May the source be with you, but remember the KISS principle ;-)
US Presidential Elections of 2020
The 2020 elections signify the next stage of the crisis of legitimacy of neoliberal elite. The crises of neoliberalism in the USA
won’t be solved by "more neoliberalism" like Trump is trying to do; we need some kind of return to the New Deal Capitalism, along with
abandoning of the "Full Spectrum Dominance" mantra
The neoliberal experiment – lower taxes on the rich, deregulation of labour and product markets, financialisation, and
globalisation – has been a spectacular failure. Growth is lower than it was in the quarter-century after the second world war,
and most of it has accrued to the very top of the income scale. After decades of stagnant or even falling incomes for those below
them, neoliberalism must be pronounced dead and buried.
Vying to succeed it are at least three major political alternatives: far-right nationalism, centre-left reformism and the progressive
left (with the centre-right representing the neoliberal failure). And yet, with the exception of the progressive left, these alternatives
remain beholden to some form of the ideology that has (or should have) expired.
The centre-left, for example, represents neoliberalism with a human face. Its goal is to bring the policies of former US president
Bill Clinton and former British prime minister Tony Blair into the 21st century, making only slight revisions to the prevailing
modes of financialisation and globalisation. Meanwhile, the nationalist right disowns globalisation, blaming migrants and foreigners
for all of today’s problems. Yet as Donald Trump’s presidency has shown, it is no less committed – at least in its American variant
– to tax cuts for the rich, deregulation and shrinking or eliminating social programmes.
Neoliberalism must be
pronounced dead and buried. Where next?
Believe it or not, the president says that human rights R us.
Hear that, BLM? Women? Asian Americans? Hispanics? homeless? heavily indebted students? .
. the list goes on.
Biden said so, May 30, 2021
"I had a long conversation -- for two hours -- recently with President Xi, making it clear
to him that we could do nothing but speak out for human rights around the world because
that's who we are. I'll be meeting with President Putin in a couple of weeks in Geneva,
making it clear that we will not -- we will not stand by and let him abuse those rights." . .
..reminds me of Aeschylus: "In war, truth is the first casualty."
Looks like this guys somewhat understands the problems with neoliberalism, but still is captured by neoliberal ideology.
Notable quotes:
"... That all seems awfully quaint today. Pensions disappeared for private-sector employees years ago. Most community banks were gobbled up by one of the mega-banks in the 1990s -- today five banks control 50 percent of the commercial banking industry, which itself mushroomed to the point where finance enjoys about 25 percent of all corporate profits. Union membership fell by 50 percent. ..."
"... Ninety-four percent of the jobs created between 2005 and 2015 were temp or contractor jobs without benefits; people working multiple gigs to make ends meet is increasingly the norm. Real wages have been flat or even declining. The chances that an American born in 1990 will earn more than their parents are down to 50 percent; for Americans born in 1940 the same figure was 92 percent. ..."
"... Thanks to Milton Friedman, Jack Welch, and other corporate titans, the goals of large companies began to change in the 1970s and early 1980s. The notion they espoused -- that a company exists only to maximize its share price -- became gospel in business schools and boardrooms around the country. Companies were pushed to adopt shareholder value as their sole measuring stick. ..."
"... Simultaneously, the major banks grew and evolved as Depression-era regulations separating consumer lending and investment banking were abolished. Financial deregulation started under Ronald Reagan in 1980 and culminated in the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 under Bill Clinton that really set the banks loose. The securities industry grew 500 percent as a share of GDP between 1980 and the 2000s while ordinary bank deposits shrank from 70 percent to 50 percent. Financial products multiplied as even Main Street companies were driven to pursue financial engineering to manage their affairs. GE, my dad's old company and once a beacon of manufacturing, became the fifth biggest financial institution in the country by 2007. ..."
The logic of the meritocracy is leading us to ruin, because we arc collectively primed to ignore the voices of the millions getting
pushed into economic distress by the grinding wheels of automation and innovation. We figure they're complaining or suffering because
they're losers.
We need to break free of this logic of the marketplace before it's too late.
[Neoliberalism] had decimated the economies and cultures of these regions and were set to do the same to many others.
In response, American lives and families are falling apart. Ram- pant financial stress is the new normal. We are in the third
or fourth inning of the greatest economic shift in the history of mankind, and no one seems to be talking about it or doing anything
in response.
The Great Displacement didn't arrive overnight. It has been building for decades as the economy and labor market changed in response
to improving technology, financialization, changing corporate norms, and globalization. In the 1970s, when my parents worked at GE
and Blue Cross Blue Shield in upstate New York, their companies provided generous pensions and expected them to stay for decades.
Community banks were boring businesses that lent money to local companies for a modest return. Over 20 percent of workers were unionized.
Some economic problems existed -- growth was uneven and infla- tion periodically high. But income inequality was low, jobs provided
benefits, and Main Street businesses were the drivers of the economy. There were only three television networks, and in my house
we watched them on a TV with an antenna that we fiddled with to make the picture clearer.
That all seems awfully quaint today. Pensions disappeared for private-sector employees years ago. Most community banks were
gobbled up by one of the mega-banks in the 1990s -- today five banks control 50 percent of the commercial banking industry, which
itself mushroomed to the point where finance enjoys about 25 percent of all corporate profits. Union membership fell by 50 percent.
Ninety-four percent of the jobs created between 2005 and 2015 were temp or contractor jobs without benefits; people working
multiple gigs to make ends meet is increasingly the norm. Real wages have been flat or even declining. The chances that an American
born in 1990 will earn more than their parents are down to 50 percent; for Americans born in 1940 the same figure was 92 percent.
Thanks to Milton Friedman, Jack Welch, and other corporate titans, the goals of large companies began to change in the 1970s
and early 1980s. The notion they espoused -- that a company exists only to maximize its share price -- became gospel in business
schools and boardrooms around the country. Companies were pushed to adopt shareholder value as their sole measuring stick.
Hostile takeovers, shareholder lawsuits, and later activist hedge funds served as prompts to ensure that managers were committed
to profitability at all costs. On the flip side, CF.Os were granted stock options for the first time that wedded their individual
gain to the company's share price. The ratio of CF.O to worker pay rose from 20 to 1 in 1965 to 271 to 1 in 2016. Benefits were streamlined
and reduced and the relationship between company and employee weakened to become more transactional.
Simultaneously, the major banks grew and evolved as Depression-era regulations separating consumer lending and investment
banking were abolished. Financial deregulation started under Ronald Reagan in 1980 and culminated in the Financial Services Modernization
Act of 1999 under Bill Clinton that really set the banks loose. The securities industry grew 500 percent as a share of GDP between
1980 and the 2000s while ordinary bank deposits shrank from 70 percent to 50 percent. Financial products multiplied as even Main
Street companies were driven to pursue financial engineering to manage their affairs. GE, my dad's old company and once a beacon
of manufacturing, became the fifth biggest financial institution in the country by 2007.
It's hard to be in the year 2018 and not hear about the endless studies alarming the general public about coming labor automation.
But what Yang provides in this book is two key things: automation has already been ravaging the country which has led to the great
political polarization of today, and second, an actual vision into what happens when people lose jobs, and it definitely is a
lightning strike of "oh crap"
I found this book relatively impressive and frightening. Yang, a former lawyer, entrepreneur, and non-profit leader, writes
showing with inarguable data that when companies automate work and use new software, communities die, drug use increases, suicide
increases, and crime skyrockets. The new jobs created go to big cities, the surviving talent leaves, and the remaining people
lose hope and descend into madness. (as a student of psychology, this is not surprising)
He starts by painting the picture of the average American and how fragile they are economically. He deconstructs the labor
predictions and how technology is going to ravage it. He discusses the future of work. He explains what has happened in technology
and why it's suddenly a huge threat. He shows what this means: economic inequality rises, the people have less power, the voice
of democracy is diminished, no one owns stocks, people get poorer etc. He shows that talent is leaving small towns, money is concentrating
to big cities faster. He shows what happens when those other cities die (bad things), and then how the people react when they
have no income (really bad things). He shows how retraining doesn't work and college is failing us. We don't invest in vocational
skills, and our youth is underemployed pushed into freelance work making minimal pay. He shows how no one trusts the institutions
Then he discusses solutions with a focus on Universal Basic Income. I was a skeptic of the idea until I read this book. You
literally walk away with this burning desire to prevent a Mad Max esque civil war, and its hard to argue with him. We don't have
much time and our bloated micromanaged welfare programs cannot sustain.
"... My life story is very similar to yours -- blue collar upbringing, worked graveyard shift in factories during college, made it all the way to Wall Street --- and I completely agree with you. The Democratic Party might have been the party of the working-class families many years ago, but it's absolutely not that now. ..."
"... The most interesting aspect of party realignment in almost every country is the movement of the Anglo-Saxon elites to the parties of leftist authoritarianism, whether in the UK, US, or Canada. Since elites have always had “fluid” political values, one can only assume that they see tyranny as our destiny. ..."
I am a retired attorney but was reared in a blue collar home. I have not lost the values I
learned where my father returned home from work six days a week as a railroad brakeman.
Thanks to my pre-law curriculum I am well read in history and literature. My undergrad major
was history and my minor literature.
Having acquired a love for reading in college I have read both all my life but it has not
changed me from the son my father reared. I worked construction and general labor jobs to
help pay for college and law school and am very aware of how hard those jobs are and I have a
healthy respect for the men and women who provide us with the essential goods and services we
all need.
I therefore have no use for attitude of most on the left and some on the right who have no
respect for average working people and small business.
It seems many in Britain have the same outlook. My Dad was very proud I became a lawyer
but I am just as proud of the job he performed to give me that chance.
SUBSCRIBER 5 hours ago
I therefore have no use for attitude of most on the left and some on the right who have no
respect for average working people and small business. It seems many in Britain have the same
My life story is very similar to yours -- blue collar upbringing, worked graveyard
shift in factories during college, made it all the way to Wall Street --- and I completely
agree with you. The Democratic Party might have been the party of the working-class families
many years ago, but it's absolutely not that now.
SUBSCRIBER 4 hours ago
Most democrat leaders are career politicians like Obama, Biden, Pelosi and Schumer. They
never had a real job and paid any taxes. They love raising taxes for big government and dole
out. Can’t wait for midterm election and take back the congress. R
SUBSCRIBER 14 hours ago
The most interesting aspect of party realignment in almost every country is the
movement of the Anglo-Saxon elites to the parties of leftist authoritarianism, whether in the
UK, US, or Canada. Since elites have always had “fluid” political values,
one can only assume that they see tyranny as our destiny.
"... Asked about the issue, Biden began, "I believe we should go back to what existed when I came to the Senate 120 years ago" – a statement that supporters defended as a joke. He then noted that there were only 58 filibuster motions in 54 years, through 1971, but five times that many in 2020. He may have forgotten that all of last year's motions came from his party, which was then the Senate minority. ..."
WATCH: Biden adds fodder to dementia speculation as spirited response on filibuster reform degenerates into word salad
Leah Millis 170
President Joe Biden apparently had some crucial things to say about reforming
the Senate filibuster, the legislative speed bump against ruling-party dominance, but his descent into unintelligibility left his
plans a mystery.
Speaking on Thursday at his first formal press conference since taking office – having taken almost twice as long as any president
in 100 years to invite reporters to ask questions – 78-year-old Biden at times struggled to express his thoughts, particularly on
the filibuster. At issue was the longstanding Senate rule that makes it more difficult for the ruling party to force through partisan
legislation, which Democrats have called for eliminating now that they control the White House and both chambers of Congress.
Asked about the issue, Biden began, "I believe we should go back to what existed when I came to the Senate 120 years ago"
– a statement that supporters defended as a joke. He then noted that there were only 58 filibuster motions in 54 years, through 1971,
but five times that many in 2020. He may have forgotten that all of last year's motions came from his party, which was then the Senate
BIDEN: "I believe we should go back to a position of a filibuster that existed just when I came to the United States Senate
120 years ago."
"Do you think he knows?" former Wisconsin governor Scott Walker asked on Twitter. "He's either cynical or incompetent."
Biden said he supports reform, such as requiring opposition senators to actually deliver marathon filibuster speeches to block
action on a bill, and spoke of his desire and ability to "get things done" in the Senate. But then the mental wheels appeared
to come off.
"The best way to get something done, if you hold near and dear to you that you uh, um like to be able to uh anyway," Biden
said. "I, we're going to get a lot done. And if we have to, if there's complete lockdown and chaos as a consequence of the filibuster,
then we'll have to go beyond what I'm talking about."
Biden drifted off similarly as other reporters came back to the topic. "Our preoccupation with the filibuster is totally legitimate,
but in the meantime, there's a lot we can do while we're talking about what we can do with the filibuster," he said.
After agreeing with a previous statement by former president Barack Obama that the filibuster is "a relic of the Jim Crow era,"
meaning it's racist, Biden was pressed on why he wouldn't therefore abolish it. After a long pause, Biden said, "Successful electoral
politics is the art of the possible. Let's figure out how we can get this done and move in the direction of significantly changing
the abuse of even the filibuster rule, first. It's been abused from the time it came into being by an extreme way in the last 20
years. Let's deal with the abuse first."
Apparently mystified by Biden's comments, the reporter asked if that meant he was moving closer to eliminating the filibuster.
"I answered your question," he replied.
The performance likely did little to inspire confidence at a time when Biden was perceived by many to be avoiding being put in
a position of having to speak off script. A Rasmussen Reports poll earlier this month found that 50% of Americans aren't confident
that Biden is physically and mentally fit to be president, and 52% were troubled that he hadn't held a press conference. It took
until day 65 of his administration to hold such an event.
Was it silly of us to think the Woke revolutionaires would get enough "bang for their buck" with trannie washrooms? Despite
winning every battle in the culture war, the Looney Left is never satisfied. What's scary is the latest front they've opened:
the Covid reformation of western society.
They won't have trouble finding 21st century Jews to de-humanize. Just label someone a Covid Denier or Anti Vaxxer and anything
will go!
A nice sentiment to think the Woke cancer can rot the CIA or US military. Afraid we've got bigger problems than that.
The CIA is not "testosterone saturated" . Quite the opposite. From its inception it has recruited an unusual number
of closeted homosexuals. This somewhat makes sense in that a gay who is in the closet, particularly the less LGBTQWERTY-friendly
culture of the 1950s that the CIA arose in, will already have experience being being less than forthright with their intentions.
Such individuals can also be blackmailed more easily should their employer find the need.
While things have changed in American society and being outed as gay is no longer the social death sentence that it used to
be, the gayness had already established itself as part of the internal culture of The Company and so it persists.
Do not equate a psychotic enthusiasm for harming others with testosterone. They are not a bunch of Rambos; more like a gang
of Norman Bates.
Testosterone level has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Psychiatry tried dosing male homosexuals with testosterone in
the 1950s and 1960s to make them "manly"; this served only to increase their (homosexual) sex drive and, not surprisingly, their
aggressiveness. Similarly, there's no correlation between where one lies on the Kinsey scale and one's testosterone leve .
Your description of the CIA's use of homosexual agents during that time period, however, is spot on. One might add that the
CIA (and other agencies; just consider the kind of character who ran the FBI at the time) may have valued the kind of talent for
duplicity and secrecy that the homosexually-inclined had to nurture from an early age.
"Generalized anxiety disorder" is what people who have a poor working relationship with reality often suffer from. The
anxiety arises from the divergence of what they believe the world to be from what they perceive about the world with their senses.
It is a permanent state of cognitive dissonance. The "woke" believe that the cure for this disorder is to create "safe
spaces" where exposure to elements of the real world that trigger the cognitive dissonance can be banned and cancelled. It
is an undeclared goal of the "woke" to extend these "safe space" reality exclusion zones to encompass the entire
Naturally, that goal is only attainable within the fantasy spaces of the "woke" reality exclusion zones themselves,
and those zones can only exist due to the pity and forbearance of the rest of the population. Currently the reality exclusion
zones only encompass educational establishments (primary and secondary schools; university campuses), some government agencies,
and some non-industrial workplaces (mass media, marketing, other strictly white collar enterprises).
Remember the "Havana Syndrome" , where CIA spooks under diplomatic cover at various US embassies, but mainly the one
in Cuba, developed psychogenic illnesses because they were convinced that they were being zapped by Soviet mind rays? This is
the result of taking individuals who already suffer from emotional and psychological damage like the cisgender millennial in the
linked CIA advertisement and placing them in postings where they are absolutely convinced that they are completely surrounded
by hostile enemies. Their delusion and paranoia feed off each other. Then, for the first time they hear crickets unlike anything
they ever experienced in their gated, manicured, bug-sprayed northern Virginia wealthy suburbs and their already fractured mind
shatters the rest of the way.
When you recall that the CIA is the "Mighty Wurlitzer" ; the conductor of the orchestra of mass media narratives, it
becomes clear why outfits like the New York Langley Times, the Washington Bezos Post, the
C IA N ews N etwork and such have been going off the rails with their absurd narratives these last several years.
Yeah, that has to be one of the most hare brained Psyop fails ever. The US is a world leader alright, in mental retardation
and lack of self awareness.
Identity politics and wokeness meets imperialism. Makes you wonder how much longer they can unironically continue calling themselves
'intelligence' agencies.
Consistent with other brilliant 'Born in the USA', ideologically spawned own goals, like bank deregulation, privatising the
military, legalising bribes in politics, incentivising every idiot to own a gun, de-industrialising and outsourcing production
in China, and the inevitable coup de grace in waiting, leveraging the Dollar's status as reserve currency to impose sanctions...
because... exceptionalism and indispensability are just eternal, universally accepted virtues apparently.
If learning from mistakes makes us wiser, one can expect more than a few Buddhas of sorts to emerge from the US in a generation
or 3. Would not want to be there in the time between though, it's bound to be a rough ride.
Contrary to what recent history might suggest, the CIA was founded by, and has always served as the upper-middle-class/bourgeois
center-left bastion within the USG. During the Cold War, it was probably the main employer of Yale graduates, specially from the
Literature bachelor. A running joke during the Cold War was that the CIA was the the world's highest concentration of failed writers.
The reason for that is very simple: its predecessor - the OSS - organically evolved during WWII as the repository for the sons
of the Northeastern elite who wanted to experience the thrills of war without incurring the risk of death. By the time WWII ended,
the OSS was essentially an Ivy League fraternity.
I worked there 10 fiscal years as a computer-systems contractor, 20 years ago. Interacted with a lot of Government types. Seemed
to me a huge bureaucracy, then, drowning in paperwork. Surprised if the whole place ever got anything done.
One oddity: people that went overseas, called DO then, absolutely mission critical, who often used initials for last names
(worked with a "Steven P." once), got shafted for promotions when abroad: out of sight, out of mind. Often paired in offices back
here, below the grade required for individual offices. Reputed to live high on the hog when away, but not back home.
"... I doubt this narrative. I think that, much like the radicalization of conservatives, the radicalization of liberals is driven by the development of a media bubble. Not by real life experience, but rather by the lens through which that real life experience is framed by people mostly disconnected from the real life experiences they claim to have had. ..."
“No one under 65 today was an adult during the chaotic years of the
1970s and early 1980s. â€
Well, yes. It’s possible to mutter that old saw about financial
markets. That the disaster will only repeat itself when the people who remember it last time
around have just retired.
So, the joys of strong union power â€" just as a simple example â€"
are coming back into fashion as those Brits who recall 3 day weeks, perhaps that glorious
year of 1976 when the country was as equal as it ever has been, are fading over the hill.
It is the same point you’re making about generations and formative
experiences of course, just leading to a slightly different conclusion.
Soon enough those who saw, first hand, the disaster of Gosplan style government direction
of the economy will also be passing out of that sphere of political influence. Which is a joy
to look forward to, isn’t it?
Since at least 1960, it seems to me, generations’ self-image follows a
narrative about teenagers raised in families are like, how education transforms them, and how
“real life†sorts them. This narrative shifts as generational
change occurs, and both get more complicated, to the point where both seem essentially
rhetorical to me now. Though that may just be a middle aged reaction on the order of
“get off my lawn†(being just a few years too old to see truth
as linguistic, myselfâ€"it will be interesting to see how long this idea retains
its hold as “left†after earnest and striving undergraduates
are taught it over several decadesâ€"the reverse, maybe, of the leftward drift of
support for globalization and neoliberalism).
@1BTW, I am 65 and entered the workforce in 1978, almost identical to your case. So I
should have caught my own slipup
@11 I plan to make that point. We need to pay attention to what went wrong in the 1960s
and 1970s, as well as why the neoliberal response was such a disaster. Aim is to avoid the
cycles of error you mention
Coincidentally at Stumbling and Mumbling
On generational difference
Napoleon, then, was correct: “to understand the man you have to know what
was happening in the world when he was twenty.†Napoleon
Of course, not all 50-somethings share the formative experiences of my youth. David Cameron
and Boris Johnson are around my age. But the 1980 recession looked very different from Eton
than it did from a single-parent terraced house in inner-city Leicester.
Napoleon’s point still holds. Class matters, as well as age.
We could extend the point. One reason for the generational divide over Brexit is that
older folk who came to maturity before we joined the EU have the impression that we can do
well outside the EU, whilst younger folk who have known nothing but EU membership see no
reason to rock the boat.
I doubt this narrative. I think that, much like the radicalization of conservatives,
the radicalization of liberals is driven by the development of a media bubble. Not by real
life experience, but rather by the lens through which that real life experience is framed by
people mostly disconnected from the real life experiences they claim to have had.
â€By the time younger Democrats take control of the party, the GOP will have
seized enough control over the political process to keep the Democratic Party out of power
One interesting thing about the Reagan/Thatcher era “shift to the
right†in both the UK and the US is that it didn’t
involve a comparable shift in voter beliefs. (In contrast, I agree with JQ and most of the
commentators that the current shift to the left does involve dead righties being replaced by
18-year old lefties)
In the US, the Southern Strategy wasn’t about turning left-wing voters
into conservative voters â€" it was about turning southern conservative Democrats
who were already comfortable voting for Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond into southern
conservative Republicans. The centre-right + right was always a majority in America, the
Republicans just needed to hold their coalition together, which Nixon and later Reagan
In the UK, Thatcher (and Major, although he did it on a higher-than-usual turnout) won
with the same 42-44% of the vote that the Conservatives had been losing with in the
1960’s â€" what changed is that the British left became (and
still are) completely unable to hold their coalition together.
The increasing rapidity of technological, economic and social change since the Industrial
Revolution 250 years ago has exhibited generational concomitants due to new careers
beginning, adaptations & adoptions, successes and victimizations. The mass media has
identified this generational process at least since the 1920’s Jazz Age.
What hasn’t changed since then are the faulty institutional dynamics of
finance capitalism and its deathdance with the two major blankslate alternatives, communism
and fascism. This became evermore apparent with the recent financial crash and increasing
inequality in the developed countries. Now a thousand podcasts, YouTubes and substacks are
exploding with gaseous reiterations, reinventing the wheel from all sides. But the
comprehensive synthesis of political economy has not much improved beyond the early
institutionalists, in particular WC Mitchell & JR Commons.
We are going to need BOTH markets and social welfare institutions. Markets for the
freedoms of choice and innovation, and for the dynamics of self-interest, profit,
competition, allocation and substitution. Social welfare institutions for the freedoms of
time and attention, and for the dynamics of reciprocity, altruism, risk protection, social
growth and ecological preservation. BOTH markets and social welfare institutions save costs
thus cause growth in different, complementary and necessary ways. BOTH have natural and
endemic failures of different kinds; they both need fixing all the time.
Political parties that reject neoliberalism (defined as “everything
should be marketized;†“the market is the best information
processorâ€) and wrap their heads around the necessary co-equal combination of
markets and social welfare institutions â€" and reiterate the need for BOTH in
each and every sentence of rhetoric they utter â€" are the ones that will
The two Pew reports below from a few years ago do a nice job illustrating the differences
between generation/cohort effects and time effects. For instance, their graph of attitudes
towards same-sex marriage divided by generation illustrates nicely how overall variation in
attitudes are about equally due to generational differences and attitude change within
generations over time. Marijuana, by contrast, is less generational and more something that
changed equally for everyone over time.
And on the other hand, religiosity, marriage, and to a lesser degree partisan affiliation,
appear to be more generational (ie, fixed for an individual and more a function of when they
were born) and less likely to change within an individual over time.
So “ largely a matter of generational replacementâ€
is probably putting it too strongly. Depending on the attitude, changes in ideological
distributions over time may be due to different mixes of generational replacement and
within-generation attitudinal shifts.
I’m at the tail of the boomers, born in 1960. Here’s
my story.
I’ve never identified with the boomers at all. Their fantastic
achievements and activism were already pretty stale in my youth, though it was clear that
much fun was had. I grew up with stagflation, the (1st) Arab oil crisis, gas lines, the Iran
hostage debacle, and de-industrialization, all of which combined to give us Reagan and the
modern GOP, whose policies have made almost everything worse since then.
From my perch, Viet Nam is not what killed American prosperity of the post WW2 era, it was
the toxic brew of a changing oil-baswed economy crashing into the toxic situation in the
Middle East. This was the fulcrum that broke that system. We’ve been stuck
in that zone ever since. Christ, Biden is gonna pull the troops out of Iraq AFTER 20 YEARS
and it’s controversial? We are still living in that world that I grew up
in, and it’s not the Summer of Love. It sucks.
Needless to say, I have no love for any of our “Friends†in
the Middle East, not the Israelis, not the Saudis, not the Egyptians.
We’ve been played by all of them and I’m sad for all
the death and destruction America has been party to there. I feel that for most of my adult
life our country has lived in a tortured state with these people. It’s
been really harmful to the USA. I know we don’t have clean hands
â€" look at what we’ve done to Iran â€"
it’s not a surprise they don’t like us. I feel like we
just need to quit them all, but we can’t.
I’m not sure how that fits into the leftward shift. But the times
really do shape who you are and the things that happen when you are a young adult are very
strongly remembered indeed.
Regarding your footnote, the problem seems to be the human tendency to focus more on how
you get ahead inside your organisation rather than on how to get the entire organisation
ahead. A politician may not actually care about the threat that their party will never again
win an election as long as the donations keep flowing and a cushy corporate contract beckons
after leaving office.
derrida derider,
Not sure if it is that US-centric. Although individual elections and faces differ, the
fact is that deregulation, privatisation, and wage suppression have wreaked havoc across most
of the “Western†countries since c. late 70s/early 80s.
I am a 44 year old German living in Australia, and I cannot remember things ever getting
better since I become politically aware, new shiny gadgets aside. Increasing precarisation of
the workforce is a constant background noise, interest rates tend towards zero as wealth is
unable to find any profitable investment beyond buying commodities and infalting the next
bubble, and here in Australia the gulf between large numbers of people owning 2-3 investment
properties and even larger numbers of people being increasingly unable to even afford rent is
painfully obvious. I have never seen any reason to become more economically conservative than
I was as a teenager, although supposedly that is the fate of all who mature.
I am also fairly certain that the majority view in my and younger generations is far to
the left of political mainstream, whose position is largely informed by well-off, socially
conservative, and reliably voting retirees. The question is if generational shits will
ultimately matter, because the wealth of those retirees will ultimately be inherited by the
next lot.
Jonathan Monroe,
I was shocked recently to realise that Thatcher had only ever got that little of the vote,
given how fundamentally she then went on to change UK politics. The UK electoral system
really is bananas, but not all other countries have that excuse. Pretty much all
“Western†democracies currently face the problem of a block of
c. 40% people voting the traditional centre-right party no matter what it does, even if it
nominates a bag of potatoes as its top candidate or has been blatantly captured by the far
right. Mass media in the hands of the modern Hugenbergs helps with that, and not sure what
anyone can do about it.
Pretty much all “Western†democracies currently face the
problem of a block of c. 40% people voting the traditional centre-right party no matter
what it does …
Hmm. Which countries do you count as Western democracies, which do you count as the
traditional centre-right parties, and how much checking of the figures have you done? I
don’t know, but let’s look at some data without knowing
the answers to those questions.
In Japan, the Jiyu Minshuto consistently receives under 40% of the PR votes; in the
plurality voting for single-member constituencies, it generally gets over 40% of the vote but
fell below that mark in 1996 and again in 2009.
In Germany, the combined vote for the ‘Union’
parties (CDU and CSU) has fluctuated around the 40% mark: often over it, sometimes somewhat
under it.
In the UK, the vote for the Conservatives was well below 40% in 1997, 2001, 2005, 2010,
and 2015.
In French presidential elections, the variously named Gaullist predecessors of the
Republicans (as they are currently known) have not scored anywhere close to 40% of the vote
in the first round since 1969 (but could naturally do better in the second-round
two-candidate run-off, if they got into it). In legislative elections they have not been
close to 40% in the first round since 1968, and in the second round have been well under that
mark more often than over it.
In Italy, no single party has reached 40% of the vote since 1958.
In Spain, the PP has exceeded 40% of the vote only in 2000 and in 2011 and has often been
well under that mark.
In Canada, there was a time when the Conservatives might get over 40% of the vote, but in
recent elections they have fluctuated between slightly under 40% and well under 40%.
In Australia, the combination of the Liberals and the Nationals consistently receives over
40% of the primary vote (falling a fraction below that in 1998).
In the Netherlands, none of the existing parties has ever received over 40% of the vote;
none has received over 30% of the vote since 1989.
Well, that’s nine examples: is that a fair test of the
John you write, “The leftward shift of the Democratic party is largely
a matter of generational replacement.â€
I think it is because the longer-than-a-generation arc of market fundamentalism, also
known as neoliberalism (defined once again as: “everything should be
marketized†because of the delusion that “the market is the
best information processorâ€) has temporarily declined as the reigning ideological
frontispiece of mainstream economics. “Temporarily†because
it’s not dead yet, hoping for a revival just as soon as there is a
generation that isn’t suffering the aftermath of the financial crash and
can turn themselves behaviorally indifferent to inequality.
Economists seem to be touchy on the subject of their previous surrender but there is no
denying that the Hayekian bafflegab, ushered along by heaping doses of Milton
Friedman’s disingenuous cheerleading, became the public face of economics
on the newspaper editorial pages and network TV commentators starting in the
1970’s, and John Kenneth Galbraith showed that any economist who opposed
it would become a lonely quaint ineffective dismissed voice. Consequently more than a few of
the 1960’s peace & love generation were soon primed to agree with
“Get government off our backs!,†Reagan’s
1980 campaign slogan, and in the 1990’s maybe 3/4s of the Democrats
climbed aboard under Clinton.
The story, taken only that far, already shows our endemic conditions of: 1. generational
change, 2. every generation’s limits in attention and cognition, and 3.
malpractice and intellectual incompetence in the public presentational side of the economics
Today we must add: 4. a rightwing wrongfooted by the financial crash, thus 5. opening a
public window for leftward correction no matter the age of the leftward advocate, but
â€"and this is a very big butâ€" 6. we have a new, further and perhaps
permanent loss of authoritative legitimacy in the social media cacophony. Leftward gains
could easily be lost in the next calamity, overwhelmed again by disingenuity.
So number 6 puzzles me. A better economics might emerge, if the mainstream profession
weren’t tribalists and if they could find a comprehensive intellectual
framwork. Two big ifs. But then, how will ANY attempt at creating factual authority fare in
this new media age? Maybe the internet and social media now command a general confusion
solely because they are new and shiny, but soon they will be regarded generally as just
another tarnished old thing, mostly full of repetition and misleading information, sound and
fury signifying nothing. Or maybe the siloed tribes will harden into heatseeking political
parties, so that the final internet information authority is actually decided in the election
voting booth.
In a democracy new leaders must arise from the demos, a fact the 1960’s
protestors largely derided and forgot. Now the Millennials are frustrated and overwhemed: the
economy hurts them and they need to find solid facts in an information cesspool. At the same
time it may be that social media returns us all to the condition that authority in the
political economy is simply determined by orators, a fact the ancients believed.
Jonathan 22 makes an interesting point:
„ In the UK, Thatcher (and Major, although he did it on a higher-than-usual
turnout) won with the same 42-44% of the vote that the Conservatives had been losing with in
the 1960’s â€" what changed is that the British left became
(and still are) completely unable to hold their coalition together.“
A similar observation holds for Germany. The Christian Democrats, the party of Adenauer
and Kohl, received between 44 and 49% of votes between 1961 and 1990, without much
fluctuation. In that period, the government changed from center-right to social-liberal
(1969) back to center-right (1982) solely in response to the small liberal party FDP changing
sides. The 1998 election, won decisively by an SPD-Greens alliance led by Schroeder, was the
first time that an incumbent Federal government was unseated by an election defeat.
(Many readers will recall that Schroeder’s government was a disappointment
for the left.)
This a great discussion, John! Some of this may be repetitious, but:
1) The rise of the GOP was a matter of a major Democratic bloc â€" White
Southerners â€" shifting parties, followed by a shift of those who were
‘anti-anti-racist’. It clearly was in full swing as of
1964, when a white South which had been Dem since there was a Dem party changed.
2) Generations are of course crap. I was born in 1960, so an theoretical a (white male)
Boomer. My teens were the mid-late 1970’s, so more in common with early
Gen X. If I had graduated from college on time, I’d have graduated in
1982, into the teeth of the worst slump since the Great Depression in the USA. I was in the
Army at the time, and the change in recruits was dramatic, due to economics.
3) N, thank you for the Pew reports.
4) rdbrown, I think that another reason for the generational differences about Brexit is
that the older are losing not that much, while the youth have had the next 60 years of their
lives truncated. They went from being able to live, work, marry and retire in 28 countries to
5) I’m amazed at the diffidence of the older Dem establishment, since
the GOP’s actions cut very directly at their power. If it were old-style
politics, the other party directly cutting out one’s own voters would be
recognized as the direct threat that it was.
6) Tim, have you not noticed that yelling ‘Commie! Go back to
Russia!’ isn’t working as well?
Additionally, the idea that financial crashes appear when the people who lived through
them as adults retire doesn’t match the recent data we have in the
In the USA we had the Savings and Loan crisis, the Dot-com crash and the Great Financial
Crash all in just over 20 years. There was some learning; I’ve heard that
Texas rel-regulated some real estate matters after the S&L crash, and that this helped in
But it looks like a general tendency of cash-flush unregulated markets seeking higher
gains, when there are several layers of actors involved.
In a democracy, new leaders arise by inheritance. One of the currently most
“powerful†politicians is Joe Manchin. Manchin is from an old
political family. His uncle was State Treasurer, for one thing. He was a part of an
embarrassing large loss of state funds in obscure deals in finance (along with a fellow named
Margolin.) The old NatWest scandal from Margaret Thatcher days played a role.
The other WV senator is the daughter of a governor, Arch Moore. Moore was merely indicted,
which doesn’t count. The story of thousands of dollars in cash in
Moore’s desk drawer I suppose merely proves he was a successful man, with
agency. (Agency is the summum bonum in an astonishingly wide array of value systems,
including some that deem themselves very woke indeed.)
Descending to the depths, the House of Representatives, one of WV’s is
a Carol Miller. She is the daughter of an Ohio politician, one time Representative himself.
She is doubly qualified by being married to the owner of a large automobile dealership. Out
of state people moving in and getting elected is a noble tradition. Another WV
representative, Alex Mooney, began his career running in Maryland. Current Attorney General
Patrick Morrissey began by running in New Jersey. Of course, the famous example is Jay
Rockefeller who moved to WV instead of Arkansas, or maybe Puerto Rico.
Formation of a new democratic leadership is also achieved by selection by an informal
council of the natural leaders (as they see it,) who groom candidates. This can be an
intensive process, like the men who put Reagan on his path. Special relationships with the
some of the largest owners in any given state, like the Waltons and Perdues in Arkansas can
be helpful.
Even a healthy friendship with, say, Coca-Cola, can matter too. Selection by the wealthy
of course can be more market oriented, conducted under auspices of political professionals
with mailing lists who use them in primary campaigns.
And of course, the advertising purchased by the wealthy has a great deal of influence on
what’s deemed suitable, regardless of mere ratings or readership. Thus, a
Trump is suitable for playing up as a contender, while a Sanders, is not.
Marxist fears of being coopted or fears of a drug test don’t seem to be
so very important to me. A democracy is one where property is protected, which means that
those who own property are protected against a mere numerical majority (as John Calhoun
called it.)
“Soon enough those who saw, first hand, the disaster of Gosplan style
government direction of the economy will also be passing out of that sphere of political
So will people who are aware that that is a possible style of government, much less a
“left†one. I’m not aware of any political
movement that’s pushing for anything remotely like that.
Together they allude to the fact that many of the best political and sociological minds
forged in the 1960’s shunned democracy’s necessary
requirement that they enter electoral politics to become leaders.
I’m curious to know whom you’re thinking of.
But even far beyond the intellectuals, the counterculture’s explosive
cleavage with the previous status quo included frequent insistence that voting is
irrelevant, …
There I feel as if I get you. I’ve encountered instances of people
insisting that voting is irrelevant, and I agree with your implicit evaluation. Participation
in electoral politics is not the only effective technique for achieving change, but
it’s certainly one of them, and in-principle rejection of it is a
We definitely have to separate generational zeitgeist from emerging power blocs and from
actual demographic aggregations. Much of the recent “wokenessâ€
is actually people finally digesting ideas from the 80s. Judith Butler and Michel Foucault
are not millennials but many of us had to read them for school.
The people who were opposing the 70s-90s neo-liberal turn obviously lost the political
battles of their day, but became hip with the people who taught the next generation. The
modern right wing meme of “cultural marxism†is based on the
idea that the “anti-establishment†thinkers of old have become
the new dogma and ushered in a sort of cultural revolution toward intersectional identity and
“safe spaces†and away from cold scientific reason.
This seems like an obvious overreaction, but its just a link in the chain of them. The
post-stucturalists, post-modernists, and extreme cultural relativists were overreacting to
the cold bloodedness of the economic rationalists, behaviorists etc. who were overreacting to
what they saw as misguided bleeding heart reformism. You can draw the line back from there
with each genation of ideas sowing the seeds of its own antithesis.
It may be best to think of generational coalitions, rather political generations. Anyone
at any age can shift political parties and (less frequently) ideologies, but the genealogy of
ideas helps influence when a political generation “comes of
age.†New ideas gestate in the background for years or decades, but only
“take off†when existing ideologies lose their functionality
(granting legitimacy to political leaders) and leave a power vacuum. “New
ideas†can actually be quite old as long as they seem novel to enough voters,
which is why old-young Bernie Sanders style coalitions may actually be the standard for
birthing “new†ideologies that only comes of age when their
old standard bearers have moved on.
Tim: “The contention is that the same financial market problem recurs
when the people who worked through the last iteration of that same mistake retire.
It’s entirely agreed that there are many possible mistakes to make.
Financial markets will continue to make new ones. It’s that the old ones
only come back when the institutional knowledge has retired.
S&L, dotcom and GFC are all different mistakes.â€
The S&L crisis was blown up by people making loans on properties with inflated prices,
on the grounds that they could flip those loans.
Same for the Dotcom crash, but based on stocks with massive prices and no profits. Same
for the Great Financial Crash.
J-D #43: “curious to know whom you’re thinking
Specifically antiwar organizers from the 1960’s whom I came to know
personally in the late 1970’s. They were intellectually brilliant;
completely practical & dedicated â€" yet eschewed personal involvement in
electoral politics. To be sure there are some famous names from the civil rights &
antiwar movements who later became nationally-known politicians. But it seems to me that on
the whole the showings from this cohort were rather weak in the
’70’s, helping to create a vacuum into which flowed the
Mont Pelerin and other rightwing thinktank propaganda, then into which flooded the
Looks like an attempt to redirect anger against neolibel elite into racial antimosity does nto work well. A least for this UNZ commentariant.
They are not folled by woke nonsense.
In any case it looks like the USA is a divided country.
Never underestimate the insanity of Zionists, be they full Jews, half-Jews, or soulless Jew-wannabes like Joe "I am a Zionist"
Biden. We're in unprecedented territory -- an empire run by Zoglodytes. They'll run it into the ground sooner or later, but just
how quickly and at what cost to the humanity is anyone's guess.
Of course, none of it would be possible but for the Anglo-elites doing deals with ((bankers)) in search of post-Imperial easy-living.
In fact, that's probably what caused WW2.
Today, gangsters from every creed, race and religion want in on the Zionist action, and happily signal to their criminal lodestar
that they're "all in" with virtually unlimited aid, wars and diplomatic support in Congress for the Jewish state.
The New World Order. How do you like it, whitey? You just had to listen to the gold-plated promises of the Jew confidence man.
The streets will be paved with gold, right?
If you're white and in the armed forces/police, you're a moron.
The fact is Americans are nothing but the Jew's bitch, killing for them. There isn't one American, who's defended their country,
well, you'll have to go back to the war of independence for that. Every, serving member of the armed forces is a mercenary, paid
by the US taxpayer, to kill fire Israel as they establish greater Israel.
So STOP looking at your armed forces as heroes. They aren't, not one, single one! See them for what they are, braindead, brainwashed,
fighting machines, WHO DON'T FIGHT FOR YOU! And that's what's worrying. Throughout history every armed force has been turned against
its own nation and its just a matter of time with the US. THEY WILL use them against you, to push nationwide vaccination.
The armed forces, like the police, are your enemy and I strongly suggest that if you know anyone in them, or a friend whose
family members are in them, tell them to leave ASAP before they institute martial law. Remember, the armed forces don't serve
you, so leaving them is doing the people good while staying within is causing them harm.
I'm suspicious of Biden's planned withdrawal from Afghanistan. The troops will probably get reassigned to the Middle East or
the Polish Border. Trump's "withdrawal" from Syria just amounted to shipping those troops to Iraq.
The Biden administration is a revolutionary one. It is not American and doesn't pretend to be. Like Lenin's early revolutionary
Bolshevik government it is comprised of mostly Jews and racial/ethnic minorities who are antagonistic towards the majority population
and its history and traditions.
I believe that the Jews, radical blacks and others who are really in charge of the Biden administration have no plans to relinquish
power in 2024 even if they lose the election. Since the courts refused to provide a legal remedy for battleground states breaking
their own elections laws to massively increase Democrat mail-in ballots then they will just do it again unless Republicans can
win the gubernatorial elections in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. But that might not be possible with mail-in ballot schemes
that were illegally put in place.
Will whites support a globalist regime that picks fights abroad and wars against them at home? The mood of the country is
comparable to East German during the 1980's. Resignation and apathy. The last election was a fraud, the media are liars, the courts
are political, privacy and free speech aren't being protected, and half the country declares it hates the other half.
Go ahead, try to conjure a false flag to rally Team America
There are no signs whites are about to repudiate the Evil Empire. Trace Adkins, Gerald McRaney are on tv advertisements imploring
whites to provide financial support to the fools who came back crippled from fighting in Israel's wars.
"Will Whites Support A Globalist American Empire That Picks Fights Abroad and Wars Against Them At Home?"
The answer is YES, they will.
Because they've been zombified by 150 years of corporate media whose only purpose is to use subliminal messages 24/7 to control
them. Worse of all, they pay monthly fees in order to be zombified!
Wait for the next false flag attack against the US "Interests" at home or abroad and you'll see how the zombies behave.
Elites, oligarchs, plutocrats, super-rich, whatever, but don't slime the Yankees.
And while I agree with much of this, don't forget that in the late 1960's the elites imported Mexicans to specifically replace
blacks. And then cried a river of tears at how blacks were mysteriously losing ground!!!!
Oh and also: nobody NEEDS cheap labor to run factories. History has shown that without cheap labor factories run perfectly
well. It's just that the elites need cheap labor to stay elite
The real enemy of the American working class and middle class all of them is neoliberalism ! Coupled with a two party plutocracy
that disenfranchises the same Americans who desperately need a more equitable society! Nothing to do with Russia or China we caused
it all by ourselves!
This is why there needs to be White Liberation from Jewish Supremacism. But Jewish Power tries to preempt this by making a
big stink about 'white supremacism'.
No more white support for Jewish supremacist tyranny over Palestinians and mass murder of Arabs/Muslims. If, after 2020, any
white person still harbors sentimentality about Jewish Power, he or she is cuck-roach. Useless and worthless.
Currently, an indebted, belligerent, imperialist U.S. is being propped up by naïve, well-meaning whites.
These "well-meaning whites" are the enemy. "Well-meaning whites" have always been the greatest enemy of Whites. A lot of people
here consider Jews to be our greatest enemies. But why are they here in such huge numbers and why are they in control? It started
with the Powdered-Wig Gang (a.k.a. the Founding Fathers) giving them citizenship on the basis of their shit "Enlightenment" ideology,
which held that religion was merely a private matter and of no importance. No country at the time gave Jews citizenship save Poland,
which had fallen under their sway and paid an exceedingly high price for it. Then France followed the American example when they
had their own powdered-wig revolution.
The tragedy of the US is that nearly every fair-skinned, non-Jewish individual who has any influence here is a "well-meaning
White". Generations of brainwashing have done that. Their latest bit of tomfoolery is the belief "Uncle Tim" Scott, a dim, charmless,
venal, ugly black mediocrity, will be their savior. By the way, the first time I laid eyes on Uncle Tim, I said myself, "They're
going to want to make that fellow president." That's no reason to brag, however, because "well-meaning whites" are nothing if
not predictable.
"Well-meaning whites" have no common sense and can't learn from experience. They could not conceive the idea "diversity" is
the problem. "Diversity" elected Joe Biden, through bloc-voting by non-Whites and by she-boons in black-dominated counties bringing
in suitcases of fake ballots, but guess what: as far as "well-meaning Whites" are concerned, "diversity" in the form of "Uncle
Tim" Scott is the solution.
What it comes down to is that if Whites want the White race to survive, then "well-meaning whites", who can accurately be called
"liberals", have to go. Whites cannot afford to be sentimental about "well-meaning whites".
@xyzxy the Zio-western imperialists decided ( ie "backed down") not to risk crossing them.
Incidentally JK I don't disagree with this position --
"Rather than feeling anger or shame at this national humiliation, instead I feel something like schadenfreude against them --
along with righteous indignation on behalf of the countless patriots used up and spat out by a System unworthy of their sacrifice."
But perhaps you could spare a few words & emotions for the poor bloody average Afghans who have died in their 100's of 1000's
in this vicious, stupid war.
A lack of sympathy for & indeed basic knowledge of, other peoples is part of the reason the US constantly gets stuck in these
ridiculous wars. (Had they the "leaders" we have now , the Vietnam War would probably have limped to a halt sometime in
the late 80's).
Hmm. Kirkpatrick doesn't seem to realize that 911 was sort of an official beginning to the elites domestic threat problem?
There was never a reason to enter Afghanistan because Afghanistan never attacked us and nor did Osama Bin Laden.
As long as ppl believe the official story there will always be a reason the American citizen can support for invading middle east
Like the holocaust, it is a lynch pin lie that is the pre-requisite for all sorts claims and behaviors that without them would
otherwise not give validation
I doubt Russia has any regard for Turkey – it has a very long history of wars against them and knows just how treacherous they
Russia alone is powerful enough to end life in USA
USA has lost Europe already- Merkel is aligning with China
Americans think Russian gas binds Germany rather than export markets like China and the fact EU needs semiconductors and Asia
is where they are produced
No one takes USA seriously any more it is peripheral as in 19th century. You forget Europeans cannot travel to US and frankly
fear to do so anyway
This cannot be said nearly enough. WASP culture is WASP elites hating all 'other' whites and pretending not to hate
a few non-WASP white groups when they (the WASPs) can use them against the whites they most hate or fear at the moment. WASPs
discard all groups they use as soon as they no longer need them to wage some type war against still other whites.
The Scotch-Irish are probably the best example of what WASPs think of even those who serve them most ruthlessly.
The mood of the country is comparable to East German during the 1980's. Resignation and apathy.
The last election was a fraud, the media are liars, the courts are political, privacy and free speech aren't being protected,
and half the country declares it hates the other half.
Go ahead, try to conjure a false flag to rally Team America.
It does look like resignation and apathy – which is sort of logical – given that all centers of power are in the hands of the
totalitarians (same as in the old East Germany).
The totalitarian Communist East German regime actually collapsed when it became caught up in the mass demonstrations of neighbouring
countries (Poland Feb. 1989 and Hungary the following month). The Communists didn't have the political will/ability to suppress
demonstrations on this scale and ceded power. Two points here are 1) that the public in each country overwhelmingly opposed the
government 2) each country was ethnically united (Poles in Poland, Hungarians in Hungary and Germans in East Germany) and viewed
their oppression as sourced externally (the Soviet Union).
The US looks different, since the population is split both politically and ethnically. So if anything is going to happen (unlikely)
then it's either a civil war, a military coup or a world war (nuclear) removing most major American cities + Israel.
@anonymouseperson c accountants uncovering the depths of Israel and its fifth column's theft of many tens of billions of our
war matériel and of our most guarded military secrets, which were then sold to China in concert with the Greenspan/Goldman Sachs
plan to transfer of our industrial intellectual assets and over 50,000 factories to China in preparation for a new order based
on joint Israeli-Chinese technocratic hegemony.
My point is that the uninterrupted, elaborate efforts at 9/11 concealment legally constitute, by themselves, sufficient proof
of the Pentagon's complicity and guilt in 9/11 and, therefore, make it an alien occupation force that serves Israel, its fifth
column, and no other. A war completing the "Bolsheviks" effective extermination of white Christian Russia at the same time as
exterminating white Christian America appears to be the objective of International Jewry, whom alone Joe Biden and his Pentagon
answer to.
When I was in the US Army, I never met anyone who signed up to 'fight for the Anglo-Zionist empire'. We were there for a variety
of reasons, no job, to get training, money for college, adventure or maybe running away from a crazy girlfriend. As the grandson
of immigrants, I was probably the most patriotic, the rest of the guys, not so much. Young men will always join the military,
whether the military oppresses its people or not. How many Irishmen served in the British military when they had few civil rights
back home? In the military, a young White man can learn a trade, learn military tactics, earn money for college and become a real
asset to his community. You can also get killed or maimed, but at 18 or 19, we didn't think about that.
Will Whites Support A Globalist American Empire That Picks Fights Abroad and Wars Against Them At Home?
If they are members of Congress, the military leadership, the police, the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, the MSM, or the leadership
of either political party the answer is clearly a resounding YES!!
I believe a large percentage of whites in America have a Stockholm syndrome of some kind going on. The title of the article
has rolled two very separate issues into one. As far as continuing to support wars abroad that aren't benefiting the average person
of whatever color is not an issue that can be specifically directed at Marxist oriented regimes such as that of Obama/Hillary
and now Sleepy Joe & Camel Toe. One can never forget the years of the faux conservative Bushlet regime. Whites as a group more
overtly support the military than do other racial groups (even though blacks and Hispanics make up a large percentage of our military).
They are very reluctant to criticize American foreign policy as unpatriotic and somehow react to military interventions as if
they were a sporting event.
Their concept of patriotism is very puerile. Many never ask the question of who benefits? (bankers, weapons manufacturers
and Zionists). As far as the war on whites is concerned, here is where the Stockholm syndrome comes more into play. Our people
have been psychologically beaten into submission by accepting whatever the Marxist intelligentsia throws at them.But there is
also a cultural flaw primarily among Northern European Protestant whites which consists of being perceived as NICE. Stop being
NICE, especially to people who wish you dead. Is this some sort of perversion of Christianity? Maybe. Rather than throwing the
whole Gospel message out the window, a recalibration of one's Christianity needs to happen as well. The churches have not been
our friend either.
"... As has happened with epochal champions of generational transformation and change in U.S. history before her, Gabbard’s eclipse in Hawaii could lead to her comeback in a far more spectacular form. ..."
As has happened with epochal champions of generational transformation and change in U.S.
history before her, Gabbard’s eclipse in Hawaii could lead to her comeback
in a far more spectacular form.
Forget that old fraud Bernie Sanders; Tulsi Gabbard and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are the
best hopes progressives in United States now have for saving and renewing Democratic values and
a functioning political system. And watch Senator Ted Cruz to eventually unify a resurgent
nationalist Right.
In my 2015 book “
Cycles of Change †I predicted both the nationalist insurgency of Donald Trump
in the Republican Party and the progressive one unexpectedly spearheaded by Senator Bernie
Sanders in the Democratic Party that lastingly transformed U.S. politics in the 2016 election
The Big Lie (of Josef Goebbels) proportions that Russia influenced or decided the shock
outcome of the 2016 presidential election in reality was cooked up by defeated Democratic
candidate Hillary Clinton â€" a bungling loser of historic proportions
â€" on the very same night she was still reeling from her rejection at the Javits
Center in Brooklyn after the results came out.
Since then, the old Republicans and Democratic Establishments alike have since eagerly clung
to the Big Lie because it offers them an excuse to deny and ignore what really happened: The
American people for once fitfully rose to express their ringing rejection â€" on
both sides of the political divide â€" of the ruinous policies of free trade,
globalization and ludicrous pretensions to World Empire to which they had been subjected for
the previous 70 years.
However, President Donald Trump was ruthlessly opposed, undermined, betrayed, slandered and
blocked on his honorable and responsible foreign policy and national security goals to restrain
NATO improve relations with Russia and pull U.S. combat forces out of both Iraq and Afghanistan
over the following four years and by the time of the next national election in 2024, he will be
78 â€" as old as Joe Biden is now. Undoubtedly the efforts to destroy and discredit
Trump will continue unabated from now until then.
Trump should not yet be ruled out by any means but he has already played the role of being
the Prophetic Precursor of the new and coming Political Age, as I pointed, out in
“Cycles of Change,†my overview of more than 200 years of U.S.
political history, published in 2015.
That “prophetic†pioneering role wa splayed by General John
Fremont in 1856 for Abraham Lincoln four years later; by New York Governor Al Smith, the
“Happy Warrior†in 1928 for the epochal election victory of
Franklin D. Roosevelt four years later; and by Senator Barry Goldwater in 1964 for the eventual
presidency and new political era of Ronald Reagan starting in 1980-81.
Who will be the coming leader of the conservative/nationalist Right in 21st century America?
The most likely candidate so far by far is Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who ran unsuccessfully
against Trump in 2016 before learning for himself the policies and priorities of the coming
Political Age.
On April 14, Cruz, renowned for having easily the most brilliant legal mind in the U.S.
Congress, eviscerated Kristen Clarke, President Biden’s nominee to head the
Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department when she appeared before the Senate Judiciary
On the Democrats’ side, Independent Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont
is now a twice-busted flush: Both in 2016 and 2020, the Democratic presidential nomination was
his for the asking: He in real terms decisively and humiliatingly exposed first Hillary Clinton
and then Joe Biden â€" both heirs of the worthless and despicable Bill Clinton and
Barack Obama administrations they served so energetically for so long.
However, on both occasions, Sanders froze up at the crucial moments of decision when the
nomination was twice stolen from him by vote manipulation (in 20216) and political chicanery
(in 2020) before his eyes. When it comes to the High Noon moment of any political showdown,
Sanders will always fold â€" just as he always has.
On the Democrats’ side, the contest for leadership superficial appears
more open, but two dynamic young women in reality easily lead the field.
Right now, New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, †AOC†,
who was supporting herself as a bartender before she won the Democratic nomination for her
district and then the congressional election in shock outcomes in 2018, is by far in the lead.
This is not even primarily because of AOC’s passionate advocacy of a Green
New Deal, which indeed makes absolutely no industrial or economic or financial sense the closer
one looks at it: It is because she is genuinely charismatic, genuinely aggressive and fearless
in her public appearances.
The more that America’s progressives â€" admittedly an
exceptionally slow-witted lot â€" wake up to the fact that Bernie Sanders will never
lead them to real power or victory in anything, the higher AOC’s star
She is already, at only age 31, the real leader of the Progressive Caucus in the Democratic
Party and she is half a century younger than 81-year-old Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
Pelosi only won her precious House majority in November 2018. Yet already, she is watching
it vanish before her eyes.
Worse for Pelosi is sure to come: It is perfectly feasible that even before next
year’s congressional midterm elections, a handful of congressional special
elections could throw control of the House to current Republican Minority Leader Kevin
McCarthy, who loathes Pelosi and her ancient creaking clique of cronies with a never-burning
passion. Then, Pelosi’s fading clout will be totally gone and AOC with her
passion and a new generation of radicals riding the Winds of Change with her will take over
Democratic Party in Congress far earlier than any of the Old Fogeys on either side dreams.
AOC must therefore be seen as the frontrunner for the new age: But if she fails to measure
up and establish national credibility, the other most likely future presidential hopeful for
the Democrats is another forceful, beautiful and exceptionally intelligent young lady hardly
older than the New York congresswoman is: That is former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard from
Hawaii, who was effectively squeezed out from her own congressional seat on the idyllic Pacific
island by the machinations of the old Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi gang of rotting old
However, as has happened with epochal champions of generational transformation and change in
U.S. history before her, Gabbard’s eclipse in Hawaii could lead to her
comeback in a far more spectacular form.
She may move to California â€" a vastly superior political base to her home in
Hawaii for national U.S. politics. Also, her outstanding military record, highly unusual for a
young rising female Democrat of the current generation and her mastery of defense and national
security issues potentially gives her a far more potent and impressive credibility across the
American continent than AOC.
For Ocasio-Cortez’s appeal is like a laser beam: It is undoubtedly
powerful but also quite narrow, centered on the East and West Coasts and to a far lesser
degree, the much smaller progressive enclaves in major metropolitan areas across the
Gabbard by contrast has the potential to reach deep into the Heartland. She was carefully
kept out of most of the nationally televised political debates for the 2020 presidential
nomination by her own party’s leaders. They were terrified of her.
However, Gabbard was an absolute knockout in the debates when she got a word in edgewise.
And she proved effortlessly able especially to demolish then-Senator and now-Vice President
Kamala Harris. That could prove of priceless importance to the national credibility of the
Progressive movement if, as appears likely Harris succeeds Biden into the White House in 2024,
or even sooner.
However, Gabbard has also shown the potential to move dramatically from one extreme of the
political chessboard to the other, much like a bishop moved a diagonal right across the
In January 2021, she launched her own podcast called “This is Tulsi
Gabbard†and she has appeared a number of times on the conservative-leaning Fox
News Channel since she left Congress, focusing her outspoken attacks on Pelosi and House
Judiciary Committee Chair and leading Pelosi crony Congressman Adam Schiff. It is not
inconceivable to see her as an eventual running mate for the nationalist right on a Republican
ticket led by Senator Ted Cruz in 2024 or 2028. (In 2028, she will still be only 47).
Cruz and AOC are truly powerful potent emerging forces on the Right and Left of U.S.
politics. Gabbard has the intriguing potential to completely transform the picture on either
side. Between them, they offer hope that the new forces awakened by Trump and Sanders may
triumph yet.
bshirley1968 3 minutes ago
bshirley1968 3 minutes ago
"Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg cares so much about the environment that he
decided to ride a bicycle to work at least the last two blocks.
He was caught unloading a bicycle from a black SUV a short distance from the White House
so he could finish his ride to the cabinet meeting on bike. Such a great photo
Security followed in the SUV.
Perfect example of everything coming out of DC. Everything is a narrative supported by some
kabuki theater.
"... Do Mr. Biden and his people claim that the dogmatic and occasionally hysterical certitude of the woke is sufficient warrant to turn the country upside down? ..."
"... If the 2020 election meant anything, it confirmed the irreconcilable differences -- a standoff of the cobra and mongoose. The election certainly didn't give Mr. Biden marching orders from the American people to open the southern border to all comers, or to redesign the natural order of biology (in regard to gender identity and all the social arrangements that have flowed from the difference between the sexes since time immemorial), or to change the country in a hundred other ways, bundling it off on an expedition to the far left fringes of reality and grievance. What the new administration proposes may be less a transformation than a hijacking. Half the country doesn't want to be reinvented -- not on Mr. Biden's terms. ..."
"... He and his people have gone into business with a bogus, echo-chamber mandate: They manipulate a media illusion of unanimity, and presume to impose a moral narrative. The Bolsheviks, a tiny but ferociously focused minority, proceeded in this way in 1917. ..."
While Trump was rejected by electorate (Biden got 7 million votes more -- mainly in costal
states and large cities), Biden was elected only because of extention of mail-in voting and
because he was not Trump. Now people regret their choice, while main-in voting "irregularities"
deprive Biden administration of the legitimacy. Moreover due to Biden neocon foreign policy and
pandering to woke Bolsheviks, many people have "post-election remorse," But in two-party system
you can do nothing about it: the train already left the station.
Now the Biden administration, headed by a man a few years too old to be a boomer, entertains
ambitions to take a great leap forward. But wait. Does a transformation require a mandate? By
what mandate does the Biden administration undertake the work of irrevocably altering American
society? Do Mr. Biden and his people claim that the dogmatic and occasionally hysterical
certitude of the woke is sufficient warrant to turn the country upside down?
There was no mandate in the outcome of the last election. November 2020 merely confirmed
that the U.S. remains split precisely down the middle, 50-50, as it has been for more than 20
years, since the deadlock of Al Gore and George W. Bush and the hanging chads of Florida.
If the 2020 election meant anything, it confirmed the irreconcilable differences -- a
standoff of the cobra and mongoose. The election certainly didn't give Mr. Biden marching
orders from the American people to open the southern border to all comers, or to redesign the
natural order of biology (in regard to gender identity and all the social arrangements that
have flowed from the difference between the sexes since time immemorial), or to change the
country in a hundred other ways, bundling it off on an expedition to the far left fringes of
reality and grievance. What the new administration proposes may be less a transformation than a
hijacking. Half the country doesn't want to be reinvented -- not on Mr. Biden's terms.
He and his people have gone into business with a bogus, echo-chamber mandate: They
manipulate a media illusion of unanimity, and presume to impose a moral narrative. The
Bolsheviks, a tiny but ferociously focused minority, proceeded in this way in 1917.
... ... ...
Mr. Morrow is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. His latest book
is "God and Mammon: Chronicles of American Money."
Peter Von Nessi SUBSCRIBER 29 minutes ago "A man of his age --
fearing that he may amount to nothing more than the great Obama's onetime sidekick -- is apt to
react to the surprise of waking up in the White House by pandering to the flashiest ideas of
the young people and their hero Bernie Sanders. Mr. Biden can, for a moment, forestall death if
he veers way left and makes his mark, however chaotically."
I think the author gives too much credit to Biden and not his handlers. After all Pinocchio
was made of wood. When was the last time you saw a piece of wood think....about anything? SHOW
N Neil Steinhoff SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago Joe did not know which state he was in, what office
he was running for and said 150 million Americans have died of Covid Here is an update from
Joe. "I have been in government for 180 years". "I wake up every morning, look at Jill, and say
'where the he- are we?'" on February 17, 2021. What could possibly go wrong? Greg Caldwell SUBSCRIBER 58 minutes ago (Edited) Mr. Ferrara: Many
people voted for Joe's ideas because he claimed to be more of a centrist while he was running
for office. I know of quite a few people who voted for Joe (1) because he wasn't Trump, and;
(2) he claimed he would govern from the middle-left.
Those people are now saying they didn't vote for anything he has done to the jobs, to
energy, nor do they buy his lies about Covid Relief (only 9% of over $1.9T actually went to
Covid); the Infrastructure bill (of which only 7% actually has anything to do with our
infrastructure); or, finally the repeated outright lies about the Georgian Voting Law. People
who voted for him are paying attention and many are not happy.
Like thumb_up Reply reply Share link Report
M Melissa Firestone SUBSCRIBER 49 minutes ago Vote counting continued on and on in pivotal
states in 2020. That's why 2016 was so different than 2020. And in 2020, pivotal states were
decided by less than 21,000 votes - WI, AZ, and GA. And PA and MI were more competitive than
the polls showed going into election night. Votes continued to be counted days after the
election and as we know in some cases weeks. That's why this wasn't a mandate for Biden. It was
a rejection of Trump by the marginal voter - the ones who in tight elections determine
outcomes. The same was true for Trump when he won - Hillary was so hated by so many voting
blocks the Republicans could have run any of their potential nominees and would have won.
G George Nesterenko SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago Claiming the WH, and both chambers of Congress
is, in deed a mandate.
The only measure by which the election was 'close' was the electoral college. By the number
of.. you know... actual people... there was no, and is no contest. That's is also, indeed, a
And as demographics shift, the mandate deepens. Which is why the GOP is so adamant against
preventing a DC or Puerto Rico statehood. An unpopular, shrinking minority is desperately
holding on to any iota of power. Not 'half the country', as Mr. Morrow repeats on several
A national rebirth is desperately needed. Although I doubt it will happen under Biden, we
can at least get on our way.
Like thumb_up 2 Reply reply Share link Report
W william marx SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago Mr. Nesterenko, even if President Biden won by several
million votes, which I am not disputing, the fact that former President trump drew over 80
million votes suggests that the country is divided. Add to that a 50/50 split in the Senate and
a slim Dem majority in in the House leads to a conclusion that there is no mandate. Until both
parties stop shoving things down the other party's throat, we will not move forward.
J Jerry Beukelman SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago So you voted for a man who has no idea where he is?
Good for you. Would you like to lay odds on when the next press conference will be? I'll take,
never. Joe is one and done, they won't risk putting him on stage again, it is too obvious he
isn't all there. Another year or two, the Biden family can make some more cash, Nancy gets her
way till the House turns. And Harris can step in. That will be fun. A woman who polled 7% in
her own state during the primary can take control. God help us.
J jim markey SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago Trump and the GOP claimed Trump received a mandate in
2016 even though he lost the popular vote by 3 million.
Biden beat Trump by 7 million popular votes and a 4.45% popular vote spread.
That's much more of a mandate than Trump had.
Like thumb_up 3 Reply reply Share link Report
M Melissa Firestone SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago You didn't see vote counting continuing on and on
in pivotal states in 2016. In 2016 the election was decided very early and key States that
hadn't voted Republican in more than two decades voted for Trump. That's why 2016 was so
different than 2020. And the pivotal states were decided by less than 21,000 votes - WI, AZ,
and GA. And PA and MI were more competitive than the polls showed going into election night.
That's why this wasn't a mandate for Biden. It was a rejection of Trump by the marginal voter -
the ones who in tight elections determine outcomes. The same was true for Trump when he won -
Hillary was so hated by so many voting blocks the Republicans could have run any of the
nominees and he would have won. ike thumb_up 12 Reply reply
Share link Report flag
M Michael Wilson SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago Yet American voters chose them over a dictatorship
led by Trump. If you don't like the results of having a 0-3 lose, then come up with a candidate
and agenda Americans want. Like thumb_up 4 Reply reply Share
link Report flag Rob Joseph SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago "I won't insult your intelligence by
suggesting that you really believe what you just said". William F. Buckley
At no time was Trump even close to a dictator. Trump wanted to push power to the states.
Exactly how is that dictatorial? However, the current crop of dems want to centralize power to
the federal government, so exactly who is the totalitarian party?
M Mac Moore SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago Nedd writes, "Biden has an approval rating approaching
55 percent. Trump never got above 50%."
Now, that's funny. What was the polled question? Was it, "do you approve of men joining
women's sports and bathrooms?". Or, was it, "do you approve of thousands of migrant lives being
destroyed by an open border that puts them at risk and children in peril?" Or, 'do you approve
of re-education classes that mandate that one much denounce their whiteness or be banned from
Gov't employment?" or "do you approve of Biden killing thousands of good paying oil pipeline
jobs?" Like thumb_up 5 Reply reply Share link Report
flag Rob Joseph SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago The gallup poll is from March 1. Let's
see what the new poll numbers are now after his spending spree and botched immigration policy
(Oh I'm sorry, what immigration policy). I couldn't stand Trump, but biden makes him look like
a statesman. He will divide the country further until there is no more US.
L Linda Briscoe SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago The election of2020 was not a mandate of Democratic
policies. The mandate was to be shed of Donald J Trump. We accomplished that, I hope. Now the
challenge is to wrench control of the Democratic Party out of the hands of the radical few, and
back into the hands of the moderate many.
The idea of a Silent Majority may not be new, but I believe it is as relevant as it ever
was. Most people don't focus a lot of their time on politics. They're too busy just trying to
make a living, creating or nurturing a loving family, and trying to create a home they enjoy
and can be proud of. A living wage, a liveable home of their own, and a loving family; that's
the real American dream. Royal Martin SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago President Biden;
"Just imagine all those young voters coming across our southern border that I can impress
with open arms."
e thumb_up 9 Reply reply Share link Report
J James Bruning SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago How are Biden and the progressive Democrats getting
away with this charade? True, the liberal press provides cover by not reporting or fairly
reporting the egregious blunders of the Biden administration, but that does not explain why
most American voters are viewing Biden as someone who is honest and deserving of trust. They
know he is an unaccomplished "geezer" so in the absence of a coordinated, unified "push back"
by Republicans one can assume they want a much different America Like thumb_up 8 Reply
reply Share link Report flag
M Melissa Firestone SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago How are the "getting away with" this??? We voted
them in...and the "news" media is NOT news anymore. It is another arm of the Democrat/Socialist
movement. Biden lied during the debates, but he wasn't shy about his true objectives - they
were posted right on his web site. Like thumb_up Reply reply
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M Melissa Firestone SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago "What the new administration proposes may be
less a transformation than a hijacking. Half the country doesn't want to be reinvented -- not
on Mr. Biden's terms."
Couldn't have said it better myself. People are not liking what they are seeing with Biden
in office. Just today I had a conversation with a phlebotomist who put it in very easy to
understand terms. "They are just dictating what we can and can't do, what we can and can't buy,
that we have to take care of illegal citizens, while we have millions who are never going to
recover from the impacts of shutting down our economy - that's not a free country." She's 100%
correct yet clearly not an "expert," just a consumer. But she can see more nonsensical policy
implications coming. Specifically she mentioned unaffordable utility bills with going to 100%
green energy and that she didn't want to be "forced" to buy an electric car. I don't believe
she's alone in seeing what's coming with Dem control...and it isn't good
S Sherrill Schein SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago As bad and vacuous as Biden is, what will follow
him will be much worse, starting with Kamala Harris. Louis XIV, who preceded the French
Revolution and Biden both share the same argument to try to retain their thrones. "After me,
the deluge." ke thumb_up 3 Reply reply Share link
Report flag
M Michael Barbour SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago Biden is neither a moderate or a unifier and even
his Covid policies are mostly just an extension of what was started by the previous WH
administration. I didn't like Trump either, but Biden's actions and policies are hastening the
decline of the U.S.
M Michael OFarrell SUBSCRIBER 3 hours ago Biden, or whoever is actually in charge, is
giving this country away. It will the younger generation that will pay the price. Like
thumb_up 6 Reply reply Share link Report
M Mark A. Rosasco SUBSCRIBER 3 hours ago "A whole generation with a new explanation" ,
history definitely rhymes.
According to John Kenneth Galbraith, financial memory is usually about 20 years, then
lessons need to be re-leaned the hard way, either with financial euphoria or I would say with
tax polices that promote economic growth.
Meanwhile Biden's son Hunter, the "smartest guy" his father knows, has his feet firmly in
his mouth in excerpts from an interview this Sunday about his 💻 that was full of
underage porn & business dealings involving his father when VPOTUS.
I have always hated Trump (I despise oligarchs and narcissists, and I find the shallow
fakery of "reality TV" and pro wrestling repellent) but Trump's artifice, boorishness
and obnoxiousness could never compare to any of the other heads of state America has had
since that hayseed peanut farmer guy. It might take some time, but give perspective and
distance history will be kinder to Trump than any other president in the last half century or
Following up on #191. Jake Sullivan is about to become even more important.
He is entirely a creature of Hillary. So is the Harris a creature of Hillary. We all know
how Harris got her start in the DA's office. Willie Brown speaks freely about that and Harris
quietly confirms. Once it is established what you are only the price needs to be negotiated.
Harris moved to the national stage entirely on her relationship with Hillary. No one voted
for her in primary, no one is impressed by her, she has never accomplished anything. She has
few friends, if any. My presumption would be she did for Hillary exactly what she did for
Willie Brown.
Try to remember Hills as SoS. All she had was swagger. When out of her depth, which was
always, she passed the ball to Sid and Max Blumenthal, to Chris Steele, to Huma Abedin. Lots
of reliance on Huma. Also relied on Jake Sullivan. Who was just a kid then and is still all
of 44 years old. Who has never done anything but swamp life.
We don't hear much from Hills. She is sick and she is drunk. When Harris gets handed the
big job and there is a crisis she is going to run to momma Hills. And be managed by Jake
Sullivan. Who is an idiot. We can only hope he is less truly fond of war than Hillary, the
pressure from the two women is going to be there.
A little more about Harris. She grew up in Berkeley. Her father spent her early childhood
years teaching at Urbana and at Northwestern. And then divorced mom when the girl was seven
years old. That little girl still has a lot of anger. And has pieces missing that never came
from dad.
Biden doesn't exist. Just a meat sack controlled by the ruling class. And he's getting
worse. Harris will be in by the end of the year not that it will matter. The rest of the
world just have to hunker down and ride it out the best they can as the US disintegrates.
Hopefully other nations will band together and resist. They all know the consequences if they
try to take us on one at a time.
While Joe Biden has faced some mild Congressional pushback for bombing the Iraq-Syria border, Tulsi Gabbard says her former
colleagues are ignoring the larger issue:
the ongoing US dirty war on Syria
After a decade of proxy warfare that empowered Al Qaeda and ISIS,
the US is now
occupying one-third of Syria and imposing crippling sanctions
that are crushing Syria's economy and preventing
Featuring video clips from -- Tulsi Gabbard,
former Democratic Congressmember; President Joe Biden; Brett McGurk, National Security Council coordinator for the Middle
East and North Africa; Martin Dempsey, former Joint Chiefs chairman; Rob Malley, Special Envoy for Iran; John Kerry,
Special Envoy for Climate & former Secretary of State; former President Donald Trump; Alena Douhan, UN Special Rapporteur
on Sanctions; Dana Stroul, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East; Vice President Kamala Harris.
While Gabbard has been vilified for her stance on Syria, many top White House officials – including Joe Biden himself –
have already acknowledged the same facts that she has called out.
Aaron Maté plays clips of Biden and
some of his most senior aides
the horrific realities of the US dirty war on Syria, and argues that Gabbard only stands apart in being wiling to criticize
* * *
1 hour ago
Dems had a
perfectly fine candidate in Gabbard, no surprise she was shunned and ignored by her own party
1 hour ago
Democrats wanted fake males like Beto and but-plug Pete, instead of a Female USNG Officer.
22 minutes ago
Tulsi understood exactly what goes on over there - the utter cruelties and uncaring slaughters that are
responsible for the contempt with which the USA is held by the civilised people of the world. The wars
are - as I wrote in one of my personal journal/blog posts some years ago - a war against women. (Link
below) The women in mind were - and are still today - unarmed non-combatants, who are murdered
deliberately in order to punish their menfolk and to traumatise their children. It is as disgusting as
the German camps of the 1940s, and will be remembered in the same way by the survivors in their homes
eighty years from now. They will never forget.
Just to point out - Tulsi Gabbard made it all the way through the Democrat Primaries, and won more
votes and delegates than Kamala Harris (who dropped out before even the first primary), yet Harris
somehow became the presumptive co-President with Dementia Joe.
Yes, Virginia, it was a color revolution
1 hour ago
She'll probably be called a Russian Agent for criticizing the supreme ruler. Oh wait, that already
1 hour ago
Biden is a warmonger who has no problem sending your sons and daughters off as target on a phantom war
42 minutes ago
Bless Tulsi. She is one of the only politicians speaking of these grave Crimes Against Humanity, the US
is engaged in Syria.
final note. The Syrian envoy from Russia. Publicly warned Israel. If they continue attacking Syria.
Russia will have no choice but to start shooting down Israel's Jets. Since this warning almost a week
ago. Israel has not attacked Syria.
1 hour ago
only Syria.
every day
now attacks
foreigners with about 50 bombs and missiles, possibly much more, mostly in secrecy, and in half dozen or
more countries.
US admitted to 27,923 bombs in 2018, and 17,281 bombs in 2019. In 2020, the totals were made secret.
Not ever included were attacks by helicopters, gunships, or strafing.
"the U.S. military and its allies are engaged in
bombing and killing people in other countries on a daily basis. The U.S. and its allies have dropped more
than 326,000 bombs and missiles on people in other countries since 2001."
Tulsi, sometimes I think there's a chance for you, then you go and blow it by retreating back to your
Democratic brethren and vote the party line. You can't have it both ways.
59 minutes ago
It's critical that the fairly elected Assad regime be deposed ASAP and ISIS linked militants become the
governance force. Why? Because China Joe did not win the US Presidential Election and, thus, any fairly
elected leader is a threat to the US Deep State establishment.
Master Jack
1 hour ago
better question is:
anyone explain why the US is involved in so many military conflicts that the government refuses to call
King of Kalifornia
1 hour ago
Here's a hint.
The US killed 2million plus people, spent over a trillion dollars, and lost thousands of their own
attacking Iraq.
Former White House physician Ronny Jackson told reporters Tuesday he was "convinced" that Democratic presidential nominee Joe
Biden, 77, does not have the cognitive ability
be commander-in-chief
"I'm pretty familiar with what it takes both physically and cognitively to do that job and what the demands of that job are,"
Jackson, 53, who is currently
for Congress
as a Republican, said on a call organized by the Trump campaign.
"As a citizen, not as a candidate running for Congress, but as a citizen of this country, I've watched Joe Biden on the
campaign trail and I am concerned and convinced that he does not have the mental capacity, the cognitive ability, to serve as
our commander-in-chief and our head of state," he went on.
Jackson served in the White House medical unit under President George W. Bush and was appointed physician to the president
under President Barack Obama and President Trump before he was nominated to serve as secretary of veterans affairs in March
The Navy rear admiral, who famously declared that Trump could live to 200 years old, was forced to
his nomination
after allegations of misconduct including drinking on the job and overprescribing drugs -- charges he
vehemently denied.
Jackson insisted he wasn't providing a medical assessment on the call and told reporters he never took care of Biden while he
was Obama's vice president or evaluated him as a patient.
Former Biden stenographer says former vice president is shell of his former self
Play Video
"I'm not trying to remotely diagnose him with anything," he said. "I've not accused him of having Alzheimer's or anything of
that nature."
Biden's campaign has swatted away allegations that Biden lacks
mental acuity to be president
, while the septuagenarian candidate, who suffers from frequent verbal fumbles, has described
himself as "a gaffe machine."
Joe Biden makes series of gaffes in long day of cable news appearances
Play Video
"I refer you to the first debate," Biden spokesman Andrew Bates told The Post on Tuesday, referring to the
Ohio showdown
in which Trump frequently spoke over Biden.
But Jackson claimed Biden's history of gaffes was different from the behavior he now displays on the campaign trail --
including repeatedly claiming to be
candidate for the Senate
"They're not the typical gaffes. He routinely gets in the middle of a thought and then loses his train of thought and then he
can't recalibrate where he's at. He's actually having a lot of trouble recently articulating words," he said.
Jackson said he was also concerned by the way Biden became
frustrated or angry
when he got lost mid-sentence.
"As a physician, I can tell you that's a mechanism that folks that are having cognitive difficulties use to move on and to get
out of a situation," he claimed.
The physician said he wasn't criticizing Biden because of his advanced age and that while some people approaching 100 could
still be as sharp as a tack, Biden was not.
Biden hits back at reporter asking if he took a cognitive test: 'Are you a junkie?'
Play Video
"This is a demanding job from a cognitive standpoint, you have to be locked on, you have to be articulate, you have to process
lots and lots of information and multitask," Jackson said.
"And right now he's having a really extreme time just focusing on the one task at hand that he has when he stands up in front
of voters and tries to explain something," he added.
Also on the call was former Trump deputy national security adviser K.T. McFarland, who told reporters: "I've known Joe Biden
for a long time and he's a nice man but he's not a strong man."
McFarland sounded the alarm over what she said would be national security risks from a Biden administration, speculating the
former veep would not be able to hold his own when negotiating with America's adversaries abroad.
"I don't see that Vice President Biden either appreciates how the world has changed over the past 10 years with China and its
ambitions and its capabilities, or his willingness to stand up to them since he's so dismissive of China as a threat," she
@MLK tle difference between GHW Bush's and WJ Clinton's substantive policies that it
absolutely did not matter who won, having written a 4,500 word think piece analyzing
the reasons for those non-existent differences which was published in a Little Rock news
weekly just before election day.
One key issue, when evaluating Trump, is the disconnect between his rhetoric and
appointments. It is not possible to drain the swamp by appointing swamp creatures to
oversee the work.
There are only three explanations for this: 1) Trump, as Paul Craig Roberts notes, was
unseasoned and in over his head; or 2) is simply a fool; or 3) knew exactly what he
was doing.
@Spanky r bean even though they were all pulling for him anyway, they were never able to
break Trump and they have never and will never forgive him for it.
Whether one characterizes Trump as staggeringly courageous and tenacious, or foolhardy
beyond belief. really tells us more about the opinion-holder than it does Trump.
The older I get the more I attribute actions even at the commanding heights to base
emotions and irrationality. The younger I was the more I was willing to believe these
characters knew what they were doing and, even if misguided, believed they were acting in the
national interest.
Among Trumps many achievements is putting that one to bed. They're not fooling anyone
@MLK 1) their spurious and failed claim that Trump fanned insurrectionist flames
when compared to their actual support for violent racially-motivated riots, and 2) several of
Biden's executive orders directly harm their numerically larger and far less radical base.
No wonder H.R. 1 and S. 1 are at the top of their agenda.
the overwhelming majority of Americans [are] still stubbornly attached to the Rule of
Law, free and fair elections, and that consent of the governed thingie. -- MLK
One of the keys to unlocking the political chains forged by the privately-owned
political parties is that consent of the governed thingie .
Many Republicans are afraid of the following that Trump enjoys and do not want to lose
those votes. That's why Trump was not convicted. Otherwise, loyal Republicans constitute a
minority of about 25% of the country because most people realize that Republicans are worse
than the pathetic Democrats, especially when it comes to populist programs.
Trump is a despicable excuse for a human being. A con artist that could not make a go of a
gambling casino and has dodged fraud convictions while paying civil fines for a fake
University and being forced to shut down his New York Charity because he used it for his
personal enrichment and aggrandizement. His campaigning as a populist is a fraud. He has
sought to cut every government benefit that remained after Bill Clinton took an axe to them,
with the full support and delight of the Republican Party.
Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 and 2020. The bizarre Electoral College delivered
the two worst Presidents in American history. But even those victories would have been
impossible without gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics of the Republican Party which
have never been properly punished because the perpetrators control the State Governments
which practice these election crimes.
We have already seen more deaths from Covid-19 than from Vietnam or WWII. Democrats made
the decision to put lives before profits with mixed results. But, the recommendations of
pandemic experts work best when enforced with dictatorial certainty or nearly full compliance
from a population that trusts its government to be looking out for its best interests. That
explains why almost every country in the world has been better able to manage Covid risks
than the United States. Socialist Sweden regrets the outcomes from following policies similar
to what Trump and the Republican Party recommends, which is the economy is more important
than poor peoples lives. To a Republican immigrants working in agricultural harvesting or
meat packing are both essential and disposable.
We probably haven't seen the last of Trump criminal cases of attempted vote tampering in
Georgia or tax evasion and fraud in New York. Trump has never had a health care plan to
replace the Obama plan which secured the insurance industry's profit position. Trump and the
Republicans prefer a system in which every citizen loses their health care whenever they lose
their job and never has any health care for pre-existing conditions. The notion that Trump is
a populist comes straight out of the Geoobell's handbook, as does most of Whitney's
commentary here.
I hear ya, laughable at Trump's Winning .lost the election, lost Georgia, lost Michigan,
lost Arizona, lost the Georgia Senate seats, veto of military budget bill overturned,
rebuffed by Pence, more illegal and legal immigration than ever, impeached twice. Pardoned
the likes of Kwame Kilpatrick on the way out of office. Trump's a big loser. He can now
retire and play golf with his best party friend's the clintons.
Retired Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly, who served as President Donald Trump's chief of staff
and homeland security chief, was one of hundreds of administration officials invited to help
give Trump a rousing send-off on his last day in office as the departing president skipped the
inauguration of Joe Biden and instead ordered up a military salute to himself at Joint Base
Kelly declined to attend; his 18 months at the White House left a bitter taste in his
"From a distance, it's impossible to understand who he actually is. But when you work
closely with him, you understand he's a very, very flawed human being," Kelly told CNN the day
after the Jan. 6 siege of the Capitol.
"All I ever heard from some of the real devotees in the White House was, 'You got to let
Trump be Trump.' Let me just say, this is what happens as a result of letting Trump be Trump,"
Kelly said of the deadly attack.
Kelly's experience, hoping to help Trump make better, more informed decisions only to be
blindsided at every turn by Trump's erratic, impulsive nature, is a story repeated by many
other national security officials who worked with him.
"He believes what he believes, and he will go and find people that will give him the opinion
he's looking for," Kelly said. "You don't survive by telling this president the truth, for very
long, anyway."
Defense Secretary Mark Esper discovered early on that he would have limited influence with
The best he could expect to do would be to keep his head down and try to translate Trump's
tweets and bolt-from-the-blue orders into something resembling coherent policy, all while
quietly pushing the Pentagon to adapt to the changing nature of warfare in the age of
hypersonics and artificial intelligence.
"I can only control what I do," an exasperated Esper said in an
exit interview with Military Times after Trump fired him, post-election. "The
president's very transparent in terms of what he wants."
By all accounts, Esper went beyond the call of duty to carry out Trump's often mercurial
wishes while at the same time attempting to maintain the integrity of the department and to
shore up America's strained alliances.
"I'm not trying to make anybody happy. What I'm trying to do is fulfill what he wants and
make the best out of it," Esper said. "I mean, he's the duly elected commander in chief."
When Trump ordered 12,000 troops out of Germany to punish the NATO ally in his feud over
defense spending, Esper came up with a plausible rationale to defend the very expensive
When Trump objected to the banning of Confederate flags on DOD and military installations,
Esper crafted a policy that finessed the problem without mentioning the rebel colors.
The reward for his fealty was to hear Trump mockingly refer to him as "Yesper," casting
Esper unfairly as just another of the president's yes men.
"Who's pushed back more than anybody? Name another Cabinet secretary that's pushed back,"
Esper said in his own defense. "Have you seen me on a stage saying, 'Under the exceptional
leadership of blah-blah-blah, we have blah-blah-blah-blah?'"
But Esper, like many who labored on behalf of Trump's agenda, eventually reached his
breaking point.
Last June, after Esper pushed back against Trump's desire to invoke the Insurrection Act to
deploy active-duty troops to put down protests for racial justice, Trump appeared to hoodwink
Esper and Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley into accompanying him on a staged photo op after
mostly peaceful protesters were cleared by force from the park in front of the White House.
The rank politicization of the military was an embarrassment to both men, they said, and
both later apologized.
From that point on, Esper said he knew his days were numbered.
For Rex Tillerson, Trump's first secretary of state, the break came when Trump, against his
advice, met with Kim Jong Un with no plan other than to try to charm the North Korean dictator
with promises of peace and economic riches after threatening him with "fire and fury."
"We squandered the best opportunity we had on North Korea. It was just blown up when he took
the meeting with Kim," said Tillerson in an
interview with Foreign Policy . "That was one of the last straws between him and
Tillerson said he accepted the job as top diplomat to help the neophyte Trump but found the
real estate developer and former reality TV star's total inexperience and short attention span
to be insurmountable obstacles.
"His understanding of global events, his understanding of global history, his understanding
of U.S. history was really limited," Tillerson said. "I started taking charts and pictures with
me because I found that those seemed to hold his attention better. If I could put a photo or a
picture in front of him or a map or a piece of paper that had two big bullet points on it, he
would focus on that."
"It's really hard to have a conversation with someone who doesn't even understand the
concept for why we're talking about this," he said.
Tillerson's account is one of many from former advisers, who uniformly described how
national security briefings had to be dumbed down to engage the president.
"It's really hard to have a conversation with someone who doesn't even understand the
concept for why we're talking about this," Tillerson said.
"Donald Trump is not really able, in most instances, to carry on discussions about policy,"
offered former national security adviser John Bolton, whose scathing book detailing Trump's
erratic decision-making was dismissed as total fiction by the White House, which tried to block
its publication on the grounds that it revealed classified information.
"When he disagrees with somebody, when he sees somebody as an adversary, it immediately
becomes personal. That's the only thing he understands," Bolton said in an appearance on CNN in
"We couldn't have a discussion on the Iran nuclear weapons program without Trump saying to
anybody who was in the room that John Kerry needed to be prosecuted under the Logan Act for
talking to the Iranians," Bolton said. "I think it shows that the president doesn't fully
understand the nature of civil life in the United States. But I think it also reflects the sort
of low cunning that exemplifies his thinking."
For Navy Secretary Richard Spencer, the breaking point came when Trump inserted himself into
the military justice system on behalf of a Navy SEAL who killed a teenage Islamic State
prisoner but escaped a war crimes conviction when a medic in his unit, who had been granted
immunity by prosecutors, suddenly volunteered that he caused the prisoner's death by blocking
his breathing tube in a "mercy killing" after the stabbing.
Spencer was fired for trying to broker a back-channel deal that would have kept Trump from
overtly interfering in a review board that was deciding if the SEAL should be allowed to retire
with full honors and keep his SEAL Trident insignia.
But flouting military protocol, Trump intervened and granted him full clemency, calling him
"one of the ultimate fighters," infuriating Spencer.
In his letter acknowledging his termination by Esper, Spencer wrote that Trump's action was
in opposition to the Constitution and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
told CBS he didn't think Trump "really understands the full definition of a war
"A war fighter is a profession of arms, and a profession of arms has standards that they
have to be held to and they hold themselves to," he said.
The SEAL in question was described by one
fellow SEAL as "toxic," a term used for a special kind of bad military leader who should
not be in command of any troops.
2012 Army manual describes toxic leadership as "a combination of self-centered attitudes,
motivations, and behaviors ... The toxic leader operates with an inflated sense of self-worth
and from acute self-interest. Toxic leaders consistently use dysfunctional behaviors to
deceive, intimidate, coerce, or unfairly punish others to get what they want for
Trump's critics within the officer corps, who by law cannot publicly criticize their
commander in chief, argue that under that definition, Trump himself would be removed from
command were he serving in uniform instead of as president.
In the end, it was the deadly siege of the Capitol by Trump supporters, egged on by the
president's false claim of a stolen election, that proved too much for even some of the
president's most loyal servants.
"I respect the president. I worked for him. I've defended his policies, and there is much to
be proud of," said Alyssa Farah, who was a Pentagon spokeswoman before moving over to work in
the White House.
Farah told Fox News that the ransacking of Congress and the threat to lawmakers was "a
tragic day for our country" and, for her, "a breaking point."
"I have spent time in fragile democracies in other parts of the world, and our country
looked like those countries. That is not who we are. It is not what we stand for."
Those who have worked the closest with Trump and know him the best all describe him as a
driven man who is obsessed with winning.
"To Trump, life was a game, and all that mattered was winning," wrote his former longtime
fixer Michael Cohen in the forward to Disloyal , a book Trump's Justice Department
attempted to prevent from being published before the election.
"In these dangerous days, I see the Republican Party and Trump's followers threatening the
Constitution -- which is in far greater peril than is commonly understood -- and following one
of the worst impulses of humankind: the desire for power at all costs," Cohen wrote.
In testimony before Congress a year ago, Cohen prophetically warned, "Given my experience
working for Mr. Trump, I fear that if he loses the election in 2020 that there will never be a
peaceful transition of power."
Jamie McIntyre is the Washington Examiner's senior writer on defense and national
security. His morning newsletter, "Jamie McIntyre's Daily on Defense," is free and available by
email subscription at
Highly recommend the Przeworski piece at Phenomenal World. Most of it is reflections on/by 3
European leftist leaders from the 1970s-80s (German Prime Chancellor Willy Brandt, Austrian
Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, and Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme) about how the oil shocks and
associated economic changes of the era presented a challenge to social democrats –
including ending the belief/fantasy that reformism could be system-changing – that they
(we) were not then, and I would argue still are not, able to address.
Palme spells out the difficulty:
"We told the people who were already enjoying a prosperous situation that things would be
much better for their children and that we would be able to solve the outstanding problems.
[But the new situation] presents a much more difficult task to fulfill. Because from the
moment there is no longer a constant surplus to be distributed, the question of distribution
is appreciably more difficult to resolve."
Brand echoes these concerns, noting that it is essential to prevent inequality from
increasing as growth resumes. Eighteen months later, during another in person meeting on 25
May 1975, Kreisky makes the fiscal constraint even more explicit: "It is precisely now that
reforms should be made. It is just a question which. If we strongly develop social policies,
we will not be able to finance them."
Also included an amazing graph of declining electoral support for left/SD parties in
Hunter Biden's laptop. The article is by Peter Van Buren, who indeed is not a nutcase.
Anyone here ever / currently a free lance? You'll love these details:
"for example, on September 28, 2018, Hunter ordered $95,000 transferred without
explanation), a "business" run by Jim Biden out of a residential address. Jim regularly
invoiced Hunter for office expenses and employee costs, as well as a monthly retainer cost of
some $68,000, plus other fees in the tens of thousands of dollars."
Sure: My accountant would have been ga-ga for that. Then there's this little tidbit in
which the CPA seems to believe that paying taxes is voluntary:
"The CPA's concern is that the IRS is sensitive to the fact that some try to conceal
income as loans to be written off as expenses later, especially if the amounts are large.
This can trigger an audit. If the loans are "forgiven," then they are income. If not
declared, that is potential fraud. The same note from the CPA indicates Hunter owes $600,000
in personal taxes and another $204,000 for Owasco and urges him to file a return even if he
is not going to pay the taxes."
The most charitable reading of the sleazy saga is that Joe Biden, one of the most powerful
men in the world, is an incredibly gullible idiot. (By
vasilis asvestas / Shutterstock)
Iread the files on Hunter Biden's laptop. They paint a sleazy picture of multi-million
dollar wire transfers, potential money laundering, and possible tax evasion. They raise serious
questions about the judgment and propriety of Jim Biden, the president-elect's brother, and Joe
himself. Call it smoke not fire, but smoke that should not be ignored. The files were supplied
to TAC by a known source previously established to have access.
Joe Biden is lucky a coordinated media effort kept Hunter out of the campaign. The FBI has
had the laptop since 2019, when they subpoenaed
the files in connection with a money laundering investigation. Federal investigators also
served a round of subpoenas on December 8, a month after the election, including one for Hunter
Biden himself. While the legal thrust of the investigation by the federal prosecutor in
Delaware is taxes, the real focus seems to be on Hunter's Chinese connections. This all comes
after the FBI has had over a year to examine some of the same files TAC looked at.
In the final weeks before the election, Hunter's laptop fell into Republican hands. The
story went public in the New York Post , revealing that Hunter Biden introduced his
father, then vice president, to a top executive at Ukrainian energy firm Burisma less than a
year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor
who was investigating the company. The meeting is mentioned in a message of appreciation that
Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma, sent Hunter Biden about a year after
Hunter himself joined the Burisma board at a salary of $ 83,000
a month with no obvious work duties past making such introductions.
Nice work if you can get it, and to get it your dad better be vice president. If all that
alone does not meet the test of impropriety, we need a new test. Hunter Biden's value to
clients was his perceived access to the White House. His father Joe was at least a passive
participant in the scheme, maybe more than that.
The problem was many Americans never heard this story. Twitter led a social media charge to
not allow the information online. After years of salivating over every bit of Trump family
gossip, the mainstream media claimed the Biden story did not matter, or was Russian disinfo .
Surveys suggest the information could have swung the election if voters had known about it. One
survey showed
that enough people in battleground states would have changed their votes to give Trump 311
electoral votes and reelection.
No mind, really. As soon as it became clear Joe Biden was going to win, the media on all
sides lost interest in the laptop. The story became about the story. It devolved into think
pieces about the Orwellian role of social media and some online giggling about the sex tapes on
the laptop. But our short attention spans have consequences. The laptop still has a lot to tell
00:11 / 01:00 Next Video First Panel, TAC's 7th
Annual Foreign Policy Conference What Does 2020 Mean For Foreign Policy Cancel Autoplay is
Hunter's laptop was chock-a-block with video that appears to show Hunter smoking crack while
engaged in a sex act with a woman, as well as numerous other sexually explicit images. There's
evidence there that Hunter spent money on
escorts , some
$21,000 on cam sites, big plays on all sorts of
depravities . There is also Joe's car insurance information, Hunter's SSN, pages of call
logs, and lots of email addresses, bank account numbers, and personal information of prominent
people. None of the material is encrypted, just dumped on a standard MacBook Pro using the
password "Hunter02." The machine was regularly connected to the internet and might as well have
had an electronic sign on it saying "My dad is important, here's what you'll need to blackmail
me and others to get to him."
But there is more. The laptop shows Hunter, through a number of front companies, accepted
money from Chinese and Ukrainian entities and moved that money to the U.S. where it was
parceled out to other entities, including Joe Biden's brother. Some of it then went back to
Chinese hands. There is no way a simple read-through can tell if the money was legal consulting
fees or illegal money laundering and tax fraud. But it all smells bad: multi-million dollar
transfers to LLCs without employees, residences used as multiple business addresses, legal
tricks from Cyprus and the British Virgin Islands, and even a minor CIA connection.
Ask yourself if this demands more investigation. Ask yourself if voters might not have
benefited from knowing more about Joe Biden's side of all this.
The majority of the contents of the laptop are a jumbled record of Hunter's international
business ventures and financial records. Outstanding in the haystack are a large number of wire
transfers. Those with traceable addresses appear to be mostly anonymous shell companies run out
of lawyers' offices, with no employees and fuzzy public paper trails. One off the top involved
$259,845 traveling on April 2, 2018, from the Hudson West III in New York to a numbered account
held by Cathay Bank. Hudson West was created by Hunter Biden's own law firm, Owasco, with
several Chinese nationals, including a Ye Jianming associate, Gong Wendong. Ye Jianming is
chairman of CEFC China Energy, who reportedly
had close ties to both the Chinese government and the People's Liberation Army. He's been
arrested in China on corruption charges and has conveniently disappeared.
Biden in August 2018 also returned $100,000 back to CEFC in China via its own New York
subsidiary LLC, Hudson West V, whose listed address is 12 Foxwood Road, Great Neck, NY 11024.
That address is not a business office but instead a single family home worth over $6 million.
Phone records
suggest two people live there, including Gong Wendong. Money appears to move from physical
China to virtual Hunter back to virtual China in the U.S., starting and ending in accounts tied
to Gong Wendong after touching base with Hunter, a potential indicator of laundering. Chinese
money in China changed into Chinese money in America. Caution is needed; while what looks like
money laundering at first glance may indeed be so, it may be designed to hide the cash from the
Chinese government while staying inside American law, a quasi-legal service Hunter possibly
That 12 Foxwood address shows up again on Biden's laptop as the mailing address for another
Gong Wendong venture, ColdHarbour Capital, which sent and received money to Biden. It is also
listed as the residence of Shan Gao, who appears to control accounts in Beijing tied to Hudson,
CEFC, and 12 Foxwood.
The most significant appearance of 12 Foxwood was as the mailing address for a secured VISA
card in the name of Biden's company, Hudson West III. The card is funded by someone unnamed
through Cathay Bank for $99,000 and guaranteed by someone's checking account held by Cathay
worth $450,000. Shared users of the card are Hunter and Gong Wendong. The card was opened as
CEFC secured a stake in a Russian state-owned energy company. Biden and others subsequently
used the credit card to purchase $101,291.46 worth of extravagant items, including airline
tickets and multiple items at Apple stores, pharmacies, hotels, and restaurants. A Senate
characterized these transactions as "potential financial criminal activity." Putting money on a
secured VISA card in lieu of a direct wire transfer to Biden may be seen by some as an attempt
to hide the source of the money and thus allow Biden not to claim it as income.
James Biden and Sara Biden were also authorized users of the credit card, though their
business connection to Hunter and Gong Wendong is unclear. Jim is Joe's brother, Sara his wife.
Jim over the years has been a nightclub owner, insurance broker, political consultant, and
investor. When he ran into financial
trouble having triple mortgaged his home, he was bailed out via loans from Joe and Hunter and
by a series of Joe's donors. Jim also received a loan of $500,000
from John Hynansky, a Ukrainian-American businessman and longtime donor to Joe Biden's
campaigns. This all was in 2015, at the same time the then-vice president oversaw U.S. policy
toward the country. As a senator, Joe Biden made use of a private jet owned by Hynansky's
The 12 Foxwood address also appears on millions of dollars worth of bank transfers among
Cathay Bank, CEFC, and multiple semi-anonymous LLCs and hedge funds. One single transfer to
Hudson West III on August 8, 2017, represented the movement of $5 million from Northern Capital
International, which appears to be a
Chinese government-owned import-export front company.
Switch over to the CDB Bank folder and you see a wire transfer from Burisma for 36,000
euros, run through a bank in Cyprus, to Biden's own account on that island. Burisma is the one
company from the laptop that made the news. Hunter's role, what he actually did besides
introduce his father to other people, is still unclear.
Burisma must be an interesting place. Hunter's laptop partially exposes a complex web of
sub-companies in Cyprus and the British Virgin Islands such that figuring out who owns who is
near impossible. Hunter, speaking to his business partner, speculates about buying a Lithuanian
bank to receive the Ukrainian money, and he also notes that Joseph Cofer Black , former director
of the CIA's Counterterrorism Center, sits on Burisma's board. Black previously served as vice
chairman at mercenary provider Blackwater Worldwide (now Academi).
All just business, right? Not everyone saw it that way. An email from Wells Fargo's
corporate compliance team (Wells Fargo handled many of the international wire transfers) asks
on September 20, 2018, what the actual business of Hudson West is, who its owners are, and
where it is located. Also asked is what the purpose of all the incoming wires is. It notes some
business accounts appear to be for personal expenses. It also questions numerous outgoing wires
to the Lion Hall Group (for example, on September 28, 2018, Hunter ordered $95,000 transferred
without explanation), a "business" run by Jim Biden out of a residential address. Jim regularly
invoiced Hunter for office expenses and employee costs, as well as a monthly retainer cost of
some $68,000, plus other fees in the tens of thousands of dollars.
There is no record of these questions being answered. It is possible to see the disbursal of
funds via credit card to Jim Biden as a way to diffuse the amounts away from Hunter, and via
Jim's invoices, a way to convert income from China into deductible business expenses for Hunter
in America, reducing his tax burden. The involvement of Lion Hall and Jim Biden also spreads
the money around, lowering its profile. If the invoices were shown to be fraudulent (i.e., Jim
did not actually consult for Hunter), the potential for tax fraud exists.
Besides Wells Fargo, others also had questions. Hunter's own CPA, preparing to file 2018
federal taxes, wrote to Hunter asking, "As far as Owasco [Hunter's law firm] is concerned there
were some receipts we classified as loans. Owasco received approximately $550,000 from Burisma
and paid about one half this amount to, I believe, someone named 'Devon.' I am not sure of the
payee The one half payment to 'Devon' was not recorded as income."
Devon is likely Devon Archer , co-founder and managing partner
of Rosemont Capital alongside Hunter. Who else was part of Rosemont? Christopher
Heinz , John Kerry's son. And, small world, Devon Archer sat on the board of Burisma
Hunter Biden. The CPA's concern is that the IRS is sensitive to the fact that some try to
conceal income as loans to be written off as expenses later, especially if the amounts are
large. This can trigger an audit. If the loans are "forgiven," then they are income. If not
declared, that is potential fraud.
The same note from the CPA indicates Hunter owes $600,000 in personal taxes and another
$204,000 for Owasco and urges him to file a return even if he is not going to pay the taxes.
Besides taxes, things did not always go well for Hunter. On March 6, 2019, he sent an email to
a friend saying, "Buddy do you have a cash app to send me $100 until wire goes. I have no money
for gas and I'm literally stuck at a rest stop on 95." He earlier had sought a $35,000 advance
from his regular "draw" out of Owasco. And keep an eye on Hunter's health -- he pays close to
$9,000 a quarter for life insurance.
Joe Biden is one lucky S.O.B. When the powers that be decided Barack Obama needed someone a
little more, you know, establishment, as his VP to calm voters, there was Joe, as white-bread
as the state he represented, vaulted into the White House that had otherwise eluded him. His
only controversial points came from having supported the status quo for so many years that it
had changed underneath him. Are we tough on crime, or do Black Lives Matter? Didn't matter to
Joe, just point him in the right direction so he knows what to agree with. And so in 2020, when
the Democrats realized exactly what kind of man they needed to wipe away the sins of two
dishonest and chaotic primaries, well, there was Joe again.
Joe was fortunate that the mainstream media memory-holed Hunter's story and conservative
media lost focus looking for a tweetable smoking gun when the truth was a bit too complicated
to parse out in a sentence or two. But there is still a story here.
The short version is there's a lot to suggest money laundering and tax fraud on Hunter's
part. The purpose of the money in and out was always unclear, with invoices for vague expenses
and lots and lots of "consulting." One could invent a legal explanation for everything. One
could imagine many illegal explanations. There is no way anyone could know the difference
without seeing Hunter's taxes, asking him questions, and doing some serious forensic
accounting. It is unlikely any of that will happen now that the election is over. Even to
Guiliani et al., it really doesn't matter any more. They took one shot, missed, and walked
That will leave undigested the bigger tale of president-elect Biden, who ran in part on an
anti-corruption platform following the Trump family escapades. While Joe Biden no doubt regrets
what appears to have been a one-off meeting with the Burisma official, he did indeed take the
meeting as VP. It's always easier to apologize when caught than seek permission in advance in
Joe's world.
A 2017 email chain involving Hunter brokering an ultimately failed deal for a new venture
with old friend CEFC, the Chinese energy company, described a 10 percent set-aside for the "big
guy," whom former Hunter Biden partner Tony Bobulinski publicly identified as Joe Biden
. Joe also took Hunter to China with him on Air Force Two and met with Chinese leaders while
Hunter tried to make deals on his own. Joe also had Hunter and partner Devon Archer to the
White House only two days before they joined Burisma. It was Joe's donors and pals who bailed
out brother Jim over the years with sweetheart loans.
A lot of appearance of improprietous malarkey from a senior statesman who knows better. In
places like China and the Ukraine, where corruption is endemic, it is assumed the sons of rich
and powerful men have access to their father and that access is for sale. Hunter Biden traded
on those assumptions for millions of dollars, and Joe stood by understanding what was
happening. Every father wants to help his son, and Hunter, one can imagine, went to his dad
time after time pleading for just one more little favor to get him clear of his sordid past.
Joe, a decent man at heart, likely nodded. So a meeting. A handshake. An office visit, a posed
photo, whatever would help but was still plausibly deniable. Until the next time. Just one
more, Dad. Please?
Joe's larger role in all things Hunter needs to be questioned. Joe, as well as the Obama
State Department, knew about
Hunter's antics. Joe pretended Hunter's financial windfalls had nothing to do with their
relationship and were simply a constant series of coincidental lucky breaks for a ne'er-do-well
son who happened to fail upward while his dad was VP. Joe says he and his son never talked
about business. Maybe Joe assumed Hunter's Porsche was just a lucky find (his car payments are
on the laptop).
While, of course, Hunter is an adult with his own mind, his father was one of the most
powerful men in the world and yet apparently did nothing to stop what was going on among
Hunter, his brother Jim, the Chinese, the Ukrainians, and himself -- at minimum, the gross
appearance of impropriety over a period of years. Biden's defense has always been sweeping :
"My son did nothing wrong." That alone raises questions of judgment on the part of Joe Biden.
Not least because in a few weeks he becomes president of the United States. And if the
president does it, it's not illegal, right?
Maybe you can offer information that contradicts the assertions and alleged facts in
this article? Please make the effort to enlighten the rest of us. It'll force you to
seriously read the article and learn its contents in order to refute them. If you can't do
that then you haven't the courage to try and support your own assertions. It's hard to face
the possibility that you're wrong, but if you build a case maybe you'll actually change a
few minds here and there. As things stand right now you seem guilty to me of being "just
deluded enough to (not) believe it (the article) because it's what you want to (not)
That's exactly how I would have felt if Trump's kids had a strong appearance of selling
their father's influence for tens of millions of dollars! And if the Trump kids business
partners turned on them and gave testimony under oath to the FBI about it, and volumes of
documentary evidence supported it!
Nothingburger! I'm sure you and the media would have agreed with how I felt, and
completely ignored Trump corruption before the election. 'Cause that's the fair and
balanced media we all enjoy!
Have you been living under a rock? Why did Ivanka get several Chinese patents AT THE
SAME TIME Daddy was letting a Chinese company off the hook and hosting the Chinese leader
at Mar-A-Lago? Why is Jared Kushner jetting off to ME countries looking for investment
money while an active advisor in the West Wing? Why are Beavis and Butthead (Don Jr and
Eric) looking for foreign properties while Daddy is president?
Trump's children were actively involved in international business concerns long before
Trump ran for office. Hunter Biden is a low-life crack head who never achieved anything
until his daddy was VP. If you can't acknowledge the difference, you are incapable of
@Joe_Hubris Quite right, we all heard that donkey jr met with the Russians at Trump
Tower. There was ample evidence, before he let it out himself. But that wasn't exactly
conducting business, that was trying to steal an election.
Honest, Ivanka seems rather smart. Of course, Midlle Eastern money into Jared's businesses
will dry up, still, they'll save the furniture.
But, as soon as they are given the chance, Beavis and Butthead will do their best to blow
Trump Inc to smithereens and burn all that remains of it to the ground.
Oh, Hunter was in on the grift long before Joe became VP. He was brought into MBNA's
"Executive Training" program and made a member of the Board of AMTRAC while his daddy was
in the Senate.
I'm awake. Whenever there have been allegations of corruption against Trump's family,
I've tried to track the facts down (same as I've done with Biden, and before either of them
other candidates/Presidents).
There is one difference. My perception of major media the past four years is that with
Democrats, they've worked to minimize the damage on any story harmful to the left (Hunters'
laptop and Tara Reades' allegations of rape being prime examples), while any story
involving Trump they've exaggerated, left important facts out of their coverage, or
outright lied. So I believe that if there was any real corruption involving Trump, the MSM
would have covered it endlessly, just like they did with the bogus allegations of Trump
collaborating with the Russians to steal the election, and many other examples.
I'm not hiding from facts involving Trump family corruption. I just haven't seen
anything supporting it yet. I don't know if Jared Kushner was soliciting investment money
in the ME; that has been rumor and innuendo by his political enemies with no factual basis
so far. Ivanka having a fashion line and protecting it globally seems normal to me (China
is a huge market - bigger than the U.S.). Don Jr. and Eric seem like they're doing the same
things they were doing before DJT sought office, which is managing a normal business.
Everything about Hunter and Joe's brothers' business activities seem incredibly
suspicious to me, on the other hand.
Right! For example, I'm sure that Ivanka Trump got all of those lucrative licensing
deals in China SOLELY because of her amazing financial and business acumen!
Well,cwe know "covid"Joe isn't shy about doing business with them,bright? He said he had
more time with Chinese leaders than any modern president. And, using those chinese
connections,he had a virus made, and crazy Nancy Pelosi helped him spread it on her end of
the country. They used the impeachment, then the antics of the democratic socialists kicked
in, with Nancy calling him fat. And, when he tried to restrict flights from china, they
called him xenophobic and racist. Then distracted him more by inviting people to Chinese
new year! Before the virus, Trump was unstoppable. With ultra low unemployment rates, and
factories going strong, not to mention the legislation"Alzheimer's" Joe got going, causing
at least one man twenty years in prison for stealing a shovel! No one really considered
Biden to be a serious rival to trump then once they got the virus going, they used the
lowering of the presidents ratings and the virtual emptying of every other candidates, plus
the virus allowed them to get that mail in voting going, which is easier to tamper with
than electronic voting machines. Did you notice,with all the super sick people,we had the
highest turnout in history? Before you say it can't be true, another nugget to chew:right
before the election, about 90% of the bad things"Dirty" Joe did just know kinda "vanished
from social media!! We all know, if it shows up there, it never goes away, right? Wrong
when the democratic socialists control in honoring Joe's greatest accomplishment,
I give to you....the JOVID's kinda...catchy, eh?but we need to shout out loud,
so he can hear, that everyone knows what he did last year! JOVID! JOVID! Put your hands in
the air like you just don't care and, with half the country hating this Biden clown we
should be as loud as Metallica in a phone booth!! Don't let them get away with it!!!!
Unlike Joe Biden's grifting clan, Trump's offspring had successful enterprises well
before their father entered into politics. And yes, in China and a number of international
countries also. Like their father, and unlike the Biden's, the Trump family didn't strike
it rich from political office. In fact, President Trump donated his entire presidential
salary of $400k/yr to charities all four years. Imagine Joe Biden doing that.
It is a sad state we find ourselves in today. Democrats whine about "white privilege"
against people who had nothing to do with slavery and in fact lost ancestors fighting it.
Meanwhile in a more real and present instance of privilege at the expense of other humans,
current vaccinations against Covid19 were developed using cell lines derived from aborted
human children. To my knowledge not a single vaccine is being offered that does not rest on
this heinous recipe.
Biden talks about systemic racism yet it hasn't stopped people getting placed in high
positions any where in the USA in decades and we're likely to see a female black (if she's
really black) president by the end of 2021 and let's not forget
she's so oppressed that she didn't personally get a single vote.
Now Trump has shafted DR Congo because the money was well appreciated by Dan Gertler as
documented by Dershowitz.– "Letting Dan Gertler off the hook sends a message to the world's
most corrupt businesspeople that the U.S. will let them walk free after a bit of
Notable quotes:
"... Trump's most pervasive foreign policy initiatives have involved Israel, encouraging the Jewish state's attacks on Palestinian, Iranian, Lebanese and Syrian targets with impunity, killing thousands of civilians on his watch. Trump has given Israel everything it could possibly ask for, with no consideration for what the U.S. interests might actually be. The only thing he did not do for the Jewish state was to attack and destroy Iran, and even there, reports suggest that he sought to do just that in the waning days of his administration but was talked out of it by his cabinet. ..."
"... But even given all that, Trump the panderer clearly wanted to give one last gift to Israel, and he saved it for his last day in office, when he issued more than 140 pardons and commutations. Though other presidents have issued controversial pardons, no other head of state has so abused the clemency authority to benefit not only friends and acquaintances but also celebrity defendants including rappers, some advocated by the likes of the Kardashians, and also those promoted by monied interests. Most of the pardons went to cronies and to supplicants who were willing to pay in cash or in kind to be set free. It was suggested that Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner was engaged in the selection process and money was often a key element. Some might describe that as corruption. ..."
"... Elliott Broidy, former finance chair of the Republican National Committee, had no less than five Rabbis vouching for him. Last year Broidy had pleaded guilty to acting as an "unregistered foreign agent," part of a larger investigation into the Malaysian "1MDB Scandal" in which Prime Minister Najib Razak stole more than $700 million dollars from his country's state-run 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). Broidy worked on behalf of Razak and was offered $75 million if he could get the U.S. Justice Department to drop its own investigation into the scandal. ..."
"... Another clemency beneficiary who exploited his Jewish links was Philip Esformes, a former nursing home executive who executed one of the biggest Medicare frauds in U.S. history. Just days after being released after serving four years of his 20-year sentence, Esformes celebrated his daughter's wedding in a lavish party held at his multi-million dollar Florida home. He benefited from a lobbying campaign by the Hasidic Chabad-Lubavitch Aleph Institute, a group advised by the ubiquitous former Trump lawyer Alan Dershowitz. The movement reportedly has connections to Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner. ..."
"... Another person pardoned by Trump was Sholam Weiss, a Hasidic businessman from New York who was sentenced to more than 800 years in prison in 2000 for racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering connected to a huge fraud scheme that stole $125 million from the National Heritage Life Insurance Company, leading to its bankruptcy. He fled the country but was subsequently arrested in Austria and extradited to the United States. Weiss had reportedly received the endorsement of from Dershowitz, who also recently has been involved in the Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell espionage case. ..."
"... Trump gave a full pardon to Aviem Sella, a seventy-five year old former Israeli Air Force officer, who was indicted in the U.S. in 1987 for espionage in relation to the Jonathan Pollard spy case. Sella fled to Israel days before Pollard was arrested outside the Israeli embassy in Washington D.C. and the Israeli government refused to extradite him. Sella, at the time doing a degree course at New York University, was Pollard's initial contact. He had started working part-time for the Mossad intelligence agency in the early 1980s and received some of the classified top-secret documents provided by Pollard in exchange for money and jewelry. ..."
One keeps hearing that former President Donald Trump will be judged well by the history
books because he was the only American head of state in recent memory who did not start any new
wars. Well, the claim is itself questionable as Jimmy Carter, for all his faults, managed to
avoid entering into any new armed conflict, and Trump can hardly be described as a president
who eschewed throwing his weight around, both literally and figuratively. He attacked Syria on
two occasions based on fabricated intelligence, assassinated an Iranian general, withdrew from
several arms and proliferation agreements, and has been waging economic warfare against Iran,
Syria, Venezuela and Iraq. He has sanctioned individuals and organizations in both China and
Russia and has declared Iranian government components and Yemeni Houthi rebels to be
terrorists. He has occupied Syria's oil producing region to "protect it from terrorists" and
has generally exerted "maximum pressure" against his "enemies" in the Middle East.
So no, Donald Trump is no antiwar activist. But Trump's most pervasive foreign policy
initiatives have involved Israel, encouraging the Jewish state's attacks on Palestinian,
Iranian, Lebanese and Syrian targets with impunity, killing thousands of civilians on his
watch. Trump has given Israel everything it could possibly ask for, with no consideration for
what the U.S. interests might actually be. The only thing he did not do for the Jewish state
was to attack and destroy Iran, and even there, reports suggest that he sought to do just that
in the waning days of his administration but was talked out of it by his cabinet.
Trump's pander to Israel started out with withdrawing from the nuclear monitoring agreement
with Iran, followed by his shutting down the Palestinian offices in the United States, halting
U.S. contributions for Palestinian humanitarian relief, moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem,
recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Syrian Golan Heights, giving a green light for Israel
to do whatever it wishes on the formerly Palestinian West Bank, and, finally permitting paroled
former Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard to go "home" to Israel where he received a hero's welcome.
Trump, to be sure, was aided in his disloyalty to his own country by former bankruptcy lawyer
Ambassador David Friedman in place in Israel, an ardent Zionist and a cheerleader for whatever
atrocities Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided to commit. Couple that with a Congress
that gives billions of dollars to Israel annually while bleating that the Jewish state has a
"right to defend itself" and a media that self-censors all the human rights violations and war
crimes that Netanyahu unleashes, and you have a perfect love fest for Israel expressed daily
throughout the United States.
But even given all that, Trump the panderer clearly wanted to give one last gift to Israel,
and he saved it for his last day in office, when he issued more than 140 pardons and
commutations. Though other presidents have issued controversial pardons, no other head of state
has so abused the clemency authority to benefit not only friends and acquaintances but also
celebrity defendants including rappers, some advocated by the likes of the Kardashians, and
also those promoted by monied interests. Most of the pardons went to cronies and to supplicants
who were willing to pay in cash or in kind to be set free. It was suggested that Trump
son-in-law Jared Kushner was engaged in the selection process and money was often a key
element. Some might describe that as corruption.
Those of us in the actual antiwar plus anti-surveillance-state movement had been hoping that
Trump would actually do something good at no cost to himself, pardoning whistleblowers Edward
Snowden, John Kiriakou, Reality Winner, and Chelsea Manning as well as journalist Julian
Assange. Kiriakou
has reported that when he petitioned for a pardon through one of Trump lawyer Rudi
Giuliani's aides, he was told that such an arrangement would cost $2 million.
Bribes for pardons aside, it would have cost Trump nothing to pardon the whistleblowers and
it would be a vindication of those who had put themselves at risk to attack the machinations of
the Deep State, which Trump had blamed for the coordinated attacks against himself. This was
his relatively cost-free chance to get revenge. Admittedly,
there is speculation that Senator Mitch McConnell may have warned Trump against pardoning
Julian Assange in particular, threatening to come up with enough GOP votes to convict him in
his upcoming impeachment trial if he were to do so. Be that as it may, not a single
whistleblower was pardoned though there was room on the ship for plenty of heinous white collar
criminals. Former Dr. Salomon Melgen, for example, had his sentence commuted. Melgen, a close
friend of the seriously corrupt Senator from New Jersey Robert Menendez got into
trouble in 2009 when the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) discovered that
he had overbilled Medicare for $8.9 million for a drug called Lucentis. Two years later
Melgen's business was hit with a $11 million lien from
the IRS and four years after that he was charged and convicted over more than 76 counts of
health care fraud and making false statements.
Some of those pardoned had Jewish organizations going to bat for them. Elliott Broidy,
former finance chair of the Republican National Committee, had
no less than five Rabbis vouching for him. Last year Broidy had pleaded guilty to acting as
an "unregistered foreign agent," part of a larger investigation into the Malaysian "1MDB
Scandal" in which Prime Minister Najib Razak stole more than $700 million dollars from his
country's state-run 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). Broidy worked on behalf of Razak and
was offered $75 million if he could get the U.S. Justice Department to drop its own
investigation into the scandal.
Another clemency
beneficiary who exploited his Jewish links was Philip Esformes, a former nursing home
executive who executed one of the biggest Medicare frauds in U.S. history. Just days after
being released after serving four years of his 20-year sentence, Esformes celebrated his
daughter's wedding in a lavish party held at his multi-million dollar Florida home. He
benefited from a lobbying campaign by the Hasidic Chabad-Lubavitch Aleph Institute, a group
advised by the ubiquitous former Trump lawyer Alan Dershowitz. The movement reportedly has
connections to Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner.
Another person pardoned by Trump was Sholam Weiss, a Hasidic businessman from New York who
sentenced to more than 800 years in prison in 2000 for racketeering, wire fraud and money
laundering connected to a huge fraud scheme that stole $125 million from the National Heritage
Life Insurance Company, leading to its bankruptcy. He fled the country but was subsequently
arrested in Austria and extradited to the United States. Weiss had reportedly received the
endorsement of from Dershowitz, who also recently has been involved in the Jeffrey
Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell espionage case.
And, of course, there was also the Israel factor. For no plausible reason whatsoever and
contrary to actual American interests, Trump
gave a full pardon to Aviem Sella, a seventy-five year old former Israeli Air Force
officer, who was indicted in the U.S. in 1987 for espionage in relation to the Jonathan Pollard
spy case. Sella fled to Israel days before Pollard was arrested outside the Israeli embassy in
Washington D.C. and the Israeli government refused to extradite him. Sella, at the time doing a
degree course at New York University, was Pollard's initial contact. He had started working
part-time for the Mossad intelligence agency in the early 1980s and received some of the
classified top-secret documents provided by Pollard in exchange for money and jewelry.
Sella had passed on the Pollard contact to Mossad's agent handler Rafi Eitan, who continued
to "run" Pollard until he was arrested. Sella's indictment was essentially meaningless theater,
as is generally true of nearly all Israeli spy cases in the U.S., as Tel Aviv refused to
extradite him to the United States and the Justice Department made no attempt to arrest him
when he was traveling outside Israel. Trump's pardon for Sella as a favor to Netanyahu sends
yet another signal that Israel can spy against the U.S. with impunity. The request to Trump for
clemency came from the Israeli government itself and was reportedly endorsed by Netanyahu,
Israeli Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer, the United States Ambassador to Israel
David Friedman, and Miriam Adelson. According to the White House statement on the pardon, "The
state of Israel has issued what a full and unequivocal apology, and has requested the pardon in
order to close this unfortunate chapter in U.S.-Israel relations."
Was it a gift or merely a pander? Note particularly the inclusion of David Friedman, who as
U.S. Ambassador to Israel is supposed to defend the interests of the United States but never
does so. Once upon a time it was considered a potential conflict of interest to send a Jewish
Ambassador to Israel. Now it seems to be a requirement and the Ambassador is apparently
supposed to be an advocate for Israel as part of his or her mission. Friedman will no doubt be
replaced by a Democratic version to deliver more of the same. And then there is Miriam Adelson.
Good old Sheldon is hardly cold on the ground and his wife has taken up the mantle of
manipulating players in Washington on behalf of the Jewish state.
Money talks and so the drama in Washington continues to play out. Trump manages to make
himself look even worse with his last round of pardons and commutations on his ultimate day in
office. No one who deserved clemency got it and a lot of well-connected rogues who were willing
to fork over money in exchange for mercy benefited. Business as usual delivered by the
so-called Leader of the Free World.
Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest,
a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a
more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is
address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is[email protected]
While I whole heartily agree with Dr Giraldi, I strongly believe that Trump was a hostage
of wealthy Jews and Zionists. It is most likely that he has committed misdemeanour while he
was involved (friendship) with Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine who operated an elitist paedophilia
criminal enterprise. The criminal enterprise was to advance the interests of Israel and Jews.
It was used as a honey trap. Remember, Trump was under constant threat by wealthy Jews and by
right-wing Zionists like Senators Mitch McConnell, Robert Menendez, etc. Trump was not a
smart president. He committed heinous crimes on behalf of Israel and wealthy Jews.
All Shabbos goys. Our nation is truly Zionist occupied territory. It has been for a long
time, but under trump it became overt, and will continue to be under Biden.
Our whole reality, in a sense, has become a Talmudic dialectic. The rabbinate's
mouthpiece, our media, disseminates the two sides of that demonic dialectic. The education
system and academia train and mold Shabbos goys and Noahides. We work for them and they see
us as beasts of burden.
Our citizenry likes the slavery they have been placed in. They are content.
So, the Populist is a shill for Israel and Qanon is probably a psy-op run from Tel Aviv. I
wanted to believe there was hope for the USA. I really did. Now we have Biden "I am a
Zionist" with an Israeli cabinet. Was there really election fraud? Will we ever know?
What's next?
I pity those people, probably otherwise good folks, that were conned by this character.
Was a blanket pardon for all Jews and BLACKS just not possible? I'm confident Alan Dershowitz
could have worked through the complex legalities of such a "comprehensive" pardon.
What are a few yid pardons when, unbelievably, Americans routinely mutilate the sex organs
of their male offspring at birth to demonstrate total fealty to the vile Cock Cutter Cult
that rules them ..a practice so bizarre even an equatorial pygmy would laugh at the
practitioners. Of course, the practitioners claim hygienic as well as spiritual benefits look
ma, no dick cheese!
Trump is a crypto Jew. Well at least all his grandkids are ..real Jews. So is Hillary's
grandkid. So corrupted on both side. What's new? Nothing. The only thing remarkable is that
red necks still believe in Trump, hence the white race is doomed.
Agree with most of the article, but calling Jimmy Carter a recent president is more than
just a bit of a stretch.
Carter exited office 40 years ago. The current median age in the US is about 38.4
So in the lifetime of a very large portion of Americans there has not been a president that
hasn't started a new war.
Frankly, I don't see why presidents should have the power to pardon. It has been abused so
much that perhaps it's time to strip presidents of that power, or at least there should be an
appeals process or some sort of oversight when that abuse becomes so egregious. Aside from
all the financial criminals, he pardoned actual war criminals, men who murdered innocent
civilians in Iraq. Pardons weren't meant for this.
Of course, leave it to Trump to take it to new levels of corruption as well as abuse. If
John Kyriakou's allegation of Trump's directly selling pardons is true, that should be a
Carter kickstarted funding the Taliban 6 months before the Russians intervened.
I'm nor surprised by Trump's graft, but the whole system of making laws in Congress
includes bribery so nothing new here to see.
Aside from being a bad manager, he is no strategist it seems. Not pardoning Assange means
the GOP are going to vote not to impeach you? How gullible is he? He is getting impeached
whatever he does, he could jump on a literal sword and they'd still impeach him because they
are so offended by the prols.
The sight of Dersh rubbing his hands in the pic is nearly enough to induce this commenter
to say good riddance despite the obviously stolen election and the incoming disaster. I got
the Apolitical Blues.
It would not have mattered whether Donald Trump had pardoned any whistleblowers.
As we can see, the Harris administration is dismantling as much of his legacy as they can,
as fast as they can.
The parts that offend, that is.
It only matters if the CIA pardon Snowden or Assange, else they will forever be looking
over their shoulders, wondering when something will be slipped into their tea, or over their
@Z-man ing
Therefore: stop bad-speak. Stop unauthorized thinking. For the love of God: eradicate
Has Israeli dominance of Zio-Washington and US 'news' ever been greater? Nah. And it may
even be growing. OK, Trump blew the whistle on 'fake news'. But that teaser was pretty much
far as it went.
For all his boldness, Trump realized that–when it came to Israel and the deep
state– he met is match. Time to retreat.
Meanwhile, Israel and Zionist America have basically merged. In the dark of night, no
This article is a full on demolition of the idea that Trumpstein is any sort of patriot. I
can not imagine any patriotic figure in all of human history doing a tenth of what this
shabas goy has done for another country – and one so universally despised as Israel
– and not only getting away with it, but still being praised in certain circles for
standing up for his "motherland". Bonkers.
Go back to the preposterously optimistic article and comments under "A Pardoning Time of
Year," December 29, 2020.
Will his supporters who thought that Mr. Trump would do right, even if only on his way out
the door, now admit that they were duped?
A few, maybe. But there will still be plenty like them for the next Most Important
Election Ever, their dissent channeled into naive, participatory assent to more
Red+Blue governance from Washington.
Amerimutts are either kikes or kike slaves. There is no other places on earth (except
semitic hell, of course), where "huwhites" cut children's foreskin against their will, as
good "Christians".
Disgusting nation of heretics, quadroons, subhumans, kike lovers and yids.
No surprise here, coming from "the best president Israel ever had". Expect more of the
same from the new administration of Israeli stooges. I was hopeful the orange bastard would
pardon Snowden and Assange, oh well.
Pedo Joe is wasting no time showing Jews & Israel he can pander and grovel to Israel
and Jew Inc better than Zion Don.
Look at 10 of his high-level Cabinet appointments..ALL Jews. If they had been all Muslims
or all Chinese, it would've hit the fan and by now, most would have dropped out from that
But since their Jews, well look the other way you Silly Goyim.
I thought Diversity was our strength?
All 10 of Biden's High Profile Appointees Are Jews
Anthony Blinken, Secretary of State
David Cohen, CIA Deputy Director
Merrick Garland, Attorney General
Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence
Ronald Klain, Chief of Staff
Eric Lander, Office of Science and Technology Policy director
Rachel Levine, deputy health secretary
Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security
Anne Neuberger, National Security Agency cybersecurity director
Idiocracy, the director's cut. Trump grabs himself by the pussy in a surprise ending!
Remember, the Phoenix cannot rise from the fire, it has to rise from the ashes. Only then
can the real MAGA begin. See if its true that Bismarck (allegedly) stated that " there is a
special providence for drunkards, fools and the United States of America".
It's pretty fascinating for anyone who knows what's happening to see Jews utterly destroy
and evacuate yet another great civilization by using the same corrupting forces and patterns
used in their clearly deliberate rotting out of Rome, the destruction of the Holy Roman
Empire, then Russia, and now the USA. It's like Jews are a kind of human parasitoid that will
always kill its host as part of its lifecycle after it has drained all energy and resources
from within.
Remember that movie Alien, there the larva like offspring attaches to inject its seed into
humans and then clearly affects the human's nervous system to make them kind of forget that
ever happened as they carry the parasitoid in them that develops and feeds on their body
until the day it bursts from their chest in the form of the beast we know as the alien.
As stated about our in the movie, something along the lines of "pure survival instinct
burned by the limitations of delusions of morality"; pretty much describes how Jews operate
and act, and how they keep infecting and then destroying the very societies and civilizations
they feed on until they burst from their victims' chest.
I wish China all the luck it needs to see this threat from this parasitoid and freed
themselves of it before it infiltrates and infests and feeds on their society out too. By all
indications it is already too late for them too and they just don't realize it yet. The
recent video of the Chinese academic bragging about the control of American officials would
indicate as much, judging by the section of the video that was totally ignored, about the
Jewish woman executive of an American bank who is thick as thieves with the Chinese communist
party who manipulated things for the Chinese in America.
Jimmy Carter, for all his faults, managed to avoid entering into any new armed
What about Iran. Carter must take responsibility for the mishandling of Iran by letting
the Shah into the US, and failing to withdraw the embassy when it became obvious Iranian
internal politics meant US diplomats were becoming targets.
He attacked Syria on two occasions based on fabricated intelligence.
Russian forces fought a whole war in Syria on a correct appreciation of what could be
gained for Russia.
Trump, to be sure, was aided in his disloyalty to his own country by
America has to come to the aid of its allies, right or wrong, otherwise it will have no
[J]ournalist Julian Assange
Assange didn't describe himself as simply such until after his legal troubles started.
As for Snowden he wasn't drafted but rather was sought the job. He knew it was was not in
a boy scout group, and the secrets he was swearing an oath to keep were not going to be about
thoroughly wholesome activities such as training guide dogs for the blind. No more than
someone who becomes a made member of the mafia could Snowden be shocked at what the
organization he was associated with was doing.
Business as usual delivered by the so-called Leader of the Free World.
He never claimed to be a global Santa for those who brought nothing to the table.
Trump is pathetic. Anyone still making excuses for him is a battered wife and a sycophant.
I hope they continue to humiliate him now that he's out of office, because it's exactly what
he deserves.
Trump, just like his Republican counterparts, are more despicable than shitlibs and the
radical left, because they lie and stab you in the back every single time. At least the
shitlibs and radical leftists don't pretend they don't absolutely hate us.
If bribe money was paid, how was it spread around, and what besides money can be extracted
in return? A "no" vote on inpeachment? Pardons to Mossad/Israeli connected cases in return
for their pressure on certain politicians on whom they have compromising photos, etc?
A pardon for Assange and Kiriakou takes the pressure off Biden to do so, and these are
Obama political persecutions. And Winner was arrested in what, June 2017, by the FBI for
leaking classified info feeding the feeble Russian election interference narrative? She
posted numerous anti-Trump diatribes.
Sure, they and Snowden deserve pardons, but now the Dems will face dissension, criticism,
and sniping within their own ranks on these matters.
Trump might as well be more corrupted than Joe Biden at this point.
I'm convinced the American deep state removes him because he's actually an Israeli agent
which would make the Zionist scene in USA look bad, like holy hell, is there any zionist jew
he doesn't suck off? That's disgusting.
The hierarchy that controls our government and moral/social values, in order, goes as
Trump, loved with under-educated and redneck whites, was an all-out Shabbos goy, not to
mention he was greedy, egotistical/egoistical and a self-serving liar.
In many ways Trump has been like a Terminator sent by the Jewish Establishment to
completely derail, discredit and destroy the Patriot movement in America. Now any American
Patriot who is against the U.S. Establishment and says CNN is fake news is automatically
associated with Trump and deemed an enemy of America. Can you say Mission Accomplished? The
Jewish Snake must be patting itself on the back for its brilliant move to hurt the greatest
threat to it in a long time.
Unfortunately there are many people who still believe that Trump was a great President
sent by God to save America. It makes me sad to see so many people so clueless. I wish that
all those still supporting Trump will wake up and recognize as so many others have that the
man is nothing but a Snake who knows how to speak your language while totally betraying your
cause. How can you support a two faced man like this who has hurt your cause more than anyone
else possibly could?
EDIT TO ADD: Trump left office in disgrace just as was intended but the real disgrace is
not on Trump but on the American Patriot movement. Now the American Patriot movement is in a
far worse position than it was in 2016 before it accepted Trump as its leader. We were
greatly deceived but in 2020 there is no excuse for anyone to still be deceived about Trump.
He completely betrayed our cause and it was all by design. His entire purpose for becoming
POTUS was, outside of giving Jerusalem and the Golan Heights to Israel (his true loyalty), to
turn our cause into something that the American public would perceive as ugly and to be
shunned when in reality our cause is very noble. We were played by Trump and his Jewish
backers but that is now in the past. Let us stop talking about this man once and for all. He
is nothing but a distraction away from what it is important to us. I consider anyone still
supporting Trump at this point or in the future to be an enemy.
Providing mucho fertilizer for excellent articles like this which expose the hideous and
disgusting perfidy of the Zionist sewer and its catamites is only worth of the Chrumpster and
his time as Netanyahu's orifice.
@Ron G , just
get me into the WH.
Which will happen, we'll have a power-mad prez that has never won any primaries doing
Israel's blood work.
A line about Harris traveling to Israel and the West Bank in November 2017, where she
met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was removed altogether.
My comment a few days ago on transgenerational hate got a lot of negative feed back. You
are correct though, boomers and church goers worship the yids, despite what Jesus said about
them and later Martin Luther.
"I've never seen a President -- I don't care who he is -- stand up to them. It just
boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the
time. I got to the point where I wasn't writing anything down. If the American people
understood what a grip these people have on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our
citizens certainly don't have any idea what goes on." – Admiral Thomas Moorer, head of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, interview, 24 Aug. 1983
Now that "Zion Don" appears to be out of the way, we can get back to encouraging illegals,
giving them their rights, setting our sights on the another Hitler in Syria, globalizing
what's left of the industrial base, getting trannies more judgeships, queering history, and
on and on cuz all dem ideas are homegrown and strictly non-kosher.
I thought the pardons were great. Who knew there were so many criminal Jews who have been
actually convicted? Its almost like the Jewish stereotypes are really true. Does that mean no
one can be anti Semitic? Also the way black rappers get killed off, supply and demand
dictates jailed ones need to be free. Very Reaganesque.
Sarcasm aside I think Jews tended to hate Trump because in sucking up to them, The Donald
wound up revealing many ugly truths. Outside of Trump's energy and environmental policies,
its a good riddance from me. Unfortunately the looming costs related to energy and taxes,
I'll eventually and unfortunately will wind up missing the weak and Ivanka sniffing SOB.
Run for president in 2024. Ya' got one vote here. You can use the catchphrase, "Make
America Independent Again". Red, White, and Blue hats, etc. Your campaign rally speeches
would be epically entertaining in the gnashing of establishment journo's teeth as they
described them.
Drumpf the rancid orange golem played you all to the very last coda, pissing in your eyes
as he pardoned a most rancorous group of bent buddies and chosen criminal diversities . maga
men hung to dry, swinging in the wind.
Half of america shafted and stockholm syndromed, as the fake fat narcissist waltzes of to
play golf and hide the ginger squirrel with the reanimated frank-epstein and his
transhumanised teenage sorority clones in tel-aviv.
by the way see where this link leads: .
hint: the whitehouse.
@LarryS nd
its American friends get what they want, no matter what.
Trump was terrible and I'm glad to see him gone. Problem is Biden & Co. will probably
be worse, letting in countless third worlders and pandering to BLM, trannies and countless
other perverts and sexual curiosities.
Neither party represents the interests of the American people. Did we really want 14
million illegals here and $6 trillion spent on failed adventures in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan,
I harken back to H L Mencken who said both parties spend their time proving the other is
unfit to govern and are both right.
The pardoning of the Blackwater scum has fascinating implications for any country with a
Status of Forces Agreement /Visiting Forces Agreement, which is what, 80% of the world?
A host country might want to revisit these terms if it means that their women &
children could be raped, killed, mutilated whilst the perpetrators walk free.
This is beyond belief. Are Americans blind? Is there something in the water they
A whole population bent over with their posteriors pointed at the sky, willingly accepting
the abuse by the zionists.
Love them or hate them, these jews dream big. Bravo
Another on target Giraldi article. The ultimate blame for our being occupied and used
without a shot being fired is with American gullibility and blindness. How does a global
power, in almost every way, become the lap dog, errand boy, bully and financier for such an
ungrateful, blood sucking little country? We have created a Frankenstein Monster for the
ight Palestinians were there even if there was strong Israel Lobby domestic pressure. But in
1979 Carter–distracted by the fall of the Shah–merely brokered a Egyptian-Israeli
peace treaty deal that eliminated Egypt from the conflict, and the lack of the deterrent they
represented meant meant hat Israel was free to do what it liked in the West Bank and attack
Lebanon. The Palestinians will never get another US president like Carter. Israel does not
want an agreement, the current situation suits them very well. So Iran is not deterring
Israel from doing anything it wants to do. Moreover, Israel likes having a pseudo threat like
Well I have to say this comes as a surprise. To think that American politicians take
bribes, favour one particular group etc etc is news to me. However, Trump catering to the
foreskin modifiers and the dick cheese eliminators is the good news.
The bad news is the new team is already in bed not only with the foreskin challenged
sticks, but with the chopsticks and every other stick with a dollar bill wrapped around the
head. When the 25th collides with Joe's worn out pecker and Kamala takes over that will be
the sign that circumcised or not we are all fucked.
As some readers commented on UR, honesty is the best policy, turn the other cheek and love
conquers hate. All good advice I am sure but redundant and inapplicable in the world we live
The ruled live by these rules but the rulers live by their own !
"... Let's see, Sanders's net worth is how much again? And, let's see, after The Machine denied him the Dem nomination in both 2016 and 2020, it took him how long to endorse and sign on and generally drop trou, bend over, and grab his aged ankles? ..."
"... Yep, there's a real anticapitalist revolutionary firebrand, all right. ..."
"... I agree with Reactionary Utopian's view of Sanders, who revealed himself to be a grovelling lackey of the establishment with the way he campaigned for the harpy, signed on to the absurd anti-Russian propaganda initiative, and showed that he was only controlled opposition. The fact is, the propaganda combined with the fraud, perfected as a result of the medico-fascism discussed by Hopkins enabled the steal. The usage of the provocation discussed in the main article completed the consolidation of what is a new model of a fascist regime. This followed Goebbels' playbook usage of the Reichstag fire provocation as the Nazi regime was consolidating power. ..."
Back in 2016, the American people, sick to the gills of global capitalism and its
increasingly oppressive woke ideology, elected an unauthorized, narcissistic ass-clown to
the highest office in the land.
Well, if the American people had really been sick of global capitalism they would have
voted for Sanders. He may not be perfect, but he made a lot more sense as an anti-capitalist
candidate than Trump. Trump has done nothing to curb global capitalism during his
administration. Being narcissistic and clownish is probably of minor importance and beside
the point, and bringing it up seems more like obfuscation. Trump was the status quo every bit
as much as Hillary. He was demonized for one simple reason: there are two parties in America.
And Trump didn't make it especially hard for them.
Well, if the American people had really been sick of global capitalism they would have
voted for Sanders. He may not be perfect, but he made a lot more sense as an
anti-capitalist candidate than Trump.
Ah, thanks, I needed a good laugh today. Let's see, Sanders's net worth is how
much again? And, let's see, after The Machine denied him the Dem nomination in both 2016 and
2020, it took him how long to endorse and sign on and generally drop trou, bend over,
and grab his aged ankles?
Yep, there's a real anticapitalist revolutionary firebrand, all right.
I agree with Bras Cubas that if the American people were really sick of global capitalism
they would have voted for Sanders. The fact is, they did, and the methods of fraud developed
to deprive Sanders of his victory were a sort of rehearsal of the methods used to sideline
Trump. There was quite a bit of fraud in 2016; ballot harvesting, and the manipulation of
postal votes, etc. but Trump unexpectedly did too well for it to work. They also did not have
the virus as an excuse to go full monty on the fraud.
I agree with Reactionary Utopian's view of Sanders, who revealed himself to be a
grovelling lackey of the establishment with the way he campaigned for the harpy, signed on to
the absurd anti-Russian propaganda initiative, and showed that he was only controlled
opposition. The fact is, the propaganda combined with the fraud, perfected as a result of the
medico-fascism discussed by Hopkins enabled the steal. The usage of the provocation discussed
in the main article completed the consolidation of what is a new model of a fascist regime.
This followed Goebbels' playbook usage of the Reichstag fire provocation as the Nazi regime
was consolidating power.
Kudos again to Hopkins on this article and all of the preceding ones. As an additional
fact, we should discuss the mask deal. It is the first time in history that any regime of any
description has actually restricted the right to breathe, which at the end of the day is
limiting the right to live. The present regime for that reason seems even more odious than
the Nazi regime in that aspect.
P.S. Bernie was a rabid socialist(communist), and many in America wanted no part of
Sanders is neither socialist nor communist. He's a con man. The overwhelming majority of
dumbed down America thinks socialism is communism, and actually think that finance capitalism
is friendly to them.
Joking about convicts being mistreated would have been in bad taste coming from anyone, but
was especially egregious given her particular record. Considering that Harris's campaign was
arguably sunk by that same heinous history after rival and Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard
reminded the American electorate of every unsavory detail on live television during one of the
Democratic primary debates, that little "joke" summed it up better than anything she
ever said in public. In casting herself as a warrior for the underdog, the California senator
had merely laid bare her own privilege, alongside her utter lack of empathy and the absence of
a single genuine bone in her body.
Indeed, given how many times she's been caught in lies that were insulting precisely because
they were so inconsequential, it's a colossal irony that the Post chose to remove one of the
rare genuine moments from the newly-inaugurated VP. From plagiarizing Martin Luther
King Jr. with a claim she had, as a small child, raised a pint-sized demand for
"fweedom," to waxing nostalgic about her family's Kwanzaa "traditions"
that could only have taken root before the holiday even existed, Harris's personality is a work
of fiction.
Harrythefly 1 day ago 23 Jan, 2021 03:34 AM
Nicely written. She comes across as all career politicians do. Ruthless with the truth,
ruthless with people who get in their way and a cardboard cutout halo perched above her head.
shadow1369 23 hours ago 23 Jan, 2021 12:00 PM
The fact that Bidet was loathed by most dems, and only nominated as a result of more DNC
manipulation, and that he then chose heelsup as his running mate, although she too is loathed
by most dems, proves that they knew in advance that the 'election' would be rigged. Between
them they did not have thge support of 10% of dems, let alone any decent Americans.
RealWorld1 1 day ago 23 Jan, 2021 06:37 AM
"Harris's personality is a work of fiction". Not only hers.
hist0rian 1 day ago 23 Jan, 2021 07:46 AM
she reminds me so much of ex-prince harry's wife.. and its NOT a compliment
Yurod 1 day ago 23 Jan, 2021 04:43 AM
Americans are cowards , they only know how to bomb countries without AA defense and kill
civilians in third world countries. These guys stole elections and now urinate all over them
and americans are like "look whats going on can you believe this". no one with guts to do
TeleAnagram2 Yurod 1 day ago 23 Jan, 2021 04:55 AM
they put flouride in our water...forgive us please....
injected 12 hours ago 23 Jan, 2021 11:16 PM
Washington Post, owned by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. This alliance between authoritarian
government and massive tech monopolies is very frightening
Salmigoni 1 day ago 23 Jan, 2021 09:01 AM
The Woke brigade will certainly strike because you used the correct term of darkness of this
lady. Darkness of her mind and soul. Not her skin. Lol
White Elk 1 day ago 23 Jan, 2021 06:13 AM
In order to be a real gangster you need to be a bit sadistic and that falls in line with Mrs.
Harris being accepted in the gang of four. WaPo just obey orders. They cannot speak evil of
the ruling mafia. They selected the staff based on their degree of cowardice.
Daffyduck011 17 hours ago 23 Jan, 2021 05:56 PM
Washington Post = CIA
JJ_Rousseau 23 hours ago 23 Jan, 2021 12:09 PM
The one good thing that could come out of this is Kamala replacing Joe early on in the term.
This will allow all to see her as acting POTUS. (I mean acting in the literal sense). Tulsi
Gabbard would be smart to run on the Republican ticket, as there's a huge void in viable
candidates (as Donald Trump demonstrated in 2016). She has a lot of bi-partisan support, and
is one candidate that scares the crap out of the ruling class
Srinivas Injeti 19 hours ago 23 Jan, 2021 04:30 PM
Democracy was killed by the msm long time back. It is the people who kill it again and again
everyday by following the msm and believing in their lies even after knowing and realizing
that msm thrives on lies.
A Republican member of the US House of Representatives has filed articles of impeachment
against newly inaugurated President Joe Biden, underscoring how the whole process has become
politically weaponized.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia), elected to her first term in November, accused
Biden of being "unfit to hold the office" and a "lengthy and disturbing" pattern
of "abuse of power" while he was Barack Obama's vice president, citing his threats to
the Ukrainian government and his son Hunter Biden's shady business deals overseas among the
In a statement on Thursday, Greene said Biden has shown he would do "whatever it
takes" to bail out his son and "line his family's pockets with cash from corrupt foreign
energy companies."
"President Biden residing in the White House is a threat to national security and he must
be immediately impeached," she added. In filing the articles, the Georgia congresswoman
kept the promise she made a week ago , to impeach
Biden on his first full day in office.
The motion is extremely unlikely to succeed. Republicans are a minority in the House of
Representatives, and Greene herself hardly speaks for the party as a whole. She has also been
under relentless media attack for months as a conspiracy
theorist , from 'QAnon' to calling the mass shootings in Sandy Hook and Parkland "false
Her motion to impeach Biden, however, shows that the impeachment process – originally
intended for extreme circumstances in which presidents have to be removed for "high crimes
and misdemeanors" such as treason – have become a political weapon.
Congressman Al Green (D-Texas) actually filed articles of impeachment against President
Donald Trump three times over the first two years of his term, which were voted down in the
House. It wasn't until late 2019 that the Democrat-dominated House voted – along partisan
lines – to impeach Trump, claiming that him bringing up Biden's publicly made admission
about browbeating Ukraine into firing a corruption prosecutor amounted to soliciting foreign
election interference. The Senate acquitted him in January 2020.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) dispensed with even the pretense of an
investigation last week, when she held a vote to impeach Trump a second time. Pelosi accused
Trump of "inciting insurrection" at the Capitol on January 6, when some of the
president's supporters disrupted the joint session of Congress that sought to certify Biden's
election victory.
The incident, which Trump and the entire Republican Party have condemned and disavowed, has
been held up as the same thing as the 1861 rebellion of 11 states that tried to set up the
Confederacy. The evenly divided Senate – with Vice President Kamala Harris as the
tie-breaker – is now reportedly negotiating the terms of Trump's trial sometime next
month, even though he is no longer in office.
When someone pointed out that Democrats have filed impeachment articles against every
Republican president since Dwight Eisenhower, the internet "fact-checkers" quickly
labeled it "mostly false" because there had been no move to impeach Gerald Ford.
"While a handful of Democratic lawmakers have introduced articles of impeachment against
five of the last six Republican presidents, in most cases these efforts weren't taken seriously
by the party at large," Snopes declared in September 2019 , as if
proving a point.
What is Criminal Joe doing in office? There is a video of him admitting he did pay for play
with a billion of our tax money. The FBI is sitting on Hunter's laptop that Giuliani had also
and Rudy put out all kinds of emails that were on there mentioning Biden. We have witnesses
that will testify to his crimes. We have the Biden family that made tons of money off shady
deals. We have Hunter getting 1.5 billion from China. We had a senate investigation led by
Ron Johnson. We have Peter Strok's notes about the meeting with Obama, Biden, etc. about
taking down Trump. It is loud and clear.
Hatetotellyou WakeupSpeakup 11 hours ago 21 Jan, 2021 09:38 PM
Their show is garbage as soon as one realizes identity politics is the opposite of unity.
StudsterUSA Richland Yabitches" 10 hours ago 21 Jan, 2021 11:03 PM
The majority of Americans feel powerless, that is the reason conspiracy theories get so much
immediate acceptance. Dialing up the temperature makes it worse because then they are enraged
as well as powerless. It's like they are wounded animal that's trapped in a corner. That's
why so many people are going berserk. Show me⤵some love❤
"... "We will never give up. We will never concede, it doesn't happen. You don't concede when there's theft involved", ..."
"... "We will never give up. We will never concede, it just doesn't happen." ..."
"... " Biden's America Would Be A Dystopian Hellhole ", ..."
"... Trump has not signed the Insurrection Act. ..."
"... 'trust the plan' is a never ending story psyop ..."
"... 'best is yet to come' .. ..."
"... to beam back to the mothership. ..."
"... the humans are out to get them ..."
"... it happening you watch just donate ..."
"... without symptoms. ..."
"... Amnesty run by US State Department representatives, funded by convicted financial criminals, and threatens real human rights advocacy worldwide. ..."
"... Yes yes yes – as if we didn't fucking know! ..."
The Trump Era is over after the incumbent announced in the day after
Wednesday's storming of the US Capitol that "My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly
and seamless transition of power", which was widely interpreted by friends and foes alike as
the tacit concession that he previously promised never to provide a little more than 24 hours
prior during his speech at the
Save America Rally .
At that event, he literally said that "We will never give up. We will never concede, it
doesn't happen. You don't concede when there's theft involved", yet completely changed his
tune following the day's tumultuous events and after mysteriously "going dark" for over 24
hours, during which time some speculate that he was forced by his enemies in the permanent
military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (" deep state ") to give
up the fight.
This totally devastated his supporters who elected him primarily
for the purpose of executing his chief promise to "drain the swamp" that all of them so
deeply despise. They truly believed that he could irreversibly effect significant long-term
change to the way that America is run, something which Trump himself also sincerely thought he
could do as well, but he ultimately lacked the strength time and again to take the decisive
steps that were necessary in order to do so.
Thus, he ended up getting swallowed by the same "swamp" that he attempted to drain, which is
licking its lips after feasting on the political carcass that he's since become as a result of
his capitulation. For as much hope as he inspired in his supporters and the respect that many
of them still have for him, most of them are profoundly disappointed that he gave up and didn't
go down fighting.
That's not to say that the vast majority of them expected him to forcefully resist Biden's
impending inauguration, but just that they never thought they'd see the day where he publicly
capitulated after carefully cultivating such a convincing reputation among them as a fighter
who literally said a little more than 24 hours prior that "We will never give up. We will
never concede, it just doesn't happen."
This prompted an ongoing soul-searching process among the most sober-minded of them who
aren't indoctrinated with the cultish Q-Anon claims that Trump still has a so-called "master
plan" that he's preparing to implement after this latest "5D chess" move. It's over, the Trump
Era has ended, and the "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) movement that he inspired is now at
risk of being declared a "
domestic terrorist " organization in the coming future.
" Biden's America Would Be A
Dystopian Hellhole ", like the author predicted a few months ago, and all of Trump's
supporters know that. Some had already resigned themselves to its seeming inevitability after
his efforts to legally reverse the contested results of the latest elections failed for a
variety of reasons that most of them attribute to the "swamp's" corruption, but they
nevertheless remained as positive as possible after having believed that their hero would go
down with them to the end.
None ever thought twice about his promise to "never give up, never concede", and they even
expected him to have to be escorted from the White House on 20 January, yet his tacit
concession is forcing many of them to re-evaluate their views about him in hindsight. Not only
is he going out with a whimper on the "deep state's" terms, but he never fully "drained the
Trump's most fatal political miscalculation is that he thought that he could change the
system from the "inside-out" after symbolically -- yet importantly, not substantively -- taking
control of it as America's first modern-day "outsider" President. He immediately switched from
an "outsider" to an "insider" shortly after his inauguration by capitulating to the "deep
state's" demands that he fire former National Security Advisor Flynn, which was his "original
sin" that paved the way for all that would later follow.
Trump the self-professed "deal-maker" thought that he could strike a "compromise" with his
enemies through these means, but all that he did was embolden them to intensify their fake
news-driven efforts to oust him and continue sabotaging him from within through many of the
same "swamp" creatures that he naively continued to surround himself with.
The most reviled among them in the eyes of his base is "Javanka", the popular portmanteau of
Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and his daughter Ivanka. He continued listening to these
"Republicans In Name Only", or RINOs as many MAGA members describe them, as well as many others
such as those who still sit in Congress but pretended to be his friend just to win
Furthermore, the influence that his former reality TV career had on him resulted in Trump
remaining obsessed with how his enemies might malign him in the Mainstream Media (MSM) for any
decisive moves that he took to smash the "deep state". This weakness of character proved to be
his greatest personal flaw since he should have followed his instincts instead of submitting to
the egoistic desire to be "liked" by his foes.
