I think that it would fair to conclude that anybody actually willing to look at what has been revealed by this election will
have to agree that this election was stolen, rigged, falsified -- chose your expression -- and that going to the courts to
challenge this obscene miscarriage of the democratic process is a fundamental civil right and something which any democrat
(small “d”) should support.
2020 will be remembered in history as the year when the USA election system was exposed as being on par with so called
banana republics.
And the question about legitimacy of 2020 elections exists independent of one's political position. It is true, that Trump was a
dismal candidate. First of all he proved to be incompetent for such a high position. He probably was OK as a head of his building
and real-estate empire but it was his ceiling. Secondly, people who voted for Trump in 2016 bought "a cat in a bag": he proved
to be a "national neoliberal" not nationalist with
anti-liberalism agenda as
he pretended during the election campaign of 2016 and which attracted many blue-color and some middle class voters. And four years
in office revealed that he has many warts. His
subservience to Israel is one: Trump is
probably the most pro-Israel presidents in the US history surpassing LBJ and turning MAGA into MIGA. See the following comment that reflect
the feeling of a former Trump supporter:
nsa says: November 24, 2020 at 6:16 am GMT
The median wage in the USA in 2019 was $34,000 / year. If Trumpstein had done even one tiny little, teensy weensy, itsy
bitsy thing for the under $34k working poor….he would have easily retained enough votes to keep his job.
Instead, his domestic
policy goals centered around taking basic health insurance away from the working poor (even during a pandemic), while giving
billions away to his wall street pals, his relatives, giant corporations, and of course his yid sponsors.
Example: Fed Ex paid
zero income tax in 2017, 2018, 2019. Let’s see how long a modern society can function when the top 0.1% are worth more than
the bottom 80%.
Add to this his impulsivity and incompetence, tendency to bully instead of negotiations, jingoism and subservience to
military-industrial complex. I can continue. In short Trump governed as a regular Republican president (Bush III) and
completely betrayed his working class voters and in this sense he (Like Bush II) deserved to be impeached (although not for
the fake articles of impeachment produced by neoliberal Dems during Ukrainegate):
Trump would have won despite the hostility of the media and big tech, and
despite electoral corruption in Democrat-controlled big cities, if he had spent the
previous 4 years making a good faith effort to implement the policies he ran on in 2016.
He ran as a populist, yet ruled as a plutocrat.
Candidate Trump promised a non-interventionist foreign policy. President Trump dug us
deeper into the Middle East quagmire, intensifying hostilities against Russia, Syria, Yemen
and Iran while being cartoonishly subservient to Israel.
The troops didn't come home.
He ran on an immigration platform written by Jeff Sessions. As president he prioritized
the immigration policies of Sheldon Adelson and Jared Kushner – calling for "more
immigration than ever before" in his State of the Union address, and lecturing his
dumbfounded rally-goers on the need for increased immigration because "my friends in the
business world say we need it".
A tight labor market and rising real wages remained in the world of might-have-been.
Candidate Trump promised to drain the swamp. President Trump pardoned a menagerie of
grotesque swamp creatures.
Candidate Trump promised to close the carried interest loophole and make Wall Street pay
its fair share. President Trump gave massive tax cuts to the very media moguls and tech
oligarchs who would subsequently doom his 2020 campaign.
The most passionate supporters of candidate Trump were stabbed in the back by President
Trump – Chris Christie, Jeff Sessions, Steve Bannon, Ann Coulter, the Dissident Right,
etc. in a pattern that has continued to the bitter end with his denunciations of the Capitol
Hill protesters and scapegoating of Rudy Giuliani. At the same time, a whole series of
Never-Trump personalities were promoted within the Trump White House (Rod Rosenstein, Anthony
"the Mooch" Scaramucci, John Bolton, etc.).
Trump's most intelligent and active supporters were utterly demoralized, while his enemies
were given ample opportunity for sabotage and espionage.
Candidate Trump promised law and order. President Trump did absolutely nothing while his
supporters were terrorized by Antifa and BLM.
Thousands of Antifa terrorists and BLM rioters broke federal laws. Why weren't they
arrested, charged, indicted and tried?
President Trump didn't support $2,000 stimulus checks until after the election.
He didn't lift a finger against electoral corruption in Democrat-controlled big cities, or
big tech censorship, until after the election.
Without all these own-goals, the score wouldn't have even been close, and the biased
referees wouldn't have mattered.
But there is a proper way to remove him from office, if this is what the US electorate wants. A
color revolution, or any other form of a coup d'état run by intelligence agencies, is an odious way to get rid of him.
If we talk about Biden then the only good thing about his is that we do not know how he will behave in the office and that he
will try to oppose some extreme Trump imposed on the USA. But there are some signs that he might well be equal or worse than Trump.
First of all he has obvious health problems. Historically Biden was a credit card companies stooge, stanch neoliberal and warmonger, who greatly contributed to dismantling go the New
Deal and lowering of the standard of living for working American and redistribution of wealth to financial oligarchy. Due to his
active support of Iraq war, by Nuremberg trial standards Biden can be classified as a war criminal and should be, at least,
prohibited from running for any public office. His cabinet, especially in the area of foreign poly would make Bush II proud.
while he did not manage to get Cheney into his cabinet, he got his protégé -- Victoria Nuland. That appointment alone buries
any changes of a more reasonable foreign policy. the list of neocons in his cabinet is essentially all you need to know about this
neoliberal swamp marionette. He does not have much of the physical and intellectual capacity required for the position. He
is way too frail. Compare him with Kennedy or Nixon and you instantly see the difference. In no way he will dare to dissent from domestic neoliberal policies and neocon "Full Spectrum Dominance" policy abroad;
And neither
Trump nor Biden has courage to challenge power of MIC and, especially, intelligence agencies (which are a part of MIC linking MIC and Wall
Street) which is the essence of the national security state, as well as enforcement arm of the Wall Street which is another sacred cow of the ruling
neoliberal oligarchy. The wing of Dems who supported Biden is essentially a second war party.
So, this is not about Biden vs. Trump (two marionette who in reality do not deserve much of our attention; only forces behind
them do; listen to Krystal Ball- GOP's Working Class Makeover Is A FAKE
Branding Exercise - YouTube). And is not so much about the validity of the net result (as in who won the elections that
features two dismal candidates). It is about the validly of the process.
The validity of the process determines the level of the legitimacy of incoming administration. While this elections cycle
degraded to an artificial choice of two dismal neoliberal candidates the legitimacy of the government is question bigger
that the question of who is elected. Currently the impression is that two gangs of billionaires who financed the
election campaign chose two stooges and one of the gangs managed to play more dirty and win the elections.
It is also important from the point
of view of non-violent means of ending the regime of "internal colonialization" introduced by neoliberalism since 1980.
and this process was supported by all previous neoliberal Presidents
such as Bush I, Clinton, Bush II and Obama. See
So the question of integrity of election is mostly important the candidate of which party en the elections (both
Republicans and neolib Dems represents two wings of the same alliance of MIC and financial oligarchy with slightly
different interests,) but from the point of view of the possibility of ending of the rule of neoliberal oligarchy by non-violent
means. Of course, currently getting populist candidate in either party is next to impossible ( both parties are actually two wings of the same UniParty -- the Party of financial
oligarchy and MIC. ). But Trump broke the ice and has shown that such "outlier candidate" can win Presidential elections. And
while Trump wasted his victory (or more correctly quickly co-opted by the swamp), the other candidate might not.
The next issue is the question whether the election fraud is systemic or not. In other words the question of the integrity of the
elections. Of course, election fraud is as American as apple pie and has a long and
colorful history. As Danny Sjursen noted ( ELECTION 2020- What President
Biden Won’t Touch – Consortiumnews )
"In this mystifying moment, the post-electoral sentiments of most Americans can be summed up either as “Ding dong! The witch is
dead!” or “We got robbed!” Both are problematic, not because the two candidates were intellectually indistinguishable or ethically
equivalent, but because each jingle is laden with a dubious assumption: that President Donald Trump’s demise would provide either
decisive deliverance or prove an utter disaster."
But the level of integrity of election is the key factor that provides political stability of the country: until 2020 it
made the neoliberal elite legitimate rulers of the country, even if voters have no real chance of meaningful choice between
one of two pre-vetted by neoliberal oligarchy candidates. Please remember that Biden was installed as Democratic Party candidate by DNC and
Sanders, Tulsi and Warren (three candidates which can provide some level of resistance and curtail some aspect of the financial
oligarchy dominance) were pushed under the bus; that tells you something about hidden Presidential election mechanisms in action.
Like Bolsheviks in the past, Neoliberals (neoliberalism is essentially "Trotskyism for the rich" with the slogan "financial
oligarchy of all countries unite") value
the safety of the political system as a whole lower than the need to drive out a particular politician in order to return to
power. As such, they are strongly tempted not
to play by the old rules. In doing so, they inevitably destroy what this system needs – trust. Clinton behaviour after Trump
election and Russiagate are two sides of the same coin.
It used to be an unwritten rules for the
American domestic policy to adhere to the principles: “We respect the principles of free speech, even if they turn against us. We play
by the rules, even if we don’t win.” John McCain – a neocon whom it is difficult to describe as virtuous or wise – was a bearer
of this old culture and emphasized that Obama (with whom he competed in the 2008 election and lost) is a “decent man.”
So unless the question of integrity and transparency of the elections resolved, no "elected" candidate can't be classified as legitimate
and political situation in the USA can became unstable. This is a huge risk, far more than whether Biden of Trump will be our next president
(they differ much less then one can assume and recruit people to the key position from the same think tanks, Wall Street firms
and MIC).
In this case the US government becomes a variation of the theme of well known for the history. A reincarnation of
Latin-American junta. That's why both Trump haters or Trump lovers should be concerned about the integrity
of our voting systems. This is not a political party issue.
Both Trump haters or Trump lovers should be concerned about the integrity of the USA voting systems. This
is not a political party issue.
Please also do not forget that Dems are the party that gaslighted the country for four years with Russiagate. That means that the
working hypothesis should be that Elections2020 was yet another, final stage of the color revolution against Trump, after Russiagate
and Ukrainegate failed to remove him from the office.
Judging from Dems behavior during RussiaGate it is plausible that they at least distorted the actual results. If they
can gaslight the whole nation for four years, it is really trivial for them to inject tens thousand votes into the count in key
battleground states. They have money, methods and motivation and in most battleground states they iether control the executive
branch, or the key position of the Secretary of State. Their entire history is about rigging the votes: they have been doing it
since the 1790s. For example, Sidney Powell's lawsuit against Georgia states (
Just The News)
At least 96,600 absentee ballots were requested and counted but were never recorded as being returned to county election boards
by the voter. "Thus, at a minimum, 96,600 votes must be disregarded," the suit said.
Also the Thomas More Society's Amistad Project filed another lawsuit which disputes over 100K votes cast in Georgia:
The Thomas More Society's Amistad Project announced its latest battleground state litigation, claiming government data indicates
that "well over 100,000 illegal votes [in Georgia] were improperly counted, while tens of thousands of legal votes were not counted."
Please do not forget that Dems are the party that gaslighted the country for four years with Russiagate. That means that
the working hypothesis should be that Elections2020 was yet another, final stage of the color revolution against Trump, after
Russiagate and Ukrainegate stages, while damaging Trump, failed to remove him from the office.
The 2020 election was the first election which was done mainly via so called "mail-in" ballots. and historically mail-in ballots
are the source of classic vote fraud. Always were and always will be. They were among the key issues raised 15 years ago by the bipartisan
Commission on Federal Election Reform (known informally as the Carter-Baker Commission) that sound eerily familiar in 2020:
Kay C. James, Carter-Baker Commission member (currently the president of the Heritage Foundation) noted that had Congress and state
governments adopted the panel's recommendations, the 2020 postelection mess might have been avoided. The panel stated that absentee
and mail-in ballots are the "largest source of potential voter fraud." It suggested the practice of allowing "candidates or party workers
to pick up and deliver absentee ballots should be eliminated" entirely.
The commission concluded that states should better track registered voters who move, and election observers should have "unrestricted
access" to monitor the system. Voting machines should be checked regularly for accuracy, and reporters should wait to "project"
winners until all polls have closed.
Lastly, vote fraud should be prosecuted aggressively. Which is clearly not the case.
Carter-Baker Commission concluded that states should better track registered voters who move, and election observers
should have "unrestricted access" to monitor the system. Voting machines should be checked regularly for accuracy, and
reporters should wait to "project" winners until all polls have closed. The panel called on states to increase voter ID requirements
and be leery of mail-in voting.
Dems exploited COVID-19 epidemics to their advantage and managed to weaken regular protection against ballots harvesting and staffing
of mail-in ballots
in many states. Ballot harvesting from narcoaddicts, homeless people, illiterate people, completely ignorant people, people demented
in some way, etc pose several questions:
Is universal voting rights really a right? Is not it a privilege?
If a person can't understand the political situation in the country, or does not want to understand the situation,
why his/her votes should matter? Does recent attempt to increase voter participation masks some nefarious motives on the part of
Dem party operatives. Is not attempt to increase voter participation for this category of voters represent a hidden form of ballot
staffing with a hypocritical cover up? For example Stacey Abrams efforts in Georgia (in 2016 Georgia implemented automatic
voter registration) clearly are on the edge of voter fraud, or at least in the grey zone.
Abrams and many others blamed her loss on Kemp’s purge of
1.4 million
registered voters in his role as Georgia’s secretary of state, which many called a conflict of interest that should have seen
him recuse himself from that role amid the election. National Democrats rallied to Abrams’ cause.
After her defeat, Abrams
formed the organization Fair Fight last year to push her policy priorities, and supporters credit her with contributing to
an 800,000-person increase in registered voters in Georgia since 2016.
What should be the minimal level of competency below which a person should not be allowed to vote? Should not we
introduce some "citizenship exam" like the USA administer to those who want to obtain the US citizenship. Because below this
basic level he/she is not a citizen but a puppet of external forces. He/she does not posses any "free will" in a political domain.
The famous Marxist maxim "illiterate person stands outside of politics" can be expanded to several other situation. Narcoaddicts
generally also stand outside of politics too.
Why people should allow oligarchs like Zuckerberg and Bloomberg to spec hundred of millions dollars on elections?
Should not this a form of election fraud, and is so they probably should be jailed for this attempt to interfere with
Facebook magnate Mark Zuckerberg and his wife gave a nonprofit
$400 million to pay election workers, train poll workers and rent polling locations for the Nov. 3 vote in various states.
The Zuckerbergs’ largesse is an unprecedented private expenditure on a process long held to be an exclusively public operation
and has spurred at least nine lawsuits challenging the effort by the
Center for Tech and Civil Life.
Mike Bloomberg takes big losses after spending over $100 million in Florida, Ohio and Texas. ...Billionaire
and former presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg’s more than $100 million investment into three key states fell flat as President
Donald Trump appears to have captured all of them.
The USA has a very long and rich history of vote fraud. Tammany Hall is 150 years old. Republicans stole the 1876 presidential election,
Democrats most probably stole the 1960 elections. Local elections are even more putrid – Ron Paul had a funny story about winning, then
“losing” an election. There were many interesting and educational stories in this domain (Vox
Popoli- Mailvox- an analysis of the Powell filing in GA):
Unknown, November 26, 2020 1:32 PM
The fact is this: manipulating elections is a time-honored American tradition! Hanging chads & allegations of fraud in Ohio.
Hussein may have used this system in his elections.
The fix was in for HRC but failed because Trump support was stronger than expected.
Daley fixed Cook Co. for JFK in 1960. Hell, Tilden said Hayes cheated him in the 1876 election! Election fraud has a long history.
While Republicans are far from being squeaky clean (remember Bush's "Turd Blossom" --
Karl Rove, who was a master of dirty election tricks ), historically Democrats
were always the party of political machines -- Tammany, Pendergast, Cook County. The favorite method for Dems is staffing of the
ballot box, while republicans more rely of voter suppression mechanisms.
As the result, in so called the Solid South the entire section of the country which is larger than the Confederacy, voted Democrat for the better part of a century.
See for example, History of election fraud in the USA
Motive – Deep State/Military dislike of Trump’s policies is widely known.
Foreknowledge – Establishment voices predicted this exact situation and conduction games on how to deal with it
Opportunity – The voting system is highly susceptible to fraud. Especially with main-in ballots option (mail-in
ballots are to a certain extent equivalent to vote fraud, as they represent a perfect instrument to abuse.) How otherwise can
Biden get most votes in the history of the U.S.? Semi-senile Biden?? Have you heard how Biden speaks? He has difficulties
even with teleprompter. Let me quote Dmitry Orlov: “… Biden is as fit to lead as a pig is kosher after rubbing its side against
a corner of a synagogue.” In no way borderline senile Biden appeals to the committed Sanders base.
Voting Irregularities – Known software “glitches” & irregularities in the reporting of the results, strange midnight
injections of mail-in ballots; strange pause in counting votes in battleground states, blocking observers, etc.
Everyone should look at this forensic analysis of the big ballot dumps in Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia in the wee hours
of Nov. 4. The chances of getting these one-sided dumps in legitimate elections are less than 0.001, on several metrics. All
three state results could and should be overturned on this one finding.
I personally observed USB cards being uploaded to voting machines by the voting machine warehouse supervisor on multiple
...So I personally witnessed that happen over 24 times. We have multiple other witnesses who saw it, including
Democrat poll watchers.
Stenstrom said he had been told by U.S. Attorney William McSwain such conduct with USBs and voting machines is unusual.
“As of today, 47 USB cards are missing, and they are nowhere to be found,” added Stenstrom. “I was told personally
that these 24 to 30 cards that were uploaded weren’t there.”
Early calls of MSM for Biden and the upper dishonesty in the reporting of the situation after the elections both in MSM.
Strange and inconsistent, if not outright funny behaviour of Dem party executives in battleground states (yesterday Russia
easily had stolen the USA lection; now election somehow can't be stolen and anybody who suggest that is a "conspiracy theorist").
What bothers and shocks me, is how the MSM just plays "see no evil - hear not evil - speak no evil” with its reporting. It’s
like watching the version 2 of Operation Mockingbird in action.
Based of Russiagate gaslighting alone we can assume that pro-Obama pro-globalist factions within the intelligence agencies
in the USA and FB are really ready to interfere in the USA elections, have money, methods and motive to do so.
The standard for any legitimate elections is the 'The absence of the "Appearance of Impropriety".' That standard has been
violated. Republicans won all 27 “contested” House seats but somehow Biden won the presidency race? The last election where
that happened with even 10 seats was the election of 1960.
Sanders was derailed in Dem Primaries under similar very suspicious circumstances. Somewhat similar with 2020
Elections: a candidate with strong following who previously led by a wide margin lost to the candidate with health problems and without
any attractive platform ("kick the can down the road" platform)
Why we did not get an answer as to why every swing state stopped counting at the same time on election night? From Powell
lawsuit we now know in that on election night that ballot counting in Fulton County, GA had suddenly
come to a screeching halt due to a burst pipe in the Atlanta Hawks State Farm Arena. Which allow several person to work on computers
unsupervised till 1PM. Officials in Georgia have not been able to produce any invoices or work orders related to a "burst
pipe" at Atlanta's State Farm Arena that was blamed for an abrupt pause in vote counting on election night.
Over-voting in some counties: the number of votes cast exceeds the number of voters. More returned mail-in ballots
that were sent. Facts in PA when mail-in ballots were return in one day or event he same day. 95% registered voter turnout
in Philadelphia. This is close to 100% registered votes participation, typical for the USSR.
An update in Michigan listed as of 6:31AM Eastern Time
on November 4th, 2020, which shows 141,258 votes for Joe Biden and 5,968 votes for Donald Trump
An update in Wisconsin listed as 3:42AM Central Time on
November 4th, 2020, which shows 143,379 votes for Joe Biden and 25,163 votes for Donald Trump
A vote update in Georgia listed at 1:34AM Eastern Time
on November 4th, 2020, which shows 136,155 votes for Joe Biden and 29,115 votes for Donald Trump
An update in Michigan listed as of 3:50AM Eastern Time
on November 4th, 2020, which shows 54,497 votes for Joe Biden and 4,718 votes for Donald Trump
Of the 19 counties that have predicted the president perfectly over the past 40 years, Trump won 18 of them by an avg. of
16 points. Biden won one by 3. Of the top 58 "bellwethers" since 2000, Trump won 51 by an average of 15 points, Biden won 7 by
an average of 4 points." - Robby Starbuck - Twitter
In 1960 JFK won the presidency without winning Ohio. But, he took Texas and Florida. Until that time, going back to 1850,
no candidate had ever won without taking both Florida and Ohio. Trump took Florida, Ohio, and Texas. Biden aren't no JFK. Also,
1960 was considered possibly the most "rigged" presidential election ever. Just ask the Chicago Democrat machine, and the mafia.
What did the senior Dominion executive meant when he said, “don’t worry, Trump will never ******* win, I made sure of it”
Just wondering if he was another Peter Strzok who created "insurance" against the victory of undesirable candidate. Was Mr. Coomer
granted illegal access to the Dominion machines in Georgia to do a last minute "software update".
Democrats who screamed “Russia interference” for four years ago with no evidence, suddenly all and at once became firm believer
is the absence of fraud and/or foreign of domestic intelligence agencies interference via electronic voting machines which was in
place in the US elections. This is breathtaking hypocrisy. In fact personal who was trained and get admin access to those machines
are perfect Trojan house capable of subverting any elections. To say nothing about possible intelligence services manipulation of
transmission of vote counts to the central server (which according to some rumors was on Amazon cloud in Frankfurt, Germany). A set
of shady companies that effectively conducted the US elections instantly raises questions about intelligence agencies interference.
Based of Russiagate gaslighting alone we can assume that pro-Obama pro-globalist factions within the intelligence agencies
in the USA and FB are really ready to interfere in the USA elections, have money, methods and motive to do so. Here
is one telling comment:
Anastasia Deko 11 hours ago
One interesting line from the [Sidney Powell] suit -- Expert Navid Keshavarez-Nia explains that US intelligence services
had developed tools to infiltrate foreign voting systems including Dominion. It implies that the US intelligence routinely
interferes with elections in foreign countries, and a suggestion that they interfered in this US election as well.
Elements of the USA intelligence actively participated in election fraud in foreign elections Subverting the
presidential election in favor of desirable for the USA candidate is a part and parcel of color revolutions playbook.
There are rumors about existence of a special exploit called Scorecard,
tuned to the existing voting machines and voting infrastructure of manor US voting machines producers. In a sense this possibility
completely kills the idea of usage of voting machines, like produced by Dominion. For our purpose it is immaterial if for
example, Dominion software changed voter counts
Or if Scorecard or similar exploits do exists ( a WikiLeaks document mentioning Hammer and its version at the time
confirms that Hummer does exist, which increases the probability that Scorecard exploit also exists). In view of such possibility,
electronic voting machines are parasitic, and probably evil development and it should be prohibited immediately. They
can be classified as a tool of voter will suppression by ruling oligarchy. And they really is such a tool.
Sign of evidence of the destruction of documents about electronic machines and evidence which can be used by opposing side.
Which can be used to verify ballots, audit logs that can reveal cases of nullification of undesirable votes (deleting or changing
unprocessed ballots which can be artificially failed by the scanner by lowing its sensitivity) by administrators of voting machines,
facts of mail-in ballots fraud. If it is true that the identifying inner envelopes were thrown away in Georgia, that makes
recounts of mail-in ballots a waste of time.
Dominion suddenly decided to move its headquarters and this fact alone suggests that
shredding of documents is already in place. It is impossible to ignore although MSM continues to gaslight us.
Documented facts of the lack of signatures to match on mail-in ballots and existence of batches of ballots with only one (presidential)
candidate selected.
Complete absence of statistical analysis of a representative samples of mail-in ballots envelopes for various "red flags"
and obtain estimate of percentage of "stolen" votes. By law envelopes for mail-in ballots should be stored for several
years. Statistic sample can give are estimates about how many dead votes how many people who moved out of state votes and
other valuable statistics.
According to some testimonies Dominion voting machines, at least on Georgia, were all the time connected to Internet
and can be controlled remotely.
While for each of those heuristic red flag you can find a plausible "benign" explanation, the fact that they exist simultaneously
increases probability the election was stolen.
I do not understand how in the face of this many irregularities across this many states, that Biden could become the President.
How do you swear under oath to uphold the Constitution after shredding it to be elected? How does the party consumed with claims
of election interference for 4 years, suddenly have zero interest in investigating election interference? Like everything else,
it's ok when they do it, nothing to see here.
There are some recent criminal prosecution of election fraud (Election
Fraud In America) so this type of criminal behaviour is not than unusual:
In Texas, Attorney General Ken Paxton
announced the arrest of four people, including a county commissioner, for illegal vote harvesting on Sept. 24. The elected official
charged in the scheme won his primary election by five votes in 2018 after his opponent held a 19% lead on election night.
The indictments total 123 felony charges for various corrupt election practices. The net result was someone won a race for an
important local office—by cheating.
In Pennsylvania the election judge recently was jailed for staffing votes for the candidate who paid him money.
2020 election exposé a dirty underlining of the US election system. It is not a pretty picture. And in some respect it is far worse
that in countries which are usually called banana republic.
Did the criminal action which undeniably occurred affect the outcome of the election? That is a logical question, the answer of which
remains unknown. If the answer is "yes," then the "election was stolen." If no, then it wasn't "stolen," but still this is a criminal
action. See also
Ballot harvesting-- this is done under noble slogan of "promotions of democracy"
and empowering minorities. But both are as fake as the USA promotion of democracy in foreign countries. Mass usages of mail-in
votes, strong efforts of Democratic operatives in weakening of (almost non existent) layers of mail-in ballots security (signature
verification individual request for ballots with the proof of residency, delivery to counting centers before 8PM on a voting day,
etc) was a policy supported by Democratic party and pushed exclusively by DNC lawyers, including notorious DNC operative Mark
Ellis. The question is why ?
Difficulties with observing processing the mail-in ballots and counting created artificially for Republican observers in major
metropolitan centers were such fraud historically concentrates. The absence of party observers in processing of mail-in ballots
in PA iv very troubling and is enough to invalidate election results, because this is the area where "low tech" fraud concentrates.
The way these Republican observer were treated in PA was outright criminal and delegitimizes the elections
in this state.
Voting Machines Fraud -- the key question is: Why voting machine which inherently
are hackable and insecure were used at all ? Who bought them and from where the money come from? Was it regular political
corruption or something more sinister? In any case it opened the door for the intelligence agencies to participate in the USA Presidential
Intelligence agencies dirty tricks. While existence of the Scorecard
exploit is not proven it is highly plausible that such exploits for stealing foreign election were created. Nothing prevents CIA
and NSA reusing them domestically as those agencies are almost completely out of control of the executive branch and faction as
semi-independent kingdoms with their own rulers and policies, which sometimes conduct policies contradicting policies of the Executive
branch (training various often hostile to each other group jihadists in Syria is one example; to the extent that after training
they started to shot each other).
Suppression of statistical analysis of mail-in ballots fraud. Why no statistical analysis of large, representative samples
on envelopes was not conducted for critical states. They will give us an estimated how many dead voters votes and how many out of
state voter voted among other things. This will allow establish margins of error for mail-in ballots and provide some certainty
as for were mail-in ballots were the fact of Biden victory or not.
I do not understand why statistic sampling of address envelopes was not done in key states, especially in Georgia and Pennsylvania,
where there are signs of "other irregularities." This will allow to establish the margin of error for mail-in ballots and this is
important for Trump. Percentage of dead people voting and out of state people voting can be easily established is the sample is representative
and large enough. And this does not cost much Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger can't be missing this so he acts as
an enemy of honest and transparent elections.
Analysis of over-voting. Overvoting, especially overvoting with mail-in ballots (which according to Giuliani happened in
mass scale in PA) usually suggests the fraud is institutional -- there are bad apples inside. Why cases of over-voting were
not analyzed. Why this compulsive desire to swipe the dirt under the carpet and move on.
Violations of Benford's law -- generally with the exception of small
precepts election results should follow Benford's law.
Cases were it is not should be carefully investigated. that was not done. This constitute obvious red flag.
Absence of publicly viewable 24 x7 video surveillance of places where votes are counted strongly suggest on existence
of election fraud. Assess to rooms were votes were counted in certain cases, based on available video , extremely lax. Possibility
of voter counter to bring in fraudulent mail-in ballots and/or to the that same batch again and again in tabulator were high. Electronic
surveillance is strong deterrent against unlawful action of corrupt voting clerks (for example discarding of votes and running the
same batch of votes via tabulator multiple times). While not panacea they help to prevent or at least make it more difficult partisan
hacks doing their dirty job. Chain of custody of ballot should be well defined line for evidence in any criminal trial.
Also no actions on ballots, including transportation, should be permitted in the absence of observers from both parties and mail
ballots should generally limited to such number as not to effect the result of election, even if this mean disenfranchising of some
Attempts to concentrate vote counting in some central locations
Attempts to block party observers from observing votes counting, especially processing of mail-in votes, where most fraud
What events of 2020 demonstrates that there is no any viable alternative to paper ballots and hand counting (probably assisted by simplest,
banknote counting type tabulators). Also ballots themselves should be produced like banknotes (and using all appropriate technologies)
with several layers of protection to prevent duplications. In this sense Tulsi was a visionary because she warned about exactly
about those types of fraud that we observe in 2020 election and proposed universal return to paper ballots. Natually she never found
any support in the US Congress. Both parties are interested in maintaining the status quo. The fraudulent status quo.
Paper ballot should be produced like banknotes with built-in security mechanisms like watermarks, so that they can't be replicated
using copying machines. This is especially important for mail-in votes (which generally should be prohibited without strong proof of their
need from the voter and limited to people with at least three years IRS returns in the particular state).
Democrat party lawyers maneuvers before the election under the umbrella of caring for minority voters is pure hypocrisy. Dems are
the party of Wall Street, and in no way they represent minority voters.
24 x 7 video surveillance with public access to tapes via special web sites is 101 of any election transparency and it is unclear
why such simple measures were never implemented in the USA. Those stories about unmarked vans delivering mail-in ballots in the middle
of the night are really characterize the USA as a country with voting system worse that in so called banana republic.
One of the major domestic achievements of Trump administration is the expose of evilness and the lack of legitimacy of neoliberal oligarchy
(Washington swamp, deep state, etc) rule. In this sense Russiagate is more important story then 2020 Presidential election, because
in this case national security state really run amok,
The many allegations of fraud in the 2020 election may be the subject of controversy, litigation, and even civil unrest for possibly
years to come.
As Republicans so often do, Sidney Powell has damaged her credibility by alleging that the Venezuelan government and assorted communists
played a role in orchestrating vote fraud, a red herring on a par with Democratic Party claims of Russian interference in the 2016 election.
If the CIA and/or NSA did in fact use cyber-warfare techniques to manipulate the outcome, they most certainly did not do so at the behest
of Hugo Chavez. And if they did tamper with the vote totals, they will have ample opportunity to wipe the evidence.
Here are several red flags that observers are highlighted with the regard of 2020 elections:
Record voters participation. Both candidates in 2020 elections were dismal. Trump clearly betrayal his voters and governed
like a regular Republican President, kind of Bush III. Biden is a discredited, corrupt to the core neoliberal and is rabid warmonger
(while, like Trump, being a chickenhawk). Add to this clear and undisputable signs of senility, and it is unclear how people
would vote for him at all, to say nothing creating a margin enough for the victory. At least Trump, with all his warts and crimes,
is less senile and never voted for Iraq war, never participated in unleashing Libya war, Syria war, and EuroMaydan in Ukraine.
Trump also pushed jail reform, while Biden pushed laws making it easier to incarcerate people, especially minorities. There were
nobody to chose from. So you would logically expect that turnout will less then average, and many votes will put the mail-in ballot
into trash. Instead we got a record voters participation in elections. That's a clear red flag.
Electronic voting infrastructure looks like infrastructure specifically created for penetration and control by intelligence
agencies (both via insiders and rumored specialized exploits like Hummer/Scorecard). How some shady companies managed to
control a large part of US voting is completely unclear and is huge red flag in and by itself (and why the US Congress participated
in this scam and allocated fund for it; there are very few complete idiots in the USA Congress and most senators are perfectly capable
to understand consequences of converting voting infrastructure to computers, making CIA and NSA brass the most impost voters
in the USA election, so to speak). A very important interview
Interview with Source on Electronic Vote Fraud - YouTube
reveals many unpleasant truth about the USA electronic voting infrastructure . It is really third world level infrastructure, or
worse infrastructure deliberately designed to manipulated votes. Which suggests that CIA owns the US voting system via
some shady foreign companies. It was introduced after Reagan election, so its birth coincides with the triumph of neoliberalism
(Trotskyism for the rich) in the USA. Here are some highlight of the presentation:
US voting system is a complex patchwork of easily hackable Windows-based voting machines and private companies, some of them
foreign owned, with multiple and probably deliberate holes and vulnerabilities (shared SSL certificates)
It looks like (see above presentation) you do not even need high lever cybersecurity capability to inject votes in the US
voting system. In a way it is designed to accommodate fraud.
Central server with the real time database for the USA voting system is on Amazon AWS somewhere in Frankfurt Germany.
Which means that Mr. Besos owns the US elections, or at least real time voting database (which is the same thing as owning the
US elections).
The pay player is a Spanish company with headquarters in Barcelona. Owners of this company are unknown. Can you imagine that?
I can't.
Negative correlation between the level of "republicanism" and votes for Trump in certain Michigan counties, discovered
and described by a team three data analysts and outlined in the presentation of
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai MIT Systems Scientist: Data Analysis Of Voting Fraud In
MI Shows 69,000 Votes Were TRANSFERRED From Trump To Biden!. This presentation, which is not without flaws (And Dr. Shiva
often overplay his hand in self-promotion) suggests that there were direct manipulation of votes in certain counties the USA 2020
elections in Michigan. His mathematical analyses based on idiosyncratic feature of Michigan election, when a voter can vote for the
party (all candidates for a particular party) and for individual candidates. the assumption is that generally party votes and votes
for Trump should strong and positively correlate. But they found strong negative correlation instead. It suggest that vote
counts were algorithmically distorted in such a way that Trump votes went to Biden.
They demonstrated paradoxical result that according to published results the more precinct was Republican in Michigan the
more votes Trump lost to Biden.
They also pointed out the starting from Diebold, voting machines has a programmed feature called "weighted voted" (which is documented
in the manual.) If enabled, it allows a very smooth stealing of votes from undesirable candidate. So several question
Why there are higher percentage of potential Trump votes miraculous migrated to Biden is heavily Republican precincts. Much
more the "weak Republican" and Democratic precincts?
Are BOTH Republican and Democrat involved in supporting the Algorithms ?
Is the coup d'état underway?
If so, who is behind the coup: only Democrats (it looks like they control the company which produces Dominion Voting Systems
Machines), Republicans, Democrats or both?
And the fundamental question: did Biden actually win?
More importantly, if this is accurate, then it is a massive and obvious screw-up by the people cooking the election results.
This is going to stand out with mammoth improbabilities in any statistical analysis, and while the PMCs in the corporate mass
media are not very bright (they are business and journalism majors, after all, whose math skills plateau at basic arithmetic),
even they can see how awkward this is going to look if those ballots have to face close public scrutiny.
We never got a satisfactory answer why voting was stopped and then resumed on election night. This is huge red flag
as logically this means that either they need time to inject fake nail-in ballots into the stream, or to reprogram the tabulators,
as percentage of votes switch was not enough to ensure Biden victory. All states in which voting was stopped should be subject to
a special created by Congress election fraud commission.
the lay question is: Was it done to reprogram tabulating machine to switch votes to Biden, and/or inject fraudulent mail-in votes
into the stream ? we do not know and there are no real investigation about this very strange fact.
In addition there were facts of significant "infusions" of mail-in votes delivered during this time period (unmarked
vans arriving in the middle of the night). Where those vans came from, who had driven them, Where those votes come from ?
Rudy Giuliani claims that there are witnesses stating that at least in Pennsylvania and Michigan the big batches of extra
ballots that came in the following morning from the election and while the counts were frozen were only marked for Biden, with
no other down-ticket candidates being marked on those ballots. This would explain how Biden got more votes than Trump while the
down-ticket Republicans still won the rest of the races.
There is direct evidence that Dominion voting machines were unlawfully updated the day before the elections. Dominion deny this
his but denials are not worth the electrons with which they are pained on our screens.
The intensity with which the full court of neoliberal MSM pressing Trump to concede and a red flag too. Should
not they be interested in transparency of elections first, independently of which candidate had won? If not, the question arise
why. What they are trying to hide?
But for some reason they are not interested in the integrity or transparency of the elections, only in the return to power
of globalist wing of the US neoliberal oligarchy. With a concession the establishment will be able to memory hole the details of
the election and gaslight into silence anyone who doubts the establishment narrative about it (William Gruff | Nov 11 2020 21:49
utc |
Why the neoliberal MSM, which all favor Biden, tried to decide the result of the Presidential election almost as soon
as the polls closed and most of the ballots, if not all, were counted instead of waiting for the Electoral College to decide
in December. Of course calling the election result puts pressure on the Electoral College to choose Biden as President.
The media may have also calculated that by calling the result the way they did, this pushes Donald Trump into making hasty
decisions, threatening legal action, rallying Republican voters and soliciting support for litigation, and doing the things that
will enable them (the media) to paint Trump and those who voted for him as racist or mean-spirited sore losers.
It's as if this whole scenario had been gamed in advance. Biden doesn't have to do anything until his inauguration next
January; by doing nothing, he and his circle appear calm and steady, and this impression is sure to appeal to those who voted
The evidence which make more plausible the election "was stolen" and that there were a widespread fraud is growing.
Here Is The Evidence You can watch the recent Ron Paul Liberty report where Daniel McAdam
(an actual elections observer) listed a list of red flags. Summary of his findings:
Every state that has had a delay has seen Biden has overtaken trump AFTER the delays were announced - Red flag
Florida counted 10.5M votes in less than 24 hours, Georgia couldn't count 4.8M in 48 hours, why? - Red Flag
In PA, the courts have barred all accredited observers from observing the vote - Red Flag
In Detroit, the ballot counting centers barred windows and expelled observers, why? - Red Flag
David Lim (Obama's former speech writer) sent a tweet out on Nov 4 (AFTER the election) asking for volunteers in Georgia to help
people fix their mail in ballots so that they count, why? - Red Flag
Participation in one PA county reached 90% turn out, beating the prior record that had stood for more than 100 years and
almost 30% higher than the last election in 2016. Other PA counties saw voter numbers exceed 100% of registered voters compared
to the last election, even accounting for same day registration this is statistically improbable- Red Flag
The folks who firmly believe that Putin rigged the 2016 election and studiously ignore how supposedly
neutral platforms like Google, Twitter, and Facebook have tilted their coverage in favor of the Democrats, now would have us believe
that Democrats would not do anything to cheat. Given the long
history of corruption in Chicago politics, it wouldn’t be at all surprising if Chicago Mayor Richard Daley swung the 1960 election
to JFK. So it seems reasonably to suppose such things could happen in 2020 Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Atlanta. And there’s
no question that at least some of the people in charge are activists for the Dems. Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Secretary of State in
charge of elections, was a
board member of the SPLC. Unprincipled pursuit of power is utterly characteristic of the Democrats and their media allies in
recent years, and it would not be at all surprising to learn that there was a Plan B already decided on before the election.
Electronic voting machines do not have a paper trail, so in those cases the verification if voter fraud occurred is very difficult,
if possible a all (Flashback-
Philadelphia Judge Admitted Stuffing Ballots for Cash.) The USA does not allow foreign observers to verify the absence of irregularities
during the voting.
Dominion uses a very sinister looking scheme in which they put on the ballot special code
(QR code) which might not corresponds to the voter intention but it is the code which is tabulated. As such Dominion machines has zero
integrity and transparency. Any IT specialist will tell you that QR code can be programmed in such a way that decoding of it would
reveal that voter had chosen this is that candidate, but processing will be in favor of opposing candidate. Kind of steganography. This
is a completely "black box" mechanism with zero integrity and transparency.
Also auditing the code of voting machines probably can't be accomplished during the timeframe allowed.
Observers should enter the verdict legitimate/illegitimate at the and of voters countering with 66% of observers voting for
need to recognize the elections as legitimate. That will cut the instances where observers were blocked formt he counting f
bulletin process.
This is a no brainier but video surveillance matter only if there are no electronic voting machines or tabulators on the floor.
Counting of votes is public service and there should no secrecy in it. And it limits possibility of certain types of fraud, for
example, discarding valid bulletins or "curing" invalid. Ensure transparency of ballot counting. All counting should
be videotaped. Observers from both parties should be present.
Technology now is so sophisticated that scanning paper ballots is not a problem and it ensure abuses like "click-click-click"
fraud when a corrupt election official goes to the booth and makes several hundred fraudulent votes via the machine.
This is another no brainer. Any transportation of bulleting from the place where voting took place is an open invitation to fraud.
Also the higher is the centralization of bulleting counting, the larger scale of votes manipulation will go unnoticed.
No ballot received after the deadline should ever be counted. It should be entered into database as "late". All containers with
ballots should be delivered to the counting location the same day. No exceptions.
Equipment for numbering should be removed the next day, making it easier to block attempts to insert fraudulent batches of votes.
No personal bags should be allowed to the space where voting is performed.
Ballots harvesting is an invitation to fraud. Fraudulent ballots usually iether do not have signature at all or forged signatures,
or wrong addresses. This avenue of election fraud should be completely and reliably blocked.
In a democracy, public elections should be publicly financed. In Maine and Arizona, publicly financed elections have enabled
people to run for office who would never have dreamed of running under a system dominated by big money interests. We, as voters,
need to own our elections, rather than allow the process to be controlled by the wealthy few.
We also need to enact mandatory limits on campaign spending. In 1976, the Supreme Court wrongly struck down mandatory campaign
spending limits for congressional elections. Massachusetts should help lead the way with campaign spending limits for our elections.
The Secretary of the Commonwealth must be a Secretary for all of us, regardless of party affiliation. The Secretary should
not be allowed to serve as a co-chair of campaigns of candidates. To ensure the people's trust in the integrity of our elections,
the Secretary must conduct the administration of elections in a non-partisan manner.
Pennsylvania 's
top election official has decertified the voting system of rural Fulton County for future elections, saying
that an election assessment by a third party had violated the Keystone State's election code,
according to a release on Wednesday.
Acting Secretary of State Veronica Degraffenreid, an appointee of Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf,
informed the Fulton County Board of Elections that she "did not arrive at this decision
Wake Technology Services Inc. (Wake TSI), a software company based in West Chester,
Pennsylvania, had carried out an election assessment that involved its workers visiting Fulton
County in December 2020 and in early February.
The company in May released a report that concluded the election was "well-run" and did not
indicate any signs of fraud in Fulton County. However,
five "issues of note" were uncovered , three of which are related to Dominion Voting Systems ,
whose electronic voting system was used in the county for the 2020 election.
"While these may seem minor, the impact on an election can be huge," Wake TSI said of the
five issues. At the time, Dominion disputed the report's findings.
The Pennsylvania Department of State said in a statement on Wednesday that
Wake TSI's access to the Fulton County's voting system "undermined the chain of custody
requirements and strict access limitations necessary to prevent both intentional and
inadvertent tampering with electronic voting systems."
It added that the "unauthorized access" prevents the vendor -- Dominion -- from "affirming
that the system continues to meet state and federal certification standards."
Fulton county officials had allowed Wake TSI to "access certain key components of its
certified system, including the county's election database, results files, and Windows systems
logs," and to "use a system imaging tool to take complete hard drive images of these computers
and other digital equipment," the department noted.
"These actions were taken in a manner that was not transparent," Degraffenreid said in her
letter to Fulton County officials on Tuesday. She said the access given to Wake TSI has
caused Fulton County's voting system to be "compromised," and that neither the county, state
officials, nor Dominion could now "verify that the impacted components of Fulton County's
leased voting system are safe to use in future elections."
"I have no other choice but to decertify the use of Fulton County's leased Dominion
Democracy Suite 5.5A voting system last used in the November 2020 election," Degraffenreid
The Fulton County Board of Elections and Wake TSI did not immediately respond to requests
for comment.
The Pennsylvania Department of State previously said that a risk-limiting audit of the 2020
election has confirmed the state's election results.
Pennsylvania Capital-Star reported that Fulton County needed to pay $25,000 to lease new
equipment for its municipal elections in May, because Dominion refused to let the county use
the voting machines that Wake TSI had accessed. According to the outlet, Dominion told the
county that it violated its contract in letting a unaccredited and non-certified company
inspect the machines.
Wake TSI's assessment in Fulton County was "set" by Pennsylvania Sen. Doug Mastriano, a
Republican, according to a Dec. 31, 2020 document
signed by the company that was obtained and published by the Arizona Mirror and The Washington
Post. Wake TSI said in its report that Mastriano and Pennsylvania Sen. Judy Ward, also a
Republican, "were aware of our efforts."
The document also said that Wake TSI was "contracted to Defending the Republic," a nonprofit
founded by lawyer Sidney Powell, who has alleged that widespread fraud occurred in the 2020
Mastriano earlier this month
issued letters to York, Tioga, and Philadelphia counties requesting that they voluntarily
submit information and materials by July 31, to enable what he calls a "forensic investigation"
of the 2020 and 2021 elections. He told The Epoch Times that he seeks for an investigation that
would be "a big deep dive, like we saw in Arizona, but even deeper."
Wake TSI was also involved in the election audit still underway in Arizona's Maricopa County
up until
its contract expired in May. The audit in Maricopa County was ordered by the Arizona state
Senate's Republican majority. Dominion machines in Maricopa County will also be
replaced .
Arizona Senate President Karen Fann, a Republican, said the machines were not tampered with
during the audit and questioned the Board of Supervisors' decision to get new machines.
"If their experts can't prove the machines have not been tampered with, then how does the
[Secretary of State's office] or County Elections certify the machines before every audit to
make sure the machines haven't been tampered with?" she asked in June.
Comments suggest high level of discontent amount this selected category of US citizens. How
large is such a group is anybody guess, but just the existence of such a group is a threat to the
current neoliberal system in which corruption is systemic indeed.
Update (1352ET): Oddly, right as Senate President Karen Fann suggested that auditors may not
be able to determine whether a ballot had been duplicated once, or ten times, YouTube pulled
the feed we had originally embedded , claiming it violated their Terms of Service.
An alternate stream has been embedded below.
* * *
The Arizona Senate is holding a public briefing with leaders of the ongoing election audit
authorized by Senate President Karen Fann.
Fann is joined by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Warren Peterson, along with Senate
audit liaison Ken Bennett and the leaders of two of the vendors hired to conduct the audit,
Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan and CyFIR founder Ben Cotton, according to KTAR .
Cyber Ninjas was hired as lead contractor for the audit, which started April 23 after the
Senate won a legal battle with Maricopa County for access to election equipment and
approximately 2.1 million ballots from the November 2020 general election in metro Phoenix.
Fann told KTAR News 92.3 FM's The Mike Broomhead Show on Tuesday that the number ballots
tallied during the audit didn't match the total documented by Maricopa County, but she didn't
know how far off the counts were.
Most audit operations have wrapped up, but counting machines are being used to recheck of
the total number of ballots, a process that was expected to continue into next week.
Audit officials have said a final report was expected to be released in late July or
The U.S. House Oversight and Reform Committee sent Logan a letter Wednesday requesting
documentation about Cyber Ninjas' role in the audit, funding and possible connections to former
President Donald Trump or his surrogates.
Cyber Ninjas had no previous experience conducting election audits. Fann's selection of the
Florida-based firm's $150,000 bid quickly drew scrutiny over Logan's deleted Twitter account,
which had activity supporting unfounded election conspiracy theories.
The low bid doesn't cover the cost of the operation, expected to be in the millions, and
fundraising has been taking place in the name of the audit.
Fann has said the aim of the process is to restore faith in the election system and find
ways to improve Arizona's voting laws, not to reverse the result of the election.
However, many Trump supporters see it as a step toward invalidating President Joe Biden's
victory and returning Trump to office.
Attorney General Merrick Garland is the front-runner so far for 2021's bad timing prize. The
Justice Department last month rushed out a lawsuit claiming that Georgia's new election law
violates Section 2 of the 1965 Voting Rights Act only days before the Supreme Court laid down
standards that make the lawsuit a nearly certain loser.
Justice knew the likely timing of the Court's ruling in Brnovich v. DNC, so a fair guess is
that Mr. Garland succumbed to White House and progressive pressure to make a political
statement to support Democratic efforts in Congress to federalize state election laws in
Bad call. Now federal judges hearing the case will have to contend with Justice Samuel
Alito's five principles in Brnovich as they assess the Georgia statute.
It won't be easy to find legal fault under those principles. Mere voting inconvenience can't
be considered disqualifying, since all voting imposes some inconvenience. Any specific voting
provision, such as the number of drop boxes, must also be considered in the overall context of
a state's voting rules. Georgia's rules are generally lenient and don't especially burden the
ability of minorities to vote.
Perhaps Justice can find a federal judge somewhere to rule against Georgia, but such a
ruling is unlikely to survive on appeal to higher courts. The legal and political result of the
lawsuit is therefore likely to vindicate Georgia Republicans during the 2022 election season or
leading up to 2024, depending on how the lawsuits proceed. Mr. Garland would be wise to drop
the suit in light of Brnovich, lest his term at Justice be marred by the continuation of this
patently political lawsuit.
Given what we have seen of Mr. Garland thus far in his questionable legal performance as AG,
it is looking like the Republicans were prescient in blocking his appointment to the Supreme
David Schmidt
Politics will always supersede good judgment.
Yep, apparently its a burden for some of the libs to put a stamp on an ballot and mail it it
(I'm going one step beyond the extraordinary burden of getting off your behind to go to a
local polling location).
paul grunder
Looks like Coca Cola and Major L. baseball made a mistake. do you think they will have second
thoughts about leaving GA.? I know I now love Pepsi and don't watch baseball much at all
anymore. You can bet someone in each organization is saying, how do we save face over this.
p's wife
Brien Akers
None of this matters. Not lawsuits, not SCOTUS rulings, not State election laws, not lower
court rulings. None of it matters. Why? Because the Democrats know that they cannot win
without cheating as surely as they know the sun is going to rise tomorrow. That means they
will simply ignore all the laws and do they same thing in 2024 that they did in 2020. Ask
yourself this: Who's going to stop them? Question number two: Who will reverse the election
Tell us what citizen cannot vote in the next election? (no, felons don't count). Its not
hard to vote. Besides, where were all the whiners 4 years ago, 8 years, 20 years ago if GA's
laws were so restrictive. This is such nonsense.
Greg Elsden
I say keep going, Garland. Your party is known for epic fails (eg Russian Delusion and two
Steven S
The chances of DoJ voluntarily dismissing its lawsuit against Georgia's
more-lax-and-liberal-than-Delaware's voting regulations are somewhere between slim and none.
And Slim has left town.
Litigation of this kind takes years to wind its way through the lower courts and to reach
SCOTUS. By then, the Supreme Court could be packed with Justices of the same mindset as the
dissenters in Brnovich.
Only the "Jim Crow" Filibuster stands in the way of court packing.
David Alan
Another reminder that we dodged a bullet by not sending Merrick Garland through to
Robert Bridges
Amen to that. He isn't a moderate after all...
Jim Walsh
Democrats need the issue so that they can continue to use minorities, who they truly think
are too stupid to vote. It is insulting and stupid,
James Stock
Garland is really just a bureaucrat with a law degree. Deep down, he doesn't believe is this
ridiculous lawsuit. He made a deal with the devil by working for an incompetent president.
The voting measure has inflamed Republicans, who accused Democrats of engaging in
"This bill is brazen," said Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas), ticking off a list of provisions in
the Democratic bill that he called damaging, including one that would shrink the Federal
Election Commission to five from six members, which he said would enable the president to turn
the agency into a weapon against political rivals. Mr. Cruz accused Democrats of "deliberately
inflaming racial tensions" by attacking policies like requiring voter identification that
Republicans say are designed to protect the integrity of the vote.
... ... ...
Sen. Jeff Merkley (D., Ore.), the sponsor of the Senate bill, a version of which
cleared the House in March , told CNN on Monday that there are ways to advance voting
legislation that would involve changing the filibuster, which requires three-fifths of the
Senate, or currently 60 members, to end debates and vote on most legislation.
"Fifty members getting into a room and deciding how we go forward will be kind of another
stage of how we proceed," Mr. Merkley said later on a call with activists.
The pressure-cooker environment in which the debate lands was highlighted by nascent
campaigns inside and outside the Capitol. Republicans are calling attention to a provision in
the Democrats' bill that would allow signatures in lieu of voter identification cards, saying
such a policy could be abused and would weaken trust in the validity of elections. A Monmouth
University poll released Monday found that 80% of Americans support requiring voters to show
photo identification to cast ballots.
Meanwhile, the progressive group Just Democracy is running ads aimed at Ms. Sinema,
suggesting that she is weak on voting policy because she hasn't come out in support of ending
the filibuster to make voting legislation possible.
Ms. Sinema is up for re-election in 2024. Her state is currently roiled by
an audit of votes cast in 2020 in Maricopa County, which Mr. Biden won, and is defending
some of its voting rules at the Supreme Court.
Ending the filibuster may get Democrats everything that the want for another 18 months. But
they will not be able to keep the legislation that they have passed.
As soon as control of both chambers and the White House passes to the other party, they
very quickly will repeal each and every bit of legislation that had been passed by the
At that point, Republicans will be able to pass absolutely everything that they want,
probably for 18 months.
By ending the filibuster we will get national laws that change with every change of
Aren't we better off, keeping the filibuster, so that nothing is ever accomplished by
either party? Deadlock.
Deadlock pleases politicians and the primary voters in their party, but it frustrates the
80% of Americans who are moderates. They want Congress to act to deal with the country's
problems. But deadlock it will be.
"... ...the prerogative to define extremism includes the power to attempt to banish certain ideas from acceptable discourse. The report warns that "narratives of fraud in the recent general election"¦ will almost certainly spur some [Domestic Violent Extremists] to try to engage in violence this year." ..."
"... If accusations of 2020 electoral shenanigans are formally labeled as extremist threats, that could result in far more repression (aided by Facebook and Twitter) of dissenting voices. ..."
...the prerogative to define extremism includes the power to attempt to banish certain ideas
from acceptable discourse. The report warns that "narratives of fraud in the recent general
election"¦ will almost certainly spur some [Domestic Violent Extremists] to try to
engage in violence this year."
If accusations of 2020 electoral shenanigans are formally labeled as extremist threats, that
could result in far more repression (aided by Facebook and Twitter) of dissenting voices.
How will this work out any better than the concerted campaign by the media and Big Tech last
fall to suppress all information about Hunter Biden's laptop before the election?
The Biden administration is revving up for a war against an enemy which the feds have chosen
to never explicitly define . According to a March report by Biden's Office of the Director of
National Intelligence, "domestic violent extremists" include individuals who "take overt steps
to violently resist or facilitate the overthrow of the U.S. government in support of their
belief that the U.S. government is purposely exceeding its Constitutional authority." But that
was the same belief that many Biden voters had regarding the Trump administration. Does the
definition of extremism depend solely on which party captured the White House?
The report notes that the "Department of Defense is reviewing and updating its definition of
prohibited extremist activities among uniformed military personnel." Bishop Garrison, the chief
of the Pentagon's new Countering Extremism Working Group, is Exhibit A for the follies of
extremist crackdowns on extremism. In a series of 2019 tweets, Garrison, a former aide to
Hillary Clinton,
denounced all Trump supporters as "racists." Garrison's working group will "specifically
define what constitutes extremist behavior" for American soldiers. If Garrison purges Trump
supporters from the military, the Pentagon would be unable to conquer the island of Grenada.
Biden policymakers also intend to create an "anti-radicalization" program for individuals
departing the military service. This initiative will likely produce plenty of leaks and
embarrassing disclosures in the coming months and years.
The Biden report is spooked by the existence of militia groups and flirts with the fantasy
of outlawing them across the land. The report promises to explore "how to make better use of
laws that already exist in all fifty states prohibiting certain private "˜militia'
activity, including"¦state statutes prohibiting groups of people from organizing as
private military units without the authorization of the state government, and state statutes
that criminalize certain paramilitary activity." Most of the private militia groups are guilty
of nothing more than bluster and braggadocio. Besides, many of them are already overstocked
with government informants who are counting on Uncle Sam for regular paychecks.
As part of its anti-extremism arsenal, DHS is financing programs for "enhancing media
literacy and critical thinking skills" and helping internet users avoid "vulnerability
to"¦harmful content deliberately disseminated by malicious actors online." Do the feds
have inside information about another Hunter Biden laptop turning up, or what? The Biden
administration intends to bolster Americans' defenses against extremism by developing
"interactive online resources such as skills-enhancing online games." If the games are as
stupefying as this report, nobody will play them.
The Biden report stresses that federal law enforcement agencies "play a critical role in
responding to reports of criminal and otherwise concerning activity." "Otherwise concerning
activity"? This is the same standard that turned prior anti-terrorist efforts into
Fusion Centers are not mentioned in the Biden report but they are a federal-state-local law
enforcement partnership launched after 9/11 to vacuum up reports of suspicious activity.
Seventy Fusion Centers rely on the same standard"""
If you see something, say something """that a senior administration official invoked in a
background call on Monday for the new Biden initiative. The Los Angeles Police Department
encouraged citizens to snitch on "individuals who stay at bus or train stops for extended
periods while buses and trains come and go," "individuals who carry on long conversations on
pay or cellular telephones," and "joggers who stand and stretch for an inordinate amount of
time." The Kentucky Office of Homeland Security recommended the reporting of "people avoiding
eye contact," "people in places they don't belong," or homes or apartments that have numerous
visitors "arriving and leaving at unusual hours," PBS's Frontline reported. Colorado's Fusion
Center "produced a fear-mongering public service announcement asking the public to report
innocuous behaviors such as photography, note-taking, drawing and collecting money for charity
as "˜warning signs' of terrorism," the ACLU complained.
Various other Fusion Centers have attached warning labels to gun-rights activists,
anti-immigration zealots, and individuals and groups "rejecting federal authority in favor of
state or local authority." A 2012 Homeland Security report stated that being "reverent of
individual liberty" is one of the traits of potential right-wing terrorists. The Constitution
Project concluded in a 2012 report that DHS Fusion Centers "pose serious risks to civil
liberties, including rights of free speech, free assembly, freedom of religion, racial and
religious equality, privacy, and the right to be free from unnecessary government intrusion."
Fusion Centers continue to be bankrolled by DHS despite their dismal record.
The Biden report promises that the FBI and DHS will soon be releasing "a new edition of the
Federal Government's Mobilization Indicators booklet that will include for the first time
potential indicators of domestic terrorism""related mobilization." Will this latest publication
be as boneheaded as the similar 2014 report by the National Counterterrorism Center entitled
"Countering Violent Extremism: A Guide for Practitioners and Analysts"?
As the Intercept
summarized , that report "suggests that police, social workers and educators rate
individuals on a scale of one to five in categories such as "˜Expressions of
Hopelessness, Futility,' "¦ and "˜Connection to Group Identity (Race, Nationality,
Religion, Ethnicity)' "¦ to alert government officials to individuals at risk of turning
to radical violence, and to families or communities at risk of incubating extremist
ideologies." The report recommended judging families by their level of "Parent-Child Bonding"
and rating localities on the basis in part of the "presence of ideologues or recruiters."
Former FBI agent Mike German commented, "The idea that the federal government would encourage
local police, teachers, medical, and social-service employees to rate the communities,
individuals, and families they serve for their potential to become terrorists is abhorrent on
its face."
The Biden administration presumes that bloating the definition of extremists is the surest
way to achieve domestic tranquility. In this area, as in so many others, Biden's team learned
nothing from the follies of the Obama administration. No one in D.C. apparently recalls that
President Obama perennially denounced extremism and summoned the United Nations in 2014 to join
his "campaign against extremism." Under Obama, the National Security Agency
presumed that "someone searching the Web for suspicious stuff" was a suspected extremist
who forfeited all constitutional rights to privacy. Obama's Transportation Security
Administration relied on
ludicrous terrorist profiles that targeted American travelers who were yawning, hand
wringing, gazing down, swallowing suspiciously, sweating, or making "excessive complaints about
the [TSA] screening process."
Will the Biden crackdown on extremists end as ignominiously as Nixon's crackdown almost 50
years earlier? Nixon White House aide Tom Charles Huston explained
that the FBI's COINTELPRO program continually stretched its target list "from the kid with a
bomb to the kid with a picket sign, and from the kid with the picket sign to the kid with the
bumper sticker of the opposing candidate. And you just keep going down the line." At some
point, surveillance became more intent on spurring fear than on gathering information. FBI
agents were
encouraged to conduct interviews with anti-war protesters to "enhance the paranoia endemic
in these circles and further serve to get the point across that there is an FBI agent behind
every mailbox," as a 1970 FBI memo noted. Is the Biden castigation campaign an attempt to make
its opponents fear that the feds are tracking their every email and website click?
Biden's new terrorism policy has evoked plenty of cheers from his Fourth Estate lapdogs. But
Washington Post article fretted that the administration's report did not endorse enacting
"new legal authority to successfully hunt down, prosecute, and imprison homegrown extremists."
Does the D.C. media elite want to see every anti-Biden scoffer in the land put behind bars?
This is typical of the switcheroo that politicians and the media play with the terms
"terrorists" and "extremists." Regardless of paranoia inside the Beltway, MAGA hats are not as
dangerous as pipe bombs.
The Biden report concludes that "enhancing faith in American democracy" requires "finding
ways to counter the influence and impact of dangerous conspiracy theories." Bu t permitting
politicians to blacklist any ideas they disapprove won't "restore faith in democracy."
Extremism has always been a flag of political convenience, and the Biden team, the FBI, and
their media allies will fan fears to sanctify any and every government crackdown. But what if
government is the most dangerous extremist of them all?
Georgia's secretary of state this week announced he is set to remove some 100,000 names from
voter rolls , the first major voting list maintenance following the 2020
The names are being removed because of a National Change of Address form submitted to the
U.S. Postal Service, election mail being sent to them bouncing back; or having no contact with
elections officials for at least five years.
" Making sure Georgia's voter rolls are up to date is key to ensuring the integrity of our
elections, " Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger , a Republican,
said in a statement.
"That is why I fought and beat Stacey Abrams in court in 2019 to remove nearly 300,000
obsolete voter files before the November election, and will do so again this year. Bottom line,
there is no legitimate reason to keep ineligible voters on the rolls ," he added.
The case in question saw Abrams, a failed gubernatorial candidate, take Raffensperger to
court through her group Fair Fight Action. A judge ruled against the plaintiffs, but
Raffensperger's office eventually reinstated 22,000 names because, it said, it was interpreting
a state law differently. Fair Fight Action claimed the reinstatement came due to their
Critics said they'd be reviewing the list of names set to be removed.
"The last time Secretary Raffensperger conducted a massive voter purge, he was forced to
admit 22,000 errors -- 22,000 Georgia voters who would have been kicked off the rolls were it
not for Fair Fight Action's diligence. We'll be reviewing the list thoroughly and reaching out
to impacted voters," Lauren Groh-Wargo, CEO of Fair Fight Action, told the
Atlanta Journal-Constitution .
The major maintenance is taking place separately from regular monthly removals of names for
felony convictions and deaths. It's the first major effort since 2019. Raffensperger's office
cited federal law as to why no such undertaking happened last year.
Voters who want to see if they face removal can visit this website . They will be able to block their
removal if they provide information within about a month.
Voters who are ultimately removed can reregister.
The number of removals is 1.3 percent of Georgia's registered voters.
1 hour ago
Amazing how 100,000 votes here and 100,000 votes there can swing an election. play_arrow 26
Solomonpal 1 hour ago
Or triple counted ballots and mysteriously appearing boxes from under the tables. View
the tapes and consider the source.
SoDamnMad 1 hour ago
Shout out here to Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shayne Moss for that "under the table"
Raffensperger got a kick back for installing Dominion voting machines to fix the
personal109 4 minutes ago
Raffensperger better lawyer up, and while he's at it, get a criminal lawyer, he's gonna
need it.
KirkPatrickN 51 minutes ago
100,000 fake votes here, 100,000 fake votes there, and pretty soon your talkin' "real"
"President" who got 81M votes, the all time record, when Trump broke the previous all time
record with 73M. The same year.
Pro_sanity 46 minutes ago (Edited)
And the one who got 81M couldn't fill a middle school gym during the campaign. The other
overflowed major sports arenas with spillout to the streets.
Three Georgia county election officials have been hit with subpoenas to testify in a historic fraud case regarding the
2020 ballot count, according to reports.
Fulton County poll workers Wandrea Shaye Moss and her mother Ruby Freeman have been ordered to give depositions regarding events
during the 2020 election count.
Freeman and Moss were central to the after-hours ballot-counting operation at State Farm Arena during the presidential election.
reports: David Makever Alligood and Ruby Freeman were both served affidavits to give videotaped
depositions. Freeman is notorious for being suspected of election malfeasance during the 2020 election. Among those
activites were dragging out boxes of ballots from under a table after election observers were wrongfully sent home early
at State Farm Arena.
The sworn deposition will provide an opportunity for Freeman to explain her videorecorded activities.
Ruby Freeman's daughter, who was actually her boss, was also subpoenaed to explain herself before the court.
Wandrea Shaye Moss also participated in dragging out boxes of ballots after she personally sent election observers home early.
She would then run stacks of ballots through tabulators on video, some of them multiple times. She will provide a videotaped
deposition on June 10, provided that she shows up.
Fulton County election officials are taking the probe very seriously. They have hired two top criminal defense attorneys for the
case, even though the court is not adjudicating criminal charges.
"The Fulton County Board of Registration & Elections has hired two of Georgia's top criminal defense attorneys & filed paperwork
to halt the audit proceedings previously ordered by the judge," Heather Mullins of Real America's Voice noted.
The two attorneys, Donald Samuel and Amanda Palmer, are affiliated with the high-powered Garland, Samuel and Loeb law firm in
The Fulton County lawsuit has prompted a much-anticipated election audit that will put physical ballots under further
inspection. The ballot inspection will hopefully resolve what fair-minded observers witnessed on video: Fulton County election
officials appearing to run stacks of ballots through tabulation machines multiple times on election night.
A judge in Georgia
told parties in an election integrity case on May 27 that a previously scheduled meeting at a
ballot storage warehouse was canceled after officials filed a flurry of motions in the case
Media crews film while election workers process absentee ballots at State Farm Arena in
Atlanta on Nov. 2, 2020. (Megan Varner/Getty Images)
Henry County Superior Court Judge Brian Amero said a May 28 meeting was no longer taking
place because of motions filed by Fulton
County , the county's Board of Registration and Elections, and the county's clerk of
Superior and Magistrate Courts, a spokesperson for the court confirmed to The Epoch Times.
Amero said the motions must be heard before the plaintiffs can gain access to the absentee
ballots. He proposed a June 21 hearing, but the order scheduling the hearing hasn't yet been
"It seems like a desperation move. The silver lining is that we now have more time to
perfect the changes we had to make in our inspection plan," Garland Favorito, the lead
petitioner, told The Epoch Times via email.
County officials argued that the complaint filed by voters should be dismissed because the
petitioners failed to serve, or even attempt to serve, the county. They also said Fulton County doesn't have
final control over elections, that petitioners aren't entitled to declaratory judgment, and
that petitioners haven't complied with election contest requirements.
Amero heard in a hearing last week that petitioners weren't able to properly examine ballot
images they've received because of their low resolution -- 200 dots per inch (DPI). Amero
granted the petitioners' request to unseal the mailed ballots and said they could go to
where they were stored in order to observe county workers create higher resolution images of
the ballots.
Amero mentioned during the hearing that no parties had filed a motion to dismiss, allowing
petitioners to obtain some discovery.
During the hearing, lawyers for the county urged the judge not to grant access to the
Before the latest update in the case, some officials had supported the ballot
"From day one, I have encouraged Georgians with concerns about the election in their
counties to pursue those claims through legal avenues. Fulton County has a long standing
history of election mismanagement that has understandably weakened voters' faith in its
system. Allowing this audit provides another layer of transparency and citizen engagement,"
he told The Epoch Times in an email.
However, Democrat Fulton County Commission Chairman Robb Pitts criticized the attempt to
examine the ballots.
"It is outrageous that Fulton County continues to be a target of those who cannot accept
the results from last year's election," he told news outlets in a statement.
371 Posted by msmash on Monday May 24, 2021 @04:00PM from the how-about-that dept. Florida
on Monday became the first state to regulate how companies like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter
speech online , by imposing fines on social media companies that permanently bar political
candidates in the state. From a report:
The law, signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis, is a direct response to Facebook's and Twitter's
bans of former President Donald J. Trump in January. In addition to the fines for barring
candidates, it makes it illegal to prevent some news outlets from posting to their platforms
in response to the contents of their stories. Mr. DeSantis said signing the bill meant that
Floridians would be "guaranteed protection against the Silicon Valley elites."
"If Big Tech censors enforce rules inconsistently, to discriminate in favor of the
dominant Silicon Valley ideology, they will now be held accountable," he said in a statement.
The bill is part of a broader push among conservative state legislatures to crack down on the
ability of tech companies to manage posts on their platforms. The political efforts took off
after Mr. Trump was barred after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. Lawmakers around the
country have echoed Mr. Trump's accusations that the companies are biased against
conservative personalities and publications, even though those accounts often thrive online.
More than a hundred bills targeting the companies' moderation practices have been filed
nationwide this year, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Many of the
bills have died, but a proposal is still being debated in Texas.
Auditors for a 2020 election investigation being carried out in Windham, New Hampshire, are
saying that some of their latest findings are "large enough to account for discrepancies" in
the election results.
Auditors said they found "experimental confirmation that if the contest is undervoted, a
fold through a vote target can create a vote."
"Something we strongly suspect at this juncture, based on various evidence, is that in
some cases, fold lines are being interpreted by the scanners as valid votes," Mark Lindeman,
part of the audit team,
told WMUR .
Harri Hursti, another auditor, said on Twitter that testing proved folded ballots were
misinterpreted by machines.
"Test decks proved that foldings across a vote targets is misinterpreted as additional
phantom votes or subtracts votes due to false overvotes," he wrote in a post.
Auditors finished the hand recount on May 21. The audit began
on May 11.
AccuVote didn't respond to a request for comment about the audit authorization by the Epoch
Times. The AccuVote machines' intellectual property are owned by Dominion Voting Systems.
Windham's four state representative seats were all won by Republicans on Election Night. The
presidential election was not an item for this audit.
Democrat candidate Kristi St. Laurent, who lost by a narrow margin of 24 votes, requested an
audit ( pdf ) claiming
that the machines were improperly programmed, and that double voting was involved.
As a result, New Hampshire's Republican Gov. Chris Sununu, signed a bill last month that gave authorization
for forensic analysis and a comprehensive recount of the 2020 election votes in Windham related
to optical scanning AccuVote machines.
An automatic recount was done, resulting in St. Laurent losing 99 more votes after a hand
recount. Meanwhile, four Republicans gained about 300 votes each.
The other three Democrats gained between 18 and 28 votes.
The audit team said that more issues could be involved besides folded ballots being
"The fold effect is large enough to account for discrepancies, but might not be all that's
going on," the team said on Twitter on May 22.
"75 folded ballots voted straight Republican. Only 48 votes recorded for them. Folds
generated overvotes. This is machine used on Election Day [for] most absentee ballots."
Another machine was found to have "an even more dramatic problem" by the auditors, who said
that only 28 percent of the votes for Republican candidates were counted.
"The work is not completed yet. While the folding seems to be a strong contributor it
clearly is not the only factor," Hursti said on Sunday.
"For example: We have observed vastly different error rates on two machines processing the
same ballots. Work continues."
One of the things that makes Wi-Fi work is its ability to break big chunks of
data into smaller chunks and combine smaller chunks into bigger chunks, depending on the needs of the network at any given
moment. These mundane network plumbing features, it turns out, have been harboring vulnerabilities that can be exploited to send
users to malicious websites or exploit or tamper with network-connected devices, newly published research shows.
In all, researcher Mathy Vanhoef found a dozen vulnerabilities, either in the
Wi-Fi specification or in the way the specification has been implemented in huge numbers of devices. Vanhoef has dubbed the
short for fragmentation and aggregation attacks, because they all involve frame fragmentation or frame aggregation. Broadly
speaking, they allow people within radio range to inject frames of their choice into networks protected by WPA-based encryption.
Bad news
Serious flaw in WPA2 protocol lets attackers intercept passwords and much more
Assessing the impact of the vulnerabilities isn't straightforward. FragAttacks allow data to be injected into Wi-Fi traffic, but
they don't make it possible to exfiltrate anything out. That means FragAttacks can't be used to read passwords or other sensitive
information the way a previous Wi-Fi attack of Vanhoef, called
did. But it turns out that the vulnerabilities -- some that have been part of Wi-Fi since its release in 1997 -- can be exploited to
inflict other kinds of damage, particularly if paired with other types of hacks.
"It's never good to have someone able to drop packets into your network or target your devices on the network," Mike Kershaw, a
Wi-Fi security expert and developer of the open source Kismet wireless sniffer and IDS, wrote in an email. "In some regards,
these are no worse than using an unencrypted access point at a coffee shop -- someone can do the same to you there, trivially -- but
because they can happen on networks you'd otherwise think are secure and might have configured as a trusted network, it's
certainly bad news."
He added: "Overall, I think they give someone who was already targeting an
attack against an individual or company a foothold they wouldn't have had before, which is definitely impactful, but probably
don't pose as huge a risk as drive-by attacks to the average person."
While the flaws were disclosed last week in an industry-wide effort nine months
in the making, it remains unclear in many cases which devices were vulnerable to which vulnerabilities and which vulnerabilities,
if any, have received security updates. It's almost a certainty that many Wi-Fi-enabled devices will never be fixed.
Rogue DNS injection
One of the most severe vulnerabilities in the FragAttacks suite resides in the
Wi-Fi specification itself. Tracked as CVE-2020-24588, the flaw can be exploited in a way that forces Wi-Fi devices to use a
rogue DNS server, which in turn can deliver users to malicious websites rather than the ones they intended. From there, hackers
can read and modify any unencrypted traffic. Rogue DNS servers also allow hackers to perform
rebinding attacks
, in which malicious websites manipulate a browser to attack other devices connected to the same network.
The rogue DNS server is introduced when an attacker injects an
Router Advertisement
into Wi-Fi traffic. Routers typically issue these announcements so other devices on the network can
locate them. The injected advertisement instructs all devices to use a DNS specified by the attacker for lookups of both IPv6 and
IPv4 addresses.
In an email, Vanhoef explained, saying, "The IPv6 router advertisement is put
in the payload (i.e. data portion) of the TCP packet. This data is by default passed on to the application that created the TCP
connection. In the demo, that would be the browser, which is expecting an image. This means that by default, the client won't
process the IPv6 router advertisement but instead process the TCP payload as application data."
Vanhoef said that it's possible to perform the attack without user interaction
when the target's access point is vulnerable to
one of the 12 vulnerabilities that make up the FragAttacks package. The security flaw stems from a kernel flaw in NetBSD 7.1 that
causes Wi-Fi access points to forward
Authentication Protocol (AP) over LAN
frames to other devices even when the sender has not yet authenticated to the AP.
It's safe to skip ahead, but for those curious about the specific software bug
and the reason the video demo uses a malicious image, Vanhoef explained:
To make the victim process the TCP payload (i.e. data portion) as a separate
packet, the aggregation design flaw in Wi-Fi is abused. That is, the attacker intercepts the malicious TCP packet at the Wi-Fi
layer and sets the "is aggregated" flag in the Wi-Fi header. As a result, the receiver will split the Wi-Fi frame into two
network packets. The first network packet contains part of the original TCP header and is discarded. The second packet
corresponds with the TCP payload, which we made sure will now correspond to the ICMPv6 packet, and as a result, the ICMPv6
router advertisement is now processed by the victim as a separate packet. So proximity to the victim is required to set the
"is aggregated" Wi-Fi flag so that the malicious TCP packet will be split into two by the receiver.
The design flaw is that an adversary can change/set the "is aggregated" flag
without the receiver noticing this. This flag should have been authenticated so that a receiver can detect if it has been
It's possible to perform the attack without user interaction when the
access point is vulnerable to CVE-2020-26139. Out of four tested home routers, two of them had this vulnerability. It seems
that most Linux-based routers are affected by this vulnerability. The research paper discusses in more detail how this
works -- essentially, instead of including the ICMPV6 router advertisement in a malicious TCP packet, it can then be included in
an unencrypted handshake message (which the AP will then forward to the client after which the adversary can again set the "is
aggregated" flag etc).
Punching a hole in
the firewall
Four of the 12 vulnerabilities that make up the FragAttacks are implementation
flaws, meaning they stem from bugs that software developers introduced when writing code based on the Wi-Fi specification. An
attacker can exploit them against access points to bypass a key security benefit they provide.
Besides allowing multiple devices to share a single Internet connection,
routers prevent incoming traffic from reaching connected devices unless the devices have requested it. This firewall works by
using network address translation, or NAT, which maps private IP addresses that the AP assigns each device on the local network
to a single IP address that the AP uses to send data over the Internet.
The result is that routers forward data to connected devices only when they
have previously requested it from a website, email server, or other machine on the Internet. When one of those machines tries to
send unsolicited data to a device behind the router, the router automatically discards it. This arrangement
, but it does provide a vital defense that protects billions of devices.
Vanhoef figured out how to exploit the four vulnerabilities in a way that
allows an attacker to, as he put it, "punch a hole through a router's firewall." With the ability to connect directly to devices
behind a firewall, an Internet attacker can then send them malicious code or commands.
In one demo in the video, Vanhoef exploits the vulnerabilities to control an
Internet-of-things device, specifically to remotely turn on and off a smart power socket. Normally, NAT would prevent a device
outside the network from interacting with the socket unless the socket had first initiated a connection. The implementation
exploits remove this barrier.
Microsoft practically begs Windows users to fix wormable BlueKeep flaw
In a separate demo, Vanhoef shows how the vulnerabilities allow a device on the Internet to initiate a connection with a computer
running Windows 7, an operating system that stopped receiving security updates years ago. The researcher used that ability to
gain complete control over the PC by sending it malicious code that exploited a
vulnerability called BlueKeep
"That means that when an access point is
vulnerable, it becomes easy to attack clients!" Vanhoef wrote. "So we're abusing the Wi-Fi implementation flaws in an
as a first step in order to subsequently attack (outdated)
Getting your fix
Despite Vanhoef spending nine months coordinating patches with more than a
dozen hardware and software makers, it's not easy to figure out which devices or software are vulnerable to which
vulnerabilities, and of those vulnerable products, which ones have received fixes.
This page
provides the status for products from several companies. A more comprehensive list of known advisories is
Other advisories are available individually from their respective vendors. The vulnerabilities to look for are:
Design flaws:
: aggregation attack (accepting non-SPP A-MSDU frames)
: mixed key attack (reassembling fragments encrypted under different keys)
: fragment cache attack (not clearing fragments from memory when (re)connecting to a network)
vulnerabilities allowing the injection of plaintext frames:
: Accepting plaintext broadcast fragments as full frames (in an encrypted network)
: Accepting plaintext A-MSDU frames that start with an RFC1042 header with EtherType EAPOL (in an encrypted
: Accepting plaintext data frames in a protected network
: Accepting fragmented plaintext data frames in a protected network
Other implementation
: Forwarding EAPOL frames even though the sender is not yet authenticated (should only affect APs)
: Reassembling encrypted fragments with non-consecutive packet numbers
: Reassembling mixed encrypted/plaintext fragments
: Processing fragmented frames as full frames
: Not verifying the TKIP MIC of fragmented frames
The most effective way to mitigate the threat posed by FragAttacks is to
install all available updates that fix the vulnerabilities. Users will have to do this on each vulnerable computer, router, or
other Internet-of-things device. It's likely that a huge number of affected devices will never receive a patch.
The next-best mitigation is to ensure that websites are always using HTTPS
connections. That's because the encryption HTTPS provides greatly reduces the damage that can be done when a malicious DNS server
directs a victim to a fake website.
Sites that use HTTP Strict Transport Security will always use this protection,
but Vanhoef said that only about 20 percent of the web does this. Browser extensions like
were already a good idea, and the mitigation they provide against FragAttacks makes them even more worthwhile.
As noted earlier, FragAttacks aren't likely to be exploited against the vast
majority of Wi-Fi users, since the exploits require a high degree of skill as well as proximity -- meaning within 100 feet to a
half-mile, depending on the equipment used -- to the target. The vulnerabilities pose a higher threat to networks used by high-value
targets such as retail chains, embassies, or corporate networks where security is key, and then most likely only in concert with
other exploits.
When updates become available, by all means install them, but unless you're in
this latter group, remember that drive-by downloads and other more mundane types of attacks will probably pose a bigger threat.
Promoted Comments
When I'm networking I always assume the network I'm connected to is completely compromised, so all my devices use these things
and are properly firewalled in which case these attacks are pretty much worthless.
While only new versions of Android support DoT out of the box on the system level, Google has recently added the support for
DoH to Chrome, so in case your device is running an older version of Android you might want to enable DoH in Chrome to feel
And as for Firefox it's had the support for DoH for years. I've gone as far as to set network.trr.mode to 2 in about:config to
be extra safe. 3 is even better:
178 posts | register
They have a lot of work to do. There is a suspicion among cynics like myself that GOP
bossmen conspired with DNC to rig 2020 for the opposition.
Moribund Mitch was congratulating Catatonic Joe while the election was still contested and
GA runoff polls were still open. Mike Pence folded up like a ten dollar suitcase.
SurfingUSA 7 hours ago remove link
"Suspicion" ????
Those facts are locked down. See the following GOP champions of Domino Ion Voting with
documented roles in getting the equipment and obstructing investigations:
Note Domino Ion election management is to an extent a front for the CCP.
chunga 7 hours ago
The recount thing in AZ is a stunt as far as I'm concerned. Nobody ever bothered to
question suitcase girl. It is inexplicable.
YuriTheClown 7 hours ago
Don't do the China thing. That is the Republican version of Russia! Russia! Russia!
While I am sure China spreads the cheese around we all know it's the Giewash Mob banking
cartel that is firmly in control. The Cartel can shut off Chinese Cheese in a heart beat when
desired. They just like using other people's money.
19331510 3 hours ago
Main street does not want perpetual wars, why do you think Trump was elected for a second
Miniminer1 8 hours ago
CNN and the msm will keep putting her on TV like she's important and telling their few
viewers she might be president and will go after evil trump and thereby keeping the
brainwashing alive . Keep fighting for justice president trump!!!
No_Pretzel_Logic 7 hours ago
CIA News Network is 100% Deep State operated.
I can flip to that channel anytime of day and within 120 seconds I am pointing at the TV
and saying, "Liars!"
It is almost completely Pravda-programming and remains a real threat to this country. Same
with MSDNC.
YuriTheClown 7 hours ago
You watch TV????
aegis551 8 hours ago
Cheneys is a neocons and a globalist. Hopefully the good people of Wyoming can see that
and kick this POS to the curb.
Paul Bunyan 8 hours ago
Darth Cheney is not pleased the GOP has discredited his daughter. I am sure he and the
Bushes will be doing everything they can to keep Trump from running in '24.
SPACE-CADET 8 hours ago
Little Bush killed 10,000 americans and over 1 million Iraq.
He retired to Texas with a cushy pension.
Paul Bunyan 8 hours ago (Edited)
Never mind the pension. The Bushes are American royalty and British royals before it. His
mother Barbara is a Pierce, as in the former POTUS and NYC banking dynasty. Everyone knows
CIA asset George Sr. Then there is patriarch Prescott who was a Senator, a banker with the
Harrimans ( THE bank that funneled Nazi money through Wall Street) and a Scull and bonesman
(as was GHWB and GWB). Then there is Uncle Bert Walker, where both names Herbert and Walker
come from. This man traces both names back to British royalty, where both the Herberts and
Walkers ruled on the British courts for hundreds of years. So for pensions, these families
have power and wealth that can not be imagined.
YuriTheClown 7 hours ago
Nah. As per Eustace Mullins ( a national treasure his recordings )
Bushes served Harrimans
Harrimans served Rothschilds
Bushes are high functionaries
arby63 7 hours ago
They all hated Trump because he wasn't in the club. This scum Cheney is a name I've had to
endure for 40 years.
Thats why they hated Trump. He wasn't one of them.
Dominion said in a statement to news outlets on Thursday that it would comply with the
audit, but Cyber Ninjas, the firm hired by the Arizona Senate to conduct it along with three
other companies, is not accredited by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.
" Releasing Dominion's intellectual property to an unaccredited, biased, and plainly
unreliable actor such as Cyber Ninjas would be reckless, causing irreparable damage to the
commercial interests of the company and the election security interests of the country ,"
Dominion said. "No company should be compelled to participate in such an irresponsible
Cyber Ninjas did not respond to a request for comment.
Maricopa County officials previously said that they did not have passwords to access
administrative functions on Dominion Voting Systems machines that were used to scan ballots
during the election, according to the Senate's audit liaison, former Republican Secretary of
State Ken Bennett.
"They've told us that they don't have that second password, or that they've given us all the
passwords they have," Bennett told One America News at the site of the audit in Phoenix last
Both routers or router images and access to election machines were part of the materials the
state Senate subpoenaed late last year. A judge in February ruled that the subpoenas were valid
and should be obeyed.
Arizona Senate President Karen Fann, a Republican,
recently threatened to subpoena county officials if they didn't stop their noncompliance
with the subpoenas, but
backed off the threat in a letter on May 12.
Instead, she asked Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Chairman Jack Sellers, also a
Republican, to cooperate voluntarily by attending an upcoming meeting at the state Capitol to
go over the audit issues.
Fann said auditors have found discrepancies in the ballot count, including one batch that
was supposed to be 200 but only numbered 165. She also said the audit teams found an entire
database directory from an election machine had been deleted, and that the main database for
the election management system software was not located anywhere on the machine, suggesting
that the main database for all data related to the 2020 election had been removed.
Sellers on Thursday indicated he would not attend the meeting and disputed the
Deleting files off the server "would be a crime -- and it is not true," he said.
"After reviewing the letter with County election and IT experts, I can say that the
allegations are false and ill-informed. Moreover, the claim that our employees deleted election
files and destroyed evidence is outrageous, completely baseless, and beneath the dignity of the
Arizona Senate," he added, calling for an immediate retraction of statements senators and their
liaison team made on social media and to the press.
The Board of Supervisors, which held a closed-door emergency meeting on Friday, plans on
holding a public meeting on Monday to address the matter.
Fann, an Arizona Senate Republican Caucus spokeswoman, and the liaison team did not
immediately respond to requests for comment.
Auditors, meanwhile, began packing up on Thursday evening because the audit will take a
break due to scheduling conflicts.
The audit has been taking place at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum on the state fairgrounds
in Phoenix. High school graduations are scheduled to take place at the building beginning May
Hand counting stopped at 7 p.m. on Thursday and workers began collapsing tables and
preparing to move ballots to another location.
About 500,000 of the nearly 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County in the 2020 election
have been counted in the audit, according to Bennett.
The Arizona Senate signed an extension to their original agreement that allows auditors to
store materials in the Wesley Bolin Building, which is also on the state fairgrounds, from May
12 to May 23.
The approximately 19,000-square foot building has a large open floor plan and two large
roll-up doors, according to the Arizona State Fair website.
"Due to temperatures during the summer months, this building is not recommended for use
between May through September," the site states.
Bennett told The Epoch Times in a previous interview that the materials will be secure and
that the site at which they'll be stored can be tracked online via 24-hour streaming, just like
the audit itself.
" There's no deadline for the audit ," Bennett said. " The goal is not speed; the goal is
accuracy and completeness. "
The audit teams can resume occupancy of the coliseum on May 23 and use it until June 30,
according to a copy of the extended agreement obtained
by The Epoch Times .
The original scope of work document from Cyber Ninjas said reviewing voter registration and
votes case would take approximately 20 days and that work would be conducted remotely. The vote
counting phase would take about 20 more days, it said, while the electronic voting system phase
would take some 35 days.
But all three of those phases could be carried out simultaneously, according to the firm. An
additional week was said to be required after completing everything else to finalize
How would Liz Cheney, Kristina Peterson (writer of this column) or anyone else ( including
William Barr) know whether Trump is correct or not.? The obfuscation created by governors,
legislatures and judges made the process inscrutable. I personally believe it more likely
than not that Trump is correct.
The repetitive use of the term of "baseless" does not make it so. No one can possibly ever
know. The Supreme Court had the opportunity to examine it. Justices Thomas and Alito were
correct, the court should have taken the Texas case. Cheney obviously hates Trump. That's
what motivates her -- not some higher cause.
How would Liz Cheney, Kristina Peterson (writer of this column) or anyone else ( including
William Barr) know whether Trump is correct or not.? The obfuscation created by governors,
legislatures and judges made the process inscrutable. I personally believe it more likely
than not that Trump is correct.
The repetitive use of the term of "baseless" does not make it so. No one can possibly
ever know. The Supreme Court had the opportunity to examine it. Justices Thomas and Alito
were correct, the court should have taken the Texas case. Cheney obviously hates Trump.
That's what motivates her -- not some higher cause.
How would Liz Cheney, Kristina Peterson (writer of this column) or anyone else (
including William Barr) know whether Trump is correct or not.? The obfuscation created
by governors, legislatures and judges made the process inscrutable. I personally
believe it more likely than not that Trump is correct.
The repetitive use of the term of "baseless" does not make it so. No one can
possibly ever know. The Supreme Court had the opportunity to examine it. Justices
Thomas and Alito were correct, the court should have taken the Texas case. Cheney
obviously hates Trump. That's what motivates her -- not some higher cause.
Update (1400ET) : Wow, something must be really worrying Democrats?
There appears to be a full court press effort to delay and defer any and every effort to
audit Maricopa County's election results. The Biden justice department added to pressure from
Arizona's chief elections officer (a Democrat) and the Arizona Democratic Party, and now,
Daniel Payne at JustTheNews.com reports that officials in Arizona's Maricopa County are
withholding materials subpoenaed by the state legislature as part of its audit of the county's
2020 election , claiming that surrendering them would constitute a security risk for both law
enforcement and federal agencies.
A Monday letter
sent from the Maricopa County Attorney's Office to Ken Bennett, the former Arizona secretary of
state and the liaison between the state Senate and the auditors, said the county had elected
not to turn over "several routers" requested by the legislature due to an alleged "significant
security risk to law enforcement data utilized by the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office as well
as numerous federal agencies."
Given that President Biden is the most popular president ever and we know from the
mainstream media that there was no, none, zip, nada, election fraud anywhere in America, why
are Democrats so aggressively interfering in the process of auditing the county's election?
* * *
Update (1300ET): Shortly after Arizona's top elections officer raised concerns about the
Maricopa County election audit process, the Biden Department of Justice piled on, expressing
concern about ballot security and potential voter intimidation.
AP reports, in a letter to GOP Senate President Karen Fann, the head of the Justice
Department's Civil Rights Division said the Senate's farming out of 2.1 million ballots from
the state's most populous county to a contractor may run afoul of federal law requiring ballots
to remain in the control of elections officials for 22 months.
And Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Pamela S. Karlan said that the Senate
contractor's plans to directly contact voters could amount to illegal voter intimidation.
"Past experience with similar investigative efforts around the country has raised concerns
that they can be directed at minority voters, which potentially can implicate the
anti-intimidation prohibitions of the Voting Rights Act," Karlan wrote.
"Such investigative efforts can have a significant intimidating effect on qualified voters
that can deter them from seeking to vote in the future."
So, Democrats play the race-card again?
"We are very concerned that the auditors are engaged in ongoing and imminent violations of
federal voting and election laws," said the letter sent by the Brennan Center for Justice,
the Leadership Conference and Protect Democracy.
Why are they so worried? They already told America there was no fraud?
In a letter ( pdf ) to former
Secretary of State Ken Bennett, a Republican who is the state Senate's liaison for the audit,
Hobbs outlined 13 points of concern over how the audit is being run. This included seven points
of concern over counting procedures that the state Senate and audit contractor Cyber Ninjas
disclosed, as well as six points of concern over what her observers saw at the audit site.
Under terms of a
lawsuit settlement filed on Wednesday, defendants Bennett, Arizona Senate President Karen
Fann, and the lead auditor, Florida-based Cyber Ninjas have 48 hours to respond to Hobbs'
concerns. If the concerns are not addressed, Hobbs could take them back to court for breach of
The audit began on April 23 and continues at Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix,
a venue the auditors have booked and secured until May 14.
Hobbs, a Democrat, alleged that the procedures governing the audit do not ensure accuracy,
security, and transparency.
"I'm not sure what compelled you to oversee this audit, but I'd like to assume you took
this role with the best of intentions," she told Bennett in the letter.
"It is those intentions I appeal to now: either do it right, or don't do it at all."
The Arizona Democratic Party
filed a last-minute lawsuit against state Senate leadership to try to stop the audit from
going ahead but their bid to immediately halt it was rebuffed by a judge. The settlement means
the case has concluded.
"The settlement in ADP v Fann requires the Senate to have procedures to protect our
ballots, election equipment, and data. Today, I put the Senate on notice that security
shortfalls remain and must be addressed under the agreement," Hobbs said in a statement.
The official Twitter account for the audit, run by Bennet's team, said late on Wednesday
that Hobbs "continues to make baseless claimes [sic] about this forensic audit but has never
led an election audit in her entire career."
The message declared, "The audit continues!"
The group furthermore encouraged Twitter users to retweet if they think audits are a state
right. Another statement released later on Wednesday reads:
"Democrat [Secretary of State Katie Hobbs] who does not support election audits or
transparency now wants the Federal Government to get involved in the Arizona Senate forensic
audit. Arizona has the authority to conduct this audit without interference from the
Bennett did not immediately respond to a request for comment over the contents of Hobbs'
He told the
Arizona Capitol Times late Wednesday of Hobbs' concerns, "I think that most of the things
in her letter are completely unfounded . And the ones that have a little bit of legitimacy can
be dealt with pretty easily."
Bennett did not elaborate as to what concerns would fall into the latter category.
Real-time camera footage of Maricopa County's large-scale audit of the 2020 election,
Maricopa County, Ariz. (Screenshot/The Epoch Times)
Among the seven concerns based on the disclosed procedures, Hobbs alleged that there were
"no procedures for hiring qualified, unbiased counters." She noted that former State
Representative Anthony Kern, a Republican, has been among the people counting the ballots in
the audit.
Kern's name is listed on the ballot "not only as a candidate for State Representative but as
a Presidential Elector -- the exact race for which he is counting," Hobbs wrote, adding, "While
these facts would be disqualifying in any professional recount or audit, unfortunately, there
are additional reasons why Mr. Kern is not trustworthy to fulfill this role."
Hobbs in her letter also took aim at a number of procedures that she said "appear better
suited for chasing conspiracy theories than as a part of a professional audit," which included
using UV lights to search for watermarks, measuring the thickness of ballots, searching for
folds in ballots, and looking at ballots under a microscope.
She said these measures are "completely unnecessary steps if the goal of the audit is to
validate the election results."
She also questioned how tally sheets from ballot counters would be added up, and noted that
her office had "received no real explanation" over the matter "other than that an accounting
firm will handle it later."
"This is not transparency. Further, it appears that a single person enters the totals from
the tally sheets into an electronic spreadsheet, leaving wide open the opportunity for error,
inadvertent or otherwise," she wrote. "At minimum, a bipartisan team of at least two
individuals should aggregate the tally sheets or otherwise confirm that data is entered
accurately for aggregation."
In addition to concerns over the disclosed procedures, Hobbs alleged in her letter that
observers from her office have seen a number of problems, which include inadequate physical
security of ballots, unattended computers at the forensic analysis tables, constantly changing
rules in the audit procedures since the beginning of the audit, and "frequent violations" of
the procedures that do exist.
The Arizona Republican-led Senate previously
hired four out-of-state firms to carry out the audit, which are Wake Technology Services,
CyFIR, Digital Discovery, and Cyber Ninjas.
The state Senate has said that the "
broad and detailed " audit "will validate every area of the voting process" and includes,
but is not limited to, scanning all the ballots, a full hand recount, auditing the voter
registration and votes cast, the vote counts, and the electronic voting system. This includes
examining some 2.1 million ballots, as well as voting equipment that includes 385
told The Epoch Times on Monday that the audit may last longer than originally planned. An
analysis of the equipment used in the 2020 election was completed over the weekend, but
reviewing other materials will need more time, he said.
President Joe Biden was the first Democratic presidential nominee to win Maricopa County in
" as a condition, the judge insisted that the Dems post a $1 million bond to cover potential
costs incurred as a consequence of the delayed recount. And, by the afternoon, the outlet said,
the state party had indicated it wouldn't do so.
That cleared the way for the recount to go on as planned.
Earlier this week, Senate Republicans exercised a subpoena to move voting equipment and
ballots from county storage to the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum, where they have said a
team will spend a month doing a hand recount and forensic audit.
According to the Post, Senate leaders have said the process is intended only to explore ways
to improve future elections, not to cast doubt on Biden's win by more than 10,000 Arizona votes
over Trump.
But the recount has been slammed by Dems and other critics and voting rights advocates as
lacking proper oversight and having potential to perpetuate baseless claims of an illegitimate
election outcome.
Trump insisted for weeks following the vote that he'd been defeated only because of rampant,
systemic fraud. He filed numerous lawsuits, but they gained no traction ; Biden was
sworn in, as scheduled, on Jan. 20.
Comment: "but they gained no traction" Oh BS! The damned judges and boards would not hear
the evidence! The worst was SCOTUS who would not hear Texas' suit against Pennsylvania in what
was a matter of Original Jurisdiction for SCOTUS, i.e., a dispute between states as sovereign
The result of this re-count will be interesting. pl
The question is if they're just gonna count the ballots or first verify that the ballot
is valid by comparing signature to voter roll if it is a Mail-in ballot? If the latter what
are the criteria to verify signature compliance? Reply
Looks like they will be using special scanners, ala Jovan Pulitzer's pattern
detection technology, to determine the initial validity of the ballot itself- scanning
for water marks, creases and machine-made markings.
This comes from someone who observed what looked like this sort of equipment was
present on a table, from the in-house surveillance cameras. Not confirmed.
Since the goal is surveying for in inherent voting procedure flaws that would
undermine any election integrity, this would be a reasonable up front physical ballot
evaluation to make.
How can you mail in a ballot that has no creases? Put it in a large envelope is one
way – perfectly valid. Thousands of them – all for one candidate? All with
the exact same down ballot choices?
No watermarks – someone took the money for himself and hired the cheapest
bidder to print up non-water marked ballots and sent them out as "official" – and
there was no double checking?
Machine printed ballots, filled out at home. Handicap accommodations? How many ways
to Sunday can phony ballots be added into the final count. How may ways to Sunday
ballot anommolies can finally be explained.
How to reverse engineer as many possible methods of voting fraud as can be
speculated. Everyone wins in this case, even if any one favored candidate does not win
the final new vote count in the long run.
Look for loop holes, build in every imaginable level of fraud prevention. We can
settle for nothing less. But first we have to know all the ways to Sunday voting fraud
can possibly take place. Democrats should be joining in this speculation – surely
Stacey Abrams would want to know more about her "stolen" Georgia governors race
election. She might have been on to this a lot earlier than 2020. Reply
They are doing a lot more than just count the ballots, its going to take them a
month. I don't know but I assume, as everything else is being double checked, that
signatures are being validated against those previously held on file.
AZ still has enough deplorables in the population that the Governor and a lot of the
state legislature retains the will to fight the woke bolshies. AZ recently joined other
states in a commitment to defy the federal government on whatever attacks they make on the
second amendment.
Pretty sure that if the recount/audit shows that Trump actually won AZ, we are all going
to hear about it. That fact would lend support to the state fighting back against
Washington (DC?) in whatever manner the state sees appropriate. Reply
Does that not answer your own question? How indeed does one know there is a valid
vote count. Looks like a lot more failsafe mechanisms need to be put in place. This new
survey will be a good place to get started adding deeper transparency to the process.
Continuing to use vote counting systems that cannot be made transparent is one way not
to ensure vote count integrity.
A couple of layers that need a lot more transparency: valid registration; valid
ballots; valid counting; valid reporting. . Reply
For a start it is being done under the unblinking gaze of 9 CCTV always online to
the Internet.
Every aspect of the votes is being checked from signatures to mail in ballot folds,
visually and with UV. All ballets sent for manual intervention in November are being
digitally rechecked.
The hardware and its firmware, comms links and associated software is also being
pulled apart.
On top of that electors are going to be interviewed to double check that what they
thought they voted was recorded. The external teams will also investigate the large
number of ballots from single addresses.
AZ was won with a majority of under 12,000 so if failed votes over that are found
all kinds of issues arise. This is no doubt with the Democrats have a very large crack
team of lawyers on the job. As an example, in the court case today they have apparently
forced the recusal of the current judge by appointing an attorney who was once one of
his interns. Using every trick in the book. Reply
A fun part of the new state voting law in Georgia is that the state can take over voting
in counties that have shown to have problems with running elections. Some counties have
always had problems even when the state has rules for the number of ballot marking devices
per eligible voters to prevent long lines. Some counties often have interruptions in their
counting. Another function of the law is to make ballot drop off boxes more secure.
I suspect a lot of the noise against the Georgia law is that the state will take away
control of some of the polling from the local political machines and prevent unfolded
mail-in ballots from being counted. Reply
My husband has become woke in recent years. I still love him, but don't get me
started Anyway, yesterday I heard pundits on either MSNBC or CNN (of course his main
sources of news) RANTING about how, due to the new GA voting laws, that no one's
allowed to offer food and drink to people waiting to vote, and that it'll harm
minorities . Why, they could get sick or even die of thirst or starvation don't you
know! And this will discourage them from voting!
As has become typical and customary among far too many leftists, this RACIST claim
presumes that people of color can't bring a bottle of water or snack along with them if
they anticipate a long wait at the polls. I say it's racist because it infers white
people are smart and conscientious enough to have a contingency plan and take care of
themselves, but not minorities. The same goes for providing acceptable ID at the
polls, or returning absentee ballots in a timely manner, etc., etc. SMFH Reply
The audit is to be at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix, for Maricopa County,
Arizona. Nine cameras are set up inside at a distance that are broadcast live over the
Internet– http://www.azaudit.org Reply
Hundreds of corporations, including Starbucks, Amazon, and Netflix, have signed a letter signaling their opposition to election
integrity efforts in numerous states, promising to oppose any related legislation they deem "discriminatory."
The effort, led by former American Express chief executive Kenneth Chenault and Merck chief executive Kenneth Frazier, both of
whom recently
group of black business leaders urging corporations to take a stand against election integrity efforts, has corporations vowing
to stand against "any discriminatory legislation," representing what the
York Times
broadest coalition yet to weigh in on the issue."
"We stand for democracy," the statement
"A beautifully American idea, but a reality denied to many for much of this nation's history. As Americans, we know that in our
democracy we should not expect to agree on everything":
However, regardless of our political affiliations, we believe the very foundation of our electoral process rests upon the
ability of each of us to cast our ballots for the candidates of our choice. For American democracy to work for any of us, we
must ensure the right to vote for all of us. We all should feel a responsibility to defend the right to vote and to oppose any
discriminatory legislation or measures that restrict or prevent any eligible voter from having an equal and fair opportunity
to cast a ballot.
"Voting is the lifeblood of our democracy," the statement continues, calling on Americans to take a "nonpartisan stand for this
most basic and fundamental right of all Americans."
Signers include Bank of America, Amazon,
, Eventbrite, General Motors, Netflix, Starbucks, Synchrony, Nordstrom, PayPal, Peloton, Pinterest, United Airlines,
Twitter, Under Armour, and more.
Some, such as Coca-Cola and Delta, which spoke out after Georgia passed its election integrity law, did not add their names to
the list, nor did Home Depot
, as the
Coca-Cola and Delta, which condemned the Georgia law after it was passed, declined to add their names, according to people
familiar with the matter. Home Depot also declined, even though its co-founder Arthur Blank said in a call with other business
executives on Saturday that he supported voting rights. Another Home Depot co-founder, Ken Langone, is a vocal supporter of
Mr. Trump.
Coca-Cola and Delta declined to comment. Home Depot said in a statement on Tuesday that "the most appropriate approach for us
to take is to continue to underscore our belief that all elections should be accessible, fair and secure."
JPMorgan Chase also declined to sign the statement despite a personal request from senior Black business leaders to the
chief executive, Jamie Dimon, according to people briefed on the matter. Mr. Dimon has publicly declared that he supports
Black Lives Matter and made a statement on voting rights before many other companies, saying, "We believe voting must be
accessible and equitable."
"It should be clear that there is overwhelming support in corporate America for the principle of voting rights," Chenault said.
While the statement does not list specific state election efforts, it follows the debate over Georgia's recently signed election
integrity law, which the left has
misinformation, including the false claims it eliminates "Souls to the Polls," thereby suppressing minority votes. In reality,
the law expands ballot access in several ways, including by
mandatory days for early weekend voting.
"The nuts and bolts of [the law] are this, it makes it easy to vote and hard to cheat," Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R)
a March appearance on
News Daily
The biggest -- probably the top four things to me -- is it replaces a signature match with a voter ID on absentee ballots. It
secures ballot drop boxes around the clock It also requires poll workers to continue tabulating ballots until all votes are
counted and then it actually -- contrary to what the national media and those that are profiting off of this whole exercise of
not being truthful with people -- expands voting access, especially on the weekends.
A Rasmussen Reports survey
this week revealed a majority of likely voters, or 60 percent, believe it is more important to make sure there is no cheating in
elections rather than prioritizing making it "easier for everybody to vote." Additionally, a majority of likely voters, including
a majority of black voters,
notion that voter ID laws are discriminatory against some voters.
" voters still overwhelmingly support laws requiring that voters show identification before casting a ballot.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 75% of Likely U.S. Voters believe voters should be
required to show photo identification such as a driver's license before being allowed to vote. Only 21% are opposed to such a
requirement. (To see survey question wording,
"Support for voter ID laws has actually
since 2018
, when 67% said voters should be required to show photo identification such as a driver's license before being
allowed to vote.
Eighty-nine percent (89%) of Republicans support voter ID requirements, as do 60% of Democrats and 77% of voters not affiliated
with either major party."
Comment: In Virginia it was not necessary to present identification at a polling place untl about 20 years ago. This was a relic
of an older time when most Virginia communities were quite small and it was expected that one or more people would recognize
acitizen at the polling station,
IMO the time has come when national ID cards would be a good thing. The trick would be to make it as tamper proof as possible. pl
I recently got a new driver's license, the kind that complies with airport security in order to be able to fly. And boy, my
county Department of Motor Vehicles office was absolutely TOUGH, real hard asses, when it came to the documentation required to
qualify for such a license. I had to go back THREE TIMES with various documents in order to satisfy them and meet their criteria
EXACTLY, with no exceptions. So did my husband. I would hope that any national ID, if ever mandated, would be obtained by
fulfilling similarly rigorous standards and conscientious processing. I bet it would set off leftists and libertarian-leaning
rightists BIG TIME though, for different reasons: leftists would want lax standards and libertarians would oppose the notion
High profile attorney means possible troubles for Dominion and its lobbyists. such layers ten
not leave a single stone unturned, which is not in Dominion best interest. Emails will definitely
be subpoenaed and judging from the behaviour of one Dominion executive they were not too
I kel the joke "Are their lawyers also going to argue that no reasonable person would believe
Fox news?"
Fox News has hired two high-profile defense attorneys to combat a $1.6 billion lawsuit filed
against it by voting technology company Dominion.
The media outlet disclosed in a court filing that it had Charles Babcock and Scott Keller
for its defense. Fox News confirmed the hirings to The Hill.
... ... ...
Fox News Media told The Hill after Dominion filed its suit that it is "proud of our 2020
election coverage, which stands in the highest tradition of American journalism, and will
vigorously defend against this baseless lawsuit in court."
And yet discovery will be very interesting, and Fox News is now pitted against Dominion,
and their best way to defend themselves is to show that the criticisms were legitimate...
Fox can now subpoena anything relevant from Dominion, and Dominion has to comply or be
criminally prosecuted...
There is not much to discover with Dominion. It mainly functions like a windows 10
computer. so it is hackable. It is very easy to install fraudulent software on these
affidavit See "Investigators for Attorney DePernoReportedly Discover Modem Chips Embedded in
Michigan Voting System Computer Motherboards" via today on theGatewayPundit
When testifying before the MI legislature, the Dominion CEO recommended that a full
forensic audit be ordered if voters suspect that these machines were connected to the
On Dec 1 election officials deleted the electronic voting data in violation of state
Sidney Powell lit a fuse. She woke the Republicans and others who want election integrity,
so the Democrats won't be able to steal any more. At least not with the same tactics
Lou Dobbs might have gotten confused once. I believe he said that an affidavit that
criticized Smartmatic had instead criticized Dominion. However, there are so many problems
with Dominion, I would consider it to be an immaterial mistake. After all these machines
appear to be unusable:
[Vote counting machines] "presents serious system security vulnerability and
operational issues that may place plaintiffs and other voters at risk of
deprivation of their fundamental right to cast an effective vote that is
accurately counted," U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg wrote in a Oct 2020
Electionic vote counting machines were banned in France, Ireland and the in
the Netherlands via Gateway Pundit because they were unreliable.
The Gateway pundit could be sued if they make false statements.
via Twitter:
Elections Canada @ElectionsCan_E
· Nov 16
Elections Canada does not use Dominion Voting Systems. We use paper ballots counted by
hand in front of scrutineers and have never used voting machines or electronic tabulators to
count votes in our
100-year history. #CdnPoli
It is very easy to install fraudulent software on these machines See Harryi Hursti on
ELECTIONS and look at his affidavit
The actual claim is here (400+ pages):
www DOT documentcloud DOT org/documents/20527880-dominion-v-fox-news-complaint
These lawyers have their work cut out for them. As explained in the claim, Dominion
contacted Fox multiple times after the first accusations. They provided Fox with independent
assessments and other evidence that their systems were sound. Fox ignored it, never mentioned
this and continued presenting that Dominion systems were fraudulent (and stated that as a
fact, not as an opinion).
Once again, FOX News will likely claim that they are an entertainment network, not a
news agency ... and therefore they should not be expected to propagate facts on their
Dominion fights as its image was damaged and it has deep pockets. But how valid are their
claim is for the court to decide. In no way they are as clean as they pretend. Their connection
Dem party operatives is probably provable beyond reasonable doubt. The whole story with Dominion
replacing Diebold on this business is murky to the extreme.
Roger Parloff · Contributor Tue, April
13, 2021, 5:06 AM · 22 min read
... "Instantly," said Steven
Bellovin , a professor of computer science at Columbia University with almost 40 years of
experience in computer networking and security. That's how long it took him to realize, he said
in an interview, that a certain purported spreadsheet that I showed him was "not just fake, but
a badly generated fake by someone who didn't know what they were doing."
The spreadsheet, together with an animated film that was said to illustrate its data, formed
the crux of a nearly two-hour "docu-movie," called "Absolute Proof," which aired at least 13
times last February on the One America News Network. The movie, presented in a news magazine
format, was hosted, co-produced, and relentlessly flacked by Mike Lindell, the irrepressible
CEO of MyPillow, Inc. It purported to furnish absolute proof that the 2020 presidential
election was stolen from then-President Donald Trump in an international cyberattack exploiting
vulnerabilities in voting-machine software that had been intentionally designed to rig
Dominion Voting Systems, which makes voting technology, filed a $1.3 billion defamation suit
against Lindell and his company in late February -- the third of four massive cases it has
filed since the election -- in part because of "Absolute Proof," which referenced Dominion more
than 40 times. (An in-depth analysis of Dominion's suits over bogus election-fraud claims, as
well as one brought by a rival voting-device company, Smartmatic, is provided in an earlier
story I wrote
here .)
The column is extremely week and fragments are republished here for the sole purpose to
I think Dean Baker is very superficial here. Dominion is a corporation business model of
which is based on lobbying Congress and states. It is definitely closely connected to the
Democratic Party apparatchiks. This is a very questionable model. So now it tried to present
being White Knight defending itself again absurd claims like Hugo Chaves claim. This does not
change the nature of their business. In reality this is two dirty persons struggling in a mud
Also the key question remains unanswered: are Dominion machines do any good to the USA voting
system? If yes, then defending itself makes some positive sense. If not, why bother?
...Hugo Chavez, the former president of Venezuela who has been dead for eight years, figures
prominently in many of the stories. Nonetheless, many Fox News viewers believe them.
For a voting machine manufacturer, the claim that your machines are rigged is pretty much a
textbook definition of a damaging statement. Therefore, Dominion should have a pretty solid
Sullivan doesn't dispute any of this, instead, she points out that libel or defamation suits
can also be used against news outlets doing serious reporting. She highlights the case of
Reveal, a nonprofit news outfit that is dedicated to investigative reporting. Reveal was nearly
forced out of business due to the cost of defending itself against a charity that it exposed as
being run by a cult. Sullivan's takeaway is that defamation lawsuits can be used as a weapon
against legitimate news organizations doing serious reporting.
Sullivan is right on this point, but wrong in understanding the implications. Every
civil course of action can be abused by those with money to harm people without substantial
resources. There are tens of thousands of frivolous tort cases filed every year, but would
anyone argue that we should deny people the right to sue a contractor that mistakenly sets
their customer's house on fire? The same applies to suits for breach of contract. If I pay
someone $10,000 in advance to paint my house and they don't do it, should I not be able to sue
to get my money back?
... ... ...
The reality is that our legal system can be abused by the powerful to harm those with
less power. That is the result of the enormous disparities of income and power in this country,
and the inadequate shields against abuse in the legal system...
The Georgia GOP secretary of state who bucked Donald Trump is up against serious resistance
within his own party.
..."He's toast," said Jay Williams, a Georgia-based Republican strategist. "I don't know
that there's a single elected official who would put their neck out for Brad Raffensperger
right now."
Not everyone in state political circles is convinced Raffensperger's political plight is so
grim. Some still see a path to reelection, despite the serious resistance within his own
Either way, as the GOP forges its post-Trump era identity, Raffensperger's reelection
campaign is emerging as one of the earliest and most contentious test cases for the direction
of the party.
...Jason Shepherd, the chair of the Republican Party in Cobb County, Georgia, said he has
friends who are "completely uninvolved in politics" who tell him "there is no way they are
going to vote to reelect Raffensperger."
That sentiment, he said, is coming from "the type of person you're almost surprised they
know the name of the secretary of state."
Earlier this week, Rep. Jody Hice, a defender of Trump's effort to overturn the election,
announced he's running with Trump's
endorsement to unseat Raffensperger. And the Georgia Republican Party isn't exactly
sitting on the sidelines.
The state executive committee publicly called this week on Raffensperger to repudiate his staff for misquoting Trump's words in a December phone call in which Trump urged a Georgia
elections official to find "dishonesty" in the vote in an attempt to reverse the election
The party said Raffensperger has "dodged repeated attempts" by committee members to discuss
the issue with him.
Closer to home, Raffensperger failed this past weekend to get Republicans in his own
precinct to elect him as a delegate to his county's upcoming Republican Party convention, said
Stewart Bragg, executive director of the Georgia Republican Party. After Raffensperger wrote a
letter asking to be elected, no one at the precinct meeting moved to nominate him, Bragg
In a statement, the chair of the Fulton County Republican Party, Trey Kelly, said he was
unaware of any letter from Raffensperger, adding that, "like many others who did not attend
Saturday, he was not added to the delegate or alternate list for the county convention." A
person close to Raffensperger also denied that he sent a letter seeking election.
His representatives otherwise declined to comment for this story, pointing to
Raffensperger's past public statements.
Raffensperger's official responsibilities have also been targeted by Republicans in the
state. On Thursday, the Republican-controlled state legislature passed a law, signed by Georgia
GOP Gov. Brian Kemp, that removes the secretary of state as the state election board chair -- to be replaced
by a person approved by the state legislature.
The law, in effect, hands control of the five-person board over to the state legislature:
Two other members on the board are picked by the respective legislative chambers. The law also
gives the state election board the ability to suspend county election officials, who are
replaced by an individual picked by the board.
... ... ...
Raffensperger has joined the chorus of Republicans across the country in opposing H.R. 1, or
the For the People Act, congressional Democrats' sweeping piece of legislation that would
drastically remake most aspects of federal elections, penning an op-ed in USA Today on Friday that says the bill makes "reckless demands
of Georgia's elections system."
At the same time, Raffensperger has been harshly critical of the falsehoods about the 2020
election promoted by Trump and embraced by Hice, saying voters will punish Hice because of
On Dec. 22, Coomer filed a
defamation suit in Denver state court , seeking unspecified damages, against Oltmann and 14
others, including the Trump Campaign; Giuliani; Powell; the One America News Network (OAN); OAN
chief White House correspondent Chanel Rion; Newsmax Media; Newsmax contributor Michelle
Malkin; The Gateway Pundit website; and radio and podcast host Eric Metaxas.
"... I'm surprised Republicans haven't done as much to sink the Libertarian Party. ..."
"... The Ballot Marking Devices section in essence legalizes election theft.) ..."
"... The dems carried AZ and PA AFTER they got the Greens removed from the ballot in both states. It tells you all you need to know about the Democratic Party and "free elections". ..."
H.R.1 (the " For the People Act ") is the
enormous election law reform bill just passed by the House and sent to the Senate. (The PDF has
791 pages.)
Black Agenda Report describes the 2019 version as "a sleazy ghetto ice cream truckload of
empty promises."
Associated Press uses more measured language:
House Resolution 1, which touches on virtually every aspect of the electoral process, was
approved on a near party-line 220-210 vote. It would restrict partisan gerrymandering of
congressional districts, strike down hurdles to voting and bring transparency to a murky
campaign finance system that allows wealthy donors to anonymously bankroll political
The stakes in the outcome are monumental, cutting to the foundational idea that one person
equals one vote, and carrying with it the potential to shape election outcomes for years to
come. It also offers a test of how hard President Joe Biden and his party are willing to
fight for their priorities, as well as those of their voters.
This bill "will put a stop at the voter suppression that we're seeing debated right now,"
said Rep. Nikema Williams, a new congresswoman who represents the Georgia district that
deceased voting rights champion John Lewis held for years. "This bill is the 'Good Trouble'
he fought for his entire life."
To Republicans, however, it would give license to unwanted federal interference in states'
authority to conduct their own elections -- ultimately benefiting Democrats through higher
turnout, most notably among minorities.
Establish automatic voter registration at an array of state agencies; Establish same-day
voter registration; Allow online voter registration; Allow 16- and 17-year-olds to
pre-register so they'll be on the rolls when they turn 18; Allow state colleges and
universities to serve as registration agencies; Ban states from purging eligible voters'
registration simply for infrequent voting; Establish two weeks of in-person early voting,
including availability on Sundays and outside of normal business hours; Standardize hours
within states for opening and closing polling places on Election Day, with exceptions to let
cities set longer hours in municipal races; Require paper ballots filled by hand or machines
that use them as official records and let voters verify their choices; Grant funds to states
to upgrade their election security infrastructure; Provide prepaid postage on mail ballots;
Allow voters to turn in their mail ballot in person if they choose; Allow voters to track
their absentee mail ballots; Require states to establish nonpartisan redistricting
commissions for congressional redistricting (possibly not until the 2030s round of
redistricting); Establish nonpartisan redistricting criteria such as a partisan fairness
provision that courts can enforce starting immediately no matter what institution is drawing
the maps; End prison gerrymandering by counting prisoners at their last address (rather than
where they're incarcerated) for the purposes of redistricting; End felony disenfranchisement
for those on parole, probation, or post-sentence, and require such citizens to be supplied
with registration forms and informed their voting rights have been restored; Provide public
financing for House campaigns in the form of matching small donations at a six-for-one rate;
Expand campaign finance disclosure requirements to mitigate Citizens United ; Ban
corporations from spending for campaign purposes unless the corporation has established a
process for determining the political will of its shareholders; and Make it a crime to
mislead voters with the intention of preventing them from voting.
There's certainly a lot of good stuff here (though as readers know, I loathe early voting,
since it can only increase voting for Party, not candidate, and would prefer a system that
maximized in-person voting, with Election Day a national holiday, and hand-marked paper ballots
hand-counted in public. But I recognize this is an outlier's position). Whether the bill will
pass is, of course, another matter, given the
filibuster . In fact, the bill (
as BAR points out ) seems designed to have its various sections lifted out and turned into
standalone bills. From
Axios :
Fred Wertheimer, president of Democracy 21 and a longtime proponent of campaign finance
reform, says Democrats have a 3 -- 5 year strategy for enacting the key elements of H.R. 1
So, we'll see. In this post, I will focus on concerns more familiar to NC readers: H.R.1's
shocking[1] legitimation of the Washington Post's McCarthyite PropOrNot debacle; its
institutionalization of Ballot Marking Devices (which are not the same as "hand-marked paper
ballots"), and its provisions to cripple third party formation and growth. I don't know if
these issues are deal-breakers for anyone, or anyone who matters, but I do know that the
mainstream has not raised them.
Legitimizing PropOrNot
From the
text of the bill , "Subtitle C -- Strengthening Oversight of Online Political Advertising,
(2) On November 24, 2016, The Washington Post reported findings from teams of independent
researchers that concluded Russians '' exploited American-made technology platforms to
attack U.S. democracy at a particularly vulnerable moment * * * as part of a broadly
effective strategy of sowing distrust in U.S. democracy and its leaders."
Frankly, I'm gobsmacked to find this quotation from WaPo codified as a Congressional Finding
and embodied in statutory language[2]. For those who came in late, I'll unpack my
gobsmackedness, beginning by quoting Craig Timberg's WaPo story, "
Russian propaganda effort helped spread 'fake news' during election, experts say, " which
was oddly[3] placed in the Business Section:
Two teams of independent researchers found that the Russians exploited American-made
technology platforms to attack U.S. democracy at a particularly vulnerable moment , as
an insurgent candidate harnessed a wide range of grievances to claim the White House.
One of those "teams" was PropOrNot:
PropOrNot's monitoring report, which was provided to The Washington Post in advance of its
public release, identifies more than 200 websites as routine peddlers of Russian propaganda
during the election season, with combined audiences of at least 15 million Americans. On
Facebook, PropOrNot estimates that stories planted or promoted by the disinformation campaign
were viewed more than 213 million times.
[A shady website, PropOrNot,] has compiled a blacklist of websites its anonymous authors
accuse of pushing fake news and Russian propaganda. The blacklist includes over 200 outlets,
from the right-wing Drudge Report and Russian government-funded Russia Today, to Wikileaks
and an array of marginal conspiracy and far-right sites. The blacklist also includes
some of the flagship publications of the progressive left, including Truthdig, Counterpunch,
Truthout, Naked Capitalism, and the Black Agenda Report , a leftist African-American
opinion hub that is critical of the liberal black political establishment.
It became apparent soon after that the Post had itself fallen for shoddy information. The
story relied heavily on a report by PropOrNot, an anonymous internet group that bills itself
as "Your Friendly Neighborhood Propaganda Identification Service, Since 2016!" While its
study claimed to show how a deliberate Russian effort had unduly influenced American public
opinion, it included in its calculations non-fake, left-wing sites like Naked Capitalism and
Truthdig, among others.
A number of those sites have objected to being included on PropOrNot's list, and some of
the sites, as well as others not on the list, have publicly challenged the group's
methodology and conclusions. The Post, which did not name any of the sites, does not
itself vouch for the validity of PropOrNot's findings regarding any individual media outlet,
nor did the article purport to do so [wowsers]. Since publication of The Post's story,
PropOrNot has removed some sites from its list.
So the story was . what? Some goons made a list the Post won't vouch for? Swell reporting
standards there[4]. You can't spell "McCarthy" without including " Marty ," I guess. And there the matter rested,
just one of those stupidities that our famously free press routinely emits. One might have
supposed it forgotten. Until the story appeared in the text of a bill House Democrats
(I) The voting system shall require the use of an individual, durable, voter-verified
paper ballot of the voter's vote that shall be marked and made available for inspection and
verification by the voter before the voter's vote is cast and counted, and which shall be
counted by hand or read by an optical character recognition device or other counting device.
For purposes of this subclause, the term 'individual, durable, voter-verified paper ballot'
means a paper ballot marked by the voter by hand or a paper ballot marked through the
use of a nontabulating ballot marking device or system , so long as the voter shall
have the option to mark his or her ballot by hand.
This language is extremely broken. Hand-marked paper ballot advocate Jenny Cohn suggests a
Los Angeles County's horrid VSAP system uses QR codes (
discussed at length here ). Here is why QR codes are both unauditable and (if the ballot
marking devices are hacked) enable election fraud by insiders:
Voter makes selections on touch-screen (software, hence buggy and insecure), selections
are stored (ditto) and printed out (ditto) on a page with a human-readable receipt reflecting
(one assumes) the touchscreen selections, and the ballot itself, which is the QR code, which
is not human-readable. The page is then scanned (ditto) and QR code is then tabulated
(ditto). The sleight of hand is, of course, the ballot itself. A human may think that their
reciept, which they can read to check that it matches what they selected on the touch screen,
also matches the QR code, which they cannot. But there's no reason on earth to think that!
And the unreadable QR code, since that is what is tabulated, is the ballot! Take the matter
out of the delusional digital realm. Suppose voting worked like this: You voted by
hand-marking a yellow paper ballot. You then handed the yellow paper ballot to an official
who, behind a screen so you could not see, marked a blue ballot that you could not read,
sealed it so you could not read it, and then handed the blue ballot back to you and told you
to put it in the ballot box, that's your vote. Does that make any sense? That is how a
"Ballot Marking Device" works.
In essence, ballots printed out by Ballot Marking Devices are not hand-marked ; the
digital (i.e., the hackable) interposes itself at every point: At the touchscreen, at the
printer, at the reader. And because the printed-out QR code is what is counted, the QR code
is the ballot . And since the QR code is not human-readable, voting is not transparent to
the slightest degree.[5] (The VSAP post describes many other problems with ballot marking
devices, but this is the most important.)
H.R. 1 contains a poison pill designed to reduce political competition and voter choice by
weakening minor parties, at exactly a time where, according to a recent Gallup poll,
for a third party is at an all-time high .
Ever since then-presidential candidate Barack Obama shunned the federal public
matching funds program in 2008 , among all parties' general election candidates, only
Green Party presidential nominees have applied for and qualified for these funds. H.R. 1
would solve this minor party/Green Party "problem" by raising the threshold to qualify for
matching funds beyond the realistic ability of Greens (and other minor party nominees) to
This move to disempower minor parties and their voters is cloaked within the promise of a
new and improved matching funds program, designed to entice major party candidates to opt
into the program, with the promise of substantially increased funding.
The current donation threshold to qualify for a 1:1 match is to raise at least $5,000 in
each of at least 20 states, in donations no larger than $250 each. The public already
supports funding minor party candidates under this formula. Green candidates Jill Stein
(2012, 2016) and Howie Hawkins (2020) each qualified for matching funds in the last three
The new H.R. 1 threshold would replace the existing 1:1 match program with a 6:1 match,
but would
simultaneously increase the minimum amount of donations by 500% to a minimum of $25,000
in each of 20 states. It would also increase the minimum number of contributions to reach it
by 625%, by subtlety lowering the size of donations that can count toward reaching the
threshold from $250 to $200. This would make it even harder on minor party candidates -- who
are mostly excluded from candidate forums and media coverage and have a far smaller base of
well-funded donors to draw from -- by disqualifying 20% of the $250 donations they are able
to raise.
The real-world effect of eliminating the existing 1:1 threshold would be to eliminate a
matching funds threshold that is demonstrably reachable by minor party candidates and replace
it with a category reachable likely only by top-tier major party candidates. This
sleight-of-hand will lead people to think Democrats are for increased public funding, but
apparently only for themselves.
I was part of Jill Stein's campaign team in 2015-2016, and I can tell you we barely met
the old threshold in about 22 states. It was a near thing. Eliminating those federal matching
funds for a Green Party presidential campaign would mean all but certain erasure of the Green
Party from the ballot in a good dozen or more states for 2020, and maybe a dozen more in
2022. Since most states also require a presidential and/or US Senate nominee to appear at the
top of the ballot, HR 1 would prohibit the Green Party from running any local candidates in
states where a defunded Green Party's vote drops below a certain level, and it will plummet
if Green campaigns, which which accept no funding from corporations will be far less able to
hire staff or contractors and to perform the necessary functions of a campaign.
Hard to believe that Democrats would do such a thing deliberately, but here we are.
So these are the three flaws that I can see in H.R.1. Whether these flaws should be
sufficient to sink the bill, I don't know. Readers?
[1] It does not speak well of our national security goons that this material still lives in
their institutional memory.
[2] A foreshadowing of RussiaGate, perhaps. It turns out that anonymous sources don't need a
layer of indirection, like a shady website. You can just quote them, and nobody calls you on
[3] Timberg's story dropped on Thanksgiving Eve. We were told at the time by sources in a
position to know that his piece made it into the paper without being vetted by the national
security desk at which he once worked, which led to some fiery internal email exchanges at
[4] On the begrudging and sluggishly inserted Editor's Note, CJR
commented :
[T]he editor's note vaults into verbal gymnastics in an attempt to simultaneously
rationalize and distance itself from an obviously flawed primary source. Any data analysis is
only as good as the sum of its parts, and it's clear that PropOrNot's methodology was
The Post, of course, was merely reporting what PropOrNot said. Yet it used declarative
language throughout, sans caveat, lending credence to a largely unknown organization that
lumps together independent left-wing publications and legitimately Russian-backed news
services. The Post diminished its credibility at a time when media credibility is in short
supply, and the non-apologetic editor's note doesn't help.
A Post spokeswoman declined to comment further on the episode, saying that the editor's
note speaks for itself.
[5] The hacker's exploit would make it so the human readable part of the ballot read as if
the voter voted for candidate A; but the QR code, that which, being tabulated, is the actual
ballot, would be for candidate B, or whatever else the hacker wanted it to be, like a spoiled
I'm surprised Republicans haven't done as much to sink the Libertarian Party.
They can't really do that at this point. One effect of Obama and the Dems' criminal
complicity with Wall Street after the 2008 GFC was the Tea Party's rise as a reaction to that,
which in turn enabled Charles Koch -- a libertarian, NOT a Republican -- to pour money into
supporting Tea Party candidates.
As a result, Koch may effectively have a hold on a majority of the competent political
operators in the Republican party now. Thus, when Trump won in 2016, he was compelled to hire
people straight out of the Koch machine -- Pence, Kellyanne Conway, Pompeo, McCarthy, and
approximately 60 percent or more of the Trump administration's rank and file have CVs directly
attaching them to the Kochtopus if you investigate (and whenever an old-school Republican left,
the Koch people would move one of their one into that position as, forex, when Pompeo replaced
One presumes Trump was too stupid to have figured this out. Anyway, Koch overall now has a
more sophisticated political machine than the Republican party as a whole. It's easy to assume
Charles Koch is some kind of standard evil capitalist Richie Rich born with a silver spoon in
his mouth. In fact, he's highly intelligent with two MIT master's engineering degrees, one in
nuclear and one in chemical engineering, and his companies were among the first American
companies to integrate computers into their operations back in the 1970s. Thus, when you heard
all the squawking about Cambridge Analytica, and the Mercers and Steve Bannon subverting
democracy, the reality is that Koch has operated an electoral data-collection and targeting
company called i360 doing all the things Cambridge Analytica was accused of for the last decade
and a half. It's far more sophisticated than anything the Republican Party has in-house and the
Koch machine uses it to support candidates it approves of even at a loss.
Why don't you hear about this and how does Koch get away with it? Because, again, he's a
libertarian, not a Republican, and thus the Koch machine gives money to Democratic politicians
and organizations, too.
So what happens with an undeniable win of an unapproved party happens? Will the reformers of
the correct "losing party" just accept it?
Also, seeing the security state's apparatchiks in Congress, along with the Nevada Democratic
Party's pettifactors and pettifoggers, and the national nomenklatura or high priests with their
following of fanatical believers concerned citizens doing a good job is heart
Finally seeing competent ruling in action is good; we must keep those unwashed
proles along with the displaced disposables in their proper places.
I am in awe of the Democratic Party physical congress of the American people during
the last forty years. Why, they are almost as good as the Republicans.
> I guess I just don't understand the urgency, here.
The urgency is Republican efforts at the state level, most (all?) of which have the effect
of making it harder to vote and restricting the franchise. It's all pretty bad, but it's
possible that H.R.1 could make it worse. (The Ballot Marking Devices section in essence
legalizes election theft.)
The dems carried AZ and PA AFTER they got the Greens removed from the ballot in both states.
It tells you all you need to know about the Democratic Party and "free elections".
Just another political party trying to get a leg up on the other one. Nothing to see
Some outlets in the designated free-speech zone bleachers on the farther side of the stadium
have taken notice of this year's statement; from the nearer side, not so much yet that I've
seen. But here's hoping. And thanks to NC for coming straight at this fraud repeatedly. (Thanks
too for knocking the props out from under the PropOrNot provision.)
" Since most states also require a presidential and/or US Senate nominee to appear at the
top of the ballot, HR 1 would prohibit the Green Party from running any local candidates in
states where a defunded Green Party's vote drops below a certain level, " I don't believe that
that claim is correct. It is certainly not true in Massachusetts (where I am a former
Libertarian State Party Chair) and does not match my knowledge of New York, New Hampshire, or
The Libertarian Party Presidential candidate has almost always ignored Federal campaign
funds for the nominating campaign. The last LP campaign to take Federal nominating funds
appears to have lost money on the deal. The Libertarian Party has repeatedly had a Presidential
candidate on the ballot in every state, thanks to the efforts of its donors and volunteers.
The Green Party's difficulty (and the difficulty faced by the third Third Party, the
Constitution Party, which appears to have been forgotten here) is that it is small, a third or
a half the size of the Libertarian Party, and therefore lacks the resources it needs. It does
not help the Greens that they have sometimes worried about causing the Democratic Presidential
candidate to lose. Libertarians as a group do not have this concern. While the other two major
parties are not the same, neither of them is viewed by Libertarians as being desirable people
to hold office.
The analogy presented about BMDs is not very apt, for two reasons:
1. If both the human-readable receipt and the QR code are scanned, this provides
after-the-fact auditability. 2. Although QR codes aren't human-readable, they're very easily readable by a personal device
that everyone carries around in their pocket. This provides in-the-moment auditability, with
unpredictable, distributed auditors.
The combination of those two factors make life extremely difficult for any attacker: if even
one person happens to check that their QR code matches their receipt and discovers it doesn't,
it's going to trigger an audit of the entire system, and the attack will be discovered.
The analogous system described, with the sealed blue ballot, provides no in-the-moment
auditability, and if we are to assume that the yellow ballot is thrown away, no after-the-fact
There is no requirement that what you see when you scan the QR code will make any sense to
the voter. A bunch of race/candidate code pairs not necessarily in an order compatible with the
paper ballot and perhaps encrypted
"Ban corporations from spending for campaign purposes unless the corporation has established
a process for determining the political will of its shareholders"
So it's ok for a corporation to donate if it's shareholders approve. Do the donations have
to mirror the political will of the shareholders? Is a simple majority sufficient? What if it
has two-class share structure?
That's before getting to the two big issue: firstly, the tax advantage of making campaign
(or any political donation) through a corporation as I can't deduct a contribution, but I'm
pretty sure that a corporation can. In addition and more importantly, what about all of the
other stakeholders?
Why not simply prohibit any campaign contributions from corporations?
I can see it now -- Corporation X asks its shareholders to support political donations to
candidate Y. You as a shareholder must confirm your support or the C Suite might have to find
something else to do with all that cash that was going to be distributed as dividends. And if
you fail to mail in your proxy at all, they'll just take that as tacit agreement of
Did every Democrat in Congress just write down their favorite wish and they collected them
all into a single bill? Do they actually want it to pass the Senate? Surely they don't
all want some controls on corporate campaign spending!
We do need national standards for some of those bullet points that enable voters and help
make machine voting more secure. That would be difficult enough without all the other baggage
in the bill.
Maybe there will be a deal in the Senate -- Democrats get to use their excuses for losing in
2016 to suppress third parties and dissenting views, and Republicans use theirs in 2020 to
suppress the voters.
If a bill does pass would be interesting to understand which pieces they cared about enough
to make severable from the whole before the lawsuits start.
In any case, they really need to pass the voting rights bill HR 4/S 4263 to restore the full
protections of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, before we get mired in some "3-5 year strategy" for
HR 1.
A duopoly of power exists in the electoral-legislative-executive industrial complex.
Anything that stifles outside competition is a feature, not a bug.
Don't overlook this clause: " so long as the voter shall have the option to mark his or her
ballot by hand."
That means BMDs exist only along side of current hand marking, never in place of hand
marking. Most voters will mark by hand so few BMDs will be purchased, likely only one per
precinct. That will cause a waiting line for the BMD and result in its non-use by any voter
capable of making direct marks by hand.
The ability to steal an election with QR codes via BMDs will be so remote that it won't be
worth the trouble to attempt it.
Do you not remember the issues with provisional ballots in the Democrat primaries? Having
the "option" to hand mark a ballot doesn't mean it will be easy to exercise that option, and in
fact you may be outright lied to by the volunteers running the polling booth and told you don't
have that option.
I have always known the Republican party to be disegenuous in the extreme, untrustworthy and
authoritarian. I long thought Dems to be milquetoast anodyne. Since 2015 however I have come to
be even more opposed to the Dem party than the Republican party, this HR 1 being an example of
how they have become authoritarian in the extreme while hiding behind preening moral
I have been wondering too though, with the spate of election reform bills in Republican
controlled states, why I have not heard any calls to outlaw Dominion and the like?
Clearly both parties want to "fix" the system in their (nefarious) favor.
With the spate of election reform bills in Republican controlled states, why I have not heard
any calls to outlaw Dominion and the like? Clearly both parties want to "fix" the system in their
(nefarious) favor.
The analogy presented about BMDs is not very apt, for two reasons:
1. If both the human-readable receipt and the QR code are scanned, this provides
after-the-fact auditability.
2. Although QR codes aren't human-readable, they're very easily readable by a personal
device that everyone carries around in their pocket. This provides in-the-moment
auditability, with unpredictable, distributed auditors.
The combination of those two factors make life extremely difficult for any attacker: if
even one person happens to check that their QR code matches their receipt and discovers it
doesn't, it's going to trigger an audit of the entire system, and the attack will be
The analogous system described, with the sealed blue ballot, provides no in-the-moment
auditability, and if we are to assume that the yellow ballot is thrown away, no
after-the-fact auditability.
There is no requirement that what you see when you scan the QR code will make any sense
to the voter. A bunch of race/candidate code pairs not necessarily in an order compatible with
the paper ballot and perhaps encrypted
It would be good to get rid of electronic voting machines.
I like paper ballots. It might not really do anything to discourage corporate influence to
simply ask the corporations to represent all of the politics of their employees. That is a
murky requirement at best. But it is (citizen's united) currently a blatant form of
Most of this is just paper trail stuff, however the real election theft seems to happen
long before the ballots are even printed. How did we get a clearly senile president? He was
the chosen candidate in a "party" process that is not the least bit answerable to the general
electorate. Or even to its own electorate.
What better example of election malpractice is there than Joe Biden? So, obviously, the
national committees of the opposing political parties need some restrictions here. They could
be subjected to tighter regulation.
Their influence could be diluted by allowing many more political parties to participate in
both primary and general elections. We need regulations that promote transparency on all the
sausage-making before a party candidate is chosen. We also need transparency on the king
makers, whether corporate or political.
Who is backing the candidate? HR1 doesn't really scratch the surface. It basically just
encourages people to get out and participate in a very corrupted institution.
A duopoly of power exists in the electoral-legislative-executive industrial complex.
Anything that stifles outside competition is a feature, not a bug.
Don't overlook this clause: "so long as the voter shall have the option to mark his or her
ballot by hand."
That means BMDs exist only along side of current hand marking, never in place of hand
marking. Most voters will mark by hand so few BMDs will be purchased, likely only one per
precinct. That will cause a waiting line for the BMD and result in its non-use by any voter
capable of making direct marks by hand.
The ability to steal an election with QR codes via BMDs will be so remote that it won't be
worth the trouble to attempt it.
Do you not remember the issues with provisional ballots in the Democrat primaries? Having
the "option" to hand mark a ballot doesn't mean it will be easy to exercise that option, and in
fact you may be outright lied to by the volunteers running the polling booth and told you don't
have that option.
I have always known the Republican party to be disingenuous in the extreme, untrustworthy
and authoritarian. I long thought Dems to be milquetoast anodyne. Since 2015 however I have
come to be even more opposed to the Dem party than the Republican party, this HR 1 being an
example of how they have become authoritarian in the extreme while hiding behind preening moral
I have been wondering too though, with the spate of election reform bills in Republican
controlled states, why I have not heard any calls to outlaw Dominion and the like? Clearly both
parties want to "fix" the system in their (nefarious) favor.
Both parties seem intent on delegitimizing the U.S. electoral processes. I sense growing
unrest and discontent with our political processes and government. The myth of free elections
is an important pressure relief for venting popular discontent. I believe the actions of our
Elite are becoming increasingly arrogant and imprudent.
So the Dems want greater voter participation but only if they are the beneficiaries.
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
The Duopoly is the real flaw in our system as some of us see it. What good is greater
public involvement if the public only has two corrupt choices? It's still a rigged game.
Richard J. Daley, also known as King Richard I, ran the most honest elections Chicago has
ever had. Which is not saying much. Prior to Richard the basic system was City Hall told ward
bosses what the numbers would be night before, ward bosses passed orders to precincts.
Precincts did as told. It was notorious that African American precincts always turned out big
numbers for the machine even though polling places never opened the doors.
I could tell quite a few stories about my own adventures in voting in Chicago in more
recent years. Main reason to vote was until very recently a voters receipt was good for a
free drink at many taverns. Also the precinct captain often kept track of who showed and who
neglected to show. Only the truly delusory ever believed in an honest count. In 1960 there
would have been few places in US where anyone expected an honest count. And fewer where that
expectation came to pass.
Four people were arrested in
month on 150 counts of voter fraud dating back to the 2018 Medina County Primary Election,
according to reports.
The Texas attorney general's Election Fraud Unit on Feb. 11 arrested Medina County Justice of the Peace Tomas Ramirez, and
earlier detained Leonor Rivas Garza, Eva Ann Martinez and Mary Balderrama on election fraud allegations, News4SA reported.
According to a
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's office,
the case involved allegations of vote
harvesting at assisted living centers in Medina County in the 2018 Medina County Primary Election.
Ramirez faces one count of organized election fraud, one count of assisting voter voting ballot by mail, and 17 counts of
unlawful possession of a ballot or ballot envelope, according to the news outlet.
Balderrama is charged with one count of organized election fraud, nine counts of illegal voting, two counts of unlawful
possession of ballot or ballot envelope, one count of mail ballot application, two counts of unlawfully assisting voter
voting by mail, two counts of tampering with government record, and eight counts of election fraud.
Garza faces a single count of organized election fraud, two counts of illegal voting, eight counts of unlawful possession
of a ballot or ballot envelope, two counts of election fraud and four counts of fraudulent use of an absentee ballot by
Martinez is charged with a single count of organized election fraud, nine counts of illegal voting, 28 counts of unlawful
possession of ballot or ballot envelope, three counts of purportedly acting as an agent, five counts of tampering with
government record, 14 counts of election fraud, and four counts of fraudulent mail ballot application,
to News4SA
The Texas attorney general's office didn't immediately respond to a request for comment by The Epoch Times.
In a separate incident, Raquel Rodriguez, a Texas woman who bragged about being able
to deliver thousands of votes for tens of thousands in cash was arrested in January on charges including election fraud and
illegal voting.
during an undercover project by Project Veritas,
an investigative journalism nonprofit. She was
recorded in footage released last year that she could deliver "at least 5,000" votes "county-wide" for $55,000 in cash and
that it would hire her "entire team." She acknowledged what she was discussing could land her prison time.
Based on the footage, Paxton, a Republican, opened an investigation. That probe led to the arrest, Paxton announced on Jan.
Rodriguez faces a prison sentence of up to 20 years if convicted.
high courts claimed that Trumps cases had no validity. But yet they refuse to see things like this.
Corruption...corruption..corruption in the high courts.
7 minutes ago
Can't we just all agree please that voting our way out of tyranny is a pipe dream now?
10 minutes ago
Alright how about some arrests in AZ, GA, MI, NV, PA, WI?
Here is the site of Matthew DePerno, one the lawyers in the video. He needs financial aid to
keep up the Absolute Truth about the fraudulent 2020 election.
has published an
offering a fascinating insight into how the presidential election was won. It's titled "The Secret History of the Shadow
Campaign that Saved the 2020 Election."
The fascinating part is what it tells us about the brazenness of the left in general and the corrupt, mendacious MSM in particular:
they are now heavy-hinting that they cheated but want you to know that it's all OK because they were doing it to not to destroy
democracy but to preserve and enhance it.
Here's the key paragraph:
That's why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever
dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to
influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the
election; they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system's fragility in order to ensure that
democracy in America endures.
Do you see what they just did there?
The Democrats (and their sympathisers) didn't
election. They just
by taking care to ensure the right guy won rather than the wrong guy won, regardless of what those pesky voters might misguidedly
have wanted.
Could this have anything to do, you wonder, with President Trump's upcoming impeachment trial?
My suspicion that Time's piece is both pre-emptive strike and damage limitation exercise. It anticipates the possibility that Trump
will provide evidence in support of his claim that the election was "stolen."
This evidence will be much harder to brush under the carpet in the Senate.
I'm reminded here of an old article from the
London), which
process whereby political projects are advanced by stealth.
It is at first denied that any radical new plan exists; it is then conceded that it exists but ministers swear blind that it is
not even on the political agenda; it is then noted that it might well be on the agenda but is not a serious proposition; it is
later conceded that it is a serious proposition but that it will never be implemented; after that it is acknowledge that it will
be implemented but in such a diluted form that it will make no difference to the lives of ordinary people; at some point it is
finally recognised that it has made such a difference, but it was always known that it would and voters were told so from the
This is where we are headed now with the"'stolen" election. Columnists who blithely assured us that the election was above board may
now begin to finesse their position.
"OK, so maybe it was rigged," they will start to concede. 'But isn't that always the case with elections? And anyway it's a done
deal now."
Sorry, my bad -- that use of the word "rigged" was a complete slip of the tongue.
What I meant to say is that the presidential election was "fortified." And what's not to like about that, eh?
Fox News is facing a rise of the machines, voting machines that is, as election software
firm Smartmatic is suing the network, three of its anchors and lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney
Powell for allegedly false claims of fraud.
The defamation lawsuit , which was
filed on Thursday in New York state court in Manhattan, seeks $2.7 billion in damages. In
addition to Fox and the two lawyers, Smartmatic names Fox hosts Lou Dobbs, Jeanine Pirro and
Maria Bartiromo as defendants, saying they falsely claimed that the company's technology was
used to help 'steal' the November 3 election from former President Donald Trump.
Florida-based Smartmatic said the defendants knew the election wasn't rigged, "but they
also saw an opportunity to capitalize on President Trump's popularity by inventing a story.
Defendants decided to tell people that the election was stolen from President Trump and Vice
President (Mike) Pence." The company added that "without any true villain, defendants
invented one. Defendants decided to make Smartmatic the villain in their story."
Moreover, Smartmatic said its software was used in just one jurisdiction in the November 3
election – Los Angeles County. Democrat Joe Biden won California by more than 5 million
votes. Trump made allegations of election fraud in decisive swing states where Biden had narrow
margins of victory, such as Georgia, Pennsylvania and Michigan.
How many people were in the TCF Center and is there any validity to the excuse that they
were over the "COVID capacity" – the excuse they used to exclude the Republicans from
watching vote processing
Why did so many Democrat poll workers bring in suitcases ? Did they hide illegal ballots
in them like their colleagues in Georgia?
Were the machines networked? Can we see the modem and the wires networking the tabulating
machines as described by Patrick
Who brought in what at 3:30/4:00 am, were they ballots as the Republicans have said they
witnessed or was it food/camera equipment as the media claimed? Shane Trejo and Jose Aliaga claim these were ballots.
Was there any security keeping people out of the building who did not have credentials to
get in?
Were there other unexplained ballot dumps past the 8:00 PM deadline for ballots as
several other witnesses have alleged?
Were GOP Poll Challengers being ejected for making good-faith challenges or were they
refusing to wear a mask?
... ... ...
And after our initial review of the TCF security video, we can assure you -- We have
evidence of illicit and likely criminal activity and we have it on video.
The Pennsylvania secretary of state who emerged as a villain to supporters of former
President Donald Trump said Monday she will resign for failing to comply with an unrelated
state election law.
Kathy Boockvar, a Democrat, will leave office on Feb. 5. Her office botched the handling of
a state constitutional amendment that would allow more sexual abuse victims to sue their
alleged abusers.
In a statement, she said, "I've always believed that accountability and leadership must be a
cornerstone of public service. While I only became aware of the mistake last week, and
immediately took steps to alert the administration to the error, I accept the responsibility on
behalf of the department."
Pennsylvania law requires that proposed amendments pass the state legislature twice. The
secretary of state's office must publicize the proposed amendment in two newspapers in each of
the state's 67 counties ahead of the election between votes, which her office failed to do.
Gov. Tom Wolf, also a Democrat, announced Boockvar's resignation in a press release that
stressed the issue was separate from the presidential election.
"This change at the Department of State has nothing to do with the administration of the
2020 election, which was fair and accurate,"
Wolf said .
One case that's not making news in the Democrat Party's mainstream media is a
decision made by a Virginia judge on Monday. The
judge ruled that last-minute changes made by election officials to allow absentee ballots
with missing or illegible postmarks to be counted is illegal.
Washington Examiner- "This is a big win for the Rule of Law," said Public Interest Legal Foundation President J. Christian Adams, who represented
Frederick County electoral board member Thomas Reed in the case. "This consent decree gives Mr.
Reed everything he requested -- a permanent ban on accepting ballots without postmarks after
Election Day and is a loss for the Virginia bureaucrats who said ballots could come in without
these protections."
The case was over a Virginia Board of Elections rule issued in August that allowed mail-in
ballots without a postmark to be received up to three days after the November election.
The new Virginia Board of Elections rule notified county election boards that any
ballots "received by the general registrar's office by noon on the third day after the election
but does not have a postmark, or the postmark is missing or illegible" should not be rendered
invalid. The elections board decided a week later that those ballots should be counted. One win
for Virginia voters who care about election integrity. It's a pity this practice wasn't stopped
BEFORE the ballots were tabulated in the November election.
I also noticed two months ago how quickly the vital questions concerning the mail-on ballots
got diverted into some wild goose-chase involving voting machine software from Venezuela.
Another attempt at side-tracking the investigation and drumming up support for 'régime
As far as the Q-Anons themselves are concerned, I always sympathized with them to a large
extent, even though I thought their 'theories' were a little off. Most of them are good people
by nature, but perhaps just a little too credulous. I agree with Larry here: put your faith in
God, not man. When analyzing the events of this world, stick to evidence and logic as much as
you can. At the end of the day, hope is just another drug--hopium--that can skew your judgment
... which is just what the enemy wants.
But I have to admit that I still like the Q-Anon motto: 'Where we go one, we go all'
(WWG1WGA). I'd like to rehabilitate it for general use by us deplorables, if I may. ;-)
people are denied public records they routinely reach out to us for assistance and more often than not, we are able to request
the same records and we get them. When this happens it is an indicator of a problem because if we are able to get those
records, so too should others.
DuPage County Clerk Jean Kaczmarek and her Chief Deputy Scott Mackay signed a contract with Dominion Voting Systems Inc. on
January 24, 2020. After a copy of that contract was requested by an individual and denied, we were asked to assist in getting
the same records. Our Freedom of Information Act request was granted and we find the Dominion Voting Systems encouragements to
avoid transparency very troubling.
8. Customer
take any and all action necessary or appropriate to assert
all applicable
potentially applicable exemptions from disclosure
under the FOIA Statute and
all other legally permissible steps to resist disclosure of the Information
including, without limitation,
commencement or defense of any legal actions related to such disclosure.
the event Customer receives a request for Information under the FOIA Statute, Customer shall inform Dominion of such
request within ten (10) days of Customer's knowledge or such shorter period as necessary under the FOIA Statute to avoid
prejudice to Dominion's ability to oppose disclosure
, Dominion shall use its best efforts to assist and support
Customer's exercise of any statutory exemption in denying a records request under the Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS
140/1 et seq.). In the event that Customer becomes subject to fines, costs or fees pursuant to Section 11 of the Freedom of
Information Act (5 ICLS 140/11) relying upon Dominion's claim that the information requested is exempt,
shall indemnify Customer for those fines, fees and costs, notwithstanding any other provisions In this agreement.
the event Customer is required by court order to disclose any of the Information, Customer shall give written notice to
Dominion at the earlier as soon as reasonably practical after tile imposition of such an order.
There are exemptions under FOIA regarding trade secrets and we
understand such exemptions and their applicability to certain information. However, the language in this contract focuses on
encouraging, in fact, instructing the County that they "
take any and all action necessary or appropriate to assert "
applicable exemptions from disclosure
" and to take all other legally permissible steps to resist disclosure of
the information.
Looks like Dominion now can capitalize on Jan 6 events...
Notable quotes:
"... The lawsuit was filed in the Federal District Court in Washington, DC on Monday. The massive 107-page document lists over 50 statements from Giuliani which he made on Twitter, his podcast, in the media, and during legislative hearings about Dominion – one of the largest companies selling voting machines used in the US. ..."
"... To illustrate the damage presumably done by Giuliani, the lawsuit provides a long list of screenshots from assorted internet uses, primarily from Twitter, fuming at Dominion and accusing it of facilitating the election "steal." The voting machines and sharp spikes in vote counts in favor of Joe Biden, widely attributed to the system, have been among the centerpieces of conspiracy theories for the pro-Trump crowd in the aftermath of the turbulent election. ..."
"... The lawsuit also highlights Giuliani's role in the January 6 Capitol Hill riot, accusing him of stirring up the violence. The document quotes Giuliani's address at the pro-Trump rally shortly before the violence, when he urged supporters to engage in "trial by combat." ..."
Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani is being sued by Dominion Voting Systems over claims of fraud
during the 2020 US presidential election. The company is seeking $1.3 billion in compensatory
and punitive damages.
The lawsuit was filed in the Federal District Court in Washington, DC on Monday. The massive
107-page document lists over 50 statements from Giuliani which he made on Twitter, his podcast,
in the media, and during legislative hearings about Dominion – one of the largest
companies selling voting machines used in the US.
Giuliani, like many other prominent supporters of former President Donald Trump, has
repeatedly pointed the finger at the company as one of the main culprits behind Trump's
election loss. Dominion has been accused of being part of an alleged plot to fix the election
in favor of the Democrats, which, alongside mass mail-in voting, allegedly facilitated the
"steal" of Trump's presumed 'victory'.
Dominion has accused Giuliani of waging a "viral disinformation campaign" and
repeatedly producing "defamatory falsehoods" about it. It also claimed the allegedly
false statements from Trump's lawyer have stirred up a storm of death threats against its
To illustrate the damage presumably done by Giuliani, the lawsuit provides a long list of
screenshots from assorted internet uses, primarily from Twitter, fuming at Dominion and
accusing it of facilitating the election "steal." The voting machines and sharp spikes
in vote counts in favor of Joe Biden, widely attributed to the system, have been among the
centerpieces of conspiracy theories for the pro-Trump crowd in the aftermath of the turbulent
The lawsuit also highlights Giuliani's role in the January 6 Capitol Hill riot, accusing him
of stirring up the violence. The document quotes Giuliani's address at the pro-Trump rally
shortly before the violence, when he urged supporters to engage in "trial by
The company is seeking at least $1.3 billion in compensatory and punitive damages from
Giuliani, demanding a trial by jury, according to the court documents.
The lawsuit against Giuliani largely resembles the one against another pro-Trump lawyer,
Sidney Powell, filed by the company earlier this month. Powell has been accused of waging a
"viral disinformation campaign" as well, with Dominion seeking the same eye-watering sum
of 1.3 billion in damages from her.
Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!
"Election results in a county in Michigan had to be corrected to show that President Trump
won by nearly 2,000 votes after voting software gave 6,000 of his votes to Biden ." Which
probably never would have been check if Antrim County wasn't such a Red county. Hard to find
fraud when you refuse to look for it.
LeRuscino2 Sue Brown 11 hours ago 25 Jan, 2021 11:08 AM
Exactly - Scream & shout 1st like MH-17 & when it's settled & Guiliani wins
nobody will know or even remember.
Banalucki 3 hours ago 25 Jan, 2021 07:46 PM
so classic americana - the business that created an electronic voting "process" that
eliminates chain of custody protection, signatures and voter ID is suing Rudy for "fraud"...
Thomas51 2 hours ago 25 Jan, 2021 08:26 PM
Political actions of any lawyer should bear consequences
VonnDuff1 2 hours ago 25 Jan, 2021 08:01 PM
SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Policy) and nothing more. Unless you throw in
Kangaroo Courts with Monkey Judges.
Trekker 8 hours ago 25 Jan, 2021 02:36 PM
Good to put Giuliani away once and for all for all the damage he has caused.
GottaBeMe Skeptic076 7 hours ago 25 Jan, 2021 03:39 PM
They'll have to audit the computer code finally. And they'll have to do it using machines in
swing states that haven't been touched since November. Otherwise it's them saying one thing,
Giuliani saying something else.
Pete Wagner 7 hours ago 25 Jan, 2021 03:11 PM
I guess that means they've destroyed all the damning evidence and have their judge briefed,
paid off, and ready to rule.
Sue Brown 12 hours ago 25 Jan, 2021 10:53 AM
Typical USA style, don't defend yourself . . . when wronged = SUE!!!!
