physicians and scientists have said they are worthless and potentially harmful. Lockdowns are meant to condition people to obey without question. ..."
    May 18, 2020 |

    Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

    On April 21st the Washington Post savaged Georgia governor Brian Kemp's decision to begin opening his state after locking down for weeks. "Georgia leads the race to become America's No. 1 Death Destination," sneered the headline.

    The author, liberal pundit Dana Milbank, actually found the possibility of Georgians dying to be hilarious, suggesting that, "as a promotion, Georgia could offer ventilators to the first 100 hotel guests to register."

    Milbank, who is obviously still getting paid while millions are out of work, sees his job as pushing the mainstream narrative that we must remain in fear and never question what "experts" like Dr. Fauci tell us.

    Well it's been three weeks since Milbank's attack on Georgia and its governor, predicting widespread death which he found humorous. His predictions are about as worthless as his character. Not only has Georgia not seen "coronavirus burn through Georgia like nothing has since William Tecumseh Sherman," as Milbank laughed, but Covid cases, hospitalizations, and deaths have seen a steep decline since the governor began opening the state.

    Maybe getting out in the fresh air and sunshine should not have been prohibited in the first place!

    In fact, as we now have much more data, it is becoming increasingly clear that the US states and the countries that locked down the tightest also suffered the highest death rates. Ultra locked-down Italy suffered 495 Covid deaths per million while relatively non-locked down South Korea suffered only five deaths per million. The same is true in the US, where non lockdown states like South Dakota were relatively untouched by the virus while authoritarian-led Michigan, New York, and California have been hardest hit.

    In those hardest hit states, we are now seeing that most of the deaths occurred in senior care facilities – after the governors ordered patients sick with Covid to leave the hospitals and return to their facilities. There, they infected their fellow residents who were most likely to have the multiple co-morbidities and advanced age that turned the virus into a death sentence. Will these governors be made to answer for this callous disregard for life?

    Yesterday, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar admitted the obvious:

    " We are seeing that in places that are opening, we're not seeing this spike in cases."

    So why not open everything? Because these petty tyrants cannot stand the idea of losing the ability to push people around.

    Shutting down the entire United States over a virus that looks to be less deadly than an average flu virus – particularly among those under 80 who are not already sick – has resulted in mass unemployment and economic destruction. More Americans may die from the wrong-headed efforts to fight the virus than from the virus itself.

    Americans should pause and reflect on the lies they are being sold. Masks are just a form of psychological manipulation. Many reputable physicians and scientists have said they are worthless and potentially harmful. Lockdowns are meant to condition people to obey without question.

    A nation of people who just do what they are told by the "experts" without question is a nation ripe for a descent into total tyranny.

    This is no empty warning – it's backed up by history. Time to stand up to all the petty tyrants from our hometowns to Washington DC. It is time to reclaim our freedom.

    [May 16, 2020] The obvious shortcomings of the USA government reaction: no distributions of free masks, no temperature checks, no oxymeter checks, no retrofitted busses and other transportation to have individual air supplies, no retrofitting air conditioners

    Highly recommended!
    Notable quotes:
    "... > How about we follow WHO's rule zero: test, test and test? ..."
    "... Why the USA did not implemented entry/exist temperature checks (even at airports) I do not understand. The richest nation in the world has the government which is probably the most inept and disfunctional ..."
    "... It looks like this is mainly the disease of megacities and industries with closely packed people (ships, meatpacking plants, Amazon warepuses) . And a large part of large cities infrastructure such as subways and air-conditioned building, hotels and shops are ideal environment for spreading of the virus. ..."
    "... Another interesting feature of this virus is that it simply revealed how unhealthy the USA population generally is. For example, the epidemic of obesity now is tightly intermixed with the epidemic of COVID-19. Within the limits of the neoliberal social system very little can be done about it: for profit medicine makes is more fragile and create multiple avenue of abusing people. ..."
    May 16, 2020 |

    likbez , May 16, 2020 at 19:42

    @vk | May 16 2020 15:52 utc | 108

    > How about we follow WHO's rule zero: test, test and test?

    Do you understand the cost of each test? Some data suggest that it is between $50 and $100.

    Do you understand that the current polymerase tests have 20-30% of false positives?

    So if everybody in the USA is tested around 60-80 million people in the USA would be deemed infected. I suspect that a very large percentage of "asymptomatics" are in reality false positives.

    We need to distinguish between the necessary measures and fearmongering. I suspect that in the case of polymerase test the mantra "test, test, test" is close to the latter. This is s rather expensive test and money probably can be better spend distributing masks to the population. That would instantly give a larger effect. The simple measure that in the USA was not done. Just for that Fauci should be fired and probably tried, IMHO.

    The same is probably true with the distribution of oxymeters too: people with lows reading need oxygen. As simple as that. That probably will cut hospitalizations in half.

    My impression is that temperature and oxymeter testing might be a proxy for polymerase testing and much cheaper: if oxygen saturation is less then 90% the person need to be isolated/treated with oxygen

    Why the USA did not implemented entry/exist temperature checks (even at airports) I do not understand. The richest nation in the world has the government which is probably the most inept and disfunctional

    It looks like this is mainly the disease of megacities and industries with closely packed people (ships, meatpacking plants, Amazon warepuses) . And a large part of large cities infrastructure such as subways and air-conditioned building, hotels and shops are ideal environment for spreading of the virus.

    Even reasonable prophylactic measures do not work that well in large cities. Slums and homeless are and will be hotspots.

    Even at work enforcing prophylactic measures is non trivial. You need to change mask each 2 hours when you are working inside. How many people will do that ?

    I think there is not way out other then clench your teeth and go forward adapting the behavior as new information about the virus emerge.

    For example individual supply of air in planes, trains and buses (which existed in old planes and some buses ) might be an important psychological (and with better filters medical) measure required.

    Also Cruise ships "experiments" suggest that only around 20% of population is susceptible to the virus. Even among Wuhan medics who started working with coronavirus patients without wearing protective equipment only around half got the disease. The simplistic assumption that 100% of people is susceptible is just a myth propagated by fearmongers for fun and profit.

    Another interesting feature of this virus is that it simply revealed how unhealthy the USA population generally is. For example, the epidemic of obesity now is tightly intermixed with the epidemic of COVID-19. Within the limits of the neoliberal social system very little can be done about it: for profit medicine makes is more fragile and create multiple avenue of abusing people.

    [May 16, 2020] Charlatans in US government is another hidden epidemic: meet Barbara Ferrer, The Social Justice Warrior With No Medical Background Leading LA's COVID Response

    This reminds be Bolsheviks in Soviet Russia
    May 16, 2020 |
    she is truly sorry for the error, and the ensuing public furor she accidentally unleashed.

    ... ... ...

    As KABC's John Phillips shared on his radio show Wednesday, the good doctor's educational resume, according to a bio published at USC, where she was recently a panelist at a "Safe Schools" symposium, reveals she received her Ph.D. in Social Welfare from Brandeis University, a Master of Arts in Public Health from Boston University, a Master of Arts in Education from the University of Massachusetts, and a Bachelor of Arts in Community Studies from UC Santa Cruz.

    None of these disciplines are rooted in the sciences - rather, it appears the good doctor's "public health" background doesn't include any specialization in actual medical care, or epidemiology. This woman probably knows about as much as the discipline as the average Californian who has spent the last couple of months on Wikipedia.

    However, as the LA Times reports, Ferrer has somehow found her way into a role where she is the top public health officer in a county of 10 million people. Keep in mind, she has no actual medical background, but despite this, she's found herself in the middle of "every tough conversation about which businesses and institutions have to shut down, whether public and private hospitals are equipped and prepared to handle a possible surge" and what precautions individuals can take to protect their health.

    Her role for the county is essentially equivalent to that of Dr. Fauci at the White house. Except Dr. Ferrer isn't a doctor, she's a professional social justice warrior. However, as the LA Times reports, Ferrer has somehow found her way into a role where she is the top public health officer in a county of 10 million people. Keep in mind, she has no actual medical background, but despite this, she's found herself in the middle of "every tough conversation about which businesses and institutions have to shut down, whether public and private hospitals are equipped and prepared to handle a possible surge" and what precautions individuals can take to protect their health.

    Her role for the county is essentially equivalent to that of Dr. Fauci at the White house. Except Dr. Ferrer isn't a doctor, she's a professional social justice warrior.

    As Red State points out, when Dr. Ferrer was put in charge of solving the homelessness epidemic in LA County, her game plan 100% focused on "community outreach". "We need to start this work by speaking directly with those experiencing homelessness to better understand how to align our support," she said.

    That's right: Dr. Ferrer's one-size-fits-all plan for solving homelessness started with talking to a demographic group where those with severe mental health disorders and substance-abuse problems represent an overwhelming share of the population. Dr. Ferrer's approach to help improve the lives of the homeless was to talk to a bunch of schizophrenics and drug addicts about government policy, as Red State pointed out.

    Does this woman sound qualified to be one of a handful of people in the room making decisions that will impact the livelihoods and health of millions of people? If we lived in LA County, we certainly wouldn't be comfortable with that.

    [May 16, 2020] I know it does not fit the fear agenda but COVID-19 disruption present much higher threat to children then CODIV-19 itself.

    May 16, 2020 |

    ted01 , May 16 2020 0:17 utc | 32

    Australia - deaths from Covid-19

    Total - 98 (15/05/2020)

    0-39 = 0
    40-49 = 1
    50-59 = 2
    60-69 = 11
    70-79 = 31
    80-89 = 34
    90+ = 19

    Australian Government Dept. of Health

    I know it does not fit the fear agenda.

    As the lockdown has been eased in most Australian states there have been zero announcements on additional protections for the elderly & infirm.

    Why are the Federal & state governments doing nothing but the most basic measures to ensure the safety of the elderly & infirm?

    fairleft , May 16 2020 2:37 utc | 37

    Yes, Ken Garoo @26, the fearmongers have blood on their hands, not just in the UK, and this is a massive life-and-death crisis. More evidence, from another unimpeachable source various MoA stalwarts will now have to claim is a hack:

    Unicef warns lockdown could kill more than Covid-19 as model predicts 1.2 million child deaths
    Subhead: 'Indiscriminate lockdowns' are an ineffective way to control Covid and could contribute to a 45 per cent rise in child mortality

    "...According to a stark report published in Lancet Global Health journal on Wednesday, almost 1.2 million children could die in the next six months due to the disruption to health services and food supplies caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

    "The modelling, by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Unicef, found that child mortality rates could rise by as much as 45 per cent due to coronavirus-related disruptions, while maternal deaths could increase by almost 39 per cent.

    "Dr [Stefan Peterson, chief of health at UNICEF] said these figures were in part a reflection of stringent restrictions in much of the world that prevent people leaving their homes without documentation, preventing them from accessing essential health care services. ...

    "...Covid is not a children's disease. Yes there are rare instances and we see them publicised across the media. But pneumonia, diarrhoea, measles, death in childbirth, these are the reasons we will see deaths rise."

    [May 16, 2020] Watch UK Chief Medic Confirms That COVID-19 Is Harmless To Vast Majority

    May 16, 2020 |

    Authored by Catte Black via,

    From the beginning of this crisis we have been pointing out that there are two mutually contradictory messages at the heart of the covid19 rollout , and, just as Orwell describes in 1984, a major point of the exercise seems to be to get people to believe both at the same time .

    1. 'BE AFRAID '

    The first message is that covid19 is terrifying, unique, an existential threat to the human race.

    This message is never sourced to much fact, because the facts about the virus don't really support it. If it cites anything solid it's the appallingly sloppy and discredited Imperial computer model, or some generic research into the pathology of severe infections or rare viral syndromes, which it tries to spin as being unique to covid19, even though it is not. But mostly it doesn't cite anything at all. Or really claim anything at all.

    It just tells people to be afraid. Very afraid. Of death, of uncertainty, of the 'virus', of other people, of 'fake news'.

    The fear being encouraged is not rooted in facts, and is therefore impervious to them.


    The second message is that covid19 is actually pretty harmless and no big deal.

    This message is rooted in a great deal of fact, because, as we have been pointing out since day one, pretty much all the data coming out about this virus supports exactly this conclusion.

    No official body has ever denied this, and most of them readily admit it. Regularly and unambiguously. Here and here and here and here .

    Chris Whitty above is only one of many and this is not even his first go (see here ) at explaining clearly that covid19 is only dangerous to a very very small minority of people, and that most who get it will be just fine.

    Here's a slide from his talk on April 30th:

    Now, let's look at what he is saying in the above video, on May 11th [our emphasis]:

    [T]he great majority of people will not die from this and I'll just repeat something I said right at the beginning because I think it's worth reinforcing :

    Most people, a significant proportion of people, will not get this virus at all, at any point of the epidemic which is going to go on for a long period of time.

    Of those who do, some of them will get the virus without even knowing it, they will have the virus with no symptoms at all, asymptomatic carriage, and we know that happens.

    Of those who get symptoms, the great majority, probably 80%, will have a mild or moderate disease. Might be bad enough for them to have to go to bed for a few days, not bad enough for them to have to go to the doctor.

    An unfortunate minority will have to go as far as hospital, but the majority of those will just need oxygen and will then leave hospital.

    And then a minority of those will end up having to go to severe end critical care and some of those sadly will die.

    But that's a minority, it's 1% or possibly even less than 1% overall.

    And even in the highest risk group this is significantly less than 20%, ie. the great majority of people, even the very highest groups, if they catch this virus, will not die.

    And I really wanted to make that point really clearly

    It seems all the officials want 'to make that point really clearly', even while they behave as if it was not true.


    There's plenty of room for speculation there, and we leave it to readers to get into that BTL.

    The motives, though, are less important than the basic and undeniable fact – the fear currently gripping the public mind is being simultaneously encouraged and acknowledged as unnecessary by the bodies overseeing the 'response'.

    And if enough people would wake up to the pea-and-thimble trick being pulled on them, then the most dangerous and far-reaching coup against human liberty we have ever seen would essentially be stopped in its tracks.

    [May 14, 2020] About the distinction "of COVID-19" and "with COVID-19"

    May 14, 2020 |

    Hidari 05.06.20 at 4:22 pm 9 ( 9 )


    The distinction between 'with' and 'of' is self-evident bullshit, if you just think about HIV and how it acts and what it does.

    You just need to think it through: how could you possibly tell the difference?

    Lots of semi-educated, semi-smart people are drawing this tenuous distinction vis a vis Covid-19 that they would not dare to do with any other disease ('Oh no the real cause of his illness was Kaposi sarcoma. It just happened to be an unfortunate coincidence that the patient was HIV positive as well'.)

    In any case, there was an actuary in a twitter thread I have now lost the addy for, who pointed out that actuaries make decisions about this 'distinction' all the time, it is literally their job. And the reality is that even for very old Covid-19 sufferers who die, they are still losing a non-trivial number of years in terms of their lifespan, maybe up to 8 or 9 years.

    hix 05.06.20 at 5:20 pm ( 10 )
    Just look at excess death rates – they are at least as bad as the covid numbers, there is no overcounting whatsoever going on in the UK. What is going on is very slow reporting of non hospital covid death.
    Anarcissie 05.06.20 at 5:37 pm ( 11 )
    @4 -- or more directly,
    Jim Harrison 05.06.20 at 5:51 pm ( 12 )
    Just for the record, has the Department of Public Health ever taken the lead or even participated significantly in the establishment of a despotic regime? First they told us to eat more broccoli; and next thing you know, they're telling us we're going to be deloused.
    Alex 05.06.20 at 11:17 pm ( 13 )
    @Quentin The "dying with, not of" is pretty much moot given that all-cause mortality in England and Wales is twice normal. The Financial Times has a write up, but there's no way to explain that away as mislabeling existing deaths. There's a lot of people who live 50 years or more with high blood pressure or diabetes. They didn't just all die this month for no reason.
    Moz in Oz 05.07.20 at 12:04 am ( 14 )

    The UK is generous with its death figures

    But it does not test all deaths and only counts those who had a positive test result. I've seen more complaints about likely undercounting than overcounting.

    Vahid Friedrich 05.07.20 at 12:41 am ( 15 )
    Here is a great example of the freedom to work.
    Collin Street 05.07.20 at 2:13 am ( 16 )
    The UK is generous with its death figures: it counts those who die with Coronavirus, not those who die of it. That's a nice but important distinction.

    Not many car accidents in the respiratory ER, I thought.

    The distinction between "with" and "of" matters very much for chronic conditions. A lot of cancers are extremely slow-growing, for example; a 90-yo with early stage prostate cancer is statistically likely to die of something fast-acting -- a car accident, a lung infection -- years before the prostate cancer becomes a problem. The thing-that-kills-you has to be faster-acting than the thing-that-will-kill-you-if-you-live-long-enough. But COVID-19 is an acute condition, actually pretty fast-acting: there's not a huge lot that kills you faster than a lung infection. Major trauma? Septicemia, dehydration? If you're working at a meatworks and you have COVID-19 and you get decapitated, that's "with not of", but that looks to me like we're talking about tiny numbers, and you've just claimed that that's an important distinction.

    I don't think that that distinction is important. It's potentially non-zero, a source of error that might potentially be significant but on the face of it that potential is so small as to be ludicrous rather than important. You think otherwise, strongly enough to bother to write a comment: please, explain to me what lead you to think that. Show me I'm wrong.

    hix 05.07.20 at 9:18 am ( 17 )
    Regarding over/undercounting in general. There are just no standardiced rules for counting. Every nation, sometimes every region does it´s own thing, with a wild mix of aspects that under and overcount, or just delay reporting of some death. Overall overcounting (compared to excess death rates, there is no objective rule whom to count anyway) seems to be very rare, maybe Belgium?
    Here is a nice graphic tool with weekly excess mortality data, they sure look particular ugly in the UK:
    bianca steele 05.07.20 at 1:36 pm ( 18 )
    If the infection rate in big cities and institutions is as high as some studies have suggested (1/3 by some reports), counting "deaths by Covid-19" as "presumed deaths" + "positive tests at death" will obviously be inaccurate. There are other reasons to count asymptomatic infections.

    If people like the form of argument "basically P, but it's more complicated than that, for reason A, and B, and I think that's enough reasons, may as well just assert that P," I guess I'm not going to stop them. Maybe they're right and I'm wrong. It's not like anyone's willing to pay me to do it my way.

    Collin Street 05.07.20 at 2:40 pm ( 19 )
    If the infection rate in big cities and institutions is as high as some studies have suggested (1/3 by some reports), counting "deaths by Covid-19" as "presumed deaths" + "positive tests at death" will obviously be inaccurate

    I am forced to admit that I was approaching this problem with the perspective of the situation we have in australia, where the disease is still very rare.

    [which is to say much of what I said and implied is wrong, for which I apologise.]

    [May 14, 2020] The virus may mostly kill older people - but it's because of the co-morbidities which almost *half* of US adults suffer from it his most age groups

    May 14, 2020 |

    Richard Steven Hack , May 13 2020 9:14 utc | 216

    Here's Who's Dying From Covid-19 in the United States
    Data and new research reveal all age groups are at risk, from children to middle age and beyond
    "We estimated that 45.4% of U.S. adults are at increased risk for complications from coronavirus disease because of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory disease, hypertension, or cancer," according to a new analysis from the CDC. Those at elevated risk include 19.8% of people age 18 to 29 and 80.7% for people over age 80.

    As I've pointed out before, the virus may mostly kill older people - but it's because of the co-morbidities which almost *half* of US adults suffer from. More than 25 million Americans have asthma. This is 7.7 percent of adults and 8.4 percent of children. Currently, there are about 6.2 million children under the age of 18 with asthma. Granted, most of them probably never will get this virus - but those who do...

    Separately, a new study of children with Covid-19 admitted to pediatric intensive care units in the United States and Canada concludes that while the overall severity of symptoms in the children was "far less than that documented in adults Covid-19 can result in a significant disease burden in children." According to the research, published in JAMA Pediatrics, 40 of the 48 children, ranging in age from four to 16, had underlying medical conditions. Two of them died, and three remain on ventilators. /BLOCKQUOTE> Assuming the three on ventilators die, that's five out of 48 - ten percent.

    So much for the "we can let the old people die" meme. No one wants to claim a willingness to let kids die to re-open the economy.

    [May 13, 2020] 92% Of Cook County COVID-19 Victims Had Pre-Existing Condition

    Notable quotes:
    "... The medical examiner's database showed COVID-19 as the primary cause of death for 2,303 people. Of those, 2,112 were shown to have at least one underlying condition as a secondary cause of death. Those conditions, also known as comorbidities, included hypertension, diabetes, obesity and heart disease. There were no secondary causes reported for 191 deaths. ..."
    "... For months, Illinois residents have lived in fear, a fear that has been exacerbated by a lack of transparency and open reporting from the state. ..."
    May 13, 2020 |

    Authored by Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner via,

    A Wirepoints analysis of COVID-19 deaths from the Cook County Medical Examiner's office reveals that 92 percent of victims from the virus had pre-existing medical conditions.

    The medical examiner's database showed COVID-19 as the primary cause of death for 2,303 people. Of those, 2,112 were shown to have at least one underlying condition as a secondary cause of death. Those conditions, also known as comorbidities, included hypertension, diabetes, obesity and heart disease. There were no secondary causes reported for 191 deaths.

    ... ... ...

    Hypertension affected 1,070 victims, or more than 46 percent of all deaths. Diabetes impacted 973 victims, or 42 percent of the total. Pulmonary disease was part of 397 deaths, or 17 percent. And 215 of those deaths, about 9 percent, were accompanied by obesity or morbid obesity.

    Yet others had conditions including cancer and cardiovascular and kidney diseases. The numbers above add up to more than 100 percent because many victims had more than one pre-existing condition.

    ,,, ,,, ,,,

    What’s stark about the Cook comorbidity data is just how few young adults die from COVID-19 in the absence of some pre-existing condition. Just 3 of the 15 deaths in the 20-29 age bracket had no comorbidities. Same goes for the 30-39 and 40-49 age brackets, where just 26 of the 132 deaths were accompanied with no underlying causes.

    Even more, almost 50 percent of all Illinois deaths have been tied to long-term care facilities, the subject of an upcoming Wirepoints piece. That means nearly 1,600 deaths occurred outside the general public.

    For months, Illinois residents have lived in fear, a fear that has been exacerbated by a lack of transparency and open reporting from the state.

    [May 12, 2020] With politics (the November election), scapegoating, the economic depression and the fall of the Western Empire very much involved, finding impartial scientific COVID-19 information is near impossible

    May 12, 2020 |

    VietnamVet , May 12 2020 0:29 utc | 56

    With politics (the November election), scapegoating, the economic depression and the fall of the Western Empire very much involved, finding impartial scientific COVID-19 information is near impossible. This site is the best you'll find but, no doubt, it and the comments are colored by our human biases.

    A factor never mentioned in corporate press is that healthcare in the USA is privatized. All that matters is profits. The only thing that would get any attention at all is a significant cluster of deaths. Three were reported in mid-2019 in a nursing home in Northern Virginia. The 68 Vaping deaths came and went when vitamin E acetate was identified as a possible culprit. With both, there was no exponential growth of illness and death like the coronavirus outbreak. In fact, clusters of deaths don't matter to the corporate elite. Boeing killed 346 people. The around 0.1% fatality rate of COVID-19 with a functional healthcare system is touted as justification for ending the lockdown. That will kill about a million and half Americans without mitigation. This is of no matter to the White House, Republicans and apparently corporate Democrats. Without spending the money and instituting national public health measures to test everyone, trace contacts and quarantine the infected in safe secure facilities; the pandemic will wax and wane and spread to every corner of North America. Lockdowns will keep popping up to prevent local hospitals from being overwhelmed by all the sick; rich, middle-class and mostly poor. America will be a very ill society for the foreseeable future.

    I wouldn't be surprised that a contagious former bat coronavirus made it into a human population earlier in 2019. A virulent form appeared in Wuhan China that swamped the city's hospitals and a third even more deadly mutation occurred in Lombardy, Italy. Any study that hinders the out of China propaganda will likely ignored by politicians and the media. They really want to hide the truth. To try keep things as they were.

    [May 10, 2020] Suspicion And Skepticism Are Vaccines For Deception

    May 10, 2020 |

    Authored by Doug "Uncola" Lynn via,

    "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities. "

    - Voltaire

    I once read a definition of psychological depression as a result of anger and fatigue. That seems about right. Personally, I'm sick of COVID-19 dominating the headlines and I definitely have inner rage at the magic spell that's been cast over society. And it is a magic spell. Or an ill wind, if you prefer. Except tracking the source of a voodoo curse, or determining where a breeze began, might be easier than identifying the many variables of this planned-demic . Truly, the overwhelming information is difficult to process on any given day.

    Last week, I read an article describing how COVID-19 is a hoax propagandized by the media and, a few minutes later, I watched a video of a survival expert (whom I very much respect) chastise those who are not taking COVID-19 seriously as a genuine health threat.

    Then, I was informed of an acquaintance dying from coronavirus. I knew the man personally and the last time we spoke he was telling me about his new girlfriend. His death was deemed notable enough to have a write-up included into the COVID-19 series of a national newspaper; and that's how I learned he died – when someone sent me the link. I'll also say he was in his seventies and his blood pressure was so high his eyes were constantly bloodshot.

    So did he die with COVID-19 or from COVID-19? Yes, he did.

    Indeed, lots of variables to consider. And it's tricky because health policies are a matter of public concern AND private responsibility. It's why considering the variables requires balance and common sense. Yet, unsurprisingly, it's become obvious COVID-19 has been politicized by some and even commandeered by others for purposes of power consolidation and achieving authoritarian goals.

    Certainly, the virus doesn't need to be devastatingly lethal in order to accomplish the objectives of the globalists. At any given time, the ship of state progresses via (what I have designated as) the "Bulbous Bow of Confusion" , or, rather, competing narratives.

    Two physicians who own five urgent care locations in Kern County California recently posted a viral YouTube video citing their own COVID-19 data and calling for an end to the draconian lockdowns. Their names are Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi and the data they compiled acted as a "resistance wave" to countermand the official narrative put forth by ( as I've identified in past articles ) the likes of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), The Gates Foundation, John Hopkins University, and UK's The Guardian.

    Yet, today, if you click on any previous articles where the doctors' viral videos were once posted you will see they've been taken down; and even their other videos queued in the threads of the articles have been transitioned into dead links by our benefactors at YouTube.

    Truly, censorship is the validation of ideas as the most powerful force on earth; because if you now search for the two doctors by name on YouTube, you will find a video stamped with the Washington Post logo describing "What Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi get wrong about coronavirus" .

    Meanwhile, The Guardian, whose entire Global Development section is underwritten by the Gates Foundation , describes how scientists have found more evidence that Coronavirus can travel on air pollution particles .

    Scary, huh?

    Especially, when considering how another Gates Foundation subsidiary , the World Health Organization (WHO), has warned the worst of the virus is still ahead and that "people will need to get used to a new way of living" .

    To be sure, the billionaires are committed. They can't go back now and this is why they are on full offense in the narrative war. It means no expense will be spared in the media onslaught until every person in the world fears COVID-19 being spread from cats and farts . It's also why various treatments are claimed to be ineffective and only the five innovations proposed by the New American King should be considered:

    [Bill Gates] said the innovations needed to come in five areas: treatments, vaccines, testing, contact tracing, and policies for reopening the economy.

    But what about Trump? He is still the U.S. President, right?

    In past postings, I've exhaustively considered Trump as a possible "movie" or "reality TV show". My article entitled "Personal Politics, Public Impeachment, Persuasion and Post-Apocalyptic Planning" also discussed how the Military Industrial Complex has NOT grown weaker in the decades since Eisenhower and Kennedy – and, in fact, cited the trend of its growing strength from Abe Lincoln through the creation of the Federal Reserve, and Woodrow Wilson, onward.

    I've additionally speculated in previous writings President Trump as one of the following:

    1.) The Real Deal – fighting the Dark Lords out of love of country

    2.) Being used by the Dark Powers unwittingly

    3.) A Judas Goat

    At this point in time, it appears the possibility of # 1 is fading, if not having been completely debunked as of this writing.

    So, given #'s 2 & 3 above, I've previously questioned if Trump was elected as a " bleeding of the brake lines " prior to the " big stop " (i.e. end of America).

    Therefore, what if the Trump Reality TV Show® was meant to demonstrate the sheer power of "The Controllers" and their ability to convert the globe into One World under Communism? And, furthermore, what if the 2016 Presidential Election was staged to illustrate to all nations the futility of resistance?

    Consider the waves that have crashed upon Trump's shores over the past four years: Russiagate/Mueller, Ukrainian Impeachment, and, now, COVID-19. Each of these consecutive waves were increasingly consequential from a historical perspective.

    Is the war to "drain-the-swamp" real? Because, if not, the battle lines have been made clear and the tech gods have cataloged our IP addresses.

    Which brings us back to Bill Gates: His digital fingerprints are all over the COVID-19 virus because, in the years prior, Gates worked to strategically monopolize global health including research , governance , and reporting . In addition, his dirty hands have reached into online data, U.S. intelligence, mainstream media, the GAVI Vaccine Alliance , and Microsoft's ID2020 digital ID initiative. Plus, the Gates Foundation has donated the most private money to the World Health Organization (WHO), subsidized the October 2019 "Event 201" pandemic exercise , and even sponsored an event that was labeled communist propaganda – the globally televised "Together at Home" elitist infomercial ;

    Since the United States recently suspended its payments to the WHO, the organization's biggest contributor is now the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Another major contributor to the WHO is the GAVI Alliance (formerly the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation). Both of these organizations are also part of ID2020, an organization that is advocating for the use of vaccines to implement a global digital ID system using tattoos or microchips.

    And just as the company Gates founded (Microsoft) recently released, and then recalled, a "luciferian" advertisement starring "spirit-cooking" priestess Marina Abramović , the Gates' World Health Organization (WHO) mandates have allowed "heroes" to arrest mothers on playgrounds in front of their children .

    Honestly, it really does add an entirely fresh perspective on the words of Isaiah 5:20 :

    "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

    Now, paradoxically, a new bioluminescent vaccine is making headlines. If you can believe this it's called "Luciferase" and it can store vaccination history through a new dye made available with MIT research funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation .

    Wow, that was fast, huh?

    Or was it planned? And for those who would say it was planned, would you call them "conspiracy theorists"? But, seriously, is it really conspiracy if it's all been published ?

    Because, over the decades, it has become quite evident that wealthy individuals, influential families, and powerful organizations and corporations have coopted nation-states in order to unite the globe. World War I delivered the League of Nations and World War II brought about the United Nations. Since then, the billionaire round-table groups have only grown more interconnected as Davos Men planned and the Bilderberg's conspired .

    The modern era has progressed by committee; and to the giant sucking sounds as predicted by former presidential candidate Ross Perot.

    In 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Global Business Network drafted a document entitled " Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development " which outlined the following potential plans schemes through 2030: " Lock Step ", " Clever Together ", " Hack Attack ", and " Smart Scramble ".

    The first link below is a 54-page (2.29 MB sized) PDF file. Even if the Bill Gates' inspired MS Windows gives you a virus warning, just know the file can be viewed (or downloaded) with no issues. Or, if you would rather watch a one-hour, forty-two-minute video presentation, just click on link # 2 below:

    1.) PDF FILE: Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development


    Note that on page 18 of the PDF (#1 above), the "Lock Step" scenario describes a 2012 pandemic leading to a global economic collapse followed by oppressive authoritarian controls:

    In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009's H1N1, this new influenza strain -- originating from wild geese -- was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.

    . The United States' initial policy of "strongly discouraging" citizens from flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the virus not just within the U.S. but across borders. However, a few countries did fare better -- China in particular. The Chinese government's quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post-pandemic recovery.

    China's government was not the only one that took extreme measures to protect its citizens from risk and exposure. During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems -- from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty -- leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.

    At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty -- and their privacy -- to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability. Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit. In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests.

    Sound familiar? Because this was the dialectic with which we were presented: " Herd Immunity® " (an Orwellian term befitting cattle) or " Continuous" COVID-19®. And what did American's chose? They picked " continuous ", Alex, for $1,200 per U.S. citizen. And as we Flattened the Curve ®, the CDC broadcasted concerns regarding second waves of coronaviruses as telescreens the world over warned of mutant strains of coronaviruses more contagious than the original .

    Yes. Both Coronavirus®, and Big Brother, Incorporated have marched forward unencumbered.

    But as people sheltered in their homes they saw "conservative" Never-Trumpers weaponize the ghost of Ronald Reagan against the Bad Orange Man® with a video entitled "Mourning in America" . It was too cute by half. Then, fortunately, as the world remained mystified by "covid toes" , the president tweeted back at the Never-Trump "losers" in the most ingenious and gratifying ways.

    And Trump is just getting warmed up. No doubt his Zoom® debates with Biden are bound to be hilarious. Unless Whistleblowergate Part Deux is the silver-bullet that will stop the Bad Orange Man® once and for all?

    (CNN) Dr. Rick Bright, the ousted director of the office involved in developing a coronavirus vaccine, formally filed an extensive whistleblower complaint Tuesday alleging his early warnings about the coronavirus were ignored and that his caution at a treatment favored by President Donald Trump led to his removal.

    For the Democrats, the future looks "Bright", no?

    In my previous article entitled "On Used Cars, Haircuts, and Buyers Beware" , I referenced "Hegelian Polemics" and therein linked an article entitled "Hegelian Dialectic: A Tool To Enslave Humanity" .

    What I found interesting in that article is how it identified "opposing sides" (i.e. opposites) as "capstones" on the bottom of the "pyramid" – with the top capstone (eye) as representative of the final action:

    The chess board is a well-known Masonic or Hegelian symbol, the black and white squares symbolize control through duality in the grand game of life in all aspects. Left or right, white or black people, conservative or liberal, democrat or republican, Christian or Muslim and so on. Through two opposing parties control is gained as both parties reach the same destination, which is order through guided conflict or chaos.

    Left (thesis) versus right (antithesis) equals middle ground or control (synthesis). The triangle and all seeing eye we see so often symbolizes the completion of the great work

    The pyramid is supported by the bottom opposing sides. The capstone at the top is established through controlled solution or middle ground.

    In my piece entitled "On Channel Surfing, Circus Acts, and Time Passages" , I discussed the 1927 movie "Metropolis" as a favorite of the occult. The words that appear on the screen at the end of that film are these:


    A 2010 article posted on speculated on the "mediator" as the electronic media which manipulates the plebes (workers) on behalf of the head (controllers).

    To be sure, the Modern Centralizers craft their new realities by means of the Orwellian Media. It's why they call it programming . And what better way to manipulate the emotions (hearts) of people than by fiction and fear?

    With that in mind, I now call your attention to the below video link of the opening ceremonies for the 2012 Olympics:

    The Complete London 2012 Opening Ceremony | London 2012 Olympic Games

    If one cares to click that link and view the segment shown between the 45 and 55 minute marks, they will see what appears to be a staged viral pandemic. The drama takes place beneath black pyramids malevolently towering over the stadium (and the crowd) and ends with the appearance of a giant, creepy-looking baby; or maybe a still-birth – it's hard to tell.

    At the 45 to 47 minute mark, we see kids in hospital beds surrounded by dancing nurses and doctors. At around the 47:30 mark, the medical staff/dancers put the kids to bed and with fingers over their months, urging silence. What appears to be a giant virus then appears center-stage at the around the 48 minute mark.

    Then, around the 49 minute mark, Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling reads from Peter Pan and says: "But in the two minutes before you go to sleep, it is real ". Next, shadowy virus-looking demons take the stage to chase the children, and dark horses towing a magician and a steel cage glide behind an oriental woman who is looking elsewhere as the pandemic commences.

    The 49:50 mark shows what appears to be a giant (British Prime Minister) Boris Johnson sick in bed.

    Finally, as the dark magicians cast their spells and the viruses dance, the nurses and doctors appear paralyzed and robotic – like puppets (50:45 to 51:45 mark) before Mary Poppins figures descend from the sky.

    In my research, I found another article by the Vigilant Citizen dated August 17, 2012 , and it had this to say back then regarding the opening ceremonies of the 2012 Olympics:

    The next important sequence of the ceremony paid tribute to the National Health Service (NHS) and Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). The set combined sick kids on hospital beds with characters from English children's literature and had a very strange and dark undertone from the start, when it began with the theme from The Exorcist, which is, in case you don't know, a movie about a child possessed by the Devil. Odd choice.

    The sequence begins with children on hospital beds who get put to sleep by nurses. Then J.K. Rowling appears and reads a quote from Peter Pan alluding to Neverland, which becomes real in the "two minutes before you go to sleep". I couldn't say if that was done on purpose, but many elements of this set, mostly the mix of vulnerable children in a hospital with fairy tales and the concept of blurring the lines between reality and fiction, are all associated with mind control programming. Like the Wizard of Oz and Alice of Wonderland, the story of Peter Pan is heavily used in mind control programming as victims are told to escape to "Neverland" while inducing dissociation from reality.

    The same article also addressed the 2012 Olympic closing ceremonie s (video at this link) and showing a new world order rising like a phoenix; while referencing The Who, no less.

    At midnight, the Olympic cauldron and the petals representing each country are slowly extinguished, but the phoenix, representing the occult elite and the New World Order, stays lit above it. In other words, as the nations of the world slowly disappear, a New World Order will emerge. On that note, let's listen to The Who!

    Of course, listen to The Who rock band? Or the World Health Organization (WHO)? Coincidence or conspiracy? You're probably right.

    So, to summarize: 2012 was the same year the Rockefeller Foundation predicted the "Lock Step" pandemic scenario as the Olympic ceremonies that year showed opposing sides battling over children during the opening ceremonies and followed by the resolution in the closing ceremonies: A new phoenix rising from the ashes – like a new world order.

    Order out of chaos.

    Therefore, if COVID-19 was, indeed, a PLANdemic perpetrated by dark forces, was my aforementioned friend murdered by those who now want us to self-quarantine and wear masks for the safety of those being murdered? Most likely; because observing luciferian pedophiles through their symbols is like identifying hidden planets via the observed effects of gravitation, or studying game theory when the game is rigged.

    It's how we can identify who "they" are, but only for people willing to first acknowledge that "they" exist. Unfortunately, it's a wasted effort on most. One might as well don a tinfoil hat and chase shadows on a magic pony.

    Therefore, perhaps it's easier to digest the words of physician and former Presidential Candidate Ron Paul when it comes to explaining Coronavirus tyranny, forced vaccinations and 'Digital Certificates' :

    Proponents of mandatory vaccines and enhanced surveillance are trying to blackmail the American people by arguing that the lockdown cannot end unless we create a healthcare surveillance state and make vaccination mandatory. The growing number of Americans who are tired of not being able to go to work, school, or church, or even to take their children to a park because of government mandates should reject this "deal." Instead, they should demand an immediate end to the lockdowns and the restoration of individual responsibility for deciding how best to protect their health.

    Regrettably, it was supposed to be a season of graduation parties, weddings, and Fourth of July celebrations. But these have been displaced by lockdowns, social distancing, bodies in refrigerated trucks, fear, magic spells, and propaganda.

    Fox News Host Tucker Carlson has even recently bemoaned the New America's resemblance to communist China :

    Big companies partnering with the government to spy on you without your knowledge. Americans locked in their homes, banned from going to church, placated with sedatives like beer and weed. Anyone who speaks up is silenced. Political demonstrations are illegal. Organizers are arrested. Only opinions approved by unelected leaders are allowed on information platforms. Sound familiar? It sounds a lot like China. Of all the many ironies of this moment, so many of them bitter, the hardest to swallow is this: as we fight this virus, we are becoming far more like the country that spawned it. We're becoming more like China. It's horrifying.

    Those in power are the ones the our professional class seeks to protect, not the country. Freedom of conscience never endangers the public. It only threatens the powerful. It endangers their control. It hinders their ability to dictate election results, to loot the economy, to make policies based on whim for their own gain. No wonder our leaders have done such a poor job protecting us from China. They're on the same team.

    – Tucker Carlson Tonight: Tuesday, April 28, 2020

    Sadly, it appears Trump may be a crisis actor, like Anthony Fauci , and part of the plan from the start. The final details were solidified years ago – including the bioengineered PLANdemic.

    China is quite likely part of the plan, too, since One World Under Communism has become the desired destination of the billionaires; with millions dying along the way. For those who do survive, they'll be allowed to work , consume , and obey . Of course, many Americans will not cooperate with their planned demise and this is why The Central Planners will need a great big war.

    Both President Trump and his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, are tying Coronavirus to the "government laboratory in Wuhan" and now the Chinese are warning of possible armed conflict with the U.S. over the COVID-19 backlash ­.

    Most recently, in an Oval Office Press conference on May 6, 2020, Trump actually blamed China for Coronavirus while claiming it is the "worst attack we've ever had" :

    "This is worse than Pearl Harbor, this is worse than the World Trade Center. There's never been an attack like this.

    – President Donald Trump – May 6, 2020

    It means events could potentially occur as follows: As soon as rock-solid proof is revealed that China released the virus to take out Trump because our great president was winning the trade wars, then, the Orange-Haired Wonder will rally national support via sorrowful lamentations while standing tall on reality TV amidst the economic ruins.

    A bumbling first strike by the U.S. could allow a Sino-Russian alliance to seal America's fate once and for all; and most likely by nuclear means.

    Then any surviving sheeple will eagerly line up for the Bill Gates of Hell special: A free digital tattoo along with a bonus vaccination and bowl of soup.

    Welcome to the end of the rainbow. Orwell was right: we've always been at war with Eastasia and jackboots will stomp on human faces forever. Unless, that is, the digital drip-drops from Q-anon and our online commentaries change the future.


    Those gathering at the round tables have been tremendously successful in our societal programming . Yet most of them are mere puppets to the inner rings of concentric power. The monsters that once lurked under our beds were set loose years ago and, today, they dress in drag and read to kids in libraries while others wear blue uniforms and arrest mothers for taking kids to playgrounds.

    And where are the men of action? Where are the lovers of liberty? In my area, they've been fishing. And grilling. And why not? Trump is in the White House while Nancy Pelosi is locked in her gourmet kitchen eating fancy ice cream. The stimulus checks are in the bank, the grocery stores are still open, and if the fish aren't biting, those who would stand up to tyranny can always grab a bucket of chicken through the KFC drive-thru on the way home. At least for now.

    As far as national lockdowns go, this has been the best one ever. So far.

    For obvious reasons, I've been thinking of the autistic livestock guru Temple Grandin and how she pioneered more humane methods of leading animals to slaughter. One of the methods was to have cattle march to their demise single file via tall shutes. That sort of isolation seems reminiscent of what's occurring in America now – with people staring at walls, muzzled by masks, and numbly following orders while remaining six-feet apart.

    How can people resist when they've been fooled? How can they fight back when they're frightened? And why have they placed their hope in safety instead of liberty ?

    Good questions.

    Real hope remains in the smart choices, right actions, and the prepping and survival decisions made every day by those awake and aware. But no matter what the future holds, may all reading this be surrounded by friends and loved ones who know Epstein didn't kill himself.

    [May 05, 2020] The real blame China has is not coverup but that the opposite: Overreaction When China ordered a province-wide Lockdown, it persuaded enough people that this was uniquely terrifying a virus as to merit extreme measures, setting stage for worldwide panic.

    May 05, 2020 |

    Hail , May 4 2020 19:14 utc | 10

    The real blame China has is not "coverup" but that the opposite: Overreaction When China ordered a province-wide Lockdown, it persuaded enough people that this was uniquely terrifying a virus as to merit extreme measures, setting stage for worldwide panic.

    What if they were wrong?

    We now know large declines in the transmission rate occurred BEFORE the lockdowns, meaning simple voluntary measures under a Swedish-style Stay Open scenario were enough:

    The coronavirus transmission rate ("R0") fell long before the Lockdown orders; What caused the decline?

    The other finding is that, one way or another, this flu-epidemic passes as all others have. It's actually good news, because it means the worst fears were wrong and we can re-open.

    [May 04, 2020] Fauci vs Atlas and Ioannides. Who will wear the dunce cap

    Notable quotes:
    "... Mnuchin said today that it is too early to say whether international travel will open back up before the end of the year ..."
    May 04, 2020 |

    "The basis of reassuring the public about re-entry is repeating the facts about the threat and who it targets . By now, studies from Europe and the U.S . all suggest that the overall fatality rate is far lower than early estimates. And we know who to protect, because this disease – by the evidence – is not equally dangerous across the population. In Michigan's Oakland County , 75 percent of deaths were in those over 70 years old; 91 percent were in people over 60, similar to what was noted in New York . And younger, healthier people have virtually zero risk of death and little risk of serious disease; as I have noted before, under one percent of New York City's hospitalizations have been patients under 18 years of age, and less than one percent of deaths at any age are in the absence of underlying conditions.

    Here are specific and logical steps to end the lockdown and safely restore normal life:

    First , let's finally focus on protection for the most vulnerable -- that means nursing home patients, who are already living under controlled access. This would include strictly regulating all who enter and care for nursing home members by requiring testing and protective masks for all who interact with these highly vulnerable people. Specifically, nursing home workers should be tested for COVID-19 antibodies, and if negative, for virus to exclude infection, to ensure safety of senior residents. No COVID-19-positive patient can resume residence until definitively cleared by testing.

    We should continue to inform the public about what they have already successfully learned regarding the at-risk group. That means issuing rational guidelines advising the highest standards of hygiene and appropriate social distancing while interacting with elderly friends and family members at risk, including those with diabetes, obesity and other chronic conditions.

    Second , those with mild symptoms of the illness should strictly self-isolate for two weeks. It's not urgent to test them -- simply assume they have the infection. That includes confinement at home, having the highest concern for sanitization and wearing protective masks when others in their homes enter the same room." Dr. Scott Atlas in The Hill


    It should be mentioned that Dr. John Ioannides, a leading epidemiologist at Stanford agrees with Dr. Atlas.

    I saw Atlas on a news program a day or so ago. The anchor looked frightened by what Atlas was saying. This is understandable. The COVID panic is now so deeply embedded and pervasive that to question the rationale for the shut-down of the economy is equivalent to heresy in a theocratic state.

    IMO the road back economically is going to be slow and difficult. I hope I am wrong. pl

    Diana Croissant , 04 May 2020 at 09:38 AM

    I hope you are wrong, too. I am tired of the drama and hysteria.

    Still, I do want the investigations into China's culpability for the
    result of their "accident" or of their planned upheaval of the rest of the world.

    I just want to trust some designated "expert" to tell us when when we can put away the masks and can take up hugging our friends and shaking hands while smiling and meeting new acquaintances. What is a church service without that and all the stories of Christs care and concern for the "untouchables" of the world?

    J , 04 May 2020 at 10:40 AM

    Beijing is getting very nervous. Take a look at Reuter's report:

    Exclusive: Internal Chinese report warns Beijing faces Tiananmen-like global backlash over virus

    Seems the CCP's MSS's think-tank CICR compiled an Intelligence Report of their own warning of possible armed conflict with U.S..

    IMO it's hoped that our IC will realize that this virus doesn't jump ship into the human sphere on its own naturally without 'human tweaking in a lab' which then provides a bridge from which the virus could go from bats to the human sphere. And why would the CCP/MSS play such a dangerous game? -- Bio-weapons R&D.

    Eric Newhill , 04 May 2020 at 10:59 AM
    There can be little doubt that the fascist/socialist/anti-Trump elements in this country have seized upon the presence of the virus to attempt to destroy Trump's chances in November and to bring about greater state control of citizens. This immediately after the lame impeachment plot failed to remove Trump; which was right after the lame Russian collusion plot failed to remove Trump.

    I don't think it's paranoid to consider that China released the virus on the US at a time when President Trump is engaging in a major trade war with the Chinese, as a tactic in fighting that war.

    The Ionides/Atlas clinical perspective has been known to be correct - based on data - since March, yet the Democrat controlled states continue to double down on state control of their populations and destruction of their economies.

    The Left has become a collection of kamikazes. The elites can ride this out. They have money. They are hoping that when the economy is in ashes, all of the starving little people will come into their open arms.

    In 1968 another Asian virus, known as the Hong Kong flu, arrived in the US. It began killing Americans noticeably in 1969. As this was occurring, the Woodstock music festival was planned. The festival went off with now famous record crowd numbers during the peak of the virus. No one seemed to care. That virus ultimately killed 100,000 Americans (not Woodstock attendees); more than covid, even if you believe the artificially inflated covid figures. That was at a time when the population of the US was far less. So a far greater % died than covid.

    We've been here before folks. It's the reaction that is different this time. The reaction is driven by internal and external political objectives of massive importance for our future as a free society.

    Free people need to be able to make these decisions on their own. Give them clear information and let them decide their next move. Keep the government "experts" out of the decision making process. I believe that as the weather improves and the economic hardship increases, Americans will turn on the fascist/socialist elites and take their lives back. The vulnerable and the cowards will self-isolate. I further believe Americans will do what they need to to get the economy going again, buying American made only, patronizing small businesses beyond what they normally would and voting for pro-American candidates (i.e. the Democrats lose big time).

    Deap , 04 May 2020 at 11:11 AM
    What should we be doing every "flu season"?

    What have we done every flu season that has resulted in very similar numbers and population groups affected. How, in fact, is this one materially different.

    Barbara Ann , 04 May 2020 at 11:13 AM
    Mnuchin said today that it is too early to say whether international travel will open back up before the end of the year . Coincidentally, I also came across a Twitter poll of 15,000 people with the the following question & results:

    "Hypothetically, if everything opens up tomorrow when would you fly again?"

    - Immediately 25%
    - 2-3 months 20%
    - 3-6 months 26%
    - 1 year or more 29%

    Hardly scientific and I've no idea of the demographic or geographic spread of respondents, but it seems pretty clear many people remain fearful.

    David Solomon , 04 May 2020 at 11:18 AM
    Colonel Lang, As to economic recovery I suggest listening to this podcast with Nouriel Roubini.

    TV , 04 May 2020 at 11:20 AM
    The Democrat-media hysteria HAS been deeply ingrained.
    The mass of people have - not surprisingly - turned out to be lambs (baby sheep).
    Each person is responsible for managing their own life - which includes risk.
    Unfortunately, the population of lambs has been trained over the years to look for mommy government to manage their risk - mandatory seat belt laws come to mind.
    Ben Franklin said it succinctly:
    "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
    PJ20 , 04 May 2020 at 11:30 AM
    There is widespread criticism of Ioannides two Covid studies, including the use of an unapproved antibody tests which is known to give false positives; statistical flaws, and recruiting volunteers for the sampling via Facebook, as well as the wife of a study co-author to call and recruit parents from her kids school.

    Here is an excerpt from an article on the controversy.

    ""My quick take is that something really odd is going on with Ioannidis," wrote Alexander Rubinsteyn, a geneticist and computational biologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in an email to Undark. Rubinsteyn suggested that Ioannidis may simply be "so attached to being the iconoclast that defies conventional wisdom that he's unintentionally doing horrible science."

    He added: "Pretty much no one with statistical acumen believes these studies.""

    Patrick Armstrong , 04 May 2020 at 11:48 AM
    Here's who Ioannidis is
    JJackson , 04 May 2020 at 11:57 AM
    In areas where the health system is not under stress this makes perfect sense. I would give the hugging, handshaking and church services a miss and maintain the social distancing at work and when out of the house as far as is practical. It needs to be done with lots of testing, contact tracing and case isolation. Knowledge and common sense on everyone's part will work. Limited local shutdown may be needed if cases start climbing in some areas.
    BillWade , 04 May 2020 at 12:22 PM
    Our restaurants open today in most of Florida. In spite of needing our hair attended to, we will eat out both lunch and dinner. Sadly, some of our restaurants are closing for good. My wife tells me that local Facebook is about evenly divided about going out now. I don't get it as these folks have been gathering in the supermarkets the whole time.
    turcopolier , 04 May 2020 at 12:40 PM

    Explain to me what anti-body testing does for us as a population other than allow mapping the extent of infection.

    Eric Newhill , 04 May 2020 at 12:42 PM
    Except the results of the Ionides study have been replicated several times now elsewhere in the country, including NYC.
    AK , 04 May 2020 at 12:46 PM
    Diana Croissant,

    "I just want to trust some designated 'expert' to tell us when when we can put away the masks and can take up hugging our friends and shaking hands while smiling and meeting new acquaintances. What is a church service without that and all the stories of Christs care and concern for the 'untouchables' of the world?"

    I think that "expert" you seek is going to have to be the person you see in the mirror every morning. The "designated experts" have no interest in encouraging you to go back to living a life you love. As Eric Newhill stated, it's going to be up to free-thinking adults to make those decisions for themselves. If you expect or hope for "experts" to protect you from yourself, then you have too much faith in "experts" and in government. Take sensible precautions as they relate to your own risk demographic and respect other people making those choices for themselves. Otherwise let's all get on living like Americans.

    ST Harris , 04 May 2020 at 12:55 PM
    Even in blissful 'pre rona' December the Fed's repo market had been sounding the alarms that a serious bubble recession was coming. Nothing apparently was fixed from the last wall street megadooshbaggery meltdown. See:

    This means that even those who built up real estate equity will have a difficult time short term liquifying that equity, which means that Chase, Wells Fargo, et al have a lot of pessimism about the US real estate market, the thing they have made so much money on last few years, and which they were supposed to have fixed.

    well pilgrims ;) not only is the economy enduring sudden searing pandemic pain, it is also feeling the beginning of a big bubble popping recession, which everybody in the financial world was already freaking about well before the rona arrived. Perhaps endless Fed QE can prop up equities markets through November, perhaps, but then it's all bets off into 2021 as numerous wall street debts scams will have to be deleveraged.

    Eric Newhill , 04 May 2020 at 01:21 PM
    In the spirit of fairness, anti-body testing would allow scientists to identify who has the anti-bodies and then track them to see if they become re-infected and, if so, at what level of severity. That would shed light on the "herd immunity" theory (i.e. is there such a thing and, if so, to what extent?).

    Otherwise, calls for "universal testing" are just sound bites born of confusion and panic, at best; another means of violating the rights of Americans at worst (e.g. making people wear yellow stars, carrying papers that allow them to enjoy full or truncated societal "privelges").

    The Twisted Genius , 04 May 2020 at 01:25 PM

    Widespread antibody testing will show covid-19 is more contagious than a lot of diseases, but not not near as deadly as most people think. People will see they had it, didn't even know it and are now immune to it at least in the near term. Fear will be deflated. We will then have a known large segment of the population known to not capable of further spreading the virus and a ready supply of antibody serum as an effective treatment for those who do get infected. That will also diminish fear.

    Covid-19 and our response to it is as much a political issue as it is a public health issue. Trump was going to run on a booming economy. If he wants to get back to that strategy, he has to banish the fear of the virus. That will get everyone back to work so they can eat and pay rent, as well as continue to piss away their money on crap they don't need. Our economy depends on all that. If Trump is smart, he best get to stepping and institute a nationwide antibody testing program.

    Eric Newhill , 04 May 2020 at 01:26 PM
    And Fauci has already been awarded the dunce cap with his 1980s assertion that HIV was going kill us all. So I guess for his most recent action he gets the dunce cap with slide rule cluster.
    Deap , 04 May 2020 at 01:29 PM
    A cruise passenger interests website offered another informal poll - are you willing to cruise again: 64% said as much as in the past; 10% said they would cruise even more to help get the industry back on its feet. Therefore, in this obviously interested sample, 75% want the cruise industry to start up again. Yesterday. 25% will choose to wait or not cruise again.

    The cruise industry passenger base remains willing and loyal. In fact they are probably better trained in personal hygiene habits than most having had to deal with noro (aka tourista ) in the past and a typical URI complaint commonly called" cruise crud" that was most likely picked up on the air flight to get to the cruise port. The real numbers of disease and mortality overall within this industry do not support the screaming head llnes and lurid reporting.

    turcopolier , 04 May 2020 at 01:40 PM

    It remains to be seen if one infection makes an individual immune for some time. IMO we should follow the Atlas/Ioannides formula. I noticed in re-reading "Sharpsburg," that Hunter McGuire appears therein.

    Deap , 04 May 2020 at 01:44 PM
    What does an anti-body test do? I just had one last week and awaiting the results - was a cruise passenger and international air passenger during the month of January in a later suspected area. (not Asia).

    Here is why I did the anti-body test: (Quest Labs - fee service, no RX- 99% accuracy - drawn blood vial test)

    1. Helps substantiate dates and areas of transmission that may not yet be in the data pool.

    2. Tracks the rates of asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic cases occurring among the "elderly", in order to see if there is an enhanced risk of not in this age group, if there are no underlying co-morbidities.

    3. Adds demographic data specific for the travel industry.

    4. Allows possible donation of anti-body serum for research and perhaps mitigation of those who are affected.

    5. Personal peace of mind -been there and done that. Freedom to move about.

    6. Provides baseline for duration of immunity; resilience of immunity or data showing re-infection can be possible.

    Primarily it is for data gathering to help stop the hysteria. That was worth the time, money and blood donation for me. We will never know the true extent of this virus, its impacts, its initial modeling accuracy until we start plugging facts into the "expert" hypotheticals.

    Taking one for the team is the way I see it. Will I now become a local Typhoid Mary and our house burned down if this data becomes known? Or will people stop walking out into the roadway in faux deference to my advanced age as I pass by, from our deliciously virtue signaling "progressive" population in blue state California.

    turcopolier , 04 May 2020 at 01:44 PM

    Am I right or wrong in thinking that when the injected liquidity plus existing cash exceeds the amount of money that would haven been in the economy at this point then the currency will begin to inflate?

    turcopolier , 04 May 2020 at 01:47 PM

    "Provides baseline for duration of immunity; resilience of immunity or data showing re-infection can be possible. Primarily it is for data gathering to help stop the hysteria." Yes

    Oilman2 , 04 May 2020 at 01:54 PM
    Colonel, you are NOT wrong. The oil business in America is going to take a very long time to recover. There are complete shutterings of businesses, bankruptcies and more - all while we were in the middle of a downturn. Personally, I just folded up my tent because my my active client list went from 21 to zero over this last month (and that includes intl clients).

    As the number one buyer of US steel, the oilpatch represents much more than people realize. We have also been the number one buyer of many other items - where sales have disappeared as company quietly and reluctantly face the reality of the current induced glut.

    I'm being forced to change livelihoods - interesting for me, as I am short of the age to get my SS check and too old to employ by most corporate masters....

    The Twisted Genius , 04 May 2020 at 02:06 PM

    Yes, I noticed Hunter Holmes when I reread Chancellorsville this time. I knew nothing about him until you mentioned him a while back. He also founded what is now the VCU Medical Center and was president of the AMA for a time. There is a statue of him on the State Capitol grounds, but i haven't seen it yet.

    [May 04, 2020] Who and why spreads ridiculous rumors about coronavirus

    Highly recommended!
    Notable quotes:
    "... during such catastrophes, a large number of people find themselves in a state where they realize that they cannot control their lives. They don't know what will happen in the near future. The state of complete uncertainty makes people much more susceptible to conspiracy theories, and also makes them repost information that they doubt is true. People think: "What if it's true" - and try to warn others about the "impending danger". ..."
    "... Fake information is mostly launched because of a sense of concern. During a period of turmoil and uncertainty, the need to exchange texts increases at times ..."
    May 02, 2020 |

    Fakes about coronavirus turn into modern folklore

    "During such disasters, a large number of people find themselves in a state where they realize that they cannot control their lives. They don't know what will happen in the near future. The state of complete uncertainty makes people much more susceptible to conspiracy theories," social anthropologist Anna Kirzyuk told VZGLYAD newspaper. She explained why the Internet is flooded with the most unthinkable fakes dedicated to COVID-19.

    This week, the Supreme court of Russia clarified the use of articles of the criminal code for spreading fake news and rumors about coronavirus. Criminal liability starts when dissemination of information create circumstances which pose a threat to the life and health of people. It occurs if the author knew about the falsity of the reports, but gave them credibility.

    A wave of false reports about coronavirus in Russia appeared in mid-March, and this flow continues to this day. On Thursday, the Prosecutor General's office recognized fake and demanded to block access to reports that the new coronavirus was allegedly created in the Novosibirsk scientific center "Vector" and later brought to China. Earlier, the prosecutors discovered the websites that sell fake medicines and remedies. Another vicious rumor that should entail criminal responsibility is that the patients was forced to pay for treatment. And the Moscow health Department recently denied information that patients with suspected coronavirus are allegedly forced to pay for treatment themselves if they were not hospitalized by an ambulance.

    On Tuesday, the Chairman of the Media Commission of the Public Chamber, Alexander Malkevich, launched the website CoronaFake to combat false information about COVID-19. Also, the "encyclopedia of coronavirus rumors and fakes" has been created and updated on the Internet, which is being developed by professional folklorists and anthropologists. Which might help to fight the rumors. But in a way number of rumors are inverse indicator of the trust to the government.

    About the nature of the appearance of fakes and their impact on daily life newspaper LOOK told one of the authors of the encyclopedia, social anthropologist, PhD, research fellow, school of modern Humanities research, Ranepa Anna Kiresuk.

    VIEW: Anna Andreyevna, at the beginning of the pandemic, there were many fakes about the coronavirus. Now the flow of these fakes is decreasing?

    Anna Kiresuk: The number of fake news about coronavirus probably is not becoming larger or smaller. small number of rumors always exist locally and surface spontaneously nationwide: the appeared periodically in the past and will appear periodically in the future. This probably will continue until the end of the pandemic, or at least the the and of the regime of self-isolation.

    VIEW: Why does the flow of fake news and rumors increase during various social disasters?

    A. K.: during such catastrophes, a large number of people find themselves in a state where they realize that they cannot control their lives. They don't know what will happen in the near future. The state of complete uncertainty makes people much more susceptible to conspiracy theories, and also makes them repost information that they doubt is true. People think: "What if it's true" - and try to warn others about the "impending danger".

    VIEW: Who is the main source of fakes?

    AK: There is no center, no malicious group of people who compose and launch fakes in social networks. It is also impossible to say that a specific person is to blame for the appearance of a fake. Let's say a person leaves a text or a post on a social network. Then this text can be transformed in the process of transmission, become overgrown with new details, and lose its authorship. For example, a person heard two women talking at a bus stop about hundreds of dead people in the local regional hospital, and the authorities allegedly hushed it up. Then he writes about it in some social network message, it begins to "walk" and acquire new details. Who is the author of this message? Women who spoke at the bus stop, the author of the first post in the social network, or those people who repost fake and add comments? It is impossible to talk about authorship here.

    VIEW: in other words, it is common for people, especially in crisis conditions, to exchange unreliable information?

    AK: Of course. There are no people who RUB their hands and think: "But I'm going to start a panic." Fake information is mostly launched because of a sense of concern. During a period of turmoil and uncertainty, the need to exchange texts increases at times .

    When there is a sense of the presence of an indefinite danger outside, whether it is a virus or possible harsh measures by the state, people have an urgent need to be a member of some circle of people who think in the same way, the cicle which provide some kind of mutual cocial support. Fake news are just perverted way to create such a circle.

    OPINION: But how fake rumors help to create such a circle?

    A. K.: Texts that circulate in groups of acquaintances, friends, and relatives somewhat strengthen the feeling that "we are together", "I am not alone", and "others think the same as me". This is a very important function of fake rumors and folklore in General. Launching a text in the public, a person virtually create a check of the correlation of his underanding of the situation and feelings with the understadnng and feelings of the group.

    For example, a person who calls on all citizens to lock their windows at night, because government helicopters will start spraying the virus disinfectant in Moscow. This rumor was popular in mid-March. The author of the message may doubt the reality of this news, but he wants to to get confirmation that he is wrong from his social circle (is somewhat perverted way), to make sure of his suspicions and understanding is right or wrong. He is interested in what his friends in Vkontakte or his colleagues from the work chat in WhatsApp will say about the rumor that he/she spreads. If other people swallow the fake line hook and thinker, he begin to believe that this news is real and his suspicions were not in vain.

    VIEW: In Addition to the "disinfection of the city using helicopters" are are any there other prominent. widespread rumors?

    A. K.: Yes there are. One example, is the rumor about bananas infected with coronavirus. In some regions of Russia, thanks to this rumor, the sales of bananas were reduced. Because many people believed in the validity of such a path infection with the coronavirus.

    There are also a lot of widely circulating rumors with pseudo-medical advice about the usefulness of drinking hot water, applying ginger or eating alkaline foods – there is a market for fake prophylactic methods and fake cures for the coronavirus becuase the danger of infection is real. So some believe that particular stupid actions can be a means of treating and preventing coronavirus. Thanks to the popularity of such pseudo-medical advice, the price of ginger in many cities has soared at times. People rushed to buy ginger, thinking that it protects against the coronavirus by boosting one's immune system.

    The distribution of such texts performs several very important psychological functions at once.

    1. First, it gives people the illusion of control: I know where the danger is coming from, and I can warn others.
    2. Secondly, the distribution of such texts allows a person to feel that he is not alone in feeling anxiety and anxiety. And, third, by distributing such texts, a person can increase their status in this group. The one who warned about the danger, the one-well done. He shares with others the knowledge that is available only to him, but vital for all.

    VIEW: Can we disitinushe beweem fake news about coronavirus and rumors? What is the difference, if any?

    AK: Rumors and fake news or "imporvized news" are identical social phenomena. For example, in some cities there are rumors about the imminent introduction of internal troops and the announcement of a curfew. People tell this rumor to each other in stores, at bus stops, and to their neighbors. At some point, one of the "carriers" infected with this rumor creates and posts a fake document that troops are being drawn to Moscow. He/she may do it as a joke, but at this point, the rumor becomes fake news and the person should face legal responsibility.

    VIEW: What is meant by a fake document? The this a post itself in the social network?

    AK: No. Fake document is a document printed on official letterhead with seals, signatures and other formal attributes, information about the imminent introduction of a curfew is set out. Links to the Ministry of internal Affairs and the mayor's office may be provided. This text may be drawn up on behalf of the Moscow government. Forged seal, signature, outgoing number, coat of arms of the Russian Federation. This is a fake news based on a rumor.

    VIEW: Which category of people are more susceptible to fake information?

    AK: Generally this is difficult to predict. We don't have the tools to predict how different social and educational strata would react. But there rumors and fake news which contains references to scientific and medical authorities or authorities make the text more reliable even for an educated audience.

    In the late 80's, French folklorist Jean-Noel Kapferer investigated the distribution of so-called Villejuif leaflets, which warned that a certain set of food additives (they were designated by numeric letter codes such as E221) is life-threatening and causes cancer. The document was allegedly drawn up on behalf of a clinic in the city of Villejuif, which specialized in the treatment of cancer. These leaflets were dropped into mailboxes and scattered in stores.

    Kapferer found out that thanks to the link to the Villejuif clinic, these leaflets were distributed even by educated people-doctors, teachers. A reference to authority makes the text more reliable.

    [May 03, 2020] The Inevitable Coronavirus Censorship Crisis is Here - Reporting by Matt Taibbi

    Notable quotes:
    "... There's a concerted effort on the part of influential people at the network that we at All In call Trump TV right now to peddle dangerous misinformation about the coronavirus Call it coronavirus trutherism. ..."
    "... Who needs to win elections when you can personally reestablish the social order every day on Twitter and Facebook? When you can scold, and scold, and scold. That's their future, and it's a satisfying one: a finger wagging in some vulgar proletarian's face, forever. ..."
    "... Get a Grippe, America: The flu is a much bigger threat than coronavirus, for now : Washington Post ..."
    "... Coronavirus is scary, but the flu is deadlier, more widespread : USA Today ..."
    "... Want to Protect Yourself From Coronavirus? Do the Same Things You Do Every Winter : Time ..."
    "... We should de-escalate the war on coronavirus ..."
    "... "Good hand-washing helps. Staying healthy and eating healthy will also help," says Dr. Sharon Nachman, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at New York's Stony Brook Children's Hospital. "The things we take for granted actually do work. It doesn't matter what the virus is. The routine things work ." ..."
    May 03, 2020 |

    YouTube took down a widely-circulated video about coronavirus, citing a violation of "community guidelines ."

    The offenders were Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massahi, co-owners of an "Urgent Care" clinic in Bakersfield, California. They'd held a presentation in which they argued that widespread lockdowns were perhaps not necessary, according to data they were collecting and analyzing.

    "Millions of cases, small amounts of deaths," said Erickson , a vigorous, cheery-looking Norwegian-American who argued the numbers showed Covid-19 was similar to flu in mortality rate. "Does [that] necessitate shutdown, loss of jobs, destruction of oil companies, furloughing doctors ? I think the answer is going to be increasingly clear."

    The reaction of the medical community was severe. It was pointed out that the two men owned a clinic that was losing business thanks to the lockdown. The message boards of real E.R. doctors lit up with angry comments, scoffing at the doctors' dubious data collection methods and even their somewhat dramatic choice to dress in scrubs for their video presentation.

    The American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) and American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) scrambled to issue a joint statement to "emphatically condemn" the two doctors, who "do not speak for medical society" and had released "biased, non-peer reviewed data to advance their personal financial interests."

    As is now almost automatically the case in the media treatment of any controversy, the story was immediately packaged for "left" and "right" audiences by TV networks. Tucker Carlson on Fox backed up the doctors' claims, saying "these are serious people who've done this for a living for decades," and YouTube and Google have " officially banned dissent ."

    Meanwhile, over on Carlson's opposite-number channel, MSNBC, anchor Chris Hayes of the All In program reacted with fury to Carlson's monologue:

    There's a concerted effort on the part of influential people at the network that we at All In call Trump TV right now to peddle dangerous misinformation about the coronavirus Call it coronavirus trutherism.

    Hayes, an old acquaintance of mine, seethed at what he characterized as the gross indifference of Trump Republicans to the dangers of coronavirus. "At the beginning of this horrible period, the president, along with his lackeys, and propagandists, they all minimized what was coming," he said, sneering. "They said it was just like a cold or the flu."

    He angrily demanded that if Fox acolytes like Carlson believed so strongly that society should be reopened, they should go work in a meat processing plant. "Get in there if you think it's that bad. Go chop up some pork."

    The tone of the many media reactions to Erickson, Carlson, Trump, Georgia governor Brian Kemp, and others who've suggested lockdowns and strict shelter-in-place laws are either unnecessary or do more harm than good, fits with what writer Thomas Frank describes as a new " Utopia of Scolding ":

    Who needs to win elections when you can personally reestablish the social order every day on Twitter and Facebook? When you can scold, and scold, and scold. That's their future, and it's a satisfying one: a finger wagging in some vulgar proletarian's face, forever.

    In the Trump years the sector of society we used to describe as liberal America became a giant finger-wagging machine. The news media, academia, the Democratic Party, show-business celebrities and masses of blue-checked Twitter virtuosos became a kind of umbrella agreement society, united by loathing of Trump and fury toward anyone who dissented with their preoccupations.

    Because this Conventional Wisdom viewed itself as being solely concerned with the Only Important Thing, i.e. removing Trump, there was no longer any legitimate excuse for disagreeing with its takes on Russia, Julian Assange, Jill Stein, Joe Rogan, the 25th amendment, Ukraine, the use of the word "treason," the removal of Alex Jones, the movie Joker, or whatever else happened to be the #Resistance fixation of the day.

    When the Covid-19 crisis struck, the scolding utopia was no longer abstraction. The dream was reality! Pure communism had arrived! Failure to take elite advice was no longer just a deplorable faux pas . Not heeding experts was now murder. It could not be tolerated. Media coverage quickly became a single, floridly-written tirade against " expertise-deniers ." For instance, the Atlantic headline on Kemp's decision to end some shutdowns was, " Georgia's Experiment in Human Sacrifice ."

    At the outset of the crisis, America's biggest internet platforms – Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, and Reddit – took an unprecedented step to combat "fraud and misinformation " by promising extensive cooperation in elevating "authoritative" news over less reputable sources.

    H.L. Mencken once said that in America, "the general average of intelligence, of knowledge, of competence, of integrity, of self-respect, of honor is so low that any man who knows his trade, does not fear ghosts, has read fifty good books, and practices the common decencies stands out as brilliantly as a wart on a bald head."

    We have a lot of dumb people in this country. But the difference between the stupidities cherished by the Idiocracy set ingesting fish cleaner, and the ones pushed in places like the Atlantic, is that the jackasses among the "expert" class compound their wrongness by being so sure of themselves that they force others to go along. In other words, to combat "ignorance," the scolders create a new and more virulent species of it: exclusive ignorance, forced ignorance, ignorance with staying power.

    The people who want to add a censorship regime to a health crisis are more dangerous and more stupid by leaps and bounds than a president who tells people to inject disinfectant . It's astonishing that they don't see this.

    Journalists are professional test-crammers. Our job is to get an assignment on Monday morning and by Tuesday evening act like we're authorities on intellectual piracy, the civil war in Yemen, Iowa caucus procedure, the coronavirus, whatever. We actually know jack: we speed-read, make a few phone calls, and in a snap people are inviting us on television to tell millions of people what to think about the complex issues of the world.

    When we come to a subject cold, the job is about consulting as many people who really know their stuff as quickly as possible and sussing out – often based on nothing more than hunches or impressions of the personalities involved – which set of explanations is most believable. Sportswriters who covered the Deflategate football scandal had to do this in order to explain the Ideal Gas Law , I had to do it to cover the subprime mortgage scandal, and reporters this past January and February had to do it when assigned to assess the coming coronavirus threat.

    It does not take that much work to go back and find that a significant portion of the medical and epidemiological establishment called this disaster wrong when they were polled by reporters back in the beginning of the year. Right-wingers are having a blast collecting the headlines , and they should, given the chest-pounding at places like MSNBC about others who "minimized the risk." Here's a brief sample:

    Get a Grippe, America: The flu is a much bigger threat than coronavirus, for now : Washington Post

    Coronavirus is scary, but the flu is deadlier, more widespread : USA Today

    Want to Protect Yourself From Coronavirus? Do the Same Things You Do Every Winter : Time

    Here's my personal favorite, from Wired on January 29 :

    We should de-escalate the war on coronavirus

    There are dozens of these stories and they nearly all contain the same elements, including an inevitable quote or series of quotes from experts telling us to calm the hell down. This is from the Time piece:

    "Good hand-washing helps. Staying healthy and eating healthy will also help," says Dr. Sharon Nachman, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at New York's Stony Brook Children's Hospital. "The things we take for granted actually do work. It doesn't matter what the virus is. The routine things work ."

    There's a reason why journalists should always keep their distance from priesthoods in any field. It's particularly in the nature of insular communities of subject matter experts to coalesce around orthodoxies that blind the very people in the loop who should be the most knowledgeable.

    "Experts" get things wrong for reasons that are innocent (they've all been taught the same incorrect thing in school) and less so (they have a financial or professional interest in denying the truth).

    On the less nefarious side, the entire community of pollsters in 2016 denounced as infamous the idea that Donald Trump could win the Republican nomination, let alone the general election. They believed that because they weren't paying attention to voters (their ostensible jobs), but also because they'd never seen anything similar. In a more suspicious example, if you asked a hundred Wall Street analysts in September 2008 what caused the financial crisis, probably no more than a handful would have mentioned fraud or malfeasance.

    Both of the above examples point out a central problem with trying to automate the fact-checking process the way the Internet platforms have of late, with their emphasis on "authoritative" opinions.

    "Authorities " by their nature are untrustworthy. Sometimes they have an interest in denying truths, and sometimes they actually try to define truth as being whatever they say it is. " Elevating authoritative content " over independent or less well-known sources is an algorithmic take on the journalistic obsession with credentialing that has been slowly destroying our business for decades.

    The WMD fiasco happened because journalists listened to people with military ranks and titles instead of demanding evidence and listening to their own instincts. The same thing happened with Russiagate, a story fueled by intelligence "experts" with grand titles who are now proven to have been wrong to a spectacular degree , if not actually criminally liable in pushing a fraud.

    We've become incapable of talking calmly about possible solutions because we've lost the ability to decouple scientific or policy discussions, or simple issues of fact, from a political argument. Reporting on the Covid-19 crisis has become the latest in a line of moral manias with Donald Trump in the middle.

    Instead of asking calmly if hydroxychloroquine works, or if the less restrictive Swedish crisis response has merit, or questioning why certain statistical assumptions about the seriousness of the crisis might have been off, we're denouncing the questions themselves as infamous. Or we're politicizing the framing of stories in a way that signals to readers what their take should be before they even digest the material. " Conservative Americans see coronavirus hope in Progressive Sweden ," reads a Politico headline, as if only conservatives should feel optimism in the possibility that a non-lockdown approach might have merit! Are we rooting for such an approach to not work?

    From everything I've heard, talking to doctors and reading the background material, the Bakersfield doctors are probably not the best sources. But the functional impact of removing their videos (in addition to giving them press they wouldn't otherwise have had) is to stamp out discussion of things that do actually need to be discussed, like when the damage to the economy and the effects of other crisis-related problems – domestic abuse, substance abuse, suicide, stroke, abuse of children, etc. – become as significant a threat to the public as the pandemic. We do actually have to talk about this. We can't not talk about it out of fear of being censored, or because we're confusing real harm with political harm.

    Turning ourselves into China for any reason is the definition of a cure being worse than the disease. The scolders who are being seduced by such thinking have to wake up, before we end up adding another disaster on top of the terrible one we're already facing.

    Patrick Lovell Apr 30 Like always, I agree and am moved deeply by most of your positions. I do however find the argument not entirely convincing. I've seen you down on Russiagate from the beginning and I've never felt like I understood why. I get the barrage without the evidence and what that means for the broader context but seriously, Washington's entire currency is lying. So too is Wall Street. But Putin's isn't? Trump's? Is it really that complicated?

    Trump was laundering real estate for bad guys for decades. It's his business model. Deutsche Bank was involved with fraud in every dimension and direction and Trump was a relatively small play all things considered, but the SOB knew what he was involved with and doing. He went so far as to claim the "Act of God" defense based on deuschbag Greenspan's insane lie that no one saw 2008 coming.

    Trump went so far as to sue DM for being a victim of predatory lending. Trump? Victim of Predatory Lending??!?!?! WTF?!?!? Given all of that and then some (Mercers, Bannon, etc.) are we to pretend it wasn't exactly what it looks like? Why wouldn't we? Because Clinton was on the other side? I really don't get that part at all.

    Matt Taibbi Apr 30 I'm sorry, but Russiagate wasn't about whether or not Trump or Putin were liars or bad people. It was a very specific set of allegations that have been proven now to be false: that Trump was being blackmailed by the Russian state, that the Russians coordinated with the Trump campaign in an election interference plot, that the Trump campaign traded sanctions for election aid, that Trump himself committed treason and was a compromised foreign agent, etc. This has all been investigated and discounted. In fact it appears now, from the investigation of IG Michael Horowitz, that the FBI knew relatively early on -- by late 2016 -- that there was no coordination or collusion going on between Russia and the Trump campaign. Yet smears and innuendo flowed for years from intelligence sources anyway. You don't have to be a Trump fan to be pissed that there was such an elaborate effort at spreading this false tale.
    Larry May 1 Matt, I disagree, perhaps, with your reference to Kemp and the other governors who opened their states. Don't you agree that their effort seems to be an attempt to prevent workers from claiming unemployment benefit and that, as such, their efforts should not be seen as motivated by a simple, freely determined skepticism about the merits of the science or even the biased journalism?

    I do applaud your general thesis, and would add for my part that one of the most interesting phenomena regarding the media response to coronavirus and scientific material in general is a seeming mass desire to settle matters once and for all rather than fostering an attitude that scientific activity is more than anything else a manifestly long-drawn out, labor intensive pursuit, that requires much time, almost always, before actionable insights can be formulated, much less acted upon.

    It is odd that, as you have noted so many times, a media so addicted to manufacturing themes that must be continually resuscitated, like Russia, do the exact opposite with science: as you note, pundits and reporters, when confronted with science, tend to cram and swot maniacally (under deadline, assuredly) in order to get as close to a definitive statement as possible as fast as possible, when the entire process is designed (though increasingly commercialized and siloed privatized science mitigates against this in important ways, whilst reinforcing it in others) only to provide "answers" of any sort extremely tentatively.

    This is perhaps one of the most annoying things about many Americans' expectations of scientific activity, which you see in medicine (and weather forecasting!) perhaps most of all: people frustrated with the underlying uncertainty of medical prognoses seem to expect cookie-cutter specific formulations virtually on the spot, and are angered when these are not forthcoming.

    I even know people who have taught philosophy of science who have never stepped foot in a lab or have the vaguest notion of how "knowledge" is produced there. This sort of thing adds fertile ground for themes development of potential misunderstandings amongst lay-people that raises the deleterious effects to another level. But I am digressing.

    My main question is about Kemp and the others, but if you could speak a little to flesh out your interesting comments on reporters and scientific subject matter, I would be most grateful. I love your work, Matt, keep up the good job!

    [May 01, 2020] the Imperial College Covid-19 Research Team, issued a report on March 16th that predicted up to 500,000 deaths in the UK and 2.2 million deaths in the US unless strict government measures were put in place

    May 01, 2020 |

    . The work of two research groups was crucial in shaping the decision of the UK and US governments to implement wide-ranging lockdowns, and, in turn, governments around the world. The first group, the Imperial College Covid-19 Research Team, issued a report on March 16th that predicted up to 500,000 deaths in the UK and 2.2 million deaths in the US unless strict government measures were put in place.

    The second group, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation in Bill Gates' home state of Washington, helped provide data that corroborated the White House's initial estimates of the virus' effects, estimates that have been repeatedly downgraded as the situation has progressed.

    Unsurprisingly, the Gates Foundation has injected substantial sums of money into both groups. This year alone, the Gates Foundation has already given $79 million to Imperial College, and in 2017 the Foundation announced a $279 million investment into the IHME to expand its work collecting health data and creating models.

    Anthony Fauci, meanwhile, has become the face of the US government's coronavirus response, echoing Bill Gates' assertion that the country will not "get back to normal" until "a good vaccine" can be found to insure the public's safety.

    ANTHONY FAUCI : If you want to get to pre-coronavirus . . . You know, that might not ever happen, in the sense of the fact that the threat is there. But I believe with the therapies that will be coming online, and with the fact that I feel confident that over a period of time we will get a good vaccine, that we will never have to get back to where we are right back now.

    SOURCE: Dr. Anthony Fauci on return to normalcy from pandemic

    [May 01, 2020] Where has the regular flu gone? The CDC reports unprecedented crash in non-COVID flu-positives, raising questions

    May 01, 2020 |

    Allen , Apr 30 2020 3:08 utc | 102

    Here's another point to ponder:

    Against the Corona Panic, Pt. VI: Where has the regular flu gone? The CDC reports unprecedented crash in non-COVID flu-positives, raising questions


    As the story of COVID 19 unfolds and demands every ounce of our attention another unique health event, anomalous and perhaps connected goes ignored. An event unprecedented in at least the last 20 years since these things have been detailed by the CDC, coinciding with the C19 event, the CDC quietly informed any who were paying attention that the common flu- both scourge and money-maker – has been disappeared from the United States.

    As the trend towards the usual gradual tapering began all of a sudden by Week 12 (March 21st) the 'flu positive' numbers dropped off a cliff. When one looks at the numbers from Week 10, 21.5%, to Week 12, 6.9%, we see an incredible drop off of 14.6% occurred. By Week 14 the 'flu positives' dropped to nearly non-existent – 0.8%. A quick glance to Week 9, 24.3%, and then down to Week 14's all time record low of 0.8% shows a drop off of 23.5%.

    It's important to note that while the 22,324 tests done in Week 14 represent a significant drop in tests done compared to earlier weeks in 2020 those numbers still represented the 2nd highest overall Week 14 test numbers done in the history of the CDC. Yet only 0.8% 'flu positives' this season when the average for the preceding 7 years was 12.5% for Week 14. Even given the circumstances this is a statistical anomaly that begs many questions.

    Questions that demand answers:

    How did such a terrible flu season suddenly disappear?

    In what column have those 'flu positives' been placed?

    What happened to all the other seasonal virii that afflict humans this time of the year?

    Where did they all go?

    After a 20 year run the CDC has stated that Flu View, it's flagship offering, will no longer be offering such meticulous reports as they shift their focus to Covid. It would seem that the CDC has decided after all these years the flu has finally run its course

    Ric G , Apr 30 2020 3:28 utc | 105

    @Allen 102

    Exactly! Anyone who announces Covid deaths should also have to announce an adjacent column called normal flu/influenza/pneumonia, to see how these two columns flow together and to compare total figures.