So influenced was he by the MSM that his enemies were able to employ the most basic
"reverse-psychology" tricks to manipulate him into "playing it safe" in his struggle against
the "deep state". They fearmongered since even before he entered office that he'd turn into a
so-called "dictator", yet he never seriously contemplated any such authoritarian moves in that
direction despite always having the possibility of utilizing the immense powers vested in him
by the Constitution to do so if he sincerely wanted.
His MAGA supporters passionately pleaded that he should have turned into his enemies' worst
nightmare by declaring at least limited martial law in response to the decades-long Hybrid War
of Terror on America finally going kinetic last summer after Antifa and "Black Lives
Matter" (BLM) orchestrated nationwide riots to oust him.
Bewildering his base, Trump also failed to revoke Article 230 despite now-proven fears that
it would empower Big Tech to censor him and
his supporters , nor did he thwart the Democrats' mail-in ballot and Dominion voting system
schemes which they argue ultimately led to them stealing the election.
Just as concerning was his decision to not stop the Democrat Governors from locking down
their populations for political reasons under the convenient pretext of COVID-19. The author
addressed all of these issues in his analysis published shortly after the election about why "
The Anti-Trump Regime
Change Sequence Is Worthwhile Studying ". Trump could have legally exercised
near-"dictatorial" powers to avert all of this and thus save America as his supporters see it,
yet time and again he failed to gather the strength needed to do so due to his deep personal
While Trump was unquestionably victimized by the "deep state" during his entire time in
office, he's no longer as much of a martyr as he used to be after suddenly giving up the fight
following Wednesday's storming of the US Capitol. He surrendered to the shock of his base, was
subsequently swallowed by the "swamp", and is now being mercilessly destroyed in an ominous
sign of what awaits the rest of the MAGA movement in the Biden-Kamala era.
Had he gone down fighting to the end and "never gave up" like he promised, then it would be
an altogether different story, but instead his over-hyped "deal-making" instincts got the best
of him at the very last minute and he foolishly thought that he could save himself by
capitulating to their demands. The "deep state" is now showing their "thanks" by censoring him
from social media and pushing for his impeachment.
The MAGA movement always believed that the country has already been at "war" for years even
though most couldn't articulate the hybrid nature of it like the author did in his piece last
summer about how " The Hybrid War Of Terror
On America Was Decades In The Making ".
They truly felt that Trump shared their threat assessment after he was viciously attacked by
the "deep state" from the second that he stepped onto the campaign trail, but it turned out
that he underestimated the threat even though his enemies never did. To the "deep state" and
their public Democrat proxies, this was always a "war" in its own way, which they never shied
away from expressing.
The supreme irony is that while Trump lambasted the "weak Republicans" in his Save America
Rally speech, he himself ultimately epitomized that very same weakness by later
His opponents know no limits and believe in classic Machiavellian fashion that "the ends
justify the means", whereas he thought that he could play by the rules -- and not even all of
them as was early explained by pointing out his refusal to employ the near-"dictatorial" powers
vested in him by the Constitution -- and still come out on top.
His naïveté will go down in history since it's what's most directly responsible
for him failing to fully recognize the seriousness of the "deep state's" no-holds-barred war on
him and the rest of America.
As a born-and-raised New Yorker, Trump perfected the art of slick talking, so much so that
he even managed to dupe his base into believing that he shared their threat assessment about
the decades-long Hybrid War of Terror on America. They fell for this charade since they
desperately wanted to believe that there was still some hope left.
There isn't, though, since the war is over and the "deep state" won once and for all. The "
Great Reset "/"
Fourth Industrial Revolution " brought about by
World War C is
barreling forward at full speed ahead, and practically every domestic accomplishment that Trump
has to his name will likely be reversed by Biden-Kamala during their first year in office,
especially since the "deep state's" Democrat proxies control all branches of government now
(remembering that the Supreme Court's supposed "conservative supermajority" really just
consists of RINOs as was proven by their refusal to hear his team's convincing election fraud
In fact, the only real "master plan" was that of the "deep state", which effectively
thwarted every one of Trump's moves and ultimately turned his supporters' "last hurrah" of a
mostly peaceful rally into the nail that'll now be hammered into the MAGA movement's
It's extremely suspicious that the US Capitol was so poorly defended despite there being an
ongoing session of Congress on such an historic day and after weeks of preparation to ensure
the site's safety ahead of Trump's long-planned Save America March.
It's even more baffling that some of the police officers removed
the barricades and even
opened the doors to some of the protesters, which in hindsight suggests that the "deep
state" wanted to tempt the most "overly passionate" among them (to say nothing of suspected
provocateurs) into storming the site as the pretext for what followed.
The whole point in passively facilitating this scenario through the masterful exploitation
of crowd psychology was to lay the basis for a comprehensive nationwide crackdown against the
MAGA movement on the grounds that it's now "proven" to be a "domestic terrorist" group.
That explains the push behind impeaching Trump less than two weeks before he himself
acknowledged just the other day that he'll be leaving office after ensuring the "transition of
Had he not surrendered, then he probably would still be a martyr to most of the MAGA
movement, but now he's just a palace hostage awaiting his highly publicized political execution
as the opening salvo of the "deep state's" Democrat-driven reprisals against his supporters in
the name of "defending against domestic terrorism". That, not whatever Q-Anon imagines, is the
real "master plan", and it succeeded.
Trump was swallowed by the "swamp" because he lacked the strength to drain it. Every MAGA
member needs to accept this harsh truth no matter how painful it might be. Time and again, he
failed to muster up the strength needed to meaningfully fulfill what many sincerely believed to
be his destiny.
This was due to his fatal political miscalculation of transforming from an "outsider" into
an "insider" in a doomed-to-fail attempt to change the system from within. He continued relying
on RINOs despite their proven unreliability. Trump's obsession with how his foes portrayed him
in the MSM also led to him never seriously countenancing the use of the near-"dictatorial"
powers vested in him by the Constitution to save America.
He pathetically surrendered after the "deep state's" "master plan" succeeded, and now he
can't even go down in history as a martyr.
Originally published on One World Press Jan
20, 2021 2:08 PM
Trump was part of the show nothing more nothing less. They had the goods on him for decades.
He made Izzrail grate again. That was about it. Notice Jizzlaid Maxwell, the Mossad kiddy
victim procurer watching her mark in the background of the video below from 92 as the king of
bankruptcy eyes the broads and "struts" his stuff.
Meanwhile Kill Bill Gates gets to poison Planet Sheeple and nobody ever questions his
association with Mossad kiddy porn snuff director, Epstein or Kill Bill's sojourns on Pedovore
Island. Anyone remember the CIA Operation Brownstone"? It's global and it's Satanic.
How could Trum 'drain the swamp' when he lives in the swamp. contributes to the swamp and
essentially is part of the swamp.
This story is sh!te. Trump is a swamp dweller.
Trump is just the same as all the other oligarchs and would be oligarchs. He is a rich,
privileged, white entrepreneur. His propaganda campaign in which he claimed to be on the side
of the poor and unemployed whites is just about the biggest lie which has been swallowed
wholesale since Goebbles was whitewashing the Nazi regime.
How you fools here can fall for this tripe has me absolutely beat.
Aethelred , Jan 13, 2021 10:17 AM
Trump in his political ineptitude resembles Jimmy Carter, an idealist incapable of
wielding power. Neither man had the gumption, nor the charisma (much the same thing) to win
over the apparatchiki. Both vain and selfish men (like all politicians), neither inspired
sufficient love nor fear to gather support, unlike Reagan or Clinton, both of whom exuded
calm confidence. Trump differs from Carter in that Trump's social incapacity manifests in
bombast, and Carter's in staged humility. Neither could convince the ruling classes, and so
were ushered away.
The elevation of Biden, an aged hack, is a signal the republic is finally overturned. The
feds not only can convict but now can elect and govern through a ham sandwich.
Blather , Jan 13, 2021 8:21 AM
Does the author know how to read Trump's speech or is he so BIAS as not to see?
Trump DID NOT capitulate. Read careFOOLY. It can go both waze.
ZenPriest , Jan 12, 2021 8:50 PM
Trump was never going to drain the swamp. He was a clown put in place by America's
masters, to keep an endless supply of material for their media and to stir up hatred among
It's funny because citizens should be uniting against the puppeteers. Or they would be if
they knew they even existed, or knew they were being played.
S Cooper , Jan 13, 2021 2:47 AM Reply to
"Quite a number already know this. That number keeps growing with each passing day. Got
"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and
I'm here to help." Remember that line? That was Ronnie Raygun back in 1986, with one of his
(or his ghost writers') versions for 'draining the swamp' then, getting government off our
backs, and blah, blah, blah. Agitprop thrown the masses so the corporate state could get down
to bizzness as usual in dispossessing 'we the people' by rolling back government programs for
social welfare and building up wealth and power for elites via the MIC and Wall Street
(complementary to Iron Bitch Thatcher's neoliberal programs for a greater fascism in
Hardly anything original, such marketing ads. Politricking fronts of the ruling class have
been campaigning before and after getting into office with noble lies of populism covering
for their brands of treachery as long as the fraudulence of capitalist democracy and
representative government have been around. In the post-WWII era of Pox Americana, the U$
CEOs for the Fortune 500 routinely have disguised their institutional role in managing the
empire under cover of brands of reform that keep promising power to the people with one hand
while taking it away with the other.
But when it comes to the greatest show on earth, it's the words attributed to P.T. Barnum
that there's a sucker born every minute (or at least every election season) which ring
truest. So now we've got the ringmasters retiring the Donald and installing good ole Creepy
Joe to 'build back better' on behalf of the Great Reset. That's after Swamp Thang has played
his part as dictator of distraction overseeing such achievements as the greatest robbery of
the commons in human history and launch of technofascism under Operation Warp(ed) Speed, all
thanks to a global coup with which he's been entirely complicit. And his manufactured base of
true believers still carry on with the covidiocy as much as the controlled opposition of the
faux left.
The more things change, the more they stay the same (only worse!).
Chris , Jan 12, 2021 5:14 PM
The Q group are patriots with access to a quantum computer able to untangle timelines from
a possibility/probability vortex.
Their movement was designed to awaken many individuals with key roles to play in the real
Operation Warpspeed.
The majority of these folks had some connection to the military or other branches of
government including the police.
In 2012 nearly all technology, ancient or more modern, was suddenly rendered non
The Mayans were obviously dead right with their calender.
The race was on to gain absolute supremacy in the prediction game.
All major stakeholders have access to quantum computing, but the US has the upper hand.
The true value of quantum computers lies not in the task of pure number crunching, but in its
ability to predict probabilities of complex situations.
The quantum computer exposes the most probable timelines and delivers the results in
numerical form that correspond to actual events and dates/times .
Igby MacDavitt , Jan 12, 2021 3:43 PM
"The only kinds of fights worth fighting are those you're going to lose, because somebody
has to fight them and lose and lose and lose until someday, somebody who believes as you do
― I.F. Stone
Laurence Howell , Jan 12, 2021 12:42 PM
President Trump has declared a State of Emergency in the District of Columbia.
White House
OW look the fruitcakes and cult follower spent another new moon being juiced , Trump
has not signed the Insurrection Act. BUT BUT BUT
Cult of BIG disclosure keep watching.donate huge Arrests and stay tuned keep watching
it happening – keep watching- it happening soon, BIG disclosure huge Arrests . it
Happening soon psyop AND distraction
Simple simon and Q nonsense told another lie to the sheep
Laurence Howell , Jan 12, 2021 12:16 PM
President Trump has signed the Insurrection Act.
YouDontCareAboutGrandma , Jan 12, 2021 12:47 PM Reply to
Laurence Howell
Proof? And don't link to Simon Parkes' YouTube channel. He's provided no evidence
whatsoever for his claims. He says he talks to aliens and "Q" on the telephone.
Gosh, evrn more baffling and scarey and reminescent of 1963, never seen footage of the
murder of Ms. BABBIT showing collusion between police and antifa agitators, taken by an
independent Japanese reporter!
Great article but consider how many thousands of people the Islamist extremist, Erdogan of
Turkey, had to fire and imprison, to dismantle the positive Deep State structure Attaturk put
in place to keep that country secular? Functioned admirably for many years.
DimlyGlimpsed , Jan 12, 2021 1:06 AM
Dems enthusiatically voted from Bill Clinton, Obama, Hillary and Biden. All corrupt and
compromised. Repubs voted for Bush Jr., Romney, and Trump. All corrupt and compromised. Both
accuse the other of corruption, dishonesty and hypocrisy. Both are right, of course.
Reality, though, is not possible to perceive when limited to a diet of mainstream news.
Neither is it a trivial task to navigate the rough seas online disinformation.'
Unless one is privy to big-picture high-level (and secret) information, one is left to
attempt to identify and assemble a complex jigsaw puzzle using one's own sleuthing and
intuition skills.
Common people without inside knowledge can still interpret the world, however. War is evil,
and those who advocate war have been seduced by evil. Kindness and generosity are among the
highest values. On the other hand, those who are selish and cruel pollute our world. Etc,,
Let us keep in mind that the most evil cloak themselves in the garb of peace, kindness and
generosity, in order to dine on sheep who wishfully and willfully refused to judge behavior
rather than be seduced with addictive slogans. Let us also keep in mind that no leaders can
remain in power without the compliance of the rest of us.
Any of should be able to recognize Joe Biden as evil. His "track record" is one of
corruption, budget cutting, war and authoritarian legislation. And Trump? One of the great
mysteries of human civilization is that Trump, the ultimate swap creature, was elected by
promising to "clean the swamp".
That is fairly accurate but Trump did push back against America's China Class and the CCP
-- more than you can say for commies like the Bidens, Obamas, Clintons, Bushes, etc.
Trump's America First Hoax: Trump is an Israeli agent. He put #Mossad asset #JaredKushner
in charge of infiltration of US Intelligence and Defense. Bidens are Chinese agents? Charles
Kushner (Jared's father), is an agent of #AnbangInsurance, a Chinese Communist front
Jams O'Donnell , Jan 13, 2021 6:54 PM Reply to
All US presidents, vice-presidents, chiefs of staff, etc are Israeli agents, or more
accurately, are in effect the same thing.
Jams O'Donnell , Jan 13, 2021 6:53 PM Reply to
"commies like the Bidens, Obamas, Clintons, Bushes, etc."
If you think that the above mentioned capitalist clowns are "commies", then you really,
REALLY, need to get an education, because clearly you don't know your arse from your
Igby MacDavitt , Jan 12, 2021 3:46 PM Reply to
"Trump, the ultimate swap creature " I do not think you have any idea what the 'swamp' is
to make such a claim.
Otherwise, a great post.
Lost in a dark wood , Jan 12, 2021 12:40 AM
Note: I drafted this as a response, but the person is not worthy of a reply, so I'll post
it here instead.
I've always said that Q is a deep-state operation. It's the NSA, military intelligence,
etc. It's just a different deep state to the CIA/MI6 deep state. And I've always said that
people should at least know what "the plan" is. They should know what it is because it's by
far the most coherent explanation for what is happening now, and for what has happened over
the last four years.
A couple of years ago I thought a deal had been struck between the opposing factions, and
it was all going to be wound down. But I changed that view after the Covid911, attempted
colour revolution. The overwhelming view on this site, from contributors and posters, was
that Trump would fall in June 2020. I was one of only a handful of people saying Trump would
I can't predict the details of what's happening now, but I think Trump will survive this
a) he has the ammunition
b) it would make no sense to go this far and not see it through
c) even though it seems to be going to the precipice, it still fits a coherent plan
I've only recently started following Simon Parkes, but in his latest update he claims to
have spoken to the real Q. Of course, as anybody who's been following Q posts would know,
this would breach the "no outside comms" principle.
I'm not at all impressed. Appeared on the scene coincidental with Gen McInerney and all
the misinformation about "hammer and scorecard" which was a blatant distraction from clear
and convincing evidence of election fraud.
Parkes does far too much, "I could have told you beforehand but then I'd have had to kill
Your on the ball wow from 1 psyop to another Now your following simon charlatan
HE gets excepted into the Q nonsense and trump Savior psyop and becames one of there star
leaders over night.
Do you not do basic checks on who you start to worship?? or do they have to say code words
like Q and trump maga and its like there chosen to lead you.
Negative, far too silly and cartoonish and tracks back to a Filipino Maoist group directed
by the CCP!
Asylum , Jan 11, 2021 7:34 PM
We've been manipulated into fighting against each other over trivial differences to divert
us from the fact that we're all in the same boat.
Lost in a dark wood , Jan 11, 2021 6:33 PM
Andrew Korybko: "That, not whatever Q-Anon imagines, is the real "master plan", and it
Okay, I'm trying to figure this out. With regard specifically to this thread, are we
allowed to post direct links to Q posts? For instance, Q has stated explicitly that there is
no "Qanon" (#4881). Instead, there is Q and there are anons. I personally think this is
debatable, and that Qanon is a collective name for a highly amorphous movement and method of
enquiry. Furthermore, that movement and method predates Q and was to some extent co-opted by
Q. The movement will also outlive Q, though it may retain the name. As a movement, Qanon
stands in opposition to the hierarchical, hive-mind vacuity of the Rationalists and
Neo-Platonists. In short, Qanon is Blakean. Welcome to Jerusalem!
We do not want either Greek or Roman models if we are but just & true to our own
imaginations, those Worlds of Eternity in which we shall live forever; in Jesus our Lord.
– William Blake
Q Alerts is back up so I'll try again. The following is a critical part of "the plan".
Q (Oct 17, 2020):
I'm going to bring the whole diseased, corrupt temple down on your head. It's gonna be
Enjoy the show!
Please – can we have more of Andrew Karybko. I've seen him on Peter Lavelle. For
such an acutely well informed young chap about international politics, he demonstrates an
equally rigorous understanding about Trumps psyche.
Andrew Korybko is probably one of the best geo-political analysts I've come across and his
depth of knowledge across all continents shines through. A very warm and engaging person.
He runs a site called OneWorld Press. Recently accused by mainstream media and The Daily
Beast of being GRU agents. Well if it is, they are most measured and balanced in the history
of intelligence services.
Your be saying that on the way to the concentration camps!!! 'trust the plan' is a never ending story psyop
Similar to the 'best is yet to come' ..
you trumpsters have your own Down Syndrome language.
WWG1WGA, another bunch of devotees similar to a cult who will not except there guru is a
mikael , Jan 11, 2021 1:09 PM
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the
things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."Reinhold Niebuhr
Pardon moi for the lenght.
I dont know whats with people this days, the shere avalange of bollocks is baffling, the
inability to conect the dots to what was, the past, to the present is making me think there
must be something, hehe, with the narrative, or should we say in this uh . conpiracy tinfoil
hat wearing days, in the tap water, and the rethotic, about Trump, I have my issues, and I
have never been quiet about them, but then to whine about things when most of it have been
inplace before Trump came into the WH, incl children in gages to wars, Obamalama started more
wars than any other American president ever, with Hitlary the Beast from Little Rock beside,
after Her husband stole Social sec and now, witch could be massive, is completely eradicated
out of existence, and the sactions, etc, most of them are just continuations of existing
systems, we can always blame Trump for something, but please, do know the difference and dont
just throw bollocks because of the people whom wanted change, when Obamalama said it, you
belived, and what happened, again, he pissed upon you all, and have since laughed all the way
to the bank, the economic crashes, the insane austeritys, the bailins and outs, you name it
to color revolutions.
This isnt to defend Trump, for me, He was more an castrat, singing but otherwise balless, but
also tied, unable to move, and been relentlessly attacked by those that defenses the past
witch in no way was better.
Then we have the eh .. storming?, and if you look at videos, what sticks out is, what
storming, some gass clouds, yea, means what, an Cop throving an gass can, but take an look
for your self, it was never in any way what the MSM wants you to belive, and the army of
people crawling all over the sites wants you to persive, along with profanitys about people
whom did suported Trump, because they hoped for change, you cant attack them, maybe for been
a bit naive, but one thing shal be the thing Trump did, exposed them all, in an way witch is
unpresedented despite His flaws, nobody have done that in this level, He exposed them all,
and if you havent gotten it yet, you have an problem, nobody else, incl the people whom did
their duty as free citizens of the USA, did the protesting.
Rioting, again, what riot, the worst thing I can come up with, after watching some videos, is
minore, a window, probably by the AntiFags/BLMs/eh leftards?, and one man whom ran off with
an piece of the furiture, nothing else, and if I drag that further, maybe the stormers should
have wiped their shoos off before entering the Hill, stepping on the fine carpets on the
floor in the hallway, what an horrible crime, right.
What storming, do you see anything, do enlighten us.
So, I know I am pushing the attention span to the limit.
BUT, I have thru the years found out that Americans, not that I want to call em stupid, but
regarding world poltics, more infantile, naive, brainwashed to such an extent thru the
decades/centurys of propaganda, where the various Gov always have had an enemy, it have
variated, from muslims etc to what it have become to day, domestic terrorism aka
conservatives whatever that means, and not only in the MSM but also thru an army of so called
Alternative MSM, witch have feed upon this narratives and played upon this, but overall, gone
the same erant as the Gov wanted them to go, and witch have resulted in wars upon wars, and
stil some want more wars, like the broad attack line on Iran, just to give you one ex to the
strangling of others, like western sahara to the Palestinians.
Then we have the new enemy, in mainly the so called alternative ugh .. rightwinged? whatever
whom sommehow manages to blame everything on socialism, yea, apart from the weather because
thats Putins fault, despite that, I found Putin to be an scoundrel, the Russian Gov rotten to
its core, that dont mean I hate Russians but there will always be those that cant
differentiate at all.
Whom is the "enemy" Americans, socialism, China, Russia, Iran, huh.
I have saxed this from P. L. Gonzalez.
Social media networks, payment processors, airlines, hotels, streaming services, and online
vendors are strangling people based on ideology but TPUSA is still complaining about
"socialism." Burn your money or donate it to TPUSA, it's the same thing.
Yup, briliantly summarised everything in some few lines, and why, do you refuse to see
them when they are right infront of your very own eyes, and yet, you blame some imaginary
enemy witch have nothing to do with this coup, its an class war, its the oligarcs, the robber
barons, witch have an army of buttspreaders in the capitol Hill to their abuse, and this
bitches do whatever they are told, do notice how the RepubliCONs threw you under the buss, is
that to the Chines fault.
So, I hope the Americans whom stil have some parts of their bran fuctional, can notice the
difference, in Norway we have the same problem, but we are an so called socialistic nation,
but we are held hostages by the same pack of scums that is plundering your nation and
resources, and have nothing but contempt for everyone of us, and an Gov that do whatever they
want and whom are we then to blame, the Hottentots, Maoris, communism is an tool for social
unrest, and when they have done their job, thrown under the buss, because the PTB wants us to
fight each others, as long we do, they will win.
Unite and you have an chanse, if not, well, I am old, and my life span expectanse isnt that
long anymore and I will not have to live in the totalistaian regime that comes, but the sole
reason for me to even bother, is for our children, and their children.
And to all of you whom went to the protest, you have my deepest respect.
It truly is an war, against the dark forces.
You all need to take an stand.
Be the light.
Igby MacDavitt , Jan 12, 2021 3:53 PM Reply to
We have the same problem worldwide. Singling out and scorning the Americans is simply
divisive. It has always been the People against the Oppressors. The Americans are people and
have Oppressors bearing down on them like the rest of us. There is a cancer that needs to be
removed lest it devour us all.
Chris , Jan 11, 2021 10:57 AM
The overtone of Korybko's writing is excessively defeatist. When the "Deep State" applies
such overt tools to steal the U.S. election, imposes censorship, labels millions of American
citizens as potential "domestic terrorists", silences the still incumbent U.S. President,
resorts to provocation, deprives Americans of essential liberties through Covid, curfews or
other bogus emergencies, then it means that the establishment behind the "Deep State" is
scared. Scared not as much of Donald Trump as scared of You – the People. I know it
since I live in a central European country with a very bitter experiences with dicatorship.
When the power starts to resort to an open forgery and uses coercion or force it reveals its
weakness, not strength. Its power derives only from the passive attitude of majority of
population, nothing more. What this so called 'liberal elite' in America hopes for is to
return to the good old days, when the whole Middle America remained voiceless, silent,
isolated, without any leadership or political representation. Now it is their objective to
'legally' separate the 'progressive America' from the 'populist' one and they might even
inspire separation, violence or secessionist moves to achieve it. But MAGA movement must not
play this delusional vision of retreat to entrench in false sense of local security. That's
what the 'Deep State' wants to achieve – to herd the popular opposition into their home
arrests and their privacy soon to be possibly separated by walls, sanitary wards, wired
fences or a new Indian reservation. Americans would never win their Independence by acting in
defense only, by retreating to 'wait and see' tactics as Korybko suggests. What must be done
is to recapture Your state institutions that have been stolen and turned into a travesty of
American political tradition. Before that happens a common awareness is needed that those who
appear to rule as a new 'government' are just a tiny bunch of criminals who try to impress
the whole world that their power has no limits, that they monopolised the mass media and
economy, that they are invincible. Do not let this delusion of 'Deep State' victory to
dominate Your outlook. Yes, I agree that Trump failed as a leader in a time of crisis but
MAGA (or however we call it) but all the people who really care for America need to maintain
representation, authority and leadership. They shouldn't accept a comfortable fantasy that
sooner or later the 'Deep State' would crumble under its own weight and then by some miracle
a new movement would be born. If Trump indicates that 'its only the beginning' then his
supporters should join him in any action he offers. All Republican politicians, conservative
or libertarian societies, local communities, state legislatures or any other active group
must be engaged in this action. Struggle for political freedom always involves risk and
mistakes. Trump certainly made a lot of them. But it is the People who are sovereign, not any
office, institution or technological dicatorship. When the Constitution, the congressional
debate and civil liberties are ruined by 'elite' it is the responsibility of the People to
act in emergency to restore law, order and liberty. The 'Deep State' perfectly understands
that after the four years of Trump and the emergence of trumpism as a social-political fact
there can not be any turning back to the business as usual. Not under normal and peaceful
circumstances. That's why they are so frightened and act in panic. That's why they impose
health and security 'emergencies' to incapacitate the population, to make it superfluous and
useless. We saw it in totalitarian regimes.
The world needs the U.S. not as an imperial power but as an example of well established
social contract, human liberty and hope for a better future. The European 'elites' are in
revolt against their people too but here we won't have a chance for any anti-establishment
president to support us. That's why in Europe we still believe that not all has been lost in
Laurence Howell , Jan 11, 2021 12:17 PM Reply to
Lt. General Thomas Mcinerney,
"special forces imbedded in Antifa rioters have Nancy Pelosi's laptop"
laptop always the laptop it on the laptop he/she left the laptop at
it etc etc et was found there# etc etc etc bullshit
laptop psyop used as much as the immaculate passport psyop found at the scene of crime in a
burning inferno it aimed at idiots
Laurence Howell , Jan 12, 2021 10:37 AM Reply to
Are you saying that Hunter Biden's laptop and the released information that it contains is
of no value?
Conflating 911 with the current conspiracies is not helpful. This would need an article of
longer length and written by an unbiased observer which you are not.
Instead of saying etc. etc. bullshit, why not explain why this is your position?
Or does this not fit in with your soundbite posting?
Jacques , Jan 11, 2021 9:41 AM
Historically speaking, the problem with the "deep state" is essentially that the current
system has corrupted itself to a point where it is so far from what is claimed, or perhaps
appears to be, that there is no way to fix it from within by rebuilding it, by "draining the
Klaus "Cockroach" Schwab et al understand this, hence the Great Reset, a new vision for
the future. Of course, they want a future for themselves, but that's another story.
Even if Trump were entirely sincere in his effort to "drain the swamp", he had nothing to
offer apart from some vague anachronistic concept of Making America Great Again. What the
fuck is that supposed to mean anyway, eh? The only thing he had behind him was populism which
in itself is an empty concept.
Like it or not, a change will only come if people formulate a new philosophy, ideology,
and if the new ideology is proposed and embraced on a broad scale. Ideally in a non-violent
Right now, there is fuck all, people are still stuck on all sorts of left-right bullshit
dichotomies, (fake) democracy, the games that have been played for decades if not hundreds of
If you ask me, it would be nice if the ideology of the future was loosely based on Hayek's
spontaneous order.
If Trump can pull something off this week or early next, the new plan is already waiting
in the wings. It's called Nesara/Gesara. It's a new economic system not based on a debt based
rechenmacher , Jan 12, 2021 3:45 PM Reply to
Heard that one before. Fraud.
Thom1111 , Jan 12, 2021 7:09 PM Reply to
It's a real framework plan, it's just whether it can be implemented is the question.
Igby MacDavitt , Jan 12, 2021 3:57 PM Reply to
"Like it or not, a change will only come if people formulate a new philosophy, ideology,
and if the new ideology is proposed and embraced on a broad scale. Ideally in a non-violent
Sure. So we the people have had centuries or more to figure the answer out. Repeating the
dilemma is not enlightening. Idealism has no voice with tyrants.
ZenPriest , Jan 11, 2021 8:53 AM
All this talk of the 'deep state' yet no one can name them. Lol.
Thom1111 , Jan 11, 2021 3:04 PM Reply to
you must have been born yesterday. In America it's the alphabet agencies but obviously all
runs back to Rothschild and the Vatican.
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The 6 January protest march clearly shows that the majority of Trump voters had already
given up on Trump so did not join the protest. There was originally talk of a possible one
million people attending, it didn't get anywhere close. If half the nation was still behind
Trump, this was a very puzzling showing.
Trump just did not have what it takes, or was not really trying, to ruthlessly cut out the
cancer of corruption in government. History will show that he was a weak leader who allowed
the deep state to distract him to the extent that he never did anything of note other than to
reveal, through no action of his own, how extreme is the corruption that he had promised to
The Democrat distractions, paid for by their oligarch owners, showed the world that
extreme corruption is running the USA. Even the most loyal Democrats must be puzzled by the
current purges and threats of extreme centralised thought control, the arrogance of the swamp
now that it has gotten rid of the peoples' man.
To his credit, I am still willing to believe that Trump tried to do the right thing.
Although the author is trying to place Trump as a coward who resigned, going back on his
word, I think this is not how his original supporters see him. From what I can see, the
majority of his original supporters still support him and see him as a figurehead, but they
recognise that he doesn't have the skills to do the job. He is not a coward, he did not cave
in, he recognised, probably because of the low protest numbers, that he did not have what is
takes to continue the fight, he could see that his base had already given up on him. He is
still a figurehead in the patriot movement. He may have lost the far right, but he still has
a lot of centre-ground supporters.
I disagree with your claim that the majority of supporters had already given up on him. It
was the middle of the week. People have jobs. It was a significant turn out. People
understand what is at stake. I would not place the blame for failure on Trump. He is amazing
in so many ways.
I just don't understand here how anybody can believe Trump was sincere in wanting to
change anything: he's a narcissistic bully in it for his own benefit and that of his
offspring. Fighting corruption??? Come on!
Igby MacDavitt , Jan 12, 2021 4:06 PM Reply to
The mere fact that hundreds and hundreds of treasonous actors throughout government and
business have been clearly and openly revealed through the process started by Trump is a damn
good start.
"What is going in DC right now is like what went on at Jonestown after Jim Jones went
crackers. Except instead of cyanide laced Kool-Aid they are going to use 'Doc' Billy Eugenics
EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT to off the 'faithful'. If only Billy and they would just off themselves
and leave the rest of the World out of it."
" EUTHANIZE the World! Corporate Fascism and Eugenics forever."
"Time now for Na n zi Pelosi, Chuckie 'Upchuck' Schumer and all the rest of the war
criminal gang of CORPORATE FASCIST FABIAN EUGENICISTS to beam back to the
mothership. They see insurrections, rebellions and conspiracies everywhere. They believe
the humans are out to get them . They are going full Jim Jones. "
"Also Nasty Na n zi should lay off the hooch. It is beginning to have a deleterious and
harmful effect upon the sad thing's cognitive faculties and behavior."
Sgt Oddball , Jan 10, 2021 10:35 PM
I *Hope* they name the next Carrier after him – USS Donald J. Trump – CVN
Sgt Oddball , Jan 10, 2021 10:38 PM Reply to
Sgt Oddball
- Nickname: – 'Big Don'
Voxi Pop , Jan 10, 2021 9:57 PM INSURRECTION
Military In Control of the US, Under Commander In Chief Trump/
Updates Will Follow Throughout The Day
Cal , Jan 10, 2021 9:56 PM
Sgt Oddball , Jan 10, 2021 9:26 PM
"Captain America's been torn apart,
Now he's a court jester with a broken heart,
He said, "Turn me around and take me back to the start",
"I must be losing my mind!" Are you blind?!
– I've seen it all a *Million Times* "
You are going to be very surprised. See what happens.
David Meredith , Jan 10, 2021 9:08 PM Reply to
Sukma Dyk
I was just about to post a comment saying: It's not over yet, but you beat me to it! Well
John Smith , Jan 11, 2021 6:17 PM Reply to
Sukma Dyk
Why the secrecy? If you know summit then spill.
Jacques , Jan 10, 2021 8:49 PM
I don't know what Trump's intentions were, and I couldn't care less.
From where I'm standing, it appears that he was elected on a wave of populism, which
seemed to be an alternative to the "liberal democracy" fakery, the swamp. An interesting
presentation of that was here (
). IMHO, Bannon kicked Frum's butt in that debate.
It would appear that populism was a big enough threat for the "swamp" to unleash four
years of a hate campaign against Trump, possibly, probably culminating with COVID. Hard to
believe that it was a coincidence.
Be it as it may, and allowing for the possibility that this or that or the other thing has
been staged this way or that way, Trump's presidency has certainly set things in motion,
woken up people. Had somebody more slick been elected, the transition to the dystopia that
seems to be in the pipeline would probably have been less noticeable, perhaps not noticeable
at all. With the shitshow that has been going down since last February, all of a sudden there
is a public debate. Perhaps misinformed, perhaps mislead, but there is a debate nevertheless.
Will it result in something positive? Hard to say, hopefully.
Bottom line, Trump's presidency has been historically a good thing.
YouTube_censors_unfortuna , Jan 11, 2021 10:05 AM Reply to
Covid 19 was DECIDED? But of course, yes, it's just a detail .. lol
Researcher , Jan 10, 2021 8:45 PM
Turns out the Viking Guy aka QAnon Shaman aka Jake Angeli aka Jacob Anthony Chansley aka
Actor and self proclaimed "Super Soldier" pals around with Bernard Kerik and Rudy Giuliani
when he takes time off from memorizing the latest NSA script:
Lost in a dark wood , Jan 10, 2021 9:42 PM Reply to
Oh look, a photo at some sort of book-signing type event. I'll file it alongside the one
of Oswald and Mother Teresa.
Lost in a dark wood , Jan 11, 2021 4:37 PM Reply to
BTW: if that's what Bernard Kerik looks like when he's "palling around", you definitely
wouldn't want to fall out with him!
James Meeks , Jan 10, 2021 10:10 PM Reply to
Haven't you figured out yet that QAnon is an intelligence agency psyop based in the type
of magical thinking that will get you killed and lose the nation? If not, you really aren't
qualified to participate in what is currently hitting us. The enemy has your number. This is
obviously a photo op staged by the security state to feed the false narrative created around
Researcher , Jan 10, 2021 11:23 PM Reply to
James Meeks
Can you read? Read what I wrote again. Read it enough times until you understand.
QAnon = Q Group NSA
Nothing is hitting you except the Democrats and Republicans together against the citizens.
That's not new.
"If there was a non WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST in SHAM DEMOCRACY USA for whom to vote
and the REPUBLICRATS did not FAKE the counts and rig the SHAM elections WE THE PEOPLE might.
Where is a Eugene Victor Debs when the world needs one?"
"Soon that is not going to be an issue, however. There will be no need for SHAM ELECTIONS
after Billy EugenIcs and the CORPORATE FASCIST FABIAN EUGENICISTS cull all the untermenschen
and useless eaters with their EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT."
"Just can not give up the opportunity for a good lead up (segue'). In good faith and in
all seriousness, thanks for providing it."
Cmiller , Jan 12, 2021 5:27 AM Reply to
Masonic handshake
Dayne , Jan 10, 2021 8:40 PM
Peasants in 19th-century Russia clung to a notion of the Czar as a benevolent, fatherly
figure. Even when he rained misery and oppression down on them, it was only because he was
"misinformed", "surrounded by bad guys", etc.
It makes sense: Those were desperate, illiterate people living in misery. Hoping against
hope was all they had. But why would anyone in 2021 think of Trump in essentially the same
way is beyond me. An entrenched military-industrial-media-psychiatric-intelligence system,
hundreds of years in the making and with untold trillions in funding, just stood by as a
Robin-Hood-type hero and people's champion rose to take the Oval Office? Sorry. Trump might
as well sprout wings and fly.
Sgt Oddball , Jan 10, 2021 10:10 PM Reply to
Thanx for your comment, Dayne – I've been trying to put this into words, and as I'm
autistic, I could frankly, literally *Sperg'-out* over this, right now
- TL:DR version is this, tho': – Ever wonder why 'Populism' is such a dirty word for
the establishment and their MSM bullhorn? – The argument I've heard thus far generally
goes like the South Park underpants gnome's plan for world domination: – Phase 1:
Popular Uprising (aka: 'Civil Unrest') Phase 2: ? . Phase 3: Fascist 'Strongman' Dictatorship
– Why is that?
- Also that we're *Too Stoopid*(/ie: Self-Absorbed) – Like the Mud-Pickin' peasants
in Monty Python' Holy Grail
- I would suggest 2 reasons for this:
- 1.) The Davostanis (Global Banksters/Oligarchs) never *merely* back the *winning horse*
in the race, – In fact they back *every* horse that they *allow* to run (ergo: Trump
was an Establishment-groomed *Stalking Horse* )
- 2.) The Davostanis (again), have *long since* seen to it that *most everyone*, from
birth onwards, is psychologically conditioned, first with childhood myths and fairy-tales
about Charming Princes and Fair Princesses, then with religio-spiritual 'adult' myths and
fairy-tales about (In Judeo-Christian terms) Messianic, White-Knight champion/rescuer types
who, if *we would only* put our lives and our *Utmost Faith* in their holy, heaven-sent
hands, would *Save Us All* from all the terrible, terrible *Mess We've All Made* for
ourselves down here on Earth, by collectively *Shitting The Bed*
*Obviously*, this is *All* just so much *Childish Nonsense*, and, more to the point, a
*Writ-Large Con-Job*
- Cutting to the chase: – The 'Great-Man' theory of history is *Bunk* – Always
*Has Been*, always *Will Be*
If you're still "Holding Out For A Hero", I invite you to stare *Long And Hard* into the
nearest available mirror, *Take A DEEP Breath*, and then go out and *Elect Yourself* to the
office – *Better Yet*, elect your family, elect your friends, elect your neighbors,
elect *Everyone*
- And then let's *Do This Shit* – *Together*!
James Meeks , Jan 10, 2021 10:23 PM Reply to
It could have something to do with the fact that Biden is backed by every billionaire
member of the Davos gang of criminals getting ready to use this event, coupled with medical
martial law, to stage the "great reset" scheme. A wet dream of Malthusian eugenecists like
Faucci & Gates, since it includes a drastic reduction in world population aka genocide of
the elderly, vulnerable, poor and non compliant. This Globalist Technocracy will be led by
un-elected bankers and corporate CEO's effectively ending any form of Democracy planet wide.
MSM mockingbirds are completing the programming of the public to make Casey's statement to
Reagan ring true" We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the
American public believes is wrong."
Ow look Simon one trick pony parkes been laughed at and ridiculed and busted for his many
many many many lies and it happening you watch just donate psyop
gets excepted into the Q nonsense and trump Savior psyop and became s one of there
doesn't anyone go back 5 years and do basic check on thsoes they watch and then make idols
of them.
fools follow fools
Mike , Jan 10, 2021 8:15 PM
Trump was never going to be Ameica's hero. He was played to depict America as a fascist,
racist, neo-nazi country that needs to be saved by the Left aka Joe Biden/Kamala Harris. The
Left can now "save us all" from the "damage" caused by the MAGA movement and Trump. They can
do this through heavily increased mass surveillance and what is essentially imprisonment, to
make sure that we don't fall victim to the "domestic terrorism" that is represented by Trump
and his fan base.
David Meredith , Jan 10, 2021 9:10 PM Reply to
saved by the left? The left has been selling out the US to the globalist agenda for the
last 20 years (in power or out). Trump is not finished restoring America to a country that
doesn't sell out to China.
"Left-Center-Right" seems that paradigm is a tad askew. It is more like a top to bottom
sitting on their gold platinum thrones at the very top of the tower/pyramid and all their
prole slave victims, WE THE PEOPLE (HUMANITY) in the mud at the base. The PSYCHOS will say or
do anything to get the prole slaves at each others throats. IF WE ARE FIGHTING AMONG
Well, being saved by the left was a sarcastic comment. And Trump is clearly done with
"restoring America" because it was never his to restore, let alone him conceding to the left
after the Capitol "riots".
falcemartello , Jan 11, 2021 3:53 AM Reply to
David Meredith
@ David
The left is as left as my right GONAD
Martin Usher , Jan 10, 2021 10:12 PM Reply to
Biden/Harris "the left"? Surely you're joking? These two are conservatives, in another
timeline they'd be Republicans. What they have going for them is they, like many Americans,
believe in the Constitution of the United States, about what the country is and what its
trying to acheve. It strives to build "a more perfect union".
This the fundamenal error many people made about the Deep State. I've no doubt that
there's a fom of Deep State out there, an ingrained conservative streak in the bureaucracy,
because there is in all bureaucracies. But the real Deep State is all of us, its every last
person who believes in the system, in the American form of democracy and the principles upon
which the nation was founded. There are innumerable personal interpretations of exactly what
this means but the sum total is the United States.
Trump, MAGA and the modern GoP represent 'capture', the idea that the capture of the state
can be turned to personal profit. In doing so Trump and his enablers degraded the notion of
what the US is and why it exists. This is what's caused the backlash, its not 'the left' or
Sgt Oddball , Jan 10, 2021 10:54 PM Reply to
Martin Usher
"Biden/Harris "the left"? Surely you're joking?"
- The proverbial 'Overton Window' has, at this point, collapsed to a quantum singularity,
about a nothingth of a planck length wide
- Prepare for *Teh Great Suck*!
Peanut butter wolf , Jan 10, 2021 8:11 PM
You seriously think Trump was genuinly elected? All the points you make show obviously he
was a puppet and psy-op of the deepstate from the very beginning.
The deepstate won because they never had an enemy, they created him from the start, with or
without him knowing we dont know, but anyone on that level is on a need to know basis anyway.
It's clear that his every move is steered with the goal to bring down rogue antiestablishment
And it worked very well. Radical left antiestablishment is suddenly prodemocrats and
radical right antiestablishment is totally disillusioned and just became domestic
Trump wasn't supposed to win in 2016. The deep state probably wanted liberal Jeb Bush or
Rubio or Cruz in there. Trump destroyed all the competition in the GOP primaries. Remember,
Trump wasn't picked by the deep state to be their guy. He financed his own campaign. He was a
major burr in their saddle. The Trump phenomenon is real and he proved it with a landslide
victory that was stolen.
Martin Usher , Jan 12, 2021 6:16 PM Reply to
What 'landslide'? The numbers tell a very different story. Trump should have won a second
term but he didn't because of two things, one being the grass roots efforts of Democrats to
motivate voter groups despite systematic road blocks being placed in those groups' path and
the other -- a important one -- being that there's quite a lot of life long Republicans out
there that cannot stand Trump.
Trumpism is like a cult in many ways. One feature is that those who 'believe' find it
difficult to come to grips with the fact that they might hold a minority view. They're used
to being embattled, that's a signature feature of such groups (they're always fighting for
something against an implacable enemy, preferably an unseen one) but its just inconceivable
that they're really a fringe group. The events of last Wednesday have probably done more to
promote Democrat candidates than anything else this cycle; fortunately for the most part the
election was over so all they lost were the two Senate seats.
PS -- May I draw your attention to an old Beatles song -- "Revolution"? (I'd also suggest
an even old song "Trouble Coming" from the Mothers of Invention.)
Voz 0db , Jan 10, 2021 7:58 PM
Under the CURRENT MAIN SYSTEM – The Monetary System – there is no "drain the
James Meeks , Jan 10, 2021 10:29 PM Reply to
Voz 0db
Then you're going to love the technocrats "social credits" scheme such as China currently
imposes on it's population.
Voz 0db , Jan 11, 2021 10:43 AM Reply to
James Meeks
China developed that system with the HELP of the Western Corporations, so that in a near
future the tech will be deployed in the western Plantations. OPERATION COVIDIUS is just the
1st of many operations that will create the FEAR & PANIC conditions among the herds of
modern western moron slaves, that will make it really easy for THEM to deploy that tech.
Why do you think China was the chosen one to practice a "city lockdown" during EVENT 201
Why do you think China was on the news of western countries while they were executing the
lockdown and then no more China news?
China is also under the Shadow of the SRF & Billionaires at least for now. The only
thing China is trying to achieve is to shift the POWER of the SRF into Chinese Families,
nothing more.
maxine , Jan 10, 2021 7:48 PM
What has Off-G come to? .One must be truly mad to imagine that D. tHRUMP
"SINCERELY" thought ANYTHING EVER, let alone "changing the way America is run" .He's
incapable of comprehending what the word "SINCERITY" means .Sorry the author has lost his
OffG publishes articles and anybody who wants to can comment on them.
It does not push, or imagine, any group philosophy other than to support us all in a deep
distrust of what the mainstream media ram down our throats every day, and to give us space to
express our personal disgust in our own way.
We are not going to imagine what you would like us to imagine merely on your say-so
either, although you are quite free to tell us what your personal recommendations are.
OffG has never been pro-Trump, and we are all aware that the alternative is far from being
any better.
Perhaps you would like to tell us what is really bugging you, given that you have
never been under any pressure even to show up here At the very least, you could stay on
So, what about the swamp, and who you think is most likely to succeed in draining it ?
Carol Jones , Jan 10, 2021 8:53 PM Reply to
Hear Hear!
Gezzah Potts , Jan 10, 2021 10:26 PM Reply to
Spot on W👍
YouTube_censors_unfortuna , Jan 10, 2021 7:40 PM
Trump's racist fan base supported America's bogus War of Terrorism against blameless
Muslim countries, did they not? What goes around, comes around.
I think you are getting fan bases mixed up. Trump inherited these conflicts from Bush,
Iraq 2002 invasion & Obama's 2015 invasion of Syria and it was Trump that threatened to
end the propping up of the endless war industry. In fact that played the major role in why
Trump had to be removed at all costs including selling treason and vote rigging as Democracy
to be defended against "domestic terrorists".
YouTube_censors_unfortuna , Jan 11, 2021 9:45 AM Reply to
James Meeks
Did America's white patriots oppose the demonisation of Muslims as being terrorists who
did 9/11 or did they participate in this US government fiction?
No, at least half of the patriots are and were aware that 9/11 was an inside job.
Geoffrey Skoll , Jan 10, 2021 7:25 PM
Right! The Donald was too weak and too stupid. A smarter president got shot for his
troubles, but the rulers knew they didn't have to resort to that against the Donald. He was
obsessed with his mirror. All those meeting between Ike and JFK, what do you think they were
talking about?
Sounds like you came to Off Guardian thinking it was the Guardian and expected to find a
group of like minded consumers of security state propaganda in a Trump bashing fest.
Do u relly guys think Trump was a hope for all pf us? I am still amazed that
people(including off-guard) still thinks in terms of left vs right, good vs bad, and all that
narrative. I am afraid that nnarrativ has never been true. It is part of the game of "the
matrix" to keep us entertained in shows programmed for tth masses, division, polarizaiomn,
saviours and "heros". In my opinion it is time for a deep shift. Continuing to hope that some
guy will save us all, it is just seeing a tree but not being able to see the woods. While
some keep waiting for somebody to save us, they are moving forward with their plans really
fast. But no problem guys. Sooner or later the rrality will knock on you door, and you will
have to decide if you are going to be a slave or a free human. And it will be all about what
you decide. No american hero or any messiah will do it for you.
Sophie - Admin1 , Jan 10, 2021 9:50 PM Reply to
We have warned against accepting the Left/Right paradigm many times. This is NOT an
editorial and therefore is not 'the voice of OffG'.
Some visitors here need to up their sophistication level to the point they understand we
publish a SPECTRUM of dissident opinion that we consider merits discussion or a wider
audience, without necessarily agreeing with all of it.
"Some visitors here need to up their sophistication level to the point they understand
we publish a SPECTRUM of dissident opinion "
- Yep, well that's as may be, but Andrew Korybko's position is *Lame As All Hell* –
Every establishment talking point *Covered* – just from the 'Contrarian' side
- Trump was an 'Outsider' who 'Became' an 'Insider'?! – Aww Puh-lease! – He
was a *Stalking Horse
- "He didn't have the *'Strength'* to 'Drain The Swamp'(tm)"??!?! – *No-One*
*Indivudal* in all Creation could've
- Do you think we're *Children*?!
Asylum , Jan 11, 2021 3:26 PM Reply to
Sgt Oddball
been on this site a whole while now not seen any articles discussing trump failures
James Meeks , Jan 10, 2021 11:06 PM Reply to
We are all aware that we are the playthings of the rich and powerful but all you're doing
is stating what most of us already know. What is your solution? So tell us please what you
are doing to that makes you feel free and not a slave? Are you living off the grid? Not using
currency? What is it you're doing that makes you different from those of us you claim are not
facing reality? I think many people, myself included, who have no love for Trump see that he
is being denounced by every billionaire member of the Davos gang of criminals as a threat to
world order and the economy while they shut down the planet with medical martial law and
create an authoritarian Globalist Technocratic dictatorship ending Democracies worldwide and
targeting "domestic terrorists" who oppose them.
George Mc , Jan 10, 2021 6:35 PM
The steps on how to destroy all of the services, public and private though
focussing on the NHS:
Seize on a moderate flu variant. Build it up to be the blackest
death since the black death. Seize on all the old people who die anyway and claim their
numbers as an indication of the carnage. For anyone still hesitant, introduce hypocritical
emotional blackmail about "the most vulnerable" in our society to shame everyone into the
game On the basis of those appropriated death figures, endlessly circulate fear porn –
enhanced by the fact that the symptoms of this apocalyptic virus are indistinguishable from
the regular flu or even the common cold. Get everyone to steer clear of everyone else. Close
down all "inessential" work plus communal gathering places to ensure everyone is isolated
before the droning monolithic message you are pumping out. Introduce even more draconian
measures for anyone who "has" the bug – effectively barring them even (especially) from
care work. Prioritise the new bug cases so that they have access to hospital facilities
– while anyone with other (real) illnesses are barred to "protect" them! This fills up
the hospitals with hypochondriacs with the common cold. Introduce the notion that some may
carry the bug without symptoms. Introduce a new test which can determine who has the
symptomless bug. On the basis of those magical symptomless bug test kits, bar the
essential workers from supporting the vulnerable – in order to "protect the
vulnerable"! Constantly report on how the NHS is collapsing – which it is, being filled
up with folks with the cold and turning everyone else away, and also being deprived of
essential workers who tested positive for the symptomless bug. Just stand back and watch it
all collapse whilst continuing to report on it with increasing horror!
George Mc , Jan 10, 2021 6:41 PM Reply to
George Mc
PS the list is not exhaustive. I didn't even touch on the phony Left/Right divide.
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL , Jan 10, 2021 7:18 PM Reply to
George Mc
A must read.
The Department of Health and Social Care . adopted a policy, that led to 25,000 patients,
including those (known to be) infected (with Covid-19, and also those who were) possibly
infected with Covid-19 (but) had not been tested, being discharged from hospital into care
homes between 17 March and 15 April -- exponentially increasing the risk of transmission to
the very population most at risk of severe illness and death from the disease. (This, while
being denied) access to testing, (being denied) personal protective equipment, (while having)
insufficient staff, and limited (and confusing) guidance.
Trump the Manchurian Populist
He made a joke of foreign policy restraint (his restraint is worse than Obama's 'war') and he
ruined the career of good people like McGregor. McGregor is now toxic because of Trump.
Trump's domestic policies failed. He gave us $8T of new debt.
Operation Warp speed had a warp core
breach . What happened to the 300M doses we were supposed to have in Jan, we only have
30M doses, where did the reserve go?
Yeah, this "America First" so-called "populist" also weaponized space, doubled-down on
Israel and ME idiocy, supported a coup in Venezuela (including seizing Venezuelan State
assets), cut taxes (yet again), and lied about the seriousness of the virus.
Oh, and no pardon for Assange or Snowden to support whistle-blowers and independent
journalism that keep the Deep State (that Trump supposedly fights) in check.
Looks like Trump is elevated well beyond his standing and abilities. He proved to be mediocre politician who got into
the prepared trap and endangered and then betrayed his supporters.
Notable quotes:
"... Four years ago the Anglo-American deep state concluded that liberal democracy is no longer guaranteed to keep them in power. The new threat comes from populist like Trump. Instead of democracy they decided to turn to totalitarianism. The first step was a totalitarian media regime . ..."
"... LMFAO. Trump is no threat. Listen to his farewell speech . Summary: bend over and salute the flag. ..."
Four years ago the Anglo-American deep state concluded that liberal democracy is no longer
guaranteed to keep them in power. The new threat comes from populist like Trump. Instead of democracy they decided to turn to totalitarianism. The first step was a
totalitarian media regime .
What a lie. The bombs being dropped from the U.S. made jets the Saudi pilots fly over Yemen
killing civilians leaves blood all over his hands not to mention shaking the hand of the
Saudi that murdered a journalist before selling him weapons to kill Yemen's civilians.
Waryaa Moxamad 48 minutes ago 19 Jan, 2021 05:36 PM
1) False flag chemical attack on Syria. 2) killing Soleimani in a sovereign country he was
invited to 3) Guaido 4) Bolivia. 5) continuing the wars predecessors started.
Who is being fooled that U.S. presidency has any say in America's imperialism?
Who really pushed for General Soleimani to be killed and has the most personal and intense
vendetta against Soleimani? Mike Pompeo. Trump did not give the Pentagon and CIA all the wars
they wanted, especially in Syria. Now the Pentagon and the CIA have their puppet, Corrupt
Biden, who will do what they command him to do. I would expect in one year to see another
massive war. Where? Syria. The US mothers will cry when their sons come home in coffins. The
Hez in Lebanon will not back down, and they will enter Syria again. Trump did not want young
American boys coming back in coffins!!!!!!!
was a member of the British Parliament for nearly 30 years. He presents TV and radio shows
(including on RT). He is a film-maker, writer and a renowned orator. Follow him on Twitter
19 Jan,
2021 18:23 It's hard not to wonder if Joe Biden will even last his first 100 days in office...
but those arguing his mind isn't sound enough shouldn't expect a swift exit, because since when
was that a disqualifier?
... ... ...
The madness of Donald Trump had nothing on his Republican predecessor and fellow-impeachee
Richard Nixon. So disturbing were the last days of Tricky Dicky, it came as a relief to America
and the world when he resigned – even though it was famously said his successor Gerald
Ford couldn't chew gum and walk in a straight line at the same time. Bovine he may have been,
but a mad-cow he wasn't.
The Raging Bull Donald J Trump – grotesque, bizarre, unbelievable – had the
misfortune to go quite mad in the age of cable news and social media. His narcissistic
predilections always bordered on personality disorder. But his natural braggadocio stormed him
to victory in 2016 in a backlash against the super-smooth professorial presidency of Barack
Obama, with Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton riding shotgun.
Under Obama, the Clintonite deindustrialisation of America became almost complete .
China was presented with America's lunch. And in no less than nine conflicts across the
globe Obama was 'nation-building' in other people's countries while his own country was falling
apart. But a dark storm was gathering
If only the Democrats had not started out by trying to steal Trump's election in a flurry of
pussy-hats and fake Russiagate hoaxes. If only they hadn't striven might and main to railroad
the Electoral College into betraying their mandate and – in the case of
Nancy Pelosi – make a thinly disguised call for "uprisings throughout the country."
If only they hadn't spent countless millions and two whole years of a four year-term with the
Mueller Inquiry and the cockamaney theorem that the man who confronted Russia from Ukraine and
the Baltics through the wrecked INF and Open Skies treaties to the killing fields of the Levant
was, in fact, an agent of Vladimir Putin. If only, if only
As it happened, the descent into madness of Trump was complete by the end. The coronavirus
he derided at first, before predicting it would disappear in the warm weather of spring, before
pondering whether bleach up the bahookie might not be an option as a cure. The Tammany Hall
skullduggery of election day, practiced over a century in places like New York, rolled out
across the country. The political suicide of only half-making a revolution on January 6 dug
his own grave. Nobody ever beat a candidate who polled over 75 million votes before. But
Sleepy Joe Biden did.
And he did it hardly ever leaving his basement home studio, where he painfully struggled to
read an autocue even with an earpiece shrieking the words to him. When he did speak, it was
often gibberish that would have made Ronald Reagan blush. He oftentimes plainly didn't know
where he was, what office he was running for, which woman was his sister and which was his
When Boris Yeltsin was rattling down, the world endlessly amused itself at the sight of
Russia on its back, legs akimbo with thieves picking its pocket. With Joe Biden, though, the
political class and its media echo-chamber merely look the other way.
Despite Democratic Party control of all levels of Federal power, it seems unlikely we are
about to witness an FDR or a JFK barnstorming 100 days. It seems fair to wonder if Sleepy
Joe will even see out a hundred days in office. It is, however, certain that if he is in office
he will not be in power. Because power has already passed to the cavernous uncertainty of Vice
President Kamala Harris.
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The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author
and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
Mark Conley 1 hour ago 19 Jan, 2021 02:44 PM
Thanks for reminding the world that the president of the USA including his puppet elected
office bearers has absolutely no power whatsoever. Well said. Thus you have answered your own
observation at the end. The future is indeed dark and uncertain with the only certainty that
nothing good can be expected from any USA government. Thus the onus is on the peaceful
majority to do what is necessary.
Atilla863 42 minutes ago 19 Jan, 2021 03:15 PM
One thing is certain in the new leadership - the debt will go on growing, perhaps reaching
40+ T dollars before the next elections. While this trend continues - the Chinese will be
laughing all the way running to their banks as their economy records fortune after fortune
proportional only inversely to the rate at which America recedes into superpower sunset.
JJ_Rousseau 1 hour ago 19 Jan, 2021 02:18 PM
I'm surprised at George Galloway's comments, as he is a former MP in British politics. Kamala
in charge? Don't make me laugh. The cabal is in charge, as they have been since Woodrow
Wilson. Before actually, as Garfield was assassinated for shedding light on the banker
machinations. Garfield knew that control of the nation's money was control of the nation. The
coup of America is complete. The POTUS is only the spokesman for the cabal, nothing else
Biden will be much easier to control and manipulate by the Jewish Banking Cartel, which
ultimately controls the US government and Wall Street. Trump was too unpredictable and would
have made it difficult for them to achieve their historical hope. "The Jews energetically
reject the idea of fusion with other nationalities and cling firmly to their historical hope
of World Empire." - Dr. Max Mandelstamm ***We should always listen to the doctors.
Not stolen.....50 states certified, 60 plus courts found nothing fraudulent, and the
electoral votes were confirmed by the House and Senate, with the Senate led by Pence. So, as
the world knows and anyone who knows election laws, the election was one of the most
legitimate ever held in the US.
KarlthePoet 1 hour ago 19 Jan, 2021 02:10 PM
The Jewish Banking Cartel is ultimately in control of the US government and Wall Street.
They've been in control for decades. Now they've obviously teamed up with the Jewish Big Tech
companies like Facebook and Google in order to gain even more control. Controlling the money,
money system, and the minds of the masses has been their goal. Two Jewish controlled
companies control over $9Trillion of American's wealth. (BlackRock Inc. & Goldman Sachs)
They've finally achieved their goal. The cartel is now in control of a country that is
completely out of control. Karma!
Daffyduck011 KarlthePoet 38 minutes ago 19 Jan, 2021 03:18 PM
Ashkenasty banking cartel.
JJ_Rousseau KarlthePoet 1 hour ago 19 Jan, 2021 02:29 PM
It's not only the banking cabal, it's the media (which the same gang own, of course). This
cannot happen without a complicit media. This is a very old strategy
Blackace180 7 minutes ago 19 Jan, 2021 03:49 PM
He'll be impeached multiple times, along with his family. Removed and jailed. People need a
reminder of just how messed up Obama/Biden was and it is coming. The caravans are already on
the way and gas has jumped 55 cents a gallon since the election, for no reason other than it
is Biden. People will run the nutcracker right out of office, hopefully before the country
collapses from his nutcracker policies.
White Elk 2 hours ago 19 Jan, 2021 01:45 PM
The press-elected.
Xilla White Elk 33 minutes ago 19 Jan, 2021 03:23 PM
How did the press elect him?
Franc 1 hour ago 19 Jan, 2021 02:28 PM
Xilla/Herrbifi, you're not welcome here. We all know what your goals are, and we all know
you're just here to make a pointless mess.
5th Eye 1 hour ago 19 Jan, 2021 02:18 PM
An Italian bureaucrat once said, "Everything is changed, so that it remains the same." It
will be exactly like that under Biden to legitimate his regime.
The_Chosenites 51 minutes ago 19 Jan, 2021 03:06 PM
Since both Trump and Biden are proud zionists, the only thing I am certain of is Israel and
the Jewish community have won another election and we'll see many jewish politicians elevated
to positions of power in the Biden administration. Biden best do what's best for Israel if he
knows whats good for him and his health.
KarlthePoet The_Chosenites 16 minutes ago 19 Jan, 2021 03:40 PM
Maybe when Kamala becomes President she can get advice from her Jewish husband, who is a
lawyer. What a coincidence.
Enki14 9 minutes ago 19 Jan, 2021 03:48 PM
That Henry Kissinger, long time shadow government puppet endorsed demented biden is a clue as
to what might happen as they know in 2 years the masses will reinstate conservatives and in 4
years another trumpster. We may see sweeping changes, with some huge blowback.
The_Chosenites Enki14 4 minutes ago 19 Jan, 2021 03:53 PM
Kissinger has had a bed in the oval office for many a President, he must have been installed
by the Chosennites to stay in office forever. Presidents come and go, but Kissinger remains
to pull the strings. Goldman Sach's et al rule the roost.
Daniel Fernald 1 hour ago 19 Jan, 2021 02:42 PM
Biden's 100 days are interesting. It's exactly 100 days from January 20 to May 1, which is
the communist May Day.
Skeptic076 Daniel Fernald 1 hour ago 19 Jan, 2021 02:44 PM
Used to be the American May Day as well, you know? Interesting if you research why it is not
Michael Knight 1 hour ago 19 Jan, 2021 02:46 PM
Impossible to believe he'll be in charge????? That's probably because he won't be!
RCBreakenridge Mike Freeman 1 hour ago 19 Jan, 2021 02:28 PM
Mike, seriously? What echo chamber are you living in? How can you look at Biden and not
understand that he's little more than a life-size cardboard cutout of the man that used to be
Obama's puppet? He'll be in office as long as they can continue to stand him up for photo ops
and he continues to do exactly what he is told. As soon as either of those conditions falter,
Nancy and friends will roll out the 25th amendment, show him the door and lead KH to the
presidents chair. But make no mistake, the only choices Sleepy Joe will be making are to do
as he is told.
I think McConnell is right. Trump speech was very incoherent but it contained some elements
that can be classified as incitement. But I think that he got into trap organized by neoliberal
wing of DemParty. BTW giving a 78-year-old Senator a six-year term is a
modest gamble, as an actuarial table will show you .
Probably McConnell, who is pretty shrewd political operative despite his age, understands
that Trump does not matter anymore. He was spent. Politically on Dec 6, he committed a suicide.
So his impeachment might not as harshly affect the Republican Party as some ZH commenters assume.
The party does need a new leader, anyway. Trump proved to be mediocre politician and this is an
worse then any of his real or imaginable crimes.
" We stood together and said an angry mob would not get veto power over the rule of law in
our nation. Not even for one night. We certified the people's clear choice for their 46th
Tomorrow, President-elect Biden and Vice-President-elect Harris will be sworn in. We will
have a safe and successful inauguration right here on the west front of the Capitol -- the
space that President Bush 41 called 'democracy's front porch.' And then we'll move forward
... ... ...
This, according to Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, is a major problem for the GOP who told Fox
News' Ingraham Angle on Friday that he believes that if Senate Minority Leader Mitch
McConnell and other Senate Republicans join the Democrats to impeach President Donald Trump,
a third of Republican voters will permanently abandon the party as a result.
"I don't understand how they can be moving forward with this," he said, before
"The thing they're doing now is an overreaction, and if they think they're going to have
a positive feeling from the public, when they're going to go through a partisan impeachment
again, I think that's absolutely insane and wrong headed ."
Ingraham then asked Paul if he was surprised that McConnell is reportedly planning to
instruct Republicans to vote to convict President Trump after he leaves the presidency, in a
move that could strip him of his security and prevent him from running for office in
"I don't often get asked my advice from leadership on how they should react, but my
unsolicited suggestion would be this: They will destroy the Republican Party if leadership is
complicit in impeachment, or if leadership votes for impeachment, they will destroy the
"Impeachment is purely a partisan thing, it's for the moral, 'Oh I'm so much better than
you, and you're a bad person, because I'm so moral.'" Paul added, "These are the kind of
people that are going to do this."
"The impeachment is a wrongheaded, partisan notion. If Republicans go along with it, it
will destroy the party. A third of Republicans will leave the party."
"This isn't about, anymore, the electoral college," Paul concluded.
"It's about the future of the party, and if you're going to ostracize and excommunicate
President Trump from the party, then guess what, millions of his fans will leave as
Additionally, congressional leaders, including House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy and Senate
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, will skip President Trump's departure ceremony in Maryland
tomorrow morning in favor of attending mass with incoming President Joe Biden ahead of his
congressional sources familiar with their plans tell Axios .
Gaius Petronius 31 minutes ago (Edited)
No. If McConnell impeaches Trump, the U.S. becomes an instant one party state. The
entire GOP will collapse and collapse quickly. It would destroy the party. But maybe it's
time for the GOP to die? The Senate has a bunch of RINOs in it. Impeaching Trump will end
their Senate career come their next election. I think if Mitch is doing this, he knows he
is doing this and he knows the consequences and he doesn't give a damn because this is
really *NOT* about Trump, it's about preventing a true outsider (like Trump) from coming in
and running the country when for decades who runs the country has always been decided by
the elite. They don't like the people being able to pick their president. They want to be
the ones who pick the president. The surest way to make sure that Trump never runs again is
to impeach him, but Mitch better get ready to change his party affiliation to D because
there won't be a Republican party after that.
zerofucks 28 minutes ago
the uniparty needs the 2 party cover to keep the illusion going
Gaius Petronius 23 minutes ago remove link
He's just part of the deep state. He likes his power.
Buzz-Kill 6 minutes ago (Edited)
Yep... McConnel is a Deep State operator.
chunga 1 hour ago
People love to throw around this term "rino" which is misleading and dumb. It suggests
there are a handful of them that suck and block the good ones.
If that were the case Moribund Mitch and House Minority leader what's his name would not
be in these "leadership" positions. And they are.
>>Today, the Trump administration filed an appeal against the UK decision not to
extradite Assange. I must imagine that means that Trump has no intention of pardoning
Trump was a desperate "Murica must have the biggest dick" imperialist massively triggered
by the US decline and trying to save the US Empire. Like a rabid dog that is wounded, he
attacked anything that moves, including those who helped him get into power.
Anyone who thought that he will help the likes of Russia or Assange does not understand
the psychology of elite US WASPs.
These people thought that they and the US should rule the world and that they are the
cream of the cream. Anything denying them that would lead to crazed reactions, hysteria,
rabid animalistic behavior, and snarling and gnashing of teeth at anything that moves.
Simply put, their decline caused them to go rabid. A rabid dog attacks anything that
moves, whether friendly or not. Unfortunately for the likes of Russia and Assange.
"Read Fake President .This book can help us replace Trump with truth."
-- Gloria Steinem
"Terrific new book . Fake President informs as it entertains."
-- Laurence Tribe
An incisive, witty roadmap into the disinformation and betrayals of President Trump --
just in time for the impeachment hearings and the 2020 election.
Donald Trump was lawfully selected as the US president...but is still a "fake" president
because he simply lacks the integrity, intelligence, and stability to perform the duties of the
office as the Constitution intended. "If you spend so much time golfing, tweeting, and
seething," write Green and Nader, "it's understandable that a POTUS doesn't get around to
appointing one-third of all agency inspector generals...Might as well expect a surgeon to be an
opera singer."
As the House Impeachment Inquiry unfolds based on a similar premise , Fake President
decodes many of his worst scandals and "twistifications" (a Jefferson coinage). And it's bound
to get even worse as the House gets closer to actual Articles of Impeachment and the Fall
election approaches. Since it's nearly impossible to keep track of Trump's "daily lava of
lies," two of America's foremost public advocates do that work for you. This is your one-stop
shop that explains what the Lyin' King means to our democracy.
It's a cheeky, deadly rebuke of Trump's incorrigible "fakery"...from his dishonesty about
foreign policy to blatant ignorance about the environment to his messianic narcissism.
Fake President is an essential guide to help you understand the two biggest news
stories of the coming year -- impeachment and the 2020 presidential election.
Casino magnate and Israeli patriot multi-billionaire Sheldon Adelson, one of the world's
richest men, died in Las Vegas on January 11 th at age 87. He had been suffering
from cancer and has been buried at the
Mount of Olives Cemetery in Israel . When his body arrived in Israel it was met by Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as well as Jonathan Pollard, the most damaging spy in United States
history. Tributes to the fallen "hero" poured in from the political class in both the United
States and Israel and it has even been reported that President Donald Trump was intending to
hoist the American flag at half mast over federal buildings to honor the "great humanitarian
philanthropist." Unfortunately, the flag was already at half mast honoring the death of Capitol
Police Force officer Brian Sicknick, who was murdered in the Capitol building last
Trump has not mentioned the service unto death of Sicknick and the flag lowering itself was
apparently a bit of an afterthought on behalf of the White House, but he had plenty to say
about his good buddy Adelson, who has been the principal funder of the Republican Party over
the past five years. As he can no longer use Twitter, the president's
condolences were posted on the White House site: "Melania and I mourn the passing of
Sheldon Adelson, and send our heartfelt condolences to his wife Miriam, his children and
grandchildren. Sheldon lived the true American dream. His ingenuity, genius, and creativity
earned him immense wealth, but his character and philanthropic generosity his great name.
Sheldon was also a staunch supporter of our great ally the State of Israel. He tirelessly
advocated for the relocation of the United States embassy to Jerusalem, the recognition of
Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and the pursuit of peace between Israel and its
neighbors. Sheldon was true to his family, his country, and all those that knew him. The world
has lost a great man. He will be missed."
Missing from the Trump eulogy is any mention of what Adelson did for the United States,
which is his country of birth and where he made his fortune engaging in activity that many
would consider to be a vice. In fact, Adelson was all about the Jewish state, positioning
himself as the principal funder of the Republican Party under Donald Trump and receiving in
return as a quid pro quo the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement (JCPOA),
the move of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, the recognition of Israeli annexation of
the Syrian Golan Heights, and a virtual concession that the Jewish state could do whatever it
wants vis-à-vis the Palestinians, to include expelling them from Palestine. Adelson once
commented that Israel does not have to pretend to be a democracy but it must be Jewish,
presumably to help the process of Arab genocide move along.
Adelson's mechanism, initiated under George W. Bush, is familiar to how the Israel Lobby
operates more generally. It consisted of the exploitation of the incessant need of campaign
money by the GOP, which Adelson provided with strings attached. He worked with the Republicans
to completely derail the admittedly faux peace process begun under Bill Clinton, which
depended on a two-state solution, and instead give the Jewish state a free hand to implement
its own unilateral Greater Israel Project extending from "the Jordan River to the
Mediterranean." As part of that expansion, Israel has been building illegal settlements while
also bombing and killing Lebanese, Syrians, and Iranians and assassinating scientists and
technicians throughout the region.
All of the interventions against Israel's neighbors took place even though the Jewish state
was not technically at war with anyone. The U.S. meanwhile funded Israeli aggression and
watched the spectacle without any complaint, providing political cover as necessary, while also
maintaining a major military presence in the Middle East to "protect Israel," as Trump recently
In short, Sheldon Adelson committed as much as half a billion dollars from his vast fortune
to buy control over a major element of U.S. foreign policy and subordinated American interests
to those of Israel. In addition to direct donations to both major political parties, he also
paid for Congressional "fact finding" trips to Israel and funded a number of pro-Israel
lobbies, so-called charities and other related Jewish projects. It is indisputable that he
wielded an incredible degree of power to shape Washington's actions in the Middle East. In
her own tribute to her dead husband, Miriam Adelson, an Israeli, described how he "crafted
the course of nations."
Adelson was actively engaged on Israel's behalf until the week before his death. He provided
his casino's private 737 luxury executive jet to transport Jonathan Pollard "home" to Israel.
Pollard has served 30 years in prison after being convicted of espionage and was on parole,
which restricted his travel. As yet another a gift to Israel, Donald Trump lifted that
restriction, allowing him to fly to Israel where he received a hero's welcome. It is generally
agreed that Pollard was the most damaging spy in American history, having stolen the keys to
accessing U.S. communications and information gathering systems. A month after Pollard's arrest
in 1985, C.I.A director William Casey stated: "The Israelis used Pollard to obtain our war
plans against the USSR – all of it: the co-ordinates, the firing locations, the
sequences, and Israel sold that information to Moscow for more exit visas for Soviet Jews."
Sheldon Adelson used his wealth and political connections to shield himself from any
criticism due to his openly expressed preference for Israel over the land of his birth. He
famously publicly
stated that he wished he had worn the Israeli Army uniform instead of that of the U.S.
Army, where he served briefly as a draftee. He also expressed his desire that his son would
serve as an Israeli army sniper, presumably allowing him to blow the heads off of Palestinians.
In 2013
Adelson advocated ending nuclear negotiations with Iran and instead detonating a nuclear weapon
in "the middle of the [Iranian] desert," followed by a threat to annihilate the capital city
Tehran, home to 8.6 million, to force Iran to surrender its essentially non-existent nuclear
Other acknowledgements of the impact of Adelson came from officials in
the Trump Administration. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo commented how his "efforts to
strengthen the alliance between Israel and the United States the world, Israel and the United
States are safer because of his work." Yeah, right Mike.
So, the world is definitely a better place due to the passing of Sheldon Adelson. Or is it?
His Israeli wife Miriam owns more than 40% of Las Vegas Sands Corp Casinos Inc.,
estimated to be worth in excess of $17 billion. She has proposed that a new chapter be
included in the Jewish bible, the Book of Trump, and has pledged herself to continue her
husband's work. Trump had previously given her the highest award that a president can bestow,
the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Freedom, of course, does not apply to Palestinians. And if
one is concerned that the Democrats will not be cooperative, they too have their own major
donor similar to Adelson. He is an Israeli film producer named Haim Saban, who, echoing a
similar statement by Adelson, said that he is a one issue guy and that issue is Israel.
Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest,
a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a
more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website ishttps://councilforthenationalinterest.orgaddress is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected]
46 Follow RT on Outgoing US
President Donald Trump has delivered his "parting gift" to the Moscow-led Nord Stream 2 gas
pipeline, with newly announced sanctions targeting a pipe-laying vessel and companies involved
in the multinational project.
The specialist ship concerned, named, 'Fortuna,' and oil tanker 'Maksim Gorky', as well as
two Russian firms, KVT-Rus and Rustanker, were blacklisted on Tuesday under CAATSA (Countering
America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act) as part of Washington's economic war on Moscow.
The same legislation had been previously used by the US to target numerous Russian officials
and enterprises.
Russian energy giant Gazprom warned its investors earlier on Tuesday that Nord Stream 2
could be suspended or even canceled if more US restrictions are introduced.
However, Moscow has assured its partners that it intends to complete the project despite
"harsh pressure on the part of Washington," according to Kremlin press secretary Dmitry
Peskov. Reacting to the new package of sanctions on Tuesday, Peskov called them
Meanwhile, the EU said it is in no rush to join the Washington-led sanction war on Nord
Stream 2. EU foreign affairs chief, Josep Borrell, said that the bloc is not going to resist
the construction of the project.
"Because we're talking about a private project, we can't hamper the operations of those
companies if the German government agrees to it," Borrell said Tuesday.
Nord Stream 2 is an offshore gas pipeline, linking Russia and Germany with aim of providing
cheaper energy to Central European customers. Under the agreement between Moscow and Berlin, it
was to be launched in mid-2020, but the construction has been delayed due to strong opposition
from Washington.
The US, which is hoping to sell its Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) to Europe, has hit the
project with several rounds of sanctions over scarcely credible claims that it could undermine
European energy security. Critics say the real intent is to force EU members to buy from
American companies.
Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!
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Fatback33 4 hours ago 19 Jan, 2021 11:20 AM
The group that owns Washington makes the foreign policy. That policy is not for the benefit
of the people.
DukeLeo Fatback33 1 hour ago 19 Jan, 2021 02:06 PM
That is correct. The private banks and corporations in the US are very upset about Nord
Stream - 2, as they want Europe to buy US gas at double price. Washington thus introduces
additional political gangsterism in the shape of new unilateral sanctions which have no merit
in international law.
noremedy 4 hours ago 19 Jan, 2021 11:22 AM
Is the U.S. so stupid that they do not realize that they are isolating themselves? Russia has
developed SPFS, China CIPS, together with Iran, China and Russia are further developing a
payment transfer system. Once in place and functioning this system will replace the western
SWIFT system for international payment transfers. It will be the death knell for the US
dollar. 327 million Americans are no match for the rest of the billions of the world's
population. The next decade will see the total debasement of the US monetary system and the
fall from power of the decaying and crumbling in every way U.S.A.
Hanonymouse noremedy 2 hours ago 19 Jan, 2021 01:37 PM
They don't care. They have the most advanced military in the world. Might makes right, even
Shelbouy 3 hours ago 19 Jan, 2021 12:25 PM
Russia currently supplies over 50% of the natural gas consumed by The EU. Germany and Italy
are the largest importers of Russian natural gas. What is the issue of sanctions stemming
from and why are the Americans doing this? A no brainer question I suppose. It's to make more
money than the other supplier, and exert political pressure and demand obedience from its
lackey. Germany.
David R. Evans Shelbouy 2 hours ago 19 Jan, 2021 01:58 PM
Russia and Iran challenge perpetual US wars for Israel's Oded Yinon Plan. Washington is
Israel-controlled territory.
Jewel Gyn 4 hours ago 19 Jan, 2021 11:34 AM
Sanctions work both ways. With the outgoing Trump administration desperately laying mines for
Biden, we await how sleepy Joe is going to mend strayed ties with EU.
Count_Cash 4 hours ago 19 Jan, 2021 11:20 AM
The US mafia state continues with the same practices. The dog is barking but the caravan is
going. The counter productiveness of sanctions always shows through in the end! I am sure
with active efforts of Germany and Russia against US mafia oppression that a blowback will be
felt by the US over time!
Dachaguy 4 hours ago 19 Jan, 2021 11:24 AM
This is an act of war against Germany. NATO should respond and act against the aggressor,
xyz47 Dachaguy 42 minutes ago 19 Jan, 2021 03:20 PM
NATO is run by the US...
lovethy Dachaguy 2 hours ago 19 Jan, 2021 01:04 PM
NATO has no separate existence. It's the USA's arm of aggression, suppression and domination.
Germany after WWII is an occupied country of USA. Thousand of armed personnel stationed in
Germany enforcing that occupation.
Chaz Dadkhah 3 hours ago 19 Jan, 2021 12:19 PM
Further proof that Trump is no friend of Russia and is in a rush to punish them while he
still has power. If it was the swamp telling him to do that, like his supporters suggest,
then they would have waited till their man Biden came in to power in less than 24 hours to do
it. Wake up!
Mac Kio 3 hours ago 19 Jan, 2021 12:34 PM
USA hates fair competition. USA ignores all WTO rules.
Russkiy09 2 hours ago 19 Jan, 2021 01:33 PM
By whining and not completing in the face of US, Russia is losing credibility. They should
not have delayed to mobilize the pipe laying vessel and other equipment for one whole year.
They should have mobilized in three months and finished by now. Same happens when Jewtin does
not shoot down Zio air force bombing Syria everyday. But best option should have been to tell
European vassals that "if you can, take our gas. But we will charge the highest amount and
sell as much as we want, exclude Russophobic Baltic countries and Poland and neo-vassal
Ukraine. Pay us not in your ponzi paper money but real goods and services or precious metals
or other commodities or our own currency Ruble." I so wish I could be the President of
Russia. Russians deserve to be as wealthy as the Swiss or SIngapore etc., not what they are
getting. Their leaders should stand up for their interest. And stop empowering the greedy
merchantalist Chinese and brotherhood Erdogan.
BlackIntel 1 hour ago 19 Jan, 2021 02:27 PM
America i captured by private interest; this project threatens American private companies
hence the government is forced to protect capitalism. This is illegal
Ohhho 3 hours ago 19 Jan, 2021 12:15 PM
That project was a mistake from the start: Russia should distance itself from the Evil
empire, EU included! Stop wasting time and resources on trying to please the haters and
keeping them more competitive with cheaper Russian natural gas: focus on real partners and
potential allies elsewhere!
butterfly123 2 hours ago 19 Jan, 2021 01:58 PM
I have said it before that part of the problem is at the door of the policy-makers and
politicians in Russia. Pipeline project didn't spring up in the minds of politicians in
Russia one morning, presumably. There should have been foresight, detailed planning, and
opportunity creation for firms in Russia to acquire the skill-set and resources to advance
this project. Not doing so has come to bite Russia hard and painful. Lessons learnt I hope Mr
jakro 4 hours ago 19 Jan, 2021 11:37 AM
Good news. The swamp is getting deeper and bigger.
hermaflorissen 4 hours ago 19 Jan, 2021 11:49 AM
Trump finally severed my expectations for the past 4 years. He should indeed perish.
ariadnatheo 1 hour ago 19 Jan, 2021 03:06 PM
That is one Trump measure that will not be overturned by the Senile One. They will need to
amplify the RussiaRussiaRussia barking and scratching to divert attention from their dealings
with China
Neville52 2 hours ago 19 Jan, 2021 02:01 PM
Its time the other nations of the world turned their backs on the US. Its too risky if you
are an international corporation to suddenly have large portions of your income cancelled due
to some crazy politician in the US
5th Eye 2 hours ago 19 Jan, 2021 02:03 PM
From empire to the collapse of empire, US follows UK to the letters. Soon it will be
irrelevant. The only thing that remains for UK is the language. Probably hotdog for the US.
VonnDuff1 1 hour ago 19 Jan, 2021 02:10 PM
The USA Congress and its corrupt foreign policy dictates work to the detriment of Europe and
Russia, while providing no tangible benefits to US states or citizens. So globalist demands
wrapped in the stars & stripes, should be laughed at, by all freedom loving nations.
Biden is clearly an enforcer for a faction of what we might call the permanent
establishment, the hidden real government that runs on automatic imperial pilot regardless
who is nominal US President.
That "permanent establishment" is currently becoming "dis-established" everywhere in the
world. It sees with horror that its grip on the entire world is crumbling.
It does only what it has always tried in such cases -- war, war, war. Only of late, those
wars -- war against Russia over Ukraine, war against Assad's Syria, an attempted war against
Erdogan in Turkey, a war against the growing economic muscle in the world of China -- have
been impotent flops.
Biden, a dutiful servant of those interests, carries the flag of war to where he is sent,
much like the character in Monty Python's Ministry of Silly Walks.
In the reality the USA is not falling apart. It is neoliberalism that is falling apart and
this is just how common people feel during the collapse of neliberalism.
"79% of Americans think the US is falling apart" those not accounted for are possibly
homeless or illiterate and don't have the opportunity of putting their view forward.
RTaccount 1 day ago 15 Jan, 2021 02:22 PM
There will be no peace, no unity, and no prosperity. And there shouldn't be.
TheFishh RTaccount 1 day ago 15 Jan, 2021 03:38 PM
The US regimes past and present have worn out their bag of tricks. A magician is a con-man.
And the only way they can entertain and spellbind the crowd with their routines is if
everyone just ignores the sleight of hand. But people are starting to call the US out for the
tricks it is pulling, and that's where the magician's career ends.
SJMan333 23 hours ago 16 Jan, 2021 01:02 AM
America as a whole is now reaping the fruits of its decades of exceptionalism complex.
Through its propaganda machine, Americans as individuals and collectively as a society, have
been brainwashed into believing that laws, rules and basic human decency do not apply to
themselves. These are only sweetened poisons for them to shove down the throats of other
lesser countries, especially those in Africa, Latin America, Middle East and Asia ((bluntly
put, non-white countries)) when it suited America's global resource thievery and daylight
wealth grabbing. Habitualized into bullying every other countries with no resistance,
Americans are now showing their ugly faces on each other. The same exceptionalism delusion
"the laws apply to you, not me'' is driving every American (except the colored Americans
probably) to blame all the ills of the country on everyone else except himself. Nancy Pelosi
advocated total lock-down but treated herself to a total grooming in a hair saloon is just
one example. For the sins it has committed over the decades, I guess the time is right for
USA to have a dose of its own medicine. Except in this case, America never thought it
necessary to develop an antidote.
The Putsch Govt and Tech & Media Oligarchs are "Riding the Tiger"
The reason I'm laughing, is because Joe and the deep state are exposing themselves for
who they are, a bunch of corrupt government officials who don't have the support of the
Joe is going to have a really hard time unless they institutionalize the election
fraud and continue it, which is my biggest fear because it means we've become a corrupt
banana republic, and poverty will quickly ensue.
Big government brings poverty to the
public (and riches to the deep state) while freedom (i.e., small government that just
protects our freedoms, rather than socialism that promises to provide for us but instead
brings government forcing us to work) brings prosperity to the people.
I guess he is correct in that. Good luck USAians, I trust you will stay healthy and find a
third or fourth party because at this rate the turnout will be so low that the duopoly might
have to rig the elections to make it seem credible.
Anyone who thought voting in Biden was going to end the circus is sadly mistaken. The refusal
of a large section of the population to recognize Trump as President has merely set the tone
for a large portion of the population to think of Biden as illegitimate. If Biden uses
domestic terrorism legislation to try to control the opposition it won't end well. Bring on
the lions and Christians and any other unpopular section of the country.
A half century of downward mobility -- crippling of the real economy in which productivity
was rewarded -- and neglect causing deterioration of infrastructure (including meeting basic
human needs like health care), have brought the U.S. to a state of collapse.
Almost everyone seems to sense this and we feel powerless to rectify the situation through
accepted channels, thus some people believe they have a 'patriotic' duty to use other means.
The combination of disenfranchised minorities and disgruntled middle class becomes dangerous
(to the established order) as soon as both groups realize they can't win by blaming and
fighting each other.
We haven't reached that stage yet, judging from the comments I've read in the mainstream
media, however it's just a matter of time until they do. The divide-and-rule political game
keeps people attached to ideology of left vs right until it becomes clear that we all lose by
adhering to this mode of thinking.
The war racket and a whole range of other exploitative financial policies are driven by
the top echelon of elites, who also control the narratives through media propaganda.
Their game is failing and they're resorting to draconian control measures to prop it up,
but this can't continue much longer.
As I see it, the collapse of the Western financial system could happen suddenly or
gradually, or it could bring the ultimate destruction of human civilization. In any case, I
believe our degradation of the natural world will be the real catalyst leading either to
human extinction; or else if we're lucky and smart enough, will induce us to massively
downsize our population and industrial activity in order to let the ecosystem heal
Giraldi's current essay hits on numerous points already brought forth by b and barflies,
and IMO is a very well balanced look at the outcome and possible road that lies ahead.
The citation he opens with IMO gets to the heart of the matter of what's been building
since the 2000 election and its Judicial Coup:
"In a recent article Catholic University professor Claes G. Ryn wrote [Link at
"Few people are really open to persuasion in any case -- not just on political subjects
but on any subject about which they care and on which they have adopted certain views.
Diehard partisans for a certain outlook will refuse to have their beliefs questioned, and
so will many others. They will be no less dismissive of a document challenging their
opinions if it is full of footnotes and appendixes. Such a document will, indeed, make them
resist it even more. As for the relatively few people who are truly open-minded, they will
not find another person's observations dispositive. They will, as they should, want to
consider the evidence on a contested matter for themselves."
We experience the above daily here at MoA. IMO, economic reality will alter the equation
once the eviction and foreclosure restrictions end unless some very enlightened legislation
is proposed and enacted.
Rep Jason Crow (Dem Colo) "I had a lot of conversations with my Republican colleagues. ...
A couple of them broke down in tears ... saying that they are afraid for their lives if they
vote for this impeachment."
The only thing they (RINO's, the non Trumpers) are afraid of loosing is their seat on the
gravy train express. They are afraid of loosing their seat at the sleaziest brothel in the
world, totally bought and controlled by powerful interest groups and foreign governments with
Israel being by far the biggest one that controls that chamber. There, fixed it for you Mr.
Crow. Rep Crow could well end up eating crow when this is all over.
IMO a large number of his supporters like Pat Lang don't care much for him or his policies
specially his Israel first policies, majority are America first conservative nationalist they
will look for someone else to lead and reorganize, that's when this divide will become
dangerous and scary. IMO that is the only reason they really didn't damage the building or
even hide themselves behind mask they are not afraid of being identified.
That is even more scary for those who hope there wouldn't be a civil uprising challenge the
establishment .
"The hostility the Democrats have show will create a huge backlash. Do they really
believe that can suppress 74 million Trump voters?"
They don't have to suppress 74 million Trump voters. They don't have to suppress
any of the Trump voters. They just have to hold on to the 81 million Democratic
voters, and will probably be joined by a relative handful of Republicans who, out of disgust
and anger at Trump, will cross over and join the Democrats.
Of course, if the mass of everyday, relatively uninvolved Democratic voters finds out the
truth about the true past and about the true intents and purposes of the Biden-Harris
wrecking crew, it's possible that some small percentage of them will stop voting and/or
switch to minor parties, but it's unlikely that such a small desertion will swing any
election to the Republicans, especially if the Biden administration is smart enough and
loose-fisted enough to toss a few financial crumbs to the mass of unfortunates who are
staring homelessness and starvation in the face.
One result of the eight-year Obama administration was a small group of Democrats who did
exactly that -- they walked away while the vast majority of registered Democrats ignored
Obama's long list of crimes and misdemeanors and pretended not to see or to know of his lies
and betrayals of the working class. So the principled deserters are already gone, and those
left in the party are hard-core, thick-headed party-above-principle-in-all-things grifters
and groupies who will stick to the party through all manner of thick and thin circumstances.
They're not going to participate in any "backlash."
The Democrats have proven themselves complete idiots for years and years and years. The
Republicans are batshit crazy. The last election from the Democratic POV was to remove what
they perceive as an existential threat to 'democracy' which is another word for 'deep state.'
It is no wonder the rush to judgment to confirm what they already believe about DJT. Critical
thinking and common sense are not attributes the elite political class possess. They are all
vainglorious grifters.
The USA is FUBAR and none of the king's horses and none of the king's men etc. etc.
The Trump supporters do not care that he is a murderer and a scoundrel as well as yet
another US President that started yet another war against a Muslim country.
They think that US can survive a centuries-long war against Islam.
That is a major flaw in their estimation of US power and fragility of what they have in
the United States.
1.2 billion Muslims, 1.2 billion Chinese, and a 130 million Russians believing that the
United States is their enemy.
No amount of domestic political change in the United States can address this.
In 1976, a 17-year old American boy could travel alone in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan,
etc. without any fear; he would be welcome because of the correct foreign policy of the
United States.
Americans have lost that and are discussing the deck arrangements on Titanic.
In 1976, a 17-year old American boy could travel alone in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc.
without any fear; he would be welcome because of the correct foreign policy of the United
In Laos, Vietnam or Cambodia the "correct foreign policy of the United States" was in full
display. The US was always a murderous monster. The only difference is that it has turned on
"The Trump supporters do not care that he is a murderer and a scoundrel as well as yet
another US President that started yet another war against a Muslim country."
As you know this is not unique to trump supporters for as long as I have experienced this
a fundamental group think in America. Americans from early school days are thought the you
are "special" and "indispensable "
And "exceptional" they are thought never to accept or believe defeat never agree or accept
"mistake" never agree or accept "lack of knowledge " this not just Trump is the entire
nation' by now this group think is injected in sole of the nation on hourly bases. This
people are just beginning to doubt or question their government' sincerity and its design
while middle easterners never trust the government. It will eventually become more difficult
for US governments to govern under the mistrust that is building up. New honest deal will be
And that's what false flag with Capitol ransacking accomplished. It fives Clinton/Obama/Biden
clique card blank for suppressing the dissent
This false flag operation like shooting protesters by snipers during Ukrainian Maydan is a
logical end of American Maidan and pursued the same goals -- deposing the current president,
hijacking political power and consolidating it via repressions.
Notable quotes:
"... That is why we are witnessing the fussy, aggressive actions of the Democrats - a ridiculous re-impeachment of the president, who will leave the White House in a week, the most severe censorship and suppression of dissent. There is no need for the real winners of fair elections to behave like that, as they are aware of their legitimacy and are confident in themselves (relying on the real, not imaginary, support of the majority of the population). ..."
From the "Biden Exploits His Capitol Gains" article:
Joe Biden's own language certainly sounded less like a magnanimous winner uniting his
people than like that used by autocrats and dictators to hold onto power, argues Diana
Diana Johnstone's opinion is quite reasonable. In fact, a "creeping"/"bureaucratic" coup
d'etat took place in the United States. And it wasn't Trump at all, but Biden & Co. The
fact that "Joe Biden's own language sounded like that used by autocrats and dictators to hold
onto power" is further confirmation of this.
If you are in the majority and you win the election honestly, then there is no need to act
the way the Democrats did. The current aggressive rhetoric of Biden (and other Democrats) is
evidence that the elections were stolen/falsified. Biden knows this very well, and therefore
his language is as cruel, irreconcilable and repressive as possible. After the illegitimate
elections, the task is to consolidate own's power and suppress all those who reject what
happened. In fact, this is what happened in Ukraine after the Maidan 2014.
That is why we are witnessing the fussy, aggressive actions of the Democrats - a
ridiculous re-impeachment of the president, who will leave the White House in a week, the
most severe censorship and suppression of dissent. There is no need for the real winners of
fair elections to behave like that, as they are aware of their legitimacy and are confident
in themselves (relying on the real, not imaginary, support of the majority of the
Globalization has made the United States a hollow giant. It has produced an enormous
wealth gap, and this inequality is producing a breakdown in social cohesion. They have faced
crisis before in the form of political polarization, economic hardship and racial tensions,
but the situation now is a combination of every one of the mentioned before amplified by
orders of magnitude by the pandemic.
The power of the MIC, Wall Street and Big Tech along with their MSM minions acting in a
concerted way is the only thing preventing an implosion of the country. Either that or the
notion of "American Exceptionalism" is truly implanted in the hearts and minds of the people,
whether they realize it or not.
Is there anything more pathetic than competition between two political mafias hiding as some
sort of disagreement over principle?
Notable quotes:
"... Absolutely his instinct to rebalance the economic relationship with China was correct. But he's too stupid to do it in a way that actually benefits or improves the US long term. Every once in a while with him there was hint of a good instinct but he never followed through because his base instincts always win out. ..."
"... The cries of censorship are asinine. Real censorship of diverging opinions was accomplished decades ago. Banning Donald trump from twitter isn't censorship. They didn't ban the POTUS account (they did delete tweets when he tried to use it), they banned his personal account because he's an asshole who broke the rules. Republicans have been telling me about the sanctity of property my whole life. Now they change their minds? ..."
It's all just farts in a jar. The trajectory was set decades ago and the political
oligarchy and gerontocracy aren't going to let go of that trajectory. Trump was only a
"populist" insofar as it was a means for him to be popular. In reality, he's a dishonest,
craven asshole. If he was a populist he would have responded to Covid way differently. What
he is, however, is a nationalist. Those are dangerous because they don't think clearly.
Absolutely his instinct to rebalance the economic relationship with China was correct.
But he's too stupid to do it in a way that actually benefits or improves the US long term.
Every once in a while with him there was hint of a good instinct but he never followed
through because his base instincts always win out.
The cries of censorship are asinine. Real censorship of diverging opinions was
accomplished decades ago. Banning Donald trump from twitter isn't censorship. They didn't ban
the POTUS account (they did delete tweets when he tried to use it), they banned his personal
account because he's an asshole who broke the rules. Republicans have been telling me about
the sanctity of property my whole life. Now they change their minds?
The empire is in terminal decline. Trump doesn't change it. Biden doesn't change it. Who
controls Congress doesn't change it. Because all of them are beholden to the declining empire
and/or they believe in America's myths (they are nationalists). A failed color revolution run
by people who don't want to accept an election result just says real loud that the empire is
Sheldon Adelson, the casino oligarch who has financed far right causes as well as the
political careers of Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahoo, has
died . In 2013 Adelson had called for nuking Tehran (vid).
Good Riddance.
Unfortunately his money will continue to flow to the far right as his Israeli wife is the
one who is now running the show .
In other news B'Tselem, the topmost Israeli human rights organization, finally describes both Israel
and its control of the Palestinian territories as a single apartheid regime:
B'Tselem rejects the perception of Israel as a democracy (inside the Green Line) that
simultaneously upholds a temporary military occupation (beyond it). B'Tselem reached the
conclusion that the bar for defining the Israeli regime as an apartheid regime has been met
after considering the accumulation of policies and laws that Israel devised to entrench its
control over Palestinians.
Nothing really new there but it makes it official.
With B'Tselem finally speaking out it is much easier to refute those who falsely denounce
the much justified condemnation of Zionism and Israel as anti-semitic.
This comes at a time when Israel is
scheming to derail the incoming Biden administration's plan to return to the nuclear deal
with Iran:
Israel will start by sending a stream of envoys on visits to Washington, the official said,
requesting anonymity to discuss private deliberations. It's stated publicly that it doesn't
want the U.S. to abandon sanctions on the Islamic Republic without a new deal, and that a
tougher stance should be taken toward its nuclear project, ballistic missile program and
regional proxy forces.
That strategy runs against the Biden team's willingness to re-enter the deal, then
negotiate an expansion of its terms. It's conditioned on Iran's returning to compliance
with the accord, whose limits it breached after President Donald Trump pulled the U.S. out
of the agreement in 2018.
Israel also has a higher-risk card up its sleeve: the potential to upend diplomatic efforts
through covert operations against Iran.
Netanyahu has been open about his intention to thwart renewed U.S. participation. In a rare
public split, he rebuked his envoy to Germany for supporting Berlin's push to expand the
"There should be no return to the Iran nuclear agreement of 2015 -- a deal which is
flawed to its foundations," Netanyahu said.
With Biden being an arch-Zionist
and with a team
of Zionist Jews leading the State Department the chances of a fast return to the deal can
be regarded as slim.
Dr. Charles Wright, born in 1844, was a physics and chemistry researcher in London. Well
respected, he helped found the Royal Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland.
With his chemist skills, he had been experimenting with morphine, combining it with various
acids. He had hoped to discover a nonaddictive alternative to the medicine and soon
discovered a more potent version of morphine by boiling anhydrous morphine alkaloid with
acetic anhydride. Called diacetylmorphine at the time, this is the substance today known as
heroin. Following Wright's discovery, the drug was marketed as an analgesic and a cough
sedative in 1888. It wasn't until 1913 that its addictive qualities were officially
discovered and it was swiftly taken off the market.
Following injuries he sustained as a Colonel in the Confederate Army, John Pemberton,
also a pharmacist, searched for a cure to counteract his addiction to morphine, which he
had been using as a painkiller. After experimenting with coca and coca wines, he came up
with what he called Pemberton's French Wine Coca, an alcoholic blend designed to reduce
nervousness; stomach, bowel, and kidney irregularities; and more. Following temperance
legislation, Pemberton was under pressure to create a non-alcoholic version of his medicine
and invented Coca-Cola by accident in 1886. It was the result when he mistakenly blended
his base syrup with carbonated water, and he decided to market it as the fountain drink we
know today. Ten years later, the Coca-Cola company ran into controversy after it was
discovered cocaine was an addictive and dangerous substance. A glass used to 9 mg of its
primary secret – now illegal – ingredient.
Nagai Nagayoshi, who became the first doctor of pharmacy in Japan, was sponsored by the
Prussia government to study at the University of Berlin and went on to receive a doctorate
based on his study of eugenol. Nagayoshi later became a professor of chemistry and pharmacy
in 1893, and it was this year he became the first to synthesize methamphetamine, which came
from ephedrine. It was Nagayoshi's work that led pharmacologist Akira Ogata to synthesize
the crystalline form of methamphetamine, which we today know as crystal meth.
Born in 1783, Friedrich Sertürner, achieved a number of recognized accomplishments
at a young age when he worked as a pharmacist's apprentice. He isolated morphine from
opium, becoming the first person to ever extract an alkaloid from opium and thus to isolate
an alkaloid from a plant. This feat made Sertürner the first person ever to isolate a
medicinal plant or herb's active ingredient. He named the alkaloid "morphium," after
Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams. Having morphine literally at his fingertips to examine,
Sertürner investigated its effects. The drug became a widely used sedative after 1815,
and Sertürner worked as a successful pharmacist until his death in 1841.
I take the blame for starting the thread on discussing opiate addiction @ 5. This was due
to my picking up these paragraphs at the Buzzfeed News article that B linked to in connection
with Miriam Adelson.
... Miriam [Adelson] married fellow physician Ariel Ochshorn in the 1970s, and had two
daughters with him, Yasmin and Sivan. After they divorced in the 1980s, she came to New
York to do a fellowship at Rockefeller University with Dr. Mary Jeanne Kreek. The two
doctors have remained friends and collaborators to this day.
Kreek, who began her conversation with BuzzFeed News by stressing that she had gotten
permission from Miriam to do the interview, said that she had been approached by an
official in Israel's Ministry of Health in 1986 about sending an Israeli doctor to
Rockefeller to work on addiction medicine. In short order, Adelson came over to New York
with her two teenagers, who attended the Ramaz School on Manhattan's Upper East Side.
At the time, treating heroin addicts with methadone was still considered a
cutting-edge treatment, and Kreek and Adelson (then Ochshorn) were on the forefront. It
was also starting to become controversial; while many doctors argue that methadone
maintenance is an effective harm-reduction tool that allows people to master their
addiction and live normal lives, opponents say that using methadone instead of heroin is
really another form of dependence. Kreek, who receives significant funding for her program
from the Adelsons, decried the "stigma" surrounding methadone maintenance treatment ...
Here is a link to an article Miriam Adelson co-authored on whether methadone maintenance
treatment (at her clinic, I presume) might improve opioid addicts' cognitive abilities:
Whether the success of the treatments at Dr Adelson's clinics are actually due to the
treatments themselves, and whether their success can be replicated in other clinics not owned
or run by Dr Adelson, might be another issue.
"... I hate virtually all of Trump's policies. I hate his stupidity in continually hiring people who hated him. He could have turned to members of the genuine left -- men such as Stephen Cohen -- for advice. ..."
"... n a classic act of projection, woke Dems accuse Trump of not conceding, whereas in fact they are the ones who never conceded the presidency in 2016. This is so obvious, and yet it has apparently become invisible to most!!! Memory hole opened up like a crack in the earth behind each step. ..."
"... The gullibility of Trump is astounding. He did everything to keep the swamp happy, to keep Israel happy, flipped on Nato and on Russia, had hawks left and right and at the end he will be discarded like a used condom. ..."
"... can't help but think that Donald Trump is a man with no common sense, lacking the real conviction of his words and just not very bright or he was to some degree willfully complicit in this now obviously dire state the U.S. finds itself. ..."
"... If anyone thinks there is some good news because this murderous, warring empire is coming to an end, I suggest you think again. The war machine is still fully intact and funded. The international bankers who are in complete control are buying up everything and are planning on a 'reset' dictated by them. To the world! Understandably, there will likely be a few countries who do not feel inclined to agree with this reset and it's terms. There will have to be war to correct this thinking, even if a billion or more are killed. The more the merrier. Less 'useless eaters' to deal with. ..."
Mr. Roberts is right on point when he says that Trump will be locked up.
The people running the United States are going to make an example of Trump. They will send
a message that no "outsider" should ever again dare to run for President.
Trump will spend the rest of his life behind bars.
I fear you are right. In this case it might be better if he weren't such a street fighter,
because standing up for himself to me isn't worth the price he will pay. He should get
himself and his family post haste to a country with no extradition and simply live the rest
of his life in peace. No one needs the vitriol that has been and will continue to be heaped
on him.
Trump _should_ spend the rest of his life behind bars -- for contributing to the deaths of
tens of thousands of human beings. Ordinary Syrians, Iranians, Cubans, and Venezuelans died
because of the murderous sanctions Washington put on their countries, and Pres. Trump did
nothing to help -- and in fact, intensified them.
Very similar to his indifference to the plight of Edward Snowden & Julian Assange.
Trump is a monster of self-centredness. In fact, in the words of his own former White House
Chief of Staff, he is 'the most damaged human being I have ever met.' Just the sort of
creature we would expect to find as head of the US empire
I'm afraid you are spot on -- Trump lies to the World when he was running for President
& then broke almost all of his promises -especially to drain the Swamp. He also
unforgivably allowed the Jews to take over Palistinian land etc. He has alot to answer for
even if he wasn't as War like as the 3 Presidents before him.
YOu re problably right, Jimmy.
But it turns out differently when one gets the point where Trump locked up prospect here is
not him but a whole lot of american people trying to get rid of globalism and the need for
Who might be buried up along with him.
But not a word about the crimes of those who preceded him, which included the ultimate
crime, that of engaging in unjustified warfare?
Your post implies you have a standard of behaviour you are judging Trump by. By definition
it must be universally applied, otherwise all you are seeking is the selective imposition of
your view.
I agree. If Trump deserves lockup, so do Obama, Bush, and the Clintons.
I hate virtually all of Trump's policies. I hate his stupidity in continually hiring
people who hated him. He could have turned to members of the genuine left -- men such as
Stephen Cohen -- for advice.
But that is not the point. Since 2016 those who tried to eliminate Trump did so not for
his real crimes but for made-up. Basically his crime of being president in the first
I n a classic act of projection, woke Dems accuse Trump of not conceding, whereas in
fact they are the ones who never conceded the presidency in 2016. This is so obvious, and yet
it has apparently become invisible to most!!! Memory hole opened up like a crack in the earth
behind each step.
Trump's crime, for which he may actually be locked up, was in truth just winning the
presidency in 2016 and humiliating Hillary (whom everyone hated anyhow). I am becoming quite
terrified of people I have known all my my life and even am related to.
Corrected assessment. His wealth and his 5 children (and their future) are too much of a
liability for him to do the necessary. His policy of appeasement will not work though with
the rabid bolshevik kabal.
I think he and his family will be persecuted and likely prosecuted unless the has the
foresight to move to Russia and save his skin.
The gullibility of Trump is astounding. He did everything to keep the swamp happy, to
keep Israel happy, flipped on Nato and on Russia, had hawks left and right and at the end he
will be discarded like a used condom.
Russia saw it from the get go, at the end he will have the full weight of both parties
against him, and instead of locking her up it will be the other way around. The cowards have
no sense of decency, they will not show any good will like he did.
Trump betrayed his base, failed to organize again and again, put his trust in all the
wrong people and now is done. I'll be surprised if he doesn't face jailtime on some trumped
up charges.
For all his charisma and good intentions he turned out a clueless clown, sad clown at the
end. History will not be kind, and neither will the victors.
True Americans have seen their last train leave the station, it will take time to realize
that there are no more trains. Game over.
I thought this was a good summation by Dr. Roberts. I can't help but think that Donald
Trump is a man with no common sense, lacking the real conviction of his words and just not
very bright or he was to some degree willfully complicit in this now obviously dire state the
U.S. finds itself. Maybe he owed the Rothschild clan a favour.
If anyone thinks there is some good news because this murderous, warring empire is
coming to an end, I suggest you think again. The war machine is still fully intact and
funded. The international bankers who are in complete control are buying up everything and
are planning on a 'reset' dictated by them. To the world! Understandably, there will likely
be a few countries who do not feel inclined to agree with this reset and it's terms. There
will have to be war to correct this thinking, even if a billion or more are killed. The more
the merrier. Less 'useless eaters' to deal with.
Try to see something good in creation every day. Try to do good every day. This world as
it is does not have much time. Someone said that what cannot go on forever won't! At some
point, the One who gives life to all will say it is enough. Some of us just celebrated his
most blessed nativity.
This guy biden is king of promises, and as every year goes by and so many promises are not
met, don't think these people wont show up on D.C.'s doorstep looking for revenge.
Who better to preside over the collapse of the empire? The usual rules will apply: the
feckless Dems – always at their abysmal worst when they assume power – will blame
the "evil Reps" for everything that goes wrong (and there will be plenty – although
none of it will ever be discussed publicly!), and the Reps will be at their sterling
obstructionist best. Talk of impeachment for Biden – who will be nowhere in sight for
most of his term – will linger throughout his term, while Trump will soon be prosecuted
and jailed, his entire administration canceled from the official histories, with Queen
Hillary named "Presidentess in Exile" for 2016-2020 due to alleged Russian interference with
her rightful coronation. The Empire will trumpet from on high for all to hear that this
signals the glorious victory of US Democracy (angelic chorus sounds here) over the forces of
darkness, or some such agitprop; and the skies will clear, the birds will sing, and a rosy
glow will return to the cheeks of all the fair maidens and indeterminant gendered of our
great land. The masks, of course, will remain firmly in place, as the "new normal" slowly
becomes merely business as usual, and the sheeple graze contentedly in their prison stalls,
content in the knowledge that Big Brother is looking out for their health and welfare, at
least until the ritual sacrificial slaughter of the lambs should be deemed necessary. For the
good of all, of course. Should all make for some excellent reality TV.
Well the empire is going to collapse the citizens before it collapses, and even before the
empire collapse comes a global scare of epic proportions to shake and rattle the cage for
those whom are not prepared.
Trump isn't going anywhere. I was at the rally in DC and listened to his
entire speech on the ellipse. He stated that he would not concede. With
this assurance why would the demonstrators have any reason to aggressively
breach the Capitol building? The whole thing was a staged provocation by antifa.
There are videos of how this was staged all over the internet. Let us all
hope and pray that the Scarlet(Whore) color revolution against Trump is finally
eradiated and extirpated now that all the Deep Satanists have been exposed for
their participation in the coup and election fraud.
The question has been asked – what is the US military going to do? Will they just
stay put and watch the theft unfold?
Whilst many commentators were soiling themselves in phantasies of a pro trump military coup
to end the charade, drain the swamp and burn down DC, PCR had a very clear view (expressed
elsewhere): why would the military object to a new leadership if it promises more war, more
blood, more money? It won't, it will welcome it in fact.
Be it as it may, and despite all the stinkin' lies about the election I would think it is
too tall an order for a non-murrican to mourn the self-destruction of the most evil, ghastly,
ruthless hegemon the world has seen in the last 100 years.
I second the sentiment. It's not even that. The media are full of Muricans' moaning about
their fate. It's everywhere – and on top of that, the scumbags are accusing China and
Russia for their "tribulations".
We don't care and we don't want to hear about how hard the life is for Billy Bob who would
die for the very criminals that have condemned him to a life of meth, moonshine and
malingering – while telling him that he is solely responsible for his own miserable
There is a huge big world elsewhere that is currently booming – thousand flowers are
blooming despite the oppression by the parasitical cancerous sub-empire – and yet, we
obsess over whether Trump is a fraud or not.
I suppose it provides a great platform for ranting :-)
Trump run his election complain of 2016 as champion of common Americans. After he won the
office the betrayed them all and governed like Bush III with his own cabal of neocons and
neoliberals. \
He betrayed his followed again on Dec 6, when he first incited them for the action but did not provide organization, security
and the plan needed to press Congress to appoint the commission for investigation of election "irregularities" for then days
before Biden inauguration. He is now completely spent politically and his enemies and first of all, Ms Pelosi, are after him.
Moreover he gave a shot in the arm for the gang of Russiagaters who were pursuing him
since his inauguration.
The fact that Trump leaves the political scene is good. While useful as a wrecking ball for
the neoliberal empire and neoliberal establishment he proved to be completely inept as
a politician and lack courage necessary for the national leader. Which he proved again on Dec 6. Famous quote from
Friedrich Schiller's play Fiesco "The Moor has done his duty. The Moor can go." is probably applicable. What is interesting
is that Zionists betrayed Trump.
But the fact hat he will be replaced by neocon warmonger and staunch neoliberal Biden means
that there is no light at the and of tunnel for the common people.
Like Trump, Biden was never Presidential material. He a a mediocre politician, by all
accounts. And extremely corrupt in addition to that.
Notable quotes:
"... Donald Trump denounced the people whom he personally called to protest. His close political allies withdrew their support. ..."
"... The deck was stacked against President Trump from Day One. His orders were ignored. The US courts, judges, police, the whole system of law enforcement was against him; his orders were blocked or overturned, while the media made fun of him and the opposition relentlessly delegitimised him. ..."
"... On January 6, a massive demonstration in his support gathered in Washington, DC. Hundreds of thousands Americans came to the capital to demand justice after the election fraud became obvious. They hoped that the Republican representatives would refuse to certify the fraud and appoint a commission to check and recount the votes. ..."
"... The horror and outrage of the Dem politicians and media were as faked as their news. During last year, many government buildings were taken over by Dem-sponsored BLM activists, and in not one case did the police use lethal weapons or even rush the protesters out of buildings. ..."
"... For them, it was an honest and funny way to express their indignation. But the real gambit plotters intended to frame them. They even murdered four protesters hoping they would respond with violence, but in vain. ..."
"... White American protesters are exceptionally non-violent lot; as with Occupy Wall Street a few years back the January 6 Capitol protesters were timid and obedient as lambs. For this reason, BLM was invented, for Blacks are able to riot violently, as opposed to well-trained whites. It is not a race thing: lily-white French Yellow Vests and Ukrainian nationalists have fought the police all right. But US whites are not prone to riot, not since the Civil War. ..."
"... Anyway, their non-violence didn't help them. The president-elect Biden begrudged them even the name of protesters: "Don't dare call them protesters. They were a riotous mob, insurrectionists, domestic terrorists." Indeed, the name should be preserved for Deep State-authorised looters and their brethren all over the world, whether in Hong Kong or Minsk, in Seattle or Portland. ..."
"... researchers will argue whether duplicitous Biden's minions organised it or just capitalised on the Trumpers' sincere protest. ..."
"... There is no doubt that to an objective observer the 2020 elections were profoundly unfair. I won't trouble you with too many published details about the statistically impossible results, but here is one example of fraud. The city of Detroit gave 95 per cent of its vote to Biden/Kamala, a number that Mr Kim Jong-un would view with slight envy, while Mr Lukashenko would murmur, "How can it be done?" It is highly likely this mind-boggling result was achieved in the following way. ..."
"... The problem is, Trump was a poor organiser. He could win elections, if he could prevent Cynthia Stephens's kind of legislation, outlaw postal ballots, enforce obligatory IDs for voting, mobilise his people for election control. A formidable task, but not impossible, while dealing with a prone-to-cheat adversary. He could even do a revolution on January 6, tasking the right people to act, forming a revolutionary HQ, planning a strategy of takeover, but he didn't do anything of the sort. He probably thought Congress would see the vast crowds and allow for the checking of election results. ..."
"... Alternatively, he was so naïve that he believed revolutions just happen by themselves, as in the movies. They do not. Behind every successful revolution, there is a lot of planning, armed force, weapons ready for use, supply lines, logistics, media support, and communications. Trump had none of that. It was enough to turn off Twitter to make him deaf and dumb. ..."
"... There was no coup attempt, as correctly stated by Tyler Durden : "Trump has never had the concentration, organizational acumen, or ideological coherence to mount a bona fide "coup," and a mob intrusion which was swiftly dispersed by armed agents of the state doesn't change that. ..."
"... Many Trumpists believed in the QAnon and Kayfabe conspiracies; they posted reports of bad guys being arrested, of servers snatched by the FBI, of Clinton and Biden waiting for rough justice behind bars. This belief disarmed people who would otherwise have fought to achieve this very result. That is the problem with conspiracies: imaginary conspiracies prevent real action. ..."
"... He succeeded against enormous odds in improving the lot of American workers: for the first time since the 1970s, their incomes rose in relation to the other classes. He stopped mass migration to the US: legal immigration went down to a trickle. He avoided new wars; he tried to make peace with Russia. He refused to bomb Iran even in the last days of his presidency, though some pro-Israel supporters promised him a second term if he would. ..."
"... His fight against the corona madness was his great achievement. He was against the lockdowns that are about to destroy our world so completely that few things will survive. The last great US ruler who didn't wear the cowardly mask will be remembered. He could not defeat the mighty medical complex, or FAGMA, or the Masters of Discourse, but he tried. ..."
President Trump was decisively beaten, if not fair and square. The hopes of millions of
American voters were squashed and extinguished. The saga of the Orange Man is over. The victors
used a gambit: they sacrificed the sanctity and security of the Capitol, allowed intruders in,
permitted them to take selfies in the Speaker's office, and then faked horror and outrage. The
attempted calls for electoral transparency were deflated in real time as huge crowds were
dispersed, electors were confirmed, and the ascendancy of Biden was assured, while Trump
followers were branded 'domestic terrorists'.
Donald Trump denounced the people whom he personally called to protest. His close political
allies withdrew their support. Within hours, or even minutes, this ruler of the world admired
by millions became a non-person. Like a boy who posted an obscenity, he was banned by Twitter
and Facebook. Time will tell whether he will go to prison, as so many Dems pray for, but his
political life seems to have ended, even if his cause may live.
The deck was stacked against President Trump from Day One. His orders were ignored. The US
courts, judges, police, the whole system of law enforcement was against him; his orders were
blocked or overturned, while the media made fun of him and the opposition relentlessly
delegitimised him. He was blocked even by Fox News. Dem-run states adjusted their laws to
assure the elections' result. Trump was a lame duck from the very beginning of his presidency
to its bitter end. He was kept on a short leash by the almighty Deep State, and when he tried
to free himself, they pulled the leash.
On January 6, a massive demonstration in his support gathered in Washington, DC. Hundreds of
thousands Americans came to the capital to demand justice after the election fraud became
obvious. They hoped that the Republican representatives would refuse to certify the fraud and
appoint a commission to check and recount the votes. Some of the protesters managed to break
into the Capitol, or were let in by the police. This peaceful Occupy Capitol action, the
exercise of a natural right to protest, was met with lethal fire, and a young female protester
from San Diego, Ashli Babbitt, was murdered by the plainclothes police. The Republican
representatives were cowed and surrendered; Biden was confirmed to take office.
The horror and outrage of the Dem politicians and media were as faked as their news. During
last year, many government buildings were taken over by Dem-sponsored BLM activists, and in not
one case did the police use lethal weapons or even rush the protesters out of buildings.
"Shortly after 8 p.m. Wednesday, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the locked King
Street entrance to the Capitol, chanting "Break down the door!" and "General strike!" Moments
later, police ceded control of the State Street doors and allowed the crowd to surge inside,
joining thousands who had already gathered in the Capitol to protest the votes. The area
outside the Assembly, which is scheduled to take the bill up at 11 a.m. today, was crowded
with protesters who chanted, "We're not leaving. Not this time."
Department of Administration spokesman Tim Donovan said although protesters were being
encouraged to leave, no one would be forcibly removed. Mayor Dave Cieslewicz said he had
instructed Police Chief Noble Wray not to allow his officers to participate in removing
demonstrators from the building."
This was what happened in Madison, Wisconsin in March 2011, as
Steve Sailer reminded us. Indeed, this is what the protesters expected; some were dressed
in flamboyant carnival attire; they behaved well and peacefully, within acceptable limits. It
was not an insurrection; they didn't try to take over the Congress in any meaningful sense.
For them, it was an honest and funny way to express their indignation. But the real gambit
plotters intended to frame them. They even murdered four protesters hoping they would respond
with violence, but in vain.
White American protesters are exceptionally non-violent lot; as with Occupy Wall Street
a few years back the January 6 Capitol protesters were timid and obedient as lambs. For this
reason, BLM was invented, for Blacks are able to riot violently, as opposed to well-trained
whites. It is not a race thing: lily-white French Yellow Vests and Ukrainian nationalists have
fought the police all right. But US whites are not prone to riot, not since the Civil War.
Being a foreigner, I do not understand why the Americans want to keep their guns if they never
use them, but that's the way they are.
Anyway, their non-violence didn't help them. The president-elect
Biden begrudged them even the name of protesters: "Don't dare call them protesters. They
were a riotous mob, insurrectionists, domestic terrorists." Indeed, the name should be
preserved for Deep State-authorised looters and their brethren all over the world, whether in
Hong Kong or Minsk, in Seattle or Portland.
Russian social networks were comparing the Washington DC events with those nearer to home
and complained of 'double standards'. The US media expressed no indignation when their
appointee Boris Yeltsin shelled the Russian Parliament in 1993. The New York Times and
the State Department had encouraged the nationalist mob to storm Ukrainian government offices
in 2014. They cheered on the opposition in Minsk in taking over their parliament after failing
to win elections. The Belarus protesters claimed their country's election results were rigged,
just like Trump supporters did for the US elections, but Biden didn't call them "domestic
terrorists". (Actually, neither did President Lukashenko: he called them 'protesters', and
their violent demos were dispersed without a single shot fired.) In such cases, Jews respond
with "How can you compare?!"
The Russians compared the Capitol 'coup attempt' with their own semi-staged 'coup' of 1991,
a partly pre-planned provocation. In 1991, the feeble coup organisers could not detain Yeltsin
and surrendered as if on cue; the wave of indignation removed Gorbachev and the Communist party
from power. In the Capitol, too, police waved the 'invaders' in, as you can see on this video
forwarded by the BBC. More videos suggesting Capitol police involvement in the ostensible
provocation are presented
here . The orchestrated indignation allowed the victors to censor and purge the defeated
Trump and his followers. Just as the USSR went down in August 1991, Trump's America went down
in January 2021, and the liberal elites representing the big corporations came to power. It was
achieved by a provocation, but ordinary Trump followers were really angry with the Election
Steal. Likewise, 1991 was a provocation, but ordinary Russian citizens were angry at
Gorbachev's perestroika, while the liberal elites used it to dismantle the Soviet state and
transfer all assets to their oligarchs.
People with a good knowledge of history refer to the Reichstag Fire of February 1933, the
arson contrived by the newly formed Nazi government itself to turn public opinion against its
opponents and to assume emergency powers. Alternatively, other researchers have contended that
there was no proof of Nazi complicity in the crime, but that Hitler merely capitalised on the
Dutch Communist van der Lubbe's independent act. The fire is the subject of continued debate
and research, says
the Encycopaedia Britannica . Probably the same will be said about the Capitol "invasion",
and researchers will argue whether duplicitous Biden's minions organised it or just
capitalised on the Trumpers' sincere protest.
There is no doubt that to an objective observer the 2020 elections were profoundly
unfair. I won't trouble you with too many published details about the statistically impossible
results, but here is one example of fraud. The city of Detroit gave 95 per cent of its vote to
Biden/Kamala, a number that Mr Kim Jong-un would view with slight envy, while Mr Lukashenko
would murmur, "How can it be done?" It is highly likely this mind-boggling result was achieved
in the following way.
Detroit Dems outsourced ballot
harvesting to local drug lords, offering them as a prize – recreational marijuana
business licenses. These licences are the best thing sincea licence to print
money . Having such licenses is like having your own ATM. Here
you can read about their profitability and the lengths criminals will go to obtain them.
Detroit Dems had
changed local laws allowing the sale of marijuana in their fine city (it was forbidden
until November 2020). They changed local laws prescribing the
issuing of marijuana licences to drug dealers with previous convictions for drug dealing.
They let drug lords out of
jail . They changed local laws to allow ballot harvesting; that is, collecting postal votes
and assisting with the filling in of ballots. After that, the drug dealers went around
collecting postal ballots and filling them in immediately, if they were conscientious, or just
filling them in at their leisure, if feeling lazy. They had a judge at their disposal,
Cynthia Stephens , who
changed Michigan election laws, and then
rejected Trump's claims of fraud.
Yes, Virginia, there was election fraud in many American states. They are used to
gambling; they aren't surprised by a beautiful hand of four aces, as Mark Twain suggested.
Usually the two parties deal in turns, and cheat in turns. Only this time, Trump convinced many
people that it is different; that this is their last chance.
The problem is, Trump was a poor organiser. He could win elections, if he could prevent
Cynthia Stephens's kind of legislation, outlaw postal ballots, enforce obligatory IDs for
voting, mobilise his people for election control. A formidable task, but not impossible, while
dealing with a prone-to-cheat adversary. He could even do a revolution on January 6, tasking
the right people to act, forming a revolutionary HQ, planning a strategy of takeover, but he
didn't do anything of the sort. He probably thought Congress would see the vast crowds and
allow for the checking of election results.
Alternatively, he was so naïve that he believed revolutions just happen by
themselves, as in the movies. They do not. Behind every successful revolution, there is a lot
of planning, armed force, weapons ready for use, supply lines, logistics, media support, and
communications. Trump had none of that. It was enough to turn off Twitter to make him deaf and
There was no coup attempt, as correctly stated by Tyler
Durden : "Trump has never had the concentration, organizational acumen, or ideological
coherence to mount a bona fide "coup," and a mob intrusion which was swiftly dispersed
by armed agents of the state doesn't change that. Shortly after the breach, he released a
video instructing his followers not to take Senators hostage or imprison Mike Pence, but to "go
home." No factions of the federal government joined the mob on Trump's orders, because he
didn't bother issuing any. The whole episode never stood the remotest chance of preventing the
certification of Joe Biden, much less overthrowing the government. It was just another goofball
charade, and in that sense, a fitting end to the Trump presidency."
Conspiracy theories played their disappointing part in the debacle. Many Trumpists
believed in the QAnon and Kayfabe conspiracies; they posted reports of bad guys being arrested,
of servers snatched by the FBI, of Clinton and Biden waiting for rough justice behind bars.
This belief disarmed people who would otherwise have fought to achieve this very result. That
is the problem with conspiracies: imaginary conspiracies prevent real action.
Still, I do not want to finish this piece on such a sad and disappointing note. President
Trump was a great leader. He succeeded against enormous odds in improving the lot of
American workers: for the first time since the 1970s, their incomes rose in relation to the
other classes. He stopped mass migration to the US: legal immigration went down to a trickle.
He avoided new wars; he tried to make peace with Russia. He refused to bomb Iran even in the
last days of his presidency, though some pro-Israel supporters promised
him a second term if he would.
His fight against the corona madness was his great achievement. He was against the
lockdowns that are about to destroy our world so completely that few things will survive. The
last great US ruler who didn't wear the cowardly mask will be remembered. He could not defeat
the mighty medical complex, or FAGMA, or the Masters of Discourse, but he tried.
The day of his defeat, January 6, was the Epiphany, or Adoration of the Magi, of the Three
Wise Men who came to worship Jesus in his cave. It was also Christmas Eve for the Eastern
Church. It is the darkest time of the year; from now on, the day will increase and so will our
Nothing in this year's elections surprises me. I predicted all this over four years ago in
August 2016. The only thing that surprised me was that Trump was sworn in on January 20,
2017. For a short time I believed that the United States was a democracy where elections
could change policy. It is not!
(I originally
wrote this as comment to Andrew Korybko's Facebook post on August 15, 2016.)
Why Trump can't win
Even if Trump gets a majority of the votes the chances of him actually becoming
President are slim. Here are some of the tactics and tricks the Hillary camp could use to
block his election. I cannot say what is the probability of these options, but they have
all been tested in previous US sponsored color revolutions.
Massive propaganda campaign will pressure the electorate to vote against their
favorite candidate.
If Trump still gets over 50% of the vote, the vote count will be falsified.
(Something similar seems to have happened in the Austrian presidential election.)
If the election results actually show a victory for Trump, the results will be
annulled. DNC will claim that "Putin" hacked the voting machines. The Supreme Court will
declare Hillary the winner.
If all else fails, Hillary will call for a Maidan-style occupation of Washington DC.
The revolutionaries will take over the Capitol and the White House -- with the support of
pro-Hillary officials.
I continued in the original post on August 16, 2016.
Trump cannot be allowed to win precisely because -- as you say on the video -- he
represents the non-system opposition. He does not even have the support of his own party.
This is not a simple question of counting votes. For him to actually become president, he
has to win by a large margin.
Andrew, you are an expert on hybrid war. Why would Hillary not unleash the full array of
hybrid war weapons on Trump? In fact they are doing it already. Trump has been labeled the
"Manchurian Candidate". Ukraine fell to Maidan because no one in Ukraine was willing to
defend the institution of the presidency or the Ukrainian constitution. Why would the US be
any different.
You write: "4 wouldn't fully succeed because of the counter-Color Revolution technology
that the Trump supporters could organize in their own demonstrations and movements" You are
wrong. These are not "Trump supporters" but "Putin Trolls". Why would any mainstream media
give any voice to these people?
For an anti-Trump Maidan or coup to fail, Trump would personally have to lead the
opposition. In doing so he would be putting his life, liberty and fortune at risk. He can
be pressured or "advised" to give up the fight. In fact it would be easiest to just
assassinate him.
Many things can happen before we are at scenario 4. The simplest option is to escalate a
crisis or war with Russia, Hillary's anti-Trump strategy is already framing the election as
between her and Putin. In a crisis scenario Trump would simply be dismissed as a Russian
enemy agent.
Why am I writing all this delusional stuff about a coup in the US or even of potential
civil war?
Democracy requires a free press. That no longer exist in the West. Instead the Powers
that Be have created an enormously powerful hybrid war machine that they have turned on
Libya, Syria, Russia (and on European democracy). They are able to manipulate reality like
never before. They are a huge danger to any state or any democracy.
I am just trying to imagine what would happen if these tools were turned on the USA.
"... "There was no transition because they came after me trying to do a coup. They came after me spying on my campaign. They started from the day I won and even before I won. From the day I came down the escalator with our First Lady. They were a disaster. They were a disgrace to our country. And we've caught 'em. We've caught 'em all. We've got it all on tape. We've caught 'em all." ..."
"There was no transition because they came after me trying to do a coup. They came after me spying on my campaign. They
started from the day I won and even before I won.
From the day I came down the escalator with our First Lady. They were a disaster.
They were a disgrace to our country. And we've caught 'em. We've caught 'em all. We've got it all on tape. We've caught 'em all."
"... Monitors, equipped with distinguishing "uniforms", bullhorns and an array of communications devices, along with a set of security personnel, should have been front and center at the capitol to make sure that agents provocateurs, contract hired by the intel agencies of the Deep $tate, would not be able to fool a number of genuine Trump supporters into entering the building at the behest of these highly organized and ultimately protected Cointelpro types. ..."
Was Trump for real, or was he an actor following a predetermined script? There were many
occasions where he could have used the presidential powers to disarm the corporate state,
the deep state and even the ruling banksters. Yet he did not act. Perhaps the most telling
of all his "failures" was the fact that he called a rally in the Di$trict of Corruption
without setting up an organization (or even having one) that would have been specifically
instructed to make certain there would be no "riotous" disruptions in the process.
Monitors, equipped with distinguishing "uniforms", bullhorns and an array of
communications devices, along with a set of security personnel, should have been front and
center at the capitol to make sure that agents provocateurs, contract hired by the intel
agencies of the Deep $tate, would not be able to fool a number of genuine Trump supporters
into entering the building at the behest of these highly organized and ultimately protected
Cointelpro types.
It was a setup, folks. That should be obvious to any informed observer. Did Trump play a
role, whether passive or active, in creating the media spectacle which is now being used to
once again convince the terminally deluded boobtoob noose addicts that the Kamala's Foote
and Biden nominees were the "good guys" who actually won the election fair and square and
that the bedizened patriots who showed up in DC in huge numbers were actually the foes of
@Majority of
One ut the Insurrection Act and how he should have used this or that presidential power,
but unfortunately he didn't know enough about what he COULD do. I'm sure he had lousy
counsel. He was surrounded by people like Mitch McConnell and Newt Gingrich who would have
strung Trump along, saying, "No, you can't do that, we are a democracy," etc. Blah, blah,
Hard to govern when you're surrounded with knives. The White House should be called "The
House of Knives".
But Trump did do something very important. He awakened the country to what's really going
on. I don't see that as failure. The elite don't either; that's why they're fighting him so
What people do not understand, is that he was screwed before he got the nomination.
Republican Inc. would have fixed the convention to deprive him of the nomination, had he not
agreed to take Pence and Priebus.
"... You do know a guy name Milton Friedman was the architect for Reagan economics? For the record we are currently living thru long term dystopia effects of Reagan economics. ..."
Biden and Kamala are mere figureheads put in office by a stolen election. Any agenda they
think that they have is irrelevant. Here is the Establishment's agenda:
First: Prevent any political organization of the "Trump Deplorables." Any who attempt to
form a real opposition party will be made an example of. In America it is child's play to frame
up anyone. We saw the show in Russiagate, and Trump will now be exhausted with endless frameups
as the Establishment pursues him into oblivion. If the President of the United States can be so
easily framed up, an unknown political organizer in the red states can be disposed of at
... ... ...
Fourth: The Establishment will increase its fomenting of racial and gender conflict in order
to keep Americans too divided to resist its increasingly odious control measures, whether they
be the use of Covid to suppress freedom of movement and association, charges of being a foreign
agent in order to suppress free speech as in the Assange case, or round up and internment of
Trump Americans trying to organize a political party that represents the people instead of the
Modern weapons in the hands of the state are devastating. Mass spying and control techniques
that exist today go beyond those in dystopian novels such as Orwell's 1984 . Free speech
is a thing of the past. Free speech no longer even exists in universities. As I write Twitter,
Facebook and the presstitutes are suppressing the free speech of the President of the United
States, and the President of the United States is powerless to do anything about it.
The Establishment's control over the media means that no charge against President Trump is
too extreme to cause a protest. The enormous support shown for Trump in Washington on January 6
with estimates of participants ranging from 200,000 to 2,000,000 was easy for the Establishment
to turn into a liability by infiltrating the rally.
It was naive for President Trump and his supporters not to realize that infiltration was
guaranteed as it was necessary for the Establishment to turn massive support into a massive
liability. This would achieve two purposes. One purpose was to terminate the challenge to the
electors in the Senate, and it succeeded. Here, for example, is Republican Senator Mike Braun
from Indiana dropping his intent to object to the electors from the swing states where the
election was stolen: "I think that today change things drastically. Yeah, whatever point you
made before that should suffice. Get this ugly day behind us," he said. Even Rand Paul was
intimidated: "I just don't think there's going to be another objection. I think it's over at
that point."
Here is Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler whose reelection to the Senate was stolen from her
acquiescing in Trump's and her own stolen elections: "When I arrived in Washington this
morning, I fully intended to object to the certification of the electoral votes. However, the
events that have transpired today have forced me to reconsider and I cannot now, in good
conscience, object," Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.).
The other purpose served was to insure that Trump would not go out as a president whose
reelection was stolen but as an insurrectionist. And it has succeeded.
Internationally Trump was denounced by NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg for not
respecting democracy. "The outcome of this democratic election must be respected," declared
Stoltenberg. Stolen or not it is democracy to be rid of Trump.
British prime minister Boris Johnson declared that the US is the world symbol of Democracy
and that it is vital there is a peaceful and ordered transfer of power, as if there was an
actual insurrection taking place and an election not stolen.
The French President Macron declared: "What happened today in Washington, DC today is not
American, definitely." In other words, it is unamerican to protest a stolen election that the
Establishment refuses to address. [I watched presentations by independent experts to the
Arizona, Georgia, and Michigan legislatures that proved beyond all doubt the presidential
election was stolen. Half of the professional presenters were people of color.]
Republican senators themselves, former members of Trump's cabinet, and a former chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff jumped on Trump with both feet. The no longer Senate Majority Leader
Mitch McConnell said that Trump's "unhinged thugs" "tried to disrupt our democracy. They
failed. This failed insurrection underscores how crucial the task before us is" to restore
Establishment control.
Republican Senator Richard Burr from North Carolina said: "The President bears
responsibility for today's events by promoting the unfounded conspiracy theories that have led
to this point."
Trump's Secretary of Defense James Mattis told the presstitutes that "Today's violent
assault on our Capitol, an effort to subjugate American democracy by mob rule, was fomented by
Mr. Trump. His use of the presidency to destroy trust in our election and to poison our respect
for fellow citizens has been enabled by pseudo political leaders whose names will live in
infamy as profiles in cowardice."
General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Trump administration
said Republicans "who have continued to undermine a peaceful transition in accordance with our
Constitution have set the conditions for today's violence."
The presstitutes had a field day with misleading and lying headlines. One of the worst
offenders was The Hill , formerly a source of real news on what was going on in
Congress, but today a highly partisan Trump-hating source of Establishment propaganda.
With the American Establishment's foreign puppets, Republicans, Trump's own cabinet members,
military leaders, and the presstitutes speaking with one voice setting up President Trump as an
insurrectionist threat to democracy, the Democrats' wild charges seemed credible.
Democrat Senator Schumer from New York, the new Senate Majority Leader, Democrat House
Speaker Pelosi, and a large number of Democrat members of Congress, together with the New York
Times, have called for Trump's impeachment or his removal from office by invoking the 25th
Amendment. Here is the new Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) making the case:
"What happened at the U.S. Capitol yesterday was an insurrection against the United States,
incited by the president. This president should not hold office one day longer," Schumer said
in a statement.
Here is Adam Smith, Democrat from Washington state and chairman of the House Committee on
Armed Services, calling for Trump's removal from office: "President Trump incited &
encouraged this riot. He & his enablers are responsible for the despicable attack at the
Capitol. VP Pence and the Cabinet should invoke the 25th amendment to remove Trump, otherwise
Senate Republicans must work with the House to impeach & remove him.
For the New York Times , it doesn't not suffice to remove Trump from office. He must
be prosecuted as well.
To understand the extraordinary hatred of President Trump by the Establishment, listen to
his inaugural address. He described the Establishment accurately as a force arraigned against
the American people, a force that he intended to dismantle and restore America to the American
people. This was a revolutionary challenge, a reckless one as Trump is a populist, not a
revolutionary leading a determined movement. Moreover, Trump was so uninformed about Washington
that he never succeeded in appointing anyone to his government, other than General Flynn (an
immediate casualty of the Establishment) who agreed with his agenda of normalizing relations
with Russia, bringing the troops home from the Middle East, ending NATO, and bringing the jobs
home that American corporations had exported to China. Here was Trump unarmed taking on the
American Establishment. This was an act of suicide as it has turned out to be.
People who think in terms of party politics have no likelihood of understanding the
situation. The struggle is not Democrats vs. Republicans. or red states vs. blue states. It is
the Establishment against the people. If you have any doubt about this, note that the US
National Association of Manufacturers, always a throughly Republican organization, agrees with
Schumer and Pelosi that Trump must be removed from office. Here is the organization's
statement: "Vice President Pence, who was evacuated from the Capitol, should seriously consider
working with the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to preserve democracy."
The National Association of Manufacturers want Trump out because they are the ones responsible
for China's rise, the US trade deficit and the destruction of half of the US middle class. All
the goods and services imported from offshored production count as imports. It is the offshored
production that is responsible for America's trade deficit, not China.
The presstitutes throughout the Western world have intentionally misrepresented the January
6 rally in Washington in support of Trump. The rally had to be misrepresented, because no one
in politics today anywhere in the Western World can demonstrate such massive support other than
Donald Trump. No one turned out for Biden or Kamala during the presidential campaign. Their
events, soon cancelled, had no attendees. Yet, they won the election? What saps people are. Who
turns out for Merkel, Macron, Boris Johnson. No one even knows who the leaders are in the rest
of the Western World.
Trump could not be permitted to leave office with such a massive showing of support -- a
terrible embarrassment to the corrupt scum who "speak for the people." So the support had to be
discredited by turning it into an insurrection ordered by Trump against Democracy, a holy word
that is observed nowhere in the Western World.
Here is a description of agitators who suddenly appeared and provoked the entrance into the
Capitol by a few Trump supporters who, unlike the rioters in Minneapolis, Chicago, Detroit,
Seattle, Portland, Atlanta and elsewhere, did not behave as rioters and did no damage. The
report is from a person present not as a Trump supporter but as a person to film the event. The
report was sent to NYU professor Mark Crispin Miller. I have left the person's name off so that
he doesn't get investigated by the FBI:
"I was in Washington, D.C. today filming the Trump rally and related events. I also ran
across your post concerning the Capitol demonstration tonight. Perhaps this short account
will help you assess what others are saying in a small way.
"I was also at the Capitol before the crowd appeared setting-up my camera on a stone wall
around the perimeter of the back of the capitol (the rear facing Constitution Avenue). Then I
waited for President Trump's speech to end and for supporters to walk-up Constitution Avenue
to the Capitol. I was located at the precise location where supporters first rushed up the
slope towards the back of the Capitol after casting aside a section of the first Capitol
perimeter barrier. Supporters gathered roughly at the center of the back of the capitol, but
a circle began to grow around the perimeter as the crowd grew larger. I had no sense that the
growing crowd intended to rush the Capitol.
"After a large crowd emerged at the perimeter a man in perhaps his late 30's or early 40's
showed-up, pacing quickly to his left then to his right before the crowd, and essentially
began hurling insults at the crowd challenging their political wisdom. He excoriated the
crowd for thinking that their attendance would be taken seriously by members of congress.
(Hard to say that he was wrong about that, whoever he was). I cannot recall his precise
words, but for a very short period he engaged in a shouting exchange with supporters, and
suddenly supporters pushed aside the first barrier and rushed towards the back of the
Capitol. Others on the northern edge of the perimeter followed suit. But the first rush was
right at the center of the back of the Capitol. I followed the rush to the bottom of the
Capitol back steps, and began filming again from atop an inner perimeter stone wall.
"The police, so it appeared, were a little surprised by the rush, and this gave supporters
an opportunity to race up the steps. One or two men even made it as far as the steps leading
up to the scaffolds on the south side of the Capitol before police arrested them. By this
time, five or ten men had climbed to the top of the tall steel tower structure facing the
Capitol. Then the police erected and lined-up behind a new barrier perimeter at the foot of
the Capitol steps. Police at the top of the Capitol steps aimed rifles down on the crowd
(perhaps rubber bullet rifles, I could not tell). The crowd began arguing with police and
pressing hard against the new barrier. The police sprayed men pressing directly against the
barrier with tear gas from time to time causing them to retreat. "Meanwhile, the men at the
top of the tower began rallying the crowd to challenge the new barrier (over bull horns) by
filling any gaps between the barrier and the stone wall that I was using as a filming vantage
point. Another man worked the crowd with a bull horn immediately in front of me and also
encouraged supporters to climb over the inner perimeter stone wall (my filming vantage point)
and create a wall of pressure on the new barrier at the bottom of the Capitol back steps.
"After about 30 minutes to an hour I dropped to the bottom of the stone wall to reload my
camera when suddenly the barrier gave way and police attempted to fortify it by blasting tear
gas into the area between the stone wall and the barrier. I was hit by the gas myself and
struggled back over the stone wall in order to breathe. The gas threw many crowd members into
a panic. And I was nearly trampled as I struggled to lift my camera and heavy gear bag over
the wall after two women began pulling desperately on the back of my coat to pull themselves
up and over the moderately high wall in retreat.
"After the second perimeter barrier gave way, the men with the bull horns began working
the crowd very hard to fill-up with Trump supporters the steps of the Capitol and the
scaffolding on both sides of it. At this point one of the calls, which the men with bull
horns repeated from time to time in order to encourage people to climb the Capitol steps was
"this is not a rally; it's the real thing." Another frequent call was "its now or never."
After about a two hour effort peppered with bull horn calls of this nature the entire back of
the Capitol was filled with Trump supporters and the entire face of the Capitol was covered
with brilliant small and very large Trump banners, American flags, and various other types of
flags and banners.
"Sometime after the rush on the back of the Capitol, people were apparently able to enter
the Capitol itself through the front. But I was not witness to anything at the front or
inside the Capitol.
"One clearly bona fide Trump supporter who had apparently entered the Capitol himself was
telling others emotionally and angrily (including press representatives of some sort, even a
foreign newsman) that he witnessed someone inside the Capitol encouraging violence whom he
strongly suspected was not a legitimate Trump supporter (apparently on the basis that the man
showed no signs at all of Trump support on his apparel). I did not pay that close attention
to his claims (for example the precise claim of the violence encouraged) because, naturally,
I had not yet read your post and it had not occurred to me that professional outsiders might
play a role in instigating particular violent acts in order to discredit the event.
"I overheard one Trump supporter (who followed the rush on the Capitol himself) say aloud,
"I brought many others to this rally, but we did not sign on for this" as he watched matters
"Still, from my seat, I would say that large numbers of very legitimate Trump supporters
felt that it was their patriotic duty to occupy the Capitol in light of their unshakable
beliefs that (1) the 2020 election was a fraud, (2) that the vast majority of the members of
congress are corrupt and compromised, and (3) that the country is in the throes of what they
consider a "communist" takeover (although many use the expression "communism" as a synonym
for "totalitarianism"). They are also convinced that the virus narrative is a fraud and an
essential part of an effort to undermine the Constitution –in particular the Bill of
Rights. They have a very real fear that the country and the very conception of any culture of
liberty is on the verge of an irreparable collapse. For most (if not a very large majority)
rushing the Capitol was a desperate eleventh hour act of partiotism –even of the order
of the revolution that created our nation. Some Trump supporters sang the Star Spangled
Banner and other patriotic songs as others climbed the Capitol steps. They also demonstrated
a measure of respect for the Capitol itself. I saw no attempt by anyone to deface the Capitol
simply for the sake of defacing it.
"The incontrovertibly compromised press has called this event a riot. But from what I saw
and heard this would indeed be a gross and intentionally misleading oversimplification at
best. At least from the standpoint of supporters, if their Capitol event was a riot, then so
was the Boston Tea Party. It also seems to me that some professional help (very aware of deep
sentiments) might have come from somewhere to make sure that the party happened."
When I was on the Stanford University faculty, I remember rich and pampered Stanford
students occupying the university president's office in a protest either against the Vietnam
war or the name of the Stanford Football Team (Stanford Indians) and destroying the papers in
the president's files of his life's work. Despite the liberalism of the university president,
the presstitutes regarded the protest justified and well intentioned.
The rioters and looters who rampaged through many of America's major cities suffered no
media condemnation, only support and encouragement. This is because, unlike Trump, Antifa and
Black Lives Matter are financed by and controlled by the Establishment and thus represent no
threat.There is no FBI investigation or intended prosecution of any of the rioters who
destroyed billions of dollars of property in America's cities.
But the Trump supporters provoked into entering the Capitol are in for it says the
Establishment figure Trump, in yet another of his mistakes, put in charge of the FBI.
It is difficult to defend Trump when he consistently puts in charge of his security agencies
and Department of Justice members of the Establishment who hate his guts.
Here is Trump's appointee describing the people who elected the man who appointed him:
"The violence and destruction of property at the U.S. Capitol building yesterday showed a
blatant and appalling disregard for our institutions of government and the orderly
administration of the democratic process," Wray said in a statement.
"As we've said consistently, we do not tolerate violent agitators and extremists who use
the guise of First Amendment-protected activity to incite violence and wreak havoc," he
continued. "Such behavior betrays the values of our democracy. Make no mistake: With our
partners, we will hold accountable those who participated in yesterday's siege of the
Wray announced that the bureau "has deployed our full investigative resources" and is
working with law enforcement partners "to aggressively pursue those involved in criminal
activity" on Wednesday.
"Our agents and analysts have been hard at work through the night gathering evidence,
sharing intelligence, and working with federal prosecutors to bring charges," he said.
He requested the public send in any information about Wednesday's events to the FBI, noting
"We are determined to find those responsible and ensure justice is served."
Notice that Wray, the Establishment's servant, not the servant of the rule of law, aligns
the First Amendment with "violent agitators and extremists" and thus discredits the First
Amendment as a tool of insurrection.
Everyone who was not at the US Capitol building on January 6, which is the entire world
except the Trump supporters, has been brainwashed, by a corrupt, despicable collection of media
whores serving an Establishment of Oligarchs, that Donald Trump intended an insurrection, but
it was defeated. By Whom?
It was Trump who called out the National Guard and who told his supporters to leave the
Capitol and to go home.
What kind of people can present this as an insurrection that requires Trump's removal from
office and prosecution? The answer is totally evil people who have not only the United States
but the entire Western World in their clutches.
The Western World is dead. It is now Mordor.
Trump appointees realize that, unless they add to his orchestrated embarrassment and setup
by resigning, they are targeted for reprisals. Seeing permanent unemployment facing him, US
Deputy National Security Advisor Matthew Pottinger has resigned in response to Donald Trump's
handling of the crisis on Capitol Hill. "Other people named as likely to abandon the sinking
Trump ship are National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien and Deputy Chief of Staff Chris
Everyone everywhere is participating in Trump's destruction. The English language Russian
press loves embarrassing America. The fun and games leaves the world in ignorance of the
extraordinary consequences of what the stolen election and demonization of Trump and his
supporters means. The end of the Western World is a big event, and it will affect everyone.
Addendum: Here is an example of the lies the presstitutes constantly deliver. Every
prestitute organization reports that Trump incited a mob of his supporters this week to storm
the U.S. Capitol: "House Democrats are racing toward impeaching President Trump for a second
time after he incited a mob of his supporters this week to storm the U.S. Capitol and halt
Congress's constitutional duty to certify President-elect Joe Biden's victory."
Clearly, the dumbshits at The Hill, Bloomberg, and everywhere else let their hatred of Trump
run away with them. What would be the point of halting the certification process? It could only
be a temporary halt. The National Guard ordered in by Trump would clear the Capitol and the
process would go forward, as it did. If Trump intended to halt the certification by having
supporters occupy the Capitol, why did he call in the National Guard and tell his supporters to
leave the Capitol? Clearly The Hill's presstitutes are devoid of reasoning ability. What Trump
wanted to happen was to have the electors from the stolen swing states rejected by Congress on
the basis of the evience. It was an unlikely thing to happen, but Trump had no choice but to
exhaust the legal means available.
Trump was too conflicted to lead a populist revolt. He was too mobbed up with wealthy
Zionists and right-leaning factions of the Jewish establishment. Now they'll quickly throw
him under the bus. He's finished, and politically homeless. Not even the Deplorables will
want anything to do with him, given the fact that he betrayed them time and again.
Trump might have been a populist leader had he immediately abandoned his Jewish handlers,
fully adopted the white right, the military and veterans, Christians, Constitutionalists,
small business, Main Street, America First industry and working class, etc. and oriented his
entire administration in their direction. But given that New York Jews were part of his
family, that wasn't going to happen.
A true populist will eventually emerge from the People, and do what Trump should have done
but lacked the guts and integrity to do. And the Deep State will do all it can to strangle
him in the cradle, but will fail, because like Golden Calf Hebrews from the Bible, or like
Cyclops if you prefer Greek fables, it and its sycophants are sick, blind and insane now
beyond any possibility for redemption, intoxicated by their own narcissism.
How long the white knight will take to emerge is hard to say, but he's eventually coming.
Count on it.
The US always had an establishment. So does every country. And in the past, there were
patriotic American establishments that cared about the people. What happened? Jews took over
as the new masters and severed the ties between white elites and white masses. White elites
now exist to serve Jews than to represent the American People.
Elites are formed by social selection. Fish rots from the head. As Jews at the top favor
the most craven and venal goy cucks for promotion, the result is that the elites get filled
up more and more with venal and craven people. And as people don't want to admit they're
craven and venal, they convince themselves that they're on the side of angels and 'liberal
democracy' even though all they do is serve Wall Street, spread worship of sodomy, and push
for Wars for Israel.
When social selection to the top is predicated on patriotism and national unity, a better
kind of people make it to the top. But when selection is based on obeisance to Jews and all
their agendas(anti-white politics, globo-homo degeneracy, magic negro worship, and etc), then
the result is the elites that the US has today.
There was a time when someone like Pat Buchanan and Paul Craig Roberts could serve in the
US government or work in elite industries. But today, even the most 'right-wing' Republican
would rather be dead than be seen anywhere near such individuals.
The Trumpet hasn't been a victim of any "color revolution", he's been the catalyst for the
US Ziocorporate regime's new phase of "democratic" government:
What's so populist about the Trumpet besides his speechwriters' style? He barely repealed
Bombamacare's forced payment of premiums to corporate health peddlers, but not before
doubling down on the Obama/Biden-backed war on Yemen and giving Ziodi Arabia's royal Salafi
headchoppers $400 billion more in weapons, among other pearls of "populist anti-swamp"
People had to occupy their local and state capitols, not the federal Ziocorporatists'
temple of corporate governance masquerading as public office. Why even leave your own
property unguarded to go fight for some billionaire with a tad too much fake tan, or for his
walking corpse president-elect "rival" for the other side of that same coin, though I doubt
anyone would fight for Kameltoe Biden without being paid in advance.
Great Reset was coming with Trump as it is with Biden either way, there wasn't any time to
be an ignorant partisan tool. Things won't be getting any easier now. Even Mexico with its
CIA/DEA-managed druglord wars is looking tame in comparison.
Trump is a moderate and inherently self-contradictory populist, not a phony populist, but
a flawed populist, and in terms of complete program a meager populist. But give him credit,
his tepid, flawed brand of populism has been spectacularly – popular – with tens
of millions of Americans, and countless others around the planet.
One of his advantages has been that the political leadership stage in not just the United
States but in the 'West' is occupied largely by corrupt pathetic figures who do political
theater, scripted, banal, dishonest political puppetry on behalf of transnational agendas and
powers that be, and their personal advantage. Trump populist program has included giving
priority voice to the 'outdated' concepts of national sovereignty and national interest. He
has been an implicit and explicit critic of the global 'full spectrum domination' American
establishment agenda.
In the land of political midgets a person of even modest stature seems a giant.
But more importantly, Trump is actually a great and singular revolutionary, not in normal
terms, of political ideology, or political program, but in terms of the ability to change and
animate public perceptions. His has been a needed revolution in terms of style and substance:
he has been by far the most effective critic on Earth of and enemy of the mass media mind
control system, a system indispensable to establishment power and agenda.
To the political class and the politically minded who demand and depend upon and find
their comfort in adherence to normal ritualistic banality and bromides, Trump's bombastic out
of bounds style is outrageous, he tossing shocking mental hand grenades like confetti on the
nation, his ejaculations sometimes truthful sometimes false, but often refreshing
entertainment for some and outrageous for others.
Recall for example when he merely stated the obvious about the annual joint military
exercises at the borders of North Korea: he described them as provocative. Howls of foreign
policy outrage over this lapse from scripted normality. How dare Trump utter a simple truth
contradicting our investment of decades of on message propaganda on the subject.
And truth – even little bites of truth – is the great nemesis – the
forbidden fruit that must not be allowed to be shown let alone bitten by the public –
of the corrupt system of public mind control and public exploitation and subjugation.