Enki14 9 hours ago 25 Jan, 2021 01:54 PM
Methinks this is a publicity stunt as they would not want a jury of Powell's peers to see the
evidence Patrick Byrne PH.D. has amassed and the hundreds of witnesses that would be called
to testify on Powell's behalf. Methinks they managed to destroy the evidence on their hard
drives and thus feel the evidence would be viewed as circumstantial. However the pathways are
real, were tracked and saved.
Democrats introduce their first bill in the House: H.R.1 – The bill that will destroy
America. Nationwide mail-in voting, banning restrictions on ballot harvesting, banning voter
ID, criminal voters,DC Statehood roadwork, it's all in here.
1) Internet-only registration with electronic signature submission.
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"(a) Requiring Availability Of Internet For Online Registration. -- Each State, acting
through the chief State election official, shall ensure that the following services are
available to the public at any time on the official public websites of the appropriate State
and local election officials in the State, in the same manner and subject to the same terms and
conditions as the services provided by voter registration agencies under section 7(a):
"(1) Online application for voter registration.
2) Banning the requirement to provide a full SSN for voter registration.
SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. (a) Form Included With Application For Motor Vehicle Driver's License.
-- Section 5(c)(2)(B)(ii) of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (52 U.S.C.
20504(c)(2)(B)(ii)) is amended by striking the semicolon at the end and inserting the
following: ", and to the extent that the application requires the applicant to provide a Social
Security number, may not require the applicant to provide more than the last 4 digits of such
Note that motor voter registration is how thousands of illegal became registered voters
in California and Nevada.
(2) DEFINITION. -- The term "automatic registration" means a system that registers an
individual to vote in elections for Federal office in a State, if eligible, by electronically
transferring the information necessary for registration from government agencies to election
officials of the State so that, unless the individual affirmatively declines to be registered,
the individual will be registered to vote in such elections.
4) 16 year olds required to be registered to vote.
(d) Treatment Of Individuals Under 18 Years Of Age. -- A State may not refuse to treat an
individual as an eligible individual for purposes of this part on the grounds that the
individual is less than 18 years of age at the time a contributing agency receives information
with respect to the individual, so long as the individual is at least 16 years of age at such
time. Nothing in the previous sentence may be construed to require a State to permit an
individual who is under 18 years of age at the time of an election for Federal office to vote
in the election.
"(1) REGISTRATION. -- Each State shall permit any eligible individual on the day of a
Federal election and on any day when voting, including early voting, is permitted for a Federal
election --
"(A) to register to vote in such election at the polling place using a form that meets the
requirements under section 9(b) of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (or, if the
individual is already registered to vote, to revise any of the individual's voter registration
information); and
"(B) to cast a vote in such election.
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6) Grants ($25M) for using minors in election activities.
(1) IN GENERAL. -- The Election Assistance Commission (hereafter in this section referred to
as the "Commission") shall make grants to eligible States to enable such States to carry out a
plan to increase the involvement of individuals under 18 years of age in public election
activities in the State.
7) More children voters.
"(k) Acceptance Of Applications From Individuals Under 18 Years Of Age. --
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"(1) IN GENERAL. -- A State may not refuse to accept or process an individual's application
to register to vote in elections for Federal office on the grounds that the individual is under
18 years of age at the time the individual submits the application, so long as the individual
is at least 16 years of age at such time.
8) Prohibiting attempts to clean voter rolls of non-residents.
It's this whole section, but in particular, this part below basically says nobody is
allowed to request voter rolls to be cleaned up. ie: making it illegal to do what Tom Fitton
was doing.
"(1) REQUIREMENTS FOR CHALLENGES. -- No person, other than a State or local election
official, shall submit a formal challenge to an individual's eligibility to register to vote in
an election for Federal office or to vote in an election for Federal office unless that
challenge is supported by personal knowledge regarding the grounds for ineligibility which is
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9) Murderers and rapists can vote.
(1) NOTIFICATION. -- On the date determined under paragraph (2), each State shall notify in
writing any individual who has been convicted of a criminal offense under the law of that State
that such individual has the right to vote in an election for Federal office pursuant to the
Democracy Restoration Act of 2021 and may register to vote in any such election and provide
such individual with any materials that are necessary to register to vote in any such
10) Mandatory early voting.
Note that I personally like early voting in Florida, but putting it here anyway.
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"(1) IN GENERAL. -- Each State shall allow individuals to vote in an election for Federal
office during an early voting period which occurs prior to the date of the election, in the
same manner as voting is allowed on such date.
"(a) Uniform Availability Of Absentee Voting To All Voters. --
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"(1) IN GENERAL. -- If an individual in a State is eligible to cast a vote in an election
for Federal office, the State may not impose any additional conditions or requirements on the
eligibility of the individual to cast the vote in such election by absentee ballot by mail.
not require an individual to provide any form of identification as a condition of obtaining an
absentee ballot, except that nothing in this paragraph may be construed to prevent a State from
requiring a signature of the individual or similar affirmation as a condition of obtaining an
absentee ballot.
OBTAINING OR CASTING BALLOT. -- A State may not require notarization or witness signature or
other formal authentication (other than voter attestation) as a condition of obtaining or
casting an absentee ballot.
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"(A) shall permit a voter to designate any person to return a voted and sealed absentee
ballot to the post office, a ballot drop-off location, tribally designated building, or
election office so long as the person designated to return the ballot does not receive any form
of compensation based on the number of ballots that the person has returned and no individual,
group, or organization provides compensation on this basis; and
"(B) may not put any limit on how many voted and sealed absentee ballots any designated
person can return to the post office, a ballot drop off location, tribally designated building,
or election office.
12) Banning voter ID.
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"(1) IN GENERAL. -- Except as provided in subsection (c), if a State has in effect a
requirement that an individual present identification as a condition of receiving and casting a
ballot in an election for Federal office, the State shall permit the individual to meet the
requirement --
"(A) in the case of an individual who desires to vote in person, by presenting the
appropriate State or local election official with a sworn written statement, signed by the
individual under penalty of perjury, attesting to the individual's identity and attesting that
the individual is eligible to vote in the election; or
13) Roadwork for DC statehood and territory statehood.
"... One of the authors cited Wall Street, banks and voting as examples of guaranteed fraud, because it's so easy – naive stupidity on our part knows no bounds. That includes me! It all took place under CIA watch! ..."
So what? Has there been any legal action actually being done against Dominion and the
election? How about some simple audited vote recounting? As I recall in 2016 Jill Stein had
both audits and recounts beginning two weeks after the election. Donald Trump hasn't done
anything other than golf.
Whining is just meant to stir us up because the deep staters really
want the right white wing to go hot. Can you imagine how sad they would be if their planned
color flag revolution violent stage mean't they would have to kill off some of their
miscreant human assets? All that work down the drain because of some damn stubborn white
For the record, I really want to be wrong on this.
First, I want to thank a commenter on another site last week who provided a link to Gary
North's report on computerized electoral fraud – talk about making ballot stuffing easy
and hard to prove!
So I posted this thread in DaLimbraw Library – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2020/11/beyond-shameful-why-it-all-developed.html?m=0
– it shows that it goes back decades to the 60's. In fact, DaBastahds who understood
computer systems were salivating to start computerized voting fraud almost immediately and
improved their techniques constantly to this day.
Shit, any dummy with basic coding skills could probably do it! North has documented
One whistleblower, for example, asserts that Pat Buchanan was gypped in the 96 AZ primary in
favor of Dole – computerized 'glitches'?
We've all heard 'Garbage in-garbage out' – if you think about it, considering the
intelligence of the average voting dumbquat, it would be impossible NOT to have computerized
fraud – undetected!
Most of us trust those screens we stare at – forgetting totally that we're being
programmed to trust them – while being manipulated.
Did you ever notice the 'coincidence' of computer dependent fraud in three institutions?
One of the authors cited Wall Street, banks and voting as examples of guaranteed fraud,
because it's so easy – naive stupidity on our part knows no bounds. That includes
It all took place under CIA watch!
How can you conduct a successful audit or recount when the secret ballots were separated
from the envelops they came in when they were opened? There is no way to tell who the
individual voters voted for. That's why democrats insisted on mail-in ballots, using the
(deadly?) corona virus as their excuse. It seems that voting at the polls on election day is
for republican chumps. BTW, Jill Stein's recounts in 2016 went nowhere.
"... "The debate over whether or not there was fraud should occur. We never had any presentation in court where we ever looked at the evidence..." ..."
"... '75% of Republicans want to look at election integrity,' Paul responds. Stephanopoulos responds by saying that those 75% agree with him because they were "fed a big lie" from the President. ..."
"... Paul pushed back, telling Stephanopoulos: "You immediately say everything's a lie instead of saying there's two sides to everything. Historically what would happen is if I said I thought there was fraud, you'd interview someone else who said there wasn't. But now you insert yourself in the middle and say that the absolute fact is that everything I'm saying is a lie." ..."
"... You gotta ask the question of Rand here though, even as a lone voice of reason that Rand Paul is he and the Trump supporting Senators failed the Republic. They needed to push forward and introduce the Election Fraud evidence after the Jan. 6 planned interruption of the evidence hearing. Why didn't the Election fraud evidence get its day in front of Congress? The Fraud needed to be part of the historical record, and it was not. ..."
"... South Philly judge of elections admits he took bribes to stuff the ballot box for Democratic candidates ..."
"... The problem is that there are only a few decent human beings in the Republic leadership who are not entirely in the pocket of the RNC, which is entirely in the pocket of the globalists. ..."
"... The MSM has given up the pretense of being journalists. They are full-fledged propagandist attack dogs and proud of it. ..."
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) took to ABC on Sunday morning with George Stephanopoulos to discuss
election integrity of the 2020 election, in a discussion which immediately devolved into an
inquisition during which Paul was repeatedly pressed to disavow clams that the election was
Paul not only pushed back -- he put Stephanopoulos in his place, accusing the host of
'inserting yourself in the middle' and 'forgetting who you are as a journalist.'
Stephanopoulos began by asking Paul to admit the "election was not stolen" -- to which Paul
responded by saying "The debate over whether or not there was fraud should occur. We never had
any presentation in court where we ever looked at the evidence..."
Paul continued: "There were several states in which the law was changed by the Secretary of
State and not the state legislature. To me those are clearly unconstitutional and I think
there's still a chance those do finally work their way up to the Supreme Court."
"No election is perfect," Stephanopoulos shot back , telling Paul there were "86 challenges
filed by President Trump, all were dismissed". As Paul tries to argue that many cases were
dismissed for lack of standing and not due to examination of evidence, Stephanopoulos responds:
" Can't you just say the words 'this election wasn't stolen'? "
'75% of Republicans want to look at election integrity,' Paul responds. Stephanopoulos
responds by saying that those 75% agree with him because they were "fed a big lie" from the
Paul pushed back, telling Stephanopoulos: "You immediately say everything's a lie instead of
saying there's two sides to everything. Historically what would happen is if I said I thought
there was fraud, you'd interview someone else who said there wasn't. But now you insert
yourself in the middle and say that the absolute fact is that everything I'm saying is a
"You're saying there's no fraud and it's all been investigated and that's just not true,"
Paul continues, with Stephanopoulos arguing at the same time. Paul then goes into specifics,
detailing irregularities in states in like Wisconsin. "I plan on spending the next two years
going around, state to state, fixing these problems," Paul continues. "Let's have an open
debate. It's a free country!"
"There has been no thorough examination of all states to see what problems we had and see if
we could fix them," Paul says, responding to Stephanopoulos' claims that Bill Barr pronounced
there was "no widespread election fraud".
"There's two sides to every story," Paul says. "Interview someone on the other side, but
don't insert yourself into the story to say we're all liars."
"You're forgetting who you are as a journalist if you think there's only one side," Paul
says. "A journalist would hear both sides and there are two sides to this story."
Election integrity aside, Paul has been a vocal critic of the Biden administration in recent
days . On Saturday,
we noted Paul's interview with Fox host Sean
Hannity, where he pummeled the Biden administration's decision to push for a $15 minimum wage
increase that could put 4 million people out of work - leading the Kentucky Republican to
"'Why does Joe Biden hate Black teenagers?' ... Why does Joe Biden want to destroy all of
these jobs?"
Paul comments come amid ramblings from various leftist economists who insist that there's no
impact on employment from such a drastic minimum wage hike...
...common sense (and historical experience) for anyone who has ever run an actual business
is that raising costs on the lowest-skilled workers in your organization will ripple all the
way up, forcing either higher prices to the end-user (eradicating the 'living wage'
improvement) and or forcing layoffs as management hold margins and reduce costs (the
least-skilled first).
Historically speaking, the black unemployment rate is twice that of whites , while minimum
wage increases - as we've shown repeatedly over the last week - correlate with spikes in job
losses just about every single time.
That's not an "alternative" fact, that's the awkward reality of 'unintended consequences'
from nanny-state intervention write large for the last 70 years.
Paul also blasted Biden for
canceling the Keystone XL oil pipeline:
"It's kind of a strange beginning to an administration," Paul said. "You're going to put your best foot forward and the first thing you say is, 'This is how
I'm going to kill jobs' ... 'I'm going to kill thousands of jobs of the Keystone pipeline
with ending it.'"
Explanation : There are multiple ways to commit election fraud using Dominion systems but
the most efficient manner is the full spectrum two-step process.
First at the adjudication step -- effectively covered in the data scientists' presentation
on Georgia video -- massive ballot flipping and with the previous ballot images deleted, no
trail remains.
Secondly at the tabulator stage (GEMS software, covered in detail in the Fractional Magic
video) ----- so ballots which were not adjudicated, and in some counties 90% went to the
adjudication process, proceeded to the tabulation step where they could be
Boing_Snap 20 minutes ago
You gotta ask the question of Rand here though, even as a lone voice of reason that Rand
Paul is he and the Trump supporting Senators failed the Republic. They needed to push forward
and introduce the Election Fraud evidence after the Jan. 6 planned interruption of the
evidence hearing. Why didn't the Election fraud evidence get its day in front of Congress? The Fraud needed to be part of the historical record, and it was not.
nmewn 2 hours ago (Edited)
George Stephanopoulos: "There was not enough fraud to..."
Oh. So thats how the Leftardian brain works! Thank you Georgie boi. You now admit to voter fraud whereby legitimate votes were cancelled out by the fraud but
it is your opinion that there was not enough fraud for it to matter. Never again do I want to hear this little runt of the litter yapping "Every vote
Feck Weed 2 hours ago
That's the fallback, the "widespread" qualifier.
Cheapie 1 hour ago
Yes, "Mostly honest election."
dark_matter 15 minutes ago
Just like mostly peaceful protestors as the buildings burn.
Zero-Hegemon 2 hours ago
Yes, "just enough" fraud to cover for Traitor Joe, but NOT ENOUGH to warrant a look into
the allegations. You got his number.
Samual Vimes 2 hours ago
South Philly judge of elections admits he took bribes to stuff the ballot box for
Democratic candidates
Public schools have zero tolerance for 'bullying' (that definition has been broadened to
irrelevance) or acting out for grade schools kids who barely have the ability to control
themselves... but SOME election fraud is ok. Shining examples of values-driven integrity.
FluTangClan 2 hours ago
Stephanopoulos is Bill Clinton's lapdog. He's not a journalist. He's a democratic party
operative and always has been. He's a warmonger dwarf. He was there for banging interns with cigars. He was there for Vince
I would say Rand Paul is one of the few Republicans who is not corrupted. He's not perfect
either, but he seems to be one of a handful who tries to do something he promised to his
voters. As you point out, the problem isn't that there are a few RINOs. The problem is that
there are only a few decent human beings in the Republic leadership who are not entirely in
the pocket of the RNC, which is entirely in the pocket of the globalists.
Wards 1 and 2, all districts, 'normal' results with Trump around 5-15% (he officially won
12% of the black vote and 18% of the black male vote nationwide).
Ward 3 district 1.....and the next few hundred districts in Wards 3, 4, 5, etc.....98%+
Stolen votes. Mostly black men's votes.
Then do Detroit. Same thing, a 'buffer page' or two of normal looking results and then bam
98+% D.
Simple corruption, simple cheating.
NOW we can talk about the chain of custody of the mail-in 'thingies' and the security of
the electronic systems.....but only if you can admit the bald truth in the DNC machine
The MSM has given up the pretense of being journalists. They are full-fledged propagandist attack dogs and proud of it.
Handful of Dust 2 hours ago (Edited)
One problem Georgie and his Demorat pals have, is the 100 million people who listened to
the State Legislative hearings with Rudy where hundreds of witnesses came forward with
credible evidence of fraud. Then there are the video segments of evidence of fraud. Then you have a dozen of the world's top forensic data people coming from all over
including forensic teams from Wall Street who testified "there is zero probability Biden
could have gotten those numbers."
Inconvenient facts that provide overwhelming proof of fraud. That's why Dems are still in
a tizzy and have 50,000 soldiers and police protecting His Majesty Biden...but this is not
going away from what Rand Paul says.
"Da peeples love me so much I need 15 platoons of soldiers for protection," Pol Pot yelled
to the rabble below his bullet-proof, bomb-proof balcony.
Rattling Bones 2 hours ago
How come Stephanopoulos can't say the words 'there was no Russian collusion'?
Demologos 2 hours ago
He enjoys his nice fat paycheck for looking the other way.
That Old Magic 2 hours ago
It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not
understanding it ." ― Upton Sinclair
philmannwright 2 hours ago
George is not a journalist puhlease everyone knows that. He is the el chapito of the dem
FluTangClan 2 hours ago
Thank you. He was on Bill Clinton's staff. He was a happy part of bombing Iraqi babies,
bombing Yugoslavia, bombing phkn Sudan based on internet searches. He has zero credibility.
His credibility is buried with Vince Foster.
adr 2 hours ago (Edited)
They can never allow the evidence to be presented because it is overwhelming proof of
fraud. If there was no fraud, then there would be no harm in having evidence presented in
court. The absolute proof of fraud is the number of adjudicated ballots. Were 68% of people in
Georgia really incompetent enough to not know how to fill out a ballot.
The other irrefutable fact is that the state of PA did not follow an order from the US
supreme court to separate ballots received after election day. Also in Philadelphia election
officials destroyed the envelopes so they could not be matched with ballots.
Even if Biden really did win those two states, which he didn't, the actions of the
election supervisors invalidated the election. The only recourse was to have a new election
in disputed states.
headless blogger 1 hour ago (Edited)
Plus, Paul is not the best person to make the case for the American people on election
integrity, as he isn't even an attorney. He can't debate the issue properly which allows the
Psy-ops operators like Steph to out maneuver him.
People need FACTS, which so far the election integrity researchers are not providing in a
logical and chronological format. The PSY OPS operation that pulled off the Coup, are smooth
operators and are now able to clean up any loose ends with their media.
What needs to happen is an independent investigation that can present the findings in a
way that people understand. As it is, they keep screaming election fraud, but aren't providing details in an orderly
manner so nobody can really get a grip on what happened.....
....which is the hallmark of a psy-ops operation; they don't want you to be able to
process what happened logically and chronologically.
yerfej 43 minutes ago
No, they have implemented a very good long term strategy to take over the positions of
power. Academia is a good example where they own it and now have the ability to pollute minds
rather than get students to look at all sides of the equation. That doesn't do anyone outside
of the elites any good. Reality is its not a left vs. right thing, its the common people vs.
the elites.
rkb100100 2 hours ago
"No election is perfect" - that'll be carved on the countries tombstone.
Lost in translation 1 hour ago
Blows my mind that people forget so quickly how he turned - or just overlook it - and
continue in the foolish belief "Rand is one of the good guys!"
People reveal themselves in a crisis. Rand certainly did...
TruthAbsolute 1 hour ago
of course there was election fraud...and the democrats have set up a system that protects
them well. All the way up to the judicial system and if not their judge then families are
threaten. There is is no integrity in politics, these people are not honest or very, very few
of them! They are not working for the people but ultimately for themselves and their life
treasure chess! USA has become very Evil minded!
Jam 1 hour ago remove link
Nice to see Paul not backing down, someone in politics still has a backbone and can tell
it like it is besides Trump.
There was fraud everywhere in the 2020 election and to not address this
is to destroy the future of our children while stomping on the graves of those who died for this country.
pointed out literally a million invalid ballots which were included in the 'certified' results in the 2020 election in three
states alone:
today, we have a copy of the letter from data analyst Bobby Piton to the Arizona legislature in December. Remember, Piton
testified in front of the Arizona legislature about the blatant fraud in that state and bet his life on the results.
can report on a letter Piton sent to the Arizona legislature in December. He pointed out that more that 50% of a sample of
1,000 voters in the 2020 election were not real people. The sample came from a list of 100,000 voters in the 2020 election in
also notes that 200,000 Pennsylvania ballots were edited the day after the election. The
from Bobby Piton
to the Arizona legislature is below:
Arizona legislature did pass a motion to forensically audit the votes in Maricopa County, the most populous county in the
state which includes Phoenix. But now the Board of Supervisors are attempting to prevent a 'real' audit from the likes of
Jovan Hutton Pulitzer and instead have their choice of auditor perform the audit.
The efforts to prevent the people of Arizona from knowing the truth
about the results of the 2020 election continue.
Please contact Arizona's Legislature and let them know you want Jovan
Hutton Pulitzer to perform the forensic audit in Maricopa County of the ballots from the election. Americans and Arizonians
deserve the truth.
Submit a Correction
Joe Hoft
Joe Hoft is the twin brother of TGP's founder, Jim Hoft. His posts have been retweeted by President Trump and
have made the headlines at the Drudge Report. Joe worked as a corporate executive in Hong Kong and traveled the
world for his work, which gives him a unique perspective of US and global current events. He has ten degrees or
designations and is the author of three books. His new book: 'In God We Trust: Not in Lying Liberal Lunatics'
is out now - please take a look and buy a copy.
Personally I don't care what political side one is on..... this IS about the process !
If the corruption of the process is NOT fixed, then this Country IS dead !
That is why we need to keep protesting in the millions without the Trump and MAGA hats. Do not
associate with any group and protest as everyday average Jane and Joe Americans - that way the tyrants
cannot label us to any affiliation.
The kkk has been resurrected and is operating in full swing by the left. Everyone
the left appears to embrace from those with deviant sexual behavior to those of
certain races are pawns. They use them to advance their totalitarian agenda. Once
the commiecraps get what they want, the pawns will be eliminated.
Unorganized protest will never even get out the front door. You must have leadership to direct
people's efforts. War doesn't always means military and firearms. Weapons can be simply protest signs,
advertisements on tv and online, mass mailings, phone calls, supplies is money to make the signs, to
purchase the ads, tools and equipment to make protest signs, food, water, car pools to get those who
can't or don't have the means to travel and reduce over all cost. Business is war, and war is
Ask any union boss about strikes and all the planning that goes into one. You just don't show up one
day and get pissed off and tell the boss hey I'm going on strike and hope others will just get fed up
like you and walk off. Nope that almost never happens.
There is always talk, planning, defining of goals and so on. Even boycotts don't work unless there is
a clearly defining means of what is the purpose of the boycotts and what it takes to end it. Unified
effort gets noticed and produces results. Random effort isn't even noticed by anyone. So go ahead and
do your own independent protest and let's see how far you get. Now you get tens of thousands to
millions of people to go along with you, now you get CHANGE. Even in Hong Kong, it's a quagmire. No
good organized protesting.
A whole bunch of people causing chaos and a lot of people dying, jailed, and flat out disappearing.
When someone does come on board and start organizing the resistance, they start making head way until
the CCP whacks the person off and then it's back to ineffective chaos.
That is where clear lines of authority comes into play. When the leader is disposed, a recognized new
one takes the person's place without a hiccup and the battle continues.
They should iether explain proven anomalies or shut up Jan 23, 2021
The burden of proof remains upon those claiming the election was honest to provide
irrefutable evidence to support the claim.
Presidential vote fraud is immaterial, anyway, because the US Constitution empowers each
State Legislature to assign Electoral College Electors any way they so choose. If State
Legislatures choose their Electors according to the fake results from fake elections, that is
their Constitutional right to do so. Even if the States pass laws to the contrary, if they
choose not to prosecute their own lawbreaking, the outcome is the same: whatever the State
Legislatures want or tolerate irregardless of votes from the People. Constitutionally,
Presidential elections are decided by votes of the People for their respective State
Legislators, you remember, those nameless, low-paid, locally elected State Representatives and
State Senators. 1 0 Reply
Bill Beeby , Jan 23, 2021 9:41 AM
Trump was the perfect catalyst for this to happen it would seem and he is well out of it.
Old Joe has some tough times ahead and compared to Trump he is a pushover.
@83. The world just witnessed TOTAL collusion between big business and a so called left
government, right here in the USof A. Did u really just come here and say fascism is from the
right only. Wow dude yer seriously bent. Happy to be wrong. If u didnt say that then please
explain what you ment.
while I don't believe in the existence of US domestic terrorists, I do believe that millions
of US citizens are convinced that the vote was stolen. These people are understandably
disgusted and angry. Many might be desperate or even despondent. Let's call them the
"deplorables" and consider it a badge of honor. Well, these deporables won't take DC by force,
but they will never trust a Dem or GOP politician again, and neither will they ever trust the
corporate media. One of the blessings in disguise of this stolen election is that the GOP and
Fox News have shown their true faces, and their faces are evil, stupid and ugly. 4 years ago
millions of US citizens did not so much vote for Trump as much as they voted against Hillary
whom they (correctly) saw as a symbol and metaphor for the entire "deep state", or "swamp" or
"ZOG" or whatever other expression you prefer.
These deplorables first trusted Obama ("change we can believe in") and, later, Trump
(MAGA). Now they know that both sides are equally evil and false.
In the past, both factions of the Big Money Party had safety valves (Tea Party, Occupy
Wall Street, Rand Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, Bernie Sanders, etc.). I think that now the two parties
are literally standing naked and boy is that an ugly sight!
Third, and this point I primarily address to my readers in the USA and that will force me to
make a sidebar primarily directed at them:
[Sidebar: the planet can be divided into 2 rough parts: ZONE A full controlled by the
AngloZionist Empire and, ZONE B, which includes everybody else. The vast majority of Americans
are only really aware of Zone A. Why? For the following reasons:
and speaking
Spanish knows that totally false this belief is, of course. But few non-Hispanic Americans
ever speak in Spanish to the Hispanics in the USA (FYI – I do). Anglos generally seem
to have a hard time with languages Sadly, most Americans are not educated by their parents,
their religious leaders, their communities, or their schools. Most Americans get most of
their education from watching TV. Since all the US TV channels offer almost the exact same
mix of vulgar entertainment, propaganda and commercials, this "education" resulted in a huge
amount of massively dysfunctional families and communities. This addiction to a flickering
screen (be it the Idiot Tube or You Tube – same difference) gives them a very short
attention span and a limited ability to process large amounts of written information, which
is what is needed to be able to analyze a situation]
As a direct consequence of these factors, most Americans live in a "mental space" where Zone
B simply does not exist, and when it is mentioned, it is invariable in the "same old
clichés" mode.
Finally, considering all of the above, it is truly a miracle that the deplorables completely
ignored a massive brainwashing campaign (waaaay worse than anything the Commies or the Nazis
ever came up with!) against "Trump the New Hitler" and still voted for him twice, both in 2016
and 2020! It really goes to show that most Americans quietly but passionately hate the regime
in DC and that they use every opportunity they get to at least to try to change their country
and their lives by means of voting. Makes you wonder what these "disobedient" deplorables will
do the next time around now that voting became clearly a waste of time, don't it?]
Now here is the good news: Zone B does exist! In fact, it is huge, rich, truly diverse and
it has long figured out that both the AngloZionist Empire and even the USA as we knew them have
basically died, all that's left from it is some residual momentum and many bad habits by
ignorant, arrogant and delusional US politicians.
Why is that so important?
Because if we allow the Great Satan (actually a very good and exact expression, I think that
it fits the new regime perfectly, I will use it more often) to convince us that reality is all
contained in Zone A, we could really fall into despair. Yeah, the USA is screwed, and so is all
of the EU. As for US colonies like AUS or NZ, not only are they screwed (say by siding with the
USA against a much, MUCH more powerful China), they also seem to have a morbid desire to
outstupid even the USA in terms of crazy laws and insane ideological positions (say on COVID,
for example). But all this in ONLY true inside Zone A. Very few people in Zone B still believe
that the USA matters a great deal. Most of them already know otherwise, even if this is never
reported by Zone A media.
There is even more good news: neither the (rump) AngloZionist Empire nor the (rump) USA
represent any credible threat to most countries in Zone B . Oh sure, US politicians can call
Russia a "gas station masquerading as a country" or a "regional power", the truth is that the
united West has completely failed to break, or even meaningfully hurt Russia, despite 46
sanction packages (that's just by Trump, not counting the "change we can believe in" crook).
Heck, even COVID only marginally hurt Russia (which, unlike the flag-waving pseudo-patriotic
crap spewed by western politicians took COVID seriously, very seriously in fact, as early as
March and prepared the country for no less than two major outbreaks, both which happened, and
both which Russia successfully dealt with; this is why the EU is now in full COVID-hysteria
mode, while Russia does not bother to impose any lockdowns at all!).
Now let's place two US propaganda items side by side and take a look, ok?
The USA has the
most powerful economy on the planet. Russia is the #1 adversary of the USA (at least according
to the Dems, the GOP places China as #1 and Russia only as #2)
Do you see the problem?
If the USA is so powerful, how is it that it failed to crush Russia? What about Iran? Or,
in extremis , Venezuela? Yet, even the the last case, the "best" this supposed World
Hegemon did was send a few clueless ex-special ops to get caught and give case of hysterical
laughter to the entire Latin American continent!
And these folks want to take on China or Russia?!
So here is the other very good news: Zone A presents no real threat to Zone B!!!
Yes, of course, the USA can still nuke China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela or some other country.
But let's look at the consequences of such a strike:
comprador regime in Bogota will not
survive such a war and Colombia will also "fall". Against any other Zone B country: the US
successfully nukes this/these country/countries only to find itself being treated like a
pariah by the entire planet (including quite a few US colonies), including the real military
powers. NATO and the EU will also collapse is that happens (the US being their cornerstone).
The bottom line is that while the US triad is still fully functional and capable of waging a
full-scale nuclear war against any adversary (including Russia and, even more so, China), the
truth is that all this triad really achieves is making it impossible for another nuclear power
to use nukes against the USA. Which is not minor or irrelevant, the problem here being that the
US nuclear triad provides with with exactly zero help when trying to deal with any adversary
not using nukes (either because this adversary choose not to use nukes due to the effective
deterrence of the US nuclear triad or simply because it has no nukes in the first place).
As I have mentioned in the past, the US submarine force is, along with the nuclear triad,
the other truly effective and powerful force which the US can count on in case of war. However,
other than launching large numbers of outdated and, therefore, easily countered cruise missiles
there is little this force can do to assist a US ground (or, for that matter) air operation
against anything but a very weak adversary. The problem with so-called "sub-peer" adversaries
is that they have relatively few lucrative targets to strike with cruise missiles (think
Venezuela here). Most of these subpeer adversaries do not have the air defenses needed to deal
with any halfway determined US missile and bomb attack and the US can quickly destroy whatever
air defenses such "sub-peer" countries have. So yes, I admit it. If tomorrow the USA wants a
"short and triumphant war", say to boost morale or distract from internal problems, they could
still attack countries like, say, Antigua and Barbuda or Santa Lucia, but such a farce will
hardly would qualify as "brilliant victory" of the "best armed forces in the galaxy", now would
it? Or maybe would, who knows? Ff the united propaganda machine wants to present that as a
triumph for US forces, like they did with the Grenada invasion (one of the worst military
operation in history!) they can do that, of course. But that would only serve to further
ridicule that propaganda machine since 2021 is not 1983, there are now millions of deplorables
out there who will never buy this kind of silly nonsense.
Besides, considering how the joint efforts of the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia (the
"Axis of Kindness") completely failed to deal with the Houthis, my money would not be on any US
invasion force in the Caribbean (with the possible exception of a re-invasion of Haiti or the
Dominican Republic, but these are already US protectorates, what would be the point?!).
Why does all that matter so much?
Because the Dems are clearly up to no good. Next, not only will we see a wave of repression
against free speech internally, but the Dems are already making noises about, you guessed it,
China and Russia (again!) and, when that inevitably yield exactly zero results, they will turn
to "hate on" Iran and Venezuela again. But even these comparatively weaker countries are now
very much capable of making Uncle Shmuel pay an immense price in blood and hell to pay in terms
of political blowback on to many fronts to count.
The "power" of a nation (or a coalition of nations) can be measured using very many
different type of metrics, but the three most common ones would probably be: economic power,
military power and political power. If we use those three to compare Zone A to Zone B, it would
be reasonable to posit the following:
people worldwide have
long switched their support for Zone B countries. The recent triumph of the people of Bolivia
over their oppressors is a very telling sign of this trend.
And here is the key factor to keep in mind: there is nothing, absolutely nothing, the
Biden/Harris Admin can do to change these trends. It is simply too late and when the initiation
of the internal collapse of the USA, these trends will only accelerate .
Yes, the bad guys did win, but only over Trump and his clueless pseudo-allies (did they
betray him faster than he betrayed them, or was it the other way around?), but they only won
one a battle against the deplorables and they have won exactly nothing against Zone B.
The Dems are now busy with vengeance in all its forms. They also relish in humiliating Trump
and those who dared to support him. This is the political equivalent of torturing people in
basements, not winning glorious battles. But they don't realize that, they are too vain, too
ideologically hateful, and too cowardly to understand that.
Still, brainwashing, like torture (including mental torture!), is real. In this case, this
is a battle for the minds of the deplorables who now have to be beaten down into a catatonic
state of total submission and compliance. The Dems are using lies, their favorite weapon, but
their assault is real, nonetheless. And this is the battle which we, those who opposed
imperialism, have to fight – the battle for the minds of the people in Zone A: we need to
show them that the pseudo-reality of Zone A has no real existence outside the Idiot Box and the
vapid rhetoric of US decision makers.
We have to mentally prepare for a sharp increase in the amount and scope of the lies the US
propaganda machine will be telling us (if you thought the last 4 years were bad, prepare for
much, much worse; good example
here ). And, of course, expect LOTS of false flags, especially to demonstrate the reality
of the alleged danger coming from the "domestic terrorists". That will all go down against a
background of a full-spectrum attack on free speech, dissent and any form of actual (as opposed
to pretend) thought, really.
The irony is, of course, that the coming witch hunt (it will be way worse than Salem or
McCarthy) will be waged in the name of diversity and ostensibly against "hate". In reality, of
course, what the regime wants is to crush real diversity because the leaders of the US
Nomenklatura absolutely hate everything besides their sorry selves. Like all ideologues,
what these folks want is 1) total power and 2) total uniformity. All those rejecting these
modern dogmas will be branded has criminals, terrorists, heretics, racist and, of course,
Russian and Chinese agents.
And that is why this regime will also fail.
Conclusion: diversity WILL win. The REAL diversity, of course!
Our planet is wonderfully diverse, especially outside the uniformity sector of Zone A. There
IS a Zone B out there, and the leaders of Zone A will be defeated by our real common and shared
humanity (and their hatred for us!). Somewhere between Obama and Trump, the world has moved on,
and it is now very busy dealing with the immense challenges and opportunities facing it in Zone
B. And no, neither Russia nor China is busy trying to sabotage or undermine the USA – US
leaders are doing that much better job of that than any Russian or Chinese ever could . So why
even bother (and nevermind the risks!)?
We cannot predict what will happen next, there are simply too many variables to do that. But
what we can do is predict with a great degree of confidence that the new regime in power in DC
will do no better than all the other regimes which came to power by means of color revolutions
in the past couple of decades. There is no hope left for the Empire, as for the USA, there will
be plenty of hope left for them, but only after a long and painful process of collapse and
rebirth (both of which are inevitable by now). The truth is that US is not that unique as
empires go, sorry, it is just your typical arrogant and narcissistic empire which will collapse
just as all the other arrogant and narcissistic empires in history have collapsed, mostly under
their own obscene weight . And those poor souls who sincerely believe that China (or Russia)
want to replace the USA simply don't understand that these two countries already have been
empires, it was a disaster, thank you very much, and they have no desire to repeat their past
mistakes. This desire for non-exceptionalism and normalcy will, with time, also become the
object of a large social consensus in the USA. And, with time, the USA will finally be welcomed
into a truly free Zone B or, should I say, a Zone-free world.
It's weird that these people are such bad negotiators that they diminish their negotiating posture BEFORE negotiating.
Why not demand the full $2000 and have the republicans be the obstacle to it? It's so stupid and makes no sense
Its Biden you took his word and conveyed it to people. He is a career liar you just spouted his words. Your no liar sir but
you are naive for believing in Biden and telling others they could too.
The Antrim County Clerk and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson have stated that the
election night error (detailed above by the vote "flip" from Trump to Biden, was the result
of human error caused by the failure to update the Mancelona Township tabulator prior to
election night for a down ballot race. We disagree and conclude that the vote flip occurred
because of machine error built into the voting software designed to create error.
Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's statement on November 6, 2020 that "[t]the correct
results always were and continue to be reflected on the tabulator totals tape .. . ." was
The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission
guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This
demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity.
The results of the Antrim County 2020 election are not certifiable. This is a result of
machine and/or software error, not human error.
The tabulation log for the forensic examination of the server for Antrim County from
December 6, 2020consists of 15,676 individual events, of which 10,667 or 68.05% of the events
were recorded errors. These errors resulted in overall tabulation errors or ballots being
sent to adjudication. This high error rates proves the Dominion Voting System is flawed and
does not meet state or federal election laws.
These errors occurred after The Antrim County Clerk provided a re-provisioned CF card
with uploaded software for the Central Lake Precinct on November 6, 2020. This means the
statement by Secretary Benson was false. The Dominion Voting System produced systemic errors
and high error rates both prior to the update and after the update; meaning the update (or
lack of update) is not the cause of errors.
In Central Lake Township there were 1,222 ballots reversed out of 1,491 total ballots
cast, resulting in an 81.96% rejection rate. All reversed ballots are sent to adjudication
for a decision by election personnel.
It is critical to understand that the Dominion system classifies ballots into two
categories, 1) normal ballots and 2) adjudicated ballots. Ballots sent to adjudication can be
altered by administrators, and adjudication files can be moved between different Results
Tally and Reporting (RTR) terminals with no audit trail of which administrator actually
adjudicates (i.e. votes) the ballot batch. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in
security and election integrity because it provides no meaningful observation of the
adjudication process or audit trail of which administrator actually adjudicated the
A staggering number of votes required adjudication. This was a 2020 issue not seen in
previous election cycles still stored on the server. This is caused by intentional errors in
the system. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no
transparency or audit trail. Our examination of the server logs indicates that this high
error rate was incongruent with patterns from previous years. The statement attributing these
issues to human error is not consistent with the forensic evaluation, which points more
correctly to systemic machine and/or software errors. The systemic errors are intentionally
designed to create errors in order to push a high volume of ballots to bulk
Antrim County failed to properly update its system. A purposeful lack of providing basic
computer security updates in the system software and hardware demonstrates incompetence,
gross negligence, bad faith, and/or willful non- compliance in providing the fundamental
system security required by federal and state law. There is no way this election management
system could have passed tests or have been legally certified to conduct the 2020 elections
in Michigan under the current laws. According to the National Conference of State
Legislatures - Michigan requires full compliance with federal standards as determined by a
federally accredited voting system laboratory.
Significantly, the computer system shows vote adjudication logs for prior years; but all
adjudication log entries for the 2020 election cycle are missing. The adjudication process is
the simplest way to manually manipulate votes. The lack of records prevents any form of audit
accountability, and their conspicuous absence is extremely suspicious since the files exist
for previous years using the same software. Removal of these files violates state law and
prevents a meaningful audit, even if the Secretary wanted to conduct an audit. We must
conclude that the 2020 election cycle records have been manually removed.
Likewise, all server security logs prior to 11:03 pm on November 4, 2020 are missing.
This means that all security logs for the day after the election, on election day, and prior
to election day are gone. Security logs are very important to an audit trail, forensics, and
for detecting advanced persistent threats and outside attacks, especially on systems with
outdated system files. These logs would contain domain controls, authentication failures,
error codes, times users logged on and off, network connections to file servers between file
accesses, internet connections, times, and data transfers. Other server logs before November
4, 2020 are present; therefore, there is no reasonable explanation for the security logs to
be missing.
On November 21, 2020, an unauthorized user unsuccessfully attempted to zero out election
results. This demonstrates additional tampering with data.
The Election Event Designer Log shows that Dominion ImageCast Precinct Cards were
programmed with new ballot programming on 10/23/2020 and then again after the election on
11/05/2020. These system changes affect how ballots are read and tabulated, and our
examination demonstrated a significant change in voter results using the two different
programs. In accordance with the Help America Vote Act, this violates the 90-day Safe Harbor
Period which prohibits changes to election systems, registries, hardware/software updates
without undergoing re-certification. According to the National Conference of State
Legislatures - Michigan requires full compliance with federal standards as determined by a
federally accredited voting system laboratory.
The only reason to change software after the election would be to obfuscate evidence of
fraud and/or to correct program errors that would de-certify the election. Our findings show
that the Central Lake Township tabulator tape totals were significantly altered by utilizing
two different program versions (10/23/2020 and 11/05/2020), both of which were software
changes during an election which violates election law, and not just human error associated
with the Dominion Election Management System. This is clear evidence of software generated
movement of votes. The claims made on the Office of the Secretary of State website are
The Dominion ImageCast Precinct (ICP) machines have the ability to be connected to the
internet (see Image 11). By connecting a network scanner to the ethernet port on the ICP
machine and creating Packet Capture logs from the machines we examined show the ability to
connect to the network, Application Programming Interface (API) (a data exchange between two
different systems) calls and web (http) connections to the Election Management System server.
Best practice is to disable the network interface card to avoid connection to the internet.
This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity. Because
certain files have been deleted, we have not yet found origin or destination; but our
research continues.
Because the intentional high error rate generates large numbers of ballots to be
adjudicated by election personnel, we must deduce that bulk adjudication occurred. However,
because files and adjudication logs are missing, we have not yet determined where the bulk
adjudication occurred or who was responsible for it. Our research continues.
Research is ongoing. However, based on the preliminary results, we conclude that the
errors are so significant that they call into question the integrity and legitimacy of the
results in the Antrim County 2020 election to the point that the results are not certifiable.
Because the same machines and software are used in 48 other counties in Michigan, this casts
doubt on the integrity of the entire election in the state of Michigan.
... the US citizens themselves have called into question their country's conformity with the
main criterion of democracy – the ability of the state to ensure fair and transparent
expression of the people's will in general.
This is an urgent issue the United States has to deal with. The nation is divided, the fault
line running between people of different value orientations, which reflect on the electoral
choice between Republicans and Democrats. There is a clear "value divide" between conservative
Americans and those who promote change in traditionalist attitudes, between "law-abiding"
Americans and those who support active street protest, between those employed in high-tech
industry and those left out of the technological revolution. Besides, the election race laid
bare the tensions between the federal government and state and local governments. Accusations
against the federal government of exceeding its authority in using force to suppress riots have
exposed cracks in American federalism, which the central government (regardless of party
affiliation) prefers to conceal as far as possible.
There have also been large-scale violations of the election law. The United States still has
no standard procedures for voter registration, voter identification, ballot issuance and
submission. According to the nonprofit organization Judicial Watch, by September 2020, 29
out of 37 states had 1.8 million more registered voters than actual eligible voting-age
citizens. This is largely due to the fact that there is no such concept as a domestic
passport or some kind of residence registration in the US, so when shifting their place of
residence, people often fail to remove themselves from the voter list. In addition, there were
occasions of people who had long since died having voted for one of the candidates. However,
courts found no evidence that such cases had been widespread – they were often down to
the fact that other family members have similar names, which led to errors in the voter
records. Statistics show that there were 153 million registered voters in the US in 2018,
with more than 20 million entries in the voter rolls being out of date. According to the
California Globe, an NGO, there were nearly half a million such entries in California alone in
2020. In this context, a large-scale campaign was launched urging voters to update their data
in the voter lists.
The most acute situation arose as a result of the mass postal voting, which brought Joe
Biden a reported majority during the counting of ballots. It is not even that Democrats created
a controversial opportunity to gain votes from a passive part of their electorate, using the
pandemic as an excuse. They encouraged a more active use of the mail-in voting procedure, which
had been widely used only in some states during previous campaigns. According to Donald Trump,
this paved the way to uncontrolled machinations.
Thus, on the eve of voting day, the Democratic Party allegedly attempted to change the
procedure for counting postal ballots in the states of Wisconsin, Indiana, North Carolina,
Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Iowa and Alabama in order to considerably lengthen the
period of their acceptance. This made it possible to relax the monitoring requirements for
vote-counting. Consequently, once the voting was over, the Republicans almost immediately
announced that they were filing lawsuits in connection with violations registered in 40
Lawyers representing the Republicans found it unsound that so many states had continued
to count the votes for several days after voting day. They had some serious questions as to the
legitimacy of accepting the late ballots. Nevertheless, courts rejected most of the filed
lawsuits even in Republican states.
All of this is hardly consistent with those norms of democracy that Washington arrogantly
imposes on other countries. For instance, US officials in the OSCE constantly point to the need
for the OSCE participating states to comply with the recommendations by the OSCE Office for
Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) drawn up based on the results of its election
observation activities. In the meantime, the US itself fails to act on the relevant
recommendations, blatantly violating the provisions of para. 8 of the 1990 Document of the
Copenhagen Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension of the CSCE and para. 25 of the
1999 Charter for European Security stipulating the obligation to invite observers for
monitoring national elections.
Since 2002, the ODIHR election observation missions in the US have recommended in their
final reports that international observers be provided with access to all states at the federal
level. However, that is not what we see in reality. Besides, the archaic US electoral system is
such that the US federal government has no powers to establish procedures even for federal
elections as this is the prerogative of the states. Just as when America was a farmers'
republic with a population of 3.5 million, the president is still elected by the states, which
inform the Congress of their decisions through the electoral college.
During the popular vote in 2016, the ODIHR did not have access to polling stations in 17
states. The international observers, who showed legitimate interest in the elections on the
voting day, faced threats of arrest and indictment. In the 2020 popular vote, the number of
"inhospitable" states reached 18. Only five states and the District of Columbia have legal
provisions in place ensuring international election observation. In all other states, it
remains at the discretion of the local authorities and is quite unpopular.
The lengthy disputes over the election results in courts (and, at the end of the day,
electing a new president there) is yet another fact demonstrating how inefficient and outdated
this voting system is. In the 2000 campaign, the votes cast for George W. Bush and his
Democratic opponent, Al Gore, in Florida were recounted multiple times. It was the Supreme
Court that had the last word, ruling that the vote recounting should stop, which meant the
victory of George W. Bush – even though many Americans still doubt the validity of that
decision. But at the time, such a timely consensus between the Republicans and the Democrats
was exactly what was needed to quickly stabilize the situation.
The enormous costs associated with such a voting system have by now practically erased
the word "consensus" from the vocabulary of the American political elite. Just recently, no
one could imagine – not even in their worst nightmares – that all these partisan
differences would lead to the storming of the Capitol, whose first foundation stone was laid by
the first US president, George Washington. The attack carried out by pro-Trump protesters while
the Congress was counting votes not only appalled national governments all over the world but
provoked bloodshed in the country, which was only recently seen by many as the gold standard of
democracy. It was hard to believe that the events resembling so much Ukraine's Maidan and other
color revolutions that unfolded in recent years across a wide range of countries, including
those in the post-Soviet space, were broadcasted live from the United States all over the
The techniques previously used by Washington for democratization of other countries
backfired. The cold civil war that had been raging in the US for a few months reached its
climax. And while the world is condemning the attack on the Capitol, anxiously waiting for what
is to come next, it is as yet unclear how the Republicans and the Democrats are supposed to
find common ground. The social polarization keeps growing. The long-forgotten spirit of
McCarthyism is again felt in the air. And there is no one who could answer the question:
are there a person and a timeless value that could unite the nation. The situation that has
been brought about by a chain of events predetermined by the archaic voting system can lead to
new waves of violence and unrest. On the other hand, the American political system has proved
its flexibility over the course of centuries. I am sure this time it will cope, too.
There is one more critical issue which, in the context of the outdated American electoral
system, has moved extremely high up the agenda. I am talking about the unprecedented role in
public politics of social networks and new media, and, accordingly, of private IT companies
that own those platforms. Conventional American media, whose activities are regulated by laws
and fall within the First Amendment, have traditionally – and always officially –
taken the side of a certain candidate and yet deemed it necessary to give coverage to
statements made by the opponent during election and post-election campaigns. The social
media, however, are beyond any special regulations and work on the basis of user agreements.
And it was them that unleashed the media war without rules! And that war is waged against one
single person.
During the vote counting, Trump's posts on Twitter, where he has over 85 million followers,
were flagged as potentially misleading and later even hidden. The events in the Capitol
resulted in the unprecedented and permanent suspension of Trump's accounts on all social media
– where he has a total of about 200 million followers. Noteworthy is that the tone of the
posts that provoked the suspension of Trump's accounts was not much different from his
narrative of the preceding weeks. Next, they blocked tens of thousands of supporters of the
incumbent president across all kinds of platforms which used to be viewed as forums for a
full-fledged discussion.
For America, just as for the rest of the world, this level of corporate censorship is a
truly extraordinary phenomenon. A question arises: who are those supreme judges that decided
that they, of their own volition and based on their own rules – but, in fact, guided by
their political preferences, can deprive the country's president of the opportunity to
communicate with an audience of many millions? Whether Trump is good or bad, he is his
country's national, and, furthermore, an official who enjoys the trust of nearly half of
Americans. Thus, it turns out that several technological corporations located in California got
an appetite for power and thought it possible to juggle with news and facts to suit their own
political preferences. This is but a blatant censorship!
Dictating their own terms, they have sought to substitute for state institutions,
encroaching on their mandates, aggressively imposing their views on a great number of people,
leaving them no other choice; while the 75 million of Trump's voters and hundreds of millions
of his subscribers were left out of their "choice." These were simply labeled as insecure.
Isn't it, indeed, a spectre of cyber totalitarianism that is gradually overwhelming society,
taking away from it (and potentially the entire world) the opportunity to see the reality for
what it is? But even if Donald Trump leaves politics for good and the tech giants wipe out his
digital footprint, the minds will remain hugely polarized. This is yet another problem stemming
from the US's outdated voting system, and it will push governments of different countries into
action to prevent the same scenario in their own states.
Given the special place of the US in the architecture of international relations, all this
makes us try and guess the impact of the elections on the "classical" world politics as well as
economy. It is crystal clear that the elections influence direct trends in global development.
Everything else, with certain reservations, can be regarded as an internal affair of the US
itself. Yet outward effects are our common issue. Let me remind you that George W. Bush's
victory back in 2000 caused significant, though short-term, volatility on stock markets. It is
equally possible after the current shock, which of course provides considerable grounds for
concern. But the long-term stability of the US dollar will be largely determined by the
resilience of institutions for the protection of property rights, the demand for American goods
and services in the global market, as well as the predictability and independence of the
Federal Reserve System (FRS), which underpins the confidence in the US dollar. US dollar
volatility will abruptly increase only if US manufacturers lose a considerable share of the
world market or investors doubt the existing safeguards for the protection of assets, the
relevance and soundness of the FRS's long-term policy. Since this is impossible in the near
future, it seems of much more interest to us what Joe Biden's economic policy will look like.
And this is often shaped based on the thesis "just not the way Trump would have it." It's some
sort of a tradition: the same way, the 45th president without hesitation reversed the 44th
President Barack Obama's directives on all tracks.
It is obvious that the development of a national legal and political system is the sovereign
choice of a state itself, though many countries (and first of all the US) are seeking to impose
their model of development on the world as the most effective. Certainly, there is no legal and
political system that can be called the monument of "classical" democracy. It is constantly
developing and improving. The question is, how relevant and timely the models that are offered
as a replacement for those that have lost their progressive potential are. And here what we
need is a combination of sound conservatism and well-timed new laws. Both artificial
preservation of and constant experimentation with political and legal realities pose a danger.
The post-Soviet nations have the examples of both, state regimes sometimes transiting from the
presidential system to parliamentary and back once every two or three years.
Governments in many countries are posing questions about the policy continuity of such an
important actor in world affairs as the US. The 2016 elections shattered the century-long
tradition of continuity of the administrations, particularly in foreign policy issues. This
time, again, the US' stance on a range of key issues depends on the election results. Where
shall we witness a reverse in policy, a getting-around to approaches adopted by Barack Obama
and his predecessors' administrations? Let us take a look at the critical issue of fighting
against the coronavirus. The 2020 candidates' opposing viewpoints regarding the danger of
Covid-19 will lead to an expanded scope and increased stringency of pandemic-related measures
implemented in the US as one of the main short-term effects of the election outcomes. This will
influence the lives and health of Americans as well as the well-being of citizens in
neighboring countries and the US' allies. The polarization among citizens themselves, when you
could tell with great certainty by the presence or absence of a mask which party the voter has
voted for, was grotesque indeed.
The two candidates have adopted very different approaches when addressing relevant economic
issues inside the country, which have a direct influence on the entire world. One should note,
among many other things, that Donald Trump repeatedly commented on the FRS' activities that lay
outside the mandate of the head of state. This caused a certain dollar skepticism in view of a
possible loss by the FRS of its actual independence of the executive power, which triggered a
discussion on the excessive dependence of trade on the US dollar even among the US' allies in
the EU. The reaction of American markets and the actual recognition by Donald Trump of his
defeat was clearly reflected, for example, in the S&P 500. November 2020 turned out the
best November for the main US stock market index. And for the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the
month was the best since 1987. The indices were undoubtedly influenced by the positive news
about vaccines against Covid-19, but the growth began immediately after the election results
were announced.
Support for international organizations (WHO, WTO, and others) turned into a bargaining chip
in the presidential election results issue. For decades, the US has increased its weight in
these organizations. And until recently, the attitude toward them has not depended on a certain
administration in the White House. These elections will inevitably lead to the restoration of
the US' full membership and the development of cooperation within international organizations
such as the WHO and the WTO. The outgoing administration has been notorious for its abrupt and
hardly predictable demarches regarding its participation in such associations, which certainly
destabilized their work. Yet the US's financial support is crucial and very significant for
Even more important is the US' participation in international arms agreements, such as the
Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START III)
and the Treaty on Open Skies (OST), as well as in different integration alliances, climate
accords and many others. As in the case of international organizations, the US is trying to
restore to a certain extent its image as a reliable strategic partner. Election pledges to
extend the START III treaty with Russia which Biden called "an anchor of strategic stability
between the United States and Russia," sound very optimistic. The president-elect is an
advocate of arms reduction and has been involved in drafting the INF Treaty since the Soviet
era. One of the election campaign themes was that the US should not withdraw from the Open
Skies Treaty, the World Health Organization and the Paris Climate Agreement – processes
that have been set in motion in recent years.
By the way, the withdrawal of the US from the Paris Agreement and its expected new accession
to it is one of the clearest and most recent examples of political turmoil. There is now a
tectonic change in the very basis of economic activity. A new economic order is taking shape.
States and individual companies are reshaping their models to be carbon neutral, carrying out
rigorous assessment of their business chains starting from suppliers in some countries to
consumers in others. Global investors are rethinking their strategies. International
organizations are shaping new reporting standards that will obviously apply globally. Finally,
most recently the UN Secretary General called on all nations to rethink their tax strategies by
cutting taxes on income while raising taxes on carbon. All of these factors are of global
importance. And the US position, or rather its floundering, can obviously create new global
imbalances. Although everyone will adapt to them after a while, because, as T. Dreiser wrote,
"you have to take things as they are and use them to your best advantage."
Building relations with their allies, especially in NATO, is another basic factor that
directly influences the trajectory of international development. The Biden administration which
is largely made up of the key figures from the Obama administration has already assured its
European partners that full cooperation within the North Atlantic Alliance will be restored.
The US is expected to drop its claims about the disproportionately small contribution of
Europeans to NATO funding and the imbalance in military budgets, which have been repeatedly
voiced by the Trump administration. Time will show to what extent the trust of the US European
allies will be regained. But it is clear that the US foreign policy somersaults over a
relatively short period of time will not go unnoticed.
Even on the issue of interaction with China the candidates have managed to take generally
opposing positions. Although both share the opinion that China is America's main competitor. As
part of the election campaign, Biden's rhetoric toward China was significantly more peaceful in
comparison to Trump's promises and actions. However, trade restrictions imposed by the Trump
administration may remain in place in the new circumstances if the situation requires so. The
experience of the Jackson-Vanik amendment and other sanctions laws shows that such restrictions
can persist for a long time, even after the reason for their imposition has disappeared.
We expect it is highly likely that the United States will consistently pursue an
anti-Russian policy. In recent years, the trajectory of relations between Washington and Moscow
has been steadily going downhill, no matter who was at the helm in the White House. There was
indeed some hope of reversing the negative dynamics during the Trump presidency. After all,
back in 2016, it seemed that relations between the two countries could not be any worse than
those under B. Obama. However, the following years have dispelled this illusion. The Trump
administration consistently strengthened the systemic confrontation between Washington and
Moscow, continued its sanctions policy against our country wishing, inter alia, to force it out
of the energy markets, and reduced our diplomatic contacts to a minimum. And this was done
against the background of D. Trump constantly speaking about the desire to "get along with
Russia." His words did not matter much, however, as numerous restrictive measures in
Congress were supported by both Democrats and Republicans.
Biden has not yet said anything positive about Russia. On the contrary, his rhetoric has
always been openly unfriendly, harsh, even aggressive. He has repeatedly stated that "Russia
is the biggest threat to the United States in terms of undermining our security and
alliances." Nothing more, nothing less. Moreover, the Democrats' team includes politicians
who hold similar views and have no interest whatsoever in improving relations between Moscow
and Washington.
Russia, on the contrary, is ready to work with any US president, ready to restore
cooperation in a wide range of areas. However, we can hardly expect any reciprocal steps from
the new American administration. Our relations are likely to remain extremely cold in the
coming years. And right now we do not expect anything but the continuation of a tough
anti-Russian policy. But perhaps Biden will revisit the issues still on our joint agenda, for
example arms control.
I have listed only a few areas which will obviously be among those deserving special
attention. Most importantly: the unpredictability of further US actions in the international
arena, a kind of toxicity of this country even for its allies and partners is a result of
serious social upheavals that American society faces. This internal and external instability is
largely due to a clumsy, hopelessly outdated voting system that has seen no major changes since
the 18th century up to the present. And the last election turned out to be not a political
competition of ideas that the US had always prided itself on, but rather a confrontation
between two campaigns of hatred.
We do not want the US to have problems. And for practical reasons: such problems create
waves of instability all around that overflow us as well. The problems of the United States can
only be solved by the Americans themselves along with the good governance of the country. One
of the founding fathers of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, rightly noted that "the
whole art of government consists in the art of being honest." Any election is the most
important test of such honesty. Of course, only Americans themselves can decide whether to put
aside their national selfishness and launch the voting system reform, and, consequently, the
reform of political life, or not. So far, there has been no real move toward this. Nor even the
slightest hint of a desire to change anything. And the international community is already
paying too high a price for the US' reluctance to change.
Dmitry Medvedev served as Russia's president from 2008 to 2012 and prime minister from
2012 to 2020. He has been deputy chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation
since January 2020.
apothqowejh 8 hours ago 16 Jan, 2021 09:04 AM
An interesting underlying premise of the article is that government is actually about
enacting policy. It appears to me, living in the cheap seats, that the purpose of government,
while ostensibly about policy, is really to rob its subjects blind while concealing the theft
and crushing dissent.
jake234 15 hours ago 16 Jan, 2021 02:31 AM
The former president of Russia is able to write an essay. Whether you agree with him or not,
the sentences in this article have weight; and you have to mull what he says over in your
mind. Compare this with the soundbites of US presidents.
Observatory jake234 6 hours ago 16 Jan, 2021 11:10 AM
President Medvedev has been and apparently somehow remains an idealist/naive man as confirmed
by the essay above. Just a babe in the woods of politics.
TheFishh jake234 9 hours ago 16 Jan, 2021 08:01 AM
The rhetoric of US presidents has deg
Ligov 10 hours ago 16 Jan, 2021 07:23 AM
Given that America is the most influential state in the world, that is, it practically
influences everything that happens in the world, then obviously everyone around the world is
not indifferent to what is happening in America, especially in its dominant group, the
aspen's nest. And what happens there, as all honest people in the world, including the
Americans, guess, are clearly dubious things. To stir up this hornet's nest is a noble cause.
And the success of this business will determine the well-being of the whole world. May honest
Americans striving to clean up their homes feel the support of the world.
Hassam275 16 hours ago 16 Jan, 2021 01:32 AM
Its been said that American elected officials are like passengers on a train who come and go,
yet the conductor is the non elected establishment politicians loyal to foreign agendas who
are extensions of special interest lobbies. That is why policy never changes, though the
illusion of democracy is maintained. Now that a large number of citizens caught on to this
scheme, the propaganda arm of the establishment, the media, attempts to brand these citizens
racists or traitors in an attempt to use fear and shame as thought control. This only makes
the masses more enraged and the unfortunate ones are the law enforcement officers who are
stuck protecting the establishment. Also unfortunate are the politicians who actually care
about their constituents whose lives are also endangered. So violence isnt the way out. The
deep state must be exposed.
MotorSlug conformista 5 hours ago 16 Jan, 2021 12:10 PM
the US has never been a democracy, that's the last thing the rich, white, land and
slave-owning framers wanted. they were scared to death of equality and human rights. France
and Russia today have a better grasp on reality than you do
costelmagik 15 hours ago 16 Jan, 2021 02:14 AM
America 2.0, after election and before it is just suggest the fast approaching the end of the
Empire ,a lot worse then before the election considering the division between Americans , the
fraud through the election and the economic and financial collapse which in his last legs.
Jonathan E 9 hours ago 16 Jan, 2021 07:41 AM
The American population has an 'uphill battle' to acquire a functional democracy because they
are under the 'heel' of a powerful Plutocracy which has firm control of a powerful Media.
GottaBeMe 6 hours ago 16 Jan, 2021 11:19 AM
"According to the nonprofit organization Judicial Watch, by September 2020, 29 out of 37
states had 1.8 million more registered voters than actual eligible voting-age citizens." US
democracy is a sham.
MiloDiddlbomb Andy0 2 hours ago 16 Jan, 2021 02:52 PM
Actually I lived just outside NYC during 9/11 I had to go to NYC the week after and what
struck me was the absolute silence. NYC is normally crazy noisy but for a couple months you
didn't even hear a car horn. The actual divide openly happened when Trump looked like he
actually had a shot at winning. And in my opinion it wasn't Trump himself but the fact that
an outsider might get let in. Then the political machine started to create this insanity we
now have. In a way you are right. What Trump brought into the sunlight was the hate middle
America had for 20+ years of war. The people on the coast as a rule have nothing to do with
the military since the draft ended - The majority of military people have been coming from
Middle America. Plus the fact that any of the wars could have been easily won - except where
the future in that? More money is made just dragging them out in stalemate. A lesson learned
in Vietnam where it became obvious the money was in keeping the conflict going. Generals
don't care. Most have never seen one day of combat.
Ibmekon 13 hours ago 16 Jan, 2021 04:11 AM
"We do not want the US to have problems." Oh yes we bloody well do ! They will not dismantle
their empire witout the collapse of the dollar. Even today the gravy boat of Democrats are
fighting to keep thousands of their army of occupation in Afghanistan - against the wishes of
their own electorate and President.
Bjarne Örn Hansen 17 hours ago 16 Jan, 2021 12:33 AM
First of all, americans aren't too smart. That the US had a backup system to put a finger on
the election scale, should have been obvious to anyone with an iq above 0. No power, let's
the mob decide it's future. It will always have an ace up its sleeve ... but using this
system, should be done in emergency only and should one time deal, done at the peril of the
politicians using it. What americans do from here, should be restore the union and remove all
politicians and parties that were involved ...
9/11 Truther Bjarne Örn Hansen 15 hours ago 16 Jan, 2021 02:32 AM
The majority of American schools, colleges, and mainstream media are specifically designed to
result in people who "aren't too smart". The " thumb on the election scale" is phase #2.
Gio Con 1 hour ago 16 Jan, 2021 04:36 PM
So basically, the US needs to update its method of screwing the people.
Sites and people who posted Hugo Chavez nonsense should pay the price. Which is good.
Also capabilities to produce weighted votes does not mean that it was deployed. But if it is
present it serve as a Damocles sword over the integtiry of election, as you never can be sure
whther is was somehow activated or not. And so far there is no convincing facts that it was
deployed. Looks like most common method was staffing of mail-in ballots by corrupt staff.
But Dominion tabulators do create concentration of ballots in one place, which automatically,
completely by the fact of creating the "critical mass" of ballots in one place facilitates larger
scale fraud . From this point of view they can be regarded as catalysts. That' is
The way sysadmin roles were assigned by Dominion, how such activity is controlled, and what
people are selected is open to review as those people automatically become powerful players in
the election process and are outside usual safeguards, which were developed for traditional
systems. In no way they can be controlled by election observers. That's the fact.
In case the machines were internet connected all Dominion employees with access to them also
become election players. As well as all interested intelligence agencies.
blog American Thinker has issued an apology in response to Dominion Voting Systems' lawyers
accusing them and others of defamation for pushing claims their technology helped rig the
presidential election.
In a Friday statement written by editor
and publisher Thomas Lifson, American Thinker admitted their stories on conspiracy theories
surrounding Dominion machines being rigged in Joe Biden's favor were based on "discredited
sources who have peddled debunked theories about Dominion's supposed ties to Venezuela, fraud
on Dominion's machines that resulted in massive vote switching or weighted votes, and other
claims falsely stating that there is credible evidence that Dominion acted
Lifson called the statements "completely false" and added that "Industry experts
and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself
The company went on to apologize for any "harm" their stories caused the company
and their employees.
"We also apologize to our readers for abandoning 9 journalistic principles and
misrepresenting Dominion's track record and its limited role in tabulating votes for the
November 2020 election. We regret this grave error," they added.
The apology also names Andrea Widburg, R.D. Wedge, Brian Tomlinson, and Peggy Ryan as
specific contributors who have covered conspiracy theories surrounding Dominion.
On the same day as the apology, the conservative blog also shut down its comment section,
but provided no solid reason as to why.
Pieces published by American Thinker presented theories that the machines deleted
pro-Trump votes and that it was tied to outside foreign and political groups, common theories
that have been pushed by President Trump, his legal team, and supporters.
Dominion has taken more aggressive action recently against accusations against them, even
suing Trump lawyer Sidney Powell for defamation to the tune of $1.3 billion.
The company's legal team has also targeted other right-wing media, warning Fox News
recently that action is "imminent" in response to numerous statements made on the
network by anchors and guests like Trump counsel Rudy Giuliani. They also sent letters to
individual anchors for Fox and Newsmax demanding they "cease and desist" making
defamatory statements about the company and its alleged role in rigging the presidential
election, an act they say has no proof to back it up.
In response to the threatened litigation, Fox News aired a segment multiple times shooting
down voter fraud claims linked to Dominion.
Newsmax, meanwhile, released a statement clarifying many conspiracy theories linked to
Dominion and Smartmatic, another vote counting system threatening legal action.
How one defines systemic fraud? Actually the role on Internet giants in 2020 election
represent systemic fraud. Also is not "simple fraud" not enough for DOJ to take a look. Or
"simple, one time fraud" now is welcomed by DOJ?
Main-in ballot fraud looks systemic to me with documented well coordinated efforts to weaken
protections on the part of DNC lawyers.
The situation with the observers suppression is a real scandal painting the USA as a banana
Attorney General Bill Barr told AP that the Department of Justice has not seen evidence of
fraud on a scale that could change the outcome of the election, but President Donald Trump's
attorneys claims it never even looked.
"To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different
outcome in the election," the agency quoted Barr as saying on Tuesday. He said both
federal prosecutors and the FBI have been looking into specific complaints but found nothing
that would change the media consensus that Democrat Joe Biden defeated Trump earlier this
Trump's lawyers, led by Rudy Giuliani, have launched a series of legal challenges in
places like Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia, challenging large amounts of
mail-in ballots they say weren't properly verified. They've also claimed votes were cast by
dead people, observers weren't allowed to observe the counts, and other
Barr said there was only one claim of systemic fraud – that voting machines were
programmed to shift millions of votes – "and the DHS and DOJ have looked into that,
and so far, we haven't seen anything to substantiate that." While he did not name any
names, this was a claim made by Sidney Powell, an attorney not directly affiliated with the
president's legal team, in her lawsuit in Georgia.
"With all due respect to the attorney general, there hasn't been any semblance of a
Department of Justice investigation," Giuliani responded on Tuesday, accusing the DOJ of not
interviewing any of their sworn witnesses and refusing to audit voting machines or subpoena
Barr did tell AP that most of the complaints about the election ought to be handled by
state and local officials conducting audits, rather than making a federal case out of
"There's a growing tendency to use the criminal justice system as sort of a default
fix-all, and people don't like something they want the Department of Justice to come in and
'investigate,'" he said.
Within days of the election, Barr had authorized the DOJ to follow up on "substantial
allegations" of irregularities with the vote, arguing it was "imperative that the
American people can trust that our elections were conducted in such a way that the outcomes
accurately reflect the will of the voters."
Democrats, US mainstream media and social media platforms have been united in insisting
there had been no "widespread" voter or election fraud, labeling all of Trump's claims
to the contrary as "baseless" or "disputed."
In the reality the USA is not falling apart. It is neoliberalism that is falling apart and
this is just how common people feel during the collapse of neliberalism.
"79% of Americans think the US is falling apart" those not accounted for are possibly
homeless or illiterate and don't have the opportunity of putting their view forward.
RTaccount 1 day ago 15 Jan, 2021 02:22 PM
There will be no peace, no unity, and no prosperity. And there shouldn't be.
TheFishh RTaccount 1 day ago 15 Jan, 2021 03:38 PM
The US regimes past and present have worn out their bag of tricks. A magician is a con-man.
And the only way they can entertain and spellbind the crowd with their routines is if
everyone just ignores the sleight of hand. But people are starting to call the US out for the
tricks it is pulling, and that's where the magician's career ends.
SJMan333 23 hours ago 16 Jan, 2021 01:02 AM
America as a whole is now reaping the fruits of its decades of exceptionalism complex.
Through its propaganda machine, Americans as individuals and collectively as a society, have
been brainwashed into believing that laws, rules and basic human decency do not apply to
themselves. These are only sweetened poisons for them to shove down the throats of other
lesser countries, especially those in Africa, Latin America, Middle East and Asia ((bluntly
put, non-white countries)) when it suited America's global resource thievery and daylight
wealth grabbing. Habitualized into bullying every other countries with no resistance,
Americans are now showing their ugly faces on each other. The same exceptionalism delusion
"the laws apply to you, not me'' is driving every American (except the colored Americans
probably) to blame all the ills of the country on everyone else except himself. Nancy Pelosi
advocated total lock-down but treated herself to a total grooming in a hair saloon is just
one example. For the sins it has committed over the decades, I guess the time is right for
USA to have a dose of its own medicine. Except in this case, America never thought it
necessary to develop an antidote.
"I don't know or care anything about Dominion voting machines"
Why not? Take a look at Patrick Byrne's summary of evidence for massive election fraud
involving the Dominion machines, on his blog over at DeepCapture.
It will explain how a man who sheltered in his house, did not campaign, drew no more than
six or seven or twenty-five people to his events, got seven million more votes than a man who
drew up to thirty thousand people at his rallies.
...An expert witness in Georgia was able to hack into Dominion in front of the legislative
committee in less than a minute. "We're in." In Dominion, and on the internet.
Dominion machines can do anything! They can assign a weight of 1.5 per single vote to
one candidate, and .75 per vote to the other, and can adjust as necessary. They can assign
batches of "adjudicated" ballots to the candidate of your choice. They can just switch votes
from one candidate to the other in increments of several thousand, let's subtract 29,000
votes from candidate a and add them to b's column. They can allow access by a third party to
the administrator's identity and password so the third party can enter and participate
directly in tabulation of the votes.
And more. If your disfavored candidate is winning by a landslide and your 1.5/.75 ratio
isn't working, you can put in a USB card and adjust accordingly.
If you're desperate you can upload tens of thousands of votes in a single drop which all,
every one, go to your preferred candidate. And you can do it in one hour on a machine which
can only handle a few thousand votes per hour, fed in manually.
For anybody who listened to state hearings in one or more state if is clear that there was widespread fraud. And its importance
is much larger then the question who won the elections
Notable quotes:
"... Multiple methods of attack on the election outcome have been prepared, all methods well planned, tried and perfected in the string of color revolutions around the World. Because those attacking Trump are the same as those who have been doing the "regime changes" in the vulnerable countries over the past 30 years. ..."
"... The playbook/manual is fully symmetrical – it always addresses both possible outcomes – if their side does not manage to steal the election then they incite an insurrection and oust the winner (the Viktor Yanukovych outcome). ..."
"... It is funny how few people appear to understand that Hunter's laptop was not just a suppressed election decider then an important reason for Biden's suitability – the insurance of ensurance, the media ready Kompromat. ..."
"... Finally, it is very important to keep in mind that none of what transpired would have been possible in a healthy country ..."
"... Maybe it was hostility towards Trump's supporters rather than hostility towards Trump. Trump is a reliable pro-immigration ultra-Zionist rabidly pro-LGBT liberal. The views of a large proportion of Trump's supporters are diametrically opposed to Trump's own views, but his supporters aren't smart enough to figure that out. ..."
"... whatever else Trump may be, he's no white nationalist. But again his supporters can't figure stuff like that out. ..."
"... In extreme situations, it's more important to win than to play by the rules. – This is the moral reasoning **** of the fraudsters. The basic equation they applied is so simple that it hurts (and therefore: worked perfectly well – in all of the West) ..."
"... In the Art of Winning Elections it did not take a genius to develop this solution – the lowest number of night-suitcases (filled with ballots) for the highest number of elector votes . ..."
"... In my mind the election was already unfair when you have the entire MSM and the Internet social media companies rooting for one candidate while attacking the other and banning/censoring the voices of his supporters under various pretexts. Both candidates and their supporters, should have been given equal exposure but I don't know how that could be achieved in practice. ..."
"... At a minimum the circumstantial evidence of vote counts being stopped in swing states along with gerrymandered rules was highly suspicious. To claim a mandate on such a close election while losing house seats is absurd but the Republicans bungling the Georgia Senate run off over $2K checks and a sycophantic MSM ensures they will. ..."
"... We are to believe Biden won 507 counties, the least EVER, but won the most votes ever. Trump won 74 million votes, beating Obama's 69 million in 2008, the previous all-time high. Trump won over 2500 counties. ..."
"... Strange that all these presidential elections are always neck and neck. Just because there are two parties does not mean that election after election the vote will boil down to one or two "swing states" and a few thousand votes. Statistically, it just doesn't make sense. ..."
"... This is strong evidence, if not proof, that these elections are scripted from beginning to end ..."
"... The convenient thing about postal votes is that they make it possible to wait until the opponent's votes are all in and counted – then send in just enough postal votes to tip the balance. It's rather like an auction in which one bidder gets only the one bid, and then a rival can offer $1 more. ..."
"... Well said. I'm sure that it's no coincidence that DJT has been involved with televised wrestling over the years. Every great contest requires a memorable "heel" to engage the spectators. In televised snooker in the UK, final matches often are over best of 35 frames. It's unusual for them not to go to the last ball of the final frame. Got to have a little drama. ..."
"... The point is, it is the average intellect, moral and civic weight of the involved constituencies that allows or doesn't allow what shouldn't be allowed in a real democracy. You don't have actual democracy below a lower threshold of intellect and moral and civic worth of all the main involved parties. ..."
"... When you consider Donald Trump's grotesque antics, his entirely unpresidential behavior, evident falsehoods and blatantly corrupt actions – together with the systematic media blitz taking every opportunity to show him in the worst possible light; it is quite astounding that he received as many votes as he did. Far, far more than could be accounted for by simply ascribing them to his 'deplorables'. ..."
"... I think Trump's greatest legacy will be that he ripped away the curtain and the masks fell and we all got to see just how nefarious and rigged the system is, from federal judges to our intelligence community to the FBI/DOJ to Congress to the media ..."
"... Dominion machines can do anything! They can assign a weight of 1.5 per single vote to one candidate, and .75 per vote to the other, and can adjust as necessary. They can assign batches of "adjudicated" ballots to the candidate of your choice. They can just switch votes from one candidate to the other in increments of several thousand, let's subtract 29,000 votes from candidate a and add them to b's column. They can allow access by a third party to the administrator's identity and password so the third party can enter and participate directly in tabulation of the votes. ..."
"... They won the election the old way: they stole it fair and square. ..."
"... If you like your bourgeois job and want to keep it, you will support the narrative. ..."
"... All of the comments on here that analyze DJT's strengths and weaknesses miss the point. I personally think he made some very poor choices; but, to inappropriately paraphrase Carville, it's the fraud, stupid. ..."
"... Occam's Razor should be applied- instead of the nonsense of Chavez having an interest in voting software; voting machines being manipulated; truckloads of paper ballots being moved across state lines- my favorite; etc. ..."
"... t would be very easy to have individuals in a nursing home or even an adult day care center for mentally (dementia) incapacitated adults sign ballots. There are numerous day care centers in New York City, federally funded, where individuals could be coaxed to sign ballots. Just say Trump will close the day care center -- especially where interpreters must be provided because the individuals cannot understand English due to varying stages of mental incapacity. ..."
"... I wonder how many people have watched the twenty hours or so of state legislature hearings related to the election. Can people just not be bothered? These were historic hearings of huge importance, but I assume they didn't get much coverage in the MSM. I think most of them were livestreamed only by small right-wing networks. ..."
"... What were the results of the 2016 election? Billary received 65 million to Trumps 62 million. Gotcha. So we have roughly 127 million who showed up to vote that time. (Wonder how many of those were legit.) So ONLY 4 years later, Joe "I Look Like I'm Drugged" Biden ALLEGEDLY received 80 million and Trump received 74 million. Okay, that is a turnout of 154 million votes. So if I believe in this fairy tale, I was supposed to believe that in ONLY 4 years the vote count increased by an alleged 27 million. Hell, a lot of our most populous states do not even have that many people. ..."
"... Laws don't say a little bit of fraud is OK, because the fraud committed on or by a business didn't cause bankruptcy. Either there was fraud, or there wasn't. ..."
"... That several courts refused to hear cases for lack of standing, is patently ridiculous. If a candidate has no standing, who does? In an election, everybody has standing because they are affected by the result, and by virtue of Citizens United , corporations do as well. ..."
"... Watch this recent interview of Chris Hedges by Jimmy Dore about the root causes of our current woes. Hedges speaks off the cuff in words that sound as polished, powerful and precise as the language in tracts considered to be classics. His Pulitzer clearly was not found in a Cracker Jack box. ..."
Before the election I polled all my friends who would win. The majority of both left and right oriented said that it would
be Trump. I said, yes Trump would win a fair election, but he will lose on who is counting. Multiple methods of attack on
the election outcome have been prepared, all methods well planned, tried and perfected in the string of color revolutions around
the World. Because those attacking Trump are the same as those who have been doing the "regime changes" in the vulnerable countries
over the past 30 years. Trump never had a grain of chance against this mighty machinery. Corrupt local governors and blackmailed
and co-opted all levels of judiciary, targeted lawlessness, threats and examples of violence and future civil war if the other
side wins, censorship, eviction of election observers, night-time suitcases of ballots, one-sided main sewerage media.
All pure déjà vu – this is exactly how the color revolutions work – the art of winning elections. The US bombers arrive
only if the "peaceful transition of power" (aka the stealing of election and post-election) fails. In the color revolution manual,
there is also a chapter on prevention of resistance to the stolen election – thus the msm and congress screeching like castrated
pigs against Trump's imaginary incitement of insurrection (pure psychological projection). I was always sure that Trump is too
much of a cheap demagogue and hot air filled balloon to be able to initiate a real insurrection.
The playbook/manual is fully symmetrical – it always addresses both possible outcomes – if their side does not manage to steal
the election then they incite an insurrection and oust the winner (the Viktor Yanukovych outcome).
... ... ...
In political terms, in the 2016 election a quasi-populist candidate slipped through. This will never happen again because state
laws will be enacted with built-in mail voting and electronic voting machines. Competent or incompetent populists will never get
through again. This will ensure that the choice will always be only between the approved, controllable candidates with plenty
of skeletons in wardrobes and dirty laptops in their closets. It is funny how few people appear to understand that Hunter's laptop
was not just a suppressed election decider then an important reason for Biden's suitability – the insurance of ensurance, the
media ready Kompromat.
Finally, it is very important to keep in mind that none of what transpired would have been possible in a healthy country
: election of Trump without enough Kompromat to have to invent the dumbest Putin's puppet meme and the consequent exposure
of the manipulative Deep State, the sulfuric acid for the brain MSM and the high-techs fakers. These are all the Hegels' seeds
of destruction in action.
One thing to ask is why was this huge effort made to oust Trump?
Maybe it was hostility towards Trump's supporters rather than hostility towards Trump. Trump is a reliable pro-immigration
ultra-Zionist rabidly pro-LGBT liberal. The views of a large proportion of Trump's supporters are diametrically opposed to Trump's
own views, but his supporters aren't smart enough to figure that out.
In extreme situations, it's more important to win than to play by the rules. – This is the moral reasoning **** of the
fraudsters. The basic equation they applied is so simple that it hurts (and therefore: worked perfectly well – in all of the West):
Trump = Hitler.
**** If I might go with Sigmund Freud here, I'd say: – Their rationalizations instead of "their moral reasoning".
I prefer this model, and it's not being discussed: Someone was making BIG money off of those programs and policies leftover
from Obama. Trade with China? Care to mention one BIG company who peddles Chinese wares? Maybe two or three of them, perhaps?
"Follow the money", is what Deep Throat told Woodward. If we do that with our darling Deep State? Just ask yourself, who stood
to benefit from four years of Hillary, pray tell? There's your answer.
The Deep State regime stole this election in exactly the same states where Trump successfully campaigned in 2016 to win against
Clinton. In the Art of Winning Elections it did not take a genius to develop this solution – the lowest number of night-suitcases
(filled with ballots) for the highest number of elector votes .
Thanks for a balanced assessment. In my mind the election was already unfair when you have the entire MSM and the Internet
social media companies rooting for one candidate while attacking the other and banning/censoring the voices of his supporters
under various pretexts. Both candidates and their supporters, should have been given equal exposure but I don't know how that
could be achieved in practice.
Trump was severely hamstrung by the role played by the MSM and the social media. In a real democracy this state of affairs
should not be allowed: where the rich and powerful who control the media have an unequal say and overwhelming influence compared
to the ordinary voters.
Now we have Ruby Freeman, heretofore only on video rolling out suitcases in Fulton County, now on AUDIO discussing her $100
an hour election heist gig and the "Secretary of State" is mentioned at 2:02 by her boss Ralph Jones:
There is a small element of illogic in the numbers part of the argument, namely in using 2 different metrics to make that argument.
(I agree with the corruption part of the argument covered by Glenn Greenwald. It's censorship in action).
As I've done before, I'll reiterate, I'm no fan of Biden or Trump. In fact I'm worried about the war cabinet Biden already
seems to be assembling just as I still worry about the crazed maniac Pompeo for the next few days left in the current administration.
But here's the point and it is a very subtle one: to say it was a tight race and only 1 in 7,000 Americans had to change their
vote is a bit misleading. In the absurd Electoral College, winner take all the state system (which is far more scandalous in my
view), we take one state at a time. If we accept the vote count, Biden won over 7,000,000 more votes more than Trump, a margin
of victory of 4.4%. Not very close.
Therefore, if it were a one person one vote nationwide system, 2.2% would have to change their minds, meaning 1 out of every
45 Americans.
But it's a state by state margin that we're after. Thus more to the point would be to take each individual state and its margin.
So if we took Georgia as one example, the margin of Biden's lead was 11,779 votes out of 4,935,487 votes cast for Biden and Trump
(we disregard all the third party votes in this argument). 5,890 voters would have to "change their minds". Out of the Biden/Trump
overall vote, that's 1 out of 838 Georgian voters.
To apply a different system, overall US vote count, to one state, Georgia, is using which system you prefer to come up with
an illusionary 1 out of 7000 Americans, not applying the same metric down the line. It's a separate state by state system, not
a nationwide vote. You have to stay consistent to be accurate in this method of argumentation.
Very technical, yes. What about mail-in voting? What is the evidence that this is by definition rigged or manipulated? Mailed
ballots have a paper trail like in-person ballots. Presumably someone could steal your ballot from your home and vote on your
behalf, but this can be traced and found out. At least one state, Washington, doesn't even have in-person voting at all. Does
that mean all of their votes are fraudulent?
What about voter suppression? Shouldn't that be factored in? That seems to happen a lot more often in red states than blue
states. What about Trumps attempts to sabotage the US Postal System? Doesn't that bother anybody who supports him? What about
his refusal to commit to the results prior to Election Day? (He did the same in 2016 by the way). This only added to his
opponents concern about his dictatorial tendencies.
Finally, in all the arguments I've seen anywhere, I haven't seen anyone lay out which states use those ridiculous electronic
voting machines which leave no paper trail. That should be the other real scandal and those should be immediately banned in every
state. Get rid of those and the Electoral College and we might have a fair system.
Oh, and get rid of a system that is eternally dominated by 2 parties as well, whether through run off elections or even better,
proportional representation. The latter that would be truly more democratic.
why was this huge effort made to oust Trump? What did they want him to do that he wouldn't do? Was he an impediment to the
increase of control over the average person? Did not want to start up another action against Syria? Would not attack Iran without
having a coalition of NATO countries lined up? Was against total outsourcing to China? Not confrontational enough against Russia?
Perhaps he gave the deplorables dangerous ideas about them having some rights. If that question could be answered then we'd
know what is coming.
He humiliated the upper echelons of society so thoroughly via his 2016 campaign and victory.
@anon Because Trump
inflames white nationalism, which is anathema to the Jews.
There is evidence that Trump himself is a Jew, and a fanatic Zionist at that, so his self-serving incitement of white nationalism
(whose causes he did little to implement, unlike his steady support for every imaginable Israeli cause, tbe more outrageous the better,
short of war with the "usable" nukes he had had developed for the purpose, that Russia warned him away from) was especially galling
to the top Jews such as the Rothschilds for whom Israel is nothing sentimental, just one more piece in their chess game for world
And thank you for this site which is a beacon of free speech and dissent against our vile, corrupt, incompetent ruling class.
In all the post election rancor little attention has been brought to how razor thin the margin actually was. And with you being
a vociferous critic of Trumps boorish antics and insane foreign policy the candor on this issue is appreciated.
At a minimum the circumstantial evidence of vote counts being stopped in swing states along with gerrymandered rules was highly
suspicious. To claim a mandate on such a close election while losing house seats is absurd but the Republicans bungling the Georgia
Senate run off over $2K checks and a sycophantic MSM ensures they will.
And after abetting barbaric violence and anarchy for months the Democrats will now use trespassing in their "Sacred Temple"
to unleash a crackdown by the national security state and unprecedented censorship and social-credit run by woke-corporate oligarchs.
Interestingly (And as many predicted) it appears they will reopen the economy and declare "victory" over Covid shortly after
Bidens inauguration. Clearly the bizarre excesses of the lockdowns and dynamiting of the economy were calculated to undermine
Trump and consolidate wealth and power from the start.
The question is what exactly this "new normal" will be and how far they're willing to go in order to purge the Trumpists and
populist right. It will be easy to garner support for the latter but if the daily disruptions and financial shocks continue the
system will collapse.
A new, large scale war would be a useful distraction but it's hard to imagine the U.S sustaining one in its current state much
less against capable adversaries like China and Russia.
Then again, arrogant, idiotic, catastrophic policy blunders are the defining feature of this ruling class for the last 30 years
so I wouldn't put it past them given the madness we've seen already.
In effect, America's media and tech giants formed a united front to steal the election and somehow drag the crippled Biden/Harris
ticket across the finish line.
via a plastic bag put over their heads. If they were lucky.
There was no real contest. Because? A. Control of the mainstream media was so one sided. And that is where we are at now here
in USA. Imagine, a standing President of the USA has been banned and censored by all the "American" mainstream media giants. Actually,
you do not have to imagine. It just happened: Big Tech and MSM has openly torpedoed the First Amendment and US Constitution. So
we know where they are coming from. It's also kind of disappointing how most of our "representatives" are dealing with this.
The only cause other than himself on which Trump has been consistent is serving Israel. One of the only two major policies
of Obama's that he didn't reverse was support of Israel, though he took it to yet another level. The other one was
increasing military spendings. Obama never cut military spending. My money is on Biden never doing it either, and also
that he will take support of Israel to yet another level. I hope I'm wrong.
On the election night I was listening to two of our New Zealand reporters who were reporting the incoming results. I remember
quite clearly after results had been coming in for a while they remarked: "well that's it another four years of the same". That
were their exact words. That must have been before the postal votes came in, which suddenly changed the picture completely to
Biden's advantage. Postal votes I believe were introduced for the first time in 2020 because of the Corona pandemic. It's believed
that postal votes can be more easily tampered with. Postal votes are expected to remain during future elections I believe.
We are to believe Biden won 507 counties, the least EVER, but won the most votes ever. Trump won 74 million votes, beating Obama's 69 million in 2008, the previous all-time high. Trump won over 2500 counties.
Clarice Feldman at the Americanthinker.com noted that many residences
had multiple votes from the current occupants plus previous occupants (apartment complexes) in this election, because old voter
rolls aren't purged in a timely manner. The same addy might have 3 previous residents voting, plus the same individual voters
legitimately voting at their new addresses.
My advice for whites is this .we will probably be getting in new wars for neocons now, so you might wanna think twice before
signing up for the military. You may find your twenties being used up in multiple deployments in foreign miserable places.
Strange that all these presidential
elections are always neck and neck. Just because there are two parties does not mean that election after election the vote will
boil down to one or two "swing states" and a few thousand votes. Statistically, it just doesn't make sense.
Of course the media loves these nail-biter elections because it drives up their viewership. Every election we get the same
old farcical "debates", scandals and continual ridiculous sound bites. This is strong evidence, if not proof,
that these elections are scripted from beginning to end, even up to and including the "march to the Capitol" and the
ensuing "insurrection".
Exactly. "Spin". He also appears to be entirely ignorant of the fact that the constitution states that each states electors,
and the procedure for choosing them, must be accomplished via the state[s] legislatures, and that in all 6[?] swing states that
recorded early morning, miraculous turn-around votes from Trump to Biden, that that particular constitutional procedure had been
entirely , and very conveniently, ignored:
The Lobby wants Syria by any means, up to a direct confrontation with the Russian Federation. The Jewish hatred for Iran is boundless
(same for Russia – take note, Americans). Zionists care not about human lives.
"I don't know or care anything about Dominion voting machines, whether they are controlled by Venezuelan Marxists, Chinese
Communists, or Martians. But the most blatant election-theft was accomplished in absolutely plain sight".
Cui bono? Obviously the main group profiting from the fraudulent election was the Democratic Party and its supporters. So why drag in foreign governments? Most of them are all too well aware that it's very dangerous to attract the attention of
the USA for good or bad. Like trying to save a drowning whale.
So their sensible strategy is to stand back at a safe distance and watch the monster perish in its own poisons, hoping it doesn't
lash out and harm them in its dying struggles.
The convenient thing about postal votes is that they make it possible to wait until the opponent's votes are all in and counted
– then send in just enough postal votes to tip the balance. It's rather like an auction in which one bidder gets only the one
bid, and then a rival can offer $1 more.
Ridiculous if you want a fair election. But nobody who matters wants or expects anything of that kind. A proper political machine
gets everything cut and dried well in advance.
Trump was unpredictable and, to a degree, uncontrollable. He had to go.
Well said. I'm sure that it's no coincidence that DJT has been involved with televised wrestling over the years. Every great contest requires
a memorable "heel" to engage the spectators. In televised snooker in the UK, final matches often are over best of 35 frames. It's unusual for them not to go to the last
ball of the final frame. Got to have a little drama.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch the rancher counts the silver dollars.
...If ego or narcissism can explain it, so be it. I'll go with insane or suffering from dementia. Any 'drain the swamp' or 'fix
the system', MAGA or "build back better" argument would appeal only to retards. Re-visit Carroll Quigly's succinct description
of political parties in the USA in Tragedy and Hope, pages 1247-1248 (hardcover) or Google same.
I'm beginning to believe that a different species is holding sway and we are the proverbial Eloi.
The point is, it is the average intellect, moral and civic weight of the involved constituencies that allows or doesn't allow
what shouldn't be allowed in a real democracy.
You don't have actual democracy below a lower threshold of intellect and moral and civic worth of all the main involved
We could in other words say: there will be as much real democracy as is desired by the average citizen, where to desire it
is not to blandly say "I agree with democracy".
It is funny how few people appear to understand that Hunter's laptop was not just a suppressed election decider then an
important reason for Biden's suitability
Yes, few people understand that all regime-approved candidates are people able to be blackmailed for a precise reason, and
not at all by chance. What about Hegel though?
@obvious Globalist
NWO creeps stole the election, they spent 4 years trying to overthrow the 2016 election by coups aided and abetted by the Globalist
Mainslime Media, FBI etc. -- you missed all that of course? .
They also PUBlICLY previewed, as they did the COVID Agenda, stealing
the election a couple months before, gamed and planned it in various outcomes .Anyone who can't see what is up is either willfully
ignorant, lying, or "stupid" as you say.
No decent person is in favor of the Agenda of Harris/Biden serving the NWO "Great
Reset" to crush the Peons -- you must see yourself as above the coming carnage -- I have news for you -- your not.
We'll know we're in an actual civil war when different branches of the military, or units within a branch are fighting each
other or when the police are fighting the military. Don't hold your breath of course because every cop and soldier in America is a traitor and they're all on the same team.
What I still find unfathomable is the fact that the steal was so obvious: so in your face but yet the big media, big tech,
federal and state law enforcements, spooks, judges, big GOP politicians etc still behave like nothing ever happened. Trump and
his supporters are now labeled domestic terrorists and lawfare is about to be unleashed on them. It's surreal.
Had the Orange heeded his MAGA base rather than his (((rat-in-law))) he'd still be President. There was certainly
election fraud; enough of the betrayed base stayed home to make it effective. Trump was a p -- y all four years and got what
he deserved. He was always a stop-gap time-buying non-solution...
...issues can no longer be discussed openly, the reliability of elections in the USA is the most important issue that faces us. The
people will accept an honest winner in a serious election. Nothing is as cleansing to our natural divisions as the result of a
well-contested election, in the knowledge that, in a reasonable interval, the same offices will be up for new contests.
Nothing is as damaging to our peace of mind as knowing that one side won fairly, but was robbed of governing. I thank Ron Unz for writing and publishing such a reasonably argued essay on the matter. It is the gold standard for 2020 election
This is sad people. Was talking to a friend and even his 80 something year old mother commented on how decrepit Sleazy Joe
looks and walks. I was watching him deliver "his speech" last night and the guy had a hard time reading a few sentences off the
teleprompter without stammering and stuttering.
After an embarrassing and truly cringe worthy "speech" Biden is seen walking off. The dude can barely walk...
For eighty million who cast their ballots for the old geezer, it's mostly out of economic necessity; however, for the seventy
plus million people who are Trump supporters, it's a fight for their country and more importantly, culture.
Brought to you by the same people who gave us the Weimar Republic, only twice as vicious and vindictive this time because they
know what they did wrong last time -- they weren't vicious and vindictive enough.
When you consider Donald Trump's grotesque antics, his entirely unpresidential behavior, evident falsehoods and blatantly corrupt
actions – together with the systematic media blitz taking every opportunity to show him in the worst possible light; it is quite
astounding that he received as many votes as he did. Far, far more than could be accounted for by simply ascribing them to his
And, even if Biden did, in fact, just manage to win – presenting himself as a force of reason, stability and sanity – a great
mass of voters sensed something in him that they distrusted even more than in Trump. That was a stunning rejection – of almost
the same magnitude as Hillary's in 2016!
You're right, and Ron Unz is right. Had Trump retained his white male voters of 2016, the Democrats likely couldn't have pulled
off the steal. But in the end Donald Trump was a mere salesmen selling a con.
...If you had told people in France in 1785 or Russia in 1913 that within a few short years about a quarter of their population
would be slaughtered in revolutionary turmoil and many more displaced, they would have dismissively laughed in your face believing
– as do we – that their civilizations were far too advanced for such nonsense.
Let us hope such a horrific fate is not in store for all of us as the Great Reset is imposed on us all given how western civilization
has clearly failed to the point where some sort of profound, substantive reform is inevitable.
Given that the foundation of this Reset comprises so much ill-will, deception, theft and coercion, it is unlikely that this
new paradigm will benefit the millions of people it will soon dominate.
can of worms, there would be additional Congressional hearings over it, etc. At the time Trump was still in the middle of the
Muller investigation. That special prosecutor investigation tied up Trump until March 2019.
I firmly believe that no man in human history could have taken on and fought Deep State, the Swamp, the Establishment, media,
GOPe, et al., as valiantly as Trump. Even in his 70's the man has superhuman energy, fortitude, and strategizing. I think Trump's
greatest legacy will be that he ripped away the curtain and the masks fell and we all got to see just how nefarious and rigged
the system is, from federal judges to our intelligence community to the FBI/DOJ to Congress to the media
"I don't know or care anything about Dominion voting machines"
Why not? Take a look at Patrick Byrne's summary of evidence for massive election fraud involving the Dominion machines, on
his blog over at DeepCapture.
It will explain how a man who sheltered in his house, did not campaign, drew no more than six or seven or twenty-five people
to his events, got seven million more votes than a man who drew up to thirty thousand people at his rallies.
...An expert witness in Georgia was able to hack into Dominion in front of the legislative committee in less than a minute. "We're
in." In Dominion, and on the internet.
Dominion machines can do anything! They can assign a weight of 1.5 per single vote to one candidate, and .75 per vote to the
other, and can adjust as necessary. They can assign batches of "adjudicated" ballots to the candidate of your choice. They can
just switch votes from one candidate to the other in increments of several thousand, let's subtract 29,000 votes from candidate
a and add them to b's column. They can allow access by a third party to the administrator's identity and password so the third
party can enter and participate directly in tabulation of the votes.
And more. If your disfavored candidate is winning by a landslide and your 1.5/.75 ratio isn't working, you can put in a USB
card and adjust accordingly.
If you're desperate you can upload tens of thousands of votes in a single drop which all, every one, go to your preferred candidate.
And you can do it in one hour on a machine which can only handle a few thousand votes per hour, fed in manually.
If things get out of control you can call a halt to the vote count, send the observers home, and haul out the extra ballots
stashed under the table skirt. But it's best to be mindful of the video cameras. Which they were not.
Really, read about it: Patrick Byrne, DeepCapture, "Evidence That The 2020 Election Was Rigged." Lays out the various ways
by which it was done, then appends evidence using graphs, memos from election administrators, and statistical analysis.
He's no Trump supporter either, is a committed libertarian, and has never voted for either a Democrat or Republican presidential
candidate in his life. He thinks Barack Obama graced the presidency and that Michelle Obama was a class act as First Lady.
Also: The Chinese government acquired Dominion for $400 million in the fall of 2020.
Finally, does anyone think the Dominion case against Sydney Powell potentially offers an opportunity for the evidence of electoral
fraud to be aired in public?
While it's an effective rhetorical tactic by our fearless leader Unz, there's no reason to be agnostic about CIA ballot-stuffing.
That's as blindingly obvious as their censorship.
The ballot-stuffing shows only the most cursory measures to conceal it, consistent with a command structure that exercises
precision control over media attention. CIA can censor adverse information on their candidate's trading in influence and abuse
of function. So naturally CIA dumped votes in statistically absurd proportions, trusting to their Mockingbird media to short-circuit
public inquiry. When you have arbitrary Nazi-grade life-and-death power, as CIA does, it's hard not to get sloppy. They don't
give a fuck that you saw what they did there, cause shut up.
Spot on about postal votes; it's my only slight disagreement with Ron's take on the affair.
These votes were being received for days, if not weeks before the deadline and could have been (and probably were) counted as
they came in. The gross imbalance between Trump and Biden votes in these after-hours counts, along with the sudden spikes obvious
on many graphs, is proof, imo, of the cheat. In order to get ahead of the narrative, the 'rats said it would happen, and, lo,
it did.
If the regime can't provide for trustworthy elections, it can't expect to be regarded as legitimate. Probably by design; they
don't need us.
Navarro's three reports do a good job of summarizing most of the possible vote fraud. He's a Harvard PhD so more than qualified
to pull all the date together etc. They use many graphics and are easy and fast to read.
In this post-Republic new reality, no Court will take a case in which Discovery reveals any sort of election fraud. The election is over and it's now verboten to revisit it. Don't be surprised if
archive.org is forced to delete thousands of articles about it. Orwellian times
Incumbent Donald Trump lost Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin by such extremely narrow margins that a swing of less than 22,000
votes in those crucial states would have gotten him reelected. With a record 158 million votes cast, this amounted to a
victory margin of around 0.01% . So if just one American voter in 7,000 had changed his mind, Trump might have received
another four years in office. One American voter in 7,000
Margins of general vote do not matter. Biden won Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin by much higher margins than 0.01%. In Arizona
Biden won by 0.3% of all votes in Arizona and in Georgia by 0.2%. These are small margins but probably comparable to margins in
swing states in 2016 where Trump won.
@Garliv It's for
your own good, of course. I once read an article written by someone who had a chance to hang out with the rich, powerful, famous,
etc. and gain some perspective on their thinking. They really do believe that it's their role to shape the future for the
proles. I know someone who's just like that.
If you like your bourgeois job and want to keep it, you will support the narrative.
All of the comments on here that analyze DJT's strengths and weaknesses miss the point. I personally think he made some very
poor choices; but, to inappropriately paraphrase Carville, it's the fraud, stupid.
Occam's Razor should be applied- instead of the nonsense of Chavez having an interest in voting software; voting machines being
manipulated; truckloads of paper ballots being moved across state lines- my favorite; etc.
The mail in ballots could be sent to a nursing home or to individuals, who are very old, and these individuals could be instructed
by a relative to sign their name.
I frequently explain to individuals, whose first language is not English, the papers, which they are signing. I explain their
401K and retirement plan withdrawals.
It would be very easy to have individuals in a nursing home or even an adult day care center for mentally (dementia) incapacitated
adults sign ballots. There are numerous day care centers in New York City, federally funded, where individuals could be coaxed
to sign ballots. Just say Trump will close the day care center -- especially where interpreters must be provided because the individuals
cannot understand English due to varying stages of mental incapacity.
The day care center is a racket. I believe the reimbursement rate under Medicaid-Medicare is $120 per day. Plus, the transportation
fee - approximately $40 per person each way. These centers flourish in cities, such as New York City, Newark, Philadelphia, etc. I have yet to hear anyone mention that Nancy Pelosi's father was Mayor of Baltimore, Thomas D'Alesandro Jr. And Baltimore is
one city that it totally devastated by drugs, prostitution, crime, etc.
Now for the important question. Did Nancy Pelosi have $12 pints of ice cream in her office?
But I wonder how many people have watched the twenty hours or so of state legislature hearings related to the election. Can
people just not be bothered? These were historic hearings of huge importance, but I assume they didn't get much coverage in the
MSM. I think most of them were livestreamed only by small right-wing networks.
Servant of Gla'aki 39, Hapalong 101 anent Willke: Willke sold a million books in less than two months. He was more of a media
phenom than Trump, much hotter at the time of the election. They were going to make a movie of One World. And his message was
more populist, too – basically, fuck your US national interest, we want peace and freedom. He just came out and said what everybody
thought, Oh boy, now that we won the war, we'll get the peace and freedom that we fought for! So he didn't need a Sheldon or a
Gina to rig elections and install him.
Dulles was squirming around under rocks at that time (he cut his teeth at the League of Nations founding,) even before he and
his ultras got their Gestapo in Foggy Bottom, and they arranged Hillary-style party machinations to push Willke aside.
Now of course there's a second line of defense, the CIA proprietaries that steal the election directly:
Diebold and its brass-plate acquirers. CIA set them up to ratfuck Kerry and Maduro and sheep-dipped them to ratfuck Trump.
The whole world knows the USA is a ridiculous fake democracy, a totalitarian CIA pariah state voting alone against peace, development
and human rights. (Just look at the 2nd Committee vote on A/C.2/75/L.4/Rev.1) The USA is North Korea with an ugly leisure squad.
It's the beltway that deserves our fire and fury. Just wipe it out with WMD and start again.
What were the results of the 2016 election? Billary received 65 million to Trumps 62 million. Gotcha. So we have roughly 127
million who showed up to vote that time. (Wonder how many of those were legit.) So ONLY 4 years later, Joe "I Look Like I'm Drugged"
Biden ALLEGEDLY received 80 million and Trump received 74 million. Okay, that is a turnout of 154 million votes. So if I believe
in this fairy tale, I was supposed to believe that in ONLY 4 years the vote count increased by an alleged 27 million. Hell, a
lot of our most populous states do not even have that many people.
Like I say, I concede that Biden might have had about 60-65 million LEGIT votes to Trump's MINIMUM of 74 million. Hmm, so that
means that total vote count would be 134-139 million. Hmm, sounds more reasonable to me. Numbers are not adding up folks.
...Laws don't say a little bit of fraud is OK, because the fraud committed on or by a business
didn't cause bankruptcy. Either there was fraud, or there wasn't. If there was, then the results of the election in those areas
are null and void. The certification of those results expands the fraud to the state level.
That several courts refused to hear cases for lack of standing, is patently ridiculous. If a candidate has no standing, who does?
In an election, everybody has standing because they are affected by the result, and by virtue of Citizens United , corporations
do as well.
In an ideal world, we would be discussing how we can ensure the integrity of our elections, so that both substantively and
the appearance of integrity is upheld. Instead, we are trying to get citizens jailed (right & left) for protesting the sanctity
of a system in which both sides know is corrupt. There is no question in Dems mind that Bush stole the election in 2000, so why
is it any different now that the shoe is on the other foot.
Our oligarch rulers know very well that they rig elections, it has been documented under LBJ, not to mention the long list
of coups all over the world organized by the intelligence agencies over the past 50 years, these are historical facts. But rather
than citizens being able to focus on the real problem, we are beating the crap out of our fellow citizens for something we know
all know is real; and pointing to the other side as the source of the corruption. This is exactly why the rich stay rich and the
poor stay poor.
Mr. Unz, who is always well informed, highly organized and impeccably lucid, gives a credible and succinct analysis of the
dumpster fire that is American politics, indeed of this country's leadership across the board. It creates mostly chaos and suffering
every time it meddles in our affairs these days, certainly over the long run but especially in its current crash program to impose
tyranny over the many so the few can take whatever they want whether they require it or not.
Watch this recent interview of Chris Hedges by Jimmy Dore about the root causes of our current woes. Hedges speaks off the
cuff in words that sound as polished, powerful and precise as the language in tracts considered to be classics. His Pulitzer clearly
was not found in a Cracker Jack box.
He ain't buying that Trump alone was the fount of all our sorrows or that a deceiving sycophantic
grifter like Joe Biden is the fix for anything. There were many bad actors, both GOPers and Dems, both office holders and offstage
string-pullers, who have contributed to the coming collapse of this country, which decapitating Trump will not prevent. Joe just
happens to be the useful idiot who will be left holding the bag when the end comes, which won't be long now. Factoring in Kamala's
possible ascension to the throne will change nothing. Like Joe, she's just a cluck there to take the same orders.
@Carroll Price
...Trump also flew on the Lolita express. If after all the broken promises that Trump made
to his Maga followers anyone still thinks that he is an outsider is, frankly, an idiot.
Trump is a lifetime actor and the entire election was just one big show.
One way we will know if Trump really was a threat to the swamp and an outsider will be what happens after Jan 20. If Trump
ends up dead or impoverished and in prison then we will know that he was a real threat. If he flies off into the sunset, perhaps
even starting a media company, then we will know that it was all one big vaudeville act.
The Navarro report provides detailed proof on how elections in multiple states were
stolen. (1)
Open the [MORE] Tab for additional detail.
Given that all rational human beings understand, as a matter of objective proven fact,
that the election was stolen Where do we go from here?
The slender & extreme, authoritarian, Leftoid margin in the House is certain to be a
circular firing squad of internecine discontent. What little they pass will contain more pork
than an industrial pig farm. It will be a matter of months before the U.S. Economy is tanked
by SJW illegitimacy and misrule.
Much like the GOP beat Gerrymandering, with lead time the GOP will beat Fultoning (named
after the Atlanta County). The GOP is sure to take the House in the 2022 elections.
How many times will Biden & Harris be Impeached, shamed, and forced to undergo public
trial in the Senate? There will have to be multiple trials to establish for the historical
record that Biden/Harris Coup plot was vastly more criminal than Nixon, Clinton, and
Theft By A Thousand Cuts' Report Conclusive On Election Fraud, Slams Media Cover
A central rule of a color revolution is to avoid an "orderly transition". The new regime
must have a revolutionary mandate instead of a democratic one. Only then can it operate
outside the constitution and outside the law.
The plan here is to declare not only Trump illegitimate but his whole administration
illegitimate. The new regime can then undo all of Trump's executive decisions. There is no
need to "stuff" the Supreme Court with extra judges. Simply declare Trump's appointments null
and void.
Anyone who thought voting in Biden was going to end the circus is sadly mistaken. The refusal
of a large section of the population to recognize Trump as President has merely set the tone
for a large portion of the population to think of Biden as illegitimate. If Biden uses
domestic terrorism legislation to try to control the opposition it won't end well. Bring on
the lions and Christians and any other unpopular section of the country.
A half century of downward mobility -- crippling of the real economy in which productivity
was rewarded -- and neglect causing deterioration of infrastructure (including meeting basic
human needs like health care), have brought the U.S. to a state of collapse.
Almost everyone seems to sense this and we feel powerless to rectify the situation through
accepted channels, thus some people believe they have a 'patriotic' duty to use other means.
The combination of disenfranchised minorities and disgruntled middle class becomes dangerous
(to the established order) as soon as both groups realize they can't win by blaming and
fighting each other.
We haven't reached that stage yet, judging from the comments I've read in the mainstream
media, however it's just a matter of time until they do. The divide-and-rule political game
keeps people attached to ideology of left vs right until it becomes clear that we all lose by
adhering to this mode of thinking.
The war racket and a whole range of other exploitative financial policies are driven by
the top echelon of elites, who also control the narratives through media propaganda.
Their game is failing and they're resorting to draconian control measures to prop it up,
but this can't continue much longer.
As I see it, the collapse of the Western financial system could happen suddenly or
gradually, or it could bring the ultimate destruction of human civilization. In any case, I
believe our degradation of the natural world will be the real catalyst leading either to
human extinction; or else if we're lucky and smart enough, will induce us to massively
downsize our population and industrial activity in order to let the ecosystem heal
Giraldi's current essay hits on numerous points already brought forth by b and barflies,
and IMO is a very well balanced look at the outcome and possible road that lies ahead.
The citation he opens with IMO gets to the heart of the matter of what's been building
since the 2000 election and its Judicial Coup:
"In a recent article Catholic University professor Claes G. Ryn wrote [Link at
"Few people are really open to persuasion in any case -- not just on political subjects
but on any subject about which they care and on which they have adopted certain views.
Diehard partisans for a certain outlook will refuse to have their beliefs questioned, and
so will many others. They will be no less dismissive of a document challenging their
opinions if it is full of footnotes and appendixes. Such a document will, indeed, make them
resist it even more. As for the relatively few people who are truly open-minded, they will
not find another person's observations dispositive. They will, as they should, want to
consider the evidence on a contested matter for themselves."
We experience the above daily here at MoA. IMO, economic reality will alter the equation
once the eviction and foreclosure restrictions end unless some very enlightened legislation
is proposed and enacted.
Rep Jason Crow (Dem Colo) "I had a lot of conversations with my Republican colleagues. ...
A couple of them broke down in tears ... saying that they are afraid for their lives if they
vote for this impeachment."
The only thing they (RINO's, the non Trumpers) are afraid of loosing is their seat on the
gravy train express. They are afraid of loosing their seat at the sleaziest brothel in the
world, totally bought and controlled by powerful interest groups and foreign governments with
Israel being by far the biggest one that controls that chamber. There, fixed it for you Mr.
Crow. Rep Crow could well end up eating crow when this is all over.
IMO a large number of his supporters like Pat Lang don't care much for him or his policies
specially his Israel first policies, majority are America first conservative nationalist they
will look for someone else to lead and reorganize, that's when this divide will become
dangerous and scary. IMO that is the only reason they really didn't damage the building or
even hide themselves behind mask they are not afraid of being identified.
That is even more scary for those who hope there wouldn't be a civil uprising challenge the
establishment .
"The hostility the Democrats have show will create a huge backlash. Do they really
believe that can suppress 74 million Trump voters?"
They don't have to suppress 74 million Trump voters. They don't have to suppress
any of the Trump voters. They just have to hold on to the 81 million Democratic
voters, and will probably be joined by a relative handful of Republicans who, out of disgust
and anger at Trump, will cross over and join the Democrats.
Of course, if the mass of everyday, relatively uninvolved Democratic voters finds out the
truth about the true past and about the true intents and purposes of the Biden-Harris
wrecking crew, it's possible that some small percentage of them will stop voting and/or
switch to minor parties, but it's unlikely that such a small desertion will swing any
election to the Republicans, especially if the Biden administration is smart enough and
loose-fisted enough to toss a few financial crumbs to the mass of unfortunates who are
staring homelessness and starvation in the face.
One result of the eight-year Obama administration was a small group of Democrats who did
exactly that -- they walked away while the vast majority of registered Democrats ignored
Obama's long list of crimes and misdemeanors and pretended not to see or to know of his lies
and betrayals of the working class. So the principled deserters are already gone, and those
left in the party are hard-core, thick-headed party-above-principle-in-all-things grifters
and groupies who will stick to the party through all manner of thick and thin circumstances.
They're not going to participate in any "backlash."
The Democrats have proven themselves complete idiots for years and years and years. The
Republicans are batshit crazy. The last election from the Democratic POV was to remove what
they perceive as an existential threat to 'democracy' which is another word for 'deep state.'
It is no wonder the rush to judgment to confirm what they already believe about DJT. Critical
thinking and common sense are not attributes the elite political class possess. They are all
vainglorious grifters.
The USA is FUBAR and none of the king's horses and none of the king's men etc. etc.
The Trump supporters do not care that he is a murderer and a scoundrel as well as yet
another US President that started yet another war against a Muslim country.
They think that US can survive a centuries-long war against Islam.
That is a major flaw in their estimation of US power and fragility of what they have in
the United States.
1.2 billion Muslims, 1.2 billion Chinese, and a 130 million Russians believing that the
United States is their enemy.
No amount of domestic political change in the United States can address this.
In 1976, a 17-year old American boy could travel alone in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan,
etc. without any fear; he would be welcome because of the correct foreign policy of the
United States.
Americans have lost that and are discussing the deck arrangements on Titanic.
In 1976, a 17-year old American boy could travel alone in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc.
without any fear; he would be welcome because of the correct foreign policy of the United
In Laos, Vietnam or Cambodia the "correct foreign policy of the United States" was in full
display. The US was always a murderous monster. The only difference is that it has turned on
"The Trump supporters do not care that he is a murderer and a scoundrel as well as yet
another US President that started yet another war against a Muslim country."
As you know this is not unique to trump supporters for as long as I have experienced this
a fundamental group think in America. Americans from early school days are thought the you
are "special" and "indispensable "
And "exceptional" they are thought never to accept or believe defeat never agree or accept
"mistake" never agree or accept "lack of knowledge " this not just Trump is the entire
nation' by now this group think is injected in sole of the nation on hourly bases. This
people are just beginning to doubt or question their government' sincerity and its design
while middle easterners never trust the government. It will eventually become more difficult
for US governments to govern under the mistrust that is building up. New honest deal will be
Not so. The presidents team only filed 7 cases. the rest were third parties.
Of the 7 2 found rule changes should not have been done (PA, WI) but no judge was going to
overturn results.
The dems weaponized mail in voting to benefit Biden. Were signatures checked in GA, PA,
One researcher found Fulton County, GA did 106,000 adjudications with a staff so small at
an average rate of 30 seconds per adjudication they would have taken until jan 5 to do HALF
of them.
When pressed on how this could be possible the GA secretary of State and Fulton County had
no answers.
The Supreme Court also refused to hear both an original jurisdiction case AND a case by
the President's own team in December which would have ruled on the constitutionality of PA's
mail in ballots done without amending the state constitution.
@pretzelattack "alaff, there's no evidence the election was stolen"
Why do people treat this like a court of law with a presumption of innocence? - "if there
is no proof of wrongdoing, it must have been fair and honest".
Suppose someone demanded that you prove the election was honest? Could you do it? I know I
It's not hard to imagine a system where you could prove that, however. It would require voter
ID's, much stricter chain of custody for ballots and the ability for a voter to check how
their vote was recorded and challenge it, if necessary. This is all perfectly possible
technologically. If I can return something to a store 6 months after I bought it without a
receipt and have them look up the visa purchase, we should be able to do this. The reason, of
course, is that the political parties don't really want honest elections.
The whole thing reminds me a bit of that line in "The Sting" - "what do you expect me to
do? challenge him in front of everyone for cheating better than me?"
Where I'm going is this: why _should_ I believe the election was honest? I simply don't
know if it was, or wasn't. There won't be real confidence in elections until we provide
better means of validating the results that are available to everyone. Simply saying "there
was no evidence of fraud" won't be enough.
Thanks for the info. The vote count data analysis in that vid is very enlightening and
convincing. As if we need more convincing that the 2020 election was fraudulent. But if you
do or have acquaintances that still need convincing, watch the presentation.
There is nothing special about Dominion. The key question is whether computer based voting
machines have the right to exist or not. Do they do any good or they are just unnessery and ripe
with potential of new forms of fraud overhead, driven by unscrupulous lobbists? That is the
The ides of using consumer (or small business office, if you wish) class software and
hardware in those machines is also open to review. Military class Sever have special OS (Trusted
Solaris, OpenBSD, etc), special mechanism to prevent manipulation of binaries (md5 checksums,
mirroring on non violate media, etc), special means to prevent abuse by rogue sysadmins (dual
sysadmin mode necessary to become root, special access rules excluding areas that should not be
manipulated (AppArmor), etc. Windows based servers an, desktops and tables are consumer class
devices that can't be secured on public network to say nothing about election network where
multiple powerful actors (including intelligence agencies; both foreign and domestic ) have
strong stimulus to interfere. This is a struggle for power and it is typically dirty.
Venezuela is a weak point for Powell. As for "there was no widespread fraud in the election"
your mileage may vary. Mail-in fraud almost certainly was "widespread" as in practiced in many
battleground states. Weakening mail-in voting laws was a part of the scheme. What role direct
manipulation of votes by appointed administrators (several at each precept and counting center
(centralize counting is ripe area for fraud, especially good, old injection of votes, just due to
total amount of votes processed), If they can act along without and external control this created
several interesting questions, which needs to be answered by relevant tech investigations.
Ability to scan the same batch of ballots several times, as several election observers
complained, also needs to be blocked, and this is not an easy thing to do.
I have impression that when invalid ballot is adjudicated by the administrator a new ballot
is printed. It looks like adjudication does not leave any paper trial or set of images to
compare. That means that recount will not detect any manipulation. If true, that opens a wide
field for manipulation of votes by rogue administrators including setting scanner to jekect more
votes then nessesary creaing a pool of votes to manipulate. .
She has claimed that the company was created in Venezuela to rig elections for the late
leader Hugo Chavez and that it has the ability to switch votes.
There was no widespread fraud in the election, which a range of election officials across
the country including Trump's former attorney general, William Barr, have confirmed. Republican
governors in Arizona and Georgia, key battleground states crucial to Biden's victory, also
vouched for the integrity of the elections in their states. Nearly all the legal challenges
from Trump and his allies have been dismissed by judges, including two tossed by the Supreme
Court, which includes three Trump-nominated justices.
The company said there "there are mountains of direct evidence that conclusively disprove
Powell's vote manipulation claims against Dominion -- namely, the millions of paper ballots
that were audited and recounted by bipartisan officials and volunteers in Georgia and other
swing states, which confirmed that Dominion accurately counted votes on paper ballots."
Dominion said that when it formally told Powell her claims were false and asked her to
retract them, she "doubled down," using her Twitter account with more than 1 million followers
to amplify the claims.
President Donald Trump has been banned from most social media platforms, supposedly for
inciting riots at the Capitol. But with no one capable of holding the tech behemoths to
account, even fervent Trump-haters should worry.
Twitter permanently banned the president from its platform on Friday, following in the
footsteps of Facebook, Snapchat, Twitch, and other platforms that used Wednesday's riot at the
Capitol as an excuse to do what much of Silicon Valley has wanted to do for years.
But it wasn't Trump's on-platform conduct that was the problem, according to Twitter –
it was "how [his tweets] are being received and interpreted on and off Twitter," a post
on the company's blog declared on Friday. The platform then interpreted two seemingly innocuous
tweets – regarding not attending Democrat President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration and
giving his fans a "GIANT VOICE long into the future" – as a call to arms directed
at his supporters, far out-crazying the so-called "conspiracy theorists" Twitter has
also sought to deplatform.
Logically speaking, it's impossible for anyone – especially a public figure like Trump
– to control how his words are being interpreted, or even who's reading them to begin
with. For Twitter to translate the president's praise of his supporters and promise not to
attend his successor's inauguration into a call for violence requires a full-on break with
But platforms like Twitter, and especially Facebook, have been declaring all-out war on
reality for years now, merely ramping up hostilities in the wake of the Capitol riot. On
Facebook, even just sharing footage of Wednesday's riot was off-limits, as was posting Trump's
speech to his supporters. Any call for further protests, no matter how peaceful, was also
targeted for removal.
These platforms' notorious echo chambers have no room for dissenting narratives, whether it
concerns the Capitol protests or the growing contingent of Covid-19 dissenters crying foul as
lockdowns drag on (and cases go up) with no end in sight. And while a Trump-scale individual
may be able to create their own means of addressing the people, thousands of others have been
wiped out over the past year for political or public-health wrongthink.
The narrative managers are unlikely to stop at wiping their ideological nemeses off the
internet, either.
Perhaps emboldened by social media's iron-fisted approach to building its own alternate
reality, New Jersey assemblyman Paul Moriarty has been lobbying cable TV providers to stop
carrying conservative channels like Newsmax, OANN, and Fox News.
Missouri Senator Josh Hawley (R) had a book deal revoked for
challenging the results of November's elections.
Social media, once sold as a tool for promoting democracy and giving ordinary people a voice
they previously lacked, revealed its true identity over the course of 2020. Whether attempting
to delete records of an entire event, as Facebook has done with the Capitol protests, or
memory-holing inconvenient
facts about the Covid-19 pandemic, the 'new and improved' reality crafted by the media
establishment provides the ideal foundation for the police state being constructed around the
human mind.
The average person might go through life unaware this invisible thought-barrier is even
there – but anyone who steps out of line is quickly zapped back into obedience. And if
they refuse to cooperate even then? Deplatforming, in an age where face-to-face contact has
gone the way of the dodo, is the modern equivalent of 'disappearing' dissidents in broad
Indeed, these platforms have merged with government in too many ways to count here. Those
who express political 'wrongthink' online aren't just disappeared from the digital public
square – they can be barred from supposedly apolitical apps like AirBnB, or even
denied the use
of their bank accounts.
The US constitution does not permit the government to punish individuals who aren't even
suspected of committing a crime. Nor does it permit the suppression of lawful speech or allow
authorities to paw through private citizens' lives in the hope of turning up something
incriminating. But private corporations – as the neoliberal center never tires of
reminding us – can do what they like, including depriving Americans of their First and
Fourth Amendment rights. Such capabilities explain why Washington has looked the other way for
so many years while Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Amazon became preposterously huge, insanely
profitable monopolies.
But the joke's on the government, in this case. With hundreds of billions of dollars at
their disposal, and a user-base trained to embrace their mental slavery with a positively
Pavlovian response, Big Tech seems to have realized it no longer has to pretend to play nice
with Big Government.
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The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author
and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
Different topic but, this is good. Normally, I'm too impatient for videos however, this
former CIA station chief does a great job explaining how the electronic election theft
Maarten "merethan" , Jan 8, 2021 11:43 AM Reply to
Leo Washington
Election fraud is more of a tradition than incident. Remember how we used to joke about
"This presidency is brought to you by Diebold"? That was around the 2000's referring to Bush
Jr., and Diebold is the vote machine manufacturer. That's just 20 years ago mate.
Calling election fraud a hilarious idea shows a good lack of historical perspective.
Yeah, fair enough. Can we see some proof of this election fraud, then? And by 'proof', I
don't mean 'someone said'. Because I can't help thinking that if there had been any proof,
then every single 'lawsuit' would not have been laughed out of court. Or are the judges
involved in this massive left-wing conspiracy, too? Jan 8, 2021 7:27 PM Reply to
Leo Washington
Proof is all the problem: There's no proof of a fair election either. The current system
was, in the old days, the only way to ensure votes were anonymous which is a requirement for
having everyone express their true beliefs and allegiances, absent of any group pressure.
I'm all for enhancing this with cryptographic signatures and a public ledger. Such that
everyone can validate their own vote and totals but not the one made by their spouse or
neighbor specifically.
That would bring us a lot closer to the proof you are asking for, because right now we got
none in either direction. Other than the media saying so and twitter banning you for daring
to post any questions.
Two trailing democract candidates brought to the lead at the same time and in the same
proprtion by mail-in votes that are 100% democrat – what are the odds? (~0% in a
straight election, ~100% in a bent election).
I would have the same view if the R and D attributions were reversed. The election was
The main point is that the fraud is so evident. Multiple witnesses. Examination of two
machines. Not just a smoking gun with no witnesses. The government is too afraid to confront
it out of fear of backlash. The backlash from not doing anything will be worse. Democrats
keep wanting to unify now that Trump is out. They have done nothing but hinder him and our
country because of lies being levied against him. No doubt the man has flaws but that is not
justification for what they did during his presidency. And now the evidence of the steal.
Combine that with trying to remove him to keep him from running again The shit just keeps
getting deeper and deeper while they beg for unity. All of the sudden mayors across the
country are vowing to bring back law and order now that Trump is out. I could go on and on. I
cannot express how deeply the anger goes and it is not getting any better as Democratic
leaders continue with derogatory statements all of which are lies. This is classic bullying
and kicking someone who is down. It is truly a recipe for disaster.
A lawyer for Dominion held a press conference on Friday claiming that claims that the
allegations against them are "false."
"These false allegations have caused catastrophic damage to this company. They have
branded Dominion, a voting company, as perpetrating a massive fraud," Tom Clare, the attorney
representing Dominion, said in a press conference over Zoom. "Those allegations triggered a
media firestorm that promoted those same false claims to a global audience. They've made the
company radioactive and destroyed the value of its once thriving business and has put
Dominion's multiyear contracts in jeopardy."
Smartmatic has also said that they will be filing lawsuits against people who questioned
their technology and the "media outlets that gave them a platform."
To win the lawsuit, Dominion must prove that Powell was acting in "actual malice," and not
sincere belief that they helped to rig the election against the president.
I read the filing and THIS looks like read trouble for Powell. Unlike her incoherent
filings, Dominion methodically rips apart Powell's false claims and more importantly
establishes a timeline showing malicious intent which is the key in defamation. They show how
she knowingly repeated falsehoods when it would benefit her financially.
exercise -- [is] a man by the name of Norm Eisen. . . .
". . .a key architect of nearly every attempt to delegitimize, impeach, censor, sue and
remove the democratically elected 45th President of the United States – is a tale that
winds through nearly every facet of the color revolution playbook. There is no purer
embodiment of Revolver's thesis that the very same regime change professionals who run Color
Revolutions on behalf of the US Government in order to undermine or overthrow alleged
"authoritarian" governments overseas, are running the very same playbook to overturn Trump's
2016 victory and to pre-empt a repeat in 2020. "
@Nisbe hey
made out okay rail about the elite now that they've been given the bum's rush as a function
of the global speculative rentier economy.
Your closing emission encapsulates the deluded mentality of Drumpfers.
I'll grant that Trump Derangement Syndrom is real, but that was the whole point of Drumpf.
He's such an odious cretin that sentiment replaced all reason in a US electorate that exists
on a political spectrum running from the right to the far-right, with ginned-up "moral"
issues creating the divide, rather than quarelling over the dominance of economic equality or
economic freedom in society.
Does it matter that a few people know what the score is? It's nearly fifty years since
Operation Nickel Grass, when the US flew A-4 and F-4 aircraft right to Israel to shore up the
colonial project, along with C-5 loads of TOW missiles, M60 tanks, etc., and people still
think there is a representative democracy in the US.
I haven't heard much about this charge being made by Maria Zack that an affidavit was
delivered yesterday concerning a whistleblower that allegedly was delivered to Kemp, Meadows.
It's about frankfurt and dominion software shenangians. I figured Lin Wood would know about
it if theres' anything here, but he's suspended from twitter.
"...the election wasn't "stolen". Down ballot republicans outperformed Trump. That's a
really, really difficult way to steal an election..." Lex@85
The Republicans steal elections regularly. They do so by suppressing votes from poor and
black areas, by disenfranchising millions of 'felons' (few of whom are actually guilty of
felony) and gerrymandering House seats. Of course they also gerrymander electoral districts
in the States too, which allows them to keep control.
The Democrats are no better. In fact they wrote the book on the arts of
disenfranchisement, from Gerry to Daley. Their specialty is ballot box stuffing.
The big difference is that this year the Republicans were confident that the usual
measures, which in the South include suppression of the black vote by intimidation,
(something that shows in the low level of black participation in rural areas and small
towns-where everyone knows what everyone else is doing and most employers are white) would do
the trick. It generally does because the Democrats are not really interested in taking power
at the State level or, for that matter, in Congress where-as the stimulus cheque and defence
budget votes showed- they find it embarrassing when they have to choose their oligarch
sponsors over their 'base. Obama was obviously relieved when in 2010 the Republicans swept
the mid term elections and took the "Change" he had been elected on off the agenda. After
that he just cruised through his last six years governing like his hero Reagan.
It is one of the most potent myths being manufactured by the media that the election this
year was fair. It wasn't. The need for reform, beginning with the re-empowerment of the Civil
Rights Act enforcement mechanisms, is something that must be imposed on the Democrats, who
will fight against it because their control over the southern black vote depends on the
maintenance of the current system.
And then there are the obvious and major Constitutional changes needed- the closing of the
Electoral College system; the Senate, where it is possible for something like 20% of the
electorate to control the majority of the 100 seats, has to be changed. Its current position
is that of the British House of Lords in 1832.
All the sound and the fury of this very suspicious looking 'riot' shouldn't be allowed to
block out the reality which is that, Trump or Biden, nothing is changed. The Biden
administration is likely to be every bit as bad as Trump's, only the media will love it.
In the real world there is frustration. And it is entirely justified-living standards are
plummeting and pessimism about the future is prevalent. But revolutions don't come from anger
they come from reform movements stymied: when people realise that the only hope of any change
is complete change-revolution- and feel ready to take the reins of power into their own
hands, that is when revolutions occur.
"Realise" is the key word. Political consciousness means understanding of reality, not belief
in weird and unsupportable theories whether they involve God or The Jews or oligarchical
cabals intent on buying up small businesses by inventing pandemics or secret moves to smuggle
microchips into brains to turn humanity into zombies. And the reality is that we live in a
capitalist empire dominated by the determination of the exploiting class to protect its
system from the threat, long understood but only ever realised episodically, of democracy. Of
equality. Of liberty and treating each other as the siblings, parents and children that we
all are.
Even in the recent election for the Georgia senate there were "irregularities". Two places
have stated that "thousands" used their addresses as "residence", and demanded ballots. One
is connected to Emmaus, on Twitter, don't know if I can still find a reference. 4'700 votes
have been mentioned elsewhere. Not a lot but it does indicate problems.
"... A Twitter user named Joe Oltmann had tweeted a few screenshots of a Facebook user posting Antifa manifestos and songs about killing police. The Facebook account belonged to Eric Coomer, and Oltmann claimed it was the same Eric Coomer who is the Director of Product Strategy and Security for Dominion Voting Systems. Within hours of Oltmann posting the information, however, the Facebook page of Eric Coomer was taken down, so I was unable to verify that Antifa Coomer and Dominion Coomer were the same person. By the end of the day, Joe Oltmann's Twitter account was suspended as well. I had followed his feed throughout the day. I can say with certainty that he posted nothing remotely offensive or provocative. I have no doubt whatsoever that Twitter suspended him for posting the screenshots of Coomer's Facebook page. Interesting. ..."
"... Of course none of this proves any fraud took place, but we deserve some answers ..."
"... Having potentially tens of millions of people doubting results in a half-dozen different states thanks to the same company running machines in all of them is an unprecedentedly serious problem, whether or not their doubts are well-founded. ..."
"... platforms like Twitter and WordPress would do well to consider that censorship of people discussing Dominion and its employees is likely to have the opposite effect that they think it will ..."
"... in Georgia the voter signature validation was usurped for mail in ballots, allowing anyone with a mail in ballot to vote. ..."
"... There are ample undercover videos of union postal workers selling mail in ballots. ..."
"... The secretary of state usurped the law in Georgia, telling polling places to ignore the requirement to verify signatures of mail in ballots. The signatures are compared to the drivers license database. The democrats (Stacey Abrams) worked with the secretary of state to have such voting controls removed so the system could be easily frauded. ..."
"... if you think the cost of recounts is high, wait till you get a load of the cost of the electorate's lack of confidence in the election process. That cost will be measured in human lives. ..."
"... But the Russians! Not my President. Resistance. Years of investigations into gossip columnist Steele's paid report to the Democrats. ..."
Whether or not the company's machines were misused, it poses structural risks, and
suppressing criticism will make Trump supporters even more dubious
t is unlikely that many of the 73 million people who cast ballots for Donald Trump in 2020
will ever accept the legitimacy of his loss. Who could convince them? If the media sources
demanding Trump's concession held any sway with Trump's voters, they would not have been his
voters. They do not know for sure that the election was stolen, but they do know with apodictic
certainty that the media would lie to them if it was. So if Donald Trump says the election was
stolen, that's good enough for the Deplorables.
Yet even the President's most faithful must have flinched at his recent tweet accusing a
leading manufacturer of voting machines of committing election fraud on a mass scale.
It is hard to overstate the irresponsibility of broadcasting such a serious accusation
without proof. It shocked me, and my startle response has become pretty desensitized over the
last four years. Sure, it turned out Trump was right when he accused the Obama administration
of spying on his 2016 campaign, but this is different. Dominion Voting Systems is not staffed
with Obama appointees, after all. I decided to poke around a bit to see what, if anything,
could possibly be behind Trump's wild accusation.
A Twitter user named Joe Oltmann had tweeted a few screenshots of a Facebook user posting
Antifa manifestos and songs about killing police. The Facebook account belonged to Eric Coomer,
and Oltmann claimed it was the same Eric Coomer who is the Director of Product Strategy and
Security for Dominion Voting Systems. Within hours of Oltmann posting the information, however,
the Facebook page of Eric Coomer was taken down, so I was unable to verify that Antifa Coomer
and Dominion Coomer were the same person. By the end of the day, Joe Oltmann's Twitter account
was suspended as well. I had followed his feed throughout the day. I can say with certainty
that he posted nothing remotely offensive or provocative. I have no doubt whatsoever that
Twitter suspended him for posting the screenshots of Coomer's Facebook page. Interesting.
Searching around some more, I found that Dominion Coomer is an avid climber who used to post
frequently on climbing message boards under his own name. He confirmed it himself in a post
where he mentioned getting his nuclear physics Ph.D from Berkeley in 1997. Dominion's Eric
Coomer received his nuclear physics Ph.D from Berkeley in 1997. In another post on the same
message board, Coomer gave out his email address. It was his old campus address from the
Berkeley nuclear physics department. I plugged that email address into the Google machine, and
things got weird.
I found Eric Coomer had a long history of posting on websites for skinheads. He was a heavy
user of a Google Group for skinheads, and seems to have possibly been a content moderator for
papaskin.com. Only these aren't the neo-Nazis our mothers warned us about. These skinheads call
themselves SHARPs, or Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice. Think of them as a sort of punk rock
Antifa. In 2012, roughly 18 SHARPs attacked a smaller group of suspected racists in a Chicago
restaurant with bats and batons. That same year, three neo-Nazis were charged for the 1998
double murder of two SHARPs in Nevada.
Given that Dominion's Director of Security and Strategy, Eric Coomer, was an enthusiast of a
street fighting anti-racist skinhead culture going back at least into the 1990s, it seems very
likely that Joe Oltmann was correct in identifying him as the Facebook user recently endorsing
Antifa and posting anti-police rhetoric. I shared this information on a few message boards to
let other people run with it. Within hours, Papa Skin, a skinhead website which had been up for
over 20 years, was taken offline. (Whoever took it down missed the FAQ page, you can find it
here http://www.papaskin.com/faq/faqs.html ).
Of course none of this proves any fraud took place, but we deserve some answers. One need
only imagine if it was Joe Biden contesting the election results, and the Director for Strategy
& Security at a major voting machine provider turned out to be a Proud Boy with decades of
involvement in extremist, even violent, right wing political groups. Democrats would rightly
point out that this person endorses engaging in illegal behavior to achieve political goals.
They would ask how such a person ended up in such an important position of public trust, and
what it might say about the procedures in place to ensure Dominion's responsibilities are
handled in good faith.
Another reality of the Dominion fiasco, whether or not there was any fraud using its
machines, is the structural risk created by having the same company run machines in more than
two dozen states. If there were glitchy machines causing a dispute in one state, like
Democrats' claims about Diebold machines in Ohio in 2004, and even if that dispute led to
competing slates of electors, that is something the American political system has seen and
withstood before. Having potentially tens of millions of people doubting results in a
half-dozen different states thanks to the same company running machines in all of them is an
unprecedentedly serious problem, whether or not their doubts are well-founded.
Moreover, platforms like Twitter and WordPress would do well to consider that censorship of
people discussing Dominion and its employees is likely to have the opposite effect that they
think it will: Twitter bans, site removals, and wiping of bios from websites are only going to
make Trump's hardcore supporters think Dominion has something to hide. You can't make
disagreements go away by banning one side and pretending there is unanimity.
Darryl Cooper is the host of the MartyrMade podcast.
You may have to work on your awareness. And a full audit of the whole process is definitely a
lot more than some random spot.
The list you just linked showed that most states conduct routine audits of races.
The only states that don't seem to are deep red ones.
Spot audits are a valid way of discovering errors. If every state had to do full recounts for
every single race, the cost to taxpayers would be enormous and wasteful.
...Places like Georgia where Ds destroyed the system by actually eliminating audit... they just
run exactly the same fake ballots through they ran the first time... & they had a
'signature verification' & they didn't even turn the machine on.
There are three obvious methods of election fraud occurring in 2020
1) canvasing, where those canvasing voters holding mail in ballots are convincing them to
change their vote from republican to democrat, then paying them with what amounts to
trinkets. (flash light, pocket knife, tee shirt, those sorts of things)
2) Voting machine weighted votes, which occurs in republican heavy precincts using the Banzhaf Power Index. This system counts votes in decimals less than and greater than one for
each vote. An example would be weighting republican votes where each republican vote would
count 0.75, meaning 4 voters are necessary to achieve a vote of 3. (1.5 + 1.5 = 3), the
weighted scale increases as the number of votes increase. This is known as vote
redistribution. In essence a system such as this cold require(at 0.25) 200k republican votes
to equal 50k democrat votes
3) Mail in ballots which are rife with fraud of many types
That's not reality for SCOTUS. They don't make those kinds of rulings. What I would expect
from a majority opinion if they believed there was substantive fraud that was sufficient to
overturn the election results, would go like this: "Based upon the quantity and quality of
indicia for illegal ballots being counted, it is the opinion of the court that states X,Y,Z,
etc., cannot certify their election results based upon the election held on 3 NOV 20.
Accordingly, this case is remanded to the respective state legislatures for cure."
So what can the state legislatures do in accordance with Article II and the 12th
Amendment? They can try to do a revote, but that is nearly impossible given the time
constraints required by law. They can in many of these states appoint electors independently
of the vote held on 3 NOV 20. Keep in mind, not every state permits such a role for the
legislature. I don't see that happening, since the **perception** will be that they
disenfranchised all of the state's voters. The only logical outcome is all of those
respective states will not be able to certify their elections. As such, the 12th Amendment is
instructive here. At that point, Congress will decide who becomes president. This also
happened in the 1801 and 1825. Each state delegation gets exactly **one** vote. Since
republicans control 26 of the 50 state delegations, you can guess how that vote might
Isn't that preciously what your radical Dem brothers and sisters are up to hoping to snag
the Senate via Georgia on Jan 4th so that a one party America exists indefinitely? You are
"projecting" what your ilk is actually hoping to accomplish. 'Jeepers', yeah jeepers is
right. Nice try though.
You may want to read the complaint and resulting law suit filed by Lin Wood related to
Georgia mail in ballots. It eliminates your assumptions with fact. Yes, in Georgia the voter
signature validation was usurped for mail in ballots, allowing anyone with a mail in ballot
to vote.There are ample undercover videos of union postal workers selling mail in ballots.
Further there are many cases where mail in ballots were requested then the voter showed up at
the polls to physically vote. The voter indicating they had never requested a mail in ballot.
Plenty of documented cases, all you need do is look past you keyboard and tater chip
The secretary of state usurped the law in Georgia, telling polling places to ignore the
requirement to verify signatures of mail in ballots. The signatures are compared to the
drivers license database. The democrats (Stacey Abrams) worked with the secretary of state to
have such voting controls removed so the system could be easily frauded.
Audits will work if cross auditing is randomly performed and auditors have the authority
to either close the polls or invalidate the poll count based upon their discoveries.
Austin Texas = Kelly Reagan Brunner who was working at a Supported Living Center for
senior citizens has been arrested and charged with more than 100 counts of voter fraud. (She
was canvassing and changing votes).
Erie county elections, Poll worker posts on twitter about him throwing out Trump
7 Wards in Milwaukee report more votes than actual registered voters
Republican poll watchers prevented from entering Detroit poll counting center. official
states COVID 19 as their reason.
MIT scientists find objective evidence of vote tallies being forced negatively away for
the statistical mean by vote software. This was discovered in several states.
And on and on and on .........a landslide of objective evidence.
I'll tell you what Prof., if you think the cost of recounts is high, wait till you get a
load of the cost of the electorate's lack of confidence in the election process. That cost
will be measured in human lives.
But the Russians! Not my President. Resistance. Years of investigations into gossip
columnist Steele's paid report to the Democrats.
How could anybody with a brain in their head have ever taken Steele seriously? OK, he did
speak to a Yank who was once a Russian.
There was also a news aggregator run by Russians just as there are others run by other
humans. Only racists think that free speech should be restricted to Yanks.
[email protected]
Have you not been paying attention? The Dems states threw all election safeguards/checks
and balances in the garbage like the USPS workers did, and some claim poll workers did. Experts have done audits of the voting in swing states/counties and found highly
improbable vote counts......So.......
"... From 4 November 2020, the day after the election, until he left office on 23 December, Attorney General William Barr did nothing about electoral problems. The DOJ could have started grand juries in multiple suspect states when anamolies began to appear the week of the election, but did zero. When President Trump nominated Barr on 7 December 2018, I was very surprised, because of some of Barr's prior legal positions and associations. But that is another story. ..."
"... At the time of the 2020 election, mail-in and absentee voting had been greatly expanded, which has led to massive problems and some discussion. But the biggest danger which has received little exposure in mass media is in electronic voting and counting machines. In an electronic voting machine, the hidden electronic processes become the ballot -- not "your ballot" -- and the tabulation of ballots is also done by hidden electronic processes. No audit trail is possible. If a machine prints out a receipt with a bar code on it, that is not a ballot and it cannot be part of an audit. An audit requires original documents and items for every step in a process. ..."
"... The voting machine companies like to say their computer software code is "proprietary" and cannot be made public, and the stupid state and local governments seem to go along with it. Even if software source code is revealed in secret to a state agency, it can be changed later to permit fraud, and the governments will not know it. ..."
"... The problem of electronic voting machines was started and promoted nationwide in 2002 by Congress in the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) [3]. It promised states federal tax money if the states would implement some of its laughable "standards". Around 2004 or so, a group in San Antonio talked to me about the machines and a legal case, and I drafted a lawsuit paper to file and obtained an expert witness. But then the county's governing body offered them some money to educate voters about electronic voting machines, and they decided to not proceed with a case. At that time, the county election administration had electronic machines, and a maintenance contract that was expensive, but nothing remotely like the racket that exists today. Electronic voting machines are big business. Georgia paid at least $100 million for the Dominion voting machines it used in the 2020 elections, and New Jersey may pay from $60 to $80 million dollars or more to update its voting machines [4]. ..."
"... Peter Navarro is an Assistant to President Trump and Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, where he has consistently tried to rebuild domestic manufacturing and jobs, and cancel existing bad policies that favored China over U.S. jobs and industry. He has written two excellent booklets about problems with the 2020 presidential election. "The Immaculate Deception: Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities", and "The Art of the Steal: Volume 2 of the Navarro Report" [5] ..."
"... Election management systems, starting with Diebold, were it appears, specifically designed to do just that; manage elections. That this started in the export market as a foreign policy tool and has now come home to roost is all too symptomatic of other such dark practices, such as the information warfare and PSYOPS we are seeing much in evidence in what is left of politics in America. The resultant corrosive effect on democracy is near terminal - how many Trump supporters will believe a Warnock win was fair? ..."
"... As of this writing it looks like the election theft system put in place in Georgia is working as planned to ensure a Uniparty victory for the Democrats. The GOP will of course blame Trump and his supporters and go back to rolling in the grift over to Landslide Joe and the woman who couldn't win a single delegate. ..."
When using electronic voting machines you do not vote. Election workers do not count the votes.
Everybody knows that a valid election has three parts: qualified, eligible voters are listed; an eligible voter expresses a legal
vote on a ballot; and the votes are counted accurately. For a small organization or club, this is easy. All the candidates and voters
are in one room and everybody knows everyone else. Each member writes the name of their choice on a piece of paper and folds it over,
the votes are put in a box, and then the votes are opened and counted in front of everybody. Everything is done in the same room.
A local, state, or national election has the same parts, but with many more voters, and voting and counting locations, it is spread
out over a much bigger area. Many things are a system, including your cardiovascular system [1]. But since an election as a system
is created by people, it is amateurish and simple compared to the sophisticated cardiovascular system. Despite its simplicity, there
is little or no "transparency", today's trendy term. Because of human nature and the money and authority available through a government,
an enormous incentive is created to rig and cheat in an election.
Documents attached to various lawsuits, other information, and the blocking of public examination of ballots and electronic voting
and counting machines are showing huge problems and fraud in the November 2020 general election in an amount that can affect the
result. But those with the authority to do the most the fastest are so far doing nothing, from the federal Department That Calls
Itself Justice (DOJ), to local District Attorneys.
The Attorney General and the U.S. Attorneys in the 94 federal districts have a lightening bolt in their hands. Federal grand jury
subpoenas are nationwide in scope. A grand jury does not just issue formal criminal charges, it can also investigate, under the age-old
rationale that "the public is entitled to every man's evidence". Unlike the FBI, which is required by policy to have a factual "predicate"
before it can open an investigation, a grand jury is in no way limited. The U.S. Supreme Court in 1992 made clear that "the grand
jury can investigate merely on suspicion that the law is being violated, or even because it wants assurance that it is not" [2]--
"The grand jury's functional independence from the Judicial Branch is evident both in the scope of its power to investigate criminal
wrongdoing and in the manner in which that power is exercised. Unlike [a] [c]ourt, whose jurisdiction is predicated upon a specific
case or controversy, the grand jury can investigate merely on suspicion that the law is being violated, or even because it wants
assurance that it is not. It need not identify the offender it suspects, or even the precise nature of the offense it is investigating.
The grand jury requires no authorization from its constituting court to initiate an investigation, nor does the prosecutor require
leave of court to seek a grand jury indictment. And in its day-to-day functioning, the grand jury generally operates without the
interference of a presiding judge. It swears in its own witnesses, and deliberates in total secrecy" [citations in this passage are
From 4 November 2020, the day after the election, until he left office on 23 December, Attorney General William Barr did nothing
about electoral problems. The DOJ could have started grand juries in multiple suspect states when anamolies began to appear the week
of the election, but did zero. When President Trump nominated Barr on 7 December 2018, I was very surprised, because of some of Barr's
prior legal positions and associations. But that is another story.
At the time of the 2020 election, mail-in and absentee voting had been greatly expanded, which has led to massive problems
and some discussion. But the biggest danger which has received little exposure in mass media is in electronic voting and counting
machines. In an electronic voting machine, the hidden electronic processes become the ballot -- not "your ballot" -- and the tabulation
of ballots is also done by hidden electronic processes. No audit trail is possible. If a machine prints out a receipt with a bar
code on it, that is not a ballot and it cannot be part of an audit. An audit requires original documents and items for every step
in a process.
The voting machine companies like to say their computer software code is "proprietary" and cannot be made public, and the
stupid state and local governments seem to go along with it. Even if software source code is revealed in secret to a state agency,
it can be changed later to permit fraud, and the governments will not know it.
The problem of electronic voting machines was started and promoted nationwide in 2002 by Congress in the Help America Vote
Act (HAVA) [3]. It promised states federal tax money if the states would implement some of its laughable "standards". Around 2004
or so, a group in San Antonio talked to me about the machines and a legal case, and I drafted a lawsuit paper to file and obtained
an expert witness. But then the county's governing body offered them some money to educate voters about electronic voting machines,
and they decided to not proceed with a case. At that time, the county election administration had electronic machines, and a maintenance
contract that was expensive, but nothing remotely like the racket that exists today. Electronic voting machines are big business.
Georgia paid at least $100 million for the Dominion voting machines it used in the 2020 elections, and New Jersey may pay from $60
to $80 million dollars or more to update its voting machines [4].
Before the 2008 general election, I wrote an editorial about problems with electronic voting machines to the main newspaper in
Bexar County, Texas, which had a population at that time of about 1,622,899. It was accepted for publication, but then I was told
that a person higher up at the paper ordered it killed and that it not be published, because it was "too controversial".
Two years ago I wrote an article on the issue, emphasizing that the electronic machines were more of a problem than the hot issue
of the day, voter identification cards. But since then, I have changed my opinion because absentee and mail-in voting have greatly
expanded to the point where voter ID and verification is now just as big a problem as the electronic voting and counting machines
Peter Navarro is an Assistant to President Trump and Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, where he has
consistently tried to rebuild domestic manufacturing and jobs, and cancel existing bad policies that favored China over U.S. jobs
and industry. He has written two excellent booklets about problems with the 2020 presidential election. "The Immaculate Deception:
Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities", and "The Art of the Steal: Volume 2 of the Navarro Report" [5]:
Congress is to meet on Wednesday, 6 January 2021 to count electoral votes from the meetings of the Electoral College on 14 December
2020. The National Archives is involved first [6]
"The Office of the Federal Register (OFR) is a part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and, on behalf
of the Archivist of the United States, coordinates certain functions of the Electoral College between the States and Congress.
Acting as an intermediary, it reviews the Certificates of Ascertainment and Vote before Congress accepts them as evidence of official
State action in preparation for the counting of electoral votes in Congress".
The National Archives Internet website also has information from its work on the 2020 election, and links to the certificates
of each Electoral College meeting from the states [7].
Some members of Congress are posturing or squirming as problems with the election have not gone away in favor of business as usual.
But resistance on the big day of 6 January to voting fraud requires that the member put his or her name to a writing objecting to
the electoral votes from the six most problematic states: Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada.
But under the cover provided by media publicity, the vapid statements of 12 Senators are loaded with mushy language. Senator Josh
Hawley (Repub. Missouri) says he will:
"... object to highlight the failure of some states, including notably Pennsylvania [but not others?], to follow their own
election laws .... He will call for Congress to launch a full investigation of potential fraud and election irregularities and
enact election integrity measures" [8].
Republican Senators Ted Cruz (Texas), Ron Johnson (Wisconsin), James Lankford (Oklahoma), Steve Daines (Montana), John Kennedy
(Louisiana), Marsha Blackburn (Tennessee), and Mike Braun (Indiana), and Senators-Elect Cynthia Lummis (Wyoming), Roger Marshall
(Kansas), Bill Hagerty (Tennessee), and Tommy Tuberville (Alabama) in their statement bloviate for 12 paragraphs before saying--
"Accordingly, we intend to vote on January 6 to reject the electors from disputed states as not 'regularly given' and 'lawfully
certified' (the statutory requisite), unless and until that emergency 10-day audit is completed" [9].
They then say,
"We are not naive. We fully expect most if not all Democrats, and perhaps more than a few Republicans, to vote otherwise".
Yes, you are not naive, but you are con-men and con-women. You declare that:
"Congress should immediately appoint an Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and fact-finding authority, to conduct
an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed states. Once completed, individual states would evaluate the
Commission's findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed".
So, Senator Ted Cruz et. al. You think you are going to set up a commission, after detailing in writing its "investigatory and
fact-finding authority", and carefully audit the "election returns" in the form of millions of votes. All in 10 days, by the 20th
of January.
And you 12 bulls**t artists said an audit would be only of "election returns", and would not include a forensic examination of
thousands of electronic voting machines, when so far their manufacturers, along with governors and state election officials, have
constantly worked to block any examination or monitoring of them. In case you Senators do not know it, computer software on an electronic
voting machine operates secretly with zero transparency.
U.S. Representative Mo Brooks (Repub. Alabama) stepped up to the plate and has been in the forefront challenging the election
results and the resulting Electoral College votes. He has said that more than 36 members of the House have signed to dispute the
voting results in the six states in question.
Brooks then exposed the 12 strutting senators plus Senator Kelly Loeffler (Repub. Georgia) as snakes in the grass, since as of
the time of his writing, only three have actually signed onto an objection, and that was to only one state apiece and not to all
six states: Cruz has objected to Arizona, Hawley has objected to Pennsylvania, and Loeffler has objected to Georgia [10].
The only solution is for all votes to be on paper ballots that are counted by hand, and for Congress to repeal the Help America
Vote Act.
The subject known as industrial engineering deals with designing the physical actions that are to be used to do a particular task.
The military and intelligence agencies have developed procedures to create, handle, and transmit information in a secure way. High
resolution cameras are now inexpensive with multiple features and can be used in vehicles [11]. You can carefully select a print
shop to print the ballots, with controls and cameras to monitor their placement at polling places.
These resources can create a legitimate paper-based election system, and will not cost $100 million or more for electronic machines
for one state.
The German Constitutional Court declared electronic voting machines illegal in March 2009 [12].
Congress is the culprit pushing and providing money to promote electronic voting machines starting with the HAVA law in 2002.
Politicians and bureaucracies do not want to admit they were wrong or made a mistake.
When electronic voting machines are used, voters no longer mark their ballots. Local election officials no longer count them.
Devices created and programmed out of public view do it. No genuine recount or audit is possible. Any fraud is undetectable, or almost
so after a time-consuming examination.
The perfect crime, except it is not a crime.
It is all legal, or so the U.S. Congress has tried to say.
And no voting procedures -- including the use of electronic voting and counting machines -- were changed before the runoff elections
for two U.S. Senators in Georgia on 5 January.
A few things still trouble me that don't appear in any later dicussions of this topic, including this very good one:
The fact just about every other European country and other industrialized nations now prohibit 'electronic voting" in their
federal elections, due to inherent ability to corrupt outcomes. Claims "electronic voting" undermines election integrity and thereby voter trust. Which they seem to value more than the US.
Hilary Clinton's recovered email around the time of the Haiti earthquake where she touts the use of Dominion Voting Systems
to someone else, because she assured them they provide "very happy results".
An excellent post Mr Willmann. I wholeheartedly agree with your views on electronic vote counting, the words "voting" and "machine"
must be separated, for good.
Election management systems, starting with Diebold, were it appears, specifically designed to do just that; manage elections.
That this started in the export market as a foreign policy tool and has now come home to roost is all too symptomatic of other
such dark practices, such as the information warfare and PSYOPS we are seeing much in evidence in what is left of politics in
America. The resultant corrosive effect on democracy is near terminal - how many Trump supporters will believe a Warnock win was
As your personal experience attests, interest in free and fair elections can be trumped by cold hard cash. And rather than
be innocently unaware of the implications of introducing electronic voting, at least some state authorities seem to have been
suspiciously desperate to get systems put in with no regard for conducting the appropriate due diligence.
The "much bigger area" you describe is a logistical headache, but last I checked liberty wasn't easily achieved. In the recent
Federal elections I am reading that this area may extend out all the way to Rome. More on that will come out soon perhaps.
I too was puzzled by Barr & the DOJ's inaction wrt evident widespread election fraud...
As of this writing it looks like the election theft system put in place in Georgia is working as planned to ensure a
Uniparty victory for the Democrats. The GOP will of course blame Trump and his supporters and go back to rolling in the
grift over to Landslide Joe and the woman who couldn't win a single delegate.
The Capitol building was placed on lockdown, with senators and members of the House locked
inside their chambers, as Congress began debating President-elect Joe Biden's victory. President
Trump addressed supporters near the White House before protesters marched to Capitol Hill.
...the action hardens the bitter partisanship in Congress and is bound to leave millions of
voters questioning the legitimacy of Biden's victory in the November presidential election.
... More than a thousand people gathered at a park south of the White House before dawn on
Wednesday. At least three separate pro-Trump rallies are expected in Washington. Lawmakers have
been given security instructions, including using underground tunnels between chambers in the
Capitol and to nearby office buildings. The city of Washington has activated the National
Guard, and many local businesses boarded up their doors and windows in anticipation of possible
The lawmakers objecting on Wednesday are poised to form the core of the anti-Biden group in
the new Congress, where they will likely urge GOP leaders to refuse any deals with a president
they consider illegitimate.