    Otherwise, at best, they are disingenuous, and more probably, fraudsters and liars!

    [Apr 30, 2020] Tricky issues with mortality

    Apr 30, 2020 |

    Hmpf , Apr 30 2020 16:40 utc | 162

    @ vk | Apr 30 2020 16:22 utc | 160

    So, if a HIV patient suffers from and dies of a bacterial pneumonia (pneumococcus and others) because his immune system is down due his HIV infection, then he's said to have died of HIV. Correct?

    If another HIV patient acquires Covid-19 and suffers from a virological pneumonia and subsequently succumbs to it, then he has died of Covid-19? Did I get that right?

    How about a Covid-19 positive person getting killed in a fatal car accident? Covid-19 then? What about cancer patients in their terminal phase, which in most cases ends by some fatal organ failure?

    Why don't you stop making sh*t up just so it fits your narrative?

    [Apr 30, 2020] Dirty political games around coronavirus mortality

    Apr 30, 2020 |

    Allen , Apr 29 2020 16:41 utc | 1

    Let's take a quick look at how CNN (Cuomo New Network) propaganda works. For but one example:

    Here we get the apocalyptic, fear headline:

    Deaths spiked as Covid-19 spread in March and April, new analysis finds

    And then the story- on the side of your screen you will see a short interview with the ever-reliable and now regularly featured "expert" Dr. Gupta to lend even more credibility to this new "report."

    And what does the report actually say? The essence of the report is found in the following comment by Dan Weinberger, the lead epidemiologist(?), (or does he just study infectious disease?) in the report:

    "Using data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the team found about 15,000 excess deaths from March 1 to April 4. During the same time, states reported 8,000 deaths from Covid-19. "That is close to double," Dan Weinberger, who studies the epidemiology of infectious diseases at Yale, told CNN.

    The team could not show whether the increased deaths were due to coronavirus, Weinberger said. But there are strong indications that they were. For instance, the team also looked at data on doctor visits.

    "What we see is that in many states, you see an increase in influenza-like illnesses, and then a week or two later, you see an increase in deaths due to pneumonia and influenza," Weinberger said. "It provides some confirmation that what we are seeing is related to coronavirus."

    The first thing that stands out is that while the headline is worded so as to suggest (yet elusively) a spike in deaths to Covid (meant to increase hysteria in the viewers- and improve ratings) the report clearly states- "that it could not show whether the increased deaths were due to coronavirus." Based on anecdotal evidence though, the report's author itself then goes on to assert that as they have seen more "influenza like" illnesses that these "must be" Covid cases- and why is that? Let's also keep in mind in the vast majority of these cases no testing is being done to confirm or deny Covid.

    Oddly deaths attributed to influenza (even as the CDC warned us in December we were in for a bad flu season) have completely stalled and deaths from pneumonia have dropped off significantly as well. Makes one wonder how all the flu and pneumonia deaths are being categorized.

    But the deceptions get even worse – as you can see there is an embedded link to the study itself- and when you click that link you will be directed here:

    The first item of note is who these authors get their funding from. As you can see the authors are awash in money from medical organizations that have deep ties to pharmaceutical companies. They are paid to do such studies.

    Let's also keep in mind that this is a pre-print study that is not peer-reviewed yet CNN (and WaPo) featured it and represented this as if the study was factual and beyond reproach.


    (Dan Weinberger) DMW acknowledges support from grants R01AI123208 and R01AI137093 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/National Institutes of Health. VEP acknowledges support from grants R01AI112970 and R01AI137093 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/National Institutes of Health. NGR acknowledges support from grant R35GM119582 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences/National Institutes of Health and 1U01IP001122 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). TC acknowledges support from R01AI146555 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/National Institutes of Health. LS acknowledges support from the Carlsberg Foundation grant # CF20-0046. FWC acknowledges support from NICHD grant 1DP2HD091799-01.

    But it gets worse as stated in the next paragraph which precedes the study we can see the lead author of the study has direct conflicts of interest here through his connections to pharmaceutical companies that stand to profit handsomely from the entirety of the Covid business model:


    DMW has received consulting fees from Pfizer, Merck, GSK, and Affinivax for topics unrelated to this manuscript and is Principal Investigator on a research grant from Pfizer on an unrelated topic. VEP has received reimbursement from Merck and Pfizer for travel expenses to Scientific Input Engagements unrelated to the topic of this manuscript.

    An intrepid reporter certainly should ask each of the authors to disclose their stock holdings and also examine the financial contributions received by The Yale School of Public Health where these authors work.

    So we are to trust a pre-print, non peer reviewed study by authors who have direct ties to the very companies that will profit from this? CNN believes we should- so are we to believe CNN?

    [Apr 29, 2020] It is possible to conclude that there is evidence of excess mortality in Portugal between March 1 and April 22, 2020 during the COVID-19 lockdown even using the usual baselines (mean, median).

    Apr 29, 2020 |

    Vasco da Gama , Apr 29 2020 20:26 utc | 40

    Just sharing a study made on Excess Mortality Estimation During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Preliminary Data from Portugal , it's conclusion:
    It is possible to conclude that there is evidence of excess mortality in Portugal between March 1 and April 22, 2020 during the COVID-19 lockdown even using the usual baselines (mean, median).

    By adopting baselines more consistent with the lockdown, the excess mortality becomes more evident, with estimated 2400 to 4000 potential excess deaths during this period.

    The observed excess of mortality is associated with older age groups (over age 65). The reduction of more than 191,000 daily hospital ED visits occurred between March 1 - April 22 may potentially be associated with 1291 or more deaths .

    Overall, these results point towards an excess mortality that is associated with and that is 3 to 5-fold higher than the official COVID-19 mortality.

    (my emphasis, Acta Médica Portuguesa, direct pdf link )

    It is interesting that the study chose to compare all-cause mortality but also against a different period of the year in an attempt to reflect the reduced movement under the lockdown more akin to the holiday period. The resulting increased excess-mortality give way for the authors hypothesis that this is explained by the reduction in visits to hospital.

    I will comment though that the authors' estimating method could never be made official for the purposes that those are used, and their assessment of "3 to 5-fold higher than the official COVID-19 mortality" is being on the side of the sensationalistic if they are suggesting that we could replace one with the other. Despite this it is a welcome study.

    [Apr 29, 2020] Now compare that to the worldwide death toll from coronavirus: 220,000. Let me say that again. Western aggressive wars to coronavirus: 5,000,000 : 220,000."

    Apr 29, 2020 |

    Blue Dotterel , Apr 29 2020 18:02 utc | 14

    Maybe some Craig Murray will provide a little perspective on COVid 19 and the ongoing genocide taking place in the ME

    "For the purposes of argument, I am going to put an extremely conservative figure of 5 million on the number of people who died as a result of Western military intervention, direct or proxy, in the Middle East.

    Now compare that to the worldwide death toll from coronavirus: 220,000. Let me say that again.
    Western aggressive wars to coronavirus: 5,000,000 : 220,000."

    [Apr 29, 2020] Any death labeled cornivirus has been monetized.

    Apr 29, 2020 |

    Othello , Apr 29 2020 19:20 utc | 27

    This is one time I have to respectful disagree. The virus is certainly real but the hysteria is totally unjustified. I live in the city and state with supposedly the highest number of cornivirus death but yet you have hospitals and facilitysb designated for infected person are empty.....we have doctors and nurses being forced to label any death as cornivirus death..... and also any death labeled cornivirus has been monetized....

    [Apr 28, 2020] The Meditations, by a Roman emperor who died in a plague named after him, has much to say about how to face fear, pain, anxiety and loss by Donald Robertson

    Notable quotes:
    "... First of all, because Stoics believe that our true good resides in our own character and actions, they would frequently remind themselves to distinguish between what's "up to us" and what isn't. Modern Stoics tend to call this "the dichotomy of control" and many people find this distinction alone helpful in alleviating stress. What happens to me is never directly under my control, never completely ..."
    "... Marcus likes to ask himself, "What virtue has nature given me to deal with this situation?" That naturally leads to the question: "How do other people cope with similar challenges?" Stoics reflect on character strengths such as wisdom, patience and self-discipline, which potentially make them more resilient in the face of adversity. They try to exemplify these virtues and bring them to bear on the challenges they face in daily life, during a crisis like the pandemic. They learn from how other people cope. Even historical figures or fictional characters can serve as role models. ..."
    "... fear does us more harm than the things of which we're afraid. ..."
    "... Finally, during a pandemic, you may have to confront the risk, the possibility, of your own death. Since the day you were born, that's always been on the cards. Most of us find it easier to bury our heads in the sand. Avoidance is the No1 most popular coping strategy in the world. We live in denial of the self-evident fact that we all die eventually. ..."
    "... "All that comes to pass", he tells himself, even illness and death, should be as "familiar as the rose in spring and the fruit in autumn". Marcus Aurelius, through decades of training in Stoicism, in other words, had taught himself to face death with the steady calm of someone who has done so countless times already in the past. ..."
    Apr 25, 2020 |
    T he Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus was the last famous Stoic philosopher of antiquity. During the last 14 years of his life he faced one of the worst plagues in European history. The Antonine Plague, named after him, was probably caused by a strain of the smallpox virus. It's estimated to have killed up to 5 million people, possibly including Marcus himself.

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    From AD166 to around AD180, repeated outbreaks occurred throughout the known world. Roman historians describe the legions being devastated, and entire towns and villages being depopulated and going to ruin. Rome itself was particularly badly affected, carts leaving the city each day piled high with dead bodies.

    In the middle of this plague, Marcus wrote a book, known as The Meditations, which records the moral and psychological advice he gave himself at this time. He frequently applies Stoic philosophy to the challenges of coping with pain, illness, anxiety and loss. It's no stretch of the imagination to view The Meditations as a manual for developing precisely the mental resilience skills required to cope with a pandemic.

    First of all, because Stoics believe that our true good resides in our own character and actions, they would frequently remind themselves to distinguish between what's "up to us" and what isn't. Modern Stoics tend to call this "the dichotomy of control" and many people find this distinction alone helpful in alleviating stress. What happens to me is never directly under my control, never completely up to me, but my own thoughts and actions are – at least the voluntary ones. The pandemic isn't really under my control but the way I behave in response to it is.

    Much, if not all, of our thinking is also up to us. Hence, "It's not events that upset us but rather our opinions about them." More specifically, our judgment that something is really bad, awful or even catastrophic, causes our distress.

    This is one of the basic psychological principles of Stoicism. It's also the basic premise of modern cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), the leading evidence-based form of psychotherapy. The pioneers of CBT, Albert Ellis and Aaron T Beck, both describe Stoicism as the philosophical inspiration for their approach. It's not the virus that makes us afraid but rather our opinions about it. Nor is it the inconsiderate actions of others, those ignoring social distancing recommendations, that make us angry so much as our opinions about them.

    Many people are struck, on reading The Meditations, by the fact that it opens with a chapter in which Marcus lists the qualities he most admires in other individuals, about 17 friends, members of his family and teachers. This is an extended example of one of the central practices of Stoicism.

    Marcus likes to ask himself, "What virtue has nature given me to deal with this situation?" That naturally leads to the question: "How do other people cope with similar challenges?" Stoics reflect on character strengths such as wisdom, patience and self-discipline, which potentially make them more resilient in the face of adversity. They try to exemplify these virtues and bring them to bear on the challenges they face in daily life, during a crisis like the pandemic. They learn from how other people cope. Even historical figures or fictional characters can serve as role models.

    With all of this in mind, it's easier to understand another common slogan of Stoicism: fear does us more harm than the things of which we're afraid. This applies to unhealthy emotions in general, which the Stoics term "passions" – from pathos , the source of our word "pathological". It's true, first of all, in a superficial sense. Even if you have a 99% chance, or more, of surviving the pandemic, worry and anxiety may be ruining your life and driving you crazy. In extreme cases some people may even take their own lives.

    In that respect, it's easy to see how fear can do us more harm than the things of which we're afraid because it can impinge on our physical health and quality of life. However, this saying also has a deeper meaning for Stoics. The virus can only harm your body – the worst it can do is kill you. However, fear penetrates into the moral core of our being. It can destroy your humanity if you let it. For the Stoics that's a fate worse than death.

    Finally, during a pandemic, you may have to confront the risk, the possibility, of your own death. Since the day you were born, that's always been on the cards. Most of us find it easier to bury our heads in the sand. Avoidance is the No1 most popular coping strategy in the world. We live in denial of the self-evident fact that we all die eventually. The Stoics believed that when we're confronted with our own mortality, and grasp its implications, that can change our perspective on life quite dramatically. Any one of us could die at any moment. Life doesn't go on forever.

    We're told this was what Marcus was thinking about on his deathbed. According to one historian, his circle of friends were distraught. Marcus calmly asked why they were weeping for him when, in fact, they should accept both sickness and death as inevitable, part of nature and the common lot of mankind. He returns to this theme many times throughout The Meditations.

    "All that comes to pass", he tells himself, even illness and death, should be as "familiar as the rose in spring and the fruit in autumn". Marcus Aurelius, through decades of training in Stoicism, in other words, had taught himself to face death with the steady calm of someone who has done so countless times already in the past.

    Donald Robertson is cognitive behavioural therapist and the author of several books on philosophy and psychotherapy, including Stoicism and the Art of Happiness and How to Think Like a Roman Emperor: The Stoic Philosophy of Marcus Aurelius

    [Apr 28, 2020] Dr. Erickson COVID-19 FULL Briefing (Bakersfield doctors dispute need for stay at home order)

    I recommend to watch this video in full.
    Some conclusions from those two doctors: Do we need "shelter in place" the answer is emphatical NO. Do no need business shut down -- the answer is emphatical NO.
    The virus has been proved to be significantly similar to seasonal flue epidemic of which we experience each year. Quarantining the sick is what should be done. Not healthy people.
    Apr 28, 2020 |

    Audio Fixed Version:

    watto watson , 2 days ago

    How long is it going to take for people to realize that media reporters only job is to manipulate the truth to suit their own agenda !

    Matt Morris , 2 days ago

    These journalists are arguing with them! The so called "reporters" don't want to report the truth, they WANT to spread fear and chaos and drama. The media is complicit in the coup! The media IS the deep state coup!

    Karen Marshall , 3 days ago (edited)

    Finally light in the middle of pandemic darkness! High spread and low fatality. Thank you for paying attention to the SCIENTIFIC DATA Dr. Erickson and speaking the truth. Someone needed to say this in light of the twilight zone that is now our government leadership AND MEDIA HYPE! Dr. Faulci flat out ignored the biology of herd immunity in his recommendations to Donald Trump. He also ignored the fact that more than 97% recover from Covid without medical assistance let alone need a ventilator! He is culpable for a bankrupt America. We were never at risk for overwhelming our hospitals because most people recovered on their own at home. Thousands got Covid and recovered that the media never talked about. They are corrupt and complicit in a bankrupt America. Instead of saying 'better safe than sorry' and driving our country into bankruptcy how about saying 'better to have money than not' because now 26 million people have lost their jobs and have filed for unemployment. The ignorant ill informed fear mongers have damaged America which we will be feeling for a long time to come. Remember this--- and don't ever let them ever do that to you again. Karen Marshall RN BSN

    [Apr 28, 2020] The hospitals and ICUs are not full of people sick with COVID,

    Apr 28, 2020 |

    Perimetr , Apr 26 2020 15:54 utc | 7

    Dr. Dan Erickson of Accelerated Health Care talks about the impact of the coronavirus on Kern County , California (Bakersfield is 113 miles north of LA)

    The hospitals and ICUs are not full of people sick with COVID, although the models that predicted the healthcare system would be overwhelmed by now. The doctors don't feel the shutdown is justified by what they are seeing.

    [Apr 27, 2020] May I suggest you try drinking bleach to defeat the virus?

    Apr 27, 2020 |

    b , Apr 25 2020 20:33 utc | 18


    "All patients with Lupus (an autoimmune illness) get hydroxychloroquine as a preventive medical treatment and take it all the time. There is no single case known yet that such a person got covid-19."

    Only some 0.05% of people have Lupus. There is NO statistic available that shows that Lupus cases do not acquire Covid-19. None!

    "HCQ has to be given as early as possible. And it works in different and important ways:

    prevents the virus from replicating (in conjunction with Zinc); and

    protects hemoglobin."

    None of those alleged protections has a scientifically explained causation chain nor have there been any serious studies that prove what you claim.

    May I suggest you try drinking bleach to defeat the virus?

    Trump advertised that too.

    This selling of snake oil is dangerous.

    [Apr 26, 2020] Against the Corona Panic Pt. IV: What about New York City? A Case Study in Hysteria Pandemic vs. Virus Pandemic by Hail

    Apr 23, 2020 |
    The "CoronaPanic" marches on. It consists of, is driven by, and/or is propped up by a combination of: Fiasco, farce, fascism, failure, fantasy, fanaticism, and a ferocious fit of feeling-over-thinking.

    While there is a flu pandemic going on, we now know it is a minor and rather unremarkable one. (Opinions differ on just how unremarkable; Dr. Knut Wittkowski, a hero of the hour, has recently suggested it looks a lot like the Swine Flu pandemic strain of 2009-10 in its true 'hit' potential.) The virus' impact is dwarfed by a parallel force which I will capitalize for effect. Think of it as: the flu pandemic vs. The Hysteria Pandemic. An abbreviated way to refer to the latter is "the CoronaPanic."

    The CoronaPanic is as a demonic entity that has forced its way into our reality. In this post, I want to show the difference of the immediate effects of the flu pandemic vs. The Hysteria Pandemic, as observable in New York City ( jump to the section on New York ).


    A brief word on why I am writing this series of posts .

    Preceding this post in the series "Against the Corona Panic," are: Pt. I , and Pt. II , and Part III , all dealing with something a little different. There will be more.

    I believe the fight against the CoronaPanic is a duty for "those of us who can see." There remain cynics who continue to believe that the best thing to do is "beg the demonic force of the CoronaPanic for table scraps as it feasts on our national soul." I deal with this in Part II ("Say 'No' to jockeying for political advantage on the coattails of Corona Hysteria").

    The evidence we have continues to be against the pro-CoronaPanic side's alarmist predictions and apocalyptic views, as is observed reality everywhere, including/especially in the case of Sweden , the greatest hero of the hour we have. The continuous stream of good news never seems to actually make its way into discourse, which is well and truly surreal to observe.

    As one of the editors of OffGuardian , Kit Knightly, recently said :

    "The most peculiar thing about COVID19 so far has been that they are not hiding the data [ ] The data is right there, and yet it is separate from the narrative, which never references the data; the data never references the narrative. What you have to do is basically ignore everything the media says, and just look at the numbers, and where the numbers come from."

    Many of us realized this at about the height of the Panic, but the initiative had totally been lost to the Corona-extremists, who were enabled, if not led outright, by the media.

    Why is the media ignoring the data and pushing a largely-data-detached narrative of cherry-picked, " scary-looking, big, contexless numbers "? Maybe it's out of garden-variety ignorance; maybe it's that they know better but have caved into the group-hysteria and group-think; maybe it's out of a very cynical desire for the crisis to be as bad as possible so that they look good, even heroic, for reporting on it. I believe all of the above are true, and they partly explain the media's disgraceful role in promoting CoronaPanic, which is nicely depicted in this image:

    US Media during CoronaPanic of 2020 - Centers for the Spread of Mass Hysteria

    One way or another, to entrust the media with your Corona news is to entrust the henhouse to a team of foxes.

    If the media "throws a number at you," the simple act of asking basic, critical questions is often enough for the narrative to unravel in front of you. Which is what follows about New York City.

    The surprise . In the search for answers, you can/will find hidden stories, such as the one I am going to try to tell below, in which we can tentatively quantify the impact of the Panic vs. the impact of the virus. The surprise is that even in terms of immediate-term body count, the Panic is much worse than the virus, the cure much worse than the disease for the body-politic; the net-losers, almost everyone.


    The Coronavirus in New York: Piercing the Numbers-Fog

    A commenter on the previous post (" 'Just the Flu' Vindicated ") asks:

    [W]hat do you make of the New York news release claiming 24000 deaths since March 1, which supposedly is 4 times normal. Is this true?
    (– MattinLA )

    Good question. Given the sensationalist way the media has covered the US hotspot of New York City, there is no better opportunity to look for context, to practice the art of critical inquiry, to ask basic questions.

    In an introductory section to the "Just the Flu Vindicated" post, I wrote about the media and the pro-CoronaPanic side (but I repeat myself!)'s " Scary-looking, Big, Contextless Numbers " tactic. The alarming-seeming numbers out of New York City are a good case study of this phenomenon. Twenty-four thousand!

    MattinLA asks whether it is "true" that there were 24,000 deaths up to April 22. I don't doubt that the 24,000 coronavirus-positive-deaths figure is true, in the sense that they have counted 24,000 bodies since March 1 which were positive for the virus. But this is not the same as 24,000 coronavirus- caused deaths, and in any case the number 24,000 itself needs context to have any real meaning.

    What does the "24,000 deaths" figure mean?

    As a first-off, bird's-eye-view, one-line response, I'd offer this:

    What a number like that (24,000) more likely shows is that the virus was/is widespread in the population at a given time that those 'positives' were logged on the death rolls.

    In statistics we run what is called a Null Hypothesis test. If we assume the virus has a <0.15% fatality rate in New York, can we use the data we have to definitely reject that "null hypothesis"? It looks unlikely. (cf.: Austrian researchers have found that in their country's case, the null-hypothesis that coronavirus-positives have been dying at the same rate as coronavirus-negatives in Austria could not be rejected; in other words, at the time of that study there was no firm statistical evidence for the virus being uniquely dangerous at all, in Austria at least.)

    Put another way: Given that we have data out of a lot of places now that all suggests a fatality-rate between 0.02% and 0.2% (which is, embarrassingly for the Panic-pushers, within the normal range for flu viruses), which of the following is more likely on why we have seen a high number of deaths in New York City (although a fairly counted true toll is not 24,000; see below). Is it:

    (a) that the virus in highly urban New York City spread more fully and sooner than it did in other places, and therefore has yielded more virus-positive deaths in roughly proportional terms to its spread, or

    (b) that the virus is much more deadly in New York City than the same strain of flu virus is in other places, including neighboring localities, or

    (c) that the data in NYC is right and the data most everywhere else is wrong; that only New York's (seeming, at-first-glance) death figures are "true." Most other countries, regions, cities, and testing authorities have either bungled their data, or are covering it up.

    One of those three must be true. To immediately assume (c), to run with (c), brooking no dissent on (c), is the mark of the true "Doomer," or CoronaCultist. The latter is someone so obsessed with the Panic that that they have effectively converted to a religion centered around it.

    I believe the media's default position is effectively a soft version of (c). They don't say this directly. It is implied.

    Few of the assumers of (c) stop to ask whether they have made a reasonable assumption. They start to love Corona in a perverse way. They start to their chains. Maybe it's useful to think of it in terms of a "Corona Stockholm Syndrome" (ironically, the Stockholmers themselves proved 'immune' from this syndrome; see also Sweden Vindicated ).


    Now on to analyzing the "24,000 deaths" number itself. First we should establish the base population. Reports are that it applies to the NYC metro area, not to NYC proper. I assume they are using the NYC Metropolitan Statistical Area measure, population 20.3 million.

    The first question to ask is:

    How many deaths are normal for the same time period?

    This is to say, how many deaths are statistically expected for the period March 1 to April 22, for the NYC metro area, in a regular year (53 days of late winter, into early spring), absent a peak-flu-event? (and what about with a peak flu event?)

    The number of normal-expected deaths for the NYC-MSA is probably in the vicinity of 25,000 to 27,000 , if their death rate is in line with the national average. (If someone has the exact numbers of deaths for the same period in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019, those would be useful. I can't imagine it will be far off 26,000.)

    If, in February and March, this flu virus achieved the level of penetration in NYC that it appears to have done, a lot of the normal/expected deaths in March and April would have been "corona-positive" at death. They would have died imminently anyway, in many cases on exactly the same day and the presence of the flu virus is coincidental and did not contribute to death.

    In other words, there is going to be overlap between the categories "normal deaths" and "coronavirus-positive deaths." How much overlap is hard to say, but we know from elsewhere that it is high. It could easily be half (as it was in Hamburg, Germany, when they started dividing between "deaths with" and "deaths from" this much-hyped virus), plausibly even more than half (as seen in early reports in Sweden, which estimated up to two-thirds were "deaths with"). For simplicity of calculation, let's say half.

    Deaths could, therefore, not have risen 4x above normal because of the virus. If total deaths did rise 4x above normal, putting total deaths for the period at 100,000+, something else caused most of the excess deaths, because there aren't nearly enough coronavirus-positive deaths to account for it . Epecially not when measuring deaths fairly (see paragraph above). This is the first hint that something dark may be going on here, the big surprise we find when we tug on the numbers: That the Panic has killed more people already than the virus.

    I haven't yet seen any official, all-cause-mortality data for NYC metro area for the CoronaPanic period. The New York Times published some graphs that appear to have been made by their staffers, manually adding all reported corona-positive deaths as marginal deaths onto a graph plotting a supposed historical-running-average; if so, that is dishonest but alas unsurprising for the way Corona discourse goes.


    Conceptual categories for deaths during a peak-flu-event (and a Panic)

    Useful would be thinking in terms of four categories of deaths , conceptually, all of which we can theoretically calculate when the smoke clears, and as for now make estimates:

    1. Corona-positive Normal Deaths;
    2. Corona-negative Normal Deaths;
    3. Corona-positive Excess Deaths .sub-dividable into: (3a.) those dying of a respiratory disease (some very large share of which may be attributed to "COVID19" during the epidemic); (3b.) those dying of, or primarily of, other causes, with the virus playing an ambiguous role at most;
    4. Corona-negative Excess Deaths.

    The "24,000 corona-positive deaths" figure is distributed between categories (1) and (3). (1)+(2) must add to 26,000 (or whatever the exact number is of normal deaths absent a peak-flu-event temporary spike in deaths).

    The deaths in "(3a.)" are true victims of the viral flu epidemic. In this case, because there was a Panic, the theoretically fully calculable figure of (3) must be treated with caution. The less-calculable figure (3a.) is what we are really after.

    The deaths in "(4)" are unambiguous victims of the Panic. Reports are that hospitals in NYC have had record-low intakes, especially heart attack victims have dropped off. These deaths would not have occurred had a Panic been averted in mid-March. The Panic-pushers are responsible for these deaths.

    The weeks-long, pro-CoronaPanic stranglehold on the media (looking set to last months more), and the successful pushing of the hysteria ( see image above for an artistic reproduction) made many tens of thousands too scared to seek treatment when they needed urgent care.

    Some thousands of these unlucky, frightened people will have died of (treatable) ailments like heart attacks. These are clear cases of "4."

    [ Update (April 24):] Here is a graphical representation, found online, of the rise in "at-home deaths" in New York City. We know from much data elsewhere that coronavirus-attributable deaths very seldom occur at home, but are slow onset and victims are hospitalized first. It's likely that the entirety of this excess is to people in category "4," running hundreds a day for over a month:

    NYC - Deaths at Home

    The funny thing is, if someone dies in such circumstances -- the heart attack victim who doesn't seek help -- and ends up positive for the virus at death, he still goes up onto the bloodthirsty media's "Big Board of Corona Deaths." This is a kind of 'scam' and bogus data that led some on the anti-CoronaPanic side to use the the term "Scamdemic."

    The practice of over-counting corona victims is satirically shown here, a jab at the pro-CoronaPanic side, circulating by early-mid April:

    The Coronavirus Hysteria Pandemic - 2019 vs 2020 diagnoses

    Some nursing homes have also been abandoned by cowardly, panicking staff (ultimately driven to the Panic by the media), and in such places there have been cases of elderly residents dying from lack of care. These deaths, at least some of them, are attributable to the Panic, not the Virus, mostly sortable into category 3b or 4.

    What are best-guesses for the number of deaths in each category? If we have a known figure of 24,000 total Corona-Positive Deaths, and a figure of 26,000 Normal Deaths (recalling that these are overlapping), and if we have significant virus penetration/spread in the population which especially hit places like nursing homes where many are close to death in any case, the split may look something close to this:

    Total Deaths in New York City metro area for the period (est.) (proposed):

    1. Corona-positive Normal Deaths: 12,000
    2. Corona-negative Normal Deaths: 14,000
    3. Corona-positive Excess Deaths: 12,000 (some unnecessary and caused by the Panic; 5,000-10,000 true coronavirus-induced deaths?)
    4. Corona-negative Excess Deaths: ? (all unnecessary, collateral victims of the Panic)

    The (1)+(2) figure is 26,000 (the normal death rate), and here it is proposed 45% of normal-deaths were positive at death during the height of the epidemic, which may or may not run slightly ahead of the total-population penetration rate. It is reasonable to assume it runs ahead of the full-population rate because of spread within hospitals and other long-term care facilities with terminal patients whose time had come in March/April and would have come absent a flu-virus epidemic.

    As for (3) and (4). If a Panic is ongoing, or there is some other non-virus-related mechanism causing excess deaths (in other words, if "(4)" is above zero), "(3)" must be subdivided. The force driving "(4)" will also be spilling over into "(3)," hence the proposed (3a.) and (3b.), which are harder to calculate. Just because you are positive does not mean you get a serious disease; very few do. But you might well still die of something else (like those heart attack victims who stay hunkered down at home) while incidentally positive and be an excess death.

    To get a better handle on this problem, death certificate information would be useful. How many deaths were classified as "primary cause: respiratory disease"?

    [ MAJOR UPDATE (April 25): See a comment below . The numbers now released for deaths occurring through April 18, including average age for corona-positive vs. corona-negative deaths, place of death for corona-positive deaths, and deaths in New York City through April 18, corona-positive vs. corona-negative) offer strong corroboration for the contents of this post.]


    New York City at the cusp of Herd Immunity

    If the number I propose there for "(1)" is correct, and such a large portion of corona-positive NYC metro area deaths have been in "people who were dying anyway" (suggested by, e.g., the report that half of corona-positive deaths have been to nursing home patients), this would mean the virus has reached a large share of the total population, something like 30% to 40% population penetration this writing. (= 6 to 8 million people in the metro area having had current or past contact with the virus), with terminal patients running ahead of that rate. If this is the case, we are once again down to the 0.1% fatality rate range for the virus itself.

    Here is the calculation derived from the above:

    <10,000 deaths in the NYC metro area fairly attributable to the direct effect of the virus
    divided by
    7 million people in the region whose bodies have had contact with the virus (@ 35% of metro area population of 20.3 million being either a past- or present-positive)
    = ca. 0.1% fatality rate

    which is in line with the numbers out of just about every other large-area study since early April), and we are back to Just The Flu .

    If the virus penetration rate is that high, it is good news, as it means New York City's epidemic is already over , or very soon over, as they are at the cusp of Herd Immunity. It also suggests that the lockdowns were unnecessary and created a Panic that killed more than the virus ever could. A complete failure of policy, driven by a hostile media and cowardly or demagogic political leaders. If there are any responsible people left in charge, they need to take action to end the deadly and destructive Panic.


    Just how deadly might the Great Hysteria Pandemic (as against the lesser virus pandemic) have been?

    On non-coronavirus- attributable excess deaths

    Recalling the four categories of deaths again:

    1. Corona-positive Normal Deaths;
    2. Corona-negative Normal Deaths;
    3. Corona-positive Excess Deaths sub-dividable into: (3a.) those dying of a respiratory disease (some very large share of which may be attributed to "COVID19" during the epidemic); (3b.) those dying of, or primarily of, other causes, with the virus playing an ambiguous role at most;
    4. Corona-negative Excess Deaths.

    What might be the totals for (4), corona-negative excess deaths, and (3b.), corona-positive excess deaths not caused by a respiratory disease? Put more directly: How many people have the lockdowns already killed in NYC?

    When we get final and confirmed total-mortality data for the NYC metro area, which may not be soon ( if someone has this, please leave a comment ), we can calculate (4) as follows:

    [Total Reported Deaths] minus (1) minus (2) minus (3) = (4).

    [ Update (April 24):] Recall this graph from above:

    NYC - Deaths at Home

    [ Update (April 24), cont.:] We see that excess deaths at home may have pushed up to 7,500, cumulative, by April 22, for NYC proper alone; this may need to be up to doubled for the NYC metro as a whole. Therefore 15,000 may be a ballpark-estimate for for "(4)," plus thousands more in (3b.), adding up to Panic-caused deaths at twice or three times the number of true, coronavirus-attributable deaths (or "3a" above). The lesson here is: It turns out that when a Panic is created, people take it seriously, and the outcomes can cause increased mortality in the immediate term .

    [ Update (April 25): See also how the above estimates all compare to the latest CDC data for all deaths through April 18. The latest data corroborates each of the findings of this post.


    The same phenomenon of Panic-caused excess deaths, documented in the UK

    Figures out of the UK suggest "(4)+(3b.)" are at least as high as "(3a.)" in a high-panic place like New York City, and potentially pushing three times as high.

    Health authorities in the UK estimate there have been more than 2,500 excess heart attack deaths in London so far, "excess" meaning those that would normally be treatable and make full recoveries but have instead died. (That is, since the bizarre about-face by the UK government, in which the government caved in totally to the Doomers and pro-'Lockdown' extremists [see also: UK Imperial College study shown to be laughably wrong ]. In the words of anti-CoronaPanic expert Knut Wittkowski, the UK's cave-in was based on " one person's guesstimate " as other experts were sidelined or not consulted; a surreal episode and a disgrace to the Western tradition.)

    London's spike in total mortality, which drives the UK's excess-mortality spike, is therefore largely explained by people too afraid to to the hospital when they needed to and dying easily preventable deaths, a fact now admitted in the Guardian (a sign that the pro-Panic coalition is fraying at the seams?).

    The same holds true in New York.

    Possible demographic factors in non-coronavirus-attributable excess deaths

    A higher figure for "(4)" could partly indicate a low-trust population in the given area affected, one much less able to withstand any kind of stressor, less able to "come together," one that may have little in common with each other, perhaps mutually suspicious of one another.

    This general description certainly fits today's metro NYC. A large portion of New York, especially in the outer boroughs, is all but completely devoid of Americans; it was here that the Panic may have struck hard and the people least ready for how to deal with the e social stressor thereof, and hunkered down, distrusting all and easy victims of the media-driven Panic. This produced bodies for the media in their bid to appease their new god; an evil self-fulfilling prophecy.

    We also hear that as much as half of Stockholm's corona-positive deaths at one point were to Somali immigrants, and a fair portion to other immigrants, putting ethnic Swedes' total-fatality rate in Stockholm during the current flu epidemic at a very low level indeed, with deaths probably rounding to 0.0% based on the latest studies there. There may be something of an international pattern here.

    The No-Lockdown Swedes have avoided much of a "(4)," as have other populations of higher social trust and regimes that blunted the impact of the evil-beast of CoronaPanic.


    The non-corona- attributable excess deaths: Whose fault?

    What causes a man to refuse to go to the hospital when he has a heart attack? What causes an immediate-term death of despair?

    It is no cosmic mystery that the cause here is the Panic itself, and so we must ask: Who caused the Panic?

    The CoronaPanic-pushers, large and small, in the media and elsewhere. The Corona opportunists, large and small, especially what I call the the Corona Coup d'Etat faction, which is to say many political leaders. (A great case has been made in OffGuardian today for the Corona Coup d'Etat Hypothesis ).

    (I wrote previously on the "Who is Responsible for the Corona Panic" question , March 26.)

    The surprising finding that has emerged, in clear view by mid-April, and clear in the New York City data, is that the Panic-pushers have already killed more people than the unremarkable flu virus ever will, at least in certain hotspots . This is humbling, and enough to make the anti-CoronaPanic side redouble its efforts that we may be liberated from this "mind virus," as each day it does more damage.

    The hard times for us the living are yet to come, and will tower over the short-term hit in Panic-caused deaths (The Mass Hysteria Pandemic) that was a focus of this post. More and more are seeing this as among the most extreme cases of "burning down the village in order to save it" in our times. Aggregate life-years and life-year-equivalents lost due to the the effects of the Panic will exceed those lost to the virus by hundreds fold , and plausibly even thousands fold. A complete defeat for the pro-CoronaPanic holdouts. May they see the light.

    None of this needed to be. May the guilty be disempowered and live out their days in shame; may the rest of us learn the right lessons that this never happen again.

    [Apr 25, 2020] The Data Is In... Stop The Panic End The Total Isolation by Scott Atlas

    Apr 24, 2020 |
    Authored by Scott Atlas, M.D., op-ed via The Hill,

    The tragedy of the COVID-19 pandemic appears to be entering the containment phase. Tens of thousands of Americans have died , and Americans are now desperate for sensible policymakers who have the courage to ignore the panic and rely on facts. Leaders must examine accumulated data to see what has actually happened, rather than keep emphasizing hypothetical projections; combine that empirical evidence with fundamental principles of biology established for decades; and then thoughtfully restore the country to function.

    Five key facts are being ignored by those calling for continuing the near-total lockdown.

    Fact 1: The overwhelming majority of people do not have any significant risk of dying from COVID-19.

    The recent Stanford University antibody study now estimates that the fatality rate if infected is likely 0.1 to 0.2 percent, a risk far lower than previous World Health Organization estimates that were 20 to 30 times higher and that motivated isolation policies.

    In New York City, an epicenter of the pandemic with more than one-third of all U.S. deaths, the rate of death for people 18 to 45 years old is 0.01 percent, or 11 per 100,000 in the population. On the other hand, people aged 75 and over have a death rate 80 times that. For people under 18 years old, the rate of death is zero per 100,000.

    Of all fatal cases in New York state , two-thirds were in patients over 70 years of age; more than 95 percent were over 50 years of age; and about 90 percent of all fatal cases had an underlying illness. Of 6,570 confirmed COVID-19 deaths fully investigated for underlying conditions to date, 6,520, or 99.2 percent , had an underlying illness. If you do not already have an underlying chronic condition, your chances of dying are small, regardless of age. And young adults and children in normal health have almost no risk of any serious illness from COVID-19.

    Fact 2: Protecting older, at-risk people eliminates hospital overcrowding.

    We can learn about hospital utilization from data from New York City , the hotbed of COVID-19 with more than 34,600 hospitalizations to date. For those under 18 years of age, hospitalization from the virus is 0.01 percent per 100,000 people; for those 18 to 44 years old, hospitalization is 0.1 percent per 100,000. Even for people ages 65 to 74, only 1.7 percent were hospitalized. Of 4,103 confirmed COVID-19 patients with symptoms bad enough to seek medical care, Dr. Leora Horwitz of NYU Medical Center concluded "age is far and away the strongest risk factor for hospitalization." Even early WHO reports noted that 80 percent of all cases were mild, and more recent studies show a far more widespread rate of infection and lower rate of serious illness. Half of all people testing positive for infection have no symptoms at all. The vast majority of younger, otherwise healthy people do not need significant medical care if they catch this infection.

    Fact 3: Vital population immunity is prevented by total isolation policies, prolonging the problem.

    We know from decades of medical science that infection itself allows people to generate an immune response -- antibodies -- so that the infection is controlled throughout the population by " herd immunity ." Indeed, that is the main purpose of widespread immunization in other viral diseases -- to assist with population immunity. In this virus, we know that medical care is not even necessary for the vast majority of people who are infected. It is so mild that half of infected people are asymptomatic, shown in early data from the Diamond Princess ship, and then in Iceland and Italy . That has been falsely portrayed as a problem requiring mass isolation. In fact, infected people without severe illness are the immediately available vehicle for establishing widespread immunity. By transmitting the virus to others in the low-risk group who then generate antibodies, they block the network of pathways toward the most vulnerable people, ultimately ending the threat. Extending whole-population isolation would directly prevent that widespread immunity from developing.

    Fact 4: People are dying because other medical care is not getting done due to hypothetical projections.

    Critical health care for millions of Americans is being ignored and people are dying to accommodate "potential" COVID-19 patients and for fear of spreading the disease. Most states and many hospitals abruptly stopped "nonessential" procedures and surgery . That prevented diagnoses of life-threatening diseases, like cancer screening, biopsies of tumors now undiscovered and potentially deadly brain aneurysms. Treatments, including emergency care, for the most serious illnesses were also missed. Cancer patients deferred chemotherapy . An estimated 80 percent of brain surgery cases were skipped. Acute stroke and heart attack patients missed their only chances for treatment, some dying and many now facing permanent disability.

    Fact 5: We have a clearly defined population at risk who can be protected with targeted measures.

    The overwhelming evidence all over the world consistently shows that a clearly defined group -- older people and others with underlying conditions -- is more likely to have a serious illness requiring hospitalization and more likely to die from COVID-19. Knowing that, it is a commonsense, achievable goal to target isolation policy to that group, including strictly monitoring those who interact with them. Nursing home residents, the highest risk, should be the most straightforward to systematically protect from infected people, given that they already live in confined places with highly restricted entry.

    The appropriate policy, based on fundamental biology and the evidence already in hand, is to institute a more focused strategy like some outlined in the first place:

    This would allow the essential socializing to generate immunity among those with minimal risk of serious consequence, while saving lives, preventing overcrowding of hospitals and limiting the enormous harms compounded by continued total isolation. Let's stop underemphasizing empirical evidence while instead doubling down on hypothetical models. Facts matter.

    * * *

    Scott W. Atlas, MD, is the David and Joan Traitel Senior Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution and the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center.


    You can lift the lockdown, but the psychological damage has already been done and it is irreversible. Our economy will never return to the free-wheeling, go for broke mentality of 4 months ago. That spirit is gone with the wind.


    With all due respect to the MD author......answer this question.

    How many would be dead/dying WITHOUT any isolation at all?

    The Herd immunity concept is a cop was called Euthanasia back in the NAZI Germany day.

    Comparing Spanish Flu statistics to today is asinine. Your average MD in 1918 new nothing about virology and or public health....I will say it again....nothing.

    In orders of magnitude;

    Reinstate levels of all of the above to 1918 levels and Covid-19 would be absolutely savaging the world population.

    **** off back to the bar diner if that is your wish but dont come crying down the road because your alveoli are full of puss and you cant breathe just find a dark corner somewhere and die quietly in it.


    Status of COVID-19

    As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK:


    High consequence infectious diseases (HCID)

    Guidance and information about high consequence infectious diseases and their management in England.


    1. Status of COVID-19
    2. Definition of HCID
    3. Classification of HCIDs
    4. List of high consequence infectious diseases
    5. HCIDs in the UK
    6. HCID risks by country
    7. Monthly summaries of global HCID events
    8. Infection prevention and control in healthcare settings
    9. Specialist advice for healthcare professionals
    10. Hospital management of confirmed HCID cases
    11. Travel health advice for HCIDs

    Status of COVID-19

    As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.

    The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak. Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.

    The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID.

    The need to have a national, coordinated response remains, but this is being met by the government's COVID-19 response .

    Cases of COVID-19 are no longer managed by HCID treatment centres only. All healthcare workers managing possible and confirmed cases should follow the updated national infection and prevention (IPC) guidance for COVID-19 , which supersedes all previous IPC guidance for COVID-19. This guidance includes instructions about different personal protective equipment (PPE) ensembles that are appropriate for different clinical scenarios.

    Definition of HCID

    In the UK, a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) is defined according to the following criteria:

    • acute infectious disease
    • typically has a high case-fatality rate
    • may not have effective prophylaxis or treatment
    • often difficult to recognise and detect rapidly
    • ability to spread in the community and within healthcare settings
    • requires an enhanced individual, population and system response to ensure it is managed effectively, efficiently and safely

    Classification of HCIDs

    HCIDs are further divided into contact and airborne groups:

    • contact HCIDs are usually spread by direct contact with an infected patient or infected fluids, tissues and other materials, or by indirect contact with contaminated materials and fomites
    • airborne HCIDs are spread by respiratory droplets or aerosol transmission, in addition to contact routes of transmission

    List of high consequence infectious diseases

    A list of HCIDs has been agreed by a joint Public Health England (PHE) and NHS England HCID Programme:

    Contact HCID
    Airborne HCID

    Argentine haemorrhagic fever (Junin virus)
    Andes virus infection (hantavirus)

    Bolivian haemorrhagic fever (Machupo virus)
    Avian influenza A H7N9 and H5N1

    Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF)
    Avian influenza A H5N6 and H7N7

    Ebola virus disease (EVD)
    Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)

    Lassa fever

    Lujo virus disease
    Nipah virus infection

    Marburg virus disease (MVD)
    Pneumonic plague (Yersinia pestis)

    Severe fever with thrombocytopaenia syndrome (SFTS)
    Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)*

    *No cases reported since 2004, but SARS remains a notifiable disease under the International Health Regulations (2005), hence its inclusion here

    **Human to human transmission has not been described to date for avian influenza A(H5N6). Human to human transmission has been described for avian influenza A(H5N1), although this was not apparent until more than 30 human cases had been reported. Both A(H5N6) and A(H5N1) often cause severe illness and fatalities. Therefore, A(H5N6) has been included in the airborne HCID list despite not meeting all of the HCID criteria.

    The list of HCIDs will be kept under review and updated by PHE if new HCIDs emerge that are of relevance to the UK.

    HCIDs in the UK

    HCIDs, including viral haemorrhagic fevers (VHFs), are rare in the UK. When cases do occur, they tend to be sporadic and are typically associated with recent travel to an area where the infection is known to be endemic or where an outbreak is occurring. None of the HCIDs listed above are endemic in the UK, and the known animal reservoirs are not found in the UK.

    As of February 2020, 2019, the UK has experience of managing confirmed cases of Lassa fever, EVD, CCHF, MERS and monkeypox. The vast majority of these patients acquired their infections overseas, but rare incidents of secondary transmission of MERS and monkeypox have occurred in the UK.


    Dumbest comment in the history of ZH, and that's saying a lot.

    In 1918, people weren't flying all over the world 24 hours a day, going to work on crowded trains, riding to their offices in crowded elevators, etc. Also, doctors were not as dumb as you suppose.

    Also, if hygiene is such a big factor, why is Bangladesh largely unaffected? Why is Belarus not dying en masse even though they've taken a "don't give a ****" stance since Day 1?

    The Flu of 1918 was far more deadly than this little cold. It had killed 10 million four months in.

    So go hide in your closet. I'll be outside playing and building up my immune system.


    How many would be dead/dying WITHOUT any isolation at all?

    Much much less.

    Btw covid isn't the Spanish flu, get it out of your head.


    What do you call ravaging? 2 million? Do we destroy the planet for 2 million?

    9 million died of hunger last year and we find that completely acceptable even though it's the most preventable cause of death out there.

    if we were truly concerned about people not dying we could fix that for less money and lively hoods than we have spent this year already and we're just getting started.

    I don't think you see what's coming in the form of global unrest, wars, famine, complete marshal law, ect. I reply to you respectfully and will listen to anything you have to say with an open mind.

    [Apr 24, 2020] This virus, the social distancing and all that hocus pocus is getting more and more bizarre by the day.

    Apr 24, 2020 |

    The Grim Joker , says: Show Comment April 23, 2020 at 6:52 pm GMT

    ... ... ...

    Yesterday's Action

    My bank now has traffic pylons outside the door. They ask the following questions if you want to enter:
    -Have you been out of the country ? Answer; How am I going to be out of the country when the airport is closed?
    -Do you have any symptoms ? Answer: If I had I would be at the hospital
    -Have you associated with anyone who has the symptoms? Answer: If I thought they did I would ask them to go to the hospital and so would I.
    -Sir! There is no need to be rude. Answer: Far from it. You are asking questions parrot fashion. Questions that do not make any sense.

    After getting MY money out of THEIR pockets I proceeded to the auto mechanic for front brakes.

    Joker: Am I allowed to come inside ?

    70 Year old Mechanic Unmasked : Sure, you are the only customer today. You can keep me company while I do the work. I cannot afford to lose customers.

    [Apr 24, 2020] The public panic that abounds is not of natural origin. It is manufactured by the media and the deep state. The question arises, for what purpose.

    Apr 24, 2020 |

    James Robinson , says: Show Comment April 23, 2020 at 11:59 am GMT

    The public panic that abounds is not of natural origin. It is manufactured by the media and the deep state. The question arises, for what purpose. I suspect that that the US economy is undergoing a designed, controlled demolition in order to produce an uncontrolled demolition of the Chinese economy and thus forestall Chinese ascendancy.

    The little people in the US, as Leona Helmsly would have dubbed them, purchase mountains of Chinese manufactured goods and are really the cornerstone of the Chinese economy.

    The little people in the US will no longer be purchasing anything but absolute necessities like food as the engineered depression will leave them with pockets too empty for anything else.

    [Apr 23, 2020] Changes in United States Data following the new CDC guidelines on "Case" and "Death" definition

    Apr 23, 2020 |

    Following new CDC guidelines : " As of April 14, 2020, CDC case counts and death counts include both confirmed and probable cases and deaths . This change was made to reflect an interim COVID-19 position statement issued by the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists on April 5, 2020. The position statement included a case definition and made COVID-19 a nationally notifiable disease.

    A confirmed case or death is defined by meeting confirmatory laboratory evidence for COVID-19. A probable case or death is defined by i) meeting clinical criteria AND epidemiologic evidence with no confirmatory laboratory testing performed for COVID-19; or ii) meeting presumptive laboratory evidence AND either clinical criteria OR epidemiologic evidence; or iii) meeting vital records criteria with no confirmatory laboratory testing performed for COVID19" [ source ]

    [Apr 23, 2020] Almost 50% of CoVid deaths in Europe are as a result of the practice in richer Euro countries of confining the elderly to nursing homes

    Apr 23, 2020 |

    LOL , Apr 23 2020 15:40 utc | 4

    Almost 50% of CoVid deaths in Europe are as a result of the practice in richer Euro countries of confining the elderly to nursing homes

    Half of Europe's COVID-19 deaths are from nursing homes


    Branko Milanovic
    Why is nobody discussing truly staggering differences in death rates between Eastern and Western Europe? In the @FT graphs none of Eastern European countries is even included. The gap is just striking. (Worldometer, 22 April)

    [Apr 23, 2020] The efficiency of lockdown in different circumstances

    Apr 23, 2020 |

    Alaric , Apr 22 2020 19:28 utc | 49

    I tend to think both B and some opponents of the lockdown are massively oversimplifying.

    It's dangerous to a small demographic and we mostly know who that is. The binary lockdown vs not lockdown mindset ignores the enormous specificity of the disease and variables in actions taken. A lockdown that poor people can't follow won't be effective and a lockdown that fails to protect elderly and especiallly nursing homes will see high deaths. An open approach that does these things might be more efficaous.

    The premise that the anti lockdown position is a bunch of ignorant, right wings nuts is readily dispelled by the large number of scientists who have spoken out against it.

    Again, the problem here is the various shades of grey and large number of variables. Some containment acts might not work and do more harm than good. Different places will have different results based on weather, density (spread rate), demographics, etc

    Then there is the changing narrative. Flatten the curve was about reducing strain on hospitals with only modest (at best) gains in lives. Now we compare Sweden and Norway say on deaths and not strain on hospital resources.

    The lockdown is doing a lot of economic, social, psychological harm especially in the US where we have no safety net, no healthcare and many poor. Closing schools will seriously hurt children. EG: 50% of NYC kids get assistance for breakfast and 72% get it for lunch. Those schools fulfill important social and care functions beyond schooling.

    There are many variables in this equation. Stop pretending otherwise.

    c1ue , Apr 22 2020 19:32 utc | 50

    Cheers, b, for standing up to the libertarian nonsense.

    I would still note that - at least in the US - the federal and state plan for nCOV management is unquestionably very poorly thought out.

    A few questions:

    1) While lockdowns in breakout areas like New York, New Jersey, Louisiana make sense - what is the plan for the rest of the country?

    In particular - Singapore has demonstrated that controlling initial nCOV penetration (travellers from Wuhan) - even subsequent secondary infection from other countries (Students returning home from Europe) is still not enough to prevent resurgence. Singapore is now headed for the worst results in Asia due to its 200K cheap offshore laborers in barracks.
    The same (actually, probably worse) conditions exist for fruit and produce harvesters and meat workers in the US, as well as Amazon and other delivery warehouses. Dark kitchens are likely to add to the mix.

    So - is the solution to lock down until there is a vaccine? For at least 7 months from now? Is it to have flareups and more lockdowns later? The uncertainty causes as much economic damage as anything else.

    2) The mortality data is also quite clear: the vast majority of affected are the 65+. What about having state and federal government planning - via say, Medicare - to provide food and support services and to quarantine/protect via isolation those vulnerable demographics? They're already widely financially supported via their Social Security paychecks; they're the least vulnerable to needing paychecks to eat - unlike a huge percentage of the rest of the population.

    3) The economic disruption is ginormous. Unemployment helps some - but it maxes out at 30 weeks.
    There are still huge numbers of business owners and others who are not eligible for unemployment.
    Are those people just having to lump it for the duration of nCOV protective measures? Which, as I noted above, is likely to be many months - not just 1 or 2?

    4) Testing. Why is testing not being heavily subsidized and/or price controlled? Both PCR for active and antibody?

    Lastly, even if the lockdowns were to magically end tomorrow - entire sectors are still going to be severely disrupted.
    The entire travel sector is toast for 2020.
    The sports and concert scene is also toast for 2020.
    Bars and nightclubs? Highly problematic.
    Restaurants? Also very problematic.
    Schools? We're going into summer now, but nCOV will still be a problem in September - and we won't have a vaccine then.
    The entire commercial/restaurant/school supply chain is hosed - how is that situation going to get resolved?

    The real problem the libertarians have isn't just that their rabid aversion to government is wrong headed - it is that the only way to try and get out of this nCOV situation without maximum economic and public health impact is via smart government policy.

    But at the same time, there is very little evidence of smart government policies - at any level - in the US.

    [Apr 23, 2020] It is entirely erroneous and risible to view any action of the state as "authoritarian"

    There is one size fits all measure. Quarantine is necessary in some places like NYC (and many other large cities). As well as for people over 65, and other who continue the high risk group (extremely obese, diabetics, with immune system problems, with cardiovascular problems, etc) It is less nessesary and justified in area will low population density. In those places mass gathering (say more then 10 people) can be prohibited and obligatory wearing of masks inside buildings and transports as well as places with high density outside like lines, but life can continue as usual
    Apr 23, 2020 |
    Prof K , Apr 22 2020 19:04 utc | 34

    Yesterday James Corbett of The Corbett Report interviewed Kit Knightly of Off-Guardian about the corona crisis. At 18:30 minutes in Corbett finds it "disturbing" that some of the blogs who usually criticize governments, like Moon of Alabama, support the measures governments have taken to lower the speed of the novel coronavirus epidemic.

    Corbett then highlights a discussion on Twitter between me and the Off-Guardian account.

    It started with this:

    vanessa beeley @VanessaBeeley - 5:33 UTC · Apr 9, 2020

    #BillGates funded World Health Organisation advocate forced removal of family members fm homes if "tested" positive for #COVID19 even tho test is not proven reliable. So, govts hve corralled us in homes & will now unlawfully raid & extract citizens under poss. false pretext.

    I retweeted that and remarked:

    Moon of Alabama @MoonofA - 22:30 UTC · Apr 9, 2020
    China did this in phase 2 of the Wuhan quarantine because it was the only way to protect the families from their infected members. Without that policy Wuhan would not have ended the epidemic.
    Current test reliability is relativ high if test is immediate used when symptoms appear.

    OffGuardian retweeted my tweet and launched the discussion:

    ... ... ...

    Now back to the Off-Guardian and Corbett critique. My view on the epidemic was always based on science. You can follow how it developed through the list of posts attached to this one. As I watched how China defeated its outbreak I had hoped that other governments would take similar measures. With globally concerted action we could have completely erased this disease!

    But one slips into a pandemic with the governments one has, not with the ones one wishes for.

    Will our 'elites' use the crisis to further enrich themselves. Sure . Will they abuse some of the control measures? That is practically guaranteed. And it does not change a damned thing with regards to the pandemic.

    It is now too late to defeat it by eradicating its source. Social distancing measures like lock-downs are needed to keep the epidemic under control and to not overload our health care systems. Should the next outbreak wave be worse than the current one we will need even harsher measures than we currently have. I will support those because I know that they will save lives.

    If that makes me an 'authoritarian' in the view of some then let it be so.

    I for one find it more useful to tell people to make and wear masks than to post 'expert opinions' (scroll down) from PR-company sites which disagree with the scientific mainstream while their estimates of the total death toll have already been exceeded.

    --- It is entirely erroneous and risible to view any action of the state as "authoritarian."

    This infantile disorder is derivative of all liberal thought, which rests on a methodological individualism, the idea that society is nothing beyond the individuals which allegedly constitute it. Incidentally, left-wing anarchism shares the same theory of
    the state, regardless of its ostensibly social objectives. The state in both views is just an exogenous, evil "thing," which interferes unjustifiably in civil society and markets. Of course, this theory has no connection to reality at all if you are sane enough to accept the merits of public libraries, roads, water treatment, schools, healthcare, environmental protections, etc.

    The Marxist theory of the state is the correct one. The state emerges from class relationships, and enforces them through a variety of means. But, it is also a terrain of class struggle and a resume of the balance of class forces in society.

    The historical evolution of the state clearly expresses these realities, and working-class movements and left-wing parties have shaped the state and its institutions in important ways. Public health care systems are inextricable from the success of working-class struggles. The power of the coercive branches of the state are an expression of the weakness of the left. And so on.

    It follows that a working-class demand for stronger lockdown and quarantine measures in the interest of protecting lives and the very public institutions we need has nothing in common with "authoritarianism."

    Only an asshole capitalist who truly thinks, as the Governor of Texas put it, that "there are more important things than life," would say so.

    Let's be clear: the call for more meaningful and stronger directives and rules in the present is only coming from the left because it alone cares for the health and well being of fellow human beings. It is the right-wing assholes and capitalists who want to "return to normal" as soon as possible.

    Those warning of the authoritarianism of any lockdown measures are regurgitating the heart and soul of reactionary right-wing thought and capitalist interests.

    DontBelieveEitherPr. , Apr 22 2020 19:07 utc | 37

    Thanks again Bernhard.

    This whole charade exposes how many in the so called Alternative Media are unable to differentiate, to base their thinking on scientific methods, and just live and think in a bi-polar borderline black and white world.

    I applaud you for your stace, even more seeing the onslaught of hysterics you face.

    Most of the Alternative media are just as bad as MSM. Only mirrored.
    Only a differentiated, scientific, and neutral analytic stance like yours can be a solution. Neither the likes of Off-Guardian, nor CNN.

    IMO this divide stems from this:

    Our European (and German) stance of social democracy of freedom for the individual, as long as it does not harm others or the society as a whole
    the anglo ideology of total freedom for the individual, not matter the costs for others.

    Many so called "progressives" from the likes of Off-Guardian are foreigners to the concept, that individual liberty has limits, when the well being of higher values (like the society as a whole, harm to others) is at risk.
    They are libertarians who put themselves over all others, but claim to be "progressive".

    In the context of an aglo-american society they well be "progressive" But only compared to the likes of Trump or Biden or Clinton.

    Russ , Apr 22 2020 18:58 utc | 30
    @JohnH | Apr 22 2020 18:47 utc | 20

    Mostly the protests are being instigated by the usual anti-government oligarchs who are terrorized that people might actually conclude that government has an important role to play in addressing problems.

    As far as public opposition to the police state lockdown coming almost only from MAGA types, this is yet another example of the complete abdication and worthlessness of "the left" which leaves a vacuum that's filled by right-populism.

    Just like with Brexit, just like with the American opportunity for a populist movement truly against Wall Street, corporate rule, the Pentagon, the police state.

    As we saw with Brexit, erstwhile "anti-globalists" ran home to globalist mama the moment the chips were down. Today we see the vastly more profound phenomenon of almost all self-alleged "anti-authoritarians" running home to police state mama.

    When everyone who ever claimed to hold human principles and who filled most of the ideological leadership space among the "alternative" set then not only abdicates but flips 180 degrees to embrace the very system they'd always claimed to oppose, that can do nothing but throw the whole space wide open to fascism.

    And if the people do embrace classical fascism, a major cause will be this revelation of the fraudulence of almost all who ever claimed to fight for an alternative.

    IMO we should just label them the pro-COVID crowd in any discussion of the matter.

    You're the one exulting in how the bug allegedly promises total apocalypse. The pro-COVID crowd are those propagating this mass terror campaign and those like you who have joyously embraced it.

    DontBelieveEitherPr. , Apr 22 2020 19:07 utc | 37
    Thanks again Bernhard.

    This whole charade exposes how many in the so called Alternative Media are unable to differentiate, to base their thinking on scientific methods, and just live and think in a bi-polar borderline black and white world.

    I applaud you for your stace, even more seeing the onslaught of hysterics you face.

    Most of the Alternative media are just as bad as MSM. Only mirrored.
    Only a differentiated, scientific, and neutral analytic stance like yours can be a solution. Neither the likes of Off-Guardian, nor CNN.

    IMO this divide stems from this:

    Our European (and German) stance of social democracy of freedom for the individual, as long as it does not harm others or the society as a whole
    the anglo ideology of total freedom for the individual, not matter the costs for others.

    Many so called "progressives" from the likes of Off-Guardian are foreigners to the concept, that individual liberty has limits, when the well being of higher values (like the society as a whole, harm to others) is at risk.
    They are libertarians who put themselves over all others, but claim to be "progressive".

    In the context of an aglo-american society they well be "progressive" But only compared to the likes of Trump or Biden or Clinton.

    Kadath , Apr 22 2020 19:09 utc | 38
    With respect to your statement "Will they abuse some of the control measures? That is practically guaranteed", I feel I must point out when Bush brought in targeted killings he insisted that it would only be done against selected individuals and now, 18 years later the US has a committee of unelected military and intelligence officials rubber stamping secret kill lists that have resulted in at least 100,000 deaths, 80% of which were "collateral damage" of bystanders, no legal defense against inclusion on the list, no appeal, not even a public declaration of who is being pursued. I simply can not imagine a more irrespirable group to grant the power to seize and hold individuals, especially since the US is in the middle of a political/economic crisis before the pandemic. My specific concerns are.

    1. how long can an individual be held, what is the process for being released (do Doctor's have the power to release the patient? do Judges, military officers?) - I suspect it will be a long drawn out process taking at least 6-10 weeks requiring several different doctors and multiple tests, since the US has NO infrastructure setup for this process currently it will be subject to overloading and delays and rather than balancing the safety of society vs the rights of the individual it will simply crush the individual

    2. What facilities does the government even have for the internment of seized individuals? - The government has none, meaning it will be forced to construct WW-2 Japanese-style internment camps in isolated areas with minimum health care services and probably outbreaks of other diseases

    3. What treatment for the disease will individuals receive? (will they receive any?) - The US public doesn't have universal health care or even enough medical supplies for the public at large, the detainees will in all likelihood receive only nominal healthcare services, making them at high risk of other diseases. I suspect any camp setup by the US government to specifically treat sick individuals will have excessively high death rates

    4. What support will be provided for the family members or dependants of the detainees? - I think we all know the answer is zero, the US has gone to war against social services in the US for last 30 years and unlike all of the other wars the US has launched they've been hugely successful in destroying the safety net of society. What do you think will happened when previously detained individuals are released back into society to discover that their family lost their house or apartment or their children were taken into foster care

    You may claim that giving the government this power is the only way to defeat the Pandemic, but the simply truth is the government will not use it to defeat the Pandemic , rather they will use that power to enrich themselves and create only the barest façade of an effort to fight the pandemic and it will be so weak, so incompetently designed and ineffectively managed that it will make the Pandemic worse. Why should I believe that a government that has a bipartisan history of corruption, incompetency and failure going back 30 years will now unexpectedly succeed. They will fail.

    Blue Dotterel , Apr 22 2020 19:10 utc | 39
    Unfortunately, the science says there is not a vaccine for this corona virus or any other corona virus or even the common cold virus. The science says there are not even any perfectly effective vaccines for the flu. Developing one every year is something of a crap shoot.

    However, the science also says that this virus is unusually highly infective, even if the death toll is low relative to infected persons - possibly 0.1%. This is why I suggest an effective vaccine is highly unlikely to ever be developed for this virus

    There is really no evidence that the virus will ever be eradicated, unless mother nature helps us as it had done with the first SARS virus and the MERS virus. The way Sars Cov2 infects us suggests this will not be the case.

    So the argument between OFF Guard and Moon is moot. People are going suffer and occasionally die from the virus' infections if and until we develop a balanced "relationship" with it similar to the other four human corona viruses. The difference between the two arguments is the OG set up will kill more now, and b approach will kill more later. The advantage to b's point of view is that evolution might tame the virus into a less virulent strain through mutation of the virus and/or built up immunity in humans.

    The best approach is a holding pattern, not a complete futile lockdown, but not a do nothing herd immunity approach. Testing, learning more of the virus' nature, social distancing, wearing masks, developing/discovering drugs to mitigate the effects of the virus, research possible vaccines, open the economy in a measured manner, and develop politcal-economic policies that will equalize the distribution of wealth to defend against the high death toll and missery that mass unemployment will produce.

    Musburger , Apr 22 2020 19:22 utc | 43
    Russia detected 5,236 new coronavirus carriers yesterday. That is substantially less than yesterday. But this is not the story. It really should not matter that much how many new cases the Russians are able to dig up, because the big story is that according to Russia's own statistics upwards of 60% of those infected don't get sick and are asymptomatic:

    The 60% asymptomatic figure is pretty consistent with the Diamond Princess (46% I think) and Roosevelt numbers (something around 60%). The Stanford study of a 50 to 1 ratio of asymptomatic (98%) doesn't jibe with this. I believe the study was very flawed. Either the testing and/or the sample group.

    [Apr 23, 2020] 'Americans won't stand for it' Outrage and protests as mother arrested for letting children play in park

    Apr 23, 2020 |

    The case of a mother in Meridian, Idaho, who was arrested after police say she violated a city order by letting her children play in a playground has sparked a furious backlash and protests against Covid-19 restrictions. Sara Brady was arrested and charged with one count of misdemeanor trespassing, following the incident at Kleiner Park in Meridian on Tuesday.

    Video footage shows Brady being led away from the scene in handcuffs as several other women with young children plead with the police officers for an explanation for the arrest.

    "As a person, does this make sense to you? As a person, not as a police officer," one can be heard asking as the mother is perp-walked out of the park on the sunny afternoon.

    🚨 BREAKING 🚨 Mother arrested in Meridian, Idaho for letting kids play in parkThis has gotten out of controlStop arresting free Americans for being outside with their familiesRT!!

    -- Rogan O'Handley 🇺🇸 (@DC_Draino) April 22, 2020

    Meridian police say they made several attempts to encourage Brady to adhere to the rules and she did not comply with their requests. She was part of a group of families that was taking part in a "playdate protest" over Idaho's stay-at-home orders. She is now facing up to six months in jail and/or a US$1,000 fine.

    The arrest prompted a protest outside Meridian City Hall on Tuesday evening, where demonstrators voiced their concerns about how the incident was handled by the police and expressed their opposition to Idaho's Covid-19 measures.

    Restrictive lockdown measures limiting people's freedom of movement and sending unemployment rates to record highs have created tensions in many US states.

    Footage of Brady's arrest went viral on Twitter on Wednesday, with one video of the incident racking up more than one million views in two hours.

    "This has gotten out of control," activist Rogan O'Handley writes in one viral message. "Stop arresting free Americans for being outside with their families."

    [Apr 21, 2020] The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

    One could say there are generally 2 honest standpoints on what is happening (ignoring the dishonest ones). On the surface these 2 groups appear to have diverging opinions based on essentially the same fear: What happens to the economy.
    One group fears the extreme actions taken by governments and institutions are causing far more damage to society and individuals in terms of economic damage, unemployment, eradication of democratic and personal rights and ultimately also deaths. These actions are seen as real and deliberate attacks on individuals and modern society.
    The other group senses the same fear, but the fear is so strong that cognitive dissonance kicks in to deny reality. One is simply not able to accept the implication of governments and institutions willingly crushing society. So the official virus doomsday line is internalized as the truth, instead of causing a revision of one's world view, even though the numbers show that it is an irrational standpoint.
    Apr 21, 2020 |
    juliania , Apr 21 2020 15:46 utc | 62
    The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

    Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
    And sorry I could not travel both
    And be one traveler, long I stood
    And looked down one as far as I could
    To where it bent in the undergrowth;

    Then took the other, as just as fair,
    And having perhaps the better claim,
    Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
    Though as for that the passing there
    Had worn them really about the same,

    And both that morning equally lay
    In leaves no step had trodden black.
    Oh, I kept the first for another day!
    Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
    I doubted if I should ever come back.

    I shall be telling this with a sigh
    Somewhere ages and ages hence:
    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
    I took the one less traveled by,
    And that has made all the difference.

    [Apr 21, 2020] What will this do to the COVID death count? What will this also do to the excess mortality rate as people are fearful of getting immediate treatment for very serious life or death conditions?

    Apr 21, 2020 |

    Allen , Apr 20 2020 2:42 utc | 176

    Now over the last two weeks, the city's fire officials said more than 2,192 New York City residents died in their homes, compared to 453 during the same time period last year.

    On average there are 25 deaths in home per week in NYC- Tuesday, April 7th for example, there was 256. The reason? People are afraid to go to the hospitals, cardiologists are confirming this, lest they get infected with the "killer virus." This means when they are in the early stages of cardiac arrest, for example, they stay at home and some don't make it.

    NYC officials stated that they WILL NOT be conducting tests on these at home deaths nor will they be doing any diagnostics on the cadavers.

    NYC officials also confirmed that they will begin to count suspected COVID-19 deaths in addition to cases confirmed by a laboratory.

    Stephanie Buhle, a spokeswoman for the New York City's Health Department, confirmed the change in protocol.

    "The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) and the NYC Health Department are working together to include into their reports deaths that may be linked to COVID but not lab confirmed that occur at home."

    NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio in his infinite wisdom acknowledged that the vast majority of deaths taking place at home were likely also due to COVID-19. No tests, no diagnosis but the mayor with his crystal ball stated:

    "We do want to know the truth about every death at home, but it's safe to assume that the vast majority are coronavirus related."

    That's his exact quote.

    What will this do to the COVID death count? What will this also do to the excess mortality rate as people are fearful of getting immediate treatment for very serious life or death conditions?

    [Apr 21, 2020] Barr Says DoJ Might Join Lawsuits Against States That Don't Reopen Fast Enough

    Apr 21, 2020 |

    Now, AG Barr has taken Trump's embrace of the 'reopen now' movement to the next level by claiming the DoJ might join lawsuits filed by businesses and citizens against various states over the shutdown orders.

    "We have to give businesses more freedom to operate in a way that's reasonably safe," Barr said. "To the extent that governors don't and impinge on either civil rights or on the national commerce - our common market that we have here - then we'll have to address that."

    The move comes as more conservative groups reportedly heap pressure on the administration to do more to stop governors like Gavin Newsom from keeping their states closed until the summer, according to BBG.

    But the last thing states need right now is another reason to blame the White House for meddling in their reopening planning...

    One way the Justice Department might act against state or local officials is by joining lawsuits brought by citizens or businesses over restrictions, Barr said. He acknowledged that state governments are at "a sensitive stage," as they try to balance health and safety against pressure to reopen.But he said that "as lawsuits develop, as specific cases emerge in the states, we'll take a look at them."

    "We're looking carefully at a number of these rules that are being put into place," Barr said. "And if we think one goes too far, we initially try to jawbone the governors into rolling them back or adjusting them. And if they're not and people bring lawsuits, we file statement of interest and side with the plaintiffs."

    ...and Barr just gave it to them on a silver platter.

    Attorney General William Barr and Hugh Hewitt discussing the recent crisis. - YouTube

    [Apr 21, 2020] Stanford University epidemiologist John Ioannidis calls out media for panicking the public over COVID-1

    Apr 21, 2020 |

    fairleft , Apr 20 2020 0:46 utc | 144

    Read Ioannidis, everyone, and calm down:
    Stanford University epidemiologist John Ioannidis calls out media for panicking the public over COVID-19

    fairleft , Apr 20 2020 4:37 utc | 203

    There's a descent into hysteria and anger here. You all _really_ need to read that John Ioannidis article I posted above. He's not an "Off-Guardian nut job." He's a professor of epidemiology at Stanford University. He and other experts reviewed all the currently available data (with some common-sense restrictions) and made a report I've also linked to. The report indicates that Covid-19 is not very dangerous to under-65s in good health, with possible exception of people in a horrible health care situation.

    As for dying 'from' rather than 'with', that's also not some wacky theory pushed by some "Off-Guardian nut job." No, it's promoted by Oxford University, _that_ Oxford University, and I've cited their report repeatedly. Global Covid-19 Case Fatality Rates , is from the The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford. The report states, emphasis in original:

    "Recording the numbers of those who die with Coronavirus will inflate the CFR as opposed to those that died from Coronavirus, which will deflate the CFR."

    The report later adds: "It is now essential to understand whether individuals are dying with or from the disease. Understanding this issue is critical. If, for instance, 80% of those over 80 die with the disease then the CFR would be near 3% in this age group as opposed to 15%. Cause of death information from death certificates is often inaccurate and incomplete, particularly for conditions such as pneumonia. These factors would act to lower the IFR."

    Now, these Stanford and Oxford University epidemiologists might be wrong. Or they might be right. Still much uncertainty. But treating the people you disagree with in _this_ context as conspiracy-addled nut cases tells me that you have an excessive commitment to 'winning' and not to getting this thing right.

    fairleft , Apr 20 2020 0:59 utc | 148
    by: Jackrabbit | Apr 20 2020 0:20 utc | 139

    What do you mean by "minimizing"? It's simply a fact, based on the increasingly strong statistical data, that Covid-19 is not very dangerous for under-65s in good health. But no one should deny (I'm not) that the US disaster capitalism health care system puts millions in danger. This is clear in the stats. There's a huge difference in Covid mortality rates in the US and Western Europe:

    "Individuals with age <65 account for 5%-9% of all COVID-19 deaths in the 8 European epicenters, and approach 30% in three US hotbed locations. People <65 years old had 34- to 73-fold lower risk than those ≥65 years old in the European countries and 13- to 15-fold lower risk in New York City, Louisiana and Michigan. The absolute risk of COVID-19 death ranged from 1.7 per million for people <65 years old in Germany to 79 per million in New York City. The absolute risk of COVID-19 death for people ≥80 years old ranged from approximately 1/6,000 in Germany to 1/420 in Spain."


    And, compared to Europe, there are (many?) more Americans with poor diets and health, greatly raising the % of vulnerable in the under-65s. But the world is not the US. Maybe the Covid-19 response should be nuanced. One size probably does not fit all.

    David F , Apr 20 2020 1:26 utc | 154
    fairleft @144

    I read the link. I think his information is a little dated.

    It was written april 10th, there were 100,000 deaths at that time, 9 days later there are 165,000 deaths.

    His selection of areas to study seems odd at best.

    (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland), three states (Louisiana, Michigan, and Washington), and one city (New York)

    "Flattening the curve to avoid overwhelming the health system is conceptually sound -- in theory," he wrote in a paper in March."

    Again, a paper he wrote in march, before shit hit the fan.

    He seems pretty dismissive of anything that doesn't align with his perception. All in all not very convincing.

    uncle tungsten , Apr 20 2020 3:40 utc | 187
    Richard Steven Hack #146
    Posted by: fairleft | Apr 20 2020 0:46 utc | 144 Read Ioannidis, everyone, and calm down:

    As I said before, he needs to get out of his office and talk to the doctors on the front lines. If he doesn't, he's an idiot talking from an ivory tower - or he has an agenda. Do you know what his agenda is?

    Maybe his agenda is encapsulated here:

    #FireFauci Should be the Rallying Cry for a Generation

    But then maybe not. Ioannidis could be a fine scientist with a clear comprehension of the trajectory of viral outbreaks. Perhaps there is room for the meeting of minds of the risk assessment science and the epidemiologists but I believe they have been in collaboration for many decades and have a sense of each others methodologies.

    There is always the possibility that the political sense of risk management is dramatically different from the sense that Risk scientists and Epidemiological scientists possess.

    I note this is a Presidential election year where the choice might be driven by any one of the following each with a weighting that a political machine might attribute:
    Get the deaths over with asap
    Get the economy up and running asap
    Blame the 'other' country (it worked for the dems and Clinton)
    Blame Fauci / epidemiology / WHO / DHHS / Bill Gates
    Reinstate TR Captain who 'saved' his crew in defiance of the Navy Brass (as metaphore for self)
    What could Biden do or say that would be of any comprehensible value to anyone but Trump
    Smash the DNC as they already look like imbeciles
    Go for a majority in both houses and to hell with the human cost
    Do nothing and keep up the shutdown gives the democrazies more scope to attack

    Supposedly someone in the DNC machinery has a strategy but I see it isn't Bernie Sanders.

    [Apr 21, 2020] Overreaction: local police could fine people sitting with fishing rods on lake/river banks at their discretion

    Apr 21, 2020 |

    Piotr Berman , Apr 20 2020 1:07 utc | 151

    Decent news from Poland: government "relaxed" lockdown, entry to forests and parks is allowed again. Covering of mouth and nose in public is obligatory, except for those working in agriculture. At least there will be no collapse there. No word if fishing is allowed again... that was very messy -- local police could fine people sitting with fishing rods on lake/river banks at their discretion. Presidential elections scheduled for May are not rescheduled, but it seems that it will be a postal vote. Will they microwave the ballots or cook the results?

    [Apr 21, 2020] Biting critique of Fauci and other experts who insisted on full scale "containment measures" without any discrimination between vulnerable groups and vulnerable states

    Apr 21, 2020 |

    It is becoming clearer with each passing day that the death toll from the Wuhan virus is not rising exponentially as the "experts" predicted but only modestly in some places while levelling off or even declining almost everywhere else in the country -- as well as the world . The incidence of infection borders on nil in the hot and humid countries, where the number of deaths remains in the double or very low triple digits four months after the virus emerged from the Wuhan province of China.

    Common sense alone indicates that the number of deaths will ultimately be nowhere near the 2 million without "mitigation" or a best case 100,000 to 240,000 with "mitigation" as predicted by "Tony and Deborah" at the White House press briefings that have fueled nationwide panic. Tony and Deb have since revised their "models" downward to predict 40,000 to 178,000 deaths. And that prediction has already been lowered again as the IMHE model Tony and Deb have been touting during the briefings now "predicts" 81,766 deaths by August 4. That prediction would require some 18,000 people to die every month between now and then, even though at 10,000 deaths since February 29 -- a number consistent with a heavy flu season -- we appear to have reached the peak and a decline is already evident .

    At some point, Tony and Deb will be "predicting" precisely what has already happened, as we saw with the "models" that first predicted Hillary Clinton was certain to win the Presidency. And when the final death toll fails even to approach what they first predicted in order to panic the whole country into a nationwide lockdown never before seen in human history, they will make the unprovable, non-falsifiable, junk science claim that "mitigation worked."

    But it is becoming increasingly clear that "mitigation" has done nothing but cause a pointless, catastrophic disruption of social and economic life. This seems to delight the lying media and their Democrat partners, who are striving to keep fear alive, avoid or minimize any good news about the numbers, overstate the burden on local hospitals (without any unedited video or other reliable evidence), argue against curative treatment by hydroxychloroquine or otherwise, get everybody into masks after months of "expert" advice that masks are ineffective, and generally prolong the economic damage and loss of civil liberties for months to come.

    As the actual numbers belie the pseudo-scientific prophecies of doom, however, the lockdown of America that began with Democrat governors and mayors now exhibits a curious and hardly coincidental fissure along party lines. As of today, nine states, all headed by Republican governors, refuse to join the lockdown regime and now provide embarrassing counterfactuals demonstrating that officially mandated lockdowns were never necessary and have probably made the situation worse by preventing the development of "herd immunity" to this virus, like all the others, from the normal interaction of large populations.

    The following are the nine states that have refused to impose lockdowns. All of them have minimal death tolls from the Wuhan virus, including the populous South Carolina, and five of them have not enacted even local lockdowns:

    [Data as of this writing on April 6 at 9 p.m.]

    Gov. Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas told the Fake News New York Times what we have been saying on these pages since the stupid lockdowns began: "the typical stay-at-home order was a misleading 'illusion' because it includes so many exemptions allowing people to go out in public, such as for groceries or exercise ordering people to stay at home would simply leave thousands jobless."

    The Times demands to know why these nine states have seceded from the United States of Mitigation: "Holdout States Resist Calls for Stay-at-Home Orders: 'What Are You Waiting For?' screams the indignant headline. Editorial desperation leaps from the page, for the Fake News combine as a whole knows that these nine Republican-led holdout states are all counterfactual to the panic narrative, and that what they are waiting for is the rest of the country to discover that they have been had by the cheerleaders of "mitigation," who live in luxury and job security while the masses suffer. First and foremost, Deb and Tony, intimate associates of Bill Gates, whose "models" keep lowering predictions to catch up with the growing embarrassment of the real numbers.

    Another embarrassing counterfactual is the Commonwealth of Virginia, now being suffocated by Democrat Governor Ralph ("Infanticide") Northam's absurd executive orders, which have ruined the state's economy while attempting to place its entire population under a fake quarantine that does nothing but create instant unemployment and bankruptcy. The Northam lockdown will remain in effect until June 10 unless Northam calculates he cannot get away with prolonging his virus-themed dictatorship past Trump's new control date of April 30. Yet, as of the week of March 28, the Virginia Department of Health "has received report of 1,352 pneumonia and influenza-associated deaths," including five pediatric deaths, during the 2019-20 flu season, while purported deaths from the Wuhan virus and related pneumonia stand at 54 as of today at 9 p.m., with no pediatric deaths.

    Based on the example of Virginia alone, which provides an all-but-irrefutable counterfactual, it is time to call this fiasco what it is: Coronagate. In my view, Coronagate will go down as the single biggest fraud in the fraud-ridden history of American politics -- outside of the fraudulent inducement of America's belated entry into World War I, which sacrificed 116,000 American lives to an epochal disaster that destroyed the last remnants of Christendom, guaranteed World War II, and led to the rise of the Third Reich and the Soviet Union.

    Meanwhile, the White House press briefings have devolved into a black comedy with the same script every day: Trump recites a litany of statistics on the number of COVID-19 tests performed, the mass production and distribution of ventilators and N95 respirators, surgical masks, surgical gowns and surgical gloves; praises the captains of industry for pitching in with massive contributions of product; and lauds the branches of the military for their massive logistical operations, including the building of entire hospitals that remain almost empty.

    Pence then delivers another sermon on how to "slow the spread in 30 days." Then Deb drones on about her ever-evolving models, followed by a very hoarse Tony, who croaks the same statements he made the day before about "the curve" and "mitigation, mitigation, mitigation" while assiduously avoiding any suggestion that the "pandemic" could be over any time soon or that there could be any proven effective treatment.

    Then it's the media jackals' turn. Day after day these morons jabber at Trump with accusations disguised as questions: Why has governor so-and-so or such-and-such hospital not received enough test kits/ventilators/masks/gowns/gloves/breath mints?

    ... ... ...

    At today's briefing, one reporter attempted to elicit from Fauci a declaration that, no matter what Trump might think, America cannot "return to normal" without a vaccine whose development is, conveniently enough for the media-DNC complex, at least a year away. Fauci's meandering response was a dog whistle that, if he has anything to say about it, the country will remain under some level of lockdown until there is a largely ineffective or even harmful vaccine, like the one he advocated for the swine flu of 2009.

    The Fake News media are laboring to elevate Fauci, a star in the Leftist galaxy whose center is Bill Gates, to the status of Recovery Czar whose "medical opinion" will determine the fate of the nation

    [Apr 21, 2020] Why The Shutdown Must End by David Denning

    Apr 20, 2020 |
    Authored by David Denning via,

    The shutdown of the American economy should end as soon as possible. We have reached the point where fear and panic have precluded logic and facts. The damage from our overreaction to the Covid-19 pandemic is likely to prove greater than the death toll from the disease itself. The virus is not containable, and our attempt to achieve the unachievable grows more costly every day.