As response to his fundamental, effective if not outright deadly attack on the mind
control system, and for his espousal of national sovereignty over transnational hegemony, he
has been under continual establishment attack since – actually even before – his
2016 inauguration. Public belief in the veracity of mass media's reliability when it comes to
fairness and accuracy has never been as low.
And something else has happened during the last four years: the public perception of the
ethical rot, the stench, of the cesspool that the establishment occupies has grown greatly.
Beyond Pizza gate and Jeffrey Epstein, there is a greatly increased public opinion and
suspicion and perception that elite power is dependent upon and suffused with and tainted
with that which goes beyond mere typical variations of corruption: that there exists
widespread hitherto unthinkable unspeakable evil that preys on children and innocence.
But now, with the obvious massive coordinated election fraud that was engineered against
what was in fact one of the – if not the – greatest landslide presidential
victories in American history, another great service has been rendered by Trump. And this
service goes far beyond his particular case: The legitimacy of all US elections since the
advent of electronic voting machines is now cast into doubt. That is, the entire US political
class, state, local and federal, has had their legitimacy appropriately undermined. And the
call for election procedures which ensure reasonably fair elections will now be ongoing.
Funny how the MSM apparently missed Trump commuting Jonathan Pollard's sentence and
allowed him to fly back to Israel where he disembarked from his plane and kissed the
I think it might have been George W. Bush who was considering pardoning Pollard and the
various intelligence agencies told him there would be a mutiny if he did. And he didn't.
But now ..crickets?
Pollard should have been in federal prison for life with no parole or executed.
But Trump won't pardon Assange for being a journalist or Snowden for alerting the American
people we are all being surveilled 24/7?
"People who think in terms of party politics have no likelihood of understanding the
situation. The struggle is not Democrats vs. Republicans. or red states vs. blue states. It
is the Establishment against the people."
My dear Mr. Roberts, you hit the nail on the head.
Thanks PCR. My exact thoughts. Definitely DC rally was infiltrated with sole intention of
discrediting Trump and his supporters. And the chorus of "leaders" from US vassals like UK,
Germany, France and others is proof of well choreographed scheme. Where were they when
BLM/Antifa with clear support of Dem politicians rampaged through US cities including DC
I wonder whether people of the US would still consider voting as one of the most important
civic duties. This election steal has shown that even with a landslide win, the establishment
will get its way. Sad.
I watched presentations by independent experts to the Arizona, Georgia, and Michigan
legislatures that proved beyond all doubt the presidential election was stolen.
That the counting was manipulated electronically was proven for me by Shiva Ayyadurai
(MIT) in his interesting video showing the statistically impossible change in voting trend in
the early morning counting.
It is difficult to defend Trump when he consistently puts in charge of his security
agencies and Department of Justice members of the Establishment who hate his guts.
This is a real oddity. At the outset he had a good selection of very loyal people to
choose from – but he dumped them all in favour of Establishment people who have
predictably backstabbed him – even his own Vice President. The only explanation that I
can find is that he doesn't really sympathize with the Deplorables at all (certainly never
spends any time with them) and was just using them as an alternative route to a top
Establishment position. The surprise was that the Establishment then rejected him, despite
his best efforts to ingratiate himself.
What's undeniable, is that the ZioGlob US is starting to look, socially and economically,
like an international basket case. Much of the ROW (Rest Of the World) is moving to separate
from it as fast as possible – ref. trade agreements/international payments/currencies
The filthy old swindler could have easily won re-election if he had done even one tiny
thing for the vast demographic making under $34k per year (the median wage) i.e. the working
poor. He could have pushed for a federally mandated $15/ hour minimum wage. He could have
pushed for a universal basic subsidized medical plan instead of trying to take one away. How
about federal money for a new system of trade schools and vocational training institutes?
Instead, he signed off on massive tax cuts for himself and his wealthy jew sponsors. He
signed off on trillions of dollars for his wall street pals, goosing the stock market into
the stratosphere. The old coot played golf while half the nursing home population was wiped
out by the wu-wu. He started a pointless trade war with China after listening to three of the
dumbest jews on the planet: Munchkin, Krudlow, Koshner jews so stupid they couldn't figure
out how to cheat rubes at a corner furniture store. Endless demagoguery, fake religiosity,
phony nationalism, counterproductive race baiting, shameless nepotism, constant lying .but
then what else would you expect from a former WWE wrestling promoter?
This was a "False Flag" as evidenced by Speaker's Pelosi's 'Purple" dress as she elbow
bump's Pence after he did his dirty deed for the Coup.
Look the whole 'Kabuki' was a set up with Capitol Building guards opening the way for
crowds to mill forward after the professional black block antifa gang made the first assault
on police lines and subsequently forced entry
Trump had told people at the rally to be peaceful and we know that message has been
The Republican Party has been exposed, and all seems like all is lost as it appears, as is
the case that the whole fraud has been accomplished in the open, but I think the wrestling
match is not over, which is why impeachment and or 25th Amendment is what seals the coup, or
unseals sealed indictments, full disclosure and the Seals.
As a lawyer, I am convinced the election was stolen from Trump. I am absolutely stunned at
the total denial of this fact by all and sundry in the Establishment and by the citizenry in
both the USA as well as the West who believe the weaponized press and media. In addition the
Roman Catholic Church has now officially joined this political Establishment.
Post-modernism and multiculturalism have come home to roost.
Truth has been banished from the Western Establishment. What an achievement!
Whether they realize it fully or not, there is nowhere else but Hell that bids them on.
From the real God-fearing understandings of Reality, the anti-Christ/Dajjal now rule the
MAGA couldn't be allowed to Continue.
MAGA had to be cut down.
MIGA couldn't Persist with MAGA. Unfortunately, Trump was a MIGA Player First before being a
MAGA Leader.
Catholics couldn't Persist with MAGA – they gained a POTUS and a SCOTUS Seat this Round
– with a mostly Catholic SCOTUS refusing to hear Electioneering Case Arguments.
OpenBorders wouldn't happen with MAGA.
DNC couldn't Persist with MAGA.
GOP_NeverTrumperz couldn't Persist with MAGA.
McConnell+Chao couldn't Persist with MAGA.
MSM couldn't Persist with MAGA
OffShoring couldn't Persist with MAGA.
FB/TWTR couldn't Persist with MAGA.
This article is above brilliant. Nobody can see the situation as clearly as PCR.
I am glad that Trump is gone. There will be no more somebody for MSM to serve as punching
It is unbelievable to me that Trump did withstand such a deluge of abuse from MSM and
Democrats and deep state. Trump did not have any real support from his coworkers. he was
standing alone.
I agree with Mr. Roberts; a bit of anger increased by the repeat of the "steal" in
Georgia, and a large dollop of agents provocateurs, including the famous viking with an
American flag, created an incident being blown up by the real fascisti, the establishment, as
a new Reichstag fire to set up a permanent dictatorial regime based in Washington. They are
in your face and probably hope for unrest because its suppression will consolidate this
odious regime. The only hope is that temporary instability will instigate a loss of control
over the vassal states and/or economic collapse caused by the authoritarian lockdown policies
will weaken the yankee state enough so that it loses influence. Otherwise, unfortunately, Dr.
Roberts' view of the future unfortunately looks accurate to me.
Alhazred the Capitol Police. She told him that a lot of people feel the police didn't do
enough the day before. He told her that at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning he was told to go
home, along with his fellow policemen. He thought this odd, considering there was going to be
a huge rally taking place that day, but off he went home. After hearing of the breach on the
news, he subsequently returned, but he did this on his own; he hadn't been asked to return.
Makes you wonder if they didn't intentionally short-staff the Capitol Police that day in
order to ensure the outcome they got. Made it much easier for the agent provocateurs to get
The leftwing, or the fraud that passes for one, thinks it is now in the money. This is a
naive expectation. The Establishment is in charge, and there will be no leftist agendas
unless they serve the Establishment. If Antifa and BLM cut up, their funding will be cut
off, and the presstitutes will be sicced on them.
I don't believe this is quite true. The attempt by establishment in the US to use
non-Whites and radical leftists for their own ends brings to mind the attempt by the
establishment of the Weimar Republic to use the Nazis in the same way. When you put
power-hungry people in charge of the levers of power, you shouldn't expect them to pull those
levers according to your instructions.
Trump was so uninformed about Washington that he never succeeded in appointing anyone to
his government, other than General Flynn (an immediate casualty of the Establishment) who
agreed with his agenda of normalizing relations with Russia, bringing the troops home from
the Middle East
I was totally opposed to the railroading of Flynn, and while it is true that he
represented a breath of fresh air on Syrian and Russian issues, unfortunately, he–like
pretty much everyone else in Washington–is an Iran-hawk. Thus, I doubt he was actually
in favor of a total ME pull-out, though it is probably true that he would have pulled us out
from Syria if he could have.
Because of his brash, entertaining style of hitting back against the entire
MSM, it seems so much easier now to spot the stringpullers and start connecting the dots. Why
does the media speak with one voice always in support of the Establishment? Why is everything
portrayed by them so falsely and one-sidededly? Who is benefitting from the trajectory being
so relentlessly pushed by them? I see Trump's legacy as having awakened a sleeping giant,
despite the many ways he betrayed the ideals of his moving inauguration speech. How will the
Establishment's coming suppression of free speech for the purpose of attempting to put this
genie back in the bottle be resisted?
Schulosi know that the 25th Amendment move could easily be foiled by Trump long enough to
run out the clock. What they really want and it is being loudly telegraphed in the media is
for Congress to go the Impeachment/removal/bar from future Federal office route as a
dubiously legal Bill of Attainder to prevent Trump from ever again ascending to the pinnacle
of power. Mr. Biden's remarks yesterday seem to suggest Mr. Trump is not going to get the
same professional courtesy that Mr. Trump showed to the Obama regime saboteurs who worked
from well before the 2016 and well into the Trump administration to bring it down.
Trump has been entertaining, much like the old train wreck shows in days of old, but now
he has to accept that his brand has been thoroughly derailed...
The mainstream media and the Harris/Biden gang won't leave Donald Trump and his family
peace until he is destroyed. Craig Roberts described in his excellent article that the script
transforms the US into a "benign" dictatorship. There won't ever be fair and democratic
elections in the so-called beacon of democracy. The Democrats, their Billionaire instigators,
and their storm troopers such as BLM and ANTIFA will transform the US into a living hell for
whites. The brainwashing of the public and the President's framing has been started with
Trump's victory over a corrupt and criminal Hillary Clinton in 2016. In retrospect, it will
look like a child's play what's in the offing for the country in the future.
What happened on Capitol Hill was people power. The phony US political class supported
people power in Georgia, Serbia, Belarus, Ukraine, Venezuela, Moldova, Iran, Hong Kong, to
name a few, not to forget the so-called color revolutions and the Arab spring that were
instigated and organized by George Soros' "Open Society," the CIA and their Western
intelligence supporters.
On every American, Gender ideology will be forced on them. If it doesn't work, reeducation
camps such as in North Korea will be welcome them.
Don't be naïve. Israel's self-proclaimed 'guardian,' Chuck Shumer, is now Senate
Majority Leader. The zio-state will do just fine. Wish I could say the same about my own
I am not surprised by this. In fact, nothing that happens surprises me anymore. I expect
bad things to happen in a world like this.
Perhaps I can understand the thinking of Trump supporters such as the ones in the above
image. They believe that the electoral process has been subverted and that an election that
should have been Trump's has gone to Biden instead. They are outraged. They are rioting and
revolting in response. Unfortunately, these people are misguided.
1, Trump is a Snake and has been a HORRIBLE President. Why fight to defend him? I could
see defending him if he actually did something for America but he did nothing but Tweet. He
does not deserve another four years of the same.
2. The entire American political process is owned by Jewish interests. It was this way
long ago and it is certainly this way now. Whoever wins serves Jewish interests and the Jews
make damn well sure of it. Nobody who is hostile towards Jews stands of chance of getting in
the White House. Only Jewish puppets become President. So stop crying Trump supporters and
wake the fuck up.
3. There are reasons to Revolt against the System but this is not one of them. If you are
going to revolt, revolt for the right reason, not in defense of a lying Jewish scumbag like
4. Trump is directly to blame for this violence. He incited his followers to do this and
then he accepts no blame for it afterwards. Very typical behavior for a lying narcissist like
Trump who wraps himself in the American Flag when he is really just a selfish Bastard who
wants to remain in the White House for his own Egotistical reasons.
5. As a former Trump supporter, all I can tell current Trump supporters is that you have
to wise up and realize that the man you are supporting is not worthy of being supported. You
have to wake up to Trump as I had to wake up. He is not who he says he is. He is a liar and
deceiver who plays on your ignorance and uses your Patriotism to get you to support him
personally. See through his con game.
6. I suspect that this rioting in Washington D.C. is not spontaneous but has been
carefully planned in advance by the Jews who use Trump Supporters the same way as they use
Antifa. Its all controlled opposition being used to sway the opinion of the American public
in a direction that the Jews will use in their favor to further divide Americans from each
other. IMO the above image was Staged meaning that these riots were planned and executed in
the same way as the George Floyd riots were. Never trust a lying scheming Jew not to be
I agree with the writer of this comment and his criticism of Coulter. US subservience to
Israel began under harry Truman, who recognized Israel in 1948 with this comment: "I have
600,000 Jews and no Arabs." We have seen academia, politics, and industry all become
pro-Zionist despite Washington's comment in his Farewell Address that the US should not
became attached to any foreign nation or permanently hate any foreign nation. The hated
nation has become Russia, and the Democrats have blamed Russia for Trump. But it was
Americans who voted for Trump, and fortunately the EC went in his favor. No wonder Hillary
wants to abolish it.
After all of Trump's promises to "drain the swamp" and "make America great again" he's
managed only to usher in a post-democratic America. In typical Trump style he incited his
supporters and after promising to lead them not only abandoned them but disavowed them and
sent in the troops to quell them.
On the 20th Joe Biden will be inaugurated as president of the corpse of America.
Considering the shameful circumstances of his "victory" it will be fitting that he wears a
mask for the occasion.
roy (the ones that, until recently, were independent and therefore a threat).
So, obviously from my last point, I'm not denying their destructive power. Not at all.
It's only too easy to see. I'm denying their ability to manage themselves now that there is
absolutely no obstacle to that power. No obstacle in the West, that is.
They might be partners in crime with The CCP. But it's a dependent relationship and in no
way a friendly one. No one kisses the ass of a friend. Say what you want about The CCP, it
does not, unlike the now completely defeated host populations of the West, strike one as
being all that into power-sharing.
As a final going away present Agent Orange turns on his own supporters. This fraud has no
right to complain about stolen elections or how Pence let him down. None of our problems will
be solved by voting.
You do know a guy name Milton Friedman was the architect for Reagan economics? For the
record we are currently living thru long term dystopia effects of Reagan economics.
Well I'm now depressed, and I voted for the color flag revolution. I didn't predict this
milquetoast one. The storming of the capital was kinda lame, although it did make me laugh.
Guess when you control both sides you really don't need to go hot. The deep staters must be
thrilled they could protect their left wing assets with this one by using Qtards instead.
However there are a lot of things that make you "hmm?". My favorite being the black cop and a
Maga protester doing a slow walk up some stairs with a guy above them taping everything. Odd
but hilarious. Speaking of odd, where were all the Proud Boys? Seems they went poof to live
another day.
Sadly the peculiar and unnecessary murder of Ashli Babbit seems to give Qanon life after
Trump with a martyr. Give the deep state credit they do think ahead. Guess I have cheered
myself up, apparently they aren't done with us yet. My guess is they still need us to keep
the lights on and sewer systems running. Also burly white dudes seem to be the preferred
choice for private security.
So CIA wins again. They stole the election and stuck Biden's reanimated corpse in there.
And now they'll shake him around like a Barbie and make him talk while they blow shit up.
All Trump did was tease them about killing JFK and knocking down the WTC, which everybody
already knows. And Trump wouldn't sit still for their brainwashing briefings, at first. Trump
was no Nixon, turning CIA inside out with Schlesinger at DCI. Trump had no one in congress
like Pike or even Church.
Back then CIA purged Nixon. Don Gregg threatened congress with martial law. And that was
nothing. Look what the ratfuckers at Langley were willing to do to get Trump out. They framed
Flynn to cut him off from Turmp. They took SARS-COV-2 off the shelf and used it on us,
destroyed the economy and killed us, 300 thousand of us and counting. They infected the whole
world to cover their tracks, killed 1.7 million human beings so far. CIA did everything they
could to start a war with Russia and called Trump a Russian agent, making shit up to frame
him too.
Now we see how CIA controls us. We know now that there is nothing CIA won't do to stay in
power. It's like Zappa said: when they were ready, they took away the stage set and left us
looking at a blank brick wall. It's like Rockefeller said: They Control it. All of it.
At this point, anybody who won't face this totalitarian state is not worth listening to
for a second, they're not worth a pound of warm shit. Prouty told you fifty years ago, the
whole world knows who runs this country. CIA.
So just cut the shit. Face facts. They stormed the wrong capitol. We can't escape. We need
the outside world to free us.
...Trump is a populist, not a revolutionary. And when faced with a revolution moment he
had no clue what else to do. I believe Trump supporters, the Deplorables, are the real
substantive patriots. They are sensible and want a stable America. Unfortunately their
opponents the Dems/Leftists and all other assorted groupings just want to win even if they
burn the whole of US. These people worship god of mammon and nothing else...
It seems to me the intent of the Trump supporters was merely to occupy the Capitol and
according to those who were interviewed "make their voices heard". I think those were the
words of Ashli Babbitt about an hour before she was gunned down by a black cop as well as a
few other interviews I came across.
That's neither intent to commit treason nor sedition. At most they are guilty of
trespassing on federal grounds which apparently is now a grievous federal offense if you hold
right of center political opinions. The person who killed a Capitol police officer and those
who destroyed property have some additional legal problems but that's still a far cry from
But let's reverse all this and say that Trump was accused of stealing the election from
Joe Biden because of the suspicious and massive ballot dumps 95-100% for Trump in all
battleground states between 1am and 6:34am after election day along with other
irregularities. Then when legal remedies were sought the corrupt state and federal courts
refused to hear or allow discovery in the vast majority of them using "laches", standing and
other pretexts.
Radical left mobs would have stormed the capitol building and it would be encouraged and
supported by the media and all Democrats. Chris Cuomo or some other leftist shitlord would be
telling us that "this is what happens when Republicans steal an election." Republicans would
be so intimidated that they would probably overturn the election in favor of Joe Biden.
If a female black Biden protester was shot by a white Capitol cop then it would be "say
her name" and the white cop would be immediately fired and probably in FBI custody for a hate
crime. Blacks would destroy D.C. again while authorities did little.
@Katrinka PCR
thinks Trump is the victim of a color revolution when in fact Trump is leading a color
The basis of a color revolution is a claim of a fraudulent election, this was the case in
Ukraine, Venezuela, and Belarus. It is Trump who claimed the election was fraudulent, and if
you follow StormFront you'll know that the Trumpers are now claiming that the entire voting
process in the US is a fraud and worthless.
In the US it is Trump and Trumpers like PCR who are now ripping apart the fabric of US
society, on the basis of endless allegations of a fraudulent election that evaporate with a
moments scrutiny.
The owners of America have decided. You plebes will do as you are told and the owners will
do what they want.
Trump's owners, the military industrial complex and the zionist lobby, have thrown him
under the bus. Bummer dude but you don't get to be "the one". It is so easy to manipulate ego
What deal did they cut with Biden's owners (media (all 6), med-mafia (pharma on top), tech
and CIA+lawfare (DOJ, FBI, IRS))?
1) Biden will NOT end the sanctions against Iran. He may say "we'll negotiate" but it will
drag on forever.
2) The MIC gets to keep the "civilian special forces" and most importantly control of the
So after doing all the dirty work Trump gets thrown under the bus. LMAO. Will he be a
broken man like LBJ or Nixon or will he drift off into irrelevance like most of the rest?
transformation of the United States from a democracy accountable to the people to an
oligarchy of entrenched vested interests.
That transformation happened decades ago. The only difference is, in 2020 (both before the
elections and in November massive fraud) the beast showed its ugly mug more clearly than
I've seen a lot of comments over the years calling things "theater', but I never felt
compelled the use the word until this event.
I'm only just gathering pieces of the forensic deconstruction, but this thing is fishy as
hell. In fact, I'm not even opening my eyes much to this one, because the smell alone gives
it all away.
I learned about this a few hours ago in a Zoom business meeting, and the lady is talking
about someone shot and died - she was laying this at Trump's door - and I looked up RT and
got the story that the police shot her. But how do people get into the Capitol building
anyway, that has to be super hardened - and of course it already looks like the security let
them in, and everything else follows and falls into place from that.
[And then a guy enters my meeting and says Putin is celebrating and I had to deal with
that bullshit for a minute. Lord, deliver me from brainwashed America, especially when
they're my colleagues - but fuck 'em, actually, because the power has passed from their side
and they don't know that, but they can feel the difference. No one needs to bother to explain
to them, but even if they don't know, they can feel that you don't care, and they have no
ground to stand on - so yes, we have moved on in the information space, in case you
So the rest is pretty obvious, and pretty lame...and it's worth waiting a day or two to
gather all the forensics in some reviews of this obvious false flag. I imagine b will have
more in a day or two. It's a strange and pathetic brainwash here, that will undoubtedly work
its way on many millions, and work its other way on many other millions. Divide and rule.
And apparently the Jews have discarded Trump and thrown him to the wolves. I'm searching
for the link but I guess it's from a comment in one of the Saker threads - can't find it now
- but the US organization of...something or other but definitely and formally representing
Jews and their political influence in the US, has said this is unacceptable and perhaps
they're even standing behind impeachment or treason charges, I'm not sure.
So that's the kiss of death, and we get to watch the sacrifice now.
And this is where the CIA learned how to treat its assets. The bend-over-backwardness of
Trump to appease the Israelis was so pronounced that they had to despise him for his
subservience. Everyone hates a toady. They had to throw him away, being careful not to let
any of him get on their shoe. Nothing says a person was appeasing the Zionists so much as how
forcefully they discard that person when used up.
Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to protest Congress. Today's anarchy is the
result. We want stable democracy. The Cabinet should consider applying the 25th amendment
to immediately remove Trump from office to end this incitement against our democracy.
The Capitol building was placed on lockdown, with senators and members of the House locked
inside their chambers, as Congress began debating President-elect Joe Biden's victory. President
Trump addressed supporters near the White House before protesters marched to Capitol Hill.
...the action hardens the bitter partisanship in Congress and is bound to leave millions of
voters questioning the legitimacy of Biden's victory in the November presidential election.
... More than a thousand people gathered at a park south of the White House before dawn on
Wednesday. At least three separate pro-Trump rallies are expected in Washington. Lawmakers have
been given security instructions, including using underground tunnels between chambers in the
Capitol and to nearby office buildings. The city of Washington has activated the National
Guard, and many local businesses boarded up their doors and windows in anticipation of possible
The lawmakers objecting on Wednesday are poised to form the core of the anti-Biden group in
the new Congress, where they will likely urge GOP leaders to refuse any deals with a president
they consider illegitimate.
... Josh Hawley, a Republican of Missouri, was the first senator to indicate that he would
join the effort to challenge the results. Since then, several other senators, including Ted
Cruz of Texas and GOP Republicans elected to the chamber for the first time in November, have
indicated they would support the effort unless there is an investigation of the voting
"... It is difficult to know or to ensure that the ballots are actual ballots from registered voters. For example in the early hours of the morning of November 4 large ballot drops occurred in Michigan and Wisconsin that wiped out Trump's lead. State officials have reported that people not registered -- probably illegals -- were permitted to vote. Postal service workers have reported being ordered to backdate ballots that suddenly appeared in the middle of the night after the deadline. These techniques were used to erase Trump's substantial leads in the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia. ..."
"... Digital technology has also made it easy to alter vote counts. US Air Force General Thomas McInerney is familiar with this technology. He says it was developed by the National Security Agency in order to interfere in foreign elections, but now is in the hands of the CIA and was used to defeat Trump. Trump is considered to be an enemy of the military/security complex because of his wish to normalize relations with Russia, thus taking away the enemy that justifies the CIA's budget and power. ..."
"... The military/security complex favors the disunity that the Democrat Party and media have fostered with their ideology of Identity Politics. ..."
"... I would take it a little further and say that voting by mail is a method of vote fraud. The supposed safeguards are easily circumvented, as some whistleblowers have illustrated with ballots being brought forth in large numbers after election day without postmarks and postal workers being ordered to stamp them with acceptable postmarks. ..."
"... Eisenhower is always lauded for his MIC warning. Frankly he ticks me off. Thanks for the warning AFTER you were in some position to mitigate. ..."
"... the most likely source of fraud that is hard to detect, is ballot harvesting. This should be outlawed as it violates the idea of a secret ballot. Somebody comes to the home of a disinterested voter and makes sure he votes (of course they will never admit to hounding the person) and "helps" them with the ballot. If the voter cannot be cajoled into voting the correct way, you merely throw his ballot in the trash. ..."
"... Living in an urban setting I often had to visit apartment buildings. Without fail, there was always a pile of undeliverable mail in the lobby under the mailboxes. ..."
"... His farewell address was just flapdoodle; it wasn't really dredged up till the 70s. Eisenhower spent eight years spreading tripwires and mines and then said "Watch out." Thanks buddy. ..."
"... As the German newspaper editor Udo Ulfkotte revealed in his book, Bought Journalism, the European and US media speak with one voice -- the voice of the CIA. The very profitable and powerful US military/security complex needs foreign enemies. ..."
"... inventive creative new ways to deceive.. first it was election machines, then mail in votes. ..."
"... The phrase "there's no evidence" is just a public commitment to ignore any evidence, no matter how blatant or obvious. ..."
"... Paper ballots as ascribed by Tulsi Gabbard legislation is the only safe option for elections. Kudos to Tulsi! ..."
"... Everyone knew about the potential for voter fraud to occur, but the entire system is corrupt, including Trump who has allowed the massive corruption within the system that was present when he entered office to persist and grow because he is a wimpy, spineless, coward, that was too afraid to make any waves and take the heat that he promised his voters. ..."
"... Why anyone voted for Trump in 2020 confounds me. I voted for him in 2016 and he has turned out to be one of the worst presidents in history. ..."
"... Trump in his cowardess and dishonesty knew that the ailing economy would harm his chances of being re-elected, so he allowed the health scare scamdemic to occur and destroy the livelihoods, lives, and businesses of hundreds of millions of Americans because he is a psychopath. Trump did not do what he promised. Trump made America worse than it has ever been since the end of slavery. ..."
"... Trump has also demanded the extradition of Assange after telling his voters that he loved wikileaks. Trump is a two-faced, lying, fraud. It has been his pattern. He consistently supports various groups and people like Wikileaks, Proud Boys, and others and panders to them and voters and tells people that he loves them, and then every time without fail when the heat is on, Trump says," I really don't know anything about them." ..."
"... "I know nothing." Trump saying "I know nothing." defines his presidency and who he is as a person, a spineless, pandering, corrupt, two-faced, narcissist, loser, and wimp! ..."
A few months ago it looked like the re-election of Trump was almost certain, but now there was a close race between Trump
and Biden? What happen during the last months?
In the months before the election, the Democrats used the "Covid pandemic" to put in place voting by mail. The argument was used
that people who safely go to supermarkets and restaurants could catch Covid if they stood in voting lines. Never before used on a
large scale, voting by mail is subject to massive vote fraud.
There are many credible reports of organized vote fraud committed by Democrats. The only question is whether the Republican establishment
will support challenging the documented fraud or whether Trump will be pressured to concede in order to protect the reputation of
American Democracy.
It is difficult to know or to ensure that the ballots are actual ballots from registered voters. For example in the early
hours of the morning of November 4 large ballot drops occurred in Michigan and Wisconsin that wiped out Trump's lead. State officials
have reported that people not registered -- probably illegals -- were permitted to vote. Postal service workers have reported being
ordered to backdate ballots that suddenly appeared in the middle of the night after the deadline. These techniques were used to erase
Trump's substantial leads in the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia.
Digital technology has also made it easy to alter vote counts. US Air Force General Thomas McInerney is familiar with this
technology. He says it was developed by the National Security Agency in order to interfere in foreign elections, but now is in the
hands of the CIA and was used to defeat Trump. Trump is considered to be an enemy of the military/security complex because of his
wish to normalize relations with Russia, thus taking away the enemy that justifies the CIA's budget and power.
People do not understand. They think an election has been held when in fact what has occurred is that massive vote fraud has been
used to effect a revolution against red state white America. Leaders of the revolution, such as Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
are demanding a list of Trump supporters who are "to be held accountable." Calls are being made for the arrest of Tucker Carlson,
the only mainstream journalist who supported President Trump.
In a recent column I wrote:
"Think what it means that the entirety of the US media, allegedly the 'watchdogs of democracy,' are openly involved in participating
in the theft of a presidential election.
"Think what it means that a large number of Democrat public and election officials are openly involved in the theft of a presidential
"It means that the United States is split irredeemably. The hatred for white people that has been cultivated for many years,
portraying white Americans as "systemic racists," together with the Democrats' lust for power and money, has destroyed national
unity. The consequence will be the replacement of rules with force."
Mainstream media in Europe claim, that Trump had "divided" the United States. But isn`t it actually the other way around,
that his opponents have divided the country?
As the German newspaper editor Udo Ulfkotte revealed in his book, Bought Journalism , the European and US media speak with
one voice -- the voice of the CIA. The very profitable and powerful US military/security complex needs foreign enemies. Russiagate
was a CIA/FBI successful effort to block Trump from reducing tensions with Russia. In 1961 in his last address to the American people
President Dwight Eisenhower warned that the growing power of the military/industrial complex was a threat to American democracy.
We ignored his warning and now have security agencies more powerful than the President.
The military/security complex favors the disunity that the Democrat Party and media have fostered with their ideology of Identity
Politics. Identity politics replaced Marxist class war with race and gender war. White people, and especially white heterosexual
males, are the new oppressor class. This ideology causes race and gender disunity and prevents any unified opposition to the security
agencies ability to impose its agendas by controlling explanations. Opposition to Trump cemented the alliance between Democrats,
media, and the Deep State.
It is possible that the courts will decide who will be sworn into office at January 20, 2021. Do you except a phase of uncertainty
or even a constitutional crisis?
There is no doubt that numerous irregularities indicate that the election was stolen and that the ground was well laid in advance.
Trump intends to challenge the obvious theft. However, his challenges will be rejected in Democrat ruled states, as they were part
of the theft and will not indict themselves. This means Trump and his attorneys will have to have constitutional grounds for taking
their cases to the federal Supreme Court. The Republicans have a majority on the Court, but the Court is not always partisan.
Republicans tend to be more patriotic than Democrats, who denounce America as racist, fascist, sexist, imperialist. This patriotism
makes Republicans impotent when it comes to political warfare that could adversely affect America's reputation. The inclination of
Republicans is for Trump to protect America's reputation by conceding the election. Republicans fear the impact on America's reputation
of having it revealed that America's other major party plotted to steal a presidental election.
Red state Americans, on the other hand, have no such fear. They understand that they are the targets of the Democrats, having
been defined by Democrats as "racist white supremacist Trump deplorables."
The introduction of a report of the Heritage Foundation states that "the United States has a long and unfortunate history
of election fraud". Are the 2020 presidential elections another inglorious chapter in this long history?
This time the fraud is not local as in the past. It is the result of a well organized national effort to get rid of a president
that the Establishment does not accept.
Somehow you get the impression that in the USA – as in many European countries democracy is just a facade – or am I wrong?
You are correct. Trump is the first non-establishment president who became President without being vetted by the Establishment
since Ronald Reagan. Trump was able to be elected only because the Establishment thought he had no chance and took no measures to
prevent his election. A number of studies have concluded that in the US the people, despite democracy and voting, have zero input
into public policy.
Democracy cannot work in America because the money of the elite prevails. American democracy is organized in order to prevent
the people from having a voice. A political campaign is expensive. The money for candidates comes from interest groups, such as defense
contractors, Wall Street, the pharmaceutical industry, the Israel Lobby. Consequently, the winning candidate is indebted to his funders,
and these are the people whom he serves.
European mainstream media are portraying Biden as a luminous figure. Should Biden become president, what can be expected
in terms of foreign and security policy, especially in regard to China, Russia and the Middle East? I mean, the deep state and the
military-industrial complex remain surely nearly unchanged.
Biden will be a puppet, one unlikely to be long in office. His obvious mental confusion will be used either to rule through him
or to remove him on grounds of mental incompetence. No one wants the nuclear button in the hands of a president who doesn't know
which day of the week it is or where he is.
The military/security complex needs enemies for its power and profit and will be certain to retain the list of desirable foreign
enemies -- Russia, Iran, China, and any independent-inclined country in Latin America. Being at war is also a way of distracting
the people of the war against their liberties.
What the military/security complex might not appreciate is that among its Democrat allies there are some, such as Representative
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who are ideological revolutionaries. Having demonized red state America and got rid of Trump (assuming
the electoral fraud is not overturned by the courts), Ocasio-Cortez and her allies intend to revolutionize the Democrat Party and
make it a non-establishment force. In her mind white people are the Establishment, which we already see from her demands for a list
of Trump supporters to be punished.
I think I'm not wrong in assuming that a Biden-presidency would mean more identity politics, more political correctness
etc. for the USA. How do you see this?
Identity politics turns races and genders against one another. As white people -- "systemic racists" -- are defined as the oppressor
class, white people are not protected from hate speech and hate crimes. Anything can be said or done to a white American and it is
not considered politically incorrect.
With Trump and his supporters demonized, under Democrat rule the transition of white Americans into second or third class citizens
will be completed.
How do you access Trump's first term in office? Where was he successful and where he failed?
Trump spent his entire term in office fighting off fake accusations -- Russiagate, Impeachgate, failure to bomb Russia for paying
Taliban to kill American occupiers of Afghanistan, causing Covid by not wearing a mask, and so on and on.
That Trump survived all the false charges shows that he is a real person, a powerful character. Who else could have survived what
Trump has been subjected to by the Establishment and their media prostitutes. In the United States the media is known as "presstitutes"
-- press prostitutes. That is what Udo Ulfkotte says they are in Europe. As a former Wall Street Journal editor, I say with complete
confidence that there is no one in the American media today I would have hired. The total absence of integrity in the Western media
is sufficient indication that the West is doomed.
Never before used on a large scale, voting by mail is subject to massive vote fraud.
I would take it a little further and say that voting by mail is a method of vote fraud. The supposed safeguards are easily
circumvented, as some whistleblowers have illustrated with ballots being brought forth in large numbers after election day without
postmarks and postal workers being ordered to stamp them with acceptable postmarks.
It really seems to me that there would be no democrat majorities in Congress or in so many state legislatures without vote
Worse than the fraud available with vote by mail is the voting of people normally who don't bother to vote. Think of how stupid
and uninformed that average American voter is. Now realize how much more stupid and uninformed the non-voter is, only now he votes.
However, the most likely source of fraud that is hard to detect, is ballot harvesting. This should be outlawed as it violates
the idea of a secret ballot. Somebody comes to the home of a disinterested voter and makes sure he votes (of course they will
never admit to hounding the person) and "helps" them with the ballot. If the voter cannot be cajoled into voting the correct way,
you merely throw his ballot in the trash.
I have little doubt that there have been massive "irregularities", particularly in the so-called battleground states, that
are at play in "stealing" the election.
...The favourite phrase these days is "no evidence of wide spread voter fraud". Let's break that down. Only 6 states have been
challenged for vote fraud. In the big scheme of things, 6 states is not wide spread, even if there is massive vote fraud within
those 6 states. That the vote fraud is not widespread, implies that some vote fraud is acceptable, and that the listener should
ignore it. Last and most importantly, in the narrowest of legalistic terms, testimony or affidavits are not evidence. Testimony
and affidavits become evidence when supported by physical evidence. An affidavit with a photograph demonstrating the statement
would be evidence.
Another phrase is something like "election officials say they have seen no evidence of voter fraud". I have yet to hear a reporter
challenge the "seen no evidence of " part of the statement, regardless of the subject, by asking if the speaker had looked for
any evidence. They won't, because they know damn well no one has.
That is how the liars operate. Not so different from Rumsfeld's "plausible deniability".
Living in an urban setting I often had to visit apartment buildings. Without fail, there was always a pile of undeliverable
mail in the lobby under the mailboxes.
The envelopes were mostly addressed to people who had moved out or died. If ballots were sent to these people based on incorrect
voter rolls, then these too would likely have been left sitting on the floor or on a ledge for anyone to take.
It doesn't take a leap of faith to know what a Trump-hating leftist would do when no one is looking. This moral hazard was
intentionally created by Dems, who know that urban dwellers are transient and lean left politically.
Eisenhower is always lauded for his MIC warning. Frankly he ticks me off. Thanks for the warning AFTER you were in some
position to mitigate.
Ike's a mystery. Why did he NOT question Harry Truman's commitments to NATO, the UN, and all that rubbish? Ike was a WWII guy.
He knew Americans hated the UN in 1953 as much as they hated the League of Nations after WWI. But he let it all slide and get
His farewell address was just flapdoodle; it wasn't really dredged up till the 70s. Eisenhower spent eight years spreading
tripwires and mines and then said "Watch out." Thanks buddy.
Well, agree on your points however, on the other side of the ledger, he never understood the stupidity of the Korean war (that
he could have ended) and majorly up-ramped CIA activities in all manner of regime change (bay of pigs anyone?). Almost a direct
path to our foreign policy now (and now domestic policy)
He did deploy the military assistance advisory group to Vietnam in 1955. This is considered the beginning of U.S. involvement
in the war. This allowed the French to moonwalk out the back door leaving us holding the bag. In fairness this was Johnson's war
however. Eisenhower did cut the military budget as a peace dividend to fund interstate system and other domestic projects. In
today political spectrum he would be considered a flaming liberal.
As the German newspaper editor Udo Ulfkotte revealed in his book, Bought Journalism, the European and US media speak
with one voice -- the voice of the CIA. The very profitable and powerful US military/security complex needs foreign enemies.
What intrigues me is the ultimate political goal of the UN and the WEF when they anticipate a single global government centered
at the UN and the absence of nation-states.
So what is the MIC going to do when there are no existential threats of competing nation-states? Or will the MIC re-engineer
religious wars between the various religious groups, secular and theological? It seems the aspirations of the WEF and its fellow
travellers preclude the occurrence of future armed conflicts.
Of course one needs capitalistic economies to produce the ordnance and materiels for the engineered social factions to war
with each other. Yet if the Greens have their way, there will be no mining period.
More likely is the possibility that none of them actually understand what they are doing. As Nassim Taleb is alleged to have
remarked, 99% of humans are stupid.
The total absence of integrity in the Western media is sufficient indication that the West is doomed.
It's because Western media is completely under the control of Jews, the world's foremost End Justifies Means people. The Fourth
Estate has become the world's most powerful Bully Pulpit. There are still a few good ones though, brave souls they are: Kim Strassel
of WSJ, Daniel Larison of The American Conservative , Neil Munro of Breitbart.
The rest are more or less lying scums, including everyone on NYTimes, WSJ, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, MSNBC, Fox News (minus
Tucker Carlson and Maria Bartiromo), The Economist , and let's not forget the new media: Google, Facebook, Twitter. The
world would be a much better place without any of them.
-- with either vote flipping on machines or having the totals that paper ballot scanners tabulate adjust via a pre-programmed
algorithm. Many elections have already been stolen this way.
Nancy Pelosi claims that Biden's victory gives the Democrats a "MANDATE" to alter the economy as they see fit with 50.5%.
This proves that Biden will NOT represent everyone – only the left! I have warned that this has been their agenda from day one.
Now, three whistleblowers from the Democratic software company Dominion Voting Systems, alleging that the company's software stole
38 million votes from Trump. There are people claiming that Dominion Voting Systems is linked to Soros, Dianae Finesteing, Clintons,
and Pelosi's husband. I cannot verify any of these allegations so far.
We are at the Rubicon. Civil War is on the other side. There should NEVER be this type of drastic change to the economy
from Capitalism to Marxism on 50.5% of the popular vote. NOBODY should be able to restructure the government and the economy on
less than 2/3rds of the majority. That would be a mandate. Trying to change everything with a claim of 50.5% of the vote will
only signal, like the Dread Scot decision, that there is no solution by rule of law. This is the end of civilization and it will
turn ugly from here because there is no middle ground anymore. As I have warned, historically the left will never tolerate opposition.
Yes, the theft is blatant. But what are you, us, going to do about it? We really can't do much as the Office of the President
Elect requires us to wear masks. For our safety.
"in the narrowest of legalistic terms, testimony or affidavits are not evidence. Testimony and affidavits become evidence when
supported by physical evidence. " Correct – but they also can become evidence by verbal testimony. ie "I saw the defendant hit
the victim with a rock"
Not only have they stolen the election but when Joe Biden and other democrats claim that President Trump caused the deaths
of hundreds of thousands of Americans because of his handling of Covid 19, they are in sane. No world leader could stop the spread
of this respiratory virus. However, Joe Biden and democrats have caused the deaths of hundreds of white people, while whipping
up weak minded people to kill many whites. Biden and the democrats are criminals. Any one who is white, man or woman, that supports
the democratic party is enabling a criminal organization to perpetrate violence on white people, including murder.
Since the article was from a German magazine it's understandable that there is no mention of "the one who shall not be named".
No mention of the people behind the Lawfare group, the same people behind the impeachment, the same people providing financial
and ideological support for the BLM/Antifa, the same people that own the media that spewed lies for 5 years and censored any mention
of the Biden family corruption, no mention of the people behind this Color Revolution, the same people who promoted the mail in
voting and those that managed the narrative for the media on election night to stop Trump's momentum.
For the public consumption the election will be described in vague terms, like this article, blaming special interests and
institutions like the FBI, CIA and MIC without naming names as if an institution, not the oligarchs and chosen pulling the strings,
are somehow Marxist, anti-white or anti-Christian.
The interviewer quotes the Heritage Foundation does anyone even care what they say? The English Tavistock Institute by way
of the CIA which the British molded from the OSS created programs for the Heritage Foundation as well as the Hoover Institute,
MIT, Stanford University, Wharton, Rand etc. These "rightwing think tanks" were created to counter the CIA's "leftwing think tanks"
at Columbia, Berkeley etc. Thank you British Intelligence.
Steve Bannon was just interviewing someone (can't remember his name). Apparently there are about 200 to 300 IT professionals/engineers
working on these so-called "glitches" (not glitches at all) which mysteriously "disappeared" thousands of Trump votes. Then they'd
dump phony Biden votes into the mix. These IT professionals are going to follow the trail.
I've also heard that Dominion Voting Systems played a big part in this scam by using algorithms. One Trump lawyer said that
big revelations are coming.
We're going to have to be patient and just wait.
"The inclination of Republicans is for Trump to protect America's reputation by conceding the election."
I honestly think it's more like the old established Republicans (corporate bought) want Trump to lose because that is what
their campaign donors want (Big Pharma, Wall Street, etc.) They are part of the elite, and the elite (both the Democrats AND Republicans)
want Trump gone so they can continue their crony capitalist looting. They've got to appear like they're behind Trump, but I don't
think they are. Of course, that's not all Republican representatives.
Sounds like they've been rigging elections for awhile now. I bet they just messed up with Hillary. I think that's why she was
so upset. She had it, but they screwed up and didn't supply enough ballots.
@KenHinventive creative new ways to deceive.. first it was election machines, then mail in votes. next it will be magic carpet
voting. But the votes don't count, cause it is the electoral college that elects the President.
Trump also lost a significant number who did not understand Trump was an Israeli at heart, they thought he was a uncoothed
NYC red blooded American.
As far as white, black or pokadot color or any of the religions ganging up against Trump I don't think that happened, the fall
out into statistically discoverable categories is just that, fall out, not those categories conspiring to vote or not vote one
way or the other.
PCR seems to have trouble seeing a difference between the counting of perfectly proper votes which Pres Trump's post office
delivered late which may or may not be allowed by law which can be determined in court, and fraud like the dead voting or votes
being forged.
The fraud is all so transparent but no one in the power elite seems to give a crap whether the public catches on or not these
days. They know that the entire media which creates the false matrix of contrived "truth" that we all live in will back them to
the hilt because they are actually just one more working part in the grand conspiracy. We all know that when "O'Brian" says 2
+ 2 equals 5 we must all believe it, or at least say we do. We interface with "O'Brian's" minions on a daily basis but we don't
know the ultimate identity of "O'Brian" (in the singular or multiple). Many guesses are made, but they hide that from us fairly
well with the aid of their militaries and "intelligence" agencies (aka secret police in other times and places).
For example in the early hours of the morning of November 4 large ballot drops occurred in Michigan and Wisconsin that wiped
out Trump's lead.
In a very similar vein, it is the same thing that happened to Bernie Sanders during the primary's. Joe was down and out, and
Bernie was enjoying the lead and then "Bam!" Overnight Joe is back on top.
Well, fool me once,,,,,, .,and blah, blah whatever Bush said .
Dr Roberts has referenced in the interview a UR article that goes into considerable detail about the massive electoral fraud
by the Democrats and their partners. You've obviously not bothered to read it.
You're like one of those MSM hacks who denies electoral fraud without making any attempt to look at the evidence.
And it's almost always a closer race than anyone would have guessed beforehand -- which I also find suspicious. How likely is
it that the majority of presidential elections over the last century were decided by more or less even numbers of voters from
each party, between more or less evenly matched candidates?
Really seems like they've perfected the art of putting on rigged political shows that you can't quite believe in, but don't
have anything really solid to back up your suspicions. It's like the "no evidence of fraud" canard -- anything solid enough to
show obvious manipulation is explained away as the exception, rather than the tip of a very deep iceberg
Like the false accusations about Russia, delegitimizing the presidential election as fraud is turning out to be much ado
about nothing.
Let's review. The Democrats perpetrated the phony 2016 Russian influence fraud, and now the Democrats are perpetrating the
phony 2020 election victory.
The common elements are Democrats perpetrate fraud.
IMO this is a simple remedy to settle the election fraud mess or we will be arguing about this 20 years from now .from the
American Thinker.
The candidates on the ballot must have an opportunity to have observers whom they choose to oversee the entire process so
the candidates are satisfied that they won or lost a free and fair election.
That is not what happened in the 2020 election. That is the single most important and simple fact that needs to be understood
and communicated. The 2020 election was not a free and fair election, because poll-watchers were not allowed to do their essential
job. The 2020 election can still be a free and fair election with a clear winner, whoever that may be, but time is running
In every instance where poll-watchers were not allowed to observe the process, those votes must be recounted. They must
be recounted with poll-watchers from both sides present. If there are votes that cannot be recounted because the envelops were
discarded, those votes must be discarded. Put the blame for this on the officials who decided to count the votes in secret.
Consider it a way to discourage secret vote counts in the future.
The pandemic has not been fearful enough to close liquor stores, and it in should not be used as excuse to remove the poll-watchers
who are essential to a free and fair election. If we must have social distancing, then use cameras.
Certainly, there are other issues with the 2020 election. There may be problems with software, and there are issues like
signature verification and dead people voting. Everything should be considered and examined, but no other issue should distract
from the simple fact that both sides must be able to view the entire process. If one side is not allowed to view the vote-counting,
then that side should be calling it a fraud. We should all be calling it a fraud.
...Trump had control of the Senate, the House and of course the Executive between his inauguration in January of 2017 and the
Midterm Elections of 2018, a total time period of 1 year and 10 months. What did he do during this time? He deregulated financial
services and passed corporate tax cuts.
At the end of the day, being emotionally invested in US elections is no different to being emotionally invested in Keeping
up with the Kardashians , that is to say your life wouldn't be that different if your don't follow either.
The Democrats Have Stolen the Presidential Election
The Deep State Has Stolen the Presidential Election. FIFY. But they have been in control for decades they just don't care who
knows now. They are taking final steps to make their control impervious to attack.
This is the reason that the establishment latched on to the Eisenhowerian bon mot but entirely memory hole Trumman's
far more explicit warning a freaking month after a sitting president is shot like a turkey in Dallas: it white washes CIA and
The place to begin, and it's mind-blowing when you think about it this way, is that nothing was resolved on election night.
Not who will take the oath on January 20th. Nor which party will control the Senate. Nor even who will be Speaker and which party
will control the House.
Suffice it to say, a still raging factional struggle has simply moved to a greater degree behind the curtain.
I noted this movie reference on another thread here:
If your father dies, you'll make the deal, Sonny.
-- "The Godfather"
My point being, you're foolish if you ascribe certainty as to outcome at this point.
Being rid of Trump has been as close to a dues ex machina for the establishment as imaginable since he took the oath. This
ineluctable observation elicits no end of foot-stomping by those who assume it necessarily says anything positive about the man.
With every persistent revision of the script they wrote for him, all ending with his political demise at least, Trump has not
just survived but grown stronger. While the Democrats turned our elections into something only seen in a third-world shit hole,
Trump legitimately drew 71M votes from Americans.
That's a lot of air in the balloon. Believe me, filth like Russian mole Brennan may think everything is finished once they
get rid of terrible, awful Trump, but those above his pay grade know better.
Like him or hate him, Trump is the only principal not wholly or largely discredited. He was saved from destruction during his
first term by the Republican base moving to protect him. That was the import of his 90-95% approval among them, destroy him and
you destroy the Republican Party.
Now, despite -- or perhaps, because of -- everything they've done, that base now includes a significant number of Democrats
and independents. Trump is merely a vessel for an American majority attached to this constitutional republic thingie we've got
Don't get lost in the details. This isn't a puzzle you can solve by internet sleuthing. The plan they executed -- to steal
sufficiently to make the outcome inevitable by the morning after the election at the latest -- failed. This was evident early
on Election Day (e.g. fake water main breaks in Atlanta) and necessitated their playing their Fox/AZ card and shutting down the
count at least until they had removed Republican monitors.
"In 22 states, Republicans will hold unified control over the governor's office and both houses of the legislature, giving
the party wide political latitude -- including in states like Florida and Georgia."
"Eleven states will have divided governments in 2021, unchanged from this year: Democratic governors will need to work with
Republican legislators in eight states, and Republican governors will contend with Democratic lawmakers in three."
The Democrats have: Joe Biden, and a slim majority in the House of Representatives which they are almost certain to lose in
two years.
What the Republicans are going to do is everything we hate, but they will pretend they were "forced" to do it by the Democrats
– the Democrats being the minority party.
Who else could have survived what Trump has been subjected to by the Establishment and their media prostitutes. In the United
States the media is known as "presstitutes" -- press prostitutes. That is what Udo Ulfkotte says they are in Europe.
Left and right.
(What you small brains do not understand is this.)
Democrats enabling the elite to invest in far east (lower wage costs, higher profits) did abandon the working class in America.
Democrats by this act did throw away the working class as a dirty rug.
Democrats with their TPP exporting most of the production to far east would totally destroy working class in USA. Trump's first
act was to cancel this insanity. Democrats are insanely delusional.
Democrats were left. Left is a party that supports the working people.
So here switch occurred. Democratic party now represent the elite, and Republicans now represent the working people.
(The irony of the fate)
The headline for PCR's article is a prediction, not yet established, and incomplete.
There is an ongoing massive attempt to steal the Presidential election as well as to steal an unknown number of House and Senate
seats, and who knows what else.
The 'game' is still on. Many tens of millions of citizens – actual total unknown but possibly in numbers unprecedented in American
history – voted for Trump. Republican candidates for office generally had strong support, but again, the actual percentage of
support is unknown but presumably larger than now 'recorded'.
There are also the many millions who ardently supported Trump, know that Biden is illegitimate, deeply corrupt, and the precursor
to perils unknown. Their determination and backbone and intelligence will now be tested.
There is the electoral college process; there are the state legislators that have a say in the process; there is the Supreme
There is also the possibility of pertinent executive orders that mandate transparent processes in the face of, say, apprehended
insurrection via fraudulent voting processes.
There is also the matter of how millions of 'deplorables' with trucks and tractors and firearms and other means to make their
point will react to obvious massive election travesty.
The conjunction of the COVID global scamdemic/plandemic, with crazed Bill Gates and kin lurking in the background with needles,
'peaceful' protesters in many cities setting fires and looting with near impunity, and a mass media that is clearly comprehensively
committed to a demonic degree of dishonesty and manipulation, and lunatic levels of 'identity politics' ideology, are among the
elements setting the stage for what may be an historical watershed.
The American Revolution in the 18th century, against the British Crown's authority, came about after years of simmering anger
and sporadic resistance against British injustice. At some point there was a 'tipping point'. When Germany invaded and occupied
Norway early in the 2nd WW, an effective resistance quickly formed in reaction, where death and torture were the known willing
risk. Two years before, those forming the resistance would have been just going on with their lives.
Who's Afraid of an Open Debate? The Truth About the Commission on Presidential Debates. The CPD is a duopoly which allows the
major party candidates to draft secret agreements about debate arrangements including moderators, debate format and even participants.
Ben Swann explains how the new coalition of EndPartisanship org is working to break the 2 party hold on primary elections,
which currently lock around 50% of voters out of the process.
I am currently watching an interview with SD Governor Kristi Noem, who went on ABC to challenge George Stenopolosus' claim
that there is no fraud in this election. She pointed out that there has been many allegations, including dead people voting in
PA and GA, she says we don't know how widespread this is, but we owe it to the 70+ million people who voted for Trump to investigate
and ensure a clean and fair election. She said we gave Al Gore 37 days to investigate the result in 2000, why aren't we giving
the same to Trump?
She is extremely articulate and sounds intelligent and honest, and what's more courageous to come forward like this. I hope
she runs for president in 2024, I'd vote for her.
Am I the only one who sees something profoundly spiritual happening in front of our eyes?
Yes. In reality, 5% of White men sent Trump packing. That doesn't match the GOP negrophile narrative where "based" Hindustanis
join the emerging conservative coalition to make sure White people can't get affordable healthcare in their own countries, though.
So we'll have to watch you parasites spool up this pedantic "fraud" nonsense until the fat orange zioclown gracelessly gets dragged
Good post. You will gain more insight from this background on the speech and drafting.
Jan 19, 2011 Eisenhower's "Military-Industrial Complex" Speech Origins and Significance US National Archives
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address, known for its warnings about the growing power of the "military-industrial
complex," was nearly two years in the making. This Inside the Vaults video short follows newly discovered papers revealing that
Eisenhower was deeply involved in crafting the speech.
Great article. Thanks. Agree with you about the big stealing being electronic. Trump tweeted out yesterday that over 2 million
votes were stolen this way. For him to say this, they must have evidence.
Dinesh D'Souza said he hopes that when this matter comes before the Supreme Court that they will tackle once and for all what
constitutes a legal vote.
Some pretty big names are involved with this Dominion Voting. It will be interesting to see what Trump's team of IT experts
discover re the use of algorithms to swing the vote.
Why (Oh, why) did Trump had to go? Because Trump is an enema to the Deep State. He was threatening to expose the biggest lie
of the last 100 years – the supposed "liberalism" of US...
The author refers to a body of overwhelmingly persuasive evidence of voter fraud that can be specified and quantified to provide
proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt in criminal cases, not to mention hands down proof in civil cases requiring only a preponderance
of the evidence to establish guilt. Furthermore, the Democrats' easily documented, elaborate efforts at concealing the vote counting
process by shutting down the counting prior to sneaking truckloads of ballots in the back door is by itself powerful circumstantial
evidence of their guilt. You have no idea what "evidence" means, either in general usage or in its strictly legal sense.
The election cannot be trusted at all, just based on the insane entitled emotional state of the Globalist establishment alone.
The system as-a-whole cannot be trusted, for the same reason. They are actively corrupting it in every way they can, and fully
believe (as a matter of religious conviction) that they are right to do so.
That's one of the Jew/Anglo Puritan Establishment's new catch-phrases. There's also "no evidence" that Joe Biden acted in a
corrupt manner in Ukraine, even though he admitted to it on tape. There's "no evidence" that Big Tech is biased against conservative
plebians, despite their removing conservative plebians' published content arbitrarily and with no State compulsion to do so.
The phrase "there's no evidence" is just a public commitment to ignore any evidence, no matter how blatant or obvious.
This newly discovered legal standard goes beyond "preponderance of the evidence" or even "guilt beyond a reasonable doubt"
to establish absolute certainty as the standard.
Just the obvious and necessary complement of the Bob Mueller standard for Russian collusion, don't you think -- "could not
(quite) exonerate"? /s
They went for a softer approach in KY in 2019. The first-term Repub Gov had a Yankee's forthrightness so they just latched
onto comments he made regarding the underfunded teachers pension program and amped-it to high heaven getting teachers all in a
frightful frenzy.
In that solidly Red state, with all other prominent offices on the ballot (AG, SoS, etc.) going overwhelmingly Repub
, somehow the Repub Gov loses to the Dem by around 5000 votes. The "teachers pension" narrative was rolled-out as the reason.
(Btw, it seems that Dominion, or another type, software was used to switch the votes in that race. I've seen video about it.)
H. Larson out how the winds are blowing. There is nothing good about it.
Why not this:
-- ONLY in-person voting over a 2-day period, a Sat and Sun, with polls being open from 6AM to 9PM both days.
-- Exceptions are the traditional requested absentee ballot where the voter can be authenticated.
-- Paper ballots must be used at the polls and no single box of 'Straight Vote by Party' is offered.
-- Some kind of SIMPLE scanning tabulator could be used of the ballots and with it NOT being connected to the internet.
There is far too much cheating opportunity built into our current system. That's intended, of course. It needs to end!
Because you don't get it. You are missing the big picture. It was well known that these systems had the ability to be hacked
as soon as they were implemented. It is also a well known fact that massive mail in ballots increases the likelihood that corrupt
individuals are more likely to get away with election fraud.
Everyone knew about the potential for voter fraud to occur, but the entire system is corrupt, including Trump who has allowed
the massive corruption within the system that was present when he entered office to persist and grow because he is a wimpy, spineless,
coward, that was too afraid to make any waves and take the heat that he promised his voters.
Why anyone voted for Trump in 2020 confounds me. I voted for him in 2016 and he has turned out to be one of the worst presidents
in history.
Trump in his cowardess and dishonesty knew that the ailing economy would harm his chances of being re-elected, so he allowed
the health scare scamdemic to occur and destroy the livelihoods, lives, and businesses of hundreds of millions of Americans
because he is a psychopath. Trump did not do what he promised. Trump made America worse than it has ever been since the end of
slavery. Jeremy Powell said today that the economy is dead and will never recover.
The only injustices that Trump gave a damn about were the injustices against himself and his family, and has committed countless
injustices against the entire country and world during his term. Trump is a corrupt narcissist. The facts prove it. Trump is such
a corrupt narcissist that he was willing to destroy the entire economy based on scientific fraud, high crimes, and treason to
use as political cover for his own incompetency which is the most offensive and disgusting diabolical act ever perpetrated on
the entire country.
Trump has also demanded the extradition of Assange after telling his voters that he loved wikileaks. Trump is a two-faced,
lying, fraud. It has been his pattern. He consistently supports various groups and people like Wikileaks, Proud Boys, and others
and panders to them and voters and tells people that he loves them, and then every time without fail when the heat is on, Trump
says," I really don't know anything about them."
"I know nothing." Trump saying "I know nothing." defines his presidency and who he is as a person, a spineless, pandering,
corrupt, two-faced, narcissist, loser, and wimp!
Why would anyone vote for him the second time around after a record of pathological incompetency and pathological corruption?
What's to approve of about him? Go ahead, investigate voter fraud it if is permitted, and if it isn't then ask yourselves why
it is that a system that enables election fraud is in place, and ask yourselves who had the ability to change it and, who had
the ability to benefit from it!
"I am 100% confident that if @VP or members of Congress spent 15 minutes reviewing contents
of Hunter Biden laptop, they would NEVER let Joey "Bribes" Biden get within missile range of
White House.
Biden is a CCP puppet, a criminal, & a pervert. A few other things too. None good."
rump the New Yorker was a stranger in a strange land, having nothing of the sensibility of
the insular, self-serving swamp-dwellers in Washington and no grasp whatsoever of the power of
the Deep State, whose ire he quickly aroused. Trump was a terrible statesman, too
seat-of-the-pants, but what was to him dealmaking was at bottom diplomacy, an activity
Washington has little time for.
Why did Trump surround himself with people who opposed him and not infrequently sabotaged
those few foreign policy ideas one can approve of -- constructive ties with Russia, an end to
wasteful wars, peace in Northeast Asia, sending "obsolete" NATO into the history books? What
were H.R. McMaster, John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, and numerous others like them but of lesser
visibility doing in his administration?
I am asked this not infrequently. My reply is simple: It is not at all clear Trump appointed
these people and at least as likely they were imposed upon him by the Deep State, the permanent
state, the administrative state -- whatever term makes one comfortable. Let us not forget,
Trump knew nobody in Washington and had a lot of swivel chairs to fill.
We must add to this Trump's personal shortcomings. He is by all appearances shallow of mind,
poorly read (to put it generously), of weak moral and ethical character, and overly concerned
with appearances.
Put these various factors together and you get none other than the Trump administration's
nearly illegible record on the foreign policy side.
Trump is to be credited with sticking to his guns on the big stuff: He held out for a
new-détente with Russia, getting the troops out of the Middle East and Afghanistan,
making a banner-headline deal with the North Koreans. He was scuttled in all cases.
Complicating the tableau, the prideful Trump time and again covered his impotence by
publicly approving of what those around him did to subvert his purposes. A year ago, the record
shows, Pompeo and Mark Esper (then the defense secretary) concocted plans to assassinate Qasem
Soleimani, the Iranian military leader, flew to Mar–a–Lago, and presented
Trump with a fait accompli -- whereupon Trump acquiesced as the administration and the
press pretended it was White House policy all along.
Now We Come to Iran
Hassan Rouhani, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, addresses the 74th session of the
United Nations General Assembly's General Debate, Sept. 25, 2019. (UN Photo/Cia Pak)
Pulling out of the Iran nuclear accord a year into his administration was among the most
destructive moves Trump made during his four years in office. It was afterward that the
shamefully inhumane "maximum pressure" campaign against Iranians was set in motion.
Trump's intention, however miscalculated, was the dealmaker's: He expected to force Tehran
back to the mahogany table to get a new nuclear deal. As secretary of state, Pompeo's was to
cultivate a coup or provoke a war. It was cross-purposes from then on, notably since Pompeo
sabotaged the proposed encounter between Trump and Rouhani on the sidelines of the UN GA.
Now we have some context for the recent spate of Iranophobic posturing and the new military
deployments in the Persian Gulf. We have just been treated to four years of a recklessly
chaotic foreign policy, outcome of a war the Deep State waged against a pitifully weak
president who threatened it: This is the truth of what we witness as Trump and his people fold
their tents.
Trump the dealmaker a year ago now contemplates an attack on Natanz on the pretext Iran is
not holding to the terms of an accord he abandoned two years ago? The only way to make sense of
this is to conclude that there is no sense to be made of it.
Who ordered the B–52 sorties and the Nimitz patrols? This question promises a
revealing answer. It is very highly doubtful Trump had anything to do with this, very highly
likely Pompeo and his allies in hawkery got it done and told the president about it
Trump is out in a few weeks. The self-perpetuating bureaucracy that made a mess of his
administration -- or a bigger mess than it may have been anyway -- will remain. It will now
serve a president who is consonant with its purposes. And the eyes of most people who support
him will remain wide shut.
Patrick Lawrence, a correspondent abroad for many years, chiefly for the International
Herald Tribune , is a columnist, essayist, author and lecturer. His most recent book is
Time No Longer: Americans After the American Century . Follow him on Twitter
@thefloutist . His web site is
Patrick Lawrence . Support his
work via his Patreon site
The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of
Consortium News.
Ed Rickert , December 31, 2020 at 10:06
A first rate analysis of the inconsistent and inchoate policies of Trump as well as an
acute assessment of his psychology, notably his weakness when challenged. Equal cogent is
Lawrence's trepidation and concern over the policies and potential actions of the
administration that is to replacement Trump. Thank you for your thoughtful work.
Pierre Guerlain , December 31, 2020 at 06:51
I would just like to have a linkto the sources for Pompeo hoodwinking Trump for the
assassination of Soleimani.
Linda , December 30, 2020 at 18:42
Thank you, Patrick, for this very clear article summarizing Trump's clumsy attempts at
making peace with other countries (a campaign offering to voters) and the Deep State's
thwarting of those attempts. My friends and I intuitively knew the people taking roles around
the Trump presidency were put there by the "system". Trump had been made into a pariah by the
Press, his own Republican Party, and shrieks for 'Resistance' by Hillary Democrats in the
millions across the country even before he was inaugurated. There was no 'respectable' person
in Washington DC who would dare help Trump make his way in that new, strange land. Remember
one of the Resistanace calls to the front? . "Become ungovernable!!!!" Tantrums, not
negotiations, have become the norm
So long, any semblance of Washington DC respectability. It was nice to think you were
there at one time.
Dear readers and supporters of Consortium News around the Earth,
Please pass the following important message along to the genuine war criminals United
States President Donald Trump and United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson:
"Do the right & moral thing for once in your hideous, miserable & pathetic lives,
– and free genuine peacemaker Julian Assange."
Please consider making the (1st ever in history) establishment of genuine Peace on Earth
the absolute overwhelming #1 New Year's Resolution worldwide for 2021. The quality of life
for future generations depends on the good actions of this generation.. Thank you.
I thank these commentators, a couple of whom read these pieces regularly, and all others
who've taken the time this year gone by to put down their thoughts. I read them always and
almost always learn things from them. Blessings to all and wishes for a superb new year! --
Lee C Ng , December 30, 2020 at 14:02
I agree 100% with the writer. Example; if Bolton, probably pushed into the administration
by the Deep State, didn't sabotage Trump's talks with the N. Koreans in Vietnam, we might've
had a peaceful settlement on the Korean peninsular by now. And it's no surprise that Trump on
several occasions prevented the success of US-China trade talks – it was more than
likely he was forced to do so. Trump wasn't a politician, much less a statesman. But he
wasn't an orgre either, despite the hostility of the corporate press towards him (and I'm no
fan of Trump).
Biden will represent better the real forces behind all US administrations – the
forces responsible for the over 200 wars/military interventions in its 242 years of
Jeff Harrison , December 30, 2020 at 00:19
Thank you, Patrick, you have made some sense out of a nonsensical situation. "We have just
been treated to four years of a recklessly chaotic foreign policy, outcome of a war the Deep
State waged against a pitifully weak president who threatened it: This is the truth of what
we witness as Trump and his people fold their tents." What is it that the Brits call their
Deep State? It's something like the civil service but it's actually called something
You called Donnie Murdo a deal maker. Donnie Murdo is a New York hustler. His
"negotiation" style only works when his interlocutor must make a deal with him. If his
interlocutor can walk away, he will and Donnie Murdo will go bankrupt. The real problem is
that the US doesn't need a deal maker – we have people for that. The Prezzy & CEO
is frequently called that, the chief executive officer. But that's an administrative title.
He is also frequently called the commander in chief but that really only applies if we are at
war which we should be at as little as possible. What the prezzy really is supposed to be is
a leader. If Donnie Murdo were, in fact, a leader, John Bolton would have been taking a
commercial flight back to the US after his little stunt in Vietnam. But he didn't. So the
question isn't what could Donnie Murdo do in the next three weeks, it's what can Donnie
Murdo's henchmen do in the next three weeks?
Casper , December 29, 2020 at 18:19
One of the other personal things about Donald Trump, was that he had no skill nor
experience in leading and manipulating a bureaucracy. He had basically directed a family
business and his personal publicity machine. To the extent that Trump hotels had thousands of
employees, Trump hired managers to do that. It would appear that the Trump family business
largely concentrated on making of new deals for new hotels.
Thus, Donald Trump arrived in Washington completely unprepared to be the leader of a
bureaucracy and completely unskilled at being able to get it to do what he wanted it do
I'm not a Joe Biden fan, but he's been in Washington since the 1970's. He's seen the
bureaucracy from the Senate point of view for 40 years, then got at least a view of what it
was like to try to direct it from watching as Veep. I still suspect the real power lies with
the military command, and has since the 1950's, but this administration is going to come in
with at least some skills in terms of trying to get a government to do what it wants.
PEG , December 29, 2020 at 17:46
Perfect article – and epitaph on Trump's foreign policy record.
Anne , December 29, 2020 at 14:00
Indeed, Patrick, they (the eyes of most of the electorate) will remain shut, eyelids
deftly closed Only other peoples commit barbaric, heinous war crimes, invade other cultures
completely without cause, bomb other peoples to death, devastation, loss of livelihood, home
water supply We, the perfecto (along with one other group now ensconced – illegally,
but apparently western acceptably – in the ME) people do what we do because, well, we
are perfecto and thus when we commit these barbarisms, they aren't such. And are, it would
seem, totally ignorable. Wake me in the morning style .
Truly, the vast majority of those – whatever their skin hue, ethnic background
– who voted for the B-H duo are comfortably off, consider themselves oh so bloody
"liberal" (do they really know what that means, in fact? Or don't they care?), so to the left
of Attila the Hun (which obviously doesn't mean much, Left wise) .and what the MICMATT does
to other people in other societies matters not flying F .After all, aren't they usually of
"swarthy" skin hue and likely not western and of that offshoot religion of the one gawd, the
third go around?
The west (US, UK, FR, GY etc ) really and truly need to develop a Conscience, a real
morality, humanity but I fear that that is all too late
"... Listening to Joe Biden on the campaign trail is about as painful as listening to Trump. The gaffes just keep on coming! Running for the senate or the presidency? ..."
"... That Biden didn't break a sweat and seemed to know that he wouldn't win in liberal Massachusetts on Super Tuesday is one sign of just how fucked-up the political, economic, and social systems are. ..."
"... If a person buys into the argument that elections mean anything at all, and they do to some extent, then the fact that a left/progressive coalition couldn't pull it off here speaks volumes. ..."
"... Howard Lisnoff is a freelance writer. He is the author of Against the Wall: Memoir of a Vietnam-Era War Resister (2017). ..."
Listening to Joe Biden on the campaign trail is about as painful as listening to Trump.
The gaffes just keep on coming! Running for the senate or the presidency?
That Biden breezed to a presidential primary victory in supposedly liberal Massachusetts
leaves nothing but a sense of despair for anyone on the political left. If Philip Berrigan or
Eugene Debs were alive, either leftist might say "I told you so."
That Biden didn't break a sweat and seemed to know that he wouldn't win in liberal
Massachusetts on Super Tuesday is one sign of just how fucked-up the political, economic, and
social systems are. What was the combination of demographics that gave Biden a victory in
much the same way as a runner on third base comes home and scores after the batter walks with
the bases full?
So-called moderates flocked to Biden, as did those over 50 years old and older Black voters.
Liberals, younger voters, young Black voters, and Latino voters supported Sanders. Political
analysts can go on and on, ad nauseam, but the fact remains that a vibrant and well-organized
campaign by Bernie Sanders on the ground in Massachusetts fell on its face, as did that of
Elizabeth Warren. If a person buys into the argument that elections mean anything at all,
and they do to some extent, then the fact that a left/progressive coalition couldn't pull it
off here speaks volumes. The people who went to the polls spoke, and they would rather
have a neoliberal bumbler than someone who would champion, at the very least, liberal
... ... ...
Howard Lisnoff is a freelance writer. He is the author of Against the Wall: Memoir of a
Vietnam-Era War Resister (2017).
According to three pages of embassy notes on the one-hour sitdown, Lamdan wrote that Biden
said he believed US officials openly criticising Israel - despite the US providing support for
the country as an important ally - was "paradoxical and a mistake," according to Haaretz.
"[Biden] wanted to say that even though the positions of the U.S. were, with a few
exceptions, alright, the U.S. continues to claim outwardly that it wishes to be equally
friendly to all sides," Lamdan wrote, referring to US efforts as a mediator between Israel,
Palestine and surrounding Arab countries.
Jordanian and Palestinian leaders pin
hopes on Biden reviving two-state solution
Read More "
"Biden believes that the U.S. should tell the Arabs that Israel is foremost among its
friends, and that if the Arabs had a problem with that, they should be aware that they would
have a problem with the U.S. as well," Lamdan continued.
Biden reportedly told the embassy officials that "the U.S. should change its public debate
with Israel" and that if he were president, the US would treat it "like it treats its other
"It would be inconceivable to openly argue with Mrs. Thatcher on disputed topics, but in the
case of Israel, the U.S. does not hesitate to openly disagree with it. This approach is
unacceptable to him," Lamdan noted.
"If he were elected, he would have a frank exchange with us, without publicity and through
diplomatic channels".
Four months later, Biden made similar remarks when addressing the US congress.
"It's about time we stop apologising for our support for Israel," he told lawmakers that
June. "It is the best $3 billion investment we make. If there weren't an Israel, the United
States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interests in the
Biden is expected to reverse or temper some of the more status-quo-breaking moves made
during US President Donald Trump's presidency regarding Israel and Palestine.
While the president-elect initially opposed the Trump administration's US embassy move to
Jerusalem, Biden has stated that he has no intention of moving it back to Tel Aviv.
Instead, his administration plans to reopen the US consulate in occupied East Jerusalem to
serve Palestinians. He will also reopen the mission of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation
(PLO) in Washington, which was shuttered by the Trump administration.
In the past, Biden had been a hardliner against the PLO, which, now a recognised observer
member of the United Nations, had been considered a terror organisation until the early
Progressives promote roster of
foreign-policy staffers for Joe Biden Read
More "
During his 1986 meeting with Rosenne and Lamdan, he compared the PLO to the Irish Republican
Army (IRA), a paramilitary group that originally fought British colonial rule during the
country's War of Independence (1919-1921).
"As someone of Irish descent, [Biden] considered the IRA to be like any other terror
organization which would never compromise with the moderates, with the lowest common
denominator always holding sway," Lamdan wrote.
At the end of the meeting, Lamdan said that "Biden repeated his commitment to Israel,"
adding that he "believes the United States did not do enough for the Jews during World War II.
He ended by saying that we wouldn't be sorry if he were elected to the White House."
Speaking more recently to Haaretz, Lamdan said he did not remember his 1986 meeting with
Biden, and Rosenne passed away in 2015, so neither man was able to provide further insight.
Biden has said he will reinstate several Palestinian aid programmes that the Trump
administration has cut, such as funds for security cooperation, economic development, and
humanitarian aid.
But he has also echoed the Trump administration's view of conditioning aid to the
Palestinian Authority (PA) on cuts to government welfare payments that go to the families of
Palestinian prisoners and Palestinians killed by Israel, a policy the PA has refused to
At the same time, Biden has vowed to re-enter a
nuclear deal with Iran, a position Israel has strongly argued against as it considers Tehran a
fierce rival.
This woman is a real actress. The way she is looking at Biden suggests she s ready to go
down on his nuts. It never ceases to amaze me, cynical and jaded as I am, the lengths people
go to for more power, more prestige and more money which in the ends trips them up and casts
them down.
It might have been easy for people to believe that there was surging leftwing movement
in American politics while Bernie Sanders' star was rising in 2016 and 2020. I had always
been skeptical about how deeply that left movement actually went, but even I -- cynical as
I am -- started believing in it a bit last winter. Shit. Bernie has a chance, I thought.
Maybe there is something real happening here. But then he got crushed, endorsed drooling
Joe Biden, licked the "we can move him left" boot, ducked out of the fight, and exposed a
totally barren political left landscape. Turns out that Bernie's "revolution" was really
nothing other than an electoral campaign, after all -- and that campaign and all the
organizational energy it harnessed dissolved immediately with his candidacy. What did it
leave behind? Not much, other than huge platforms for a few top influencers and political
operatives who leveraged the Bern into lucrative Patreon and Substack careers.
Who am I talking about? Well, people like David Sirota, who seems to have taken his
official Bernie campaign Substack newsletter and privatized its massive email list
post-election for personal profit. Or his comrade Briahna Joy Gray, who just launched a
podcast with a Chapo cohost that's already raking in more than $35,000 a month. Meanwhile,
the people whose interests these two Bernie operatives had represented -- the millions who
gave Bernie a few bucks -- are being immiserated more and more. David and Briahna are now
on different sides of the Force the Vote fight, arguing endlessly on platforms with
multi-tiered subscription offers. And what service do these leftwing influencers provide to
the people? As far as I can tell, not much other than distraction and
politics-as-entertainment. It's all very fucking grim.
Good luck to all for the year ahead and particularly good luck to Yemen, Iran and
Venezuela and all those nations being jackbooted by the USAi. PEACE please.
"I had planned to get the vaccine but will now stand in solidarity with our seniors by
not doing so until THEY can. I urge my colleagues who are under 65 and healthy to join me,"
Gabbard said in a Monday morning message posted to Twitter.
The congresswoman and previous presidential hopeful blasted "heartless bureaucrats"
at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for not prioritizing seniors, viewed as the
most vulnerable to Covid-19, in their rollout plan.
Seniors were deemed a second-priority group by the Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices, which recommended health care workers, nursing home staff/residents receive the
vaccine first. CDC Director Robert Redfield could still prioritize seniors. He has expressed
support for ensuring people over the age of 70 receive the vaccine sooner rather than
Gabbard's statement stands in contrast to the actions of many lawmakers who have received
the vaccine before it is available to most Americans.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida), 49, was accused on social media of "cutting" to the
front of the line by critics after posting images of himself receiving the vaccine over the
On the other side of the political aisle, 31-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York)
also received pushback after receiving the vaccine, with many citing her young age as a reason
for her not to be one of the first to get vaccinated.
Others, like journalist Glenn Greenwald, also pointed to the hypocrisy of many liberals
criticizing conservatives like Rubio, but celebrating Ocasio-Cortez's vaccination
Senior lawmakers like House speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California), 80, and Senate majority
leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) have also been vaccinated.
The outgoing representative from Hawaii gave a harsh evaluation of the controversial
stimulus package, which many critics see as too little, too late for the country, which has
been ravaged by Covid-19. She said she voted against the bill because it was rushed and catered
to special interests rather than the needs of the people.
The almost 5,600-page package was distributed to lawmakers just hours before the vote, so
"There is no way that anybody in Congress had the opportunity or time to go through and read
this bill to know exactly what was in it," Gabbard said.
And its actual content – which allocates money to things like missiles for the
Pentagon and provides a tax break for corporate meals, dubbed the 'three martini lunch' by
critics – is "an insult and a slap in the face to every single American in this
country, who is struggling because of this Covid-19 pandemic."
This bill is a representation of the screwed-up priorities of Washington.
The bill was passed by the Democrat-controlled House 359-53 on Monday and was given a 92-6
stamp of approval by the Republican-controlled Senate hours later. President Donald Trump is
expected to sign it into law.
Gabbard, a maverick Democratic representative whose tenure ends next month, has a record of
voting against her own party and has taken flack for it in the past. Arguably the most notable
example was her 'present' vote on the articles of impeachment of President Trump a year ago.
She said she could not in good conscience vote either 'yes' or 'no' because she believed the
president to be guilty of wrongdoing, but saw the impeachment as a flawed process fueled by
More information from the horse's mouth – John Paul Mac Isaac tells the full story of his interaction with the FBI and their negligence.
It is worth seven minutes of your time.
As you saw in the video, the FBI was inept, at best, in exploiting the Hunter Biden hard drive. And this is indirectly damning
of Bill Barr's incompetence in this matter I am sad to say. A Special Counsel is warranted when the son of a man, who is perceived
at present as the next President, is embroiled in serious allegations of tax fraud and violations of the Foreign Agents Registration
Act and possible bribery by a foreign power.
If you want to help John Paul fight this battle you can support him
here .
The Democratic party has always specialized in co-opting the groundswell movements that
arise from the street level up, and neutering those movements through a tongue-twisting and
mind-bending variety of rationales for doing nothing.
And so the Democratic party sees its imperative currently as co-opting this call for
Medicare for All. It has attempted this, and is still attempting this, but its efforts are
failing. It cannot turn the impulse from the street into longer-view delays on getting this
done - especially because both the tactical moment and the strategic realities are NOW, and
the people know this.
A clever Democratic party, deep in its back room, would realize that the only way to
maintain its mystique as a "progressive" force now would be to concede the loss of its
obstructionist position, and to allow the vote for Medicare for All, in order to save itself
as a party for the future decades.
It so far doesn't seem to have understood this.
The Democratic party is enabling its own destruction and it will never understand why. And
as we have seen before with multiple examples, this lack of understanding is alone the reason
that any representative entity should die.
"... The bottom line is the true enemies of the American people are no foreign nation or adversary---the true enemy of the American people are the people who control America. ..."
"... This way of thinking points to a dilemma for the American ruling class. Contrary to a lot of the rhetoric you hear, much of the American ruling class, including the "deep state" is actually quite anti-China. To fully account for this would take longer than I have here. But the nutshell intuitive explanation is that the ruling class, particularly Wall Street, was happy for the past several decades to enrich both themselves and China by destroying the American working class with policies such as "free-trade" and outsourcing. But in many ways the milk from that teat is no more, and now you have an American ruling class much more concerned about protecting their loot from a serious geopolitical competitor (China) than squeezing out the last few drops of milk from the "free trade." ..."
This is awesome, he nails the dilemma which our owners are confronted with;
I'll put it this way: It is not as though the American ruling class is intelligent,
competent, and patriotic on most important matters and happens to have a glaring blind spot
when it comes to appreciating the threat of China. If this were the case, it would make
sense to emphasize the threat of China above all else.
But this is not the case. The American ruling class has failed on pretty much every
issue of significance for the past several decades. If China were to disappear, they would
simply be selling out the country to India, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, or some other country
(in fact they are doing this just to a lesser extent).
Our ruling class has failed us on China because they have failed us on everything. For
this reason I believe that there will be no serious, sound policy on China that benefits
Americans until there is a legitimate ruling class in the United States. For this reason
pointing fingers at the wickedness and danger of China is less useful than emphasizing the
failure of the American ruling class. The bottom line is the true enemies of the
American people are no foreign nation or adversary---the true enemy of the American people
are the people who control America.
This way of thinking points to a dilemma for the American ruling class. Contrary to
a lot of the rhetoric you hear, much of the American ruling class, including the "deep
state" is actually quite anti-China. To fully account for this would take longer than I
have here. But the nutshell intuitive explanation is that the ruling class, particularly
Wall Street, was happy for the past several decades to enrich both themselves and China by
destroying the American working class with policies such as "free-trade" and outsourcing.
But in many ways the milk from that teat is no more, and now you have an American ruling
class much more concerned about protecting their loot from a serious geopolitical
competitor (China) than squeezing out the last few drops of milk from the "free
@102 karlof1 - "By deliberately setting policy to inflate asset prices, the Fed has
priced US labor out of a job, while as you report employers sought labor costs that allowed
them to remain competitive."
I never heard it said so succinctly and truly as this before. That is what happened isn't
it? The worker can't afford life anymore, in this country.
And if the worker can't afford the cost of living - who bears the cause of this, how
follows the remedy of this, and what then comes next?
I really appreciate your point of view, which is the only point of view, which is that the
designers of the economy, the governors of the economy, have placed the workers of the
economy in a position that is simply just not tenable.
No wonder they strive to divide in order to rule - because they have over-reached through
greed and killed the worker, who holds up the society.
How long can the worker flounder around blaming others before the spotlight must turn on
the employer?
You have to remember these people really do think they are better. They do think in class
terms even if they avoid that rhetoric in public. The problem is they thought they could
control China like they did Japan. That was dumb then and it looks even dumber now. You can
see similar dumbness in their lack of grip on any realisitic view of Russia. Provincials
really. Rich peasants.
Thank you, they certainly DO think in class terms ALWAYS. + Rich peasants is perfect
Thankfully they are blinded by hubris at the same time. The USA destroyed the Allende
government in Chile in 1973. After the Nixon Kissinger visit to China in 1979 they assumed
they could just pull a color revolution stunt when they deemed it to be the right time.
Perhaps in their hubris they thought every Chinese worker would be infatuated with capitalism
and growth.
They tested that out in the People Power colour (yellow) revolt in the Filipines in 1986
following a rigged election by Marcos. In 1989 only 16 years after China had been buoyed up
with growth and development following the opening to USA capitalism, they tried out the same
trick in Tienanmen square in China but those students were up against the ruling party of the
entire nation - not the ruling class. BIG MISTAKE. The ruling party of China was solidly
backed by the peasant and working class that was finally enjoying some meager prosperity and
reward a mere 40 years after the Chinese Communist Party and their parents and grandparents
had liberated China from 100 years of occupation, plunder, human and cultural rapine and
colonial insult. Then in 2020 it was tried on again in Hong Kong. FAIL.
The hubris of the ruling class and its running dogs is pathetic.
We see the same with Pelosi and the ruling class in the Dimoratss today. They push Biden
Harris to the fore, piss on the left and refuse to even hold a vote on Medicare for All in
the middle of a pandemic. Meanwhile the USAi ruling class has its running dogs and hangers on
bleating that "its wrong tactic, its premature, its whatever craven excuse to avoid exposing
the ruling class for what they are - thieves, bereft of compassion, absent any sense of
social justice, fakes lurking behind their class supposition.
They come here to the bar with their arrogant hubris, brimming with pointless information
some even with emoji glitter stuck on their noses. Not a marxist or even a leftie among them.
Still its class that matters and its the ruling class that we must break.
@102 karlof1 and Grieved | Dec 19 2020 3:12 utc | 129
I did not understand inflate-assets/suppress-workers and forgot to return to it to clear
it up. Grieved sent me back to Karlof1. I just got it.
That viewpoint indeed explains method of operation to accomplish the results I observed.
When Nixon was forced to default on Bretton Woods use of Gold Exchange Standard* [the USD is
as good as gold], then printing fiat solved the problem [threat to US inventory of
gold]....but printing fiat [no longer redeemable as a promise convert to gold] became the new
problem [no way to extinguish the promises to redeem/pay].
So how to proceed? Aha! Steal from the workers; squeeze 'em, entertain and dazzle 'em!..
Such an elegant solution...slow, certain and hardly slow-boiling
on-going project as we blog.
Sen. Lindsey Graham: "If you believe a special counsel was needed to look at the Trumpworld
regarding Russia -- how can you say that there's no need for a special counsel regarding Hunter
"I learned yesterday for the first time that the U.S. Attorney's Office in Delaware advised
my legal counsel, also yesterday, that they are investigating my tax affairs," Hunter Biden
said. "I take this matter very seriously but I am confident that a professional and objective
review of these matters will demonstrate that I handled my affairs legally and appropriately,
including with the benefit of professional tax advisors."
Hunter Biden is also under federal investigation over his China business dealings –
This was previously reported by James Rosen at the Sinclair Group.
The federal investigation into Hunter Biden and his associates focused on allegations of
money laundering which began back in 2018.
According to CNN, Joe Biden, AKA "The Big Guy" who got between 10% and 50% of Hunter's money
from foreign countries is not implicated.
President Donald Trump is considering pushing to have a special counsel appointed to advance
a federal tax investigation into the son of President-elect Joe Biden, setting up a potential
showdown with incoming acting attorney general Jeffrey Rosen.
Trump -- angry that out-going Attorney General William Barr didn't publicly announce the
ongoing, two-year investigation into Hunter Biden -- has consulted on the matter with White
House chief of staff Mark Meadows, White House counsel Pat Cipollone and outside allies.
That's according to several Trump administration officials and Republicans close to the
White House who spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity to discuss private
The AP also reported that Trump is interested in appointing a special prosecutor to
investigate the massive voter fraud that took place in the 2020 election.
President Trump has support from Republican lawmakers.
Senator Lindsey Graham said he is also calling for a special prosecutor to investigate Hunter
Biden's business deals with China.
"If you believe a special counsel was needed to look at the Trumpworld regarding Russia -- how
can you say that there's no need for a special counsel regarding Hunter Biden?" Lindsay Graham
said to reporters on Wednesday.
There is so much agreement and support for Jimmy Dore hammering away that it is emerging
as a wave. With any luck for the people, the USA establishment might have to make a show of
conceding to a floor vote on medicare for all in the next month.
Right now the Dimoratss shills - like the Squad and David Sirota are looking totally
dishonest. SAD
Jimmy Dore has gathered considerable momentum and is now joined by other high profile
utoobers Kyle
Kulinski and Mike
Will Joe Rogan add weight to M4A. I say do two birds with one stone - achieve a floor vote
on M4A and finally destroy the Pelosi stranglehold on the journey for progressive
In today's episode of 'Things that should have come out during the impeachment,'
just-released diplomatic memos reveal that Vice President Joe Biden's office was warned in 2015
that the Ukrainian oligarch who hired his son, Hunter, was deemed corrupt - and that the US
Justice Department had gathered evidence to support that conclusion, according to
Just The News .
"I assume all have the DoJ background on Zlochevsky," wrote former US Ambassador Geoffrey
Pyatt in Kiev in a 2015 letter to Biden's top advisers, referring to Burisma Holdings founder
Mykola Zlochevsky.
"The short unclas version (in non lawyer language) is that US and UK were cooperating on a
case to seize his corrupt assets overseas (which had passed through the US)," Pyatt added,
noting that the asset forfeiture case against the Ukrainian billionaire "fell apart" when
individuals in the Ukrainian prosecutor general's office "acted to thwart the UK case."
Talking points
Pyatt's email also includes responses to several talking points Joe Biden's Washington staff
crafted, should he be questioned about Hunter's role on the board of Burisma .
" Have you asked Hunter to step down from the board? Has he discussed that with you?" the
talking points anticipated being asked.
" I'm not going to discuss private conversations with my family. Hunter is a private
citizen and does independent work ," the memo recommended the vice president answer.
If pressed by a question asking whether Joe Biden thought "Zlochevsky is corrupt," the
talking points suggested the vice president respond, "I'm not going to get into naming names
or accusing individuals." -
Just The News
... ... ...
The memos, released last week by Senate committees investigating Hunter Biden, also reveal
that the US Justice Department was involved in the 2014 asset forfeiture brought against
Zlochevsky in the UK , right as Hunter Biden was hired to sit on the board of Burisma.
Multiple State officials have attested to the awkward appearance of conflict of interest
posed by Hunter's position on the board as the United States led efforts to fight corruption in
Ukraine. In a September, 2015 speech, Pyatt railed against Ukrainian prosecutors for thwarting
the UK asset forfeiture case against Zlochevsky.
Pyatt was recently deposed by investigators for the Senate Finance Committee and the
Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee about the Ukraine controversy.
Though his staff had reported an alleged Burisma bribe and believed the Bidens' conduct in
Ukraine created an apparent conflict, Pyatt said he never felt compelled to raise such
concerns with the vice president.
" So you never gave thought of raising a concern to the Vice President about this board
position his son had? " a Senate investigator asked Pyatt during the deposition back in
"No," the ambassador answered. "He's the Vice President of the United States, and it would
have been wildly out of place for me to raise something like that, especially insofar as it
had zero impact on the work that I was doing ." -
Just The News
Meanwhile, let's not forget that according to evidence from Hunter Biden's laptop published
by the New York Post , Biden didn't just know about his son's business dealings in Ukraine and
he participated in them .
And Democrats impeached Trump for asking Ukraine to investigate.
2 play_arrow
Max21c 26 minutes ago
Joe Biden Warned In 2015 That Son Hunter's New Employer And Burisma Boss Was Corrupt
This information might have been useful during the impeachment ...
But if the government secret police agencies revealed the truth to the public then how
would Washingtonians have been able to push the impeachment scam as far as they did... and
without the government distracted and bogged down in phony scandals and scams and lies and
distortions then the swamp people might not have been able to pulloff their election fraud
and seize power again. There might not even be as many dead people and as much damage to the
country and its economy without the impeachment getting in the way of the pandemic response
early on.
jammyjo 20 minutes ago remove link
C'mon man! Joe didn't know where his 50% was coming from.
rwe2late 40 minutes ago (Edited)
The Dems did not want a repetition of 2016 when the revelations of Hillary's misconduct
helped thwart her election bid.
Thus, any exposure of Biden's misconduct and corruption was to be smothered and prevented
from thwarting his election bid.
Hardly different than to stop showing the homecoming coffins and civilian casualties so
that the war racket can continue.
Obama is running the show and Joe will resign leaving Barack's honey pot running the
country. The election was fixed by Obama, he always was the smartest guy in the room when it
comes to making his dreams of destroying America come true. Obama only set people in place to
destroy America and now he can blame Uncle Joe and DR of Love Jill.
walküre 1 hour ago
Barrack Hussein Robert Mugabe Obama
NoSoyBoys 59 minutes ago
Barry is too inept and lazy to have thought any of this out.
HANGTHEOWL 58 minutes ago
Obaqama is irrelevant,,,,he is just an ex puppet with no power,,,,,,this world is run by
multi trillionaire Zionist bankers,,,peeon's like Obaqama are just used then disposed
walküre 1 hour ago remove link
FFS, Hunter was/is a crack head. His mind is mostly gone. He couldn't run a lemonade
stand, let alone be a board member and understand the ramifications of major business
decisions at foreign companies.
Hunter does not have the wherewithal to be held accountable for any white collar
Hunter's name on the documents is to conceal the identity of the real gangster, who is no
other than the head of the family, the Pretender-Elect in Depends Joe Biden.
Sickening to watch how Joe obviously is allowing his own son being fed to the lions.
Man up Joe! He's your son and you're responsible!
Giant Meteor 1 hour ago remove link
The big guy is responsible for his crimes, that is to say, being the head of the crime
family .. His son, being well, past the age of consent, is wholly responsible for his own
crimes ..
nope-1004 1 hour ago (Edited)
Biden = Clinton = Bush = Obama = Holder = Rice = Podesta = corruption
" Correspondence between Hunter
Biden and CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming from 2017 shows President-elect Joe Biden's son
extending "best wishes from the entire Biden family ," and urging the chairman to "quickly"
send a $10 million wire to "properly fund and operate" the Biden joint venture with the
now-bankrupt Chinese energy company.
The $10 million transfer to the joint venture was never completed.
Fox News obtained an email Hunter Biden sent on June 18, 2017, to Zhao Run Long at CEFC,
asking that they please "translate my letter to Chairman Ye, please extend my warmest best
wishes and that I hope to see the Chairman soon.""
Biden went on to note that Bobulinski had "sent a request to Dong Gongwen [Gongwen Dong] and
Director Zang for the funding of the $10 MM USD wire."
"I would appreciate if you will send that quickly so we can properly fund and operate
Sinohawk," Biden wrote.
"I am sure you have been well briefed by our dear friend Director Zan g on the political and
economic connections we have established in countries where you are interested in expanding
during the coming months and years, " he continued. "I look forward to our next meeting."
"Fox News also obtained the response from Ye as part of an email, dated Sept. 6, 2017, from
Biden business associate James Gilliar to Bobulinski. That email forwarded Ye's letter
responding to Biden. The letter is dated July 10, 2017.
Ye stated that he had arranged for Zang and Dong to "expedite the charter capital input to
"I am glad to hear from you! Time flies and it has been months since we met in the US. It
seems that we were always on a rush when we were together," Ye wrote to Biden, adding that "the
consensus we made last time has been materialized in a timely manner."
Ye also recommended Biden "arrange your people to coordinate with Director Zang and Gongwen
Dong for specific work."
"I will continue to pay attention and give my support," Ye stated. "I have arranged Director
Zang and Gongwen Dong to expedite the charter capital input to SinoHawk."
"I look forward to meeting you in the near future and discussing our joint undertaking. If
there is anything I could do please do not hesitate to write to me," Ye wrote. "Please accept
my best regards to you and your family."" foxnews
Well, pilgrims, the Ron Johnson hearing today was fun. The best part for me was former
Director Krebs' (election security guy for DHS) repeated statements that the election was
secure, "the most secure in history." Pilgrims, the distinction betwixt "secure" and "honest"
seems to have escaped him as he ignored questions about actual evidence of fraud, a swampie to
the end.
And then, there is Chairman Joe. He knows that nothing will be easier than to kill off
prosecution of his creepy son, or to "suggest" to the Delaware federal prosecutor that a minor
indictment would be appropriate, something resulting in a suspended sentence.
I have watched Tucker debrief Bobulinski twice about that payment. The way Bobulinski tells
it (with documentation) the Bidens were loaned $5 million by MEFC to pay their side of the
capitalization and then actually pocketed the other $5 million as a direct payment to La
Familia from FEMC (Oh Danny Boy!) from - equal opportunity! That was too much for the Bobster
(former naval Lt., man of world finance, patriot, self-abnegator, etc.) Besides, where was his
Pistols at dawn? Good! Tucker can act as his second. Where are my cased flintlock
smoothbores? They are somewhere around here, the English 18th Century ones in the fitted blue
velvet case. pl
Senator Rand Paul accused Georgia and other states of using the COVID-19 pandemic to steal
the election in a move he says could have came from the playbook of Obama Chief of Staff, Rahm
Emanuel, who famously said, "you never want a serious crisis to go to waste."
Appearing on Fox News prior to the Wednesday Senate hearing on election irregularities,
Senator Paul was asked how revelations, such as the one out of Georgia showing more than 1,700
voters illegally submitted two ballots during the Nov. 3 contest, would effect the upcoming
runoff elections in the Empire State of the South.
Paul would respond, saying: "You'd think that all of this would be investigated and tried to
be fixed before the election."
He also pointed to potential illegal voting activity in Nevada:
"We're going to hear testimony from Nevada where 15 hundred people were deceased and
should not have voted, four thousand people were illegal aliens, and 15 thousand people voted
from commercial address when you have to vote from a home address."
Echoing the case laid out by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in his recently dismissed
Supreme Court lawsuit, Paul accused states of using the COVID-19 crisis to dodge state and
federal election law, comparing the move to a play right out of the Obama, Rahm Emanuel
"It's sort of Obama, Rahm Emanuel's playbook. They took the crisis of COVID and then they
changed election law not by changing law at the state legislature, they had secretaries of
state and or governors simply by fiat change the law to say 'oh you can keep counting votes'
when the law did say that. So, this election really was stolen in a way and it was stolen
because people changed the law "
Shortly after his appointment as Obama's Chief of Staff, former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel
famously uttered the words "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste" during a corporate
panel sponsored by the Wall Street Journal .
"What I mean by that is never allow a good crisis to go to waste when it's an opportunity to
do things that you had never considered, or that you didn't think were possible," Emanuel would
explain at the time.
Trump Campaign Attorney, Jesse Binnall, would laid out similar accusations of voter fraud to
those given by Senator Paul during the Wednesday Senate hearing.
See Binnall's opening statement below:
But, Senator Paul was not done, as Douglas
Braff reports via , during today's Senate hearing examining irregularities
during 2020 presidential election the Kentucky Republican claimed:
"The fraud happened. The election in many ways was stolen...And the only way it'll be fixed
is by, in the future, reinforcing the laws."
"But I think [Kreb's] job was keeping the foreigners out of the election. It was the most
secure election based on the security of the internet and technology, but he has never voiced
an opinion [ ] on whether or not dead people voted -- I don't think he examined that," Paul
said toward the end of his speaking time, then questioning if Krebs examined non-citizens'
Many Republicans, in alleging that widespread election fraud occurred in the 2020 election,
have often cited claims that a lot of dead people and non-citizens voted. The over 50 lawsuits
challenging the results of the election in certain swing states alleging election fraud have
overwhelmingly failed in the courts.
"So to say it was the safest election -- sure, I agree with your statement if you're
referring to foreign intervention," Paul continued.
"But if you're saying it's the safest election based on no dead people voted, no
non-citizens voted, no people broke the absentee [ballot] rules, I think that's false and I
think that's what's upset a lot of people on our side is that they're taking your statement
to mean 'Oh, there were no problems in the elections.'"
"I don't think you examined any of the problems that we've heard here," he added, "so really
you're just referring to something differently, the way I look at it." ay_arrow 1
wee-weed up 6 hours ago (Edited)
Okay, Sen Rand Paul...
Now put your credibility where your mouth is...
And back up Mo Brooks on Jan 6th when he stands up to challenge the validity of the
This will call for congresscritters with balls enough to say, "This illegal voting that
occurred threatens the Republic and will not stand!"
US Banana Republic 6 hours ago
Do you know why Biden is telling everyone to stay home from his inauguration (which will
never be anyway)?
Because NOBODY would have come. With or without COVID being a factor.
Fraudly Dementia Boy who is supposedly the most popular Democrat in history according to
the vote, never would have gotten more than 12 people to show up to see him sworn in,.
EightyEight Mike 6 hours ago remove link
"17 Intelligence Agencies confirmed that there was foreign interference in the
presidential election."
Remember hearing that every day?
sgt_doom 5 hours ago remove link
Even Matt Taibbi debunked that bullcrap --- a couple of guys at the CIA, friends of the
Clapper/Brannan bromance, who later transferred to the NSA, to prattle the same bullcrap!
[ China (the CCP) owns UBS Securities Co LTD >> which owns Staple Street Capital
>> which owns Dominion >> ergo, CCP owns Dominion --- this is the way it is
done in int'l finance]
Doom Porn Star 6 hours ago (Edited)
Laws were NOT changed. The legal procedures for changing the voting laws were NOT
The very laws about changing the election laws were not followed and thus laws were not
For instance: in Pennsylvania the Legislature is the only authority that can change the
state constitution and the laws governing elections within. The Legislature did NOT change
the constitution of Pennsylvania.
Saying that laws were changed is not the same as actually going through the legal
procedures required to change the laws and enacting new legally binding legislation.
Saying "We changed the laws."doesn't change anything no matter how many times you repeat
the phrase.
They did NOT change the laws -which is why SCOTUS freaked out and refused to hear the
IF SCOTUS actually had been forced to admit that the laws were not actually changed ,
despite the repeated insistent rhetoric that they had been changed, Trump would easily have
won the Electoral College.
PGR88 6 hours ago
Let's look at California
This year, due to "COVID-19," California mailed out 25 million ballots to everyone on
voter rolls. Remember also, their DMV automatically registers everyone to vote - including
illegals, who are given drivers licenses. Mail-in-voting in CA has been a trend, but now
Newsom wants this to be permanent.
There are no checks on non-citizens voting.
Voter rolls have not been purged of people who left the State or who changed addresses
In November 2020, approx, 7 million ballots were returned. Normally, in some districts, up
to 10% of mail-in ballots may be rejected for problems. This year, due to the vast numbers,
less than 0.01% were rejected.
It is absolutely impossible for state election workers to check voter rolls, signatures,
addresses on 7 million ballots - so in effect, NO checks occur
California also allows "ballot harvesters." Any organized group my collect ballots from
Voters, and turn them in. Some activist groups are even funded by the state to "harvest"
ballots. That means political actors are collecting ballots, completely outside of any
verification or chain-of-possession steps.
I dare anyone to tell me such a system is not full of manipulation and fraud
NoBigDeal 6 hours ago remove link
The GOP have to fight this in the court of public opinion because no court judge is
prepared to listen to the case. They accuse them of telling lies without looking at the
evidence. A cynical Catch 22 position.
As the administrators of justice this is a frightening heads up for anyone who thought
there was any integrity and fairness in the legal system.
It's all bribes now..
Nature_Boy_Wooooo 5 hours ago (Edited)
Imagine sitting in court for tax fraud and the prosecutor saying........ "we gotta make
sure this doesn't happen in the future.".....but you get to walk and keep the money you
Onthebeach6 6 hours ago remove link
The Deep State actors are still trying to steal it by claiming no CCP interference in the
The report on foreign interference in the US election is due for release on Friday (18
th ) afternoon. This will be 45 days after it was requested by the President. It
may be delayed.
The report is being prepared by the DNI (Department of National Intelligence) which is an
umbrella organization over 16 intelligence agencies.
There is currently a massive ongoing fight between agencies in respect of those who wish
to include the evidence of Chinese CCP involvement and those who wish to cover this up and
blame Russia.
Director Ratcliffe of the DNI wants the CCP involvement included in the report and has
stated that he will not sign the report unless this detailed CCP information is included.
It is important to understand that there is both evidence of CCP helping to fix the
election and ongoing CCP pressure to ensure that their asset Biden is sworn in as
It is clear that CCP and deep state assets as well as the DNC and big tech worked together
to steal the election and remove Trump in support of a globalist agenda that would enrich a
small minority whilst impoverishing most Americans.
WatchOutForThatTree 2 hours ago
Whether the "election" turned out the way you wanted or not, it's pretty damned obvious
this bitch was rigged.
Can all the stupid trolls and mindless posters please go back into your caves? The
quality(or lack thereof) of discourse here sucks nowadays...
Linguo 1 hour ago
Rigged ? Corporate money by the billions, voter suppression, two parties whose sole
allegiance is to Wall Street deliberately excluding third and fourth parties and
gerrymandering to name a few, contributes to the democratic process ? What planet do you live
on ? This country has never been a democracy. If the election was rigged, why did the
republicans do well with the exception of the racist war criminal who is personally
responsible for hundreds of thousands of COVID-19 deaths, King BS the 1st ? Idiot.
wimvincken 3 hours ago remove link
It's unbelievable what happened in the US. Many countries have simple ID driven elections.
You show your ID and vote. Simple.
And in case the country has a computers, that computer can check if you're a citizen and
if you already have voted in almost real-time. Simple.
I didn't know that the US doesn't have computers. Who would have thought that? /sarc
Sorry, but the incompetence is there running amok. Strategy is not one of the strongest
thing there, because they could predict something like this to happen beforehand. The way how
the Americans vote is simply asking for trouble like this. Now I'm curious if they want to
fix it. I don't think so.
Soloamber 3 hours ago
The winner of the USA elections is now who cheats best .
The Democrats did nothing for four years except the fraud impeachment and the coordinated
effort to steal the election . It was their only chance with Dementia man .
Pdunne 2 hours ago (Edited) remove link
Elections are won or lost these days with influence and money.
It is time to go back to the days when only individuals can donate to a campaign, not more
corporate money or dark funds for PAC's.
Candidates will always pander to the money and if it was coming from the people maybe the
people would get a fairer government. play_arrow
ronin12 PREMIUM 4 hours ago remove link
It's super fantastic to hear Rand Paul speak the truth.
So wtf is he actually going to DO about it?
Soloamber 3 hours ago remove link
Three full years of MSM Russia , Russia started by the Clinton's , CIA , Obama and the
biggest dip **** to run the FBI .
Mass election fraud ....cheating Trump out of an obvious win . NOTHING .
Move on because the gang rapists say so .
Voters one access to democracy stolen by the corrupt Democrat Party , negated by an
algorithm, dead voters
, vote harvesting, billionaire globalist determined to destroy the USA and Chinese money
Then people like sleeve bag Schumer unilaterally trying to bribe students with their own
credit card .
Biden was right dark days .
Babadook 4 hours ago remove link
Gullible. That is the only word that describes the fantasy of faith in using electronic
voting machines. Pen, paper & observers work perfectly well in other developed
Don Storm 4 hours ago
Like someone posted earlier on ZH:
" In 2020 California mailed out 25 million ballots to everyone on voter rolls. Remember,
the DMV automatically registers everyone to vote including illegals, who are given drivers
licenses. Mail-in-voting in CA has been a trend, but now Newsom wants this to be
There are no checks on non-citizens voting. Voter rolls have not been purged of people who
left the State or who changed addresses.
In 2020, approx. 7 million ballots were returned. Normally, up to 5% of mail-in ballots
may be rejected for problems. This year, due to the vast numbers less than 0.01% were
It is absolutely impossible for state election workers to check voter rolls, signatures,
addresses on 7 million ballots. So, NO checks occured whatsoever.
California allows "ballot harvesters." Any organized group may collect ballots from voters
and turn them in. In fact, some activist groups are even funded by the state to "harvest"
I DARE anyone to show that such a system is NOT subject to total abuse and fraud on a
massive scale. "
Here we have our answer, and California isn't the only state that allowed for such a weak
mail-in ballot system.
Perhaps even more disturbing, why were mail-in ballots allowed on such a massive scale to
begin with? And, we are not even talking about Dominion and other crap that took place.
Bjorn2bebad PREMIUM 4 hours ago
I live in Japan and they sent me a ballot - to Tokyo! I have not lived in CA for 8
Nullifytodefy1835 6 hours ago remove link
Do you think that signature verification, the very thing that was touted, as being the
very thing, that makes voting by mail safe, secure and fraud free, was thrown out the window
for this election. Literally, the PA SOS told the election staff that ballots cannot be
excluded because of signature mismatch, along with a host of other "irregularities" that
would have the ballots, like the 26,000 that were tossed during the primary, excluded from
being legal ballots that count. It concerns me that, the talking heads parrot the signature
verification talking point everywhere you look, knowing that they had no plan on ever doing
such. It really smacks of impropriety and corruption, if you only look at that, and that
alone. When you then take account of the other issues, it looks like a stolen election. I am
certainly not a Trump supporter, did not vote for him, but I have had an issue with election
fraud for many years, as I have personally known of a migrant advocacy group that would bus
the non citizens to the polling places and they would vote. I reported this many times, still
it continued. Still it continues. When the only "proof" of citizenship you must provide, is a
check in a box that you, "attest under penalty of perjury" that you are a citizen, blah,
blah, blah, there is bound to be those that take advantage of the lack of oversight. Wherever
there is an opportunity, a criminal, fraudster or corrupt actor, will take advantage, to the
fullest extent possible. Human nature.
"... I will also state that in "real" democracies, rigging the vote count is a rarity--it is far more effective just to rig the candidates so it doesn't matter if Tweedledee or Tweedledum gets more votes. ..."
1) Biden got more votes
2) The intelligence agencies rigged the vote count via fraud
In the prior case, Biden will clearly be president. In the latter, Biden will also be
president because the agencies' authority is absolute.
I will also state that in "real" democracies, rigging the vote count is a rarity--it
is far more effective just to rig the candidates so it doesn't matter if Tweedledee or
Tweedledum gets more votes.
"... No doubt that is on its way, but I think it would have been too difficult to pull off without full control over the government's top figurehead. Once Harris is enthroned then they will move on that, I am sure of it. ..."
But somehow the Satan candidate won. "Impossible!! It must be the Russians!"
@Posted by: William Gruff | Dec 16 2020 17:51 utc | 136
There is one Russiagate shoe that I am still waiting to hear drop (maybe it already did
and I missed it).
In 2003 when the CIA succeeded in misleading this country into an invasion over
non-existent WMD
the finger pointing began, to explain away the lies as simply a pack of errors.
One excuse that gained some traction was that it was Saddam's own fault, he had pretended
to have WMD.
For Russiagate I have been waiting for the excuse makers to offer something like they did
with "Saddam's own fault".
That is, the Russians - Putin -, wanted the FBI, CIA, Hillary, MSM, etc to fall for
Thus John Brennan did not attempt a coup (nor Comey, nor the FBI, CIA and the rest of the "17
intelligence agencies" the MSM
and the Democrats) by knowingly creating a false narrative about the Russians, it was the
dastardly Russians (Putin)
themselves that are to blame. No attempted coup, simply a pack of errors seeded by the
Russians themselves.
As the Durham investigation appears to be heading for the historical footnotes there will
be no need for the
traitors to create excuses. And I do not expect to ever hear that shoe drop.
librul @139: "I have been waiting for the excuse makers to offer something like they
did with "Saddam's own fault". That is, the Russians - Putin -, wanted the FBI, CIA,
Hillary, MSM, etc to fall for Russiagate."
No doubt that is on its way, but I think it would have been too difficult to pull off
without full control over the government's top figurehead. Once Harris is enthroned then they
will move on that, I am sure of it.
"... 1. When campaigning in 2016, he promised his non-Goldman Sachs supporters (i.e., the "deplorables") that infrastructure and a wall to be paid by Mexico would be among the major priorities during his first two years; instead he came out of the chute with a tax-cut for the wealthy and a phony "repeal and replace" assault on the Affordable Care Act which led to the R loss of the House when it became clear to voters in November 2018 that the Rs and the President had nothing to offer as a replacement ..."
"... He failed to purge the bureaucracy of Obama administration holdovers on January 21, 2017, unlike Dick Cheney who threw all the Clintonians out of government on January 21, 2001, thus, leaving people in place like Sally Yates and the Vindman brothers who never missed an opportunity to knife President Trump in the back. ..."
"... He failed at the outset to investigate the case against General Flynn (engineered by Strzok, Comey and David Ignatius) who was his only close advisor with previous governmental experience and left the General twisting in the wind. ..."
The optics of a defeated outgoing President appointing a Special Counsel to investigate
the electoral victory of his victorious successor at the ballot box and in the Electoral
College, over the objections of his attorney General, do not look particularly palatable and
doubly so if the President had to fire the Attorney General to make the appointment. The
ensuing firestorm would make Nixon's firing of Archibald Cox look like a brush fire.
If the outgoing President were to make such an appointment, one can be assured that Joe
Biden's first executive on January 21,2021 would be the firing of the putative Special
Counsel, and he would be generally applauded for doing so.
Even if Biden didn't move quickly, there is the question of who should be appointed (and
Trump is not particularly good at hiring good lawyers), funding (is Pelosi going to be
particularly keen on appropriating the funds?) and staffing up with supporting (and
supportive) attorneys, paralegals and FBI agents (you can be sure that Chris Wray will not be
too enthusiastic about helping out).
That said, there is one Special Counsel that needs to be appointed and that is a Special
Counsel to investigate the Hunter Biden affair[s} which reached all the way to the "Big Guy",
according to Tony Bobulinski. Joe Biden appears to have been the electoral beneficiary of a
massive cover-up of "Biden-gate" with the black-out of the New York Daily News story by Big
tech, the almost-total suppression of the Hunter laptop and the Tony Bobulinski revelations
by the MSM and the coordinated fabrications of the former IC biggies, like Clapper, Brennan
and Morrell, who very publicly dismissed the New York Post Story and Bobulinski revelations
as the product of Russian disinformation and artful lies embedded in a KGB-engineered fake
The 2020 election, with its cover-up and potential denouement, is beginning to look more
and more like the 1972 election where the cover-up led to the resignation of a President who
just 20 months prior had been elected in one of the biggest landslides in American history.
This is the investigation we need NOW to save our Republic.
IMO the presidential election was stolen and Biden is a crook, has always been a nasty.
That being said if you want a special prosecutor for l'affaire Hunter, have at it.
Hunter the bag man for crooked Joe? What did Obama know and when did he know it? The same
should be asked about his and Brennan and Clapper's involvement in The Steal.
Given that Hunter's troubles were non-news but a month ago and now are big-news the vision
in my head is Hillary sneaking up on China Joe's back with a rather large dagger. Good luck
Gosh, what about the optics of the outgoing Obama administration plotting to take down
Flynn and Trump.
Bad manners for sure, because a lot of this anti-Trump plotting sure looked like the work
of the sore losers still occupying the WH until the 11th hour when the infamous Susan Rice
CYA memo was typed and filed. And the last Samatha Power FISA unmasking request was unmasked
for purposes still unknown.
Ah, yes, the bad optics of it all. Bummer. Bad optics is seeing the thoroughly discredited
and rejected Obama team warming up in the dug out.
Bad optics is Trump leaving office and NOT appointing a special counsel to investigate
both election fraud and Hunter Biden incestuous influence peddling. Two transgressions we
never want to see in this country again.
The optics of a defeated outgoing President appointing a Special Counsel ...
Who cares about optics. I mean, what're the Dems going to do at this point? Impeach Trump
again? Meanwhile, our constitution is dying. THAT'S the only issue that matters at this
That said, there is one Special Counsel that needs to be appointed and that is a
Special Counsel to investigate the Hunter Biden affair[s} which reached all the way to
the "Big Guy", according to Tony Bobulinski.
Hunter Biden is beside the point. His daddy ain't gonna be president for too long
anyway. The only issue that matters now is the fraud and nothing else. Don't let the
Mockingbird media--the same that adamantly refused to cover anything about Hunter
BEFORE the election--distract you with a bunch of irrelevant BS now.
@akaPatience: If they weren't Trump's picks, then what was Trump doing there? If he can't
pick his own cabinet, he was just wasting his and everyone else's time. Yes, they have to be
approved by the senate. What happens if the president and the senate can't agree?
As for the remarks about optics, I think it's all a bit late to worry about optics. The
dems just stole the election right in front of everyone's faces. They aren't worrying about
optics. They essentially just stole it and then turned round and said, "What are you going to
do about it?"
Col., OT, perhaps impertinent, but inspired by the Wisdom of SWMBO--
I'm just a few years younger than you. I carry a few excess pounds but retain the immune
system of my Italian peasant ancestors. Not a chance in the world that I will allow myself to
be injected with an "emergency authorized" vaccine.
If I may ask: Will you?
nb. Not entirely off-topic, since the rigged election relied on Covid hysteria propagated
by media and the same usual suspects as should be the subject of Special Counsel.
In other words, the Covid pandemic should be investigated. More urgently: distribution of
vaccine should be HALTED before anyone is (potentially} harmed.
I had a talk with my immigrant Chinese doctor about this. That was two days ago. He was
still working out how this would be funded but he said to me that we (his family and mine)
would wait just a bit to see how bad the reactions are.
My memory of the very early days of Trump WH staffing was having to run interference past
the Democrats standard and vicous politics o personal destruction out to destroy anyone who
even thought about particpating in the Trump administration, the renegade GOP establishment
undermining him at every turn denying him any establishment help or advice, and the normal
learning curve of someone 100% outside of the political establishment who was bound to
stumble and falter before hitting his stride.
Democrats declared it was treason for anyone to aid and abet the "enemy" even though Trump
did try to reach out - remember his very early High Tech guru meeting? The liberal media
never let up, the deep state leaked and sabotaged as a fifth column from within.
The most remarkable thing about Trump is what in fact he did accomplish anyway, despite
the constant opposition, churning and revolving door of staff appointments.
#45 presidency remains a story of amazing accomplishments. Thank you President Trump. I
did not think you had this in you. But you did. Sitting in Dr Norman Vincent Peale's Marble
Collegiate Church in NYC, taking early lessons from his Power of Positive Thinking and
practicing The Method held you in good course.
(See PBS Peter Graves Biography on the early Donald Trump -from the Marla Maple days -
what you saw then is what you also got in 2026 - youtube)
The man is transparent and consistent. No one can complain they were duped or he is a
false charade. He is what he says and he delivered. How refreshing.
Please excuse my "politeness" in using the phrase "bad optics" to describe a proposed
potential action by a defeated outgoing President to appoint a "Special Prosecutor" to
investigate the election of his victorious successor when such an action, to be blunt, would
be politically stupid, subversive of our Constitutional order and futile, as such action
would be immediately reversed in the first minutes of the incoming administration. If we are
talking about "savor[ing]", it would only give the Ds an opportunity to "savor" another
The President has only himself to blame for the legal setbacks suffered by his ineffective
lawyers who have never been able to produce sufficient evidence to convince even his judicial
appointees that substantial electoral fraud took place during the 2020 balloting.
Constitutional challenges to gubernatorial changes to balloting procedures for usurping
legislative authority should have been mounted immediately after they were announced, not at
the 13th hour after the ballots had been counted. In 2000, Jim Baker organized a team that
included four lawyers who now sit on the Supreme Court. The failing, flailing Rudy Giuliani
and Sidney Powell (as much as I admire her advocacy for General Flynn), by contrast, have not
cut any mustard with their post-hoc and sometimes bizarre arguments. IMHO, the President
should cease and desist now from taking actions which detract from the R effort to save the
Senate seats in Georgia which, if lost, will immediately begin the de-Republicanization (used
Constitutionally) of our American system of government.
IMHO, the President has only himself to blame for losing the 2020 election due to a
succession of self-inflicted miscues which began on Day 1 of his administration. Let me count
the ways:
1. When campaigning in 2016, he promised his non-Goldman Sachs supporters (i.e., the
"deplorables") that infrastructure and a wall to be paid by Mexico would be among the major
priorities during his first two years; instead he came out of the chute with a tax-cut for
the wealthy and a phony "repeal and replace" assault on the Affordable Care Act which led to
the R loss of the House when it became clear to voters in November 2018 that the Rs and the
President had nothing to offer as a replacement . Thus, he repeated the same mistake
that Clinton and Obama made in 1993 and 2009 and suffered the same fate that they suffered in
1994 and 2008 when they lost the House. In this case, President Trump's mistake was near
fatal as he gave his bitter enemy, Nancy Pelosi, the whip hand in which to drive the Country
to impeachment. We are still waiting for a "replacement" and a completed "Wall".
2. He failed to purge the bureaucracy of Obama administration holdovers on January 21,
2017, unlike Dick Cheney who threw all the Clintonians out of government on January 21, 2001,
thus, leaving people in place like Sally Yates and the Vindman brothers who never missed an
opportunity to knife President Trump in the back.
3. He failed at the outset to investigate the case against General Flynn (engineered
by Strzok, Comey and David Ignatius) who was his only close advisor with previous
governmental experience and left the General twisting in the wind.
4. He bungled the firing of Jim Comey after getting Rod Rosenthal to sign onto a memo
citing Comey's botched and procedurally defective Clinton email investigation as the reason,
then publicly boasted of having done so with the Russian Foreign Minister and Ambassador and,
for a self-inflicted coup de grace, told Lester Holt that he fired Comey because of Russia
fatally undermining the laboriously constructed Justice Department rationale. The Comey
firing and the President's ineptitude led directly to the appointment of a Special
5. Moving ahead three years, after narrowly escaping the Mueller noose, the President
immediately bungled the effort to get the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden corruption story out to the
public, thus putting the noose back around his neck, by seeking in a conversation with the
Ukrainian President, with his many enemies listening in, to get the Ukrainians to appoint a
special prosecutor to investigate the Biden-Burisma connection. Surely, there was a competent
way to get the story out without igniting an impeachment controversy. He could have taken a
seminar with Dick Cheney to figure out how this is done, all the while keeping his
fingerprints off the weapon.
6. Another egregious self-inflicted and, perhaps, fatal wound: He gives Bob Woodward (a
mortal enemy) the right to conduct a taped-interview during which he admits to Woodward,
among other things, that he had been briefed at the outset about the lethality of COVID19,
which gave the lie to his previous pronouncements that the virus was little more than another
version of the flu. The election of 2020 was in many respects a referendum on President
Trump's handling of the Corona Virus. Had he leveled with the American people, under-promised
and over-delivered, instead of over-promising and under-delivering by election day, he would
most likely be taking the oath of office for a second term. BTW, Pfizer had all the
information that it needed to announce prior to the last weekend in October that its vaccine
was 90+ % effective, but, instead, Pfizer stopped trials the Friday before the election and
did not make its announcement until after the election. It's amazing that the President's
people did not have their fingers on the pulse of what was happening at Pfizer. One more
fatal error.
7. On Attorney General Barr, the AG saved Trump's bacon and what was left of our Republic
when he put a harness on Bob Mueller, took control of the Mueller Report, ordered up the
Horwitz investigation (disagreeing with Horwitz's conclusion that there was no impropriety at
the outset), put his own gloss on the Mueller Report before its dissemination, appointed a
Special Counsel to investigate the origins of the Russia Investigation. If he can't find the
demonstrable, provable evidence of ballot fraud sufficient to overturn the election and is
hesitant to undertake a Constitutionally dubious and futile action, I am satisfied with the
AG's conclusions.
I do not think the COVID economic disaster can be blamed on him. What you face now is
infinitely worse than the political blunders that can be blamed on him.
Tulsi Gabbard said she ran as presidential candidate with the Democratic party because she
believed that a third party didn't stand a chance against the Dems' political clout. And
because she believed that the Dems could be brought back to their original goal, i.e. the
party of and for the people. I wonder if she still believes that. And I personally wonder if
there will be a 2024 presidential race, seeing that the USA is soon heading towards collapse
from a completely corrupt parasitic elite.
Nikolaidis 23 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 08:31 PM
There is no room for sane people in an insane society. The US and most parts of the so-called
Western world are becoming more and more insane with their "gender correctness" making men
women and women men plus adding 87, or is it 114, new genders. It is a sure sign of social
decline and collapse. It is parallel to what can be observed when looking at the fall of the
Roman empire.
zoombeenie 19 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 12:22 AM
Tulsi was America's chance at being at least No.2 to China. Now with already effectively a
one party state with both GOP and Dems beholden to their sponsors (MIC and the 1%) its now
jumping from the fire into the frying pan. Hope the US doesn't implode before the people wake
up to reality and see Tulsi as the saviour in 2024.
David Penrose Barneby 14 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 05:21 AM
Tulsi Gabbard was the only credible democrat candidate for the presidency , I believe Tulsi
Gabbard would be a good president . America today has sunk beyond recognition , where lies ,
deceitfulness and brazen dishonesty are accepted as the norm .
Doodle_Dandy 15 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 05:08 AM
This just proves to the world the total corruption within American politics. They can't talk
democracy, they are the world's largest terrorist organisation...and to think Yanks think
they are exceptional, makes me laugh...
David Penrose Barneby Doodle_Dandy 14 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 05:30 AM
A laugh of derision ! I too would laugh , but unfortunately it isn't remotely funny . I'm
British , ashamed of the British government , I am ashamed that my sons and their California
wives vote democrat . Are even educated American So Ignorant that they are unaware of the
total corruption they are supporting ?
1justssayn 10 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 09:20 AM
As a Democrat she endorsed the party instead of switching. Ronald Reagan said "I didn't leave
the democratic party, they left me". She should up hold her values and moral high ground by
changing parties. After this terrible year maybe the libertarian and Constitution parties
could arise and replace the Dem-, pub parties of corruption.
TWolsey 23 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 08:42 PM
USA is crumbling. From within of course. That's how it is said it will happen.
a325 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 08:04 PM
Tulsi is so much the better person and candidate than Kamala!
Black Chinese 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 06:49 PM
I support Tulsi on this bill to level the playing field to protect the female gender to
compete with and against females and not WANNABE females with man muscles and everything a
man have at birth.
jangosimba 9 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 10:44 AM
Tulsi can sleep well, knowing she does the right thing. I can't say that about any other
politician, none.
SNrt 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 05:25 PM
Well said Michael McCaffrey! Thank you! I wish I new you in person. :)
uncle_Alex 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 03:56 PM
I agree!
PedroNZ 19 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 12:25 AM
Yep, we live in an upside-down world!
Crowfoot9 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 04:04 PM
I say let them accept all the trans people they want into woman's sports. All normal women
will eventually abandon professional competitions as all the unhinged glory seeking males
willing to earn some easy money and media attention will jump on this opportunity and kill
the sports. Will be interesting when this controversy reaches the olympics. All the non
western countries will abandon the Olympic Games and you'll be left with a western centred
competition which will look more like a circus show.
Blod_Grogan 7 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 12:22 PM
Yes, America is floundering. But as long as it is possible to make a bad-to-hopeless
situation fine and dandy by just claiming it is, sonorously and with expansive arm-wavings,
the steady slide will continue. Believe it or not, it is sometimes worthwhile and beneficial
to tell the truth. Ah, you'd never heard that before, well, despite that, I can assure you
several honest people claim that's true too - silly buggers.
Fred Dozer 18 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 01:28 AM
I have a lot of Tulsi , hats, and shirts and gave her several hundred dollars. I was upset to
say the least when she backed Biden. However I calmed a lot since than. I always wondered how
Lindsey Graham could keep winning. Says a lot about some Americans. Tulsi truth, is not what
most Americans, want to believe.
Manya 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 03:54 PM
Gabbard the one who is a member on the Council on Foreign Relations? Come on, RT, you can do
better. Keep in mind your website is supposed to be for the informed people, not the
Americans who can barely read and manage to watch "Dennis Miller +one."
D Green Manya 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 04:42 PM
Truth hurts. She's right on this issue, but 'broken clocks,' etc. CFR membership is a
huge red flag and like most Dems, Gabbard is also a gun-grabber. Any politician (most
all of them) who supports wholesale destruction of the Constitution and abrogating the
individual's right to self-defense is not to be trusted!
Nitupsar 3 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 05:14 PM
That's exactly my sentiment too!
Donkey80 17 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 02:54 AM
The greatest intrinsic quality of America is that it always gets the finest politicians money
can buy
Nathan075 18 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 01:19 AM
Kamala Harris = Queen of Tarts.
apothqowejh 21 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 11:01 PM
She should come to Texas and help us reestablish the republic.
Only in a nation that had taken leave of its senses would Tulsi Gabbard be denigrated and
Kamala Harris be queen-in-waiting
Michael McCaffrey
Michael McCaffrey is a writer and cultural critic who lives in Los Angeles. His work can be
read at RT, Counterpunch and at his website . He is also the host of the popular cinema
podcast Looking California and
Feeling Minnesota. Follow him on Twitter @MPMActingCo
In an age where lies are worshipped and cowardice celebrated, Tulsi Gabbard is despised for
her bravery and commitment to truth, while Kamala Harris is lauded for...what, exactly?
Tulsi Gabbard, the four-term Democratic congresswoman from Hawaii, is currently being
attacked by
liberals for introducing The Protect Women's Sports Act, which seeks to protect women's
athletics by recognizing that different sexes are born with different physical abilities.
Reasonable and rational people realize that men and women are biologically different.
Reasonable and rational people also realize that on average, men are bigger, stronger and
faster than women, and that just because someone born a male now subjectively "identifies" as a
female, that doesn't alter the objective fact that copious amounts of testosterone were pumping
through their body as it developed, thus making their competing against biological girls and
women in sport not only unfair, but dangerous.
These should not be controversial statements as they are obviously factually and
scientifically true. But objective truth is anathema in our age of subjective insanity. Which
is why Tulsi Gabbard's introduction of the Protect Women's Sports Act is a brazen act of
This is why it is so perversely ironic that on the same day Tulsi Gabbard was being made a
pariah for courageously speaking plain truth and supporting common sense, Time Magazine was
announcing that the
empty pantsuit and monument to tokenism, Kamala Harris, and her chauffeur in the corporate
Democrat clown car, Joe Biden, were being honored as the Person of the Year.
If America were a sane place, Tulsi Gabbard, not Kamala Harris, would be the darling of the
supposedly liberal Democratic Party.
Gabbard is an intelligent, principled and charismatic woman of color, something the devotees
of diversity claim to desire. Her progressive bona fides are unquestionable as she vociferously
supports Medicare-for-All, a Universal Basic Income and wants to end the war on drugs and
private prisons. She is also a courageous anti-interventionist in addition to being a respected
Army Reservist and Iraq War veteran.
In contrast, Kamala Harris is a corrupt former "top cop" in California who brutalized the
by being a proponent of the war on drugs yet let white-collar corporate criminals
skate . She is also a neo-liberal militarist who opposes
Medicare-for-All and a Universal Basic Income.
And yet, despite, or more likely because, of all of these things, Tulsi Gabbard is persona
non grata among the dupes, dopes and dullards in the Democratic party and media, while the
sellout and raging sub-mediocrity Kamala Harris is celebrated.
This is not surprising as Gabbard and her fetish for truth have long been a thorn in the
establishment's side, especially with her contrarian foreign policy beliefs, most notably
regarding Syria and Bashar Assad.
In 2017 Gabbard committed the cardinal sin of going against establishment orthodoxy when she
expressed skepticism regarding dubious claims of chemical weapons attacks by the Syrian
government in Khan Shaykhun, and, despite being right , was quickly
labeled an "Assad apologist."
She also made the egregious mistake of speaking the truth when she
said that the U.S. had been "waging a regime change war in Syria since 2011."
Nothing will get you a scarlet letter from the establishment faster than telling the truth
regarding America's thuggish empire.
As for compliant Kamala, speaking truth to power is not a sin with which she is intimately
familiar. Kamala is more of a kiss up and kick down kind of girl. She "kissed" up to former
Speaker of the California Assembly and San Francisco Mayor Willie
Brown and kicked down by trying to jail poor
parents of truant kids.
Another glaring difference between Tulsi Gabbard and Kamala Harris is that Gabbard is guided
by principle and Harris is guided by blind partisanship and personal ambition.
For instance, besides the Protect Women's Sports Act, this week Gabbard also dared to cross
the aisle by
introducing the Break Up Big Tech Act, which supported Trump's initiative to repeal Section
230, which gives legal immunity to large social media companies. Gabbard did this because it is
the right thing to do, even if Trump supports it.
As for Kamala, she is allergic to principles beyond personal ambition. Kamala will not take
on big tech, as they are her donor base and she is a junkie for their money and a corporate
power courtesan. One should not expect a Biden-Harris administration to move in any way shape
or form against Silicon Valley.
Another argument in favor of Gabbard's superiority over Harris is that the one time the two
women went head-to-head was in the Democratic primary debates, and Gabbard eviscerated
Harris so decisively that it stopped Harris' presidential campaign dead in its tracks.
This week's state of affairs proves that America is a madhouse, and the media, Time Magazine
and their ridiculous and grammatically incorrect "Person of the Year" selection included, are
funhouse mirrors used to further distort our already deranged sur-reality.
In these United States of the Insane, the inmates are running the asylum as American
militarism and corporate power are now deemed benign, it is declared gender doesn't exist, and
Kamala Harris is worthy of celebration while Tulsi Gabbard is deserving of denigration.
America always gets the leadership it deserves, and when Joe Biden falls, or more likely
gets pushed, down a flight of stairs and Queen Kamala ascends to the throne, we will get what
we deserve. And that certainly isn't a person of the quality and worth of Tulsi Gabbard, that's
for damn sure.
Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!
carlus 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 04:23 PM
Good essay. My question is why she endorsed Biden, which immediately compromised her
intellectual honesty and contradicts her previous decisions to buck the DNC and powers that
be. It is puzzling and disturbing. The practical implications are that by so doing, she
didn't allow a chance for her growing supporters and the country to overcome impending,
rapidly approaching disaster, in many forms. In other words, Tulsi was the last hope and it
is now too late. She didn't realize this.
Hanonymouse carlus 1 hour ago 12 Dec, 2020 06:40 PM
Because she probably wants to run again in the future, so she has to keep the party happy.
TruthSpeak carlus 14 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 05:55 AM
I was surprised she endorsed Biden, I did not know she did that. I felt she was the only hope
of sanity in this whole mess. I do hope she keeps pushing forward.
Anton Moric 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 03:42 PM
Spot on article that sums up the current situation in the USA quite well. Gabbard is a
rational hero, who is also strongly against the US Deep State's endless wars against the
perceived enemies of Israel. Another reason that the cabalists have unleashed their dogs on
Rocky_Rambler Anton Moric 23 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 08:33 PM
I agree this was very well-written, and right on the money. I loved the phrase, " the empty
pantsuit and monument to tokenism, Kamala Harris, and her chauffeur in the corporate Democrat
clown car, Joe Biden "
Richi777 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 03:54 PM
Good article. Tulsi Gabbard is certainly the one to watch for the next election. Although the
swamp and or the deep state might have other ideas.
skizex Richi777 14 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 05:50 AM
Doesn't help that she is CFR
Russian_Bot Richi777 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 07:32 PM
In 4 years, it'll be, then, the incumbent President Kamala Harris and whoever the
establishment appointed to be No 2. Tulsi has no chance. I believe that by the next election,
the US is going to become, effectively, one-party nation. As of now, she is the only one who
could be a compromise figure for the centrists and moderates on both political sides. But
she's too independent and unpredictable for those who have high stakes in the future
elections outcome and are able to finance her campaign.
Je suis CHUMP 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 03:43 PM
"Only in a nation that had taken leave of its senses would Tulsi Gabbard be denigrated and
Kamala Harris be queen-in-waiting" Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen. I'm waiting for 2024 when Tulsi
Gabbard winning the presidential race, or VP position on Trump-Gabbard ticket.
Teodor Nitu Je suis CHUMP 22 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 09:22 PM
"... VP position on Trump-Gabbard ticket." That's exactly why she endorsed Biden, to dispel
the notion that she was a 'Trump supporter in disguise', as she was beginning to be painted
by some leftist extremists.
carlus Je suis CHUMP 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 04:12 PM
Gabbard has talked to Trump about issues. I think she tried to convince him that the climate
crisis is real. He either believes this and lies about it for political reasons (she would
find this repulsive ), or doesn't believe it and therefore is (and she would have a problem
with this as well) too willingly ignorant to listen to reason.
Rolf001 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 05:10 PM
Speaking the Truth in Times of Universal Deceit is a Revolutionary Act (George Orwell). Tulsi
represents exactly what Orwell meant.
Jose Francisco 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 07:32 PM
love the pincipled Tulsi. altho i did lose respect for her for her endorsement of BIden.
still, i can forgive her, i mean, look at her, she's committed to the truth, brave and
BluDiva 8 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 11:51 AM
I considered Gabbard one of the few, honest, intelligent politicians of our time. She invited
the wrath of her corrupt party, which stands for anything but honesty and intelligence.
However, her endorsement of Biden stands in strange opposition to her intellectual/political
bbob412 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 08:09 PM
The treatment of Tulsi Gabbard is a tell tale sign of how corrupt the DNC has become. She has
more integrity than the lot of them. It's scary how easy it is for the DNC to make good
people look evil. A little partisan politics and a lot of bad and misleading press goes a
long way in this country of half wits though.
TheFishh bbob412 22 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 09:43 PM
The DNC is so backward and demented that it won't consider anything new to the point that it
will force-feed a candidate that isn't all that popular.
Happylistener 23 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 08:25 PM
She is straight, she is honest ( as far as we can see) she's the guts to stand up to the
bullies, lots of them. She has an opinion that reflects the ideals and ideas of her targeted
voters. Why are the DNC so afraid of her ? She doesn't flop like Bernie, she's not afraid of
The Hillary mob. Unfortunately, she can't get the big bucks that get you into power. I wonder
why? No war, no bucks ! Keep at it Tulsi Gabbard. You have guts.
Midnight10 19 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 12:15 AM
How very true. Unfortunately since both parties rely on their funding from the
military/industrial complex, there will never be a candidate that would be acceptable if they
were not a warmonger. She spoke truth to power and turned the drumbeating msm against her.
She would have made a difference as VP. Kamala has her own agenda, and seems to love the
sound of her own voice. Has alot in common with Trump. Has already told BiBi there will be no
preconditions when the US deals with Israel. May get a illegal settlement named after her
Color revolution tactics that have been used against foreign leaders are now being used by
President Donald
Trump 's opponents to oust him, a former special forces officer has warned.
"A color revolution is a tactic to affect regime change," the officer, who asked to remain
anonymous, told The Epoch Times.
"What I see happening is a Marxist insurgency that's using a color revolution to affect
regime change."
The 2019 Transition
Integrity Project , according to the officer, is an indicator that the events of this
year's presidential election were "transparently orchestrated" by "Marxist elements within the
Democratic Party and their Marxist allies in foreign governments."
"It may not have fallen out just as they wanted, because anytime you carry out an
operation like this, the enemy will get a vote. But the plan was we will not concede the
election. The goal here was never the presidency, " the officer said.
"The goal of the opposition was to fundamentally change the country. They are attacking
the efficacy of the Constitution."
To achieve their goal, the anti-Trump opposition focused their main effort on affecting the
election, the officer said.
Some of the most notable color revolutions took place amid turmoil sparked by disputed
elections. In 2004, mass protests in Ukraine following allegations of a fraudulent presidential
election, which initially showed pro-Russia Viktor Yanukovych as the winner, led to a new vote
won by Viktor Yushchenko, the candidate backed by the European Union and the United States.
The officer said the tactics used by the anti-Trump opposition can be found in the Special
Forces' guide for overthrowing a government.
"What you're getting from me, this is supported in all older unconventional warfare
doctrines," the officer said.
"You could go to our manuals and pull from them the information I'm telling you. This
isn't from someone who's a rabid Trump supporter. This is what's happening ."
The officer then talked about how President Barack Obama used his eight years in office to
"seed his political allies all through the institutions," created an "underground" or "shadow
government" supported by legacy media and rioters.
"With the president being unable to get his own people into the administration, we
effectively had a third administration of Obama," the officer said.
"So we come to what we have today: The underground are the elements within the government.
We saw how they opposed the president, how they tried the impeachment ."
"The press is the auxiliary on the outside. The only thing we're missing is a real guerrilla
force, and we would be mistaken to think that's just Antifa or Black Lives Matter. There are
professional revolutionaries within those movements."
In the world of Democrat politics, there are no coincidences.
With that principle
in mind, it's possible to understand why Democrat media outlets are suddenly reporting about Hunter Biden's corruption, a story
that spills over onto his father. The first is to get ahead of potential breaking news about Hunter's imminent arrest. The
second theory is the one Monica Showalter advanced:
The leftists used Biden to attain
the White House
(or so they believe) and are now ready to get rid of him.
a criminal son may be just what the Obama/Harris camp needs
to make that happen. And if there's any doubt about this
theory, an article in
The New York Times
seems to lay it to rest.
We conservatives remember how,
in October, the media and the tech tyrants conspired
to block any reports about Hunter Biden
, whether those reports were the Senate Intelligence Committee's findings about
the $3.5 million Hunter received from the wife of a Russian politician, or the shocking details of political corruption, drug
addiction, and sexual debauchery contained on his hard drive.
Well, to ordinary people, these stories were shocking.
To the media and the
tech tyrants, these stories were potential dangers to Joe Biden's candidacy. They had to be stopped – and stopped they were.
Twitter and Facebook, the two biggest social media tech tyrants, refused to allow any reports to circulate and banned people,
including President Trump's press secretary
, from their platforms when they refused to bow down to this censorship.
News outlets derided the reports
about the Biden family's corrupt dealings,
all of which implicated Joe Biden as the man who pimped out his addled son for huge sums of money, as non-stories. That's not
an exaggeration. It's explicitly what NPR's public editor said:
Likewise, CNN's Christiane Amanpour, who's served as a shill for every tyrannical regime on earth, insisted that, because she
was a real "journalist," it was not her job to investigate stories. Instead, it was only her job to determine whether the results
of other people's investigations met her standards. The Hunter Biden story did not:
When President Trump tried to bring the story to Americans' attention during the first
presidential debate, Biden snapped back that it was Russian disinformation, a lie that the media and tech tyrants enthusiastically
Suddenly, though, the media is releasing information about the criminal investigations into not both Hunter Biden and Joe's
brother, James Biden. As the above tweet notes, these investigations have been ongoing for years. We also know that a
sizable number of voters
would have passed over Biden for Trump had they known about Biden family corruption. So, what
gives? Why are Hunter and, by extension, Joe himself, suddenly fair game?
It could be that bad things are about to come down from the FBI. After all,
Trump did promise
that "a lot of big things" will happen soon.
The sudden flurry of reports about the Bidens could
just be the Democrats' way of getting ahead of the story so that, if Hunter is shown doing the perp walk, they can say that
it's "old news."
However, it's equally likely that the Democrats are making plans to get Biden out of office as quickly as possible – or perhaps,
sideline him before he's even sworn in (assuming, of course, that Biden hangs onto that president-elect title). As
Monica Showalter pointed out
on Thursday,
Biden is not making leftists happy
He's filling his possible administration with
corporate insiders
, he wants a
former military officer
to head the defense department, and he's continuing to show
a very rapid cognitive decline
. He's offering Clinton-era politics with a side of dementia and that is not what the hard
left side of the party wants.
In any event, the goal, always, was to get Kamala into the White House.
didn't and doesn't matter that the voters don't like her -- as demonstrated by the fact that even her home state of California
didn't like her
and her
early retreat
from the primaries. What matters is that she, unlike both Hillary and Joe, is Barack Obama's true third term.
Harris is as hard left as they come and willing to do whatever it takes to maintain
While Joe Biden, despite his corruption and his shift to the hard left, still cherishes some residual notions
about the Constitution, Kamala is not hindered by such old-fashioned ideas:
Harris is as hard left as they come and willing to do whatever it takes to maintain
While Joe Biden, despite his corruption and his shift to the hard left, still cherishes some residual notions
about the Constitution, Kamala is not hindered by such old-fashioned ideas:
With Americans at large finally learning that Hunter Biden and James Biden are crooked and that Joe is the big, corrupt tree
from which these rotten apples fell, there's going to be lots of pressure on Joe to retire as quickly as is politely possible.
The New York Times
that gives the game away. On Thursday, it published a positively wistful article entitled "Investigation
of His Son Is Likely to Hang Over Biden as He Takes Office: Unless the Trump Justice Department clears Hunter Biden, the new
president will confront the prospect of his own administration handling an inquiry that could expose his son to criminal prosecution."
The opening paragraph, speaks of Biden in a "no-win situation" that could be "politically and legally perilous," and the report
continues in that vein. The subtext is clear: Leave. Leave now.
Joe served his purpose by being the bland front person for a full leftist assault on
the White House. Now it's time for him to go.
And while his handlers may reward him for a job well done with the pleasure
of the inauguration, you can be sure that they'll pressure him to do
what he promised to do
, which is to invent a respectable disease and quit ASAP.
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..."A total of 1,974 people were sent to state prisons for marijuana-related offenses
during Harris's 2011-2016 tenure as the Golden State's lead prosecutor, the Washington Free
Beacon reported." MOSTLY blacks.
...Now, as for Harris - it appears to me that she is in legion with the USAi incarceration
racket and throughout her career has, by judgements, administrative decisions and directions
set out to deprive individuals of their liberty and income by mandating jail terms for
This is actually a great speech. the problem is that Trump never followed up on his
election promises and rhethorics Reply
Lost in a dark wood , Dec 4, 2020 5:21 PM
I wrote the following a few days after the 2020 election:
My prediction for the next four years is that many of the putative "experts" will finally,
but reluctantly, start to take note of what Trump has been saying over the preceding four
years. However, there will of course be a lot of wilful holdouts.
The place to start is the "Our Movement" speech of October 2016.
The Speech To Save A Nation
Posted on October 25, 2016 by Sundance
On October 13th 2016, presidential candidate Donald Trump delivered a speech that defines
this moment in our nation's history. Part of that speech has been put to a video. The entire
transcript of that speech is below.
once biden wins he will just straight up ignore bernie, bernie is kidding himself if he thinks he will have 1 shred of
influence in a Biden adminsteration.
Bernie should have walked the moment the primary was stolen from him again. He says you support these three policies or
me and my supporters walk. THAT's leverage
"Tell the corporate elite they have had their day"... by electing a corporate elitist who is going to keep the working
class in the mud with ongoing shutdowns. Great plan!
Joe Biden is in charge of nothing and probably never will be. If the media's coronation of
him as president becomes reality despite allegations of election fraud, he will still be but
figurehead for what effectively amounts to an oligarchy.
It's useful to remember that Biden was an archetypal senator. During his career, he was
never at a loss for an effusion of vapid statements and undoubtedly pronounced millions of them
in a tenure that lasted nearly five decades.
Biden never really ran anything, but to the elites that are close to installing him as
president, that deficiency not only isn't a mark against him --
it's an asset . In fact, it's his key qualification and has been since his dying primary
campaign was resurrected by the elite to swindle Bernie Sanders out of the nomination
The method is elegant as oligarchies go and recurs throughout history. After the long tenure
of Leonid Brezhnev in the Soviet Union, which lasted from 1964 until his death in 1982, the
Soviet elite decided it could best run things from behind the scenes with weak time-servers as
the face of the regime. It elevated the aging head of the KGB, Yuri Andropov, to the job until
he died two years later. Undeterred, that elite then installed the even-more-fragile Konstantin
Chernenko, who at times literally had to be propped up, until he died after a year in office.
George H. W. Bush, then vice president and therefore the de facto funeral-attender for
President Ronald Reagan, is rumored to have joked to the U.S. embassy staff upon departing that
he would see them "same time, same place" next year. People know when an ailing figurehead
represents an ailing regime.
No one should doubt that our oligarchs, reeling from their brush with exposure and
destruction since Donald Trump's
election in 2016, are attempting much the same feat as the old Soviet elite.
Biden, soon to be age seventy-eight, is the oldest person set to become president and the
most unfit. Even William Henry Harrison, who died a month into his presidency, started much
stronger. Those who knew Biden in the Senate suggest that his mental and physical conditions
have noticeably eroded. He campaigned less than anyone in modern history, leaving most of the
work to his media handmaidens.
It remains unexplored and unexplained why his family pushed him to add still more of his
remaining time to an already-decades-long tenure in Washington. Presumably, a more with-it
Biden would not have allowed his son, Hunter, to peddle the family name and access to himself
in places like China and Ukraine -- the germ of a scandal that may soon consume a good deal of
Biden's dwindling energy.
With Biden in his dotage, people are scrambling to learn who the real power will be in a
titular Biden administration. Customarily, this can be discerned by who is rumored or named to
prominent positions at the White House and various agencies. In turn, one can usually infer
from staff choices what the priorities and ideological leanings of a new administration will
It is less so with Biden. Certainly, some of the names bandied about are regarded by
analysts as closer to the Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton tribes in the party, but the
trajectory of the administration seems similar regardless of which names go in which boxes. The
reason is that the oligarchy's path is set and its interests will be maintained.
Wall Street and big tech might get a talking to by Democrats like Elizabeth Warren, but the
poses that be will make sure nothing too drastic will get in the way of these important
Democrat constituencies. Notwithstanding homages to Scranton, where you may have heard Biden
came from before decamping to Delaware, what's left of manufacturing will resume being exported
to China as the administration does away with Trump's tariffs.
Similarly, blue-collar jobs tied to the oil and gas renaissance of recent years will also
go. They are inconsistent with its secular religion of climate change, to be replaced by Green
New Deal jobs. If those displaced workers don't want to move to the coasts and learn to code,
then that's okay: the regnant elite prefers those jobs for its progeny. Meanwhile the
unemployed in flyover country can content themselves with a fentanyl addiction and a disability
check -- safely shuffled back into the shadows after a bit too much inconvenient attention
these past four years.
Sure the 2020 elections were about Trump and Biden. But the real issue at stake was whether
a left-wing elite accustomed to getting its way -- and which runs media, tech, academia,
Hollywood, the deep state, and Wall Street -- would return to
smooth sailing . That ugly and otherwise-incompetent elite is happy to prop up an old man
as its face, and even start him off early with a cute podium labeled with the make-believe
"Office of the President-elect." But there should be little doubt of who is in charge, and it
isn't Joe Biden.
Whiton, a senior fellow at the Center for the National Interest, is the author
Smart Power: Between Diplomacy and War. He was a State Department senior advisor
during the George W. Bush and Trump administrations.
Gabbard, who's set to leave office at the end of her congressional term, previously
introduced a
resolution alongside GOP lawmaker Matt Gaetz (Florida) urging the government to drop its
charges against Snowden – who was indicted under the World War I-era Espionage Act for
his role in leaking classified material revealing illegal mass surveillance by the National
Security Agency (NSA). Though the antiquated law was originally intended to prosecute foreign
spies, it has been repeatedly wielded against journalists and whistleblowers.
his daddy was already experiencing dementia by his mid-70s.
Like Biden, or worse? Current Biden condition is medically termed "mild cognitive
impairment': he publicly confused his wife and sister, publicly stated at his campaign rally
in Ohio that he is running for senate, but still appears to remember his own name.
@Incitatus e in the open. The choice will be made in clear daylight for all to see, and
ipso facto for all to participate.
In my book, all of above are indisputable "goods" that dwarf whatever failings may
exercise his detractors. He may have failed to drain the swamp, but he mapped its breadth and
showed that its shores went far beyond Washington, that its depths remain unfathomed, and
exposed its flora and fauna as both more vile and more ubiquitous than anyone would normally
think possible in an "open democracy".
That he achieved this almost entirely alone in the face a full court press of alligators
from every quarter marks his presidency as an unusually effective one. In fact, from my
vantage point as a non-American he's undoubtedly the most extraordinary American president in
living memory.
@Incitatus > In my view, the greatest Trump accomplishment is that in four years he
did not start a single war. Now, let's compare that to Obama/Biden accomplishments: destroyed
Libya, destroyed Ukraine, and illegally sent troops to Syria. The difference is stark.
I know that Biden was not senile back then, just corrupt (e.g., the Ukrainian saga with
his junky son dishonorably discharged from the US military getting ~$50,000 a month at
Burisma). So, out of two turds I'd choose the least smelly one. Massive electoral fraud of
Biden puppet masters is a cherry on the cake.
BTW, the bulk of COVID deaths happened in Dem-controlled cities. Not to mention riots by
Antifa/BLM bandits, which Dems openly approved of.
Really? Kindly cite such riots and Dems approval. Spare no words. Be specific.
Have you followed Kyle Rittenhouse, the Kenosha Wisconsin 17-yr old shooter? Want-to-be
vigilante protecting property he didn't own? With an illegal weapon (bought by a 18 year-old
Wisconsin friend now charged with a felony)? Kyle's life is ruined. His friend's life is
ruined. Any thoughts? What were these kids thinking? Any word from the 'endangered property'
owners'? Don't think so.
"I know that Biden was not senile back then"
Good for you. No fondness for Biden. But tell us why Trump was so proud scoring "Person.
Woman. Man. Camera. TV" on the Montréal Cognitive Assessment (dementia) test. Why was he
being tested?
@Incitatus redemption. They damaged the US a lot more than Bin Laden or Saddam could even
dream of. A lot of people in the US and all over the world recognized the true colors of the US
voting system: one of the most fraudulent systems in existence. FYI, I mean honest people, not
bought and paid for politicians in imperial vassals.
As to riots, your hot air does not even deserve an answer. Suffice it to say that, if we
take MSM reports and statements by Dem politicians at face value, in many Dem-controlled cities
after "largely peaceful protests" hundreds of stores were vandalized and looted, many burned,
and quite a few people murdered (including black people, like that guy in St Louis). If you
believe that, or believe that the elections in 2020 were honest and fair, I have a bridge to
sell you.
@Incitatus "inadvertently" lost; Dominion machines were programmed to switch votes from
Trump to Biden.
In a way, it's all for the best. Finally, many Americans are waking up to the reality that
95% of the rest of the world knew before: American election system is a swindle. Most likely,
Alzheimer-in-Chief will be the next president. Every nation has the government it deserves
(this saying should be proclaimed rabidly anti-American by our elites).
As to Covid, the US has the worst record in the world thanks to concerted efforts of Federal
Government, including staffed shirt Fauci (Biden supporter, BTW), and Dem governors and mayors,
who instituted restrictions that damaged the economy, but not the virus.
Also, FL-2000 was just as fraudulent as the whole election in 2020.
@A123 onducting
unconventional warfare. That form of combat is defined by the U.S. government's National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 as "activities conducted to enable a
resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt or overthrow an occupying power or
government by operating through or with an underground, auxiliary or guerrilla force in a
denied area" in the pursuit of various security-related strategic objectives.
From comments to YouTube: "570,000 votes for Biden in 90 minutes" (1:30), "IM HONORED TO BE
HERE REPRESENTING FREEDOM!", "The Legislature, are our Lawmakers and they need to enforce and
protect the people from corrupt politicians who seek to capitalize on their position of power for
person profit and personal gain."
" Fascinating testimony. Amazingly straightforward and easy to follow. Not surprised at any
information given, only sadly disappointed that our country allowed itself to get to this point
by not standing firm and stopping the deceit for several generations. Thank you for finally
standing up and addressing the disgrace."
"It's in everyone's interest to have a full vetting of election irregularities and fraud,"
Giuliani said in a statement Tuesday. "And the only way to do this is with public hearings,
complete with witnesses, videos, pictures and other evidence of illegalities from the November
3rd election."
"There were serious irregularities, we have proof of fraud in a number of states, and it is
important for all Americans to have faith in our electoral process," Trump campaign senior legal
adviser Jenna Ellis said in a statement. "All we have wanted from the outset is to count every
legal vote and discount every illegal vote."
WHO: Senate Majority Policy Committee Chair David Argall (R-Berks/Schuylkill); Senate
Majority Leader-Elect Kim Ward (R-39); State Rep. Dan Moul (R-91); State Rep. Rob Kauffman
(R-89); and State Rep Paul Schemel (R-90); among other lawmakers will join Senator Mastriano in
this historic hearing.
Mastriano is clear what is at risk.