... Josh Hawley, a Republican of Missouri, was the first senator to indicate that he would
join the effort to challenge the results. Since then, several other senators, including Ted
Cruz of Texas and GOP Republicans elected to the chamber for the first time in November, have
indicated they would support the effort unless there is an investigation of the voting
Georgia radio host John Fredricks said several voters in Republican precincts called his
show Tuesday morning and told him that they were unable to cast their votes in the state's
runoff election due to malfunctions by Dominion machines. The callers said workers at the polls
told them to put their ballots in a box, telling them their ballots would be scanned later.
Fredericks spoke about the problems reported by voters during an appearance on Steve
Bannon's War Room Pandemic.
Gabriel Sterling announced a problem in Columbia County, "Some issues in Columbia Co. There
was a programming error on security keys for some locations scanners & pollworker cards.
Voting continues on backup emergency ballots. Newly programmed keys&cards are being taken
to locations via law enforcement."
First hand claim posted to Twitter by a voter in the city of Covington in Newton County,
"Just voted in Newton County Georgia. Heavy republican district.. When I went to place my
printed ballot into the dominion machine, the poll worked said the scanner was broken and
someone was coming to fix it, I placed it in the machine slot but not in the scanner.
First hand claim posted to Twitter by a voter in the city of Covington in Newton County,
"Just voted in Newton County Georgia. Heavy republican district.. When I went to place my
printed ballot into the dominion machine, the poll worked said the scanner was broken and
someone was coming to fix it, I placed it in the machine slot but not in the scanner.
A voter in Sandy Springs in Fulton County, "Just voted in #Georgia runoff & of course in
heavily @GOP precinct at HeardsFerry -- Sandy Springs #Dominion scanners "are down." This means
@TheDemocrats activist now will be in charge of scanning my vote for @sendavidperdue &
@KLoeffler @BrianKempGA @KLoeffler @GabrielSterling"
A second hand account posted to Twitter, "A friend just texted in Georgia that the Dominion
voting machine in Troup County is jammed. They put his ballot in a box and said they'd scan it
later. The steak (sic) is back on!"
My family in GA trying to vote this morning. Was told that machines are "down" and he has to
vote provisional. Here's the catch: Machines are NOT down in Democrat county. Just the Repub
Co. Columbia county It's a Republican-majority county. People forced to vote with provisional
ballots and told to check online later to see if the vote was counted. Next county over is
Richmond Co, a Democrat-majority county, with machines that are working just fine."
More: Spalding County: "SPAULDING (sic) COUNTY, GA: Spoke with a woman who went to vote at
7am this morning. She & other voters were told the #dominion machines were down. They were
not given emergency paper ballots & were told to come later. Some voters unable to come
back due to work. @RealAmVoice"
President Trump reports, "Reports are coming out of the 12th Congressional District of
Georgia that Dominion Machines are not working in certain Republican Strongholds for over an
hour. Ballots are being left in lock boxes, hopefully they count them. Thank you
I think George Soros has the right idea using minimal bux to take of the justice system. You
go down to the state level and finance the state election committees and the courts - Kim Foxx
in Chicago, George Gascon in LA, Kim Gardner in St. Louis, Dana Nessel in Michigan.
Then they sell Dominion voting machines and fix the election.... pure genius.
Is Mitch McConnell a shadow lobbyist for Dominion?
Notable quotes:
"... In July, McConnell blocked two bills, one that would provide $775 million to "bolster election security," along with requiring a physical paper trail of every single ballot cast in the country, and a second that would mandate political candidates, their staff members, and their families, to notify the FBI if any foreign government offered to assist them. ..."
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) quashed two election integrity bills in July
last year after receiving thousands in donations from Dominion lobbyists.
In July, McConnell blocked two bills, one that would provide $775 million to "bolster
election security," along with requiring a physical paper trail of every single ballot cast in
the country, and a second that would mandate political candidates, their staff members, and
their families, to notify the FBI if any foreign government offered to assist them.
"... It is difficult to know or to ensure that the ballots are actual ballots from registered voters. For example in the early hours of the morning of November 4 large ballot drops occurred in Michigan and Wisconsin that wiped out Trump's lead. State officials have reported that people not registered -- probably illegals -- were permitted to vote. Postal service workers have reported being ordered to backdate ballots that suddenly appeared in the middle of the night after the deadline. These techniques were used to erase Trump's substantial leads in the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia. ..."
"... Digital technology has also made it easy to alter vote counts. US Air Force General Thomas McInerney is familiar with this technology. He says it was developed by the National Security Agency in order to interfere in foreign elections, but now is in the hands of the CIA and was used to defeat Trump. Trump is considered to be an enemy of the military/security complex because of his wish to normalize relations with Russia, thus taking away the enemy that justifies the CIA's budget and power. ..."
"... The military/security complex favors the disunity that the Democrat Party and media have fostered with their ideology of Identity Politics. ..."
"... I would take it a little further and say that voting by mail is a method of vote fraud. The supposed safeguards are easily circumvented, as some whistleblowers have illustrated with ballots being brought forth in large numbers after election day without postmarks and postal workers being ordered to stamp them with acceptable postmarks. ..."
"... Eisenhower is always lauded for his MIC warning. Frankly he ticks me off. Thanks for the warning AFTER you were in some position to mitigate. ..."
"... the most likely source of fraud that is hard to detect, is ballot harvesting. This should be outlawed as it violates the idea of a secret ballot. Somebody comes to the home of a disinterested voter and makes sure he votes (of course they will never admit to hounding the person) and "helps" them with the ballot. If the voter cannot be cajoled into voting the correct way, you merely throw his ballot in the trash. ..."
"... Living in an urban setting I often had to visit apartment buildings. Without fail, there was always a pile of undeliverable mail in the lobby under the mailboxes. ..."
"... His farewell address was just flapdoodle; it wasn't really dredged up till the 70s. Eisenhower spent eight years spreading tripwires and mines and then said "Watch out." Thanks buddy. ..."
"... As the German newspaper editor Udo Ulfkotte revealed in his book, Bought Journalism, the European and US media speak with one voice -- the voice of the CIA. The very profitable and powerful US military/security complex needs foreign enemies. ..."
"... inventive creative new ways to deceive.. first it was election machines, then mail in votes. ..."
"... The phrase "there's no evidence" is just a public commitment to ignore any evidence, no matter how blatant or obvious. ..."
"... Paper ballots as ascribed by Tulsi Gabbard legislation is the only safe option for elections. Kudos to Tulsi! ..."
"... Everyone knew about the potential for voter fraud to occur, but the entire system is corrupt, including Trump who has allowed the massive corruption within the system that was present when he entered office to persist and grow because he is a wimpy, spineless, coward, that was too afraid to make any waves and take the heat that he promised his voters. ..."
"... Why anyone voted for Trump in 2020 confounds me. I voted for him in 2016 and he has turned out to be one of the worst presidents in history. ..."
"... Trump in his cowardess and dishonesty knew that the ailing economy would harm his chances of being re-elected, so he allowed the health scare scamdemic to occur and destroy the livelihoods, lives, and businesses of hundreds of millions of Americans because he is a psychopath. Trump did not do what he promised. Trump made America worse than it has ever been since the end of slavery. ..."
"... Trump has also demanded the extradition of Assange after telling his voters that he loved wikileaks. Trump is a two-faced, lying, fraud. It has been his pattern. He consistently supports various groups and people like Wikileaks, Proud Boys, and others and panders to them and voters and tells people that he loves them, and then every time without fail when the heat is on, Trump says," I really don't know anything about them." ..."
"... "I know nothing." Trump saying "I know nothing." defines his presidency and who he is as a person, a spineless, pandering, corrupt, two-faced, narcissist, loser, and wimp! ..."
A few months ago it looked like the re-election of Trump was almost certain, but now there was a close race between Trump
and Biden? What happen during the last months?
In the months before the election, the Democrats used the "Covid pandemic" to put in place voting by mail. The argument was used
that people who safely go to supermarkets and restaurants could catch Covid if they stood in voting lines. Never before used on a
large scale, voting by mail is subject to massive vote fraud.
There are many credible reports of organized vote fraud committed by Democrats. The only question is whether the Republican establishment
will support challenging the documented fraud or whether Trump will be pressured to concede in order to protect the reputation of
American Democracy.
It is difficult to know or to ensure that the ballots are actual ballots from registered voters. For example in the early
hours of the morning of November 4 large ballot drops occurred in Michigan and Wisconsin that wiped out Trump's lead. State officials
have reported that people not registered -- probably illegals -- were permitted to vote. Postal service workers have reported being
ordered to backdate ballots that suddenly appeared in the middle of the night after the deadline. These techniques were used to erase
Trump's substantial leads in the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia.
Digital technology has also made it easy to alter vote counts. US Air Force General Thomas McInerney is familiar with this
technology. He says it was developed by the National Security Agency in order to interfere in foreign elections, but now is in the
hands of the CIA and was used to defeat Trump. Trump is considered to be an enemy of the military/security complex because of his
wish to normalize relations with Russia, thus taking away the enemy that justifies the CIA's budget and power.
People do not understand. They think an election has been held when in fact what has occurred is that massive vote fraud has been
used to effect a revolution against red state white America. Leaders of the revolution, such as Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
are demanding a list of Trump supporters who are "to be held accountable." Calls are being made for the arrest of Tucker Carlson,
the only mainstream journalist who supported President Trump.
In a recent column I wrote:
"Think what it means that the entirety of the US media, allegedly the 'watchdogs of democracy,' are openly involved in participating
in the theft of a presidential election.
"Think what it means that a large number of Democrat public and election officials are openly involved in the theft of a presidential
"It means that the United States is split irredeemably. The hatred for white people that has been cultivated for many years,
portraying white Americans as "systemic racists," together with the Democrats' lust for power and money, has destroyed national
unity. The consequence will be the replacement of rules with force."
Mainstream media in Europe claim, that Trump had "divided" the United States. But isn`t it actually the other way around,
that his opponents have divided the country?
As the German newspaper editor Udo Ulfkotte revealed in his book, Bought Journalism , the European and US media speak with
one voice -- the voice of the CIA. The very profitable and powerful US military/security complex needs foreign enemies. Russiagate
was a CIA/FBI successful effort to block Trump from reducing tensions with Russia. In 1961 in his last address to the American people
President Dwight Eisenhower warned that the growing power of the military/industrial complex was a threat to American democracy.
We ignored his warning and now have security agencies more powerful than the President.
The military/security complex favors the disunity that the Democrat Party and media have fostered with their ideology of Identity
Politics. Identity politics replaced Marxist class war with race and gender war. White people, and especially white heterosexual
males, are the new oppressor class. This ideology causes race and gender disunity and prevents any unified opposition to the security
agencies ability to impose its agendas by controlling explanations. Opposition to Trump cemented the alliance between Democrats,
media, and the Deep State.
It is possible that the courts will decide who will be sworn into office at January 20, 2021. Do you except a phase of uncertainty
or even a constitutional crisis?
There is no doubt that numerous irregularities indicate that the election was stolen and that the ground was well laid in advance.
Trump intends to challenge the obvious theft. However, his challenges will be rejected in Democrat ruled states, as they were part
of the theft and will not indict themselves. This means Trump and his attorneys will have to have constitutional grounds for taking
their cases to the federal Supreme Court. The Republicans have a majority on the Court, but the Court is not always partisan.
Republicans tend to be more patriotic than Democrats, who denounce America as racist, fascist, sexist, imperialist. This patriotism
makes Republicans impotent when it comes to political warfare that could adversely affect America's reputation. The inclination of
Republicans is for Trump to protect America's reputation by conceding the election. Republicans fear the impact on America's reputation
of having it revealed that America's other major party plotted to steal a presidental election.
Red state Americans, on the other hand, have no such fear. They understand that they are the targets of the Democrats, having
been defined by Democrats as "racist white supremacist Trump deplorables."
The introduction of a report of the Heritage Foundation states that "the United States has a long and unfortunate history
of election fraud". Are the 2020 presidential elections another inglorious chapter in this long history?
This time the fraud is not local as in the past. It is the result of a well organized national effort to get rid of a president
that the Establishment does not accept.
Somehow you get the impression that in the USA – as in many European countries democracy is just a facade – or am I wrong?
You are correct. Trump is the first non-establishment president who became President without being vetted by the Establishment
since Ronald Reagan. Trump was able to be elected only because the Establishment thought he had no chance and took no measures to
prevent his election. A number of studies have concluded that in the US the people, despite democracy and voting, have zero input
into public policy.
Democracy cannot work in America because the money of the elite prevails. American democracy is organized in order to prevent
the people from having a voice. A political campaign is expensive. The money for candidates comes from interest groups, such as defense
contractors, Wall Street, the pharmaceutical industry, the Israel Lobby. Consequently, the winning candidate is indebted to his funders,
and these are the people whom he serves.
European mainstream media are portraying Biden as a luminous figure. Should Biden become president, what can be expected
in terms of foreign and security policy, especially in regard to China, Russia and the Middle East? I mean, the deep state and the
military-industrial complex remain surely nearly unchanged.
Biden will be a puppet, one unlikely to be long in office. His obvious mental confusion will be used either to rule through him
or to remove him on grounds of mental incompetence. No one wants the nuclear button in the hands of a president who doesn't know
which day of the week it is or where he is.
The military/security complex needs enemies for its power and profit and will be certain to retain the list of desirable foreign
enemies -- Russia, Iran, China, and any independent-inclined country in Latin America. Being at war is also a way of distracting
the people of the war against their liberties.
What the military/security complex might not appreciate is that among its Democrat allies there are some, such as Representative
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who are ideological revolutionaries. Having demonized red state America and got rid of Trump (assuming
the electoral fraud is not overturned by the courts), Ocasio-Cortez and her allies intend to revolutionize the Democrat Party and
make it a non-establishment force. In her mind white people are the Establishment, which we already see from her demands for a list
of Trump supporters to be punished.
I think I'm not wrong in assuming that a Biden-presidency would mean more identity politics, more political correctness
etc. for the USA. How do you see this?
Identity politics turns races and genders against one another. As white people -- "systemic racists" -- are defined as the oppressor
class, white people are not protected from hate speech and hate crimes. Anything can be said or done to a white American and it is
not considered politically incorrect.
With Trump and his supporters demonized, under Democrat rule the transition of white Americans into second or third class citizens
will be completed.
How do you access Trump's first term in office? Where was he successful and where he failed?
Trump spent his entire term in office fighting off fake accusations -- Russiagate, Impeachgate, failure to bomb Russia for paying
Taliban to kill American occupiers of Afghanistan, causing Covid by not wearing a mask, and so on and on.
That Trump survived all the false charges shows that he is a real person, a powerful character. Who else could have survived what
Trump has been subjected to by the Establishment and their media prostitutes. In the United States the media is known as "presstitutes"
-- press prostitutes. That is what Udo Ulfkotte says they are in Europe. As a former Wall Street Journal editor, I say with complete
confidence that there is no one in the American media today I would have hired. The total absence of integrity in the Western media
is sufficient indication that the West is doomed.
Never before used on a large scale, voting by mail is subject to massive vote fraud.
I would take it a little further and say that voting by mail is a method of vote fraud. The supposed safeguards are easily
circumvented, as some whistleblowers have illustrated with ballots being brought forth in large numbers after election day without
postmarks and postal workers being ordered to stamp them with acceptable postmarks.
It really seems to me that there would be no democrat majorities in Congress or in so many state legislatures without vote
Worse than the fraud available with vote by mail is the voting of people normally who don't bother to vote. Think of how stupid
and uninformed that average American voter is. Now realize how much more stupid and uninformed the non-voter is, only now he votes.
However, the most likely source of fraud that is hard to detect, is ballot harvesting. This should be outlawed as it violates
the idea of a secret ballot. Somebody comes to the home of a disinterested voter and makes sure he votes (of course they will
never admit to hounding the person) and "helps" them with the ballot. If the voter cannot be cajoled into voting the correct way,
you merely throw his ballot in the trash.
I have little doubt that there have been massive "irregularities", particularly in the so-called battleground states, that
are at play in "stealing" the election.
...The favourite phrase these days is "no evidence of wide spread voter fraud". Let's break that down. Only 6 states have been
challenged for vote fraud. In the big scheme of things, 6 states is not wide spread, even if there is massive vote fraud within
those 6 states. That the vote fraud is not widespread, implies that some vote fraud is acceptable, and that the listener should
ignore it. Last and most importantly, in the narrowest of legalistic terms, testimony or affidavits are not evidence. Testimony
and affidavits become evidence when supported by physical evidence. An affidavit with a photograph demonstrating the statement
would be evidence.
Another phrase is something like "election officials say they have seen no evidence of voter fraud". I have yet to hear a reporter
challenge the "seen no evidence of " part of the statement, regardless of the subject, by asking if the speaker had looked for
any evidence. They won't, because they know damn well no one has.
That is how the liars operate. Not so different from Rumsfeld's "plausible deniability".
Living in an urban setting I often had to visit apartment buildings. Without fail, there was always a pile of undeliverable
mail in the lobby under the mailboxes.
The envelopes were mostly addressed to people who had moved out or died. If ballots were sent to these people based on incorrect
voter rolls, then these too would likely have been left sitting on the floor or on a ledge for anyone to take.
It doesn't take a leap of faith to know what a Trump-hating leftist would do when no one is looking. This moral hazard was
intentionally created by Dems, who know that urban dwellers are transient and lean left politically.
Eisenhower is always lauded for his MIC warning. Frankly he ticks me off. Thanks for the warning AFTER you were in some
position to mitigate.
Ike's a mystery. Why did he NOT question Harry Truman's commitments to NATO, the UN, and all that rubbish? Ike was a WWII guy.
He knew Americans hated the UN in 1953 as much as they hated the League of Nations after WWI. But he let it all slide and get
His farewell address was just flapdoodle; it wasn't really dredged up till the 70s. Eisenhower spent eight years spreading
tripwires and mines and then said "Watch out." Thanks buddy.
Well, agree on your points however, on the other side of the ledger, he never understood the stupidity of the Korean war (that
he could have ended) and majorly up-ramped CIA activities in all manner of regime change (bay of pigs anyone?). Almost a direct
path to our foreign policy now (and now domestic policy)
He did deploy the military assistance advisory group to Vietnam in 1955. This is considered the beginning of U.S. involvement
in the war. This allowed the French to moonwalk out the back door leaving us holding the bag. In fairness this was Johnson's war
however. Eisenhower did cut the military budget as a peace dividend to fund interstate system and other domestic projects. In
today political spectrum he would be considered a flaming liberal.
As the German newspaper editor Udo Ulfkotte revealed in his book, Bought Journalism, the European and US media speak
with one voice -- the voice of the CIA. The very profitable and powerful US military/security complex needs foreign enemies.
What intrigues me is the ultimate political goal of the UN and the WEF when they anticipate a single global government centered
at the UN and the absence of nation-states.
So what is the MIC going to do when there are no existential threats of competing nation-states? Or will the MIC re-engineer
religious wars between the various religious groups, secular and theological? It seems the aspirations of the WEF and its fellow
travellers preclude the occurrence of future armed conflicts.
Of course one needs capitalistic economies to produce the ordnance and materiels for the engineered social factions to war
with each other. Yet if the Greens have their way, there will be no mining period.
More likely is the possibility that none of them actually understand what they are doing. As Nassim Taleb is alleged to have
remarked, 99% of humans are stupid.
The total absence of integrity in the Western media is sufficient indication that the West is doomed.
It's because Western media is completely under the control of Jews, the world's foremost End Justifies Means people. The Fourth
Estate has become the world's most powerful Bully Pulpit. There are still a few good ones though, brave souls they are: Kim Strassel
of WSJ, Daniel Larison of The American Conservative , Neil Munro of Breitbart.
The rest are more or less lying scums, including everyone on NYTimes, WSJ, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, MSNBC, Fox News (minus
Tucker Carlson and Maria Bartiromo), The Economist , and let's not forget the new media: Google, Facebook, Twitter. The
world would be a much better place without any of them.
-- with either vote flipping on machines or having the totals that paper ballot scanners tabulate adjust via a pre-programmed
algorithm. Many elections have already been stolen this way.
Nancy Pelosi claims that Biden's victory gives the Democrats a "MANDATE" to alter the economy as they see fit with 50.5%.
This proves that Biden will NOT represent everyone – only the left! I have warned that this has been their agenda from day one.
Now, three whistleblowers from the Democratic software company Dominion Voting Systems, alleging that the company's software stole
38 million votes from Trump. There are people claiming that Dominion Voting Systems is linked to Soros, Dianae Finesteing, Clintons,
and Pelosi's husband. I cannot verify any of these allegations so far.
We are at the Rubicon. Civil War is on the other side. There should NEVER be this type of drastic change to the economy
from Capitalism to Marxism on 50.5% of the popular vote. NOBODY should be able to restructure the government and the economy on
less than 2/3rds of the majority. That would be a mandate. Trying to change everything with a claim of 50.5% of the vote will
only signal, like the Dread Scot decision, that there is no solution by rule of law. This is the end of civilization and it will
turn ugly from here because there is no middle ground anymore. As I have warned, historically the left will never tolerate opposition.
Yes, the theft is blatant. But what are you, us, going to do about it? We really can't do much as the Office of the President
Elect requires us to wear masks. For our safety.
"in the narrowest of legalistic terms, testimony or affidavits are not evidence. Testimony and affidavits become evidence when
supported by physical evidence. " Correct – but they also can become evidence by verbal testimony. ie "I saw the defendant hit
the victim with a rock"
Not only have they stolen the election but when Joe Biden and other democrats claim that President Trump caused the deaths
of hundreds of thousands of Americans because of his handling of Covid 19, they are in sane. No world leader could stop the spread
of this respiratory virus. However, Joe Biden and democrats have caused the deaths of hundreds of white people, while whipping
up weak minded people to kill many whites. Biden and the democrats are criminals. Any one who is white, man or woman, that supports
the democratic party is enabling a criminal organization to perpetrate violence on white people, including murder.
Since the article was from a German magazine it's understandable that there is no mention of "the one who shall not be named".
No mention of the people behind the Lawfare group, the same people behind the impeachment, the same people providing financial
and ideological support for the BLM/Antifa, the same people that own the media that spewed lies for 5 years and censored any mention
of the Biden family corruption, no mention of the people behind this Color Revolution, the same people who promoted the mail in
voting and those that managed the narrative for the media on election night to stop Trump's momentum.
For the public consumption the election will be described in vague terms, like this article, blaming special interests and
institutions like the FBI, CIA and MIC without naming names as if an institution, not the oligarchs and chosen pulling the strings,
are somehow Marxist, anti-white or anti-Christian.
The interviewer quotes the Heritage Foundation does anyone even care what they say? The English Tavistock Institute by way
of the CIA which the British molded from the OSS created programs for the Heritage Foundation as well as the Hoover Institute,
MIT, Stanford University, Wharton, Rand etc. These "rightwing think tanks" were created to counter the CIA's "leftwing think tanks"
at Columbia, Berkeley etc. Thank you British Intelligence.
Steve Bannon was just interviewing someone (can't remember his name). Apparently there are about 200 to 300 IT professionals/engineers
working on these so-called "glitches" (not glitches at all) which mysteriously "disappeared" thousands of Trump votes. Then they'd
dump phony Biden votes into the mix. These IT professionals are going to follow the trail.
I've also heard that Dominion Voting Systems played a big part in this scam by using algorithms. One Trump lawyer said that
big revelations are coming.
We're going to have to be patient and just wait.
"The inclination of Republicans is for Trump to protect America's reputation by conceding the election."
I honestly think it's more like the old established Republicans (corporate bought) want Trump to lose because that is what
their campaign donors want (Big Pharma, Wall Street, etc.) They are part of the elite, and the elite (both the Democrats AND Republicans)
want Trump gone so they can continue their crony capitalist looting. They've got to appear like they're behind Trump, but I don't
think they are. Of course, that's not all Republican representatives.
Sounds like they've been rigging elections for awhile now. I bet they just messed up with Hillary. I think that's why she was
so upset. She had it, but they screwed up and didn't supply enough ballots.
@KenHinventive creative new ways to deceive.. first it was election machines, then mail in votes. next it will be magic carpet
voting. But the votes don't count, cause it is the electoral college that elects the President.
Trump also lost a significant number who did not understand Trump was an Israeli at heart, they thought he was a uncoothed
NYC red blooded American.
As far as white, black or pokadot color or any of the religions ganging up against Trump I don't think that happened, the fall
out into statistically discoverable categories is just that, fall out, not those categories conspiring to vote or not vote one
way or the other.
PCR seems to have trouble seeing a difference between the counting of perfectly proper votes which Pres Trump's post office
delivered late which may or may not be allowed by law which can be determined in court, and fraud like the dead voting or votes
being forged.
The fraud is all so transparent but no one in the power elite seems to give a crap whether the public catches on or not these
days. They know that the entire media which creates the false matrix of contrived "truth" that we all live in will back them to
the hilt because they are actually just one more working part in the grand conspiracy. We all know that when "O'Brian" says 2
+ 2 equals 5 we must all believe it, or at least say we do. We interface with "O'Brian's" minions on a daily basis but we don't
know the ultimate identity of "O'Brian" (in the singular or multiple). Many guesses are made, but they hide that from us fairly
well with the aid of their militaries and "intelligence" agencies (aka secret police in other times and places).
For example in the early hours of the morning of November 4 large ballot drops occurred in Michigan and Wisconsin that wiped
out Trump's lead.
In a very similar vein, it is the same thing that happened to Bernie Sanders during the primary's. Joe was down and out, and
Bernie was enjoying the lead and then "Bam!" Overnight Joe is back on top.
Well, fool me once,,,,,, .,and blah, blah whatever Bush said .
Dr Roberts has referenced in the interview a UR article that goes into considerable detail about the massive electoral fraud
by the Democrats and their partners. You've obviously not bothered to read it.
You're like one of those MSM hacks who denies electoral fraud without making any attempt to look at the evidence.
And it's almost always a closer race than anyone would have guessed beforehand -- which I also find suspicious. How likely is
it that the majority of presidential elections over the last century were decided by more or less even numbers of voters from
each party, between more or less evenly matched candidates?
Really seems like they've perfected the art of putting on rigged political shows that you can't quite believe in, but don't
have anything really solid to back up your suspicions. It's like the "no evidence of fraud" canard -- anything solid enough to
show obvious manipulation is explained away as the exception, rather than the tip of a very deep iceberg
Like the false accusations about Russia, delegitimizing the presidential election as fraud is turning out to be much ado
about nothing.
Let's review. The Democrats perpetrated the phony 2016 Russian influence fraud, and now the Democrats are perpetrating the
phony 2020 election victory.
The common elements are Democrats perpetrate fraud.
IMO this is a simple remedy to settle the election fraud mess or we will be arguing about this 20 years from now .from the
American Thinker.
The candidates on the ballot must have an opportunity to have observers whom they choose to oversee the entire process so
the candidates are satisfied that they won or lost a free and fair election.
That is not what happened in the 2020 election. That is the single most important and simple fact that needs to be understood
and communicated. The 2020 election was not a free and fair election, because poll-watchers were not allowed to do their essential
job. The 2020 election can still be a free and fair election with a clear winner, whoever that may be, but time is running
In every instance where poll-watchers were not allowed to observe the process, those votes must be recounted. They must
be recounted with poll-watchers from both sides present. If there are votes that cannot be recounted because the envelops were
discarded, those votes must be discarded. Put the blame for this on the officials who decided to count the votes in secret.
Consider it a way to discourage secret vote counts in the future.
The pandemic has not been fearful enough to close liquor stores, and it in should not be used as excuse to remove the poll-watchers
who are essential to a free and fair election. If we must have social distancing, then use cameras.
Certainly, there are other issues with the 2020 election. There may be problems with software, and there are issues like
signature verification and dead people voting. Everything should be considered and examined, but no other issue should distract
from the simple fact that both sides must be able to view the entire process. If one side is not allowed to view the vote-counting,
then that side should be calling it a fraud. We should all be calling it a fraud.
...Trump had control of the Senate, the House and of course the Executive between his inauguration in January of 2017 and the
Midterm Elections of 2018, a total time period of 1 year and 10 months. What did he do during this time? He deregulated financial
services and passed corporate tax cuts.
At the end of the day, being emotionally invested in US elections is no different to being emotionally invested in Keeping
up with the Kardashians , that is to say your life wouldn't be that different if your don't follow either.
The Democrats Have Stolen the Presidential Election
The Deep State Has Stolen the Presidential Election. FIFY. But they have been in control for decades they just don't care who
knows now. They are taking final steps to make their control impervious to attack.
This is the reason that the establishment latched on to the Eisenhowerian bon mot but entirely memory hole Trumman's
far more explicit warning a freaking month after a sitting president is shot like a turkey in Dallas: it white washes CIA and
The place to begin, and it's mind-blowing when you think about it this way, is that nothing was resolved on election night.
Not who will take the oath on January 20th. Nor which party will control the Senate. Nor even who will be Speaker and which party
will control the House.
Suffice it to say, a still raging factional struggle has simply moved to a greater degree behind the curtain.
I noted this movie reference on another thread here:
If your father dies, you'll make the deal, Sonny.
-- "The Godfather"
My point being, you're foolish if you ascribe certainty as to outcome at this point.
Being rid of Trump has been as close to a dues ex machina for the establishment as imaginable since he took the oath. This
ineluctable observation elicits no end of foot-stomping by those who assume it necessarily says anything positive about the man.
With every persistent revision of the script they wrote for him, all ending with his political demise at least, Trump has not
just survived but grown stronger. While the Democrats turned our elections into something only seen in a third-world shit hole,
Trump legitimately drew 71M votes from Americans.
That's a lot of air in the balloon. Believe me, filth like Russian mole Brennan may think everything is finished once they
get rid of terrible, awful Trump, but those above his pay grade know better.
Like him or hate him, Trump is the only principal not wholly or largely discredited. He was saved from destruction during his
first term by the Republican base moving to protect him. That was the import of his 90-95% approval among them, destroy him and
you destroy the Republican Party.
Now, despite -- or perhaps, because of -- everything they've done, that base now includes a significant number of Democrats
and independents. Trump is merely a vessel for an American majority attached to this constitutional republic thingie we've got
Don't get lost in the details. This isn't a puzzle you can solve by internet sleuthing. The plan they executed -- to steal
sufficiently to make the outcome inevitable by the morning after the election at the latest -- failed. This was evident early
on Election Day (e.g. fake water main breaks in Atlanta) and necessitated their playing their Fox/AZ card and shutting down the
count at least until they had removed Republican monitors.
"In 22 states, Republicans will hold unified control over the governor's office and both houses of the legislature, giving
the party wide political latitude -- including in states like Florida and Georgia."
"Eleven states will have divided governments in 2021, unchanged from this year: Democratic governors will need to work with
Republican legislators in eight states, and Republican governors will contend with Democratic lawmakers in three."
The Democrats have: Joe Biden, and a slim majority in the House of Representatives which they are almost certain to lose in
two years.
What the Republicans are going to do is everything we hate, but they will pretend they were "forced" to do it by the Democrats
– the Democrats being the minority party.
Who else could have survived what Trump has been subjected to by the Establishment and their media prostitutes. In the United
States the media is known as "presstitutes" -- press prostitutes. That is what Udo Ulfkotte says they are in Europe.
Left and right.
(What you small brains do not understand is this.)
Democrats enabling the elite to invest in far east (lower wage costs, higher profits) did abandon the working class in America.
Democrats by this act did throw away the working class as a dirty rug.
Democrats with their TPP exporting most of the production to far east would totally destroy working class in USA. Trump's first
act was to cancel this insanity. Democrats are insanely delusional.
Democrats were left. Left is a party that supports the working people.
So here switch occurred. Democratic party now represent the elite, and Republicans now represent the working people.
(The irony of the fate)
The headline for PCR's article is a prediction, not yet established, and incomplete.
There is an ongoing massive attempt to steal the Presidential election as well as to steal an unknown number of House and Senate
seats, and who knows what else.
The 'game' is still on. Many tens of millions of citizens – actual total unknown but possibly in numbers unprecedented in American
history – voted for Trump. Republican candidates for office generally had strong support, but again, the actual percentage of
support is unknown but presumably larger than now 'recorded'.
There are also the many millions who ardently supported Trump, know that Biden is illegitimate, deeply corrupt, and the precursor
to perils unknown. Their determination and backbone and intelligence will now be tested.
There is the electoral college process; there are the state legislators that have a say in the process; there is the Supreme
There is also the possibility of pertinent executive orders that mandate transparent processes in the face of, say, apprehended
insurrection via fraudulent voting processes.
There is also the matter of how millions of 'deplorables' with trucks and tractors and firearms and other means to make their
point will react to obvious massive election travesty.
The conjunction of the COVID global scamdemic/plandemic, with crazed Bill Gates and kin lurking in the background with needles,
'peaceful' protesters in many cities setting fires and looting with near impunity, and a mass media that is clearly comprehensively
committed to a demonic degree of dishonesty and manipulation, and lunatic levels of 'identity politics' ideology, are among the
elements setting the stage for what may be an historical watershed.
The American Revolution in the 18th century, against the British Crown's authority, came about after years of simmering anger
and sporadic resistance against British injustice. At some point there was a 'tipping point'. When Germany invaded and occupied
Norway early in the 2nd WW, an effective resistance quickly formed in reaction, where death and torture were the known willing
risk. Two years before, those forming the resistance would have been just going on with their lives.
Who's Afraid of an Open Debate? The Truth About the Commission on Presidential Debates. The CPD is a duopoly which allows the
major party candidates to draft secret agreements about debate arrangements including moderators, debate format and even participants.
Ben Swann explains how the new coalition of EndPartisanship org is working to break the 2 party hold on primary elections,
which currently lock around 50% of voters out of the process.
I am currently watching an interview with SD Governor Kristi Noem, who went on ABC to challenge George Stenopolosus' claim
that there is no fraud in this election. She pointed out that there has been many allegations, including dead people voting in
PA and GA, she says we don't know how widespread this is, but we owe it to the 70+ million people who voted for Trump to investigate
and ensure a clean and fair election. She said we gave Al Gore 37 days to investigate the result in 2000, why aren't we giving
the same to Trump?
She is extremely articulate and sounds intelligent and honest, and what's more courageous to come forward like this. I hope
she runs for president in 2024, I'd vote for her.
Am I the only one who sees something profoundly spiritual happening in front of our eyes?
Yes. In reality, 5% of White men sent Trump packing. That doesn't match the GOP negrophile narrative where "based" Hindustanis
join the emerging conservative coalition to make sure White people can't get affordable healthcare in their own countries, though.
So we'll have to watch you parasites spool up this pedantic "fraud" nonsense until the fat orange zioclown gracelessly gets dragged
Good post. You will gain more insight from this background on the speech and drafting.
Jan 19, 2011 Eisenhower's "Military-Industrial Complex" Speech Origins and Significance US National Archives
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address, known for its warnings about the growing power of the "military-industrial
complex," was nearly two years in the making. This Inside the Vaults video short follows newly discovered papers revealing that
Eisenhower was deeply involved in crafting the speech.
Great article. Thanks. Agree with you about the big stealing being electronic. Trump tweeted out yesterday that over 2 million
votes were stolen this way. For him to say this, they must have evidence.
Dinesh D'Souza said he hopes that when this matter comes before the Supreme Court that they will tackle once and for all what
constitutes a legal vote.
Some pretty big names are involved with this Dominion Voting. It will be interesting to see what Trump's team of IT experts
discover re the use of algorithms to swing the vote.
Why (Oh, why) did Trump had to go? Because Trump is an enema to the Deep State. He was threatening to expose the biggest lie
of the last 100 years – the supposed "liberalism" of US...
The author refers to a body of overwhelmingly persuasive evidence of voter fraud that can be specified and quantified to provide
proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt in criminal cases, not to mention hands down proof in civil cases requiring only a preponderance
of the evidence to establish guilt. Furthermore, the Democrats' easily documented, elaborate efforts at concealing the vote counting
process by shutting down the counting prior to sneaking truckloads of ballots in the back door is by itself powerful circumstantial
evidence of their guilt. You have no idea what "evidence" means, either in general usage or in its strictly legal sense.
The election cannot be trusted at all, just based on the insane entitled emotional state of the Globalist establishment alone.
The system as-a-whole cannot be trusted, for the same reason. They are actively corrupting it in every way they can, and fully
believe (as a matter of religious conviction) that they are right to do so.
That's one of the Jew/Anglo Puritan Establishment's new catch-phrases. There's also "no evidence" that Joe Biden acted in a
corrupt manner in Ukraine, even though he admitted to it on tape. There's "no evidence" that Big Tech is biased against conservative
plebians, despite their removing conservative plebians' published content arbitrarily and with no State compulsion to do so.
The phrase "there's no evidence" is just a public commitment to ignore any evidence, no matter how blatant or obvious.
This newly discovered legal standard goes beyond "preponderance of the evidence" or even "guilt beyond a reasonable doubt"
to establish absolute certainty as the standard.
Just the obvious and necessary complement of the Bob Mueller standard for Russian collusion, don't you think -- "could not
(quite) exonerate"? /s
They went for a softer approach in KY in 2019. The first-term Repub Gov had a Yankee's forthrightness so they just latched
onto comments he made regarding the underfunded teachers pension program and amped-it to high heaven getting teachers all in a
frightful frenzy.
In that solidly Red state, with all other prominent offices on the ballot (AG, SoS, etc.) going overwhelmingly Repub
, somehow the Repub Gov loses to the Dem by around 5000 votes. The "teachers pension" narrative was rolled-out as the reason.
(Btw, it seems that Dominion, or another type, software was used to switch the votes in that race. I've seen video about it.)
H. Larson out how the winds are blowing. There is nothing good about it.
Why not this:
-- ONLY in-person voting over a 2-day period, a Sat and Sun, with polls being open from 6AM to 9PM both days.
-- Exceptions are the traditional requested absentee ballot where the voter can be authenticated.
-- Paper ballots must be used at the polls and no single box of 'Straight Vote by Party' is offered.
-- Some kind of SIMPLE scanning tabulator could be used of the ballots and with it NOT being connected to the internet.
There is far too much cheating opportunity built into our current system. That's intended, of course. It needs to end!
Because you don't get it. You are missing the big picture. It was well known that these systems had the ability to be hacked
as soon as they were implemented. It is also a well known fact that massive mail in ballots increases the likelihood that corrupt
individuals are more likely to get away with election fraud.
Everyone knew about the potential for voter fraud to occur, but the entire system is corrupt, including Trump who has allowed
the massive corruption within the system that was present when he entered office to persist and grow because he is a wimpy, spineless,
coward, that was too afraid to make any waves and take the heat that he promised his voters.
Why anyone voted for Trump in 2020 confounds me. I voted for him in 2016 and he has turned out to be one of the worst presidents
in history.
Trump in his cowardess and dishonesty knew that the ailing economy would harm his chances of being re-elected, so he allowed
the health scare scamdemic to occur and destroy the livelihoods, lives, and businesses of hundreds of millions of Americans
because he is a psychopath. Trump did not do what he promised. Trump made America worse than it has ever been since the end of
slavery. Jeremy Powell said today that the economy is dead and will never recover.
The only injustices that Trump gave a damn about were the injustices against himself and his family, and has committed countless
injustices against the entire country and world during his term. Trump is a corrupt narcissist. The facts prove it. Trump is such
a corrupt narcissist that he was willing to destroy the entire economy based on scientific fraud, high crimes, and treason to
use as political cover for his own incompetency which is the most offensive and disgusting diabolical act ever perpetrated on
the entire country.
Trump has also demanded the extradition of Assange after telling his voters that he loved wikileaks. Trump is a two-faced,
lying, fraud. It has been his pattern. He consistently supports various groups and people like Wikileaks, Proud Boys, and others
and panders to them and voters and tells people that he loves them, and then every time without fail when the heat is on, Trump
says," I really don't know anything about them."
"I know nothing." Trump saying "I know nothing." defines his presidency and who he is as a person, a spineless, pandering,
corrupt, two-faced, narcissist, loser, and wimp!
Why would anyone vote for him the second time around after a record of pathological incompetency and pathological corruption?
What's to approve of about him? Go ahead, investigate voter fraud it if is permitted, and if it isn't then ask yourselves why
it is that a system that enables election fraud is in place, and ask yourselves who had the ability to change it and, who had
the ability to benefit from it!
A transcript of President Donald Trump's call with Brad Raffensperger is shown below, via
the Washington Post:
White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows: Okay. Alright. Mr. President, everyone is on the
line. This is Mark Meadows, the chief of staff. Just so we all are aware. On the line is
secretary of state and two other individuals. Jordan and Mr. Germany with him. You also have
the attorneys that represent the president, Kurt and Alex and Cleta Mitchell -- who is not the
attorney of record but has been involved -- myself and then the president. So Mr. President,
I'll turn it over to you.
President Donald Trump: Okay, thank you very much. Hello Brad and Ryan and everybody. We
appreciate the time and the call. So we've spent a lot of time on this, and if we could just go
over some of the numbers, I think it's pretty clear that we won. We won very substantially in
Georgia. You even see it by rally size, frankly. We'd be getting 25-30,000 people a rally, and
the competition would get less than 100 people. And it never made sense.
But we have a number of things. We have at least 2 or 3 -- anywhere from 250 to 300,000
ballots were dropped mysteriously into the rolls. Much of that had to do with Fulton County,
which hasn't been checked. We think that if you check the signatures -- a real check of the
signatures going back in Fulton County -- you'll find at least a couple of hundred thousand of
forged signatures of people who have been forged. And we are quite sure that's going to
Another tremendous number. We're going to have an accurate number over the next two days
with certified accountants. But an accurate number will be given, but it's in the 50s of
thousands -- and that's people that went to vote and they were told they can't vote because
they've already been voted for. And it's a very sad thing. They walked out complaining. But the
number's large. We'll have it for you. But it's much more than the number of 11,779 that's --
the current margin is only 11,779. Brad, I think you agree with that, right? That's something I
think everyone -- at least that's a number that everyone agrees on.
But that's the difference in the votes. But we've had hundreds of thousands of ballots that
we're able to actually -- we'll get you a pretty accurate number. You don't need much of a
number because the number that in theory I lost by, the margin would be 11,779. But you also
have a substantial numbers of people, thousands and thousands, who went to the voting place on
November 3, were told they couldn't vote, were told they couldn't vote because a ballot had
been put on their name. And you know that's very, very, very, very sad.
We had, I believe it's about 4,502 voters who voted but who weren't on the voter
registration list, so it's 4,502 who voted, but they weren't on the voter registration roll,
which they had to be. You had 18,325 vacant address voters. The address was vacant, and they're
not allowed to be counted. That's 18,325.
Smaller number -- you had 904 who only voted where they had just a P.O. -- a post office box
number -- and they had a post office box number, and that's not allowed. We had at least 18,000
-- that's on tape, we had them counted very painstakingly -- 18,000 voters having to do with
[name]. She's a vote scammer, a professional vote scammer and hustler [name]. That was the tape
that's been shown all over the world that makes everybody look bad, you, me and everybody
Where they got -- number one they said very clearly and it's been reported that they said
there was a major water main break. Everybody fled the area. And then they came back, [name]
and her daughter and a few people. There were no Republican poll watchers. Actually, there were
no Democrat poll watchers, I guess they were them. But there were no Democrats, either, and
there was no law enforcement. Late in the morning, early in the morning, they went to the table
with the black robe and the black shield, and they pulled out the votes. Those votes were put
there a number of hours before -- the table was put there -- I think it was, Brad, you would
know, it was probably eight hours or seven hours before, and then it was stuffed with
They weren't in an official voter box; they were in what looked to be suitcases or trunks,
suitcases, but they weren't in voter boxes. The minimum number it could be because we watched
it, and they watched it certified in slow motion instant replay if you can believe it, but slow
motion, and it was magnified many times over, and the minimum it was 18,000 ballots, all for
You had out-of-state voters. They voted in Georgia, but they were from out of state, of
4,925. You had absentee ballots sent to vacant, they were absentee ballots sent to vacant
addresses. They had nothing on them about addresses, that's 2,326.
And you had dropboxes, which is very bad. You had dropboxes that were picked up. We have
photographs, and we have affidavits from many people.
I don't know if you saw the hearings, but you have dropboxes where the box was picked up but
not delivered for three days. So all sorts of things could have happened to that box,
including, you know, putting in the votes that you wanted. So there were many infractions, and
the bottom line is, many, many times the 11,779 margin that they said we lost by -- we had
vast, I mean the state is in turmoil over this.
And I know you would like to get to the bottom of it, although I saw you on television
today, and you said that you found nothing wrong. I mean, you know, and I didn't lose the
state, Brad. People have been saying that it was the highest vote ever. There was no way. A lot
of the political people said that there's no way they beat me. And they beat me. They beat me
in the . . . As you know, every single state, we won every state. We won every statehouse in
the country. We held the Senate, which is shocking to people, although we'll see what happens
tomorrow or in a few days.
And we won the House, but we won every single statehouse, and we won Congress, which was
supposed to lose 15 seats, and they gained, I think 16 or 17 or something. I think there's a
now difference of five. There was supposed to be a difference substantially more. But
politicians in every state, but politicians in Georgia have given affidavits and are going to
that, that there was no way that they beat me in the election, that the people came out, in
fact, they were expecting to lose, and then they ended up winning by a lot because of the
coattails. And they said there's no way, that they've done many polls prior to the election,
that there was no way that they won.
Ballots were dropped in massive numbers. And we're trying to get to those numbers and we
will have them.
They'll take a period of time. Certified. But but they're massive numbers. And far greater
than the 11,779.
The other thing, dead people. So dead people voted, and I think the number is close to 5,000
people. And they went to obituaries. They went to all sorts of methods to come up with an
accurate number, and a minimum is close to about 5,000 voters.
The bottom line is, when you add it all up and then you start adding, you know, 300,000 fake
ballots. Then the other thing they said is in Fulton County and other areas. And this may or
may not be true . . . this just came up this morning, that they are burning their ballots, that
they are shredding, shredding ballots and removing equipment. They're changing the equipment on
the Dominion machines and, you know, that's not legal.
And they supposedly shredded I think they said 300 pounds of, 3,000 pounds of ballots. And
that just came to us as a report today. And it is a very sad situation.
But Brad, if you took the minimum numbers where many, many times above the 11,779, and many
of those numbers are certified, or they will be certified, but they are certified. And those
are numbers that are there, that exist. And that beat the margin of loss, they beat it, I mean,
by a lot, and people should be happy to have an accurate count instead of an election where
there's turmoil.
I mean there's turmoil in Georgia and other places. You're not the only one, I mean, we have
other states that I believe will be flipping to us very shortly. And this is something that --
you know, as an example, I think it in Detroit, I think there's a section, a good section of
your state actually, which we're not sure so we're not going to report it yet. But in Detroit,
we had, I think it was, 139 percent of the people voted. That's not too good.
In Pennsylvania, they had well over 200,000 more votes than they had people voting. And that
doesn't play too well, and the legislature there is, which is Republican, is extremely activist
and angry. I mean, there were other things also that were almost as bad as that. But they had
as an example, in Michigan, a tremendous number of dead people that voted. I think it was, I
think, Mark, it was 18,000. Some unbelievably high number, much higher than yours, you were in
the 4-5,000 category.
And that was checked out laboriously by going through, by going through the obituary columns
in the newspapers.
So I guess with all of it being said, Brad, the bottom line, and provisional ballots, again,
you know, you'll have to tell me about the provisional ballots, but we have a lot of people
that were complaining that they weren't able to vote because they were already voted for. These
are great people.
And, you know, they were shellshocked. I don't know if you call that provisional ballots. In
some states, we had a lot of provisional ballot situations where people were given a
provisional ballot because when they walked in on November 3 and they were already voted
So that's it. I mean, we have many, many times the number of votes necessary to win the
state. And we won the state, and we won it very substantially and easily, and we're getting, we
have, much of this is a very certified, far more certified than we need. But we're getting
additional numbers certified, too. And we're getting pictures of dropboxes being delivered and
delivered late. Delivered three days later, in some cases, plus we have many affidavits to that
Meadows: So, Mr. President, if I might be able to jump in, and I'll give Brad a chance. Mr.
Secretary, obviously there is, there are allegations where we believe that not every vote or
fair vote and legal vote was counted, and that's at odds with the representation from the
secretary of state's office.
What I'm hopeful for is there some way that we can, we can find some kind of agreement to
look at this a little bit more fully? You know the president mentioned Fulton County.
But in some of these areas where there seems to be a difference of where the facts seem to
lead, and so Mr. Secretary, I was hopeful that, you know, in the spirit of cooperation and
compromise, is there something that we can at least have a discussion to look at some of these
allegations to find a path forward that's less litigious?
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger: Well, I listened to what the president has
just said. President Trump, we've had several lawsuits, and we've had to respond in court to
the lawsuits and the contentions. We don't agree that you have won. And we don't -- I didn't
agree about the 200,000 number that you'd mentioned. I'll go through that point by point.
What we have done is we gave our state Senate about one and a half hours of our time going
through the election issue by issue and then on the state House, the government affairs
committee, we gave them about two and a half hours of our time, going back point by point on
all the issues of contention. And then just a few days ago, we met with our U.S. congressmen,
Republican congressmen, and we gave them about two hours of our time talking about this past
election. Going back, primarily what you've talked about here focused in on primarily, I
believe, is the absentee ballot process. I don't believe that you're really questioning the
Dominion machines. Because we did a hand re-tally, a 100 percent re-tally of all the ballots,
and compared them to what the machines said and came up with virtually the same result. Then we
did the recount, and we got virtually the same result. So I guess we can probably take that off
the table.
I don't think there's an issue about that.
Trump: Well, Brad. Not that there's not an issue, because we have a big issue with Dominion
in other states and perhaps in yours. But we haven't felt we needed to go there. And just to,
you know, maybe put a little different spin on what Mark is saying, Mark Meadows, yeah we'd
like to go further, but we don't really need to. We have all the votes we need.
You know, we won the state. If you took, these are the most minimal numbers, the numbers
that I gave you, those are numbers that are certified, your absentee ballots sent to vacant
addresses, your out-of-state voters, 4,925. You know when you add them up, it's many more
times, it's many times the 11,779 number. So we could go through, we have not gone through your
Dominion. So we can't give them blessing. I mean, in other states, we think we found tremendous
corruption with Dominion machines, but we'll have to see.
But we only lost the state by that number, 11,000 votes, and 779. So with that being said,
with just what we have, with just what we have, we're giving you minimal, minimal numbers.
We're doing the most conservative numbers possible; we're many times, many, many times above
the margin. And so we don't really have to, Mark, I don't think we have to go through . . .
Meadows: Right
Trump: Because what's the difference between winning the election by two votes and winning
it by half a million votes. I think I probably did win it by half a million. You know, one of
the things that happened, Brad, is we have other people coming in now from Alabama and from
South Carolina and from other states, and they're saying it's impossible for you to have lost
Georgia. We won. You know in Alabama, we set a record, got the highest vote ever. In Georgia,
we set a record with a massive amount of votes. And they say it's not possible to have lost
And I could tell you by our rallies. I could tell you by the rally I'm having on Monday
night, the place, they already have lines of people standing out front waiting. It's just not
possible to have lost Georgia. It's not possible. When I heard it was close, I said there's no
way. But they dropped a lot of votes in there late at night. You know that, Brad. And that's
what we are working on very, very stringently. But regardless of those votes, with all of it
being said, we lost by essentially 11,000 votes, and we have many more votes already calculated
and certified, too.
And so I just don't know, you know, Mark, I don't know what's the purpose. I won't give
Dominion a pass because we found too many bad things. But we don't need Dominion or anything
else. We have won this election in Georgia based on all of this. And there's nothing wrong with
saying that, Brad. You know, I mean, having the correct -- the people of Georgia are angry. And
these numbers are going to be repeated on Monday night. Along with others that we're going to
have by that time, which are much more substantial even. And the people of Georgia are angry,
the people of the country are angry. And there's nothing wrong with saying that, you know, that
you've recalculated. Because the 2,236 in absentee ballots. I mean, they're all exact numbers
that were done by accounting firms, law firms, etc. And even if you cut 'em in half, cut 'em in
half and cut 'em in half again, it's more votes than we need.
Raffensperger: Well, Mr. President, the challenge that you have is the data you have is
wrong. We talked to the congressmen, and they were surprised.
But they -- I guess there was a person named Mr. Braynard who came to these meetings and
presented data, and he said that there was dead people, I believe it was upward of 5,000. The
actual number were two. Two. Two people that were dead that voted. So that's wrong.
Trump: Well, Cleta, how do you respond to that? Maybe you tell me?
Trump attorney Cleta Mitchell: Well, I would say, Mr. Secretary, one of the things that we
have requested and what we said was, if you look, if you read our petition, it said that we
took the names and birth years, and we had certain information available to us. We have asked
from your office for records that only you have, and so we said there is a universe of people
who have the same name and same birth year and died.
But we don't have the records that you have. And one of the things that we have been
suggesting formally and informally for weeks now is for you to make available to us the records
that would be necessary --
Trump: But, Cleta, even before you do that, and not even including that, that's why I hardly
even included that number, although in one state, we have a tremendous amount of dead people.
So I don't know -- I'm sure we do in Georgia, too. I'm sure we do in Georgia, too.
But we're so far ahead. We're so far ahead of these numbers, even the phony ballots of
[name] , known scammer. You know the Internet? You know what was trending on the Internet?
"Where's [name]?" Because they thought she'd be in jail. "Where's [name]?" It's crazy, it's
crazy. That was. The minimum number is 18,000 for [name] , but they think it's probably about
56,000, but the minimum number is 18,000 on the [name] night where she ran back in there when
everybody was gone and stuffed, she stuffed the ballot boxes. Let's face it, Brad, I mean. They
did it in slow motion replay magnified, right? She stuffed the ballot boxes. They were stuffed
like nobody has ever seen them stuffed before.
So there's a term for it when it's a machine instead of a ballot box, but she stuffed the
machine. She stuffed the ballot. Each ballot went three times, they were showing: Here's ballot
No 1. Here it is a second time, third time, next ballot.
I mean, look. Brad. We have a new tape that we're going to release. It's devastating. And by
the way, that one event, that one event is much more than the 11,000 votes that we're talking
about. It's, you know, that one event was a disaster. And it's just, you know, but it was, it
was something, it can't be disputed. And again, we have a version that you haven't seen, but
it's magnified. It's magnified, and you can see everything. For some reason, they put it in
three times, each ballot, and I don't know why. I don't know why three times. Why not five
times, right? Go ahead.
Raffensperger: You're talking about the State Farm video. And I think it's extremely
unfortunate that Rudy Giuliani or his people, they sliced and diced that video and took it out
of context. The next day, we brought in WSB-TV, and we let them show, see the full run of tape,
and what you'll see, the events that transpired are nowhere near what was projected by, you
know --
Trump: But where were the poll watchers, Brad? There were no poll watchers there. There were
no Democrats or Republicans. There was no security there.
It was late in the evening, late in the, early in the morning, and there was nobody else in
the room. Where were the poll watchers, and why did they say a water main broke, which they did
and which was reported in the newspapers? They said they left. They ran out because of a water
main break, and there was no water main. There was nothing. There was no break. There was no
water main break. But we're, if you take out everything, where were the Republican poll
watchers, even where were the Democrat pollwatchers, because there were none.
And then you say, well, they left their station, you know, if you look at the tape, and this
was, this was reviewed by professional police and detectives and other people, when they left
in a rush, everybody left in a rush because of the water main, but everybody left in a rush.
These people left their station.
When they came back, they didn't go to their station. They went to the apron, wrapped around
the table, under which were thousands and thousands of ballots in a box that was not an
official or a sealed box. And then they took those. They went back to a different station. So
if they would have come back, they would have walked to their station, and they would have
continued to work. But they couldn't do even that because that's illegal, because they had no
Republican pollwatchers. And remember, her reputation is -- she's known all over the Internet,
Brad. She's known all over.
I'm telling you, "Where's [name] " was one of the hot items . . . [name] They knew her.
"Where's [name]?" So Brad, there can be no justification for that. And I, you know, I give
everybody the benefit of the doubt. But that was -- and Brad, why did they put the votes in
three times? You know, they put 'em in three times.
Raffensperger: Mr. President, they did not put that. We did an audit of that, and we proved
conclusively that they were not scanned three times.
Trump: Where was everybody else at that late time in the morning? Where was everybody? Where
were the Republicans? Where were the security guards? Were the people that were there just a
little while before when everyone ran out of the room. How come we had no security in the room.
Why did they run to the bottom of the table? Why do they run there and just open the skirt and
rip out the votes. I mean, Brad. And they were sitting there, I think for five hours or
something like that, the votes.
Raffensperger : Mr. President, we'll send you the link from WSB.
Trump: I don't care about the link. I don't need it. Brad, I have a much better --
Mitchell: I will tell you. I've seen the tape. The full tape. So has Alex. We've watched it.
And what we saw and what we've confirmed in the timing is that they made everybody leave -- we
have sworn affidavits saying that. And then they began to process ballots. And our estimate is
that there were roughly 18,000 ballots. We don't know that. If you know that . . .
Trump: It was 18,000 ballots, but they used each one three times.
Mitchell: Well, I don't know about that.
Trump: I do think we had ours magnified out.
Mitchell: I've watched the entire tape.
Trump: Nobody can make a case for that, Brad. Nobody. I mean, look, you'd have to be a child
to think anything other than that. Just a child.
Mitchell: How many ballots, Mr. Secretary, are you saying were processed then?
Raffensperger: We had GBI . . . investigate that.
Germany: We had our -- this is Ryan Germany. We had our law enforcement officers talk to
everyone who was, who was there after that event came to light. GBI was with them as well as
FBI agents.
Trump: Well, there's no way they could -- then they're incompetent. They're either dishonest
or incompetent, okay?
Mitchell: Well, what did they find?
Trump: There's only two answers, dishonesty or incompetence. There's just no way. Look.
There's no way. And on the other thing, I said too, there is no way. I mean, there's no way
that these things could have been, you know, you have all these different people that voted,
but they don't live in Georgia anymore. What was that number, Cleta? That was a pretty good
number, too.
Mitchell: The number who have registered out of state after they moved from Georgia. And so
they had a date when they moved from Georgia, they registered to vote out of state, and then
it's like 4,500, I don't have that number right in front of me.
Trump: And then they came back in, and they voted.
Mitchell: And voted. Yeah.
Trump: I thought that was a large number, though. It was in the 20s.
Ryan Germany, Raffensberger's General Counsel: We've been going through each of those as
well, and those numbers that we got, that Ms. Mitchell was just saying, they're not accurate.
Every one we've been through are people that lived in Georgia, moved to a different state, but
then moved back to Georgia legitimately. And in many cases --
Trump: How may people do that? They moved out, and then they said, "Ah, to hell with it,
I'll move back." You know, it doesn't sound like a very normal . . . you mean, they moved out,
and what, they missed it so much that they wanted to move back in? It's crazy.
Germany: They moved back in years ago. This was not like something just before the election.
So there's something about that data that, it's just not accurate.
Trump: Well, I don't know, all I know is that it is certified. And they moved out of
Georgia, and they voted. It didn't say they moved back in, Cleta, did it?
Mitchell: No, but I mean, we're looking at the voter registration. Again, if you have
additional records, we've been asking for that, but you haven't shared any of that with us. You
just keep saying you investigated the allegations.
Trump: Cleta, a lot of it you don't need to be shared. I mean, to be honest, they should
share it. They should share it because you want to get to an honest election.
I won this election by hundreds of thousands of votes. There's no way I lost Georgia.
There's no way. We won by hundreds of thousands of votes. I'm just going by small numbers, when
you add them up, they're many times the 11,000. But I won that state by hundreds of thousands
of votes.
Do you think it's possible that they shredded ballots in Fulton County? Because that's what
the rumor is. And also that Dominion took out machines. That Dominion is really moving fast to
get rid of their, uh, machinery.
Do you know anything about that? Because that's illegal, right?
Germany: This is Ryan Germany. No, Dominion has not moved any machinery out of Fulton
Trump: But have they moved the inner parts of the machines and replaced them with other
Germany: No.
Trump: Are you sure, Ryan?
Germany: I'm sure. I'm sure, Mr. President.
Trump: What about, what about the ballots. The shredding of the ballots. Have they been
shredding ballots?
Germany: The only investigation that we have into that -- they have not been shredding any
ballots. There was an issue in Cobb County where they were doing normal office shredding,
getting rid of old stuff, and we investigated that. But this stuff from, you know, from you
know past elections.
Trump: It doesn't pass the smell test because we hear they're shredding thousands and
thousands of ballots, and now what they're saying, "Oh, we're just cleaning up the office." You
Raffensperger: Mr. President, the problem you have with social media, they -- people can say
Trump: Oh this isn't social media. This is Trump media. It's not social media. It's really
not; it's not social media. I don't care about social media. I couldn't care less. Social media
is Big Tech. Big Tech is on your side, you know. I don't even know why you have a side because
you should want to have an accurate election. And you're a Republican.
Raffensperger: We believe that we do have an accurate election.
Trump: No, no you don't. No, no you don't. You don't have. Not even close. You're off by
hundreds of thousands of votes. And just on the small numbers, you're off on these numbers, and
these numbers can't be just -- well, why wont? -- Okay. So you sent us into Cobb County for
signature verification, right? You sent us into Cobb County, which we didn't want to go into.
And you said it would be open to the public. So we had our experts there, they weren't allowed
into the room. But we didn't want Cobb County. We wanted Fulton County. And you wouldn't give
it to us. Now, why aren't we doing signature -- and why can't it be open to the public?
And why can't we have professionals do it instead of rank amateurs who will never find
anything and don't want to find anything? They don't want to find, you know they don't want to
find anything. Someday you'll tell me the reason why, because I don't understand your
reasoning, but someday you'll tell me the reason why. But why don't you want to find?
Germany: Mr. President, we chose Cobb County --
Trump: Why don't you want to find . . . What?
Germany: Sorry, go ahead.
Trump: So why did you do Cobb County? We didn't even request -- we requested Fulton County,
not Cobb County. Go ahead, please. Go ahead.
Germany: We chose Cobb County because that was the only county where there's been any
evidence submitted that the signature verification was not properly done.
Trump: No, but I told you. We're not, we're not saying that.
Mitchell: We did say that.
Trump: Fulton County. Look. Stacey, in my opinion, Stacey is as dishonest as they come. She
has outplayed you . . . at everything. She got you to sign a totally unconstitutional
agreement, which is a disastrous agreement. You can't check signatures. I can't imagine you're
allowed to do harvesting, I guess, in that agreement. That agreement is a disaster for this
country. But she got you somehow to sign that thing, and she has outsmarted you at every
And I hate to imagine what's going to happen on Monday or Tuesday, but it's very scary to
people. You know, when the ballots flow in out of nowhere. It's very scary to people. That
consent decree is a disaster. It's a disaster. A very good lawyer who examined it said they've
never seen anything like it.
Raffensperger: Harvesting is still illegal in the state of Georgia. And that settlement
agreement did not change that one iota.
Trump: It's not a settlement agreement, it's a consent decree. It even says consent decree
on it, doesn't it? It uses the term consent decree. It doesn't say settlement agreement. It's a
consent decree. It's a disaster.
Raffensperger: It's a settlement agreement.
Trump: What's written on top of it?
Raffensperger: Ryan?
Germany: I don't have it in front of me, but it was not entered by the court, it's not a
court order.
Trump: But Ryan, it's called a consent decree, is that right? On the paper. Is that
Germany: I don't. I don't. I don't believe so, but I don't have it in front of me.
Trump: Okay, whatever, it's a disaster. It's a disaster. Look. Here's the problem. We can go
through signature verification, and we'll find hundreds of thousands of signatures, if you let
us do it. And the only way you can do it, as you know, is to go to the past. But you didn't do
that in Cobb County. You just looked at one page compared to another. The only way you can do a
signature verification is go from the one that signed it on November whatever. Recently. And
compare it to two years ago, four years ago, six years ago, you know, or even one. And you'll
find that you have many different signatures. But in Fulton, where they dumped ballots, you
will find that you have many that aren't even signed and you have many that are forgeries.
Okay, you know that. You know that. You have no doubt about that. And you will find you will
be at 11,779 within minutes because Fulton County is totally corrupt, and so is she totally
And they're going around playing you and laughing at you behind your back, Brad, whether you
know it or not, they're laughing at you. And you've taken a state that's a Republican state,
and you've made it almost impossible for a Republican to win because of cheating, because they
cheated like nobody's ever cheated before. And I don't care how long it takes me, you know,
we're going to have other states coming forward -- pretty good.
But I won't . . . this is never . . . this is . . . We have some incredible talent said
they've never seen anything . . . Now the problem is they need more time for the big numbers.
But they're very substantial numbers. But I think you're going to fine that they -- by the way,
a little information -- I think you're going to find that they are shredding ballots because
they have to get rid of the ballots because the ballots are unsigned. The ballots are corrupt,
and they're brand new, and they don't have seals, and there's a whole thing with the ballots.
But the ballots are corrupt.
And you are going to find that they are -- which is totally illegal -- it is more illegal
for you than it is for them because, you know, what they did and you're not reporting it.
That's a criminal, that's a criminal offense. And you can't let that happen. That's a big risk
to you and to Ryan, your lawyer. And that's a big risk. But they are shredding ballots, in my
opinion, based on what I've heard. And they are removing machinery, and they're moving it as
fast as they can, both of which are criminal finds. And you can't let it happen, and you are
letting it happen. You know, I mean, I'm notifying you that you're letting it happen. So look.
All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have
because we won the state.
And flipping the state is a great testament to our country because, you know, this is --
it's a testament that they can admit to a mistake or whatever you want to call it. If it was a
mistake, I don't know. A lot of people think it wasn't a mistake. It was much more criminal
than that. But it's a big problem in Georgia, and it's not a problem that's going away. I mean,
you know, it's not a problem that's going away.
Germany: This is Ryan. We're looking into every one of those things that you mentioned.
Trump: Good. But if you find it, you've got to say it, Ryan.
Germany: . . . Let me tell you what we are seeing. What we're seeing is not at all what
you're describing. These are investigators from our office, these are investigators from GBI,
and they're looking, and they're good. And that's not what they're seeing. And we'll keep
looking, at all these things.
Trump: Well, you better check on the ballots because they are shredding ballots, Ryan. I'm
just telling you, Ryan. They're shredding ballots. And you should look at that very carefully.
Because that's so illegal. You know, you may not even believe it because it's so bad. But
they're shredding ballots because they think we're going to eventually get there . . . because
we'll eventually get into Fulton. In my opinion, it's never too late. . . . So, that's the
story. Look, we need only 11,000 votes. We have are far more than that as it stands now. We'll
have more and more. And . . . do you have provisional ballots at all, Brad? Provisional
Raffensperger: Provisional ballots are allowed by state law.
Trump: Sure, but I mean, are they counted, or did you just hold them back because they, you
know, in other words, how many provisional ballots do you have in the state?
Raffensperger: We'll get you that number.
Trump: Because most of them are made out to the name Trump. Because these are people that
were scammed when they came in. And we have thousands of people that have testified or that
want to testify. When they came in, they were proudly going to vote on November 3. And they
were told, "I'm sorry, you've already been voted for, you've already voted." The women, men
started screaming, "No. I proudly voted till November 3." They said, "I'm sorry, but you've
already been voted for, and you have a ballot." And these people are beside themselves. So they
went out, and they filled in a provisional ballot, putting the name Trump on it.
And what about that batch of military ballots that came in. And even though I won the
military by a lot, it was 100 percent Trump. I mean 100 percent Biden. Do you know about that?
A large group of ballots came in, I think it was to Fulton County, and they just happened to be
100 percent for Trump -- for Biden -- even though Trump won the military by a lot, you know, a
tremendous amount. But these ballots were 100 percent for Biden. And do you know about that? A
very substantial number came in, all for Biden. Does anybody know about it?
Mitchell: I know about it, but --
Trump: Okay, Cleta, I'm not asking you, Cleta, honestly. I'm asking Brad. Do you know about
the military ballots that we have confirmed now. Do you know about the military ballots that
came in that were 100 percent, I mean 100 percent, for Biden. Do you know about that?
Germany: I don't know about that. I do know that we have, when military ballots come in,
it's not just military, it's also military and overseas citizens. The military part of that
does generally go Republican. The overseas citizen part of it generally goes very Democrat.
This was a mix of 'em.
Trump: No, but this was. That's okay. But I got like 78 percent of the military. These
ballots were all for . . . They didn't tell me overseas. Could be overseas, too, but I get
votes overseas, too, Ryan, in all fairness. No they came in, a large batch came in, and it was,
quote, 100 percent for Biden. And that is criminal. You know, that's criminal. Okay. That's
another criminal, that's another of the many criminal events, many criminal events here.
I don't know, look, Brad. I got to get . . . I have to find 12,000 votes, and I have them
times a lot. And therefore, I won the state. That's before we go to the next step, which is in
the process of right now. You know, and I watched you this morning, and you said, well, there
was no criminality.
But I mean all of this stuff is very dangerous stuff. When you talk about no criminality, I
think it's very dangerous for you to say that.
I just, I just don't know why you don't want to have the votes counted as they are. Like
even you when you went and did that check. And I was surprised because, you know . . . And we
found a few thousand votes that were against me. I was actually surprised because the way that
check was done, all you're doing, you know, recertifying existing votes and, you know, and you
were given votes and you just counted them up, and you still found 3,000 that were bad. So that
was sort of surprising that it came down to three or five, I don't know. Still a lot of votes.
But you have to go back to check from past years with respect to signatures. And if you check
with Fulton County, you'll have hundreds of thousands because they dumped ballots into Fulton
County and the other county next to it.
So what are we going to do here, folks? I only need 11,000 votes. Fellas, I need 11,000
votes. Give me a break. You know, we have that in spades already. Or we can keep it going, but
that's not fair to the voters of Georgia because they're going to see what happened, and
they're going to see what happened. I mean, I'll, I'll take on anybody you want with regard to
[name] and her lovely daughter, a very lovely young lady, I'm sure. But, but [name] . . . I
will take on anybody you want. And the minimum, there were 18,000 ballots, but they used them
three times. So that's, you know, a lot of votes. And they were all to Biden, by the way,
that's the other thing we didn't say. You know, [name] , the one thing I forgot to say, which
was the most important. You know that every single ballot she did went to Biden. You know that,
right? Do you know that, by the way, Brad?
Every single ballot that she did through the machines at early, early in the morning went to
Biden. Did you know that, Ryan?
Germany: That's not accurate, Mr. President.
Trump: Huh. What is accurate?
Germany: The numbers that we are showing are accurate.
Trump: No, about [name] . About early in the morning, Ryan. Where the woman took, you know,
when the whole gang took the stuff from under the table, right? Do you know, do you know who
those ballots, do you know who they were made out to, do you know who they were voting for?
Germany: No, not specifically.
Trump: Did you ever check?
Germany: We did what I described to you earlier --
Trump: No no no -- did you ever check the ballots that were scanned by [name] , a known
political operative, balloteer? Did ever check who those votes were for?
Germany: We looked into that situation that you described.
Trump: No, they were 100 percent for Biden. 100 percent. There wasn't a Trump vote in the
whole group. Why don't you want to find this, Ryan? What's wrong with you? I heard your lawyer
is very difficult, actually, but I'm sure you're a good lawyer. You have a nice last name.
But, but I'm just curious, why wouldn't, why do you keep fighting this thing? It just
doesn't make sense. We're way over the 17,779, right? We're way over that number, and just if
you took just [name] , we're over that number by five, five or six times when you multiply that
times three.
And every single ballot went to Biden, and you didn't know that, but now you know it. So
tell me, Brad, what are we going to do? We won the election, and it's not fair to take it away
from us like this. And it's going to be very costly in many ways. And I think you have to say
that you're going to reexamine it, and you can reexamine it, but reexamine it with people that
want to find answers, not people that don't want to find answers. For instance, I'm hearing
Ryan that he's probably, I'm sure a great lawyer and everything, but he's making statements
about those ballots that he doesn't know. But he's making them with such -- he did make them
with surety. But now I think he's less sure because the answer is, they all went to Biden, and
that alone wins us the election by a lot. You know, so.
Raffensperger: Mr. President, you have people that submit information, and we have our
people that submit information. And then it comes before the court, and the court then has to
make a determination. We have to stand by our numbers. We believe our numbers are right.
Trump: Why do you say that, though? I don't know. I mean, sure, we can play this game with
the courts, but why do you say that? First of all, they don't even assign us a judge. They
don't even assign us a judge. But why wouldn't you . . . Hey Brad, why wouldn't you want to
check out [name] ? And why wouldn't you want to say, hey, if in fact, President Trump is right
about that, then he wins the state of Georgia, just that one incident alone without going
through hundreds of thousands of dropped ballots. You just say, you stick by, I mean I've been
watching you, you know, you don't care about anything. "Your numbers are right." But your
numbers aren't right. They're really wrong, and they're really wrong, Brad. And I know this
phone call is going nowhere other than, other than ultimately, you know -- Look, ultimately, I
win, okay? Because you guys are so wrong. And you treated this. You treated the population of
Georgia so badly. You, between you and your governor, who is down at 21, he was down 21 points.
And like a schmuck, I endorsed him, and he got elected, but I will tell you, he is a
The people are so angry in Georgia, I can't imagine he's ever getting elected again, I'll
tell you that much right now. But why wouldn't you want to find the right answer, Brad, instead
of keep saying that the numbers are right? 'Cause those numbers are so wrong?
Mitchell: Mr. Secretary, Mr. President, one of the things that we have been, Alex can talk
about this, we talked about it, and I don't know whether the information has been conveyed to
your office, but I think what the president is saying, and what we've been trying to do is to
say, look, the court is not acting on our petition. They haven't even assigned a judge. But the
people of Georgia and the people of America have a right to know the answers. And you have data
and records that we don't have access to.
And you can keep telling us and making public statement that you investigated this and
nothing to see here. But we don't know about that. All we know is what you tell us. What I
don't understand is why wouldn't it be in everyone's best interest to try to get to the bottom,
compare the numbers, you know, if you say, because . . . to try to be able to get to the truth
because we don't have any way of confirming what you're telling us. You tell us that you had an
investigation at the State Farm Arena. I don't have any report. I've never seen a report of
investigation. I don't know that is. I've been pretty involved in this, and I don't know. And
that's just one of 25 categories. And it doesn't even. And as I, as the president said, we
haven't even gotten into the Dominion issue. That's not part of our case. It's not part of, we
just didn't feel as though we had any to be able to develop --
Trump: No, we do have a way, but I don't want to get into it. We found a way . . . excuse
me, but we don't need it because we're only down 11,000 votes, so we don't even need it. I
personally think they're corrupt as hell. But we don't need that. All we have to do, Cleta, is
find 11,000-plus votes. So we don't need that. I'm not looking to shake up the whole world. We
won Georgia easily. We won it by hundreds of thousands of votes. But if you go by basic, simple
numbers, we won it easily, easily. So we're not giving Dominion a pass on the record. We don't
need Dominion because we have so many other votes that we don't need to prove it any more than
we already have.
Trump attorney Kurt Hilbert: Mr. President and Cleta, this is Kurt Hilbert, if I might
interject for a moment. Ryan, I would like to suggest that just four categories that have
already been mentioned by the president that have actually hard numbers of 24,149 votes that
were counted illegally. That in and of itself is sufficient to change the results or place the
outcome in doubt. We would like to sit down with your office, and we can do it through purposes
of compromise and just like this phone call, just to deal with that limited category of votes.
And if you are able to establish that our numbers are not accurate, then fine. However, we
believe that they are accurate. We've had now three to four separate experts looking at these
Trump: Certified accountants looked at them.
Hilbert: Correct. And this is just based on USPS data and your own secretary of state data.
So that's what we would entreat and ask you to do, to sit down with us in a compromise and
settlements proceeding and actually go through the registered voter IDs and the registrations.
And if you can convince us that 24,149 is inaccurate, then fine. But we tend to believe that
is, you know, obviously more than 11,779. That's sufficient to change the results entirely in
and of itself. So what would you say to that, Mr. Germany?
Germany: I'm happy to get with our lawyers, and we'll set that up. That number is not
accurate. And I think we can show you, for all the ones we've looked at, why it's not. And so
if that would be helpful, I'm happy to get with our lawyers and set that up with you guys.
Trump: Well, let me ask you, Kurt, you think that is an accurate number. That was based on
the information given to you by the secretary of state's department, right?
Hilbert: That is correct. That information is the minimum, most conservative data based upon
the USPS data and the secretary of state's office data that has been made publicly available.
We do not have the internal numbers from the secretary of state. Yet we have asked for it six
times. I sent a letter over to . . . several times requesting this information, and it's been
rebuffed every single time. So it stands to reason that if the information is not forthcoming,
there's something to hide. That's the problem that we have.
Germany: Well, that's not the case, sir. There are things that you guys are entitled to get.
And there's things that under law, we are not allowed to give out.
Trump: Well, you have to. Well, under law, you're not allowed to give faulty election
results, okay? You're not allowed to do that. And that's what you done. This is a faulty
election result. And honestly, this should go very fast. You should meet tomorrow because you
have a big election coming up, and because of what you've done to the president -- you know,
the people of Georgia know that this was a scam -- and because of what you've done to the
president, a lot of people aren't going out to vote. And a lot of Republicans are going to vote
negative because they hate what you did to the president. Okay? They hate it. And they're going
to vote. And you would be respected. Really respected, if this thing could be straightened out
before the election. You have a big election coming up on Tuesday. And I think that it is
really is important that you meet tomorrow and work out on these numbers. Because I know, Brad,
that if you think we're right, I think you're going to say, and I'm not looking to blame
anybody, I'm just saying, you know, and, you know, under new counts, and under new views, of
the election results, we won the election. You know? It's very simple. We won the election. As
the governors of major states and the surrounding states said, there is no way you lost
Georgia. As the Georgia politicians say, there is no way you lost Georgia. Nobody. Everyone
knows I won it by hundreds of thousands of votes. But I'll tell you it's going to have a big
impact on Tuesday if you guys don't get this thing straightened out fast.
Meadows: Mr. President, this is Mark. It sounds like we've got two different sides agreeing
that we can look at those areas, and I assume that we can do that within the next 24 to 48
hours, to go ahead and get that reconciled so that we can look at the two claims and making
sure that we get the access to the secretary of state's data to either validate or invalidate
the claims that have been made. Is that correct?
Germany: No, that's not what I said. I'm happy to have our lawyers sit down with Kurt and
the lawyers on that side and explain to him, hey, here's, based on what we've looked at so far,
here's how we know this is wrong, this is wrong, this is wrong, this is wrong, this is
Meadows: So what you're saying, Ryan, let me let me make sure . . . so what you're saying is
you really don't want to give access to the data. You just want to make another case on why the
lawsuit is wrong?
Germany: I don't think we can give access to data that's protected by law. But we can sit
down with them and say --
Trump: But you're allowed to have a phony election? You're allowed to have a phony election,
Germany: No, sir.
Trump: When are you going to do signature counts, when are you going to do signature
verification on Fulton County, which you said you were going to do, and now all of a sudden,
you're not doing it. When are you doing that?
Germany: We are going to do that. We've announced --
Hilbert: To get to this issue of the personal information and privacy issue, is it possible
that the secretary of state could deputize the lawyers for the president so that we could
access that information and private information without you having any kind of violation?
Trump: Well, I don't want to know who it is. You guys can do it very confidentially. You can
sign a confidentiality agreement. That's okay. I don't need to know names. But on this stuff
that we're talking about, we got all that information from the secretary of state.
Meadows: Yeah. So let me let me recommend, Ryan, if you and Kurt will get together, you
know, when we get off of this phone call, if you could get together and work out a plan to
address some of what we've got with your attorneys where we can we can actually look at the
data. For example, Mr. Secretary, I can you say they were only two dead people who would vote.
I can promise you there are more than that. And that may be what your investigation shows, but
I can promise you there are more than that. But at the same time, I think it's important that
we go ahead and move expeditiously to try to do this and resolve it as quickly as we possibly
can. And if that's the good next step. Hopefully we can, we can finish this phone call and go
ahead and agree that the two of you will get together immediately.
Trump: Well, why don't my lawyers show you where you got the information. It will show the
secretary of state, and you don't even have to look at any names. We don't want names. We don't
care. But we got that information from you. And Stacey Abrams is laughing about you. She's
going around saying these guys are dumber than a rock. What she's done to this party is
unbelievable, I tell you. And I only ran against her once. And that was with a guy named Brian
Kemp, and I beat her. And if I didn't run, Brian wouldn't have had even a shot, either in the
general or in the primary. He was dead, dead as a doornail. He never thought he had a shot at
either one of them. What a schmuck I was. But that's the way it is. That's the way it is. I
would like you . . . for the attorneys . . . I'd like you to perhaps meet with Ryan, ideally
tomorrow, because I think we should come to a resolution of this before the election. Otherwise
you're going to have people just not voting. They don't want to vote. They hate the state, they
hate the governor, and they hate the secretary of state. I will tell you that right now. The
only people that like you are people that will never vote for you. You know that, Brad, right?
They like you, you know, they like you. They can't believe what they found. They want more
people like you. So, look, can you get together tomorrow? And, Brad, we just want the truth.
It's simple.
And everyone's going to look very good if the truth comes out. It's okay. It takes a little
while, but let the truth come out. And the real truth is, I won by 400,000 votes. At least.
That's the real truth. But we don't need 400,000 votes. We need less than 2,000 votes. And are
you guys able to meet tomorrow, Ryan?
Germany: I'll get with Chris, the lawyer who's representing us in the case, and see when he
can get together with Kurt.
Raffensperger: Ryan will be in touch with the other attorney on this call, Mr. Meadows.
Thank you, President Trump, for your time.
Trump: Okay, thank you, Brad. Thank you, Ryan. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. Thank you
very much. Bye.
Another scenario I consider is that the permanent state preferred Trump to win in 2016 as
they could test his blatant nationalism and MAGA concept to push the overton window waaayyy
to the right and simultaneously poke Russia, China, Iran to test their malleability in the
face of provocation. They were gaming in real time to assess their next strategy which was to
return the D party (without Clinton) to the Presidency and Congress in 2020 being certain
that their return would be further beneficial to wage aggression across the globe and enrich
the Banks and MIC. I say - without Clinton - as they likely found her too big for her boots
or damaged goods beyond redemption and therefore unfit for their safe use.
It keeps solid perimeters around the two party system
It further drives the trigger happy rightist cells to better organise and maintain their
It binds the left and reinforces the permanent state's manipulation of the fringe such as the
Democratic Socialist party
It enlarges the use of wedge politics to suppress any chance of progressive legislation in a
That way they maintain their capacity to steer both parties and the legislative agenda
behind their opaque wall.
The reemergence of the remaining loyalists to the U.S. Constitution and a truth and
reconciliation moment where these coastal elites, who facilitated this arrangement and
continue to administer this with China, will be given the Nuremberg treatment. That is the
trajectory of history from my vantage point.
The west is in for some hard times but it is indeed for the best for the supremacy of
natural religions to reemerge as victors in the Hegelian dialectic of which the globalists
have tried in vain to put a lid on.
Whose the goat? 'Sore loser' Trump? or Corrupt Biden?
For most, "the answer" depends on their own partisan leanings.
But I think that MAGA! is a core part of the strategy to counter Russia and China, not
simply a campaign slogan to be discarded. That strategy was first described by Kissinger in a
WSJ Op-Ed 10 months before Trump became the MAGA! candidate.
To breathe life into that strategy requires what Trump termed winning .
Winning instills confidence and pride. And we've seen Trump's winning abilities
in partisan kayfabe: the Democrats feeble/fake "resistance" has resulted in several big wins
for Trump: the Russiagate investigation came up empty; Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh was
confirmed despite loud objections; the impeachment trial was a farce; Flynn was found to have
been set-up. Then Trump topped it off with a resounding (and very suspicious) "defeat" of
Covid-19 via American bio-tech, principally Regeneron and Remdesivir.
Is this glorious streak of MAGA! winning ending? Is that what a Deep State planner would
like to see?
They met virtually on Zoom, four days over two weeks in June, to hold simulations known
in the military and intelligence communities as "war games."
There were 67 players – many of them high-profile critics of President Donald
Trump – including law professors, retired military officers, former senior U.S.
officials, political strategists and attorneys.
Instead of mapping out a geopolitical conflict, the group peered ahead to the Nov. 3
election, now less than 90 days away, and explored how the race between Trump and Joe Biden
could turn into a post-election crisis.
John Podesta, a former top aide to President Barack Obama and President Bill
Clinton's former chief of staff, played Biden. Two outspoken Republican critics of Trump,
David Frum and Bill Kristol, portrayed the president.
After gaming out various scenarios, the group said its conclusions were "alarming:"
In an election taking place amid a pandemic, a recession and rising political polarization,
the group found a substantial risk of legal battles, a contested outcome, violent street
clashes and even a constitutional impasse.
"We assess with a high degree of likelihood that November's elections will be marked
by a chaotic legal and political landscape," the Transition Integrity Project, which
organized the "war games," said in a report this week.
It should be clear that the research and planning for "war games" with 67 players would have
begun months before June 2020.
Does anyone think that people like Podesta, Kristol, and Frum have our best interests at
heart? As oglalla @Jan3 19:12 #22 notes, the prospect of a Trump win is scary because (as in
2016) it would be arranged for a frightening purpose: to ensure that USA/West continue and
extend their global dominance up to and including war.
It has been argued by some at moa that Biden is WORSE than Trump on foreign policy
(because his FP is supposedly driven by the Deep State while Trump's is not). Biden, like
Hillary Bush McCain Brennan etc, is a Deep Stater and avowed Zionist. He will not undo
anything Trump has done.
The advantage to the Deep State of Trump instead of Biden is that Trump is: 1) a better
communicator and 2) closely associated with MAGA! patriots (aka white people). The US
military has never forgotten the cardinal lesson of Vietnam: the war was lost on the
homefront. And it wasn't hippies or marches in support of black civil rights protesters that
caused that, it was the disillusionment of the white middle-class.
I just want to know one thing from you: Do you honestly believe Trump won the
And then explain why Republicans have no problem with the results down the
It's okay to clamor and protest for more social justice, but what is not okay is to
overturn a process where people actually exercised their will and in numbers historically
If you destroy fact with fiction and eliminate the will of 81,000,000 people; 7 Million
more than Trump got, then does anything else matter?
Don't skirt the question: Do you believe Trump won the election?
I'll answer with numbers.....
It is acknowledged that Trump got 74 million votes.
There were 156 million voters registered....
About 62% voted... == 97 million voted.
That leaves 23 million for Biden....
This accords with the number of people at his rallies compared to those attending Trump's
Then there is the not too small issue of the 1998 Unanimous Supreme Court Decision in the
Louisiana case...
"The election must occur on one day... It ends at midnight on that day"
Given that is the case... all votes not counted by midnight on 3 Nov should have been
discarded... or the vote nullified...
That requirement alone would give PA, WI, GA, AZ, to Trump because he was leading in
those states prior to midnight. Were this to happen Trump would win hands down....
So, to answer your question.... Trump won... Biden lost...
But to go further... Putting Biden in the Oval Office represents a loss for the
electorate. Biden is corrupt, his entire career has been one trying to eliminate Social
Security and other entitlement programs including Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, and AFDC. Biden
is for all intents and purposes, in-competent.
The democrats should have gone with Vermont Senator Sanders... Who is not a Marxist, by
any measure.
I'd much prefer Sanders... as would almost all US Citizens....
After pushing phony stories of 'Russian interference' and working for an agency that
interferes in elections, ex-CIA agent now Congressman Will Hurd thinks the GOP should accept
Joe Biden's win, or risk helping the US' "enemies."
A dozen Republican Senators are getting set to object to the Electoral
College's certification of Joe Biden's win in November, unless an "emergency 10-day
audit" is held in a number of key swing states won by Biden. The move is also backed by a
number of Republican representatives in the House.
However, there's a rival faction of Republicans who want to put allegations of Democrat
fraud behind them and go back to business as usual under a Biden administration. Outgoing Texas
Rep. Will Hurd is one of them, and he made a novel argument against questioning the election on
"When I was undercover at the CIA, I saw firsthand how our enemies steal elections and
try to interfere in ours," he tweeted. "Elected officials continuing to sow doubt
amongst the public for petty political gain is playing into our enemies' hands."
As for who these "enemies" are, Hurd was presumably referring to the reliable old
specter of "the Russians." Throughout Trump's four years in office, Hurd has repeatedly
claimed that Moscow meddled in the 2016 election, despite there literally being zero proof for
these claims.
" This is honestly one of the most hilarious mega-viral tweets I've ever seen on
Twitter," journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted. In a follow-up tweet, Greenwald joked that
Hurd "must have been in a different part of the CIA" than former Director James Woolsey, who
told Fox News' Laura Ingraham in 2018 that his agency had meddled in European elections during
the Cold War "in order to avoid the Communists taking over," and continues to dabble in
election meddling, but "only for a very good cause.
Hurd was mocked on all sides. First for condemning election interference from an agency
famed for
interfering in elections
... ... ...
And then for bragging about his undercover status...
"Eleven Senate Republicans on Saturday announced that they will object to the Electoral
College results Wednesday, when Congress convenes in a joint session to formally count the
"Congress should immediately appoint an Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and
fact-finding authority, to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the
disputed states," they said. "Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission's
findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if
"Accordingly, we intend to vote on Jan. 6 to reject the electors from disputed states as not
'regularly given' and 'lawfully certified' (the statutory requisite), unless and until that
emergency 10-day audit is completed," they added.
The group's announcement means that at least a dozen GOP senators will object on Wednesday."
The Hill
Ted Cruz Leads Senators In Challenge To Wednesday Electoral Count; Demands Emergency
Audit BY TYLER DURDEN SATURDAY, JAN 02, 2021 - 13:25
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is leading a group of 11 Senators who plan to object to certifying
state Electoral College votes on Wednesday.
The group, which includes Sens. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Steve Daines
(R-Mont.), John Kennedy (R-La.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), and Mike Braun (R-Ind.), and
Senators-Elect Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), and
Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), are also calling for the resurrection of an Electoral Commission to
conduct an emergency audit of the results .
According to
Axios , the move pits the group of GOP Senators against Senate Majority Leader Mitch
McConnell, who had 'hoped to avoid the spectacle of his party leading a last-ditch effort to
prevent Joe Biden from being declared the 2020 election winner.'
The move comes after Sen. Josh Howley (R-MO) said that he would raise a general objection
"Congress should immediately appoint an Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and
fact-finding authority, to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the
disputed states. Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission's findings and
could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed," the
eleven Senators said in a statement.
The group noted a similar commission - made of five representatives, five senators and
five Supreme Court justices - reviewed allegations of fraud in the 1876 election.
"Accordingly, we intend to vote on Jan. 6 to reject the electors from disputed states
as not 'regularly given' and 'lawfully certified' (the statutory requisite), unless and
until that emergency 10-day audit is completed." -Axios
The last three times a Republican has been elected president -- Trump in 2016 and George
W. Bush in both 2000 and 2004 -- Democrats in the House have brought objections to the
electoral votes in states the GOP nominee won . In early 2005 specifically, Sen. Barbara
Boxer, D-Calif., along with Rep. Stephanie Tubbs, D-Ohio, objected to Bush's 2004 electoral
votes in Ohio. -PJ Media
See below for the full text of a joint statement from the Cruz-led coalition :
"America is a Republic whose leaders are chosen in democratic elections. Those elections, in
turn, must comply with the Constitution and with federal and state law.
"When the voters fairly decide an election, pursuant to the rule of law, the losing
candidate should acknowledge and respect the legitimacy of that election. And, if the voters
choose to elect a new office-holder, our Nation should have a peaceful transfer of power.
"The election of 2020, like the election of 2016, was hard fought and, in many swing states,
narrowly decided. The 2020 election, however, featured unprecedented allegations of voter
fraud, violations and lax enforcement of election law, and other voting irregularities.
"Voter fraud has posed a persistent challenge in our elections, although its breadth and
scope are disputed. By any measure, the allegations of fraud and irregularities in the 2020
election exceed any in our lifetimes.
"And those allegations are not believed just by one individual candidate. Instead, they are
Reuters/Ipsos polling , tragically, shows that 39% of Americans believe 'the election was
rigged.' That belief is held by Republicans (67%), Democrats (17%), and Independents (31%).
"Some Members of Congress disagree with that assessment, as do many members of the
"But, whether or not our elected officials or journalists believe it, that deep distrust of
our democratic processes will not magically disappear. It should concern us all. And it poses
an ongoing threat to the legitimacy of any subsequent administrations.
"Ideally, the courts would have heard evidence and resolved these claims of serious election
fraud. Twice, the Supreme Court had the opportunity to do so; twice, the Court declined.
"On January 6, it is incumbent on Congress to vote on whether to certify the 2020 election
results. That vote is the lone constitutional power remaining to consider and force resolution
of the multiple allegations of serious voter fraud.
"At that quadrennial joint session, there is long precedent of Democratic Members of
Congress raising objections to presidential election results, as they did in 1969, 2001, 2005,
and 2017. And, in both 1969 and 2005, a Democratic Senator joined with a Democratic House
Member in forcing votes in both houses on whether to accept the presidential electors being
"The most direct precedent on this question arose in 1877, following serious allegations of
fraud and illegal conduct in the Hayes-Tilden presidential race. Specifically, the elections in
three states-Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina-were alleged to have been conducted
"In 1877, Congress did not ignore those allegations, nor did the media simply dismiss those
raising them as radicals trying to undermine democracy. Instead, Congress appointed an
Electoral Commission-consisting of five Senators, five House Members, and five Supreme Court
Justices-to consider and resolve the disputed returns.
"We should follow that precedent. To wit, Congress should immediately appoint an Electoral
Commission, with full investigatory and fact-finding authority, to conduct an emergency 10-day
audit of the election returns in the disputed states. Once completed, individual states would
evaluate the Commission's findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a
change in their vote, if needed.
"Accordingly, we intend to vote on January 6 to reject the electors from disputed states as
not 'regularly given' and 'lawfully certified' (the statutory requisite), unless and until that
emergency 10-day audit is completed.
"We are not naïve. We fully expect most if not all Democrats, and perhaps more than a
few Republicans, to vote otherwise. But support of election integrity should not be a partisan
issue. A fair and credible audit-conducted expeditiously and completed well before January
20-would dramatically improve Americans' faith in our electoral process and would significantly
enhance the legitimacy of whoever becomes our next President. We owe that to the People.
"These are matters worthy of the Congress, and entrusted to us to defend. We do not take
this action lightly. We are acting not to thwart the democratic process, but rather to protect
it. And every one of us should act together to ensure that the election was lawfully conducted
under the Constitution and to do everything we can to restore faith in our Democracy."
WorldView 14 minutes ago remove link
Precisely because it was a rigged election, and both the Deep State and the Lawmakers,
will have nothing to do with looking into possible widespread fraud.
There is only one solution that is fair and moral.
Re-do the election.
A citizen must vote in person, and show ID.
Military and nursing homes are allowed to Absentee Vote. All others, vote in person.
If you can't get up off your *** and walk down to the polling station, then you don't
deserve to vote.
Once we do this, I will, for one, accept any result.
Otherwise, this was a sham election, which will have incredible ill-results for
On Wednesday during a
hearing in front of Georgia State Senators, inventor Jovan Pulitzer testified that his team
found a polling location in Fulton County, GA, that was connected to the internet so they were
able to hack into the Dominion Voting machines system and take over the poll pad and establish
a two way communication of sending and receiving data. All this was happening in real-time
while Mr. Pulitzer was testifying.
Poll locations are not supposed to have internet access. The polling site in question is
being used for the current Georgia Senate runoff elections so this confirms that the runoff is
connected to the internet. It appears that the Georgia Senate runoff elections are rigged just
like the 2020 election. Are you okay with this? Stay tuned!
The problem with the indisputable evidence isn't that it's being disputed. It's being
blatantly ignored. We are losing our country, our middle class and our freedom because truly
evil people are not being forced to follow the laws.
"Most secure election ever" unless there is a smart thermostat in the room... or any
wireless device... oh and the USB slots on the side of the machines... and then there is the
free downloadable version of the code we used to program the machines... and the instructions
on how to hack our machines on numerous websites... But other than that this is the most
secure election ever.
There was a guy that testified a while back about the claim that these machines are not
connected to the internet. I don't remember his name, which state, or anything like that.
Just that he was on via a zoom call. Anyhow, this guy said that on election night there was a
machine that wasn't working properly because it was coded to the wrong location or precinct.
The poll Supervisor called support which i believe he said was in Colorado. They were able to
remote into the computer & fix it. An internet connection must be present for remote
support. The guy even had a print out record of the call.
Each time a member of the big media reports on someone referring to acts of fraud or even
irregularities in the Nov. 3 presidential election, they describe them as "baseless claims" or
Such words are included in almost wire story since election day published by the Associated
Press, Reuters, Bloomberg, and others.
Actually, there are many examples of vote fraud that took place during the 2020 election,
and serious evidence of voting irregularities relating to the main-in ballots.
Here is what we do know:
Nevada: The Silver State rushed a universal vote-by-mail measure through the legislature in
response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill, known as AB 4, lacked safeguards to assure voter
identity and was implemented without cleaning voter rolls of deceased voters, those who had
moved, or who had become ineligible to vote.
Attorney Jesse Binnall
testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Dec. 16 as to what resulted.
He had proof of nearly 90,000 fraudulent or improper votes that were cast, including
instances where:
More than 42,000 people voted multiple times.
At least 1,500 people listed as "dead" voted.
More than 19,000 non-residents voted.
In excess of 8,000 people cast mail-in votes from non-existent addresses.
Over 15,000 votes were cast from commercial or vacant addresses.
Arizona: The Arizona Republican Party alleges more than 100,000 ballots might have been
improperly cast in the Grand Canyon State, including some 28,000 duplicated ballots in Maricopa
County alone.
Arizona GOP party chairwoman Dr. Kelli Ward also addressed in
one of her video reports the subject of "fake news" outlets, that tend to mischaracterize
allegations of voter fraud.
"We are trying to have integrity in our electoral process," she said, adding: "We have every
right to make legal challenges."
Again, only 10,457
votes separate Biden and President Donald Trump on Arizona, a 0.3% difference.
Wisconsin: President Trump's legal team sought to have some 221,000 ballots disqualified
that were cast in the state's two most heavily Democratic counties -- Dane and Milwaukee.
At issue were incomplete absentee ballot envelopes where clerks filled in missing
information, as well as those that were issued without a proper request, and still others that
were the subject of ballot harvesting.
In a narrow 4-3 ruling, the Wisconsin Supreme Court rejected the challenge, claiming the
campaign was "not entitled to the relief it seeks."
The campaign filed its petition for a writ of certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court on
Only 20,682
votes separate Trump and Biden in the Badger State, 0.61%.
One can hardly say this is a "baseless" claim, and pure reason has many people
Biden underperformed Obama in 80% of Wisconsin counties but hugely outperformed in just five
counties to win the state.
Michigan: While the Trump campaign has made an issue of the voting systems and software used
throughout the state, allegations of widespread fraud remain unproven.
The Trump legal team has presented additional evidence of voter fraud and irregularities
before the Michigan state Senate Oversight Committee on Dec. 1.
In one instance, a "Guard the Vote"
volunteer testified he went through 30,000 of the 172,000 Detroit absentee ballots -- about
17%. Some 229 were dead voters and 2,660 listed invalid addresses.
Finally, Republican poll watchers were denied access for proper ballot
monitoring due to alleged COVID-19 concerns.
Pennsylvania: Nothing about the Keystone State made sense.
Like Detroit, Philadelphia election officials denied Republican poll watchers adequate
access into counting rooms, requiring them to seek a court order.
"Trump campaign staffers marched into the PA Convention Center with a court order giving
them the right to stand 6 feet away from sorters, instead of the previously allotted 20 feet,"
reported CBS3 Philly
reporter Alecia Reid.
Most recently, a group of 17 Republican state lawmakers released a blockbuster statement
Monday, alleging 202,377 more votes were cast than there were voters who voted. State Rep.
Frank Ryan, who has a background as a certified public accountant, led the investigation and
released a statement.
"These numbers just don't add up, and the alleged certification of Pennsylvania's
presidential election results was absolutely premature, unconfirmed, and in error,"
the statement said .
Georgia: The biggest bombshell was a
video that appears to depict news media and poll watchers being ushered out of the counting
room in an Atlanta tabulation center.
After all but a few workers left, suitcases of what appear to be ballots are removed from
underneath a table and are run through machines.
Georgia failed to use signature verification and other measures to certify mail-in ballots.
Rejection rates -- not allowing non-eligible mail-in ballots -- plummeted in 2020 from the 2018
Other irregularities:
In addition to outright claims of fraud, state and local officials in at least four states
-- Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia -- used the pandemic to make last-minute
changes to their state voting laws.
The U.S. Constitution provides only each state legislature may set the time, place, and
manner of elections.
This prompted Texas Attorney General Ken
Paxton to file a lawsuit against the four states with the United States Supreme Court for
allegedly exploiting "the COVID-19 pandemic to justify ignoring federal and state election laws
and unlawfully enacting last-minute changes, thus skewing the results of the 2020 General
In a statement he said, "Trust in the integrity of our election processes is sacrosanct and
binds our citizenry and the States in this union together. Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and
Wisconsin destroyed that trust and compromised the security and integrity of the 2020
Despite the fact 18 more states signed on to Texas' petition, the Supreme Court dismissed
the case, citing lack of standing. Only Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a student of history, compared the long list of
anomalies to another election nearly 200 years in the past.
"The more data comes out on vote anomalies that clearly are not legitimate the more it looks
like 2020 may be the biggest presidential theft since Adams and Clay robbed Andrew Jackson in
1824," Gingrich tweeted .
"State legislatures should demand recounts."
Republican Senate leadership opposes the planned objections. About two dozen GOP senators
have said they will not object, while others have indicated opposition. A small group -- Sens.
Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), and
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) -- have said they may object.
Virtually all Democrats have said they will not object, and have criticized those who plan
to challenge votes. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's spokeswoman
told reporters on Wednesday that the team views the counting of electoral votes as a mere
formality, while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) expressed confidence Biden would be
confirmed as president-elect.
Here are the lawmakers planning on challenging votes:
Kicking things up a notch is Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), who told "The Bulwark Podcast" that
there could be " upwards of 100 " Republican lawmakers who object to Biden's Electoral College
"I think you're going to have some people that come out and take a strong stand," he said,
adding that " I'm not going to be surprised if it approaches three figures ."
In the podcast interview, Kinzinger said that he does not support the initiative to object
to the votes led by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.). Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) on Wednesday said he
would join their challenge, becoming the first senator to do so.
The bid requires both a senator and a representative to carry out. An objection to any state
by a representative and a senator will prompt up to two hours of debate in the Senate and House
on whether to accept a state's Electoral College votes; it means that if the lawmakers object
to more than one state, the procedure could last for hours.
Some GOP senators said
that their challenge would fail.
" Senator Hawley has every right to object, " Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told Fox News on
Thursday. " But it's another thing to overturn an election of another state ."
"If dead people were voting, I want the names," Graham added. "If you're going to retry the
case in the Senate that's already been tried in the federal courts it would be hard for me to
basically take over the federal courts' role. But I will listen and we'll see how it comes
When a person files for an Affidavit. They are testifying as a witness to an oath that
they speak only Truth & can be punished to Prison if lied. Therefore with all these
thousands amount of Affidavits being filed all across U.S. are EVIDENCE of personal testimony
of voter fraud.
I've been on vacation in Mexico for the past two weeks. But that isn't the reason content
from me has been scarcer than normal. Yes, vacations are supposed to be for recharging and
taking a break from your routine.
But as I sat down to write this morning the overwhelming sense of futility washed over me .
And nothing saps your will to work more than reading through the headlines and noting the
complete lack of conscience on display by the media, our political leadership or frankly anyone
with half a brain.
We live in a world today where the legislature of one of the most important states in the
Union, Pennsylvania, released a report where more than 200,000 votes were counted than were
actually cast. And no one in our media seems to think this is news.
we detailed previously , U.S. District Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner attracted considerable
criticism when she declined to recuse herself from a challenge over voter eligibility. Gardner
is the sister of Stacey Abrams who has led the effort to register voters in the state.
Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams speaks during a conversation about
criminal justice reform at the New York Public Library in New York City on April 10, 2019.
(Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
The new order is a substantial rollback on the original order and the change was praised by
Raffensperger's office.
It will allow the requirement of provisional ballots from those voters. Gardner however
directs that no challenges to their eligibility be upheld based exclusively on data in the
National Change of Address Registry, which Democrats have challenged as unreliable.
At a time of heightened tensions over election integrity, Gardner's decision not to recuse
herself fueled further uncertainty.
Stacey Abrams' organization Fair Fight donated $2.5 million to Senate Majority PAC.
That is the group which used Majority Forward as its nonprofit arm, and the donation was the
largest to Senate Majority PAC since the November election.
So Gardner is ruling on an issue closely associated with her sister and originally ruled in
favor of the group which lists her sister's organization as its largest contributor.
At a minimum, that creates an appearance of a conflict.
I can understand Judge Gardner's view that there is no real conflict. These two very
successful women continue to work in the same state. Judge Gardner may have been concerned that
a recusal would encourage endless such challenges over tangential links to her sister's
Yet, she could have recused while stressing that this is a unique time and a unique set of
circumstances. A recusal could have been simply a recognition of the court that her familial
tie could undermine confidence in the review. 33,584
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JamesJOMeara 8 hours ago
Judge rules blah blah blah, who fracking cares? One result of 2020 not much noticed is the
complete and total loss of legitimacy by the judiciary. There have always been corrupt or
just dumb judges, but the clown car of post-2016 "decisions" and "rulings" has render the
judiciary completely lacking in all authority or even respect. Every decision or refusal to
decide at all (more common now, as they think, like Pilate, that it absolves them of guilt)
has been clearly political; all predictable once you know their party affiliation. District
Judges in Bumfuk Hawaii or Arkansas overrule the President at will; the treatment of Michel
Flynn -- the judge insisting on rendering a "decision" even when the Justice Department
dropped the case, like the Red Queen -- etc. etc. American Jurisprudence has been boiled down
to pure Leninism: who/whom. Makes things simple, especially for the courts, but renders them
of as little interest to Americans as an election in Mali or the goal of "Greater
Stunning turn of events in PA may lead to Trump victory On Dec. 28, Pennsylvania lawmakers
concluded that "Numbers Don't Add Up, Certification Of Presidential Results Premature and In
President Trump tweeted about it:
Breaking News: In Pennsylvania there were 205,000 more votes than there were voters. This
alone flips the state to President Trump.
The key paragraphs from the PA lawmakers' two-page statement:
A comparison of official county election results to the total number of voters who voted on
November 3, 2020 as recorded by the Department of State shows that 6,962,607 total ballots were
reported as being cast, while DoS/SURE system records indicate that only 6,760,230 total voters
actually voted. Among the 6,962,607 total ballots cast, 6,931,060 total votes were counted in
the presidential race, including all three candidates on the ballot and write-in
The difference of 202,377 more votes cast than voters voting, together with the 31,547 over-
and under-votes in the presidential race, adds up to an alarming discrepancy of 170,830 votes,
which is more than twice the reported statewide difference between the two major candidates for
President of the United States. On November 24, 2020, Boockvar certified election results, and
Wolf issued a certificate of ascertainment of presidential electors, stating that Vice
President Joe Biden received 80,555 more votes than President Donald Trump.
The PA lawmakers have done their job (so far). Now what is the next step? These lawmakers
need to recall the slate of electors and tell the House and Senate that the election results
cannot be ascertained in their state. They should probably hold a vote that overturns the
certification of the awful election. The bottom line is that the slate of electors is not
permitted to vote on Jan. 6.
This reasonable and fair action may have a domino effect on the other embattled states,
whose lawmakers should follow suit. If this happens, Trump will win in the Electoral College.
(I had erroneously stated that if no one reaches 270 votes, then the House decides.) Instead,
the Twelfth Amendment states: "[T]he votes shall then be counted[.] ... The person having the
greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President[.]"
But will PA's Legislature, where the real power resides, do this? And will the other
embattled states do the same? If so, then Trump (rightly) wins: 232 to 222. This is the best,
constitutionally speaking, and probably the only real option remaining for Trump.
Therefore, the solution is, once again, that we the people need to put maximum pressure on
the heroic and truthful PA legislators to send word to the House and Senate, reminding them
that the legislatures decide things, not a governor or a secretary of state. They should even
hold a vote, overturning the certification of the election. And we need to put the same
pressure on the legislatures of the other embattled states, where fraud obviously happened, to
follow Pennsylvania's lead.
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Hipneck911 6 hours ago
Are all you commie losers just too stupid or to lazy to look things up?
All a show. We know Trump won the election. They kicked out poll watchers and counted
votes in the middle of night when no one was watching. Why all the if irregularities exist
crap? You are being played once again by fake politicians.
Before I really get into my message, let me remind you that we Americans created this
situation that we find ourselves currently in. We sold them enough rope to hang us. We did
nothing when they attempted to frame our president and remove him from office. The Russia Hoax,
the Ukraine Hoax, the spying on his campaign, and then finally the phony impeachment.
We didn't stand up when we were needed, which gave the politicians we elected the confidence
to steal an election with absolutely no resistance or fear. Harsh words, maybe, but truth will
always win in the end.
We the people repeatedly elected self-promoting, self-protecting RINOs (like Paul Ryan,
Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney and many others) who sought personal wealth and joining the
globalist payroll – and fell into the trap of voting for them to avoid the Democrat
alternative. The consequence is that this cabal/consortium will now be installed permanently
with no remedy – except for civil war, the most cleansing of remedies but with the very
highest cost across all groups.
I heard President Trump was making his way back to DC after New Years to attend a rally.
It's gonna take more than another damn rally to fight this monstrous electoral fraud. And
telling people to vote for more feckless and gutless Republicans won't mean crap either when
voting itself is a rigged sucker's game.
... ... ...
Those in power only look for more ways to gain additional power. The Constitution does not
allow for legislative agencies outside of Congress. All federal agencies that have any
rulemaking power must be ended, along with the entire leadership team of the FBI, DOJ, ATF, and
others. They have become so corrupted that they must be cut, or we're headed for major
The FBI and DOJ are not late out of the gate; they are important members of the opposition.
If there are any patriots left in those agencies, they are cowards by remaining silent,
especially when decent, honest citizens put their livelihoods on the line as witnesses, when
those who swore an oath renege.
Less than a month before the election, a Swiss bank that is 75 percent owned by communist
forked over $400 million in cash to Staple Street Capital, the parent company of Dominion
Voting Systems.
Dominion, which operates electronic voting machines in 28 states, has been the
subject of election fraud inquiries and lawsuits alleging that the machines and their
software switched, altered and deleted votes on behalf of Joe Biden.
As first reported by
Infowars , an SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) filing from Oct. 8 shows that
Staple Street Capital received $400 million "with the Sales Compensation Recipient identified
as UBS Securities." Back in Dec. 2014, $200 million was received by Staple Street Capital from
the same source.
... ... ...
In other words, UBS Securities is a 100 percent Chinese-owned corporation, and it gave
nearly half a billion dollars to a company that runs most of America's elections, just days
before the most contested and obviously fraudulent election in American history.
1. As a Graphic Designer with a degree, I didn't understand why so many ballots were spit
out as unreadable by the voting machines on November 3rd. But after watching Jovan Pulitzers
testimony today in Georgia I now completely understand. Let me explain..
2. As a graphic designer all elements/layers of my design must line up in order to print
on the paper properly. Otherwise it can put out blurred images on the final product at the
printing shop. The printing machines follow something put on my art/documents
3. called "Registration Marks". Every student in Graphic Designer in college is stressed
that these are never to be off or you are wasting the printers time and the clients time.
Which is very bad, graphic designers get fired for this.
4. Back in the old days when we did this work by hand it was easy to make these mistakes,
before the computers I'm dating myself here because that's when I started before computers.
Now I design everything on computers that go to a printer.
5. On computer software, say photoshop for example, we no longer make these mistakes
because the software sets all registration marks electronically every time in every layer of
our art/document. In Mr. Pulitzers testimony he points out that
6. the Registration Marks (he called bullseye/target) are not lined up in the
predominantly Republican areas voters voting papers. And he shows you that the Democratic
areas voters voting papers are perfectly accurate Registration Marks. See below
7. You can see the Republican areas voter documents were off on the Registration Marks.
Very off. Because these are documents meant to be scanned by a counter, those bad
Registration Marks will toss the document out as uncountable.
8. Why was this print run allowed to proceed? Any print manager would have seen this in
the printers proof and rejected the print run. How did the Registration Marks get
9. Who printed these ballots? I have more that a few questions for them, like who designed
these Republican areas ballots? Why weren't they corrected? Why are the missing barcodes on
the Democrat ballots? I can think of many more questions. I bet you can too.
10. I bet I'm not the only Graphic Designer out there today to make this connection
finally to the tabulation machines rejection rates now.
11. Jovan Pulitzer's testimony today if you want to watch.
'Standing' is a basic legal concept. It means that (a) you were or clearly will be injured
not in some abstract way, but in reality, and (b) the injury is such that the court you ask for
relief can do something about it.
The most basic job of the Supreme Court is settling disputes among states. Texas claimed it
was and would be injured by widespread election fraud in other states. The Supreme Court said
"No, you won't actually be hurt by that."
In other words, the Supreme Court simply got it wrong. That's not a problem with law or a
legal concept, it's dishonorable conduct by seven little old ladies on our top court.
Dishonorable conduct often stinks; as you say "doesn't pass the smell test."
Update (1250ET): Two more lawmakers have joined Hawley with planned objections to the count
during the January 6 vote. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-TN) and Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) are also
planning to object, according to Bloomberg , along with Rep. Marjorie Greene (R-GA).
That said, it may be all for nothing if rumors are true Pelosi and McConnell are working
together to change the rules and block objections.
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) said he will object during the counting of the Electoral College
vote process on Jan. 6, becoming the first senator to confirm they are joining an effort
launched by more than a dozen House Republicans.
" I cannot vote to certify the electoral college results on Jan. 6 without raising the
fact that some states, particularly Pennsylvania, failed to follow their own state election
laws ," Hawley wrote in a statement on
"And I cannot vote to certify without pointing out the unprecedented effort of
mega-corporations, including Facebook and Twitter, to interfere in this election, in support
of Joe Biden," he added.
Hawley said that Congress should investigate voter fraud allegations and make sure that
future elections are secure. According to the Missouri Republican, both chambers have failed to
act in an appropriate manner.
"For these reasons," Hawley continued, "I will follow the same practice Democrat members
of Congress have in years past and object during the certification process on Jan. 6 to raise
these critical issues ."
Hawley noted that Democrats objected during the 2004 and 2016 elections "in order
to raise concerns" about election integrity. "They were praised by Democratic leadership and
the media when they" objected, Hawley added, saying that they "were entitled to do so" and
Republicans concerned about election integrity in the Nov. 3 election "are entitled to do the
For the past several weeks, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) and other House GOP lawmakers have pledged to object to the counting
of the Electoral College votes during the Joint Session of Congress . Their effort requires a
senator and a House member that would trigger a series of debates before a vote on whether to
certify a state's Electoral College votes is held.
Some members of the GOP leadership, including Majority Whip John Thune (R-S.D.), have said
their efforts are doomed to fail. And over the past weekend, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), in
comments widely publicized by news outlets, referred to Brooks's effort as "a scam."
And, according to anonymously sourced reports, Senate Majority Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) told
GOP senators that they should not take part in the House GOP-led effort on Jan. 6. Another
Republican, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), said the attempt to challenge the votes is an
improbable one.
" It's basically going through the motions ," Cornyn said,
reported The Hill.
"It's a futile exercise."
But Brooks, for his part, indicated that "dozens" of House members back the effort . "We're
going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns," Brooks told
Fox News on Dec. 28.
In a previous interview with The Epoch Times' American Thought Leaders program, Brooks said he believes
the Electoral College vote can be rejected, and the election can ultimately be decided in the
House of Representatives.
Former California Sen. Barbara Boxer "tried to strike Ohio for George Bush back in 2005, so
this is not unusual," Brooks said in an interview with
Fox Business on Dec. 15. "The law is very clear, the House of Representatives in
combination with the United States Senate has the lawful authority to accept or reject
Electoral College vote submissions from states that have such flawed election systems that
they're not worthy of our trust."
The new Congress is slated to be sworn in on Jan. 3.
2 hours ago (Edited) remove link
A clear case of fraud is in front of you, Senators.
What message are you going to send the American people?
Just a reminder that Joe, the candidate with the most votes in the history of the USA, had
52k views on all of his live streams COMBINED yesterday when he "won." United Spot has more
than double that in Subs.
Republican lawmakers in Pennsylvania say an "alarming discrepancy" in the presidential vote
count is two times larger than the margin of President-elect Joe Biden's victory in the
Their analysis, released on Monday by state Rep. Frank Ryan and more than a dozen
colleagues, found different vote counts when comparing Election Day data from counties and the
Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors, or SURE, system used by Pennsylvania Secretary of State
Kathy Boockvar. They also raised suspicions about there being tens of thousands fewer votes in
the presidential race than overall ballots.
All this comes more than a month after Boockvar certified election results and Gov. Tom Wolf
issued a certificate of ascertainment of presidential electors, stating that Biden received
80,555 more votes than Trump.
According to the GOP analysis, county election results showed 6,962,607 total ballots were
reported as being cast, while the SURE system indicated that only 6,760,230 total voters
actually voted, which is a difference of 202,377 votes. The Republicans said this 202,377 gap,
coupled with 31,547 fewer presidential race votes seen in county data, amounts to "an alarming
discrepancy" of 170,830 votes, which is more than twice the reported statewide difference
between Biden and Trump.
A small graph that appears at the bottom of their press release states that three small
rural counties have not fully posted their results online, and therefore the assessment only
goes off what has been reported.
"We were already concerned with the actions of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the
Executive branch, and election officials in certain counties contravening and undermining the
Pennsylvania Election Code by eliminating signature verification, postmarks, and due dates
while allowing the proliferation of drop boxes with questionable security measures and the
unauthorized curing of ballots, as well as the questionable treatment of poll watchers, all of
which created wholesale opportunities for irregularities in the 2020 presidential election,"
the lawmakers said.
"However, we are now seeing discrepancies on the retail level which raise even more
troubling questions regarding irregularities in the election returns. These findings call into
question the accuracy of the SURE system, consistency in the application of the Pennsylvania
Election Code from county to county, and the competency of those charged with oversight of
elections in our Commonwealth," the GOP lawmakers added. "These numbers just don't add up, and
the alleged certification of Pennsylvania's presidential election results was absolutely
premature, unconfirmed, and in error."
No other election has seen such perfect signature matches.
Who actually believes that there is a 99.99% accuracy rate in performing correct signature
verification procedures in Cobb County?
Georgia has 460,000 absentee ballots still missing chain of custody documentation required
by law – and surprise, surprise, most absentee ballots went to Joe Biden.
Yeah this is complete garbage. Nothing is 99.99% accurate if humans are involved. The
number is a slap in the face, basically saying to the voters "yeah so what are you gonna do
about it?" I've got a few ideas...
If this fight against election theft is destined to be successful, then it's imperative
to understand that the fight is ultimately against the political establishment and the
current power structures of our nation.
As can be seen right here with this article, the GOP is also part of the above-mentioned.
Those who insist that the "RINOs" are the problem seemingly have yet to understand that a
solid Congressperson is the exception rather than the rule. The political
establishment and political power structures have established a strong political filter that
ensures only a small number of elected representatives that are actually America First
manage to get elected.
The GOP backstabbing DJT is not a new occurrence. Back in 2016, both the highest ranked
elected GOP office holder (Ryan) and the highest ranking RNC official (Priebus) reneged on
endorsing nominee DJT.
Attempting to negotiate with the same elements that brought us the status quo of today is
a losing endeavor. The time is now to revolt.
When Fulton County finished counting they held a press conference. There was an older
black male (don't know who it was) that came to the microphone and said, "I'm proud that
Fulton County was able to have such an effect on the outcome of the election". When I heard
him say it live, I thought WTF was that? Was that a Freudian slip? It was bizarre!
Exactly, Fulton Co. is where they pulled suitcases full of ballots from under the table
and ran the same stacks of ballots through the machines 3 times. This proves nothing, it
certainly doesn't prove there wasn't any cheating in Fulton Co. because we've all seen video
proving otherwise.
Cobb County is not where the fraud was. No one has even alleged fraud there. This was a
dog and pony show.
Biden beat Obama in only 4 counties. These are the counties being contested. None of the
audits in PA, GA, WI, or MI have been in the contested counties. This one included.
Lol touche. This is a total insult by a corrupt and arrogant apparatchik. Jeez, at least
make the number semi-believable like 97% or even 98%. By going with four nines he is sending
a message.
Bill Barr Did Not See Fraud Because He Refused To Look by Larry C Johnson
I was wrong in putting any faith in Bill Barr. I thought Bill Barr was an honorable man. He is not. He has done a
good job of masquerading as a stand up, honest guy, but when it came to saving the Republic and upholding the
Constitution, he ran away.
"To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election."
Barr insists he has not seen sufficient fraud? Is he blind? Is he now illiterate? A blind cave fish can see the
Presently, Biden lays claim to 306 electors, while Trump lags with 232.
Georgia, Pennsylvania and Arizona account for 47 electoral votes. If those votes are properly assigned to
Donald Trump and taken away from Joe Biden, Trump wins 279 to Biden's 259.
The total of 103,896 votes separate Trump and Biden in these three states.
There is indisputable, tangible evidence of a massive fraud that, once exposed, ensures Donald Trump's
re-election. The plot was simple.
Millions of illegal ballots were pre-printed and shipped directly to counting centers in Pennsylvania,
Georgia and Arizona (also happened in Wisconsin, Michigan and Nevada).
These ballots were presented as "mail in ballots" but were never actually mailed and never handled by
living voter.
These fraudulent ballots were fed into the Dominion voting machines and recorded votes for Joe Biden. Most
of the pre-printed ballots excluded down ballot candidates, which is why the Republicans won more than 12
additional seats in the U.S. Congress.
Proving the fraud is even simpler. We only need to compare the physical ballots with the images that are recorded on
the Dominion machines. We do not need to worry, at this point, about computer forensics. (That could be relevant
later when we go after those foreign entities responsible for the interference). We only need to focus on the ballot
images. For example, if a mailed in ballot had actually been mailed, it would have been folded and unfolded several
times. Those fold marks show up on the digital image that the Dominion machine made in recording the ballot.
If you have a mailed in ballot that has no fold marks then you have clear, empirical evidence of fraud. A mail in
ballot will have fold marks. But there also are other markings embedded in the ballots that will reveal whether or
not a person or a machine filled out the ballot.
If you want to understand this type of analysis, please watch this video featuring Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. (
to Joe Hoft
who spotted the importance of Mr. Pulitzer early on.) Mr. Pulitzer is a true genius. He knows how to
make the complex quite simple:
I never realized, until now, that Bill Barr is incapable of counting. The evidence of fraud in Georgia, Pennsylvania,
Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin and Michigan is substantial and consequential. This proves that Bill Barr is flat out
wrong about the evidence and the outcome of the election.
Biden supposedly won by 11,779 votes over Trump, but the documentary and video evidence show that thousands of
votes were illegally counted in Fulton County, Georgia.
Fulton County Georgia elections officials told the
media and GOP observers that they were shutting down the tabulation center at State Farm Arena at 10:30 p.m. on
election night because of an alleged water main rupture. But there was no break in the water line.
Ruby and her daughter pulled out more than 11,779 ballots and can be seen entering those ballots multiple times into
the Dominion machine. And Bill Barr does not see this as relevant?
The evidence does not stop there. Pennsylvania's votes, specifically those from the Philadelphia area, were corrupt.
The ballots counted in Philadelphia were printed in New York and transported to Pennsylvania. We are talking more
than 350,000 ballots. The evidence about the movement of these ballots is fully backed up by eye witness testimony
under oath and documents.
Bill Barr clearly is no good at simple math. 350,000 ballots is more than enough to swing the election in
Pennsylvania from Biden to Trump. All the FBI has to do is investigate.
Wisconsin's fraud starts with the introduction of 170,000 mail-in ballots entering the tabulation process under the
guise of absentee ballots in clear violation of state law. That's more than eight times the number of ballots of the
alleged Biden victory margin of 20,608 votes. This large-scale abuse was facilitated by expansive definition of
"indefinitely confined voters," which the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled was illegal.
But there also is clear evidence that fraudulent "mailed" ballots were put through the Dominion machines. For
example, more
2000 absentee
votes in Wisconsin all had the same initials "MLW". Then there were thousands of pristine "mailed"
ballots with no sign of ever being folded.
10 Electoral votes
The fraud in Wisconsin is centered in Dane and Milwaukee counties. But so far the FBI has declined to investigate.
How can Bill Barr claim there is no evidence when there are clear allegations but no investigation. The difference of
20,608 swings the state to Trump.
In light of the emerging evidence, it appears the Republican legislature is going to certify the Republican slate of
electors. With only 10,457 separating Biden and Trump and with the evidence that more than 100,000 mail in votes do
not show evidence of actually being mailed, this should give President Trump another key win.
It is a shame that Bill Barr concludes his government service under such a dark cloud. But it is his fault. All he
had to do was be honest and look at the evidence. Instead, he studiously avoided looking. He chose blindness over
vision. That tawdry legacy is on him.
Thank you, Larry. As clear of a
presentation as possible. We all need to print this out as a dark reminder of what we let happen to this country, as
Kamala Harris cackles in our faces and Joe Biden floats around haplessly in a time warp unconnected to the real world
It never should have happened,
but it did.
The price of freedom is constant vigilance
- motto good enough to the Air Force SAC wing remains
good enough today too.
It is incumbent upon us all now
to sign up as election observers and know the law to protect our voting process, because the county hired guns will
no longer be doing this for us - it is our duty now to provide constant vigilance.
Time to start citizen election
law study groups and field armies of poll volunteers by 2022.
Thoughtful piece from American
Thinker explores possible motivations for those choosing to ignore this obvious election fraud staring them in the
Most chilling of course is the
threat of "mob" violence- which in fact are the organized, astroturf dragoons who perpetrated the election fraud in
the first place - the hard, organized left of the Democrat Party- who have the most to gain. Follow the money.
Even Rep Omar salivates at the
prospect of $2000 benjamins now that she has tasted her brand of American "capitalism" - picking up and enjoying free
money. The taste of millions of dollars of campaign cash flowing into the hands for her husband for "legitimate
campaign services" was too tempting to turn down.
The next fear is the potential
and total control of the insider media will cancel/censor all future developments and exposures of this topic.
It is easy to blame Barr. Just
like Sessions before. Obama nominated his wingman as AG. Who do you think Biden's gonna nominate? Why dd Trump
nominate a whole lot of Swampsters to his cabinet? Whose desk should the buck stop at?
On a larger note, and what
you've been writing about - the breakdown of the rule of law and the usurpation of power by insiders - I believe
Glenn Greenwald is spot on here. Authoritarianism has been creeping in the US for many decades now, backed by the
oligarchy and the elite political, media & "think-tank" class. And of course the urban managerial class too.
Whether the U.S. was a democracy in any meaningful sense prior to Trump had been the subject of substantial
scholarly debate. A much-discussed 2014 study concluded that economic power has become so concentrated in the
hands of such a small number of U.S. corporate giants and mega-billionaires, and that this concentration in
economic power has ushered in virtually unchallengeable political power in their hands and virtually none in
anyone else's, that the U.S. more resembles oligarchy than anything else
Just focus on Georgia, which has
a Republican Governor and Secretary of State. If the Georgia authorities have not brought an action in the Georgia
courts to undo the fraud allegedly perpetrated by Ruby and Wandrea, why should we expect Bill Barr and the Supreme
Court to intervene?
Bill Barr has a healthy respect
for constitutional federalism and has, most likely, concluded that when the Georgia authorities have conducted a
recount and have certified the election results, he lacks the constitutional authority to go to Atlanta, impound the
ballots and conduct a federal recount in order to overturn the State's certification decision.
From comment it is clear that Trump did a tremendous job undermining and discrediting classic
neoliberalism from the position of national neoliberalism. He was a huge wrecking ball...
In June, Attorney General Bill Barr sat for an
interview in CNN's Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer and predicted widespread fraud with
mail in voting.
He said: "People trying to change the rules to this, to this methodology – which, as a
matter of logic, is very open to fraud and coercion – is reckless and dangerous and
people are playing with fire."
At the time, Barr was the nation's top law enforcement officer with an obligation to prevent
election fraud under a bevy of federal statutes
What Barr Could've Done.
Maybe an investigation of Silicon Valley billionaires ballot harvesting
in black neighborhoods , for starters, and then a warrant for surveillance cameras at
counting facilities in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Atlanta and Detroit, with federal agents on
hand to double check the chain of custody of boxes coming through the back door.
Instead, election integrity was preserved with federal investigations to
prevent nonexistent seditious activity emanating from dubious white militias. The "reckless and
dangerous" mail-in ballot operation the Attorney General warned about was ignored.
Trump's political rise is because our institutions no longer work for the common good and
instead serve the idiosyncratic preferences of the sclerotic establishment. Picking a bombastic
outsider is the only way that 75-million Americans know to tell them to cut it out.
A Typical Washingtonian Creature.
In private practice, Barr was a highly compensated conduit to power, because being the
former Attorney General, or ex-FBI Director, or alum of any office that confers a vendable
credential pays big bucks in DC.
He is sufficiently deluded by beltway noise that he does not realize his pandering to
shallow political interests as George H.W. Bush's Attorney General – for instance by
authoring in 1992
The Case for More Incarceration – was simply grist for the outrage mill that
perpetuates the swindle.
Based on the musings of General Barr, Senator Joe Biden spearheaded a crime bill in 1993. He
sold the
bill as a way to take "predators" who were "beyond the pale" off the streets.
Because that's how Washington works.
Insiders on both sides help one another perform their Kabuki dance as public servants for
the next election even as they pocket a Delaware mansion's worth of foreign money.
H.L. Mencken observed that, "The whole
aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to
safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
Shill Continues.
Barr was appointed AG the second time because he
penned a 20-page memo proposing that when the president protests against a ridiculous
investigation into whether he colluded with Vladimir Putin to steal an election, he is not
obstructing justice.
You know, like how nobody is suggesting that Joe Biden's protests against election fraud
investigations means he should get indicted for obstruction under 18 U.S. Code CHAPTER 73.
Any first year law student could tell you that. If you were a warm body willing to help
Trump escape a frivolous criminal charge, though, you got a promotion from the practice squad
straight into the starting lineup.
As Trump's Attorney General, Barr served the same cadre of Washington insiders as he did the
first time, many of whom were still there because the game works so flawlessly.
The Hard
Drive From Hell.
Weeks before the 2020 election, a concerned citizen turned over to federal authorities a
laptop that had irrefutable evidence of a Biden family operation to sell influence in China,
with 10 percent of the take going to "the big guy" – who happened to be the democratic
candidate then running for president.
The nation's
intelligence agencies mobilized on behalf of the Biden family to call the concerned citizen
a Russian stooge, and the contents of the laptop Russian disinformation.
At the time – we didn't know it – the Justice Department had
been investigating the very activities confirmed in the laptop.
Barr knew, obviously, that the slander against the concerned citizen was just deep state
tripe to protect the Bidens.
Yet Barr sat on his hands, kept his mouth shut, and let the whistleblower suffer vicious public attack , because Washington
insiders put the establishment first even against the heroic decency of the little
The Russia Lie.
For two years Barr had investigated the greatest political scandal in American history.
The Washington establishment, along with the FBI, the CIA, and foreign intelligence
services, ran protection for the democratic candidate in 2016 by calling embarrassing
disclosures about her Russian disinformation – and, when that dirty trick somehow did not
get her elected, carrying the hoax into the Trump presidency to cause maximum political
For more on that, please do yourself a favor and read about the sordid scandal in my short
ebook, The Russia Lie
. I propose in the book that the scam was a political operation to vilify Donald Trump by
falsely claiming Russian election interference.
A week after publication, the DNI released notes John Brennan
took of a meeting with Barack Obama that confirmed my controversial take.
Brennan wrote that Hillary Clinton was planning to "vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a
scandal claiming interference by the Russian security service."
Yeah, but I said it better.
If someone like me sitting at a desk in Pittsburgh can figure this out, then the Attorney
General's head-in-the-sand failure to expose the lie amounts to an intentional cover-up sourced
in deliberate indifference.
As with the Biden laptop, Barr's first impulse investigating the investigators was to
protect his friends and neighbors in Washington, the Republic be damned. Some minor flunky at
the FBI
will go to jail , and everyone else is going to escape to their lucrative cable television
Because the fix, as always, was in.
Now What?
The 75-million who voted for Trump feel cheated but they're not going anywhere. Their ranks
will increase as Washington's Rube Goldberg-ian governance wreaks havoc and the dissatisfied
look for an alternative.
Our side should win the next few election cycles. That would be a "will definitely win"
except Republican officials in various key states passed permanent mail-in voting laws
ostensibly to address the short-term contingencies of a temporary pandemic.
Yes, the Republican Party is staffed with a bunch of "bilbars" (inventing a word here) at
the highest levels.
The "reckless and dangerous playing with fire" will continue, with Republican hopes pinned
on electing conscientious candidates even though state elections will be fixed by vote
harvesting and back door shenanigans into the foreseeable future.
It is dire but hopeful. Popular movements are best when they overcome even official
When Trump wins in 2024, he must avoid hiring swamp dwellers to drain the swamp. Of all the
things I've written about Trumpism in the last four or so years, my favorite is this –
nailed the problem a few months into the presidency.
There's got to be a law professor in Ohio who actually voted for Trump who can be tapped for
the position of Attorney General next time.
No more bilbars, please. As Hannah
Arendt knew, beholden insiders who prefer prestige to principle is the banality of
Oh, and whoever came up with the idea of landing Air Force One and Marine One at small
airports to hold rallies, give that person whatever job he or she wants.
It contributed to one of the greatest landslides in American presidential history.
USAllDay 4 hours ago
Bill Barr is a fat CIA hack just like his (daddy) that hired Jeffery Epstein.
Tirion 3 hours ago
Barr was appointed as a result of a deal done with the Bush family when Poppy Bush
Lorenz Feedback 3 hours ago
You mean the Grassy Knoll poppy Bush? ;)
HAL9000rev1 4 hours ago (Edited)
Not doing anything is doing something.
In that vein he did a lot.
I hope he has a short and unpleasant retirement
Murky Mook 4 hours ago
Barr did nothing.Nothing. He must have a big payday coming from the swamp.
Cardinal Fang 3 hours ago
Trump is not a very good manager.
His hires were a ******* disaster.
BoiledFrogs 4 hours ago
What an utterly naive author.
The Rulers don't give a damn about us, whether we live or die. Barr doing something noble,
because WHY? Not for us, not for America, not for Justice. He Rules according to the Rulers'
dictates. There is not a single person working inside the Beltway who cares whether we live
or die, have jobs or don't, can feed our families or not.
There is no and never has been BY THE PEOPLE.
ZenoOfCitium 3 hours ago
Barr is a dirty birdy. Barr has always been [DS]. His CIA codename was Robert Johnson.
Barr was involved in Operation Screw Worm (part of the Iran-Contra operation)
Bill Barr always was a swamp creature, as was Durham. I feel a bit sad for those American
patriots who thought Barr/Durham would finally, "hold [them] accountable." That was never
going to happen. Swamp creatures never rat on each other; it's an unstated pact. "It's a big
club, and [we] ain't in it."
BuckShotJones 2 hours ago (Edited)
Author is either naive or controlled opposition. The deep state has just stolen a land
slide election with an "In-Your-Face" attitude. No true reformer is going to win ever again.
As imperfect as Trump is, especially with whom he chose to pick to counsel him, he will be
the last reformer that will be permitted to run and win an election.
Drag and Drop a win. It is now that simple.
As for Barr, was he AG during the Ruby Ridge fiasco?
marysimmons 3 hours ago
Trump's nomination of Barr was probably the worst of a very long list of horrible
nominations/appointments. Probably cost him re-election
Robert De Zero 4 hours ago
Shill Barr was a slick operator. He uncloaked completely when he said "no fraud." He sat
on EVERYTHING. I never believed all the Q nonsense about "trusting the plan." I hope all the
Q-tards apologize for trying to mislead everyone with their obvious nonsense and naivety.
radical-extremist 3 hours ago
Democrats fight dirty and Republicans don't contest their skullduggery that much because
"it's for the good of the country" that these long drawn out battles end. Barr was brought in
to make sure the Republicans didn't fight too hard and upset everybody.
liberty2day 3 hours ago
Why argue this?
Trump was either coerced to drop in this skunk or he is one of them. Total fail, either
No Time for Fishing 3 hours ago
Mitch picked Barr. Mitch made it clear to President Trump that Barr will be AG as no other
nominee would make it through the Senate and any push back would be the end of anything else
making it through the Senate for Trump. Barr was given clear instructions that the Swamp and
most importantantly Mitch and his China In Laws were off limits and Barr was not to do
anything that could endanger any Democrat Crime Family or Republican Crime Family made
TxRogers 14 minutes ago remove link
"A plutocracy is a system of government where the wealthiest people in a country rule or
possess the power, and thus govern directly or indirectly. Plutocracy is often linked to the
term "dynastic wealth."
A plutocracy may not be the result of a planned system of government. Instead,
plutocracies can gradually form by allowing sole access to essential political and
educational resources that only the rich can afford.
The democratic concern of a plutocracy is that the wealthy will wish to maintain their
power and, therefore, only represent the interests of the wealthy as opposed to people of all
levels of education and income."
Sound familiar boys and girls?
pedro-the-cat 3 hours ago
The same people who go through the ranks in DC as young people end up being appointed to
big positions as payback for "services rendered". Barr is but one example. If he is out for
justice, then I am the King of Siam.
This is the way it has always been. Trump upended their "thing" and now both parties are
pulling out all the stops to get him out.
If Trump does not serve a second term and this vote is given to Biden, a curtain will slam
down on the U.S.
The aftermath will make Soviet Russia look like a birthday party in comparison.
Beaker99 3 hours ago
Barr is one of my biggest disappointments. I really thought he was going to bring some
accountability to the other side. Shame on me for not realizing he was installed as AG to
make sure exactly that did not happen.
Normally Aspirated 54 minutes ago (Edited) remove link
As a non American with nothin invested in US politics, I am still amazed that the US
republicans still have faith in Trump. He has achieved nothing except for Israel and his
families cronies.
He may have said the things that require change but he achieved nothing.
He made mistake after mistake and, still fails to learn. He is either dumb OR he is not
who he claims to be. Indeed, he may be involved in the whole thing. I think he's simply
playing a part. A role, not dissimilar to some TV Host on a TV show.
Either way, he has proven that he's no leader, has no conviction, has no insight with
people and, fails to identify a HUGE opportunity afforded to him at those rallies for him to
lead the country and her people by providing leadership and direction. He lacks political
intelligence or any conviction for the saving of the Republic.
Trump is simply in it for Trump! He is wasting your hope.
It's untrue that most of the claims have been dispelled by courts. By and large, there's
been no opportunity for witnesses to testify or present evidence to a judge or jury. More
importantly, perhaps, there's been no way to collect evidence of alleged fraud without the
tools of a criminal inquiry, such as subpoenas, depositions, and the ability to compel forensic
If legitimate and transparent investigations were to find the witnesses who claim fraud or
irregularities are mistaken or not telling the truth, the inquiries would serve the crucial
purpose of assuring the public that the claims were thoroughly investigated but found to be
unsupportable or false.
The following are eight examples of screaming red flags that begged for a prompt, thorough
criminal inquiry.
1. Ballots Allegedly Trucked Across State Lines
The FBI has a role in determining whether an interstate crime occurred, and who is
responsible, if hundreds of thousands of ballots were trucked from New York to Pennsylvania, as
a firsthand witness
states .
It should be simple for law enforcement to get to the bottom of it by finding out who hired
the truck and moved the cargo, or showing that the story is made up or a misunderstanding.
There are several reported accounts of vote switching in real time, as shown on television,
supposedly an example of how mischief can occur.
It would not be difficult for an investigative team to track down what happened in the
specific instances and, if verified, it implicates more switching could have happened
3. Vote Count Pauses
Vote counting was oddly paused in several states. If, as some claim, it was done so that Joe
Biden's ballot deficit could be figured and erased, it would point to a coordinated effort.
It would not be difficult for criminal investigators to question decision makers at each
location and find out who they communicated with. This could prove or dispel the notion of a
coordinated scheme.
4. Fulton County, Georgia's Mysterious Water Pipe Break
Fulton County is a special case since the reason given for a major vote pause, and the
reason uncritically accepted and reported by many in the press, was that a water pipe burst and
interrupted the count. However, the story morphed over weeks, and a state investigator
ultimately concluded there was no pipe burst that would have interrupted any counting. No good
public explanation for this discrepancy has been provided by a credible authority.
It would not be difficult for criminal investigators to identify and question whoever called
the vote count suspension, and then moved forward with counting after some observers were
5. Blocked Observation
There are widespread accounts from Republican election observers, and some Democrats, about
being allegedly blocked from seeing what was going on. It would make sense for a law
enforcement authority to question who was at the top of the organizational chain at each
location where this is credibly claimed by a witness in a declaration or sworn statement, and
find out how the official decided to determine and deploy the rules for observation.
It would not be difficult to learn whether there was a coordinated effort or, in the
alternative, to hold accountable anyone at the local level who improperly shielded ballot
counting from observers.
6. Voting Machines
In recent testimony to the Michigan state legislature, Dominion Voting Systems' CEO stated
he saw no credible claims of fraud. But when asked how it can be proved that bad actors didn't
impact and infiltrate voting systems, he advocated the idea of audits and even machine
examinations to answer those outstanding questions. He even said this is the common way such
questions are answered.
For the sake of public confidence, it would be prudent to have a credible law enforcement
body conduct forensic exams and audits of the machines and software to rule out interference by
third parties, or any other illegalities or mischief.
7. Mail-in Ballots
Numerous witnesses from the postal service as well as at polling precincts have provided
specific information about allegedly being instructed to falsely date, add birth dates, or
otherwise improperly alter mail-in ballots, or have testified about hearing plans to do so.
This is an important and easy issue for criminal investigative authorities to nail down one way
or the other.
8. Backdoor Ballots
The midnight dumps of tens of thousands of ballots in key swing states overturning the Trump
lead could be perfectly legitimate. However, it's unusual to say the least. And so, in this
environment, it's important that a criminal investigative body conduct at least a preliminary
inquiry in places where witnesses observed what they considered to be suspicious behavior or
It should not be difficult to track the chain of custody and show they're legitimate or, if
not, find out who transported them.
Finding evidence that dispels mischief is as equally important as an investigation that
finds wrongdoing. The simple declaration that there's nothing to investigate, or having people
who have no way to know the truth call the claims "conspiracy theories," is unlikely to dismiss
widespread concerns and may, in fact, heighten mistrust.
dustnwind 6 hours ago
Courts have simply refused the cases to avoid the outcome.
Barnacles PREMIUM 6 hours ago (Edited) remove link
Supreme Court in no hurry to hear Trump campaign case, sets response deadline two days
after inauguration
This is such an embarrassment for the U.S. 'Real' democracies laughing at the U.S. sham of
a voting system. If there's even one fraudulent vote, the system has to change. Voting
machines, mail in ballots, no voter ID required, all lead to the B.S. that went on. Trump
won, hands down! No way Bidet got more votes than Bathhouse Barry.
Billy the Poet 5 hours ago
The cameras were broken and the guards fell asleep.
Srbutterfly 4 hours ago
Oh your so right, we should follow the example of trumps allies instead and behave very
illegally and then have trump pardon us! Perfect!
cankles' server 3 hours ago
That's why there's no interest to investigate. If Biden is inaugurated he's just going to
pardon them anyway since it's federal laws that were broken.
sgt_doom 41 minutes ago (Edited) remove link
Thank you. The Deep State was well in place when JFK was president and that was over 50
years ago.
When Mustafa Attaturk set up the modern deep state in Turkey to insure that country
remained secular, it functioned beautifully every time religious extremists sought to seize
control ----- up until the Islamic extremist Erdogan took out thousands of individuals ---
because that is what it takes to dismantle a deep state structure; simply that Erdogan was
moving in the wrong direction!
By firing the top three at the CIA --- and the Dulles sister at State --- and by
appointing McCone, JFK appeared to be making the right moves.
PROBLEM: Deep State advice on whom to appoint --- McCone's silent partner in his shipping
company was the Rockefeller family, hence he appointed Nelson Rockefeller's special assistant
--- who remained on Nelson's payroll --- Gen. Schuyler, who probably fired the "good guys" at
the Agency! (Definitely should have fired Tracy Barnes who was both a cousin to Dulles and
had married into the Rockefeller family. McCone aldo appointed Gen. Marshall Carter --- at
the advice of Nelson Rockefeller --- to be CIA deputy director. Gen. Carter was the brother
of LBJ's senior advisor, Cliff Carter, and later Gen. Carter would be appointed to be
director of the NSA --- during the timeframe when all the 1963 files for USA--55
zerohedgeguy 6 hours ago (Edited) remove link
another is how Biden got more votes than obama while winning only 477 counties.
Obama won 69 million votes and 873 counties and Trump won 74 million votes and 2,497
counties, while Biden won 81 million votes and just 477 counties.
the6thBook 5 hours ago
Not to mention the last four elections all had about 120 million votes and then all of
sudden we have 155 million votes.
China (the CCP) owns UBS Securities Co Ltd >> which owns Staple Street Capital
>> which owns Dominion >> ergo, CCP owns Dominion --- this is the way it is done
in int'l finance
Right ---- you don't win 18 of the 19 bellweather counties then lose the election!
NoBigDeal 6 hours ago
9. The POTUS, with a large affidavit being called a 'person of no standing' and refused a
fair hearing by the entire legal fraternity, even the supreme court. Reports of law firms and
individuals being threatened by ANTIFA and the DNC.
bkwaz4 5 hours ago
The courts invoke unconstitutional procedural BS when they don't want to deal with issues
they KNOW are BIG problems. They are useless.
BoiledFrogs 4 hours ago
Which law enforcement arm would do the investigating:
States attorney generals or local prosecutors who normally represent the very people who
are being implicated?
The FBI which is entirely politicized so deeply that it lied to the FISA court?
US DOJ which has officially stated there is no fraud?
dystopian logistics 4 hours ago (Edited)
The fact that ballots were trucked across state lines is proof enough that Texas has
standing . ( but nobody cares about inforcing commerce laws any more.)
Max21c 4 hours ago
The Supreme Court has spoken and the Supreme Court Justices have clearly endorsed election
fraud and the return of Jim Crow laws. The US Supreme Court has ushered in a new era of Jim
Crow laws and now Jim Crow laws apply nationwide unlike the previous era when Jim crow laws
predominated to deny citizens their voting rights in the Democrat Party controlled Old
Yippie21 4 hours ago
More than that, SCOTUS has decided no all votes count as one man, one vote. They're ok
with trashing everything to get rid of Trump and demoralize his voter base. It's kinda
incredible what it going on.
Max21c 4 hours ago
Texas has standing both because it is a Sovereign State as are each of the states and
because it's citizens are both citizens of the United States and citizens of the state of
Texas. The US Supreme Court lied when they claimed Texas and all the other Sovereign states
and the citizens thereof did not have "standings" but in order for the Supreme Court and its
"Justices" to sweep the election fraud under the rug they had to lie and claim citizens do
not have voting rights in an election, votes do not have to be counted in whole or as
undiluted, citizens votes are neither equal nor protected by the rule of law, et cetera and
so on and so forth. The Supreme Court needed an excuse to go along with the coup d'etat and
forcing Trump out of power and to usher in the new Jim Crow era.
Al Armed 2 hours ago remove link
Imagine if Texas just declared war on the District of Columbia and sent the Texas National
Guard in a massive convoy to the capital, inviting other states to join them in their
righteous demand: WE WILL HAVE A FAIR ELECTION.
I bet we'd have a do-over in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin.
inorganic 2 hours ago (Edited) remove link
Essentially everyone in every high-level position in the entire federal government, and
many of the state governments, have been recruited for political positions, and their
campaigns funded by the super-rich globalist totalitarians for decades. Which is why
virtually every one of them does what they are told, no matter what.
Oh, and in case you haven't noticed, they are never arrested much less go to jail much
less serve time for the never-ending crimes against humanity they practice. And they all end
up rich. Thus, no downside and huge upside for human predators willing to obey the super-rich
Essentially, they are all owned. Obviously even the obscene court is too.
Apologists for authoritarians have made endless excuses for the evil deeds and crimes of
the authoritarians for endless decades. A few of us warned what would happen and now it has.
So where are all the supporters of the second amendment who said they'd rise up and get rid
of the predators-that-be if they went too far? Well, they've gone lightyears too far ... and
still nothing. Which just goes to show ... essentially everyone who supported "authority" in
any way shape or form for the past decades is an accomplice ... all 350 million of them (in
the USSA).
just_looking 42 minutes ago
i think he's saying the Dems follow the game plan without fear knowing that Biden, as
president, will exonerate them.
Faeriedust 3 hours ago
No judge wants to get in the middle of an election controversy; especially not when the
supposed "winning" side has flexed street muscle all summer in a demonstration of what they
would do if not given the trophy. I completely believe the story of Roberts screaming at the
other SCJ's that taking the case would lead to rioting in the streets. The threat has been
obvious. But more than that, this is the American Way: there is always election cheating, and
the press and the courts always sweep it under the carpet and declare that whoever appeared
to be winning on the morning after is the winner. And there is always a later admission that
yes, there was cheating, but "not enough to affect the outcome ". They NEVER admit that it
could have changed the outcome.
So this time it's pretty damned obvious that there was cheating, and that it DID affect
the outcome . . . and they're sticking with the standard line. Because the Dimwits control
the Media, and the courts are too cowardly to intervene, and the Publithugs were never ready
to take to the streets and fight about it the way that BLM and Antifa already did. We the
People were sold down the river before the voting even started, because ALL the Powers That
Be were unanimous in despising Trump as "not part of the team". You can be sure that any
voting we are allowed to do from here on out will not change anything. If it changed
something, they wouldn't let us do it.
C Rabbit 6 hours ago
Well, according to the courts, all of the above is irrelevant because no matter how bad
things were, nobody who wants to do anything about it "has standing" to do so. That is, the
courts claim that nobody was injured by these misdoings. It seems to me that every single
voter in the country has standing because if a presidential election can be affected in any
way, by whatever means, for any of the candidates, some votes are not going to matter. EVERY
It's time for more than legal measures to begin to address this problem with the
Lee Harvey 6 hours ago
What is really disturbing is the fact that anyone would be stupid enough to vote for a
party that wants to eliminate the bill of rights and enslave them, and a candidate that is an
older, whiter, griftier, misogynistier, pedophilic, professional swamp creature for 47 years,
who proved he cannot even raise a decent family, let alone run a nation.
Someone, even if its only is one or two people, actually voted for Biden. Apparently,
retards are allowed to vote.
A population of people stupid enough to vote Communist/Socialist/Democrat is on it's way
to complete destruction.
Democracy only works with an educated, informed public.
Eliminate the retards and foreign trash, or America is dead.
It'll still be the brutal militaristic World Police, but won't have any positive examples
of the ability to create a happy, healthy society OR the incentive to do so.
... ... ...
Gospel According To Me 3 hours ago remove link
The Dems knew what they were doing. The fraud was planned at least a year ago and contains
so many parts it will be hard to prove, especially with evidence quickly destroyed. A BILLION
dollars was donated by names we all know to defeat Trump by any and every means possible.
Crazy Nancy telegraphed their plan many months back when she said Trump may not want to leave
the WH. She knew how he would react to the largest election fraud in history. They out spent
and out did the Republicans in every big Blue area. They had thousands of volunteers to
ballot harvest, pay for votes, double count Biden's ballots, fake mail-in ballots, and to
cheat in many other ways.
Roberts is a coward who apparently stated he did not want to start any riots. His
philosophy is to do the easier wrong thing, than the harder right thing. he doesn't give a
s***about justice. So, don't expect a victory there.
But why no criminal charges? No federal investigation, no nothing. How can Trump prevail
without criminal charges and specifics? The woman running his fraud "investigation" said she
had plenty, but where is it? Who did what and when? By now the cover-up is complete and the
leftists see victory ahead. The conservatives damn well better not let the Senate get flipped
or they are toast for the next one-hundred f***ing years! They know the Dem game plan and
better fight back!
yerfej 4 hours ago remove link
The progressives own the media, courts, academia, bureaucracy, and big tech so they cannot
be challenged anymore. There is nothing anyone can do as there is no recourse. But that means
everyone is a target of the progressives wrath, the purge will destroy everyone.
BinAnunnaki 1 hour ago
9. Excess votes for Biden with no corresponding vote tallies for Senate or House races.
Which means only Pres was marked on the ballot. Sure sign of fraud
BugMan 1 hour ago
Jones was hired by the Biden campaign to run the Biden Texas operation . These captains
have scores of paid vote harvesters working for them. Vote harvesting is a second-degree
felony under the Texas Election Code . This is a criminal operation that these Democrat
elected officials are running.
They harvest ballots by mail from nursing homes, homeless centers, door to door in poor
neighborhoods , often dressed as Census workers. They offer $50 gift cards in front of stores
asking people to take ballots by mail,
Of course TPTB stole the election. Everyone expected this. 2016 was an aberration not to
be repeated. Like Trump or not the 2020 election shows the US to be a bonafide banana
republic, albeit with nukes.
BinAnunnaki 1 hour ago (Edited)
With Barr as AG, Trump never stood a chance.
He had Hunter's latoptop which would have meant no impeachment. Biden Big Guy exposure
would have finished him.
Love Orange Daddy, but his two biggest mistakes were picking Sessions (who had no problem
appointing Mueller) and then Barr (who wouldn't appoint Special Prosecutor for Hunter)
USAllDay 3 hours ago
81 million votes for Biden is proof of fraud. That did not happen. 2008-2016 averaged
around 128 million votes but we are to believe 150 million legitimate votes were cast in
2020... no way.
BinAnunnaki 1 hour ago
No one believes for a moment Biden got more votes than Obama
Keyneswasanidiot 3 hours ago
The vast majority of the populace is so propagandized that they don't know or care that
the election was so horribly rigged. Just move on. The big wake up will be when either the
state goes bankrupt or maybe when the kids are brainwashed into turning in their parents for
unsocial behavior. Either way it is and will be too late.
nuerocaster 4 hours ago
The whole gangsterized quid pro quo economy, finance, governance system must be
sgt_doom 1 hour ago (Edited)
Because of the onslaught of election fraud across the nation at all levels, we may be
losing sight of the obvious: it explains in several of the user guides how to both generate
false results and delete existing ones, which explains the missing and erased logs. Please
read these again:
If the real object of the [year 2000 election] spectacle was to steal the election for
Bush, it could have been done easily and quietly. Instead, we had a huge public
spectacle...[to] assure the passage of the "Help America Vote Act", which brought in the era
of electronic voting machines [which are] easily hacked and basically unauditable."
So, it looks like the voter fraud of 2020 is merely standard operating procedure. The
difference is, Trump is proving too uncouth to let sleeping dogs lie. He's kicked open a door
that was sup[posed to remain shut.
Unless - this is just another show to put yet another horrible thing in place: a
Bio-Patriot Act with mandatory vaccines? A Great Reset that eliminates the Constitution?
Trump "flubs", declares Martial Law that invites in the Deep State to assume control and
confiscate guns?
HAL9000rev1 6 hours ago (Edited)
Correct on all counts except
QED, Biden did not receive 80M votes.
it is fiction that "there is no evidence of voter fraud" more honestly stated, the corrupt
DOJ and court system dont want to consider the overwhelming evidence, the easiest to
understand being the unfolded (Unconstitutional) "mail in ballots"
Looks like Sidney Powell overplayed her hand with her Hugo Chavez claims and might pay the
price... They also attack her penchant for self-promotion.
This is a solid legal document that attack exaggerations and false claims and as such it puts
Sydney Power on the defensive. But at the same time it opens the possibility to analyze Dominion
machines and see to what extent votes can be manipulated, for example by lowest sensitivity of
the scanner for mail-in ballots and then manually assigning votes to desirable candidate. This
avenue is not excluded.
It also does not address the claim of inherent vulnerabilities of any Windows based computer
used in election, irrespective whether they were produced by Dominion or any other company due to
the known vulnerability of windows OS especially to the intelligence agencies attacks. As
well as the most fundamental question: whether the use of computers in election represents step
forward or the step back in election security? Especially Internet connected voting machines and
centralized tabulation centers deployed in 2020 elections.
So the success here depends whether they can narrow the scope tot ht claims made and avid
discovery of the voting machines themselves.
The weak point is that the letter references the testimony of Chris Krebs, who is a former
Microsoft employee and as such has a conflict of interests in accessing the security of Windows
based election machines produced by Dominion and other companies. Moreover he is now a computer
science processional but a lawyer, who does not has any independent opinion on the subject matter
due to the absence of fundamental CS knowledge required.
Notable quotes:
"... For example, you falsely claimed that Dominion and its software were created in Venezuela for the purpose of rigging elections for the now-deceased Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, that Dominion paid kickbacks to Georgia officials in return for a "no-bid" contract to use Dominion systems in the 2020 election, and that Dominion rigged the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election by manipulating votes, shifting votes, installing and using an algorithm to modify or "weight" votes such that a vote for Biden counted more than a vote for Trump, trashing Trump votes, adding Biden votes, and training election workers to dispose of Trump votes and to add Biden votes. ..."
"... Fifth, you had a financial incentive in making the defamatory accusations. Your own conduct and statements at the press conference, media tour, and on your websites make it clear that you were publicizing your wild accusations as part of a fundraising scheme and in order to drum up additional business and notoriety for yourself. ..."