    Covid-19 is not proving as deadly as first imagined. Last March 16, a group of researchers at Imperial College in London predicted 510,000 deaths in the UK and 2.2 million in the US. Within ten days, these early estimates were revised downward by more than an order of magnitude. As I write, the best estimate of ultimate deaths from Covid-19 in the US is about 60,000, the same as the 61,000 people who died from influenza during the winter of 2017-2018. Yet we continue to suffer from a shutdown whose imposition was justified by a fallacious model prediction.

    The spread of the coronavirus is both inevitable and necessary. It is necessary because, in the absence of a vaccine, the only way to counteract the disease is to build immunity in the population. A person who contracts the infection and recovers is immune. They can no longer become ill or spread the disease. Infection and recovery is the most effective vaccination possible.

    Last March 3, the World Health Organization estimated the mortality rate from Covid-19 to be 3.4 percent. We now know that this early estimate was much too high because testing was limited to individuals exhibiting severe symptoms. Subsequently, more extensive testing has found that half the infected population is entirely asymptomatic, and that the corresponding mortality rate is in the neighborhood of 0.1 percent. Thus 99.9 percent of the people who get the disease further the goal of building immunity in the population. Although this is an inconvenience for those who are affected, these infections accomplish an ultimate good.

    The whole idea behind shutdowns and quarantines is not to reduce cumulative mortality, but to "flatten the curve" so that our health care facilities are not overwhelmed. Individuals who need intensive care may be saved by this strategy but the net mortality reduction is likely to be small. Shutdowns and quarantines will prolong the course of the pandemic. When social distancing ends, as it must eventually, the disease will simply resume its inevitable course through the population. Flattening the curve does not reduce the area under the curve.

    Where did we get the idea that some businesses and occupations are "non-essential?"

    In a market economy, every job is essential. And every job is certainly essential to the person who depends on it for their livelihood. In the midst of a pandemic it's sensible to ban mass gatherings of hundreds and thousands of people. But local governments are now imposing restrictions that make little sense. Parks and golf courses have been closed. The imposition of evening curfews is baffling. Every government official with totalitarian instincts now has the moral justification to impose arbitrary and senseless curtailments on freedom of movement and association.

    Ironically, in the midst of a supposed epidemic, hospitals all over the nation are closing down for a lack of patients. Why? Because government officials ordered them to cancel all elective medical procedures so they could be prepared to receive a crush of Covid-19 patients that never arrived. In the last four weeks, we've lost 22 million jobs . In our panic over the Covid-19 pandemic, we seem to have forgotten that a robust economy supports health care, education, fire and police protection, and the construction and maintenance of critical infrastructure that maintains human civilization. The toll from the artificial induction of poverty may ultimately exceed lives lost to the disease.

    In 2011, researchers at Columbia University found that poverty contributes to 133,000 premature deaths annually in the US. Our stop-gap solution, massive government spending, is no panacea. Prosperity comes from production, not spending, borrowing, and taxing. If we don't reverse course in a matter of days, we're on our way to national suicide.

    [Apr 21, 2020] Two important results in Switzerland and Germany show that it is the elimination of large gatherings together with mask wearing and social distancing that have had the main impact on reducing the infectivity of covid-19, not the lockdowns

    Apr 21, 2020 |

    BM , Apr 20 2020 11:09 utc | 263

    Two important results in Switzerland and Germany show that it is the elimination of large gatherings together with mask wearing and social distancing that have had the main impact on reducing the infectivity of covid-19, not the lockdowns (which appear to have had relatively minor effects so far, according to these two results). Any measures have a built-in delay of 8 to 10 days before their effects, due to the incubation periods of successive infections.

    (in German)

    [Apr 20, 2020] The Unseen Death Toll of Covid-19 Measures

    Apr 20, 2020 |

    The accumulating death toll from Covid-19 can be seen minute-by-minute on cable news channels. But there's another death toll few seem to care much about: the number of poverty-related deaths being set in motion by deliberately plunging millions of Americans into poverty and despair.

    In the first three weeks since governors began shutting down commerce in their states, 17 million Americans filed for unemployment, and according to one survey , one quarter of Americans have lost their jobs or watched their paychecks cut. Goldman Sachs predicts that the economy will shrink 34 percent in the second quarter, with unemployment leaping to 15 percent.

    Until the Covid-19 economic shut-down, the poverty rate in the United States had dropped to its lowest in 17 years. What does that mean for public health? A 2011 Columbia University study funded by the National Institutes of Health estimated that 4.5 percent of all deaths in the United States are related to poverty. Over the last four years, 2.47 million Americans had been lifted out of that condition, meaning 7,700 fewer poverty-related deaths each year.

    It's a good bet these gains have been completely wiped out, and it's anyone's guess how many tens of millions of Americans will have been pushed below the poverty line as governments destroy their livelihoods. It's also a good bet the resulting deaths won't get the same attention.

    And that doesn't count an unknown number of Americans whose medical appointments have been postponed indefinitely while hospitals keep beds open for Covid-19 patients. How many of the 1.8 million new cancers each year in the United States will go undetected for months because routine screenings and appointments have been postponed? How many heart, kidney, liver, and pulmonary illnesses will fester while people's lives are on hold? How many suicides or domestic homicides will occur as families watch their livelihoods evaporate before their eyes? How many drug and alcohol deaths can we expect as Americans stew in their homes under police-enforced indefinite home detention orders? How many new cases of obesity-related diabetes and heart disease will emerge as Americans are banished from outdoor recreation and instead spend their idle days within a few steps of the refrigerator?

    I have participated in many discussions among top policymakers in Congress and the Administration over the last few weeks. Such considerations are rarely raised and always ignored. Instead, policymakers fixate on epidemiological models that have already been dramatically disproven by actual data.

    On March 30, Drs. Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci gave their best-case projection that between 100,000 and 200,000 Americans will perish of Covid-19 "if we do things almost perfectly." As appalling as their prediction seems, it is a far cry from the 200,000 to 1.7 million deaths the CDC projected in the United States just a few weeks before. And even their down-sized predictions look increasingly exaggerated as we see actual data.

    Sometimes the experts are just wrong. In 2014, the CDC projected up to 1.4 million infections from African Ebola. There were 28,000 .

    Life is precious and every death is a tragedy. Yet last year, 38,800 Americans died in automobile accidents and no one has suggested saving all those lives by forbidding people from driving – though surely we could.

    In 1957, the Asian flu pandemic killed 116,000 Americans, the equivalent of 220,000 in today's population. The Eisenhower generation didn't strip grocery shelves of toilet paper, confine the entire population to their homes or lay waste to the economy. They coped and got through. Today we remember Sputnik – but not the Asian flu.

    It's fair to ask how many of those lives might have been saved then by the extreme measures taken today. The fact that the Covid-19 mortality curves show little difference between the governments that have ravaged their economies and those that haven't, suggests not many.

    The medical experts who are advising us are doing their jobs – to warn us of possible dangers and what actions we can take to mitigate and manage them. The job of policymakers is to weigh those recommendations against the costs and benefits they impose. Medicine's highest maxim offers good advice to policymakers: Primum non nocere -- first, do no harm.

    Reprinted from Congressman McClintock's website .

    [Apr 20, 2020] What If the Lockdown Was All A Big Mistake by Ron Paul

    Goldman Sachs predicts that the economy will shrink 34 percent in the second quarter, with unemployment leaping to 15 percent.
    Notable quotes:
    "... Across the US, millions of businesses have been shut down by "executive order" and the unemployment rate has skyrocketed to levels not seen since the Great Depression. ..."
    "... What if the "cure" is worse than the disease? ..."
    Apr 20, 2020 |

    From California to New Jersey, Americans are protesting in the streets. They are demanding an end to house arrest orders given by government officials over a virus outbreak that even according to the latest US government numbers will claim fewer lives than the seasonal flu outbreak of 2017-2018.

    Across the US, millions of businesses have been shut down by "executive order" and the unemployment rate has skyrocketed to levels not seen since the Great Depression. Americans, who have seen their real wages decline thanks to Federal Reserve monetary malpractice, are finding themselves thrust into poverty and standing in breadlines. It is like a horror movie, but it's real.

    Last week the UN Secretary General warned that a global recession resulting from the worldwide coronavirus lockdown could cause "hundreds of thousands of additional child deaths per year." As of this writing, less than 170,000 have been reported to have died from the coronavirus worldwide.

    Many Americans have also died this past month because they were not able to get the medical care they needed. Cancer treatments have been indefinitely postponed. Life-saving surgeries have been put off to make room for coronavirus cases. Meanwhile hospitals are laying off thousands because the expected coronavirus cases have not come and the hospitals are partially empty.

    What if the "cure" is worse than the disease?

    [Apr 20, 2020] I have never heard of a pandemic which leaves the children untouched, most infected with no symptoms, and kills mainly those above eighty years of age.

    Apr 20, 2020 |

    Ric G , Apr 19 2020 15:21 utc | 4

    My concept of a pandemic is smallpox when it reached the Indian tribes on Vancouver Island and had a death rate of about 92%, including all ages and all states of health.

    I have never heard of a pandemic which leaves the children untouched, most infected with no symptoms, and kills mainly those above eighty years of age. I call that a virulent 'flu'!

    In Western Australia we have had six deaths, with an average age of probably 75 years. I have seen more people, in the local park, on a Saturday afternoon, choking to death on cucumber sandwiches!

    I smell a '9-11' rat. I smell the contrived Banking panic of 1907, the dark footsteps of J P Morgan and Jacob Schiff, leading to the setup of the US Fed and six months later the start of WW1, leading to the decapitation of half a dozen empires.

    Now that we have destroyed our economies, allowing the debt bankers to swoop in and buy the ruins of the small businesses, for 'pennies' in the pound, beware of the dark footsteps and the webs of dark design!

    [Apr 19, 2020] Changes in all-cause mortality will be the ONLY reliable way to judge the death toll.

    Apr 19, 2020 |

    Alex Berenson ‏ 6:16 AM - 17 Apr 2020

    Reminder: because of the aggressive way in which we code # COVID deaths - and because the virus mostly kills elderly people with pre-existing conditions (who may be dying WITH and not OF it), changes in all-cause mortality will be the ONLY reliable way to judge the death toll.

    Gene Epstein ‏ 8:47 AM - 17 Apr 2020

    I suggest we look at all-cause mortality EXCLUDING: --all transport-related deaths (which should be way down), ---suicides & deaths from drug overdose (should be up) --all crime-related deaths (should be down).

    [Apr 19, 2020] Coronavirus Bondage by Linh Dinh

    Notable quotes:
    "... Many Americans believe their government is using this crisis to preempt restlessness, riots or even revolution, for the American economic house of cards is overdue for collapse anyway, thanks to decades of mismanagement. With a rising China making Uncle Sam increasingly irrelevant and annoying, the US has to unleash this bioweapon to zap its nemesis and decouple from it. So what if a few shiploads of its own citizens keel over. They're just useless eaters anyway. ..."
    "... The self-image of Americans as freedom-loving renegades is a long way from reality. There's a reason those guys were allowed to run around Richmond, Virginia armed to the teeth a couple of months back: everyone – including the gun lovers themselves – knew it was all for show. ..."
    Apr 19, 2020 |

    After China, South Korea was hit hardest by the coronavirus, yet it never locked itself down. By comprehensively testing people, regularly disinfecting places, contact tracing and having nearly everyone wear a face mask while in public, it has managed to suffer only 211 deaths in 11 weeks. On just April 8th, 799 people died from it in New York State.

    Why hasn't the Korean model been emulated worldwide, instead of China's much more restrictive measures? If you want to explore your totalitarian playbook, however, this is the perfect window.

    Many Americans believe their government is using this crisis to preempt restlessness, riots or even revolution, for the American economic house of cards is overdue for collapse anyway, thanks to decades of mismanagement. With a rising China making Uncle Sam increasingly irrelevant and annoying, the US has to unleash this bioweapon to zap its nemesis and decouple from it. So what if a few shiploads of its own citizens keel over. They're just useless eaters anyway.

    Nodwink , says: Show Comment April 11, 2020 at 3:04 pm GMT

    I think you'll find that the 1981 edition of Koontz's novel called the bioweapon "Gorki-400," and this was changed to "Wuhan-400" in an edition published in 2008.

    The self-image of Americans as freedom-loving renegades is a long way from reality. There's a reason those guys were allowed to run around Richmond, Virginia armed to the teeth a couple of months back: everyone – including the gun lovers themselves – knew it was all for show.

    ChuckOrloski , says: Show Comment April 11, 2020 at 3:33 pm GMT
    Linh Dinh asked: " don't you sometimes get the feeling we're just being toyed with?"

    Answer: Absolutely, yes, Linh!

    Linked below is some evidence. Event 201, a weird global pandemic exercise which included "players," for example, global business, government, & public health leaders.

    To date, Event 201's implemented Psy-Op plan works, & the fearful & divided "Sheeple" are obediently performing their part. * Almost all Americans welcome protection & free money from The Blue & White House occupant, The Big Bad Orange Wolf..

    * "Sheeple," credit Paul Craig Roberts.

    [Apr 19, 2020] Fire Fauci, let us work

    Notable quotes:
    "... "fascist Fauci," ..."
    "... "Do you think Anthony Fauci should be fired?" ..."
    "... "Fire Fauci." ..."
    Apr 19, 2020 |

    Texans flocked to the state's Capitol in Austin to protest Covid-19 lockdown measures, refusing to practice social distancing and cheering for Dr. Anthony Fauci to be fired by President Donald Trump. In attendance at Saturday's 'You Can't Close America' Rally were InfoWars founder Alex Jones and host Owen Shroyer, who led the crowd of some 200 people in chants against the mainstream media and officials like Fauci.

    Shroyer, who referred to the doctor as "fascist Fauci," asked the crowd: "Do you think Anthony Fauci should be fired?" , before leading them in chants of "Fire Fauci."

    [Apr 19, 2020] Sweden Is Right. i-iThe economy should be left open by Mike Whitney

    Apr 19, 2020 |

    Sometimes, the best thing to do, is to do nothing at all. Take Sweden, for example, where the government decided not to shut down the economy, but to take a more thoughtful and balanced approach. Sweden has kept its primary schools, restaurants, shops and gyms open for business even though fewer people are out in public or carrying on as they normally would. At the same time, the government has kept the Swedish people well-informed so they understand the risks the virus poses to their health and the health of others. This is how the Swedes have minimized their chances of getting the infection while avoiding more extreme measures like shelter-in-place which is de facto house arrest.

    What the Swedish experiment demonstrates, is that there's a way to navigate these unprecedented public health challenges without recklessly imposing police state policies and without doing irreparable harm to the economy. And, yes, the results of this experiment are not yet known, but what we do know is that most nations cannot simply print-up trillions of dollars to counter the knock-on effects of bringing the economy to a screeching halt. These countries must dip into their reserves or take out loans from the IMF in order to recover from the lack of production and activity. That means they're going to face years of slow growth and high unemployment to dig out from the mess their leaders created for them.

    And that rule applies to the US too, even though the government has been recklessly printing money to pay the bills. The unforeseen cost to the US will come in the form of long-term unemployment triggered by millions of failed small and mid-sized businesses. That grim scenario is all but certain now. And just as the USG "disappeared" millions of workers from the unemployment rolls following the 2008 Financial Crisis– forcing them to find low-paying, part-time, no-benefits work in the "gig" economy– so too, millions of more working people will fall through the cracks and wind up homeless, jobless and destitute following this crisis. One $1,200 check from Uncle Sam and a few weeks of unemployment compensation is not going to not be enough to prevent the fundamental restructuring of the US labor force that will be impossible to avoid if the economy isn't restarted pronto.

    That's why we should look to countries like Sweden that have taken a more measured approach that allow parts of the economy to continue to function during the epidemic, so other parts can gear-up quickly and return to full capacity with minimal disruption. This should not be a "liberal vs conservative" issue as it's become in the United States. One should not oppose restarting the economy just because Trump is 'for it', but because millions of working people are facing an uncertain future in an economy which– most economists believe– is headed for a severe and protracted recession. Liberals should be looking for ways to avoid that dismal outcome instead of wasting all their time criticizing Trump. (Of course, now that the idiot Trump has appointed Ivanka, Jared, Kudlow and Wilbur Ross to lead his Council to Re-Open America" it will be impossible to extricate the issue from partisan politics.) This is a clip from an article by Donald Jeffries at Lew Rockwell:

    "The shutdown of businesses now has been going on for more than a month. How many of the dwindling small businesses left in our casino economy have already closed down forever? How many mid-sized ones will ever be able to reopen? How many millions will be furloughed, laid off, fired- however they word it- because of this draconian reaction? How can an economy based on commerce exist without commerce?" ("The Locked Down World", Donald Jeffries, Lew Rockwell)

    Indeed. This isn't a question of putting profits before people. The economy IS our life. Try to make a living without an economy. Try to feed your family or pay the rent or buy a car or do anything without an economy. We need the economy. Working people need the economy, and we need to find a way to do two things at the same time: Keep the economy running and save as many lives as possible. The idea that we can just do one of these things and not the other, is not only blatantly false, it is destructive to our own best interests. We have to do both, there is no other way. Here's more background on Sweden from an article at Haaretz:

    "The truth is that we have a policy similar to that of other countries," says Anders Tegnell, Sweden's state epidemiologist, "Like everyone, we are trying to slow down the rate of infection The differences derive from a different tradition and from a different culture that prevail in Sweden. We prefer voluntary measures, and there is a high level of trust here between the population and the authorities, so we are able to avoid coercive restrictions"

    It's still too early to say whether Stockholm's policy will turn out to be a success story or a blueprint for disaster. But, when the microbes settle, following the global crisis, Sweden may be able to constitute a kind of control group: Did other countries go too far in the restrictions they have been imposing on their populations? Was the economic catastrophe spawned globally by the crisis really unavoidable? Or will the Swedish case turn out to be an example of governmental complacency that cost human lives unnecessarily?" ("Why Sweden Isn't Forcing Its Citizens to Stay Home Due to the Coronaviru", Haaretz)

    Tegnell, is no long-haired, fist-waving radical, he's Sweden's chief epidemiologist and has worked for mainstream organizations like the WHO and the European Commission. Where he differs from so many of his peers is simply in his approach, which empowers ordinary people to use their own common sense regarding their health, their safety and the safety of others. It's simple, if you develop symptoms, stay home. Tegnell believes that its easier to get people to do the right thing by trusting their judgement then by ordering them to do so.

    That said, Sweden's objectives are the same as every other country impacted by the pandemic. The emphasis is on "flattening the curve", slowing the rate of infection, testing as many people as possible, and protecting the vulnerable and older populations. It's just their methods are different. They've taken a more nuanced approach that relies on level-headed people conforming to the guidelines that help to minimize contagion until some better remedy is found. "Social distancing" is practiced in Sweden, but the population has not had their civil liberties suspended nor have they been put under house arrest until the threat has passed. Sweden has not compromised its core values in a frenzied attempt to stave off sickness or death. Can the U.S. say the same? Here's more from an article at the Washington Times:

    "As government leaders in the UK and the United States are grappling with how to revive dormant economies, Dr. Tegnell said the Swedish approach will allow the country to maintain social distancing measures in the long term without putting the economic system at risk. Dr. Tegnell said he believes certain regions in Sweden are already very close to a state where so many in the population have built up resistance to the virus that it is no longer a pandemic threat

    "We do believe the main difference between our policies and many other countries' policies is that we could easily keep these kinds of policies in place for months, maybe even years, without any real damage to society or our economy," Dr. Tegnell said. Although the government has not issued a stay-at-home order, many Swedes have decided to quarantine and practice social distancing on their own volition, Dr. Tegnell said." ("Top Swedish official: Virus rates easing up despite loose rules", The Washington Times)

    The threat of pandemic is new to most countries, so it's not entirely fair to criticize their response. But, at this point, reasonable people should be able agree that implementing sweeping policies that inflict incalculable damage to the economy and on people's personal liberties is a gross overreaction that poses as big a threat as the pandemic itself. Leaders must be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. That's all we should expect of them: Just restart the damn economy while minimizing the risks of infection as much as possible. Is that too much to ask? Here's an excerpt from an article at MedicineNet:

    "The financial ruin this pandemic has caused for many will almost certainly lead to increased suicide, mental illness, and physical health problems exacerbated by a loss of health insurance in countries without socialized medicine, according to the World Economic Forum. That's partly why both Sweden and Singapore have tried to keep life in their countries as normal as possible for as long as possible during the response. It does not explain the drastically different death tolls between the two countries, however .

    Anders Tengall, the country's chief epidemiologist, is making a grim wager. The hypothesis is there will not be significantly more Swedes dead at the end of the pandemic than if the country had initiated stricter distancing protocols, but the looser approach will keep the number of cases from spiking when lockdowns are lifted.

    Tengall's and the rest of the Swedish government's bet is this approach is more sustainable, and can help prevent some of those other bad health outcomes that accompany economic depression." ("Sweden and Singapore: The COVID-19 'Soft' Approach vs. Techno-Surveillance", MedicineNet)

    So, yes, the number of deaths per thousand in Sweden do not compare favorably to nearby Denmark, but the final results of the experiment might not be known for years. With a population of 5.8 million, Denmark's death-toll is currently 336, while Sweden's is 1,400 for a population of 10.2 million. (as of 4-17-20) So, as a practical matter, the Swedish method looks vastly inferior. (Interestingly, Sweden's population is similar to NY City's 8.4 million, but coronavirus deaths in NYC have now reached a horrific 12,822.)

    [Apr 19, 2020] The crime against humanity is not the virus but the response to what hindsight will demonstrate to be no more worrisome than seasonal flu.

    Apr 19, 2020 |

    tedrichard , 17 April 2020 at 01:21 PM

    at the end of the day it does not matter where or how the virus originated and first became public. that's all in the rear view mirror. throwing stones or getting lawyers solve nothing.

    the crime against humanity is not the virus but the response to what hindsight will demonstrate to be no more worrisome than seasonal flu.

    only a nation bent on suicide shuts down their entire economy for a virus with a death rate in the 1% range and even that is predicated largely on age and pre existing conditions.

    in other words the old and the already quite sick.

    i am 71 and so have no axe to grind against us old folks.

    [Apr 19, 2020] Coronavirus Crisis Ventilator Shortages Have Not Come to Pass National Review

    Apr 19, 2020 |

    The ventilator shortages of which we were all gravely warned have not yet come to pass.

    I n March, one of the most feared aspects of the pandemic was the widely reported coming shortage of ventilators. One well-publicized estimate, repeated by the New York Times , the New Yorker and CNN, was that the U.S. would need roughly one million ventilators, or more than five times as many as we had. Gulp. Ventilators are expensive, they're complex machines, and they can't be churned out in the thousands overnight.


    In the state that (as of today) has one-third of the country's confirmed COVID-19 cases, New York governor Andrew Cuomo sounded the alarm for ventilators repeatedly. On March 27, he acknowledged "I don't have a crystal ball" but said his state desperately needed 30,000 ventilators, maybe 40,000, but had only 12,000. When President Trump noted that Cuomo's state had thousands of unused ventilators it hadn't even placed yet, Cuomo admitted this was true but said he still needed more: "Yes, they're in a stockpile because that's where they're supposed to be because we don't need them yet. We need them for the apex," Cuomo said at the time. On April 2, Cuomo predicted the state would run out of ventilators in six days "at the current burn rate." But on April 6, Cuomo noted, "We're ok, and we have some in reserve."

    [Apr 19, 2020] When it comes to COVID-19 suppression policies, one size doesn't fit all.

    Apr 19, 2020 |

    Grumpy Engineer , April 16, 2020 at 11:21 pm

    Cool map for the day:

    Rockland County, NY has more than 2700 infections per 100000 residents.
    In my little portion of Appalachia, we have less than 20 infections per 100000 residents.

    When it comes to COVID-19 suppression policies, one size doesn't fit all.

    [Apr 19, 2020] We have children to feed, businesses to run, employees to pay, and Ohio must end this shutdown now. Those with high-risk categories and compromised immune systems can shelter safely at home while the rest of us can exercise our constitutional liberties to work and take care of our businesses and children

    States are clearly not equal in the scope of epidemic and density of population. And even in composition of population, including the number of elderly and homeless: it is difficult to survive for homeless in Northern states. What is good from NY or NJ is not good for Ohio.
    Apr 19, 2020 |

    "Ohio Senate candidate attacks DeWine's 'tyranny' in coronavirus response" [ Columbus Dispatch ]. "Republican Melissa Ackison was among about 100 protesters outside the Statehouse during DeWine's appearance inside on Monday . "'The original model, along with the president's condemnation of the World Health Organization's handling this pandemic inappropriately, is all that the public needs to know," she said. 'We have children to feed, businesses to run, employees to pay, and Ohio must end this shutdown now. Those with high-risk categories and compromised immune systems can shelter safely at home while the rest of us can exercise our constitutional liberties to work and take care of our businesses and children.'"

    UPDATE "The very American conflict between liberty and lockdown" [ The Week ]. "To recap: Demonstrators have hit the streets this week in Ohio , Kentucky , and North Carolina . On Wednesday, a protest in Michigan was dubbed " Operation Gridlock. " Despite the firearms and Confederate battle flags, the protesters' demands might seem familiar, even sympathetic to most Americans. They want freedom -- freedom to go shopping, freedom to open up their businesses, freedom to go sit in a restaurant and have dinner with friends, freedom merely to do what they were doing unencumbered two months ago. Don't we all? 'Quarantine is when you restrict movement of sick people,' one of the Michigan organizers told Fox News. 'Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people.'" • Wrong on the merits. Federalist 47 : "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, selfappointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny." That said, this gentleman doesn't seem to understand that the sick/healthy binary breaks down in the absence of testing and with asymptomatic transmission. And that's before we get to the "Not us, me" mentality. Naturally, the press is treating these putatively spontaneous demonstrations as very serious and important, much as they treated Santelli's rant against foreclosure relief in 2009.

    [Apr 18, 2020] The CNN-Cuomo Brothers Inquisition, CovidGate And The Folly Of Lockdown Nation by David Stockman

    Notable quotes:
    "... By every measure, New York is the aberrant epicenter of the Covid-19 outbreak. So what you find in the New York stats has got to be definitive, but what they're conclusive about is the very opposite of the hysteria being propagated by the Cuomos & friends. ..."
    "... The New York data, in fact, show that Covid-19 almost pinpointedly attacks the old, the frail, and the medically vulnerable, not the general population. ..."
    Apr 18, 2020 |

    We are getting sick and tired of the CNN/Cuomo Brothers inquisition and the Coviddeath Cavalcade. Their relentless, morose, partisan coverage of the coronavirus pandemic is the single greatest campaign of misinformation, disinformation, propaganda, scaremongering and elitist prattle we can recall in our entire lifetime.

    Indeed, Joe McCarthy's Red Scare was a Sunday School picnic compared to CovidGate. And just as there were no commies secretly subverting America 66 years ago, there is no deathly contagion stalking the American people today and no public health emergency that remotely justifies the Lockdown Nation regime that the CNN/Cuomo Brothers and infectious disease lobby have foisted on the country with virtually no public debate or democratic accountability.

    By every measure, New York is the aberrant epicenter of the Covid-19 outbreak. So what you find in the New York stats has got to be definitive, but what they're conclusive about is the very opposite of the hysteria being propagated by the Cuomos & friends.

    The New York data, in fact, show that Covid-19 almost pinpointedly attacks the old, the frail, and the medically vulnerable, not the general population.

    In turn, that means that public health measures should be focused on identifying, isolating, protecting, treating and supporting the very small sub-population that is bearing the brunt of the illness and deaths, while allowing the vast bulk of the population to get back to normal social and economic life forthwith.

    As we document below, the peak of new cases and deaths is now in the rear-view mirror. So what we can glean from the New York stats through April 13th reporting is definitive and will only get even more definitive in the weeks ahead.

    As of 1PM today, the nationwide death count "WITH" Covid-19 was 23,529. And we go full monte with CAPs, quotes, bolds and italics for the reason that it is self-evident the virus per se didn't kill many or most of these people: It triggered organ and function failures that were already embedded in pre-existing morbidities. And that truth is validated in spades by the New York data. As of this afternoon, New York had reported 10,834 corona deaths or 45% of the national total.

    But when you look at the break-out by age categories and rates relative to population, the numbers are simply stunning:

    In short, 18% of all the Covid-19 nationwide deaths crawling across the CNN screen today have been among New Yorkers 80 years and older; and 7,018 or 30% of national deaths and 65% of New York Covid-19 deaths have been among those 70 years and older.

    To be sure, as a member of the 70+ class of New York residents, we don't begrudge anyone the longest and happiest life possible. But we are here talking about the appropriate public policy response to a bad winter flu and suggest that when the mortality ratio for the over 80 population is 222 times higher than for those under 50 years old, then one size surely does not fit all.

    Indeed, when it comes to quarantines and contact tracing, the Cuomo brigade has it assbackwards. To wit, leave the general population alone where quarantine is unnecessary and contact tracing is a ridiculous needle-in-the-haystack waste of time, and target protection measures on the vulnerable, instead.

    After all, in the entire state of New York there are only 382,000 souls age 80 or over. Would it not have been far more rational for Governor Cuomo's health department minions to track down these 382,000 vulnerable elderly rather than to shutdown the entire economy of the state in order protect 13.05 million folks under 50 years from a death risk which amounts to a minuscule 4.9 per 100,000?

    In all honesty, that latter figure is a rounding error in the scheme of things. Every year in New York state, 11,760 persons under 50 years or 91.3 per 100,000 suffer an untimely death -- including 3,428 from auto and other accidents and 917 from suicides.

    Since the infection wave, hospitalizations and death numbers have now clearly peaked and will be falling sharply in the weeks ahead (see above), we can say with some considerable confidence that when the Covid is gone, it is doubtful whether more than 917 New Yorkers under 50 -- the normal year suicide population -- will have died WITH the coronavirus.

    That's 7.0 souls per 100,000 -- and its just plain insane to got into plenary Lockdown on their account -- especially because the predominant share of under 50 year-olds who have succumbed WITH the coronavirus were also suffering from one or more morbidities, especially hypertension, diabetes and COPD (see below).

    Indeed, that gets us to the even more damning stats in the New York data. To wit, only 1,242 or 11% of New York's 10,834 Covid-deaths (as of April 13) were not accompanied by at least one of the top 10 co-morbidities.

    By contrast, of the 9,592 cases with these conditions, the total co-morbidities were 19,280. That means the New Yorkers among this group died with an average of 2.01 comorbidities, and some with three or four.

    Again, when you stratify by age, the injunction to identify, trace, isolate and treat by indicated vulnerability could not be more dispositive. Among the 4,130 persons aged 80 or older who have died in New York,

    · 2,489 or 60% had hypertension;

    · 1,264 or 31% had diabetes;

    · 845 had hyperlipidemia (blood disorder);

    · 605 had coronary artery disease;

    · 819 had dementia;

    · 425 had renal disease;

    · 534 had COPD;

    · 366 had cancer;

    · 386 had congestive heart failure.

    So Governor Cuomo, riddle us this. In lieu of your daily reality TV show and presidential campaign audition, way didn't you mobilize the doctors and health authorities to identify these 10,834 medically imperiled among the thousands more with like and similar conditions among the 382,000 octogenarians in your state in order that every possible precaution could have been taken weeks ago?

    Compared to the needle-in-the-haystack idiocy of contact tracing among the general population, the state's doctors and health agencies do actually know the names, addresses and social security number of nearly every one of these medically vulnerable cases. That's where the resources should have gone -- not into a mindless Lockdown of the entire economy.

    Indeed, when you look at the next most vulnerable category, the 1.26 million state residents aged 70-79, the story becomes even more compelling. In this age bracket, there have been 2,888 deaths WITH Covid reported as of April 13th, which, as indicated above, represents 272 per 100,000.

    But, not surprisingly, 62%, 45%, 23% and 14% also had hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and coronary artery disease, respectively. In all, this group had 5,695 comorbidities among the to 10 diseases, which amounts to 2.0 per deceased.

    In sum, 7,018 or 65% of the WITH Covid deaths in New York were 70 years and older and suffered from 13,800 instances of these major underlying illnesses that could have been readily identified by the doctors and health care professionals who treat them.

    Likewise, even the 3,174 deaths among aged 50-69 overwhelmingly involved 4,848 comorbidities, including 2,930 cases of hypertension and diabetes alone.

    Finally, among the 642 deaths under 50 years, there were fully 634 cases of the top 10 morbidities.

    That is to say, there have been virtually no deaths among the disease free population under 50. Yet hundreds of thousands have been infected and tens of thousands have become symptomatic or sick, but recovered from this novel flu in the normal fashion.

    Here's the thing. The US economy was so weakened by 30 years of debt, speculation and money-printing that its own economic "immune" system was at ultra low ebb.

    So the Lockdown Folly will prove to be far more destructive than would have otherwise been the case. So now is the time for the Donald to do something constructive for once, and face-down the CNN/Cuomo Brothers and infectious disease lobby and stop cold the economic bleeding cure they have foisted on the US economy in the name of public health.

    And now is the moment. During the last few days, the death rates have plunged in most of the nation, and clearly even New York has turned the corner as this chart makes abundantly clear.

    But for want of doubt, here is the the nationwide gain in new cases WITH Covid-19. It is now down nearly 26% from its Good Friday peak, after accelerating in early April:

    April 5-April 14 trend: 25,974, 28,752, 30,437, 30,130, 34,346, 34,617, 29,591, 28,983, 24,948, 25,699

    So let us repeat: The New York Covid epicenter has provided the pretext for the present nationwide hysteria and insensible acts of economic suicide.

    But its actual data show why the Lockdown should be ended now. To wit, the 1.64 million residents of New York over 69 years old account for just 0.5% of the US population, but have suffered 30% of the nation's deaths WITH Covid.

    It is therefore time to tell the economy-wreaking Cuomo Brothers and their political cohorts and media megaphones to stand down and let America get back to work, and the doctors and health professionals refocused on the real victims of this nasty virus.

    Reprinted with permission from David Stockman's Contra Corner .

    [Apr 17, 2020] Great resource for corona facts and analysis

    Apr 17, 2020 |

    L. Tim , Apr 15 2020 21:22 utc | 55

    Great resource for corona facts and analysis:

    Looks like the death rate has substantially decreased during recent weeks, as many more people have had the virus but didn't show any symptoms than was previously known. 80% without symptoms really makes you wonder. Also up to 60% of all deaths in nursing homes. Sad we coulnd't protect these places any better?!

    [Apr 15, 2020] Yes and No, or how dense the US population is.

    Apr 15, 2020 |

    Mark2 , Apr 14 2020 19:37 utc | 25

    Do I believe that Iraq had weapons of mass distruction -- no
    Do I beleave that Russia used novachoc on the Skripals -- - no
    Do I beleave the Syrian army used chlorine on the rebels -- -- no
    Do I beleave Trump and U.K. Tory's would press the bio- button -- -yes
    Do I beleave that US @UK lie about Russia, Iran, China and the Middle East -- - yes
    Do I beleave the US @ U.K. want to reduce the world population by 50% -- -yes
    Ditto their own populations -- -- -yes
    We're dealing with three viruses here -- - coronavirus, internet/MSM misinformation and worse of all psychological denial.
    The last of those is what is destroying society.
    Two things spread this virus -- -- -- -
    (1) How dense the population is.
    (2) How dense the population is.

    [Apr 15, 2020] The curve in Sweden pretty much mimics the curve in countries that instead opted for economic suicide. Econonmic suicide I remind you, that not only brings a whole constellation of social and medical issues that will be longer lasting than this pandemic ever could, but that will also mean a much slower immunisation of society thereby virtually guaranteeing a relapse

    Apr 15, 2020 |

    guidoamm , Apr 15 2020 8:48 utc | 136

    Premising that most people understand that the virus is real, something is, nonetheless, up.

    In a first instance.

    We have Sweden. You will notice that the curve in Sweden pretty much mimics the curve in countries that instead opted for economic suicide. Econonmic suicide I remind you, that not only brings a whole constellation of social and medical issues that will be longer lasting than this pandemic ever could, but that will also mean a much slower immunisation of society thereby virtually guaranteeing a relapse.

    Too, Corona virus vaccines have been in the works for the past 40 years with little success to show for it. So now Bill Gates is magically going to produce a vaccine in 18 months?

    We then have the models that have been peddled by the great and the good that are showing to be wildly off reality in terms of hospital bed occupancy or ICU use.

    Finally, we have the ships. Oh the ships!

    Today we have the following:

    Diamond Princess 3000 passengers and crew
    Grand Princess 3000 passengers and crew
    Zaandam 3000 passengers and crew
    Ruby Princess 4000 passengers and crew

    Now we also have the Theodore Roosevelt nuclear powered war ship carrying 4000+ crew

    So now we have a closed sample of in excess of 15000 individuals that have been exposed to Covid19 good and hard over entire days.

    Yet, we have fewer than 2000 infections and fewer than 20 fatalities.

    Of 2 things therefore, 1 must be true.

    1 The Covid19 numbers being thrown out by various state, regional and city authorities are skewed (and there is plenty evidence they are)


    2 ships offer a peculiar environment that somehow inhibits the infection and mortality rate of this virus.

    Now, if 2 should turn out to be true (and data from all ships combined as well as Sweden says it is) then what we are doing is, at best, counterproductive.

    Also, if 2 is true, then the US$1T that is being bandied about in the US to somehow compensate business and society for their losses, would be better spent buying every single man, woman and child a cruise. This would come to a fraction of the cost of the entire boondoggle.

    The evidence is stark.

    [Apr 15, 2020] The graphs and other data from governmental and other bodies constitute some form of propaganda

    Apr 15, 2020 |

    Johan Meyer (2) , Apr 15 2020 12:32 utc | 176

    With regards to the idea repeatedly suggested, that the graphs and other data from governmental and other bodies constitute some form of propaganda, it is certainly possible to willfully present a fake world with such data, if one has a very refined mathematical (random variables on say Papoulis and Pillai level, that much and more for epidemic growth etc.) understanding of the evolution of e.g. (in this instance) epidemics. Instead one sees little shit lies and occasionally embarrassing mathematical inadequacy in propagandistic media. It is orders of magnitude more difficult to fake that, and doing so to undermine oneself, as the propagandistic media is doing from time to time suggests actual inadequacy rather than feigned inadequacy. It is orders of magnitude more probable that the propagandists believe their own idiotic propaganda (successful propagandists need to convince themselves of their own lies) and mix in such data that they can find, with a gloss to somehow in their minds have the data fit their propaganda narratives, than to make a much broader fake. The actual results from statistics makes it often quite easy (for the mathematically adequate) to discover when data is implausible.

    If the people who want to claim that any data from propagandistic media should automatically be discarded want to become mathematically adequate, they should at least have a grasp equivalent to chapter 6 of Papoulis and Pillai to make the necessary arguments. Prerequisite to such study is a solid background in math (multivariable calculus including some partial differential equations) and natural science---what kind of fluctuations may one expect in a given process? As the people who tend to make such broad claims tend not to have the requisite background, I shall specify---one should be able to solve the problems at the end of the chapter using the methods in the chapter.

    [Apr 15, 2020] 'We scared the hell out of the American people' over 'flu,' says Fox News guest -- RT USA News

    Notable quotes:
    "... "For this, we scared the hell out of the American people, we lost 17 million jobs, we put a major dent in the economy, we closed down the schools... shut down the churches," ..."
    "... "You know, this was not, and is not a pandemic. But we do have panic and pandemonium as a result of the hype of this." ..."
    "... "aggressively stupid" ..."
    "... "Bill Bennett may be a self-proclaimed ethics expert, but he obviously knows very little about logic and cause-and-effect," ..."
    "... "It is deeply irresponsible to air this view on national television," ..."
    "... "the hell out of the American people." ..."
    "... " crucial" ..."
    "... "no need to change anything you're doing on a day-to-day basis." ..."
    "... "could have saved lives" ..."
    "... "the virus decides" ..."
    Apr 15, 2020 |

    Former education secretary Bill Bennett has been savaged online for suggesting that the coronavirus is "not a pandemic," calling for the lifting of lockdown measures, as the debate rages over reopening the shuttered US economy. More than half a million Americans have caught the coronavirus, with just over 22,000 deaths. While the numbers are dire, the University of Washington's forecasters revised their total predicted Covid-19 deaths down to 60,000 last week, a number comparable to deaths from influenza in 2017-2018, and significantly lower than the six-figure death toll floated by President Donald Trump's top medical adviser, Dr Anthony Fauci, last month.

    "For this, we scared the hell out of the American people, we lost 17 million jobs, we put a major dent in the economy, we closed down the schools... shut down the churches," Bennett said on Monday's edition of Fox and Friends. "You know, this was not, and is not a pandemic. But we do have panic and pandemonium as a result of the hype of this."

    Fox News contributor Bill Bennett compares coronavirus to the flu, claiming that "this was not and is not a pandemic."

    -- Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) April 13, 2020

    The World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a pandemic on March 11 and it has been reported in almost every country around the world. Bennett was flayed online for his "aggressively stupid" statement.

    "Bill Bennett may be a self-proclaimed ethics expert, but he obviously knows very little about logic and cause-and-effect," wrote author Ward Carroll.

    Aggressively stupid Bill Bennett may be a self-professed ethics expert, but he obviously knows little about logic or cause-and-effect.Hey, Billy Boy, do you think there's any relationship between actions taken and the number of #COVID19 fatalities?And get a haircut, old man.

    -- Ward Carroll (@wardcarroll) April 13, 2020

    "It is deeply irresponsible to air this view on national television," tweeted CNN's Chris Cillizza, while neoconservative pundit Bill Kristol suggested the low death toll was a direct result of the government scaring "the hell out of the American people."

    Needless to say, if we have "only" 60,000 deaths, it's BECAUSE "we scared the hell out of the American people," and they radically changed behavior. Or rather: "We" didn't scare anyone. People were alarmed by the facts and adjusted -- despite dangerous happy talk from our president.

    -- Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) April 13, 2020

    My doctor told me he presumes I had #COVID19 and then related #coronavirus pneumonia. I can assure Bill Bennett that even though I exercised and ate well, covid kicked my ass. It was terrifying. I couldn't breathe and thought I was dying.It was nothing like the flu, fool.

    -- Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) April 13, 2020

    Bill Bennett doesn't understand that the only reason my "only" 60,000 people will die is because we're all stuck at home.I've said before. If the GOP thinks this is a hoax then go throw a huge party and invite yours entire family and Trump, and see how it goes.

    -- John Aravosis 🇺🇸 (@aravosis) April 13, 2020

    Modeling the spread of infectious diseases is an imprecise science. While the University of Washington's researchers attribute their revised predictions to " crucial" social distancing measures and recommend they remain in place until the end of May, many initial predictions about the virus were wrong. When it first entered the US in January, media outlets urged Americans not to panic, warning them that the flu was a more imminent threat. These same outlets now tell a different story .

    Likewise, Fauci himself said in February that there was "no need to change anything you're doing on a day-to-day basis." On Sunday, he told CNN's Jake Tapper that the government "could have saved lives" if social distancing started earlier.

    With commentators on the right demanding a relaxation of lockdown rules, and Trump's advisers telling the president – to quote Fauci – that "the virus decides" when things return to normal, no clear path forward is obvious.

    [Apr 15, 2020] Note on virus panic porn

    Notable quotes:
    "... As soon as you see the real data released by the ONS you will immediately see that the cited twitter is blatant fake news! ..."
    Apr 15, 2020 |

    BM , Apr 15 2020 11:08 utc | 163

    The graphs show the normal mortality rates in the England and Wales and in New York City and the current deviations from it. The flu does not create such graphs. Nor do the lock-downs.

    I've got a nice bridge for sale, B, 2000 miles long and entirely made of NYT articles and twitter tweets.

    The Twitter chart leaves the impression that the number of deaths suddenly soared up almost vertically by around 5500 just in the last few days ...

    Good panic porn stuff that. Also take note of what sort of people appear in that thread - it is not a list of nobodies!

    But wait - look more closely! That upturn is for week 14 - the week ending 3rd April, already 12 days ago. You can see the release of the data by the Office for National Statistics here (there is no more recent data released by ONS)

    As soon as you see the real data released by the ONS you will immediately see that the cited twitter is blatant fake news!

    That chart is specifically constructed to deceive. No actual cited figures, no actual dates, no links to the real data - just pure panic porn. Why not cite the specific dates covered? Because that would raise immediate suspicion with that sudden spurt, because it does not correspond to previously available figures. Why not cite the specific figures in the tweet? Because then it would be immediately obvious that this is fake news. Why not explain the cause of the strange shape of the graph? Because that would give the whole game away.

    So what do you see when you look at the real data released by ONS, instead of the fake news in that twitter?

    1) Total deaths registered in week 14 16387
    2) Increase over week 13 5246
    3) Increase over 5-year average for week 14 6082
    *** BUT ***
    4) Note that these figures are not the deaths which occurred in week 14, they are the deaths which were registered in week 14, irrespective of when the deaths actually occurred (registration is often delayed)
    5) Note the warning given on that page: "Please note, where Easter falls in previous years will have an impact on the five-year average used for comparison"
    6) 3475 deaths in week 14 " mentioned novel coronavirus (COVID-19)" on the death certificate - NOTE - this is not the cause of death specified on the death certificate!!!
    7) 539 deaths in week 13 " mentioned novel coronavirus (COVID-19)" on the death certificate
    8) But wait - 3475 is only about half the alleged excess deaths, and these are not even the deaths caused by covid-19 (see below) these are only the deaths where covid-19 "happens" to have been tested positive (car accident, for example!)

    Look further!

    9) Look at the row "Deaths where the underlying cause was respiratory disease (ICD-10 J00-J99)" under official WHO standards, that is the broad category under which the covid-19 deaths are to be listed, if it is considered by the doctor to be the cause of death. The row gives figures for each week of 2020 as follows (from weeks 1 to 14 in sequence):
    2141 2477 2188 1893 1746 1572 1602 1619 1546 1581 1492 1515 1534 2106


    This category - which is the actual recorded cause of death - includes covid-19 deaths, but it is a broad category of respiratory-related deaths which also includes many deaths which have nothing whatsoever to do with covid-19. Those 2141, 2477 and 2188 deaths registered in each of the first 3 weeks of 2020 were before there was even a single death from covid-19 in the UK! The average of the first 13 weeks is 1762, and the value for week 14 (2106) is only 344 more than that!

    Also note that the deaths which "mention" covid-19 are 1369 greater (including car accidents, unrelated illness, etc) than the number of deaths caused by respiratory illnesses (including Covid-19), which already includes another 1500 to 1700 deaths not caused by covid-19!

    This spurt of extra deaths registered in week 14 most certainly does not represent a sudden spurt of genuine covid-19 deaths - that is conclusively proven by the row of figures giving the underlying cause of death for each week's registrations.

    If anything, the data may show a sudden spurt of deaths from other causes such as stress caused by the lockdown, food shortages, money shortages, unexpected homelessness, non-covid-19 illnesses not treated because the hospitals cancelled appointments and operations, stress, fear etc.

    Such causes probably underlie at least a few of the unaccounted for excess deaths (conceaveably even most, perhaps), but it is also possible it is simply a statistical aberration and/or related to delays in registering deaths, including the unspecified effect of the Easter holidays on death registration. The aberration may also have been deliberate, to cover up government mishandling of the crisis, or it may result from staff shortages, or perhaps completely irrelevant reasons - we cannot know without detailed investigation of how the data were prepared and the patterns of death registration.

    What is absolutely certain is that that twitter chart is unmitigated fake news deliberately designed to deceive .

    The NYT is no better - completely non-sensical presentation of the data with no explanation of the meaning of the non-sensical presentation, deliberately designed to misrepresent.

    Comments, B? Time to reconsider what you are doing?

    I've been urging people to look more closely at what is happening, because the magicians have been very successful with their acts, recently. Things are not as they seem on the surface - you need to look more carefully at the small print.

    That includes the details of lockdowns. Lockdowns kill, when they are done in the irresponsible and brutal and dishonest way they have been done in the UK and the USA.

    China did NOT rely on lockdowns - they relied on an integrated combination of social distancing (including, where necessary, lockdowns, but mostly not , except in Hubei Province), tracing, and isolation of those infected or at risk.

    Lockdowns as imposed by the UK and the USA are just suicide pacts, as described by Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, and are ineffective in dealing with covid-19.

    [Apr 15, 2020] The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Look at How Ridiculously Wrong All the Covid-19 Models Were

    Apr 15, 2020 |

    Look at How Ridiculously Wrong All the Covid-19 Models Were Written by Robert Wenzel Friday April 10, 2020

    The dotted line on the above map indicates the current trend of beds needed for COVID-19 in New York.

    At present, only 18,279 are in use.

    The professional forecasters all projected that beds would be a multiple of the beds actually needed.

    Notice not one model came in under the actual number. These are all professional fearmongers who alarmed the country about a virus that appears to be in line with a severe flu season.

    Can they really be that incompetent?

    Some may be but I called the evil Tony Fauci out a month ago on his phony projections: Why is Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Lying to Congress and the American People?

    He knows better.

    Reprinted with permission from Target Liberty .

    [Apr 15, 2020] Almost all oppression via propaganda is based upon scaring people, and then presenting a false choice, where the people can choose either to do what you want them to do, or face some unknown, often purely fictional horror.

    Apr 15, 2020 |

    AlainJ , Apr 14 2020 19:07 utc | 17

    Philosopher Larken Rose, in his ''manual'' on ''How to be a Successful Tyrant'', written 15 years ago: "Chapter 2 Exploiting fear. Almost all oppression via propaganda is based upon scaring people, and then presenting a false choice, where the people can choose either to do what you want them to do, or face some unknown, often purely fictional horror. This is not the method of the common thug, which can be summarized as ''do this or I will hurt you''. A successful modern tyrant never presents himself as the thing to be afraid of, as doing so would obviously create resentment and hatred in the peasantry, and that leads to resistance. Every ''thing to be feared'', with which you terrorize your peasants, must be presented as some separate, outside evil, that only you can save them from.

    You must present the simple choice between obedience to you, and the threat of some unpleasant happening, which does not appear to be of your doing, and which you pretend to lament the existence of. In short, you must deceive and scare the citizens into voluntarily giving up their freedom. ''The people never give up their liberty but under some delusion.'' - Edmund Burke

    A simple example would be making up a plague of some sort ;) , assuring people that millions are doomed to die, and then claiming that giving you a lot of money and control is the only hope of averting disaster. Or perhaps, instead of making up a disease, you can pick a real disease, grossly exaggerate the risk it poses to the peasants ;) , whip them into a frenzy, and then present yourself as their only hope for salvation. Which, of course, will require you to be given much wealth and power. Even the common flu ;) , can be used to spread alarm and panic in the peasantry.''

    [Apr 12, 2020] Dramatic increase of number of medical professional on You Tube

    Apr 12, 2020 |

    Joe Cooksey , 22 hours ago

    Two months ago 2 out of every 100 YouTube users were actual medical professionals. Today, we have 97 pseudo medical professionals for every 100 users... especially the wacko group that thinks 5G causes COVID-19.

    [Apr 12, 2020] When total morbidity statistics are sorted out we qill find that there is no excess morbidity, no pandemic, just reclassification of causes of death

    Apr 12, 2020 |

    skeptic23 , Apr 11 2020 17:25 utc | 191

    will see about this "pandemic" when total morbidity statistics are sorted excess morbidity, no pandemic, just reclassification of causes of death, viz. There is no reliable data on Covid19, but everybody "knows" what is going on

    [Apr 11, 2020] There is no doubt that corporate media distributes fake news. Before the pandemic, it was to line the owner's pockets and get rid of the nationalist oligarch, Donald Trump

    Apr 11, 2020 |

    VietnamVet , Apr 11 2020 1:42 utc | 105

    There is no doubt that corporate media distributes fake news. Before the pandemic, it was to line the owner's pockets and get rid of the nationalist oligarch, Donald Trump. Now the world is turned upside down and the pandemic is out of their control.

    Markets rule, profits first, dying empire reluctantly and haphazardly sheltered its population in place crashing the economy. Donald Trump was a useless bystander. 15% to 20% of the coronavirus infected must be hospitalized. This would crash the healthcare system for the wealthy not just everyone else. The super-rich's Hamptons on Long Island are just as adversely impacted as NY City.

    The nations that conduct contact tracing and quarantine the infected have lower numbers of dead than nations like the USA that don't. The riff-raff still don't matter. The Oligarchs will open up the USA on May 1st if they see no risk dying themselves. The basic problem is that with the stupid inept national governments left over from the fall of the Western Empire; the outcome, opened up or not, will be a continued economic depression and new waves of coronavirus breakouts and more lockdowns until a vaccine is developed or civil society is restored.

    [Apr 11, 2020] It is a myth that lockdowns lower life expectancy

    Apr 11, 2020 |

    vk , Apr 10 2020 16:20 utc | 6

    Even at 1%, the COVID-19 is still ten times deadlier than the common flu, so I never understood the "it's just a strong flu" argument.

    Here's a quick explanation on how risk analysis approach this pandemic:

    Lives or livelihoods?

    Here is that view: "if funds are not limitless – then we should focus on doing things whereby we can do the most good (save the most lives) for the least possible amount of money. Or use the money we have, to save the most lives." Health economics measures the cost per QALY. A QALY is a Quality Adjusted Life Year. One added year of the highest quality life would be one QALY. "How much are we willing to pay for one QALY? The current answer, in the UK, is that the NHS will recommend funding medical interventions if they cost less than £30,000/QALY. Anything more than this is considered too expensive and yet the UK's virus package is £350bn, almost three times the current yearly budget for the entire NHS. Is this a price worth paying?" This expert reckoned that "the cost of saving a COVID victim was more than eleven times the maximum cost that the NHS will approve." At the same time cancer patients are not being treated, hip replacements are being postponed, heart and diabetes sufferers are not being dealt with.

    Tim Harford in the FT took a different view. He points out that the US Environmental Protection Agency values a statistical life at $10m in today's money, or $10 per micromort (one in a million risk of death) averted. "If we presume that 1 per cent of infections are fatal, then it is a 10,000 micromort condition. On that measure, being infected is 100 times more dangerous than giving birth, or as perilous as travelling two and a half times around the world on a motorbike. For an elderly or vulnerable person, it is much more risky than that. At the EPA's $10 per micromort, it would be worth spending $100,000 to prevent a single infection with Covid-19. You don't need a complex epidemiological model to predict that if we take no serious steps to halt the spread of the virus, more than half the world is likely to contract it. That suggests 2m US deaths and 500,000 in Britain -- assuming, again, a 1 per cent fatality rate. If an economic lockdown in the US saves most of these lives, and costs less than $20tn, then it would seem to be value for money." The key point for me here is that this dilemma of 'costing' a life would be reduced if there had been proper funding of health systems, sufficient to provide 'spare capacity' in case of crises.

    It is also a myth that lockdowns lower life expectancy. This is pure money fetishism. Besides the fact that almost nobody dies of hunger in one month, you have to take into account that mortality by violent causes (car accidents, workplace accidents in dangerous jobs, etc.) also fall:

    But the Bristol study is just a risk assessment. Proper health studies show that recessions do not increase mortality at all. A recession – a short-term, temporary fall in GDP – need not, and indeed normally does not, reduce life expectancy. Indeed, counterintuitively, the weight of the evidence is that recessions actually lead to people living longer. Suicides do indeed go up, but other causes of death, such as road accidents and alcohol-related disease, fall.

    Marxist health economist Dr Jose Tapia (also an author of one of the chapters in our book World in Crisis) has done several studies on the impact of recessions on health. He found that mortality rates in industrial countries tend to rise in economic expansions and fall in economic recessions. Deaths attributed to heart disease, pneumonia, accidents, liver disease, and senility -- making up about 41% of total mortality -- tend to fluctuate procyclically, increasing in expansions. Suicides, as well as deaths attributable to diabetes and hypertensive disease, make up about 4% of total mortality and fluctuate countercyclically, increasing in recessions. Deaths attributed to other causes, making up about half of total deaths, don't show a clearly defined relationship with the fluctuations of the economy. "All these effects of economic expansions or recessions on mortality that can be seen, e.g., during the Great Depression or the Great Recession, are tiny if compared with the mortality effects of a pandemic," said Tapia in an interview.

    The food problem (for those who can't afford, because production was never the problem) can be easily solved by a simple scheme of food banks.

    They key, thus, is to avoid healthcare systems collapses. As long as the healthcare system stands, mortality in general should lower - but that's obviously not the case in many countries, as decades of neoliberalism had a deteriorating effect on them.

    The economic impact (fall in GDPs) has a merely geopolitical effect: yes, the West will emerge smaller from this pandemic. But then, it was already degenerating since 2008.

    [Apr 09, 2020] Dr. Fauci Says US COVID-19 US Deaths Could Be As Low As 60K After Warning Millions Could Die

    This guy is really a fearmonger who after sleeting for two months greatly contributed with his idiotic interviews to the botched reaction of the US government to this crisis. He should go
    Notable quotes:
    "... And now, after the Trump Administration scrambled to ramp up testing capacity and the states worked with the Feds, private entities, and others (including in some cases foreign nations) to distribute ventilators as Gov. Andrew Cuomo painted a horrifying portrait of sickened New Yorkers suffocating to death in hospital hallways because there were no ventilators available. ..."
    "... Well, yesterday, NYC Mayor de Blasio said that, after a few days of near capacity numbers, hospitalizations have dropped by such a steep degree that the city believes it has enough ventilators on hand, and won't need any more. ..."
    Apr 09, 2020 |

    And now, after the Trump Administration scrambled to ramp up testing capacity and the states worked with the Feds, private entities, and others (including in some cases foreign nations) to distribute ventilators as Gov. Andrew Cuomo painted a horrifying portrait of sickened New Yorkers suffocating to death in hospital hallways because there were no ventilators available.

    Well, yesterday, NYC Mayor de Blasio said that, after a few days of near capacity numbers, hospitalizations have dropped by such a steep degree that the city believes it has enough ventilators on hand, and won't need any more.

    Now on Thursday, Dr. Fauci is taking to cable news to spread the message of optimism that has lifted US stocks over the past few days: Instead of the 240k figure used by President Trump as recently as two weeks ago, Dr. Fauci told NBC News that if the public continued to stick to the "mitigation efforts", that the death toll might be as low as 60k.

    [Apr 08, 2020] What Virus? Military Asks Whopping $20B to 'Deter Chinese Aggression'

    Notable quotes:
    "... " ​T​ he operational dilemmas faced by Indo-Pacific Command demand urgent attention. In order to make American investments in advanced fighters, attack submarines, or breakthroughs in military technology meaningful (in other words, to deter or win a conflict), there must be urgent investment in runways, fuel and munitions storage, theater missile defenses, and command and control architecture to enable U.S. forces in a fight across the Pacific's vast exterior lines. ​"​ ..."
    Apr 08, 2020 |

    'Number one priority' is a $1.5 billion, 360-degree persistent and integrated air defense ring around Guam​.

    ... ... ...

    ​Arguing in favor of the PDI i n a recent op-ed , ​former Pacific policy official for the DoD ​ Randall Schriver ​ ​ and Eric Sayers, ​former​ special assistant to the commander of INDOPACOM, ​wrote:

    " ​T​ he operational dilemmas faced by Indo-Pacific Command demand urgent attention. In order to make American investments in advanced fighters, attack submarines, or breakthroughs in military technology meaningful (in other words, to deter or win a conflict), there must be urgent investment in runways, fuel and munitions storage, theater missile defenses, and command and control architecture to enable U.S. forces in a fight across the Pacific's vast exterior lines. ​"​

    john a day ago

    Well the Pentagon sees that the checkbooks are open, Look if those pencil necked doctors can get 2trillion for a case of the sniffles, we ought to be able to get 2 billion to face down the Chicoms!

    [Apr 08, 2020] Mortality in UK does not support the hypothesis about pandemic

    Apr 08, 2020 |

    In strict meaning the pandemic is when the the particular infection increases mortality in all affected countries... It did not happened.

    Doctortrinate ,

    Latest figures Gov uk. Deaths registered in the year-to-date, Week 1 to 13. Looking at the year-to-date (using refreshed data to get the most accurate estimates), the number of deaths is currently lower than the five-year average. The current number of deaths is 150,047, which is 3,350 fewer than the five-year average. Of the deaths registered by 27 March 2020, 647 mentioned the coronavirus (COVID-19) on the death certificate; this is 0.4% of all deaths.

    U.K Lockdown – evening of the 23'rd March – Deaths, of 'or' with Covid ? Tests, false positive / incorrect diagnosis = ? ? %

    [Apr 08, 2020] In March, US Deaths From COVID-19 Totaled Less Than 2% Of All Deaths

    Apr 08, 2020 |

    Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

    About 2.9 million people die in the United States each year from all causes. Monthly this total ranges from around 220,000 in the summertime to more than 280,000 in winter .

    In recent decades, flu season has often peaked sometime from January to March, and this is a major driver in total deaths. The average daily number of deaths from December through March is over eight thousand .

    So far, total death data is too preliminary to know if there has been any significant increase in total deaths as a result of COVID-19, and this is an important metric, because it gives us some insight into whether or not COVID-19 is driving total death numbers well above what would otherwise be expected.

    Indeed, according to some sources, it is not clear that total deaths have increased significantly as a result of COVID-19. In a March 30 article for The Spectator , former UK National Health Service pathologist John Lee noted that the current number of deaths from COVID-19 does not indicate that the UK is experiencing " excess deaths ." Lee writes :

    The simplest way to judge whether we have an exceptionally lethal disease is to look at the death rates. Are more people dying than we would expect to die anyway in a given week or month? Statistically, we would expect about 51,000 to die in Britain this month. At the time of writing, 422 deaths are linked to Covid-19 -- so 0.8 per cent of that expected total. On a global basis, we'd expect 14 million to die over the first three months of the year. The world's 18,944 coronavirus deaths represent 0.14 per cent of that total. These figures might shoot up but they are, right now, lower than other infectious diseases that we live with (such as flu). Not figures that would, in and of themselves, cause drastic global reactions.

    How do these numbers look in the United States? During March of 2020, there were 4,053 COVID-19 deaths according to Worldometer. That is 1.6 percent of total deaths in March 2019 (total data on March 2020 deaths is still too preliminary to offer a comparison). For context, we could note that total deaths increased by about four thousand from March 2018 to March 2019. So for March, the increase in total deaths is about equal to what we already saw as a pre-COVID increase from March 2018 to March 2019.

    As Lee notes, total COVID-19 deaths could still increase significantly this season, but even then we must ask what percentage of total deaths warrants an international panic. Is it 5 percent? Ten percent? The question has never been addressed, and so far, a figure of 1 percent of total deaths in some places is being treated as a reason to forcibly shut down the global economy.

    Yet, as a CDC report recently noted , pneumonia deaths have often been far more common than COVID-19 deaths are right now: "Based on National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) mortality surveillance data available on March 26, 2020, 8.2 percent of the deaths occurring during the week ending on March 21, 2020 (week 12), were due to [pneumonia and influenza]."

    Meanwhile there is a trend toward to attributing more of those pneumonia deaths to COVID-19 rather than influenza, although this doesn't actually mean the total mortality rate has increased. The CDC report continues: "the percent of all deaths with Influenza listed as a cause have decreased (from 1.0% to 0.8%) over this same time period. The increase in pneumonia deaths during this time period are likely associated with COVID-19 rather than influenza." This doesn't represent a total increase in pneumonia deaths, just a change in how they are recorded.

    This reflects an increased focus on attributing deaths to COVID-19, as noted by Lee:

    In the current climate, anyone with a positive test for Covid-19 will certainly be known to clinical staff looking after them: if any of these patients dies, staff will have to record the Covid-19 designation on the death certificate -- contrary to usual practice for most infections of this kind. There is a big difference between Covid-19 causing death, and Covid-19 being found in someone who died of other causes. Making Covid-19 notifiable might give the appearance of it causing increasing numbers of deaths, whether this is true or not. It might appear far more of a killer than flu, simply because of the way deaths are recorded.

    Given this rush to maximize the number of deaths attributable to COVID-19, what will April's data look like? It may be that COVID-19 deaths could then indeed number 10 or 20 percent of all deaths.

    But the question remains: will total deaths increase substantially compared to April 2019 or April 2018? If they don't, this will call into question whether or not COVID-19 is the engine of mortality that many government bureaucrats insist it is. After all, if April's mortality remains "about the same" as the usual total and comes in around 230,000–235,000, then obsessive concern over COVID-19 would be justified only if it can be proven April 2020 deaths would have plummeted year-over-year had it not been for COVID-19.


    Meanwhile the CDC is instructing medical staff to report deaths as COVID-19 deaths even when no test has confirmed the presence of the disease. In a Q and A on death certificates published by the CDC on March 24, the agency advises:

    COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death . Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc. If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II. [emphasis in original.]

    This is extremely likely to inflate the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 while pulling down deaths attributed to other influenza-like illnesses and to deaths caused by pneumonia with unspecified origins. This is especially problematic since we know the overwhelming majority of COVID-19 deaths occur in patients that are already suffering from a number of other conditions. In Italy, for example, data shows 99 percent of COVID-19 deaths occurred in patients who had at least one other condition. More than 48 percent had three other conditions. Similar cases in the US are now likely to be routinely reported simply as COVID-19 cases.

    Source: Total death and flu/pneumonia death data via National Center for Health Statistics ( ). COVID-19 totals via Worldometer COVID stats.

    Unfortunately, because total death data is not reported immediately, we have yet to see how this plays out.

    We do know historically, however, that deaths attributed to flu and pneumonia over the past decade have tended to make up around five to ten percent of all deaths, depending on the severity of the "season." Last week (week 14, the week ending April 4) was the first week during which COVID-19 deaths exceeded flu and pneumonia deaths, coming in at 11 percent of all death for that week. The prior week, (week 13, the week ending Mar 28) COVID-19 deaths made up 3.3 percent of all deaths.

    Until we have reliable numbers on all deaths in coming weeks, it will be impossible to know the extent to which COVID-19 are "cannibalizing" flu and pneumonia deaths overall. That is, if the COVID-19 totals skyrocket, but total deaths remain relatively stable, than we might guess that many deaths formerly attributed simply to pneumonia, or to flu, are now being labeled as COVID-19 deaths. Potentially, this could also be the case for other patients, such as those with advanced cases of diabetes.

    [Apr 08, 2020] The books are being cooked, not only in this way, but also by "lying with statistics" through not having a reliable means of understanding the overall infection rate, nor the mechanisms of infection

    Apr 08, 2020 |

    JerseyJeffersonian , 06 April 2020 at 12:03 PM

    To add to the discussion of how the CDC's rules on assigning primary causation to coronavirus for deaths (and analogously, how other nations medical Grey Eminences also handle this issue), regardless of the presence of underlying co-morbidities, I drop this link here. It is a quite well written comment from the poster, The Right Doctor, an older, senior physician who explains the "cause of death" assignment process, and discusses past practices, and what has changed in this with the advent of CoVID-19. Very illuminating.

    The books are being cooked, not only in this way, but also by "lying with statistics" through not having a reliable means of understanding the overall infection rate, nor the mechanisms of infection. W

    Without a handle on the overall infection rate in the population, it is child's play to exaggerate the lethality by focusing solely on the death rate among those groups with co-morbidities, the significance of which is itself a moving, anecdotal target absent focused study.

    Here is a report of a study to address those issues being implemented in Germany. Sorry, the link is from The Guardian (I brandish a crucifix in one hand, and fondle my necklace of heads of garlic with the other...), but it is still valuable in increasing understanding of what we don't know, but should in order to make optimal policy choices.

    [Apr 08, 2020] Something did not compute: Mortality in the USA from Influenza and Pneumonia was much higher two years ago.

    Apr 08, 2020 |

    Alfred (Cairns) , Apr 6 2020 19:07 utc | 17

    Here is the latest chart from the CDC. As can be seen mortality in the USA from Influenza and Pneumonia was much higher two years ago.

    The original report is here:

    It is panic for fake reasons.

    [Apr 08, 2020] Opinion - How To Tell Real News From Useless Narrative Fluff by Caitlin Johnstone

    Apr 06, 2020 |

    When Zen teacher Issan Dorsey was asked to describe the essence of Zen art, he answered, "Nothing extra."

    "Nothing extra" is also of course the essence of Zen living itself: perceiving life as it actually is, as opposed to perceiving it through a bunch of believed narrative filters about yourself, about others, about reality, and so on. These narrative filters are an extra pile of layers that are added on top of the actual experience of life, and they give a distorted view which causes a lot of confusion and suffering. Relinquishing belief in them brings clarity and peace.

    This is also the essence of clearly understanding what's really going on in the world. Like so much else, the approach to the large is the same as the approach to the small, which is to say the approach to seeing clearly in the big picture is the same as the approach to seeing clearly as an individual: you need to learn to look at it without the extra narrative overlay.

    Because the news media are controlled by plutocrats who have a vested interest in protecting the status quo upon which their kingdoms are built, almost everything in the news is useless narrative fluff. It doesn't tell you what's really going on, it rather tries to influence what's going on by manipulating the perceptions of the audience. It does this by either (A) distracting from what really matters by focusing on what doesn't matter, or (B) actively working to manipulate how the audience thinks about a given issue.

    When you strip away all the empty fluff and manipulative spin, there are basically only four often-overlapping pieces of information that really matter in the big picture: (1) where the money is going, (2) where the resources are going, (3) where the weapons are going, and (4) where the people are going. When it comes to understanding world dynamics, accurate information about these four things is the only real news you'll ever encounter. Everything else is empty narrative spin meant to justify, distort, or distract from information about these things.

    If you ignore everything else and only focus on finding the most accurate information possible about these four items, you will have an infinitely clearer understanding of what's really going on in the world than someone who trusts news reporters to walk them through it.

    Watch where the money is going because you can trust the raw numbers of financial transactions a lot more than you can trust the stories people are telling. A massive percentage of daily news coverage goes toward analyzing the latest foam-brained gibberish that came out of Donald Trump's mouth even though we all know he's going to contradict himself two days later, but the fact that he's been heavily funded by an oligarch who happens to have been a longtime proponent of the Iran policies this administration has been advancing is much more solid.

    Zoom out and watch where the money is going in the big picture and you'll see that a grossly disproportionate amount of it is moving away from the general public and toward a very small group of people, which we just saw illustrated in the historically unprecedented multitrillion-dollar wealth transfer in the US corporate bailout. If you watch this small group and pay attention to the projects, candidates, think tanks and media outlets they pour their wealth into, you will notice that they exert an incredible amount of influence on all four crucial factors: where the money goes, where the resources go, where the weapons go, and where the people go.

    Watching where the resources are going gives you an even clearer image of what's going on because resources, unlike money, are completely independent of narrative. There is no such thing as "money" without the thoughts that humans agree to collectively think about it, but oil would still be oil even if all humans were wiped off the face of the earth. When you see the US ramping up escalations against Venezuela , ignore the narratives about "drug trafficking" and what a bad, bad man Nicolás Maduro is, and look at what resources lie beneath the ground in that nation to find out what this is really about. Mentally "mute" the soundtracks the political/media class spout about who's doing what to whom and just watch where the resources are going, and who's controlling them. That way you'll be able to discern the powerful from the disempowered and the takers from their victims.

    Watch where the weapons are going because those are another non-narrative factor which exerts a huge influence on the world; a bullet will stop a beating heart regardless of what the mind thinks about it. Ignore the irrelevant narrative fluff about where the coronavirus originated and whether or not it's racist to say "Wuhan virus", and look at the ring of US military bases encircling China and the way the Marine Corps is shifting its attention onto that nation . Ignore Trump's gibberish about ending wars and note that he's been expanding them and increasing foreign troop presence . Ignore the Democratic Party's nonsense about Trump having loyalties to Russia and watch his administration's many dangerous nuclear escalations against that nation . Ignore international finger-wagging at humanitarian abuses by Israel and Saudi Arabia and look at who's still selling them weapons and supporting them militarily.

    Watch where the people are going for another important piece of real information that isn't dependent on narrative. Where are the prisoners? Where are the refugees, where are they going, and what are they fleeing? Where are people moving to, and what do they want?

    With each of these four items you can simply watch raw data and ignore all the stories the establishment spinmeisters tell about that data. As long as you make sure you're getting the most accurate data possible, it's like you're looking at a globe and watching lines in four different colors moving around in it from place to place and person to person. And without anyone's stories tainting your view.

    You will notice that there's a heavy degree of overlap between these four items. You see the weapons moving toward China and you notice that's the nation with the US hegemony-threatening Belt and Road Initiative (where the resources are moving) and the key player in the US dollar-threatening Shanghai Cooperation Organization (where the money is moving). You see Julian Assange locked in prison (where the people are going) for exposing US war crimes (where the weapons are going). You see US troops illegally occupying Syrian oil fields (where the weapons and resources are going) to prevent the Syrian government from using it to rebuild the nation (where the money is going). And so on.

    Nearly everything that makes it to the top of the daily news churn is either propaganda distortion or distracting drivel, and either way you can safely ignore it. Just watch where the money is going, where the resources are going, where the weapons are going and where the people are going, and ignore all the narrative chatter.

    Nothing extra.

    Caitlin's articles are entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking her on Facebook , following her antics on Twitter , checking out her podcast , throwing some money into her hat on Patreon or Paypal , or buying her book Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers .

    Do you agree or disagree? Post your comment here

    What is the Greatest Evil on this Planet?

    Sadhguru reminds us that time is running out for all of us, and that what really matters at the end of our life is whether we lived an enhanced life.

    U.S. Debt Clock

    [Apr 08, 2020] While the virus is real and caused some additional death among old people that necessitates taking certain precautions, the most important thing about this pandemic is the huge propaganda wage accompanying it which exaggerated it to the level of Spanish flu epidemic

    Apr 08, 2020 |

    Petra Liverani ,

    Similarities between the COVID-19 pandemic and 9/11 Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operations (psyops).

    Two main streams of propaganda:
    One aimed at the masses
    One aimed at the skeptics

    Stream aimed at skeptics
    -- Focus everyone on the cause of the building collapses and the science involved , maintain ambivalence with regard to the science of the plane crashes – all to distract from the pivotal truth: staged death and injury and thus that the event is a complete psyop.

    -- Some scientists involved in the psyop are pushing out fake stuff, eg, molten metal at Ground Zero. There may well be other fake stuff that could rear its head in whatever results from the sham Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry (similar to the sham 9/11 Commission).

    COVID-19 pandemic
    -- Focus everyone on the anomalies in the figures and the science of viruses and pandemics , all to distract from the simple fact that there is no virus, that this is a complete psyop and perhaps to keep us distracted from the implications of this psyop until it's too late. As some scientists will be involved in the psyop they will no doubt push out stuff that is fake and/or confuses.

    It's all about distraction and confusion folks. This is so very clearly a psyop and the science and numbers are a deliberate distraction leading us absolutely nowhere. We have right now all the science and numbers we need to know that this is a psyop – as well as, of course, all the deliberate nonsense they push at us, just as we had all the science we needed of controlled demolition and the fakery of the planes yonks and yonks ago.

    Both the COVID-19 pandemic and 9/11 are psychological operations and need to be called out as such . Do not let them lead you along the neverending science and numbers path and keep you tied up with all the other distractions.

    This event can be called out right here right now. No further evidence is required. There is no doubt whatsoever that it is a Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation.

    John Ervin ,

    Petra, I like your style. Really. You are rigorously deconstructive, peeling away each layer of the onion. That approach of course is what is required for all these Moriarty-esque psyops, where they are piled high with distractions as involved as some ancient mystery religion, only to disguise a simple objective: $$$. Or Power (to wit, more money).

    Why wage the war to "win the hearts and minds" when it's oh so easy to simply control them, with techniques and "high" tech of "coercive hypnotism": all new versions of Dr. Mengele's Mind Control thru trauma-based assaults upon the media-managed world public, now linked everywhere by this gadget we engage here: the sticky and sneaky WorldWideWeb patrolled by their very own WorldWideSpiders?

    I don't know if you ever saw "Young Sherlock Holmes" – a movie out about 30 years ago. It seems at the end roll of the credits that the wily Moriarty escaped yet again, and these current psyops seem as though his current incarnation.

    What's interesting about the film is the use of many ploys that are still in use in these days, age old stage magic and sleight of hand and other standard tricks of deception that are constants in spycraft and go back seemingly to the dawn of society.

    The key difference in our age, is that they have a whole Novelty Shoppe of new gadgetry to daze and confuse.

    I'm grateful that I began to study it more in earnest about 15 years ago, and digging deeper, like discovering my own father was attorney to the client one old military character told me in 2016 was the director of one of the main mind control projects (I get the vibe that it's fraught with just too much trouble to get too specific, for now. His name pops up in CIA ROGUES by Patrick Nolan, the chapters about Sirhan.)

    I had no idea, no connection of those dots, though I'd got my first hints about 30 years ago, and bought Norman Mailer's "Harlot's Ghost: a Novel of the CIA". I was intrigued to have read he had been writing it for over 20 years and people said he talked about nothing else at parties in NYC. He had promised a finale, "Harlot's Grave" but died in a fall before that "and so on."

    Also "Bobby" de Niro made a film, "The Good Shepherd" about Angleton, loosely based, but that promised sequel seems also now to be a mirage.

    In short, all these studies have only served to illuminate the landscape of my life like a bolt, and gave me a schemata visibly to see incursions into my own life, just for starters. They do it to various degrees to everybody.

    I'm a bit of an extreme case, I would suspect, but I try to suggest to thoughtful people all the time, to study these things. We are all in their sites now.

    Every time we are being diverted from who we really are, you may bet a lot of what you got, on that "component" of Intel being not too far in the "background,".

    I respect the fact that they have a job to do, of sorts, every nation that's ever been has had ops, but not with such criminal abandon, and we are venturing into crazier and crazier territory that every Prez since Truman, at the dawn of the CIA, has totally despised, or at least stated so.

    Truman: "I would have never agreed to the formulation of CIA, back in '47, if I had known then it would become the American Gestapo."

    Too little too late, Harry!

    Eisenhower: "I have nothing to offer the incoming President but a legacy of ashes." -His last big meeting with Intel officials, January '61.

    JFK: "I want to break CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the winds." And then shortly after CIA scattered his life to the winds of history.

    Since then, other presidents have been more choosy in their language.

    CIA deformations and their deforming of US society, and the world, has been the greatest tragedy of our times, which they cannot disavow.

    But I digress. I simply meant to thank you for presenting your results of your strict deconstruction of their psyops. It speaks volumes that so few in the field take that rigorous approach.

    Did ANY of it really happen? You certainly raise real doubts, and that is a real service to readers, how you do that. Perhaps some if it did happen, but that is the wrong starting point. Yours seems to be the correct one, from what I know.

    Meanwhile I'm preparing my screenplay sequel, 65 years after, to the classic Terry Southern script "Dr. Strangelove: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb" update 2020

    "Dr. StrangeCoVid: or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Virus"

    I think there will be seen many benefits in hindsight, after all the fallout.

    You know, they delayed the release of the original because it was set tight at the time of JFK Dallas.

    Meanwhile, "the game is afoot, Watson.". Lol

    -- -- -- -

    Have you studied the work of the late Steve Kangas? He seems remarkably rigorous. If you look up "Timeline of CIA Atrocities" it leads you to all his work. I read many of the links. Revelatory. That's the feel I get.

    He seems to be an avatar, to the best of my knowledge. Inspiring anyway, and that's plenty these days

    Petra Liverani ,

    My goodness can they distract us with the science and the figures.

    But there is a simpler approach – the checklist test for Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation (psyop) in the form of a "live exercise".

    As the Donald says of the coronavirus:

    It's going to disappear. One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear.

    It's amazing the words of truth that can come out of that man's mouth – admittedly, sometimes they're delivered cryptically such as for the crash of PS-752 where he says the following nonsensical words in relation to a plane while the man standing next to him ostentatiously hides a smile:

    It was flying in a pretty rough neighbourhood.

    We know it will disappear as the Donald says because because the virus – let alone any pandemic – never appeared in the first place and they will only test our patience for so long before they "make" it disappear.

    1. Pre-pandemic indications including exercises. TICK.
    -- Event 201, a tabletop pandemic exercise, held in October 2019, partnered by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
    -- Positions advertised by the CDC for Quarantine Advisors as early as November 15 2019 and
    -- Netflix docuseries on preventing pandemics
    -- The film, Contagion
    -- The Simpsons, S22 E6, The Fool Monty, which speaks of a phoney-baloney crisis of a public health scare

    2. As psyop rules state we will be told nonsense, check Wikipedia, media and other sources. TICK.
    Wikipedia told us (all changed now) about Chinese cobras and many-banded kraits being reservoirs and then we see people falling flat on their faces, laid out on the pavement, nonsense about empty buildings being converted into hospitals within 48 hours with extremely unconvincing visual evidence provided of this amazing feat and so much more nonsense.

    3. As psyop rules state that nothing should be faked so well it can be used to support their story, check that no patients show symptoms. TICK.
    Yep! All alleged patients interviewed in hospitals do not show symptoms or there are anomalies in that they are filmed in an ICU and say strange things such as, "They had to sew that into my artery."

    4. As a typical hallmark of psyops (where applicable) is ludicrous "miracle survivors" stories, check for those stories. TICK.
    Yep! Yes, we have the 90 year-old looking fit as a fiddle being pulled back from the brink of death with potato soup, and the 82 year-old who miraculously recovered with a course of antibiotics and the 52 year-old who was "gaspin'" and thought "his days were done" who, at the suggestion of a friend, took anti-malarials and hey presto!

    Thus we know – nonsense pushed at us without a single skerrick of evidence of the presence of this virus.

    In psyops the ONLY things they do for real are the things they want for real. They don't want or need a virus or a pandemic for their psyop and a real virus would never behave remotely the way they want it to for their story in any case, just as they didn't want real planes for 9/11 and they wouldn't have worked anyway, nor did they want people to die or be injured – that wouldn't have gone down at all well with the loved ones of the 3,000 dead and 6,000 injured (not to mention the 6,000 injured themselves) and nor would it have been accepted very readily by the numerous agency, media, government, corporation and other people necessarily involved in the operation. 9/11 was a Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation just like this one.

    The alleged COVID-19 pandemic is, in reality, a Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation in the form of a "live pandemic exercise" and there is no novel virus.

    For links to above and more:

    They can't make it last too long, however, otherwise we'll all go nuts. As the Donald says, it will disappear like magic.

    If anyone thinks that this virus pandemic will not disappear like magic, please say what you predict.

    John ErvIn ,

    Yes, that's SOP: distraction by a hyperabundance of mirrors: it was really first given its rollout with JFK DALLAS. Endless deadends or deadweights are integral to all the psyops, but especially that one. I'm of the opinion JFK was hit there, but that may be force of long habit. Why 1000 books about it? Probably 937 are red herrings, right?

    Here's a fascinating thing though, you will admit: I had a friend at work in 1982 at Reunion Tower, Dealey Plaza. It overlooked the Grassy Knoll, believe it or not. The day after my 30th birthday, they told me that that friend, John (Sullivan) had been shot coming out of a bar around midnight 4.14.82 in Downtown Dallas, clean through the chest, and was in stable condition. I went to the hospital where he was recovering, next evening, with flowers, and left them on his nightstand. He was sedated and asleep with all kinds of bandages and tubes coming out of his chest, no shirt. I offered a few words up, and had to be at our job in the 600 ft. Tower, and left. On the way out of the seedy parking lot, I saw the Marquee sign and ran it back and forth on my tongue. "Parkland Hospital, why do I feel like I'm missing something, here?"

    It wasn't till I got on the freeway and had to go soon to punch a clock that it hit me like a shot, "Holy good night, that is THE Parkland Hospital!" I would have turned back but I was late.

    Two nights later I get the call at home, from my sister, that my father had just been found a few hours earlier, dead, in a locked Lincoln, gun in his hand and hole in his head.

    I'm not making this up, all the papers for all of that can be verified, across the board. The question is, did it all actually happen, or was I the center of their own little mob-generated psyop?

    They have littered the landscape with so many doppelgangers and "simulacra' that can be proven, also, so we know that much.

    If JFK and/or LHO actually DID die at Parkland, I was standing within a few feet of their bays.

    But you do cast some serious doubts.