"Elections are a fundamental principle of our democracy – unfortunately,
Pennsylvanians have lost faith in the electoral system," said Mastriano, who recently called
for the resignation of State Department Secretary Kathy Boockvar for negligence and
incompetence. "It is unacceptable."
"Over the past few weeks, I have heard from thousands of Pennsylvanians regarding issues
experienced at the polls, irregularities with the mail-in voting system and concerns whether
their vote was counted," said Mastriano. "We need to correct these issues to restore faith in
our republic."
WHERE: Wyndham Gettysburg, 95 Presidential Circle, Gettysburg, PA 17325.
The hearing will be streamed live on
WHEN: Wednesday, November 25th at 12:30 pm.
"We want assurance that the issues encountered during this past election don't happen
again," said Chairman Argall. "Senator Mastriano requested this meeting because Pennsylvanians
deserve a fair election."
As a Black man, I learned my lesson about getting excited over a Black person being in the White House with Obama's
deeply disappointing presidency. Never again.
She wasn't put on the ticket for the "black vote." She was put on because Wall Street wants her to be president. Source:
wall street campaign donations.
And yet "Black Hillary" is now just a Biden Heart Attack or Stroke away from being the leader of the Free World...all
because millions of Americans wanted Biden over Bernie during the primaries....oh...that and some guy named Barack
making a few phone calls...good luck with Obama 2.0 over the next four years....smh....NINA 2024
debt is only sustainable when its billionaire oligarchs demand bail outs. i don't have
that bad of a memory to recall how the fed reserve said they can print as much money as
needed for the 1% back in april. they gave the stock market a trillion just to sustain itself
for a day. its when regular people going homeless and starving do they have pay go's or just
hell no's
So what Biden is trying to achieve is to stem the collapse of neoliberalism and with
it the global US-controlled neoliberal empire.
Notable quotes:
"... IMO, all three of the turn-of-the-century free-market-neolibral model, the hypothetical Trump(ish) nationalist model, and the revised technocratic-neoliberal schemes, are fatally flawed. Despite the political rhetoric of US Republicans, there's no real prospect of an even mildly leftist (i.e. inclusive, egalitarian, and internationalist) alternative anytime soon in the US. I suspect the same is true in most neoliberal countries. ..."
Blinken surprised some in the Situation Room by breaking with Biden to support military
action in Libya, administration officials said, and he advocated for American action in
Syria after Obama's reelection. These sources said that Blinken was less enthusiastic than
Biden about Obama's decision to seek congressional approval for a strike in Syria, but is
now -- perhaps out of necessity -- onboard and a backer of diplomatic negotiations with
Russia. While less of an ideologue than Samantha Power, the U.S. ambassador to the United
Nations (a job for which he was considered), he not surprisingly shares her belief that
global powers such as the United States have a "responsibility to protect" against
He has since shown
no remorse about those foreign policy failures:
Blinken maintains that the failure of U.S. policy in Syria was that our government did not
employ enough force. He stands by the false argument that Biden's vote to authorize the
invasion of Iraq was a "vote for tough diplomacy." He was reportedly in favor of the Libyan
intervention, which Biden opposed, and he was initially a defender and advocate for U.S.
support for the Saudi coalition war on Yemen. In short, Blinken has agreed with some of the
biggest foreign policy mistakes that Biden and Obama made, and he has tended to be more of
an interventionist than both of them.
If you can't quite place Jake Sullivan, he's was a long-serving aide to Hillary Clinton,
starting with her 2008 race against Barack Obama, then serving as her deputy chief of staff
and director of the State Department's Office of Policy Planning when Clinton was Obama's
secretary of state. (...) In 2016, during her failed presidential campaign, Sullivan once
again teamed up with Clinton, and he was widely expected to have been named to serve as her
national security adviser or even secretary of state had she won.
Since 2016, and since the creation of NSA, Sullivan has emerged as a kind of foreign
policy scold, gently -- and sometimes not so gently -- criticizing those who reflexively
oppose American intervention abroad and who disparage the idea of American
"exceptionalism." Indeed, in an article in the January-February issue of The Atlantic,
"What Donald Trump and Dick Cheney Got Wrong About America," Sullivan explicitly says that
he's intent on "rescuing the idea of American exceptionalism" and presents the "case for a
new American exceptionalism".
send classified documents to Hillary Clinton's private email server. He wrote to her that
Al Qaida is "on our side in Syria." He also hyped fake Trump-Russia collusion
It is yet unknown who will become Secretary of Defense. Michèle Flournoy is the
most named option but there is
some opposition to her nomination :
[B]ackers of Michèle Flournoy, his likely pick for defense secretary, are trying to
head off a last-minute push by some left-leaning Democrats trying to derail her selection,
with many progressives seeing her nomination as a continuation of what critics refer to as
America's "forever wars."
I expect that the progressive will lose the fight and that either Flournoy or some other
hawkish figure will get that weapon lobbyist position.
Progressives also lost on the Treasury position. Biden's nomination for that is Janet
Yellen who is known to be an inflation hawk. She is unlikely to support large spending on
progressive priorities.
As usual with a Democratic election win the people who brought the decisive votes and
engagement, those who argue for more socialist and peaceful policies, will be cut off from
the levers of power.
In three years they will again be called upon to fall for another bait and switch.
As I said over at Ian Welsh's blog
"this is brought on by the "blue no matter who crowd" who can't understand that
guaranteeing their vote at the outset without extorting any firm quid pro quo a priori
guarantees that [working people] can be safely ignored. And yet, almost everybody here
[reminder, posted at Ian's] argued for just that and will the next time and the next.
Why will something like that happen
If the polls are to be believed, Biden is the most popular Democrat of all time and by a
large margin. If polls are to be believed, the DNC denying the Sanders wing was the smartest
thing the DNC has ever done. If polls are to be believed, Biden strode through battle
unscathed while lessor Democrats were squashed. The DNC was right, the Sanders people are
fools, if polls are to be believed. The immense Biden vote proves once and for all, that any
who diverge from DNC dictata should be ignored for all time.
That was the message sent in 2020"
Biden is to the extreme right of Trump on the issue of the US's endless neocolonial wars.
And Biden is already laying the groundwork for the deconstruction of Social Security, work he
began as VP to Obama. That makes Biden to the extreme right of Trump on foreign &
domestic issues...all thanks to the "blue no matter who" crowd. Meanwhile, the election "make
'em scream" ploy Pelosi employed will toss millions off federal extensions of unemployment
midnight 31 Dec 2020 until congress reconvenes.
And for all those who claimed Trump to be evil incarnate, worse than a few
weeks, facts will show those people to be clownish frauds.
yep. sad. Yellen for Treasury is interesting, and a crucial position to watch. Mnuchin
basically ran the Trump administration's economic policy, as far as there was one.
One of the watchwords of the coming era is the "Great Reset", i.e. a limited shift in the
direction of a technocratic planned economy. In a way, this began after 2008 when the FED
intervened in stock and bond markets to such a degree that its interventions became the
dominant driving force. With that, "market forces" couldn't plausibly remain a reflection of
free competition as the theory postulated. The fact that this measure had to be taken (i.e.
markets had to be overtly "fixed"), is an implicit admission that the thesis of the
free-market purists, the dream of the Reagan-Clinton era, has been falsified.
The proposed solution, at least the version coming from the high business class (and
exaggerated further still by right-wing critics of Great Reset) seems like a recipe to worsen
the problem of "regulatory capture" above all else. I.e. the agents and beneficiaries of the
neoliberal era making an effort to adapt, without giving up the benefits of the prior
economic regime. Likelyhood of fixing inequalities is nil. The emphasis is on reinforcing the
stability of the system, holding on to power, perhaps competing with threatening alternatives
from the "outside", although that would seem to be a second priority.
Trump did put up a facade of a nationalist alternative, which had the effect of
acknowledging the inequalities and failures of the neoliberal system, but offering an equally
harmful solution. Besides that, if you look at who was making economic policy in the past 4
years (Treasury Dept), the nationalist facade was false, as far as domestic economic matters
were concerned.
IMO, all three of the turn-of-the-century free-market-neolibral model, the
hypothetical Trump(ish) nationalist model, and the revised technocratic-neoliberal schemes,
are fatally flawed. Despite the political rhetoric of US Republicans, there's no real
prospect of an even mildly leftist (i.e. inclusive, egalitarian, and internationalist)
alternative anytime soon in the US. I suspect the same is true in most neoliberal
So Biden comes into this moment, with a clear mandate -- from the sponsors -- to reinforce
the status quo. He brings Yellen into this moment in a the crucial position.
Of course Biden's foreign policy team and the policy itself will be shit. As it was for
the trump admin, the Obama admin, the Bush II admin, the Clinton admin, the Bush I admin, the
fucking Reagan admin, then there's carter and Nixon. Look, I can take this back all the way
to Washington. Biden's not special. It's always been an empire; trump did nothing to
dismantle it; but now it's a failing empire.
And don't try the "Trump's instincts were dashed by the deep state". Dude constantly
bragged about how much he spent on the DoD. If he could find a way to personally profit from
the empire he would have.
Here's an interview given by acclaimed Canadian International Law lawyer Christopher
Black who is rather pessimistic given the team members and its chief. While I disagree on a
few minor points, I agree with his overall assessment:
"The Americans proclaim they are all for competition but we know that means only when it
puts them in the superior position; and to maintain their position they are willing to
threaten and attack the world if necessary; and there are a myriad of domestic problems in
the USA which they have no way out of, since the two ruling parties have no solutions to
offer, except war."
I would disagree with war being a solution; rather, it exacerbates many already existing
problems. However, war would make revolution more likely. Since it's highly unlikely the
Empire could make the "Moderate Rebel" ploy work again, to escalate in Syraq as Biden's
nominee wants would require a direct assault by Imperial Stormtroopers, and that would be a
huge domestic error during the continuing pandemic.
Your buddy was born in Havana and grew up in Miami's Cuban hole. And he's Jewish. I'll eat
my hat if the family was not personal friends/business partners with Meyer Lansky and Myer
Schine. Wonderful, Homeland Security has been given to the Mafia.
It reminds me very much Khrushchev's government. He went in guns blazing, accusing Stalin
as outdated and promising a whole new paradigm (economic and geopolitical). He failed
miserably in both. He was toppled in 1964 and substituted by a figure of the "establishment",
Leonid Brezhnev, who basically restored what existed during Stalin and effectively gave up
making the USSR better. The first proletarian State would disintegrate soon.
Not saying Yellen-Biden will be the American Brezhnev - they are much lesser historical
figures than he was - but pay attention to the pattern.
Should come as no surprise that where it matters, Biden is Trump wearing a smiley face,
just like Pelosi is Trump in a wig. Actually, considering actual body count and misery
inflicted on vast populations, Biden's record is WORSE than Trump.
Annoying Russians with a destroyer 10 miles or so from Vladivostok under good old Trump.
Apparently, after a series of moves that replaced some top figures in Pentagon. The
relationship with Russia, under Trump, is fully under control of Kaganate of Nulandia, or
whatever we see on the top of that iceberg -- and try to make a search what it would take to
change the course of an iceberg from Antarctics (people were investigating it as a way of
bringing fresh water to Arabian peninsula where money is plentiful but water is scarce).
There are two important aspects there. Local trade is more profitable than distant trade
when consider in totality, i.e. including the products that you would never make profit after
crossing oceans. Second aspect is that Far East is a cultural zone like Europe -- lots of
animosities collected over centuries, but even more commonalities in culture. As USA imposes
various types of tribute on allies/vassals, centripetal forces in various continents should
increase. Among visible costs of vassaldom:
1. paying costs of American presence
2. annoying China beyond the national needs, thus decreasing the national security
3. participating in sanctions imposed by USA, directly and indirectly (through resulting
conflicts) reducing profits in economies that are struggling
While probably "less aggressively nasty" than Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden is still a
"conventional politician," but it won't be easy for him to dismiss his party's progressive
wing, Larry Sanders told RT's Going Underground.
Brother to US Senator Bernie Sanders and the Green Party Spokesperson on Health and Social
Care (England & Wales), Larry Sanders told RT's Going Underground host Afshin Rattansi that
while Biden was not his "choice" for president, he prefers him over the current
incumbent, President Donald Trump.
... ... ...
As a fixture of the establishment, Biden will follow the interests of corporate money and
the military-industrial complex rather than anybody else's, Sanders noted.
"Biden is a conventional politician, he is beholden to big money, he is beholden to
defense industries,
joe_go 13 hours ago 19 Nov, 2020 07:03 AM
If no one in America went to vote the country would still look the way it looks today. The
big money and military industry would run the country the way it runs it when people vote and
think it matters.
Spirgily_Klump 20 hours ago 19 Nov, 2020 12:46 AM
Do you know after Biden was out of the VP office the Chinese communist party had donated $70
million to one of his foundations at the University of Pennsylvania from which Joe drew a
salary of over $900,000 per year? With his benefiting from the hundreds of millions his
family took in from foreign powers and persons how can he gain the security clearance
necessary for the presidency? The president needs the highest clearance. Even an applicant to
the CIA get polygraphed.
shadow1369 Spirgily_Klump 9 hours ago 19 Nov, 2020 11:00 AM
Just one of many skeletons jangling in Bidet's closet, they will be used by his controllers
to keep him on track.
Iwanasay 19 hours ago 19 Nov, 2020 01:22 AM
It doesn't matter who is in power, America's destiny has been chosen by other behind the
scene faces
RedDragon 15 hours ago 19 Nov, 2020 05:27 AM
All USA presidents are beholden to big money entities, inclusive incoming Biden presidency.
Trump is beholden to the Jewish money powers etc..
From Obama v McCain to Biden v Trump, the good cop/bad cop drama of US imperial politics,
"U.S. racism is recognized in its overt and hostile (Trumpian and Republican) forms but
not in its everyday manifestations."
I remember when Barack Obama won his first term as US President in 2008. Late that night I
heard a massive noise of joyful screams and applause from the neighborhood, the moment his
victory was confirmed. At that point, I knew we were in for a rough ride. In the immediate
aftermath, my colleague at wrote an insightful piece titled " President Barack Obama:
Change...What Change?" that was prophetic of Obama's presidency. Obama was awarded the
Nobel Peace Prize, yet his two terms showed an appetite for war-making and violence, albeit
cloaked beneath polished words, diplomacy and the goodwill of many people excited to see a
non-white face leading the White House. Obama, Biden and Hillary Clinton oversaw the illegal
invasion of Libya, turning a stable country into a zone of conflict. Critics would describe
Obama as being more Bush than Bush as covert drone strikes were dramatically increased, some
estimate ten times more than what occurred under George Bush Jr. Despite a seemingly tense
relationship with the Israeli Prime Minister, he signed a $38 billion military aid package to
Israel. Under the fancy rhetoric of "hope" and "yes we can," mass surveillance programs
expanded internally and externally.
From Bad Cop to Good Cop
Twelve years ago, the world was good copped/bad copped by Obama and Bush/McCain, and the
cycle continues, as many in the world again celebrate the election of the good guy Joe Biden
over the bad guy Donald Trump. Trump's four years of blatant dishonesty, disdain for basic
science, shallowness, misogyny, race-baiting, and childish behavior has given his critics more
than enough evidence that he is not a worthy leader. Trump as the supreme bad guy rightly
problematizes overt racism while drawing attention away from structural racism and the polite
racism pervasive in white liberal circles. Trump with all his problematic behavior is an
unwitting outlet for racial escapism in which racism is recognized in its overt and hostile
(Trumpian and Republican) forms but not in its everyday manifestations that have been so
central to Euro-American capitalism. Racism is then seen as an evil person phenomena rather
than as a global, national and individual system of rewards and privileges accorded based on
closeness to whiteness.
The euphoria around the victory of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is reminiscent of the Obama
victory of 2008. While representation and firsts are important and have their place we must be
careful of empty symbolism (or tokenism). For us in the Caribbean women leaders and leaders
that look like us have not transformed the structures of inequality or the complicity of
governments entangled within global capitalism. In one sense it is easy to see how, in the
context of white supremacy and patriarchy the election of Obama then, and Harris now could make
many people feel good. Beyond the shallowness of these symbols, the core structures of unjust
American power do not just continue but are reinforced by the notions of merit, hard work and
the fulfilment of the American dream.
Democrats and Republicans: Two Sides of the Same Coin
The differences between the Democrats and the Republicans is that the Republicans are
relatively crude and straightforward in promoting war, white supremacy and US imperialism as
core values. While the Democrats are more measured and diplomatic. Democrats speak the language
of peace, hope and dialogue yet behind this the internal and global violence of a declining US
empire continues unabated. This explains how Trump is globally reviled (understandably so), but
Obama is revered by many despite his record of war, intervention and violence. While Trump was
a clear symbol that something was wrong in the White House, Obama and the Democratic tradition
of governance took the edge off the empire and lulled Americans and people globally into a
state of sleep and complacency.
While the leaders of the Democratic Party extol the virtues of American democracy at home
and abroad, the Democratic Party is anything but democratic. In the 2016 Democrat Party
primaries party elites openly rallied around Hilary Clinton. The blatant rigging of internal
party processes against relatively more progressive party members is a reminder of the
character of the party and why the narratives of change and hope around Joe Biden and Kamala
Harris are misplaced. Yet for those who are still unconvinced, the records of both Biden and
Harris are prophetic about what we should expect.
Biden, Kamala and the Illusions of Change
Joe Biden has spent a career in leading roles in American power structures and his legacy is
anything but progressive and transformational. In 1994 the Violent Crime Control and Law
Enforcement Act, also called the Clinton Crime Bill or the Biden Crime Law was passed. Joe
Biden was influential in this law that was instrumental in overwhelmingly targeting and
incarcerating people of color. He supported the illegal US invasions of both Afghanistan and
Iraq and the expanded drone assassinations under President Obama. Like Harris , he is a strong
supporter of Israel. His public speeches of healing and unity seem a far cry now from back in
the civil rights era where he opposed busing and desegregation.
Kamala Harris' ascendency to power may seem to be an example of hard work and the shattering
of a glass ceiling that hold women back. However, for anyone truly interested in justice her
record is not the example on which transformation can be built. During her time as District
Attorney and Attorney General Kamala Harris is credited with a Back on Track program (aimed at
keeping young offenders out of jail), an open justice database (for public access to crime
statistics) as well as implicit racial bias training for cops. Yet, while Harris has positioned
herself as progressive and a reformer, beyond a few initiatives her record is one of upholding
the status quo. Harris pioneered a truancy bill that aimed to punish and jail parents of
children who missed school with little consideration of the
sociopolitical context that truancy occurs in. After the Supreme Court ruled that
California reduce its overcrowded prison population that was suffering starvation and inhumane
treatment, Harris' office argued that this would reduce the prison labor pool. Harris is on
record pledging
unconditional support to Israel who, empowered by the strategic and special relationship it
enjoys with the United States openly defies international law and numerous UN resolutions
around human rights abuses. According to columnist Vineeta Singh: "Kamala Harris' career
shows us how, if we use our privileges correctly, play by the rules, don't scare white people
by making radical claims (for example, that poor Black people matter every bit as much as any
wealthy person); if we are willing to put our smiling "diverse" faces as stamps of approval
onwhite supremacist policies, we too can be the face of white supremacist mass
"Her record is not the example on which transformation can be built."
If the record of both Biden and Harris are anything to go on, then we can expect four years
of little change to the internally and globally violent US State beyond smiling diverse faces,
platitudes and inspirational meme-worthy gestures and words. Beyond the feel-goodism of the
Biden and Harris leadership, there are many people within the US and globally who are
negatively affected by US policies. Mass surveillance and erosion of privacy, systemic racism,
police brutality, US imperialism and intervention, unbridled neoliberal capitalism and the
ongoing industrial prison complex are all ongoing issues that are affecting the global village.
The embeddedness of both Biden and Harris in American neoliberal capitalism that easily
prioritizes power and profit over people and the environments suggest that we be cautious about
the hope and change that they allegedly represent. Biden and Harris offer us a very different
approach to Trump, reminding us that US imperialism does not have to be white, loud, hostile
and belligerent. It can be brown, soft, polite and diplomatic.
Tye Salandy is a sociologist residing in Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean. He can be
reached at[email protected].
The amount of BS propaganda levels against the American by MSM is incredible and
unprecedented ever since I have lived here for over 48 years. Do everybody notice how all
dark clouds have gone and bad news have vanished, and rosy peacefully sunny days are ahead of
us based on daily coming good news, ever since Biden was elected by all the dead voters.
We found out two very viable working vaccines, more people wearing mask and social
distance. Financial crises are over. We sent our own rocket to space station. We successfully
intercepted ICBMs, etc.etc. So we should learn, everything now is going good , we should put
our differences away, come together in a peaceful way and all help to transfer power
peacefully to Biden like good citizens our funding fathers (fogers) wanted us to be.
It's not misogyny to point out Kamala Harris' many failings men and women alike should be
fearful if she becomes president
Corporate 'feminists' are
lumping in legitimate opposition to Democrat Vice President-elect Kamala Harris with an
eruption of misogyny from the 'Manosphere'. But it's her indefensible policies that should
really concern women.
The 'Manosphere' – an ecosystem of blogs, message boards and Discord channels
populated by unabashed male chauvinists who believe women shouldn't even be voting, let alone
serving in office – is terrified by the prospect of Kamala Harris becoming the US' first
female president. So says Jezebel, at least – the bible of corporate feminists and
identity politics enthusiasts with two X chromosomes.
The idea that Joe Biden, who turns 78 on Friday and would be the nation's oldest-ever
president if inaugurated in January, will be pushed to the side (or suffer further mental and
physical deterioration) and Harris given the reins is framed in last
week's article as "part of a paranoid fantasy about gynocentric 'pinkout' of 'femoid'
political control," a testosterone-addled fever dream.
Yet the possibility of Biden stepping aside to hand Harris control is hardly a conspiracy
theory. In fact, it's so mainstream it was
floated by CNN in August, while Quartz wrote an entire article playing out the scenario earlier
this month. Many other establishment pundits have made no secret of their desire to see the old
white neoliberal centrist step aside so a comparatively young mixed-race neoliberal centrist
can take his place, and the candidate herself has been caught in a Freudian slip
referring to the coming " Harris-Biden administration. "
The Manosphere's crime, then, is seeing 'Kamala's technocracy', ushered in under the cover
of a rapidly sundowning Biden, as a negative. While this faction of internet misogynists
represents only a tiny sliver of Harris detractors, Jezebel's pearl-clutching outburst is part
of what is sure to be a multi-pronged effort to tar all opposition to a Harris presidency as an
outgrowth of this woman-hating swamp, whose tentacles have somehow managed to infect even the
hapless progressives who think they're opposing Harris for her policies. Poor things!
Radicalized and they don't even know it!
Those policies, it must be said, merit fierce opposition. A Biden-Harris administration will
have Americans locked down and masked up as soon as possible in the name of quashing Covid-19,
even though the evidence that such draconian measures actually stop the spread of the novel
coronavirus is flimsy
at best (and one recent study suggested they actually
make it worse ).
They have vowed to return to Barack Obama's policy of
supporting terrorists masquerading as 'pro-democracy' forces in Syria while continuing
Trump's execrable
support for Israel's human rights abuses.
Biden has vowed to
veto Medicare for All , while Harris has promised to enact strict
gun control laws – positions guaranteed to make the pair pariahs on both ends of the
political spectrum.
Harris campaigned on her record as California Attorney General, a
record riddled with prosecutorial misconduct, suppression of exonerating evidence, and
outright sadism (how else would one describe the practice of locking up mothers whose children
skip school?).
If anything, it's her policies that are misogynist, not her detractors. She was so unpopular
as a candidate, she dropped out before the primaries even started – yet we're supposed to
believe only woman-haters are disturbed by the idea she'll be president someday?
This tired old tactic of using protected characteristics to deflect criticism from a
loathsome candidate has been deployed by the Democratic Party for the last decade to varying
degrees of success. In the eyes of the establishment, those who recoiled at 2016's warmongering
sociopath Hillary Clinton were motivated by misogyny, and voters who balked at Barack Obama's
'drone lives matter' foreign policy were racist.
It's an easy way to force weak-minded liberals back into line – and shame their
stronger-minded ideological comrades who refuse to back away from their principles. That
Jezebel and its ilk aren't also hammering at Harris detractors for also being racist is
testament to the low regard in which the black community holds her.
The notion that Harris represents the " sisterhood " and women must unite behind her
against the bogeyman of internet misogyny is ludicrous given her record and the havoc she would
wreak as commander-in-chief. She represents the worst kind of opportunism, a careerist whose
'convictions' (pun intended) change with the prevailing winds, who leveraged sex to get ahead
in politics. Should Biden fall and Harris take over as president, it will be one small step
forward for one woman, and a giant leap backward for womankind.
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Helen Buyniski is an American journalist and political commentator at RT.
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author
and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
If I remember correctly, when she put herself forward for nomination as a presidential
candidate, she received only 2% of the vote..... from her own party, and dropped out. All of
a sudden she's the nominated VP and likely the president if Biden finally wins then gets
removed after a short time. Shenanigans of the highest order I suspect. I wonder who she'd
appoint as her VP under those circumstances? Paging Hillary Clinton!
amerebrushhand 7 hours ago 17 Nov, 2020 01:51 PM
Women can be just as psychotic as men. Harris, Samantha Power, Susan Rice and Gina Haspel.
How about that for a dream team?
SuperPindos 7 hours ago 17 Nov, 2020 02:25 PM
The fact that she's a criminal psychopath who incarcerated people by concealing the
exonerating evidence and kept people in prison past the release date, should raise a few red
flags. Not to mention the maniacal laughter, with which she answers any question she doesn't
want to answer.
doctor_garrett 4 hours ago 17 Nov, 2020 04:49 PM
Kamala is a "Hillary Clinton of color". Just as attorney Ms. Clinton engaged an egregious
conflict of interest with her husband- then Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton in
Arkansas; Kamala did same with her hubby while she was California Attorney General, only with
roles reversed (see N.Y. Times story). Naturally, both use the red herrings of race, gender,
& xenophobia to cover their tracks.
"... On the other side in Kiev was a hesitant, slothful and – it has to be said – corrupt, President, who failed to rouse and organise his supporters. Which is why they put up no resistance to the mob of neo-Nazi thugs who did for the elite in Maidan Square what their Antifa and BLM counterparts are on standby to do outside the White House. ..."
"... This didn't happen overnight, the (((social engineers))) started putting on their (((small hats))) and really gearing up the game shortly after "winning World War II" and "saving the World from fascism." ..."
"... Presidents like Reagan and Trump didn't do America any favors when all is said and done, and both were/are feckless and worthless at the end of the day ..."
The moment Donald Trump drove through the MillionMAGA march to play golf was the moment
America's fate was sealed. It was as if the Continental Army had marched to Valley Forge, only
to see Washington saddle up and head back home for the winter, giving his men a kind word and
dismissive wave as he rode away.
First the positives. Despite widespread attempts at sabotage by NGOs, law enforcement
agencies and Democrat activists, the turn-out was fantastic. In Britain and online, the
absolute silence by the right-wing flagship the Daily Mail, and the sneers and absurd lies
about numbers from the Guardian, Independent and the BBC, spoke volumes for how shocked the
liberal elite were by the endless convoys and the vast and enthusiastic crowd. And, at the end
of a great day, despite waiting until they could pick off stragglers, the paid and cowardly
thugs of Antifa frequently got the painful lesson they so richly deserve.
But we have to be realistic; the historically significant highpoint of the day was the
President's failure to join his vast army of loving, angry and motivated supporters. This was a
terrible and tragic error which will cost Donald Trump and America dear.
What should have happened? At the very least, the President should gave given up an
afternoon's golf and spent a couple of hours with his crowd, chatting and giving the lucky few
the selfies of their lives. A couple of hours returning the love and telling the faithful to be
on standby and to get organised. This isn't exactly political rocket science, it's just common
sense and decency.
You can measure the missed opportunity and the mentality of the man by asking: what would
George Washington have done? Or Teddy Roosevelt, or JFK, or even Reagan or Obama? Anyone of
them would have stood on the back of a pick-up, taken a bullhorn and given the speech of his
life, the speech that made all the difference. Donald Trump gave a few waves and went off in
his armoured limo to play golf.
Purple Revolution
It was vital to seize that opportunity. This is not a time for golf, or any other game. We
are in the middle of the moment that is set to end America as a free Republic under the rule of
law. Not just Donald Trump, but the whole of the USA faces a shattering coloured
Soros, Hillary and the rest of the core conspirators have already even picked the hue; it's
to be named after the favourite, preachy liberal movie, The Color Purple. But the real colour
is red, the colour of the innocent blood that will flow when their rough beast sinks its fangs
into the exposed throat of the old America these people hate.
The coloured revolution road map has already been tried and tested by the Washington liberal
Deep State, most dramatically and bloodily with Victoria Nuland/Kagan taking the steering wheel
in the Ukraine. There too, nearly half of the population wanted the 'revolution' against their
democratically elected government, while the other half were strongly opposed to it. But the
'revolutionary' side were backed by the lovely Victoria with her bag of cookies. Plus George
Soros and the Deep State machine which "invested $5 billion to promote democracy in
On the other side in Kiev was a hesitant, slothful and – it has to be said –
corrupt, President, who failed to rouse and organise his supporters. Which is why they put up
no resistance to the mob of neo-Nazi thugs who did for the elite in Maidan Square what their
Antifa and BLM counterparts are on standby to do outside the White House.
Only once the capital had already fallen, and once the black block death squads had murdered
scores of the defeated President's supporters in Odessa and elsewhere, did a disorganised
resistance emerge. The result was civil war and secession by the eastern core of the
anti-liberal block.
In the case of Ukraine, the anti-liberal rebels were able to hold their own, largely thanks
to the help of their Christian big brother in neighbouring Russia. Ordinary Americans driven to
attempt secession from the coming Harris tyranny would, by contrast, face not just cowardly but
highly organised Marxist militias, but a highly politicised and weaponised FBI, and a military
in which the purge of traditionalist officers initiated by Obama will go into overdrive the
minute Joe Biden is sitting in the Oval Office wondering where he is, and why the dusky tea
lady keeps giving him papers to sign.
America and her people face an existential danger. And if Donald Trump wants to avoid an
Epstein-style death in prison, he needs to do much, much more. The revolutionary time calls not
for golf, nor even giant but essentially aimless protests, but for real leadership and a
A Moment to Organise
The huge pro-Trump march should have been used to create instant grass-roots organisation.
Speaking to the crowd, President Trump should have announced that his mass communication to his
followers would from then on be not enemy-run and –censored Twitter, but Parler,
Telegram, Gab and at least one free speech Facebook alternative.
He should have had teams out there making direct contact with pick-up truck drivers,
collecting names, phone numbers, emails and social media handles. These men are the natural
officers and NCOs of a grass-roots movement. They are already self-selected not only for
loyalty but also for personal competence. They are overwhelming self-employed businessmen with
drive, respect and track records of success. Between them they own the biggest fleet of
go-anywhere, do-anything vehicles in the world.
He should have told them to choose delegates there and then, and got them to an
organisational meeting. It would have been huge and difficult to handle; making absolutely the
right contacts would have been hit and miss, but those who stepped forward would all at least
have been truly onside. If Donald Trump belatedly sees the need for a nationwide network of
Stop the Steal clubs, he now has little choice but to call for volunteers through Twitter. Even
if Jack Dorsey lets him do it, it's guaranteed that those responding would include a pack of
Fed stooges and Democrat trolls.
The President should have co-opted Stop the Tire truckers' movement by calling for a short,
symbolic total lockdown of fuel and supply chains to Democrat-run cities – to show that
whatever chaos BLM can bring, it's nothing compared to what Middle America can do if the elite
and mobs of parasites steal the last majority presidency before demographic change finishes the
job anyway. Even if the truckers' protests leaders proved reluctant to make such a political
move, some of their rank-and-file owner-drivers would certainly answer such a call – as
would thousands of pick-up drivers.
Donald Trump should have spoken to the vast crowd of the fate of America's farmers at the
hands of a climate-obsessed, meat-averse, fuel-taxing Democrat junta. The farmers have the
means and motive to make an enormous practical contribution to a conservative revolutionary
struggle. But only if they are asked and organised, and there will never be anyone with the
authority and pulling power the current President of the United States had that day and with
that crowd in Washington DC.
While creating such a sword of Damocles to hold over the heads of his opponents, Trump
should have concentrated primarily on announcing a rolling series of giant rallies, four or
five a day, criss-crossing the country, building the grass-roots machine.
Missed Opportunity
All this and more was there for the taking but, as we know, the priceless opportunity was
missed. Could the man responsible suddenly wake up, learn from his mistake and seize the moment
next time? In theory, yes, and if Donald Trump happens to read this and belatedly decide to
act, all those thousands of people – and more – would come again if he asked them
But we must be realistic. Why would he change? It was a revolutionary moment, and a
revolutionary leader would have seized it. Imagine Paul Revere, Smedley Butler, Father
Coughlin, Huey Long, or even Martin Luther King – what they would have done? But Donald
Trump is a populist, not a revolutionary. And we have to assume that he is incapable of
He's not a revolutionary, he's a businessman and naïve patriot who rode- at great
personal cost – the last desperate wave of anger and worries over the elite's murder of
America. Or – just possibly – he does actually get it, but doesn't want to get
shot, although in fact that would surely beat dying in prison.
Whatever the underlying reason for his missing the great opportunity, he let it slip through
his fingers. Instead of resolute action we saw a flurry of tweets, blaming the Democrat mayor
for failing to protect his supporters from the jackal packs of leftists who came out once most
of the protesters had left.
It's the same behaviour pattern as his referencing the Proud Boys while letting the Feds
jail patriots for defending themselves. The repeated complaints about liberal social media
censorship, followed by doing nothing to stop his support base being massacred online. Or that
Wall, which was then going to have gates through which illegals could pour to undercut the
wages of his poorest and most needy voters. Bluster. Promises. Inaction. The pattern has been
set for a long, long time.
So if he now does anything at all, it is clear that Donald Trump is going to rely in the
first instance on courts. His calculation is presumably that three of the nine Supreme Court
justices are his appointees, while Clarence Thomas was viciously slandered by then-Senator Joe
Biden during his 1990 confirmation. If Chief Justice John Roberts, once upon a time an
arch-conservative, goes for Trump, that is 5-4.
It would be wonderful if The Donald manages to get a decisive set of actions into the
Supreme Court and if the arithmetic worked out like that. Then we'd just have the question of
the Purple Revolution Maidan mobs to answer.
But this, remember, is the legal system which – despite now supposedly being in the
hands of 'conservatives' – specifically opened the way for the mass mail-in ballots which
facilitated the Great Steal in the first place. They have already sold the legal pass to fraud.
And that was without the huge psychological weight which would be thrown at the judges by
gigantic and ultra-violent Antifa/BLM demonstrations if a couple of unexpected decisions in
Trump's favour began to put Biden's supposed majority in jeopardy.
In a similar vein, Trump may still believe he can win through the constitutional procedure
where each state casts one vote in a contested election outcome. After all, goes this line of
thought, 31 of the 50 states are Republican-controlled. True, but how many senior Republicans
are actually on the side of the populist President who commandeered their vehicle four years
ago? It's not just the open Never Trumpers who will stab him in the back if it comes to
Others who still have faith in President Trump are pinning their hopes on recounts. I can
inform this debate with personal experience. During my time electioneering with the British
National Party, I spent years fighting leftists who were armed with swamping quantities of
mail-in ballots. One of the key reasons we horrified them by winning elections against the odds
for ten solid years was that we made the effort to master the same techniques and, as far as
possible given our very limited resources, to use them ourselves.
... ... ...
Just look at the behaviour of the US Army during Obama's utterly disgusting and truly wicked
war against secular, democratic, tolerant Syria. The generals and the intelligence services
were delighted to arm and train thousands of cut-throat Islamist scum, knowing full-well that
their precious 'moderate rebels' would use their Operation Timber Sycamore arms bonanza to
slaughter Syrian Christians with even more enthusiasm than they would murder other minorities
and pro-Assad genuinely moderate Muslims.
While the top brass went along with the revolting plan, it was ordinary Green Beret non-coms
who did what little they could to salvage a shred of moral decency for America by deliberately
sabotaging the training operations they were ordered to run in Jordan for Secretary of State
Clinton's pet Jihadis. But not even they openly disobeyed orders; they merely did as little as
possible while obeying them.
... ... ...
Nick Griffin, a graduate in History & Law from Cambridge University, is a former Member
of the European Parliament and one-time leader of the British National Party.
There is a vast difference between the USA and America. Trumps preference for Golf over
tending to those who exerted the effort to show up at his political death bed shows clearly
shows how little the office of the president cares about America, its all about the USA and
the commercial feudal lords that own the USA and this condition is basically them same nation
states of the western world. .
The American victim of private public media propaganda causes the media infected American
to believe somehow that the USA government, which is a republic owned by oligarchs, is
somehow a democracy just waiting to serve the interest of those it governs.
No part of the election is national. The states conduct the voting for the House o
Representatives, for the two senate seats, and the organizes and appoints the members of the
electoral college and then oversees the election result of the electoral college.
So Americans are given three votes to vote 3 persons to fill one each of the 527 elected
places in the government: one vote for one member of from their voting district (1 out 424
other house members) and 2 votes ( but there are 98 other Senators voters cannot vote for),
one for each of the two Senators from the home state of the voter.
Graham Greene wrote that most men's lives have a turning point; a point of no return. (He
added that they do not recognize it at the time.) I have always believed that this can be
said of institutions and countries. Many commenters on this webzine have likewise been
interested in this concept during recent years. These commenters have speculated upon when
that moment occurred for the United States. Please correct me if you disagree, but I believe
that the most common candidates for "the moment" of death were: (1) The Kennedy
assassination, and (2) The immigration act of 1965. Of course, it can be logically argued
that (2) occurred as a consequence if (1).
The non-occurring rallying speech by Mr. Trump was not the moment America died, because
America's fate was sealed a long time ago. The unraveling was already quite irreversible.
@mister wong litist
leaders especially one like the orange idiot, who openly murders a leader of a foreign
country, part of a volume of nasty, anti-popular policies of his administration.
the peoples angry mood precipitated by long term elitist exploitation/oppression, peaking
at this fake SARS-Covid moment, should simply refocus, rather redirect to a focus on the
system itself to attacking the system fully, along with the entire elite – including
Trump: With the intent and purpose of killing the system, removing the elite from the social
power, and creating in the vacuum a form form of society relevant to popular need, which in
general participatory process they carry comprehensively and unstoppably forward
I remember watching a video of you talking about how Zionists and banking interests
approached you and the BNP in order to make the movement sell out, by not talking about the
interest slavery and foreign wars. I wonder if you could one day write an article on this
encounter, it would be hugely informative to get a first hand account of how nationalist
movements are subverted and in the case they do not kowtow to Jewish power, are ultimately
Well, boys and girls, welcome to the club. Watching the march live streamed online was a
vivid reminder of the protests I joined in the Sixties. Same excitement, same camaraderie,
same sense of speaking out in public against grotesque injustice. And the same, virulently
hostile media coverage: the legitimacy of the grievances never acknowledged. The size of the
demonstrations always way, way underestimated. And way back when, the longest TV interviews
were always with some weirdo "lone counter-protestor" guy. And the cops, you'll find, are
more than happy to crack your head no matter what your politics are.
Funny how the obvious conclusion, that Mr. T has no respect the people he's been lying to
for four years, has eluded this partisan author. I am expecting one accomplishment from
Sleepy Joe, to do what today seems impossible, but what every American president has done
since Nixon: he'll make his predecessor look like a competent statesman by comparison.
We're not going back to any place we've been -- that much, I can see.
You're right, as is Mr Griffin. All Western societies are going through the bottleneck at
this period. Much of what we have cherished will not survive this experience. Other things
will be misshapen and barely recognisable as a result. We are going to a place we have never
been before. Traditional solutions will not, as you say, put Humpty Dumpty back together.
You're more pessimistic than I am. But time will tell. I only wish I were younger and could
take a more active role in the coming struggle.
If Trump is so adamant about draining the swamp one small jester he could perform is the
pardon of Assange and Snowden. Not much chance of that happening.
Spirit of Enoch Powell e unbowed. I don't think any columnist or commenter at UR has
faced that sort of ordeal. There can be no criticism of the man's courage.
He was always of an independent cast of mind and has altered his views in the light of
events, as all historians should. So I was very pleased to read his thoughtful article here
at UR. Hopefully, there will be more.
He was always a very capable organiser, which is what he is saying White Conservatives should
do from the grass roots. He reformed, re-organised and made the BNP electorally relevant
almost single-handedly. Nick Griffin may be finished with politics, but I don't think
politics is finished with him.
You clearly know nothing about Antifa. They are thugs, but deeply cowardly. There wouldn't
have been a single one in the midst of that vast crowd during the day.
An unscheduled appearance there would have been about the safest place Trump could ever
be. And, in any case, he's what, 74, and facing years or worse in prison if he loses. How
much of a deterrent should the chance of getting shot atbe? Plus he's part Scotch-Irish so
for all his faults, I doubt he's a coward.
Meanwhile The Glorious Leader wants to attack Iran as a parting gift to his benefactors.
How that would further the cause of white emancipation is for the dear reader to figure
Trump could have addressed his fan crowd from behind bulletfree glass, like for example
this guy:
And continuing his journey to his golf course while his people need him, is testimony to
his selfish and narcissistic character. Trump is a failed Messiah.
To qualify as "far-right" by current Western media, politicians and "academics", one only
needs to have circa 1990 conservative social and political views.
To be labeled as extreme or ultra far-right one only needs to have circa 1975 conservative
social and political views.
I'd place myself in about the 1985 bracket – so I guess I'd be considered very
All utter bollox, of course, but we need to face facts and know that it's the Left that
holds the public microphone.
Thanks Nick, a fantastic article that really puts everything in place. For years, many
nationalists have been saying "we're not voting our way out of this", and it's as true as
Trump's supporters came from all over America last weekend to show their love for Trump
and their country and all they got in return was a brief wave from the limo as Trump went to
play golf. And that pretty much sums up how Trump regards the common, working class White
Americans who are his key supporters. Even with the security risk, could he not have at least
shouted a few words of encouragement from the limo? Could he not have cancelled his precious
game of golf and worked to at least show he cared?
Doesn't matter now. Trump, his wife and kids are all going to lose their wealth or end up
in prison.
Trump had a chance to save America and himself (and his family) and he blew it. Now we
have to focus on survival.
This is one of those essays that ought to be read top to bottom several times by every
responsible American. It apparently requires the perspective of an active man from an ancient
civilization to properly analyze this moment in time.
Correct about the MAGA march moment. Trump betrayed his followers many times over during
the last four years, but it could always be attributed to some sense of the politics of the
moment. The Saturday head fake was the most egregious because no temporary tactical advantage
was at stake. It was pure strategic opportunity and would have been grasped by any genuine
leader of men.
The story of the Trump presidency is clear. He saw an opening to a grand new egotistical
adventure in 2015 and, like any exploiter of feminine emotion, gripped the bit in his teeth
and galloped through. (Mixing metaphors is a good thing). He had no intention of marrying the
Your discussion of the mechanics of balloting is especially informative. Once a ballot is
counted or in the box, there is nothing to differentiate it as one that's been cast in
person, mailed, forged by an office worker or gathered by Democrat operatives. Still, I
suspect that the cheating was all done legally, as you say.
I think that the key moment in the election was when Trump gave credence to the Wuhan Flu
pandemic. He singled out Generalissimo Fauci as the man in charge of the nation and stood
with him every day as the fear-mongering bastard ripped into our work, our worship and our
human solidarity. If Trump had the balls or the brilliance he advertises, he'd have squelched
that crap at the start.
UNFORTUNATELY, this article is SPOT ON. America and Trumpstein MISSED AGAIN. Cue: Phil
Collins " I Missed Again" circa 1981.
I've been holding on and looking for the great American comeback, but I think even I felt
it wasn't going to happen. Been feeling it wasn't going to happen for a long time now.
Started way back when I saw the Rodney King riots of 1992. I watched as a feckless Pappy Bush
sat on his hands while "teens" rampaged, burned, looted, attacked and murdered at will in the
City Of Angels for days. We saw a feckless police force "stand by" and offer little if any
meaningful opposition to the thugs. Whites being attacked for wearing the wrong skin color. A
year later, Waco, then the following year, OJ walks and a crowd of Blacks gathered outside
the court house cheer as the double murderer walks free of all charges. The Mexican invasion
in my neck of the woods, Florida at the time, started becoming more obvious by the day about
the time Dubya stole the election from Gore. Not a Gore fan at all, but this was another
OBVIOUS stolen election, and believe me, I think there have been more than a couple IF we
knew the truth. It seems that the Mexicans ( as well as Haitians) really started a run for
the border as soon as old Dubya got in, I mean Florida wasn't Montana, had plenty of
(((diversity))) but other than the seasonal fruit pickers, it wasn't known for Mexicans.
This didn't happen overnight, the (((social engineers))) started putting on their (((small
hats))) and really gearing up the game shortly after "winning World War II" and "saving the
World from fascism."
I really noticed how they kicked it up a notch or two in the Nineties
and how they have went ALL OUT in the last decade. Could've, should've, would've, existed
back in the 1980s really and America or better yet, TRADITIONAL AMERICA was too busy being
coked up yuppies and worshiping an ex-(((Hollywood ACTOR))) named Ronald Reagan, who
basically followed the (((same program))) as others before him while being everyone's
favorite grandpa.
Presidents like Reagan and Trump didn't do America any favors when all is
said and done, and both were/are feckless and worthless at the end of the day. Hey, what did
you expect, (((an ex-actor))), and a (((New York businessman, television star.))) "Come on,
The slogans against open immigration to the US remind of the premature attempts at
abolishing serfdom in Russia. At the end of the 18th century, a German-born Russian empress
convened an all-Russia assembly re serfdom to learn that all societal layers preferred to
have serfs. In the US, all businesses want to have super-cheap labor.
There are two different things here. Trump betrayal of his voters is one thing, but election
fraud is another and is unacceptable no matter what is your opinion about Trump. We should not
mix those two topics.
All our political forms are exhausted and practically nonexistent. Our parliamentary
system and electoral system and our political parties are just as futile as dictatorships are
intolerable. Nothing is left. And this nothing is increasingly aggressive, totalitarian and
Jacques Ellul, Anarchy and Christianity (1991)
Look at them! Look at them, will you? Behold our politicians' horrible languid maws!; the
courtier-like faces of department managers. They are indeed salesmen, for the very power of
nations is measure in relation to their own mercantile activity.
Jean Cau, Le meutre d'un enfant (1965)
"What's going to happen now?" I was asked earlier today. "Nothing and everything," I
replied. Immigration, largely unchallenged and unscathed (excepting the incidental impact of
COVID-19 on population movement) from four years of Trumpism, will now continue to
accelerate unabated . Zionism will continue to enjoy the expansion of American
institutional and military support, this time with the blood interest of Jared Kushner replaced
with the Jewish
spouses of all three of Biden's children. And the momentary Obama-era delusion of a
post-racial America will continue to dissolve in the reality of the increasing
awareness and importance of race throughout the West, not solely as a result of mass
migration but also of the increasing ubiquity of the ideologies of racial grievance and
revenge. There will, of course, be a dramatic change for the worse in tone and spirit, and some
smaller legislative victories like the
banning of federal anti-racism training will likely soon be reversed. The defeat of Donald
Trump is also hugely demoralizing to many decent American people, and emboldening to their
bitterest enemies. This is to be sorely regretted. But it is in the shared qualities of Trump
and Biden, rather than the election and sham ballots, that the real nature of our political
systems and their future can be perceived. And it is in these shared qualities that our true
problems lie.
Parliamentary electoral democracy is merely a representation of the general system in which
it operates. Slavoj Zizek comments:
At the empirical level, of course, multi-party liberal democracy "represents" -- mirrors,
registers, measures -- the quantitative dispersal of different opinions of the people, what
they think about the proposed programs of the parties and about their candidates, etc.
However, prior to this empirical level and in a much more radical sense, the very form of
multi-party liberal democracy "represents" -- instantiates -- a certain vision of society,
politics, and the role of the individuals in it: politics is organized in parties that
compete through elections to exert control over the state legislative and executive
apparatus, etc. One should always be aware that this frame is never neutral, insofar as it
privileges certain values and practices.
The truth of the system, in terms of its non-negotiable aspects, is thus revealed in the
"values and practices" privileged and ring-fenced under both Trump and Biden. What are these
non-negotiables? Zionism, GloboHomo ideological capitalism and its "woke" leftist correlates,
and the neoliberal promotion of GDP as the benchmark of human success and happiness.
Jews have little to fear from a Biden presidency, which is presumably why Haaretz
claiming that the "American Jewish vote clinched Biden's victory and Trump's ouster.
American Jews decided the outcome of the U.S. elections." Donald Trump might have been
hailed as the "most pro-Israel President in U.S. history," but Jews are notoriously
unreliable in their partnerships with non-Jewish elites. Fate, it must be said, has not been
kind to those gentile elites that have exhausted their usefulness to Jews. And Trump is
surely exhausted, having spent a busy four years fighting for Jews in Israel and in the United
States. He reversed long-standing US policies on several critical security, diplomatic and
political issues to Israel's favour, including the Iran nuclear accord, the treatment of Israel
at the UN, and the status of Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. In December 2019, he announced
his Executive
Order on Combatting Anti-Semitism , promising to fight "the rise of anti-Semitism and
anti-Semitic incidents in the United States and around the world." One wonders what else he
could possibly have done for these people -- apart from a war with Iran -- a question that
appears to have been answered by Jews with a resounding "Nothing." One can only imagine Trump's
facial expression on seeing Benjamin Netanyahu's
emphatic congratulations to Joe Biden, punctuated with the loving refrain: "I have a
personal, long and warm connection with Joe Biden for nearly 40 years, and I know him to be a
great friend of the State of Israel."
Biden and Harris, replete with their immediate familial ties to Jews, are viewed in Zionist
circles as being at least as reliable as Trump, although not as exuberant and bullish. Biden
has been known as a staunch supporter of Israel throughout his 36 years in the Senate, often
cites his 1973 encounter with then-Prime Minister Golda Meir as "one of the most consequential
meetings" of his life, and has on more than one occasion regaled audiences with a tale about
his father telling him that "You don't need to be a Jew to be a Zionist." While some
modifications are likely in the American approach to Iran, few reversals are expected on
Trump's four years of pro-Israel activism. Biden, for example, has weakly criticized moving the
embassy to Jerusalem but said he would not pull it back to Tel Aviv. Michael Herzog at
describes both Biden and Harris as "traditional Democrats, with a fundamental commitment to
Israel whose roots are in part emotional in nature (in contrast to Obama)."
The change in relationship between America and Israel will be, in meaningful terms,
restricted to the personal. Netanyahu, for all his fawning, is likely to undergo a personal
demotion of sorts, with David Halbfinger of the New York Timespointing out
that we can expect a Biden presidency to diminish Netanyahu's "stature on the global stage and
undercut his argument to restive Israeli voters that he remains their indispensable leader."
Palestinian leaders, probably the best-positioned to offer a perspective on the potential for
an improvement in their condition under the new presidency, have been sombre to say the least.
Hanan Ashrawi, a senior PLO official, responded
to the question if she expected United States policy to continue tilting heavily in Israel's
favor: "I don't think we're so naïve as to see Biden as our savior." Contrast this with
the cheerfulness and confidence of Israel settlers who have grown accustomed to the perennial
nature of American support for Zionism. David Elhayani, head of the Yesha Council, an umbrella
for Jewish settlements in the West Bank,
said the party of the U.S. president ultimately doesn't matter so long as the baseline
commitment to support Israel persists: "Under Obama, we built more [settlement] houses than we
have under Trump I think Biden is a friend of Israel."
The fact that the grassroots of the Democratic Party are
drifting away from Zionism is no more consequential than the fact the grassroots of the
Republican Party wanted major action on immigration reform. The former, like the latter, have
been equally ignored by the real power brokers and influencers. Regardless of the radical
appearance of Democrat-affiliated movements like Black Lives Matter, the fact remains that all
of the leftist aggression and rhetoric of the summer of 2020 has resulted in the putative
election of an establishment Zionist and political pragmatist who is sure to execute a more or
less formulaic neoliberal scheme for government. In one sense, the bland, forgetful, and
familiar Biden, who lacks any hint of genuine or novel ideology and was elected purely as a
symbol of "not Trump," is the fitting response to Trump, who was equally devoid of ideological
sincerity or complexity beyond the symbolism of "not Establishment." And so, while the media
proclaims, as Heraclitus, that "all is in flux," from a different perspective we could argue,
like Parmenides, the opposite -- "there is no motion at all."
If I retain one abiding, surreal, memory of the Trump presidency in the years ahead it will
be the Don dancing to the Village People in the wake of his numerous drives to legalize
homosexuality in various African backwaters. That the Red State Christians comprising so much
of his base could maintain their self-adopted blind spot on this issue is a remarkable
testament to the power of personality, because no world leader in history has done more in
recent history than Donald Trump to export what E. Michael Jones has so aptly termed "the Gay
Disco" -- the double-barrelled shotgun of unbridled finance capitalism and the superficial
freedom of sexual "liberty." As the pastors and preachers of South Carolina and Texas urged
their huddled congregations to pray for the President, Trump was busy dispatching new
missionaries, like U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, to the corners of the earth in
search of converts to the Church of GloboHomo.
In February 2019, the U.S. embassy indulged in some nostalgia for Weimar when it
flew LGBT activists from across Europe to Berlin for a strategy dinner to plan to push for
decriminalization in places that still outlaw homosexuality -- mostly concentrated in the
Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean. For my part, I can think of many social problems in
these parts of the world, but it really takes a special kind of mind to arrive at the opinion
that one of the most pressing is that they need to become more gay. Grenell, however,
horrified that Iran has the audacity to execute its own convicted homosexual pederasts, was
not to be deterred, and was instrumental in the blackmail of lesser nations, promising they
would be denied
access to terrorism intelligence if they don't legalise homosexuality. All of which has
left the far corners of the American cultural-military empire questioning whether they could
better live with suicide bombers or sodomy.
Against such manoeuvres, Biden's apparent claim to be one half of the "most pro-equality
ticket in history" seems a little overstated. That being said, there's no question that Biden
is going to step up the domestic nature of GloboHomo significantly as soon as he assumes
office. Biden has pledged to sign the Equality Act, thus far opposed by the Trump
administration, within his first 100 days in office, a piece of legislation that will amend
"the Civil Rights Act to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender
identity in employment, housing, public accommodations, public education, federal funding,
credit, and the jury system." Biden has pledged to appoint significant numbers of homosexuals
and transsexuals to positions of influence, and has promised to allow transsexuals to join the
military. Experienced in advancing global LGBT+ dogma as part of the Obama-Biden
administration, Biden will also once again take up the global mantle,
expressing his "hopes to reverse Trump's efforts and expand queer rights internationally by
making equality a centrepiece of US diplomacy," and condemning
Poland's "LGBT-free zones." Stunning and brave indeed.
There is a certain sense in the cases of both Trump and Biden that, for all the flamboyance
of their efforts in this area, there is a performative aspect to this politics. I don't get the
impression that either has been especially personally committed to these ideas or actions, but
that, as pragmatic-symbolic politicians, they have been made aware that this is the direction
the broader System is moving in and they should comply and support it. The longevity and
gradual acceleration of these trends, beginning in earnest with the presidency of Bill Clinton,
would suggest a systemic movement underlying, and entirely untethered to, specific political
parties or figures. Throughout the West, and much as with Zionism, GloboHomo, or hedonistic
credit-based capitalism and its sexual correlates more generally, is to be accepted and
promoted as an essential part of the role of neoliberal government. In the context of declining
basic freedoms at home, for example the obvious decline in free speech and the creeping
criminalisation of meaningful dissent against the status quo, the international promotion of
homosexuality and transsexual identities offers a cost-free and PR-friendly method for
increasingly authoritarian neoliberal regimes to posture as crusaders for freedom. The trucker
in Ohio is, logical flaws notwithstanding, and whether he wants it or not, thus assured of his
place in the Land of the Free via his government's emancipation of the gays and transvestites
of Uganda. Engaged politically only at the most superficial level, the masses play along with
this ruse, often in blunt denial, possessing only fragmentary realisations of the fact their
countries are changing around them while the petty "rewards" of Americanism are meagre and
peculiar, if not insulting.
Along with frequent reassurances that he was "giving serious consideration" to doing
something, Trump's presidency was marked by regular updates on the performance of American GDP.
Unfortunately the GDP, like the Jewish vote, appears to have stabbed him in the back, with
around 70% of
American GDP represented in counties that (putatively!) voted Democrat. Trump's tragicomic
belief in GDP performance as a form of politics in its own right is perhaps the quintessential
example of the mentality of homo economicus and the tendency of neoliberals to view
countries as mere zones, or economic areas, where everything is based on rationalism and
materialism, and national success is purely a calculation of economic self-interest. Writing
pessimistically of Trump's expected nomination
in 2015 , I issued a stark warning about the influence of Jared Kushner, but also
For all his bluster, Trump is a creation and product of the bourgeois revolution and its
materialistic liberal ideologies. We are teased and tantalized by the fantasy that Trump is a
potential "man of the people." But I cannot escape the impression that he is a utilitarian
and primarily economic character, who seeks a social contract based on personal convenience
and material interest. In his business and political history I see only the "distilled Jewish
I don't think I've seen anything over the last four years that has made me question or
revise that assessment. Trump's dedicated tweeting on GDP in fact had the opposite effect.
The disturbing reality, of course, is that GDP is only one side of a national economy.
Another crucial aspect is government borrowing, and current projections suggest that the United
States is " condemned to
eternal debt ." According to The Budget Office of the United States Congress (CBO), "the US
economy would enter the first half of this century with a public debt equivalent to 195 percent
of its GDP. In the next 30 years the debt of the most powerful economy on the planet would more
than double." The first significant jump occurred in the wake of the subprime crisis, in which
Jewish mortgage lenders were especially prominent. The subprime crisis forced public debt to 37
percent of GDP, which then rose steadily to 79 percent between 2008 and the outbreak of
COVID-19. It now stands at 98 percent, and is accelerating. Although the United States has
reached comparable levels of debt in the past, there has almost always been an accompanying
war, or wars, which acted as a financial pressure valve -- a fact that does not bode well for
isolationists but may be encouraging news for Zionist hawks.
Joe Biden has claimed recently that "a
Biden-Harris Administration will not be measured just by the stock market or GDP growth, but by
the extent to which growth is raising the pay, dignity, and economic security of our working
families" -- while at the same time welcoming millions of new immigrants and legalizing the
~20M+ illegals into the workforce .The American economy is in fact extremely unlikely to change
direction, with Biden
reassuring his billionaire donors gathered at the Carlyle Hotel in Manhattan in June 2019
that "no one's standard of living will change, nothing would fundamentally change." I believe
him. Biden was part of an administration that
looked on as 10 million working Americans lost their homes. Matt Stoller at the
Washington Post has described Obama-era Democrat economic policies as "in effect, a
wholesale attack on the American home (the main store of middle-class wealth) in favor of
concentrated financial power." Biden was part of a team that outright rejected prosecuting
major bankers for fraud and money laundering, and that represented one of the most
monopoly-friendly administrations in history:
2015 saw a record wave of mergers and acquisitions, and 2016 was another busy year. In
nearly every sector of the economy, from pharmaceuticals to telecom to Internet platforms to
airlines, power was concentrated. And this administration, like George W. Bush's before it,
did not prosecute a single significant monopoly under Section 2 of the Sherman Act. Instead
[under Obama] the Federal Trade Commission has gone after such villains as music teachers and
ice skating instructors for ostensible anti-competitive behavior. This is very much a
parallel of the financial crisis, as elites operate without legal constraints while the rest
of us toil under an excess of bureaucracy.
Biden is the product of funding from
forty-four billionaires , including six hedge fund speculators, seven real estate barons,
and five in the tech sector. Of the top 22 donors, at least 18 are Jews (Jim Simons, Len
Blavatnik, Stewart Resnick, Eli Broad, Neil Bluhm, David Bonderman, Herb Simon, Daniel Och, Liz
Lefkovsky, Steve Mandel, Bruce Karsh, Howard Marks, S. Daniel Abraham, Marc Lasry, Jonathan
Tisch, Daniel Lubetsky, Laurie Tisch, and Robert Toll). The Jewish consortium behind Biden is
almost identical in its financial composition to that behind Trump which, as I've explained
previously , was notable for its embodiment of "usury and vulture capitalism, bloated
consumerism, and the sordid commercial exploitation of vice." Biden's transition team ,
meanwhile, is comprised of "executives from Lyft, Airbnb, Amazon, Capital One, Booz Allen,
Uber, Visa, and JPMorgan." In short, expectations that Biden is going to break up Big Tech, or
any monopoly for that matter, are the fantasies of the deluded, the ignorant, and the
While the drama and recrimination surrounding the election are unquestionably fascinating, I
hope you'll forgive for being less agitated than most. My reasons for lethargy are simple: I
knew that regardless of outcome we'd get four more years -- four more years of Zionism,
GloboHomo, and the standardized, rationalized machinery of economic escalation that now
provides the apologetic engine for mass migration. Behind the abortion debates, Supreme Court
picks, culture wars, and media theater, these are the non-negotiables of the System. You don't
hear about them, and you can't talk about them, because you can't vote on them. And this is the
biggest electoral fraud of all.
I feel particular sorrow for ordinary decent Americans, in what today should be the land
of plenty for all, who are having to witness this horrible implosion of their country and
values. Other than divine intervention there is no hope. The media, money markets and
political classes are either directly run by the same children of a devil or by loathsome
gentiles who have taken the Judas coin or who are cowards in fear of their miserable
What is life if it means cowering down in the face of evil? An ancient voice trying to
tell this strange world that you are controlled by an evil power and that your eternal fate
is determined by how you respond to it i.e. join the freak show or stand up like a true man
or woman and tell them no.
The writer of this essay is a man of culture, with wide interests. There are not many
left. Compare him to the moronic voices of today with their narrow perverted interests and
weep for what faces you.
I feel particular sorrow for ordinary decent Americans, in what today should be the land
of plenty for all, who are having to witness this horrible implosion of their country and
values. Other than divine intervention there is no hope. The media, money markets and
political classes are either directly run by the same children of a devil or by loathsome
gentiles who have taken the Judas coin or who are cowards in fear of their miserable
Particular particular sorrow for the young. As for divine intervention, we used to have a
saying about God helping those who help themselves. Surely there must be some action we can
While the drama and recrimination surrounding the election are unquestionably
fascinating, I hope you'll forgive for being less agitated than most. My reasons for
lethargy are simple: I knew that regardless of outcome we'd get four more years -- four
more years of Zionism, GloboHomo, and the standardized, rationalized machinery of economic
escalation that now provides the apologetic engine for mass migration. Behind the abortion
debates, Supreme Court picks, culture wars, and media theater, these are the
non-negotiables of the System. You don't hear about them, and you can't talk about them,
because you can't vote on them. And this is the biggest electoral fraud of all.
Exactly correct. As early as mid April 2017 I could see that Trump had no intention of
keeping his promises to middle Americans I wrote a comment to this blog saying as much.
Trump is a minion of the Deep State.
The Deep State doesn't care about the unimportant internecine squabbles of the two
parties as long as their important issues are advanced (wealth and power). As a matter of
fact it strengthens the false perception that there is a choice when voting.
Trump and the Deep State do not care what the American people want. They know that most
American people are inane fools and will believe anything. Most Americans would rather watch
America's Got Talent, Dancing With The Stars or The Masked Singer than be informed about
important issues.
The only discernible values espoused in this rambling crypfic article is dog-whistling to
bigots of yore.
There is no study of history, no analysis, no insight and no meaning beyond blathers about
jews and homos.
The tone is hatred and despair with the judgement that others are to blame and there is
nothing to work towards.
The Zizek quote offered a word-salad refrain that everybody comes to power under some
bias, to themselves, if nothing else. But Zizek's actual point has be de-contextualized. Here
is what Zizek was saying:
//Let's remember that [Hannah] Arendt said this in her polemic against Mao, who himself
believed that "power grows out of the barrel of a gun" – Arendt qualifies this like
an "entirely non-Marxist" conviction and claims that, for Marx, violent outbursts are like
"the labor pangs that precede, but of course do not cause, the event of organic birth."
Basically, I agree with her, but I would add that there never will be a fully peaceful
"democratic" transfer of power without the "birth pangs" of violence: there will always be
moments of tension when the rules of democratic dialogue and changes are suspended.
Today, however, the agent of this tension is the Right, which is why, paradoxically, the
task of the Left is now, as the US politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has pointed out, to
save our "bourgeois" democracy when the liberal center is too weak and indecisive to do it.
Is this in contradiction with the fact that the Left today should move beyond parliamentary
No: as Trump demonstrates, the contradiction is in this democratic form itself, so that
the only way to save what is worth saving in liberal democracy is to move beyond it –
and vice versa, when rightist violence is on the rise, the only way to move beyond liberal
democracy is to be more faithful to it than the liberal democrats themselves. This is what
the successful democratic return to power of the Morales's party in Bolivia, one of the few
bright spots in our devastated landscape, clearly signals.//
In other words we must be conservatives who are willing to progress!
And hey, crypto-fascists: Zizek is not on board with you just because RT runs him on their
version of Fox News.
The world is never going back to the old-timey dayz of white settlement of an eden
America. So move forward or croak of old age or both.
As to the idea that "decent Americans" are in any way demoralized by Trump's loss:
If you are demoralized by Trump's loss, you have been ejected from decency. But Luckily
for you, it so happens USA is a happy-enough home for all stripes of perverts.
@Verymuchalive the
Occidental Observer writers in prison, you have zero reason to think Trump won't crack down
on free speech in 2020.
Another 4 years of Trumpstien means a very large % of the right will continue to sleep,
something Biden could not get us to do. Biden could never get the right to support vaccines
or martial law.
No Trump apologist besides Alex Jonestien gives an excuse why Trump is backing a unsafe,
hastily made vaccine for a disease with a 99% survival rate. No Trump cultist will provide a
credible one. (Wally will not be the first)
And what happened? She was raped and kicked in the butt by him. He always does that to
everybody. He did it to his dad, he did it to his brothers and sister, he did it to his
family ..and now he has raped America.
Trump's only ability is to find out what others fear or desire, then overpromise on
everything and deliver nothing or even the opposite after u have given him your support or
money. That's how he operates in business, and that's how he has conducted his fake
I am surprised that so many seemingly intelligent people have been taken in by this
well-known conman.
Great article. What I find strange is a businessman from New York second only to Israel in
population of Jews could be so easily duped by them. Loyal only to themselves. In the words
of Harry Truman "Jesus couldn't do anything with them, what am I suppose to do with
I think it needs to be emphasised that the "homo" in globohomo stands for
"homogeneity" and not "homosexuality":
(adj) A word used to describe a globalized and homogenized culture pushed
for by large companies, politicians, and Neocon/Leftist pawns. This culture includes
metropolitan ideals such as diversity, homosexuality, sexual degeneracy, colorblindness in
regard to race, egalitarianism, money worship, and the erasure of different individual
cultures, among other things.
My reasons for lethargy are simple: I knew that regardless of outcome we'd get four more
years -- four more years of Zionism, GloboHomo, and the standardized, rationalized
machinery of economic escalation that now provides the apologetic engine for mass
migration. Behind the abortion debates, Supreme Court picks, culture wars, and media
theater, these are the non-negotiables of the System. You don't hear about them, and you
can't talk about them, because you can't vote on them.
This may be great for The US' Jewish plutocracy, but the United States is still in
economic competition with countries that don't give 2 cents for ZioGlob world (for example
China – which has just signed the RCEP – Regional Comprehensive Economic
Partnership, covering 15 Asian countries, after 8 years of negotiation and covering 2.2
billion people).
So the rest of the world looks on with interest, same as it did in 1923, when the German
Weimar Republic collapsed in an orgy of sleaze, corruption, debt and worthless money.
990. Jews are the scapegoats for all the deficiencies of low-IQ whites just as whites are
the scapegoats for all the deficiencies of low-IQ non-whites. Let me explain how that
Why do we observe Jews at the forefront of many cutting-edge industries? (for example the
media/arts and financial industries are indeed rife with them). The low-IQ answer is, of
course, a simplistic conspiracy theory: Jews form an evil cabal that created all these
industries from scratch to "destroy culture" (or at least what low-IQ people think is
culture, i.e. some previous, obsolete state of culture, i.e. older, lower culture, i.e.
non-culture). And, to be sure, there is a lot of decadence in these industries. But, in an
advanced civilization, there is a lot of decadence everywhere anyway! It's an essential
prerequisite even! So it makes perfect sense that the most capable people in such a
civilization will also be the most decadent! The stereotype of the degenerate
cocaine-sniffing whoremonging or homosexual Hollywood or Wall Street operative belongs here.
Well, buddy, if YOU were subjected to the stresses and temptations of the Hollywood or Wall
Street lifestyles, maybe you'd be a "degenerate" too! But you lack the IQ for that, so of
course you'll reduce the whole enterprise to a simplistic resentful fairy tale that seems
laughable even to children: a bunch of old bearded Jews gathered round a large table planning
the destruction of civilization! Well I say enough with this childish nonsense! The Jews are
simply some of the smartest and most industrious people around, ergo it makes sense that
they'll be encountered at or near all the peaks of the dominant culture, being
overrepresented everywhere in it, including therefore in its failings and excesses! This is
what it means to be the best! It doesn't mean that you are faultless little angels who can do
no wrong, you brainless corn-fed nitwits! There's a moving passage somewhere in Nietzsche
where he relates that Europe owes the Jews for the highest sage (Spinoza), and the highest
saint (Jesus), and he'd never even heard of Freud or Einstein! In view of all the
immeasurable gifts the Jewish spirit has lavished on humanity, anti-semitism in the coming
world order will be a capital offense, if I have anything to say on the matter. The slightest
word against the Jews, and you're a marked man: I would have not only you, but your entire
extended family wiped out, just to be sure. You think you know what the Devil is, but he's
just the lackey taking my orders. Entire cities razed to the ground (including the entire
Middle East), simply because one person there said something bad about "the Jews", that's how
I would have the future! Enough with this stupid meme! To hell with all of you brainless
subhumans! You've wasted enough of our nervous energy on this stupid shit! And the same goes
to low-IQ non-whites who blame all their troubles on whites! And it's all true: Jews and
whites upped the stakes for everybody by bringing into the world a whole torrent of new
possibilities which your IQ is too low to handle! So whatcha gonna do about it? Are you all
bark, or are you prepared to bite? Come on, let's see what you can do! Any of you fucking
pricks bark, and we'll execute every motherfucking last one of you!
Blah, blah, blah. Cat circling the hot plate. Trump was galacticly stupid. He should have
told the Jews that I will give you Jerusalem and Golan heights in my second term. He would
have a second term.
The only point is here is this:
Jews see Iran as a mortal threat. Jews want Iran to be destroyed. For Biden the first point
on the agenda is destruction of Iran. Biden did promise Jews that he will destroy Iran.
That is why Biden did win.
Trump hesitated with his promise to destroy Iran that is why he lost.
So here is the conclusion question:
Was Biden serious when he promised to Jews destroy Iran, or he was only making fools from
them Jews.
That is the only outstanding question
From my understanding, the term "Globohomo" was originally meant as a shorthand for
"globalised homogenisation", wherein all national cultures would be eliminated in favour of a
universal culture, promotion of homosexuality is just one of the components of GloboHomo,
with things like rampant consumerism, substance use and liberalism being some of the other
If you go to the newly built sections of Europeans cities, you will notice how they are
all the same (homogenous) with the same American fast food outlets and the same architectural
"... If Biden steals this election, it will be Obama 2.0. If Biden's mental health declines, Vice-President-Elect Kamala Harris, one of the most unpopular democrats in modern history will be the President at least for the short term. The question is who will be her vice-president? ..."
"... "only votes for Biden and no down-ballot selections, which she regarded as suspicious" ..."
"... New York Post article ..."
"... "two pieces of software called Hammer and Scorecard were used to flip votes from Trump to Biden in some pre-election voting ballots." ..."
"... "declaring that trespassers will be removed from the White House." ..."
"... Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research. ..."
If Biden steals this election, it will be Obama 2.0. If Biden's mental health declines,
Vice-President-Elect Kamala Harris, one of the most unpopular democrats in modern history will
be the President at least for the short term. The question is who will be her
Both of the US political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans are a one-party system
controlled by special interests no matter who is president .
It's fair to say that Trump's foreign policy was heading towards a dangerous path to a world
war as I have written about in the past.
Many of Trump's foreign policies are similar to past administrations whether they were
Democrats and Republican, the only difference that I can say is that he did not start any new
wars, he continued ongoing wars that was launched by his predecessors.
Trump's domestic policies are mixed at best with an economy built on debt through its
Federal Reserve's printing press that can never be repaid jeopardizing the US economy and it's
US dollar-based hegemony which are already in a steady decline. However, on a good note about
the Trump presidency is that he secured America's 2nd amendment rights (an important right to
have during uncertain times), expanded school choice for families and he cut taxes for
individuals' and small businesses. Despite a handful of successes on the domestic front, his
foreign policy is dangerous for world peace . However, it's fair to say Trump is a different
type of politician, one who openly expressed how he felt about certain people in politics or in
Hollywood and the mainstream-media (MSM) hated all of it, they despised Trump. The Democratic
party has been planning this scenario the day after Hillary Clinton lost the elections to
Donald Trump in 2016 with the Russia-Gate Hoax, allegations of sexual assaults, racism and
other anti-Trump shenanigans to remove the President. The Democrats were going to steal the
2020 elections no matter what with help from the MSM. If the Supreme court reverses Biden's
election win to a loss, giving Trump the victory by January 20th,violence will erupt on US
streets leading to a civil war among the American people, and that is certain.
Stolen Elections and Biden's Voter Fraud Organization
This election was rigged by the Democratic party, plain and simple. The so-called
"President-Elect" Joe Biden has admitted unconsciously that they put together an extensive
"voter fraud" organization in U.S. history:
One of Trump's lawyers fighting the election fraud, Sidney Powell, said that 450,000 ballots
was found in several key states with "only votes for Biden and no down-ballot selections,
which she regarded as suspicious" according to a recent New York Post article who
also said that Powell claimed that "two pieces of software called Hammer and Scorecard were
used to flip votes from Trump to Biden in some pre-election voting ballots."
In Michigan, the vote had increased at one point to over 130,000 votes for Biden in the
middle of the night, without a single new vote for Trump while most people were asleep:
In Pennsylvania, former New York City Mayor and Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani made a press
statement on the fact that dead people were voting in Philadelphia:
There will be many more whistleblowers, pollsters that were denied the access to observe the
vote count and average voters who will be exposing Biden's election as a fraud in the coming
days, weeks and months. This is just the beginning.
Mainstream Media Censorship In Your Face
This is perhaps the most in your face evidence that media censorship has been legitimized
against President Trump. The MSM now is fact-checking Trump in real-time claiming that he is
stating false-facts:
A Coming American Coup D'état?
The Biden regime had issued a warning to President Donald Trump "declaring that
trespassers will be removed from the White House." Former sportscaster Keith Olbermann has
even called for a coup against President Trump:
The 2020 election was stolen from Trump, no doubt about that,
However, Trump and his administration knew that the Democrats were going to commit fraud
through mail-in ballots.
The US just became a banana republic, a dictatorship with Orwellian overtones that will
ensure a Democratic and the Neocon Republican establishment that will move forward with an
American-style scientific based-dictatorship.
Biden has prematurely announced a Covid-19 task force that will include planned lockdowns,
vaccine mandates and mandatory facemasks due to an increase in Covid-19 cases. The US is surely
heading towards what George Orwell has warned the world about. Make no mistake about it, there
will be a resistance, a human resistance that will ultimately prevail, and that I can say with
Note to readers: please click the share buttons above or below. Forward this article to your
email lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc.
Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally
published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.
York Post
confirmed Saturday what Breitbart News and others had reported earlier this year: that the Biden Cancer
Initiative, founded by former Vice President Joe Biden, spent millions on staff salaries but did little about cancer research.
A cancer charity started by Joe Biden gave out no money to research, and spent most of its contributions on staff salaries,
federal filings show.
The Biden Cancer Initiative was founded in 2017 by the former vice president and his wife Jill Biden to "develop and drive
implementation of solutions to accelerate progress in cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, research and care and to
reduce disparities in cancer outcomes," according to its IRS mission statement. But it gave out no grants in its first two
years, and spent millions on the salaries of former Washington DC aides it hired.
Biden headed up the Cancer Moonshot Task Force when he was veep after his son Beau died of a brain tumor in 2015. After
leaving office, the Biden Cancer Initiative sought to continue such efforts to provide "urgent" solutions to treating
to a 2017 press statement
announcing its launch.
confirmed earlier
the Washington Free Beacon, via Breitbart News, in June:
The cancer research non-profit that former Vice President Joe Biden created after leaving the Obama administration in 2017
spent two thirds of its money on staff, with top executives getting as much as six-figures, before shuttering.
The Washington Free Beacon
Thursday that the Biden Cancer Initiative directed 65 percent of its total expenditures to staff compensation between 2017
and 2018. Overall, the group raised $4.8 million during the those two years, spending slightly more than $3 million on
salaries and benefits for its employees.
"That is well above the 25 percent charity watchdogs recommend nonprofits spend on administrative overhead and fundraising
costs combined," the outlet reported, noting that Biden's nonprofit "did not cut a single grant to any other group or
foundation during its two-year run."
As Breitbart News
October, Biden met with businessman Tony Bobulinski in May 2017 to discuss a potential business venture with a Chinese energy
company. The meeting took place before the prestigious Milken conference in Los Angeles -- where Biden was to speak about his
family's efforts to fund cancer research.
Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of
Breitbart News Sunday
Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). His newest e-book is
Trumpian Virtues: The Lessons and Legacy of Donald Trump's Presidency
. His recent book,
tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert
Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at
Get short URL A cancer charity created by presumed
president-elect Joe Biden failed to allocate a single dollar for medical research, according to
media reports, with most of the group's cash going towards generous salaries.
Federal tax filings reveal that the Biden Cancer Initiative, founded in 2017 by the former
vice president and his wife Jill, did not distribute grants during its first two years of
operations, the New York Post reported. The charity, created after Biden's oldest son, Beau,
died from brain cancer in 2015, states that its mission is to "develop and drive
implementation of solutions to accelerate progress in cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis,
research and care."
The Daily Mail confirmed the curious budgetary decisions after also reviewing the
organization's tax paperwork.
According to the Post, Biden's charity raised $4,809,619 in contributions in fiscal years
2017 and 2018, spending $3,070,301 on salaries in those two years. Gregory Simon, a former
Pfizer executive and healthcare lobbyist who was tapped to serve as the organization's
president, took home $429,850 in the 2018 fiscal year, nearly doubling his salary from the year
before. Like Biden, Simon was a member of the Obama administration, spearheading the White
House's cancer task force.
Travel expenses also ballooned between 2017 and 2018, despite the organization never having
made a financial contribution towards cancer research. The group had previously claimed its
main focus was making cancer treatment more affordable and accessible, as opposed to raising
funds to find a cure.
After only two years, the charity "paused" its operations when Biden and his wife
stepped down for Joe Biden's presidential run.
The Biden Cancer Initiative halted its activities in July 2019, after Joe Biden stepped down
to focus on his presidential candidacy. Although technically still active, it has gone into
deep hibernation, with Simon acknowledging in a 2019 interview that, without Biden's
participation, it has become "increasingly difficult to get the traction we needed to
complete our mission."
The NY Post's story caught the eye of US President Donald Trump, who retweeted it without
Trump has previously described the Biden family as a "criminal enterprise," and said
the former vice president's alleged involvement in shady deals with foreign companies show
Biden is a "corrupt" politician. The Post ran a series of stories suggesting Biden may
have been linked to a questionable business arrangement with a Chinese firm, based on emails
and messages purportedly taken from a hard drive that once belonged to his son Hunter. Hunter's
former business partner later confirmed that the emails were genuine and the former vice
president was intimately involved in the scheme. Biden dismissed the Post's reporting as an
attempt to "smear" his son.
Mondo697 3 hours ago 15 Nov, 2020 04:44 AM
Nearly all charities are run primarily if not solely for the benefit of those running them.
Only a miniscule amount is spent on the declared aims of the charity. They are tax fiddles
plain and simple.
fraudchild Mondo697 6 minutes ago 15 Nov, 2020 08:31 AM
biden is cancer? i agree.
lectrodectus 3 hours ago 15 Nov, 2020 04:52 AM
It has become .."Increasingly Difficult To Get The Traction We Need To Complete Our Mission"
11BangBangBaby 3 hours ago 15 Nov, 2020 04:54 AM
Biden dismissed the Post's reporting as an attempt to "smear" his son.
why does he always use his dead son as a shield before running away? he
constantly does this....when asked an awkward question at all it's just his go to excuse.
what kind of a parent uses the memory of their dead son as an excuse to admit to their own
acacko 11BangBangBaby 1 hour ago 15 Nov, 2020 06:43 AM
a corrupt democrat politician with dementia? Oh.. Wait.. was that a philosophical question?
Mickey Mic 2 hours ago 15 Nov, 2020 05:38 AM
Black mailer Joe Biden threatened to cut funds to medical research institutions that don't
report their clinical trial results in a timely manner. "Under the law, it says you must
report. If you don't report, the law says you shouldn't get funding," "I'm going to find out
if it's true" that the research centers aren't reporting the results " and if it's true, I'm
going to cut funding. That's a promise." He should've been locked up after his proclamation
confession to the CFR on Ukraine, where he held back funds until a prosecutor investigating
his son Hunter was fired. What can you expect from one of the biggest crime families in US...
"Honesty" ? Ha, Slow Joe is about as honest as Hillary's innocent record on the Haitian
Relief foundation. For the first time in my life, I'm seeing Americans not liking their cup
of Joe ! PS: Joe Biden is like a web browser with 19 tabs open: 17 are frozen and he don't
know where the music is coming from.
Eviscerate Mickey Mic 10 minutes ago 15 Nov, 2020 08:27 AM
Hilarious and I have little doubt true.
far_cough 3 hours ago 15 Nov, 2020 05:24 AM
the whole biden family is so crooked. i hope after the election confusion is over the matter
of their worldwide crime network is reinvigorated and bought to justice...
DR64 1 hour ago 15 Nov, 2020 06:50 AM
We all know Trump is not squeaky clean when it comes to finances and deals which probably
means he is well able to spot Biden's activities. Like they say it takes a crook to spot a
crook. Americans have just jumped from frying pan into the fire. I think Biden is far more
dangerous as well as those yanking his strings.
Sinalco 3 hours ago 15 Nov, 2020 04:45 AM
Same as the Clinton Haiti Hurricane Charity, or the Trump Charity that does not give to
Charity... The system is corrupt...
Sapphire1 2 hours ago 15 Nov, 2020 06:02 AM
Looks like a tax scam for Biden.
Madbovineuk Sapphire1 2 hours ago 15 Nov, 2020 06:04 AM
Oh yes and US lawmakers are good at that
beliefmakr 1 hour ago 15 Nov, 2020 07:20 AM
A crooked politician? I'm shocked! But I get the feeling that Trump is more jealous than
indignant. He didn't steal nearly as much with Trump University, Trump Steaks, or Trump
Magazine despite his best efforts. I think people in his camp are just upset that the Bidens,
the Clintons, and a few others are just better crooks. They don't want to end corruption.
They just want a bigger slice.
Lois E. Winters 35 minutes ago 15 Nov, 2020 08:10 AM
It seems as though these politicians with their so called charities are nothing more than a
tax exclusion loop hole. Everyone of them ought to be investigated.
All of which is understandable, given the horrors of the last four years, the
concentration camps, the wars of aggression, the censorship, the CIA murder squads, the
show trials, and all that other dictator stuff.
The funny thing about this anti-Trump hysteria is that it has hardly any reason to
– Was the economy going bad?
No, it was doing well, at least until the lockdown. Wall Street was happier than ever
– Did Trump end immigration and deported millions?
Not really, Obama appears to have deported more, so much that Trump seems to have increased
his vote among Mexicans this time.
– Was there any inconvenience or change for most people?
Not really, life was going on smoothly, until the Dems started to orchestrate riots.
– Was Trump responsible for "thousands of corona deaths"?
Not really, as levels have been similar with many other countries, and the whole thing was
exaggerated for political or other purposes anyway.
– Was Trump against Israel or the Jews?
Not at all, quite the opposite in fact.
Now they are happy about a Biden win, which if anything will be more tyrannical, with
mandatory masks and/or vaccines, more censorship, more strict laws, worse economy, etc.
It seems that for many or most people, just words are enough to convince them.
Institute censorship but tell them it is "to fight against hate speech", force people to
stay indoors or wear masks but tell them "it's for their own health", force bakers to bake
cakes for gays but tell them it's a "human rights issue". And people will lap it up.
So now they dance in the streets for Biden and Kamala Why? Do they have any idea of their
policies and plans? Not really They just have been told that they are "progressive" and the
candidates to cheer for
I think that gives the beneficiaries of the system way too much credit. They don't care
whether other people are miserable, any more than they care about the disposition of
"What Syria withdrawal? There was never a Syria withdrawal," Jeffrey said.
" ... even as he praises the president's support of what he describes as a successful
"realpolitik" approach to the region, he acknowledges that his team routinely misled senior
leaders about troop levels in Syria.
"We were always playing shell games to not make clear to our leadership how many troops we
had there," Jeffrey said in an interview. The actual number of troops in northeast Syria is "a
lot more than" the roughly two hundred troops Trump initially agreed to leave there in 2019.
Defense One
"We?" Who are "We?"
State Department people? Well, certainly some of those were involved.
But ... IMO it would not have been possible to deceive or mislead the WH and specifically
the Commander in Chief without the active cooperation of CENTCOM, the JCS and OSD.
If they had not been participating in the lying, it would have been obvious in any number of
interactions with President Trump that the president's understanding of troop numbers in Syria
was not correct and that he was being deceived by "we." (whoever that was). That revelation
evidently did not happen. The NSC staff should have detected the lack of truth in reported
numbers. That it did not tells me that at least some of the NSC staff were disloyal to Trump.
Obvious? Yes, but that is worth re-stating.
James Jeffrey is quite proud of his achievement in maintaining a "realpolik" stalemate in
Syria, one that stymies both Russia and the Syrian government.
IMO opinion he is revealed by his own words as a treacherous back stabber. "Un hombre
sin honor." pl
This is exactly the result of Trump's lack of interest in fulfilling his original promise
of ending the "forever wars" in the middle east. This is exactly the result of putting
opelny-Democrat Jared Kushner (a lifelong member of Chabad-Lubavich network) and his ilk in
charge of the middle east geopolitics.
It also clearly proves that the State Dep. is a monsterous autonomous entity with its own
permanent objectives and agendas, independent of the WH. No matter what Trump wanted to
achieve in the ME, the so-called Blob (or as Col. Lang here has coined as the "BORG") do what
they will. You have to also remember that back in '17, career diplomats and high-ranking
State Dep. officials sounded the alarm that Rex Tillerson was down-sizing the Department so
much and that it was contrary to American interests abroad forward to today, it
would not have mattered how much down-sizing Tillerson actually managed to do, they (people
like Jeffries) were still able to pursue their own agenda and undermine Trump's original
promise of ending the forever wars in the middle east.
The liberal elites managed to 'allegedly' manipulate the election against a sitting
president in favor of an highly unappealing candidate in Joe Biden. In all honesty, does
anyone think the Blob/Borg would NOT undermine the president's agenda and follow their own
permanent objectives aboard?
Trump should be furious about this. He should be firing everyone involved in the
deception. Those involved don't belong in ANY administration. Was convincing Trump that he
was getting the Syrian oil part of this despicable con? As you mentioned last night, this
deception is probably also going on in Afghanistan. This is a clear sign of a totally
dysfunctional nation security apparatus... Trump's national security apparatus. Could Trump
find no one he could trust to carry out his orders? Or did he just not even care? He
certainly wasn't up to the task.
However, our troop level in Syria has been widely and openly reported to be above the 200
level since Trump's initial announcement of a total pull out in December 2018. I thought it
was odd when shortly after that it was announced that more troops were being sent in to
facilitate the withdrawal of the 2,000 plus troops already there. We did reduce the level
somewhat, but then we brought in mech infantry with their Bradleys to secure the oil fields
and later more to counter the Russian patrols in northeast Syria. And isn't counting whatever
we have in Tanf.
"He should be firing everyone involved in the deception"
He just fired Esper. "Trump's national security apparatus." You mean America's natonal
security apparatus, the one that gave us LTC Vindman and that crew of Ambassadors, and the
'whistlebolower' Chief Justice Robert's wouldn't let any senator name nor ask questions about
during the impeachment. You remember all that don't you? I'm sure the same cast of characters
Biden would bring back if he succeeds in the rigged election would never do that to him.
COL(R) Mark Mitchell stated the following recently, regarding the duties and
responsibilities of the SECDEF in response to POTUS directives. The comments were in regard
to Acting SECDEF Miller (a longtime friend and colleague of Mitchell), but apply to any
Cabinet or sub-Cabinet post:
"He [POTUS] may make decisions that other people disagree with. They have two options:
they can do what he directs them to do, or after they've offered their advice, if they find
it illegal, immoral, unethical, unadvisable, they can step down," retired Col. Mark Mitchell,
who most recently served in the Pentagon as the principal deputy assistant defense secretary
for special operations/low-intensity conflict.
Mitchell added that he resented the implication at the defense secretary should be
expected to stand up to the president, or in his way, as the duly elected commander in
"You either carry out your lawful orders or you resign," he said. "We don't get the option
to 'stand up to him.' "(End of quote)
Unfortunately, President Trump made many poor personnel decisions, and selected people who
believed they had the duty and right to work against the President from within the
Administration. This has driven me nuts for the last four years, as I have watched senior
civilian and uniformed leaders actively undermining the Commander-in-Chief. They weren't
subtle about it. For whatever reason, they mostly got away with it.
To be clear, I am not writing this as a Trump supporter. As a career military
professional, I have a duty to support the Commander-in-Chief, and obey lawful orders from
the Commander-in-Chief.
It is very easy to play shell games with the BOG caps in the war zones.
Looking forward to a reprise of Trump's former starring role in The Apprentice, and
finally uttering yet again his immortal words: You're Fired!
The final days of Trump's first term are going to be awesome. Banish the Borg. BAMN. Put
Biden's fingerprints on any re-hiring.
Typically a new CEO will ask for everyone's resignation, and select and cull according to
new needs and new directions. Something Trump should have done, but he too was the apprentice
in this office when his term began.
Nothing to stop Trump from doing this now in reverse, and finally cleaning out the dross
that was dedicated to his administration's destruction. Better late than never. Our country
deserves nothing less. These insider traitors deserve to have their termination for cause
permanently be part in their career resumes.
It appears that POTUS Trump once his re-election is affirmed, urgently needs to fire a
large percentage of top-level ranks at the Pentagon, fire the CENTCOM CC and his staff, fire
the JCS, close down the NSC until it's thoroughly bleached, and charge all of them under the
UCMJ. Bust them down to slick-sleeves and show them the door. How many back-stabbing Vindman
types remain within the NSC? They need to be fired and prosecuted under the UCMJ as well.
As a citizen I am having great difficulty not concluding that the US is showing all the
signs of decline like the late Roman Republic.
James Jeffrey along with the rest of the herd that have run one agitprop disinformation
scheme after another since the 2016 election are like the roman senators that had the intent
to save the Republic but fatally weakened it by killing Caesar at its very center, in the
Biden's people are openly calling for even more internet censorship and continuing to rush
out inherently dangerous mRNA vaccines without proper testing - and may force us to take it.
Groups are starting to create a database of Trump supporters to enable censoring them where
they work and live - what is this other than terrorism against half the voting population? If
just five percent of the 70M that voted for Trump moves together in resistance then the new
regime herd will be holding a tiger by is tail and with the election showing the people are
split right down the middle I fail to see how we can avoid even much worse chaos the next
four years. The American Republic is disintegrating while the herd is having a romp and
thinks it is winning while they are its assassins.
I am sick at heart of this and fear for the future of my children whose standard of living
opportunities are in free-fall.
We are shocked, SHOCKED! that military bureaucrats are acting in the same ways that they
always have. Come on now. The job of president is to get all these people to work in concert
to an extent adequate for getting things to come out mostly in our favor. None of this is
unique to Trump. Nearly every president in my lifetime has had to learn to deal with these
aspects of the military. Jimmy Carter trusted them to plan a rescue mission. They used navy
pilots for a mission over the desert! With no extra to enable adaptation to events! Ronald
Reagan sent a battleship to Lebanon and then found out the brass wouldn't take the risk of
actually using it for anything. Not to mention the superbly uncoordinated near simultaneous
invasion of Grenada. John Kennedy accepted a duplicitous projection of events for the bay of
pigs. Bill Clinton got caught in Somalia. George W. got sucked into a strategically unplanned
invasion of Iraq. Obama was told that an 18-month escalation would resolve Afghanistan. He
believed it! Boy were they shocked when he actually enforced the deadline. This is not a
criticism of any of those presidents. It is normal, however bizarre that may sound. My point
is that they mostly get bit once and learn not to trust the military's own estimates of what
they can or should do. Then they begin to do the job more adequately. They learn to pay
attention to goals and to manage their resources. Trump does not seem capable of this kind of
learning. The last months of an administration are not the time to suddenly discover the
nature of the organizations you are leading. And in any case, there is no time left for
learning how to get actual results.
JFK never should have unionized the government workforce.
Pits existential self-interests against patriotic national interest, should these
interests become in conflict. FDR warned against doing this. More attention needs to be paid
to this fundamental national turning point.
What ills were cured by this act (EO) and has the cure become worse than the perceived
disease. Must like term limits in California - the cure was 100 times worse than the original
Entrenched political personalities come and go; entrenched and corrupted political systems
are forever, because in the process they learned to self-perpetuate.
Name your favorite EO to strike down with an counter-mand EO, before a sitting president
leaves office:
1. Anchor baby citizenship triggering chain migration
2. Unionized government workforce
1. Use Democrat's standard politics of personal destruction to attack and harass any Trump
appointments; make working for the Trump administration so undesirable none dare even ask for
2. Tie up the President's time with endless personal attacks, lies and investigations, so
Trump has no time as elected Chief Executive to oversee and clean up valid government
3. Take advantage of Trump's exclusively private sector experience to lull Trump into
thinking entrenched government BORGs are loyal government employees, who serve only to help
Trump carry out his Executive Office duties;
4. Leak like crazy; make things up if necessary that ensure the Trump administration
narrative appears chaotic and dysfunctional. Claim anonymous sources that undermine positive
functioning within Trump administration. Make everyone suspicious of everyone else.
5. Obliterate any recognition for the remarkable Trump administration accomplishments that
occurred, regardless of all of the above.
6. Pout relentlessly because regardless of the above, the President and the GOP Senate
appointed over 200 new federal judge and 3 new SCOTUS members.
7. In full public view, tear up the SOTU address listing remarkable administration
accomplishments mouthing - these are all lies -- laying down the gauntlet for all out
8. Gin up pandemic hysteria to fill in any and all loopholes not yet covered by all of the
Democrat skullduggery may have effectively destroyed an temporal administration, but Trump
Judiciary appointments are the equivalent of a very welcomed forever.
President Trump, you are missed already. But I suspect in short order it is you, who will
not miss the office. You are enshrined forever - #45 as President of the United States of
America. History will treat you far kinder than your current fellow citizens.
You broke up the Democrat plantation. You exposed the dark underbelly of the body politic.
Mission accomplished. There is no going back.
this sounds like the definition of a traitor to me - jeffery.... on the other hand one
could say he is working for wall st and the mil complex and has done a good job... which is
I don't understand this. Trump is the Commander in Chief, at any time he could have asked
a straight-up question: How. Many. Troops. Do. We. Still. Have. In. Syria?
I find it astonishing that the military leadership would tell a lie to their Commander in
Chief when the question itself leaves no wriggle-room.
Heck, Trump could has asked for a list of every single one of those brave 200 boys, and
even if it included Name, Rank, and Serial Number that would still fit on a single
letter-sized printout.
I can't understand how Jeffrey's and his band of "we's" could get away with this unless
Trump wasn't paying any attention at all.
Massive crowds of people converged at Freedom Plaza in Washington on Saturday, joining other
rallies around the country to show support for President Donald Trump and ask for fairness in
the election process.
As The Epoch Times' Allen Zhong reports , the participants marched to the U.S. Supreme
Court holding signs that read "Stop the Steal," "Make America Fair Again," and "Trump 2020."
Before the start of the march, the crowd heard speeches from prominent Trump supporters
including Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) and My Pillow founder Mike Lindell. Several other
prominent figures including Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) and former Trump advisor Sebastian Gorka
were also on the speaking list.
Participants chanted slogans calling to "stop the steal," which is also the name of the
grassroots movement organizing the event in part. Organizer Ali Alexander told The Epoch Times
in a previous interview that the events are a grassroots effort by a coalition of about a
hundred activists and influencers to show "support for President Trump and fair elections and
transparent counting."
Similar events, although smaller in scale, were organized in around 50 other states on the
same day.
Everything was very peaceful (not just mostly peaceful) until the crowds started to disperse
and groups of BLM and Antifa activists began to appear, agitating attendees, and eventually
turning to violence... even against children.
The most disturbing piece of footage depicts a family being attacked by Antifa. A mother is
seen attempting to flee the area with her small daughter. He daughter is eventually thrown to
the ground in the middle of a fight.
So - when will the media admit that the boarding up of stores/businesses/homes ahead of the
election was not out of fear of a Biden victory, but a Trump win and the inevitable
mostly-non-peaceful attacks and looting that would inevitably follow.
Norma had been vocal about her support for President Donald Trump before the election, and
sees no reason to stop now. "I'm supporting Trump right up until the very end," Scott said in
her Trump shirt and buttons, carrying a flag.
ay_arrow 2 Macho Latte , 12 hours ago
Some footage shows people crying in fear as they are pursued by the militants.
FingerInTheDarkness , 12 hours ago
Was it only women that went?
Leakanthrophy , 9 hours ago
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
It is about time for good folks to start getting their hands dirty.
The problem with "good folks" is that they always count on others to fix things for them.
For 4y they counted on Trump to move his magic wand and fix things for them. Now they feel
the burn. There's no Dirty Harry, there's no John Rambo, there's no John McLane, there's no
Walt Kowalski coming to cover your ***.
Don't let anyone mess with you, you mess with them!
PS Learn from a teenager: Kyle Rittenhouse. The kid had more balls than all that million
MAGA circus parade.
Leroy Whitby , 2 hours ago
OK, macho guy. You want women to man up and not cry? Not everyone is a warrior. Those who
are though better see this and know that this is the moment. If they steal this election
there is no other. If we win, don't forget and go back to sleep.
ImGumbydmmt , 11 hours ago
Anyone notice the guy with the Gadson Flag,
Came along side the mom with the stroller to defend her, and was assaulted by BLM thugs
for doing so, and he was knocked down and into the little girl, as soon as this happens the
cop jumps his *** and drags him off the fence line, few seconds later you can see he is back
to fence about to be arrested and like:
"WHAT? Why did you jump me when they are the agresser?".
Expect nothing better from the police ANYWHERE in the USA when the time comes.
If I'm ever doing to be arrested for a felony, My only hope they have to trip and stumble
over a $hit ton scattered of brass and empty mags all around me when they come.
At which point, they'll still to deal with my E-tool.
Being nice hasn't gotten us anywhere so now it's time to put the smack down! And if this
is what they want, then that's what they're going to get but their handlers Arent gonna be
able to control what they're going to unleash!
they've gotten soft and overconfidence and that will be their undoing
nmewn , 11 hours ago
Nothing says "Black Lives Matter" like...BLM & Antifa thugs assaulting an interracial
couple pushing their babies in a stroller while their preteen children cry in fear.
Well done commies, you're giving this new young generation something to despise you for
even more than I do.
JRobby , 9 hours ago
They are essentially total cowards. They never go after anyone or a group that WILL fight
back, ever.
It's always single younger or older people, women and now that they know they are losing,
even children.
nmewn , 8 hours ago
@JRobby, this is true.
In my previous fights with these communist thugs their modus operandi is to pick out one
or two victims, then harass them...only for the purpose of...getting them to fixate on the
harassers to the front of them...while...others sneak up from behind with a sucker punch or a
They DO NOT FIGHT mano a mano (with or without weapons) because they always lose that
A word to the wise, if they are confronting you, ALWAYS look behind you, because at least
one is coming from there ;-)
eftian , 11 hours ago
The military is on our side dip****.
Quia Possum , 10 hours ago
The Obama-installed generals and admirals sure aren't. The enlisted? They have large
contingents of gang members and foreigners seeking citizenship, neither of whom are on our
side. And I seriously doubt many of the other enlisted, even ones who in their hearts are "on
our side", are going to risk refusing to follow orders from said Obama generals.
This sounds awfully like the quasi-religious belief that the police are "on our side",
which didn't last long beyond the video of cops standing back and watching as antifa and BLM
burned, looted, and beat up and even murdered conservatives. The police and military are on
the side of getting paid, nothing else.
Okienomics , 9 hours ago
Millions of veterans say otherwise, starting with this one.
Quia Possum , 8 hours ago
Veterans aren't the military.
Pretty sure the left is unfrightened of a bunch of middle aged guys running around with
rifles and no logistics, no secure comms, no air cover, no artillery, and no leadership.
Izzy Dunne , 3 hours ago
The cops and military are the enforcers for the 1%.
Their job is to protect the Elite.
HelluvaEngineer , 13 hours ago
The people at the top win regardless. Civil wars rarely result in more freedom.
Doomster , 13 hours ago
The last one sure didn't!
HelluvaEngineer , 13 hours ago
In the US you mean, I assume. I've seen some great analyses of that and other "civil
wars". Without foreign support, it's nearly impossible to win. Which country in the world
might support a free USA movement? All but a few are on the same team, the globalist team.
They have unlimited money and quite a bit of manufacturing capacity.
Thurston Howell IV , 13 hours ago
BLM = making the least racist white people hate blacks since 2015.
TBT or not TBT , 11 hours ago
Both organisations are explicitly racist, but in the lefty Orwellian way we live now, are
considered paragons of anti racism. Similarly Antifa, a classic fascist brown shirt
organization, is considered anti-fascist. The left destroys the meaning of words for a
reason, a tyrannical one.
Quia Possum , 10 hours ago
Every black person I know hates Antifa. They see them as a bunch of white kids who
hijacked black people's protests against discriminatory policing. And they absolutely do not
want the police defunded, just cleaned up and subject to real accountability. They also hate
the police unions of course.
TBT or not TBT , 11 hours ago
They enjoy the anonymity of masks. But when you get booked in Project Mayhem, you have a
name. They're making those lists now. Might be a moment to list some names of theirs. These
Bassholes always keep coming back.
Death2Fiat , 13 hours ago
The march was peaceful, completely and totally representative of how a political movement
should be.
Of course the thugs come out once the crows disperse. They are mentally deranged
wolf pup , 11 hours ago
They're also the most dull-witted, brain-dead ignoramuses. Low or no IQ. Abysmal idiocy.
Thick. Just so damned thick. The Stupid just oozes off of them.
J S Bach , 13 hours ago
For those of you unfamiliar with the tumultuous history of Weimar Germany, the Communists
and National Socialists had epic violent battles which the latter won handily once the
rightfully enraged German citizenry and Freicorps veterans unified to defend their nation's
culture and very existence. Let us hope that enough semi-educated and instinctively patriotic
Americans have the same fortitude to defend the vestiges of their once mighty Republic.
Orphan , 13 hours ago
People took an economic hint in Weimar Republic. Along comes antifa to fight the fascists
by looting and burning businesses. Angry citizen implore Hitler to help. He does. The people
are happy and help Hitler gain power. It's backfiring again. Antifa hates free speech. They
are as fascist as Hitler.
HelluvaEngineer , 12 hours ago
See my note above. Without foreign support and an unlimited money supply, it's not
My advice is to look for an Achilles heel. Take down the entire system. Very few have the
aptitude to rebuild society.
J S Bach , 12 hours ago
The National Socialists did it without any "foreign support and unlimited money supply".
They triumphed because they had right on their side and nothing to lose. We, too, have right
on our side and will very soon have nothing to lose as well.
Quia Possum , 10 hours ago
Farg off, Nazi. Fascism and socialism are the same thing, differing only in rhetoric and
choice of scapegoats they use to destroy liberty and individualism.
I don't throw that "N" word around loosely, but you are explicitly defending that
historical movement, so farg off I say again. (censors don't want me to use the f word that
was intended)
Jim in MN , 13 hours ago
DNC stole black men's votes by the hundreds of thousands in Detroit, Philly and
DNC imposes savage lockdowns that have caused over 10,000 mostly black folks to be killed
or maimed in shootings.
DNC/BLM/Antifa only believe in ONE thing: Power at any cost.
HopeToLearn , 10 hours ago
Thank you Zero Hedge for calling it what it is...
Trump supporters Attacked!
these were NOT CLASHES... Trump supporters were beaten and assaulted in unprovoked attacks
for exercising their constitutional rights...
SHAME ON DC ESPECIALLY MAYOR MARIEL BOWSER! She is a sickening human being..
sleeping on a volcano , 11 hours ago
We're trying to let the system work, most people are just now waking up, unfortunately.
Most people have been clueless to how corrupt and perverted our government has become. We
know that once the hell of our wrath is unleashed there is no putting it back in the bottle,
everything will change permanently, we will have to do things that will change us and our
nation forever, we will have to live with the carnage we inflict. The time is rapidly
approaching that we will have to do our duty, we implore our enemies to back off so we don't
have to destroy you.
JackOliver4 , 13 hours ago
SOROS and his BLM army are frankly, TERRORISTS !!
youshallnotkill , 10 hours ago
Violence was anticipated, shops were bordered up. The DC police expected clashes.
All of this was public knowledge. Yet, folks like you would subject your children to
Sincerely hope you are not a parent.
youshallnotkill , 10 hours ago
What am I making up? Direct quote from DC police chief
Newsham said he's concerned about the potential for clashes between the rallygoers and
So which of the following leftist talking points is true?
BLM protesters are peaceful.
Bringing your kid to a Trump rally is endangerment because BLM will attack them.
Can't be both. I mean, it can be both in your f-ed up leftist doublethink mind, but in the
real world it can't be both.
Quia Possum , 8 hours ago
Bringing kids to a Trump rally is child endangerment.
However, sending your kids on foot from Guatemala through Mexico to the US border is an
act of love.
iamresurrected , 12 hours ago
If you watch the videos you will notice not one jogger attacks from anywhere but from
behind. It's their way. Numbers or blind cheap shots. Fvcking eggplants!
Kudos to the old guy in the black and orange jacket. A real man!
KnightOfSwords , 10 hours ago
And they hunt in packs, similar to Chimpanzees
overmedicatedundersexed , 10 hours ago
just got back from DC rally..Peaceful at the Supreme court with Antifa controlled by
Capital Police..once I moved out of area
lost my trump gear and wore black coat and hat..nobody looked twice at me..the thugs were
waiting to pick off single folks
some good folks just walked into seems..the rally was great with the best people
you will ever meet.
RedNeckMother , 10 hours ago
Why weren't people helping those who were attacked?
dirty dolphin , 10 hours ago
It appears they were separated from the pack and surrounded and outnumbered.
ADB , 10 hours ago
Tford: "Proud boys hid and did nothing."
Actually, scumbag, they're steamrolling Antifa right now. Antifa are running away and
hiding behind police lines.
Afternoon: Antifa attack women, children and the elderly.
Evening: Antifa get BTFO when Patriot men respond.
Don't bother replying, vermin. You're on ignore.
el_buffer , 13 hours ago
I'm in Portland and everything is STILL boarded up because of BLM and Antifa violence and
Haven't seen one MAGA hat event devolve into what the Biden-bloc is responsible for night
after night.
Fiscal Reality , 10 hours ago
BLM/Antifa use wolf-pack/hyena tactics. Look for the weak one(s) separated from the herd
and attack en masse. They surround, some losers kick and punch from behind while a wildebeest
screams into a megaphone.
BLM/Antifa attackers (if arrested) get an immediate no-bail release and charges
Law97 , 3 hours ago
Wash Po, NYT, CNN reporting the violence was instigated by Trump supporters. Blatant lies
... being gobbled up by the lefties. The Wash Po story on the unrest has 18K comments almost
universally agreeing with the story that the Trump people are at fault. Total cognitive
bohunkus1 , 12 hours ago
How do you like the Biden Brownshirts?! This how the Biden/Harris administration are going
to deal with people that do not agree with them and they will not prosecute any of the BLM or
boca jon , 1 hour ago
I am ready to completely pummel and destroy these excrements who hide in human bodies.
Democrats were at one time the party of the people
King of Ruperts Land , 3 hours ago
The actual march was the most censored on the internet thing I have ever hardly seen. On
you tube I had to watch a German channel and RUPTLY.
Aristotle'sDisciple , 10 hours ago
I WANT TO APOLOGIZE TO ZH READERS : I have been posting anti Trump comments these last two
days, but watching these videos make my blood boil.
These antifa are the scum of the earth.... attacking kids, families... that's... wow.. no
They deserve to be hunted like the feral dogs they are and be put down.
Absolute disgrace to attack innocent people on streets, especially kids.
Jury_rggd , 13 hours ago
Paid agitators leading the braindead social justice "warriors" to their own
MerLynn , 13 hours ago
same **** different country
dognuts , 13 hours ago
So, a fat white BLM woman attacks a black pro Trump woman and her daughter. A sign of
things to come.
walküre , 2 hours ago
The good news:
More Americans went out yesterday across the nation, to support President Re-Elect Donald
J Trump than all the Biden/Harris supporters combined during their entire campaign of several
DESPITE a global media effort proclaiming Biden/Harris and pretending the election was
legitimate. DESPITE the Bolshevik propaganda to discredit any allegations of fraud and
denying any evidence. Typical modus operandi for Bolsheviks. There's reality and history and
then there's Bolshevik propaganda.
DESPITE a Democrat party that setup the imaginary "president elect Joe Biden HQ" and all
the phoney talk about a "transition team"
PATRIOTS are not being deceived by globalist media proclaiming and distorting 24/7 on
every MSM channel.
Encouraging movement yesterday and there's a lot more where this came from.
BLM/Antifa aka the "brown shirts" of the Bolshevik revolution will do the only thing they
know. Deceive, intimidate and destruct or destroy.
captain noob , 2 hours ago
Using the word Bolsheviks to describe these entitled retards just shows a lack of
walküre , 1 hour ago
striking similarities between today and the beginnings of Bolshevism in Russia
the shoe fits
walküre , 2 hours ago
Lots of cameras at the scene.
78 million supposedly voted for this ****? Riiiiight
Calling it BLM Plaza was a mistake. All those woke and virtual signalling ordinary folk
who wear any BLM insignia or take that stupid knee, have no idea what Bolshevism means.
Bolshevism knows no mercy. They've had to be taken down before because dialogue and
diplomacy are impossible.
walküre , 2 hours ago
on the surface it would appear that way
add Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht to the mix
all the figureheads came from privilege and had intellectual family roots
whatever their intentions were, what role did their heritage play in this?
it contradicted their own family's (or tribe's) financial and capitalist influences
their intellectual ambitions caused a class-war and the downfall for millions of their own
family's heritage
almost seems to be a long lasting family feud at everyone's expense
ultramaroon , 2 hours ago
"BLM Plaza", my rosy red ***. BLM is a Communist Corporation.
It should be safe to bring children to an America political event. Then again, 1/6th of
Iraq's children should not have been slaughtered by perverted cultists operating from D.C.
for that nation's oil and Sumerian artifacts, although America's Secretary of State at the
time (interviewed on ABC by Diane Sawyer) said "it was worth it". You will not find that
infamous statement any longer on YouTube, btw. Her words have been replaced by gibberish.
They're always thinking of you.
Shut. It. Down. , 10 hours ago
Fights Breakout at Trump Rally Between Violent White Supremacists and Peaceful BLM
ScratInTheHat , 13 hours ago
I went to DC with the TEA Party protests. There is zero chance I would go there now. I
won't go anywhere around these clowns unarmed and you can't carry anything in DC. The F-N
COPs are doing nothing to stop these rioters from attacking people.
Jim in MN , 11 hours ago
The 'educated liberal set' has now become completely useless to either side.
No one cares what they think about anything, ever again.
SurfingUSA , 11 hours ago
Intellectual Yet Idiot
Jim in MN , 11 hours ago
Remember: NO more explaining to them.
Just shut them down and shut them out.
No more 'confusion' allowed.
And Facebook is for cat pictures ONLY.
the question , 13 hours ago
Calling people cowards, over and over, from the safety of your keyboard. Highly ironic
captain noob , 2 hours ago
People who have contributed something to society don't behave like this
These are political pawns, unemployables
walküre , 2 hours ago
The universities have spent years in forming this class of privileged BLM/Antifa followers
and protesters.
They're pawns of course but they are being employed across many layers of the educational
systems, the media and political landscape of course.
Bolsheviks occupying positions at polling stations. That's how it's done quasi in broad
daylight without anyone noticing. If it weren't so obvious, they would have gotten away with
At the bottom of the Bolshevist pit are the brutal vermin. They're easy to recruit with
the promise of a day in the sun or a free phone.
Capt.Ahab , 5 hours ago
What a bunch of opportunist cowards. These groups need to be put down. No matter your
beliefs you have the right to gather and peacefully protest. Those who waited to attack those
on their way home are the scum of the earth. I lean left on government sponsored universal
health care and college/trade school tuition for those who test high enough to get into
programs, as well as women's choice, breaking up monopolies and tax policies like we had in
the 50s and 60s. After that everything else is up to the individual. In other words, earn
your way, but havesafetynets in place. There are laws on the books against all
discrimination. I don't care about your sexuality, religion, race, etc. Stop playing the
victim role and get to work. If someone tries to violate your rights, use the system to fight
back. If republicans would support those initiatives, they would have have my vote and the
majority across the country.
Helg Saracen , 5 hours ago
Those who waited to attack those on their way home are the scum of the earth.
ADB , 6 hours ago
So a million Trump supporters turn up in the enemy heartland, despite the social media
censorship. Antifa are reduced to trying to pick off isolated women, children and
grand-parents after the rally is over and people disperse. Then in the evening the Proud Boys
and others run BLM/Antifa out of "BLM Plaza", because once they're up against fighting-age
men, BLM have to run and hide behind the cops they want to defund. BLM/Antifa revealed to be
utter pu$$ies in a fair fight!
Biden now declares, "To make progress, we must stop treating our opponents as our
I call plagiarism.
That's right. Biden stole the words from his old boss, Barack Obama, who used the same
hollow line 10 years ago after the 2010 elections. Remember that? I do. After labeling "America
First" adversaries of his open borders policies as "enemies" who deserve to be "punished,"
Obama walked back the attack when the 2010 midterm Republican wave hit.
"I probably should have used the word 'opponents' instead of 'enemies' to describe political
adversaries," Obama disingenuously admitted. He and Biden spent the next six years wielding
their power by spying on journalists who dared to expose his culture of corruption, firing
government whistleblowers who challenged his Chicago-on-the-Potomac grift and graft and
demonizing conservatives who protested their radical policies at home and abroad.
Same old fake rapprochement. Same old bogus reconciliation. I'll repeat my words from a
decade ago: You can take your faux olive branch and shove it.
I would mourn Trump except for the fact that people like Jack Keane and Lindsay
Graham defied him by appealing to Trump's evil nature. They convinced Trump to occupy
Syria to 'take the oil and keep it away from the Iranians'. Iran has never taken oil from any
country and calling Assad's SAA and local militia's all Iranian proxies or just Iranians was
more than a little dishonest.
I know, people will say that this still respects 'the process' because at least the
Executive is making the call even if it is based on his own evil and the liars around him.
While technically true, it doesn't matter anymore. The U.S. is broken beyond repair.
1. The President can call in military strikes anywhere / anytime despite the fact that the
Constitution requires Congress to authorize wars of aggression.
2. Our Security establishment is larger than the GDP of most countries. It will require a
very strong willed and capable President to reign it in but as long as it remains this large
it will be susceptible to this type of gamesmanship.
Conclusion: I no longer care about the process. I am just waiting for the inevitable fall
of my country, the ultimate check and balance, even for Mordor.
Funny how so many commentators are taken in by Trump's most recent smoke-and-mirrors ploy.
If he put as much conviction and determination about bringing the troops home from
Afghanistan as he did about moving the US embassy in Israel to Tel Aviv and generously giving
the Golan Heights to Israel, as if it was his to decide, the US could have been out of
Afghanistan long ago. Now, he's gaslighting all of you, staying true to character as a
conman. He is now only trying to preserve the monetary value of his brand. Nothing more.
We're stuck with Biden and it ain't going to be pretty. We can count on Biden to do his
masters' bidding faithfully. Trump only did Adelson and Israel's bidding, that is, for
immense amounts of campaign money.
Trump should have done this. Why Trump did not do this before?
Do y'all forget all the impeachment theater? What happened when Trump stated his
willingness to remove the troops from Afghanistan? Impeach.
Remove the troops from Syria? Impeach.
Remove the troops from Iraq? Impeach.
Trump tweeted. Impeach.
Trump to remove, fill-in the blank. Impeach.
Trump farts. Impeach.
A difference now are the apparent GOP gains in the House.
That the Pentagon, the State Department and the various secret services were and are lying
to Trump is not new. That one of their guys now openly admits this is refreshing.
Geez how gullible do you have to be to believe that dog and pony show is real?
Next you will be telling us that you have evidence that trump did not know trump university
and trump charity were frauds. Did the deep state lie to trump about those, also?
There is no evidence that anybody lied to trump or that the facts were kept from trump.
All you have is evidence that they made it appear to the world that trump's policies were
being implemented when in fact they were not thus allowing trump to have his cake and eat it
To add to this, I will mention that something similar happened with Obama. There was
actually talk about impeaching Obama over the Bowie Berghdal incident, which suspiciously
died down after he went full neocon.
LOL! Presidents are themselves part of the USA democracy shell game.
Money in politics (AIPAC Congress), Duopoly and an EMPIRE FIRST Deep State, controlled
opposition (e.g. Bernie Sanders), and controlled corporate media (e.g. "access
journalism", CIA's project mockingbird) mean that U.S. politics - especially at the
national level - is just a reality show.
Sadly, b can't see the Trump vs Deep State kayfabe.
Remember when Trump invited the Taliban to Camp David to sign a 'peace deal' and the
Taliban sabotaged the 'peace' with a 'terror' attack on US troops (or something like that)
which is akin to Syria waging chemical attacks while it is winning the war. The US policy is
Forever War, and the winding down of one war is to ratchet up another.
Also the braggadocio above reminds one of Biden's tape bragging about blackmailing Ukraine
to drop the Burisma investigation.
@ Posted by: NemesisCalling | Nov 13 2020 14:33 utc | 23
Thanks. But why hasn't he declassified Russian collusion hoax? That would have been an act
offense allowing him not to boxed in in defense. Trump doesn't convince me.
I was never too sold on Trump being particularly serious about bringing troops home and
ending wars per se. He no doubt captured the nation's Zeitgeist on the issue, and ran on it
successfully. Insofar as implementing it and how much was due to sabotage... appointing
hawkish warmongers Mattis, Pompeo and Bolton et al. is hardly how one would seriously go
about it... so while Biden's cabinet is not encouraging, let's not delude ourselves about
whom they are replacing... at best, they are 2 sides of the same coin.
The trouble with Trump is that either by incompetence, inexperience or a lack of strategic
foresight and political intellect, he never had the tools nor the brains to implement an
achievable withdrawal strategy.
That would require involving all the Military, Oil & Gas and Banking stakeholders
currently inflating their pockets and share prices in the war racket, and offer them and out
in terms of alternative Government contracts and a front seat into other expanding markets.
For example, launching large infrastructure projects or investing in renewable energy and new
technologies in the civilian market.
Of course, that would require leadership and motivation, and perhaps most of all, the kind
of vision and open mindedness a materialistic fool, so shallow, insecure, and averse to
nature, did not posses.
Had any of the above been achieved, Trump could have secured a landslide re-election and
truly relaunched the US economy into the 21st century, while resolving many of its foreign
policy disasters. A true hero would have been crowned. Instead we got a half cocked MAGA
which we neither great nor worth considering ever again..
On the issue of our occupation of the oil field area of Syria, Trump and others keep telling
us the US is energy independent - "we are exporters". If we do not need Syrian oil, why don't
we give the area back to Syria? The Syrians do need it.
In 2008, after the election that brought Barack Obama to power, in Israel there were some
officials who were confident that President George W. Bush would not leave office with
Iran's nuclear facilities still standing. They were wrong. Iran's nuclear facilities are
not only still standing; they have grown in quality and quantity.
This is important to keep in mind amid speculation - once again during a presidential
lame duck period – that in his last few weeks in office, Donald Trump will either
order US military action against Iran or give Israel a green light as well as some
assistance to do it on its own.
The speculation has a number of catalysts. First was the firing of Mark Esper as
secretary of defense this past week and the replacement of him and other top Pentagon
officials with Trump idealogues. Some media in the US have raised the possibility that
Trump wanted to get Esper out of the way, so he could more easily carry out controversial
military moves.
In addition, there is no doubt a lot of coordination already taking place on Iran. Elliott
Abrams, the administration's top envoy on Iran, was in Israel this week for talks with
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will be here next week
for three days to continue those conversations; and on Thursday night, IDF Chief of Staff
Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi held a video call with his US counterpart, Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs General Mark Milley.
And then there was the interview H.R. McMaster, Trump's former national security
adviser, gave Fox News on Wednesday in which he raised the possibility that Israel –
fearful of President-elect Joe Biden's Iran policies – would attack Iran in the
twilight of Trump's term in office.
For veteran Israel-Iran watchers, this feels like a rerun of what happened in 2008 as
well as in 2012 when also then Israel seemed on the verge of an attack. While ministers
later confirmed that Netanyahu had in fact wanted to launch an attack in 2012, he
ultimately failed to muster support in the cabinet and the IDF and had no choice but to
back down.
So we'll see....I have long said that Trump would attack Iran if elected to a 2nd term,
probably during his lame duck period, but here we have what looks like a lame duck President
Trump much earlier than I anticipated (figured he'd win a close race vs. Biden). My money's
on some strikes carried out on Iran and Israel won't do it alone and not without the
Trump/Abrams/Pimpeous approval they seek.
To keep it away from Syria and give the USA's current headchopper and Kurdish "allies" in
the are a source of revenue. Probably also has something to do with Erdogan and Turkey, but
I'm not very well versed in Turkish aims in that region other than territory grabs (but I
don't know why).
... his supporters claimed (because they wanted to believe they finally had a champion
and to believe their votes were well placed) that Trump was playing 4-D chess! Some 4-D
chess! The game is over, and he's clearly lost.
So, I'm more than glad to give him the boot. Trojan Trump was an abject failure at
his biggest promise. The deep state remains entrenched, and Trump exposed almost nothing
but his own back side. He didn't end any of the MICs military endeavors. He repeatedly made
the MIC's top brass his many chiefs of staff. There was no 4-D chess here, people! There
was two-dimensional stupidity. Trump got played or never intended to do anything he
"What Syria withdrawal? There was never a Syria withdrawal," Jeffrey said. "When the
situation in northeast Syria had been fairly stable after we defeated ISIS, [Trump] was
inclined to pull out. In each case, we then decided to come up with five better arguments for
why we needed to stay. And we succeeded both times. That's the story."
Going back to 1980, trump said "take the oil"
He has said "take irans oil" "take libya's oil "take syria's oil. Pullout bullshit. Pull
back, take the oil.
Trump's smarter than the average yank-anglosphere neanderthal. He wants peace with Russia
so he can make war on iran and china. Guy should get a peace prize.
@Et Tu | Nov 13 2020 15:40 utc | 34:
"appointing hawkish warmongers Mattis, Pompeo and Bolton et al. is hardly how one would
seriously go about it"
It depends on what "it" means, in your sentence. He isn't a peacenik, obviously, but
warmongering is one thing, and war-making is quite another. Appointing hawkish warmongers
could simply be a negotiating tactic, bad cop/good cop.
The bottom line, as I see it, is that the guy has some idea of what the national interest
is, and, it seems, the actual shooting wars aren't normally included into it, even though
warmongering, bullying is. War is the last resort, while bullying is a normal negotiating
A flawed but somewhat more reasonable view, methinks, than that of the American
Trump is not the concern.. neither is Biden, Obama or any other candidate put to the
voters on the fraud that they seek CHANGE OR a greater America.. these are frauds.. and
everything about the media promotion of this is a fraud.. the masses popular election of
these two duds is a fraud.. there ain't no national election, and never will be unless the
constitution is changed.
... ... ...
v> I believe another poster, Hoarsewhisperer, mentioned that it would be
great to see him pardoning Julian Assange. I thought, too, that that would be a stroke of
genius and a finger in the eye of the estab. Long odds make great payouts.
Posted by: NemesisCalling , Nov 13 2020 17:24 utc |
I believe another poster, Hoarsewhisperer, mentioned that it would be great to see him
pardoning Julian Assange. I thought, too, that that would be a stroke of genius and a finger
in the eye of the estab. Long odds make great payouts.
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Nov 13 2020 17:24 utc |
If Trump brings the troops home from Syria and from Afghanistan, where we should never have
gone in the first place, that will be the equivalent of a Great Reset not orchestrated by the
If he does this, I will call him President for the first time.
If Biden attempts to reinstate war, there ought to be a multimillion person march on
If Trump had taken these measures 3 years ago as he promised during the 2016 campaign he
would have won the election. He can still secure his legacy by forcing the withdrawal as B
suggests and pardoning Snowden and Assange.
That the Pentagon, the State Department and the various secret services were and are
lying to Trump is not new. That one of their guys now openly admits this is refreshing.
I would not call it "refreshing" that hubris have gone totally to their heads. Apparently
they think this is all ok, to a degree that they are stating it openly. If there had been
some remorse involved you might have had a point, but this is just a symptom of totally
delusional people with nuclear weapons.
Macgregor and Sec Def Miller should draw up a direct order to the commanding general of
U.S. Central Command that tells him to remove all troops from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq
within the next 30 days. Trump must sign it. Should CentCom fail to follow the order by the
Commander in Chief its leader must be replaced and court martialed.
Indeed, I agree totally with this. Trump should have done this years ago. If the election
coup suceeds, he should at least withdraw everything now. If the coup fails, a new policy of
withdrawal should be continued.
The warhawks in the pentagon are allowing themselves to be removed, or may even be
inviting it. Their job is done. They have successfully maintained the permanent war and made
sure that Trump has not been able to fulfill his vague instinctual desire to pull out of
already lost wars. Trump is no longer a threat. He is truly a lame duck with only the most
incompetent left around him.
The best way for these entrenched state people to transition to similar positions in the
new Biden Regime is to abandon the Trump ship now and wash themselves of his stink of
incompetence. They can then reposition themselves to re-enter their sinecures as fully
'professional' security experts under Biden.
At this point, it seems unlikely that Trump is going to prevail in his legal challenges.
It's possible that he will, but what do you think is more likely? If he doesn't prevail,
however, Biden's "win" can actually be a tremendous win for us.
Why? Well, first let's address the question of who "we" are. I hate to sound like Joe Biden,
who seems not to know who he is or where he is or what he's talking about from moment to moment
(get ready for four years of hilarity, folks). But it's useful to remind ourselves of who we
are from time to time. We are White Nationalists.
A White Nationalist is
someone who believes that white peoples have a right to their own homelands. So that, as a
White Nationalist, I am a German nationalist, an English nationalist, a Scottish nationalist, a
French nationalist, etc . Or, at least, I support all those nationalisms. To be a white
nationalist in America is really to recognize that the core "American people" are the white
people whose ancestors built the country and who continue to pay for it. Thus, American White
Nationalism = American nationalism. To be an American nationalist is also to recognize that
more recent, non-white arrivals don't belong here at all; and that while our blacks have been
here a long time and some of them do sing, dance, and dribble well, they are mostly parasites
who contribute almost nothing to the society except grief.
Since it now looks impossible to go back to the good old days when we had blacks in complete
subjection, and since both blacks and browns out-breed us, American nationalists essentially
face two possible courses of action. The first is to remove non-whites from the country, which
seems impossible at this point, or to remove ourselves. This latter course would mean that we
all go back to Europe, which the Europeans won't allow, or that we effectively secede from the
USA and carve out our own white space (or spaces) within North America. It is this latter
option that now seems like it may be our only option, and something we must work
So, how does Trump's loss help advance us in that goal? To state the obvious, white
Americans will never work toward a white American homeland unless they are aware of
themselves as White Americans; unless they see themselves as a group with distinct
interests, and the moral right to assert those interests. "Awakening" white people has
always been our goal as White Nationalists -- awakening whites in America, and in
Europe. This awakening is far more important than any political figure, or any short-term
political goals. This awakening is and ought to be our top priority.
When I first got involved in this movement, almost exactly twenty years ago, there were two
questions that were constantly raised in my local "hate group": (1) When are white people going
to wake up? And (2) will it take some kind of societal collapse to get them to wake up? Most of
us thought that it would take such a collapse, but that this wouldn't happen in our lifetimes.
Well, my friends, now it has happened. The collapse has occurred, and Trump's loss has
brought it about.
The country was already fractured along political lines. Now it is completely broken.
Conservatives, the overwhelming majority of whom are white, have long known that the media are
biased to the Left and that the political establishment does not have their interests at heart.
But they still believed in "the system." They believed that it still might be possible to work
within the system and get somebody elected who would actually be their guy . Somebody
who could bring the jobs home, stop the tide of non-white immigration, clean up the streets (
i.e. , do something about black crime), combat the politically correct madness, and get
us out of the forever wars. The election of Donald Trump seemed to confirm this optimism.
But all the voices on the far-Right who labeled Trump "a distraction" have now been proved
correct. Trump actually wound up doing little for white people -- despite being continually
vilified by the Left as a white supremacist! Still, millions of whites not only continued to
support him, they carried on a love affair with the man. Trump was adored by his base like no
other American political figure in memory. Not even Reagan got this much love. The more vicious
and unhinged the attacks on Trump became, the more his base supported him. They knew that his
reelection would be no cakewalk, but they believed it was still possible.
They knew that the media and the Democrats would play dirty -- very dirty. But they trusted
the electoral process. Or, at least, they hoped for the best. For months there was talk about
voter fraud, primarily focused on the issue of mail-in ballots. But conservative whites still
had faith that the system would work for them, as it did in 2016.
Now their faith has been completely and irreparably shattered. And this is hugely
significant for us.
The first step toward real secession is psychological secession: seeing that though I
still live in it, this is no longer my country, and there is no longer any hope of making the
system work for me and those like me. This is exactly what the 2020 election has accomplished.
About 57% of white people voted for Trump in this election. And those many millions of whites
are now choking down a gigantic red pill. As we all know, the red pill is the path to
Quoth Tyler Durden: "Losing all hope was freedom."
It seems that there is credible evidence that there was voter fraud in the election,
benefitting Biden. As I write this, Trump's legal team is preparing to fight it -- but, as I
have already said, I think that they will lose. Ultimately, it does not matter whether or not
there was fraud, or whether the fraud was enough to swing the election to Biden (two separate
issues). What matters is that white Trump voters believe that there was.
Trump voters are now, ironically, in sort of the same position as Democrats in the wake of
2016. No matter how much we would like to, none of us will ever forget the "Russian
interference!" and "Russia collusion!" hysteria that went on for the better part of two and a
half years, until the Mueller report more or less put the thing out of its misery (though not
entirely). The difference, however, is that that was all bullshit. And a significant number of
Democrats knew it. Trump voters actually have very good reasons to think that this election was
Regardless of what we eventually learn about whether sharpies can cause ballots to be
misread, or whether a "glitch" flipped Trump votes to Biden votes, there is still ample reason
for the 70 million Trump voters to think that this thing was rigged. In the months preceding
the election, America saw a massive overreach of state and local government power in the form
of COVID lockdowns, the net effect of which was to ruin far more lives than it saved. Is it
paranoia to think that the intention here was to crash the economy and render Trump
unelectable?Consider: Virtually the entire media was not only against Trump, but made it their
personal mission to take him down by any means necessary. No lie, no distortion was too
ridiculous or too scurrilous. Leftists in government, journalism, academia, and the
entertainment industry openly declared that anything and everything was permissible in
order to take down the "existential threat" posed by Orange Man. This was the fertile ground
onto which were sowed the seeds of speculation about election fraud.
The lockdowns coincided with months of coordinated rioting billed as "protests" against
non-existent "racial injustice." The rioters somehow weren't subject to the rules of the
lockdowns, because apparently COVID takes a holiday when it is politically expedient. This
double standard was so obscene and so blatant, it enraged Republican voters (as well as a few
honest rank and file Democrats of my acquaintance).
The Left calculated, correctly, that Trump would do little or nothing to stop the rioting,
out of fear of looking too dictatorial in an election year. Trump's own calculation was that
allowing the riots to happen would give the Left plenty of rope with which to hang itself.
Trump was wrong; his inaction made him seem weak. The basic hope of the Left was that months of
economic and social chaos would fatally wound Trump, and that voters would be too stupid to see
that it was actually the Left that was to blame for it. In the main, it looks like they were
right about this.
But diehard Trump supporters correctly saw that the lockdowns and riots were an election
year strategy hatched by the Left. If they were not wholly designed by the Left to
damage Trump, they were at least manipulated for that purpose. The cherry on the cake came in
the weeks leading up to the election, in the form of big tech's censorship of news damaging to
Biden, including blocking the New York Post 's stories about Biden's involvement in his
son's shady business deals. This classically Orwellian move finally reached an extreme few
would ever have even thought possible, when at last social media began censoring the President
Given all of this, it would be unreasonable not to think that this election was
stolen. Trump's supporters believe this -- every last one of them. And they will never stop
believing it. Mark my words: this is never, ever going away. Trump voters will go to
their graves believing that the election was stolen, and feeling as passionately about it as
they do right now, less than a week after polls closed. They will go to their graves hating
Leftists (as they rightfully should), and believing that the system is broken beyond
"But," so your objection will go, "the fact that these white Trump voters will become
disillusioned with the system does not mean that they will become self-aware white
My contention, however, is that what begins as disillusionment with the system will, in many
cases (a great many cases, I believe) lead to increasing racial consciousness, or open the door
to it. Take it from me -- from my own personal experience: once you have accepted that
one big thing is a total sham, you begin to wonder whether everything else is. And if
you keep going this way, you eventually begin wondering whether wrong is right; whether
everything we've ever been told is false and bad might be true and good.
And the fact is that white Trump voters are already far more racially aware than the
naysayers in the comments section will give them credit for. Trumpism is an implicitly white
phenomenon if ever there was one. And it is implicit only in the sense that its supporters are
too tactful and too fearful to name it for what it is -- not in the sense that they are
unaware of what it is. We all thought that the media and the Leftists had lost their
minds when they damned Trump and his supporters as racists and white supremacists. But they
weren't crazy. They grasped, much more clearly than Republicans, what the vector of the
Trump movement was -- where it might be headed. They correctly saw that a movement that offered
a home to millions of white Americans upset by non-white immigration (euphemistically called
"illegal immigration") might eventually give birth to self-aware white advocacy. When they
called the Trumpites "racists" it was like seeing the oak tree in the acorn.
As perceptive as the Left was on that particular score, they have, as we all know, been
remarkably deaf, dumb, and blind in other ways. Biden's share of the popular vote (if
legitimate) is by no means a landslide. There is no "mandate" for looney Leftism, and no
"repudiation" of Trump (indeed, Trump did expand his base -- though in one crucial area, as I
will shortly discuss, it shrank). But that won't stop Leftists like AOC, and many others, from
imagining that they have a mandate for all their craziness.
Therefore, expect the anti-white rhetoric to pick up steam. And, needless to say, this will
help the process along in a big way: white Trump voters will think for five minutes and realize
that they are at the mercy of a system that is demonstrably rigged against them and
wills their destruction. If they haven't realized it already. That image of the McCloskeys with
their guns facing down the brown hoard is unlikely to fade anytime soon. And what happened to
the McCloskeys has now happened to all white Americans: despised, cornered, and now disarmed.
(The literal disarmament is right around the corner, if the runoff elections in Georgia deliver
the Senate to the Democrats.)
We are nevertheless still at a point where whiteness remains implicit. Whites dare not speak
out in their own defense -- not explicitly as whites, anyway. Populist journalists like Tucker
Carlson, Ann Coulter, and Pat Buchanan, who are privately on our side, still speak in coded
language, avoiding open advocacy for whites. However, the coded language (as the Left also
correctly sees) is becoming easier to decode by the day. As many on our side have said, we will
make no real and substantial progress until we are willing to openly stand up for ourselves --
in person, in broad daylight, and without sock puppets and noms de plume like "Jef
Costello." Is that day imminent? I believe that it is.
What would it take? First, it would take white self-awareness -- and I have argued that this
is already there, emerging from its cocoon. Second, it would take anger . It would take
whites being pushed to a point where they are so angry they speak and behave imprudently
, damning the consequences. If one does it, he will simply be squashed; fired, censored,
canceled, deplatformed. If many do it, that's a different story. They can't fire us all. And if
that anger is great enough, they will fear us. They should. As Don Jr. recently tweeted , "70
million pissed off Republicans and not one city burned to the ground." But this may not last.
The election might just be the proverbial straw. The camel may be about to metamorphose into
the lion.
Already there are signs of uncharacteristic self-assertion on the part of angry Trump
voters. There have been large protests by Republicans in "swing states," including Michigan and Pennsylvania.
There has been violence. Continuing the lockdowns will exacerbate this. Everybody, not just
whites, has reached the breaking point with this COVID bullshit. Of course, now that Biden is
elected, it would not be surprising if COVID suddenly became a non-issue.
Here are some more predictions:
Trump has now moved over to Gab , a
free-speech platform that has embraced thought criminals of all kinds (so far). Trump's
supporters will follow him to Gab -- millions of them. They will read the other stuff and
become more red-pilled. You can almost predict this one with mathematical certainty.
Gun sales will increase as Trump voters scramble to arm themselves before Biden tries to
disarm them. Gun sales have increased enormously since the BLM riots began, so much so that the
stores cannot keep up with demand. Ammo sales have been so brisk it's now hard to find bullets
for those guns. (Yes, I do believe we
are headed for violent civil war .)
Conspiracy theories are going to be mainstreamed. This process was already underway, due
partly to the influence of "QAnon." I tried reading
the QAnon book , with the intention of writing something about it for this website. I
stopped because the thing was so stupid I couldn't get through it. If this stuff can be
influential among Trump voters, anything can. Alex Jones is all over Gab. The Trumpites who
follow their leader over to that platform will get a big dose of him -- and about 60% of what
he says is actually true. He was talking about Epstein's pedo island years ago.
One thing leads to another -- once, as I have said, a big lie is exposed, one begins to
question everything else. Who really runs the world? Who controls US policy in the Middle East?
What's Bohemian Grove all about? Exactly how long does it take to cremate a single body?
Inquiring minds want to know. Let a thousand conspiracy theories bloom! Every one of them helps
us, because every one of them undermines the system and the elites who run it.
White males are the only group Trump did not make gains with in 2020. Given his portrayal in
the media, the irony here is rich, as Jim Goad has noted. Had Trump
gotten more votes from white males, it looks like he would have outvoted even the dead and the
fake voters. As Gregory
Hood has pointed out, "the reason President Trump is in this position is because he
didn't do enough for white working-class voters ." He continues: "White working-class
voters are now the most important voting group in America. They will have decided two
presidential elections in a row. They will decide more."
The Republican establishment cannot be unaware of this. They've seen the same numbers Hood
has. If they did not realize it before, they realize it now. There will be absolutely no going
back to the Republican party of John McCain and Mitt Romney. Those names are hard to pronounce
now without gagging. That they were the Republican nominees in, respectively, 2008 and 2012 now
seems downright surreal. That is how much Trump has changed the party. To save that party,
Republicans will have to offer something to white voters. They will have to keep running the
Trump train, without Trump. (Though Trump is not going away; he will remain a huge part of
public life.)
Everyone thinks 2020 has been a terrible year. It is just the opposite. White nationalism
has taken a giant step forward.
To be an American nationalist is also to recognize that more recent, non-white arrivals
don't belong here at all; and that while our blacks have been here a long time and some of
them do sing, dance, and dribble well, they are mostly parasites who contribute almost
nothing to the society except grief.
The author makes a lot of cogent and well-reasoned points, but his delivery lacks nuance
and has a coarseness which suggests prejudice to the point of racism.
Not that I am accusing the author of being a racist at all – but in the field of
persuasion, a biased narrative produces polarisation, either confirming or disputing one's
preconceived beliefs.
I suggest adjusting the author's arguments to recognise the actual fundamental issue in
play, which is not skin colour or race or language, but CULTURE. Yes, no doubt, the
historical currents and ill-conceived government policies have herded different parcels of
humanity into differing contexts on the basis of their racial backgrounds, but while the
identifying characteristics (and idiotic government-enabled victim industries) may be
numerically associated with skin colour, the actual behavioural differentiations are
determined by the collective CULTURE adopted by each individual within their respective
Allow me a simplistic example here. By government policy, an Australian is recognised as
Koori (and entitled to all the government benefits, handouts, preferential treatment and
other assistance that Koori status attracts) if he/she can demonstrate that they have at
least 1/16 Koori blood. What a boon to the Australian "Aboriginal Industry", a
government-spawned victim industry par-excellence, whose client-base and professional
employment potential is thereby magically multiplied 10-fold compared a Koori threshold
limited to just full and half-bloods (do the math).
As would be expected, a great many people are all too eager to pile onto this "victim"
gravy train. Never mind that the bulk of them are white.
And the really warped thing about all of this, is that all those whiteys whose great great
grandmother or grandfather may have been a Koori, baited by the siren-song of government
entitlements and victim rights, all too often fall into the trap of government dependency and
economic despondency that afflicts so many of the victim industry's clientelle.
It's not language or race or skin colour, its CULTURE. Egged along by idiotic government
officials and vested interests.
Here in Australia, my view is that you're either Australian, or you're not. All other
considerations are secondary. That applies equally to foreign and domestic policy, and
equally to the native-born and immigrants. Until we come to understand and accept that
proposition, the NATION will be hobbled.
So too with the USA. Mind you, it appears to me that the USA's CULTURAL issues are rather
more entrenched and vulnerable to vested interests than in Australia (so far). If they can't
be resolved, then we may be looking at eventual disintegration into several nations,
irrespective of race.
Really, it's these exciting and dark times when real change happens. The Kali Yuga beckons
us all onwards! I look forward to that future thing which American Nationalism will give
birth to. I just hope it involves dragons, somehow, somewhere. Maybe on a flag.
Your premise of a "white homeland" in North America is problematic at best, since the
territory was already occupied by First Nations of indigenous peoples who clearly were the
first to make such a claim on these lands, which stood until the continent was stolen from
them by white people. A just reckoning of homelands begins with recognizing their prior
rights here first, and then assessing where in the world it is best to park our itinerant
white asses. But as you say, we've already forfeited our place in our actual white homelands
in Europe and elsewhere in the Old World. So maybe we can negotiate paying rent, on these
lands we occupy, to the poor survivors of the genocide we enacted to claim "our" home.
"Most of us thought that it would take such a collapse, but that this wouldn't happen in
our lifetimes. Well, my friends, now it has happened.'
Reminds me of Mr Twain & his comment that reports of his death have been greatly
exaggerated .
The author's race nationalism is sad, to say the least. As if "white" comes with a label.
(And never mind all the Legal/Property issues that would arise -- imagine sorting out an
Olympic sized pool of cooked spaghetti .)
"that we effectively secede from the USA and carve out our own white space (or spaces) within
North America. It is this latter option that now seems like it may be our only option, and
something we must work toward."
But having sorted out the labels "White", citizens can play " India 1947 -- the
Partion" : you know, that wonderful time when millions of Hindus moved south &
millions of Muslims moved north. Death toll somewhere between a couple of hundred thousand to
a couple of million. I wonder who will get the bulk of the Oligarchs ? Where will those
tribal Oligarchs feel more comfortable ?
Mexicans & Asians -- wonder whether they'll be welcome ? Turn away the Asians especially,
will go a long way to guaranteeing failure.
The saddest thing of all ? Assume all the race issues are settled -- & you still have 101
other political issues to deal with .Unless, of course, the author simply wants to transfer
the status quo to his new racial Eden .Wow, what a triumph that would be.
Of course Europeans and people outside of Europe of European descent are waking and
beginning to take our own side This is the inevitable reaction to our ( mostly ) hostile
elite, Politics as usual/ MSM etc are all in decline and no amount of censorship is changing
these trends. Matthew Goodwin and Roger Eatwell in National Populism The revolt against
liberal democracy are amongst many who see this happening. The trend is towards Nationalism
away from the Multiculti cult and its champions on tv etc. The silent majority in all White
nations are less silent with every passing year.
I've long considered myself a political exile. I left the US because I couldn't stand it
any more. The insanity of the laws, the always increasing police state was something I saw
but others apparently didn't.
If states start to secede and Texas is one of them, I'll move back. The Fed Gov is the
main problem and needs to totally disappear. When the USA goes the way of the USSR, then
you'll know there's a chance for freedom.
The history of race relations in the past 60 years or so has been based on your
assumption, that everyone is the same but environments create cultures that make them seem
different. It's a claim that's impossible to disprove, because you can define any traits as
cultural, and is therefore meaningless. Nevertheless, in practical real-life terms all you
have to do is look at how various groups behave in many different locations and even
different times, to see that something is at work besides culture.
And failing to acknowledge biodiversity leads to the absurd victimization industry that
has brought us to the brink of race war.
"warriors of the Powhatan "came unarmed into our houses with deer, turkeys, fish, fruits,
and other provisions to sell us". The Powhatan then grabbed any tools or weapons available
and killed all the English settlers they found, including men, women, and children of all
ages. Chief Opechancanough led the Powhatan Confederacy in a coordinated series of surprise
attacks; they killed a total of 347 people, a quarter of the population of the Virginia
Oh no those poor natives. Maybe they should have avoided a fight they couldn't win.
There's a reason we call them savages.
"The difference, however, is that that was all bullshit."
But, as the programmer Alberto Brandolini is reputed to have said: "The amount of energy
necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it." This is the
unbearable asymmetry of bullshit .
There are so many massive lies out there that are still believed by many of the stupid
masses brainwashed by mass media, the universities, and a variety of other large
You can't fix stupid.
So–my crystal ball is very foggy at this point.
(If you think about cultures in the history of the human race, all were based on a bunch
of lies. As Terence McKenna liked to say–nowhere is it written that we apes are
entitled to learn the truth about anything.)
@Etruscan Film Star in parallel with the whole racial profiling paradigm is the same idea
applied to religion, wherein George Dubya whipped up his "civilisational struggle" against
the Muslim world to facilitate American games of Empire. To the extent that any problem
actually exists, religion is a red herring. Here in Australia, Muslim people are amongst the
most genuine and charitable people that one can meet. In my experience, the only tiny
minority of Muslim people who have caused friction are invariably of Arab origin, and more
specifically from Saudi Arabia – an inherently tribal & chauvinistic culture (and a
key American ally in the Middle East – just sayin').
Race & religion are distractions. Compatible cultures can assimilate in a harmonious
society, while incompatible cultures cannot.
For the time being, as long as Jews play the gane of Whites vs Diversity, whites should
play a game of Jews vs Gentiles.
If Jews can lead a multicultural coalition against Whites, then Whites can lead a
multicultural coalition against Jews. This is their worst nightmare, and almost everything
they do is best understood as an attempt to prevent this.
This latter course would mean that we all go back to Europe, which the Europeans won't
allow, or that we effectively secede from the USA and carve out our own white space (or
spaces) within North America. It is this latter option that now seems like it may be our only
option, and something we must work toward.
Jez, they say I am a dreamer, and all I want is a free pony and some government
I suspect that Australians are several decades behind Americans in discovering that your
perspective, which basically is what we called civic nationalism, is largely false and has
now largely failed. I don't have time to even sketch this, but you can look for critiques of
civic nationalism and for concepts like regression to the mean. I hope you can learn from our
@Ultrafart the Brave and snotty racist Europeans and Japanese kept the revolutionary
masses down. The opposite is the truth, it were the Europeans who were revolutionary folks
(French revolution/Enlightenment anyone) trying to spread modernism over racist, parochial,
reactionary, tribal darkie populations and the whole thing ended in tears and trumped up
charges against Whitey dreamt up by Jews, marxists and third World Nationalists/ elites. Same
with Japanese Empire which too was driven by the Pan Asian ideology. The Chinese too will be
rejected by the darkie masses in the future, they too will face trumped up charges for
"exploitation" and "oppression" in the future, it has already started right now.
I do not deny that there are differences between the races. However, breeding is not one
of them.
Ever since the end of slavery, American blacks have had moderate numbers of children,
essentially the same whites. Yes, really. Why do you think, after all these centuries,
pre-1965 American blacks are still hardly more than 10% of the population?
Actually the fraction of blacks in the United States is lower than it used to be –
the Grover-Cleveland cheap-labor immigration surge, that drove wages so low and profits so
high, was all from (at the time) white third-world Europe, and increased the white fraction
of the population. Because white europeans at the time bred more than black Americans!
So yes, during the 19th century and up through Mao, the Chinese bred like rabbits and
lived lives of total misery. After Mao, the Chinese fertility rate was allowed to moderate,
and now China is doing very well. Is there anything genetic in the Chinese people for either
high or or low fertility rates? No. This at least, is entirely cultural.
Are there genetic differences between the races? Yes. Is excessive breeding one of them?
@Ultrafart the Brave in Western societies on average than MENA and South Asians, even the
African blacks, who have much more deeper cultures than New World blacks, they all integrate
fast into Western cultures but they tend to ebonyify everything. But they bring with them
some negative traits like tendency towards violence, crime, chip on the shoulder mentality,
melanin power mentality, seeing racism everywhere etc So culturally they integrate faster but
the skin colour difference creates resentments and temperament differences still exist. On
the positive side blacks are not clannish as the darker Eurasian semi Caucasoids and have an
individualistic tendency which does gel well with individualistic Northern Euros.
I was away from Polaris Parkway, just North of Westerville and Worthington, Ohio, for a
couple of months and things have deteriorated quickly.
This also happened to Epstein Best Bud, Les Wexner's pet project Easton Town Center, close to
New Albany Wexner's British Village Fantasyland.
The common factor in deterioration is wait for it
Blacks and Browns, managed by jews.
Philadelphia Block Busting, 60 years later, same demographic players.
@sb understand that the Australian aboriginals were not a uniform race across the
Australian continent. The Tasmanian Aboriginals were quite different to their continental
counterparts, but even the mainlanders were not racially homogenous. The racial makeup of the
native peoples of Papua & New Guinea are completely different again.
A broad analogy can be drawn with the various black races occupying the African continent
– their skin colour doesn't uniquely define their respective races. For an extreme
example, compare the Congo Pygmies of central Africa with the Rwandan Tutsis.
I do take your point, however – rather than qualify the Kooris as Australian for a
potentially global audience, perhaps it is simpler to just refer generically to native
One might think so, but apparently not. Instead, in so many ways the Australian culture
seems to be marching in suicidal lockstep with the USA, like the mythical lemmings toward the
proverbial cliff.
An appalling example of this is the insidious slide of the Australian medical system over
the last few decades from a universally free model to a for-profit one infested with middle
men and insurance rackets, presumably on a trajectory towards a full-blown American-style
Big-Pharma business model with the poor folk thrown under the bus.
@Malla rt of thinking aligns somewhat with reports of homecoming head-chopping ISIS
psychos being sent to reeducation camps in Xinjiang, China. The local indigenous population
apparently is doing just fine, but returning extremists trained for genocidal wars in the
Middle East no longer fit in.
Here's a true story which helps to illustrate that the principle of cultural harmony
transcends race, and even species. I was raised on a farm, and on this farm were herds of
sheep and also some turkeys. One particular sheep somehow got it into her head that she was a
turkey. She would follow the turkey flock around all day, and at night, she would roost in a
tree with the turkeys. The turkeys didn't seem to mind, and the sheep seemed quite happy.
Compatible cultures.
The stolen election is like Jewish control of the media. EVERYBODY, even Biden voters know
this SELECTION/ELECTION WAS STOLEN, but like Jewish control of the media, we are demanded to
pretend it doesn't exist or never happened.
No Trump fan here, but I voted for the Orange Man because of the alternative. I still have
hope that Team Trump can turn this around. All the Jew/Israel butt kissing aside and the
broken promises and holding meetings with (c)rappers, Trump did expose the "normies" to the
FAKE MEDIA. Hell, that is more than any other modern day POTUS has done for Whites. Can
someone tell me when was the last time Whites had a true representative in the White House
that actually looked out for White Americans and was concerned about White civil rights? I am
pushing 60 and we haven't had one in my lifetime for sure.
So that, as a White Nationalist, I am a German nationalist, an English nationalist, a
Scottish nationalist, a French nationalist, etc.
I think if we take it as far as Hitler, we are also Chinese nationalists, and Japanese
nationalists etc – those nations can develop in their spheres – and so much the
better for them. But they may not force themselves on us (or others).
This whole article is based on the Susan Sarandon premise in 2016 when Bernie lost –
that a Trump win would inspire the base to elect a progressive, caring left wing politician.
This didn't turn out – the system got rigged for about as establishment a criminal as
could have been chosen.
Article 10 is not easy to execute. The right may have honour and guns, but the left is
TDSed, and rabies is one strong steroid to help with a fight!
In addition there is no real leader – one who could strategise a secession
effectively. Trump certainly couldn't. He'd be great as the PR guy, but not as the leader.
Until one is born, America is stuck within the belly of the US beast.
Author Costello said:
"Had Trump gotten more votes from white males, it looks like he would have outvoted even the
dead and the fake voters."
Costello misses the point that the curious count stoppage was a pause to enable the left
to manufacture the votes that they then anticipated needing in lieu of the largely pro-Trump
turnout numbrs. And, any unanticipated pro-Trump surge could have easily been overcome by
having a reserve at the ready.
Regardless of who had voted for Trump, they simply would have been overcome by the left
creating more fake votes for Biden.
I would add materialist values and urbanization to the blend. All my ancestry emanated
from Scandinavia. After checking out several major cities during the years of my young
manhood, I returned to a rural, homesteading life.
Working with my hands and body is important to my well-being. Seasonally, living on the
northwestern fringe of the Northwoods, winters are long and arduous -- a good time for
artistic and intellectual pursuits. The soul has its needs, as Thomas Moore pointed out in
his book "Growth of the Soul". My needs center on living close to the mother of us all.
Northeast Asians and Northwest Europeans share much in this perspective.
Not too many answers to why and to what purpose but still a brilliant article.
Generals love the war, soldiers not so much.
There is lingering question in my mind! The question is: Who loves more war, Israel , or
seventeen intelligence agencies with General staff.
But for the time being I am very much against any radical solution.
I am with Trump's "Stand down and stand by".
I think Biden also does deserve a chance to come up with solutions.
But if Biden starts a new war than everything will be justified and Final solution will
become inevitable.
@TG k up a feast. The younger children enjoy their own fun and games. The older ones help
their samesex parents. During the evening after supper, the bottles get passed around and
sometimes there is music and perhaps dancing.