Sidney Powell Defending the Republic 10130 Northlake Blvd. #214342 West Palm Beach, Florida
Re: Defamatory Falsehoods About Dominion
Dear Ms. Powell:
We represent US Dominion Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiaries, Dominion Voting Systems,
Inc. and Dominion Voting Systems Corporation (collectively, "Dominion"). We write regarding
your wild, knowingly baseless, and false accusations about Dominion, which you made on behalf
of the Trump Campaign as part of a coordinated media circus and fundraising scheme featuring
your November 19 press conference in Washington, D.C. and including your "Stop the Steal" rally
and numerous television and radio appearances on -- and statements to -- Fox News, Fox
Business, Newsmax, and the Rush Limbaugh Radio Show, among others.
... ... ...
I. Your reckless disinformation campaign is predicated on lies that have endangered
Dominion's business and the lives of its employees.
Given the sheer volume and ever-expanding set of lies that you have told and are continuing
to tell about Dominion as part of your multi-media disinformation "Kraken" fundraising
campaign, it would be impractical to address every one of your falsehoods in this letter.
Without conceding the truth of any of your claims about Dominion, we write to demand that you
retract your most serious false accusations, which have put Dominion's employees' lives at risk
and caused enormous harm to the company.
For example, you falsely claimed that Dominion and its software were created in
Venezuela for the purpose of rigging elections for the now-deceased Venezuelan dictator Hugo
Chavez, that Dominion paid kickbacks to Georgia officials in return for a "no-bid" contract to
use Dominion systems in the 2020 election, and that Dominion rigged the 2020 U.S. Presidential
Election by manipulating votes, shifting votes, installing and using an algorithm to modify or
"weight" votes such that a vote for Biden counted more than a vote for Trump, trashing Trump
votes, adding Biden votes, and training election workers to dispose of Trump votes and to add
Biden votes.
By way of example only, just last week, you made the following false assertions about
Dominion to Jan Jekielek at The Epoch Times:'
Effectively what they did with the machine fraud was to, they did everything from
injecting massive quantities of votes into the system that they just made up, to running
counterfeit ballots through multiple times in multiple batches to create the appearance of
votes that weren't really there. They trashed votes.
These statements are just the tip of the iceberg, which includes similar and other false
claims you made at your Washington, D.C. press conference and to other media outlets with
global internet audiences. Your outlandish accusations are demonstrably fake. While soliciting
people to send you "millions of dollars"2 and holding yourself out as a beacon of truth, you
have purposefully avoided naming Dominion as a defendant in your sham litigations-effectively
denying Dominion the opportunity to disprove your false accusations in court. Dominion values
freedom of speech and respects the right of all Americans-of all political persuasions -- to
exercise their First Amendment rights and to disagree with each other. But while you are
entitled to your own opinions, Ms. Powell, you are not entitled to your own facts. Defamatory
falsehoods are actionable in court and the U.S.
Supreme Court has made clear that "there is no constitutional value in false statements of
fact." Gertz v. Welch, Inc., 418 U.S. 323, 340 (1974). Dominion welcomes transparency and a
full investigation of the relevant facts in a court of law, where it is confident the truth
will prevail. Here are the facts:
1. Dominion's vote counts have been repeatedly verified by paper ballot recounts and
independent audits.
Dominion is a non-partisan company that has proudly partnered with public officials from
both parties in accurately tabulating the votes of the American people in both "red" and "blue"
states and counties. Far from being created to rig elections for a now-deceased Venezuelan
dictator, Dominion's voting systems are certified under standards promulgated by the U.S.
Election Assistance Commission ("EAC"), reviewed and tested by independent testing laboratories
accredited by the EAC, and were designed to be auditable and include a paper ballot backup to
verify results. Indeed, paper ballot recounts and independent audits have repeatedly and
conclusively debunked your election-rigging claims, and on November 12, 2020, the Elections
Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council and the Election Infrastructure Sector
Coordinating Executive Committees released a joint statement confirming that there is "no
evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way
compromised" and that the 2020 election was the most secure in American history.3 The Joint
Statement was signed and endorsed by, among others, the National Association of State Election
Directors, National Association of Secretaries of State, and the U.S. Cybersecurity &
Infrastructure Security Agency ("CISA") -- then led by a Trump appointee, Chris Krebs.
In addition, your false accusation that Dominion rigged the 2020 election is based on a
demonstrably false premise that wildly overstates Dominion's very limited role in elections.
Dominion provides tools such as voting machines that accurately tabulate votes for the
bipartisan poll workers, poll watchers, and local election officials who work tirelessly to run
elections and ensure accurate results. Dominion's machines count votes from county-verified
voters using a durable paper ballot. Those paper ballots are the hard evidence proving the
accuracy of the vote counts from Dominion's machines. If Dominion had manipulated the votes,
the paper ballots would not match the machine totals. In fact, they do match. Recounts and
audits have proven that Dominion did what it was designed and hired to do: accurately tabulate
2. Dominion has no connection to Hugo Chavez. Venezuela, or China.
As you are well aware from documents in the public domain and attached to your court
filings, Hugo Chavez's elections were not handled by Dominion, but by an entirely different
company -- Smartmatic. This is a critical fact because you have premised your defamatory
falsehoods on your intentionally false claim that Dominion and Smartmatic are the same company
even though you know that they are entirely separate companies who compete with each other.
Dominion was not created in or for Venezuela, has never been located there, and is not owned by
Smartmatic or Venezuelan or Chinese investors. Dominion has never provided machines or any of
its software or technology to Venezuela, nor has it ever participated in any elections in
Venezuela. It did not receive $400 million from the Chinese in the weeks before the 2020
election or otherwise. It has no ties to the Chinese government, the Venezuelan government,
Hugo Chavez, Malloch Brown, George Soros, Bigfoot, or the Loch Ness Monster. Dominion does not
use Smartmatic's software or machines, and there was no Smartmatic technology in any of
Dominion's voting machines in the 2020 election.
3. You falsely claimed that Dominion's founder admitted he "can change a million votes,
no problem at all" and that you would "tweet out the video later''-- but you never did so
because no such video exists.
During at least one of your many media appearances, you promised to "tweet out [a] video" of
Dominion's founder admitting that he "can change a million votes, no problem at all." Your
assertion -- to a global internet audience -- that you had such damning video evidence
bolstered your false accusations that Dominion had rigged the election. Yet you have never
produced that video because, as you know, it does not exist. Dominion's founder never made such
a claim because Dominion cannot change votes. Its machines simply tabulate the paper ballots
that remain the custody of the local election officials -- nothing more, nothing less. 4. You
falsely claimed that you have a Dominion employee "on tape" saving he "rigged the election for
Biden''-- but you know that no such tape exists. In peddling your defamatory accusations, you
also falsely told a national audience that you had a Dominion employee "on tape" saying that
"he rigged the election for Biden." Your own court filings prove that no such tape exists. In
them, you cited an interview of Joe Oltmann, a Twitter- banned "political activist" who -- far
from claiming he had that shocking alleged confession "on tape"-claimed he took "notes" during
a conference call he supposedly joined after "infiltrating Antifa." This is a facially
ludicrous claim for a number of reasons, including the fact that he lives in Colorado, where it
would have been perfectly legal to record such a call if it had actually happened. As a result
of your false accusations, that Dominion employee received death threats.
II. Because there is no reliable evidence supporting your defamatory falsehoods, you
actively manufactured and misrepresented evidence to support them.
Despite repeatedly touting the overwhelming "evidence" of your assertions during your media
campaign, every court to which you submitted that socalled "evidence" has dismissed each of
your sham litigations, and even Trump appointees and supporters have acknowledged -- including
after you filed your "evidence" in court, posted it on your fundraising website, and touted it
in the media -- that there is no evidence that actually supports your assertions about
Dominion. Indeed:
One federal judge observed that you submitted "nothing but speculation and conjecture
that votes for President Trump were destroyed, discarded or switched to votes for Vice
President Biden." Op. & Order Den. Pl.'s Emer. Motion, for Deck, Emer., and Inj. Relief
at 34, Whitmer v. City of Detroit, No. 20-cv-12134 (E.D. Mich. Dec. 7, 2020) [Dkt. 62].
Another federal judge commented that the attachments to your complaint were "only
impressive for their volume," are "largely based on anonymous witnesses, hearsay, and
irrelevant analysis of unrelated elections," and include "expert reports" that "reach
implausible conclusions, often because they are derived from wholly unreliable sources."
Order at 24-25, Bowyerv. Ducey, No. 2-20-cv-02321 (D. Ariz. Dec. 9, 2020) [Dkt. 84].
Despite your claim that you have so much "evidence" that it feels as if you are drinking
from a "fire hose," when asked by your interviewers and other media outlets to provide that
evidence, you have failed to do so each and every time. Conservative television host Tucker
Carlson even called you out for failing to provide any evidence to support your
After you put the purported "evidence" in your court filings, Trump loyalist and U.S.
Attorney General Bill Barr stated, "There's been one assertion that would be systemic fraud
and that would be the claim that machines were programmed essentially to skew the election
results. And the DHS and DOJ have looked into that, and so far, we haven't seen anything to
substantiate that."
... ... ...
Fifth, you had a financial incentive in making the defamatory accusations. Your own
conduct and statements at the press conference, media tour, and on your websites make it clear
that you were publicizing your wild accusations as part of a fundraising scheme and in order to
drum up additional business and notoriety for yourself. Your financial incentive and
motive to make the defamatory accusations is further evidence of actual malice. See Brown v.
Petrolite Corp., 965 F.2d 38, 47 (5th Cir. 1992); Enigma Software Grp. USA, LLC v. Bleeping
Computer LLC, 194 F. Supp. 3d 263, 288 (S.D.N.Y. 2016).
Sixth, you cannot simply claim ignorance of the facts. As a licensed attorney, you were
obligated to investigate the factual basis for your claims before making them in court.
31 There is no factual basis for your defamatory accusations against Dominion and
numerous reliable sources and documents in the public domain have repeatedly debunked your
accusations. As such, you either conducted the inquiry required of you as a licensed attorney
and violated your ethical obligations by knowingly making false assertions rebutted by the
information you found, or you violated your ethical obligations by purposefully avoiding
undertaking the reasonable inquiry required of you as a member of the bar. Either is additional
evidence of actual malice.
Taken together, your deliberate misrepresentation and manufacturing of evidence, the
inherent improbability of your accusations, your reliance on facially unreliable sources, your
intentional disregard of reliable sources, your preconceived storyline, your financial
incentive, and your ethical violations are clear and convincing evidence of actual malice. See
Eramo v. Rolling Stone, 209 F. Supp. 3d 862,872 (W.D. Va. 2016) (denying defendant's motion for
summary judgment and finding "[ajlthough failure to adequately investigate, a departure from
journalistic standards, or ill
A security director at Dominion Voting Systems , the company
charged by many of playing a role in 'rigging' the US election via voting machines, is suing
the Trump campaign and several conservative news outlets.
Eric Coomer has filed
suit , claiming he has received death threats stemming from the accusations that Dominion
helped sway the election in Joe Biden's favour.
The defamation suit identifies the Trump campaign, as well as Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell,
and the conservative news organisations Gateway Pundit, Newsmax, and One America News Network
The suit also personally targets conservative talking heads Michelle Malkin and Joseph
Mr Coomer has been identified as the individual referred to by Oltmann as "Eric from
Dominion" in
statements made to OAN and other conservative outlets regarding alleged bragging to Antifa
activists about making sure Trump wasn't going to get re-elected:
The lawsuit states that Mr Coomer has been made "the face of false claims" in relation to
Dominion's alleged influence over the election.
The suit further states that photos of Coomer, as well as his home address and personal
family details have been made public by some pro-Trump websites.
Mr Coomer has stated that "I've worked in international elections in all sorts of
post-conflict countries where election violence is real and people are getting killed over it.
And I feel that we're on the verge of that."
In an
op-ed posted by the Denver Post , Coomer declared that he has "no connection to the Antifa
movement" and "did not 'rig,' or influence the election."
The lawsuit comes on the
heels of a similar threat of legal action by voting machine company Smartmatic, which has
issued legal notices to Fox News, OAN and Newsmax, accusing the networks of a "campaign [that]
was designed to defame Smartmatic and undermine a legitimately conducted elections."
The legal notice is also said to have specifically named Fox News hosts Lou Dobbs, Jesse
Watters, and Maria Bartiromo, and indicates that Smartmatic could pursue legal action against
them personally.
Dominion itself has not yet issued any legal notices to media outlets. It has, however,
sent a letter to Sidney Powell , demanding she retract some "wild and reckless" allegations
she has made about them. 43,247 272 NEVER MISS
GoldHermit PREMIUM 9 hours ago
Can't wait for the discovery phase
BaNNeD oN THe RuN 8 hours ago
Exactly, it is very unlikely that the cheating occured at the machine stage since a manual
recount would prove the machine's error.
Cheating was done at the ballot level. The data clearly suggests it happened.
Trump supposedly got 11 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016.
Clinton 2016 - 65,853,677
Biden 2020 - 81,284,778 (+15.4mm)
Total Votes 2016 - 137,143,218
Total Votes 2020 - 158,537,765 (+21.4mm)
The data strongly suggests that both teams cheated and that the Democrats were simply the
better cheaters this time.
That is a meritocracy of sorts, right?
Gerrilea 7 hours ago
NO, the ballots AND the machines. The "recounts" have not happened...not legitimately.
BaNNeD oN THe RuN 7 hours ago
A manual recount happened in Georgia and confirmed the machine result
All the reports of the cheating in Georgia involve mail in ballots or boxes of ballots
counted after the R scrutineers had left.
WedgeMan 7 hours ago remove link
Liar. They did a count using a sample of the ballots and got different number from the two
machines because the software had been replaced with the cheating software.
MoreFreedom 8 hours ago
That's why he'll drop the suit. Imagine if people filed lawsuits against Democrats because
their affidavit of election fraud caused people to make death threats against them. They
claim such suits are without merit.
Just read the Antrim Country Forensics Report on Dominion Voting System. It's just a
computer with software, that can be changed during an election (and was in at least one
documented case) over the internet by anyone in the world with administrative access to the
machines or servers.
HowdyDoody 5 hours ago (Edited) remove link
2017 - Voting machines are easily hacked - CNN report
It should be interesting to see how the systems were secured during those 3 years.
" The legal notice is also said to have specifically named Fox News hosts Lou Dobbs, Jesse
Watters, and Maria Bartiromo, and indicates that Smartmatic could pursue legal action against
them personally. "
This smacks of lawfare. Interestingly (((The Only Democracy In The Middle East))) excels
at that (via Shurat HaDin) - partly in response to attempts to hold it to account. From wiki
(yeah, I know)
"The NGO Forum of the 2001 Durban Conference (31 August 2001 - 8 September 2001) called
for the "establishment of a war crimes tribunal" against Israel."
For some reason, that appears to have gone nowhere.
As for Croomer, there is very little background. He says "I've worked in international
elections in all sorts of post-conflict countries where election violence is real and people
are getting killed over it." - That sounds straight out of CIA/USAID organised US regime
change ops.
MoreFreedom 8 hours ago (Edited) remove link
I agree, but it would be great if it does go to court.
Mr Coomer has stated that "I've worked in international elections in all sorts of
post-conflict countries where election violence is real and people are getting killed over
it. And I feel that we're on the verge of that."
Looks like Dominion is a favorite of "post-conflict countries were election violence is
real and people are getting killed". Note the contradiction between "post-conflict" and
"people are getting killed". Croomer wants to say his machines are the favorite of
"post-conflict" law abiding countries but it seems his machines go to where political
violence occurs as a result of crooked elections of despots, or leads to it. Quite an
endorsement for election fraud IMHO.
Just read the Antrim County Forensics Report on Dominion Voting System. As an IT guy, my
reading is that Croomer will lose his lawsuit, which is why he'll drop it later. You may not
have even read in the MSM, that Antrim county did 3 counts of the electronic ballots on 3
different days, and got 3 different results. And no one may have made it clear to you, that
68% of these ballots filled out on electronic screens were flagged as needing to be
adjudicated, and they were adjudicated and likely changed by someone with sufficient
authority (an administrative user on the system) but the logs have been removed so we don't
even know who did it. Did you hear the Dominion voting systems were connected to the
internet? Did you know that some Dominion employee changed voting software via the internet
during the elections? The MSM wants to keep it quiet. FEC guidelines are that no more than
0.008% (1 of 250,000) should require any adjudication. And did you read the Antrim county, a
reliably GOP country, initially had Biden winning on the first count, but in actuality it
went to Trump?
I'd like to see Dominion defending against Trump's lawyers and explain how their systems
work (which they don't, claiming it's a closed system) and how fraud is prevented. The report
We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed
with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.
Max21c 8 hours ago (Edited)
Vote out any voting machine company that is not open source and does not make it's code
available well in advance of the election... and do it worldwide... (fawk the CIA and British
Gestapo)... let the bums in the secret police pick better behaved puppets and make the CIA
puppets better govern...
As long as the voting machines are not open source then they are an enigma machine and
it's the jeopardy of Pandora's box being opened in numerous elections afterwards over charges
and suspicions of election fraud...
Open source for the kernel... open source for all the kernel modules... open source for
all the firmware on all the chips, ic's and boards... open source for the higher level
applications... et cetera... all the board changes and firmware changes recorded and posted
publicly per notice of the change and available for scrutiny and all the "software patches
and upgrades" also recorded and posted publicly per notice of the change.. make the changelog
source code + the compiler and linker and all the compiled code and all the libraries,
header files, and other files... turned over in advance... and any changes thereafter also
turned over...the whole shabang... nothing concealed and nothing held back...
donkey_shot 8 hours ago (Edited)
eric "from dominion" coomer who bragged openly about "taking care of the elections" is
suing fox, oan and newsmax?
these people know no shame...and are obviously as dumb as rocks, too.
can`t wait for sidney powell and/or lin wood to take up the case and rip this guy
NAV 8 hours ago remove link
To trust that justice will be done via America's stacked judicial system is like a Russian
trusting in Stalin's judicial system. That is why Coomer is suing; he's been assured the
DeepState has his back. All that stands now between American patriots and freedom is their
Other than President Trump, no one cares enough about America to protect it . So why are
we spending $1,000 billion annually to defend ourselves from alleged foreign threats when
there is no defense against our country's theft by the ruling Establishment and woke Democrat
identity politics ideologues? Why vote Republican when the party does not defend us?
The journalist Katerina Blinova writing in Sputnik International captured the meaning of
the stolen presidential election. Democrats are turning America into a "
one-party system ".
If the Democrats succeed in stealing the Georgia senatorial seats as well, which is likely
given the absence of protection against electoral fraud, they will rapidly move to
consolidate one-party dictatorship.
... ... ...
Trident5000 5 hours ago remove link
Fact: Nobody has even audited Dominion code because they claim IP protection.
JosephJohnson 9 hours ago
It is very good that Dominion is suing! --For the legal "facts discovery" process and
accompanying legal investigations involving such a lawsuit will be awesome to have revealed
in court! The defense will surely bring out some very interesting facts concerning voter
fraud with the Dominion machines. Let the lawsuits begin.
propaganda4u 9 hours ago
Not to mention all payments to and from politicians and Dominion.
Sinophile 9 hours ago remove link
" Mr Coomer has stated that "I've worked in international elections in all sorts of
post-conflict countries where election violence is real and people are getting killed over
it. And I feel that we're on the verge of that."
This guy is unbelievable.
skippy dinner 4 hours ago remove link
You have missed a step.
If A merely alleges that B cheats on his taxes, nothing happens.
But if B sues for defamation , then that puts the onus on B to prove he is squeaky clean.
*Then* A gets the powers of discovery on B's tax filings.
Suing for defamation is a dangerous game. Rich and famous people have done time for
perjury - e.g. famous novelist and politician Geoffrey Archer.
Hail Spode 8 hours ago
Notice that Dominion as a company did not file the suit, only an employee of the company.
And not over the issue of whether their machines and software can, by design, be used to rig
an election. Only over the issue of what he said on a particular occasion.
IOW Dominion is still acting guilty and this still would not open the door to
Freddie 7 hours ago remove link
The new thing I saw online was the Dominion machines have a wireless card built in that
can connect to the Internet via wi fi to the thermostat in an office building. No need to
have a Cat 5 cable plugged into a router. It goes Wi Fi to the building thermostat that is wi
So Dominion is claiming that they have no relationship at any time and in any way
what-so-ever with the CIA or any other intelligence agency or secret police agency of any
country? And they have no ties to any political party and are so super squeaky clean they
should be selling soap? Matter of fact they're so super squeaky clean Proctor & Gamble is
afraid of them and may have to pay consideration to Dominion to keep them out of the consumer
and industrial soap markets.
2banana 9 hours ago
They are trying to keep this lawsuit very narrow with the Antifa focus.
Lawsuits have wide discovery data requests with pretty severe consequences for not
delivering the requested data.
Dominion's top engineer assured Antifa activists that he had "made f**king sure" that
President Donald Trump wouldn't win the presidential race, according to reports.
Dominion Voting Systems' Vice President of U.S. Engineering Eric Coomer allegedly spoke
with Antifa members on conference calls and reportedly assured the other participants by
"Don't worry about the election, Trump's not gonna win. I made f**king sure of that!"
Dominion Voting Systems is one of the largest voting technology companies in the United
Eric Coomer's profile as director at Dominion Voting Systems was recently scrubbed from
their website...
Hopefully for him he was honest with his attorneys so they could give him the best
possible advice. It would be a shame for him to get blindsided in the discovery process.
snatchpounder PREMIUM 9 hours ago
Excellent, dominion just opened the door and the *** ******* they're going to get will be
jayman21 PREMIUM 9 hours ago
Hope you are right. We need a functioning gov't more than ever. Doubt they will get what
they deserved until the sheep start to wake up en mass ~40% would due the trick.
FakeScience PREMIUM 8 hours ago
In a fair justice system maybe. I'd bet money that it goes before a Soros funded judge who
doesn't allow any discovery by the defendant and only accepts evidence by Dominion.
snatchpounder PREMIUM 8 hours ago
Yes the court system is thoroughly corrupt so it's going to be hard to find a judge who
isn't a bought and paid for Soros hack.
Cactus52 9 hours ago
Time for Discovery. They do realize the defendant is allowed to do this
Jung 10 hours ago
So why can they do this, while the MSM is hardly ever sued for their malicious, defamatory
fake news? Are they really afraid of the owners of the MSM? It would be one of the ways to
get rid of the endless propaganda and censorship.
Here's what Coomer had to say to his "friends" on Facebook on July 21, 2016, who are Trump
supporters (language editted):
Facebook friend land- open call-
If you are planning to vote for the autocratic, narcissistic, fascists, a$$-hat blowhard
and his Christian jihadist VP pic, UNFRIEND ME NOW!
No, I'm not joking.
I'm all for reasoned political discourse and healthy debate- I'm looking at you ( 3
names of friends).
I disagree with you three on many philosophical grounds but respect your opinions.
Only and absolute F**KING IDIOT could ever vote for that wind-bag f**k-tard FASCIST
No bulls**t, I don't give a damn if you're friend, family, or random acquaintance, pull
the lever, mark an oval, touch a screen for that carnival barker -- UNFRIEND ME NOW.
I have no desire whatsoever to ever interact with you.
You are beyond hope, beyond reason. you are controlled by fear, reaction, and bulls**t.
Get your s**t together.
Oh, it that doesn't persuade you, F**K YOU! Seriously, this f**king a$$-clown stands
against everything that makes this country awesome!
You want in on that? You deserve nothing but contempt.
ableman28 6 hours ago
Just because people who don't like trump have facts on their side, boo hoo. We have belief
and that is much stronger than reality. Let those courts hear the suit and if Sydney loses
big deal. What are they going to do, disbar her and seize her assets to pay the other sides
legal fees and judgement.
"Yes, my son, that is exactly what is going to happen."`
naro 6 hours ago
Why doesn't the Trump reelection office announce a $10 million reward and a full pardon
for any Dominion insider who can provide evidence of rigging of the machines to favor
Decimus Lunius Luvenalis 10 hours ago
Personally, I thought the voting systems fraud were pretty big with little, if any, direct
evidence. Powell claimed to know the algorithm but we never saw it. That said, truth is an
affirmative defense to a defamation claim, and discovery goes both ways.
Itchy and Scratchy 10 hours ago remove link
The software is probably long since erased and the audit trails destroyed. They will find
Constitutional Attorney Matthew DePerno is an American hero. Two weeks ago, Michigan 13th Circuit Court Judge Kevin A Elsenheimer
agreed to allow Mr. DePerno's client, William Bailey, and a highly skilled team of IT experts to perform a forensic examination
on 16 of the Dominion voting machines in Antrim County, MI. On Monday, Judge Elsenheimer agreed to allow the results of the
forensic examination to be released to the public. The results were damning.
After the forensic examination of 16 Dominion Voting machines in Antrim, Co., MI, Allied Security Operations Group has concluded
that the Dominion Voting machines were assigned a 68.05% error rate. DePerno explained that when ballots are put through the
machine, a whopping 68.05% error rate means that 68.05% of the ballots are sent for bulk adjudication, which means they collect
the ballots in a folder. "The ballots are sent somewhere where people in another location can change the vote," DePerno
explained. The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is 1 in 250,000 ballots or
Based on the Allied Security Operations report, Constitutional Attorney Matthew DePerno states: "we conclude that The Dominion
Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been
The stunning report was widely criticized by the Democrat Party mainstream media and by the dishonest Secretary of State Jocelyn
Benson and Attorney General Dana Nessel
Yesterday, The Detroit News announced that AG Nessel is planning to seek sanctions against lawyers "who pushed to overturn
Michigan's election results."
Sanctions sought against lawyers who pushed to overturn Michigan's election
Attorney General Dana Nessel said she plans to seek sanctions against lawyers who filed lawsuits against the sta
"It is unfathomable that licensed attorneys would deliberately file false and misleading affidavits and pleadings with the Court
in an effort to disenfranchise millions of Michigan residents," Davis said. "Not only should these individuals and their
attorneys be assessed financial sanctions, but they also should be barred from practicing in the federal courts in the Eastern
District of Michigan."
While Nessel didn't mention the names of lawyers she may pursue sanctions against, she indicated that those who filed later,
after the initial allegations had been assessed and denied immediate relief, were more culpable.
She said she could file against a lawyer associated with a case challenging Antrim County results and false statements he made on
Newsmax and OANN. Matthew DePerno filed the case in Antrim County on behalf of resident William Bailey.
"I think we need to go back to a time where you can trust an attorney is making an accurate and truthful representation to the
court because if they don't, then they won't be able to practice law anymore," Nessel said.
DePerno responded to MSNBC's far-left producer Kyle Griffin who tweeted the article by the Detroit News, that DePerno refers to
as a "hit piece." In his response to Griffin, DePerno wrote: "Thanks Kyle for showing us what fascism and state run media look
like. #Fascism #totalitarianism
Earlier today, Mr. DePerno appeared on the popular Frank Beckmann radio show on WJR (760 AM) where he explained how his law
license is now being threatened by Michigan's far-left AG Dana Nessel.
DePerno called on MI Democrat AG Dana Nessel to "resign," saying she violated her oath of office with these threats. He called
her out for "thuggery" and told the WJR host that in "his opinion" she is "acting like a fascist." DePerno also calls out Nessel
for threatening MI lawmakers with criminal prosecution who dared to challenge the validity of the election results in MI.
Nessel, who is anything but warm and fuzzy, shared a videotaped public service announcement in which she appears wearing an
elf-like costume while wearing a witch-like hat on her head. For many in Michigan who are disgusted by her totalitarian tactics
and threats against those with whom she disagrees, the witch hat is the perfect choice for their overreaching AG.
The January 6, Electoral College floor fight has already been openly declared. Here is
Matt Gaetz commentary: (1)
[The DNC] ran to the mailbox where they could process hundreds of thousands of votes,
oftentimes in the dark of night without signature matches, excluding the observers,
sometimes where people voted in different states, sometimes when they lived in different
states, sometimes when they weren't even alive at all.
And so on January 6th, I'm joining with the fighters in the Congress and we are going to
object to electors from states that didn't run clean elections.
Trump is organizing Washington DC rally also for January 6. (2)
President Donald Trump has doubled, tripled and quadrupled down on his claim of being
the 2020 election's rightful winner by releasing an adrenaline-packed "Fight for Trump"
video and vowing to hold a "wild" protest in Washington, D.C. on Jan 6th.
There is still significant hope that on January 6, VP Pence will deliver the accurate
Electoral College result confirming Trump's re-election. At that point, keeping the
determination for Trump away from SCOTUS interference is the hardest task.
It may or may not be called #OccupySCOTUS , however assembling a mass movement in
front of the Supreme Court building will deliver a message. The one thing that spineless
Justices want to protect most is themselves. Their jelly-like preference for an "immoral
peace" will squish when they see imminent personal risk.
Allowing proven loser Biden to steal office only happens if Justices accept the Fake
Stream Media [FSM] narrative that it will defuse the situation. The January 6 rally
will show the Justices 1st hand that the FSM narrative is 100% wrong. Allowing Biden's fraud
to seize the Oval Office will inflame the situation and guarantee a crisis .
@A123 the 2000
election, VP Gore was in the awkward position of being in charge of the electoral college
ritual. Even though he was convinced he had been screwed in Florida, and other democrats in
Congress agreed, not ONE Senator came forward to dispute the Florida results, which GWB
allegedly won by a mere 537 votes.
RINO McConnell (no friend of Trump) has already warned republican senators not to
challenge the EC vote on Jan.6th. To date, none, to my knowledge, has gone on record saying
they plan to defy him. Any that do so know they'll be blackballed, and won't receive any
financial support from the RNC. Thus, I doubt if it will happen.
@follyofwar O
McConnell (no friend of Trump) has already warned republican senators not to challenge the EC
McConnell cannot put the hammer down on pro-USA Senators. He will either have a razor thin
margin as leader, or be the guy who lost the Senate for the Republicans. Trump's Team will
organize rallies and fundraisers for his loyal supporters, so any GOP financial threats are
Indeed, I cannot think of one politician who would have had the gonads to stand up to the
endless abuse from the deep state, which Trump has withstood for over 4 years, without cracking
up and resigning. Nixon, who had recently won a landslide re-election in 1972, resigned after
much less. He should have known that you don't voluntarily give up the reigns of power, and
knuckle under to some pipsqueaks from the democrat controlled media named Woodward and
Bernstein. To his dying day, from what I've read, Nixon regretted his terrible decision.
2020 - Voting machines are totally secure. It should be interesting to see how the systems were secured during those 3 years.
" The legal notice is also said to have specifically named Fox News hosts Lou Dobbs, Jesse
Watters, and Maria Bartiromo, and indicates that Smartmatic could pursue legal action against
them personally. "
This smacks of lawfare. Interestingly (((The Only Democracy In The Middle East))) excels at
that (via Shurat HaDin) - partly in response to attempts to hold it to account. From wiki
(yeah, I know)
"The NGO Forum of the 2001 Durban Conference (31 August 2001 - 8 September 2001) called for
the "establishment of a war crimes tribunal" against Israel."
For some reason, that appears to have gone nowhere.
As for Croomer, there is very little background. He says "I've worked in international
elections in all sorts of post-conflict countries where election violence is real and people
are getting killed over it." - That sounds straight out of CIA/USAID organised US regime change
Attorney Jenna Ellis has advised President Donald Trump against using the Insurrection Act
as he continues to challenge the election results.
The 1807 Insurrection Act is a federal law that allows the president, under very specific
circumstances, to deploy the U.S. armed forces to suppress civil disorder, rebellion, or
"Certainly, I would not advise that the American people want that" because of the "precedent
that it would set," Ellis
told Just the News .
"We have a constitutional process for a reason, and we have the judicial branch that really
does need to step in. I think that the Supreme Court absolutely let the American people down by
refusing to take up the Texas case."
Although disappointed in the Supreme Court and some state lawmakers regarding their actions
surrounding alleged voter fraud, Ellis said the present circumstances are not the type of
situations for which the Insurrection Act was created.
"The state legislatures, they can look at all of this corruption, they can look at how their
laws and their states were totally ignored, and they can take back their delegates at any
time," said Ellis, one of the president's attorneys in his bid to overturn his election loss to
Joe Biden. "And they can refuse to go along with the certifications that are absolutely false
and fraudulent. So that's the constitutional solution."
Ellis said pursuing alleged election fraud should not supersede the Constitution.
"We have to still make sure that even though we see that our country has been undermined by
corruption, our solution can't be to undermine the Constitution ourselves," Ellis said.
"We have to go through the process, we have to hold our leaders accountable. And at the end
of the day, if we don't get a correction, in this case, we have to fight to make sure that this
never happens again."
The last time the Insurrection Act was invoked was 1992, when the Los Angeles riots forced
the action,
per The Epoch Times .
President Donald Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani tells Newsmax TV his team can prove their allegations of voter
fraud, but the governors of the contested states won't allow access to their voting
Appearing Monday on "Spicer & Co.," Giuliani, career
prosecutor and onetime mayor of New York City, told host Sean Spicer that the Trump team needs
to prove only 10,000 contested votes in Arizona.
"Don't you think it's going to be pretty easy to show 10,000 noncitizens voted in Arizona?"
he said. "Give me the names of the people who voted and run them against a Lexis-Nexis" search,
he said. "I'll come up with 40,000 noncitizens."
"Nor will they let us look at the machines," he said. "If they didn't cheat, Sean, why won't
they let us examine the machines? Why does the governor of Georgia continue to hold onto the
machine the city paid $110 million for, and he refuses to let us examine them?
If President-elect Joe Biden doesn't want a cloud on his presidency, he should encourage an
examination of the machines, Giuliani said.
"There's no reason to go beyond anything that this election was a theft. It could be
proven," Giuliani said. "I can tell you one simple thing that would prove it make the American
people feel really good. Five or six of these crooked governors could let us have access to the
machines. In fact, if they did, maybe I would have to apologize for saying they're
No standing before the election. Too late to complain or sue after the election.
The new Catch 22.
Definition of catch-22
1 : a problematic situation for which the only solution is denied by a circumstance
inherent in the problem or by a rule the show-business catch-22 -- no work unless you have
an agent, no agent unless you've worked -- Mary Murphy also : the circumstance or rule that
denies a solution
2a : an illogical, unreasonable, or senseless situation
b : a measure or policy whose effect is the opposite of what was intended
c : a situation presenting two equally undesirable alternatives
3 : a hidden difficulty or means of entrapment : catch
NoPension 6 hours ago
Heads I win. Tails you lose.
Tristan Ludlow 6 hours ago
Those that make fair elections impossible, will make violent revolutions inevitable, to
paraphrase Kennedy.
StaySunny3000 7 hours ago
What a weasel decision. How do the judges expect the plantiffs to round up all the clerks
who looked at ballots? Is it not the Sec. of State's responsibility to oversee the actions of
the clerks? Wouldn't it be more proficient and, dare I say it, logical , to focus on the man
that made the fraud possible?
Courts have been totally politicized. Justice isn't blind, it's been decapitated.
tunEphsh 7 hours ago remove link
Usual BS from courts--lack standing. No one has standing. Judges afraid of losing their
jobs if they rule against the state. Shows how corrupt Georgia is (and other states too).
yerfej 7 hours ago
The reality is the US (all western nations) is done as a country, it is now a giant
Mafioso organization run by neoliberals. After six decades the neoliberals have finally
consolidated power over the media, courts, academia, bureaucracy, and big tech. No one can
challenge the power structure, it is total and vicious, and anyone in their sights will be
destroyed. Now is when people begin to realize what has transpired and the opposition begins
to create resistance which will take a long time to formulate.
"... Resonates with Escobar: "...a Deep State intel source told me, 'the Supreme Court did not like to see half the country rioting against them, and preferred the decision be made by each state in the House of Representatives. That is the only way to handle this without jeopardizing the union. Even prominent Democrats I know realize that the fix took place. The error was to steal too many votes. This grand theft indicts the whole system, that has always been corrupt.'" ..."
"... Eric Newhill , 18 December 2020 at 12:56 PM ..."
"... This story seems apocryphal to me. I'm not convinced it happened; at least not that way. ..."
"... All we hear from the swamp is that right wing deplorables are the greatest threat to internal security. Now I ain't no genius of the caliber of those sitting in the Supreme Court, but even if I was a swampy I would calculate that I should fear an enraged right wing deplorable mob, with all of their fully semi-automatic scary assault weapons of war, a lot more than a bunch of thin beard coffee house rejects armed with sticks and stones. ..."
"... Bill H , 18 December 2020 at 01:28 PM ..."
"... The decision not to hear the Texas case was so illogical that I concluded at once that fear of rioting was the actual cause for the decision. As everyone wondered why Democratic state governors allowed the violence to continue, I suspected at the time that it was a warning of what would happen if Democrats lost in November. ..."
"... Barbara Ann , 18 December 2020 at 02:09 PM ..."
"... The question you pose is of supreme importance, as of course is the question of the unknowable mind & will of the President. My own views on the latter crystallized after seeing Trump's December 2nd speech, which appeared to me to be a clear warning to the courts to sort out the mess, or else. I recognize the argument of critics who point to a lack of precedent when decisive action has been called for in the past, but surely an uncommitted man would by now have thrown in the towel. ..."
"... I always go back to Trump's motivations for running for office. He is many things, but dumb ain't one of them. He must have known 5 years ago that he was going to war with the swamp and that in the absence of a negotiated peace (no sign of which is in evidence) such a war must have a winner and a loser. Trump is a high risks go-for-broke type and I happen to believe he is truly motivated by wanting to save the country and uphold his oath. There are 2 antithetical points of view on the merits of his strategy, but none of that changes what Trump himself believes and that alone will determine his actions. ..."
"... If the SCOTUS is truly irredeemably compromised, either by partisan views and/or by fear of the mob - a self-fulfilling irony is ever there was one - must a patriot still feel compelled to abide by the law? Or are we now in the territory covered by Alexander Dumas' famous epigram; "The difference between treason and patriotism is only a matter of dates". ..."
"... Rudy, Jenna & crew seem to have more constitutional slight of hand up their sleeves, but the scope for this looks extremely limited and all of it pretty much guaranteed to have the mob in the streets anyway I would think. Pence does not strike me as a do or die kind of guy and I just can't see him standing in front of Congress counting the various states' duplicate EC votes for Trump on the 6th. ..."
"... I don't know enough about the Insurrection Act to comment on the increasingly widespread calls among Trump supporters to have it invoked. But in the absence of insurrection how could orders given under it be considered legal? It is notable I think that Sidney Powell - a lawyer - recently joined Mike Flynn in retweeting a call for exactly this. Trump's Twitter is an oasis of ominous calm in comparison. ..."
"... Deap , 18 December 2020 at 03:50 PM ..."
"... What does the swamp have on Roberts? - The internet is forever, so it is interesting to look back when there was similar speculation about Roberts after his Obamacare ruling; also considered a major conservative betrayal.. ..."
"... Up come familiar names from this background search - Brennan and Clapper and the curious adoption by Roberts of two very blond children from "Latin America". The speculation was deep-staters Clapper/Brennan would use Robert's own kids suspect adoption legality against him. Search for more details about this speculation at the time. True or not, it was the operational buzz. ..."
"... However, at that same time during the Obama years with more than a little irony - (about 2010?) - it was considered ludicrous to even speculate the "government" would take actions against someone's children, in order to get what they wanted. ..."
"... That was then; this is now. I suspect Michael Flynn has a different understanding today about how far the "government" will go against ones children, to get what they want. And it was the same "government" - the Obama government. ..."
"... There has always been the threat of violence surrounding that man. From being "selected" to be Harvard Law Review President to election eve 2008 -to the four years of ginned up anti-Trump violence, and threats against a fair election in 2020. ..."
"... Neal , 18 December 2020 at 07:22 PM ..."
"... Personally, I think the denial of cert was absolutely correct. Why? Because this is the ultimate 'political question'. Since the Supremes are traditionally chosen from among the more learned political hacks in the Republic, it's always been a bit of a fairy tale to pretend that they always refrain from determining political questions, and it never turns out well for the Court when they don't, but here we're talking about a national election. This is clearly not a decision for the judicial power. It's supposed to be decided in the states by the counting of votes (and all the legislatures have passed laws saying so, none have reserved the power to cast the electors to the legislature, despite the authorization to do so in the constitution). As Scott S. points out above, they knew this in 1876, and I suppose that is why no one then thought the Supremes could just decide the matter, although Supreme Court judges served on the commission, presumably to add what little 'gravitas' they may have had. And of course, this is why the Supremes shouldn't have waded into the Bush-Gore election (but then Tom Delay would have had to play the the king maker in accordance with the constitution, and that was a no-go for some reason). ..."
"... The reason given in the cert denial decision was perfectly correct, too. Texas has no standing to complain about the conduct of the election in Pennsylvania, etc. Not if the states retain any "sovereignty" in our federal republic. Whatever may or may not have happened in Pennsylvania or Georgia did not prevent Texas prevent from casting their electors. An expansion of the use of mail ballots in another state, with or without action by the state's legislature, has no effect on Texas' election. Therefore, no harm done to the state of Texas. Suddenly conservatives oppose states rights? ..."
"... The only arguable basis for the Supremes -- or any part of the federal government -- to get involved would be Article 4, section 4. We'd be saying that Pennsylvania and Georgia no longer had republican forms of government. Shades of Shays' Rebellion, perhaps? I guess that is why there's all this talk about the insurrection act. ..."
"... Which reminds me of Rehnquist's sarcastic citing of all the lunch counter sit-in cases in Bush v Gore, cases that he had spent his life opposing, so that he could join in the equal protection argument just long enough to then say it was too late to fashion any remedy in Florida. ..."
"... By the way, the Court has denied the story about yelling in the hallways. Apparently they've been conferencing by telephone since last March. ..."
Resonates with Escobar: "...a Deep State intel source told me, 'the Supreme Court did
not like to see half the country rioting against them, and preferred the decision be made by
each state in the House of Representatives. That is the only way to handle this without
jeopardizing the union. Even prominent Democrats I know realize that the fix took place. The
error was to steal too many votes. This grand theft indicts the whole system, that has always
been corrupt.'"
This story seems apocryphal to me. I'm not convinced it happened; at least not that
All we hear from the swamp is that right wing deplorables are the greatest threat to
internal security. Now I ain't no genius of the caliber of those sitting in the Supreme
Court, but even if I was a swampy I would calculate that I should fear an enraged right wing
deplorable mob, with all of their fully semi-automatic scary assault weapons of war, a lot
more than a bunch of thin beard coffee house rejects armed with sticks and stones.
The decision not to hear the Texas case was so illogical that I concluded at once that
fear of rioting was the actual cause for the decision. As everyone wondered why Democratic
state governors allowed the violence to continue, I suspected at the time that it was a
warning of what would happen if Democrats lost in November.
The question you pose is of supreme importance, as of course is the question of the
unknowable mind & will of the President. My own views on the latter crystallized after
seeing Trump's December 2nd speech, which appeared to me to be a clear warning to the courts
to sort out the mess, or else. I recognize the argument of critics who point to a lack of
precedent when decisive action has been called for in the past, but surely an uncommitted man
would by now have thrown in the towel.
I always go back to Trump's motivations for running for office. He is many things, but
dumb ain't one of them. He must have known 5 years ago that he was going to war with the
swamp and that in the absence of a negotiated peace (no sign of which is in evidence) such a
war must have a winner and a loser. Trump is a high risks go-for-broke type and I happen to
believe he is truly motivated by wanting to save the country and uphold his oath. There are 2
antithetical points of view on the merits of his strategy, but none of that changes what
Trump himself believes and that alone will determine his actions.
If the SCOTUS is truly irredeemably compromised, either by partisan views and/or by
fear of the mob - a self-fulfilling irony is ever there was one - must a patriot still feel
compelled to abide by the law? Or are we now in the territory covered by Alexander Dumas'
famous epigram; "The difference between treason and patriotism is only a matter of
Rudy, Jenna & crew seem to have more constitutional slight of hand up their
sleeves, but the scope for this looks extremely limited and all of it pretty much guaranteed
to have the mob in the streets anyway I would think. Pence does not strike me as a do or die
kind of guy and I just can't see him standing in front of Congress counting the various
states' duplicate EC votes for Trump on the 6th.
I don't know enough about the Insurrection Act to comment on the increasingly
widespread calls among Trump supporters to have it invoked. But in the absence of
insurrection how could orders given under it be considered legal? It is notable I think that
Sidney Powell - a lawyer - recently joined Mike Flynn in retweeting a call for exactly this.
Trump's Twitter is an oasis of ominous calm in comparison.
What does the swamp have on Roberts? - The internet is forever, so it is interesting
to look back when there was similar speculation about Roberts after his Obamacare ruling;
also considered a major conservative betrayal..
Up come familiar names from this background search - Brennan and Clapper and the
curious adoption by Roberts of two very blond children from "Latin America". The speculation
was deep-staters Clapper/Brennan would use Robert's own kids suspect adoption legality
against him. Search for more details about this speculation at the time. True or not, it was
the operational buzz.
However, at that same time during the Obama years with more than a little irony -
(about 2010?) - it was considered ludicrous to even speculate the "government" would take
actions against someone's children, in order to get what they wanted.
That was then; this is now. I suspect Michael Flynn has a different understanding
today about how far the "government" will go against ones children, to get what they want.
And it was the same "government" - the Obama government.
There has always been the threat of violence surrounding that man. From being
"selected" to be Harvard Law Review President to election eve 2008 -to the four years of
ginned up anti-Trump violence, and threats against a fair election in 2020.
Personally, I think the denial of cert was absolutely correct. Why? Because this is
the ultimate 'political question'. Since the Supremes are traditionally chosen from among the
more learned political hacks in the Republic, it's always been a bit of a fairy tale to
pretend that they always refrain from determining political questions, and it never turns out
well for the Court when they don't, but here we're talking about a national election. This is
clearly not a decision for the judicial power. It's supposed to be decided in the states by
the counting of votes (and all the legislatures have passed laws saying so, none have
reserved the power to cast the electors to the legislature, despite the authorization to do
so in the constitution). As Scott S. points out above, they knew this in 1876, and I suppose
that is why no one then thought the Supremes could just decide the matter, although Supreme
Court judges served on the commission, presumably to add what little 'gravitas' they may have
had. And of course, this is why the Supremes shouldn't have waded into the Bush-Gore election
(but then Tom Delay would have had to play the the king maker in accordance with the
constitution, and that was a no-go for some reason).
The reason given in the cert denial decision was perfectly correct, too. Texas has no
standing to complain about the conduct of the election in Pennsylvania, etc. Not if the
states retain any "sovereignty" in our federal republic. Whatever may or may not have
happened in Pennsylvania or Georgia did not prevent Texas prevent from casting their
electors. An expansion of the use of mail ballots in another state, with or without action by
the state's legislature, has no effect on Texas' election. Therefore, no harm done to the
state of Texas. Suddenly conservatives oppose states rights?
The only arguable basis for the Supremes -- or any part of the federal government --
to get involved would be Article 4, section 4. We'd be saying that Pennsylvania and Georgia
no longer had republican forms of government. Shades of Shays' Rebellion, perhaps? I guess
that is why there's all this talk about the insurrection act.
Which reminds me of Rehnquist's sarcastic citing of all the lunch counter sit-in cases
in Bush v Gore, cases that he had spent his life opposing, so that he could join in the equal
protection argument just long enough to then say it was too late to fashion any remedy in
By the way, the Court has denied the story about yelling in the hallways. Apparently
they've been conferencing by telephone since last March.
'Michael Flynn said he was provided information that foreign intelligence agencies were
monitoring the U.S. election on Nov. 3 and are willing to provide evidence to President
Donald Trump.'
The Supreme Court appears to take the position that fraud is a constitutional right, as
there appears to be no legal remedy for fraud in the election process...
Perhaps we should cut through this entire process...
Just meet in the street and gun each other down... last man standing gets to be president...
play_arrow 61 play_arrow 1
Cognitive Dissonance PREMIUM 6 hours ago (Edited)
Best damn Banana Republic EVER!
Lansman 6 hours ago
"A district court found the p laintiffs lacked standing,..."
I'm not a lawyer, does "plaintiffs lacked standing" mean, "plaintiffs represent the wrong
party" ?
kfletcher31411 5 hours ago
Lansman - It definitely means "only good party members", the rest of us are nothing.
pfmonte1 5 hours ago
It means that the court would have had to grow a pair and actually render a decision and
be exposed as naked grifters in black robes.
My God. Doesn't every citizen have standing in a case that demands a fair election?
The courts are using standing as an excuse to avoid ruling on difficult cases and are
leaving important Constitutional questions unanswered as a result.
These judges should step down if they can't handle the heat of upholding the
"YouTube has decided that my opening statement in the U.S. [Senate], given under oath and
based upon hard evidence, is too dangerous for you to see; they removed it. To this day, 'our
evidence has never been refuted, only ignored.' Why is Google so afraid of the truth?
#BigBrother," lawyer Jesse Binnall wrote on Twitter.
"Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne blasted President Trump's chief of staff Mark Meadows
and White House lawyers in comments posted online Sunday about a meeting at the White House
Friday night with Trump about the contested presidential election that Byrne attended with
attorney Sydney Powell and former Trump national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn
(U.S. Army ret.), saying that Trump is being "betrayed from within." Byrne also denied the
reporting that a military coup or martial law were discussed.
"My involvement is I was in the room when it happened. The raised voices included my own.
I can promise you: President Trump is being terribly served by his advisers. They want him to
lose and are lying to him. He is surrounding by mendacious mediocrities."..In addition, any
suggestion if there was talk of a military coup or martial law is also a flat lie. 100%
false. I was there for 4 1/2 hours, I heard the entire conversation, that is a complete
Byrne called out White House Counsel Pat Cipollone as the leaker to the New York Times
about the meeting and accused Meadows and White House staffers of lying to Trump to get him
to concede, "I was there for the full 4.5 hour meeting. Claims military coup/martial law were
discussed is 100% fabrication. Trump is lied to by his own advisers, who tell staff "get the
president to concede" while they stall Trump. Meadows + Lawyers Eric, Derek, GC Pat
Cippollone (leaker)."
If the Trump administration has sufficient concrete, smoking-gun proof that the CIA cooked
the election, and more importantly can use that proof to enlist a power base within the
government (such as the military) that has the strength to neutralize/decapitate the CIA,
then the Deep State as we know it will be finished.
Without the CIA serving as the nervous system that gives the Deep State coordination and
direction then the Deep State would devolve to a formless jellyfish blob. It would still be
an annoying bureaucracy, but it would go back to taking its direction from the Administrative
Branch rather than vice versa.
Kicking the CIA out of power would be a huge coup that would reverberate though society
for years. The impact would be felt in newsrooms and college campuses from coast to coast.
CIA "assets" and collaborators would still be being tracked down, tried, and
imprisoned for decades to come.
I won't hold my breath for it but that would be a very positive change for America.
Gateway Pundit staff was first told by Michigan witness Senator Patrick Colbeck in early
November that the routers and WiFi connectors were used throughout the TCF Center during the
ballot counting on election night.
Dec 16, 2020 What a joke @BlessUSA45 "Most Secure Elections In US HISTORY" and then when
pressed HE ADMITS - I was not referring to FRAUD !!!!
Troy @LibertyTroy Dems said vote machines were never on the Internet. BOOM Senator
Johnson: "...but those tabulators are connected on Election Day 'cause that's how they transmit
the data to the counties and also into the official -- uhm --" Krebs: "In some cases, yes,
Senator Rand Paul accused Georgia and other states of using the COVID-19 pandemic to steal
the election in a move he says could have came from the playbook of Obama Chief of Staff, Rahm
Emanuel, who famously said, "you never want a serious crisis to go to waste."
Appearing on Fox News prior to the Wednesday Senate hearing on election irregularities,
Senator Paul was asked how revelations, such as the one out of Georgia showing more than 1,700
voters illegally submitted two ballots during the Nov. 3 contest, would effect the upcoming
runoff elections in the Empire State of the South.
Paul would respond, saying: "You'd think that all of this would be investigated and tried to
be fixed before the election."
He also pointed to potential illegal voting activity in Nevada:
"We're going to hear testimony from Nevada where 15 hundred people were deceased and
should not have voted, four thousand people were illegal aliens, and 15 thousand people voted
from commercial address when you have to vote from a home address."
Echoing the case laid out by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in his recently dismissed
Supreme Court lawsuit, Paul accused states of using the COVID-19 crisis to dodge state and
federal election law, comparing the move to a play right out of the Obama, Rahm Emanuel
"It's sort of Obama, Rahm Emanuel's playbook. They took the crisis of COVID and then they
changed election law not by changing law at the state legislature, they had secretaries of
state and or governors simply by fiat change the law to say 'oh you can keep counting votes'
when the law did say that. So, this election really was stolen in a way and it was stolen
because people changed the law "
Shortly after his appointment as Obama's Chief of Staff, former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel
famously uttered the words "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste" during a corporate
panel sponsored by the Wall Street Journal .
"What I mean by that is never allow a good crisis to go to waste when it's an opportunity to
do things that you had never considered, or that you didn't think were possible," Emanuel would
explain at the time.
Trump Campaign Attorney, Jesse Binnall, would laid out similar accusations of voter fraud to
those given by Senator Paul during the Wednesday Senate hearing.
See Binnall's opening statement below:
But, Senator Paul was not done, as Douglas
Braff reports via SaraACarter.com , during today's Senate hearing examining irregularities
during 2020 presidential election the Kentucky Republican claimed:
"The fraud happened. The election in many ways was stolen...And the only way it'll be fixed
is by, in the future, reinforcing the laws."
"But I think [Kreb's] job was keeping the foreigners out of the election. It was the most
secure election based on the security of the internet and technology, but he has never voiced
an opinion [ ] on whether or not dead people voted -- I don't think he examined that," Paul
said toward the end of his speaking time, then questioning if Krebs examined non-citizens'
Many Republicans, in alleging that widespread election fraud occurred in the 2020 election,
have often cited claims that a lot of dead people and non-citizens voted. The over 50 lawsuits
challenging the results of the election in certain swing states alleging election fraud have
overwhelmingly failed in the courts.
"So to say it was the safest election -- sure, I agree with your statement if you're
referring to foreign intervention," Paul continued.
"But if you're saying it's the safest election based on no dead people voted, no
non-citizens voted, no people broke the absentee [ballot] rules, I think that's false and I
think that's what's upset a lot of people on our side is that they're taking your statement
to mean 'Oh, there were no problems in the elections.'"
"I don't think you examined any of the problems that we've heard here," he added, "so really
you're just referring to something differently, the way I look at it." ay_arrow 1
wee-weed up 6 hours ago (Edited)
Okay, Sen Rand Paul...
Now put your credibility where your mouth is...
And back up Mo Brooks on Jan 6th when he stands up to challenge the validity of the
This will call for congresscritters with balls enough to say, "This illegal voting that
occurred threatens the Republic and will not stand!"
US Banana Republic 6 hours ago
Do you know why Biden is telling everyone to stay home from his inauguration (which will
never be anyway)?
Because NOBODY would have come. With or without COVID being a factor.
Fraudly Dementia Boy who is supposedly the most popular Democrat in history according to
the vote, never would have gotten more than 12 people to show up to see him sworn in,.
EightyEight Mike 6 hours ago remove link
"17 Intelligence Agencies confirmed that there was foreign interference in the
presidential election."
Remember hearing that every day?
sgt_doom 5 hours ago remove link
Even Matt Taibbi debunked that bullcrap --- a couple of guys at the CIA, friends of the
Clapper/Brannan bromance, who later transferred to the NSA, to prattle the same bullcrap!
[ China (the CCP) owns UBS Securities Co LTD >> which owns Staple Street Capital
>> which owns Dominion >> ergo, CCP owns Dominion --- this is the way it is
done in int'l finance]
Doom Porn Star 6 hours ago (Edited)
Laws were NOT changed. The legal procedures for changing the voting laws were NOT
The very laws about changing the election laws were not followed and thus laws were not
For instance: in Pennsylvania the Legislature is the only authority that can change the
state constitution and the laws governing elections within. The Legislature did NOT change
the constitution of Pennsylvania.
Saying that laws were changed is not the same as actually going through the legal
procedures required to change the laws and enacting new legally binding legislation.
Saying "We changed the laws."doesn't change anything no matter how many times you repeat
the phrase.
They did NOT change the laws -which is why SCOTUS freaked out and refused to hear the
IF SCOTUS actually had been forced to admit that the laws were not actually changed ,
despite the repeated insistent rhetoric that they had been changed, Trump would easily have
won the Electoral College.
PGR88 6 hours ago
Let's look at California
This year, due to "COVID-19," California mailed out 25 million ballots to everyone on
voter rolls. Remember also, their DMV automatically registers everyone to vote - including
illegals, who are given drivers licenses. Mail-in-voting in CA has been a trend, but now
Newsom wants this to be permanent.
There are no checks on non-citizens voting.
Voter rolls have not been purged of people who left the State or who changed addresses
In November 2020, approx, 7 million ballots were returned. Normally, in some districts, up
to 10% of mail-in ballots may be rejected for problems. This year, due to the vast numbers,
less than 0.01% were rejected.
It is absolutely impossible for state election workers to check voter rolls, signatures,
addresses on 7 million ballots - so in effect, NO checks occur
California also allows "ballot harvesters." Any organized group my collect ballots from
Voters, and turn them in. Some activist groups are even funded by the state to "harvest"
ballots. That means political actors are collecting ballots, completely outside of any
verification or chain-of-possession steps.
I dare anyone to tell me such a system is not full of manipulation and fraud
NoBigDeal 6 hours ago remove link
The GOP have to fight this in the court of public opinion because no court judge is
prepared to listen to the case. They accuse them of telling lies without looking at the
evidence. A cynical Catch 22 position.
As the administrators of justice this is a frightening heads up for anyone who thought
there was any integrity and fairness in the legal system.
It's all bribes now..
Nature_Boy_Wooooo 5 hours ago (Edited)
Imagine sitting in court for tax fraud and the prosecutor saying........ "we gotta make
sure this doesn't happen in the future.".....but you get to walk and keep the money you
Onthebeach6 6 hours ago remove link
The Deep State actors are still trying to steal it by claiming no CCP interference in the
The report on foreign interference in the US election is due for release on Friday (18
th ) afternoon. This will be 45 days after it was requested by the President. It
may be delayed.
The report is being prepared by the DNI (Department of National Intelligence) which is an
umbrella organization over 16 intelligence agencies.
There is currently a massive ongoing fight between agencies in respect of those who wish
to include the evidence of Chinese CCP involvement and those who wish to cover this up and
blame Russia.
Director Ratcliffe of the DNI wants the CCP involvement included in the report and has
stated that he will not sign the report unless this detailed CCP information is included.
It is important to understand that there is both evidence of CCP helping to fix the
election and ongoing CCP pressure to ensure that their asset Biden is sworn in as
It is clear that CCP and deep state assets as well as the DNC and big tech worked together
to steal the election and remove Trump in support of a globalist agenda that would enrich a
small minority whilst impoverishing most Americans.
WatchOutForThatTree 2 hours ago
Whether the "election" turned out the way you wanted or not, it's pretty damned obvious
this bitch was rigged.
Can all the stupid trolls and mindless posters please go back into your caves? The
quality(or lack thereof) of discourse here sucks nowadays...
Linguo 1 hour ago
Rigged ? Corporate money by the billions, voter suppression, two parties whose sole
allegiance is to Wall Street deliberately excluding third and fourth parties and
gerrymandering to name a few, contributes to the democratic process ? What planet do you live
on ? This country has never been a democracy. If the election was rigged, why did the
republicans do well with the exception of the racist war criminal who is personally
responsible for hundreds of thousands of COVID-19 deaths, King BS the 1st ? Idiot.
wimvincken 3 hours ago remove link
It's unbelievable what happened in the US. Many countries have simple ID driven elections.
You show your ID and vote. Simple.
And in case the country has a computers, that computer can check if you're a citizen and
if you already have voted in almost real-time. Simple.
I didn't know that the US doesn't have computers. Who would have thought that? /sarc
Sorry, but the incompetence is there running amok. Strategy is not one of the strongest
thing there, because they could predict something like this to happen beforehand. The way how
the Americans vote is simply asking for trouble like this. Now I'm curious if they want to
fix it. I don't think so.
Soloamber 3 hours ago
The winner of the USA elections is now who cheats best .
The Democrats did nothing for four years except the fraud impeachment and the coordinated
effort to steal the election . It was their only chance with Dementia man .
Pdunne 2 hours ago (Edited) remove link
Elections are won or lost these days with influence and money.
It is time to go back to the days when only individuals can donate to a campaign, not more
corporate money or dark funds for PAC's.
Candidates will always pander to the money and if it was coming from the people maybe the
people would get a fairer government. play_arrow
ronin12 PREMIUM 4 hours ago remove link
It's super fantastic to hear Rand Paul speak the truth.
So wtf is he actually going to DO about it?
Soloamber 3 hours ago remove link
Three full years of MSM Russia , Russia started by the Clinton's , CIA , Obama and the
biggest dip **** to run the FBI .
Mass election fraud ....cheating Trump out of an obvious win . NOTHING .
Move on because the gang rapists say so .
Voters one access to democracy stolen by the corrupt Democrat Party , negated by an
algorithm, dead voters
, vote harvesting, billionaire globalist determined to destroy the USA and Chinese money
Then people like sleeve bag Schumer unilaterally trying to bribe students with their own
credit card .
Biden was right dark days .
Babadook 4 hours ago remove link
Gullible. That is the only word that describes the fantasy of faith in using electronic
voting machines. Pen, paper & observers work perfectly well in other developed
Don Storm 4 hours ago
Like someone posted earlier on ZH:
" In 2020 California mailed out 25 million ballots to everyone on voter rolls. Remember,
the DMV automatically registers everyone to vote including illegals, who are given drivers
licenses. Mail-in-voting in CA has been a trend, but now Newsom wants this to be
There are no checks on non-citizens voting. Voter rolls have not been purged of people who
left the State or who changed addresses.
In 2020, approx. 7 million ballots were returned. Normally, up to 5% of mail-in ballots
may be rejected for problems. This year, due to the vast numbers less than 0.01% were
It is absolutely impossible for state election workers to check voter rolls, signatures,
addresses on 7 million ballots. So, NO checks occured whatsoever.
California allows "ballot harvesters." Any organized group may collect ballots from voters
and turn them in. In fact, some activist groups are even funded by the state to "harvest"
I DARE anyone to show that such a system is NOT subject to total abuse and fraud on a
massive scale. "
Here we have our answer, and California isn't the only state that allowed for such a weak
mail-in ballot system.
Perhaps even more disturbing, why were mail-in ballots allowed on such a massive scale to
begin with? And, we are not even talking about Dominion and other crap that took place.
Bjorn2bebad PREMIUM 4 hours ago
I live in Japan and they sent me a ballot - to Tokyo! I have not lived in CA for 8
Nullifytodefy1835 6 hours ago remove link
Do you think that signature verification, the very thing that was touted, as being the
very thing, that makes voting by mail safe, secure and fraud free, was thrown out the window
for this election. Literally, the PA SOS told the election staff that ballots cannot be
excluded because of signature mismatch, along with a host of other "irregularities" that
would have the ballots, like the 26,000 that were tossed during the primary, excluded from
being legal ballots that count. It concerns me that, the talking heads parrot the signature
verification talking point everywhere you look, knowing that they had no plan on ever doing
such. It really smacks of impropriety and corruption, if you only look at that, and that
alone. When you then take account of the other issues, it looks like a stolen election. I am
certainly not a Trump supporter, did not vote for him, but I have had an issue with election
fraud for many years, as I have personally known of a migrant advocacy group that would bus
the non citizens to the polling places and they would vote. I reported this many times, still
it continued. Still it continues. When the only "proof" of citizenship you must provide, is a
check in a box that you, "attest under penalty of perjury" that you are a citizen, blah,
blah, blah, there is bound to be those that take advantage of the lack of oversight. Wherever
there is an opportunity, a criminal, fraudster or corrupt actor, will take advantage, to the
fullest extent possible. Human nature.
Mark Zuckerberg poured cash into an "ecosystem" that caused widespread fraud in the 2020
presidential contest, election integrity watchdog the Amistad Project has alleged. The group
will file suit against the Facebook CEO.
The lawsuit, based on a report authored by the organization, will claim that Zuckerberg used
$500 million of "dark money" to unlawfully tip the scales in battleground states that
Democrat Joe Biden won by narrow margins, said Mark Serrano, a Trump 2020 campaign adviser who
runs a communications firm that handles media relations for the Amistad Project. The lawsuit is
expected to be filed by today in the District Court for the District of Columbia and will cover
alleged election irregularities that took place in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona,
and Georgia.
According to Serrano, the legal complaint takes aim at "the ecosystem" that caused
"fraud on a massive level to take place" during the 2020 contest. He accused Zuckerberg
of using his vast financial resources and influence to undermine the presidential election in
the months leading up to, and continuing after, November 3.
A billionaire, Mark Zuckerberg, was allowed in the counting room because he funded it,
and the American people were kicked out.
The lawsuit announcement coincided with the release of a
report by the Amistad Project which outlines how Zuckerberg allegedly used private funding
to "improperly" influence the election outcome.
Amistad Project director Phill Kline said during a press conference on Wednesday that
Zuckerberg funneled huge amounts of money into charities and nonprofits that lobbied officials
and carried out other partisan activities that impacted the 2020 results.
"He paid for election judges, purchased drop boxes, contrary to state laws," Kline
said, adding that Zuckerberg's money "purchased machines – Dominion and otherwise
– and Zuckerberg's funding was contributed to Secretaries of State."
This injection of hundreds of millions of dollars into the election by Zuckerberg and others
"violated state election laws and resulted in an unequal distribution of funding that
deprived voters of both due process and equal protection," according to a press release
issued by the Amistad Project.
The group, part of conservative constitutional litigation organization the Thomas More
Society, has been involved in several lawsuits alleging voter fraud and irregularities in the
2020 contest. They filed a motion in support of the unsuccessful lawsuit brought by Texas
Attorney General Ken Paxton in the Supreme Court, which accused four battleground states
– Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – of violating election laws. The
Supreme Court rejected the suit, citing a "lack of standing."
Joe Biden was declared president-elect by the Electoral College on Monday, but US President
Donald Trump and his allies continue to argue that the Democrats' victory is illegitimate due
to large-scale fraud.
Let me guess, Zuckerberg will say, "I have no knowledge of..." in repeat throughout the court
proceedings and will go scot-free. The magic of that prefix cannot be overstated.
Thomas74 1 hour ago 17 Dec, 2020 04:33 AM
Zuckerberg is only the frontman for state surveillance.
VoJo 2 hours ago 17 Dec, 2020 03:53 AM
Mr. Z couldn't put this operation together - to be generous, he is clueless in so many ways.
The brain and the man behind the curtain is, as one could have expected a Brit, Sir Nicholas
William Peter Clegg (born 7 January 1967) is a British media executive and former politician
who has been Vice-President for Global Affairs and Communications at Facebook since 2018,
having previously served as Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2010 to 2015.
uncle_Alex 1 hour ago 17 Dec, 2020 04:27 AM
SCOTUS legalized in 2010, Hodges v FEC, the anonymous funding of politics, so it can be
bought. Not by Main Street, but by Wall Street, the deep-state swamp plutocracy. That's law!
As Plato said, democracy degenerates thru oligarchy to tyranny.
perikleous 1 hour ago 17 Dec, 2020 04:50 AM
Please put your smart devices aside, use a dumbphone, for emergencies only, use your computer
for important issues/knowledge and stop living on SM and all these ideas fail! Who will
invest/advertise on a site without users? If you give up your means of being "the product" it
all ends because they will go bankrupt! These globalist creatures rely on your dependence on
their product! If you do not participate then the game is over!
"... I will also state that in "real" democracies, rigging the vote count is a rarity--it is far more effective just to rig the candidates so it doesn't matter if Tweedledee or Tweedledum gets more votes. ..."
1) Biden got more votes
2) The intelligence agencies rigged the vote count via fraud
In the prior case, Biden will clearly be president. In the latter, Biden will also be
president because the agencies' authority is absolute.
I will also state that in "real" democracies, rigging the vote count is a rarity--it
is far more effective just to rig the candidates so it doesn't matter if Tweedledee or
Tweedledum gets more votes.
Actually Senator Johnson was not bad and up to the point. He does not understand computer
internals to dig in Dominium problem though. omputer based election machinery is evil and it does
not depend on whom produce it. It is simply evil.
Krebs proved again that is a regular self-important mediocre lawyer, with very limited
background on computer science. What is funny is how Dem senators became chameleons and after
promoting Russiagate completely revered themselves.
In other word Russiagate came back and had bitten Dem senators in the back. The fact that
they are unwilling to admit that this time it is not Biden vs Trump: it is about deep corruption
of the election process makes them just political clown.
On Wednesday, the Senate Homeland Security & Govt. Affairs Committee is holding hearings
on irregularities in the 2020 election. Witnesses will include Ken Star and former DHS head of
cybersecurity Chris Krebs, who was fired by President Trump after he said the 2020 election was
the "most secure in American history."
On Tuesday, Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) told Sinclair that the result of the
presidential election is "inevitable," but said that today's hearing has value so long after
the election because "you look ahead by looking back."
"You actually need to take a look at, you know, what the allegations have been, what
irregularities were, try and find out explanations to explain them or, if there really are
problems, enact laws, change procedures," said Johnson.
In other words, don't expect any bombshells. In fact, it's more than likely part of an
effort to clean up 'loose ends' and dispel 'fringe conspiracy theories.'
"You actually need to take a look at, you know, what the allegations have been, what
irregularities were, try and find out explanations to explain them or, if there really are
problems, enact laws, change procedures," said Johnson.
In other words, don't expect any bombshells. In fact, it's more than likely part of an
effort to clean up 'loose ends' and dispel 'fringe conspiracy theories.'
play_arrow 7
CallingDrFraudschi 8 hours ago remove link
Yeah, OK. Keep your head buried in the sand and maybe find some better sources of
BREAKING NEWS! Michael Patrick Leahy from GA just dropped a bombshell.
The emergency order that was cooked up by the SOS of GA to allow for Mail in balloting,
expired BEFORE THE ELECTION. Emergency orders expire 120 days after being passed, by GA law.
That order was passed July 1st which means it expired Oct 28th, 5 days before the election!
... ... ...
chubbar 10 hours ago remove link
It was on the "War Room". You can go to Youtube, cue up the current show that is on RIGHT
NOW, and fast forward until you see Leahy speaking, then listen to him. fukit, I did it for
Oh great, a Senate hearing! I bet there's gonna be some serious action now! Folks are
gonna be quaking in their boots! These hearings ALWAYS lead to serious consequences!
tedstr 10 hours ago
The chickens are coming home to roost. This whole thing is beginning to wreak of arrogance
and hubris gone wrong. Private equity bankers, software engineers, corrupt politicians all
working to rig it thinking they were just too smart, and the deplorables would never figure
it out. I suspect the DNI is working behind the scenes along with many others to reveal it
all. the courts won't hear it but the politicians will start scrambling to distance
themselves and be on the right side as it all come down. Joe is a stooge. this is why he's
the guy. the smart ones knew the game and steered clear. The Clintons are poison.
PGR88 10 hours ago (Edited)
America's election system isn't "irregular" - its frcking corrupt
Let's look at California
This year, due to COVID-19, California mailed out 25 million ballots to everyone on voter
rolls. Remember, the DMV automatically registers everyone to vote - including illegals, who
are given drivers licenses. Mail-in-voting in CA has been a trend, but now Newsom wants this
to be permanent.
There are no checks on non-citizens voting. Voter rolls have not been purged of people who
left the State or who changed addresses
In 2020, approx, 7 million ballots were returned. Normally, up to 5% of mail-in ballots
may be rejected for problems. This year, due to the vast numbers, less than 0.01% were
It is absolutely impossible for state election workers to check voter rolls, signatures,
addresses on 7 million ballots - so in effect, NO checks occur
California allows "ballot harvesters." Any organized group my collect ballots from Voters,
and turn them in. Some activist groups are even funded by the state to "harvest" ballots.
I DARE anyone tell me such a system is not subject to total manipulation and
Freddie 10 hours ago
CA, OR and WA were all taken over via vote fraud. OR was one of the first with mail in
Max21c 9 hours ago
90% reported turnout in Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Atlanta. Election counting
stopped in the dead of night and restarted with new "numbers" in wee hours of the morning.
Poll watchers not allowed to observe election counting processes. Voting machines not allowed
to be inspected in a timely manner. Ballots not allow to be inspected. Ballots disappeared.
Ballots appeared out of nowhere. And every other trick in the book.
Mzhen 9 hours ago remove link
Krebs is in the middle of a job interview with liberals in Silicon Valley.
jammyjo 9 hours ago
Managers are always clueless about what's really going on He'll do well.
Urban Roman 9 hours ago
Uhh, yeah. Wasn't he just fired, for general incompetence/malfeasance?
He's just repeating the ds mantra 'no fraud, nothing to see here' -- where are the
Senators asking him how votes that have already been counted were subtracted from one column
and added to another? Or how batches of hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots came in 98%
for one candidate (rivaling the polling for Idi Amin or Kim Jong Un or Pol Pot) ? How does
Krebs account for the fact that all the 'irregularities' were in favor of Hiden Biden?
And that's about all I can watch.
SillyWabbits 9 hours ago
There was no fraud.
It was outright theift.
Fireman 10 hours ago (Edited)
The good news is Slumville is already burning and nothing in the world can stop it.
Karma comes home to bite the wobblies on their fat a$$e$ and as the welfare warfare
abomination implodes the world will indeed applaud.
It is too late to turn the tide. Donald Trump's attempt to abandon the American Empire
and refocus the country's efforts on its domestic prosperity has been sabotaged by the
elites acquired to the puritanical ideology of the "Pilgrim Fathers". As a result, the
moment so feared by Richard Nixon and his election adviser Kevin Philipps has arrived: the
United States is on the brink of secession and civil war.
What I am writing is not a fantasy, but the analysis of many observers in the United
States and around the world. For example, the Wisconsin Supreme Court has just declared
Donald Trump's election fraud appeal inadmissible, not on legal grounds, but because "it
would open Pandora's box.
In fact, contrary to the misrepresentation of events that dominates the international
press, either the outgoing president's appeals are judged in law and he is obviously right,
or they are judged in politics and proving him right will provoke civil war. But the
conflict is already too far advanced. Judging him politically in defiance of the law will
also provoke civil war.
We must stop interpreting the presidential election as a rivalry between Democrats and
Republicans, whereas Donald Trump has never claimed to be a member of the Republican Party,
which he stormed during his 2016 campaign. He is not an enlightened man, but a successor to
President Andrew Jackson (1829-37). Yes, ideologically, the latter prefigured the
"Southerners," the "Confederates.
When Moribund Mitch congratulated Catatonic Joe yesterday I bet there were people in their
cars on their way to the GA run-off who turned around and went home, for good.
Freddie 10 hours ago
Mitch has taken money from Dominion and killed a vote in Senate on fixing vote fraud. The
Turtle needs to be arrested. Who else took money from Dominion? Who else is tight with
Communist China in the Senate? We know Feinstein is. Arrest them.
Adino 8 hours ago
On Tuesday, Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) told Sinclair that the result of
the presidential election is "inevitable,"
Horse apples.
An over the top fraudulent election DOES NOT result in the 'inevitable' results
I tell you what is inevitable, CW2.
And idiots like this are responsible for the lot of it.
Go to hell, all of you swampies.
jammyjo 9 hours ago
Dem Senators cringeworthy to watch with their leading statements and questions. "Why are
you lying?"
jammyjo 9 hours ago
Dems same circular arguments of "no fraud" because they don't want to acknowledge it. They
keep misrepresenting the court decisions - mostly courts are afraid to take on the cases
rather than making a finding of "no fraud". Should be simple enough to subpoena Ruby and
Jones in GA to see what they have to say.
glenlloyd 9 hours ago
Sen Carper can't even compose a coherent sentence, he's just regurgitating words created
by his paid demonrat underlings.
No one cares about your mask that represents your alma mater.
This is too much. There is planning that's going on in Israel on how we will bomb Iran
into the stone ages. If the American's can't even count votes and decide who runs the
country, how the h311 is this planning going to be possible? You cattl3 need to sort this out
asap. One way or the other.
SonOfSam 10 hours ago
The #FRAUD was designed so that Murica could go back to dropping bombs on some more brown
people. Because yeah, THAT will
A) Fix the riot damage
B) Fix the lockdown damage
C) Reopen America
D) Let people get back to work, so they don't lose their homes and have their families
break up
Every blood slavering neo con infecting this country, along with the brain dead Dummycrats
who helped get them back in, can all get rear orifice cancer and slowly expire in yuuuuge
amounts of blood coughing pain
PS They will NEVER get my sons. They can send their own out to these stoooooopid useless
endless wars
Iron Lady 9 hours ago remove link
"Rumor control" "Election management systems"
Clearly, Krebs thought Orwell was instructional.
Gerrilea 9 hours ago remove link
What a joke, the Rethugs (along with the Demoncrats) passed HAVA and mandating that our
election systems be "updated" AND then they benefited from the fraud for over a decade. They
aren't gonna do crap except create a report that says, "All's good, nothing to see here, move
Max21c 9 hours ago
Vichy elites of Washington have to continue the farce and pretend the fraudulent election
is legitimate and that there has been no coup d'etat whereby the candidate that actually won
the election was forced out of office and a usurper imposed & installed as the new ruler
by the Washington establishment.
UselessEater 10 hours ago (Edited) remove link
The Democrat party has collapsed like the banking system, both being held together
temporarily by chewing gum. The world knows this election is the most corrupt in history on
earth. The covid scam is failing. Too many have woken up to the con and protests around the
world increasing. So...
Now we must await the 'cyber attack' False Flag, to be blamed on China and Russia to
instigate WWIII from which will arise, out of the ashes, the Phoenix World Order of
All created and controlled by the international bankers out of the Corporation of the City
of London (which is an independent central-bank/BIS world empire).
icu410 8 hours ago
More political bull$hit that amounts to nothing. They know the system is corrupted and the
election was stolen. After this crap show I will never vote again.
SillyWabbits 9 hours ago
America is a corrupt Oligarchy.
Obchelli 9 hours ago (Edited) remove link
KREBS you re disgusting POS
What a words "Democracy", "Sacred institution compromised"
People like you POS
Compromise Democracy traitors
misgivings 9 hours ago
Did I just hear Rand Paul give Krebs a pass on "the most secure election in history"
because he was referring to foreign interference and not dead people voting??? What about
Dominion machines being connected to the internet and sending packets to Frankfurt Germany?
Did that just evaporate into the ether?
Redneck Makin-tosh 9 hours ago
He also sounded as though he was prepared to let the result stand so long as the cheating
was addressed for future elections - which could tie in to your observation.
Sick Monkey 10 hours ago remove link
Watching it now and it is obvious to anyone that this is just another display of useless
politicians blurting out the same thing Biden said on stage in his last appearance.
Nothing is going to happen with this useless group of criminals.
Iron Lady 7 hours ago remove link
Today I learned that the US has its very own taxpayer funded Pravda (other than NPR) -
Mis- and disinformation can undermine public confidence in the electoral process, as
well as in our democracy. Elections are administered by state and local officials who
implement numerous safeguards to protect the security of your vote pursuant to various
state and federal laws and processes. This resource is designed to debunk common
misinformation and disinformation narratives and themes that relate broadly to the security
of election infrastructure and related processes. It is not intended to address
jurisdiction-specific claims. Instead, this resource addresses election security rumors by
describing common and generally applicable protective processes, security measures, and
legal requirements designed to protect against or detect large-scale security issues
related to election infrastructure and processes.
Some RINO republicans acting like "we must fix this GOING FORWARD". Heck no. No election
ripe with fraud that was obviously rigged should ever stand!
Mzhen 9 hours ago remove link
Krebs is primarily is lisp-talking lawyer. It's well known that lawyers can't do math.
known unknown 10 hours ago remove link
Ken Starr is a Zionist operative.
Obchelli 8 hours ago (Edited)
So KREBS is changing Narrative and saying we should move on and people who threaten must
be punished - first of all WHERE is the proof you were threatened?
THERE IS NO PROOF you were threatened - do you like this?
Xena fobe 8 hours ago remove link
RINOs are laughing at their constituents. They know most of them are no info voters and
the rest can be overcome via Diminion and a corrupt DOJ.
It's up to us to rid ourselves of these globalists. Start with recalls of governors.
Meanwhile over 600 billionaires gained a record $1 trillion in wealth and more people lost
jobs and small businesses than at any point in almost 100 years. Let that sink in. I believe
this is the tipping point.
Al Capone 11 hours ago
Warren Commission 2.0
BugMan 7 hours ago remove link
Of his nearly half-billion-dollar sum, $350 million was funneled to the Center for
Technology and Civic Life (CTCL), which "used the money to illegally inflate turnout in key
Democratic swing states as part of this effort."As previously reported on by The
National Pulse, the group carried out an "unequal distribution of funding that favored
Democratic precincts."
99.4 percent of Zuckerberg's grants went to Democrat-heavy districts.
"The injection of private funding into county and municipal elections circumvented State
and Federal appropriations processes, violated protocols in HAVA state implementation plans ,
and resulted in inaccurate reporting under HAVA 254(a)(5)," the Amistad Project
One of the great, if not the greatest expert in the fields of cyber security and computer
fraud, has done sophisticated technical work for the C.I.A., N.S.A. and F.B.I has stated
under oath as an expert witness that there was massive computer fraud in the 2020 election to
elect Joe Biden. His name is Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia.
Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia exposed a massive fraud by an individual for millions of dollars
against American intelligence and the military.
Even the New York Times which I consider to be a leftwing rag sheet wrote an article
singing his accolades.
I will quote you just 2 of 17 major paragraphs from a declaration signed under oath by Dr.
"I have a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering and a Master's degree
in Electronics and Computer Engineering from George Mason University, a Ph.D. degree in
Management of Engineering and Technology from CalSouthern University and a Doctoral (Ed.D)
degree in Education from George Washington University. I have advanced training from the
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security
Agency (NSA), DHS office of Intelligence & Analysis (I&A) and Massachusetts Institute
of Technology (MIT).
3. I am employed by a large defense contractor as a chief cyber security engineer and a
subject-matter expert in cyber security. During my career, I have conducted security
assessment, data analysis and security counterintelligence, and forensics investigations on
hundreds of systems. My experience spans 35 years performing technical assessment,
mathematical modeling, cyber-attack pattern analysis, and security counterintelligence linked
to FIS operators, including China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia. I have worked as a
consultant and subject-matter expert supporting the Department of Defense, FBI and US
Intelligence Community (USIC) agencies such as the DIA, CIA, NSA, NGA, and the DHS I&A
supporting counterintelligence, including supporting law enforcement investigations.
Apeon 7 hours ago remove link
Be assured that since the Senate is discussing it....NOTHING will happen.
slickrock 11 hours ago remove link
How many hearings have they held? Has anything been done with the corruption and disease
that is rotting this country? Has the rule of law been restored? They talk and talk and make
themselves feel better but are powerless to do anything about what has happened to this
country. The words of Franklin are about to come true, we have nearly lost the ability to
keep our Republic.
chunga 11 hours ago
This has been going on since I got out of high school. Not a single one of these punks
asked to see the infamous "crowdstrike report".
Did the Democrats rig the 2020 presidential election? Any objective person should at least
have some nagging suspicions of possible malfeasance, especially when one listens to the
testimonies of the many poll watchers placed in battleground locations: the coincidental events
that necessitated conveniently long counting pauses and brazen efforts to restrict their
ability to "watch." An article
in the Spectator, written by a professional pollster, makes a strong case for some healthy
skepticism of Biden's win. The more important question, of course, is who did it? And even more
curious, how?
In one of his usual gaffe-laden speeches on the campaign trail,
Joe Biden may have given the most Freudian of his many slips of the tongue in his career when
he said: "We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud
organization in the history of American politics." As the many stories of fraud allegations
keep unfolding, it is incredible how true Biden's statement might turn out to be: the operation
to steal the US elections were indeed possibly the most extensive and inclusive operation the
Democrats have achieved, involving just about all minority groups in this mother of all
electoral schemes.
One of the reasons many people find it hard to believe that you can have so many people
involved in this scheme is that it would be difficult to issue instructions to all those people
without some record of communications being leaked. But they are looking at this the wrong way:
you don't have to issue any instructions to the vast majority of the people you hire in your
ballot harvesting schemes etc. You just need to make sure that you have enough people who
believe that Trump is the Second Coming of Hitler -- and that this time he has come for the
blacks, the Asians, Arabs, Latinos and yes, to also finish off the Jews. They only need to be
told to do "
whatever it takes " [ 'Whatever it takes': how black women fought to mobilize America's
voters.The Guardian, November 12, 2020 ].
I am not yet convinced that the Dominion System actually played a direct role in rigging
votes (at best, it may have been used for real-time internal updates to enable swift action
where more ballots were needed), but if it did, we can say that that was the main role of
whites in this impressively diverse operation. I would imagine that in such a case, they may
have added votes to Biden in places where Trump still won, to avoid suspicion; but that is
still not clear. What seems to be much more conspicuous is the role that black operatives
played: the job of good old ballot box stuffing and (especially) well-organized illicit ballot
For taking such a big risk, the black community will need a few more favors than ordinarily
granted to them. The most senior black Congressman, Jim Clyburn, has already started making
demands for Biden to start paying up. After Biden announced his economic team appointments,
with virtually no white person on it and signalling what is to come, the different minority
groups immediately demanded more diversity from him!
This amused even the reporters of Politico, who opened
their article with some veiled sarcasm: "The faces of the economic team President-elect Joe
Biden unveiled publicly Tuesday included an African American woman, a man born in Nigeria, an
Indian American woman and just one white man. The response from Asian American, Black and
Latino Democrats: It's not enough." [incidentally, the token white man and woman on his
team – Janet Yellen and Jared Bernstein – are both Jewish].
strongest demands by far are coming from the black community, and they have already
scored the first black Defense Secretary in US history. After all, if blacks can pull off
the biggest electoral heist in the history of the world, then maybe they should be in charge of
overseeing the nation's military strategy!
But how plausible is that story? Could blacks really have played the biggest and most
organized role in Biden's stolen election? It sounds too much like the stuff of Hollywood.
In 2007, a movie based on the true life story of Frank Lucas, a black gangster in 1960s and
70s New York who ended up displacing the powerful white drug lords at the top of the business,
captured the imagination of America. According to the movie (and Frank Lucas' Wikipedia
page ), the DEA
detectives wasted many years trying to figure out who had started supplying a specially lethal
but unbelievably cheap drug called 'Blue Magic' and consequently dominating the drug business
in New York (before expanding to other parts of the country). They had failed to solve the
mystery because they kept looking at the usual suspects: the infamous Italian mafia. It did not
cross their minds that a once-poor black family was the one pulling off a level of organized
drug crime that they had never seen before.
Lucas, who usually dressed more professionally than most gangsters in order to elude
suspicion from authorities, kept getting wealthier and wealthier as these officers kept chasing
the wrong leads. Even when they did finally identify him as the real drug lord, their
investigators could not figure out how he was importing this drug without being traced by
border security agents at any American ports of entry; they believed it was practically
impossible for all their detection systems to fail.
But the best criminals are innovators by definition. Using a close trusted network of black
Americans in the US army, Lucas had devised a way of transporting the drugs from Vietnam
through the coffins of deceased servicemen that were regularly repatriated to American soil. In
short, the US government did not know that they were the ones transporting the drugs of one of
the biggest criminals they were investigating!
In 2020, the FBI
reported that wide scale electoral fraud, enough to shift a general election, is
practically impossible. They could not imagine any method by which this can be accomplished on
a large scale without the systems put in place by the government detecting it easily,
especially since it would have to involve a large network of people working together with a
high level of trust.
Even for those who believe it happened, the biggest suspects have been either the
sophisticated white criminals using cryptic software algorithms or, at worst, the Italian
Mafia. Indeed, one of President Trump's lawyers
tweeted out a story alleging that the Italian mafia had rigged Pennsylvania for Biden. The
mafia profusely denied
the story, giving some convincing arguments about their inability and unwillingness to pull off
such a large, complex operation.
In fact, the only visible "Italian" in this whole drama seems to be the president's
tenacious New York lawyer, who has the most experience to intuitively recognize the results of
organized crime, as a former prosecutor who famously defeated organized crime
networks in America's biggest city. But first he has to zero in on the 'who.'
The state of Texas provides the first clue on at least the social group that was primarily
at the center of this massive operation.
The Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton (with the cooperation of the Secretary of State)
has been extremely vigilant at fighting and preventing electoral fraud in the Lone Star State.
Firstly, he forestalled any potential white fraud by
rejecting the dodgy Dominion Voting Systems for use in Texas after experts expressed
security and efficiency concerns. Secondly, the state also made huge strides in preventing
large scale organized voter fraud by essentially banning "ballot harvesting" –
the system of collecting and submitting ballots for another voter, after "helping" them to
vote. It is astonishing that this is actually legal in many states, despite the strong
protestations of many Republicans.
This doesn't mean that some criminals won't still try to rig elections in Texas, but this is
where the serious AG comes in. In September 2020, AG Paxter
announced the arrest and prosecution of a group of four that almost succeeded in rigging an
election through organized ballot harvesting in the 2018 Democratic primary races. The way they
did it can give us a clue on the main weaknesses exploited by such electoral criminals.
Taking advantage of a Texas law that allows disabled people to vote by mail, this group
somehow registered a large number of able-bodied people as disabled, in some cases without
their consent, so that they could have more mail-in ballots for their fraudulent scheme to
work. Thus, whereas the FBI might assume that it's difficult to rig through mail-in ballots in
a county with a relatively small number of disabled people, this group saw a loophole and
innovatively found a way of expanding that segment of ballots.
The fact that they went through all that trouble to try to create mail-in ballots confirms
that such ballots are the most valuable resource for these schemes, and those Democrats who
defend the expansion of mail-in ballots must know exactly what they are doing.
Thus, it is only common sense that the mass shift to mail-in ballots that came on the
pretext of the Coronavirus pandemic was an activation call for such electoral fraudsters
everywhere to get to work immediately. It made their job so much easier since the government
had just unknowingly done the hardest step in the process for them, as they did for Frank
When I first saw the Texas fraud story, I was not expecting any racial pattern; I
unconsciously assumed that it was at best a mixed-race operation. Until I saw the mug shots of
the arrested fraudsters (the state is 74% white and only 12% black).
All of them were black!
This led me to start looking at the videos of all the election counting centers where there
have been allegations of major process irregularities in battleground states from sworn
testimonies of witnesses, including stories of new ballot boxes being dropped there in the
middle of the night. The workers in those offices were almost always predominantly black
I had to ask myself again: is it really possible that black political operatives had pulled
off the biggest electoral crime in American history? And if this is true, how could they have
achieved what the political scientists, the FBI and even the Italian mafia claim is a
practically impossible
Once again, my answer to the 'how' came from the good state of Texas. The state (this time
through private investigators) managed to
expose another much bigger voter fraud operation before it could complete its project, this
time targeting the presidential election itself, and allegedly involving enough ballots (700
thousand) to decisively turn the great conservative state blue. You would think that such a big
story would have made it to CNN and the front pages of the New York Times since some Democrat
officials were implicated, but it was only reported locally in Texas and other red states:
The investigators -- a former FBI agent and former police officer -- claim that Biden's Texas Political Director
Dallas Jones and his cohorts have been "hoarding mail-in and absentee ballots" and
ordering operatives to fill them out for people in Harris County illegally, including dead
people, homeless people, and nursing home residents in the 2020 presidential election.
A part of the sworn
affidavit from the investigators lays down the scheme:
" Based on interviews, review of documents, and other information, I have identified the
individuals in charge of the ballot harvesting scheme. These individuals includes political
consultant Dallas Jones who was recently hired by the Joe Biden for President campaign to
oversee their Harris County initiative. District 13 Texas State Senator Borris Miles, who is
the handler of Mr. Jones, political consultant Gerald Womack, and Precinct 1 Harris County
Commissioner Rodney Ellis. One of the companies these individuals are using as a front for
this operation is AB Canvassing, although there are others that have been identified that we
are investigating."
I have in my possession video-taped interviews of witnesses attesting to the
aforementioned people having groups of people completing thousands of absentee and mail-in
ballots, including completing ballots for deceased individuals; illegally going into nursing
homes, with the complicity of the nursing home staff, and filling out and forging the
signatures of nursing home residents; signing up homeless individuals to vote using the
ballot harvester's address then completing the ballot and forging the homeless individual's
This entire operation is being run by the elite politicians of the Democrat Party in
Houston/Hams County.
When I found the photos of all the people mentioned in this damning affidavit, the
hypothesis that blacks were the ones executing the groundwork for the 2020 fraud in the
different battleground states was very nearly confirmed.
Dallas Jones Commissioner Rodney
Ellis, source:
Wikipedia State Senator Boris Miles, source: Wikipedia
Denzel Washington as the impeccably-dressed innovative black gangster, Frank Lucas, in American
When I looked a bit more into Jones, I discovered a few more interesting facts. Firstly, he
used to be a "Regional Field Director" in the National Association for the Advancement
of Colored People (NAACP). This means that whatever electoral "skills" he has are well-known in
the NAACP, and can be easily distributed to their wide network in different states on
Secondly, I discovered that Dallas has even internationalized his electoral "consultancy."
His elections consultancy company was
hired to help an opposition party candidate to the highest position in Trinidad and Tobago
named Keith Rowley in 2015. He won.
I was curious to know why Jones would want to help a Trinidadian win an election that has
nothing to do with America (or even the NAACP). Did he share a similar economic ideology with
the candidate? Or does Jones perhaps have his ancestral roots in this island?
The answer, I soon realized, is simpler than that.
Rowley's People's National Movement party represents
the black population of Trinidad and Tobago, while the major party he took out, the United
National Congress, represents the South Asians (Indians) led by an Indian woman whose
first name
just happens to be 'Kamla.' Rowley needed all the help he could get from black American
"consultants" because Indians are actually the largest
ethnic population in Trinidad and Tobago. (In 2020, Rowley defended his
Prime Minister position against Kamla.)
The description of Jones' role in that election that brought Rowley to power is
instructive :
"Brought on by partner firm Vestige Strategies as part of a team of five consultants,
Jones was tasked with designing and executing the comprehensive, nation-wide "Get Out The
Vote" efforts for Dr. Rowley and the People's National Movement campaign."
" Get Out the
Vote " is how a lot of these ballot harvesting schemes are euphemistically characterized.
It is what Georgia politician Stacey Abrams
calls her scheme that aggressively registers all kinds of unlikely voters to supposedly
vote by mail with renewed enthusiasm.
What makes blacks more able to pull off such large-scale ballot harvesting operations is the
ready supply of the one asset required for all organized crime: a large network of trust . I think
groups like the Italian mafia and the Jewish mafia may have almost disappeared precisely
because of a dwindling supply of people among them who still see themselves as surviving
outside the mainstream American community that despises them while belonging to an ethnic
"family" that values them. Blacks, on the other hand, still largely see themselves as part of
such an outsider "family" that is expected to trust each other, as they collectively figure out
how to survive that common enemy who has all the power and wants to "systemically" harm them
with it. At least this is what they grow up hearing every day from schools, colleges, news
media, music, uncles and even church leaders. (The
black conservatives who somehow escape this lifelong programming are much more heroic than
immigrant black conservatives who never really had to deal with the pervasive
This black family consciousness can be used not only politically (the family is expected to
vote together for the same party, one that is at least led by
servile whites), but even for other less legal collaborations, if necessary. When you truly
believe that you are under some Hitlerian existential threat, it is actually rational to bend
some rules to help your survival, especially if those rules are made by the same evil power
that systemically seeks your destruction.
At the Michigan House
hearings to consider the Trump campaign's case, one recent Indian immigrant who was one of
the GOP poll watchers, witnessed this familial spirit in action. The black poll workers in the
room thought she was a Democrat because she's from a dark-looking minority race, and they
confidentially told her that "we have to get those m-fers out of here." According to her, they
were referring to all the "white, male Republican" poll watchers, who were apparently insisting
on monitoring everything going on (a.k.a doing their job). They successfully booted them
When the Trump campaign in Michigan
sued for being denied access to properly watch what was going on at some important counting
center in Detroit, their case was quickly dismissed by the judge. When they tried to sue to get
access to surveillance videos of ballot box drops, which could also possibly prove their
allegations of illegal ballot boxes brought in, the same judge denied them the access on some
bizarre technicality. Ironically, the media kept mocking the Trump campaign for bringing
allegations to court in the absence of strong evidence, without mentioning how their requests
for access to the same evidence was being denied by the same courts!
Out of curiosity, I looked up this Michigan judge ( Cynthia Stephens ) whom I thought had a
particularly hostile tone to Trump's plaintiffs.
Judge Cynthia Stephens
Stephens has been a leader in the Black Judges Association of Michigan, a life member of the
Delta Sigma Theta
sorority which was founded by "college-educated women dedicated to public service with an
emphasis on programs that assist the African American community," etc.
In October 2020, a higher court
reversed a revealing ruling that Stephens had given in another case. She had ruled that
anyone should be allowed to submit someone else's ballot for them, despite state law clearly
saying it is only family members that can do this (which at least makes the work of ballot
harvest schemers a bit harder). The same higher court also reversed a ruling by Stephens that
said late ballots should be counted in the 2020 general election even if they arrive two weeks
late – which would have been another boon in the ballot fraudster's toolbox!
A judge who is a member of ethnocentric organizations is already a bad sign. If a white
judge was a member of a sorority that "assists the white community," his objectivity would be
questioned, especially in an election in which 'race' is at the center. Why should we assume
that a black judge would be free of bias when she belongs to race-based groups and the election
is about a man that is considered "one of
the most racist presidents" in American history?
The Trump campaign should have moved heaven and hell to get those surveillance videos of
ballot boxes being brought into these counting centers, instead of moving on to Hugo Chavez
conspiracy theories. I'm also pretty sure William Barr could immediately get all those videos
of security footage around every polling station if he really wanted to, but maybe I've just
watched too much '24
Black electoral fraudsters of course know that they can count on the media to help them
fight against any pressure to fully audit black counties by simply flashing the race card as a
shield when needed.
The Washington Post already sent an early warning shot by
publishing a story entitled "Anger builds in Black community over Trump's claim of voter
fraud in big cities." According to the Post, Trump checking for fraud in these areas is
"prompting Black leaders, political analysts and historians to cry foul at what they described
as tactics reminiscent of those used to suppress the voice of Black voters following the Civil
They don't quote any actual historian who would say something that radical. Instead, they
quote a professor of African American studies, Carol Anderson. "It's a very narrow, slippery
slope, from saying 'illegal votes' to 'illegal voters,'"she chides, "so this attack on Black
voters is real."
The lady doth protest too much, methinks. An investigation of crime is obviously not an
attack on anyone.
Trump's team is predictably now inured to the endless accusations of racism, so something
more had to be done to stop them. On Saturday, November 21, a group of Detroit voters took the
race card all the way to federal court,
alleging "disenfranchisement of black voters" by the Trump campaign. Basically, a lawsuit
to stop someone from checking if the law was followed.
Georgia, Georgia
If the state of Texas and its AG provide a blueprint for disciplined Republican warfare
against black and white fraud, Georgia is the sad cautionary tale.
Georgia has had a very long unique relationship with voting machine vendors which looks
quite corrupt. Because the mainstream media assumed that this corrupt intrusion into Georgia
politics by voting machine companies was going to benefit Trump (and Russia) in 2020, they did
some thorough investigation into it. Of course after the 2020 election suggested that the
newest beneficiaries (if any) are Democrats, the same media has frantically rushed to defend
the integrity of Georgian officials -- presenting them as honest and objective Republicans for
standing up to Trump. Even the venerable Wall Street Journal has
published an editorial from the CEO of Dominion. Any suggestions of malfeasance are now
dismissed as "baseless."
Fortunately, we still have the investigative articles the same media did when they thought
Georgia would rig for Republicans, as our basis.
"In the past decade, Election Systems & Software (E.S. & S.), the largest
manufacturer of voting machines in the country, has routinely wined and dined a select group
of state-election brass, which the company called an "advisory board," offering them airfare
on trips to places like Las Vegas and New York, upscale-hotel accommodations, and tickets to
live events. Among the recipients of this largesse, according to an investigation by
McClatchy published last year, was
David Dove, the chief of staff to Georgia's then secretary of state, Brian Kemp ."[Kemp is now the governor.]
"Georgia turns out to be a prime example of how voting-system venders, in partnership with
elected officials, can jeopardize the democratic process by influencing municipalities to buy
proprietary, inscrutable voting devices that are infinitely less secure than paper-ballot
systems that cost three times less."
The McClatchy investigative report , cited in the New
Yorker article, makes a prediction from an expert interviewed for their story:
" the next foreign attack on U.S. voting machinery will likely be initially directed at an
equipment vendor's server before migrating to county systems and voting sites, said Scott,
co-founder of the Institute for Critical Infrastructure Protection.
He said the malware can poison vendors' update servers with a "decimalization feature" --
a program to manipulate the vote outcome as desired.
"Then you add a second layer to the exploit that geo-targets that malware to hit swing
regions of swing states," Scott said. It embeds in the touch-screens and "carries through to
the central (vote-counting) tabulator at the state level," before destroying itself upon
final tabulation.
While Homeland Security officials have alerted the vendors about such a threat, Scott
said, he's seen little effort by the manufacturers to build a defense.
In 2019, Dominion Systems received over 100 million dollars from the state of Georgia to
supply 30,000 machines for the state's 7 million voters, to be rolled out in a few months: the
biggest and most ambitious
rollout of voting machines in the history of the United States.
Even if there was no direct corruption involving Georgia officials in this handsome
contract, these officials -- the Governor, the Secretary of State and even their suspiciously
vocal elections implementation manager, Gabriel Sterling -- would still not want the
weaknesses of the system to be exposed because it would also effectively end their careers
since everyone, including election security experts and managers in other Secretary of State
offices, had warned them about this
reckless project.
When the state held its presidential primaries in June 2020 with this new Dominion system,
it turned out to be one big mess, just as everyone had warned. It is a miracle that these
officials actually survived the chaos from that election.
It is worth quoting large portions of an article from
PBS that sums up what Georgia went through with Dominion software in that catastrophic
presidential primary election of 2020:
"Faulty software or poorly calibrated vote-tabulation scanners used to count mailed-in
ballots in this week's chaotic Georgia primary may have prevented thousands of votes from
being counted, election officials and voting integrity activists say
"The fact that it is in multiple counties tells me that it's probably systemic," Richard
DeMillo, a Georgia Tech computer scientist who has testified for the plaintiffs, because
identical scanners and software were used to count all absentee ballots across the state.
DeMillo said the only way to know for sure is through audits.
A top Georgia voting official, voting implementation manager Gabriel Sterling, said Friday
that he had seen no evidence yet of the issue and found it difficult to believe the reports
were "an active description of what is happening on the ground."
"These are activists who have an ax to grind," he said.
In post-election reviews, bipartisan panels in all four counties detected unregistered
votes while examining ballot images flagged by the vote-tallying scanner's software for
In Morgan County, Republican-dominated and just southeast of Atlanta, panelists discovered
at least 20 votes on scanned ballot images that the program had not recorded, said Jeanne
Dufort, a Democrat on the panel. She said it appeared the votes did not register because
ovals that were supposed to be filled in were instead checked or marked with X's.
All three panelists agreed to add the unregistered votes to the electronic tally, said
Dufort. But on Thursday, the county elections board voted 3-2 not to audit the rest of the
roughly 3,000 absentee ballots
In Clarke County, vote review panelist Adam Shirley estimated at least 30 ballots out of
about 300 flagged for anomalies had votes that "the system had not marked at all, that had
not processed at all."
Shirley, a Democrat, recommended a review of all 15,000 absentee ballots.
In an email Friday to fellow board members, county election board chair Jesse Evans said
"it's not just possible but probable that a ballot whose voter had clearly but not completely
marked their vote would not have its votes counted by the software."
In an email to Evans, Shirley said he found it disturbing that the software did not flag
the uncounted votes. "We only noticed them by sheer luck as we were adjudicating other,
flagged contests on ballots."
In DeKalb County, review panel member Elizabeth Burns estimated finding between 20-50
uncounted votes on 530 flagged ballots and said her team had so far only reviewed half its
100,000 absentee ballots. Like Shirley, she said her team had stumbled upon the issue. She
said she wondered how many other counties were aware of it.
"Maybe not everyone has been as thorough as us and noticed this," she said.
"The detection of this major problem was only because of diligent citizen oversight. The
officials charged with the duty to fully test the equipment recklessly failed to responsibly
do so, or to audit it," said Marilyn Marks, executive director of the Coalition for Good
Governance, which is demanding in court that the state scrap the ballot-marking devices.
Dominion spokeswoman Kay Stimson referred questions to the state
Voting security expert Harri Hursti said inadequate pre-election testing may be the cause
of the issue
The Dominion election system used on Tuesday is proprietary. Hursti said it has never been
subjected to an independent security review.
It was, however, denied certification by Texas, which cited "multiple hardware and
software issues" identified by state-appointed examiners "
Many readers might find it hard to believe the possibility that these officials might just
be protecting their jobs at the expense of full electoral integrity in their state when they
stubbornly refuse Trump's reasonable request
for a robust audit (instead of a mere pointless recount), if anything just to prove him wrong.
But you have to see it from their perspective (assuming that we are right): since their state
won't make any difference to Trump's chances of winning the electoral college as it stands now,
why should they sacrifice their careers for what they believe is likely a meaningless
consolation result for Trump at best? If there is a chance that they have even knowingly lied
about the efficiency or security of the system, their careers could be the least of their
Had the Governor and the Secretary of State not entangled their reputations on their
implementation of the Dominion system, they would have been as aggressive in going after Stacy
Abrams and other suspicious players as Texas did. In fact, they have already started going
after her in other ways that do not involve exposing the Dominion Systems. Abrams may have
misread their unwillingness to cooperate with Trump after the election as some kind of sign
that they are willing to let her continue with her scheme even in the senate run off elections.
She was wrong; their only fear is exposing Dominion's security and efficiency issues to the
public again, as they would not survive a fiasco in the presidential election.
Probably to prove his loyalty to the GOP, Secretary of State Raffensperger has already
announced that he is launching
investigations into Stacy Abrams' group, for seeking to "aggressively" register
"ineligible, out-of-state, or deceased voters" before the state's Jan. 5 Senate runoff
elections. I am very confident that he will destroy her before that election.
Raffensperger's office detailed instances in which "The New Georgia Project," (founded by
Abrams and previously led by senate runoff candidate Warnock) tried to solicit voters living
out of state and people who have passed away (the usual tactics.)
It should be obvious that these groups did not become dishonest only for the runoff
elections. There is no way the Secretary of State really believes that Abrams' groups did
nothing wrong for the November 3 election.
It is clear that both the Governor and the Secretary of State genuinely want Republicans to
keep the Senate and even wanted Trump to win the presidency. They were simply caught up in a
difficult situation of their own making with Dominion Systems, which has made them stubbornly
resistant to a full audit (with signatures, system accuracy checks, etc) that would probably
reveal Abrams' malfeasance, but only while also revealing their own incompetence, if not
outright dishonesty, for recklessly implementing one of the most risky voting systems.
The GA officials share this mutual interest with the executives of Dominion who would lose
their business in the US if it is found that they are indeed unsecure, inefficient or
unreliable. They are happy to continue addressing the Hugo Chavez rumors for as long as this
keeps the public from the real problems. If it is found that someone had remote access to their
machines, for example, that would certainly end their business, as it ends the careers of
Georgian officials.
Why am I opposed to the black takeover of power in America through illegitimate means?
It has nothing to do with black or white.
I do not know why this happens, but every time people (try to) gain power by organizing
themselves along ethnic lines, it brings out the worst demons in them, especially if the
organizing principle is some imaginary evilness of another ethnicity. I recall how some very
friendly Hutu people seemingly became overnight monsters when their elite leaders successfully
"organized" them against the "evil" Tutsi in Rwanda, leading to over a million mindless murders
in a tiny African nation.
A newly emboldened elected official in Michigan, Cynthia Johnson, may have given us a
glimpse into such demons when she basically issued an order to harm "Trumpers," in a chilling
video released on 9th December:
At this stage, the one last Hail Mary hope America has to save itself from an inevitable
decline into the darkness of both ethnic warfare and clueless socialism might lie with the Lone
Star State of Texas, as the state's good AG has now sued all these
incompetent states that allowed themselves to be invaded by organized electoral crime.
Chanda Chisala, originally from Zambia, has been a John S. Knight Visiting Fellow at
Stanford University, a Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution, and a Reagan-Fascell Fellow
at the National Endowment for Democracy.
Now the officials in six battleground states continuously ignore all evidences of voter fraud
only to say "no evidence of voter fraud" or even more disgusting "this election is the most
secure in history".
Whether there was indeed voter fraud and rigging, and I personally believe there was and at
a huge scale, it seems that, by hook or by crook, Joe Biden will become the next President of
the United States of America; and we should prepare ourselves for this, regardless of our
political points of view and inclinations.
The presence of Biden in the Whitehouse will definitely change course on a number of issues,
both domestically within the USA and overseas, but the objective of this article is to shed a
bit of light on what is likely to happen to the current pro-Biden camp and the diverse array of
supporters who have helped elevate him to this position.
In more ways than one, I have always seen in Syria a microcosm of world politics and
conflicts. Long before the enemies of Syria decided to launch their attack in March 2011, the
masterminds of the conspiracy put the most unlikely allies together, only united by their
hatred of Syria. Back then I called them the ' Anti-Syrian
Cocktail' . Those allies each had their own agenda regarding Syria and had nothing in
common other than their desire to remove President Bashar Al-Assad from office. Among the
issues they disagreed on was his replacement, how to share the spoils, not to mention the
alternative political system to install, Syria's future position in the region, international
alliances, and so forth.
With a whole array of enemies, Trump inadvertently caused a rounding up of a very
loosely-united anti-Trump-cocktail; only united by their hatred of him. So, let's face it and
acknowledge it; they will never let him win the November 2020 elections. Though only united by
their hatred of Trump, there are too many of them, they are powerful; extremely powerful, and
they are very determined to get rid of him by any means possible, legal, illegal, using tactics
like bribery, intimidation, threats, thuggery, and they have no one to fear because,
collectively they have given each other impunity, covering each other's backs and producing a
culture where criticizing them is taboo. Crucially, the 'law' and the media are on their
With the exception of the Clintons and Bidens perhaps, the other Democrats have their
traditional political opposition to Trump, even when they see and know he is making good
decisions. This is the golden rule of political duopoly. But the Clintons and the Bidens have
personal dirt on them and even blood on their hands that they want to keep the lid on in order
to avoid prosecution and possibly even jail. They are likely to remain united after a Trump
loss, but the same cannot be said about other odd couples.
Most of the other November 2020 Biden supporters are destined to be on a collision course,
and they will soon enough realize that their differences are much stronger than what united
them and that they were taken for fools. None will be disappointed more than the so-called
The definition of the term progressive has morphed quite significantly over the last decade
or so. Currently, it seems to include any one who stands up against Trump; and this is the
primordial cause of the confusion and reason for future conflict between them. In reality, what
defines the term 'progressive' in any existing progressive movement can be totally different
from that of another movement; and the difference is not necessarily marginal. Being
'progressive' in the 21st Century implies the presence of a very specific agenda or slogan that
may or may not be compatible with other 'progressive' agendas.
Take the Assange supporters for example. The moment they wake up from their deep slumber,
they will realize that the man they supported to become President is actually the leader of the
political party that has put Assange in jail for exposing his party's dirt. I hope that Trump
pulls the rug from underneath their feet and pardons Assange before the 20th of January 2021.
But will this show the Assange supporters who is who? Not necessarily because if they wanted to
open up their eyes and see, they would have seen from day one that Assange's biggest enemy is
none but Hillary Clinton and that she is the one responsible for his demise; not Trump.
But the Assange supporters did not play a major role in the elections; at least not
directly, and at least not as much as their closest 'progressives'; the peace activists.
The Democrats and their cohorts have portrayed Trump as a warmonger. When peace activists
eventually see that Biden will have to serve his warlord masters and start new wars across the
globe, they will have to think again. He is already touting hiring well known hawks in key
positions in his forthcoming cabinet and team of advisors, with his
Defense Secretary reportedly selected.
When it comes to street power however, none has been more powerful and effective as the
combination of BLM and the environmentalists.
BLM activists have just fallen a tad short of blaming Trump for an American five-century
long history of racism. But how much do BLM activists really care about Climate Change and
specifically about Greta-type environmental vision of how the world should run? Moreover, most
environmentalists, if not all of them, are anti-vaxxers. When they see that Biden is the trump
card for the vaccine empire, they may wish they didn't take to the streets to unseat the Trump
card they had in the Whitehouse. If there is/was one person standing up against the malevolent
"Gates vaccine", it has to be Trump, and the single-issue anti-vaxxers are against Trump. Try
to make sense of this.
This is not to forget and ignore that the Climate Change activists will soon find out, the
hard way, that Biden will not come clean on the zero-emission promise; not only because he
doesn't want to, not only because he goes to bed with the petro-dollar lobby, but also because
he does not have the alternative technology to replace fossil fuel with.
In and out and in between the BLM and Climate Change activists, what do the Climate Change
activists have in common ideologically with BLM and at what stage will they break ranks and
decide to go against one another? What will happen after either one of them accuses the other,
rightfully I must say, that they have been used as pawns by the 'Deep State'?
And who said that the BLM has more in common with the LBGTI community and activists than it
does with the gun lobby? Sections of the BLM likely also love guns.
And speaking of Greta, for how much longer will she able to keep up the fallacy that her
agenda and those of her friends Soros and the World Economic Forum (WEF), and its members that
include Monsanto, are actually compatible?
And for the right or wrong reasons, who is to guarantee that the tens of millions of Trump
supporters are going to sit and accept that the election win of Biden is legitimate and that
they have to swallow it? Will this cause social strife, violence on the streets, even worse
perhaps civil war and much more? We don't know. What we do know is that a controversy about
election results should have been dealt with in total transparency in order to put all concerns
to rest. But this is not happening, and it is not going to happen because a decision has been
made against Trump dictating that he must lose.
But the after-Trump-effect is not necessarily going to affect only America. Right-wing
politics, including the extreme version of it, have been on the rise in the world, and
especially in Western Europe. And if the Neo-Nazis look threatening because their ideology is
based on a very dark chapter in human history, what do we really know is on the agenda of the
forces that have combined the very diverse elements of the anti-Trump cocktail in order to
serve its objective(s)? What is it really that they want?
Hitler was at least clear about his mission statement. He wanted an Aryan Third Reich to
rule the world for a thousand years. The rest of the world did not have to wonder and ponder
about his intentions. He sent a very clear message to rest of the world, a message clear enough
to unite the West with the Bolsheviks against him.
But today, we have an invisible driving force that has managed to put together an array of
the most unlikely partners in order to fight a common cause. Do we not at least ask the
question 'why?'
In the case of Syria, the answer to the 'why' question was to topple Assad, albeit without
having a plan that went further, at least as a united coalition. It would have been impossible
for the plotters and planners to each disclose what they had in mind. In reality, they did not
have any plan at all other than replacing him with a void. Fast-forward; the get-rid-of-Trump
plan is very similar; get rid of him without having a plan so as to ensure all participants are
pleased and appeased, because the plan seems to also be based on replacing Trump with chaos and
anarchy .
The irony here is that the anti-Trump-cocktail is not only comprised of his political
opponents, mainstream media, social media, but also includes government agencies such as the
DOJ, the CIA, the FBI and even some American Republicans.
Briefly put, Trump has been chosen to lose, but after him, the flood is imminent. The
current allies who lobbied against him will very shortly come to the realization that they are
no longer united, and some will even turn into enemies fighting over the spoils of the win.
In more ways than one, they will harvest the fruit of the seeds they planted, and they will
rightfully deserve all consequences. A Biden win is the most befitting 'punishment' of the
anti-Trump cocktail.
Apart from the hapless American populace, the biggest loser of this all is the international
stature of America as the leader of the so-called Democratic Free World. In a fitting blowback
for these pernicious actors, Trump would have proven without a shadow of doubt, that the Deep
State is so deep and powerful, powerful enough to mobilize its own enemies to serve it.
At that point, to quote the rhetoric of the "Great Reset" agenda, but again, as blowback,
things will never be the same again for these dangerous characters. play_arrow
Justus_Americans 18 hours ago
Steve Bannon: Trump should revoke Biden's Security Clearance Biden had a duty to report
Son Hunter https://youtu.be/N5XoZjN5xdQ
africoman 21 hours ago
SCOTUS rejects Texas lawsuit and other swing states too
I think it shows how corrupted all three branches have become.
But, the POTUS who get done firing CIA/FBI/ and many others officials with Tweeter , how
come he isn't doing that to Ag Barr or any others who aren't doing their job to investigate
it and bring the perps to justice if the election-selection proved to be rigged & it was.
So he is playing game with his pay masters
Evil stalks the US political system. It doesn't matter who is in the White house. Biden is
just as corrupt as is his dull cabinet picks.
DeeDeeTwo 1 day ago remove link
I love the way the DOJ or Delaware of whomever has had a "criminal investigation" open on
the Bidens for many years. Ha-ha, no one in DC can talk about a "criminal investigation" and
it just disappears like large pizza down Bill Barr's hatch.
CosmoJoe 1 day ago
Biden is the return of the crony establishment politicians who want the statue quo back.
They want to go back to enriching themselves and their allies while their side job is
"leading" the country. Biden is going to jettison the far left kooks in his party now that
their usefulness of getting him elected is over.
African Americans really f*cked this up. They had a guy in the white house who actually
did things for their communities, and they voted against this for a return of the Dems who
don't give two sh1ts about inner cities or crime. I guess while I had some hope that more
people in the Black community were taking the red pill, there are just too many that are
still stuck on stupid.
dibiase 1 day ago
All that's really changing is the figurehead... I guess Biden might not hire so many
people from Goldman... j p morgan needs more friends in there...
Your account is currently banned 1 day ago remove link
Not a return, just a continuation. Only those not jaded by the carnival barking elixir
salesman can recognize it.
CosmoJoe 1 day ago remove link
You think people like Bezos want anything to do with Antifa or BLM? You think any of the
billionaires in this country are going to turn over their wealth and power to a bunch of
SonOfSam 1 day ago
Antifa and BLM are the (((billionaires))) favorite pets. They attack only their
competititors, small businesses, burning them to the ground. They will never attack any
really big business, not ever.
Your account is currently banned 1 day ago remove link
LOL. Let me share something from one of my favorite anarchists:
"Adulation of "great presidents" epitomizes the prevailing misunderstanding of the nature
of politics and government .People do not expect to find chastity in a whorehouse. Why, then,
do they expect to find honesty and humanity in government, a congeries of institutions whose
modus operandi consists of lying, cheating, stealing, and, if need be, murdering those who
resist? The public persists in supposing that good leaders can be found to replace the
currently ruling brutes, but ferocious prizefighters do not tend to be replaced by pacifistic
Milquetoasts, and in the event that the latter happened to gain office, they would be quickly
ousted by the former." – Robert Higgs - "Against Leviathan"
jeff montanye 1 day ago remove link
telling them the truth?
bush wanted a humble foreign policy and helped run 9-11 then killed a million largely
innocent people in their home countries that never attacked the u.s.
obama promised never to start/fight "dumb" wars then started three, killed ditto, and left
each a failed state, as best he could, as yinon planned.
trump didn't start any wars, reduced u.s. presence in at least two, presented the very
brave and prescient one-state solution for israel/palestine, and had the sense and courage to
say that bombs not just planes destroyed the wtc on 9-11.
that's a lot more truth than the entire rest of the u.s. government and the mockingbird
state media have offered in a generation.
Your account is currently banned 1 day ago
Yep. I was converted not long after that. When you finally shed all the fairy tales that
government has fed you over the years, and you can look at it all with some level of detached
objectivity, the absurdity becomes laughingly obvious. Mencken summed it up well:
" The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for
himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he
comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and
intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And even if he is not romantic
personally he is very apt to spread discontent among those who are."
Target Practice 1 day ago remove link
Vatican sides with Fascists in WWII Hitler, Mussolini, Franco .
Prescott S. Bush financed Hitler.
His boy, George H W Bush, ran the CIA and called for a New World Order .
And his boy, George W Bush Jr, was president on 9-11.
booboo 1 day ago remove link
Hitler was the reaction to the Bolsheviks not the other way around.
"This movement among the **** is not new... this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow
of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development,
of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing... it has been the
mainspring of every subversive movement during the nineteenth century"
Winston Churchill
Sound familiar?
66Mustanggirl PREMIUM 1 day ago (Edited)
Democrats literally spent four years writing the handbook on how NOT to accept election
If Joe Biden actually succeeds in stealing this election, 73 million plus Trump supporters
are going to take that handbook and shove it down the throats of the Dem/RINO Swamp creatures
until they choke on it.
Stuck on Zero 1 day ago remove link
At least a thousand of the most powerful people in America would face indictments for
racketeering, sex charges, human and drug trafficking, and treason if Trump remains in
office. He has to go.
EightyEight Mike 1 day ago
voted Biden and R down ticket.
I don't believe that. You're just trying to explain the absurd election results. Nobody
believes that 80 million morons came out to vote for Biden.
dibiase 1 day ago
Fake news. No such thing as a Biden supporter. Just people who hate trump.
Patmos 1 day ago (Edited) remove link
The left in the US currently gives us the unbelievably sh!tty mixture of the war mongering
establishment MIC who laugh about killing heads of state like the wretch Hillary did, and the
"woke" regressive useful idiots who are short on wisdom and long on falling for empty
spacemonkey99 1 day ago (Edited)
"...producing a culture where criticizing them is taboo"
That is the worst of it. Its interesting the article mentions the 3rd Reich because I
think we have something of a 4th Reich right now with blm antifa and supporters.
40 foot tall banners at sporting events, marches through neighborhoods, intimidation of
course plenty of broken windows... It really looks like crystalnacht out there so I am not
sure how this gets better
KenilworthCookie 1 day ago
Murcia; You get what You Deserve. Enjoy.
sborovay07 1 day ago
Major assumption is that Trump is not going to enact EO 13848. The Deep State operatives
were desperate and wanted anything that they could control.
not dead yet 1 day ago
You, and your up voters, are a perfect example of ignorant Americans. This article is a
short but concise analysis, far from complete but it hits many high points, of why Trump was
shafted in the election and has to go. Those who have been closely following the saga since
Trumps election are not surprised by anything this guy wrote. Way far too many people are
always whining and complaining about ZH and others publishing stuff they don't agree with
haven't a clue what's going on.
I do have to disagree all the parties that hate Trump and want him out will be at each
others throats. Bidenho's government, the globalists, and the enviro wack jobs all want the
same thing. Putting down, if not eliminating, us little people and have a one world police
state dictatorship. Lockdowns and the poverty that comes with it are just the start and under
Bidenho I expect them to continue. The Covid "problem" is way overblown but IMHO expect a
national lockdown starting Jan 21 and the Karens and those made irrationally scared of Covid,
we're talking millions here, will support it.
Totally_Disillusioned 1 day ago
Biden represents the global corporatists and he's the XI/CCP's poodle. Spend 15 minutes
listing to Steve Bannon at the Eurasian Symposium back in early 2019. He's on a tear helping
the globalist attendees better understand by Trump lead the way for working people around the
world. We all know China's economy has been fabricated on the backs of slave labor - just so
that the corporatists can have their products produced cheaply while abusing the Chinese
people. He's on fire and speaks truth to power. The 15 minutes you'll spend listening will
tell you all you need to know about the Democrat crime families - Clintons, Bidens,
Feinsteins, Pelosi, etc. He was right back then and is more right today. Understand why we
must defeat this globalist evil...
Hal Turner - a pretend "Nazi" who was/is an FBI informant (look it up) and was convicted
anyway of threatening a judge. I'm not clicking on a Hal Turner link because it is, by
definition, disinformation. Don't take my word for it, look it up yourself.
Totally_Disillusioned 1 day ago
Robert's intimidated by the rioting? Wonder what threats were made on him, his
homericninjas 1 day ago
Don't rule out him simply being a gutless poosie
quanttech 1 day ago remove link
Their leaders are con artists just like trumptards are led by a con artist.
AOC is a CIA construct. Bernie's job is to deliver the left to the opposite of the left,
the Reagan/Thatcher neoliberals. The "squad" makes excuses for the wars.
Wapo is trying to deceive its readers: elections rule were specifically changed for 2020 elections resulting in mail-in ballots
fiasco. But that does not justifies Trump inaction and incompetence.
Another problem in impotence of neoliberal elite: they even can't cheat well ;-)
is something that has gotten relatively little attention: the failure to raise these issues earlier -- i.e., before the election.
Over and over again, judges have noted the pro-Trump legal effort could just as well have challenged the election rules before
the election results went against him.
"Penalizing the voters election officials serve and the other candidates who relied on this long-standing guidance is beyond
unfair," the court said. "The Campaign sat on its hands, waiting until after the election, despite the fact that this
'application' form was in place for over a decade."
It was hardly the first time judges have noted the tardy challenges. Just this weekend, U.S. District Judge Brett H. Ludwig, who
was appointed by Trump, offered a similar rebuke after state and federal courts
such challenges should be filed before the election
"I don't think I heard a very good explanation today as to why the plaintiffs didn't raise these issues in advance of the
election when the guidance was issued," Ludwig
Another judge whom Trump had put on his Supreme Court shortlist, William Pryor, also agreed with a lower-court ruling that said
pro-Trump lawyer L. Lin Wood had plenty of time to complain about Georgia's election rules before Trump lost. Pryor cited the
doctrine of
which holds that a claim can't just be brought when it is suddenly convenient for the plaintiff.
"This procedure has been in place for at least three elections since March, including the general election on November 3, 2020,"
"Over one million Georgians voted by absentee ballot in the general election. No one challenged the settlement agreement until
the filing of this action. By then, the general election returns had been tallied and a statewide hand recount of the
presidential election results was underway."
Pryor ruled that Wood had no standing to bring the case but added that, even if he did, the laches doctrine meant "he could have
sued eight months earlier, yet he waited until two weeks after the election."
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has offered perhaps the biggest rebuke on this count. It noted that the law at issue in the Trump
team's case -- Act 77, which was passed by the GOP-controlled state legislature -- was a year old. This was the first case the U.S.
Supreme Court declined to hear, before its Texas decision on Friday.
Petitioners' challenge violates the doctrine of laches given their complete failure to act with due diligence in commencing
their facial constitutional challenge, which was ascertainable upon Act 77's enactment. It is well-established that
"[l]aches is an equitable doctrine that bars relief when a complaining party is guilty of want of due diligence in failing
to promptly institute an action to the prejudice of another."
Petitioners filed this facial challenge to the mail-in voting statutory provisions more than one year after the enactment
of Act 77. At the time this action was filed on November 21, 2020, millions of Pennsylvania voters had already expressed
their will in both the June 2020 Primary Election and the November 2020 General Election and the final ballots in the 2020
General Election were being tallied, with the results becoming seemingly apparent. Nevertheless, Petitioners waited to
commence this litigation until days before the county boards of election were required to certify the election results to
the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Thus, it is beyond cavil [i.e., a standard of frivolous objection] that Petitioners
failed to act with due diligence in presenting the instant claim. Equally clear is the substantial prejudice arising from
Petitioners' failure to institute promptly a facial challenge to the mail-in voting statutory scheme, as such inaction
would result in the disenfranchisement of millions of Pennsylvania voters.
Much of the Trump legal challenge has focused on supposed fraud. But increasingly it has focused on the idea that,
of proven fraud
, the changes made by elections officials in key states made such fraud undetectable. This was a central point
in the lawsuit brought by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R), which the Trump campaign, 18 GOP attorneys general and 126 GOP
House members joined.
But as plenty noted at the time, other states whose results the election didn't seek to undo made similar or the same changes,
and the lawsuit didn't seek to invalidate their results. It's understandable that a legal effort to question an election's
results would focus on close states, but if you're seeking to invalidate large numbers of votes in one fell swoop, focusing only
on those close states is entirely convenient.
As is focusing on laws you could have challenged long ago, before they (very arguably) mattered.
PERSONAL REQUEST OF STEVE QUAYLE -- From a source deep inside the US Supreme Court as they
discussed the pending Texas lawsuit against Pennsylvania et. al. . . .
"Hal, as you know I am a clerk for one of the Justices on SCOTUS. Today was like nothing we
have ever seen. The justices are arguing loudly behind closed doors.
The Justices met in a closed and sealed room, as is standard.
Usually it is very calm, however today we could hear screaming all the way down the
They met in person, because they didn't trust telephonic meeting as secure.
Chief Justice Roberts was screaming
"Are you going to be responsible for the rioting if we hear this case?"
"Don't tell me about Bush v. Gore, we weren't dealing with riots then"
"You are forgetting what your role here is Neil, and I don't want to hear from the two
junior justices anymore. I will tell you how you will vote."
Justice Clarence Thomas says "This is the end of Democracy, John."
When they left the room, Roberts, the Libs and Kavanugh had big smiles. Alito and Thomas
were visibly upset. ACB and Gorsuch didn't seem fazed at all."
Clearly Chief Justice Roberts is intimidated by the ANTIFA/Left-wing rioting. Well, one has
to wonder if maybe he can be intimidated more by some actions of the right wing?
(Corrections thanks to Becky @ LewRockewell.com)
I'm not going to bother doing that or anything else, and neither should any of you, but I'm
just wondering, is all.
Exactly 20 days after Georgia Governor Brian Kemp called for (but didn't order) a statewide
signature audit in the wake of CCTV footage of Atlanta poll workers producing suspicious
ballots from under a table once election monitors had left , Secretary of State Ben
Raffensperger has finally ordered a signature match audit - in the next county over .
In a Monday announcement, Raffensperger said that investigators will audit voter signatures
on absentee ballot envelopes in Cobb County, a suburb of Atlanta that voted 56.3% for Biden vs.
neighboring (Atlanta's) Fulton County at 72.6%.
Which, to state the obvious, begs the question as to why Raffensperger didn't order the
audit where the suspicious late-night ballots were caught on tape? And why didn't Raffensperger
order a signature match audit sooner?
"Now that the signature matching has been attacked, again and again with no evidence, I feel
we need to take steps to restore confidence in our elections," said Raffensperger during a
press conference at the state Capitol. "Starting immediately, we are pulling all of our
resources together with GBI to conduct a signature match audit in Cobb County."
There it is - to restore confidence, by waiting nearly six weeks after multiple sworn
affidavits that fraud occurred were followed by a damning video of election workers wheeling
ballots out for a late-night count, putting Biden in the lead. Let's also not forget that
Fulton County election officials lied about a '
burst pipe ' in order to evacuate poll watchers for around 90 minutes on Election night
The signature audit is scheduled to be completed in two weeks. The Georgia Bureau of
Investigation and the secretary of state's office will review a statistically significant
sample of absentee ballot envelopes from both the primary and general election in Cobb
County. Signatures on envelopes will be compared to signatures from when voters registered,
either at driver's license offices or on paper forms.
Cobb Election Director Janine Eveler said her office will assist with the audit, but it's
awaiting a court order before gathering the necessary materials.
Eveler said the complaint referenced by Raffensperger came from the June primary. -
"I'm confident any audit would find our office followed procedures and only counted ballots
that were processed correctly," said Eveler, adding "Even though our resources are already
stretched thin by advance voting and preparations for the Jan. 5 runoff , we will help
this process move as expeditiously as possible."
In response to the signature audit, Georgia GOP runoff candidate Sen. Kelly Loeffler finally
found her voice after weeks of silence on Trump's election challenges - saying it doesn't go
far enough .
"That's a start. Only 158 counties left to go," said Loeffler spokesman, Stephen Lawson,"
adding " Full audit or it didn't happen. "
Gov Kemp, meanwhile, parroted Raffensperger's statement, saying "People want to have
confidence in the election. That's why I felt like it would be good to do a signature audit
just to bring people peace of mind."
In short, we expect signatures to match and the establishment to tout the results of this
'restoration of confidence,' while Loeffler scores a few brownie points with Trump supporters
for having piped up.
The Dominion Voting Systems website has
removed the link and reference for SolarWinds from their platform .
It seems that the Dominion Voting Machines are trying to hide their relationship with
SolarWinds. SolarWinds has been the center of conspiracy since the past few days after the big
hack. The Dominion Voting Systems are being criticized for using a technology
firm that was hacked. These voting systems assist voting in 28 states, therefore being
attached to a technology firm that was hacked is not good for its name.
Dominion Voting
Systems website removes SolarWinds link
Previously, SolarWinds did not mention Dominion on its partial customer listing. However,
maintained that their products and services are used all over the globe by approximately
300,000 customers. This customer base also includes all five arms of the United States
Military. Reports also indicate that 425 of the customers happen to be United States Fortune
500 companies.
The loophole in the security system of SolarWinds software paved the way for hackers to gain
access to the U.S. Commerce Department as well as the Treasury Department. The Department of
Homeland Security's Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Agency (CISA) stated that the Orion
products owned by SolarWinds were exploited by malicious hackers who managed to secure access.
The method employed by hackers also allowed them to gain access to the network traffic
management systems.
In the last few weeks, Dominion has attracted attention due to how widespread its systems
and machines are in the United States. Dominion machines are used in major states of the United
States. A number of witnesses have come forward to claim that Dominion products were connected
the Internet during the recent presidential election, raising doubts about security
The reason why Dominion Voting Systems removed the link and reference of SolarWinds from
their website is unknown. However, if one connects the dot the reason is obvious. Dominion did
not want to be associated with a technology firm that was hacked
when it is already facing accusations regarding its security systems. Disclose.tv today
tweeted , "NEW –
Dominion Voting Systems deleted the link and reference to @solarwinds from its website."
Crucial Logs Missing From Some Michigan Dominion Voting Machines: Forensics Report BY
TYLER DURDEN MONDAY, DEC 14, 2020 - 12:44
Update (1225ET) :
The Epoch Times' Ivan Pentchokov reports that crucial security and adjudication logs are
missing from Dominion
Voting Systems machines from Michigan's Antrim County, according to a forensics report (
pdf )
released on Dec. 14 in compliance with a court order.
"Significantly, the computer system shows vote adjudication logs for prior years; but all
adjudication log entries for the 2020 election cycle are missing. The adjudication process is
the simplest way to manually manipulate votes. The lack of records prevents any form of audit
accountability, and their conspicuous absence is extremely suspicious since the files exist
for previous years using the same software," the report, authored by Russell Ramsland,
"We must conclude that the 2020 election cycle records have been manually removed."
The absence of the adjudication logs is particularly alarming because the forensic exam
found that the voting machines rejected an extraordinary number of ballots for adjudication, a
manual process in which election workers determine the ultimate outcome for each ballot.
The office of Michigan's Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Dominion, and a
spokesman for Antrim County didn't respond to requests for comment.
* * *
As Sara Carter of SaraACarter.com detailed earlier, a Michigan
judge ordered the public release Monday of a report submitted by lawyers supporting
President Donald Trump and the election fraud allegations they say will reveal serious
concerns that the computer machines used in the voting in Antrim County were compromised. The
forensic report allegedly contains data that will reveal that the computer systems used to vote
in the county were not secure and had foreign components that made them susceptible to
manipulation and or fraud , according to those directly familiar with the case.
Michigan's Assistant Attorney General Erik Grill, representing
Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, immediately shot back against the release of
the report, which President Donald Trump supporters say raises significant questions of voter
fraud and implications to the U.S. national security.
He suggested that the report being released is "inaccurate, incomplete and misleading,"
according to the
Detroit News.
"There's no reason to hide," said Grill, during a virtual court hearing Monday
"There is nothing to hide."
However, lawyers and computer experts working to expose what they say is a serious threat to
U.S. security and infrastructure say the report will reveal the irregularities in the data and
external foreign interference in the system.
The legal team "submitted the forensics report to the Judge (Sunday) at 8:30 a.m. per the
Judge's request," stated a source familiar with the report.
According to sources, who spoke to me this weekend the forensic
report of the computer system reveals that there are serious national security implications
to the evidence discovered because "the election system is categorized as critical
infrastructure, this is a threat to, it is a national security concern."
The lawsuit was initiated by Antrim County resident William Bailey. Circuit Judge Kevin
Elsenheimer, a former Republican lawmaker, allowed Allied Securities Operation Group and Bailey
to take forensic images of the county's 22 tabulators and review other election-related
material to ensure election integrity.
The forensic analysis has been under protective order. It could not be released prior to the
Judge's decision Monday, when Elsenheimer ordered the release with some redactions.
Antrim County has roughly 23,000 residents and the discovery that roughly 6,000 votes cast
using the Dominion Voting Systems that should have gone to President Donald Trump went to Joe
Biden without explanation triggered the ongoing investigation by Trump supporters.
The bizarre explanation that a failure to update voting software led to Joe Biden initially
receiving those thousands of votes ahead of Trump in the Republican-leaning county wasn't
accepted by the majority of Trump supporters, nor many of the Michigan GOP>
If the forensic report is accurate on the irregularities, as well as other issues of alleged
fraud regarding the Dominion Voting Systems used in XX states across the country, it may
snowball to other state legislatures requesting audits of their systems as well.
"when ballots are put through the machine, a whopping 68.05% error rate means that 68.05% of
the ballots are sent for bulk adjudication,...the ballots are sent somewhere where people in
another location can change the vote"
To be honest, I'm looking forward to a Biden administration. All the late night TV jokes
at his expense about the gaffs, mental lapses, and blank stares should be a hoot. Can't wait
for the first SNL skit! Yep, I can't wait.
SillyWabbits 9 hours ago
There was no fraud.
It was outright theft.
gilhgvc 10 hours ago (Edited)
Well, it's official...we are ruled over now. Congress and senate are dukes and duchesses,
courts are the new court JESTERS and biteme/cameltoe are the new king and king of the
realm....I want to send an apology out to our Founding Fathers and all the men and women who
died for this idea of america...we blew it guys. We are nothing like you brave souls. While
we wallow in the muck with our nikes, cell phones and nose rings, the world dies a little
more each day. I apologize for tearing statues down of great men, who merely did what was
normal in those times. You gave it all to us on a silver platter and the morons squandered
it, fat & happy to sit around bitching about being poor, while playing video games on
thier $1000 I-phones....I am sorry. play_arrow
Mzhen 10 hours ago remove link
Some lowly cyber security professional testified to the Colorado legislature yesterday,
saying that nobody at CISA has a background and qualifications that would allow them to state
that the election was the most secure in history.
The hearing came to naught because the Democrats dominating the state don't want an audit.
Colorado turned Blue almost overnight -- or it was after statewide all-mail-in voting was
instituted. Probably not a coincidence.
"... 1. When campaigning in 2016, he promised his non-Goldman Sachs supporters (i.e., the "deplorables") that infrastructure and a wall to be paid by Mexico would be among the major priorities during his first two years; instead he came out of the chute with a tax-cut for the wealthy and a phony "repeal and replace" assault on the Affordable Care Act which led to the R loss of the House when it became clear to voters in November 2018 that the Rs and the President had nothing to offer as a replacement ..."
"... He failed to purge the bureaucracy of Obama administration holdovers on January 21, 2017, unlike Dick Cheney who threw all the Clintonians out of government on January 21, 2001, thus, leaving people in place like Sally Yates and the Vindman brothers who never missed an opportunity to knife President Trump in the back. ..."
"... He failed at the outset to investigate the case against General Flynn (engineered by Strzok, Comey and David Ignatius) who was his only close advisor with previous governmental experience and left the General twisting in the wind. ..."
The optics of a defeated outgoing President appointing a Special Counsel to investigate
the electoral victory of his victorious successor at the ballot box and in the Electoral
College, over the objections of his attorney General, do not look particularly palatable and
doubly so if the President had to fire the Attorney General to make the appointment. The
ensuing firestorm would make Nixon's firing of Archibald Cox look like a brush fire.
If the outgoing President were to make such an appointment, one can be assured that Joe
Biden's first executive on January 21,2021 would be the firing of the putative Special
Counsel, and he would be generally applauded for doing so.
Even if Biden didn't move quickly, there is the question of who should be appointed (and
Trump is not particularly good at hiring good lawyers), funding (is Pelosi going to be
particularly keen on appropriating the funds?) and staffing up with supporting (and
supportive) attorneys, paralegals and FBI agents (you can be sure that Chris Wray will not be
too enthusiastic about helping out).
That said, there is one Special Counsel that needs to be appointed and that is a Special
Counsel to investigate the Hunter Biden affair[s} which reached all the way to the "Big Guy",
according to Tony Bobulinski. Joe Biden appears to have been the electoral beneficiary of a
massive cover-up of "Biden-gate" with the black-out of the New York Daily News story by Big
tech, the almost-total suppression of the Hunter laptop and the Tony Bobulinski revelations
by the MSM and the coordinated fabrications of the former IC biggies, like Clapper, Brennan
and Morrell, who very publicly dismissed the New York Post Story and Bobulinski revelations
as the product of Russian disinformation and artful lies embedded in a KGB-engineered fake
The 2020 election, with its cover-up and potential denouement, is beginning to look more
and more like the 1972 election where the cover-up led to the resignation of a President who
just 20 months prior had been elected in one of the biggest landslides in American history.
This is the investigation we need NOW to save our Republic.
IMO the presidential election was stolen and Biden is a crook, has always been a nasty.
That being said if you want a special prosecutor for l'affaire Hunter, have at it.
Hunter the bag man for crooked Joe? What did Obama know and when did he know it? The same
should be asked about his and Brennan and Clapper's involvement in The Steal.
Given that Hunter's troubles were non-news but a month ago and now are big-news the vision
in my head is Hillary sneaking up on China Joe's back with a rather large dagger. Good luck
Gosh, what about the optics of the outgoing Obama administration plotting to take down
Flynn and Trump.
Bad manners for sure, because a lot of this anti-Trump plotting sure looked like the work
of the sore losers still occupying the WH until the 11th hour when the infamous Susan Rice
CYA memo was typed and filed. And the last Samatha Power FISA unmasking request was unmasked
for purposes still unknown.
Ah, yes, the bad optics of it all. Bummer. Bad optics is seeing the thoroughly discredited
and rejected Obama team warming up in the dug out.
Bad optics is Trump leaving office and NOT appointing a special counsel to investigate
both election fraud and Hunter Biden incestuous influence peddling. Two transgressions we
never want to see in this country again.
The optics of a defeated outgoing President appointing a Special Counsel ...
Who cares about optics. I mean, what're the Dems going to do at this point? Impeach Trump
again? Meanwhile, our constitution is dying. THAT'S the only issue that matters at this
That said, there is one Special Counsel that needs to be appointed and that is a
Special Counsel to investigate the Hunter Biden affair[s} which reached all the way to
the "Big Guy", according to Tony Bobulinski.
Hunter Biden is beside the point. His daddy ain't gonna be president for too long
anyway. The only issue that matters now is the fraud and nothing else. Don't let the
Mockingbird media--the same that adamantly refused to cover anything about Hunter
BEFORE the election--distract you with a bunch of irrelevant BS now.
@akaPatience: If they weren't Trump's picks, then what was Trump doing there? If he can't
pick his own cabinet, he was just wasting his and everyone else's time. Yes, they have to be
approved by the senate. What happens if the president and the senate can't agree?
As for the remarks about optics, I think it's all a bit late to worry about optics. The
dems just stole the election right in front of everyone's faces. They aren't worrying about
optics. They essentially just stole it and then turned round and said, "What are you going to
do about it?"
Col., OT, perhaps impertinent, but inspired by the Wisdom of SWMBO--
I'm just a few years younger than you. I carry a few excess pounds but retain the immune
system of my Italian peasant ancestors. Not a chance in the world that I will allow myself to
be injected with an "emergency authorized" vaccine.
If I may ask: Will you?
nb. Not entirely off-topic, since the rigged election relied on Covid hysteria propagated
by media and the same usual suspects as should be the subject of Special Counsel.
In other words, the Covid pandemic should be investigated. More urgently: distribution of
vaccine should be HALTED before anyone is (potentially} harmed.
I had a talk with my immigrant Chinese doctor about this. That was two days ago. He was
still working out how this would be funded but he said to me that we (his family and mine)
would wait just a bit to see how bad the reactions are.
My memory of the very early days of Trump WH staffing was having to run interference past
the Democrats standard and vicous politics o personal destruction out to destroy anyone who
even thought about particpating in the Trump administration, the renegade GOP establishment
undermining him at every turn denying him any establishment help or advice, and the normal
learning curve of someone 100% outside of the political establishment who was bound to
stumble and falter before hitting his stride.
Democrats declared it was treason for anyone to aid and abet the "enemy" even though Trump
did try to reach out - remember his very early High Tech guru meeting? The liberal media
never let up, the deep state leaked and sabotaged as a fifth column from within.
The most remarkable thing about Trump is what in fact he did accomplish anyway, despite
the constant opposition, churning and revolving door of staff appointments.
#45 presidency remains a story of amazing accomplishments. Thank you President Trump. I
did not think you had this in you. But you did. Sitting in Dr Norman Vincent Peale's Marble
Collegiate Church in NYC, taking early lessons from his Power of Positive Thinking and
practicing The Method held you in good course.
(See PBS Peter Graves Biography on the early Donald Trump -from the Marla Maple days -
what you saw then is what you also got in 2026 - youtube)
The man is transparent and consistent. No one can complain they were duped or he is a
false charade. He is what he says and he delivered. How refreshing.
Please excuse my "politeness" in using the phrase "bad optics" to describe a proposed
potential action by a defeated outgoing President to appoint a "Special Prosecutor" to
investigate the election of his victorious successor when such an action, to be blunt, would
be politically stupid, subversive of our Constitutional order and futile, as such action
would be immediately reversed in the first minutes of the incoming administration. If we are
talking about "savor[ing]", it would only give the Ds an opportunity to "savor" another
The President has only himself to blame for the legal setbacks suffered by his ineffective
lawyers who have never been able to produce sufficient evidence to convince even his judicial
appointees that substantial electoral fraud took place during the 2020 balloting.
Constitutional challenges to gubernatorial changes to balloting procedures for usurping
legislative authority should have been mounted immediately after they were announced, not at
the 13th hour after the ballots had been counted. In 2000, Jim Baker organized a team that
included four lawyers who now sit on the Supreme Court. The failing, flailing Rudy Giuliani
and Sidney Powell (as much as I admire her advocacy for General Flynn), by contrast, have not
cut any mustard with their post-hoc and sometimes bizarre arguments. IMHO, the President
should cease and desist now from taking actions which detract from the R effort to save the
Senate seats in Georgia which, if lost, will immediately begin the de-Republicanization (used
Constitutionally) of our American system of government.
IMHO, the President has only himself to blame for losing the 2020 election due to a
succession of self-inflicted miscues which began on Day 1 of his administration. Let me count
the ways:
1. When campaigning in 2016, he promised his non-Goldman Sachs supporters (i.e., the
"deplorables") that infrastructure and a wall to be paid by Mexico would be among the major
priorities during his first two years; instead he came out of the chute with a tax-cut for
the wealthy and a phony "repeal and replace" assault on the Affordable Care Act which led to
the R loss of the House when it became clear to voters in November 2018 that the Rs and the
President had nothing to offer as a replacement . Thus, he repeated the same mistake
that Clinton and Obama made in 1993 and 2009 and suffered the same fate that they suffered in
1994 and 2008 when they lost the House. In this case, President Trump's mistake was near
fatal as he gave his bitter enemy, Nancy Pelosi, the whip hand in which to drive the Country
to impeachment. We are still waiting for a "replacement" and a completed "Wall".
2. He failed to purge the bureaucracy of Obama administration holdovers on January 21,
2017, unlike Dick Cheney who threw all the Clintonians out of government on January 21, 2001,
thus, leaving people in place like Sally Yates and the Vindman brothers who never missed an
opportunity to knife President Trump in the back.
3. He failed at the outset to investigate the case against General Flynn (engineered
by Strzok, Comey and David Ignatius) who was his only close advisor with previous
governmental experience and left the General twisting in the wind.
4. He bungled the firing of Jim Comey after getting Rod Rosenthal to sign onto a memo
citing Comey's botched and procedurally defective Clinton email investigation as the reason,
then publicly boasted of having done so with the Russian Foreign Minister and Ambassador and,
for a self-inflicted coup de grace, told Lester Holt that he fired Comey because of Russia
fatally undermining the laboriously constructed Justice Department rationale. The Comey
firing and the President's ineptitude led directly to the appointment of a Special
5. Moving ahead three years, after narrowly escaping the Mueller noose, the President
immediately bungled the effort to get the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden corruption story out to the
public, thus putting the noose back around his neck, by seeking in a conversation with the
Ukrainian President, with his many enemies listening in, to get the Ukrainians to appoint a
special prosecutor to investigate the Biden-Burisma connection. Surely, there was a competent
way to get the story out without igniting an impeachment controversy. He could have taken a
seminar with Dick Cheney to figure out how this is done, all the while keeping his
fingerprints off the weapon.
6. Another egregious self-inflicted and, perhaps, fatal wound: He gives Bob Woodward (a
mortal enemy) the right to conduct a taped-interview during which he admits to Woodward,
among other things, that he had been briefed at the outset about the lethality of COVID19,
which gave the lie to his previous pronouncements that the virus was little more than another
version of the flu. The election of 2020 was in many respects a referendum on President
Trump's handling of the Corona Virus. Had he leveled with the American people, under-promised
and over-delivered, instead of over-promising and under-delivering by election day, he would
most likely be taking the oath of office for a second term. BTW, Pfizer had all the
information that it needed to announce prior to the last weekend in October that its vaccine
was 90+ % effective, but, instead, Pfizer stopped trials the Friday before the election and
did not make its announcement until after the election. It's amazing that the President's
people did not have their fingers on the pulse of what was happening at Pfizer. One more
fatal error.
7. On Attorney General Barr, the AG saved Trump's bacon and what was left of our Republic
when he put a harness on Bob Mueller, took control of the Mueller Report, ordered up the
Horwitz investigation (disagreeing with Horwitz's conclusion that there was no impropriety at
the outset), put his own gloss on the Mueller Report before its dissemination, appointed a
Special Counsel to investigate the origins of the Russia Investigation. If he can't find the
demonstrable, provable evidence of ballot fraud sufficient to overturn the election and is
hesitant to undertake a Constitutionally dubious and futile action, I am satisfied with the
AG's conclusions.
I do not think the COVID economic disaster can be blamed on him. What you face now is
infinitely worse than the political blunders that can be blamed on him.
"Rep. Lance Gooden (R-Texas) is leading an effort with nearly three dozen House GOP
lawmakers, urging President Trump to name a special counsel to investigate election fraud. The
lawmakers noted they believe the Justice Department isn't taking the allegations seriously."
IMO this should be done. A Special Counsel should be named to make it as difficult as
possible for the Harris/Biden Administration to cancel all investigation of the obvious fraud
at both the wholesale and retail levels (Dershowitz reference). If this is not done,
consolidation of power on the Left will lead to a sham republic. IMO this Special Counsel
should be appointed from outside the government. If Barr has to be fired to accomplish a direct
appointment by the president, so be it. pl
I believe that President Trump has all the powers that the Attorney General has so there's
no need to fire Barr in order for the President to appoint a Special Counsel. He should also
appoint a Special Counsel to investigate Biden's Chinese connections and dealings. I heard
Rudy Guiliani say this morning that given Biden's history he couldn't pass a background check
for even the lowliest of government jobs requiring a check.
ITA - and not a second to waste doing this. No civilized country outside the US now uses
"electronic voting" due to its obvious corruptions.
At this stage of the game you have to wonder whether there would be any point. How likely is
it that whoever was appointed is not already compromised? Trump's picks for other posts don't
inspire confidence here. Even if someone were appointed and attempted to investigate, I'm sure
they would be leaned on not to look too closely and whatever conclusions they came to would
never see the light of day if they were unfavourable to the usual suspects. We have already
seen there is no lengths these people won't go to.
Trump had an opportunity over the last 4 years to at least try to clean up the swamp and he
squandered it trying to play nice with them. But then maybe if he had really tried, he would
just have been impeached, with the Republicans going along with it. That's the thing about
checks and balances. They only work under the assumption that the majority of the players are
honest and there are one or two bad apples. But if the majority are corrupt or compromised, the
checks and balances serve to entrench the corruption and make it impossible for anyone to clean
it up.
Color revolution tactics that have been used against foreign leaders are now being used by
President Donald
Trump 's opponents to oust him, a former special forces officer has warned.
"A color revolution is a tactic to affect regime change," the officer, who asked to remain
anonymous, told The Epoch Times.
"What I see happening is a Marxist insurgency that's using a color revolution to affect
regime change."
The 2019 Transition
Integrity Project , according to the officer, is an indicator that the events of this
year's presidential election were "transparently orchestrated" by "Marxist elements within the
Democratic Party and their Marxist allies in foreign governments."
"It may not have fallen out just as they wanted, because anytime you carry out an
operation like this, the enemy will get a vote. But the plan was we will not concede the
election. The goal here was never the presidency, " the officer said.
"The goal of the opposition was to fundamentally change the country. They are attacking
the efficacy of the Constitution."
To achieve their goal, the anti-Trump opposition focused their main effort on affecting the
election, the officer said.
Some of the most notable color revolutions took place amid turmoil sparked by disputed
elections. In 2004, mass protests in Ukraine following allegations of a fraudulent presidential
election, which initially showed pro-Russia Viktor Yanukovych as the winner, led to a new vote
won by Viktor Yushchenko, the candidate backed by the European Union and the United States.
The officer said the tactics used by the anti-Trump opposition can be found in the Special
Forces' guide for overthrowing a government.
"What you're getting from me, this is supported in all older unconventional warfare
doctrines," the officer said.
"You could go to our manuals and pull from them the information I'm telling you. This
isn't from someone who's a rabid Trump supporter. This is what's happening ."
The officer then talked about how President Barack Obama used his eight years in office to
"seed his political allies all through the institutions," created an "underground" or "shadow
government" supported by legacy media and rioters.
"With the president being unable to get his own people into the administration, we
effectively had a third administration of Obama," the officer said.
"So we come to what we have today: The underground are the elements within the government.
We saw how they opposed the president, how they tried the impeachment ."
"The press is the auxiliary on the outside. The only thing we're missing is a real guerrilla
force, and we would be mistaken to think that's just Antifa or Black Lives Matter. There are
professional revolutionaries within those movements."
Blast from the past: New York Times article noting the relative prevalence of fraud with
absentee voting
NYT on absentee voting
Republicans are in fact more likely than Democrats to vote absentee. In the 2008 general
election in Florida, 47 percent of absentee voters were Republicans and 36 percent were
On the most basic level, absentee voting replaces the oversight that exists at polling
places with something akin to an honor system.
"Absentee voting is to voting in person," Judge Richard A. Posner of the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has written, "as a take-home exam is to a
proctored one."
If you follow the link, the article does not note a relative prevalence of fraud with
absentee voting. It specifically states that voter fraud in person is rare, which means if
absentee fraud is more common than that, it is still rare. This is even more true since the
article has to point out that "error" such as forgetting to sign the outside of the envelope
containing the ballot are much more common. This is like the assholes who pretend every error
on a welfare application means welfare cheat.
The Posner quote is typical of conservative thinking. (Posner as a law and economics
ideologue is a conservative.) One problem with comparing a vote to an exam is that a vote is
not an exam where you can cheat by looking up the right answers. This is gibberish Sending an
absentee ballot to a registered voter has zero to do with letting random strangers vote. It
is also an extremely stupid analogy because a take home exam is almost invariably one with
short answer/essay questions where cheating would be noticeable. Posner may have hired
ringers to write his essays for him, but the notion this sort of thing applies to votes is
absurd. Massive cheating on absentee ballots requires massive falsifications of voter
registration rolls to get ballots to nonexistent people and/or systematically rejecting
absentee ballots on specious grounds, like pretending signatures don't match, in a world
where variations in handwriting *by the same person* are *inevitable.* Posner is trash, has
been his entire life and the pollution of the judicial system by scumbags like him has been a
crying shame for decades.
But to be upfront, Posner is deeply admired by right-wingers of many types, though too
much of a evolutionay psychologist/Social Darwinist type for a few traditionalists.
"...Posner may have hired ringers to write his essays for him, but the notion this sort of
thing applies to votes is absurd..." steven t johnson@13
One way in which the system can be corrupted involves the gathering together of blank
ballots sent to actually registered voters. In some cases the voters are bribed or
intimidated to hand over their votes; in others 'bosses', often the leaders of interest
groups or ethnic blocs, collect the ballots together and fill them out before delivering
them, through the mail or otherwise, to be counted. Where this happens the Judge's analogy
seems apposite.
The problem of people who are not able to act independently voting is one of the earlies in
electoral systems: the Levellers ran across it; it was used as an excuse for disfranchising
blacks in The New South; it has served as a justification for property qualifications. It was
the original argument against women voting.
There is a very real fear that capitalists might insist on checking their employees' ballots,
just as English and Irish landlords checked their tenants' votes-and evicted those who voted
the wrong way.
The use of postal votes is wide open to abuse. Whether or not it occurred this year is
another matter but it would be wise to ensure that the secrecy of the ballot was not breached
by postal voting, as it most certainly can be.
The use of postal votes is wide open to abuse. Whether or not it occurred this year is
another matter but it would be wise to ensure that the secrecy of the ballot was not breached
by postal voting, as it most certainly can be.
Posted by: bevin | Dec 11 2020 22:44 utc | 16
"Secrecy of ballot" can be breached in precinct voting, the scheme is actually simple and
used: sometimes the "value" of a vote is large, e.g. Bloomberg spent 75 million on ads in
2001 to become mayor of NYC, and his victory margin was 35 thousands. Thus he spent nearly
100 dollars per vote, and the "marginal value" of the vote could be 1000. Here is the scheme
from other countries: a voter is paid some amount, he/she uses a cell phone to record a
filled ballot, and with that record he/she gets the rest.
The scheme with postal vote that was used by a Republican who won a tight contest for a
Congressional seat from North Carolina was to have paid help visiting elderly voters to help
them fill the ballot. That is legal, but they illegally took the unsealed ballots to complete
them. Many voters would fill boxes for some offices only, say Governor or President, and the
helping volunteer has a chance to complete it for other offices (or even correct?). In
general, the schemes I read about are practical in elections with small numbers of voters,
are "labor intensive" and not difficult to uncover. In statewide or national elections with
high participation this is very hard and there should be much more solid proofs than
"uncovered" by Trumpists.