    And one other thing, they ran an actual staged psyop on me a few years ago, it was all choreographed with actors. It seemed real, but "after further review" it was staged. They were amazed I could put it all together, but they staged a rather involved skit, to see if I'd bite. I took some deep breaths and realized it was ALL rigged. And they knew I'd seen the moving parts of their metaphorical"magician's box" such as in magic shows. It was quite elaborate. The proof it was real is that once I figured it out, they suddenly discontinued it a week later.

    Here's one clue: for about 15 years every so often, one of their mob crosses my path and tries to suggest we're being run from afar by space aliens and they keep steering me to a video at YouTube. Or other trumped up info.

    This is a favorite ploy. I tell them, no thanks, but I have enough on my plate just here on Earth.

    It's seemingly just a huge diversion, and I studiously ignore it.

    They haven't done much lately. About a year and a half ago an Armenian guy named Apollo (sounds like a stage magician, eh?) ran some crafty things past me, very sleight of hand. I caught enough wind of it, I found a way to dodge it. It could have killed me, or worse.

    Anyway, might seem off topic, but it's all just to add context and color to your comments.

    I am confirming that I have seen with my own eyes some of their psyops hocus pocus and it IS real.

    Two of the people in contact with SIRHAN were listed at bios at Wikipedia (which did not mention Sirhan) as two of the most prominent hypnotists in US History. The Harvard hypnotist who has been treating and shrinking for 10 years, Dr. Daniel Brown seems off, to me, when I see him in "The Real Manchurian Candidate."

    Sirhan DOES, categorically, strike me as a *real* trauma based mind control victim, not an actor. He had a history of PTSD as a boy, all the way back in Palestine, when he watched as his brother was run over by a Jeep.

    I knew a woman who taught at USC (where my old man taught at the law school) who swore to me in an email in 2006 that one of the hypnotists, my father's client, could put a whole class "under", simultaneously, when she went to his Sunday lectures. Gives me the creeps. I don't mention his name, no free publicity for a "brujo" of his ilk.

    This all may sound too colorful to not be scripted, but this IS Hollywood we're talking here. The Client used to hypnotize Bela Lugosi before he did coffin scenes, because the eponymous (there's that word again) Dracula had claustrophia!

    But it is significant here, in Anglo-American exchanges, that The Client founded in '30s Hollywood the "Philosophical Research Society". I mention that, because it is a curious echo, fifty years after the founding in London of the Society for Psychical Research, where both Conan Doyle and Mark Twain were early members. (I think Twain was an intel agent. He bonded with Tesla for many years, #1 early U.S. Intel target.)

    PRS and SPR. (I can remember my fabulous late mother, even when I was 2 or 3, calling it invariably "Pew" RS, pew being American slang for "stinks".)

    One of the hypnotists who knew Sirhan (who grew up in Taybeh, Ephraim in Gospels, the last stop of Jesus before Jerusalem and Golgotha) was technical advisor to the first version of Manchurian Candidate, with Sinatra. William Joseph Bryant. He died several years after RFK, in Las Vegas, rather young. My father's client, subject of the book, "Master of the Mysteries" was murdered on his ranch in Fallbrook, about an hour's drive from here. So they SAY: I've come across several versions of the forensics over the last 30 years, since he purportedly died there in '90.

    My sister told me his corpse was found with worms crawling out of every orifice of his body, like Herod in the New Testament, "Acts of the Apostles".

    But more authoritative sources say black ants. And I read another version too.

    All which tends to argue your premise: ops.

    And I told you, the Unabomber storyline seems silly with staged events.

    One fact I can vouch, though: many a time I have found myself in the penumbra of these events, if not closer! But still in the dark. Duped? Not entirely .

    Mme. Blavatsky was a key figure in SPR in late 1800s London. Gandhi visited her there. She was exposed as at least semi-fraudulent: she was not above using early audio technology at her seances, for audible spookinesses! Wooooo . Hahaha

    They called "The Client" of my dad's, "the American Blavatsky". Even Ronald Reagan consulted him. Huxley knew him. I had dinner with Huxkey's wife once, when I was a callow 15 year old, but I never was introduced to The Client. Thank God! The old man insulated me from some things, for some reason.

    Angleton used a phrase from "Gerontion" about "mirrors".

    We're seeing a helluva lot of mirrors, this month!


    "The CIA doesn't care what you do, as long as it's something they want you to do."

    That is, something irrelevant & unmeaningful.

    (Some of the above might sound rambling, but it is all unbelievably pertinent. Believe it!)

    Petra Liverani ,

    I'm sorry your dad died in such a way, John. Interesting about the hypnosis and Sirhan.

    Paul Vonharnish ,

    I'm sure you've lived an interesting life, but does any of your rhetoric inform readers as to practical solutions?
    "Modern" society is now living under the boot of a militarized police state. Yet no one is married to such persons, no one is related to such persons, no niece or nephew, aunt, uncle, or cousin. No one knows them as a neighbor or as a person who is seen at the local bar. Hmmmm Strange
    The sleaze balls you allude to have names and addresses, and need to be hunted down and culled. Jus' sayin'

    John ErvIn ,

    Petra: I was on radio at Goddard College in VT 15 years ago, 7.15.05, reporting and analyzing with the host, Jim HOGUE, the 7.7 London Tube and bus bombings. So very clearly a "terrorist training exercise." Peter Power, formerly of Scotland Yard, spoke later that evening how they had been doing a training exercise at the very moment for Visor, a private company, when he said, on BBC Channel 4, "You can imagine how the hair stood up on our necks when we realized the drill had suddenly gone 'live'".

    There were many other stories like that.

    I found out around then in a nice "find" of my own that a CIA agent, Art Riley, I believe had been in charge of Port of NYC during 9/11, and was also head of London Transport during 7.7.

    C'mon. Serious? So obvious.

    This was the idea crystallizing in my mind the last few days, that the whole flu op was just a new training exercise like those, for a variety of Intel purposes.

    A to Z.

    Great minds think alike!

    But no fooling, it's got all those same fingerprints.

    Hear, hear.

    But garishly, tastelessly, wide in scope. If it's not "class war", I wonder how we categorize it.

    Petra Liverani ,

    The 7/7 9/11 connection is interesting, John. And they're so brazen, no? "Hair stood up on our necks." Yes, where their nature is applicable, psyops are "live" drills of themselves and are preceded by at least one other drill, sometimes more and sometimes other drills run concurrently. The greatest number of drills and exercises ever to occur on US soil probably occurred on 9/11 which was, in effect, a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise pushed out as a real event.

    John ErvIn ,

    The way I have come to see it, after ten years of having sporadic "chance," (yeah, right?) interactions with Intel agents out in the field (they – a few retired one's have- almost never identify themselves as such, but you get a workable certainty, and though the working ones are saturated with sheepdip as being regular folk with regular jobs) is that they see the world strictly as insiders versus outsiders. Us v. Them. They don't say that, it's just so manifest.

    Anyone who is not in the loop is essentially an adversary, and should mind their own business if they're smart: "pay no attention to the wizard behind the curtain!" Etc.

    Their own business: According to pretty dammed strict fish bowl like rules.

    Oh, they don't mind if you act up or "carry on" but as the tagline of the Denzel remake of Manchurian Candidate was given us by the late great Jonathan Demme: "Everything is under control."

    Pretty sick, but what now can they do. It is a bestial dialectic of the beast, that has broken it's chains, really, and a roving rogue everywhere in the world. At least in its most dangerous aspects.

    Which are not few!

    Only God and our own very good judgement, itself a gift, can save US.

    Two have told me, "Be careful, it's NOT a free country."

    That can put quite a nasty cramp in good judgement, but that comes with the territory .

    Might as well really reconnoiter that territory, eh, because we ALL share it now.

    The Age of SPOOKOCRACY.

    Exhibit A: all the many lockdowned nations. Switzerland, characteristically, is proud of it's neutrality and one of the lightest loads now. That speaks volumes about what's really going on?

    Like Jews during WW II, I'm scanning their borders. I'm pricing jet tickets.

    No, after all, I'll share this grief

    wardropper ,

    They can't make it last too long, however, otherwise we'll all go nuts. As the Donald says, it will disappear like magic.

    One has to consider, however, the possibility that they would rather like us all to go nuts
    Then we get the great civil military confrontation which some in Washington are just dying to see, because their new devices for crowd control desperately need a thorough try-out.
    If that seems far-fetched, we might consider that little Iceland, a country which had no crime to speak of thirty years ago, ordered, after the banking crash of 2008, a crapload of AK-74s for its police force (it has no army)

    Doctortrinate ,

    Latest figures Gov uk. Deaths registered in the year-to-date, Week 1 to 13. Looking at the year-to-date (using refreshed data to get the most accurate estimates), the number of deaths is currently lower than the five-year average. The current number of deaths is 150,047, which is 3,350 fewer than the five-year average. Of the deaths registered by 27 March 2020, 647 mentioned the coronavirus (COVID-19) on the death certificate; this is 0.4% of all deaths.

    U.K Lockdown – evening of the 23'rd March – Deaths, of 'or' with Covid ? Tests, false positive / incorrect diagnosis = ? ? %

    Gordo ,

    Excellent article. It is apparent that the 'bone-pointers' generating individual panic and general hysteria are first the MSM. Thus, this article should be sent to every editor and every journalist involved making it clear that they are potential murderers.

    Ben ,

    If no one knew what Corona Virus was and it wasn't on the news no one would know or care about it. Unlike Spanish flu. You would know and care very quickly. With or without MSM bullshit.
    That should tell you something.

    [Apr 08, 2020] Resisting fearmongering by trying to establish facts

    FEAR and PANIC fueled by IGNORANCE is very difficult to fight especially for someone who does not have college degree.
    Apr 08, 2020 |

    John ErvIn ,

    All of it demonstrates our underlying quandary: we have a very real practical problem in establishing the truth or validity of ALL the info we get, let alone really challenging Intel.

    The only confidence I can have personally in doing thar, over years of these things, is by a process of triangulation.

    THAT IS: Comparing, and contrasting, certain alleged facts with other alleged facts.

    One of those clear facts is that they flood the field with psyops from actors and fakes to try to erode our knowledge base and disorient and isolate us from real knowledge, and allies.

    And simply distract us. (Franz Kafka: "Evil is distraction." So, if their shoe fits Lol)

    Triangulation . is the reason I included some of my own stories. I was raised in various circles around some of these people, and at least I know thus that certain things really happen. So I set them down here, and elsewhere, to 1) document them as such, and 2) as reference for people, later, since they can connect with some very important stories. Later. Archived here.

    Obviously we are too busy with the tasks at hand and this mess, to do "legwork" with them now, but they will register at a later date, or even now, if they interconnect with some of these other facts. There are patterns embedded in my testimony that parallel patterns in these other psyops. Some times that can give unimaginable weight to a clue or two, from personal storylines. Especially ones such as those I gave some details.

    Which is why I give them. Granted, there are tonnages of facts involved, but there is a peculiar phenomenon here of many similar patterns, and when they connect it can be quite illuminating.

    But proof? I loved first reading the opening of GK Chesterton's Autobiography almost a half century ago, so much that I learned some sections of it by heart.

    He calls the first chapter, opening pages, "Hearsay Evidence" about his own birth, "Bowing down in blind credulity before tradition and the testimony of my elders, I confess that I was born May 29, 1872 . etc. etc."

    I got the point, that it's hard to say exactly what's true.

    Later on he says, "For all the evidence, there still exists the real possibility that I could have been the lost heir of the Holy Roman Empire, or some infant left on my parent's back doorstep by ruffians from Soho, later to develop traits of a hideous criminal heredity."

    In a word, he was showing us some of the pitfalls of personal revelations, or just acquired knowledge in general. That book is available online at the Project Gutenberg Archives, as well as most, if not all of his 100+ titles oeuvre.

    Certainly America today, and its viral infections of knowledge bases everywhere, speaks volumes about these "epistemological problems".

    (GKC had a really big advantage that so very few have: many of his works were dictated without reference to notes. He said offhand, shortly before he died unexpectedly of heart failure at 62, that he could remember the plot details of all 10,000 books he had reviewed for the London press! Wow: most Franciscan and Thomist scholars say that the small books he dictated on their saints were the best single volumes about them.

    Just think of what he could do today toward conspiracy crime solutions. Probably why he died in 1936. Things were heating up and they had to get him out of the way!

    Sometimes I find, though, just knowing and practicing some of the intellectual tools he developed, and mastered, are of great use in our epistemological pursuits of


    I listen a lot to Alan Watts broadcasts and he mentions in one that his training as an Anglican priest and his parallel wide studies in Eastern religions and practices was very useful in "triangulating his true position."

    The Trappist Thomas Merton – also most likely a anti-war 2968 martyr through the handiwork of the CIA, whose more roguish members are the real fly in our global ointment, as current events indicate – was one of the most "devout" of Catholics (Pope Francis singled him out for special mention when he came here 5 years ago, along with Dorothy Day, who was a good friend).

    And Merton said, interestingly, "By the time I die, I want to have become the best Buddhist I can possibly be."

    He clearly had a good grasp of the blessings of triangulation.

    Not that it is not without it's pitfalls, and I still am learning it's fascinating ways, how to use it, hopefully, more correctly.

    Meanwhile, we carry on with tasks close at hand. I am not trying to distract but inform that process.

    My own "way" that I preach. State Intel will do all they can to recruit and assimilate us. The one Golden Rule I know is to do all I can to remain independent, separate, and a complete ABSOLUTE non-collaborator.

    Basically, they only want to control, totally contain, or kill you. And/or your message.

    We are under their virtual house arrest now, facts seem to show.

    But resistance is by no means futile.

    [Apr 08, 2020] Opinion - How To Tell Real News From Useless Narrative Fluff

    Apr 06, 2020 |

    When Zen teacher Issan Dorsey was asked to describe the essence of Zen art, he answered, "Nothing extra."

    "Nothing extra" is also of course the essence of Zen living itself: perceiving life as it actually is, as opposed to perceiving it through a bunch of believed narrative filters about yourself, about others, about reality, and so on. These narrative filters are an extra pile of layers that are added on top of the actual experience of life, and they give a distorted view which causes a lot of confusion and suffering. Relinquishing belief in them brings clarity and peace.

    This is also the essence of clearly understanding what's really going on in the world. Like so much else, the approach to the large is the same as the approach to the small, which is to say the approach to seeing clearly in the big picture is the same as the approach to seeing clearly as an individual: you need to learn to look at it without the extra narrative overlay.

    Because the news media are controlled by plutocrats who have a vested interest in protecting the status quo upon which their kingdoms are built, almost everything in the news is useless narrative fluff. It doesn't tell you what's really going on, it rather tries to influence what's going on by manipulating the perceptions of the audience. It does this by either (A) distracting from what really matters by focusing on what doesn't matter, or (B) actively working to manipulate how the audience thinks about a given issue.

    When you strip away all the empty fluff and manipulative spin, there are basically only four often-overlapping pieces of information that really matter in the big picture: (1) where the money is going, (2) where the resources are going, (3) where the weapons are going, and (4) where the people are going. When it comes to understanding world dynamics, accurate information about these four things is the only real news you'll ever encounter. Everything else is empty narrative spin meant to justify, distort, or distract from information about these things.

    If you ignore everything else and only focus on finding the most accurate information possible about these four items, you will have an infinitely clearer understanding of what's really going on in the world than someone who trusts news reporters to walk them through it.

    Watch where the money is going because you can trust the raw numbers of financial transactions a lot more than you can trust the stories people are telling. A massive percentage of daily news coverage goes toward analyzing the latest foam-brained gibberish that came out of Donald Trump's mouth even though we all know he's going to contradict himself two days later, but the fact that he's been heavily funded by an oligarch who happens to have been a longtime proponent of the Iran policies this administration has been advancing is much more solid.

    Zoom out and watch where the money is going in the big picture and you'll see that a grossly disproportionate amount of it is moving away from the general public and toward a very small group of people, which we just saw illustrated in the historically unprecedented multitrillion-dollar wealth transfer in the US corporate bailout. If you watch this small group and pay attention to the projects, candidates, think tanks and media outlets they pour their wealth into, you will notice that they exert an incredible amount of influence on all four crucial factors: where the money goes, where the resources go, where the weapons go, and where the people go.

    Watching where the resources are going gives you an even clearer image of what's going on because resources, unlike money, are completely independent of narrative. There is no such thing as "money" without the thoughts that humans agree to collectively think about it, but oil would still be oil even if all humans were wiped off the face of the earth. When you see the US ramping up escalations against Venezuela , ignore the narratives about "drug trafficking" and what a bad, bad man Nicolás Maduro is, and look at what resources lie beneath the ground in that nation to find out what this is really about. Mentally "mute" the soundtracks the political/media class spout about who's doing what to whom and just watch where the resources are going, and who's controlling them. That way you'll be able to discern the powerful from the disempowered and the takers from their victims.

    Watch where the weapons are going because those are another non-narrative factor which exerts a huge influence on the world; a bullet will stop a beating heart regardless of what the mind thinks about it. Ignore the irrelevant narrative fluff about where the coronavirus originated and whether or not it's racist to say "Wuhan virus", and look at the ring of US military bases encircling China and the way the Marine Corps is shifting its attention onto that nation . Ignore Trump's gibberish about ending wars and note that he's been expanding them and increasing foreign troop presence . Ignore the Democratic Party's nonsense about Trump having loyalties to Russia and watch his administration's many dangerous nuclear escalations against that nation . Ignore international finger-wagging at humanitarian abuses by Israel and Saudi Arabia and look at who's still selling them weapons and supporting them militarily.

    Watch where the people are going for another important piece of real information that isn't dependent on narrative. Where are the prisoners? Where are the refugees, where are they going, and what are they fleeing? Where are people moving to, and what do they want?

    With each of these four items you can simply watch raw data and ignore all the stories the establishment spinmeisters tell about that data. As long as you make sure you're getting the most accurate data possible, it's like you're looking at a globe and watching lines in four different colors moving around in it from place to place and person to person. And without anyone's stories tainting your view.

    You will notice that there's a heavy degree of overlap between these four items. You see the weapons moving toward China and you notice that's the nation with the US hegemony-threatening Belt and Road Initiative (where the resources are moving) and the key player in the US dollar-threatening Shanghai Cooperation Organization (where the money is moving). You see Julian Assange locked in prison (where the people are going) for exposing US war crimes (where the weapons are going). You see US troops illegally occupying Syrian oil fields (where the weapons and resources are going) to prevent the Syrian government from using it to rebuild the nation (where the money is going). And so on.

    Nearly everything that makes it to the top of the daily news churn is either propaganda distortion or distracting drivel, and either way you can safely ignore it. Just watch where the money is going, where the resources are going, where the weapons are going and where the people are going, and ignore all the narrative chatter.

    Nothing extra.

    Caitlin's articles are entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking her on Facebook , following her antics on Twitter , checking out her podcast , throwing some money into her hat on Patreon or Paypal , or buying her book Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers .

    Do you agree or disagree? Post your comment here

    What is the Greatest Evil on this Planet?

    Sadhguru reminds us that time is running out for all of us, and that what really matters at the end of our life is whether we lived an enhanced life.

    U.S. Debt Clock

    [Apr 08, 2020] "Think deep, do good science and do not panic!" by Kit Knightly Daniel Jeanmonod MD, Roxanne Jeanmonod & Francis Neirynck

    Notable quotes:
    "... A dominant characteristic of fear is to always favor informations that maintain or amplify it and repress the ones which do not. Could it be the reason why the Scandinavian experience is rarely mentioned and if yes, qualified as being nonethical, without discussion of the pros and cons and the risk/benefit ratio of the confinement approach (see below). Fear does not allow good science to be performed, and we badly need good science, now and tomorrow. ..."
    "... Lockdown and isolation practices have been taken by many with an amazing amount of ethics, patience, courage, adaptability, inventiveness and humor. As they block the young and active part of society, they may produce along time significant psychosocial and economic harm, risking to destabilize society in a worldwide manner. Rather sooner than later, they will have to be cancelled by governments. ..."
    Apr 07, 2020 |

    A few considerations on the corona crisisThe monumental importance of the measures taken around the world in the fight for control of the current COVID-19 pandemic during the past few weeks motivated us to express through this text a few considerations and comments on this hugely important topic.

    Dr. Joel Kettner [ 1 ], professor of Community Health Science at Manitoba University and Medical Director of the International Centre for Infectious Diseases declared recently:

    I have never seen anything like this I am not talking about the pandemic, because I have seen 30 of them, one every year But I have never seen this reaction, and I am trying to understand why "

    We do too, and wish to share our thoughts through these lines. Dr. David Jones[ 2 ] declared recently, concerning the corona crisis, in the New England Journal of Medicine:

    History suggests that we are actually at much greater risk of exaggerated fears and misplaced priorities"

    Corona and other common Cold viruses

    The common cold, as its name indicates, is the most common human infectious disease and affects people all over the globe. Adults have typically two to three infections per year, and children even more. Rates of symptomatic infections increase in the elderly due to reduced defense mechanisms. Over 200 virus types are implicated, the main ones being rhino-, corona-, adeno- and enteroviruses as well as influenza, parainfluenza, human respiratory syncytial and metapneumoviruses.

    Studies out of different countries were reviewed by Wodarg[ 3 ] (see among others Nicholson et al.[ 4 ]), showing that coronaviruses are present year after year in 7-15% of winter respiratory tract infections (RTI). Every year indeed, these common cold viruses invade the planet in wintertime of the northern hemisphere and mutate to get entry into our organisms, and reproduction inside our cells.

    We are thus dealing with a cyclic viral planetary invasion with high contagious capacity, in this sense a pandemic, which, because it is so well known and most of the time benign, activates no significant fears in the population and most of the time low interest from microbiologists.

    Like the SARS-CoV-1 of 2002-2003 and the MERS virus of 2012, the SARS-CoV-2 is a corona virus which is thought to have mutated from an animal. The next essential characteristic of a virus, after its contagiousness, is its lethality for the human population. Roussel et al.[ 5 ] have just published that common (i.e. pre-SARS-CoV-2 mutation) coronaviruses had in France an estimated mortality of 0.8% in 2016.

    They analyzed, in addition, 4 common coronavirus strains between 2013 and 2020, which had mortalities between 0.36 and 2.7% (381 other corona strains diagnosed before 2017 were not assigned to this study). Data from the OECD and from France (Roussel et al.[ 5 ]) show a SARS-CoV-2 mortality of 1.3% and 1.6%, respectively.

    These data are fundamental to demonstrate the following: SARS-CoV-2 displays no higher mortality than its older companions. It must be realized, however, that viral RTIs can be threatening to old, sick and weakened human beings. The mortality rate of the common cold can go indeed as high as 8% in elderly nursing homes (Ioannidis[ 6 ]).

    Diagnostic tests

    We have at the time no idea of the presence (prevalence) of the SARS-CoV-2 in the human population. The journal Le Monde [ 7 ] published a detailed review of 26 countries showing an average 10% of tests being positive, and Capek[ 8 ] cites values staying between 10 and 15%. Interestingly, the presence of common cold coronaviruses in yearly RTIs worldwide is 7-15% (see above).

    These data speak for a usual presence of the SARS-CoV-2 this year as compared with the one, each year, of older corona strains. They contradict the existence of a progression of the SARS-CoV-2 infections beyond the usual yearly rate.

    Common cold viruses display a high contagiousness level, due among other factors to the fact that a large majority of their infections, estimated between 80 and 99.5%, are non or mildly symptomatic.

    As around 20-40% of the population get an RTI in winter, we are led to the conclusion that a very large proportion of the population must harbor common cold viruses including the SARS-CoV-2 corona strain. Confirming this line of thought, Gupta et al.[ 9 ] from Oxford University have drafted a model suggesting that a large part of the population has already been infected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, going through a mild or an asymptomatic infection.

    Testing its presence in the population just confirms this reality, and the (obviously!) growing number of positive tests should in no way be interpreted as a sign of an unusual propagation of the virus. This interpretation is one of the two main panic activation factors at the source of the current worldwide panic wave. The only useful side of a progressively larger testing of the whole population would be to bring the mortality rate down by including more mild (rhinitis, coughing, no fever) or asymptomatic infection forms.


    The World Health Organization and numerous experts have communicated to the world a crude mortality rate for COVID-19 of 3.4%, causing panic: this indicates (erroneously) a danger for the population around 30 times higher than with the influenza virus, which is estimated at 0.1%.

    In addition to the idea (not the evidence, as discussed above) of an exceptional pandemic, this statement represents the second essential panic activation factor. The approach here is to count the number of deaths over the number of positive tests performed.

    As tests are in general not performed on persons affected mildly or without symptoms, this approach ignores their high presence, estimations for it, going for COVID-19 from 82-90% in China (Li et al.[ 10 ]) up to 99.5% in Germany (Bhakdi[ 11 ]).

    Such a crude mortality rate is thus inadequately high, not providing the centrally relevant information: the number of deaths calculated over the total of infections by a given virus, including all clinical forms, from asymptomatic to fatal ones. This mortality rate is the one representing the real danger the human population is exposed to when getting infected: it is the infection mortality rate.

    It is to be noted that the type of calculation followed by Roussel et al. ([[ 5 ]] mentioned above) was considering the death percentage on the positive tests performed, with high crude mortality values. The usefulness of this study resides however, as discussed above, in the comparison between the mortality of the older and the current SARS-CoV-2 corona strains.

    Ioannidis[ 6 ] estimates an infection mortality rate for COVID-19 between 0.05 and 1%. Assuming a mid-range mortality value of 0.3% and a 1% infection rate, it would correspond to 10'000 deaths for the USA. This surely is an impressive number, it would however stay buried within the noise of the estimate of deaths from usual seasonal RTIs.

    The European Monitoring of Excess Mortality for Public Health Action[ 12 ] reveals that, till year week 13, no global European excess mortality can be seen as compared with earlier years, the death toll trend for 2019-2020 is in fact slightly lower than for earlier years.

    Confirming this, the German Robert Koch Institute[ 13 ] documented end of March a nationwide decrease in the activity of acute RTIs, with the number of hospital stays caused by them being below the level of previous years and currently continuing to decline.

    Roussel et al.5 remind us that every year around the world 2.6 million people die of RTIs. Today, at the end of March and of the RTI season, we may really hope that the SARS-CoV-2 strain will not be the "killer virus" which was profiled and which produced such an intense and worldwide reaction. A revealing comparison can be made with the yearly mortality of influenza infections, estimated between 0.5 and 1 million worldwide.

    In Switzerland where the death toll of the flu is estimated at an average of 2'000 deaths per season, we live, like all other countries around the world, with this cyclic reality, and have integrated it fully in our personal, social and national lives (Osterloh and Frey[ 14 ]). With the COVID-19, Switzerland remains, end of March, with a lower death toll.

    As of today, we have not yet a final estimation of the infection mortality rate of the COVID-19. The data described above indicate a value at or below the one of the flu. Bendavid and Bhattacharya[ 15 ] proposed indeed estimations of the infection mortality rate of the COVID-19 between 0.01 for the US and 0.06% for Italy (based on the testing of the whole population of the town of Vò), values close to the ones proposed by Ioannidis[ 6 ], and below the 0.1% rate of the flu.

    If the monitoring of the global (e.g. European) death toll does not show any excess mortality during the 2019-2020 season, it is nevertheless true that a local increase is present in northern Italy. In the city of Bergamo for example, 652 deaths (all causes of death included) were reported between January 1st and March 21st of this year versus 386 in the same period of 2017, during the last bigger flu wave.

    An interesting fact is that in the same period the city of Milano has recorded 3,283 deaths this year versus 3,792 in 2017[ 16 ]. Obviously, further analysis of the demographic data and of local factors will be needed.

    The detailed Italian official data[ 17 ] demonstrate a very high relevance for mortality of pre-existing morbidities: the average age of deceased patients was 78.5 years old. On a study on 481 deaths, 6 patients (1.2%) had no pre-existing morbidities, 23.5 % had one, 26.6% two and 48.6% three or more pre-morbidities. Nine patients were younger than 40 years old, but at least seven of them had serious pre-existing pathologies. In 84% of Italian therapeutic programs, antibiotics were applied, indicating a high rate of bacterial co-infections.

    It must also be kept in mind that the SARS-CoV-2 is often accompanied, in an average of 24% of infections according to Shah et al.[ 18 ], by other common cold viruses, so that it cannot always be held primarily responsible for the disease and its consequences.

    Following these lines and according to Prof. Ricciardi[ 19 ], an analysis of Italian death certificates showed that only 12% of them displayed a direct causality from the COVID-19 virus. This leads to a most significant reduction of the deaths attributable to it. One ends up with a few dozen deaths per day, compared to 20'000 flu deaths per year in Italy.

    The Italian Civil Protection Service underline in this context the necessity to differentiate between death with and death from corona virus[ 20 ]. This analysis is absolutely essential, should be considered by all countries counting their deaths, and will contribute to get a final correct estimation of the COVID-19 death toll worldwide.

    Finally, two additional factors add to the Italian mortality rate: the high average age of the population (with 633'133 deaths[ 21 ] for all reasons in 2018, estimated 2,000 deaths per day in wintertime) and high air pollution levels. One gets hence the addition of 3 factors reducing strongly the death causality of COVID-19:

    other viruses because they often come together bacterial secondary infections pre-existing morbidities

    In conclusion, a very invasive virus with a high death toll is the basis for the development of fear and panic in the human population. The statistical considerations above allow us to hope that the SARS-CoV-2 will not be the "killer virus" that we expected. Local factors, like in Italy, may play a significant role. That fear and panic may in themselves cause and increase locally human losses is discussed below.

    The alveolar and interstitial pneumopathy (AIP) and the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

    The AIP[ 22 ] affects around 2 million people worldwide and is due to the triggering of an ill-understood abnormal healing response. This response is delayed over around a week in the case of the SARS.

    Two-thirds of AIP are idiopathic, i.e. have no known cause. For the ones with a known etiology, the causes are autoimmune, allergic or infectious. Infectious agents are the coronavirus, but also the respiratory syncytial virus and tuberculosis. There is evidence that the autoimmune and allergic dynamics point to the relevance of psycho-neuro-immunological mechanisms, which, in the presence of an associated genetic predisposition, may trigger overactive deleterious inflammatory responses.

    Thus, in the AIP, the virus is only the environmental trigger of a process which needs other factors, genetic and psycho-emotional, to develop.

    In accordance with the presence of an autoimmune response in SARS, Chinese and Italian doctors have applied with success to serious SARS patients a treatment of Tocilizumab[ 23 ], a medication useful in the treatment of the rheumatoid arthritis, a well-known auto-immune disorder. We thus propose that emotional factors play a role through the development of the SARS and AIP, in COVID-19 morbidity and mortality.

    Everybody's life experiences and growing scientific evidence speak for a direct influence of our emotional state on immunity and inflammation processes.

    This will determine, at the moment of viral invasion, the activation level of our defense mechanisms, closing, or in stress alas opening up a breach allowing a full-blown respiratory infection (including lungs). In the case of an AIP, an overactivation of the organism's immune and inflammation responses can also be induced (named "cytokine storm or release syndrome"[ 23 ]).

    The role of stress and panic

    Stress has been shown to be at the source of cell losses in the limbic (behavioral) brain of animals. It is in position to activate excitotoxic, oxidative, immunological, inflammatory, endocrine and vegetative mechanisms, and to cause in certain conditions the potentially fatal failure of multiple organs.

    One such situation has been described by ethnologists in the context of a ritual performed by the kurdaitcha man, or shaman of the aborigenic society. It is called "pointing the bone" and causes the so-called "self-willed death", or "bone-pointing syndrome"[ 24 ][ 25 ]. It consists in the pointing onto a victim of a ritual bone which activates the effect of a "spear of thought" and kills the cursed person over days to weeks, without great suffering.

    This ritual may have served kurdaitcha men along the millennia when a member of their community would become dangerous. The power of an idea and its related emotion, i.e. fear, is exemplified here in a most impressive and definitive way.

    We propose to consider the possibility, in the context of the corona crisis, that a planetary "spear of thought" loaded with fear and capable to kill is active now and threatens the whole of mankind, inducing among other things the development of the AIP and provoking fear-based chain reactions all over the world.

    Pre-existing and facilitating factors may be the threat of human extinction by a killer virus as shown impressively in disaster movies, and a current feeling of doomed and dismal planetary state due to pollution.

    Images have been displayed all over the world of bad science fiction scenes, with human silhouettes installed in beds surrounded by alien-looking fully masked and dressed-up doctors and nurses, dead streets swept with gross disinfectant systems, the close-up picture of the initiating Chinese doctor with panicky eyes over a ventilation device, "state of war" declarations to the virus by politicians, faked Italian messages as the one from a mother wanting to convince her child to stay home, emergency military tents filled with persons waiting for the verdict of their test, etc

    In addition, it is interesting to consider that both the SARS-CoV-1 in 2003 and the MERS-CoV in 2012 were coronaviruses: they may have paved the way toward a sensitivity of the human environment to a respiratory threat. They were rated as dangerous because they had a high mortality, although their propagation was very limited with a death toll of 770 (SARS-CoV-1) and 850 (MERS-CoV) patients worldwide[ 26 ].

    The elements for panic generation were in place: death by a killer virus, economic failure and chaos, loss of familial and social support, loss of freedom and isolation due to lockdown measures, helplessness, uncertain future for the human civilization, and the overwhelming fear of losing a loved one without being able to say goodbye.

    Like the man cursed by the pointing of the bone of the kurdaitcha, the current corona "spear of thought" seems well to be able to hit different body targets and induce multiple organ failure: for example, cardiomyopathy is described in the high percentage of 33% of Italian patients[ 27 ]. Fear and anxiety are felt indeed typically at the cardio-respiratory level, with dyspnea (choking feeling) and heart palpitations.

    Let us imagine a person, for example in the north of Italy in February 2020, coughing and unwell from an RTI. An immediate fear of getting infected by the COVID-19 virus arises and dominates his mind (I take here the example of a man, as the infection risk is higher for males!).

    He heard, announced the day before by the WHO, that this virus kills more than the flu (against which he is vaccinated, being 70 years old). He knows that policemen closed the village where he lives, forbidding entry and exit. Being a good citizen, he announces that he suspects a corona infection and is taken in an emergency to the local hospital.

    By arrival, he is placed in a probably uncomfortable and cold tent, in the middle of other fearful citizens, and his SARS-CoV-2 test is performed. Other people cough around him, and he waits for the sentence. His heart beats hard and it seems that he cannot breathe well.

    His test being positive, he is taken into the hospital by an efficient but stressed medical team, and gets surrounded by masked nurses. He realizes that he is now no longer free to leave this whole nightmare, to get back home. Panic raises its dreadful head, and his defense mechanisms fall down, opening the way to a full-blown, at his age threatening viral infection. In this state, our patient may experience one of the three following scenarios:

    At best: he keeps an upper RTI, with a bit of fever, a solid cough through bronchitis, some difficulty to swallow and a full nose. He is kept isolated in the hospital, the staff remains efficient but stressed, very busy and distant, and he stays alone with his fears to get full-blown choking feelings leading so many to the intensive care unit and ventilator. He cannot get the visit of his family and he stays sick with a solid RTI for the next two weeks. Most probably, this experience will stay imprinted for ever in his emotional brain. At worst, first scenario: his age, his long standing suboptimal pulmonary function, his significant overweight precipitate a bronchopneumonia, with combined viral development and bacterial secondary infection by nosocomial germs, leading to death in a few days. He dies without a last contact with his wife and children. At worst again, second scenario: the viral attack on his pulmonary system is moderate and the tissues there begin to recover in proper manner over a week. He keeps a deep feeling of fear and doom, dyspnea arises, a scan is performed showing the presence of an AIP, and he is taken to the intensive care unit. Over the next few days, the "spear of thought" proceeds flying, his pre-existing suboptimal health state limits his resources to overcome the reanimation phase, secondary infections arise, heart failure and failure of other organs develop and he dies, again far away from his family

    Around him and at home, other patients suffering from other health problems are treated suboptimally, all energy, material and staff being concentrated on the corona crisis.

    It is easy to understand how hospital staffs will be submitted to a huge overload:

    1. worried people flow into hospitals, increasing the workload of the medical and nursing teams,
    2. teams are reduced by the absence of burned-out collaborators, by the quarantine of others and in some situations by the ones kept away by the closing of borders. Again stress and panic develop and create the pervasive impression of exceptional and uncontrollable chaos

    The existence of the SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV corona episodes in 2003 and 2012 could point to the possibility of mutations of the coronavirus toward a particular pulmonary affinity.

    Three same or similar, allegedly random mutations are however not likely, and we favor in this context the hypothesis mentioned above of sensitivity of the human environment to a respiratory threat, a "spear of thought" loaded with fear and threatening the whole human planet

    There are, currently end of March, very significant differences of mortality rates between countries. The respective crude mortality rates (deaths on the number of positive tests performed) are around 0.3% for Germany, 3.6% for France and 7.8% for Italy.

    For the same countries, the number of deaths per million inhabitants is respectively 7, 40 and 178. We propose that the three following factors, in addition to local factors (see discussion above about Italy), co-influence the amount of critical cases and deaths:

    the baseline level of anxiety in a given human population, the suppression of basic human social interactions through isolation, and the suppression of democratic freedom by limitation of civil rights.

    The difference is fundamental between a recommendation to the people in the name of the safety for all or an order enforced by state-given punishments (including emprisonment).

    The Swiss government, for example, has managed in such tensed times to pass measures mainly as recommendations and not as orders, counting on the goodwill and adequation of the Swiss people. Concerning point 2), it is to be noted that the disruption of social bonds is indeed a severe issue for all primate societies, and in non-human primates, isolation can lead to death.

    A surely premature review of some national mortality rates worldwide may provide insights favoring this proposition: as an example, Scandinavian countries have mostly respected the freedom of the people, and classical safety measures have been recommended as usually against the flu, without confinement of the whole population. They have among the lowest mortality rates in Europe.

    A dominant characteristic of fear is to always favor informations that maintain or amplify it and repress the ones which do not. Could it be the reason why the Scandinavian experience is rarely mentioned and if yes, qualified as being nonethical, without discussion of the pros and cons and the risk/benefit ratio of the confinement approach (see below). Fear does not allow good science to be performed, and we badly need good science, now and tomorrow.

    Confinement and isolation measures

    The rapid adoption in most countries of the strategy to control viral spread with confinement measures has developed, as far as we are aware, without an in-depth, open and balanced analysis of all pros and cons concerning this approach.

    As cited by Ioannidis and other experts, there exists only a weak evidence for the efficiency of confinement measures (see Cochrane Database). Evident however are their negative psychosocial effects we have discussed above, and deleterious effects on the world economy are already present and cannot be underrated.

    Of course, classical measures of decontamination/isolation to reduce viral transmission between individuals are to be recommended, but can be limited around the sensitive members of the population, that is old, sick and weakened individuals. This has been the approach of Scandinavian countries. A general lockdown approach does not seem to make sense from many aspects.

    Firstly, the rapidity with which European countries lost track of the chain from patients 1 onward underlines a well-known extreme contagiousness, questioning even the possibility to stop the propagation by tracking the virus and its carriers in the whole human population.

    This happened in Italy in a matter of a day or two, and in spite of very fast and extensive isolation measures. Common cold viruses have probably developed a great experience through their yearly planetary invasions, and tracking them as well as establishing lockdown measures does not seem to be the proper thing to do when one realizes that, as discussed above, they distribute themselves worldwide over millions of individuals (see the Oxford model above) during the whole winter season.

    The next argument is centered on the regularly proposed necessity to flatten the epidemy distribution curve to reduce the death toll. This approach does not consider the existence and relevance of the "herd or population immunity". With it, the larger the amount of immunized people in the human population, the less dangerous the viral epidemy can be.

    The application of general distancing and confinement measures leads unavoidably to all sorts of questionable decisions. Even worse, different measures, which make minimal or even no sense, may be imposed by states and implemented/increased by fearful individuals.

    In any case, in the name of the safety of all, states appeal to the duty of all individuals to accept limitations of their civil rights and freedom. This move should be limited to recommendations, and not orders accompanied by punishment: the readiness of the people must remain the dominant factor, and the people should not be threatened by a government they have themselves chosen.

    The subject of the adoption of more or less strict measures creates unavoidably fractures inside the social group. Movements come up proposing different ways, mainly through electronic media, to increase the penetration into the private sphere of individuals in the name of epidemic control, notwithstanding the fact that any population control is a danger to democracy.

    When a discussion arises on this theme, anybody demanding for a maintenance of her/his private sphere is opposed by the arguments 1) that the fact that one has nothing to hide should bring no problem, and 2) that in the case of epidemic prevention, one surely does not mean to limit safety measures to protect everybody.

    In the case of our country, the Swiss federal council has shown a most solid position and insisted to maintain as low as possible the temporary limitation of the Swiss people's freedom and civil rights, resisting firmly journalistic pressures.

    As examples of questionable lockdown measures, let us mention first the school stop, which backfires onto grandparents induced to provide child care. This measure is not evidence-based, i.e. there is no available scientific study demonstrating its efficiency, it has been introduced from country to country because another country had done it before. Population immunity mentioned above has to be addressed here.

    Leaving children to interact at school and playground and leaving the young (below 65) adult group work and also interact can be seen as the best way to advance herd immunity and thus protect the whole population, knowing in addition that these two age groups have an absolutely minimal risk to be endangered by the SARS-CoV-2. There are thus sound reasons to doubt the usefulness of the introduction of this measure, and we may even envisage that it could be counterproductive.

    The closing of public and natural spaces, particularly parks in cities, makes no sense: if people are demanded or obliged to keep distance in the streets, are they going not to do so in parks, whereby the way more place is there for them to keep distance?
    The contact with nature and fresh air, as mentioned by the Danish government, will be of utmost importance for the well-being of inhabitants of large cities, before or after they go out for food, work or other primordial activities. With this measure, they are unjustly limited in comparison with people living in the country.

    Among other highly questionable measures, the suppression/limitation of the access to the medical and spiritual domains is fully inappropriate, deleterious and inhumane. Not only COVID-19 patients but also all the other patients hospitalized for other reasons cannot get their visits.

    In general, but particularly now in the middle of the crisis, the support by dear ones is part of social and spiritual functions which should never be touched or withdrawn, taking the risk to alienate human beings from their vital psychosocial and spiritual environment. Why couldn't a close visiting family member apply the same safety precautions in the hospital as the medical staff do? And religious services could be performed with the same distance recommendations as for other civil sessions, which have been maintained because they are considered indispensable.

    Lockdown and isolation practices have been taken by many with an amazing amount of ethics, patience, courage, adaptability, inventiveness and humor. As they block the young and active part of society, they may produce along time significant psychosocial and economic harm, risking to destabilize society in a worldwide manner. Rather sooner than later, they will have to be cancelled by governments.

    Experts, politicians and media

    In the domain of biology, and particularly studies of large biological structures and dynamics, detailed analyses considering all sides of a phenomenon are essential, to avoid biased views and inappropriate conclusions and decisions. Biology is not mathematics, physics or chemistry, its complexity requires the integration of multiple dimensions and the adoption of a hopefully well-based interpretation. In the intensive and extensive, worldwide field of the corona crisis, an open, deep, careful, multidimensional and thus unbiased study of the whole situation with presentation of pros and cons and risk/benefit balance analyses is fundamental. Medical experts, mainly microbiologists and epidemiologists, are the ones to provide these informations to politicians. They have to realize that they hold in their hands the power to modulate the state of mind of the whole human planet, and that they have to carefully avoid to activate a worldwide powerful chain reaction of fear and panic. In the aftermath of the corona crisis, an open, deep and constructive analysis will have to be performed, with the goal to avoid the future repetition of current errors.

    Politicians represent their people and, in this function, have the difficult role to protect them when necessary. They have the right and the duty to ask from their experts the open, detailed and unbiased analysis just mentioned. Governments should make at best propositions which are the product of their sound and balanced analysis. These propositions will often be compromises between extremes (a tradition in our country!), and being thus moderate, they will be more readily accepted by the people. And, as discussed above, this approach may take away one of the three panic activation factors we propose, i.e. the reduction/suppression of democratic freedom. The public must be informed in an open and reassuring way, and negative informations should be balanced by positive ones, maintaining hope in the population. There is nothing questionable to provide hope in a balanced information context. In addition, a government would make something deeply constructive by congratulating its people for its courage and adequacy

    Media have a role to relay informations from all possible environments and tendencies. As exemplified particularly clearly in the current situation, they should avoid to exert pressures on politicians, and be deeply aware that they can contribute to the worldwide activation of powerful anxiogenic mechanisms if they do not provide balanced informations from controlled sources.

    The very fast and overwhelming distribution of the current panic has as one facilitating factor the spreading efficiency of social media, which have been instrumental in profiling, through biased and even fake news, a situation in Italy as more chaotic than it really is. Of course, positive news are also distributed by social media, but an anxious environment tends, as discussed above, to maintain itself by the relay of dominantly anxiogenic informations.


    As of today (end of March 2020), a death toll of around 35'000 worldwide is being attributed to COVID-19. This is of course a high number but still much less than the flu, which kills every season between half a million and a million people. There are 2.6 million deaths worldwide every year due to RTIs.

    The world is, in the middle of the corona crisis, mesmerized by one mutated corona virus like hundreds of other ones spreading over the whole world every year. It presents no evidence of higher mortality than its earlier yearly mutations. Diagnostic testing is being interpreted as a way to follow the epidemic propagation, whereas it only reveals (partially) the ubiquitous and collaborative presence of common cold viruses worldwide.

    The mortality rate of COVID-19 has been calculated as the percentage of performed tests coming out positive, not integrating the strong mortality reduction allowed by the presence of a high percentage of mild or asymptomatic disease forms. Fear and panic were kindled by these two inaccurate scientific communications and spread over the whole planet like a bushfire, causing the chaos we observe every day on the News.

    Scientific experts, politicians and media people will have to deeply realize the importance of providing well-based unbiased information and recommendations. The corona crisis has brought to light that the human planet has currently a high anxiety level and must be treated gently, just like a human patient in a sensitive phase of her life!

    There is no way for us to conceive life without viruses. They are everywhere, around 50% of our own genome is of viral origin, and the virologist Prof. Moelling brought documented arguments in her book that viruses are "more friends than foes"[ 28 ].

    Our main foe is fear activated by a biased and heartless science. We are with most viruses in a win/win and need/need interaction: we cannot live without each other. No party has advantage to eradicate the other. Older pandemics, which are at the source of deep atavic plague memories, were in most cases due to bacterias and related closely to precarious human life conditions.

    The only catastrophic viral pandemic was the 1918 H1N1 flu, which killed millions, but developed in the chaotic and unhealthy aftermath of the first world war. Panic seems to be no appropriate, even no feasible way to integrate our interaction with viruses, it would guarantee us a future filled with fear for the next pandemic and repeated panic states and destabilizations of the worldwide human environment.

    A bleak future, indeed not desirable at all. Avoidable though if we apply this: to think deep, to do good science, and not to panic

    Daniel Jeanmonod MD , Professor Emeritus of Neurosurgery at Zürich University and Physiology & Neuroscience at New York University. Roxanne Jeanmonod , Physical Therapist. Francis Neirynck , Civil Engineer References:-

    [1] Dr Joel Kettner on CBC Radio – Cross Country Checkup, March 15, 2020.

    [2] Jones D. History in a Crisis – Lessons for Covid-19. New England Journal of Medicine (2020).

    [3] Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg. Review on

    [4] Nicholson K.G. et al. Respiratory viruses and exacerbations of asthma in adults. British Medical Journal 307 (1993).

    [5] Roussel Y. et al. SARS-CoV-2: fear versus data, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents (2020).

    [6] Dr. Ioannidis J.P.A. A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data., March 17, 2020.

    [7] Dagorn G. Coronavirus : la France pratique-t-elle assez de tests ? Le Monde. March 20, 2020.

    [8] Kapek R.

    [9] Gupta S. Fundamental principles of epidemic spread highlight the immediate need for large-scale serological surveys to assess the stage of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic. Link to download the draft in the following article: Cookson C. Coronavirus may have infected half of UK population -- Oxford study. Financial Times, March 24, 2020.

    [10] Li R. et al. Substancial undocumented infection facilitates the rapid dissemination of novel coronavirus (SARS-Co2). Science (2020).

    [11] Bhakdi S. Corona-Krise: Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi erklärt warum die Maßnahmen sinnlos und selbstzerstörerisch sind. YouTube Video. March 24, 2020.

    [12] European Monitoring of Excess Mortality for Public Health Action

    [13] Buda s. et al. Influenza Wochenbericht Kalenderwoche 13/2020. Robert Koch Institut. March 27, 2020.

    [14] Osterloh M. and Frey B. Coronavirus: Vergleiche sind wichtig. Gastkommentar Neue Zürcher Zeitung, March 12, 2020.

    [15] Bendavid E. and Bhattacharya J. Is the Coronavirus as Deadly as They Say? Wall Street Journal Editorial, March 24, 2020.

    [16] Istituto Nazionale di Statistica. Dataset sintetico con i decessi per settimana.

    [17] EpiCentro. Characteristics of COVID-19 patients dying in Italy Report based on available data on March 20th, 2020. Istituto Superiore di Sanità.

    [18] Shah N. Higher co-infection rates in COVID19. Data shared at the request of the California Department of Public Health. Medium. March 18, 2020.

    [19] Newey S. Why have so many coronavirus patients died in Italy? The Telegraph, March 23, 2020.

    [20] Borrelli A. Dipartimento Protezione Civile. Conferenza stampa 20 marzo 2020 ore 18.00 – Coronavirus. YouTube Video (at 3.30 minutes), March 20, 2020.

    [21] Istituto Nazionale di Statistica. I.Stat. Popolazione e famiglie – Mortalità – Decessi – Morti.

    [22] Synthesis on Interstitial lung disease on Wikipedia including detailed references.

    [23] Zhang C. et al. The cytokine release syndrome (CRS) of severe COVID-19 and Interleukin-6 receptor (IL-6R) antagonist Tocilizumab may be the key to reduce the mortality. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents (2020).

    [24] Cannon W.B. „Voodoo" Death. American Anthropologist (1942)

    [25] Milton G.W. Self-willed death or the bone-pointing syndrome. The Lancet (1973)

    [26] Synthesis on Coronavirus on Wikipedia including detailed references.

    [27] Arentz M. Characteristics and outcomes of 21 critically ill patients with COVID-19 in Washington State. Journal of the American Medical Association (2020).

    [28] Moelling K. Viruses, more friends than foes. World Scientific Publishing, New Jersey London Singapore (2017).

    Rhisiart Gwilym ,

    Take a look at this cry from frontline medical staff at a Bergamo hospital. Does this sound like a psyop to you? Something pretty desperate seems to be happening in Lombardy, whatever the ultimate explanation may be. Can't just discount testimony like this:

    Henriette ,
    film done by 2 americans called Quarantiranny
    re : Imperial College of Medicine
    re : who or whats behind it

    John ErvIn ,


    The counties where I work or live most of the time, Orange and San Diego, contiguous and 120 miles of coastline, with a combined GDP of almost exactly a half trillion dollars, and each with almost identical populations, 3 million each, each of which is larger than over 20 U. S. States out of 50, released this fearsome figure of DEATH counts from (?) this killer flu:

    15 in Orange County

    31 in San Diego.

    (They think.)


    Find the Mega-Font for the global headlines.

    Would it be "QUARANTINES WORKING!!!"

    We should be so lucky.

    I have been quizzing a lot of people in my travels, and roughly 4 out of 5, or higher, think this whole thing is just a tragi-musical. A Soap Opera Psyop. A very police- styled security guard kicked me out of a parking lot at my high school yesterday. I told him I was parked under the solar panels to get shelter so I could use my portable stair stepper, as it was raining everywhere and I had no other access to exercise. He said, "District Orders, sorry. But I agree with you completely." Given that opening, I gave him a short paragraph pitch that this was an international Ponzi Scheme to crash the global economy, precisely like ENRON 2000, only worldwide. Suddenly the rain kicked up with a driving wind and he was getting drenched, but fascinated, not going anywhere. I took pity on him after 30 seconds of torrent, he said he was only 24 when I asked, but knew some about Enron. He wanted to keep listening, we were alone at my deserted HS of 1970 class, but he was standing outside my car getting soaked, so I overruled him, and he said, "Let me open the gate for you." It had been locked after I entered!

    A dyed-in-the-wool future Police Aademy graduate, if we last that long.

    It may be the wake-up call that's needed, or at least more advantageous. Only the born germaphobes seem to be holdouts to a California statewide citizen quorum .

    And even the faces that strike me as born ijjits are spouting a lot of sense ?!?!! What, The Flock?

    And *hearing* sense, like, for one featured example of mine: "Governmental Psyops".

    That SUDDENLY,


    Is not tinfoil hat public pity.

    Waking up, World?

    Now, just hoping we all don't wake up dead .

    San Francisco County was the first to totally shut down almost a month ago, or less. Or at least it enacted the first draconians of rules .

    9 deaths now, 25 days in . Scary. It's almost like death is becoming a regular terrorist event, some kind of serial killing.

    9 people were murdered here at a beauty salon ten years ago. It ruled the headlines for months, Worst crime in Seal Beach history".


    I was shouting (not very loudly) at the gerrymandered line at Walmart yesterday, "HOAX, HOAX". This petite debutante comes alongside saying "You are SO sick. People are DYING."

    I burst out laughing uncontrollably, and spluttered, "Wait! That just doesn't happen! You're trying to tell me that people DIE! I tell you the real problem here. The millions of your crowd are the biggest part of our problem. Silence of the SHEEPLE! Baaaasasahhh."

    She continued to glare at me steely-eyed like my Commanding Officer, and I said, "Call the cops! I'd rather die or be tortured than this! Call the cops! Turn me in!"

    She was still on her high horse, or cart, pushing into the store, but I saw her getting wipes later, and she looked seriously conflicted. But chastened.

    I felt bad, but like maybe she was at least searching for that other brain cell to rub together!

    We can use all of them, now.

    Meanwhile, we can't attend Holy Thursday tomorrow, at any church, for the first time in my lifetime.

    Days of Obligation, cancelled.

    Maybe that's one big prong of their multi-pronged global attack .

    Worldwide denial of the Eucharist

    That thought struck me Day 1.

    Pawel ,

    The authors don't know the difference between Mortality Rate and Case Fatality Rate (CFR) and on top of that seem to think that 'C' in CFR stands for crude and the words like 'mortality' and 'fatality' are exchangeable :). Maybe in everyday language but not in statistics and serious medical literature. The piece is overall ok, but their lack of understanding these basic differences makes the entire article look very amateurish.

    In general they should switch from Mortality Rate to Fatality Rate throughout the entire article but not everywhere! Yes, they got that confused.

    The editor or whoever allowed this piece to be published here should familiarize himself with those terms.

    Helpful link here:


    This well-argued article is such a breath of fresh air. Here in Spain the results of the lockdown are awful – fearful, isolated people, violence against those who go outside, and completely bewildering official figures which, if true, only show how useless it is to lock people indoors, often in tiny flats.

    And where is the quantification of the suffering that the complete destruction of our economies will produce? Not to mention the horrendous treatment of old people who, when they are dying, should have kind, palliative care, not be scared witless with Star Wars-type masks and intubation.

    Shaking My Head ,

    Have you seen any doctors/scientists/etc. publicly dissenting?

    Voz ZeroBel ,

    In Spain I don't know, but in Portugal ZERO.

    Petra Liverani ,

    I'm a little dubious about various aspects of this article including the authors. While Daniel Jeanmonod is a highly-esteemed neurosurgeon, coronaviruses would not seem to be in his field.

    According to her staff bio on Polarstern, a communication agency supporting companies and organisations committed to ecological, social and economic sustainability, Roxanne Jeanmonod, presumably Daniel's daughter, was a physiotherapist and is now in charge of administration at Polarstern and Coworking Space Loreto. She's also listed on the company site of her father as a Financial Consultant.

    Francis Neirynck is a Civil Engineer so it is difficult to see any reason at all he would be a contributor to this article.

    A feature of psychological operations is "controlled opposition" often in the form of experts and another feature is conflicting information. Two seeming experts who comment on this site, Tony and VirusGuy, say that a specific coronavirus cannot be isolated while this article speaks of SARS-CoV-2 as if it can be isolated and tested for.

    It's a psyop folks. In psyops, they don't do things for real unless they want them for real. They don't want or need a virus and couldn't make it behave in the way they wanted it to anyway. There is no virus out of the ordinary and there is certainly no pandemic.

    Best guess is that all they can test for is "coronavirus" and they are presumptively labelling anything "coronavirus" as COVID-19. I very much doubt the existence of SARS-CoV-1 (the SARS pandemic) or SARS-CoV-2 – I'd say just like this alleged pandemic the SARS pandemic was a psyop too, as were MERS, Zika and Ebola.

    wardropper ,

    On the other hand, the common cold is not in the specialist field of most of us, yet we know a heck of a lot about it, simply through personal experience. Similarly, the fact that I don't know a single person who has CoVid19 – (nor does my wife) tells its own story, and it puts a lot of what we hear into perspective.

    Portonchok ,

    While Daniel Jeanmonod is a highly-esteemed neurosurgeon, coronaviruses would not seem to be in his field.

    I'd prefer this version:
    While Petra Liverani is allegedly a highly-esteemed PSYOPS disinfo agent, coronaviruses would not seem to be in her field.

    Voz ZeroBel ,

    Hello Unfortunately to me, your article doesn't offer nothing new!

    I've been writing and saying that for months now. I wrote to the politicians to the president (of Portugal!) but FEAR and PANIC fueled by IGNORANCE is very difficult to fight especially for someone like me that doesn't carry a college title.

    Even you guys are probably in the same situation, because they don't care about what you write and say, even though you guys carry a college title!

    I've made a picture describing the Reality of what we are .

    Just like with SARS-CoV-1 in about 2 years time NO ONE WILL CARE about the deaths it causes.

    Keep up the good work. Watch out for the Herd in Panic Mode!

    Best Regards

    Estaugh ,

    >> <>


    Grafter ,

    All politician's wages should be reduced by 75%. The "health experts" who are advising them should follow a similar fate whether "working from home" or not. They are the ringleaders of this fear campaign of misinformation over a virus which is being publicised as something similar to the Black Death.

    wardropper ,

    Needless to say, nobody has the courage to reduce any politician's wages, and the most corrupt of them will continue to receive the highest wages.
    Oops double posted

    different frank ,

    wardropper ,

    I know, Petra, but
    Here we are, "calling out" this event, as you encourage us to do.
    The response: Silence.
    We need an effective outlet, however much OffG cheers us up with real information.

    Gall ,

    The writers over at Anti-Empire are calling it a "mind virus" which seems appropriate.

    John ErvIn ,

    There is a very seminal documentary at YouTube which rocked my world and reconfigured my entire perspective about 9 years ago, PSYWAR, by Zeitgeist Films, with the tagline: "The Real Battlefield is the Mind."

    It has must-know info for everyone who knows a bit about the Age of the Mind Virus.

    As I shall now call it.

    (The co-producer of the film is a real keeper name: "I Am the Mob")

    John ,

    Population of the USA 332,000,000
    Annual normal death rate 2,712,000
    Monthly death rate 226,000
    Daily rate 7,500

    Source: CIA World Fact book

    [Apr 08, 2020] 06 April 2020 at 05:10 PM

    Apr 08, 2020 |
    div The hysteria about a "health ID card" or whatever people call it is overblown. Vaccines don't make money for anyone. Four general points.

    1. The hysteria about a "health ID card" or whatever people call it is overblown. International travelers used to carry exactly that - a yellow health certificate that listed all your immunizations - which used (circa 1956) to be compulsory for international travel (typhoid, cholera, smallpox and perhaps yellow fever). We carried them with our passports. They are nothing new. We could easily roll out an App, like China has, that indicates your health status and use it to control the winding back of the lockdown.

    2. The use of social distancing is 500 years old. The idea that it's something dreamed by leftist globalists is BS.

    3. The rules and practices for ship quarantine are also at least 200 years old and the word itself comes from the fourteenth century Venetian word for forty days - the quarantine period they observed back then. So the hoohaa we are getting from the likes of Carnival lines (who could have known, etc.) is BS.

    4. Vaccines don't make money for anyone. That is because they are cheap to produce and most doses will be administered for free by public health agencies to poor people in third world countries for diseases such as typhoid, Cholera, TB, etc. The result of that situation is that worldwide there are relatively few manufacturers. It's not a sexy, high margin business at all. From memory, tests are similarly not a high margin business. The bulk of pharmaceutical investment goes into treatments for diseases and conditions of rich western lifestyles. That is where the money is. That is also why you suddenly find yourself dependent on Chinese and Indian suppliers for stuff such as Chloroquine.

    My conclusion is that the idea that Bill Gates or anyone else would see vaccine development as an attractive investment is ludicrous.

    [Apr 08, 2020] COVID-19 The Bigger Picture Hiding Behind the Virus by JonathanCook

    Apr 06, 2020 |

    Agents outside our control with their own vested interests – politicians, the media, business – construct reality, much as a film-maker designs a movie, says Jonathan Cook.

    Is it possible that only a few weeks ago our priorities were just a little divorced from a bigger reality? That what appeared to be the big picture was not actually big enough? That maybe we should have been thinking about even more important, pressing matters – systemic ones like the threat of a pandemic of the very kind we are currently enduring?

    Because while we were all thinking about Russiagate or Trump or Brexit, there were lots of experts – even the Pentagon , it seems – warning of just such a terrible calamity and urging that preparations be made to avoid it. We are in the current mess precisely because those warnings were ignored or given no attention – not because the science was doubted, but because there was no will to do something to avert the threat.

    If we reflect, it is possible to get a sense of two things. First, that our attention rarely belongs to us; it is the plaything of others. And second, that the "real world", as it is presented to us, rarely reflects anything we might usefully be able to label as objective reality. It is a set of political, economic and social priorities that have been manufactured for us.

    Agents outside our control with their own vested interests – politicians, the media, business – construct reality, much as a film-maker designs a movie. They guide our gaze in certain directions and not others.

    A Critical Perspective

    At a moment like this of real crisis, one that overshadows all else, we have a chance – though only a chance – to recognize this truth and develop our own critical perspective. A perspective that truly belongs to us, and not to others.

    Think back to the old you, the pre-coronavirus you. Were your priorities the same as your current ones?

    This is not to say that the things you prioritize now – in this crisis – are necessarily any more "yours" than the old set of priorities.

    If you're watching the TV or reading newspapers – and who isn't – you're probably feeling scared, either for yourself or for your loved ones. All you can think about is the coronavirus. Nothing else really seems that important by comparison. And all you can hope for is the moment when the lockdowns are over and life returns to normal.

    "Paradoxically, a craving for the old-normal may mean we are prepared to submit to a new-normal that could permanently deny us any chance of returning to the old-normal."

    But that's not objectively the "real world" either. Terrible as the coronavirus is, and as right as anyone is to be afraid of the threat it poses, those "agents of authority" are again directing and controlling our gaze, though at least this time those in authority include doctors and scientists. And they are guiding our attention in ways that serve their interests – for good or bad.

    Endless tallies of infections and deaths, rocketing graphs, stories of young people, along with the elderly, battling for survival serve a purpose: to make sure we stick to the lockdown, that we maintain social distancing, that we don't get complacent and spread the disease.

    Here our interests – survival, preventing hospitals from being overwhelmed – coincide with those of the establishment, the "agents of authority." We want to live and prosper, and they need to maintain order, to demonstrate their competence, to prevent dissatisfaction bubbling up into anger or open revolt.

    Crowded Out By Detail

    But again the object of our attention is not as much ours as we may believe. While we focus on graphs, while we twitch the curtains to see if neighbors are going for a second run or whether families are out in the garden celebrating a birthday distant from an elderly parent, we are much less likely to be thinking about how well the crisis is being handled. The detail, the mundane is again crowding out the important, the big picture.

    Our current fear is an enemy to our developing and maintaining a critical perspective. The more we are frightened by graphs, by deaths, the more we are likely to submit to whatever we are told will keep us safe.

    Under cover of the public's fear, and of justified concerns about the state of the economy and future employment, countries like the U.S. are transferring huge sums of public money to the biggest corporations. Politicians controlled by big business and media owned by big business are pushing through this corporate robbery without scrutiny – and for reasons that should be self-explanatory. They know our attention is too overwhelmed by the virus for us to assess intentionally mystifying arguments about the supposed economic benefits, about yet more illusory trickle-down.

    There are many other dramatic changes being introduced, almost too many and too rapidly for us to follow them properly. Bans on movement . Intensified surveillance . Censorship . The transfer of draconian powers to the police, and preparations for the deployment of soldiers on streets. Detention without trial . Martial law . Measures that might have terrified us when Trump was our main worry, or Brexit, or Russia, may now seem a price worth paying for a "return to normality".

    Paradoxically, a craving for the old-normal may mean we are prepared to submit to a new-normal that could permanently deny us any chance of returning to the old-normal.

    The point is not just that things are far more provisional than most of us are ready to contemplate; it's that our window on what we think of as "the real world", as "normal", is almost entirely manufactured for us.

    Distracted By the Virus

    Strange as this may sound right now, in the midst of our fear and suffering, the pandemic is not really the big picture either. Our attention is consumed by the virus, but it is, in a truly awful sense, a distraction too.

    In a few more years, maybe sooner than we imagine, we will look back on the virus – with the benefit of distance and hindsight – and feel the same way about it we do now about Putin, or Trump, or Brexit.

    It will feel part of our old selves, our old priorities, a small part of a much bigger picture, a clue to where we were heading, a portent we did not pay attention to when it mattered most.

    The virus is one small warning – one among many – that we have been living out of sync with the natural world we share with other life. Our need to control and dominate, our need to acquire, our need for security, our need to conquer death – they have crowded out all else. We have followed those who promised quick, easy solutions, those who refused to compromise, those who conveyed authority, those who spread fear, those who hated.

    If only we could redirect our gaze, if we could seize back control of our attention for a moment, we might understand that we are being plagued not just by a virus but by our fear, our hate, our hunger, our selfishness. The evidence is there in the fires, the floods and the disease, in the insects that have disappeared, in the polluted seas, in the stripping of the planet's ancient lungs, its forests, in the melting ice-caps.

    The big picture is hiding in plain sight, no longer obscured by issues like Russia and Brexit but now only by the most microscopic germ, marking the thin boundary between life and death.

    Jonathan Cook is a freelance journalist based in Nazareth.

    This article is from his blog Jonathan .

    The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Consortium News.

    [Apr 07, 2020] Flu Season That's Sickened 26 Million May Be at Its Peak

    Apr 07, 2020 |

    At least 14,000 people have died and 250,000 have already been hospitalized during the 2019-2020 flu season, according to estimates from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More than 26 million Americans have fallen ill with flu-like symptoms.

    "There is a deadly respiratory virus that is circulating throughout the United States, and it is at its peak. It is not novel coronavirus," said Dr. Pritish Tosh, an infectious disease specialist with the Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, Minn.

    This flu season has come in two waves and has been particularly hard on children, the experts said.

    The season started early, in October, with an unusual wave of influenza B virus.

    Influenza B is less likely than other strains to mutate and become more virulent. That means it poses a greater threat to young people than to older folks, who may have gained immunity because they encountered the strain before.

    The percentage of deaths attributed to flu and pneumonia currently is 6.8%, which is below the epidemic threshold of 7.3% , according to the CDC.

    [Apr 06, 2020] Difficulties of computing real COVID-19 mortality

    Apr 06, 2020 |

    Leser , Apr 6 2020 8:07 utc | 158

    C1ue @91: why the exponential growth observed now if the virus has been around for months? The numbers you see reported is cased discovered by testing. Testing is what ramps up exponentially now. The % of tested people showing the virus is only very mildly growing. In other words, the underlying base of infected is large and relatively stable as part of the total population. The more you test, the more you find.

    Tom @151: "covid causing nerve damage" . That's conjecture stemming from the fact that all test-positive deceased are declared covid victims, including those without symptoms. Rather than state the correct cause of death for almost all those deaths (old age - average age 81 of corona deaths in Italy, 99% with one or multiple chronic diseases, dehydration of care patients whose staff ran back to their Eastern European homes under the panic of border closures, hospitals overwhelmed like every flu winter and now compounded by panic, doctors stuck at home looking after their children), new unseen ways of covid killing are invented.

    [Apr 06, 2020] Statistically COVID-19 is just blip on the screen

    Apr 06, 2020 |

    frances , Apr 5 2020 17:46 utc | 31

    Of 200,000 people die in the US with COVID-19 out of a population of 330 million people that is 0.06% of the population. That is to say a six hundredths of a percent chance of dying from the virus. Destroying the economy and losing our rights for a 0.06% chance of dying is not reasonable.

    And worldwide, Covid-19 Worldwide deaths as of April 4th, 64,518 divided by 7,000,000,000 world population. = 9.21 millionths of one percent. Corona virus, Covid-19, is IMO an orchestrated hysteria.

    World Health Organization: Yearly Death Rate Comparisons
    • Influenza (Various): 290 000 to 650 000 respiratory deaths
    • Cholera: 21 000 to 143 000 deaths
    • Malaria: 405 000 deaths (2018)
    • Typhoid: 128 000 and 161 000 deaths.
    • HIV-related causes: 770 000 deaths (2018)
    • Measles: 140 000 people died (2018) – mostly children under the age of 5
    • Pneumonia: 808 694 children deaths under 5 years in 2017.
    • Drowning: 320 000 deaths
    • Road Traffic Crashes: 1.35 million deaths

    This is EVERY year.

    [Apr 06, 2020] Covid19 Death Figures "A Substantial Over-Estimate" by Kit Knightly

    Notable quotes:
    "... What has happened to the British working class ethos of never believing the authorities? Where I live they're more likely to grass you up than question anything. ..."
    "... Also if someone has to go to emergency for other reasons: heart attack, stroke, even a broken leg, if the conditions there are worsened by excess patients who should not be there, they too being weak, may catch some infection, which could in their case due to the secondary issues make them worse, and give them severe breathing issues and so on, which in a normal year they would avoid, because excess contagious patients are not crowded in hospitals when they dont need to be in hospital. ..."
    Apr 05, 2020 |

    Covid19 Death Figures "A Substantial Over-Estimate" Bizarre guidelines from health authorities around the world are potentially including thousands of deceased patients who were never even tested Kit Knightly

    A few weeks ago we reported that, according to the Italian Institute of Health (ISS), only 12% of Italy's reported Covid19 deaths actually listed Covid19 as the cause of death .

    Given that 99% of them had at least one serious co-morbidity (and that 80% of them had two such diseases) this raised serious questions as to the reliability of Italy's reported statistics.

    Prof Walter Ricciardi, advisor to Italy's health minister, explained this was caused by the "generous" way the Italian government handles death certificates:

    The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.

    Essentially, Italy's death registration process does not differentiate between those who simply have the virus in their body , and those who are actually killed by it .

    Given the amount of fear and panic Italy's comparatively alarming numbers caused around the world, you would think other nations would be eager to avoid these same mistakes.

    Surely all the other countries of the world are employing rigorous standards for delineating who has, and has not, fallen victim to the pandemic, right?


    In fact, rather than learning from Italy's example, other countries are not only repeating these mistakes but going even further.

    In Germany, for example, though overall deaths and case-fatality ratio are far lower than Italy's, their public health agency is still engaging in similar practice.

    On March 20th the President of Germany's Robert Koch Institute confirmed that Germany counts any deceased person who was infected with coronavirus as a Covid19 death, whether or not it actually caused death.

    This totally ignores what Dr Sucharit Bhakdi calls the vital distinction between "infection" and "disease", leading to stories such as this, shared by Dr Hendrik Streeck :

    In Heinsberg, for example, a 78-year-old man with previous illnesses died of heart failure, and that was without Sars-2 lung involvement. Since he was infected, he naturally appears in the Covid 19 statistics.

    How many "Covid19 deaths" in Germany, fall into this bracket? We don't know, and will likely never know.

    But at least Germany is actually limiting itself to test positive cases.

    In the United States, a briefing note from the CDC's National Vital Statistics Service read as follows [our emphasis]:

    It is important to emphasise that Coronavirus Disease 19, or Covid-19, should be reported for all decedents where the disease caused or is presumed to have caused or contributed to death.

    "Presumed to have caused"? "Contributed"? That's incredibly soft language, which could easily lead to over-reporting.

    The referenced detailed "guidance" was released April 3rd , and is no better [again, our emphasis]:

    In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as "probable" or "presumed." In these instances, certifiers should use their best clinical judgement in determining if a COVID–19 infection was likely.

    Are careful records being kept to separate "Covid-19" from "presumed Covid-19"? Are the media making sure they respect the distinction in their reporting?

    Absolutely not.

    Whenever the alleged casualties are referenced we are fed one large all-inclusive number, without context or explanation, which – thanks to lax reporting guidelines – could be entirely false.

    Government agencies all across the UK are doing the same thing.

    Northern Ireland's HSC Public Health Agency is releasing weekly surveillance bulletins on the pandemic, in those reports they define a "Covid19 death" as :

    individuals who have died within 28 days of first positive result, whether or not COVID-19 was the cause of death

    NHS England's Office of National Statistics releases weekly reports on nation-wide mortality. Its latest report (Week 12 – March 14th-20th) was released on March 31st and made special mention of Covid19, explaining they were going to c hange the way they report the numbers in future .

    The ONS system is predicated on the registration of deaths. Meaning they count, not the number of people who die every week, but the number of deaths registered per week. This, naturally, leads to slight delays in the recording of numbers as the registration process can take a few days.

    However, with coronavirus deaths, since its a "national emergency", they are now including "provisional figures" which will be "included in the dataset in subsequent weeks". This leaves them wide open to – either accidentally or deliberately – reporting the same deaths twice . Once "provisionally", and then once "officially" a week later.

    That's just one peculiar policy decision. There are many others.

    Up until now, the ONS reported those Covid19 numbers collated by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). The DHSC records only those who died in hospital and have tested positive for the coronavirus as Covid19 deaths.

    BUT, from now on, the ONS will also include Covid19 deaths "in the community" in their statistics. That "includes those not tested for Covid19" and where " suspected Covid19″ [our emphasis] is presumed to be a "contributory factor".

    Here are some screencaps of the relevant sections :

    The official NHS guidance for doctors filling out death certificates is just as vague [our emphasis]:

    if before death the patient had symptoms typical of COVID19 infection, but the test result has not been received, it would be satisfactory to give 'COVID-19' as the cause of death, and then share the test result when it becomes available. In the circumstances of there being no swab, it is satisfactory to apply clinical judgement .

    The government is telling doctors it is OK to list "Covid-19" as a cause of death when there is literally no evidence the deceased was infected . That means there are potentially huge numbers of "Covid19 deaths" that were never even tested for the disease.

    Further, any possible mistakes will never be noticed or rectified, thanks to recent changes to the law.

    Usually, any death attributed to a "notifiable disease" had to be referred to a coroner for a jury hearing.

    Under UK law Covid19 is a "notifiable disease", but the new Coronavirus Bill alters the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 , to specifically exempt alleged Covid19 deaths from jury inquests .

    Further, according to the office of the Chief Coroner , the Coronavirus Bill means that these deaths don't have to be referred to a coroner at all , and that medical practitioners can sign off a cause of death for a body they have never even seen :

    Any registered medical practitioner can sign an MCCD [Medical Certificate for Cause of Death], even if the deceased was not attended during their last illness and not seen after death, provided that they are able to state the cause of death to the best of their knowledge and belief.

    Deaths "in the community" can be listed as Covid19 deaths without being tested for the disease, or even seen by a doctor at all . These deaths will not necessarily be referred to a coroner, and certainly not heard by a jury.

    By enacting this legislation the UK government has not only made false reporting of Covid19 deaths more likely , they actively removed the safeguards designed to correct it. Recording accurate fatality numbers in this situation is borderline impossible.

    This is, at best, totally irresponsible and at worst incredibly sinister.

    Now, before you roll your eyes at the whacky alternate media and their crazy paranoia, the idea deaths are being over-estimated is not a fringe concept or a "conspiracy theory". It is actually addressed in the mainstream frequently, people just seem to not hear it, drowned out as it is by the fear-inducing headlines.

    Dr John Lee, a professor of pathology and retired consulting pathologist with the NHS, wrote in a column for the Spectator :

    Why Covid-19 deaths are a substantial over-estimate

    Many UK health spokespersons have been careful to repeatedly say that the numbers quoted in the UK indicate death with the virus, not death due to the virus – this matters.
    [ ]
    This nuance is crucial ­– not just in understanding the disease, but for understanding the burden it might place on the health service in coming days. Unfortunately, nuance tends to be lost in the numbers quoted from the database being used to track Covid-19
    [ ]
    This data is not standardised and so probably not comparable, yet this important caveat is seldom expressed by the (many) graphs we see. It risks exaggerating the quality of data that we have.

    In fact, Dr Lee goes out of his way to emphasise:

    The distinction between dying 'with' Covid-19 and dying 'due to' Covid-19 is not just splitting hairs.

    The BBC dealt with the same issue in an article on April 1st [again, emphasis ours]:

    The death figures being reported daily are hospital cases where a person dies with the coronavirus infection in their body – because it is a notifiable disease cases have to be reported.

    But what the figures do not tell us is to what extent the virus is causing the death.

    It could be the major cause, a contributory factor or simply present when they are dying of something else.

    These absurd rules contributed to this recent example, referenced in the BBC article, but not widely reported at the time:

    An 18-year-old in Coventry tested positive for coronavirus the day before he died and was reported as its youngest victim at the time. But the hospital subsequently released a statement saying his death had been due to a separate "significant" health condition and not connected to the virus.

    This story is completely true. The boy was widely reported as the UK's "youngest coronavirus victim" on March 24th , before the hospital issued a statement saying:

    [The hospital] had tested for COVID-19 on the day before he died, but this was not linked to his reason for dying.

    Despite the hospital correcting the press, the case was still being reported in the tabloids a week later on March 31st .

    However, the important detail here is being lost: Going by the current NHS rules, despite the hospital officially saying it was not his cause of death, this boy is still part of the official coronavirus fatality statistics.

    How many more people fit that profile? We will never know.


    Italy, Germany, the United States, Northern Ireland and England.

    That's five different governments, across four countries, all essentially saying it's OK to just assume a patient died of Covid19, and then add that to the official statistics.

    Is that really responsible practice during a potential pandemic?

    Are any other countries doing the same?

    To what extent can we trust any official death statistics at all, at this point?

    As Dr Lee points out, Covid19 is not a disease that presents with a unique – or even rare – collection of symptoms. The range of severity and type of presentation is in line with literally dozens of extremely common respiratory infections.

    You cannot see "fever" and "cough" and then diagnose "probable covid19" with even the slightest chance of accuracy.

    This has become one of those nuggets of information we all know by heart, but between 290000 and 650000 people die of flu, or "flu like illness", every year. If just 10% of those cases are incorrectly assumed to be "probable" coronavirus infections, then the fatality numbers are totally useless.

    At a time when good, reliable information is key to saving lives and preventing mass-panic, global governments are pursuing policies which make it near-impossible to collect that data, whilst stoking public fear.

    Due to these policies, the simple fact is we have no reliable way of knowing how many people have died from this coronavirus . We have no hard data at all. And governments and international organisations are going out of their way to keep it that way.

    It's time we started asking why.

    Grafter ,

    A must see on what is about to happen.

    lundiel ,

    What has happened to the British working class ethos of never believing the authorities? Where I live they're more likely to grass you up than question anything.

    Seamus Padraig ,

    You know what I think? You know how economist John Williams has that website , where he shows you what the real unemployment and inflation figures would be if the government and the media didn't lie? Well, I think there should a shadowstats for Corona virus infection figures, too.

    tonyopmoc ,

    "It's time we started asking why."

    The answer is quite simple. The "Authorities" are doing the exact reverse of what they are claiming to do. I don't necessarily blame them, because they are brainwashed too, as are the vast majority across most of the world.

    They are trying to kill most of us off, and I think they are highly likely to succeed.

    This used to be a crazy conspiracy theory – which even I didn't take seriously.

    The Georgia Guidestones (1980) are hardly Stonehenge "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.", and have always been dismissed on the basis, that the USA contains some very rich and powerful religious nutters, but it seems we completely underestimated how powerful they are. The "elite" Malthusians are almost certainly of British origin.

    I never thought they could pull this off on a world wide basis, but they have. They have succeeded in terrorising almost everyone.

    It's not COVID – The Coronavirus that will do it, but the panic reaction to it, and the total crashing of the world wide economy. Supply lines are certain to break down, and in fact already have done for the most vulnerable.

    Not only do I see little if any resistance to this madness, most people are fully engaged and a part of it.

    The only response I have to it, is to become as self sufficient as possible, by digging up my garden to grow food. Most people think I am nuts, and think everything will be back to normal in a few weeks time, but the people in control, would not have crashed the entire world economy in pursuit of their Malthusian Agenda, to give up after a few weeks, when their well designed plans, all based on the most powerful psychological techniques are working so well, just as they envisaged, and game tested starting of course with 9/11 – where most people still believe the official story, which is literally impossible, because it does not conform with the most basic laws of physics and maths.


    Willem ,

    Here is an idea

    1) Test everyone who according to the triage system should be tested on covid19 with PCR

    2) distinguish pcr+ vs pcr- negative and follow both groups over time (for example 28 days)

    3) then see which group dies more often: the pcr positive group or the positive negative group

    4) the relative risk will then show the excess risk of pcr positive Covid 19 vs Covid 19 negative cases

    I am surprised that this research has not been done yet. It is plain and simple but apparantly nobody cares about a comparison group. And that is weird, as in normal circumstances you always compare with your competing neighbor, football club, fellow student, etc. But for Covid19 comparisons don't matter. The mortality rate is just high (compared to what?)

    Mucho ,

    Last night on Steven Nolan, quite early on in the show, a genuine NHS worker called in to relay his experience. He said that where they suspect Covid19 in a patient, sometimes they have to do up to four tests to get back the Covid positive result they are looking for. Utterly insane. They get three negatives on the bounce, but when the fourth one rolls in positive, it's all good and Covid19 is established. (are the tests for Coronavirus Normal or specifically Covid19?) No need to take into account the potential for a false positive, because they already know what the patient has. This is barmy. Gotta start raising the alarm people. This is not a drill. (Well maybe it is, but a drill for something much effing worse so alarm bells still totally necessary).

    I am very concerned about the building of these "Nightingale" hospitals. What have they got lined up for us to make sure these places are full of patients on ventilators? Because we have firmly established that this current pandemic is a fake. If it were half as bad as they were predicting, people would be dropping like flies in the UK by now, but we all know that they're not. They have rigged the legal system and all kinds of checks and balances have been nullified to enable them to give the appearance of a pandemic, but what is the endgame here?

    "We're not gonna have a war, we're gonna the appearance of a war." From Wag The Dog, Brendon O Connell fave. Best case scenario is that the new hospitals are there for window dressing to give the scam crisis authenticity through the visual action being taken, photo opportunities and emotional manipulation of the public becoming invested when they see "our boys" and the NHS "pulling together" in the crisis and doing everything they can. It psychologically consolidates the slave/master relationship very nicely too. Worst case scenario, genocide incoming. That we can legitimately raise these issues is symptomatic of a very real disease that is controlling our world.

    fritzi cohen ,

    We need to expose industrial agriculture's possible contribution. Rob Wallace wrote a book about this in 2016. Of course no one paid attention even if they knew about his research.

    The American Scholar: How Global Agriculture Grew a

    Evolutionary biologist Rob Wallace, of the Institute for Global Studies at the University of Minnesota, has some answers. For the past 25 years, he's been studying the evolution and spread of influenzas and other pathogens.

    Hail ,

    The latest expert to emerge slamming CoronaPanic is Dr. Knut Wittkowski, who attacks head-on at the very premise, less on the margins over numbers (which is also important work).

    Wittkowski says long-term social distancing for the vast majority, low-risk people, does more harm than good, even from a strictly disease-control standpoint (will cause more death, not less) and also repeatedly questions the wild projections. He says the coronavirus small spike in flu is totally unremarkable and behaves like every other observed flu pandemic does, not a second-rate-movie-like World-Shattering Mass Killer.