The bulk of the Amish -- and the Mennonites -- emerged from an Anabaptist culture in
Switzerland and parts of Germany and during the late 17th Century many of them relocated to
Lanacaster County Pennsylvania, from which they have now colonized westwards wherever there
is the possibility of true country living. Not many of them migrate past the 90th Meridian,
where poor soil and semi-arid conditions are poorly conducive to agriculture and cozy country
@Ultrafart the Brave s have manipulated much in America in the last 50 years and that is
the bigger reason for what are marketed as 'cultural clashes'. Most of them are bogus and
Race & religion are distractions. Compatible cultures can assimilate in a harmonious
society, while incompatible cultures cannot.
Agree, again, I'd use the term: shared or accepted values.
(Fwiw, I'm willing to go the step further and view the author as a likely racist and
supremacist. Most people like that have lived sheltered lives and had little exposure to a
variety of peoples. Many of their assertions are simply empty and unaware of ahem the real
If Brexit ranks NINE on the Collective Self-Harm for No Good Reason scale, proposing a
civil war in the 21st century to create a "whites only" state in North America is so nutty it
breaks the dial.
But We'll give you MT, ND, SD, WY, IA, NB, KS, and Maybe OK. That way you can all go back
to growing crops and digging oil (ND) for your subsistence. Every place else is getting too
mixed for you.
Maybe if you're nice the Hawaiians will let you vacation on their islands occasionally to
get a break from long cold winters.
Though a lame and uninsightful article on the whole, the strategy of and desire for
secession is the healthiest conclusion that the author could have been reached. I would just
hope that when whites within the ethnostate inevitably conflict with the ethnogovernment that
he would also want for them to secede.
What a simple morality play for the banking elites (who own both parties through
"lobbying, i.e. bribery" sanctioned by the highest courts) to divide and conquer the
You are arguing over who you pay Tribute to. This is a golden opportunity for mass civil
disobedience to overwhelm and bury the decrepit, imperial corporatist oligarchy.
The stone-age aboriginals who previously inhabited what is now America failed to defend
their lands from invasion. Sadly, we've learned nothing from their mistakes.
Ronnie Unz needs to weigh in here Give the little cretin credit for posting this of
Ronnie you are about to get your brown invasion that you so crave good and hard. Of all
the things that the globalist elites want in electing this moron demented POS called Biden is
an open border
Here it comes Ronnie Won't you and your bro Cholo loving Reed be soooo very happy
Amnesty is going to be served up as one of the first acts of Shithead Biden's
Rejoice Ronnie . More poverty crossing the border to cut your grass.. And a bigger mass of
people for the welfare state
Of course you think that maids and dry wall hangers are natural conservatives I beg to
differ Where i live in Virginia they are natural clients of our welfare offices. We are
ground zero for the Welfare Dreamers who come from Central America.
I don't have to gaze into my navel and dream up some statistics about this you insipid
moron I can walk down the street to the Socialist Service office and see it for my own
Yes Ronnie White Nationalist failed thanks to shitheads like you . Now asshole enjoy
paying California taxes to support open door poverty
Virginia is we are now on par to have California style taxes to support the brown
Your Buddy Reed had a good plan for escaping that I believe he used to be a Virginian he
moved to where the cholos are leaving!
As to this article right!! Cucked whites are doing shit. They'll be called racists and
shrivel up like a daisy in a wind storm.
@Priss Factor he Jewish agenda. Why don't we have a Herve Ryssen here in the US? Why
don't we have an Alain Soral, publishing prolifically and SELLING books to the deplorable
French yellow vests? Why don't we have a comedian like Dieudonne, poking fun at the organized
community and its endless wailing about its victimhood? We need more strong voices, willing
to point out the fact that there is NO SUCH THING as "Judeo-Christian values"; the very idea
grew out of a poison, Scofield Reference Bible influenced swamp, a hideous swamp monster
feeding on bleating Christian Zionist sheep, baa baa baaing as their wealth and futures are
extracted by the oligarch Jews.
It seems, based on much video, as well as the geographic centers of this fraud, that
negroes played a disproportionate role in the illegal election activities. Now that does seem
counter intuitive, as negroes are overwhelming honest, law abiding citizens.
I can only imagine that it was some small group of Jews that bribed our colored brethren
to engage in this thoroughly out of character misbehavior that may well lead to violent,
bloody national upheaval.
If only we had employed a larger share of our negro population in the various lucrative
advertisement opportunities, thereby sparing them from a life of soul crushing poverty. We
might have saved the nation, had we been kinder to our minority Black population.
"A White Nationalist is someone who believes that white peoples have a right to their
own homelands." – White Americans forfeited this right the moment they began
bringing African slaves here. Advocacy for white nationalism in America is advocacy for
secession or genocide. If you have no stomach for advocating genocide of non-whites in
America you must advocate for carving out white homeland for white nationalists. This
homeland no long will represent America or be America, so you no longer will be American
white nationalist but white 'bantustan' nationalist. If you lucky the rest of America will
let you have casinos in your bantustan.
The karma of the U.S was always screwed from the day the vile white Euro invaders fucked
with the natives and if there should be statues they should be of the likes of Geronimo and
not white imperial scum.
May the spirits of all the slaughtered native North American Indians be smiling from ear
to ear at the potentially very dangerous division in the middle country of North America.
A very good article that raises a lot of valid points. White Supremacy is the ONLY way,
that's what (((they))) call us, so ride with it – wear their labels with pride. Onwards
and upwards!
"The goal of abolishing the white race is, on its face, so desirable that some may find it
hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed WHITE
SUPREMACISTS .Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and
the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the white race is
– Noel Ignatiev, Jewish Harvard professor and co-founder of 'Race Traitor'
What makes you think White Americans brought blacks to America? America didn't even exist
when black slavery commenced and the bulk of black slaves went to the Spanish colonies, not
the American colonies.
A just reckoning of homelands begins with recognizing their prior rights here first,
A just reckoning also requires a statute of limitations on questions priority and a
recognition of who actually built the country.
Besides, the 'native' tribes were already killing and displacing each other. They were
mutually hostile, not united. Why should the addition of one more tribe to that warring mix
– albeit a tribe whiter and more successful than the rest – make any difference?
Ironically, it takes a 'racist' to claim that it does.
Agree, although Jews have a few advantages that make them much better at it, namely a
couple thousand years experience operating as tiny minorities in others lands and a shameless
hyperethnocentric instinct evidently lacking in white gentiles.
I looked at gab but it didn't seem very user friendly, problem is also everybody needs to
cease using twitter and shift to gab at the same time, critical mass.
And where, amongst these face diapered morons and Covid fearing degenerates, will you find
America's problems are far greater than issues of Race, Politics, or Culture. At the core,
the issue is complete Spiritual Collapse, manifested in craven cowardice, cringingly
lickspittle obedience, mindless group think, and resolute belief in imaginary events.
This isn't going to end well for anyone. The spiritual death of America is as permanent as
it is absolute.
This latter course would mean that we all go back to Europe, which the Europeans won't
allow .
You haven't been paying attention, sonny. The Europeans are busy trying to catch up with
America's comparitive advantage by importing masses of similar types.
Has anybody else besides myself noticed how fast Jared Taylor and his #1 prize writer,
Gregory Hood – have cucked and caved in and conceded that the DemonRats won the 2020
Presidential election?
And, how each of these guys have now gone into full concession mode and are trying to
persuade and influence their followers to join them in their cuckery and effeminate
willingness to become submissive?
Also, I was listening to a recent Red Ice podcast where they had a slew of allegedly
pro-white community spokesmen and women on to discuss the fraudulent and clearly obvious
attempts by the Demonic leftists to steal the election and they were pushing a meme that I
found more than a little bit disturbing.
It went something like this: Racially healthy Whites need to respond to this travesty by
'opting out' of the 'system'. This means that Whites need to stop participating; i.e., stop
voting completely.
Alex Linder once said, when discussing the suicidal mindset of Whites who were infected
with Christianity – and who we all have repeatedly heard on various talk radio call-in
shows come on the
radio – after another leftist anti-white agenda victory and say: "Well, I will just
continue to pray and leave things up to God" – Linder dubbed that kind of attitude by
Whites as nothing more than pathetic excuse for them to continue to 'do nothing' to help
themselves or their people. I agree.
This meme that 'Whites need to stop voting' is exactly the same kind of attitude. I am
willing to concede the point that voting is senseless as long as the system continues to
allow fraudulent and illegal chicanery to thrive and go unpunished. But, anyone who actively
promotes the idea that Whites should just completely opt out is pushing advice that is
exactly what our mortal enemies want most. It is a complete surrender to being ruled over by
non-whites and jews who hate our guts and who do not want to encounter any opposition to
their agenda to genocide our race of people.
Yes, the election WAS stolen, the democrats having admitted it themselves after four years
of trying to get rid of president Trump, as they said, "BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE"!! So rational
people are now to believe that they have suddenly become honest players in the 2020 election?
As the saying goes, GOOD LUCK WITH THAT THOUGHT /..Dr. Charles Fhandrich.
@Stonewall Jackson sympathizing with some of your sentiments, Stonewall, but your
mean-spirited discourse (directed towards our host, no less) is a textbook example of why
Comments Sections (and some commentators) get edited–and even banned. Why take this
route? It seems self-defeating.
Your disrespectful attitude undermines your appeal. It also diminishes this site.
Why not aim higher? Why not civility?
Ron Unz might be wrong here and there. But he is not a "moron". Making such claims makes
you look like one.
Ron Unz has given the world a forum where countless and controversial and conflicting
points of view are given oxygen and light. This is invaluable and rare.
This is probably the most profound and auspicious moment in modern American history. I
would like to see Trump and the Republican party seize this moment by creating a parallel
government. Imagine 71 million Americans standing solid and publicly announcing a resounding
"Fuck you!" to the Jewish commies and all their colored cohorts.
'Why should the addition of one more tribe to that warring mix make a difference?'
Because it was their homeland, unlike the Euro invaders of central North America and just
try asking an elderly Palestinian how that feels.
And the different tribes may have been at war occasionally but this can hardly be compared
to the mass slaughter of the Native North American Indians and their Bison(to try and starve
@Ultrafart the Brave Most importantly, the lies attributing black dysfunction to white
racism must stop immediately, and the government has to stop shoving diversity down our
throats continuously.
Allow freedom of association, enforce the laws, stop making excuses for black dysfunction,
and limit if not eliminate further immigration into the West from the Third World.
Perhaps then there can be some hope for us living together with a modicum of peace and
But I agree with you that nothing is accomplished by referring to an entire group of
people in completely disparaging terms.
That being said, black dysfunction has been and continues to be a serious problem that
will not be resolved by blaming it on white racism.
@Frankie P , who are both honored as Prophets in Islam, but instead, Jews spit on hearing
their names and do the same while passing a Christian of any kind or a Christian Church in
Israel. They have no respect for Christians or any other religion.
It is time the Jewish lobbies and the American Government leaders as well as the evangelical
Christian leaders who mislead the poor American young into joining the military and believing
that they are doing something for God and Christianity by fighting Israel's wars were named,
shamed and arrested and tried for treason.
In a perverse sort of way, israel's favorite "war song" is "Onward Christian Soldiers"
There I've said it
Will the redpilled understand that America has done this to many other countries, with
many more dead, or will their new consciousness be limited to this particular event? Because
the redpilled ones were always enthusiastic about new military adventures.
If the warriors came unarmed, but wound up killing people instead, I'd wonder what took
place in the interval. Something tells me we're only hearing one side and only a small part
of the story.
As for avoiding a fight they couldn't win, what advantage would they have obtained if they
just bent over and took it in the cheeks without a fight?
Maybe the reason "we" call them savages is called projection.
BTW, here's an example of what failing to fight will get ya,
An elephant that had some tests performed on it was going to be culled. However, in the
end, they decided to release it back into the wild (within the reserve).
This elephant took it into it's head that it was an African buffalo!
It hung out with the buffalo herd, and started to emulate the buffaloes behavior.
Initially, of course, the buffaloes were a tad leery of their new, very large friend –
but eventually got used to him.
And the elephant provided plenty of muscle when it came to lions stalking the herd.
It seems like you got the Pocahontas version of history.
All I can say is that if some guys on horses abducted my daughter and then slowly tortured
and scalpted her to death, you can be sure I wouldn't hesitate to genocide each and every one
of those savages down to the last one. But let's not have facts interrupt your narcissistic
moral masturbating. Just don't come here, coz in the end we'll end up laughing at you.
@Majority of One watermelon, they pass around the gin and juice and sit around smoking
the chronic and endo. Guns and ammunition are then passed around and they all discuss that
nights or the next days activities.
The bulk of the Negroes emerged from the African bush, sold by their own and competing
tribes and have colonized all 52 states wherever there is the possibility of free living and
handouts. Not many of them migrate to rural areas where country living and hard work would be
considered racist and discriminatory.
We have to thank our black Bros and Sistas. Without their motto "there can be no
construction without destruction" the USA would never be what it is today.
Ahhh This white man has put in a convincing case for himself and people like him and he
has my total support. He and his people can have Wyoming and half of South Dakota, only half.
Want some cows and mules? Take them. Take some white women also if they agree to go. And you
must take Trump with you, he's white like you. Good luck.
White liberals cry crocodile tears when the jewsmedia reminds them how White settlers
stole land formerly inhabited by American Indians. But, the fact is, every people alive in
the world today stole the land they now live on from a weaker people. It's the history of
mankind. Further, every Indian tribe in America at the time of Columbus had stolen their land
from another tribe, and they continued warring and land stealing until the White man put a
stop to it.
This obsession with restitution and atonement, is replacing religion. Only a race too long
comfortable would consider giving away to the defeated all they have accomplished and hard
fought for.
Churchills jewish henchman, fake aristocrat and architect of the Dresden and associated
slaughters frederick linderman mused that the defining event of the 20th century would be
'the abdication of the white man'.
The seeds of annihilation were sown in the late 19th century, now comes the reaping, aided
ably by the mendacity, sloth and cowardice of our own peoples and leaders.
President Kushner or President Emhoff that is the question. Same old – Jewish
"White" Supremacy. The "white" supremacy game of our "free" Zion press forgets to say which
"whites" are supreme. Our "free" Zion press is right that there is a "white" group that is
supreme but do not go into details which one. Unz site is one of the few sites that notices
this "white" group that is supreme in the US and in the entire west.
Vice President-elect Kamala Harris' husband, Doug Emhoff, will leave his job as a
partner with a high-profile law firm to focus on his role in the new Biden
A campaign spokeswoman said Tuesday that Emhoff will sever ties with DLA Piper by
Inauguration Day. Emhoff took a leave of absence from the firm in August, when Harris was
named Joe Biden's running mate. Biden and Harris will be inaugurated Jan. 20.
Emhoff is working with the transition team to determine the issues he will take on as
the vice presidential spouse. He is the first man to hold that role, as Harris is the
nation's first female vice president.
thanks mr Costelo for showing your thought crystal clear.
I a south american, am not entirely a contradictor to your views. And even share a few of
If you re a white US nationalist I am a Brazilian, no matter-what-color, nationalist.
A nationalist must necessarily abide by the Westphalia Peace and be a faithful son of the
1815 Wien Conference.
The first corolarium of a nationalist like you is , of course, abhorr and abolish globalism.
This concedes a few exceptions (such as worlwide communications) since they are already in
place and cannot be sensibly reverted.
NOTE 1:I do want to wipe out globalism. (though not for every small nation nation of the
world, which would turn not applicable and counterproductive) away from my country for the
next decades at least.
The second corolarium is that any self conscious country should cling and fiercely defend a
strong list of protectionist laws. And entirely renegotiate the rusty, hegemonic leaning WTO
rules. Not to quit it but to found a new WTO. This protection is what the US did all the the
19th century long, from top to bottom.
The third one that springs out as a consequence is that the STATE presence and adhesion to
state owned companies in key sectors is vital to any nationalism.
Now the big criterium to enlight and tell things apart is: the less develoloped a country is
the more
of state ownership and reliance it will requires.
So until my home country does reach a 40.000 dollar/year PER CAPITA income, with an
income distribution, I will be a feroucious nationalist just like Costello.
It is taken for granted that small places like Singagore, Uruguay, Andorra, Bosnia or
seychelles can AT WILL make an option to globalize, to intenationalize, to sell themselves
out to neighbor or to the best bidder.
No half words, no subtle or figurative language. And nobody must keep a secret as to what to
do when a big , rich, established country the destroy this legitimate thir party Nationalism,
annex or dominate the so described national entity.
Revolution, no less.
@Random Anonymous ti" future, they needed to introduce the intermediate step of civic
nationalism, whereby anyone could be an American as long as they were willing to assimilate
into the dominant culture. Hence, Israel Zangwill's The Melting-Pot .
Thus, civic-nationalism represented the proverbial camel poking its nose through the tent
before entering it completely. Once Westerners became acclimated to having non-Westerners
living among themselves, the assimilationist approach slowly began to be transformed into the
multicultural framework, one in which the overarching objective of dismantling "white
supremacy" was slowly unfurled. This is where we find ourselves today.
Like sensible people, I think they understand that America is never going to be another
It's possible to get a deeper appreciation of the roots of America's social crisis America by
reading Thomas Sowell who has uniquely, I think, shown that patronizing guilt-ridden whites
(those that were) over the decades bear a particular responsibility.
Well, if you can't see racism in this guy words I'm convincente that you're already a
totally blind racist.
There is NO white land in this continent, son. If you are that German, english, Nordic
white nationalist then you can surely Go back there to European origins and claim your
ancestors' lands. But one thing you can never claim is the right over stolen territory,
neither to define how long one have to occupy robbed land until be able to recognize others
as a "native white"
Friday rush hour. Euston station [in London]. Who's here? Who isn't. A kaleidoscope of
skin colours. The world in one terminus. Barbara Roche can see it over the rim of her cup of
Americano coffee. "I love the diversity of London," she tells me. "I just feel
White Americans brought them here? All White Americans? Was a black or two parceled out to
each White American? Blacks were brought here before America was a nation. And not by White
A huge number of White Americans came to America after White Americans abolished slavery.
Most black slaves weren't even brought to White America but spanish america. White Americans
must pay as a group right?
Congrats on being the lowest IQ writer to ever be published on this site. Glad to see Ron
Unz is doing his part to increase representation of the imbecile community.
"Nation" is a white concept. De-colonialize your brain, bigot! To the redskins, land
belonged to those who could take it, and Europeans honored that tradition in grand style.
Do you really believe the BS you just spewed? "So, things began to slide when welfare became
generous and English wasn't required, etc. All of that has been to the detriment of the black
population and the cause of many problems in that population." Just another excuse for blacks.
Blacks are parasitic criminals, they are going to complain welfare or not. Cut off welfare to
blacks then, they never deserved it anyway. The most undeserved race in the world.
This obsession with Tucker Carlson is as ridiculous as the obsession with Jordan Peterson.
Neither give two shits about anything white nationalist. Tucker was born into this life with a
jewish silver spoon in his mouth. The guy is worth $20+ million. The fact he hasnt left Foxnews
immediately after the networks recent debacle with election reporting shows where his loyalty
lies, like most jews (even though he's adopted) its with $$$$
Further, every Indian tribe in America at the time of Columbus had stolen their land from
another tribe, and they continued warring and land stealing until the White man put a stop to
Of course they put a stop to it. Because they wanted a monopoly on all that. Same reason the
White Euro Christians put a stop to Germany's "lebensraum" ideas. The examples are nearly
We hyoominz are wunnerful, no? And religions and politicians are here to solve it all.
Uh -huh!
Just came across this interesting video of Enoch Powell debating Jonathan Miller on issues
around UK immigration. They both appeared on the Dick Cavett Show, which aired back in 1971
Not sure if the honourable Enoch Powell had known this trivia about Jonathan, but if he had
he should've put the following query to him:
"You seem to be an ardent proponent of promoting mass immigration into Britain. Are you just
as ardent a proponent of promoting mass immigration into Eretz Israel?"
If Jonathan had been injected with a truth serum, he would have likely responded:
"Don't be silly. Why would HaShem's chosen people wish to mix with the goyim of the world?
Sheesh, what a schmuck!"
While it is true that people of the same culture, race and religion live in more harmony in
their marriages, and probably in their society, there is no way to achieve that objective in
today's world of mass communication and mass transportation. Impossible. To even think about
something like that is a recipe for nothing better than frustration and despair. The Church
recommended that people of the different cultures and races and religions should not marry
because of the risk that it would interfere with the harmony in their marriage as they face
life's other trials. It's solution when the Christians came to the Americas was for them to
convert the nations and it's objective was to promote better like-mindedness and better harmony
that could sustain them as they lived together in the Americas.
This is what the globalists believe they can achieve without Christianity. Well, they can't,
because without Christianity, there is only self-interest, the opposite of Christianity, and
that is what they are affirmatively teaching at the moment, for self-interest is what they need
to promote disunity, for that provides the means for better control of society.
In my opinion, you had better find another way. Maybe you would be better off correcting the
vast majority of hispanics for believing they are something other than Caucasian.
Indians slaughtered each other on the regular, they enslaved each other on the regular, they
were not a peaceful people and quite savage. Indian tribes would often join up with the White
man to fight other Indian tribes.
Hey, are you a member of the same tribe that Lizzy Warren is from or are you a member of the
(((tribe.))) Come on, now, you really don't give two shits about Native Americans, you just
hate Whitey, don't you? Anyone can search my rather lengthy comment history and they will find
they I have a few posts claiming the American Indian is the ONLY nonwhite people who Whitey
owes a damn thing to, not a popular opinion, but it is mine and I will own it.
I have an excellent idea! Go to the south and find some white man, preferably someone who
hunts, and tell him he has to move because he's on "stolen land."
@Tucker aged what got us here in the first place? So certainly, completely disengaging is
what will further accelerate our demise. You have to wonder, maybe these organizations are part
of the gay op to further disenfranchise whites even faster?
This display of white weakness needs to end. If you believe in your right to exist and for
the sake of your children, never let them gain any more power, ever. If that means voting for
someone that also supports Israel, then so what? If you as a WN, ever think there have been
more 'pure and honest' politicians in the past, or are waiting for your perfect WN savior to
support in the future, then you are just stupid, sorry.
@christine drafting place – but not exclusive. I spent over 3 decades with Athabaskan
and eskimos – Inuit, Yupik, and a few Aleuts – since the Aleuts were the last
genocided tribe – during WW II when they moved all of them to the mainland – in
order own all their land – after the War. In the end, this is all planned by the Owners
– Illuminati- Deep State – Zionists etc. It doesn't matter if they genocide the
Nates – the whites, blacks, Browns – until all the tribes unite and take out the
Cancer – the Plan will continue. PS the Russians , when they owned Alaska – never
genocided the Native population – no matter what the media or stupid SE Nates –
say. I homesteaded in Alaska .
According to Wikipedia, Newsmax is co-owned by Christopher Ruddy and Richard Mellon
Scaife(heir to the Mellon fortune in Pittsburg). Ruddy is the son of a police officer in NYC
and a confidant of Trump. Per Wiki he graduated from Hebrew University of Jerusalem for
undergrad, but his first name suggests he's not Jewish. Is he? He describes himself as a
"libertarian conservative" and Reaganite.
October 28, 2020 Report: Biden Would Kill Upwards Of 159K Jobs In Mich.
According to a recent study, Michigan supports around 159,000 jobs in the oil and gas
industry, all of which would be eliminated under Biden's plan to achieve zero emissions by
The "redpilled" fully understand that America's foreign wars are a load of BS that profit
the military industrial complex and certain lobbying groups – but not the USA itself.
To you, a Jew is an American nationalist because he is not a recent arrival, unlike, say,
Ilhan Omar. I got your number you're not a nationalist but a paid up harlot masquerading,
sadly, as a White nationalist.
"Like what North America, Australia, Argentina predominantly was before mass non -White
Argentina? No mass non-White migration here, to speak of. This country since the white
arrival has always been a mestizo society.The same is true of much of Central and more
so South America. During this century in Argentina,there has been a substantial migration of
Bolovins, Peruvians and Paraguyans thanks to the Kirchners (our Clintons) " Patria
Grande " program that allowed them in, but it represents nothing on the scale of what has
been done elsewhere to the north. Here the issue is less a color issue than a class issue.
But We'll give you MT, ND, SD, WY, IA, NB, KS, and Maybe OK.
You'll need to get Canada's permission before you give away New Brunswick.
I imagine the "honesty belt" would quickly become a desirable place to live compared to
everywhere else, and the good solid folks in Honestan would again allow their resident shlomos
to open the floodgates.
In order to be taken seriously you need some kind of united front. Take a look at even small
minority groups such as the LGBTQ community, who maybe accounts for 3% of the US population,
but has grown into a unified political force.
There also needs to be a consequence if your group is wronged. We have daily mainstream
television shows that do nothing but make fun of White people and their traditions. The Muslims
behead anyone who dares draw a stick figure of Muhammad, let alone entire programming dedicated
to the denigration of their culture.
In order to defeat a bully, you need to punch them in the mouth. Right now many people are
hopefully waking up to the fact that there is indeed a bully, then identifying exactly who that
is, and finally taking some sort of action against the bully.
@Priss Factor anded by their "G_d" to Rule the World, tikkun olam , " (b)light
unto the nations " and 20 other descriptors for the megalomaniac tyrant known as the Jew,
who lusts to control blacks, whites and everyone else in slavery to itself.
I do agree with the author that we White Nationalists need to lose our fear of defending our
racial identity, but da' blacks ain't da' problem. The Jewish race / ideology that lusts to
destroy us ALL – IS the problem.
Talking about black / white racial tensions as if they were the source of our problems is
like worrying about dandruff on a cancer patient. So PLEASE, let's get to the point, shall
Increased white nationalism leads to increased anti-white-nationalism. Genociding indigenes
makes white supremacists look evil. Trumpism leads to BLMism and Antifa. White wars of
aggression lead to brown refugees going to Europe. God will turn Europe and North America
black, red and yellow if He wants to, and He can do it by taking advantage of white people's
pride and letting them do stupid "white supremacist" things that make them look bad.
The pilpul by Miller is truly astonishing, comparing old British people to
People like Miller serve the purpose of trying to rationalise the decisions of the other
members of his Tribe, usually by gaslighting people into thinking they are crazy and nothing
out of the normal is happening. Hence you see these crazy metaphors and analogies drawn by the
likes of Miller in that clip.
"As many on our side have said, we will make no real and substantial progress until we are
willing to openly stand up for ourselves -- in person, in broad daylight, and without sock
puppets and noms de plume like "Jef Costello." Is that day imminent? I believe that it is."
In that case, let's have your real name practice what you preach!
"the bulk of black slaves went to the Spanish colonies, not the American colonies"
Could you please cite supporting evidence for this assertion? I think (but am unsure) it is
incorrect. One thingof which I am certain, however,is that the Spaniards abolished slavery far
earlier than the white Americans. Another is that Spaniards are also "white".
White males are the only group Trump did not make gains with in 2020.
Is that true? How does anybody know that? Exit polls?
After all these wildly inaccurate polls for four years, are we suddenly to believe polls
Furthermore, consider this: The one group you can steal votes from if you're the Democrats
are the white males. This is where you would do it. You can't steal any from the column of
black voters -- since they vote 90% for you already there simply aren't enough to steal. You
steal them from the white males, it's a beautiful double-whammy. One, you get your stolen
victory; two, you demoralize the strongest group arrayed against you.
"In my experience, the only tiny minority of Muslim people who have caused friction are
invariably of Arab origin, and more specifically from Saudi Arabia – an inherently tribal
& chauvinistic culture (and a key American ally in the Middle East – just
Unfortunately, Arabs, in particular Saudis, are a horrible disease that needs to be removed
by all means, including thermo nuclear radiation therapy!
What I don't get, from the likes of sweethearts like Pedro
how does the fact that the Sioux were riding their horses across Colorado before we got
here, make it mean that Mexican half-Aztec / half Spaniards have a right to come and steal it
from *us* ?
If we stole it from the Sioux as he says, the presence of his lardbutt here means he is
accepting stolen goods, which means his sin is as big as -- or bigger than -- ours.
I keep telling blacks about jews and slavery in JUSA – they pretend they don't believe
what I am saying even though I provide evidence (from this website).
I guess they are more opportunistic than I thought and less brave, hoping their jewish masters
will somehow help them get more money from white people, so they don't want to bite the hand
they expect will feed them
To whom the land belongs?
At one time in world history all land did belong to dinosaurs.
So how to do justice about ownership of the land?
Human beings should kill each other until no human being left, and than the land will belong to
its rightful owners again, the animals.
Native Americans were the ones who had this right idea.
They were killing each other and eating each other.
Did somebody ask Dahmer if human flesh taste better than chicken?
Someone for the love of God please start an American Nationalist conference and invite all
people who have the tiniest shred of dignity left in this chemical plagued population.
The goal of the conference: to discuss starting a political party that will be a valid third
party option. Agendas to be fleshed out: donor registration, billboard campaigns, multi-state
speeches targeting smaller towns that have been boarded up, setting up a volunteer network of
security operatives to forcibly secure election integrity, etc.
This stuff isn't rocket science and I don't understand why so many people who have money and
claim to be for WHITE NATIONALISM have not pushed their people in this direction. BUT IF YOU
DONT HAVE MONEY and are interested in this let me share with you a secret to start it. Get 10
under-writers who will lend $5,000 for a total of $50k. $50,000 should be enough to get the
ball rolling. I would be willing to help $. If you sell enough tickets you can pay the lenders
back. Secure a venue and promote tickets to the conference across multiple platforms.
Just an idea for saving our people in this midnight hour.
"I suggest adjusting the author's arguments to recognise the actual fundamental issue in
play, which is not skin colour or race or language, but CULTURE"
I call BS. You are one of those people who believe that NURTURE is everything and NATURE
accounts for nothing. A very foolish mindset. A deluded mindset. Do some research and come back
after you have learned something from the real world and not from your Marxist professors.
It's not Jews (technically JewISH). It is the multitudes of all races around the world, who
have ignored the word of God, and chosen the JewISH (and Catholic, at the top) agenda, as the
preferred way of life.
This frank article confirms pretty much what I posted in DaLimbraw Library over a year ago
– a summary of articles on Western Civilization with links provided. Requires some
serious reading!
History shows that WC was built on Christianity, Graeco-Roman law traditions and primarily in
Europe – meaning the White race. That's just fact!
White supremacy – if it ever returns – might just save our Western
I had an excellent exchange with a retarded mexican a while back, as the stupid pos was
blabbing that whitey "stole this land from the indigenous people," (HIS people -- -mexican
I said, "Oh really? Hmmm ..what tribe are you from?"
Empty stare.
"Are you Apache? Comanche? Sioux? The El Chapo tribe?"
@Ultrafart the Brave nd is to what they were mislead to believe I see it here with my
African friends, Swiss, other Europeans etc everyone I know has experienced this
So this kind of betrayal and feeling of being tricked also contributes to whether they
assimilate (and what there really is to assimilate into when the new host country has no
culture whatsoever to offer to anyone, including the natives – apart from shopping and
watching TV).
Plus add to this the feeling that say the 800 000 refugees imported last year understand that
Canadistan actually played a role in destroying their countries and their desire to assimilate
or to respect the new country diminishes even further.
"Ron Unz has given the world a forum where countless and controversial and conflicting
points of view are given oxygen and light. This is invaluable and rare."
@Majority of One
How an Amish Gentleman (he is really one) handles a racism issue, how he handles a triggered
lefty, chip on the shoulder, black "British" spoilt snobby urban London girl Sienna on some
bullshit "racist" incident. How wise the Amish are compared the "English" (non Amish White
American folk) around them!!!
One would be surprised (or not so surprised if you do not fall for typical Jew media/ history
stereotypes) that the most snobby arrogant person among the six British youth who went and
lived among the Amish in the USA in this British TV series was the black girl Sienna whose
parents are from Africa.
Check out the comment section, everybody hates Sienna.
So there are approximately 330 million people in America, and the latest vote count shows
that 150 million or thereabouts voted in this election? NO WAY IN HELL. To be honest I don't
think Trump received over 70 million LEGITIMATE VOTES much less Biden. I think they have Biden
at 75 or 77 million right now, can't remember which. LMAO. NO WAY IN HELL JOE BIDEN HAS
Think about it people. Think of the people too young to vote, the people incarcerated, the
people who don't ever vote, the people so old that they just don't give a damn like the ones in
nursing homes, etc. Just the other day, I was talking to the Orkin man who sprayed my house,
and he stated he didn't even vote. Well, given I was flying a Trump flag maybe the guy was
being diplomatic or lying but who knows? I think another LIE in this STOLEN election is the
total vote count. I guess the people who stole the vote for Biden and manufactured that Biden
accumulated close to 80 million votes had to even up Trump's votes to make this fairy tale seem
somewhat believable.
First of all I don't identify as White nationalist. When I lived in a liberal city I
couldn't stand being around White people. I would much rather live in Mexico than around
liberal Whites. Urban Whites especially can be really annoying regardless of politics. They
want to be morally right and feel intellectually superior without having to do any work or give
any explanation as to why. They want to feel cosmopolitan and view any dissention as a thorn in
the side to their unexplained superiority.
Will White people be red pilled by this election? Nope.
We have the internet and most White people can't seem to be bothered with spending a couple
nights reading about how both Con Inc and liberals lie about race. Intellectual laziness
Most of those Trump voting Republicans really believe that we can turn every Black family
into the Huxtables with the right level of minimal government/low taxes/etc. They really
believe this. It's shocking.
There is no silver lining with this election. It's a disaster.
Too many White people choose to live in a false reality where race doesn't exist. Our best
hope is that White egalitarian leftists breed out themselves off by having few or no children.
Then we'll probably have to align with Hispanics to end the welfare system. Don't get mad at me
for pointing that out. Go take it up with the moron conservatives still pushing Alisa Rosenbaum
fantasy over facts.
Two things can happen: that Trump wins (which would be something of justice), and that the
whites go looking for their places in the United States.
In fact, this is what has already happened in California for years: whites are leaving that
God forbid! But IF Beijing Biden slithers his way into the WH the 1619 Project will be the
theme of the US Govt. Which, of course, means that we don't belong here..Well, if we don't
belong here then we can only go back to Europe. Who cares if the anti-white EU countries don't
want us? They've spent the last several years taking in destructive, horny, hostile
opportunistic welfare shopping scum if there's room for them there's room for us. Unless they
want us to stay here and be genocided like the S. Africans.
Concluding paragraphs to Chuck Baldwin's latest column, Almost No One Else Will Say It,
So I Must :
That's why Benjamin Netanyahu already congratulated Joe Biden on an election victory --
even before the election was firmly decided. He is keenly aware of the exponential rise in
Zionist power and influence that accompanies the Harris family rise to the White House.
Amazingly, many evangelicals continue to stupidly believe that Netanyahu (and Zionism
itself) is a friend of the United States and a friend of Christianity. What dupes!
In a real sense, the rise of the Marxist attack against America, personified in Kamala
Harris, can be, at least partially, attributed to the misguided support for Zionism among our
evangelical churches.
As I said, almost no one else will say it, so I must.
To bolster your argument against the Left, instead of identifying first as a "White
Nationalist" you should say, simply, that you are an Ethnic Nationalist. That makes your
argument harder to refute and highlights the logical inconsistency of the Left's argument,
which, at its core, is really just anti-White.
As I point out to people, I'm a Tibetan Nationalist and an Anglo-American Nationalist; a
Black Nationalist but also a White Nationalist. All ethnic groups are entitled to their
sovereignty, lands and control of their borders. Humans are tribal and need common cultural
ties to maintain social capital and build a functioning society. This should be common sense,
but somehow it's instead become taboo.
In other words, Trump made the same arguments Republicans have been making for 50 years.
Coincidentally, he also pursued the same policies Republicans have been pursuing for 50
Longer viewer:
Folks are acting like elections have not been stolen in the past. Get real.
Folks are acting like our government has not been completely corporate-owned since Reagan. Get
Folks are acting like the Talmudic syndicate has played no role whatsoever in this scam. Get
Someone for the love of God please start an American Nationalist conference The goal of
the conference: to discuss starting a political party that will be a valid third party
National Justice Party Statement on the 2020 Presidential Election
Everyone hates White people and yet everyone wants to move to White countries.
Leftists tell us this is because Whites are bad and have colluded against everyone. That is
the reason behind their success.
So build America in Africa without them? Why is this not the plan? Would it not prove that
egalitarians were correct all along? Funny how the plan of the leftist to move the third world
to White countries. There seems to be zero dissention along this line. All leftists agree by
their actions that assimilating White countries for their ideals is more viable than building a
new America without Whites.
Trump is taking on Big Ag. He's taking on the military as best he can; he hasn't started any
new wars.
Trump is taking on the U.S. multinational corporations who took the jobs overseas
Trump is taking on the fraud in the election system. DNC's top election guru just resigned
(yeah, I bet he did!) Trump is exposing the algorithms in the Dominion Voting System.
Trump got 72 million votes. He owns the Republican Party now! They have been fighting him up
until this point, but they are now realizing that they are nothing without Trump.
If Trump were to start a third party, look out! How's that for leading?
The very first white man who tied to live with the Stone Age Siberian Savages was Etienne
Brule. He was part of Cartier's exploration team in the early 1600's.
When Cartier returned and inquired about Etienne he was informed that the Siberian savages
murdered, scalped and ATE him.
May the spirits of Siberian Savages be suffering the endless tortures they would visit on
their victims.
What makes you think the Chinese or Japanese would have left the Americas alone?
This is some egalitarian fantasy of the Americas remaining scarcely populated with warring
tribes. As if the rest of the world would have left it as a nature preserve.
It was never a country and in fact the tribes would align with warring European countries
against other tribes. That of course probably wasn't mentioned in your White guilt history
class. Numerous tribes used Europeans and their tools as a means of enacting revenge against
their traditional enemies. Read about the Blackfoot for a politically incorrect reality
I like to think that the Indians were just exacting pure revenge against the gun toting euro
invaders and your wrong i am of irish white heritage and don't make me laugh about torture and
despicable human acts as i have seen those pictures of massive piles of bison that were gunned
down by invading euro scum that were attempting to starve the natives.
It doesn't matter who the president is, you know that Hillary Clinton didn't lose and Trump
didn't win, but here's the president, Obama didn't want to do exactly what you're doing now,
and he didn't want to launch an investigation. You are directly pushing America into a civil
war, by a "fraud of choice" that has no evidence. Indeed, you are pushing everyone into the
catastrophe of the Civil War. You know very well that everything Trump claimed was a lie, and
half the world was accused of lies, nowhere is evidence and the UN laughs at him, but you claim
that now Trump claims the truth once in his life, again without a dictatorship.
If Trump loses, the consequences would be dire.
We are interested in Trump winning.
On the other hand, the strength of the whites was their Christian and authentic religion. Not
their race. In the Middle Ages it was the Church that defended Europe from the Muslim
Nowadays an infiltrator is seated in Pedro's See, Bergoglio does not think like a Catholic.
Only with that faith can our culture and our lives be saved.
Genocide not. The fake "indigenous people" / little dummies are everywhere and have a
complete free ride with plenty of taxpayers cash ("rent") to stay loaded on, to avoid any
personal responsibility.
And clearly, American Indians were "xenophobic" / "racist" in resisting European migrants.
It seems rather odd and highly suspicious that so called NATIONALISTS CONSERVATIVES (whites)
propose cowardice in the face of aggression they all claim to be so outraged so contrived BUT
all of them propose INACTION now this is the main reason YOU/WE are LOSING America we bowed our
heads, weeping sorrowful and thats all The DEMS implemented 4yrs of on the ground campaign of
terror they were called BLMANTIFA a permanent campaign of terror And NOW the CONSERVATIVE
NATIONALISTS suggests stupidity separation, repatriation, secession ALL DUMB STUPID RANTS
UTOPIAS .WE MUST STAND OUR GROUND NOW NOW History, legality, morality, is on OUR SIDE and
the time dictator Biden finish his first year HE would had used his excutive powers, and in
RED Nationalist will ever be elected again,,,never,,,so called ANTI TRUMP LEGISLATIONS which
really means ANTIWHITE laws an AMERICAN JIM CROW LAWS IN REVERSE dont you see the perils to
come its not about utopias, there is no tomorrow..unless WE FIGHT NOW mass revolts
peacefully???? 1776 II MILITIAS..
the Japanese too cannot live and do well in live in multiracial Ottoman-Byzantine like
Isn't there a large Japanese diaspora doing well in Brazil and Peru?
The Chinese too will be rejected by the darkie masses in the future,
I have a hard time seeing the Chinese falling for that shuck and jive unless they become a
completely Christian society, all the way to the top of the pyramid.
right now, less than a week after polls closed And, as the Biden camp continues to
I don't know whether or not red-pilling Trump's fans will help, but it should already be
obvious to those with eyes open that too many people believe whatever they see and hear on TV.
It's entirely possible that most of the Trump supporters won't be red-pilled at all.
Even Americans who don't particularly like or trust Trump may be disgusted enough with the
blatant media push to declare Biden the winner, that they decide not to allow it any more. That
may be enough to get some of them to decide that waiting for government to "do something" is a
waste of time.
If the rioters decide to riot in celebration of Biden's win, or in outrage over his win
being revealed as fraud and rejected, some number of Americans could just decide to shut the
rioters down themselves. It wouldn't be that hard for armed Americans who know how to fight,
and there are hundreds of thousands of combat vets with recent experience who just might go
ahead and do it.
One thing's for sure, they won't be giving any warning on social media before they hit
@christine and despicable human acts as i have seen those pictures of massive piles of
They tortured the bison! The horror!
I guess you have never heard about Buffalo Jumps, then?
You may claim to be white, but it's clear you have had your empty head filled by Anti-White
delusional lies. The Siberians were so savage that during the French Indian wars the French
troops finally refused to fight alongside their Indian allies, because they were savage to the
point that the French viewed them as being similar to the THE XENOMORPHS from the movie
excellent. In The last 20 years they have changed deeply. Because only 17 years ago they
were all gung ho about destroying Iraq. Perhaps a bit of depleted uranium shot into Peoria will
cement their views.
@Bill lifetime. The only politicians who really gave a damn about Whites in my lifetime
were Dixiecrats, and probably most of them were good ole boy crooks who just talked a good game
but CAVED eventually. Hell, Strom Thurmond fathered a mixed race daughter IF I am not mistaken.
Tell me what did all the Presidents from JFK to Obama do to make this nation better? And
before you give the standard JFK horseshit, JFK was all for the multiracial plan for America,
and he sure supported integration of schools down South. Okay, let me hear what President in
time and I am all ears.
The point is whites did nothing that any one of those tribes wouldn't have done to all the
others if they had had the power to do it. (If anything, whites treated them much better than
they treated each other.) We might look at that from the vantage point of 21st century morality
and call it awful – just as we might with the Mongol or Islamo-Arab conquests – but
it would remain 'ancient history,' not something to constantly dredge up in order to instill
racial guilt and gain political advantage.
We'll see about the "red pilled" part, but even liberals out here, even ones who voted
Biden, are NOT convinced Biden-Harris won legitimately. And who knows? Maybe the criminal
psycho elites realized perhaps awakening a couple 'o hundred million gun owners was a but
premature and will "allow" Trump to retake the White House I mean, Biden's doing what Biden was
gonna do .make the whole damned thing look illegit. And NOBODY out here has anything but
distrust when it comes to Harris one liberal from Commie-fornia who lived there knows Harris is
Really it all come down to these–will we let them take our guns, will we let them
force vaccines on us, and will we let them burn this nation to the ground while forcing all
rural folks into stack 'n packs, Agenda 2030 style?
@utu o if there was ever a serious prospect it might happen, they would probably want to
separate as well. And why not? Ultimately, we're all better off living around people more like
ourselves than less like ourselves. (Duh)
And why would anyone be required to call himself a 'bantustan nationalist'? When
Mexicans arrive in America they don't suddenly cease to call themselves Mexican, so why should
Americans stop calling themselves American simply because of an altered political geography?
For an intelligent man, it's astonishing how quickly you transform into a blithering idiot the
moment you begin discussing issues that emotionally disturb you.
Good suggestion. Perhaps some can think of others. Either way, it's good because it's more
cultural than political, at least it sounds that way, and because it puts the focus exactly
where it belongs, on our basic freedoms.
One thing's for certain. Putting ideology and politics before race and culture, ie; Right =
White (and visa versa) will be like shooting yourself in the foot before running a marathon in
difficult terrain. In other words, it'd be a piece of unforgivable stupidity. And irreversible
as well. Since, if this is flubbed, a second chance will not come again.
I guess for some white yanks the truth about the birth of their country is a little too
close to the bone for their liking and a bit too raw and painful but the truth is the truth and
shame on all the euro invaders of all of the Americas in the past.
Try coming out to rural remote far west Texas .Austin isn't all of Texas. And I said rural,
not El Paso!
And, oh yeah, Midland-Odessa, Lubbock, Amarillo that is, all of Texas except El Paso westward
of the San Antonio-Austin lib-tard areas (including artsy-fartsy Marfa they may like Biden but
the don't like Harris if you know what I mean).
JSI is basically a criminal organization that wants power. Everything they say and do flows
from this. They are The People Of The Lie . The point is, you might be able to obtain
control of a culture or civilization through lies. But you can't run it that way.
And now we're back to the point you raise in your comment and what it directs our attention
to. It directs our attention to what we're witnessing, to what anyone can see as soon as they
stop talking about how powerful they are and how screwed everyone else is. Enough! No. What
we're witnessing is nothing less than The Pyrrhic Victory Of Jewish Supremacy Inc .
@christine I think your heart is in the right place, I and I respect that, but instead of
trying to right things that are ancient history how about focusing on what IS HAPPENING TO YOUR
PEOPLE RIGHT NOW. Whites are being slaughtered in South Africa. Little children being held
hostage while they watch their mother raped right in front of their eyes, entire families of
Whites being butchered by racist Black thugs. I am all for you pointing out how Whites were
guilty of mistreating the Native American, but I would also ask you to point that passion to
something that is going on RIGHT NOW, something that didn't happen long ago and can't be
changed. YOUR OWN PEOPLE are suffering, does that not bother you?
What a bad joke the dissident right wignat faction turned out to be.
Richard Spencer and the bugger accounts aligned with his views are doing nothing but
spamming straight-up system propaganda, a lot of which has migrated onto these pages.
The author Jonathan Van Maren seems to think the American electorate has realigned itself
with social conservatism + economic populism on the GOP side, and progressivism, elitism and
Big tech on DNC side. Based on this, he calls for the GOP to use social conservatism
specifically anti-abortion, anti-assisted suicide, pro medicare, pro social security to appeal
to a coalition of working class America including blacks and Latinos.
The main reason people like me voted for Trump is because of immigration and
non-interventionism which he promised on his campaign trail in 2016. We want to see America
end the endless wars and the endless immigration . I could care less about abortion,
assisted suicide, medicare or social security.
Once again, the social conservatives missed the boat and are now calling for more coalition
with Latinos, which probably means support for more immigration as George W. did, because
Latinos make good conservatives, right? When will these idiots wake up?! Have they been reading
Ron Unz's misleading articles on Hispanic crime? Ann Coulter was so right. The Republican party
is the stupid party, and it's because it's run by tone deaf "conservatives" that run webzines
like TAC and National Review.
Just read at The Duran: "Obama lackey John Pilger resigns from DOJ election crimes job."
Maybe Mr. Pilger knows something too? Maybe he resigned before being fired? Maybe those
Dominion Voting machines have been compromised using algorithms?
This is heating up. I actually believe Trump will win.
@Tucker y the Jews? Has it worked for European man, or, with its strictures to turn the
other cheek, has it made him a second class citizen? That was my thoughts when I saw so many
disgusting, pathetic whites bowing down and kissing the boots of BLM Supremacists this summer.
In any case, unless one is so hopelessly wedded to Christianity that his mind is closed, an
article written by Thomas Dalton, "Christianity: The Great Jewish Hoax," has taken the
Christian myth head on (National Vanguard, 9 Aug 2020). Indeed, as Israel-first Evangelicals
have taken control of Christianity in the US, we should ask if devotion to a Middle Eastern Jew
named Jesus is helping or hurting our cause.
@Richard B r with the foreigners; and this spirit of wear, principle of any cowardice, is
so natural in their hearts, that it is the continual object of the figures that they employ in
the species of eloquence which is proper for them. Their glory is to put at fire and blood the
small villages they can seize. They cut the throat of the old men and the children; they hold
only the girls nubiles; they assassinate their Masters when they are slaves; they can never
forgive when they are victorious: they are enemy of the human mankind. No courtesy, no science,
no art improved in any time, in this atrocious nation. -- Voltaire, Essai sur les mœurs
(1756) Tome 2, page 83
@Ultrafart the Brave pon its introduction. Since then the government has provided tax
incentives to people paying for private insurance. Basically you pay a reduced medicare levy if
you have private insurance. The Australian medical system has it's faults like long waiting
times for elective surgery etc but it's still pretty good.
On the immigration front though Australia is in worse shape than the US. We have a much
smaller population and it doesn't take as much third world immigration to turn it into a third
world country. Especially since many use New Zealand as a back door into Australia. Australia
is already unrecognisable from even just 20 years ago. In another 20 it's likely to resemble
Trump has now moved over to Gab, a free-speech platform that has embraced thought
criminals of all kinds (so far). Trump's supporters will follow him to Gab -- millions of
them. They will read the other stuff and become more red-pilled. You can almost predict this
one with mathematical certainty.
Lots of conservatives are now departing Facebook and Twitter for other social media
platforms that are less restrictive. This will further separate the left and right in this
country, as they'll have even that much less in common. It will separate families, with
liberals staying on Facebook, and their conservative family members leaving, decreasing
communication between them, especially now with all the Corona bulls ** t being used to
suppress the association of people in meat-space.
But, anyone who actively promotes the idea that Whites should just completely opt out is
pushing advice that is exactly what our mortal enemies want most.
They are oddly quiet about it. Unlike everything else they want.
White people are going to need to get good at living in diaspora, since that's where we are
at now. We need to adopt tribal methods similar to the way other tribes operate. For example,
spending a little more to buy from our own people. Finding a way to brand white ownership.
Finding a way to associate said white ownership with white activism.
It is no good giving money to a local, vice signalling white traitor. It would be better to
get cheap products from a multinational, at least you get value for money. However, we need to
find ways of rewarding our own financially. We need to ensure that money goes out for things of
value – land, buildings, shares of companies, etc. Money comes in from the fruit of our
labor and intellect.
It isn't going to be easy because Jews have attempted to criminalize many of the things we
would like to do (specifically us, while giving other races/ethnicities a pass), but we can
find ways around that.
It will be easier to live in diaspora than via separatism.
The author is an idiot. To begin with, not all 70 million or so people who voted for Trump
were White. He received, what, 30% of the Hispanic vote. Also, approximately 20% of black males
voted for Trump.
Your guy just lost flatout. He was unpopular.
70 million means what? I call that pathetic compared to what Biden got.
Btw, you guys were able to be racist the last four years. Sit your butt down the next 4 years
because you White nationalists suck ass.
Urban Whites don't like you, period.
Whites invented everything? Even if that was the case, it came from URBAN WHITES. You mother
fuckers, whose ancestors are probably farmboys, only take credit.
What have rural whites achieved? Nothing besides taking credit.
Besides all this, due to immigration, most of the entrepreneurs and inventors are liberal
Bottomline is that liverals invented everything. Rural hillbillies did shit!
@randall r n that over the top cartoon character seriously to being with. He reminded me of
some of those (((actors))) who frequented those '90's talk shows like Donahue or Doprah Pigfrey
portraying "White Supremacists" or foaming at the mouth skinhead so called "neo-Nazis." haha. I
think they found out that half of those characters were Jews who worked for the ADL or at least
some them were. All portrayed the same old stereotype of an evil White racist who shocked the
audience by saying "niggers" or just portraying anyone who is pro-White civil rights as a
maniacal neanderthal. My gaydar always went off every time I watched a video of Spencer
speaking that MANUFACTURED horseshit anyhow.
Only the Christians. The rest can "go" back to Arabia.
Mohammedans are our enemy. Their prophet said so. Racially, Arabs are just poor, stupid
Jews– unless they live above oil, then they're rich, stupid Jews. The problem with your
analysis is that it isn't anti-Semitic enough .
And tell blacks that Jews exploit them for profits.
Tell Mexicans that Jews hog all the wealth.
They already know. They don't care. Just someone different to kiss up to.
@tomo istic culture that is foreign to them and which makes them feel alone and inferior.
So they respond accordingly. The same is true for young Canadians in general.
I agree that immigrants are no longer assimilating, but not because Canada lacks a strong
sense of national identity. The main reasons are demographic and technological. Immigrants now
arrive in such large numbers that they end up interacting only with each other. They can also
watch TV programming in their own language, via the Internet or cable TV, and communicate with
people back home via Skype or social media.
Assimilation takes effort, even in ideal conditions, so more and more immigrants are taking
the easy way out. They learn enough English or French for work, and that's usually enough.
@lavoisier he government has to stop shoving diversity down our throats continuously.
I think this is one area where most objective people can agree.
Idiotic attempts by governments at social engineering and correcting past injustices by
penalising the present population continue to be rolling disasters worldwide.
I would think the German people might eventually rebel against their perpetual financial
tribute to the Holocaust doctrine, if not for the current crop of self-inflicted immigration
problems engulfing Europe.
I also suspect that the "white supremacist" propaganda isn't a benevolent attempt to correct
society's problems. Rather, it looks more like part of a coordinated destructive strategy to
dismantle the existing society. Wielgus , says:
November 12, 2020 at 7:49 pm GMT • 1.0 days ago
Miller's maternal grandfather had sought to emigrate to the USA from Lithuania and got off
the ship at its destination, which he thought was New York. It was in fact Cork in Ireland. His
daughter, Miller's father, became a well-known novelist in Ireland.
For me its more about recognition of past evils and their karmic effect on a nation and the
color of skin doesn't come into it at all really but i do have a real soft spot for the native
North American Indian cause because i have had shamanic past life recollections of being one
and so i will always side with the Indians over the disgusting European invaders of North
America and i will never ever forget those photos i have seen of absolutely humungous piles of
shot Bison that were killed in an attempted genocide of the Indians and if the Indians scalped
many out of revenge then i hope that the pain was excruciatingly intense.
Here is something to consider: Liberals in general are happy people. Conservatives, on the
other hand, have a victim mentality.
You could see that conservatives had this victim mentality even under Trump.
Also, from my own experience, the conservative types have fucked up lives. Due to their own
issues, they lash out.
Could it not be that the reason you have a bad life is due to your own problems? Instead of
blaming immigrants or blacks and hispanics, consider looking at your own life.
"It came from urban whites". At the time of the greate innovative wave in the US there was
no such thing as "Urban" citizenry, as almost all major towns were located directly within
farming territory, and a cosmopolitan mentality was nowhere to be found, guys like Edison,
Ford,Tesla, held absolutely no connection to any sort of "Liberal" worldview.
Name a few of "Liberal" "Inventions" Come on give a list thereof.
You are a bloody ignoramous and full of shit up to your ears. You have no clue as to what
you are blathering about.
AJM "Mensa" qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro Jazz artist.
Logic is certainly not your strong suit. Why would people of any color capable of anything
worth mentioning bow down to a corrupt senile stuffed shirt?
@Questioner nk it would probably be best for you and all those who agree with you to
kill their family and extended family, and then blow their own brains out. Firstly, to atone
for "white guilt" and "white privilege" and secondly as a constructive means of reducing the
white population in these "stolen" Injun lands. Seems perfectly reasonable to me.
Of course, if you worthless cunts can't summon the nerve to do that, then you should at the
very least, REMOVE YOUR OWN WHITE ITINERANT ASS from this "stolen land".
@Muaddib The average Biden voter = anti-White and yes there are anti-White white people, I
call them WINOs short for White In Name Only or better yet, white traitor trash
I think liberals have went the way of the Dodo Bird. And no, racist Jews, who PRETEND to
love everyone Black, Brown, etc., anyone except Whites are only pretending to love POC to USE
THEM against Whitey. Case in point, in Israel they export African Jews all the time proving
that Judaism isn't a religion but a race. Nope, I doubt Sammy Davis Jr. would have ever truly
been welcomed to move to Israel. And there is no such thing as a nonwhite liberal, nonwhites
are tribal as hell and only out for themselves.
@Authenticjazzman ated? How about, uh, everything, including the internet you are using?
Yes, and immigants and minorities contributed.
If you don't like liberals, maybe you should start by turning off your computer.
But let me guess, you want to breathe the liberal air.
You brag about your Mensa score. And what did you achive with that? Hatred for liberals? So
what good was your Mensa? It was probably a fraud.
Look around you. The world has changed. You are basically an Amish in a sea of modernity.
This is what you get when you don't meet people of all types.
Just old, disgruntled and blaming others because your life wasn't ideal.
Yeah this is why they fill the waiting rooms of shrinks to be pumped full of psycho-drugs,
and resort to "screaming at the sky" when their political party loses an election.
Liberals are the most disturbed, troubled grouping of individuals to be found world-wide.
They are the nut-cases who stick themselves full of needles and pins , and dye their hair blue
so as to present their deranged worldview for all to see.
Again you are a hopeless moron and have no clue as to what you are blathering about.
Here is something to consider: Liberals in general are happy people. Conservatives, on the
other hand, have a victim mentality.
Yes, we've seen myriad examples of those happy, well adjusted, tolerant "Liberal" people
over the last four years. When they're not freaking out or breaking down, they're "lashing out"
in the form of assaulting, burning, destroying, looting, and murdering etc
Is the author of this article a coward – he attacks the weak blacks – and
ignores the overpowering Jews.
Blacks are not America's problem – Jews are.
Do blacks own and or control social media, print media, broadcast media, Congress, the
president, schools, Wall Street, and the Fed – or is it Jews. Be honest.
It is the Jews who siphon our wealth and divide us.
Jews control the cities that are devastated by black crime. Get the Jews out of control, and
things will improve. Guaranteed!
Societies need both a political left and a political right – the Jew control of the
left is killing America. (Actually, they control both.)
Jeff Costello needs to put on his big boy pants and attack the true evil in America.
Plenty in the US are pure Europeans. Many Nordic and German families are recent immigrants.
Old Colonials often have slight Native admixture. Bantu Africans, Aztecs, ect. need to return
all stolen territory aswell then.
And not so long ago Trump and Netanyahu were such buddies
That, my friend, was exactly why I posted that. Thank you for emphasizing the
In case Wally doesn't get it, new boss is much the same as the old boss, and Netanyahu was
never a friend to either, not that it should come as a surprise to anyone. Netanyahu won't give
Trump a second thought after the "ingrovelation."
Jews this and that. This is the problem with White Nationalists. You believe in conspiracy
Newsflash: Soros does not control anything. He is old, and about to die. He has money. He is
pretty much a moderate.
Qanon is stupidity. If any Mensa guy here believes in the stupidity known as Qanon, consider
a retest.
Comments like this, "while our blacks have been here a long time and some of them do sing,
dance, and dribble well, they are mostly parasites who contribute almost nothing to the society
except grief.", are all too common in white nationalist circles and gives the illusion of truth
to the Jewish propaganda about us.
One has to wonder if that is the intention. It basically says white nationalists hate everyone
but themselves which is exactly what Jews are saying about us in the propaganda system
This is not a closed site! Anyone can come in here and read these tacky remarks.
I think some of you need to follow the Jewish example which is hate the goy while you pretend
to help them
In case you didn't know, non-whites are about 50% of the population now and considering all the
fire power is in support of them against us. perhaps we can find another way to advocate our
I don't know their political views or what passes for a liberal but one thing is certain
WHITES have contributed more than all the other races combined. Henry Ford, Wright Brothers,
Tesla, Thomas Edison, etc., I don't think those guys were Jews or negroes.
My guess is YOU ARE NOT A LIBERAL, you are either an anti-White racist Jew, and or some
other form of anti-White degenerate who HIJACKED the term, "liberal." In your case the correct
tag would be, LIEberal.
I think the Irish band Clannad wrote songs about and in solidarity with the North American
Indians, so you could be right.
This genocide and the photographic images from it that i have seen will never be forgotten
by me and the color of the faces of the Europeans with guns doesn't come into it and if i
mentioned 'white euro scum' it was to differentiate between northern Europeans and those a bit
darker/olive skinned southern Europeans that invaded lands further south than todays U.S.A.
It's not language or race or skin colour, its CULTURE.
Hate to break the news to you, bossman, but "language, race and skin color" as well as
religion have very much to do with CULTURE.
The author makes a lot of cogent and well-reasoned points, but his delivery lacks nuance
and has a coarseness which suggests prejudice to the point of racism.
I'm afraid any jackass who accepts or gives credence to the enemy's descriptors of those who
naturally honor and favor their own race to others, does not really deserve to be taken
Fwiw, I'm willing to go the step further and view the author as a likely racist and
supremacist. Most people like that have lived sheltered lives and had little exposure to a
variety of peoples. Many of their assertions are simply empty and unaware of ahem the real
You shouldn't make personal statements about people you don't know. You could read more of
this author's work to discover his ideological evolution and that his views result from life
experience and not the lack of it.
The Indians didn't scalp out of revenge, they scalped because they were primitive
On or about the year 1,300 AD long before the Siberians saw a single white man, one tribe of
Siberians murdered, scalped, and ate every single one of the 498 women and children of the
losing tribe whose men the victorious Siberians had slaughtered.
And we know this because we found the bones of the women and children at Crow Creek in
Tell me, when you were a Shaman in your past life how much Man Corn did you eat?
@Peter Frost ly of all ages as well as tourist to hear their opinion – and I have
never met anyone who does not agree or has similar stories. People are very lonely here and
there is too much virtue signaling without any virtue. I spent a few months on a placement in
one of the biggest hospitals in Toronto – and what I have seen there confirms my
experience. Every day there was one or two teenagers (white) trying to kill themselves. That's
only what I have seen while on ER. I spoke to mental 'health' patients too.
There is far too much passive aggressive backstabbing here in Canada – definitely more
than I have seen anywhere (I've lived in London, LA, SF, DC, Serbia , Germany etc)
@Trinity ve equal rights. Immigrants have equal rights. DACA folks who came here due to no
fault of their own need to be given a chance to stay here, etc.
2. Social programs can be good for society. Think not just social security, but also healthcare
for all.
When you treat everybody with respect, by nature you are a happy person.
I will tell you something. If somehow all immigrants and minorities were kicked out, you would
still be unhappy. The reason is that you are by nature unhappy.
So think about where your life is. Whose fault is that? Put your ego aside. It was YOUR
So why blame anybody else?
Trump did not do much to curb legal immigration especially H1B and international students
until the very end, a couple of months before the election. Now Biden is about to undo
everything and let the MexChindian third world horde wash over us. The dumb millennials who
complained about being unemployed or underemployed with massive student loan debt will have an
even harder time finding a job now. I've often wondered why these idiots still insist on voting
for Biden.
Another regulatory change, now in the proposed rule stage, would eliminate the H-1B visa
lottery in favor of prioritizing applicants earning higher wages.
"It basically will again ice out anyone who's entry-level," said Sharvari Dalal-Dheini,
director of government relations for the American Immigration Lawyers Association. Many
international students use the H-1B visa as a pathway for staying to work in the U.S. after
they graduate.
The least Trump could do on his way out is to finalize this crucial rule as a parting gift
to his base which largely stuck by him. It took him long enough to finally get to this. He
should've cancelled H1b and OPT on Day 1. If he had done that he might have won the
@christine frican children and women, as well as adult males being slaughtered in South
Africa by marauding racist genocidal Blacks?
Hmm, IF you are TRULY concerned about injustice in a demonic world, why aren't you concerned
about Whites?
Do you feel for the Whites who endured the Holodomor? Did you know that Genrikh Yagoda and
Lazar Kaganovich, two chief architects of the systemic starvation of MILLIONS of Ukrainian and
Russian Whites were Jewish?
are MORE ANTI-WHITE than someone who really cares about humanity, truth or justice. Hell, you
probably are not even (((Irish.)))
That you americans vote for that mafioso, is beyond comprehension.
You are so extremely stupid, and I am sorry to say, you bring it on all of us!
Why do you even vote for Bidén!?
Vote for Trump and after half term, create a more representative party.
The freest country in the world, and you just let it happen.
Anyway, I dont believe the official result.
You americans have not been that stupid.
Take the banner of Christ!
And reject zionism.
And reclaim youre country!
The world is waiting.
Complete drivel. As a German-American of almost two centuries of heritage, I don't identify
with your labels, priorities or prejudices.
If you're concerned about certain colors of people having more children than you, the
solution is simply to be generous with the Creator with your families. Have more children.
We're dealing with serious control freaks here people. I wish people would just realize that
the COMMUNISTS stole the election and are about to go full Bolshevik on us.
YT is already petrified by blacks at work. One slip up, and it's off to the HR gulag
archipelago, then full termination. Anyone who is not a "true believer" in the Revolution, will
be scheduled for termination.
Amazing how history repeats itself. YT has been so programmed to think of everyone as
"nice," that they can't even come close to imagining that Satanic Marxist pedophiles just stole
a national election.
As if anyone could make peace with such Hellspawn.
That's the facts, Jack. Who gives a Fiddler's fuck if it offends your delicate
White Christian European people, and White Americans in particular, will apologize when
every other race, nation and religion are duly scrutinized and exposed for their "crimes" and
Which will most likely happen in the reign of Queen Dick lol
We are not now, nor will we EVER be, ashamed of our history or our people, despite the best
efforts of the Jew Globalist Left.
I would not count on the GOP, even with a 52 vote majority, to stop any attempt at
immigration reform by the Dems. There are enough RINOs in there including both of the R from
Utah(Mike Lee, Mitt Romney), Marco Rubio, Lindsay Graham, Lisa Murkowsky, Joni Ernst, to name
but a few, who could easily go with the Dems on reform.
Mike Lee (R-UT), one of Trump's faves, has been trying to push through the Indian green card
bill S. 386 for at least the last two years. The bill was originally to give employment based
greencards, some 140k per year, to Indian nationals only for the next ten years. After
being blocked 3 times by 3 different senators – Perdue(R-GA), Dick Durban(D-IL), Rick
Scott(R-FL), the bill has morphed into a monster.
With each blockage, the bill keeps getting changed to include more and more beneficiaries.
In its final iteration, it will now 1) up the per country limit for family based greencard from
7% to 15%, 2) completely eliminate the per country cap of 7% for employment based visa, 3)
remove an offset that reduced visas available for Chinese nationals, 4) Reserve a
percentage(didn't say what %) of EB2 and EB3 visas (both for high skills) to nationals from
outside the top two countries (which I am guessing are India and China), with max of no more
than 85% from any single country.
Most importantly, the latest iteration of this bill will treat any Indian who has applied
for a green card as already having one, with all the benefits of a greencard while they wait,
incl. being able to travel, change jobs.
More Americans need to wake up to this type of treasonous bills being pushed by GOP
There is many Jews here but I see nothing untrue about stating the fact that Blacks
contribute very little. You've stated nothing Blacks contributed and merely whined about Whites
doing what every non-White race does more than Whites. No race has been more of a
"schwartze-lover" than Whites. Whites should be more honest about race and stop believing
Blacks are magical. Whites should not tolerate any bad behavior from Blacks or any non-White
race for that matter.
This is a joke, right? Millions of non-whites are simply going to get up and leave their
homes, jobs, schools, neighborhoods so that Whites can have a little patch of paradise? Has our
dear article author been hitting the crack pipe again?
I got news for you. The world is not flat. Leeches do not suck disease out of humans. The earth
is brown, no longer yellow, red, black, and white. It gets browner every day.
As for a shared culture and a homeland, the whites were the only race dumb enough not to
preserve theirs. Japan is almost 100% Asian. China is Asian. Africa is black. India is Indian.
The USA is a mixture of everything. Europe is a mixture of everything. The whites were the only
race with the inability to preserve a homeland. Hence they are too shortsighted to deserve
Whites need to get increasingly audacious using insulting humor of the Charlie Hebdo, or SNL
kind. It's free speech, right? I feel empowerment growing among Whites during the Voter Fraud
Saga and I think there will be a lot less self-censorship from now on. The hate speech laws
need to be brought to court so that a charge of "racism" has to be substantiated, or otherwise
ruled as a federal hate crime. Who started the whole Racism Industry? Could it have been Jewish
intellectuals in their pursuit of the cultural and economic genocide of Gentiles?
@Felix Krull or more items according to specified parameters.
In common usage, though, "discriminate" is taken to mean the unfair treatment of one party
compared to another. Again, typically regarded as an uncivilised activity. And again, this may
be pertinent within a given context, but is not automatically true.
So, strictly speaking, there's nothing fundamentally wrong with "racism".
However, IMO the author uses language which suggests disdain for black Americans (for
example). If that is an expression of "racism", then it would be in the colloquially "bad"
Regardless, IMO the emphasis on the racial dimension limits the article's perspective. Is
"Trumpism" just a white movement, or is it an American movement, or is it something more (or
"The Stolen Election Will Red-Pill 70 Million Americans"
Here's a real "red pill" for murkans [and the rest of the world], stated 3 different ways:
"Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure" Robert LeFevere
"Taking the State wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to
differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators and beneficiaries from those of a
professional-criminal class." Albert J. Nock
"Because they are all ultimately funded via both direct and indirect theft [taxes], and
counterfeiting [central bank monopolies], all governments are essentially, at their very cores,
100% corrupt criminal scams which cannot be "reformed"or "improved",simply because of their
innate criminal nature." onebornfree
@anon He's the one the people voted for, not them, and they are just waking up to this now.
It's the same type of diversion the Democrats just tried to pull off with Antifa and BLM.
They got everybody looking at "White Supremacy", racial and identity issues so that you
wouldn't be looking at the money the elites are skimming off the top. I'm sure they could have
cared less about the POC.
The elites are fighting Trump hard; they don't want him changing anything. They knew it
would be mainly "Whites" voting for Trump, so they invented this White Supremacy bullshite.
Yes, the people who voted for Trump ARE interested in immigration, and so is Trump.
stick themselves full of needles and pins , and dye their hair blue so as to present their
deranged worldview for all to see
Yep, that describes it. I understand that a lot of people cannot help being stupid, but I
never understood why people want to aggressively advertise their stupidity. Perverted
exhibitionism, maybe?
Costello seems a strange choice of nom de plume for a white nationalist. I at least identify
the name as Shepardi Jew. The J word never comes up in the article with its problematic issue
of where Jews fit in a white nationalist homeland. Has anyone noticed the only high profile non
retired public figure left with a wasp name and is not black is Homer Simpson? I am of course
exaggerating but the signs are there. With the demise of the white wasps has come the fall of
foundation America. The non wasps don't really share its cultural sentiments. Its sobriety is
lacking except among the best black people who share its names. I am thinking of Ben Carson.
Homer Simpson is a cartoon of a simple slobbish white American. There is no public movement to
remove him of course. So it isn't really surprising America is going the catastrophic way of
her sourthern neighbours.
Q Anon is clearly JFK jr. His crash and recovery was prophesised in the Nostradamus Quatrain
for July of 1999. He carries on the legacy of the Kennedys since grandfather Joe as does his
cousin Robert Kennedy.
Brother Nathanael's latest instalment is a doozy, FAKE NEWS, FAKE ELECTION :
Hardest-hitting passage:
Cackling Commie Kamal, who humped her way to the top, married Big Tech lawyer Jew, Douglas
Emhoff, a few years back.
The Jew would be "First Man" and you can kiss your First Amendment goodbye.
Big Tech -- (with Emhoff's impending high position and legal conniving) -- will be free to
ban all 'hate speech,' which is 'speech' Jews 'hate' to hear.
And the entire Jew-owned media and their leftist political machine operatives will decide
all elections from henceforth now and forever.
You are about to enter the Twilight Zone -- a Jew-ruled, Jew-ruined, Jew-controlled
@DaveE an mean the need for white unity & power. Or it can mean white power as the
basis for world domination. Nationalism need not be imperialist but often took an imperialist
turn in the past when a nation became very powerful.
In contrast, 'liberation' emphasizes the need for whites to seek emancipation from the current
power that dominates the West and the World which is Jewish Power. (Even 'white national
liberation' sounds better than mere 'white nationalism'.) White Politics that only focuses on
whites and white power is less likely to be appealing than White Politics that seeks freedom
from the actual tyranny that rules the world: Jewish Supremacist Power or JSP.
I think more likely, whites will sink into despair and return to a state of apathy for
politics. I don't see any Republican being able to generate the kind of enthusiasm Trump did.
Tucker Carlson does not have the financial backing or the personality cult. Josh Hawley and Tom
Cotton are two Zionist social conservatives who will revert back to the GOP's standard
abortion, abortion, abortion and say nothing about immigration or non-interventionism to rouse
enough interest from Trump's base.
The only way for white nationalism to stay alive is if Trump stays politically active
through outlets like Newsmax TV and ,
and return for another run for office in 2024. However he needs to be very careful. Once he
leaves office he will no longer have the kind of security protection given him as POTUS. There
had been many assassination attempts while he's in office (at least 6 I've heard of), he could
put himself in great danger if he continues to stay in the limelight to position himself for
As far as a separate whites only nation within the US, look at states that are probably the
whitest – Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, all are heavily (D). A fat lot of good that
does. TX will be (D) by 2024, too many Hispanics and CA transplants, like AZ and NV. Whites are
too splintered, thanks in large part to single white women, who voted 62% in favor of Biden,
compared to married white women who went for Trump 55%. White women are marrying and having
children at an ever lower rate due to lack of eligible men. White women graduated from college
at 60% to 40% compared to white men. As most women only want to marry up, college educated
women rarely want to date much less marry non-college educated men. Due to height issues, most
white women would only date white men or occasionally, black men. Asian and Hispanic men are
too short and unromantic. Meanwhile more and more white men are marrying Asian and Hispanic
women. White women are running out of men to date, marry and start a family. More unmarried
white women means more white votes will be going for Biden.
October 25 (November 7 NS): The October Revolution begins when the Bolsheviks take over
Petrograd (also called the November Revolution if following the Gregorian calendar).
@Thomasina two months before this election that he proposed some rule changes to H1b, and
still none of those rules have been finalized and probably never will. He made these tech
plantation owners many times richer through the stock market, while they treated him with
contempt and helped bring him down. What an idiot!
If Trump had cancelled H1b, OPT, L1 and all other work visas and forced our employers to
hire and train US workers on Day 1 as he promised, he might have won by a landslide by now. The
only group that went down in votes for him in 2020 is white men, because too many feel betrayed
by him in immigration. All he cares about is taking care of Jews and blacks, both Jews in
Israel and on Wall Street. He trusted wormtongue too much, and that's his downfall.
Richard Pilger is (was) the top DOJ Official investigating voter fraud who resigned after
Barr authorized federal prosecutors to pursue "substantial allegations" of voter irregularities
before the election outcome is certified. He is a swamp rat, a cretin, one of many who should
have been drained from the swamp long ago.
John Pilger, on the other hand, is a hero, a filmmaker and journalist with a long, excellent
record of shining light on malfeasance and bad behavior of politicians of every stripe.
The culture of the Chosen people does not understand the concept of compassion. This is
why the world has been in a very sad place for the last hundred or so years since
@Priss Factor the white race and goyim in general. Just ask the Palestinians about the
nature of Jewish Power.
Spot on here. Don't expect Biden to let up though. The Jew owned media (both msm and
"conservative" media e.g. Zerohedge, Breitbart, National Review, Fox News) will keep up the
pressure. I see a future, perhaps in two decades, where East Asian immigration to the US will
come to a screeching halt, and most likely even go into reverse as more East Asians return to
their homelands because Jews, negroes, homos, trannies, stupid white women, Latino drug gangs,
Muslim terrorists, Sub Saharan African welfare leeches, Indian H1b slaves with their
clannishness, collusion with Jews and caste-ism make the US an increasingly unlivable hellhole.
Oldtradesman ,
November 13, 2020 at 12:28 am GMT • 19.6 hours ago
I won a lottery given by the renters, and was given free transatlantic transport.
Your line's post-African existence and ability to publicly complain like little girls owes
much to the transatlantic slave trade. Thank the niggas who sold your ancestors into slavery,
There's plenty of majority-white states you can move to if Pale Skin is so important to you.
Go to West Virginia, for instance.
Majority-white states with conservative governments tend to be dull, economically depressed
and stagnant. The same will characterize the imaginary white secessionist state you
It's amazing to me that someone could speak with such satisfaction about other people being
subjugated simply because of their color. But then again, animals like you have no morals nor
any decency.
That's why the vast majority of whites in this country will say "no thanks" to your ugly
A lot to unpack by the author, who is simply stating things we already have heard
"A White Nationalist is someone who believes that white peoples have a right to their own
You do have your own homelands. It's just that in a number of cases, you invaded other
homelands for gimmedats and free stuff.
"So that, as a White Nationalist, I am a German nationalist, an English nationalist, a
Scottish nationalist, a French nationalist, etc. Or, at least, I support all those
And what about Eastern and Southern Europeans? Why no example of you being a Polish
nationalist or a Slavic nationalist? Remember, these groups were deemed to be other than
heritage Americans–dirty, filthy papists who should have never entered our shores with
their alien mannerisms.
"To be a white nationalist in America is really to recognize that the core "American people"
are the white people whose ancestors built the country and who continue to pay for it. Thus,
American White Nationalism = American nationalism."
The reality is that American nationalism is defined by each person and group how they view
"Since it now looks impossible to go back to the good old days when we had blacks in
complete subjection"
Slavery and Jim Crow laws were decidedly anti-American nationalism, and were patently unjust
and immoral.
"white Americans will never work toward a white American homeland unless they are aware of
themselves as White Americans"
We are aware of ourselves as white Americans, just not in the manner you prefer. Do we not
have agency? Must we submit to your definition of what is and what is not a white
"that we effectively secede from the USA and carve out our own white space (or spaces)
within North America. It is this latter option that now seems like it may be our only option,
and something we must work toward."
It will take a fight. Will you be front and center, or far away from the hostilities?
"The country was already fractured along political lines. Now it is completely broken Now
their faith has been completely and irreparably shattered. And this is hugely significant for
us And those many millions of whites are now choking down a gigantic red pill. As we all know,
the red pill is the path to liberation."
What you are doing here is ASSUMING. The "us" is not "we". It's only those people who you
know for absolute certain are on your side.
"It seems that there is credible evidence that there was voter fraud in the election"
More like accusations that need to meet the burden of proof.
"Take it from me -- from my own personal experience: once you have accepted that one big
thing is a total sham, you begin to wonder whether everything else is."
So why would we want to be duped like you?
"It would take whites being pushed to a point where they are so angry they speak and behave
imprudently, damning the consequences."
LOL. I've heard this argument for the past 40 years! It's always a "well, we are upset now,
but just want until we really get mad, then we will put heads on pikes". Either put up or shut
The situation is somewhat better for young whites whose parents were immigrants. Their
family structure is more stable, and they have a possible escape route. I know several who have
"returned" to Europe, even though they were born here. But it's stupid and ignorant to tell
old-stock Canadians they have that option. My ancestors left England in the 19th century, and
the ancestors of French Canadians left France in the 17th and 18th centuries. We're
I agree that "people are very lonely here" but that's relatively recent. The breakdown of
the family began in the 1960s and became "normal" in the 1990s. Again, it has nothing to do
with climate or geography -- other than the fact we're next door to the United States and its
tomo, I have been thinking a great deal about income inequality lately (especially the
relative income hypothesis (i.e., all of our social problems are caused by differences in
income)). I would love to hear your comments on this question given your wide ranging
experiences around the globe. Would life really be better for us all if we
Brazil (Portugal) was the largest consignee of African slaves in both absolute numbers and
on per capita white colonizer basis. The Anglo North American mainland was far less of a slave
based economy. Brazil was also the last nation in the Americas to outlaw slavery -- and it was
done without 600,000 white men slaughtering each other and burning the defeated side's country
to the ground.
"I think more likely, whites will sink into despair and return to a state of apathy for
If you are someone who "doesn't want to get your hopes up" or "is afraid to be disappointed"
or "is concerned that it might be a trap" or "seriously hope you're wrong", or sees doom in
every direction, then this is not the place for you. I'm not saying that you're a bad person or
that anyone here wishes you ill. I'm simply stating a simple fact: this is not the place for
you. No one here is interested in your fears, your worries, your psychological vagaries, or
your concerns.
My ancestors didn't own slaves, but it wouldn't matter if they did. The statement remains,
Troof's post-African line owes its very existence and ability to complain like little bitches
to the transatlantic slave trade. Falsify it or fuck off, traitor.
The Dems were quite determined to remove Trump from office by hook and by crook. First by
the fabricated Russiagate fake story When they did not succeed by impeachment. Now today by a
fraudulent election. They, the MIC appear to have succeeded. We are back in the Bush/Obama
Your point about the slaughter in the USA is well taken. Nevertheless, I believe it was
unnecessary and that the war there wasn't truly about slavery. Hell, I lived in an African
nation for three and a half years and saw some slavery first hand; that was 40 years ago, mind,
and the slaves were by and large as happy as clams. WASPy culture is peculiar if you ask me,
which of course you didn't, but even so Who are the "slaves" now in the USA? Hmmm?
Corvie's "moral authority" is equivalent to the Negro chieftain who sold Troof's Negro
ancestor into slavery in exchange for pretty rocks and trinkets, and less than the
"white-debils" who bought him.
@Corvinus those people worried about kissing Black ass are either COWARDS like all those
white traitor trash rich kids or Jews who really use Blacks as pawns. More than likely that
rich leftist self hating white trash is the person who owned slaves or some Jew who blames it
all on Whitey. Either way, Whites have been enslaved themselves by Arabs and are in some ways
slaves today in their own land.
You worried about Blacks, sucka, why does Israel push out Black Jews? Jive talkin', sucka,
keep it a hunnert up in here, turkey. Why did Leo Frank try to blame a Black man for his crime?
lololol. Cue the Bee Gees "Jive Talkin" for all the (((trolls))) up in here. Yo, playa, we gotz
"Because it was cheaper to have nigger's do it, so your type could purchase it."
I know, it is the inherent nature of Southrons to be lazy. It's in born.
"You are a disgrace, Corvie,"
I'm not the one who has made empty threats of violence on a opinion webzine against a woman
(snicker snack). You said, "Nancy, you are definitely the type of Irish I would have no trouble
killing, along with Joe Biden and John Brennan". You've sunk to a new low.
@Montefrío he bulk of black slaves went to the Spanish colonies, not the American
Could you please cite supporting evidence for this assertion?
All the academic accounts I've read indicate that only about 5% of the African slaves shipped
across the Atlantic were sent to the mainland English colonies that became the United States,
while the rest went to areas of Latin America and the Caribbean. However, these latter included
Portuguese, English, French, and Dutch colonies, as well as Spanish ones. The reason their need
for slaves was so enormous was that the death rate in the plantations producing sugar and other
lucrative crops was extremely high. Rogue , says:
November 13, 2020 at 2:15 am GMT • 17.8 hours ago
Did lactase persistence originate in southern Africa?
Egalitarian response:
Oh but that's the exception along with any other non-cognitive changes we might accept if you
prove they exist. But we won't talk about them and will keep telling children that everyone is
Imagine if other fields of study had to follow this insanity.
American wolves don't exist unless you are talking about DNA changes in American wolves that
separate them from European wolves. But other than those changes that would denote a different
subspecies they don't exist.
"""But all the voices on the far-Right who labeled Trump "a distraction" have now been
proved correct. Trump actually wound up doing little for white people -- despite being
continually vilified by the Left as a white supremacist""""
At least the author got that right. Trump was elected to remove the illegal aliens (almost
all of them non-white) and he did practically nothing in 4 years. It would have been easy to
make them self-deport by taking away their jobs and freebies but he didn't do it.
Thank you, sir, particularly for the multi-national breakdown, so to speak.
When all is said and done, it was an ugly business, but long ago was long ago, and imho it
has little to do with the world today. I'm Irish, and "we" weren't well treated long ago
either, but we don't whine or whinge much. I wish that were true of others whose ancestors
suffered hard times.
Me? At 74, life is wonderful! May it be so for all here!
The Stolen Election Will Red-Pill 70 Million Americans is what the Establishment/Trump hope
actually means The Stolen Election Will Keep 70 Million Americans on the Republicrat
Imagine thinking rich white conmen like Trump give a shit about you as a "white nationalist"
or that Trump or GOP are against non-white immigration. Hahahahahahhahaha
Delusional. Trump wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. He and everyone around him have
already made it clear you racist cracka ass niggaz aren't welcome in his circle or the GOP.
Oprah Winfrey, Lil Pump, Lil Wayne and Kanye have more clout with Trump than you clowns. You
should ask yourself why that is.
You, average white guy are no better than a dindu or a beaner in the eyes of rich
capitalists. In fact you're less to them because you demand a living standard and wages that
the beaner doesn't.
Let me know when Trump invites some homeless white veterans or any poor cracka for that
matter to fill his hotels, you know since he cares so much for the white race. Yall should
really take a look around if you believe these rich white guys are your allies. "White
nationalism" is a hoax.
The rich white capitalist will stab you in the back every time, history has proven this over
and over again, you're nothing but wage slaves, tax donkeys and cannon fodder to them,
Every election is stolen by the rich capitalists that own all the candidates and all the
media. The CIA and Wall St run the country, not puppet politicians
This is not your country. It is up for sale to the highest bidder, welcome to capitalism.
There are despots in Saudi Arabia that "own" more of this country than you losers. Poor low IQ
right wingers, keep believing those fairy tales your owners like telling you. Hahahahaha
@Anonymous ards possessors of illicit drugs, but no -- Hunter is special!). Biden loves,
loves the bomb, and he supported all 'humanitarian" interventions (mass-slaughters) on behalf
of the war profiteers and zionists. Or perhaps you are fond of the murderous Clinton, and the
Schiff-Schumer-Nadler triumvirate of traitors working diligently to destroy the US Consitution?
Do you really believe in the patriotism of McCabe, Strzhok, Comey, Brennan, and Dm.
Alperovitch? Too much FakeBook can be detrimental to one's cognitive function.
The woke crowd of 'progressives' is too much into the cheap revolutionary rhetoric
skillfully inserted into their brains by Bernays' pupils working for MSM.
The whole premise of the multi-cult Left is that divers racial minority groups,
sanctimonious yankees and perverts join together under the aegis of Jewry to socially
marginalize the rest of society. You cannot listen to these people for more than a minute
without hearing them vent hatred against the NORMAL people. There's a reason the Jews are so
dead-set against the way the white world was not too long ago. It's normal, it's sane, and they
DON'T FIT IN. Their depraved appetites and megalomania don't fit in with Western, Christian
@Corvinus s))) and many of them looked and acted like Corvinus.
Slavery is ANCIENT HISTORY and your kind was very well involved in it, same as a lot of
pompous Yankees who claim they fought to end slavery, blah, blah. The fact of the matter is
that only a tiny percentage of Whites ever owned slaves in the South. Poor Whites weren't
treated much better than Blacks for that matter, maybe YOUR ANCESTORS OWNED SLAVES, Corvie,
just like good ole SJW Anderson Cooper.
Fact is Blacks are not exactly saints when it comes to the African Slave Trade
How about we stick to this century, (((Corvie.))) I don't see or hear Whites whining about
being enslaved by Arabs.
The MSM, FakeBook, Twitter, and Google must be demolished, considering their willful
treasonous activities during the American color revolution (Russiagate).
By their vicious attacks on the First Amendment, the MSM, FakeBook, Twitter, and Google have
rivaled the Lobby. Or perhaps they are, in reality, an extension of the Lobby.
It took your self righteous Yankee retards four long bloody years and eight successive
commanders to defeat the "Lazy Southrons". Despite having a GDP five times as large and nearly
twenty times the amount of military age males lol
All the while devastating the homes, towns and cities of the people in the South.
This next time around, you will get a taste of war and hate, Mr Corvinus.
Of course, I doubt a pussy ass bitch like you will stand and fight.
@Muaddib synonymous with abolishing social standards. We see the poisonous fruits of giving
everybody respect rather than on conduct: an inability to use force in the face of rioting and
looting instead focusing on people who call others harsh names, rewarding family breakdown,
government debt, women screaming in the streets through bullhorns demanding that other people
pay for their fornication, an unwillingness to condemn homosexuals for deliberately spreading
AIDS for fear of being homophobic.
I will tell you something. If somehow all immigrants and minorities were kicked out, you
would still be unhappy.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- –
Its a good place to start
Robert Putnam said in his book Bowling Alone that the more diverse a society, the less trust
there is between people. He also found that in diverse communities, even whites distrust other
whites, which makes them even more alienated, because the immigrants at least form their own
ethnic communities. This is what is happening now in all Western countries. Whites are
increasingly alienated in their own countries and societies due to over immigration, leading to
depravity, depression and suicide. It's why birthrate is so low in Western European countries.
It's also why immigration must stop, not just to bring back homogeneity and kinship, but to
reduce the population so each life means more.
Again, you're asking gimme dat while oblivious to the fundamentals. Social programs aren't
payed for by the government the government doesn't make profits, it spends other peoples money
which it collects at gun point . In order to satisfy you thirst for privileges the
government has to literally rob someone else at gun point. Don't people have the right not to be
robbed? Again, only criminals think the "right" to rob is more important than the right not to
be. Moreover, the "good social programs" now stand at $185 Trillion of debt and other
liabilities. Do you know what that number means? Nothing "good" about it. annamaria , says:
November 13, 2020 at 3:23 am GMT • 16.7 hours ago
@Muaddib MSM? The dimwit wokes who avoid like a plague any discussion on Obama/Clinton's
'humanitarian interventions' in faraway countries, which resulted in a multitude of dead
civilians, many of them children.
Biden is ready to intensify the illegal war against Syria (why his progeny has not joined
the 'moderate terrorists' White Helmets is a mystery, don't you think so?). The old corrupted
opportunist would begin a hot war with Russia without understanding what he is doing.
Sure, the MIC has been terribly unhappy with Trump -- not much of 'humanitarian
interventions' during the last four years.
I suggest adjusting the author's arguments to recognise the actual fundamental issue in
play, which is not skin colour or race or language, but CULTURE.
Culture is everything! Culture determines how you treat your neighbor.
Hmm -- the average black in Mississippi has more Euro white Christian culture in him, then
the average white in NY City. Hence NYC's dysfunction.
Anti-Christian Jews are responsible for black disfunction in NYC – period!
@Muaddib -- are you a whiny liberal of lgbtq variety, demanding a special bathroom and
denouncing white privilege a la hypocritical Meghan Markle (and her ridiculous duke 'just
harry'), or you used to be a 'conservative' but it was too boring for you? You know, family
responsibilities, decent education, work ethics
California is the most liberal state in the US. But for some reason, Californias have been
fleeing California like crazy. And you know what, the happy Liberal Californians have been
fleeing to conservative states, without being invited. Last year, "the negative migration was
the 9th year in a row for California."
Ron Unz allows a base, boring, bitter troglodyte like you to post your rude and insulting
garbage on HIS site where he accepts no advertising and runs out of his own pocket so all
viewpoints can be discussed with a light hand and open mind.
I agree with the article but this election isn't actually over outside of the CNN
If the powers that be want to weaken the right they will give Trump his (obvious) win but
only after deluding democrats into thinking that they won the election. I think we are
watching that play out right now.
@Muaddib Some of the 'immigrants' were from the Soviet Union where they received a
fantastic education for nothing. The development of the Internet was conducted under the
watchful eye of intelligence services; the involved have profited handsomely on the enterprise.
Long before the 'immigrants' and their handlers made the killing, there were brilliant people
like Ada Lovelace, Turing, and others who have prepared the ground for modern information
Today, the woke profiteers ('liberals') at FakeBook and Google religiously follow the diktat
of the CIA/FBI that serve war profiteers and financial Squid. These 'liberals' have been
betraying the interests of human society at large.
@christine what is now North America wanted to stay in the stone age. They live in houses
and drive cars. If whites had never came to what is now North America the people living here
would still be stone age. It took Europeans over 6000 years to go from the iron age to the
industrial age where we were when we founded the USA. There is no way the natives who were
stone age would have been living modern lives.
Colonization was white people going around the world pulling stone age people into the
modern world. Whites are non whites benefactors and only morons cannot see this.
You are not a good thinker. You should be posting on a cooking or sewing site. Politics is
beyond your ken.
@christine your enemy in a hide bag over a roaring fire and letting them roast to death.
The ant trap: coating your enemy in a sticky resin from trees and restraining them over ant
The head bury: burying your enemy at low tide and allowing the tide to roll in and drown
The horse pull: tying each arm and leg to four separate horses and letting them go four
separate ways.
But our Anglo Western criminal justice system of the 8th Amendment, bonds, free lawyers ,
probation, counselors and medical care in prison is much more savage.
Karma? The crystal ball it's fuzzy but an image is coming in wait .I see a dung beetle in
your future.
I'm not the one who has made empty threats of violence on a opinion webzine against a
woman (snicker snack). You said, "Nancy, you are definitely the type of Irish I would
have no trouble killing, along with Joe Biden and John Brennan".
Why do you respond to "empty," traitor?
Either the threat was empty or it wasn't.
It certainly wasn't a personal threat.
Looks like a threat against a "type of Irish."
What I see is a cucked, traitorous e-activist misrepresenting a threat to pose as a
chivalrous defender of e-womanhood.
This might not be directly relevant, but let me tell you a story.
The Island of Hispaniola was the site of the only known successful slave revolt in history.
So far, so good. The victors where blacks and whites ('hispanics'). Well, that did not work out
well. The whites ('hispanics') revolted and carved out their own nation, it's called the
Dominican Republic. The blacks were left in their own nation, it's called Haiti. The Dominican
Republic has problems, in particular a very high murder rate, but compared to most of the rest
of the world, is not doing so bad. Haiti is an unspeakable cesspool of poverty and filth.
Of course, the Dominican Republic has a viciously effective border control policy preventing
Haitian blacks from moving in. Why doesn't our corporate press complain about this anti-migrant
xenophobia? Maybe rich Americans like the beaches in the Dominican Republic as they are.
Is that something that could – or should – happen in the Untied States? Probably
not, circumstances are different. But still
Christine: I too have experienced at least one native prior lifetime and my home is almost
exactly halfway between two reservations. Friends. Currently I'm reading a book you would
likely enjoy–perhaps thoroughly: "Listen to the Wind: Speak from the Heart" by Roger
Thunderhands Gilbert, who is Metis and has been very close to both the Apache and Lakota
cultures. Publisher is Divine Arts Media.
Always love the comments here, a great range from bright to not so bright to downright dim.
But no matter who you are I'm sure you'll all agree we went from being Bozos on the bus to
being Dr. Zeke's lab rats.
@James Scott t (which liberals are not) all of the stone age people currently living in
Christendom . ride in cars, use computers and cellphones, travel in jets .have access to the
white man's brilliant technology's like we allowed them to jump into our time machine so
they could fast forward into the future we created.
You could also add that we have the patent on high trust culture based on Christian values
of industriousness, honesty, fairness, and decency ..though much of this is being wrecked by
Jewish multiculturalism.
If not for the subversion of organized Jewry, whites would still have the respect of the
stone age non-whites instead of their hatred and contempt.
However, IMO the author uses language which suggests disdain for black Americans (for
example). If that is an expression of "racism", then it would be in the colloquially "bad"
Black Americans kill, rape and steal in huge disproportion to their numbers. Why should I
not disdain that?
You shouldn't make personal statements about people you don't know.
He put himself and his views out there, as any author does, and this is a Comment Board. I
made my comments and observations. Are you new to venues like this? That's how they work
@Muaddib onestly about their failures? They don't support it. In fact they despise free
Social programs can be good for society. Think not just social security, but also
healthcare for all.
Social programs can be good for society. But liberalism is not about finding good programs.
It is about trying to denigrate and demoralize White people in an attempt at creating equality.
Most liberals are White but they see themselves as the "good Whites" and all other Whites must
be taken down. Liberals are nihilistic egalitarians. They will do anything for equality. They
would sacrifice our children just for some fleeting feeling of equality that doesn't exist.
@Muaddib ily life but in your mind all progress is held back by those other Whites .
I saw that all the time. Urban Whites get "celebrate diversity" bumper stickers and then hang
out with Whites 99% of the time.
More inventions came from WW2 than any other period and Whites on both sides during that
time would think that today's urban egalitarian Whites are total morons.
P.S. your women aren't sexually attracted to you if that wasn't obvious by how they boss you
guys around.
I lived around urban Whites for years. What a soulless and pathetic existence the typical
urban White male lives. The homeless Blacks seem happier than you guys.
The father of Jonathan Miller's mother wanted to emigrate to the USA but got off in Ireland
instead, when it was under British rule. Miller gave an account of this during an interview. I
can't recall whether his grandfather got off in Cork by mistake or whether the person who
arranged his ticket cheated him and others by putting them on a boat to Ireland rather than New
York. For Miller this was an amusing anecdote he told on TV.
At any rate the mother of Jonathan Miller was one of the relatively few Jews living in Ireland,
although Miller himself was born in England.
You've never been around any American Indians or their national autonomous homelands aka
rezess have you? As a group, they're probably the most contented of all definable American race
and ethnic groups. At least they're not endlessly bitching whining and kvetching like the rest
of us.
You should spend a year driving around their rezess and talking to them. Try to fit in as a
tourist or something. Don't be rude and just inform them you're some kind of social scientist
studying their exotic oppressed abused soon to be genocided tribe. Don't insult them. Be
polite. They are regular people just like the rest of us.
We weren't Americans and America wasn't America when the Africans were brought over. We were
English citizens subjects living in separate English colonies known as Massachusetts
Connecticut Virginia Maryland etc.
If only the vile white northern Euro invading scum had come with pipes of peace instead of
guns and i find it poetic justice how guns and more guns and yet more guns are the scariest
part of modern central North America.
May the spirits of those that suffered genocide and holocaust at the hands of gun wielding
invading Northern Europeans be smiling from ear to ear at todays United Gun States of
They are the nut-cases who stick themselves full of needles and pins , and dye their hair
blue so as to present their deranged worldview for all to see.
You forgot the utterly worthless dye disfigurement known as tattoos. All this probably has
roots related to the mutilation known as circumcision as well.
Talk to them about Louis Farrakhan. He has the Nation of Islam ( ] eating out of his hand. The videos are out
Louis names the Jew without disaster resulting. Tell them about The Secret Relationship
Between Blacks and Jews, a splendid book, available from Amazon – at a price or direct
from the
@Peter Frost e US along with the breakdown of the family, loss of the work ethic, a rampant
sneering at honesty, and almost total lack of basic civility. One of my sisters attributes a
lot of that to the effects of casting infants into daycare where it's "dog eat dog" from the
beginning and which I believe is reinforced by years of exposure to the sinecure and benny
seeking bureaucrats in the baby sitting and brainwashing institutions known as schools.
We have ourselves to blame for our choices both as individuals and as a society and we can
whine all we want about blacks and others, but in the end we're paying for our worship and
pursuit of "cool," or self absorption, or whatever.
No, I agree -- a purely "racial" response should not be tried. It will lead to
failure (which is not to say that things like race, culture, values, beliefs etc are not
I suggest you also do a search on the infamous Jew, Aaron Lopez, and work out why he chose a
Spanish name to hide behind rather than an Anglo-Saxon name.
The large majority of TrumpBoomers are screaming at the sky right now with this fraud cope,
because it is inconceivable that a wave of brown, angry youth and affluent whites like myself
have eclipsed them as a voting bloc. The white working class has been melting down worse than
the 2016 SJW trannies for a week now.
Yes of course i would be polite and come in peace and i would make sure not to point a rifle
or pistol at them and start shooting them and then start raping their women and children and i
wouldn't slaughter any livestock that they may have to try and starve them because what decent
white Northern European would do that in central North America anyway?.
If i came in peace and harmony like this they would naturally be far more likely to respond
in kind and share with me what they may know about nature/god, just like what their wonderful
ancestors learnt about from their use of plant medicines/entheogens/sacraments like the Peyote
cactus for example that was used by the Apache Comanche and Kiowa tribes but if i was pure evil
and slaughtered them then of course i wouldn't get to learn from their wisdom and i would
deserve to remain in complete darkness (spiritually speaking) just like most everyone alive is
in the U.S today.
His daughter, Miller's father, became a well-known novelist in Ireland.
Who is the subject in this sentence? Was it someone's daughter or Miller's father who became
a well-known novelist in Ireland? The structure of your sentence makes it unclear.
As I said originally, that doesn't automatically make the author a "racist" in the "bad"
sense, but the suggestion is implicitly there for anyone who wants to make it.
Maybe the author is being emphatically practical in his analysis. FWIW in the past
Australian experience, cohesive immigrant populations have taken at least a couple of
generations to fully naturalise in Australian society. And there does seem to be a lot of
cultural clashing going on in the USA. So maybe a coarse exclusionary approach to reclaiming
power for the American people is the shortest path to a solution (albeit with potential for
collateral damage).
Or maybe one has to read between the lines to get the full sense of what the author is
trying to say.
@christine igners; and this spirit of wear, principle of any cowardice, is so natural in
their hearts, that it is the continual object of the figures that they employ in the species of
eloquence which is proper for them. Their glory is to put at fire and blood the small villages
they can seize. They cut the throat of the old men and the children; they hold only the girls
nubiles; they assassinate their Masters when they are slaves; they can never forgive when they
are victorious: they are enemy of the human mankind. No courtesy, no science, no art improved
in any time, in this atrocious nation. -- Voltaire, Essai sur les mœurs (1756) Tome 2,
page 83
Was it EVER possible to pronounce Mitt Romney's and John McCain's names without gagging?
News to me
Also I disagree with the main premise that can be expressed in the ironic Russian saying:
"They are fucking us, and yet we are just getting stronger". Unfortunately it doesn't work like
that. Success begets success, failure begets failure. With the machinery of state in the
DemocRATs' hands, will they really allow their enemies to take back the levers of power? Last
time was a fluke because Hurricane Donald had caught them by surprise.
@Rogue ck of critique of their own past, lack of any sort of conciliatory moves towards
past victims, dooms them.
And this when the entire world rejects globohomo (and usury) with disgust. They have all
sorts of potential allies a home and abroad, and do not use them. Having lived in the Detroit
area for decades, for example, I can tell you that local Muslims are ready-made allies. They
are hardly the only ones. Count any working Latino and all people of Asian descent in this
group, as well as all people of Eastern European descent. They even have allies among working
blacks for christ sake. You are in the fight of your lives, and you don't even think about
I would say productive non-executive suite Whites are the new slaves in the Waspy-Jewy Anglo
world. But Brazil isn't that far behind either with all of its Sherwin-Williams color sample
shade cards being used in its own affirmative action programs.
Unlike the profitable fables of holobiz, the Jewish rabid hatred towards Palestinians and
the destruction of Palestinian lives is true. Thievery, sadism, torture of teenagers in Israeli
prisons, desecration of Palestinian cemeteries, the intentional handicapping of Palestinian
children Are you ready to talk about the Jeiwsh State's crimes against humanity, committed in
the context of international law? (The US and Israel 'are joined at the hip' according to US
Congresspeople). If not, then your 'righteous' diatribes are cheap.
And don't forget to check the amazing results of the Obama/Clinton's color revlution in
@Truth irst son of a bitch who was foolish enough to bring over the African for cheap labor
( yes, the African did receive a wage in food, shelter and medical care), these fools using
Mexicans for dirt cheap labor are ruining this nation because of greed and the love of money.
That poor beaner busting his ass for 12 bucks an hour? Don't worry about him folks, he's living
large because he's more than likely being paid cash or he's gaming the system and receiving all
kinds of freebies along with a regular paycheck. I drive by a chicken processing plant daily
that employs nothing but our friends from south of the border and I see some damn fine trucks
and other nice looking vehicles.
The white working class has been melting down worse than the 2016 SJW trannies for a week
Is that right? So why were there no massive chimpouts and looting? Why was it not necessary
to board up the stores, as it would have been had not the ZOG stolen the election?
Stupidly, I think Trump tried to win over the corporate elite, Big Tech, Big Ag, etc.. Maybe
bad advice from his son-in-law? Didn't listen to his intuition? Who knows.
If he is reelected, he will not make the same mistake twice. I think they know this too.
@christine ringing a force of about five or six to one against his enemy; kills helpless
women and little children, and massacres th e men in their beds; and then brags about it as
long as he lives, and his son and his grandson and great-grandson after him glorify it among
the "heroic deeds of their ancestors."
If you came in peace, do you think the Stone Age Siberians would have also shared their vast
knowledge about the Wheel? Or metal smelting? Or writing and math?
People like (((Christine))) always bring up atrocities committed against Indians and they
make some valid points, HOWEVER, as we saw, (((Christine))) had nothing to say about Whites
being butchered by racist Black homicidal maniacs in South Africa nor did she address the
Holodomor. This leads me to believe that (((Christine))) the self proclaimed "Irish" lass is
more than likely just a (((troll.)))
And of course, people like (((Christine))) don't talk about so-called Jews stealing the
Palestinians land and brutalizing Palestinians, instead they focus on ANCIENT HISTORY. And
these people will never talk about Black guys executing little white boys or Black guys
snatching a little white boy from his white mother and throwing the kid off a balcony. Or how
about when a black woman kidnapped a white boy in Texas and burned him to death with a
blowtorch. Oh, yeah, lets focus on ancient history, which unless you lived back then no one
really knows what the damn truth was, we know we certainly can't rely on (((historians))) or
mainstream (((history books.))) Unless things change, 100 years from now, people will be
reading about how 3 Black women sent America to the moon.
Obvious LIES that will be told or have been told
6 million Jews were gassed in concentration camps during WWII
Germany started WWII
the official 9-11 narrative
Osama Bin Laden was killed * that dude probably was dead years before he was claimed to have
been killed, the guy was in poor health.
James Earl Ray did not kill MLK * the dude said so on his death bed, why would you still
keep holding on to the same story if you were going to die anyhow?
And when it comes to Presidential elections.
JFK didn't beat Nixon
Dubya didn't beat Gore
And Joe Biden sure as hell didn't beat Trump, hell I would admit that if I hated Trump's guts.
Don't like Gore, voted for that sorry sack of shit, Dubya, but no way in hell, Gore lost.
Some more code words we can start using ((( ))) for are (((SJW))) or (((military industrial
@Ultrafart the Brave people too, patriotic or otherwise. White nationalism is a political
stance, of course it will exclude people who are not white nationalists, duh!
Indeed, one bad thing leads to another. Once the dynamics are set in train, it will take
generations to unravel (if ever).
What "bad thing" lead to blacks people committing heinous amounts of murder, robbery and
rape? Slavery? Colonialism? Affirmative Action? Must be something whites did, right?
As I said originally, that doesn't automatically make the author a "racist" in the "bad"
You have not explained what's bad about racism. And what are those quotation marks for?
You've never been around any American Indians or their national autonomous homelands aka
rezess have you? As a group, they're probably the most contented of all definable American
race and ethnic groups. At least they're not endlessly bitching whining and kvetching like
the rest of us.
Aldey, having lived in the most Indian state in America for the last 17 years, I can assure
you that that is patently ridiculous.
Some things never change. As Mark Twain wrote in his Essay about The Noble Red Man;
He is ignoble–base and treacherous, and hateful in every way. Not even imminent
death can startle him into a spasm of virtue .
With that Twain appears slightly ahead of his time. He could have just as accurately been
describing other "Reds," such as the Bolsheviks and their supporters most of whom could have
taught the Indians a thing or two about terror and torture especially the mass varieties.
I drive by a chicken processing plant daily that employs nothing but our friends from
south of the border and I see some damn fine trucks and other nice looking vehicles.
Whites are storming ballot counting centers instead of looting their own businesses. Whites
routinely chimp out, they just pick different targets. Look at the devastation around Hockey
arenas when teams win the Stanley Cup.
As far as the election being stolen, well, you sound like a crazed conspiracy nutter.
They are ALWAYS hiring, breh. Maybe you can tell some of da homies. But I doubt da homies
could cut the mustard. I worked with tons of Mexicans and El Salvadorans and I can tell you
from experience they really look down on lazy negroes. My gawd, some of the things I heard
these Brown folks say about Black folks had me blushing crimson. I went from Donald Trump
orange to the color of my favorite soda, cherry red. Cue: You Can't Always Get What You Want by
Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stoooooooooones.
The Second Guy: Kamala Harris' husband, Douglas Emhoff, is Jewish; he will not only be the
"second gentleman" (caveat: No one has settled on a term for the job), he will be the first
Jewish second spouse. Emhoff has been vocal about his Jewish identity, and it will be
interesting to see how that plays out in a role that has been used to advance education
Yet, there do remain groupings of well-rooted people who are able to cope with a clinically
insane "white" culture which surrounds them physically and throughout most electronic mediums.
Their struggle is huge, yet they persist in reconnecting with traditional tribal values, with
powwows, drumming fests and even -- gradually -- re-learning their indigenous languages.
There are still waaaay too many European-descended people in my area who retain an ignorant
, discriminatory and even prejudicial attitude towards these, our neighbors and in some cases,
potential teachers. But those who reach out do tend to reach those who also reach out. So hope
HATER -- perhaps not without some viable personal reason/s, but nevertheless one incapable
of discriminating between individuals and devolved into rank prejudice.
I spent time on the other side of the wall early seventies, and I will never forget the dead
eyes of the oppressed citizenry and the morgue-like atmosphere of the grey cities, and these
lunatic Democrats are now pushing to create such a scenario in the US
Excellent article and explanation of procedure, Mr. Redmayne-Titley. On Tucker Carlson's
show about six weeks ago, Tucker had on guest Darren Beattie to describe the specific type of
color revolution that the Democrat Party appeared to be planning to proceed ahead with to
usurp this election:
Tucker's show tonight will be as clear as could be as to which Tucker he is going to be
selling to his huge audience: independent journalist or Fox News/DS apparatchik. I will be
watching and hope that he will continue to be the voice of much of the people, though his
letting up on the Hunter Biden story was troubling to say the least.
Even with Pennsylvania and Georgia, the 2 most likely to flip imo, trump would still lose,
unless he miraculously flips Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, or Michigan.
The fix was in no doubt and trump won all those states fairly, but its a tall order and
I'm skeptical that trump can pull it off.
Thanks to the Trumpet, the CIA/FBI/NSA, etc., have now been able to clearly identidy the
sections of the populace that feel their pure whiteness is being victimised,
Were you in a coma for a number of years? For 20 years, starting with William Binney
through Edward Snowdon and Dave Montgomery, there have been warnings that the alphabet
agencies have been illegally spying the US citizens. Montgomery pointed out they spied on
Trump before he became a candidate.
The Trumpian corporate party's biggest sin was trying to get in on the Republocrat –
Demican Uni-party corporate party action.
Never gonna happen.
I believe that US are truthful when they talk about "free" elections. Theoretically, the
only way you can get something "free" in life is – if you steal it, or if somebody
gives you something as a gift. This "election" has fulfilled both of these 2 criteria. First
the deep state stole the election from Trump and then they presented it as a gift to Biden.
So it's all good. It was a free election for Biden, Trump got robbed – but hey, you
can't please everybody.
Karma's a biatch. All those color revolutions in Ukraine, Venezuela, Iran, Hong Kong,
propped up in one way or another by Mike Pompeo when he was head of CIA continuing into
Secretary of State, is now coming back to haunt Trump. Good job appointing that fat fuck.
If Trump loses, it would be his own doing in some ways. He has failed to roll back legal
immigration esp. H1B/OPT until a month before the election, and spent most of his time
catering to the Zionist filth with all the nauseating sycophantic overt pandering to Israel
and the Wall Street Jews. Wormtongue's pandering to the blacks by letting all the drug
dealers out of jail is backfiring big time too. 92% of blacks still voted for Biden so fuck
you Kushner.
If Trump somehow survives this and actually comes back to win, I hope he learned from his
mistake in the first term. Instead of spending all 4 years pandering to Jews and blacks who
didn't vote for him, spend his time taking care of those who did vote for him, his white
voting base, and we want an end to H1B, OPT, EB5, L1, illegal immigration. No more green
cards for the next 40 years! Begin mass deportation. Most importantly, fire Pompeo and
Many thanks, Mr. Redmayne, for this overview-cum-dissection of the recount scenarios.
That all of these counting-stopping orders took place in swing states defies
Surely poll workers were being paid to continue counting throughout the night. Not to go home
and catch 40 winks. Lord knows we have plenty of night-time workers in this 24/7 country.
It is ironic that in the context of the USA's overseas military disasters, the common
advice when the home team is obviously getting pounded has been "Just declare yourself the
winner" and get the hell out.
Seems like the Dems are using this playbook and hoping they can create a new reality by
declaring it so.
The spectacle of Joe Biden calling for "unity" after the shitshow following 2016 is
I doubt that this richness is going to be lost on the "losers" in this election.
The country is very n eatly divided between blue urban and red countryside. I would not
county on "unity" rearing its head anywhere in redland.
The only people loyal to Trump is the working class. No one else gives a damn whether he
lives or dies, including the vast majority of Republican officials and office holders
concerned only with keeping what they have.
Yes, the disgusting PC CBC reporters display their contempt for Trump at every turn, and
are complicit in obscuring Democrat misdeeds, whether by uncritically parroting the Maddow
ravings on Russiagate or ignoring the influence peddling of Dems from Biden to HRC. CBC
reporters are repeatedly characterizing charges of election fraud as groundless. Clearly they
are unaware of Pelosi's admission of how the public is misinformed, with her description of
'leaking' fabricated allegations to MSM insiders, then using the subsequent MSM reports as
'evidence' of veracity.
@GMC ciders). The not-so-youthful Obamas the Fraud and the badly aged Clintons have been
liberally using revolutionary rhetoric a la Che Gevara, never mind that the Obamas and
Clintons are major war criminals guilty of the mass slaughter of civilian populations
(including the multitude of children) in the brown countries of Syria and Lybia and non-brown
countries of former Yugoslavia and Ukraine. They, Obamas and Clintons, are murderers,
cannibals. Yet for the 'progressive' wokes, the history of the US is not known and is not
interesting for knowing. The wokes like the keto diet, mild psychedelics, cool outfit, and a
special set of words, including 'solidarity, social awareness, political correctness,
LGBTQIA' and such to stroke gently their, wokes,' egos. The aroma of rot is in the air.
@The Alarmist ake-sure-trump-supporters-receive-accountability
Emily Abrams can not forgive Trump for being so ineffective in the Middle East. Unlike the
Obama/Clinton administration, Trump has not started a new War for Israel. And for this, Trump
and "anyone who took a paycheck to help Trump" must be punished.
Meanwhile, the reality is hitting up:
After Attorney General Bill Barr authorized federal prosecutors to pursue "substantial
allegations" of irregularities in the 2020 presidential election, the head of the DOJ's
Election Crimes Branch [Richard Pilger] has decided to resign.
Vote fraud is as American as apple pie. Just remember how JFK and George W. Bush manged to
sneak into the White House. America has always bee a banana republic, now it has just become
more evident.
@shylockcracy Solmeimani, he hasn't started any shooting wars. Sanctions are undeclared
wars, and Trump's sanctions help US corporations, most of which are globalist anyway. Same
shit different pile.
The last US Presidents who were mildly anti-Zionist were turfed out of office and
assassinated. All of the branches of the USG are (((occupied territory))) and have been for
decades, as was noted by George Wallace in the 1960s.
Trump's redeeming qualities are few and far between, but getting out of "free trade" deals
and reduced immigration, whether legal or illegal, are a big finger in the eye of the
globalists. Other than that, it appears as if he is the only one serious about cleaning up
vote fraud. If the Demicans are caught out, they will shut down the Republocrats fixing in
retaliation, until a new scam is figured out.
The Democrats are praying Biden even makes it to late January. A husk of a man. What the
party is doing and what his family is doing to him is simply elder abuse. Any speaking of how
he will hold on at least a year are just dreaming out loud.
Harris ended her primary candidacy after being eviscerated by Tulsi Gabbard. It took maybe
thirty seconds of microphone time for Tulsi and then Harris was down for the count. She has
shown nothing since then that makes her look like more than fluff. And of course we know she
is for sale, Willie Brown told us so and she has basically confirmed that. In every sense she
is for sale and has never had anything else to offer.
A week ago I was pretty sure any still extant Trump allies would desert the sinking ship.
He is still a client no lawyer would want. Right now he might be up to a measurable sub- 1%
chance. It will have nothing to do with facts or law. There will be no discovery, there will
be no determination of facts. Election 'facts' are designed to be slippery. Election judges
do not attempt to arrive at a determination of facts. They sniff the wind.
Heard a peep out of Hillary lately? Where is Obama hiding? Where is who hiding Joe?
The Polyannas and zombies on this thread will likely get their wishes. When Joe or a
facsimile is President there will be 70 million who just don't believe it. Just keep on being
cavalier and dismissive and arrogant and superior. See how far it gets you.
In a further attempt to circumvent the intelligence of the voter, the American media machine
has, this past Saturday, Nov 7, 2020, arbitrarily declared Joe Biden president. There are many
problems with this report being accurate. The largest problem is that of the media itself.
In declaring Biden the winner, this media ignores very credible accusations of Biden
campaign election fraud, substantiated problems with the mail-in ballots, successful legal
challenges and, more importantly, that at least three of the states in question will be
available to Trump, by state law, to perform a recount. When these recounts do occur, they will
likely be under court order and also allow all Republican vote watchers to view the millions of
mail-in ballots of which thousands are already in question.
To begin this presentation of the first 72 hours since election night Nov 3, it would serve
the voter well to remember: This is same media which first spent more than two years
championing, like Biden himself, the utterly debunked Russia Gate allegations and next the
Democrat's very flawed and deliberately tepid Impeachment attempt against incumbent Trump.
More to the point, as of Election Day of this past Tuesday, that media had worked a blanket
media censorship of the very credible allegations of a Biden family influence-peddling
operation while their candidate was, then, Vice President.
It must be now also be recalled that Biden, during a campaign stop Q&A presser on Oct
25, stated very clearly, that
"[W]e have put together and you guys did it for President Obama's administration before
this, we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization
in the history of American politics."
While his statement may also prove the upcoming need for the 25 th Amendment, if
it is not an admission of complicity, it is certainly an indictment of the media.
These past seventy-two business hours are already the stuff of American history and a good
reason for a journalist to stay up all night to follow and report this ongoing daily history.
Unless Trump concedes, this election has many more days to go. This reporter, thus
sleep-deprived and objectively irritable, will in the days to come update the proceedings
within the body of this series.
To the student of history and American backed Color Revolutions, when MSM divisively
anointed Biden far too early as US president- after a two-and-a-half-year quest to do
so- their candidate, Joe Biden, became, instead, America's own Juan Guaido.
It has become apparent that the Trump campaign's concern about the Dems use of mail-in
ballots was justified since all allegations begin here. Trump strategists were expecting this.
What was not expected was that the DNC would be so brazenly obvious in using the mail-in
ballots to Biden's advantage.
The chronology of questionable vote counting began in the wee hours of election night
Still barely awake and by then cross-eyed, news hit the screen at approx. 2:30 AM EST that
despite the national back and forth of the vote count, suddenly that vote count had been
suspended for the night in NV, AZ, MI, Wi, PA, GA and NC. These were the last of the swing
states that were still key to any victory. All but two (GA and AZ) are under a democratic
governor's control. This stoppage seemed very strange. Brief research did not reveal a
precedent to this, at which time the vote favored Trump in all but AZ and NV.
Interestingly, on that night several hours before every network had already called AZ for
Biden with only 75% counted. This early declaration came despite the Trump campaign's protests
and AZ governor, Doug Ducey saying,
" I encourage media outlets, cable news and national pundits to avoid the temptation to
declare a winner until our Arizona election officials have finished their jobs."
A look at the converse is also enlightening.
As of this Sunday morning, despite NC reporting, a 99% tally and a recount proof 1.3 % lead
all weekend for Trump, not one media source has, as they did so quickly for Biden in AZ, NV,
WI, PA, GA, declared that state and NC's fifteen delegates for Trump's total.
Deliberately, this action continues to deceive the uneducated voter that there is a much
larger, and presumably insurmountable electoral lead for Biden. The intent is to sow
disinterest and make the allegations irrelevant to the win.
Before pursuing some much-needed strong tea and a walk, I wrote down the existing vote
counts in all these states as a reference for the restart of the media's count beginning the
next day.
Revitalized, I took a quick look at tabulations on my screen merely out of habit. What I saw
sent me scrambling for my notes. Suddenly Biden was up in MI. This had happened while the count
was reportedly suspended!
A quick search provided a graph comparing the Biden to Trump vote count, minute-by-minute
per state. Looking back in time, the graph had spiked straight up, not diagonally, for Biden
during my few minutes of absence. This sudden upward tick was so large that it had put Biden in
the lead. The same graph showed no uptick for Trump at the same moment at all. All Biden votes.
No Trump votes?
As dawn broke, Michigan's "Decision Desk HQ" attempted to explain away too easily
this discrepancy:
" Thedatashowing Biden receiving 100% of the newly counted votes was released at 5:04 a.m. by
Decision Desk HQ which showed Biden with 2,130,695 votes at Trump with 2,200,902 votes. But
that data was not correct Once we identified the error, we cleared the erroneous data and
updated it with the correct data as provided by officials. We stand by our data as reflected
Since that morning's reawakening, many more questions have been buried by the media. N ot
in these pages.
This day, news surfaced of Trump's observers being barred from their duties by the vote
counters in many locations in many states. This, at the least, called into question the workers
Hindsight would recall that before the election there were successful efforts by Democrats
to loosen electoral administration standards. This did legalize ballot harvesting, where, such
as in Texas, partisan "volunteers" went out and collected ballots, sometimes after
helping voters fill them out. The same laws facilitated same-day voter registration and mass
mail-in voting.
At the same time, the DNC decried efforts by the RNC to require ID or proof of citizenship
to vote.
After the early morning irregularities of November 4, there continued the mysterious
discoveries of huge tranches of ballots that were overwhelmingly, if not exclusively for Biden.
This turned out not to be surprising.
It was
reported that US District Judge Emmet Sullivan was outraged at Postmaster General Louis
DeJoy for not following his specific court order to "sweep " all USPS facilities for any
possible stashes of ballots before 3 PM on Election Day. Prudently, Sullivan's order was
crafted to prevent ballots surfacing for counting after the close of the polls at 8 PM. Of
course, this, in part, was exactly what happened. Said Sullivan , "At some point, the
postmaster is either going to have to be deposed or appear before me and testify under
oath," adding, "The court has been very clear that it expects full compliance,"
while excoriating the US Postal Service's legal team for failing to promptly notify him after
the agency supposedly realized it couldn't meet his deadline.
Naturally, it was then confirmed by the vote counters in many districts that
"glitches" with the digital voting machines had flipped Republican
votes into the Democrats' column as was documented.
As Wednesday continued, next were reports from people who showed up to vote in person but
were told by poll workers that they had already voted as absentees, despite not having
requested an absentee ballot. This was confirmed by a voter, Eugene R. who contacted the author
through his website, stating that this happened to both he and his wife in Allentown, PA.
In many of the Democrat-controlled precincts in PA reports coming in regarding vote counters
limiting access to Republican observers, in defiance of court orders, were frequent.
Combined, these individually insignificant reports began to quickly add up to suspicion.
However, next came a very large statistical anomaly, in both Georgia and Michigan.
In Michigan for example, by using the old screenshots provided, there showed a minimal
mathematical difference of just 7,131 votes between Trump and GOP Senate candidate John James.
This was as expected since, as PEW research agreed, the vote for senator almost always closely
follows that of the presidential vote and adheres to party preference.
However, the difference between Joe Biden and Democrat candidate Gary Peters was, very
strangely, 69,093.
In Georgia, as of 6:05 AM EST Wed the difference between Trump and GOP offering Senator
David Purdue was also in line with party preference. However , in checking the
difference between Biden and the Democrat candidate for Senator, Jon Ossoff, it was 98,501.
(Biden: 2,414,651 Jon Ossoff : 2,318,850)
This math is worthy of further scrutiny and explanation, but on the first examination can
only be explained by either a lot of dyed in the wool republicans not voting the party line for
Trump and Biden instead. Or .?
Certainly, this report from the first full day of post-election 2020 should pique the
interest of any concerned voter, democrat and republican and demand their further personal
scrutiny of the ongoing events. However, in anointing Biden as the winner already, the goal of
America's media is to suggest via its cover-up, that these current allegations, just like those
of influence peddling, are now over and done with.
A review of the states that remain in play show, that unless Trump concedes, both sets of
allegations will remain very much in play in each of these contested states and then, likely,
in the Electoral College's " Certification of Attainment" on Dec 14.
There is much penny ante finger-pointing by the GOP and combined these smaller allegations,
such as restrictions of Republican observers, may turn into a playable hand. However, it
is the legislative law and violations thereof that are the serious political chess moves that
will, this week, be revealed by Trump.
Before looking at the main legal challenge, the easier subject is per state recounts.
Recounts can be required or commissioned by state law in WI, GA, MI and PA. While it is true
that recounts rarely change a previous outcome, one might well remember the Florida recount of
2000 and the strength of the allegations that seem to favor Trump . Should there be a
recount, it will certainly be done under direct scrutiny, no matter what, by the GOP state
operatives and the supervision of the courts.
At this time the margin for Biden- reportedly – is GA: 10,195; MI: 46,113; PA:
19,423 and WI: 20,510. This is a total of 96,241. Considering the cumulative total of allegedly
illegal votes, this number, subject to a recount and the courts, would seem to be
Of, Recounts.
Already the Trump campaign has informally requested a recount in WI, but cannot as yet do so
per WI statute.
Wisconsin election law, there is no automatic recount, even if the unofficial results are
extremely close; a candidate must request one. According to the state's manual outlining the process, candidates can request a recount if they are within
the 1% margin of victory. Biden currently has a lead of just 0.7 percentage points with 99% of
votes tallied. The request cannot be filed before the initial counting is complete, so that
news is pending.
During a WI recount, it must be open to the public, and the Board of Canvassers has the
option of a hand-count or to use voting equipment to re-tabulate the ballots, unless a court
orders otherwise.
In Pennsylvania, where the margin is less than or equal to 0.5% of the total vote, an
automatic recount may be required in the event of certain discrepancies as described here . At this time, Joe Biden has 49.608 percent of the vote, and Donald Trump has
49.098 percent of the vote, a margin of 0.51 percent.
Regardless of percentage difference, the recount can be requested, if filed, and
subsequently paid for by the complainant, within five days of the election or five days after
the computational canvass and must be requested through the Court of Common Pleas. If error or
fraud is found, an additional five days is provided to make additional requests elsewhere, like
the courts.
Georgia does not automatically initiate a recount. However, if a candidate falls with a 0.5%
margin or less, a recount can be requested. Georgia law also states that a recount must be
requested within two business days following the certification of results. State law does not
specify who pays for the recount, but like PA percentage difference is not a requirement.
Michigan sets five criteria for requesting a recount: 1) The candidate ran for president. 2)
The request "alleges that the candidate is aggrieved on account of fraud or mistake in the
canvass of the votes." 3) the request "shall contain specific allegations of wrongdoing
only if evidence of that wrongdoing is available to the petitioner ." 4) The request "
sets forth the nature and character of the fraud or mistakes " 5) The request
"specifies the counties, cities, townships, and precincts in which the recount is
Presumably, Trump's legal army have checked-off all five boxes.
It is true that in all four states Trump is losing, and in states like MI, PA, WI, is at the
moment slightly over the threshold for an automatic recount. But it is the allegations of fraud
that may put Trump within those limits for a recount, or possibly swing the state in his favor
afterwards. With all these states still a day or more from final results, the term,
"Re-count," will soon hit the news on four separate fronts.
Pennsylvania, SCOTUS and the Re-Count.
U.S. Supreme
Court Justice Samuel Alito late Friday ordered Pennsylvania election officials to segregate
and separately count ballots that arrived after Election Day.
Alito ordered ( pdf ) that those
segregated ballots must be kept "in a secure, safe and sealed container separate from other
voted ballots."
The justice, however, did not order the counties to stop counting but instead ordered those
ballots to be counted separately pending review of their legitimacy. Here, Trump won a
significant, although partial victory as to the segregation of these challengeable ballots and
possible reduction of the Biden total.
This ruling and Alito's words may be a forewarning of SCOTUS decisions to come.
In 2019, the PA legislature passed a law called Act 77 that permitted all voters to cast
their ballots by mail but, in Justice Alito's words, "unambiguously required that all mailed
ballots be received by 8 p.m. on election day ."
Indeed, the exact text from 2019 Pa. Leg. Serv. Act 2019-77 , reads, "No absentee ballot under this
subsection shall be counted which is received in the office of the county board of elections
later than eight o'clock P.M. on the day of the primary or election."
Even more prohibitively, Act 77 also provided that if this portion of the law was ever
invalidated, that the rest of Act 77, including its liberalization of mail-in voting, would
also be void.
Pretty clear so far, except if you're on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
After a four to three party-line vote, this court very strangely ruled that, first, mailed
ballots don't need to be received by election day and that ballots can be accepted if they are
postmarked on election day or received within three days thereafter. Next, the court got
creative allowing that, a mailed ballot with no postmark, or an illegible postmark, must be
regarded as timely if it is received by that same date.
Of course, to most who read English this court's rulings were not in keeping with Act
Before Friday's order, Alito had already assessed that,
" The provisions of the Federal Constitution conferring on state legislatures , not
state courts , the authority to make rules governing federal elections would be
meaningless if a state court could override the rules adopted by the legislature simply by
claiming that a state constitutional provision gave the courts the authority to make whatever
rules it thought appropriate for the conduct of a fair election." [Emph.added]
When bringing suit the Republicans also raised concerns that PA Secretary of the
Commonwealth, Kathy Boockvar, had issued new guidance on Nov. 1 (
pdf ) directing county election boards to count late-arriving ballots.
Bottom of Form
Alito said in his order that he had not been informed that his guidance issued on Oct. 28,
"which had an important bearing on the question whether to order special treatment of the
ballots in question," had been modified. Alito suggested that segregating the ballots would
be necessary because, "if the State Supreme Court's decision is ultimately overturned, a
targeted remedy will be available."
This means Alito, Thomas and Gorsuch (who joined Alito's apparent skepticism on the
Pennsylvania ruling) are open to legal challenges brought by Trump regarding post- Election Day
fraud. That one decision will, after a full hearing, very likely invalidate thousands of votes
cast illegally in Pennsylvania. However, with new allegations surfacing, more illegal ballots
could add up. Or at the very least legitimize a recount.
This willingness by SCOTUS to already provide certiorari to actions brought to it
regarding 2020 election fraud may foreshadow consequences in other states soon.
Case in point may be the news of the last hour that the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC)
told poll workers to 'add a missing witness address' to any deficient ballot and that
some poll workers allegedly took it one step further by signing for non-existent witnesses. If
true, in doing so, the workers may have invalidated thousands of more ballots, committed a
felony offense and necessitated further SCOTUS intervention.
" an absentee ballot must be signed by a witness, who is also required to list his or
her address. If a witness address is not listed, then the ballot is considered invalid and
must be returned to the voter to have the witness correct."
" The statute is very, very clear," said retired Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice
Michael Gableman, a Milwaukee poll watcher on Election Day. "If an absentee ballot does not
have a witness address on it, it's not valid."
With Alito's words and Thomas' and Gorsuch's concurrence in mind, WI may have just come back
into play; re-count pending.
The former ambassador to Russia under the Obama Administration, Michael McFaul, presumably
knows a lot about Color Revolutions, since his boss used him in Ukraine in 2014. McFaul, who
was also instrumental in the Russia-Gate disinformation campaign against Trump, also
authored, "7 Pillars of ColorRevolution,"
As this historic election continues, reporting and further analysis will highlight daily
events and their parallels that already warn that these seven pillars are seemingly right in
place here in America, as they were in the examples Ukraine, Bolivia and Venezuela, at
The initial step in each example has been to use a national election as the reason for a
razor-thin and disputed vote result, one that the media stirs into a frenzy on both sides: A
frenzy so viscous that the result becomes massive civil unrest followed next by violence.
And then military intervention.
In this, the first seventy-two hours of news from the election battleground of America 2020,
this first step of a media fabricated victor, of which the other side detests and alleges
criminal behavior, would seem in play.
Unless Trump concedes.
As this report continues to delve into the hard allegations of equally outrageous American
election fraud, like its funded Color Revolutions past, America's color may turn out to be,
here in the homeland, " Pale Blue."
Good night
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Brett Redmayne-Titley has authored and published over 180 in-depth articles over the past
twelve years. Many have been translated and republished worldwide. He can be reached at:
live-on-scene ((at)) Prior articles can be viewed at his archive:
"... ...BIDEN, SPEAKING DURING SECOND PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE: Within 100 days, I'm going to send to the United States Congress a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people. And all of those so-called dreamers, those DACA kids, they're going to be immediately certified again to be able to stay in this country and put on a path to citizenship. ..."
This is a corporate takeover of the country. Joe Biden's transition advisers include
executives from Uber, Visa, Capital One, Airbnb, Amazon, the Chan Zuckerberg Foundation and the
nonprofit run by Google CEO Eric Schmidt. Are you surprised? No, you're not.
...According to an analysis by The Wall Street Journal, at least 40 members of the Biden
transition team announced earlier this week either were or are registered lobbyists. You won't
be shocked to learn that the government of China looks on at all this and is highly pleased. A
weak, divided America obsessed with narcissistic identity politics is good for them and very
different from them.
... Joe Biden has announced that as president he will not deport a single illegal alien from
this country in his first 100 days. It doesn't matter who they are, it doesn't matter what
they've done. It doesn't matter whether they were convicted of crimes such as rape and murder
or not. Literally, they can all stay here.
This is great news if you're Silicon Valley. The tech companies wanted this because they
rely on cheap labor. But for the rest of us, what's the upside exactly? By the way, if you live
anywhere along the U.S.-Mexico border, good luck to you. Also, don't bother locking your doors
or pining for a border wall or thinking that immigration restrictions might improve your
to the United States Congress a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people.
And all of those so-called dreamers, those DACA kids, they're going to be immediately certified
again to be able to stay in this country and put on a path to citizenship.
There are 70 million furious people in America. They voted for Donald Trump . They lost.
Joseph Biden was elected president by a razor thin margin under a cloud of suspicion, most of
it generated by Trump, who challenged the outcome of the election with yet to be proven claims
of widespread voter fraud.
Across the great divide are 74 million voters who supported Biden in anticipation of
securing a humane and sustainable future. They are elated by the election of Biden and Kamala
Harris, a woman of color, greeting the news with an enthusiasm not seen since the election of
Barack Obama. Their hopes will be disappointed.
Biden's was a pyrrhic victory. His party lost seven seats in the House of Representatives
and missed an opportunity to gain control of the Senate, unless the Democrats win a two-seat
run-off election in the State of Georgia, a daunting prospect. Should they fail in this effort,
any bill Biden sends to Congress will be dead on arrival. He would not be able to govern by
anything other than executive order.
The continued paralysis caused by a bitter partisan chasm that began when Republicans won
control of the Senate during Obama's presidency and intensified when Democrats in the House of
Representatives voted to impeach Trump , will continue
to deepen, prolonging a crisis of political legitimacy in Washington.
Biden must stabilize plutocratic rule in a country that has been unsettled by the
contentious presidency of Donald Trump. He will fail.
Biden's party has no solution for the structural crisis of capitalism that it helped create
by implementing, along with their Republican counterparts, a neoliberal economic agenda that
hastened the deindustrialization and financialization of the United States. The Democrats are
not an opposition party. They are one of two partner parties of American capitalism.
Rather than spend the last four years challenging Trump on domestic and foreign policy, the
Democrats concocted the myth of Russiagate
to explain away their loss in 2016 and Ukrainegate
to reverse the results of the last presidential election. They failed on both counts, showing
the morbidity of a political party that lacks commitment to fundamental economic and social
rights such as universal health care, free public higher education, cancellation of student
debt, full employment, protection of Social Security and an end to war. For their part, Senate
Republicans struck back by exposing Joe Biden's corrupt
dealings with Ukraine in a sordid political fight.
It is telling that the Democrats' most enthusiastic endorsement of Trump's foreign policy
came when he dropped bombs on Syria and assassinated Iran's top general in a missile strike. In
an obscene gesture of support for the American war-machine, the Democrats voted to increase the
size of Trump's already bloated
defense budget approving $738 billion for the pentagon and $632 billion for all
non-discretionary spending on domestic programs in a single fiscal year.
The supporters of Donald Trump voted for the orange billionaire because they saw him as an
enemy of Washington corruption who promised to "drain the swamp" so many Americans hate. By
engineering the most stunning upset in modern presidential history, Trump proved his
effectiveness as a con artist who manipulated genuine popular discontent to win office. The
grievances that propelled Trump to victory in 2016 will only intensify when Biden occupies the
White House.
The presidential election of 2020 will deepen the polarization of America as legions of
right-wing Trump supporters reject a Biden presidency, they view resulted from an election that
was stolen from their president by a political and media establishment that fought relentlessly
to oust Trump from office since day one of his unlikely election in 2016. The Democrats worked
feverishly to portray the presidency of Donald Trump as illegitimate for four grewsome years.
Mr. Trump will respond in kind to the Biden presidency.
On the other side of the barricade are Biden supporters who saw Trump as a sexist, racist,
homophobic and xenophobic bigot who preached hate to divide the public for personal
aggrandizement. From Biden, they hear the moderate voice of reason. It is a duplicitous voice
that must now pledge to create unity amidst discord.
Among the ranks of anti-Trump multitudes are millions of activists who renounce a
militarized police state that exterminates Blacks lives in the streets of an institutionally
racist nation. One of the chief architects of the police state is a 'law' and 'order'
politician named
Joseph Biden , who despite massive protests against wonton police violence, has called for
more funding for
the men and women in blue, despite promises to reform the criminal justice system and address
the problem of systemic racism in America.
Biden is also at odds with progressive forces because of his unapologetic support for a
Street bailout that bankrupted Main Street during his tenure as vice-president. The
progressive left remembers only too well, that under the leadership of Barack Obama and Joseph
Biden, the FBI and DHS coordinated the repression of Occupy Wall Street while wagging endless
war in seven Muslim countries. The Wall Street bailout has been compounded by a coronavirus
bailout that gave billions to the rich and a pittance to the rest. Trump's bailout had the
support of Joe Biden.
Like Hillary Clinton before him, Biden
crushed the Sander's progressive opposition in his own party, intentionally jettisoning
proposals such as 'Universal Basic Income' and 'Medicare for All," that would begin to address
the social crisis produced by neoliberal capitalism.
His current proposals for economic and social reform are mere palliatives that will deepen
systemic crisis, and with it, the ranks of disgruntled Trump Republicans and progressive
The progressives have no political home in a corporatist Democratic party that did not even
court their support during the presidential campaign, choosing instead to woo moderate
Republicans such as Cindy McCain, wife of the late war-mongering Senator from Arizona and John
Kasich, former Republican governor of Ohio. Despite being openly rebuked by a cynical party
leadership, left-liberal luminaries counseled progressives to vote
for Biden and fight him once elected. This is the same dead-end strategy that led to the
co-optation of the liberal-left during Barack Obama's presidency.
By crushing the left, Biden renounced a progressive policy platform that would have
mobilized massive opposition to the Republican agenda, weakening a centrist Democratic party
that narrowly defeated Trump. Discontented Trump supporters, many of whom identify with
libertarian causes and the Christian fundamentalist right, saturate the ranks of the Republican
party. Biden's victory will further radicalize the Republican base and dwarf moderate voices
within the party establishment, making compromise with GOP lawmakers difficult to
Caught between a pincer movement of right and left-wing opposition, Biden will be tightly
constricted within a narrow policy paradigm. His vapid rhetoric of "healing the nation" will
fall on deaf and angry ears. He will try, as the Democrats always do, to diffuse social dissent
by promising to close the wealth, gender and racial divide that bisects this nation. He will no
doubt use long-time ties with colleagues in the Senate forged when he served as Chairman of the
Foreign Intelligence and Judiciary Committees, to negotiate concessionary legislation aimed at
diffusing social protest. But the concessions, if they can be achieved, will be modest.
Through it all, the American oligarchy will rest assured that no systemic changes will be
contemplated by their Democratic or Republican lapdogs. It should be remembered that Bill
Clinton's Democratic party supported neoliberal
free trade agreements such as NAFTA and GATT, deregulated Wall Street with
passage of the Financial Services Modernization Act and integrated the United States into a
globalized economy, the ill effects of which led to the rise of Trump.
Now that the orange menace is defeated, the question Biden must answer is, what next?
Promises to control the corona-virus by instituting a program of mass vaccinations, putting
the country back to work by creating green jobs and addressing the existential threat of
climate change by establishing a zero-carbon emissions standard by 2050 must be matched by
passing progressive legislation without which, pledges are hollow. Given the political
divisiveness in Congress, genuine bi-partisan compromise is highly unlikely. If Democrats do
not win control of the Senate, Biden will blame Senate Republicans for any impasse in the same
manner Trump blamed Houses Democrats when the roles were reversed, as the shell game of
American politics continues.
What the country must brace for is the next 'Trump', who will be even more nationalistic,
xenophobic, and bitterly divisive than the current incarnation. Just as Ronald Reagan ushered
in four decades of neoliberal and conservative politics, the presidency of Donald Trump
inaugurated the ascendency of the far-right with its extreme blend of ultra-nativist,
ultra-nationalist, white supremacist, and religious fundamentalist politics.
Ronald Reagan moved the Democratic party to the right, giving rise to
Bill Clinton and the 'New Democrats ' who pursued a neoliberal agenda hidden behind the
veneer of identity politics. By so doing, they betrayed a liberal labor coalition that lasted
for 60 years. The Clintonites discarded Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal and Lyndon Johnson's War
on Poverty, along with the Keynesian economic principles that underwrote those programs in
favor of the neoliberal ideology of Milton Friedman. In short, they adopted Reaganite
Just as the presidency of Ronald Reagan represented a seismic shift to the right in American
politics, the presidency of Donald Trump propelled American politics to the
far-right by attacking identity politics and creating a mass organizational base for
Christian fascism . In the process, Biden's Democratic party has been pulled further right
of center in the political spectrum.
The Republican voting base will emerge from the 2020 election deeply aggrieved. They are not
going away. Their ranks will fester and grow. The Democratic voting base will breathe a sigh of
relief as the long nightmare of a deeply reactionary Trump presidency ends and they wait for
some measure of genuine economic and social justice that will never come.
The Trump presidency pronounced a death sentence on the politics of moderation. There are
now two polarized political cultures in America, one red, one blue. Each seeks the destruction
of the other in a rapidly disintegrating social order.
Behind the fractured electorate are corporate and financial oligarchs who get fatter and
richer at the expense of a population that will be subjected to a ' great reset ' deliberately
calculated to annihilate jobs, strip social services and lead to the privatized paradise of
Ayn Rand , where individualism and greed create a Hobbesian 'war of all against all' in the
streets of a once prosperous nation.
The stark reality lurking behind America's Kabuki theatre of elections is the perpetuation
of plutocratic rule, whose tyranny will only be ended by the politics of solidarity and
struggle for socialism, the only antidote to a predatory economic system that breeds conflict,
cynicism and despair.
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email lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc.
Donald Monaco is a political analyst who lives in Brooklyn, New York. He received his
Master's Degree in Education from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1979 and was
radicalized by the Vietnam War. He writes from an anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist
perspective. His recent book is titled,
The Politics of Terrorism , and is available at
Featured image is from Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons
The original source of this
article is Global Research
After the first week in March, billionaires looking to support a Democratic candidate for
president had essentially two options: Bernie Sanders, the candidate who said, "Billionaires
should not exist," and Joe Biden. They chose Biden. And as the country shut down amid the
coronavirus pandemic, Forbes found that more billionaire donors opened their wallets for Biden
in March than in any previous month of his campaign.
Thirty-two billionaires and their spouses gave to Biden's campaign in March, including 27
who donated to Biden for the first time, according to a Forbes analysis of the latest Federal
Election Commission filings.
Biden's billionaire backers, ordered by net worth:
Joel Fischer @JFNYC1 Just in case
@katiehobbs deletes this message
by accident, This is the Arizona Secretary of State. She is in charge of counting the
Katie Hobbs @katiehobbs .
@realDonaldTrump has made it abundantly clear he's more interested in pandering to
his neo-nazi base than being @POTUS for all Americans.
"what do others think this' great reset' is supposed to mean?? it seems like a likeable
catch phrase that can be dangled out in front of innocent people to suggest a particular
conspiracy or something along those lines... is that all it is? that is what it looks like
to me... or is it more like the 9-11 patriot act which was used to ramp a ton of invasion
of privacy tools down the worlds throat?? the way i see it - that is all happening and will
continue to happen anyway... that ain't much of a 'great reset' but more of the same...
kind of like a circe post - no need to read or hear about any of it..
JFK drive in Dallas was a great reset, Mahatma Gandhi assassination likewise, Jeremy
Corbyn dumped out of UK Labor - similar.
Harris/Biden psuedo presidency elect could be a great reset to war as usual and direct
predatory practices on all but the 1%. But then Trump is carrying out a great reset as we
speak - perhaps the only reset that counts in the USA just now. Biden being caught out with
his and family hands in the till is a great reset in slow motion. No surprise for others
(circe excepted) but those grubby little fingers are everywhere - just like Les Wexner and
Ghislain Maxwell. Perhaps the Epstein great reset is a precedent here.
Whitney Webb reports on the weavers of a great reset
The president has exposed the rot and corruption of our ruling class.
No matter how the presidential election ends, one of President Donald Trump's myriad
achievements stands above all others: he has exposed the unprecedented degree of rot and
corruption that pervades the American system.
More specifically, Trump has exposed the ruling class: the bipartisan political
establishment and its adjuncts in Big Tech, the corporate media, Big Business and Woke Capital,
the academy, and across the commanding heights of American society.
Trump's manners engender hatred in the ruling class. Even more significantly, his tenacity
in confronting the ruling class's members with their failures -- and the fact he has threatened
to rectify those failures -- discredits and disempowers those responsible for them. Their
response -- a perpetual effort to destroy him -- has shown the ruling class to be lawless and
Consequently, the ruling class has obliterated the institutions it claimed to be defending,
revealing to those Americans not addled by Trump Derangement Syndrome that the emperor has no
clothes. Americans willing to look can now see that those institutions which ostensibly exist
to serve us have no reservations about launching a full-scale assault on us if it serves their
Consider what we have learned about the leaders of the country in the last four years.
We learned that they would do everything in their power to destroy a president who takes
them on: delegitimizing his election; baselessly demonizing and slandering him as a Nazi,
racist, and bigot; lying perpetually through media conduits to undermine and smear him; pulling
documents off his desk to subvert him; concocting false narratives meant to portray him as a
to justify spying on him and his confidantes; waging legal and political jihads aimed at
toppling him; weaponizing
national security, intelligence, and law-enforcement apparatuses to punish him and like-minded
dissenters from the ruling class orthodoxy; impeaching him over his desires to root out
political corruption; threatening to wear wires in a bid to entrap and remove him under the
25th Amendment; claiming obstruction of justice over rightful decisions to fire subordinates as
he sees fit; illegally leaking information about the most sensitive of subjects concerning his
policies while simultaneously invoking state secrecy to prevent the revelation of systematic
ruling class corruption and criminality; and often engaging in outright insubordination.
On this last count, we learned that military leaders would publicly flout their
commander-in-chief, overrule him on broadly popular policies like pulling troops out of aimless
and endless wars or protecting American cities from rioting mobs, and
openly entertain scenarios of forcibly removing him from office.
We learned that our courts -- up to the highest court in the land -- would hold such a
president to a
different standard than other presidents. When the government itself dropped its case
against one of the president's chief advisors -- ensnared in some of the previously described
machinations -- the judge overseeing the case stepped in as prosecutor himself to continue the
persecution . Traitors to the ruling class are treated as below the law.
The ruling class's hatred of the president, and its efforts to destroy him, were of course a
proxy for its desire to destroy what he represents. What he represents is not just the policies
it despises, but the people it despises. This includes the 71 million commonsense, patriotic,
traditional Americans who voted for him. Some adored the president. Others backed him as the
ultimate middle finger pointed at a ruling class that frowned hatefully down upon them while
claiming to be virtuous and magnanimous.
Indeed, we learned that much of our ruling class believes those Americans to be deplorable,
irredeemable, racist, bigoted, backwards, Russia-supporting traitors and Nazis.
We learned that the ruling class would hound such opponents of its rule in public, pursue
their families, friends, and colleagues, and destroy them reputationally, financially, and
We learned that the ruling class's Big Tech oligarchs would muzzle such Americans.
We learned that the ruling class's communications arm -- the media -- in hock with federal
officials, would engage in rampant, sophisticated information
warfare efforts against them.
We learned that the ruling class's Big Business and
Woke Capital titans would seek to enforce their new
religion in the workplace, lest any dissenting Americans slip past their HR
We learned that the ruling class would
excuse , if not underwrite and cheer on, rioters as they looted and burned our cities -- so
long as it kept the ruling class in power.
Today, half the country may never trust an election again, not because of the pending
outcome, but because of the process by which we arrived at it.
Everyone knows about chicanery in Democrat machine-run districts. But never has there been
anything like what transpired at the apex of the
perpetual coup on November 3rd. In the middle of an election night on which the president
made historic gains with blacks and Hispanics and romped in the two bellwether states of
Florida and Ohio; in which his Republican colleagues stunned pollsters by dominating Democrats
in toss-up and even Democrat-favored races; in which the president was up by large margins in
every major battleground state, suddenly, without explanation, the counting stopped.
Were the machines kicking into gear to conjure up the votes needed to stop the catastrophe
of the president winning re-election? Certainly such things had been done before in isolation,
but in the urban centers of several states all at once? Could a fix of this magnitude really be
The media had to that point refused to put clear Trump victories in the win column, while
declaring Biden the winner in hotly contested states -- ensuring Biden would not trail in the
electoral college. Was this a conscious effort to set the narrative, or another
In the wee hours of the morning, suddenly tens of thousands of votes started to be reported
from the bluest cities in the battleground states, some dumps apparently consisting of 100% Joe
Biden votes, contradicting prior totals from those areas.
In the coming hours and days, parties fought and even defied court orders that Republicans
be permitted to oversee the counting. Why were they hiding the counters?
A mass of recounts, audits, and related litigation are now pending.
Every single one of these battleground states might have broken Joe Biden's way in a normal
election in which Americans cast their votes in person, with proper identification.
But the foregoing has cast a shadow over our elections: the way in which the election count
unfolded, seemingly breaking entirely in Biden's favor after an election night freeze; the
anecdotal and in some cases more robust evidence of corruption and fraud. Our faith in the
integrity of our elections, and our republic itself, have been shaken.
Never Forget
That the media took it upon itself to coronate Joe Biden as the winner well before the
counting was done, the recounts and audits undertaken, and the litigation adjudicated gave the
further appearance that the fix was in. That certain world leaders -- surely rooting for a
return of "America Last" globalism -- called to congratulate the former vice president, and
that he stood up his transition so quickly, only further suggested a hasty effort to ram this
election through.
Anything that might arise subsequently to challenge the narrative will now be dismissed as
an attempt to "undermine our democracy [never a republic]," "suppress the vote [by tossing
illegal ones]," and "steal the election [obtain a legal, certifiable, official final tally]."
If you express a desire to count legitimate votes, discard illegitimate ones, and get an
accounting as to the how, why, and extent of any illegitimacy -- to ensure your vote is not
diluted and your voting rights are therefore not violated -- you will be gulaged on social
media and beyond. The fever dreams the ruling class previously telegraphed about dragging the
president from the Oval Office will of course intensify the longer the process takes.
Meanwhile, while Joe Biden is calling for "healing" -- after an election in which he
compared the president for whom 71 million people voted to Goebbels, called the only reporters
who scrutinized him Russian traitors, and routinely badmouthed the country as a systemically
racist bastion of evil -- ruling class Resisters are feverishly drawing up their
enemies lists .
This is who they are. This is what they believe.
For four years, President Trump has achieved major victories in the face of this opposition,
making the country richer and stronger than it was when he assumed office.
But his greatest achievement has been boldly and courageously standing up to this wounded
bear of a ruling class, which has now shown America its true face. Americans' eyes are now
irrevocably open to what has become of their country, and what must be overcome to take it
President Trump's predecessors --
Truman on the bureaucracy, or Eisenhower
on the military-industrial complex, or Nixon on the corrupted media -- scratched the surface of
the challenges we face. But none exposed it so openly, and in such breadth and depth.
If the history is written by the ultimate victors -- and the house almost always wins -- it
may well be that this entire story is missed. Certainly, it will be misrepresented, warped, and
glossed over in the most outrageous of ways. It will probably be censored too.
Nevertheless, we must write it: For posterity, and for our fellow countrymen, in the here
and now, more motivated than ever before to reclaim this land we love. Ben Weingarten is a Claremont Institute
Fellow, Senior Contributor at the Federalist , and a 2019 Robert Novak Journalism Fellow
of the Fund for American Studies, under the auspices of which he is writing a book on
U.S.-China policy and its bold transformation under the Trump administration. He is the author
of American Ingrate: Ilhan Omar and the Progressive-Islamist Takeover of the Democratic
Party .
Apparently disregarding Facebook's public-facing image as a fierce opponent of election
meddling by entities not legitimately involved in the political process, Zuckerberg dived into
the fray during a Thursday company-wide town hall, according to an audio of the meeting first
obtained by
Buzzfeed and later confirmed by
"I believe the outcome of the election is now clear and Joe Biden is going to be our next
president," Zuckerberg reportedly told the assembled crowd. "It's important that people
have confidence that the election was fundamentally fair, and that goes for the tens of
millions of people that voted for Trump."
"Insurmountable election results??" Really? A few thousand votes separates Trump from
outright sweeping all the battleground states whose vote totals are very sketchy and this
is 'insurmountable?'
This is what I mean by the pressure campaign having gone plaid. There is no responsible
journalism left within the major media outlets.
Only those who were forced out on principle or corruption have the ability to speak
their mind now.
"Insurmountable election results??" Really? A few thousand votes separates Trump from
outright sweeping all the battleground states whose vote totals are very sketchy and this
is 'insurmountable?'
This is what I mean by the pressure campaign having gone plaid. There is no responsible
journalism left within the major media outlets.
Only those who were forced out on principle or corruption have the ability to speak
their mind now.
Never in a million years would I look to Megyn Kelly for the voice of rationality. But
it looks like being excommunicated from the inner circle does wonders for one's ability to
tell the truth.
The division today was cynically stoked and nurtured for this current operation to
effect this exact result. The bigger point Megyn doesn't articulate is that this division
is exactly the kind of 'secondary goal' desired if Trump prevails in the courts or through
the Electoral College.
Regardless of the outcome that division cuts deep enough to ensure an America
permanently weakened, ripe for a complete remaking into a hellish place. There is a
full-court press on right now across the world to attack sovereignty of important states
whose populations are dissident to The Davos Crowd's Great Reset -- notably the U.K., the
U.S., Poland and Russia.
The media will never concede they were wrong, will never report on anything fairly. They
are in on the grift. Looking for them to admit anything is a waste of energy and time.
Simply turn them off and become #Ungovernable.
This is a psychological war now, designed to rob you of your reason and sap your
willingness to fight by creating an overwhelming picture of Trump as the bad guy,
Quixotically clinging to power we're being told he's already lost.
But Megyn Kelly is right in telling people that there will be no reconciliation without
acceptance. And since, at its core, leftism is a religion without the ability to forgive,
since it is vehemently anti-Christian, there will be no acceptance back into the fold,
including for her.
It will be marginalization, retribution and continued vitriol of all Trump supporters
and anyone not down with being reset into the grand vision of the New Soviet Green Man.