Incidentally, on-demand postal vote was the norm in Oregon and Utah for quite a while. The
argument that it is inherently inferior is Constitutionally void. The cases that Trumpists
try to raise was about alleged irregularities in introducing it in some state, and according
to the Constitution, this is outside Federal jurisdiction. If Supreme Court of a state
decides that the "relief" from the alleged irregularities is not warranted, that is it,
unless the constitution of that state does not vest that power in the state courts. What
Trump lawyers want is that the procedure agreed by state legislature for the election would
be retroactively invalidated after the results of the election is known. At least, that would
be the case in Pennsylvania where I know more details.
bevin@16 conjures up a scenario where absentee ballots are either taken from registered
voters or they are intimidated into voting them. This method has the problem of being easily
caught, leaving every single person intimidated a potential witness *plus* onlookers seeing
beefy gentlemen visiting all those homes. No, major election fraud is done by the
authorities. In this election, that means Republicans falsified the presidential vote in most
states while not falsifying down ballot races. And it means also that they conspired to do
this across multiple jurisdictions, called states. Elections in the US are mostly rigged by
things like setting up a Super Tuesday so only big money candidates can campaign in such a
wide area or other corrupt but entirely legal means, such as making it hard for third parties
to even get on the ballot.
There was one person who suggested the Democrats only rigged the close election states.
The two problems with that are first, the polls didn't say the election would be that close
in very many states at all. The second of course is that the Trumpers are claiming Trump won
by a landslide, meaning most states were fixed, a self contradiction on their part.
The Supreme Court on Friday tossed a last-minute bid by the state of Texas to overturn the
2020 election by challenging the results of four battleground states .
Citing a lack of standing, Justice Samuel Alito wrote in a
brief order that the state " has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the
manner in which another State conducts its elections ," adding "All other pending motions are
dismissed as moot."
In doing so, the justices shut down a long-shot bid for Texas to challenge Biden's wins in
Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin - which was joined by 17 other states and over
100 House Republicans.
Wisconsin Hearing: Nursing Home Resident Said She Wanted to Vote For Trump – But Nursing Staff Member Said, "No, He's a Bad Man.
We're Voting For Biden" (VIDEO)
The Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections and the Senate Committee on Elections, Ethics and Rural Issues on
Friday held a joint public hearing to review the 2020 election.
President Trump was crushing Joe Biden in Wisconsin on election night when all of a sudden corrupt officials in Milwaukee
stopped counting ballots.
A huge ballot dump in Wisconsin 100% for Joe Biden appeared at 4:30 in the morning AFTER election day.
Where did all of these ballots for Joe Biden come from?
During Friday's hearing it was revealed that a nursing home resident in Wisconsin said she wanted to vote for President Trump,
but a nursing staffer bullied her into voting for Joe Biden.
The nursing home staff member said "No no. He's a bad man. We're voting for Biden," and instructed the resident to do so
against her wishes.
Another 95-year-old woman who died in October 2020 of dementia after having a stroke also voted for Joe Biden.
In fact, the deceased woman's daughter gave a sworn statement to police after finding out her mother had voted in the 2020
It is believed Joe Biden received hundreds of thousands, if not millions of votes from dead voters.
"Missouri led a group of
17 states that Wednesday afternoon filed a brief with the Supreme Court
supporting the Texas lawsuit aimed at
delaying the appointment of presidential electors from Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and
The brief mirrors the argument of the Texas suit in saying that the states acted
unconstitutionally when either their judiciaries or executive branches changed their elections
laws. The Texas suit, and the states that support it, say that only state legislatures may set
laws regarding how states appoint their presidential electors.
"The integrity of our elections is of critical importance to maintaining our republic, both
today and in future elections," Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt said in a statement.
"The stakes of protecting our Constitution, defending our liberty and ensuring that all votes
are counted fairly couldn't be higher. With this brief, we are joining the fight."
The Trump campaign also filed a brief asking to join on the Texas suit on Wednesday.
"The illegal suspension or violation of state law thus calls directly into question the
certification of the results of the elections in Defendant States for Vice President Joe Biden,
Proposed Plaintiff in Intervention's opponent in the election," its brief said. "President
Trump's interest in the outcome of this litigation could therefore not be more acute."
The brief filed by Missouri and the other states, which is officially a motion for leave to
file a bill of complaint , also warns that the changes enacted by the state executives and
judicial branches opened the states' elections up to potential fraud." foxnews
It appears to me that the Democrats in all their varied glory have become subversive of the
Constitution except in so far as it supports the creation of a sham republic like the Soviet
Union. We will now see if SCOTUS will save us from that. pl
All the unconstitutional 'stay at home orders', mask mandates and declaring businesses
(almost uniformly small independent competitors of multinationals or other big business)
'non-essential' has been giving everyone a taste of Democratic Socialism. This is looking
more and more like a Color Revolution in action. I notice that there's been essentially no
action from the left's trained street thugs - Antifa/BLM. Just like they are held in reserve
to explode at the most opportune time to create an excuse for the deep state to complete
their takeover.
I read that as more than a request to the scotus to stop the steal. Maybe I am reading to
much into it, but it reads to me like an acknowledgment that should the four states not be
held to constitutional account, then those 17 states will stop following the constitution as
well. The very valid point was made that the constitution is essentially an agreement between
the states. Either they all abide, or none will. If the scotus punts and Biden becomes
president, it will not be of 50 states. Worse than that, over 75 million folks voted for
Trump. This is a significant portion of the us population who are against this outcome. They
will not sit quietly by and accept this outcome.
I always try to spend time reading both sides. As I hang out here a lot, my views are
pretty obvious, but I do spend time reading what the other side says.
They are presenting idea that eighteen States Attorneys General have requested the Supreme
Court to review the results of a federal election as an attack on the constitution.
Run that by me again.
Last time I looked, the outline of how this was approached was put together by some pretty
smart folks who have bothered to read the constitution.
It might be even simpler. The following is a quote
Elections undecided by midnight are void & preempted by federal law – Foster
v Love (1997; 9-0 Decision)
"When the federal statutes speak of 'the election' they plainly refer to the combined
actions of voters and officials meant to make a final selection of an officeholder By
establishing a particular day as 'the day' on which these actions must take place, the
statutes simply regulate the time of the election, a matter on which the Constitution
explicitly gives Congress the final say." Foster v. Love, 522 U.S. 67, 71-72 (1997)
The Texas lawsuit is not about voter fraud. It concerns the process of elections. Texas
has a strong case. It is undeniable that the executive and judicial branches of the named
states illegally changed election laws/procedures without legislative approval. The law is on
Texas's side.
The problem is the remedy. The courts/SCOTUS do not want to invalidate the results. How
can they rule in Texas's favor without invalidating the results? They can't. Their ruling
will likely have lofty language that will pay lip service to federalism and state's rights
and may even reproach the offending states, but will do nothing to change the results.
I believe the SCOTUS should invalidate the results, because election law/process was
circumvented by the offending states. As a consequence and as Texas has asked, allow the
state legislatures to appoint the electors.
All of this maybe for nothing. There is no guarantee that those state legislature
appointed electors will vote for Trump, because the Republican party of the offending states
have been complicit in allowing the illegal changes to election law/process. Here in GA, the
Rep secretary of state and Rep governor had sign an illegal consent agreement with the
Democrats that liberalized the absentee/mail in voting process. Rejection rates of ballots in
the metro area fell from an average of 3% to 4% to 0.2%...even with fraudulent level of
Trump may have triggered a civil war which will lead to the partition of the USA. The Hens
are come home to roost. In the last 50 years the USA and Israel have caused civil wars in
many countries in order to balkanize a.k.a break up nations into smaller states, which will
be easier for control by the NWO. Modi and Shah are also balkanizing India.
BorisJava mickeyis007 21 minutes ago 10 Dec, 2020 07:09 PM
Its pretty clear that it was the democrats who triggered it by acting as they did for 4
Ergocreative BorisJava 2 minutes ago 10 Dec, 2020 07:29 PM
Exactly! The Dems spent 4 years dividing the country and inciting real hate as much as the
possibly can. They sponsored and organized violence around the election and now they feel
like all that will just go away because they want it. Well,like they say, anyone can start a
war but no one will know when and how it will end
It is one of the basic legal principles that the evidence that is not capable of being
tested, in order to determine if it is true fact or not, that such evidence must be rejected.
The same applies to the voting method: if it is not possible to positively determine that a
ballot paper has been cast by an eligible elector that vote must not be counted. It is as
simple as that.
Tom_Callan 1 hour ago 10 Dec, 2020 06:08 PM
When shown real evidence of fraud...the Dems cover their eyes and say ....'Where?'
RussianSpy222 28 minutes ago 10 Dec, 2020 07:00 PM
Joe Biden, representing the Republic of Atlantistan; Gavin Newsom, representing the Republic
of Caliphornia; and Greg Abbott, representing the Republic of Tejas; will meet in conference
in the Belovezh Forest. The agenda of the meeting has not been announced.
BeneElohim 16 minutes ago 10 Dec, 2020 07:11 PM
Sorry, for the Democrats to be this terrified that the truth might come out in the court of
law and put on the record, shows us and proves fraud took place. They have no confidence in
their victory for fraudulent reasons (They are guilty). Only criminal are scared to face
Court proceedings. They know it was fraud, Jesus to Mary....... Biden, admitted it live on
TV, like he always does.
There is no limit to the corruption potential of democracy...beware!
Mickey Mic 40 minutes ago 10 Dec, 2020 06:47 PM
"We The American People" need to get past our obstreperous vociferousness, and engage in a
revolutionary insurrection on all US. Institutions: House of Congress, Senators, Justice
system, Governors, MSM, Big Tech, our armed tumultuous direction requires a massive amount of
ebullition citizens. "We The People" have suffered long enough under their shadow
authoritarianism, the grains in the hourglass is running out rapidly. If we don't purge the
swamp monsters that have waged a global declaration war on the populace now, they will obtain
more dominion over humanity that is far beyond the scope of general cognitive perceptions or
comprehensions. They have unconstitutional dark mechanisms in motion, lurking, just beneath
the surface unbeknownst to the public eye. Our civil liberties are fading like a moth to a
flame; at the highest levels of our so called "Democracy" our very own constitution &
Bill of Rights has no legal recourse against these scaly, satanic,
lizard-Licking-shape-shifting Nazis. With an objectionable mind and a closer examination: One
can clearly see we are in the midst of war with demonic dark forces that conspire to acquire
ownership over human DNA. All of our God-giving Biological sovereignty will be replaced by
their vaccination patents. Their true ambitions are to control our genetics with wireless
remote devices including our Memories, Emotions, Thoughts, Hormones, and establish complete
autonomy for the very few that will remain 100% human......
Jonboyconnell Mickey Mic 21 minutes ago 10 Dec, 2020 07:06 PM
Everything stated is solid facts
Mickey Mic Mickey Mic 39 minutes ago 10 Dec, 2020 06:48 PM
......PS: Don't laugh like a hyenas trolls; Study the patterns of hysterical, learn more
about the potentiality of nanotechnology today, realize why Bill Gates owns patents with
DARPA's (RAM) program. Understand why the soft conditioning with face masks, lock-downs,
vaccination cards.
john muckles 46 minutes ago 10 Dec, 2020 06:42 PM
there's only one way to solve this dispute------send it to AIPAC for arbitration
VaimacaPiru john muckles 14 minutes ago 10 Dec, 2020 07:14 PM
HO John that was as funny as it gets!
ChinAnkhKhan 13 minutes ago 10 Dec, 2020 07:14 PM
creating all of this drama is not going to change the outcome...the reality is, no state can
dictate what another state can do. PERIOD...states's rights are only lessened when it comes
to FEDERAL RIGHTS, or the collection of states. but no ONE state can tell another state how
to run their election....it is laughable....i mean, the logical extreme is basically those 18
states COMBINING to force their will on other states...that was already tried, didn't work
out too well...
GaryDEllis ChinAnkhKhan 8 minutes ago 10 Dec, 2020 07:19 PM
Thats right. Other wise , democrats could get together and demand change in texas, florida,
Blackace180 9 minutes ago 10 Dec, 2020 07:19 PM
Well, how you like them apples? SCOTUS has a very big, very hot potato to deal with. There's
going to be a less than amicable decision made that may lead to a less than amicable
secession from the union. One side argues the constitution says legislatures make election
laws/rules, the other says yeah but we need wiggle room to deal with emergencies like the
pandemic. The constitution doesn't give the wiggle room they want and have exercised, and
they have had plenty of time to legislate their laws to facilitate any requirements due to
the pandemic that stated in February. And, I don't see how not checking signatures and
addresses alleviate or ease the pandemic. It is obvious the democrats used the pandemic to
ease voting requirements to achieve a fraudulent election win for Beijing Biden. This outrage
effects the entire country and Texas is justified in its appeal for a remedy. This outrage
needs to be rectified by this court, here and now.
mickeyis007 23 minutes ago 10 Dec, 2020 07:04 PM
Trump may have triggered a civil war which will lead to the partition of the USA. The Hens
are come home to roost. In the last 50 years the USA and Israel have caused civil wars in
many countries in order to balkanize a.k.a break up nations into smaller states, which will
be easier for control by the NWO. Modi and Shah are also balkanizing India.
mickeyis007 23 minutes ago 10 Dec, 2020 07:04 PM
Trump may have triggered a civil war which will lead to the partition of the USA. The Hens
are come home to roost. In the last 50 years the USA and Israel have caused civil wars in
many countries in order to balkanize a.k.a break up nations into smaller states, which will
be easier for control by the NWO. Modi and Shah are also balkanizing India.
After 18 Republican-led states backed Texas in challenging presidential election procedures
in four swing states, 22 jurisdictions led by Democrats sided with the defendants and social
media buzzed about a second US 'civil war.'
There was a flurry of activity on the US Supreme Court
docket 22O155 on Thursday, as Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin responded to
the Texas complaint, Ohio filed a puzzling brief ostensibly backing neither side, a number of
lawmakers also sought to join the case, all before the Democrat-led jurisdictions filed their
own amici curiae brief.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has asked the court to block the seating of electors from
the four swing states, arguing that they usurped the authority the Constitution gives
legislators to change the election rules and make them vulnerable to fraud. President Donald
Trump, who seeks to join the
Texas lawsuit himself, has complained the states improperly declared Democrat Joe Biden the
While the four states submitted their responses by the court-mandated deadline of 3pm on
Thursday, Democrat-led jurisdictions mobilized legal troops for their defense. District of
Columbia Attorney General Karl Racine led California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii,
Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York,
North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington – and the territories
of US Virgin Islands and Guam – in the
amicus brief seeking the dismissal of the Texas case.
The Democrat amici argued that "state courts and local actors" should be able to
"interpret and implement state election law" as the states need "sovereign ability to
safely and securely accommodate voters in light of emergencies such as [Covid]-19."
What Texas wants would "upend states' systems of government" they argued, adding that
their "experiences with safe and secure methods of voting by mail" will explain why the
case should be denied.
So far, a total of 18 Republican-led states have filed amicus briefs to support Texas. On
Thursday, six of them – Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and
Utah – have
asked to "intervene," that is join the case directly.
Caught in the middle of this legal war between the states was an odd
motion by Ohio AG Dave Yost, a Republican. Officially "in support of neither party,"
Yost actually argued that the Texas case should be thrown out, but that the nine Justice should
"issue a decision on the meaning of the Electors Clause at the earliest available
"The importance of the public's constitutional doubts, however, pales in comparison to
the importance of the public's concerns regarding basic fairness," Yost argued, in a
strange turn of legal acumen.
As Arizona filed a separate amicus brief in support of Texas later on Wednesday, for much of
the day the US mainstream media spoke of "17 states" involved in the dispute. To no
one's surprise, angry Democrats drove Twitter trends such as #SeditiousSeventeen, denouncing
the plaintiffs for wanting to "overturn" the election and stoking the next "civil
HipToTheJive 57 minutes ago 10 Dec, 2020 06:24 PM
Sorry Dems. It is unconstitutional to make elections laws without the legislature. That is
the bottom line. Here is a quote from this article said by the Dems. "What Texas wants would
"upend states' systems of government" they argued, adding that their "experiences with safe
and secure methods of voting by mail" will explain why the case should be denied." The vote
was definitely not safe or secure. Sorry Dems.
Ergocreative HipToTheJive 1 minute ago 10 Dec, 2020 07:21 PM
Pelosy said they were going to win whether by votes or not. They pulled the mailing ballots
ten wait to see if it wont be challenged. Have you asked yourself why Zuckerberg "donated"
$350M to be used mainly in the areas those disputes are arising from?
There may be enough ballots adjudicated illegally in this year's election
to move Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin and Michigan to the Trump column. Enough states for Trump to win the election.
process for curing and adjudicating ballots during an election takes some time. Individuals mailing in ballots with issues must
be contacted and certain steps must take place. We noted this previously where our focus was on Georgia.
deadline for receipt of
ballots in Georgia
, per Georgia election law, is "no later than close of the polls on Election Day Ballots received
after the polls close cannot be counted," this per the Georgia Secretary of State Election Division's
Voting A Guide for Registered Voter
s. This deadline was affirmed by an October 2 federal appeals court ruling, which
stayed a lower court ruling from August 31, stemming from a lawsuit brought by leftist nonprofit the
Georgia Project
(NGP), founded by Georgia Democrat activist and failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. NGP's
lawsuit prevailed in extending the Georgia mail-in ballot receipt deadline for three additional days. However, on appeal,
brought by the state of Georgia,
election law held firm
, with the higher court decisively re-establishing the deadline in 2020 as November 3, at the close
of the polls.
Ignoring Georgia law
"start[ing] on Nov. 4, 2020, 2 p.m. and end[ing] Nov. 6, 2020, 5 p.m. EST," according to
their PR, the Georgia Democratic Party began the deployment of trained teams of volunteer activist operatives – "
Rescue Teams
" – to do phone banking and also to travel Georgia's counties, knocking on people's front doors – only
Democrats' front doors, that is – and cheerfully offering to help "cure" or fix absentee and mail-in ballots which, allegedly,
had problems and were, allegedly, not being counted by county registrars.
In a
video we inserted in a later post we wrote:
In the video in the post above, Mr. Jones ADMITTED that they were doing
ballot curing!
We believe Georgia election law only allows ballot curing if the
voter gets a call or contact from a GA election official. The law doesn't allow a Hillary Clinton operative to replace the
election official's position. We don't believe Georgia election law allows ELECTRONIC curing of the ballot either, which is
what the Democrat Ballot Curing Program did: they stated that the voter could email or text their ballot changes.
of ballots in Georgia were likely adjudicated electronically without underlying support to properly cure the ballot:
Per the
– in an interview with Greg Kelly on Newsmax, Arizona Republican Chair Kelli Ward made the following statements about
adjudicated ballots in that state:
There are over 1.9 million early ballots, absentee ballots. 28,000
of them are duplicated. Over 200,000 of them were digitally adjudicated. We haven't been able to look at one ballot, not one
that was digitally adjudicated."
We also
are aware of thousands of ballots reported in Dane County alone where ballots were handed in in pristine condition – how many of
these required to be cured and how many were electronically adjudicated illegally?
The Democrats do not want Americans to uncover their illegal ballots.
Looking into the adjudicated ballots will uncover massive fraud.
Joe Hoft
Joe Hoft is the twin brother of TGP's founder, Jim Hoft. His posts have been retweeted by President Trump and have
made the headlines at the Drudge Report. Joe worked as a corporate executive in Hong Kong and traveled the world
for his work, which gives him a unique perspective of US and global current events. He has ten degrees or
designations and is the author of three books. His new book: 'In God We Trust: Not in Lying Liberal Lunatics' is
out now - please take a look and buy a copy.
Georgia Election Official Gabe Sterling admitted earlier this year that he was targeting
hiring the ACLU to help count votes in the 2020 Presidential election. The ACLU did more than
that – is this connected to Gabe Sterling?
On November 26 we uncovered a video of Gabe Sterling discussing the 2020 election earlier in
the year. He took credit for the ballot drop boxes and for recommending the hiring of
individuals from the ACLU to help with the vote counting in Georgia during the election:
Thousands of ballots that were 'cured' in Georgia, likely they were
'cured' illegally.
reported back on November 9th that numerous Democrat-led 'non-profits' were connected to likely illegal absentee ballot
harvesting in Georgia after the 2020 election.
In our
article we reported that a totally under-the-radar and likely illegal Democratic absentee ballot-harvesting type of an
operation was quietly executed in Georgia after Election Day, which may have secretly added just enough Democratic votes to
tip the scales in this swing state against Republican President Donald Trump and for Joe Biden.
deadline for receipt of
ballots in Georgia
, per Georgia election law, is "no later than close of the polls on Election Day Ballots received
after the polls close cannot be counted," this per the Georgia Secretary of State Election Division's
Voting A Guide for Registered Voter
s. This deadline was affirmed by an October 2 federal appeals court ruling, which
stayed a lower court ruling from August 31, stemming from a lawsuit brought by leftist nonprofit the
Georgia Project
(NGP), founded by Georgia Democrat activist and failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. NGP's
lawsuit prevailed in extending the Georgia mail-in ballot receipt deadline for three additional days. However, on appeal,
brought by the state of Georgia,
election law held firm
, with the higher court decisively re-establishing the deadline in 2020 as November 3, at the
close of the polls.
The request for a stay order or injunction against Pennsylvania in the solid case to declare
unconstitutional the changes in 2019 that established full mail-in voting in that state was
denied by the U.S. Supreme Court in a standard one-sentence order on Tuesday, 8 December 2020
[1]. Sometimes the Supreme Court will consider an application for an injunction or stay order
as also being a request to agree to hear the case, and will accept the case for decision and
set a briefing schedule. Or they may accept the case and grant relief without further briefing
or argument. In this instance, the lawyer filing the request, Greg Teufel of Pittsburgh, also
asked that the court consider the application in that vein: the court could use it to agree to
hear the case. However, the court's order denied injunctive relief, and did not explicitly say
that it was also denying a request to consider the case as a whole.
It is my understanding that a formal request asking the court to agree to hear the case on
its merits will be filed.
The case was brought in Pennsylvania by U.S. Congressman Mike Kelly, candidate Sean Parnell,
and six others. After the courageous Judge Patricia McCullough of the Commonwealth Court issued
a preliminary injunction against certifying the election results pending an evidentiary
hearing, the intellectually corrupt Pennsylvania Supreme Court stepped in and dismissed the
case with prejudice, so that the constitutional issue could not be decided and the case could
not be re-filed in Pennsylvania [2].
[1] The U.S. Supreme Court order denying a stay order or injunction.
"... U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten ruled the case had no standing to sue, the case belonged in state court, and was filed too late. ..."
"... "There's no question that Georgia has a statute that explicitly directs that elections contests be filed in Georgia Superior Court," Judge Batten, a President George W. Bush appointee, said in his ruling. "They are state elections. State courts should evaluate these proceedings from start to finish." ..."
After a federal judge dismissed lawyer Sidney Powell's election fraud lawsuit Monday in
Georgia, Powell told
The Epoch Times she plans to appeal and "proceed as fast as possible to the Supreme
U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten ruled the case had no standing to sue, the case
belonged in state court, and was filed too late.
"There's no question that Georgia has a statute that explicitly directs that elections
contests be filed in Georgia Superior Court," Judge Batten, a President George W. Bush
appointee, said in his ruling. "They are state elections. State courts should evaluate these
proceedings from start to finish."
Cruz was especially critical of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's dismissal on the procedural
"Even more persuasively, the plaintiffs point out that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has
also held that plaintiffs don't have standing to challenge an election law until after the
election, meaning that the court effectively put them in a Catch-22: before the election, they
lacked standing; after the election, they've delayed too long," Cruz said . "The result of the
court's gamesmanship is that a facially unconstitutional election law can never be judicially
Cruz also on Monday filed a friend of the court
brief – along with 10 of his Senate colleagues – in Arizona Attorney General
Mark Brnovich's case challenging the Democratic National Committee's stance that the Voting
Rights Act bans state laws limiting absentee voting. among other measures.
Biden election success 'not statistically impossible, but statistically IMPLAUSIBLE,'
pollster says 7 Dec, 2020 15:57 Get short
URL Patrick Basham, founder of research organization the Democracy Institute, broke down
the "implausibility" of Joe Biden's presumed presidential victory for Fox News, as Donald Trump
continues to insist there's "no way" he lost.
Joe Biden's apparent victory over the incumbent Trump is "statistically implausible,"
Basham told Mark Levin on Sunday night during 'Life, Liberty & Levin', describing a lot of
processes that went against all expectations during the elections.
He says that the Democrat defied the "non-polling metrics," which Basham claims have
"a 100 percent accuracy rate," including "how the candidates did in their respective
presidential primaries, the number of individual donations, [and] how much enthusiasm each
candidate generated in the opinion polls."
Trump, who with over 74 million votes is considered to have the second-best performance of
any candidate in history (as Biden is said to have over 80 million), has alleged that
fraudulent ballots in key swing states like Pennsylvania and Georgia led to Biden's apparent
victory. Basham cited a "historically low ballot rejection rate" as a possible factor
behind the president losing reelection.
"Rejection rates, which in the primaries earlier this year were well into the
double-digits and which historically have often been very, very high in these key swing states,
or at least in the key swing counties, we're seeing rejection rates of less than one percent,
often very close to to zero," he said.
With a major increase in absentee ballots due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it is
"implausible," based on voter experience in the area, that so few ballots would be
rejected, Basham theorized.
Also shedding a questionable light on Biden's victory, the pollster added, is Trump's own
performance, which was unusually strong for an incumbent candidate.
"If you look at the results, you see how Donald Trump improved his national performance
over 2016 by almost 20 percent," he said. "No incumbent president has ever lost a
reelection bid if he's increased his votes [total]. Obama went down by three and a half million
votes between 2008 and 2012, but still won comfortably."
... ... ...
J_P_Franklin 12 hours ago 7 Dec, 2020 11:24 AM
"Basham cited a " historically low ballot rejection rate " as a possible factor behind the
president losing reelection." What is normally done was not done to get rid of Trump.
Republicans did it too. Those swing states have Republican legislatures who can still stop
the coup but won't. This is a Republican coup against Trump.
Wazzup 12 hours ago 7 Dec, 2020 11:18 AM
Yes its clear that the election was rigged massively. However in the west its not the voters
who choose the leaders so vote rigging is par to the course.
Banalucki Wazzup 5 hours ago 7 Dec, 2020 06:18 PM
Who is the "they" that voted in President Adams who said, "Avarice, ambition, revenge, and
licentiousness would break the strongest cords of our Constitution, as a whale goes through a
net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people." This situation has
moved way past control by political propaganda - especially since it is a very hot war with
germ warfare, lockdowns, rioting, and now a "what you gonna do 'bout it?" arrogance from the
"gig" economy Orks, imho.
Banalucki Wazzup 5 hours ago 7 Dec, 2020 06:18 PM
Who is the "they" that voted in President Adams who said, "Avarice, ambition, revenge, and
licentiousness would break the strongest cords of our Constitution, as a whale goes through a
net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people." This situation has
moved way past control by political propaganda - especially since it is a very hot war with
germ warfare, lockdowns, rioting, and now a "what you gonna do 'bout it?" arrogance from the
"gig" economy Orks, imho.
MotorSlug Wazzup 9 hours ago 7 Dec, 2020 02:30 PM
rigged against Bernie
shadow1369 12 hours ago 7 Dec, 2020 11:20 AM
There is not a shadow of doubt that the DNC rigged the outcome of the election.
Mickey Mic 11 hours ago 7 Dec, 2020 12:36 PM
This election wasn't designed to be fair. The Democrats have been stacking the deck, pushing
the vote-by-mail process, using the virus as the excuse and claiming polling places
disenfranchise the poor. They also continue to use the virus to keep the country held down
and preventing it from emerging out of the financial hole we've been placed in. Those points
are valid and true. What is also true is the big three tech companies have for years, but
accelerated in 2020, their form of censorship and manipulation. Google, Facebook and Twitter
are doing all they can to control content away from conservative ideals and push their
liberal agenda using the full strength of their monopoly-controlled information source. Add
to the mix ballot harvesting and Electoral College manipulation, and the fix is in. Much like
Patrick Basham their only remaining factor is ... "There's no evidence !" closing the eyes
and yelling LALALALALALALALA !?!?!? PS: Perhaps Mr. Basham has his CDL license & drove
off with truck loads full of ballots meant for Trump ? One thing is sure, he could've driven
all of the reported missing trucks.
BeneElohim 10 hours ago 7 Dec, 2020 01:06 PM
No solid evidence for the wars the US. waged. But solid evidence of voter fraud is not
allowed in Court system or the MSM. This is so corrupt it will make Sept. 11 2001 a little
jealous, just a little, but the same tactics are in play by the same people, their mission is
similar routine " NO forensic Investigations " are allowed for obvious reasons.
Fuhrer_Bojo 12 hours ago 7 Dec, 2020 11:48 AM
With a population of 328 million and only 154 million voting one has to ask how either side
can claim victory, the majority of people decided they didn't want either in charge, in a
democracy the majority opinion should be respected.....
sunev Fuhrer_Bojo 6 hours ago 7 Dec, 2020 05:29 PM
There are over 74 Million children under 18 in the USA who can't vote. There are over 3
million prisoners who have lost their right to vote. There are 47 million foreigners living
in the USA. A lot of them do not have citizenship, so they have no right to vote. So you have
a maximum of 124 million adults who are not entitled to vote, which means from 328 million a
possible 124 million couldn't vote. 154 million from 204 million who were entitled to vote
voted. That's over 75% of the voting population! That is a huge turnout!
Gerald Newton 3 hours ago 7 Dec, 2020 08:57 PM
Ware County, Ga has broken the Dominion algorithm: Using sequestered Dominion Equipment, Ware
County ran a equal number of Trump votes and Biden votes through the Tabulator and the
Tabulator reported a 26% lead for Biden. 37 Trump votes used in the equal sample run had been
"Switched" from Trump to Biden. In actual algorithmic terms this means that a vote for Trump
was counted as 87% of a vote and a vote for Biden was counted as 113% of a vote. Those
conducting the test were so shocked that they ran the same ballots again. The same results
appeared. ONE PIECE OF THE PUZZLE SOLVED. (It is worth noting that this was one County, and
on one Tabulator alone. Dominion Tabulators could have been configured with different
algorithms in different Counties or States.) In Michigan 22 Dominion machines have bee turned
over to the Trump lawyers for forensic analysis.
MeNot 12 hours ago 7 Dec, 2020 11:38 AM
No one with any common sense wanted a corrupt & senile old man that is known for sexually
harassing females and a side kick that got her jobs by way of sexual favors ( Heels Up) to be
elected for anything. The election in the USA was clearly rigged and a fraud.
RationalNut 6 hours ago 7 Dec, 2020 05:17 PM
There are people who think Biden cheated. There are people who think Trump cheated. These
contentions can and should be resolved by auditing the votes in swing states (or in all
states if resources for that can be found). Are both sides in favor of an audit? Hmmm....
Franc RationalNut 4 hours ago 7 Dec, 2020 07:10 PM
The democrats have been trying to shove Biden through the door since election night. They
refuse or attack any attempts at investigation, and they intimidate or threaten any who try
to speak out. Where's the transparency? If they aren't guilty, they should have nothing to
worry about.
Biden won a measly 477 counties, Trump won a resounding 2947 counties...
Waytame 9 hours ago 7 Dec, 2020 02:45 PM
Where's the evidence, Trump campaign? Count cases are being lost left and right because none
seems to materialize. It's just one debunked claim after the other.
Franc Waytame 4 hours ago 7 Dec, 2020 07:08 PM
The evidence is on the camera, and also in the hundreds of sworn affidavits across the swing
states. (Which carry a huge penalty if lied on) Everyone knows this election was a sham, the
only difference is how long it takes some people to stop lying to themselves.
AndrewMacDon Waytame 6 hours ago 7 Dec, 2020 05:14 PM
Your refusal to accept the masses of evidence; sworn testimony, video, statistical, etc, is
mereley an act of wilfull deceit. The fact you won't accept what constitutes the legal
standard of what is evidence, while screaming "where's the evidence", doesn't make you smart.
It means you are disenfranchising 74 million who are xtremely angry, have been extremely
parient and law abiding, and are now no longer going to pkay along with your games while you
gaslight them. The Republican electorate have played nice with you unreasonable liars for too
long. I believe that is going to change. Remember, things unfolded, the leftist refusal to
tell the truth and play by the rules, is what led you to where you are. You threw out
democracy with this fraud. You threw out the rules. Enjoy the consequences.
Texas Republican Rep. Brian Babin has proposed the 'You Must Be Alive To Vote Act', a bill
that is intended to crack down on alleged instances of people using names of the deceased in
order to vote.
The goal of the bill is to have states check the Social Security Administration's death
records and purge the deceased from voter rolls.
"The ease with which someone is able to steal the ballot of a deceased person and cast an
illegitimate vote should disturb, alarm, and outrage every American citizen, no matter what
side of the aisle they sit on," Babin said, according to a news release from his
The Federalist's senior editor Mollie Hemingway is ridiculing several news outlets that
claim Republican accusations of questionable behavior by Fulton County election officials at
State Farm Arena, purportedly caught on video, had been debunked, rebutting the reports with
affidavits and even other news reports.
Hemingway, 46, the author of "Justice on Trial," about the Senate hearings of Brett
Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court,
dismissed a report by "Lead Stories" and then The Washington Post, Newsweek, and others,
which appeared to anoint government officials as the sole arbiters of whether anything
nefarious occurred.
At issue: a video that purportedly showed a handful of election workers telling observers
and other ballot counters to leave State Farm Arena in the evening because of burst water pipe.
Once the room was cleared, the remaining election officials uncovered suitcase-like containers
from under draped tables -- containers alleged to contain thousands of ballots that were then
processed without the observers on hand.
Lead Stories , The Washington Post ,
and others quoted election officials as saying no one was asked to leave and characterizing the
activity as normal.
"Fulton County officials illegally accepted more than $6 million in private grants that
imposed conditions on the conduct of elections without authority from the state legislature."
Follow the private grants to the election interference.
snowshooze 28 minutes ago
And so I read thay purchased ballot counters?
Waitaminute... you can't bring your own gear into an election...
The GOP filed a lawsuit in Arizona to audit a sample of 100 ballots to prove there was
massive voter fraud.
The Arizona GOP last Wednesday announced the findings from their investigation of 100
duplicate ballots, in which TWO votes were discovered to have been altered and removed from
President Trump's total.
One ballot was changed from Trump to Biden and another ballot was completely taken away from
President Trump.
This is a 3% margin of fraud in Biden's favor (2 votes taken away from Trump and one added
to Biden).
The Arizona Supreme Court could rule on the case as early as this evening or tomorrow.
Fox News calling Arizona for Joe Biden gave cover to the corrupt Democrat machine in
Maricopa County to produce enough ballots for Biden to backfill the number of votes projected
by Fox News.
In his lawsuit, Matthew DePerno claims that based on the evidence they have provided to the
court that Dominion Voting Systems "committed material fraud or error in this election so that
the outcome of the election was affected."
At 5:30 PM on Friday, December 4, 13th Circuit Court Judge Kevin A. Elsenheimer granted
permission to William Bailey and his team of IT experts to conduct a forensic study of the 16
Dominion voting machines, tabulators, thumb drives, related software, and the Clerk's "master
tabulator." In his court order, Bailey was also granted the ability to conduct an independent
investigation of the images they obtained in their examination. According to DePerno, it would
take approximately 6 to 8 hours to obtain the forensic copies, and it made sense to do the work
on the weekend when most government employees and residents would not be in the building.
Matthew DePerno was able to quickly assemble a team of seven highly trained forensic IT
experts who agreed to arrive the next day (Saturday) to conduct the forensic examination.
Following Judge Elsenheimer's order for the forensic examination of the Dominion Voting
machines, the unelected Township Administrator Peter Garwood informed Mr. Bailey that he would
not allow the machines to be accessed until Monday at 11:00 am. DePerno explained that Garwood
also contacted Dominion officials and suggested they come to the Antrim County building where
the court-ordered examination was to take place. As a result, DePerno and his client, William
Bailey, were tasked with ensuring that the Dominion equipment inside the Antrim County building
wouldn't be tampered with before the team's arrival. According to DePerno, Garwood was told by
several elected county commissioners to stand down and allow the examination to take place over
the weekend. A group of patriots from northern Michigan answered Mr. Bailey's call for help.
For two days and nights, in freezing cold weather, the group of brave, volunteer patriots stood
ready and willing to protect the precious sanctity of our vote. On Sunday morning, the
seven-people IT forensic team arrived; Mr. Bailey and his attorney Matt DePerno were given
access to the county building and started gathering the forensic evidence. Shortly after the
collection began, Antrim County Administrator Peter Garwood began to take photos of the seven
IT experts. When one of the IT team members saw him taking photos of them, they demanded
Garwood delete them from his phone. According to DePerno, Garwood reluctantly deleted them.
While he couldn't say for certain, DePerno believes Garwood was attempting to dox the
highly-skilled IT forensic experts. Several photos of Mr. DePerno's vehicle were taken by
outside protesters as well.
Here's the first fornesic proof of Dominion Voting algorythmic voter manipulation. It
doesn't look like much (37 vote switch in Georgia's smallest county) but since nobody is
getting access to the machines or software, and state voting commissions are hurrying to
erase existing data - it's the first proof the Powell/Wood allegations.
Disturbing election night footage has emerged showing Georgia poll workers waiting for
observers and news outlets to leave State Farm Arena in Atlanta after calling an end to
counting for the night, before pulling out several large suitcases containing ballots from
under a table.
The footage, presented by an attorney working with Republicans during a Thursday state
Senate hearing, is perhaps the strongest direct evidence of potential fraud, and demands
serious inquiry. In it, a handful of poll workers can clearly be seen staying behind after GOP
observers say they were told to clear out . After the media packs up their belongings, the
workers can be seen pulling out the suitcases and opening them at approximately 11 p.m.
Of note, earlier in the day, counting was paused for approximately 90 minutes due to what
officials blamed on a 'water main break' - which turned out to be a lie, and was in fact a
'slow leak,' according to
news.com.au .
Here are two segments of the clip, which we recommend watching on full screen (as well as
watching the full video):
First, watch the media in the lower-right quadrant at the long table at 10:40 p.m.
From this moment on I'll be the new POTUS, as there is no democratic election possible!
Guaido should support me.
TheFishh Ironmanx 41 minutes ago 4 Dec, 2020 05:41 PM
Let's just have Guiado be president. After all, he was anointed by St. Trump Himself.
Brayar 1 hour ago 4 Dec, 2020 05:14 PM
The election was stolen. Even most Democratic voters are realizing this. The only people
still denying the fraud are the media, big tech, and those who are in on the fraud.
Jeffrey Perkins 51 minutes ago 4 Dec, 2020 05:37 PM
ok then..now the citizens of the usa need a group of countries to come liberate us
Whoa, hold your horses ! Remember the CIA "regime change play book"...
Lansman7 1 hour ago 4 Dec, 2020 05:24 PM
The US election may not have been 'stolen', but if this happened in any other nation America
would brand it illegitimate and bomb the hell out of its citizens FIFY
Ibmekon Lansman7 25 minutes ago 4 Dec, 2020 06:06 PM
.if it had happened elsewhere, it would probably have CIA fingerprints all over it.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has launched
investigations into several groups, including one founded by former Georgia gubernatorial
candidate Stacey Abrams, for seeking to "aggressively" register "ineligible, out-of-state, or
deceased voters" before the state's Jan. 5 Senate runoff elections.
Raffensperger's office on Wednesday said the
investigations are into groups including America Votes, Vote Forward and The New Georgia
Project -- which was founded by Abrams and previously chaired by Democratic Senate candidate
Raphael Warnock.
Raffensperger for weeks has issued warnings against efforts to register individuals who are
ineligible to vote in Georgia's runoff elections or to encourage people to come to Georgia with
the sole purpose of casting ballots.
"I have issued clear warnings several times to groups and individuals working to undermine
the integrity of elections in Georgia through false and fraudulent registrations, "
Raffensperger said in a statement Wednesday. "The security of Georgia's elections is of the
utmost importance."
Raffensperger said Wednesday that his office has "received specific evidence that these
groups have solicited voter registrations from ineligible individuals who have passed away or
live out of state ."
"I will investigate these claims thoroughly and take action against anyone attempting to
undermine our elections," he vowed. foxnews
Raffensberger stated in a TeeVee presser yesterday that his household has received three
absentee ballot application forms addressed to his son who has been dead for two years. These
invitations to voter fraud were sent by Stacy Abrams' group, the New Georgia Project.
Raffensberger held up the post card style application forms for all to see.
It looks like it will be a rainy day in Georgia. pl
Raffensberger has, with this head fake, slightly modulated his rush to certification,
which he has been insisting is a done deal heretofore.
This is a good sign, but only a minor advance, in my estimation. It's a "limited hangout",
scarcely deflecting this partisan hack from advancing the overall vote theft.
But it is hilarious that three spurious ballot solicitations for his dead son came to his
house. A glimpse of what life would have been like had Stacy "bring out your dead" Abrams
been elected governor. Raffensberger, shitlib that he might be, got mugged by the ugly
reality; so he jumped out in front of this and pretended he was leading some sort of Parade
For Vote Integrity. Don't be taken in.
I read Lin Wood, who famously represented the heroic Olympics security guard falsely
accused of the 1996 Atlanta bombing, is asking Republicans not to vote in the Georgia Senate
run-off. Sounds like he's trying to play hard ball with Republicans and force them to
confront voter fraud allegations.
Trump's speech looks like a clear declaration of willingness to cross the Rubicon - or
perhaps more appropriately to meet the persons having already done so by fixing the election, in
Trump J'accuse. It amazing to see US President speak honestly. I think it's official: we have
a Constitutional crisis on our hands.
Only paper ballots and no machine can provide honest elections. Presence of electronic voting
machines is a already a form of fraud.
I hired trump in 2016 to deal with this. To fire the bad people and hire good people and
drain the swamp. He did nothing about it.
There is no excuse why Bill Barr is running the justice department, no excuse why Pompeo
is running plush, private deals for global business though the state dept and the Goldman
Sachs guys are stripping the wealth of this country and handing it to wall st.
You are making excuses. Trump hired these people. There is no swamp being drained.
Dr. Linda Lee Tarver Testifies to What is Really Happening in Michigan!!!
pissonmefico 17 hours ago (Edited) remove link
The money changers, Wall Street, and Corporate America are and will always be in control
of the Federal Government, so why do 99.9% of you here keep calling this communism? Because
you've been deceived to think it even though you know who runs the show - which is an
unbelievable feat. It's FASCISM! - go get an effing dictionary and quit being duped making
YOU their main asset.
BigCumulusClouds 20 hours ago
Trump did not mention Haspel's arrest or her being at gitmo.
Dying-Of-The-Light 18 hours ago
Been saying the same since this sick joke of an election came to pass. If the forces of
all things Demontard and Deep State, along with the MSM and social media sites, are allowed
to so easily steal this election and get away with it then USA citizens will soon enjoy as
much liberty as Chinese citizens.
I have stated again and again that if the lying, senile, China bribed Biden has the nerve
to hold the bible in one hand on inauguration day, then all hard working USA citizens should
refuse to pay any income tax. If that inauguration goes ahead then I hope millions of
American citizens will turn up in Washington to protest its legality.
Nona Yobiznes 18 hours ago remove link
They don't want their viewers to learn about it. This is a DNC directive. Check out the
Veritas 9am call CNN leaks. One of the "journalists" said as much.
Carlin was RIGHT 19 hours ago
Barr is Swamp personified. If his lips are moving, he's lying.
Chupacabra 20 hours ago
Barr is deep state, always has been. He is there solely to obstruct, much like Wray and
Haspell. He is far worse than just useless. I'm glad more people are waking up to that
By the way, his Dad gave Jeffrey Epstein his first job. Pure coincidence, I'm sure.
brer_vole 20 hours ago
So the AP story headline is inconsistent with what they claim as his statement " Barr told
the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints
and information they've received, but "to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could
have effected a different outcome in the election." "
As the story probagated - the headline was further changed and then even the quote was
told_ya_so 20 hours ago (Edited) remove link
Too many posters here just dismiss the concept that there was any election malfeasance.
The problem with this is that its pure conscious dissonance - just choosing to see your point
of view despite real evidence to the contrary. Regardless of who you actually vote for why
wouldn't you have a smidgen of curiousity about the things that have gone on. The most
blatant has been votes disappearing from Trump in realtime on the news feeds.
There are too many testimonies; too many high profile people staking their careers on
saying the election looks suspect to just dismiss the notion outright. And even if they are
wrong (and that's a big f*cking if), wouldn't you want to know that your guy got in
legitimately? Because from now on the other side are going to have to play just as dirty as
the Dems did to have a hope in hell of staying in existance.
Welfarebum 19 hours ago
I'm watching and reading from Canada. I've gone through all the evidence. It's death by a
thousand cuts... Distributed corruption designed to collectively achieve a coup against a
standing president. The mainstream media and Big Tech have subverted the truth. Average
people around me are completely unaware of the corruption. All they think is "orange man bad"
because they are subject to anti-Trump propaganda nightly on the TV news. It makes me sick to
my stomach.
The US is not a democracy. Not a republic. It's run by crony-capitalist totalitarianism
and the various US intelligence agencies are all on-board. What's transpiring is a massive
battle of good versus evil. My entire world-view has changed. With the US falling, all the
other democracies will also fail. My children will live under a CCP-like government.
My dad fought in WW2 as a fighter pilot for freedom - not for these crooks and their
master plan to enslave us all under an authoritarian world government.
Republicans can't let this stand. It they submit, it will be the end of freedom. Trump has
the police on his side. And much of the military. The country needs to be saved by the
Dickweed Wang 20 hours ago
Court have laughed at him 39 times already. It's over.
If you're referring to court rulings regarding the election you obviously don't know what
you're talking about. Trump's legal team has only filed three lawsuits so far regarding the
election and all of them are currently active. It's not "over" until CONgress meets and
approves the results of the election on January 6th and at this point it may go on beyond
that due to the preponderance of evidence showing widespread and systemic fraud during the
BTW . . . It's 'Courts' not 'Court'
chiquita 19 hours ago
I've been saying this for a while. The cheating is going to come home to roost regardless
of how this ends up. NOBODY is going to be happy about it when the whole country finally sees
and accepts the truth of it. It won't be shrugged off as business as usual or "there's always
cheating in elections". Not after this.
IF Biden somehow gets installed as president, his presidency will always be tainted--it
will be just like when you see those baseball players with an asterisk next to their stats.
You know the ones who did the steroids in order to get higher homerun hits or some other
advantage. It won't be a matter of having won fair and square and everybody is going to know
about it. No amount of calling Trump a sore loser is going to whitewash what the DNC did or
make Biden a good president. When the real stories about just how corrupt Biden and his
family are that will make people even angrier if he's sitting in the Oval Office.
Better hope for many reasons that Trump wins his challenges because it will be bumpy, but
a much easier ride in the long run.
Justus_Americans 13 hours ago
Trump's most important speech was properly named it showed our broken election system and
fake news https://youtu.be/Vxa4EUpF4wU
Thutmoses 13 hours ago (Edited)
Trump is giving the courts and Legislatures space to do their job.
We watched the quadripartite building security camera show last night on several TeeVee news
shows. You know, the one in which the poll workers shoo the GOP poll watchers and press out of
the big counting room at the Farm State Arena and then pull suit cases of something out from
under a table and get to counting.
Several interesting things about this; 1. They all seem to have been pre-briefed and are
acting as a team, 2. They seem oblivious of the permanent security cameras in the room, 3. The
GOP somehow obtained these tapes. Outraged security guard maybe?
The governator of Georgia, a one time Trumpista, now says that maybe, maybe something bad
happened in that room, maybe. And maybe, maybe, there should be an audit.
It seems to be the case that a lot of effective skullduggery happened in quite a few states
in this election, but it was poorly and clumsily done. A lot of it was more or less in plain
sight if one had eyes to see. Truck drivers were tasked to haul pallets of Biden ballots from
place to place. Biden ballots were run through counting machines ten times. Remarkable! Magic
computer networks!
This sounds to me to be something like a plot cooked up by a group of self important but not
too clever Ivy grads sitting around at somewhere like ... Brooklyn?
"We could do this" one cries out! "We could make it happen!"
So, the concept was great, but the execution was piss poor (army talk). This may bite them
in the ass yet. (more army talk) pl
The arena is owned by the Atlanta Fulton County Recreation Authority whose parent seems to
be Atlanta City Council. However whilst they own it the site is operated by the Atlanta Hawks
NBA team. This would likely make the security control center for the site in the Hawks'
hands. No doubt if it had been staffed with council staff this video would have been wiped as
many others probably were around the country.
Maybe the videoed team, which I thought, like you wrote Colonel, were well trained, knew
their tasks and were operating very well, saw the cameras and assumed that, as they were in
an ACC property, another team had them under control. Little did they know.
The real question is if any state legislature or the courts will take action on these
allegations? The clock is ticking with December 14th as the date for certifying electors.
Seems to me the real question is what action Trump may take in such an eventuality. His
speech on Wednesday made it pretty clear he considers this an existential issue for the
Republic. If this is your thinking do you let judicial inertia stand in your way? Does Trump
have a reputation for being rules-bound?
Also, I came across an interesting article on Constitutional whatiffery which is looking
increasingly prescient. It covers the eventuality of the vote being contested beyond the safe
harbor date - section entitled "The Electoral Count":
Ok strictly in the larger context a judgment by judge Amy Totenberg, may be of
I don't have the link to the decision at hand, but at the end of her 146-page long decision
she admonished the admin to make sure, ironically enough, to make sure the case wouldn't fall
on the court's doorsteps again.
At that point no doubt time was running out. But the admin nevertheless didn't make sure
the system was hardened and hired a couple of pen-testers or white hats to at least test it?
Very few of Georgia's more than 100,000 voting-age Native Americans cast ballots in
November. Even a small increase could make a difference in the Senate runoffs.
Based on a New York Times analysis of precinct data, President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.
received more than 80 percent of the roughly 55,000 votes cast in the Arizona portion of the
Navajo Nation -- the country's largest tribe -- and in the smaller Hopi Reservation, which
shares precincts with the Navajo.
That alone could account for Mr. Biden's 10,500-vote margin of victory over President Trump
in Arizona, even before looking at his strong support among other tribes there, like the Tohono
O'odham Nation, which has been enraged by the president's efforts to build his border wall
through tribal land.
Georgia's Republican Governor Brian Kemp certified the state's election results Friday,
saying that now that the results are certified, the Trump campaign can pursue other legal
options to call for a recount. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, also a
Republican, told reporters Friday morning that President-elect Biden had definitively won the
state, after the state's hand
recount was completed Thursday.
But Kemp didn't endorse the results, instead calling for another full hand recount. Kemp,
who served as Georgia secretary of state before Raffensperger, has not publicly defended the
state's election process
from accusations from the president and his campaign. He alleged Friday that the audit revealed
significant errors made in several counties, including Floyd, Douglas and Walton.
Kemp said the audit only looked at ballots, not the signatures on the absentee applications
or the signatures on the ballot envelopes. He called for Raffensperger to "consider addressing
these concerns" and conduct a "sample of audit of signatures on absentee ballot envelopes and
compare those to the signatures on applications and on file that the secretary of state's
Newt Gingrich @newtgingrich · 11h Governor Kemp calling for
a signature audit of the Georgia ballots and indicating that he is troubled by the evidence at
the state senate hearing is an encouraging step in the right direction. Sebastian Gorka DrG @SebGorka · Dec 3 GAMECHANGER.
Quote Tweet Grant
Stinchfield @stinchfield1776 · Dec 3 This is a total game changer! Sure looks like
ballot stuffing in GA! All caught on camera. Busted! @realDonaldTrump @JennaEllisEsq
@RudyGiuliani #stopthesteal 1.7K 17.7K 50.8K Ben Shapiro @benshapiro · 9h There is
literally no excuse for Republicans in Georgia not to vote for Republicans in Georgia.
Perfect example of peter principal on steroids with splash gender bias.
However with such examples of CIA leadership as Brennan, Pompeo perhaps it is past time CIA
was disbanded.
Biden is supposedly looking for a replacement. Tom Donilon was lined up, but he passed on
the offer and it seems the Biden team are looking at other options. Trump himself was mulling
to replace her only a few weeks ago. She's out the door one way or another.
I saw a report published yesterday that she is "intimately involved" with Abrams and
Pompeo in clandestine operations against Iran in Trump's remaining weeks in office.
The officials say Trump has been more passive in overseeing Iran policy and point to Pompeo
and Iran envoy Elliot Abrams as the two advisors heading the last-ditch effort to hammer
the Islamic Republic. The officials say both Pompeo and Abrams are in favor of quietly
backing covert actions carried out by other actors. One official said CIA Director Gina
Haspel has been "intimately involved" in the administration's clandestine strategy against
Snopes is pretty well known as another left wing "fact" checker.
The founders are Democrat activists.
Are there any so-called "fact" checkers that are not left wing?
Politifact obviously gets their "facts" from Schumer and Pelosi press releases.
I only care what "Snopes" is saying because this is what the Bubble is hearing and
believing. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.
Snopes for, some reason, has already "gotten ahead" of this rumor - so even that is
interesting. Not that they are accurate, but that they are out there running defense and are
even expanding the topic ( gratuitously debunking election fraud and German raid for bonus
points ) for whatever in fact is their own agenda.
No, these links were not presented for their truth; just for the wider discussion since
the other side puts a lot of credence in them for their own purposes. Brain-washing the
"progressive set" with dismissive denials is part of their agenda. Which personally bugs me.
So I put their weapons of diversion on the table up front.
Snopes is most definitely a part of the perception management apparat. Along with several
others who get prime Google News real estate to tell the sonambulent sheep what to think.
"12. A search of indivisible.org network showed a subdomain which evidences the existence
of scorecard software in use as part of the Indivisible (formerly ACORN) political group for
Obama" (page 9)
Karry Foster
109 subscribers
This is the entire 46-minute speech that President Trump posted concerning the rampant voter fraud that took place in the
2020 election. Most of the Main Stream Media have ignored it completely or have tried to pick it apart. I think everyone
deserves a chance to watch it and decide for themselves. The first 39 seconds only have the audio but then the video kicks
in after that.
Listen form 16:00... Especially interesting idea is that hypocritical affect to enlarge
participation and avoid "disenfranchising the voters" is a smoke screen a fraud in its almost
pure form...
Dr. Tarver was outstanding! Very impressive. Where has she been all this time? If she
wants, she has a bright future in politics. Michigan Legislature really need to consult her
on how to fix the voting mess they have in Michigan.
Notice how their attitudes changed when they realized that this woman was no easy way.
When you speak...people...speak with authority and confidence because people like that
democrat will eat you alive if they sense any weakness in you.
Outstandingly sharp. However, people of USA appear hopelessly clueless to the obvious fact
that rules are broken on purpose. It is not some random occurrance due to an oversight, it is
by design. Elections happen all the time, it is not rocket science. America is stuck in a
kind of myopic version of reality whereby the good or moral outcome of a situation is
expected when it is never even the point in the first place. She sights "lack of training"
etc. It wasnt by accident that people didnt get training or were not protected by law because
its some kind of random oversight, it is because those exact oversights provide the apparatus
of malfeasance with all that it needs to conduct a fraudulent election. It is by design. Not
This is exactly what president Trump has been reming us for FOUR DAMN YEARS!
I watched nearly the entire 6.5 hour hearing... This is the best spoken, most intellectual
part of the entire thing. While she wasn't present on the day of vote counting, she clearly
knows the state, the voting process and the way things are done up and down the spectrum
(especially in Michigan). I was inspired by watching her, and I'm simply a Canadian who wants
Trump back in power so China is held accountable for their actions. Wishing the best of luck
to you GOPS!!
"... The billionaire owners of the media are deciding what you can and cannot see. Granting themselves a monopoly on "truth" and usurping the power of the ordinary citizen to inform themselves and make a reasoned decision ..."
"... 'I'll drain the swamp' ..."
"... 'I'll show you aliens' or 'I'll release the JFK truth' ..."
WATCH: Trump's Censored Speech The media refusing to air the President's allegations of
vote rigging is an open display of who REALLY runs the country
On Wednesday, December 2nd Donald Trump – the sitting President of the United State of
America – released a 46 minute recorded speech. In an alarming display of co-ordinated
censorship, much of the media simply refused to air it.
In the speech (embedded above) he details all the suspicious behaviour surrounding the
November 3rd election, as well as showing charts of evidence of peculiar activity in the vote
counts of key swing states.
None of the major networks aired it in full. CNN simply refused to broadcast even clips,
instead letting the millionaire son of a political dynasty lecture the viewing public in a
bizarre ten-minute
long abuse-laden rant .
Twitter and Facebook stuck "fact-check" warnings under anyone attempting to share it while
papers like the
Guardian or Independent post mocking summaries without ever showing – or even linking
to – the original.
If you want to actually see the speech in full you have search out smaller youtube channels,
or go to C-SPAN
. (We would suggest downloading a copy while you can, it is likely to become hard to find.
There's also a transcript
here .)
Their defense of this overt censorship is that Trump is "endangering lives" and/or
"encouraging violence" by calling the legitimacy of the vote into question. Such claims were
never made about claims Putin's Russia had rigged the vote for Trump. In fact, Russiagate
nonsense was spouted nightly by every major news outlet in the country, if not the world.
However they justify to themselves there's no denying the hard truth of it: The mainstream
media are actively and openly engaged in the wholesale censorship of an elected head of state.
Deliberately crippling the ability of an elected leader to communicate with the public.
Whether or not the vote was rigged – and there is more than
enough reason to think that it was – the behaviour of the media is verging on the
kind of co-ordinated gagging you would expect to happen during a palace coup.
Even if you hate Trump and love Biden, even if you don't care about the vote and count all
modern democracy a sham, there's a coup going on here that's bigger than just who gets to sit
in the Oval office:
The billionaire owners of the media are deciding what you can and cannot see. Granting
themselves a monopoly on "truth" and usurping the power of the ordinary citizen to inform
themselves and make a reasoned decision
Rigged vote or not, what's left of our crumbling democratic freedoms has never been in more
John Goss , Dec 5, 2020 12:08 AM
I know Savorywill below would like to see this. The fight is not over yet. This is
election fraud of the worst kind. The problem is those who did not get caught in this
corruption but were still a part of it. The actual alleged turnout at the polls is highly
questionable – the biggest ever. Now some might think that Joe Biden has that kind of
charisma. Others have actually seen him perform.
It's no wonder the US is always questioning other countries' elections. It thinks its
system is the model for the world.
Tom , Dec 5, 2020 12:00 AM
They didn't really censor it. They just show his face, and tell you what they think of it
before you even hear him. Pretty usual SOP for them I guess. Dec 4, 2020 11:44 PM
Thank you for publishing this article, and enabling people to watch the speech. At least
70 million Americans did vote for Trump (probably many more than that, if their votes had
been counted). They are decidedly not happy to see what is taking place, to say the least. I
went to Paddy's gambling side to see the odds of Trump winning late Tuesday, when normally
the election is called, and Trump was indisputably odds on favorite (you would have made a
fortune betting on Biden at that time!). Then the polls close, the election monitors are told
to go home and the mail-in ballots are rolled in and counted in secret, with Republican
monitors either not present or, if they were, not allowed to see what was going on.
If Biden does prevail, which seems highly likely, sadly, at this stage, his pick to be the
Secretary of Defense, is Michèle Flournoy , a woman (of course!), but a woman who
thinks that US troops should remain in Afghanistan to protect Afghani women from the Taliban
You can't make this up! Trump stated in every rally, to tremendous applause, 'end the
endless wars'. The Democrats are the war party now and they are filling government positions
with sociopaths such as Madeleine Albright, famous for saying the death of 500,000 children
in Iraq was 'worth it'. Worth it for what, I wonder. One thing is sure, though, those
millions who did vote for Trump are not going to be pleased by what is going on. How they
will express their displeasure is the big question, I guess. However, if it actually happens
that the Supreme Court did rule in favor of Trump and invalidated enough mail-in votes to
swing the election back to Trump, there would a shit storm of dissent from MSM and the
deranged mobs of Trump haters that would likely wreak havoc on the whole country, nightly
rampages of BLM and Antifa types terrorizing cities, others bringing out guns to defend
themselves, possibly devolving into almost civil war conditions. Perhaps it is better to let
Biden's minders have their way, make half hearted efforts to actually reduce CO2 emissions to
0% by 2025 (as Biden solemnly proclaimed in the final debate), give free health to all, allow
people from south of border easy or unfettered access to come to the USA (of course, tear
down that hateful wall), renew the practice of exporting jobs to other countries where the
wages are lower so products can be made more cheaply, resulting in lower employment options
for American workers. Then, obviously, the economy will tank and Trump, or someone on the
same page, can run again in 2024 and save the day
George Mc , Dec 4, 2020 11:14 PM
I think you have to see the bigger picture. All politicians ultimately serve the most
powerful forces i.e. the monied class. It's not a unified group but there is at any time a
general direction which this class will take.
The Western world has lived in a comfortable boom bubble after WW2. Our society embodied
an unprecedented affluence. And it could afford to project an image of "capitalism for all"
or "capitalism with a friendly face".
It was a time of seeming celebration where the Western populace were in the happy position
of being like eternal children – mesmerised by an increasingly glamourous entertainment
field. And we got to act out a pretence at political participation every few years. The
spectrum of potential political leaders effectively boiled down to two – which were
merely two faces of the same force.
This comfortable theatre has lasted all our lives. But the underlying situation has
changed through a downward economic spiral through which, up till now, we have "weathered the
storm". The ruling class has gradually siphoned off more and more wealth to feed its
insatiable hunger. And it has managed to do this while still maintaining that basic paradigm
of "smiley face capitalism".
But we have reached a moment of crisis. The ruling class is now facing up to the fact that
it can no longer maintain its power and luxuriance within the paradigm of a universal
security. Thus we have the most transformative point since WW2. That vast majority of happy
eternal children will find their hitherto comfortable lifestyles slipping away so that they
will become a new peasant class.
And so the glamorous vision of capitalism for all must now give way. The image that is now
in the ascendant is that of a war economy i.e. the old war economy. This is very different
from the grand bellicosity which can be projected for a protected populace who, as it were,
get to watch a televised image of war which is happening comfortably elsewhere. This time,
the population itself is on the receiving end.
It is in this sense that the word "socialism" or even "Marxism" may be applied – not
because the society we are headed towards is actual socialism. But because the old cold war
image of communism with its seedy deprivation will indeed became reality for the vast
So where does Trump fit in all this? Well – that aforementioned communist image is
obviously more connected to the Left than the Right. In American terms, that means the
Democrats are the ones "for the job".
And what is "the job"? Well it is the most efficacious path towards the slump i.e. the
path that will generate the least resistance and the most docility. Hence: the pandemic.
Trump's "Make America Great Again" rhetoric was not only obsolete but a positive obstacle to
this great deprivation.
No longer the carrot but the stick. No longer prophets of hope but doom merchants. That is
what the rulers need now if they want to preserve their position. And preserving their
position is all they care abo
Lost in a dark wood , Dec 4, 2020 10:36 PM Reply to Brianborou
Trump is the counter coup against the central banking system, and it's why he has a
portrait of Andrew Jackson overlooking his desk (see below). The war against the "invisible
enemy" started in 2016 and what we are witnessing now is perhaps the beginning of the end.
Probably the best rolling updates come from the X22 Report: https://rumble.com/c/X22Report
Andrew Jackson was an intelligent and politically astute man.
Donald Trump is a billionaire property developer and celebrity.
Do you think Jackson would have had a picture of Trump anywhere( that doesn't include a
dartboard )
George Mc , Dec 4, 2020 8:29 PM
One thing that this video gives the lie to is that Trump is a present day version of
Hitler. Whatever you think of him, he puts his point forward with poise and dignity. Dec 4,
2020 8:25 PM
Trump's speech should've been broadcasted on MSM. That being said, anyone who foolishly
supported sellout Bernie is well aware of how the Dems rig elections. It's done all a time by
both parties. All elections are rigged.
In any event, this election was critical. The establishment Republicans, Democrats, and
the security state wanted Trump out. They were all in on it.
The person involved (Trump) as usual is always the last to know. Trump, was purposely not
given good advice–it was a set-up. Trump's team should've only consented to the "COVID
mail-in election," if the mail-in ballots were "solicited" and signatures were matched to
existing documentation. These solicited ballots needed to be counted as they came in. They
all should've been required to be mailed out early way before election day. After those
mail-in ballots were tabulated, then they would only have to count the ballots which were
cast on election day.
However, this is what probably happened–the security state was stunned by Trump's
popularity. They had no idea he was going to secure so many votes. That's why the counting
was stopped and they needed to regroup. They had to keep the results solid for Biden so Trump
would have no recourse. It was planned for a very long time.
Biden-Harris evolved into the ticket when Harris "their favorite" turned out to be a loser
during the Dem primaries. That's why they pulled sleazy Joe out of the coffin to run with the
Indian/Zionist Hillary puppet.
Geoff , Dec 4, 2020 7:42 PM
Apart from the fact it's outrageous that they rig elections, but the outcome is still the
same, in the UK if the great socialist QC leader of the ludwick parry should win the next
election what happens nothing never has never will, we must be the only country where you
have to work a two year probationary period before you have any employment protection, give
seven days notice for any industrial action , why not make it three months? As someone put it
on here last week , putting a piece of paper into a ballot box is a grown up version of
sending Santa a letter, after the last election, I'm finished never vote again it's a fuckin
charade and I'm not joining in.
Joerg , Dec 4, 2020 7:42 PM
WATCH: Video footage from Georgia shows suitcases filled with ballots pulled from under a
table AFTER supervisors told poll workers to leave room and 4 people stayed behind to keep
counting votes
If this speech we can see hear was banned from reaching the public because of it's
truth- why are we able to watch and listen ?
Of course none of us know. My 'take' is that it is part of a fairly elaborate bifurcation
strategy. We are 'able to watch and listen' because of the pluralility and cross referencing
of the internet. There is only one meaningful divide in Western politics now : those who hang
on to the corporate media as a thread back to a believeable account of the world around them,
and those who are thinking and do not. The PTB saw this divide coming. The corporate/state
media ran Operation Trump as a bout featuring a bad wrestler character, knowing full well
that a lot of what he says is, in fact, true. That he is the one saying it though, tar babies
the truth with because it is his weird mouth uttering it. Lies then continue to prevail
amongst the managerial classes.
None of this is about Donald Trump ulitmately, but electoral politics confuses several things
in people's minds : the honesty of character of the individual standing as representative,
the stated political objectives/ philosophies of the representative, the unstated objectives/
philosophy of the representative, the values and interests of those who get them into power,
the capacity for that representative to work the system to get their objectives enacted
The issue here is about the 70+ million voters who voted for what they think Donald Trump
offers them. That they have not got what they seemed to want back in 2016, and that Trump had
ample chance to push that along, reminds me that his "America First" declaration is the key
(and perhaps only) lie in this speech.
The swing toward a renewed national conservatism in America is a problem for the global
elites. So they set up a fake nationalism, sometimes referred to as 'Finkelthink', after its
mastermind Arthur Finkelstein. There is a lot on this for anyone open minded enough to look
into it.
The stage is being set by the Democrats and Trump together, to maximise chaos layered upon
chaos. We all know why, because America (the dollar) is going down:
S Cooper , Dec 4, 2020 8:08 PM Reply to JuraCalling
"Not the most gracious loser is Donald."
"That is precious. Liars, cheats and charlatans lecturing anyone about "sportsmanship."
They should first get some integrity. Oh wait, they can't. Because they have none. They have
not only cheated Orange Hair Bozo, they have cheated the general public as well."
JuraCalling , Dec 4, 2020 8:24 PM Reply to S
I think a big part of this is a bit like the Roadrunner carton. No matter how 'wily' Wile
E Coyote was, he always ended up with his own bomb exploding in his hand or getting stuck in
his own trap.
Four years ago Trump tried to tap into the niche we know and love as 'alt'. He tempted
with 'I'll drain the swamp' and 'I'll show you aliens' or 'I'll release the JFK
truth' nuggets. Once he was in he developed a 'bromance' that looked like a terrible,
terrible acid trip with Alex Jones.
Then there was a mass sweep of 'conspiracy theories' that had been prompted by Obama's
blood lust. Suddenly we had Trumps attempt at Orwellian doublespeak as he called whatever he
didn't agree with 'fake nooz'. Anyone asking the president a question- as has been
protocol for 100 years- was ok if they asked ones he wanted to be asked; any others were
branded as ' fake nooz '.
We were still hearing about 'Pizzagate' and the Clinton cartel of psychopaths 2
years into his reign. And even now Russiagate or Hackgate won't go away. So
here we are. Trump has found another mixture of conspiracy to call 'fake nooz' .
But this one( according to him) has been to oust him from power.
We've never seen a public figure scrutinised so closely 24/7 in our time. Nobody has. I
thought that kind of thing with Lady Diana was the peakt. But the Trump obsession has been
off the scale from day one. I think it's down to his numerous cameo appearances on tacky
sitcoms or public appearances at the square garden for the big fights. We all knew him in the
UK. We never thought of him as a politician, just a slightly wacky billionaire with
interesting hair and funny suits.
That the race was between him and Hilary was bad enough. In the UK, we had a complete
dickhead who looks like he'd struggle in a job interviewer as the car park attendant end up
the PM.
As Dystopia sets in, as the decks are cleared for a NWO and as politicians ready
themselves to step aside and let the future structure's rulers- Scientists – take over,
Democracy has to be seen as untrustworthy, along with the democratic process.
We can hope the vote -rigging talk goes away ( it's dull already, and less and less people
buy the system anyway) but it's serving it's purpose. That being to demonstrate the lack of
credibility of any system has that allows us plebs to have a say.
They won't blame us; they'll blame 'data rigging that wasn't policed ' . But
we'll be told we'll have to vote by digital means after this. And that's not voting at all.
It's pressing keys and a mouse. The results are already decided ahead of the game. Like
Captain Birdheart , Dec 4, 2020 6:16 PM
Here is a video version (12 minutes) of the Martin Geddes article 'The digital coup &
the great exposure.
Trump is the political wing of the military industrial complex, and it looks like they are
going to go for it.
Sandy Sanders , Dec 4, 2020 6:08 PM
But let's be honest about the US electoral system. Just concerning post WW2, It's a
two-team battle much like a professional football league with just two franchises: playing,
making the rules, running the game, refereeing, promoting, providing media and "journalistic"
coverage, administering funding, policies, budgets and arenas, controlling ancillary business
franchises; and literally charging, controlling behavior of and dictating every aspect of the
event an attendance. The public's only power is to buy (being taxed) a ticket or watch the
commercialed event on TV. Same two teams, same basic play, same outcome for everyone. The
owners & 1% players and support franchises make out fabulously and the public sit in the
serf's seats powerless and obedient. As ratified in 1789 and functioning in 2020, it's a
rigged game from the start.
In the last 100 years we've had the incredibly popular socialist Henry Wallace, VP to FDR,
sabotaged by internal Dem politics giving us the most incompetent Truman; JFK thru Chicago
ballot rigging; internal sabotage of McGovern and Carter; the Anderson split sabotage of
1980; Gore in Florida 2000 w/SCOTUS & Dem sellout; Kerry Sellout in Ohio 2004; and the 3
million plus majority popular loss to the archaic Electoral College in 2016. For me the only
solution for a survivable future was Wallace in 1948. But as 2020 was rigged, it has always
been rigged by the system which is the Deep State to get what it wants: 1) a plutocracy that
provides for the Commerce operations of the 1%; and 2) thwart, block & erase any
functional democracy or potentiality of democratic socialism that allows the 99% to
self-govern-provide for the social needs of humanity.
Gwyn , Dec 4, 2020 6:07 PM
And they'll still have the brass neck to bang on about "exporting democracy" to
other countries. The USA is a bad joke of a country. A rogue state.
Which makes it the ideal henchman for the transnational financiers who run the world. A
big, stupid bully with unlimited military spending at its disposal that can bomb countries
that can't defend themselves into submission. Very courageous, those servants of
illegitimate power from the Home of the Brave.
It's also called the Land of the Free, of course – which is slightly at odds with
the fact that it's the proud possessor of the highest per capita rate of incarceration in the
world. And they say the Yanks don't do irony!
Make that a sick joke. Americans on the other hand are mostly fine people (albeit
amazingly oblivious/uncaring about the outrages that are done in their name).
The greatest outrage started on the day settlers landed there. A bit of humility, a bit of
contrition, about the fate of the American Indians wouldn't go amiss (instead of all the
idiotic, infantile bombast about the USA being the greatest country in the world).
We have all globally lost democracy and freedom in a very sinister and well co-ordinated
revolution without a shot being fired, apart from the one they'll give you in the arm. I feel
very sad for the young people, they'll never grow up in the wonderful world I knew.
Then today we found out that individuals stuck around in the Atlanta Center on election
night after the water main break occurred and everyone else was sent home.
Maricopa County GOP
chairwoman Linda Brickman on Nov. 30 testified before members of the Arizona State Legislature that she personally
observed votes for President Donald Trump being tallied as votes for
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden when input into Dominion
Brickman, the GOP head of one of the country's largest counties and a veteran county
elections worker, submitted her testimony in a sworn affidavit under penalty of perjury. She
testified that she and her Democratic partner witnessed "more than once" Trump votes default
and shift to Biden when they were entering votes into Dominion machines from ballots that
couldn't be read by machines.
She alleged that she was later threatened by election supervisors at the Maricopa County
Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC) for speaking out about what she had witnessed.
" I observed, with my Democratic partner, the preparation of a new ballot, since the
original one was soiled, or wouldn't go through the tabulators. I read her a Trump Republican
ballot, and as soon as she entered it into the system, the ballot defaulted on the screen to a
Biden Democratic ballot, " Brickman told GOP Arizona State legislators on Monday.
She remarked that when she reported the issue to election supervisors, others in the room
also commented that they had "witnessed the same manipulation."
"We were never told what, if any corrective action was taken," Brickman continued. " All I
know is the next day, I was called outside the room that I was working in for signature
verification by a supervisor who said, 'I understand you caused some problems this week and you
thought our machines were not working correctly.'
"I was told at that point in time that I could not discuss anything or talk about what was
going on.
" Many people were threatened ," Brickman told the hearing. "They were told that their
voices would be suppressed, they would have to leave the room and not work there again. I'm
here because I think this is our duty to speak the truth."
Now we know why the DOJ didn't arrest anyone for the past four years and why the Durham
investigation came up empty. The reason is they wanted it this way. They never were going to
arrest anyone. The only people the FBI and DOJ target are patriotic conservative Americans who
want things better for their country and for their children's future.
We all knew that there was enough evidence in the public square to arrest and convict dozens
of politicians and government workers. Now we know why none were arrested. AG Barr and the
swamp run deep!
AG Barr had a good scam going but now it's over. We now know definitively what he is all
about. He is just another crooked swamp creature.
As noted earlier today, Melissa Carone, a very compelling witness who testified in Tuesday's
Michigan hearing, said she called the FBI on November 5 to report numerous instances of fraud,
but the FBI never called her back.
A Dominion-trained IT contractor named Melissa Carone absolutely blew up the Michigan
hearing on Tuesday.
Melissa Carone dropped many truth bombs, blew the whistle on Dominion workers and revealed
ballots were being tabulated in the Department of Elections which is completely illegal.
Ms. Carone stunned the Michigan state lawmakers when she revealed there were tabulation
machines at the Department of Elections.
The FBI completely ignored Carone's eyewitness testimony and never called her back.
Today the momentum of the election fraud scam began to take over. Everyone knows the
election was a fraud. Too much information is available in the public square that proves this
is the case. All Americans know what is going on. We all see it.
This is why Barr had to do something. He waited until today to attempt to announce, despite
clear evidence to the contrary, there was no material corruption in the election. Then he pulls
another 'Undercover Huber' and announces that he picked John Durham, to lead a Special Counsel
into Crossfire Hurricane. There, that will placate the troops, while he digs his knife into
President Trump and America's back.
Instead, he made it clear he is part of the swamp – a card carrying member. He never
fired the corrupt FBI Director Wray. He had Durham working for more than a year with no
indictments despite clear evidence of a corrupt and criminal led FBI and DOJ. He allowed
Mueller's goons to come back to the FBI and DOJ where they should be placed in cuffs and frog
marched to prison. Barr wasn't going to do a damn thing.
Hillary Clinton is free despite destroying evidence related to the many crimes she conducted
while in the government. Jim Comey and Andy McCabe are caught lying but never prosecuted.
Mueller and his gang are free. As a matter of fact, the last four FBI Directors, Mueller,
Comey, McCabe and Wray should all be in prison, not walking around harassing others.
The list goes on and on. No wonder creepy and corrupt Peter Strzok was so cocky before the
election. They all knew they would run free and the election was rigged for Biden.
Individuals like General Flynn and Roger Stone are set up and convicted in banana courts.
War hero and triple amputee Brian Kolfage is arrested and forced to crawl on one arm and pull
himself up into an arrest vehicle in the rain based on makeshift charges coming out of the
corrupt New York DOJ office.
This is Barr's America. No charges for the criminals running the FBI and DOJ mafia, only for
innocents who love America.
AG Barr will now go down in history as just another DC swamp rat.
What a disgrace. AG Barr's name is now mud.
But ultimately, it doesn't matter. Barr's just another bump in the road. Americans want
justice and will have it. It doesn't matter what Barr thinks or does. Unfortunately for him
like so many others, their words and actions only strengthen our resolve for justice while
confirming our knowledge that the swamp is corrupt and we are right.
Congrats on
destroying your name for eternity AG Barr. Well done. We the people are moving on without
The certification kicks off a five-day period during which anyone can contest the results.
State Republican Party chairwoman Kelli Ward announced she would be in court Monday with a
lawsuit already filed in order to secure documents she hopes to use to challenge Biden's
Trump is expected to challenge the results both in Arizona and Wisconsin, which also plans
to certify Biden's victory on Monday. Most of his post-Election Day legal challenges have been
thrown out, though recently-dismissed Trump legal team member Sidney Powell filed a massive
lawsuit of her own last week alleging sweeping voter fraud.
The Trump legal team has already dropped one suit against Arizona that sought to have all
ballots cast on Election Day reviewed. While lawyers had initially suspected Trump votes were
discarded as " overvotes ," the number of actual overvotes was found to be relatively
minimal, and the remaining unreviewed ballots would not have been able to exceed Biden's margin
of victory.
The FBI is looking at evidence uncovered by Amistad investigators who have crunched data
from the government and reached out to actual voters to see if how they voted actually matches
the government's data.
"And we've come up with tens of thousands of Republican ballots that were not counted,"
Kline told host Grant Stinchfield. "We've come up with hundreds of thousands of Republicans who
say they never requested a ballot, but they voted absentee by somebody else. We've identified
people outside of the state who voted within the state. And all of this occurred in the key
swing states that we're speaking about."
Kline said all of the areas investigated "had hundreds of millions of dollars poured into
their election offices by Mark Zuckerberg."
The Facebook CEO, Kline said, poured in $400 million into the election, matching the federal
government expenditures, through his charities.
"They paid the election judges, they paid the people who boarded up the windows, they bought
the machines and America was kicked out of the counting room, and a billionaire invited in, in
all of the swing state urban core cities, and that is a violation the law."
Amistad's data show that all of these changes benefited Democratic strongholds as they were
suppressing the vote in Republican strongholds, Kline said, "and then we had them sidestepping
the law and accepting ballots they should not have accepted."
On Sunday night, U.S. District Judge Timothy Batten, a George W. Bush appointee,
ordered Kemp and Raffensperger to explain why they opposed the Trump campaign's request to
inspect voting machines the president's team claims may have been rigged in favor of Biden. The
two were given until Wednesday to file a response. The judge also ordered officials not to
erase or alter any data pertaining to the election on the voting machines in Cobb, Gwinnett,
and Cherokee counties.
T he Republican leaders of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives announced late Saturday
that they will not be returning to session this year, a move that would appear to preclude any
possibility of lawmakers interceding in the 2020 election.
House Speaker Bryan Cutler, R-Quarryville, and Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff,
R-Bellefonte, released a joint statement saying that they would not be calling their chamber to
Harrisburg on Monday, the final possible day for the 2019-20 session of the Legislature to
"We are physically unable to consider any new legislation before the end of session," they
wrote in the statement. "A simple resolution takes three legislative days for consideration and
a concurrent resolution takes five legislative days to move through both chambers, which means
we do not have the time needed to address any new resolutions in our current session."
Article III, Section 4 of the state constitution requires that bills be considered on three
different days by each chamber. A simple resolution originates from a single chamber, while a
concurrent resolution must move through both.
After Monday, there can be no further meetings of the Legislature this year.
Article II, Section 4 , decrees that the 2021-22 session of the Legislature will begin on
the first Tuesday of January, which will be Jan. 5, 2021.
Given that the House won't meet before the Electoral College gathers to pick the next
president Dec. 14, President Donald Trump's hopes that state lawmakers in Pennsylvania would
step in and choose electors appear to be dashed.
As The Epoch Times' Ivan Pentchoukov reports , the text of the resolution, first previewed
in a memo on Nov. 27, states that the executive and judicial branches of the Keystone State's
government usurped the legislature's constitutional power to set the rules of the election.
"Officials in the Executive and Judicial Branches of the Commonwealth infringed upon the
General Assembly's authority under the Constitution of the United States by unlawfully
changing the rules governing the November 3, 2020, election in the Commonwealth," the
resolution ( pdf )
The resolution calls on the secretary of the Commonwealth to withdraw the "premature
certification " of
the presidential election and delay certifying other races , declares the 2020 election to be
in dispute, and urges the U.S. Congress "to declare the selection of presidential electors in
this Commonwealth to be in dispute."
Members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly said in a statement, "A number of compromises
of Pennsylvania's election laws took place during the 2020 General Election. The documented
irregularities and improprieties associated with mail-in balloting, pre-canvassing, and
canvassing have undermined our elector process and, as a result, we cannot accept certification
of the results in statewide races."
They added, "We believe this moment is pivotal and important enough that the General
Assembly needs to take extraordinary measures to answer these extraordinary questions. We also
believe our representative oversight duty as Pennsylvania's legislative branch of government
demands us to re-assume our constitutional authority and take immediate action."
The proposed text lists three steps taken by the judicial and executive branches to change
the rules of the election.
First, on Sept. 17 , the Pennsylvania Supreme Court "unlawfully and unilaterally" extended
the deadline by which mail ballots could be received, mandated that ballots without a
postmark would be treated as timely, and allowed for ballots without a verified voter
signature to be accepted, the resolution says.
Second, on Oct. 23, upon a petition from the secretary of the commonwealth, the
Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that signatures on mail-in ballots need not be
And third, on Nov. 2, the secretary of the commonwealth "encouraged certain counties to
notify party and candidate representatives of mail-in voters whose ballots contained
defects," the resolution says.
All of the changes are contrary to the Pennsylvania Election Code, which requires mail-in
ballots to be received at 8 p.m. on Election Day, mandates that signatures on the mail-in
ballots be authenticated, and forbids the counting of defective mail-in ballots.
The resolution also lists a variety of election irregularities and potential fraud,
including the issues brought up by witnesses during the hearing before the Pennsylvania Senate
Majority Policy Committee on Nov. 25.
"On November 24, 2020, the Secretary of the Commonwealth unilaterally and prematurely
certified results of the November 3, 2020 election regarding presidential electors despite
ongoing litigation," the resolution states.
"The Pennsylvania House of Representatives has the duty to ensure that no citizen of this
Commonwealth is disenfranchised, to insist that all elections are conducted according to the
law, and to satisfy the general public that every legal vote is counted accurately."
Pennsylvania State Sen. Doug Mastriano, a Republican, said Friday that the GOP-controlled
state legislature will make a bid to reclaim its power to appoint the state's electors to the
Electoral College, saying they could start the process on Nov. 30.
"So, we're gonna do a resolution between the House and Senate, hopefully today," he told
Steve Bannon's War Room on Friday.
Lt General Thomas McInerney and Lt General Michael Flynn gave interviews to WVW Broadcasting
Network today. It was Flynn's first interview since his pardon.
In stunning testimony, McInerney stated his sources have told him U.S. Army Special Forces,
possibly the famed Delta Force, raided the CIA-run server farm in Frankfurt, Germany.
5 soldiers were killed in the ensuing firefight, as well as one CIA paramilitary; the CIA
personnel were allegedly flown in from Afghanistan for security, according to related news
Subsequent review of the secured servers yielded proof that China, Iran, and Russia were
involved in the attempted coup against President Donald Trump, who will be shown to have won an
overwhelming victory for the American people, McInerney revealed.
"These people have committed treason," declared McInerney. He pleaded with President Trump
to not leave office until the treason is uncovered, otherwise America will be fatally wounded
and ripe for takeover by our enemies.
McInerney also stated that he believes President Trump knew the steal was coming, hence his
executive order issued for sanctions for interference in our elections by foreign powers.
According to his bio, McInerney was a forward air controller and fighter pilot during the
Vietnam War and had flown 407 combat missions during his four tours of duty. In other words, a
patriot and trustworthy.
Reports are now circulating that General Flynn is involved in helping the President with a
private intelligence operation. (
Click to Source )
The 57-year-old multimillionaire also appeared on several podcasts, including a November
23 appearance in which he said: "I'm a free agent, and I'm self-funded, and I'm funding this
army of various odd people," according to the
Daily Beast .
"It's really going to make a great movie someday," he added.
Byrne claims he's funding teams of "hackers and crackers" who realized all the way back
in August that Dominion voting machines could be used to steal the election from Trump .
Since the election, those voting machines have figured prominently in Trump supporters'
allegations of fraud, despite the company's repeated denials and any actual proof the
voting tallies were changed. -
Daily Beast
Byrne says he's been communicating with former Trump attorney Sidney Powell for weeks -
who last week
filed two lawsuits in Michigan and Georgia alleging massive schemes to rig the election
for Joe Biden.
According to Powell's Georgia lawsuit: "Old-fashioned ballot-stuffing" has been "
amplified and rendered virtually invisible by computer software created and run by domestic
and foreign actors for that very purpose," adding that "Mathematical and statistical
anomalies rising to the level of impossibilities, as shown by affidavits of multiple
witnesses, documentation, and expert testimony evince this scheme across the state of
In Michigan, Powell claims that "hundreds of thousands of illegal, ineligible, duplicate,
or purely fictitious ballots" enabled by "massive election fraud" facilitated Biden's win in
the state.
The suit claimed that election software and hardware from Dominion Voting Systems used by
the Michigan Board of State Canvassers helped facilitate the fraud.
Speaking to Christopher McDonald of The McFiles in a recent interview, the former head
of a $200 billion e-commerce company that has never once gotten hacked revealed that
Dominion Voting Systems were used to perform a "Drop and Roll" technique of voter fraud
that slyly padded the vote for Biden in at least five key swing areas of the country.
Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, and Maricopa County, Arizona (Phoenix) were
all rigged prior to election day to strip President Trump of his rightful win in each of
these states. Byrne also mentioned Clark County, Nevada (Las Vegas) as another election
fraud locale, though this one was more secondary.
According to Byrne, who is not a supporter of President Trump but rather a "small l"
libertarian, these five (or six if you include Clark County) areas are where a bulk of the
election fraud took place. It did not have to be widespread because these were the key
swing areas that Biden needed to "win" in order to steal the election.
" By cheating those five counties, you flip five key states, you flip the electoral
college, " Byrne says. " In places where Trump lost by 10,000, there may be 300,000 fake,
illegal votes for Biden. So this isn't even close. "
He further contends that the election systems that govern elections in America "are a
joke," especially those run by Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic software.
* * *
Is Byrne's 'army' Sidney Powell's research team?
MadameDeficit , 4 hours ago
Do you really believe she was a Russian guns rights activist?
Doom Porn Star , 2 hours ago
Does it matter what I think about Butina? What matters is what I think about Byrne.
WHY did the FBI / DOJ need Byrne to spy for them?
What did Byrne get out of it? We may not know who Butina was working for; but, we sure
do know who Byrne said he was working for.
Trump did NOT get money for speeches in Russia. -Bill Clinton did.
Trump did NOT get money from the wife of the Mayor of Moscow. -Hunter Biden did.
Trump did NOT sell off Uranium assets in the USA to Russian businessmen. -Hillary
Clinton did.
Trump Jr. did NOT get a high paying no show gig @ Bursima. -Hunter Biden did.
"In a strange, post-Mueller twist, the conviction of Maria Butina , the redheaded gun
nerd and
unregistered Russian agent , has led to the resignation of a prominent e-commerce
executive. On Thursday, Overstock.com
CEO Patrick Byrne announced
that he would step down from the company he founded, days after
releasing a bizarre statement describing his involvement with Butina, the "Deep State,"
"Men in Black," and Russian-linked "political espionage" campaigns against Hillary Clinton
and Donald Trump. In a
letter to shareholders, Byrne lamented that his continued presence at the company "may
affect and complicate all manner of business relationships."
"While I believe that I did what was necessary for the good of the country, for the good
of the firm, I am in the sad position of having to sever ties with Overstock, both as CEO
and board member," Byrne
said in the statement. The company's stock price had plummeted
more than 40% in the days after Byrne first revealed his participation, earlier this
month, in what he called a "political espionage" case involving Russia. Following his
resignation, the company's market capitalization soared
more than 8% .
It was an ignominious end for Byrne, a celebrity in Libertarian circles, whose
labyrinthine involvement in the Russia scandal is difficult to verify. In an
interview with journalist and Fox News contributor Sara Carter published last month,
Byrne said he had been approached by Butina at FreedomFest in 2015, and came to suspect
that she might be a Russian agent. Byrne reached out to the FBI to share his concerns, but,
he said, was told to carry on with the relationship and report back. Over the next three
years, he and Butina had a sporadic intimate relationship.
The story gets weirder from there. Byrne said he came to have doubts about his
"nonstandard" relationship with the FBI and the intelligence community. He told Carter that
he believed he "was being used in some sort of soft coup" against Trump. (Butina's lawyer
confirmed the two had a relationship, while the Department of Justice said it could not
It wasn't until Byrne appeared on Fox Business
Network, about two weeks later, that investors got spooked. Byrne claimed to have turned
over evidence of a conspiracy involving Clinton and Trump. "I think we're about to see the
biggest scandal in American history," Byrne told host David Asman. "Everything you think
you know about Russia and Clinton investigations is a lie.... it was all political
espionage. I think [Attorney General William Barr ] has gotten to the bottom of it."
SO, Patrick Byrne the Deep State tool is back with another bombshell?
What happened to the last bombshell?
ALL Byrne has done so far is get in bed with the FBI / DOJ Russiagate team and get a
Russian woman he was ckufing sent to prison and deported.
MadameDeficit , 2 hours ago
It's definitely a strange situation and relevant in terms of Byrne's potential
motivation, but who she was working for is the most important question.
The whole thing reeks of Deep State entrapment so...I'll give him the benefit of the
doubt for now.
Misesmissesme , 7 hours ago
So sad, that with all this evidence, a private citizen has to go to these lengths
because Barr and Wray are so far in the pockets of the deep state.
"There are many questions that are currently unanswered but there is one fact:
IF military personnel were killed by the CIA,
THEN the civil war between the people, the Deep State (and by extension, Russia, China
& Iran) has started."
Doom Porn Star , 7 hours ago
Patrick Byrne wasn't a free agent when he helped the FBI send Russian guns rights
activist Maria Butina to prison as part of the RussiaGate hysteria that was initiated by
Hillary Clinton to discredit and villainize Trump.
littlewing , 7 hours ago
Barr is a Bushie.
Go watch the Bush Sr. funeral again and the cards they got during.
Watch Biden get a card too, because the Bush Dynasty was both parties.
Clinton, Obama were also part of it.
Carter wondering why he didn't get one, turns to his wife and she didn't get one.
Notice Pence gets a card too, he is part of it.
Notice **** Cheney very aware of what is happening.
Dave Janda who worked in GHW Bush admin said he was a really bad guy and was involved in
human trafficking too.
Sick Monkey , 6 hours ago
The boards on these machines are quite simple like a phone. They were reset asap along
with any server data.
Nothing to see here unless operators are complete idiots. You need one of the boards to
check for wireless device maybe but I doubt it.
One of Gulliani's witnesses said he witnessed usb dives inserted 24 times without proper
chain of custody.
That's about as close as anyone will get to anything useful on the hardware.
Son of Loki , 7 hours ago
Dominion execs testified in Congress twice their machines could easily be hacked. Given
the data we have so far, there is zero probability that Biden won with legal votes.
Someone Else , 6 hours ago
This is all catching on like wild fire for many people. Sadly not for many others. If
you watch MSM (if you must) they still preface everything with "without evidence" and
"baseless". We know that simply isn't the case but a lot of people who hear this enough
believe it.
This is sewing discord between us who know and those kept in the dark. And its going to
get real ugly. It's a crime what the MSM is doing. Almost like programming mindless
soldiers with the WRONG program.
Doom Porn Star , 7 hours ago
Patrick Byrne, former CEO of Overstock.com , is an FBI stooge. He set up Maria Butina as
part of the RussiaGate disinfo campaign.
Leftsmasher , 6 hours ago
570,000 Pennsylvania votes For Biden in two hours in the early morning is not "slyly"
when the machines count 3000 per hour.
Ceickets feom Barr, busy getting ready for his next gig.
ze_vodka , 4 hours ago
At this point, we all need to realize that the election was entirely fake... and that
they are never going to let the fraud be pulled back.
There are two choices left:
1. Accept their dystopian future for us Deplorables (across the globe, not just the
2. Start doing something about it... start small and locally.
Onthebeach6 , 7 hours ago
The IT evidence is now overwhelming and I imagine it will be explained in detail to each
of the Legislatures.
If Biden stood down now it might save the Democrats but I doubt Xi would contemplate the
johnny two shoes , 7 hours ago
Of course that daily beast article frames it differently-
Former Overstock.com CEO Patrick
Byrne left behind a cloud of confusion when he
resigned in 2019 from the internet retailer he'd founded after panicking investors with
his bizarre claims that he had romanced a Russian agent at the behest of "Men in Black"
working for the United States government.
Now he's back...
but it's noteworthy that the narrative has been breached at the daily beast- that Trump
might be able to prove fraud.
philipat , 6 hours ago
It's a bit late for hackers isn't it? The machines are already off-line and probably
already wiped in most cases ('in compliance with standard operating procedures").
MAYBE, the CIA machines seized in the DOD raids in Frankfurt and Barcelona might confirm
"intervention" but we're running out of time. We'll see. Very soon.
philipat , 6 hours ago
He's also dodgier than a 3 Dollar Bill and has a VERY chequered past with allegations of
CIA involvement. It should be of concern that he is involved/
SurfingUSA , 7 hours ago
You know who could SERIOUSLY use a donation, since Matt Braynard also seems well-funded,
as well as Sidney Powell. Is Right Side Broadcasting, the ONLY outfit that is covering the
PA & AZ Legislative hearings.
We need an accurate, trustworthy voting system, no matter whether both "major" parties
are a fake uniparty and both candidates suck.
ReadyForHillary , 7 hours ago
And all results must be open to full audit by independent parties. Otherwise, no
Machines, code, ballots, signatures, everything. Individuals should be able to go online
and check that their vote (or lack thereof) is accurate.
B52Minot , 7 hours ago
I am surprised as others about the silence of Barr....and Durham....two folks who should
be all over this sorted and corrupt elections in which the Dem-China folks STOLE the
election....and the evidence is THERE yet the Feds are so SO silent......makes no
sense...and even Trump is wonder where they are when these folks work for HIM. Either Trump
is play acting and the Barr/Durham folks are presenting something HUGE or their sense of
defending our Republic and Constitution from these thieves is beyond distorted...it would
be so SO un-Patriotic and un-American......Either they are silent doing God's work to
defend this Country(and will show it soon) or they truly have lost their faith in this
Great Nation.
Doom Porn Star , 35 minutes ago
I'm quite familiar with DeepCapture.
Byrne has been kvetching about Overstock being being the target of naked short selling
and such for years. Old news. He's supposed to have plenty of money. I guess they didn't
short his stack or he figured out how to hedge his position.
IMO, the guy is limited hangout or diversion/disinfo.
He quarterbacks for the swamp. Then he doesn't?
Known for running a successful honeypot trap for the Deep State.
Walking around with almost as much money as Jeffery Epstein?
I can't stand Powell, the American Thinker, or this math genius. They are making so many
sensationalistic assertions, wreaks of propaganda, using phrases designed to stir up
But with all her warts and penchant for self-promotion, Powell collected a very
interesting stack of evidence. Her filing are historically important documents for any study
of 2020 US Presidential Elections. Looks like in large cities Dems overplayed their hand with
mail-in ballots. And this is provable.
That probably will not change the result of election as courts are reluctant to interfere
in such cases, but it does make Biden victory a Pyrrhic victory. He will come to power as
semi-illegitimate President, possibly with hostile to him Senate controlled by Republicans.
Who probably will derail any of his initiative anyway, even if we assume that he has the
courage to put any( I actually do not think so; he is a neoliberal, neocon and warmonger ).
So forget about ending wars, securing more jobs by infrastructure upgrades, addressing mass
unemployment, strengthening Social security, upgrading Medicare, fixing Obamacare. That will
be Obama II or "Health of American global neoliberal empire is all the matter"
Looks like God has a very dark sense of humor, but DNC plutocrats might later regret about
derailing Tulsi, Warren, and Sanders. By fixing Primaries (probably the same methods were
used ;-) and propping semi-senile Biden they created unpredictable and dangerous situation,
while simultaneously discrediting the US election system.
How it will develop is completely unclear, but the crisis of neoliberalism and stagnation
of the US economy will stay as two critical factors. So this reminds me zugzwang situation in
Moreover, even in a narrow context of elections, there are no good moves by Biden and all
Obama honchos, as they were involved with Russiagate and Trump has a moral upper hand and he
has the initiative.
Also the quote "Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad." is probably applicable
here too. Biden behaves like nothing changed since 2016 and "Full Spectrum Dominance"
policies (aka restoring American leadership) will work, which is a very dangerous
BTW there are discussions of Powell's filings and what it means for neoliberal Dems on
YouTube by several pretty upscale lawyers, that I would recommend to listen to, if you have
no time to read both documents.
The FBI has apparently reached out to a conservative organization and requested information
that supposedly proves that Joe Biden won the presidential election using "hundreds of
thousands of potentially fraudulent ballots."
In the uncertain days after this month's presidential election, the Amistad Project of the
Thomas More Society – a conservative legal nonprofit – teamed up with data analyst
and former Trump campaign aide Matt Braynard to gather evidence of alleged voter fraud by the
Democratic Party.
Braynard's data was used to inform a number of lawsuits by the Amistad Project, including
cases in Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, and the FBI is now apparently taking
an interest in his research.
"The @FBI has proactively and directly requested from me the VIP findings that indicates
illegal ballots," Braynard tweeted on Sunday, with "VIP" a reference to his
investigation, which he named the "Voter Integrity Project."
In a tweet later on Sunday, Amistad Project Director Phillip Kline said that Braynard's data
will be passed on to the agency. Kline added that the data "has been used to identify
hundreds of thousands of potentially fraudulent ballots in the states where we filed
Braynard's announcement is the first sign that the FBI may be taking an active interest in
pursuing allegations of voter fraud. Earlier on Sunday, President Trump decried the agency, as
well as the Justice Department, for their apparent inaction. Both the FBI and DOJ are
"missing in action," he said, calling the lack of criminal investigation
What the FBI decides to do with Braynard's information is unknown. Likewise, it is unclear
how rigorous a case for fraud the former Trump aide's data makes. Braynard announced earlier
that he will present this data to members of the Arizona State Legislature on Monday, as
Arizona's secretary of state prepares to certify Biden's apparent win in the state.
Should Trump's legal options fail and the Electoral College certify Biden as victorious when
it meets next month, Trump told reporters on Thursday that he would cede the presidency to his
Democratic rival. However, Trump warned that certifying a Biden win would be a
"mistake," and compared the election to a vote in "a third-world country."
Count_Cash 1 hour ago 29 Nov, 2020 04:48 PM
More investigations, the more transparency the better. I can't see why anybody would object
to an FBI investigation covering election fraud. It does seem strange that there are loads of
allegations, loads of affidavits and loads of court cases flying around and the FBI or DOJ
are not looking into things.
What grieves me, is the direct indications that the justice system is partisan, and true
honest justice is null and void!
Bogie19 Count_Cash 50 minutes ago 29 Nov, 2020 05:23 PM
At this moment FBI @CIA are investigating the whole election and results , do you not trust
the security services' of the USA, if your answer is no, then you are a revolutionist, hope
that is not so, for your sake.
gambarota 1 hour ago 29 Nov, 2020 04:43 PM
trump's mistake . he did not take control of doj and fbi . on the other hand nobody will be
able to accuse him of perverting justice.
trecasreca gambarota 54 minutes ago 29 Nov, 2020 05:19 PM
He has control over the government, but no one in his right mind will follow him. Smart
people see that all this fuss was caused by his narcissism, not because there was some kind
of mass theft of votes. Dozens of judges checked everything his lawyers presented and all but
one lady said the same thing. No evidence, go home.
Averagewhite 43 minutes ago 29 Nov, 2020 05:30 PM
The question of voting fraud must be answered to protect the integrity of the voting system.
If you do not investigate allegations of such fraud, you cannot ensure that integrity.
Anybody can investigate, but if their declared findings are true or not would be my
White Elk 33 minutes ago 29 Nov, 2020 05:40 PM
They did not do their job with Kennedy assassination, they did not do their job on 9/11, they
were slow or dumb during so called Russia gate, they were like deaf during a case of voter
fraud made by the President himself. Maybe a few of their high ranking officials should be
investigated? Is this a marshy area due to be drained?
Thesheperd666 53 minutes ago 29 Nov, 2020 05:20 PM
Are they gathering information for a real investigation or are they gathering up a huge "Wet"
list for Hillary and others ? Strange how all the sudden the FBI wants to see what Trump has
as evidence after all this time has expired. If I was a witness I would be running for the
hills now !
To me, I question the FBI motive.... what is their real secret agenda?
velos 1 hour ago 29 Nov, 2020 04:51 PM
Opinion says: In November 2020 election, for the election of the President of the United
States, a group of politicians, heads of state and media, completely humiliated the USA. !!
and the image of serious country, is in danger of completely collapse.!!! about elections,
now all people in world know what has happened!!
Personally, I see the US image as haveing been greatly humiliating a long time ago!
T. Agee Kaye 35 minutes ago 29 Nov, 2020 05:38 PM
The FBI needs to visit the PA universities, and probably a great many others in the nation,
and start asking questions about what was encouraged and happened there.
The answer is that they concentrated on mail-in fraud for Presidential candidate in selected
battleground states with large cities controlled by Democrats and states with Democratic
governor. Florida does not have a democratic governor. But Orlando has a democratic major; BTW
Florida uses Dominion too Certified
Voting Systems and Vendors - Division of Elections - Florida Department of State
I do not understand why you think the Democrats rigged the election. Did they rig it so
Republicans would win 11 new house seats? Did they rig it so Republicans would win in NC,
Texas and Florida? Are all of the courts in collusion with the Democrats? There is no real
evidence except for Giuliani and his wacky ideas. Let it go the the Supreme Court as Trump
wants I don't think they will even touch it. Trump lost, Biden won. It is as simple as that.
It is definitely
no fun to lose, but Trump will survive and probably make a lot of money in the process.
They rigged the presidential election. I don't care about Trump. He is relatively
unimportant. It is the loss of control to you leftists that I fear and will resist.
Your colleague Laura Wilson asks why the Dems did not rig all the elections up and down
the ticket. Simple. This is an immense task. They simply did not have the resources or the
time time to do all that.
I share the colonel's suspicion that our judiciary will ultimately fall short when it comes
to providing a just remedy for the most widespread reports and evidence of election fraud
I've witnessed in my lifetime. The dismissive, jocular attitude that prevailed when Cook
County, IL corruption was thought to have delivered victory to Kennedy over Nixon in 1960 is
a harbinger, and seems small-scale compared to what's happened 60 years later. I hope the GA
runoffs will avoid the corruption that seems to have taken place there earlier this month. A
win by the Democrats will be catastrophic.
Like the very disappointing AG Barr - he who's given a lot of lip service and little else
to the issue of government corruption/malfeasance we've witnessed these past few years -
negligence, cowardice, resignation, laziness, complicity or a combination seem to guide those
who we've unfortunately had to entrust to establish justice and to hold criminal wrongdoing
accountable. Barr talks the talk but if he lets this election go by without making an effort
to get to the truth, he has failed miserably.
The political, corporate and media establishment seem to resent that Deplorables refuse to
be kept in the dark, refuse to acquiesce to their agendas. The censorious CEOs of social and
mainstream media are trying to keep a tight lid on awareness of these matters of corruption.
Could their efforts backfire and result in a boiling over?
I can't help but suspect that Obama and his minions are behind much of the ballot box
stuffing/miscounting type of voter fraud that's allegedly occurred. The former community
organizer could've easily waged a secret campaign to enlist accomplices all over the US who
were willing to commit fraud to get Biden, and thus Obama's favorite, Harris, elected. Is it
mere coincidence that the narcissistic former POTUS just happens to be promoting yet
another biography at this moment in time? I don't think so.
These people are seriously infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome. They were maniacally
focused on their sole obsession--dethroning the Orange King. I rather doubt that they thought
about the down-ballot races much at all.
Col, Your assessment of why the Dems stole only the Presidential election is flawed. Given
the theft claim is based upon access to vote-tabulating computer SW, it would be little
additional effort to "do unto down-ballot races what was visited upon the top". Same
algorithms... access to the db files... a few mods to executables & voila.
Face it... Trump was almost beaten by one of the worst candidates for pres in US history,
& then wore out his welcome w/ the electorate through hard work every day he was on the
job. HE blew it.
"... To the Democrats on this site who say "suck it up it's over, we won". You think they cheated for your benefit? You think that the same people who are morally bankrupted enough to send mobs against good innocent people, burn cities, attack the elderly and children, and conspire to steal an election, won't do the same to you once your usefulness is done? ..."
"... You aren't entitled to your own facts; only our own facts ~Libclowns ..."
J.B. Shurk ,
who frequently publishes at American Thinker , wrote
a knock-out article for The Federalist about Joe Biden's magical performance in the
election. You should read the whole article, but here are four things that don't pass the smell
1. Biden allegedly got 80 million votes, which is more than Obama received at his peak, in
2008 – and Biden did this despite losing minority voters to Donald Trump and trailing
Trump in voter enthusiasm.
2. Biden broke 60 years of precedent by winning nationally despite losing prodigiously in
bellwether states and counties. The last time this happened was when the mafia got out the
vote for John F. Kennedy in 1960.
3. Trump had extraordinary coattails, so much so that even the
New York Times admitted that the "Democrats Suffered Crushing Down-Ballot Losses Across
America." Think about that: Biden had no coattails and no enthusiasm, yet he allegedly won a
record number of votes. Smells fetid to me.
4. Biden barely made it through the primaries, while Trump soared, with Trump's
performance being a historically sure sign of voter enthusiasm and probable victory –
yet Biden, again, allegedly scored an equally historically strong victory.
At The Spectator , Patrick Basham, a professional pollster, also felt that
Biden's alleged win cannot pass the smell test. Again, this is a summary, so you should
read the original article:
5. Trump exceeded his original vote count by the largest margin for any incumbent in
American history. He got 10 million more votes than before; by contrast, Obama, in 2012, got
3.5 million fewer votes than in 2008.
6. Trump's support among blacks grew by 50%, while Biden's fell below the important
90%-mark that Democrat candidates need to secure victory.
7. In the Rust Belt, Biden lost black support everywhere except in Detroit, Philadelphia,
and Milwaukee. In those cities, every single black person apparently voted for Biden.
8. While pollsters can and do manipulate polling outcomes , non-polling
metrics (historical norms such as the economy, enthusiasm, etc.) have never been wrong
– only we're being told that this year was the exception.
9. The fact that Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia simultaneously
pretended to halt ballot counting while continuing to count is evidence of election fraud
10. Optical scanners were set to accept unverified, un-validated ballots.
11. The scanners were almost certainly programmed to fail to keep audit records.
12. In the contested states, the voting machines were alleged to have processed hundreds
of thousands of ballots within a short time, which is a physical impossibility.
14. Dominion and ES&S voting machines were created to have
back doors and specific functions to manipulate votes either at the machine or over the
15. Fox News's behavior on election night (refusing to call pro-Trump outcomes while
prematurely calling Arizona for Biden) was so abnormal that
Vegas oddsmakers instantly assumed that the fix was in.
17. There were
anomalies in Virginia that suggested that computers were subtracting votes from Trump
and, sometimes, giving them to Biden.
One analysis shows that voting machines in Michigan systematically removed votes from
Trump and handed them to Biden. I saw a rebuttal (which I cannot locate now) that purported
to debunk this but did so by using a different scale on the X-axis, which I found inherently
19. Over
100,000 Pennsylvania absentee ballots were returned either a day after they were mailed
out, on the day they were mailed out, or on the day before they were mailed out.
20. In all the contested areas, and at Dominion's website, Democrats have been
systematically failing to create or have destroyed all data that could be used to demonstrate
fraud. This
creates the legal presumption that the data do, in fact, show fraud.
PGR88 1 hour ago (Edited)
Here's another completely Furcked up statistic:
Biden won 17.4 percent of USA counties, a 220-year record low. He only won 524 counties
(out of 3,007 total in the USA), as opposed to the 873 counties Obama won in 2008. Yet, Biden
somehow outdid Obama in total votes and supposedly won a "landslide" in electoral college
Everybodys All American 1 hour ago
You only get eff-ed up stats like this when you have this kind of fraud. The senile Joe
Biden could not get a hundred people to his rallies. That is as telling as anything else
zerozerosevenhedgeBow1 33 minutes ago
The stench is overwhelming.
They can say or do anything and be as emboldened and fraudulent as they want. That's what
happens when there are no repercussions or deterrents. In the good old days, to instill
honesty and integrity, people and sometimes their whole family were executed, on display, in
the public square or found after a gruesome demise.
Most importantly, when the news and social media are silent and run the opposite
propaganda, then there is no crime awareness in most of the population, who get next to
nothing as far as news each day. As a result, law enforcement and legislators won't go
Hyzer 1 hour ago
21. PA sent out 1.8 million absentee ballots but counted 2.7 million.
fnsnook 1 hour ago
they got away with 9/11. do you think they care if this makes sense or not?
PigMan 53 minutes ago
To the Democrats on this site who say "suck it up it's over, we won". You think they
cheated for your benefit? You think that the same people who are morally bankrupted enough to
send mobs against good innocent people, burn cities, attack the elderly and children, and
conspire to steal an election, won't do the same to you once your usefulness is done?
History says you'll be building rafts for your grandchildren to help them escape what you
helped bring on them.
and now instead of just destroying the middle east we've got some more WMDs in the form of
the scamdemic which we're using to destroy nearly the entire planet
lennysrv 32 minutes ago remove link
"It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes."
--Attributed to Joseph Stalin
paul20854 25 minutes ago
Virginia had huge flips of votes in Fairfax County. 300,000+ for Biden and less than 10k
for Trump in a high income district. Phony. Fake. Fraud.
TedW 1 hour ago
Just In: Secretary of State Raffensperger Approves Extended Mail-in Voting, Ballot
TheZeitgeist 1 hour ago remove link
You aren't entitled to your own facts; only our own facts ~Libclowns
IridiumRebel 1 hour ago
"Facts do not cease to exist simply because they are ignored." ~Huxley
SamAdams 45 minutes ago (Edited)
Why is it so hard to believe that out of 570k votes received at 4am, all but 3k were for
So there were skirmish between DIA and CIA and some people got hurt, if we are to believe
this guy. Are some retired US generals engage in some kind of disinformation compaign ?
Lt Gen McInerney reported that US Special Forces 305 battalion attacked CIA server farm in
Germany in server seizure operation. 5 soldiers and 1 CIA service member were allegedly
killed during the operation.
Allegedly, the specialized software like Hammer and Scorecard was used on this facility.
Hammer and Scorecard were created by the U.S. intelligence contractors and could be used to
interfere in the U.S. presidential election in 2020.
"But the important thing is they identify China, Iran and Russia as being involved in
this and manipulating the votes. In addition, the U.S. special forces command seized a
server in Frankfurt, Germany, because they were sending this data from those five states or
six states through the internet to Spain, and into Frankfurt, Germany. Special operations
forces seized those facilities. So they have those servers. They know all the data they
were providing."
Lt. General Michael Flynn claimed in his first interview since President Trump's
"Everything that we are experiencing right now actually is more that just an assault on
President Trump. This is an assault on the American Republic."
Roberta M @BertmcdRm ·
Nov 28
Replying to @TheSharpEdge1 and
@5sahandful Incredible, isn't
it?!?! I've spread the word about this video all day. I hope everyone who has heard this, keep
retweeting it as much as possible! Scary stuff, if Biden succeeds! America is indeed, on the
Brink!!! George Papadopoulos
@GeorgePapa19 "I think there is probably something in the emails concerning George
Papadopoulos that maybe have her name in it," -- Senator Grassley On why CIA director Haspel is
refusing to release the documents the President ordered to be declassified. RDS Koffi @das_koffi · 16h Replying to @GeorgePapa19 A big mistake putting Haspel
in that position as CIA Director. Very disappointing. The damage is already done. The Golden Hand @BitcoinCultist ·
Replying to @GeorgePapa19 How
can the CIA refuse to declassify a document? Banana Republic. 1 5 32 RobinHodl - - DYOR @RobinHodl_ ·
Replying to @GeorgePapa19 She is
an employee, and insubordination is proper grounds for termination from employment. She should
be fired and the DoD should be brought in to secure the documents. Gary Winkelman @GaryWinkelman1 · 14h Replying
to @GeorgePapa19 She works for
the Queen? Station Chief in UK prior?
Fred -- Are you aware of DoD raids on 3 - letter server farms in Frankfurt - Barcelona -
Toronto and that these servers are now under analysis by the DIA?
Sydney Powell referenced early findings from the raids in her Georgia / Michigan lawsuits
and promised expert witnesses to follow in the Arizona Legislator meeting next week.
Meanwhile, the Legislator meeting in PA has generated bills in both PA houses to withdraw 20
electors from Biden and give them to Trump.
Condolences to the families of 3 - letter contractors and DoD patriots who died in the
Frankfurt confrontation. Congratulations to General Flynn retuned to the fight of suppressing
enemies foreign & domestic.
Note how he bypassed the problem of local administrators ( according to some data 2-6 for
each site ) manipulating votes. He also does not explain strange pause in countering of votes in
major battleground states. And the fact of deploying Dominion and other voting machines was at
attempt to control voters and voting.
Yes there are some heuristically arguments on the contrary. For example why Florida was
unaffected. But that does not change the fact that voting machines are evil and that they was
corruption during their acquisition.
It is unclear how with strait face he can claim that systems based on Microsoft windows and
connected to Internet can be secure. Or systems with Dominion technician having administrative
access and implementing patches on their own schedules.
Chris Krebs, a lifelong Republican, was put in charge of the agency handling election
security by President Trump two years ago. When Krebs said the 2020 election was the country's
most secure ever, Mr. Trump fired him. Now, Krebs speaks to Scott Pelley.
I actually do not know what actually happened, but your defense of Dominion is pure
technical nonsense and/or incompetence. This is a small office class system with consumer
hardware, consumer OS and consumer hardware (on top of which there is some proprietary
software) which is a dream for any intelligence agency to work with.
Petrel, "Condolences to the families of 3 - letter contractors and DoD patriots who died
in the Frankfurt confrontation. Congratulations to General Flynn retuned to the fight of
suppressing enemies foreign & domestic."
Could you please provide a source for this information? Thanks.
NancyK, The 2020 election is not yet over. I remember when the 2016 election was over,
there were no sour grapes from the Dems as I understand you have said. But what were those
tens of thousands of women wearing some sort of genital hat the day after, what was that
about? Why were they cheering a washed up entertainer named "Madonna" who was screaming and
threatening to burn down the White House. Another women, a not so funny one, carrying around
a severed Trump look alike head, did you laugh or just wish it were true? I distinctly
remember antifa destroying cars, business windows, etc, just some kids having fun, no?
I learned of a Japanese Admiral who said, "I'm afraid we're about to waken a sleeping
giant." I have to wonder if Biden isn't thinking the same thing.
It's a beautiful day in the Free State of Florida.
As Krebs discussed, on 60 Minutes: 92% of ballots were paper or backed by paper. All
the machine and hand recounts of paper ballots validated previous results. The machines were
accurate (enough) before, during and after the election and produced that same
I think we are all being spun by both sides so the truth is a little difficult. One has to
follow the actual court filings.
Actually a full recount has not yet happened in Georgia. They went through a canvass and a
post-election audit which all the news organizations are calling a full recount. A canvass is
looking for missing ballots, memory sticks, and the like. A post election audit takes a small
sample is not a full recount.
Monday, they will be wiping voting machines to actually scan all the ballots hence
more lawsuits to stop them from wiping the machines data so it can be preserved for
Since the actual action is not being reported in the main we have to look for it and I am
not 100% sure I am following it correctly myself. I am 100% sure not to believe much of
anything the MSM puts out.
So the second order nullifies the first order to preserve data. The machines will be wiped
30 November 2020 and the ballots will be fed to perform a full recount. Naturally no human
being wants to plow through his crap but as a former voter who gave up long ago I am
collecting evidence and understanding for my county election board.
It is quite a stretch for Trump but it is interesting to see these allegations which have
stretch back to at least 2006 in Congress.
What I remember happening is that at the end of the machine voting Trump had huge leads in
the 5 swing states prior to the counting of the mail in ballots. Counting was allegedly
stopped at around 11PM eastern time in the 5 swing states in question and then at 4am EST his
lead evaporated. The MSM was telling us for weeks Trump would win the machine voting but lose
the mail in. The pump was primed.
I think the fight is over were these votes injected from overseas through the Scytle
server, were 100% of the mail in ballots legitimate, and was it fair to keep the observers
from actually observing? They are also arguing the equal protection clause as used in
Granted Giuliani is a joke but Powell is no lightweight. Neither was Giuliani back in his
pre-depends days. Hopefully we will obtain some sanity in our voting systems next go around.
Somehow I doubt it.
AWS currently holds the sole contract to provide cloud computing services to a number of
intelligence agencies, including the FBI and the NSA. That contract is set to expire in 2023
and this new award – managed by the CIA – will further weaken Amazon's once
privileged position in the federal money sweepstakes, which had already taken a hard hit when
Microsoft was unexpectedly chosen over Bezos' company for the Department of Defense's own cloud
services contract for the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) program.
The Central Intelligence Agency will take full advantage of its access to money without
oversight to disburse the government funds at the agency's discretion. Although speculated to
rise into the tens of billions, the CIA has no plans to disclose the real value of the C2E
contracts. The Commercial Cloud Enterprise (C2E) procurement program was unveiled in February
by the premier U.S. spy agency in a bid to establish a cloud computing service platform for the
country's intelligence agencies separate from JEDI, which remains enmeshed in a protracted
legal contest with AWS and is two years behind implementation.
... ... ...
In fact, such practices are an intrinsic part of the military industrial complex and its
historical origins at the height of the British empire. The start of the Glorious Revolution in
1688 marked the beginning of 125 years of constant war for the global superpower of the day and
the slow but inexorable rise of an industry of war made up exclusively of freelancers who would
make the guns, rifles, and bullets their bloodthirsty Queen required.
As the empire grew, the processes for the production of weapons underwent a dramatic change
from artisanal modes to full-fledged factory-style production; all spurred by the biggest army
and navy in the world, which was pillaging and extracting resources to fuel the burgeoning
enterprise of capitalism.
This period also fine-tuned the relationship between the state and independent contractors,
with the former establishing laws governing them in order to leverage their overwhelming
advantage. Other strategies were also employed to both suppress the price the Crown paid for
materiel and to make sure that no single contractor held too big a stake in the supply
In her book
"Empire of Guns," Priya Satia details this entire process and destroys the myth that the
Industrial Revolution was the result of a cotton-picking machine when even a cursory look at
the history shows that it was guns and a state engaged in perpetual war that laid the
foundations of our current economic paradigm.
Now, we stand on the threshold of the so-called "Fourth Industrial Revolution" in a world
that has perfected weapons of war to atomic levels. New 'cyberweapons' are being forged and it
is only fitting that the war industry, led today by the United States, would return to its
origins to maintain its own monopoly on human suffering and devastation in the name of
Return to the roots
The public-private partnership has been another significant trend that also mirrors a
ubiquitous trend in Victorian England. But, in today's world, a parallel legal system has grown
alongside the state's war industry and is also now at the disposal of the corporations who wish
to dispute any deal, leading to considerable delays in the execution of contracts.
Cases like the JEDI suit affect the military readiness goals of the national security state
if it cannot move forward with a particular initiative due to litigation. Another recent case
is holding up the Cybersecurity Infrastructure and Security Agency's (CISA) efforts to
centralize inflow and outflow of data regarding cyber-threats.
October , the Government Services Agency (GSA), awarded a $13 Million-dollar contract to a
company called EnDyna to "create a centralized database that agencies can use to report,
discover and take actions against cyber threat information." A much larger competitor,
HackerOne, filed a protest questioning the award on grounds of failure to meet eligibility
requirements and the smaller company's competence to carry out the work.
Technicalities like these can hold up a project in court for years, so it makes perfect
sense for the state-run war industry to return to its roots and apply the tried and true
principles of divide and conquer against the people making their guns, whether real or virtual.
By taking the first few spots on the Big Tech pecking order and putting them in a room to duke
it out for a government contract, the war establishment is recognizing the growing power of
these firms and is unleashing the CIA to curb it and diminish threats to the supply chain of
the twenty-first century's permanent war economy.
Feature photo | The Central Intelligence Agency flag is displayed, partially cast in a
shadow. David Goldman | AP
Raul Diego is a MintPress News Staff Writer, independent photojournalist, researcher,
writer and documentary filmmaker.
"Interesting . . . Trump margin of "defeat" in 4 states occurred in 4 data dumps between
1:34-6:31 AM. Statistical anomaly? Fraud? Look at the evidence and decide for yourself.(That
is, if Big Tech allows u to read this) Anomalies in Vote Counts;
On cue, Twitter slapped a "this claim about election fraud is disputed."
Twitter has been using that to reject Republican attempts to contest the presidential
election results amid evidence of illegal votes, including from those who are deceased,
unconstitutional election law changes forced by courts and Democrat officials against the will
of the state legislatures, and questions about election voting systems.
The voting anamolies outlined by the report linked to by Paul are:
"An update in Michigan listed as of 6:31AM Eastern Time on November 4th, 2020, which
shows 141,258 votes for Joe Biden and 5,968 votes for Donald Trump
An update in Wisconsin listed as 3:42AM Central Time on November 4th, 2020, which shows
143,379 votes for Joe Biden and 25,163 votes for Donald Trump
A vote update in Georgia listed at 1:34AM Eastern Time on November 4th, 2020, which
shows 136,155 votes for Joe Biden and 29,115 votes for Donald Trump
An update in Michigan listed as of 3:50AM Eastern Time on November 4th, 2020, which
shows 54,497 votes for Joe Biden and 4,718 votes for Donald Trump"
According to the data study:
"In particular, we are able to quantify the extent of compliance with this property and
discover that, of the 8,954 vote updates used in the analysis, these four decisive updates
were the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 7th most anomalous updates in the entire data set. Not only does
each of these vote updates not follow the generally observed pattern, but the anomalous
behavior of these updates is particularly extreme. That is, these vote updates are outliers
of the outliers."
"... The $107 million contract awarded by Georgia for Dominion Voting Systems should be thoroughly investigated for potential "benefits being paid to family members of those who signed the contract," according to former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell on Newsmax TV. ..."
"... "I think there are multiple people in the Secretary of State's office and other that should be investigated in Georgia for what benefits they might have received for giving Dominion the $100-million, no-bid contract," Powell said. ..."
"... The Atlanta-Journal Constitution reported in 2019, however, Georgia did receive three bids for the new voting systems, with Dominion winning on being "the lowest-cost system among three companies that submitted bids." ..."
"... That contract was pursued by the state after Stacey Abrams never conceded to Gov. Brian Kemp in the 2018 midterm elections, claiming the Secretary of State and Kemp unlawfully ''suppressed'' votes by voiding registrations found to be illegitimate. ..."
$107 million contract awarded by Georgia for Dominion Voting Systems should be thoroughly
investigated for potential "benefits being paid to family members of those who signed the
contract," according to former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell on Newsmax TV.
"There should be an investigation, a thorough criminal investigation, frankly, of everyone
involved in acquiring the Dominion [Voting] System for the state of Georgia," Powell told
Saturday's "The Count" hosted by Tom Basile and Mark Halperin.
"And frankly for every other state, giving how appalling the system is and the fact it was
designed to manipulate the votes and destroy the real votes of American citizens who were
casting legal votes."
Powell's investigation is turning up potential criminal allegations, including "money or
benefits being paid to family members of those who signed the contract for Georgia."
"I think there are multiple people in the Secretary of State's office and other that should
be investigated in Georgia for what benefits they might have received for giving Dominion the
$100-million, no-bid contract," Powell said.
The Atlanta-Journal Constitution reported in 2019, however, Georgia did receive three bids
for the new voting systems, with Dominion winning on being "the lowest-cost system among three
companies that submitted bids."
That contract was pursued by the state after Stacey Abrams never conceded to Gov. Brian Kemp
in the 2018 midterm elections, claiming the Secretary of State and Kemp unlawfully
''suppressed'' votes by voiding registrations found to be illegitimate.
24/Let's start with the relief requested (inside out, this is the quick way to read motions
since the relief requested dictates the relevance of everything else). They want impoundment
of voting machines, suggesting overall strategy (see above) of gathering discovery globally.
An experienced attorney analyzes Sidney Powell's legal filing in GA concerning the
electoral fraud aided and abetted by GA politicians and election officials. The 104-page PDF
can be found here . Note that she also filed
a lawsuit in MI , which is not analyzed here.
I have been a practicing attorney for 25+ years. The last 15 years I have spent mainly
federal court representing persons accused of crimes, so I am quite familiar with federal
court, federal procedure and other matters. Here is my take on Ms. Powell's complaint. I aim to
be dispassionate, not because I do not care but because we should be honest. I am not going to
smooth over issues just because I hope Ms. Powell wins.
My point is to give background and overview and to advise on what to watch in the future. I
have tried to make this post generally neutral and informative. I could not locate exhibits,
which are crucial, but they are cited many times in the complaint. So, here are my few
observations as an attorney with decades' in federal court:
1. In early October, 2020, a federal district judge in this same district (Northern District
of Georgia) ruled after several years of litigation that the Dominion software used to monitor
this election has substantial issues and it will affect an election. The Plaintiffs were
Democrats who filed suit in response to the 2016 election. They sought an order forcing Georgia
to use different software. They conducted discovery and hearings over years, including 3 days
of expert testimony about how these very voting machines work. The court ultimately denied the
request because it was simply too late to change the voting machines since the election at that
time was roughly a month away. New cases are supposed to be assigned to judges randomly but I
would not be surprised if this case were given to that particular judge since she spent so much
time reviewing the litigation and conducting evidentiary hearings. Her findings of fact could
be incorporated into this hearing under the legal theory of res judicata.
2. The complaint was clearly rushed. At times it was rough and unpolished. There were
numerous grammatical errors. But the gist is quite clear and it is clear that the lawyers
drafting the complaint certainly knew what they were doing. They dotted the 'I's and crossed
the 'T's so the complaint is not likely to be kicked on a procedural or jurisdictional claim
such as standing (a legal doctrine that says that someone who brings a lawsuit must have skin
in the game), but I would expect a more polished product if they had more time. However, the
copy I have does not have the blue ECF 'filed' stamp, so this may not be the final complaint
that gets filed. That becomes really important below.
3. The complaint makes good use of a wide variety of legal sources from both political
parties (specifically naming a statement from Democratic Senators Warren, Klobuchar and Wyden
from 2019) regarding Dominion software, including evidence from the previous litigation.
Essentially the plaintiffs say, among other things, "Look, for the past 15+ years, Republicans,
Democrats and a wide variety of international media groups have pointed out the problems with
Dominion software so it shouldn't be a surprise we are here. And the very problems they have
pointed out are problems we see in this election."
4. The complaint relies upon a variety of evidence to support its claim. One is an
examination of the history of Dominion software. another is expert testimony regarding the
voting patterns seen in this election. Another is eyewitness testimony of ballot switching.
Another is evidence of votes being case by ineligible persons. Another is evidence of a pattern
of similar conduct in several high population counties. Viewed together, Plaintiffs make a
strong case. But it's one thing to say something and another to prove it.
5. One area where plaintiffs do a good job is in pointing out the number of votes affected
by the alleged fraud. One reason this is crucial is that Biden's certified margin of victory in
Georgia was only about 12,000 votes. And the complaint does a good job of laying out
substantial procedural and constitutional irregularities with roughly 96,000 votes and further
problems with additional votes. The problematic votes far outnumber Biden's margin of victory,
which is hugely significant. Put another way, if Biden wins by 500,000 and they claim that
there are problems with 100,000 votes, even if those 100,000 votes are gone, Biden still wins.
If the problem votes are gone, Biden's victory may be gone as well. The complaint does a good
job of pointing out not just the alleged problems but the number of votes affected by those
6. What now? The plaintiffs are asking for an evidentiary hearing. That would allow them to
present evidence in the form of witness testimony, expert testimony and exhibits that would
support their claim. Because it is a civil case, they only have to prove their case by a
preponderance of evidence, that is, they only have to prove that it was more likely than not
that there was fraud and that the fraud influenced the election. They do not have to prove
their case beyond a reasonable doubt.
The court may refuse an evidentiary hearing, in which case Plaintiffs would appeal and argue
that they should be given hearing. Given the evidence laid out, I expect that the court will at
least order an evidentiary hearing that will be conducted on an expedited scale. (it helps that
there's an evidentiary hearing set in Nevada). After the evidentiary hearing, the court can
grant their request, which would be to de-certify the election and force a manual
re-count/audit overseen by independent auditors to verify each vote. Or the court could deny
it. Realistically this case is likely to be appealed, which is one reason that the District
(trial) court is likely to hold an evidentiary hearing. Because an appeal is almost certain no
matter who wins the case, the judge's legal decision in this case is likely not nearly as
important as the judge's factual decisions. The judge's factual decisions will likely be relied
upon by appellate judges even if they disagree with the judge's legal conclusions. If there is
an evidentiary hearing, pay careful attention to the judge's factual findings, especially as
described below.
7. What to look for. There are a few things to watch for if there is a hearing. For one,
federal (NOT state, and this is hugely important for federal jurisdiction) law requires that
all records related to the election of a President, VP and senators be kept for at least 22
months after an election. If the court sets a hearing, watch for a request for that evidence.
If the court orders an evidentiary hearing, I would expect the court would order that evidence
provided to the Plaintiffs and to the court. If that evidence is not provided, that is, if the
Georgia Division of Elections does not have the data that is required by the federal statutes,
there will be hell to pay. I cannot imagine that anybody would be so monumentally stupid as to
either erase such information or to not keep such information. However, Plaintiffs specifically
allege that the voting machines do not keep copies of original paper ballots and are designed
to avoid this audit trail. See ¶98 of the complaint. This is one area where the
complaint's rushed nature is an issue, although the complaint does not appear to be filed
because it's missing the blue ECF numbers showing it has been filed. Maybe the copy I got is
just a leaked rough draft.
In making this allegation, the complaint quotes some findings and includes a footnote that
should have the citation for what was quoted. That particular footnote, number 14, is missing.
Having worked with Word to include footnotes, it would not surprise me if it were deleted
accidentally during formatting. If this is the complaint that gets filed, I expect that given
the time constraints Plaintiffs counsel will soon seek to file an amended complaint and include
footnote 14. If that footnote is still missing, it looks really bad for Plaintiffs. If that
footnote is included and their allegations about the lack of a paper trial in Dominion machines
is true, that single factual finding alone is enough to derail any certified election results
from states relying upon Dominion machine. I am not joking. The statute that requires election
officials to keep records is a criminal statute, meaning that election officials who willfully
do not keep such records can go to prison. Whether they will or not is not the issue. The issue
is that this will be a crucial matter to look at because if nothing else, Plaintiffs can say,
"Here are major voter irregularities and if the defendants had followed the law, this court
would have had the evidence to determine whether these irregularities are just an odd
statistical coincidence or based on fraud. But defendants deprived the court of the ability to
do its job despite their clear legal obligation to do so." That's not really where the
defendants want to be.
The plaintiffs will also seek to compare votes cast with voter registration, specifically
people that have moved from Georgia and are no longer eligible to vote. Plaintiffs allege that
over 20,000 votes were cast by people who had moved out of Georgia and were no longer eligible
to vote. Strike those 20,000 votes as illegitimate and who knows what happens to Biden's lead.
These two issues are huge because they are black and white. There can be no reasonable dispute.
Either they have the records or they don't. Either 20,000 votes were cast by non-residents or
they weren't. If Plaintiffs can prove these two points, the court is likely to give them wider
latitude about other matters. If they can't prove these two points, Plaintiffs will find their
case is much harder than anticipated.
8. After that, there are other evidentiary issues on which the court may or may not take
evidence. Plaintiffs make a big deal about how the 'water leak' at election headquarters was
fraudulent and resulted in only a few people being along with voting machines for several
hours. I anticipate the court will take some evidence on that but it won't be enough for
Plaintiffs to prove that the voting machines were unsecured on election night through the
defendants' fraud. Plaintiffs will have to prove that during that time votes were actually
altered in some way, that is, deleted or switched from one candidate to another or added or
something and they must prove that the number of altered votes would be within the margin of
error for the Biden victory margin. This ties in with the audit trail. Put another way, if
Plaintiffs can show that: 1) the water leak was non-existent; 2) that as a result of the 'water
leak,' the machines were in the hands of just a few people for several hours; 3) that in those
hours the voting pattern changed dramatically and unpredictably, then Georgia better have those
machines and those machines better have an audit trail or some judges are not going to be
There are similar lawsuits pending in several other states and issues dovetail with this
one. A judge in Nevada has ordered an evidentiary hearing on December 3. That hearing focuses
upon fraud in mail-in ballots, which is not so much the focus here. The focus here is more on
problems with Dominion software, which will be harder to prove, although the lack of an audit
trail will be crucial for this issue. Plaintiffs will catch a big break if the judge who did
the litigation on Dominion software gets this case because the judge will know the issues with
Dominion and have the background to get up to speed quickly. If the judge who handled the
Dominion litigation handles this one, she would be able to get an opinion out fairly quickly
because she already wrote a 150 page opinion about the problems with Dominion. If she gets an
opinion out while litigation about Dominion is pending in other states or appellate courts,
look for Plaintiffs/Trump to use the decision to try to influence the other cases involving
Dominion, especially if she makes a factual finding that the machines do not have an audit
trail and this is by design.
I have no idea about the likelihood of success. Plaintiffs make an excellent argument. That
is, what they allege is indeed serious. It's not a complaint that you read and wonder "What the
hell were these lawyers smoking when they filed this?" Maybe Plaintiffs are wrong. Maybe they
can't prove what they allege. But that is different than "what were they smoking?" If they can
prove what they allege, the court has the power to grant their request to de-certify the
election and audit the votes. But courts are generally loathe to overturn elections. If the
Plaintiffs' evidence (key word is evidence, not allegations) ultimately comes down to really
improbable voting patterns, Plaintiffs are not likely to win. Plaintiffs need to be able to
say, "Here is how voter fraud occurred and here are the number of fraudulent votes
cast/changed/deleted/added because of that fraud." If they can't do both, or at least do both
in sufficient numbers to cast Biden's margin of victory into doubt in Georgia, they won't win.
If they can do both, this case will get real interesting real fast. If this court finds that
Dominion voting machines do not keep records that allow an audit of votes in a Presidential
election despite a clear federal statute to do so, then I truly have no idea where this ends
up. In that case, I am truly glad that RBG is not on the court any longer.
On one last note in an already too-long email, it will be irony of ironies if the Dominion
software litigation in Georgia turns out to be the key to this whole thing when it was
Democrats themselves who started that litigation in response to the 2017 election.
UPDATE: the shill response to the GA filing is "LOL, spelling errors!"
The one things judges hate, even the most conservatives ones, is when you start making a
mockery of the court. Going to court unprepared and will spelling errors is just going to get
on the judges bad side.
Oh, the irony.... The Dunning-Kruger is strong in this one.
UPDATE: This subsequent post by the original poster, made prior to the Powell filing,
appears to be accurate:
We haven't heard from the higher ups in hours. I haven't been told to worry yet, but the
shift around here is palpable. The suit is...comprehensive. A lot of it talks about the
Dominion software and the pay-to-play implications of having it installed in Georgia, the
modifications to the system and the alleged money that changed hands between officials at
dominion and state officials in Georgia. There's a lot of discussion about some executive for
Dominion that made a bunch of red flag modifications to the system right before the election
that were against protocols or something. Then there is a lot from whistleblowers who testify
to taking part in vote switching and ballot adding.
There are 8 references to Dominion CEO Eric Coomer across 4 pages of the filing. There is
also an amount of testimony from whistleblowers. B November 26, 2020 7:39 AM
"In early October, 2020, a federal district judge in this same district (Northern District
of Georgia) ruled after several years of litigation that the Dominion software used to monitor
this election has substantial issues and it will affect an election. The Plaintiffs were
Democrats who filed suit in response to the 2016 election. They sought an order forcing Georgia
to use different software. They conducted discovery and hearings over years, including 3 days
of expert testimony about how these very voting machines work. The court ultimately denied the
request because it was simply too late to change the voting machines since the election at that
time was roughly a month away."
So this judge ruled that the Dominion software could improperly affect an election but said it
was OK to use it in the November 2020 Presidential election "because it was simply too late to
change the voting machines since the election at that time was roughly a month away."
>> The courts and legislature will strain mightily to avoid a Rubicon crossing. This
is both good and bad for us.
Yeah, you have to be correct with this assessment. Yet, the other side is all-in, so even
with these forces doing their best to avoid chaos, chaos will still happen. The Globalists will
deny the courts and legislature findings that go against their wishes. I know you understand
The outcome: To stop the chaos that globalists will throw at the country, after they lose,
will take something almost the same as Crossing the Rubicon.
I read through both GA and MI last night. Their must have been a reason that they wanted to
file by midnight because both complaints looked very rushed and put together by sleep-deprived
attorneys, especially Michigan's.
Both are substantive and engage the enemy, focusing on the 14th. I'll pull the PACER
versions shortly and see if I can get the exhibits. Up from the pond November 26, 2020 10:32
"If the Plaintiffs' evidence (key word is evidence, not allegations) ultimately comes down
to really improbable voting patterns, Plaintiffs are not likely to win."
Yes, but getting geeks to understand that is like pulling teeth.
Another non-geeky suggestion: for the entire length of any hearing, the court needs to
experience the following. Hundreds of truckers clogging the streets around the courthouse,
blowing their horns continuously. And protestors gathered in the lobby with Trump flags,
chanting "STOP THE STEAL." Latigo3 November 26, 2020 10:55
Thank you for this post, a lot of information to digest, but well worth it. I think it has
been mentioned, but just the name chosen for the software company is interesting to say the
least. Looking at their page response for November 25th is funny, why is everything in bold
caps? Why are you having to shout so much? As Shakespeare wrote, "the lady doth protest too
much, methinks". Cinqueports November 26, 2020 11:40
1. The Complaint as filed should be available on PACER. I don't have my PACER login
information on my laptop, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to access it on my office
desktop. I doubt that this is the final filing - lawyers and their staff will almost always do
a spelling and grammar check in Word before converting to PDF for filing.
2. A Complaint like this is ordinarily accompanied by a motion for temporary restraining order
and preliminary injunction. A TRO can be granted ex parte for a period of 14 days and
extended for another 14 days for "good cause." A motion for a TRO must be accompanied by proof
that the opposing parties have been notified of the filing or that diligent efforts have been
made to provide such notice. This explains why the first poster would have had access to a copy
before the Complaint was filed.
3. The grant or denial of a TRO is not appealable. However, the grant or denial of a
preliminary injunction is immediately appealable. A court's failure to set a prompt date for a
hearing on preliminary injunction can be compelled by mandamus to the Circuit and by like
proceedings in SCOTUS if the Circuit fails to act promptly. The Circuit Justice for GA is
Thomas. That is important.
4. The attorney is correct that the Circuit and SCOTUS can reverse a District Court judge on
legal errors without any deference to the trial judge (plenary review). Factual findings may be
overturned for "clear error." Clear error is a high burden, but not impossible. If the evidence
supporting fraud is not dependent solely upon the credibility of witnesses (e.g., it is
corroborated by hard data that can be definitively authenticated) that burden is more easily
5. I have a slight disagreement regarding res judicata - which can only be applied if
the party or parties against whom it is invoked was a party to the original proceeding.
6. If the defendants cannot produce the required election audit trail then that raises the
issue of spoliation of evidence. If evidence that should be there cannot be found, then a
finder of fact can infer that had the records been produced they would have been unfavorable to
the party with a duty to produce them.
7. Missing records can be important in another way. A plaintiff need not prove a negative
proposition. If the records that could have either proved or disproved a fact go missing due to
malfeasance of any sort then the burden of proof can shift. And that is a legal proposition,
not a factual one (important for appeal purposes as noted above).
8. Whether the original poster is genuine or not is unknowable. But his story is entirely
A second lawyer writes of his initial impression of Powell's GA lawsuit.
This is a 104-page complaint, a firehose of information and allegations from a very
big-time lawyer. Anyone who tells you this is suit nothing or that they've grasped this
entire complaint after one night of reading is lying. This is going to take all weekend for
most intelligent people to read and grasp, including lawyers. I've not even completed reading
it, I'm taking it slow.
It's now blindingly obvious why the Trump campaign disassociated from Powell a few days
ago: they wanted this lawsuit to be officially unrelated to the campaign and its finances.
Trump and his campaign are not parties she's representing here, she's representing electors
in GA. Far from throwing her under the bus, they deliberately made her a completely free
radical, unencumbered by campaign rules and regulations and Swamp oversight. Like with Roger
Stone, she's outside the system.
This suit is a big reason why General Flynn was pardoned this week. Now, the corrupt
Flynn trial judge can't waste time or resources by demanding Powell file extra briefs or come
to court and distract her from this. That great Dem delay tactic has been neutralized; Powell
is all in on this.
Page 9, Paragraph 14. Holy shit.
For about 7 days now, the SJW defense rhetoric I've heard was, in part, "Oh yeah? When
they going to prove this in court? Put up or shut up." Now, after Rudy's hearings yesterday
and Powell's filing last night, they've put up----they put it on the line. Big time.
The Democratic party lawyers just shit their pants. Biden did as well, but he does that
every morning. Their Thanksgiving is officially ruined; they are all going to be working all
holiday weekend to file a response.
14.As explained and demonstrated in the accompanying redacted declaration of a
former electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experience
gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence, the Dominion software was accessed by
agents acting on behalf of China and Iran in order to monitor and manipulate elections,
including the most recent US general election in 2020. This Declaration further includes a
copy of the patent records for Dominion Systems in which Eric Coomer is listed as the first
of the inventors of Dominion Voting Systems. (See Attached hereto as Exh. 8, copy of
redacted witness affidavit, 17 pages, November 23, 2020).
Yeah I wondered about paragraph 14 as well. Former MIL intel person, hmmm...
- Former, but now or just very recently working for the NSA?
- Does this imply that they (NSA) captured real-time data going to and from the
Dominion counting sytems?
- Redacted? So there is probably top secret or compartmentalized info from an ongoing
or recently completed security operation? Which also implies that the former MIL is
still working in some capacity for a government agency capable of detecting this sort
of data.
The testimony of this person alone could blow the walls out and bring the roof
A conservative legal group filed a lawsuit Wednesday arguing that more than 200,000 votes in
Georgia may have been either illegally counted or improperly uncounted, a number that dwarfs
the current lead Joe Biden enjoys over President Trump in the state's official tally.
The Thomas More Society's Amistad Project announced its latest battleground state
litigation, claiming government data indicates that "well over 100,000 illegal votes [in
Georgia] were improperly counted, while tens of thousands of legal votes were not counted."
The alleged ballot errors "undercu[t] the integrity of the general election," Amistad
Project Director Phill Kline said in a press release.
The group alleged that "systematic failures by state and local election officials" were
facilitated by "private monies donated by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg through a leftist
organization called the Center for Tech and Civic Life." That group has been the subject of
scrutiny for its receipt of
hundreds of millions of dollars from Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan ostensibly to be
spent on local election infrastructure throughout the country.
"In early October, 2020, a federal district judge in this same district (Northern District
of Georgia) ruled after several years of litigation that the Dominion software used to monitor
this election has substantial issues and it will affect an election.
The Plaintiffs were
Democrats who filed suit in response to the 2016 election. They sought an order forcing Georgia
to use different software.
They conducted discovery and hearings over years, including 3 days
of expert testimony about how these very voting machines work. The court ultimately denied the
request because it was simply too late to change the voting machines since the election at that
time was roughly a month away."
So this judge ruled that the Dominion software could improperly affect an election but said it
was OK to use it in the November 2020 Presidential election "because it was simply too late to
change the voting machines since the election at that time was roughly a month away."
I'm a former litigator in Illinois...Obama "won" his first election against a popular
incumbent who was a civil rights pioneer by claiming fraud in her nominating petition
signatures, which is seldom successful...But Obama had friends...
In general, I agree that courts
are reluctant to overturn elections for vote fraud, despite the theoretically low standard of
proof, but that is more for personal, political and societal reasons than legal reasons...
Courage is not common anywhere in our society, and certainly not on the
Unfortunately, that has protected the politically connected fraudsters to the extent
that vote fraud has completely destroyed the two party system in Illinois, with Democrats
running everything and the State being bankrupt....
The same would happen if Democrats prevail
in this election.
Officials in Georgia have not been able to produce any invoices or work orders related to a "burst pipe" at Atlanta's State Farm
Arena that was blamed for an abrupt pause in vote counting on election night.
The only evidence for the burst pipe, released under freedom-of-information laws, was a text message exchange in which one senior
employee at the stadium described it as "highly exaggerated a slow leak that caused about an hour and a half delay" and that "we
contained it quickly – it did not spread".
"Beyond the lack of documentary evidence of the inspection or repair of a ruptured pipe, we are being asked to believe that there
is not one single picture of this allegedly ruptured pipe, at a time and in a place where virtually everything is recorded and documented,"
Georgia lawyer Paul Dzikowski, who obtained the text messages, told news.com.au in an email on Wednesday night.
Good article and good on GA lawyer and the Georgia Open Records Act requester!
Assuming that the deep state doesn't favour Biden, or pretending that the election wasn't
fixed in favour of the Democrats, is astonishingly misinformed. Also, should we defend the principle of democracy or not? Got a
better option?
Just before the election, I said that the main targets include the CIA, FBI, etc.
According to Powell, the Trump campaign has enough evidence to launch a serious criminal
"We're fixing to overturn the election results in multiple states and President Trump won by
not just hundreds of thousands of votes but my millions of votes that were shifted by this
software that was designed expressly for that purpose," Powell explained. "We have sworn
witness testimony about why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections."
According to Powell, the witness that the Trump team has is someone who has seen elections
rigged in other countries. Those same tactics and software were allegedly deployed to the
United States.
"They did this on purpose. It was calculated. They've done it before," she said. "We have
evidence of 2016 in California. We have so much evidence I feel like it's coming in through a
fire hose."
Sidney Powell interviewed by Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures: CIA May have Used
Dominion for Its Own Benefit
Nov 15, 2020
@5:25: [it] makes me wonder how much the CIA has used [this software] for its own benefit in
different places . . .
Hello Lost in a dark wood: Thanks for posting this interview. Notice how Ms Bartiromo is
pressuring Ms Powell to disclose sensitive legal information throughout the presentation? This
is one of the main reasons "investigative" journalism has been reduced to Facebook and Twitter
exercises in finger pointing. I guess a juicy news "scoop" sells more advertising
I repeatedly posted comment regarding fraudulent software used in early Die Bold voting
machines before this "election" took place. Numerous web sites refused to publish the material
Pajays Nov 16, 2020 4:23 PM
Either way, you're still going to get vaxxed. The WEF agenda marches on. All this stolen
election charade is distraction for the Operation Warp Speed rollout, the next step in the
Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, where man and machine are hybridized, starting
with "vaccines" that modify your own genetic makeup and cause you to become attached to the
"cloud" "vaccine" by "vaccine," like the Windows updates. Moderna = "Modify" your "RNA." Lost
in a dark wood Nov 16, 2020 5:34 PM
I am reliably informed that a unit under the command of USEUCOM (i.e., United States
European Command) did in fact conduct an operation to take control of computer servers. But
these servers belong to the CIA, not Dominion or Sctyl. The U.S. military has full authority to
do this because any CIA activity in the European theater is being conducted using military
cover. In other words, CIA officers would be identified to the German government (and anyone
else asking) as military employees or consultants.
Such an operation would have been carried out with U.S. law enforcement present to take
custody of the evidence. That means that the evidence will be under the control of the
Department of Justice through US Attorneys and can be used in court or other judicial
This is not the first time that a military unit attached to EUCOM has compelled a CIA
computer facility to hand over evidence. A dear friend of mine (a retired DEA officer) told me
about an incident where he entered a CIA facility in Frankfurt backed up by the US Army to get
info the CIA was withholding (this took place in the 1980s).
I also have confirmed what Jim Hoft reported the other night–the CIA's Gina Haspel was
not informed in advance of this operation. Based on this fact, I think it is correct that
action was taken in Germany on territory under U.S. control and that a CIA facility was
I also have learned that FBI Director Christopher Wray was excluded from this operation.
Wray, more than Haspel, has been working aggressively to undermine and sabotage Donald Trump.
This means that some other U.S. law enforcement agency (e.g., US Marshals, DEA, Secret Service,
etc) had the lead in collecting the evidence. DunGroanin Nov 16, 2020 7:15 AM
The Fight is Fixed. The rules of the Fight are Fixed
There's more evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election than there ever was of Russia
collusion, so America is owed a legal examination of the election irregularities alleged by the
Trump campaign. It's not crazy to say this, despite the gaslighting from much of the media.
Basically, the election is down to roughly 120,000 votes of almost 150 million votes
cast. That's 0.08 percent, a tiny margin by anyone's reckoning.
Five swing states are within 1 percent, all with Joe Biden in the lead.
In Georgia, Biden was ahead last night by just 10,352 votes.
In Arizona, he was ahead by 19,438 votes.
In Wisconsin, he was ahead by 20,540.
In Pennsylvania, he was ahead by 43,251.
In Nevada, he was ahead by 31,464.
It is not outlandish or unprecedented to accept the possibility that at least some of those
margins may be erroneous, whether through human error or, indeed, fraud. Electoral fraud is not
unknown in America. Probably the most famous example was in 1960, when Chicago Mayor Richard
Daley allegedly rigged the ballot for John F. Kennedy, dead people were found to have "voted"
and 677 election officials were indicted.
Due to the pandemic, around 40 percent of votes in Tuesday's election were cast by mail,
double the percentage in 2016. Even the New York Times once reported the truth that mail-in
voting is the most vulnerable to fraud. This is why most developed countries ban the
So, as you can see, it is perfectly reasonable in such a close election to take seriously
allegations of irregularities and suspicious activity. An honest media would investigate rather
than dismissing the allegations out of hand as "baseless," "false" and "conspiracy
The Trump campaign's legal team, led
by former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani , claims that, in Pennsylvania alone, 600,000
ballots are in question because they were counted without any poll-watchers observing to ensure
they were legitimate, as state law requires.
In Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Giuliani says that "50 to 60 poll-watchers will all testify
that they were uniformly deprived of their right to inspect any single part of the mail-in
ballots Not a single one was inspected as the law required. Even when a court order was
obtained to allow the Republican inspectors to get six feet closer, they moved the people
counting the ballots six further feet away.
"It's really simple. If you have nothing to hide with these mail-in ballots, you allow
Giuliani has promised one lawsuit will be filed today and four more by the end of this
Another Trump team lawyer, Sidney Powell, claimed yesterday that 450,000 ballots had been
found with only votes for Biden and no down-ballot selections, which she regarded as
She also claimed in an interview on Fox News that two pieces of software called Hammer and
Scorecard were used to flip votes from Trump to Biden in some pre-election voting ballots.
As well, Georgia
Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced Saturday an "issue involving reporting" of
votes in Fulton County on Friday, and said he had sent "investigators onsite."
Lindsey Graham , chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said in a statement that he
will be investigating "all credible allegations of voting irregularities and misconduct" after
receiving a sworn affidavit from Pennsylvania postal worker Richard Hopkins alleging that Erie
Postmaster Robert Weisenbach had told workers he was "back-dating the postmarks on the ballots
to make it appear as though the ballots had been collected on November 3, 2020 despite them in
fact being collected on November 4 and possibly later."
Graham (R-SC) also yesterday claimed that in Pennsylvania, the Trump team has found "over
100 people they think were dead but 15 people that we verified that have been dead who voted
Six people registered after they died and voted."
All of this may not amount to a hill of beans. But it deserves to be examined, or otherwise
71 million people who voted for Trump may end up believing the election was stolen.
"This is no longer about any single election," Trump said in a statement over the weekend,
calling for full transparency in vote counting and election certification.
"This is about the integrity of our entire election process."
Quite right.
Whatever comes of the allegations, in reality, nothing is more important than two Georgia US
Senate runoffs, on which control of the Senate may depend.
Since neither of the Republicans, David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, has reached the 50
percent threshold in votes required under Georgia law to win outright, there
has to be a redo on Jan. 5 .
If they both were to lose, the US Senate would be deadlocked 50-50, with the vice president,
Kamala Harris, having the deciding vote. In other words, the Democrats would be in control and
nothing would impede their radical agenda, including the Green New Deal, packing the Supreme
Court and adding two new states.
In the end, it's worth remembering that the situation we are in today is not
It took 37 days for the legal battles to be sorted out after the very close 2000 election,
and George W. Bush to be declared the winner.
His son Hunter Biden, currently under FBI investigation, was on stage, fully clothed and
minus the crack pipe, which was nice.
Of course, Trump's team will have to provide concrete evidence of systemic fraud enough to
flip the election result in enough states to make a difference to the outcome.
It's a very high bar, so I wouldn't be holding my breath.
But it's 2020. Stranger things have happened.
Supremely experienced
Remarkably enough, there are now three justices of nine on the Supreme Court who were on the
Bush legal team during the contested "hanging chads" election in 2000. They were the recently
confirmed Amy Coney Barrett, the disgracefully maligned Brett Kavanaugh, and Chief Justice John
Roberts. In addition, Justices Clarence Thomas and Stephen Breyer were part of the court that
decided the case almost exactly 20 years ago, but on opposite sides. So there is plenty of
corporate memory on the court to adjudicate on any case that might come before them.
The recounts are irrelevant. The "certification" of the fraudulent votes is just theater.
None of that matters once the overwhelming fraudulent nature of the entire operation is
documented and revealed to all.
Check out the >> Executive Order from the president signed on 9/11/18
On the issue of voter fraud, the right has sullied real concerns with ballot legitimacy in
highly mismanaged black cities with Bircherist bufoonery. The last of the MAGA faithful -- Alex
Jones, Steve Bannon, Q-Anon, Mike Cernovich, Dinesh D'Souza, Nick Fuentes, Ali Alexander, One
America News, and the Zionist opportunists at Newsmax -- have been trying to cancel more
sensible right-wing populists like Tucker Carlson, Ryan Gidursky, Pedro Gonzalez and others for
expressing skepticism about some of the Trump campaign's narratives on the election.
Like him or not, Tucker is a serious political commentator that has tried and failed to
provide coherence and principles to Trumpism for the last four years. When Tucker asked Sidney
Powell for evidence regarding her claim that Castro, Hugo Chavez, Nicolas Maduro and the
Chinese Communist Party stole millions of votes from Trump in an international Marxist coup, he
was subjected to insults, boycotts and unhinged shrieking in response. "THANK YOU SEAN HANNITY
Tucker was
vindicated when Trump's team abruptly severed ties with Powell and shelved her circus act.
But that hasn't stopped online Trumpistanis from speculating that Tucker's red bracelet is a
sign that he is a secret kabbalah
practitioner or that he's been a double agent for the satanic pedophile cartel led by Tom
Hanks put in place just for this moment. For Jews concerned that Tucker has been promoting the
potent combination of nationalism and economic populism to deplorables since 2016, it is a
amusement to see him being sacrificed on the alter of Orange Man Good and traded in for a
harmless lapdog like Hannity.
30 of 31 voter fraud lawsuits filed by Team Trump have been tossed. The whole thing is
starting to look like a Birther-style publicity stunt to help Trump monetize his following
after January. The
most recent defeat , a lawsuit demanding 7,000,000 votes be invalidated in Pennsylvania,
did not provide any compelling evidence for fraud or malfeasance.
Four years ago, Bernie expressed skepticism about mass immigration while Trump's original
campaign hinted at a public health care option and a war against Wall Street. These real world
issues impact real world people, and it allowed for a cross-front alliance of ordinary citizens
against the elite. The two candidates traded disenfranchised and largely white working class
voters throughout the primary, then the general.
But now there are actors on both sides trying to drag things back to personalities,
political tribalism and inanity. The COVID issue has drawn out the petty tyrants on the left
but also the UN-world-government conspiracy theorists of the right, with actual state relief
for desperate working people suffering from the lockdown being drowned out.