    Alan Tench ,

    Just finished listening to the government press conference here in the UK (Lt Gruber hosting it). Two mildly challenging questions, both sidestepped. The final question from The Scotsman newspaper was much more challenging, about the status of the Scottish Chief Medical Officer. This question was completely evaded by Hancock, and he didn't even allow the Deputy Chief Medical Officer to say what she thought, or confirm whether she's visited her second home, if indeed she has one. What a bloody shower they are!

    Bettynho Zirigdum ,

    Here in Brazil the Minister of Health authorized burials without a death certificate. When the death cause is not known, the death "may" be recorded as a Covid-19 death.

    Thom ,

    It's only a mistake if you think their main objectives are to tell the public the truth and protect public health. Given that the lockdowns, discouragement of exercise, putting millions out of work and torpedoeing health budgets will kill far more than the virus, then there are plainly other agendas here.

    Look at how nervous the politicians get when the public aren't scared 'enough' of the virus. And this evening, in the UK, we even have Queen drafted in to frighten people and stir up panic. How low can they go?

    MrChops ,

    Forgot to join in with the clap-a-thon for the health workers

    Why not join Peekay for some 'Effin n jeffin' for the NWO ..

    elsewhere ,

    Again good stuff at

    (April 5 entry)

    A sample: "The medical specialist portal Rxisk points out that various drugs can increase the risk of infection with corona viruses by up to 200% in some cases. It is also known that vaccination against influenza viruses may increase the risk of coronavirus disease."

    stonecircle ,

    Interesting about the possible increase in susceptibility to severe C-19 due to having the flu jab. Tragically many nurses and doctors are dying from C-19 even though they are comparatively young. Medical staff are put under a lot of pressure to have the flu jab each winter. It would be very interesting to see some hard data investigating this issue.

    Anecdotally: I had C-19 in mild form last week – high temperature, headache – but was almost better in two days. I am aged 70 and never have the flu jab as I worry it might weaken my immune system. All my peers have the jab and have had more persistent illnesses this winter than I have.

    MLS ,

    We have no idea how many health workers are dying of COVID19. All we know is how many of them have it on their death certificate.

    Not the same thing. As this article should have made clear to you.

    And let's also remember the euromomo statistics show that excess deaths are not happening. The pandemic is a lie created by reclassifying ordinary flu deaths as COVID19

    crank ,

    Seeing as the daily (total) death rate in the UK averages about 1600 per day, then I would like to think that 'COVID deaths' might top out at that. However, the effects of lockdown will push the death rate up considerably, I would predict, so who knows, maybe Trump is actually right in saying there will be 'lots of death' ? In the statistical mobius strip/ self re-inforcing/ feedback loop so clearly described by Kit, all these deaths could, in the end, be classified as 'COVID deaths'. In theory at least, to take the idea to the extreme, the virus could be completely harmless and no more than a marker – a new means of counting death.
    Kafka could not have devised anything so insane.

    Steve Hayes ,

    "To what extent can we trust any official death statistics at all, at this point?" By focusing on all cause mortality. These are reliable numbers. Presently, they do not show any cause for concern. Yet the government and parliament have seen fit to introduce the Coronavirus Act 2020, which gives the government the power to do anything, forever.

    It is of some interest to note that Jeremy Hunt on LBC stated that the government had prepared for a pandemic after an exercise in 2016 (when he was Health Secretary) by drafting legislation to give the government emergency powers: which explains how they were able to produce the three hundred and twenty page Coronavirus Bill so quickly.

    Harry Stotle ,

    Off-G has opened a really important conduit to talk about the Corona outbreak in term of its wider economic and geopolitical context – this is to be applauded. However I can promise you that in living memory there has never been a higher number of patients suffering with ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) presenting to hospital services, in such concentrated numbers over a relatively short time interval.

    > 95% of those who died in Italy, died of ARDS

    Ventilator use in London has risen 12-fold because people can hardly breath (the lungs fill with interstitial fluid impairing normal gaseous exchange) – once the lungs fail other organs follow the same fate downstream: heart, kidneys, liver, etc.

    At the moment there is no way to stop COVID-19 related ARDS from developing, while survival rates post-ventilation may be no better than 50/50 for vulnerable groups (older patients with co-morbidities) – the jury is still out on this question.

    Getting on for 5,000 deaths have been reported over a period of 4 weeks in the UK – it is likely most are COVID-19 related because they exhibit the typical cluster of finding (bilateral infiltrates on chest x/ray, hyperferritinaemia, lymphocytopaenia, elevated d-dimer, elevated troponin and profound hypoxia on arterial blood gas despite hi-flow oxygen). [citation requested -ed]

    From conversations I have been privy to the approach of China has been held up as the key strategy to control the spread (because of the difference in death rates pre and post lockdown).

    We will probably get a better idea of how things look once countries that find it difficult to follow the Chinese model (because of things like poverty or over-crowding) experience higher numbers of infections, and thus a growing numbers who develop ARDS – India, Brazil and Palestine come to mind (I know the death toll is low at the moment).

    None of this addresses the collateral damage bound to arise from lack of access to medical services (because of the selective focus on COBID-19) or the economic time-bomb that will explode once the size of the debt mushrooms out of control.

    I am the first to admit I simply do not have any answers to these questions – I am simply reporting what I have experienced on the shop floor.

    anita ,

    Usually if you have pneumonia, you stay at home and a doctor prescribes some basic antibiotic as precaution. Even in severe cases among already fragile people, usually you then slowly recover. Today if you have pneumonia, either you will have no doctor you can see in town, or else they will send you to hospital because of the scare created, or else you yourself will go to hospital because of the scare. This is just with pneumonia, there are plenty of other illnesses like a very bad flu and so on that can be as bad.

    Hence hospitals will get overloaded with patients which they dont usually get. And I can tell you, having nursed my mother after her stroke, and having had to take her a few times to emergency over a number of years, that emergency was each time overcrowded, and you are left for hours in corridors. So hospitals are getting more people because of above than a normal already overcrowded year.

    As for the patients, those that would normally be cured at home, they are in hospital surrounded by a whole lot of other people also with contagious diseases, apart from the nosocomial disease you may anyhow catch in a hospital nowadays, and in conditions which because of above have overwhelmed the hospital staff. So these patients being already weakened get worse, possibly die.

    Also if someone has to go to emergency for other reasons: heart attack, stroke, even a broken leg, if the conditions there are worsened by excess patients who should not be there, they too being weak, may catch some infection, which could in their case due to the secondary issues make them worse, and give them severe breathing issues and so on, which in a normal year they would avoid, because excess contagious patients are not crowded in hospitals when they dont need to be in hospital.

    On top of this there is a shortage of staff from other years for multiple reasons. I can think of 2 without any effort: In no other year staff with a virus but not ill (first they in that case would not know that had a virus) are not put on quarantine.

    Secondly, at least in West Europe, a major proportion of the medical staff at all level is from outside West Europe. Many, when the confinement measures and closures of borders were made, have returned to the home countries, to be with their families, especially those coming from countries that have not taken from such draconian measures.

    Hence what you are actually seeing needs to be analysed to be understood. By merely saying what you are seeing without analysing the cause is only likely to give a wrong justification for the measures and increase the panic among people. As a result, the entire
    thing is going to go worse.

    Harry Stotle ,

    We are talking about are two different conditions with different pathologies and different outcomes – ARDS is a hyperinflammatory response, that in the context of COVID-19 is not amenable to antibiotics.

    Pneumonia is generally caused by a more localised lung infection although in some cases pneumonia can lead to ARDS as a secondary complication.

    In the case of COVID I am unaware of any therapy that presents ARDS ftom developing – ARDS is what kills you.

    Croach ,

    The icnarc report raises a question.
    If we have close to 5000 deaths but few hospitals are breaching ICU capacity (London and the West Midlands, the two biggest disease clusters have reported they're within capacity, nightingale hospital not needed yet etc.) why is icnarc reporting only 346 deaths in ICU/Critical care beds?
    Where are all the rest dying?
    If there is spare capacity in ICU why weren't they in ICU beds when they died?

    Also, do you know why the percentages in table 5 regarding the presence or not of severe comorbidities (yes,no) add up to more than 100% in the covid-19 column and less than 100% in the pneumonia comparison column?

    Rhys Jaggar ,

    This is precisely why everyone is so cynical. A propaganda narrative was written long ago and the data is crafted around that narrative, rather than a true narraitve emerging from whatever data happens to present itself.

    The narrative is that CoVid19 is so dangerous that we will all have to be locked down unless we all have a vaccination, testing and can be digitally tracked.

    Now if that were even to be half acceptable, the digital certificates would be owned and issued by the people, not by TNC billionaires. The data generated through tracking and testing would never be owned privately and any public official disclosing such information to corporations would be issued with the metaphorical Black Spot.

    What this is all about is billionaires owning everyone lock stock and barrel: their movements, their medical history, their private actions, their travel, their purchases etc etc.

    If Bill Gates thinks he can afford to buy all that data he is living in cloud cuckoo land. I would value my lifetime private data at £100,000 minimum, so for 5 billion humans (just for round figures), that might come to £500 trillion.

    I think that is about 5,000 times Bill Gates' net worth ..

    I have not signed away my private data to anyone, will not do so and consider it illegal for anyone to nick it, pass it on, hand it over, sell it on etc etc etc.

    bob ,

    If people in the uk don't address the issue of organ donation then the state will claim it owns their bodies – the law changed in April to make it important that people who do not wish to donate their organs they have to opt out – at a time like this when family/friends cannot be with a person dying who knows what's happening – does anybody still trust the british state?? Get it sorted is my advice and don't let the state steel the bodies

    Mucho ,

    The concept of policy decision being made and then a mad dash to find evidence to support that policy decision was highlighted in this excellent report, which I think every reader here will find interesting.

    madness ,

    ".. provided that they are able to state the cause of death to the best of their knowledge and belief"

    Surely, in Australia, many the death of many people will be the result of their sins, especially if the conservatives continue to engineer health policies. This is the best of their belief.

    Shaking My Head ,

    This circus is maddening. Is anyone else in Canada? There is a complete lack of dissent here. The first Canadian I've seen online with any critical perspective is Rosemary Frei's article here on Off-Guardian. Are there any other Canadians speaking out? It seems like people are openly welcoming more of the police state rather than questioning anything.

    AlexCanadianJones ,

    Also in Canada. You aren't alone.

    We have to keep in mind that everyone is at home isolated, everyone that feels and is thinking the way do, feels they are alone and that other Canadians. The Media has unprecedented influence during this crisis and they are cherry picking 'socially accepted responses' to the virus to make us think we are in the minority, it is mind games to keep us all feeling powerless.

    Keep spreading your opinions, while we still have freedom of speech. Make sure all of those in your life to you know are getting the information you are getting.

    Shaking My Head ,

    I hope you are right but it seems like Canadians are so much more acquiescent than the French who have had mass protests. Here it seems you will get snitched out for walking in the park. I saw a photo of several police in an empty park and the comments were all supportive of these measures to 'keep us safe'. I suppose there could be a small but loud segment of the population who are generally quite terrified of life, who feel powerless, and now are enabled to exercise their inner authoritarian to grasp at some semblance of importance by self-policing and policing others.

    [Apr 06, 2020] Covid tears 'No masks nurse' story shows how pandemic is newfound opportunity for MSM to peddle emotionally-charged fake news

    Notable quotes:
    "... In a clip aired on Sunday but filmed a week earlier, nurse Imaris Vera bursts into tears and describes how she quit her job after "none of the nurses" ..."
    "... "America is not prepared," she sobbed, "and nurses are not being protected." ..."
    "... But dig a little deeper and the story begins to collapse. Vera admitted in a tweet on Saturday that she had actually been assigned an N95 respirator to wear, despite claiming in the video that "none of the nurses" ..."
    "... Furthermore, the nurse didn't quit her job after a long and tireless struggle against the coronavirus. Her social media posts revealed that she quit on her first day on the job. According to her Facebook page, the woman had taken a year off, during which time she had built a career as a blogger and Instagram model. Since the virus hit US shores, she's used her Instagram page to promote boutique hand sanitizer and designer nurse's scrubs. ..."
    "... "fake news media" ..."
    Apr 06, 2020 |
    Stories of human tragedy abound during the Covid-19 pandemic, but in its hunger for tearjerking moments, CBS has thrown the rulebook out the window and spread some viral "fake news." In a clip aired on Sunday but filmed a week earlier, nurse Imaris Vera bursts into tears and describes how she quit her job after "none of the nurses" in a dedicated coronavirus unit were wearing masks. Furthermore, she called out her Chicago hospital for banning nurses from using their own protective equipment in the facility.

    "America is not prepared," she sobbed, "and nurses are not being protected."

    In tears, a nurse says she quit her job after she was asked to work in a coronavirus ICU without a face mask: "America is not prepared, and nurses are not being protected"

    -- CBS News (@CBSNews) April 5, 2020

    On its surface, the video is a damning indictment of the US government's response to the pandemic. Indeed, the media have frequently lambasted President Donald Trump for failing to act quick enough to contain the spread of the virus.

    But dig a little deeper and the story begins to collapse. Vera admitted in a tweet on Saturday that she had actually been assigned an N95 respirator to wear, despite claiming in the video that "none of the nurses" in her ICU unit were wearing masks. Whether her hospital banned the wearing of masks in hallways and corridors to preserve supplies is still unclear.

    Furthermore, the nurse didn't quit her job after a long and tireless struggle against the coronavirus. Her social media posts revealed that she quit on her first day on the job. According to her Facebook page, the woman had taken a year off, during which time she had built a career as a blogger and Instagram model. Since the virus hit US shores, she's used her Instagram page to promote boutique hand sanitizer and designer nurse's scrubs.

    ... ... ...

    Whether its aim is to mislead viewers or to tug on heartstrings, the media hasn't missed an opportunity to rush dodgy footage in front of viewers. Such videos may generate clicks, but they also lend credence to President Trump's oft-repeated assertion that the "fake news media" doesn't care about the truth.

    [Apr 06, 2020] The average 24/7 viewer of CNN/FOX or BBC is not aware of this hence swallows the "news" without questioning anything

    Apr 06, 2020 |

    Tom_LX , Apr 6 2020 14:58 utc | 184

    Posted by: BM | Apr 6 2020 13:02 utc | 174

    The points you raise in your comment are addressed in this video.

    Questioning Conventional Wisdom in the COVID-19 Crisis, with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya

    The average 24/7 viewer of CNN/FOX or BBC is not aware of this hence swallows the "news" without questioning anything.

    [Apr 06, 2020] fbclid=IwAR05pGvYrqPv4kXX3UTU5D0xFj7akUplT_mPA-b1NkAng_ZP2tP3gT36fME

    Apr 06, 2020 |

    Clashfan, 2 hours ago ...Read this! CDC guidelines for reporting. Everything is Covid19. Coded.

    Read it, spread it. Silence is consent.

    "COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death."

    [Apr 05, 2020] Case of substitution: Pneumonia deaths down. Covid-19 deaths up.

    Apr 05, 2020 |

    dltravers , Apr 5 2020 15:12 utc | 6

    Not sure what to make of this one..

    Pneumonia deaths down.

    Covid-19 deaths up.

    Pneumonia and influenza survey from the CDC

    Anyone in a position to plot this?

    Data in csv format format CDC

    Norwegian , Apr 5 2020 16:56 utc | 21

    @dltravers | Apr 5 2020 15:12 utc | 6
    Not sure what to make of this one..

    Pneumonia deaths down.

    Covid-19 deaths up.

    Reallocations. The numbers are manipulated.

    [Apr 05, 2020] Mortality by age group

    Apr 05, 2020 |

    S , Apr 2 2020 16:23 utc | 5

    Verity et al. (March 30, 2020) have estimated the (adjusted) case fatality ratio, infection fatality ratio, and proportion of infections requiring hospitalization:

                 Crude    Adjusted           Hospitalization
                 CFR (%)  CFR (%)   IFR (%)  Rate (%)
        0-9       0.000   0.00260   0.00161   0.00
        10-19     0.182   0.0148    0.00695   0.0408
        20-29     0.193   0.0600    0.0309    1.04
        30-39     0.237   0.146     0.0844    3.43
        40-49     0.443   0.295     0.161     4.25
        50-59     1.30    1.25      0.595     8.16
        60-69     3.60    3.99      1.93     11.8
        70-79     7.96    8.61      4.28     16.6
        80+      14.8    13.4       7.80     18.4
        Total     2.29    1.38      0.657

    [Apr 05, 2020] The percentage of deaths by Covid19 in the USA is 17.8 per million citizens, which corresponds to the usual percentage of seasonal influenza.

    Apr 05, 2020 |

    Luc GUTHRIE , Apr 3 2020 15:13 utc | 279

    Message from France :

    First premise: This year, the percentage of influenza patients in relation to the total population is the same as in previous years.

    Second premise: In previous years, seasonal influenza had a percentage of certain coronaviruses. This year the percentage is similar.

    Third premise: The percentage of deaths among people who are infected is no different from other years.

    Fourth premise: The media falsifies the percentage of deaths among those who are infected. The only serious study concerning the real mortality in the country where according to the media there are the most deaths (Italy) is the one carried out by the Italian Ministry of Health. It reveals that it is not 12% but 1.2% of sick patients, which corresponds to the usual mortality of influenza.

    Fifth premise: this study reveals that the average age of the deceased is 80 years.

    Additional information: The percentage of deaths by Covid19 in the USA is 17.8 per million citizens, which corresponds to the usual percentage of seasonal influenza.

    Be careful, don't be an accomplice in the panic they want to create: This is essentially a media attack to disguise the economic meltdown they've created.

    Translated with (free version)

    [Apr 05, 2020] Today 4-3-20, Covid is the third cause of death in USA

    Apr 05, 2020 |

    DFC , Apr 2 2020 22:11 utc | 103

    Today 4-3-20, Covid is the third cause of death in USA, with around 1.100 deaths per day is only behind heart disease (1.774/day) and cancer (1.641/day), but in two weeks is expected to be clearly the leading cause of death in USA as it is now in Italy and Spain. It is a matter of when start to decrease the number of deaths to see if will be, or not, the leading cause of deaths in absolute terms (I expected and I think it will not)

    A lot of people are still saying it is a hoax, I think they will continue saying this even if connected to a ventilator (/sarc)

    [Apr 05, 2020] A link to an interview with Italian nano-pathologist Dr Stefano Montanari

    Apr 05, 2020 |

    Jane ,

    A comment on Peter Hitchens' article in today's Mail on Sunday (5th April) provided a link to an interview with Italian nano-pathologist Dr Stefano Montanari. Since he doesn't appear in OffG among the first twelve or subsequent ten scientists questioning the official Covid-19 narrative I am providing the link here in case anyone is interested. The site itself seems to have a save white identity bias, but in these strange times, politics makes strange bedfellows.

    George Mc ,

    Interesting interview. This bit especially:

    There is one point we did not touch -- the economic, which is not part of my competence. We are now blocking the world and, as for Italy, the economy was already at a low point. What do they do? They freeze all activities but keep the stock exchange open. Stocks reach a low bottom. What does it mean? The ultra billionaire can easily purchase companies that are now worth pennies.

    When eventually it will be decided that the (coronavirus) farce is ended -- and nothing will end because this virus will continue undaunted to do what it's doing now (or its evolving strains will do), the ultra-billionaires will own everything. The rich (a degree below the billionaires) will have bought, say, 3–4 restaurants and/or 10 stores that had to close. In summary, all who were rich will be infinitely richer, But we will also have a flood-tide of people who will always be poorer. This will be another consequence of this fake epidemic, perhaps, who knows, created on purpose.

    [Apr 03, 2020] The problem of distinguishing "from coronavirus deaths and "with coronavirus" deaths

    Apr 03, 2020 |

    PokeTheTruth , Apr 2 2020 19:52 utc | 61

    A postmortem by a competent pathologist is the only way to confirm cause of death.

    Americans must not be led like lemmings over the cliff of disease paranoia chased by an invisible bug unless there is irrefutable proof that COVID-19 and ONLY COVID-19 was the principle reason attributed to a person's demise.

    Investigative journalists ( b?) must dig into the facts and interview some of the hundreds of ME's (medical examiners) who performed autopsies on these people and ask these questions:

    1. Did the autopsy reveal the presence of other chronic diseases pulmonary or otherwise, that could have contributed to the death of the person (e.g., influenza, COPD, emphysema, tuberculosis, heart disease, cancers, etc.?

    2. Was the deceased taking medication that suppressed the immune system such as for rheumatoid arthritis?

    3. Did the autopsy reveal the presence of disease of the respiratory system due to harmful inhalants (smoking tobacco, vaping)?

    4. Did the autopsy show the patient had heart or vascular problems and had surgeries to correct them such as stent implants, pace maker or other medical devices?

    5. Did the deceased receive chemotherapy treatment for cancer related illness?

    Unless every answer to the above questions is an affirmative 'No", the public must not believe that only COVID-19 caused the death of these people. This calls into question the number of reported COVID-19 deaths has been deliberately inflated to cause panic in America as well as around the world.

    The next question is, for what other purpose are governments doing this?

    David F , Apr 2 2020 20:19 utc | 67

    PokeTheTruth | Apr 2 2020 19:52 utc | 61

    Can you not see the il-logic in your criteria? Suppose a person has an underlying illness, that will eventually prove fatal. If I shoot that person in the head are we going to say that the cause of death was the underlying illness, or are we going to say it was the bullet to the head?

    Many people live with underlying illnesses for years. The criteria that should be used is: why did that person die right now? If what killed them right now is a viral infection, then the fact that the underlying illness would have killed them eventually is meaningless, the cause of death is the viral infection.

    I think that some people are adamant that they will not believe there is a deadly virus in our midst. Nothing said to them is going to make them believe this, they will keep changing their reasons for the denial. This is somewhat understandable to a point. Yes our government lies about everything, and yes they take every opportunity to enrich themselves and increase their power. My initial reaction was dismissive, I too thought it was a case of overblown hype, but as the days and weeks passed, and the facts changed, so did my opinion.

    The overwhelming evidence is pointing to a serious, deadly virus in our midst, and it is time people start acting appropriately. Even the people who understandably ignored the boy who cried wolf, eventually came to the realization that there was indeed a wolf in their midst.

    [Apr 03, 2020] After six to eight weeks, the loss caused by the shutdown would become critical. And that must be avoided.

    Notable quotes:
    "... The number of advertisements for short-time work has skyrocketed to an unprecedented level, and the number of unemployed is also increasing: The Federal Employment Agency expects an increase of up to 200,000 unemployed in April. ..."
    "... The virologists had not succeeded in breeding Sars-Cov-2 in initial tests after swabbing various objects in apartments of highly infectious residents, sinks, doorknobs, but also pets such as cats. "For me it looks like the first results that a door handle can only be infectious if someone has coughed in the hand beforehand and then grabs the handle immediately." This suggests that there is no smear infection. Keeping a distance and washing hands is therefore a very effective tool. ..."
    "... "We talk a lot about speculation and model calculations. With these, however, only one factor has to be wrong and the whole thing collapses like a house of cards. "That is why facts are so important to make effective decisions. He was therefore surprised that the Robert Koch Institute, as the highest federal authority for infectious diseases, had not previously carried out such an investigation. He sees such tests as a duty for virologists "to find answers for the citizens." ..."
    Apr 03, 2020 |

    mk , Apr 3 2020 8:26 utc | 223

    And here's the article:

    Bonn / Hamburg -

    The Corona crisis hits the global economy with great violence: In Germany, too, restaurants and companies have to pause for weeks, tourism stands still, nothing works in public life anymore.

    The number of advertisements for short-time work has skyrocketed to an unprecedented level, and the number of unemployed is also increasing: The Federal Employment Agency expects an increase of up to 200,000 unemployed in April.

    And despite the government's aid measures, one thing is certain: the German economy will not be the same for the foreseeable future once the crisis is over. The existence of many citizens is under threat.

    Hardly anyone had questioned these tough government measures, as it is about saving lives. But on Tuesday evening a well-known virologist for the first time openly raised doubts about the need for the shutdown at "Markus Lanz" (ZDF). Did our entrepreneurs have to shut down unnecessarily?

    The virologist Hendrik Streeck from the University Hospital Bonn is currently carrying out a unique examination in the district of Heinsberg - the epicenter of the coronavirus. There, the expert collects both the number of infected people and the infection routes in a representative sample. The study is intended to provide answers to questions such as where the greatest sources of danger are. How exactly the virus is transmitted. How high the unreported number of infected people is. The research group around Streeck wants to publish the first results as early as next week.

    The virologists had not succeeded in breeding Sars-Cov-2 in initial tests after swabbing various objects in apartments of highly infectious residents, sinks, doorknobs, but also pets such as cats. "For me it looks like the first results that a door handle can only be infectious if someone has coughed in the hand beforehand and then grabs the handle immediately." This suggests that there is no smear infection. Keeping a distance and washing hands is therefore a very effective tool.

    However, the risk of infecting someone else while shopping is considered to be low. "We see how the infections took place. That was not in the supermarket or in the restaurant or at the butcher's. That was at the parties at the après ski in Ischgl, in the Berlin club, trumpet ', at the carnival in Gangelt and at the exuberant football games in Bergamo.

    In the current discussion about the "shutdown" and the "exit" strategies, which lead again from a standstill, such reliable facts are important. So that public life doesn't stand still for too long.

    "We talk a lot about speculation and model calculations. With these, however, only one factor has to be wrong and the whole thing collapses like a house of cards. "That is why facts are so important to make effective decisions. He was therefore surprised that the Robert Koch Institute, as the highest federal authority for infectious diseases, had not previously carried out such an investigation. He sees such tests as a duty for virologists "to find answers for the citizens."

    Did the shutdown come too quickly?

    Streeck looks back at the various measures taken by the federal government, which have gradually restricted life: Larger events have been canceled, schools have been closed down to exit restrictions. "But I had already said in advance: We want to wait and see what happens. The virus doesn't obey any politician. "

    Measures that are now decided would only be visible in the statistics in two weeks at the earliest. "You have to give this virus time so that we can see and classify the results of the measures in the long term."

    He had never heard of infections in hairdressing salons, said Streeck. But now they are closed. It is the same with supermarkets or the like. "We just don't know that infections have taken place there. I think it's important that we focus on what we really know - and what we don't. "You have to find the nuances of when exactly an infection occurs. And this must also be the guideline for reducing certain measures.

    A very good way to contain the virus effectively: do a lot of tests like South Korea did. "If they tested people positively and found a cluster, then they contained the area there," says Streeck. A nationwide curfew was not necessary there. "In my eyes, this is a very good strategy and also a strategy that is feasible in Germany. Because we have the options. "

    The virus is really dangerous for the risk groups, so "when it comes to the hospital, nursing home and old people's home," said the doctor. It is therefore very important to effectively protect particularly vulnerable people, with weekly corona tests for medical and nursing staff, for example. Such pool procedures are already used in transfusion medicine to test blood. So you are not new.

    "It is therefore important to develop exactly such ideas. However, many experts are involved in this development, and not just individual ones. "It is a shame that the government approached the crisis" rather monothematically ". Unfortunately, there is no round table with a large number of virologists, in which China is also involved.
    Streeck criticizes the lack of objectives in the fight against Corona

    "I see what such a curfew does to people," explains the virologist. He himself has friends who wonder if they still have a job after the crisis. "In relation to other epidemics and viruses, I find these restrictions to be very drastic." Before taking such measures, Streeck would have liked to think carefully: "Where do we actually want to go?" He would lack the precise definition of the objective.

    "Our limit is the capacity of the hospitals. Not the number of people infected. But we never heard where our guideline was. What is our goal? Are 1000 infections a day too much? Or 100? We have to listen to the intensive care physicians who tell us where their limits are. "They could best assess which measures are the right ones.
    Marcel Fratzscher: "A good health system needs a functioning economy"

    Streeck therefore supports the fastest possible discussion about an exit strategy. Marcel Fratzscher, President of the German Institute for Economic Research, explains how great the danger for the economy is at "Lanz". He speaks of a "catastrophe" with a "rat tail of problems". Small businesses and the self-employed could only last a few weeks despite government aid.

    Anyone who receives a salary of 60 or 70 percent in short-time work can hardly stay afloat in the long term. At the same time, the economist feels uncomfortable weighing human lives against the financial damage - as many in the discussion about an exit strategy do. "Because a good health system also needs a functioning economy."

    One should not play both sides against each other, but rather find a solution that is acceptable to everyone. After six to eight weeks, the loss caused by the shutdown would become critical. And that must be avoided.

    [Apr 02, 2020] Why Cuomo is claiming that NY need 40K ICU beds?

    Currently the total hospital admissions in the USA are less then 30K and the virus considerably slowed down (from 32$ a day to 24% a day and this percentage will go down further) .
    Apr 02, 2020 |
    the United States
    New York Governor Cuomo Daily Briefing :
    Everything we do now (procure ventilators etc) is in preparation for possible apex (when curve hits the highest point) Apex in New York is estimated in 14-21 days from now We'll keep COVID-19 patients separated from the other patients in hospitals We can now test for antibodies to determine whether a person had COVID-19. This is a blood test 172 new ICU admission in the last day, vs. 374 in the preceding day, may indicate a decline in the growth rate 155,934 people tested in New York State We need a faster testing process. Can't wait 5 days as it is now. Other countries now also have home tests. We should do the same

    NEW YORK (from New York Governor Cuomo daily briefing ):

    An additional 37,000 ICU beds are needed Will use college dormitories , hotels , nursing homes, and all possible space by converting it to hospitals if needed in April 138,376 people have been tested Schools will stay closed for an additional 2 weeks after April 1, to then reassess the situation and extend again if needed. 180 days requirement has been waived "This is not going to be a short deployment [...] This is going to be weeks, and weeks, and weeks [...] This is a rescue mission you are on, to save lives. [...] You are living a moment in history that will change and forge character"

    [Apr 01, 2020] Does COVID-19 produce excessive mortality in comparison with seasonal flu epidemic?

    Apr 01, 2020 |

    Lev Ke , Apr 1 2020 15:57 utc | 247

    Here, b. The Swiss Propaganda Research did the work for you and brought us via its Dutch sister website the official mortality numbers of Holland over the past years up until 18/3/20.
    It's a huge pity that I can't paste a picture here, because this graph really says it all.

    It's a graph of numbers recorded by the same official source that simply collects the weekly death rates in Holland. Numbers that up until now were totally apolitical and neutral. Nobody cared.

    Two years ago, due to a heavy flu season, a whopping 9,444 excess deaths were counted. The present corona mortality is nowhere near such numbers and will probably never get there.
    But two years ago there was no panic, no lockdown, no nothing. Just an unfortunate heavy flu season.

    Not a good enough reason to question anything? No need to get this truth out? No need for rationality and a woke population? No need for whatever MoA is meant to be?

    [Apr 01, 2020] The "excess deaths" and the number of hospitalized people are two important metrics for the sizing the epidemic

    Apr 01, 2020 |

    BM , Apr 1 2020 11:07 utc | 206

    Add to the above from the link Yerige kindly posted

    The Covid-19 death toll is for abusing the deranged masses; it's the other data that's important
    Posted by: Yerige | Apr 1 2020 9:44 utc | 194

    As from today the daily "Covid-19" death toll will include data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) regarding deaths that occur external to hospital. Basically, anyone who dies and is not being treated in a hospital at the time, but nevertheless has "Covid-19" registered on the associated death certificate, will be counted in the official toll. Those of us who are not prone to become unhinged at the slightest nudging towards it by Government psychological manipulation will have the sense to realise that this development will not be wholly unrelated to the arrival of the Coronavirus Bill, and how it has created an environment where there is potential for a good deal of abuse in order to create the impression of copious amounts of death by "Covid-19"


    The reason why excess death is a crucial way of getting a handle on the issue should be well understood by a FBEL reader, but to explain briefly: it has been the tendency by the medical establishment to attribute death by other causes to so-called Covid-19 (and now, if the reader examines the corporate-media reportage carefully, coronavirus)†. As such, we should expect to see no great deal of excess death (or more death than usual), but instead numbers under one column on a ledger shifted across to another headed "Covid-19".


    Even so, when the Chief Executive says that [nine] thousand people are hospitalised, it might sound scary to the psychologically damaged masses that would be intensely following the "war reports" of the sort that Stevens was holding. However, one should consider how there are 100,000 "general and acute" beds in NHS England, and how, in the year 2018-19, the institution saw 626,000 admissions for "influenza, pneumonia". The source for this data is the House of Commons briefing paper, Number 7281, 20 February 2020, "NHS Key Statistics: England, February 2020", which is online for anyone who isn't deranged to find.

    Peter AU1 , Apr 1 2020 11:25 utc | 210

    BM 206

    If somebody dies of pneumonia and lung biopsy turns up coronavirus then it likely coronavirus caused the death. It would be interesting though to see how officialdom does actually determine if a death outside hospital is determined but I take it that would be done by autopsy. Something the writer at your link didn't look into or mention.

    [Apr 01, 2020] Media is the problem. Globalist Media firms hate Trump, the Constitution, and America.

    Apr 01, 2020 |

    A123 , says: Show Comment March 30, 2020 at 4:48 am GMT

    Our mainstream media was equally oblivious, and even if they had sounded the alarm, they had hysterically cried wolf so many times about so many ridiculous things that nobody would have taken them seriously.

    100% Correct -- Media is the problem. Globalist Media firms hate Trump, the Constitution, and America.

    Trump stated true fact. There are promising results from chloroquine, but it may or may not work. The dishonest Globalist Media such as CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo . tried (and failed) to blame Trump for the death of someone who ingested an aquarium cleaner with a similar name. (1)

    Trump stated an optimistic hope. He hoped that it would be possible to begin lifting restrictions by Easter. That hope has not come to pass, and the Trump administration has extended restrictions. Optimism is an unwritten part of the President's duties, keeping and building hope among U.S. Citizens.

    The Globalist Media propaganda machine repudiates the concepts of hope, optimism, integrity, and honesty. The *Media Lied* , when they intentionally changed "Trump's hope" to "would" and further on to "must". Then with the bogus straw man set, the Globalist hoax about a non-existent "restrictions must end" policy was launched. Again, the Globalist Media tried (and failed) to undermine the Constitution with their hoax.

    When will the Media start telling the truth instead of pushing the DNC's anti-American, Globalist, Elite 1% agenda?

    [Apr 01, 2020] Caution is advisable but panic is unacceptable

    Apr 01, 2020 |

    America1st , says: Show Comment March 30, 2020 at 12:19 pm GMT I use this page as I find the one from John Hopkins suspect. I think some numbers should be looked at and people should decide just how serious the Coronavirus is:

    % US Population tested as of 29 March 2020 – .25% (831,351)
    % tested who test positive – 16.73%
    % tested who test negative – 83.27%
    % tested who get Hospitalized – 2.37%
    % Infected who get Hospitalized – 14.19%
    % Infected who die – 1.75%

    Percentage of those Tested who dies – .288%

    Worst case sceanario as of 3/29/20 is 957,374 people could die from this virus if the % of 3/29/20 remain constant, but our death rate has dropped from a high of 2.73% (occured on 3/12/20).

    Per the CDC webpage the N1H1 (swine flu) Pandemic infected 61 million Americans of which 12,469 died in 09. President Obama declared it an emergency in Oct 09 (7 months into the Pandemic's season 04/09 – 04/10)

    8,234 had died before he declared.

    Bear in mind the H1N1 DR for 09-10 was .021% substantially lower than the DR rate of Coronavirus, we are only in week 13 of the Coronavirus discovery (January through March)

    Remember, from 03/12 to 03/28 the death rate has dropped 35.9% (2.73 to 1.75)

    Caution is advisable but panic is unacceptable.

    [Apr 01, 2020] The normies, i.e. the uninformed masses who follow received opinion, have been well-trained to 'trust' the word of their masters, who want them panicking while the final looting of the treasury by the banksters takes place right in front of their noses.

    Virus is a real threat, but greed of banksters is even bigger threat
    Apr 01, 2020 |

    Maple Curtain , says: Show Comment March 31, 2020 at 2:27 pm GMT

    @anastasia The normies, i.e. the uninformed masses who follow received opinion, have been well-trained to 'trust' the word of their masters, who want them panicking while the final looting of the treasury by the banksters takes place right in front of their noses.

    But, once it becomes evident that the economic collapse has occurred and society has been looted, even the normies will begin to understand that the finance capitalists running their world were not doing so in the best interests of the people.

    [Apr 01, 2020] We are not hearing any statistics about flus, how many are hospitalized each year, and how many die from flu each year. This basis of comparison is not pertinent, is not newsworthy? The public has no interest in these things?

    Apr 01, 2020 |

    anastasia , says: Show Comment March 31, 2020 at 3:38 pm GMT

    ... ... ...

    What are they NOT hearing: We are not hearing any statistics about flus, how many are hospitalized each year, and how many die from flu each year. This basis of comparison is not pertinent, is not newsworthy? The public has no interest in these things?

    We are not hearing how many corona victims have been hospitalized in each area, in each hospital in NYC, how many are in regular rooms; how many are on ventilators or receiving oxygen. They are not filming in hospitals where the patients are. We are not seeing full emergency rooms.. We are not seeing people in those tents they are putting up everywhere. We are not seeing any people in the make-shift hospitals. We are not seeing any victims of this disease on ventilators in any hospitals. (unlike China that had every reporter in the middle of that contagion of the hospitals).

    Instead, whenever they talk about a hospital in New York, they show the same line at Elmhurst Hospital, which is the hospital where all Riker's Island prisoners go, where they ORDINARILY treat 200 patients per day, where they may have afree clinic, where they may be dispensing "methodone".

    We are not being told how many people over 80 die every few seconds in this country, as a basis for comparison. They are not giving us anything to compare these deaths they are posting every day, like stock market statistics, on every media station.

    ... ... ...

    [Apr 01, 2020] COVID-19 epidemic and the fairy tale about the emperor's new clothes.

    Apr 01, 2020 |

    German pulmonologist Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg favors the latter explanation, describing the epidemic as "hype" (his word in German) which has taken on a life of its own in spite of the facts and therefore merits further consideration:

    Every year we have new types of virus in the world. When tests were done in Glasgow coronaviruses were always present. In each year, coronaviruses were always part of the mix at a rate of 7 to 15 percent. In Wuhan they discovered a new strain of virus. Is this virus dangerous. . . .

    How can we know? It's important to compare the current data with data from previous years. But even if we look at the 7 to 15 percent who have the virus, we can't say that they died from it. The big question about mortality rates in Italy is where were the tests taken? If they were administered to severely ill people in hospitals, the death rate would naturally increase. The normal mortality rate for the seasonal flu is 0.1 percent. That means that one person out of a thousand dies every winter.

    It's obvious that the virologists have created something very sensational here which impressed the Chinese government. The Chinese government made a big deal out of it. It was suddenly very important politically in a way that had nothing to do with virology, prompting face recognition in airports, spot temperature checks to see if people had fever.

    And those measures had international consequences. Politicians suddenly had to take a stand. Something was fabricated. A network of information and opinions developed in these groups of experts, and the politicians turned to these groups of experts and they internalized their information network and began operation within its parameters.

    The politicians have instrumentalized this network of information in order to determine what measures need to be taken. All of these decisions have been derived from these arguments. That means it's going to be very difficult for a critic to say, "Stop, there's nothing going on."

    It reminds me of the fairy tale about the emperor's new clothes. Only a small child was able to say he was naked. The politicians are playing along with the scientists who want to seem important because they need money to support their operations. We want to be important; we want to earn money. Didn't the same thing happen last year? Is anything new going on here? [23] My translation from the German.

    Reports from Italy confirmed Wodarg's suspicions. On March 18, Italy's national health authority released a statement which showed that more than 99 percent of Italy's coronavirus fatalities have been people who suffered from previous medical conditions. The overwhelming majority of those who died while infected with the coronavirus were either old or had pre-existing conditions which made the virus worse. The average age of patients who succumbed to COVID-2019 was 81 years of age, about 20 years higher than the age of all patients who contracted the infection. The average age of women who died was 28 years higher. The greatest percentage of deaths (or 42.2 percent) occurred in the age group between 80 and 89 years, while 32.4 percent were between 70 and 79, 8.4 percent between 60 and 69, 2.8 percent between 50 and 59 and 14.1 percent over 90 years. Women who died after contracting COVI_D-2019 infection are older than men (median age women 83.4 – median age men 79.9). The average number of pathologies observed in this population is 3.4 (median 3, Standard Deviation 2.1). Overall, 15.5 percent of the sample had 0 or 1 pathologies, 18.3 percent had 2 pathologies and 67.2 percent had 3 or more pathologies. The most represented comorbidity is hypertension (present in 74.6 percent of the sample), followed by ischemic heart disease (70.4 percent) and diabetes mellitus (33.8 percent). [24] My translation from the Italian. Silvio Brusaferro, head of the Italian health service confirmed the fact that senior citizens and those with pre-existing conditions are more at risk. "We are talking about people who are very fragile and who live in close contact with others and the need to protect them as much as possible." [25] My translation from the Italian.

    anonymous [400] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 4:34 pm GMT

    Seems like government meddling often just makes things worse. In response to the disease airports shut down and thousands of people were herded into cramped, crowded areas of the airport. That's a good way of dealing with a highly communicable disease, get frightened and cram thousands of people together so they really will get it. This to prevent it, you see.
    Anon [548] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment March 26, 2020 at 12:50 am GMT
    I wish we could shut down all Billionaires foundations and phony charities, fire all their employees and sieze the trust-funds that pay into them to pay down the national debt.

    Its giving inherited gazillionaires too much money to play with. Honestly, piddling around with weaponized viruses via private foundation grant money thrown at foreign scientists with dual loyalties and dual passports. When one of them decides he resents one country or the other, what is to stop him from releasing the viruses he has been researching?

    The Alarmist , says: Show Comment March 26, 2020 at 11:13 am GMT
    Coronavirus and COVID-19 won't stop globalism; in fact, the global war on this virus makes globalism essential. Locking us down and force-feeding us the Left's Holy Trinity (Drugs, Porn, and Abortion) while depriving us any alternative viewpoints and sanity checks with other living, breathing human beings in an environment that fosters trust, e.g. in person and face to face, is how they'll grind us down to willing mind-numbed robots serving the New World Order in petty fiefdoms with imaginary borders designed to make it easier for the Criminal Elite to divvy up the loot they are at this very moment picking from our pockets in this Holy War against the pandemic.
    peter mcloughlin , says: Show Comment March 26, 2020 at 2:03 pm GMT
    Power and self-interest are as old as pestilence. They are the cause of continued war; they are the cause of the coming nuclear Armageddon. It is not the coronavirus that will destroy us – we will.
    John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan , says: Show Comment March 27, 2020 at 10:20 am GMT
    Just learned that Andrew Cuomo of all people is saying the same thing E. Michael Jones said about the error of quarantining sick old people with fit young people!

    [Apr 01, 2020] PM of Pakistan: I believe extreme poverty is the biggest disease and virus of the world.

    Apr 01, 2020 |

    Assad al-islam , says: Show Comment March 31, 2020 at 5:32 pm GMT

    The population in lockdown.

    Below is today's complete speech of PM of Pakistan. It is 17:13 minutes long and it is in Urdu addressed to his nation and people. What I understand he is saying due to extreme poverty in Pakistan, they cannot have complete lock down as they don't have the resources, and people will die of extreme hunger. Think about it how will it effect the entire world. I believe extreme poverty is the biggest disease and virus of the world. God has given us so many resources and only Israel is destroying these resources.

    We could ask our resident Pakistani Talha to probably help translate the speech of Pakistani PM!

    [Apr 01, 2020] I say why not "lock down" those age 70 and older, like no airline or bus travel? Let younger get back to work at places like restaurants, but use the posted fire code capacity and say only half as many people can come inside and chairs must be six feet from other tables

    Apr 01, 2020 |

    Carlton Meyer , says: Website Show Comment March 30, 2020 at 4:11 am GMT

    343 GIs Have Coronavirus, None Died

    There are no elderly or persons with serious health problems in the US military. So most are told to stay home for two weeks and they are fine.

    I was watching a video from Dr. Stephen Greer MD. He said that nearly everyone will eventually get this virus, it will float around for years. The current effort is to spread out the infection rate over a year so hospitals can treat sickly people who contract the disease. Otherwise they may be overwhelmed and lack the needed ventilators to save lives. He does say this is one of the most deadly stains so those vulnerable must be careful.

    I say why not "lock down" those age 70 and older, like no airline or bus travel? Let younger get back to work at places like restaurants, but use the posted fire code capacity and say only half as many people can come inside and chairs must be six feet from other tables. Reopen the schools, except for sickly children and teachers, and with no recess but staggered lunch times.

    TomSchmidt , says: Show Comment March 30, 2020 at 4:33 am GMT
    How will you know if the decision to lock down was wrong? What would you accept as evidence?

    Sweden has not chosen the lockdown. They have restricted large public gatherings, but kept schools open. If Sweden does not suffer a disaster, does that invalidate the lockdown?

    [Mar 30, 2020] Now, just imagine if Western governments invested a (sizeable) fraction of their warfare budgets into planning and prepping for civil emergencies, along with discussing and gaining the social buy-in to prepare their populations to respond positively in a non-military emergency.

    Mar 30, 2020 |

    Huskynut , says: Show Comment March 30, 2020 at 4:27 am GMT

    Nice column, Ron.

    Now, just imagine if Western governments invested a (sizeable) fraction of their warfare budgets into planning and prepping for civil emergencies, along with discussing and gaining the social buy-in to prepare their populations to respond positively in a non-military emergency.

    I'm certainly struggling to my core to believe any of the official channels and MSM around Covid. The virologists may be right this time, but the last 20 years of BS from 9/11 through Russiagate, the Skripals, the MH17 shootdown etc etc ad nauseum makes my intellectual immune system automatically reject the mainstream "truth" (hence looking to non-MSM sites for alternate perspectives).

    I realised today that my personal social compact with the (NZ) government was basically dead – I no longer trust them to represent my best interests. A vast change in perspective over a few short years.

    Regardless of how Covid turns out, I suspect the next few months may be the nail in the Western political coffin. Some relationships are so broken they can't be repaired..

    [Mar 30, 2020] An excellent resource for fighting the coronavirus panic

    Mar 30, 2020 |

    Jane , Mar 29 2020 17:46 utc | 17

    An excellent resource for the coronavirus panic is compiled by Swiss Propaganda Research. "According to the latest data published by the Italian Ministry of Health, overall mortality is now significantly higher in all age groups over 65 years of age, after having been below average due to the mild winter. Until March 14, overall mortality was still below the flu season of 2016/2017, but may have already exceeded it in the meantime. Most of this excess mortality currently comes from northern Italy. However, the exact role of Covid19, compared to other factors such as panic, healthcare collapse and the lockdown itself, is not yet clear." These points were also made by Dr John Ionnadis in a recent interview. It should be mentioned that the statistics for deaths from flu and pneumonia are usually lumped together. So for example, the US had 80,463 deaths from "flu and pneumonia" in 2017; the UK 32,120. Pneumonia does a lot of killing, even in a year that doesn't put the whole world on lockdown.

    Nathan Mulcahy , Mar 30 2020 2:21 utc | 127

    So what's the deal with Stanford Prof. John Ioannidis's take? He makes very good points. Dr John Ioannidis

    Similarly, lots of supporting information from Europe:

    And here, two more Stanford professors ">">

    Then I see MSM's 24/7 coverage. Am I missing something?

    Peter AU1 , Mar 30 2020 3:04 utc | 131
    Nathan Mulcahy "Am I missing something?"

    The matching half of what is happening in Italy for starters. What those on the front lines are saying. Only trying to save those under sixty or sixty five due to lack of ventilators and so forth would have the effect of pushing the average age of the deceased up.

    There is much about large numbers of undiagnosed cases. This requires pulling numbers out of arses.

    Part the reason for the thinking on large numbers of undiagnosed cases is the belief that everyone will catch this disease. Spanish flue only hit about 20 - 25% of the population.

    Coronavirus cruise ships showing similar percentage. Possibly only 20 - 25% of the population will contract the virus resulting in various levels of illness.

    If this is the case, then deaths as a percentage of the population will be less, but mortality amongst those susceptible to the disease is higher.

    There is also percent damage amongst survivors to consider. Many critical cases that survive will suffer permanent lung damage. It will be some time before we have a good idea of how much permanent damage has been done to how many people, but this needs to be right up alongside deaths when looking at the human cost of the virus.

    [Mar 29, 2020] During the "War on Death" (see at Off-Guardian), the first two casualties, entirely wiped out the media, were actually the two actors that occupied most of it in the preceding weeks: migrants and demonstrators

    Mar 29, 2020 |

    Mina , Mar 28 2020 16:42 utc | 14

    During the "War on Death" (see at Off-Guardian), the first two casualties, entirely wiped out the media, were actually the two actors that occupied most of it in the preceding weeks: migrants and demonstrators. no need to ask cui bono?

    [Mar 29, 2020] COVID-19 The Craziest Things About America Highlighted by this Virus

    Mar 29, 2020 |

    ... ... ...

    The insanity of America's war machine has been highlighted as awareness grows during a global health emergency that government military spending negatively impacts government healthcare spending and the U.S. has the most bloated military budget on the planet. Now as journalist Max Blumenthal explains this war machine's escalating hostility toward China is causing Americans to needlessly die of the virus.

    America's fake political system has been highlighted as the Democratic Party's presumptive nominee completely vanished for a week and then returned to deliver an embarrassing string of befuddled interviews upon his return, reminding the nation once again that the Democrats are running an actual, literal dementia patient for the most powerful elected office in the world. Biden will of course be running against an incoherent reality TV star who only last week decided that the virus is indeed a real problem which needs to be seriously addressed, and who now already wants to begin rolling back the inadequate measures his administration implemented far too late. The debates between two men who don't understand what they're doing and can't string a sentence together between them will soon be broadcast around the world for all of civilization to behold.

    America's lying mass media are being highlighted with propagandistic lines that would make Kim Jong Un blush, like The New York Times describing the American medical system as "unsurpassed." We can safely expect U.S. media to get even more demented as they expand their hysteria-inducing new cold war propaganda campaign against Russia to China as well.

    America's murderous sanctions machine has been highlighted as the U.S. continues ramping up its economic warfare against Iranian civilians, with thousands already dead and potentially millions to follow due to Tehran's inability to access necessary equipment, medicine and resources during the pandemic. The Trump administration has not eased the sanctions during the outbreak, and has in fact added to them , because killing Iranian civilians has always been the goal. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has gone on record to say that the objective is to make Iranian civilians so miserable and desperate that they overthrow their own government.

    So basically everything crazy about America is being amplified to absurd caricatures of its own insanity and highlighted for everyone to see. There's a lot of ugliness coming out into the light as a result of this virus, which may end up being one of its few perks for everyone. As they say of both viruses and governments, sunlight is the best disinfectant.

    Caitlin Johnstone is a rogue journalist, poet, and utopia prepper who publishes regularly at Medium . Follow her work on Facebook , Twitter , or her website . She has a podcast and a book, " Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers ."

    This article was re-published with permission.

    [Mar 29, 2020] The Propaganda Of Terror And Fear A Lesson From Recent History

    Mar 29, 2020 |

    by Tyler Durden Sat, 03/28/2020 - 23:45 Authored by Dr Piers Robinson, Co-Director Organisation for Propaganda Studies, via ,

    The ongoing and unfolding reactions to the Coronavirus look set to have wide-ranging and long-lasting effect on politics, society and economics. The drive to close down all activities is extraordinary as are the measures being promoted to isolate people from each other.

    The deep-rooted fear of contagious disease, hardwired into the collective consciousness by historical events such as the 'Black/Bubonic Plague' and maintained through popular culture (e.g. the Hollywood movies Outbreak and Contagion ), means that people are without question highly susceptible to accepting extreme emergency measures whether or not such measures are rational or justified. The New York Times called for America to be put on a war footing in order to deal with Corona whilst former Army General Stanley McChrystal has been invoking his 9/11 experience in order to prescribe lessons for today's leaders.

    At the same time, political actors are fully aware that these conditions of fear and panic provide a critical opportunity that can be exploited in order to pursue political, economic and societal objectives. It is very likely, however, that the dangers posed by the potential exploitation of Corona for broader political, economic and societal objectives latter far outweigh the immediate threat to life and health from the virus. A lesson from recent history is instructive here.


    The events of September 11 2001 represent a key moment in contemporary history. The destruction of three skyscrapers in New York after the impact of two airliners and an attack on the Pentagon, killing around 3000 civilians, shocked both American and global publics. The horror of seeing aircraft being flown into buildings, followed by the total destruction of three high rise buildings within a matter of seconds, and the spectre of a shadowy band of Islamic fundamentalists (Al Qaeda) having pulled off such devastating attacks, gripped the imagination of many in the Western world.

    It was in this climate of paranoia and fear that extraordinary policies were implemented. The USA Patriot Act led to significant civil liberty restrictions whilst the mass surveillance of the digital environment became normalized.

    In the United States torture was authorized in the name of preventing terrorism whilst the Guantanamo Bay facility in Cuba became a site in which accused individuals have been held without any adequate legal protection or due process.

    Remarkably, the individual accused of leading the alleged 9/11 plot, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who 'confessed' to CIA interrogators after being 'waterboarded' 183 times, has recently received his trial date , set for January 11 2021 and 20 years after 9/11. Civil liberty restrictions, mass surveillance and torture were only a sub-strand of the major war-fighting-policy that was enabled by 9/11.

    Presented at the time as America's 'New Pearl Harbour', 9/11 provided the conditions for a series of major regime-change wars which persist until today.

    Critically, these wars have not been primarily about combatting 'Islamic fundamentalist terrorism'/Al Qaeda, but rather attacking 'enemy' states. Indeed, the evidence that the 9/11 event and the alleged threat of 'Islamic fundamentalist' was then exploited in order to pursue a geo-politically motivated set of regime-change wars which had little connection to the purported Al Qaeda threat is well established.

    Former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, Wesley Clark, famously went public in 2006/7 stating that immediately after 9/11 he had been informed that the US was intending to attack seven countries within five years including Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan and Iran. Clark stated:

    He [the Joint Staff officer] picked up a piece of paper, he said I just got this down from upstairs, from the Secretary of Defence's office today, and he said this is a memo that describes how we are gonna take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and finishing off Iran.

    Clark's claims have recently been corroborated by retired Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson (chief of staff to Colin Powell and Iraq War planner) who stated that he had actually seen the same plans Clark was referring to many months prior to 9/11:

    My first briefing in the Pentagon from an Air Force three-star general in February of 2001 I almost fell of my chair because their briefing included on the one hand the Air Force's ability to take out 80 to 90% of the targets in North Korea in the first few hours of an aerial strike on that country to hey when we do Iraq we're gonna do Syria and Lebanon and we're going to do Iran and maybe Egypt but this was more than that [just contingency planning] Wes Clark is right they had these plans they were going to go right through all these countries that they felt threatened Israel all through those countries that they felt threatened 25-30% of the world's oil passing through the Strait of Hormuz.

    Documentary evidence for these claims has come by way of the UK Chilcot Inquiry into the 2003 Iraq War. For example, a report quoted a British embassy cable, dated 15 September 2001, explained that '[t]he "regime-change hawks" in Washington are arguing that a coalition put together for one purpose [against international terrorism] could be used to clear up other problems in the region.' Another document released by Chilcot shows British Prime Minister Tony Blair and US President George Bush discussing phases one and two of the 'war on terror' and when to hit particular countries. Blair writes:

    If toppling Saddam is a prime objective, it is far easier to do it with Syria and Iran in favour or acquiescing rather than hitting all three at once.

    The regime-change wars that have flowed directly and indirectly from 9/11 continue to this day. War and conflict continues in Afghanistan and Iraq whilst the nine-year-long war in Syria has borne witness to extensive and illegal policies pursued by Western governments including the funding and arming of extremist groups coupled with support for groups actually aligned with Al Qaeda . Iran continues to be subjected to US hybrid warfare tactics including sanctions and covert operations whilst the threat of military action is very clear and present.

    The human cost of these wars, built upon the ruthless exploitation of public fear of terrorism in order to pursue multiple 'regime-change' wars, has been huge. According to the Brown University 'Costs of War Project', the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have killed a combined 480,000 to 507,000 civilians , coalition military members, and foreign fighters, with an untold number having been maimed and disfigured. IPPNW estimated that the first ten years of the 'war on terror' in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan killed 1.3 million people.

    Since 2011, in Syria alone, over 400,000 people have died as a result of war. The numbers of people displaced as a result of these conflicts are also extremely high; wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Syria have wrought a combined 9.39 million refugees, 10.78 million internally displaced peoples, and 830,000 asylum seekers. In addition, there are persisting and very serious concerns with respect to the possible involvement of state actors with the event of 9/11.

    Recent and critical developments regarding the events of 9/11 include the publication this week of the University of Alaska study of the WTC7 Collapse which confirms that the official US government investigation was wrong if not plain fraudulent. Other important developments include publication last year of the 9/11 Consensus Panel evidence and increasing scrutiny of the official narrative from mainstream academics .

    Overall, the 9/11 global 'war on terror' is increasingly coming to be understood particularly across the world as, first and foremost, a remarkable propaganda campaign designed to enable violent conflict in the international system and with its effects and objectives being far wider and deeper than had been suggested by official narratives regarding the need to combat Al Qaeda.


    The lesson of 9/11 is that major events can become what scholar Peter Dale Scott describes as deep events which are exploited by political actors in order to precipitate and manage major political, economic and social shifts. 9/11 became, in effect, the deep event that enabled 20 years of unfettered Western warfare abroad and severe civil liberty restrictions and extensive surveillance at home.

    At the time of 9/11 many people in the West were terrified of terrorism. Public opposition to the invasion of Afghanistan (the first regime war to flow within months of 9/11) was almost impossible without being accused of being reckless in the 'fight against terrorism' or of being an 'Al Qaeda' sympathizer. Muslims throughout the West were widely despised. US President George Bush declared that 'you are either with us or against us'. The parallels with what is happening today are obvious.

    Is the Coronavirus a new 9/11, a new deep event? We cannot yet be sure, as of this writing. Perhaps the current strategy of suspending basic liberties will work to effectively eliminate all threats posed by the virus. Governments will then restore the civil liberties currently being suspended and all will fairly quickly return to the way things were before. Perhaps the economy will confidently weather the fallout from the 'lockdowns' and everything will return to business as usual.

    And perhaps a sober 'lessons learned' review will lead to public health officials developing reasonable and balanced plans, such as developing sufficient capacity for rapid testing and tracing, which can be deployed the next time a sufficiently dangerous virus starts to spread thus avoiding terrifying publics and implementing draconian measures that inflict significant damage to the social and economic fabric of society.

    Or perhaps not. It may be that, as British journalist Peter Hitchens has been warning , the loss of liberty and basic rights will continue indefinitely as governments greedily hold on to their increased powers of control over their citizenry.

    Similarly, Italian journalist Stefania Maurizi has warned about the risks in Italy of state authorities, hostile to open societies and the political left, exploiting Corona in order to increase their control.

    An obvious concern here is whether there will be a permanent impact on mass gatherings and protests. James Corbett warns of a permanent state of 'medical martial law' and there is certainly the very real possibility of the normalization of government-imposed quarantine and other freedom of movement restrictions.

    Margaret Kimberley of the US-based Black Agenda Report warns that Corona may be used as a way of covering up both economic crisis and collapse . She notes that the Federal Reserve 'recently threw Wall Street a $1.5 trillion lifeline which only kicked the can down the road. The can has been kicked ever since the Great Recession of 2008'. The likely destruction of small businesses might allow for ever greater corporate choke-hold on the economy with more people forced into the corporate workforce.

    There is certainly the danger that COVID-19 will be exploited in order to distract from severe economic problems whilst also enabling the pursuit of new economic strategies which worsen rather than mitigate the social inequalities that already tarnish Western countries.

    And, of course those actors behind the regime-change wars that flowed from 9/11 may use the Coronavirus to increase pressure on the countries they have been targeting for the last 20 years and those they wish to target in the future.

    Already we have seen the regime-change advocate John Bolton blaming China for the Corona Virus whilst the New York Times reported that US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and national security adviser Robert C. O'Brien were 'arguing that tough action while Iran's leaders were battling the corona virus ravaging the country could finally push then into direct negotiations'.

    ABC news report that, despite the Coronavirus, US and UAE troops have held a major military exercise 'that saw forces seize a sprawling model Mideast city'. It is also worth nothing here the recent US assassination of Iranian General Solemeni and the on-going proxy battles between US forces and Iranian-backed groups in Iraq. The possibility of Corona being exploited in order to further the regime change wars we have seen over the last 20 years is extremely likely and it would be naïve in the extreme to think otherwise.

    Whatever the COVID-19 event may or may not be, the fundamental lesson of the last 20 years is that governments can and do exploit, even manipulate, events in order to pursue political, social, military and economic objectives. Fearful populations are frequently irrational ones, vulnerable and malleable. Now is not the time for deference to authority and reluctance to speak out.

    It is time for publics to get informed, think calmly and rationally, and to robustly scrutinize and challenge what their governments are doing. The dangers of failing to do this likely far surpass the immediate threat posed by the Coronavirus.

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    [Mar 28, 2020] May be the virus is the Nature s immune system, and we are the virus.

    Mar 23, 2020 |

    Kurt D. , 8 hours ago

    It's Nature's immune system, we are the virus.

    [Mar 28, 2020] NYT bad habit of falling for falling for frauds and making them famous

    Highly recommended!
    Mar 26, 2020 |

    Stephen Paul Foster , says: Website Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 11:17 am GMT

    @niteranger "For example, New York Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof on Sunday reported the disheartening analysis of Dr. Neil Ferguson of Britain, one of the world's leading epidemiologists."

    Nicholas Kristoff has the bad habit of falling for falling for frauds and making them famous. "Three cups of tea" for starters. He's got a long track record of peddling fake stuff.

    [Mar 28, 2020] Looks like in Italy Coronavirus mostly speed up the demise of already severely sick and very old persons.

    Mar 28, 2020 |

    Brabantian , says: Show Comment March 27, 2020 at 4:31 pm GMT

    Extensive details from medical professionals, on just what an exaggerated scam this coronavirus Covid-19 panic is

    In reality, what we have is a somewhat worse flu season 99% affecting the elderly and chronically ill, e.g., a young person dying turned out to have hidden leukemia

    'A Swiss Doctor on Covid-19'
    published by Swiss Propaganda Research
    also here
    (Much material is below the original article and footnotes, in the daily updates toward the bottom)

    [Hide MORE]

    Most major media falsely report that Italy has up to 800 deaths per day from the coronavirus. In reality, the president of the Italian Civil Protection Service stresses that these are deaths WITH the coronavirus and not FROM the coronavirus. In other words, these persons died while also testing positive [not nececessarily causal]

    Between those who died *from* the coronavirus and those who died *with* the coronavirus, it is not clear whether the person died from the pre-existing chronic diseases

    Renowned Italian virologist Giulio Tarro argues that the mortality rate of Covid19 is below 1% even in Italy and is therefore comparable to influenza. The higher values only arise because no distinction is made between deaths with and by Covid19 and because the number of (symptom-free) infected persons is greatly underestimated.

    Stanford Professor John Ioannidis showed that the age-corrected lethality of Covid19 is between 0.025% and 0.625%, i.e. in the range of a strong cold or the flu

    A Japanese study showed that of all the test-positive cruise passengers, and despite high average age, 48% remained completely symptom-free; even among the 80-89 year olds 48% remained symptom-free, while among 70 to 79 year olds it was an astounding 60% that developed no symptoms at all.

    The Italian example has shown that 99% of test-positive deaths had one or more pre-existing conditions, and even among these, only 12% of the death certificates mentioned Covid19 as a causal factor.

    Average age of the positively-tested deceased in Italy is currently about 81 years. 10% of the deceased are over 90 years old. 90% of the deceased are over 70 years old.

    80% of the deceased had suffered from two or more chronic diseases. 50% of the deceased had suffered from three or more chronic diseases.

    Less than 1% of deceased were healthy persons

    Northern Italy has one of the oldest populations and the worst air quality in Europe, which had already led to an increased number of respiratory diseases and deaths in the past

    Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera points out that Italian intensive care units already collapsed under the marked flu wave in 2017/2018.

    Argentinean virologist and biochemist Pablo Goldschmidt explains that Covid19 is no more dangerous than a bad cold or the flu.

    Dr. Goldschmidt speaks of a „global terror" created by the media and politics. Every year, he says, three million newborns worldwide and 50,000 adults in the US alone die of pneumonia.

    German Professor Karin Moelling, former Chair of Medical Virology at the University of Zurich, stated in an interview that Covid19 is „no killer virus" and that „panic must end".

    Countries like South Korea and Japan that introduced no lockdown measures have experienced near-zero excess mortality in connection with Covid-19

    Swiss deaths so far were also high-risk patients with chronic diseases, an average age of more than 80 years and a maximum age of 97 years

    According to all current data, for the healthy general population of school and working age, a mild to moderate course of Covid-19 can be expected.

    Official data on deaths from pneumonia in the US. There are usually between 3000 and 5500 deaths per week and thus significantly more than the current figures for Covid19

    [Mar 28, 2020] No one of normal intelligence can avoid being a skeptic. We are all skeptics these days. The MSM is nothing but a lie-box, the blaring loudspeakers on every corner pouring out disinformation 24/7

    Mar 28, 2020 |

    anonymous [400] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment March 26, 2020 at 10:13 pm GMT

    There are inevitably skeptics

    No one of normal intelligence can avoid being a skeptic. We are all skeptics these days. The MSM is nothing but a lie-box, the blaring loudspeakers on every corner pouring out disinformation 24/7. So if the story is that this is a killer virus many people assume just the opposite. It's clearly a golden opportunity for a massive power grab as well as tapping into the public till. Can't blame people for having become reflexive cynics. When the music stops we'll see who ends up with the chairs.

    [Mar 28, 2020] It is irresponsible to spread panic

    Mar 28, 2020 |

    Angry Bear " Mobile morgues in preparation

    Dan Crawford | March 27, 2020 8:48 pm

    Healthcare I just received this as a text from an ICU worker in a medium size hospital not in NY, CA, Washington, Illinois, nor Louisiana.
    1. Ken Houghton , March 27, 2020 11:20 pm

      Posting pictures from NJ , eh, Dan?

    2. likbez , March 28, 2020 1:04 am

      > Posting pictures from NJ, eh, Dan?

      It is irresponsible to spread panic in such cases.

      From what I see the spread of the virus is slightly slowing in the USA starting from March 21.

      It is still exponential but with lower base. So Trump assertion that in the second half of April the epidemic might subside is not completely out of touch with reality.

      Also effects from the measures which were put in place since March 11 only now start coming into play.

      I notices more and more people are wearing masks in public places.

      In some countries (Czech Republic is one example) appearance without a mask in public places now is a punishable offence.

      In Russia breaking mandatory 14 day quarantine for those who arrives from abroad is a punishable offence.

      Human societies are highly adaptable. Also losses so far did not lead to increased morality. Actually it is the first pandemic in history in which average weekly morality in certain countries either stayed the same or dropped. GB in February is one example.

      To provide you a proper perspective, the number of victims from COVID-19 for three month of the epidemic existence is slightly less than the number of births in three hours

      The UNICEF estimates that an average of 353,000 babies are born each day around the world.

    [Mar 27, 2020] Fauci backtracking on the severity of COVID started

    Mar 27, 2020 |

    Allen , Mar 27 2020 13:43 utc | 197

    It appears that Oz himself is backtracking a bit on the severity of COVID:

    On the basis of a case definition requiring a diagnosis of pneumonia, the currently reported case fatality rate is approximately 2%.4 In another article in the Journal, Guan et al.5 report mortality of 1.4% among 1099 patients with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19; these patients had a wide spectrum of disease severity.

    If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.

    - Anthony Fauci

    [Mar 27, 2020] As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK

    Mar 27, 2020 |

    robt Ossian the Bard 11 hours ago

    From the UK Government: Status of COVID-19

    As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK....They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.

    The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID.

    [Mar 27, 2020] As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK

    Mar 27, 2020 |

    DeQuincey , Mar 27 2020 0:16 utc | 91

    "As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK."

    Quietly announced by the UK government on March 23rd.

    dennis , Mar 27 2020 1:00 utc | 94

    DeQuincey | Mar 27 2020 0:16 utc | 91

    UK downgrades SARS CoV 2 /COVID -19

    One of the UK's top experts seems to have backtracked over his predictions to the significance of this virus:

    Armstrong interpets:
    "Ferguson now says both that the U.K. should have enough ICU beds and that the coronavirus will probably kill under 20,000 people in the U.K. and interestingly he now admits that more than half of whom would have died by the end of the year in any case because they were so old and sick. Ferguson now predicts that the epidemic in the U.K. will peak and subside within "two to three weeks" after advocating 18+ months of quarantine would be necessary."

    Imperial College (Ferguson's Employer) Twitter a/c says it differntly:
    He told the committee current predictions were that the NHS would be able to cope if strict measures continued to be followed.

    Professor Ferguson, who is also Director of MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, added: "There will be some areas that are extremely stressed but we are reasonably confident – which is all we can be at the current time – that at the national level we will be within capacity."

    [Mar 26, 2020] 'The director of the German National Health Institute (RKI) confirmed that they count all test-positive deaths, irrespective of the actual cause of death, as coronavirus deaths". The average age of the deceased is 82 years, most with serious preconditions. As in most other countries, excess mortality due Covid19 is likely to be near zero in Germany.'

    Mar 26, 2020 |

    cranc , says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 8:04 am GMT

    I think that Ron Unz is gravely mistaken in his analysis here.
    There is a growing body of opinion amongst medical professionals and academics that questions the benefits of a lockdown balanced against what we know of the danger from the virus. Ron has not included any of this in his article here, and he should.
    Studies are emerging which are indeed showing that infection stats may be orders of magnitude higher than official estimates, that hospitalisation rates are therefore much lower, and the overall threat overshaddowed by the consequences of closing down the economy and open society.
    As ever the media is the prime culprit in spreading fear and hysteria. Alt media have an obligation to question the very basis of the covid pandemic response.
    'The director of the German National Health Institute (RKI) confirmed that they count all test-positive deaths, irrespective of the actual cause of death, as „coronavirus deaths". The average age of the deceased is 82 years, most with serious preconditions. As in most other countries, excess mortality due Covid19 is likely to be near zero in Germany.'
    12 experts speak out:
    From yesterday in WSJ ('Is The Coronavirus as Deadly as They Say?'):
    A study from Oxford University Epdemiologists confirming doubts about lethality:
    Even the UK government website confirms that the covid virus has been re-classified as no longer on the register of High Consequence Infectious Diseases (on March 19th, just before the government closed down the whole society).
    There is more going on here than the virus. Maybe it is incompetence and panic, or something more disturbing. Either way, alt media voices have a duty to report the growing doubt about how deadly this virus really is or isn't.
    Alfred , says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 9:01 am GMT

    According to Dr. Ferguson the "best case" scenario is that the Coronavirus will kill over a million Americans.

    According to the pie chart below, which is based on the Italian experience, 99.2% of those who die have one or more pre-existing health condition. I suspect that if you were to exclude those under 60, the result would go up to 99.9%

    This data strongly suggests that only those who are over 60 should be obliged to remain at home. This virus has seemingly been going around the USA since last September and a lot of those who caught it and died were classified as flu victims or something else.

    Every year, several millions die in the USA. That is normal. The deaths allegedly from this virus would have probably died anyway. At worst, their useless lives would have been curtailed by one or two years. Don't forget that 90% of a person's lifetime health costs are expended in the past year of "life". BTW, I am 69 so don't accuse me of ageism or any such nonsense please.

    [Mar 26, 2020] Accuracy of death data is high suspect

    Mar 26, 2020 |

    Realist , says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 11:24 am GMT

    Similarly, New York reported its first death on March 14th. Yet just ten days later, deaths in that state were running at 50 per day, and rapidly accelerating.

    You mean first death attributed to Covid-19 after testing started. How many died of Covid-19 before testing? It is not known at what stage of the epidemic, testing started therefore accuracy of data is suspect.

    [Mar 26, 2020] Virus hype and Hubei province reality

    Mar 26, 2020 |

    Weston Waroda , says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 3:22 pm GMT

    The Coronavirus epidemic may soon produce the greatest American disaster since our Civil War over 150 years ago, and numbers reveal the possible magnitude.

    The current data out of China, and Wuhan in particular, suggest otherwise. They have closed all 19 temporary hospitals set up there to treat the coronavirus infections. The only way you can believe a minimum of one million Americans will die from the coronavirus is to believe that these figures from Hubei province have been falsified in some way.

    Hubei, China
    Confirmed: 67,801
    Deaths: 3,163
    Recovered: 60,811
    Existing: 3,827

    Nevertheless, your figures are very sobering.

    [Mar 26, 2020] There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.

    Mar 26, 2020 |

    follyofwar , says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 3:26 pm GMT

    @niteranger When considering what the authorities, both medical and political, are constantly telling us about how deadly this pandemic is, I think back to my college Statistics course of nearly 50 years ago. On the first day of class the professor told the old joke that "there are lies, damned lies, and statistics." I'm sure most who read here have heard of that bromide, but it is still well to keep it in mind. Don't forget, most have an agenda.

    [Mar 26, 2020] If the New York Post is correct in reporting that half the UK population have already been infected with Covid-19, while only 422 deaths have resulted, we can infer that the death rate from this virus is in the order of 0.0006%, give or take the odd zero.

    Mar 26, 2020 |

    CanSpeccy , says: Website Show Comment Next New Comment March 25, 2020 at 5:03 pm GMT

    If the New York Post is correct in reporting that half the UK population have already been infected with Covid-19 , while only 422 deaths have resulted, we can infer that the death rate from this virus is in the order of 0.0006%, give or take the odd zero.

    If that's the case, then maybe I don't need to worry that most of the people where I live seem, like St-Germain, above, too dumb to understand the meaning of the term social distancing .

    [Mar 26, 2020] In Italy for seniors in high risk group time between symptoms and death is just around eight day

    Mar 26, 2020 |

    For the victims of coronavirus the median time from the first symptoms to hospitalization is 4 days, and the median time to death is 8 days, according to a report by the Italian National Institute of Health.

    The study comes as the number of Covid-19 deaths in the country continues to increase. On Wednesday, the number of people who have died from coronavirus jumped to 2,978, recording the largest one-day increase - 475 - since the beginning of the outbreak, while the​​​​​​​ number of infected people rose to over 28,000.

    According to the study, which was run on 2,003 patients who have died from coronavirus, the most affected region is Lombardy reporting around 71.1% of the deaths, followed by Emilia-Romagna (17.3%) and Veneto (3.9%).

    The​​​​​​​ median age of death is 80.5 while the median age of the people who got infected is 63. As of March 17, among the coronavirus victims only 17 people were younger than age 50 and only 30% were women. The​​​​​​​ majority of patients were treated with antibiotics (83%), while antiviral therapies were used in 52% of cases.

    According to the study, most of the people who have died suffered from previous illnesses before contracting the coronavirus. Based on a sample of 355 out of 2003 fatalities, the institute found that almost half of the victims had three or more illnesses, a quarter had either two or one prior medical condition - such as high blood pressure (76%), diabetes (35.5%) and heart disease (33%) - and only 3 people, or 0.8% of the sample, had no previous illnesses.

    [Mar 26, 2020] Oxford's Centre for Evidence Based Medicine is providing regular updates of an estimate of the infection fatality rate for Covid-19. Their current estimate is 0.20% (95% CI, 0.17 to 0.25).

    Mar 26, 2020 |

    Ami , says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 6:36 am GMT

    @NPleeze Oxford's Centre for Evidence Based Medicine is providing regular updates of an estimate of the infection fatality rate for Covid-19. Their current estimate is 0.20% (95% CI, 0.17 to 0.25).

    Two Stanford doctors writing in The Wall Street Journal suggest that the fatality rate could be as low as 0.01%, which is about one-tenth the mortality of seasonal flu. They suggest that a better strategy than widespread lockdowns would be to focus on protecting vulnerable members of the population, particularly the elderly.

    Both of these estimates would result in far, far fewer deaths than the garbage-in garbage-out models produced by Imperial College and others.

    [Mar 26, 2020] Feamongering about with young patient from the NYT

    Looks like another NYT dirty trick.
    Note the author: Fiona Lowenstein is a writer, producer, and yoga teacher and the founder of the queer feminist wellness collective, Body Politic.
    Fiona did not tell us whether the patient has any illicit drug history or smoked marijuana, etc. Most "waping pneumonia" victims were young.
    Mar 25, 2020 |

    Anon [279] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 6:04 am GMT

    @Trinity How about this one from the NYT:

    I'm 26. Coronavirus Sent Me to the Hospital.
    I'm 26. I don't have any prior autoimmune or respiratory conditions. I work out six times a week, and abstain from cigarettes. I thought my role in the current health crisis would be as an ally to the elderly and compromised. Then, I was hospitalized for Covid-19.

    That night I woke up in the middle of the night with chills, vomiting, and shortness of breath. By Monday, I could barely speak more than a few words without feeling like I was gasping for air. I couldn't walk to the bathroom without panting as if I'd run a mile. On Monday evening, I tried to eat, but found I couldn't get enough oxygen while doing so. Any task that was at all anxiety-producing -- even resetting my MyChart password to communicate with my doctor -- left me desperate for oxygen.

    While I was shocked at the development of my symptoms and my ultimate hospitalization, the doctors and nurses were not at all surprised. After I was admitted, I was told that there was a 30-year-old in the next room who was also otherwise healthy, but who had also experienced serious trouble breathing. The hospital staff told me that more and more patients my age were showing up at the E.R. I am thankful to my partner for calling the hospital when my breathing worsened, and to the doctor who insisted we come in. As soon as I received an oxygen tube, I began to feel slight relief. I was lucky to get to the hospital early in the crisis, and receive very attentive care.

    This one is even worse:
    What I learned when my husband got sick with coronavirus

    Agathoklis , says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 7:01 am GMT
    @NPleeze The reason younger Americans are dying is because Americans are extremely unhealthy. I wager all the very sick younger Americans are obese, probably with diabetes, don't exercise, and eat unhealthy foods, leading to heart and other weaknesses.

    Precisely. We have received several reports recently of young people being hospitalised and some even dying. However, the reports do not specify the condition of those young people. In places like the US, the youth are very unhealthy so it would not surprising to discover the youth requiring hospitalisation are obese or drug takers.

    eterike , says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 12:44 pm GMT

    How about this one from the NYT:

    Hmmm, let's look at the author.

    Fiona Lowenstein is a writer, producer, and yoga teacher and the founder of the queer feminist wellness collective, Body Politic.

    From her selfie, she also appears to be an Orthodox Jew, though apparently one of those classic New York breakaway (sorta) types.

    Now, did anyone from the Times validate her story? Of course they didn't. They are desperate for stories like this. My guess is the entire thing is made up. She looks perfectly well in her few other hospital selfies on her Instagram. You think people like this wouldn't rig those photos?

    PS -- Her Instagram has a number of bikini shots. Guess what that means.

    Anonymous [249] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment Next New Comment March 26, 2020 at 12:48 am GMT


    I'm 26. I don't have any prior autoimmune or respiratory conditions. I work out six times a week, and abstain from cigarettes.

    The highly specific listing of non-symptoms suggests that the patient did have other co-morbidities, such as obesity, diabetes etc. Did he/she smoke weed? Smoke cigarettes in the past ?

    If he/she had been entirely healthy prior to the infection, he could simply have said so.

    [Mar 26, 2020] Another coup is happening now

    Mar 26, 2020 |

    Allen , Mar 25 2020 18:26 utc | 12

    Another coup is happening here:

    Stop the $6 Trillion Coronavirus Corporate Coup!
    Matt Stoller

    What Is In This Bill?

    Congress is going to pass a bill with a lot of important stuff for workers, hospitals, cities and small business, and to address the pandemic. That's inevitable. And the bill on the table includes some of this. The question though is what else the bill includes, and that's where we get into trouble. Because while we have to deal with the pandemic and crisis, we do not have to fundamentally eliminate the economic rights of all of us in the process.

    Now, first I should say I don't have the final deal in hand because it's not public. I have only seen versions of the negotiating text. But I'm fairly sure most of these provisions haven't changed, because the final sticking points were over various direct pandemic spending pieces. If I get that wrong, I'll tell you in an update.

    On Saturday, I went over the Christmas wish list of corporate lobbyists in this process, everything from Adidas letting people deduct gym costs to candymakers seeking a $500 million loan to Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk seeking $5B in loans for their space corporations. Of course what Wall Street sought, and got, dwarfed all of these requests.

    Here's how you can tell. A lot of reporters have been talking about how this is a $2 trillion deal, with a bunch of spending for hospitals and whatnot. But last night White House advisor Larry Kudlow announced it is actually a $6 trillion deal. And business reporter Charlie Gasparino said he's hearing chatter that the total will be $10 trillion! Say what?!?

    Charles Gasparino

    i hear its $10 trillion or higher when all is said and done

    Matt Stoller @matthewstoller

    People are not internalizing what is happening. A $6 trillion credit allocation to Wall Street isn't a corporate handout, it's a coup. These numbers are a thorough restructuring of America.

    March 24th 2020

    How does this work? How can Wall Street have one impression of the amount of money, and everyone else have a different impression? Easy. Confusion, lying and bad reporting. If important people don't talk about the boring sounding big stuff, then us non-important people sound crazy or nerdy mentioning it. It's a giant game of social climbing, and the goal is to make all of us afraid to point out what's going on. (Incidentally I hope Rep. Brad Sherman, who is an accountant and a key anti-bailout leader, really delves into this.)

    So let's talk about the big stuff that McConnell, Schumer and Pelosi are hiding.
    The bill establishes a series of boring-sounding slush funds, and these will be given strange alphabet soup names by the Federal Reserve and Treasury, names like 'special purpose vehicle' and 'ABS' and 'TALF' and FDIC bank guarantees. That's where the real money is. Here are some of these slush funds, starting with the ones that are more understandable:

    $50 billion in loans and loan guarantees to airlines

    $8 billion in loans and loan guarantees to air cargo carriers

    $17 billion in loans and loan guarantees to "businesses critical to national security"

    A $425 billion fund for loans and investments to be used at the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin. He can use it to loan money, buy stock, buy bonds, whatever.

    Obviously helping certain enterprises is important, so I'm not opposed to industry aid.
    But the terms and conditions matter, and based on what I'm seeing, I don't believe there will be meaningful restrictions on this aid. Executives and financiers are going to profit off of taxpayer money.

    So that's the stuff that's been reported. Here's what hasn't, and why the bill goes up in value to $6-10 trillion.

    An additional $4 trillion from the Federal Reserve in lending power to be lent to big corporations and banks.

    Authorization to bail out money market funds, multi-trillion dollar unregulated bank-like deposits for the superrich.

    Authorization for the the government through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to guarantee trillions of dollars of risky bank debt.

    karlof1 , Mar 25 2020 18:48 utc | 13

    Allen @12--

    Stoller's concluding paragraphs:

    "We can fight this bill. Remember, Congress is going to pass a bill with a lot of important stuff for workers, hospitals, cities and small business, and to address the pandemic. That's inevitable. If we do stop it, Congress will simply pass the same bill, strip out all the slush funds, and take that stuff on in a few weeks. This is a crisis, they are getting sick, and they know we have to act.

    "Even if this bill passes, we can keep fighting against the misuse of such a giant corporate slush fund, and continue to build a left-right coalition against cronyism. The one thing I have learned in politics is that we are not powerless, if we are honest about the moral terms .

    "A lot of people are likely to die in the next few months, and it is going to be awful. And this is largely because of the same reckless leadership class that is now using this moment to hand political power over to financiers. But all of us are learning lessons about what it means to build a more resilient, free and democratic society and business community. My hope is that we can put those lessons to work, sooner rather than later." [My Emphasis]

    IMO, the ideological basis for the coming conflict within the Outlaw US Empire are now set with more people becoming aware daily--The Moral High Ground of caring for people first versus the immoral gutter of catering to Wall Street's parasites to continue to feed of the body politic which will outweigh any benefits provided for the public.

    anony , Mar 25 2020 19:28 utc | 21
    This hoax has been such a bonus for some bad actors. Bibi is one, but someone at Wall Street got gifted 1.5 Trillions while the stimulus package is a few billions.
    How do I know it is an hoax? Total mortality has been declining for 5 weeks in Europe, as it does every winter. The site is produced by a collaboration of 40+
    european academic institutions

    Copeland , Mar 25 2020 19:41 utc | 25
    I wonder if history will record that this Coronavirus was like a Global Reichstag Fire? Wall Street is the Matchmaker to this marriage of globalization and Big Brother. If Netanyahu can have a coup like this, who's to say that the template can not be made to order for other nations in the West? The disruption of assembles is the key to this. "Shelter-in-Place" isolation, and the restriction of movement, are the novel constructions that could help push this catastrophe forward.