They haven't even secured the presidency yet and BLM/Antifa are already turning on white
Biden supporters who are urging peace.
Nothing shields you from the mob once the mob gets going. I hope this person's
conscience is clean that he did his part to stop Orange Man Bad because once this is over,
that's all he'll have left.
Klaus Schwab told you this. You'll Own Nothing and be Happy.
Or else.
The choice was struggle sessions or Trump rallies. I told you months ago you would be
faced with the Hobson's Choice of accepting their dystopic future or having your house
burned down.
Millions chose poorly last week and they will have massive buyer's remorse as the plans
are rolled out and they are sacrificed.
Don't believe me? Ask Ukrainians if they are better off six years after their color
revolution or not? That one was successful.
When the Maidan revolutionaries drove away Ukrainian President Yanukovych, they tried to
force the East of Ukraine to recognize Poroshenko as the new president. The East firmly
answered them that they did not know Poroshenko and did not want to know. Then the new
President Poroshenko threw the army, the national guard and even aviation to the East. And
the revolutionaries from the Maidan began to create volunteer and nationalist battalions and
moved forward to pacify the disobedient.
In response, the inhabitants of the East, ordinary taxi drivers, miners and teachers took
away weapons from the police and some of the military. Then they took away part of the tanks,
guns and even multiple launch rocket systems from the Ukrainian army. All of 2014 and 2015
there were fierce battles. The defenders of the East surrounded and beat the Ukrainian army 8
times, Poroshenko crawled to Minsk 2 times asking for mercy and an armistice.
I wonder if there is a civil society in the US and if they can resist the usurpers? Or are
they divided and atomized and no one cares at all?
The Russian inhabitants of the East of Ukraine are hard as stone and strong as metal, they
cannot be intimidated.
I'm wondering what the descendants of cowboys and settlers are made of, traditional real
Americans? I hope not from snot and ****.
Video of real battles in 2014, the scene of the East of Ukraine.
I don't need to see the videos. I was IN Lugansk at the time (April 2014) and my Ukrainian
girlfriend was an active member of the Party of the Regions. They were PISSED OFF as hell
about the government overthrow that had occurred in Kiev and they knew it was US sponsored
with directions coming over social media directly from the US Embassy. They also staged
protests in Lugansk against the Poroshenko regime being forced on them, and the protests were
similar to those staged in Kiev because they thought that was best to get the attention of
the world. They built tire barricades and set some on fire. They took over government
buildings. They stopped traffic carrying large sticks. My girlfriend had many friends who
were participating. We brought them tea and bread. (She gave them the stuff. As an American I
just accompanied her and kept my mouth shut.)
I had to leave to catch a plane out before the military actually attacked but I saw the
attack helicopters coming in and the troops. They boarded my bus and checked our IDs.
And I want it pointed out that John Brennan, notorious US CIA Director was making a very
unsecret "secret visit" to Kiev at the time and is widely believed to have been behind the
decision the Ukraine government took to have troops move against the "mostly peaceful"
"... Nunes, the panel's top Republican, repeatedly made that claim on Lou Dobbs' Fox Business program last month, while alleging that the "intelligence services in this country have been corrupted by the Democratic national party and their propaganda arm in the media." ..."
As President Donald Trump
and his allies continue to publicly dispute the outcome of the election, they are also quietly
seeking to discredit the Russia investigation that has cast a dark cloud over the
administration for more than four years.
Those concerns roared back this week in the wake of a flurry of personnel changes at the
National Security Agency -- and the Pentagon -- as Trump installed political loyalists in key
positions where they could help turn the tide in the behind-the-scenes battle over
declassifying documents, which has raged for weeks.
Trump believes the documents in question will undermine the intelligence community's
unanimous finding that Russia interfered in the 2016 race to help him win, by exposing
so-called "deep state" plots against his campaign and transition during the Obama
administration, according to multiple current and former officials.
But CIA and National Security Agency career officials have
strenuously objected to releasing certain information from the Russia interference
assessment, arguing that it would seriously damage sources and methods in a way that the
intelligence community doesn't believe can be easily repaired.
Both agencies have also cited concerns about cherry-picking information to release and the
politicization of their work as they fight against Ratcliffe's recent efforts to satisfy
Trump's promises to declassify thousands of pages of documents.
Multiple sources familiar with the classified materials have downplayed the significance of
these documents, telling CNN the administration won't make political hay by releasing them
despite the President's fixation.
While Ratcliffe and former acting DNI Richard Grenell have sought to declassify documents
related to the Russia probe and Hillary Clinton's emails, CIA Director Gina Haspel and National
Security Agency chief Gen. Paul Nakasone have fought those moves.
Behind the scenes, Haspel has defended the work of career officials who have come under
criticism from Trump and allies over 2016-era intelligence work behind the investigation of
Russian interference in the 2016 US election.
Haspel's job in jeopardy while Trump
elevates loyalists
The standoff has led the President to become increasingly frustrated with Haspel, in
particular, who he blames for delaying the release of these documents despite the fact that he
and Ratcliffe have the authority to declassify the additional intelligence at their own
discretion. At the end of the day, if Trump wanted these documents declassified, he could do it
A senior administration official and three former administration officials with knowledge of
the situation told CNN they expect the President to fire his CIA director, as he did Defense
Secretary Mark Esper .
Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a
Kentucky Republican, have attempted to protect Haspel from Trump's wrath in recent days,
providing public displays of support for the CIA director amid speculation of her possible
Republican Sen. John Cornyn of Texas voiced his support for Haspel in a tweet Tuesday,
saying: "Intelligence should not be partisan. Not about manipulation, it is about preserving
impartial, nonpartisan information necessary to inform policy makers and so the can protect the
The post prompted immediate backlash from the President's son Donald Trump Jr, who called
Haspel a "trained liar."
"Have you or @marcorubio or @senatemajldr actually discussed this with anyone in the Admin.
who actually works with her, like @DNI_Ratcliffe or @MarkMeadows or @robertcobrien, to get
their perspective, or are you just taking a trained liar's word for it on everything?" he
tweeted, tagging McConnell and Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, who serves as acting
chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
While Haspel's immediate future as CIA director remains uncertain, Trump moved several
political allies into new roles at the Pentagon and National Security Agency this week --
placing them in career positions, which come with civil service protections. They could also
have an immediate impact on the release of classified documents.
Michael Ellis,
an official on the National Security Council , shifted over to the National Security Agency
as legal counsel, which puts him in a civil servant role at an agency at the forefront of the
declassification dispute.
Ellis is widely considered to be a partisan Trump loyalist and has little intelligence
experience despite being elevated to the job of the White House's top national security lawyer
under the President.
He was part of several White House controversies, including overruling career officials over
classified information in the book written by former national security adviser John Bolton.
CNN has previously reported that Ellis came under scrutiny for his alleged roundabout role
in providing information to GOP Rep. Devin Nunes of California, then-chairman of the House
Intelligence Committee, which showed members of Trump's team were included in foreign
surveillance reports collected by US intelligence.
Another former Nunes aide, Kash Patel, will become chief of staff to acting Defense
Secretary Chris Miller, according to an administration official and a US defense official.
The House impeachment inquiry uncovered evidence connecting Patel to the diplomatic back
channel led by Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, and the efforts to spread conspiracy theories
about Biden and coerce Ukraine into announcing an investigation of the former vice
A third Trump loyalist with ties to Nunes, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, was also elevated to a senior
role at the Pentagon this week.
Cohen-Watnick gained notoriety in
March 2017 for his alleged involvement with Ellis in providing intelligence materials to
Nunes, who went on to claim that US intelligence officials improperly surveilled Trump
In his new post as the Pentagon's acting under secretary for intelligence, Cohen-Watnick
could find himself at odds with Nakasone, a military officer, if he pushes for additional
classified materials to be released.
While it remains to be seen if Trump will ultimately fire Haspel, the elevation of officials
like Ellis and Patel has raised concerns that the President is clearing the way to release
documents despite previous objections from intelligence leaders.
"The motives of his recent moves at DoD and NSA remain unclear and are of course
speculative, although the partisan personnel he put in place certainly suggest that he is
stacking the deck, ultimately to win the fight over further declassification of intel related
to the 2016 Russian investigation," Marc Polymeropoulos, a former CIA officer who oversaw
operations in Europe and Russia before retiring last summer, told CNN.
"If he did the same at CIA, install a new hyper-partisan director who would agree to further
declassification efforts, it would not only expose and compromise highly classified sources and
methods, but also taint the agency in the eyes of our international partners. Simply put, that
puts America at great risk," he added.
House Republicans leading campaign to declassify
secret documents
Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee have also pushed the narrative that Haspel
is personally preventing certain documents from being released.
Nunes, the panel's top Republican, repeatedly made that claim on Lou Dobbs' Fox Business
program last month, while alleging that the "intelligence services in this country have been
corrupted by the Democratic national party and their propaganda arm in the media."
Some of the additional intelligence Nunes wants released comes from classified documents
based on a report compiled by Republicans on the committee he chaired in 2018, according to a
source familiar with the materials.
The House Republican report on the Russia investigation disputes the intelligence
community's finding that Russia was trying to help Trump in the 2016 campaign, raising issues
about the tradecraft behind the intelligence assessment.
The Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee, however, confirmed the intelligence
community's assessment in its bipartisan investigation into Russia's 2016 election
Current and former officials have maintained that if there were something revelatory in the
documents that remain classified, it would have been included in either the unclassified House
or Senate reports and in a way that did not compromise sources and methods.
Yet House Republicans and Trump still believe the information in these secret documents will
help validate their criticism of the CIA and FBI's handling of the probe -- raising more
questions about whether this is just an attempt to cherry-pick intelligence.
Either way, the documents are so sensitive that they remain under lock and key at CIA
headquarters in Langley, according to a source familiar with the matter. House Republicans on
the Intelligence Committee stored the materials in a lockbox, which this source compared to a
gun safe. The lockbox was then placed in a CIA vault -- prompting some officials to
characterize it as a "turducken" or a "safe within a safe." The New York
Times first reported on the "turducken."
Republicans on the House panel have long accused the CIA of blocking access to the documents
and have encouraged Ratcliffe to declassify the materials despite objections by the CIA and the
the National Security Agency, multiple sources told CNN.
In a letter sent to the intelligence community's inspector general last month, Ratcliffe
said he has asked that the documents undergo a formal declassification review at the request of
Nunes but also has asked the watchdog to review whether the 2017 intelligence community
assessment on Russian interference "adhered to proper analytical tradecraft."
At the same time, Republicans on the Senate Homeland Security Committee have accused Haspel
of stonewalling their oversight efforts by refusing to produce CIA documents that were
requested as part of the panel's own review of the Russia probe.
There is claimed proof. (Examples below and part of McENanay's statement). OK, these will
now be followed through. So we will see if they are enough to cause any changes in the final
In more news, Twitter censored 12 of trumps Tweets today.
The amount of newcomers trying, rather desperately, to decry anything about the voting
fraud that may have happened is a sign that a bit of "hot-under-the-collar-desperation is
setting in.
The "Intelligence" community is openly calling for a "coup" by VP Pence. They are in the
process of really panicking as many of the originators of Russiagate, Pizzagate would face
real prison terms if Trump wins. (Brennans statements to the Press) (I would love to add
"billsgate" but that would be off topic)
Quote; "We keep hearing the drumbeat of 'where is the evidence?' Right here, Sean, 234 pages of
sworn affidavits, these are real people, real allegations, signed with notaries," McEnany
"They're alleging - this is one county, Wayne County, Michigan - they are saying that
there was a batch of ballots where 60 percent had the same signature," she told host Sean
"They're saying that 35 ballots had no voter record but they were counted anyway, that
50 ballots were run multiple times through a tabulation machine."
There is claimed proof. (Examples below and part of McENanay's statement). OK, these will
now be followed through. So we will see if they are enough to cause any changes in the final
In more news, Twitter censored 12 of trumps Tweets today.
The amount of newcomers trying, rather desperately, to decry anything about the voting
fraud that may have happened is a sign that a bit of "hot-under-the-collar-desperation is
setting in.
The "Intelligence" community is openly calling for a "coup" by VP Pence. They are in the
process of really panicking as many of the originators of Russiagate, Pizzagate would face
real prison terms if Trump wins. (Brennans statements to the Press) (I would love to add
"billsgate" but that would be off topic)
"We keep hearing the drumbeat of 'where is the evidence?' Right here, Sean, 234 pages
of sworn affidavits, these are real people, real allegations, signed with notaries,"
McEnany said.
"They're alleging - this is one county, Wayne County, Michigan - they are saying that
there was a batch of ballots where 60 percent had the same signature," she told host Sean
"They're saying that 35 ballots had no voter record but they were counted anyway,
that 50 ballots were run multiple times through a tabulation machine."
Joe Biden's political Career by year:
1973 Biden enters politics
1977 Biden fights to keep schools segregated because "allowing blacks to integrate would create a racial jungle"
1983 Biden taxes SS
1988 Ran for president but had to end it after getting busted for plagiarism
1990 C'mon man, almost there
1993 Biden taxes SS again
1994 Biden writes the stop and frisk law which is what African Americans blame for systemic racism today
1997 Almost, not yet because y'know the thing
2008 Calls Obama the first articulate and clean mainstream African American
2020 and now he's ready to "FIX" the Country.
Imagine being so dumb that you think the guy in office for 4 years is the problem and
the guy in office for 47 YEARS is the solution
The Dem/ Main Stream Media Complex is infuriated that President Donald J. Trump will not
concede the 2020 election. This is a Sign of Contradiction that he is
doing the right thing. This does not yet mean that Trump won enough votes in key states, as
Tucker Carlson has noted, but we also can't say with confidence that Trump lost [ Tucker
Carlson Says There's Not Enough Fraud to Change Election Results, by Jacob
Jarvis, Newsweek, November 10, 2020]. And here appears to be solid evidence that there
was at least some wrongdoing -- far more so than for the Russia Hoax that paralyzed
Trump's Administration for three years. The same neoconservatives who are demanding Trump
concede would be insisting the U.S, invade another country to "bring democracy" if we saw its
government behaving this way. Ultimately, the entire battle is about who is sovereign in this
country -- American citizens or the Dem/ MSM complex, including Big Tech oligarchs. They
ensured it was not a "free and fair" election, and President Trump should never concede.
Let's consider the almost hysterical fury from the MSM telling us that President Trump has a
duty to admit defeat because Biden "won."
In fact, of course President Trump isn't doing anything illegal. No one has won or lost.
Senate Mitch McConnell may be afraid to defy Trump because he doesn't want to lose the two
Senate seats in
Georgia and thus, his status as Majority Leader. But he's absolutely right when he says
that the Electoral College determines the winner and, until that happens, "anyone who is
running for office can exhaust concerns" [ Mitch McConnell says Electoral College will determine 2020 election, by Lisa
Mascaro, Fox6 Milwaukee, November 10, 2020]. The Supreme Court case Bush v. Gore
that settled the 2000 election didn't come to an end until December 12, 2000.
Media outlets "declaring" the winner have no legal significance, especially when their
projections seem to be based on polls that have proven to be inaccurate [ Professional
pollsters blew it again in 2020. Why?b y Matthew Rozsa, Salon, November
4, 2020].
As of this writing, Arizona, Alaska, Pennsylvania, Georgia are all undecided. North Carolina
was just called for Trump
(and underwhelming Chamber of Commerce GOP senator Thom Tills managed to win a narrow victory
over Democratic challenger Cal Cunningham [ Cal
Cunningham concedes to Thom Tills in North Carolina Senate race, by Evie
Fordham, Fox News, November 10, 2020]). Joe Biden's lead in Arizona is narrow and
shrinking dangerously.
President Trump has a strong legal case in the key state of Pennsylvania, where it appears
that the state Supreme Court simply created a new power to count votes that arrived
after election day. The U.S. Supreme Court (without Amy Coney Barrett) deadlocked over
this, but the Trump campaign will almost certainly take this case to SCOTUS again [ Byron
York's Daily Memo: The election lawsuit Trump should win, by Byron York, Washington
Examiner, November 10, 2020]. As Senator Ted Cruz has said, there has thus far not been a
"comprehensive presentation of evidence" [ Ted Cruz: Trump Election Fraud Allegations Will Be Resolved In Court, Not By Persuading You
Or Me, by Tim Hains, RealClearPolitics, November 10, 2020]. Republican
leaders in Pennsylvania have already called for a recount "in any counties where state law was
broken" [ Senate Co-Sponsorship Memoranda, Pennsylvania State Senate, November 6,
However, there are more fundamental issues at stake. Thanks to the Sem/ MSM complex's
campaign of COVID-19 hysteria, the country engaged in a massive experiment with mail-in voting
[ Are We Sure About All Those Mail-in Ballots, by Josh Hammer, The American
Mind, November 10, 2020]. Different state requirements add to the confusion. There have
been specific claims of outright fraud, notably the inclusion of dead people on the voter
rolls, reports that local officials gave voters instructions that would invalidate their
ballots, and open theft of ballots [ On Electoral Fraud in
2020, by Pedro Gonzalez, American Greatness, November 9, 2020].
Critically, in several of the states where President Trump is launching legal challenges, the
common factor is a company called Dominion Voting Systems. In one proven case, a "glitch" in
its system awarded 6,000 votes to Joe Biden rather than President Trump [ Republicans expand probe into Dominion Voting Systems after Michigan counting snafu, by Zachary Halaschak and Emily Larsen, Washington Examiner, November 8, 2020].
One former Deputy Attorney General for Michigan says counters in Detroit outright provided
fraudulent ballots to non-voters [ Ex-Michigan Deputy Attorney General Alleges Detroit Counters Assigned Fraudulent Ballots To
Non-Voters, by Kyle Olson, Breitbart, November 9, 2020].
The truth or falsity of these claims must be shown in court. Of course, anti-Trump groups
are trying to prevent any legal challenges by individually targeting the law firm that
President Trump is using [ Inside the
Lincoln Project's new campaign targeting Trump's law firm, by Greg Sargent,
Washington Post, November 10, 2020]. No one seems to have considered that such a
strategy ensures that most Trump supporters will -- correctly -- consider a Biden
Administration utterly illegitimate.
Twitter and other social networking oligopolists are currently putting their thumb on the
scale by censoring posts or by claiming there are "election integrity" issues with posts they
dislike, even posts by President Trump himself [ Tucker Carlson: Big Tech Took Part in 'One of the Worst Forms of Election Tampering, by Mary Chastain, Legal Insurrection, November 10, 2020].
This control of information both before and after the election renders democracy pointless.
If Tech oligarchs can control what the voters see and hear, we might as well put them in charge
and dispense with Election Day altogether. It would be simpler and less time consuming than
going through a farce where both the exchange of information before an election and tabulating
of votes on Election Day itself are apparently too much for the world's sole superpower.
If this is the way the system works, then, as President Trump has been claiming for years,
it is "rigged" and illegitimate. If this is how it is going to be, whatever the Regime on the
Potomac says in future should be considered as foreign to the Historic American Nation as
governments based out of Brussels, Moscow, or Beijing.
Indeed, one can't help but wonder whether the historic American nation would fare better
under outright foreign occupation than a hostile elite which considers itself our rulers and
treats us with open contempt, if not hatred.
President Trump and outraged Republicans do have a card to play even if all the legal
challenges fail. State legislatures must certify a state's electors before the College can vote
for the next president. If state delegations believe the vote has been corrupted, they can send
their own competing slate of electors [ Donald
Trump's Stealthy Road to Victory, by Graham Allison, National Interest,
November 6, 2020].
President Trump also has powers that he can use to change the political environment,
especially by destroying hostile institutions and declassifying documents that the Deep State
really doesn't want to be made public [ Reflections on the late
election, by Curtis Yarvin, Gray Mirror, November 8, 2020].
If a rigged system is going to take President Trump down, he can take it down with him.
Arguably, if President Trump had the will to do something like that, he would not be in this
mess. He did not bring Big Tech to heel. He did not ensure that the bureaucracy was filled with
people loyal to him. He kept hiring people who were his enemies and then acted surprised when
he was rewarded with treachery. He governed like a conventional Republican while talking like a
nationalist, the worst of both worlds [ The Tragedy of Trump, by Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, November 16, 2018].
Nonetheless, with his back to the wall, Trump can and should fight. Even now, he has a
popular movement behind him -- all he needs to do is lead them against the System that they
thought they had defeated in 2016.
The reason I want to see Trump win is to see if anyone like Brennan or Comey end up in
jail. If not then it's proof this is all smoke and mirrors on behalf of the usual
A new issue has turned up in Pennsylvania putting another 100,000+ ballots in line for
exclusion: (1)
Over 51,000 ballots were marked as returned just a day after they were sent out -- an
extraordinary speed, given U.S. Postal Service (USPS) delivery times, while nearly 35,000
were returned on the same day they were mailed out. Another more than 23,000 have a return
date earlier than the sent date. More than 9,000 have no sent date.
"Since October 1, the average time of delivery for First-Class Mail, including ballots,
was 2.5 days," USPS said in an Oct. 29 release.
Impossible and improbable return dates indicate there's something wrong with either the
database or the ballots.
Objective facts show that Trump won Pennsylvania.
-- Will the system work?
-- Or, will the Blue Coup cause the Constitution to collapse?
Why should he concede when he won the elections? In fact, Dem crazy policies and senile
half-dead nominee resulted in them losing votes. Apparently, they believed their own lies,
taking their own psyop "polls" at face value. Massive fraud needed to push their corpse ahead
was so crude and ham-handed because it was perpetrated in a hurry. If the fraud stands, the
US is kaput. If Trump succeeds in insisting on real results, the US would keep sliding down
slowly. Either way, the direction is down, the only difference is the speed.
@Verymuchalive US elections because you back both horses. It doesn't matter about where
the "Jewish" vote goes. It's not about ordinary Jews. It's the Zionist power structure and
the big money: Adelson for the Repubs, Saban for the Dems = both bases covered.
Even a not sufficiently Zionist like Bernie Sanders, who is Jewish himself, is blocked
because he's not subservient enough to be a minion and horror of horrors, supports a few
basic Palestinian human rights and a more balanced policy.
It's easy. They only have to cover 2 bases because there are no viable 3rd parties nor
will there ever be under this system, nor is it a direct vote anyway. There will be no change
as long as this duopoly persists.
I absolutely agree with this author's conclusion, the president should fight.
Absolutely, he won the elections. However, he thinks that the fight is for him, but in
reality it is for the American electoral system in particular and the whole political system
in general. If this obvious fraud is allowed to stand, the Empire is doomed. If true result
is recovered, the slide down would be slow.
If those clever wascally Ds so easily rigged the Prez race for Joey Depends, then why
didn't those same clever wascally Ds also rig a few more Senatorial races and capture the
@nsa ad to manufacture hundreds of thousands in each swing state. Apparently, the supply
of the cheaters was insufficient, and dishonest poll workers were available only in several
places (hence the turnout in some places went way above 100%). Sloppy job. Next time they
might prepare better. Say, they had more time manufacturing all those mail-in ballots from
dead people (naturally, all dead people voted for half-corpse). If mail-in voting remains on
the books next time, I expect a lot stronger turnout among the dead.
A single frog is worth more than Joey Depends and Poor Widdle Donnie put together
Now, that is true, but the frog was not on the ballot. It could have won.
Arguably, if President Trump had the will to do something like that, he would not be in
this mess. He did not bring Big Tech to heel. He did not ensure that the bureaucracy was
filled with people loyal to him. He kept hiring people who were his enemies and then acted
surprised when he was rewarded with treachery. He governed like a conventional Republican
while talking like a nationalist, the worst of both worlds
After thinking about their report on the Smug Industrial Complex, there's much I find good
about Stacy's accusations about the BigLie Media that populate that Complex--the
Establishment's Narrative Caitlin Johnstone admonishes us to ignore and do all we can to
dispute. The "Biden Won" narrative is part of their task to manipulate and indoctrinate--to
declare all is decided when nothing is actually.
I have one central question: Since both parties work at the Duopoly's behest and it ought
not to care which POTUS they end up controlling, why all the fuss? Are those of us correct
who characterize Trump as a loose cannon populist incapable of much controlling? Plenty of
$$Trillions$$ have gone to the 1%, so that can't be the issue. Is it Imperial Policy, but
Trump continues to follow the #1 policy goal of Full Spectrum Domination? COVID policy, but
don't the 1% want population reduction particularly of the senior set? Immigration? Trump
merely followed Obama's policy. Genuinely trying to eradicate the Empire's terrorists, i.e.
Now I'm posing this as a serious question. What does the Duopoly gain from Biden that it
can't get from Trump?
Progressive is not radical. Radical is systemic, fundamental change. Progressives have
historically been incremental reformists of the existing establishment's systems.
A progressive government-run kinder/gentler economics and social program still violates
the inalienable rights for people communities and Nature to self-determine.
Establishing a new economy/government rooted in fundamental, inalienable rights of people,
communities and Nature would radically transform the current top-down tyrannical system to
one which defines and upholds systems of culture which are beneficial to all life
The workers who are the voters are the ones getting finessed and fleeced by these elite,
politicians and corporations and they will be laughing all the way to the bank. Voters
falling all out and ready to kill one another over an election where their vote selects
electorates who actually vote for the President. Capitalism is the only winner because
despite all we have gone through workers/voters the same system that crashes and burns then
uses your tax money to cover their losses is still here. In 4-7 years the repeat will happen
until voters decide to politically educate themselves and wake up. It's time to make
financing cooperative businesses a priority so that we can produce more employees who are
also owners and less employees who are dam near slaves.
Totally agree with your statements about Biden and his lack of answers for the problems
facing the country! It was sad to see the attack by the party on progressives but not
surprising from middle of the road Joe. In my opinion, the most pressing issue besides the
pandemic that we as a country need to address is the smothering amount of miss-information
from the media on both sides! We do not have news sources, we have opinion sources!!
This all started over 30 years ago. First with the rise of right wing radio, then Fox
News! Not to be out done, there Dems now have MSNBC. The Right does a great job of generating
fear and hatred .he Left is in catch up mode but moving in the same direction. The largest
issue I have with progressive political leaders is that they don't do a good enough job of
selling their ideas and programs.
During the Democratic primaries neither Sanders or Warren wanted to talk about how we
would pay for healthcare. They let the Republicans set the tone with their accusations about
rising taxes to pay for it.
Neither of the candidates took the time to really explain that YES, taxes would have to be
implemented to pay for a national healthcare program but that it would be less expensive over
all as the program would eliminate the need to pay corporate insurers premiums! There was no
real attempt made on the airwaves to inform and sell Americans on this idea!
No real comparisons to how we do healthcare in America vs most developed nations on the
Neither Democrats or Republicans wanted to vote for the ideas that would address issues of
wealth inequality. The Republicans wanted to believe that a New York flim-flam man would
magically return the country to the ideals of the 1950s, despite having no real plans other
than limit the number of Mexican lettuce pickers and gardeners into the county, while
endorsing policies that do nothing except increase the wealth gap, like corporate tax
Democrats were too afraid to support the progressive candidates with real ideas on how to
address wealth inequality because the rightly felt that conservatives would never vote for
those progressive ideas. So were stuck with the same middling approach as before.
I think the problem is that the workers are supporting Trumpism, when the should be
supporting progressives.
Unfortunately for the Americans people, even if the Dems have the Senate Majority, they
would not move to the left to enact more progressive programs because the
establishment/donors would not allow it. If the Dems dont's have the Senate majority, then
the GOP would block any progressives program because it would make it harder for them to be
re-elected. That's what happened under the Obama Administration. So, the Americans are doomed
to the status quo & worsening standard of living either way unless they come out of their
lethargy and demand real changes.
The victory of Joe Biden? As of November the 11TH, no state has declared a victor in
the November 3RD election. Massive voter fraud, a fully-owned, rigged, manipulated and
controlled mainstream media, and George Soros don't anoint victors; the people, the electoral
college, and the board of electors does.
In spite of Biden imprisoning most of my generation, I still couldn't convince my friends
and family to deny his presidency. Bidens entire career is built upon creating a prison
state. Very soon Biden and Kamala will begin arresting black Americans, the left
political leadership and especially Marxist.. filling prisons is what they both are good
you need democracy. but that needs citizen quality people, and usans are mostly
lumpen-consumers. so you will listen to blather and do nothing. not your fault: you were
raised in a society designed to enable the rich to rule, and the design was very
effective---- they still do. pity is appropriate, but you watch your nation act like bandits
and murderers and shrug your shoulders, so not much pity.
"... This whole thing has a chance of spiraling out of control across many levels. Anyone who believes the MSM narrative at this point needs cat scan of their brain. ..."
"... Finally, one more comment: over 71 million voted for Trump, many, if a not a majority, not out of undying love for the man, but out of conviction that he was the "lesser evil". They were presented with a partly demented, likely illegitimate candidate in Biden and a severely unattractive VP who failed to make a dent in the primary and withdrew early. ..."
There are several more steps and deadline in
the elaborate election process for the presidency.
Dec 8 - States determine their electors for the Electoral College.
Dec 14 - Electors meet in their states to cast their votes for the new President and
Vice President.
Dec 23 - Certificates of the electoral vote results get delivered to the president of
the Senate, who is Vice President Mike Pence
Jan 3 - Members of Congress are sworn in.
Jan 6 - Congress meets to count the electoral votes and declare the results.
Trump could, even without finding the necessary votes, (ab-)use the Electoral College
process to shift the result to his side. He can try to block or delay certifications in
certain states and/or he can push Republican state legislators to appoint Trump electors.
Then as now, each state must decide on a group of electors to meet with a joint session of
Congress on January 6 where the winner of the presidential election is declared. The normal
practice in a state where Biden won the popular-vote total would be for state election
officials to certify the results and send a slate of electors to Congress. But state
legislatures have the constitutional authority to conclude that the popular vote has been
corrupted and thus send a competing slate of electors on behalf of their state.
The 12th Amendment to the Constitution specifies that the "President of the Senate shall,
in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and
the votes shall then be counted." That means that in the case of disputes about competing
electoral slates, the President of the Senate -- Vice President Pence -- would appear to
have the ultimate authority to decide which to accept and which to reject. Pence would
choose Trump. Democrats would appeal to the Supreme Court.
Alternatively, if at that point, no candidate has the required 270 electoral votes, the
12th Amendment stipulates, "the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by
ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states,
the representation from each state having one vote." Currently, Republicans have a state
delegation majority with 26 of the 50 states and they appear almost certain to keep that
majority in the new Congress. A vote of the states would then elect President Trump for a
second term. And again, Democrats would appeal that outcome to the Supreme Court.
... ... ...
Meanwhile we all, as bystanders, will have to up our popcorn supplies to sustain the next
two month.
Posted by b on November 11, 2020 at 17:36 UTC | Permalink
he has a Constitutional challenge in Pennsylvania and a recount of the very close race in
Georgia. If he could manage to win in these two states (plus North Carolina where he has a
comfortable lead), Biden would have only 270 electoral votes and a single faithless elector
(selected by one of the Republican legislatures) could throw the race to the House of
Representatives where Trump would win. Such an outcome would avoid direct manipulation by
Trump/Trump Administration.
There have already been many predictions and opinions, some have come true, some have not.
My guess is that Biden's inauguration will take place, and it is entirely possible that Trump
will be present, thereby voluntarily agreeing to transfer power. A "civil war" between
supporters of Republicans and Democrats, too, most likely will not happen.
Either way, Biden is apparently the first American quasi-legitimate president.
Of course, there can be no question of the legality, transparency and democracy of the past
elections. The winner in such "elections" a priori does not have full legitimacy. Even
Lukashenko is more legitimate than Biden.
I agree. This is existential. If this fraud stands, elections are no more in the west. Not
that they have been meaningful the last 20 years, but the illusion is gone, and Biden's "Dark
Winter" follows. I am assuming that it is indeed the goal.
I am certainly more inclined to trust a hand recount done in searching light and
impartially supervised. In that sense I trust the system. Let's see what that brings. A
significant change, and there is a problem. Maybe then systematic.
It amazes me how otherwise critical thinkers will absolutely buy into this MSM bullshit of
"no evidence of widespread fraud" trumpeted in unison.
I have seen dozens of videos where actual fraud and criminal conduct was captured
The election fraud was done so blatantly and in-your-face that it is damn easy to track and
prove. Just look at this:
While some of this fraud may have been prepared well in advance, some of it can only be
explained by sheer panic on election night when the Dems noticed how strong Trump's lead
What strikes me though is the fixation of commentators even in this forum that just to get
rid of Trump is worth literally any and all collateral. Even if it means shattering
credibility of the voting process itself - just don't investigate, don't prosecute, Orange
Man still BAD and to hell with the fact that half of the country - or more - will consider
Biden illegitimate. As if you haven't seen over four years just how toxic that situation is.
This is not about Trump, folks, this is about the foundation of democracy. This is about
whether our votes still have any meaning.
Nice explanation of the results of some diligent research, b. pointed out a puzzling anomaly in the election stats in this
evening's episode, which Xymphora has also hilighted...
The contest for House and Senate seats favoured the Republicans over Dems whereas the
Presidential contest did not. So that's mildly peculiar.
I would like to quibble with one of your observations...
"There is only one person that could stop Trump from being successful with a 'dirty'
Electoral College strategy. That is of course he himself. Over the last four years he has
failed to select competent advisors."
In Trump's previous life as a property developer, he was a gifted talent-spotter, one
example being the woman he chose to project-manage the construction of Trump Tower and the
woman he appointed to oversee the sale/lease of the completed project. I never watched The
Apprentice so can't comment on the quality of the "winners" who emerged from that TV
spectacle, but I'd be surprise if they were mostly duds.
So I was always confident that President Trump's 'failures' in selecting advisors were
intentional, and certainly helped to breathe life into the Conspiracy Theory that the Swamp
is a collection of utter assholes which runs America from the shadows.
Have to give President Trump credit. With everyone lined up against him - Dems, media,
Deep State & half the Republican party - they still needed massive voter fraud to "win"
the election. So massive that it can't be covered up. Question is: will the justice system
want to find the fraud? Bill Barr is as Deep State as they come. With him leading the DOJ
investigation it seems likely he's be sure not to find anything. It seems the entire system
is so corrupt that President Trump doesn't have a chance.
What I'm curious about is why they would all support a corrupt, senile politician leading
a party with a history of rigging elections. Obviously they REALLY don't like Trump. Ironic
as all these lifetime DC types have as big an ego and are as selfish and amoral as the guy
they hate. A bigger factor would be the perception that Biden's win was inevitable. Thus they
all jumped on board as they need to be on the winning side to have any future in Washington.
I'm sure they were all patting themselves on the back last weekend for a job well done. That,
however, was the high point for the Fraudsters. From now on they are playing defence, trying
to protect what they think they've won.
Will it work? Like working the four corner offence, can they run out the clock and claim
victory? I doubt there is a Dean Smith amongst them with the intelligence to pull this off.
Instead we have a bunch of brown nosers who have gotten everything by kissing ass. They
supported the fraud to be on the winning side. What will they do if perceptions change and it
appears they aren't on the winning side? Like rats leaving a sinking ship?
This was a once in a lifetime thing, building this Coalition of Fraud and getting so many
selfish people to all support the same cause. Coalitions do not last forever. Selfish people
will opt for their selfish interest when the pressure is on. President Trump has many options
to turn that pressure on. Just seeing Rudy Giuliani in prime 9/11 form would have me hiding
under my bed. The most important advantage is that the election was stolen and the evidence
is there. Simply a question of who chooses to reveal it.
I can understand the behavior of the DC denizens. Why would average Americans, mostly
liberals, support such shenanigans? They've nothing to gain from it. How do they benefit from
helping the dirtiest political party in US history back into power? What's to be gained by
undermining their own democracy? Trump said something to hurt your feelings? Go ahead and cut
off your nose to spite your face.
Good advice from B, Popcorn stock is on the rise! I'm looking forward to the hysterics
from the MSM as their fraud unravels and they become more panicked.
@Posted by: Ernesto Che | Nov 11 2020 18:08 utc | 6
Not to mention, Che, the war he ignited in the Middle East by unilateraly, along
Netnayahu, declaring Israel capital in Jerusalem, plus the economic war on Lebanon and one of
its main politcla parties, Hezbollah. The wars on Hong Kong, Venezuela and Belarus which not
becuase of unsuccessfull are not wars...
Then, there are the multiple proxy and civil wars started, and developing, in the African
continent, like in Mozambique ( where 50 people were beheaded by IS in an stadium just
yesterday..) and also just yesterday already declared civil war in Ethiopia, between central
government and Tigray Region rebels...just coincidentally with the inauguration of a Russian
base in South Sudan...
Well, Trump as peacenik debunked at least for anyone not only reading MoA, The Saker, and
Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution, on the selection of electors,
makes no mention of the popular vote. It does, however, give state legislatures the power to
determine how electors are to be chosen.
If enough of the public believes that the Dems are trying to steal the election and
nullify a Trump landslide they won't believe that turning over the choice of electors to
(elected) state legislatures amounts to saying that votes don't matter.
This an excellent analysis. The conclusion:
'It appears Dems shot themselves in the foot bc making everyone do mail-in ballots actually
makes it easier to catch mail-in ballot fraud.' 'This pattern proves fraud and is a
verifiable timestamp of when each fraudulent action occurred.'
Factual evidence: 'Trump Files Emergency Injunction In Michigan Alleging Fraud; Demands
Recounts Over 'Malfunctioning' Dominion Machines'
More than "more than one hundred credentialed election challengers" who have provided
"sworn affidavits". I don't think that these people would provide sworn affidavits to the
court without being truthful. This is from just one legal action.
Then of course there is the circumstantial evidence. The Dems have been telegraphing the
whole scenario for months in order to prepare the sheeple for just such an outcome.
The Democrats tried a faithless elector strategy after Trump won and before he took
office. They went after Trump electors in 2016 like they plan to go after Trump supporters
post Trump.
We will know in December how this plays out. Most likely Trump loses but there are some
valid complaints yet to be settled.
This whole thing has a chance of spiraling out of control across many levels. Anyone
who believes the MSM narrative at this point needs cat scan of their brain.
Regarding Trump being able to reverse the preliminary election results: I doubt it.
Unlike 2016, when there was a degree of panic within the Republican party still fresh off
the internal struggle of the Tea Party, Republicans are set up do do well enough for the next
2-4 years without Trump (or at least that seems to be the view that's expressed in
On the other hand, I'd expect Republicans are willing to go pretty far to contest the GA
election results, for the possibility of taking back one of the two Senate seats, and thus
formal control of the Senate (ability to set agenda). Republicans will have a de-facto voting
majority either way because of the DINO Joe Manchin.
Nah the Supreme Court is incapable of that task. If the issues are critical and so earth
shattering they can simply pass the entire steaming pot of turds back to the legislature and
suggest rerun of election or draw straws in a combined sitting of the Senate and Congress.
THAT is the measure of the rot in the USA.
...Also, I have the links both to the two first rate Election integrity studies from 2016
(these are really the gold standard now for how elections can be stolen and rigged when the
will is there and the means are secured, while the cover-up is sustained by enormous lust for
power). I also have somewhere an excellent link to the sordid history of ES&S (though it
can be found through Google with some effort). Yes, I am lazy but can be rattled from
it......if needed.
Finally, one more comment: over 71 million voted for Trump, many, if a not a majority,
not out of undying love for the man, but out of conviction that he was the "lesser evil".
They were presented with a partly demented, likely illegitimate candidate in Biden and a
severely unattractive VP who failed to make a dent in the primary and withdrew early.
These people, these 71+ M (some of whom may even be progressives, as I hinted above) will NOT
accept the greater evil which will include even more heavy-handed censorship than we have
seen so far. They - and I (however I voted) fear an Orwellian future for this country,
complete with suppression of free speech (yes, it can be suppressed even more than it is
The majority of these voters will NOT accept a verdict that they believe is illegitimate,
whether trump's lawyers can come up with a clever ploy or not. They WILL regard a dem
administration as illegitimate and they WILL resist, if passively at first.
A country requires at least some good will among a majority of its citizens to hold
together. IF much of that good will is withdrawn, the center will not hold and we'll be
seeing some truly hostile actions and reactions that will prove "we are NOT in this
Perhaps some of you look forward to the decline of the Empire through domestic strife (I
kind of do). Yet, we should always remember that no Empire went down quietly without first
inflicting countless damage on its own as well as those out there. It is simply not a pretty
sight, and that is something to dread.
Top analysis prize:- perfectly stated. Putin is off the hook and Xi can breath a sigh of
This USAi performance is downhill all the way. We all need a drink or a joint - f*k the
@Glen Batterham #61
2016+4: Russia rigged the election !!!
2020 : Elections can't be rigged !!!
If the Supreme Court decides no Electoral College vote is reliable, they don't have to
order a new election. They can just follow the Constitution and turn the choice of the new
president to the House of Representatives and of the new vice president to the Senate.
There is claimed proof. (Examples below and part of McENanay's statement). OK, these will
now be followed through. So we will see if they are enough to cause any changes in the final
In more news, Twitter censored 12 of trumps Tweets today.
The amount of newcomers trying, rather desperately, to decry anything about the voting
fraud that may have happened is a sign that a bit of "hot-under-the-collar-desperation is
setting in.
The "Intelligence" community is openly calling for a "coup" by VP Pence. They are in the
process of really panicking as many of the originators of Russiagate, Pizzagate would face
real prison terms if Trump wins. (Brennans statements to the Press) (I would love to add
"billsgate" but that would be off topic)
Quote; "We keep hearing the drumbeat of 'where is the evidence?' Right here, Sean, 234 pages of
sworn affidavits, these are real people, real allegations, signed with notaries," McEnany
"They're alleging - this is one county, Wayne County, Michigan - they are saying that
there was a batch of ballots where 60 percent had the same signature," she told host Sean
"They're saying that 35 ballots had no voter record but they were counted anyway, that
50 ballots were run multiple times through a tabulation machine."
It is clear that all US elections are just chicanery and attorneys. Their criticism of
Crimea, Belarus, Venezuela and others will now disappear down the plughole. They have no
authority to lecture anyone on democracy.
The presidential
election was on Tuesday and we still don't know the outcome. If you followed the Florida
recount 20 years ago, you probably assume you've got some idea of how this will play out.
Officials in contested states will carefully count all the available votes, supervised by
bipartisan observers from both campaigns, to reassure all of us it's on the level. If they find
irregularities or they see questions of fraud, we'll all get to learn exactly what those
allegations are and how they were resolved. That's what we did in 2000. Remember hanging chads?
We put them on TV so people could see the ballots for themselves.
In the end, the dispute between Al Gore and George W. Bush continued all the way to the
Supreme Court. It took 36 days to resolve and every one of those days, if you remember them,
seemed like a month. That process was excruciating, it required patience and calm, but in the
end, it was well worth it.
For the record, the news organizations in this country covered every moment of it. No one in
any newsroom in America even considered censoring information about what was happening. That
would have been regarded as grotesque and immoral. Then, as now, almost everyone in the media
was a partisan Democrat. But in 2000, they understood that preserving the public's faith in the
system was more important than getting Al Gore or anyone else into the White House. So they
pushed for openness and transparency in the process, and thank God they did.
A lot has changed over two decades. It's entirely possible now that someday soon the news
media will decide to shut this election down. Believe it or not, they effectively have the
power to do that. Let's say officials in Philadelphia produce a large number of newly counted
votes. The Pennsylvania secretary of state hastily ratifies them, puts a seal of approval on
them and then declares Joe Biden the winner.
Winning Pennsylvania would put Joe Biden over the threshold of 270 electoral votes, so Joe
Biden is now the president-elect. But how many of the 69 million Americans who voted for Donald
Trump this week would believe that and accept it at this point? Not very many. Not that anyone
cares, and of course, the fact that no one cares is the reason they voted for Donald Trump in
the first place.
"... In my view, the greatest Trump accomplishment is that in four years he did not start a single war. Now, let's compare that to Obama/Biden accomplishments: destroyed Libya, destroyed Ukraine, and illegally sent troops to Syria. The difference is stark. ..."
"... BTW, the bulk of COVID deaths happened in Dem-controlled cities. Not to mention riots by Antifa/BLM bandits, which Dems openly approved of. ..."
Frankly, I was never a fan of Trump. However, seeing how globalist media seethe with rage
against him and drip venom, I know that he is doing something good. Now I know why the scum
hated him so much. He does not play be their scenario, does not give in to fraud. Warts and
all, he is certainly better than corrupt senile nonentity and shameless scum pushing that
half-dead stuffed shirt forward.
Does it bother anyone at all that Joe Biden is implicated in taking money from communist
China through his drugged out son Hunter?
Hell no! If it bothered anyone we wouldn't be in the shit we're in. What is of interest to
Americans is who is that Masked Singer , who will win the Super Bowl and other inane
Election or no election, we've reached and gone past the point where communication with
the Left and Dems is pointless.
This has nothing to do with the Democrats or Republicans they are two sides of the Deep
State coin heads they win, tails you lose. Democracy in this country has been a sham for
I would not be surprised if the military high command has become fractured. I've read from
several sources that the generals, most of whom are wedded to the MIC globalists, never like
Trump in the first place, and have surreptitiously worked against him. But the colonels and
below are largely loyal to their commander-in-chief. Certainly most of the enlisted men
I wonder if Trump's recent firing of Mark Esper has deepened the divide? In any case,
Zarathustra, do you have any evidence that what you say is true?
@Harold Smith emely hard to resist. Maybe Trump did resist it and I can see many of his
supporters are his supporters for that perceived war resistance, but I still highly doubt it.
He may have resisted precisely because he knew his supporters were fed up with foreign
adventurism. His statements and actions though were much more belligerent.
The assassination of Suleimani was an act of war and very nearly led to a real full-time
shooting one, for example. It turned out to be a quick battle but it was really a close
We'll see how historically pro-war Biden turns out. I very much want to be optimistic, but
the anti-interventionist candidates are always blocked out early in the process. They never
come close.
@AnonFromTN /wp-content/uploads/2019/08/TheDogAndTheManAreWorkingTogether.jpg">the dog
and the man are working together
Trump's single-handed trashing of the framework of nuclear arms control and apparent
intent to deploy intermediate range nuclear missiles near Russian and Chinese borders –
is an heinous crime against humanity.
This reckless, anti-American act of infamy by Trump is "deep state" foreign policy on
steroids; there's no other way to characterize it. Other than actually "pushing the button"
itself, what greater crime against America and the world could a president do? By this one
inexcusable act alone, Trump has completely delegitimized himself.
I don't know how you can't see and appreciate this.
@Harold Smith to mention that corrupt senile Dem nominee is an affront to all sane people
in the US. Under that half-dead stuffed shirt the worst will come forward, from brinkmanship
we might slide into actual nuclear war. Judging by how late Dems started their election fraud
(the night after Nov 3), they apparently are dumb enough to believe their own lies. That's a
very dangerous sign. Not to mention that Dems massive election fraud undermines the US more
than Bin Laden or Saddam could even dream of.
So, we had a choice between two bad scenarios. Considering that virtually all US wars were
started by Dems, and that Trump did not start a single one in four years, even Trump is
preferable to what Dem puppet masters have in store for us.
@IncitatusIn my view, the greatest Trump accomplishment is that in four years he did
not start a single war. Now, let's compare that to Obama/Biden accomplishments: destroyed
Libya, destroyed Ukraine, and illegally sent troops to Syria. The difference is stark.
I know that Biden was not senile back then, just corrupt (e.g., the Ukrainian saga with
his junky son dishonorably discharged from the US military getting ~$50,000 a month at
Burisma). So, out of two turds I'd choose the least smelly one. Massive electoral fraud of
Biden puppet masters is a cherry on the cake.
BTW, the bulk of COVID deaths happened in Dem-controlled cities. Not to mention riots
by Antifa/BLM bandits, which Dems openly approved of.
Con artists and criminals in positions of power are under permanent threat – their
nemesis goes by many names: integrity, honesty, accuracy, transparency, backbone, common
sense, common decency, fair play, independent critical thinking are among these.
The attempt to dominate – subjugate – the planet has deployed massive
financial, media, military and covert subversion power. That attempt has required the
successful manipulation of countless good people, and the aid of countless useful idiots
willingly repudiating integrity.
But over the last generation, there has been a great awakening, global in scale. People
from disparate locations around Earth now understand some of the essentials of what is being
attempted. So for example, countless millions of people around the planet understand that the
events of 9/11 2001 in the US were a black operation involving widespread treason and mass
murder which expedited police state measures in the US and wars of aggression abroad.
9/11 was a pivotal eye opener, an operation later understood by countless millions as
absolute proof of the existence of an extensive extremely dangerous criminal conspiracy,
involving many highly placed officials, and that was shielded and enabled by much of the mass
Inevitably, this understanding led to responses: those responses included good smart
people triggered to be highly motivated – like our lives depend on it – to defeat
the evil.
The challenge involved on the one hand the extensive – near globe enveloping –
power and influence of the evil control system, along with the degree to which the average
'salt of the earth' person was ignorant or confused in regards to even the existence, let
alone the scale and nature of the criminality.
The last four years – that is, the Trump Presidency – have been in effect a
global public education process in regards to the existence and scale of the global
propaganda/mind control attempt. Prior to that, recall that Putin was the most demonized
political figure, and he was characterized by often telling it like it was. People all over
the planet identified with his approach to communication, and despite the MSM vilification of
Putin, his popularity around the planet remained strong and grew.
One key to defeating the global pathology was to expose it unmistakably to very large
numbers of the 'commoners' . The 2020 US election has now got the capability of being an
enormous educational process in that regard for people around the planet, not just in the
United States. One of the key messages that will be global in impact is the disclosure of
electronic capability to control from the shadows who wins elections.
The scamdemic/plandemic process has been a massive global counterattack by the global evil
to head off the rising awareness of its existence and nature and intentions. Private
conversations have made it clear to me that there are many people who understand that the
scamdemic is based on dishonesty and is being used for monstrous purposes, while putting on
their useless or irritating masks in public so as to remain innocuous.
One of the key purposes of the plandemic was to create the conditions in the US election
for a successful steal.
But like I wrote: many good smart people have been and are at work as well:
Trump's unfortunate defects that may have trumped him: uncontrolled narcissism, a habit of
commenting on every subject under the sun, an inability to ignore his critics or to use
history to answer them, his sometimes ridiculous lies.
He wasn't a member of the Bush/Clinton club, a true outsider who thought the president
simply issues orders and is obeyed. That only happened on his old tv show.
If Trump fails within the legal avenues, he should walk away, take a plane to Scotland,
and golf for four years.
Be bigger than the fraud, and let the orcs orc it out.
I wish the left had this characteristic to them, but they are chaosists when they lose.
People of the libertarian side have more strength of will to let events fall as they must,
without demanding their will be imposed on them.
I hope Trump, competitive and narcissistic though he is, has that quality to him.
Arguably, if President Trump had the will to do something like that, he would not be in
this mess. He did not bring Big Tech to heel. He did not ensure that the bureaucracy was
filled with people loyal to him. He kept hiring people who were his enemies and then acted
surprised when he was rewarded with treachery. He governed like a conventional Republican
while talking like a nationalist, the worst of both worlds
By Caitlin Johnstone , an independent journalist based in Melbourne, Australia. Her website
is here and you can follow her on
Twitter @caitoz
derangement syndrome' didn't come from Trump. It came from abusive media trying to spin the
evils of his presidency as somehow worse than any other US president's.
The word "coup" is being thrown about in American liberal media today, not because US
liberals suddenly became uncomfortable with the fact that their nation constantly stages coups
and topples governments around the world as a matter of routine policy, but because they are
all talking about (you guessed it) Donald Trump.
To be clear, none of the high-powered influencers who have been promoting the use of this
word actually believe there is any possibility that Donald Trump will somehow remain in office
after January of next year when he loses his legal appeals against the official results of the
election, which would be the thing that a coup is. There is no means or institutional support
through which the sitting president could accomplish such a thing. This is not a coup, it's a
glorified temper tantrum. Trump will leave office at the appointed time.
The establishment narrative managers are not terrifying their audiences with this word
because they believe there is any danger of a coup actually happening. They are doing it
because it's their last chance to use Trump to psychologically abuse their audiences for
... ... ...
It is not Trump himself who's been making people feel terrified of a tyrannical Russian
agent ending democracy in America and ruling with an iron fist, it is years of shrieking,
hysterical coverage about Trump from the mass media.
Without all the deranged and persistent fearmongering, driven by a disdain for Trump's
unrefined narrative management
style and an insatiable hunger for ratings and clicks, it would never have occurred to
Americans that they should be more terrified of this president than of any other sh***y
Reaganite Republican. The Russian collusion narrative which dominated most of Trump's
turned out tobe essentially
nothing . The concentration camps, millions of deportations and armed militias driving
non-whites out of the country that we were promised never came; he never even
came anywhere close to Obama's deportation numbers and his
support from minorities actually went up. He hasn't been any more warlike than his
predecessors overall, and by some measures arguably less so. Most Americans actually reported that
their lives had improved over Trump's term before the pandemic hit.
If people had just been given raw information about Trump's presidency, they would have seen
a lot of bad things, but things that are bad in the same way all the horrible aspects of the
most destructive government on earth are bad. They wouldn't have known to be horrified and
anxious and have headaches and irritable bowel syndrome. They would have handled themselves in
about the same way they always handled themselves during the administration of a president they
didn't like.
Instead, they were psychologically terrorized. Made frightened, sick and traumatized by mass
media pundits who only care about ratings and clicks, as was made clear when CBS chief Les
Moonves famously
said that Trump is bad for America but great for CBS. Dragged through years of Russia
hysteria and Trump hysteria with any excuse to spin Trump's presidency as a remarkable
departure from norms, when in reality it was anything but. It was a fairly conventional
Republican presidency.
In reality, though most of them probably did not realize it, this is what Americans were
actually voting against when they turned out in record numbers to cast their votes. Not against
Trump, but against this continued psychological abuse they've been suffering both directly and
indirectly from the mass media. Against being bashed in the face by shrieking, hysterical
bull***t that hurts their bodies and makes them feel crazy, and against the unpleasantness of
having to interact with stressed-out compatriots who haven't been putting up well with the
It wasn't a "Get him out" vote, it was a "Make it stop" vote.
Meanwhile, another pernicious effect of making Trump seem uniquely horrible has been
retroactively making his predecessors seem nice by comparison, which is why George W Bush now
enjoys majority support among Democrats
after years of unpopularity. Their depravity is hidden behind a media-generated wall labeled
"NOT TRUMP" . And when Biden steps into office, his depravity will be hidden from view in the
same way, neutering all mainstream opposition to his most deadly and dangerous
actions .
The First Rule , 5 hours ago
I certainly hope this isn't True. You should never surrender to Evil.
Too many people succumb to the psychological warfare that has been raging against us for 5
decades. It is very difficult to break free from the indoctrination regardless of
intelligence or education. The backbone of the DemonRat organization is a very strong emotion
that overcomes all logic and reason. It is HATE. Today it is called by the gentle name of
Identity Politics. Nevertheless, it is still a HATE based psychological manipulation. Women
need to HATE men. Blacks need to HATE everyone. Whites need to HATE themselves. Everybody
needs to HATE Trump.
Did anybody vote FOR Biden or Harris?
The DemonRats have the Deep State covering, aiding and abetting their insurrection. As we
have seen, the stupid white people support the peaceful protests and are played like a violin
by the professional agitators likely trained by the CIA & FBI. The BLM aristocracy claims
to be "trained Marxists". Trained by whom? Nobody asks.
The cops are used like trained dogs to attack everyone who opposes the BLM/Antifa
sanctioned riots to the point where citizens are afraid of the cops and the BLM/Antifa people
use the cops for target practice, and the cops just take it. Nobody really respects the FBI
or the cops anymore.
Then there is the constant 24/7 drum beat of propaganda from the MSM and social media
driving people crazy.
Welcome to the world of Kamala Pelosi.
With Trump gone, who will they hate next?
DemonRats: The Party of Lies & HATE
Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of
your own choosing.
- Orwell
archon , 2 hours ago
Every time Maddow speaks she reminds me that we're living in clownworld. Lets not forget
this is coming from people who spent the last four years attempting their own coup.
cankles' server , 4 hours ago
I'm not sure if twitter deleted but here's the youtube link
"... The grouping is thus; 1) Coastal Elites/Wall Street/City of London/Private Banking/Atlantacism/Libertarian Free Market Economics aka finance capitalism ..."
"... The middle of America is land power, and is opposed to Atlantacism, rim theory, blue water navy power projection, importation of third world people, and export of jobs and factories. ..."
Indeed, one can't help but wonder whether the historic American nation would fare better
under outright foreign occupation than a hostile elite which considers itself our rulers and
treats us with open contempt, if not hatred.
Russia or China would not flood the historic American nation with "third world people" in
order to chase after a dollar. A good argument could be made that China or Russia would be a
better government for Heartland America than the "international" coastal elites.
The coastal elites are wedded to finance capitalism. This group of people want a thin veneer
of Oligarchs (themselves) controlling a mixed race, or brown population in their factories.
Finance Capital wants to make illicit gains. Finance capital could care less about improving
labor ability of the native population.
The grouping is thus; 1) Coastal Elites/Wall Street/City of London/Private
Banking/Atlantacism/Libertarian Free Market Economics aka finance capitalism . (In short,
the coastal elites are for an "international world order" with them in charge, with them making
their finance nut with usury, rents, and unearned income. Lying and cheating is ok, because
only money matters. Their capital is fungible, meaning it can fly anywhere in the world to make
gains, and to them labor has legs and is also fungible, to then lower prices – to make
Land Powers, such as China and Russia are not "international" in their thinking. Although
they do some power projection into blue water as a form of defense. They are interested in
improving their sovereign population.
The middle of America is land power, and is opposed to Atlantacism, rim theory, blue
water navy power projection, importation of third world people, and export of jobs and
The American system of economy of the founders was the first industrial capitalism, and the
"credit of the nation" went toward infrastructure, public health, and improving the
The Jew and English finance capitalism method, first combined together in 1694, and has
always been at war with heartland America. The parasite is dug in deep.
Apart from barely squeezing through the swing states to defeat corrupt, incompetent, lying,
corporatist Donald Trump, the Democratic Party had a bad election.
Loaded with nearly twice as much money as the Republican Party, the Democratic Party showed
that weak candidates with no robust agendas for people where they live, work, and raise their
families, is a losing formula. And lose they did against the worst, cruelest, ignorant,
lawbreaking, reality-denying GOP in its 166-year history.
The Democrats failed to win the Senate, despite nearly having twice the number of Senators
up for re-election than the Republicans. In addition, the Democratic Party lost seats in the
House of Representatives. The Democrats did not flip a single Republican state legislature,
leaving the GOP to again gerrymander Congressional and state legislative districts for the next
Will all this lead to serious introspection by the Democratic Party? Don't bet on it. The
GOP tried to learn from their losses in 2012, which led to their big rebound. Already, the
Democratic Party is looking for scapegoats, like third party candidates.
Will the leaders of these inexcusable defeats – Senator Chuck Schumer and House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi – explain how this happened? Will they take some responsibility and
tell the American people why they let their profiteering media consultants spend so much money
on tepid, low-impact TV ads at the expense of a massive ground game to give voters personal
reasons to get themselves out to vote, beyond Trump? A third of all eligible voters stayed
home. Could part of the problem be the 15% commission the consultants receive from TV ad
revenues as compared to zero commissions from ground game expenditures?
Can the corporate Democratic leaders respond to inquiries by progressives and the sidelined
primary voters of Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren? Can they respond to why the
living wage, the corporate crime wave, and the GOP blocked stimulus/relief package passed by
the Democrats in May (including a $600 a week extension for tens of millions of desperate
workers and critical aid to local agencies overwhelmed by the Covid-19 pandemic) were not
prominently front and center? Also, why did the Democrats refuse to campaign for full Medicare
for All, supported by 70 percent of the American people? The Democrats, as pointed out by
political media specialist, Bill Hillsman, did not speak directly to white, blue-collar workers
who deserted Hillary Clinton for Donald Trump in 2016.
Moreover, the Democratic Party has a long-standing problem with authenticity. Rhetoric for a
large infrastructure jobs program paid for by repealing corporate tax cuts and loopholes is
seen as a throwaway line by many voters. Democrats should have explained, at the local level,
how determination and integrity could shape the upgrading of our schools, clinics, roads, mass
transit systems, waterworks, and other public services, with good-paying jobs.
A vast majority of Republicans - 70% - believe the 2020 election was not 'free and fair,'
according to a new poll by Morning Consult .
Broken down further, 48% of Republicans polled say the election was "definitely" not free
and fair , while 22% say it "probably" was not - over twice the percentage of Republicans who
thought it wouldn't be fair when polled just before the election.
Morning Consult also found:
Republicans are most skeptical of the Pennsylvania results: Just 23 percent of Republican
voters say they believe the results in the Keystone State are reliable, and no more than 3 in
10 say the same about the results in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Wisconsin.
Additionally, even for states like Texas and Florida, where Trump is projected to safely win,
Democrats are more likely than Republicans to say the results are reliable.
Overall trust in elections plummets among Republicans: Prior to the election, 68 percent
of GOP voters said they had at least some trust in the U.S. election system. Post-election,
that dropped to 34 percent. Democratic trust, meanwhile, jumped from 66 percent to 78
Among voters who doubt the 2020 election's validity, mail-in voting is seen as the main
culprit: Nearly 4 in 5 voters who say they don't believe the election was free and fair cite
widespread voter fraud caused by mail-in voting as a reason why. Additionally, 72 percent
cite ballot tampering as a reason and 51 percent say the media gave the candidates unequal
Despite outstanding concerns, most voters don't expect the results to be overturned : 63
percent of registered voters, including 75 percent of Democrats and 45 percent of
Republicans, say it is unlikely that the election results will be overturned.
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This looks bad enough to require a hand recount. Is this another software "glitch"?
HardlyZero , 55 minutes ago
Just sayin'
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF
VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost -- Using Dominion and
Other Systems
Time to wake up and prepare for what the globalists will do after they lose.
These brennans and clappers and obamas are planning false flag after false flag in a
They are violent. Be prepared.
Meatballs , 1 hour ago
Funny thing. They seem happy with House and Senate results on the same ballot.
greenrebellion , 1 hour ago
Well there is a very unusually high proportion of ballots that only filled out Biden and
nothing draw your own conclusions.
1911A1 , 49 minutes ago
Its more obvious than that. Many local districts have far more republican votes for
non-Presidential races than for Trump.
See Nebraska Congressional District 2. It doesn't make sense. 165k vs 150k.
The vote totals for the Presidential election are almost exactly swapped from the
Congressional election.
What does make sense is that the time-series voting data now being analyzed shows vote
flips always from Trump to Biden or outright vote drops from Trump.
"New normal" as in: having Dominion software flip votes from Trump to Biden, corporate
media doing a witch hunt on Trump for 5 years, MSM lying about everything from George Floyd
not dying from a drug overdose, MSM literally fanning the flames to incite a race war? I
could go on.
Various countries and organisations were weighing in on the US elections in a manner
normally reserved for seedier regimes and states in ill repair. The International Crisis Group,
in a
report published just prior to the election, is all warning and woe. "The 2020 US
presidential election presents risks not seen in recent history. It is conceivable that
violence could erupt during voting or protracted ballot counts. Officials should take extra
precautions; media and foreign leaders should avoid projecting a winner until the outcome is
The last line has a fabulously understated tone of irony, given the more than enthusiastic
pronouncements previously made by US administrations on which spoiler should be recognised over
another in the elections of other countries. Interfering in the elections of other states has
been something of a Washington speciality, notably since the nascent days of the Cold War.
The Crisis Group believes that the US is in a terrible mess, a patient politically ill.
"Beyond the implications for any Americans caught up in unrest, the election will be a
harbinger of whether its institutions can guide the US safely through a period of
socio-political change."
The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe has suggested that President Donald
Trump risked causing harm to "public trust in democratic institutions" notably in prematurely
claiming victory. Polish ambassador Urszula Gacek, as chief of the US OSCE's mission,
despaired at the rash of
lawsuits already dotting the political landscape. Such cases were "changing the rules of the
game while the game is still going on." (For the untutored, this assessment is understandable;
but any seasoned observer would have to accept that behind every US election lies an army of
lawyers in brief wielding wait.) The body's 30 observers and 11 election experts took note of "grave
concerns" from US election officials that legitimacy was being questioned "due to the incumbent
President's repeated allegations of a fraudulent election process."
support the neoliberal establishment and the 'Deep State' managers that run US politics
and the Empire;
drown the truth in a sea of partisan nonsense.
Me: by the time of elections, what I think as Deep State managed to train Trump in
obedience, and it goes without saying that Biden learned his lessons long time ago (even
100% opportunists need to learn what they are supposed to do, and Biden never being too
bright, it did not happen instantly).
The folks visibly try to fix "narratives", and do much more what we do not see. I doubt
that they would do any vote tampering, this is not their expertise.
But the "sea of partisan nonsense" is something that "serious politicians" do all the
time. You may remain an idealist if your political carrier is based in some remote mountain
or islands, otherwise you provide voters with voters want to see.
It would be a fine thing for all involved in the current procedures, and mostly the press,
to show respect for the office of the presidency at this time of current turmoil. This was
something I notice in the very first debate - that Biden seemed to think Trump's presidency
had ended once the vote was cast. That is most certainly not the case. I am not an advocate
for Trump; I did not vote for him. I am an advocate for respect of the office. Trump was
correct during that debate when he said that his term is not over until the new term
officially begins. Biden should have agreed on that point.
The press is not the maker of decisions in this respect. There is time to sort out the
various claims through the courts and through recounts. And to let the rumors subside and
just facts determine what has been a close election. Let each of the states do their best to
make it legitimate for whichever candidate proves to have had the requisite votes in the
electoral college as the Constitution requires. And if Trump feels there are discrepancies,
let him make that claim. He is entitled to do so.
Otherwise, we do have chaos, and that is not in anyone's interest.
So what? . . . As b said five days ago: Every four years the United States has "the most
important election ever" though none of those I remember have really changed anything
fundamental." . . .So button up for same-old, same-old.
...remember that Biden is not MLK. He isn't Malcolm X. He isn't Gandhi. He isn't Mandela. He
isn't even a good person.
He was just the only alternative offered up by the ruling class to oppose a proto-fascist
who emerged from that same ruling class. The US remains a dictatorship of money.
But it was Black, Brown and Native people who made this victory possible because they have
the most at stake.
If Biden and the Democrats toss them aside, which they will likely do, or if he maintains
the status quo and continues neoliberal policies, which appears inevitable, another Trump will
And the next one will be far more formidable, dangerous and terrifying. The question is,
will white American liberals fall back asleep for the next four years, or will they come to
realize that problems like racist police violence and economic inequity is systemic and
structural? And that the Democratic Party has no plan to address any of this in any meaningful
... the dissolution of the American Empire will happen regardless of this election because
it is failing in all the ways empire's fail. It may take decades (Rome did not fall in a day),
but on its current trajectory, it is inevitable. And truthfully, that is the best prospect for
humanity and a living biosphere.
Kenn Orphan is an artist, sociologist, radical nature lover and weary, but committed
activist. He can be reached at .
Like an old truck, the US political system has lumbered down an uneven road for many years
but the mileage on the clock is beginning to show. No longer a Constitutional Republic –
and certainly not a "democracy" – the cracks in the system appeared long ago, and they
now appear as gaping fault lines.
Long before compromise was no longer possible, the Constitution no longer upheld, and most
politicians were owned by Oligarchs, elites learned that backing both sides was a sure method
to prevail with their agenda. Not a politician, it appears that Mr. Trump was somehow ignorant
of this fact. Whether by palace coup ( Mishkin/ Fox ) or the
Beltway's notorious snake pit
(Haspel/Wray/Esper/Media) or even by members of his own family (
Kushner ), Trump was seemingly unaware that he could be forsaken and betrayed.
What Trump needed to do, he did too late. For example to revoke either Brennan or
Clapper's security clearance was not enough. The president needed to
fully purge corruption in the security services, the allies of the Surveillance State who
opposed him – admittedly an impossible task within entrenched Washington. The president
likely hired John Bolton for this effort, believing that Bolton – a supreme geopolitical
miscreant and Bad Actor – and Mike Pompeo too, could somehow aid Trump in his goal of
draining the swamp at State. The principle being, "keep your friends close and your enemies
even closer." Other names include Gina Haspel, Christopher Wray, and Mark Esper. Instead of
purging the snakes, Trump must have believed that he could ally them to his agenda – at
least in the beginning – and then behead them later on. That proved to be a fatal error,
a major miscalculation.
The president also believed that aligning his star with Binyamin Netanyahu would guarantee a
certain political survivability. The issue here, is that Mr. Trump gave Netanyahu everything he
wanted and more, including help with Netanyahu's re-election, a vital error on the president's
part. Failing to learn Machiavelli's rules of modern leadership, Mr. Trump was evidently
unaware that you never give your benefactor all that they desire before achieving your
Likewise Trump's threats to cross the Rubicon versus NATO never materialized, where
threatening to defund NATO is somewhat analogous to the Queen threatening to sell the crown
jewels. Donald Trump, unbelievably believed that he could do what he promised to do, and that
which no president ever does: keep his promises. The Beltway's double-dealers see such honesty
as treachery, and on NATO Trump essentially signed his own political death warrant,
rhetorically speaking.
One thing Trump did not give in to at the behest of Washington's coup class, and to his
eternal credit, was his failure to acquiesce to the Neocon/Neoliberal desire for war with Iran.
Even doing the "next best thing", ie assassinating Qassem Soleimani in January of 2020, was not
enough for Washington's warfare state. Trump then negotiated a stand down with Iran after the
attacks on US
installations in Iraq . The stand down proved too much for Washington's warfare machine,
and that Trump could not be trusted Washington must have its wars. Trump also promised to
withdraw troops from America's longest war (Afghanistan), anathema to the likes of Mark Esper
and his Raytheon handlers .
This is the central issue, that while the United States is in steep and rapid decline,
relying on the weaponization
of the US dollar , the creation of failed states, and military aggression to enforce its
will – that's all that remains to enforce US hegemony and Empire. Inevitably that means
more war, more intervention, and more global chaos going forward. Despite his
best effort there was no way for Donald Trump to end endless war in the face of the
systemic neoliberal corruption that afflicts Washington.
And that is where Trump gained votes and popularity, his promise to end endless US wars; the
only other candidate to ever voice this intent was Dr. Ron Paul. But there is no possibility
for that now. At this point, Donald Trump's misunderstanding of Washington's cesspool of a
neoliberal establishment is now irrelevant. The relevance is now that a Biden-Harris regime
will assume the worst actors and worst elements within Washington's bottomless swamp at US
Frank Zappa:
The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At
the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the
scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the
way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.
Eric Zuesse, Strategic Culture, 11/1/2020 :
For example, on the Republican side, the fact that Donald Trump's coronavirus leadership has
been a catastrophic failure and is recognized throughout the world to be so, is ignored by
some and denied by others, but it's not recognized by Republican voters -- they are in
reality-denial about it. Also, for another example, these voters are in reality-denial about
Trump's racism and race-baiting. They deny the clear evidence of it.
However, on the Democratic side, the fact that Joe Biden is profoundly corrupt is simply
ignored, as is the fact that he stole the nomination from Sanders by lying through his teeth.
As is the fact that Biden was the U.S. Senate's leading advocate in the Democratic Party for
continuing segregation ('separate but equal'). He was a stealthy bigot, not only on
segregation, but on criminal justice. Also, the fact that Biden is an ardent proponent of
U.S. imperialism and of the privatization of infrastructure in the conquered countries so as
to sell them off to U.S.-and-allied investors, is likewise totally ignored by Democrats. (The
main difference between Biden and Trump on foreign policy is over which country is the most
important to conquer: for Trump it's China; for Biden it's Russia; but both want to conquer
also Syria, Iran, Venezuela, and a few others.)
Perhaps the truth that both Republican and Democratic voters resist more strongly than any
other is that the Republicans' leadership regarding coronavirus-policy has been disastrously
myth-laden and bad, and that Democrats are better only in that they are not leading
this disaster, but Democrats have actually gone along with Trump on it wherever the polls
were showing that a majority of the public were supporting his policy on the given matter. In
other words: Biden's policy has been simply to gloat over Trump's getting all of the blame,
and to avoid crucial specifics on what his own policy and priorities would be. But a choice
between two evils is still evil -- it's an evil system. What is evil there is not
merely the options, but the corrupt system that restricts those options to only ones
that are acceptable to the actual rulers, to the very few -- the aristocracy -- that benefit
from, and control, the corruption. That's what's more evil than either of the two
nominees is. It is the people who are financing their political careers. And this is the
reality that the vast majority of America's voters, in both Parties, refuse to
recognize. They refuse to recognize the more-fundamental problem, which problem is the trap
that the country has degenerated into. Without recognizing that more-fundamental problem,
there is no way out of it -- not even possibly a way out of it.
The really biggest problem with this so-called 'election' is that the Deepest State, which
operates all the major propaganda organs, did not even bother to hide the fact that it was
blatantly and furiously playing austerity games .
Please understand that any ' political ' (rather than 'casual') election that bears
any involvement with computer voting, mass mail-in voting, and fails to implement simple
score voting (each voter casts, say, zero to ten votes to as many candidates as they prefer
-- eg. each voter could, for example, theoretically grant nine votes to a dozen different
candidates) is grossly inadequate. It will be either hopelessly insecure, or incapable of
liberating the commonalty from corporate foundation fronted, perceived viability, two (or too
few) party lock-in. It will provide no democracy whatsoever, just a tyranny of stealth
Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) told Fox News on Monday the media do not pick the president,
reminding them that in 2000 then-Democratic presidential nominee Al Gore was given an
opportunity to exhausted legal options before eventually conceding the election to Republican
George W. Bush.
"One of the things that the media forgets is they do not select the President of the United
States," she said. "The American people elect the president of the United States. And in 2000,
Al Gore spent 37 days exhausting every option, and President Donald Trump should also exhaust
all options that are available to him. He is doing this to make certain that the votes that are
legal are counted, that illegal votes are tossed out, and that the American people can have
confidence that this election was properly run, that votes were properly cast and counted."
Blackburn urged viewers to report any discrepancies they have felt that they have
"So, the President should -- and I will tell you, I'm very pleased that A.G. Barr is
beginning to look at the irregularities in anyone who was disenfranchised, or anyone who knows
of irregularities, should go to the website and report these so that they can
be investigated," Blackburn added.
A quick look at a map tells the story: this struggle is most one of the deep state vs.
the deep (real) country.
Two other divisions that look the same on a map:
1) the urban areas and their hinterlands (See: Copley, _Uncivilization_). This is a global
consequence of the population explosion, which produced many national and international
migrants who moved to cities. The move gave cities enough political power to disregard their
hinterlands (national and global both), and support themselves through politics and command
economies alone. Obviously, the Deep State resides in urban areas.
2) The people who have benefited from affirmative action and those who have lost from it
(See: Caldwell, _The Age of Entitlement: America since the Sixties_). This is also a global
phenomenon, although Caldwell discusses only the United States of America. The civil rights
act of 1964 (CRA) was a pretext for granting political income to urban areas (where resided
the Deep State), so it produced the same geographic division as (1).
It would appear that the above division are very nearly global, not confined to the United
States. Globally, existing governments attempting to seize control of more of the general
population's assets, and are encountering resistance from their general populations.
When looking at global social changes, I tend to look at global physical changes in
addition to internal evolution of the changing societies.
The obvious social change would be Turchin's "over production of the elite", possibly
exacerbated by Edward Dutton's observations on increased genetic load and the consequent
increase in genetic load. I should add that contemporary industrial societies produce so much
that they favor R strategists -- the environment is generally benign, so high clutch
reproductive strategy outcompetes low clutch reproductive strategy. There is also a heuristic
that Western Europeans become insane in places without winters (Seattle/California being the
usual examples).
The physical changes are three, all bad:
1) Diversion of income stream to political uses has undercapitalized industry and prevented
several changes necessary for industrial society. This change, by itself, was sufficient to
bring down the Soviet Union.
2) Cheap energy is over. This has been disguised by monetary policy, but see:
Essentially, attempts to preserve low oil prices by inflation have raised other prices.
Society is now more poor in resources than it was in 1970. While nuclear might be a long term
source of cheap energy on the scale needed, the capital needed for conversion is not
available (see (1)). "Green energy" over total life cycle is a net energy user, not an energy
Note that I omit COVID-19, which may or may not be the first of several infectious
diseases spread b global trade. I regard that as a possibility, not a certainty.
Historically, a confluence of bad physical luck (2 and 3) with a society that has largely
expended it resources leads to stress on the society. Note that this is not a contradiction
of Turchin's "overproduction of elites" theory, but rather a corollary. Bad luck always
happens eventually, and an overproduced elite is less able to cope with it than a new and not
overproduced elite that has been subject to selective winnowing.
So, yes, the descriptions of operational and tactical factors mentioned may be correct,
and so may the strategic factors. However, they are all driven by a sudden vanishing (since
2008) of enough resources to support the world's population. The deterioration of US cities
is not unique to the US. One might also note that immigration to industrialized countries is
largely of people who can't survive in their countries of origin. One might think of the
"millions of deaths" consequent to COVID-19 lockdowns (
) . In short, there suddenly isn't enough to go around, not "enough for everybody".
To put it very bluntly, we are in Turchin's end of cycle state. The society cannot support
its government in its current form. At this point, a reorganization occurs.
Conclusion: nobody is going to back off from the current dispute. Further, the existing
elite will most likely lose, as it cannot shed overhead as quickly as its income and support
decline. Furthermore, the existing elite is incompetent and beset with internal strife.
"... On the other hand, what recently happened in the States (BLM/Antifa) was totally reminiscent of the Cultural Revolution, the policy of chaos that allowed Mao to get rid of Liu Shaoshi. So, this United-Statesian system is incomparably closer to Maoism than the current communist party rule in China is. ..."
"... Now, of course, when we are dealing, not with chaotic irregularities and glitches, but with massive bias from organized fraud, it does not make sense to speak of an error margin. Ideally, the ballot should be rerun in the most contentious states. ..."
"... Absolutely true that Dems are not fighting anybody, they're hiding behind Mommy Gina's skirts as she boxes the big bully's ears. ..."
This is a great paper. Very aptly couched and insightful.
The Dem-GOP is a duopoly and Trump is an outsider. The 2016 primaries showed this
The Chinese single party gives more of a voice to the man in the street than the USA's
oligarchic system. For one thing, it cares about security and pervasive prosperity.
On the other hand, what recently happened in the States (BLM/Antifa) was totally
reminiscent of the Cultural Revolution, the policy of chaos that allowed Mao to get rid of
Liu Shaoshi. So, this United-Statesian system is incomparably closer to Maoism than the
current communist party rule in China is.
One thing I would qualify: we never know with 100% confidence who won, but when the
victory margin is well above the error margin, we can usually exceed 99%.
Now, of course, when we are dealing, not with chaotic irregularities and glitches, but
with massive bias from organized fraud, it does not make sense to speak of an error margin.
Ideally, the ballot should be rerun in the most contentious states.
Absolutely true that Dems are not fighting anybody, they're hiding behind Mommy Gina's
skirts as she boxes the big bully's ears. So if any Trump partisans want to fight back
(most are pussies,) the way to do it is go after CIA directly. Expose their most atrocious
Then move on to the sequel, CIA's biological weapons sneak attack with a banned offensive
weapon illegally developed at UNC's Burnett-Womack Center and weaponized by Battelle and
compartmented subcontracts. SARS-COV-2.
Like TV reporters saying, "these are mostly peaceful protests" while buildings in the
background are raging on fire. Some of those media outlets gaslight their viewers everyday
and laugh while doing so and calling their viewers shmucks to each other.
Third, on the international front, we can expect even more hysterical Russia bashing
(the Dems all hate Russia with a passion, especially since they have brainwashed themselves
for four years that "Putin" had "attacked" the US elections). But there is really nothing
the US can do to Russia, it is way too late for that. So I would expect even more hot air
than from the Trump Administration, and probably not much more action, although that is by
no means certain, since a braindead nominal President like Biden would not have Trump's
intelligence to understand that a war against Russia, China or Iran would end in a
disaster: Dems always start wars to try to convince the public that they are "tough"
(Dukakis in his M-1 tank).
The Dems don't hate Russia it is used as a bogeyman to re direct the populace anget at the
neoliberal social system .
Russia, China, Iran and all the rest of the world probably can't believe their good
fortune the US is destroying itself.
Biden will not be in control of the US, or any part of it he will be in the corner pissing
his pants. The Deep State will be calling the shots.
Finally, a word to those who like to say that there is no difference between the Dems
and the GOP, that this is all a fake conflict: friends, you are both right and massively
wrong. You are right when you say that the DNC and the RNC are like indistinguishable
twins. But what you are missing are two crucial things:
Factions inside one party can actually go after each other much harder than against
their common enemies. I think of the SS vs the SA in Nazi Germany or the Trotskysts vs the
Stalinists in the Soviet Union and during the Spanish Civil war.
But, even more crucially, this is not a contest between the Democrats and the Republicans,
it is a contest between a "rejected outsider" and both the DNC and RNC!
The Weimar Republic and the Russian Empire are not historical equivalents of pre-Trump US,
and neither the German Reich nor Bolshevik USSR were ever financial or military headquarters
of terrorist Ziocorporate globalism. The Saker gleefully ignores that the EU acts in the
interests of Ziocorporate globalism every time they need to so it's not simply an
"Anglo-Zionist" thing, and Russia itself has its branch of Ziocorporate globalism mafia that
Putin works real hard to appease.
The Trumpet is a media phenomenon, the so-called "deep state" has been running Cointelpro
ops. since before many of us commenting here were even born, to really win, and not a
so-called "election" in a fake republic with fake democracy, but something closer to
"freedom", a mass awakening would have to happen, and that's an impossibility. The options
are subjugation or war, and Trumpet only worked to rally clueless whites and cretinous
conservatives for the CIA/NSA/FBI/etc. to identify more easily.
By the way, the NYT article on Barr's salvo reveals the Democrats and their Allied Media
shift from the no longer defendable "No evidence of voter fraud," to no evidence that the
fraud was "widespread."
In other words, "Forget about PA. We don't need it." But while their Allied Media will of
course dutifully abide, Trump pulled the lawsuit trigger yesterday. More are coming soon.
Including WI and MI.
Thus it's a mistake to think that Biden being declared the winner in AZ and GA, with the
attendant "both controlled by Republicans!" shouting, will abort the process now in
Didn't the Democrats just spend the last four years asserting that the 2016 was invalid
because nefarious Russian hackers operating in the Kremlin's basement somehow changed the
You're mistaken if you think I'm implying Trump is either Don Corleone or Sonny. No,
everyone relevant bears this burden at this level, enforced one way or another.
Biden strikes me as akin to Boris Yeltsin in 1996. We have a similarly spent personality.
Biden will either be the means to restoration or the scapegoat through which the Democrat
Party hit the reset button.
I ceased trying to reason with those compelled to take swipes at Trump (e.g. Dumb; lacking
intelligence). Not to put too fine a point on it, but that ship sailed. People who write this
do so because Trump makes them feel bad about themselves. Their heads would pop if they
admitted to themselves that they would have drown in a day in the waters Trump has had to
swim in for five years.
This resentment, correlated with intelligence, interestingly, used to manifest as
embarrassing claims that we think he's "playing 4D chess" and other nonsense.
I belabor all this because it's relevant at this moment of uncertainty as to outcome. To
the question of whether men make history or history makes men, the answer strikes me as
assuredly both, in unknowable proportions in real-time.
So let's simplify the current state of play. The constellation of forces, domestic and
foreign, arrayed against Trump since before he took the oath, failed once again to achieve
their objective on election night. This despite spending four years monumentally increasing
their capacity to steal.
In 2016, after a few hours they determined it was a bridge too far and went to Plan B the
next morning. They refused to make the same "mistake" twice. In for a penny, in for a pound.
After all, the whole lot of them are thoroughly discredited anyway.
There is no way in the world they wanted to be relying on PA to put Sleepy Joe over the
Electoral College top. The steal was too large, too obvious, and easily provable. In my view,
litigating PA and relying on it to the bitter end is not an option. RCP pulled back on its PA
call last night:
The next turn of the screw will likely be calls in AZ and GA. But even if both are called
for Biden the margins will be so thin they will go to recounts/re-canvassing. Meanwhile, Team
Trump will expand its litigation to more states, with no hope for the Democrats of a quick
resolution unless they give up the ghost.
The median wage in the USA is $34k per annum i.e. half the working population makes under
this amount. So why the sick push by Trumpstein and his rich pals to strip these working poor
of their basic subsidized medical plans? If the creep had done just one tiny little thing for
this half of the working population, he would be Prez Re-elect right now.
Instead, it was all about goosing the stock market and tax cuts for himself, his
relatives, wealthy pals, and of course his jewie sponsors. This from a degenerate clown who
spends $100k per annum on Swiss makeup and another $100k on hair care.
I need to begin with the obvious: in spite of all the deep state, propaganda and "deep
empire" (transnational) resources being used to declare that "Biden" (i.e. Harris) has won, as
of right now nobody knows who got most votes and where.
I would even suggest that we will never really find out who won, because who won depends on
a large number of local laws and regulations and because it will probably never be possible to
separate the fake votes from the legal ones.
Finally, neither side will ever gracefully admit to having lost the contest. So now the
country will enter a profound crisis.
That is the bad news.
But there is also very good news.
First, it has now become clear to the entire planet that the US "democracy" is anything but:
the US is an oligarchic plutocracy , plagued with a myriad of antiquated laws and
corrupt to the bone. The special "trick" of this US oligarchic plutocracy is that is
masquerades as an ochlocracy: there is pretend mob rule which serves as the microscopically
small fig leaf hiding the real nature of the regime.
Second, while the Dems did their best to hide this, and they still are, it is now becoming
evident that the sheer magnitude of the fraud made it impossible to conceal it. Now if we think
of how the AngloZionist Empire has handled equally non-believable nonsense (9/11, Syrian gas
attacks, Skripal, Navalnii, etc.) we know what they are going to do next: double down, which
will reassure the brainwashed zombies, but will even further infuriate those still capable of
critical thought.
Third, the behavior of the US media in this entire operation is so obviously disgraceful
that nobody will ever take them seriously again (at least amongst the thinking people, the
zombies glued to the Idiot Tube are beyond any rational arguments anyway). This is particularly
important in regards to FoxNews who has shown that it was a pseudo-conservative propaganda
outlet which, in reality, is completely committed to the political agenda of Rupert Murdoch and
his family.
At this point in time, it is impossible to predict what will happen next, but the murder of
JFK or the 9/11 false flag strongly suggest that the US deep state will win. There seems to
only be one way for Trump to stay in power and it will probably look similar to this:
Giuliani, who I was told won over 4,000 lawsuits in his career, is a very tough guy (look at
what he did to the mob in NY!) and he must realize that the lawsuits he will file this week
will be the most important ones in his career. They will even probably define his legacy. The
notion that he would go to the courts with no solid evidence in his files is simply ridiculous.
I don't see any mechanism which can stop Giuliani now, so the ball will now go to the state and
federal courts next and, after that, to the Supreme Court. There the situation is hard to
In theory, Trump probably has enough conservative Justices, especially with Ruth Bader
Ginsburg gone and Amy Coney Barrett replacing her. That's only in theory. In reality, things
are much more complex. On one hand, the pressure of the deep state on the Justices will be
immense, but on the other hand, once you are a SC Justice you cannot be attacked, at least not
legally. Amy Coney Barrett will also face immense pressure to "prove" her "independence"
(meaning, if she sides with Giuliani's side she will be called a Trump shill and even much
worse than that!). One thing is certain, any Justice siding with Giuliani will face immense
pressures followed by a vicious denigration campaign. Who knows how many Justices would have
the courage to face this?
However, there is also the possibility that any Justice siding with Giuliani's conclusions
will go down in history as yet another "profile in courage", so I would not completely discard
that possibility either.
During my student years in the US I had the chance to meet, and study with, such US
officials as Paul Nitze or Admiral Zumwalt and I was always amazed at how candid former US
officials were, but only once they retired. USSC Justices are not retired, of course, but, like
retired officials, they are beyond the reach of any legal reprisals, and that might strengthen
their willingness to honestly follow their conscience and speak their minds.
Giuliani will certainly fight hard, but looking at the political correlation of forces I
can't see an outcome where Trump would successfully defeat a much stronger opponent. Think
about it, the only possible ally for the Trump campaign would be the Supreme Court: the GOP,
Congress, the Deep State, the legacy ziomedia, and even members of the Trump Administration
(think Bolton or Esper here) all hate him with a passion. And now that Trump appears to be
losing, they are not shy about it.
Still, as the proverb says, we need to hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
That is, obviously, a Harris Administration in control of the Executive.
So what can we expect from these folks?
First and foremost, a sustained campaign to completely negate the First and Second
Amendments to the Constitution. Considering how truly sacred these two cornerstones of the US
Constitution are for millions of US Americans, we can expect a lot of resistance from the
"deplorables", both legal and violent.
Second, the control of both the Executive and all the major IT giants will mean that free
speech will be driven even further underground. This new reality will require a lot of thinking
in the development of a strategy to protect the voices which the regime in DC will now openly
try to silence.
Possibly the dumbest mistake made by Trump was not to create his own TV channel. He had the
money, he could have found allies, but he simply lacked the intelligence to see the danger.
Instead, this narcissistic fool thought that Twitter was the way to bypass the legacy media. Is
there a possibility that if he is thrown out of the White House we might finally understand
that what the US now so urgently needs is, at the very least, a free TV channel and at least
one free social media option? Maybe, but I am not holding my breath, Trump always had this
ability to disappoint
Third, on the international front, we can expect even more hysterical Russia bashing (the
Dems all hate Russia with a passion, especially since they have brainwashed themselves for four
years that "Putin" had "attacked" the US elections). But there is really nothing the US can do
to Russia, it is way too late for that. So I would expect even more hot air than from the Trump
Administration, and probably not much more action, although that is by no means certain, since
a braindead nominal President like Biden would not have Trump's intelligence to understand that
a war against Russia, China or Iran would end in a disaster: Dems always start wars to try to
convince the public that they are "tough" (Dukakis in his M-1 tank). Now that they not only
appears as weak, but also illegitimate and even senile (did you see Biden trying to run to the
podium?), they will have to prove their "virility" and send some cruise missiles flying
somewhere (that kind of attack is what these cowards always use first).
As I mentioned in
the past , the outcome of this election will not have much of an impact on US foreign
policy: first, the US elites more or less all agree on continuing a policy of violent
imperialism; but even more crucial is the fact that the Empire is as dead as the Titanic was
when it hit the iceberg: not all passengers realized what was taking place, but that did not
affect the outcome in the least.
Furthermore, as those familiar with Hegelian dialectics know, each action eventually results
in a reaction and the notion that 70,000,000+ voters will simply accept what is self-evidently
a coup against not only Trump, but also the US Constitution itself, is ridiculous. If anything,
these people will now come to realize that while the US is facing no real foreign threats at
all (except those it created itself), there is most definitely an internal threat, in
the sense of the United States Uniformed Services Oath of Office, and that this reality gives
them the right, and even duty, to "resist tyranny".
You have probably heard Joe Biden declaring that he wants to heal the wounds, restore unity,
rule for all US Americans and the like. I don't think that this is only empty political
rhetoric, though that is part of it too. Mostly, I believe that the Dems are terrified because
they know for a fact that they stole the election and this is why after four years of the most
divisive and irresponsible rhetoric against Trump, "the racist system" and all the rest of the
crap, they are now making a 180 (they are experts at that!) and pleading for calm, peace and
That ain't going to happen.
Finally, a word to those who like to say that there is no difference between the Dems and
the GOP, that this is all a fake conflict: friends, you are both right and massively wrong. You
are right when you say that the DNC and the RNC are like indistinguishable twins. But what you
are missing are two crucial things:
Factions inside one party can actually go after each
other much harder than against their common enemies. I think of the SS vs the SA in Nazi
Germany or the Trotskysts vs the Stalinists in the Soviet Union and during the Spanish Civil
war. But, even more crucially, this is not a contest between the Democrats and the Republicans,
it is a contest between a "rejected outsider" and both the DNC and RNC!
Conclusion: not the RNC vs the DNC but the Deep State vs the Deep Country
A quick look at a map tells the story: this struggle is most one of the deep state vs the
deep (real) country. Yeah, I know, Trump is hardly a miner from West Virginia or a farmer in
Alabama. But that doesn't matter one bit. What does matter is that the deplorables from the
"overfly country" felt that Trump speaks for them and that he is all that stands between them
and the (pseudo-) Liberals of CNN, the Antifa/BLM thugs and the destruction of the United
States as we all knew them. And yes, this is a simplistic view, but it is fundamentally correct
one nonetheless.
Absolutely, this CIA installing their chosen puppet ruler. If you ever have any fleeting
doubts that the supreme court hacks will do what CIA tells them, just think back to HOLTZMAN
v. SCHLESINGER. Or Robert Vance.
CIA's ballot-stuffing is amazingly blatant. To fail to notice it Thomas will really have
to earn all those junkets and gifts and featherbed jobs for his wife.
Good points, Saker. The fraud by the Dems is so brazen and massive this time, and proven
on video, such as registering dead people after their death, dead voters, rigging the voting
machines, pallets of fake ballots, postal workers back dating ballots, etc (they were
desperate to get Trump out by hook or by crook) that the Supreme Court will lose its
credibility totally if it ignores this massive Demfraud.
How come all the Republicans in the media and Trump missed Biden's textbook case of
Alzheimer's disease? Trump was mistaken to call Biden's loss of orientation to person place
and time as "sleepy" or "gaffes" -- they are neither but text book symptoms of advanced
Alzheimer's dementia.
As Saker has noted, he isn't the actual president. But 2020 had to have an election, even
if only a pretend election. And even as a joke, Kamala wouldn't have gotten elected
dogcatcher on a national level.
But Joe's fictional leadership hits the first crisis they can't paper over or cover up,
Harris will be the real president.
It's on this very website that there's a delightful article about Mao's cultural
revolution from a non-banal perspective. It drills down to granular level on the power
The Deep State had gradually taken everything over, and Mao found out that Commie
Parliament was about to publicly announce his resignation due to age and health. He was in
his 70s.
Aside from a handful of loyal cadres around him, his only resource against the Deep State
was the revolutionary youth, whom he galvanized first with a primitive show (a long river
swim to prove his virility), and then with his fiery rhetoric.
He turned the "revolutionary youths" upon the Deep State. Once most of the work was done,
the youths were shipped off into far flung places to "help raise agricultural levels" or
"teach peasants to read" or the like, to make sure it all didn't become some
self-perpetuating chaos machine in the cities.
With his limited resources, Mao couldn't control the whole process, but he could at least
direct it, mostly. It's in the middle of this process, once Mao's power was solidified, that
Nixon and Kissinger popped over for a chat.
For a number of years, China rolled back, due to the "western" layer of "machine society"
almost shutting down during the purges, but unlike Stalin, who was attacked by Hitler at the
most vulnerable moment when the competent but disloyal old guard had been purged while the
new loyalists were still green, Mao had nukes and no one invaded. The purges continued until
they succeeded.
On a surface level, it's GloboHomo that is trying to pull of a "Mao revolution" with the
rioting Antifa and the doxing and unpersoning and whatnot. But in a deeper sense, Trump is
the real Mao, and the middle and working class believers in liberty and private property
and free speech and the market are his "revolutionary youths". Only, of course, they are
"counterrevolutionary adults".
Trump is like Mao in the 1960s: the country is taken over by the Deep State, almost all
institutions are completely corrupted, and the only weapons to counteract this are the
loyalty of his followers, and his ability to maintain their enthusiasm through constant
Out of the ashes of Mao's purges grew a China which no one expected. Which even circa 2010
still most people pretended wasn't really happening. The super fast and super focused
progress was so improbable and counter-intuitive, that to this day many people cope with muh
six gorillion Uighur lampshades and muh slave labor (while average wage and quality of life
has reached South and East European), and muh Christianity suppression (this is the country
projected to have the most Christians in the world by 2030).
For Mao, everything hung on luck and personal mastery, the loyalty of the few, and the
enthusiasm of the many. At any step of the way while he was retaking China, it could have all
failed, and today China would have been instead something closer to India or Russia.
Likewise, we're watching the final 70 days of Trump's game. It also all depends on his
luck, his personal mastery, the loyalty of the few, and the enthusiasm of the many. Versus
all institutions and the whole world. But hey, history shows it's not impossible to pull off.
Although instead of being a "legend of the revolution" like Mao was at the time, Trump is a
"legend of Reaganism".
And instead of crazed and half-starved revolutionary youths, Trump has on his side the
most sane, reasonable, yet courageous citizenry in the world. Let's see if this is a plus or
a minus.
Deep State vs. Deep Country .Saker, you actually got it this time! And you limo libs need
to get out of the way–hide in your mansions in Commiefornia, wherever. Guns, and God,
and (you should know this Saker) Samizdat. Because the criminal psycho elites not only over
played their hand, but proved their hand can't deal with their sword they cut off their hand
with to spite their face. Ready to be rounded up, put on trial in common law courts (not you
bogus admiralty yellow-fringe garbage), and sent to the South Pole where you satanists can
eat each other.
Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign slogan, Make America Great Again, or MAGA, has
been seized upon by Americans from all political walks of life, who either view it as a dog
whistle for white supremacists, or a rallying cry for a revolution in US domestic political
affairs that seeks to create economic opportunity for all Americans, regardless of race, gender
or creed.
Much has been written about the alleged racial connotations of MAGA. But history will almost
certainly demonstrate that the MAGA movement was more revolutionary than racist, and its
rejection at the polls in 2020 a mistake of historical proportions which locked the American
people back into the failed policies of the past.
The fact is, the MAGA movement, as promulgated by Donald Trump, is a repudiation of decades
of two-party political combat that had devastated both the heartland of the US and its urban
centers, leaving millions of Americans from all walks of life feeling disenfranchised.
While the Democratic Party, in 2016, paid the usual lip service to the minority communities
which comprise much of its demographic base, Trump pointed out that these people – and in
particular the inner city black communities – were being played for fools.
"You're living in your poverty," Trump told
a crowd in a suburb of Lansing, Michigan in August 2016, imploring American blacks to rally to
his support. "Your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is
unemployed, what the hell do you have to lose?"
For decades, the African-American community has adopted Joe Biden as one of their own. Biden
certainly thinks so. In an
interview with 'Charlamagne tha God', a co-host of the radio show the Breakfast Club
Charlamagne noted that "We've got more questions." Biden, clearly irritated, responded,
"You've got more questions? Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether
you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
And therein lies the rub. Joe Biden, the quintessential embodiment of the privileged white
ruling establishment, actually believes that he is more 'black' than many black Americans.
Black Americans, Biden believed, could not possibly embrace Trump or, by extension, MAGA.
Biden's belief is born of a lifetime of systemic racism where the African-American community
has been broken into two distinct categories. On the one hand are the predators who preyed on
– and needed to be removed from – society (i.e. imprisoned.) On the other are black
leaders who, like Charlamagne, must defer to him or run the risk of not being black.
Biden, like the rest of the white men who made up the leadership of the Democratic party,
had decades of experience working with a black American ruling class. They conspired with them
to divide the black American community into individual fiefdoms where these, and other, black
leaders have enriched themselves politically and financially.
The statistics touted by Trump in his appeal to black voters in Lansing were not pulled from
thin air. The reality is that the leadership of black America, in exchange for their
subservience to the white political leadership of the Democratic Party, have presided over
congressional districts whose poverty levels and crime rates increase every year.
While Trump was ultimately able to
win over some eight percent of the black American vote in 2016, four years of MAGA-inspired
rule, characterized by pundits and critics alike as being blatantly racist, led most political
observers to believe that he would not be able to repeat his small showing of support in the
African-American community. In addition, his MAGA-centric policies would cost him support in
every other minority community in America, including among Latino Americans and white
That, however, is not how the election played
out . In 2020, 18 percent of black men, and eight percent of black women, ended up voting
for Trump, up from his 2016 numbers of 13 percent and four percent respectively. Lest anyone
think that Trump's appeal among black Americans was a statistical anomaly, the president was
able to repeat similar gains in every voter category except the one MAGA critics claim he was
specifically courting – white men.
More white women voted for Trump in 2020 (55 percent) than in 2016 (53). So, too, did
Latinas (28 percent versus 25 percent) and Latinos (36 percent versus 32 percent). Only the
precipitous decline in support among white American men (58 percent versus 62 percent)
prevented him from winning a second four-year term as president.
The simple explanation for this unanticipated show of support among the very segments of the
American populace that were supposed to have been alienated by four years of MAGA rule is that,
far from being the embodiment of systemic white racism that its detractors claimed it to be, it
was in fact an economic revolution which sought to reshape the socio-economic map of the
MAGA empowered individual black Americans at the expense of their entrenched traditional
black leadership, provided the Latino community with a viable off-ramp from systemic poverty,
and implanted the kind of economic equality that women of all races could only have dreamed
about previously.
Had MAGA proceeded unchecked for four more years, there is every reason to believe that the
economic gains that would have been made could very well have broken the backs of the
demographically driven Democrats and theologically driven Republicans alike. As James Carville
famously reminded then-candidate Bill Clinton on the eve of the 1992 US presidential election,
"It's the economy,
stupid." These words ring true to this day. At the end of the day, most American voters
are driven to vote for their pocketbooks more than any single issue.
Were it not for the Covid-19 pandemic, the MAGA-driven economy of President Trump would have
more than likely propelled an unbeatable coalition of economic-minded Americans to his cause,
abandoning their decades-long marriage to either the Democratic or Republican establishments.
MAGA could have become embraced as the symbol of economic revolution, instead of reviled as a
racist trope.
Instead, America elected Joe Biden, a man permanently married to establishment politics and
policies, Democratic and Republican alike. For black Americans, this means a continued
subservience to a black political leadership which has locked them into a cycle of perpetual
poverty in exchange for personal political viability in the white man's world. For all other
minorities (including white women), this means a return to an economy dominated by the age-old
rules that shift overwhelming power to white men, while leaving everyone else trapped
underneath a glass ceiling that allows them to look up and dream, but little more.
"What about Kamala Harris?" some might retort. But anyone who thinks on it for a
moment will see the emptiness of that gesture, for that is exactly what her being selected as
vice president by Joe Biden was – a gesture.
Kamala Harris did not earn this appointment, but rather had it given to her. She was
humiliated in her attempt to become the Democratic nominee by fellow candidate Tulsi Gabbard,
who exposed
Kamala for being a racist prosecutor possessive of more than a touch of hypocrisy. Kamala bowed
out of the race with zero delegates. She was selected by Biden because she was a woman of
color, a token gesture designed to appease a demographically focused Democratic Party
hierarchy. She has become the embodiment of affirmative action, the antithesis of the kind of
merit-driven focus promoted by MAGA.
At the time of writing, the official results of the presidential election remain
unconfirmed. The odds are, however, that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be certified as the
president- and vice president-elect. They have a hard road ahead of them. The same pandemic
that crushed Trump's re-election bid will hound them for at least the next two years as they
struggle to contain the virus while regrowing the American economy.
The MAGA-inspired policies that built the booming pre-pandemic American economy will be
erased, and with them the very engine that drove the kind of unprecedented economic growth that
brought minority voters over to Trump in the first place. With the passage of time, historians
and economists may very well conclude that the MAGA movement was America's last great hope for
relevance. By that time, however, the rot of establishment politics as usual will have resumed
its death grip on American society.
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The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author
and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
Andrew Gow 7 hours ago Only way to make America great is by reducing military spending. Its no
good having a cutting-edge military if some 50% of the population live in poverty and
infrastructure is crumbling. America's foreign policy which has not changed under Trump, Obama,
Bush, Clinton (etc) is the real problem. Reply 22 1 Show 1 previous reply jfc46wv Andrew Gow 2
hours ago And the military is no longer cutting edge. Reply 1 gmays Andrew Gow 6 hours ago You
don't think the two billion dollars per day in interest on the national debt has anything to do
with it? John Twomey 7 hours ago Ritter says it as it was and is. Trump deserved his second
term, he endured four plus years of endless unjustified attacks and accusations, always
unsupported by proof. Mainstream media lied and issued propaganda not news, his beneficial
policies and actions were never acknowledged because the dominating elites, their money and
corporations were his enemy and of the US citizenry. Still he overcame and endured this
injustice for the best part of five years. I hope he stays around and is a pain in the A for
his enemies. However, I expect that he will be continually attacked for ever as deflection from
the Biden nothingness to come. Show 5 previous replies jfc46wv John Twomey 2 hours ago I expect
worse than the attacks of the last five years. I think there will be attempts to criminalize
him. Reply Canooka John Twomey 2 hours ago How can the elite and corporations be his enemy?
Massive tax breaks not to mention bailout packages for them and you think that wasn't
beneficial to them? He had to go. Destruction of all environmental standards, bullying other
nations into submission and you think another term would be a good idea? He's an incompetent
egomaniac who cares for nothing but himself. Don't let the door hit him. GTFOH. Reply Grunerong
5 hours ago I think that Ritter's vision of how this will ultimately play out makes a lot of
sense; however, for that reason alone it is important that Trump continues to fight on for
vindication in the courts---there is too much at stake not to go full throttle for the win.
There is no doubt in my mind that the the outcome of the election as it stands is fraudulent. I
realize that probably most of those who voted for Biden were motivated more by anti-Trump
feelings than by pro-Biden feelings, but even so, I watched Trump campaign events drawing
supporters in the tens of thousands while those attending Biden's events were measured in
"tens" not "tens of thousands". That alone tells me that there is no way Biden outdrew Trump at
the ballot box if not by fraud. Add that to what is already known about the extent of voter
fraud out there (what is really out there, not what the agenda driven anti-Trump MSM is
reporting and not reporting) further suggests that this is a fraudulent election; however, I am
not confident that the court system will have the courage to make the game changing rulings
regardless of how convincing the evidence and data may be. Pennsylvania seems more cut and dry
than the rest and I suspect Trump will eventually be certified as the winner there but I
suspect it will be a lot less lightly for the courts to make any "game changing" decisions on
two of the other 4 or 5 states that are also still in play. Reply 5 Jrudd Grunerong 5 hours ago
We have to be louder than the mob, and come out in the streets in the millions if that is what
it takes to get the courts to rule lawfully, have your mind set on victory and let the cards
fall where they may. Reply 3 Jrudd Grunerong 5 hours ago If we have the will to win we will win
this fight, they are going to throw everything at us, they are going to turn us against each
other but we have to maintain. If you (not you grunerong) say it is fraudulent, and I think Joe
Biden will win in the same sentence then you have abdicated your sacred duty. There are boots
on the ground calling their representatives and making sure they know that we will settle for
nothing short of a full audit and recount, we fight this thing until the last hour and never
give up. I think you guys know as well as I do that we very well may not survive if these
clowns get into office, not to mention the magnitude of the operation being run on us at the
moment, they have been planning this for months, possibly years and have covered every corner,
they did not account for our will to remain free. Fight this thing and take any legal victory
you can get, if we do so and maintain until the end we will take take the House, the Senate,
and the presidency, keep fighting. Reply 2 IndrekM80 7 hours ago Still counting those votes? In
our country they are able to count ALL ballots MANUALLY within 5-6 HOURS but there it takes a
WEEK?!? It is obvious that something fraudulent is going on. Reply 19 4 Show 2 previous replies
TheCyrus0126 IndrekM80 6 hours ago Its not the counting of the votes. You see there is one
faction of the elites (Deep State) which is fighting with the other faction of the elites since
Donald got elected. So now, these two factions are discussing which one to keep as president.
Once they come to an agreement, then we will know who the president will be. All these counting
and court cases are the tools of Deep State to play with us sheeples and make it look like we
are in democracy. We don't count worth anything to them. Reply 3 thonglor IndrekM80 6 hours ago
American elections beyond the local level are almost always fraudulent. Reply 6 Franc 6 hours
ago Excellent article. It puts into words exactly how I and millions of other patriots feel
about the country we live in. This is why I like RT, because this article would never have seen
daylight in American MSM. Reply 8 2 Bantze Hotep Franc 4 hours ago This is outrageous. Hillary
wanted to challenge the elections too until Obama stopped her! Could we check for fraud in
Florida and Texas too? Reply 2 Cosmicwaffles Franc 4 hours ago 🤣 ya seen plenty of
those patriots hard at work resting their beer guts in their lawn chairs waving their failures
flag on street corners yelling about how its not fair❄ill be sure to chuck a water
bottle at em when i drive by Reply 2 2 Show 2 more replies Michael Chan 3 hours ago The
Americans have yet to realize that the days of American adventurism in foreign countries should
become a thing of the past and that the cost of having 800 military bases in foreign countries,
of waging unending wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syriam etc., of organizing coups and unrests in
foreign countries, and of maintaining military supremacy is becoming more and more unbearable.
For over fifty years, the US has had an edge on technology but this period is over. China is
ahead of the US in 5G technology and 5G deployment; China is also ahead of the US in combating
the pandemic and in the development of a vaccine against covid 19. The barrage of propaganda
carried out by the US-led media cannot and will not change these facts. Pfizer announcement on
its more than 90% effectiveness clinical trial of its covid 19 vaccine was made in response to
the announcement one day earlier by Sinopharm of China on its 100% effectiveness of its vaccine
which was tried on hundreds of thousands people. Of the 71employees (out of 99 employees) of
Huawei in Mexico who got the Sinopharm vaccine, none has contracted the virus, but 10 of the
employees who were not vaccinated contracted the virus. Reply 2 Joe Lalonde 8 hours ago With
this voter fraud exposure, it will be the death of mainstream media as Trump used the
constitution to win this election...MAGA Reply 19 3 Show 1 previous reply Black Chinese Joe
Lalonde 6 hours ago "Trump used the constitution to win this election." What you mean by that?
Reply 5 Juan_More Joe Lalonde 6 hours ago There can not be that much voter fraud as so far none
of the states that held the election have ordered an investigation or an official recount. If
the States are happy that there was no massive fraud then why is Donny upset. Reply 8 Bill
Spence 6 hours ago The fact that Donald Trump was able to crash the gates and become president
shows that the ruling elite of America is at the end of the road. They have lost control
basically and have no answer to the problems facing the country. An unfit rascal like Donald
Trump got past their gates and they had no way to stop him. If they could not dis-elect him
then assasination would have been necessary to prevent his rampage. Reply 3 Bantze Hotep Bill
Spence 4 hours ago He won by a fluke since he lost the popular the first time by 2.8 million
and losing it this time around by 5 million. That is a spanking and rejection of Trump. Reply 3
Show 1 more replies EarthBotV2 5 hours ago What "electoral rejection"? The only rejection I see
is coming from the Establishment's media, which lies about everything. Reply 5 conformista 7
hours ago Unless the legal challenge ends this fraud, we're all screwed. It's not a case of who
you think is the least worse candidate, it's whether the country can still even pretend to have
democratic elections. Trump was the first president since WWII who ELECTED by the people rather
than being SELECTED. The wholesale election fraud which was allowed her must be called out and
stopped. Reply 14 3 Show 1 previous reply Juan_More conformista 6 hours ago You are assuming
that election fraud is something new to the US electoral system. Not by a long shot it is
system in how the system operates. At the very core level there isn't one election for POTUS
there are 50 plus elections each with their own rules and regulations. That makes the system
rife for election meddling at the official level; gerrymandering, purging voter lists,
reduction in the number of polling stations, reduction in the hours of operation, etc. "Trump
was the first president since WWII who ELECTED by the people rather than being SELECTED". With
a statement like that I am not sure that you understand how the US electoral process actually
works. Reply 2 5 Karl194 conformista 6 hours ago Excellent comment !!!!
If Joe Biden wants to bring our country together, he should endorse President Trump's demand
not only for recounts but extensive ballot reviews in at least the four states where the
Democrat now leads by a whisker: Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
This statesman-like move would acknowledge that those who did not support him have
legitimate concerns about ballot integrity in an election defined by the sudden and massive
shift to mail-in voting. It would demonstrate Biden's commitment to fair elections and help
remove a cloud that may hang over his likely presidency.
Biden, of course, overcame significant election night deficits to eke out bare margins in
those four states. On Saturday afternoon, he had a 20,500 vote lead in Arizona
out of 3.25 million votes cast; in Georgia
he was beating Trump by 7,000 votes out of 4.9 million cast; in Pennsylvania
he enjoyed a 38,000 vote margin out of 6.65 million; and led in Wisconsin
by 20,500 out of 3.24 million votes.
Sometimes, you just get lucky. But given that Biden's margins largely came from mail-in
ballots, further review is necessary before he is certified as the winner. A lot can go wrong
with mail-in votes.
The Washington Post reported in August that 534,000 mail-in ballots were rejected across
the country in this year's primary elections, which typically see much smaller turnouts than
the record-setting general election.
This would suggest that far more ballots, the majority of which favored Democrats, were
rejected this month – or perhaps should have been. Color me skeptical since we haven't
heard Democrats complain about this in a very tight race. We need to know how and why ballots
were tabulated.
Before this election, Democrats and their media allies regularly attacked Republican support
for voter ID laws by claiming that there was little proof of in-person fraud as opposed to
absentee votes, which had traditionally favored the GOP.
They now insist that America's elections are as pure as Caesar's wife. To embrace that view,
one must also assert that electoral politics – a field dominated by highly ambitious and
often conniving figures competing in one of the few zero sum games in life (the winner gets
everything and the loser nothing) – is perhaps the only human endeavor free from
The truth is we don't know the true extent of voter fraud because we don't look for it.
Consider the 2018 election in North Carolina's 9th Congressional District. In the Republican
primary, Mark Harris defeated incumbent Rep. Robert Pittenger while garnering 96% of Bladen
County's mail-in vote. That astonishing total was the reddest of flags. Nevertheless, North
Carolina's Board of Elections did nothing. This criminal behavior came to light when a Harris
operative engaged in additional illegal ballot harvesting in the general election, prompting
his Democratic opponent to lodge a complaint, which led to a new race.
Texas is one of the few states that has made some effort to investigate voter fraud: In
2018 alone, 33 people were convicted of the crime. This August, the city council race in
Paterson, N.J., was
invalidated because of voter fraud .
Mail-in ballots raise a host of other concerns regarding the 2020 race. Did ineligible
voters – including noncitizens, barred felons, or the dead – participate? Did
people registered in multiple states cast multiple ballots, or vote in the swing state they had
moved from rather than the safe state they now reside in? How many people sent in their
absentee ballot and also showed up at the polls to make sure their vote counted?
Given Biden's razor-thin margins, these questions must be asked and answered. Apart from
providing clarity about the 2020 result, a thorough ballot review will build confidence about
future elections by determining whether fraud and error are merely political hiccups or a
cancer on our body politic.
For many Republicans, Biden's anointment by media outlets that have savaged Trump for four
years seems less like a cold-eyed reckoning of the math than a partisan move to set the terms
of debate going forward.
Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories.
Imagine the reverse : What if Biden had had a comfortable lead on Election Day that
evaporated as the counting occurred in Republican strongholds, eventually giving Trump
margin-of-error wins in key states? Would the Associated Press and CNN and all the others now
be declaring Trump the winner or reporting that a long battle looms to ensure that the count
was fair and accurate?
An honest accounting of the 2020 returns will not heal our nation. But Biden's support for
such an effort would provide the kind of national leadership we desperately need.
As Republicans across the country escalate efforts to investigate credible allegations of
fraud during the 2020 election, a group of ten Republican Attorneys General have filed an
'amicus brief' with the US Supreme Court in a case challenging the legality of late mail-in
ballots in Pennsylvania.
AGs from Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South
Carolina, South Dakota, and Texas filed in Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Boockvar, which
challenges the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's late October decision to allow ballots arriving
after Election Day to be counted - despite, as
The Federalist notes - state laws mandating otherwise .
" Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our Republic and it's one of the reasons
why the United States is the envy of the world," said Missouri AG Eric Schmitt in a Monday press conference . "We have to ensure
that every legal vote cast is counted in that every illegal vote cast is not counted."
Associate Justice Samuel Alito Jr. already granted the Republican Party of Pennsylvania's
request and temporarily ordered all counties segregate mail-in ballots that arrived after 8
p.m. on Election Day from others, but the lawsuit is still pending petition in the highest
The attorneys' hope is that by filing as "friends of the Court" and demonstrating a
"strong interest" in the ramifications of the Supreme Court's potential decision that SCOTUS
may be more willing to take up the case. -
The Federalist
"The actions taken by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court are one of the most breathtaking abuses
of judicial authority that I've seen in my four-plus years as attorney general," said Oklahoma
AG Mike Hunter.
Plaintiffs argue that the PA Supreme Court exceeded its authority and violated the
Constitution's Election Clauses which give state legislatures, not the courts , the power and
"unique role" to decide various election procedures.
"Our system of federalism relies on separation of powers to preserve liberty at every level
of government, and the separation of powers in the Election Clauses is no exception to this
principle," reads the amicus brief.
They also believe the decision handed down by the Pennsylvania Court expanded the
potential for voter fraud. This decision, the attorneys general argue, may have affected the
weight of votes in states outside of Pennsylvania which is in direct violation of previous
Court rulings stating that every vote must be "fairly counted without its being distorted by
fraudulently cast votes."
"Regardless of the election's outcome, only legal ballots should be counted," the brief
continues, citing Anderson v. United States from 1974. -
The Federalist
"We as attorneys general and we, as the chief legal officers of our state have a
responsibility to address that kind of judicial abuse of authority because of the precedent
that that decision represents can affect the outcome of elections, not only in Pennsylvania but
national elections," said Oklahoma AG Hunter.
Things are heating up when it comes to investigating the integrity of the election. On
Monday, Attorney General William Barr authorized DOJ officials to open inquiries into potential
irregularities - a move which led to the
swift departure of the agency's top voter fraud investigator, Richard Pilger.
Shortly after meeting with Barr on Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
delivered a floor speech asserting that President Trump is "100% within his rights" to
challenge the results of the election .
Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories.
Democrats - who have notably changed their language from 'there was no election fraud' to
'there was no widespread election fraud' are now asserting that the DOJ may be trying to change
the results of the election by investigating.
Former Vice President Joe Biden, meanwhile, is acting like the election is settled. In
addition to insisting Trump concede, Biden is expected to name a chief of staff as early as
this week.
By C. J. Hopkins , award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist
based in Berlin. His dystopian novel, ' Zone 23 ', is
published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. His essays and other works can be found at,
and he can be reached via,
or . OK, so,
that was not cool. For one terrifying moment there, it actually looked like GloboCap was going
to let Russian-Asset Hitler win.
Hour after hour on election night, states on the map kept turning red, or pink, or some
distinctly non-blue color. Wisconsin Michigan Georgia Florida. It could not be happening, and
yet it was. What other explanation was there? The Russians were stealing the election
But, of course, GloboCap was just playing with us. They're a bunch of practical jokers,
those GloboCap guys. Naturally, they couldn't resist the chance to wind us up just one more
Seriously, though, while I enjoy a good prank, I still have a number of liberal friends,
many of whom were on the verge of suffering major heart attacks as they breathlessly waited for
the corporate media to confirm that they had successfully voted a literal
dictator out of power. (A few of them suffer from IBS or other gastrointestinal disorders,
so, in light of the current toilet-paper shortage caused by the Return of the Apocalyptic
Plague, toying with them like that was especially cruel.)
But, whatever. That's water under the bridge. The good news is, the nightmare is
over! Literal Hitler and his underground army of Russia-loving white supremacists have been
vanquished! Decency has been restored! Globalization has risen from the
... ... ..
Meanwhile, the GloboCap propaganda has reached some new post-Orwellian level. After four
That's right, once again, millions of liberals, like that scene in ' 1984' where the
Party switches official enemies right in the middle of the Hate-Week speech, have been ordered
to radically reverse their "reality," and hysterically deny the existence of the very
thing they have been hysterically alleging for four solid years and they are actually doing
... ... ///
Marian1637 7 hours ago
I can not comprehend
that democrats do not blame Putin for Biden winning!
Reilly 3 hours ago
Very funny, bravo!
Nothing like a bit of slapstick, with a dose of reality also in the middle of a waking
nightmare about to happen. ;))
DeoGratias 4 hours ago
One correction : it is not GloboCap it is
GloboComs. The objective of communism is to create two classes of a society : rulers and
workers. Thus GloboCaps are GloboComs.
Winter7Mute 5 hours ago
A reliable way to make people
believe in falsehoods is frequent repetition, because familiarity is not easily distinguished
from truth. Authoritarian institutions and marketers have always known this fact. I'm not even
sure if most journalists or reporters know what their even talking about, when writing these
Vidarr Kerr 5 hours ago
There is such a thing as Too Much Sarcasm.
EarthBotV2 Vidarr Kerr 4 hours ago
I disagree. The liberazi "thinks" with the gut -- as in "What does your gut tell you?"...
Trump and GOP continue legal challenges to election results, ask media to investigate fraud
allegations Judges have largely rejected the GOP's challenges over the last few weeks as
President-elect Biden has already begun his transition plans
Guy Lewis predicts elections lawsuits could wind up in the Supreme Court The former U.S.
Attorney discusses concerns about election integrity on 'America's Newsroom.'
The Trump campaign and GOP leadership on Monday continued to raise allegations of voter
fraud and misconduct at the polls last week as it marches forward with its legal challenges
despite facing long odds given the Electoral College tally and recent court rulings that found
no evidence of widespread vote fraud.
White Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who was joined by Republican National Committee
Chair Ronna McDaniel at a hectic press conference in Washington D.C., argued that the
presidential election is far from over, despite major networks and news agencies calling the
race for Now President-elect Joe Biden.
"We have only begun the process of obtaining an accurate and fair vote count," McEnany
said. "Our position is clear we want to protect the franchise of the American
She added: "We want maximum transparency We want every legal vote to be counted."
McEnany and McDaniel claimed that there were widespread instances of voter fraud and
inconsistencies during the vote count last week. They also bemoaned allegations that Republican
poll watchers were prohibited from observing the vote counting process.
"We should all be alarmed by this," McDaniel said before urging members of the media to
"interview these people, talk to these people."
... ... ..
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has not congratulated the president-elect on his
projected victory and argued that Trump is "100% within his rights" to question election
results and consider legal options.
The Republican leader's remarks, his first public comments since Biden was declared the
winner of the presidential election, come as Trump's allies on Capitol Hill have been reluctant
to congratulate Biden or push the president to accept the outcome.
McConnell said the process will play out and "reach its conclusion."
"Our institutions are actually built for this," McConnell said as he opened the Senate. "We
have the system in place to consider concerns and President Trump is 100% within his rights to
look into allegations of irregularities and weigh his legal options."
Mandatory recounts are required in many states when there is a very small percentage
difference in the vote counts - often 0.5%. Whether the media declares a candidate won or
not. It appears several swing states may meet that threshold which means nothing is over,
until it is over.
And it has nothing to do with either candidate; it has everything to do with that state's
election law.
Gas-lighting Democrats cannot trump these recount requirements. But they certainly out in
force working hard to sway pubic opinion into not accepting a final official outcome that
goes against their media "selection" of the next president.
Democrats are pure evil and do not have any national interests at heart. Otherwise they
would not need to build this current house of cards. Glad there remains sufficient stature in
the opposition media to call them on this.
We will fight on the beaches, the hills and the trenches , etc........... until victory is
ours. And a clean election is our victory - not the candidate, but protecting and preserving
a clean process. The current mainstream media is a declared enemy of the people, and is
proving this every single day
Our system of checks and balances has a serious flaw never contemplated by the Founders -
the recent growth of the massive, unionized government work force, who in fact are the ones
who conduct our elections and count the votes.
The wholesale corruption and censorship of the "Fourth estate" means dictatorship; not
democracy. Can independent blogs alone save this nation?
Because we know what happened starting the day Trump was inaugurated, and now learned had
been happening well before he was even elected is deep rot within the deepest reaches of our
own government. That does not go away. We know that in our bones.
A fraudulent Biden election and now this drum beat of Democrat and media gas-lighting does
not make this go away. What is your next move. You cannot alter reality nor facts.
If we move on at this time, we move on to the next 70 days of the Trump presidency - what
should he do while he still has his mighty pen and phone?
confusedponderer, what was wrong about Trump asking about Crowdstrike during his short
call with the Ukraine President? We still don't have the answers to the Clinton campaign
ginned up Russiagate hoax, do we?
Word for word, how did Biden's bragging about withholding US aid to Ukranine until a
prosecutor investigating his own son's Burisma operations compare to what you claim Trump
said during his phone call?
It appears you leave out a lot of facts trying to get your point across, and perhaps is is
you engaging in "confirmation bias". Keep talking so we can see if that claim is valid. This
is a tough crowd here - not easily gas-lighted by specious charges.
If it turns out that no impropriety occurred and I think there was plenty, even if it was
legal, fine and so be it. But your echo chamber nonsense about the current executive having
to be draggd from the Wh in chains was nonsensense four years and its nonsense.
He has every right to challenge the stated results. And I think there's plenty of
As for the leadership of the media --- whose kidding who here. Nearly every prediction
they made about the current office holder was a bust. And while a smooth transition, if one
must come is customary, I reject the faux let;'s be calm mantra from a media that was ever
inciteful for four years, whose attempts to remove the executive failed and failed
As for the military turn, while I certainly respect them, any suggestion that they were
operating as servants of the executive as opposed to -- we know better insiders has been
demonstrated rather bare lamb;s wool. Not only that, but their leadership over the last
twenty years has been woefully ineffective as this cite has noted repeatedly in depth. More
importantly, whether the generals like the current executive is entirely inconsequential.
That this business o likability permeates as standard for leadership is nice, but hardly
qualifying factor. The Chinese want everyone to remain calm. Laugh It's a fine trait on the
tier of leadership and let;s face it. The cheerleaders for calm are the same band of
muckrakers that upended the Middle Easy, want to get a shooting war with Russia (though they
would love to play all of that down)
The most irritating aspect of the executive's personality is the need to to tweet, but
that right has not led into any violent revolutions, encouraged riotous protests -- uhhh
Charlottesville was on it way all by itself. . The executive's comments came after the
Your final comments are telling. I am not a populist. But clearly, the confession that it
was the establishment -- the same establishment that created so much failure that such that
the loss of credibility is teetering the the order of things. And doesn't bod much in
building confidence for the future. VP Biden is a moderate ---- am not sure what scale you
are using, but in my measure of moderate - not en close.
If the democrats prevail here, it is not because the current democratic nominee is a
uniter or a moderate. It is because they leveraged the COVID scare to their advantage and
used it as excuse to change the rules late in the process. Would it be the end of the world
-- no. Devastating fo the country, long term, I think so. But I would stake money that
conservatives and republicans don't need the Curt Mills of the world to tell bid calm -- in
twenty years the only violent reaction to elections has been democrats and liberals a
constant sinc the elction of 200 ----
We know good and well where to draw the line between disappointment and and burning down
the house.
I believe you are mistaken. 'Trumpism," which should be referred to as nationalist
populism, preceded Donald Trump. And it will exist after him.
What he did, for which people should be grateful, is he demonstrated a vulgar halfwit of
revolting character can win the Presidency by just pretending to be in favor of that
Many American people want the following things. This is now apparent to even the dimmest
of political bulbs. The Trump coalition that congealed around this agenda is very attractive
across conventional political tribalisms. It is available to both left wing and right wing
The New American System:
1. Peace. Foreign non-interventionism
2. Economic protectionism
3. Improved middle-class entitlements
4. Reduced immigration
5. At least pretend to like America
That's it. Even if you find that agenda not to your taste, you'd have to be willfully
blind to not see a great many Americans would embrace this agenda.
"... Sam Husseini's writings are at . He is the founder of , which encourages principled left-right cooperation against the pro-war establishment. ..."
Why are the major media calling Joe Biden the "president-elect"? The sitting president has
not yet conceded and the election results have not been certified. This effectively abrogates
government function to corporate media; it's a power grab.
Certainly, President Trump may be making a fool of himself with his current course of
action, but it is his right to dispute the results in court, and until the courts rule, anyone
with a modicum of respect for legal process should refrain from calling Biden "president-elect"
-- a term used in the Constitution. Nor should one refer to his remarks Saturday as his
"acceptance speech," as major media did.
In the view of this writer -- who has never voted for a Republican or a Democratic
presidential nominee -- the process of the U.S. Supreme Court in 2000 was highly dubious,
leading Gore Vidal to deride the "Cheney-Bush Junta." But it was still a procedure with set
legal processes.
What we have now is effectively government of, by, and for Big Media.
At the dawn of this millennium, Time Warner CEO Gerald Levin posited that global media "will
be and is fast becoming the predominant business of the 21st century." So predominant, in fact,
that the media business is "more important than government. It's more important than
educational institutions and non-profits."
Levin's prediction has come to pass, with Twitter and Facebook able to selectively suspend,
deplatform, and shadow ban whomever they want.
Now, the AP, NBC, CNN, et al are attempting to usurp the power of determining when and how a
future president is determined.
Certainly, given the evidence we have, it makes sense to refer to Biden as the projected
winner of the election. But "president-elect" is a bridge too far.
Some Biden supporters are attempting to take the "president-elect" mantle while
simultaneously claiming Trump and some of his supporters are incredibly dangerous and unstable.
They apparently don't see or don't want to see that if Trump is half as dangerous as they
claim, then their getting ahead of the legal process could set him and them off.
It's quite possible that William Barr and the Federalist Society majority on the Supreme
Court will come to Trump's rescue, but it seems unlikely. As with Rupert Murdoch and his Fox
News channel, they will likely nudge Trump out the door. For all these players, strict
observance of the facts is unlikely to be a determinative factor. Rather, with a media
establishment and roused liberal activists calling for Trump's head, siding against Trump
grants them a sort of legitimacy, the crowning achievement of Trumpwashing.
It also guards them against Trump's unpredictability. Trump has a reputation for turning on
former associates. And of course, the ever pro-war John Bolton and others who were in the
administration have turned on the president.
The likely reason for this is that one often overlooked fact remains: Trump is the only
president in decades (indeed, in my entire adult life) to not start an outright war. He was
full of loud threats, he didn't stop any wars like he said he would, he escalated some (most
notably the horrific Saudi assault on Yemen), he shredded treaties, he implemented awful
sanctions on Iran and Venezuela, and he moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. But again, the
fact remains: Trump is the only president in my adult life to not start an outright war -- that
is, a new bombing campaign (such as Yugoslavia or Libya) or invasion (Grenada, Panama,
Yet despite his not pulling the trigger on a new war, Trump's presidency was a great success
for the pro-war establishment. It made the Democratic Party even more war-like without actually
ending any wars. The good it did -- a thawing with North Korea -- seems highly reversible, like
the ostensibly pro-peace moves made by Obama.
Indeed, Obama and Trump seem like bookends, each perverting pro-peace impulses on their
respective sides of the political spectrum and diminishing them to the wishes of the pro-war
Trump in 2016 skillfully derided Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton as associated with the Iraq
invasion. But incredibly, he failed to do so with Biden, though Biden played a central role in
ensuring that the Iraq invasion took place -- and repeatedly lied about it during the
Democratic primaries.
So why is Trump so disliked among the pro-war crowd? It reminds me of how Israel treated
Arafat. He effectively gave Israel things no one else could have, increased steps towards
regional recognition, a tacit legitimizing of the occupation with the Oslo agreement, but it
was never enough. Israel tossed Arafat at a time and place of its choosing, even bombing his
headquarters in Ramallah.
Trump's October 23 phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu didn't involve
any explosives being detonated at the White House, but Trump's near-pleading for a tacit
endorsement from Netanyahu, which was not forthcoming, clearly left the president deflated.
Indeed, with all the focus on Trump being "Putin's bitch" over the last four years, it's
difficult to imagine how Israel continues to play such an outsized role in American political
life. Would CNN have objected if Netanyahu gushed over Trump? How would the major media react
if Putin were on such a call?
Indeed, the last two one-term presidents lost shortly after criticizing Israel. Jimmy Carter
wrote that "Israel cast their lot with Reagan," apparently because then-prime minister Menachem
Begin feared that Carter might force Israel to withdraw from the West Bank and accept a
Palestinian state if he won a second term. And George H. W. Bush -- after pulverizing Iraq in
1991 -- had a highly publicized clash with Israel over loan guarantees, commenting that "there are
1,000 lobbyists up on the Hill today lobbying Congress for loan guarantees for Israel and I'm
one lonely little guy down here asking Congress to delay its consideration of loan guarantees
for 120 days."
Trump never said anything of this kind, but his servility to Netanyahu in the closing days
of the campaign highlights a troubling set of dynamics.
Sam Husseini's writings are at . He is the founder of , which encourages principled
left-right cooperation against the pro-war establishment.
Appearing at a photo opportunity with the new class of GOP senators elected last week,
McConnell did not respond to questions about whether he has seen any evidence of fraud, though
on the Senate floor, McConnell said Trump is entitled to challenge the validity of the election
results and await statewide recounts that are already underway. His comments Monday were the
first since Biden won the presidency.
"Our institutions are actually built for this," McConnell said. "We have the system in place
to consider concerns, and President Trump is 100 percent within his rights to look into
allegations of irregularities and weigh his legal options."
McConnell carries significant influence among Republicans, and his resistance to
acknowledging Biden's win -- and support Trump's efforts -- could further drag out the GOP's
opposition and delay the transition process.
Trump has continued to assert that there were widespread irregularities in several states
but has so far provided no evidence. He falsely claimed on Twitter that he won the election,
even as Biden on Saturday secured the necessary 270 electoral votes to win the White House,
according to numerous media projections. The president has even suggested the election was
"stolen" from him, but his campaign has lost several court fights already.
McConnell, who met with Attorney General William Barr Monday afternoon, said there should be
"no lectures" from Democrats who "just spent four years refusing to accept the validity of the
last election."
"Notably, the Constitution gives no role in this process to wealthy media corporations,"
McConnell said. "The projections and commentary of the press do not get veto power over the
legal rights of any citizen, including the president of the United States."
... So far, only four Republican senators -- Mitt Romney of Utah, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska,
Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Susan Collins of Maine -- have acknowledged Biden's victory and
referred to him as the president-elect.
... "I think he's got a right, a constitutional right to, if there are legal challenges they
want to make, and I think everybody ought to let them play out," Senate Majority Whip John
Thune (R-S.D.) said. "Obviously, we're going to have a result, not for long."
...Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said Trump should not concede yet. "We're going to know who
is president on December the 14th," the Iowa Republican said, referring to the date when
Electoral College members will vote. "We just better let everything play out."
A daily dose of MOTUS is good medicine. Plenty of people are asking the very same
questions about this calculated, slow roll out election fraud:
Their argument was always increasing voter participation - how could you be against that,
you racist, white supremacist.
Except every illegally cast ballot or illegally counted ballot disenfranchises a legally
cast ballot, who now has absolutely no say in this nefarious tradeoff- cancel culture run
amok. Indeed, a house divided cannot stand and what we are now experiencing is divisiveness
on steroids.
WSJ stuns me with their headlines and 100% gaslighted President-Elect Biden including his
entire agenda and outcomes. Conceding he played it smart never saying anything and never
coming out of his basement. Yet they now gloat about the good times to come based entirely on
whole cloth.
Let me share a very small front page story today from our local paper who was one of two
newspapers nationwide who did endorse Trump in 2016:
At this time, the Santa Barbara NewsPress is not calling Joe Biden the winner. The media
that called the results since last Saturday is premature and incorrect.
President Trump has contested the results in numerous battleground stats, and with an
election this close, it is irresponsible to make conclusions at this time.
All legal votes should be counted and all illegal votes should be discarded.
And any irregularities regarding the operation at polls, the validity of ballots and the
possible software manipulation of voting computers must be resolved before a true winner is
SBNewsPress - 11/9/2020
NB: This newspaper is privately owned by a wealthy individual, in a very blue
"progressive" town which is dedicated to this daily paper's downfall and personal
vilification of its philanthropic owner. Yet they were one of only two newspapers in the
nation (world/) in 2016 with the prescience and guts to call it for Trump.
Laura Wilson, there is a statistician that has found significant deviation in mail in
ballots that went for Biden in the swing states - GA, PA, WI, MI, NV, AZ. So far off the
statistical track the only conclusion is fraud, massive ballot dumps in the early morning of
11/4 when the results all started to skew to Biden. Check out the findings over at zero
hedge. Quite convincing - math never lies.
"nattering nabob" would make a great nom de plume , I might have to take that up
once I'm on AOC's naughty list.
"down ballot GOPers did NOT lose"
John James, the black Republican candidate in Michigan, did lose his race for the Senate.
A race that had turnout exceed Barack Obama's in Detroit. The statistical down ballot drop
off of people who only vote for President and no other candidate below that is about 3% of
total votes. This election in multiple districts it was 6 times that. A 600% increase is a
marker of fraud, not people who are fed up. The other major markers include the suppression
of the analysis, just like the NYPost story of Hunter's laptop was suppressed.
Read the thread, but some highlights:
"In July and Aug. hotel/casino companies began advising employees of permanent layoffs and
ending of salary assistance as required by union contracts. Unemployment rate in Clark County
still 15% now."
"Clark County unemployment rate was 3.5% in Dec. 2019, and 35% in April.
There was an exodus out of Clark County by hourly wage workers.
BUT their info was all known to the SEIU and Teamsters. Easy to ask for ballots online in
Nevada. Fill them out and return them. Done."
Dementia Joe has a long history of unconstitutional legislation and corruption.
Kamala Harris prostituted herself for political gain.
No morals, Ethics or personal integrity and willing to do anything for personal
Perfect DNC candidate.
A great match for dementia Joe.
Correction: many were sick of the media distorting Trump and the media creating 24/7 chaos
in his name. That is a cheap shot on which to win; not a victory. It was extortion, and
gas-lighting. The victory was not real nor lasting.
No one has the stomach for the chaos the radical Left will now inflict upon us, without
Trump to absorb it.. Including the demand we now must include "gender preference pronouns"
any time we say hello.
Democrats are nuts; there will be no honeymoon and they have no second act after
OrangeManBad. Nor does the media - they made money and eyeballs on one thing only -
OrangeManBad. We know it and they know it. Time is not their friend.
Too bad so few voted for Biden not because they loved him; but only because hated
An odd way to get a "mandate". An ersatz dismissal perhaps; but no mandate to govern. Now
America wakes up to what in fact has ridden in on the Biden horse. And shudders. Massive
buyer's remorse has already set in.
... Former Florida governor Jeb Bush, a member of the Bush family, which gave America two
Republican presidents, was one of the first to congratulate the candidate from the rival
.. Mitt Romney, who was the Republicans' presidential candidate in 2012 but lost to Barack
Obama, insisted that Biden and his running-mate, Kamala Harris, were both "people of good
will and admirable character." He also promised to pray for them during their time in
Ann and I extend our congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect
Kamala Harris. We know both of them as people of good will and admirable character. We pray
that God may bless them in the days and years ahead.
ODoul 1 day ago This is the most obvious election steal since Brazil and Ecuador.
We can count ourselves among the biggest banana republics in the world now. We counted 120
million votes in one day but the last couple million take five days to count? Gimme a
break...paaleeeease! Sending ballots to everyone who has an address in the 'system' caused the
biggest phony count ever. People have moved, have died and no one notified the address keepers.
And in one state the ballots need not even be signed. So the count is going at light speed and
when its clear Trump will win...BANG! the counting slows to a snail pace while they try to
figure out how to steal it. There's no excuse for taking five days to count a few million
votes, except someone wanted to alter the results. And to keep observers 25' away, a distance
that effectively blinds the observers. Do they really think we're that stupid? ON op of that
the USPS pulls their own police during the election. Another obvious move to blind those who
could prove it was stolen. With no one watching the sore, guess what? The eggs were stolen. No
one can prove anything if no one saw anything. If nothing else, basic statistics tells us that
the impossible happened, everything went red except Trump. It's not even remotely possible
statistically, something like a few billion to one. A large majority of Americans voted for
Trump's policies, certainly not his personality. But they did not vote for him? Right! The
Earth is flat.
People are so concentrated on the forest they are missing the so usual you forget about 'em
I'm shocked at the number of journalists who are acting surprised that the NY Post
and Fox News , two of Murdoch's most persuasive Amerikan media outlets, have swung
behind the Biden presidency. Murdoch has supported alleged 'left of center' candidates many
times before, Tony Blair & William Clinton being a couple of the most obvious examples.
Murdoch doesn't care what 'team' his satraps claim to belong to as long as they do as they
are told, so that Rupert can continue to cop his fixer's fee for ensuring megadeals go
The NY Post release of Hunter Biden's laptop was a shot across Biden's bow. For all
we know Murdoch may have organized the Facebook/Twitter censorship prior to the Post's
article being published. Why? - because he wanted to let the Dems know he had a stack of
incriminating information on Biden and was prepared to use it if need be.
J Edgar Hoover had nothing on Murdoch when it comes to collecting and using compromat
. I'm sure he has plenty more on both Biden & Harris, just as he had plenty on Trump.
In other words Dems should not be celebrating the fact that both the NY Post &
Fox are also calling a Biden win, when in reality it is just another Murdoch win.
One more thing - it costs a great deal of money to force a recount. One of James Baker's
lawyer offsiders has been blathering that the 2000 Florida recount cost about millions back in
2000. They had to pay rethug lawyers to argue the case and then pay other lawyers to undertake
the recount.
Where the hell is Trump gonna find the dough to force recounts in the multiple states he
believes he was robbed. Some states don't charge if the recount says you won but others don't
refund. Some states give a recount if the difference is less than 1% others don't. Regardless
hiring a gang of sharp-suited lawyers to argue a case through state & federal courts all
the way to Scotus is a very expensive exercise & orangeutan claims to want to be running
different suits in different states.
Coincidentally Murdoch's NY Post
ran this story on that exact subject.
So Murdoch reassuring the elites he has this Biden/Harris thing covered makes it highly
unlikely that many billionaires are going to shell out on something that (a) could be a loser
and (b) doesn't matter since Biden will do what they want anyhow.
Posted by b on November 8, 2020 at 9:36 UTC | Permalink
I get that there is horse trading going in behind the scenes as shot callers buy and sell
politicians like soccer teams trade footballers.
The problem that the elite have is that Trump really fired up the working
class/deplorables/ record number of blacks and Latinos who thought they genuinely had someone
looking after their interest after being fucked over for decades by both the Republican and
Democrat party.
What struck me is the enthusiasm generated. These people are really fired up. That rally's
that were held look like a rock star had come to town, people lining the streets for
kilometers just to see him.
And what happened? The elites fucked them over one more time but carrying out one of the
most audacious, brazen electoral frauds that left 3rd world banana republics run by tinpot
dictators in awe.
Now to you this horse trading may be business as usual but I think that this is going to
be the straw that breaks the camels back. I think it was Kennedy that said that those who
make peaceful change impossible may violent revolution inevitable.
Those of you who think those deplorables are going to roll over and play dead one more
time don't understand what's called Trumpism. He wasn't just another bought and sold
Establishment politician both Republican and Democrat, to them he was one of them you could
see in the way he spoke at rally's to the people and the way they responded to him.
The fraud was so blatant and brazen that the system has effectively disenfranchised them.
I think there is going to be hell to pay!
What makes the author think the recount pricetag is a real problem for the Trump campaign? If
Jill Stein can raise $4 million from HRC supporters for a recount in 2016 then Trump
supporters can certainly cough up a few bucks too?
Perhaps some evidence of this alleged election fraud will come forward, otherwise it's simply
sour grapes and delusional thinking. A Biden presidency should be good for Murdoch's
- This is odd. Because the New York Post also had VERY sleazy pictures of one Melania Trump.
Trump cooperating with Murdoch ?
- The millionairs and the billionairs (e.g. Murdoch, Mercer) got what they wanted from Trump:
(corporate) taxcuts. And they won't shed a tear now Trump is gone.
- Biden, Trump or (Hillary) Clinton, they are all corporate sock puppets.
Debsisdead might have added that nearly 50 years ago when Octopus Inc (more usually known as
News Corporation) was confined to Australia and Britain, Rupert Murdoch supported Gough
Whitlam and the Australian Labor Party against the incumbent Liberal-National (or
Liberal-Country as it might have been) coalition in Australia. After the ALP gained power in
1972 and Whitlam proceeded to create something resembling social democracy in Australia,
Murdoch then withdrew his support and
began a campaign to bring the ALP government down.
I believe one of the articles I referenced in the earlier thread mentioned that Trump
campaign people are quietly, but not explicitly (since apparently it's illegal now that the
campaign is over) soliciting funds from Trump supporters, allegedly to pay for the legal
costs of pursuing these lawsuits and the recounts. I can't remember which article it was and
I'm not motivated to go look it up again, as I couldn't care less what financial problems the
Trump campaign might be in. Also IANAL so I have no idea what the legal issues are around
begging for more money at this juncture. That's just what I read.
It came after Mr Trump's campaign issued an extraordinary email soliciting donations to a
legal fund to challenge election counts.
The message headed "FINAL NOTICE" was sent out to supporters who had yet to contribute.
It said: "So far, you've ignored all our emails asking you to join us in DEFENDING THE
"TENS OF THOUSANDS of Patriots have stepped up for the VERY FIRST TIME in the last 48
hours - why haven't you?"
The goal was to raise at least $60 million (£45.6m) to fund legal challenges
brought by Mr Trump. Astute readers of the emails were quick to notice the fine print,
which said only half of donations would be used on legal fees, with the balance being used
to pay down campaign debt.
Then there's this : "Donations to DJTFP's
Recount Account will be used solely in connection with any post-election recounts and
election contests and not for the purpose of influencing any federal election."
As an aside, who cares if Murdoch called the race? Who cares if journalists act surprised
about Murdoch's actions? Everyone knows Murdoch is a creep and has too much influence via his
media empire. He's the guy the James Bond movie "Tomorrow Never Dies" lampooned by making the
villain a media mogul who tries to start WWIII in order increase ratings.
There may be but the problem is that the elite have trained most Americans to hate and
kill each other instead of the elite. Most Americans still cannot think outside of the
partisan box to this day despite the evidence being right in front of their face.
They still blame the government for their fate like they were indoctrinated into doing by
Ronny Ray-gun and those that followed him.
It's like they get hit over the head with a shovel and get so mad at the shovel they don't
notice the person swinging it.
Anything is possible, but I don't have much faith in the American people anymore. When it
comes time to pay it usually ends up being whoever is standing in the wrong place at the
wrong time or some low level useful idiot.
America is getting ready to see first hand how it's foreign policy works around the world
and what it means to be on the other end of the empire.
Stay safe and sane folks, this chapter of the human condition is closing. Who knows what
the next chapter holds.
The media is the greatest enemy of mine right now."
Wrong, the people that own the media are.
Don't fall for the misdirection, the media was purposely consolidated by the elite in order
to sell you a pig in a poke sack.
"... doesn't matter since Biden will do what they want anyhow."
Exactly. Why stress about it? Rooster one day; feather duster the next.
It's not like Trump is going back to a poor civilian life in the ghettos!
Same policies -- more environmentalism, maybe until the Koch Brothers turn up with their
checkbooks. Iran and China fronts will settle down some, while Syria, Libya and Ukraine etc
will flare up. Back to business-as-usual. Tuesday Drone kill lists anyone?
What a tool! Even if this were true, which it's not--I DON'T CARE! You don't get it! Trump
was a nuclear b💣mb for societal evolution. I would have pushed him out the door
myself if I could. He's lethally toxic and evil.
I'm tired of down is up, black is white, moral disintegration and everything is a
conspiracy when things don't meet your selfish expectations.
I can't wait to see orange blob, his sewn-in hair piece, his hypocritical, condescending
plastic doll with heavy Russian accent and all his freaking LIES pushed out the door.
I want normal, decent, boring and a first lady without so much pretension. I want
reality, not a damn reality show!
F**k Trump, F**k trophy wife Melania and F**k their entitled yammering spawn who were
dreaming of a fascist dynasty!
I can't wait til they're gone. ADIOS, sore losers.
"I want normal, decent, boring and a first lady without so much pretension"
You want to go back to sleep. WTF does the first lady have to do with anything?
"I'm tired of down is up, black is white, moral disintegration and everything is a
conspiracy when things don't meet your selfish expectations."
You actually believe this moral disintegration started with the orange turd ? You're
ingesting way too much media and anyone can tell by the hissy fit you just posted.
"I can't wait to see orange blob, his sewn-in hair piece, his hypocritical, condescending
plastic doll with heavy Russian accent and all his freaking LIES pushed out the door.
You like the softer sweeter prettier lies and veiled condensation of the blue brand better
The world will be a better place when the blue bombs replace the red bombs and the blue
team takes over the siege warfare on anyone and everyone that refuses to pledge fealty to our
Lords and Ladies ?
Get over yourself please, no one likes a sore winner any more than they like a sore
Your petty and substance free frothy emotional tantrum makes you sound like a petulant
Do try to at least act as if you're an adult please.
Perhaps b can comment on the enthusiasm of Heiko Maas to Biden becoming president-elect? He
wrote a thread of 5 tweets in congratulations. "Wir wollen in unsere Zusammenarbeit
investieren, für einen transatlantischen Neuanfang, einen New Deal." I think many of who
live us in the Trans-Atlantic region would be curious to find out more about that.
Trump also has cultivated assiduously from Day 1, the support of the rank and file
military and police, He also added some 300 new federal judicial appointees, not to mention 3
new Supreme Court judges who he fought hard to get approved.
I don't think money will be the limiting factor to stop this bald-face and obscene
election theft. It will be time.
There are those who say the empire will not now restart "Project for a New American
Century" because that doesn't make sense. It would be irrational for America to do that.
These people have for some reason forgotten that PNAC has always been irrational from the
very day it was first proposed. PNAC being based upon exceptional delusion had never been an
impediment to the US pursuing it before, so why would that hold America up now?
Some headlines: "Many world leaders express hope, relief after Biden win" "World Leaders Rush to Congratulate Biden" "World Leaders Celebrate Biden-Harris Win"
The empire now has a grace period in which to do ultraviolence, and imperial vassals will
back that ultraviolence 100%. US troop levels in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria will now begin
to "surge" even while Trump is still in office. Fools will say "See?!? I told you
Trump didn't really want to stop wars!" but in fact the Pentagram will simply be ignoring
the Trump administration and preparing for what they know the Kamala administration will be
demanding (they already know what their orders will be). Hopefully the "Axis of
Resistance" is not as foolish as the residents of the empire who are heaving sighs of
relief over the return to normalcy, since "normal" for the empire is endless and
unrestrained violence.
Yeah come to think of it, Murduch has reason to be pleased.
Most US news media are about to lose their record audiences, as Dems cool off their rage,
while FOX news gets to keep the full engagement of their audience. If the swing is big
enough, a possible opportunity for Murdoch to knock out or buy out cable news rivals and
further expand his media empire.
I've only one name to toss into the mix: Charlotte Corday.
How many Corday inspired Trump supporters will it take to send America's political/media
aristocracy fleeing?
The Davos Crowd, like the Neo-Cons, continue to do what they do because they never pay a
personal cost for their actions. Make it personal and I imagine these people will show us
what cowards they really are.
Posted by: Quasi Retired anonym | Nov 8 2020 12:43 utc | 18
Heiko's new deal: I think they are just greatly relieved to be rid of Trump. He is a bit
abrasive. Biden's dministration can be expected to be more civilized and less amateurish,
perhaps less likely to get into a big war by accident, but I would not assume it will be
better for the EU (Remember "Fuck the EU"). Biden's always been a lightweight and a tool
politically here, no telling what he might do now he is the big man, and I would not assume
he is senile as portrayed. Ms Biden appears very protective of her husband too. And Biden has
"been around" Senator, VP, candidate, forever, he is no genius, but is not naive in any
One of The Saker's questions is: Why is it that Fox News was spearheading the anti-Trump
cheering during this entire week?
My answer was the obvious to those not oblivious:
Only foolish tools would have ever thought Faux's support of populism (and most likely
Trump's as well in my not so humble opinion) was ever genuine, which is most Trump Chumps and
Faux viewers which overlaps nearly perfectly as far as I can tell.
Deception 2020 makes the Romulans look like kindergartners and the members of the Deep
State and Shadow Government look like PhD. Professors when it comes to either way you lose
and we win.
Nice to know MoonofAlabama gets it, and even brought up things I did not know or think
about if I did.
You're speaking of two completely different issues:
1) Biden will be a weak POTUS, with a very precarious government;
2) Trump really did lost the 2020 elections.
As I've said before: if you don't accept the objective fact the USA is in decline, you'll
be faded to believe in conspiracy theories. The truth is that the Empire is declining in
general, in almost all of its societal aspects: Trump and Biden are just symptoms of said
The elites are doing what the elites do: scrambling to save the system.
Disagree. This is *not* helping Fox/Mordoch's ratings/bottom line. There is some other
factor driving the sudden change at Fox (and no, it is not because anyone seriously
*believes* the gaslighting hogwash the CCC (creepy corrupt corpse) was dragged over the
finish line by honest means).
If you read comments on Trump supporter (the overwhelming Fox audience) sites like
Conservative Treehouse, Gateway Pundit etc, they are uniformly outraged by the U-turn (they
see as sellout/betrayal/jumping on the fake media gaslighting bandwagon) at the network, and
are now begun boycotting, and cancelling subscriptions to the new Fox streaming service.
As predicted by me from the very start - in direct contradiction to b. - the Armenian defence
in Nagorno Karabakh has imploded. The one remaining road to Armenia is clogged with fleeing
civilian traffic. Shusha is either under direct attack or has already fallen, depending on
who you believe (even the Armenian side admits to "repelling attacks" on the town). Once
Shusha falls Stepanakert is indefensible and once Stepanakert falls all that's left is to
sign the unconditional surrender. The whole war has been such a mishandled disaster for
Armenia that one can only imagine that Pashinyan wants to lose it in order to get an excuse
to quit the CSTO and join NATO.
"1) Biden will be a weak POTUS, with a very precarious government;"
True because only the weak get (s)elected to be POTUS in an oligarchy.
"2) Trump really did lost the 2020 elections."
False because the (s)elections are merely bread and circus designed to keep the peasants
believing they are stake holders in the political process.
Trump may be brash and vastly ignorant about a lot of things, but he knows how to work a
crowd and manipulate the press as well as how to exploit people. His problem was he thought
he could get away with exploiting the owners of the US empire and publicly humiliate them
long term. It's really kind of stupid when you think about it. Where was he going to hide
He may be a slime bag just like the elite are but he waaaayy underestimated the ruling
elite's reach and determination. Donny has never been anything but greedy and that's such an
easy trait to exploit. Especially when you've got centuries of experience doing so and a
first hand relationship with it.
What's the going forward with the Azeri-Armenia war?
Is the scenario where US "intervenes" on the Armenia side and establish a NATO base there
with Turkey remotely feasible?
This is interesting to me because Obama supported the kurds and tried to coup Erdogan
while Trump let Erdogan be his ME sheriff, I just wonder if Biden will continue Obama policy
and "deal" with the turks in Armenia to gain peacekeeper cred.
Big Tech lives on traffic and metadata, the only way you can fight it is with strong
government regulations, and even then it might not be enough, see China's own attempts to
fight their Big Tech head honchos.
As technology advance, we are getting deeper and deeper into technological dystopia.
You keep missing the fact that your government and big tech are all owned by the same
You can't govern the owners that own your government. They simply make it illegal for you
to do what they are doing and impossible for you to stop them.
It has nothing to do with governments and everything to do with elitist cabals fighting
for control over one another.
Until you kill the concept of their being an elite among human kind, this shit show will
continue on just like it has for centuries now.
Big tech is just a tool of the elites, but the issue is it is getting increasingly harder
to organize as Big Tech becomes more advanced and the younger generation becomes more
connected/attached to Big Tech.