For Jewish gatekeepers of the phony right like Ezra Levant , "The Great Reset"
is much more palatable and less dangerous than the real issue of the Great Replacement. Former
Trumper Mark Levin has worked with Sean Hannity to scrub 2020 Trumpism of its
anti-establishment and anti-globalist soul to try and transform it into another
Tea Party style Reaganite collection point for false consciousness held together by fumes
of Trump's personality cult.
There is a silver lining. As niches suffering from the two types of TDS -- Trump Derangement
Syndrome and Trump Delusion Syndrome -- duke it out, the liberal kleptocracy is still having
trouble restoring "normalcy."
The Biden Democrats are eager to betray and start purging the Bernie wing of their party on
economic and foreign policy matters. The GOP, whose establishment has no organic support and
never will, has decided to fake it until they make it and pretend like Trump was never
This forced reboot is bound to meet challenges in an era of high unemployment and social
chaos. People are sick of voting for a "lesser of two evils."
There is lots of talk on the left and right about starting new parties to challenge the Wall
Street uniparty. The Movement for
a People's Party , an endeavor that has recruited big names like Jimmy Dore and Cornell
West, is looking to establish itself and begin attacking the Democratic party from the
Meanwhile, right-populists who aren't hung up on Trump are beginning to talk of an
"America First Party."
The National Justice Party, a political construct that isn't afraid to appeal to white workers
or transcend traditional ideas of left and right, is also starting to gain momentum.
In the battle of corn syrup vs soy, of stupid vs gay, we the people deserve better. The
populi in populist can be described as being part of the radical center: left on economics and
right on social issues. A white worker should not have to vote for the anti-white Democrats
just to have a shot at affordable health care, nor should a rural family have to vote for the
Paul Singer funded Zionist GOP in hopes of being treated with dignity. A grounded and united
movement that explicitly rejects both parties and can obtain what we want must arise from the
ashes of back-stabbed Trumpists and Bernie fans.
The populi in populist can be described as being part of the radical center: left on
economics and right on social issues. A white worker should not have to vote for the
anti-white Democrats just to have a shot at affordable health care, nor should a rural family
have to vote for the Paul Singer funded Zionist GOP in hopes of being treated with dignity. A
grounded and united movement that explicitly rejects both parties and can obtain what we want
must arise from the ashes of back-stabbed Trumpists and Bernie fans.
The median wage in the USA in 2019 was $34,000 / year. If Trumpstein had done even one
tiny little, teensy weensy, itsy bitsy thing for the under $34k working poor .he would have
easily retained enough votes to keep his job. Instead, his domestic policy goals centered
around taking basic health insurance away from the working poor (even during a pandemic),
while giving billions away to his wall street pals, his relatives, giant corporations, and of
course his yid sponsors. Example: Fed Ex paid zero income tax in 2017, 2018, 2019. Let's see
how long a modern society can function when the top 0.1% are worth more than the bottom
The left-leaning group that received $250 million from the Facebook CEO, makes the incredible claim on their website that
"Elections place too many burdens on voters."
If the Center For Civic Design was serious about their statement, why aren't they hiring buses in areas that are solid Trump
country, like in northern MI, where people may have to drive 20 or more miles to get to their local polling places? What about
their "burden?" Or are some burdens more important than others?
The complaint filed with the WI Election Commission points out that the Zuckerberg funded group is
spending in the five critical cities in Wisconsin where Hillary Clinton picked up 82% of the vote in 2016:
Bay, Kenosha, Madison, Milwaukee, and Racine
-- all
So far, the group has spent an incredible
$6.3 million
in the
swing state of Wisconsin
with 10 electoral votes.
is a portion of their complaint:
CTCL's sizable grants are providing funding to make polling equipment and resources conveniently available in particular
Wisconsin cities that all have one glaring commonality – their
support of Hillary Clinton in 2016.
$2,572,839 of the CTCL gift is to be spent through the city clerks and election officials to
voter turnout in democrat strongholds.
cities have accepted the CTCL moneys
without coordination with the state
to ensure statewide uniformity in inducing people to vote.
CTCL moneys, accepted by the cities, is
targeted to urban electors to
the exclusion of surburban electors and rural electors.
City of Green Bay its city clerk and election officials are
using the
CTCL moneys to illegally induce its urban electors to vote in the November 3, 2020 election
as follows:
"Green Bay:
City would like to
employ bilingual LTE "voter navigators
" to
help residents properly upload valid photo ID,
complete their ballots
comply with certification requirements, and offer witness signatures. These voter navigators
assist voters prior to the elections
and then
also be trained
and utilized as election inspectors.
City would like to add secure (security cameras $15,000) ballot drop-boxes.
City needs
45 additional staff to process absentee ballot requests
before the election, to open and verify envelopes on Election Day, and insert them into the tabulators.
would like to
staff these early voting sites with election inspectors
who are bilingual and would like to increase the salary rate for these bilingual election inspectors
to assist with
recruitment and retention, as well as in recognition of their important role at these sites.
The City would like to increase poll worker salaries by 50%
All poll workers will be trained through the Wisconsin Elections Commission website and the City's own training manual.
like to reach voters and potential voters through a multi-prong strategy utilizing "every door direct mail," targeted mail,
geo-fencing, billboards, radio, television, and streaming-service PSAs, digital advertising, and automated calls and texts.
The City would also like to ensure that these efforts can be done in
Spanish, Hmong, and Somali, since roughly 11% of households in the Green Bay area speak a language other than English.
City would also like to directly mail to residents who
believed to be eligible but not registered voters,
It would require both considerable staff time to construct that list of residents and directly mail a
professionally-designed piece (in multiple languages) to those voters.
assist new voters,
the City would also
like resources to help residents obtain required documents (i.e. birth certificates) which are needed to get a valid state ID
needed for voting.
These grant funds would be distributed in partnership with key community organizations
including churches, educational institutions, and organizations
serving African immigrants,
LatinX residents, and African Americans.
CTCL recently provided a
$10 million grant to the City of Philadelphia
the purpose of "ensuring a safe election process this November.
of the grant money is targeted to ease voting in
of the most democrat jurisdictions in
state President Trump won by only 0.72%, or 44,292 votes in 2016. 33.
group is also working to affect the outcome of the election in the critical swing state of Michigan where President Trump won
by just over 10,000 votes in 2016. Over 50,000 absentee ballots were rejected in the Democrat stronghold of Wayne County, MI.
in 2016.
Although it's not clear how much money
received from
the group,
– Michigan's Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D) praised the efforts of the left-leaning group, saying: "This grant
will be of tremendous assistance as we work to get the word out to voters."
According to
CTCL has also given $6 million to Fulton County, which includes
The CTCL declined to disclose its other donors for the year or
itemize all its contributions to local offices.
As we can see, all four of the vote updates in question (the two red points, the green
points well above this line, and the farther-up yellow point), are well above even this
line. Indeed, the least extreme of these points, represented by the lower red dot which is
above the 99.5th percentile curve, is the 7th most co-extreme point out of all 8,954 vote
updates, and represents the 99.92nd percentile.
Didn't see CNN or any leftwing hypocrites caring about covid when so called president
elect Biden had banana Harris has their "Fraud celebration" in the streets
If you are following the global media, you wouldn't know that their is an ongoing legal
challenge to the official 2020 Election results. Still, some are asking the question: does
President Trump still have a viable path to victory? Can Trump's legal team really throw out
hundreds of thousands of votes in several swing states based on evidence of voter fraud? Even
if such evidence is both available and compelling, will the courts want to hear these cases, or
will it be more convenient for the Establishment to sweep this 2020 contest under the political
Co-hosts Ciara Haley and George Szamuely from The Gaggle talks with American attorney
and political analysis Robert Barnes to find out what are Trump's possible paths forward.
This is a brief update from Joe DiGenova; being a member of Trump's legal team.
Attorney DiGenova Says Fraud, Deception In Pa. Election Is 'Truly Staggering'
OAN Newsroom
Nov 26, 2020
In an exclusive interview, attorney Joe diGenova, a member of the President's legal team
examining election irregularities, said the amount of election fraud and deception in
Pennsylvania is "truly staggering." One America's John Hines has more.
The author has miscalculated the evil of Soros. He is a perfect example of a manipulator.
Manipulators are among the most clever, accomplished liars. He has fooled you too.
Thank you for your work to ensure that the fraud in this election is revealed and
While not certain of the approach you and your team are intending to take or how courts
look at evidence, may I make a suggestion?
The mathematical, statistical, and historical evidence definitively demonstrates the fraud
that occurred in our elections.
Is it possible that presenting all-encompassing mathematical evidence first will
conclusively show that fraud across the nation did in fact occur? The many methods in which
the democrats committed fraud can then be pieced together after first showing that the crime
was perpetrated.
Showing fraud on a national level may have greater efficacy than skipping straight to an
examination of individual states for their own inconsistencies. After the nationwide crime is
established, then the methods used in each state can be brought to light. The fact that
Georgia stopped counting votes on election night due to a toilet leak might be questionable
enough, but juxtaposed to Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin halting counting about the
same time paints a clearer picture of impropriety.
I am sure you are aware of how probabilities work. They are cumulative by multiplication.
Flipping a coin is 50% (0.50) chance of heads. Flipping a coin twice with heads as the result
both times has only a 25% (0.25) chance (0.50 x 0.50 = 0.25). The more flips expecting heads
each time continues to drop the chances of repeated occurrence. 6 attempts would only yield a
1.56% (0.0156) chance of heads for all six flips.
What the Joe Biden team "accomplished" on election night is even more mathematically
farfetched than 6 flips of a coin being heads.
J.B. Shurk at The Federalist has compiled many of these improbabilities that, when
considered together, show the impossibility of a Biden victory.
Here are just two of several points he presented in two articles. These two alone cast a
long shadow over the legitimacy of a Biden victory:
"Biden is set to become the first president in 60 years to lose the states of Ohio and
Florida on his way to election. For a century, these states have consistently predicted the
national outcome, and they have been considered roughly representative of the American
melting pot as a whole. Despite national polling giving Biden a lead in both states, he lost
Ohio by eight points and Florida by more than three.
For Biden to lose these key bellwethers by notable margins and still win the national
election is newsworthy. Not since the Mafia allegedly aided John F. Kennedy in winning
Illinois over Richard Nixon in 1960 has an American president pulled off this neat trick.
Even more unbelievably, Biden is on his way to winning the White House after having lost
almost every historic bellwether county across the country. The Wall Street Journal and The
Epoch Times independently analyzed the results of 19 counties around the United States that
have nearly perfect presidential voting records over the last 40 years. President Trump won
every single bellwether county, except Clallam County in Washington.
Whereas the former VP picked up Clallam by about three points, President Trump's margin of
victory in the other 18 counties averaged over 16 points. In a larger list of 58 bellwether
counties that have correctly picked the president since 2000, Trump won 51 of them by an
average of 15 points, while the other seven went to Biden by around four points. Bellwether
counties overwhelmingly chose President Trump, but Biden found a path to victory anyway."
Smoking Gun: “Barron replied
that using large amounts of technology lends itself to problems, but the new equipment enabled them to log in to the poll
pads and fix problems remotely.” Remotely can only mean connected to Internet! A Major No No.
Are You Not Entertained?
Sidney Powell is so fierce she made Dominion shut down their offices, scrub their website, not show up for an important press
conference in PA today, lawyer up and have employees all fly the coup. She has all the evidence she needs.
in 2010 Eric Coomer joined Dominion as Vice President of U.S. Engineering. According to
his bio, Coomer graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a Ph.D. in Nuclear
Physics. Eric Coomer was later promoted to Voting Systems Officer of Strategy and Security
although Coomer has since been removed from the Dominion page of directors. Dominion altered
its website after
Colorado resident Joe Oltmann disclosed that as a reporter he infiltrated ANTIFA, a
domestic terrorist organization where he recorded Eric Coomer representing: "Don't worry.
Trump won't win the election, we fixed that." – as well as social media posts with
violence threatened against President Trump.
You put your finger on the problem; it takes time to prove wrong doing, and time is the
one thing that is missing. Any decent statistician will tell you that there was widespread
fraud in key battleground states. Take a look at the above picture at the vote counting
center in Detroit - do you honestly think the cardboard in the windows was going up to
prevent covid.
There is law and there is justice. The law may prevail, but justice unsatisfied will tear
this country apart at a time it can least afford it. There is nowhere to go. Outside urban
areas MSN is ignored, the financial situation is terrible and getting worse, and edicts are
routinely being ignored, including by law enforcement.
Cities need to be fed, and the rural areas provide the food. This is partly why the Senate
and the Electoral College are structured the way that they are. Geography matters, especially
if you are counting on it for food. When the US dollar loses world currency status (likely in
the next 5 years, and almost certainly in the next 10 years) then the "wealth" of cities will
amount to little, while the hard value of the rural areas will remain.
We are in deep trouble, and the only way to sort it out is to devote all available
resources to determining the extent of the fraud and whether or not it was material to the
election result. Without that the country will not heal; and the divide will grow.
Remember that law enacted is not the same as justice served.
ableman28 , 14 hours ago
In ALL polling places the two largest vote getting parties nominate an EQUAL number of
poll workers for every eleection. That is how it works. Check for yourself.
One of the problems that Trumps suits have in getting any traction is that they are NEVER
supported by poll workers, just observers. A poll worker who could show actual fraud would be
useful to back up these suits. A poll watcher who wants to make a guess allegation that
something happened because Trump lose is useless in court.
The supreme court, dominated by republican appointees, will give Trump NOTHING. In court,
facts matter, In whatever ZH, NewsMax, OAN are just making **** up gets you by.
Schacht Mat , 1 hour ago
I have been a poll worker several times. Equal number of workers does not mean equal
influence over the process, any more than an entry level worker has equal authority to the
The folks who pulled this off knew the system and worked it. As a former poll worker, I
can tell you that the heavy lifting was done outside the eyes of the average poll workers.
All you need is a momentary break in the chain of custody, and a bunch of ballots cast and be
replaced with an equal number of ballots made. And tell me which poll worker will catch
electronic voting machine tampering that is done by accessing software from another
This is not light weight stuff you are looking at here; these are well thought out tactics
that have been proven and honed by our "intelligence" apparatus in color revolutions around
the world. The average poll worker, of either side, would not have a clue as to what is going
on. You are asking an amateur boxer to step into the ring with a professional heavyweight,
and then wondering why he does not stand a chance.
kermudgen , 14 hours ago
"There is NO credible evidence of widespread election fraud. 30 or 31 Trump lawsuits have
been thrown out."
That's not entirely true. If there were no evidence why would PA halt the certification of
their vote? All the lower courts did was not hear the cases. This will get pushed up the the
SCOTUS and then the demoncrat skullduggery will be brought into the light.
"30 or 31 Trump lawsuits have been thrown out." WTF? Do you believe the MSM?
680,000 votes were counted without ANY observers whatsoever
Republican observers were barred despite having observer certificates because their
certificates were marked orange (Dem certificates are light blue)
Observers were only allowed after a Federal judge subpoenaed it
They were only allowed to observe from 6-20 feet away and the counters flashed the
ballots for only 1 second
PA judge falsely claimed that being present in the election center was the same as
1.8 million ballots were sent out on the state before the election and 2.5 million
mail-in ballots were cast
Despite higher GOP voter registration in certain counties (ex. 12 thousand new Amish
registrations in a county), and downsizing of Democrat registrations in said counties, Biden
still outperformed Hilary even though more Democrats registered to vote in 2016 than now
More non-downballot presidential votes were cast via mail-in ballots when it should have
been the opposite (i.e. if you're in a rush on election day you only fill out president, but
you don't do that when you have time at home) which means the opposite should have
Democrats were allowed to "cure" ballots which is illegal
The legislature of Pennsylvania has the power to overturn the election and call in a
second election
THIS IS A MUST WATCH (At least in part). Full Pennsylvania Hearing held just yesterday
– legislators are instructed on how to stop certifications of false election results
based on fraud at the end, Prior to that are hours of evidence presented in first hand
testimony by sworn witnesses. If you are STILL listening to ANY source that mocks this effort,
you must shake that bad habit and that source, clearly. Anyone still mind controlled enough to
believe or pass along that there is no evidence of fraud, or even scant evidence or nothing to
overturn the US 2020 election result is basically a member of a toxic cult group.
When the truth about the election is given a public airing, it is absolutely undenable. Skip
and listen to the end especially. There is more than raw data involved here, it is pride, it is
ideals, it is essentially the spirit of justice and freedom and you can hear it in the voices
of those who participate in the fight for truth, it is undeniable. Dont forget to visit me at
worldchangebrief.webnode.com for more high quality alt news helping fight the information
blockade and censorship.
In the pantheon of 2020 election fraud claims, this one is very easy to debunk.
Nevertheless, a conservative friend of mine posted it on Facebook just this morning.
The "theory" is that gremlins (Note: Never feed your mogwai after midnight local time) or
even worse, Democrats, snuck into vote counting centers in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and
Wisconsin at 3am the night of the election and added hundreds of thousands of fraudulent Biden
votes, thus stealing President Trump's huge vote lead and his presidency.
The image below shows the startling proof (more discussion after).
It's easy to understand why in the minds of Trump and his supporters, President Trump won
Michigan and Pennsylvania by huge margins: 15.2% in Pennsylvania and 9.6% in Michigan. This was
a resounding victory for the President.
But then that victory was stolen. Suddenly, late on election night, mysterious and
unexplainable votes for Biden were crammed into Dominion voting machines at 3am Eastern Time in
Michigan and Pennsylvania and then the same thing happened again at 3am Central Time in
Gremlins, aka Democrats, claim those votes aren't mysterious at all. They (and we know who
they are) say it's because in-person votes were counted first, giving Trump a temporary
lead, then mail-in votes were counted, giving Biden the final lead. Not bloody likely!!
But here's a test of Trump's claim: Do the political demographics of those swing states
match the 3am results or do they match the final results? In other words, are there realistic
grounds for claiming widespread fraud? The answer is no.
Here's a chart showing the percentage of adult political party identification and Trump's
winning/losing margins as of 3am election night and as of yesterday. The first 5 rows are the
swing states, the next 3 are solid Red states, and the bottom 3 are solid Blue states.
For control groups, I chose solid Red and Blue states with win margins of about 15%,
comparable to Trump's Pennsylvania lead at 3am on election night.
Takeaways from the chart:
Michigan SHOULD be a solid Blue state
Pennsylvania SHOULD be a strong Blue lean
Georgia, North Carolina, and Wisconsin ARE true swing states
Missouri SHOULD be a true swing state
15% or more party edge results in 15% or more win
As the control groups show, a 15% or greater lead in party affiliation produces a 15% or
more lead for the party's candidate. This holds true for other states I checked as well.
States with less than 15% party disparity show mixed results, although this may be due to
the so-called Independents in those states aligning with one of the major parties. Iowa, for
example, is ostensibly 41% R, 40% D, and 19% I, but favored Trump by 8.3%. Virginia, on the
other hand, affiliates 43% R, 39% D, and 18% I, but favored Biden by 10.1%.
True swing states like Georgia, North Carolina, and Wisconsin showed their swinginess by
favoring Biden 2-1 over Trump.
Missouri, which affiliation-wise could be a swing state, favored Trump by 15.3%.
Biden's vote count was entirely consistent with political affiliations in Michigan and
Pennsylvania, which lean Democratic, and in swing states Georgia and Wisconsin. Biden lost in
North Carolina even though it leans slightly Democratic.
All-in-all, statistical analysis of the 2020 Presidential election clearly shows there was
no widespread fraud as claimed by President Trump. When combined with the well-known and
well-documented timing of absentee/mail-in vote counts AFTER in-person counts and with the
Trump-generated bias of mail voters preferring Biden, there is absolutely no truth to the 3am
claim by Trump and his supporters .
"The Campaign never alleges that any ballot was fraudulent or cast by an illegal voter," How
it can be: dead people voting is not fradulent? Manipulations with mail-in ballots are not
fraudulent? Blocking observers is not fraudulent? If blocking observers is not fraudulent why
to have elections at all. Let DNC or Lochid Martin board appoint president and be done with
"Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so.
Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here," wrote Judge
Stephanos Bibas, a Trump appointee, for the panel.
"The Campaign never alleges that any ballot was fraudulent or cast by an illegal voter,"
wrote Bibas. "It never alleges that any defendant treated the Trump campaign or its votes
worse than it treated the Biden campaign or its votes. Calling something discrimination does
not make it so. The Second Amended Complaint still suffers from these core defects, so
granting leave to amend would have been futile."
... ... ...
Jenna Ellis, an attorney for Trump's campaign, said on Twitter following the ruling that
"the activist judicial machinery in Pennsylvania continues to cover up the allegations of
massive fraud," and pledged to take the case to the Supreme Court.
It is an interesting legal opinion: denying importance of observers is tantamount to
legitimizing election fraud. We should view observers much like a jury in cimnal trial and
without their consent the result can't be viewed legitimate.
"Voters, not lawyers, choose the president," reads the opinion from the appeals court,
adding "Ballots, not briefs, decide elections. The ballots here are governed by Pennsylvania
election law. No federal law requires poll watchers or specifies where they must live or how
close they may stand when votes are counted. Nor does federal law govern whether to count
ballots with minor state-law defects or let voters cure those defects ."
The Trump campaign sought to have a federal court invalidate Pennsylvania's certification,
and then get the state's General Assembly to select Trump electors to the Electoral College -
which campaign attorney Marc Scaringi wrrote to the US Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit
"The Pennsylvania General Assembly has the power to appoint the Commonwealth's presidential
electors," wrote Scaringi, adding "A decision by the District Court that President Trump won
the legal votes may have significant impact on the General Assembly."
The campaign has alleged widespread voting fraud.
J S Bach , 2 hours ago
"Voters, not lawyers, choose the president," reads the opinion from the appeals court,
adding "Ballots, not briefs, decide elections."
Indeed. LEGITIMATE VOTERS choose the president. LEGAL ballots decide elections.
If this fails, there will NEVER be an honest election again in this corpse of a Republic.
Only a full blown revolution will reclaim the original intent of our Constitution. Traitor
heads must roll on a biblical scale.
cankles' server , 1 hour ago
Rumor has it that Biden's campaign was warned to concede so other similar affidavits won't
be filed that exposes national security secrets.
If they don't stop this election fraud and shutdowns the Law of the Jungle will be coming
real soon, worldwide.
Lawyers are politicians as well, we're not having any of it, cleaning house will be the
name of the game.
They've pushed us too far.
RAT005 , 21 minutes ago
Imagine such a simple obvious rule that all [mail-in] ballots must be submitted before the
deadline with a verifiable signature limited only to registered voters. And so many lawyers,
judges and other idiots get to discuss and rule on it for weeks while stoking protesters'
fury that some element of legitimate voting is being suppressed.
The idiocy of the ruling is even worse than you say. You're exactly right, legitimate
votes matter. But to the court apparently, legitimate and illegitimate votes count
Also in the opinion "No federal law requires poll watchers or specifies where they must
live or how close they may stand when votes are counted. Nor does federal law govern whether
to count ballots with minor state-law defects or let voters cure those defects ." votes count
Okay, but that's not the point of the lawsuit. Did the judge even read the lawsuit? Or
listen to the arguments. Federal law says that only the state legislature can set the rules
for the election. But that's not what happened. Parties outside the state legislature set the
rules. That's why it's a federal case. Are the judges really that stupid that they can't
understand simple logic? Apparently.
Buckaroo Banzai , 2 hours ago
It's funny how suddenly the Equal Protection Clause in the 14th Amendment doesn't seem to
apply to Trump voters. Asking someone to prove he can read before he can vote is a violation
of the Equal Protection Clause, but letting a bunch of inner-city "vote counters" work in
tandem with crooked vote-counting machine makers to steal an election by manufacturing a
bunch of phony votes in the dark of night (both literally and figuratively), which then
causes the people who took the trouble to vote legally to have the value of their votes
diluted, is not a violation of the Equal Protection Clause? That's just one example. The
Federal Courts have used this clause to bulldoze state laws hundreds of times in the last
century, but now suddenly they can't seem to locate the 14th Amendment in their copies of the
snatchpounder , 1 hour ago
"Voters, not lawyers, choose the president," reads the opinion from the appeals court,
Wrong, the people writing the code for the software for the voting machines choose the
president. Where paper ballots are used the corrupt vote counters choose the president.
Walter Melon , 1 hour ago
Voter fraud has always been "piecemeal" in that, traditionally, it's been done at the
precinct level, and in varying ways (as we're seeing this year). Small ball, but for the
Fellow travelers in the voting room, after the polls close, take the "leftover" ballots,
punch them, and run them through the machine before reporting. Fellow travelers troll the old
folks' homes and get "absentee" ballots "filled out". Any warm body shows up and claims to be
a voter, and gets a ballot. Warm bodies being shuffled around the city in buses. Etc.
And without computers it would take weeks and months to figure out that while x people
checked out ballots, y ballots were cast in a precinct. That's why, traditionally, it's been
difficult to win election challenges - because the fraud is small and piecemeal.
Well it seems that with these newfangled computers, and a camera in every pocket, the old
ways of cheating are easier to discover (even though still being used).
I've had a hard time accepting that "statistics" can prove election fraud, and so will a
lot of older people including judges.
But I'm coming around.
biot patalay , 24 minutes ago
You can only physically scan a maximum 3000 ballots through a machine in an hour, NOT
90,000! How's that statistic?
Xando , 1 hour ago
Here's the thing: millions, yes millions, of those 80 million Biden voters simply do not
There is no way Crazy Uncle Joe received the most votes for president in US history. In
fact, he may not even have won the Democrat Primaries (looks like Bernie got screwed again!).
He's a quasi-senile old man who barely campaigned and when he did he struggled. He's a very
strange man who lacks broad charisma. Plus his campaign was 100% negative. Do you seriously
believe he beat the Hopium of the The One in 2008? Or Trump's MAGA? Both of which turned out
thousands at rallies even during the times of COVID?
If you believe those 80 million Biden voters actually exist, you need to re-examine a lot
of things.
For to accept that Joe Biden won this election you also have to accept a bewildering pile
of improbabilities and also put aside everything you thought you knew about human nature.
MA: On Nov. 14, the
Palm Beach Post reported that you spoke at a "Stop the Steal" rally attended by 500 Trump
supporters in Delray Beach, Fla. [an upscale community 20 miles south of Palm Beach]. Here are
some quotes from the Post's report:
"Stone suggested the CIA changed vote tallies to benefit Democrat Joe Biden."
"He [Stone] then hit on how the CIA used a supercomputer called the 'Hammer' and a program
dubbed 'Scorecard' to alter the vote."
Can you elaborate?
RS: As I wrote in stonecoldtruth.com , I believe there is both overwhelming and
compelling evidence of extensive election fraud of the old-fashioned variety to include abuses
in the mail-in ballot system; ballot harvesting; dead people voting; people voting multiple
times; and the wholesale manufacture of ballots after the polls had closed since Democrats knew
the margins by which Trump won.
I believe that there will also be substantial hard evidence of cyber manipulation of the
2020 vote. I raised the question of the "Hammer" and "Scorecard" programs, which [CIA]
whistleblower Dennis Montgomery – who designed the [latter] program – specifically
said was created for the purpose of voter manipulation in foreign countries. In fact,
confidential audio recordings released by U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow in November 2015,
revealed that this computer program was used by the Obama campaign on Florida state election
computers to steal the 2012 presidential election for Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.
I believe there is also substantial evidence of cyber manipulation of the 2020 vote by
Dominion Voting Services, among others. The company has been subjected to substantive
allegations in the past. It's funny to see Democrats who told us for four years that our
elections were being interfered with through the cyber efforts of the "Russians" now insisting
that such a thing is impossible.
MA: Why have Trump's lawyers been unable to confirm a single example of voter fraud?
RS: I reject the premise of your question. The president's lawyers have produced multiple
examples of voter fraud in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan and elsewhere. Don't give
into the mass hypnosis of the fake news media. If you want to see proof of this evidence you
can go here .
Just days before the 2020 election the bureaucratic forces behind the original claim of
Russian hacking of state election-related websites in 2016 launched a new drive to spawn fears
of Moscow-made political chaos in the wake of the voting.
The new narrative was not consistent with information previously published by the the FBI
and the Department of Homeland Security's new Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
(CISA), however. It was so incoherent, in fact, that it suggested a state of panic on the part
of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials worried about a possible transition to a
Joe Biden administration.
On October 20, Christopher Krebs, the head of CISA, issued a
video statement expressing confidence that "it would be incredibly difficult for them to
change the outcome of an election at the national level." Then he abruptly changed his tone,
adding, "But that doesn't mean various actors won't try to introduce chaos in our elections and
make sensational claims that overstate their capabilities. In fact, the days and weeks just
before and after Election Day is the perfect time for our adversaries to launch efforts
intended to undermine your confidence in the integrity of the electoral process."
Krebs' warning of a possible Russian announcement that hackers had succeeded in disrupting
the result of the U.S. election was so removed from reality that it suggested internal panic
DHS over the failure of Russian hackers to do anything that could be cited as interfering in
the election.
Two days after Krebs' dubious warning, the FBI and the DHS's new Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued an "alert" reporting that "a
Russian state-sponsored APT [Advanced Persistent Threat] actor" known as "Berserk Bear" had
"conducted a campaign against a wide variety of U.S. targets."
Since "at least September," according to the DHS alert, the DHS warning claimed that it had
targeted "dozens" of "U.S. state, local, territorial and tribal government networks." It even
claimed that the supposed Russian campaign had compromised the network infrastructure of
several official organizations and "exfiltrated data from at least two victims servers." At the
same time, it acknowledged there was "no indication" that any government operations had been
"intentionally disrupted."
The report went on to suggest, "[T]here may be some risk to elections information housed on
SLTT [state, local territorial and tribal] government networks." And then it abruptly shifted
tone and level of analysis to offer the speculation that the Russian government "may be seeking
access to obtain future disruption options, to influence U.S. policies or actions", or to
"delegitimize" the "government entities".
On October 28, Krebs elaborated on the latter theme in an interview with the PBS
NewsHour . Referring inaccurately to government warnings about "Russian interference, some
of which targeted voter registration," which the FBI-CISA alert had never mentioned, PBS
interviewer William Brangham asked, "Do you worry at all that there might be infiltration that
we are not aware of?"
Instead of correcting Brangham's inaccurate suggestion, Krebs responded that "infiltration"
into voter registration files was "certainly possible," but that "[W]e have improved the
ability to detect compromises or anomalous activity."
Krebs then homed in on a scenario he obviously wanted the public to focus on: "[Y]ou might
see various actors, foreign powers, claim that they were able to accomplish something, [that]
they were able to hack a database or hack the vote count. And it's simply not true."
Although the October 22 alert did not assert any deliberate Russian government hack of
election-related sites, Krebs sought to keep speculation about both Russian capabilities and
intent alive.
The buried alert that undermined the frightening official assessment
Eleven days before Krebs debuted his speculation about Russia claiming to have hacked U.S.
elections, the FBI and CISA issued a separate alert that seriously undercut
his questionable claims.
The earlier document was clearly referring to the very same efforts by hackers to break into
various websites addressed in the October 22 alert. It not only referred to the same state and
local government networks and to the wider range of targets affected but also mentioned
precisely the same technical vulnerabilities that were targeted in the series of hacks.
The alert further stated that, "[I]t does not appear these targets are being selected
because of their proximity to elections information ." In other words, the two US agencies
conceded they had no basis for attributing the hacks in question to any election interference
The most striking difference between the two alerts, however, was that the October 9 alert
did not refer to any "Russian state-sponsored APT actor" as the October 22 one did. Instead, it
simply pointed to "APT actors" in the plural, indicating that the U.S. intelligence community
had no evidence indicating a single actor was at work, let alone one that was "Russian-state
Contrary to the impression that U.S. officials may have conveyed in referencing an "Advance
Persistent Threat," or APT,
it is now widely understood by cybersecurity specialists that this term no longer refers to
a state-sponsored actor. That is because the sophisticated tools and techniques once associated
with state-sponsored hacking have now become available to a much wider range of cyber actors.
Indeed, the codes for such high-end tools have been identified in the
Shadow Brokers and Vault 7
leaks, and the tools have been marketed widely at affordable prices on the dark web.
The October 9 alert firmly established the dearth of evidence on the part of CISA and FBI
about a Russian state-sponsored hacking team planning elections-related operations in the U.S.
The sudden pivot days later to an unqualified claim that a single state-sponsored APT had been
responsible for the same very large range of operations should have been accompanied by claims
of substantial new intelligence, or at least a reference to the evidence underlying the
dramatic new reversal. But no such proof ever arrived.
Scott McConnell, the spokesman for CISA, promised the Grazyzone on October 29 that he would
provide someone to answer questions about the October 22 alert by the close of business Friday.
In the end, however, no one from CISA responded, and there was no answer on McConnell's
The peculiar reversal by the DHS and CISA on the hacking claims raise questions about the
institutional considerations taken by these agencies. Did indications that President Donald
Trump's campaign was faltering inform their decision to issue a more stridently anti-Russian
assessment in hopes of surviving a political transition?
The US officials who drew up the initial pre-election alert seemed keenly aware that despite
that drumbeat of over the past two years, no state-sponsored Russian hacking of election
institutions was underway. But as the Trump campaign sputtered, they had their own careers to
consider. Days later, DHS and CISA declared the wily Russians guilty of yet another malign
operations -- one that would not require them to have slightest evidence to support, and that
would be impossible for them to explain.
Just noticed that the lead story on 60 Minutes Sunday is furthering the "there was/is no
election security problem. So, I'd say somebody is over the target somewhere. Resist . .
Pretty educational video that touches several aspect of Dominion. 2-6 people
training in using Dominion are essentially administrators who have tremendous level of control
over the system. Essentially election are decided by those 2-6 administrators. Those people need
to be investigated in countries that experience anomalies.
Also tough anti-Trump sentiments within top executive on Dominions, especially Eric Coomer .
In Coomer case he was in the position to materialize his threats. This looks like another Peter
Strzok "he is not going to win" insurance.
I am a Canadian, amazing job Chanel . Dominion is in Toronto Canada sharing office space
with George S funded foundation , or at lest they were a week ago.. glad to see your on it
The Voter Fraud, and the Facts are all there making it a Crime scene. All Fake Ballots
need to have a Forensic test of the PAPER used, to determine it's Source of where the Fake
Ballots came from. It's obvious they're not legitimate.
Although all we know is true: dominion fraud etc. Democrats have covered everything, will
not be caught, and so results will not change. The world will have to live with the nonsense
of Biden & his corrupt Democrats. I'm Indian, feel sad to see America suffer this.
Rathbone You are absolutely right. The machine wouldn't take mine and three people in
front of me. We had to leave them in a box in the back of the ballot machine.
New DemoNKracy: People of the government, by the government, and for the government - Jot
Kennedie - Don't think it will do any for the people, but the people should obey the new god
- Government of George Orwell prophecy.
If anyone believes that any software related voting machine cannot be altered I have a
bridge for sale. We need to go back to paper ballots and USA citizenship I'd cards to get the
ballot. Wake up people, the dems may have stole this one but don't forget Republicans can
cheat also.
So who in the Hell gave the ok to use this machine? Any Governor that allowed this in
their state should be removed from office as well as the Secretary of State.
There should an audit in all swing states, there needs to be sound respect, for the
integrity of our elections. The election does have irregularities and fraud, over 13k sworn
affidavits saying there was. This is 1 election, but if people don't have trust in the
election, we will be divided and the stability of our nation is in doubt.
I can follow him on the IT security. I and a couple of my friends with a couple flash
drives and using googledocs could easily compromise the Dominion machines and rig the
election results the way we want. Pretty damning report
I fear we do not fully understand the future consequences of just accepting this stolen
election. We will never have a say in who represents us if we allow this. The will of the
people will mean nothing going forward. We are entering a technological enslavement from
which there will be no way out. Speak now while other are around to speak up with you.
Tim, look at the Patrick Bryne story. He is the founder of
Overstock.com . He claims, with Sydney Powell, that he has the evidence, See the
That's kind of funny that ANTIFA would be involved in this considering when you went to
www ANTIFA com it took you directly to Biden's website! What a f'n crook!
A guy who EVERYONE hates, can hardly talk, lives in his basement and can't draw flies on a
campaign stop wins the presidency with the most votes ever. DIDN'T HAPPEN.
The Dominion machines and software should be enough to officially make the 2020 election
illegitimate. Why is the Democratic Party the only party that is endorsing these voting
I want to believe this theory, but the Georgia recount were fairly consistent with the
initial count. Had absolutely no reason to think that Dominion switched the votes. Georgia is
ALL Dominion!
Dominion software company shares a office with George soros and the ceo is best friends
with Justin Castro-Trudeau. Trudeau also gave one hundred and twenty four million taxpayers
dollars to the Clinton foundation to rigg the American election. The dominion of canada,
dominion software company anyone see and realize that this company is keeping the plandemic
reset going.
@rebel yell p> Trump
may not be able to sufficiently prove fraud at the ballot box
Everyone should look at this forensic analysis of the big ballot dumps in Michigan,
Wisconsin and Georgia in the wee hours of Nov. 4. The chances of getting these one-sided dumps
in legitimate elections are less than 0.001, on several metrics. All three state results could
and should be overturned on this one finding.
There seems to be a quasi consensus that Trump will not prevail and that Biden and Harris
will get into the White House no matter what. To my surprise, even the Russian media seems to
be considering that the Trump presidency is over.
Yet, I am not so sure at all.
Because at this point in time, I think that it would fair to conclude that anybody actually
willing to look at what has been revealed by this election will have to agree that this
election was stolen, rigged, falsified – chose your expression – and that going to
the courts to challenge this obscene miscarriage of the democratic process is a fundamental
civil right and something which any democrat (small "d") should support.
And yet, because we live in a media-created pseudo-reality in which absolutely crucial
things like the rule of law seem to have become secondary to ideological imperatives, no matter
how extreme, there are those who simply refuse to see the obvious. Yes, the 9/11 false flag
trained the western societies well and many now simply lack the lucidity and courage to face
Courts, however, are bound by the rule of law, at least in theory, and don't have the luxury
to simply pretend like crucial evidence presented to them simply does not exist.
True, the lower, state, courts are unlikely to resist the pressure put upon them to come up
with the "right" conclusions, but never say never – all it takes is one single principled
judge and Trump or, more accurately, the Giuliani team, might get the break they need. Still,
it is pretty obvious that Giuliani's real hopes are with the Supreme Court. This makes sense,
local judges are much easy to influence and sway than Supreme Court Justices who are
unassailable and who realize that they will make history, the only question being is: how till
they go down in history books, as a "profile in courage" or as impotent cowards who betrayed
their oath?
I will say that I am, to put it mildly, not impressed by Trump's demeanor during these
crucial days: he completely ceded the narrative to his opponents (a couple of incoherent and
poorly phrased "tweets" do not qualify). True, Trump never displayed the qualities of a real
leader, so this is hardly surprising.
Giuliani, however, is a tough SOB and he seems to be determined to take this fight right up
to the Supreme Court. This is why I believe that it is very dangerous to make any assumptions
about what the Justices might or might not do. Is it possible that even the Supreme Court
justices would betray their oath and cave in to the Dem's pressure? Yes, I suppose so. Concepts
such as truth, honor, integrity, courage and heroism are very much out of fashion in the modern
world, especially in the US. This is why the traditionally hallowed term "hero" is applied left
and right to every bureaucrat or civil servant simply doing his/her job: real heroes are long
Then consider this: if the SC sides with Trump and overturns the hundred of thousands of
illegal votes, the US will be immediately plunged into an orgy of chaos and violence, all of it
encouraged and coordinated by the legacy corporate ziomedia à la CNN. The thugs
of Antifa/BLM will immediately engage in Kristallnacht-like rampages in "protest" against the
"racist system". Their main target? White, Christian, males, of course!
Some justices might even feel torn between standing up for what is both legal and moral and
the practical considerations of the consequences of an adjudication in Trump's favor. Their
oath ought to be their guiding principles, but considering how often the SC voted along
party/ideological lines in the past, I am not very confident that the Justices will strictly do
the only legally and morally right thing: uphold the law and vote their conscience.
Finally, whatever we may think of the election itself, it is obvious that the US elites have
created the appearance of a fait accompli , hence the kind of nonsense like, say, Biden
and his "Office of the President Elect". It is therefore reasonable to assume that even if the
Supreme Court fully sides with the Trump campaign, the US elites will never accept this. They
will try to find a way to impeach, legally or otherwise, those Justices who voted "wrong".
I think that there is also another consideration which we have to remain aware of: Trump's
entire presidency is been one long and never ending prostitution of the United States to the
desires and whims of Netanyahu and his gang of thugs. True, as Israel Shamir pointed out ,
the Israelis failed to deliver anything in return to Trump. And yet, as Philip
Giraldi recently explained , Trump is still very much Israel's prostitute, which is why
there are an increasing number of Israeli experts (see here and here ) who believe that Trump might strike at Iran as a "farewell" present to the
Is that really possible? Could Trump really do something so crazy?
You betcha he could!
One one hand, I have always
maintained that Trump is the Zionists' " disposable president ", meaning a one
term president who will do everything the Likudniks want of him and who will then be jettisoned
and replaced by a truly "kosher president" like Biden/Harris. On the other hand, however, there
is the precedent of the US meekly taking the Iranian missile attacks in retaliation for the
murder of General Soleimani which seems to indicate that the Pentagon just does not have the
stomach for a full-scale war against Iran.
So which will it be?
Nobody knows. The only thing we can be sure of is that we are certainly entering very
dangerous times.
Those who hope that a Biden/Harris presidency might be better are deeply deluded.
Because, as many have already pointed this out, even if Trump is ejected from the White
House, "Trumpism", as an ideology, is here to stay. Even if you believe that Biden/Harris beat
Trump in a fair election, surely must you still realize that there are tens of millions of
Americans who feel that the election was stolen and that Biden/Harris are usurpers.
There seems to be a quasi consensus that Trump will not prevail and that Biden and Harris
will get into the White House no matter what. To my surprise, even the Russian media seems to
be considering that the Trump presidency is over.
Yet, I am not so sure at all.
Because at this point in time, I think that it would fair to conclude that anybody actually
willing to look at what has been revealed by this election will have to agree that this
election was stolen, rigged, falsified – chose your expression – and that going to
the courts to challenge this obscene miscarriage of the democratic process is a fundamental
civil right and something which any democrat (small "d") should support.
And yet, because we live in a media-created pseudo-reality in which absolutely crucial
things like the rule of law seem to have become secondary to ideological imperatives, no matter
how extreme, there are those who simply refuse to see the obvious. Yes, the 9/11 false flag
trained the western societies well and many now simply lack the lucidity and courage to face
Courts, however, are bound by the rule of law, at least in theory, and don't have the luxury
to simply pretend like crucial evidence presented to them simply does not exist.
True, the lower, state, courts are unlikely to resist the pressure put upon them to come up
with the "right" conclusions, but never say never – all it takes is one single principled
judge and Trump or, more accurately, the Giuliani team, might get the break they need. Still,
it is pretty obvious that Giuliani's real hopes are with the Supreme Court. This makes sense,
local judges are much easy to influence and sway than Supreme Court Justices who are
unassailable and who realize that they will make history, the only question being is: how till
they go down in history books, as a "profile in courage" or as impotent cowards who betrayed
their oath?
I will say that I am, to put it mildly, not impressed by Trump's demeanor during these
crucial days: he completely ceded the narrative to his opponents (a couple of incoherent and
poorly phrased "tweets" do not qualify). True, Trump never displayed the qualities of a real
leader, so this is hardly surprising.
Giuliani, however, is a tough SOB and he seems to be determined to take this fight right up
to the Supreme Court. This is why I believe that it is very dangerous to make any assumptions
about what the Justices might or might not do. Is it possible that even the Supreme Court
justices would betray their oath and cave in to the Dem's pressure? Yes, I suppose so. Concepts
such as truth, honor, integrity, courage and heroism are very much out of fashion in the modern
world, especially in the US. This is why the traditionally hallowed term "hero" is applied left
and right to every bureaucrat or civil servant simply doing his/her job: real heroes are long
Then consider this: if the SC sides with Trump and overturns the hundred of thousands of
illegal votes, the US will be immediately plunged into an orgy of chaos and violence, all of it
encouraged and coordinated by the legacy corporate ziomedia à la CNN. The thugs
of Antifa/BLM will immediately engage in Kristallnacht-like rampages in "protest" against the
"racist system". Their main target? White, Christian, males, of course!
Some justices might even feel torn between standing up for what is both legal and moral and
the practical considerations of the consequences of an adjudication in Trump's favor. Their
oath ought to be their guiding principles, but considering how often the SC voted along
party/ideological lines in the past, I am not very confident that the Justices will strictly do
the only legally and morally right thing: uphold the law and vote their conscience.
Finally, whatever we may think of the election itself, it is obvious that the US elites have
created the appearance of a fait accompli , hence the kind of nonsense like, say, Biden
and his "Office of the President Elect". It is therefore reasonable to assume that even if the
Supreme Court fully sides with the Trump campaign, the US elites will never accept this. They
will try to find a way to impeach, legally or otherwise, those Justices who voted "wrong".
I think that there is also another consideration which we have to remain aware of: Trump's
entire presidency is been one long and never ending prostitution of the United States to the
desires and whims of Netanyahu and his gang of thugs. True, as Israel Shamir pointed out ,
the Israelis failed to deliver anything in return to Trump. And yet, as Philip
Giraldi recently explained , Trump is still very much Israel's prostitute, which is why
there are an increasing number of Israeli experts (see here and here ) who believe that Trump might strike at Iran as a "farewell" present to the
Is that really possible? Could Trump really do something so crazy?
You betcha he could!
One one hand, I have always
maintained that Trump is the Zionists' " disposable president ", meaning a one
term president who will do everything the Likudniks want of him and who will then be jettisoned
and replaced by a truly "kosher president" like Biden/Harris. On the other hand, however, there
is the precedent of the US meekly taking the Iranian missile attacks in retaliation for the
murder of General Soleimani which seems to indicate that the Pentagon just does not have the
stomach for a full-scale war against Iran.
So which will it be?
Nobody knows. The only thing we can be sure of is that we are certainly entering very
dangerous times.
Those who hope that a Biden/Harris presidency might be better are deeply deluded.
Because, as many have already pointed this out, even if Trump is ejected from the White
House, "Trumpism", as an ideology, is here to stay. Even if you believe that Biden/Harris beat
Trump in a fair election, surely must you still realize that there are tens of millions of
Americans who feel that the election was stolen and that Biden/Harris are usurpers.
Two points to add:
1. The most important fraud in this election wasn't with the ballots. The important
corruption of our democratic process was the relentless media propaganda against populism,
with increasing censorship of populist advocates, and the violent riots sponsored by the
democratic party to destabilize the country. The Left used censorship and outlaw violence to
swing the election. The outcome is illegitimate for those reasons alone, regardless of
stuffing the ballot box.
2. Trump may not be able to sufficiently prove fraud at the ballot box to get the Supreme
Court to overturn the results certified by state officials. The court will set a high bar for
evidence before they will be willing to overturn state decisions on this. Even if fraud was
widespread, meeting a high level of proof in a very short time, as Trump has to do, is not
likely. Possession is 9/10ths of the law. If you can steal it and have it in your hand, a
court may let you keep it.
I rarely agree with The Saker, however this summary makes a great deal of sense.
There seems to be a quasi consensus that Trump will not prevail and that Biden and
Harris will get into the White House no matter what.
Yet, I am not so sure at all. Why?
Because at this point in time, I think that it would fair to conclude that anybody
actually willing to look at what has been revealed by this election will have to agree that
this election was stolen, rigged, falsified
Ask yourself this question:
Why are the Biden drones so desperate to obtain a concession?
If they were certain they had it, they would be moving on to other things. Only FEAR can
explain the "Trump Must Concede Now" frenzy from the TDS crowd. At some level they sense that
their Blue Coup could fall apart at any second.
#NeverTrump took two big hits today in Pennsylvania and Nevada:
So many things are wrong in so many places, it is hard to see how the courts can resolve
all of the challenges from multiple states before a Constitutional deadline in reached. They
couldn't resolve a few problems in one state back in 2000.
Time is on Trump's side. If the Electoral College fails, it goes to the U.S. House. Each
State gets 1 vote, first to 26 wins. The GOP controls 26 state delegations, DNC 21, Tied
It's been going on a loooonng time, Mike. Where have you been living, Siberia?
And the 2020 election? It's so over-the-top how brazen and multi-tiered it was. Russell
Ramsland knows precisely some of the electronic cheating angles. He showed election people in
KY how it happened in their Gov race in 2019. Scroll to 30 min mark and watch that
The falsity of the Russian collusion allegations, for which there was zero evidence, in no
way impugns the veracity of the current allegations of electoral fraud. In fact, the opposite
is true: the existence of the Russia collusion allegations indicates a pattern of fraudulent
scams directed against Trump by Democrat cockroaches. The Democrat Party is a criminal
organization, one a country worthy of respect -- that is to say, a country very different
from the United States -- would ban and one whose members said country would prosecute for
corruption, sedition, insurrection, and treason.
Would love to see Trump thumb his nose at the establishment on his way out by pardoning a
whole cast of characters like Assange, Manning, Snowden, Peltier and countless other
"enemies" of the state.
The government of the US is too important to leave to the will of a mob. Therefore you
will hear nothing of what really happens when you vote. Maybe freeing a few whistle-blowers
will shed some light on the deep, dark state of affairs that really pull the strings in the
For the more hopeful -- lawsuits have just been filed in GA and MI.
They can both be read online. Pretty convincing stuff -- will it be enough -- IDK.
Hard to believe that any lawsuit could cause a states court system to rule against the
legislators that put the process in place that created the systemic voter fraud. We will
@RoatanBill of an
occupying parasitic regime which sees them solely as a (cheap) commodity.
That parasitic regime is not new. It is the American version of the UK parasitic regime
that saw the Irish, Scots, Welsh, and virtually all the non-elite English as serfs to be used
and abused and cast aside when profitable to do so. It is a WASP thing, a central feature of
WASP culture.
And for those who must have the villain be Jewish, as Jews have been indispensable bankers
of WASP Empire back to archetypal WASP Oliver Cromwell, it is also a Jewish thing.
There are numerous articles going back decades on this stuff up until about two months
before the election by all the major networks and newspapers. Everything got very quiet two
months prior to the election.
Dominions manual says they have a remote access feature and they are connected to the
internet despite their lies in front of Congress in January 2020 saying they did not. Their
tabulators can be accessed remotely using Webx and other custom applications.
Unfortunately I have the manual in PDF and the link is not available. I find it interesting
that their older manuals have blacked out portions just like a FOIA document release. Look for
Dominion Democracy suite manuals 4.4 and 5.5 and up.
Look at the black box voting website and a gentleman on a voting commission built a simple
application that runs in the background and switches vote fractionally across all voting
company platforms as the software was all built on the same foundation application from
Evidence of fraud? It is massive and everywhere. We need to get back to paper ballots and
same day voting with absentee ballots given on request with a legitimate excuse for not showing
up on election day. Signature verification and sign in to vote. Voting locations in every
precinct not a few locations per county. That is how it used to work. That would be cheaper
than 100 million dollar mega systems connected to the internet with remote access.
Posted by: circumspect | Nov 26 2020 21:57 utc |
In all the excitement among objective journalists for Joe Biden's declared victory,
reporters are missing how extraordinary the Democrat's performance was in the 2020 election.
It's not just that the former vice president is on track to become the
oldest president in American history, it's what he managed to accomplish at the polls this
Candidate Joe Biden was so effective at animating voters in 2020 that he received a record
number of votes, more than 15 million more than Barack Obama received in his re-election of
2012. Amazingly, he managed to secure victory while also losing in almost every bellwether
county across the country. No presidential candidate has been capable of such electoral jujitsu
until now.
While Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton's 2016 totals in every urban county in the United
States, he outperformed her in the metropolitan areas of Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and
Pennsylvania. Even more surprising, the former VP put up a record haul of votes, despite
Democrats' general failures in local House and state legislative seats across the nation.
He accomplished all this after receiving a record low share of the primary vote compared to
his Republican opponent heading into the general election. Clearly, these are tremendous and
unexpected achievements that would normally receive sophisticated analysis from the journalist
class but have somehow gone mostly unmentioned during the celebrations at news studios in New
York City and Washington, D.C.
The massive national political realignment now taking place may be one source of these
surprising upsets. Yet still, to have pulled so many rabbits out of his hat like this, nobody
can deny that Biden is a first-rate campaigner and politician, the likes of which America has
never before seen. Let's break down just how unique his political voodoo has been in
1. 80 Million Votes
Holy moly! A lot of Americans turned out for a Washington politician who's been in office
for nearly 50 years. Consider this: no incumbent president in nearly a century and a half has
gained votes in a re-election campaign and still lost.
President Trump gained more than ten million votes since his 2016 victory, but Biden's
appeal was so substantial that it overcame President Trump's
record support among minority voters. Biden also shattered Barack Obama's own popular vote
totals, really calling into question whether it was not perhaps Biden who pulled Obama across
the finish lines in 2008 and 2012.
Proving how sharp his political instincts are, the former VP managed to gather a
record number of votes while consistently trailing President Trump in measures of
voter enthusiasm . Biden was so savvy that he motivated voters unenthusiastic about his
campaign to vote for him in record numbers.
2. Winning Despite Losing Most Bellwether
Biden is set to become the
first president in 60 years to lose the states of Ohio and Florida on his way to election.
For a century, these states have consistently predicted the national outcome, and they have
been considered roughly representative of the American melting pot as a whole. Despite national
polling giving Biden a lead in both states, he lost Ohio by eight points and Florida by
more than
three .
For Biden to lose these key bellwethers by notable margins and still win the national
election is newsworthy. Not since the Mafia allegedly aided John F.
Kennedy in winning Illinois over Richard Nixon in 1960 has an American president pulled off
this neat trick.
Even more unbelievably, Biden is on his way to winning the White House after having lost
almost every historic bellwether county across the country.
The Wall Street Journal and
The Epoch Times independently analyzed the results of 19 counties around the United States
that have nearly perfect presidential voting records over the last 40 years. President Trump
won every single bellwether county, except Clallam County in Washington.
Whereas the former VP picked up Clallam by about three points, President Trump's margin of
victory in the other 18 counties averaged over 16 points . In a larger
list of 58 bellwether counties that have correctly picked the president since 2000, Trump won
51 of them by an average of 15 points, while the other seven went to Biden by around four
points. Bellwether counties
overwhelmingly chose President Trump, but Biden found a path to victory anyway.
3. Biden
Trailed Clinton Except in a Select Few Cities
Patrick Basham , a pollster with an accurate track record and the director of the Democracy
Institute in D.C., highlighted two observations made by fellow colleagues, polling guru Richard
Baris of Big Data Poll and Washington Post election analyst Robert Barnes. Baris noted a
statistical oddity from 2020's election returns: "Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every
major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and
Barnes added that in those "big cities in swing states run by Democrats the vote even
exceeded the number of registered voters." In the states that mattered most, so many mail-in
ballots poured in for Biden from the cities that he put up record-breaking numbers and
overturned state totals that looked like comfortable leads for President Trump.
If Democrats succeed in eliminating the Electoral College, Biden's magic formula for
churning out overwhelming vote totals in a handful of cities should make the Democrats
4. Biden Won Despite Democrat Losses Everywhere Else
Randy DeSoto noted in The Western Journal that "Donald Trump was pretty much the only
incumbent president in U.S. history to lose his re-election while his own party gained seats in
the House of Representatives." Now that's a Biden miracle!
In 2020, The
Cook Political Report and
The New York Times rated 27 House seats as toss-ups going into Election Day. Right now,
Republicans appear to have
won all 27 . Democrats failed to flip a single state house chamber, while Republicans
flipped both the House and Senate in New Hampshire and expanded their dominance of state
legislatures across the country.
Polizzi , a spokesperson for the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, went so far as
to state: "It's clear that Trump isn't an anchor for the Republican legislative candidates.
He's a buoy." Amazingly, Biden beat the guy who lifted all other Republicans to victory. Now
that's historic!
5. Biden Overcame Trump's Commanding Primary Vote
In the past, primary vote totals have been remarkably accurate in predicting general
election winners. Political analyst David Chapman highlighted three historical facts before the
First , no incumbent who
has received 75 percent of the total primary vote has lost re-election. Second , President
Trump received 94 percent of the primary vote, which is the fourth highest of all time (higher
than Dwight Eisenhower, Nixon, Clinton, or Obama). In fact, Trump is only one of five
incumbents since 1912 to receive more than 90 percent of the primary vote.
Third , Trump set a record
for most primary votes received by an incumbent when more than 18 million people turned out for
him in 2020 (the previous record, held by Bill Clinton, was half that number). For Biden to
prevail in the general election, despite Trump's historic support in the primaries, turns a
century's worth of prior election data on its head.
Joe Biden achieved the impossible. It's interesting that many more journalists aren't
pointing that out. J.B. Shurk is a proud American from Daniel Boone country.
26 Nov 2020
Gregory Stenstrom, a poll watcher in Pennsylvania and
a data sciences company, testified on Wednesday that he witnessed over 24 instances of USB cards being connected to voting
machines during the ballot counting process.
a State Senate Majority Policy Committee hearing in Gettysburg, PA. He addressed his observations as a poll watcher in Delaware
County, PA:
I personally observed USB cards being uploaded to voting machines by the voting machine warehouse supervisor on multiple
occasions. I saw this personally. I brought it to the attention of the deputy sheriff who was there stationed, who was a
senior law enforcement officer, and I brought to the attention of the clerk of elections.
I brought it to their attention. I objected, and I said this person is not being observed. He's not part of the process that I
can see, and he's walking in with baggies -- which we have pictures of and it was submitted in our affidavits -- and he was
sticking these USBs into the machines.
So I personally witnessed that happen over 24 times. We have multiple other witnesses who saw it, including Democrat poll
Stenstrom said he had been told by U.S. Attorney William McSwain such conduct with USBs and voting machines is unusual.
"As of today, 47 USB cards are missing, and they are nowhere to be found," added Stenstrom. "I was told personally that these 24
to 30 cards that were uploaded weren't there."
hours ago
The democrats had four years to plan for this. Probably accelerated their plan once they realized Trump wasn't
going to be removed from office by impeachment.
My wife and I listened to the entire 3.5 hours yesterday on Right Side Broadcasting. I think the
Demonrats were planning for a much lesser amount of cheating that would keep the books balanced, which
probably entailed shaving votes from Trump and giving them to Biden. After seeing Trump was up by 700,000
votes at 9:00 am, they shut down the counting and did massive cheating during the night. According to
PA's Secretary of State website, 1.8 Million absentee ballots were mailed out and 1.4 Million were
returned. They final absentee ballot count was 2.5 Million. This cheating was massive and planned in a
panic mode and seems to be getting uncovered.
After Trump rightfully wins his second term, Rudy Giuliani needs be appointed a Special Prosecutor or
become Attorney General. Rudy sounded to me like he is putting together a RICO case against the bad
actors. Rudy needs to crush the cheating Demonrat bastards.
hours ago
Once again, they underestimated the vote count for Trump. Once it became apparent he was running away with this
election, he was up so much, they had to move to plan D. With this amount of correction, things are bound to get
sloppy and there are several loose ends. Hence the hurry to put a lid on it, declare Biden the winner and move on.
Again, the man fights back which they still don't understand. The longer this goes on, the more nervous the bad
actors get and all it will take is for Rudy to subpoena the people who want to come forward but fear for their safety
if they come forward on their own. Once you get one songbird, this thing folds like a deck chair on the Titanic. This
has been so coordinated and orchestrated at the highest levels it will shake this country to its core. Buckle up.
amans patriam
hours ago
1.8 Million absentee ballots mailed
1.4 Million returned
2.5 million absentee ballots counted
On that data alone, how can any reasonable, fair minded, honest person conclude that the final PA vote tally should
be used as a basis to select PA's EC electors?
I wonder if there is some confusion over "absentee" and "mail-in". Do the numbers cited above relate ONLY to
"absentee" ballots?
hours ago
Where did you get those numbers from?
The actual numbers are 3 million requested and 2.6 returned.
Look at the charts on dominion , spike at 99% for biden after they shutdown the count . They have recorded the spikes
and charted the impossible reading that doctoral country's don't get . Witnessed by a cyber war expert
hours ago
Eyewitness testimony by the most professional tech guy watching 24 chips being up loaded into a internet vote
counting machines.
hours ago
They had a few primary elections to practice on first. I read somewhere they used same crap to steal primary election
from Bernie in a few states.
A Pennsylvania
judge on Wednesday ordered state officials to not certify the results of the 2020 election
until her court holds a hearing on an election contest on Friday.
Commonwealth Judge Patricia McCullough ordered the state to not take any further steps to
complete the certification of the presidential race, which the state announced on Tuesday. She
also blocked the certification of all the other election results.
"To the extent that there remains any further action to perfect the certification of the
results of the 2020 General Election for the offices of President and Vice President of the
United States of America, respondents are preliminarily enjoined from doing so, pending an
evidentiary hearing to be held on Friday," the judge wrote in her order ( pdf ).
" Respondents are preliminarily enjoined from certifying the remaining results of the
election, pending the evidentiary hearing ."
McCullough is presiding over a lawsuit brought by Republican lawmakers and candidates
against the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom Wolf (D), Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar,
and the Pennsylvania General Assembly.
The plaintiffs
alleged that Pennsylvania's vote-by-mail stature -- Act 77 -- is in violation of the
state's constitution.
"Act 77 is the most expansive and fundamental change to the Pennsylvania voting code,
implemented illegally, to date," the
lawsuit , filed in the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, states.
"As with prior historical attempts to illegally expand mail-in voting by statute, which have
been struck down going as far back as the Military Absentee Ballot Act of 1839, Act 77 is
another illegal attempt to override the limitations on absentee voting prescribed in the
Pennsylvania Constitution, without first following the necessary procedure to amend the
constitution to allow for the expansion."
The plaintiffs include Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.), Republican congressional candidate Sean
Parnell, and Pennsylvania House of Representatives candidate Wanda Logan.
Marc Elias, one of the top attorneys leading the Democrats' post-election legal battles,
called the lawsuit frivolous.
"Republican Congressman Mike Kelly has filed a new frivolous lawsuit in Pennsylvania seeking
to block the state from certifying the election results and having the state legislature choose
electors," Elias wrote on Twitter on Nov. 21. "This is
absolutely shameful."
President Donald Trump responded to Elias, writing: "This is not at all frivolous. It is
brought on behalf of one of the most respected members of the United States Congress who is
disgusted, like so many others, by an Election that is a fraudulent mess. Fake ballots, dead
people voting, no Republican Poll Watchers allowed, & more!"
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat,
signed Act 77 into law on Oct. 31, 2019.
Eight of the nine sponsors of the bill in the Pennsylvania Senate were Republicans.
A Pennsylvania judge issued an order preventing the state from taking additional steps to
certify its election results until she holds a hearing on Friday morning.
The ruling on Wednesday by Commonwealth Court Judge Patricia McCullough in Pittsburgh halts
the process "to the extent that there remains any further action to perfect the certification
of the results of the 2020 General Election." Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar
certified President-elect Joe Biden's 80,555-vote Pennsylvania victory yesterday, and Governor
Tom Wolf appointed electors for the state. Boockvar and Wolf are both Democrats.
he case before McCullough is separate from the federal lawsuit by President Donald Trump's
campaign that seeks to undo Pennsylvania's certification unless it tosses out tens of thousands
of mail-in ballots the suit alleges are illegal. The state case was brought by Pennsylvania
Republicans led by U.S. Representative Mike Kelly, who sought to derail certification by
arguing that the state's expansion of mail-in voting was illegal.
Nevada Election Fraud case given the go-ahead for depositions. Read the full court filing
that shows MASSIVE fraud, clear violations of US Constitution Equal Protection Clause &
use of faulty, faulty, faulty AI voter signature machines:
Will Geriatric Joe Puppet and the lying DEM Machine be so keen on "reconciliation" after
their fraud is so overwhelmingly apparent proving Trump really won?
Experts on both sides of the political divide concede that both voter fraud and election
fraud occur with considerable frequency since the advent of electronic voting machines. In
addition to Dominion and ES&S, only five other companies dominate this space: Tenex,
SGO/Smartmatic, Hart InterCivic, Demtech, and Premier (formerly Diebold).
Virtually all have been accused of vote count manipulation or other irregularities
associated with their systems. Hart, for instance, was accused of vote flipping
(the practice of switching the votes from one candidate to their opponent) in Texas. Dominion
also ran into issues in the Lone Star state when its systems failed
certification over accessibility problems.
"Much of the equipment being used to record and count votes," explains Jonathan Simon, "is
either modem-equipped, which leaves it highly vulnerable to remote interference, or programmed
with the use of other computers than are internet-connected, allowing the alteration of memory
cards and code running in either precinct-level machines (like BMDs, DREs, or Optical Scanners)
or central tabulators."
Examples of these dangerous weaknesses were explored in a recent video published by a self-styled
national security professional, L. Todd Wood , where
conservative elections security expert, Russ Ramsland, breaks down his findings from a forensic
analysis of a 1000+ page voter log taken out of Dallas County's central tabulation center in
the aftermath of the 2018 midterm elections.
Ramsland identified instances of votes being replaced in 96 precincts, an inordinate number
of database "updates" and other serious irregularities that point to vote-count manipulation
and amount to election fraud. His most explosive allegation centered around claims of real-time
vote-swapping in the 2019 gubernatorial election in Kentucky, where Ramsland asserts that
thousands of votes originally given for the Republican candidate were swapped live on a CNN
broadcast and added to the tally of the Democratic candidate, Andy Beshear, who would end up
winning the election.
Ramsland also alleged that the election data of that race was being stored in a server in
Frankfurt, Germany before being cycled through the central tabulation database, which syncs
automatically with the numbers shown to television viewers. This server has been pounced on by
Trump supporters in recent days and repeated by Rudy Giuliani in his podcast on Friday when
he also purported to have direct evidence of election fraud.
While it is practically impossible for the layman to unravel the complexities underlying the
encryption and cloud technologies underlying the present-day election system in the United
States, few can doubt that moving towards a digital voting system removes whatever last
vestiges of control the regular American citizen had in a once participatory exercise of
Asked if democracy can even exist under such conditions, Simon refers to a prediction he
made in "CODE RED," in which he augurs "an inexorable progression to where we are now: public
trust eroded, the losers making wild allegations, no one able to prove anything, [and] everyone
kind of waking up to the realization that our concealed computerized vote-counting process does
not yield evidence-based results."
It's critical that the legal team nail down the machine manipulation using SMOTE
(Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique) written by Aleksandar Lazarevic. Trail leads to
Belgrade, Serbia and Dominion Voting Systems with chips made in China.
In a prolific time for draconian government overreach, one of the lesser-known pieces of
legislation proposed by the Bush administration was the Help America Vote Act ( HAVA ),
passed by a
Republican-controlled House and a unanimous vote by a Democrat-led Senate in December 2001. The
bill was signed into law 11 months later and "greatly accelerated the full computerization of
U.S. elections," according to Jonathan Simon, an election integrity advocate and author of
"Code Red, Computerized Election Theft and The New American Century," in an interview with
MintPress .
Simon describes the legislation's carrot-and-stick approach to goad states into adopting
technologies like touchscreen voting systems known as DREs, which were later replaced with
barcode systems or BMDs, which were "entirely lacking in cyber-security provisions to protect
the increasingly concealed process it promoted." Among the bill's authors is none other than
the current Senate leader and Republican kingmaker, Mitch McConnell, who has
defended Trump's right to challenge the election results without committing to a particular
"If, as was claimed," Simon continues, "HAVA would make voting easier and thus increase
turnout, as we can see clearly today, that was decidedly not a GOP goal, certainly not of a
tactician like McConnell." The partisan motivations Simon ascribes to HAVA are clear enough,
and, as he points out, should have been clear to Democrats as well. But, the argument that the
American liberal establishment had no inkling of the ramifications fails to account for the
Democrats' own forays into the closely held universe of electronic voting systems.
With the extremes of the American political spectrum lighting up in deep reds and blues,
whatever emerges out of the ashes won't resemble much that came before it, and regardless of
the election results, America's inexorable march towards techno-fascism is moving right
Watch | America's Election Debacle Highlights Anti-Democratic Hijinks of Both Parties
Actual voter and election fraud takes place in every national American election and is just
as prevalent in state and municipal elections, as well. From vote splitting to voter
suppression tactics to direct manipulation of election results, both political parties have
usurped the electoral processes to lie and cheat their way into power more than once.
But with the advent of digital voting systems, even the scandals we always seem to hear
about far too late will vanish from sight, as well. The most straightforward aspect of
democracy – voting – is disappearing behind a curtain of ones and zeros that only
technocratic lackeys will be able to pull back. Trump, who was plucked from the reality TV
screen like Jeff Daniels in "The Purple Rose of Cairo" and inserted into the national contest
for the highest office in the land, will do nothing to change that.
Publically available FBI documents
show the sitting president has been an FBI informant since the early eighties and his rise to
the highest office in the land was not the case of a brash, independent billionaire who decided
to run for president to "Make America Great Again." After all, Donald Trump's long-standing
ties with the very "deep state" many of his staunchest supporters are convinced he is
dismantling, actually reveals a factional war among the ruling class behind the scenes.
With a president who is as deep state as it gets, if there's something we can take away from
the last four years and these last few days since the election, it's that the American
establishment's over-the-top partisanship has been a ruse undertaken to hide the fact that they
are united in waging a class war like never before.
This election proves that our Department of Justice, the FBI, CIA, and all our
intelligence agencies are controlled by the deep state and the military industrial
establishment so that they can install the candidates of their choice in every election,
otherwise they would have exposed the totally unsecure Dominion voting machines years ago.
They didn't manipulate the 2016 presidential election because it was a foregone conclusion
with them all that Hillary was a shoe in. It has been proven that they were able to access
the software to flip votes in 2018 from Bevin to Beshear to install him as governor in
So now the question becomes, why bother to vote at all, Republican or Democrat. The fixers
are gonna choose, regardless of who gets the lever pulled for them the most. "Every vote
matters" no longer matters.
NO, always vote. The reason there is such obvious cheating on a national level is so many
voted for Trump the leftist had to dig up pre-print4d "Biden" votes in the middle of the
night in PA, WI, NV, and MI to counter the real vote. And their fear and mammoth cheating has
displayed for the world how criminal and anti-American the left is. And for that blatant
felony, we are going to win the election legally.
Part of the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency's mission centers on assuring
compliance with DHS dictates surrounding election security protocols. The standalone federal
agency with oversight from the Department of Homeland Security was formed two years after an
embarrassing incident involving DHS occurred during the 2016 general election, when Georgia's
then secretary of state, – now governor – Brian Kemp, announced that
cyberattacks on its voting systems had been
traced to the federal law enforcement agency.
In 2020 with CISA firmly in place, DHS' cybersecurity division implemented a "
24/7 war room " to ostensibly guard against election hacking. CISA's Krebs, a former
cybersecurity policy director at Microsoft, led the effort to "monitor a network of every
state's election system simultaneously until every vote is counted,"
according to News Nation , which was allowed to bring a camera crew into the
operation in Fort
Meade , Maryland.
In the lead up to the 2020 election, warnings about Russian and Iranian cyberwarriors
running roughshod over the electoral contest were everywhere in U.S. media. Dire warnings of an
existential threat to democracy by foreign actors that never materialized were leveraged to
implement new security measures in partnership with the private sector. Krebs floated the
excuse for a conspicuously absent horde of Eurasian hackers, that America's enemies chose to
"sit out this election" in a recent New York Timesarticle
The fact is that neither Russia nor Iran have anywhere near the level of access to America's
election system as the handful of private companies who are part of an electronic voting
machine cartel, which currently controls over 92% of the elections market in the United
Lawyers by nature of their profession sometimes are representing horrible criminals. So such
threat need to be investigated as terrorism (use of vioolence to achieve a political goal) and
the threat to the integrity of the US legal system.
Jenna Ellis, a legal advisor to President Donald Trump and senior legal adviser to the Trump
campaign, has received threats, late night phone calls from unfamiliar numbers, and public
calls for her disbarment, she told Breitbart News exclusively Wednesday.
Via direct message (DM), Ellis told Breitbart News that she had received "Hundreds of DMs
and messages etc threatening me."
Some threats have been public, like attempts to have her disbarred
and encouraging the public to file Bar complaints.
Others have been more direct -- and less subtle.
She added: "CNN reporter messaged today accusing me of my bar license being lapsed. Unknown
number has called my cell dozens of times between midnight and 4am to blow up my phone and try
to get through the DND [do not disturb]."
Ellis provided Breitbart News with a screen grab of text messages from an unknown person who
attempted to provoke her to respond, ending with: "You're a f**king c**t. You're the reason
people despise humanity. You deserved to be raped."
Other Trump attorneys have been harassed, including by the Lincoln Project, a group of Never
Trump Republicans who have encouraged the public to harass law firms taking up the president's
The mainstream media has defended these efforts; the Washington Post , for example,
published an
op-ed Nov. 12 titled "Yes, going after Trump's law firms is fair game." Trump's lawyers in
withdrew the following day, reportedly because of threats.
Joe Biden has not said anything about the threats against Trump's legal team, as scholar
Jonathan Turley has noted.
"When such actions were taken against lawyers representing civil rights groups and others in
the 1960s, it was correctly denounced as an outrageous abuse of our legal system," Turley
tweeted this week. "Now it
has become a campaign supported by politicians, lawyers, and the media."
Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart
News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
PT). His newest e-book is The Trumpian
Virtues: The Lessons and Legacy of Donald Trump's Presidency . His recent book, RED
NOVEMBER , tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative
perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him
on Twitter at @joelpollak
"The 2020 election was stolen because leftists were able to exploit the coronavirus
pandemic to weaken, alter, and eliminate laws that were put in place over the course of
decades to preserve the integrity of the ballot box."
'Leftist' in the American context is nonsense, there is nothing left-wing about these
'Leftists' Nothing! Political terminology in the USA has become absolute nonsense. This is
Alice in wonderland stuff. A battle between neoliberal corporatist Vs Neoliberal Corporatist
is being described as left verses right, it isn't. It is a war of the far-right against the
far-right. They are the same, in every meaningful way.
Glen Batterham , Nov 23, 2020 11:21 PM Reply to
True it's like a gang of mobsters.
Even though there is regular infighting for supremacy, they're all still in on the same
Faction X vs faction Y is probably a better description than Democrat vs Republican or Labor
vs Tories, or whatever. But it definitely isn't left vs right in any traditional sense.
Thom , Nov 22, 2020 9:17 AM
I think you mean 'imperialists' not 'globalists'. Globalism isn't a bad objective, which
is probably why the far-right are trying co-opt and thereby malign the term.
From Far Away , Nov 22, 2020 1:47 PM Reply to
[ Globalism isn't a bad objective ]
So what exactly are you talking about?
Here are three three examples:
(1) The development of social, economic, cultural, or technological networks that
transcend national boundaries.
(2) The attitude or policy of placing the interests of the entire world above those of
individual nations.
(3) The policy or doctrine of involving one's country in international affairs, alliances,
[ which is probably why the far-right are trying co-opt and thereby malign the term. ]
I suggest you at least try to strive for a fair, honest discussion instead of impulsively
ascribing bad motives on people. Sadly your observation reveals no logical, reasoned evidence
but rather your obvious dislike of some people you clearly have no problem wilfully
Berrent , Nov 22, 2020 9:05 AM
Empire does some stuff under the banner of 'the left' for 4 years and then they do other
stuff under the banner of the far-right. This creates the illusion of democracy. It's a
sedative for the people. The fake left will never do anything that really helps the
population, that is not allowed. The 'Green New Deal' is Corporate welfare just like Trump's
tax cuts were. Nov 22, 2020 8:15 AM
George Soros's Antifa has gone quiet after the U.S.presidential election of November 3rd.
Or has it? Two Republican election board officials in Michigan reversed their opposition to
certifying the election after threats were made to them and their families.
Coincidentally similar, transparent threats went viral and no doubt election supervisors
in many other districts saw this as a threat of vengeance if they dared to follow their
conscience and stand up against election fraud.
You can be sure Antifa is moving hell and high water to ensure party discipline, as per
the Open Society Foundation's objectives. They're busy. That's why they haven't been so
active on the streets, except to swarm and threaten citizens who dared to rally in Washington
DC and other cities in favour of fair and open elections.
Be careful what you wish for, is a trope in politics, especially when it means collaborating
with anti-democratic forces for short-term objectives. The event of Nov 22, 1963, was a hair
trigger, since when the willful destruction of the American political system has gone into
overdrive. Like one of Shakespeare's tragedies, one murder required another until brother and
son were silenced and then all those involved stood in line to share in the spoils: LBJ,
Nixon, Ford and the Bushes in particular. To this day only Donald Trump and arguably Jimmy
Carter were not connected to the assassins in some way.
The public execution of John F Kennedy was the work of external influences as much as
internal. The U.S. has long been the plaything of interests that show no loyalty to mere
citizens or institutions.
Those interests may be home-reared, like the criminal Rockefeller combine or foreign, like
the bankers hiding behind the red shield or star. What they have in common is their readiness
to use America as a permanent factory of war – the wartime economy as much as the
people – and then to dump them.
Not only to drop them when they have served their purpose but to disassemble the economy
on which they rely, to infiltrate society and destroy every one of its pillars – from
family to fatherhood, selling a false promise to women and mothers that ends in loneliness
and dependency, and attacking their children by promoting the dealing of drugs with a
for-profit prison at the end of a one-way street.
When I first encountered the campaign of former LAPD detective Michael Ruppert against the
Central Intelligence Agency's distribution of cocaine in inner city neighburhoods, I
struggled to understand the mentality of those who would do this. See Ruppert confront CIA
director John Deutsch https://youtu.be/IMBu0YTwfXc  ;
George H.W. Bush came into focus because his involvement in the JFK assassination, which is
beyond doubt: his long involvement in preparing the Cuban exiles cover story; his deliberate
misdirection as to his whereabouts on Nov 22nd; his deliberate fingering of an innocent man;
his attempt to misdirect FBI Director J.E. Hoover, recorded in a memo; photographs of Bush on
the day; and the presence of he and his son in the long line of succession from the
His motives bothered me. I tried to get inside his mind: was it that of an ultra-right
wing patriot who though he was saving his nation through assassination? (I think of Bush's
associate in El Salvador's death squads of the 1970s-80s Roberto D'Aubuisson who ordered the
murder, as he celebrated mass, of Archibishop Oscar Romero).
Then I returned to the work of Michael Ruppert and Gary Webb who exposed how Bush and his
CIA-FBI-LAPD cohort viewed the country's Black population as nothing more than disposable, to
be turned into an internal market for crack cocaine so that Bush could finance his wars in
Central America; so that the FBI could undermine the Black Panther movement and create fake,
FBI-manufactured terrorists in order to push the domestic political agenda rightward.
It goes on to this day. See Trevor Aaronson's The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI's
Manufactured War on Terrorism .
The LAPD built a computer database on the population from which it could not only track
criminals but, arguably, cultivate them and use them in manufactured happenings for reasons
much more nefarious than trying to justify a bigger police budget. After the FBI's counter
intelligence program CoIntelPro was exposed in 1971, the LAPD's files found their way to the
Western Goals Foundation, linked to the John Birch Society and the World Anti-Communist
Here we veer into distraction. Researchers of the 1970s and 80s saw the John Birch Society as
a hard-line wedge to build an authoritarian society -- and the CIA and the Council on Foreign
Relations must have been happy for the Birchers to take the heat.
What we know today, however, casts a different light on those vested interests and we have
a clearer view of who was seeking an authoritarian society in the service of globalist
See this interview with Western Goals founder Congressman Larry McDonald on the links
between the CFR, the United Nations and the CIA. McDonald speaks to Pat Buchanan and Tom
Braden, co-hosts of Crossfire.
I recommend reading the words of Tom Braden with an ear to CNN journalists today, along with
the rest of the Corporatist Media. The tone is identical, but so is their focus on denying a
particular agenda.
Tom Braden was a CIA operative and journalist. In true Mockingbird media style, Braden quotes
one of the CIA's own Mockingbird outlets, Newsweek, as if it is an independent source: "The
John Birch Society considers communism only one arm of a master conspiracy in which socialist
American insiders are plotting to establish world government."
Tom Braden: "That kind of silly, asinine statement is what makes people laugh at the John
Birch Society."
This week the New York Times blithely ignored the World Economic Forum's stated policy and
declared: The baseless 'Great Reset' conspiracy theory rises again , Nov 17, 2020.
Moneycircus , Nov 22, 2020 9:01 AM Reply to
Fixed link
Michael Ruppert confronts Director of Central Intelligence John Deutch over the use of inner
city Black populations as a dumping ground for drugs https://youtu.be/IMBu0YTwfXc
Gerell , Nov 22, 2020 11:16 AM Reply to
There was NO New World Order, that is now very clear. it was a fantasy put out by the
alt-right (CIA) to distract from the USA's aim of world hegemony, and which is the only game
in town, supported by a ubiquitous CIA and 800 US military bases around the world, enforcing
the dollar as universal currency.
The threat is not socialism, (I wish), the real threat is American Empire and their
neoliberal corporate oligarchy which is sweeping the world.
Actually, it is increasingly clear that we are on the verge of the totalitarian New World
Order, and you don't need to be "alt-right" or whatever to see it.
Seamus Padraig , Nov 22, 2020 12:07 PM Reply to
Antifa is definitely not dormant. They attacked some of the demonstrators at the Million
Maga March in DC just last weekend.
As far as the John Birch Society is concerned, they were controlled opposition from start.
John Birch himself had actually been an OSS asset during the war; his 'missionary work' in
China was just diplomatic cover. (The OSS, for those of you who don't know, was the Office of
Special Services–the predecessor organization of the CIA founded during the war.) After
his death, it was candy magnate Robert Welch who founded the society that bore his name. The
Birchers would rail on and on about 'communism' rather than Globalism during the Cold War in
order to give patriotic Americans the impression that all of the subversion going on in their
country was the work of a foreign power rather than their own élites and government.
And that's why, even though they sometimes raised a good point here or there–most
controlled-opposition groups do eventually–they were never a true threat to the system,
just a controlled opposition. (And they never, ever attacked Zionism . A Bircher could
be expelled merely for uttering the J-word in public.)
Larry McDonald, president of the John Birch Society at the time of his death, did condemn
the subversion of the globalist elite: "The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to
create a one-world government combining super capitalism and Communism under the same tent,
all under their control Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot,
international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent."
Carter was definitely connected to the assassins, but much later. He was handpicked for
the presidency by David Rockefeller after being recruited by his protege Zbigniew Brzezinski
through the Trilateral Commission Rockefeller established in 1973, whose first director was
Brzezinski. Carter's administration was known as the Trilateral administration with good
reason. Carter himself may not have turned out to be the president they hoped for,
If it wasn't for their relationship with the Rockefellers, especially David, both
Kissinger and Brzezinski would have spent their lives in academic obscurity.
Molinos , Nov 23, 2020 2:38 AM Reply to
Don't forget to add CIA boss Allen Dulles to your list of JFK conspirators. JFK had fired
him and I am convinced he was the ringleader. See the book "The Devil's Chessboard: Allen
Dulles, the CIA and the Rise of America's Secret government" which is available as a PDF.
Lost in a dark wood , Nov 22, 2020 6:59 AM
I remember long ago when this used to be the standard way of doing interviews; i.e. calmly
asking intelligent questions with the intention of eliciting information and clarification,
and allowing the person the opportunity to give a proper answer.
Sidney Powell: 'Biblical' Lawsuit Coming, Accuses Georgia. Gov. Kemp of Deal With
By Eric Mack – Sat, 21 Nov 2020
Levying explosive claims of widespread voter fraud specifically tied to Dominion Voting
Systems and potentially a pay-for-play scheme with GOP Gov. Brian Kemp, Trump campaign lawyer
Sidney Powell on Newsmax TV vowed to deliver a "biblical" voter fraud case this week.
Sidney Powell: It will be BIBLICAL
Newsmax TV
Nov 22, 2020
Frontline member of the Trump legal team Sidney Powell comments exclusively on the claims
that are going to be made in the legal battle to come over the presidential election results.
– with political analyst Mark Halperin and Newsmax TV's Rob Schmitt
None of this should be taken too seriously.
As Carleton-Browne of the Foreign Office would say, the situation is hopeless but not
As the US teeters on the brink of complete financial bankruptcy and general institutional
dissolution, our Exceptional Friends are kind enough to provide us with a final Grand
Spectacular Election Extravaganza, no effort or expense spared, starring none other than the
Great-Showman-In-Chief himself, Trumpus Magnus. Like one of his late great beauty pageants,
unfortunately minus the bimbos. Instead, we have a star studded supporting cast of
billionaires, close relatives, superannuated generals, fraudsters, grifters, chancers,
conmen, halfwits, religious nutjobs, certifiable lunatics & rabid warmongers.
Pitted against him are an equally colourful and motley crew, fronted by a gerontocracy worthy
of the late unlamented Soviet Union in its final death throes.
Trumpus Magnus himself, at 73, appears a scandalously callow youth beside Pelosi, 80, at the
helm of the legislature, Bernie, supposedly the Great "Left" Hope at 79, and Creepy Joe, who
at 77 is slated to become the new Commander-In-Chief, or Vice President, or Senator, or
Something Or Other, provided he can remember his own name and which country he's living in at
the time.
So just break out the popcorn and watch the whole tawdry, degrading spectacle. It's the
Greatest Show In Town, and it's all completely free.
They charge fifteen quid now to get in the local cinema, though admittedly that does include
the popcorn.
An enjoyable read, in spite of the unprepossessing content. Satire is truly a gift.
Schmitz Katze , Nov 22, 2020 2:26 AM
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address, known for its warnings about the
growing power of the "military-industrial complex
Eisenhower's "Military-Industrial Complex" Speech Origins and Significance
John Ervin , Nov 22, 2020 5:15 AM Reply to
Schmitz Katze
It was so awfully cute of Ike to mildly fulminate to us so, well, almost "democratically",
in his farewell speech to the nation, and so soon after he had just woken up from a Rip van
Winkel-esque nap of 8 years, next the Oval Office.
It was almost as if he cared. He had shortly before this swan song told his security
honchos, "I have nothing to leave the next President but a legacy of ashes" -- a phrase which
became the title of a condemnatory tome on the CIA by Tim Weiner, who had previously received
a Pulitzer for his first book on that murky topic.
"A LEGACY OF ASHES". That gray pile accrued while Eisenhower was working out the geriatric
kinks of his golf swing, a passetemps made as familiar to us in our own times by another
Republican President.
During his two terms, the actual bona fide Nazi Gestapo had completely embedded itself in
Langley, with Josef Mengele (according to Fred Burks of wanttoknow.info, among others)
training our agents on site, thanks to favoring treatment by Allen Dulles and Hitler's top
Nazi spy, General Reinhard Gehlen, the two leading that key Agency all on Ike's dubious
And the rest is history, mystery, and much misery.
Ours, and above all, the rest of the world's .
You can trace the origins of our current Covid pickle directly to that.
Thanks Ike! For the warning Farewell.
Hope you didn't let the door hit you on the way out.
Yes, I've seen some on that. I just am not very impressed with Eisenhower, since many
really sinister things rolled into our government and country, on his "watch". And it seemed
like he didn't do much about it.
After JFK's execution, I heard an interview with "Jackie" not long ago, it happened back
in those days:
REPORTER: So what DID your husband think of Eisenhower?
JACQUELINE: "Not much."
Frankly, it seems like in the court of (real) History, he would need a real good
Robert MacNamara said in the great film by Erroll Morris' "The Fog of War" that if we had
been the conquered, there would have been some real Nuremberg-esque war tribunals trying our
leaders and hanging U.S. for war crimes.
That "confession" is in the film, from the lips of a man who bombed the hell out of much
of Asia in his stint under Curtis LeMay, and his dubious commands.
And LeMay remained "gungho" after WW II.
I mean, any way you slice it, there is too much of that, from all of them.
It's just not right.
But, hey, Ike warned us about the MIC on his way out of the Big Round Room.
Eisenhower was a servant of the Wall Street/Eastern Establishment (now globalist) ruling
class based in and around the Council on Foreign Relations and the CIA at its highest levels.
Allen Dulles, CIA director under Eisenhower and CFR president in the late 1940s, was its
embodiment. Eisenhower was their president and his warning about the military-industrial
complex probably had more to do with the potential threat it posed as a rival to Wall Street
Researcher , Nov 22, 2020 7:07 PM Reply to
John Ervin
Yes. Too little, too late. It's like JFK's speech to the newspaper men in NYC. He was
talking about future censorship of the press and a heating up of the Cold War. If he'd
actually intended to expose Secret Societies and the banking cabal with their eugenics
agenda, to the public he could have done it any time.
Maybe his only real mistake or perhaps secret purpose was signing Executive Order 11110
which gave the US the ability to issue its own notes against US silver reserves without going
through the Fed.
The US silver reserves were probably stolen by the Fed from the Treasury after JFK's
death. Going off the gold standard by Nixon further exacerbated the debt and inflation.
Certainly the manipulation of the silver market by JP Morgan and others and the inability
of Congress or an independent body or any agency to audit the Fed, or Fort Knox is connected
to aspects of that Act, Executive Order 11110.
Sometimes I wonder if the US really had a president with any integrity since Andrew
Jackson left office.
From comments to YouTube: "570,000 votes for Biden in 90 minutes" (1:30), "IM HONORED TO BE
HERE REPRESENTING FREEDOM!", "The Legislature, are our Lawmakers and they need to enforce and
protect the people from corrupt politicians who seek to capitalize on their position of power for
person profit and personal gain."
" Fascinating testimony. Amazingly straightforward and easy to follow. Not surprised at any
information given, only sadly disappointed that our country allowed itself to get to this point
by not standing firm and stopping the deceit for several generations. Thank you for finally
standing up and addressing the disgrace."
"It's in everyone's interest to have a full vetting of election irregularities and fraud,"
Giuliani said in a statement Tuesday. "And the only way to do this is with public hearings,
complete with witnesses, videos, pictures and other evidence of illegalities from the November
3rd election."
"There were serious irregularities, we have proof of fraud in a number of states, and it is
important for all Americans to have faith in our electoral process," Trump campaign senior legal
adviser Jenna Ellis said in a statement. "All we have wanted from the outset is to count every
legal vote and discount every illegal vote."
WHO: Senate Majority Policy Committee Chair David Argall (R-Berks/Schuylkill); Senate
Majority Leader-Elect Kim Ward (R-39); State Rep. Dan Moul (R-91); State Rep. Rob Kauffman
(R-89); and State Rep Paul Schemel (R-90); among other lawmakers will join Senator Mastriano in
this historic hearing.
Mastriano is clear what is at risk.
"Elections are a fundamental principle of our democracy – unfortunately,
Pennsylvanians have lost faith in the electoral system," said Mastriano, who recently called
for the resignation of State Department Secretary Kathy Boockvar for negligence and
incompetence. "It is unacceptable."
"Over the past few weeks, I have heard from thousands of Pennsylvanians regarding issues
experienced at the polls, irregularities with the mail-in voting system and concerns whether
their vote was counted," said Mastriano. "We need to correct these issues to restore faith in
our republic."
WHERE: Wyndham Gettysburg, 95 Presidential Circle, Gettysburg, PA 17325.
The hearing will be streamed live on policy.pasenategop.com.
WHEN: Wednesday, November 25th at 12:30 pm.
"We want assurance that the issues encountered during this past election don't happen
again," said Chairman Argall. "Senator Mastriano requested this meeting because Pennsylvanians
deserve a fair election."
Easy question: Is it illegal to steal an election or not?
You would have to assume that it is no big deal based on the response to claims of
widespread fraud in the contest between President Trump and Joe Biden. Big Media says the
evidence just doesn't exist, and most Americans seem to be lost in a blue haze of blind
acceptance that whatever they are told by the talking heads on TV must be true.
This kind of unthinking obedience to authority is a frightening harbinger of an America that
is no longer a nation of laws, but rather a nation of edicts. You can already see that
unfolding in the sheep-like acceptance of COVID-19 restrictions that blatantly ignore the
Constitution. But if you dare do your own independent assessment of facts -- whether regarding
the efficacy of mask use in preventing spread of coronavirus or regarding the security of
electronic voting -- you will quickly come to a different conclusion than that which is
approved by Big Tech, Big Media and Big Money.
Unfortunately, most people don't take the time to do their own research. They simply believe
whatever is told to them. For those in thrall to the establishment media, that means they
believe that Trump's allegations of election fraud are "baseless." Remember, the media made
that declaration within hours of the election, long before any evidence had been presented in a
court of law and before analysis had begun on the raw vote totals. Once that narrative was
established, it didn't matter how many affidavits were presented, how many witnesses came
forward, or how much analysis suggested that the vote count may have been manipulated. The jury
of the American people had already been tainted by Big Media to believe the narrative that
Trump is a sore loser.
Don't forget, the mainstream media -- in the interests of public enlightenment (now known as
wokeness) -- have spent the past four years reporting as fact that the duly elected president
of the United States is a liar, a tax cheat, a Russian puppet, and a racist. In other words, he
is a con man who never should have been anywhere near the Oval Office in the first place. So
why would anyone now believe his claims that Democrats used phony mail ballots, vote-counting
software and foreign manipulation to steal the election? Most of the media is pretending that
there is not even a real story to report in what, if true, would be one of the gravest
constitutional crises in the history of our republic.
As Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani said in his press conference Thursday, "The coverage of
this has been almost as dishonest as the scheme itself. The American people are entitled to
know this," he warned the press. "You don't have a right to keep it from them. You don't have a
right to lie about it."
But, the newsrooms at CNN and MSNBC are keeping it from the public. They refused to
even carry Giuliani's press conference laying out the evidence of election fraud. As for Fox
News, they covered it, and then put a reporter on the air to say the claims were "simply not
true" or "baseless." Clearly, we are not going to get the truth from the media. Has there been
even one reporter for a mainstream outlet such as the Washington Post asking questions about
the vulnerability of electronic voting systems to hacking or manipulation? Is any news
organization demanding that the Justice Department or FBI get to the bottom of the story?
The loss of a free and neutral press means that democracy cannot work even if its elections
were completely above board. The capacity of the people to self-govern is dependent on their
access to true and accurate information. Sadly, the opposite principle applies as well. When
journalism abandons objectivity in favor of an agenda, then the people are in the position of
cattle being led to slaughter.
Thomas Jefferson described the abuses of a free press in 1814 in a letter to his friend
Walter Jones:
"I deplore the putrid state into which our newspapers have passed and the malignity, the
vulgarity and the mendacious spirit of those who write for them These ordures are rapidly
depraving the public taste and lessening its relish for sound food. As vehicles of information
and a curb on our functionaries, they have rendered themselves useless by forfeiting all title
to belief This has, in a great degree, been produced by the violence and malignity of party
Ouch! Take that, New York Times! Take that, CNN!
Of course, it is just such a malign "party spirit" that informs almost all mainstream
journalism in the Age of Trump -- a spirit that is visible in the hostility towards Trump
himself, but also in the accommodation towards Democrats such as Joe Biden. Last Monday's Biden
press conference was a stunning abdication of responsibility by the media for its much-vaunted
role of "speaking truth to power" -- or at least asking tough questions.
Three of the first four queries were merely anti-Trump questions asked in a new way. Instead
of asking Trump "How do you justify your unprecedented attempt to obstruct and delay a smooth
transfer of power?" the reporters merely asked Biden what he thought about Trump's
"unprecedented attempt" blah blah blah. Then the next three questions were about COVID, which
after six months of campaigning, even Sleepy Joe Biden could answer with his eyes
Isn't the media going to hold Biden accountable just like they claimed to hold Trump
accountable? Why not ask about the curious patterns of vote counting in Michigan, Pennsylvania,
Wisconsin and Georgia that make millions of people think Biden tried to steal the election?
Shouldn't he be asked to support a full investigation to prove his victory was legitimate? How
about a question about whether Hunter Biden will come out of hiding now that the election is
over? How about asking the "president-in-waiting" to condemn the BLM and antifa violence that
sent several innocent Trump supporters to the hospital two weeks ago?
How about our celebrity journalists celebrate their own crucial role as defenders of
democracy? If they don't want to "render themselves useless," they need to swear allegiance to
facts, wherever they lead, and not to one party. Or as Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana put it
more indelicately, "They have to be equal opportunity assholes."
But they aren't -- and sooner or later the American people will get tired of being
manipulated. Journalism is supposed to give an honest account of the facts so that people can
make up their own minds what they believe to be true. Propaganda, on the other hand, is a
dishonest attempt to persuade people not to examine the facts for themselves. Journalism starts
with facts and allows people to reach their own conclusion. Propaganda starts with a conclusion
and manipulates people into accepting it as fact. You can decide for yourself whether what we
have today is journalism or propaganda.
But the bottom line is this: Whether or not Donald Trump can prove his case in court should
be irrelevant to the job of the press. What honest reporters ought to recognize is the
significance of the allegation itself, the historical nature of the crime being alleged, and
the importance to the future of our republic that the case must be heard.
Too bad there are so few honest reporters left.
Frank Miele, the retired editor of the Daily Inter Lake in Kalispell Mont., is a
columnist for RealClearPolitics. His new book "How We Got Here: The Left's Assault on the
Constitution" is available from his
Amazon author page . Visit him at HeartlandDiaryUSA.com to read his daily commentary or
follow him on Facebook @HeartlandDiaryUSA or on Twitter or Parler @HeartlandDiary.
DPE 2 days ago It's simply not believable that Trump lost Michigan by 146,000 votes. It's
simply not believable that he lost Georgia at all. and it stretches credulity that he lost
Pennsylvania, although Biden did campaign there more than he did other states and drew crowds
of twelve. The Democrats air-dropped a million mail-in ballots (most unrequested) across the
fruited plain and then manipulated them in crucial battleground states. That was three times
as many mail-in ballots as were distributed in 2016. The election was stolen. The idea that
the head of the ticket lost while Republicans cleaned up in nearly every other category of
the election is also not believable.
Ruckus 2 days ago No incumbent president (Trump) in nearly a century and a half has
gained votes in a re-election campaign and still lost. Biden is set to become the first
president in 60 years to lose the states of Ohio and Florida on his way to election. For a
century, these states have consistently predicted the national outcome, and they have been
considered roughly representative of the American melting pot as a whole. Despite national
polling giving Biden a lead in both states, he lost Ohio by eight points and Florida by
more than three. Red4283 2 days ago
Everytime a reporter says the accusations are baseless I think, "How do YOU know? Were
you there? Did you read the affidavits? Do you have contrasting affidavits or other
evidence that shows the contrary view?" In the early days the fact-check websites tried
to fact-check the claims, and some had reasonable arguments against the claims, but
notice now they've stopped trying. Because they can't do it. Get a clue, journalists...
mlebauer 2 days ago
California, as often the case, was the testing ground for ballot harvesting. Check out
the National Review article yesterday. Nancy Pelosi has been pushing nation-wide
universal mail-in voting since she got the gavel. It worked so well to make California a
single party state. If things continue like California, our elections will become a
contest over which party can "cheat" most effectively through vote harvesting operations.
Not which can get the most interested voters to side with them.
steve399 2 days ago
Journalism has gone from news to confirmation bias. Thats the problem and not part of any
Reply 47 6
Show 2 more replies
Uncle+Sam 2 days ago
Americans say there are greater conflicts between Democrats and Republicans than exist
between other groups. If one steps back and looks at such partisan polarization dispassionately
it becomes clear that by making the conscious decision to suspend judgment and truly listen to
the "other side" reconciliation is possible. It seems if peace can break out in the Middle East
certainly we can achieve it here at home. :-o
Reply 21 15
Show 8 more replies
jamessamuelwalsh 2 days ago
Frank is 100% correct. The media wants us to believe the people committing the fraud are
credible when they deny the fraud. Let's get to the bottom of it. There is far more evidence of
voter fraud than there was Russian collusion, but we still spent 3 years "investigating"
Russian collusion.
Time to do the same. Appoint a special prosecutor. Spend 2 years and $60M million. Interview
hundreds of Democrats, and file unrelated charges when applicable. Until we do the
investigation, Biden is and forever will be a #FakePresident.
cubicle-monkey 2 days ago
Remember the old nugget that Washington Post film critic Pauline Kael allegedly said
something to the effect of, "How did Nixon win [in a landslide]? I don't know anyone who voted
for him." Well, now the right in their own bubble is doing the same thing, but unlike Kael,
they conclude that if Trump didn't win, it must have been fraud. Why? They don't know anyone
who voted for Biden! Or Trump's rallies were so big!
Ruckus 2 days ago
Biden received more than 15 million more votes than Barack Obama received in his re-election
of 2012. Yet, Biden lost in almost every bellwether county across the country. No presidential
candidate has been capable of such electoral jujitsu until now.
Ruckus 2 days ago
Trump's victories in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin were on target until, in the
middle of the night, counting was arbitrarily halted. Miraculously, several hundred thousand
votes – all for Biden – were mysteriously 'found'; Trump's real leads subsequently
Paul in Colorado 2 days ago
In the late 1500s the printing press destroyed the monopoly on information that the Roman
Catholic church had held for over a thousand years, and its appalling corruption was exposed. A
hundred years of religious war followed as the church tried to suppress the Reformation, but
free minds prevailed and the Enlightenment followed in the 1700s. Now the Internet has
destroyed the American Ruling Class's monopoly on information, and its appalling corruption is
being exposed. Now they too are trying suppress the new information channels, but their violent
reaction to independent thought will also fail. They do not understand or respect the American
character, and the marionettes they put up as opinion leaders have no credibility. The power
centers of their thought-police - the press, the TV networks, academia, Hollywood, social
media, on-demand riots, etc. - are now greeted with disgust and derision, and their business
models are collapsing. The peasant rebellion that put Trump in the White House is real, the
hundreds of thousands of Americans who stood in line for hours to attend his rallies are real,
and the continual erosion of Ruling Class power in America is real. As is their panic, so amply
displayed in this election.
The times, they are a-changing, and a new Enlightenment is coming into view. One without the
stifling dead hand of an ossified Ruling Class desperately clinging to its perch.
Ruckus 2 days ago
Donald Trump was pretty much the only incumbent president in U.S. history to lose his
re-election while his own party gained seats in the House of Representatives. It's a
Notmisguided 1 day ago
Its certainly pretty interesting that all but one of what have been the "bellwether"
counties since 2000 went for Trump. There was certainly fraud in this election but questionable
as to the extent of it.
Ruckus 2 days ago
In a larger list of 58 bellwether counties that have correctly picked the president since
2000, Trump won 51 of them by an average of 15 points, while the other seven went to Biden by
around four points. Bellwether counties overwhelmingly chose President Trump, but Biden found a
path to victory anyway.
JZ North AZ 2 days ago
Great in dept look at journalistic fraud and its impact on of molding the opinion and will
of the unthinking American public. Unfortunately, as a society we must have not reached rock
bottom, yet. Otherwise, the people who need to read this would be and the people who recognize
it as happening and speaking up to defend against it, would be thanked. Thank you!
Uncle+Sam 2 days ago
While it may seem easy to dismiss such attempts to expose alleged election fraud, following
years of a coordinated effort to oust a duly elected president it doesn't seem so far-fetched.
Rob Sjoberg 1 day ago We are to believe that Joe Biden went from 4th in the Iowa caucus
to 5th in the New Hampshire Primary to 1st in the South Carolina Primary, after which he
proceeded to run the board? Then practically without campaigning went on to win the Presidency,
despite the fact his events had trouble drawing 50 people? A telling little detail is that the
debates shown on Biden's YouTube channel would consistently have many more down votes than up
votes, until late at night when suddenly about 30% of the downvotes would be gone, and just
like that old Joe would be the winner! Come on, man!
DisgustedwithElitismNC 2 days ago
'Mika Brzezinski's exact words in reference to Donald Trump's calling out of the media for
the failure to accurately report factual information were:
" that he can control, uh, exactly what people think, and that is, that is our job."'
from 'Is it true that MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski stated, "Our job is to control exactly what
people think"?' (www. quora. com/
So much for getting the fact
Ruckus 2 days ago
Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for
Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia." Robert Barnes, the foremost election analyst,
observes in these "big cities in swing states run by Democrats the vote even exceeded the
number of registered voters."
Michigan Supreme Court says they find the evidence of voter fraud to be SERIOUS, TROUBLING,
and SUBSTANTIATED! Nothing said is to diminish the troubling and serious allegations of fraud
and irregularities asserted by the affiants offered by plaintiffs, among whom is Ruth Johnson,
Michigan's immediate past Secretary of State, who testified that, given the "very concerning"
"allegations and issues raised by Plaintiffs," she "believe[s] that it would be proper for an
independent audit to be conducted as soon as possible to ensure the accuracy and integrity of
th[e] election." Plaintiffs' affidavits present evidence to substantiate their allegations,
which include claims of ballots being counted from voters whose names are not contained in the
appropriate poll books, instructions being given to
disobey election laws and regulations, the questionable appearance of unsecured batches of
absentee ballots after the deadline for receiving ballots, discriminatory conduct during the
counting and observation process, and other violations of the law. Plaintiffs, in my judgment,
have raised important constitutional issues regarding the precise scope of Const 1963, art 2,
§4(l)(h) -- a provision of striking breadth added to our Michigan Constitution just two
years ago through the exercise of direct democracy and the constitutional initiative process --
and its interplay with MCL 168.31a and other election
Ms. Powell did not have much of a reputation in conservative legal circles until last year
when she took on the case of Michael T. Flynn, Mr. Trump's first national security adviser,
who had pleaded guilty to lying to the F.B.I. but later sought to withdraw his plea. The case
became something of a cause célèbre among many Trump loyalists, who have long
insisted that the president and his allies were the target of nefarious "deep state" law
enforcement and intelligence officials.
Ms. Powell, a native North Carolinian who began her legal career as an assistant federal
prosecutor in Texas, certainly believed that. And through her aggressive defense of Mr. Flynn
-- she often used incendiary rhetoric, accusing the F.B.I. of committing "atrocities" against
her client -- she became an admired figure on the right and a frequent guest on conservative
radio and television programs.
... ... ...
In a statement to The New York Times earlier this year, Ms. Powell said she had long
considered "prosecutorial misconduct and overreach" a problem. Conspiracies within the
American government have been a preoccupation of hers for some time: In 2014 she
self-published a book that purports to be a seminal work in "exposing 'the Deep State.'"
The book arose from her work in private practice, where she spent years representing
defendants in the Enron financial scandal, including the accounting firm Arthur Andersen and
James A. Brown, a former executive at Merrill Lynch. During that time she began to impugn the
motives of one of the federal prosecutors on the case, Andrew Weissmann, who went on to be a
member of the special counsel team under Robert S. Mueller III, who led the investigation
into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia.
... ... ...
In an interview last week on the top-rated "Rush Limbaugh Show" -- in which she spoke for
nearly 20 minutes and faced no skepticism from the guest host, Mark Steyn -- Ms. Powell
claimed that the voting machines in question had been designed to rig elections for the
former ruler of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, who died in 2013. They were "so hackable a
15-year-old could do it," she said. And she cited unnamed "math experts" she had supposedly
consulted who told her how an algorithm added votes for President Trump to Joseph R. Biden
Jr.'s totals.
In an interview the day before on Fox Business, Ms. Powell also said the conspiracy
involved "dead people" who voted "in massive numbers" -- again offering no proof -- and
described how fraudulent paper ballots were also part of the scheme.
Speaking early last week to the right-wing radio host Mark Levin, who has the
fourth-largest audience in talk radio, Ms. Powell said she had obtained an affidavit from
someone purportedly present when the scheme was hatched by pro-Chávez forces in
Venezuela to rig his elections.
Because of her involvement in the Flynn case, the pro-Trump media often presented her as
an expert with unimpeachable credentials.
"Sidney Powell is no joke," declared one Breitbart article published last week, which
mentioned her early career as a federal prosecutor and her work for Mr. Flynn. Mr. Limbaugh,
too, told his audience last week that he seriously doubts she would be putting her
credibility on the line if she hadn't uncovered serious wrongdoing.
Other Trump allies were less convinced that her claims should be taken seriously. Tucker
Carlson of Fox News said last week that when he pressed Ms. Powell, she failed to produce any
evidence to support the elaborate conspiracy she purported to have uncovered. His dissent was
not appreciated by the president's defenders, or by Ms. Powell, who said Mr. Carlson had been
"very insulting, demanding and rude" to her.
Despite initial praise from the president, who announced less than two weeks ago that she
had been added to his team of "wonderful lawyers," it was never clear during her brief time
with the campaign what her job was supposed to be. Her efforts on behalf of the Trump
campaign appeared to be largely limited to public relations She has defended the president
and attacked the integrity of the vote solely on Twitter, on television and at news
conferences, acting more as a publicity agent than a lawyer.
She has said she plans to file a suit in Georgia but hasn't yet. It is unclear whether
that work will continue now that the Trump campaign has cut her loose.
Jeremy W. Peters covers national politics. His other assignments in his decade at
The Times have included covering the financial markets, the media, New York politics and two
presidential campaigns. He is also an MSNBC contributor.
BIG news in Nevada: a Judge has allowed NV Republicans to present findings of widespread
voter fraud in a Dec. 3rd hearing. Americans will now hear evidence from those who saw
firsthand what happened -- a critical step for transparency and remedying illegal ballots.
Stay tuned.
Listen VERY closely to what this witness in PA says happened with roughly 600K votes during
curious "spikes" in the vote count... 570K to Biden... just 3,200 to Trump?!?!? 470 7.8K
merican democracy is in limbo after the long-anticipated, contested election has finally come
to pass. More than a week removed from November 3, Democrats and Republicans peddle their own
version of events as a corporate media blitzkrieg tries to manufacture consent for Joe Biden as
president-elect in true Guaidó style. Trump plays the villain, ensconced in the Oval
Office while his cabinet officials pitch weak legal challenges that fail to address substantive
issues of electoral fraud and serve to simply prolong the stalemate and build up the tension
for the grand finale.
Despite evidence of fatal vulnerabilities underlying the electronic voting infrastructure of
the United States that leave the systems at the very heart of the democratic process open to
election rigging on a massive scale, much of the American public is unaware of the extent of
the problem and how easily election results can be manipulated without leaving a trace.
The bumbling incompetence of the Trump administration provides cover for the machinations of
the U.S. establishment, which more nuanced independent coverage has revealed in great detail.
Taking the deliberate preparations made for this particular eventuality into consideration,
complete with
table-top exercises and the creation of new federal agencies and
programs since the start of the 2016 presidential race, it is clear that the 2020 Election
was targeted as an opportunity to fundamentally transform the American political juggernaut, in
tandem with the ongoing worldwide economic reset.
statement released last Thursday by the director of one of the newest agencies, in charge
of overseeing cybersecurity infrastructure in the United States, claimed that there was "no
evidence [ ] any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way
compromised." Chris Krebs, the head of the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency
(CISA), directly contradicted the Trump-appointed chairman of the Federal Election Commission
(FEC), who last week
told the conservative outlet Newsmax that voter fraud was definitely taking
Part of the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency's mission centers on assuring
compliance with DHS dictates surrounding election security protocols. The standalone federal
agency with oversight from the Department of Homeland Security was formed two years after an
embarrassing incident involving DHS occurred during the 2016 general election, when Georgia's
then secretary of state, – now governor – Brian Kemp, announced that
cyberattacks on its voting systems had been
traced to the federal law enforcement agency.
In 2020 with CISA firmly in place, DHS' cybersecurity division implemented a "
24/7 war room " to ostensibly guard against election hacking. CISA's Krebs, a former
cybersecurity policy director at Microsoft, led the effort to "monitor a network of every
state's election system simultaneously until every vote is counted,"
according to News Nation , which was allowed to bring a camera crew into the
operation in Fort
Meade , Maryland.
In the lead up to the 2020 election, warnings about Russian and Iranian cyberwarriors
running roughshod over the electoral contest were everywhere in U.S. media. Dire warnings of an
existential threat to democracy by foreign actors that never materialized were leveraged to
implement new security measures in partnership with the private sector. Krebs floated the
excuse for a conspicuously absent horde of Eurasian hackers, that America's enemies chose to
"sit out this election" in a recent New York Timesarticle
The fact is that neither Russia nor Iran have anywhere near the level of access to America's
election system as the handful of private companies who are part of an electronic voting
machine cartel, which currently controls over 92% of the elections market in the United
You Don't Really HAVA Choice
In a prolific time for draconian government overreach, one of the lesser-known pieces of
legislation proposed by the Bush administration was the Help America Vote Act ( HAVA ),
passed by a
Republican-controlled House and a unanimous vote by a Democrat-led Senate in December 2001. The
bill was signed into law 11 months later and "greatly accelerated the full computerization of
U.S. elections," according to Jonathan Simon, an election integrity advocate and author of
"Code Red, Computerized Election Theft and The New American Century," in an interview with
MintPress .
Simon describes the legislation's carrot-and-stick approach to goad states into adopting
technologies like touchscreen voting systems known as DREs, which were later replaced with
barcode systems or BMDs, which were "entirely lacking in cyber-security provisions to protect
the increasingly concealed process it promoted." Among the bill's authors is none other than
the current Senate leader and Republican kingmaker, Mitch McConnell, who has
defended Trump's right to challenge the election results without committing to a particular
"If, as was claimed," Simon continues, "HAVA would make voting easier and thus increase
turnout, as we can see clearly today, that was decidedly not a GOP goal, certainly not of a
tactician like McConnell." The partisan motivations Simon ascribes to HAVA are clear enough,
and, as he points out, should have been clear to Democrats as well. But, the argument that the
American liberal establishment had no inkling of the ramifications fails to account for the
Democrats' own forays into the closely held universe of electronic voting systems.
Voting machines fill the floor for early voting at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Oct. 12,
2020. Brynn Anderson | AP
A week ago, FOX Anchor Maria Bartiromo casually let slip on air that House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi's chief of staff, Sidney Powell, had
become a lobbyist for Dominion Voting Systems – one of a handful of companies that
maintain a close-knit cartel of electronic voting systems, which together control 92% of the
election marketplace. Nevertheless, Dominion's market share is dwarfed by ES&S; the largest
election voting machine company in the United States and whose "subcontractors that [do] the
actual programming, maintenance, and distribution" are controlled by GOP political allies,
according to Simon.
The wrangling these firms engage in to steal electoral markets from each other, and the
inseparable political problems such dynamics can cause, was on full display in Louisiana just
before the 2018 midterm elections when its Democrat governor, John Bel Edwards, canceled
a $95 million dollar contract that had been awarded to Dominion after competitor ES&S filed
a complaint about the contracting process. Edwards was accused by his Republican secretary of
state of siding "with his political buddies over election security," which contradicts the
prevailing notions of a pure partisan split along this issue.
Fatal Vulnerabilities
Experts on both sides of the political divide concede that both voter fraud and election
fraud occur with considerable frequency since the advent of electronic voting machines. In
addition to Dominion and ES&S, only five other companies dominate this space: Tenex,
SGO/Smartmatic, Hart InterCivic, Demtech, and Premier (formerly Diebold).
Virtually all have been accused of vote count manipulation or other irregularities
associated with their systems. Hart, for instance, was accused of vote flipping
(the practice of switching the votes from one candidate to their opponent) in Texas. Dominion
also ran into issues in the Lone Star state when its systems failed
certification over accessibility problems.
"Much of the equipment being used to record and count votes," explains Jonathan Simon, "is
either modem-equipped, which leaves it highly vulnerable to remote interference, or programmed
with the use of other computers than are internet-connected, allowing the alteration of memory
cards and code running in either precinct-level machines (like BMDs, DREs, or Optical Scanners)
or central tabulators."
Examples of these dangerous weaknesses were explored in a recent video published by a self-styled
national security professional, L. Todd Wood , where
conservative elections security expert, Russ Ramsland, breaks down his findings from a forensic
analysis of a 1000+ page voter log taken out of Dallas County's central tabulation center in
the aftermath of the 2018 midterm elections.
Ramsland identified instances of votes being replaced in 96 precincts, an inordinate number
of database "updates" and other serious irregularities that point to vote-count manipulation
and amount to election fraud. His most explosive allegation centered around claims of real-time
vote-swapping in the 2019 gubernatorial election in Kentucky, where Ramsland asserts that
thousands of votes originally given for the Republican candidate were swapped live on a CNN
broadcast and added to the tally of the Democratic candidate, Andy Beshear, who would end up
winning the election.
Ramsland also alleged that the election data of that race was being stored in a server in
Frankfurt, Germany before being cycled through the central tabulation database, which syncs
automatically with the numbers shown to television viewers. This server has been pounced on by
Trump supporters in recent days and repeated by Rudy Giuliani in his podcast on Friday when
he also purported to have direct evidence of election fraud.
While it is practically impossible for the layman to unravel the complexities underlying the
encryption and cloud technologies underlying the present-day election system in the United
States, few can doubt that moving towards a digital voting system removes whatever last
vestiges of control the regular American citizen had in a once participatory exercise of
Asked if democracy can even exist under such conditions, Simon refers to a prediction he
made in "CODE RED," in which he augurs "an inexorable progression to where we are now: public
trust eroded, the losers making wild allegations, no one able to prove anything, [and] everyone
kind of waking up to the realization that our concealed computerized vote-counting process does
not yield evidence-based results."
Spook Charade
Giuliani's promises of whistleblowers coming forward to save the day for the MAGA crowd and
call the election off aren't likely to produce anything of consequence as this charade only
serves to further pave the way for the ruling classes, who are consolidating their grip on
power and wealth at mind-boggling speeds thanks to the peculiar advantages bestowed upon them
by the pandemic protocols. Real evidence of election fakery is too widespread to confront as
part of a national discussion, as that would threaten the position of the politicians who
depend on a rigged system and the powerful interests that control them.
With the extremes of the American political spectrum lighting up in deep reds and blues,
whatever emerges out of the ashes won't resemble much that came before it, and regardless of
the election results, America's inexorable march towards techno-fascism is moving right
Watch | America's Election Debacle Highlights Anti-Democratic Hijinks of Both Parties
Actual voter and election fraud takes place in every national American election and is just
as prevalent in state and municipal elections, as well. From vote splitting to voter
suppression tactics to direct manipulation of election results, both political parties have
usurped the electoral processes to lie and cheat their way into power more than once.
But with the advent of digital voting systems, even the scandals we always seem to hear
about far too late will vanish from sight, as well. The most straightforward aspect of
democracy – voting – is disappearing behind a curtain of ones and zeros that only
technocratic lackeys will be able to pull back. Trump, who was plucked from the reality TV
screen like Jeff Daniels in "The Purple Rose of Cairo" and inserted into the national contest
for the highest office in the land, will do nothing to change that.
Publically available FBI documents
show the sitting president has been an FBI informant since the early eighties and his rise to
the highest office in the land was not the case of a brash, independent billionaire who decided
to run for president to "Make America Great Again." After all, Donald Trump's long-standing
ties with the very "deep state" many of his staunchest supporters are convinced he is
dismantling, actually reveals a factional war among the ruling class behind the scenes.
With a president who is as deep state as it gets, if there's something we can take away from
the last four years and these last few days since the election, it's that the American
establishment's over-the-top partisanship has been a ruse undertaken to hide the fact that they
are united in waging a class war like never before.
Feature photo | Graphic by Antonio Cabrera for MintPress News
Raul Diego is a MintPress News Staff Writer, independent photojournalist, researcher,
writer and documentary filmmaker.
This is highly relevant critique of Trump legal team. But what the author misses is the
systematic campaign of promoting mail-in ballots and enabling ballot harvesting fraud, which is
quite provable and which violated constitutions os several states in which it was practiced. For
example in Georgia the agreement was reached between the Secretary of State and Tracy Abrams, but
the secretary of State has no legal authority to change the state election laws, COVID or no
Is not interruption in vote counting qualify as brazen interference? It was never explained.
Just swiped under the carpet. Does neoliberal Dems manipulations with mail-in ballots quality as
"brazen interference" ? i would say yes, it does, This is replica of Pendergast Political Machine
methods. Please note that I am not a Trump supporter. I actually consider both Trump and Biden to
be very similar abominations.
There is a lot of bad reporting in the media, but a lot of the blame rests on Trump, his
legal team and the magnitude, complexity and implausibility of their claims
Trump's lawyers spent a lot of time at the podium lecturing the media on their "fake"
reporting on the fraud claims. No doubt, after four years of mainstream media malpractice, they
have reason for making this claim.
However, the moralistic lecturing was myopic and counterproductive, simply because even
honest journalists (if there are any left) have been left with their heads spinning by the
quantity and magnitude of the claims the Trump administration is putting out there right
Any honest person approaching the fraud claims without a pre-determined position on their
validity (something that is, unfortunately, all too rare) has inevitably been left feeling
overwhelmed and confused. There's just too much information. There are too many conflicting
claims. There isn't enough time to adjudicate each one of them properly. Not only is some
degree of media skepticism to be expected, it's actually the only responsible thing to
do , given the complexity and magnitude of the fraud claims, and the stakes at play.
One of the central claims being made by Trump's legal team is that there exists a vast
national and global conspiracy involving a network of shadowy electronic voting companies,
communist regimes, foreign dictators, vote routing, switching and deleting involving complex
algorithms, and the complicity of numerous Democratic governors and election officials. The
evidence proffered so far to support this claim is a single affidavit by an unnamed Venezuelan
official, and a number of non-specific allegations of data anomalies on election night.
Should we -- should the media -- simply assent to these claims, based solely upon the
heat of Sidney Powell's rhetoric, and a single affidavit? How seriously should we even take
them, given that the clock is ticking, and it is hard to imagine the Trump team actually
proving these allegations by the safe harbor deadlines, whether they are true or not?
How much effort should they expend chasing every new bone Sidney Powell and MAGA surrogates
throw their way?
"Dianne Feinstein's husband! George Soros! Scytl! German servers! Raids by U.S. military!
Spain! Hugo Chavez! Nancy Pelosi's chief of staff! Bill Gates! Cuba!" And so on and so
It's exhausting just trying to keep up. However you look at it, much of it is
extraordinarily confusing and, frankly, prima facie unbelievable. Of course, truth is
sometimes stranger than fiction. Powell could be right. But how likely is it that all
her increasingly wild allegations should come together just as she has laid them out? And how
surprised should we be that people outside the MAGA camp are skeptical?
3) The whole thing feels like intellectual blackmail
Rudy Giuliani complained that his team is preparing and presenting cases that would normally
take months, if not years to prepare and argue in normal circumstances. The media should give
them time to make their case, and wait for the evidence, he said.
But who's fault is this? The Trump administration had four years to investigate Dominion,
Smartmatic, and the dangers of electronic voting in general. They could have convened
bipartisan committees to investigate voter fraud and the vulnerabilities of these voting
In 2016, even after he won, Trump claimed that there were millions of fraudulent
votes. If he really believed that, why didn't he do something meaningful about it while he was
in office? Posting about it on Twitter doesn't count.
Sidney Powell has raised some good questions about electronic voting, if only that people
will readily believe wild claims of fraud using it. These questions should be pursued, however,
a few days ago, most of us had never even heard of Dominion, Smartmatic and Scytl, etc.
Now we're being told that we must simply believe Powell's theory that these companies stole the
election. Countless MAGA followers are posting that they are absolutely sure , without
the slightest shadow of a doubt, that Dominion is behind the electoral theft. This feels
"She's a competent lawyer!" her supporters say. "She's brilliant, she's honest! She's a
patriot!" Maybe she is all of these things, but I'm not going to make a judgment about the
outcome of a presidential election, or assent to a vast, complex, and highly implausible
theory, based upon such thin gruel.
I need time. I need evidence. I need witnesses and counter-witnesses, examined and
cross-examined. And being told by the MAGA crowd that I must assent to the theory, and to
declare certainty that an election is invalid and that a coup has been perpetrated,
without any of these, feels like intellectual blackmail.
The simple fact is, this process should not be happening under the gun like this. And
that's on Trump, not the media.
4) Trump's legal team is making an amateur error in its approach to convincing the
A thousand doubts does not constitute proof. Amateur debaters often fall into the trap of
trying to win a debate by listing as many arguments as they can come up with. The mistake is in
thinking that people are convinced by sheer quantities of evidence.
In reality, this almost always backfires. When you pound people over the head with argument
after argument, they tend to become confused, bewildered, and, in the end, resentful. They
resent not having the chance to really think through any one claim or argument in detail.
Inevitably they begin to suspect that you're just trying to pull a fast one on them. Usually,
they're right.
Trump and his legal team have fallen into this trap. At the press conference, they made
repeated reference to the "hundreds" of sworn affidavits they have gathered, and the large
number of their lawsuits. However, while hundreds of affidavits may be "evidence," in the legal
sense of the term, they do not amount to proof.
A journalist for The Blaze reviewed the affidavits filed in Michigan and noted that many of
them do not actually contain allegations of fraud. Instead, they often have to do with
circumstantial things, such as how GOP challengers felt they were being "treated" by election
officials, or described "fraudulent" behavior that could plausibly be interpreted as election
officials following normal procedures that GOP challengers simply failed to understand.
Maybe some of the affidavits obtained by Trump's legal team contain slam-dunk proof of
widespread fraud, but if they do, they are being lost in the noise.
Expert debaters know that the best way to win an argument is to select only the very
best arguments, and to focus on those. If you go for quantity of evidence, inevitably you
will include low quality evidence in your arguments. Your audience, which is not so much
weighing each piece of evidence (an impossible task), as whether you are the sort of person who
should be trusted, will often only remember your bad or weak arguments. The result is
that they will write off everything else you say, as coming from a fundamentally unreliable
Trump and his surrogates have raised important questions about election integrity.
Unfortunately, however, they have also repeated and promoted numerous false claims. Starting on
election night, Trump began retweeting every claim of fraud that came across his Twitter feed,
without any effort to fact check them. Many of them have subsequently been proven to be
It should come as no surprise that those who are not already on board the Trump Train are
reacting to each new claim made by Trump with deep skepticism. The tragedy is that some
of these claims may be valid. However, Trump's carelessness with the truth has fatally undercut
his ability to lead a productive inquiry into voter fraud.
5) The fraud 'investigation' is being conducted ass-backwards
Trump, his legal team, and MAGA supporters all began with the conviction that the
election was stolen. Then, they went in search of the proof.
People are skeptical of the effort, because that's the worst possible way to go about an
investigation. The point of conducting an investigation is that you do not know the answer. You
have a hypothesis or a suspicion, but not proof.
The Trump admin has, from the very beginning, claimed absolute certitude. Unfortunately,
this isn't just bad epistemology, it's also insanely reckless, since, by definition, the very
claim calls into doubt the very existence of democracy in America.
The word " coup " is being tossed around by MAGA followers carelessly. To say that's
a loaded word is an understatement. But Trump and his team have left themselves no escape
route. Even if incontrovertible evidence shows up at some point that the election was not
stolen, a significant portion of the MAGA crowd will always believe that it was. At this point,
there is nothing that could convince them otherwise.
Clearly, having a large body of citizens who believe that their government is illegitimate
comes with potentially catastrophic unforeseen consequences. Nobody in the Trump administration
or MAGA crowd seems to be giving any thought to this. Damn the torpedoes.
Given that it's Trump, we can expect him to throw out outrageous claims without making any
real effort to determine if they're really true. However, it is our responsibility to
prioritize truth over political expediency. Whatever our political affiliations, our duty is to
investigate with indifference to the outcome, rather than seeking ways to substantiate
our personal preferences. When faced with a choice between truth and winning, choose truth,
every time.
6) The U.S. electoral system is a mess
Rudy Giuliani has at least this much right. The evidence Giuliani and his team have
collected of conflicting processes and procedures around the country, the reports of
irregularities, the evidence of actual fraud, and the ongoing efforts of Democrats to push less
secure voting methods, may not be sufficient to actually overturn the result. But it absolutely
is sufficient to suggest that the whole system is a mess, and vulnerable to
While I believe the odds of Trump's fraud claims leading to the election being overturned
are slim (although I am keeping an open mind on the question), we can at least hope that the
whole sordid episode leads to some serious and much-needed bipartisan electoral reform, so that
this does not happen again.
But in the end, that's only going to happen if cooler heads prevail, and reckless rhetoric
only leads the country down a dark road of further division and strife.
John Jalsevac is
currently working towards a PhD in philosophy. Prior to grad school, he worked for over a
decade as a journalist, editor, and pro-life activist. His previous journalism and creative
writing have appeared in The Public Discourse, Gilbert! Magazine, Dappled Thing, LifeSiteNews,
and others.
The "conspiracy" gets more interesting the more deeply you look into it. For
instance :
A government body exists that certifies voting machines and software as being 'okay to
use' by individual states. There's a voluntary aspect to this, I believe -- states can choose
to ignore the certification, yeah? But that doesn't matter, because the conspiracy is about
Dominion , and Dominion was certified safe.
And this means that potentially complicit in the communist/globalist/Soros conspiracy to
overthrow Trump are:
* Dominion, obvs.
* Those heads of state that okayed the use of Dominion machines (possibly)
* Those members of that government body most directly responsible for repeatedly certifying
Dominion products
* The laboratory (Wyle, almost always) which repeatedly tested and cleared Dominion
And if Wyle is itself on the take from communists/globalists/Soros, shouldn't we
reasonably assume that every other voting product they've tested and cleared is
therefore suspect?
And if that election commission is on the take from communists/globalists/Soros, mustn't
we assume that they are only certifying voting products which serve their agenda?
And should we not question those most responsible for advancing the responsible parties in
that commission to their present exalted state?
And what of Wyle's owners? (National Technical Systems) Should we not be
particularly concerned by their voluntary acquisition of a laboratory group that
exists as a tool of communists/globalists/Soros and sways elections on their behalf?
We need a public hearing all right. Like Watergate. Reminds me of when Sam Ervin said the
telephone is the instrument of the devil. Wiser words I cannot think of.
Every precinct in the United States uses a paper trail to ensure results can be audited.
Every single vote cast involves a piece of paper with voter selections on it. In Georgia,
where Dominion systems were used, the hand audit produced virtually identical results. That
was a full hand recount. If the tally machines were switching votes, even a partial audit
would pick up on that immediately.
Very good article here, and does a good job explaining why so many of us have trouble
taking the claims of fraud seriously. Especially given Trump's long estrangement with truth
generally, and his tendency to promote conspiracy theories, especially those which stand to
benefit him if believed (see QAnon.)
The issues with electronic voting machines have been known for years, and I've seen the
case made convincingly by commentators left, right, and center. I'm certainly glad to have
cast a paper ballot in the last election, as everyone in my state does. Hopefully a silver
lining from this mess will be the adoption of more robust paper balloting systems
Everybody casts a paper ballot in one way or another. In the few places that have voting
machines (and I think it's very few honestly), a paper ballot is generated for auditing
Per my understanding, electronic voting machines are fairly widespread and fall into
several categories. While some states do require a paper ballot to be generated for auditing
purposes, there are some states like Kentucky and Indiana that have direct electronic voting
without that capability. It is worth noting that none of those states are the swing states
now in contention though, and that they are invariably red states.
My jurisdiction briefly switched to all-electronic machines, then quickly returned to the
paper ballots read by optical scanning device . . . a much better system.
"The mistake is in thinking that people are convinced by sheer quantities of
It works for the democrats, that all they ever do is 'level charges without evidence' in the
MSM, and where Tucker was attempting to take Ms. Powell and it seems your on board like all
the other conservatives tell us, we have to accept Biden, while we look into voting
irregularities and fraud, sometime in the future [post GA's Jan 5th 2nd electronic vote
I am going to eschew the question about Mr. Carlson and Ms Powell ----
But your observations about what works is accurate. It's a tactic that does work. It works
for prosecutors How do you get 50 million people to believe the Russians actually invaded
election boards and their processes across the country.
And yet, here we have vast irregularities in differing parts of the country. I think there
is a case for fraud, but whether or not that is demonstrated, there is clearly a case for an
audit on both machines and mail in ballots. and there absolutely needs to be an audit of
votes to registered voters and no one needs to a HS diploma to comprehend that it's near
impossible for all mail in ballots to be for x candidate and less than a 6th grade education
to know that if you have 2000 registered voters or even a population of 2000 that the total
number of votes is never going to exceed 100% -- if it does, there's serious problem.
What, no comment forthcoming from you about the terrible, awful, totally crooked election
that happened in 2016, with millions and millions of fraudulent votes--- that Trump never
looked into? In 4 years? At all?
Until he lost this election? He's been whining about how this election was going to be
rigged, couldn't he have skipped a few golf games to actually look into it before it reared
its ugly head and kicked him out of the White House? Sure, sure.
One thing that seems to have gotten lost in the fog--and that definitely got lost
by this author--is that Giuliani and Powell are working on effectively two separate cases.
Both are working for Trump, and both are working against Biden et al with regards to this
election, but there is a clear line of demarcation between the two. Powell's focus is
primarily, if not solely, on Dominion and the electronic case, while Giuliani's primary focus
is on alleged physical fraud.
It makes no sense to assume that Powell's investigation should have begun four years ago,
and then use that as a basis to sneer, as this author does, at Giuliani--whose investigation
could not possibly have begun before November 4--for complaining about having to compress a
type of investigation that typically takes years into less than a month.
I'm not sure what Powell has. Some of the anomalies she has obliquely referred to are
already out there, if you look for them, and they are indeed suspicious (e.g. successive
batches of votes, often 10 or more in a row, all with the exact same ratio of Biden-to-Trump
votes--a statistical, if not literal, impossibility). However, it doesn't look like those
would be enough to swing the election, because even in her telling, if the race had been
closer, the Dominion irregularities would not have been discovered at all. The electronic
interference was significant, but it wasn't what made the difference.
The meat of this case, with the potential to flip the results, lies with old fashioned
physical fraud--ballot-manufacturing and box-stuffing--and Giuliani's mad scramble to find
enough evidence in time.
My gut says he won't make it.
There are very strong indications that what Giuliani and the Trump team suspect did indeed
happen. Most notable is the Democrats' brazen interference with GOP poll-watchers in multiple
states; it is inexplicable if they did not have something to hide. But by the same token,
that very interference successfully hid whatever it was that they did, and because of that,
they have already gotten away with it--the evidence that Giuliani needs is gone forever.
The room is filled with smoke, but the fire has already been extinguished--and without the
fire, Trump can't win.
"The mistake is in thinking that people are convinced by sheer quantities of
Evidence, philosophically, is something that is true. If I have an apple in my hand and I
reach out and drop it, I can truthfully tell you that it will fall towards the ground. It is
evidence of the existence of gravity. I can't see gravity. But I can see the apple fall (and
anything else I drop). So can everyone in the world.
An affidavit is not evidence. It is a statement that someone is claiming is true. The
statement may or may not be true. So a lot of affidavits is not a "sheer quantity of
evidence". It's not evidence at all. Trump supporters need to understand that. And this is
why Trump continues to have these court cases thrown out: he is not presenting any real
evidence of fraud. Why? Because there isn't any.
You've got this wrong because your definition of evidence is wrong. An affidavit IS
evidence.The truthfullness or importance of it is something decided in court. It is evidence
just much as a fingerprint at a crime scene is evidence. The relevance of the fingerprint
evidence still has to be determined in court.
What's most obvious to me is that the lawyers making these far-fetched claims didn't
themselves believe the claims. The effort was geared to flood the zone, so to speak, to
create confusion and doubt resulting in state legislatures stepping in to settle electoral
vote allocations.
Sowing doubt this way might be acceptable in criminal court, where defense lawyers are trying
to establish reasonable doubt, however, here the objective should be to determine what
happened, and not inventing things that might have happened.
Soros, Chavez, Spain and communists? I believe the term is "jumping the shark."
Mr. Jalsevac confuses two different facts under heading no. 6, "The U.S. electoral system
is a mess." (1) The US electoral system is not a genuine system at all but an aggregate of
electoral systems that vary by state and even by county. (2) Some of these systems are
untrustworthy. It is clear that the second fact is cause for concern and in need of remedy.
It is not so clear that the first one is. The diversity of electoral systems is a feature
that contributes to the difficulty of manipulating national electoral results. It is the
chief reason why the Trump team has had to resort to grotesque conspiracistic fantasies to
maintain its claim that Trump is the legitimate winner.
"Durable, hand marked paper ballots must be established as the national standard for
democratic elections in the United States. While using paper may sound antiquated, the
consensus among election security experts is that nothing else provides the needed
reliability,security, and transparency. Durable, voter marked paper ballots are appropriate
technology for public elections....Hand Counted Paper Ballots are considered the 'Gold
Standard' of democratic elections"~ National Election Defense Coalition
Are there any electronic voting machines in Team D-controlled states? How did they get
there? Did they sneak in across the border? Which political party held the presidency from
2008-2016? Were they pushing relentlessly for paper ballots, hand counted in public? For that
matter, following the 2016 election, I heard lots of conspiracy theory talk from Team D, but
little in the way advocating for paper ballots, hand-counted in public.
The Senate report was long on words, light on specifics. Great, if continuing a new cold
war is your objective. Note that the House did not impeach on that basis, after two years and
change of promising russiagate bombshells that never came.
According to this article, there are 8 states still using voting machines that produce no
paper trail. It's not a long article, but I extracted this list:
"eight states that will use some form of paperless voting in 2020: Texas, Louisiana,
Tennessee, Mississippi, Kansas, Indiana, Kentucky and New Jersey. "
There have been Democrats complaining about electronic voting machines for at least the
last 20 years. You're a bit late to the party, but you're welcome to join. Our democracy
works best when citizens are willing to work together toward goals on which they agree,
regardless of whether or not they agree on all goals.
I would also be glad to see bipartisan electoral reform, but only if includes measures
taken to protect votes before the actual voting starts. Some of the voter suppression
measures we.ve
seen in the last few years are:
- Purging of voter rolls near an election to keep voters from having a chance to vote
- Implementing postal procedures to reduce the speed of mail delivery to make it more
difficult to vote by mail
- Removing mail sorting machines and post office drop boxes to make it more difficult to vote
by mail
- Reducing the number of polling sites in areas populated by the other political party to
complicate voting in person
- Rejecting mailed in ballots because trivial differences in the signature, such as a missing
middle initial.
All of the Republican handwringing about "voter fraud" in the election seems to boil down
to complaints that the judges stopped their efforts to steal the election. Some of that gets
dressed up with pontification about the importance of the credibility of the election. The
credibility of an election is supremely important, but voter suppression damages that
credibility as much as voter fraud.
I noticed you did not mention the Ramsland affidavit in your discussion of the competence
of Trump's legal team. The affidavit attempts to identify areas in Michigan in which more
votes were cast than the number of registered voters. Unfortunately, all the examples
provided were in Minnesota. That does not suggest thorough research. In addition, the areas
listed in the affidavit tend to be in very Republican areas of Minnesota, suggesting that any
voter fraud may be as likely to be Republican as it is to be Democratic.
"Keeping copies of the physical ballots does nothing to assuage these concerns"
I disagree. Here in Michigan we do regular hand checks of randomly chosen scanners, and of
all of them if any problem arises. It has been remarkably accurate in my town.
The opposite of such scanning is prolonged counting, by fallible humans some of them
partisan and fighting with other partisans. I don't see advantage there.
But yes, hacking of any electronic device is a monster problem, and must be addressed by
regular and randomized physical confirmation, just as is done with any quality control
To be effective against fraud the count needs to be compelled by law and done on a truly
random sampling of ballots until statistical near-certainty of the result through
hand-counting alone is achieved, falling back to a count of all ballots if the election is
Optional procedures executed in creative ways by goofy partisans is what "regular hand
checks" sounds like to me, though I may be wrong.
I agree it's not worthless to save the ballots, and I'd even agree with you far enough to
disagree with the author and say it's possible to design a good manual-check procedure. But I
read what he said as a simplification of the truth: in 2016 there was so much sillyness in
the law and the implementation of recount procedures that it'd be better if the machines
weren't there at all, and I doubt that's changed.
When it is close, we by law have an automatic 100% recount of machine scanned ballots by
hand. That is what was done in 2016. That was discontinued by agreement of both political
parties after the initial round of those counts showed zero error. Zero. By agreement. Thus,
it can be done. But you are correct about the sampling idea, and the need for uniform
enforceable law on the matter.
Now we're being told that we must simply believe Powell's theory that these companies
stole the election.
No, you must either do your own investigating to try and ascertain the truth, (which NO
media outlet seems to be doing) or keep an open mind that Powell will be able to prove what
she says. Powell is not some two-bit lawyer. She's a seasoned federal prosecutor putting a
lot on the line in making these claims. Grant her a modicum of respect in entertaining the
possibility that she can back up what she says.
Also, the Trump campaign has filed exactly 3, and now 4 lawsuits - not 30-something as is
continually and falsely reported and regurgitated by the media. The other lawsuits are by
supporters and allies, but not Trump's lawyers. Yes, it's hard to keep up, but YOUR JOB is to
at least try. Thank you.
I suggest young Master Jalsevac spend a couple of years living in one of our fine major
cities to see how things really are run outside of political philosophy books.
One of the oddest things about this is that in the past, particularly in 2004, many
Democrats charged that the Republicans had stolen the election, particularly in Ohio. Google:
2004 election stolen. You will find a lot of hits. Does anyone remember Diebold voting
machines? Are they still in use? Were they manipulated on behalf of Republicans, then or
later? I have no idea. But I want to make a few points: 1. Liberals have at times complained
loudly about stolen elections and the ease of manipulating electronic results by various
Republican-connected people. 2. Whether these were true or not have they ever been
sufficiently investigated? 3. Why, now is it only a vast liberal conspiracy that is alleged
to exist, and not perhaps the still existing conservative conspiracy from 2004? In November
2005 Mother Jones reviewed a book, Fooled Again: How the Right Stole the 2004 Election &
Why They'll Steal the Next One Too
The voting machine division of Diebold was taken over by Dominion Voting Systems. That's
the easiest conspiracy theory in history. The real question, if you want to believe, is why
the Republicans sold their election-stealer to the Democrats.
"In other words, Plaintiffs ask this Court to disenfranchise almost seven million voters.
This Court has been unable to find any case in which a plaintiff has sought such a drastic
remedy in the contest of an election, in terms of the sheer volume of votes asked to be
invalidated. One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would
come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant
corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed
injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens.
That has not happened. Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal
arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and
unsupported by evidence. In the United States of America, this cannot justify the
disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated
state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more. At bottom, Plaintiffs have failed to
meet their burden to state a claim upon which relief may be granted. Therefore, I grant
Defendants' motions and dismiss Plaintiffs' action with prejudice."
You know, this kind of reasonable and thoughtful writing is why, as a liberal, I like
coming over here to the dark side of town to see what's going on. Even while struggling to
present an open mind, he admits to being buried in the silliness of it all. A good read. Not
surprised to see all these calls for crucifixion in the comments.
You know, this kind of reasonable and thoughtful writing .......
It is neither reasonable or thoughtful. It pretends to be condemning the defense while
pretending that they would otherwise have a case. And he is refusing to acknowledge that the
why Trump has to turn to Rudy - his last resort - is because the reputable lawyers he had on
his team are refusing to make bogus claims in court; to be fair, so does Rudy, but he is
willing to make them to the press and they are not.
Even while struggling to present an open mind, he admits to being buried in the
silliness of it all.
You are doing what Liberals so often do. They are so hungry for a Republican who is not
calling them names and willing to admit that Trump is at fault, that they completely miss the
point that the "admission" is trying to make. When Comey admitted that Hillary Clinton
omitted no indictable offense, they praised him for his "fairness". But he was not being fair
at all. He would have to be an evil crook to indict the nominee of one of our major parties
when he knew she could not be convicted. But he broke every rule of propriety and launched
into a condemnation that handed Trump what he needed to win the election. So this writer
admitted that Trump is making no case . So what? You seem to have missed the
fact that he is falsely claiming that Trump does have case to make. And that
claim is utterly baseless!
I am not a partisan. I detest political parties. But I also detest seeing partisans
complimented for being non-partisan for simply not being on the raving extreme of their
party. It lowers the standard of what it beings to be non-partisan. Non-partisan means to
make judgements consistently on principle, applying the same standards to everyone. I expect
that many Republicans will read my post and conclude that I am being partisan - because that
is taken nowadays to mean "condemns my party". But I get accused just as often by Democrats
to being a Republican, so that is alright with me. But in so far as this particular quarrel
is concerned, President Trump has no case at all. The Pennsylvania elections were run be
declared Republicans. Prominent Republicans, and they gave both Republican Senators more
votes. They counted the legal votes as they were cast. They ran a fair, honest and honorable
Thanks for the magnificent reply, 414 words, all thoughtful. You may have me there in your
sterner criticism of Rod's equivocation about Trump, but consider the audience, after all. As
for being a liberal hungry for a conservative who is not an asshole, guilty as charged. You
make a good point that Rod still seems still to yearn for Trump to have a case to make and
that is true, but I think Rod is fairly conflicted in this and other conundrums conservatives
must find themselves as the whole enterprise sinks into hopelessness and tawdry hopelessness
at that. It is a hard row to hoe, after all. I never said he was non-partisan, just a poor
conservative religious guy trying to make his way in the difficult world while continuing to
try to be a decent man. It is what is endearing about his writing to me sometimes. But I
thank you for this response, it shows both feeling and intelligence.
Here is quite the interesting take on Trump allowing the GSA to move forward with
"transition". Biden must sign / attest to / deny any "foreign interests" including
investments. #laptopfromhell
Letter from Emily Murphy: "I remind you that Section 6 of the Act imposes reporting
requirements on you as a condition for receiving services and funds from the GSA."
Gyromancer , 5 hours ago
And the contents of the laptop are available online now; leaked within the last couple of
days, if nor before.
Laziness leads to sloppiness, and sloppiness is how the most brazen heist in American
history is being exposed...
Stealing the 2020 election was a mammoth undertaking, involving widespread lawlessness and
illicit partnerships between private actors and public officials. They've been working to cover
their tracks since Election Day, but they didn't work fast enough. Now, the courts need to stop
them from destroying any more evidence so that the people of Pennsylvania -- and the rest of the country
-- can accurately assess the ramifications of their wrongdoing.
Explosive new litigation filed in federal district court on Nov. 21 details and documents a
wide variety of illegal practices that were used to inflate the number of votes received by
Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, including disparate treatment of voters based on
where they live and outright manipulation of Pennsylvania's voter registration system by
partisan activists.
An unprecedented number of mail-in and absentee ballots were cast this year, and practically
everyone expected that this would result in a higher-than-usual rate of ballots being rejected
for various flaws, such as lacking a secrecy envelope or missing information. In Pennsylvania,
tens or hundreds of thousands of ballots were likely to be rejected, based on historical
patterns. Instead, a mere
0.03 percent of mail-in ballots were ultimately rejected -- somewhere in the neighborhood
of about 1,000 votes.
Considering that a significant majority of mail-in votes were cast for Biden, the Democrat
candidate benefited handsomely from this discrepancy. But how did this anomaly happen?
It turns out that election officials in Democrat strongholds such as Allegheny County
(Pittsburgh), Philadelphia County, and Philadelphia's collar counties -- particularly Delaware
County -- exceeded their authority in order to give voters preferential treatment that wasn't
afforded to voters in Republican-leaning areas of the state.
Specifically, election workers illegally "pre-canvassed" mail-in ballots to determine
whether they were missing a secrecy envelope or failed to include necessary information. When
ballots were found to be flawed, voters were given an opportunity to correct, or "cure," their
ballots to make sure they counted. In at least some cases, Democrat Party officials were even
given lists of voters to contact about curing their ballots.
Election officials in Republican-leaning counties rightly interpreted this as a violation of
Pennsylvania's election code, but Democrat Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar issued guidance
authorizing the illegal practices despite lacking the statutory authority to do so.
That's not the only way Democrats broke the law to give their candidate an unfair advantage,
though. Extensive on-the-ground investigations conducted over the past year and a half by
attorneys and investigators with the Amistad Project of the nonpartisan Thomas More Society
have uncovered another element of the plot that involved even more egregious behavior.
Boockvar also exceeded her authority by granting private, partisan organizations --
including the notoriously pro-Democrat group "Rock the Vote" -- access to the Commonwealth's
Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors (SURE).
"Rock the Vote's web tool was connected to our system, making the process of registering
voters through their online programs, and those of their partners, seamless for voters across
Pennsylvania," the lawsuit quotes Boockvar as saying.
That's not supposed to happen. It's one thing for outside groups to submit registration
applications to the state on behalf of would-be voters, but election clerks are the only ones
who are supposed to enter this sort of information directly into the records.
It's easy to see why by inspecting post-election voter lists, which contain names such as
"Mary April Smith," followed by "Mary May Smith," "Mary June Smith," "Mary July Smith," and so
forth through the rest of the calendar. When the same voter lists were purchased just a week
later, however, those suspicious names had mysteriously disappeared from the rolls.
Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories.
Under the circumstances, that's direct evidence of a systematic effort to conceal
wrongdoing. All further alterations to the SURE system should be immediately halted to allow a
thorough investigation of the records before any more evidence can be destroyed.
The thieves who attempted to hijack the 2020 presidential election were bound to slip up
somewhere, and now they're trying to clean up the glaring evidence of their wrongdoing before
the full extent of their crimes can be exposed to the American public. We can't allow that to
happen, or we may never be able to trust the integrity of our elections again.
He said the lawsuit he filed yesterday as a citizen of Fulton county, GA can be copied,
names and dates changed and then filed by every other citizen of Fulton county, GA too.
Unfortunately IMHO, the Kraken was either a careless misspeak or a bluff to shake the
trees to see if a whistleblower would fall out. If the later, it failed. If the former, I am
inclined to give Sidney a break. She has done yeoman's work for Flynn. And so the Kraken
seems destined to remain a creature of Scandinavian lore and Hollywood movies. I wish it were
not so. The Dominion software apparently is easily hacked and allows votes to be directly
manipulated without a trace. Hard to make a case without an audit trail. I wonder whether the
outcry from MAGA supporters will be sufficient to encourage states to choose a more secure
vendor or will Dominion still be in widespread use during the midterms? Kemp, Raffensberger
and company should be ridden out of GA on a rail after a good tar and feathering. Other
states have their own corrupt actors who should receive the same consideration. They all have
sold us out -- if the Dems take the Senate, even to slavery under socialism -- for 30 pieces
of silver. As for Kemp and Raffensberger, in a different age I might have suggested an
appointment with a high, sturdy branch in one of GA's many 100 plus years old live oaks.
As I listened to Lin's interview today I tho't that there must be something in the
Southern water. Both he and Sidney have that Southern drawl. Very genteel, polished and
extremely intelligent.
I am a very brave soul, but I don't think I would want to go up against either of them in
a court of law. 🙂
I forget who it was, either Lou or Tucker, that ended their interview telling Sidney half
jokingly to remember to lock her doors at night.
Please remember to PRAY God's protection for this wonderful woman!
When are they going to lay out the case? Lin Wood and Sidney have been making serious
statements. They have reputations beyond reproach. I believe them when they say they have the
goods. It's like they have to get the election called for Trump or they will surely be
political prisoners.
IF you watch the movie "Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America's Elections"* you will see
that a steal was supposed to happen in Florida that day and it got thwarted, before it got
PLUS, they didn't have the mail in ballot scheme in place yet to back up their theft back
then. China Virus was their plandemic to make that happen, and to get the cash from the Care$
Act to get machines for everyone.
*"(2020)From voter registration to counting ballots, data security expert Harri Hursti
examines how hackers can influence and disrupt the U.S. election system."
Love Sidney Powell but that interview did not give me a lot of confidence. I sure hope she
has some solid evidence. Doesn't sound like she has much though. Don't have much time
Biggest heist in the history of the US and nothing can be done about it is sickening. Barr
and Wray should be ashamed of themselves for letting something like this happen on their
watch. They did nothing. Thanks to them the constitution is now worth nothing. The rights are
gone. Law and order is gone. We are on our own.
How do Barr and Wray even look at themselves in the mirror?
Finally, I found out from this interview where I could send money to support this legal
effort. I'm tired of the RNC doing nothing. Sidney Powell will get my direct support now.
DefendingtheRepublic.org – is the right place.
At this point, the Trump administration has filed so many lawsuits, with so many affidavits,
and has made such far-reaching claims of fraud, that it's nearly impossible to sort through
them to know what, if anything, has actually been proven . However, one thing they
certainly have shown, beyond any reasonable doubt, is that electronic voting is a terrible
Notice, I do not say that anybody has proven that any fraud actually took place using
electronic voting machines in the 2020 election. They haven't. Sidney Powell has presented many
troubling questions about the vulnerabilities of electronic voting machines. As of yet,
however, we have no hard evidence that anybody actually exploited those vulnerabilities (if
they exist).
This is a distinction that many Trumpists are unfortunately failing to make. Casting broad
doubts about the security of voting machines does not prove that the election was stolen. Such
doubts, even if they turn out to be well-founded, will almost certainly be insufficient to
convince any judge to invalidate a single vote, let alone overturn the entire election
If you don't have time to watch a 25 minute video, here is text explaining it (this is not a
transcript of the video).
This report summarizes the results of our review of the GEMS election management system,
which counts approximately 25 percent of all votes in the United States. The results of this
study demonstrate that a fractional vote feature is embedded in each GEMS application which can
be used to invisibly, yet radically, alter election outcomes by pre-setting desired vote
percentages to redistribute votes. This tampering is not visible to election observers, even if
they are standing in the room and watching the computer. Use of the decimalized vote feature is
unlikely to be detected by auditing or canvass procedures, and can be applied across large
jurisdictions in less than 60 seconds.
GEMS vote-counting systems are and have been operated under five trade
names: Global Election Systems, Diebold Election Systems, Premier Election Systems, Dominion
Voting Systems, and Election Systems & Software, in addition to a number of private
regional subcontractors. At the time of this writing, this system is used statewide in Alaska,
Connecticut, Georgia, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Utah and Vermont, and for counties in
Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington,
Wisconsin and Wyoming. It is also used in Canada.
Instead of "1" the vote is allowed to be 1/2, or 1+7/8, or any other value that is not a
whole number.
What fractionalized votes can do:
They allow "weighting" of races. Weighting a race removes the principle of "one person-one
vote" to allow some votes to be counted as less than one or more than one. Regardless of what
the real votes are, candidates can receive a set percentage of votes. Results can be
controlled. For example, Candidate A can be assigned 44% of the votes, Candidate B 51%, and
Candidate C the rest.
The "Summary" vote tally, which provides overall election totals for each race on
Election Night
The "Statement of Votes Cast", which provides detailed results by precinct and voting
method (ie. Polling, absentee, early, provisional)
The "undervote" count
Fractions in results reports are not visible.Votes containing decimals are reported as whole
numbers unless specifically instructed to reveal decimals (which is not the default setting).
All evidence that fractional values ever existed can be removed instantly even from the
underlying database using a setting in the GEMS data tables, in which case even instructing
GEMS to show the decimals will fail to reveal they were used.
Source code : Instructions to treat votes as decimal values instead of whole numbers are
inserted multiple times in the GEMS source code itself; thus, this feature cannot have been
created by accident.
Fractionalizing the votes which create the Summary Results allows alteration of Election
Night Web results and results sent to the Secretary of State, as well as results available at
and local election officials.
Fractionalizing the "Statement of Votes Cast" allows an extraordinary amount of precision,
enabling alteration of results by specific voting machine, absentee batch, or precinct. Vote
results can be altered for polling places in predominantly Black neighborhoods, and can parse
out precincts within a mixed batch of early or absentee votes.
Fractionalizing the undervote category allows reallocation of valid votes into
Voting rights abomination
According to programmer notes, a weighted race feature was designed which not only gives
some votes more weight than others, but does so based on the voter's identity. Ballots are
connected to voters, weights are assigned to each voter per race, stored in an external table
not visible in GEMS. Our testing shows that one vote can be counted 25 times, another only one
one-thousandth of a time, effectively converting some votes to zero.
The study was prompted by two issues: (1) Anomalies in elections in Shelby County,
Tennessee, which uses the GEMS election management system, in which inconsistencies were
observed in reporting of results by GEMS; and (2) Concerns raised regarding the presence of
middlemen during the election process, such that a single individual gains remote access to the
election management program, in some cases in multiple jurisdictions.
The questions we examine are these:
Can election outcomes be controlled with enough versatility to allow a national impact? Does
any mechanism exist that would enable a political consultant or technician to capture elections
for repeat customers?
If the necessary features exist within the election management system to facilitate
Were such features embedded accidentally or on purpose; for what stated purpose were such
features installed; if a reason was given, is that reason justifiable?
How might risks associated with inside access be mitigated?
Not sure if this passes ZH / United States Censors:
Newspaper research . . .
The Daley Machine was one of attraction, promotion, and fear. Votes were generally cast at
the Police Precincts. No one wants to go down to the Precinct; however, blocks of human
populations of neighborhoods are divided into, as some would designate, Precincts.
The Daley Machine was composed of neighborhoods with party member volunteer canvassers who
would distribute Voting Ballots to each address.
The Canvasser would wait for the Voting Ballot to be marked. Toe-tapping, fingertip tapping,
brow-beating the Voter to mark a Voting Ballot, then collect, and then all canvassed Voting
Ballots are aggregated to the Precincts. The bundles were twined. Twining is not a skill
nowadays, but boxing is. The aggregate would be delivered to giant warehouses for counting.
Seems all legitimate for the old ladies and old men volunteers who would not know who, which,
or where the bundle or now box originated. Simply Count. Innocent.
The problem is/was many canvassers are lazy or expedient or late. Laughable - some voted
multiple times, others dead, others gone, others - the newspapers sold much ink and paper for
the disclosed variety of . . . uh . . . diversity of Voting cheats.
Traditional ingrained / inculcated PSYOP: Each voter studies the candidates. Each voter
self-educates about a request/vote for action by government employees from Voters. After
contemplative pondering based on personal assessed facts and desires, intelligently marks the
ballot. Winners take all. And all congratulate the winners. Simple.
The Trumps were subject to massive, not fraud per se, but via hand held transceivers
canvassers were organized that actually did travel address to address and waited for the
occupant(s) to fill out the provided Voting Ballots.
With this toe-tapping, fingertip tapping, brow-beating and an sense of Hurry, canvassers
waited as those who had no intention of voting marked Voting Ballots with a marker - ink, etc.