    [Mar 26, 2020] Wake Up! Your Fears Are Being Manipulated

    Mar 26, 2020 |

    I'm not worried about the guy coughing next to me. I'm worried about the ones who seem to be looking for Jim Jones.

    Jones was the charismatic founder of the cult-like People's Temple. Through fear-based control, he took his followers' money and ran their lives. He isolated them in Guyana where he convinced over 900 of them to commit suicide by drinking cyanide-laced grape Kool Aid. Frightened people can be made to do anything. They just need a Jim Jones.

    So it is more than a little scary that media zampolit Rick Wilson wrote to his 753,000 Twitter followers: "People who sank into their fear of Trump, who defended every outrage, who put him before what they knew was right, and pretended this chaos and corruption was a glorious new age will pay a terrible price. They deserve it." The tweet was liked over 82,000 times.

    The New York Times claims that "the specter of death speeds across the globe, 'Appointment in Samara'-style, ever faster, culling the most vulnerable." Others are claiming Trump will cancel the election to rule as a Jim Jones. "Every viewer who trusts the words of Earhardt or Hannity or Regan could well become a walking, breathing, droplet-spewing threat to the public," opined the Washington Post . Drink the damn Kool Aid and join in the panic en route to Guyana.

    The grocery store in Manhattan, just after the announcement of the national state of emergency, was pure panic. I saw a fight break out after an employee brought out paper towels to restock the shelf and someone grabbed the whole carton for himself. The police were called. One cop had to stay behind to oversee the lines at the registers and maintain order. To their credit, the NYPD were cool about it. I heard them talk down one of the fighters, saying, "You wanna go to jail over Fruit Loops? Get a hold of yourself." Outside New York, sales of weapons and ammunition spiked .

    Panic seems to be something we turn on and off, or moderate in different ways. Understanding that helps reveal what is really going on.

    No need for history. Right now, in real time, behind the backs of the coronavirus, is the every-year, plain-old influenza. Some 12,000 people have died, with over 13 million infected from influenza just between October 2019 and February 2020. The death toll is screamingly higher (as of this writing, coronavirus has infected 60,653 and killed 819 Americans). Bluntly: more people have already died of influenza in the U.S. than from the coronavirus in China, Iran, and Italy combined. Double in fact. To be even blunter, no one really cares, even though a large number of bodies are piling up. Why?

    The first cases of the swine flu, H1N1, appeared in April 2009. By the time Obama finally declared a national emergency seven months later, the CDC was reporting that 50 million Americans, one in six people, had been infected, and 10,000 Americans had died. In the early months, Obama had no HHS secretary or appointees to the department's 19 key posts, as well as no commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, no surgeon general, no CDC director. The vacancy at the CDC was especially important because in the early days of the crisis, only they could test for the virus (sound familiar?). Yet some 66 percent of Americans thought the president was protecting them. There was no panic. Why?

    Of course, Trump isn't Obama. But if you really think it is that black and white, that one man makes that much difference in the multi-leveled response of the vast federal government, you don't know much about bureaucracy. Most of the people who handled the swine flu are now working the coronavirus, from the rank and file at CDC, HHS, and DHS to headliners like Drs. Andrew Fauci (in government since 1968, worked ebola) and Deborah Brix (in government since 1985, prior to corona was an Obama AIDS appointee).

    Maybe the most salient example is 9/11. Those who lived through it remember it well, the color threat alerts, the jihadi cells around every corner, the sense of learned/taught helplessness. The enemy could be anywhere, everywhere, and we had no way to fight back. But because the Dems and Repubs were saying the same thing, there was a patina of camaraderie to it (led by Rudy Giuliani and Mike Bloomberg, where are they now?), not discord. But the panic was still very real.

    Why? We panicked when people took steps to ensure we would. We were kept calm when there was nothing to gain by spurring us to panic (the swine flu struck in the midst of the housing crisis; there was enough to worry about). After 9/11, a fearful populace not only supported everything the government wanted to do, they demanded more. Nearly everyone cheered the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and not believing the government meant you were on their side. The Patriot Act, which did away with whole swaths of the Bill of Rights, was overwhelmingly supported. There was no debate over torture, offshore penal colonies, assassinations, kidnappings, and all the little horrors. The American people counted that as competent leadership and re-elected George W. Bush. Fear was political currency.

    Need a 2020 example of how to manipulate panic? Following fears of a liquid bomb, the TSA limited carry-on liquids to four ounces for years. Can't be too careful! Yet because of corona, they just changed the limit for hand sanitizer only (which, with its alcohol content, is actually flammable, as opposed to say, shampoo) to 12 ounces. Security theater closed down alongside Broadway tonight.

    False metrics are also manipulative because they make fear seem scientific. We ignore the low death rate and focus on the number of tests done. But whatever we do will never be enough, never can be enough, the same way any post-disaster aid is never delivered quick enough because the testing is not (just) about discovering the extent of the virus. For those with naughty motives, it is about creating a race we can't win, so testing becomes proof of failure. Think about the reality of "everyone who wants one should get a test." The U.S. has 331 million people. Testing 10 percent of them in seven days means 4,714,285 individuals a day while the other 90 percent hold their breath. Testing on demand is not realistic at this scale. Selective decision-based testing is what will work.

    South Korea, held up as the master of mass testing, conducted at its peak about 20,000 a day. Only 4 percent were positive, a lot of effort for a little reassurance. Tests are valuable to pinpoint the need for social distancing, but blunt tools like mass social distancing (see China) also work. Tests do not cure the virus. You can hide the number of infections by not testing (or claim so to spur fear), but very sick people make themselves known at hospitals and actual dead bodies are hard to ignore. Tests get the press, but actual morbidity is the clearest data point.

    There will be time for after-action reviews and arguments over responsibility. That time is never in the midst of things, and one should question the motives of journalists who use rare access to the president to ask questions meant largely to undermine confidence. If they succeed, we will soon turn on each other. You voted for him; that's why we're here now. Vote for Bernie and Trump wins and we all literally die. You bought the last toilet paper. You can afford treatment I can't. You're safe working from home while I have to go out. Just wait until the long-standing concept of medical triage is repackaged by the media as "privilege" and hell breaks loose in the ERs. We could end up killing each other even as the virus fades.

    At the very least, we will have been conditioned to new precedents of control over personal decisions, civil life, freedom of movement and assembly, whole city lockdowns, education, and an increasing role for government and the military in health care. Teachers, don't be surprised if less of you, and fewer classrooms, are needed in the virus-free future, in favor of more classes online. It's almost as if someone is taking advantage of our fears for their own profits and self-interest.

    There are many reasons to take prudent action. There are no good reasons for fear and panic. The fear being promoted has no rational basis compared to regular influenza and the swine flu of 2009. We have a terrifying example in 9/11 of how easily manipulated fearful people are. Remaining calm and helping others do so is a big part of what your contribution to the disaster relief could be.

    That's one way to see this. Too many right now, however, seem to be looking for Jim Jones.

    Peter Van Buren, a 24-year State Department veteran, is the author of We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People, Hooper's War: A Novel of WWII Japan , and Ghosts of Tom Joad: A Story of the #99 Percent.

    [Mar 26, 2020] This is about more then American gullibilty

    Mar 26, 2020 |

    refl , says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 9:53 am GMT

    @Gleimhart Mantooso

    show me where all the non-gullible people live

    You are right. While corona in my view is absolutely bonkers, and as my conviction mounts with every half witted calculation that I come across, it gains its own dimension in reality. The cause is non-existent but the consequences are real:
    People die in overwhelmed hospitals in run down health systems. The world economy is breaking down, as it was going to anyhow. The convenient scapegoat has been found and the interest for the PTB to allow the truth to come out is zero.
    Will we get laws that make Corona-denial illegal? Because it dishonors the dead and traumatizes their families?

    I am praying to Saint Ron to fearlessly tell the truth, but he goes corona full steam.

    I have written this before. My Damaskus moment was Kiew in february 2014. Since then I have known that the same people who were behind that thing would set my country and the world on fire in time.
    I marvel at their inventiveness.

    This is about more then American gullibilty.

    Anonymous [545] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 10:14 am GMT

    Similarly, once government lockdowns or other similar measures are taken, the doubling-period of the infection becomes much longer.

    I'm pretty certain that there's no doubling once a country, (province, city, whatever) enacts a relatively comprehensive lockdown and people themselves take it seriously. I'm in one of those countries and if I look around it's clear that the R0 ratio is way below 1. Probably less than 0.1 to be honest.

    If I remember correctly, COVID-19 R0 ratio in China was somewhere around 3.5 when the country was still figuring it out. That's a horrible number but it's easy to see how it can be brought down to a tiny fraction when 95% of risky contacts get removed and the remaining 5% approached with protective gear and caution. The virus doesn't stand a chance in that kind of environment.

    So, the numbers in my neck of the woods will almost certainly start decreasing rapidly in the coming weeks but the problem of international travel will remain for many months (years?).

    [Mar 26, 2020] Reflections on a Century of Junk Science

    Highly recommended!
    Mar 26, 2020 |

    Kratoklastes , says: Show Comment Next New Comment March 25, 2020 at 6:16 pm GMT


    I also remember some of early estimates of Mad Cow disease in humans in UK and they turned out to be very exaggerated.

    When the political class was trying to de-gay HIV/AIDS in 1987, they had Oprah tell everyone that 20% of heterosexual people would be dead before 1990.

    The first I learned of Oprah's jaw-droppingly sensationalist remarks, was in a piece a couple of days ago on AmericanThinker (which sounds like a rare bird indeed, if not an outright oxymoron – but it has good stuff from time to time).

    Anyhow, it was an interesting piece – entitled " Reflections on a Century of Junk Science " by the author of " Hoodwinked: How Intellectual Hucksters Have Hijacked American Culture ", which I will acquire today. (The book's 11 years old, but sounds like it will be along the same lines as Kendrick's " Doctoring Data: How to Sort Out Medical Advice from Medical Nonsense ", which was excellent).

    [Mar 25, 2020] Analogy between coronavirus epidemic estimates and lacrosse popularity estimates

    Mar 25, 2020 |

    prime noticer says: Show Comment Next New Comment

    March 25, 2020 at 5:51 pm GMT this entire thread is a false positive.

    i estimate based on the rapid growth of lacrosse that in only a few years time, it will overtake football as the most popular sport in America.

    see how this works?

    [Mar 25, 2020] Via the CDC As of March 20, 2020 there Are 100 times as many Flu Deaths in US this Season than Coronavirus Deaths

    Mar 25, 2020 |

    Agent76 , says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 2:22 pm GMT

    March 20, 2020 STUNNING! Via the CDC As of Friday There Are 100 TIMES AS MANY Flu Deaths in US this Season than Coronavirus Deaths

    According to the weekly CDC flu report -- flu deaths are up by 1,000 over last week. And according to the global coronavirus trackers US coronavirus deaths are up by 218 this week.

    Nov 4, 2019 Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 4, Communications Discussion and Epilogue Video

    Event 201 is a pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. The exercise illustrated the pandemic preparedness efforts needed to diminish the large-scale economic and societal consequences of a severe pandemic.

    [Mar 25, 2020] Difificulties of correctly estimating mortality

    Notable quotes:
    "... The reason younger Americans are dying is because Americans are extremely unhealthy. I wager all the very sick younger Americans are obese, probably with diabetes, don't exercise, and eat unhealthy foods, leading to heart and other weaknesse ..."
    "... I share your skepticism. Do the "tests" prove that COVID-19 causes illness? Is it possible that some or even all of the deaths associated with COVID-19 have been primarily caused by other factors? Is it possible that COVID-19 is very widespread in contemporary populations and is harmless in most or even all people in which it exists? ..."
    Mar 25, 2020 |

    Pft , says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 4:51 am GMT

    "However, the Coronavirus death statistics are certainly far more solid and reliable"

    Are they really?

    Report shows up to 88% of Italy's alleged Covid19 deaths could be misattributed

    "The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus [ ] On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three,"

    – Professor Walter Ricciardi, scientific adviser to Italy's minister of health
    Report in English:

    Truth3 , says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 4:55 am GMT
    @Trinity Trinity, I'm about 99% sure I had this thing.

    Stay safe. It's brutal.

    Let the assholes like utu, FB, Frannie, CoMike, Lot, and all their (((kind))) get it.

    What comes around goes around. Zio-Bio didn't end with Dr. Zack.

    NPleeze , says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 5:10 am GMT

    the Coronavirus death statistics are certainly far more solid and reliable

    But still quite unreliable. Nobody knows what tests are being performed or how accurate those tests are. For all we know they are calling flu/pneumonia deaths as COVID-19 deaths, whether deliberately/recklessly (pressured) or because the tests are simply faulty.

    If we assume a mortality rate of 1%

    Based on what? As noted, the best case of a general population exposure is the Diamond Princess – where all passengers were exposed fully for 2 weeks and then under terrible quarantine conditions for 4 weeks. Of the 3,177 passengers and crew, some 677 (20%) took ill, and 7 (0.2% of the population, and 1% of the ill) died, all of them in their 70s and older (and indeed the data released by the Japanese health ministry indicates the ship had twice the number of people in each age category 60-79, 70-79, and 80+ than does the US).

    Conveniently, everyone repeating the hysteria line completely omits to look at the best data available.

    Number of infected = Number of Deaths / Mortality_Rate * 2^(Mortality_Period/Doubling_Period)

    Nothing in nature is exponential as everything runs up against some barrier, usually sooner than later. I can make the argument about rabbit reproduction: each female rabbit can produce 60 rabbits per year in three litters. This would indicate that each male/female pair increases 10-fold every 3 months – a far faster growth rate than your virus. And under certain conditions, they can, for a time, accomplish that before they hit the proverbial brick wall.

    Let's look at Italy. The first recorded death (FWIW) was Feb. 21. Now using your assumptions, there had been 100 new infections three weeks earlier (on Jan. 31). Next, as you assume a doubling-period of 6 days, those 100 infections would have increased to 100 x 2^(37/6) = 7,183 infections by the time of March 8, when the emergency orders went into effect. However, on March 8 there had already been 366 deaths. Since the disease, according to your model, takes 3 weeks to kill, this means we need to look at the number of infections on Feb. 21, which, in your model, equals 100 x 2^(21/6) = 1,131.

    In other words, on Feb. 21 there were 1,131 persons infected, and of those, 366 had died by March 8. For a mortality rate of 32.3%.

    But let's work backwards from another date. By Mar. 24, there had been 6,820 deaths. To arrive at that, using your assumed death rate, that means by Mar. 3, 682,000 people had to be infected (since 1% of them would die within 3 weeks). Which means, according to your model, that 341,000 were infected on Feb. 26, 170,500 on Feb. 20. But your model already showed that only 1,131 were infected on Feb. 21.

    In other words, this "model" is utter bunk.

    What we do know is as follows: the death rate on the Diamond Princess, under terrible conditions, was 0.2%, all over 70.

    The global death rate is about 18,000 dead out of 7 billion. The annual tuberculosis death number is between 1 and 2 million.

    That people who are very old (and thus have compromised immune systems) or people who have various chronic diseases are the ones who die from this disease. This is because the virus can attack numerous receptors, including those in the kidney, liver, heart, white blood cells, and pancreas (a sort of "frankenstein" bio-engineered virus). Thus anyone with a weak pancreas (diabetes), kidney, liver, heart (hypertension, etc.), or lungs (smokers, etc.) are susceptible to having an organ fail.

    The death rate will grow only among this segment of the population. It is enough to isolate them (or, better yet, have them self-isolate).

    The reason younger Americans are dying is because Americans are extremely unhealthy. I wager all the very sick younger Americans are obese, probably with diabetes, don't exercise, and eat unhealthy foods, leading to heart and other weaknesses.

    All of this apart from the issue, of how long this virus has been in the wild. It seems my mother caught this disease in early February, in a small Midwestern isolated community – she had what are given at the symptoms, but nobody was looking for it at the time, so there is no diagnosis of her illness.

    alan kerns , says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 5:15 am GMT

    I share your skepticism. Do the "tests" prove that COVID-19 causes illness? Is it possible that some or even all of the deaths associated with COVID-19 have been primarily caused by other factors? Is it possible that COVID-19 is very widespread in contemporary populations and is harmless in most or even all people in which it exists?

    These questions deserve forensically rigorous investigation – conducted and reported honestly.

    [Mar 25, 2020] A new study shows the coronavirus mortality rate in Wuhan, China, may have been lower than previous estimates

    Mar 25, 2020 |

    Allen , Mar 24 2020 16:00 utc | 8

    A new study shows the coronavirus mortality rate in Wuhan, China, may have been lower than previous estimates.

    According to research published in the monthly Nature Medicine journal, the death rate from the coronavirus disease, COVID-19, in Wuhan -- the epicenter of the global outbreak -- was 1.4%.

    "Using public and published information, we estimate that the overall symptomatic case fatality risk (the probability of dying after developing symptoms) of COVID-19 in Wuhan was 1.4%," reads the body_abstract of the study.

    The study -- titled "Estimating clinical severity of COVID-19 from the transmission dynamics in Wuhan, China" -- said the estimate was "substantially lower than both the corresponding crude or naive confirmed case fatality risk".

    Previous estimates placed the mortality rate in Wuhan between 2% to 3%.

    Underlining that fatality risk was higher for the elderly, the study found 2.6% mortality rate among people over 60 years in Wuhan, 0.5% for people aged between 30 to 59, and 0.3% for people under 30 years.

    The COVID-19 outbreak that started in Wuhan has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO).

    Data compiled by the U.S.-based Johns Hopkins University shows the virus has now spread to 167 countries and regions.

    Over 341,700 cases and 14,750 deaths have been reported worldwide since last December, while more than 98,860 people have recovered.

    Transmission in China has slowed down over recent weeks, with authorities reporting no new indigenous cases on Monday.

    There were also no new infections in Wuhan city for the fifth consecutive day, according to China's National Health Commission.

    [Mar 25, 2020] COVID 19 vs seasonal flu

    Mar 25, 2020 |

    brian , Mar 23 2020 21:30 utc | 78

    #COVIDー19 vs #flu
    'So far, #COVIDー19 has led to > 220,000 illnesses and >9,300 deaths worldwide. But that's nothing compared with the flu. In the US alone, flu has caused an estimated 36 million illnesses, 370,000 hospitalizations and 22,000 deaths this season, according to CDC. '

    [Mar 25, 2020] Does virus spread exponentially

    Mar 25, 2020 |

    utu , says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 11:20 am GMT

    "Italian deaths are not rising exponentially. "

    I am pretty sure they were in the initial period but once the epidemic spreads into areas with different population densities where doubling periods are different and when new countermeasures are being implemented you will see departures from the exponential growth.

    Even w/o countermeasures when more and more people get infected the reproduction number R0 will be getting smaller resulting in a steady decrease of the exponential coefficient.

    Zhanwei Du et al. studied the exponential growth in Wuhan in the period before quarantine was imposed. See the Appendix in
    The COVID-19 epidemic was growing exponentially during December 1, 2019– January 22, 2020, as determined by the following: dI(t) = I0 × exp(λ × t) in which I0 denotes the number of initial cases on December 1, 2019, and λ denotes the epidemic growth rate during December 1, 2019–January 22, 2020.

    What is important about Ron Unz approach is that by looking at daily death increments one can gage the number of new infections and as the epidemic progresses the changes in doubling period would be adjusted from daily death increments.

    In times when very few tests are being done to asymptomatic patients and no serum tests are performed to determine who already went through infection and recovered this approach is very useful and simple method to estimate the extent of the epidemic.

    [Mar 25, 2020] When stat-molesters jump in to inform me that pneumonia is known, but COVID-19 is new its spread could be exponential

    Mar 25, 2020 |

    Will , says: Show Comment Next New Comment March 25, 2020 at 7:01 pm GMT

    "This, of course, is when stat-molesters jump in to inform me that pneumonia is known, but COVID-19 is new & its spread could be exponential

    BUT, you'd need to base this on something far less moronic than using infection & death rates among the sick to project to the population"

    "So far we know:
    -tests have large error margin
    -positive tests only associated with small chance of being sick
    -vast majority of COVID-19 cases have other serious diseases
    -We have 80x more pneumonia cases than COVID-19

    Are these good reasons to suspend the lives of billions?"

    [Mar 25, 2020] The critique of one simplistic model

    Mar 25, 2020 |

    NPleeze , says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 5:10 am GMT

    the Coronavirus death statistics are certainly far more solid and reliable

    But still quite unreliable. Nobody knows what tests are being performed or how accurate those tests are. For all we know they are calling flu/pneumonia deaths as COVID-19 deaths, whether deliberately/recklessly (pressured) or because the tests are simply faulty.

    If we assume a mortality rate of 1%

    Based on what? As noted, the best case of a general population exposure is the Diamond Princess – where all passengers were exposed fully for 2 weeks and then under terrible quarantine conditions for 4 weeks. Of the 3,177 passengers and crew, some 677 (20%) took ill, and 7 (0.2% of the population, and 1% of the ill) died, all of them in their 70s and older (and indeed the data released by the Japanese health ministry indicates the ship had twice the number of people in each age category 60-79, 70-79, and 80+ than does the US).

    Conveniently, everyone repeating the hysteria line completely omits to look at the best data available.

    Number of infected = Number of Deaths / Mortality_Rate * 2^(Mortality_Period/Doubling_Period)

    Nothing in nature is exponential as everything runs up against some barrier, usually sooner than later. I can make the argument about rabbit reproduction: each female rabbit can produce 60 rabbits per year in three litters. This would indicate that each male/female pair increases 10-fold every 3 months – a far faster growth rate than your virus. And under certain conditions, they can, for a time, accomplish that before they hit the proverbial brick wall.

    Let's look at Italy. The first recorded death (FWIW) was Feb. 21. Now using your assumptions, there had been 100 new infections three weeks earlier (on Jan. 31). Next, as you assume a doubling-period of 6 days, those 100 infections would have increased to 100 x 2^(37/6) = 7,183 infections by the time of March 8, when the emergency orders went into effect. However, on March 8 there had already been 366 deaths. Since the disease, according to your model, takes 3 weeks to kill, this means we need to look at the number of infections on Feb. 21, which, in your model, equals 100 x 2^(21/6) = 1,131.

    In other words, on Feb. 21 there were 1,131 persons infected, and of those, 366 had died by March 8. For a mortality rate of 32.3%.

    But let's work backwards from another date. By Mar. 24, there had been 6,820 deaths. To arrive at that, using your assumed death rate, that means by Mar. 3, 682,000 people had to be infected (since 1% of them would die within 3 weeks). Which means, according to your model, that 341,000 were infected on Feb. 26, 170,500 on Feb. 20. But your model already showed that only 1,131 were infected on Feb. 21.

    In other words, this "model" is utter bunk.

    What we do know is as follows: the death rate on the Diamond Princess, under terrible conditions, was 0.2%, all over 70.

    The global death rate is about 18,000 dead out of 7 billion. The annual tuberculosis death number is between 1 and 2 million.

    That people who are very old (and thus have compromised immune systems) or people who have various chronic diseases are the ones who die from this disease. This is because the virus can attack numerous receptors, including those in the kidney, liver, heart, white blood cells, and pancreas (a sort of "frankenstein" bio-engineered virus). Thus anyone with a weak pancreas (diabetes), kidney, liver, heart (hypertension, etc.), or lungs (smokers, etc.) are susceptible to having an organ fail.

    The death rate will grow only among this segment of the population. It is enough to isolate them (or, better yet, have them self-isolate).

    The reason younger Americans are dying is because Americans are extremely unhealthy. I wager all the very sick younger Americans are obese, probably with diabetes, don't exercise, and eat unhealthy foods, leading to heart and other weaknesses.

    All of this apart from the issue, of how long this virus has been in the wild. It seems my mother caught this disease in early February, in a small Midwestern isolated community – she had what are given at the symptoms, but nobody was looking for it at the time, so there is no diagnosis of her illness.

    OscarWildeLoveChild , says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 12:38 pm GMT
    @NPleeze 12 experts tend to agree with you

    Isn't the real issue this (numerically and culturally): we have a health care system, which is obviously not made to provide services to every single American whenever they need it, all at the same time , and this pandemic is likely to kill say, a million old people (given how large our overall population is), and since no one "gets" to just die (ala Soylent Green) but instead gets sick at 70, 80, etc and has to be preserved forever so anything that "burns" through what would be an otherwise healthy population, as with all animals (including humans) historically, instead becomes such a serious risk (if not somewhat random) to the old or infirm, that we shut everything down, potentially causing all sorts of other human catastrophes so that some old folks get to choose another death (maybe the flu?) over a Covid-19 death?

    Long run on sentence, but isn't that really what this is all about now ?

    [Mar 25, 2020] An error occurred.

    Mar 25, 2020 |

    Try watching this video on , or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.

    [Mar 25, 2020] Fearmongering via mathiness: Neill Ferguson of Imperial College London argues that every fatality represents an infected population one thousand strong.

    The gullibility of population might have been temporarily upped by Covid-19 worries
    Mar 25, 2020 |

    Bmac says: Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 12:28 pm GMT 100 Words Neill Ferguson of Imperial College London argues that every fatality represents an infected population one thousand strong.


    He notes:

    A case fatality rate of 1% – which means that on average, every fatality at the time of their infection represents a population of one hundred.

    Given the rate of transmission, those one hundred will infect another nine hundred during the average incubation period of three weeks.

    [Mar 25, 2020] 12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic – OffGuardian

    Notable quotes:
    "... The state governments prefer that all schools be closed while Canberra is receiving advice from Dr Brendan Murphy, Chief Health Officer of Australia, that schools not be closed because children would be at more risk of picking up COVID-19 from adults at home, and from congregating in areas where they are not being supervised by adults if they decide not to stay at home for various reasons (because among other things they would also be at risk from domestic violence). ..."
    "... Please don't feel brainwashed into taking totally unnecessary extra precautions beyond normal levels of hygiene in order to protect yourself from a common coronavirus. ..."
    "... The behavior of elites across the globe suggest a level of collective anxiety not seen in before in my lifetime. Certainly endless decades of oligarchic control maintained through keeping Western populations mystified by means of coordinated mass propaganda – has seen rather significant cracks develop through the emergence of progressive independent journalism shared across the world via the web. One would think those ever widening cracks in the indoctrination system have perhaps clarified for our betters that their fairy tales are falling upon ever greater numbers of deaf ears around the globe. ..."
    "... Given currently unfolding events one is tempted to think that elites – perhaps rather than being left to respond to events completely out of their control – like a system-crashing spontaneous economic collapse – are collectively choosing to instead to – "control what they can" – through this supposed 'pandemic' response operation. ..."
    "... That this over the top elite led pandemic response appears an effort to lead the credulous masses into whatever straightjacket has been prepared for us is simply impossible to ignore. ..."
    Mar 24, 2020 |

    Below is our list of twelve medical experts whose opinions on the Coronavirus outbreak contradict the official narratives of the MSM, and the memes so prevalent on social media.

    * * *

    Dr Sucharit Bhakdi is a specialist in microbiology. He was a professor at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene and one of the most cited research scientists in German history.

    What he says:

    We are afraid that 1 million infections with the new virus will lead to 30 deaths per day over the next 100 days. But we do not realise that 20, 30, 40 or 100 patients positive for normal coronaviruses are already dying every day.

    [The government's anti-COVID19 measures] are grotesque, absurd and very dangerous [ ] The life expectancy of millions is being shortened. The horrifying impact on the world economy threatens the existence of countless people. The consequences on medical care are profound. Already services to patients in need are reduced, operations cancelled, practices empty, hospital personnel dwindling. All this will impact profoundly on our whole society.

    All these measures are leading to self-destruction and collective suicide based on nothing but a spook.


    Dr Wolfgang Wodarg is a German physician specialising in Pulmonology, politician and former chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. In 2009 he called for an inquiry into alleged conflicts of interest surrounding the EU response to the Swine Flu pandemic.

    What he says:

    Politicians are being courted by scientists scientists who want to be important to get money for their institutions. Scientists who just swim along in the mainstream and want their part of it [ ] And what is missing right now is a rational way of looking at things.

    We should be asking questions like "How did you find out this virus was dangerous?", "How was it before?", "Didn't we have the same thing last year?", "Is it even something new?"

    That's missing.


    Dr Joel Kettner s professor of Community Health Sciences and Surgery at Manitoba University, former Chief Public Health Officer for Manitoba province and Medical Director of the International Centre for Infectious Diseases.

    What he says :

    I have never seen anything like this, anything anywhere near like this. I'm not talking about the pandemic, because I've seen 30 of them, one every year. It is called influenza. And other respiratory illness viruses, we don't always know what they are. But I've never seen this reaction, and I'm trying to understand why.

    [ ]

    I worry about the message to the public, about the fear of coming into contact with people, being in the same space as people, shaking their hands, having meetings with people. I worry about many, many consequences related to that.

    [ ]

    In Hubei, in the province of Hubei, where there has been the most cases and deaths by far, the actual number of cases reported is 1 per 1000 people and the actual rate of deaths reported is 1 per 20,000. So maybe that would help to put things into perspective.

    Audio Player 00:00 00:00 00:00 Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.


    Dr John Ioannidis Professor of Medicine, of Health Research and Policy and of Biomedical Data Science, at Stanford University School of Medicine and a Professor of Statistics at Stanford University School of Humanities and Sciences. He is director of the Stanford Prevention Research Center, and co-director of the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS).

    He is also the editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Clinical Investigation. He was chairman at the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, University of Ioannina School of Medicine as well as adjunct professor at Tufts University School of Medicine.

    As a physician, scientist and author he has made contributions to evidence-based medicine, epidemiology, data science and clinical research. In addition, he pioneered the field of meta-research. He has shown that much of the published research does not meet good scientific standards of evidence.

    What he says :

    Patients who have been tested for SARS-CoV-2 are disproportionately those with severe symptoms and bad outcomes. As most health systems have limited testing capacity, selection bias may even worsen in the near future.

    The one situation where an entire, closed population was tested was the Diamond Princess cruise ship and its quarantine passengers. The case fatality rate there was 1.0%, but this was a largely elderly population, in which the death rate from Covid-19 is much higher.

    [ ]

    Could the Covid-19 case fatality rate be that low? No, some say, pointing to the high rate in elderly people. However, even some so-called mild or common-cold-type coronaviruses that have been known for decades can have case fatality rates as high as 8% when they infect elderly people in nursing homes.

    [ ]

    If we had not known about a new virus out there, and had not checked individuals with PCR tests, the number of total deaths due to "influenza-like illness" would not seem unusual this year. At most, we might have casually noted that flu this season seems to be a bit worse than average.

    – "A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data", Stat News , 17th March 2020


    Dr Yoram Lass is an Israeli physician, politician and former Director General of the Health Ministry. He also worked as Associate Dean of the Tel Aviv University Medical School and during the 1980s presented the science-based television show Tatzpit.

    What he says :

    Italy is known for its enormous morbidity in respiratory problems, more than three times any other European country. In the US about 40,000 people die in a regular flu season and so far 40-50 people have died of the coronavirus, most of them in a nursing home in Kirkland, Washington.

    [ ]

    In every country, more people die from regular flu compared with those who die from the coronavirus.

    [ ]

    there is a very good example that we all forget: the swine flu in 2009. That was a virus that reached the world from Mexico and until today there is no vaccination against it. But what? At that time there was no Facebook or there maybe was but it was still in its infancy. The coronavirus, in contrast, is a virus with public relations.

    Whoever thinks that governments end viruses is wrong.

    – Interview in Globes , March 22nd 2020


    Dr Pietro Vernazza is a Swiss physician specialising Infectious Diseases at the Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen and Professor of Health Policy.

    What he says:

    We have reliable figures from Italy and a work by epidemiologists, which has been published in the renowned science journal ‹Science›, which examined the spread in China. This makes it clear that around 85 percent of all infections have occurred without anyone noticing the infection. 90 percent of the deceased patients are verifiably over 70 years old, 50 percent over 80 years.

    [ ]

    In Italy, one in ten people diagnosed die, according to the findings of the Science publication, that is statistically one of every 1,000 people infected. Each individual case is tragic, but often – similar to the flu season – it affects people who are at the end of their lives.

    [ ]

    If we close the schools, we will prevent the children from quickly becoming immune.

    [ ]

    We should better integrate the scientific facts into the political decisions.

    – Interview in St. Galler Tagblatt , 22nd March 2020


    Frank Ulrich Montgomery is German radiologist, former President of the German Medical Association and Deputy Chairman of the World Medical Association.

    What he says :

    I'm not a fan of lockdown. Anyone who imposes something like this must also say when and how to pick it up again. Since we have to assume that the virus will be with us for a long time, I wonder when we will return to normal? You can't keep schools and daycare centers closed until the end of the year. Because it will take at least that long until we have a vaccine. Italy has imposed a lockdown and has the opposite effect. They quickly reached their capacity limits, but did not slow down the virus spread within the lockdown.

    – Interview in General Anzeiger , 18th March 2020


    Prof. Hendrik Streeck is a German HIV researcher, epidemiologist and clinical trialist. He is professor of virology, and the director of the Institute of Virology and HIV Research, at Bonn University.

    What he says :

    The new pathogen is not that dangerous, it is even less dangerous than Sars-1. The special thing is that Sars-CoV-2 replicates in the upper throat area and is therefore much more infectious because the virus jumps from throat to throat, so to speak. But that is also an advantage: Because Sars-1 replicates in the deep lungs, it is not so infectious, but it definitely gets on the lungs, which makes it more dangerous.

    [ ]

    You also have to take into account that the Sars-CoV-2 deaths in Germany were exclusively old people. In Heinsberg, for example, a 78-year-old man with previous illnesses died of heart failure, and that without Sars-2 lung involvement. Since he was infected, he naturally appears in the Covid 19 statistics. But the question is whether he would not have died anyway, even without Sars-2.

    – Interview in Frankfurter Allgemeine , 16th March 2020


    Dr Yanis Roussel et. al. – A team of researchers from the Institut Hospitalo-universitaire Méditerranée Infection, Marseille and the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Marseille, conducting a peer-reviewed study on Coronavirus mortality for the government of France under the 'Investments for the Future' programme.

    What they say :

    The problem of SARS-CoV-2 is probably overestimated, as 2.6 million people die of respiratory infections each year compared with less than 4000 deaths for SARS-CoV-2 at the time of writing.

    [ ]

    This study compared the mortality rate of SARS-CoV-2 in OECD countries (1.3%) with the mortality rate of common coronaviruses identified in AP-HM patients (0.8%) from 1 January 2013 to 2 March 2020. Chi-squared test was performed, and the P-value was 0.11 (not significant).

    [ ]

    it should be noted that systematic studies of other coronaviruses (but not yet for SARS-CoV-2) have found that the percentage of asymptomatic carriers is equal to or even higher than the percentage of symptomatic patients. The same data for SARS-CoV-2 may soon be available, which will further reduce the relative risk associated with this specific pathology.

    – "SARS-CoV-2: fear versus data", International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents , 19th March 2020


    Dr. David Katz is an American physician and founding director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center

    What he says :

    I am deeply concerned that the social, economic and public health consequences of this near-total meltdown of normal life -- schools and businesses closed, gatherings banned -- will be long-lasting and calamitous, possibly graver than the direct toll of the virus itself. The stock market will bounce back in time, but many businesses never will. The unemployment, impoverishment and despair likely to result will be public health scourges of the first order.

    – "Is Our Fight Against Coronavirus Worse Than the Disease?", New York Times 20th March 2020


    Michael T. Osterholm is regents professor and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota.

    What he says :

    Consider the effect of shutting down offices, schools, transportation systems, restaurants, hotels, stores, theaters, concert halls, sporting events and other venues indefinitely and leaving all of their workers unemployed and on the public dole. The likely result would be not just a depression but a complete economic breakdown, with countless permanently lost jobs, long before a vaccine is ready or natural immunity takes hold.

    [ ]

    [T]he best alternative will probably entail letting those at low risk for serious disease continue to work, keep business and manufacturing operating, and "run" society, while at the same time advising higher-risk individuals to protect themselves through physical distancing and ramping up our health-care capacity as aggressively as possible. With this battle plan, we could gradually build up immunity without destroying the financial structure on which our lives are based.

    – "Facing covid-19 reality: A national lockdown is no cure", Washington Post 21st March 2020


    Dr Peter Goetzsche is Professor of Clinical Research Design and Analysis at the University of Copenhagen and founder of the Cochrane Medical Collaboration. He has written several books on corruption in the field of medicine and the power of big pharmaceutical companies.

    What he says :

    Our main problem is that no one will ever get in trouble for measures that are too draconian. They will only get in trouble if they do too little. So, our politicians and those working with public health do much more than they should do.

    No such draconian measures were applied during the 2009 influenza pandemic, and they obviously cannot be applied every winter, which is all year round, as it is always winter somewhere. We cannot close down the whole world permanently.

    Should it turn out that the epidemic wanes before long, there will be a queue of people wanting to take credit for this. And we can be damned sure draconian measures will be applied again next time. But remember the joke about tigers. "Why do you blow the horn?" "To keep the tigers away." "But there are no tigers here." "There you see!"

    – "Corona: an epidemic of mass panic", blog post on Deadly Medicines 21st March 2020

    Gary Wilson ,

    What happened in Wuhan will eventually happen everywhere. Any new pathogen will rapidly spread in the susceptible population (those with some degree of a compromised immune system). After a period there will be no more susceptible people left to infect and the disease will disappear. Government regulations to prevent the spread is of no use if someone infected with the pathogen can infect others before they get the symptoms that they have the disease. Lots of money is spent fighting the virus (there is money to be made!) while no money is spent to improve the immune system of those people with weakened immune systems.

    fred ,

    Btw, the only major sporting event still going on right now is the Chess Candidates Tournament (which is a qualification for the World Championship) taking place in Yekaterinburg, Russia. (Which has freezing temperatures right now and is covered in snow.)

    Players get a health check up twice daily, but are not tested for the coronavirus specifically. This means that if any one of the players gets a cold or mild temperature: coronavirus!

    Therefore I expect the tournament to be halted mid-way any day now. (Also if one of the players feels like the tournament is not going well, or that his preparation is not working, they might pretend to be sick to get the tournament postponed.)

    Norman Pilon ,

    BTW: is that 12 or 13 experts?

    fred ,

    Tokyo 2020: Olympic and Paralympic Games postponed because of coronavirus (was scheduled for 24 July in Japan)
    Chess Olympiad postponed (was scheduled for August 5-17 in Russia)
    UEFA postpones EURO 2020 (was scheduled for June/July)

    Norman Pilon ,

    Nice! You've saved me and a lot of other people a lot of time. Of course, I'm also sharing this through the miracle of 'copying-and-pasting.'

    Doctortrinate ,

    oh, yeah – lets blitz those oppressive nasties !

    there's nothing greater than you and me .Love will conquer if you just believe .

    Jen ,

    Dear Off-Guardian,

    You may be well aware that the Australian Federal government is at loggerheads with New South Wales and Victorian state governments over the issue of closing all schools.

    The state governments prefer that all schools be closed while Canberra is receiving advice from Dr Brendan Murphy, Chief Health Officer of Australia, that schools not be closed because children would be at more risk of picking up COVID-19 from adults at home, and from congregating in areas where they are not being supervised by adults if they decide not to stay at home for various reasons (because among other things they would also be at risk from domestic violence).

    Please find at this link an article which among other things gives the opinions of various medical and health experts who oppose the closure of schools during the current lock-downs here in Australia.

    An example of such advice from the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee:

    The AHPPC met on Tuesday 17 March to consider the issue of school closures in relation to the community transmission of COVID‑19. The Committee's advice is that pre-emptive closures are not proportionate or effective as a public health intervention to prevent community transmission of COVID-19 at this time Previous studies suggest that the potential reduction in community transmission from pre‑emptive school closures may be offset by the care arrangements that are in place for children who are not at school. Children may require care from older carers who are more vulnerable to severe disease, or may continue to associate (and transmit infection) outside of school settings. Broadly, the health evidence on school closures from previous respiratory epidemics shows the costs are often underestimated and the benefits are overestimated. This may be even more so in relation to COVID-19 as, unlike influenza, the impact on otherwise healthy children has been minimal to date. School closure is associated with considerable costs. Studies have estimated that around 15% of the total workforce and 30% of the healthcare workforce may need to take time off work to care for children. This burden will be significant and will fall disproportionately on those in casual or tenuous work circumstances. At this stage, the spread of COVID-19 in the community is at quite low levels. It may be many months before the level of Australian community infection is again as low as it is at the moment More than 70 countries around the world have implemented either nationwide or localised school closures, at different times in the evolution of the local COVID-19 epidemic, however it should be noted the majority of these have not been successful in controlling the outbreak. Some of these countries are now considering their position in relation to re-opening schools. Singapore has had success in limiting the transmission of COVID-19 in the community without closing schools" [however the successful period in Singapore coincided with school holidays and when students returned they were temperature-tested ]

    Antonym ,

    This cure is worse than the disease, true.

    Governments made lock downs in haste, erring on the heavy handed side just to be "sure". Who can prove them wrong afterwards? The voters.

    Airplanes have been the worse spreaders.

    Some religious preachers have shown to be immune to public self isolate calls in Asia.

    Maybe a good Global practice run for when a really deadly virus breaks loose?

    Let East Asian and central African wildlife wet markets be forbidden and enforced with long jail and financial sentences.

    Virus Guy ,

    Nonsense. It was not in haste or error. No government is going to hastily shut down its economy out of too much tender concern for its citizens, and we have teams of analysts and advisors on infectious disease working for governments who would never have advised this insane level of 'precautions ' for a moderate coronavirus showing no evidence of extreme infectivity or fatality.

    As in China the reaction has anticipated a non-existent problem and then gone beyond any accepted protocol to 'respond.' This has all the hallmarks of an entirely manufactured crisis.

    Virus Guy ,

    Please don't feel brainwashed into taking totally unnecessary extra precautions beyond normal levels of hygiene in order to protect yourself from a common coronavirus.

    fred ,

    [Potential False-Positive Rate Among the 'Asymptomatic Infected Individuals' in Close Contacts of COVID-19 Patients]

    Results: When the infection rate of the close contacts and the sensitivity and specificity of reported results were taken as the point estimates, the positive predictive value of the active screening was only 19.67%, in contrast, the false-positive rate of positive results was 80.33%. The multivariate-probabilistic sensitivity analysis results supported the base-case findings, with a 75% probability for the false-positive rate of positive results over 47%. Conclusions: In the close contacts of COVID-19 patients, nearly half or even more of the 'asymptomatic infected individuals' reported in the active nucleic acid test screening might be false positives.

    Gary Weglarz ,

    The behavior of elites across the globe suggest a level of collective anxiety not seen in before in my lifetime. Certainly endless decades of oligarchic control maintained through keeping Western populations mystified by means of coordinated mass propaganda – has seen rather significant cracks develop through the emergence of progressive independent journalism shared across the world via the web. One would think those ever widening cracks in the indoctrination system have perhaps clarified for our betters that their fairy tales are falling upon ever greater numbers of deaf ears around the globe.

    Given currently unfolding events one is tempted to think that elites – perhaps rather than being left to respond to events completely out of their control – like a system-crashing spontaneous economic collapse – are collectively choosing to instead to – "control what they can" – through this supposed 'pandemic' response operation.

    That is to initiate a prefabricated "response" – proactively to a projected impending system catastrophe that is only a matter of time. Or perhaps this is simply a "testing operation," a "dry run" so to speak for when the uncontrollable event that crashes the system does take place. A chance to gauge public reactions and further fine tune future response options?

    That this over the top elite led pandemic response appears an effort to lead the credulous masses into whatever straightjacket has been prepared for us is simply impossible to ignore.

    Gary Weglarz ,

    On the breathtaking clairvoyance of our wealthiest elites:

    fred ,

    Croach ,

    And here we have it.

    Slight uptick in overall registered deaths although still below average for this time of year. But they've omitted the figures for deaths where the underlying cause was respiratory illness. I can think of no legitimate reason why they would do so.

    These are registered deaths, everybody knows they don't represent the true current number of deaths.

    There is no legitimate rationale for 'waiting for more accurate data' or any such excuse. Even if the data is incomplete it's published. It's a registry of deaths not an adjusted death rate.

    I really can't keep a sense of humour about this. Or take any satisfaction from 'knowing better' or 'I told you so'. I thought what was happening now would be a process of years. I don't expect sites like this will survive very long, regardless of how fringe or maligned they are.

    I'd like to say invest in printing presses. But it's probably too late for that now.

    fred ,

    So on the one hand we get: "Don't travel! Close the borders! Stop the virus!"
    And on the other:
    Government tells New Zealanders to come home
    US government tells citizens to come home
    Australia tells citizens to come home
    Canadians abroad urged to come home
    Norway urges citizens to return home

    Does this not contradict their own narrative? Does this not show how it's all bullshit?

    Donna ,

    Excellent post! Thank you.

    We have a new religion sweeping over the Earth claiming new adherents in nearly every country! 😄

    Terje Maloy ,

    The cat is slowly being let out of the bag Recently leaked (or unofficially released) Norwegian government papers says the Corona measures are expected to be in place for 12 to 18 months, not just for a few weeks. Presumably it will be the same in as good as every (NATO)-country.

    The emergency laws introduced in Norway are conspicuously similar to a highly unusual law proposal for increased government powers in case of a civil emergency from September 2019, now they have been rushed through parliament.

    paul ,

    Don't worry, folks, pandemics are profitable.
    Bezos dumped $3 billion of stock just before the crash.
    Makes Feinstein's paltry $6 million look like chump change.

    Boeing want $60 billion, the airlines want $50 billion (for starters), $150 billion for hotels, a trillion or so for shopping malls. A few billion here, a few billion there, and pretty soon you're talking serious oney.
    $3 trillion to date, but have patience, it's early days yet.

    We can all rest easy.
    The billionaires will emerge with their wealth more than doubled, just like last time.
    Certainly puts my mind at rest.

    Savorywill ,

    We can rest easy because the government will just print more money. Plenty to go around! Every one gets $3000 plus insurance covers their absent paychecks, so everything is back to normal, money wise, and no one has to do anything. This can probably go on forever, until trucking companies also go out of business, so no food or supplies can be transported into NYC, and then the shit will well and truly hit the fan. I don't think AOC's green new deal will be of much use in such a situation But, hopefully, it won't come to that.

    xdream ,

    Somewhere further down this thread somebody used the word:


    Could I suggest another variant on this theme a mutant perhaps:


    [Mar 25, 2020] Now that the panic's been hyped up, there's no way out. For reasons of how democracy works, the panic will be appeased

    When experts directly or indirectly have monetary interest in certain outcome they are not expect, they are lobbyists.
    Mar 25, 2020 |

    AaronInMVD says: Website Show Comment March 24, 2020 at 12:01 am GMT 100 Words @Anon For reasons of math and historic examples of how viral pandemics work in mammals, the fastest way out would be to do nothing and ignore the virus so that it burns through quickly. This happens with surprising frequency when the folks picking strain for the year's flu vaccine guess wrong. And, no business is non-essential to the people depending on it for their livelihood. So far Most people getting sick with the COVID-19 get unpleasantly sick or don't realize they were sick. 99% of the fatalities are in the morbidly old or morbidly ill.

    Now that the panic's been hyped up, there's no way out. For reasons of how democracy works, the panic will be appeased. Expensively. Very Expensively.

    More will suffer and experience pre-mature mortality due to the economic consequences of the panic than than virus itself, because the economic damage here is going to last far longer.

    [Mar 24, 2020] In Italy the median age of those dying of the coronavirus is 81 and the population is very old and frail and smokes more. Most of the dead are men

    Mar 24, 2020 |

    Arby , Mar 24 2020 7:16 utc | 185

    "Italy is known for its enormous morbidity in respiratory problems, more than three times any other European country. In the US about 40,000 people die in a regular flu season and so far 40-50 people have died of the coronavirus, most of them in a nursing home in Kirkland, Washington."

    "The characteristics in every country are different. In Italy the median age of those dying of the coronavirus is 81 and the population is very old and frail and smokes more and among the dead are more men." - Professor Yoram Lass /

    [Mar 24, 2020] Exaggerated case fatality rate is not based on evidence. The evidence point out to mortality around 0.2 percent

    Mar 24, 2020 |

    Pft , Mar 24 2020 1:34 utc | 128

    Exaggerated case fatality rate (CFR):

    European Journal of Clinical Investigation
    "Coronavirus disease 2019: the harms of exaggerated information and non‐evidence‐based measure
    John P.A. Ioannidis
    First published: 19 March 2020

    Early reported CFR figures seem exaggerated.

    The most widely quoted CFR has been 3.4%, reported by WHO dividing the number of deaths by documented cases in early March.

    This ignores undetected infections and the strong age-dependence of CFR. The most complete data come from Diamond Princess passengers, with CFR=1% observed in an elderly cohort; thus, CFR may be much lower than 1% in the general population; probably higher than seasonal flu (CFR=0.1%), but not much so.

    Observed crude CFR in South Korea and in Germany, , the countries with most extensive testing, is 0.9% and 0.2%, respectively as of March 14 and crude CFR in Scandinavian countries is about 0.1%. Some deaths of infected, seriously ill people will occur later, and these deaths have not been counted yet. However even in these countries many infections probably remain undiagnosed. Therefore, CFR may be even lower rather than higher than these crude estimate

    [Mar 24, 2020] A 2016 Johns Hopkins study concluded that 250,000 Americans die annually from medical negligence. And that's just mortality; imagine the morbidity.

    Mar 24, 2020 |

    SafeNow , says: Show Comment March 23, 2020 at 4:25 am GMT

    I posted this before but it bears posting again. A 2016 Johns Hopkins study concluded that 250,000 Americans die annually from medical negligence. And that's just mortality; imagine the morbidity.

    Long waits for short appointments. Protective, sanctimonious medical front offices. A lifetime of frustrating, humiliating, frightening fighting for access. If a presidential candidate made a promise to double the number of physicians, starting right now, he would be elected in a landslide. Sure, it would take seven years before this kicked in. But start right now. For this coming fall semester, the medical schools need only to have more seats.

    As long as I am talking about laws that nearly everyone would support .about those leaf blowers

    [Mar 24, 2020] China on Jan 22 had 571 case and on Feb 1 14,308 cases while the US on March 8 had 541 cases and it reached 13,789 cases on March 19. So US is about 45 days behind China

    Mar 24, 2020 |

    Philip Owen , says: Show Comment March 23, 2020 at 5:43 pm GMT

    @Ron Unz Wrong!

    We know from the Diamond Princess and now the Costa Luminosa that SARS-CoV-2 is not extremely contagious.

    17% of the people on the DP were infected, half without symptoms (perhaps even false positives -- the jury is out). 52 from 3711 (1.4 %) became critically ill or died.

    On the CL 74 (known to be an overcount, in a shared cabin both were counted as critical) from 1471 (5% or less) became critically ill or died according to current information.

    So, in cases of 100% population exposure, or as close as it will be in this world we see 1 to 5% critically ill (assuming a consistent definition of critically ill).

    They could easily be lost in the everyday winter flu statistics in the US. The deaths from vaping are a key clue.

    utu , says: Show Comment March 23, 2020 at 7:08 pm GMT
    @Philip Owen "not extremely contagious" -- You are making a wrong conclusion. Passengers on Diamond Princess were isolated in their cabins. Passengers who tested positive were taken out of the ship to military hospital in Japan. Diamond Princess was not a peri dish! The epidemic was arrested there and stopped.

    " passengers who tested positive [ ] have been transferred to hospitals "

    "For those left on board, there is nothing to do but sit in their cabins, wait for meals to be delivered, watch television or choose from a limited selection of movies on demand. Those lucky enough to have a balcony can at least sit in the sun, look at the ocean and talk to their neighbors."

    [Mar 24, 2020] Why the neoliberal media reports death from COVID-19 in Las Vegas but not death caused by Type A flu

    Mar 24, 2020 |

    Carlton Meyer , says: Website Show Comment March 23, 2020 at 4:23 am GMT

    After 9-11, the Feds surveyed hospitals to determine if they were prepared to handle extreme emergencies where they couldn't handle the patient load and were forced to triage and delay treatments. They learned that most hospitals were already overwhelmed every Friday and Saturday night, and many were unable to handle the demand every night. So the photos, videos, and reports of packed emergency rooms and hospitals unable to properly handle COVID-19 cases is normal.

    News from my blog:

    Mar 22, 2020 – Coronavirus Hoax?

    I am no medical expert but can check stats. Take a look at the flu stats at the Southern Nevada Health District (aka Las Vegas metro area).

    As of March 7th, the flu has killed 39 people while news reports that one died from the COVID-19 virus. The Type A flu killed 28, or 28 times more than the COVID-19 virus. Updated stats should appear this week, but the media reported a second death from COVID-19 in Las Vegas, with no mention of the others killed by Type A flu. I expect COVID-19 deaths to rise quickly, but will be surprised if they exceed the Type A flu deaths.

    [Mar 24, 2020] Most humans were busy working and stay afoot to question what network TV the fishwraps told them about 911 or coronavirus. The level of detachment from reality due intensive tabloid indoctrination is simply amazing.

    Mar 24, 2020 |

    A User , Mar 24 2020 8:29 utc | 194

    FFS can we stop with the endless debate about who did what to whom in the early days of this virus' existence?
    Not only are such debates entirely pointless because it is out among us now, it is pointless because whether they want it or not a full investigation including non-fiction backtrace is inevitable if we the people who look past the lies, play our cards right.

    It has been said that like 911 the coronavirus pandemic will be a game-changer, that is the world will be different after the lockdowns, lies and beat ups than it was before.

    There is however one major difference. Most humans were busy working and looking to keep their families going to do more than lap up what network TV & the fishwraps told them about 911. The far from reality attitudes too many still hold, date from that intensive tabloid indoctrination.

    This time is pretty much opposite, people are stuck at home with too much time to think, but not enough they believe they can do.

    If ever there was a time when it was possible to assist our fellow humans to see the world as it is rather than how the media tells them it is, that time is right now.

    Many humans are already pissed about this; plans they had made for their 2020 are kyboshed, no one really trusts politicians anymore so everyone is asking themselves if this enforced income cut is really as essential as the pols claim it is(sure some nations have trickled a little down for the durationbut even there no one is gonna be better off, everyone normal is going to be copping an income cut).
    That means most people are going to be somewhat resistant to the usual bland pol platitudes.
    Have no fear the neolibs see the danger and will be pumping out the bulldust 24/7, the difference this time is Jo/Joe Blow finally has the time to consider other points of view, especially those which are expressed entertainingly rather than didactically, so WTF are people wasting time and energy arguing the toss about matters of interest to so few other humans?

    I'm germinating a notion of what I am going to try to combat the tosh being pumped out by the elite it would be great if other humans considered the same as I'm certain most will come up with far better means to help others see than what I dream up.

    [Mar 24, 2020] An argument to be made that we are destroying economies and lives (and possibly killing far more people than Covid-19) in an hysterical over-reaction based on flawed modelling and sparse and unreliable data?...

    Mar 24, 2020 |
    Allen | Mar 23 2020 20:33 utc | 55

    Allen , Mar 24 2020 1:29 utc | 127
    (Coronavirus is a fake emergency))

    I've also pondered the question of whether the 'cure' is worse than the 'disease' in net/overall effect. However, it's important to remember that the reason the pandemic has been declared an emergency IN EVERY COUNTRY, whether Commie or Fake Democracy, is that it's making people sick enough to require hospital treatment. And these patients are ADDITIONAL patients which the health system hadn't planned for. When the flood of COVID-19 patients eases, then hospitals will return to normal levels of bed vacancy - nationwide.

    For your preferred theory to be true, it would be necessary to prove that many, or most, of these extra patients are faking the seriousness of their illness AND the medics are too uneducated/inexperienced to tell the difference. You'd probably also have to prove that there are lots of people would rather be in hospital, pretending to be sick, than anywhere but hospital...

    Italy had an excess number of deaths attributed to influenza of 25,000 in the 2016/17 season, the last year numbers are available, what we are seeing at present is not an aberration from recent years as that 16/17 season was representative of recent trends. This is directly as a result of the severely degraded environment in which they live. As others have pointed out both the air and water quality in that region is horrendous- as it has become in recent years in Wuhan, Madrid and Tehran. One has to be beyond obstinate not to understand this and connect the dots.

    At present there is great uncertainty as to deaths from Covid versus deaths with Covid. In some reporting Covid deaths were identified using a case definition that included pulmonary disease e.g

    This distinction is crucial as it points to causal factors that allowed the virus to replicate, to flourish- and disputes the narrative that the corona virus (which BTW is decidedly not novel only this mutation is which brings us to another discussion) is the causal factor. The causal factors are the specific modes of production that created horrendous living conditions in these areas to begin with (most of the planet by now) which have destroyed people's abilities (immune system e.g.) to ward off disease.

    By focusing solely on the corona virus and considering it to be the causal factor this allows the capitalist class off the hook for being the very ones who have created the conditions for all sorts of diseases to proliferate. Further by keeping the focus solely on corona history tells us that the capitalists will not only use this for any draconian measures they deem "essential" but also a means to explore all manner of profiteering- the "next magic cure" (for the disease they created) being the most obvious pot of gold.

    If you want to pursue a more analytical line of inquiry start by examining the severely degraded air quality in Madrid, Wuhan, Tehran and the Po River Valley and the accompanying health problems in those areas and start connecting some dots.

    Some links:

    Richard , Mar 24 2020 7:08 utc | 183

    In the flu season 2015/2016, Italy reported 20,259 deaths attributable to influenza (just as now, these were almost all in the 65+ age group). (Source: Journal of Infectious Diseases)...and nobody proposed shutting down the world then. If it's now being suggested the virus has been around since November then the numbers don't add up even more (i.e. Italy's Covid-19 deaths so far are around the 6,000 mark which would make the virus far less deadly than the 2015/16 flu).

    Is there not an argument to be made (as says John P.A. Ioannidis -- professor of medicine and professor of epidemiology and population health at Stanford University) that we are destroying economies and lives (and possibly killing far more people than Covid-19) in an hysterical over-reaction based on flawed modelling and sparse and unreliable data?...

    Hoarsewhisperer , Mar 24 2020 7:11 utc | 184

    Posted by: Allen | Mar 23 2020 20:33 utc | 55

    [Mar 24, 2020] Push back against virus fearmongering

    Mar 24, 2020 |

    SharonM , Mar 24 2020 1:41 utc | 129

    @97 Richard Steven Hack

    "The number of idiots everywhere on the Internet proclaiming the following:
    1) The virus won't prove to be any more dangerous than ordinary flu..."

    Yeah sure, we should have just shut up and believed...

    Russia interfered in the election
    Russia invaded Crimea
    Russia invaded Georgia
    Iran is making nuclear bombs
    The Skripals were poisoned by Russian agents
    Assad is using chemical weapons
    Saddam has weapons of mass destruction

    "etc, etc., ad nauseum.
    I could go on and on. The number of people who just *have to have an opinion* is staggering. And they'll argue that they're right until the cows come home."

    @99 Michael Weddington

    "The virus deniers here remind me of the global warming deniers."

    Why not holocaust deniers? In fact, since you didn't say holocaust deniers you must be an antisemite holocaust denier nazi, right? It's not like you two are at CNN's website, you're in the alternative media, where we actually questions things instead of just having blind faith.

    [Mar 24, 2020] Exponencial growth of the virus is not susptainable

    Notable quotes:
    "... "We showed that it was precisely the patients with the most acute symptoms who are the most infectious, both because of the high viral load [meaning, the amount of a virus in one's body] and also because of the increase in the number of encounters between people: The acute patients were dying, so everyone came to take their leave from them," Yamin says. "I was pleased that Liberia adopted our recommendations and isolated those who were seriously ill. In retrospect, we know that that new policy helped curb the epidemic." ..."
    "... the coronavirus can be expected to disappear from this region with the same dizzying speed with which it entered our lives ..."
    "... But in practice, the most rapid mutations occur in animals, and they only infect us then, and obviously it's less probable that we will be infected again by a bat in the near future. ..."
    "... "The actual number of people who are sick with the virus in South Korea is at least double what's being reported, so the chance of dying is at least twice as low, standing at about 0.45 percent – very far from the World Health Organization's [global mortality] figure of 3.4 percent. And that's already a reason for cautious optimism." ..."
    "... "And Netanyahu talked about a mortality rate of between 2 percent and 4 percent. And do you know what's most absurd? That in the final analysis [U.S. President Donald] Trump was right . Not that the coronavirus is just plain flu – it absolutely isn't – but as he put it: 'This is just my hunch – way under 1 percent' [will die].' ..."
    "... At some stage, we will have to resume a regular routine, and then the R0 will stabilize at 2 again. Effectively, we are delaying the inevitable. I have no criticism of the decisions made until now. On the contrary: With such a large area of uncertainty, Israel's decision makers are considering not only a reasonable scenario but also a margin of safety. ..."
    "... "It's not only a function of hygiene, it's mainly a function of contact between people. Picture the average old person. How many different people does he encounter in a day? And what is the nature of those encounters? The older we get, the less we caress and kiss others. Also, children constitute the only age group that comes into contact with all other age groups – not just theirs. That's why it is the key population in spreading respiratory diseases." ..."
    Mar 24, 2020 |

    Dr. Yamin is an engineer, not a physician. But in 2008, when he was a graduate student at Ben-Gurion University in Be'er Sheva, a certain research study caught his eye.

    "It was an analysis of a dynamic model for the spread of smallpox," Yamin, 38, says. "The researchers used tools from game theory. It was so interesting that I decided to conduct a similar study on influenza – which turned into a doctoral thesis on disease-spread models.

    "If, 40 or 50 years ago, epidemiology researchers came exclusively from the field of medicine, today we understand that in order to predict the spread of diseases, it's also necessary to understand how humans behave as a collective, to be able to analyze big data and to have the ability to create models and perform mathematical simulations – and for that you need engineers."

    Yamin encountered his first real epidemiological crisis while doing postdoctoral work at the the Center of Infectious Disease Modeling and Analysis at Yale University's school of public health.

    "At Yale we worked for three weeks, with almost no sleep, to create models based on engineering tools for the spread of Ebola. The dilemma of the Liberian health ministry regarded whom to prioritize, given a serious shortage of isolation facilities. The Liberians assumed that it would make more sense to quarantine those who were ill with less serious symptoms, because the others could not be saved in any case.

    "We showed that it was precisely the patients with the most acute symptoms who are the most infectious, both because of the high viral load [meaning, the amount of a virus in one's body] and also because of the increase in the number of encounters between people: The acute patients were dying, so everyone came to take their leave from them," Yamin says. "I was pleased that Liberia adopted our recommendations and isolated those who were seriously ill. In retrospect, we know that that new policy helped curb the epidemic."

    Yamin currently heads the Laboratory for Epidemic Modeling and Analysis in TAU's engineering faculty. His primary field of work is development of models for the spread of infectious diseases, with an emphasis on viruses responsible for respiratory ailments, such as flu and RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), which causes bronchitis. He is actually somewhat optimistic about the models he has developed for the spread of the coronavirus , which is also a respiratory disease.

    "The big, open question is what the chance is of dying from the virus," Yamin explains.

    "When you ask epidemiologists what the most important datum is concerning a virus, they will say it's the rate of the basic reproductive ratio, or R0 [often called "R nought"] – the average number of people a sick person will infect. That's an interesting question, but a theoretical one.

    "The R0 of measles is 12, meaning that each person who is ill with measles infects 12 people on average. However, only 5 percent of the population can actually be infected, because most of us have been immunized or had measles in the past. So that is the upper limit of its spread."

    But we know that the R0 of the coronavirus is 2, and we still don't know whether anyone is naturally immune to the disease.

    Yamin: "The overwhelming majority of people are apparently not immune, because it's not a common disease. After all, there is no precedent for such an infectious and violent type of virus from the corona family, so it's safe to assume that the majority has not been exposed to the virus before this and that they can be infected. However, that's not to say that the majority of the population will actually contract the disease.

    "The basic principle is that a virus with an R0 of 2 in a non-immune population can be expected to infect 50 percent of the population. After that the R0 will reach a value of 1 or less, and the disease will be contained. By the way, it will recede in a converging exponential; in other words, the coronavirus can be expected to disappear from this region with the same dizzying speed with which it entered our lives."

    But we don't know for certain whether a person can be infected twice.

    "No, but with the majority of viruses, if you're infected and you have recovered, you won't be re-infected, because of immunological memory. And if you are infected again, the symptoms will be less acute the second time. The exception to the rule is influenza: Its mutation frequency is so high that you can be infected by it year after year. Last year alone, the flu underwent 17 mutations. Whereas the last time we heard about corona was 17 years ago, with SARS. In other words, the coronavirus did not undergo mutations at the same frequency as the flu. Of course, the mutations themselves are a function of the number of infections: The more infections there are, the greater the likelihood that mutations will occur. But in practice, the most rapid mutations occur in animals, and they only infect us then, and obviously it's less probable that we will be infected again by a bat in the near future.

    "By the way, viral mutations are more frequent in bats, whose immune system is astonishingly weak, while their social network is extensive and characterized by a lot of interaction."

    So we're talking about maximum rate of infection – that is, of becoming a carrier – of 50 percent. That's still a lot of patients, a lot of hospitalizations and mainly a lot of deaths.

    "Again, the most interesting issue for decision makers is the mortality rate. When we look at the dry data, we see a very high mortality rate, of 4 to 7 percent, in countries like Italy and Spain, alongside far lower numbers in countries like Germany and South Korea.

    "And then there's China, though it's very difficult to believe the numbers coming out of there – and in any event no country in the West can allow itself to adopt the measures that China adopted to contain the spread. Now ask yourself: How do you check the mortality rate in all those countries? You take the total number of deaths and divide it by the total of reported patients."

    So the research is biased.

    "Very biased. If I can only carry out few tests, I will test those who have the highest chance of becoming ill, and then, when I check the mortality rate among them, I will get very high numbers. But there is one country we can learn from: South Korea. South Korea has been coping with corona for a long time, more than most Western countries, and they lead in the number of tests per capita. Therefore, the official mortality rate there is 0.9 percent. But even in South Korea, not all the infected were tested – most have very mild symptoms.

    "The actual number of people who are sick with the virus in South Korea is at least double what's being reported, so the chance of dying is at least twice as low, standing at about 0.45 percent – very far from the World Health Organization's [global mortality] figure of 3.4 percent. And that's already a reason for cautious optimism."

    'Worst-case scenario'

    Let's move from percents to people.

    "Just a minute. Although we're both Westernized countries, we are absolutely not South Korea. South Korea has one of the highest proportions of elderly people in the world, whereas Israel tops the graph in fertility, and we have a very young population. So, if we use the upper limit [of mortality] of South Korea and normalize the mortality rate for the population in Israel, we are talking about the probability of a mortality rate of 0.3 percent among those who have been infected.

    "Now we'll go to a severe scenario in which no one is immune and every second person is sick, so that the disease is incapable of spreading further – namely, a situation where there's a maximum infection rate of 50 percent.

    "We are a country of nine million citizens. So in the worst-case scenario, we are talking about 4.5 million Israelis who will become ill with the coronavirus. Multiply 4.5 million by 0.3 percent and you get 13,500 Israelis who are liable to die from the disease. By comparison, 700 to 2,500 Israelis die every year of complications from other respiratory ailments."

    But German Chancellor Angela Merkel talked about a rate of infection of 70 percent in Germany.

    "And Netanyahu talked about a mortality rate of between 2 percent and 4 percent. And do you know what's most absurd? That in the final analysis [U.S. President Donald] Trump was right . Not that the coronavirus is just plain flu – it absolutely isn't – but as he put it: 'This is just my hunch – way under 1 percent' [will die].'

    "We must be cautious, of course, but at the moment a high probability is emerging that the risks are far lower than what the World Health Organization presented. Under two assumptions – that the health system doesn't collapse and that life continues as usual – we are not likely to see more than 13,500 victims of the coronavirus in Israel." (About 45,000 people die in Israel in a normal year, which would make for a rise of approximately one-third.)

    But, social distancing should lead to fewer cases of infection and death, no?

    "No, because we won't be able to isolate ourselves completely or forever. At some stage, we will have to resume a regular routine, and then the R0 will stabilize at 2 again. Effectively, we are delaying the inevitable. I have no criticism of the decisions made until now. On the contrary: With such a large area of uncertainty, Israel's decision makers are considering not only a reasonable scenario but also a margin of safety.

    "In my opinion, the Health Ministry deserves tremendous credit for being ahead of the world by having instituted so few measures. In the same breath, the public needs to understand that these measures of social distancing mean that we will find ourselves with corona for a longer period, even to 2023."

    A quarantine ward being set up at Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan. Tomer Appelbaum

    That long?

    "Take the swine flu, from 2009. Reliable models show clearly that it was contained in Israel because its appearance coincided with the Jewish holidays in the fall [when people weren't out much in public]. From the virus' point of view, the timing wasn't good for it in Israel. By contrast, in the United States there was significant infection in 2009-2010. But in the end, it balances out. So we saw swine flu in Israel both in 2009-10 and in 2010-11, whereas in the United States it just came and went. The American population as a whole was exposed to the virus at high rates, so those who fell ill and recovered served as a 'human shield' for those who did not get sick."

    So what you're saying is to tear the bandage off in one fell swoop, and explose everyone at once, the way they tried to do in Britain.

    "We need to make decisions based on the most precise models possible. What should be done? Of course, we must significantly increase testing, using the rapid PCR test, and that is what is actually being done. In parallel, serologic tests should be conducted. These differ from regular tests in that they examines an individual's immunological reaction to exposure. That's the only way we will be able to get an accurate picture of the distribution of the virus in Israel, and thereby also of the mortality rates."

    What will that test be able to tell us?

    "It will solve the riddle of the young people: It's still not clear whether young people are infected by the coronavirus but don't develop symptoms, or are simply immune and thus don't become infected. This is different from most respiratory ailments. With those illnesses, like RSV or flu, this is a key population: The 5-to-19 age group is not at risk but they are responsible for infecting others."

    Because children don't wash their hands, and they drool on themselves?

    "It's not only a function of hygiene, it's mainly a function of contact between people. Picture the average old person. How many different people does he encounter in a day? And what is the nature of those encounters? The older we get, the less we caress and kiss others. Also, children constitute the only age group that comes into contact with all other age groups – not just theirs. That's why it is the key population in spreading respiratory diseases."

    .... ... ...

    Oded Carmeli

    Haaretz Contributor

    [Mar 24, 2020] On Coronavirus, Reason To Hope by Rod Dreher

    Notable quotes:
    "... A drug like chloroquine doesn't have to be extremely effective in order to have a huge benefit on our ICU density. A small effect could have a big impact. And if chloroquine turns out not to work, there are other promising drugs such as Remdesivir, though chloroquine has the advantage of being cheap and easy to produce. ..."
    Mar 23, 2020 |
    Reader Ryan Booth writes:

    Rod, I was one of those screaming at our public officials to shut stuff down. I was extremely frustrated by President Trump's brushing off of our problem for a long time. I asked my Facebook friends if anyone wanted to help with a recall petition of Governor Edwards, after he took very mild steps against COVID-19 instead of the necessary firmer ones. I bristled with a mixture of horror and astonishment as New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell allowed bars to pack people in last weekend to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I argued with friends on Facebook who insisted to me that "this is just a cold" and told me that I was irrational and needlessly spreading fear and panic.

    So I have consistently supported strong steps to contain this virus, but I have now become very optimistic that the tide is about to turn, and I want to share why.

    Testing is about to expand exponentially.

    We've been steadily growing our testing ability since the outbreak began. America tested 44,176 people today, and every day sees a big increase. Yesterday, we tested 34,654 and it was 27,372 the day before that. A week ago, it was 4,124.

    But these increases are small compared to what's in the pipeline. This week we saw FDA approval of new testing systems from Roche and from Abbott labs that run tests ten times faster than current methods. To give you an idea of what this means, Roche brags that their Cobas 8800 machine can process over 3000 tests per day. Until today, Louisiana hadn't had a total of 3000 people tested. Roche is now making and shipping 400,000 test kits per week in the US, while Abbott is making a million of their test kits each week. Those systems will be coming online this coming week.

    Today, we got even more good news, with Cepheid getting FDA approval for their new test, which will detect the virus in 45 minutes and can be used in over 5000 Cepheid machines already in US hospitals. This will allow hospitals to test all their staff and every incoming patient on a consistent basis, so that we can keep our doctors and nurses safe and our hospitals don't spread the disease. Those testing kits are getting shipped out this coming week.

    And there are more companies in the process of getting approval. In two weeks, we should be able to test 150,000 – 200,000 Americans daily, and that means that we don't all need to stay home anymore.

    Let me explain how this works.

    Suppose that Boudreaux, who works for the state of Louisiana, wakes up and has a fever. Right now, it's not easy for him to get tested – and if he could get tested, he wouldn't get his results for days. Let's say that Boudreaux is a good citizen and stays home at this point. That's great, except that Boudreaux went to work yesterday and exposed his coworker Pierre, and he also got his hair cut and exposed his barber, T-Boy. His wife Marie doesn't isolate from him, because she thinks that Boudreaux is just lazy and doesn't want to work, so she is also exposed. Unless Boudreaux gets sick enough that he needs to go to the hospital, he's not going to be tested, and Pierre, T-Boy, and Marie might all get the virus and – and this is key – then spread it themselves.

    That's been our situation, and the only solution that we've had was to keep Boudreaux at home in the first place. That's why the state is keeping non-essential workers at home. That's why many places are forcing barbershops to close. So, now, our governmental restrictions keep T-Boy and Pierre from getting infected, though Marie is still at risk.

    Now, imagine our original situation with easy, high-speed testing. Boudreaux wakes up with a fever, he goes to the drive-thru testing site and is notified about four hours later that he is positive. Now, everyone in his family and workplace immediately gets tested, as does T-Boy – and the virus does not spread beyond them.

    The ability to test everyone who needs to be tested is how South Korea and Singapore have been able to control their outbreaks without significant societal restrictions. Their schools, restaurants, etc. are all open. And their economies are not wrecked. Again, we'll be at that point in less than two weeks.

    Evidence strongly suggests that COVID-19 is seasonal.

    A recent Chinese study compared transmission rates for all 100 Chinese cities outside of Wuhan that had at least 40 cases before their national lockdown, to see if the virus spread more slowly in warmer, more humid parts of China. Their conclusion:

    "High temperature and high relative humidity significantly reduce the transmission of COVID-19, respectively, even after controlling for population density and GDP per capita of cities This result is consistent with the fact that the high temperature and high humidity significantly reduce the transmission of influenza. It indicates that the arrival of summer and rainy season in the northern hemisphere can effectively reduce the transmission of the COVID-19."

    That study, as an example, predicted a R value of 1.3 in Tokyo for the Olympics -- with zero intervention! (For those of you who don't know what that means, it means that instead of spreading the disease to about 2.6 people, which is what happens now, the average person would only infect half as many people.) If this study were correct, it would mean that, with some control measures, it would be easy to keep COVID-19 from spreading during the Olympics.

    Besides this study, we have the basic observation that the world's serious outbreaks have occurred in cold, dry weather. Jakarta and Milan both had nonstop flights to Wuhan during Wuhan's outbreak, but Italy has suffered a horrific crisis and Indonesia has not. Scientists believe that this is because COVID-19 is mainly transmitted by coughing , and the microdroplets emitted when someone coughs travel about twice as far in cold, dry air. Additionally, the water vapor present in humid air interacts with those microdroplets to stop them.

    If COVID-19 is indeed a seasonal disease, then we should be able to almost eliminate it this summer, to the point that there will be zero restrictions on ordinary life. Sports leagues can fill stadiums with fans and political conventions can meet, and we won't have to worry that we're fanning a new outbreak.

    Improved treatment will improve COVID-19 patient outcomes.

    If you have watched President Trump on TV or follow him on twitter, then you know that he is hopeful about the promise of chloroquine (and its close relative hydroxychloroquine).

    President Trump has perhaps overpromised what chloroquine can do, as the evidence of its benefit is still rather thin. But, if it has any benefit at all, it's a game-changer in terms of our ICUs. If chloroquine works, it works by lowering the amount of virus in the body. When you combine this with earlier testing, there's a tremendous advantage. The people who end up in the ICU don't get there until they've been sick for a week or so, as the virus grows in their body and then inflames the alveoli in the lungs, leading to shortness of breath. If chloroquine works, an at-risk patient would be given it right after testing positive, and hopefully, the viral load in their body never gets high enough for the patient to develop severe shortness of breath, and he stays out of the ICU.

    A drug like chloroquine doesn't have to be extremely effective in order to have a huge benefit on our ICU density. A small effect could have a big impact. And if chloroquine turns out not to work, there are other promising drugs such as Remdesivir, though chloroquine has the advantage of being cheap and easy to produce.

    Is the situation going to get worse in the US? Yes. Is the end in sight? I believe that it is. I write this to encourage each of you to hold on. If we can stay and home, enduring the claustrophobia, the family bickering, and the often severe economic consequences, we can beat this virus.

    I miss my church. A streamed service tomorrow is not a true substitute for the togetherness in Christ that I need more than ever at this time. And my business is suffering. I think that I can make it another month, but I don't know about longer than that. I expect that our nation's psychiatrists and therapists are swamped right now, as stress and depression skyrocket.

    But there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

    [Mar 24, 2020] The mainstream media is pushing the fear full stop

    Mar 24, 2020 |

    gepay , Mar 23 2020 23:28 utc | 107

    I think b has not been very good with this corona virus reporting. He thinks he was wrong on his initial reporting and changed as new facts emerged. however he basically repeats the mainstream line. I certainly am no expert, But then again it seems thee is a wide divergence of views from the "experts" but there is a mainstream conclusion which b agrees with. And the mainstream media is pushing the fear full stop.

    I still think this is not a specially dangerous virus. almost entirely it is old people dying. almost entirely most of them have pre-existing conditions. My initial take was people who would die fairly soon or might die if they got a bad flu are dying but sooner. I know my wife went to the hospital and acquired a very bad pneumonia. She was on a respirator for over a week and afterwards was diagnosed with COPD. How many of these deaths are people who are sick with corona virus and go to the hospital and get a hospital acquired infection but are counted as dying from COV-18? Virologist have been heavily researching corona viruses since the SARS and MERS outbreaks that didn't kill very many people
    I do agree that this virus seems exceptionally communicable. That nature article b cited seemed as if it was written to dismiss the idea that the virus was made in some biolab. I have read an article debunking this Nature article - the writer was trying to make a case that it came from a Chinese lab He agreed it wasn't manufactured by gene editing but was created by passing a corona virus through ferrets who do have the same ACE receptor that humans have and COV-19 uses to infect cells.

    Engineered bat virus stirs debate over risky research ...

    the announcement by Ralph Baric and co-workers at the University of North Carolina that they had created a chimeric SARS-like virus, which expresses the spike (attachment protein) of a bat coronavirus in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone (4). As in the cases of the genetically modified H5N1 avian influenza viruses, the newly generated SARS-like virus is potentially an extremely dangerous, possibly pandemic pathogen... That was 5 years ago. That was 2015.

    I agree with the uselessness of bioweapons as a military operation. The economic blowback we are now seeing is proof

    But But what if this global crisis is exactly what those who want to totally control us would want to happen. It is precipitating the roll out of medical martial law.

    There are laws on the books that give extraordinary powers in the event of a global epidemic or even a pandemic.

    Not to mention in the US the Continuity of Government provisions strengthened massively after 9/11. Every year the state of emergency triggered by 9/11 has been renewed. Mandatory vaccinations for everyone. Quarantine powers granted The initiation of martial law. Now you don't have to be a terrorist but just said to be infected and away you go.

    I don't think COV-19 is the one to justify the full implementation but it is another giant step for setting up the population for the full implementation.

    [Mar 24, 2020] Whenever these people decide on a narrative, they are loath to back down once they are proven wrong. They don't want to lose face.

    Mar 24, 2020 |

    Digital Samizdat , says: Show Comment March 22, 2020 at 1:27 pm GMT

    @prime noticer What if–as seems to be happening in Italy–the journalists simply pretend that bodies are piling up, perhaps by attributing other deaths to Corona?

    Beware: whenever these people decide on a narrative, they are loath to back down once they are proven wrong. They don't want to lose face.


    [Mar 24, 2020] The numbers for Italy have come down just a little bit more. Restrictions on the other hand have got even tighter, now only people who do essential work are allowed out of their homes.

    Mar 24, 2020 |

    dan of steele , Mar 23 2020 18:31 utc | 11

    There is a bit more encouraging news tonight. the numbers for Italy have come down just a little bit more. Restrictions on the other hand have got even tighter, now only people who do essential work are allowed out of their homes.

    As I mentioned yesterday in a post that got swallowed by the ether, Italy is going through some hard times financially.

    Some self inflicted by governments spending more than the took in to stay in power and some because the banks refused to take a haircut.

    Many small businesses are just barely survive and a couple of months without income is going to really hurt.

    [Mar 24, 2020] The virus itself is exaggerated, it is the social and political impacts of it that are worrisome.

    Mar 24, 2020 |

    anon [837] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment March 23, 2020 at 7:02 pm GMT

    @Trinity The virus itself is exaggerated, it is the social and political impacts of it that are worrisome.
    John Chuckman , says: Website Show Comment March 23, 2020 at 7:04 pm GMT
    Something to think about

    Here is an interesting item, an interview with a world-class virologist about the virus:

    Quite different the what we see in the papers day after day:

    [Mar 24, 2020] Joe Rogan Experience #1439 - Michael Osterholm

    Highly recommended!
    Michael Osterholm - Wikipedia (born March 10, 1953) is an American infectious disease epidemiologist, regents professor, and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota.
    Scientific establishment want money, want importance, wants political influence. That create difficult dilemma and force some people play the role of fear mongers.
    Mar 24, 2020 |

    parcos79 , 13 hours ago

    12 million views...holy cow

    MKingston , 1 week ago

    BUMP 00:10 Intro 0:40 How bad is Coronavirus 4:00 Is the virus an "old persons" disease 5:18 Incubation period 7:50 What can be done to prevent infection 13:45 Drug shortages 15:20 Sauna use effect on infections 18:00 Was Coronavirus man-made 22:00 American Wild Deer diseases and Prions 32:00 Is Corona seasonal 35:00 Corona could be 10 times worse than the flu 35:25 Corona will stay around for months 36:10 Coronavirus vs Spanish flu 38:30 How can we prepare our immune system 43:20 Do hand sanitizers and masks work 50:00 We stockpile weapons more than medical goods 54:30 Will people panic if they are told the truth 56:00 Vaccines 1:02:00 Why a virus would originate from China 1:11:30 What to do if you get the flu 1:15:45 Lime disease and ticks 1:23:00 Effects of fire suppression on ecosystem 1:30:00 Vaccine for Coronavirus

    whisperingsage , 4 days ago (edited)

    Sick nurses working, I have experienced that in every nursing home I have worked in in the US. In California and NV. Luckily, I found the trick, If I have a headache that won't be resolved with hydration, I figure it's a flu, I take 4 grams of C and 20,000 IU of D, and usually that takes care of it, no more symptoms. In the case that it persists, I keep taking 4 grams of C ever few hours and high dose D until the symptoms subside. Usually doesn't take too long, and ( a few hours) symptoms don't get bad.

    Joan Anundson-Ahr , 1 day ago

    Beware of any expert that promotes fearfulness and helplessness and tells us to just wait for a "miracle" vaccine. Why didn't he tell us the truth about the success of vitamin C therapy? Why didn't he tell us that some common medications like ibuprofen and heart medications can impede healing of the virus.

    KW0311 USMC , 1 week ago

    Joe doesnt like hearing his sauna and probiotics arent the cure for everything.