Where the hell is Trump gonna find the dough to force recounts in the multiple states he
believes he was robbed.
That is a stupid question...
The green party paid for the 2016 Wisconsin recount when Trump won. The Greens asked for
donations to pay for it and received more donations than the recount cost.
Anybody who thinks trump can't raise the money to fund recounts and court challenges is
astoundingly ignorant of what is happening in the US. There are tens of millions of people
who will eagerly fund whatever the cost.
What Biden partisans seem to ignore is that trump got more votes in this election than any
candidate has ever received in any past election in the US. They act like trump has no
... we are told that the "Deep State" hates Trump and is in league with the Democratic
Party to unseat Trump at the earliest opportunity but ...
... Murdoch! He's the real villain.
<> <> <> <> <>
When will people wake up and see the games being played? The Democratic Party "Deep State"
is just an off-shoot of the Deep State. The Deep State controls BOTH Parties.
And faux populist Trump has done everything that the Deep State would've wanted him
to - just like faux populist Obama.
Maybe. He spoke with Canada`s Foreign Minister as well so he does seem to be quite
committed to this trans-Atlantic restart business with better manners.
The empire now has a grace period in which to do ultraviolence, and imperial vassals will
back that ultraviolence 100%. US troop levels in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria will now begin
to "surge" even while Trump is still in office.
2 months from now anybody going back and reading this will say:
"Boy was that a stupid prediction"
Appreciate the response and observation. I do see your point.
But to respond, I'd say Murdoch is in the business if selling cars trucks, razor blades
and iphones etc. Typical audience is half tuned out at best. Competitors for the big ad $ are
CNN ABC etc, not OAN or any of the edgier sites favored by the more tuned-in and vocal
conservative audience.
The conflict isn't "Dims vs Repugs" or even "libs vs cons" , it is "the
oligarchy vs working people" .
You see, the oligarchs have games that they play. On Mondays they play contract bridge. On
Wednesdays they play pinochle. On Fridays they go down to the slums and use their pocket
change as the prize for bum fights that they bet on. Then over the weekend they play
politics. It's all just harmless and good-natured fun.
One of the rules of oligarch game nights though is that the maids and cooks and
groundskeepers are not allowed to participate. Oh, they can be combatants in the bum fights
or candidates in the politics (same thing), but they cannot in any way ever be allowed to be
in control of the game play. The fun and challenge of maneuvering and positioning for wins is
the privilege of the oligarchs alone.
Then in 2016 something unusual happened. An oligarch decided to join in the bum
fights politics as a combatant. Well, that was certainly an oligarch's privilege,
but it was unusual. Politics is very much like the bum fights that the oligarchs enjoy so
much except instead of individuals bloodying and maiming each other for the oligarchs'
entertainment it is large groups being steered into conflict. The politics version of bum
fights is also more complex as the narrative associated with the winner sets the mood for
whole nations. This has implications for the oligarchs' power and profits, so they consented
to their peer's choice to play in the mud with the plebes under the condition that he throw
the fight at the last moment. It just would not do to upset the carefully maintained balance
between the political combatants and upset long-running plans for conditioning the
The oligarch with the unusually boisterous tastes agreed with that. After all, losing
should be easy, right?
But politics is a complex game. That challenge is why the oligarchs like it. The game
pieces (the plebes in their millions) cannot be directly controlled like chess pieces on a
chess board. Instead have to be manipulated into the proper positions; managing the plebes'
perceptions of reality to make them believe that it is their own choices to act as the
oligarchs want them to.
Naturally, success with this manipulation gives the oligarchs immense satisfaction and
feelings of god-like power, which of course is a big part of the thrill of the game.
Unfortunately, manipulating the game pieces (plebes in their millions) isn't yet a perfect
and exact science and can at times be like herding cats, though being highly social animals
plebe humans do tend to readily form groups that can then be controlled as a unit, with
relatively small numbers of individuals straying from those groups. The small numbers who do
typically stray from the oligarchs' control are not usually a concern because the politics
game is structured to only depend upon the behavior of the larger masses.
But in 2016 something else happened that was highly unusual and very distressing for the
oligarchs. Large numbers of the plebeian pieces in the politics game suddenly and completely
unexpectedly moved into supporting positions of the oligarch who was supposed to throw the
political bum fight. This odd occurrence happened too suddenly and too late in the game for
the oligarchs to do anything about it, and worse it defied their understanding of how
plebeian herds behave. They assumed some other force must have been manipulating their plebes
in the classic fashion, but without the oligarchy being aware of it. "The Russians!"
were the obvious culprits.
In fact though the plebes, or at least some of them, became aware that they were being
manipulated. Generally the plebes don't have this level of sentience or capacity for
independent thought. Their behavior is normally as automatic and predictable as schools of
fish or herds of ungulates. Since the plebes were restricted to choosing between only two
options in the politics game, with one of those options very conspicuously being the one they
were being manipulated into choosing, the only act of independent volition available to them
was to vote for the one obviously expected to lose.
The challenge for the oligarchy then became to reestablish control over the portions of
the plebeian population that was resisting normal manipulation. Had they been successful in
accomplishing this then there would have been no need in this latest round of the politics
game to make risky and dangerous emergency adjustments to the outcome after the round had
ended. The fact that these adjustments were necessary is proof that they still do not
understand how and why their control over portions of the plebeian population has been
For those of us with cat-like resistance to herd behavior, this represents an opportunity.
There are large numbers of individuals in the population who have broken from the oligarchy's
remote control. Their minds, at least for now, are free of the "Matrix" . They are
seeing the world in a way that they never have before. The establishment has begun hardcore
gaslighting in an effort to reabsorb these individuals into the "Matrix" . It is the
responsibility of those of us who have been outside the "Matrix" all along to reach
out to these people and reassure them that what they have witnessed is reality and what the
mass media is trying to force on them is the lunacy and delusion.
A couple of things you posted reminded me of an idiot who insisted that Assad lost the
Syrian War. Though I'm not sure why you call yourself 'Smith' when you were always so proudly
.....and is owned by the elite. Including turds like Lord's Murdoch, Soros, Gates, Bezos,
Koch, Adelson, etc, etc.
All Trump was trying for was a small shakedown of the unspoken royalty that's behind all
the bread and circus.
The entire covert community is nothing but a huge insider trading hedge fund with access
to the 5 eyes military might.
Poor Donnie will be lucky to have a pot to piss in after they get done with him. They may
not want to assassinate him due to bad PR, but I get the feeling they've already showed him
the unedited versions of the Kennedy's and their last great acts of defiance.
People won't wake up until the drone strikes on American soil are well underway.
Both sides of the fake isle have a fan base with a hit list just like Obomber and Bush
Maybe even decks of cards ??
Keep you head down Jackrabbit, the fecal matter is about to hit the cooling equipment at any
People don't trust each other anymore, that's a bad sign for the peasants and a good one
for the elite.
Oh groovy so we might know each other, but I don't remember myself ever saying Assad
losing the Syrian war.
But yes, that's my English name, I don't like using my actual name in online
And cut me some slacks my man, my supposed enemies are the 1st and 2nd most strongest
superpowers in the world right now, what can one man do against them?
The Greens asked for donations to pay for it and received more donations than the recount
Those donations came from Democratic Party/Democratic Party loyalists that hoped it would
result in a Hillary win.
Well of course the money for the 2016 Wis recount came from anti-trumpers but anyone who
suggests that pro-trumpers won't fund the recounts and court challenges is simply displaying
their ignorance.
Nobody who throws a Molotov cocktail cries when the bottle containing that cocktail
breaks, do they? "Oh, that was my favorite Molotov cocktail bottle!" is a lament that
you won't often hear.
Nobody who throws their wooden shoe; their "sabot" , into the machine to break it
really expects that shoe to ever emerge from the guts of the machine intact, do they?
There are several factions of the elite. They don't fight each other, they bet against
each other. Anyone could see he stood no chance of doing much of anything to China. I
wouldn't be surprised if all the blustering and half baked tariffs weren't just a cover for
some back loaded perks yet to be delivered.
He's definitely burned most his bridges inside the empire except for the AIPAC cult.
Between him and the son in law and daughter, they seem to have all the bases covered for the
Chinese to pay off the Israeli's to then pay off the Trumps.
Who knows anymore, the amount of corruption and number of players at this point is beyond
Mordoch's pay-off could be a big bucks, long-term advert. contract for mostly un-watched
ads at the henceforth audience-free Fox News channel, paid for by companies controlled by our
deep state/Invisible Hand Overlords as a cost of maintaining thought-control over the
American public.
Invisible Overlord's companies can even write off the "ad buys" (ie payoffs for slanted
FAKE News coverage) on their US taxes as "Business Advertising expenses" so no net out of
there pockets, and rest of us taxpayers actually pay the bill for the Overlord's propaganda
FakeNews gets paid to feed us. It costs the Overlords NOTHING. Isn't that *neat"?!
And come to think of it, the Overlords are probably running the same scam to control the
output/actions of most of the FAKE media (silicone as well as traditional) in the "Land of
Kind of like the scam[but perfectly legal] way of paying off loyal servants of the
invisible overlords like Obama and many others, massive book deals and huge volume buys of
their ghost-written books that hardly anyone reads (but are great for making compost
"You just ate my favorite Cheeto, you meanie! I was saving that for a special
Meh, I don't see the point to getting excited over a particular Cheeto.
You're right though. The establishment is never going to give the public disposable joke
candidates to vote for again, at least not in the general elections.
Why is it that US news channels censored a press conference by a President of the United
Why is it that tech giants feel the need to censor Trump's tweets?
Why is it that in key Dem states the GOP observers were not allowed to actually observe
Why did the Dems counter-sue just to try to prevent GOP observers from observing the
ballot count?
Why do the media conglomerates all declare Biden the victor even though they all know for
a fact that this is false (only the courts can declare a victor)?
Why is it that FoxNews was spearheading the anti-Trump cheering during this entire
Why is it that the US deep state needs EU leaders to suddenly all congratulate Biden on a
Think of what is coming next: lawsuits in state and federal courts, right?
Then IF the Dems felt confident that the Trump campaign had no case, why not simply relax,
wait and see the courts reject the Trump campaign's petitions?
But no, instead, they are acting exactly as if they were all terrified that the courts
might do something which would compromise the victory of the Biden campaign!
The very fact of the need for such extreme haste and such un-retractable statements can
only be explained by the fear of the Dems that something in their coup plans might go wrong.
And, after all, it is said that Giuliani won over 4000 lawsuits in his career, and he would
scare me too :-)
So, in a way, we could consider the Dems massive push to win in the court of public
opinion a clear sign that they are much more afraid of a court of law.
Someone should have proofread this: "Where the hell is Trump gonna find the dough to force
recounts in the multiple states he believes he was robbed." The author is apparently not
aware that Sheldon Adelson individually gave $75M to the campaign. He wouldn't cough up
another $20M to get a recovery on that?
The comments that this election was rigged are absurd:
a) Different states use different voting machines (at least GA's machines are different than
most states), so under most plausible scenarios there would need to be many people and/or
companies involved.
b) If the fraud structure involves people not checking ballot signatures, this would probably
involve thousands of people. Biden is consistently improving on Clinton's margins in most of
PA, including deep red counties, by typically ~3-4%, while Biden is doing worse in Philly
margin-wise. If someone rigged this, why would they use a vote outcome alteration method that
requires a state-wide conspiracy with many actors instead of just running up the margin in
Philly or Alleghany County?
c) Given Biden's large win in MI and how PA and MI generally correlate, this conspiracy would
need to extend to Michigan.
d) GA's election system is managed by Republicans and Biden is poised to win there (in a
shocker, compared to the rest of the country and GA's past voting patterns).
If Americans have societal evolution or devolution or just rot on the branch or their wife
is not in good style, humanity at large DOES NOT CARE. It doesn't give a rodent's posterior.
How could that be unclear? The problem No.1, No.2 and No.3 of humanity is the US. Even the
fact of caring at all about anything in domestic policy, even the question, say, of how big a
blood-soaked crumb you want to fall from the war profiteers' and genocidaires' table to the
US middle class, like health care or jobs or whatever in the US, is an exercise in frivolous
In fact, some might reason that the more the US goes to the dogs, the better-off the rest of
humanity. Be that as it may, the only relevant question is still imperialism and war of
There is a Greek proverb to describe the well-meaning people who get excited about US
domestic policy: "the world may be burning; the c^nt will still comb its hair."
Posted by: Quasi Retired anonym | Nov 8 2020 14:56 utc | 40
Yes, that's what I mean, at least a bit more polite. Hopefully Ms Weng will get better
treatment too, for example. At least formal respect for international law will return.
Diplomacy will rise above the level of a protection racket.
And generally more in the direction of Clinton-Obama foreign policy, but as with Trump
more restricted options than in the past.
I would hazard some effort to "heal the wounds of the republic" or something like that,
the political class has lost a lot of credibility, so much posturing and exhorting will be
Bravo, William Gruff @ 43. However, following your analogy, would it not be possible to
extend the 'herding' to encompass Biden as the least palatable candidate with a not-popular
running mate as the largest example of 'who not to vote for'? And thus, the candidate the
decisive voters will lean towards would be Trump -- am I falling into Jack Rabbit territory
here? Savvy voters from 2016 are concerned about Biden's record and fragility,as they were
about Hillary, and it is those crossovers the oligarchs would want to 'herd' as they provide
the winning tipover in a close contest. And the contest is deliberately kept close by not one
popular piece of policy being put forward, not one. Neither candidate is allowed to put
forward a legitimate program that people would approve of, neither one. That way the
oligarchs win who ever gets in.
What this kind of manipulation inevitably produces is worse and worse candidates each
election period. This might actually be the last time this can happen without the 'wave'
becoming so large that it is indeed a tsunami. Is that this time?
Yeah, that's bunnyland stuff, unfortunately. The larger part of the oligarchy's influence
over the masses is through the mass media. While using reverse psychology through the mass
media can work in select cases and in a limited fashion, broad and large scale efforts to
guide voters to Trump by trash talking Trump is bound to destroy the credibility of the very
tool that the oligarchs depend upon to influence the masses. That is a massive fatal flaw in
the bunny's convoluted notion that he always brushes away as irrelevant.
Trump isn't a faithful servant of the oligarchy, though. He is an oligarch himself. While
Trump is clearly engaged in serving his own interests, not all oligarchs have exactly the
same interests. Indeed, there are some oligarchs that Trump would likely enjoy watching
squirm in financial distress. Real estate guys freakin' hate bankers, after all. A true
servant of the oligarchy (Biden or Obama or Cruz, for instance), on the other hand, would
eagerly service any oligarch whatsoever and in whatever pecking order that the oligarchs
decide among themselves. This makes Trump an annoyance to the rest of the oligarchy. They
would rather have someone who jumps when they say "Jump!" .
The overall media narrative about Trump has been very conspicuously negative. This is
reflective of displeasure with Trump within the oligarchy.
You are entirely correct though. This is doubtless the last time we ever see any flavor of
populist, real or just playing one on TV like Trump, allowed anywhere near the presidential
election. The establishment will not be making that particular mistake again.
That should be the rhetorical question to ponder because there is no one else like Donald
J. Trump, outsider billionaire who won the 45th presidency by outworking and outsmarting the
best (worst?) neoliberal minds and acknowledging the forgotten American man.
For those dismissing his claim as a populist president as a falsehood, I would imagine
that these people have little to no understanding of Middle America and their absolute
loathing for the political class, its public sector unions, and the elites' desire to
frustrate any kind of natural culture arising from a homogenity they have engendered to
scramble for decades.
Those who voted against DJT had no idea what DJT really was.
They merely accepted the gaslighting from the msm and big tech that the world was looking
down at us more (Heaven forbid that Canadians and Europeans think less of us!) for letting in
someone so uncouth. That we were racist and backwards. And so all the coastal libs have been
spending the last four years apologizing for all the cavemen littering the interior.
So where do we go from here?
There must be a showdown btw the DJT phenomenon and the neoliberalism which is seeking to
bury it by claiming it isn't even there.
The best neoliberalism can do will be a few paltry stimulus programs and some ineffectual
tantrums thrown abroad when facing pushback from adversaries who know our weakening
But History will not allow a suspension which does not allow its advancement.
This really is a mere taste of what is to come.
So I am not sad in the least for a DJT assumed-loss. It many ways it can only benefit the
deplorables who are gaining intelligence and the vocabulary to withstand such an ineffectual
attempt at suspending history as the neoliberals can not help but try.
It's not about what Trump didn't do, it's all about what the anti-White Biden admin will
surely do to further adulterate and destroy the White people of America and Europe. This
gatekeeping sham is like being in the living room with a bunch of driveling morons. It gives
me the same visceral feeling that I get when seeing a animal abused, a mammal eaten by a
reptile, or a gentile girl being copulated by a jew or a nigger. Utterly pathetic, like
stepping into pseudo-intellectual excrement. I suspect the site is fully jew controlled like
everything else these days.
"... good overview debs... funny how the media is calling a lot of the shots here....
why would that be?? who put them in power?? ..."
Well you don't look at that guy (or gal) sitting in the corner of the newsroom ... the one
who can't spell, can't put more than two words together to make a coherent sentence ... yet
is never reprimanded or put on probation but on the contrary gets promoted over everyone else
who puts in good work.
Thanks for your response, William Gruff @ 61. I've often wondered if coming into the
television world later than most Americans was helpful in breaking the spell for me - I've
stayed away from the hypnosis perhaps more easily than those who were weaned on it, being
just an ordinary citizen otherwise. I know my own children have formed different opinions
than I have, but I think going forward they will learn. There's something about facts on the
ground insisting on minds changing themselves, and that more and more people are turning away
from media news propaganda - you can see it in voting patterns, though many still don't
realize they should just stop watching,stop listening.
I did that right after Obama's first inaugural speech when I realized he was Bush II.
Never listened to him or about him after that. Learned later about the Clinton's. Once you
realize, there's no going back. How to go forward, that's the question. Still working on
@ jen 65.... it is a well known fact a lot of the usa msm have been taken up with ex cia-fbi
people... it seems like a common pathway now... they once worked for the cia and now they
work for cnn and etc. etc.... i wonder how much this has ramped up since 9-11? it seems the
usa goes from one intel type story to the next, non stop.. who better then ex intel people to
get the gig at the msm to broadcast what is or isn't the nature of reality?? these people
either work directly with intel, or are former intel people... being a suspicious type it
seems like the media is one big outlet for the cia-fbi now... then there was russiagate and
the steele dossier, lol.. it is non stop...
i do find it interesting reading pat langs site where pat and larry johnson - 2 ex cia-fbi
people - talk.. i thought larry johnsons last article was pretty troubling.. check it out if
you haven't already...
The Fight for The Soul of Our Republic Has Begun by Larry C Johnson
Trump's team is getting donations from the Trump Maga Movement. They are fired up and will
not go down without a fight.
The Dems have overplayed their hand and Trump himself has also become more bold not willing
to lose.
He will fight, he is now in full war mode.
The only way he can lose is if he is weak, not strong.
In a sense I would actually welcome him becoming a real dictator, because the clown we saw
for four years was nothing like what was described by the hystericals, let's see you
shrieking baby's handle a real authoritarian who squeezes you like ripe oranges, eh?
But Trump won't do it, he doesn't have the killer instinct, so rest easy you
It's like Julius Cesar said about his foe and friend Magnus Pompeo; "This man simply does
not know how to win a war".
Trump has been at war for four long years and laughed it off, he's not laughing
He was punched in the face by Biden and he's finally realized, it's for keeps.
@51 Couldn't have said it better. If it weren't so serious, it would be comical that the
resistance thinks it is antifascist when in reality it is the freebie foot soldiers for the
financial-corporate- deep state establishment. Two things I will add is Jared Kushner
considers Murdoch a mentor. Jared's Daddy rents office space to the parent company of Genie
Oil of which Murdoch is a board of director. Genie Oil is drilling illegally in Syria, but
Israel claims it belongs to them because it is written in some ancient text that they wrote
...supposedly. On a side note it has been told that Netanyahu use to sleep in Jared's bed
when visiting the Kushners. I can't believe Trump was so naive on Kushner or so fixated on
pandering to the needs of his plastic princess. (For the record I don't think Trump wants
Ivanka. She is just the forever needy child due to the kid being weaponized by the crazy
first wife).
I would love to see the election fraud overturned in the courts or with a certified
recount. The left will then become the trigger for the violent color flag revolution since
the right refuses to oblige. If Trump survives all that, he can finally be the SOB I was
hoping for when I voted for him 2016. It really is the only way he can keep his empire. Too
bad he didn't figure that out earlier.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Debs' theory is fun and educational (nobody knows the Murdochs like an antipodean) but much
more likely is the explanation that Murdoch's people simply realised, what most of us did by
Wednesday morning, which was that Biden was likely to win. So, as smart capitalists do, they
scrambled to get on board the bandwagon. They had to pay a little more than the media who had
booked a place earlier but they were all the more welcome because they had something new to
offer: the Donald's head on a pike.
Opportunism is the leading characteristic of people like Murdoch- the former member of Oxford
University's Socialist Club. They go with the flow and laugh at people with principles. So,
of course, does Trump who would have done the same thing-who has done the same thing.
Betrayal is a way of life for these non-losers.
As to financing the recount- I can't see Trump paying for it and most of his backers will
take the same path as Murdoch. Of course this might be a perfect opportunity for Bannon to
start another public appeal with the suckers and their pennies in mind, but that might lead
to trouble.
As vk says the Empire is in decline and playing Electoral Silly Buggers will just accelerate
the widely anticipated and internationally desired, descent into reality.
It will take populists on both sides coming together. What's keeping that from happening?
Will it ever happen?
Why can't both major party populists see that their party is crap and deserving of
condemnation. Democratic populists are there. Republican populists are not. Donald Trump has
never voluntarily spent any sincere time around a common person in his life. It makes it so
hard to respect anyone that falls for his charlatan populism.
Being libertarian leaning, it seems so logical the movement should be inclusive...freaks
and all. Drop all the exclusivity blockers. Conservatives need to come left, dropping the
faux patriotism and faux religious stuff, which cannot be justifiable defended...and stand
with the left populists.
Both campaigns have funds left over from the race, plus there's always crowdfunding. So much
for finances, but that's just a side note.
On the main issue, there may not be much need for recounts, at least not in a whole lot of
states. As things stand, Biden (290) can say goodbye to his 20 electors from Pennsylvania. No
recount needed, instead things there will be resolved legally. The Reps have moved to have as
much as 800,000 ballots tossed out. That's Biden's "lead" of 50,000 a couple of times over.
It's either all votes voided that were processed after 8 pm election day, or, an even safer
bet for the Reps, all mail-in votes voided that came from voters who had not on their own
account requested ballots for absentee voting, but got those ballots unrequested (from the
friendly and caring PA Secretary of State) and used them, many in good faith.
So that's Biden down to 270. The Reps can then choose to go down Recount Road in two
states out of AZ (11), GA (16), MI (16), or WI (10). Whichever is the most convenient for
them, any two of those will do. AZ and WI might be the cheapest.
Republican Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue of Georgia called on the state's GOP
secretary of state to resign on Monday, citing "failures" in the election process
... Raffensperger said the process for reporting results in the state was orderly and
followed the law. And he added that while he was "sure" there were illegal votes cast, it was
"unlikely" that there total rose to the "numbers or margin necessary to change the outcome" of
the election.
He also took a shot at Perdue and Loeffler for their criticism: "As a Republican, I am
concerned about Republicans keeping the U.S. Senate. I recommend that Senators Loeffler and
Perdue start focusing on that."
Tara Reade,
the former US Senate aide who accused Joe Biden of sexual assault, said more allegations may
surface as the media allows more truthful reporting on the former VP's alleged corruption once
his victory is sealed.
"I think there will be more interest as far as other people may be coming forward,"
Reade said on Saturday in an interview with RT's Polly Boiko.
Reade noted that journalists such as Glenn Greenwald were stifled during the election in
their efforts to report on alleged influence-peddling by Biden's family in Ukraine and China,
but once Biden has replaced Trump in the Oval Office, the rules may change.
Reade argued that the US media was forced to exercise self-censorship in their reporting on
Biden during the election cycle, saying that "the media outlets and journalists, independent
journalists, have been frustrated that they have been basically given a message to not go after
"I think the gloves come off after he becomes president," Reade said. "I think the
truth needs to come out, and I don't mean attacks, I don't mean attacks like I experienced, by
any means. What I'm talking about is actual journalism being able to get done. If there was
corruption, reveal it. If he used his position as vice president to enrich his family, in the
way he's accusing Trump, then it should be revealed."
Reade earlier this year accused then-senator Biden of sexually assaulting her in 1993. Last
year, she was among seven women who alleged that he had touched them inappropriately. She
called Biden a "predator" in her interview with Boiko and said some of her friends
considered his support for the 1994 Violence Against Women Act a "cover for his
"It's like the wolf in sheep's clothing," Reade said. "Oh look at me, I'm safe.
Not really."
Reade, who claimed she was pressured to quit her job on Biden's staff after filing a
sexual-harassment complaint, said that since leaving Washington in 1993, she has watched the
Democratic Party evolve and become more dominated by corporate interests. Even in the 1990s,
she said she witnessed Biden's devotion to credit-card companies and other corporate donors,
arguing that such dominance has only increased.
"We've kind of become the United States of oligarchy."
The party's controllers also have become more pro-war, Reade said. "What gets me about
the Democratic Party is our hypocrisy," she said. "I was part of that cult, if you will,
the Democrats, and I'm out of it now. I really see the hypocrisy, the sanctimoniousness. We
need to stop."
Reade said the party also needs to "stop blaming everything on Russia, which is just
ridiculous," and start having real conversations about improving the US political
"Hopefully we can start looking at other countries as allies and collaborators on ways to
work with them rather than as enemies and find the next war," she said. "My fear with
Biden's cabinet, the packed cabinet he will pick, is that we might end up by spring in another
regime war. That's my prediction."
"... But while they now have the power, globalists do not have solutions to the country problems, and the crisis of neoliberalism (which started in 2008) will continue, the far-right nationalism will stay and may even gain strength. This suggests that in 2024 is somebody like Tucker Carlson will lead the ticket. And Tucker is a more dangerous opponent to neoliberal Dems than Trump ever been. "Trumpism without Trump" will live, so to speak. ..."
Interesting piece by Beinart about the obvious question that isn't being asked: Why did
Trump lose? After all he had the advantages of incumbency, until February the stock market was
booming, wages were rising, things were going great.
Answer: because he was not nearly radical enough. Because he was a weak leader who was
captured by the Republican elite (not the other way round). Also (rather ironic this) because
he was and is a terrible negotiater. He continually caved into the likes of Mitch McConnell,
and, well the rest is history.
Question: will 'super Trump' in 4 or 8 years time manage to follow the Eastern European
template and create a genuine populist party? (economically social democratic, particularly
concentrating on pensioners: extremely hostile to immigration, skeptical of environmental
issues, culturally conservative?). If so the future is the Republicans' but it's a big if.
...he was a weak leader who was captured by the Republican elite (not the other way
round). Also (rather ironic this) because he was and is a terrible negotiator. He
continually caved into the likes of Mitch McConnell, and, well the rest is history.
All true. But Biden victory in some ways looks like Catch 22 for neoliberal Dems (Will the
Democrats Ever Make Sense of This Week? – New Republic):
In sum, if the results we have hold, Joe Biden will win the election and preside over a
divided Congress. A chastened and anxious Democratic caucus will continue to hold the
A triumphant Senate Republican caucus will obviously destroy his major legislative
agenda. Biden will assuredly turn to policy by executive action, just as Barack Obama did
late in his legislatively stymied administration.
When he does, Republicans will do all they can to send those actions to a 6–3
conservative Supreme Court Biden will be unable to pack or meaningfully reform.
In defeating Trump, Democrats will have avoided their worst-case scenario. Instead, they
will have won the worst possible Biden victory, a political situation that will be a
nightmare all its own.
Trump, with his "national neoliberalism," was an anomaly in its own right. And such things
do not last long. So this is a kind of "return to normal" -- return to power of the
"internationalist" faction of Oligarchy who is linked to globalization (and constitutes the
majority of the US oligarchy), which was unexpectedly defeated in 2016 and since then foght
tooth and nail for the return to power. And such "normalization" is the most logical outcome
of the 2020 elections and is to be expected.
But while they now have the power, globalists do not have solutions to the country problems,
and the crisis of neoliberalism (which started in 2008) will continue, the far-right
nationalism will stay and may even gain strength. This suggests that in 2024 is somebody like
Tucker Carlson will lead the ticket. And Tucker is a more dangerous opponent to neoliberal
Dems than Trump ever been. "Trumpism without Trump" will live, so to speak.
That may spell troubles for the well-being of the PMC (professional and management class)
to which we all belong.
I would add that the fact that Biden victory legitimized Russia-gate and abuse of their
power by intelligence agencies is also a problem. I suspect that Neo-McCarthyism, in the long
run, might backfire.
The left has made war on Donald Trump and his voters since 2016.
First, the Democrats, aided by the media, peddled a hoax claiming that now-President Donald
Trump and his campaign colluded with Russia to steal the election. These allegations primarily
relied on the Christopher Steele dossier paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign which turned
out to be
verifiably false but still enabled the government to
lie about its legal basis for spying on former Trump campaign associate Carter Page, and
thus the entire campaign.
The left ran with these
lies and even attempted to impeach the president but memory-holed that aspect of the
campaign when it didn't end the way they wanted it to. Not only did the left cling to an
unwinding narrative about Russia-Trump collusion for the last four years, but they staunchly
refused to accept the results of the 2016 presidential race. Even Clinton is still claiming the
election was
stolen right from underneath her.
"I was the candidate that they basically stole an election from," she told The New York
Times on a podcast a mere week before the 2020 Election Day.
"People fight about it every day online, because there is a deep sense of unfairness and
just dismissiveness toward his victory, and he knows it," she added.
The liberal lies extended beyond presidential candidates and were weaponized
to try to prevent now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh from being confirmed . Their
completely unsubstantiated claims that a man who underwent multiple FBI investigations and
thorough background checks was a gang rapist were amplified and spread in a character
The Lies Won't Stop On Their Own
The left has a history of attacking Republicans, but just because President Donald J. Trump
may not win re-election doesn't mean the lies about the GOP are going to stop. Republican
leaders around the nation, especially in Georgia, need to step up to the plate, stand up to
defend the GOP from Democrat shenanigans, and stand for the integrity of U.S. elections.
The upcoming Senate runoffs between incumbent Republican Sen. David Perdue and his
challenger Democrat Jon Ossoff, as well as GOP Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Democratic candidate
Raphael Warnock in Georgia, are critical to the GOP's ability to keep the Senate majority.
Democrats are coming for them, with every trick in the book and a whole lot of campaign
Millions of dollars were already poured into the Democrat candidates' campaigns to
challenge the Republican incumbents for Georgia's two Senate seats. Senate Minority Leader
Chuck Schumer has already
signaled Democrats' intentions to use these challengers in Georgia to "change the world"
with their leftist policies.
"Now we take Georgia, then we change the world," Schumer declared during crowded
celebrations in New York City, hours after the media called the presidential race for
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. "Now we take Georgia, then we change America," he
The GOP leaders, especially
those already in office in Georgia , need to steel themselves against the Democrats' fight
for the Senate by preparing to take it head-on. The way for the GOP to win the battle is to
remain skeptical about the left's narratives promoted through mainstream media and actively
take steps to address it.
Not only should the GOP seek to find an effective way to communicate and publicize the truth
they discover about the Democrats' objectives and intentions to the American people, but they
must also find credible evidence of election fraud in the
state and eliminate any risk it could impede the Republican incumbents' chances of
State officials have acknowledged that there is evidence of voter fraud in this election
already and in a race in a state with tight margins, those instances must be investigated by
vigilant GOP Georgia officials.
Republicans must take preventative measures to ensure that the runoff election in January is
safe and secure before things heat up. Waiting to see how the pending presidential election
plays out is passive and naive. The time to act is now.
It's Not Over Until It's Over
The fight for the Senate is one worth fighting. To give in to the left's kicking and
screaming or to cave to the media's lies at this point in the battle would be cowardice. The
pressure is on and the GOP must defend the Senate, the Republican Party, and the nation.
If conservative leaders choose to back down now, this potentially lone safeguard protecting
the U.S. from radical policy initiatives led by the left will crumble. Democrats will spend the
next two years defunding the police, passing the Green New Deal, raising taxes on working
Americans, undoing coronavirus economic recovery plans, promoting legislation to protect
murdering babies in the womb, and other insane policy that at least half of the country
disagrees with.
The nation is depending on Georgia leaders to stand up and search for the truth. To
discredit and push back on the media's lies and to seek the truth about election integrity in
an already contested election.
The GOP must be astute, wary, and willing to strike at any moment. If they don't, there will
be consequences for the nation. Jordan Davidson is a staff writer at The Federalist. She
graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in
"... "There's no denying," Columbia professor Mark Lilla wrote in 2017's The Once and Future Liberal, "that the movement's decision to use this mistreatment to build a general indictment of American society and its law-enforcement institutions and to use Mau Mau tactics to put down dissent and demand a confession of sins and public penitence played into the hands of the Republican right." ..."
Early in the Trump years, moderate columnists and strategists held that the mechanisms for
accomplishing what Biden evidently has would be an aggressive critique of progressive identity
politics. It was agreed specifically that Black Lives Matter and progressive activism on
policing and criminal justice could be crippling.
"There's no denying," Columbia professor Mark Lilla wrote in 2017's The Once and Future Liberal, "that the movement's decision to use
this mistreatment to build a general indictment of American society and its law-enforcement
institutions and to use Mau Mau tactics to put down dissent and demand a confession of sins and
public penitence played into the hands of the Republican right."
Despite Democratic victories in 2018's midterms, the argument lived on long enough to worry
moderates who criticized Biden this year in the wake of the demonstrations and riots over the
killing of George Floyd and the shooting of Jacob Blake. "In the crude terms of a presidential
campaign, voters know that the Democrat means it when he denounces police brutality, but less
so when he denounces riots," The Atlantic 's George Packer wrote in a
piece about the unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
"To reach the public and convince it otherwise,
Biden has to go beyond boilerplate and make it personal, memorable."
A little over two months
later, it's actually quite difficult to remember what exactly Biden said that week. And he
never delivered grand denunciations of cancel culture, White Fragility, the 1619
Project, or any of the other culture war material moderates and conservatives suggested he
needed to address to make large gains among whites and white men in particular. Those gains
were clearly made anyway.
Estonia's Minister of the Interior has resigned from government after branding Joe and Hunter Biden '"corrupt characters" and
the U.S. election results "falsified".
Mart Helme, co-founder of the Estonian Conservative People's Party (EKRE), left the Baltic NATO and EU member's coalition
government as a result of controversy around comments he made on TRE radio station.
The Estonian had
was the beneficiary of a "deep state" which likes to "smuggle in scumbags -- corrupt scumbags who can be blackmailed. Joe Biden
and Hunter Biden are corrupt characters."
He said that he believed Donald Trump "win eventually", despite the currently projected results -- but not without the
possibility of civil conflict.
"It will happen as a result of an immense struggle, maybe even bloodshed, but justice will win in the end," he predicted.
Mart Helme's son, Martin Helme, who also serves in the Estonian government as Minister of Finance and chairs EKRE, agreed that
the U.S. elections, as they stand, are not legitimate, saying: "In my opinion, there is no question that this election is
"I think all normal people should speak out against it. There is no point in talking about any kind of democracy or the rule
of law if elections can be so rudely, so blatantly and massively rigged," he added, suggesting that "if [the result] goes
through, if Trump is removed from power, then the Constitution will no longer apply in America".
The EKRE politicians' remarks went down poorly with Estonia's prime minister, Jüri Ratas, whose centre party is much more
left-leaning and does not share their antipathy towards the European Union and mass migration.
Ratas pleaded with his controversial coalition partners not to antagonise Biden -- "a very favourable statesman" -- in an
on Facebook, congratulating the Democrat, praising the "fair, free, and transparent elections", and admonishing them that
"without evidence it is unacceptable to press heavy charges."
The elder Helme decided to resign on Monday after "looking at the slander and lies produced by the Estonian media" about his
"I am tired. I did nothing yesterday that would endanger Estonia's security. I have not said anything that has not already
been told by the American media, the American free media," the 71-year-old added.
The younger Helme appears to be staying put, however, at least for the time being, claiming that he merely said what "the
whole of the U.S. media is saying."
"The [Estonian] press is not telling the Estonian people what the entire American media is saying, but I did it -- election
fraud," he insisted.
Fox News Channel's Tucker Carlson says Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is "happy to sell out his voters with an amnesty deal" after
he suggested finding "common ground" with Democrats on immigration.
During a segment Friday night, Carlson called out Graham -- who just won reelection in South Carolina --
for suggesting to the Senate Republican caucus that their agenda next year could include working with Democrats on amnesty for
11 to 22 million illegal aliens. Carlson asked:
Who's excited to greet our new corporate overlords? Who plans to collaborate, particularly who on the right side, the Republican
side, the side that said it was defending you. Who's happy about all of this? That seems worth keeping track of just so we know
who we're dealing with here.
I was particularly interested in the comments of Lindsey Graham who just won reelection in the state of South Carolina because
conservatives voted for him the people around Trump put a great deal of pressure on Lindsey Graham to send them money, so after
a day or two, he made a great show of sending them $500,000.
But then on the issues that matter, Lindsey Graham immediately ran away from the ideas that he claimed to support and said
that he would be happy to sell out his voters with an amnesty deal, like within hours of the election.
You have a deeply flawed party that refuses to protect its own voters and represent their legitimate interests but they are
the only hope that this country doesn't descend into something unrecognizable. It puts 70 million decent people in a tough spot.
Already, America First conservatives and immigration reformers are
pushing back against Graham's comments.
"The new base of the Republican Party is the American working class, of all races. 'Common ground' on immigration reform is code
for amnesty, and amnesty is an insult to the millions who voted GOP in the election," Bostonians Against Sanctuary Cities President
Lou Murray told Breitbart News.
Currently, there are about 20 million Americans who are jobless or underemployed, mostly due to the Chinese coronavirus crisis,
but all of whom want full-time jobs.
Economists have found that their
job opportunities and wages can be easily diminished by
high immigration levels.
One particular study by the Center for Immigration Studies' Steven Camarota revealed that for every one percent increase in the
immigrant portion of American workers' occupation, their weekly wages are cut by perhaps 0.5 percent. This means the average native-born
American worker today has his weekly wages reduced by potentially 8.75 percent, since
more than 17 percent of the workforce is foreign-born.
The high immigration policy is a boon for giant corporations, real estate investors, Wall Street, university systems, and Big
Agriculture that can cash in on an economy that offers low wages to a flooded U.S. labor market.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder .
To start one's own party is not so easy and outright impossible under the current conditions. If the majority of GOP supports
him then the best course would be to purge and reinvigorate GOP: he should issue a call of action to his supporters and create the
situation when those who use their membership to their own benefits will be forced to step down or cancel the membership. By purging
I don't mean filling it in with 'yes-men': they don't have to be obliged to love Trump; criticism is essential, but these people
have to be able to differentiate between the personal and common when on service. They all have to be loyal to the America First.
If you call yourself 'Republican' then behave like one or choose another party. Such RINOs are materially motivated - they never
couldn't build a career in the Dems Party, especially now, with the Squad; they can't start their own Party - nobody will vote them,
because they'll be the party of traitors and sell-outs. Benny Too Too
deploritarian •
2 days ago
No your corrupt corp fraud media did it to him along with hussein osama's weaponized US agencies! Now go back to watching CNN
lying hate media to get even more stupid
With 25 Million Illegal Aliens in our Country the Democrats have an absolute Lock on this and future Elections by enabling them
to Vote. No Voter ID laws, Sanctuary Cities awarding them all Privileges of US Citizens from Drivers Licenses and access to all welfare
state programs. We are not a Sovereign Nation any longer. ANITFA called it in their Protests "No More BORDERS. Democrats support
this Treasonous Group because it gives them perpetual control of Washington.
Elibar deploritarian •
2 days ago
Better European papers? LOL! I live in Europe and can tell you they're every bit as lying and partisan as the MSM EVERYWHERE!
Practically every European national broadcaster and newspaper gets s o r o s funding, unless you happen to read Hungarian. For instance,
the long defunct Italian Radical party's radio station was close to collapse due to lack of support. They are now back on air admitting
the Hungarian pos gave them almost 400,000 euro if they supported 'immigration'. Read the Beano, it's far more informative.
"... Human beings can't eat lies, and even if establishment propagandists were good at their jobs and spun stories that uplifted instead of lambasting, giving the people something to believe in instead of something to point fingers at, the US would ultimately hit a wall as constant money-printing with no assets to back it up is not sustainable. The system is headed for a massive, ugly collapse, but the establishment isn't going down without a fight. ..."
"... The more they can get Americans to attack one another, the fewer pitchforks they have to fend off when the masses finally realize who's really responsible for their suffering. Don't give them the satisfaction. ..."
The apparent victory of Democrat Joe Biden over President Donald Trump has triggered
Pavlovian salivating from neoliberal centrists who've pinned every wrong on Trump – and
now demand the total destruction of his supporters.
Not just Trump, but his backers in the Republican Party and the everyday "
deplorables " who post favorably about him must be destroyed, the narrative managers
have decreed. Demanding what sounds for all the world like a Stalinist purge, they have raised
a cry of " Never Again " – as if the Trump administration's crimes were any worse
than those of his predecessors.
The aim of the anti-Trump #Resistance has shifted from removing him from office to ensuring
all traces of the ideas he brought into mainstream discourse be destroyed forever, full
Given that half the electorate voted for him – twice – this is no less than a
declaration of civil war, and its proponents are leaving little doubt as to their intentions.
The Intercept, recently exposed by co-founder Glenn Greenwald as little more than a pro-Biden
information-laundering facility, declared that, with
Trump, " all of America faced a great historical test, and almost all of America failed
completely. " Truly, " almost all of America " must be punished.
Angelo Carusone of liberal news watchdog Media Matters literally declared war on Fox News
and other conservative news organizations last week, complaining the Right had somehow "
cheated " its way into dominating news shares on Facebook and accusing Fox of leading
Americans astray. Replies were dominated by calls to criminalize sharing " fake
news ." Rather than look inward and understand how elitist media types have utterly
alienated the majority of Americans, Carusone and his employer – along with many others
– have continued their four-year litany of attacking conservatives (and disaffected
liberals) for rejecting the thin political gruel served up by the journalistic
Probably as far from a real " truth and reconciliation commission " as it's possible
to get, the Trump Accountability Project embodies the confluence of these toxic currents. Its
light-on-content but heavy-on-Orwellian-signaling website demands Americans " never forget
those who furthered the Trump agenda ," while hinting that those who worked in the Trump
administration and helped to elect him (whether with their money, their organizations, or their
votes) will never work in this town again. Or any other town, for that matter. Democratic
Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) has similarly called on her fans to archive Trump
supporters' tweets in case of deletion.
Setting up civil war
This profoundly undemocratic drive to punish wrongthink with a reputational death penalty is
no snap emotional reaction to election season bitterness, either. It's actually been in the
works for a while, as an MSNBC clip from August 2019 that recently resurfaced makes clear. In
the segment, the Washington Post's neocon columnist Jennifer Rubin declares that " It's not
only that Trump has to lose, his enablers have to lose. " Rubin urges her comrades to "
collectively burn down the Republican Party " as her fellow panelists nod in
We have to level them. Because if there are survivors, if there are people who weather
this storm, they will do it again.
While Rubin's defenders might claim she meant that metaphorically, such bloody-mindedness
presages the Trump Accountability Project and its ilk uncannily. With the rise of
doxxing-as-journalism as practiced by the likes of NBC's star " disinformation reporter
" Brandy Zadrozny ,
merely being a Trump supporter is now enough of a crime to merit " outing " as a private
citizen, which can and often does lead to job losses, social ostracism, and even death
Liberals who don't toe the establishment line but remain quiet while conservatives are
attacked in this manner are signing their own death warrant, as history has shown that
totalitarian regimes who vanquish one " enemy " invariably seek another. Already,
traditionally liberal ideas like support for free speech, opposition to war, and speaking out
against the weaponization of dogmatic "
science " to ram through egregious social control measures are being declared
Trumpian, their proponents – no matter how far left – declared persona non
Rubin slimed the pro-Trump wing of the Republicans as " not what the country wants or
what it needs ." However, she and her cronies actually have no idea what the country wants
– and have always been heinously wrong on what it needs. Not only were they wrong again
about the " blue wave " that failed to materialize in 2020 – Biden's victory is
still contested, and down-ballot races largely favored Republicans – but even four years
after Trump's election they don't understand the forces that led to it.
Far from an upsurge in " white nationalism " that somehow infected black and Hispanic
voters as much as white, voters who picked Trump in 2016 were voting against the smug elitism
of the media establishment as embodied by Media Matters and WaPo, which Democrat Hillary
Clinton famously channeled by denouncing the " basket of deplorables " supposedly
supporting the then-candidate. Voters were weary of the sick fantasy of " humanitarian
interventionism ," which lured their sons and even daughters off to war with the promise of
free college tuition and sent back shells of their former selves – assuming they came
back alive at all. And they were tired of the mirage of economic recovery that followed the
2008 crash, years in which the stock market soared, the rich got richer, and the poor stayed
Human beings can't eat lies, and even if establishment propagandists were good at their jobs
and spun stories that uplifted instead of lambasting, giving the people something to believe in
instead of something to point fingers at, the US would ultimately hit a wall as constant
money-printing with no assets to back it up is not sustainable. The system is headed for a
massive, ugly collapse, but the establishment isn't going down without a fight.
The more they
can get Americans to attack one another, the fewer pitchforks they have to fend off when the
masses finally realize who's really responsible for their suffering. Don't give them the
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The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author
and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
Count_Cash 5 hours ago
They have no where to
go, they know Trump won the election and they had to use fraud to adjust the result. That is
why they now must attack the majority. Trump knows it and needs now just fight it out, first he
needs test the courts and see if they are straight. If they are not, then this is coming down
to a civil war!
Black Chinese -> Count_Cash 2 hours ago
We are
not going to have a civil war in America, not again. People like you who wish for civil war in
America just want to see people men, women, and children killed for things they don't care a
"hoot" about. Please go take your meds; America, and for that matter no country in the world
need a civil war.
The world is a better place without warring factions. We don't want to see on
TV children body parts scattered for something they don't know nothing about. "All I am saying
is give peace a chance"
Trump's past four years have amply demonstrated that any hopes for an improvement in
US-Russia relations have been dashed. Trump was not merely held hostage by a revival in Cold
War anti-Russian prejudices among the Washington establishment. He lent his own personal touch
to deteriorating bilateral relations with such policies as undermining arms controls
negotiations as well as attacking Russian energy trade with Europe through the Nord Stream
For his part, Biden has voiced more vehement antagonism towards Russia than Trump. There are
reasons to be wary of any new White House and how US foreign policy could become marginally
even more aggressive.
What is patently clear is how bitterly polarized and divisive US domestic politics have
become. This is due to the historic failing of the two-party system which has, over decades,
left whole swathes of the population, in particular the majority working class, alienated from
the political class. There is irreparable distrust and distortion among the American populace.
To the point where it would seem impossible for any nominal winner of the election to be able
to command a mandate.
A tried and trusted mechanism for galvanizing is to "unite" the people by rallying them
around the flag against some designated foreign enemy. Given the increasing unwieldy, fractious
nature of American society, it is all the more imperative for the US ruling class to impose
some level of coherence in order to restore the essential authority of governing power. With
this paramount need to shore up a sense of authority, it can therefore be expected that
American foreign policy will become more aggressive and militaristic in the next four
So any notion that the presidential election might permit some kind of benign reset in US
global relations is woefully misplaced.
The US ship of state has been on a sped-up course for collision and conflict for many years,
if not decades. Changing a captain figurehead in the bridge is not going to change the baleful
course that is determined by the power interests of Big Business, Wall Street and the
Pentagon's military-industrial complex in the pursuit of American capitalist profits.
That being said, however, the rest of the world should not let its wariness of Washington's
misconduct allow it to become transfixed by America's flailing global ambitions. The world has
changed dramatically from the bygone days of the US as a formidable superpower. New centers of
power have emerged in a multipolar world, in particular the paradigm shift in the global
economy to China and Eurasia. Russia and China are steadily solidifying their strategic
economic partnership. They will and should continue on this path of co-development with other
nations, and let Washington stew in its own failures.
In a very real way, the rest of the world should stop paying so much attention to the
American spectacle. It's like watching a "reality TV show" which has little consequence except
sapping the viewer's energy. Better to get off the proverbial couch and get on with building an
alternative, real world.
"... No matter what the final result, there will be substantial doubts about its legitimacy by one side or the other, perhaps both. And no deranged conspiracy thinking is required for that. An electoral system suffused with this much chaos, error, protracted outcomes and seemingly inexplicable reversals will sow doubt and distrust even among the most rational citizens. ..."
"... Divided We Fall: America's Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation ..."
"... The Great Reset ..."
"... "This is in fact the dual story of Rome in the last century of the Republic, and it tracks very well -- with the transformation going on today [in the U.S.] -- and it is a transformation The society which emerged at the end of the Roman Revolution, and civil war had too, a totally dominant élite class. ..."
"... "This was a new world, in which the great landowners, with their latifundia [the slave-land source of wealth], who had been the 'Big Men' leading the various factions in the civil wars, became the senatorial archons that dominated Roman life for the next five centuries -- while the People, the Populares, were ground into a passive -- not helpless -- but generally dependent and non-participating element of Roman governance: This sapped away at the creative life of Rome, and eventually led to its coming apart. ..."
"... " today American inequality is as great as in the period right before the French Revolution, and is mirrored in what was happening to Rome in that long century of transformation. The problem we have right now, and which is going to make this revolution more intense, is I think, the cynical conclusion and agenda of Blue to just leave behind the Americans they do not need [in the New Economy] – which is to say all of Red America, and to put them into a situation of hardship and marginalization, where they cannot coalesce, to form a rival -- as it were -- Popular Front. ..."
"... "What I think what we are seeing here [in the U.S.] is profound: American society – emerging from this passage, is going to be completely different. And frankly, it already feels different. It already feels – as it has felt for the past four years – that we are in a rolling civil war norm now, in which deep societal strife is now the normal way in which we handle transfers of power. Issues will be [momentarily] resolved, with the path of society [painfully] staked out through violent conflict. That is likely to be our path for decades ahead. ..."
"... "The problem with that in the shorter term, is that there is still enough of the nation aroused and ready to fight this process. The problem: Can the last energies of the Old Republic still be harnessed against this seemingly inevitable, transformation?" ..."
One clear outcome of the U.S. election was
the collapse of the promised 'Blue Wave' – an implosion that marks the 'beginning of
the end' to a powerful spell enthralling the West. It was the delusion which Ron Chernow, the
acclaimed U.S. presidential historian, gave credence, as he contemptuously dismissed America's
"topsy-turvy moment" as purely ephemeral, and a "surreal interlude in American life": No longer
can it be said that there is one 'normal'. Win or lose the White House, Red Trumpism remains as
'President' for half America.
Biden, by contrast, served as the prospect for Restoration – a return to a hallowed
consensus in American politics – to a reassuring 'sanity' of facts, science and truth .
Biden, it was hoped, would be the agency over-lording a crushing electoral landslide that would
terminate irrevocably Trump's rude interruption of the 'normal'. Biden supporters were rallied,
Mike Lind, the American academic and author has
observed , around the idea of America moving toward a 'managed' society – based on
'science' – that would be essentially finessed and controlled by a managerial, expert
Over time, Lind suggests, American society would begin to depart more, and more easily, from
its republican roots, through a process already underway: via attempts to alter the
Constitutional order, and other rules, to bring about a change in the way America is
The notion however, of what America – as Idea – now constitutes, has
fractured into two tectonic plates, moving apart in very different directions – and
likely to move even further apart as each 'plate' remains convinced that 'it won' – and
the sweetness of victory has been stolen.
The fracturing of the 'One Normal', by contrast, provides some kind of respite to much of
the globe.
The fact remains that the election has produced a result in which it is abundantly clear
that one half of the American electorate precisely voted to oust the other half. It is gridlock
– with the Supreme Court and Senate in the hands of one party, and the House of
Representatives and White House (possibly) in the hands of the other. As Glenn Greenwald
warns :
No matter what the final result, there will be substantial doubts about its legitimacy
by one side or the other, perhaps both. And no deranged conspiracy thinking is required for
that. An electoral system suffused with this much chaos, error, protracted outcomes and
seemingly inexplicable reversals will sow doubt and distrust even among the most rational
Though the maths and maps suggests Biden will likely reach 270 Electoral votes, the old
saying 'It ain't over 'till it's over', holds true. The electoral vote scenarios in the key
'swing states' would only apply if there is no litigation, fraud or theft. However all three
are in play – If you are stuffing the ballot box, you first wait to see what the regular
vote is, so that you know how many votes you 'need' (
mathematical anomalies aside) to push your candidate over the top. Trump, somewhat rashly,
gave out the GOP vote calculations at 02.30 on Wednesday, and hey-presto, loads of absentee
ballots suddenly arrived at certain polling stations at around 04.00. That seems to have
happened in Wisconsin, where over 100,000 Biden votes appeared seemingly out of nowhere on a
flash drive delivered by hand from a Democratic district. That put Biden ahead in Wisconsin
– but litigation is in process. Likewise, it appears that a huge "absentee ballot" dump
appeared in Michigan that heavily favored Biden.
This is just the beginning of a new and more uncertain phase that
could go on for weeks . It may be that ultimately Congress will have to certify and make
the final determination in late January. Meanwhile, there are some things we know with much
higher certainty: The Republican majority in the Senate may hold until the 2024 election. So,
even if Biden wins, his agenda will not hold through 2024.
A President may emerge, but it will not be, as it were, a settled one: He or she cannot make
claim to the 'will of the majority'. Whomsoever is certified by Congress cannot truthfully say
they represent 'the nation'. Consensus is fractured, and it is difficult to see any leadership
that can bring Americans together as a 'united people'.
"There is not a single important cultural, religious, political or social force that is
pulling Americans together more than it is pushing us apart," David French
notes in a new book Divided We Fall: America's Secession Threat and How to Restore Our
Nation . French -- an anti-Trump conservative -- argues that America's divisions are so
great, and the political system so poorly designed to handle them, that secession may
eventually be the result: "If we keep pushing people and pushing people and pushing people, you
cannot assume that they won't break", he writes. (A
2018 poll found that nearly a quarter of each party – Democrat and Republican –
characterized the opposing party as "evil").
An ideological split, and the concomitantly contested America as Idea has huge
geo-political implications, reaching well beyond America itself – and principally for Europe's
élites . European leaders did not see it coming when Trump was elected in 2016. They
misjudged Brexit. And this year, they misread U.S. politics once again. They yearned for a
Biden win, and they (still) fail to see the connection between the popular rebellion of Red
under Mr. Trump, and the angry protests occurring across Europe against lockdown.
Separating tectonic plates – more strategically – usually signal a kind of
dualism that betokens civil conflict. In other words, their separation and moving apart turns
into an ideological struggle for the nature of society and its institutional fabric.
Historian, and former War College Professor, Mike Vlahos
warns (echoing Lind), that, "there is, here: more of a hidden – and thus in a sense,
occult struggle – by which over time, societies begin to depart more, and more easily,
from their roots. The western dominant élites presently are seeking to cement their hold
over society [moving towards a 'managed' society]: To have full control over the direction of
society, and, of course, a framework of rule that protects their wealth."
"Quite to the surprise of everyone, and given that the Republicans are being represented by
a billionaire who has a great many friends in Manhattan – the Wall Street donors to the
two campaigns,
outnumber Trump's donors for Biden by 5-to-1".
Why, Vlahos asks, would Wall Street invest in a man – Biden – and in a Party,
ostensibly seeking to move America toward this 'managed' progressive society? Is it because
they are convinced of a need radically to restructure the world's economy and geopolitical
relations? Is this then Vlahos' occult struggle?
Many of the élite hold that we are at that
monumental inflection point at this moment – In a nutshell, their narrative is simply
this: the planet is already economically and demographically over-extended; the infinite
economic expansion model is bust; and the global debt and government entitlement expenditure
bubble too, is set to pop at the same moment.
A 'fourth industrial revolution' is the only way by which to 'square this circle', according
to this mindset. The Reset is purposefully aimed to disrupt all areas of life, albeit
on a planetary scale. Shock therapy, as it were, to change the way we humans think of
ourselves, and our relationship with the world .The Great Reset looks
to a supply-side 'miracle', achieved through full-spectrum automation and robotics. A world
where the money is digital; the food is lab-grown; where everything is counted and controlled
by giant monopolies; and everyday existence is micromanaged by ever-monitoring, ever-nudging AI
that registers thoughts and feelings before the people even get a chance to make those
Mike Vlahos notes
that in a curious way this American story mirrors that of ancient Rome in the last century of
the Republic – with on the one hand, the élite Roman class, and on the other, the
Populares , as Red Americans' equivalent:
"This is in fact the dual story of Rome in the last century of the Republic, and it
tracks very well -- with the transformation going on today [in the U.S.] -- and it is a
transformation The society which emerged at the end of the Roman Revolution, and civil war had
too, a totally dominant élite class.
"This was a new world, in which the great landowners, with their latifundia [the
slave-land source of wealth], who had been the 'Big Men' leading the various factions in the
civil wars, became the senatorial archons that dominated Roman life for the next five centuries
-- while the People, the Populares, were ground into a passive -- not helpless -- but generally
dependent and non-participating element of Roman governance: This sapped away at the creative
life of Rome, and eventually led to its coming apart.
" today American inequality is as great as in the period right before the French
Revolution, and is mirrored in what was happening to Rome in that long century of
transformation. The problem we have right now, and which is going to make this revolution more
intense, is I think, the cynical conclusion and agenda of Blue to just leave behind the
Americans they do not need [in the New Economy] – which is to say all of Red America, and
to put them into a situation of hardship and marginalization, where they cannot coalesce, to
form a rival -- as it were -- Popular Front.
"What I think what we are seeing here [in the U.S.] is profound: American society
– emerging from this passage, is going to be completely different. And frankly, it
already feels different. It already feels – as it has felt for the past four years
– that we are in a rolling civil war norm now, in which deep societal strife is now the
normal way in which we handle transfers of power. Issues will be [momentarily] resolved, with
the path of society [painfully] staked out through violent conflict. That is likely to be our
path for decades ahead.
"The problem with that in the shorter term, is that there is still enough of the nation
aroused and ready to fight this process. The problem: Can the last energies of the Old Republic
still be harnessed against this seemingly inevitable, transformation?"
in blue-collar America, his support crumbled. Some of that shift may be because of Trump's
opponent, but much of it is because of Trump himself. Except perhaps on trade, he turned out
not to be the economic populist he vowed to be in 2016.
The roots of Donald Trump's
reelection defeat can be traced to the early summer of 2016, when he made a fateful
bargain with his own party. In June of that year, House Speaker Paul Ryan -- who had
refused to endorse Trump even after he became the de facto Republican nominee -- finally
caved. Or that's the way it appeared. "Speaker Ryan's abject surrender makes it official,"
declared a
Democratic spokesman. "The GOP is Trump's party now."
But that wasn't quite right. Ryan hadn't raised the white flag; he had made a bet. "I'll
be voting for @realDonaldTrump," the Wisconsin native tweeted , because "I'm confident he
will help turn the House GOP's agenda into laws." Ryan wagered that if he swallowed Trump's
racist authoritarianism, Trump would enact his economic vision. For Ryan and his ideological
allies -- who have devoted their careers to shredding America's social safety net -- that bet
has paid off. It has also helped cost Trump a second term.
In his campaign four years ago, Trump didn't tell Americans that he had embraced Ryan's
take-from-the-poor-and-give-to-the-rich agenda. To the contrary, Trump vowed not to cut
Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid. He said he'd
raise the minimum wage. He pledged
to end Wall Street's beloved carried-interest deduction. In his election night victory
speech, he promised to
"rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals." In part because of
these claims, polls found that Americans viewed Trump as more
ideologically moderate than any Republican presidential nominee since 1972.
What Trump promised was authoritarian nationalism plus economic populism. It's a recipe
that in other countries has proven strikingly popular. In 2019, Poland's xenophobic and
homophobic Law and Justice party won a dominant election victory
in large measure because of its
immensely popular payouts to Polish families, which, according to the World Bank,
dramatically reduced child poverty. (Law and Justice's popularity has
fallen since then, as many Poles have revolted against its draconian efforts to outlaw
abortion.) In Hungary, Viktor Orbán has launched
a New Deal-style public works program that gives hundreds of thousands of Hungarians
government jobs. In Brazil, another Trump ally, Jair Bolsonaro, has
boosted his approval ratings --
particularly with poor Brazilians -- by buffering them during the pandemic with
government checks. Obviously, these autocrats also use repression and propaganda to buttress
their rule. But even commentators who
acknowledge their authoritarianism admit that their economic policies enjoy substantial
By contrast, Trump has -- in spite of his campaign promises -- embraced a fiercely
anti-populist economic agenda. A Gallup poll taken the month he was inaugurated
found that Americans considered infrastructure his most important campaign promise. But a
former Trump official toldThe Washington Post that the White House never seriously considered making
infrastructure its top agenda item because "Paul Ryan and these guys had waited 30 years for
this once-in-a-lifetime chance to cut taxes. They were not going to let that go." In 2017,
after Ryan and Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell shepherded a tax cut through Congress,
Trump signed it into law even though, according to the recent book Let Them Eat Tweets
by political scientists Jacob Hacker and Paul Pierson, it
constituted the second-least popular piece of major legislation of the last twenty-five
years. When the Trump White House did finally propose an infrastructure bill, congressional
Republicans reportedly balked at both its price
tag and the prospect that it would
increase the deficit. So the idea was shelved.
The other major congressional initiative of Trump's first year was the effort to cancel
Obamacare -- a repeal effort that, according to Hacker and Pierson, constituted the
least popular major legislation of the last quarter-century. According to one
poll , the GOP's bill enjoyed the support of just 17 percent of Americans. Yet Trump
supported that, too.
But Trump's most self-destructive acquiescence to the congressional GOP came this fall.
Last month, after the Democratic-controlled House passed a
$2.2 trillion relief bill, Trump's Treasury Secretary proposed legislation totaling $1.8
trillion, which would have included
$1,200 payments to individuals, higher unemployment benefits, and money for ailing
businesses. After Trump said he " would go
higher ," the White House and congressional Democrats appeared close to a deal. Then
McConnell intervened. He
declared that the Senate would not even vote on a package of that size. So Trump let the
negotiations collapse, even though polling from
The New York Times showed that more than 70 percent of Americans -- and a clear
majority of Republicans -- supported a new, $2 trillion stimulus. A Pew Research poll
found that a new stimulus bill was especially popular among lower-income Republican
Why did Trump, who is often portrayed as dominating his party, cave? For the same reason
he has caved to foreign leaders: because he lacks the knowledge and self-discipline to craft
a successful negotiating strategy. Overcoming the congressional GOP's deeply-embedded
hostility to the social safety net would have required enormous effort and tactical skill. As
Harvard political scientist Pippa Norris has detailed , based on data
from the Global Party Survey
, the Republican Party is far more hostile to welfare spending than culturally conservative,
and even far-right, parties in other countries. Authoritarian populists in Poland and Hungary
don't have to contend with the Koch brothers, who spend vast sums making Republican domestic
policy safe for plutocracy.
Even a Republican president deeply committed to economic populism would have found it
difficult to stock his administration with like-minded people since there are few major
conservative think tanks or advocacy organizations that champion higher taxes or greater
spending on health care. Trump didn't even try. As a result, some of his key domestic policy
advisers -- from Vice President Mike Pence to White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney to
Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price -- were former allies of Ryan from the
Republican House.
In the more than four years since he made it, Ryan's bet has paid off. The Trump
administration has redistributed wealth upward even more aggressively than Ronald Reagan or
George W. Bush did. But for Trump, the political consequences have been dire. When he took
office, more Americans viewed him as
ideologically "moderate" than as "very conservative." Last month, "very conservative"
exceeded "moderate" by more than fifteen points. Some of that shift may stem from Trump's
cruel and bigoted rhetoric. But Trump's rhetoric was just as cruel and bigoted four years
ago. In fact, his attacks on Mexican-Americans and Muslims were even harsher in 2016 than
they have been this year.
This newfound perception of Trump as ideologically extreme likely stems in large measure
from his embrace of an economic agenda that most poor and working-class Americans loathe. In
2016, according to exit polls, Trump lost
voters who earned under $50,000 by roughly ten points; this year, he lost
them by fifteen points. In 2016, voters earning between $50,000 and $100,000 favored him by
four points; this year, that flipped to a thirteen-point deficit.
Among the richest Americans -- those earning over $100,000 -- Trump substantially improved
his margin of victory over 2016. But in blue-collar America, his support crumbled. Some of
that shift may be because of Trump's opponent, but much of it is because of Trump himself.
Except perhaps on trade, he turned out not to be the economic populist he vowed to be in
For years now, commentators have wondered when the Republican Party would return to
normal. By "normal," they generally mean well-mannered, not openly racist, and not openly
hostile to the rule of law. They mean the Republican Party as defined by people like Paul
Ryan. But that Republican Party, for all its supposed decorum, has for decades pushed
policies that threatened the wellbeing and economic survival of many Americans.
Four years ago, Trump won the presidency in part because he pledged to end that assault.
Instead, he escalated it, even during the worst economic downturn since the Depression.
Donald Trump didn't lose reelection because he changed the Republican Party too much. He lost
because he changed it too little.
Biden's instinct, naturally, will be to govern as he always legislated: as a man of the
center who works with Republicans to craft small-bore, business-friendly measures. After all,
Biden's name is virtually synonymous with Washington consensus. His years in the US Senate
overlap almost precisely with his party's famous turn to the "third way" right, and Biden
personally played a leading role in many of the signature initiatives of the era: Nafta-style
trade agreements, lucrative favors for banks, tough-on-crime measures, proposed cuts to social
security, even.
What Biden must understand now, however, is that it was precisely this turn, this rightward
shift in the 1980s and 90s, that set the stage for Trumpism.
Let us recall for a moment what that turn looked like. No longer were Democrats going to be
the party of working people, they told us in those days. They were "new Democrats" now,
preaching competence rather than ideology and reaching out to new constituencies: the
enlightened suburbanites; the "wired workers"; the "learning class"; the winners in our new
post-industrial society.
For years this turn was regarded as a great success. Bill Clinton brought us market-friendly
reforms to banking rules, trade relations and the welfare system. He and his successor Barack
Obama negotiated grand bargains and graceful triangulations; means-tested subsidies and
targeted tax credits; tough-minded crime measures and social programs so complex that sometimes
not even their designers could explain them to us.
ass="inline-garnett-quote inline-icon ">
Almost all of the celebrated policy achievements of the centrist era lie in ruins
In the place of the Democratic party's old household god – the "middle class" –
these new liberals enshrined the meritocracy, meaning not only the brilliant economists who
designed their policies, but also the financiers and technologists that the new liberalism
tried to serve, together with the highly educated professionals who were now its most prized
constituents. In 2016 Hillary Clinton lost the former manufacturing regions of the country but
was able to boast later on that she won "the places that represent two-thirds of America's
gross domestic product the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward."
However, there are consequences when the left party in a two-party system chooses to
understand itself in this way. As we have learned from the Democrats' experiment, such a party
will show little understanding for the grievances of blue-collar workers, people who – by
definition – have not climbed the ladder of meritocracy. And just think of all the
shocking data that has flickered across our attention-screens in the last dozen years –
how our economy's winnings are hogged by the 1%; how ordinary people can
no longer afford new cars ; how young people are taking on huge debt burdens right out of
college; and a thousand other points of awful. All of these have been direct or indirect
products of the political experiment I am describing.
Biden can't take us back to the happy assumptions of the centrist era even if he wants to,
because so many of its celebrated policy achievements lie in ruins. Not
even Paul Krugman enthuses about Nafta-style trade agreements any longer. Bill Clinton's
welfare reform initiative was in fact a capitulation to racist tropes and
brought about an
explosion in extreme poverty. The great prison crackdown of 1994 was
another step in cementing the New Jim Crow. And the biggest shortcoming of Obama's
Affordable Care Act – leaving people's health insurance tied to their employer –
has become painfully obvious in this era of mass unemployment and mass infection.
But the biggest consequence of the Democrats' shabby experiment is one we have yet to reckon
with: it has coincided with a period of ever more conservative governance. It turns out that
when the party of the left abandons its populist traditions for high-minded white-collar
rectitude, the road is cleared for a particularly poisonous species of rightwing demagoguery.
It is no coincidence that, as Democrats pursued their professional-class "third way",
Republicans became ever bolder in their preposterous claim to be a "workers' party"
representing the aspirations of ordinary people.
When Democrats abandoned their majoritarian tradition, in other words, Republicans hastened
to stake their own claim to it. For the last 30 years it has been the right, not the left, that
rails against "elites" and that champions our down-home values in the face of the celebrities
who mock them. During the 2008 financial crisis conservatives actually launched a hard-times
protest movement from the floor of the Chicago board of trade; in the 2016 campaign they
described their foul-mouthed champion, Trump, as a "blue-collar billionaire", kin to and
protector of the lowly – the lowly and the white, that is.
Donald Trump's prodigious bungling of the Covid pandemic has got him kicked out of office
and has paused the nation's long march to the right. Again, let us give thanks. But let us also
remember that the Republicans have not been permanently defeated. Their preening leader has
gone down, but his toxic brand of workerism will soon be back, enlisting the disinherited and
the lowly in the cause of the mighty. So will our fatuous culture wars, with their endless
doses of intoxicating self-righteousness, shot into the veins of the nation by social media or
Fox News.
I have been narrating our country's toboggan ride to hell for much of my adult life, and I
can attest that Biden's triumph by itself is not enough to bring it to a stop. It will never
stop until a Democratic president faces up to his party's mistakes and brings to a halt the
ignoble experiment of the last four decades.
Should Joe Biden do that, he might be able to see that he has before him a moment of great
Democratic possibility. This country has grown sick of plutocracy. We don't enjoy sluicing
everything we earn into the bank accounts of a few dozen billionaires. We want a healthcare
system that works and an economy in which ordinary people prosper, even people who didn't go to
a fancy college. Should Biden open his eyes and overcome his past, he may discover that he has
it in his power to rebuild our sense of social solidarity, to make the middle-class promise
real again, and to beat back the right. All at the same time.
Thomas Frank is the author of The People, No: A Brief History of Anti-Populism. He is also a
Guardian US columnist
The result of this election can be summarized with one phase "Strange non-death of
Joe Biden win is a win the tech companies, the big banks, Beijing, as well a PMC class.
Notable quotes:
"... The United States prior to Trump could hardly be described as having been in a desirable state of affairs. Not only that: it is that very "normalcy" that brought Trump to power in the first place. It is useful to refresh one's memories. Under George W Bush, the US created endless wars that destabilized the Middle East and killed, according to some estimates, half a million people. Under the same president, it also produced the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression. And then under the next president it bailed out those responsible for the crisis, sowed chaos in Libya, and ignored the decimation of the American middle class. ..."
"... The United States needs major changes in its distribution of wealth, elitist education system, dysfunctional health care, plutocratic-ruled political system, crumbling infrastructure, declining middle class, unleashed monopolies ..."
"... I would go even further and say that the bad elements of "normalcy" were thoroughly present by 1964 when Goldwater got nominated on one end and the Johnson presidency committed itself to Vietnam on the other. By brief summary of the above: ..."
"... The Constitutional/institutional sclerosis and intellectual drift towards pre-fascism (reminiscent of Imperial and Weimar Germany) is still very much alive in the U.S. ..."
"... I can easily see another Trump coming to power in 4 to 8 years. ..."
Sorry to cross-post, but Branko Milanovic's analysis in is so good that
I have to insert it here:
What are the stakes in the forthcoming US presidential election? I would put them in one
word: "normalcy". But as I write that word, I feel very uneasy. For an East European of my
generation it brings back the bad memories of the 1968 Czechoslovak "normalization" when the
Soviet Union and (what would be called today) its "coalition partners" invaded Czechoslovakia
to snuff out the Prague Spring, and bring back a bad government.
And this is the second reason for the unease. The United States prior to Trump could
hardly be described as having been in a desirable state of affairs. Not only that: it is that
very "normalcy" that brought Trump to power in the first place. It is useful to refresh one's
memories. Under George W Bush, the US created endless wars that destabilized the Middle East
and killed, according to some estimates, half a million people. Under the same president, it
also produced the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression. And then under the next
president it bailed out those responsible for the crisis, sowed chaos in Libya, and ignored the
decimation of the American middle class.
So, what was "normal" then? But, it could be argued, there are differences -- even leaving
aside the extraordinary irresponsible and outright callous response of the Trump Administration
to the covid-19 epidemic which it largely ignored, and when it did not ignore, contributed to
the death of almost quarter a million of Americans. The first difference is that the departure
of Trump will put an end to the ceaseless daily fights with journalists, politicians, actors,
private individuals, TV producers, and practically everybody who crosses paths with his
administration. The new administration will stop the unconscionable attempt to pit different
groups of Americans against each other in order to stay in power. It will end an openly racist
behavior from the top. It will no longer relish the idea of using alligators to stop illegal
immigrants from crossing the US border.
In foreign affairs, it will reduce tensions with China. Trump has exacerbated them and there
is no doubt that they will remain. But his behavior that appears to indicate that he sees
covid-19 as a China-orchestrated ploy to oust him from power is extraordinary dangerous. The US
relations with China will not go back to what they were before Trump, but at least the danger
of two nuclear powers starting a war would be lessened.
But what will "normalcy" bring in "positive" terms–not only what the Biden
administration will "not" do? One cannot be very optimistic. Not only because of Biden's
half-a-century lack-luster record, but because of a narrative that the liberal establishment,
which now includes both centrist Democrats and many Republicans, has become comfortable with.
It is a narrative where everything prior to Trump was excellent, and then fell into pieces.
That narrative is not only wrong (for the reasons I mentioned above) but would lead to
The United States needs major changes in its distribution of wealth, elitist education
system, dysfunctional health care, plutocratic-ruled political system, crumbling
infrastructure, declining middle class, unleashed monopolies . Who is going to make all
these changes? A new Roosevelt is often invoked. Does Biden fit the role? One should also not
ignore that many of Roosevelt's achievement became entrenched only because of inter-class
collaboration that developed with the war effort. There is nothing similar to that
now–and hopefully it will not be a war that would bring it forth.
So, after reflection, it is not "normalcy" that one hopes for from the likely new
administration but major policy changes, the greatest (albeit in the opposite direction) since
Reagan's 1980 election. America has often been lucky and surprised the world by its uncommon
ability to pull out of seemingly impossible situations. Was not Truman thought a light-weight?
Kennedy inexperienced? Roosevelt a scion of the upper classes? The question is, can Biden
surprise the world -- and himself?
I would go even further and say that the bad elements of "normalcy" were thoroughly
present by 1964 when Goldwater got nominated on one end and the Johnson presidency committed
itself to Vietnam on the other. By brief summary of the above:
To both echo and contradict Gerald Ford, our long national nightmare is not over, but simply
taking another phase. The Constitutional/institutional sclerosis and intellectual drift
towards pre-fascism (reminiscent of Imperial and Weimar Germany) is still very much alive in
the U.S.
Without the Senate and the SC, I doubt Biden will be able to make major inroads on this
stalemate even if he does deal with COVID19 and bring back some semblance of stability to U.S.
foreign policy. If post-2020 economic growth is anemic and the economic decline of most of
mid-America continues, I can easily see another Trump coming to power in 4 to 8 years.
We need another political miracle (this election is simply an expected result even if it does
feel like the miracle of the moment) to get past the long-term crisis of the U.S. that started
in the 1960's.
andres@38 starts by redbaiting Biden as equivalent to Brezhnev's strike against capitalist
restoration in Czechoslovakia. In this scenario, Trump is another Visegrad leader. I disagree
that the Czech Republic specifically is a beacon to mankind. And I disagree generally that
bourgeois democracy is somehow opposed to war, empire, counterrevolution, etc. The war against
Vietnam, which is verbally condemned, was a war to make the Czech Republic of today. Perhaps it
is more self-flattering to deny this, but it is inconsistent.
In sum, if the results we have hold, Joe Biden will win the election and preside over a
divided Congress. A chastened and anxious Democratic caucus will continue to hold the House.
A triumphant Senate Republican caucus will obviously destroy his major legislative agenda.
Biden will assuredly turn to policy by executive action, just as Barack Obama did late in his
legislatively stymied administration. When he does, Republicans will do all they can to send
those actions to a 6–3 conservative Supreme Court Biden will be unable to pack or
meaningfully reform. In defeating Trump, Democrats will have avoided their worst-case
scenario. Instead, they will have won the worst possible Biden victory, a political situation
that will be a nightmare all its own. <
This article means there's no paper ballot for recounts and the voter can't verify his
ballot. This is not good, and NO ONE should be using a system where the voter cannot verify his
own choices and that his vote was counted. These issues must be figured out for now and future
elections, even if some states have to throw out the results and vote all over
Unless you are too dumb to realize it the American public has witnessed the most rigged
election in American history....If Biden would have drawn anywhere nearly the crowds that Trump
did at his rallies I would say maybe it's legit but Biden couldn't draw more than a dozen
people....What's wrong with this picture?
Vote for Biden was essentially the vote for the return to the status quo of neoliberal
globalised capitalism and Global USA centered neoliebral empire which existed during the period
of Clinton/Bush/Obama (which is impossible). But the situation changed and it is impossible to
enter the the same river twice.
It's especially stupid to claim that the most unpopular president in modern history (even
his own fanatics acknowledge this, but then spin it), could only have lost via "fraud". This
is the culmination of the "voter fraud" industry that got put on steroids during the Obama
I mean objectively unpopular. That means with antifa, with BLM, with Humanist Christians,
with moderate Democrats, with Leftist Democrats, with moderate Republicans, with
neoconservatives, with Libertarians, with Socialists, with people from New Jersey, even.
'Humanist Christians'. I find this to be the most puzzling. Why? Because one of Joe's Big
'Crony' donors is Raytheon. And they just cannot wait to get out to Syria to bomb the heck
out of it. And the biggest victims: ancient Christian communities. Biden will cozy up to
Erdogan, the wanna be sultan and or caliphate who just convert the Hagia Sophia into a
mosque, and will support their alliance with Azerbaijan importing radical jihadists in order
to fight Orthodox Christian Armenians in order to keep the Russian preoccupied. Let's all
praise the 'Humanist Christians'.
Forget the labels. It's a simple matter of record that Trump's popularity rating has never
been above 50% for a single day of his presidency. He lost the popular vote in 2016 and never
broadened his base of support.
And a tragic but senile Joe Biden? What about Critical Race Theory being shoved down
everyone's throat? What about our history being knocked down by brainwashed children? Or the
willingness to allow looters and rioters to run rabid through the streets destroying
businesses and beating people up? Forget the Proud Boys - they do not hold a candle to the
leftists brainwashed problem children of the Democrats. And what about keeping the country
shut down even though the so-called 'cure' is way worse than Covid?
Many folks who did not like Trump voted for Trump because of the above. This includes
majority Independents, a significant number of Democrats including minorities. Hell, even the
Amish voted this time around for Trump.
Anyhow, It does not matter. Serious glitches were found in Michigan's computer voting
system converting Trump votes into Biden votes. I knew something was wrong with Michigan
going for Biden. New problems every day. Your Democrats and their oligarchic crony
capitalists including the weird synthetic billionaire owners of Twitter and Facebook
deliberately sabotaged this election just as they did to Bernie Sanders in Iowa last April.
Remember that? They clearly demonstrated their willingness to fix elections. And Kamala
Harris as VP? Wasn't she the first in your primaries to be voted out by Democrat registered
voters? Do you even care?
Speaking of entertaining, every time the left [and sometimes the right] are confronted
with facts that they cannot refute they spew 'CONSPIRACY THEORY!". What is more amusing is
that even though I never liked Q-anon, is that the Main Stream Media is way worse than
Q-anon. It really is. Trump is right - the MSM is fake news. And this includes the FOX
Now-a-days the meaning of 'Conspiracy Theorist' by pro-government expansionists has
literally been redefined as a term to lob at those that actually think for themselves.
'Critical thinking' is now synonymous with 'Conspiracy Theory'.
And what really makes this so absurd, is that my 'Conspiracy Theorist' accuser labels
himself 'Victor the Thinker'. Did Mazy Horono or whatever that Hawaiian Senator's name
inspire you with her crazy declaration that 'the Democrats were the intelligent party'?
{insert funny emoji here}
Victor, get that $100 and set it aside because if Trump must concede and Biden rises into
his temporary quarters, the Whitehouse - he will be cast aside by the January 2022 State of
the Union speech. And my time line is most generous indeed.
Harris was so unpopular her campaign was over before she even started.
Her reputation among black folk is horrible as she spent her time putting
THEM in jail. She has openly threatened parts of the population if they
do not vote for her....something banana republic ruling psychopaths do...
Get a clue.....
Did you know that this election had the highest turnout than any other election? That Joe
Biden [over Obama even] had the most votes [Democrat], and Trump had the most votes
[Republican] ever. Trump had more black and latino votes than any previous Republican
president. Source: Victor Hanson.
That the country remains 50% divided. There is no mandate. Even though the New York Times
calls the election for Biden, many of Pennsylvania ballots are in questioned by the courts.
The Arizona count continues, Georgia is having a recount and military ballots still remain to
be counted. For some weird reason North Carolina has not been called yet. The House Seats
gained by the Republicans - were the Republicans that rode on the coat tails of Trump. The
Main Stream Media is not doing anyone any favors - including Democrats.
I know you hate the guy. But even though I want him to fight it is not just because it is
Trump, it is election integrity. Because I feel that out of the white house Trump is still a
political force, even exceeding that of Obama, if Biden is confirmed by the courts - than
okay. That is just 4 years and the Republicans maintain Senate control combined with the fact
that many Moderate Democrats are beginning to recognize the danger of far leftist
anti-constitutional policies.
The election is not a popularity contest. Nor is it a beauty contest. It is one of good
policy and the maintenance of liberty, security of property and self, and tradition.
Yes, I'm aware that this election had the highest percentage of voter turnout in recent
history. (Some elections in the 19th century had higher percentage turnouts with much smaller
The country is not "50% divided". As has been true for the last four presidential
elections, a small but significant majority voted for the Democratic candidate. By the time
all the ballots are counted, Biden will likely have won by 5-6 million votes.
Many Republicans---including those who flipped Democratic House seats---ran *ahead* of
Trump, so there's an argument to be made that their coattails almost dragged him to victory.
(There's also one to be made that Trump drove turnout across the board, and downticket
Republicans benefited by additional conservative voters who were tired of Trump but voted
Republican otherwise.)
FWIW, I don't "hate the guy". As for a mandate, Biden has more of one than Trump had four
years ago. (Not that "mandates" mean much, imho.)
Democracy of Socrates Athens combined with Cicero's Roman Republic. Watch Epoch times with
Brazilian Reporter Allan dos Santos. He clarifies that we just had an election representing a
'banana republic'.
No, when you lose house seats and fail to capture the Senate (as looks likely) in a
horrible year numbers wise for your opposition, and with the luckiest break in recent memory
(Covid which is seen as your opponents responsibility), then you have no mandate. Goes double
when you haven't campaigned.
True. Biden didn't campaign because his handlers knew that exposing him to voters would be
more of a liability than an asset. Besides, they knew that once the mail-in votes arrived,
they could guarantee a Biden majority in all the swing states. All they would need is some
time alone with the ballots.
The term for President is only 4 years. And if fraud were not so blatant - I would honor
and reconcile the election result. Seriously. We had this discussion before. Joe Biden will
not last four years though. If Trump loses in court and Joe Biden becomes president - I would
bet you $100 that he would not last a year. Kamala Harris will be President by the 2022 State
of the Union address.
Your fanaticism shows when you bring of the 'state tax' case. So when will Biden's treason
/ corruption trial involving China and Ukraine be held. Or will he be judged incompetent due
to the obvious [but tragic] dementia illness worsening by the day?
Clear constitutional violations with the ruling of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. The
court made law instead of kicking back the legislation to the legislatures. Is one example.
The ballot dumps [as soon as Trump was gaining].
The Democrats are pros at this. Just look at California. Ballot harvesting. No voter ID.
These are desperate people.
Anyhow, if the court rules against Trump I advocate him to concede, with dignity. Donald
J. Trump is still a force to be reckoned with in politics. My God - the man put the
Republicans on the map in a good way for the country. Even if Kamala Harris gets into the
White House for 3-3.5 years, I am still grateful that Donald Trump was president for these
past four years and hope that he continues to support the Republican party. I will donate to
his PAC.
You should think carefully....VERY CAREFULLY....about the implications
of this. You are blindly indoctrinated and close minded... You seem to
think stealing and election for 59 million voters has no consequences.
Trump is a SYMBOL of middle class and working class discontent with
YOUR party... You are clueless...the NEXT trump will not be so kind....
In the aftermath of the 2016 election, analysts on both the left and right noticed that
President Trump had the potential to grow his base of white working-class voters. Five
David Wasserman noted that over 44 million non-college-educated white voters who were not
even registered to vote before the 2016 election concentrated heavily in the Midwest, including
2.6 million in Pennsylvania, 2.2 million in Ohio, 900,000 in Wisconsin, and 500,000 in Iowa.
All the Trump campaign needed to do was locate them and register a fraction of them, and it
would be smooth sailing till election day.
Rather than employing a strategy that looked to find the missing white working-class voter,
the Trump campaign devised a plan to drive support from minority voters. They released both the
Platinum Plan for black Americans and the American Dream plan for Hispanic Americans, promising
hundreds of billion dollars to revive their communities and a series of other identity-driven
This was successful to a point. The Hispanic turnout in Florida and Texas were large enough
to deliver Trump a much larger victory than most people expected and helped keep Arizona and
Nevada competitive even as he shed voters in the suburbs and among Independents as well as
college-educated whites. Among black voters, exit polls showed Trump received 19 percent of the
black voters between 25 and 44 years-old. However, he didn't budge the number of older black
Americas who make up a majority of voters in their racial group.
That plan was always doomed to fail due to the small share of minority voters in the Midwest
that were up for grabs. There weren't enough Hispanic voters or black Americans willing to flip
to the GOP in those states. So they relied on their pool of existing voters and resting their
fate on a ground game.
To the Trump campaign and the Wisconsin Republican Party's credit, they ran a fantastic
operation in the state. The President's campaign increased his support and turnout in 22 of the
23 counties he flipped from President Obama in 2016. Even more astonishing, only two of those
counties had turnout under 90 percent. Some counties like Price, Marquette, and Pepin had close
to 95 percent turnout.
In the county of Kenosha, which saw race riots and acts of violence from Black Lives Matter
supporters and members of Antifa, Trump increased his margin from .3 percent in 2016 to 3.2
percent in 2020, becoming the first Republican to win the county in back-to-back elections
since 1928.
The ground game and high level of support from working-class white counties couldn't make up
because the missing white vote stayed missing. In the 23 Obama-Trump counties, the number of
registered voters declined by nearly 8,000 voters from January 2017 to November 2020 even
though the population increased in these areas.
So Trump's campaign had to work harder with a smaller group of people. Most of the
non-college-educated white Wisconsinites that didn't vote in 2016 remained untapped in 2020.
For over three years, the campaign spent hundreds of millions of dollars chasing phantom voters
in deep blue states like New Mexico rather than looking at their natural base sitting
underneath their nose.
Had those funds been redirected to registering and turning out between five and ten percent
of those non-college-educated white voters they missed in 2016, they wouldn't have to worry
about suburbanites defecting to Biden. Fears of voters fraud or illegal vote count wouldn't
have been a concern if they just reached out to their natural constituency.
There's a good chance that the same story could be told in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and
Minnesota. This election wouldn't have been close if they only worked on registering the people
most likely to vote for them, rather than banking on minority voters who just weren't in the
Rust Belt.
As a boomer, I learned very early how evil and corrupt the democrat party can be. Never
voted for a democrat traitor my entire life. Maybe get a little experience under your belt and
you'll learn. Unless you're already a straight up Commie.
As Tucker said it's fact that Detroit and Philadelphia have a history of rigging elections.
doesn't prove they're doing it this time, but people worried about it are as far from crazy as
it gets.
Why are Democrats descending into entitled rages at demands for transparency, or even just
explanations of what they are doing? We told to be patient with the mail-in vote for weeks,
then they are totally impatient and seething outraged hatred with working through our concerns
about fraud. Their protesters are already taking to the streets chanting "count every vote,"
which is where Trump's slogan, "every legal vote" comes from. Did they have the same emotional
outbursts in the past times when we know for a fact they were rigging urban elections?
It was not just black church ladies, white suburban housewives, and college kids that
elected Biden. Biden's coalition included lots of Republicans, I guess you would call them
RINOs. Republicans of the Lincoln Project put out hundreds of million dollars of ads targeted
against Trump and Trumpism. But no matter how much they hated Trump, on the down ballot they
voted a straight Republican ticket as they are not braindead. The Lincoln Project was just
the tip of the GOP iceberg against Trump. Besides the Lincoln Project there are six other
national level Republican organizations that endorsed Biden over Trump. That is the source of
the House gains and stability in the Senate. It was not due to sloppy plotting, that dog
won't hunt.
There are many other Republicans that were disgusted with Trump and his policies and spoke
out about it, or endorsed Biden, or endorsed Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen, or just
spoke out against Trump and his policies. That includes currently or formerly serving 15
Republican Governors, six Republican Senators, and 36 Republican US Representatives. Plus
hundreds of other Republican officials from the Executive Branch, Judges, State Legislators,
and various Republican political strategists & pundits.
7 Nov 2020
Joe Biden, presumed the winner of the presidential election according to mainstream media networks, issued a call for "unity"
Saturday evening after a bruising campaign in which he had compared President Donald Trump to Nazis, including Adolf Hitler.
Biden, who called his campaign a "battle for the soul of our nation," launched his campaign in April 29 with the false claim that
Trump had referred to neo-Nazis as "very fine people." (Trump in fact
they should be "condemned totally.")
Biden referred to Trump and his supporters as
to 15 percent of Americans were "not very good people."
In the last weeks of his campaign, Biden
to Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels, a vicious antisemite who was one of Hitler's most trusted aides. In late October, his
video recorded by the Black Eyed Peas that compared Trump to Hitler himself, and implied that his supporters were like Germans
who saluted the Nazi regime.
"It's time to put away the harsh rhetoric, see each other again, listen to each other again. And to make progress, we have to
stop treating our opponents as our enemies. They are not our enemies. They are Americans," Biden said on Saturday.
Some of his supporters -- attacking effigies of President Trump -- seem not to have heeded that message.
Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of
Breitbart News Sunday
Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). His newest e-book is
Trumpian Virtues: The Lessons and Legacy of Donald Trump's Presidency
. His recent book,
tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert
Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at
hours ago
If Biden truly wants unity, he will allow us to take the time we need to validate this election and count every LEGAL
-- Learn the names of those who did this to you, both nationally and locally. --
And if these election results are allowed to stand, consider the power that has been demonstrated by your new
Corporate masters.
-- They were able to convince Progressives/Liberals to vote for the Corporate candidate who was the tool of the
Credit Card Industry in Delaware, and who used the office of the Vice President to enrich his family.
-- They were able to convince enough women to vote to have history state that the first female Vice President -- soon
to be President -- was Kamala Harris.
Kamala -- and her own history -- will now represent women.
-- They were able to convince enough citizens to vote against the borders of the nation that others gave their lives
to defend.
-- They were able to convince enough minorities to vote against themselves and in favor of the massive immigration
that will now destroy their future.
-- They were able to convince enough workers to vote against policies that protect their jobs, and to vote against
energy independence from foreign powers that hate us.
-- They were able to convince enough "Suburban Moms" to vote for the Democrat AFFH policy that will remove their
control of zoning and safety of the neighborhoods where their children play and grow up, and against wage and job
opportunities for those children if they survive.
-- And those "Moms" also voted against the last four years without new wars, and in favor of whatever foreign
adventures come next that may affect their children.
Those who were duped by the Corporations and the DNC and the foreign interests will deserve what is coming next for
the nation -- their children do not.
-- Neither do your children.
-- Learn the names of those who did this to you,
both nationally and locally. --
Trump was an outsider. The deep state won. There's never been such a relentless,
full-spectrum media propaganda campaign against a president such as this. Americans are
mostly dumb media creatures, especially the ignorant young who are infantile consumers of
Facebook and other twaddle. Corporations such as Apple poured hundreds of millions into BLM
and other front groups. And don't forget the massive terror campaign in the streets.
Capitalist globalism has retaken the presidency.
The Jared Kushner strategy rested on the assumption that White men were solidly behind
Donald Trump due to polarization and had "no place else to go"
So they (working class whites) made a giant effort to support him in 2016 for what
4 years smooching around with the New York elite, a full set of "swamp" appointments,
abandoning his 2016 election team and MIGA rather than MAGA – giving Israel and the
corporate sector/Wall St all the support and favours. So basically a bait and switch guy who
sold out, and no surprise they pulled their support.
Trump ignored his base while electioneering – directing it at blacks and latinos.
The latino move towards the Republicans is interesting (as a group they're not woke) but
overall it looks right that Kushner's strategy failed. Taking your partner for granted is the
route to divorce (assuming that Kushner was ever any kind of genuine partner in the first
Trump ran an ok campaign considering his opponent and the current situation with covid
hysteria. Sure he threw Whites under the bus during his presidency but he did it way less
than other cuckservatives would have. It may have even lost him a lot of votes had he been up
against a competent opponent. Apart from Richard Spencer I can't see that many White men
disillusioned with Trump would actually vote for Biden.
This election was simply banana republic tier fraudulent regardless of any mistakes Trump
has made. That said it seems that TPTB wanted mass hysteria and tension between opposing
sides. The way Trump warned about mail in ballots weeks ago(yet did little to counter it).
The way Hillary said that Biden should not concede no matter what. The way the counting
stopped on election night in swing states. Obvious and blatant spikes in Biden votes
appearing overnight. Blatant and infuriating censorship and flagging by social media with
clear anti-cuckservative bias. It's like someone wanted maximum tension and division in the
new Banana States of America.
It's simple really, both sides manufactured votes via the machines both sides had
constructed to do exactly that – the electronic voting machines.
Although the focus was on the paper ballots, the action happened electronically because
there is no audit trail on those machines that can't also be manipulated. This article
assumes that the votes were cast by the groups indicated. There's no way to know this since
every vote could have been manipulated by the programming on the machines or thereafter.
The entire voting process is now independent of voters. Voters are only needed to show a
stream of bodies roaming in and out of poling places. The votes are manufactured by the deep
state to anoint their winner.
I've been trying to tell the Unz readers this ad nauseam. College educated whites see
through the ruse. I'm a white, post-graduate degree holder who voted for Trump in 2016 as a
firm rejection of Hillary Clinton. I work in China, so I had no obligations from the woke
scolds who occupy the University system in the States, no niggers who would come burn down my
house if they learned I voted Trump.
After 4 years of patiently observing this cuck bend the knee to Israel, abandon his
friends, liberate his enemies and allow every Democrat to gaslight him into COVID tyranny in
March, I knew exactly what to do. I took a train to the US embassy in Beijing from Dalian and
voted for Joesph Robinette Biden. And several GOP politicians downballot.
That vote was collected and applied to Dane County, Wisconsin where I own my late mother's
On the way back to the train station, I whistled the star-spangled-banner.
Trump didn't do anything for those people for the duration of an entire term. He built
three miles of fences, cut taxes on his buddies and appointed some judges and took credit for
Obama's bubble economy continuing. Hardly anything to be excited about.
Worthless article. It was clear from the day after the 2016 election that the political
establishment, both Republicans and Democrats, would do everything in the power to dump
Trump. The level of hostile invective against Trump never ceased, and this propaganda
offensive now appears to have succeeded. Why have nominal Republicans like Jeb and Mitt
rushed to congratulate Biden? Because Trump upset the apple cart. Jeb was supposed to be the
Republican candidate, and thus the country would remain under the control of the duopoly no
matter who won that year. Biden is a puppet, a useful idiot in Lenin's usage.
Trump is out. Yet not much will change in the US. I am still waiting for a sane
presidential candidate. Someone that promises to cut the military budget by at least 50
percent and start paying of your enormous debt. Someone siding with the middle and working
It would be very easy for the US to have the same public health care systems as in Europe
if you just stopped wasting money on the military industrial complex and wars abroad.
You should defund the military and bring your troops back home and start focusing on
building American infrastructure instead. The US should also normalize its realationship with
Israel. Threat them like any other nation. Do not support Israel in its criminal actions
against the Palestinians.
@Hegar he should accept there are seemingly credible concerns on the integrity of the
electoral system that need to addressed.
Then what is it with Mainstream Media declaring Joe Biden as President-elect while in PA
there is a lawsuit in progress? There is a declared recount in GA? In Arizona its far from
settled? In Michigan a system glitch was discovered that somehow gave thousands of votes to
Biden that were meant for Trump? And GOP there seek recount in 47 counties that used similar
It looks there's a well choreographed plan to shame Trump into conceding without seeking
legal redress which he's entitled to seek if he so chooses.
It stinks!
What is truly depressing is that Biden was only able to win the presidency because of
Covid-19. If it wasn't for the virus, it appears likely that Biden/Harris would have wound up
a distant second to Trump in both the popular vote and the electoral count.
The Democratic establishment picked a 3-legged horse to ride home on as we saw Biden's
impressive pre-election polling numbers vaporize once the vote counts started coming in. This
shows the folly of allowing the political establishment to offer up the same tired
politicians and rhetoric. The public was not looking for the same-old, same-old
Their choice of Harris as Biden's VP was equally unimpressive. If Harris takes over for
Biden sometime in the next two years, will she have the right stuff to prevent the Republican
candidate from reclaiming the WH in 2024? Time will tell.
All-in-all, Biden/Harris was possibly the most disappointing choice the Democratic
establishment could have put forth against the worst president in modern times, a president
who was not only impeached but was an admitted criminal sexual assaulter, a failed
businessman, a tax and business cheat and a compulsive liar among so many more negative
And yet, nearly 50% of American voters STILL embraced Trump for a 2nd four-year term as
leader of the USA while Biden barely eked out a victory. SAD!
The white men who failed to vote for Trump in this election are incapable of grasping the
concept of 'Incrementalism'.
How do you think the Frankfurt School's virulently anti-White Cultural Marxists managed to
achieve the success that they have achieved since the 1960s? These subversive termites did
not go full bore and try to shove their anti-White, anti-Western agenda down the throats of
an America that, at the time, was still almost 90% White European. Instead, they began their
steady 'march through the institutions' using stealth tactics – relying on
incrementalism. One tiny step at a time, so as to not alert their target of destruction
– White Americans.
Trump is not the savior of White America – he proved that over the last 4 years.
But, he was a step in the right direction and these White males who were not 100 percent
satisfied by his performance while in office lack the intelligence and patience that is
necessary for TeamWhite during this fight for our very survival.
Our objective is to make sure that the Trumpism – populism, nationalism, rejection
of globalism, rejection of massive third world immigration into the USA, and a cessation of
fighting endless wars for Israel's sole benefit – these concepts must not be dumped by
the GOP. If a Republican politician starts spouting globalism – or supporting amnesty
– or calling for more wars – he or she needs to be thrown OUT of office as soon
as possible and replaced by a Trumpist candidate.
Brad Griffin is an extremely low IQ, dangerously clueless, checkers playing retard who is
too stupid to comprehend the strategy of the anti-White enemy and he thinks he can throw a
hissy fit and somehow boost the amount of respect that other pro-White people have for
It is due to sanctimonious morons like him that the White race is in the existential
crisis situation we now find ourselves in. These 'absolutists' and 'purists' are going to be
the death of our race of people.
By the way, there have already been observations elsewhere on the fact that White men
supported Trump less than before. Not a revelation.
I had no idea if he would lose White men prior to the election, but I thought it a
possibility. I'd see him stand up there at rallies in front of a massive sea of White people
and he'd start bragging about all the shit he'd done for Blacks, Hispanics, and Women, but
nary a mention of White men.
And what's with his hangouts with Kanye West? Saying he's the least racist person in the
room. And the Platinum Plan? Is this shit why we elected you, chief?
I guarantee that no White men were thrilled to hear about blacks being let out of jail.
The more blacks in jail, the better. They need to be kept where less of them can procreate.
If I were POTUS, I find out which crimes black women were good at and increase the penalties
for those, so we could lock up the breeders.
The election farce may not be about electing Trump or Biden but about electoral failure.
Whitney Webb wrote a series of articles about this earlier in the year:
At present Biden looks like he has clearly "won" but Webb's series perhaps indicate that
election meddling may be "proven" and the "result" may swing back and forth.
"What has been left unsaid, however, is that a government's solution to "chaos" is
always the imposition of "order." This means that -- whatever "chaos" ultimately ensues prior
to or on election day -- will result in a government response that will do much more to crush
freedom and undermine democracy than any act of foreign meddling has, be it real or
If Trump manages to win PA & GA then Biden would have only 270 Electoral Votes and a
single faithless elector could hand the win to Trump (by forcing a vote in the House
of Representatives where Trump would win).
<> <> <> <>
If Trump manages to be victorious his supporters will be even more devoted because of his
follow up @Jackrabbit @Nov8 15:06 #16: Fat Lady Hasn't Sung
Real Clear Politics (RCP) hasn't called the race.
They show Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, North Carolina, and Alaska as undecided and the
current delegate count as 259 - 214.
Biden can't be said to be the "President Elect" until the Electors vote on December 14 or
Trump has conceded.
<> <> <> <>
I'm an independent. Not a Trump supporter. The push to present Biden as "President Elect"
is suspicious. And not just in the obvious way that it could be an attempt to unjustly unseat
Trump but in also in the adoration of Trump supporters if Trump prevails (something that
approaches Trump as 'Glorious Leader' which I have warned of).
While many seem to prefer a multi-millionaire tycoon that inexplicably became a politician,
you prefer a politician that inexplicably became a multi-millionaire. That's fine, but I
don't recall hearing any consistent policy from Joe Biden other than his promises to not be
Donald Trump.
The truth is that you don't like Trump, or perhaps you don't like his policies. Don't
pretend you did an analysis and decided that Biden has better policies, as we haven't seen
any of Biden's policies.
You are fine with ignoring Biden's threats to withhold aid from the Ukraine unless they do
XYZ, but it's a "thug's approach" when Trump does it?
It's probably safe to say that Trump is not going away after Biden takes office, if he
I imagine he will be more of a force to deal with once out of office being "unchained," as
it were.
Neither Biden, nor his soon to follow successor will get a good nights sleep going
forward. Trump's greatest gift to America is exposing the media, business and government
swamp creatures. Everybody is playing cards up now. While fraud was undoubtedly a big factor,
Trump did himself no favors. The first debate was a disaster and probably set the tone for
the end result.
On the bright side, Biden and the Democrats will preside over the economic collapse of the
country, as Trump supporters withdraw their productiveness, practice active civil
disobedience and go into economic hunkerdown mode. Right-wing cancel culture will advent by
boycotting advertisers of the MSM and liberal businesses. Investors will drain liquidity into
safe but nonproductive havens. The left will get full blame. The 2022 elections will be
devastating for Democrats.
On the sadder side, political criminals are high-fiving all around. Barr and Durham, not
appreciating the urgency or importance of their task, will be praised and dismissed. The
house will also conclude all investigations into corruption by the Left. Happy days are here
again. As for the Right, no more mister nice guy. And the rest of the world? Good luck with
This is the result of a convergence of cycles and individual "ill wind" events creating a
super-cycle. The Fourth Turning, the economic cycle, and the advent of the internet, all
guarantee turmoil on an unprecedented scale. There comes a time when you know it is prudent
to carefully move towards the exits.
US politics is mere theatrics which changes nothing but the faces which deceived the
electorate into thinking they help control their country.
DeeDeeTwo , 7 hours ago
Oh, business as usual at 244 years. Trump got booted out of office against the weakest
candidate since Michael Dukakis. He lost by 2.8% and only the quirks of the Electoral College
made it look close. Sorry, but the Republicans will have a firewall in the Senate and will
retake the House in 2022.
CNN and Nancy and Sandy will soon realize that without the cartoon villain Bad Orange Man
they are not so important anymore.
President Trump has more at stake in this election than whether he remains in the White House. Holding the highest office in
the land grants him effective immunity from federal criminal prosecution and gives him wide powers to stymie lawsuits against
him and his business. That all changes once he becomes an ordinary citizen again.
"Whatever shelters he has had as an occupant of the White House would vanish," says Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law
professor at Harvard and frequent Trump critic. "His ability to throw his weight around in terms of the deference that judges
exercise -- all of that is gone."
A federal prosecution of Trump would be political dynamite, and a President Joe Biden may choose not to detonate it. But a new
administration could decide to revive Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into obstruction of justice by Trump or
launch a new probe into the questionable tax deductions the
New York Times
in a
investigative report
. Trump is also facing an active investigation by the Manhattan district attorney that could result in
state criminal charges.
Then there are the lawsuits. Famously litigious before he took office, Trump has used the powers of the presidency to swat
aside many of the cases brought against him, often deploying the Justice Department to do so. Even now, the government is
trying to intervene in a defamation suit brought by a woman he called a liar after she accused him of rape.
The White House didn't comment on the legal threats facing Trump. His personal lawyer Jay Sekulow didn't respond to requests
for comment. Alan Garten, a lawyer for the Trump Organization, also didn't respond to a request for comment.
Here are the major legal threats facing Trump, and how a defeat in November would affect them:
Possible Criminal Charges
Obstruction of Justice
Where things stand
The Mueller report detailed numerous episodes in which Trump
may have obstructed justice, including his suggestion that former FBI director James Comey drop an investigation of
Michael Flynn, his short-lived national security advisor, his subsequent firing of Comey, his efforts to fire the
special counsel himself, and his many public comments exhorting witnesses not to cooperate. But the Mueller team
stopped short of recommending criminal charges, citing in its report the Justice Department's official position that
a sitting president cannot be indicted. Trump has denied obstructing justice, calling the whole Mueller investigation
a "hoax."
If Trump loses
The prohibition against indicting the president would no
longer apply, and a Biden Justice Department would theoretically be free to revive the obstruction investigation and
bring charges against Trump. But prosecuting a former president would cause a political uproar. Trump has also
suggested he could pardon himself, an act that would likely result in years of additional litigation. Even if federal
prosecutors decided to proceed, they would face practical hurdles. Andrew Weissmann, one of the lead prosecutors on
Mueller's team, says the probe's final report laid out "sufficient proof" that
obstructed justice
. But he acknowledges a new attorney general would likely want more. "You could imagine someone
saying: 'Is there more grand jury work to do? Do we want to lock people in so that we know exactly what they would
say, and we'd know what we'd go to a jury with?'"
Campaign Finance Violations
Where things stand
Trump's longtime personal lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen was
to more than three years
in prison in 2018 after pleading guilty to campaign finance violations. He made
hush-money payments just before the 2016 election to adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, who claims she had a sexual
affair with Trump. Cohen said Trump, identified in case filings as "Individual 1," directed the payments, which
prosecutors said constituted an illegal campaign contribution.
National Enquirer
American Media Inc. and David Pecker, its chairman at the time, also admitted working with Cohen and the Trump
campaign to kill damaging stories about the candidate,
into a non-prosecution agreement
with the government in 2018. Trump wasn't charged, and he's denied violating any
campaign finance laws.
If Trump loses
Although federal prosecutors never explained why they didn't
charge Trump with the same crime as Cohen, it's likely the Justice Department's policy against prosecuting a sitting
president was a factor. That obstacle would be removed under a President Biden, but the same political considerations
that complicate an obstruction-of-justice case would apply. Harry Sandick, a former federal prosecutor in New York,
says the government would also have to take a hard look at the witnesses on whom it would be relying. "If you were
the government, would you consider Michael Cohen to be a sufficiently credible witness to build a case around?"
Sandick asks. "That's always been a concern."
Federal Tax Charges
Where things stand
New York Times
Sept. 27 blew the lid off one of Trump's most fiercely guarded secrets: his taxes. In a lengthy investigative report
based on two decades of tax data, the newspaper revealed that Trump claimed staggering losses that allowed him to pay
in income taxes
in 2016 and that the audit he's long acknowledged relates to a $73 million tax refund he claimed.
Several of the president's deductions raised eyebrows among tax experts, who said they could form the basis of a tax
fraud prosecution. These include a
deduction for Trump's hairstyling
while he was on
The Apprentice
write-offs of some $26 million in vague "consulting fees," nearly $750,000 of which appears to have gone to Trump's
daughter Ivanka while she was a full-time executive of his company. Trump has called the
"fake news" but has also accused the newspaper of illegally obtaining his tax records.
If Trump loses
Any criminal charges based on the president's taxes would
depend on whether prosecutors could show that he deliberately set out to defraud the government. That would be tough
to prove. "They'd need to have memos in the files or email showing that," says former Internal Revenue Service
auditor Michael Sullivan. "The reality is I don't know if you can show that." Even if he doesn't face criminal
charges, Trump could be sued by the IRS over any taxes it believes he owes. But Mark Cook, a partner at the
accounting firm SingerLewak, says he thinks the $70,000 hairstyling deduction is probably too small to interest the
New York State Tax Charges
Where things stand
Trump fought Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance's grand
jury subpoena seeking eight years of his taxes and financial records all the way to the Supreme Court, which in July
rejected Trump's claim of absolute immunity from state criminal investigations. Trump has continued to fight the
subpoenas on other grounds, but now the spotlight is shifting to what Vance is actually investigating. At first, the
district attorney said he was examining whether Trump's company tried to conceal the Stormy Daniels payment, but his
office recently suggested it was conducting a
of possible bank or tax fraud.
If Trump loses
This investigation would likely gain momentum, with Vance
finding it easier to obtain crucial documents from third parties and arrange depositions of people in Trump's orbit,
or even the president himself. "My guess is there'd be more information than they could possibly handle," says John
Moscow, a former senior prosecutor in the DA's office. Would that result in a prosecution? Trump's pardon power
doesn't apply to state cases, and Vance, who's running for reelection next year in a county where Trump barely won
10% of the vote in 2016, may have different political calculations than a Biden Justice Department. But many people
have a hard time envisioning it happening. Moscow points out that seating an impartial jury could be tough. "If you
find a juror who has never heard of Donald Trump, that's probably not a great juror," he says.
Trump Inc.
Real-Estate Fraud
Where things stand
New York Attorney General Letitia James is investigating
whether the Trump family's real-estate company falsely reported property values to secure loans or tax benefits. Her
office this month
Trump's son Eric
, an executive vice president at the Trump Organization. Right now it's a civil matter, meaning
any penalties would be mainly economic. But that could change if James thinks there is evidence of criminal
misconduct. Eric Trump has called the investigation politically motivated and said it represents "the highest level
of prosecutorial misconduct."
If Trump loses
Trump has long been able to argue that he's too busy as
president to deal with lawsuits, and courts have generally given him broad deference as head of the federal
government's executive branch. He would not get that deference as a former president and could be forced to sit for a
deposition. Like Vance, James would probably find it easier to get information or cooperation from others. "The
hesitation on the part of third parties who are the holders of potentially very incriminating information will
evaporate once he's no longer president," Tribe says.
The Emoluments Cases
Where things stand
Allegations that Trump uses the presidency for personal
profit have been among the most consistent criticisms leveled at him during his time in office. Congressional
Democrats and Democratic attorneys general brought
accusing Trump of violating the U.S. Constitution's so-called Emoluments Clause, which bars the
president from receiving gifts or things of value from foreign governments, by accepting the money that
representatives of Saudi Arabia and other countries have spent at his company's Washington hotel, in particular. A
third emoluments case was brought by a watchdog group. The Trump administration has mainly challenged the rights of
the parties to bring emoluments claims, winning dismissal of the congressional suit. No court has ruled on the issue
of whether the president has in fact violated the clause. Trump has called the Emoluments Clause "phony" and
suggested other presidents made money on the side.
If Trump loses
Trump will probably not have to worry about these cases. The
goal of the suits was to force him to fully divest himself from his businesses while in office. But that will no
longer be a relevant concern if Trump loses in November, and violations of the emoluments clauses do not carry any
other financial penalties. "There's no longer any remedy that could be issued," Tribe says. "It's unfortunate but
likely that the emoluments cases will be dismissed."
Congressional Tax and Financial Records Cases
Where things stand
Democrats in Congress are fighting in court to win access to
Trump's financial records. In one lawsuit, the House Ways and Means Committee is calling for the Treasury Department
to turn over the
tax returns
. That case is pending in federal court in Washington. Two other lawsuits involve Trump's accountants
and bankers. In those cases, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress could not compel the release of Trump's financial
records, at least for the time being. The cases were sent back to the lower courts to assess whether Congress should
narrow the scope of the information it sought. In all three cases, Trump has invoked the powers of the presidency to
argue that he should not have to turn over his financial information.
If Trump loses
Before Trump took office, it was widely accepted that
congressional tax committees could request any taxpayer's returns, including the president's. But Trump' Treasury
Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, defied the House Ways and Means Committee, and the administration has continued the fight
in court. A Biden administration could put an end to that drama by quickly handing over Trump's taxes to Congress.
How courts would rule on the Democrats' requests for Trump's other financial records, which were sent to his bankers
and accountants, is harder to predict, though Trump would lose his argument that the litigation interferes with his
duties as president. "I don't know who's going to win," said Andy Grewal, an expert on tax law at the University of
Iowa. "But it would be odd if Congress could threaten a president by saying the moment you leave office we can
subpoena you for anything you have."
Multi-Level Marketing Fraud Suit
Where things stand
Trump and three of his children were sued for fraud in 2018
over their endorsement on
Celebrity Apprentice
of ACN Opportunity LLC, a
troubled multilevel marketing company that later went bust. The plaintiffs said the Trumps persuaded them to invest
hundreds of thousands of dollars in ACN's desktop video phone service, which was quickly eclipsed with the advent of
smartphones. A federal judge in New York rejected the Trumps' move to force the dispute into private arbitration, but
the president and his children are now appealing that ruling. Trump has called the lawsuit politically motivated and
argued that he was simply offering his opinion when he endorsed ACN.
If Trump loses
It would become easier for the investors' lawyers to request
documents from Trump or even force him to testify at a potential trial. Judges would be less likely to defer to
Trump's wishes, and Trump would be unable to cite his responsibilities as president as an excuse for not complying.
Personal Conduct
Mary Trump's Fraud Suit
Where things stand
The president's niece Mary Trump last month
for conspiring with his brother and sister to defraud her of millions of dollars from her grandfather's
estate using false documents and bogus loans. The president has yet to submit a reply. Mary Trump in July published
that painted a harsh portrait of the president as a narcissistic liar. She claims in the book that, when
she agreed to settle a dispute over her grandfather's will, she was told the estate was worth $30 million, but that
she learned later it was worth closer to $1 billion. Donald Trump called his niece's book "a lie" in a Fox News
interview but has also accused her of violating a non-disclosure agreement she signed as part of the estate
If Trump loses
It would become easier for Mary Trump's lawyers to request
documents from Trump or force him to sit for depositions. As in the other civil cases, he would lose the ability to
cite his responsibilities as president as an excuse for not complying.
E. Jean Carroll's Defamation Suit
Where things stand
Advice columnist Carroll went public in June 2019 with a
claim that Trump raped her in a Manhattan department store dressing room in the 1990s. Trump soon responded that
Carroll was lying, adding that she was "not my type." Carroll sued Trump for defamation in New York later that year.
Last month, as Trump faced deadlines to provide a DNA sample and submit to a deposition, the Justice Department
stepped in, claiming that the president's statements about Carroll were part of his official duties and that the
government should therefore substitute for Trump as the defendant in the case. A substitution would effectively force
the dismissal of the lawsuit, since the government cannot be sued for defamation. A federal judge is due to rule on
whether such a substitution is legal.
If Trump loses
The judge, a Clinton appointee, could deny the substitution
request before a new administration takes office. If not, a Biden Justice Department would likely abandon any defense
of Trump, though some experts note that Obama's Justice Department defended certain George W. Bush officials in
lawsuits over their sanctioning of torture. Most likely, Trump will again face the prospect of providing a DNA sample
and sitting for a deposition.
Summer Zervos's Defamation Suit
Where things stand
A former contestant on
, Zervos issued a statement a few weeks before the 2016 election saying Trump groped and kissed her in
a hotel room in 2007. He denied the assault and called Zervos a liar, leading her to sue him for defamation in 2017.
Trump has argued that he's immune from suits filed in state court while he is the president, with New York's Court of
Appeals expected to decide the issue early next year.
If Trump loses
He would lose his presidential immunity argument -- already a
longshot since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1997 that President Clinton could be sued in federal court. That means
Trump could be forced to sit for a deposition and possibly turn over other evidence related to Zervos' allegation,
win or lose.
People are so concentrated on the forest they are missing the so usual you forget about
'em trees.
I'm shocked at the number of journalists who are acting surprised that the NY Post
and Fox News , two of Murdoch's most persuasive Amerikan media outlets, have swung
behind the Biden presidency. Murdoch has supported alleged 'left of center' candidates many
times before, Tony Blair & William Clinton being a couple of the most obvious
Murdoch doesn't care what 'team' his satraps claim to belong to as long as they do as they
are told, so that Rupert can continue to cop his fixer's fee for ensuring megadeals go
The NY Post release of Hunter Biden's laptop was a shot across Biden's bow. For all
we know Murdoch may have organized the Facebook/Twitter censorship prior to the Post's
article being published. Why? - because he wanted to let the Dems know he had a stack of
incriminating information on Biden and was prepared to use it if need be.
J Edgar Hoover had nothing on Murdoch when it comes to collecting and using
compromat . I'm sure he has plenty more on both Biden & Harris, just as he had
plenty on Trump.
In other words Dems should not be celebrating the fact that both the NY Post &
Fox are also calling a Biden win, when in reality it is just another Murdoch win.
One more thing - it costs a great deal of money to force a recount. One of James Baker's
lawyer offsiders has been blathering that the 2000 Florida recount cost about millions back
in 2000. They had to pay rethug lawyers to argue the case and then pay other lawyers to
undertake the recount.
Where the hell is Trump gonna find the dough to force recounts in the multiple states he
believes he was robbed. Some states don't charge if the recount says you won but others don't
refund. Some states give a recount if the difference is less than 1% others don't. Regardless
hiring a gang of sharp-suited lawyers to argue a case through state & federal courts all
the way to Scotus is a very expensive exercise & orangeutan claims to want to be running
different suits in different states.
Coincidentally Murdoch's NY Post
ran this story on that exact subject.
So Murdoch reassuring the elites he has this Biden/Harris thing covered makes it highly
unlikely that many billionaires are going to shell out on something that (a) could be a loser
and (b) doesn't matter since Biden will do what they want anyhow.
I get that there is
horse trading going in behind the scenes as shot callers buy and sell politicians like soccer
teams trade footballers.
The problem that the elite have is that Trump really fired up the working
class/deplorables/ record number of blacks and Latinos who thought they genuinely had someone
looking after their interest after being fucked over for decades by both the Republican and
Democrat party.
What struck me is the enthusiasm generated. These people are really fired up. That rally's
that were held look like a rock star had come to town, people lining the streets for
kilometers just to see him.
And what happened? The elites fucked them over one more time but carrying out one of the
most audacious, brazen electoral frauds that left 3rd world banana republics run by tinpot
dictators in awe.
Now to you this horse trading may be business as usual but I think that this is going to
be the straw that breaks the camels back. I think it was Kennedy that said that those who
make peaceful change impossible may violent revolution inevitable.
Those of you who think those deplorables are going to roll over and play dead one more
time don't understand what's called Trumpism. He wasn't just another bought and sold
Establishment politician both Republican and Democrat, to them he was one of them you could
see in the way he spoke at rally's to the people and the way they responded to him.
The fraud was so blatant and brazen that the system has effectively disenfranchised them.
I think there is going to be hell to pay!
What makes the author think the recount pricetag is a real problem for the Trump campaign? If
Jill Stein can raise $4 million from HRC supporters for a recount in 2016 then Trump
supporters can certainly cough up a few bucks too?
Perhaps some evidence of this alleged election fraud will come forward, otherwise it's simply
sour grapes and delusional thinking. A Biden presidency should be good for Murdoch's
- This is odd. Because the New York Post also had VERY sleazy pictures of one Melania Trump.
Trump cooperating with Murdoch ?
- The millionairs and the billionairs (e.g. Murdoch, Mercer) got what they wanted from Trump:
(corporate) taxcuts. And they won't shed a tear now Trump is gone.
- Biden, Trump or (Hillary) Clinton, they are all corporate sock puppets.
Debsisdead might have added that nearly 50 years ago when Octopus Inc (more usually known as
News Corporation) was confined to Australia and Britain, Rupert Murdoch supported Gough
Whitlam and the Australian Labor Party against the incumbent Liberal-National (or
Liberal-Country as it might have been) coalition in Australia. After the ALP gained power in
1972 and Whitlam proceeded to create something resembling social democracy in Australia,
Murdoch then withdrew his support and
began a campaign to bring the ALP government down.
The media is the greatest enemy of mine right now."
Wrong, the people that own the media are.
Don't fall for the misdirection, the media was purposely consolidated by the elite in order to
sell you a pig in a poke sack.
Perhaps b can comment on the enthusiasm of Heiko Maas to Biden becoming president-elect? He
wrote a thread of 5 tweets in congratulations. "Wir wollen in unsere Zusammenarbeit
investieren, für einen transatlantischen Neuanfang, einen New Deal." I think many of who
live us in the Trans-Atlantic region would be curious to find out more about that.
Trump also has cultivated assiduously from Day 1, the support of the rank and file military
and police, He also added some 300 new federal judicial appointees, not to mention 3 new
Supreme Court judges who he fought hard to get approved.
I don't think money will be the limiting factor to stop this bald-face and obscene election
theft. It will be time.
There are those who say the empire will not now restart "Project for a New American
Century" because that doesn't make sense. It would be irrational for America to do that.
These people have for some reason forgotten that PNAC has always been irrational from the very
day it was first proposed. PNAC being based upon exceptional delusion had never been an
impediment to the US pursuing it before, so why would that hold America up now?
Some headlines: "Many world leaders express hope, relief after Biden win" "World Leaders Rush to Congratulate Biden" "World Leaders Celebrate Biden-Harris Win"
The empire now has a grace period in which to do ultraviolence, and imperial vassals will
back that ultraviolence 100%. US troop levels in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria will now begin to
"surge" even while Trump is still in office. Fools will say "See?!? I told you Trump
didn't really want to stop wars!" but in fact the Pentagram will simply be ignoring the
Trump administration and preparing for what they know the Kamala administration will be
demanding (they already know what their orders will be). Hopefully the "Axis of
Resistance" is not as foolish as the residents of the empire who are heaving sighs of
relief over the return to normalcy, since "normal" for the empire is endless and
unrestrained violence.
Yeah come to think of it, Murduch has reason to be pleased.
Most US news media are about to lose their record audiences, as Dems cool off their rage,
while FOX news gets to keep the full engagement of their audience. If the swing is big enough,
a possible opportunity for Murdoch to knock out or buy out cable news rivals and further expand
his media empire.
I've only one name to toss into the mix: Charlotte Corday.
How many Corday inspired Trump supporters will it take to send America's political/media
aristocracy fleeing?
The Davos Crowd, like the Neo-Cons, continue to do what they do because they never pay a
personal cost for their actions. Make it personal and I imagine these people will show us what
cowards they really are.
Posted by: Quasi Retired anonym | Nov 8 2020 12:43 utc | 18
Heiko's new deal: I think they are just greatly relieved to be rid of Trump. He is a bit
abrasive. Biden's dministration can be expected to be more civilized and less amateurish,
perhaps less likely to get into a big war by accident, but I would not assume it will be better
for the EU (Remember "Fuck the EU"). Biden's always been a lightweight and a tool politically
here, no telling what he might do now he is the big man, and I would not assume he is senile as
portrayed. Ms Biden appears very protective of her husband too. And Biden has "been around"
Senator, VP, candidate, forever, he is no genius, but is not naive in any sense.
One of The Saker's questions is: Why is it that Fox News was spearheading the anti-Trump
cheering during this entire week?
My answer was the obvious to those not oblivious:
Only foolish tools would have ever thought Faux's support of populism (and most likely
Trump's as well in my not so humble opinion) was ever genuine, which is most Trump Chumps and
Faux viewers which overlaps nearly perfectly as far as I can tell.
Deception 2020 makes the Romulans look like kindergartners and the members of the Deep State
and Shadow Government look like PhD. Professors when it comes to either way you lose and we
Nice to know MoonofAlabama gets it, and even brought up things I did not know or think about
if I did.
You're speaking of two completely different issues:
1) Biden will be a weak POTUS, with a very precarious government;
2) Trump really did lost the 2020 elections.
As I've said before: if you don't accept the objective fact the USA is in decline, you'll be
faded to believe in conspiracy theories. The truth is that the Empire is declining in general,
in almost all of its societal aspects: Trump and Biden are just symptoms of said decline.
The elites are doing what the elites do: scrambling to save the system.
> In sum, if the results we have hold, Joe Biden will win the election and preside over a
divided Congress. A chastened and anxious Democratic caucus will continue to hold the House.
A triumphant Senate Republican caucus will obviously destroy his major legislative agenda.
Biden will assuredly turn to policy by executive action, just as Barack Obama did late in his
legislatively stymied administration. When he does, Republicans will do all they can to send
those actions to a 6–3 conservative Supreme Court Biden will be unable to pack or
meaningfully reform. In defeating Trump, Democrats will have avoided their worst-case
scenario. Instead, they will have won the worst possible Biden victory, a political situation
that will be a nightmare all its own.
"... Mike Lind, the American academic and author has observed , around the idea of America moving toward a 'managed' society -- based on 'science' -- that would be essentially finessed and controlled by a managerial, expert class. ..."
"... The notion however, of what America -- as Idea -- now constitutes, has fractured into two tectonic plates, moving apart in very different directions -- and likely to move even further apart as each 'plate' remains convinced that 'it won' -- and the sweetness of victory has been stolen. ..."
"... The fact remains that the election has produced a result in which it is abundantly clear that one half of the American electorate precisely voted to oust the other half. ..."
"... A President may emerge, but it will not be, as it were, a settled one: He or she cannot make claim to the 'will of the majority'. ..."
One clear outcome of the U.S. election was
the collapse of the promised 'Blue Wave' -- an implosion that marks the 'beginning of the
end' to a powerful spell enthralling the West. It was the delusion which Ron Chernow, the
acclaimed U.S. presidential historian, gave credence, as he contemptuously dismissed America's
"topsy-turvy moment" as purely ephemeral, and a "surreal interlude in American life": No longer
can it be said that there is one 'normal'. Win or lose the White House, Red Trumpism remains as
'President' for half America.
Biden, by contrast, served as the prospect for Restoration -- a return to a hallowed
consensus in American politics -- to a reassuring 'sanity' of facts, science and truth .
Biden, it was hoped, would be the agency over-lording a crushing electoral landslide that would
terminate irrevocably Trump's rude interruption of the 'normal'. Biden supporters were rallied,
Mike Lind, the American academic and author has
observed , around the idea of America moving toward a 'managed' society -- based on
'science' -- that would be essentially finessed and controlled by a managerial, expert
Over time, Lind suggests, American society would begin to depart more, and more easily, from
its republican roots, through a process already underway: via attempts to alter the
Constitutional order, and other rules, to bring about a change in the way America is
The notion however, of what America -- as Idea -- now constitutes, has fractured into two
tectonic plates, moving apart in very different directions -- and likely to move even further
apart as each 'plate' remains convinced that 'it won' -- and the sweetness of victory has been
The fracturing of the 'One Normal', by contrast, provides some kind of respite to much of
the globe.
The fact remains that the election has produced a result in which it is abundantly clear
that one half of the American electorate precisely voted to oust the other half. It is gridlock
-- with the Supreme Court and Senate in the hands of one party, and the House of
Representatives and White House (possibly) in the hands of the other. As Glenn Greenwald
warns :
No matter what the final result, there will be substantial doubts about its legitimacy by
one side or the other, perhaps both. And no deranged conspiracy thinking is required for
that. An electoral system suffused with this much chaos, error, protracted outcomes and
seemingly inexplicable reversals will sow doubt and distrust even among the most rational
Though the maths and maps suggests Biden will likely reach 270 Electoral votes, the old
saying 'It ain't over 'till it's over', holds true. The electoral vote scenarios in the key
'swing states' would only apply if there is no litigation, fraud or theft. However all three
are in play -- If you are stuffing the ballot box, you first wait to see what the regular vote
is, so that you know how many votes you 'need' (
mathematical anomalies aside) to push your candidate over the top. Trump, somewhat rashly,
gave out the GOP vote calculations at 02.30 on Wednesday, and hey-presto, loads of absentee
ballots suddenly arrived at certain polling stations at around 04.00. That seems to have
happened in Wisconsin, where over 100,000 Biden votes appeared seemingly out of nowhere on a
flash drive delivered by hand from a Democratic district. That put Biden ahead in Wisconsin --
but litigation is in process. Likewise, it appears that a huge "absentee ballot" dump appeared
in Michigan that heavily favored Biden.
This is just the beginning of a new and more uncertain phase that
could go on for weeks . It may be that ultimately Congress will have to certify and make
the final determination in late January. Meanwhile, there are some things we know with much
higher certainty: The Republican majority in the Senate may hold until the 2024 election. So,
even if Biden wins, his agenda will not hold through 2024.
A President may emerge, but it will not be, as it were, a settled one: He or she cannot make
claim to the 'will of the majority'. Whomsoever is certified by Congress cannot truthfully say
they represent 'the nation'. Consensus is fractured, and it is difficult to see any leadership
that can bring Americans together as a 'united people'.
"There is not a single important cultural, religious, political or social force that is
pulling Americans together more than it is pushing us apart," David French
notes in a new book Divided We Fall: America's Secession Threat and How to Restore Our
Nation . French -- an anti-Trump conservative -- argues that America's divisions are so great,
and the political system so poorly designed to handle them, that secession may eventually be
the result: "If we keep pushing people and pushing people and pushing people, you cannot assume
that they won't break", he writes. (A
2018 poll found that nearly a quarter of each party -- Democrat and Republican --
characterized the opposing party as "evil").
An ideological split, and the concomitantly contested America as Idea has huge geo-political
implications, reaching well beyond America itself -- and principally for Europe's
élites . European leaders did not see it coming when Trump was elected in 2016. They
misjudged Brexit. And this year, they misread U.S. politics once again. They yearned for a
Biden win, and they (still) fail to see the connection between the popular rebellion of Red
under Mr. Trump, and the angry protests occurring across Europe against lockdown.
Separating tectonic plates -- more strategically -- usually signal a kind of dualism that
betokens civil conflict. In other words, their separation and moving apart turns into an
ideological struggle for the nature of society and its institutional fabric.
Historian, and former War College Professor, Mike Vlahos
warns (echoing Lind), that, "there is, here: more of a hidden -- and thus in a sense,
occult struggle -- by which over time, societies begin to depart more, and more easily, from
their roots. The western dominant élites presently are seeking to cement their hold over
society [moving towards a 'managed' society]: To have full control over the direction of
society, and, of course, a framework of rule that protects their wealth."
"Quite to the surprise of everyone, and given that the Republicans are being represented by
a billionaire who has a great many friends in Manhattan -- the Wall Street donors to the two
outnumber Trump's donors for Biden by 5-to-1".
Why, Vlahos asks, would Wall Street invest in a man -- Biden -- and in a Party, ostensibly
seeking to move America toward this 'managed' progressive society? Is it because they are
convinced of a need radically to restructure the world's economy and geopolitical relations? Is
this then Vlahos' occult struggle?
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Many of the élite hold that we are at that
monumental inflection point at this moment -- In a nutshell, their narrative is simply
this: the planet is already economically and demographically over-extended; the infinite
economic expansion model is bust; and the global debt and government entitlement expenditure
bubble too, is set to pop at the same moment.
Mike Vlahos notes
that in a curious way this American story mirrors that of ancient Rome in the last century of
the Republic -- with on the one hand, the élite Roman class, and on the other, the
Populares , as Red Americans' equivalent:
"This is in fact the dual story of Rome in the last century of the Republic, and it tracks
very well -- with the transformation going on today [in the U.S.] -- and it is a
transformation The society which emerged at the end of the Roman Revolution, and civil war
had too, a totally dominant élite class.
"This was a new world, in which the great landowners, with their latifundia [the
slave-land source of wealth], who had been the 'Big Men' leading the various factions in the
civil wars, became the senatorial archons that dominated Roman life for the next five
centuries -- while the People, the Populares, were ground into a passive -- not helpless --
but generally dependent and non-participating element of Roman governance: This sapped away
at the creative life of Rome, and eventually led to its coming apart.
" today American inequality is as great as in the period right before the French
Revolution, and is mirrored in what was happening to Rome in that long century of
transformation. The problem we have right now, and which is going to make this revolution
more intense, is I think, the cynical conclusion and agenda of Blue to just leave behind the
Americans they do not need [in the New Economy] -- which is to say all of Red America, and to
put them into a situation of hardship and marginalization, where they cannot coalesce, to
form a rival -- as it were -- Popular Front.
"What I think what we are seeing here [in the U.S.] is profound: American society --
emerging from this passage, is going to be completely different. And frankly, it already
feels different. It already feels -- as it has felt for the past four years -- that we are in
a rolling civil war norm now, in which deep societal strife is now the normal way in which we
handle transfers of power. Issues will be [momentarily] resolved, with the path of society
[painfully] staked out through violent conflict. That is likely to be our path for decades
"The problem with that in the shorter term, is that there is still enough of the nation
aroused and ready to fight this process. The problem: Can the last energies of the Old
Republic still be harnessed against this seemingly inevitable, transformation?"
A 'fourth industrial revolution' is the only way by which to 'square this circle', according
to this mindset. The Reset is purposefully aimed to disrupt all areas of life, albeit on a
planetary scale. Shock therapy, as it were, to change the way we humans think of ourselves, and
our relationship with the world . The Great Reset looks to a
supply-side 'miracle', achieved through full-spectrum automation and robotics. A world where
the money is digital; the food is lab-grown; where everything is counted and controlled by
giant monopolies; and everyday existence is micromanaged by ever-monitoring, ever-nudging AI
that registers thoughts and feelings before the people even get a chance to make those
LVrunner , 2 hours ago
Traitorous Mittens Romney took to Twitter to congratulate sleepy joe today. He’s
such an epic douchebag!
PGR88 , 2 hours ago
He reminds me of some kind of aging gay Mormon **** star
LVrunner , 2 hours ago
His kid was in business with bidens, not much of surprise. Just disgusted.
Roacheforque , 1 hour ago
I find it amazing that pundits can describe the detailed evidence of the fraudulent
activities of democratic operatives, along with the understanding that no such activities
took part on the republican front, and simply dismiss this legal and moral contrast with a
broad stroke finding that "the nation is divided".
Simply. *******. Amazing.
Who writes this ****?
I am no Trump sycophant, but the contrast in "division" is law abiding vs. fraudulent,
anarchy vs civilized order, constitutional vs. totalitarian. Trump's personality flaws are
immense, but I contend that a solid majority of Americans voted for president in accordance
to the red wave downvote, and that a gross misrepresentation of living human Biden voters
does not constitute an equal division.
Thank God!
Fizzy Head , 2 hours ago
Funny how there is no evidence of fraud with the Dems, but it was all Russian meddling in
the last election...
Chemical_Engineer_IT_Analyst , 2 hours ago
Remember Republicans you are the ones who have the real power!
It's not a good idea to bully the productive class. Without the conservative workers the
country would starve in the cold and dark. Who are not needed are the parasitic class of
politicians, bureaucrats, lobbyists, Deep State workers, incompetent teachers and Marxist
professors. And we would all be better off without Facebook and Twitter. We also don't need
NBC CNN, ABC, and other alphabet media, Washington Post, New York Times and other propaganda
SurfingUSA , 2 hours ago
Biden, by contrast, served as the prospect for Restoration – a return to a
hallowed consensus in American politics – to a reassuring ‘sanity’ of facts, science
and truth .
Give me a break. He served as a prospect of a Chinese sock puppet.
not dead yet , 1 hour ago
Selected facts, selected science, selected truth. Better known as cherry picking. If that
isn't working turn fiction into fact and truth to legitimize junk science. Better known as
man made climate change.
tk8565 , 2 hours ago
If you like your fraud, you can keep your fraud.
This will happen repeatedly from every election on, as they learn and improve.
If it isnt fixed now in court it will never be.
Election laws must be fixed.
If unsuccessful the only plan left is to ((censored))
ClusterF , 2 hours ago
No thank you, and yes I care damn well enough to fight about it. The founders rebelled
over a miniscule tea tax for gods sake!!!! This is about subversion of the entire race to a
globalist over class.
the idea of America moving toward a ‘managed’ society – based on
‘science’ – that would be essentially finessed and controlled by a
managerial, expert class.
Managed society sounds a heck of a lot like communism. That is, one-party "management" of
people and resources by elites unaccountable to the people via free and fair elections.
ChetRoman , 2 hours ago
"Biden, by contrast, served as the prospect for Restoration – a return to a hallowed
consensus in American politics – to a reassuring ‘sanity’ of facts, science
and truth "
Who writes this horse****? Biden was a senile placeholder for the next puppet of the
"ruling class" or "deep state" that has only contempt for working Americans, the deplorables.
Biden will formalize Big Tech's and MSM domination of what we can say and think. They have
censored 95% of the media to keep the public from seeing how thoroughly corrupt and
incompetent Biden is. Trump has his faults but he is the only one, in at least the last 30
years, that even mentioned the downward spiral of the working Americans. What we have is a
Color Revolution and the Bolsheviks are a major part of it.
Patmos , 1 hour ago
Technocracy is just another form of tyranny, and once the global economy inevitably
collapses technocracy will only end up proving the saying that when the blind follow the
blind they both end up in a ditch.
Deplorable , 1 hour ago
I'm actually happy that Biden won and will continue with the lockdown ********. It keeps
me working from home until I decide to officially retire. As a govt contractor I can get away
with working less than half the time while still getting paid for a 40 hour workday.
Added bonus, I can drink beer all day long and day trade on the side.
hoytmonger , 2 hours ago
Nothing will change with Biden as President,
Except for the rhetoric.
Nexus789 , 2 hours ago
They will spend their time enriching themselves. Biden, according to Forbes is worth ten
million. How does a career politician do that.
RozKo , 2 hours ago
A world where the money is digital; the food is lab-grown; where everything is counted
and controlled by giant monopolies; and everyday existence is micromanaged by
ever-monitoring, ever-nudging AI that registers thoughts and feelings before the people
even get a chance to make those thoughts.
Oh boy, lots of fun, maximum security prison with a twist, you'll be getting screwed by
robot bubba and he be in your head too.
Onthebeach6 , 2 hours ago
Rupert Murdoch said a couple of months ago that he expected Trump to lose in a
Looks like he worked overtime to achieve this outcome.
3-fingered_chemist , 2 hours ago
Trump should just give the Left what it wants. Total lockdown of the country until we have
6 months straight of zero cases of coronavirus. That means no new President can be sworn in
until that time is reached. Have fun! The next two years will be hilarious as the Dems
further implode. You already can see it with Pelosi wanting to be Speaker again. The
Progressives will think that they have some mandate, but the Old Guard is going to throw them
under the bus yet again. ANTIFA and BLM will be burning down the Dem cities not because of
Trump but because they aren’t getting their way. Biden won’t even be allowed to
make decisions, but the Progressives won’t be calling the shots either. This will be
the de facto Hillary Presidency. The irony is that Mitch is likely to be the most powerful
person in Washington.
monero_123 , 2 hours ago
Even though I do agree with some conservative principals, I probably lean more blue than
red overall.
Unfortunately, I still don't get the opinion on getting mad at the "blue" states for
making some of these very commentators' life worse. The computer you are using, the phone you
have in your pocket, the internet you are browsing, the webhost that hosts Zerohedge, etc,
etc is all from the advancements of companies/talent that are in those states.
But, at the same time, the more people are angry at the invisible boogeyman, the easier it
is for myself to advance in society while others just sit and complain.
OK Boomer , 16 seconds ago
It's not that complicated. The US has had for many decades an entrenched "Deep State"
running much of the govt. Republican and Democrat parties are the two hands of this Deep
State. When an establishment Democrat president replaces an establishment Republican (or vice
versa), no actual power is transferred. It's just the Deep State passing the baton from one
hand to the other. The enduring power is in the un-elected govt. The process of electing a
president is normally just a symbolic ritual which serves to generate consent by allowing the
masses to feel as though they actually chose their govt.
Trump was the unicorn president. He was never supposed to be elected. And even as
president his power has been very limited. The Justice Dept, CIA, FBI, all conspired against
him. The only prosecutions by "his" Justice Department were against members of his own
administration. The purpose of the US president is to act as a figurehead and a rubber stamp
for the wishes of the dominant un-elected govt. Biden fits the bill perfectly--a complete
N2M , 1 hour ago
Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs and the Press Kindle Edition
A street party erupted in front of the White House after Joe Biden declared himself the
victor in the electoral contest with Donald Trump on Saturday, with similar mass acts of
jubilation popping up in cities around the country.
Footage shows a sea of people, crammed like sardines, singing in front of the president's
Washington, DC residence. In New York City, merrymakers danced and chanted in Washington Square
Park. On the other side of the country, there was "fireworks, champagne and dancing in the
streets of LA," the Los Angeles Times reported , as people toasted
the projected president-elect.
crowd outside the White House celebrating Joe Biden's projected victory is blaring YMCA -- the
song President Trump closed out his latest rallies with.
Black, BLM member beats crap out of liberal white woman at pro-Biden rally. Eating their
own. Protesters try to stop police from arresting because ... he is black.
JOHN: "Human nature does not change" ( 10:00 ) is not a conservative
insight. It is a 'religious' insight, which conservatism recognises. But no 'religion'
analyses human nature, and recognises it for what it is, better than the teachings of a young
Galilean around two thousand years ago. Unfortunately his teachings on our 'human-ness' were
important for the first two hundred years after his death and resurrection; but have, since,
been absorbed, and subsumed, into the image of the 'Christos', in order that the 'leaders' of
the Church might achieve POWER. We see these pathetic 'career-clergy' men and women clinging
to their 'clerical power' to this very day: but covid has found their empty gospel
Very good interview and excellent questions. Dan is very intelligent and has a common
sense, down to earth, moral attitude to life and as a congressman. Do not agree with all of
his judgements politically but respect his thorough investigation and research into the
matter. Really respect his mature attitude and personal comport. Do not agree with his
disdain for the Pres even when agreeing with the Pres actions. There is a personal problem
due to an encounter or some other personal conflict on a deeper level. Credit due to
separating it from the office he holds.
"SYSTEMIC RACISM" EXISTS! 11:58 It's called "Affirmative
Action" -- allowing the skin color of an applicant to weigh in on whether or not to accept
the applicant.
As far as BLM and CHAD and racism is concerned look at South Africa today and what's
happened in South Africa since Mandela and the AMC took power in South Africa after
It took to nearly the end of the interview to state what is truly missing from public
discourse, and that is the understanding that a person's moral compass, a party's moral
compass, a nation's moral compass, depends upon something higher than themselves, for some it
is God, for others it is themselves, in the form of the State. Therein lies the conflict -
between absolute truth and relative truth, between eternal morals and situation ethics,
between thankfulness and entitlement, between forgiveness and condemnation, between love of
country and betrayal. And right now that conflict in the USA is reflected on the political
battlefield between Republicans and Democrats.
The one thing you never hear from the left today, is the idea of personal responsibility
for your own actions and behaviors, which is the cornerstone of freedom. I recently saw a
video of a drug store, where two men came into the store and shoplifted from the store, the
store manager called the Police. The Police had the shoplifters give back what they'd stolen
and were not arrested for their actions. Afterwords a woman got out her phone to record and
began to badger the store manager for his actions. She said to him that he was endangering
the lives of black men because they could have died at the hands of the Police that day.
Never once did she acknowledge that they shouldn't have shop lifted and it was their actions
that should be in question, not the store manager. She got downright nasty with the manager
and later people protested in front of the drug store for the injustice of calling the Police
on shoplifters. Think about that for a second, we've swung completely upside down as a
society with this type of thinking. Recently a Policeman shot and killed a crazed man as he
came charging out a front door wielding a knife over his head running at the officer to kill
him with the knife, the officer ran away but eventually had no choice but to turn and shoot
this man, and people came out in large numbers and protested the officers actions. I guess he
was supposed to sacrifice his life to the black lives matter movement. So in the vocal black
community there is absolutely no need for personal responsibility anymore, no matter what
someone does it's always everyone else's fault, or our racist societies fault, but never
their own due to their own behavior. Now that's some scary shit.
13 minutes "Systemic Racism" Let me start by saying I'm self educated, my observations my
own, I follow no one, and I have no followers :) People are misunderstanding the reasons for
their economic problems (meaning poverty), and inability to ever improve conditions, and
describing it as Systemic Racism. Truth is we all have limited horizons. Parochial, whether
by geography or class, or both. Where I live I see a mix of all race/ethnic- mostly caucasian
(white) Americans, impoverished , homeless, miserable, who tried and failed so much they have
given up. Black people see the same thing but it's mostly black people where they chose to
live. Same with Asians, South Americans, Somalians (Ilhan Omar :( and so forth. Whats stuck
everyone in the mud is called NAIRU (natural anti inflation rate of unemployment), a rule
adopted by all the central banks around the world including the USA and Australia in the last
half of the 1970"s. Search & find dozens of varying descriptions of what NAIRU is about.
That was when or first homeless appeared (generally "overpaid" union American farm workers at
first) It means permanent high unemployment, adjusted by the central banks, leaving workers
in surplus, in order to keep wages flat or slightly declining. In the USA add to that mass
runaway immigration of low skilled workers accustomed to minimal wage. Think of it as a game
of musical chairs. The number of chairs (jobs) is slowly increasing, but the number of people
looking for chairs increases faster. Thus our large and seemingly permanent population living
in alleys and street sidewalks, never able to find employment, and given in to despair. Trump
has turned off NAIRU at our central bank, and greatly slowed the excessive and illegal
immigration, and until the Pandemic shutdowns, turning everything around. A tighter labor
market had employers rehabilitating older homeless workers and employing them, plus raising
wages to attract workers
16:48 Fascism- characterized by
dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and
of the economy. Anarchism - is a political philosophy and movement which is skeptical of
authority and rejects all involuntary, coercive forms of hierarchy. Communism - a
socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production
and the absence of social classes, money and the state. It looks like the congressman is
putting negative words together without understanding they are opposites of each other. He's
become a politician.
Yes! FINALLY someone is contradicting the false claim of "both sides are doing it" with
censorship and cancel culture. Now, if only people would talk specifically about how CRT
fuels the insanity, we would have a chance to pull our country out of this spiral of
destruction. A sane person in Portland needs a little help here!
For 40 years I paid a large chunk of my Paycheck into Social Security. How can Dan call
this an Entitlement. I guess the paycheck that I worked for is an Entitlement too. When did
the labor that I provide become an entitlement. Entitlements are when something of value is
given to those that did nothing to earn it, like welfare checks.
Interesting analysis! Systemic racism is everywhere,🙄 is in the institutions?,
**but it's in you 😳and you don't know it?** So you have to change the institutions
and make the UNEQUAL👹? in order to create
equality🥴😂🤣😂😆😂😂 Isn't Radical Left =
The defunding of the police is to set the way for a national police as proposed by
President Obama in 2009 governed by DC. In its place temporarily, the strong arm of this
movement are Antifa and BLM. I equate these groups to the Brown Shirts of the Nazi party in
the 1930s. Once the German police were pacified and converted to the ideals of the party an
SS was created along with a Ghestappo which made the Brown Shirts an irrelevant and dangerous
group. It was destroyed in The Night of the Long Knives. Now you truly have the recipe for
central control and the tendency towards repression of those that will not conform.
Crenshaw spoke disingenuously about "the debt crisis, " blaming it on seniors. Surely he
realizes we have a fiat money system -- the bankers and other mega-corporate interests seized
TRILLIONS recently in two massive "Covid" heists." Bankers got trillions in October in a REPO
rescue, which was barely reported. Add their 2008 bailout, costing $21 trillion. And don't
forget defense industry payouts PLUS an even larger stealth siphoning revealed in the
delinquent Pentagon audit -- it exposed more TRILLIONS missing! And #Unappropriated by
Congress ! Their excuse: oops, "clerical" Why doesn't Rep Crenshaw complain about trillions
disappeared by the military? Or going to rich bankers? Yeah. Blame it on Boomers living on
Social Security... and who had FICA taxes removed from their paychecks for decades.
Social security is not an entitlement but money that the working class had taken out of
their paychecks for the time they worked for me 35 plus years but maybe your too young to
know about your home work
The globalist technological revolution that we are in the midst of has pulled the economic
and cultural rug out from under the vast majority of citizens of western capitalist
democracies. Many people feel as though they no longer have anything of value to provide
others in a society based on the free and voluntary exchange of goods and services, or if
they do, that someone in China will provide it for far less. This reality has set the stage
for the attractiveness of Marxist ideology. We have made the average person in the West
obsolete or superfluous.
A little tidbit for you. A couple of weeks ago, a Facebook (on which I seldom post) "friend"
shared a TDS video about Trump "conspiracy theories". I replied saying conspiracies exist,
identifying them is the problem. His response basically challenged me to "prove it". I provided
several links, including a couple of court cases, showing that the media ignores what does not
fit their narrative. I closed by saying the TDS crowd is delusional. Trump is different in
kind, not substance.
Today, I was notified that a different "friend" had shared a video. It was another mindless
rant about Trump and his lies about election fraud. Facebook has blocked my ability to comment.
But hey, there's no such thing as Big Brother. I wasn't "supporting" Trump, only pointing out
the narrative is managed.
I really don't understand either side of the Trump thing. US elections, for decades, have
been about which competing faction of the corporate uni-party in Congress gets to call the
shots. Trump is his own corporate party, which stunned both the Demicans and Republocrat Inc.s.
He has cut in on their territory and will pay the price for not being compliant. To return to
the vernacular of my misspent youth – same shit, different pile.
"... Obviously the 2016 elections were just as rigged and choreographed (despite backfiring dramatically) as the most recent one, but who could have done the choreography? What organization could get the "Operation Mockingbird" mass media to sing in chorus? What organization that is deeply intertwined with the State Department that Clinton was the head of also has long-running plans like color revolution preparations, proxy wars, and covert actions around the globe that would greatly benefit from a seamlessly smooth transition of imperial figureheads? ..."
"The seeds of this scheme were planted several months prior to the 2016 election when
Hillary Clinton authorized a smear campaign against Trump..." --quoted by our host
In other words, this was initiated during the primaries, at which point Trump even being
allowed to be a candidate in the general election was inconceivable. How could the Clinton
campaign have known that the corporate mass media would be giving Trump hundreds of $millions
in free advertising at that point? How could the Clinton campaign have known that the joke
candidate could beat out serious career politicians? How could the Clinton campaign have
known so early they would be facing off against the Great Orange Ogre in the general?
Obviously the 2016 elections were just as rigged and choreographed (despite backfiring
dramatically) as the most recent one, but who could have done the choreography? What
organization could get the "Operation Mockingbird" mass media to sing in chorus? What
organization that is deeply intertwined with the State Department that Clinton was the head
of also has long-running plans like color revolution preparations, proxy wars, and covert
actions around the globe that would greatly benefit from a seamlessly smooth transition of
imperial figureheads?
That would be the same organization that thinks crickets in Cuba are Soviet brain rays
damaging its operatives' soft and fragile minds, so it really is no surprise that they
screwed the pooch with their "brilliant plan" in 2016. They only managed to regain
control of the imperial figurehead position in 2020 by using banana republic election fraud.
Fortunately they have a lot of practice with that kind of work and they have Big Tech and the
corporate mass media fully on board to help. It is quite obvious that they would have failed
again otherwise.
Basically, we can take some comfort from the gross incompetence that the CIA has had on
display for many years now.
Trump was declared the presumptive Republican nominee by Republican National Committee
chairman Reince Priebus on May 3.
In April 2016, an attorney for Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC hired Fusion GPS
to investigate Trump. In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele's firm to compile the
"The majority of Trump's recent tweets are currently censored. I don't care how
misleading or even false they are. That's not for Twitter to arbitrate. People cheering this
power-grab by unelected tech officials are authoritarian dupes" --quoted by our host
There is a shorter word for "authoritarian dupes" . It is "fascist" .
"Sure, we'll have fascism in this country, and we'll call it anti-fascism" " --Huey
Biden hasn't won anything. And Kamala is like a vulture hanging over the soon to be dead
Biden if he alleged does win so that whatever it is can take over as President.
Seems to me Dems didn't win, Trump lost, and not due to Dems but to Reps not supporting him, thus Reps overperform in other
races while Trump loses. Dems may have worse problems then the results indicate.
Likbez, November 7, 2020 10:14 pm
@Lond, November 7, 2020 11:17 am
Seems to me Dems didn't win, Trump lost, and not due to Dems but to Reps not supporting him
OTOH, if Trump fanboys call it quits, Dems could really win.
While departure of Trump is long overdue, Dems lose in any scenario. First of all, the return to proponents of neoliberal globalization contradicts the world trajectory. Also the rise of far right nationalism can't be stopped as it is byproduct of the current crisis of neoliberalism, which will
Trump being booted out of office 'unfairly' in view of his supporters may be the optimal scenario for him in certain ways and
definitely for the country. Although Biden is essentially "Meet the New Boss. Same as the Old Boss". And he is a hostage of Russiagate, Ukrainegate and
his son's China adventures.
In no way he will be allowed by Repugs to pursue any significant changes, even if he wants them (he actually do not; those
were all election time fakes.) Like Trump he will betray most of his election promises and will rule like classic neoliberal corporatist. Bush III if you
Trump ended TPP, NAFTA, the Paris Accords and men in high school girls' bathrooms. He also
doubled your standard deduction and child tax credit, defunded Planned Parenthood and named
three Supreme Court Justices.
If you don't like him that's fine but why lie? We get enough of that from Biden.
heavyweights such as Christie, as well as media outlets like the NY Post, which was
shilling Bannon's kompromat on Hunter Biden just two weeks beforehand.
That statement is not the whole story. It was Twitter and the majority of the MSM that
saved Biden from the truth being known about his family influence peddling. Half of America
falsely believed that the Hunter Biden China story was Russian propaganda. All that is
institutionally wrong about America – and the whole federal establishment feared that
If that swamp story had gotten its due – the world would have shook and Trump would
have won this election by a landslide.
For me, Mr. Hanson perfectly articulated how most Americans feel about Trump, our American
traditions and the leftist revolutionary zeitgeist of the Democratic party, the creature of
the international elite and self-appointed intelligentsia. Hanson correctly points out that
while Mr. Trump may be ousted, he in fact won the election if the rules set forth by the
legislatures in conformity to the US Constitution had been followed.
If I might extrapolate upon his brilliant exposition, I believe that Mr. Trump has set in
motion a massive red wave of nationalism and patriotism in the majority of Americans; if Mr.
Biden ultimately takes the Oval office, it will be to little avail.
Barring executive orders (which will only serve to inflame the passions of the red wave)
he will be ineffective and unable to pass any meaningful legislation given the future
composition of Congress.