And those who did not know were told to at least mark for the election of the President. The
completed Voting Ballots were boxed and shipped for counting. Is this legitimate - yes. Are
Voting Ballots properly filled - yes.
The Contemplative PSYSOP conflicts with Hurry-Up Reality. However, the Reality overrides the
PSYOPS because the acts are legitimate.
If Voting Ballots are proven Daley Ballots the Trumps are going to have a very difficult
If Voting Ballots are proven not legitimate then the implication is the Entire United States
Federal, State, County, City, Town, Village Governments run by United States Federal, State,
County, City, Town, Village Government Employees are also not legitimate and Corrupt.
All United States Senate - not legitimate.
All United States House of Representatives - not legitimate.
All Executive Decisions and Bills signed in to USC Law - not legitimate.
All Supreme Court Decisions - not legitimate.
All Appointees by the Elected are not legitimate.
The entire United States Federal, State, County, City, Town, Village Government Employees
Elected and Appointed - not legitimate.
If United States President Trump "wins" Voting Fraud lawsuits, the Entire United States
Federal, State, County, City, Town, Village Governments run by United States Federal, State,
County, City, Town, Village Government Employees are not legitimate.
Rules, Regulations, Policies, Procedures, and Laws - all not legitimate.
The afore is exactly why all those previous Elected and Appointed are adamantly against
United States President Trump threatening the Foundations of the United States (corrupt)
Democratic Republic with Truth.
United States Citizens and Others who are now tensioned, aghast, constricted over farcical
sham Voting and Appointments would feel truly free, relieved, relaxed, and energized to
participate once again. For many: The Truth Shall Set U Free!
The Greatest Event in Human History to remember for most all Remaining Human Time on Planet
Earth is United States President Trump confirming what most people both United States Citizens
and Others in previous centuries decades and years come to understand, know, and realize:
Voting in the United States is a complete utter Farce and Fraud.
And, yes, United States President Trump would be remembered until the End of Time as the
Greatest United States President who ever lived.
The End. play_arrow 8 play_arrow
NAV , 5 hours ago
It's a disgrace how the COVID19 coup d'etat was designed to allow hordes to shop for
virtually anything at Costco et al or to riot and burn down cities but deemed it it too
dangerous for the people to stand in line to vote.
Michigan State Attorney General Dana Nessel has attributes of a Nazi. She, like Washington
Post columnist Randall D. Eliason, wants to falsely prosecute attorneys who represent those
making challenges to the election. She also wants to prosecute election officials who refuse to
certify until irregularities are properly dealt with, and she wants to prosecute Pennsylvania
Republican state officials who met with Trump at the White House. In other words, Dana Nessel
has proved herself unfit for any public office by her effort to weaponize law for her political
Matthew Brann, a federal district judge appointed by Obama, refused to accept Giuliani's
lawsuit against the Pennsylvania election fraud. The judge was not content to deny the case a
hearing. He used the occasion for a propaganda attack, demonizing the lawsuit, based on
affidavits from witnesses who signed under penalty of perjury, as "speculative accusations
unsupported by evidence." The judge knows full well that affidavits are always evidence.
So we now have an Obama federal judge who for political purpose pretends to be thoroughly
ignorant of law and not know that affidavits signed under penalty of perjury are always
Democrats, who share Dana Nessel's determination to weaponize law and destroy democracy, are
pushing Biden, if he becomes president, to prosecute Trump and his supporters. Rep. Bill
Pascrell, Democrat from New Jersey, declared that "Donald Trump along with his worst enablers
must be tried for their crimes against our nation and Constitution." If this sounds like a
South American banana republic, that is what the Democrats are turning us into.
Attempting to prosecute Trump, of course, is what the Democrats have been doing for four
years with Russiagate and Impeachgate without any evidence. Clearly, the
Democrats envison a one-party state under them in which the abuse of law for political purpose
to which they are giving birth cannot, in turn, be used against them. The Democrats are
greasing the skids for America to become the most corrupt country on earth. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/11/22/the-dnc-an-american-politburo/
... ... ...
Americans are faced with a so-called Democrat political party that has abandoned America's
democratic ways. Democrats have made a power grab for ideological purposes that are hostile to
principles such as election integrity which is essential for democracy. Americans are also
faced with the absence of a media that serves as watchdog and reports objectively. Without
objective reporting, Americans are denied the information that democracy requires to function.
Instead, the media controls explanations for the Democrats that support the Democrats' power
grab. The picture is clear that both Democrats and media have abandoned democracy because
democracy is a check on their agenda. They value their agenda more than they value democracy,
and they are going to force their agenda down our throats whether we want it or not.
If the Democrats succeed with their theft, whatever is left of public confidence in American
institutions will evaporate. After Clinton's lies, 9/11, Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass
destruction, Assad's use of chemical weapons, Iranian nukes, Russian invasions, Russiagate,
Impeachgate, Covid, and now a stolen presidential election, confidence in government must be
close to nonexistent. When there is no confidence raw power takes over. If Democrats get away
with their theft of the election, we will have crossed the Rubicon.
Some say there has always been voter fraud in American elections and ask what is new this
time. What is new this time is election fraud on a national level with the appearance of a plot
to create a one-party state. What is new this time is the entirety of the media in support of
the party that committed the election fraud. What is new this time is the calls for prosecution
of members of the defrauded party. What we are witnessing is not only the suppression of
evidence but also the prosecution of those who present it.
Despite the evidence of election fraud, the Democrats have a good chance to succeed with
their theft. First of all, we all know that the media will not present the case against the
Democrats. The media will continue to deny that hundreds of affidavits are evidence. Most
Americans will never hear the story of the extraordinary audacity that stole a presidential
Second, Trump is a populist, and few populists in America have ever succeeded at the
national level. Populists are in the way of the elite who have more money and more influence.
From the media's perspective, Trump's majority are "deplorables"–racists and misogynists
who must be overthrown. The fact that Trump is a Republican does not mean that he has the
support of the Republican Party. Republicans have just as many feet in the establishment as
Democrats have. To the establishment Trump is an outsider and, thereby, a potential threat to
their interest, just as his intention to normalize relations with Russia was seen by the
military/security complex as a threat to their budget and power.
The absence of any Republican Party support for Trump is obvious in the failure of the Barr
Justice Department to bring (1) any indictments against the government officials who
orchestrated the Russiagate hoax and committed federal felonies, (2) any indictments against
Biden and his son for the corruption evidenced in Hunter Biden's laptop in the hands of the
FBI, and (3) the lack of any Justice Department interest in obvious election fraud backed up by
hundreds of affidavits.
The Republican Establishment has hung Trump out to dry and is urging him to concede.
A minority of Republican voters themselves, although they regard the election as stolen,
nevertheless believe that Trump should concede and thereby preserve the undeserved reputation
of "American Democracy." These feeble-minded people think that it is not democracy itself that
is at risk, but America's reputation.
Over the course of my life I have watched the politicization of the federal judiciary.
Judges are no longer appointed because they are competent to interpret law according to the
intent of Congress and the Constitution. They are appointed according to whether they do or do
not support abortion, racial and gender quotas, homosexual marriage, open borders, amnesty for
immigrant-invaders, the globalist agenda, and so forth. The American judiciary is chosen
according to which party's agendas are ascendant. This is the way countries are destroyed.
Consider: if federal district judge Matthew Braun truly believed that Trump's legal team's
Pennsylvania lawsuit is invalid, the partisan judge would accept the case and let its falsity
be proven in court. What better way to dispose of the charge? That he closed the court to the
case despite majority opinion of the public that the election was stolen is proof that he knows
the lawsuit is grounded in evidence. So he suppresses the case instead of trying it.
When it is not only the Democrat Party and media who don't respect evidence but also federal
courts, the basis for evidence -based law no longer exists. Instead, law is based on power. Who
has power has the law.
The country that the Democrats and media are birthing will not know justice.
Banana republic. Funny you should mention that. The whole world came out with it at this
month's Universal Periodic Review of the US, the most public forum in the world (remember the
wall-to-wall press coverage of this vital gauge of US international standing?) Paraguay knows
their banana republics, and they were the ones to adjure US compliance with SDG 16. This is
the most halting, wobbly baby step of sustainable development: rock-bottom minimal
institutional integrity of key state institutions.
For years now, international forums have related to the US in more and more pointed
elaborations of "What the fuck is wrong with you people?" – aimed at the delegation
apparatchiks, not at the long-suffering population. Russia, with no fucks to give, pointed to
the underlying rot – CIA control of elections. (Thanks for that Wikileaks cable, by the
way.) Here's the facts from Hopsicker and his monster stones (he got a visit from them, he's
so balls-out)
At some point Sidney has to switch from Chavez euphemisms to the direct bill of indictment
against CIA. That will be a very touchy moment in the Supreme Court. If it doesn't go just
right, all nine hacks will wind up sporting matching petechiae at Cibolo Creek Ranch.
This creature is a sociopath. She is a direct descendant of the ethnic clique which
murdered the Tsar and his children during the Bolshevik revolution. She has in mind the same
thing for us.
e result is a devastating social incoherence. If enough people recognize this to form a
critical mass a culture crisis breaks out. And that's the position we're in. From this
perspective their rhetorical mask is a small band-aid on a gaping wound that won't heal
because it can't stop bleeding.
Their efforts to establish a society free of control and sustained by force only
increases the uncontrolled exercise of naked power. And that force, constantly applied,
destablizes the very social institutions that power controls . Especially economic
institutions. And when force fails there's no alternative. So the whole thing collapses. In
fact, it already is.
I researched the federal docket system PACER and deduced a possible reason The Trump
Campaign distanced from Sidney Powell.
Attorney Powell is pursing Dominion's election corruption on a systemic level. This is a
wide and far investigation with many moving parts: the software flipping votes, international
actors, connections to Kamal Harris's husband.
Attorneys Jenna Ellis and Rudy Giuliani must frantically laser focus on state election
official's certification of 7 million votes in PA and before the December 14 when the
Electoral College convenes.
Judge Brann, the repellent obese hack appointed by Obama but who is a Republican , did
exactly as Mr. Robert's aptly stated and amazingly ruled on substantive issues when only
procedural ones were being presented at that time.
Because of Judge Brann's ruling dismissing (and demonizing and ridiculing) the complaint ,
Trumps's lawyers have filed an Expedited Emergency Motion for Leave to the Amend the
Complaint to the 3rd Circuit.
This is just a way of saying: Let us present our evidence!
If the 3rd Circuit affirms Brann's dismissal- the Supreme Court is next step.
If SCOTUS denies review (which is most likely) that's the last Stop.
Democrats imitating the 1918 Bolsheviks power grab in Russia but naively hopping in
bloodless version of the coup unlike Bolsheviks. Ironically the main players are from the
same brethren Lenin, Trotsky, Sverdlov, Kamenev, Zinoviev = Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, Soros,
he plutocrats have more money than the politicians – 'the vote' counts for nothing.
Which is to say that to all intents and purposes, there is no 'vote' and thus, there is no
'check on government power'. The oligarchy wishes to implement – and therefore demands
– what we might call 'Agenda A', and thus, at all elections in the entire West today,
the hapless 'voters' are given the choice of electing 'Agenda A' in a red rosette, or 'Agenda
A' in a blue rosette.
This is our much vaunted 'democracy and it stinks. The moment that the merchant became
wealthier than the king – once the counting-house had more money than the palace
– the people's fate was sealed.
This is an excellent article. I agree with Paul Craig Roberts that the federal judiciary
has become heavily politicized. I also agree that if Trump's case is so weak, Matthew Braun
should have heard the case and let its falsity be proven in court.
As a woman, I'm beginning to think we need 100 years in the penalty box for producing
these creatures. Maybe we should reconsider the 19th amendment. Lol
When it is not only the Democrat Party and media who don't respect evidence but also
federal courts, the basis for evidence -based law no longer exists. Instead, law is based
on power. Who has power has the law.
The country that the Democrats and media are birthing will not know justice. https://www.unz.com/proberts/democrats-and-media-abandon-democracy/
That's about as basic as things get. Institutional integrity of key state institutions has
(as Roberts says) been lost, and in the 2020 Federal elections and current aftermath to same
this integrity loss has been used to threaten the general population.
This has been done before with the USSR and the CCP. But all one-party rule does is
place a rhetorical mask over the incompetence and corruption and does nothing to solve the
many problems involved in the exhausting task and unrewarding responsibility of social
management. It doesn't even work in homogenous cultures. How could it work in one as
diverse as the USA?
This is exactly why what we're really witnessing is nothing less than The Pyrrhic Victory
of The Hostile Elite. The reason is, though they may have been very good at infiltration,
subversion, radical ingratitude, insane hatred, brazen effrontery, shamelessness, betrayal,
destruction and death, they're no good at social management
. . .
Their efforts to establish a society free of control and sustained by force only increases
the uncontrolled exercise of naked power. And that force, constantly applied, destabilizes
the very social institutions that power controls. Especially economic institutions. And
when force fails there's no alternative. So, the whole thing collapses. In fact, it already
All of the above is true, and the underlying thought has been known in the West and
repeatedly demonstrated for several thousand years. How, exactly, could these bedrock
principles have been abandoned? Let's look outside of political theory and history of
Here's an earlier example of physical / economic events fundamentally changing political
thought: Nietzsche pointed out c.a. 1900 that industrialization had destroyed European
society. Religion died. ""God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we
comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers?" Ideas previously considered speculative
and harmful had become mass beliefs as people moved from the farm to the city, found their
village life impossible to live in the city, and looked for a new way of life that would let
them eat and raise families. They found it in Enlightenment theory.
Here is our version of physical events changing political thought:
How many times are the soldiers better than the generals? More often than we think,
Or as David Niven once famously said of Errol Flynn: "You could count on him. He ALWAYS let
you down."
Trump is still a mystery to plenty of people. If he's canny, why does he listen to Jared and
Ivanka? If he wanted normal relations with Russia, why didn't he grab the ball when Putin
literally tossed it to him? Why did he tolerate four years of hostile media when he had the
money, or at least the investors, to start a network of his own?
Nothing in the last four years makes any sense. Not one bit.
Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee who's grave I often visited in Greyfriars church
Edinburgh Scotland is reported to have said
"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of
government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they
can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority
always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with
the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is
always followed by a dictatorship."
The ironic part in all this is that the Jews and the oligarchs think they will be the
beneficiaries of this collapse they have engineered , however they are in error. When law and
order breaks down the strong will prevail over wimps like Zuckerberg, Bezos, Gates etc and all
the rest of the spoiled virtue signalling wimps. The ex-military will become the strong and
they will start the destruction then re-building of what's left of White Western Civilization.
Maybe this time they will finally sort out Usury and what's left of the Jews, blacks and deny
any role in public life for women, I can but dream, but at 70 I will not be here to see it.
I live in Michigan. There was something very off putting about the 2018 Michigan
election. That election swept many extremists into office. Mostly women. How we get rid of them
is beyond me. Once these people get into office they seem to be firmly entrenched. No matter
how awful they are, they have an equally awful fan base.
I absolutely believe in election fraud, and Michigan 2018 was a perfect example. Yet, no one
has said a word. The population of Michigan will be further eroded because of the political
climate in this state.
Michigan State Attorney General Dana Nessel has attributes of a Nazi. She, like Washington
Post columnist Randall D. Eliason, wants to falsely prosecute attorneys who represent those
making challenges to the election. She also wants to prosecute election officials who refuse
to certify until irregularities are properly dealt with, and she wants to prosecute
Pennsylvania Republican state officials who met with Trump at the White House.
You cannot abandon something you don't have. The US was not a democracy for decades, if it
ever was. Western media have declined in quality over the last ~30 years, from something
palatable representing different viewpoints to today's monolith with uniformity of "opinions"
matched only in Hitler's Germany in 1930s and Stalin's USSR in the same period.
Although the technology used in voting continues to evolve, it remains vulnerable to both malicious and unintentional errors. To
protect the systems against both, explains
W. Jones
, a computer scientist at the University of Iowa and co-author of the book
officials need to be able to check and double-check the election's results.
"There's a nice dictum that that [computer scientist and electronic-voting-security researcher]
came up with at Stanford University: if we do it right, the Devil himself could build the voting machines, and we could
hold an honest election," Jones says. "And doing it right means having genuinely auditable technology -- with ballots where the
average voter knows that the marks they made on their ballot express their real intent."
spoke with Jones about how voting machines work, their vulnerabilities, and what to expect on and after Election
edited transcript of the interview follows
What kinds of machines are in use across the U.S. today?
We've gotten rid of the punch card and mechanical lever voting machines. Those are now not so ancient history. What we're left
with are two categories of voting machines, both of which were introduced in the 1960s and 1970s. Optical scan voting machines
are the ones that are closely related to standardized test scoring machines, where you fill in a bubble on the ballot next to the
candidate names. Those are, at this point, the most widely used voting technology in the U.S. The other category we have are the
direct-recording electronic voting machines. The first of those was actually deployed in the 1970s in Illinois, but the vast
expansion in the use of those machines happened after the Help America Vote Act was passed in 2002. It's very clear [that] the
authors of the Help America Vote Act anticipated that direct-recording electronic voting machines would become the new normal.
But, in fact, they were extraordinarily problematic for security reasons.
A fundamental flaw of direct-recording voting machines -- that is, ones where you pull the lever on an old mechanical machine or you
touch the touch screen on a modern one -- all of those machines end up being completely impossible to audit. There's no way to know
whether the machine was honest or not, short of taking it apart and actually being able to inspect the mechanism. We have no good
way of doing that with software. The complete lack of any auditable record of the count, so that you had to completely trust
programmers, was a real problem. [But] the vast majority of votes in the U.S. today are being recorded on paper ballots that are
filled in by hand. That makes me feel reasonably good. And furthermore, a growing number of states have some kind of an audit
This is an old rule in computer security that I first learned in the 1970s, no less true today. And that is: the biggest threat
to all of our systems is not the malicious outside hacker but rather the fact that there are lots of perfectly honest normal
people making errors. We humans have an amazing ability to be remarkably accidentally inventive with the mistakes we make. With
fill-in-the-bubble ballots, a typical error would be printing the ballot with the candidates in one order but programming the
scanner with the candidates in a different order. There was a famous incident of this happening [in] Pottawattamie County,
[Iowa], in 2006 in its June primary. The net result was that the numbers that came up were pretty nonsensical and bore no
relationship with anyone's expectation of the outcome of the race. The election officials noticed. They did a hand count, and
that completely resolved the problem. And they could because they had paper ballots.
In-person voters can feed their paper ballots directly into a scanner to be automatically counted. But how are absentee ballots
tallied up?
Late into the night on Election Night, at the election office, they've been counting absentee ballots all day, piling them up and
putting them through high-speed scanners that scan 800 ballots per minute -- speeds like that. Some jurisdictions have automatic
envelope openers where you just take a whole stack of absentee ballot envelopes, stack them up neatly, put them in the machine,
and it goes up and takes a sixteenth of an inch off the edge of each envelope so that the ballots can easily be shaken out of the
envelopes. You have signature-verification software being used by some jurisdictions, where the envelope gets sucked into the
machine, put in front of a camera, and the signature is -- either by software or displayed on someone's remote computer
screen -- checked. These actually resemble very closely the
used by the Post Office
for automatically reading mail addresses, except the purpose is to verify the signature. And that's
another whole can of worms, because in many cases, none of our laws really govern how we check signatures. It turns out that the
mathematics of signature acceptance and rejection ends up being horrible. If you reject any signatures, chances are you're
rejecting more signatures of honest, valid voters than you are catching invalid signatures.
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Does the counting process continue after Election Day?
We have long-standing traditions of things like a postmark deadline on the eve of the election. That's how it's been in Iowa for
as long as I've been here. So for the week after the election, late mail is still dribbling into the election office -- and all
those late envelopes are checked for their postmarks and, if the postmarks are acceptable, counted. Now there's a problem there,
as the Post Office, over the past few decades, has been reducing the frequency with which it applies postmarks of any kind to
letters. Yet the Post Office does automatically bar code every envelope that goes through its scanners these days. The Post
Office has the records to tell you when that bar code was applied. Its computer system is really good at this, but it's not
acceptable under some state laws. So postmark deadlines are a real problem because the Post Office has reduced the extent to
which classical postmarks are still used.
There's this period after the election during which the counts are checked and cross-checked, [a process called the
For example, in Miami, they have this giant spreadsheet showing one column for each candidate for each office; one row for each
precinct. After they had all those data, then they would go through the tapes printed out by the voting machines at the
precinct -- the summary tapes that showed the total number of votes -- and they would compare it with that spreadsheet for the purpose
of ruling out any error in their central tabulating software because there have been such errors. This can take several days
after the election, even if they aren't handling late absentee ballots. At that point, the Board of Elections then signs off on
the report of canvass. And the report of canvass is then forwarded to the state, which goes through the same process. A growing
number of states do postelection audits
sign the official canvass reports, and in other states, like Iowa, we do a postelection audit
the report of canvass. Although the Iowa law says that the audit cannot change the outcome of the election, at least you discover
[if] you made a mistake. So it can take several weeks after the election to put the election to bed.
This is still a hypothesis not a proven fact. Proven fact is that nobody investigates why
votes counting was stopped and why unmarked vans arrives ar some station in the middle of the
night with additional mail-in ballots.
Philadelphia used also other types of voting machines
so this is not exclusively Dominion voting machines. . Philadelphia used also other types of
voting machines so this is not exclusively Dominion voting machines. .
But as for Dominion an interesting question is: why over 100 employees of the controversial
voting machine company Dominion have deleted their LinkedIn profiles. On November 6th, the
LinkedIn page for Dominion showed 243 employees on the site and by November 16th, only 140
A fellow by the name of
Edward Solomon has done yeoman's work in digging into the Pennsylvania voting data and
showing conclusively, in my view, how the Democrats, with the help of Dominion, rigged the
vote. What was done in Pennsylvania, specifically Philadelphia, reveals how the Dominion
software magically created votes for Joe Biden to swamp the actual number of votes Donald Trump
was ringing up.
I will embed the video below. It last about 40 minutes. It is worth your time. But let me
give you the Reader's Digest version. When the early vote numbers rolled in, it was clear that
Donald Trump was on his way to a major win. The task for Dominion was to manufacture votes for
Biden without making it obvious. They tried, but failed.
Mr. Solomon takes the raw vote data that was being streamed by the NY Times and downloaded
it into a spreadsheet. That data allows him to look at vote totals by precinct and how they
changed over time. He found that a variety of ratios were used in different sets of precincts.
For example, his Exhibit 1 shows a group of precincts where the votes were being recorded at
the following ratio–1 vote for Trump and 48 for Biden.
The diabolical system employed by Dominion started with needing to generate a total vote
total for Joe Biden. Rather than employ a single computer calculation, Dominion used a number
of algorithm's. Mr. Solomon identifies at least 9 different calculations used to create these
Exhibit 1 Ratio of 1 to 48
Exhibit 2 Ratio of 1 to 18
Exhibit 3 Ratio of 4 to 65
Exhibit 4 Ratio of 3 to 48
Exhibit 5 Ratio 4 to 63
Exhibit 6 Ratio of 5 to 31
Exhibit 7 Ratio of 1 to 5
Exhibit 8 Ratio of 1 to 4
Exhibit 9 Ration of 1 to 6
The data examined by Mr. Solomon is only one part of the proof of the voter fraud. Data
from other parts of Pennsylvania will need to be examined to determine if there is a similar
pattern or if the data from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are outliers.
The next evidentiary question to be asked, and answered, is whether there are actually
ballots that back up the numbers reported on the computer. If there are ballots for Biden but
no ballots for Trump, that is conclusive evidence of the fraud.
There are multiple sworn affidavits from witnesses of truck loads of ballots being
off-loaded at the center in Philadelphia. Those ballots must be examined. If the ballots only
show Joe Biden's name and there are no ballots matching the numbers reported for Trump, that
means one thing. Fraud.
Make voting so complicated and easily overwhelemed by processes and short timelines, it
loses all ability to be fair and accurate. Then beat up anyone who protests these new
layers of complexity as wanting to undermine the right to vote.
Voting is a right and a duty. People do have to sacrifice this one day out of 365 days
and show up in person, ID in hand, and exercise their duty to be an informed voter, filling
out a trackable paper ballot. Exceptions based on need are the exception; not common
Europe prohibits "electronic voting" for good reason. Democrats have slowly and
systematically undermined out entire election process.
Just take a look at California. Networks did not wait even one second after the polls
closed to "declare" Biden won in California, before a single vote was counted. They knew
the obvious outcome of a state now long corrupted by a Democrat super-majority guaranteed
election system. No other outcome was possible in this state.
Term limits was the final coffin nail in this state. Never think term limits will solve
anything. Voters must dislodge the bums; not some arbitrary election rule. Nature abhors a
vacuum. Term limits created a power vacuum.
The highly organized and disciplined public sector union swooped into this power vacuum
and now cannot be dislodged. The spent the past 20 years rigging the system entirely in
their favor. A big piece of this take-over was passed always as "election reform".
Micael Levin weighs in on the proof of fraud, the quantity of fraud and the quality of
fraud, Democrats have moved their argument away from no fraud, to not enough fraud to
matter. Sure.
It is convincing. The fact the ratios were repeatedly exact copies is proof of the fix.
This never happens in real life and it shows that this was probably a last minute fix to
account for a bigger Trump lead than they expected, since with more time, they could
probably develop an algorithm that varied the numbers more. Since these are civil actions,
this should be enough right there if it were a fair system, but overwhelming political
pressure from the permanent regime is, unfortunately, another factor to be considered.
I believe the argument of machine fraud goes beyond just Dominion to others, so we can
discount that Philadelphia used another system.
He has done a good job highlighting anomalies, I just think it lacks the context to
judge, you can't look at it in isolation, you need to compare more to what looks clean.
I believe the argument of machine fraud goes beyond just Dominion to others, so we can
discount that Philadelphia used another system.
He has done a good job highlighting anomalies, I just think it lacks the context to
judge, you can't look at it in isolation, you need to compare more to what looks clean.
I agree with Robert Barnes, the Dominion stuff distracts from the main fraud of ballot
stuffing and ballot harvesting. He views it as a deliberate distraction. Signature matching
should be the focus and will be sufficient to flips most of the states needed, and PA and MI
the legislature can just send there own electors if they vote to do so.
Occam's razor would have you agree that voter suppression did occur (wildly inaccurate
polling data broadcast from the MSM to suppress Trump voter turnout in the months, weeks, and
days leading up to election (why vote when you are going to loose by double digits). Occam's
razor would have you agree that electronic theft and illegality switching of votes which has
been both proven in real time recorded on TV as vote totals were updated and shown in the
JSON files which demonstrates substantial systemic voter fraud. This is rather humorous
because your posts lack any intellectual rigor on your part or even showing any desire to dig
for the truth - hence, you are just a troll
DERSHOWITZ: Well, let me give you my completely objective, not wishful thinking,
constitutional analysis.
They have two or three legal constitutional paths. For example, in Pennsylvania, they have
two very strong legal arguments, one, that the courts changed what the legislature did about
counting ballots after the end of Election Day.
That's a winning issue in the Supreme Court. I don't necessarily support it, but it's a
winning issue in the Supreme Court. And Justice Alito has already hinted that's a winning
They also have a winning issue on the Supreme Court on equal protection, that some counties
allowed flawed ballots to be cured, while others didn't. Bush vs. Gore suggests that an equal
protection argument can prevail.
The problem with that argument is, they don't have the numbers necessarily to support it. If
it's right that Biden is ahead by some 70,000 or 80,000 votes, they have to show enough
contested votes, under those two legal theories, to change the outcome.
The other legal theory they had, which is a potentially strong one, is that the computers,
either fraudulently or by glitches, changed hundreds of thousands of votes. There are enough
votes to make a difference, but I haven't seen the evidence to support that.
So, in one case, they don't have the numbers. In another case, they don't seem yet to have
the evidence. Maybe they do. I haven't seen it. But the legal theory is there to support them
if they have the numbers and they have the evidence.
PBS Newshour had a 'white hat hacker' named Harri Hursti inspect the system and he said
"they have set up a complicated system which is centralized; it doesn't seem to have any
They described the system as having a lot of moving parts, saying "it's an assortment of
laptops, iPads, magnetic cards, touch screens, printers and scanners."
PBS says the devices replaced touchscreens in 2019 which didn't created a paper ballot, but
one of the women responsible for bringing about this change isn't terribly happy with the new
system either. And election experts have found several troubling problems with the new system,
especially the Q.R. codes it creates for tabulation:
Alex Halderman looked closely at the Q.R. codes where the votes are encoded for the
scanner. "By analyzing the structure of the Q.R. codes, I have been able to learn that
there's nothing that stops an attacker from just duplicating one, and the duplicate would
count the same as the original barcode."
And in late September, another concern came to light. During testing, election workers
found half the names of the 21 candidates for Senate intermittently disappeared from screens
during the review phase. Dominion sent out a last-minute software patch.
Halderman caution: "I'm worried that the Georgia system is the technical equivalent to
the 737 MAX. They have just made a last-minute software change that might well have unintended
consequences and cause even more severe problems on Election Day."
Hirsti expressed concern that the system was being rushed out with the proper testing:
You never want to rush something which is mission-critical, and this is mission-critical,
into production without proper time for testing.
That's really one of the ways bad actors are finding the vulnerabilities to exploit is
looking for honest vulnerabilities and finding out if they can be weaponized, if they can be
The actual segment goes on for 7 minutes and you can watch it below:
Face it, politicians in general are lazy, incompetent, power-hungry, greedy and worthless.
Very few actually care about the American people or want to work for us. They keep getting
re-elected over and over because of promises made and NOT kept. They get in a back room and
make deals to NOT do their jobs and draw straws on who will take the blame. When election
time rolls around again, the people continue to believe their propaganda and vote them in
again...and the cycle continues. Look at Biden, 47 years in public office. The man has NO
skills...he can't do anything else. Same for most politicians. Never vote for someone that
has not worked in the real world...and don't vote for lawyers (they always find the loophole
in every law and use it to keep themselves living a lifestyle we only dream about).
All of the Dominion Voting machines should be impounded; the States to be reimbursed and
each machine checked by the Federal Government to see if software is corrupted or
preprogramed to favor one party or the other. Then the Federal Government should order new
unbiased machines-all should be checked and be calibrated in time for the next election.
These should be stored under lock and key in a Federal Facility and guarded by Federal
Marshals during the voting. It should be a Federal Crime to impede the will of the peoples
vote. Next Subpoena Soros to testify in front of the Senate to explore his tactics and
recommend Federal Prosecution for any violation of Federal or State Law in the United
Everything connected to the internet is hackable. Why don't we just go back to paper
ballots, photo ID and same day in person voting? I think it really is that simple.
I Georgia there are paper ballots, after choosing the candidates you want you review the
screen then push print. A paper ballot with the selections are on the paper with the QR code.
The ballot is then scanned into a machine where it is also collected in an internal box.
Voters are encouraged to make sure their selections shown on the paper are correct before
feeding the ballot into the machine. I voted in Georgia, but I did not know there were all of
the problems with the security of the machines.
The corrupt politician/attorney leading CISA (@CISAgov IT sec agency within DHS) is
Christopher Krebs (@CISAKrebs). He only has 3 years experience in IT sec, much of that on
non-IT related infrastructure security. He has no IT or IT sec background. His bachelor
degree is "environmental sciences" and then he earned a JD. The schmuck is a lawyer who
brownnosed his way into DHS 3 years ago and was handed IT/infrastructure security with zero
Now, he says:
- 2020 was most secure election ever
>> bogus, unprovable claim: secure in what sense? Based on what, % of voter fraud, how
would he know that for any previous, let alone current election.
- 2020 had highest voter turnout in since 1908, based on that alone, even if fraud % were
steady with previous cycles, this election would have the most fraudulent votes cast ever,
and as turnout goes up, fraud exploits do to.
- 2020 saw a huge % increase in mail-in and early votes, which are most subject to fraud; we
would expect a higher % of fraudulent/illegal votes based on that alone - there is no metric
upon which to base his claim
- he claimed there was no evidence of fraud
>> demonstrably untrue - the Texas SOS office recommended denial of Dominion software
precisely because it lacked safeguards and was unsecure. As per reports above, Georgia had
issues with software during primary. We also know of issue in Antrim County, Michigan. Krebs
is lying.
- he told voters with questions about irregularities to "turn to your trusted election
officials" - the same ones committing the irregularities...that's like asking the Nigerian
Prince email scammer if he's real, do you expect them to be honest?
Krebs should not only be fired, he should be barred from working for the federal
government ever again.
I've worked IT security for two decades. We wouldn't hire this joker to work frontline
Dominion voting systems got an "upgrade" before the election. But the powers that be don't
They won. They won because of it. Future historians will write about it, but by then, it
won't matter.
With a paper ballot, even if the machine screws up, and there is a recount, they recount
the ORIGINAL PAPER BALLOT, and do so by hand.
With electronic votes, if they screw up vote assignment, you can't tell. If they lose
votes, the counts don't match, but you've still lost the original vote. In both cases, it's
IMPOSSIBLE to do a proper recount.
PBS Newshour had a 'white hat hacker' named Harri Hursti inspect the system and he said "they
have set up a complicated system which is centralized; it doesn't seem to have any
Alex Halderman looked closely at the Q.R. codes where the votes are encoded for the scanner.
"By analyzing the structure of the Q.R. codes, I have been able to learn that there's nothing
that stops an attacker from just duplicating one, and the duplicate would count the same as the
original barcode."
Halderman caution: "I'm worried that the Georgia system is the technical equivalent to the
737 MAX. They have just made a last-minute software change that might well have unintended
consequences and cause even more severe problems on Election Day."
A Denver businessman said he has received death threats after exposing a Dominion Voting
Systems employee who boasted about being able to rig the 2020 election against President
Donald Trump, a report said.
In an
interview with the Gateway Pundit's Jim Hoft on Sunday, Denver businessman Joe Oltmann
said he was able to infiltrate Antifa and during a Sept. 27 conversation with Antifa members
discovered "Eric from Dominion".
Oltmann told the Gateway Pundit that "Eric" was telling Antifa members they needed to
"keep up the pressure." When one of the caller's on a September group call asked, "Who's
Eric?" someone answered, "Eric, he's the Dominion guy."
As the conversation continued, Oltmann said someone asked: "What are we gonna do if
F*cking Trump wins?" Oltmann paraphrased how Eric (the Dominion guy) responded, "Don't worry
about the election, Trump's not gonna win. I made f*cking sure of that!"
Oltmann identified the "Dominion guy" as Eric Coomer. In 2010, Coomer joined Dominion as
vice president of U.S. engineering, the report said. According to his biography, Coomer
graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics.
Coomer was later promoted to voting systems officer of strategy and security at Dominion.
He has since been removed from the Dominion page of directors.
Oltmann said he was banned from Twitter after exposing Coomer.
Oltmann also told the Gateway Pundit that Coomer's profile is in fact being completely
"scrubbed from the Internet."
Pennsylvania state lawmakers on Monday turned down a formal call for the 2020 election to undergo an audit as President Donald
Trump continues to challenge the key battleground state's election results.
A bipartisan, bicameral legislative service agency on Monday, in a rare move, rejected a request from the House of
Representatives to conduct a statistical-level review of the conduct of 2020 general election. The Legislative Budget &
Finance Committee officers voted 2-1 against performing
"risk-limiting" audit that was ordered by House Resolution 1100
. That resolution, sponsored by Rep. Jesse Topper,
R-Bedford County, passed the House on Thursday by a
with all Republican members and three Democrats supporting it. [ ] Sen. Jim Brewster and Rep. Jake Wheatley, both
Allegheny County Democrats, voted against taking on the audit. Sen. Bob Mensch, R-Montgomery County, favored the committee
accept the assignment. Rep. Steve Barrar, R-Delaware County, who is retiring from the House at the end of this month, didn't
participate in the Zoom meeting.
During the committee hearing, the Democrat members criticized the idea of conducting an audit to validate Pennsylvania's election
"I'm at a loss as to what the purpose of the resolution is and why it's even necessary if the work is going to be done" by state
counties, said Brewster.
"I really would suggest there are other ways to validate our election results," Wheatley added.
Conversely, Pennsylvania state Rep. Jesse Topper (R) argued that an audit would ensure "a statistical level of confidence in not
only the outcome of this past election, but [also] ensure trust in all future elections here in the commonwealth."
"I'm disappointed that the fact they thought it was going to be too difficult and too much work dissuaded them from doing what I
think is absolutely necessary for us to move forward with changes," Topper stated. "Anybody who [thinks] on either side changes
don't need to be made to the process after what we saw in the days leading up to, during, the day of, and the days after the
election is simply not engaged in reality."
"The Department of State is currently involved in litigation concerning this election and their role in providing a lot of the
confusion that went on," he added. "Now we'll have to figure out a different path forward."
Last week, Gov. Tom Wolf (D) claimed that the legislative-request audit was pointless.
Wolf said in a statement: "The Legislative Budget Finance Committee has no expertise or role in election administration and no
statutory authority outside the fiscal realm, and it is inappropriate to pretend it does. An audit by the LBFC would be
incomplete, duplicative and unreliable."
hours ago
The same thing all criminals are afraid of, being exposed, going to prison, dropping the soap, that sort
of thing.
hours ago
That's exactly the point. If there's nothing to hide, if there's no evidence of fraud, if this was such an open and
honest election, why are they so dead set against finding out? If you want to be seen as guilty of something, act
like it and this is exactly what they're doing.
John Wayne
hours ago
"Anybody that looks at the rest of this is going to see that something happened, but no
one is going to be able to figure it out. That's your objective, to make it so convoluted
that anyone can have a theory, but no one's got the facts."
-Jedburgh (that's Captain Jedburgh to you, Senator)
The Edge of Darkness, 2010
This is extremely serious business, obviously. I expect massive social unrest being
unleashed if it starts gaining legal traction/looks like the evidence is going to work.
There are allegations and then there are requirements to provide irrefutable evidence to a
state court that there is material fraud that would change the outcome of the election in the
state. My money is not on the Honey Badger to meet the state courts test. Who believes that
SCOTUS would be willing to buck the "realpolitik" of the situation and send the Democrat run
cities into riots unless there is incontrovertible evidence that a fraud overturned the
election results in many states? Why would they risk the media-driven hysteria that they are
a partisan court?
The Republican party is not gonna back Trump all the way through the media hysteria.
They've got what they wanted with a stronger position in the House and likely a majority in
the Senate after the GA senate runoffs. They'll get back to "old-fashioned" partisan status
quo horse-trading and prepare for the 2022 mid-terms. The oligarchy have been the big winner
and they'll continue to press their advantage.
Trump is on his own. His MAGA soldiers have shown no propensity to create the mayhem that
Antifa did. He'll have time to reflect on what may have been if he's unable to prevail in the
courts. Should he have hired the Swamp in his term to all the key positions? Should he have
used the powers of POTUS more aggressively with declassification? He still has a few weeks to
give the Swamp a big FU by pardoning Snowden and Assange. His Twitter platform may very well
be cancelled or throttled. How is he going to continue to suck up the media oxygen? The
Democrats, could very well get him all on the defense with prosecutions for tax violations. A
very interesting question is what happens to the 72 million people that voted for him? Will
they remain loyal for another run in 2024 or will another more competent & ruthless
candidate come along to capture their imagination?
The appeal, filed Sunday, came about 24 hours after District Court Judge Matthew Brann
issued a ruling that tossed out allegations included in the Trump campaign's legal complaint.
In his decision, Brann noted that attorneys failed to provide sufficient evidence supporting
their insistent claims that misconduct on the part of elections officials gave Joe Biden his projected
presidential win.
2 Charged With Voter Fraud, Allegedly Submitted 8,000 Fraudulent Registration
Applications BY JACK PHILLIPS November 17, 2020
Updated: November 18, 2020 Print
Two men were arrested and charged in Southern California on voter fraud charges after they
allegedly submitted thousands of fraudulent voter registration applications on behalf of
homeless people, said the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office on Tuesday.
Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Montenegro, 53, and Marcos Raul Arevalo, 34, were charged with one
count each of conspiracy to commit voter fraud, eight counts of voter fraud, four counts of
procuring and offering a false or forged instrument, and other charges, said the DA's office in
a news
release .
The office said Montenegro allegedly submitted more than "8,000 fraudulent voter
registration applications between July and October 2020." He's also accused of falsifying
names, signatures, and addresses on nomination papers "under penalty of perjury to run for
mayor in the city of Hawthorne."
Montenegro also faces another 10 counts of voter fraud, seven counts of procuring and
offering a false or forged instrument, two counts of perjury, and five misdemeanor counts of
interference with a prompt transfer of a completed affidavit, the office said.
If convicted, Montenegro can face as many as 15 years and eight months in prison, while
Arevalo could face seven years in prison, officials noted.
The FBI, District Attorney's office, the Los Angeles Public Integrity Division, and other
agencies are investigating the case.
Other details about the case are not clear. It's also not clear if their alleged voter fraud
scheme affected the presidential election in some way.
It's not clear if either Montenegro or Arevalo have lawyers.
According to local news outlet
The Daily Breeze in a report in August, Montenegro, who was running for mayor in Hawthorne,
had "turned in paperwork to run for mayor but failed to meet the required 20 signatures by
Hawthorne residents."
Over the past two weeks, since the Nov. 3 election, President Donald Trump's campaign and
other Republicans have raised questions about voter fraud and irregularities that may have
tipped the presidential race to Democratic candidate Joe Biden. The president's team has filed
several lawsuits in key states including Pennsylvania, Georgia, and other places, while citing
sworn statements made by hundreds of witnesses.
The Department of Homeland Security's cyber-security division, in a statement last week,
said the past election was the "most secure" in history. Meanwhile, secretaries of state have
disputed Trump's claims of fraud.
However, the chairman of the Federal Elections Commission (FEC), Trey Trainor
told Newsmax several days ago that he believes "that there is voter fraud taking place in
these places." Trainor, in a
tweet , said a recent claim from Trump lawyer Sidney Powell about his team being able to
overturn the election with their cases should be taken seriously.
Our county in Calif which uses Dominion software admitted only 40% of the signatures can
be validated by machine. The rest must be hand validated.
When you all the sudden have a massive number of "signed" mail in ballots to process, and
the original envelopes got tossed, how does anyone get to observer or double check the
mail-in ballots, once they have been severed from the signed envelope?
Known weaknesses like this can or will be exploited, so the burden falls on the election
department to prove fraud or even incompetent handling of ballots could never take place.
They cannot even claim any "mistakes" were in a reasonable margin of error.
There can never be a perfect election; but there are degrees of imperfect ones. This
potential voting corruption was off the charts since this was such a heavy mail-in vote this
year. When numbers of mail-in ballots, as in the past, do not rise to a material level then
one can claim "mistakes" would not have affected the outcome regardless.
There are those who always vote, those who never vote and those who may or may not vote.
Maximizing voter turnout in the third group is the holy grail of the electoral
It is a holy grail of a leftist agitator. The US law recognizes a citizen's freedom not to vote as equal to the voting for
a candidate of his or her choosing. Some people do not vote because they do not care, some
because they do not know which candidate to choose, and some because they are angry at the
society. Abstractly speaking, reluctant voters are not helpful to democratic process, just like
reluctant jurors are not helpful for court proceedings. Practically, voter mobilization (from
the word 'mob' ) is a tactic of the Left. People who do not care, or lack knowledge, or
are angry, can be easily convinced to vote for the Left. Continue reading Dominion Voting
Systems Corp →
Dominion Voting Systems' Democracy Suite has features that allow for election results
manipulation. The back-end software has an elections results editor, called Results Tally
and Reporting ( RTR ). Its users are election officials. RTR is an equivalent of
Microsoft Excel, but for election results. The software allows its users to enter "election
results" from removable memory cards, local file system, and network. It allows you to merge
multiple election results files. It allows the users to manually edit election result files. It
allows users to reject election results files. In other words, it allows arbitrary change of
RTR runs not on a voting machine, but on an ordinary Windows laptop, which can be connected
to the Internet, and even controlled remotely.
The voting software developers can easily insert code, changing numbers in favor of or
against one candidate. No hacking is necessary. The malicious code can be designed to pass
tests and to be triggered only at the time of a real election, automatically or manually. Both
case are possible even the the machine is disconnected from the internet and has no ordinary
I/O devices. The malicious code can be activated manually in real time by inserting a ballot or
another paper with a pre-defined QR or image code. An audit of the source code is necessary,
but not sufficient. Dominion software runs on Windows, and the malicious code can be hidden in
any part of the operating system. Malicious code can be hidden in the firmware, too.
If a state wants to take risks and to rely on testing and the source code audit, they should
be conducted with the participation of technically competent representatives of both parties.
If the system passes testing and auditing, the machine image must be securely stored. All
supplied machines must have exactly the same hardware and the software as the audited
As far as I know, thorough tests and source code audits are conducted very rarely, if at
all. Further, the vendors are not required to use only the audited image, and are allowed to
update the software almost at will. That means that election commissions are forced to blindly
trust the vendors. Blind trust is always wrong and invites abuse. But even "trust but verify"
is applicable only to trustworthy vendors. Dominion Voting is the opposite of trustworthy.
The only real solution to the vulnerability of EVS is not to use them at all. Manual ballot
counting has no software vulnerabilities, and is much cheaper. Virginia appears to be the only
state that decided to use only manual ballots.
... ... ...
In August 2009 (corrected), the rough breakdown of the EVS market in the US was (per
Brad Friedman ):
Less than a year later, after the "antitrust" actions of Obama's DOJ, it became:
50% Dominion
40% ES&S (restricted in competing against Dominion)
10% Hart Intercivic
Thus, the DOJ's actions did the exact opposite of its words.
An elections system vendor should be non-partisan, in a demonstrable way. Dominion is not
just partisan, but hyper-partisan in favor of the Democrat party, or even its pocket
Dominion has many more ties to the Democrat party and its prominent supporters in the US and
abroad, which are not covered in this article.
Software Development in Serbia
Dominion develops much of its software in Belgrade, Serbia. Russia is a close friend to
Serbia, if not its only one. If anybody sincerely thought that Putin wanted to hack American
elections, their first location of interest would be the offices of Dominion Voting in
Belgrade, rather than the Trump Tower in New York.
By the way, Serbian and Russian languages use the Cyrillic alphabet. Most letters have the
same Unicode encoding in Serbian and Russian (the Basic Multilingual Plane, range 0410-04FF ). If any election officials found Cyrillic
text on a Dominion voting machine in 2016, it was probably left by its developers in
This is the Agreement between
Michigan & Dominion , including specs of many Dominion products (PDF, 161 pages). Wi-Fi
connection and even a dial up modem are offered as an option.
Some of the companies referenced here as foreign based or foreign originating re-registered
in the US.
Dominion Voting Systems Series Part I
Part II (this) Part
Just few thougts
Dominion develops much of its software in Belgrade, Serbia. Russia is a close friend to
At the time when ten SW was developing, Serbia had long beenin the hands of Germany and the EU.
Which is the same as writing in the hands of Soros and his NGO. Written Serbian is more similar
to neighboring Greek than Russian, and this also applies to Cyrillic.
A previous head of Dominions software was one Eric Coomer. He is a member or avid
supporter of Antifa, depending on how you view the group.
The same Eric Coomer was previously a skinhead when he was at Berkeley, based on ok'd
message board posts.
Google Eric Coomer Skinhead and view some of what comes up online.
From skinhead to Antifa? He is now apparently nowhere to be found. Seems to me at least,
that there may be a chance he may be CIA and that this may have been a domestic op to get rid
of Trump.
Here's an analogy : imagine the blues and reds both agree that I am a notorious thief,
even if it's only a false narrative. Then they hire me as a security guard. That would be
willfully, knowingly hiring a criminal, which would be criminal, not because of the facts,
but because of the logic.
A couple of thoughts about the Venzuela gambit. Evidently Tucker Carson wanted Sydney to
tell him all about the "Dominion" vote flipping in a public interview. Which would have been
tantamount to giving away all the potential Republican case, and given the Democrats prior
knowledge of what to expect. A no-go. Mentioning "Venezuela-Cuba" could have the effect of
heading off a direct civil war if the US Dems and Repubs have a" common enemy" to blame. (Too
late for Russia, China too touchy, not many other major targets). Note that Venezuela has a
paper trail created at the same time as the electronic vote...
"They are very bad. If something goes wrong with one of them, you would basically never know, because you can't audit the
results. And things have gone wrong," John Oliver said. "In one local New Jersey election, a husband and wife were both running
for seats on their county's Democratic committee. The DRE machines said that they lost, but they were in the unusual position of
actually knowing that that was a mistake."
"In one local New Jersey election, a husband and wife were both running for seats on their county's Democratic committee," Oliver
continued. "The DRE machines said that they lost, but they were in the unusual position of actually knowing that that was a
The talk show host then played a news clip of the couple -- Ernest and Cynthia Zirkle -- explaining what had happened.
"I knew 33 of the people that voted for us, and we lost 33 to 10, and I knew that that wasn't the case," said Cynthia Zirkle.
The results had been switched with those of their opponents.
"We started calling people that we thought we knew voted for us, because it was just a in this district of this township, and we
know everybody in this district," added Ernest Zirkle.
Oliver noted it was true that Cynthia Zirkle had "literally went around and got signed affidavits from people saying that they
had voted for her."
"The fact is, unless you happen to personally know everyone who votes for you on a paperless DRE machine, there is no way to know
the results," he said. "It's a pretty good case against them, which makes it, frankly, completely insane that New Jersey not only
still uses them, but plans to keep using them for the 2020 election."
"And it's not just New Jersey, in 2016, 20 percent of voters voted on paperless DREs, and an estimated 12 percent will use them
in 2020, meaning 16 million Americans, spread out across all these states, are set to be voting on machines that pretty much
everyone agrees are deeply, deeply flawed," Oliver continued. "And if they malfunction, there could be no way of knowing, which
is absolutely terrifying. What we have to do here is obvious, it's so obvious, in fact, even this guy understands it."
John Oliver then played a clip of President Donald Trump explaining why it is important to have a paper backup system with
regards to voting.
"He's right. That's it. He's just all the way, completely right," said Oliver.
Dominion Voting Systems -- which has faced scrutiny in the wake of the 2020 presidential election -- has an ImageCast X model,
which can be deployed as either a Ballot Marking Device (BMD) or a Direct Recording Electronic Device (DRE), according to
Verified Voting Foundation
While Oliver has made his case for why he believes DREs are dangerous, Verified Voting has also explained why it believes BMDs
can be as well.
In 2019, Verified Voting
position regarding the use BMDs in elections:
Verified Voting believes that voters should vote on paper ballots, but we recognize an important distinction between
hand-marked and machine-marked ballots. Hand-marked paper ballots are not subject to inaccuracies or manipulation from
software bugs or malicious code. In contrast, machine-marked paper ballots produced using BMDs might not accurately capture
voter intent if the software or ballot configuration is buggy or malicious.
Verified Voting specifically opposes the purchase and deployment of new voting systems in which all in-person voters in a
polling place are expected to use BMDs. The trustworthiness of an election conducted using BMDs depends critically on how many
voters actually verify their ballots, and how carefully they do it. All voters who vote on BMDs should be made aware of the
importance of carefully and conscientiously verifying their ballots before casting them, and should be actively encouraged to
do so. However, empirical research thus far shows that few voters using BMDs carefully verify their printed ballots. Moreover,
if voters do verify BMD-marked ballots and find what they believe are discrepancies, there is no reliable way to resolve
whether the voters made mistakes or the BMDs did. For these and other reasons (such as cost) Verified Voting recommends that
the use of BMDs be minimized.
Verified Voting appeared to have since wiped clean the section of its website clarifying its position on the usage of BMDs, but
shows what was displayed on the page in August.
It is, indeed, completely insane to use electronic voting machines unless the whole idea is to be able
to commit massive voter fraud and steal an election.
Some of these machines can be set to throw a set number of --- say Trump votes -- into a certain
folder that can just be deleted making all of those votes disappear as if they never existed.
The first video below highlights the couple that John Oliver was talking about:
A Hacker Shows Us How Easy It Is To Manipulate Voting Machines
On this next one, it shows how many voters are just trusting these machines with EVERYTHING and no
paper trail, basically saying to the computer, "Please mark my ballot the way I say and I trust you to
do so".
Dominion Voting Machines have the ability to mark a ballot [2:16]
Electronic Voting Machine hacked by Computer Scientists (AcuVote-TS)
All electronic software can be made to cheat with voter fraud, especially if that is the OBJECTIVE ALL
day ago
It would depend on the voting machine, a machine can be built that has no real vulnerabilities and no way to
change or input to voting data. And paper ballots are only as secure as the people that handle them and
count them. The biggest problem with voting machines is that they keep processes of the machine secret so no
one can trust what they are doing behind the scenes.
Personally, I think we need voter ID. Then the voting machines print out a paper ballot that you take from
the machine over to a ballot box, present your ID for a second time and drop the ballot in the box.
The ballots must match the machines totals and the voter rolls and all partisan observers must agree.
in India, you have all that PLUS you affix your thumbprint to the ballot with indelible ink. The ink
(apparently) is hard to wash off so that makes it harder for anyone to vote twice. A beautiful system.
Where I'm at, we had paper "Scantron" ballots and BMDs. Had a lot of older folk who did the BMD because
they didn't think they could fill in the bubbles.
What I thought was odd was that the BMDs we had were designed for blind people but there was no way for
blind people to verify their printout as it was just text, not braile.
Worst of all was that able-bodied younger people strideny thought that BMDs were electronic voting and
that it was "more secure", so they would become irate when they discovered that they spent 15 minutes
using a touch screen to print a ballot that they could've bubbled in 30 seconds by hand.
Closing the barn door after the horse is stolen. Why weren't Trump voters and Trump himself anticipating
just this sort of election theft before the election?
ohn Law
day ago
"It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes."
Yes. Did it slip out by accident? I've been critical, well more than critical, let's say completely
objecting to the use of electronic voting machines for years. As somebody who worked in the tech
industry, I realized that there is a belief in the minds of average people, that machines are
objective and impersonal and cannot lie or make mistakes. Have you ever challenged somebody when
there's an obvious data entry error and they rigidly stick by whatever the machine says versus what
you're trying to tell them actually was the situation? Belief in the machine is almost a belief in
an infallible oracle. Obviously data can be corrupted and falsified as anybody who has had their
accounts hacked should realize. So voting systems that rely on electronics without some form of
physical verification are subject to fraud, and any counting system that does not have oversight
and is completely hidden from view electronically or otherwise is also subject to fraud or to quote
Stalin, it's not who votes it's who counts the votes. Fraud in voting machines has been going on
for decades. Even the very old paper punch systems used in the 40s through 80s could be gotten
around by simply having certain precincts non-functional during the day and not tell the voters
their votes would not be counted. I experienced this frequently in Philadelphia when I lived in a
section of the city that did not like the mayor.
day ago
Trump's mistake was trusting the experience of insiders...
He should have hired nothing but loyal people with no professional political experience, and not
assumed those under the heels of the democrats weren't still beholden to them, (if not
compromised), even if they publicly seemed to be enemies...
They had been in bed together for a century... Especially the petroleum industry, and Wall
"Corrupted by wealth and power, your government is like a restaurant with only one dish. They've
got a set of Republican waiters on one side and a set of Democratic waiters on the other side.
But no matter which set of waiters brings you the dish, the legislative grub is all prepared in
the same Wall Street kitchen." - Huey Long
"The only difference I ever found between the Democratic leadership and the Republican
leadership is that one of them is skinning you from the ankle up and the other, from the ear
down." - Huey Long
day ago
Why have machines at all? We have until Jan. 20 to seat new winners. What is the rush? Old fashioned
hand counting may take longer but it is more secure with proper oversight. We can wait a few days or
even weeks if it means honest elections. Networks will just not be calling winners before votes are
all tabulated and certified. It is not a horse race and shouldn't be treated as such. Hold your
tickets, please, we have a photo finish. We need voter ID and that number matched to each vote.
day ago
You're right. Any machine is corruptible. Hand counting with verified observers from both parties is totally
day ago
people act like it's impossible to count 100 million+ votes, but it's not at all. it can be easily done precinct
by precinct, then all it takes is an adding machine. the old-fashioned kind, with the paper tape.
hours ago
Hay, Hay all you shift for brains!
"Federal Statute Law Title 52 USC 20511: Criminal penalties Text contains
those laws in effect on November 9, 2020
II-Voting Assistance and Election Administration CHAPTER 205-NATIONAL
Criminal penalties
A person, including an election official, who in any election for
Federal office-
(1) knowingly and willfully intimidates, threatens, or coerces, or attempts to intimidate, threaten, or coerce,
any person for-
(A) registering to vote, or voting, or attempting to register or vote;
(B) urging or aiding any person to register to vote, to vote, or to attempt to register or vote; exercising any
right under this chapter; or
(C) exercising any right under this chapter; or
(2) knowingly and willfully deprives, defrauds, or attempts to
deprive or defraud the residents of a State of a fair and
impartially conducted election process, by-
(A) the procurement or submission of voter registration applications that are known by the person to be materially
false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the
laws of the State in which the election is held; or
(B) the procurement, casting, or tabulation of ballots that are known by the person to be materially false,
fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held, shall be fined in accordance
with title 18 (which fines shall be paid into the general fund of the Treasury, miscellaneous receipts (pursuant
to section 3302 of title 31), notwithstanding any other law), or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both."
hours ago
SOROS, One of the owners of Dominion and SmartMatic too...
Any one of these articles should be good for "Evidence".
Democrat Senators Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar and Ron Wyden ALL
WARNED the USA about DOMINION being a Security Problem in the Elections!
Even the New York Times warned the US....
Democrats Complained about for the past 5 years!!!
Paper ballots. On Election Day. In person. Valid ID. If it's that important to people, they will find a way.
Limited exceptions (deployed military, etc). Otherwise, make it a PRIORITY.
Gary Eaker
day ago
Our Voting Systems are antiquated and insecure.
Complete Makeover Desperately needed.
"Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own," senior Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and
Jenna Ellis said on Sunday in a joint statement. "She is also not a lawyer for the president
in his personal capacity."
Giuliani and Ellis gave no explanation for the statement. Trump last week named Powell, a
former federal prosecutor, among five well-known lawyers who would lead his legal team in
challenging the results of this month's presidential election.
Powell was among three featured speakers when the Trump legal team held a press conference
on Thursday to give an overview of its election-fraud cases in key states that the president
apparently lost to Democrat rival Joe Biden.
Powell focused largely on accusations that Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic election
software were fraudulently manipulated to award thousands of fake votes to Biden. Her
allegations went deeper, involving allies of the late Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez owning
Dominion and having ties to Democrat billionaire donor George Soros.
But by Thursday night, Powell's story was being challenged by a conservative media
superstar, Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who said she had brushed off multiple requests to
provide evidence of the Dominion-Smartmatic scheme for his show. She also was invited to be
interviewed on his show, but "when we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop
contacting her," Carlson said.
Powell responded by saying
she told Carlson not to contact her again because he was "very insulting, demanding and
rude." She also provided him with an affidavit and referred him to a witness who could help
him understand her statistical evidence. Carlson followed up the next night, saying he had
heard from Trump sources, including other members of the president's legal team, who said that
they hadn't seen Powell's evidence firsthand.
If Powell's allegations in the press conference seemed a little wild, her interview on
Saturday night with conservative news outlet Newsmax took the case to another level. She
accused Georgia's Republican governor, Brian Kemp, and the state's secretary of state, Brad
Raffensperger, of receiving financial benefits to help Biden win the state's 16 electoral
"Georgia's probably going to be the first state I'm gonna blow up," Powell said of
her planned fraud cases. "And Mr. Kemp and the secretary of state need to go with it because
they're in on the Dominion scam." She added that her Georgia lawsuit, which she hopes to
file this week, "will be biblical."
Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!
pogohere 4 hours ago 22 Nov, 2020 08:17 PM
Some teams are harder to play on than others. Look at the Flynn case. The US Dep. of Justice
surrendered to Powell et. al. and requested that its own case against Flynn be
dismissed following the disclosure by Powell's efforts that the DOJ was withholding
evidence-- a "Brady rule violation"-- of Flynn's innocence from the defense and the court.
Flynn's prestigious Wa DC law firm earlier had Flynn plead guilty. The judge is holding up
the dismissal of that case, against all precedent. Powell most likely isn't finished. Neither
is The Donald.
GoldMorgsCom 4 hours ago 22 Nov, 2020 08:31 PM
Giuliani and Ellis intimidated and gearing down? Powell least nervous at the presentation.
Usually fraud by (voting)computers escapes the possibility of external proof. But a
peculiarity in the Michigan-elections enabled it. See on the site vashiva (Shiva) MIT PhD
Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems. Its systematic
fraud, save screenshots. Steven J. Miller Ph.D. published his testimony, that about 50'000
mail-in ballots of republicans have disapeared in Pensylvenia and 50'000 absentee ballots
have been abused by others (in favor of Biden = +50000). It makes up about 150000 to the
disadvantage of Trump in PA. Bidens surplus was about 75000. About Michigan and Pensylvenia
it has been published that the number of fraud votes was sufficient for a fraud change of the
outcome in favor of "the democrats". The signals are that the same happened in the other
critical states . See also -- Trump lawyers allege 'MASSIVE' election fraud, point to sworn
statements & efforts to threaten and silence them (VIDEO)-- 19 Nov, 2020 20:30 (
rt-search, on top at the right ) In the first ten minutes it is explained how the "democrat"
bosses facilitated huge fraud with absentee ballots. In Pensylvenia 682'000 have been
accepted without proper checks and with destroying the evidence of fraud. It is a federal
offence not to store all election records (scans), even not collecting them, such as besiding
mail-in envelopes and not checking them before opening them.
JingsGeordie 4 hours ago 22 Nov, 2020 08:18 PM
Disavows? That's twisting the information (edit - they've now changed it to 'distances') From
Gen. Flynn's twitter feed - ".@SidneyPowell1 has been suspended from Twitter for 12 hours.
She understands the WH press release & agrees with it. She is staying the course to prove
the massive deliberate election fraud that robbed #WeThePeople of our votes for President
Trump & other Republican candidates."
Thesheperd666 4 hours ago 22 Nov, 2020 09:02 PM
Trump fired Sidney Powell ? That is a huge mistake and might coast him the presidency. Trumps
team looks weak now ! Sidney look more confident and much more calmer than Rudy Giuliani. I
really don't trust Rudy as much as Sidney, wondering if they are afraid of spoiling the
Republic party before the 12th amendment goes to the house for votes ? Either side your on
this makes Trumps team look bad, and are starting to make up stories. I think Trump did win
by a landslide and this years vote was stolen from the US citizens. Demarcates can breath a
little more easier now that Sidney is gone, she was the strongest one on the team. Trump
needs more Sidney Powell's not less, I don't trust Rudy nor do I think he has what it takes
to win. Trump needs better Lawyers, Rudy is just a celebrity lawyer that will keep his image
no matter what ! Trump needs tigers not mice !
anastasia265 3 hours ago 22 Nov, 2020 09:27 PM
It's not true. She was never a part of that team and had her own funding site. Their strategy
was to keep the two matters separate
J_P_Franklin 4 hours ago 22 Nov, 2020 08:49 PM
Majority of Republicans are and have conspired against Trump since 2016. America First
Trumpism is the opposite of Republican open borders/free trade treason.
GoldMorgsCom 4 hours ago 22 Nov, 2020 09:03 PM
Peculiar is that the German chamber of commerce does not reveal any registration of the
Dominions, neither of Smartmatic neither of Scytl neither of Amazone. These have not
registrated or their registrations are being hidden on request. So who's prosecution by the
German state prosecutors is to be requested?
Gerald Newton 2 hours ago 22 Nov, 2020 10:56 PM
Sidney Powell has not released her evidence yet but it is coming. She has an impressive
record and probably will crush much of the federal justice system. That is what she does.
Read her book, Licensed to Lie. It is about the way federal prosecutors lie to prosecute like
they did to Senator Stevens of Alaska.
Swanster6450 3 hours ago 22 Nov, 2020 09:56 PM
I guess Sidney Powell is finding what happens to people from outside the political loop when
they seek to stick their nose in and point out a few inconsistencies. Chucked under a bus is
the usual outcome. Julian Assange is also finding out the same thing and, incidentally, so
too is Donald Trump. All shafted and all chucked under a bus for pointing out a few
RTreaderCaribb 3 hours ago 22 Nov, 2020 09:56 PM
I have one question and one question only: why would Sydney Powell who seems to be very
bright and a good lawyer say something of which she would know will be exposed only in less
than 14 days to be totally untrue? This makes no sense at all. And so I think we all should
pray that this woman does not end up like Jeffrey Epstein. We should take our time. 14 days
are nothing in comparison to the endless work she has to put in . And if she cant show any
fact for her allegations then we can maybe say something went wrong with her. But right now
let this woman work. All this prejudgment in the public court is irritating to me. And if
Sidney Powell did the same then yes, she would be irritating to me too. And for Trump: If he
can prove voter fraud then he should go to the supreme court. If he cant then at some point
he must concede. I guess the latest is December 14th and until then he should just figure out
what it is. That is his legal right. And for the American people: if you were so stupid to
vote for Biden then please bear the consequences thereof because you will go down the tubes.
The man is not well in his head.
allan Kaplan 3 hours ago 22 Nov, 2020 09:43 PM
Sidney Powell's stamina, her defiance and her antipathy is so real that those who have faced
injustice by the hands of the powerful know what it takes to get such bullies sweating. The
house of cards of the Democrat commies will come tumbling down once Powell gets to the podium
of naming names, dates, places, and their coconspirators et al. I love her tenacity,
determination, perseverance and her unflinching boldness that most of the dems are sweating
about! Thank you Ms. Powell for a great American tradition and go full speed... the
dissenting maverick you are!
GoldMorgsCom 3 hours ago 22 Nov, 2020 09:27 PM
They are so scared that the president Trump will conduct the great cleansing, to start with
removing the authority on the dollar from the Federal Reserve to the usa federal state of the
people. They are already blocking the president Trump during four years to keep him from
that. They know they can now only keep the president Trump from the great cleansing by
removing him from office. They will do more than the high treason of the fraud against the
federal elections, to remove the president Trump from office. Eventually they will detonate a
smuggled-in nuclear bomb and allegate Russia or fire a missile with a nuclear bomb from an
unindentified submarine and allegate Russia. You believe the spread of Covid-19 this year was
a coincidense? If Russia is being attacked any more (with allegations) it is a good reason
for conducting the great cleansing in Russia. Those probably sly covered Khodorovski-types
who are pressing forward (exports of) GMM-injections "against Covid-19" are probably
backstabbing Russia; catastrophic future compensation claims on Russia and confiscation of
all export-incomes. This is a good reason for conducting the great cleansing out of Russia of
all Khodorovski-types. We hope that the reorganized government of Russia will cleanse out all
Khodorovski-types, no matter the president Trump will continue office and conduct the great
cleansing in the usa or not.
Marlin1091 12 minutes ago 23 Nov, 2020 01:06 AM
Google did and is helping biden. That is why I don't use google any more, I use Yandex and
for fackrok I use vk
My gut feeling is that this election was stolen by old fashioned, street level, ballot
stuffing in 5 or 6 "inner city" (black) locations, including Philadelphia, Atlanta, Milwaukee,
Detroit, and two less black but equally corrupt locations in Maricopa County (Phoenix) and Las
I could be wrong, and I hope I am, but I think the Dominion corruption angle is going to end
up improvable and will just be further grist for the "debunking" articles in the MSM (liberal)
media, along with the hoax about water marks on ballots.
"Occam's Razor" explanation:
At around the same time in all of these locations, with some adjustment for time zones, the
voting ground to a halt. In Atlanta, they even came up with a now confirmed as false story
about a pipe bursting. They sent the Republican poll watchers home, delivered the necessary
90,000 to 150,000 ballots needed to change the result, punched the totals into the machine, and
that was it. Some Republicans actually caught them in the act, but they were physically
threatened and ignored by the partisan media. Detroit was the most egregious, where they even
saw boxes being delivered in the wee hours and they put up paper screens to hide what they were
doing. None of these witnesses can really "prove" anything, of course.
I think Biden would have naturally closed the huge gap in PA just by virtue of the fact that
the precincts around Philly genuinely were counted last (plus the mail in ballots, legitimate
and fraudulent). This is why you see those weird, unprecedented spikes in Biden totals in the
early morning hours: The boxes containing fraudulent and/or harvested ballots were dumped into
the pot.
What enabled all of the above to really work was the "mail in" ballots.
And they're going to get away with all of this because it was predominantly blacks who were
doing this and the fact that the media is the de facto Ministry of Information for the
Democratic Party. In a country where blacks are permitted to loot, and in some areas get a
misdemeanor citation if the stuff they steal is worth less than $1,000, and in other cases get
away with murder when the victim is white, the media will simply not report this stuff. "If a
tree falls in the forest and it's not on CNN or in the New York Times, did that tree really
Redmayne-Titley nce William Plumer in 1820. (Novelist and Humphrey elector James Michener
wrote that he would have if necessary in 1968, as he much preferred Nixon to the House and
Inasmuch as the US -- and every
state -- has a religious feast day like St Patrick's and St George's, it would be Dec 8.
Perfect date for a "Hail Mary"!
*Seven of the ten deviant votes cast in 2016 were counted, the other three replaced. State
law rules here.
BRT 207, agreed that the interview was less than cathartic, but Sidney has a tighrope to
walk. Her opponent is not the opposing campaign of Dem hacks. Her opponent is CIA. CIA
stuffed all those ballots. Unfortunately for Sidney, in US law and regulation, CIA crime is
secret. The perps are secret under the IIPA. The facts are secret under the operational files
exemption. The law is secret under COG procedures. Flynn explained the birds and bees to her.
Remember DIA is JFK's creation.
Now Sidney has to find a way to puke up evidence of CIA crime in court.
CIA ratfucked Chavez with their electoral malware, albeit ineffectually.
CIA put their Venezuelan proprietary through a couple of sheepdippings and turned it on
Trump. Just like they used it on Kerry. Just like they do whenever you vote for the wrong
guy. Honnête homme Hopsicker, offered a lifetime of hookers and blow to shut up, has
the most synoptic take:
This is transnational organized crime by CIA. Sidney has to call CIA agents under oath.
She has to protect them from DO's murderers. She has to explode everything you think about
your bullshit fake democracy. I don't know if she can do it but I hope she can.
A most interesting thread popped up on Twitter Sunday from a data scientist who wishes to
remain anonymous, regarding mail-in ballot data which strongly suggests fraud occurred in the
wee hours of election night, when several swing states inexplicably stopped reporting vote
counts while President Trump maintained a healthy lead over Joe Biden.
Using time series data 'scraped' from the New York Times website, the data - comparing
several states (swing and non-swing) - clearly illustrates what fraud does and does not look
like, and how several anomalies in swing states left 'fingerprints of fraud' as Biden pulled
ahead of President Trump.
This is based on their proprietary "Edison" data source which would ordinarily be impossible
to access for people outside the press. The CSV is available here ( updated). And the script
to generate it is here . I suggest
that everyone back up both of these files , bc this is an extremely important data source, and
we cant risk anyone taking it down.
What we are looking at will be time series analysis and you will see that it is extremely
difficult to create convincing synthetic times series data. By looking at the times series logs
of the ballot counting process for the entire country, we can very easily spot fraud.
One of the first things noticed while exploring the dataset is that there seems to be an
obvious pattern in the ratio of new #Biden ballots to new #Trump ballots.
As we can see on this log-log plot, for many of the counting progress updates, we see an
almost constant ratio of #Biden to #Trump. It's such a regular pattern that we can actually fit
a linear regression model to it with near-perfect accuracy, barring some outliers. How could
this be possible? Is this a telltale sign of fraud? Surprisingly, as it will be shown, the
answer is no! This is actually expected behavior. Also, we can use this weird pattern in the
ballot counting to spot fraud!
Here is the same pattern for Florida . We see this linear pattern again.
And again (Texas)
And again (South Dakota)
And again all over the country. What appears to be happening is that points on the straight
line are actually mail in votes . The reason they're so homogeneous across with respect to the
ratio of #Biden vs #Trump votes is that they get randomly shuffled in the mail like a deck of
cards. Since the ballots are randomly mixed together during transport, spanning areas occupied
by multiple voting demographics, we can expect the ratio of mail-in #Biden ballots to mail-in
#Trump ballots will remain relatively constant over time and across different reporting
Lets dig a little deeper into this :
Here is a plot of the same Florida voting data, but this time it's the ratio of #Biden to
#Trump ballots, versus time. What we see is that the initial ballot reportings are very noisy
and "random".
The initial reporting represents in-person voting. These vote reports have such large
variation bc in-person voting happens across different geographic areas that have different
political alignments. We can see this same pattern of noisy in-person voting, followed by
homogeneous mail-in reporting in almost all cases. What we see in almost all examples across
the country is that the ratio of mail-in Dem to Rep ballots is very consistent across time, but
with the notable drift from Dem to slightly more Rep.
This slight drift from D to R mail-ins occurs again and again, and is likely due to outlying
rural areas having more R votes. These outlying areas take longer to ship their ballots to the
polling centers.
Now we're getting into the really good stuff . When we see mail-in ballot counting where
there isn't relatively stable ratios of D and R ballots that slightly drift R, we have an
anomaly! Anomalies themselves are not necessarily fraud, but they can help us spot fraud more
Now let's look at some anomalies:
This is the Wisconsin vote counting history log. Again, on the Y axis we have the ratio of D
to R ballots in reporting batch, and on the X axis we have reporting time. Around 4am there,
there is a marked shift in the ratio of D to R mail-in ballots . Based on other posts in this
thread, this should not happen . This is an anomaly, and while anomalies are not always fraud,
often they may point to fraud.
By 4am the D to R ratio was all thrown out of whack. That is because these ballots were not
sampled from the real Wisconsin voter population, and they were not randomized in the mail
sorting system with the other ballots. They inherently have a different D to R signature than
the rest of the ballots quite possibly bc additional ballots were added to the batch, either
through backdating or ballot manufacturing or software tampering. This of this being kind of
analogous to carbon-14 dating, but for ballot batch authenticity.
Lets look at another anomaly (Pennsylvania):
Here is Pennsylvania's vote counting history. For the first part of the vote counting
process, we see the same pattern for mail-in ballots that we've seen in every other state in
the country, which is relatively stable D to R ratio that gradually drifts R as more ballots.
But then as counting continues, the D to R ratio in mail-in ballots inexplicably begin
"increasing" . Again, this should not happen , and it is observed almost nowhere else in the
country , because all of the ballots are randomly shuffled in the mail system and should be
homogeneous during counting. The only exceptions to this are other suspect states that also
have anomalies .
Again, this is evidence of ballot backdating, manufacturing of software tampering
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Lets look at another anomaly:
In Georgia we see pretty much the same story as Pennsylvania: increasing fractions of
mail-in D ballots over time even though it defies logic and we see this pattern no where else
in the country.
In Michigan , we see a combination of Wisconsin strangeness, together with the GA/PA
weirdness. We see both signs of contaminated ballot dumping, and ballot ratios drifting toward
dems when they should not be.
Now in fairness, VA is the only state out of the 50 that has anomalies but has not had
accusations of voter fraud, yet. I think this is the exception that proves the rule. Yet to
figure out what causes this anomalous shift, but here it is so no one accuses me of holding it
Lets wrap this up: It appears Dems shot themselves in the foot bc making everyone do mail-in
ballots actually makes it easier to catch mail-in ballot fraud . Bc all of the ballots go
through the postal system, they get shuffled like a deck of cards, so we expect reported ballot
return to be extremely UNIFORM in terms of D vs R ratio, but to drift slightly towards R over
time bc some of those ballots travel farther. This pattern proves fraud and is a verifiable
timestamp of when each fraudulent action occurred .
The system is set up for failure in proving election fraud. Firstly, the security agencies
will not lift a finger unless there is "substantial evidence of voter fraud." This was as
true in the past as it is now.
There is no way that a candidate can discover all the election fraud in the short time
they have to do it, especially when there are obstacles in the fraud areas controlled by the
other side.
The courts are reluctant to do anything unless you have substantial evidence that rises to
the level of proof that would change an election. Cannot be based upon probabilities.
The overall concern of the government is for it not to appear illegitimate. This is a
public policy reason for turning a blind's eye, by the government, by the media, by anyone
who has the power to influence.
Voter Fraud and Election Fraud has been around a long time. Read Vote Scam, a book taken
out of the Library of Congress. I am sure that there have been more than several candidates
who have lost office because of it, but with the system in place, it's gonna be tough toogies
for the candidate who lost..
My gut feeling is that this election was stolen by old fashioned, street level, ballot
stuffing in 5 or 6 "inner city" (black) locations, including Philadelphia, Atlanta,
Milwaukee, Detroit, and two less black but equally corrupt locations in Maricopa County
(Phoenix) and Las Vegas.
I could be wrong, and I hope I am, but I think the Dominion corruption angle is going to
end up unprovable and will just be further grist for the "debunking" articles in the MSM
(liberal) media, along with the hoax about water marks on ballots.
"Occam's Razor" explanation:
At around the same time in all of these locations, with some adjustment for time zones,
the voting ground to a halt. In Atlanta, they even came up with a now confirmed as false
story about a pipe bursting. They sent the Republican poll watchers home, delivered the
necessary 90,000 to 150,000 ballots needed to change the result, punched the totals into the
machine, and that was it. Some Republicans actually caught them in the act, but they were
physically threatened and ignored by the partisan media. Detroit was the most egregious,
where they even saw boxes being delivered in the wee hours and they put up paper screens to
hide what they were doing. None of these witnesses can really "prove" anything, of
I think Biden would have naturally closed the huge gap in PA just by virtue of the fact
that the precincts around Philly genuinely were counted last (plus the mail in ballots,
legitimate and fraudulent). This is why you see those weird, unprecedented spikes in Biden
totals in the early morning hours: The boxes containing fraudulent and/or harvested ballots
were dumped into the pot.
What enabled all of the above to really work was the "mail in" ballots.
And they're going to get away with all of this because it was predominantly blacks who
were doing this and the fact that the media is the de facto Ministry of Information for the
Democratic Party. In a country where blacks are permitted to loot, and in some areas get a
misdemeanor citation if the stuff they steal is worth less than $1,000, and in other cases
get away with murder when the victim is white, the media will simply not report this stuff.
"If a tree falls in the forest and it's not on CNN or in the New York Times, did that tree
really fall?"
Below is a comment from James Kunstler's blog (apologies if this breaks a rule):
"BOMBSHELL: The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared "National Emergency" that
set an Election Day trap for the "unauthorized accessing of election and campaign
Wow What a doozy . Could be the trap that folks have been commenting on, why Brennan seems
to be coming unglued, maybe why Esper was fired and replaced, why some Democrats seem to be
been freaking out even more lately
I have pasted 3 sections from the article:
[Hide MORE]
"This story begins with the little-known executive order signed into existence on September
12, 2018, by President Donald J. Trump. That order, available at Whitehouse.gov, is entitled,
"Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a
United States Election." In that executive order, which almost no one has covered since the
day it was signed, President Trump declares a national emergency. That emergency is still in
play to this day, and the 2020 election was conducted under this state of emergency, which is
a crucial point to understand what's coming next."
"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) says the US military just raided the server farm of Scytl in
Lest you think this is all speculation and rumor, we now get to the part where the rubber
meets the road. According to a video interview with Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-TX) which aired
earlier today, the US military has just conducted a raid on the server farm of the
now-bankrupt Scytl company in Barcelona, Spain. The Gateway Pundit, which has been at the
forefront of much of the bombshell reporting of the election rigging conspiracy that took
place on November 3rd, reached out to its sources to confirm the military operations in
Europe, as related to gathering evidence of election theft. Here's what TGP just reported:
The US government, once they determined that this Dominion server was involved in switching
votes, then the intelligence community began a search for the server and discovered that the
server was in Germany. In order to get access to that server and have it available for use in
a legal manner they had to have the State Department work in tandem with the Department of
Justice. They had to request that the government of Germany cooperate in allowing this
seizure of this server. The appropriate documents required to affect that kind of seizure
were put in place, signed off on, and it appears there was also US military support in this
operation. The US military was not in the lead. But this helps explain why Esper was fired
and Miller and Kash Patel were put in place -- so that the military would not interfere with
the operation in any way. By getting ahold of the server they now are going to have the
direct evidence of when they were instructed to stop counting. They will also discover who
gave the direction to stop counting and who initiated the algorithm that started switching
votes. The CIA was completely excluded from this operation. Here's the interview with Rep.
Gohmert, now on Brighteon.com , just in
case YouTube tries to memory hole this video:"
Last, but not least:
"RECOUNTS no longer matter; the certification of votes is now irrelevant
The action plan to achieve all this is under way as you read this. Team Trump already has
the full transaction logs of Dominion Voting Systems election alterations, and with raids
taking place in Europe, more evidence of foreign interference is being secured. Importantly,
this enormous cache of vote fraud evidence will be more than sufficient for President Trump
to present this evidence to the American people, then declare an illegal insurrection attempt
against the United States of America while deploying US Marshals or military police to arrest
the treasonous actors in the United States who attempted to carry out this elaborate criminal
fraud. No wonder John Brennan appears to be crapping himself every time he appears on live
television. Once Trump's plan is fully activated, people like Brennan will need a lifetime
supply of Depends. Once all the evidence is compiled and presented, President Trump merely
needs to declare the entire election to be null and void as an artifact of a failed foreign
coup attempt against the United States, aided by treasonous operators inside the Democrat
party and certain dark corners of the intelligence community (CIA, FBI, etc.). As an
immutable legal principle, any party that engages in a social contract (such as an election)
and then cheats to try to unfairly "win" that contract, is disqualified by default. You
cannot win an election by stealing it. There is overwhelming legal precedent for this in
court decisions from both SCOTUS and Federal district courts. The recounts are irrelevant.
The "certification" of the fraudulent votes is just theater. None of that matters once the
overwhelming fraudulent nature of the entire operation is documented and revealed to
Black Box Voting, Bev Harris, was in the forefront of that investigation, and alerted the
public to the dangers inherent these machines and the scumbags who run the companies that
make and program them. Harris's organization bills itself as nonpartisan.
And Jonathan Simon. Simon seemed like a very good guy, but he may be too partisan (high on
the Trump-Hate-o-Meter) to throw his intellect and experience into the current fight. I don't
The wireless interface on these voting machines allows access by people sitting in
automobiles outside. I don't know if (some of) the machines are connected to the internet but
there is no "air gap" such as would prevent outside electronic access:
It's not a question of "mystery software" that can "hack voting machines." Try to keep
Also, some counties in Michigan use Dominion but most of them do not I believe.
Only about half the state. Of the top fifteen counties, Wayne, Kent, Ingham, Saginaw, St
Clair, Jackson, and Berrien use Dominion. Oakland, Macomb, Genesee, Washtenaw, Ottawa,
Livingston and Muskegon use Hart InterCivic, and Kalamazoo uses ES&S.
ng all past Federal elections involving Dominion (and functionally identical) machines into
question. The claims might, if aggressively followed up, significantly thin Democratic
leadership. If the Democrats cannot quash this, it could be the end of the Democrats.
I have no particular objection to this, but the Democrats might (Who knows, ANTIFA might
cheer.). If the Democrats were frightened before, they're much more frightened now.
Frightened people act unpredictably. Unpredictable acts are particularly dangerous now
because the Democrats still control the cities and several states. Remember that the
Democrats, although visibly declining, are still immensely powerful. If a serious dispute
arises, try not to get stepped on by the combatants. If you have any way to support Trump,
this would be the time to support him.
As in his first two articles concerning the 2020 election, in this third article, Mr.
Titley utters false or questionable "facts" [ e.g. , misidentifies or fails to
account accurately the voting apparatus or vote-tabulation software that particular counties
or precincts used], and displays a deep, wide ignorance of pertinent law.
Mr. Titley's theme appears to misdirect attention to Dominion Voting Systems "voting
machines" themselves. Dominion Voting Systems "machines" are not designed to be
fraud-effecting devices. They were not devised to erase votes or create false
votes or ballots -- though some experts argue that Dominion "machines" bear program-glitches
that can cause tally-errors.
If (as seems to appear) massive fraud occurred with use of Dominion Voting Systems,"
either (a) individuals must have manually-manipulated or remotely-hacked the
Dominion "machines" or (b) vote-count-altering software -- e.g. ,
"Smartmatic" -- must have been loaded into, and operated upon, particular Dominion "machine"
According to Sidney Powell -- a previous Assistant United States Attorney and U.S. federal
district Appellate Section Chief and now a private practitioner -- the problem is software
named Smartmatic:
[S]oftware, dubbed Smartmatic, was designed for the sole purpose of shifting voting
"It was a feature of the system that was designed with a back door, so that people could
watch in real time and calculate with an algorithm how many votes they needed to change to
make the results they wanted to create."
Mr. Titley says Sidney Powell is Trump's lead attorney. She is not such, but a simply a
Trump-legal-team member. Mr. Titley says Sidney Powell asserted:
"They need to investigate the likelihood that 3% of the vote total was changed in the
pre-election voting ballots that were collected digitally by using the Hammer program and
the software program called Scorecard. That would have amounted to a massive change in the
Sidney Powell has said also: (a) Evidence indicates that Smartmatic software was used not
only in Dominion Systems "machines", but also in electronic
voting/vote-tabulating "machines" other than Dominion; and (b) Smartmatic
software's election-fraud-effect requires human operation seeking to alter vote-outcomes.
Mr. Titley closes his article with this:
Criminal charges and indictments must be brought against one and all proved to be
involved in the attempt to circumvent the American election process.
That indictment: Treason.
Surely, much flagrant criminal conduct explains the egregious state of the 2020 election.
But "Treason" does not -- cannot :
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in
adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.
U.S. Constitution Article III, section 3, clause 1
Per Article III, section 3, clause 1, one cannot commit "Treason" against the United
States unless either
(a) one wages war against the United States -- as by fighting for a foreign state attacking
or attempting to attack the United States or by joining an armed insurrection (against the
U.S. government) or
(b) one adheres to -- adopts a supportive association with -- a foreign power engaged in open
hostility against the United States AND renders ACTIVE aid or comfort to the troops or other
belligerency-agents ( e.g. , spies, saboteurs) of that foreign power.
The Article III, section 3, clause 1 term "enemies,"applies only to troops or other
belligerency-agents of a foreign power manifesting a state of open hostility against the
United States; the term's denotation does not include U.S. domestic rebels engaged in
insurrection against the U.S. government.
But if an insurrection's armed forces form a "body politic" (as did the Confederacy of the
U.S. civil war), then such armed force's members are "enemies" per Article III, section 3,
clause 1, since such belligerent body politic is effectively a "foreign" power. And if one
adheres to such belligerent body politic and renders aid or comfort to its troops or other
belligerency-agents, one commits "Treason." But such belligerent body politic is not an
"enemy" unless its belligerency manifests as war (armed violent
Article III, section 3, clause 1 applies only to disloyal acts committed during time of
war or armed insurrection and in pursuit or support of such war or armed insurrection
-- NOT to disloyal speech or anti-government conduct occurring in peacetime (rather than in
war or armed insurrection).
Despite Democrats and their individual and corporate supporters appear to have tainted,
criminally, this year's voting or other election processes, the Democrats and their
supporters have NOT levied war or armed insurrection against the United States or given aid
or comfort to the troops or other belligerency-agents of a foreign power. Hence, their likely
crimes cannot be "Treason."
You misunderstand how scorecard works. It intercepts the data on the way to server and
changes it. The NSA has access to all internet traffic and most likely a back door that
allows them to defeat encryption. Recently, some hackers discovered a back door in RSA keys
which are used to encrypt internet traffic. It was patched but I'm sure there was either
another way in or a new one created. Since all data is transmitted to a known server they
would intercept all traffic to the server and modify it. TCP/IP is a protocol that has
nothing to do the originating operating system. By the way, although not necessary for
scorecard to work, many voting machines are connected to the internet. In a recent
independent audit the machines examined, which run Windows 10, were unpatched and open to
many know vulnerabilities. Windows 10 a virus in it's own right, connects to Microsoft
hundreds of times a day and transmits god knows what information. They also had unauthorized
software installed indicating that local users had administrative rights to the system.
Another little known fact is that modern Intel processors have their own cell modem. So even
without an internet connection it is still possible to hack into a computer. Since the
connection is low level, intrusion prevention software is unaware of the unauthorized
If anyone can provide any details as exactly when this took place, where and any detail as
to who the people are in this video please comment and I'll fill in the details.
@AReply s,
but not Trump's? Gore is every bit as much of a turd as Trump if not more so. The issue is
the same regardless of who is behind it. It is wrong and has to stop.
It will not stop until electronics are removed. Who says that you have to know who has won
the vote count before you go to bed? That is bullshit. More voting stations ensuring a voter
is entitled to vote with paper ballots and the results counted where cast with observers
signing off on the count will put a big screw into rigging. Elections ought not be instant
gratification. Democracy is supposed to require work.
Yes, I am aware American style democracy is the best money can buy, but returning to hand
counted paper is the first step of many, in re-claiming government.
Although the machines hacked are old, nevertheless this an amazing, stunning example of
incompetence or corruption of election officials all over the USA
A federal lawsuit filed on Oct. 19 noted that Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg provided the funds to double the number of
polling places in Philadelphia and that he is also paying for judges to oversee ballot counting.
Turns out that Mark Zuckerberg has a heavy hand it what is transpiring in Philadelphia. / C-SPAN
The suit, filed in U.S. District Court, Middle District of Pennsylvania, highlights how a grant for $10 million from the
Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) explicitly requires the City of Philadelphia open no fewer than 800 new polling
places – and failing to do so may require the City to forfeit the grant money. The funding from Zuckerberg also pays for
judges to oversee ballot counts and the outcome of disputes that arise regarding the eligibility of ballots in the election.
The plaintiffs in the case, the Pennsylvania Voters Alliance and several officeholders and candidates, previously filed a
complaint against Centre County, Delaware County, and the City of Philadelphia, and Secretary of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, Kathy Boockvar.
"Municipal leaders have ceded their role as a local authority to CTCL with powers that rightfully belong to the people of
Pennsylvania through their representatives in Harrisburg by effectively inviting this partisan billionaire into the ballot
counting room," said Tom King, the legal counsel representing the plaintiffs in the case."
Washington Times reporter Rowan Scarborough noted: "They are still voting in Pennsylvania. Three days after Nov. 3. Dems tried
that in other states but judges said no. Continued voting after election day would be considered fraud by UN observers. News
reports said more ballots coming in. No post mark required. Or matching signature. UN observers would also consider that
evidence of fraud."
Phill Kline, Director of the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, which is supporting the litigation in Pennsylvania,
said: "We are fighting Mark Zuckerberg around the country where he is using CTCL, a nonprofit founded and managed by
Obama-affiliated operatives, to funnel hundreds of millions of dollars to leftist strongholds in several battleground states
to determine the outcome of the election. This is a scheme engineered by partisan activists under the guise of COVID-related
support. The privatization of the election undermines the integrity of the election."
Political commentator Mark Steyn noted: "So swing-state elections are now a subsidiary of Facebook: Votebook. What could go
For those readers who may be unfamiliar with the term "Color Revolution", it refers to what has now become the standard technique
for promoting "regime change" in targeted nations.
The term may have its origins in the works of
, who wrote some guidebooks on how to organize popular revolts using Madison Avenue-style marketing techniques. He
recommended to the sponsors that rather than confusing or boring the participants with too much political theory, they should
motivate their budding revolutionaries with pop culture, using catchy, content-free slogans, logos, and team colors.
Color R
volutions are expensive (
billion in the case of Ukraine
) and are typically orchestrated by a public-private partnership comprised of government agencies
such as the State Department and MI6 and/or CIA, combined with private funding and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).
The most famous organization of this sort is the National Endowment For Democracy, a curious entity that is funded by the US
Government through USAID (as well as by donations from major
foundations), and has two sub-organizations that disseminate the funds to various Regime Change projects: the International
Republican Institute, affiliated with the Republican Party, and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs,
affiliated with the Democrats. Both organizations carry out the same activity, which underscores the fact that on matters of
subverting and bullying the rest of the world, there is a lot more bipartisanship in the US than people are inclined to think.
Another name associated with funding and orchestration is
, whose various tax-exempt organizations such as the Open Society Foundations invariably pump money into the latest Color
Revolutions, for reasons that are often more commercial than strictly political.
After the September 11 attacks in 2001, the
the flames of indignation and xenophobia, and were able to exploit them in order to assume a dominant role in most American
institutions, particularly the political parties and the media. Regime Change fever swept the foreign policy establishment, and
anyone who looked cross-eyed at a neocon became a target.
Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama embraced the neocon ethos and gave them virtual carte blanche to carry out Color
Revolutions around the world. The advent of social media, which fosters communication in the form of short, catchy slogans and
images that can be made to "go viral," was particularly conducive to Gene Sharp's formula of organizing the masses around
advertising copy and team colors. The Color Revolution techniques were used on a large scale in the former Soviet Union, such as in
the 2003 Rose Revolution in Georgia or the 2005 Orange Revolution in Ukraine.
If the targeted populations can't be organized effectively to overthrow their leaders, there is always the fall back option of
arming mercenary groups to seize power by violence, or if that fails, out and out military aggression by the US or NATO. The most
reliable method seems to be a combination of non-violent and violent action, such as in the case of Ukraine's second Color
Revolution in 2014 (a coup which was comically dubbed the "Revolution of Dignity" by its neocon sponsors, who know that a successful
marketing campaign must never be understated.) A similar case was the 2019 protests in Hong Kong, where gang violence was deployed
in hopes of provoking a crackdown by the state which could then be exploited for propaganda purposes.
But it was inevitable that these techniques would eventually be used on the US itself. Donald Trump campaigned on a platform of
reducing US reliance on Regime Change wars and NATO "out-of-area deployments" as a centerpiece of foreign policy. This was
to the neocons.
Once in office, Trump vacillated, bringing prominent neocons into his cabinet and allowing them to launch
multiple Regime Change operations. However, Trump was not a doctrinaire neocon, and he angered them by advocating better relations
with North Korea, Russia and China. And for the neocons, anything short of total allegiance to their ideology is tantamount to
The standard methodology was put into play the moment Trump was inaugurated. The team color was pink, in the form of the pink "pussy
hats" (these ostensibly called attention to Trump's sexual vulgarity and libertine lifestyle, which lacked the charm of Bill
Clinton's.) The buzzword was #Resistance, which was intended to conjure up images of the struggle by nations which had been
conquered by Nazi aggression during World War II. Oddly enough, however, the aggressive moves by Trump against other nations were
not #Resisted. In fact, those were the only instances where he received hearty praise from the corporate media.
But it's not possible to mobilize a population with hats and hashtags alone. There had to be some minimal political content, and
herein lay the dilemma for the organizers of America's Color Revolution. There was widespread popular discontent with what has
become known as the "forever war" policy, as well as the neoliberal economics which have produced an unprecedented income disparity
between the 1% and the 99%, and this popular discontent was key in electing Trump. The neocons wanted discontent, but
on those issues
, since they had no intention of changing those policies.
Instead, they opted for a revival of the Cold War. Americans seem to have a particular susceptibility to jingoism, and the
demonization of the former communist powers, which had already begun in 2014 with the neocon-sponsored coup in Ukraine, was cranked
up to full volume in the corporate media, using all the imagery and sloganeering that had proved so effective during the 1950s.
This involved some spectacular feats of cognitive dissonance. Despite
outbursts of bellicosity toward Russia
and other neocon targets, Trump was portrayed as being "soft," an appeaser, or an
outright enemy agent. The Democratic Party, which is considered to be the more liberal of the two parties and had in decades past
expressed some nominal opposition to military adventures in Vietnam and elsewhere,
way to the right of the Republicans
in the jingoism derby.
police agencies
and their pet journalists concocted what will be admired by historians as one of the most preposterous
conspiracy theories in recorded history, the tale of Russia manipulating the 2016 election with a computer hack which somehow
be detected by the NSA
, and
pages on Facebook
There was also a big focus on Trump's personality, which is admittedly none too winsome. This is consistent with the neocon "Hitler
of the Month Club" formula, where each new nemesis, from Manuel Noriega to Saddam Hussein to Muammar Gaddafi to Vladimir Putin, is
depicted as the most brutish, authoritarian dictator ever to walk the face of the planet.
They succeeded in impeaching Trump in December 2019, almost three years into his first term in office. They did not actually charge
Trump with an impeachable crime, but rather offered the rationale that he had allegedly used the power of his office in ways that
could benefit his re-election campaign (something that no other American president would ever dream of doing.) This was a far cry
from the much sexier, hoped-for rationale of "collusion" with the Bolshevik Foe, which had been shot down by the Mueller Report.
However, impeachment maven
managed to insinuate that this Collusion was the real basis for impeachment, every time he saw a TV camera. We faced the
surreal spectacle of liberals begging John Bolton to testify, as the role of the neocons in orchestrating the #Resistance became
ever more explicit.
The impeachment passed the House on purely partisan lines, and Senate voted not to convict on purely partisan lines as well. There
has been much speculation that popular pushback to the whole spectacle may actually benefit Trump in this year's election. We shall
Meanwhile, with the massively FUBAR Iowa caucuses of February 2020, questions were once again raised once again about the Democratic
nominating process. Bernie Sanders was emerging as a new threat to neocon dominance, this time from within the Democratic Party.
During the days leading up to Super Tuesday, there was a remarkable development. Every prominent neocon, from Bill Kristol to Max
Boot to David Frum to Susan Rice, acted with synchronized, military precision to endorse Joe Biden. Several neocon-friendly
Democratic presidential candidates abruptly withdrew from the race to endorse him as well. There was an immediate Pavlovian response
from cable news pundits and other putative journalists. Russiagate was dusted off and started up again, this time for use against
Sanders. On April 8, Sanders capitulated and withdrew from the race.
No one in their right mind believed that the confused and incoherent Biden could defeat the also incoherent, but clever and
confident Trump. But at this point, it was more important to the neocons that they keep control over at least one of the two
parties, and a decision was made that it were better to throw the election to Trump rather than to allow Sanders' brand of
left-populism to become ascendant in the Democratic Party.
But then the neocons saw a fresh opportunity, following the May 25 murder of African-American George Floyd by police in Minneapolis.
Protest demonstrations by the Black community intersected the anxieties of a population frightened and frustrated by the one-two
punch of economic collapse combined with public health isolation to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. Violent groups from the
possibly assets of the FBI's
initiated vandalism and looting. Neocons were salivating at the prospect of Maidan-style chaos.
The beleaguered Trump had already been showing signs of psychological fatigue, and there had been significant lapses in his already
questionable judgement. In addition to mishandling the public health measures and the economic crisis, he had capitulated once more
to the neocons and went on an anti-China tirade. Then, when the social unrest began in the wake of the George Floyd killing, all of
Trump's political flaws came into play.
The neocons triumphantly hit the airwaves and the digital arena. Their great oracle,
, published
that serendipitously confirms the central theme of the article you are presently reading. Neocon high priestess Susan
that the Russians were to blame
for the rioting. Trump's every misstep was amplified by neocon pundits. Suddenly the idea of
electing Biden was no longer so implausible, as long as he could be
away from live microphones.
It's important to
in mind that the neocons are not
in the least concerned with Trump's mishandling of COVID-19 pandemic or civil unrest. They
were delighted when he ranted against China. But when he advocated reducing U.S. troop deployments in Germany and Afghanistan, they
were livid. On June 26, the
New York Times
another story
based on anonymous leaks from the "intelligence community". This one claimed that the Taliban needed some
incentives after being occupied by a foreign power after 20 years and was now accepting "bounties" from Russia in exchange for
fighting the US military. In mid-September, General Frank McKenzie, Commander of the U.S. Central Command, told NBC News that no
evidence had been found to support this claim. Neocons continued to speak of it as established fact.
Although the corporate press continued to depict Trump as a fanatical right-winger in coverage intended for the rubes, within the
citadels of neoconservatism he was regarded as something entirely different. On September 30, 2020, the
another revelatory article entitled "
a Second Trump Term Would Mean for the World
." Author Thomas Wright drops a few bombshells like this one, likening Trump to the
great Progressive leader Henry Wallace (who is regarded by neocons as a close relative of Satan):
Looking back on U.S. diplomatic history, one of the great counterfactuals is what would have happened if Franklin D. Roosevelt
had not replaced his vice president Henry Wallace with Harry Truman in 1944. Wallace was sympathetic to the Soviet Union and
became an ardent opponent of the Cold War. If he had become president when FDR died, in April 1945, the next half century could
have gone very differently -- likely no NATO, no Marshall Plan, no alliance with Japan, no overseas troop presence, and no
European Union.
The U.S. is now teetering on another historically important moment. With Trump, we would not only be deprived of our Truman. We
would be saddled with our Wallace -- a leader whose instincts and actions are diametrically opposed to what the moment requires.
The good news is that the neocons are not omnipotent. They are adept at conning the public and they have the full cooperation of the
corporate media, but the public is volatile and increasingly skeptical of the official "narratives." This is why the neocons are
growing more and more hysterical in their public proclamations about "conspiracy theories" and "disinformation." They are in fact
strongly in favor of conspiracy theories and disinformation, provided that it is their own conspiracy theories and not someone
Neocons are demanding
of social media
, to drive everyone into the arms of CNN and
As the election approaches, these demands have become increasingly more vociferous, leading to a major controversy
with the decision by both Facebook and Twitter to censor the
York Post
of leaked email correspondence between Joe Biden's son and executives of the Ukrainian energy firm
Burisma (which employed him at a rather remarkable salary). The rationale offered by the two social media giants, that the sourcing
of the emails was unclear, did not impress media critics, who
that if that policy were applied in an even-handed fashion, Russiagate could never have happened.
As long as the option is open, follow alternative news sources online. I recommend the
, both of which I have found to be quiet reliable. The neocons are frightened; they worry about what John Durham's
investigation, or the declassification of documents ordered by Trump, may reveal about their methods of manipulation. Frightened
people make tactical errors. We must keep our wits about us and find ways to turn those errors to our advantage.
Nota Bene: the author of this article was subsequently
from Twitter
without explanation. Contact @TwitterSupport
and ask them why.
The pieces are finally coming together, and they reveal a masterpiece of electoral larceny
involving Big Tech oligarchs, activists, and government officials who prioritize partisanship
over patriotism.
The 2020 election was stolen because leftists were able to exploit the coronavirus pandemic
to weaken, alter, and eliminate laws that were put in place over the course of decades to
preserve the integrity of the ballot box. But just as importantly, it was stolen because those
same leftists had a thoroughly-crafted plan, and because they were rigorous in its
implementation and ruthless in its execution.
... ... ...
Under the pretext of assisting election officials conduct "safe and secure" elections in the
age of COVID, Zuckerberg donated $400 million -- as much money as Congress appropriated for the
same general purpose -- to nonprofit organizations founded and run by left-wing activists. The
primary recipient was the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), which received the staggering
sum of $350 million. Prior to Zuckerberg's donations, CTCL's annual operating expenses averaged
less than $1 million per year. How was Zuckerberg even aware of such a small-potatoes
operation, and why did he entrust it with ⅞ of the money he was pouring into this
election cycle, despite the fact that it had no prior experience handling such a massive amount
of money?
Predictably, given the partisan background of its leading officers, CTCL proceeded to
distribute Zuckerberg's funds to left-leaning counties in battleground states.
... Zuckerberg and CTCL left nothing to chance, however, writing detailed conditions into
their grants that dictated exactly how elections were to be conducted, down to the number of
ballot drop boxes and polling places. The Constitution gives state lawmakers sole authority for
managing elections, but these grants put private interests firmly in control.
... Philadelphia County alone, for instance, projected that the $10 million grant it
received from CTCL would enable it to increase turnout by 25-30 percent -- translating to well
over 200,000 votes.
The left didn't put all of its eggs into the CTCL basket, though. High-ranking state
officials simultaneously took significant steps to weaken ballot security protocols, acting on
their own authority without permission or concurrence from the state legislatures that
enshrined those protections in the law.
In Wisconsin, Democrat Secretary of State Doug La Follette allowed voters to claim "
indefinite confinement " in order to avoid having to provide a photocopy of their ID when
requesting an absentee ballot. The exemption was intended for legitimate invalids, but COVID
offered a convenient excuse for circumventing the law, despite the fact that Wisconsin had no
pandemic-related lockdown rules that would have rendered anyone "indefinitely confined." The
impact was far-reaching. About 240,000 voters claimed the exemption in 2020, compared to just
70,000 in 2016.
In Michigan, Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson unilaterally voided the legal
requirement that voters provide a signature when requesting an absentee ballot, establishing an
online request form. She then took things a step further by announcing that she
would "allow civic groups and other organizations running voter registration drives to register
voters through the state's online registration website," granting partisan groups such as Rock
The Vote direct access to Michigan's voter rolls.
In Pennsylvania, election officials in heavily-Democratic counties that received CTCL
funding allowed flawed mail-in ballots to be "cured" -- that is, altered or replaced -- prior
to Election Day.
... This was particularly egregious when it came to ballot "curing," a process that actually
involves election workers filling out brand new ballots on behalf of voters whose ballots
purportedly could not be read by machine. This could have been due to something the voter
themselves did, such as spilling coffee on the ballot. It also could have been due to something
that election workers themselves did, such as crumpling ballots to prevent the machines from
receiving them, just as a vending machine rejects crumpled bills.
... These election workers, it should be noted, were paid directly by
CTCL's grants . These supposedly impartial arbiters of our electoral process are supposed
to work for the people, but they were on Zuckerberg's payroll.
Ken Blackwell, former Secretary of State of Ohio, is the Distinguished Fellow for Human
Rights and Constitutional Governance, at the Family Research Council. He served as United
States Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Commission from
Anyone with functioning grey matter knows that this election was a fraud! The question
remains, are people going to just throw their hands in the air and say oh well or is this the
line in the sand that patriots are drawing and saying no more it's time to take a stand for
freedom and liberty! Stay tuned!
Millions of ballots aren't any good. That's the issue.
The remedy is the Electoral College via State legislatures . If the
Republicans won't keep Trump in the White House via the Electoral College than this is a
Republican coup against Trump.
We know it's a Republican coup because the Republicans who were supposed to lose like
Susan Collins all won easily. They rode Trump's coattails to victory, but the coat
That's not how that works. Anyone trying to explain that is part of the coup ag
Georgia vote recount found 'unacceptable' errors, Governor Brian Kemp said, urging his
secretary of state to conduct an audit of at least some mail-in ballots to ensure confidence in
the upcoming US Senate runoff elections.
Kemp spoke on Friday evening, after Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger certified Democrat
Joe Biden as winner of the state's 16 electoral votes in the November 3 election, following a
recount of the ballots. Both Kemp and Raffensperger are Republicans.
Acknowledging the "record number of absentee ballots" which he said was due to the
Covid-19 pandemic, Kemp said the audit revealed "significant errors" in a number of
counties across the state, including Floyd, Fayette, Douglas and Walton.
"It's quite honestly hard to believe that during the audit, thousands of uncounted
ballots were found weeks after a razor-thin outcome in a presidential election," Kemp
O'Connor pushed her about her claims that computer software used in the election,
particularly Dominion Voting Systems, has been tainted, and he wondered how she would prove it.
For starters, Powell said that her legal team has pictures of votes being manipulated in
"It is terrifying, and it is a huge national security issue," Powell said. "Why the
Department of Justice and FBI have not done something, Dominion is closing its offices and
moving. No doubt they're shredding documents. God only knows what else. More than 100 Dominion
people have wiped any connection with Dominion off the internet."
She also claims that they have testimony from witnesses opening military ballots and
trashing them if they were for Trump, and substitute ballots were put in for Biden.
"I'm essentially staking my personal and professional reputation on these allegations, and I
have no hesitation from what I've seen in doing so," she noted. "In fact, I think it would be
irresponsible if not criminal of me not to come forward with it."
She also says she would LOVE for Dominion to sue her over her allegations so she can conduct
civil discovery. Powell also reacted to Fox News host Tucker Carlson's criticism of her on his
program on Thursday night.
The Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
(CISA) issued a statement last week defending the integrity of the 2020 election. The problem,
however, is two of the main election software companies that have been called into question
– Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic – sit on CISA. And that information was
never disclosed, the
Epoch Times reported.
Below is the the joint statement put out by the Executive Committee of the Election
Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council (GCC) and the Election Infrastructure Sector
Coordinating Council (SCC):
"The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the
country, election officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process
prior to finalizing the result.
"When states have close elections, many will recount ballots. All of the states with close
results in the 2020 presidential race have paper records of each vote, allowing the ability
to go back and count each ballot if necessary. This is an added benefit for security and
resilience. This process allows for the identification and correction of any mistakes or
errors. There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or
was in any way compromised.
"Other security measures like pre-election testing, state certification of voting
equipment, and the U.S. Election Assistance Commission's (EAC) certification of voting
equipment help to build additional confidence in the voting systems used in 2020.
"While we know there are many unfounded claims and opportunities for misinformation about
the process of our elections, we can assure you we have the utmost confidence in the security
and integrity of our elections, and you should too. When you have questions, turn to
elections officials as trusted voices as they administer elections."
The two election software companies are members of the GCC's Sector Coordinating
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Arrikan, Inc./Chaves Consulting, Inc.
Associated Press (AP) Elections
BPro, Inc.
Clear Ballot Group
DemTech Voting Solutions
Democracy Live
Democracy Works
DMF Associates
Dominion Voting Systems
Election Systems & Software (ES&S)
Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC)
Freeman, Craft, McGregor Group
Hart InterCivic
Microvote General Corp.
NTS Data Services
PCC Technology Inc.
Pro V&V
Runbeck Election Services
SLI Compliance
Tenex Software Solutions
The Canton Group
Unisyn Voting Solutions
Voting Works
VR Systems
According to the Election Infrastructure Subsector Coordinating Council
Charter , the goal of the group is to "advance the physical security, cyber security, and
emergency preparedness of the nation's election infrastructure, in accordance with existing
U.S. law" and "serve as the primary liaison between the election subsector and federal,
state, and local agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), concerning
private election subsector security and emergency preparedness issues."
CISA's goal , on the
other hand, is to work "collaboratively with those on the front lines of elections -- state
and local governments, election officials, federal partners, and vendors -- to manage risks
to the Nation's election infrastructure
State and local election officials decide what voting software and programs to use and
CISA has no control over that.
Interestingly enough, I received an email tonight from Dominion about "setting the record
straight." They cited the above statement as reason to trust them but failed to disclose
their CISA connection.
Here's some of the bigger points made in their email:
Dominion Voting Systems categorically denies false assertions about vote switching and
software issues with our voting systems.
According to a
Joint Statement by the federal government agency that oversees U.S. election security,
the Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity, & Infrastructure Security Agency
(CISA): "There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes,
or was in any way compromised." The government & private sector councils that support
this mission called the 2020 election "
the most secure in American history ."
3) Dominion is a nonpartisan U.S. company
Dominion has no ownership relationships with the Pelosi family, Feinstein family,
Clinton Global Initiative, Smartmatic, Scytl, or any ties to Venezuela. Dominion works with
all U.S. political parties; our customer base and our government outreach practices reflect
this nonpartisan approach.
As reported by the
Associated Press , "Dominion made a one-time philanthropic commitment at a Clinton
Global Initiative meeting in 2014, but the Clinton Foundation has no stake or involvement
in Dominion's operations, the nonprofit has confirmed." The meeting included bipartisan
attendees focused on international democracy-building.
There have been no "raids" of Dominion servers by the U.S. military or otherwise, and
Dominion does not have servers in Germany.
7) Assertions of voter fraud conspiracies are 100% false
All U.S. voting systems must provide assurance that they work accurately and reliably as
intended under federal
U.S. EAC and state certification and testing requirements. Election safeguards -- from
testing and certification of voting systems, to canvassing and auditing -- prevent
malicious actors from tampering with vote counts and ensure that final vote tallies are
accurate. Read more from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency .
This isn't the first time Dominion's software has been called into question. Democrats
voiced concern over the software last December. The Denver Post
warned about their election security earlier this year. The Michigan GOP
said a software glitch caused 6,000 votes to flip from Trump to Biden, although the
Michigan Secretary of State
said that wasn't the case. It's
one of the reasons Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said the legal process needs to play out in the
Trump campaign counsel repeatedly accused Dominion and its officers of criminal conduct and
business improprieties. Those are categories of "per se defamation" under the common law. No
special damages must be shown in such per se cases. Individual officers could bring defamation
claims and the company itself could bring a business disparagement action.
Businesses can be defamed like individuals if the false statement injures the business
character of the corporation or its prestige and standing in the industry. In Dun &
Bradstreet, Inc. v. Greenmoss Builders, Inc ., 472 U.S. 749 (1985) the Supreme Court allowed a
business to sue a credit reporting agency for defamation where the agency mistakenly reported
that the business had filed for bankruptcy.
Restatement Second § 561 Defamation of Corporations states:
"One who publishes defamatory matter concerning a corporation is subject to liability to
(a) if the corporation is one for profit, and the matter tends to prejudice it in the
conduct of its business or to deter others from dealing with it, or
(b) if, although not for profit, it depends upon financial support from the public, and
the matter tends to interfere with its activities by prejudicing it in public
There could be lawsuits in Colorado or the place of the alleged defamation. The lawsuit
would likely be filed under state law but moved to federal court under diversity jurisdiction
The press conference was an explosion of potentially defamatory claims by individuals or
companies. The only clear defense is truth. The team insists that it can prove these
allegations. It may have to do so. Not only can the individual lawyers face such lawsuits but
the Trump campaign itself could be liable under the principle of respondeat superior, where an
employer is liable for the conduct of his employees when they are acting within the scope of
their employment. Ironically, the Latin term means "let the master speak." The President or his
campaign could be forced to speak in a defamation case if they have not spoken in the promised
court filings.
He had to send out a correction shortly thereafter, however, saying that the certification
process was still ongoing but would be completed later on Friday.
Raffensperger's announcement dropped hours after the Associated Press officially called
Georgia in Biden's favor, a move the Trump campaign slammed in a public statement from senior
legal adviser Jenna Ellis, who claimed the state recounted illegal ballots in their audit.
"This so-called hand recount went exactly as we expected because Georgia simply recounted
all of the illegal ballots that had been included in the total," she said.
President Trump has claimed he would have won in Georgia if not for voter fraud. Thousands
of new votes were found in the recount, but they did not sway the outcome in his favor. Trump
previously tweeted he did not have faith in Georgia's recount and slammed it as a
Biden's victory in Georgia marks the first time a Democrat presidential candidate has won
the state since 1992.
Trump continues to refuse to concede the race to Biden, claiming voter fraud occurred in
multiple states, including Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
The president's lawyers, including Rudy Giuliani, presented their case for fraud during a
Thursday press conference, citing numerous allegations, including Republican poll watchers not
being allowed to properly observe counting, that Trump ballots were dumped, and thousands more
fraudulent ballots were counted.
Mickey Mic 1 hour ago 20 Nov, 2020 12:22 PM
If the elections were fair and nobody cheated, we should have both sides counting the votes,
as they live stream it on the internet so everyone in the world can observe the count in real
time. Monitors are rejected only to cover up the biggest criminal heist of votes in US
history as there is no other motivation to exclude the monitors from viewing the ballots. PS:
Receipts can take away most fraud by paper on electronically !
It's an interesting bit of history. When Black people gained the right to vote, a common
voter suppression tactic was to require questions be answered correctly to qualify. So a White
person would go to register and they would ask them a very simple question, like spelling their
own name for example, but when a Black person tried to vote they would be asked something
difficult like to exactly quote an amendment to the Constitution or the distance in kilometers
to the Sun.
Literacy is fairly subjective. If you ask me most native English speakers are actually
literate in their own language. They know the basics, but nothing more than that.
And yet they can vote. They can, they're permitted to vote, and obviously they do in great
numbers. Richard
Black , Ba Literature, Duke University (1974) Answered
July 9, 2018 · Author has 4K answers and 1.1M answer views
Most illiterate voters (dropouts) vote democrat. Those simply ignorant of science vote
republican. Other statistical likelihoods:
The US Election is still a burning issue almost two weeks after the people went to the
polls, and though the race has been called for Biden by every mainstream media outlet in the
world, the recounts are ongoing and irregularities manifest.
Trump's legal team, and many in the alternate media, are claiming the election was rigged.
With one voice the mainstream media – and the entire political establishment –
denounce these claims as "baseless", and scream there is "no evidence".
This is incorrect. There is plenty of evidence, both circumstantial and direct, which breaks
down into six basic categories:
Precedent – It has happened before. Motive –
Deep State/Military dislike of Trump's policies is widely known. Foreknowledge –
Establishment voices predicted this exact situation. Opportunity – The voting system is
highly susceptible to fraud. Voting Irregularities – Known software "glitches" &
irregularities in the reporting of the results. Cover-up – Dishonesty in the reporting of
the situation. 1. PRECEDENT
There is plenty of evidence that US elections have been rigged before.
Nobody is talking about it much, but US elections have been rigged before. Everyone is more
than familiar with the 2000 election, which was called for Al Gore before Florida flipped to
Bush and swung the election. The controversy over "hanging chads" and misplaced votes was all
people talked about for weeks.
noteworthy "error" with electronic voting machines, switched over 10000 votes from Gore to
an obscure third-party candidate.
After weeks of legal battles, Gore eventually conceded. Within a year the "attacks" of 9/11
had happened, and the US was at war in Afghanistan and planning six more wars within 3 years .
More recently, it was revealed the DNC had gone out of its way to hand
Hillary the presidential nomination over Sanders in 2016. Then in the 2020 primaries,
despite embarrassingly lopsided losses in the first few primaries, Biden's presidential
campaign had a "miraculous turnaround", thanks largely to irregularities in postal ballots in
Ohio , Wisconsin
and New
Jersey .
This is evidence of precedent.
The US Deep State has clear and publicly known motives for wanting to remove Trump from
It is no secret that many members of the US's political establishment oppose Trump and
Trump's policies. This includes neo-con warmongers and chiefs of the military
and intelligence agencies.
"The Resistance", billed as some voice of the progressive alternative, boasted
former members of George Bush's cabinet as members.
The most strident opposition to Trump was on foreign policy – most specifically in the
Middle East. Trump was committed to withdrawing from Syria, in direct opposition to the "Assad
Must Go" crowd at the Pentagon and State Dept.
Conversely, Biden has always been firmly in the establishment camp on Syria, and many
warmongers are already
predicting that Biden will want to
"restore some dignity" to the Syrian people.
The US Deep State has carried out coups all around the world, many of them bloody and
violent, in order to maintain Imperial ambitions and keep wars-for-profit going. They have
every motive to want to remove Trump and put Biden in his place.
This is evidence of motive.
Establishment voices have been predicting, and planning for, this exact situation for
almost a year .
In January of this year – well before anyone could have predicted the effect the
"pandemic" would have on the world – legal scholars were
Wargaming the outcome of a disputed Presidential election based on postal ballots in
In August a group naming themselves the
Transition Integrity Project published a document predicting a "disputed" election, that
the counting would take much longer than usual and that it would not be certain who was
President until January.
More generally, the outcome of the election was widely "predicted", with multiple press
outlets claiming there would be a "red mirage" and a "blue shift".
Meaning it would look like Trump would win, and then suddenly Biden would win at the last
This is evidence of foreknowledge.
There is plenty of evidence that the US voting system is open to potential corruption.
Voting machines, for example,
are owned and distributed by private companies . Many of which have political ties. An
article in the Guardian, of all places, went into great detail about this just last year, when
they were suggesting that Trump may have stolen the 2016 election.
Likewise, postal ballots are known to be susceptible to fraud. William Barr, the Attorney
General, summed it up in a television interview in September, and written reports
in 2007 and
earlier this year , have gone into great detail about historical cases of postal vote fraud
and possibilities of future occurrences.
This is evidence of opportunity.
There are plenty of irregularities in the results which suggest the possibility of something
strange going on.
The story of the election by the numbers doesn't really make logical sense. The turnout is
said to be 72%,
the highest in 120 years, and the first over 60% for over 50 years.
In the process Joe Biden, we are told, shattered Barack Obama's popular vote record by
almost 10 million votes.
Joe Biden?
This Joe Biden?
got more votes than Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton?
Meanwhile Donald Trump increased his own popular vote by over 10 million, whilst increasing
his vote share in almost every ethnic demographic, as well as with women and
LGBT voters .
Making him the first incumbent president to increase his popular vote but still lose
in over a century, and the only one since all 50 states were part of the union.
Even if you believe that narrative is possible, there's more than enough evidence of voting
irregularities to warrant at least questioning the result and investigating further.
This error was only spotted because of the historically republican record of the county. In
a more hotly disputed seat, this error could potentially never have been picked up.
The software used in this county is used in 30 other states – including Wisconsin,
Georgia, Arizona and Pennsylvania, all of which were decided by less than 1% of the vote, and
any two of which could swing the election to Trump.
In fact Dominion, the company which supplied the questionable voting software, was
denied a
contract by the state of Texas in 2019 when judges found there were "concerns" about
"whether [it] is safe from fraudulent or unauthorized manipulation" .
A subsidiary of Dominion was kicked out of the Philippines for being too easy
to hack .
This video clip appears to show
CNN's coverage switching over 19,000 votes from Trump to Biden in Pennsylvania.
The graphed results of both Michigan and
show decidedly odd jumps in Biden's vote.
The counting itself was also deeply suspect, with several states taking almost a week
to count the last few percent of the vote, whilst managing to count over 90% of the vote on the
first evening. In Wisconsin the National Guard were brought in to
"transcribe" damaged ballots , whilst in Pennsylvania they were allowed to count postal
votes with "no
clear post mark" , fairly obviously
To state there is "no evidence" of election rigging is a lie. There is plenty of evidence.
Every news outlet, channel and website is singing from the same hymn sheet on this – even
Fox News, so often Trump's supposed favourite channel.
Even before the election, as discussed above, all the mainstream media were running articles
defending mail-in ballots, and claiming that they are not historically weak to voter fraud.
This is totally
untrue , as anyone who cared to research the topic would tell you.
So, why are all the media telling the same lies? Why are people being denied a platform?
This is evidence of a cover-up.
Ask yourself:
If, in 2016, some voting software used in 30 states had flipped 5500 from
Hillary to Trump, and later been revealed to be financially tied to the Republican party, would
that have been "just a glitch", or evidence of cheating? If the Brexit referendum had swung
violently to Leave after dumps of suspect postal ballots were permitted into the count by a
judge who was a known Brexit supporter, would the media have kept quiet? If, in Russia, the
media denied a platform to the opposition to accuse Putin of voter fraud, would that be
"responsible media practice", or evidence of bias and censorship?
We don't know exactly what happened, or how the election was result was controlled, but as
of right now the specifics do not matter.
The point is there is plenty of evidence suggesting something happened, more than
enough to warrant asking rational questions and expecting reasonable answers.
Every time the media ignores the evidence, or censors those seeking it, they only display
further that there must be some fire behind all of this smoke.
John Ervin , Nov 18, 2020 3:57 AM
From the coda above: "The point is there is plenty of evidence suggesting something
happened, more than enough to warrant asking rational questions and expecting reasonable
Of course, but as Gore Vidal, no slouch as an historian and observer of the American
scene, said on WBAI at this time of year in 2004: "our elections which are pretty much rigged
from the get go."
I've spent thousands of hours on this American vote-rigging beat, and I will say straight
up that historically, whatever vote tampering the Democrats have done in a retail capacity,
the Republican Party owns many franchises on the wholesale end.
That's just a fact. I have too many thousands of now dusty pages on this to summarize, yet
I have even been invited by Bev Harris back in the day to guest interview some of the
principals, like Ion Sancho and Victoria Collier, though for now just two fun facts:
Sen. Chuck Hagel, hard core right wing Republican war hawk, is (or was) part OWNER of
ES&S voting company, (out of Omaha, Nebraska, a frequent investment stop for Ken Lay,
convict supervillain fraudster) which at one point has counted as much as 80% of the American
"vote" -- and Hagel greatly benefitted by a 60% (SIXTY!) vote swing (cf. polls) thru his
company's machines in his original race to unseat the incumbent Democrat.
The legendary Republcan huckster Wally O'Dell of Diebold in Ohio who "promised" the
election to W.
Bob Ney, of Ohio, in cahoots with all this, was the Republican head of HAVA, and resigned
a few years later in a thick fog of alcoholism and the Abramoff scandal and later confessed
it was the drink that made him do it, too late to undo the very decisive damage to our voting
I could go on through literally hundreds of like scenarios, if not actually thousands
–seriously–almost all of them by Republican perps.
Or, 99+%, like our Covid survival data.
And suddenly that has all shifted to the polar opposite, like the Mayan Calendar was
purported to predict for the Earth's axis in 2012?
I can believe anything, as a chronic Conspiracy Realist, but seriously
Steve Rendall , Nov 18, 2020 12:02 AM
Gotta love the "Foreknowledge" section suggesting nefarious goings-on because people who
followed the news knew that in-person election day votes favoring the GOP would be counted
first, in most cases; and early and mail-in votes favoring Democrats would be counted later.
Malice aforethought!
Seriously, this is stupid.
Sophie - Admin1 , Nov 18, 2020 9:48 AM Reply to
Steve Rendall
Why would mail-in ballots be counted separately? And why would they necessarily favor
democrats? You seem to be making big assumptions and using them to breezily dismiss a lot of
actual data.
maxine , Nov 17, 2020 7:30 PM
The real rigging began way before the election when the Democratic National Committee
rigged the primaries both in 2016 and 2020, making sure that Bernie Sanders (who was ahead in
all the polls and whose goals matched those of the vast majority) lost .Instead they chose
warmongering, corporate Neo-Liberals, Hillary Clinton & Joe Biden who cared nothing about
the 99%.
I despise all these Neo-Liberal Democrats .I despise Donald Trump .But I get the feeling
that you would have preferred a 2nd Donald Trump term .Could that be because he's on the same
page as O-G regarding COVID? .Just wondering.
All that primary rigging stuff has been rendered suspect, and is almost surely
false-flagging, like the Russky 2016 "hacks" are bufoonishly lame and easy to refute. Even
guys at my gym who aren't even remotely afficionados saw how ridiculous the allegations were,
and Dave Emory has broadcast chapter and verse exposing all that and its nonsensicality.
But now it's a canard firmly entrenched for years to come.
Right here, In the USA?! What a surprise.
Sophie - Admin1 , Nov 18, 2020 9:53 AM Reply to
John Ervin
The DNC basically admitted rigging the primaries in 2016 for Hillary. The data is out
Indeed. In the lawsuit against the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz for rigging the 2016
Democratic primaries, DNC lawyers successfully argued that the Democratic Party is a
non-profit corporation. As such, and more to the point, its charter permits party officials
to secretly rig their internal selection processes (primaries) as they please– it's all
strictly legit.
The DNC position prevailed, thus establishing that in the US, political party officials
are perfectly entitled to craft secret plans to preserve their grip on power, and can engage
in as much jiggery-pokery as they please; the party has no legal obligation to play fair in
its internal procedures, much less disclose its self-serving scams and schemes to its loyal
Although it's virtually superfluous to state this, moral and ethical considerations are
simply irrelevant and immaterial; business is business.
Paul Vonharnish , Nov 18, 2020 2:49 PM Reply to
Hello maxine: You are right. The Democratic National Committee has been rigging
elections for decades. "Democratic" voters refuse to wake up and notice the burnt coffee. The
electoral college has also become a rigged stage, and acts in gross conflict with the
original functions of the 8th Amendment.
Ask Tulsi Gabbard about effective DNC stone walling of her candidacy. Tulsi was the
only vocal anti-war candidate in the primaries. The CIA and military contractors won the
selection -- again
DNC PoliticalPrisoner 31
minutes ago Many wouldn't have believed there was election fraud except the media and Big
Tech keep insisting that there wasn't. Facebook, Twitter, Google, Fox News, CNN, and more giant
corporations keep screaming at us via notifications, messages, and broadcasts that there was no
election fraud. Now, we're starting to think maybe there is something fishy going on.
During the presser, Giuliani also said there is a pattern in the voting data that suggests
"a plan from a centralized place" to commit voter fraud in Democrat-run cities. Giuliani also
said the Trump campaign will likely bring a lawsuit to Arizona.
They also said they have testimony from an insider who they say unearthed provable fraud
regarding voting machines and software used in multiple states.
They describe a process of vote switching as well as "trashing" Trump votes through a simple
drag and click process.
Additionally, they say this election involved a manipulation of the ballot count in a
foreign country.
"This is a massive, coordinated, well-funded effort to deprive we the people of the United
States of our fundamental right under the U.S. Constitution to preserve this Constitution
republic we all cherish."
- Sidney Powell
And they describe multiple incidents where the number of votes cast far exceeded the
population of the public in that county, including children.
Democrats deny there is any evidence of "widespread fraud." They and the news media have
broadly called the election for Joe Biden and urged President Trump to concede.
Surprise, surprise, not everyone was buying what Giuliani and Powell were selling.
"You are watching the last gasp of this legal effort by the president," Wendy Weiser,
director of the Democracy Program at the Brennan Center for Justice, told
ABC News .
"This has been a flailing legal effort that hasn't raised any real issues from the get-go.
We all knew how this movie would end. If I was writing the screenplay I would end it
Below you can watch the entire news conference and hear the claims of evidence to make up
your own mind as to what you think about it.
* * *
As we detailed ahead of the press briefing, with many questioning where this going next,
though J
PM's Michael Cembalest admits there is still a chance , President Trump's legal team is
holding a press briefing to outline their strategy.
Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories.
In one post in a stream of tweets, Trump said the legal team will give an "important news
conference today" and that they will explain their plans for a "very clear and viable path to
"Pieces are very nicely falling into place," the president tweeted.
By one count, Trump campaign legal efforts to overturn election results or force recounts
have been successful just once and suffered 26 defeats... so for the 70 million-plus Trump
voters, we hope that Giuliani has a trick or two up his sleeve.
Whether Trump wins or loses, the Dominion grift of American elections is OVER!
All because they overplayed their hand when they had to stop the count and recalibrate the
machines to overcome Trumps massive lead. If this election had been close we would have never
jim942 , 2 hours ago
The cat is definitely out of the bag on Dominion.
JimmyJones , 50 minutes ago
That was a refreshing press conference, everyone should watch it in it's entirety. I think
Rudy G, has them by the "balls" Sidney Powells work on the Dominion side is huge with the
inside whistle blower. The Dems are toast, be prepared for the Dems to unleash ANtifa and try
to burn down the world once it hits the supreme court.
truth or go home , 40 minutes ago
It is not enough to know that Dominion is bad and the next election will be fair. They
will whitewash right over that company and it will appear again with another name before you
can ever think about it.
I said it two weeks ago, and I will say it again now. This is not a won or lost election.
This was a Coup. It is time for Trump to declare marshal law, send the military in and take
this thing back, assuming he knows for a fact that they won in a landslide - which is pretty
obvious now.
This is not going to end well in a legal battle - the other side obviously has zero
respect for what is legal or fair - they don't care - they will pay off whoever or do
whatever they have to to get their way.
The hill is right here, right now. Send the military into the media offices and shut them
down, until a new staff can be arranged who will give a fair account of news.
Takeover Twitter, Facebook and Google - throw out the owners and the leaders, and install
a group of folks who will abide by the law.
Take control of the CIA, the FBI and the Justice department, plus the CDC and the NIH,
which have all participated in this Coup.
Then - set up a new, free and fair election, and allow Joe to win on his own merits. No
cheating on any side. An election by the people.
GreatUncle , 26 minutes ago
I liked the bit when Powell confirmed the German raid ... WTF!!! It was true.
HungryPorkChop , 1 hour ago
I think we can say the cat is out of the bag for ANY computerized voting machine. They
will never be viewed the same again.
I'm still bewildered why everyone which votes is not given a 12 digit code they can visit
a secure website that will show the results. They enter in their 12 digit code and it pulls
up who they voted for.. Credit card companies have had this ability for 30+ years. All major
retailers use this system worldwide on a daily basis 24 hrs non-stop. Not sure why the
election process cannot use 30 year old technology to help validate and make sure votes were
counted and counted correctly. Something smells...
Mr. Bones , 1 hour ago
A voter couldn't be compelled to view a certain way. Granted, that all goes out the window
with ballot harvesting or mail-ins so...
GreatUncle , 20 minutes ago
Fails mate ... they give you a 12 digit code so you can see your vote right?
AI will tell you what you want to know but run another set of books with the name of who
the AI cast the vote for.
It is too the point ... any computerised electronic system is open to fraud that only
voting in person at the box with a legitimate ID prevents.
Even then it is who the vote is finally applied too ... in this case we have found a
machines can fraudulently apply votes a lot faster than a human.
jim942 , 2 hours ago
Trump is not a quitter. The fight will go on.
Herdee , 2 hours ago
If you think that it makes any difference who sits in the Chair as the stooge master and
puppet then I've got a bridge to sell you. It's all propaganda for the dumbed down sheeple
American population. Welcome to The New World Order.
Dangertime , 2 hours ago
By that blackpill logic we will never win.
eatapeach , 2 hours ago
Herdee is right. The circus is scripted. They are both AIPAC/MIC candidates and they both
do as their masters dictate.
gmrpeabody , 1 hour ago
Just because you would rather rollover doesn't mean everyone else wants to...
Another Comment , 1 hour ago
No one is saying that. But you have to make sure you're fighting the right battle. Watch
what the magician is doing, not showing.
Omnibrad , 56 minutes ago
The American people have already rolled over for decades now. Wake up. The same people own
the D party and the R party, and Trump is no exception. They own the schools. They own the
press. They own the civil institutions. They own TV. They own Google and other big corps.
They own the public square and censor you. And what have you done during these decades
besides roll over?
"It may be inferred again that the present movement for women's rights will certainly
prevail from the history of its only opponent, Northern conservatism. This [Northern
conservatism] is a party which never conserves anything. Its history has been that it demurs
to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable
amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted
novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now
conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced
upon its timidity and will be succeeded by some third revolution; to be denounced and then
adopted in its turn. American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it
moves forward towards perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always
advances near its leader. This pretended salt hath utterly lost its savor: wherewith shall it
be salted? Its impotency is not hard, indeed, to explain. It is worthless because it is the
conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It intends to risk nothing
serious for the sake of the truth, and has no idea of being guilty of the folly of martyrdom.
It always when about to enter a protest very blandly informs the wild beast whose path it
essays to stop, that its "bark is worse than its bite," and that it only means to save its
manners by enacting its decent role of resistance: The only practical purpose which it now
subserves in American politics is to give enough exercise to Radicalism to keep it "in wind,"
and to prevent its becoming pursy and lazy, from having nothing to whip."
-Robert Lewis Dabney
aiinvestor , 1 hour ago
Infrequent voters in precincts with high turnout. State says they voted early/abs, but
told us they did not cast a ballot:
State/Counts/% of Sample (who answered the question)
AZ / 21 / 0.94%
GA / 24 / 0.85%
MI / 18 / 2.80%
NV / 25 / 2.22%
PA / 22 / 0.70%
WI / 23 / 0.66%
Yep, that is what I can't figure out. It shows they are guilty because they are doing
everything they can to hide it. Refusing repug poll watchers, refusing recounts, refusing
absentee ballot signature matches, etc. and the list goes on and on. What ever happened to
"it's the seriousness of the charge" that demorats said over and over when justifying all
THEIR investigations even though they know they had NO EVIDENCE? In this case, there is REAL
EVIDENCE of fraud that is being shown that has affected THOUSANDS of ballots, and the charge
is this is just the tip of the iceberg. The potential for HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS or even
millions of fraud ballots not only can change the election, but will change the demorat party
forever. This is why they are fighting this. This is their Pickett's Charge.
ronin12 , 1 hour ago
Just the stuff Rudy is talking about in Philly and Detroit is INSANE.
It's crazy how corrupt these people are.
Shut. It. Down. , 59 minutes ago
Christopher Wray is too busy looking under rocks for non-existent "white supremacists" to
be bothered with the theft of a presidential election.
Feel it Reel it , 1 hour ago
Biden/Harris barley ran a Campaign knowing full fell the voter fraud scam was
in......Biden/Harris were just going through the motions to give the Illusion of a legitimate
campaign when in fact it was a massive fraud......
Hoax Fatigue , 15 minutes ago
Yes. This is why they did the absolute minimum amount of campaigning. Zero sense of
urgency against a guy drawing gigantic crowds because they deluded themselves into believing
the fix was in.
Barnacles , 59 minutes ago
Holy wow. Sydney confirmed the Germany server was picked up by someone! Don't know if it's
the good or bad guys.
Totally_Disillusioned , 23 minutes ago
Don't overlook Rudy's response to CNN using lack of FBI investigating in smearing Trump's
campaign lawsuits...
"Where are you FBI? I don't know where the FBI has been for the last four years. our
country has had its ballots counted, calculated and manipulated in a foreign country with a
company controlled by friends of an enemy of the United States. What do we have to do to get
the FBI to wake up? Maybe we need a new agency to protect us."
Perhaps a prescient statement of changes to come.
spyware-free , 1 hour ago
haha...Rudy doxxing Coomer now.
Pack your sh1t Eric. you're on the patriot radar now.
GreatUncle , 6 minutes ago
Yep ... bragged he was number one kingpin at Dominion on this.
I so like technology nowhere you can hide in this world too escape this.
Here is his deal ... give up your handler or get 100 years inside like on the movies no
Then lets see how fast they kill him.
But then let the state execute him to get the dead mans handle of data of everything.
Nowhere too go but a coffin.
herbivore , 13 minutes ago
This was a powerful presentation that Giuliani and his legal team put on. As one of them
stated, it was an overview of what they would present to a jury, not an evidentiary
presentation. If they have the evidence that proves their charges, they win before a jury,
but if they have to rely on a corrupt-to-the-core judiciary, they probably lose.
Nature_Boy_Wooooo , 46 minutes ago
So basically they used Nate Silver's crappy projections as a confidence interval for how
many votes they assumed Trump would get. They then set the coefficient to adjust a certain
amount of votes to Biden to move him slightly ahead of Trump without drawing attention to the
At 3 a.m. the number of Trump votes moved way outside of their projected confidence
interval because Nate Silver's model sucks. At this point the 'educated' Democrats were
soundly asleep and the stupid Democrats had to make adjustments to the vote adjustment
coefficient..... that is when everything went wrong.
Nature_Boy_Wooooo , 30 minutes ago
It's most likely some type of linear regression machine learning algorithm that they were
They trained the model either on past data or fabricated data based on Nate Silver's
crappy projections. The model was over fit with Nate Silver's crappy projections so in their
simulations their model made good predictions and was able to adjust the votes to slowly move
Biden into the lead.
But over fit models perform poorly on outliers. Trump was a big outlier and over performed
Nate Silver's crappy projections.
Teamtc321 , 34 minutes ago
BOOM: Election Fraud Expert Russ Ramsland Files Affidavit Showing 'PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY'
of Election Results in Michigan
DNC PoliticalPrisoner 31
minutes ago Many wouldn't have believed there was election fraud except the media and Big
Tech keep insisting that there wasn't. Facebook, Twitter, Google, Fox News, CNN, and more giant
corporations keep screaming at us via notifications, messages, and broadcasts that there was no
election fraud. Now, we're starting to think maybe there is something fishy going on.
In a stunning development out of Wayne County, Michigan - two GOP members of the Board of
Canvassers have rescinded their certifications of the Nov. 3 vote, claiming they were bullied
approving the election results in the state's most populous county, which includes Detroit
and surrounding areas.
yerfej , 58 minutes ago
I don't see how Biden could receive any votes as no one would be stupid enough to vote for
a corrupt dementia addled bag man insider? Or are people on the left so desperate that they
can't see through the con?
Ancient Handicapper , 43 minutes ago
yerfej, People agree with your description of Biden, perhaps, but TRUMP IS WORSE! That's
why they voted for Mr. Biden. (Thank goodness!)
" The maintenance of Americans' constitutional rights should not depend on the good
graces and sketchy ethics of a handful of well-connected corporations who have stonewalled
Congress, lied to Congress, and have questionable judgment when it comes to security
-Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore)
Barely two weeks ago allegations that the 2020 US Presidential election had been rigged on
behalf of DNC presidential spawn Joe Biden were met with almost universal scepticism. This past
week may have changed that.
In the
article of Monday, Nov 9 the author examined the problems with the mail-in ballot totals in
the five key swing states and the legal and legislative challenges to them including re-counts
and the SCOTUS intervention of the PA Supreme Court.
The subject of alleged DNC election fraud has now shifted to an examination of the machines
that count each ballot and render the results. The voter is supposed to believe that Joe Biden
defeated Trump and at the same time lost seats in the US House and state legislatures. This is
possible but highly improbable.
Today, Nov 17, in preparation for a multi-state legal challenge to results created by these
voting machines, lead Trump attorney and former Assistant US Attorney Sidney Powell, said:
"They need to investigate the likelihood that 3% of the vote total was changed in the
pre-election voting ballots that were collected digitally by using the Hammer program and the
software program called Scorecard. That would have amounted to a massive change in the
Here, begins that examination. As shown, there is reason for concern.
Numbers don't lie. Mounting evidence to date suggests that voting machines do, particularly
the ones sold by Dominion Voting Systems Inc. As the third part of this chronology begins it
has now become obvious that Trump's campaign operatives expected election fraud. They have
since very quickly brought legal challenges to bear in AZ, GA, MI, PA, WI, and NV. However,
most of this news first circled around only the mail-in ballots.
From Trump's perspective, as of this writing, 87,804 (WI-20,540; GA-14,045; PA- 53,219) are
needed to flip the election. MI is the toughest and shows Biden up by a reported 146,123
Interestingly, regarding the numbers in each state- and AZ- the Dominion voting machine's
results are in dispute in all. Whereas, the proceedings regarding the mail-in ballots
may provide a switch of perhaps thousands of votes, issues with the Dominion machines,
if proven, could be in the 100's of Thousands. Or More.
This past week, evidence is surfacing.
Before 2020:Warning Signs
Days before the 2020 election important news was buried. On September 30 a report in the
Philadelphia Inquirerdetailed that"a laptop and several memory
sticks" used to program Dominion voting machines in Philadelphia had mysteriously
But concerns about Dominion had begun far earlier.
The U.S. Constitution leaves election management up to state and local officials, so voting
systems and protocols vary across thousands of jurisdictions. Partly for this reason, a 2019
investigation was launched by senators Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Ron
Wyden (D-Ore.), and other Democratic lawmakers into the three largest suppliers of US digital
voting machines, Dominion Voting Systems, Election Systems & Software, and Hart InterCivic.
Together they hold over 92% of all US distribution of voting machines.
"(W)e have concerns about the spread and effect of private equity investment including the
election technology industry -- an integral part of our nation's democratic process These
problems threaten the integrity of our elections and demonstrate the importance of election
systems that are strong, durable, and not vulnerable to attack."
The Committee revealed that the Dominion machines were vulnerable to internal and internet
hacking. Because all these machines interface their ballot totals via wireless digital modem
external interference is all too possible. Further concerns were
provided by NBC news in very early 2020.
In the State of
Texas , well before the 2020 election Dominion Voting Systems and their proprietary
"Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5 " was rejected three times. From the summary:
"The reports identified multiple hardware and software issues that preclude the Office of
the Texas Secretary of State from determining that the Democracy Suite 5.5-A system satisfies
each of the voting-system requirements Specifically, [if] the system is suitable for its
intended purpose; operates efficiently and accurately; and is safe from fraudulent or
unauthorized manipulation."
Previously, Federal regulation attempts on voting machines in 2018 were fruitless since this
was opposed by some state election officials and the White House on the grounds that it would
impose on states' rights.
A prudent measure that had some bipartisan support ( S. 2593 in the 115th Congress )
ended up going nowhere. Introduced by Sen. James Lankford
(R-Okla.) this bill would have required voting machines to produce a printout to let election
officials confirm electronic votes. Lankford and Wyden had said that they intended to
reintroduce paper-trail bills. They did not.
The Penn Wharton Public Policy Initiative published
a report that explored their attempts to look into Dominion and other voting companies:
"Part of the challenge is that it is difficult to compile even basic facts about it. The
industry earns an estimated $300 million in revenue annually is dominated by three firms [and
is] limiting the amount of information available in the public domain about their operations
and financial performance."
Nonetheless, Republicans and Democrats agreed in a 2018 omnibus bill ( Public Law 115-141 ) to
divide among the states $380 million for voting system upgrades. Georgia's legislature also
approved a plan to spend as much as $150 million on equipment that cybersecurity researchers
say is still
hackable . Most of that equipment was supplied by Dominion.
According to Business Insider , Georgia "became the only state in the country last year
to overhaul its entire election system, paying Denver-based Dominion Voting Systems $106
million for new voting machines, printers and scanners."
The NY Times reported that some Democrats in the Georgia Legislature opposed
purchasing the Dominion system and there is "some evidence that heavy lobbying and sales
tactics have played a role in their adoption in Georgia and elsewhere."
In hotly contested Georgia, during 2019's test run a
now-deleted Atlanta Journal Constitution article detailed "a glitch" that surfaced
when six counties tested the Dominion system. The problem occurred in at least four of the six
counties where the
new voting system was being
tested before being used statewide during the March 24 presidential primary. The problems
weren't rectified by primary date, which was moved to June due to the coronavirus pandemic.
According to the New York
Times :
"Georgia's statewide primary elections on Tuesday were overwhelmed by a full-scale
meltdown of new voting systems Scores of new state-ordered voting machines were reported to
be missing or malfunctioning, and hours-long lines materialized at polling places across
Georgia. Some people gave up and left before casting a ballot Predominantly black areas
experienced some of the worst problems.
Who is Dominion?
Dominion Voting Systems is a company from Toronto, Canada , that has headquarters in Denver, Colorado, and is
one of the three major firms providing voting machines in U.S. elections. The others are
Election Systems & Software, and Hart InterCivic with ES&C in the top spot and Dominion
at number two.
2014 form filed with the State of California says Dominion was founded in 2003 in Canada
and in 2009 moved to the U.S. Its principal officers were listed as John Poulos, CEO; Ian
MacVicar, CFO; and James Hoover, vice president of product line management. Dominion Voting Systems , claims to work with 1300
voting jurisdictions including nine of the 20 largest counties in the nation.
Dominion produced the software used in MI , GA and all the remaining states in question.
Like many corporations, Dominion purchased influence in congress. Bloomberg reported in
April of last year that Dominion hired lobbying firm, Brownstein Farber Hyatt & Schreck.
House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi's former chief of staff, Nadeam Elshami, is one of the lobbyists
for that firm.
At the state level, Dominion employs eight registered lobbyists in GA alone. They include
Lewis Abit Massey ,
a former Democratic Georgia Secretary of State, and Jared Thomas, former chief of staff for
Republican Governor Brian Kemp.
ES&S also has its own lobbying effort recently adding Peck Madigan Jones to the
lobbying firm Vectre Corp. ES&S paid Vectre $80,000 during the last three months of
2018 alone. According to the Washington Post, Dominion also reported donating in between
$25,001-$50,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Why the Clinton Foundation?
Locations of US
voting machines: Dominion is shown in Orange; ES&S in Blue. (Source: Penn Warton)
The news site, Truthout, reported that Dominion "was recently acquired by New York-based hedge
fund Staple Street Capital." An executive board member of Staple Street Capital, William Earl Kennard , is a
former ambassador to the EU who was appointed to that
position by Barack Obama. In 2018,
Dominion publicly announced it had been acquired by its management team and Staple Street
Interestingly, on November 6, Deadline reported that
Kennard was named to the board of WarnerMedia parent company to AT&T, which owns CNN .
Long ago, Dominion earned $44 million in 2012. It listed its addresses for manufacturing and
development as Toronto; Belgrade, Serbia; Denver; Plano, Texas; and Baldwin Park, California. A
2020 filing lists their registered agent as
Cogency Global in Florida. Its directors were listed as Hootan Yaghoobzadeh of Staple Street
Capital, Stephen Owens , also
of Staple Street, and Benjamin Humphreys. Yaghoobzadeh and Owens both have past ties to the
Carlyle Group investment firm. In 2015, Carlyle was the world's largest private equity
" Glitches."
Beyond the reports of problems with the mail-in ballots, in the aftermath of the election
two weeks ago, the independent reports of voting machine irregularities have in combination
developed serious concerns about Dominion and their software that they feature as "Democracy
Suite 5.5." All of these problems favored Biden, never Trump.
First, on Tuesday, in the wee hours of the morning Dominion machines
erroneously gave Democratic candidate Joe Biden a 3,000 plus vote advantage in Antrim
County, MI. After a manual recount of the votes, officials posted updated results showing
President Trump won the county with 9,783 votes making up 56.46% of ballots cast. Joe Biden
earned 7,289 votes or 42.07%. CNN "went blue" for Biden before the error was
With the machine results being utterly mathematically disconnected to the hand-count tally
Antrim County officials have blamed the county's election software saying totals counted did
not match tabulator tapes.
In Oakland County, Michigan, according to the Royal Oak Tribune another glitch in a
completely different ballot counting system, Hart Intercivic, switched over 1,200 Republican
votes to Democrat. The switch initially caused County Commissioner Adam Kochenderfer to lose.
Once the glitch was found, and the votes were properly attributed, Kochenderfer went from
losing by 100 votes to winning by over 1,100. Hart uses its proprietary system called Verity.
Eleven Michigan counties use Hart's systems
Back in GA, voters were unable to cast machine ballots for a couple of hours in Morgan and
Spalding counties after the electronic devices crashed, state officials said. In response to
the delays, Superior Court Judge W. Fletcher Sams extended voting until 11 p.m.
The companies "uploaded something last night, which is not normal, and it caused a
glitch," said Marcia Ridley, elections supervisor at Spalding County Board of Elections.
Ridley said that a representative from Dominion called her after poll workers began having
problems with the equipment Tuesday morning and said the problem was due to an upload to the
machines by one of their technicians overnight. Said Ridley,
"That is something that they don't ever do. I've never seen them update anything the day
before the election."
There is a reason for Ridley's observation. By GA law the machines are supposed to be
certified for accurate use by the state before the election day. How was this possible with
Dominion uploading data unknown during that night?
This matter may be far from over in GA. Trump has already filed for an injunction, per state
statute, which cites, "These vote tabulator failures are a mechanical malfunction that,
under MCL 168.831-168.839, requires a "special election" in the precincts affected." The
keyword here is precincts. Plural.
In Oakland County Michigan, Dominion machine errors resulted in a Democrat being wrongly
declared the winner of a commissioner's race by 104 votes – only to have their seat flip
back to the rightful Republican candidate after the error was caught.
More importantly, Wisconsin reports came in that showed that the vote totals for Rock County
appeared to be switched between President Trump and Joe Biden. 9,516 votes were eliminated from
President Trump and moved to Joe Biden. If this one report is proved true, then the 19,032-vote
shift would nearly wipe-out, of its own, Biden's reported 20,540 vote lead in Wisconsin and his
electoral votes.
Pennsylvania and its twenty electoral votes are also hotly in contention. Dominion machines
are being used in Armstrong, Carbon, Clarion, Crawford, Dauphin, Delaware, Erie, Fayette,
Fulton, Luzerne, Montgomery, Pike, Warren, York counties.
State Sen. Kristin Phillips-Hill, R-York, says she started getting calls shortly after the
polls opened Tuesday morning that the machines were jamming and causing delays.
Phillips also highlighted another problem. "If that ballot is rejected, for example, if
they over-voted for county commissioner, and that ballot is rejected, then that person has no
way of knowing that their vote has been invalidated. That's not acceptable," she said.
Due to Dominion machine delays, PA election officials admitted that if ballots could not be
immediately scanned by the machines, those ballots were instead stored so they could be counted
later in "emergency holding boxes will be scanned at the polling places."
Those "stored" ballots were not always scanned. The Pennsylvania GOP had to
bring a lawsuit to ensure that all York County ballots were counted. These had been placed
in suitcases quickly purchased by Dominion and none were scanned.
AZ is also reporting problems. Boasts Dominion's website: "Arizona: "Serving 2.2 million
Maricopa County voters with Democracy Suite 5.5 "
Yep. Maricopa County. The contested county where this week, Arizona GOP Chair Rae Chorenky
was been forced to resign after failing to sign the required Certificate of Accuracy for the
Dominion voting machines.
Concerns Mount.
The key difficulty in examining potential election fraud by Dominion and possibly their
counterparts is in going beyond isolated incidents and establishing a systemic fraud. One
safety mechanism Dominion and other providers tout is that while voters might make their
choices on a touchscreen machine, a paper ballot with a bar code is printed out where the voter
can confirm their choices before inputting the paper ballot into a machine. Here's the problem,
according to a US News story :
"[The machines] register votes in bar codes that the human eye cannot decipher. That's a
problem, researchers say: Voters could end up with printouts that accurately spell out the
names of the candidates they picked, but, because of a hack, the bar codes do not reflect
those choices. Because the bar codes are what's tabulated, voters would never know that their
ballots benefited another candidate."
These bar codes are vitally important to the subject of election fraud. They are also of
great interest to Ray Lutz of California based Citizen's Oversight.
For those unfamiliar with Lutz and Citizen's, his organization has garnered great
respect across the state for, among other examples, championing the successful closure of the
San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station (SONGS) and next the exposure of demonstrative election
fraud in the 2016 California primary that tipped the scales for Hillary Clinton rather than
Bernie Sanders. Lutz is no stranger to using the courts effectively for the public good.
To this end, Lutz just a month before the election announced the launch of Citizen's new
ballot checking software called AuditEngine . In reply to an inquiry for data,
Lutz said,
"We are still gathering information at this time. We may have a lawsuit in NC to get poll
tapes data. Also, we will be seriously looking at PA."
In a press release this week Lutz forewarned:
"Ballot images can thwart changes to paper ballots, magically losing or finding new
ballots in the recount. Citizens' Oversight today sent a request to keep the images By
preserving the ballot images, we can make sure the paper ballots recounted in Georgia match
ballot images that were made on election night, and are not modified by any unscrupulous
campaign operatives."
As Citizen's takes a closer look at GA and possibly PA while others examine the swing
states, the likely hood of this showing a massive shift towards Trump in every state is a
difficult proposition. However, in the era of the citizen investigator, the work of one
anonymous source is picking up traction, so much so that many alternative media sources are
quoting it, as is the Trump campaign.
The methodology of this investigation is thorough but needs corroboration by experts.
However, the person releasing this analysis obtained the same data as was
captured by the New York Times on election night from Edison Research. It is the same data
that was used for election coverage by ABC News, CBS News, CNN and NBC News. The report
provides a careful and plausible methodology and a state-by-state list of votes switched from
Trump to Biden and of votes simply erased by
Dominion machines. His results show discrepancies- some very large- in every state and
particularly in GA and PA where, if proven, those states would flip for Trump.
Following the Dots Down the Rabbit Hole?
For the reader who cares to look beyond "Plausible Deniability" and connect the dots
of possibility, days before the election of Nov 3 Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (Ret.) cast his own
suspicions that were in keeping with the charges levelled today by Sidney Powell.
McInerney stated he was warned in 2018 by Admiral James Aloysius "Ace" Lyons Jr., just
before his death, that a plot to fix the 2020 election was in the works. Lyons served as
Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet from 1985 to 1987. He also wrote a column about Seth Rich
being the one who leaked the 2016 DNC email tranche that blew HRC out of the water and which
The Washington Times deleted.
McInerney, although previously discredited for his backing of the 2002 Iraq "weapons of
mass destruction" claims, thus described the two US/ CIA covert operations called
"Hammer" and "Scorecard." Both were designed for the CIA in the aftermath of
The author has verified the existence of both programs.
" The Hammer" is a counter-intelligence surveillance program used to spy on
activities carried out through protected networks (like voting machines) without detection.
"Scorecard" is a vote-manipulation application that changes votes during data transfer.
Adding credence to the allegations of both men is a previous report by Alan Jones and Mary
Fanning of the American Report that was published on March 17, 2017 . The claims in that report
mirror those of Lyons and McInerney and refer to the information provided by the man who
designed both Hammer and Scorecard, Dennis Montgomery, who has turned whistleblower.
Montgomery states that Hammer and Scorecard were designed by him under the supervision of
the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper and then CIA director John Brennan.
In a subsequent article, The American Report connects the dots from Brennan and Clapper to
Christopher Krebs, currently the head of the DHS's Cyber Security and Infrastructure Agency
(CISA). It should be noticed that it is Krebs who has in recent days been the DHS point man for
denying any and all allegations of election fraud as an MSM spokesperson on the matter.
[Breaking News: Moments ago, Trump fired Christopher Krebs effective immediately]
John Brennan, James Clapper and Krebs are all DNC disciples and have been vociferous in
their public disdain for Trump over the past four years. With this and the week's
aforementioned national news in mind, next came the news yesterday, that Sidney Powell
considered the reports about Hammer and Scorecard credible, saying on Fox News, that,
" it explains a lot of what we're seeing All of those districts need to be checked for the
software glitch that would change the vote for Michigan dramatically. The same thing is
happening in other states. We've had hundreds of thousands of ballots appear for solely Mr
Biden which is statistically impossible as a matter of mathematics. It can all be documented
it is being put in files that we will file in federal court."
As if this all were not enough to create bi-partisan concern for the 2020 election, just
moments ago it was revealed that a memory card was found during the audit in Fayette county GA
with 2,755 votes, most of them for Trump. The news comes one day after
2,600 uncounted ballots were found on another memory card in Floyd County, GA – which
were also mostly cast for President Trump.
The new margin total statewide in GA is now a 12,929 lead for Biden.
Observers might notice that there does not appear to be any sense of panic by the Trump
campaign, nor their lawyers and that all have so far moved methodically via the courts and in
announcing the steady stream of reported violations.
Certainly, Trump has lost in some court proceedings so far, but the big cases, such as the
SCOTUS intervention with the rulings of the lower PA Supreme Court are still in play as are the
states final vote certification, the results of which preclude further legal action.
[Breaking News: Officials in Wayne County, Michigan – home to the city of
Detroit, have refused to certify the results of the Nov. 3 election.]