    MiZzShiN3 , 7 hours ago (edited)

    15:25 - 18:04 sauna myth

    Aventura , 2 days ago (edited)

    div> It´s funny and very predictable how programmed into fear people have become when it´s never the virus that kills you, but a weak immune system´s panick reaction. If you believe the MSM is not aligned with certain agendas, the WHO is not inherently corrupt, the pharmaceutical vaccine pushing industries have your best interests at heart and doctors really know what they are talking about when they always look at the parts as seperated and never the whole living system, then you will be shocked to learn the truth. I really look forward to a time, probably thanks to this crisis it will be in the not so distant future, where people will begin to wake up, see through the BS we are being bombarded with from the parasitical class of "rulers" or "elites". Then a paradigm shift in so many ways will begin to take place... Greetings from a tireless truth seeker!

    Gina Jonson , 1 day ago div c

    lass="comment-renderer-text-content expanded"> the difference between COVID 19 and the spanish flu and the fear rampant about this comparison is that our health care system is a little more advanced than what was available back in 1919 AND we are also so much more informed regarding hygiene practices.........not discounting the seriousness of this unprecendented occurrence.........but still great to focus on the "little" advantages we can monopolise on. in order to tackle this global crisis head on and rationally

    WJK , 5 days ago (edited) div

    > @PowerfulJRE - Joe PLEASE have Michael Osterholm back on asap and please ask Michael the following questions...

    1) Are highly infectious airborne cold viruses killed by ozone from ozone/ion generators(?) and

    2) Why do medical facilities and schools no longer install or utilize UV disinfection lighting like they use to utilize/install in entranceways, hallways, and rooms of hospitals and school classrooms like they use to do 50-75 years ago(?)

    Steve Ward , 5 days ago

    43:12 real good info about hand sanitizer and face masks

    J_M_W_77 , 5 days ago

    N95 masks....remember kids its a one way valve on the front of those things....breath in, and it filters the air....breath out, valve opens and the air goes out, " unfiltered". If you're sick, these masks will not prevent you from spreading it around.

    Rodney Higgins , 2 days ago

    China's only biosafety level 4 (BSL–4) laboratory is in Wuhan. Coincidences happen.

    Tessangela Beck , 3 days ago div tabindex="0" role="article"

    > Osterholm is a catalog of infectious disease info that is beyond valuable . . he's in his 60s . . maybe the planet has others who could fill his shoes in my home state of Minnesota; of course, I hope so! He also has a good sense of humor, managing a little chuckle when Joe suggested if any president could get around the informed consent issue of testing vaccines on prisoners, such as nasty rapists, it would be Trump. I'm glad to receive all the helpful info without a steady dose of politics and conspiracy chitchat. Now I know that my prebiotic and probiotic pills are only good for temporary relief and that my natural flora and fauna in the gut will take over...

    GAiPS , 1 week ago (edited)

    51:46 "We spend about 0.001% on public health compared to our defense department and yet look how's the's not a's not a bringing the world economy down right's a darn virus."

    Noelf , 1 week ago

    Can you imagine if even half the US defence budget was redirected into health care and research!! We (the world) spend trillions on arms and now we are fighting an enemy that bullets can't kill!! Infuriating!! 😡😡😠😠

    Qidi Wang , 1 day ago div tabindex="0" role="article"

    > How do you draw the conclusion that such viruses would always come from China? MERS was first discovered in the middle east, the 2009 flu originated in mexico, the Spanish flu originated in Kansas. I mean like if you search China on the pandemic wikipedia page there's only SARS and several flu outbreaks.

    Also Wild life is not part of the cuisine in most of China, and it's really more of a status symbol for rich people to be able to find exotic food

    Niels Raider , 5 days ago

    In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Roedy Green , 4 days ago (edited) div tabindex="0" role=

    "article"> There is another nasty virus going around here in Victoria BC Canada that is a bit like CORVID-19.. I got it in mid-December and I am just getting over it. My friends recovered in two to three weeks. The symptoms include a cough that goes on and on leaving you breathless, extremely sore throat, runny nose, extreme weakness. Even the emergency room doctor said she had it. Have you heard of it? I think I got it travelling in a Handi-dart van with some elderly, sneezing Chinese speaking males.

    Santino Rider , 5 days ago (edited)

    51:40 Good reminder of war against missiles vs virus. Budgets... 53:00 his talk to banking/finance people. Scary. Like children, whereas Michael is more analytical, like engineers/scientists, see it all as problem-solution.

    [Mar 23, 2020] There is by now lots of material on the internet for the reader to understand how deaths by pre-existing illness have been attributed to Covid-19

    Mar 23, 2020 |

    john , Mar 22 2020 15:30 utc | 5

    UK Government's Chief Science Advisor Reveals "Covid-19" Deaths Are Deaths As Normal; BBC Admits It Too

    There is by now lots of material on the internet for the reader to understand how deaths by pre-existing illness have been attributed to Covid-19, and this site provides a reasonably good starting place (please see the article linked to above titled, Covid-19 and pneumonic immune system overreaction).

    On the other hand, the effort to get to grips with the reason that a fake pandemic has been used by governments in the west to destroy the livelihoods of their governed is something that has not solidified into a coherent and demonstrable idea, and perhaps the only proof of the pudding will be in the eating; i.e. we will only know when it is happening to us.

    However, at that stage knowledge of Covid-19 as the phantom scapegoat will be well established.

    And just as the widespread exposure of al-Qaeda, which was the equivalent bogeyman device in the War on Terror as an Orwellian tool of those executing the reaction to (their own) terrorist provocation, proved to undermine and cause to fail a plan for domination of foreign territory by Globalist financier class interests, so too will widespread appreciation of the true nature of Covid-19 undermine and cause to fail the irregular warfare that is now being unleashed on domestic territories

    [Mar 23, 2020] deaths to infections are around 1.5% and deaths to total world population are negligible to the point of irrelevancy. Other tropical diseases kill millions annually with hardly a blink from anyone or any government. Deaths from road accidents worldwide must be in the hundreds of thousands. Why is there no shutdown or driver quarantine internationally ?

    Mar 23, 2020 |

    calculator , says: Show Comment March 23, 2020 at 1:20 pm GMT

    @Digital Samizdat I agree the thing is a HOAX.

    First of all I see few people wearing masks in my city. In photos on the internet and media websites those that do seem to be staged photos. The thumbnail photo for this article supposedly shows Italy, the country allegedly hardest hit, the Roman Arena in the background but only one girl wearing a mask. Yet I hear the virus is spreading like "wildfire" and such nonsense. I read congregations of more than 50 people is prohibited but yet see supermarkets full of folks jostling each other. Even on the internet I see photos beating the virulence and destructive power of the virus, photos with 20 people and only 2 wearing masks.

    Second, every country is "locking down" although deaths to infections are around 1.5% and deaths to total world population are negligible to the point of irrelevancy. Other tropical diseases kill millions annually with hardly a blink from anyone or any government. Deaths from road accidents worldwide must be in the hundreds of thousands. Why is there no shutdown or driver quarantine internationally ? One is at greater risk of violence in modern day urban centers. We have African countries with germs scientists have not even discovered "locking down".

    Third, the "experts" seem to be clueless and clued out. One minute everyone has to self quarantine and now I see the leading WHO expert saying everything cannot be locked down. They need to identify the infected and their contacts and isolate THEM or else the virus "could jump up again". Other experts not to be outdone assert the virus could reappear in September. Then there is all the jargon like social distancing and flattening the curve.

    Fourth, all the billions now being thrown around for the "War" on the virus is like spilling honey on an ants nest. I dont want to be crass but will health units accurately test and report results. Lets say a Government has set aside $100,000 per infected citizen. Go to the hospital with a sniffle and you may well be diagnosed with the virus, the health professionals only too happy to bill the Government. Since it is you, a wife and three kids and you had a birthday party recently with 14 other relatives one is now running into the millions. There seems to be too much incentive to flog this virus and milk every penny possible from whoever is shovelling out the cash.

    Fifth, this virus seems to be killing people well up in their age whose immune systems are already weak. Germs, insects and pests and scavengers always congregate where there is filth. Poor eating habits, bad diet, lack of exercise, smoking, drinking and use of recreational and other drugs weaken the immune system and make the blood dirty leaving it open to infection by ANY germ or virus that comes along. In any case the media seems to tout statistics in a dishonest way. For example "Country X now has 30,000 infections" is spun as if the 30,000 died or "Deaths shatter records, rise by 30%" when in fact the 30% rise amounts to three people.

    I could go on for another 2000 words. Even poor Harvey, locked away in jail is now infected. Everyone is looking for an angle and flogging this virus. Everyone forgets we went through this with Swine Flu, Bird Flu, West Nile, Sars and Anthrax. Now it is COVID ! Everyone is looking for a payout. The herd instinct s strong, monkey see monkey do. States with no infections are locking down.

    Finally, there si all the finger pointing about the origin of the virus and the name squeezes out accusations of racism, bigotry and whatever. It now seems fashionable to have the virus with Mr and Mrs Rich and Famous claiming to have tested for it and so forth. Yahoo had an article today showing a well dressed white girl wearing a black mask in front of a chinese building. Looked like a photoshoot and recently there was an article from a boy telling what is was like to have the virus. He looked very healthy with a big smile. I guess he is one of those rare characters who can be flat on their backs for 2 weeks with a deadly virus and come out looking like Clark Gable.

    As to why this would NOT be a hoax. Why would the market crash and the economy be ruined ? The answer to me is that it started as a virus and people saw a way they could exploit it. Maybe they never expected the reaction in terms of shutdowns and lockups , maybe they never expected the reactions to be so out of control but ultimately the reason is MONEY.

    The public gets fooled everytime with this nonsense or some other rubbish. The traditional media and social media flog this virus ad nauseum to the point where ordinary folks panic from the sheer volume of information and opinions and "research" .Brace yourselves, 2021 or 2022 will bring another "catastrophe" and we will fall for the b/s all over again. I dont know about other commentators but I am tired of the whole thing and the cure will decimate many more than the virus itself.

    [Mar 23, 2020] Credible insights into the Coronavirus by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg

    A very interesting discussion by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg. He compare this epidemic hype with famous Andersen tale about the Naked King. He points out on the fact that test for the virus was developed in a hurry and it is unclear how many false positive it allow.
    All-in-all a very interesting, educational discussion by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg even you do not agree with him.
    Mar 15, 2020 |

    I just made the English voiceover. Original video is here:

    Learn about Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg

    Compare with

    Joe Rogan Experience #1439 - Michael Osterholm - YouTube

    [Mar 23, 2020] Way Past Time for Proper Perspective on Corona Virus by Larry C Johnson

    Mar 23, 2020 |

    Deap , 23 March 2020 at 12:38 PM

    Two issues continue to be misrepresented which systematicly allow "corona" to take on the spectre of the Zombie Apocalypse:

    1. Social distancing keeps people out of the sneeze-cough zone for droplet contamination by air. Yet social shunning of those who continue to cough and sneeze in public in fact is what needs to be made the primary line of defense. Not the crowds of people stocking up on toilet paper but virtuously standing 6 feet apart, clueless about their own role fostering the Zombie Apocalypse imagery.

    2. Self-inoculation is the second source of infection, and way under-emphasizied while again disguised by virtuous but meaningless ritual behavior.

    All the talk is about hand washing, surface decontamination and hand sanitizers which ultimately are a fools errand since this additional new, and critical ritual behavior often fails to emphasize the absolutely important disease connection that comes from sticking your very own (presumed) dirty fingers into one's own nose, mouth and/or eyes.

    Few are 100% observant about how many surfaces they actually touch before the stick their "washed or sanitized hands" back into their own mouth, nose or eyes.

    Washing your hands remains #1 in importance, but so does WATCHING your hands.

    "Don't touch your face" misses the point too - another message fail - one must vividly make the connection between their own fingers and their own body orifices leading to the upper respiratory tract. And continue to be aware of this connection 24/7 - no exceptions.

    Organic homemake hand sanitizers are as good as the last thing you touched or the next person who cough next to your clorox-wiped surfaces.

    The media goes out of its way to instill the Zombie Apocalypse vision of this "flu" - it is everywhere, you must fear everything and nothing can protect you. If you touch it, you will die. If it is in the air, you will die. You never know who has it. You are a victim. And it is someone else's fault.

    So one can pretend to do useless and ritual activities but ignore one's own role and one's own personal responsibility for its contact and spread.

    1. Socially shun anyone who fails to protect their coughs or sneezes, until they learn new habits - how does staying 6 feet away from everyone teach the offenders new habits?

    2. Wash your hands and watch what you touch. 100% of the time.

    TSA is now with us 100% of the time after 911- regardless of the numerical threat. Proper self-hygiene needs to be with us 100% of the time too - and never should have left us.

    Bring back white gloves. Now we know why.

    JohninMK , 23 March 2020 at 12:42 PM
    Here in the UK either our management are incompetent of they know something we don't is my take.

    Apart from summary figures broken down by Health district for 'got it' or 'dead from it' there is nothing. Testing apart from in hospitals is unknown unless you are famous so no-one has any idea what the viruses progress is in the community. What is happening at individual hospitals is probably a state secret now.

    Even though, between themselves, they knew it was coming at the latest in mid January, they did nothing. No extra orders for masks, ventilators etc.

    Yet they are allowing fear and panic to rip through the community and huge economic damage.

    I haven't yet properly worked out cui bono but I have my suspicions. But they are passing some draconian laws.

    TournezVite , 23 March 2020 at 01:15 PM
    The actual mortality rate may be closer to 1% or less with most of it concentrated in the over 70s. The reasonable thing to do would have been to protect seniors while letting everyone else go about their business. Nuking the economy with lockdowns is the politicians' way of competing with each other to show they're "doing something." It's craven behavior not leadership.

    A number of notable virologists have advocated for a more level-headed approach, among them Dr. David Katz. See

    This daily updated page has compiled a lengthy list of doctors and virologists who are critical of the panic mongering.

    Nornert M Salamon , 23 March 2020 at 03:11 PM
    Thank you Larry for the sobering analysis of Corvid-19.

    I only disagree with your emphasis that the social distancing is the main cause of economic collapse.

    Methinks that the everything bubble in coordination of unrepayable debt fiasco has arrived, and the ELITES/media are distracting from refinancing the Wall Street gamblers, Share-buyback artists, Private equity leveraged asset strippers and the offshore artist looser.

    We are replaying the 2008 modus operandi get the elites saved financially and let the poor people try to survive on their own as they assume all the obligation of the
    elite rescue

    English Outsider , 23 March 2020 at 03:57 PM
    Larry Johnson - I'm afraid I'm rather more of JJ Jackson's view as to the potential seriousness of this disease.

    But the economic effects are already pretty devastating. 10% of world trade is tourism and related. Entertainment is a big industry. Both hard hit and other sectors too. Pensioners spend a fair bit and many are no longer doing so.

    So whether we panic or not that's the reality. A reality superimposed on a weak and vulnerable economy. Also on a financial system already on life support.

    That's more the case in my country than yours, by quite a long chalk. Even so, though I believe the US is in a better position to recover, the hit's coming our way wherever we live. You can't take that amount of economic activity out and expect there to be only a few bumps in the road.

    Theoretically the best approach is yours. Business as usual, tuck the vulnerable away, take such casualties as come along among the less vulnerable. Could even be an opportunity for economic regeneration along Trump 2016 lines.

    This hasn't happened and I doubt it would have even had the strategy been agreed on and adopted early on. And there's too much disconnect between the rulers and ruled for anything constructive much to happen now, certainly in UK politics though it would be presumptuous in me to venture an opinion here about yours. This is already a big deal and should be treated as such.

    I've been following your analyses on Russiagate and they're on the money every time. I hope the pandemic isn't used as an opportunity to bury that disgraceful affair. But there'll be plenty hoping it's just that.

    [Mar 23, 2020] a New York Times opinion piece, authored by a "writer, producer and yoga teacher" who apparently contracted the virus, and had to be hospitalized noting that it did not keep her (Fiona Lowenstein) from taking a "selfie", apparently with a non-sterile, yet-somehow-permitted-in-the-hospital room cell phone?

    Mar 23, 2020 |

    OscarWildeLoveChild , says: Show Comment March 23, 2020 at 1:37 pm GMT

    @Dd I don't know, but I have a lot of questions about things I have been reading, from the data, demonstrating the weakness of the virus, and non-lethality, to a New York Times opinion piece, authored by a "writer, producer and yoga teacher" who apparently contracted the virus, and had to be hospitalized noting that it did not keep her (Fiona Lowenstein) from taking a "selfie", apparently with a non-sterile, yet-somehow-permitted-in-the-hospital room cell phone? You normally have all that stuff bagged up. I dunno. Check out the article and her pic, judge for yourself.

    It isn't that I don't think it is possible, or true, about this or other similar stories, or that the data is fake or false .there's just so much to digest and some of it seems incredulous and/or contradictory.

    [Mar 22, 2020] The death rate in Hubei province is 5% of all infected

    Mar 22, 2020 |

    Peter AU1 , Mar 22 2020 6:19 utc | 100

    "It is the existence of these serious cases (absurdly estimated at 15% of the cases, probably in reality 10 times less) that justifies not simply relying on group immunity. ..."

    Hubei is the best figures we have at the moment. Still 5,000 or so active cases there but everything has stabilized enough to get an idea of percentages.

    Numbers at the moment

    Recovered 59,432
    Deaths 3,144
    Active 5224

    That gives a death rate of around 5% of those infected. There will also be a good number have suffered permanent lung damage, perhaps another 5%.

    No medical care and those numbers go a lot higher.

    [Mar 22, 2020] The Everything Bubble, Fictitious Capital and Coronavirus by Frank Lee

    Notable quotes:
    "... Financialisation operates through three different conduits: changes in the structure and operation of financial markets, changes in the behaviour of nonfinancial corporations, and changes in economic policy. ..."
    "... Yes, the contrived-virus (convid19) is most certainly a smoke screen for global financial collapse ..."
    "... The media and the Government are in lockstep. They are quarantining areas and locking down, not to contain the virus but to contain the ensuing violence when people finally and hopefully figure out that they are getting royally screwed. ..."
    "... The oil markets are playing a role in the market turmoil. And its not the Corona virus, but the radical state overreaction aided by the cynical shameless hype mongering media that has crashed the markets. ..."
    "... Corona as an economic instrument ? Can't argue that medical claims are just as inflated as the amount of money that has been printed. As a companion piece to Frank's excellent article take a look at Renegade Inc's film explaining why a Fiat economy is bound to end in tears. ..."
    Mar 21, 2020 |

    The years since the 1970s are unprecedented in terms of their volatility in the price of commodities, currencies, real estate and stocks. There have been 4 waves of financial crises: a large number of banks in three, four or more countries collapsed at about the same time. Each wave was followed by a recession, and the economic slowdown which began in 2008 was the most severe and most global since the great depression of the 1930s."
    Manias, Crashes and Panics – Kindelberger and Aliber

    Interestingly enough 1971 was the year when Nixon took the world off the gold standard, which had been in effect since 1944. Fiat-bugs please note.

    More to the point, however. Booms and busts have always been normal in a capitalist economy. But in recent years this has been a feature which has been exacerbated by and involves that part of the economy indicated by the acronym FIRE (Finance, Insurance and Real Estate) and its growing importance in the economy in both qualitative and quantitative terms.

    Financialisation is a process whereby financial markets, financial institutions, and financial elites gain greater influence over economic policy and economic outcomes. Financialisation transforms the functioning of economic systems at both the macro and micro levels. Its principal impacts are to:

    Since 1970 this part of the economy has grown from almost nothing to 8% of US Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This means that one dollar in every ten is associated with finance. In terms of corporate profits finance's contribution now represents around 40% of all corporate profits in the US. This is a significant figure and, moreover it does not include those overseas earnings of companies whose profits are repatriated to their countries of origin.

    Thus, the increasing presence and role of finance in overall economic activity and the increase of profits channelled to the financial sector represent the salient indicators as to what has been termed financialization. It is argued by some that financialization may put the economy at risk of debt deflation and prolonged recession.

    Financialisation operates through three different conduits: changes in the structure and operation of financial markets, changes in the behaviour of nonfinancial corporations, and changes in economic policy. Countering financialisation calls for a multifaceted agenda that:

    restores policy control over financial markets

    challenges the neoliberal economic policy paradigm encouraged by financialisation

    makes corporations responsive to interests of stakeholders other than just financial markets

    reforms the political process so as to diminish the influence of corporations and wealthy elites

    The rent-seeking nature of finance is common to all forms of insurance, banking, monopolistic pricing, and property. This has not always been the case, or at least wasn't as pronounced as it is at present. There was a time when the banking system was junior partner in the relationship between banks and industry. Banks provided industry with loans for investment with a view to maximising profit for both. This is patently not the case today.

    Generally speaking, banks will lend for property purchases, stock buy-backs, and perhaps loans for dubious mergers and acquisitions. Moreover, when we speak of 'profits' this has now assumed a rather obscure meaning. Profits were generally understood as a realization of surplus value.

    Firms made stuff – goods and services – which had a value, which was then sold on the market at a profit. Given the competitive nature of the system, firms invested in increased capital formation and output which increased productivity, surplus value and ultimately profit.

    With regard to Investment banks like Goldman Sachs and the commercial banks they do not create value; they are purely rent-extractive. For example, commercial banks make a loan out of thin air, debit this loan to the would-be mortgagee who then becomes a source of permanent income flow to the bank for the next 25 years.

    Goldman Sachs makes year-on-year 'profits' by doing – what exactly? Nothing particularly useful. But then Goldman Sachs is part of the cabal of central banks and Treasury departments around the world. It is not unusual to see the interchange of the movers and shakers of the financial world who oscillate between these institutions. Hank Paulson, Mario Draghi, Steve Mnuchin, Robert Rubin on and on it goes.

    This financialised system now moves in ever-increasing levels of instability. But what did we expect when the whole institutional structure – its rules, regulations and practises – were deregulated and finance was let off the leash.

    Thatcher, Reagan, the 'Big Bang' had set the scene and there was no going back: neoliberalism and globalization had become the norm. From this point on, however, there followed a litany of crises mostly in the developing world but these disturbances were in due course to move into the developed world. Serial bubbles began to appear.

    US stock prices [which of course would only ever go up] began to decline in the Spring of 2000, and fell by 40% in the next three years. Whilst the prices of NASDAQ stocks decline by 80%."
    Manias, Panics and Crashe s – Kindleberger and Aliber

    Chastened monies moved out of this market and into property speculation. It is common knowledge what happened next. The run-up to 2008 was floated on a sea of cheap credit. The price of stocks pushed property prices to vertiginous heights until – pop, went the weasel.

    The reason was quite simple. Any boom and bust has an inflexion point where boom turns to bust. This is when buyers incomes, and borrowers inability to extend their loans could no longer support the rise in the price level. Euphoria turned to panic as borrowers who once clamoured to buy were now desperate to sell. 2008 had arrived.

    The strange thing, however, regarding the property price boom-and-bust was that it was based upon pure speculation. Prices went up, prices went down. Some – a few – made money, quite a few lost money. Investors were wondering what had happened to their gains which they had made during the up phase. Where had all that money gone?

    The short answer is – nowhere. It was never there in the first place. It was fictitious capital. Gains which had appeared and then disappeared like a will 'o' the wisp. As opposed to physical capital – machinery, labour and raw materials, and money capital which enabled through purchase the production of value to take place, we have fictitious capital which is a claim on future production. If my house goes up by 10% that is a capital gain, if everybody's house goes up by 10% that is asset-price inflation

    Fictitious capital is a by-product of capitalist accumulation. It is a concept used by Karl Marx in his critique of political economy. It is introduced in chapter 25 of the third volume of Capital. Fictitious capital contrasts with what Marx calls "real capital", which is capital actually invested in physical means of production and workers, and "money capital", which is actual funds being held.

    The market value of fictitious capital assets (such as stocks and securities) varies according to the expected return or yield of those assets in the future, which Marx felt was only indirectly related to the growth of real production. Effectively, fictitious capital represents "accumulated claims, legal titles, to future production'' and more specifically claims to the income generated by that production.

    The moral of the story is that it is not possible to print wealth or value. Money in its paper representation of the real thing, e.g., gold, is not wealth it is a claim on wealth.

    Of course, this would be lost on establishment economists, bankers, and financial journalists, whose view is that the policy should be QE, liquidity injections, and so forth. A one-trick pony.

    And what has all of this to do with Coronavirus? Well, everything actually.

    I take it that we all knew that the grotesquely overleveraged world economy was heading for a 'correction' but that's a rather a soothing description. "Massive correction" would be a better description. That is the nature of the beast. The world was a bubble of paper money looking for a pin. It found one.

    Have a nice day all.

    John ,

    The "gold" backed currency is just another myth of stability, gold is controlled by central banks and hoarded by the owners of such, the syndicate in pc terms for delicate ears. Meaning the syndicate can adjust it as they please and decide what gold is worth as they've done in the past on a weekly basis. Inflation and deflation are used to rob the vast majority of people and expect there to be deflation coming up as that is the worst of the two. Price stability is much more desirable across the staples that people actually need, not what backs the man made tool called currency. The goal of responsible civil government should be full employment of its citizens (and price stability of essential for living), especially in productive industries, not useless luxury industries which do not benefit in any way. Now QE is just another form of inflation on a massive scale, good if you have say a house that will go up, but the more currency you have the less it's worth and the central banksters are using it.

    Prices rise but wages and salaries do not rise anywhere near inflation, it's a slow sinking into poverty and vassalage of which mortgages are just a form of debt slavery. You can own nothing, you're just a renter of all things to be molded and caged if necessary by the syndicate owners and their God-State.

    At some point no one will be able to afford houses and the crash will come. They DO NOT CARE if you payoff the debt, what's important is that you pay to service the debt thus keeping you in line. If you go out of line they can just demand the money now, thus putting you in the streets. When the time comes the God-State will take possession of all housing, all industry etc and the slavery will be complete. Just like the Soviet Union there will be an elite that are immune "gods" to all this, there is actually already this today, the "olympians" kingpins etc whatever you want to call them.

    Biff ,

    Yes, the contrived-virus (convid19) is most certainly a smoke screen for global financial collapse. Another day down under and another super tanker full of media hype and horseshit arrives. But then it struck me. Most of us know that Convid19 is about as deadly as the common cold.

    In fact the Government even tells you this if you listen carefully to press conferences. This to me can only mean one obvious thing.

    The media and the Government are in lockstep. They are quarantining areas and locking down, not to contain the virus but to contain the ensuing violence when people finally and hopefully figure out that they are getting royally screwed. The warning flag will be shutdown of social media services or the internet in your area. Then watch out. They have created a world where our only means of communication is the internet. You can't even make a phone call in Aus without the internet. Imagine it's not there.

    Robbobbobin ,

    "Yes, the contrived-virus (convid19) is most certainly a smoke screen for global financial collapse."

    Are you saying that if COVID-19 were not contrived but a genuine public health problem then it could (so would) not be used as a smokescreen, i.e. that the contrivance of a virus of some sort (in this case COVID-19) is an essential aspect of your narrative; that if there were no pathogen engendering a pandemic problem then a serviceable smokescreen could (so would) not be contrived based on some factor other than a biological one, or are you saying something else altogether?

    simply put ,

    Money exists to facilitate trade.

    So if the economy grows you need to put more money into circulation, if it shrinks you need to take money out of circulation.
    That's why a gold standard does not work very well in a modern world, it cannot adapt to the changing environment, you cannot increase or decrease the amount of gold in the world (not as needed anyway) so you end up with not enough "money" available (or too much), both disastrous for the economy.

    The banking system is corrupt, but not because of fiat money.

    Ken Kenn ,

    Lenin talked about making Statues out of Gold post a Communist Society so its' inherent worth is in the eye of the shareholder in its price or it's perceived future price.

    Money ( fiat or otherwise ) is only an agreed exchange of labour to price of goods between a group of swindler Capitalists who ideally would wish that all the other Capitalists to pay their workers more so that they can buy the other Capitalists goods who don't pay their workers more.

    The state of play at the moment is a bit Rooseveltian.

    Is it better to be a poorer capitalist temporarily than not a future capitalist at all?

    the UK Neo – Liberal position says yes only because there is a tiny chance that the masses will twig what's going on and why it's going on in this way.

    80% of wages is better than 0% of wages/income.

    This is predicted to last just 3 months.

    If it lasts a year watch it all change.

    Fact is- in the end the Middle Classes and down will pick up the tab.

    And if the 'We ' are picking up the tab anyway ' We ' may as well demand and get 100% of wages/income.

    As Thatcher said – It's our money – not the State's.

    Theoretically of course in a democracy.

    Toby Russell ,

    I don't believe this or that form of money can ever be the be-all-and-end-all form. Fiat has its place, a gold standard has its place, shells have their place, gift exchanges, IOUs, etc. There are reasonable arguments to be made for each, but each reasonable argument, to be reasonable, would have to include historical context / societal conditions as a very large part of its logic.

    Far more important than 'money as wealth' is how we culturally understand the nature of wealth that money can only ever be a claim on (an important function, an important component of wealth). As Rhys points out below, wealth is a slippery thing – it's subjective to a considerable degree after all – but if one thing unites all 'instances' of it, that would be its networked nature. There is no wealth at all without some sort of complex, living and healthy ecosystem to generate it, continually, dynamically. So another feature of wealth would be its dynamic and ever evolving nature. Another would be that there is thus no final guarantee of Always Having So Much Wealth I Never Have To Work Again. (Whatever work is. Bullshit jobs, anyone ?)

    And as for productivity, well, what's that? Is productivity only productive when wealth is produced? On what definition of wealth? Good sleep produces health, assuming good exercise, good diet, healthy soil, richly biodiverse ecosystems, etc. The same is true of friendships, community, trust, fun All things that cannot be manufactured. Not that there's anything wrong with manufacture, which etymologically comes from manual , the hand, thus skill, craftsmanship, etc. All that good stuff.

    So it's slippery, nuanced, open to discussion. What kills wealth, on the other hand – and is killing wealth right in front of our eyes – is narrow, dogmatic assertions about what it is. One's thing's for sure: it's not money (he asserts dogmatically). Money needs a thorough demotion, in my view, and things like sleep, community and trust need a great big cultural promotion.

    Yet again, we are at a strange and mighty inflection point historically. They're popping up now with alarming regularity! Something is obviously in the offing.

    Will our imaginations and courage fail us this time around?

    RobG ,

    Think of Henry Ford's famous quote.

    Here in France last weekend was Acte 70, with a huge number of gilets jaunes out on the streets for the 70th consecutive week, protesting against 'austerity' and neoliberalism. This weekend, Acte 71, thus far there's been no street protests. I guess the gilets jaunes will know that it will bring bad publicity for them at the moment. What they are doing instead is issuing a massive call for everyone to open windows on their home this evening at 9pm, and bash pots and pans as loudly as possible. It'll be interesting to see how many people will do this.

    No singing on balconys baloney here.

    Alan Tench ,

    Please speculate: why is the number of deaths compared to infections very much lower in all the Scandinavian countries than elsewhere in Europe? Let's just assume the figures might be reasonably accurate for this one. Also, looking at all the figures (sorry, I used Wikipedia for this), am I right in suspecting that the number of recoveries is being blatantly unreported in just about every country?

    Ted ,

    The oil markets are playing a role in the market turmoil. And its not the Corona virus, but the radical state overreaction aided by the cynical shameless hype mongering media that has crashed the markets. As the evidence rolls in, the actual Corona virus, and not whatever it is that is going on in Italy (a radical statistical outlier among all world nations), is rather boring. Much more boring than the normal flu virus. And let's not forget the possibility of an epidemic of false positives in a radical increase in PCR testing for Corona virus. Here in the West of the US, only 7% or so of tests yield positive results what if 100% of those are false positives during the normal tail end of flu season? see for example:

    Robbobbobin ,

    'I have a five pound note, issued by the Bank of England. It clearly states: "I promise to pay the bearer the sum of five pounds on demand." It is signed by the Chief Cashier on behalf of the Governor of the Bank of England. However, if I were to take this bank note to the Bank of England and demand my five pounds, I would be swiftly escorted from the building.'

    Unlikely. If they could not oblige you there they would certainly refer you to a nearby commercial bank who would be happy to pay you five one-pound coins, or the equivalent in any lesser denomination, on their behalf, as promised. Of course, that would not counter your point, but it would keep their promise.

    Seamus Padraig ,

    OT: If anyone here wants a good laugh, read the comments on this ridiculous tweet.

    Gary Weglarz ,

    Thanks Seamus, I needed that.

    stupid iriot ,

    Very amusing Seamus (but not funny for the victims) however, having read through all the tweets I didn't see one advocating "Spend many happy hours building your own Lego model of Netanyahu's bulldozers"

    Jen ,

    CIA must be desperate to recruit kiddies to spy on their parents through online games.

    Mike Ellwood ,

    Quite. As Minsky said, anyone can create money. The trick is to get it accepted. Governments who issue currency give it value simply by insisting that their citizens pay them tax in it. And how do the citizens get the currency in the first place? Governments spend it into the economy.

    If you had a closed, autarkic (no imports or exports) economy, government could control the value of its currency pretty closely if it chose to. It gets more complicated in the real world, where you need to import real resources, and your currency is being traded in the Foreign Exchange market. It helps if you have something that other countries want, that you can export.

    At the end of the day, what matters are real resources (people, as well as things). As we see with the toilet roll panic (and other, more serious shortages).

    Toby Russell ,

    Your comment gets my vote, though I would argue that this discussion, and the point you make, needs much more airing. As such, the argument is not academic, but vital. And this new Bizzaro World we just burst into is the right place for it. And loudly.

    Seamus Padraig ,

    By the way, Ben Swann did a great show the other night analyzing the media hype surrounding Corona Virus data. Enjoy

    Ted ,


    A crude mortality ratio of .04% for Covid cases once a population estimate is produced for Wuhan.

    See also:

    The Japan numbers have puzzled me for a while, since they are no slouches when it comes to managing epidemics. Where are the exploding numbers for this modern plague in Japan?

    At some point, folks gotta say that the WHO needs to be reformed or closed down.

    John Pretty ,

    Ted, there has been no coronavirus epidemic in Japan and no panic:

    Jen ,

    Japan may have a healthier elderly population compared to the same age demographic in China and other parts of the world due to diet (less Western junk food consumption over past decades) and rates of smoking probably lower as well. Air pollution levels in Japan probably much lower due to greater use of public transport and Shinkansen bullet trains in particular since 1960s. No wonder Japan still wants to go ahead with Tokyo Olympics.

    Seamus Padraig ,

    Another ringer from Frank Lee!

    But then Goldman Sachs is part of the cabal of central banks and Treasury departments around the world. It is not unusual to see the interchange of the movers and shakers of the financial world who oscillate between these institutions. Hank Paulson, Mario Draghi, Steve Mnuchin, Robert Rubin

    They don't call it Government Sachs for nothing.


    DunGroanin ,

    Let's play them at their own game.

    I want to see McDonnell put out a clear simple response of what measures are actually needed – i listed them a few posts ago in haste but they still hold:

    1. All self employed / free lancers etc ought to be paid at least 60% of their last years submitted accounts on a monthly basis directly by HMRC – they have their bank details and these figures at hand a simple database query can be constructed and tested within hours – There can be a max limit to that based on numbers of children.

    2. All others without such records ought to be allowed the full and increased benefit amount.

    3. The 80% for employees is smoke and mirrors – that also should be 60% and no charges or NI / pensions/ student loans etc to complicate matters.

    4. All rent private and social to be suspended. All interest on mortgages, creditcards, loans and overdrafts to be cancelled permanently until normal service is resumed (not accumulated aa debt).

    5. All capital payments to be suspended.

    6. All council tax collections suspended.

    7. BBC licence fee cancelled and direct funding by the HMRC introduced to provide pybluc service broadcasting only.

    8. All credit ratings and any such nonsense to be suspended on individuals records – nothing should be added for failing to keep up payments since beginning of March.

    9. Any government funds into banks, corporations, pfi's to be accompanied by equity stakes in these and retained until all such balance sheet investment has been returned.

    BigB ,

    I see your bubble has yet to pop, DG?

    The "massive correction" – that is value destruction – has to happen before any return to "real, productive" values can occur. Financialisation distorted productive values so much that any "normalisation" would destroy the value of money. Normal service cannot just be resumed.

    Put simply: there is more money than productive goods and services that can be claimed on now, and in the future. A lot more a lot, lot more. At least 75 times more.

    As I've said time after time: the economy has to expand exponentially or it collapses. As it stands: there is no pause or reset button without massive value destruction. Which could be done responsibly – a la the heterodox economists "jubilee" – or irresponsibly by keep blowing the everything bubbles with QE 5.

    If you understand which mechanism is being employed: you will understand home isolation and draconian lockdowns. If debt deflation becomes hyperinflation you might wake up in Rhodesia or the Weimar Republic and you know what came next? 🙁

    DunGroanin ,

    Have you missed the 40% drop in stocks BB?

    And the wiping out of business Goodwill value of many a small business?

    Its a major scalping. Which we are letting happen as they say 'hide' from each other. The banks are laughing all the way to the bank.

    BigB ,

    No: collapse of financial assets is just the prelude. The real contagion is corporate bond market: full of over-leveraged Zombie corporations. Particularly stressed are BBB bond junkies of the shale market but the whole market is junked out on a decade of cheap money. When they cannot pay their way – that is, service their debt – then the defaults, layoffs, and delinquencies start probably in the second quarter.

    In other words: it hasn't even started yet. Problem: excessive debt. Solution: create more debt (and buy up the most toxic bonds). Any rebound makes matters worse in the longer term.

    One scenario to watch is when Saudi oil hits the market in April. That will put deflationary pressure on oil which is already at $23. That could cause things to cascade (all asset classes are proxies for each other – Dr Jack Rasmus check out his blog for explainers).

    The thing is DG: this has sweet FA to do with any virus. The knock-on effect of which would have been containable I guess. But to start an oil price war? MbS was either recklessly irresponsible, or quite deliberate. My feeling is the latter. It was coming anyway. What better than to blame *force majeure* of a virus? And have populations on lockdown as the effects wind through to Main St.

    DunGroanin ,

    I agree on the whole BB. The thing about debt is that it can be cancelled! If that means these 'investments' will also be wiped out.

    BigB ,

    As Michael Hudson says "debts that cannot be paid, will not be paid". We cancel the debts, or we cancel the future. No choice to be made really, is there?

    Mike Ellwood ,

    Not sure if this what you meant above, but in case not, NIC should be suspended indefinitely, both for employers and employed, and self-employed.

    Harry Stotle ,

    Corona as an economic instrument ? Can't argue that medical claims are just as inflated as the amount of money that has been printed. As a companion piece to Frank's excellent article take a look at Renegade Inc's film explaining why a Fiat economy is bound to end in tears.

    BigB ,

    Welcome to corona capitalism or the corona casino! 😀

    nottheonly1 ,

    Roughly translated:

    The masses owe, what the billionaires own.

    What the masses still own, is now taken away.

    Those who understand, see that a most generous unconditional guaranteed basic income/compensation for damages suffered on life and property by those who run the present system, will not suffice.

    A system that is sold to the masses as the gold standard of governance and distribution, has driven the collective of the species closer to extinction. Maybe extinction is the goal after all? If that is not the case, then the UBI accounts to be like a glimpse into a world without money in any form. A world in which everything is indeed free. Mother Earth has never been compensated for the damages and destruction done to her and her more connected life forms.

    For various reasons, corona-whatever has the potential – and it was created to do/utilize that potential – to virtually/spiritually grow a mushroom out of homo sapiens' head. Due to the constant absorption of aerosolized air, having glyphosate in the bloodstream down into the bone marrow, being exposed to wireless **radiation** constantly and occupied with social media 24/7 has rendered the human immune system a sick joke compared to what it was before the commodification of everything and everything that will come.

    The bucket must stop here. And I am more than willing to go. Just don't make Soylent Green from me. But to allow a human being to leave, when they decide to be "I'm good! I'm ready!" would also mean to allow fellow humans to leave at their choosing. Before they are forcefully removed from the pension/social security/Renten system.

    Now is the time to end social networking. No more facebook, twitter, or whatever. The addiction of the masses to panic is wholly abused right now. And the u.s. has a president who thought he could weather it all out alone. And so did many more – doing everything they can to maintain their grip on power and wealth.

    But the gallows are coming. For all of them. And that is not the result of the rulings of corrupt courts. They will join the only waiting line the rich ever have to experience. The call for the closure of all u.s./il/nato biological weapons laboratories has echoed yesterday. It will be followed by the end of militarism and killing for profit. Religions are failing human beings, because they, themselves are untruthful. And Julian Assange? Will he be given a corona?

    As it goes with self-dynamical events, this one too, has long taken on a life of its own. The Universe allows for all crimes to happen, but it does not promote them. It does not judge them. Karma means 'action' and nobody cannot not act. Things need to be done constantly – if not to barely survive, then surely for the sake of the addiction to the virtual glass pearl that shine so bright.

    And yes, by all means. Remember that traditional Chinese medicine offers a variety of herbal mixtures against practically everything. People need to boost their immune systems. All wifi must go. Towers must all be dismantled immediately and replaced with fiber optics. Planned obsolescence must be prohibited. It must all start here, now.

    In Argentina, they were sounding the sirens yesterday – because corona is coming. It oddly reminded me of "Incoming ballistic millie alert! Not a Drill!". I know it's the people in the cities who are hit the hardest. Out on the countryside, one can at least be outdoors with plants and animals. Animals also suffer from this artificially induced madness. But it would have come anyway. Now getting back to what's really important.

    BigB ,

    If the economy really tanks – and it must, but not necessarily this time – they will have to totally restructure society without work or not enough of it. There is a deeply sinister side to what they are doing. Which is establishing a precedent for further doings. Imagine what they would do if there was a real economic crisis?

    It is going to take a massive and concerted shift in the social conscience to turn it around now. It is the People's own alienated creative cultural powers that are being enacted by the market state system against the People. It is only the People who can enact a different system if they get another chance.

    nottheonly1 ,

    Exactly. Moving forward at this point means also to evolve. One time I was wondering what would happen if everyone would be told "Don't worry about it. It has already been taken care of."

    When society acknowledges its nature to be more organic than bureaucratic. For Life to be much more alive, than following the needs of the very few.

    There is a Mel Brooks classic worth watching: "Life Stinks". It applies as much to the owner class, as does 'Trading Places' – whereas I am afraid that the owner class was making fun of the working class/poor part of society.

    Organic Food security has to be our priority. Ridding ourselves from what is making us really sick to be profited from by the owner class. Instead of giving ownership of corporations that are bailed out to the 'government' responsible for this mess, ownership must be transferred to the workers that run the business.

    Co-Ops, baby, Co-Ops!

    bob ,

    A brilliant summation of current events:

    [Mar 22, 2020] Intelligence agencies and the virus

    Highly recommended!
    Mar 22, 2020 |

    kiwiklown , Mar 22 2020 10:11 utc | 128

    @Jackrabbit | Mar 21 2020 22:32 utc | 50

    "These officials "failed us" in the same way that our media "fails us": they serve the interests of the EMPIRE-FIRST Deep State."

    Yuppp. Our error is to assume all 17 intelligence agencies; the presstitudes; and US "leadership" exist to serve the American people. And so, yes, they "fail" the people. But, from the point of view of the controllers of those agencies and of those "leaders", they hardly ever fail !!!

    While the people argue over virulent minutae, they are once again helping themselves to the US Treasury.... Trillions of USDs.... LOL

    kiwiklown , Mar 22 2020 10:36 utc | 132

    @Jackrabbit | Mar 21 2020 23:10 utc | 54

    "Caitlin Johnstone also sees the response being manipulated to focus hate on China...."

    Yuppp, blaming China, hating on China achieves several objectives:

    Just look at how US leadership has been hating on Russia for the last 100 years, waiting to whack them with a sneak attack if feasible.

    kiwiklown , Mar 22 2020 11:25 utc | 137
    @Jackrabbit | Mar 22 2020 2:45 utc | 79

    ".... was then told to STOP TESTING...... A medical person would not try to suppress testing. That would be a "management decision" and its the Nation Security Council that was running the show (and which had classified all discussions related to virus preparations)...."

    Thanks for reminding us of Dr Chu's story. What if the US leadership:

    [Mar 21, 2020] The New Dark Age

    Notable quotes:
    "... Voltaire Network ..."
    "... the Iranian population is the world's most lung-weakest. Almost all men over the age of sixty suffer from the after-effects of the US combat gases used by the Iraqi army during the First Gulf War (1980-88), as did the Germans and the French after the First World War. Any traveller to Iran has been struck by the number of serious lung ailments. ..."
    "... The Diamond Princess is an Israeli-American ship, owned by Micky Arison, brother of Shari Arison, the richest woman in Israel. The Arisons are turning this incident into a public relations operation. The Trump administration and several other countries airlifted their nationals to be quarantined at home. The international press devoted its headlines to this story. Referring to the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918-1919, it asserts that the epidemic could spread throughout the world and potentially threaten the human species with extinction [ 2 ]. This apocalyptic hypothesis, not based on any facts, will nevertheless become the word of the Gospel. ..."
    "... It is not known at this time whether tycoons deliberately spread panic about Covid-19, making this vulgar epidemic seem like the "end of the world". However, one distortion after another, governments have become involved. Of course, it is no longer a question of selling advertising screens by frightening people, but of dominating populations by exploiting this fear. ..."
    "... Let us remember that never in history has the confinement of a healthy population been used to fight a disease. Above all, let us remember that this epidemic will have no significant consequences in terms of mortality. ..."
    "... The two governments panic their populations by distributing unnecessary instructions disavowed by infectious diseases doctors: they encourage people to wear gloves and masks in all circumstances and to keep at least one metre away from any other human being. ..."
    "... It is too early to say what real goal the Conte and Macron governments are pursuing. The only thing that is certain is that it is not a question of fighting Covid-19. ..."
    Mar 21, 2020 |

    Covid-19: propaganda and manipulation by Thierry Meyssan March 21, 2020 21 March 2020 -- Voltaire Network

    Returning to the Covid-19 epidemic and the way governments are reacting to it, Thierry Meyssan stresses that the authoritarian decisions of Italy and France have no medical justification. They contradict the observations of the best infectiologists and the instructions of the World Health Organization.

    The Chinese Prime Minister, Li Keqiang, came to lead the operations in Wuhan and restore the "celestial mandate" on January 27, 2020.

    On November 17, 2019, the first case of a person infected with Covid-19 was diagnosed in Hubei Province, China. Initially, doctors tried to communicate the seriousness of the disease, but clashed with regional authorities. It was only when the number of cases increased and the population saw the seriousness of the disease that the central government intervened.

    This epidemic is not statistically significant. It kills very few people, although those it does kill experience terrible respiratory distress.

    Since ancient times, in Chinese culture, Heaven has given a mandate to the Emperor to govern his subjects [ 1 ]. When he withdraws it, a disaster strikes the country: epidemic, earthquake, etc. Although we are in modern times, President XI felt threatened by the mismanagement of the Hubei regional government. The Council of State therefore took matters into its own hands. It forced the population of Hubei's capital, Wuhan, to remain confined to their homes. Within days, it built hospitals; sent teams to each house to take the temperature of each inhabitant; took all potentially infected people to hospitals for testing; treated those infected with chloroquine phosphate and sent others home; and treated the critically ill with recombinant interferon Alfa 2B (IFNrec) for resuscitation. This vast operation had no public health necessity, other than to prove that the Communist Party still has the heavenly mandate.

    During a press conference on Covid-19, the Iranian Deputy Minister of Health, Iraj Harirchi, appeared contaminated.

    Propagation in Iran

    The epidemic spreads from China to Iran in mid-February 2020. These two countries have been closely linked since ancient times. They share many common cultural elements. However, the Iranian population is the world's most lung-weakest. Almost all men over the age of sixty suffer from the after-effects of the US combat gases used by the Iraqi army during the First Gulf War (1980-88), as did the Germans and the French after the First World War. Any traveller to Iran has been struck by the number of serious lung ailments.

    When air pollution in Tehran increased beyond what they could bear, schools and government offices were closed and half of the families moved to the countryside with their grandparents. This has been happening several times a year for thirty-five years and seems normal.

    The government and parliament are almost exclusively composed of veterans of the Iraq-Iran war, that is, people who are extremely fragile in relation to Covid-19. So when these groups were infected, many personalities developed the disease.

    In view of the US sanctions, no Western bank covers the transport of medicines. Iran found itself unable to treat the infected and care for the sick until the UAE broke the embargo and sent two planes of medical equipment.

    People who would not suffer in the other country died from the first coughs due to the wounds in their lungs. As usual, the government closed schools. In addition, it deprogrammed several cultural and sporting events, but did not ban pilgrimages. Some areas have closed hotels to prevent the movement of sick people who can no longer find hospitals close to their homes.

    Quarantine in Japan

    On February 4, 2020, a passenger on the US cruise ship Diamond Princess was diagnosed ill from the Covid-19 and ten passengers were infected. The Japanese Minister of Health, Katsunobu Kato, then imposed a two-week quarantine on the ship in Yokohama in order to prevent the contagion from spreading to his country. In the end, out of the 3,711 people on board, the vast majority of whom are over 70 years old, there would be 7 deaths.

    The Diamond Princess is an Israeli-American ship, owned by Micky Arison, brother of Shari Arison, the richest woman in Israel. The Arisons are turning this incident into a public relations operation. The Trump administration and several other countries airlifted their nationals to be quarantined at home. The international press devoted its headlines to this story. Referring to the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918-1919, it asserts that the epidemic could spread throughout the world and potentially threaten the human species with extinction [ 2 ]. This apocalyptic hypothesis, not based on any facts, will nevertheless become the word of the Gospel.

    We remember that in 1898, William Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, in order to increase the sales of their daily newspapers, published false information in order to deliberately provoke a war between the United States and the Spanish colony of Cuba. This was the beginning of "yellow journalism" (publishing anything to make money). Today it is called "fake news".

    It is not known at this time whether tycoons deliberately spread panic about Covid-19, making this vulgar epidemic seem like the "end of the world". However, one distortion after another, governments have become involved. Of course, it is no longer a question of selling advertising screens by frightening people, but of dominating populations by exploiting this fear.

    For the WHO Director, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, China and South Korea have set an example by generalising screening tests; a way of saying that the Italian and French methods are medical nonsense.

    WHO intervention

    The World Health Organization (WHO), which monitored the entire operation, noted the spread of the disease outside China. On February 11th and 12th, it organized a global forum on research and innovation on the epidemic in Geneva. At the forum, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called in very measured terms for global collaboration [ 3 ].

    In all of its messages, the WHO stressed : the low demographic impact of the epidemic; the futility of border closures; the ineffectiveness of wearing gloves, masks (except for health care workers) and certain "barrier measures" (for example, the distance of one metre only makes sense with infected people, but not with healthy people); the need to raise the level of hygiene, including hand washing, water disinfection and increased ventilation of confined spaces. Finally, use disposable tissues or, failing that, sneeze into your elbow.

    However, the WHO is not a medical organization, but a United Nations agency dealing with health issues. Its officials, even if they are doctors, are also and above all politicians. It cannot therefore denounce the abuses of certain states. Furthermore, since the controversy over the H1N1 epidemic, the WHO must publicly justify all its recommendations. In 2009, it was accused of having let itself be swayed by the interests of big pharmaceutical companies and of having hastily sounded the alarm in a disproportionate manner [ 4 ]. This time it used the word "pandemic" only as a last resort, on March 12th, four months later.

    At the Franco-Italian summit in Naples on February 27, the French and Italian presidents, Giuseppe Conte and Emmanuel Macron, announced that they would react together to the pandemic.

    Instrumentation in Italy and France

    Modern propaganda should not be limited to the publication of false news as the United Kingdom did to convince its people to enter the First World War, but should also be used in the same way as Germany did to convince its people to fight in the Second World War. The recipe is always the same: to exert psychological pressure to induce subjects to voluntarily practice acts that they know are useless, but which will lead them to lie [ 5 ]. For example, in 2001, it was common knowledge that those accused of hijacking planes on 9/11 were not on the passenger boarding lists. Yet, in shock, most accepted without question the inane accusations made by FBI Director Robert Muller against "19 hijackers". Or, as is well known, President Hussein's Iraq had only old Soviet Scud launchers with a range of up to 700 kilometers, but many Americans caulked the windows and doors of their homes to protect themselves from the deadly gases with which the evil dictator was going to attack America. This time, in the case of the Covid-19, it is the voluntary confinement in the home that forces the person who accepts it to convince himself of the veracity of the threat.

    Let us remember that never in history has the confinement of a healthy population been used to fight a disease. Above all, let us remember that this epidemic will have no significant consequences in terms of mortality.

    In Italy, the first step was to isolate the contaminated regions according to the principle of quarantine, and then to isolate all citizens from each other, which follows a different logic.

    According to the President of the Italian Council, Giuseppe Conte, and the French President, Emmanuel Macron, the aim of confining the entire population at home is not to overcome the epidemic, but to spread it out over time so that the sick do not arrive at the same time in hospitals and saturate them. In other words, it is not a medical measure, but an exclusively administrative one. It will not reduce the number of infected people, but will postpone it in time.

    In order to convince the Italians and the French of the merits of their decision, Presidents Conte and Macron first enlisted the support of committees of scientific experts. While these committees had no objection to people staying at home, they had no objection to people going about their business. Then Chairs Conte and Macron made it mandatory to have an official form to go for a walk. This document on the letterheads of the respective ministries of the interior is drawn up on honour and is not subject to any checks or sanctions.

    The two governments panic their populations by distributing unnecessary instructions disavowed by infectious diseases doctors: they encourage people to wear gloves and masks in all circumstances and to keep at least one metre away from any other human being.

    The French "reference daily" (sic) Le Monde, Facebook France and the French Ministry of Health undertook to censor a video of Professor Didier Raoult, one of the world's most renowned infectiologists, because by announcing the existence of a proven drug in China against Covid-19, he highlighted the lack of a medical basis for the measures taken by President Macron [ 6 ].

    It is too early to say what real goal the Conte and Macron governments are pursuing. The only thing that is certain is that it is not a question of fighting Covid-19.

    Thierry Meyssan


    Pete Kimberley

    [ 1 ] The Mandate of Heaven and The Great Ming Code, Jiang Yonglin, University of Washington Press (2011).

    [ 2 ] Human Extinction and the Pandemic Imaginary, Christos Lynteris, Routledge (2020).

    [ 3 ] " Nouveau coronavirus : solidarité, collaboration et mesures d'urgence au niveau mondial s'imposent ", Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Organisation mondiale de la Santé, 11 février 2020.

    [ 4 ] Pandemics, Science and Policy. H1N1 and the World Health Organization, Sudeepa Abeysinghe, Plagrave Macmillan (2015).

    [ 5 ] " The techniques of modern military propaganda ", by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 18 May 2016.

    [ 6 ] " "La chloroquine guérit le Covid-19" : Didier Raoult, l'infectiologue qui aurait le remède au coronavirus ", Étienne Campion, Marianne, 19 mars 2020.

    [Mar 21, 2020] There is NO REASON to destroy your country because of this. NONE. Something else is in play.

    Mar 21, 2020 |

    Akhmat on March 19, 2020 , · at 9:41 pm EST/EDT

    Covid-19! H1N1! Names of guns on Call of Duty! Scary! I call it a Cold. The Flu killed many more than this will 2 years ago. I propose to change the name of the Flu to "Putin Plague". That will do it.

    Russia has 1 death, few cases, a massive border with China, huge numbers of Chinese tourists, officials, students, etc. India has 4 deaths, a border with China, and many Chinese. How are any of you buying that?

    If this was the end of the world would Putin be almost disinterested in his demeanor? Would Kadyrov laugh it off on national tv? Are the Russians that stupid or do they know something?

    If this was big, Kadyrov would be in full-action. Special Corona uniform, big guns, lots of hitting the pads, plenty of screams of Akhmat Sila! Instead, he is complaining that he is bored because there are no fights to watch.

    Let me tell you something that is not being discussed. Millions, yes millions, died from the Flu a few seasons back. It was horrible. Hospitals could not handle it. Yet, the media was dead silent. Zero concerns. No mention. It was just a bad Flu season and life went on for you. Maybe you buried Grandma. Maybe you were dog sick (I was and I had a Flu shot!). What you did not have was 24/7 hysteria. Hysteria is NEVER good. NEVER.

    At the beginning of this year, I suddenly started getting these horrible videos from China of healthy-looking men falling face down on the street. What the ? Healthy men walking down the street and then – BAM! Straight down. They went viral. Freaked the Western world out. Millions and millions of views. We now know that IS NOT the virus. Whoever created those videos knows more than we do.

    –Steps Russia Seems To Be Taking–

    If a patient dies make sure to list the cause of death as whatever they were suffering from (healthy people RARELY die from this) prior to the illness.

    Use regional heads (Ramzan!) to dampen any hysteria. Chechens have been told that they will die eventually why worry about a cold. Go drink some tea. Don't be a wimp. This kind of talk is dangerous to soft Europeans/Americans, but is part of the Caucasian spirit.

    Get the FSB to run EVERYTHING. Rumor is it that the guy in charge of tests has been in charge of security for Putin. I promise you that the FSB is in total control of all results. If the numbers look bad – Lie. Slowly add a death here and there. Make sure that it appears that you did not let anyone die from this because of lack of equipment. This is not a health issue. This is an actual war. Yes, war. You do what you can medically, you just don't create mass hysteria. Make sense? Many countries are doing this and will be better off for this. More lives will be saved because healthy people will not be taking up space that belongs to the very sick. Hysteria is the last thing you want.

    *NOTE* Have you noticed how Russians are furious with Italy while the West cries for them? The West is furious with China while Russia is happy for them. Topsy turvy world.

    There is NO REASON to destroy your country because of this. NONE. Something else is in play. I can promise you that millions of Americans have it or have had it. The CDC has said this! There were no testing kits. If there are no testing kits you cannot officially die from a Call of Duty weapon.

    [Mar 20, 2020] Coronavirus reduced mortality in GB

    Mar 20, 2020 |

    Steve Hayes ,

    According to the Office of National Statistics, in the week ending the 6th of March 10 895 deaths were registered in England and Wales. The average number of deaths registered for the corresponding week over the previous five years was 11 498. So the coronavirus appears to be reducing mortality.

    [Mar 20, 2020] Peel the onion back further and reveal if the elderly who died had previous pulmonary problems (e.g. emphysema, COPD, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, lung cancer, tuberculous, etc) and what immuno-suppressant medications they were taking.

    Mar 20, 2020 |

    PokeTheTruth , Mar 19 2020 19:09 utc | 130

    The American people need to demand the age groups of all the deaths due to the SARS-CoV-2 variant of coronavirus. We will find the highest group that have succumbed to the disease are 60 years and older. I want to see numbers for each State in the Republic, not percentages.

    Then peel the onion back further and reveal if the elderly who died had previous pulmonary problems (e.g. emphysema, COPD, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, lung cancer, tuberculous, etc) and what immuno-suppressant medications they were taking.

    If in fact it turns out the majority who perish are old people, then the deaths could be attributed to influenza, which is the epidemic that is going on right now in the country. There are 29 million people infected and more than 4,500 have died so far with two months to go in the flu season.

    The patients are not being swabbed for influenza and testing for that disease, just COVID-19. This skews the numbers away from influenza so the media screams every day about COVID-19.

    [Mar 20, 2020] Is The Panic Worse Than The Virus by MN Gordon

    Mar 20, 2020 |

    Authored by MN Gordon via,

    The Great Panic of 2020 is already one for the history books. Yet the damage has only just begun. We suspect the stock market crash, economic destruction, and forfeiture of freedoms will persist long after the coronavirus hobgoblin has been put to bed.

    With respect to the stock market, the modus operandi of the last 11 years is being stood on its head. Rather than 'buy the dip.' The new divine mantra is 'sell the rip.' Here's why

    If you recall, the U.S. stock market commenced a multi-year swan dive in autumn of 1929. About that time, the economy also commenced a decade long Great Depression. Given the rapid and relentless stock market carnage over the last month, and the prospect of a lengthy depression, a closer look is in order.

    From September 3, 1929 to November 13, 1929, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) lost 48.9 percent. Then, as rarely noted, it rallied 48.1 percent through April 17, 1930. This had the adverse effect of luring the buy the dip crowd back into the stock market just in time for the next massacre.

    The 1929 through 1932 bear market, as noted by Pater Tenebrarum , was like a rubber ball bouncing down stairs. With each bounce, even the most savvy of investors were given another chance to lose their money. Taken in sequence, the repeated bounces provided many opportunities to lose money over and over again.

    In the end, the bounce up between November 13, 1929 and April 30, 1930, turned out to be the ultimate sucker's rally. The DJIA subsequently crashed 89.2 percent from its initial peak, along with the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of an entire generation.

    Such a colossal collapse could never, ever happen again, right?

    Well, if it happened before, by definition, it could happen again. Hence, if an interim bottom is put in over the next several weeks, and the DJIA attempts to retrace towards its February 12 all-time closing high, take this as a gift. An opportunity to sell the rip.

    Bend the Curve

    The economy's being fundamentally pummeled by coronavirus containment. Long term damage will be sustained. The type of damage that takes a decade – or more – to recover from. Fake money won't fix it. But, nonetheless, there's no shortage of solutions being offered to save us from ourselves.

    Coronavirus, according to scientific prophecy, spreads exponentially. The only way to contain it is to "flatten the curve" through "social distancing." The world must "hunker down" in unison; if not voluntarily, by government decree.

    Bars, restaurants, gyms, schools, and many employers are shutting down. San Francisco has ordered all residents to "shelter in place." The Maltese Falcon can only screech to itself from within a vacant John's Grill.

    The former Mayor of San Francisco, and now California Governor, Gavin Newsom, has ordered all residents to stay at home until further notice. According to Newsom , "We need to bend the curve in the state of California."

    Perhaps these solutions have merit. But they're disastrous for the economy. Cash flows are running dry. Credit markets are freezing up. People are losing their jobs. Full mobilization is needed, we're told, in the war on coronavirus.

    For example, Fed Chairman Jay Powell's pulling out all the monetary stops – zero interest rate policies, quantitative easing, repo madness – to pump liquidity into credit markets. But that's not all

    The Fed's now accepting stocks as collateral in exchange for liquidity. The Fed also established a Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility ( MMLF ). The sole intent of the MMLF is to keep short-term credit markets from frosting over like the Alaskan tundra, and breaking the buck.

    On the fiscal side, the Treasury Department's angling with Congress to send out $1,000 checks – possibly, two of them – to struggling Americans. Mitt Romney, a man of discretion, is onboard with $1,000 checks. Chuck Schumer says it won't be enough. Cory Booker wants to send out $4,500 checks .

    But why stop there? Why not send out $45,000 checks? If a little helicopter money's good, isn't more always better?

    Is the Panic Worse than the Virus?

    If only the world was as simple as potato brains Booker believes. Remember, when the U.S. Treasury borrows money created out of thin air from the Fed to send out checks, it's executing a program of mass currency debasement.

    A check may arrive in your mailbox. But its face value constitutes a fraud. Moreover, this fraud constitutes a down payment on tomorrow's disorder.

    Yet, by the doom being proffered on the matter, mass currency debasement and systematic hunkering is needed to win the war on coronavirus and save the economy. Or is it?

    For perspective, we'll draw from words first scribbled in 1841 by Charles MacKay. Here's a brief excerpt from MacKay's timeless classic, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

    "During seasons of great pestilence men have often believed the prophecies of crazed fanatics, that the end of the world was come. Credulity is always greatest in times of calamity. Prophecies of all sorts are rife on such occasions, and are readily believed, whether for good or evil.

    "During the great plague, which ravaged all Europe, between the years 1345 and 1350, it was generally considered that the end of the world was at hand. Pretended prophets were to be found in all the principal cities of Germany, France, and Italy, predicting that within ten years the trump of the Archangel would sound, and the Saviour appear in the clouds to call the earth to judgment."

    As far as we can tell, the coronavirus has attracted prophets of all stripes like bees to a honey pot. Mass coronavirus hysteria has led to public and pretend prophetic histrionics.

    According to Bill Ackman , "hell is coming."

    Maybe so. Or maybe the mass panic has been slightly overblown. By this, is the panic worse than the virus? Who knows?

    What we do know, is the spring equinox has arrived marking the earliest coming of spring in 124 years. After the last several weeks of winter, we'll take it.

    [Mar 20, 2020] This all reminds me of the movie 'Citizen Kane'

    Mar 20, 2020 |

    joetv , Mar 20 2020 1:37 utc | 257

    Whether this virus jumped species or was made in a bath tub, I can't say. What I can do is count. in 2019 there were 30,000 deaths in the USA attributed to the Flu. Now, here we are in 2020 with the first quarter of the year nearing coming on, and there are less than 75 deaths traced to ncov19. So, in my estimation maybe we may record 2,000 dead this year.

    Is it rational that we're watching our hard earned 401k's tank, self quarantining, suffering food shortages, told to distance, avoid our neighbors, and panic over what is little more than the common cold?

    Why must the President address the nation every morning with the Dow Jones numbers flashing in sync? Why are people in hazmat suits poking around our cities spreading fear, and asking inane questions such as: do you have a cough, have you recently been to Iran, China, N. Korea or Iran? I was screened at my local VA hospital on the March 13th, and those were the questions asked of me. After saying negative a purple wrist ban was put on me and I was allowed access.

    This all reminds me of the movie 'Citizen Kane'. For those old enough to remember it Orson Welles played the owner of a major newspaper. One day his headline read "WAR DECLARED IN (some fictitious country)" Consequently, the President of said fictitious country called the editor by phone, and complained that the paper had it wrong, and there wasn't any war going on in his country, and how could he. However, Orson responded quite cavalierly with something on the order of; "Why of course there is a war, because I said there is"
    This theatre has gone far enough.

    [Mar 20, 2020] Looking back on past pandemcs

    Mar 20, 2020 |

    Pft , Mar 20 2020 5:07 utc | 286

    Looking back

    1918 Spanish Flu. WWI ongoing. 675 , 000 deaths in US (300K excess deaths based on mortality stats published at the time) , 15 million estimated worldwide deaths in 7 months. No significant impact on GDP due to war

    1950-1952 Polio peak panic-Korean War. No significant economic impact. 16,000 paralysis cases, 3000 deaths annually (mostly children)

    1957 -58 influenza pandemic- over 100 K deaths in half the population. Significant recession in 1958 following Eisenhower's cutting DOD spending. Cold War ramped up to boost spending. Business as usual for most people during the pandemic

    1968 influenza pandemic, over 100k dead, peak Vietnam War, no significant economic impact

    1976 Swine Flu- minimal deaths (dozens) Public health induced hype led to 45 million rushed to market vaccines. 450 people got Guillain-Barré syndrome from vaccines causing paralysis . No serious economic impact, business as usual except for vaccination

    2003 SARS outbreak. Panic in China/Asia, 800 deaths. Significant economic disruption to Greater China region due to travel bans and quarantine measures. Iraq war began at same time. No economic impact in US

    2009 H1N1 Pandemic. 12,000 estimated deaths in US. CDC recommended against testing in July. Not much panic. Country already in recession due to subprime crash. Obamacare passed in December. Arab spring followed. US government bought 229 million doses of vaccine mostly unused. Former CDC director hired by Merck probably got a nice bonus. Total cost 4 billion. About 2 billion went for vaccines,

    2019- virus starts to spread in China starting from November 17. A month after Event 201 . This was attended by Dr Gao of China CDC. China covers up initially then began limited testing reporting few cases until January 18 when they expanded testing and cases spiked. . Did not quarantine Wuhan until Jan 23 allowing millions to leave city for other locations due to up upcoming Lunar New Year Holidays when everything shuts down fir 1-2 weeks anyways. Significant economic disruption and depression follow as West inflates panic among citizens with the help of MSM and altmedia to gain support for adopting Chinas draconian measures and curtailment of freedoms, with censorship sure to follow. Can another war to lift the West out of depression be far behind, or will that war be fought against the bottom 90% after lightbulbs go off and they realize they got played.

    Experimental DNA changing vaccines being rushed to market. Total cost for everything will be tens of trillions. Thats a lot of pork. Helicopter money coming soon. Freedom and Democracy will be a pipe dream. That was Trumps role all along, to put the finishing touches on a 120 year program to destroy Democracy and replace it with an Elitist Dictatorship ruled by Philosopher Kings and Corporate Technocrats and enforced by the Military.

    [Mar 20, 2020] Somebody please inform Donald J. Trump that the virus probably originated ourside of China

    Mar 20, 2020 |

    Circe , Mar 20 2020 0:34 utc | 242

    Please inform Donald J. Trump that he needs to stop spreading disinformation on the Coronavirus.

    Trump calls Coronavirus, the China virus and Chinese virus and blamed China for spreading it to the U.S.

    Tom Cotton, the dumb as a rock Senator from Arkansas wants to go to war with China over the Coronavirus.


    You can't make this stuff up.

    [Mar 20, 2020] Pompeo myth that USA and the West were unprepared because China withheld information about the virus.

    Mar 20, 2020 |

    occupatio , Mar 19 2020 20:16 utc | 161

    @b Another myth to add to your collection ...

    ... that USA and the West were unprepared because China withheld information about the virus.

    Posted by: Jackrabbit | Mar 19 2020 18:20 utc | 106

    The "Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on COVID-19" states that China transparently reported the identification of virus to the WHO and the international community on January 3rd, and a WHO investigative team was invited to Wuhan a week after that.

    From January 3rd, 2020, information on COVID-19 cases has been reported to WHO daily.

    On January 7th, full genome sequences of the new virus were shared with WHO and the international community immediately after the pathogen was identified.

    On January 10th, an expert group involving Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwanese technical experts and a World Health Organization team was invited to visit Wuhan.

    From page 31 of:

    [Mar 20, 2020] The governments's reactions to COVID-19 can be explained by the fact that nowadays governments are mainly made up of incompetent empire-compatibles stooges of MIC. In the same way the empire gets away with bombing away poor people, those incompetents get away with evry single stupidity they commit.

    Mar 20, 2020 |

    willie , Mar 19 2020 19:24 utc | 142

    To make a just evaluation of the health danger of Covid-19 it could be useful to make a computerized simulation model based on the data from an influenza virus seasonal outbreak some years ago,but with the actual medical extended reaction to it like testing on a bigger scale then normally.(I don't even know how it is ,in normal wintertime flu.

    I guess the numbers tested equal those who seek medical help,or maybe they test all citizens taking part in the free government proposed vaccination,that pretty soon follows the outbreak(how do they find the vaccin so quickly?)) improvising hospitals and other medical stuff.And also take in account the appreciation of the illness by the general public.The high number of medical staff that went ill after weeks of treating patients with it seems not to be an annual affair.The outcome should make clear the real danger ratio of Covid-19.

    Still pondering over those Italian deaths. Average said to be 81 years.10% over 90 years old.90 % over 70 years old.Nobody died from it under seventy years old?

    The governments's reactions to CV are another chapter.

    Nowadays governments are mainly made up of incompetent empire-compatibles. In the same way the empire gets away with bombing away poor people, those incompetents get away with every single stupidity they commit. They rarely step down. When they do they are sure to find an even better con-job;(Cf.Christine Lagarde,van der Leyen and so many others)

    The general public accepts incompetence, so the politicians know they can do anything their overlord wants them to. They are shouted at some times, made fun of in accomplice media, ridiculized by the workers, they don't care.

    In the evening they have their ration of high quality cocaine and they are feeling very special when they look down upon you common plebs next morning. Incompetence is the excuse of the century, but not a reason to loose the job.

    A third question that I want to raise.

    So it was in Wuhan in September 2019 that the World Military Games were held. I never heard of before, but yeah its just a sportive meeting between army personal from all over the world, in an olympic spirit I wager.

    Then it seems there was on the same day the opening of something called Event 201 said to be a simulation (Real time?computer game,Viral!?) of a virus outbreak.OK. So what?

    I don't want to look myself into this, because I've never liked Bill Gates, who did this, but I like to know from more inquisitive barflies ,if such a thing has really taken place. How long did it last? What was the outcome? And has this study been taken in account by government officials, be it in the USA or abroad?

    Because what if there was really nothing, just the announcement?

    CitizenX , Mar 19 2020 19:46 utc | 151

    Biological weapon Pentagon Programs- 01.16.18

    Bulgarian journalist confronts US official over secret biolabs... 06.14.19

    [Mar 20, 2020] I vaguely recall the polio era. There was a fair amount of panic. I don't remember lockdowns or anything like that. Other than polio and tuberculosis, maybe epidemics were more accepted 60 years ago?

    Mar 20, 2020 |

    Trailer Trash , Mar 19 2020 19:05 utc | 128

    I vaguely recall the polio era. There was a fair amount of panic. I remember lining up in the school gymnasium with everyone else in town to get a dose of oral vaccine. My father had a friend with a leg damaged by polio. He played slide guitar in a Country & Western band.

    I don't remember lockdowns or anything like that. Other than polio and tuberculosis, maybe epidemics were more accepted 60 years ago? Everyone got measles, mumps, chicken pox. That's just the way it was. I don't think most people thought about it much; too busy trying to make a living, just like nowadays.

    karlof1 , Mar 19 2020 19:49 utc | 152

    Here's a report on the current war against the unseen enemy . The question about polio is relevant IMO, but for a vastly different reason than what the OP likely had in mind. At the time, the ongoing war against the unseen enemy was taken very seriously as it affected all classes and especially city dwellers.

    Recall for centuries the Miasma Theory of Disease and related piety and fear of god were the primary explanations for the unexplainable. That dogma was challenged by a Persian scholar in the mid 1000s when the Arab world was where genuine science was being pursued while the West went looking for Devils, witches and heretics, but even the Arab world couldn't accept what we now know to be the truth of the matter.

    We needed to await the arrival of microscopes and Bacteriology to establish the Germ Theory of Disease in 1870. Death was everywhere and quite powerful.

    I recall the average life expectancy for Philadelphia in 1740 to be 20--lots of early childhood and child bearing deaths--with little differentiation between the slowly growing urban regions within the Colonies.

    Charlestown was the worst with its residents abandoning the city during Summer.

    FDR was the first genuinely handicapped POTUS, but he tried his best to conceal his disability. My Maternal Grandfather was kept stateside in 1918 thanks to the flu epidemic, while his cousin wasn't so lucky and died in the trenches, his mother never forgave my Maternal Grandmother for Fate's result.

    While dated (2010) this graphic illustrates the top 15 Communicable Diseases. Some will find this essay on the use of quarantine helpful by providing some historical context to the ongoing war against the unseen world.

    Red Ryder , Mar 19 2020 19:53 utc | 157
    @107 . Bluemot5

    There was no quarantine. They closed beaches. Told people to no go into the water. That was for a summer or two at most.
    I don't recall anything else. A kid up the street got it. He was a hell of an athlete but wound up with a brace on one leg. He was away fro some time and his return was the only sign that polio was really bad.

    People were deathly afraid of the first vaccine, injected. Dr. Salk invented that first vaccine.
    The Oral Vaccine really changed everything. Dr. Sabin changed the paradigm and saved several generations.

    [Mar 20, 2020] Tucker Carlson and China bashing

    Mar 20, 2020 |

    Minnesota Mary , says: Show Comment March 19, 2020 at 11:37 pm GMT

    @FB I, too, have been disappointed in Tucker Carlson's China bashing. I have thought that he was the best on FOX News, but now he is getting to be as bad as Sean Hannity.

    We may never know the origin of the coronavirus. It is foolish to try and assign blame at this point.

    [Mar 20, 2020] It used to be part of the American ethos, the idea that it's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees

    Mar 20, 2020 |

    Twodees Partain , says: Show Comment March 20, 2020 at 12:26 am GMT

    @follyofwar Well, as the Cheyenne used to say, "It's a good day to die". If the ones who think they can rule over others push it too far," then the the sun will shine upon a good day to die". I remember that line from the novel "Little Big Man".

    It used to be part of the American ethos, the idea that it's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. Levon Helm wrote a line in a song in the '80s: "You give your life to live your life". Some of us still see it that way.

    [Mar 20, 2020] Some plausible scenarios of the origin of the coronavirus

    Mar 20, 2020 |

    Thomasina , says: Show Comment March 20, 2020 at 1:02 am GMT

    Kevin Barrett – excellent article!

    There are so many scenarios. I haven't read all of the comments, so what I'm about to say may already have been touched on.

    1. The virus happened naturall y, transferred from a bat and eventually to humans.

    2. The virus accidentally escaped the Wuhan lab.

    3. The globalists did it. The globalists (the Chinese elite in concert with the U.S. multinational corporate elite) don't want things to change as both groups of elites are getting filthy rich off of the offshoring of jobs to China.

    Trump is a nationalist. He is upsetting their apple cart as he's placing tariffs on the goods manufactured in China by the U.S. multinational corporations, trying to force the U.S. multinationals to come back home. They don't want to, so they manufactured the virus thinking it would bring down the economy/stock market, thereby bringing down Trump.

    China plays along, feigns ignorance, and accuses the U.S. of trying to infect their citizens, Xi wears a mask. A few thousand old people dying is a small price to pay, in their minds.

    4. The U.S. multinational corporate elite did it alone, without China's knowledge , for the same reasons as stated in #3, to throw a wrench in the works, purposely sink the economy. With Trump gone, globalism could continue.

    5. The U.S. did it alone, without China's knowledge. The U.S. globalists realize globalism is ending and they have acquiesced to the U.S. nationalists. They are angry that China has not followed through with their part of the original deal, which is that China gets the offshored jobs, their elite get rich, and they get money to modernize, but she must open up more to the U.S. corporations and financial firms, which she has been reluctant to do.

    6. The nationalists did it in order to bring down globalism, put an end to it once and for all . Once people realize that supply lines (especially pharmaceuticals) thousands of miles away is a recipe for disaster, they'll scream for things to be changed. Trump has said he likes President Xi and the Chinese people, this is nothing personal, but he wants the jobs to return.

    7. China did it alone . The Chinese elite realize that globalism is ending, and they know the Chinese citizens will blame them for the loss of their jobs. The Chinese elite worry that the citizens will wonder why they've become filthy rich and they haven't. The Chinese elite plant the virus, but blame it on the U.S.

    8. The world elites, in collusion with the central banks, have blown massive financial bubbles. They realize they can't continue blowing the bubbles any bigger, but they don't see any way out without being blamed. They plant the virus in order to bring down the world economy, deflate the bubble. The virus takes the blame, not them. China blames the U.S., the U.S. blames China, some old people are sacrificed, and they raise a glass to the devil.

    I'm leaning towards #8.

    [Mar 20, 2020] The Chinese have officially accused the US to have, at a minimum, covered up early Covid-19 infections that took place in America several weeks before the epidemic broke out in Wuhan.

    Mar 20, 2020 |

    Iris , says: Show Comment March 20, 2020 at 2:03 am GMT

    ... I don't know whether you realise how the rest of the world is feeling at the moment: people are stunned as if the Apocalypse has come. They are worried about their very survival, and things are only going to get worse because the containment, lockdown, military special powers will likely extend for weeks and months ahead, as it will take months to gain control over the epidemic.

    The Chinese have officially accused the US to have, at a minimum, covered up early Covid-19 infections that took place in America several weeks before the epidemic broke out in Wuhan.

    Separate Japanese and Taiwanese epidemiologists have previously determined that only the US had the five strains of Coronavirus that could have generated the Covid-19:

    The Chinese have scientists, military might and a powerful voice in the concert of nations.

    They are respected and credible, because they respect others' sovereignty and help in time of crisis.

    They won't passively stand accused of a crime committed by the US ... for which the whole world will soon want to hold somebody accountable for.

    Tor597 , says: Show Comment March 20, 2020 at 1:48 am GMT
    @Ron Unz Too many Americans are stuck on Pax Americana la la land and will never admit something so grave to American status. We saw exactly this during 9/11.

    [Mar 20, 2020] The virus and the Deep state

    Mar 20, 2020 |

    Ron Unz , says: Show Comment March 19, 2020 at 3:43 am GMT

    Well, I think there's a certain amount of circumstantial evidence suggesting that the Coronavirus outbreak may have been an American bioweapon attack against China (and Iran).

    But if so, I'm *extremely* skeptical that the perpetrators ever intended or imagined that it would leak back into the US and inflict the horrific economic and social damage that now seems unavoidable. How to explain this lack lack of foresight?

    The most obvious answer is that they were stupid and incompetent, but here's another point to consider

    In late 2002 there was the outbreak of SARS in China, a related virus but that was far more deadly and somewhat different in other characteristics. The virus killed hundreds of Chinese and spread into a few other countries before it was controlled and stamped out. The impact on the US and Europe was negligible, with just a small scattering of cases and only a death or two.

    So if American biowarfare analysts were considering a Coronavirus attack against China, isn't it quite possible they would have said to themselves that since SARS never significantly leaked back into the US or Europe, we'd similarly remain insulated from the Coronavirus?

    Obviously, such an analysis was foolish and mistaken, but would it have seemed so implausible at the time?

    Father O'Hara , says: Show Comment March 19, 2020 at 3:55 am GMT
    Well, I have only recently heard of a guy named Francis Boyle,a law professor out of the Univ. Of Illinois. He is apparently an expert on bio-warfare treaties. He claims covid-19 is manmade,period.
    That is a very scary notion,from which most people will flee.
    As I have accepted that 9/11 was "the usual suspects," I guess it is definitely possible.
    Sasha , says: Show Comment March 19, 2020 at 4:00 am GMT
    @Ron Unz Maybe, but my take is an engineered market crash. This looks to me like a Nathan Rothschild sort of trick (according to legend) – propagating fake news about Napoleon's victory at Waterloo, crashing the markets, then snapping up the whole LSE for a penny to the pound. If so, you have to admire it, the sheer genius, the psychopathic beauty of it all.

    As a bonus, the Reichstag Fire also is an extremely efficient delivery system for the eugenics payload – a very virulent strain that almost exclusively targets the social burden (pensioners and already ill) while leaving alone the tax-farm base! Never in the history of tax-farming have the sheeple been stampeded and fleeced so thoroughly! Bravo!

    Flubber , says: Show Comment March 19, 2020 at 4:13 am GMT
    "The US cannot win a trade war with China."

    What kind of bollocks is this.

    Of course the US can win a trade war.

    The US is the customer, with the enormous trade deficit. Trump has been hugely effective with his tariff's policy in rehoming manufacturing to the US – a process that will vastly accelerate thanks to the Corona virus outbreak.

    I agree that 9-11 stink to high heaven and that PNAC are unmitigated bastards, but this capitulation to China is balls.

    Delta G , says: Show Comment March 19, 2020 at 4:16 am GMT
    @Ron Unz Stupidity is certainly an American Military essential behavior for promotion and success in the current US Armed Forces.

    But you can't have someone clever enough to create a Recombinant Designer Pathogen and be in the US Military.

    However, the psyops fucks would likely be ready to game the system should a natural outbreak occur which would be called a Pandemic even when its not and make everyone of our low quality leaders $hit their pants and go totally crazy. A mild fart with the claim its poison gas would make the Stock Markets Collapse.

    Carlton Meyer , says: Website Show Comment March 19, 2020 at 4:22 am GMT

    But if so, I'm *extremely* skeptical that the perpetrators ever intended or imagined that it would leak back into the US and inflict the horrific economic and social damage that now seems unavoidable. How to explain this lack lack of foresight?

    This is the same issue with cyberwar viruses. One can infect computers in Iran, but with the internet they may be passed onto the entire world, just like rap music.

    antibeast , says: Show Comment March 19, 2020 at 4:41 am GMT
    @Ron Unz

    But if so, I'm *extremely* skeptical that the perpetrators ever intended or imagined that it would leak back into the US and inflict the horrific economic and social damage that now seems unavoidable. How to explain this lack lack of foresight?

    One word: Trump. Because he could very well lose his reelection bid if the pandemic causes an economic recession which now seems highly likely given the stock market collapse.

    Cui Bono ? The people OPPOSED to Trump, variously referred to as the "Deep State" or the "National Security State" as described by Gore Vidal in his book which by the way Julian Assange was holding while being hauled away from the Ecuadorian Embassy.

    After Russiagate and Ukrainegate, THEY finally hit the bullseye with Coronagate.