Further, I believe a Biden presidency will do more to energize and invigorate the red wave
electorate than any supposed Trump oratorical excesses and guarantee a massive red wave
counter-left-revolutionary victory in 2024 sweeping the presidency and both houses of
Congress. I would not discount a Trump run for the presidency in 2024.
When it became evident that election results weren't going to come within 24 hours, my
friend Amy offered a smart suggestion.
"My unsolicited advice to everyone," she began.
"Turn off the news. Put your phones down. Go enjoy your evening. Play with your kids, get
lost in a book, hit the gym, or binge-watch a good series."
She added, "We've got the best of the best working on this. You won't miss anything tonight
by unplugging. I am about to do the same."
Now it appears that it's going to go into next week. Nevada announced that they would need
an additional seven days to count their final 500,000 votes. Funny, Florida counted 21 times
that number -- 10.5 million -- to give election results within 24 hours.
But as Amy said, "We've got the best of the best working on this," and so we do.
The campaign has filed lawsuits
in at least four states: Nevada, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia, and the campaign has
requested a recount in Wisconsin, with campaign manager Bill Stepien citing "irregularities in
several Wisconsin counties."
But what's the delay this time? Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden might have offered
a hint last month when he discussed voter fraud.
"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in
the history of American politics," he
said .
He obviously didn't intend to say that they had put together a "voter fraud organization,"
but it could have been a Freudian slip -- unintended but suggesting something in his
subconscious. And let's face it, counting is fast and easy. Counting in a manner to achieve a
desired result without getting caught takes time.
The story goes that the late Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daly used to withhold Windy City vote
counts in state and national elections until the results from conservative downstate districts
came in, so that he would know what numbers he needed for Democratic victories.
2020 was supposed to have been a blue wave all the way down ballot, but it didn't turn out
that way.
Republicans were especially vulnerable in the Senate because they had to defend nearly twice
the number of seats as Democrats -- 23 to 12 -- and Democrats spent $315 million to flip seats
in Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Montana, South Carolina, and Texas.
They came up bupkis.
Yes, the GOP lost seats in Colorado and Arizona, but flipped a seat in Alabama, and very
nearly did the same in Michigan.
On the House side Speaker Nancy Pelosi predicted Tuesday would be a big night for
Of the 416 House seats that appear to have been decided as of Thursday, Republicans picked
up an additional 10, and they lead in 10 of the 19 still undecided.
In order to flip the House majority, the GOP would only have to take four more in addition
to the 10 they're leading in.
Fox News anchor Bret Baier commented on this in light of Pelosi's Election Day
"This is quite something -- as we are looking at the Presidential and Senate races,"
said . Think back to
@SpeakerPelosi 's news conferences with her predictions about the election."
This is all important because even if the president loses his re-election bid:
The GOP has remained in control of the Senate -- the most effective firewall to anything
coming out of a Democratic House or White House
The GOP has reduced the Democrats' (and Pelosi's) power in the House, and even has a
chance (albeit a small one) of flipping that chamber
Republicans continued their dominance of the state legislatures, especially important
this year when new congressional district lines will be drawn
President Trump has appointed some 300 conservative federal jurists, including three to
the Supreme Court, making the high court the most constitutionally-focused and least activist
in decades
Democrats have screamed for four years that 2016 was rigged by Vladimir Putin working in
concert with the president, yet now they denounce any hint or suggestion that 2020 might be
tainted with fraud.
And when the president eventually emerges victorious in this battle, my friend Amy had a
request for her Democratic friends (with tongue planted firmly in cheek).
"Would one of my Biden friends grab me a 70" 8K TV before you torch Best Buy?" she asked.
Um, could you make that two?
But seriously, relax. No matter what happens, we got this one.
Michael Dorstewitz is a retired lawyer and has been a frequent contributor to BizPac Review
and Liberty Unyielding. He is also a former U.S. Merchant Marine officer and an enthusiastic
Second Amendment supporter, who can often be found honing his skills at the range. Read Michael
Dorstewitz's Reports -- More Here.Posts by Michael
1. He is a victim/martyr to his right-wing constituency, in much the same way that Erdogan
has always portrayed himself as a 'man of the people' and representative of the poor
conservative rural Turks and still an outsider in comparison to the secular urban elites.
This 'otherness' or being separate from the establishment/elite/'swamp' is very good for
Trumps' image. Even though he is a billionaire and has been part of the US elite for
2. With the economy going to go through problems due to covid and other issues, Trump can
try and attribute blame for the then incumbent Biden/Harris regime and free himself of any
blame and say that he has better answers.
3. He may well go on to forming his 'Trump TV' with Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura
Ingraham as is the current chatter amongst some and be seen as the de facto 'leader of the
opposition', a term not really used in the (dis)United States but common in many/most other
1. The phrase 'Make America Great Again' implicitly acknowledges that America which is
supposedly, 'the greatest country in the world', is not great and hence needs its 'greatness'
The problem is that the US rose to global hegemony amongst a backdrop of huge industrial
and manufacturing power. Whilst the Europeans were fighting each other on their continent in
WW2, US manufacturing was booming.
Then in the 70s US courts said factories were liable to huge lawsuits for environmental
and medical problems caused by them hence the resultant 'outsourcing' or transfer or labour
to countries with cheaper labour costs such as China, Vietnam, Bangladesh etc.
2. This de-industrialization of the US or at least decimating of its manufacturing leads
to systemic unemployment in the long run. The US is lucky in that it can still flourish with
the reserve dollar, a status it enforces with its global imperial power. However with the
Sino-Russian block seeking to end dollar hegemony the questions are:
- How long will dollar hegemony last for?
- At what pace will it decrease?
-To what point does the US economy experience decline until it substantially impacts the US
3. The same sort of 'patriots' and right-wingers in the early 2000s who would have cheered
on a US war in the early Bush era and before are now often the most opposed to war. Not on
grounds of altruism but because it doesn't benefit the US, or they themselves see no tangible
benefits whilst the US experiences socio-economic decline.
This trend of economic decline is only going to continue and with it US power.
The US is hardly interested in flexing its - still considerable - muscles in Libya. That
theatre is between the Turks, Arabs and Russians. The US is hardly much of a party in the
tension between Greece and Turkey over their EEZ claims.
This is now replicating itself in the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict where the US has little
power and the main external actors are the Turks and Russians and some others.
Expect this sort of trend to continue whereby regional actors and others will decide on
regional 'solutions' (arrangements) free of the US.
4. As for the US internally, it will experience some sort of internal decline and it will
a: Change itself fundamentally.
b: Experience cessation or 'semi-cessation'. The latter meaning that the states will have a
new deal with the centre, whereby the 'US' can still exist but the states can opt out of
things they don't like.
c: Civil war or internal conflict, think post-George Floyd riots X 10 amidst the background
of far greater poverty in the future.
P.S. In terms of right-wing militias, the military if anything has indicated it is
slightly 'anti-Trump' (the hero of the right-wing militias). The military is a
civic-nationalist, racially inclusive organisation whose current head of the air force is a
black man. This is why in some quarters of the internet some US right-wingers who aware of
this are not so confident about default US backing of any right-wing
The United States is a monopoly two-party fascist system. It is a nexus of profiteering
corporate power, and a two-party cabal of American Exceptionalism. The idea the Democrats are
'commies' is laughable and shows how deeply red the Kool Aid runs. The Democrats just told
the Bernie wing of the Party to shut-up or leave. And why not? The Democrats will tally up a
five million vote plurality over Trump by playing to the right. It got them a President
without a Congress. Thank the "Karen" constituency. Mission Accomplished.
Sure, bring on Tucker as the next Trump, or Don Jr or whatever other celebrity fascist you
want. This particular bell of Pavlov's doesn't work on all the dogs. There is a seething
anti-fascist sentiment out there against for-profit healthcare, politics and war. Before a
4th Reich takes hold in the USA, a Civil War will be fought and the left, verified by study
after study, is more intelligent as a group.
The foreign policy of the USA is fully bi-partisan. Did a Democrat make a peep about the
all the weapons-based 'peace deals' Trump made with the Oil Kingdoms? No. Do the Dems
disagree about regime change anywhere the USA contemplates it? No. Do the Dems want to get
rid of anything but bad manners? No.
So please, knock off the existential BS about Dems 'stealing' the election. Stealing what
exactly? The high ground of plausible deniability? Hilarious.
(Prophecy for the small brains) And so Trump lost the election. What does it
It signifies the end of democracy in USA. Democratic win puts the fate of USA solidly on
the path of dictatorship ergo permanent rule by Democratic party. Democrats never accepted
Republican presidency. Constant and continues rabid attack on Trump presidency did without
doubt proven that. Rule by democrats also means continuous decline of influence of white
people in USA, until that influence will vanish altogether. Eventually all government jobs
will be filled by colored people. (Talking about color revolution)
The beast itself; Hillary was correct in one fact, she did claim that she did win the
popular vote by 3 million. In this election Democrats did get win by popular vote of four
Democrats will jealously guard that this trend will continue. One of the first thing
president Biden will do to give citizenship to dreamers. That will push the Democratic
overstock above 7 million.
Republican party will never win an election ever. Republican party will vanish into
oblivion. There is one good thing about this happening. No dictatorship led by dictator will
tolerate subservience to foreign power. So with vanishing Republicans the Jewish power will
vanish also.
This will absolutely positively happen, It could be derailed only if Biden presidency is
hit by large economic or financial calamity.
Than all bets are off.
The Orange Man is not always easy to judge because he gives (a few lollipops) to the
massively attacked whites and (bigger lollipops) to his jewish financial supporters. Now it
seems to be an ancient jewish tradition that in case of conflict there will always be jewish
controllers on both sides which has the obvious benefit that – whatever the outcome
– jewish interests will remain paramount. After his 4 years of office it seems that
Trump was mostly an Israel Firster and that his white supporters felt somewhat abandoned
despite his populist tweets – which confirms the usefulness of this tradition.
It looks a bit like the USA is being set up for a violent showdown which will exhaust both
sides (the patriotic whites versus the BLM+Antifa supporters) and maybe could give complete
control to the globalists.
Now the Christian cultures resisted destruction ~1000 years ago in Spain. Could we do it
The result of this election can be summarized with one phase "Strange non-death of
Joe Biden win is a win the tech companies, the big banks, Beijing, as well a PMC
likbez 11.07.20 at 5:37 pm ( )
It's entirely possible that Biden will be a 1 term President, and this is something that
Democrats should have given some thought to. But they had other, sillier, things on their
mind, and, well, here we are.
They don't care. It is return to business as usual -- classic neoliberalism with the
classic neoliberal globalization on the agenda. And this is all that matter to them.
The people behind Joe Biden are Clinton classic neoliberals. Who ruled the country since
1990th with a well known result.
It is unclear what will happen in 2020 as Biden is a weak politician clearly unable of
dealing with the current crisis the country faces. He is kick the can down the road type of
And some start speculate that Dems the might get Tucker Carlson in 2024 as the opponent to
(2) From an American perspective, Republican control of the Senate means that the Dems
have limited scope to carry out grandiose economic and social experiments. Which I doubt
Biden is much interested in anyway. (Incidentally, the idea that Biden or Copmala is in any
way a "socialist" is yet another far-fetched MAGA fantasy just ask the folks at Chapo Trap House ). The idea that he came to
power via fraud will not be quite enough to delegitimize the Biden Presidency – it's
not like George W. Bush's narrow and contested victory over Al Gore in Florida remained
much of an issue after a couple of months – but it certainly wouldn't hurt
Republicans to have that as an additional rhetorical tool.
(3) Most consequentially, this substantially discredits American soft power and its
"democracy promotion" efforts.
Trump's downfall was support for Israel over American needs (kept his hard core base, but
lost the periphery), his lies about bringing the troops home and stopping the wars and
support for private parties in foreign lands, lies about reducing the size of the budget,
bragging about a murder of a general on a peace mission, support of MBS over murder of
Khasoggi, and many failures to understand that domestic bureaucracies in government are
designed to keep civil leadership from changing entrenched government.
As you investigate the private wealth and power stack that contain, and drive the elected
government many things come to light that voters held Trump accountable for:
layer 1: global franchisor sets rules of play; establishes goals local nation state
franchisees must obtain to remain in power.
this layer is bankers and the bureaucracies they establish-in functioning governments and the
global corporations listed
the major market and exchanges.
Layer 2: oligarch <= national (wall street beneficiaries who use their wealth to conform
national outcome consistent with global powers). this layer is the nation (basically local
banking and monopoly powered corporations) they control access by the
governed to opportunity.. and wealth. and privilege of being an officer in the military of
member of the elected government.
also in this layer are the and road and bridge building, trucks, ships, and planes
contractors and transport providers..
Layer 3: the copyright and patent monopoly powers vested in 90% of the Assets corporations
show on their balance sheets.
this is the relative new layer, in which all technology is saved for use by only those who
are part of the nation state scam.
5g and driver less vehicles, space travel.
Layer 4: the think tank and other private organizations the bureaucracies regulate, fund and
Here millions even billions of dollars in private money flows and is matched by government
funding. Its is where the
secret services, home land scammers and university system resides.
public<= layer 5: the elected 527 person government that regulate the members of the
Layer 6: Intergovernmental Bureaucracies limit and direct elected power to global goals.
this is the huge government bought and paid for bureaucracy.
public<= layer 7: the 340,000,000 members of the highly public
layer 8: Keynesian stimulus restrain economic system control
Here is the private banking system, Swift, and other financial systems, mostly this is model
layer 9: the media which programs the environment variables and keeps the narrative on track
(many techniques)
Access to the science of psychology and propaganda are maintained as well as access to the
this is crowd control, thought control and mind control.
Layers 5 and 7 are encapsulated within an privately owned envelop of powers who control,
support, and defend the private interest overlay that engulfs leaders trying to make some
the election of the president is a false flag and he of all persons should have done a
better job of understanding this.
.. the purpose of the presidential election is to extract from the Oligarchs campaign funds
and from corporate shareholders (their dividends) by demanding they contribute political
costs to the privately owned media, via government assisted tax deductible advertising. Its
those advertising dollars that makes in possible for private media to control politics in
nearly every nation in the world.
Article II and amendment 12 clearly deny the American people any say in who is to be the P
and VP of the USA.
It seems that the powers that be are finally managing to get rid of U.S. President
Donald Trump.
While Trump's domestic policies have been as much to the favor of the very rich as those
of his predecessors, his foreign policies were remarkably different. A Harris (Biden)
regime will return to 'business as usual' and be more aggressive. That is the reason why I
for one will miss Trump.
The unceremonial dethronement of Trump will also have domestic consequences. His voters
will inevitably call it a fraud. A Harris (Biden) administration is unlikely to have the
funds needed to fight the pandemic and its disastrous economic consequences. That together
could give rise to a challenger who combines Trump's rightwing populism with political
competence. That is a prospect everyone should fear.
Ever since Donald Trump entered the political stage he was fought by the
military-media-intelligence establishment with ruthless campaigns designed to regime
change him :
The seeds of this scheme were planted several months prior to the 2016 election when
Hillary Clinton authorized a smear campaign against Trump alleging that he's secretly a
"Russian agent". It was hoped that this would discredit the race's frontrunner and thus
result in handing her the presidency that November. This eventually morph into the
discredited "Steele dossier" and the subsequent Russiagate conspiracy theory. The purpose
of these information warfare provocations was to delegitimize Trump's election,
insincerely present the Democrats as the guardians of America's electoral integrity, and
therefore powerfully shape public perceptions ahead of the 2020 election. During the
interim, a related narrative was weaponized claiming that Trump is a corrupt lawbreaker
and wannabe dictator who'll cling to power at all costs.
Now, as it seems that Joe Biden may win the presidency, there is no longer a need to
promote the fake 'Russiagate' stories.
Amazing how quick the "Russian meddling" narrative died, in the US, once it became
clear that the 'correct' candidate was going to win the election, wasn't it?
After all, the folk who pushed it don't want to delegitimise Joe Biden's forthcoming
Just in time for the election three major pillars of 'Russiagate' were thoroughly
debunked and quietly buried.
Amazing. Hours before Election Day comes news that Mueller aggressively tried to
prosecute Assange and Roger Stone for a conspiracy related to the 2016 DNC/Podesta
emails, but ran into "factual...hurdles" which could not establish any conspiracy.
Perfect time to memory-hole this
intelligence - Meduza spoke to all the likely sources behind the 'Steele dossier.'
The report that forever transformed Donald Trump into a 'Russian agent' looks less and
less convincing.
Self-styled whistleblower Christopher Wylie and The Guardian reporter Carole Cadwalladr
earned film deals and flashy awards by blaming Brexit and Trump on a sweeping conspiracy
between data firm Cambridge Analytica and Russia. A British government investigation
shatters their claims to fame .
It is no wonder then that Trump's followers now doubt all vote counts that disfavor
Mainstream media has played a huge role in eroding American confidence in our elections.
They spent four years saying Trump's 2016 win was just a gift from Putin. Now the media
is incredulous that so many Americans don't trust the electoral system they succeeded in
Given the way Trump was fought throughout the last four and a half years it is hard to
believe that the current part of the process, especially the counting of absentee / mail-in
votes, is handled without similar shenanigans taking place.
Election administrators have a shorthand name for a central weakness of voting by mail.
They call it granny farming.
"The problem," said Murray A. Greenberg, a former county attorney in Miami, "is really
with the collection of absentee ballots at the senior citizen centers." In Florida,
people affiliated with political campaigns "help people vote absentee," he said. "And
help is in quotation marks."
Voters in nursing homes can be subjected to subtle pressure, outright intimidation or
fraud. The secrecy of their voting is easily compromised. And their ballots can be
intercepted both coming and going.
The problem is not limited to the elderly, of course. Absentee ballots also make it
much easier to buy and sell votes. In recent years, courts have invalidated mayoral
elections in Illinois and Indiana because of fraudulent absentee ballots.
And what about this? Why are private media companies allowed to selectively censor the
The majority of Trump's recent tweets are currently censored. I don't care how
misleading or even false they are. That's not for Twitter to arbitrate. People cheering
this power-grab by unelected tech officials are authoritarian dupes
Claiming that 'Trump is evil' or that he lies as all politicians do does not justify
From an international perspective Trump is certainly not the worst
president ever:
Without Trump, the world stage will be poorer. Trump was good for world peace. He didn't
start a war anywhere, which is not something that can be said for most of his
predecessors. Trump was a master of skulduggery -- a farcical coup attempt in Venezuela,
a ghastly political assassination in Iraq -- but indeed knew where to stop when Iran
rained a hundred missiles on the American bases in Iraq.
Trump claimed to be ever ready to have a battle but never had one. He vowed to unleash
"fire and fury" on North Korea but ended up saying, "We fell in love", after the [then]
historic meeting in 2018 with Kim Jong Un. In reality, Trump unwittingly speeded up the
processes favouring multipolarity.
We will of course not miss Mike Pompous, the most lying Secretary of State ever, or
Matthew Pottinger who tried his best to antagonize China. Nor will we miss Marshall
Bellingslea who intended to destroy all the arms control agreements that have kept this
planet alive.
But those were side figures and much less effective than they would have been with the
full backing of a competent president. They are mere rats who are now already leaving the
James Jeffrey, US Special Envoy for Syria, is leaving his post after an apparent Biden
victory -- Asharq Al-Awsat
What we must fear now is the 'business as usual' that is coming next
Trump has not been defeated by a Bernie Sanders; he has been defeated by a corrupt
political hack backed to the hilt by the large majority of the billionaire owned media,
financed out of Wall street and with no intention of pursuing anything other than
neo-liberal economic policies. It is also the firm re-establishment of the rule of the
security state and the military-industrial complex. Trump's instinctive isolationism made
him an enemy of the security state interest which spent a great deal of time in trying to
undermine its President.
With Biden we will return to business as usual, and that means war and invasions.
Under Trump we have had no new wars started, even if he continued old ones with little
control. Without Trump, I have not the tiniest doubt that Syria would have been bombed
back to the Stone Age, exactly like Libya, and millions more people would have been
killed. Irrespective of the undoubted damage Trump has caused inside the United States
across many fronts, Hillary would have killed a lot more people. Just not Americans.
The Harris (Biden) foreign policy will be much
more aggressive than Trump's has ever been:
The Biden campaign has worked tirelessly over the past year to channel the image of
Joe Biden as a "serious person," particularly on foreign policy matters. Biden, according
to this
narrative , is an elder statesman who grasps the intricacies of international
politics. Trump, by contrast, is
presented as an inept bull in a china shop who only
speaks the language of "fire and fury." Only Biden, we are told, can bring back
stability around the globe.
Don't believe a word of it. This carefully curated image of Joe Biden's strategic
acumen and geopolitical foresight is at odds with the former vice president's own stated
views and policy track record. His statements about a variety of countries suggest that
they are based less on a strategic view of world affairs than snap judgments.
The Harris (Biden) regime is likely to concentrate on foreign policy because it will,
for lack of money, have trouble to be effective on domestic issues.
The Senate is likely to stay under Republican control. After trillions of deficits
accumulated under Trump the Republicans will now, under a Democratic president, again find
their inner deficit hawk:
Senate committee talk from Graham: If we keep the Senate which I think we will and I
become Budget chairman. I'd like to create a dialogue about how can we finally begin to
address the debt.
While a runaway pandemic unleashes its devastating economic consequences the new
Republican austerity position is likely to have
catastrophic effects .
For the next four years Trump and his followers will inevitably claim that fraud must
have played a role in his loss.
In the movie "Citizen Kane," a tycoon runs for political office. In advance of the
election result, his newspaper prepares two headlines after the election. One headline
says: "Kane Elected" and the other says: "Fraud At Polls."
This feels spookily prophetic today.
We have reasons to fear what is likely to evolve from this.
Watching trumpers bringing the dolchstoss is nice support for my thesis " the dark
energy of fascism will draw its power from trump's defeat not his victory "
The disputed election, the gigantic economic downturn and an aggressive foreign policy
will pave the way for a
more effective populist :
Make no mistake: The attempt to harness Trumpism -- without Trump, but with calculated,
refined, and smarter political talent -- is coming. And it won't be easy to make the next
Trumpist a one-term president. He will not be so clumsy or vulnerable. He will get into
office less by luck than by skill.
At the moment, the Democratic Party risks celebrating Trump's loss and moving on -- an
acute danger, especially because many of its constituencies, the ones that drove Trump's
loss, are understandably tired. A political nap for a few years probably looks appealing
to many who opposed Trump, but the real message of this election is not that Trump lost
and Democrats triumphed. It's that a weak and untalented politician lost, while the rest
of his party has completely entrenched its power over every other branch of government :
the perfect setup for a talented right-wing populist to sweep into office in 2024. And
make no mistake: They're all thinking about it.
While I would not have voted for Trump I rue what is following him.
Posted by b on November 7, 2020 at 12:18 UTC |
The paradox of our times.
That a compulsive liar was the one who spoke more truths about US/Nato foreign policy
blunders and aggression. From the role of Obama and Gulf States in creating Isis (wittingly
or not) to the corruption and dishonesty of US media and politics. All this is true, in
spite of Trump being one of the worst and most prolific liars to hold public office.
The other major paradox, is that we must now rely on Russia and China to be the 'good
guys' in opposing the Empire, which as outlined above, will soon be back on all cylinders
and running full steam ahead again.
Can't tell you how many times i get into arguments pointing this out and more, when
partisanship and biased viewpoints prevent objectively understanding what is actually going
on, and even the smartest of people somehow are incapable of perceiving multiple truths at
People too often confuse paradox with contradiction.
2021-24 is not going to be an easy four years for Biden/Harris.
Will Trump stay on in the GOP to go for 2024? Or will he exit the stage (my guess) and get
on with his abfab "Mr President" post-office billionaire life style of all smiles (and many
new contracts)? And if he bows out, then who is next up for Republicans 2024?
And now for a vision of the future via a 10-year rear-vision mirror to 2010:
The economic/demographic historian Peter Turchin analyzes revolutions, and he has a
model of how they happen: generally elite "over production" with elites openly struggling
for power. His analysis of the US indicates that political antagonisms are at their highest
level since the eve of the Civil War. While that kind of war is unlikely, the sort of
street fighting that crushed the Weimar Republic is very likely. Whether the US descends in
dictatorship is the real question. In any event, the Republic is dead, killed by egregious
electoral fraud.
Arrest The Bidens - The FBI And The Corrupt Media
Were Handed A Laptop (From Hell) With CLEAR And
Irrefutable Direct Evidence Of Major Crimes Committed
By Joe, Hunter And The Entire Biden Crime Family
Michael McCaffrey is a writer and cultural critic who lives in Los Angeles. His work can be
read at RT, Counterpunch and at his website . He is also the host of the popular cinema
podcast Looking California and
Feeling Minnesota. Follow him on Twitter @MPMActingCo 23:32 Biden's electoral victory has been met
with cheers, proving that gullible Americans are eager to get fooled once again.
A few hours ago I was startled by a collective shout that went out across my neighborhood
here in Los Angeles. I had no idea what all the noise was about, but people were making quite
an exuberant ruckus. After checking the news I quickly realized the cheers were due to the fact
that all the networks were officially calling the presidential race for Joe Biden.
I haven't heard that much happy screaming since a few weeks ago when the Dodgers won the
World Series, and before that when the Lakers won the NBA championship. It is apropos that
Angelinos would cheer Biden's victory the same way they celebrated their sports team's titles
as all of these events are nothing but a function of empty tribalism and vacuous emotionalism
that in the long run don't actually mean a damn thing.
For the fools here in the City of Angels celebrating Biden's victory, nothing will
fundamentally change in their lives, for good or for ill. They will still have to step over
hordes of homeless people and used needles and human excrement as they navigate this sick,
venal, miserable third world shithole trying, and usually failing, to scratch out a living and
to make ends meet.
Biden's rapturously received electoral victory is a vacant win for nothing but a
stylistic change. The hysterically happy masses around me are overjoyed because Biden isn't as
much of a boor as Trump, not exactly a high bar. That said, Biden will certainly be more of a
bore than Trump.
On substance, Biden is, like the Orange Man liberals love to loathe, a shameless
corporatist who will bend over backwards to fill the coffers of the fat cats in board rooms and
on Wall Street, all while screwing over poor, working and middle-class people.
Biden's ascension to the American throne is akin to the dreadful sitcom Two and a Half
Men replacing Charlie Sheen with Ashton Kutcher. The obnoxious Sheen and his "tiger blood"
were gone, but the show still really sucked and Kutcher was an annoying jerk in his own
As far as Biden replacing Trump goes, for people like me, things will only change on the
surface and the sitcom that is American politics will still suck.
For instance, those who think public college should be tuition free for the working class
and student debt cancelled, meet Joe Biden, the man who was instrumental in getting a
bankruptcy bill passed that made it impossible to discharge student debt , thus damning
generations to indentured servitude to pay back school loans over-inflated through government
For people who think we should have universal health care, meet Joe Biden, an architect of
Obamacare, that insidious bill written by insurance companies that fleeces Americans by forcing
people to buy their abysmal product at exorbitant prices under force of law. Biden, similar to
Trump, has even promised to
veto any universal health care bill that would ever come to his desk.
For those opposed to Wall Street socializing losses while privatizing gains, meet Joe Biden,
who will, like Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump before him, populate his administration with
nefarious Wall Street shills and despicable devotees of the Goldman Sachs cult who will
hungrily devour any taxpayer bailouts that they can get their hands on.
For peace loving people who think America should be less militaristic, belligerent and
bellicose abroad, meet Joe Biden, the man who voted for the
Iraq War that killed tens of thousands, and is a poodle to the Pentagon with an itchy
trigger finger to get tough with America's adversaries, be they real or imagined, across the
For those who think the drug war and criminal justice system are an abject failure, meet Joe
Biden, the man who wrote the 1994 Crime Bill that has given
America the dubious distinction of having the highest prison population rate in the entire
For working class folks that have repeatedly gotten screwed by Washington's corporate
friendly free trade policies that decimated the manufacturing base in America and eventually
led to the rise of Donald Trump, meet Joe Biden, the
NAFTA -loving narcissist who pretends to be a man of the people but is really the lap dog
of big money interests.
For those who despised Trump for his war on the press, meet Joe Biden, who was vice
president for Obama, the man who waged more than a Trumpian rhetorical war on the press, but an
actual war on the press by using the
Espionage Act to prosecute whistleblowers more times than every other president in US
history combined.
For people outraged by Trump putting "kids in cages" as part of his crackdown on illegal
immigration, meet Joe Biden, who was vice president during the Obama administration which
aggressively deported
more immigrants than Trump and who also put "kids in cages".
For every emotionally triggered simpleton so gloriously giddy over Trump's demise and
Biden's rise: meet the new boss same as the old boss. You are all being fooled. Me I won't
get fooled again.
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author
and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
Karlin ps would rather have more influence in governing than less, but they aren't
particularly troubled by dem victory (principled defeat forms a big part of their rhetoric
and the basis of many rep careers). Both the senior and junior members of the ruling class
would truly like to see Trump gone, the faction that Trump represents is a very small
minority in American government, without much institutional influence. And in this election
in particular they made out like bandits, flipped a lot of seats to their side, and got rid
of the primary opponent of principled cuckservatism, win-win! Seems to me when the defense
and the prosecution both want the same thing, arguments in favor of a "fair" process should
be viewed with extreme suspicion.
"... Trump did what he really wanted to do: tax cuts (mainly corporate taxes), deregulation, anything Netanyahu wanted, and not starting a new war. People always manage to do what they put first. Clearly helping the white male workers has not been a priority. So he lost. ..."
"... that being said, all Trump had to do was deliver for his voters, but instead he decided to spend 4 years going after the votes of people who will never vote for him. so this situation is partly of his own making. instead of going -5 with european men, he should have been +3 at least. maybe +5. that would have produced a big electoral college win. ..."
You people seriously expect that level of competence from inner city Dems?
Not so naive. More like cabals in NSA/SiGINT. Nothing crude like driving a probable-cause
van with mail-in votes .its 2020 . They don't print money these days, they punch a value into
a computer. Same with votes. Shiiieeeeettttt for enough money I'd do it. Find like-minded
individuals in the organization to help me for a cut. You underestimate greed son. And crime
obviously has an element of risk. Whats your point? If it goes belly up I know I'll be
Oswalded like the patsy I am but hey . No one said it was easy.
Not like CIA is going to let anyone know they rooted out members of signal intelligence
abusing their positions. Imagine the embarrassment. Hell RT reported an election bug in
Michigan already.
Besides Biden just needs to be off his meds for 3 days and he'll forget everything.
Manchurian candidate style. Now that I think about it
1. Trump lost three urban counties in Florida he won in 2016 (Seminole, Pinellas,
2. The only states with reasonably completed vote counts that show better
Trump margins in 2020 than in 2016 are Hawaii (always a pro-incumbent state), Florida
(LATINOS), Arkansas (Clinton home state reversion effect -its rural areas were notably more
Democratic than those just across the border in Missouri in 2016; this has been rectified),
and Utah (McMullin reversion effect). Other than these four demographically unusual states,
there is no sign Trump has gained net support in any state since 2016. NV, NY,
MS, IL, OH, and AK are nowhere close to done counting. Given that he won by three quarters of
a percentage point in 2016, it's no surprise that a two point swing against him resulted in a
loss, especially when the losses were concentrated in major metros. It's not fraud, folks,
the candidate was just unpopular due to his COVID response. Luis Lacalle Pou would have won
in a massive landslide.
Interestingly, I'm sort of surprised the allegations of election stealing were all from
the Democratic side last time in Florida and especially Georgia (even though Florida's result
was more shaky, Abrams had more bioleninist pokemon points than poor old Nelson). No
Republicans tried to challenge Scott Walker's narrow loss as fraudulent.
Fraud deniers are fucking retarded. You think you're subtle and sophisticated when really
you're just a Ptolemyist adding more epicycles. Benford's law provesfraud happened and it
stole the Great Lake states from Trump. This is comming from someone with a track record of
criticizing Trump for being anti-white. Why? Because fraud happened, period.
Why should we expect pro-Democratic fraud in Wisconsin? If anything, judging from the vote
numbers in neighboring (and uncompetitive) Minnesota and Indiana, Wisconsin's vote numbers
look too Republican . Indiana currently shows up as swinging against Trump by 3.42
points, Minnesota by 5.6 points, Wisconsin by only 1.39 points. Trump won Wisconsin in 2016
by only .76 points. The Antrim County error is obvious and currently shows up like a major
splotch on the swing map; it is nowhere near large enough to affect the outcome of any
statewide election. Antrim County contains 17K voters; Biden is leading in MI by a margin of
146K votes. The real trouble for Trump is in Michigan's South, in the metropolitan belt
between Oakland County and Ottawa County. This region is filled with those college-educated
White men who voted for Trump in 2016, but, seeing the disaster his presidency imposed on the
economy, decided to vote for Biden in 2020. There is no pro-Dem fraud here, just MAGA cope
that America hasn't been made great again, and never will be made great again.
Trump lost 5% of his share among white male voters. That's why he lost. All else were
Why he lost the %5? Trump run a campaign heavily promoting bulls..t optimism about the
economy, boasting about the ' lowest black unemployment ', and failing to deliver
Phase II of the stimulus. Plus he has done close to nothing about the continuing massive
importation of migrant cheap workers, from service workers to H1B's from India. Why the hell
should white males vote for him after 4 years of promises? On a remote chance that he would
actually make their concerns a priority in his 2nd term?
Trump did what he really wanted to do: tax cuts (mainly corporate taxes),
deregulation, anything Netanyahu wanted, and not starting a new war. People always manage to
do what they put first. Clearly helping the white male workers has not been a priority. So he
Also, funny thing, but Trump actually did better in the actual untrustworthy urban areas
(inner city Philly, Chicago, Essex and Hudson Counties) than he did last time. His losses
were among college-educated White men, not among inner-city minorities.
The annoying thing is that Trump actually won Mahoning County, Ohio, this time. So he
actually did pretty well in 2020 among the more vatnik portions of the WWC. Among the more
Puritan portions (e.g., in New England, the UP, and parts of Wisconsin), he obviously did
Trump doing better in only four-five states is not "mathy bullshit".
Seems obvious that moderates turned against Trump. With the extreme polarization, that
explains most of these cases that people believe to be anomalies. Trump's republican turnout
was huge, but he lost the moderates, so he lost the election. Republicans simply cannot win
the presidency on Reagan era talking points anymore.
nah. democrats clearly cheated. and this time, they went all out, and why not? it's a
coup. all they have to do is win this one last time, and they'll never have to worry about
republicans ever again. they won't be investigated once democrats are in control of the
government, and now they'll be in control of the government forever. amnesty coming up next,
to lock in the permanent democrat monopoly.
so yeah. they cheated by historical, ludicrous margins. they were committed to the steal,
and succeeded, with their allies in the media.
that being said, all Trump had to do was deliver for his voters, but instead he
decided to spend 4 years going after the votes of people who will never vote for him. so this
situation is partly of his own making. instead of going -5 with european men, he should have
been +3 at least. maybe +5. that would have produced a big electoral college win.
2016 election, and spent this campaign running a boilerplate Republican campaign of tax cuts,
Israel first, socialism-for-the-rich, and utterly shameless pandering to blacks, whilst
entirely ignoring his blue-collar base (which, if he actually pursued, probably would have
picked a significant Hispanic vote, alongside the Midwest).
His Presidency will go down as a failure. But most of all, a massive wasted opportunity,
he totally squandered his mandate in the most stupid and self-destructive manner possible
(appointed dozens of his sworn-enemies, for starters) almost immediately after getting
ef=""> The US political
system is the last thing holding the country together; the 2020 election is about to destroy
Research has shown that revolutions tend to happen not when things are bad, but when
there are "rising expectations" and people believe things aren't improving quickly enough.
Whether these revolutionaries will really "settle" for President Biden or President Harris,
or will they push for their utopia even harder, is a question no one seems to be asking,
much less trying to answer.
What are the prospects of more friendly relations between the White people of America who
aren't self-hating and the Russian people? Could there be a way to build bonds?
And would Russia consider creating a platform that White Americans and Europeans could
use, since it looks like authentic voices are all shut down in the West?
ow quality Indian workers far less interesting to the profiteers that then get the same low
quality code and have to pay white/east Asian male wages.
It's funny how the tech companies are all about diversity until it means higher costs.
It will also be funny when the token blacks people hiring programs by the tech companies
mean that peak-diversity signaling, token hire Jamal realizes he'll be working with nothing
but Indians that hate anyone would who is not brainwashed by Jewish propaganda and speak
nothing but Hindi to each other and whom you can't understand when they actually try to speak
Excellent analysis, entirely plausible. Lacking any survey of broad opinion, I'm apt to
project my own view as Trump's Waterloo: that while the political damage of poorly managing
the pandemic was mostly washed out by the emerging view that the economic damage (including
the rioting) of the severe course favored by the left has been more harmful than the virus, a
decisive fraction of his core demographic nevertheless arrived at the view – despite
the ceaseless scolding insistence of this by much of mainstream media – that their
president is indeed glaringly ill-suited for public office.
Perhaps it is due to living near Philly, but there is always fraud. Democrats are good at
it, and Republican Inc. loves it. Can't have any honest, straight shooter interrupt the long
standing political graft. Of course the Donald isn't really an honest man. Had he kept that
5% of the 2016 white male vote, any cheating would have been impossible. But hey we have
still have Israel first with President Kamala. Whew on that. However I don't look forward to
being uncomfortable in my house due to the Paris Accords mandates.
In defense of Maga, there are so many professional agitators in their ranks besides Qanon.
Call them dumb, but they really desperate for something called hope. Maybe that is the reason
I tend to think Trump was the bait to reel them in for the sporting catch and kill.
noticer Trump's a business man, not a career politician like Biden or Hillary. The system
wants the latter. Soros funds BLM, antifa, ect. It's safe to say the system was against
Trump. Much of his own party of sellout politicians weren't with him. Trump got through the
cracks once, the deep state wasn't going to let that happen again. To get 8 years in office
you have to be a total puppet. The Bush's, Clinton, and Obama were all hand-picked puppets.
Trump wasn't in the club. Trump as President was an accident they had clean up, even if he
was more than willing to betray the White men that voted him in and submit to the beast.
It is obvious why (((they))) wanted Trumpstein out, Trumpstein, despite being a cuckold to
the Zionist was threatening to bring our brave young men and women home, protect our borders,
and his base was about 98% White at the lowest. And many of those were common everyday
working class Whites, you know, the people who really made America great, the people who
actually grow food, build buildings, work and produce automobiles in factories, drive trucks,
(((They))) didn't really hate Trump, they hated the typical Trump voter. Actually it has
already been pointed out, Trump did very little for the average White other than give them
hope, he really didn't deliver that much. Trump became uber popular by just giving the people
crumbs, now can you imagine how popular a man or woman will be when they come out of nowhere
and give the people the hundred per cent truth. It will take a fearless man or woman, someone
with nothing left to lose, because that is the way it has always been. I NEVER expected Trump
to do much, after all, this guy is the typical NYC businessman, think of who this guy has had
dealings with in his lifetime, hell, look at his in-laws. For all his, "I am not a
politician" rantings, Trump spent his life around politicians and pictures are all over the
place with Trump & Bill Clinton golfing together, Trump and Ghislane, Trump &
Epstein, Trump with his friend Baby Nut&Yahoo, etc. Sounds like the typical politician to
me. Trump was NEVER a man of the people and it will take a real man of the people to set
things right in America.
emonized, censored, attacked, and even murdered. I am glad to have sat this one out, between
who knows how many men like me and those 5% we brought this supposed contest to a standstill
and caused a nation of cope.
Wignats gave him 2016 and we turned 2020 into a shitshow in answer to his betrayal. Trump
only has himself to blame for doing almost nothing to stop censorship, clean up the FBI/DOJ,
prosecute Antifa, end birthright citizenship, end H1B, so many other opportunities
squandered. Trump supporters should start working toward something productive for their
Harris/Biden like Trump/Pence are Israel Firsters, so really all this hoopla over a
transition is not really called for when you think about it. Matter of fact, the 1st and 2nd
Amendment will continue to be under attacked just like it was with Trumpstein, now more than
ever. Anti-White racism will continue until Whites start standing up for their rights the
same way as everyone else. Trumpstein was never the savior for America, face it. Maybe things
will become so bad IF Harris/Biden take over that this country and Whites will gain a spine
again. Until then, new boss, same as the old boss, more or less. Still as bad as the Orange
Man was, IF you are "White" and voted for Harris/Biden, you have to be legally retarded.
Thanks to all the WINOs and white traitor trash out there. Brilliant you bunch of
A nice splash of cold water on the sadly losing side in the 2020 election. What you say is
mostly true. There are some significant points you don't acknowledge, such as the idea that
massive numbers of mailed ballots will certainly result in unauthorized votes being counted.
It's hard to say how many that is, but I suspect, like you, that it can't have made a
difference of hundreds of thousands across all the states necessary for a Trump victory.
Blame the phony virus for most of these results and I insist that shutdown policies have
been a gross overreaction designed to make Trump powerless to campaign.
Finally, one simply has to admit that Trump was unprepared to be an effective President
and never learned how. Saying things that sound populist over and over isn't governing.
We have a nice wall that's 400 miles long down on the Mexican border and that's about it.
At some point in the fast approaching future, it will have a plaque on it saying, "I am
Ozymandias Trump. Look on all that I survey."
What kind of pathetic miserable 17 intelligence agencies, with support of democratic party
and Judenpresse would be , if they would not be able to fix the election such way that their
mischief cannot be found. And on top of it Covid with mail in voting was a surefire help.
But than you sleep in the bed you make.
Very misleading and dis-informative post. It ignores the Democrats' history of fraudulent
elections and manipulation of Americans. From the beginning and before the elections, the
Democrats said that they will do everything to remove Trump from the White House, by violence
if necessary.
In reality, the only times the Democrats won fair elections were by JFK and Obama recently.
The reasons were because of the efficient and highly successful advertising campaigns
(propaganda) to manipulate Americans. In fact, Obama won a prize for his efficient
advertising campaign to con Americans and "win" the elections. He was far more criminal than
his predecessors.
So how many times has Donnie said he was going to do something and then didn't follow
through? ICE raids, wall, border security, Hillbags in prison, Russiagate investigations,
etc., etc., etc.
So now Donnie is going to fight this election fraud (which BTW he created a task force in
2017 and then quickly disbanded). And you actually believe it.
fxrxexexdxoxmx2 , 20 minutes ago
Anyone surprised the same media who protected and worked for the Biden campaign are
working with him to claim an ilegall victory?
I think calling it Harris (Biden) administration is a bit childish. Harris will have about as
much effect on policy as Pence had during last 4 four years. Certainly nothing like Cheney.
And she won't be the Dems candidate in four years.
Chris Sweeney, UK reporter, says" Britain died for me, its become a Covid-obsessed police
state."He further writes that the courageous spirit that defines Britain is disappearing. Do
you feel the same about the US. I do. The response to the lockdown and masks etc. sends brave
loggers here in the Catskill into a state of child-like fear . Who said there is a sucker
born every minute.
I would also add Bolton to complete the list of crazy-hawk Trump appointees.
While some credit is due to Trump not starting any wars, I have to think it was
unintentional on Trump's part, as evidenced by the same list of ultra aggressive foreign
policy advisors he appointed.
More likely, the subpar crop of new wars was the result of the foreign policy apparatus
refusing to give his administration the authority to launch any original policy of their own.
Venezuela, Iran, Yemen, Syria were continuations of existing policy, and sponsored by
"respected" interests (respectively: by the Oil Industry, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and all of
the above).
The biggest foreign policy initiative of all, cold war with China, is a long term
bipartisan project.
In 2013 he told the Ukrainian government that it can't use police force against
The police were the "bad guys" if they stopped the violent protesters. This game has boomeranged back to the USA in 2020.
Ironically we got the same guy who pushed this theme in Kiev in 2013:
In 2013 Joe Biden went to Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, and warned the government not to
harm the demonstrators. That act made clear to the world that the US was allied with them,
if not orchestrating the demonstrations and then the subsequent coup against the elected
RSH's warning that Trump could still start a war should be taken very seriously. Trump has
vowed that he will never allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon. Will he leave office without
ENSURING that they cannot?
I don't think for a minute think that Zionist Biden will do anything to upset Israel. But
the election of Biden is a convenient excuse for Trump to start a war (probably based on a
false flag of some sort) that Biden (or Kamala-Hillary) will "inherit".
@ pnyx #43 . . .on Biden. Just think of the warmongering role he played for the Iraq war. The Neocons
would have an easier time with Biden than with Tronald
Yes. Biden is a Clintonite, Trump was anti-Clinton.
The US war in Iraq - Operation Iraqi Freedom - with its death, destruction and displacement
has been rightly called the worst US foreign policy move ever.
The Clintons started it, and then promoted it with Biden's assistance as Chair of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee.
President Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act into law on October 31, 1998.
On December 16, 1998, President Bill Clinton announces he has ordered air strikes against
Iraq because it refused to cooperate with United Nations (U.N.) weapons inspectors.
Trump's foreign policies were remarkably different? How? He assassinated an Iranian
general, which nearly had the US enter into a hot war with Iran, bombed Syria twice, put
additional sanctions on Iran, Venezuela, Russia and the DPRK. Trump's State Department has
successfully enacted regime change in Zimbabwe, Sudan, El Salvador, Chile, Honduras, Bolivia
(Mike Pompeo congratulating Luis Arce on his win -- very suspicious), and is trying regime
change in Hong Kong, Belarus, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Iran, Eritrea, and Zimbabwe again, and as
of late, Nigeria.
You could argue that Trump wants Iran to be somewhat stronger so he can sell more weapons
to his MIC buddies and profit that way, therefore he pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal, and
the weapons import/export sanctions on Iran expired. But that's a different and more brash
method of managing Empire. It's different from Biden's "strategic de-escalation" policy with
Iran via the Iran nuclear deal, but not that one that necessarily yields better results for
Iran in the long term.
Calm down folks, the elected officials in the US have been puppets of the elite for the
entire history of the country.
The problem we're facing is within the elite community and far above any government's
They didn't legalize drone striking "terrorists" any where on the globe by accident.
This means the elite are terrified of the fact that the internet and Trump both have exposed
them for the morally bankrupt, greedy, mass murdering psychopaths they truly are.
The accidental presidency of Trump made them realize that their useful idiots(elected
officials) where more idiots than useful and that they had to use the state sponsored
monopolies in the press as well as their privately controlled publicly funded covert
community to steer the narrative away from actual reality into their alternative commoditized
version of reality.
Trump was never trying to defend America from the elite for the common man. He was trying
to exploit the elite who had rejected him and his father for decades as well as cash in on
their predicament in order to pay off his debts and start his own reality TV network.
I agree Trump was useful and informative but in the end he, like us is just along for the
Don't do anything rash and don't for one second think a regime change in America is a rare
occurrence. Remember the Kennedy's ?
The only way to win is to not become one of the elite's useful idiots by lashing out
against another citizen. Poor and middle class only get the illusion they help decide
The policy is decided and auctioned off within the billionaire funded think tanks and sent to
the useful idiots in DC to be rubber stamped in order to trick you into thinking the
legislative branch is legitimate. These people could f*ck up a two car parade and prove it
over and over again.
Stay sane folks, the motives haven't changed in centuries and the elite are far more
scared of us than they are the other elite's because they all know they're all cowards.
In addition, considering Trump was supposedly a Russian puppet, Congress under his admin
passed a bill which allowed the US to arm Ukraine against Russia even more.
Wonderful and thought provoking analysis of current political affairs b. However I would
like to add that Biden and Trump are the products of political trends that have deep roots in
modern US and world political affairs that have been ongoing for some 100 years or more.
Biden and Trump did not occur in a vacuum. Both are products of the two world wars that were
fought in the last century. More recently, the US since 1940 and continuing to the present
day, has been actively preparing or fighting a major war somewhere on this planet. This
development has in turn created a vast military and civilian bureaucracy that constantly
needs to be fed a diet of real or imagined threats in order to survive.
As Bernie Sanders pointed out in a video that went viral, initial results were always
going to favour the Republicans because Republicans were more likely to vote in person,
whereas Democrats were more likely to use mail-in ballots which take time to
count, so this is precisely what was anticipated, this was always going to happen, there's
nothing untoward or unexpected happening here. As the count continues the 'process' begins
to inexorably favour the Democrats.
First of all, the election fraud is not something exceptional. It small dozes it is
present in any of US election. More in the past (Kennedy-Nixon), then currently. See
A Brief History of Mail-In Vote Fraud
I do not think that fraud alone is capable of flipping the states. The key problem for
Trump is that he a fake/fraudulent populist: look at Trump tax cut and that might explain why
less voters supported him in 2020 . And Biden with all his warts is IMHO better choice then
Trump with this bulling and "national neoliberalism" stance along with aggressive "might is
right" foreign policy (just
look at Pompeo)
But at the same time some facts require careful analysis. Among them
Kyle Becker@kylenabecker
Swing state voting irregularities:
Biden outperforms [Dem] Senators in swing states, underperforms in VA, NH, RI
Biden underperforms Hillary/Obama in cities, except in MI, PA, GA, WI
In the
1982 Illinois gubernatorial election , more than 100,000 votes were fraudulently cast in
Chicago. The Justice Department found that Democratic Party officials there had set up an
extensive vote fraud ring that very nearly stole the governorship from Republican Jim Thompson,
who won re-election over Adlai Stevenson III by just 5,074 votes out of 3.67 million cast.
Following an extensive federal investigation, a total of 63 people were convicted on vote
fraud charges. Prosecutors found that they had bought votes, registered illegal immigrants and
imaginary voters, and even had voting precinct captains physically change their vote counts.
But by far their most common trick was casting fraudulent absentee ballots. The corrupt
precinct captains who were in on the fraud had their workers "encourage voters to apply for
absentee ballots whether or not they had a valid reason to do so and to turn the blank ballots
over" to the election workers, who would then vote for them.
The investigation found that "although the [vote] canvass disclosed that a number of persons
who were registered to vote in the precinct had died, moved away, or for some other reason had
become ineligible to vote, these persons were not struck from the list of eligible voters.
Finally on election day the defendants, either personally or by acting through others, caused
numerous false ballots to be cast for the straight Democratic ticket."
The conspirators preyed on the elderly and infirm, because they "would be the most unlikely
to challenge the theft of their franchise."
12 years later, in Greene County, Alabama, eleven people were convicted of widespread vote
fraud through the use of phony absentee ballots.
"The defendants included Greene County commissioners, officials, and employees; a racing
commissioner; a member of the board of education; a Eutaw city councilman; and other community
leaders," a White
House report concluded . "The conspiracy included using an assembly line to mass produce
forged absentee ballots meant to swing elections in favor of preferred candidates."
That "assembly line" involved the conspirators filling out ballots that they had
fraudulently mailed to them and then sending them back on Election Day. Some of those involved
in the scheme even went so far as to steal ballots out of people's mailboxes!
That same year, the mayor's race in Hialeah, Florida had to be re-run because "so many
forged absentee ballots were cast...that the results were void." Incumbent Mayor Raul Martinez
(a convicted felon who was allowed to run while awaiting sentencing on corruption charges) had
his win reversed. The Los Angeles
Times reported at the time that "Circuit Judge Sidney Shapiro found that the mayor's
2-to-1 advantage in absentee ballots may have come from the efforts of 'overzealous' campaign
workers at a retirement home, where many voters suffer from schizophrenia and drug
In other words, members of the mayor's campaign simply filled out ballots for those
residents and mailed them back in.
Three years later, the 1997 Miami mayoral election also had to be re-run after 36 people
were arrested for cheating the absentee ballot process. As the
Miami Herald noted , "numerous absentee ballots were cast in the primary by people
who live outside of the City of Miami. Some voters were unaware they had voted at all. One
ballot was cast by Manuel Yip, who has been dead for four years."
When the fraud was discovered and the election was held again, a different candidate
In 2003,
a member of East Chicago Mayor Robert Pastrick's campaign was found guilty of casting
fraudulent ballots by promising jobs to people in exchange for letting him vote for them in the
primary. Because of this widespread fraud, the primary was re-run and Pastrick lost.
Five years later, community activist group ACORN engaged in what Washington's Secretary of
State called "the worst case of voter registration fraud in the history of the state" by
submitting nearly 2,000 fake voter registration forms. According to CNN , the group "took
addresses from homeless shelters, used fake birthdays and Social Security numbers and took
names from baby books to create voters out of thin air."
Clifton Mitchell, the ringleader of the scheme, spent three months in prison, and four of
his co-conspirators were sentenced to jail time. ACORN itself was fined $25,000. The group was
under investigation for fraud in 10 different states for its activities ahead of the 2008
presidential election.
Nevada officials charged ACORN, its regional director and its Las Vegas field director with
submitting thousands of fraudulent voter registration forms last year. Larry Lomax, the
registrar of voters in Las Vegas, says he believes 48% of ACORN's forms "are clearly
fraudulent." Prosecutors in Pittsburgh, Pa., also charged seven Acorn employees with filing
hundreds of fraudulent voter registrations before last year's general election.
In 2012, Martin, Kentucky Mayor Ruth Thomasine Robinson ran a mail-in ballot scheme that
preyed on people who lived in properties she either owned or supervised.
The FBI said in a press release :
According to evidence at the trial, Thomasine Robinson and her co-conspirators intimidated
poor and disabled citizens in order to gain their votes during Robinson's 2012 campaign for
re-election. For instance, members of the conspiracy directed residents of public housing to
vote by absentee ballot under the supervision of Thomasine Robinson or another member of the
conspiracy. The conspirators also targeted residents of private housing owned and leased by
Thomasine Robinson.
Trial testimony established that the conspirators completed absentee ballots, marking their
choice of candidates, and instructing the voters to sign the pre-marked ballots. Voters who
complied by voting for Thomasine Robinson received promises of better living arrangements and
other considerations. Voters who did not comply faced eviction or the loss of priority for
public housing. In addition, the evidence established that the defendants offered to pay
several voters to vote for Thomasine Robinson.
She was convicted on vote fraud and civil rights violation charges and sentenced to 90
months in federal prison.
It starts with a knock. Someone in your family opens the door, because you're old, most
likely over 80, certainly poor, possibly infirm, probably a minority. You see a familiar
face. She is a community organizer, young, passionate. She has come by often, campaigning for
Obama or Wendy Davis. Today she comes bearing a fruit basket, because she wants to help.
She's also kind enough to carry in your mail.
It just so happens that today's mail brings a large envelope. The envelope contains a letter
from the Secretary of State, who thanks you for doing your civic duty. There are pages of
instructions in English and Spanish. There is a mail-in ballot for early voting. There is a
carrier envelope that must be signed and used to deliver the ballot. The nice woman with the
fruit asks if you'd like some help filling out your ballot. Of course you would. It's all
very confusing. She asks you to sign on the envelope and says she'll take care of the rest.
That's one scenario. The details can change. The harvesters who show up just as your ballot
is delivered, maybe they have to ask you if you've already brought your ballot inside. Maybe
they find the package in the mailbox, put it on a clipboard, and ask you to sign your name to
the carrier envelope for some bogus reason. Maybe you never vote, so these harvesters just
take your ballot out of the mailbox for themselves -- and you never miss it.
Why are these big envelopes being sent to many people who didn't even request a mail-in
ballot? Because before these ballots were harvested, these precincts were "seeded." Large
batches of applications for ballots, stuffed in manila envelopes, had arrived at the county
elections office, each request with a name from voter lists that had also been requested from
said office. That elections office alerted harvesters to when the precincts would receive
their ballots by mail, so the nice woman with the fruit would know when to have her basket
This is, broadly speaking, how the mail-in ballot game works across Texas and how it has
worked in Dallas County for decades.
The following year, in what is perhaps the best known vote fraud case since the 1982 Chicago
a Congressional race in North Carolina was upended over massive mail-in vote fraud . After
Republican Mark Harris beat Democrat Dan McCready by just 905 votes, it became clear that a
Harris operative named L. McCrae Dowless, Jr. was running a fraud scheme. He requested more
than 1,200 absentee ballots on behalf of unsuspecting voters. When the ballots arrived at their
homes, Dowless picked them up and had assistants fill them out.
Dowless and four people who worked for him were criminally charged and the race was re-run.
The Republican Party rescinded its support for Harris and he announced that he wouldn't run.
Instead, Republican Dan Bishop beat McCready to win the seat.
The next year, Sherikia Hawkins, the Democratic City Clerk of Smithfield, Michigan, was
charged with fraud for altering 193 ballots that were mailed to her office ahead of the
2018 midterm elections.
As if nearly 40 years of continual fraud associated with mail-in balloting weren't enough,
on the exact same day that Twitter fact-checked President Trump's claims, a mail carrier in
West Virginia was charged with attempted vote fraud.
Thomas Cooper allegedly changed party affiliations of eight voters on their requests for
mail-in ballots. According to an affidavit, he admitted to the crime but claimed that he did it
"as a joke" and was "just being silly."
Such widespread vote fraud, of course, is no joke--especially when it spans four decades.
And mail-in balloting makes fraud easier. If Twitter is looking for a fact-check, it might ask
former President Jimmy Carter and Secretary of State James Baker, who co-chaired the 2005
Commission on Federal Election Reform . One of its primary conclusions was definitive:
"Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud."
Biden may well be sworn in as the next president, but the results are otherwise crushing for
the Democratic Party establishment.
They threw extraordinary amounts of money at big Senate races: $108 million in South
Carolina, $88 million in Kentucky, $69 million in Maine, $43 million in Montana. It was an
unmitigated failure. Not only did Democrats fail in all of these bids, they are also on track
to lose up to ten seats in the House of Representatives.
"Here's the real story of what happened last night: I'm going to give you some positive
news." Charlie Kirk, co-founder of the right-wing youth organisation Turning Point USA,
addressed voters across the airwaves in Pennsylvania yesterday morning, as votes were still
being counted.
"You wouldn't know any of this if you were just watching the activist media, but there's a
lot of good news for us today. We prevented Chuck Schumer [the Democratic Senate
minority leader] and his multi-billion dollar onslaught to try to purchase your government. You
stopped that: God bless you for it."
Kirk is not wrong. Much of Biden's domestic policy platform is meaningless without a strong
Congressional majority. Everything the new president tries to deliver – even a badly
needed coronavirus stimulus package – will be stymied. Should he actually manage to get
some legislation through an obstructionist Senate, much of it will then be doomed by Trump's
signature legacy: a Supreme Court with a 6-3 Conservative majority.
... ... ...
Change Was Not on the Ballot
Plenty of people we spoke to were voting against Donald Trump, but not necessarily for Joe
Biden. This is borne out in national polls: as Fox News
reported , many Biden voters were motivated primarily by the desire to get Trump out of the
Oval Office, rather than to see Biden in it.
... ... ..
Citizens across most of the world will breathe a sigh of relief if they see Donald Trump
leave office. But, as Craig from Florida put it a few weeks ago when he decided not to cast a
ballot: "I don't know who will win on 3 November. But I do know it won't be the American
Biden probably means a new war for the USA by mid-22. He'll need it to try to get some
unity and gather Congressional support from hawks on both sides of the aisle. Squad will sell
out for green crumbs from the war budget. MSM will cheer war all the way. PMC will be all
very serious and lecture everybody on how smart the latest war is.
However, there is a distinct possibility that, if the anti-Iran propaganda push gains
traction, America might face an outright defeat. That would be a game changer; sort of an
'American Teutoburg Forest' scenario.
I can just see it now. After a disastrous US first strike, Joe Biden would be seen
stalking the halls of the White House late at night shouting while ripping out his hair-
"Michèle Flournoy, Michèle Flournoy, give me back my Carriers!"
America is already "outsourcing" their "proxy" wars, such as in Syria. Financial aid as
well as low level arms provision do the trick there. For a "serious" war, the productive
capacity could be found, even if it takes a year or so to ramp up; WW-2 is an example.
Manpower is certainly available.
It is true the U.S. is essentially at war with Iran, Venezuela, and other places through
sanctions, sabotage, destabilization efforts, ect., but a serious war against a country like
Iran, without public consent and support is probably a bridge too far. Cheney wanted a second
9-11 type event to mobilize the U.S. public against Iran. The U.S. government runs on
borrowed money and allegedly doesn't have enough money for such items as Medicare for all, a
Green New Deal, or COVID relief. The U.S. is beset with internal and external problems. To
start a major war in this context would be incredible folly.
The US military budget is sacrosanct, with the defense companies distributing
jobs/spending all over the USA.
Remember the HRC advisor Madeline Albright quote?
"In a meeting about the costs and dis-advantages of an intervention in Bosnia, Albright
turned to Powell and declared, "What is the use of having this wonderful military if we never
use it?" In his memoirs, Powell recalls that he almost had "an aneurysm" following this
But note, the cautious Colin Powell, of aneurysm concern, later pimped for the Iraq
Why the old crew that pushed for Libya intervention might be partially re-united under
Biden, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton (but not Samantha Power) with, perhaps, Flournoy
Maybe Madeline Albright will be advising in the background?
I expect a new "democracy building war" from the Biden administration, and would be very
pleased to be proven wrong.
But any war will not be stopped because "we can't afford it."
They are war mongers, one and all, but I think there are real difficulties and costs with
any new wars. We can't even win or get out of our current "Forever Wars". These wars have now
existed for the entire lifespan of people now enlisting in the military.
I think you may be missing the point of our wars. In the areas we can't outright dominate
through globalized financialism, we create sustained low level violence as a cover for
resource extraction.
Whether it's oil in Syria, rare earths, exotic metals in Bolivia etc., or drugs to fund
our co-combatants to maintain the underlying ungovernability of the region, say Afghanistan
or the intersection of Columbia, Venezuela and Brazil, the point is to maintain some profit
flow for some corporate or agency interest without the agency or private beneficiaries having
to pay for it through taxes or direct legal investment that can't be protected by US
Your latter point, about who fights these actions is the real resource constraint the US
faces, the rest is now either paid for through the economics of extraction as described above
or seigniorage by the Fed.
Incidentally, I don't think this is some "conspiratorial" result, rather it's 70 years of
corporate development by Milo Minderbender, it is the logical conclusion or " War is a Racket "
A ranking Israeli Minister has already threatened that if Biden signs up to the nuclear
deal again, that they will be forced to attack Iran. In other words, he wants America to stay
out of the deal so that they can attack Iran of Israeli's behalf. Israel can't hit Iran
because Iran can hit back at Israel so they want American forces to do their attacking for
them. And in any case, dead American service-people don't vote in Israeli elections so no
skin off their noses.
My dad was a big war history buff, and he spoke about how "a bunch of weirdos" would seem
to come to power at the same time and everything would then dutifully proceed to s(family
Hitler is treated, almost revered, as some Evil Mastermind but he was basically a weirdo
if you look closer and if it wasn't for Mussolini and Chamberlain and a bunch of other really
wack puzzle pieces that you couldn't imagine being dogcatchers in a sane society, WWII would
arguably have not happened.
Admittedly sort of a Great Man theory of history, but the "Great" part a bit redefined,
but certainly was always something to chew upon and he made his points really well.
So Bibi, Biden, Macron, MBS, wow not looking good is it? Trump does not really fix this,
he may make it worse as a Chamberlain type.
I read somewhere that the Brits (and French?) were hoping to use the Nazis against the
communists, not unlike the way the U.S. is currently trying to use the fundamentalists
against Syria and other places.
Yes, if you want to look at that era from 10,000ft. Hitler pulled off two major stunts
that turned him from a weirdo footnote in history into history's biggest monster.
1) He flipped the script on the West, who looked the other way on the military build up in
the 1930s because they wanted him to attack the USSR. Cutting a deal with Stalin (who knew
the game) to carve up Poland meant the German army could turn westwards.
2) Warfare had changed significantly in the 20th Century. In WWI, no one in charge
understood that the way to fight wars had changed. In fact, 2+ years in, the French and
British were still sending waves of infantry charging into German machine gun nests (at Somme
and Verdun).
Hitler just so happened to have a general staff that had been experimenting with the novel
use of air power like Stuka dive bombers in the Spanish Civil War. They'd also been
developing theories of how to use tanks and armored vehicles, along with that air power, to
punch holes through heavily fortified defensive positions.
Better tactics, organization and leadership meant the German Army was able to swiftly
overrun their French opponents who had both greater numbers and generally better
If France had held it together for any length of time, it's very questionable how long
Germany could sustain a war effort. All the top brass in Germany seemed very concerned about
Without the early victory in France, it's plausible Hitler would have rapidly lost
legitimacy and been ousted either in a coup, assassination, or some other means and wouldn't
loom so large in modern historical memory no Holocaust or D-Day or any of the watershed
moments of the 20th Century.
Sorry, dChris, but your blend of special ingredients (the people you mention), were more a
hindrance to fascism, or so says Robert Paxton, in his book on fascism – "The Anatomy
of Fascism." WW2 I'd argue was going to happen no matter what. Hard to find a good proof that
holds up on the Great Man (Person) Theory of history. I met Netanyahu at MIT were I was sure
to wear my PLO shirt when he was around. He liked to talk, and he talked a good game, but he
could never deliver, ever. The issue was: the freedom to speak, not about Jews & the PLO.
Even then the hallways of the university were darkening
Building on your point, having a problem of Fascism is one thing. But let's be honest, not
all fascisms are created equal.
The Italian version, -- which struggled to with a war in Ethiopia.
The German version, -- which rolled over one of the finest contemporary military forces of
the time in France, and then pushed Russia to the brink of destruction.
You may well be right that fascism was somewhat baked into the circumstantial cake, but I
think we can all agree those are two versions are each VERY different problems to get a
handle on.
I would guess that if the US attacked Iran, Iran would retaliate in part by attacking
Israel. I'm not too sure the notion holds up that Israel would come out of the conflict
Post election anecdotes:
Driving along the main drag of the half-horse town today, I saw two big pickup trucks with
large Trump flags flying. One flag said; "Trump is my President, win or lose."
Our son and middle girl, both adult age, aren't speaking right now due to disagreement over
who to vote for.
No one on the street yesterday looked happy. We usually see at least one or two on any day.
Not yesterday. Uniform glumness prevails.
Direct observation suggests that turnout was high, but no solid numbers available yet.
Drivers on the actual street were more than usually "dangerous." The main drag looked a bit
like "Death Race 2020." Everyone rushing and taking obvious chances. A lot of speeding and
running red lights, not just yellow light lottery players.
At least the nightly 'shooting gallery' of the last few months has stopped.
Here in Tucson, I noticed something very interesting.
In the days and weeks after the death of George Floyd and the protests (and, sotto voce,
riots and vandalism in and near Downtown), this city was wall-to-wall BLM signs.
Then came Kenosha.
The BLM signs started disappearing, and most of them haven't come back.
Could the main difference be the proportions of "working class" versus "PMC" support for
BLM? The "working class" is somewhat used to police violence against them and so, able to
'process' the dynamics of the Kenosha killings. The PMCs have little to no experience with
actual violence directed towards their persons and thus become "gun shy" quickly.
Anyway, it's a thought.
As a Democrat down a ways on the ballot, it was obvious that, once again, Democrats
snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Republican leadership is merciless and could care
less about doing anything positive for the majority of citizens. Their 'secret sauce' is to
keep the middle class opposed to the labor class. It is the money, honey. And it has
corrupted both parties. The only difference between Democrats and Republicans is Democrats
apologize for their sins. The One Percent selects the nominees in both political parties and
sail on their yachts. Everyone else gets to pay the debt. Until that toxic mix changes, we
will continue to struggle as a democracy.
A larger percentage of the 'labor class', women, and minorities went to T this time than
in 2016. How to explain that? The Dems offered nothing, ran on nothing, except "Orange man
bad" and "we're going back to the O years." (I'm not at all surprised so many down ticket
races when to GOP candidates. Can't beat something with nothing, as they say.) Taibbi's
latest long (paywall) article asks quixotically if the GOP is becoming the party of the
working class.
I'd answer Taibbi's question with: probably not. T isn't a neoliberal in economic outlook.
Both D and R party estabs are neoliberal in economic outlook. T is a one-off in that regard.
My guess: most people are ready to vote for anyone who will hold pharma, big Ag, monopolies,
insurance companies, etc accountable for the financial harm they've caused 90% of the people.
My second guess: both parties will work like hell to prevent any candidate like that from
getting to the general election. See Dem estab v. Sanders and Warren.
adding: wages for a lot of the lowest paid working class actually went up during the T
admin, for a lot of reasons, not so much to do with T but on his watch. Did the MSM ever
report on that economic change? Does the MSM ever report on economic issues that affect the
90% ? Now they're shocked to find T won more votes from, for instance, Black voters than any
GOP president candidate since 1960.
Red States and Blue States held their relative lines on the election map. System 1
thinking prevails in times of stress and Americans stood by their reflexive identities.
The only thing radical were expectations. Democrats ran a status quo candidate and
expected a radical result. Being insane they have already blamed their loss on not doing more
of the same.
The amount of cerebral activity wasted here is, well, wasted...It's a class-war people,
recognize it for such. The U.S. needs to fall down among the weeds, and fertilize what's
coming...The libertarian impulse must be squashed until it is unrecognizable!!
Equality, Fraternity, and Liberty in that order, my friends. All else is sickness in the
The election is being stolen but once again the establishment dramatically misread the lay
of the political landscape among the American population. The adjustments that were made
ahead of time to the paperless electronic voting machines were not sufficient to overcome the
votes for Trump and so the establishment has to fall back on much more difficult and risky
approaches to cooking the count.
To help cover this more challenging and time-consuming operation the "Mighty
Wurlitzer" has the mass media chanting in chorus that the Trump Administration's charges
of fraud are "baseless" before investigations can be done to determine if the charges
have a basis.
There will be no "revenge" against the Democrats. If the American public accepts
the results of the fraud then the establishment (Democrats and Republicans) will heave a
"Huuuge" sigh of relief for dodging the bullet and things will return to
"normal" as they were with previous presidents as figureheads for the State. There
will be nothing remotely like the ludicrous "Russiagate" hysteria that the mass media
indulged in against Trump. Something truly baseless will have to be found for the Republicans
to rant at the Democrats about like Obama's birth certificate, but the real issues will be
dropped like hot potatoes by both "teams" .
The establishment will then try to restart "Project for a New American Century" .
This is bad news for Syria as the "Assad Curse" will start getting more exercise
again. This is also bad news for Russia as the PNAC crowd are entirely certain that the
Russians are bluffing about engaging the Empire kinetically. They are Russians, after all,
right? You just have to push them hard enough like Reagan did and they will roll over.
At least that is what the PNAC crowd thinks. The PNACers rely for their brainpower on the
PMC ( "Professional, Managerial class" ), who as c1ue pointed out are "...
the middle managers, doctors, lawyers, MBAs, tenured professors, finance types and what not
who are divorced from the actual hands-on labor." That part about being "divorced from
the actual hands-on labor" is important because it means they have nothing mooring them
to reality.
[Aside: I have often mentioned that economics is the keystone social science, and
contemporary economics being based around vacuous capitalist apologetics renders the entire
realm of the social sciences a limp and constantly shifting mass of liquid shite with no
predictive power and only serving to sell pop culture self-help books. Psychology is where
the social sciences bump up against the biological sciences. This is how economics plays such
an important role in real (not pop) psychology. One's occupation; how one makes a living; how
one puts food on the table, is the core of human identity (skin tone isn't anywhere close).
The more that individuals fulfill employment roles that are entirely socially constructed and
the further they are from direct involvement in the process of transforming natural resources
into tangible items humans use for living, then the more tenuous and, to put it politely,
more "abstract" and subject to reinterpretation their association with physical
reality becomes. This is why c1ue 's PMCs, despite being very intelligent and highly
educated, can make such profound mistakes that get hayseed farmers scratching their heads in
The PNAC gang (Biden/Harris is their front) will now "shirtfront" Russia and
"get in their face" . They will escalate until they succeed at their plans. Trump's
escalations were almost entirely symbolic and meaningless, but the PNACer's escalations will
be kinetic. When Iran is once again forced to retaliate against the empire and
missile-strikes some US assets, the PNAC people will escalate and respond with ten times the
violence where Trump had ordered the empire to stand down.
Unfortunately for the empire, America's economic decline is systemic; it is baked into
capitalism. It cannot be reversed. While Trump hastened the empire's diplomatic decline and
poisoned its "soft power" , Biden/Harris will hasten the empire's economic
As for the Fort Detrick flu, the mass media will now try to downplay it in order to get
workers back to making the elites some profits, but the cases and fatalities will continue to
increase. There will be no more effective countering of the pandemic by Team Blue than Team
Red because the US simply doesn't have the tools, either medically, culturally, or socially,
to do anything about it.
Four years of the deep state/establishment exposing itself in panicked hysteria, only to
now fade back into the background with nothing gained from those four years. I wonder how the
posters here who think it was all part of an elaborate plan will spin their tales of the
omnipotent empire now that it can no longer be said "Trump hasn't started a war YET
but he will once he cements his image as 'Glorious Leader'!!"
Biden/Harris being installed in such an obvious manner is not a display of the
establishment's power, but rather is proof of their weakness and incompetence.
As Bernie Sanders pointed out in a video that went viral, initial results were always
going to favour the Republicans because Republicans were more likely to vote in person,
whereas Democrats were more likely to use mail-in ballots which take time to count, so this
is precisely what was anticipated, this was always going to happen, there's nothing untoward
or unexpected happening here. As the count continues the 'process' begins to inexorably
favour the Democrats.
First of all, election fraud is not something exceptional. It small dozes it is present in
any of US election. more in the past, then currently. See
A Brief History of Mail-In Vote Fraud
I do not think that fraud alone is capable of flipping the states. (Trump is a
fake/fraudulent populist: look at Trump tax cut and that might explain why hat less voters
supported him in 2020 . And Biden with all his warts is IMHO better choice then Trump with this
bulling and "national neoliberalism" stance along with aggressive "might is right" foreign
policy (just look at Pompeo)
But at the same time some facts require careful analysis. Among them
Kyle Becker@kylenabecker
Swing state voting irregularities:
Biden outperforms [Dem] Senators in swing states, underperforms in VA, NH, RI
Biden underperforms Hillary/Obama in cities, except in MI, PA, GA, WI
That said, I'd also differ with B on one point. I would make a very clear difference
between socialism and progressivism. The former is about all people's lives, economic
justice, less class warfare, the latter is all about promoting special interests above the
common good.
Genuine socialism seems to win, when not presented as "socialism", progressivism is widely
loathed and is the path to the undoing of society - basically a "divide and rule" plot by the
current elites. And we know which of these the likes of Harris, Clinton and other Dem bigwigs
are promoting.
"As a political historian, I've studied a lot of bad things from our past. This moment is
really rock bottom," Zelizer tweeted, apparently referring to President Donald Trump's
press conference, in which the latter alleged voter count irregularities, vowing to sue several
states where his initial edge over Biden had gradually evaporated.
Trump alleged that foul play was involved into the ballot-counting process, arguing that if
only "legal votes" were tallied, he would've "easily"won , while accusing
Democrats and election officials of trying to "steal" the race.
The premise that the ongoing election turmoil tops the list of the worst things to ever
happen in US history raised eyebrows on Twitter. Many pointed Zelizer to arguably far darker
moments, though not only from the country's political history, such as a period of legalized
slavery, genocide of Native Americans, the Civil War and a litany of violent foreign
"As a political historian, I'm sure that you remember the Civil War. Wouldn't that
probably be rock bottom, with this maybe being a close second?" one said.
"America kidnapped our fellow man and kept and bred them as slaves from pre-1776 until
1865, but sure, a low energy press conference is 'rock bottom,'" another noted .
It did not take long for Zelizer, bombarded with lists of the ugliest excerpts from US
history books, to delete the tweet. "This tweet was poorly worded so I'm going to delete
it," he wrote.
However, that did little to stop commentators from reminding him of the things he might have
"Just as I was posting a reply reminding you that we interned Japanese-Americans during
WWII. And stole the Kingdom of Hawaii from its lawful sovereign, after taking part in killing
~95% of Native Hawaiians. So. Much. History," a commenter responded.
The fact that Zelizer – who claims to have penned 21 books on American politics
– failed to account for so much history, instead resorting to the "poor wording"
excuse, irked some of his critics.
"It's not poorly worded. The very concept you were expressing is dead wrong. But good on
you for learning to keep those bad ideas in drafts where they belong," one said .
"Yeah, 'poorly worded' is certainly one way to say 'beyond preposterous, embarrassing,
and damaging to your credibility,'" another chimed in.
Zelizer eventually asked the internet to stop sending him "lists," while seemingly
holding his ground on Trump.
"No need for more lists," he pleaded. "And I could easily add to all of that. But
having a sitting president attack the election process and the right of Americans to have their
vote counted is a terrible thing for our democracy."
The world recognizes what U.S. elites don't: the utter, total American failure to contain
Covid-19 has damaged U.S. standing and will do so until the virus is controlled. Meanwhile,
regional powers, China and Russia, cooperate and share resources, particularly vaccines. Cuba
provides treatments, but the U.S. turns up its nose at Cuban medicine, even if it means more
American covid patients die – this, though Cuba's pharmacopeia for this plague appears
superior. China sends doctors and medicines across the globe. Russia opts for sane herd
immunity – through vaccination. These countries act like adults. Not a good look for the
The Obama regime's deplorable trade and military "pivot to China," along with its sanctions
against high-ranking Russians and Russian energy, financial and defense firms and the Trump
regime's provocations, sanctions and insults aimed at both countries have now born fruit: There
is talk of a military alliance between China and Russia. Both countries deny that such is in
the offing, but the fact that it is even discussed reveals how effectively U.S. foreign policy
has created enemies and united them. Even if they would have drawn closer anyway, China and
Russia cannot ignore the advantage of teaming up in the face of U.S. hostility. A more idiotic
approach than this hostility is scarcely imaginable. Remember, not too long ago the U.S. had
little problem with its chief trading partner, China, and there were even reports some years
back of actual military cooperation in Syria between the U.S. and Russia. All that is gone now,
dissolved in a fog of deliberate ill-will.
So what are some of the absurd U.S. policies that have reaped this potential whirlwind? An
utterly unnecessary trade war with China, with tariffs that were paid, not by China, but by
importers and then passed on to American consumers. There is the Trump regime's assault on
China's technology sector and its attempt to lockout Huawei from the 5G bonanza. Then there are
the attacks on Russian business, like its deal to sell natural gas to Germany, attacks in which
the U.S. insists Germany buy the much more expensive U.S. product to avoid becoming beholden to
Russia. And of course, there are the constant mega-deals involving sales of U.S. weapons to
anyone who might oppose China, Russia, North Korea or Iran.
Aggravating these economic assaults, the U.S. navy aggressively patrols the South China Sea,
the Black Sea and more and more the Arctic Ocean, where Russia has already been since forever.
Russia has a lengthy Siberian coast, making U.S. talk of Russia's so-called aggressive posture
there just plain ludicrous. And now a NATO ally, Turkey, stirs the pot by egging on Azerbaijan
in its war against Armenia, which has a defense treaty with Russia. Azerbaijan is famous for
the oil fields of Baku.
Never has it been clearer that the U.S. deploys its military might to advance its
corporations' interests, international law be damned. As General Smedley Butler wrote of his
military service way back in the early 20 th century, he was "a high-class muscle
man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster
for capitalism. I helped make Mexico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make
Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank Boys to collect revenues in," and on
and on. Nothing has changed since them. It's only gotten worse. Indeed now we're in a position
where it is Russia that abides by international law, while the U.S. flouts it, instead
following something bogus it calls the "rules of the liberal international order."
The biggest and most consequential U.S. foreign policy failure involves nuclear weapons.
Here the Trump regime has outdone all its predecessors. It withdrew the U.S. from the
Intermediate Range Nuclear treaty, which banned land-based ballistic missiles, cruise missiles
and certain missile launchers and which it first signed in 1987. It withdrew from the Open
Skies Treaty, inked in 1992. That agreement allowed aircraft to fly over the signatories'
territory to monitor missile installations.
Trump has also made clear he intends to deep-six the 2010 New Start Treaty with Russia,
which limits nuclear warheads, nuclear armed bombers, intercontinental ballistic missiles and
missile launchers. The Trump regime has made the ridiculous, treaty-killing demand that China
participate in START talks. Why should it? China has 300 nuclear missiles, on a par with
countries like the U.K. The U. S. and Russian have 6000 apiece. China's response? Sure we'll
join START, as soon as the U.S. cuts its arsenal to 300. Naturally that went over like a lead
balloon in Washington.
And now, lastly, the white house has urged nations that signed the Treaty on the Prohibition
of Nuclear Weapons – which just recently received formal UN ratification – to
withdraw their approval. The U.S. spouted doubletalk about the TPNW's dangers, in order to head
off international law banning nuclear weapons, just as it has banned – and thus
stigmatized – chemical weapons, cluster bombs and germ warfare. Doubtless the Trump
regime's panic over the TPNW derives from its desire to "keep all options on the table"
militarily, including the nuclear one.
What is the point here? To make the unthinkable thinkable, to make nuclear war easier to
happen. The Pentagon appears delighted. Periodically military bigwigs are quoted praising new
smaller nuclear missiles, developed not for deterrence, but for use. Indeed, scrapping
deterrence policy – which has, insofar as it posits no first use, arguably been the only
thing keeping humanity alive and the planet habitable since the dangerous dawn of the atomic
era – has long been the dream of Pentagon promoters of "small, smart nuclear weapons" for
"limited" nuclear wars. How these geniuses would control such a move from escalating into a
wider nuclear war and planetary holocaust is never mentioned.
Before he assumed office, Trump reportedly shocked his advisors by asking, if we have
nuclear weapons, why can't we use them? Only someone dangerously ignorant or profoundly lacking
in basic human morality could ask such a question. Only someone eager to ditch the
human-species-saving policy of no-first-strike nuclear deterrence but willing to risk nuclear
extinction could flirt with such madness. Later in his presidency, Trump asserted that he could
end the war in Afghanistan easily if he wanted, hinting that he meant nukes, but that he did
not incline toward murdering 10 million people. Well, thank God for this shred of humanity.
Some assume a Biden presidency would chart a different course, but they may be counting
their chickens before they're hatched. Biden has made very hostile noises about Russia, China
and North Korea and has surrounded himself with neo-con hawks. He has so far made no promise to
return to the nuclear negotiating table for anything other than START. Would he try to
resuscitate the INF and Open Skies treaties? Would he end Trump regime blather aimed at
scotching TPNW? Maybe. Or he may have imbibed so much anti-Russia and anti-China poison that
he, like Trump, sees the absence of treaties as a green light for nuclear aggression.
Biden's official Foreign Policy Plan says that he regards the purpose of nuclear weapons as
deterrence, thus endorsing this at best very flawed compromise for survival. That he,
apparently unlike Trump, abjures a nuclear first strike is a huge relief, but how long will it
last? The Pentagon has been very persuasive over many decades of center-right rule and there is
no reason to assume that it will suddenly adopt a hands-off policy with Biden just because he
favors nuclear deterrence. Some military-industrial-complex sachems regard the no-first-use
principle as a mistake. Also, remember, Obama okayed a trillion-dollar nuclear arms upgrade.
Biden was his vp. What about that? This is no minor, petty concern. Russia is armed to the
teeth with supersonic nuclear weapons and China has concluded from U.S. belligerence that it
better arm up too. We are in dangerous waters here. Let's hope they don't become
But this is what left are about today, silencing people that dont agree with them on every
This is also how absurd the left have become, look back past years since Trump was elected
they are now OK with having a neocon foreign policy president Biden to be elected - just
because they hate Trump so much. Have you guys already forgotten 4 years of Russiagate?
Or are you guys watching Rachel Maddow for your foreign policy knowledge?
"If Biden wins, the best-case scenario is that we'll be forced to deal with a Democratic
Party of resurgent centrism, convinced that their path to victory is through vacuous
messaging calibrated to cause the least offense to the maximum number of people. They'll
insist that their future dominance is assured, normalcy has been restored, and that the
nightmare is over. With eyes fixed on a seemingly winning formula, they won't see who's
getting left behind again, or history repeating itself before their very eyes."
Everyone falsely assumes that 'winning' actually involves getting elected. If the term
'winning' is viewed as maintaining the status quo, propping up the rich at the expense of the
poor while robbing the State, then regardless of who is carrying out the agenda, the Dems
leadership and fundraisers are still 'winning'.
Many big corporations have an each way bet in elections and can rest comfortably knowing
that whomever is elected, be they Red or Blue, will always join the ranks of weak and corrupt
politicians, seeking corporate approval for reelection, chasing profits or a board seat once
retired, while regularly selling their voters out. That's how the game is played to 'win'.
Politicians are just pawns on the chessboard, racing to get to the other end with the promise
of being turned into a queen.
Liberals and progressives have to face the inconvenient truth: Trump is no accident. The
people who still vote for him or even just voted for him for the first time knew what they
were voting for. They are not a majority but a large minority of about 46% of Americans. This
cannot be explained as people duped by fake populism. Trump had four years to make even the
slightest gesture of populism (*) – the minimum wage, infrastructure spending, closing
tax loopholes, whatever. There was nothing and plenty of the opposite. This is government for
the plutocracy by the plutocracy. No factory jobs came back to the rustbelt.
Yet roughly the same percentage of voters still stand by their man. They may claim
otherwise when asked (oh those reliable polls and surveys) but this vote is in no shape or
form economically motivated. Trump's platform is racism and white supremacy and hatred and
that is what his people voted for.
(*) Let's take this opportunity to call out the ugly habit of many journalists to use
populism as a polite synonym for racism. Populism is economic policy benefiting working
people to the detriment of the rich. Or just any policy that materially benefits the lower
strata of society. Racism isn't populism.
I understood perfectly well, because Nate Silver kept insisting on it, that
statistically there was a non-trivial chance that Trump would win
The most interesting scenario now what will happen if Trump lose and Biden (or whoever is
the political force behind him) faces hostile Senate. And possibly both hostile Senate and
the House in 2022.
Blue wave did not happen. That's a fact. And that fact alone makes Biden victory, if any,
Pyrrhic. Putting Biden administration in a very precarious position, worse then Trump in
2016. With the real possibility of launching "Chinagate" against him, using Russiagate
template. A special prosecutor and such.
Epidemic and connected with it recession are not over. Senate is controlled by
Republicans. Relation with China deteriorates and with Russia became outright hostile.
Another entirely succesfull election for the FIRE sector – they must have enjoyued the
theater of it all – after they got Biden on the ticket – they knew – no
matter which way the country voted that they had the election in the bag. They had the Smurfes
fighting over the small stuff – to plan
You had Trump – a lifelongh con-man and preditor – physically and figuratively a
self admitted ++++y grabber, a coward, spoiled rich-boy narssisist who used bone spurs to duck
service and probably has not read or understands the constitution.
Then You had Biden – always a FIRE sector champion who come to run like he was fresh
fished and landed doing a slimy fish dock dance.
Well the real fight for the future of democracy and the planet is sided between the creditor
class and the rest of us Smurfs
Its the same fight going back thousands of years in hundreds of countries
Banking in the hands of private interests is more dangerous than a standing
In my view – the fight is not between the Dems and Repubs – it is the People,
freedom and Democracy against the Speculators, vested interests and Finance – who have
demonstrated its contemp of People, the Planet and Democracy
Plus 1. Nailed it.
Anyone who thinks that the single party system with 2 factions will provide anything for the
99% is an idiot. The repugnants/democraps, employees of the FIRE sector oligarchs, have been
playing "good cops/bad cops" with middle class/working class forever. It's a tactic that's
been used since "civilization " began. There was a time when the western world's dominant
language was Latin. We know what happened there.
This is the essence of it. When you actually drill down, the things both Democrat and
Republican voters want much the same things and that is more collectivism. They want more
collectivism on social matters and they want more collectivism on economic matters. They want
society back.
Both the social 'conservatism' and economic 'progressivism' on offer tend to be welded to
highly unpopular opposites. If you want immigration control (Which is both a social and
economic issue but only framed in social terms effectively) and an end to insane post-modern
SJW identity politics, you're obliged to also vote for people who will further deregulate the
economy and give tax cuts to the wealthy. If you want social democrat politics you're obliged
to vote for people who will further promote insane anti-social solidarity post-modern SJW
politics and unending mass migration that are counter-productive, perhaps fatality so, to
their social democratic agenda. (See AOC and her wishes for literal open borders and full
Nordic-style social democrat welfare state)
The currency of a system of economic redistribution within a democracy is the willingness
of those with resources to give to those without. The 'progressive' Democrats in the US are
hooked on this ideal of expanding welfare but that doesn't empower the poor because they're
depended on those with resources to support taxes to give them it. Industrial policy and
immigration restriction (Both to decrease job competition and to make the recipients of
resource redistribution more sympathetic to those with resources) to actually shift the real
wealth and power in society is far more important.
A synthesis on at least immigration restriction and progressive economic policies like
banking regulations, trade reform and industrial policy would be highly popular and is
entirely open ground to take. In 2016 Trump became the first person to make that offer in
stark form in 40 years and despite all the ammo the media and intellectual class were able to
throw at him, he beat Hilary Clinton. Bernie and Corbyn both understand this synthesis and
have spoken of it in the past but now are trapped in political apparatuses that make any
mention of immigration and the economic and social interests of the native working class
totally impermissible. Worse, they wed them to an ideal of ever expanding immigration that
will rip apart any social solidarity needed for socialist or social democrat policies since
the new group interests of the native working class will be battling the newcomers for social
and economic space.
A great deal of American 'Libertarians' are actually quite community oriented and are
infact just not in favour of their taxes being redistributed to outgroups whom they don't
have any sense of social solidarity with. Ask them what should be done in their community and
they start sounding like Bernie Sanders. They view the Federal government as an alien thing
that will take from them and give to alien outgroups.People will say they're being 'duped'
but I think those people just don't understand that people are born out of ethnic groups not
class groups, ethnicity is more important and we might expect it to be so given human
What is patently clear is how bitterly polarized and divisive US domestic politics have
become. This is due to the historic failing of the two-party system which has, over
decades, left whole swathes of the population, in particular the majority working class,
alienated from the political class. There is irreparable distrust and distortion among the
American populace. To the point where it would seem impossible for any nominal winner of
the election to be able to command a mandate.
A tried and trusted mechanism for galvanizing is to "unite" the people by rallying them
around the flag against some designated foreign enemy. Given the increasing unwieldy,
fractious nature of American society, it is all the more imperative for the US ruling class
to impose some level of coherence in order to restore the essential authority of governing
power. With this paramount need to shore up a sense of authority, it can therefore be
expected that American foreign policy will become more aggressive and militaristic in the
next four years.
The US is essentially another colony to the multinationals who can set up domiciles in tax
havens, bribe politicians to enact favorable laws, and lobby for spending to enrich
themselves. That's the reality, not the liberals versus conservatives. They also have the
benefit of an unelected body that can enrich them through printing money which gives them
more power to stop other fiscal stimulus. It's evident in much of the world where this is
going on in the West. It is a variation of the Economic Shock Therapy applied by the West,
except that the oligarchs are spared from the economic shock.
Yes, the earth keeps spinning no matter who "wins" the election.
Armenia, apparently the skies are clear of turkish drones with a little help from Russian EW,
so the Artsakh army is deploying armor again to defend Shusha, they almost lost control of
the road to their capital Stepanakert.
Another relevant piece of information, the Ukros smelling victory by their satrap Biden
last night heavily attacked Donetsk, a taste of things to come.
Posted by: vk | Nov 6 2020 16:33 utc | 76
That's a good one, Evo calling for Almagro, the OAS will take care of Georgia and
The current outcome of this election, a stalemate, is perhaps the best possible
outcome for rest of the world, not only is showing the world how corrupt, outdated and
illegitimate the US' electoral college system is, but this near evenly divided election
result will creates a space for the rest of the free and sovereign world to take a breath
from continues US assault on them.
Elections results that are determined by courts and lawyering do not have legitimacy or
mandate for at least half the voters in US and very doubtful to the rest of the world. This
was the best outcome possible, for those In the world seeking to become free from American
The coming internal political instability uncertainty and infighting will weaken and keep
the beast busy for coming years, which by itself should provide opportunity for the rest of
world to participate in world affairs.
ByGlenn Diesen, an Associate Professor at the University of South-Eastern
Norway and an editor at the Russia in Global Affairs journal. Follow him on Twitter
@glenndiesen Will Biden's apparent election victory mean the end of Russiagate and the
restoration of normal democratic discourse in the US, or will opponents of the status quo
continue to be branded as Kremlin patsies by the elite?
Despite the hysteria it unleashed in the press, Russiagate didn't reveal any actual
collusion between US President Donald Trump and the Russian government, although it did expose
how democratic institutions are threatened by corruption in the political-media class. What
happens when the anti-Russia barrage is used to target the political opposition?
The information war between the West and Russia inevitably tears away at democratic
institutions. The anti-Russia foreign policy consensus, cultivated throughout the Cold War, has
been one of the few areas enjoying bipartisan support. The absence of counter-perspectives
enabled a rot to fester in elite circles as accusations against Russia go unchallenged.
What would happen if a political leader broke with the foreign policy consensus? In 2016,
this question was answered as Trump ran on a platform of getting along with Russia and even
questioning the necessity of NATO, a military bloc designed to contain an adversary that no
longer exists.
Russiagate 1.0 – Election collusion
Hillary Clinton saw an opportunity to discredit Trump by concocting a conspiracy theory.
Declassified notes prove that CIA Director John Brennan briefed then-President Barack Obama
about how Clinton fabricated the Russian-Trump conspiracy theory as "a means of distracting
the public from her use of a private email server" and "to vilify Donald Trump by
stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security service."
The source of 'Russiagate' was the infamous Steele Dossier. In 2016, the Clinton campaign
hired Fusion GPS to find dirt on Trump, which was subcontracted to former British spook
Christopher Steele. What could possibly go wrong with hiring the former head of the Russia Desk
at MI6, with a job description that also entailed disseminating disinformation?
Former National Security Agency Technical Director Bill Binney proved that the Democratic
National Committee servers were never hacked, and the Mueller report drove the final stake
through the heart of the Steele Dossier. Yet, Steele's outrageous claims based on hearsay and
third-hand gossip should have been dismissed immediately.
An ongoing investigation explores why the FBI and CIA did not reject the flawed report. In
his congressional testimony to explain how this fake dossier led to the surveillance of Trump,
former FBI Director James Comey claimed 245 times that he "can't recall," "can't
remember," and "doesn't know." Yet, the narrative of Russiagate lives on, as much of
the media wants it to be true.
Any opposition to the narrative could be dismissed with an ad hominem attack and accusations
of carrying water for Putin. The political left – traditionally skeptical of the
intrusive influence of the security state and a compliant media manufacturing consent –
reinvented itself by denouncing criticism of the CIA as blasphemy and demands for press
accountability as an attack on democracy.
Russiagate 2.0 – the Biden scandal
The Biden laptop scandal, breaking immediately before the presidential election, sparked a
swift return to the old Russiagate formula. The pay-to-play corruption scheme of the Biden
family was not the most interesting revelation; rather, it was the rapid response of the
security state and the media.
The story began when Hunter Biden, Joe's son, left his laptop at a computer repair shop for
over 90 days, and ownership of the laptop was then transferred to the repairman in accordance
with the agreement. The technician, concerned about the content, contacted the FBI. Due to the
lack of response, the technician then sent a copy of the hard drive to Rudy Giuliani, the
former mayor of New York and current lawyer of Trump. Giuliani shared some of the content with
the New York Post, which published the alleged evidence of corruption.
Twitter and Facebook reacted immediately with censorship. The newspaper's story could not be
shared by anyone and the New York Post, one of the oldest publications in the US, had its
Twitter account suspended. One after another, various media outlets dismissed the article as
Russian disinformation to justify why Facebook and Twitter had censored the news.
Thus, Facebook and Twitter could then refer to the media reports dismissing it as a Russian
disinformation campaign. Subsequently, the circular reporting created a false confirmation.
Fifty former intelligence officers who signed a letter claiming the incident was probably
Russian disinformation further substantiated this narrative.
Unlike the first Russiagate, the narrative of Russiagate 2.0 simply made no sense. Never
mind the lack of any evidence – there was not even a theory. This time it was not even
possible to invent a hypothetical situation where Russia played a role. It is proven that
Hunter Biden handed the laptop to the repairman, and the repairman handed the content to the
FBI and Giuliani. The accusation of 'Russian disinformation' made little sense when the
material is real and there is no possible role for Russia in the scandal.
Can the
democratic process be restored?
Democracy demands that the process is more important than the outcome. Yet, this logic was
challenged with the premise that a Trump presidency entails the dismantlement of democracy.
Then the end justifies the means, and journalists increasingly deemed their responsibility to
report in a manner that would bring down a man they see as an 'Orange Hitler'.
With the return of the old guard, the utility of the Russian boogeyman in US politics can
come to an end. Can the Humpty Dumpty of democratic institutions be put together once Trump is
removed, or will the goalpost merely be moved by going after future Trumps?
Jill Stein, Bernie Sanders, 'Moscow Mitch' McConnell, and Tulsi Gabbard have all been
accused of the grave crime of being agents or stooges of the Kremlin for failing to fall in
line. Whistleblowers and publishers like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange were denounced by
security institutions and the media as Russian agents.
Will a Biden presidency put an end to Russiagate and restore democratic institutions, or
intensify the neo-McCarthyism of the past four years to consolidate power?
Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the
author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
No matter who "won" the U.S. election, what will not change is the capitalist organization
of the country's economy.
The great majority of enterprises will continue to be owned and operated by a small minority
of Americans. They will continue to use their positions atop the capitalist system to expand
their wealth, "economize their labor costs," and thereby deepen the United States' inequalities
of wealth and income.
The employer class will continue to use its wealth to buy, control, and shape the nation's
politics to prevent the employee class from challenging their ownership and operation of the
economic system. Indeed, for a very long time, they have made sure that (1) only two political
parties dominate the government and (2) both enthusiastically commit to preserving and
supporting the capitalist system. For capitalism, the question of which party wins matters only
to how capitalism will be supported, not whether that support will be a top governmental
No matter who won, the private sector and the government will continue their shared failure
to overcome capitalism's socially destructive instability. Economic crashes ("downturns,"
"busts," "recessions," and "depressions") will continue to occur on average every four to seven
years, disrupting our economy and society. Already in this young century, we have endured,
across Republicans and Democrats, three crashes (2000, 2008, and 2020) in 20 years: true to the
historic average. Nothing capitalism tried in the past ever stopped or overcame its
instability. Nothing either party now proposes offers the slightest chance of doing that in the
No matter who won, the historic undoing of the New Deal after 1945 will continue. The GOP
and Democrats will both keep reversing the 1930s' reduction of U.S. wealth and income
inequalities (forced from below by the Congress of Industrial Organizations [CIO], socialists,
and communists). As usual, the GOP reverses these gains for Americans further and faster than
Democrats, but both parties have condoned and managed the upward redistribution of wealth and
income since 1945.
The GOP will likely celebrate explicitly the wealthy they serve so slavishly. The Democrats
will likely moan occasionally about inequality while serving the wealthy quietly or implicitly.
The GOP will "economize on government costs" by cutting social programs for average people and
the poor. The Democrats will expand those programs while carefully avoiding any questioning,
let alone challenging, of capitalism.
No matter who won, what U.S. politics lacks is real choice. Both major parties function as
cheerleaders for capitalism under all circumstances, even when a killer pandemic coincides with
a major capitalist crash. Real political choice would require a party that criticizes
capitalism and offers a path toward social transition beyond capitalism. Countless polls prove
that millions of U.S. citizens want to consider socialist criticisms of capitalism and
socialist alternatives to it. The mass of voters for Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
and other socialists provided yet more evidence. However, the system allowed and enabled a
near-fascistic right wing to take over the GOP and the presidency. At the same time, it aided
and abetted the Democrats in excluding a socialist from even running for that presidency. Trump
and Biden are long-standing, well-known cheerleaders for capitalism. Sanders was, in contrast,
a critic.
A new political party that offered systemic criticisms of capitalism and advocated for a
transition to a worker-coop based economic system would bring real choice into U.S. politics.
It would place before the electorate a basic question of vital importance: what mix of
capitalist and worker-coop organized enterprises do you wish to work for, buy from, and live
with in the United States? Voters could thereby genuinely participate in deciding the range of
job descriptions from which each of us will become able to choose. Will we mostly have to
accept positions as employees whose jobs are designed exclusively by and for employers? Or will
all job descriptions include at least two basic tasks: a specific function within an
enterprise's division of labor plus an equal share (alongside all other enterprise workers) of
the powers to design and direct the enterprise as a whole?
Any community that wishes to call itself a "democracy" for more than rhetorical,
self-promotional reasons should welcome a one-person, one-vote decision-making process
governing how work is organized.
Most adults spend most of their lives at work. How that work is organized shapes how their
lives are lived and what skills, aptitudes, appetites, and relationships they develop. Their
work influences their other social roles as friends, lovers, spouses, and parents. In
capitalism, the work experience of the vast majority (employees) is shaped and controlled by a
small minority (employers) to secure the latter's profit, wealth accumulation, and reproduction
as the socially dominant minority. In a real democracy, the economy would have to be
democratically reorganized. Workplace decisions would be made on the basis of one person, one
vote inside each enterprise. Parallel, similarly democratic decision-making would govern
residential communities surrounding and interacting with workplaces. Workplace and residential
democracies would have significant influences over one another's decisions. In short, genuine
economic democracy would be the necessary partner to political democracy.
Many "capitalist" societies today include significant sites of enterprises organized as
worker cooperatives. What they need but lack are allied political parties to secure the
legislation, legal precedents, and administrative decisions to protect worker coops and
facilitate their growth. Early capitalist enterprises and enclaves within feudalism likewise
had to find or build political parties for the same reasons. Anti-feudal and pro-capitalist
parties contested with feudal lords and their monarchs first to protect capitalist enterprises'
existence and then to facilitate their growth. Eventually, pro-capitalist parties undertook
revolutions to displace feudalism and monarchies in favor of parliaments in which those
capitalist parties could and did dominate.
Today, pro-capitalist parties publicly deny but privately fear that their political
dominance is threatened. Mass disaffection from capitalism is growing. One reason is the
relocation of capitalism's growth from its old centers (Western Europe, North America, and
Japan) to new centers (China, India, and Brazil). Globalization -- the polite but confused term
for that relocation -- generates economic declines in the old centers that destabilize
communities unable to admit let alone prepare for them. There, vanishing job opportunities,
incomes, and social services provoke increasing questions and challenges confronting
capitalism. These are now leading to broad and growing disaffection from the capitalist system.
Polls and other signs of that disaffection abound. In the United States, on the one hand, the
Republican Party lurched to the right. Trump-type quasi-fascism wants to impose a nationalist
turn to "save" U.S. capitalism. On the other hand, the old, pro-capitalist establishment
running the Democratic Party blocked Bernie Sanders and other socialists from any real power or
voice. Saving capitalism was and also remains that establishment's goal.
Capitalism eventually defeated and displaced feudalism by combining micro-level construction
and expansion of capitalist enterprises with macro-focused political parties finding ways to
protect those enterprises and facilitate their growth. Capitalists' profits funded their
parties' activities.
This article was produced byEconomy for All, a
project of the Independent Media Institute.
I understood perfectly well, because Nate Silver kept insisting on it, that
statistically there was a non-trivial chance that Trump would win
The most interesting scenario now what will happen if Trump lose and Biden (or whoever is
the political force behind him) faces hostile Senate. And possibly both hostile Senate and
the House in 2022.
Blue wave did not happen. That's a fact. And that fact alone makes Biden victory, if any,
Pyrrhic. Putting Biden administration in a very precarious position, worse then Trump in
2016. With the real possibility of launching "Chinagate" against him, using Russiagate
template. A special prosecutor and such.
Epidemic and connected with it recession are not over. Senate is controlled by
Republicans. Relation with China deteriorates and with Russia became outright hostile.
A vote for Trump is a vote against America's ruling class
On Saturday night, President Trump held a campaign
rally in Butler, Pa. Butler is a town 35 miles north of Pittsburgh, and it's like a lot of
places you'll find in this country once you head inland from the coasts.
Butler is a former industrial town -- they made Pullman rail cars there for many years --
but it's been losing population for decades. There are still a lot of nice people in Butler and
for $60,000 or so, you can buy a decent house there. It's a place you might be happy in.
But our professional class is not impressed by Butler. They don't consider Butler, Pa. or
places like it to be the future. To them, places like Butler are embarrassing relics of a past
best forgotten. The men of Butler may have built this country, and they did, but they mean
nothing to our leaders now. You can be certain of that because when large numbers of people in
Butler started killing themselves with narcotics, no one in Washington or New York or Los
Angeles said a word about it.
Trump supporters hold up four fingers as they chant 'Four More Years' at President Trump's
campaign rally in Butler, Pa. Saturday. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
There have now been so many opioid deaths in Butler that a few years ago, residents built an
overdose memorial in the middle of town. MSNBC didn't cover that.
So given all of that, it was interesting how the people around Butler feel about Donald
Trump. Between 10,000 and 15,000 people came out to see him Saturday night, depending on whose
estimate you believe. Pictures of the rally site showed a sea of people obscuring the horizon,
the kind of image you would see of a visit from the pope.
When was the last time a political speech drew that many people? Well, the media didn't ask.
Instead, they attacked the rally as a "superspreader" event. OK, we'll leave the epidemiology
to CNN.
But the questions still hung in the air. Why did all those people come? They must have known
that Donald Trump is the most evil man who hass ever lived. They've heard that every day for
five years. They know that people who support Donald Trump are also evil, they're bigots,
they're morons, they're racist cult members. They know that Americans have been fired from
their jobs for supporting Donald Trump, not to mention kicked off social media, belittled by
their kids' teachers and shunned by decent society. Only losers and freaks support Donald
People in Butler knew all of that. But on Saturday, they went to the Donald Trump rally,
anyway. Why exactly did they do that? We should be pondering that question deeply as we watch
Tuesday night's returns and as we live through the aftermath of them.
Millions of Americans sincerely love Donald Trump. They love him in spite of everything
they've heard. They love him, often, in spite of himself. They're not deluded. They know
exactly who Trump is. They love him anyway.
Trump addresses the crowd at his rally in Butler, Pa. (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic)
They love Donald Trump because no one else loves them. The country they built, the country
their ancestors fought for over hundreds of years, has left them to die in unfashionable little
towns, mocked and despised by the sneering halfwits with finance degrees -- but no actual
skills -- who seem to run everything all of a sudden.
Whatever Donald Trump's faults, he is better than the rest of the people in charge. At least
he doesn't hate them for their weakness. Donald Trump, in other words, is and has always been a
living indictment of the people who run this country. That was true four years ago when he came
out of nowhere to win the presidency. And it's every bit as true right now, maybe even more
true than it's ever been. It will remain true regardless of whether Donald Trump wins
Trump rose because they failed. It's as simple as that. If the people in charge had done a
halfway decent job with the country they inherited, if they cared about anything other than
themselves, even for just a moment, Donald Trump would still be hosting "Celebrity Apprentice."
But they didn't. Instead, they were incompetent and narcissistic and cruel and relentlessly
dishonest. They wrecked what they didn't build, and they lied about it. They hurt anyone who
told the truth about what they were doing. That's all true. We all watched.
America is still a great country, the best in the world, but our ruling class is disgusting.
A vote for Trump is a vote against them. That's what's going on in those pictures from Butler.
That's what's going on in this country.
"... There was no blue tide. Nor was there a red tide. ..."
"... Trump outperformed 2016 in every demographic category except white males. ..."
"... The Republican increase in the House plus Republicans holding the line in the Senate means if Biden wins - McConnell is 99% certain to not go along with a stimulus in February just to ensure that the blue states' bleeding budgets don't get shored up and to set up maximum pain during the Biden administration - as a prelude to the 2024 presidential race. ..."
"... There will not be scrutiny of tech companies unless Trump wins. The Google antitrust will fizzle out with Biden/Harris in office. ..."
"... Health care remains a quagmire. If Biden had gone Medicare For All, or even Bernie, I would have voted for either, holding my nose. The ongoing Democrat sellout to the health care industry continues. ..."
"... If Biden wins, the Democrat party won't change its ways. ..."
2) There was no blue tide. Nor was there a red tide. I said it would be close, and this
present situation absolutely qualifies as close. I now expect this to drag on for weeks -
possibly until December.
3) COVID policies - lockdowns and what not - are not even close to universally supported.
The PMCs like it, the conservatives don't.
4) Trump outperformed 2016 in every demographic category except white males. Not that he
is majority supported, that he got more votes from these groups in 2020 than in 2016 - from
black men, from black women, from white women, from Hispanic men, from Hispanic women and
from the "other" category: source
What can we say for sure from this election?
a) There won't be a new stimulus unless Trump wins. Pelosi not taking the $1.8T proposed
in October (vs. the $2.8T the Democrats wanted and vs. the $1T first proposed by McConnell)
was a huge mistake.
The Republican increase in the House plus Republicans holding the line in the Senate means
if Biden wins - McConnell is 99% certain to not go along with a stimulus in February just to
ensure that the blue states' bleeding budgets don't get shored up and to set up maximum pain
during the Biden administration - as a prelude to the 2024 presidential race.
b) There will not be scrutiny of tech companies unless Trump wins. The Google antitrust
will fizzle out with Biden/Harris in office.
c) Health care remains a quagmire. If Biden had gone Medicare For All, or even Bernie, I
would have voted for either, holding my nose. The ongoing Democrat sellout to the health care
industry continues.
d) If Biden wins, the Democrat party won't change its ways. It won't go Medicare For All.
It won't return to its blue collar roots. It will continue to be the apologists for
Republican deregulation pushes.
e) Identitarian politics doesn't work. If Biden wins, this may be glossed over but Trump's
improvement vs. 2016 - even in a record turnout year - means that the identitarian politics
issue resonates only with the PMC crowd. As Krystal of Rising notes: it is stupid to focus on
this issue when the PMC crowd is pro-Democrat no matter what.
Things which are less clear:
Will the Republican party understand and acknowledge what Trump has done? Call it populism
or Trumpism or whatever - Trump has breached the Democrat stranglehold on minorities and the
lower classes. Anyone who saw any of the rallies in the past 5 weeks knows the base Trump
inspired is not going to disappear, but the old-money stranglehold on the Republican party is
not to be underestimated.
I see this election as positive. So many sacred cows gored. So many people - regardless of
who wins President - are going to be energized/angry. This hopefully focuses attention on the
huge list of things which need to be fixed so that there is a chance they will be.
"... Trump's campaign claimed Wednesday he still had a path to victory if he keeps Pennsylvania and somehow Arizona comes back to him. But even if Trump does lose, it may be a blessing in disguise for Republicans. ..."
"... The result has crushed Democratic expectations of a clean sweep. It wasn't a landslide win against an unpopular president, as we had been told so confidently for months. ..."
"... If Biden wins, it will be by the narrowest margin. And all the hundreds of millions spent on retaking the Senate came to nothing, with the Republicans looking to hold onto their lead. The top targets, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. Lindsey Graham, survived easily. ..."
"... The failure means that in 2022, the House is more likely to revert to Republican control, setting up a lame-duck presidency. ..."
"... Unfortunately, nothing can be done to stop a President Biden-Harris repeat of the geopolitical errors of the Obama presidency, such as appeasing China and Iran's mullahs and signing onto the Paris climate accord. But a President Biden in cognitive decline will sooner or later be replaced by his unpopular, untested vice president, Kamala Harris. Saddled with a recession and policies that will only exacerbate economic decline, the next four years will hobble Democrats. ..."
"... Whoever wins this election, the result is a humiliation for the Trump-deranged media and the tame pollsters who provide them with the justification for their dishonest political narrative. ..."
"... Whoever wins, this election has exposed the frauds and liars who pose as our elites, and half of America won't forget it. ..."
"... In a press conference in Philadelphia Wednesday, Giuliani laid out one clear anomaly in which, contrary to Pennsylvania law, Republican election observers were denied the right to oversee the counting of 120,000 ballots by being forced to stand 20 to 30 feet away from where they were being counted. ..."
"... In one case, a woman claiming to be an election volunteer in Michigan's Clark County claimed on video she had discovered a box of 500 ballots outside the counting facility from people who were not on the voter rolls. ..."
The president has every right to ensure electoral laws are enforced to prevent fraud. In
fact, he owes it to the 68 million deplorables who voted for him. Let's be real. Goliath was never going to let David breeze through the rematch .
The provinces, for whom President Trump
is an instrument, not an end in himself, were never going to have an easy time winning the 2020
election against the amassed might of the Democratic Party, the "Fake News" media and allied
pollsters, Big Tech, woke billionaires and the celebrity class, who united to stamp out the
barbarian orange emperor.
The "chumps" and "ugly folk," as Joe Biden calls them, came out in their
glorious millions from the American heartland on Election Day and now we will see if people
power prevails, if the nationalist populist movement enabled by Donald Trump, but not defined
by him, lives to fight another day against the corrupt globalists represented by the sad husk
of Biden.
It boils down to Trump's belief that the Democrats perpetrated
widespread voter fraud in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and elsewhere to steal the
While even those in his own party are urging him to lose gracefully, the president has every
right to ensure electoral laws are enforced to prevent fraud. In fact, he owes it to the 68 million deplorables who voted for him. To that end, Trump has turned to an old ally, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, to lead a
heroic legal challenge .
In Wisconsin, 300 ballots went missing when the Willow Township municipal clerk went home
sick and no one could find her, the Washington Post reported. The ballots eventually turned up
yesterday, with 157 votes for Trump and 114 for Biden.
In Arizona -- which was called early for Biden on election night, but the Trump campaign
still says they can win -- a "data error" claimed that 95 percent of votes had been counted
yesterday when only 86 percent had been, and the remainder reportedly were from Trump-heavy
So you can see that, in such a close election, Trump's concerns are not frivolous. Fraud is corrosive, but so is claiming fraud where there is none. We will see where the
lawsuits land. In any case, Biden as much as declared victory yesterday, saying that by the time the count
is finished, "I believe I will be the winner . . . we are winning in enough
states to reach the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency."
Trump's campaign claimed Wednesday he still had a path to victory if he keeps Pennsylvania
and somehow Arizona comes back to him. But even if Trump does lose, it may be a blessing in disguise for Republicans.
The result has crushed Democratic expectations of a clean sweep. It wasn't a landslide win
against an unpopular president, as we had been told so confidently for months.
If Biden wins, it will be by the narrowest margin. And all the hundreds of millions spent on retaking the Senate came to
nothing, with the Republicans looking to hold onto their lead. The top targets, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. Lindsey Graham, survived easily.
The fatal miscalculations of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in cynically refusing to negotiate
on the latest stimulus bill have cost the Democrats dearly in the House, where they have gone
backward by at least six seats. They did not manage to get rid of a single Republican. So much
for the blue wave.
The failure means that in 2022, the House is more likely to revert to Republican control,
setting up a lame-duck presidency.
The Democrats won't be able to pack the Supreme Court, abolish the Electoral College or make
DC and Puerto Rico states. They will struggle to impose the Green New Deal.
Unfortunately, nothing can be done to stop a President Biden-Harris repeat of the
geopolitical errors of the Obama presidency, such as appeasing China and Iran's mullahs and
signing onto the Paris climate accord. But a President Biden in cognitive decline will sooner or later be replaced by his
unpopular, untested vice president, Kamala Harris. Saddled with a recession and policies that will only exacerbate economic decline, the next
four years will hobble Democrats.
Their flaws and hypocrisy will be on full display, with a good chance of the 2024
presidential race being won by one of the new generation of Republican heirs to Trumpism.
Whoever wins this election, the result is a humiliation for the Trump-deranged media and the
tame pollsters who provide them with the justification for their dishonest political
Let history record that on the Sunday before the election, the New York Times declared that
"all 15" of their columnists suffer from mandatory Trump Derangement Syndrome.
"All 15 of our columnists explain what the past four years have cost America" was the
introduction to a carnival of wokesplaining.
That's what you get when you fire opinion editors who publish conservatives. Whoever wins, this election has exposed the frauds and liars who pose as our elites, and
half of America won't forget it.
In a press conference in Philadelphia Wednesday, Giuliani
laid out one clear anomaly in which, contrary to Pennsylvania law, Republican election
observers were denied the right to oversee the counting of 120,000 ballots by being forced to
stand 20 to 30 feet away from where they were being counted.
"They were never able to see the ballot itself, never able to see if it was properly
postmarked, properly addressed, properly signed on the outside . . . this went on
for 20 hours. While all of you thought there was some kind of legitimate count going on here in
Philadelphia, it was totally illegitimate."
Giuliani's team has also launched
a lawsuit in Wisconsin , where he says that, after election observers had gone home, "at 3
or 4 in the morning about 120,000 ballots appeared . . . and they all got
The Trump campaign also filed
a lawsuit in Michigan Wednesday, with campaign manager Bill
Stepien claiming Republican observers were denied "meaningful access to numerous counting
locations to observe the opening of ballots and the counting process, as guaranteed by Michigan
There are other allegations of fraud or irregularities, late-counted votes and suspected
vote harvesting being reported around the country.
In one case, a woman claiming to be an election volunteer in Michigan's Clark County claimed
on video she had discovered a box of 500 ballots outside the counting facility from people who
were not on the voter rolls.
I can remember - 8 to 12 years ago - when Democrat primaries were not fixed. It's a
completely different beast in 2020. The entire Left is unrecognizable from 15 years ago. It
used to care more about wars in Iraq then Trannie washrooms!
Even with obvious fraud, you
still see them here making excuses for their Left wing candidate.
Western hypocrisy revealed 10 years after the event in today's Independent:
"Tony Blair and Iraq: The damning evidence" . And they go on and on about those wicked,
evil Russians and their tyrannical leader causing death and destruction Syria by their
"support" of the Assad government whilst the West arms the "freedom fighters" there.
It seems that we all will have to fill up our popcorn supplies as the rather comical and
process of U.S. vote counting is likely to continue until maybe December 8, the safe harbor date on
which the states will have to certify their electors.
The race is nowhere near where the Democrats and their supporting media had expected it to
go. Just last week polls claimed that Biden would lead in Wisconsin
by 17 percent . The current margin is a rather dubious
0.6 percent which upcoming recounts may well eliminate.
That the Democrats lose House seats, do not win the Senate and barely manage to drag their
demented presidential candidate towards a stalemate tells a lot about their lack of sane
policies. A donor party completely disinterested in what the people really want - medicare for
all, no fracking etc. - will have little chance to survive a future onslaught of conservatives
with a more competent figure head than Donald Trump.
There will be protests, probably violent ones, and more legal action from either side. I see
no comprise possible that would satisfy both parties. I fear that, should Trump lose this
Trumpism will only grow and make the U.S. ungovernable.
Maybe Trump and Biden could publicly draw straws to get over with it.
Many nationalists plan to vote for Trump, not due to a positive assessment of his first
term, but for the same reason people line up for terrible movie sequels: warm and fuzzy
nostalgia, sometimes inexplicable. Once upon a time the prospect of electing this man made the
people we all hate but who rule us anyway visibly afraid.
Spite for the "coastal elites" in tortoiseshell glasses will likely save the day.
But don't expect the same flood of libtard tears this time around outside of maybe low level
MSNBC watchers. The real elite, the Jews, now realize that Trump's gun had an orange tip spray
painted black the whole time.
Trump began betraying his voters almost as soon as he was sworn into office. The only
figures in Trump's populist campaign who survived the 2016 election were Steve Bannon, who was
banished after Charlottesville and is now facing federal charges at the hands of Trump's own
Department of Justice, and Jeff Sessions, whose political career was destroyed by Trump's
calculated malice.
A victory in 2016 by any of the generic GOP hacks who lost during the primary would've been
indistinguishable from the last four years of Trump, policy-wise.
Draining the swamp and transforming the Republicans into a worker's party? No. Instead, his
cabinet positions
were staffed by the swamp scum at the Heritage Foundation.
Deportation force and a wall? He trots out Stephen Miller
before any big vote , but nothing was accomplished on this front. Barack Obama removed
50% more
illegal aliens in his first term than Trump has. In his first two years of holding the
Presidency and Congress, Trump made no effort to present legislation to combat illegal
immigration or even increase border security. There are more Asian and Central American illegal
aliens in the United States right now than before he took office.
Punishing "LIBERAL DONORS"? Heritage's appointments have helped enable a corporate crime
wave not seen in recent memory, with laughable cases of naked insider trading like the
"paused" loan to Kodak personally protected by Trump's inner circle. Every multi-national
and NGO has been scamming the PPP system, Trump's promise to crack down on this
will never materialized . White collar crime prosecutions have fallen to a
33-year low during this administration.
Is it any wonder these "donors" have so much money laying around they can use it to fund
Black Lives Matter?
This round of American populism has been defeated by the Swamp conservatives, many who were
originally Trump foes and but now gleefully wear MAGA hats and have shoved aside relatively
independent alt-light con artists and
the organic ethno-nationalist movement. The conservatives we thought we canceled, like the Jews
Ben Shapiro, Mark Levine, and Dennis Prager have come back from the dead thanks to Big Tech's
massive crackdown on independent media.
The problem for Trump is that conservatism is widely hated, especially by his voters.
Trump's tax cut for billionaires is one of his administration's only policy achievements, and
it is the
most unpopular thing he has ever done.
What will carry Trump over the finish line is the understandable desire to trigger the
libs just one last time, in a way that won't get you fired from your job or
antagonized by the FBI . The immense power the Judeo-left has amassed by uniting suburban
liberals, big capitalists, permanent bureaucrats and antifa under Trump has contributed to
white working people becoming atomized, thus demoralized, thus susceptible to Trump's campaign
year presentation as The Last White Man .
Seeing the conservative movement peering out from under the mountains of shit we shoveled on
them to dominate the Trump-era is testament to the flexibility and tenacity -- thanks to Jewish
"philanthropy" -- of the phony right. The time-sink, money-sink non-issues of abortion, the
supposed justification for confirming Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, has re-emerged as
a supposedly important issue. Last year the abortion rate fell to the lowest
levels ever, largely due to low rates of sex between young people and the widespread
adoption of contraceptives.
But the Koch brothers know what we're really getting in ACB. The notorious "Americans for
spent millions to push her through because she will be the most pro-big business justice on
the court (she sided with big business 85% of the time during her
judgeship), which explains the complete lack of a fight from the Democrats. 15 of the last 19
SCOTUS judges have been appointed by the Republican Party, yet the court has become more
pro-business and socially "liberal" anyway.
As Ted Cruz has recently stated, once the election is over and they're no longer under
pressure from voters, Trump and the GOP will be returning to
business as usual : imposing austerity during an unprecedented unemployment crisis,
ratcheting up military tensions with enemies of Israel, and as the
Heritage Foundation predicts in its conclusion of Trump v. Biden on immigration, a massive
amnesty bill that will introduce a new "merit-based immigration system" -- the H1-B program on
While nobody thinks Trump's "platinum plan for black America" will ever come to be, the mere
suggestion will be opening up a debate we should not be having. Explicit
no-whites-need-apply social policies are another cultural artifact of the Trump era bound to
become acceptable in his second term.
For establishment Democrats, their second defeat at the hands of Trump will be enormously
discrediting, but they will profit in the short term from their comfortable position as the
opposition party. By running a candidate like Joe Biden, one can only assume they want to
But the Clinton-Biden-Obama-Pelosi nexus, who planned to fill "Sleepy Joe's" spayed cabinet
with people like John Kasich, Jeff
Flake , and various in-house neo-liberals, will be pressured by actual communists in their
party to step aside. The Republican Party will never be able to meet this challenge, instead
Trump and Charlie Kirk will be riding a helicopter to Botswana to cut the ribbon on a new
bathhouse and dance to the Village People when the next incident occurs and the nation is once
again on fire.
The New York Times has turned this election into a referendum on Woke + Wall
Street. The majority, even many non-whites, will be rejecting America's new official ideology
From the beginning, one side of me has always thought Trump to be too good to be true. My
first doubts about him came when I learned his daughter was married to a powerful Jew and
she's adopted his religion. Trump has turned out to be the most pro-Zionist president ever
and has even moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem...
Best thing I have read on Trump. Here is my one reservation
"The real elite, the Jews, now realize that Trump's gun had an orange tip spray painted
black the whole time."
Forget "now realize". At least Trump's Jews – the ones anti Jewish Power Trump
supporters never report on – have ALWAYS realized that Trump is shabbos goy to the
bone. I am talking about Jews like:
Lew Eisenberg, Sheldon and Miriam Adelson, Mel Sembler, Ron Weiser, Steve Wynn, Elliott
Brody, Laurie Perlmutter, and Carl Icahn, not to mention Bernie Marcus. Then we have his many
Jewish personal and professional associates, who include, among others, Avi Berkowitz,
Michael Cohen, Gary Cohn, Reed Cordish, Boris Epshteyn, David Friedman, Jason Greenblatt,
Larry Kudlow, Stephen Miller, Steven Mnuchin, Jay Sekulow, David Shulkin, and Allen
Weisselberg. All those Trump-defenders out there in America should be dismayed at his vast
linkage to the people of Israel(See Thomas Dalton, True Q)
These are the big Business Republican Jews and their apparatchiks as opposed to the new
class professionals, academics, intellectuals, mediaist, journalists, and policy wonks who
comprise the neo liberal – liberal and neocon Jews of the Democrat Party. Unlike the
Democrat Jews who don't know Trump existentially – he's too vulgar and undereducated
– and really do think, or perhaps at least thought, that Trump could be the coming of a
new Hitler, the Business Jews have had long actual existential relations with Trump or know
Jews who have. Trump has been up to his ears in Jews of the Big Business type his whole life
and they know he is firmly in the Semophile bag. As Jews , Trump's Jews want Zionism and have
always known he is good for it. But they also want every break they can get for Big Business
because what could be better for Jews who prosper from neoliberalism right across their
higher class status? As Striker argues , Trump will give Jews another round of business
breaks like those he had already given in his first term. And there will go his populist
image but it will have served its purpose
All this could have been easily predicted if someone in our ethnic realism community had
taken a good look at Trump's Jews. Instead Trump was allowed to pose as "the last white
Actually E Michael Jones sort of tried it but he didn't get any support. Why is that?
Well, I don't know who won yet and I doubt that anyone will ever know since everything is
rigged, but Old Joe has most of the alphabet agencies in his pocket, the MSM in his corner
and a whole lot of Obama, Clinton trotskyites lookin after him. That should mean that he
should win by a landslide, unless he lets the popular vote for Trump – into the
election process – which would be shrewd .. lol As far as America goes – SNAFU d
I've been sitting here watching the election maps all night.
The counting stopped around 8:30 – 9:00 Pacific time. It hasn't moved since.
If you go into the counties on the particular states that have stalled, you can do the
Clearly Trump was winning and if counts allowed, they should be able to call it.
Amazingly, they called Arizona when it was only something like 68% complete.
NV was going red but it shows it is swaying blue now it is the only state that has updated
in last 3 hours besides Arizona.
It looks like they might be trying to pull something (the Democrats/Deep state).
I've never seen this happen. There is no reason for it to have happened.
WI, MI, PA, NC and GA are all pending red, along with the 1 electoral vote in ME.
Go to bed. In morning we'll get up and Biden will be declared winner with most of the
above states declared blue (sometime during the night when most people are sleeping).
Superficial article. The author did write a few good sentences, but seems to have missed
that Trump is at most a potential catalyst for white awakening. If that does not happen, you
can't blame him. You can only blame yourself for a combination of spinelessness, stupidity,
cowardice & naivety.
If the central pillar of America, whites, are so immature or so divided, US cannot last.
No empire which was not a nation-state too, did survive in history. It disintegrated &
Too bad Trump is jewish and fully cooperated with his shitty ethnic group and their
endless treasonous schemes many times. The alt-right/Q/MAGA jewish psyop (the real
Russiagate), HARPA, Barr covering up many crimes of the tribe (Epstein, Trump's crimes, big
tech, fake BLM/ANTIFA protests, ), treasonous cooperation with Israel, the coronavirus flu
scam, close ties to illegal mass surveillance contractors and Chabad Lubavich, shady deals
with banks, handing money over to his fellows in "coronavirus aid packages", engaging in
trade wars that seemed to be stupid, but had the objective of imploding the US economy to
pave way for China (same for the flu scam and 2008 crisis)
Biden isn't that different either.
@Anon out civilization
and barbarism that Hudson quite matter-of-factly agreed with me that the book is, to the
extent that it will be understood, " earth-shattering" in both intent and effect .
The movement that Striker is referring to, has have a moral component, otherwise the agents
of Mammon win again. Our (((friends))) have been winning for centuries, because they have
redefined reality using their ill-gotten gains. Clown world is funded.
But whether we get Trump or Biden, we need to organize our own political movement or we
will be getting it anyway.
The point is that there's not a dimes worth of difference between the Democrats and
Republicans and their candidates and therefore voting is a waste of time.
It looks like they might be trying to pull something (the Democrats/Deep state).
Yes, they're trying to cheat, no doubt. Of course, nobody will care enough to do anything
about it. Had Trump actually done something for White people, the erstwhile alt-right might
have organized Charlottesville-style rallies in support of Trump, but he didn't, so they won't.
That's what he gets for being a cuck and throwing his most committed supporters under the
Trump is like the abusive alcoholic husband and American conservatives(mostly Whites)are
like the battered wife. Deep down we know the beatings will never stop, but we continue to give
our love and support to him. We know we should leave him, perhaps find a new man to share our
love with and help raise our kids. The problem is we are stuck in a neighborhood of crack heads
and heroine addicts, and the new husband would turn out worse than the last...
The old saw that Obama deported more illegals than did Trump in the first term is a lie
exposed many times over. At the border under Bush II, Mexicans caught coming across were simply
sent back on their own recognizance (ORed) and not counted as a deportation. There were
thousands and thousands treated this way by the Border Patrol and Immigration. To get the
deportation numbers up, Obama ordered that ORs be counted as deportations, so therein is the
I must agree with this article. Trump has largely betrayed his base, and is no more likely
to do better for the average working class American in his second term than he has in his
first. It's painful, I don't want to admit this either, but as they say, optimism is
I must however object to the notion that the Democrats are in any way "communist." Do
communists throw tens of trillions of dollars at Wall Street while starving the real economy of
investment? Do communists support "surprise medical billing?" Do communists allow all important
financial decisions to be made by private corporations? Oh sure, the Democrats will come up
with all sorts of confiscatory taxes and regulations on the middle class, no doubt, and they
will subsidize illegal immigrants – which is to say, they will subsidize cheap labor for
the elites. And yes they will be for transgender bathrooms. But communists? No way no how, the
Democrats are Neoliberal scum just like the Republicans.
Make a new political movement? It would be nice, but I can't see any way that such a thing
will not be suppressed or co-opted or the leadership bought out etc.etc. Look what happened to
"Golden Dawn" in Greece
Sadly I think the last white man is going to lose. The election has been stolen from him
with mass voting fraud, both in vote counting and mass voting by illegal voters. He has also
shot himself in the foot over the last four years with several major blunders, which did not
help, for e.g.:
1) Calling off the voting fraud investigation and disbanded the investigative team soon
after his inauguration in 2016.
2) Too thin skin and incendiary in his tweets, not very Presidential and made unnecessary
3) Didn't do enough to reduce legal immigration incl. H1B and OPTs right from the get go,
which lost him a lot of enthusiasm from college educated voters. He only finally began to do
something about it last month, too little too late. Stephen Miller turned out to be a fake
patriot after all, who kept out true patriots like Kris Kobach from running the DHS.
4) Kept/promoted his enemies like Paul Ryan, John Kelly, Rod Rosenstein, James Comey, HR
McMaster, Gina Haspel, Christopher Wray et. al, which came back to haunt him very quickly.
5) Letting wormtongue (Jared Kushner) into the WH and giving him far too much power,
including freeing all the drug dealers.
6) At times it seemed like the only thing he cares about is the stock market, he made lots
of people way richer than they were in 2016, and these are all the people who are now voting
against him, from Wall Street to Silicon Valley.
7) Too many Jews and Ziocons in his cabinet. Pandered too much to Israel, making his real
slogan more like MIGA than MAGA.
Come to think of it, Trump is not the last white man. He is the last Ziocon Jew to become
Trump did not win by a landslide as so many hoped. There is a reason for the red wave fail,
and it is Trump himself and his policies.
Trump's biggest enemy is himself, he spent the entire administration making threats and
filling his administration with swamp criminals, he is slavishly whored to Netanyahu and
Israel, he even murdered Soleimani. He didn't remove the troops from a single occupied nation.
Trump's failure as a good administrator is glaring obvious and of no surprise because he had no
previous governmental experience. He just winged it based on being the Donald. What a joke. A
nation ruled by one ego that thinks it is god.
He never went on the offensive with 911 truth, which would put the entire swamp under
investigation and in a fight to stay out of prison. With 911 investigation Israel would be put
on a leash, and the Neocons would ALL be indicted, along with the Jewish newspapers and
lobbies. Because Trump REFUSED to investigate the biggest crime in history because of his god
damned loyalty to Jews and Israel, it is Trump who spent his entire presidency in a defensive
When asked if he condemns white supremacy Trump did not condemn the interviewer or defend
white people. Pathetic. He's cucked to the Jewish media narrative. And why doesn't he take
legal or military action against the Jewish media? Because he is bed with Kushners and the
As a result of his own actions Trump who could of won by a landslide is now in a stalemate
with creeper senile Biden, one of the most pathetic candidates ever. Trump failures all center
around his loyalties to Jews and Israel.
So this election is looking more and more like a stalemate and I would like to bring to
everyone's attention that there is a "prophecy" of how this ends:
"The presidents of the U.S., a supposedly free country, have been abusing their power to
an increasingly greater extent. During a time of social unrest even more so than the period
of Viet Nam and Watergate, the electoral college will be evenly split over the election of
the new president. The process will stalemate, with many people clamoring for whichever
candidate they voted for, causing enormous tension in the country. Internationally it will be
a sensitive situation.
Because of the split, and the extremely volatile and explosive social unrest, putting
either candidate in office instead of the other could start a civil war or a revolution.
After a long time of impassioned speeches invoking patriotism and the founding fathers, a
compromise solution of holding another election will be taken, and a candidate will be
installed without disaster."
PS I have no dog in the fight and I don't vote, I will never vote for a lesser of two evils,
if the two pedo candidates is the best the nation can do when we have 337 million people to
pick from then maybe the nation needs to fall.
persistence and evolution of the US two/uni party system is interesting.
It is due to the "winner take all" election rules rather than a proportional system. For the
most part, US voters vote straight party anyway, so I don't see why we can't just go to a
proportional system where you vote for a party, and based upon that party's percentage of vote,
they get to fill X seats. Perhaps that would not work with the Presidential or Senate
elections, but would at least work for the House.
It looks like Republicans will be keeping the Senate. They almost did win House also.
So Biden cannot do too much, except to make some wars, regulate the international trade and
give some money to freeloaders residing in the cities.
In the mean time the rate of debt will significantly increase.
I do not think there could be any negotiations with Russians because Biden is unreliable.
Trump began betraying his voters almost as soon as he was sworn into office. The only
figures in Trump's populist campaign who survived the 2016 election were Steve Bannon, who
was banished after Charlottesville and is now facing federal charges at the hands of Trump's
own Department of Justice, and Jeff Sessions, whose political career was destroyed by Trump's
calculated malice.
Remember Kris Kobach and how he was going to investigate widespread election fraud? that's
something that might have been useful. Whatever happened to him, anyway? Just kind of faded
away. No support from Drumpf. Last I heard, Kobach was held in contempt of court for failing to
adequately advise noncitizens of their "right" to vote:
And Steve King -- sure, he was initially a Cruz supporter, but backed Trump enthusiastically
later on. King's mild civic nationalism and strong support for common sense, patriotic
immigration reform are exactly the agenda that Trump claimed to support. But when the
corporate "news" media and the entire Uniparty attacked Steve King as "inadequately anti-White"
-- Trump did <a href+'"was
quick to disavow. King's longstanding
Israel Firstism did nothing to save him. It's not enough to support semitic supremacism in
the current year; you have to be actively anti-White as well, goy.
Zemurray's original name was Schmuel Zmurri. He was born in Kishinev, Bessarabia, Russia
(present-day Chişinău, Moldova) to a poor Jewish family that emigrated
to America when he was fourteen years old.
In early 20th century, he went to Honduras to take over the banana crop business. He hired
pe0ple to do a coup for his business interests in 1910.
@Rufus Clyde Too group
has been around for more than a decade. It was very clever to imply they were deeply involved
and have them seem to be the originators of the predator exposures and firings.
Also, think it a coincidence that so many Repubs in Congress either "retired",
decided to do something else or whose campaigns weren't going to be funded by the RNC in 2018?
NO. They were forced out because they were corrupt.
Think Guliani bothered to go spend weeks in Ukraine just for vacation? NO, he went to get
firsthand evidence of the Biden corruption. Etc, etc ..
@Zarathustra "Trump did
for the jew as much as he could."
How does the cliche go? Live by the jew, die by the jew? Parasites are not known for their
loyalty. The tribe squeezed all it could out of their useful idiot, Donnie the Dummy, and then
deftly jumped to a new host, Joey Depends, who will willingly advance the tribe's self-serving
agenda in ways yet undreamed of even by the political cognoscenti. Donnie appears to be a
vindictive old bitch and might just form a populist third party along the lines of Teddy
Roosevelt's moronic Bull Moose now that the tribe has discarded him like a wad of used stained
toilet paper.
@Zarathustra he Jews and
being vetted by them. He was a loose cannon and had to go.
I further believe that war with China is more likely under Biden than Trump. The U.S. dollar
has been the reserve currency since right after WWII. The rise of China threatens that so China
will eventually have to be dealt with militarily. The Jews must maintain the U.S. dollar as
reserve currency else much of their ill gotten gains tend to evaporate over time.
I am positive that local Jews have large investments in China.
That one I have no information on. It could well be true.
Multiculturalism has always been a stopgap, a temporary pause on the way to disintegration
for empires. The elites always put their hopes in it imagining they will satisfy angry
minorities with minor adjustments. It never works. Just look at the Black armed militias. Not
even systematic Black privilege n Supremacism is enough for them. They won't stop even for
Biden until they ethnically cleanse whites completely from large parts of the country dominate
the rest. We are past elections now. The war has begun.
The stage is set for another false flag with everyone distracted and caught up with the
plandemic and/or political unrest, and regardless of which puppet gets selected, the
Ziocorporate regime is certain to be rolling out more AI and tech to manipulate, control and
frame the masses. The "anti-semitic terrorism" angle of Islamism now colluding with neo-Nazi
white supremacism is as hilarious as it is scary, considering the US/EU Ziocorporate terrorist
regimes' recent interventions in Libya, Syria and Ukraine and the sudden rise in ISlamist
events in NATO/EU countries. This late stage fusion of imperial capitalism with communism in
the West is looking like a complete disaster for mankind.
@Katrinka in droves, but
there is massive fraud going on in GA, NC, NV, AZ, PA, WI and MI, as well as all the blue
states. Not only are votes miscounted, ballots conjured out of thin air for Biden, I suspect
many are also voting illegally since the DMV that registers voters in these states have no
capacity to check their citizenship status. The GOP needs to form an election integrity
committee and conduct a thorough audit of every state to verify their voters' eligibility. It
is a massive undertaking, but it must be done. There is no integrity left in our election
The DNC should rename themselves the EJM, the End Justifies Means party. Democrats are a
bunch of shameless frauds.
It's so simple most don't even see it. American Jews are Trotskyites and Israeli Jews are
Stalinists. That's it Bolshevism 101, come to think of it there is no 102. It seems Mr. Trump
did not choose wisely.
The Biden campaign has worked tirelessly over the past year to channel the image of Joe
Biden as a "serious person," particularly on foreign policy matters. Biden, according to this
, is an elder statesman who grasps the intricacies of international politics. Trump, by
contrast, is
presented as an inept bull in a china shop who only speaks
the language of "fire and fury." Only Biden, we are told, can bring back stability around the
Don't believe a word of it.
This carefully curated image of Joe Biden's strategic acumen and geopolitical foresight is
at odds by the former vice president's own stated views and policy track record. His statements
about a variety of countries suggest that they are based less on a strategic view of world
affairs than snap judgments.
Consider Korea. At the Third Presidential Debate on October 22, Trump touted the benefits of
having "good relations" with foreign leaders like North Korea's Kim Jong Un. Biden responded by
invoking Hitler: "We had a good relationship with Hitler before he, in fact, invaded Europe,
the rest of Europe. Come on. The reason he would not meet with President Obama is because
President Obama said, 'We're going to talk about denuclearization. We're not going to
legitimize you and we're going to continue to push stronger and stronger sanctions on you.'
That's why he wouldn't meet with us." It should go without saying that likening Kim Jong Un to
Adolf Hitler is not only wildly inflammatory but also contributes nothing to our policy
understanding of either figure. The second part of Biden's statement is even more dangerous,
reflecting a failed commitment to old Washington orthodoxy at a time when a growing number of
North Korea experts are quite correctly warning that a blanket insistence on
denuclearization as a precondition for peace talks is futile and counterproductive.
Biden extended a similarly brash stance toward America's friends. At a recent Philadelphia
town hall event, Biden-- who has incessantly lectured Trump on the perils of spurning America's
longstanding allies-- all but
consigned two key US partners into a new Axis of Evil: "And NATO is in the risk of
beginning to crack because they don't doubt -- they doubt our -- whether we're there. You see
what's happened in everything from Belarus to Poland to Hungary, and the rise of totalitarian
regimes in the world, and as well, this president embraces all the thugs in the world." It
bears repeating that Hungary and Poland -- which have both had
legitimate and competitive elections within the past several years-- are not only members of
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, but are among the two biggest military contributors to
NATO's collective security arrangement. Biden's comments are even more tone-deaf in light of
data showing that Poland and Hungary consistently rank among the most pro-American EU
member states. This unprompted attack has already prompted vigorous
rebuke from the government in Budapest, needlessly harming relations between a NATO ally
and prospective President-elect before they began.
Nor does Biden fare better on matters of grand strategy. At a political event in Iowa City,
the former Vice-President dismissed the bipartisan consensus that Beijing poses potential
economic and security threats to the United States. "China is going to eat our lunch? Come on,
man I mean, you know, they're not bad folks, folks. But guess what? They're not competition for
us," he said. Biden's reasoning? Chinese society is too divided, and the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) too corrupt, to mount a credible challenge to the United States: "They can't even
figure out how to deal with the fact that they have this great division between the China Sea
and the mountains in the east, I mean the west.. they can't figure out how they're going to
deal with the corruption that exists within the system."
In point of fact, serious
ethnic cleavages and rampant corruption have not prevented China from aggressively
expanding its geo-economic influence across every continent. From shoring up Venezuela's
embattled Nicolás Maduro with mercenaries and billions of dollars to systematically
Washington's economic and political
reach in Africa, the CCP is actively challenging US interests across the world. This isn't
to say that those challenges are unmanageable with fresh and forward-looking strategies, but to
deny their existence only serves to compound their growing threat.
Biden's comments unsurprisingly drew the ire of politicians from as diverse a cast as
Romney and Bernie Sanders . With the
2020 presidential election looming large on the horizon, Biden jettisoned his position for an
entirely new set of talking points. By the summer of 2019, Biden was
arguing that Trump is the one who is blind to the Chinese threat: "While Trump is attacking
our friends, China is pressing its advantage all over the world you bet I'm worried about China
-- if we keep following Trump's path." He labeled China as a "competitor" at a September 18 CNN
town hall in 2020, and again during a 60 minutes interview last week.
It is unclear what prompted Biden's change of heart, other than perhaps the electoral optics
of being seen as soft on China at a time when millions of Chinese Uighur muslims are being
ethnically cleansed in hundreds of internment camps strewn across China's northwest.
Biden's abrupt, pre-election
transformation into a China hawk has hardly been accompanied by concrete solutions for
managing Sino-American competition. Instead, he continues to tout the old chestnuts of
Washington's inept bipartisan China policies: targeted sanctions for human rights abuses,
multilateral action to stem China's "illegal and unfair trade practices," and more robust
enforcement of intellectual property laws. These generic prescriptions are premised on the
decades-old neoliberal article of faith that closer engagement with international institutions
will inevitably bring China into the fold of liberal-democratic nations.
But a rising China remains a secondary concern for the Democratic candidate, whose go-to
campaign trail foreign policy topic remains the Russia menace. Beginning with the Obama
administration's support for regime change in Ukraine during the 2014 Maidan revolution, Biden
has distinguished himself as one of the foremost advocates for a bellicose approach toward
Russia. Biden's conceit stems from a peculiar, but unfortunately popular, understanding of
Russian president Vladimir Putin's true motives: "The Cold War was based on a conflict of two
profoundly different ideological notions of how the world should function. This is just
basically about a kleptocracy protecting itself I think there's a basic decision that they
cannot compete against a unified West. I think that is Putin's judgment. And so everything he
can do to dismantle the post-World War II liberal world order, including NATO and the EU, I
think, is viewed as in their immediate self-interest,"
said Biden during a 2018 Council on Foreign Relations appearance.
In Biden's view, Putin, an authoritarian kleptocrat fearful of losing his iron grip over
Russia, is on a mission to divide and destroy NATO and the EU because he knows he can't compete
against a united west. Thus, concludes Biden, the thrust of Washington's Russia policy should
be to " impose
meaningful costs " on Moscow for its vast and ever-growing list of transgressions against
the free world. Predictably, these "meaningful costs" amount to more of the same: targeted
sanctions, stationing NATO troops ever closer to Russia's borders, corralling NATO into a
united front against Russia's global assault on democracy, and lobbying for the NATO accession
of post-Soviet states like Georgia and Ukraine.
Though certainly punitive in their effect, it is unclear what concrete strategic goals these
policies are meant to accomplish. After six years of crescendoing sanctions and international
measures aimed at isolating Moscow geopolitically, Russia is no closer to pro-western regime
change; if anything, the economic pain from sanctions has only stoked anti-western sentiment
and further consolidated the Russian masses behind Putin's government. Nor did the Obama-Biden
administration's punitive measures induce any significant changes in the Kremlin's behavior,
partly because the sanctions arrayed against Russia are so rigid and exhaustive that the
Kremlin has long since
abandoned any hope they will ever be lifted.
If nothing else, Biden's recent foreign policy statements are par for the course of his
four-decade long political career-- one that has long been characterized by intermittent
attempts to seize short-term political advantages by rewriting his own policy history. Since
the beginning of the 2020 election, for example, Biden has consistently portrayed himself as an
avowed opponent of the Iraq War. "From the moment Shock and Awe started," said Biden at a
Democratic Presidential Debate in 2019, "from that moment, I was opposed to the effort." But,
as numerous fact-checkers have noted , Biden was not at
all opposed to "the effort." In fact, he repeatedly endorsed the invasion of Iraq from 2003
through 2004, even chiding some skeptical Democrats for not being sufficiently supportive of
the war effort. Biden's volte-face only came in 2005, coinciding
with his newly revealed intention to explore a presidential run. By then, opposition to the
Iraq war was no longer a particularly novel political opinion to hold.
Biden's track record hardly paints the portrait of a sophisticated statesman or "serious"
foreign policy thinker. What emerges instead is the familiar portrait of an old party stalwart
who will say anything, sign on to any position, to seize an advantage in that moment. What so
many commentators and journalists have graciously dismissed as his countless '
gaffes ' is really a reflection of a tired and outdated worldview.
* * *
Mark Episkopos is the new national security reporter for the National Interest.
"... It is funny though how little we know about the most likely outcome. The polls have been more often wrong than right and now show a tight race in those places that are really important. The final result may depend on a few hundred mail-in ballots in some county in Pennsylvania. Or there could also be a landslide in either direction. ..."
"... My personal hunch is that Trump, who is much less exceptional than the media portrait him, will get sufficient electoral college votes to stay in office. ..."
"... The color revolution playbook starts with denying the legitimacy of the vote ..."
A Weird Election Where The Aftermath May Be More Important Than The Resultsteven t
johnson , Nov 3 2020 18:40 utc |
Every four years the United States has "the most important election ever" though none of
those I remember have really changed anything fundamental.
Today's election is different because the Democrats
have threatened to attempt a color-revolution should their candidate not win:
It seems clear that the Democrats will contest the election unless Joe Biden wins an
electoral college majority. If Trump wins they will draw out any concession until the
last mail in vote is counted and litigated through the last level of jurisdiction. They
hope that the accompanying media attention, social media marketing and street action will
wear down the support for Donald Trump.
Throughout the last months the required tactics have been tested with Soros funded Black
Live Matters protests and anarchist riots in Portland and other cites.
This is, as far as I know, the first election day on which businesses have boarded up
their shops because they fear that the election night will be followed by
rampages and looting :
Business districts and office buildings in several U.S. cities are boarding up their
doors and windows for fear of Election Day unrest and in the days that follow.
The sound of sawing, drilling and nailing filled several blocks around the White House
and in New York City, including its iconic Macy's flagship department store.
Police said Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills will be closed down completely on Tuesday,
following a large pro-Trump demonstration in the shopping district over the weekend.
Federal authorities planned to extend the perimeter fencing around the White House by
several blocks, encompassing the same area fenced out during this summer's protests
against racism and police brutality.
Why all this fuzz? The difference between the two major parties is slim. Whoever wins
will be constrained in his policies to fit the general imperial trends the U.S.
It is funny though how little we know about the most likely outcome. The polls have
been more often wrong than right and now show a tight race in those places that are really
important. The final result may depend on a few hundred mail-in ballots in some county in
Pennsylvania. Or there could also be a landslide in either direction.
My personal hunch is that Trump, who is much less exceptional than the media
portrait him, will get sufficient electoral college votes to stay in office.
If the Democrats react to that as they have planned it is quite possible that the
aftermath of the election will be psychologically and historically more important than the
election result itself.
It is hard to convey how exceptionally weird this all looks from the outside.
The color revolution playbook starts with denying the legitimacy of the vote .
That person is Trump. Attributing a plot for a counterrevolution to anyone else is
That's bad enough but finding something sinister about plans to fight to the last lawyer
is just mad dog reaction. The idea that contesting the democratic legitimacy of the
Electoral College is somehow monstrous socialism is foaming at the mouth vicious. John
Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Samuel Tilden and Rutherford Hayes, are commies?
As ever, the combined inanity and moral squalor of the Trump lovers is astounding.
Today's election is different because the Democrats have threatened to attempt a
color-revolution should their candidate not win:
It seems clear that the Democrats will contest the election unless Joe Biden wins an
electoral college majority. If Trump wins they will draw out any concession until the
last mail in vote is counted and litigated through the last level of jurisdiction. They
hope that the accompanying media attention, social media marketing and street action will
wear down the support for Donald Trump.
Throughout the last months the required tactics have been tested with Soros funded Black
Live Matters protests and anarchist riots in Portland and other cites.
Is this a joke? The Biden campaign has built his coalition on white suburbia, older
voters, and a pretty right-leaning electorate. The Democratic Party has moved sharply to
the right under his campaign and has in almost no way supported BLM outside of a handful of
progressives. I expect when they win they will quickly throw the BLM movement entirely
under the bus as they're not really needed.
The final result may depend on a few hundred mail-in ballots in some county in
One thing certain is that no matter what happens on November 3rd there will be two hard
core partisan factions which will insist their guy won, refuse to concede anything, dig in
and entrench. From there it'll be an extra-electoral civil war of propaganda,
lawfare-waging and street-fighting to determine, force against force, what occupies the
White House.
It is not Soros backed supporters of Trump that rioted past months all over the US, they
are on the left, fringe, weird pro-violence youth that have nothing to do with the left at
all, only out there for the kicks of violence and destruction.
Same with the fence they put up around the White house, surely you do not believe those
arent placed there to fend off Trump supporters.
Media narratives are already planting the idea of a prolonged election outcome reveal,
possibly sometime in December was already mentioned on one news station.
This election has loads of mail-in ballots and will be a real mess if there is not a
runaway victory.
I expect a Trump victory and believe the manipulation of poll numbers to inflate Joe
Biden in the media is not reflective of overall American sentiment. I also expect a "color
revolution" attempt by Democrats will only amount to Russiagate-flavored theater and,
sadly, a lot of violence among voters.
It looks weird from inside as well as from outside.
US does not have politics or political life in the ordinary sense. We barely have a
polis or a polity. All of that is subsumed under and substituted by elections. Elections
are the simulacra we use instead of having life.
In a recent thread there was discussion of education as viewed by Putin. America does
not do education either. When I was in public school in the 1960s the only subjects taken
seriously were sports and discipline. That was a golden age compared to present. The
electorate has no education at all. We were all born yesterday. We live in an eternal
present, no past, no future. Today is an election and that is the totality.
The 2016 expectation that Hillary would crush Trump caused the Demonkrats to
inadequately rig the vote enough to overcome the deplorable surge for Trump. This time they
have set up the greatest and most inclusive voter fraud in
history . Maybe they will manage it this time, but
only 28% of US citizens think the election will be "free and fair" . With tens of
thousands of people showing up at Trump rallies compared to the striking absence of turnout
at the Biden "rallies", would it not be logical for people to question any vote showing a
massive Biden vote?
Agreed! They did manipulated poll numbers 4 years ago and it didn't do them any good.
This time they're going one step further and trying to manipulate the actual vote.
Colour Revolution indeed! I do love the irony of it all. Trump could win and end up
getting treated the same way he treated Muduro in Venezuela. Or the Dems could win and find
out Trump can be just as poor a loser as they were in 2016 and refuse to leave the White
Personally I'd say it would be Trump in landslide if it was a free and fair election,
which it won't be. Can Democrats steal it with fraud? I doubt it. They haven't done
anything right in 4 years. Why would such a corrupt entity suddenly become competent?
My honest hope is that the more or less responsible elements of military, security, and
intelligence, will keep things from getting out of hand, and 'step in' to inform the
conflicting parties that they actually did an actual count and actually verified it, in
Trump is going to win it. They only question is by how much.
The cities are not boarding up because they expect Trump to lose. They're boarding up
because the left will not accept a Trump win under ANY circumstance.
Hillary Clinton has urged Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden to "not concede under
any circumstances," in November's presidential election, as she believes the results are
"going to drag out," because of mail-in voting.
Lesley Stahl "DISCREDITED HERSELF" She repeatedly cited the Senate GOP Report on Biden corruption
@realDonaldTrump : "Do you think it's OK for the mayor of Moscow's
wife to give him millions?" Lesley falsely says "no real evidence of that" It's in the VERY report she cites! 225K views 0:02
/ 2:14 1.4K 11.3K 25K
NPR covered the fake Steele Dossier. But won't cover the real Hunter Biden emails. "Journalism." Quote Tweet NPR Public Editor
@NPRpubliceditor · 12h Why haven't you seen any stories from NPR about the NY Post's Hunter Biden story? Read more in this week's
newsletter https:// Show this thread
THREAD. Lesley Stahl's completely ignorant and partisan and indefensible performance in this interview is an embarrassment to
journalists, while also very typical of journalists. Quote Tweet Byron York @ByronYork · 10h In '60 Minutes' interview, Trump
says the Obama administration 'spied on my campaign.' Leslie Stahl tells him, 'There's no real evidence of that.' 1/3 https:// osts/10165668067695725 Show this thread 1.3K 9.5K 21.2K
How would you like to run for president against an incumbent who did so well on foreign policy that the debates don't even need
to include that topic? That's actually happening. 349 6K 20.8K
Last night, Hunter Biden's business partner went *on the record* about corrupt foreign business deals involving the Democrat nominee
for President of the United States. How many mentions did the story get on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC and CBS this morning? ZERO. 2K
10K 20.1K
The Last but not LeastTechnology is dominated by
two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt.
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