    Si1ver1ock , says: Show Comment March 19, 2020 at 5:05 am GMT
    This is a pretty good article. I'll probably link to it.

    Some people think this is coming from City of London types. The US pursued a "strategy of tension" with China that may have allowed third party actors to intervene and get them fighting each other.

    There has been some Bad Blood between British elites and China for awhile now. It's not clear why.

    In this scheme, the US is the patsy, the Oswald to take the blame.

    Anonymous [392] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment March 19, 2020 at 5:16 am GMT
    @Polemos Check this link out:

    The real gem in the whole article are the observations made by Yang himself:

    YANG: That's what freaks me out about the whole thing. What we're doing is saying things like, "Keep your social distance," and trying to stop the spread that way, which is fine. But we have shit for data. Like, we don't know what the infection rate is. And so, there's no reason we would ever be able to give the 'all-clear.' If you don't have any data, this whole thing is a nightmare that doesn't end. When you close schools, what gives you the all-clear to say, "OK, open them again"? Nothing. There's no data to compare it to. This whole thing is a fear-based approach with no end in sight. There's no catalyst to ever sound the all-clear. This whole thing is so fucked up.

    YANG: I think the nature of that guidance has to be different, personally. I think they need to be transparent about what kind of data we're relying on, to give people a sense of the timeline. Right now, our sense of the future is so cloudy. And you get the sense the president went from not taking this seriously to suddenly realizing its seriousness, and now we're reacting in various ways to slow the spread of the virus. But then what? I would be clearer as to what the timeline looks like, what data we're going to rely upon, how we're going to get that data, what steps we're taking to increase testing capacity and just give people a sense of the future.

    We need to know now what the future can look like under different scenarios and then be presented with what scenario we're in when that time comes. We've been on lockdown for half a week. Right now, the American people don't have any visibility into whether it's going to be four more weeks or four more months, and we don't know how those judgments are going to determined. As president, I would say, "Look, here's the information, here's the dashboard, here's what we're lining up, here's what we're hoping for, here's how circumstances could change, and thank you for doing your part -- if you proceed with like the rest of the country in flattening the curve and keeping things under this level, then we can look forward to this. " You know, so we could actually have a sense of accomplishment and purpose.

    So here we have it, replicated throughout the whole of the Western world. An open-ended clamp-down based on fear, with no timeline or road map, and no conditions set on when (or IF) things will get back to normal.

    For now, smells really fishy. Even if DS (Deep State) did not intentionally engineer this circumstance, they are decisively and very swiftly exploiting it to exert extreme control over everything .

    Franklin Ryckaert , says: Show Comment March 19, 2020 at 5:31 am GMT
    @antibeast On the contrary, for the deep state Trump is the ideal puppet. Those who are against Trump belong to the surface state , i.e. Democrats, Leftists in general and the equally Leftist main stream media. Real policy in the US is only made by the deep state .

    [Mar 19, 2020] The only place place that has all five haplotypes is the US.

    Mar 19, 2020 |

    occupatio , Mar 19 2020 16:38 utc | 63

    The fixation on bats distracts from the important fact, which is that China primarily has one haplotype (with instances of three others in small counts, including those brought in from from abroad). The China haplotype is distinct from the Iran one, and the Italy one. Therefore none of these locations can be the origin, because where the 'parent' of the virus comes from would also be a place that would have multiple 'children' or haplotypes of the virus. The only place place that has all five haplotypes is the US. You can talk all day about bats but that is to ignore the scientific data about haplotypes and the parent-child relationship it implies.

    On the ideological level, I see many comments saying its not racist to talk about Asians and weird foods. Let me point out that racism is not just discrimination, but discrimination from a position of power. A black slave cannot be racist against his plantation master no matter how much he hates him, because his individual 'prejudice' against the master does not alter the world and its system of prejudice. Racism issues from power, so viruses that originate from the US or western countries are NOT stigmatized as linked to white people or white culture, but viruses that originate from Africa or Asia are racially stigmatized. In any place, there are some people who eat 'weird' food, whether it be gator meat in Florida or bats in Palau. But only non-white countries get branded as places of 'disease'. That's because racism is the perpetuation of structures of power.

    Black slaves were prized in southern plantations because they were resistant to diseases like malaria. That is a fact, but it is also a historical reality that how people talk about diseases is part of racial and racist discourse.

    [Mar 19, 2020] Side effects of panic are not initially totally obvious

    Notable quotes:
    "... ...The notion of panic is best studied in the context of war. Subjected to fire, explosion etc. a military unit can be reduced to an unthinking mass, fleeing, dropping weapons and massacred by the advancing opponent. This is called panic, and it is never advisable, unlike a retreat performed in a controlled manner, minimizing the losses of the material, life and territory. ..."
    Mar 19, 2020 |

    Piotr Berman , Mar 19 2020 15:43 utc | 39

    ...The notion of panic is best studied in the context of war. Subjected to fire, explosion etc. a military unit can be reduced to an unthinking mass, fleeing, dropping weapons and massacred by the advancing opponent. This is called panic, and it is never advisable, unlike a retreat performed in a controlled manner, minimizing the losses of the material, life and territory.

    On personal level, I think I witnessed a trace of panic when I visited supermarket today. There is a wide aisle with paper goods on one side and frozen goods on the other. Toilet paper seems 95% gone, and so are frozen vegetables on the other side. Frozen stuff from other aisles seem untouched. Personally, I had to substitute canned peas for frozen peas I planned to buy. In any case, few reasons to expect major shortages.

    On a larger level, a number of governments in Europe reacts with panic, doing things that can seriously make things worse. When small countries close borders, there can be serious havoc. Tens of thousands of people, thousands of trucks are stuck.

    At least in USA, states have no authority to close borders. A smallish country like Slovakia can have severe shortages if hysterical neighbors (Poland and Hungary, I am not sure about Czechia) close borders. As supply chains cross borders to a large degree in EU, interrupting the border traffic can create unpredictable shortages.

    Additionally, creating big crowds (of stranded people) is very, very stupid under the circumstances.

    Rational policies would be to create the balance of needs and resources, take measures to increase critical supplies including test kits, medical equipment and medicines, find ways of humane and rational handling of travelers and so on.

    [Mar 19, 2020] People have completely lost their minds here and that is due to decades of social engineering which has created a culture devoid of critical thinking skills and a frighteningly docile populace

    Notable quotes:
    "... Now moving on to the COVID-19 virus and the reactions. At present it is without question, based on the statistical evidence, an overreaction of historical proportions. ..."
    "... The three areas, so far, where the virus has been the worst, N Italy, N China and Iran each have one thing in common - some of the worst air pollution on the planet which has been widely cited and as much as a decade ago it was noted that the results would be compromised immune systems, diminished lung functions and outbreaks of related health issues. So what we have essentially is an environment which was ripe for such viruses to proliferate and population that is vulnerable to such things. ..."
    "... BTW Russ is correct on his note about bio-weapons and the funding for such things is always there even as the accounting methods serve to hide where these funds go. ..."
    Mar 19, 2020 |

    Allen , Mar 19 2020 14:27 utc | 28

    People have completely lost their minds here and that is due to decades of social engineering which has created a culture devoid of critical thinking skills and a frighteningly docile populace. Accepting the narrative of so-called (and ideologically and often financially) experts is demanded of everyone lest you be cited as a "conspiracy monger." We could cite literally all day the number of "whacked out" conspiracies that ended up being factual but that's for another time.

    Having said that it is the case that at present all of what b is saying in this post is almost certainly the case- excepting the bio weapons narrative which is virtually impossible to prove and if this is the case it was a very poor job of utilizing those bio-weapons. And there is most definitely a racist element to this amongst the right-wingers which will be played up.

    Now moving on to the COVID-19 virus and the reactions. At present it is without question, based on the statistical evidence, an overreaction of historical proportions. The only option that changes this is if there is something further that we do not know and for this we are to place our faith in governments and institutions that have consistently lied to us and manipulated the public for decades. Someone tell me that we are actually suppose to hold our noses and this time believe the "official narrative." It would actually go against the proven evidence, that these entities are proven liars, for us to do so.

    The virus itself is just that - a virus even if it is particularly virulent which is still up for debate. The notions of how to address this, at least the ones peddled to us, are simply wrongheaded and fit a certain model of the medical establishment that BTW is part and parcel of the same system that has brought us to the point of massive ecological collapse. Let's not separate that out.

    The three areas, so far, where the virus has been the worst, N Italy, N China and Iran each have one thing in common - some of the worst air pollution on the planet which has been widely cited and as much as a decade ago it was noted that the results would be compromised immune systems, diminished lung functions and outbreaks of related health issues. So what we have essentially is an environment which was ripe for such viruses to proliferate and population that is vulnerable to such things.

    Keep in mind that viruses constantly mutate and there are myriad viruses that are unknown and never to be known until something like this occurs. So all talk of some "silver bullet"- be it vaccine or other medical discovery- is at best short-term if not a Trojan Horse.

    The solution is to have an economic social order that creates environments where the external environment is such that the inhabitants are less likely to be impacted by such contagions. Right now we have the exact opposite. So say what you want about COVID and pretend that you can find a "fix" but once this passes if we are forced to return to the same omnicidal economic system we will be right back here a few years from now.

    BTW Russ is correct on his note about bio-weapons and the funding for such things is always there even as the accounting methods serve to hide where these funds go.

    [Mar 19, 2020] Drastic measures taken by governments and private institutions suggest that they view the coronavirus as a huge threat but the facts does not confirm that. That only logical explanation of such an overreaction is that they rightly or wrongly suspect that this is an artificially created virus that escaped labs

    Mar 19, 2020 |

    Aug a day ago • edited

    I will unfortunately have to go against the grain here and say that I still fail to see the immense danger of the virus.

    The argument this article makes - particularly in its third paragraph - that drastic measures taken by governments and private institutions means that the virus is a huge threat doesn't logically follow. No matter how drastic the measures, how large the public's panic or how rabid the panic buying, my chance of dying from the virus even if contracting it is, as a sub-60 year old, healthy person still at roughly 1%, not much higher than viruses that gain little to no media or political attention.

    The fact that it affects old people, but unlike many other viruses not babies is another factor that should lessen fear, rather than increase it.

    This article summarizes the poll but mentions no reasons why those who do not believe the mainstream narrative should change their opinions other than empty polemic statements (such as "It would require deliberately ignoring these developments or accepting a completely false narrative about them to conclude that the threat has been overblown at this point.")

    In lieu of proper counter-arguments, it is false to assume that only those willfully ignorant or believing in false narratives would not be as concerned about this virus as those in the media and others blowing it out proportion.

    Michael Cole Aug a day ago
    A thought. I have often heard the regime in Beijing described as evil, but not stupid. Why on earth would they have shut down an entire province and partially shut down their whole country with all the attendant societal disruption and economic devastation if they didn't think COV is a lot more than flu? Remember, the Chinese are famously fatalistic about life and death (that is a polite way of saying that they care less about individual human lives than we do). And what about the Italians. Were they just nervous nellies who had an irrational panic attack over nothing? OBVIOUSLY they, and many other countries, think this is a lot more serious than influenza.
    sglover Aug a day ago
    my chance of dying from the virus even if contracting it is, as a sub-60 year old, healthy person still at roughly 1%, not much higher than viruses that gain little to no media or political attention. The fact that it affects old people, but unlike many other viruses not babies is another factor that should lessen fear, rather than increase it

    Nobody really has *any* solid idea of the epidemiology of this yet, so your blithe 1% is a kind of wish-thinking. In the States, thanks to the lack of testing (i.e., the failure to ramp up basic precautionary public health responses), **any** confident assertions of rates and chances really just serve to flag the speaker as somebody who doesn't know how much he doesn't know. Nassim Yaleb has some interesting thoughts about the real logic of our situation:

    Play Hide
    Aug sglover a day ago
    First of all, you assume that I don't give a damn. I do. I don't think the virus is unimportant. No virus is.

    Second, the lack of certainty plays in favor of my argument rather than yours: We do already have numbers on the amount of people infected, the amount of people who recovered and the amount of people who died. From the latter two, we can surmise the percentage chance of a person surviving an infection. Combining this with the percentage of people who died who were over the age of 60 (80%) and the number of those people who had pre-existing, severe conditions (75%) gives us a good idea.

    Those who became infected with the virus but either didn't know that it was more than a common fever or who became infected and had symptoms mild or even non-existent won't figure into the number of people infected. Hence, the actual percentage chance of dying from the virus is even lower, since only those who had symptoms severe enough and got tested will figure into it. The reverse doesn't apply.

    Hence, the actual risk of dying is even lower than the numbers suggest.

    sglover Aug a day ago
    We don't even know if reinfection is a possibility. As I said, at this point *all* serene predictions of the disease's likely course are fatuous. What the hell are you, The Hobby Epidemiologist?
    Aug sglover a day ago
    Funny how you specify that "serene" predictions in particular are fatuous while excluding pessimistic ones. Perhaps it's you who is driven not by data but something else, rather than me?

    LeeInWV sglover 4 hours ago

    You are right. We are flying blind as long as we are not testing widely. However, there is a lot of data available from other places and using that data we can actually extrapolate quite a bit. Check this out:

    [Mar 19, 2020] I look to the narrative we get in North America, irrespective of the topic, and the pattern is the same

    Highly recommended!
    Mar 19, 2020 |

    Curmudgeon , says: Show Comment March 18, 2020 at 5:40 pm GMT


    I'm agnostic on the subject of COVID-19: its origin, how it first infected humans, its epidemiological spread

    Perhaps agnostic is not the best choice of words, but overall, I agree.

    It is not impossible that the virus did not "escape" from the Wuhan Lab, but it is unlikely.

    That the Chinese have sequenced a virus to do something unexpected, then published it, is unremarkable. That others may have done the same or similar and not published it, would be remarkable. I would consider the "Five Eyes" and Israel entirely capable – and likely to do that, given they operate as one.

    I look to the narrative we get in North America, irrespective of the topic, and the pattern is the same:
    1- "report" the topic;
    2- announce "breaking news" to establish the narrative;
    3- repeat the narrative endlessly saturating the media;
    4- ignore contrary evidence;
    5- if #4 becomes too difficult, discredit it by a bait and switch;
    6- pronounce the narrative is still solid and alternative information false;
    7- rinse and repeat.
    (I suppose, if all else fails, blame Russia/Putin could be added.)

    In context of the above, I am leaning toward that it wasn't an accident and in all likelihood it wasn't China.

    [Mar 18, 2020] A stance not too removed from Dr Joel Kettner's

    Mar 18, 2020 |

    Norman Pilon ,

    A stance not too removed from Dr Joel Kettner's:

    Source of all that follows: wolfgang wodarg

    01/03/2020 Corona-Hype:

    [. . .]

    by [Dr.] Wolfgang Wodarg

    The corona hype is not based on any extraordinary public health danger. However, it causes considerable damage to our freedom and personal rights through frivolous and unjustified quarantine measures and restrictions. The images in the media are frightening and the traffic in China's cities seems to be regulated by the clinical thermometer.

    Evidence based epidemiological assessment is drowning in the mainstream of fear mongers in labs, media and ministries.

    The carnival in Venice was cancelled after an elderly dying hospital patient was tested positive. When a handful of people in Northern Italy also were tested positive, Austria immediately closed the Brenner Pass temporarily.

    Due to a suspected case of coronavirus, more than 1000 people were not allowed to leave their hotel in Tenerife. On the cruise ship Diamond Princess 3700 passengers could not disembark., Congresses and touristic events are cancelled, economies suffer and schools in Italy have an extra [holiday].

    At the beginning of February, 126 people from Wuhan were brought to Germany by plane and remained there in quarantine two weeks in perfect health. Corona viruses were detected in two of the healthy individuals.

    We have experienced similar alarmist actions by virologists in the last two decades. WHO's "swine flu pandemic" was in fact one of the mildest flu waves in history and it is not only migratory birds that are still waiting for "birds flu". Many institutions that are now again alerting us to the need for caution have let us down and failed us on several occasions. Far too often, they are institutionally corrupted by secondary interests from business and/or politics.

    If we do not want to chase frivolous panic messages, but rather to responsibly assess the risk of a spreading infection, we must use solid epidemiological methodology. This includes looking at the "normal", the baseline, before you can speak of anything exceptional.

    Until now, hardly anyone has paid attention to corona viruses. For example, in the annual reports of the Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) they are only marginally mentioned because there was SARS in China in 2002 and because since 2012 some transmissions from dromedaries to humans have been observed in Arabia (MERS). There is nothing about a regularly recurring presence of corona viruses in dogs, cats, pigs, mice, bats and in humans, even in Germany.

    However, children's hospitals are usually well aware, that a considerable proportion of the often severe viral pneumonia is also regularly caused or accompanied by corona viruses worldwide.

    In view of the well-known fact that in every "flu wave" 7-15% of acute respiratory illnesses (ARI) are coming along with coronaviruses, the case numbers that are now continuously added up are still completely within the normal range.

    About one per thousand infected are expected to die during flu seasons. By selective application of PCR-tests – for example, only in clinics and medical outpatient clinics – this rate can easily be pushed up to frightening levels, because those, who need help there are usually worse off than those, who are recovering at home. The role of such s selection bias seems to be neglected in China and elsewhere.

    Since the turn of the year, the focus of the public, of science and of health authorities has suddenly narrowed to some kind of blindness. Some doctors in Wuhan (12 million inhabitants) succeeded in attracting worldwide attention with initially less than 50 cases and some deaths in their clinic, in which they had identified corona viruses as the pathogen.

    The colourful maps that are now being shown to us on paper or screens are impressive, but they usually have less to do with disease than with the activity of skilled virologists and crowds of sensationalist reporters.

    We are currently not measuring the incidence of coronavirus diseases, but the activity of the specialists searching for them.

    Wherever such the new tests are carried out – there about 9000 tests per week available in 38 laboratories throughout Europe on 13 February 2020 – there are at least single cases detected and every case becomes a self-sustaining media event. The fact alone that the discovery of a coronavirus infection is accompanied by a particularly intensive search in its vicinity explains many regional [clusters].

    The horror reports from Wuhan were something, that virologists all over the world are waiting for. Immediately, the virus strains present in the refrigerators were scanned and compared feverishly with the reported newcomers from Wuhan. A laboratory at the Charité won the race at the WHO and was the first to be allowed to market its in-house tests worldwide. Prof C. Drosten was interviewed on 23rd of january 2020 and described how the Test was established. He said, that he cooperated with a Partner from China, who confirmed the specific sensitivity of the Charitè-Test for the Wuhan coronavirus. Other Tests from different Places followed soon and found their market.

    However, it is better not to be tested for corona viruses. Even with a slight "flu-like" infection the risk of coronavirus detection would be 7% – 15% . This is, what a prospective monitoring in Scotland (from 2005 to 2013) may teach us. The scope, the possible hits and the significance of the new tests are not [yet] validated. It would be [interesting] to have [some] tests not only on airports and cruising ships but on [German] or [Italian] cats, mice or even bats.

    If you find some new virus RNA in a Thai cave ore a Wuhan hospital, it takes a long time to map its prevalence in different hosts worldwide.

    But if you want to give evidence to a spreading pandemic by using PCR-Tests only, this is what should have been done after a prospective cross sectional [protocol].

    So beware of side effects. Nowadays positive PCR tests have tremendous consequences for the everyday life of the patient and his wider environment, as can be seen in all media without effort.

    However, the finding itself has no clinical significance. It is just another name for acute respiratory illnesses (ARI), which as every year put 30% to 70% of all people in our countries more or less out of action for a week or two every winter.

    According to a prospective ARI-virus monitoring in Scotland from 2005 to 2013, the most common pathogens of acute respiratory diseases were: 1. rhinoviruses, 2. influenza A viruses, 3. influenza B viruses, 4. RS viruses and 5. coronaviruses.

    This order changed slightly from year to year. Even with viruses competing for our mucous membrane cells, there is apparently a changing quorum, as we know it from our intestines in the case of microorganisms and from the Bundestag in the case of political groups.

    So if there is now to be an increasing number of "proven" coronavirus infections. in China or in Italy: Can anyone say how often such examinations were carried out in previous winters, by whom, for what reason and with which results? When someone claims that something is increasing, he must surely refer to something, that has been observed before.

    It can be stunning, when an experienced disease control officer looks at the current turmoil, the panic and the suffering it causes. I'm sure many of those responsible public health officers would probably risk their jobs today, as they did with the "swine flu" back then, if they would follow their experience and oppose the mainstream.

    Every winter we have a virus epidemic with thousands of deaths and with millions of infected people even in Germany. And coronaviruses always have their share.

    So if the Federal Government wants to do something good, it could learn from epidemiologists in Glasgow and have all clever minds at the RKI observe prospectively (!!!) and watch how the virom of the German population changes from year to year.

    Some questions for the evaluation of the current findings:

    1) Which prospective, standardised monitoring of acute respiratory diseases with or without fever (ILI, ARI) is used for the epidemiological risk assessment of coronavirus infections observed in Wuhan Italy, South Korea, Iran and elsewhere (baseline).

    2) How do the comparable (!) results of earlier observations differ from those now reported by the WHO? (in China, in Europe, in Italy, in Germany, etc.)

    3) What would we observe this ARI-season if we would ignore the new PCR-testing?

    4) How valid and how comparable are the detection methods used with regard to sensitivity, specificity and pathogenetic or prognostic relevance?

    5) What is the evidence or probability that the observed corona viruses 2019/2020 are more dangerous to public health than previous variants?

    6) If you find them now, how can you [prove], they were not there (e.g. in animals) before.
    What considerations have been made or taken into account to exclude or minimise sources of bias (sources of error)?

    Note: the original source of this quote contains embedded links not here apparent.

    [Mar 18, 2020] Panic is unwarranted: the number of cases are exponential for several weeks after epidemic starts and then they begin to decrease. That's happened in China, South Korea, and is happening in Italy and Iran right now.

    Mar 18, 2020 |

    Richard Tovar March 18, 2020 at 12:30 am

    Finally, a great perspective on this fiasco. I agree, we cannot make such important decisions with so little data to back it up. I would also add that we do have some data that suggests that it's not an extinction level event as it's being portrayed.

    Look at the numbers in the countries that have been through it already, number of cases are exponential for about 2 weeks and then they begin to decrease. That's happened in China, South Korea, and is happening in Italy and Iran right now.

    If China has 3,200 deaths (plus 2600 critical condition patients) and Italy has 2500 deaths (plus 2000 critical condition cases), why would we expect much more in the US?

    According to the CDC MMWR, during week 9 of 2020, pneumonia killed 2280 people and the flu another 384; during week 8 of 2020, 2911 died of pneumonia and the flu killed another 415.

    That's more deaths in 2 weeks in the US than all of China's deaths due to covid-19 since the epidemic started.

    Why are we not talking about this? I know that we have a pretty good idea of what the flu does every year and I agree that we had no idea what covid-19 was going to do in a country in January, but it's March and we have seen what it's done in a couple of countries and it's not any worse than any other disease that we encounter every year.

    I also agree that when this is all done and we finally get more data, the fatality rate for covid-19 will certainly be less than 1%. Then what? After the extensive damage to every part of our society? For what? What about the people that rely on a weekly paycheck? The small business that rely on heavy customer traffic? Will we hold someone responsible? Will it be the news media trying to sell newspapers with negative headlines?

    Scientists that arrive to a conclusion with no evidence to support it? Are we going to freak out every year because bad things can possibly happen? Maybe if we work really hard this year we can come up with something for next year that will really kill us all but it won't be a virus this time, it will be our own stupidity and lack of common sense.

    [Mar 17, 2020] Panic Pandemic Why are people who should know better buying the Covid19 hype OffGuardian

    While definably overhyped, the threat does exist; especially for older people and smokers. So measures taken by governments are not an overkill.
    Mar 17, 2020 |

    What is nCoV19? I honestly do not know.

    The more the fear porn ramps up, the less certain I become of any aspect of the narrative surrounding it. We are definitely all being discouraged from questioning its virulence, discouraged from referring to its official fatality and case numbers, which do not correlate with the level of fear we are being told is appropriate. There is certainly a massive and multifaceted attempt to fudge and inflate those numbers to bring them in line with the 'response'.

    This brings us back to our revelation that good old Wikipedia have been downgrading the CFR of the Spanish Flu. It's hard not to see this as part of the same process.

    The actual death rates just aren't high enough. So talk them up, play pea and thimble games with the stats, and do some Memory-Holing so that the 1918 pandemic suddenly has a very similar CFR, allowing your tame media to make all the right comparisons in their op eds and editorials, pointing out how many millions died back then despite it only having a fatality ratio of 2.5%.

    They seem aware of the discrepancy, and are making efforts to prevent people researching it. The WHO are warning people not to read "too much" about the disease in order to protect their mental health. In a write up on the reccomendations, the BBC says this :

    There is a lot of misinformation swirling around – stay informed by sticking to trusted sources of information such as government and NHS websites

    Whether this virus is as imaginary as some are saying, or entirely real, it's being hyped to a point beyond any connection with reality, and not just in the media. It's a multi-pronged assault on our minds right now. Allegedly reliable and authoritative medical professionals are just as likely to talk propaganda at you as some government minister or media halfwit.

    Gary Weglarz ,

    Veterans Today describes itself as follows at its website: (" (VT) is an independent alternative journal for the clandestine services focused on U.S. Foreign Policy and Military Issues.")

    A rather interesting report from VT to say the least.

    John ,

    RT has a headline "21 year old Spanish football coach dies of corona virus" Click on the story. He had leukemia.

    Dungroanin ,

    Will just sticking to actual facts make a blind bit of difference to the panicked? I fear not.

    97% of all infected in the whole world seem to have recovered.

    Of the 3% who didn't the AVERAGE age is above 70.

    There is a trade off between a shorter period and more cases at the same time and the same total number but not so many at the same time over a longer period by trying to isloate people who do get it.

    A safe vaccine must be ar least a year away for the NEXT return of the virus.

    Is there any objection to these facts?
    -- --

    Apparently italians are so far advanced in their doom they are letting a body remain in a house without collecting it .

    Apparently the 'young man' in his 50's was killed by the virus in the UK.

    Are These 'facts' true? Can anyone post any links to them?

    Thom ,

    It's fairly clear the coronavirus is both a cover and an excuse for a) temporary financial collapse; b) a vicious trade war with China and c) gaslighting the peoples of western 'democracies' into accepting semi-fascist government. As soon as the markets are at rock bottom and China, Iran and the eurozone damaged as much as possible, a vaccine will most probably be 'found', the markets will 'soar' and the majority will thank their political leaders for pulling them back from the abyss – forgetting that many of the control measures will still be in place and their pensions, investments and, quite likely, bank accounts will have been quietly ransacked.

    aspnaz ,

    Totally agree. Here in HK we have had 4 deaths from Covid-19 over the past three months. Here is a link to the HK covid-19 website that even gives you details of every case . Initially the HK people paniced and most improved their personal hygiene: hand washing, masks etc. All public gathering facilities were closed, such as all the public sports facilities, but now they are all opening again and things are returning to normal as the predictions of massive death prove to be false. I don't know what is happening in other countries, but here in HK (and the same according to relatives in Taiwan) it has turned out to be a bit of a nothing burger. Strangely, I have posted this comment on a number of fear porn alt websites and had it removed.

    Bryan ,

    The modelling suggests that people over 60 are particularly vulnerable (for obvious age related issues) and that the sheer numbers from this group will quickly overwhelm health provision – so few will be priority treated and many will die from avoidable complications. This is not hype and requires a serious intetventionalist response. I do not doubt however that such measures may be come a permanent part of our slide towards the authoritarian Right.

    Jen ,

    There is now news of a 21-year-old Spanish football coach, a guy called Francisco Garcia , dying from COVID-19. He had an underlying condition (leukaemia) which he did not know of until he had symptoms of COVID-19 infection and went to hospital.

    Garcia is likely to be the tip of the proverbial iceberg of young people who do not know that they have dormant health issues until their immune systems become stressed or infection with COVID-19 stirs up the dormant health problems.

    During their late teenage / young adult years, people often pick up diseases or pathogens – the various herpes viruses and the Epstein-Barr virus that causes glandular fever come to mind – and for the most these issues resolve or their symptoms go away but the viruses that cause them continue to stay in the body and create problems later when the immune system is stressed by another pathogen.

    How many young people these days might have dormant conditions, viruses or bacteria causing no problems at all until they come into situations where their immune systems are stressed, such as but not limited to situations like working two or more jobs in insecure or dangerous conditions, living in share arrangements with strangers whose medical histories are unknown, and being unsure of future prospects? They may also be vulnerable to COVID-19 more than we realise.

    Mucho ,

    "If you ever doubted that corruption is now endemic and all our institutions – political, legal, medical – are stacked with yes-men and jobsworths or fools prepared to put their names to any junk proclamation that might get them a raise or save their professional skins, just think of this article."

    Not forgetting the enormous army of dependable chaps from "The Lodge", who can always be relied upon to grit their teeth and say whatever is required to "retain order."

    George Mc ,

    There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.

    Attributed to Mark Twain.

    Dave Hansell ,

    Presumably that would also include statistics on previous years flu cases, suicide statistics, deaths from car accidents statistics, deaths from knife crime, or Ben population statistics?

    Or are some statistics more valid than others depending on their utility in arguing a particular case or agenda?

    George Mc ,

    Twain – or whoever- was drawing attention to the easiness of manipulating statistics – which is why we should scrutinise them as Catte has done above.

    George Mc ,

    By a coincidence this wondrous Lancet article is one I accessed myself just a few days back and I noted that arresting statement:

    We re-estimated mortality rates by dividing the number of deaths on a given day by the number of patients with confirmed COVID-19 infection 14 days before. On this basis, using WHO data on the cumulative number of deaths to March 1, 2020, mortality rates would be 5·6% (95% CI 5·4–5·8) for China and 15·2% (12·5–17·9) outside of China.

    i.e. mortality rates outside China are three times greater than inside. Scary stuff. I presume that the number of deaths mentioned are from within the confirmed infected sample? Surely it would be too cynical to assume that they added in deaths from outside? But, as with the UK deaths so far, the dead may have had other illnesses too.

    ... ... ...

    Willem ,

    Here is a report from Northern Italy of an Italian dr that I consider to be true.

    He says that the origen of the virus is the media who created a panic instead of a pandemic and much more. Tempting to quote but better read for yourself.

    Hat tip to Milosovic who previously added this link

    RobG ,

    I'd be very cautious about anything that 'authority' tells you. I'm in a part of south west France that geographically is not far from northern Italy.

    Just about everyone where I am is saying that the covid 19 stuff is complete and utter bullshit.

    Remember, covid 19 is brought to you by exactly the same people who brought to you 9/11, and the invasion of Iraq, etc, etc, etc.

    Ivan ,

    In Italy today there were 345 deaths from coronavirus, 368 yesterday. There is an endless flood of patients in the hospitals, hospitals are being divided into hospitals trating coronavirus cases and hospitals for non infected people. An emergency call for which the medics arrived before in 10 minutes, now takes 50 minutes (Lombardia).

    You don't know what you are talking about. Go take a look at the Italian news sites (google translate).

    Barovsky ,

    Hmmm . Well I'm almost 75 with a heart condition and don't want to die gasping for breath. So yes, for most, it's no big deal but anyone over 40 is at risk, so even if 'only' 1% die in the UK, that's a lot of people. But most important of all, is the threat (potentially) it poses to capitalism. Things will never be the same again.

    Ieuan Einion ,

    As I understand it, 30,000 people have died of this winter's particular strain of influenza in the USA, which is par for the course, around 0.01% of those infected. If the Italian and Iranian experiences to date are anything to go by, the infection/mortality ratio is much greater for CorviD-19.

    [Mar 17, 2020] COVID-19 vs. tuberculosis

    Mar 17, 2020 |

    Emily Durron ,

    In line with the vitally important reference in the article to WHO estimates that 290 000-650 000 respiratory deaths occur each year associated with seasonal flu, the following cannot be repeated often enough.

    The ONS reported that in the 2017 to 2018 winter period, there were an estimated 50,100 excess winter deaths in England and Wales alone. The report attributed these deaths to "the predominant strain of flu, the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine and below-average winter temperatures".


    So far, nCov has killed fewer than 50 people in the entire UK.

    And yet, two years ago, not a single person wore a face mask, no flights were cancelled, nobody refused to shake hands, not a single academic institution switched to distance learning, no football was postponed, the England cricket team was not called home from a sunlit corner of the former empire and no damn fools ran out to Tesco to clear the shelves of toilet rolls and pasta.

    And while we are talking about infectious respiratory diseases, the following are WHO statistics for 2018. The name of the disease (see if you can guess) comes at the end.

    • A total of 1.5 million people died from this disease in 2018.
    • An estimated 10 million people fell ill with this disease worldwide.
    • In 2018, 1.1 million children fell ill with it globally, and there were 205 000 child deaths due to it.
    • There were cases in all countries and age groups.

    But this disease is curable and preventable.

    The fact is though that the western media, governments and the ignorant population do not give a shit about it because eight countries account for two thirds of the total, namely India followed by China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh and South Africa.

    The disease is, of course, TB.

    [Mar 16, 2020] The Coronavirus Conundrum as interpreted by Average Joe.

    Mar 16, 2020 |

    PokeTheTruth , Mar 15 2020 17:20 utc | 3

    The Coronavirus Conundrum as interpreted by Average Joe.

    Reporter: "Excuse me sir, have you been tested for coronavirus yet?"
    Average Joe: "No, I haven't."
    Reporter: "Aren't you worried?"
    Average Joe: "No."
    Reporter: "Why not?"
    Average Joe: "I don't have any symptoms."
    Reporter: "But you could be a carrier and not know it."
    Average Joe: "Uh huh. Say, can I ask you a question?"
    Reporter: "Sure, go ahead."
    Average Joe: "What are the symptoms of coronavirus?"
    Reporter: "Well, that would be coughing, sneezing, chills, intestinal disorder and fever."
    Average Joe: "And what are the symptoms of influenza?"
    Reporter: " I think they are the same."
    Average Joe: "Aren't there millions of cases of influenza compared to coronavirus?"
    Reporter: "Well yes, that's true."
    Average Joe: "And people could have influenza and not know it and spread it, too?"
    Reporter: "Yes, I guess so."
    Average Joe: "So why aren't you asking me if I should be tested for influenza, instead?"
    Reporter: "Because coronavirus has killed about 50 people in the U.S. so far"
    Average Joe: "Influenza has killed over 4,500 Americans so far."

    Here we witness Average Joe thinks logically. Since there are more people infected with influenza than coronavirus and the symptoms are the same and more people have died, he should be tested for influenza before coronavirus. But the media isn't focused on influenza, they want people to be afraid of coronavirus because of the huge amount of attention it is getting in the press around the world. And that's the truth.

    [Mar 16, 2020] The USA now experience the period when the medical personnel became the most prominent victim of the authorities incompetence

    Highly recommended!
    Mar 15, 2020 |

    likbez , March 15, 2020 6:13 pm

    In most countries COVID-19 is regional with one province (and within this province one large city) as the epicenter.

    Jim Bianco's model is too primitive and as such unnecessary alarmist.

    The early stages of any flu epidemic are always exponential. But from some point propagation slows down considerably as the virus has difficulties to find new vulnerable people either because number of people with immunity increases (COVID-19 on average lasts less then a month; often just two weeks and around 90% of cases are mild ), or the measures were taken to "flatten the curve", or the weather or other conditions became unfavorable to the virus.

    Current exponential growth can also be explained by the fact that CDC completely botched testing. So a better availability of tests with time produces a false exponential increase in cases.

    In a sense the first half of March in the USA corresponds to the first half of Jan in Wuhan when the authorities did not yet resort to drastic actions (especially true for NYC, which looks like a giant cruise ship to me with all corresponding problems with AC, high density of population, frequent interaction with sick people via public transport including subway as infection points, etc ).

    This is also the period when the medical personnel became the most prominent victim of the authorities incompetence.

    I am no so much concerned with number of infection among "commoners" as with the number of infections of medical personnel. Depletion of medical personnel will greatly complicate the picture.

    Working in hazmat suits exhaust people, especially women, very quickly and thus make them more susceptible to the infection. In many cases you also need to wear adult pampers. It might well be that this is an overkill for this particular infection and less drastic measures like surgical scrubs can be as effective to protect medical workers.

    Research published in Feb had found that out of 138 patients studied at one Wuhan hospital, 29% were healthcare workers. Over 3K medical workers in China were infected and at least 18 died with ~ half of them under 40. Looks like heavy contact with infected patients make medical workers prognosis worse than for "commoners"

    Retired people over 70 now should self-quarantine and outside of senior facilities they are by-and-large responsible for their own health. When I see them on cruse ships in late Feb and March I just think how many reckless persons are among older folk. Most of them are also wealthy enough to order food via home delivery, not to drive to the store.

    Still on recent visit to department store there were a lot of grannies in the lines (and completely depleted shelves ;-). Looks like they are braving possible infection with the regular flu, if not coronavirus as typically several people cough within the large store.

    There should be some level of individual responsibility here , especially among seniors who are retired.

    But, at the same time, "Whom the Gods would destroy they first make mad"

    likbez , March 16, 2020 12:34 am

    Terry, March 15, 2020 7:25 pm

    Thanks for your last comment Run. You saved me the trouble.

    Famous quote “They had learned nothing and forgotten nothing” is applicable to the current situation in the USA. Looks like the US authorities learned nothing from SARC epidemics, which BTW hit Toronto.

    Let me clarify my previous post (which does suffers from wordiness as run75441 correctly pointed out).

    There are two diseases bunged into one in COVID-19: one is flu-like and is no threat (just a nuisance and Bert Schlitz is absolutely correct about this part) and the second is the SARC-like destructive virus pneumonia which is an extremely serious threat that has long time health consequences for survivors (lung fibrosis of various degrees similar to those which is the consequence of pneumonia caused by electronic cigarettes.)

    Those curves above do not distinguish between them and as such have no value.

    IMHO the curves that matter are “serious and critical cases” and the “medical workers who are in serious or critical conditions.”

    [Mar 15, 2020] According to Amazon's rankings, Camus' The Plague is now #7 in the Self-Help Psychology Humor category, which is an irony Camus himself probably couldn't have gotten away with

    Mar 15, 2020 |

    "What on earth prompted you to take a hand in this, doctor?"

    "I don't know. My my code of morals, perhaps."

    "Your code of morals. What code, if I may ask?"


    [Mar 15, 2020] Those that bent the curve enough to keep their health care providers from being overwhelmed and who have enough tests administered to get a better count of infections, seem to be slightly less than 1% mortality.

    Mar 15, 2020 |
    1. JaneE , March 15, 2020 3:40 pm

      There is a wide divergence in the death rates between countries. Those that bent the curve enough to keep their health care providers from being overwhelmed and who have enough tests administered to get a better count of infections, seem to be slightly less than 1% mortality. Those with overwhelmed systems and hospitals are 3 or 4% or higher. That is still close to 10 times the flu at best. If we do get to the "overwhelmed" category, the death rate may go much much higher.

    [Mar 14, 2020] Honest Government Ad

    Highly recommended!
    This is a really brilliant satire !!! Another outstanding work. "Spread the message, not the virus" and "...when they threaten the Stock Market." Priceless
    What makes a nation civilized is not how it acts in times of peace but how it chooses to conduct itself in moments of crisis. Hoarding stuff for months selfishly and fighting people in markets like animals is not how civilized societies deal with crisis.
    Notable quotes:
    "... Toilet paper is such a weird thing to be panic-buying... ..."
    "... "Global emergencies- when they threaten the stock market" So sad but true ..."
    "... "When they threaten the stock market." Boom. ..."
    "... I love the term "local government franchise". sounds pretty synonymous to a government run by crooks and impotent political dynasties. ..."
    "... I like how this started off completely taking the mick, but then turned, depressingly, into one of the most sensible summaries of our current situation. (I mean it's depressing that comedians seem to be better at communicating than our glorious leaders). ..."
    "... "Italians are freaking out the Chinese are hiding out" That was just so freaking hilarious oh my God I love this channel ..."
    Mar 14, 2020 |


    Honest Government Ad (govern/rule – ment/mind) | Coronavirus: Flatten The Curve Vote Up 1 0 Vote Down Reply Mar 14, 2020 10:05 PM

    John Gardner , 23 hours ago

    Toilet paper is such a weird thing to be panic-buying...

    foo barf , 23 hours ago

    But my sphincter is far too important to let a Murdoch publication near it

    JNB Brothers , 23 hours ago

    "Global emergencies- when they threaten the stock market" So sad but tru (climate change, equal rights etc)

    John Gardner , 23 hours ago

    Toilet paper is such a weird thing to be panic-buying...

    foo barf , 23 hours ago

    But my sphincter is far too important to let a Murdoch publication near it

    JNB Brothers , 23 hours ago

    "Global emergencies- when they threaten the stock market" So sad but true (climate change, equal rights etc)

    Tommy Knocker , 23 hours ago (edited)

    Now flying off the shelves near you: New Rupert Murdock toilet paper, as hard on your ass it is on the eyes!!!

    Aurum TheBrave , 23 hours ago

    "When they threaten the stock market." Boom.

    Charliemagne Crabajales , 19 hours ago

    I love the term "local government franchise". sounds pretty synonymous to a government run by crooks and impotent political dynasties.

    George Caplin , 20 hours ago

    I like how this started off completely taking the mick, but then turned, depressingly, into one of the most sensible summaries of our current situation. (I mean it's depressing that comedians seem to be better at communicating than our glorious leaders).

    Ison Willis , 23 hours ago

    If it gets not banned, its part of the sh*show.

    Alexandru Popescu , 23 hours ago

    Lucy's heavenly voice and impeccable pronunciation – which transform the coarse language into music to our ears – perfectly convey the urgent educational message.

    Saturn666 , 23 hours ago

    Kind of tragic when a comedy channel like this is more informative than governments.

    denthy k , 23 hours ago

    Trump: If I'm not tested, I'm not infected.

    tuseroni , 20 hours ago

    "i dont take responsibility at all" he did say that. not sure if he is exposed to the corona virus, but he is clearly allergic to responsibility

    resourcedragon , 23 hours ago

    Thank you for the "flatten the curve" message. To be honest, I had wondered whether delaying the inevitable was the way to go - especially in view of the fact that there are going to be, indeed, already have been deaths that are due to knock-on effects from the corona virus.

    Avatar WarMech , 19 hours ago

    "Italians are freaking out the Chinese are hiding out" That was just so freaking hilarious oh my God I love this channel

    [Mar 14, 2020] A little inspirational pep talk -- Coronavirus: Survival of the Richest! by Jonathan Pie

    Highly recommended!
    Mar 14, 2020 |

    George Mc This is a little inspirational pep talk about what to do with "self-isolation":

    The Hurricane , 1 day ago

    AS George Carlin said: It's called the American dream... because you have to be asleep to believe it.

    mme.lolabelle , 1 day ago

    To quote that great 21st century social commentary, ‘Shrek’, “Some of you may die, but it’s a sacrifice that I am willing to make.”

    Heikki Remes , 1 day ago

    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it." -Agent K

    S.A.k SAK , 1 day ago

    Johnthan Pie as expected sharp insightful with a wicked cutting edge, but most importantly so on point with home truths. Well done good man, please keep them coming we need you more than ever 😁

    A B , 1 day ago

    Exactly, more bankruptcies than deaths. Zero hours contracts are terrifying. Help others. Be kind.

    Rah Collier , 1 day ago

    Plagues can be instigators of social change. Buckle up, everyone.

    Kaya Bingham , 1 day ago

    Excellent summary of the world's economical facade. All plastic and lie...

    Kenny Evans , 1 day ago

    "Get ill, go bankrupt" USA in a nutshell.

    WeControlEverything YouSeeAndHear , 1 day ago div tabindex="0" class="comment-renderer

    -text" role="article"> Well done JP, a brilliant summation as always :) Particularly poignant: "The only people we can look to for help are our leaders, who we would hope, are looking to scientists & experts to guide them."

    [Mar 14, 2020] All viruses mostly kill elderly, all eventually burn out and reappear in a less virulent form. I do not see how COVID-19 is different from that.

    Mar 14, 2020 |

    Pft says: Show Comment March 13, 2020 at 5:07 am GMT 500 Words Actually, this is so wrong.

    AK: Comment is plagiarized (h/t utu). Go to the source:

    [Hide MORE]

    We dont actually know the CFR for covid-19 or influenza. Few people are tested for influenza. Cdc uses models. Cdc says between about 70 percent and 85 percent of seasonal flu-related deaths have occurred in people 65 years and older. A typical year has 30,000 flu deaths so thats 20,000 -25,000 deaths in elderly per year and thats with vaccination.

    The elderly with severe pneumonia from flu requiring a hospital stay have a 20% fatality rate

    The true case fatality rate, known as CFR, of this virus is likely to be far lower than current reports suggest. Even some lower estimates, such as the 1 percent death rate recently mentioned by the directors of the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, likely substantially overstate the case.

    We shouldn't be surprised that the numbers are inflated. In past epidemics, initial CFRs were also exaggerated. For example, in the 2009 H1N1 pandemic some early estimates of 12% CFR, declined to 1.28 percent in the end (probably overstated since cdc recommended no testing by summer of 2009 and used models ). In Wuhan, the CFR was more than 4 percent. As the virus spread to other parts of Hubei, the number fell to 2 percent. As it spread through China, the reported CFR dropped further, to 0.2 to 0.4 percent. As testing begins to include more asymptomatic and mild cases, more realistic numbers are starting to surface. John Hopkins University published a report suggesting actual cases in Hubei were an order of magnitude higher since they did few testing for 2 months, testing only serious/cases. That brings the cfr down in hubei to 0.3% like the rest of China which is heavily polluted with most of the male population smoking

    In China, 9 million people die per year, which comes out to 25,000 people every single day, or around 1.5 million people over the past two months alone. Many of these deaths results from diseases like emphysema/COPD, lower respiratory infections, and cancers of the lung and airway whose symptoms are clinically indistinguishable from the nonspecific symptoms seen in severe COVID-19 cases. During the peak of the outbreak in China in January and early February, around 25 patients per day were dying with SARS-CoV-2. Most were older patients in whom the chronic diseases listed above are prevalent.

    This is where the Diamond Princess data provides important insight. Of the 3,711 people on board, at least 705 have tested positive for the virus . Of those, more than half are asymptomatic, while very few asymptomatic people were tested in China. With flu we know 16% of those infected are asymptomatic. Some estimates put it as high as 60%. Especially if you use pcr tests which dont tell you anything about if thr RNA fragments were from currently infectious particles. On the Diamond Princess, 7 deaths have occurred among the passengers, constituting a case fatality rate of 1% percent. 0.2% of the ships passengers died. All of the passengers were elderly while the younger crew members /passengers were much better off. Its not unknown what percentage of passengers were elderly but lets assume 25%. That gives a fatality rate among the elderly of 0.8%. Same as flu.

    I rest my case.

    utu , says: Show Comment March 13, 2020 at 6:30 am GMT

    @Anonymous (n) 60,000 people die every month in Italy. Many of them old. Now we have 1,000 reported dead due to the Covid-19. Most of them old. Many of them would have died anyway from some cold or flu that would further aggravate their poor state of health. This year Covid-19 got there first.

    [Mar 14, 2020] Of the 3500 people trapped on the first cruise ship - less than 20% got it. You can't get a better infection setup than having people breathing the same air with infected people, with another 1000 service people sharing a huge dorm with no walls and bringing food to everyone

    Mar 14, 2020 |

    c1ue , Mar 14 2020 0:21 utc | 161

    @John Dowser #130
    Zero credibility numbers.
    Of the 3500 people trapped on the first cruise ship - less than 20% got it. You can't get a better infection setup than having people breathing the same air with infected people, with another 1000 service people sharing a huge dorm with no walls and bringing food to everyone.
    So 20% is very likely the worst case in 1 year.
    1% of that is still bad, but again, a function of timing. Are they evenly spread out over, say, 6 week time frames? Then its bad but doable.
    If they're getting it all in the same quarter, then it is really bad.
    But that's why states are ordering lockdowns: pro and college sports cancelled, music/entertainment cancelled, conferences etc.

    c1ue , Mar 14 2020 0:26 utc | 163

    @conspiracy theorists: try and use some critical thinking.
    We have had a number of novel viruses break out in the recent past: Ebola, swine flu, SARS, MERS among the major ones.
    Why is it so surprising that we finally got one that happens to be significantly transmissible (unlike SARS), deadly but not too deadly (unlike Ebola) and situated in a region where people travel to/from a lot (unlike MERS)?

    Secondly, the genetic sequencing is quite advanced and in the hands of a lot of different people. There is a 96% match between Wuhan bat coronavirus and nCOV; 99% match between pangolin coronavirus and nCOV. Secondly, viruses in general mutate because they are mostly really shitty in error correcting when replicating - so we know they will change over time.

    The reality is that governments and scientists simply do not have the capabilities to design a virus to this specification - at least, not yet.

    [Mar 14, 2020] Coronavirus Brand new problem, same old reaction

    Mar 14, 2020 |

    In another article, Foreign Policy also suggests the pandemic should be a reason to suspend the presidential election campaigning in the US. Opening the article with the foreboding line:

    It's time to ask, during a time of plague, whether -- and if so, in what form -- democracy can continue as usual.

    Which means no big crowds chanting Bernie's name, no televised debates where Biden forgets where he is, and no lines of voters being turned away from the democrat primaries over "misunderstandings".

    The article even dances around the idea of postponing the vote itself. Voting "during a time of plague" can have an impact on the turnout and result, Laurie Garrett argues. She stops short of that, but only because "Orange Man Bad". If it was Hillary in the White House, not Trump, the media would already have vociferously called for a postponement of the election altogether.

    As it is, they make do with this:

    Actual voting can, and should, proceed with heavy emphasis on mailed ballots .

    George Mc ,

    As of 14/3/20 at 10.30 pm:

    Total tested: 37,746
    Total tested positive: 1,140
    Infected as a percentage: 3%
    Total deaths: 21
    Mortality rate: 1.8%
    Deaths as a percentage of all tested: 0.06%

    Is this a catastrophe? Well I did a bit of extrapolating and found that, projected onto the UK population (given as 66.44 million), the total number of deaths we could expect would be just under 40,000. Sounds impressive – until you look at the 21 victims and consider the age groupings:

    2 deaths with no further information.
    1 in the 70s and 4 in the 80s

    All the other deaths are listed as having other conditions:

    3 in 60s
    4 in 70s
    4 in 80s
    1 in 90s
    1 described as "elderly"
    1 described as "older" (This is the one in Scotland.)

    Summary: of the 21 deaths, 19 were over 60 and 14 of these definitely had other conditions.

    [Mar 14, 2020] Stunning toilet paper feeding frenzy caught on camera - YouTube

    Mar 14, 2020 |

    Mar 9, 2020

    CCTV footage has captured the moment toilet paper-hungry Australians caused unrest at an Aldi store where a crowd of shoppers can be seen rushing down an aisle to claim the scarce commodity before it was all taken.

    omino jaku , 4 days ago

    The coronavirus is worried about catching these fools

    rer1967 , 1 day ago

    LOL, they're acting as if toilet paper is the cure.

    I010110 1o01o1 , 1 day ago (edited)

    lol They're acting like it's Black Friday at an Apple or Wal-Mart store's tv section.

    Jacinta Tate , 4 days ago (edited)

    I honestly never thought this would happen in my own country and I feel disgusted by this behavior. 3 people over the ages of 70 have died in the entire nation or 30 million people. Stop being selfish and ridiculous. This is not they end of the world and if citizens went about their shopping as per normal there would be plenty for all. I have 4 rolls in my cupboard at home and no idea where to buy more but I'll do the best with what I've got. its worrying me that people in a 1st world nation have fallen to these lows.

    satos1 , 4 days ago (edited)

    Today's society would walk straight over you if given half a chance. Very sad how we all have become.

    Curtis C , 3 days ago

    The only reason there is a shortage here in America is because of the media. They have everyone so panicked that if one person sneezes 9 others shit their pants in fear.

    James R , 1 day ago

    The joke's on them! The Coronavirus will have passed by the time they get through the checkout at Aldi.

    Carnage , 2 days ago

    Dont Worry Fools Coronavirus Don't Want To Infect An Idiot

    [Mar 14, 2020] We are forced to watch disaster porn

    Mar 14, 2020 |

    Jeff Harrison , Mar 14 2020 5:02 utc | 203

    Sorry. Hysteria. China which was ground zero for this particular flavor of a respiratory virus only had about 81,000 cases (so far) out of a population of how many billions? These projections that posit that half the US population will become infected are wildly excessive. And, yes, the fatality rate for COVID 19 is larger than the seasonal flu, it's larger than a small number which is, itself, a small number. You guys have been watching too much disaster porn.

    [Mar 14, 2020] Media hysteria does not correlates with actual development of the epidemic on board of cruise ships: the most cruel natural experiment possible

    Mar 14, 2020 |

    Guidoamm , Mar 14 2020 5:01 utc | 202

    I would like someone to explain why there have been so few infections and even fewer fatalities on board the cruise ships.

    We have 9000 (nine thousand) people, the majority of whom are well over the age of 50, aboard 3 ships that have lived at very close quarters, in a confined environment where Covid19 had been detected.

    Where are the infections and where are the dead? By my last count, 6 elderly passengers from the Diamond Princess passed away of complications related to Covid19. It is now over 6 weeks since that incident has taken place. In California, so far, 1 former passenger from the Grand Princess has succumbed and there seems to be 29 infected people that are now under observation or in care.

    What am I missing?

    [Mar 14, 2020] H. L. Mencken about coronarovirus epidemic

    Notable quotes:
    "... The "worst case scenario" doesn't look very credible. If less than 20% of the people on a cruise ship - trapped for multiple weeks - contracted nCOV, the notion that 2/3rds of Americans will seems far too high. ..."
    "... And just for extra fun: The number of hospital beds in the US declined 5% from 2005 to 2017 ..."
    "... The explosion of hate and blame and fear flying around online with regard to this pandemic is more than alarming and ultimately useless and damaging. In a way it scares me more than the flu itself at the moment because of the implications of how it will hinder our ability to cooperate and deal with this. ..."
    Mar 13, 2020 |

    Greenbean950 , Mar 13 2020 14:15 utc | 5

    The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

    H. L. Mencken

    Paul Bogdanich , Mar 13 2020 15:15 utc | 17

    Why are you stoking this irrational panic? Quoting the New York Times. What's the matter with you? I find it reassuring that high profile figures here and there have caught the COVID-19 flu. Madamm Trudeau, President Bolsinaro, etc. When they're back at their regular public duties in a week or so maybe it will sink into peoples thick skulls what a bunch of scardey cat ninnies the politicians are. The panic is doing more damage than the virus. IMHO. Time will tell.
    c1ue , Mar 13 2020 15:16 utc | 18
    The "worst case scenario" doesn't look very credible. If less than 20% of the people on a cruise ship - trapped for multiple weeks - contracted nCOV, the notion that 2/3rds of Americans will seems far too high.

    However, a lockdown has its own issues:

    1. Reportedly 100,000 children in New York will starve if they can't go to school and get fed. Is this going to be a lot different elsewhere?
    2. What about the salaries, vs. the debts, for the hourly workers that won't be able to work in a lockdown situation? A large percentage of Americans are extremely financially precarious.
    3. Then there's the US health care system. Even disregarding the secondary economic/social effects noted above - how will $500-$3000 nCOV testing impact people? Much less the cost of hospitalizations?

    And just for extra fun: The number of hospital beds in the US declined 5% from 2005 to 2017: source

    The number of hospital beds is rising in prosperous zip codes and falling everywhere else. The amount of hospital beds fell by five percent nationally between 2006 and 2017. Over the same time period, the number of beds increased by 10 percent in prosperous zip codes, which were the only group to see an increase. Prosperous zip codes tend to be growing quickly: The number of residents of prosperous zip codes increased by an estimated 20 percent over the study period, faster than the population of any other quintile. Combined with their initially low bed-counts, the rise in hospital beds in prosperous communities may reflect a rebalancing in the landscape of beds towards the locations where more and more Americans live.
    So while richer areas got more hospital beds, the number don't reflect the population increase. The other areas are just SOL.
    Joanne Leon , Mar 13 2020 15:17 utc | 19
    The explosion of hate and blame and fear flying around online with regard to this pandemic is more than alarming and ultimately useless and damaging. In a way it scares me more than the flu itself at the moment because of the implications of how it will hinder our ability to cooperate and deal with this.

    The panic has set in, to some extent, but people are adjusting. There is a hyper focus on the federal government and opportunistic political attacks with the goal of ruining the current administration in the lead up to 2020 elections (an administration already paranoid from 3+ years of being targeted to an extent I've never seen in my life). That much is really obvious if you can look at things rationally, even if, like me, you're opposed to this administration ideologically, politically and in almost every other way. I think that's beyond reckless and extremely dangerous at a time like this, but my opinion won't change much in a political environment that has been so carefully manipulated to a level of toxicity that is maybe unprecedented. Maybe people will get their priorities straight when/if things get really rough. Remains to be seen.

    What the media and others aren't paying attention to at all to local and state authorities who have been mobilizing. We don't rely on the federal government for everything. We have extensive town, city, county and state infrastructures that handle most things in daily life. The states themselves vary but every one has an extensive infrastructure.

    The testing issue is clearly a major league failure. How important is it compared to mobilizing? It's important because information is important for supply networks and decision making. But is it more important in the short term than getting the population to prepare at home, isolate to varying extents, to be informed about symptoms etc and be able to ride this out as well as possible until the bigger, higher level infrastructure catches up?

    And that is happening here in the US, at least in my state of NJ (bumped up against/integrated with 2 of the biggest cities in the country). There is massive mobilization. Colleges going into spring break right now and switching to online instruction after spring break, large events canceled, people working from home when possible, state government hotlines and online reporting in place, and tons of other things. This is anecdotal but my son told me today that friends who work in electronics stores, restaurants will be paid for furloughs, which surprised me. He's a student with a part time restaurant job and no shut down or word of furlough pay as yet.

    At a recent small biz related gathering - people already adopted modified non-handshakes on their own. Maybe seems a little silly but shows how quickly people adapt in real world regardless of the hate and panic flying around in MSM and social media. That doesn't get us more hospital beds and respirators but it's important at the prevention end of things. As for possible need for rapid expansion of medical facilities, I guess we'll find out soon if the trillions we spend on military/national guard can benefit people at home if we hit that crisis point. Supposedly, this type of logistics is one of their strengths.

    [Mar 13, 2020] Trump's Coronavirus Address, Blooper Reel Included The Daily Show - YouTube

    Mar 13, 2020 |

    Dan L , 4 hours ago (edited)

    "As calming as a firecracker dropped into a bag of cocaine" lmao I lost it there.. Hilariously accurate.

    berlineczka , 4 hours ago

    Fun fact: the European Union actually has no authority over health issues whatsoever. This is a strict Member State prerogative. The countries can coordinate voluntarily (which is what is currently arranged by the European Commission, but since there is no precedence it takes time) - but there was no way to make any decision about that in Brussels.

    KingM , 5 hours ago (edited)

    Greetings from Europe. In these hard times I'd like to thank Trump for providing such gold comedy material from just being a moron and reminding us all that it could always be worse.

    [Mar 13, 2020] Age mortality profile for Italian pacients

    Mar 13, 2020 |

    utu , says: Show Comment March 13, 2020 at 2:17 pm GMT

    @Daniel Chieh Few quotes from

    " the percentage of patients admitted to intensive care units reported daily in Italy, from March 1, up until March 11, was consistently between 9% and 11% of patients who were actively infected."

    "If this trend continues for 1 more week, there will be 30 000 infected patients. Intensive care units will then be at maximum capacity; up to 4000 hospital beds will be needed by mid-April, 2020."

    "Considering that the number of available beds in intensive care units in Italy is close to 5200, and assuming that half of these beds can be used for patients with COVID-19, the system will be at maximum capacity, according to this prediction, by March 14, 2020."

    " we can assume that we will need approximately 4000 beds in intensive care units during the worst period of infection, which is expected to occur in about 4 weeks from March 11. This is challenging for Italy, as there are now just over 5200 intensive care beds in total. "

    "We predict that if the exponential trend continues for the next few days, more than 2500 hospital beds for patients in intensive care units will be needed in only 1 week to treat ARDS caused by SARS-CoV-2-pneumonia in Italy."

    And age mortality profile

    "Of the patients who died, 42·2% were aged 80–89 years, 32·4% were aged 70–79 years, 8·4% were aged 60–69 years, and 2·8% were aged 50–59 years (those aged >90 years made up 14·1%). The male to female ratio is 80% to 20% with an older median age for women (83·4 years for women vs 79·9 years for men)."

    [Mar 13, 2020] The academic consensus for mortality is currently around 0.3-1% (WHO)

    Mar 13, 2020 |

    LondonBob , says: Show Comment March 13, 2020 at 8:58 am GMT

    Something a little more positive from the China perspective

    We are increasing our understanding of this disease. It is clearly very infectious, at least in some circumstances. As we have explained this means that the case severity is likely to be lower than the crude fatality rates in many media reports. We have explained the dilemma of mortality early in epidemics here. The academic consensus for mortality is currently around 0.3-1% (WHO). It could be higher but it could be lower if blood testing eventually confirms more widespread, mild disease. The hospital mortality over the age of 80 years is 15%. Another way of looking at this data is that of every 100 people over the age of 80 who contract COVID-19 and become ill enough to go to hospital. 85% make a full recovery.

    [Mar 13, 2020] Structure of high risk population in Italy

    Mar 13, 2020 |

    The mean age of those who died in Italy was 81 years and more than two-thirds of these patients had diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, or cancer, or were former smokers.

    Of the patients who died, 42·2% were aged 80–89 years, 32·4% were aged 70–79 years, 8·4% were aged 60–69 years, and 2·8% were aged 50–59 years (those aged >90 years made up 14·1%). The male to female ratio is 80% to 20% with an older median age for women (83·4 years for women vs 79·9 years for men).

    [Mar 13, 2020] Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis called Merkel's remark "unhelpful" and said it could cause panic

    Mar 13, 2020 |

    Dr. Brian Monahan, attending physician of Congress, told a closed-door meeting of Senate staffers this week that 70 million to 150 million Americans -- a third of the nation -- could contract the coronavirus. Dr. Anthony Fauci testified that the mortality rate for COVID-19 will likely run near 1 percent.

    Translation: between 750,000 and 1.1 million Americans may die of this disease before it runs its course. The latter figure is equal to all the U.S. dead in World War II and on both sides in the Civil War.

    Chancellor Angela Merkel warns that 70 percent of Germany's population -- 58 million people -- could contract the coronavirus. If she is right, and Fauci's mortality rate holds for her country, that could mean more than half a million dead Germans.

    Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis called Merkel's remark "unhelpful" and said it could cause panic. But Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch seemed to support Merkel, saying between 40 percent and 70 percent of the world's population could become infected.

    Again, if Fauci's 1 percent mortality rate and Lipsitch's estimate prove on target, between 3 billion and 5 billion people on earth will be infected, and 30 million to 50 million will die, a death toll greater than that of the Spanish Flu of 1918.

    There is, however, some contradictory news.

    China, with 81,000 cases, has noted a deceleration in new cases and South Korea appears to be gradually containing the spread of the virus.

    Yet Italy, with its large elderly population, may be a harbinger of what is to come in the West. As of Thursday, Italy had reported 12,000 cases and 827 deaths, a mortality rate of nearly 7 percent. This suggests that the unreported and undetected infections in Italy are far more numerous.

    In the U.S., the death toll at this writing is 40, a tiny fraction of the annual toll of the tens of thousands who die of the flu.

    But the problem is this: COVID-19 has not nearly run its course in the United States, while the reaction in society and the economy approaches what we might expect from a boiling national disaster.

    The stock market has plunged further and faster than it did in the Great Crash of 1929. Trillions of dollars in wealth have vanished. If Senator Bernie Sanders does not like "millionaires and billionaires," he should be pleased. There are fewer of them today than there were when he won the New Hampshire primary.

    What does the future hold?

    [Mar 13, 2020] Data about NYC epidemics are actually very encoraging

    Mar 13, 2020 |

    OscarWildeLoveChild , says: Show Comment March 13, 2020 at 12:21 pm GMT

    @Carlton Meyer I've been following a few doctors on Youtube, for about a month now (dispassionate, evidence-based docs), and their opinions vary on how serious this is.

    What I don't is, if this is as contagious as they say (and it does seem to be) and as life-threatening as they say, then given that there are several cases in NYC, why are we not already seeing thousands of deaths there- a city where millions are crammed together daily, many without good hygiene, many who have been for several weeks now, using public transportation. I don't get it. It would seem the effects of any virus that were as bad as they're saying, would already be reaching peak zombie level conditions in places like NYC, Chicago, Boston, SF and DC.

    Scratching my head.

    [Mar 13, 2020] Lifespan is not equal healthspan

    Mar 13, 2020 |

    Svevlad says: Show Comment March 13, 2020 at 12:19 pm GMT 200 Words But would a drop in life expectancy be a bad thing?

    Like the man on used to say, healthy life =/= long life. We work towards extending one's lifespan, yet we don't extend their "health span". We just extend the period when one is already falling apart. The older you are, the more meds you need, the more healthcare you need etc etc.

    So the longer the lifespan the bigger the load on healthcare and pension funds.

    The main problem is, that our economic and cultural systems are at this point, 90% biologically incompatible with us. A good chunk of our lives we study (especially so when you study something like medicine, i believe at this point it's for genuine masochists). By the time you get to a nice position in your career you're probably going to be older than 35. For good birth rates etc that's unnaceptable.

    So, the solution is to extend the "health-span". Preferably, you need to slow aging down at least by 10, maybe even 15 years, while keeping the overall lifespan the same. The current way is simply unsustainable

    [Mar 13, 2020] Like all the other viruses that have floated around over the years be this one is being hyped up

    Mar 13, 2020 |

    Calculator , says: Show Comment March 13, 2020 at 11:55 am GMT

    @Kratoklastes ...Like all the other viruses that have floated around over the years be this one is being hyped up.

    The hype works precisely because of your remark #3 but it will die a natural death after everyone makes their money and the public gets bored.

    I mean if just 1B people get a shot costing $50 that is a whole lot of Yuan. Store owners also appear to be sneaking that extra markup on soaps and disinfectants and toilet paper. Y2K also comes to mind and I am sure that Aids /HIV continues to kill more people annually than this virus ever will. In the meantime I caution all nose pickers to leave those buggers alone and not report any unusually large specimens. It will only skew the statistics and increase the panic.

    [Mar 13, 2020] MSM dirty dange around human mortality

    Mar 13, 2020 |

    utu , says: Show Comment March 13, 2020 at 6:30 am GMT

    @Anonymous (n)
    60,000 people die every month in Italy. Many of them old. Now we have 1,000 reported dead due to the Covid-19. Most of them old. Many of them would have died anyway from some cold or flu that would further aggravate their poor state of health. This year Covid-19 got there first.

    [Mar 13, 2020] Steve Bannon is just using inflammatory language throughout, to diss the CCP

    Mar 13, 2020 |

    Analyst on March 12, 2020 , · at 11:23 pm EST/EDT

    Dear Saker: I am a little confused here.

    You request that opinions should be limited to fact based
    but in the next sentence you state "The truth is that NONE OF US really knows for a fact what this virus can do, we are all guessing."

    well .whether fact based or speculative here are two alternate views>

    "My own view on the Coronavirus situation, is that I trust the Chinese Government to be doing all it can possibly do, to contain the epidemic.

    There are a lot of people there, living in close proximity

    In that context, Steve Bannon is just using inflammatory language throughout, to diss the CCP

    I can well understand why the CCP will not allow any US personel anywhere near the patients, nor allow them to have access to any of the medical data.

    If Bannon is implying that the CCP has something to hide, then the CCP also has its own suspicions as to how this virus suddenly appeared

    A lot of stuff has in the past come out of Livermore Labs and in the UK from Porton Down, which "should not" be released I know of southern coastal cities in the UK being sprayed with viruses from the air in the 1950s – a deliberate programme supported by the UK government

    The CCP will also be fully aware of British activities within Syria and then there is the Skripal incident, a home-grown Boris the Buffoon manufactured crisis

    If one looks at UK and US official government behaviour towards Hong Kong, then one can easily surmise that there are attempts to find other means to destabilise China

    Just saying "

    Another view >

    "There was an interesting item on Facebook a few days back, claiming to be written by a Chinese military official, a staunch supporter of the communist party and the government, but a man 'with a conscience.'

    He claimed the virus was manufactured with a view to causing reduction of higher brain functions (i.e. lowering the IQ) and inducing docility into those who are protesting in Hong Kong.

    It was first tested, according to his narrative, more discreetly on rounded-up Uighurs in the prison camps, well away from anywhere likely to be observed, and everyone who was exposed, died. There was a massive clean-up and cover-up operation

    Realising it needed more work if it was to be deployed in HK, they did some further modifications and had intended to do a new test in Hubei, but this was pre-empted by a shoot-out near the meat market that has been mooted as the source of the outbreak. Someone, I'm not sure now who he reckoned it was, attempted to 'kidnap the bio weapon in order to grab the technology it represented, but the consignment was hit by a bullet and the virus escaped. Those in charge ensured there were no survivors as witnesses in that area.

    He further claimed that the mortality rate is actually 100% but that it has been put about that it is only 2% – this underplaying being with the complicity of the USA, Russia and the UK and presumably the EU, in order to forestall mass panic. He claimed only those wearing hazmat suits stand any chance, and that the pandemic will claim the lives of all but top officials who have recourse to protective measures. He said that the actual symptoms in the final stages are up to five days of agonising pain with internal organs haemorrhaging in a similar way to Ebola.

    Of course, the article was anonymously written, as he said his life and that of his family would be forfeit if he were to be identified. Which makes it a narrative that is easy to fake but impossible to completely refute. "

    [Mar 13, 2020] I do not think the corona virus outbreak was deliberate. The first thing that people crafty enough to unleash this sort of thing would think of is blowback

    Mar 13, 2020 |

    Patricia Ormsby on March 12, 2020 , · at 8:04 pm EST/EDT

    Like the Saker, I do not think the corona virus outbreak was deliberate. The first thing that people crafty enough to unleash this sort of thing would think of is blowback.

    Perhaps the depopulationists–but this is a really ineffective way of going about it.

    I do think, however, that it arose in a "laboratory" of tens of millions of human subjects all undergoing an enormous experiment. Please humor me a moment.

    If there were a deliberate element in all of this, it would be the hype and rush be the first to implement an untested technology about which dire warnings were already being sounded.

    ... ... ...

    AndyT on March 12, 2020 , · at 10:19 pm EST/EDT
    Virologists and epidemiologists have yet to discount that the coronavirus was a bio attack. This does NOT mean that it was an attack, merely that the possibility of a bio attack cannot be discounted. While there remains a lot of circumstantial and anecdotal "evidence" that this was an economic attack perpetrated by America against China, this does NOT prove conclusively that such an attack took place, nor does it prove that such an attack did not take place. There is an abstract submitted to ChinaXIV (a research website) that, although not yet peer reviewed, suggests that the virus dd NOT originate at the Wuhan Seafood Market and that it was introduced:

    Any reference as to who introduced the coronavirus to the market is pure speculation at this juncture, although the circumstantial and anecdotal evidence could be construed as overwhelming against the US considering the timing, geographic location and proximity to the Wuhan Seafood Market of the US soldiers present for the International Military Games.

    I am not a virologist or epidemiologist (I am an engineer), however it is not completely out of the realms of possibility for a virus to make the transition from animal to human host; and the conditions in which animals are kept in Wuhan and surrounding areas is certainly not of the same standard as the West – both from the perspective of hygiene and humanitarian considerations. Another abstract that does looks into the origins of the virus states:

    "The genomic features described here may in part explain the infectiousness and transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 in humans. Although genomic evidence does not support the idea that SARS-CoV-2 is a laboratory construct, it is currently impossible to prove or disprove the other theories of its origin described here, and it is unclear whether future data will help resolve this issue. Identifying the immediate non-human animal source and obtaining virus sequences from it would be the most definitive way of revealing virus origins."

    Much mention has been made of the corona-virus in question (COVID-19) binding to the ACE-2 receptors found in the lungs and heart – most particularly in those of Asian heritage. It would not be outside the realms of science for this to be a logical target for the virus, given its geographic location, but the hypothesis of it being engineered to target a specific racial genotype is also not outside the realms of possibility.

    "Our findings indicated that no direct evidence was identified genetically supporting the existence of coronavirus S-protein binding-resistant ACE2 mutants in different populations (Fig. 1a). The data of variant distribution and AFs may contribute to the further investigations of ACE2, including its roles in acute lung injury and lung function12. The East Asian populations have much higher AFs in the eQTL variants associated with higher ACE2 expression in tissues (Fig. 1c), which may suggest different susceptibility or response to 2019-nCoV/SARS-CoV-2 from different populations under the similar conditions."

    I agree with Andrei's analysis that a bio-weapon is both unwieldy and difficult to control when used in a purely military application, but when used as an economic weapon, the possibility is mentioned in the odious The Project for a New American Century's (PNAC) report titled "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century."

    "advanced forms of biological warfare that can 'target' specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."

    This does not prove that the tragedy unfolding out of Wuhan was a bio-weapon, but certainly demonstrates the possibility of intent. At this juncture, neither side of the argument can provide any proof, so the the hypothesis remains pure speculation. The Chinese government is not directly accusing the US of a bio attack, but it is extremely worrying that both the Russian and Chinese governments remain highly suspicious.


    the MSM news cycle is clearly a tool for disinformation and misdirection – propaganda is what has been engineered
    Mar 13, 2020 |

    Jorge L Borges on March 12, 2020 , · at 2:45 pm EST/EDT

    Posted by agencycyta | Mar 9, 2020 | Science , Featured , Health | 0 |

    "Coronaviruses have always infected humans, panic is unwarranted"
    According to an Argentine virologist in France, Pablo Goldschmidt, there is no evidence to indicate that the fatality or morbidity of COVID-19 is superior to that caused by influenza viruses or the common cold.

    (CyTA-Leloir Foundation Agency) -. For the virologist and infectious disease specialist Pablo Goldschmidt, the panic surrounding the strain of coronavirus identified in China (COVID-19) is as unwarranted as the one created in 2003 with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). ) or in 2009 with the influenza A (H1N1) virus.

    "The ill-founded opinions expressed by international experts, replicated by the media and social networks repeat the unnecessary panic that we have previously experienced. The coronavirus identified in China in 2019 causes neither more nor less than a strong cold or flu, with no difference until today with the cold or flu as we know it, "says Professor Goldschmidt, also a biochemist, pharmacist and psychologist graduated from the UBA, volunteer for the World Health Organization (WHO), former praticien hospitalier of the public hospitals in Paris and author of the book "People and microbes, invisible beings with whom we live and make us sick" (2019).

    The Argentine specialist lives more than four decades in Europe. At the Faculty of Medicine of the hospital center de la Pitié-Salpetrière in Paris, he obtained diplomas in pharmacokinetics, clinical pharmacology, neuro-psychopharmacology and pharmacology of antimicrobials. At the Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI he received a doctorate in molecular pharmacology. The theoretical and practical training of the Paris Curie and Pasteur Institutes also concluded with degrees in fundamental virology and molecular biology. As a volunteer at the WHO, he integrates humanitarian missions in Guinea Conakry, Bissau, Pakistan, Ukraine, Cameroon, Mali and the Chad border with Nigeria. And it aspires to obtain from the Argentine State a mandate to exercise the right to speak before the international organization.

    In dialogue with the CyTA-Leloir Agency, Goldschmidt expresses its tension in the face of the global terror generated by the quality of information that is disseminated about the new coronavirus and considers it necessary that the data that is propagated be placed in the geographical and social context. "You can't create hysteria on the entire planet," he says.

    -Which viruses are considered responsible for respiratory diseases?

    Viral respiratory conditions are numerous and are caused by several viral families and species, among which the respiratory syncytial virus (especially in infants), influenza (influenza), human metapneumoviruses, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, and several coronaviruses, already described years ago. It is striking that earlier this year global health alerts have been triggered as a result of infections by a coronavirus detected in China, COVID-19, knowing that each year there are 3 million newborns who die in the world of pneumonia and 50,000 adults in the United States for the same cause, without alarms being issued.

    – The fact that it is transmitted by saliva or by cough increased the fear of the population?

    Many microorganisms are transmitted by this route in humans. The cold, transmitted by saliva and cough, is caused by more than 150 rhinoviruses. Ten million people were infected by saliva and cough with the tuberculosis agent in 2018, of which 1 million were children and 205 thousand died. The same happened with bacterial meningitis, transmitted by saliva, which affected more than a million people in a year. Measles is also transmitted by saliva, hence the urgency to protect the population with vaccines.

    -You. Do you consider the international alerts launched due to the coronavirus to be exaggerated?

    Our planet is the victim of a new sociological phenomenon, scientific-media harassment, triggered by experts only on the basis of laboratory molecular diagnostic analysis results. Communiqués issued from China and Geneva were replicated, without being confronted from a critical point of view and, above all, without stressing that coronaviruses have always infected humans and always caused diarrhea and what people call a banal cold or common cold. Absurd forecasts were extrapolated, as in 2009 with the H1N1 influenza virus.

    And the risk of complications?

    A cold can present as a benign, self-limiting disease; but it is known that all respiratory diseases, however banal they may be considered, can severely affect the frailized people, people with cardiocirculatory problems over 65 years, people with metabolic disorders, immunosuppressed, transplanted and, above all , to poorly fed people without shelter, and to those who do not have access to competent health teams that provide them with effective medicines. This situation, clearly revealed for so many other diseases, is repeated in all infections and COVID-19 is no exception.

    Why does each individual become infected and react differently to viral infections?

    The first step for a virus to infect a person depends on the virus's ability to recognize "locks" or proteins on the surface of cells in certain organs, not all. Once it attaches to its lock, it can penetrate the cell and put all the cellular machinery of the infected subject at its service to replicate itself. It has been determined that there are individuals with many "locks", others with few and others with easier "locks" to open, which is determined by the genes. On the other hand, there is a defensive apparatus of proteins encoded in DNA that is known by the name of "reactoma". In short, all humans are unique living beings against microbial aggression and against the malignant transformations of our tissues. Therefore, in certain individuals,

    Is the coronavirus detected in China a new agent?

    Those who launched the international alerts did not take into account data that shows whether this virus or other similar viruses circulated in previous years. Or if people who were already exposed to other coronavirus variants have partial or total protection against the 2019 strain.

    -Why do you not accept the extrapolation from one country to the other of the forecasts issued by international agencies?

    First, it is appropriate to compare the mortality and morbidity data with the number of positive cases (those confirmed by the laboratory in relation to the number of severe cases or the number of deceased persons). The first thing that emerges from the data, beyond the biological criteria referring to the individual capacity to get sick and defend against viral aggression, are doubts regarding the figures, if it is not considered that the affected people did or did not have access to competent and equipped health, and if they received timely treatments with adequate and bioequivalent drugs.

    – Would these factors contribute to explain the differences in mortality and morbidity between countries?

    If there is no biological justification for individual predisposition, the difference could be due to the quality of the medical institutions, the reasons that caused the time to pass before the affected people go to health centers, or the quality of the training of medical centers and the availability of resources to treat acute respiratory diseases. We must impose moderation and use concrete data. There is no evidence to show that the 2019 coronavirus is more lethal than respiratory adenoviruses, influenza viruses, coronaviruses from previous years, or rhinoviruses responsible for the common cold.

    [Mar 08, 2020] The average age of deceased and positive patients in Covid-2019 in Italy is 81 years, mostly men. Neoliberal MSM instigate panic

    Mar 08, 2020 |

    KamNam , Mar 7 2020 0:23 utc | 58

    The average age of deceased and positive patients in Covid-2019 is 81 years, mostly men. They, in more than two thirds of cases, have three or more pre-existing pathologies.
    This was confirmed by an analysis conducted by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità on 105 Italian patients who died up to 4 March.
    The average age of the patients examined is 81 years, about 20 years higher than that of the patients who contracted the infection. There are 28 women (26.7%).

    According to ISS data, 42.2% of the deaths are in the age group between 80 and 89 years. 32.4% were between 70 and 79, while 8.4% between 60 and 69, 2.8% between 50 and 59 and 14.1% over 90 years.
    end Snip:
    With luck Congress will be cleaned out of old world thinking, and replaced with new world thinking, (alas, same as old world thinking as it is controlled by the same thought group. One lives in hope of change for the better.

    KamNam , Mar 7 2020 0:42 utc | 61

    Another thought has just come to me. The age of the Media Barons all seem to be in the high to highest end of the fatality spectrum. Wonder if it is a coincidence we are having such a panic media attack, free on facts yet huge on speculation and shunting blame to all and sundry. Just a thought
    Joetv , Mar 7 2020 0:46 utc | 62
    Could it be ncov19 is no worse than the common cold, and what we are experiencing is the power of the media as it follows the order to create a world wide panic designed to prop up calls for a 1 world government. Deaths recorded are in the 80+ age range with at least 3 pre-existing conditions. The public can't get enough of this soap opera.
    KamNam , Mar 7 2020 1:03 utc | 66
    ATN Apli @22

    Raw figures for Italy and Iran at 14.00 GMT Friday Mar 6
    Italy Infected 4636 Deaths 197 Recovered 523
    Iran Infected 4747 Deaths 124 Recovered 913

    Remember Iran is under very strict Sanctions from USA et al. not helping their situation. Death rate is mostly those over 50 ramping up each decade over the 60 mark. (This get s rid of old farts like me easier and faster :-) ) As for Israel, take that with a pinch of salt they love to brag. I am not denying we live with truly evil people pulling strings for profit. Cheers

    [Mar 08, 2020] The real COVID-19 virus mortality rate might well be below one percent

    Mar 08, 2020 |

    michaelj72 , Mar 7 2020 8:08 utc | 106


    ....On Tuesday, the WHO noted that the global death rate for the novel coronavirus based on the latest figures was 3.4% -- higher than earlier figures of about 2%. The WHO's director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said the new coronavirus was "a unique virus with unique characteristics.".....

    ....In the low-severity model -- or best-case scenario of the seven -- ANU researchers estimate a global GDP loss of $2.4 trillion, with an estimated death toll of 15 million.....

    Al , Mar 7 2020 8:36 utc | 107

    I like how without any testing or information MOA knew EVERYTHING and that now any take has to orbit the original assumptions.

    You don't have to speak with authority on everything.

    fairleft , Mar 7 2020 9:08 utc | 108
    michaelj72 @102:

    The 3.4% 'mortality rate' is simply the raw number: # of deaths / # of confirmed coronavirus cases. It's NOT comparable to the mortality rate for the common flu, which has long been established as .1%.

    The experts in your link (see below) state that the rate will go down as more people are tested.

    As far as I know, only China and perhaps South Korea now have reliable figures on how many have been infected with the virus. For example, the U.S. and Japan have been a tragic embarrassment when it comes to actually testing people.

    Business Insider:

    The death rate is likely to change further as more cases are confirmed, though experts predict that the percentage of deaths will decrease in the longer term since milder cases of COVID-19 are probably going undiagnosed.

    "There's another whole cohort that is either asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic," Anthony Fauci, the director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said at a briefing last month. "We're going to see a diminution in the overall death rate."

    [Mar 08, 2020] Mortality for COVIL-19 is exaggerated. As long as not a significant number of all people in a certain area are tested, regardless of whether they show symptoms or not, no one can tell the real death rate.

    Mar 08, 2020 |

    c1ue , Mar 6 2020 19:01 utc | 2

    I saw a posting on Propublica that made an important point: death rates are skewed early during an outbreak because deaths are solid markers (numerator) but number of infected known is certainly a subset of actual people who have the disease - particularly when testing isn't available and common.
    Also, early during an outbreak, the known infected tend to be those that have serious cases such that they end up in the hospital - so that also skews numbers.

    Cemi , Mar 6 2020 19:11 utc | 3

    If there is a significant number of symptomless infections the real (death rate) number will be even lower.

    That's the point. As long as not a significant number of all people in a certain area are tested, regardless of whether they show symptoms or not, no one can tell the real death rate. No one knows the number of symptomfree infectants.

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