As suggested in the first article in this series, "Trump's (64Day) Election
End Game" Trump continues to play the long game at least until the Jan 6 meeting of the
Electoral College in Wash. DC. Since the time of that article, the subject of the Electoral
College has been examined across the nation's news media and transformed from skepticism to
What should become most important, if these many allegations come together as substantial
truth, is that the issue of 2020 Election fraud must become a bi-partisan issue and
As was suggested in the previous article, "Of
Color Revolutions, Foreign and Domestic," the advent of America's own color revolution
may be at hand and become the most significant threat to America since the civil war. To view
this only as an indictment of one party allows those loyal to that party to ignore
consideration of facts. This will only split the country further.
To prevent a US color revolution, the one the Dems are already calling, "Purple,"
there must be a bi-partisan investigation by both sides of the aisle that transcends party
loyalty to that of the priority of saving the country. Not Joe Biden. Not Donald Trump.
Criminal charges and indictments must be brought against one and all proved to be involved in
the attempt to circumvent the American election process.
That indictment: Treason.
About the Author: Brett Redmayne-Titley has authored and published over 180
in-depth articles over the past twelve years. Many have been translated and republished
worldwide. He can be reached at: live-on-scene ((at)) gmx.com. Prior articles can be viewed at
his archive:www.watchingromeburn.uk
Dominion Voting Systems has denied several times to media outlets that its software and
devices are not secure or that they were used to switch votes.
"Dominion Voting Systems categorically denies false assertions about vote switching issues
with our voting systems," the company said in a statement . "Vote deletion/switching assertions
are completely false."
"No credible reports or evidence of any software issues exist," the company stated, adding,
"Human errors related to reporting tabulated results have arisen in a few counties, including
some using Dominion equipment, but appropriate procedural actions were made by the county to
address these errors were made prior to the canvass process."
A national coalition that includes the Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the National Association of State Election Directors
said there is a lack of evidence supporting the claim that voting software deleted or switched
votes in the election.
"There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in
any way compromised," a
joint statement from the coalition said, and called the 2020 election "the most secure in
American history."
Dominion Voting Systems
is a member of CISA's Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council, one of two
entities that authored the statement put out by CISA.
Trainor, in earlier remarks to Newsmax, said he believes locations where poll watchers were
not allowed "meaningful access" to observe vote tabulation could be involved in voter
"I do believe that there is voter fraud taking place in these places," Trainor
told the outlet . "Otherwise they would allow the observers to go in."
The official referred to a case in Pennsylvania, where a court ordered them to allow the
Trump campaign to have poll observers watch from six feet away, but the order was defied.
"They have not been allowed that meaningful access," Trainor said, adding that if the law
was broken in this regard, the election was "illegitimate."
The Huffington Post lauded Abrams's work driving
up turnout among minorities.
"Experts say Black voter turnout in Georgia during the 2020 election likely broke records,"
read captions of a three-minute video, only for the unnamed "experts" to be shown completely
According to a subsequent analysis
of updated voter data from The New York Times Tuesday, the black share of Georgia's electorate
fell to its lowest level since 2006.
The race in Georgia, the Times explained, was decided primarily by demographic changes in
the suburban ring surrounding Atlanta, where Biden outperformed former Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton among wealthy and well-educated suburbanites.
... "My heart is full," Abrams wrote as Biden took the lead the week of election day.
The mass mailing of unsolicited ballots is of course a recipe for fraud, even more so in a
state where the voter rolls contain tens of thousands of people who haven't voted or updated
their records in more than a decade. This is how you get dead people voting, as we
reported here at The Federalist and as Tucker Carlson
noted last week .
But there's another, less sensational but perhaps more consequential election scandal in
Nevada that hasn't yet made headlines, even though it's been hiding in plain sight for weeks
now. Under the guise of supposedly nonprofit, nonpartisan get-out-the-vote campaigns, Native
American voter advocacy groups in Nevada handed out gift cards, electronics, clothing, and
other items to voters in tribal areas, in many cases documenting the exchange of ballots for
"prizes" on their own Facebook pages, sometimes even while wearing official Joe Biden campaign
Simply put, this is illegal. Offering voters anything of value in exchange for their
vote is a violation of
federal election law , and in some cases punishable by up to two years in prison and as
much as $10,000
in fines . That includes raffles, free food, free T-shirts, and so on.
... ... ...
There are about 60,000 eligible Native American voters in Nevada who make up about 3 percent
of the state's total voting population. That's almost twice the current margin of Biden's
current lead over President Trump in Nevada. So the Native American vote really does matter, it
could even be decisive. It therefore matters how many Native American votes were influenced by
an illegal cash-for-votes scheme, especially if funding for it came from American taxpayers via
the NCAI.
It also matters because this didn't just happen in Nevada. Organizers there might have been
more obvious about what they were doing, but there's evidence that similar efforts, including
gift card and electronics giveaways, were undertaken in Native communities in
South Dakota ,
Arizona ,
Wisconsin ,
Washington ,
Michigan ,
Idaho , Minnesota , and Texas .
All of this coordinated illegal activity, clearly designed to churn out votes for Biden and
Democrats in tribal areas all across the country, is completely out in the open. You don't need
special access or some secret source to find out about it. You just have be curious, look
around, and report it.
Unfortunately, mainstream media outlets are not curious and refuse to report on any of this
stuff. What's described above is an egregious and totally transparent vote-buying scheme in
Nevada that was likely undertaken on a similar scale across nearly a dozen other states, but
you won't read about it in The New York Times, or hear about it on CNN.
That's not because the story is unimportant, but because, for the media establishment, it's
inconvenient. No wonder these groups didn't try to hide what they were doing.
Hold on there, Aquamaster. What about this televised shot of votes disappearing from the
Trump Count and being added to the Biden count in Pennsylvania?
Pennsylvania Dominion transfers 20,000 votes from Trump to Biden on live TV.
A recount monitor in
Georgia discovered a
9,626- vote error in the
hand recount in DeKalb County, according to the chairman of the Georgia Republican Party.
"One of our monitors discovered a 9,626-vote error in the DeKalb County hand count . One
batch was labeled 10,707 for Biden and 13 for Trump -- an improbable margin even by DeKalb
standards. The actual count for the batch was 1,081 for Biden and 13 for Trump ," David Shafer
wrote on Twitter on Nov. 18.
" Had this counting error not been discovered, Biden would have gained enough votes from
this one batch alone to cancel out Trump's gains from Fayette, Floyd, and Walton ," Shafer
added, referring to the three Peach State counties which discovered memory cards with uncounted
votes on Monday and Tuesday.
Shafer said that two official counters signed off on the miscounted batch. GOP attorneys
turned over an affidavit ( pdf ) on the
incident to the Georgia secretary of state and requested an investigation.
" We were limited to one monitor for every 10 counting tables and we were kept some distance
from the tables. There is no telling what we missed under these unreasonable restrictions,"
Shafer said.
Fayette, Floyd, and Walton counties discovered uncounted votes on Monday and Tuesday with
each batch favoring President Donald Trump. The discovered votes cut former Vice President Joe
Biden's lead in the state by more than 1,400 votes.
Georgia's deadline to complete the recount is at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday. The state is
scheduled to vote on whether to certify the results of the 2020 election on Friday.
The recount in progress was initiated by Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger based
on a new law that calls for an audit of one race after each election. The Trump campaign has
challenged the recount process, asserting that it is meaningless unless it includes an audit of
the voters' signatures .
The office of the secretary of state did not respond to a request for comment.
Georgia officials are probing the handling of the presidential election in the state's
largest county. Officials are seeing "managerial sloppiness" and "chain of custody" issues in
Fulton County, which has a population of about a million and includes Atlanta, Gabriel Sterling
with the secretary of state's office told reporters on Tuesday.
Raffensperger said Tuesday that an audit of voting machines was completed with no signs of
foul play. Voting systems testing company Pro V&V conducted the audit and "found no
evidence of the machines being tampered."
The Trump campaign has alleged that voting machines and software by Dominion Voting Systems
switched votes from Trump to Biden . Dominion denied the allegations.
The "Secretary of State Project " was an American non-profit, progressive 527
political action committee focused on electing reform-minded progressive Secretaries of State
in battleground states, who typically oversee the election process. The Project was funded by
George Soros and members of the Democracy Alliance.
In 2008, Democrat House Organ Politico
ran a story about the Obama campaign, calling the Secretaries of State the "Democrat
In anticipation of a photo-finish presidential election, Democrats have built an
administrative firewall designed to protect their electoral interests in five of the most
important battleground states .
The bulwark consists of control of secretary of state offices in five key states -- Iowa,
Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico and Ohio -- where the difference between victory and defeat in
the 2004 presidential election was no more than 120,000 votes in any one of them.
With a Democrat now in charge of the offices, which oversee and administer their state's
elections , the party is better positioned than in the previous elections to advance
traditional Democratic interests -- such as increasing voter registration and boosting turnout
-- rather than Republican priorities such as stamping out voter fraud.
Perhaps more important, in those five states Democrats are now in a more advantageous
position when it comes to the interpretation and administration of election law -- a
development that could benefit Barack Obama if any of those states are closely contested on
Election Day.
The effort began in 2006 when a group of liberal California activists created an independent
527 group designed to elect secretaries of state.
The Secretary of State Project ran independent ads of its own and ensured that donors --
many of whom were affiliated with Democracy Alliance , a network of wealthy fundraisers that
channels money to liberal causes across the country -- knew which candidates deserved
Members of the Democracy Alliance are required to contribute at least $200,000 a year to
groups the Democracy Alliance vets and recommends. As of 2014, the Alliance had helped distribute
approximately $500 million to liberal organizations since its founding in 2005. Members of the
Democracy Alliance include billionaires George Soros and Tom Steyer. In 2017 and 2018 alone,
Democracy Alliance Members spent $600 million on various liberal causes.
The President of Democracy Alliance is Gene LeMarche , a long-time Soros
Before joining Atlantic in 2007, he served as Vice President and Director of U.S. Programs
for the Open Society Foundations (OSF), launching the organization's pivotal work on challenges
to social justice and democracy in the United States.
Here is a link to the
Board of Democracy Alliance, the Chairman of which, John Stocks, is a Senior Advisor to the
NEA -- the nation's largest union representing 3 million teachers.
The Secretary of State Project is said in some places to have folded, but the goal and efforts
of groups like the Democracy Alliance went on unabated. Note that an early success of the Project
was getting liberal Democrat Mark Ritchie elected as Minnesota Secretary of State in 2006.
Ritchie then used his authority as Secretary of State to keep the vote count open in the
razor-close contest between Norm Coleman and Al Franken in 2008. On November 14, 2008, two weeks
after the election, with all the votes counted Coleman looked to be the winner by 215 votes. A
mandatory hand-recount of all ballots then took place, and with a willing Ritchie overseeing the
effort, canvassing boards in liberal Minnesota decided that nearly 1000 absentee ballots had been
wrongly rejected as part of the initial vote count, and when those ballots were included, Al
Franken, and not Norm Coleman, was certified as the winner by Ritchie.
So let's pause to consider the two individuals who are the Secretaries of State in Michigan
and Pennsylvania.
The Michigan Secretary of State is Jocelyn Benson, a 43-year-old Harvard educated attorney.
Noteworthy is a professional life of liberal and progressive activism on voting rights
Before going to law school, Benson earned a Master's at Magdalen College, Oxford, in the
United Kingdom, conducting research into the sociological implications of white supremacy and
neo-Nazism. Upon returning to the US, she lived and worked in Montgomery, Alabama, where she
worked for the Southern Poverty Law Center as an investigative journalist, researching white
supremacist and neo-Nazi organizations. She also worked as a summer associate for voting rights
and election law for the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund.
At Harvard Law School she was editor of the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law
Review . From 2002–2004, she served as the Voting Rights Policy Coordinator of the
Harvard Civil Rights Project, a non-profit organization that sought to link academic research to
civil rights advocacy efforts.
When elected in 2018, she became the first Democrat to occupy the Secretary of State's Office
in Michigan since 1994.
It was in Detroit where election observers were kept at a distance, and their ability to watch
the vote counting was obscured by paper placed in windows.
The Pennsylvania Secretary of State is Katherine Bookvar -- also elected in 2018.
The press wants Pres. Trump to put his trust in a "free and fair" election in Philadelphia in
the hands of a woman who said the following about him only 6 weeks after he took office in
I'm guessing there was a bottle of champagne in her office last night waiting for the
"counting" in Philadelphia to finally get to the number needed.
From 2008 to 2011, Boockvar worked for Advancement Project, a non-profit organization focused
on voting rights in Pennsylvania. During her tenure, she worked on voter rights education
campaigns across the state. In March 2018, Boockvar was named Senior Adviser to the Governor on
Election Modernization in the Pennsylvania Department of State by Governor Tom Wolf. She was
appointed Acting Secretary of the Commonwealth on January 5, 2019, and confirmed by the Senate on
November 19, 2019. In August 2019, she was named co-chair of the Elections Committee of the
National Association of Secretaries of State.
Just like with Benson, Boockvar's professional life has not been directed at "free and fair"
elections, but rather elections that draw in the absolute maximum number of votes whether valid
or not.
This is the playbook now for how Democrat political machines will generate vote totals. The
political leadership has no interest in respecting the legitimate right to vote, and they have no
problem with validly cast votes being canceled out by invalidly cast votes.
Standardization and transparency of election practices across all 50 states and the political
subdivisions within each state make vote manipulation more difficult. You will not see any call
for such legislation coming from any Democrat politician over the next four years in the lead-up
to 2024.
Smartmatic electric voting systems was founded by three Venezuelan engineers and
incorporated in Delaware . Smartmatic established its headquarters in Boca Raton,
The Miami Herald has reported that the Government of Venezuela may own up to 28% of
Smartmatic, through an acquisition of another company named Bizta, and operated by two of the
same owners of Smartmatic.
Other reports say Bizta has repurchased those shares from Smartmatic. Regardless,
Smartmatic and Bizta partnered with Venezuela telephone giant CANTV to supply Venezuela with
voting machines and software as far back as 2004.
Welcome AMERICA To the Venezuela Election Experience
Wednesday on FNC's "Fox & Friends," White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany sounded off on the 2020 election and President
Donald Trump's
of Director
of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Chris Krebs. Krebs' termination followed the CISA calling the 2020
election the most secure in the nation's history.
McEnany was not sure about Krebs' motivation for calling the election secure, but she highlighted some recounts finding uncounted
ballots in Georgia and allegations of fraud in Michigan, and an attempt to cast thousands of votes for deceased people in
California. She advised that "there are real questions that need to be asked" with all of the uncertainty in the election.
"The president has pointed out that he made an inaccurate statement," McEnany said of Krebs. "He actually made a few if you look
at his Twitter feed. But, look, if you say this was the most secure election in American history, as the president rightly pound
pointed out, that may be true from the standpoint of foreign interference, but there were three tranches of ballots found
uncounted in Georgia, amounting to nearly 6,000 votes, you have 234 pages of sworn affidavits in Michigan in one county alone
alleging egregious misconduct by poll workers pushing back observers and even allegations of fraud in there, we have real
questions in Pennsylvania. So, to say it's the most secure election in American history, it's just not an accurate statement, and
it seems like a partisan attempt to just hit back at the president as he pursues important litigation."
She added, "I don't know if it was a partisan agenda, a personal grievance, what it was, but it definitely seems to be animated
by something. And it seemed to go directly at this president and legitimate claims that he's pursuing in court."
Host Steve Doocy suggested the Department of Homeland Security could not find any wrongdoing.
"Yeah, well, look down in Georgia," McEnany replied. "We have one recount going on right now, just one. There are others that may
or may not happen, but there's one going on, and you've found nearly 6,000 ballots not counted. Just yesterday, we heard about a
California man who planned to cast 8,000 votes in the name of deceased people and others that LA is now looking at. And there's a
good article in the LA Times about that. Maybe he should look around at just public news information that's out there, and he can
find all the evidence he needs. But there are real questions that need to be asked because we need integrity in our election
A Democratic Michigan State Representative-elect doxxed the chairwoman of the Wayne County
Board of Canvassers on a public Zoom meeting on Tuesday, revealing where her children attend
school and claiming that she was enabling racism by refusing to certify the Wayne County
"You, Ms. Monica Palmer from Grosse Pointe Woods, which has a history of racism, are
deciding to enable and continue to perpetuate the racist history of this country and I want you
to think about what that means for your kids," he said, name-dropping the name of their school
and talking about the impact her decision would have on their black classmates.
Abraham Aiyash, who was the only candidate in Michigan's fourth district, said his district
was being personally attacked by Palmer's refusal to certify the election, and accused her of
suppressing the black vote on purpose.
"You are standing here today, telling folks that black Detroit should not have their votes
counted," he said. "You are certainly showing that you are a racist. You may say that you are
not. You may claim that you are not. But let's be very clear, your words today, and your
actions today made it clear that you are okay with silencing the votes of an 80 percent
African-American city."
Aiyash's public doxxing of Palmer comes after the Wayne County Board of Canvassers voted 2-2
to deny certification of the Nov. 3 election votes after Palmer and the other Republican board
member noted there were ballot discrepancies in Detroit that they refused to ignore. Palmer
said she was open to certifying everywhere but Detroit.
"Palmer and others noted that some precincts in Wayne County were out of balance, meaning
the number of ballots processed were different from the number who signed in,"
the Detroit Free Press reported.
Aiyash, however, did not accept Palmer's skepticism and instead continued to berate her for
being a bigot and partisan.
"Know that we see what's happening now that there is nothing other than Jim Crowing that is
going on right now and recognize the facts," he said.
"The Republican Party's major candidate has sued over 25 times across the country. Know the
facts. You as a board of canvassers do not decide who are who is to be elected the voters to
know the facts," he continued.
Shortly after Aiyash's verbal attack, both Republican board members changed their votes to
certify the election. Jordan Davidson is a staff writer at The Federalist. She graduated from
Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism.
A second memory card with uncounted votes was found during an audit in Fayette County,
Georgia, containing 2,755 votes according to WSBTV' s Justin Gray.
Trump fired Christopher Krebs in a tweet, saying his recent statement defending the security
of the election was "highly inaccurate."
...A former Microsoft executive, Krebs ran the agency, known as CISA, from its creation in
the wake of Russian interference with the 2016 election through the November election.
... CISA works with the state and local officials who run U.S. elections as well as private
companies that supply voting equipment to address cybersecurity and other threats while
monitoring balloting and tabulation from a control room at its headquarters near Washington. It
also works with industry and utilities to protect the nation's industrial base and power grid
from threats.
Project Veritas: Georgia Recount Auditors Call Multiple Ballots For Joe Biden That Were
Actually Marked For President Trump (VIDEO)
Four Democrats, including Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobachar, were concerned in Dec 2019 and
PBS were concerned in Oct 2020 about Dominion Votings Systems. Now you don't hear anything from
these Democrats. Sydney Powell says she has a witness who can explain how the Dominion machines
were built to cheat on elections. Chairman of Dominion Systems is on Biden's transition
Mich Voter Fraud Witness Melissa Carone tells the Inside Story of Dominion Machines in
Mich Voter Fraud Witness Jose Aliaga saw the 4am Biden Ballot Drop!
200 Democrat watchers versus 60 Republican watchers. Democrat watchers didn't have to wear
credentials. Law allows cell phones, but the election wouldn't let them pull out cell phones.
Why? They didn't want fraud to be photographed?
New York Times said that election officials see no fraud. But, FEC Chairman Trey Trainor: "I
Do Believe There Is Fraud in These Places -- If The Law Is Not Followed It Makes This an
Illegitimate Election"
Poll Watchers in Wayne County File Lawsuit Alleging Detroit Officials Knowingly Committed
Mass Voter Fraud
Detroit City Elections Employee: Workers Coached Voters for Joe Biden, Changed Dates on
A pile of ballots are found in trash at closed polling station. All of them had votes for
Trump, except for one.
Video of vote worker explaining how he separates ballots and when he comes across one for
Trump, he tears it up.
WATCH: RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Says She Has 500 Sworn Affidavits on 11,000 Incidents of
Voter Fraud
"This Felt Like a Drug Deal!" – Asian-American Ballot Observer in Detroit Describes
Mysterious Van Dropping Off 61 Boxes of Ballots at 4 AM (VIDEO)
This poll observer worked from 10:00pm to 5:00am and saw 6,000 absentee ballots counted. They
stopped counting before she left. After she left, they counted 100,000 ballots at 6:00am,
eliminating Trump's lead.
Spoiled Bucks County Ballots Found in Trash; Top County Election Official: 'The Judge of
Elections Didn't Do It Correctly;' Pennsylvania Law: Hold Spoiled Ballots for 22 Months
Self-Described Dem Party Worker, Detroit Resident, Brags On Facebook: "I work for Wayne Co,
MI and I threw out every Trump ballot I saw. Tens of thousands of them and so did all of my
They found out in one county that Dominion ballot counting systems flipped 6,000 votes for
Trump to Biden. Nancy Pelosi's Chief of Staff Is An Executive and Feinstein's Husband a Major
Shareholder at Dominion Ballot Counting Systems
Philadelphia GOP Poll Watcher: Election 'Not Fair at All'; 'We Were Kept Away from
Patty from 100% Fed Up Talks About Her Shocking Experience As a Poll Watcher at Detroit's
TCF Center On Wednesday following the Election
Patty, a poll-challenger for 9 years said: Don't believe the media and social media. There is
voter fraud and is always organized by Democrats. She described egregious and rampant voter
fraud, including workers entering 1900 as birthdate for voters, ballots with non-registered
voters, locking GOP poll-challengers out, hiding voter rolls, hiding signatures, 3 out-of-state
cars dropped off ballots in the middle of the night.
Corrupted Software Used in Michigan County that Stole 6,000 Votes from Trump -- Is Also Used
Nevada GOP Sends Criminal Referral to Justice Department About 'Instances of Voter
"Thousands of individuals have been identified who appear to have violated the law by casting
ballots after they moved from NV."
Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots
"A top Democratic operative says voter fraud, especially with mail-in ballots, is no myth. And
he knows this because he's been doing it, on a grand scale, for decades."
WATCH: Ballot Count Watcher Describes At Least 130,000 Ballots ALL FOR BIDEN Arriving in
Three Vehicles in Detroit in Dead of Night
"It's about major fraud on a major scale that was very well organized,"
Michigan USPS 'Insider' Delivers Testimony Of 'Shady' Postmark Scheme To Handstamp 'Nov. 3'
On Late Ballots
Watch workers put up cardboard to stop you from seeing what they are doing. Watch ballot
observer explain ballots with no names, or people who are born in 1921 and registered in 1900
(before they were born).
Court ordered PA election officials to allow Republican observers. But officials still will
not let them, as they continue to count and increase Biden's votes:
Search for Philadelphia voter fraud and you will find cases and convictions:
South Philly judge of elections admits he took bribes to stuff the ballot box for Democratic
Philadelphia's Horrible Record of Democrat Voter Fraud Hits New Low
Indictment of Former Democrat Congressman Widens Voter Fraud Case in Philadelphia
Massive Vote Fraud Found In Philadelphia -- National Scandal Expands
"in New Hampshire, 5,000 residents of Massachusetts voted in the General Election in 2016 in
New Hampshire -- defeating a Republican incumbent"
"Indiana and Virginia are prosecuting massive vote frauds from the 2016 election."
"Now we find hundreds of illegal voters in Philadelphia -- trying to take the State away from
Trump. Voter fraud is easy in most States. In California register your dog online and the dog
gets an absentee ballot."
"The Pennsylvania Department of State has a review underway; but has already reported that,
since 1972, 1,160 voters statewide have requested their registrations be canceled because they
were not citizens. There can be little doubt this is just the tip of the iceberg."
No, voter fraud isn't a myth: 10 cases where it's all too real
"3. Some Pennsylvania citizens voting twice.
4. Illegal voters uncovered in Philadelphia; half had previously voted.
10. Voter registration cards sent to illegals in Pennsylvania."
North Carolina Announced 100% of Precincts Were Reported On Election Night – But Never
Called Trump Win – Now Claim Only 94% of Ballots Counted
'I Can't Believe What I'm Seeing – This is a Coup' – Registered Democrat and
Poll Watcher Details Corruption at Philly Vote Counting Center (VIDEO)
Fmr NV AG Laxalt: 'No Question' Trump Would Have Won Nevada 'Convincingly' Without Mail-in
" we are still not allowed to watch the signature-matching. We are not allowed to challenge any
of those signatures. So, they switch us to this new system, and they give us no right to be
sure that only legal voters count. As America knows, those that stayed up like me all night --
they dumped these at 3 a.m. They counted through the middle of the night."
"400,000 votes were cast last night, and there was no observation, no transparency. And you
know, we're supposed to just trust but not be able to verify."
"We also know there are likely to be dead voters. There are likely to be people that have moved
out of Las Vegas but found their ballots were still cast. So we're looking into all of this,
but it's just astounding when you watch the news commentary last night about this. They keep
acting these systems are foolproof, and there's no way that any improper voter can get through.
And it is just simply not true.""
Rudy Giuliani: With mail-in ballots, both parties are supposed to be able to observe the
ballots. Republicans were not allowed:
WATCH: Suitcases and Coolers Rolled Into Detroit Voting Center at 4 AM, Brought Into Secure
Counting Area
Michigan County Clerk Discovers Total Votes Counted by "Election Software" DID NOT MATCH
Printed Tabulator Tapes!
Detroit Precinct Chair Says Voting Irregularities, Poor Training
"We were instructed not to accept ballots that were not specifically marked as received, but I
saw it happen," Kingen said. "I called the hotline they provided to us for problems, and the
people there didn't know what to do. These people were claiming they never received their live
ballots, but they could have just been lying and turned them in later, it's not possible for us
to check those things at the polling places."
Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar Denied Entry Into Maricopa County Elections Center as Ballots Are
What is Going On? Minnesota and Wisconsin BOTH had 89%-90% Turnout -- Something That Is
Highly Unlikely
"Democrat Charged In Voter Fraud Scandal Proving Trump Right, Mail In Voting Is A
"Democrats Are Destroying Our Election On PURPOSE, Leftists Sending Out BUNK Mail In Voter
"Democratic City SLAMMED By Mail in Voter Fraud Charges, Experts Scared This Proves Trump
"Ilhan Omar Connected Cash-For-Ballots Voter Fraud Scheme Corrupts Elections: 'These Here
Are All Absentee Ballots...Look...My Car Is Full..." 'Money Is The King Of Everything'"
"HIDDEN CAMERA: NYC Democratic Election Commissioner "I Think There Is A lot of Voter
"there's thousands of absentee ballots [fraud]"
De Blasio gave out ID cards but didn't vet the people to see who they are.
Texas 'Ballot Chaser' Pressures Voter to Change Vote from Cornyn to Hegar: 'That's My Job'
'I Can Honestly Say I'm Bringing at Least 7,000 Votes to The Polls' Said Garza Gave Her $2,500
Gift Budget
'Ballot Chaser' Raquel Rodriguez Boasts Judges, Legislators 'In My Pocket' 'I'm Getting the
Biden Vote Out, But I Mean, I'm Not Going To Do It For Free'
Election fraud in the 2020 presidential race on a national scale? We've compiled a litany of
facts and data here so that you can decide for yourself.
Below we explore the details and the data of what happened across the nation on Election
Day, with flagrant and often sloppy irregularities occurring from coast to coast. Elsewhere we
explore similar efforts in the key swing states of Pennsylvania ,
Wisconsin , Michigan , and
The General
Landscape of American Election Fraud
The media is trying to weave a narrative with ever-shifting goalposts. They began by saying
that not only did voter fraud not happen, but that it's impossible. Now, they have shifted
their story to saying that there is always minor fraud, but that it never really matters
Another narrative in the controlled media is that illegal aliens and other non-citizens
don't vote. This is patently untrue. In fact, they vote at alarmingly high rates. A 2019 study
found that approximately 2.2 percent of respondents admitted to voting illegally, which implies
a little under a million ballots
cast by non-citizens every year .
The counterargument is that respondents are either lying or misunderstood the question, but
this is simply not true -- those who conducted the study
verified their votes .
So we can see that electoral fraud is not only impossible, it is common. It is not
negligible, it has determined elections in living memory. With this as our backdrop, we will
now investigate voter irregularities throughout the nation during the 2020 Presidential
Before going further, it is worth discussing what constitutes evidence for electoral fraud.
Well, the Carter Center has a set of standards that they use to determine
whether or not there has been electoral fraud somewhere.
These are the standards used by globalists to determine whether or not elections they
disapprove of have been conducted fraudulently. Several of them are present in the contested
Counting procedures should be verifiable.
Votes should be presented for independent review.
Elections should be subject to recounts.
Additionally, the Carter Center states that it is the right of dissidents to challenge and
question the results of an election that they believe to be fraudulent. Harassing dissidents is
considered evidence of chicanery in and of itself.
"Effective redress" is the term they use and it is considered by the Carter Center to be
vital for establishing an election as legitimate. The resistance of the Democratic Party to
recounts and audits should be a red flag in and of itself.
There are also mathematical anomalies that are worth looking into because, regardless of
turnout and outcome, elections will follow certain patterns. One of these is that, because of
mail sorting, mail-in ballots will consistently show the same ratio of support for each
We did not see that, however -- there is a significant spike in support for Biden and fall
off in support for President Trump as Election Night dragged on.
Indeed, in Wisconsin, this anomaly became massive around 4 a.m., the same time that the
massive ballot drops without supervision began. The same phenomenon occurred in Pennsylvania,
Michigan and Georgia, all four of these states with copious amounts of electoral chicanery and
irregularity. Virginia was another state with similar mathematical irregularities.
Benford's Law is
another area where we see mathematical irregularities. Put simply: When we have large datasets
of numbers, there is a pattern we can find with regard to the final and penultimate digit of
each number in this data set.
Benford's Law analysis is one of the first things run by forensic accountants looking for
financial malfeasance or tax cheating.
Many of the electoral tallies in disputed states violate Benford's Law -- but only for Joe
Biden , whose distribution more closely resembles the curve when people type "random"
numbers in. President Trump, Jo Jorgensen, Howie Hawkins, and Kanye West's numbers do not
violate this law, but former Vice President Biden's do in disputed areas.
One recurring theme throughout the 2020 election is the glitch. There have been a number of
glitches, many detailed in our series on irregularities in different states. This, in and of
itself might not be cause for concern -- however, in every case, these so-called "software
glitches" favor former Vice President Biden at the expense of President Donald Trump.
Again, we have detailed these in our state series article, but we will mention some here
just to give you a general idea of what has been going on with these "glitches."
One in Michigan sent 6,000 votes to Biden
that were meant for Donald Trump. Another in Wisconsin, robbed Donald Trump of
19,500 votes . Another similar glitch in
Georgia saw an unspecified number of votes go to Biden that were, once again, meant for the
There appears to be a pattern here. Were these all bona fide mistakes, we would likely find
votes that were meant to go for Joe Biden going to Donald Trump before the situation was
corrected. But we are unaware of any such error in favor of the President.
The common denominator? The voting software used to calculate the vote made by a company
with deep connections to the DNC.
The Turnout That Wasn't
The DNC's victory in the 2020 Presidential election relies heavily upon a massively
increased turnout, again centered around a handful of large cities controlled by the Democratic
Party. One example of this is 90 percent turnout in the entire State of Wisconsin , which
would not only be the highest level of turnout in American history, but also comes close to the
92 percent average in Australia where voting is mandatory. In the city of Milwaukee alone, the
turnout was 84 percent.
Compare this turnout to Cleveland, a culturally comparable city not in a swing state, which
had a comparatively scant 51 percent turnout. This is an important city to draw a contrast with
because, while it is a Democratic stronghold, as are most large cities, and it has a similar
minority population, it was not in a state that was considered in play this election. Democrats
attempted to steal the election by fabricating astronomical turnout in urban areas they control
in swing states.
The turnout gambit becomes even more laughable when one considers that Biden is one of the
least invigorating Democratic candidates since John Kerry or Mike Dukakis. Yet somehow this
candidate was able to increase his vote above what Barack Obama enjoyed, with some districts in
Milwaukee putting up
more votes than there are registered voters in the area .
A broad study conducted by Judicial
Watch found that 353 counties across 29 states had turnout exceeding 100 percent of
registered voters. Eight of these had turnout exceeding 100 percent across the entire state:
Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
Perhaps more damning, the study was limited to 37 states publishing their voter registration
data. This means that, of the 37 states that Judicial Watch had access to, 78 percent of them
had turnout exceeding 100 percent.
Vetting of Mail-In Ballots
The American public was warned for months in advance that mail-in balloting, illegal
throughout most of Europe, is inherently insecure and lends itself to the kind of mass voter
fraud that we are seeing in action right now.
But the mail-in ballots that we are seeing in this election are not just nonspecifically
"suspect." They are rife with irregularities and a lack of accountability that should cause
them to be closely investigated, audited and, where appropriate, thrown out entirely.
Mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania are particularly questionable. This is a state where Biden
enjoyed a
60.5 percent lead in mail-in voting . More damning is the fact that many of these ballots
seem to have arrived before they were even sent, arrived the same day or arrived within one day
of being sent. This is an abnormal amount of processing time, especially when we consider the
surge in mail due to the election.
Vetting of mail-in ballots is particularly important because they are widely open to
electoral fraud, as we have discussed above. So it is troubling that we have multiple reports,
including in the form of
sworn affidavits presented before the court, of poll watchers being thrown out, mocked,
intimidated and even physically assaulted during the course of counting mail-in ballots.
Of special note is the strong resistance to poll workers in swing states to allow anyone to
watch them. In Pennsylvania, poll workers were caught on video
expelling poll watchers despite knowledge of a court order preventing them from doing so.
Reports of expelled poll watchers were part of the lawsuit filed in Michigan and there were
similar reports out of
Georgia . This raises the obvious question -- why don't they want anyone watching
Biden Outperformed Obama
Biden's turnout when compared with Barack Obama is another area warranting special
investigation. It is worth noting that Biden was generally viewed as a less-than-ideal
candidate in no small part because he generated very little enthusiasm among Democratic Party
voters. In contrast, Obama was a rock star candidate who had just defeated the party's
presumptive nominee in a hard-fought primary. Biden, on the other hand, was largely foisted on
the party through back room deals in an attempt to prevent Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders from
obtaining the nomination for President.
Biden also barely campaigned throughout the primary season. Most of the campaign was
characterized by the candidate calling "lids," a term meaning that he was home for the day and
would be doing no more press, with the occasional teleconference. Not only did he start with an
unethusiastic base who would have preferred nearly anyone else, he did little to motivate his
base throughout the course of the election.
Yet somehow, he outperformed Hillary Clinton who won a hard-fought
primary against Senator Sanders and kept pace with numbers from Barack Obama's 2008
and 2012 campaigns, being able
to boast that he has received more votes than any other candidate for President in American
history . In some cases -- tellingly in areas crucial for winning the election -- Biden was
able to outperform Barack Obama .
For example, in Chester, Cumberland, and Montgomery Counties in Pennsylvania, he
outperformed Obama by approximately 25
percent . In Montgomery County, he was able to double Barack Obama's margin of victory. He
increased the raw vote total there by fully 80,000 votes. The population of this county only
increased by 22,000 in the years between Obama's victory and Biden's alleged one.
Not only should we be skeptical of the numbers, we should be skeptical of them because of
where they came in from. Such dubious numbers were not coming in from places that we could
assume were Democratic Party strongholds like New York, Chicago and
Miami where Biden actually saw a decrease in voters relative to Hillary Clinton. So why is
he putting up these high totals only in a handful of cities (Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee,
Philadelphia) controlled by Democrats in swing states?
Biden-Only Ballots
Another area of suspicion are the Biden-only ballots. Tens or hundreds of thousands of
voters marked their ballots only for Joe Biden, with presumably
no interest in down ballot races . While it's not unusual for people to take an outsized
interest in the Presidential election, it is unusual for 450,000 people to have no interest in
down ballot races and for this to be concentrated in a handful of swing states.
Biden, on the other hand, received over 95,000 more votes than either Senate candidate on
the ballot in Georgia. In Wyoming there were a mere 725 more votes for Biden than the
Democratic Senate candidate in the state.
Kassam reports on five states with anomalous Biden-only voting, all of which keep coming up
with various irregularities: Pennsylvania (98,000), Georgia (80-90,000), Arizona (42,000),
Michigan (69-115,000) and Wisconsin (62,836).
All told, Republicans won
28 out of 29 competitive House races as of November 8 and flipped three state legislatures,
but were somehow unable to deliver the White House to the President. So we are expected to
believe that not only did Joe Biden receive more votes than Barack Obama and that these came
largely on the back of massive inner-city turnout, but that this massive turnout for Joe Biden
was unable
to flip a single state legislature .
Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories.
Biden-only ballots are a recurring theme in all of the states in question. While they are by
no means a smoking gun, they do point toward significant irregularities that need to be
investigated before Joe Biden can begin claiming victory.
Who Counts the Votes?
Irregularities In Counting Systems
There is a quote often attributed to Joseph Stalin, but is
probably apocryphal : It doesn't who votes, it matters who counts the votes. It doesn't
really matter who, if anyone, actually said this. The point is that it doesn't matter what
votes actually say if the votes are ignored or altered by the person doing the counting.
In the 21st Century most of our vote counting is done by machines which use proprietary
software. Most states used systems supplied by Dominion Voting Systems. What's more, the
irregularities in vote counting, in particular the "glitches" that universally favor Joe Biden,
come from these voting systems.
First, we should note that there were 92 donations made by Dominion employees over the last
according to the FEC . Of these, 80 went to Democratic super PAC ActBlue, seven went to
Senator Bernie Sanders, four to the Trump campaign and one went to the DNC. What's more,
Dominion Voting Systems has a partnership with the Clinton Global Initiative as well as former
employees of the Clinton Growth Initiative on staff, according to One America News Network .
Rudy Giuliani claims that the legal campaign to protect the election has whistleblowers from
Dominion ready to go on record.
A bit in the weeds, but worth mentioning, is the allegation that intelligence software was
used to change vote counts. There is a video on this subject here . As we say, this is a bit in the
weeds, but worth mentioning for those who wish to go down that rabbit hole.
NOQ Report has been kind enough to do a
deep dive on the topic of Dominion's role in the 2020 Presidential election. They found
significant vote switching in Georgia (17,407, where Biden leads with 14,148 votes) and
Pennsylvania (with over one million votes switched in favor of Joe Biden). The article is
mostly just a list of switched votes and lost votes, but it bears reading because it sheds
light on just how massive a role vote switching played in the 2020 election, further cementing
the theory that Dominion played a role in the theft.
Fight Back to Save America
Don't let any of this get you down, because the fight is far from over. Both President Trump
and Congressional Republicans are working hard, both in the public sphere and in the courts to
make sure that the 2020 election is fair and transparent.
So what can you do to join in the fight?
First, you should call your elected representatives. That means calling your state rep, your
state senator, your House Rep and your U.S. Senator. You should do this be they friend or foe
-- either way, they need to know that you insist on having all legal votes counted. Insist on
concrete steps to ensure the integrity of the vote. Do not settle for stock answers about the
importance of democracy. A Twitter account has made what is actually a very good script for you to
follow when you call in. Be firm, but polite.
If you want to take to the streets, there are opportunities. Stop The Steal is the movement dedicated to putting bodies in
the streets of our nation's state capitals to let our elected officials know that we are not
going to stand for seeing our elections stolen in a manner befitting Zimbabwe. There are almost
daily rallies at the state capitol building and the TFC Center in Detroit. What's more, a
nationwide rally in DC called the Million MAGA March is scheduled for November 14. The
Democratic government of Washington, DC has responded with
new COVID restrictions designed to cripple the march.
What can you do? Quite a lot. Nothing less than the future of the country is at stake. If
they can steal this election, don't expect another one to be free and fair. But do expect a lot
of gun grabs and speech laws.
ammodotcom you are doing a great job covering this fraud as a ZH contributor. www.globalintelhub.com
Handful of Dust , 5 hours ago
Lots of filings will be available today 9Tuesday) only for every to read the detailed
evidence. Bannon on his show and several others will review these filings.
Lin Wood's filings in Georgia federal court and Sydney Powell's filings in Pennsylvania
federal court will also be available today or tomorrow.
Court orders will have to be issued since the Democrats counting the ballots are ignoring
the State court order to allow observers watch the count and check the ballots. Remember,
most of these judges at State court levels in these Demorat states are democrat partisans,
NOT unbiased judges.
bahian , 5 hours ago
After being surprised in 2016 you can be sure the Dem. machines were leaving nothing to
chance in 2020. Eric Coomer is Dominion's Director of Strategy and Security : "Oltmann
explained that "Eric" was telling the Antifa members they needed to "keep up the pressure."
When one of the caller's asked, "Who's Eric?" someone answered, "Eric, he's the Dominion
guy." Oltmann said that as the conversation continued, someone asked, "What are we gonna do
if F*cking Trump wins?" Oltmann paraphrased how Eric (the Dominion guy) responded, "Don't
worry about the election, Trump's not gonna win. I made f*cking sure of that!" "
dbsbunker , 1 hour ago
Apparently missing from the GA recount is a a double-check of the counting numbers. What
if, as was alleged, some Trump ballots were counted as going for Biden?
All ballots should be counted twice, by a different team. If the numbers don't come up
exactly the same, someone lied.
koan , 2 hours ago
Rudy Giuliani claims that the legal campaign to protect the election has whistleblowers from
Dominion ready to go on record.
Ready to go on record, but not on record...
CondZero , 4 hours ago
It would not be a stretch to suggest that when voting tabulation stopped in the
Democratically controlled precincts, that voter registration rolls could be culled for people
that didn't vote and these non-votes were manually or electronically cast for Biden in the
wee hours, unsupervised, unregulated, nevermind switching Trump votes for Biden. If your a
Dem you love this kind of nonsense because it favors your candidate. Unfortunately, this
election is so mired in doubt, hardly any sane person can recognize it as fair and
Thought.Adjuster , 3 hours ago
If your a Dem you love this kind of nonsense because it favors your candidate.
The End justifies the Means.
LogicFusion , 1 hour ago
At least analysis and breakdown, true knowlege. Thanks.
In contrast, here is how our convicted felon and hindsight forecaster Martin Armstrong
predicted a Trump victory. The prediction failed, but he still claims success and sells
useless books and reports as described in ArmstrongEconomics
- The Scam Business Model Exposé
uh so it's the computer doesn't ask my opinion or anybody else's it just goes on the
numbers from the economic data and it's never been wrong
He claims that the vote count fraud involves up to 38 million votes. Commenters of the
video point this out here that his numbers are wrong by a whopping 1000%.:
In comments, Armstrong is NOT represented directly by any YouTube user. Only by his sock
puppet fake accounts who claim to be super satisfied users while at the same time advertising
his services.
We know that Martin Armstrong's videos are giant sock puppet shows after simply analyzing
the messages - and we get to know the sock puppets!
So after the error is first pointed out by a real viewer
Martin Armstrong is incorrect on 38 million votes stolen from President Trump. Actually, it
is 3.8 million instead. Go to his website and look at the article which states 38 million.
Inside the article, click on the blue highlighted "38 million votes" and you will be
directed to the original article which states 3.8 million votes. Still, 3.8 million is a
lot of votes.
One day later, Martin Armstrong via shill account still in denial / damage control:
Correction: Martin Armstrong mistakenly said as much as "38 million votes" were fraudulent
of stolen. Armstrong meant to say as much as 3.8 million.
The video has 1,242 Comments as I write this. He needs a very high sock puppet activity to
be effectively showing vibrant client interest and cult member activity. How does it work?
With two different type of shill accounts. Individual as described and borrowed ones. I guess
he uses borrowed accounts in bulk for 50 cents a message as covered in
If you remove debt, there's no money. Money is debt. Deficits will never be paid back,
precisely why Armstrong correctly illustrates that sovereign debt be converted into
perpetual bonds that pay just 3%.
Socrates is not a fantasy. It monitors more than 1,000 global markets on a daily basis.
It's likely the only true Artificial Intelligence platform in existence. There's no bias in
its coding.
Have followed him for over 10+ years. He used to be more cryptic. I believe he understands
the seriousness of what we are up against right now and is so much more open and detailed
now - which I appreciate!
He spent 11 years in prison because the government wanted the source code to Socrates and
he wouldn't give it to them. They also framed him for this bogus charge (read the story on
one of his blogs). They even tried to get someone to kill him when they held him in jail
and he was in a coma for awhile and almost died. Like most people, if the MSM gives you the
story, you believe it. Please research yourself.
I haven't had the time for now to print the messages of the borrowed accounts which are
used to convey on-way messages that cannot be responded to. The number is much higher.
A slight majority of Republicans believe that President Trump "rightfully won" the
presidential election two weeks ago, a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released Wednesday found.
The survey,
taken November 13-17 among 1,346 U.S. respondents, found 73 percent expressing the belief
that Joe Biden (D) won the election, compared to five percent who chose Trump. However, 53
percent of Republicans, specifically, believe Trump "rightfully won," while less than a third,
29 percent, said the same for the former vice president:
According to Reuters, an even greater majority of Republicans expressed concern that the
election was, in fact, "rigged":
Asked why, Republicans were much more concerned than others that state vote counters had
tipped the result toward Biden: 68% of Republicans said they were concerned that the election
was "rigged," while only 16% of Democrats and one-third of independents were similarly
Social media censorship of anything that questions party line.
Protests are met with police oppression.
We are told when & where we can go & how many we can see.
Plans to prove health & vaccine status.
A reset no one voted for.
Is this enough for everyone to say NO? #NoGreatReset
Olde, sadly it probably exceeds 52% bc we know some rightwing dishonesty to pollsters is
still a big prob that needs fixing!! For how to correct these 52+ %, my idea is online training
for a few things like mask use obs, and a sensitivity/civilty course, and also training could
cover how elections are secure and legit. It wouldn't be totally mandatory, but anyone passing
the quiz after it could receive rewards, maybe corporations would donate stuff?? And or maybe
anyone whose social media accounts were suspended could have them restored provisionally???!?
We need to unify the country somehow!!
This election has ripped the band-aid off the ridiculous claims from the Left that voting
fraud is non-existent. Quote Tweet Heather Mullins - Real America's Voice (RAV-TV) @TalkMullins
· 4h BREAKING! Floyd County, GA: Nearly 2600 votes discovered in hand count that weren't
counted on election night. Most for Trump.
Election officials are working with Dominion Voting
Systems to determine what happened.
@GaSecofState is sending an investigator tomorrow.
Something fishy here. Usually voting machines are a CIA/NSA home playing field. Why Chavez wanted to play on other side field,
wher he has huge disadvanrtage, in not very clear.
Another interesting question is why poor countries buy this expensive crap. Why they need voting machines at all?
Notable quotes:
"... "I was witness to the creation and operation of a sophisticated electronic voting system that permitted the leaders of the Venezuelan government to manipulate the tabulation of votes for national and local elections and select the winner of those elections in order to gain and maintain their power," the affidavit states. ..."
WASHINGTON -- Trump campaign lawyer and former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell released an
affidavit on Nov. 16, from an alleged whistleblower who claims to have witnessed how election
software secretly manipulates votes without leaving a trace.
The whistleblower -- who says his or her background is with the Venezuelan military,
including the national security guard detail of the Venezuelan president -- outlines an alleged
conspiracy between Smartmatic software executives, former Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, and
that country's election officials, to ensure Chavez won reelections and retained power for
years. The whistleblower said he was present at multiple meetings.
The Epoch Times was not able to independently verify the claims.
"I was witness to the creation and operation of a sophisticated electronic voting system
that permitted the leaders of the Venezuelan government to manipulate the tabulation of votes
for national and local elections and select the winner of those elections in order to gain and
maintain their power," the affidavit states.
"From that point on, Chavez never lost any election. In fact, he was able to ensure wins for
himself, his party, Congress persons and mayors from townships."
The whistleblower claimed the "software and fundamental design of the electronic electoral
system and software of Dominion and other election tabulating companies relies upon software
that is a descendant of the Smartmatic Electoral Management System."
"In short, the Smartmatic software is in the DNA of every vote tabulating company's software
and system, "the whistleblower said.
The affidavit alleges that Dominion is one of three major companies that tabulates votes in
the United States. Powell said in
a Nov. 15 interview, "We're getting ready to overturn election results in multiple states." She
claimed that the U.S. election software switched "millions of votes" from Trump to Biden.
The whistleblower claims that Smartmatic created a system that anonymized the voters'
choices inside the machine and then spat out the desired outcome by the end of the election
day. No vote could be traced back to an individual voter.
In the April 2013 Venezuelan election, the affidavit states, the conspirators had to take
the internet down for two hours to reset the machines, as Nicolás Maduro was losing by
too many votes to Henrique Capriles Radonski.
The whistleblower alleged that Chavez eventually exported the software to Bolivia,
Nicaragua, Argentina, Ecuador, and Chile.
A Dominion Voting Systems
spokesperson said on Nov. 12 that the company "categorically denies any claims about any
vote switching or alleged software issues with our voting systems."
"Our systems continue to reliably and accurately count ballots, and state and local election
authorities have publicly confirmed the integrity of the process," the spokesperson said in a
statement to the Denver
Post .
This article and headline was revised at 10 p.m. on Nov. 16 to remove a section pending
further verification.
@themarketswork 3)
What the agency failed to disclose, however, is that Dominion Voting Systems, along with
Smartmatic, is a member of CISA's Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council - one
of the two entities that authored the statement put out by CISA.
8) On Nov. 13, Dominion sent us an email titled "SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT" which cited the
joint statement published by GCC and SCC. Dominion cited the CISA statement as exoneration
but failed to disclose that the statement was written by a Council of which it was part.
9) Additionally, while it remains unclear whether CISA and the GCC/SCC have evaluated
concerns raised in the Georgia lawsuit, their public statements categorically deny any
problems with the systems. 5 320 1K
10) On Oct 11, Judge Totenberg wrote that the case presented "serious system security
vulnerability and operational issues that may place Plaintiffs and other voters at risk of
deprivation of their fundamental right to cast an effective vote that is accurately counted."
11 493 1.3K
Pre-Election Concerns Over Dominion Voting Systems Highlighted in Georgia Lawsuit
Cyber security expert raised concerns over integrity of system, including external
vulnerabilities, in sworn statement BY JEFF CARLSON November 12, 2020 Updated:
November 12, 2020 Print
Software and equipment from Dominion Voting Systems, used in this month's presidential
election, has been the source of ongoing controversy, with one legal declaration made by a poll
observer of Georgia 's
statewide primary earlier this year highlighting multiple problems.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced the state's purchase of a
$106 million election system from Dominion Voting Systems in July 2019. In a lawsuit, which
originated in
2017, critics
contend that the new system was subject to many of the same security vulnerabilities as the
one it was replacing.
In an Oct. 11 order ,
just weeks prior to the presidential election, U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg agreed with
the concerns associated with the new Dominion voting system, writing that
the case presented "serious system security vulnerability and operational issues that may place
Plaintiffs and other voters at risk of deprivation of their fundamental right to cast an
effective vote that is accurately counted."
"The Court's Order has delved deep into the true risks posed by the new BMD voting system as
well as its manner of implementation. These risks are neither hypothetical nor remote under the
current circumstances," Judge Totenberg wrote in her order.
Despite the court's misgivings, Totenberg ruled against replacing the Dominion system right
before the presidential election, noting that
"Implementation of such a sudden systemic change under these circumstances cannot but cause
voter confusion and some real measure of electoral disruption."
Concerns Over Election
In an Aug. 24 declaration
from Harri Hursti, an acknowledged expert on electronic voting
security , provided a first-hand description of problems he observed during the June 9
statewide primary election in Georgia and the runoff elections on Aug. 11.
Hursti had been "authorized as an expert inspecting and observing under the Coalition for
Good Governance's Rule 34 Inspection request in certain polling places and the Fulton County
Election Preparation Center."
Hursti summarized his findings as follows:
"The scanner and tabulation software settings being employed to determine which votes to
count on hand marked paper ballots are likely causing clearly intentioned votes not to be
"The voting system is being operated in Fulton County in a manner that escalates the
security risk to an extreme level."
"Voters are not reviewing their BMD [Ballot Marking Devices] printed ballots, which
causes BMD generated results to be un-auditable due to the untrustworthy audit trail."
During observation at Peachtree Christian Church in Atlanta, Georgia, Hursti noted that the
"scanner would vary in the amount of time that it took to accept or reject a ballot."
Hursti stated that a dedicated system should not experience variable delays and noted that
"we are always suspicious about any unexpected variable delays, as those are common telltale
signs of many issues, including a possibility of unauthorized code being executed."
Hursti observed varying processing times at different locations, further raising concerns as
identical physical devices "should not behave differently while performing the identical task
of scanning a ballot."
Hursti stated in his sworn statement that his presence was requested by two poll watchers at
the Fanplex polling location who were observing certain unexplained anomalies. Upon arriving,
Hursti observed that for "reasons unknown, on multiple machines, while voters were attempting
to vote, the ballot marking devices sometimes printed 'test' ballots."
As Hursti noted, "during the election day, the ballot marking device should not be
processing or printing any ballot other than the one the voter is voting." Hursti stated that
this was indicative of a "wrong configuration" given to the Ballot Marking Device.
The issue also raised other questions in his mind:
"Why didn't the device print only test ballots?"
"How can the device change its behavior in the middle of the election day?"
"Is the incorrect configuration originating from the Electronic Pollbook System?"
"What are the implications for the reliability of the printed ballot and the QR code
being counted?"
Wholesale Outsourcing of Operation
During the runoff elections, on the night of Aug. 11, 2020, Hursti was present at the Fulton
County Election Preparation Center to observe the "upload of the memory devices coming in from
the precincts to the Dominion Election Management System [EMS] server." During this
observation, Hursti noted that "system problems were recurring and the Dominion technicians
operating the system were struggling with the upload process."
Hursti also noted that it appeared that Dominion personnel were the only ones with knowledge
of, and access to, the Dominion server. As Hursti stated in his declaration, "In my
conversations with Derrick Gilstrap and other Fulton County Elections Department EPC personnel,
they professed to have limited knowledge of or control over the EMS server and its
Hursti noted that this wholesale outsourcing of the operation of voting equipment to the
vendor's personnel was "highly unusual in my experience and of grave concern from a security
and conflict of interest perspective." Hursti referred to Dominion's onsite operation and
access as "an elevated risk factor."
Hursti also noted that the Dell computers running the Dominion server appeared not to have
been "hardened" -- the process of "securing a system by reducing its surface of vulnerability."
Hursti said that he found it "unacceptable for an EMS server not to have been hardened prior to
A 'Major Deficiency'
In addition to the hardening problems, Hursti observed that computers used in Georgia's
system for vote processing appeared to have "home/small business companion software packages"
on them. This raised areas of significant concern for Hursti as he noted:
"[O]ne of the first procedures of hardening is removal of all unwanted software, and removal
of those game icons and the associated games and installers alongside with all other software
which is not absolutely needed in the computer for election processing purposes would be one of
the first and most basic steps in the hardening process. In my professional opinion,
independent inquiry should be promptly made of all 159 counties to determine if the Dominion
systems statewide share this major deficiency."
In addition to the software packages noted above, Hursti discovered that one of the
computers had an icon for a 2017 computer game called "Homescapes" which Hursti noted called
into question whether "all Georgia Dominion system computers have the same operating system
version, or how the game has come to be having a presence in Fulton's Dominion voting
Hursti also found a troubling blend of old and new equipment which carried additional
security risks due to a lack of patch updates:
"Although this Dominion voting system is new to Georgia, the Windows 10 operating system of
at least the 'main' computer in the rack has not been updated for 4 years and carries a wide
range of well-known and publicly disclosed vulnerabilities."
Hursti noted that the lack of "hardening" created security risks even for computers that
were not connected to the internet. He observed that when flash drives were connected to the
server, the "media was automounted by the operating system. When the operating system is
automounting a storage media, the operating system starts automatically to interact with the
Hursti noted that the management of Fulton County's EMS server appeared to be an "ad hoc
operation with no formalized process." This seemed particularly apparent in relation to the
process of storage media coming in from various precincts throughout the night:
"This kind of operation i[s] naturally prone to human errors. I observed personnel calling
on the floor asking if all vote carrying compact flash cards had been delivered from the early
voting machines for processing, followed by later finding additional cards which had been
overlooked in apparent human error. Later, I heard again one technician calling on the floor
asking if all vote carrying compact flashes had been delivered. This clearly demonstrates lack
of inventory management which should be in place to ensure, among other things, that no rogue
storage devices would be inserted into the computer. In response, 3 more compact flash cards
were hand-delivered. Less than 5 minutes later, I heard one of the county workers say that
additional card was found and was delivered for processing. All these devices were trusted by
printed label only and no comparison to an inventory list of any kind was performed."
Hursti also observed that "operations were repeatedly performed directly on the operating
system." The election software has no visibility into the operations of the operating system,
which creates additional auditing problems, and as Hursti noted, "Unless the system is
configured properly to collect file system auditing data is not complete. As the system appears
not to be hardened, it is unlikely that the operating system has been configured to collect
auditing data."
Raising even greater concerns was the apparent "complete access" that Dominion personnel
appeared to have into the computer system. Hursti observed Dominion technicians troubleshooting
error messages with a "trial-and-error" approach which included access into the "Computer
Management" application, indicating complete access in Hursti's opinion.
As he stated in his declaration, "This means there are no meaningful access separation and
privileges and roles controls protecting the county's primary election servers. This also
greatly amplifies the risk of catastrophic human error and malicious program execution."
During these attempts to resolve the various issues that were occurring in real-time, Hursti
noted that it appeared as though Dominion staff shifted from on-site attempts at remediation to
off-site troubleshooting:
"The Dominion staff member walked behind the server rack and made manual manipulations which
could not be observed from my vantage point. After that they moved with their personal laptops
to a table physically farther away from the election system and stopped trying different ways
to work around the issue in front of the server, and no longer talked continuously with their
remote help over phone.
In the follow-up-calls I overheard them ask people on the other end of the call to check
different things, and they only went to a computer and appeared to test something and
subsequently take a picture of the computer screen with a mobile phone and apparently send it
to a remote location."
Hursti stated that this "created a strong mental impression that the troubleshooting effort
was being done remotely over remote access to key parts of the system."
Hursti also noted that a "new wireless access point with a hidden SSID access point name
appeared in the active Wi-Fi stations list" that he was monitoring.
All of this raised material alarms for Hursti, who noted that "If in fact remote access was
arranged and granted to the server, this has gravely serious implications for the security of
the new Dominion system. Remote access, regardless how it is protected and organized is always
a security risk, but furthermore it is transfer of control out of the physical perimeters and
deny any ability to observe the activities."
On Nov. 11, 2020, Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger
announced that there will be a full recount and audit of all ballots cast in the
presidential election.
"With the margin being so close, it will require a full, by-hand recount in each county.
This will help build confidence. It will be an audit, a recount and a recanvass all at once,"
Raffensperger said.
Dominion Voting Systems did not respond to a request for comment.
The Democrats are either cheating or powers above them are cheating on their behalf.
Either way, the election is in the process of being stolen if we're to believe Lt. Gen.
Thomas McInerney during his most recent interview with Two Mikes.
The General described "Hammer" and "Scorecard," a pair of programs initially designed for
the CIA before being privatized by Deep State players from the Obama administration. We
explained how they work in an article last week, but the gist is this:
" Hammer " or "THE HAMMER" is a counter-intelligence surveillance program used to spy on
activities on protected networks (like voting machines) without detection
" Scorecard " is a vote-manipulation application that changes votes during transfer. It's
the least detectable form of election manipulation because it works during data transfer
between voting stations and data storage hubs. Unless both sides are looking for
irregularities, it's impossible to catch. If nefarious forces had people on one side or the
other (or both) during data transfer, it cannot be exposed.
What we're seeing happening in Michigan and Wisconsin have all of the trademarks of a
"Hammer" and "Scorecard" operation.
Voter fraud is happening right now. We all know it; one would be hard pressed to find a
single American on either side of the aisle who would not acknowledge that it's taking place.
Around half the country realizes (or is willing to admit) it's happening in favor of
Democrats, but very few realize just how deep this particular rabbit hole goes.
A CIA program known as "Scorecard" allows its users to change voting outcomes by hacking
into the transfer between local reporting stations and state or national data centers.
According to McInerney, it's a small amount, under 3%, to keep it from triggering any
alarms. He would know. He served in top military positions under the Secretary of Defense and
the Vice President of the United States.
Using software for elections is a grave error, if you want a honest and reliable count.
Paper ballots filled in under supervision at a polling place after an ID check are relatively
secure and can be recounted.
UPDATE: Sidney Powell discusses Hammer and Scorecard with Lou Dobbs
here . Explosive.
What Dan Greenberg forgets is that the existence of Hammer was established by WikiLeaks, and
can't be classified as a rumor.
I especially like "appeal to authority" argument: " The head of the government agency created
by Trump to protect against cyber attacks called the Hammer and Scorecard theory,
The government's head of cyber security declared the Hammer and Scorecard theory to be
As evidence of 2020 meddling, the theory cites CNN election night coverage of the 2019
Kentucky governor's race that briefly shows inconsistent results in favor of the Democrat,
who ultimately won by more than 5,000 votes.
There is no indication of voter fraud in the 2019 Kentucky governor's race.
Some fans of President Donald Trump are sharing the theory that a package of CIA computer
programs have hacked the 2020 election. One program, called Hammer, cracks into protected
networks, while another, called Scorecard, changes vote totals.
Pamela Geller, a right-wing activist and Trump supporter, has posted more than one piece
about Hammer and Scorecard. On Nov. 9, her website Geller Report offered an item headlined, "
HAMMER / Scorecard Voter Software Fraud in Real Time ."
Geller offered a video clip taken from
CNN's 2019 election coverage of the Kentucky governor's race that she called, "Vote switching
right in front of your eyes."
Geller's post was flagged as part of Facebook's efforts to combat false news and
misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook
Before we dive in, let's be clear that independent election security researchers see no
evidence that Hammer and Scorecard exist, and the head of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency , a government
body created by President Donald Trump in 2018, has said this theory of election interference
is " nonsense ."
With that, let's look at the CNN evidence that Geller takes to be telling.
Dissecting CNN
Kentucky election coverage
The video consists of a
man giving a running commentary on shifting result totals in the 2019 Kentucky governor's race
in which Democrat Andy Beshear defeated incumbent Republican Matt Bevin. At one key moment in
CNN's live broadcast, the vote totals change inconsistently.
A large graphic shows Beshear with a total of 674,508, while a smaller running total at the
bottom of the screen gives him 673,948. According to the man giving the commentary, the total
at the bottom of the screen runs behind the more current one on the larger graphic. In that
light, a difference of 560 votes makes sense. The one on the bottom has yet to catch up.
But at the same moment, Bevin's totals show 661,675 on the large graphic, while the one at
the bottom shows 662,235. That's 560 votes less than the most up-to-date one on the big
graphic. In the view of Geller and the man speaking on the video, the fraud is obvious.
"You have just seen 25% of the loss amount of this race happen in front of your very eyes,"
the man giving the commentary said.
Two election security experts we reached were unimpressed.
No sign of Hammer and
"The broader issue here is that the election night results are not official," said
Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Charles Stewart III. "There's a post-election
canvas period when results are checked and mistakes spotted and corrected."
Stewart said there's a key flaw in the theory that the purported software package of Hammer
and Scorecard could intercept the digital transmission of vote results and change them. He said
the states that do send data that way also keep the data tapes of votes from the original
"The results only become official after the election department has compared the paper tapes
-- which are immune to supposed hack -- to the initially transferred results," Stewart
The CNN election night results are "the sports aspect of elections, not the binding
results," said statistics professor at the University of California-Berkeley Philip Stark.
Stark cautioned that no election system comes with 100% ironclad protection against
"Nothing is perfect, and they are all vulnerable," Stark said. He advocates for greater use
of paper ballots and careful post-election audits.
But that said, Stark sees no evidence that any results have been altered in this election or
past ones. Regarding the CNN inconsistencies, he noted that CNN contracted for the data feed
from a third party vendor. That puts CNN's number even further removed from the official
Stark said nothing in the CNN example holds up.
"That's not how anyone would hack an election," Stark said. "If you really wanted to change
the total, you would not change it on election night, where everyone could see it. You would
change it in the voting tabulation system."
And for those who think Hammer and Scorecard were deployed in the 2020 election, Stark said
that raises the question of why skeptics look only at the presidential race.
"If the motivation was to put the Democrats in power, why didn't they flip the Senate?"
Stark posed. "Biden will have a hard time without the Senate. Why would you leave the job half
One of the main promoters of the Hammer and Scorecard theory is a
discredited military contractor who claims to have created them.
We asked Geller to respond to the issues raised above. She didn't address the specific
matters but said that she sees ample evidence of fraud, including "eyewitness accounts of tens
of thousands of ballots coming in the back door (that) should give even you pause, despite your
baked-in far-left bias."
Geller said that a 2019 CNN video clip shows the work of purported CIA-built hacking
software Hammer and Scorecard in action. The clip shows a momentary glitch in election night
The head of the government agency created by Trump to protect against cyber attacks called
the Hammer and Scorecard theory, "nonsense."
Election security experts said election night totals are distinct from official results, and
post-Election Day vetting by state officials catches discrepancies between local results and
totals calculated at the central office. They also noted that if someone truly wanted to steal
an election, the example Geller cited makes no practical sense.
We rate this claim Pants on Fire.
CORRECTION: This report has been changed to correct the description of the narrator's
discussion of the winning margin in the Beshear-Bevin race.
This fact check is available at IFCN's 2020 US Elections FactChat #Chatbot on WhatsApp.
Click here , for
Interview, Philip B. Stark, professor of statistics and associate dean of Mathematical and
Physical Sciences, University of California-Berkeley, Nov. 10, 2020
Email exchange, Charles Stewart III, professor of political science, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, Nov. 10. 2020
OR as Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney said live it were Hammer and Scorecard
that flipped the vote tallies. These NSA/CIA toys were made to modify foreign elections, only
now Brennan, Clapper and Mueller had turned them 180 degrees onto the US. Clever, modifying
local vote tally files send upstream over Internet on the fly. A few percent from A to B
usually does it as it doubles up.
That same trio was quite busy collecting leverage / compromat on the domestic
who-is-who, including bankers, anchors etc. https://www.blxware.org/
What's happening with the election? As one might normally say, "it's anyone's guess."
Except, it isn't. We have a very good idea of exactly what's happening. The Democrats are
either cheating or powers above them are cheating on their behalf. Either way, the election is
in the process of being stolen if we're to believe Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney during his most
recent interview with
Two Mikes .
The General described "Hammer" and "Scorecard," a pair of programs initially designed for
the CIA before being privatized by Deep State players from the Obama administration. We
explained how they work in an article last week, but the gist is this: "Hammer" or "THE HAMMER"
is a counter-intelligence surveillance program used to spy on activities on protected networks
(like voting machines) without detection while "Scorecard" is a vote-manipulation application
that changes votes during transfer. It's the least detectable form of election manipulation
because it works during data transfer between voting stations and data storage hubs. Unless
both sides are looking for irregularities, it's impossible to catch. If nefarious forces had
people on one side or the other (or both) during data transfer, it cannot be
What we're seeing happening in Michigan and Wisconsin have all of the trademarks of a
"Hammer" and "Scorecard" operation. As I noted earlier, the fix is in . The
General talked today with Two Mikes once again to give an update and to call on the White House
to act immediately before the election is fully stolen.
This is the type of blockbuster information the left and even many on the right refuse to
report. We see with our own eyes how "Hammer" and "Scorecard" are being used in Wisconsin and
Michigan. Will the President let it fly?
The day before the election, General McInerney spoke to Two Mikes about the details
surrounding "Scorecard" and called on the White House and the Trump campaign to take action
before voting started.
The category of US elections dirty tricks may be expanding.
One can debate about sabotaging vaccine announcements or the recovery plans. The second
much more dirty because it's more than propaganda war, it really hurts a lot of people.
But maybe because he's Trump and not a good looser. Maybe because his plan was for post
elections' mess all along. Maybe because he believes it's fair revenge.
Trump seems to be ready to deliver the likely Biden administration a welcoming gift in the
form of a defining mess it will never get rid of. And that may just be one piece of it...
Signal Detection of Election Fraud in Voting Systems Michigan 2020 Trump-Biden Analysis An
Engineering Systems Approach Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD November 16, 2020 w:
[email protected] e: Vashiva.com m: 617-631-6874
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer calls for for an
Engineering Systems Approach to Signal Detection of Election Fraud after recognizing the
significant gap in understanding of current data scientists and "mathematicians."
He discusses and educates you on the field of engineering systems and pattern recognition as
the foundation for building a framework for signal detection of election fraud.
Signals of election fraud clearly exist in Michigan First video shared the
"signal" of fraud to raise alarm Need for election data systems engineers "Mathematicians" need
some serious training This is not JUST math Need for domain expertise "Weighted race features"
EXISTS Can we detect when the feature is enabled? Can we detect election fraud?
When the number of participating voters exceed the number of registed voters
Algorithm - a Weighted Race allocation method Transfer % of votes
from one candidate to another The % is a "Weighted" decimal value Weighted Race is a documented
feature in election systems as early as 2001 All Major Vendors are believed to have this
feature Diebold had the original feature
Can we deterct that Weighted Race was enabled
Research Aim: Pattern Analysis of Election Fraud
Specific Aim 1 - Signal Detection:
Feature extraction - discover relevant features Specific Aim 2 - Signal Detection: Clustering
- determine normal and abnormal states Specific Aim 3 - Modeling: Learning - build a
repository of signals & developcausal models e.g. modeling
Path forward for Election Integrity • The Inputs and the Outputs to our voting
systems ARE unverifiable • Need for: - Verifiable Inputs: e.g. Permanent Voter
Registration Card - Open source software - Handmarked Paper ballots - Save ballot images
pursuant to Federal Law - Publish ballot images publicly (allows for public recount) -
Automatic audits - audit every election - Publish precinct level data ("poll tapes") on
election night
A GOP recount observer in Georgia claims that several ballots recorded as Biden were
actually votes for Trump , and workers conducting the recount became angry when he reported
what was happening to elections officials.
The insider told Project Veritas , "The second person was supposed to be checking it
right, three times in three minutes she called out Biden," adding "The second auditor caught it
and she said, " No, this is Trump .""
"Now, that's just while I'm standing there. So, does the second checker catch it every
time? But this lady in three times in three minutes from 2:09 to 2:12 she got three wrong."" he
continued, adding "They were calling their bosses. They were pointing at me..."
Earlier in the day, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger hit back against claims
that he facilitated an unfair, illegal ballot count . He's also been accused of trying to skip
the manual recount altogether, and initially "wanted to just rescan the bar codes & be done
with it."
, 3 hours ago
Welcome To America
Welcome To The Most Corrupt Nation On The Planet......Fact
Welcome To The Most Dumbest Naive Brainwashed Nation On The Planet....Fact
smellmyfingers , 3 hours ago
This is click bait for people who want Trump and and an honest election.
The evidence is overwhelming. They will do Nothing.
You reap what you sow, America better get ready for a totally lawless society because it's
The First Rule , 1 hour ago
Fulton and Dekalb Counties are cesspools of Democrat Cheating (as is apparently areas of
Brad Raffensperger knows this. He just doesn't care to make sure the votes are counted
accurately there.
If he did, Trump would win GA. And Perdue would NOT be in a Run-Off.
But Brad's boss, George Soros, would frown upon that.
Normalcy Bias , 3 hours ago
This is exactly why they've made Republican Poll Watchers stand back 50'-100.'
Having spent over half of my life in or in a county next to Fulton, I'd wager that half of
the Fulton County poll workers aren't even literate.
106 play_arrow 1
Didymus , 3 hours ago
and gop allows it. they never fight, they always give in.
LetThemEatRand , 3 hours ago
Sven Novgorod , 2 hours ago
The Uniparty = Deepstate.
It's been like this for a long time and when you look back in time with that point of view
most of the unusual laws and decisions made by lawmakers over the years start to make sense,
at least from the point of view of the Uniparty and it's associates.
Gerrilea , 2 hours ago
Psychotic question, seriously. Blame the victim.
The American public has been trained & conditioned like Pavlov's dogs to believe our
government has our best interests at heart. Hell, I believed it for a very long time. Slowly
I woke up to the Uniparty after the 2004 election.
We can't have endless wars & war profiteering by multi-national conglomerates like
Halliburton without cannon fodder AND Pelosi giving her "men" in the White House, all the
money and resources the American people can offer for the next 10 generations.
We've been continually sold a bill of goods that most did not realize was a poison pill.
"The Crime Bill", "took a bite out of crime". When in reality it created the Prison
Industrial Complex that initiated the New American Plantation and how we got a CANDIDATE for
the VP position whom actually argued in court NOT to allow criminals out whom had done their
time BECAUSE it would hurt the business model of the prison.
I could go on and on AND all we are left with is armed restoration of Constitutional Law
and bringing the traitors before a military tribunal for execution.
Kan , 2 hours ago
98% of the counties are NOT corrupt, so you'd not see much just the software slowly
without your knowledge moving the numbers over to the BLUE candidates and RHINO's.
That is why most of the map of counties is RED and not BLUE. You only need some of the
most populous locations in the past because the news was setup to keep us around 50/50 all
the time... But in this case its 30% more trump votes they have to overcome with cheating in
the democrap cities.
slightlyskeptical , 32 minutes ago
The recount will give the answer on the machines. Thus far they haven't found any machine
tabulating errors in the recounts.
DebbieDowner , 2 hours ago
Spent my time trying NOT to get into politics, because it's a waste of my talents and
What a sham... there was never any way to WIN. The only option was/is all out war.
Peace_and_Love , 3 hours ago
So, they need to stop the whole effing process and start over, and have every damned vote
verified by both parties, with video recording the damned process.
LetThemEatRand , 3 hours ago
The interesting question is whether Trump (a highly flawed candidate who brought us a
bigger banker bailout than Bush/Obama by far) is going to finally wake up middle America to
the fact that elections don't matter. If he accomplishes that, he won. Bigly.
If this does go to the Supreme Court, I don't think fraudulent ballots should have to be
demonstrated, and here's why. What the Supreme Court should require is sufficient evidence that
election laws were violated in a way that makes it impossible to assure voters in their state
that the election was fair. If that's the case, the Court should seek a remedy.
To the extent that potentially fraudulent ballots are already mixed in with legally-cast
ballots, the only remedies are a re-vote in the affected precincts, or a ruling that the result
can't stand and let the state(s) involved work within the confines of the Constitution to
select its representatives to go to the Electoral College.
It will also be interesting to see how the liberal justices react to evidence of obvious
violations of election laws.
The key point here is that it is those violations that need to be proven. Fraudulent ballots
have been mixed in with the legal ones. They can't be sorted out for the most part, which is
why you'll be hearing a constant cry from Dems and the media to show them the fraudulent
ballots, even while they ignore every bit of the growing pile of evidence that laws were
Right now, we need to focus our efforts on making sure every legal ballot is counted, and
the phony ones are tossed out with Fox News. We also need to focus our time and money on
Georgia's runoff Senate elections in January because you know that Dems will flood that state
with dark money and more shenanigans.
The fake news polls were supposed to have the intended effect of hindering fundraising for
Trump and down-ballot GOP candidates. Who wants to donate to a campaign when the polls show a
win is impossible? That's the whole point of these suppression polls: They discourage
fundraising and discourage voting ('why bother, our candidate is going to lose!'). And Fox News
had the worst polls now that we know how things turned out.
allan Kaplan 13 November, 2020 13 Nov, 2020 12:40 PM
On planet earth's history of the United States governments that came and gone none stood
the unending battles of all kinds, all colors, all sizes with all conceivable deception
that has been unleashed on America's single most embattled President than the President
Donald Trump. History would testify how his national security apparatuses joined in a Game
of Thrones between the armies of the evil NWO and their diehard soldiers of ultimate
control of the masses of the United States. Donald Trump's legacy would write the history
of America's total destruction of freedom of speech, freedom of choice, freedom of
expression, and most of all, freedom of honest and impartial elections. And the worse of
them all of the culprits would be the army of "checks and balances" that was the designated
as "Free Press" that has incontestably and with total devotion to the destruction of its
moral and ethical duties and responsibilities, joined the forces of the evil NWO!
New Chapters of the history of Post Donald Trump America would be written with the
thicker ink of blood of the Americans that shall live forever in infamy for the rest of the
nations of the world to read with disgust and dismay that the world has ever witnessed to
have lived in a country once was known as the United States of America!
Election 2020 results key swing state Pennsylvania Trump won in 2016 were "fraudulent
because they are nearly statistically impossible," adding:
On election night after polls closed, Trump led Biden/Harris "by nearly 700,000 votes," a
virtually "insurmountable lead."
The next day, DJT lead by a 56% – 43% margin.
"According to Pennsylvania's election returns website, on election day Trump won nearly two
thirds of all votes cast in the state" -- a landslide margin.
Yet Biden/Harris did the near-impossible. State election authorities claimed they won after
an unreported number of mail-in ballots were counted.
For three days post-election, ballots arriving late were included in the count.
What happened defied "Pennsylvania's constitution which states that the voting process is to
be determined by the legislature."
State law prohibits the procedure followed. Rules were changed for Election 2020.
Despite an election-day landslide for Trump, state authorities claimed he only won about 20%
of mail-in votes.
It gets worse.
Gateway Pundit: Trump "won two thirds of the Election Day vote."
Except for "Philadelphia, (he) won around 80% of the (in-person) vote in each county in the
"In almost every county throughout the state, (he) was awarded a percent of votes 40% less
than the percent (he) won on election day."
The pattern was almost the same in "every county (except) Philadelphia" where he only got
"30%" of the election day total.
Consistent results in the state's 67 counties -- except for Philadelphia -- were "almost"
statistically impossible.
It never happened before in the state, maybe never again. The pattern was unlike results in
previous US presidential elections.
"It is clear that corrupt (Dems) in Pennsylvania did all they could to steal the 2020
presidential election for Joe Biden," said Gateway Pundit.
"There was no excitement for the Biden campaign and there still isn't."
He and Harris didn't win Pennsylvania. State election authorities stole it from Trump.
Note: Judicial Watch head Tom Fitton reported that "(i)n PA there are more people voting
than are registered to vote," adding:
An "electoral coup" occurred on November 3.
According to Judicial Watch data, "many states report(ed) voter registration rates above
100%" of registered voter totals.
"(A)cross America voter (rolls) are filthy in terms of having more people on the(m) than are
eligible to vote."
As of September 2020, "335 US counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible
voting-age citizens."
For Election 2020, "vote totals are changing because of unprecedented, extraordinary,
illicitly secretive, and inherently suspect counting AFTER" polls closed.
In a follow-up report, Gateway Pundit said "WE CAUGHT THEM" in Michigan.
Dems "stole the battleground states," including Michigan. Fraud occurred there similar to
what happened in Pennsylvania.
In "three major (Michigan) counties, Trump's margin was reduced by a minimum of 138,000
"The transfer was done by a computer algorithm that linearly transferred the votes from
Trump to Biden."
The "vote transfer was greater in Republican precincts than" Dem ones.
"Tens of thousands of votes were transferred" this way -- from Trump to Biden/Harris.
Similar evidence is likely to surface in other swing states if independent analysis is
According to an AmericanThinker.com report, Georgia's recount is "being conducted with as
little respect for transparency as the original vote count."
In Georgia and other states, millions of ballots were mailed "to anyone on the voter
registers" -- including former state residents and deceased ones, maybe non-registered voters
as well.
In Dem-run states, "voting became as easy and as vulnerable to fraud as going to a shopping
mall, filling out names on slips of paper" for almost anything, including for someone else.
The Georgia recount is doing "nothing" to correct this fraud.
Most likely, the same is true in unknown numbers of other states.
The bottom line is that US elections lack legitimacy.
Ballots can be counted, discarded, or shifted to someone else -- including by electronic
ease for in-person voting.
Swing states for Biden that Trump won in 2016 likely turned out this way.
When election procedures are suspect, legitimacy of results is absent.
In election 2020, Trump got more votes than any other GOP presidential candidate in US
history, more than his own 2016 total -- including in unlikely places like New York city.
He drew huge crowds for campaign rallies compared to sparse ones for Biden.
Despite evidence of significant election fraud in key swing states as discussed above and in
previous articles, establishment media across the board and DHS pretended that none
Do your own fact-checking. Judge for yourself.
Independent historians one day will likely explain that Biden/Harris were declared winners
of Election 2020 they lost to Trump.
As things now stand, that's likely how the race for the White House will turn out.
Popular sentiment in most states, including key swing ones, and Trump both lost.
So did the notion of a free, fair, and open process.
Note to readers: please click the share buttons below. Forward this article to your email
lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc.
Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected] . He is a Research
Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)
His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for
Hegemony Risks WW III."
I have 20 years plus in telecom and IT, project management. I can tell you that 80%+ of
these people have a leftist-bent and a very snide attitude towards Conservatives and
Libertarians. There is no way I would want these people to be in charge of anything related
to voting at all!
On these grounds alone, I say that elections should be paper, pencil and cardboard boxes
Woodley , 1 hour ago
With redundant counting, to be compared at the completion.
DieSocialJusticeWankers , 1 hour ago
Remember what the Dems have been doing to Trump for almost 5 years! Why wouldn't they
commit fraud???
Seems like a 100% expectation that the Dems would do this. I would be confused if they
didn't commit fraud.
They've been lying and scamming about Trump for 5 years! This is normal Dem behavior!
Earlier on Monday, President Donald Trump claimed he had "won the 2020 election", also
publishing a series of tweets, in which he lambasted "radical left-owned Dominion voting
systems". Although the official tally from the election is yet to be announced, Joe Biden has
declared himself US president-elect.
The US president's attorney, Sidney Powell, has called for CIA Director Gina Haspel to be
fired for disregarding warnings about voting software that Powell claimed was "designed to rig"
the 3 November election.
"Why Gina Haspel is still there in the CIA is beyond my comprehension. She should be fired
immediately", Powell told Fox News on Sunday, pointing to alleged problems with Dominion
Voting Systems' software used in several of the key battleground states during Election Day.
She referred to an array of "whistleblowers" who she said may confirm that the Dominion
software was ostensibly used to scrap "millions" of votes cast in favour of Trump.
When asked about evidence, Powell claimed that she had "lots of ways to prove it", but that
she was "not gonna tell on national TV what all we have".
Her remarks echoed those made by
President Donald Trump in his latest series of tweets, in which he specifically
criticised what he described as "radical left-owned Dominion Voting Systems", also insisting
that the US "cannot allow the fake results of the 2020 mail-in election to stand".
This followed the president tweeting that Joe Biden won "because the election was rigged",
adding in a follow-up post that he "concedes nothing", as the Democratic contender only won "in
the eyes of [the] fake news media".
Dominion, in turn, claimed in a statement published on its website that it "categorically
denies false assertions about vote switching issues with our voting system".
The Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency seemed
to strike the same tone, insisting "there is no evidence that any voting system deleted or
lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised".
The statement came after
Trump campaign attorney Jay Sekulow demanded recounts in every state using the Dominion
software that he claimed wrongly gave 6,000 votes to Democrats in one Michigan county during
the election.
"If 30 states have used the software that there's already proved to be a glitch of 6,000
votes in one balloting area [...] lawyers should be... demanding a manual recount.
Post-election litigation is important to protect the integrity of the election process, as the
president said, and to protect the constitution frankly", Sekulow asserted.
POTUS also suggested that the "glitches" in voting machines reported at some polling
stations on Election Day was evidence of the Democrats trying to "steal" votes from him during
vote counting in key states.
The worst think about Dominion software is that the fraud might be bipartisan and
preapproved. Implemented along with the introduction of voting machine for specific purpose of
controlling the results of the elections.
Otherwise it is "highly unlikely" that this Window based machines would be allowed by
intelligence agencies to tally votes in national elections. S voting machines are about the
control of population, not about counting votes.
Former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell , a Trump campaign lawyer, suggested
in a Sunday interview that there is still more evidence coming out in President Donald Trump's
claims of voter fraud and irregularities.
"We're getting ready to overturn election results in multiple states," Powell said, saying
that she has enough evidence of election fraud to launch a widespread criminal
"I don't make comments without having the evidence to back it up," she added, saying that
elections software switched "millions of votes" from Trump to Democratic nominee Joe
Powell notably provided legal counsel to Gen. Michael Flynn in 2019. She was named to
Trump's legal team in the past several days.
Powell said a whistleblower came forward and said the elections software was designed to
"rig elections," saying that "he saw it happen in other countries," referring to voting systems
Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic, or perhaps other software and machines.
"We have so much evidence, I feel like it's coming in through a fire hose," Powell said,
while noting that she won't reveal the evidence that she has.
"They can stick a thumb drive in the [voting] machine, they can upload software to it even
from the Internet from Germany or Venezuela even," she said, adding that operations "can
watch votes in real-time" and "can shift votes in real-time," or alleged bad actors can
"remote access anything."
"We've identified mathematically the exact algorithm they've used -- and planned to use
from the beginning" that allegedly switched votes to Biden, Powell remarked.
Powell also made reference to a 2019 investigation from Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.),
Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), as well as other Democratic lawmakers into
Dominion Voting Systems, Election Systems & Software, and Hart InterCivic. The senators had
expressed concerns about the security of the voting systems.
"(W)e have concerns about the spread and effect of private equity investment in many
sectors of the economy, including the election technology industry -- an integral part of our
nation's democratic process,"
wrote the lawmakers in their letters to the firms about a year ago.
"These problems threaten the integrity of our elections and demonstrate the importance of
election systems that are strong, durable, and not vulnerable to attack."
Later in the Sunday morning interview, Powell said that her team has "detected voting
irregularities that are inexplicable" in states where officials believe they have valid
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, left, and President Donald Trump in file
photographs. (Getty Images; Reuters)
During the election, Republicans in the House were able to flip at least 11 seats while the
GOP is poised to maintain control of the Senate. Some conservatives have questioned how such a
voting pattern is possible for Biden to win the presidential election, let alone receive more
votes than any other presidential candidate in American history, including President Barack
Obama's victory in 2008.
Companies Respond
The Department of Homeland Security's cybersecurity agency issued a statement on Thursday
calling the 2020 general election the "most secure in American history," despite multiple legal
challenges alleging a variety of alleged voting irregularities across a number of battleground
"The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the
country, election officials are reviewing and double-checking the entire election process
prior to finalizing the result," read the statement released by the Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).
Smartmatic, in a statement on Saturday, said that it has no ties with Dominion Voting
Systems. Powell suggested that Smartmatic is operated by Dominion in the interview.
Dominion, over the past several weeks, has repeatedly denied its systems were compromised in
some way.
Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories.
"In the aftermath of the 2020 general election, there has been a great deal of
misinformation being circulated about Smartmatic and other companies that provide election
technology to voting jurisdictions in the US. We would like to dispel these incorrect
statements with facts," the firm wrote, adding that it "has never owned any shares or had any
financial stake in Dominion Voting Systems."
Dominion also refuted allegations that its machines changed votes from Trump to Biden on
Election Day and beyond.
"Dominion Voting Systems categorically denies any claims about any vote switching or alleged
software issues with our voting systems," a company spokesperson said in a statement
to The Denver Post. "Our systems continue to reliably and accurately count ballots, and state
and local election authorities have publicly confirmed the integrity of the process."
...as an aside, I'm willing to bet this will be memory holed very soon by
Gawgle...however, the presentation has been copied and preserved for posterity.
Any takers? ;-)
Colonel Lingus , 2 hours ago
Used to be Globalist BS with the Diebol equipment before Dominion (had a backdoor bigger
and nastier than a Kartrashian). Here's how you fix voting. Take it away from the States.
Capital punishment if one even thinks about having anything like the "hanging chad" nonsense
ever. Publicize the quick and brutal speedy trial, and burning at the stake for the
perps...(Lots of libturd Dem's wouldn't be home for Christmas too bad)
skizex , 23 minutes ago
at least 28-30 states use the software.
philipat , 2 hours ago
IF (and that's a big if) electronic systems are to be used for elections, the software
should be open-source and the systems should not be open to the internet. Given the
importance of elections to our "democracy", the Federal Government should be capable of
developing and publishing such software. If not, BUY a Company and do the same.Personally, I
still believe that paper ballots, which can be checked and recounted at will, remain the best
and least suspect method.
nmewn , 2 hours ago
"Personally, I still believe that paper ballots, which can be checked and recounted at
will, remain the best and least suspect method."
Correct and agreed.
Also, the great thing about paper ballots is we can "see" which ballots only have one mark
on them...that being...for President (which is another statistical anomaly).
I mean, what "real live legal voter" only votes for a Presidential candidate and nothing
else on the down ballot selections? Like, who do you prefer being your Senator, your
There is a historical representation from past elections to compare that to in this one
Ms. Erable , 1 hour ago
Dunno why fed.gov hasn't used The Big .Gov
Stick via the Federal Elections Commision to dictate the standards required of states to
paticipate in a federal election. Your state doesn't meet the standards? Your results for any
and all federal offices are null and void - possibly resulting in your state having zero
representation at the federal level.
teutonicate , 3 hours ago
Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell: "We're Getting Ready To Overturn Election Results In Multiple
Once it becomes apparent that this scandal is busting wide open, expect a lot more
"evidence" from rats jumping the corrupt ship - rather than being caught when the music
Powell already says that she has evidence coming at her "like a fire hose". I bet, there
has to be a lot of rats out their looking for an exit!
According to Gateway Pundit the head of security for Dominion posted a pro-antifa
MadameDeficit , 1 hour ago
Yup, Eric Coomer.
Oltman alleged that "Eric" was telling the Antifa members they needed to "keep up the
pressure." When Oltman asked, "Who's Eric?" someone answered, "Eric, he's the Dominion
guy." Oltman said that as the conversation continued, someone asked, "What are we gonna do
if F*cking Trump wins?" Oltman paraphrased how Eric (the Dominion guy) responded, "Don't
worry about the election, Trump's not gonna win. I made f*cking sure of that!"
As part of our attempts to investigate Antifa in Colorado, I have been logging onto
Antifa "conference calls" (for lack of a better word). A few weeks ago, I was on one of
those calls and heard a man named Eric Coomer, an executive at Dominion Voting Systems,
reassure other leftists on the call that Trump could not win because he 'made sure of it.'
As we investigated Coomer further, we found that he was rabidly anti-Trump and emphatically
pro-Antifa. Not only was he rooting for Trump to lose, but he also wanted it to be by a
huge margin so there would be "no recounts."
In the computer quality control business we used to have a term for the process (first
used on the Space Shuttle Transportation System Computers). It's called the "Forklift
Upgrade". When there is any doubt, replace and remove the whole damned machine. The military
and law enforcement use this technique on life critical systems. You got a glitch, you
replace the whole damn machine. That's why we have modularization.
No fixing, no sudden arrivals of repair people in the middle of the night. You only
replace with another sealed certified machine. After replacement, you have the poll managers
run THEIR audit and visible to all parties that want to see it, maybe even post the audit on
the wall so all voters can see it.
Poll managers make decision and they can actually do it themselves. No techies allowed on
site except to vote.
Those companies rely on lobbying and are in the pocket of politicians. They depend on contracts and they spent a lot of money on
lobbying. 2020 Election Security - C-SPAN.org
Whether or not the company's machines were misused, it poses structural risks, and suppressing criticism will make Trump supporters
even more dubious WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 09: (L-R) President and CEO of Election Systems & Software Tom Burt, President and CEO
of Dominion Voting Systems John Poulos, President and CEO of Hart InterCivic Julie Mathis testify during a hearing before
the House Administration Committee January
9, 2020 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
It is unlikely that many of the 73 million people who cast ballots for Donald Trump in 2020 will ever accept the legitimacy of
his loss. Who could convince them? If the media sources demanding Trump's concession held any sway with Trump's voters, they would
not have been his voters. They do not know for sure that the election was stolen, but they do know with apodictic certainty that
the media would lie to them if it was. So if Donald Trump says the election was stolen, that's good enough for the Deplorables.
Yet even the President's most faithful must have flinched at his recent tweet accusing a leading manufacturer of voting machines
of committing election fraud on a mass scale.
It is hard to overstate the irresponsibility of broadcasting such a serious accusation without proof. It shocked me, and my startle
response has become pretty desensitized over the last four years. Sure, it turned out Trump was right when he accused the Obama administration
of spying on his 2016 campaign, but this is different. Dominion Voting Systems is not staffed with Obama appointees, after all. I
decided to poke around a bit to see what, if anything, could possibly be behind Trump's wild accusation.
A Twitter user named Joe Oltmann had tweeted a few screenshots of a Facebook user posting Antifa manifestos and songs about killing
police. The Facebook account belonged to Eric Coomer, and Oltmann claimed it was the same Eric Coomer who is the Director of Product
Strategy and Security for Dominion Voting Systems. Within hours of Oltmann posting the information, however, the Facebook page of
Eric Coomer was taken down, so I was unable to verify that Antifa Coomer and Dominion Coomer were the same person. By the end of
the day, Joe Oltmann's Twitter account was suspended as well. I had followed his feed throughout the day. I can say with certainty
that he posted nothing remotely offensive or provocative. I have no doubt whatsoever that Twitter suspended him for posting the screenshots
of Coomer's Facebook page. Interesting.
Searching around some more, I found that Dominion Coomer is an avid climber who used to post frequently on climbing message boards
under his own name. He confirmed it himself in a post where he mentioned getting his nuclear physics Ph.D from Berkeley in 1997.
Dominion's Eric Coomer received his nuclear physics Ph.D from Berkeley in 1997. In another post on the same message board, Coomer
gave out his email address. It was his old campus address from the Berkeley nuclear physics department. I plugged that email address
into the Google machine, and things got weird.
I found Eric Coomer had a long history of posting on websites for skinheads. He was a heavy user of a Google Group for skinheads,
and seems to have possibly been a content moderator for papaskin.com. Only these aren't the neo-Nazis our mothers warned us about.
These skinheads call themselves SHARPs, or Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice. Think of them as a sort of punk rock Antifa. In 2012,
roughly 18 SHARPs attacked a smaller group of suspected racists in a Chicago restaurant with bats and batons. That same year, three
neo-Nazis were charged for the 1998 double murder of two SHARPs in Nevada.
Given that Dominion's Director of Security and Strategy, Eric Coomer, was an enthusiast of a street fighting anti-racist skinhead
culture going back at least into the 1990s, it seems very likely that Joe Oltmann was correct in identifying him as the Facebook
user recently endorsing Antifa and posting anti-police rhetoric. I shared this information on a few message boards to let other people
run with it. Within hours, Papa Skin, a skinhead website which had been up for over 20 years, was taken offline. (Whoever took it
down missed the FAQ page, you can find it here http://www.papaskin.com/faq/faqs.html
Of course none of this proves any fraud took place, but we deserve some answers. One need only imagine if it was Joe Biden contesting
the election results, and the Director for Strategy & Security at a major voting machine provider turned out to be a Proud Boy with
decades of involvement in extremist, even violent, right wing political groups. Democrats would rightly point out that this person
endorses engaging in illegal behavior to achieve political goals. They would ask how such a person ended up in such an important
position of public trust, and what it might say about the procedures in place to ensure Dominion's responsibilities are handled in
good faith.
Another reality of the Dominion fiasco, whether or not there was any fraud using its machines, is the structural risk created
by having the same company run machines in more than two dozen states. If there were glitchy machines causing a dispute in one state,
like Democrats' claims about Diebold machines in Ohio in 2004, and even if that dispute led to competing slates of electors, that
is something the American political system has seen and withstood before. Having potentially tens of millions of people doubting
results in a half-dozen different states thanks to the same company running machines in all of them is an unprecedentedly serious
problem, whether or not their doubts are well-founded.
Moreover, platforms like Twitter and WordPress would do well to consider that censorship of people discussing Dominion and its
employees is likely to have the opposite effect that they think it will: Twitter bans, site removals, and wiping of bios from websites
are only going to make Trump's hardcore supporters think Dominion has something to hide. You can't make disagreements go away by
banning one side and pretending there is unanimity.
Darryl Cooper is the host of the MartyrMade podcast.
Good summary of one of the pools, run by the Associated Press.
"How do news organizations count the vote returns on election night?
Votes are tabulated county by county by the Associated Press, a non-profit news agency which uses its national network of more
than 4,000 reporters on election night to record the vote tallies from county clerks and other local officials. The AP also gathers
information from state websites that post election returns. Reporters feed that information back to AP's vote counting operation,
where analysts make decisions about which races are ready to be called.
What do reporters do with the local tallies?
AP reporters across the country phone the results to data entry people in specially set up election centers where they are
entered into an electronic system. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the election centers are virtual in 2020. All vote counts
are subject to a series of checks and verifications, including computer programs that set off alerts if there are inconsistencies
with the vote count because of previous voting history or other data."
Link provided is much appreciated. Gathering data from state websites is what I expected. Such website scraping is probably
fully automated simply to be able to keep up. Keep in mind that State/county/precinct results in a truly enormous volumes of data.
Of course AP is advertising its effort, but having that amount of data transferred through a human chain would result in far too
many errors.
Nobody types data into JSON files. They are exported from databases.
If data was being corrupted by human error, the errors would be random and would benefit both sides.
Yeah, Muller didn't even know who GPS was during his presentation.and his two year waste of money and 400 page report was a
big dud. Didn't even interview Assange.
Recently the Director of National Intelligence revealed that mid 2016 Obama was briefed that Clinton instigated the Russiagate
hoax. Still Obama not even let that run but requested Comey during the meeting 5th January 2017 to put the "right people" on it.
Actually there is only Obamagate weaponizing of the intelligence services against the Trump campaign. Oh yeah do not overlook
the kickback scheme with Ukraine and China of Biden so there is a Bidengate too.
"It is hard to overstate the irresponsibility of broadcasting such a serious accusation without proof."
Actually this demonstrates the total lack intellectual curiosity and of really wanting to know what is going on.
You may note that the chairman of Smartmatic Peter Neffenger now has joined the Biden transition team. So he will be in charge
of covering up this election fraud mess?
yea, so it's not at all surprising that a high ranking military deep stater should be in a director's role at both warmonger
Biden's transition team & a widely used automated voting system. Smartmatic's software was found to be faulty in elections in
2010 & 2013 in the Philippines & has been rejected three different times by the state of Texas for security problems. Smartmatic
- which has had a working relationship with Dominion - also has been providing electoral services to Venezuela since 2004; & in
2017 was forced to admit that the results of the 2017 legislative election had been tampered with.Given that the Democratic(sic)
Party here also aims for a socialist govt., that somehow seems alarmingly appropriate.
As another European, I have no problem believing that Dominion Voting Systems is attempting to steal the election for Biden.
After all, DVS has acquired the voting machines division of Diebold, which we all know stole the 2000 and 2004 elections for W.
Bush. The whole current mess just proves that DVS has been thoroughly infected by the Diebold virus, and cannot help but to tamper
with election results. I believe that the software itself is designed to divine the political leanings of the company's executives,
and alter the voting results accordingly.
This also explains the weird House and Senate results, as no matter how leftist the DVS bosses are, they like their Trump tax
cuts too much to have them reversed by the unified legislative and executive branches the polls had predicted.
All this is so transparant even a bag of Deplorables can see it, and Trump, unlike those losers Gore and Kerry, is absolutely
right to go golfing every day fight this electoral travesty in the most Rudyly way possible.
Somewhat ironic indeed that the color revolution is now coming home to the US. However given the amount of chaos the US is
able to impose on the rest of the world I prefer Trump over a repeat of the Obama/Biden starting open and covert wars all over
the globe. At least Trump never started any wars but only got tricked by the Pentagon/State Department in wrongful and misplaced
"retaliations" which he then steadfastly refused to escalate into wars.
For those wondering what the actual source of this controversy is about--as opposed to the wild ad hominem tangent the
author went on--sharp-eyed viewers on Election Night noted that literally between one minute and the next (from 10:07 to 10:08
PM CST) Trump's displayed vote total in Pennsylvania went from 1,690,589 to 1,670,631, while Biden's went from 1,252,537 to 1,272,495--a
shift of exactly 19,958 votes in each direction.
From there, a blogger at Gateway Pundit (Yes. I said it. I'm also including the source they were using, so get over yourselves
and do your own legwork--don't be a news snob, like the current top-rated comment on this post) analyzed what s/he claims is
Dominion's Pennsylvania election data , from the New York Times (by way of Edison Research, which serves as a distributor
for Dominion's election data to various media outlets). I have included the link here, for anyone who is interested in looking
at the data for themselves.
S/he found the vote "switch" in question, and others besides--220,883 votes "switched" from Trump to Biden in Pennsylvania,
as well as 941,248 "lost" votes--places where the total number of votes decreased during the counting. Analysis of other states
using Dominion were claimed to have found similar results, though none so dramatic--the next-largest states with vote shifts were
New Jersey (with 80,242) and Florida (21,422) neither of which were in doubt. The largest "lost vote" totals after PA were in
Virginia (789,023) and Minnesota (195,650).
The total number of "lost votes" was roughly 2.7 million, which is where Trump gets his "deleted votes" claim from--the problem
being that he erroneously assumes all the lost votes were for him, which I do not believe is backed up by the data.
The major problem with the story, assuming you accept the source, is that there is no analysis of whether votes were also shifted
from Biden to Trump. It seems likely that there would be, which would make this merely an example of machine sloppiness rather
than malicious vote-rigging.
However, even if the vote shifting did go both ways, you still have Dominion, for unknown reasons, shifting clumps of votes
between the two candidates and deleting other clumps of votes altogether.
Even if there's a valid explanation for it--which there probably is--it's a very bad look. Dominion's people need to explain
what their systems were doing, and why, ASAP.
"Moreover, platforms like Twitter and WordPress would do well to consider that censorship of people discussing Dominion and
its employees is likely to have the opposite effect that they think it will: Twitter bans, site removals, and wiping of bios from
websites are only going to make Trump's hardcore supporters think Dominion has something to hide. You can't make disagreements
go away by banning one side and pretending there is unanimity."
This entire episode stinks to high heaven. In the early morning of November 4th Trump had a huge lead in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania.
Michigan and Georgia. Instead of continuing to count votes Milwaukee, Detroit, Philly an Atlanta for some strange reason stopped
counting. Atlanta told the media water pipe busted and flooded the counting area. Completely false. Republican poll watchers were
kicked out and magically hundreds of thousands of votes were discovered for Biden
Of particular interest to me was something that Baris spotted as he compared former Vice President Joe Biden's performance
with Hillary Clinton's in 2016. Baris noted that Clinton outperformed Biden in every U.S. city except for the following four:
Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.
Baris wrote, "Trump won the largest non-white vote share for a Republican presidential candidate in 60 years. Biden underperformed
Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia."
If you dig into the actual source material for the article you posted, what you find is a rather unremarkable statement by
Democratic senators that EVERY vendor of voting machines had potential risks that they should be aware of and guard against. The
dishonest Washington Examiner, however, pulled out only Dominion.
That's strange. In Michigan for example a very red county that Trump carried big in 2016 strangely went Biden in 2020. Republican
county officials investigated and found that over six thousand votes had been switched from Trump to Biden. They blamed it on
a glitch with the software.
The only kind of machines that should be allowed are the "stupid" ones that can't do anything except count results from paper
ballots. They're both cheaper and easier to audit.
It has to be almost 15 years now that computer security people have been crying for open-source software and hardware for electronic
voting, and have been criticizing closed, proprietary systems as the greatest threat to our democracy. And, here we are. None
of us can act surprised.
Preventing GOP observers which was done at the election count, and the recount, is alone enough, with a competent and fair
judge, to win the election for Trump. Add to that the mail in fraud, 10's of thousands of people on the voter lists who have been
verified as dead, off shore processing and data manipulation - its a shoe in. But lets not forget, even if all this fails, its
GOP legislators who choose the electors, so Trump's return is practically certain. But lets assume a miracle happens and none
of this take place, no results are returned, the EC is asked to vote, USC gives each state a vote, GOP controls most states -
Trump is still returned. Its really is over, bar the shouting. Trump is just taunting his haters now, for fun, via tweets.
teutonicate 3 hours ago (Edited) removelink
Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell: "We're Getting Ready To Overturn Election Results In Multiple
Once it becomes apparent that this scandal is busting wide open, expect a lot more
"evidence" from rats jumping the corrupt ship - rather than being caught when the music
Powell already says that she has evidence coming at her "like a fire hose". I bet, there has
to be a lot of rats out their looking for an exit!
Bryan S. Ware serves as the Assistant Director for Cybersecurity for the Department of
Homeland Security's (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). In this
role, Ware leads CISA's mission of protecting and strengthening the nation's critical
infrastructure against cyber threats.
Senior DHS cybersecurity official Bryan Ware to step down
crudflow , 44 minutes ago
I willing to bet Ware is up to his eyeballs in this fraud. He is trying to cover it up,
and he is running for the hills. Sounds pretty suspicious to me.....
...as an aside, I'm willing to bet this will be memory holed very soon by
Gawgle...however, the presentation has been copied and preserved for posterity.
Any takers? ;-)
SurfingUSA , 3 hours ago
If you haven't already read "Licensed to Lie" by Sidney Powell. She figured out all the
wheels within wheels of both corporate fraud, those set up to take the fall for Enron /
Andersen, and fed gov skullduggery starting with Andrew Weissmann, who connects dots between
Enron & Mueller. This 2020 election is kind of cakewalk in comparison.
"... evidence is being collected that will prove beyond reasonable doubt (i.e., the type of evidence required to obtain a criminal conviction) that the CIA had some sort of nefarious relationship with Dominion Software and that Dominion Software was being used abroad and in the United States to conduct voter fraud. ..."
"... I fully expect CIA officials to argue they had no idea that Dominion was engaged in such nefarious activity. Their denial carries as much weight as the claim by Captain Louis Renault in the iconic scene in Casablanca ..."
"... The coup attempt to dethrone Donald Trump continues. ..."
"... So why for 2020, suddenly the big push in the US to get everyone to vote electronically, after decades of failed practices elsewhere in the world. Purveyed by many of the same player foisted on the US election systems. ..."
"... This voting process was rejected elsewhere because it undermined trust in these country's election integrity: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_voting_by_country ..."
"... I was involved in the early 2000's as a contractor in a project to create a system to allow DoD service personnel to vote digitally & replace the hard copy absentee ballots. After investing tens of millions of dollars & years, the DoD computer security folks said that there was no way that it could ever be assured that a digital voting system could not be hacked. They would not certify the security & integrity of a digital voting system & the project was scraped. ..."
When I saw this it did not make sense. Let me explain. I spent four years working at State
Department's Office of Counter Terrorism (now it is the Bureau of Counter Terrorism). I was one
of two officers who dealt directly with the FBI in the investigation of the terrorist bombing
of Pan Am 103. I learned through this experience that US law enforcement cannot operate in
other countries without the permission of those countries.
I also spent 22 years scripting terrorism exercises for U.S. military special operations. My
job was to replicate State Department and Embassy communications that would occur during a
terrorist crisis. So, I have a lot of experience in working real world with US law enforcement,
US military and our Embassies in sorting out the issues that arise when the United States wants
to pursue a law enforcement or military operation in a foreign country.
The U.S. Army did not conduct a raid in Germany on either Sctyl or Dominion offices or
servers. They are foreign nationals and we must operate in accordance with German law.
Moreover, the U.S. Army does not have law enforcement powers with respect to such entities. So
what happened? I am reliably informed that a unit under the command of USEUCOM (i.e., United
States European Command) did in fact conduct an operation to take control of computer servers.
But these servers belong to the CIA, not Dominion or Sctyl. The U.S. military has full
authority to do this because any CIA activity in the European theater is being conducted using
military cover. In other words, CIA officers would be identified to the German government (and
anyone else asking) as military employees or consultants.
Such an operation would have been carried out with U.S. law enforcement present to take
custody of the evidence. That means that the evidence will be under the control of the
Department of Justice through US Attorneys and can be used in court or other judicial
This is not the first time that a military unit attached to EUCOM has compelled a CIA
computer facility to hand over evidence. A dear friend of mine (a retired DEA officer) told me
about an incident where he entered a CIA facility in Frankfurt backed up by the US Army to get
info the CIA was withholding (this took place in the 1980s).
I also have confirmed what
Jim Hoft reported the other night–the CIA's Gina Haspel was not informed in advance
of this operation. Based on this fact, I think it is correct that action was taken in Germany
on territory under U.S. control and that a CIA facility was targeted.
I also have learned that FBI Director Christopher Wray was excluded from this operation.
Wray, more than Haspel, has been working aggressively to undermine and sabotage Donald Trump.
This means that some other U.S. law enforcement agency (e.g., US Marshals, DEA, Secret Service,
etc) had the lead in collecting the evidence.
Sidney Powell is a serious lawyer. She is not going to make a false claim. Period. She
embodies honesty and integrity.
Given her recent statements on Maria Bartoromo and Lou Dobbs and Eric Bolling, she clearly
knows that evidence is being collected that will prove beyond reasonable doubt (i.e., the type
of evidence required to obtain a criminal conviction) that the CIA had some sort of nefarious
relationship with Dominion Software and that Dominion Software was being used abroad and in the
United States to conduct voter fraud.
I fully expect CIA officials to argue they had no idea that Dominion was engaged in such
nefarious activity. Their denial carries as much weight as the claim by Captain Louis Renault
in the iconic scene in Casablanca:
Capt. Louis Renault: I am shocked, shocked that there is gambling going on in here .
Waiter: Sir here are your winnings
The coup attempt to dethrone Donald Trump continues.
Germany, along with most other countries around the world prohibit or severely limit
"electronic voting" Declared it was too vulnerable to fraud and hacking after trying this
method - now paper ballots only.
So why for 2020, suddenly the big push in the US to get everyone to vote electronically,
after decades of failed practices elsewhere in the world. Purveyed by many of the same player
foisted on the US election systems.
One of the financial markets commentators I follow, Peter Granduch, retweeted the
following article and said a friend who used to be high up at DoJ said this article is
broadly correct.
I was involved in the early 2000's as a contractor in a project to create a system to
allow DoD service personnel to vote digitally & replace the hard copy absentee ballots.
After investing tens of millions of dollars & years, the DoD computer security folks said
that there was no way that it could ever be assured that a digital voting system could not be
hacked. They would not certify the security & integrity of a digital voting system &
the project was scraped.
Completely coincidental to your reporting is the de-platforming of The Conservative
Treehouse, set for Wedenesday, due to the narrative there. Also coincidental is the ongoing
targetted harrassment of Trump's lawyer's to get them to quit, a tactic harkening back to the
'30s. If they were so certain Joe had won they would not be afraid of transparency.
From Rasmussen: "Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the
country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia in these big cities in swing
states run by Democrats the vote even exceeded the number of registered voters." https://twitter.com/rasmussen_poll/status/1327931164552802305
I'm sure we'll shortly be informed by all the usual suspects that this is Qanon level stuff
here, nothing to see, nothing to report, now move along.....
Increasingly I turn to SST
first, for the information that, as my second source for information, Unz.com declares,
offers ". . . Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American
Mainstream Media."
With this distinction: Unz is free-wheeling and as even its creator states, provides an
outlet for "bizarre and insane" commentary, whereas SST is hosted and moderated by persons
who have had education, experience and responsibilities at the highest levels of influence at
the national international levels.
Hats off to Col. Lang and those contributors to whom SST provides a platform.
So what do you make of the meetings that Haspel had with Sen. McConnell, and Senate Intel
Members last Tuesday? Did Haspel's meetings occur right after the seizures in Germany or
Do you know the date that the seizures occurred? Before or after last Tuesday? Germany is
also 6 hrs ahead of D.C..
Unhinged citizen:
The GOP has no more use for Trump than the Democrat-media party does.
They are all parasites in the same swamp.
I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that McConnell voted for Biden.
It's not Dem vs. Republican, hasn't been for a long time.
It's fast becoming America vs. the swamp (and their allies in various state outposts - like
Governor "hairdo" in California and the vicious little bridge troll in NY.)
I am getting the feeling that Donald Trump is saving the best for the last, i.e. pulling
the rug out from under the IC. Another indication for me has been Sidney Powell and her
insistence on seeing this whole election fraud incident through. Judging from her record as a
reputable Texas attorney with a ton of success and the severity of this ongoing situation, I
don't believe she would put her reputation and career in jeopardy for something that is not
serious and is not going to be a major revelation.
I also would like to applaud Trump for finally appointing Col. Doug McGregor (a true
non-interventionist) to the DoD as an advisor and committing to what he had promised back in
'16, i.e. pulling troops out of the ME and putting a stop to endless wars of nation-building
It's a no lose for the Democrats.
If they couldn't somehow cheat to a win using computerized voting, then they scream "voter
If they do cheat their way in (as they did), then computerized voting is fine and dandy and
the model for future elections.
It was the Lincoln Project, a Republican PAC against Trump, that doxed Jones Day lawyers
and subtly threatened them with future loss of business. They were joined by other
Republicans such as the 43 Alumni for Biden and REPAIR.
Skinny Joey used to be Trump's fixer in Atlantic City.
Rasmussen also predicted that 33% of black voters would vote for Trump. He got what? Maybe
eight percent? All men, no black church ladies.
Every illegally cast vote suppresses the legal vote cast by another voter. Insufficient
risk to benefit ratio to allow imposition any system as subject to fraud as "electronic
voting" has proven to be world wide.
Lieth, cite your source for black vote totals - AP projections, exit polls, or certified
state vote counts. Numbers are all over the place right now, or else you are intentionally
running a disinformation campaign.
All of the above state significant increases in the black vote, including what you
dismissively label "black church ladies" - black women Trump vote doubled over 2016. Trump
definitely broadened the diversity the GOP tent - kudos to him for that alone, and to Blexit
efforts which were gaining momentum as well, for all the right reasons.
Election Data Team finds that in Georgia 17,877 people voted by mail who had previously
filed National Change of Address forms with the US Post Office that they had changed their
state of residence from Georgia. That number alone is more than Biden's margin of
So far the team has found out of state move forms filed by 7,426 people who nevertheless
were voted in Pennsylvania, 6,254 in Wisconsin, 5,145 in Nevada, 5,084 in Arizona, and 1,688 in
Michigan. Obviously, many people filed false out-of-state address changes or we have a clear
picture of organized vote fraud.
The team already has a list of 1,250,000 voters with anomalies in the 6 contested
There are numerous reports, such as this one, from poll watchers who were intentionally
prevented from watching. Many have had the courage to go public:
The presstitutes steadfastly refuse to investigate any whistleblower's report and keep
repeating "no evidence of fraud." Social media takes down whistleblower's reports. This intense
censorship itself indicates that the election was stolen and that those involved in the theft
intend to keep the evidence of the theft suppressed:
If the election was not stolen, investigation would bear that out, so why suppress
information that should be investigated?
THE HAMMER & SCORECARD were used by the Democrats to alter votes: In February 2009, the
Obama administration commandeered a powerful supercomputer system known as THE HAMMER. THE
HAMMER includes an exploit application known as SCORECARD that is capable of hacking into
elections and stealing the vote, according to CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis
Montgomery, who designed and built THE HAMMER.
Sidney Powell, former federal prosecutor, reports that election theft technology used by US
intelligence in foreign countries was used against Trump. Tom Fitton, president of Judicial
Watch, says state legislatures in the vote fraud states have the power to correct the situation
as does Congress which can refuse to accept an uncorrected corrupted process.
Absence of 24x7 secure video recoding is an invitation to fraud on local level. Add to this
electronic fraud based on the use of voting machines and "Houston we have a problem"
Election 2020 is clear testimony to how fantasy US democracy works -- ordinary Americans
with no say over how the nation is run and by whom.
It's also more evidence of dominant media mass deception, supporting election fraud over a
free, fair and open process.
Since last weekend, a Great Lakes Justice Center lawsuit filed in Michigan claims that
Detroit election officials allowed "tens of thousands" of fraudulent ballots to be added to
Biden/Harris' vote count, along with other Wayne County irregularities.
Based on the lawsuit, they included "eyewitness accounts and direct evidence" that
"approximately 40,000" unsecured, irregular ballots arrived in vehicles with out-of-state
license plates in Detroit.
The vote tally went entirely for Biden/Harris and other Dems on the ballot.
The lawsuit also alleges that after GOP challengers discovered evidence of fraud, they were
locked out of the counting room -- after which tens of thousands more ballots were counted.
County election officials also "allowed ballots to be duplicated by hand without allowing
poll challengers to check if the duplication was accurate," according to the lawsuit.
There's more about dubious practices in Detroit that smacks of election fraud.
On Wednesday, GOP attorney generals in 10 states filed an amicus brief with the US Supreme
Court -- challenging the illegality of counting late mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania, ignoring
state laws banning the practice.
According to Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter "actions taken by the Pennsylvania
Supreme Court (on this issue) are one of the most breathtaking abuses of judicial authority
that I've seen in my four-plus years as attorney general."
On Monday, US Attorney General William Barr authorized DOJ officials to investigate alleged
election irregularities.
At this time, results of Election 2020 are undecided. Joe Biden is NOT president-elect until
these issues are settled and the election process is officially completed.
According to Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell , significant statistical evidence of
improper ballot counting hasn't yet been revealed, adding:
Many states breached their own elections laws, including "pallets of ballots" entering
through "the back door" of counting centers in the middle of the night.
"There is tons of evidence that hundreds of thousands of ballots are going to have to be
discarded and they're all for Biden."
Dominion Voting Systems software used in various states swapped, padded, and in other ways
altered vote tallies, said Powell.
"There is a substantial problem with the Dominion system," Powell stressed. "We are
reviewing all of that and connecting the dots."
"There are stacks of evidence and testimony from any number of witnesses – I've lost
count of how many they have (because) more pour in every day."
According to Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt , "(i)t's important to understand first and
foremost how insecure this system is," adding:
"We have over 600,000 mail-in ballots that have been counted."
"Those are votes that are official in our system."
"We also know that we have unclean rolls – ballots that have been mailed to dead
people, to people who have moved out of state, and people that got a dozen ballots in their
homes, etc."
At most, signature verification of mail-in ballots was 40%, he said. Most Nevada mail-in
ballots are unverified.
Trump may lead Biden/Harris in the state instead of the other way around as reported by
major media.
According to Project Veritas, "an anonymous (Pennsylvania) USPS whistleblower claims t hat
higher-ups ordered postal workers to discard pro-Trump and pro-Republican mail, and only
deliver pro-Biden mail from now on," adding:
"This is the third Pennsylvania USPS insider to blow the whistle on election malfeasance in
the last week."
"There is something going on with USPS and we must get to the bottom of it immediately,"
Project Veritas head James O'Keefe said, stressing:
"It's very concerning that every USPS whistleblower coming forward is telling stories that
put our election integrity in serious doubt."
Election fraud occurred many times throughout US history at the federal, state and local
Election 2020 may one day be remembered as one of the most brazen examples.
Election 2020 the "most secure" in US history? Make your own judgment.
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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected] . He is a Research
Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)
His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for
Hegemony Risks WW III."
Trump Campaign Files Suit, Urges Judge to Block Pennsylvania From Certifying Election
Results BY JACK PHILLIPS November 15, 2020
Updated: November 15, 2020 Print
The Trump campaign on
Nov. 15 called on a judge in Pennsylvania to block the state from
certifying Democratic nominee Joe Biden as the winner of the election , saying there's evidence that voters
were allowed to "cure" their ballots.
"Unless Bush v. Gore was much ado about nothing, presidential candidates of course have an
interest in having lawful votes for them counted and unlawful votes for their opponent
invalidated," the filing said . "That's
particularly true in Pennsylvania, one of a few swing states where recounts or other litigation
is ongoing and where the vote margin is close."
Campaign lawyer Linda Kerns made the filing in a federal court. It named about six counties
in the Keystone State, alleging that those county officials illegally allowed voters to use
deficient ballots to cast replacement absentee mail-in ballots ahead of the Nov. 3 election or
provisional ballots cast on Election Day to "cure" errors.
Bloomberg News first reported on the suit on Nov. 15.
The campaign is attempting to block the state from certifying nearly 700,000 mail-in votes
from the most populous counties, including Pittsburgh and Philadelphia -- which lean heavily
A hearing on the motion to dismiss the lawsuit is slated for Nov. 17. A separate evidentiary
hearing is scheduled for Nov. 19, and U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann -- an appointee of
former President Barack Obama -- will decide the case.
Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar's office didn't immediately respond to a
request for comment. Bloomberg reported that it was unable to obtain a comment from Democratic
Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro's office.
In a previous statement regarding another one of Trump's lawsuits, Boockvar denied there
were any irregularities.
"The voters of Pennsylvania have spoken," Boockvar's lawyers wrote. "The Court should deny
Plaintiffs' desperate and unfounded attempt to interfere" with the vote-counting process, they
The lawsuit that was filed Nov. 15 made reference to Lancaster County and several others,
saying the county was an example of how an election should be carried out.
"Lancaster, York, Westmoreland, and Berks Counties, for example, did not contact voters who
submitted defective ballots or give them an opportunity to cure. They simply followed the law
and treated these ballots as invalid and refused to count them," the suit reads. Those four
counties went for Trump over Biden.
"Because the counties that followed state law and did not provide a cure process are heavily
Republican (and counties that violated state law and did provide a cure process are heavily
Democratic), Defendants' conduct harmed the Trump Campaign. It deprived the President of lawful
votes and awarded his opponent with unlawful votes."
A plaintiff in the case, John Henry, described as a voter, said his defective vote was
considered different than that of voters in other counties. He alleged that it violated the
U.S. Constitution's Equal Protection Clause.
"In other words, Henry cast a defective ballot that was not counted, but another
Pennsylvania voter in another county could cast the same defective ballot and have his vote
counted -- solely based on place of residence," the campaign said. "The Defendant counties'
insistence upon counting illegal ballots disparately favored Democratic-leaning counties over
Republican-leaning counties."
The suit also alleged that poll watchers and canvass representatives were treated unfairly
or were not allowed to be present "when the required declarations on envelopes containing
official absentee and mail-in ballots are reviewed for sufficiency, when the ballot envelopes
are opened, and when such ballots are counted and recorded."
In some areas, it was "physically impossible" to view ballots or envelopes, the campaign
Trump's campaign then called on the judge to issue an emergency order to prohibit defendants
from certifying the results of the election over the irregularities and discrepancies.
The suit added, "Plaintiffs seek an emergency order prohibiting defendants from certifying
the results of the General Election. In the alternative, Plaintiffs seek an emergency order
prohibiting Defendants from certifying any results from the General Election that included the
tabulation of absentee and mail-in ballots which do not comply with the Election Code,
including, without limitation, the tabulation of absentee and mail-in ballots Trump Campaign's
watchers were prevented from observing or based on the tabulation of invalidly cast absentee
and mail-in ballots."
All 67 counties in Pennsylvania have to certify their election results by Nov. 23. Last
week, Boockvar said she won't order a recount.
The lawsuit is part of the case Donald J. Trump For President Inc. v. Boockvar,
4:20-cv-02078, U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania (Williamsport).
"... If Biden steals this election, it will be Obama 2.0. If Biden's mental health declines, Vice-President-Elect Kamala Harris, one of the most unpopular democrats in modern history will be the President at least for the short term. The question is who will be her vice-president? ..."
"... "only votes for Biden and no down-ballot selections, which she regarded as suspicious" ..."
"... New York Post article ..."
"... "two pieces of software called Hammer and Scorecard were used to flip votes from Trump to Biden in some pre-election voting ballots." ..."
"... "declaring that trespassers will be removed from the White House." ..."
"... Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research. ..."
If Biden steals this election, it will be Obama 2.0. If Biden's mental health declines,
Vice-President-Elect Kamala Harris, one of the most unpopular democrats in modern history will
be the President at least for the short term. The question is who will be her
Both of the US political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans are a one-party system
controlled by special interests no matter who is president .
It's fair to say that Trump's foreign policy was heading towards a dangerous path to a world
war as I have written about in the past.
Many of Trump's foreign policies are similar to past administrations whether they were
Democrats and Republican, the only difference that I can say is that he did not start any new
wars, he continued ongoing wars that was launched by his predecessors.
Trump's domestic policies are mixed at best with an economy built on debt through its
Federal Reserve's printing press that can never be repaid jeopardizing the US economy and it's
US dollar-based hegemony which are already in a steady decline. However, on a good note about
the Trump presidency is that he secured America's 2nd amendment rights (an important right to
have during uncertain times), expanded school choice for families and he cut taxes for
individuals' and small businesses. Despite a handful of successes on the domestic front, his
foreign policy is dangerous for world peace . However, it's fair to say Trump is a different
type of politician, one who openly expressed how he felt about certain people in politics or in
Hollywood and the mainstream-media (MSM) hated all of it, they despised Trump. The Democratic
party has been planning this scenario the day after Hillary Clinton lost the elections to
Donald Trump in 2016 with the Russia-Gate Hoax, allegations of sexual assaults, racism and
other anti-Trump shenanigans to remove the President. The Democrats were going to steal the
2020 elections no matter what with help from the MSM. If the Supreme court reverses Biden's
election win to a loss, giving Trump the victory by January 20th,violence will erupt on US
streets leading to a civil war among the American people, and that is certain.
Stolen Elections and Biden's Voter Fraud Organization
This election was rigged by the Democratic party, plain and simple. The so-called
"President-Elect" Joe Biden has admitted unconsciously that they put together an extensive
"voter fraud" organization in U.S. history:
One of Trump's lawyers fighting the election fraud, Sidney Powell, said that 450,000 ballots
was found in several key states with "only votes for Biden and no down-ballot selections,
which she regarded as suspicious" according to a recent New York Post article who
also said that Powell claimed that "two pieces of software called Hammer and Scorecard were
used to flip votes from Trump to Biden in some pre-election voting ballots."
In Michigan, the vote had increased at one point to over 130,000 votes for Biden in the
middle of the night, without a single new vote for Trump while most people were asleep:
In Pennsylvania, former New York City Mayor and Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani made a press
statement on the fact that dead people were voting in Philadelphia:
There will be many more whistleblowers, pollsters that were denied the access to observe the
vote count and average voters who will be exposing Biden's election as a fraud in the coming
days, weeks and months. This is just the beginning.
Mainstream Media Censorship In Your Face
This is perhaps the most in your face evidence that media censorship has been legitimized
against President Trump. The MSM now is fact-checking Trump in real-time claiming that he is
stating false-facts:
A Coming American Coup D'état?
The Biden regime had issued a warning to President Donald Trump "declaring that
trespassers will be removed from the White House." Former sportscaster Keith Olbermann has
even called for a coup against President Trump:
The 2020 election was stolen from Trump, no doubt about that,
However, Trump and his administration knew that the Democrats were going to commit fraud
through mail-in ballots.
The US just became a banana republic, a dictatorship with Orwellian overtones that will
ensure a Democratic and the Neocon Republican establishment that will move forward with an
American-style scientific based-dictatorship.
Biden has prematurely announced a Covid-19 task force that will include planned lockdowns,
vaccine mandates and mandatory facemasks due to an increase in Covid-19 cases. The US is surely
heading towards what George Orwell has warned the world about. Make no mistake about it, there
will be a resistance, a human resistance that will ultimately prevail, and that I can say with
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email lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc.
Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally
published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.
It's alleged that Skinny Joey Merlino manufactured more than 300,000 ballots for Joe Biden,
and then transported them in nondescript cardboard boxes to a backroom at the Philadelphia
Convention Center. From there, the ballots were scanned into ballot boxes and were then
co-located with actual election ballots being prepared for processing, according to an associate
who was made familar with the operation.
The innermost circles of the American mafia are abuzz. The Boss of the Philly mob -- 'Skinny
Joey' Merlino -- is taking a victory strut, hobnobbing around the highest echelons of old-time
mafia folk, mostly in Florida, describing what may have been the heist of the century: the 2020
presidential election.
The feat is drawing praise from far-flung corners of the Italian American business
community, which sees the thanks of a grateful administration as key to the revival of the
community's political influence.
But an associate says that Merlino might just be willing to flip on Joe Biden and the
Pennsylvania political operatives who ordered up some 300,000 election ballots marked for
Biden. The source alleges that Merlino and a lean team of associates manufactured those ballots
at a rate of $10 per ballot -- a whopping $3 million for three days of work. They were then
packaged into non-descript cardboard boxes and dropped off outside the Philadelphia Convention
Sources who spoke to The Chronicle on the condition of anonymity say that Merlino picked up
those ballots from two private households where a trusted handful of associates were busily
marking ballots with Sharpie markers. They were paid more than $1,000 per hour, often producing
thousands of ballots every hour for more than 60 nearly-consecutive hours.
The ballots were purchased in cash.
It's thought that Democratic Party operatives working inside Philadelphia's election office
provided Merlino with crates of raw ballots just hours before polls closed on election night,
which he transported to two private households in South Philadelphia. By 10 p.m. that night
Merlino's operation was already generating more than 3,000 ballots per hour, which quickly
scaled to more than 6,000 ballots per hour before midnight.
But now, Merlino might just be willing to flip on Biden -- in primetime Congressional
testimony -- if President Donald J. Trump is willing to issue the longtime mobster a full
expungement of his decades-long criminal record. And, of course, Merlino wants to be pardoned
for the election fraud itself and any crimes to which he may incriminate himself during his
"He wants a clean record. He wants to fish and hunt on federal lands. He'd really like a job
with the National Parks Service. You need a clean record to get those things," explains one
confidant. "But most of all he wants the thanks of a grateful nation for coming forward."
TheStoneOfSisyphus says:
NOVEMBER 15, 2020 AT 4:34 AM
Biden has had mob ties since the 70's. In fact, if it wasn't for the mob, Biden would have
lost in 1972.
Former Michigan
Secretary of State Ruth Johnson said the election fraud allegations made in a recent lawsuit
would warrant an independent audit to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the election,
according to a sworn affidavit.
Johnson, who is currently a Republican state senator, attested in an affidavit filed on
Wednesday that she believes "court intervention" was necessary after reviewing allegations of
election fraud detailed in a lawsuit filed earlier this week.
That lawsuit alleges election officials allowed various fraudulent processing of votes,
including telling poll workers to backdate ballots, not verify signatures on absentee ballots,
to ignore signature mismatches, and to push through ballots despite questionable validity.
"The allegations and issues raised by Plaintiffs are very concerning to me and, in my
opinion, require court intervention," Johnson said in her sworn affidavit ( pdf
"In particular, I am concerned about the illegal activity alleged by Plaintiffs regarding
voter coaching at polling places, election staff being instructed not to request photo
identification or an affidavit from persons coming to vote, and Mr. [Zachary] Larsen's
allegation that ballots were being assigned to random persons on the voter list," she said.
Johnson, who served as Michigan's Secretary of State from Jan. 1, 2011, to Jan. 1, 2019,
added that she believes it would be proper for the court to order an independent audit on the
election results.
"On November 4, 2020, I was instructed to improperly pre-date the absentee ballots receive
date that were not in the [Qualified Voter File (QVF)] as if they had been received on or
before November 3, 2020. I was told to alter the information in the QVF to falsely show that
the absentee ballots had been received in time to be valid. I estimate that this was done to
thousands of ballots," Jacob stated in her affidavit.
Jacob also alleged that she witnessed election workers coaching or encouraging voters to
vote for Democratic nominee Joe Biden and the Democratic Party.
"I directly observed, on a daily basis, City of Detroit election workers and employees
coaching and trying to coach voters to vote for Joe Biden and the Democrat party. I witnessed
these workers and employees encouraging voters to do a straight Democrat ballot. I witnessed
these election workers and employees going over to the voting booths with voters in order to
watch them vote and coach them for whom to vote," she attested.
Another witness, Andrew Sitto, said
in his affidavit that he witnessed tens of thousands of unsealed, unsecured ballots
arriving in vehicles with out-of-state license plates in Michigan's Wayne County at 4:30 a.m.
on the morning after Election Day.
"At approximately 4:30 a.m., tens of thousands of ballots were brought in and placed on
eight long tables. Unlike the other ballots, these boxes were brought in from the rear of the
room," Sitto said. "The same procedure was performed on the ballots that arrived at
approximately 4:30 a.m., but I specifically noticed that every ballot I observed was cast for
Joe Biden."
"While counting these new ballots, I heard counters say at least five or six times that all
five or six ballots were for Joe Biden. All ballots sampled that I heard and observed were for
Joe Biden," he added.
Sitto said the election official subsequently blocked the windows of the room he was in with
cardboard and refused to let him reenter after he left for a break.
The lawsuit is brought by two poll challengers -- Cheryl Costantino and Edward McCall. Their
lawyer, David Kallman, senior counsel of Great Lakes Justice Center,
during a Wednesday hearing told the judge from the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne
that voters are "entitled to [an] audit" of the results of an election under a constitutional
amendment of
Michigan's Constitution .
Meanwhile, lawyers for the City of Detroit and election officials argued that the case was
"not ripe for adjudication" because there is no remedy at law until the votes have been
"The courts are not supposed to get involved in the middle of an election, in the middle of
a count," David Fink, a lawyer for the City of Detroit, told the judge .
He said the plaintiffs were asking the court to read the audit requirement under the state
constitution as an "open-ended opportunity" for the court to order defendants to conduct an
"But the court doesn't have to do that," Fink said while pointing out that the constitution
only allows audits that are prescribed by law.
Fink said the only situation when that can occur, citing another statutory provision, is
after the election when initiated by the Secretary of State.
In response, Kallman told the judge that "you can't have an audit if the results are
"That's the point because again the [defendants] are going to be arguing that the only
remedy is a recount at that point," Kallman said. "That's why this is so critical."
The judge said that he will issue a ruling on the motion by noon on Friday.
This case is cited Cheryl A. Costantino and Edward P. McCall, Jr. v. City of Detroit
Zachary Stieber and Ivan Pentchoukov contributed to this report.
Voting system vendors, local election officials and computer science professors testified on
2020 election security before the House Administration Committee. Among the witnesses were
Election Systems and Software CEO Tom Burt and U.S. Election Assistance Commissioner Donald
Palmer. Election vendor CEOs told lawmakers they had not seen any evidence of election system
tampering. Other topics discussed included election infrastructure and supply chain security,
voting equipment testing and election system modernization efforts.
Allegations are probably false as US military has no jurisdiction to operate this way in
Germany, but they really put this shady company and its role in 2020 elections in the
The real questions are: why Spanish company was involved at all. Is this this company a front
for CIA, or MI6? Why the US lawmakers agreed to such a huge risk as electronic infrastructure the
US national elections, essentially giving intelligence services full control over vote counting?
Why bribed key lawmakers? Was neoliberal MSM hysteria that Russian hacked the US election system
a project?
CLAIM: The U.S. Army raided the Frankfurt office of the Spanish election software company
Scytl to seize servers that had evidence of voting irregularities in the Nov. 3 U.S.
AP'S ASSESSMENT: False. Both the Army and Scytl told The Associated Press the claim is not
true. Furthermore, Scytl does not have offices or servers in Frankfurt, Germany.
THE FACTS: Social media users Saturday were sharing reports published by conservative
websites claiming servers that would reveal wrongdoing in the U.S. election had been
confiscated by U.S. military forces in Germany. Most posts said the servers belong to the
software company Scytl, which is based in Barcelona, and some suggested the servers housed
information from Dominion Voting Systems.
The false claims followed a Zoom call this week that featured Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert,
of Texas, suggesting that "U.S. Army forces" had seized servers from a Frankfurt office of the
software company Scytl.
In his remarks, which were widely shared on social media, Gohmert acknowledged that the
information about the alleged raid only came from a "German tweet in German," and had said, "I
don't know the truth."
The Associated Press reached out to Gohmert's spokesperson but did not hear back.
In his recorded remarks, Gohmert said he had heard from "former intel people" that Scytl
maintained data that could be "gleaned" to prove Republican votes had been changed to Democrat
in the Nov. 3 election.
But, according to the company, Scytl does not tally votes. Nor is there credible evidence
Republican votes were changed to Democratic votes in the election.
George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign adviser who pleaded guilty in special counsel
Robert Mueller's probe, tweeted on Friday afternoon: "Breaking: Congressman Louie Ghomert has
stated that The U.S. Army has seized servers for Dominion in Germany."
When asked by The Associated Press if the Army had engaged in an operation to recover
servers in Germany, an Army spokesperson responded Saturday, "Those allegations are false."
Scytl also refuted the claim. As the false conspiracy spread online, the company released a
statement Friday titled, "Fact Checking Regarding US Elections: Debunking Fake News."
In the statement Scytl said: "We do not have servers or offices in Frankfurt" and "The US
army has not seized anything from Scytl in Barcelona, Frankfurt or anywhere else." It also says
Scytl does not "tabulate, tally or count votes in the US."
Jonathan Brill, the president and general manager for Scytl's U.S. division told the AP,
"Scytl products sold to US customers are fully housed in the US, utilizing Amazon Web Services
and have never been housed in Germany."
The company provided four election-related products to city, county and state clients for
the Nov. 3 U.S. election, including an interface to train election workers, online tools to
educate voters, an online platform for voters to request absentee ballots and an online
platform to display real-time election results tabulated by local election officials.
Scytl and Dominion do not have ties to one another, according to statements from both
"There is no truth whatsoever to the claims," a Dominion spokesperson wrote in an email when
asked if the company stored data on servers in Germany and if it was aware of a U.S. military
operation to seize those servers.
The claim is the latest in a series of false information that has circulated about Dominion
Voting Systems since the election, including the meritless theory that the company's voting
deleted or switched Trump votes.
There is no evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 election. In fact, election officials
from both political parties have stated publicly that the election went well and international
observers confirmed there were no serious irregularities.
This is part of The Associated Press' ongoing effort to fact-check misinformation that is
shared widely online, including work with Facebook to identify and reduce the circulation of
false stories on the platform.
Again, while the post contain valuable information about Scytl, please understand that this
is a rumor. I no way US military are allowed to operate this way in Germany. This would be a
diplomatic scandal. George
Papadopoulos twit can well be a fake.
According to intelligence sources US Military raided voting machine company Scytl servers in
Germany for evidence of manipulation in 2020 US Elections after it was exposed in vote
switching scandal by GreatGameIndia .
Scytl has a long history of election fraud in various nations including injecting backdoors in
its election software. The issue has prompted experts to question why the sensitive job of
counting votes was outsourced to a foreign company? How could a bankrupted Spanish company
Scytl count American votes in Spain ? George Papadopoulos @GeorgePapa19 · Nov 13
Breaking: Congressman Louie Ghomert has stated that The U.S. Army has seized servers for
Dominion in Germany.
According to Congressman Louie Gohmert, Texas there is "compelling evidence" of vote
switching in the 2020 presidential election compiled by the Spanish electronic voting machine
company Scytl.
The Texas lawmaker said in an interview with Newsmax TV that US military forces seized the
company's server in Frankfurt, Germany. Gohmert said there are some who believe it's U.S.
intelligence "that manipulated all this" to cover themselves.
In a Facebook conference call, Gohmert elaborated that he received the information Sunday
from "some of our former intel people that there was extremely compelling evidence that could
be gleaned from Scytl," the Barcelona company that was "responsible for aggregating all the
information from all the machines."
Clark County election officials accepted my signature on eight ballot return envelopes
during the general election. It's more evidence that signature verification is a flawed
security measure.
For months, election officials have told Nevadans not to worry about ballots piling up in
apartment trash cans or sent to wrong addresses.
"Discarded mail ballots cannot just be picked up and voted by anyone," a fact sheet from
the secretary of state's office says .
"All mail ballots must be signed on the ballot return envelope. This signature is used to
authenticate the voter and confirm that it was actually the voter and not another person who
returned the mail ballot."
I wanted to test that claim by simulating what might happen if someone returned ballots that
didn't belong to him or her. Plenty of people had this opportunity. Billy Geurin, a 10-year Las
Vegas resident,
found five loose ballots in his apartment mailroom . A reader emailed me a picture of a
pile of mail on the side of the road, which included loose ballots. There are numerous pictures of
similar examples on social media .
Nine people participated in this test. I wrote their names in cursive using my normal
handwriting. They then copied my version of their name onto their ballot envelope. This
two-step process was necessary to ensure no laws were broken.
On Monday, I asked Clark County Registrar Joe Gloria about this scenario. If ballots signed
by someone else "came through, we would still have the signature match to rely on for
identity," he said. Asked if he was confident the safeguard would identify those ballots, he
said, "I'm confident that the process has been working throughout this process."
He was wrong. Eight of the nine ballots went through. In other words, signature verification
had an 89 percent failure rate in catching mismatched signatures.
This could explain how a ballot "signed" by Rosemarie Hartle, who died in 2017, made it
through signature verification, as reported by 8 News Now. It could explain how Jill Stokke, a
longtime Las Vegas resident, was told the signature on her ballot matched, even though
she said she never received it .
County officials aren't working proactively to determine whether unscrupulous actors abused
this vulnerability in a widespread fashion. Gloria's office doesn't "have an investigatory
team." He said his office catches fraudulent votes "when they're reported to us." So if a
criminal doesn't admit he committed voter fraud, Clark County is unlikely to find out about it.
Willful ignorance isn't an election security strategy.
Leave aside the presidential race. Fewer than 200 votes separate the leading candidates in Senate
District 5. In 2018, state Sen. Keith Pickard won his race
by 24 votes . Even small amounts of fraud can swing results.
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It's unclear how much voter fraud took place in Nevada. But it's clear signature
verification isn't the fail-safe security check elections officials made it out to be.
County and municipal clerks and poll workers across Wisconsin may have unlawfully altered
witness statements on thousands of mail-in ballots across the state, "The Dan O'Donnell Show"
has learned.
Wisconsin Statute 6.86
provides that an absentee ballot must be signed by a witness, who is also required to list his
or her address. If a witness address is not listed, then the ballot is considered invalid and
must be returned to the voter to have the witness correct.
Instead, multiple sources tell "The Dan O'Donnell Show," municipal clerks and vote counters
across the state simply filled out witness signatures themselves. Acting on false and unlawful
advice from the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC), these clerks may have inadvertently
invalidated thousands of absentee votes.
"The statute is very, very clear," said retired Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael
Gableman, who worked as a poll watcher in Milwaukee on Election Day. "If an absentee ballot
does not have a witness address on it, it's not valid. That ballot is not valid."
The WEC sent uniform instructions to
voters with their mail-in ballots that informed them that "your witness must sign and
provide their full address (street number, street name, city) in the Certification of Witness
section" and warned that "if any of the required information above is missing, your ballot will
not be counted."
"Please note that the clerk should attempt to resolve any missing witness address
information prior to Election Day if possible, and this can be done through reliable
information (personal knowledge, voter registration information, through a phone call with the
voter or witness)," WEC wrote. "The witness does not need to appear to add a missing
"In defiance of and direct contradiction to the statute, the Wisconsin Elections Commission
gave guidance--that is, cover--to all 72 county clerks and turned the statute on his head,"
Gableman said. "They said, 'Gee, we know the law says an absentee ballot without the witness
address is not valid, but county clerk, you have a duty to go ahead and look up on your own the
witness' address if there's no address on the absentee ballot."
Anticipating a legal challenge to this seemingly highly unlawful advice, the WEC instructed
clerks to write in these witness addresses in red pen so that they would be easy to find during
a recount or audit of the vote.
The Republican Party of Wisconsin estimates that thousands of witness addresses may have
been changed, thus invalidating the ballots on which they appeared. The statutory remedy for
this is to subtract a commensurate number of votes for the candidates for whom those ballots
were cast, meaning that vote totals may substantially change.
President Trump's campaign is investigating the scale to which clerks and election workers
were altering ballots as well as several other incidents that it has termed "irregularities."
President Trump has also publicly called for a recount of Wisconsin's vote.
Former Vice President Joe Biden won the state by roughly 20,000 votes, a margin of less than
one percent.
Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said his computers
picked up massive fraud coming in the 2020 Election years ago.
Armstrong explains, "The computer doesn't ask my opinion, or anybody else's, it just goes
on the numbers from the economic data. It's never been wrong ..."
"Besides 2016 (predicted Trump win) and for this one, it said it would be the most
corrupt election in American history. I published this out at least two years ago. People
have to understand, this isn't my opinion. This has gone far beyond anything I would have
anticipated. Every election you have had dead people voting. That's pretty standard, and
that's not something new. . . . This is just off the charts. This is the Left, and they are
so desperate to take over the United States ."
If the cheating is "off the charts," then how bad was it in terms of fraudulent votes,
including votes taken from President Trump and votes given to Joe Biden? Armstrong
"The cheating is in the millions, definitely millions, and perhaps as much as 38
million . This is some of the information I am getting from behind the curtain."
Martin Armstrong also warns, "They (Democrats/communists) want to eliminate the Supreme
Court -- period. This is outrageous what they are doing..."
" That's why I have said this is not a simple election between Republican and Democrat.
This is something much more sinister. . . . You will own nothing, and you will be happy.
Their idea is to strip everybody of all property -- period. That's communism. Then you are
going to give guaranteed basic income. If you don't do what the government tells you to do,
like get a vaccine or whatever, then, oh, your guaranteed basic income will be suspended.
Then how are you going to eat? This is what they are doing. . . . In communism, they take all
assets away from everybody."
Armstrong also says, "They are using CV19 and climate change to set an agenda for
In closing, Armstrong says, "We are getting into a situation where it is a war against
us. .."
" I hope Trump wins because . . . he's our last defense against some of these people,
and that's why they have been trying to steal this election . . . . They are promoting this
great reset–and it's communism. These people think this is good for the climate, but
they are going to find out they are selling out, not just themselves, but their families and
all posterity."
Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One in this in-depth interview (40
mins. in length) with Martin Armstrong of ArmstrongEconomics.com.
Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories.
Martin Armstrong says he likes gold but is more bullish on physical silver. He says you can
make small transactions with it. Silver will probably not be confiscated by the government, and
it is also not tracked by government, at least for the time being.
, 1 hour ago link
This headline is the truth.
Official who backed fake Obama wiretapping theory promoted to key Pentagon post
"Deep state", "mysterious vans", "stolen election", whatever. Trump has been spewing these
accusations of voter fraud for months leading up to the election (even though he voted by
mail himself many times - both as a private citizen and as potus).
If he was so worried about fraud he should have used the most powerful legal team in the
world, the DOJ, to dig into these battleground states and find the means and methods of
corruption and stop it before it ever happened. If he had bad lawyers in the DOJ he should
have fired them 4 years ago, rather than goofing around with Obama holdovers.
But like everything else, trump tweets and then turns into a lazy bum. If there was mass
fraud, republicans have only themselves to blame - putting their trust in a " do nothing"
carny barker.
Ezra was embedded into Jeff Sessions' DOJ to keep an eye out for anything that might hit
too close to (((home))). Jeff Sessions was then fired and replaced with long time CIA
operative Bill Barr, whose father gave operative Jeffrey Epstein his first job at Dalton
It's a full court press to hide the fraud. Drudge? Sold and now propaganda. Fox News? Not
even trying to pretend anymore. Twitter censoring the President of the United States. Was
watching the local news last night, direct quote: "President Trump's claims of election
fraud, which are false, ...." And then there's the global response to COVID.
Whatever they have in mind, it's not limited to this election or this country.
Dominion software's reputation for reliability may have taken another hit with the claim
that Eric Coomer, a vice president and dominion, and the person in charge of the software's
security, is an Antifa supporter and Trump hater. This information is disturbing when added
to the way in which the software churned out impossible pro-Biden results in the wee hours of
November 4 in Democrat-run states following a Trump wave.
has deleted most of Dominion's history. I visited the page a few days ago and read about
its origins in Venezuela. If you go to the Wikipedia page today, that history is gone and, in
its place are accusations against QAnon. At the "view history" page, you can see dozens
of recent changes since the election. The primary editor – Molly White – is a
recent college grad and bisexual leftist.
"We need to investigate," he said. "Look, the Democrats spent four years investigating the
Russian hoax, but they don't want to take four weeks investigating the integrity of this
election when you have all these affidavits, you have all these concerns? You had this
situation in Michigan where 6,000 votes went for Biden, but they were actually supposed to go
for President Trump. So we need to investigate. I love your opening, Judge, because you asked
so many 'why' questions. Any time you do an investigation -- I'm involved with lots of
investigations in the Congress. You always ask the why question because it gets to motive."
"Why didn't Democrats want Republicans to observe the count?" Jordan continued. "Why did it
seem like on election night that all the important swing states that kept counting the
president won. But the swing states that took a several-hour pause in the count, the president
ended up losing? Why did that happen? Why don't the Democrats want to know? And frankly, in the
state of Pennsylvania, which I spent five days in after the election -- why were some counties
allowed to cure their ballots -- let voters in those counties cure their ballots but other
counties couldn't? Why did some counties allow a pre-canvas of ballots, but other counties
didn't? And why did some counties set up temporary satellite voting places, but other counties
didn't? You can imagine which counties did those things and which counties didn't -- all those
important 'why' questions. Why don't Democrats want to know? Again, they spent four years
investigating this fake Russian thing. But they can't spend four weeks to get at the integrity
of the American elections system and figure out what exactly took place? That's why Americans
want this to continue and want to get the truth."
Why most republican won, Trump recied more votes then even and Biden is on the top? This is
not irregularities, this is frud, possibly including the use of electronic machines, but
definitely mass scale mail-in votes fraud. This also put a bug question mark on how Biden derail
Sanders in primaries. Biden has no voting base of his own. He is just DNC marionette. Looks like
the same players were involved, the same mechanisms were used both in Dems Primaries and in
general election.
Democratic lawyers maneuvers directly toward weakening of any safeguards for mail-in votes
before the election now make much more sense.
Fox Business Videos Why doesn't Biden camp want to know truth about voting
House Judiciary Committee ranking member Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, addresses investigations
into alleged election voter fraud on 'Sunday Morning Futures.'
That's how neoliberal Trotskyite operate. They "spread democracy" in various countries since
1991. Not the turn came to the USA. Nothing new nothing interesting.
He had plenty of "help" out the door, and I didn't know "peacenik" was an insult.
The Democrats cheat every election. Every single one. This one more than ever.
The idea that they don't cheat is ridiculous. To be against them cheating is "racist."
Just like having poll observers watching what they're doing, it's like glass over the ethnic
products. RACIST.
If you can't admit the Democrats cheat, you're likely to be some sort of Left-wing
@N30rebel the media and the loony lefties keep saying he is.
And the alternative to him is a creepy grandpa with early dementia. And his running-mate
is deep into identity politics (which is just another way of saying "screw you straight White
At least Mike Pence is a Christian man with actual principles. If something happened to
the Donald I would not feel bad about Pence taking over. However, the Kamala cackler taking
over from sleepy, creepy Joe is quite something else.
And bear in mind, if this was an election in Guatemala or Swaziland, it wouldn't matter
and be none of my concern. But who takes power in the USA, Russia etc is the whole World's
A real hope -- although one that probably won't materialize as most 'conservatives' are
stupid -- is that all the many people who voted for Trump will finally wake up and realize
the the Big Capitalists, Deep State, and Military-Industrial-Complex are their enemy. The
great contradiction of US politics has been that right-wing conservative types have been
reliably supportive of the authoritarian elements of society. Too often, they supported the
military-industrial-complex on grounds of 'patriotism' and 'support the troops'. They
supported the Deep State in the name of National Security and stability-and-order. They
supported the rich on the basis of free capitalism vs oppressive socialism. So, even as the
forces of the military, money, and management have become increasingly anti-conservative,
anti-white, anti-rural, and anti-nationalist over the years, too many conservatives could be
counted on to support the Powers-that-be in the name of USA-USA-USA patriotism, national
security, respect for authority and law & order.
Well guess what? The powers-that-be pulled every dirty trick in the book to bring about
the 'new cold war' with Russia, endless wars in the Middle East(in which rural Americans kill
and get killed), the Covid economy, anti-white vitriol in media/academia, the Summer of
Floyd, and a stolen election. Will conservative America finally wake up to the fact that the
Big Money, Military-Industrial Complex, and the National Security apparatus(that should now
be called the Global Hegemony machine) are totally against them?
Imagine what would happen to US politics and power dynamics if most conservatives were to
become anti-authoritarian and quasi-leftist and quasi-radical in their attitude about the
ruling class? What if they began to realize that they are the New Palestinians under Jewish
Supremacist Control? After Jewish Power gave them the horrible year of 2020, will they still
shill for 'Muh Israel'?
The funny thing about US politics is the Powers-that-be depend heavily on conservatives
who blindly, childishly, and knee-jerkedly support the systems of power. Conservatives have a
natural inclination to turn mushy before social superiors, the powerful, the rich, the order,
and etc. They are more likely to be trusting, respectful, and supportive of the Power. Now,
this might be okay in a system that is pro-conservative. But does it make sense to support
the power in a system that's anti-conservative?
If mainstream conservative types become like Justin Raimondo and Abby Martin in their view
of the Power, then the Power will suffer. Even though the current Power has the support of
'liberals', it's a shaky relationship because liberal-types like to see themselves as the
critics of Power. So, even though most 'liberals' today are useless, there is still something
within left-leaning thought that is distrustful of power. It's like Michael Moore sucks up to
Hollywood and rubs shoulders with the Liberal Rich but still stands for sticking it to the
Man. In contrast, Rush Limbaugh has been about sucking up to the rich as the best of the best
and support the troops in more wars, or Trust the Power. Even though Wall Street favored
Biden 5 t0 1, you hear conservatives yammer about 'the danger of socialism'. And even though
Jews destroyed Trump, conservatives fret about 'Biden will throw Israel under the bus'. Never
mind weasel Netanyahu was the first one to congratulate Biden.
But imagine a new kind of American Right consciousness that is conservative in values but
'radical' in opposition to the power. Closer in values to Pat Buchanan but closer in attitude
to Michael Moore.
American Right has been like the mule in American Politics. Much abused and maligned by
the Power but dutifully serving it without much complaint. It's in the nature of the Right to
respect power and authority. But after 2020, isn't it about time for real change? When the
super-rich, the military industrial complex, and almost all figures of authority imposed
Biden/Harris as the leaders of America, it's about time for the Right to wake up and smell
the coffee. Stop being a dumb mule. Learn to kick and disobey.
But more likely, craven conzo types will get on their knees and plead, "You guys acted
real bad in 2020. Will you please oh please promise you won't act that again? Pretty please
with cherry on top? And then, we will support your power, privilege, and wealth cuz we on the
Right are natural ass-kissers of the Power." Beyond pathetic.
It's certainly likely that Trump lost some votes among so-called "peaceniks." I didn't
vote for him. He received a lot more votes than last election.
Let's get real, if those Sanders crossover voters turned out for Trump this time, there
would no be trouble producing enough fraudulent ballots to outnumber them. There would have
been as many votes as necessary. Do you really doubt that they tried to steal 2016? Hillary
was no mood to concede.
The thousands of Valid Biden Ballots that showed up in the wee morning hours of 11-4 had
all been dumped in.
The INVALID ballots were already, for the most part, counted in, making it almost
impossible to get this sorted, save for the entire state being declared invalid and a new
date to vote set (would need to be in person).
Their plan was if they didn't have enough votes, stop the count and then add the thousands
of legitimate Biden Ballots, which would be highly scrutenized.
headless blogger , 48 minutes ago
This election fraud method will set a precedent for future election fraud by the corrupted
Use mail in ballots, thousands of which will be illegal (but impossible to correct once
they've been counted). Then, keep a large batch of legitimate votes for the DNC candidate in
case their guy is losing and then dump them after closing the count for the night. If the
opposition demands investigations all the dumped in ballots will of course show as
They will be left to explain how the dumped in votes in middle of night were all for their
candidate only. They will just scream: Circumstantial.
This is as serious a constitutional crisis as our nation has ever faced. We will only be the
beacon of hope for the world if we are willing to stand with courage and integrity & defend
our republic
Let's say I was given a list of 50 people who the Democrats registered to vote. Senile 90
year olds, people that moved out of the state, etc.
Do you think that there is anything stopping me from voting 50 times in person during the
election with early voting?
What about 1000 times with mail in ballots?
To vote in Massachusetts, all I need to do is show up and say my name and address. I don't
need any proof of who I am. Not even a signature. After I say my name and address, they check
me off in the book. If I say a name other than my own, they would simply check off that other
The integrity of our election is based on the idea that even with the absolute ability to
commit fraud and virtually no way of getting caught, nobody will do it.
That is criminal naivety.
SDShack , 1 hour ago
3rd world countries use Paper Ballot, Voter Roll, Voter ID, Purple finger dye. Not fancy,
but effective. Here we have to have a collection of Rube Goldberg election devices so
everyone can get their cut from manufacturers, make it so complicated that only "election
officials" can sort it out...thus preserving their job security, and finally make it so ripe
for fraud that the elites are assured of getting the result they need to keep the swamp
going. The function of elections now is job security for the state, not representing the will
of the people.
Democrycy , 1 hour ago
That travesty should not be called "election" then. The US election system is a joke, even
3rd world countries don't do such blatant rigging. What is even more frightening is that
nobody seems to be able to do anything. If elections are a joke so is the US judicial system.
The Soviet Union and China doctatorships are prime examples of the complete control.
, you might want to look into this issue. If the Dominion machines used in Maricopa County
never published technical reviews then they might have been BLACK BOX VOTING MACHINES! What are
they hiding by not publishing? Is it legal to not publish?
Quote Tweet
Merissa Hamilton
· Nov 11
#THREAD CONCERNING Neither @SecretaryHobbs nor @maricopacounty published technical reviews
of the Dominion Voting Systems software Vendor driven sales demos conducted Oct 29 '19 &
Jan 28' 20 were considered sufficient for cert by Hobbs' Equipment Cert Advisory Committee #Sad
Thursday on Fox News Channel's "Hannity," Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) was critical of how votes
were counted in last week's presidential election.
Gaetz pointed to the unlikely demographic of recently registered voters and
potential flaws in voting systems manufactured by Dominion to bolster his claim.
"Here's what we know: The chairman of the Federal Election Commission said there was fraud
in this election, and when you take the mail-in ballots and balance them against the registry
of people who changed their addresses, you see there are tens of thousands of people, 17,000
alone in Georgia who actually moved and then voted in the state that that they moved from," he
said. "You know, Reince mentioned these nursing home mystery votes coming in, and the state of
Pennsylvania, more people over the age of 90, registered to vote in 2020 than in like the prior
four years combined. I call it the Dorothy effect, this notion that there was an immediate
interest and surge of voters over the age of 90 during a pandemic. We have yet to find one
nursing home where these Democratic registrations were occurring in mass that seems to suggest
that those ballots may have been turned in by someone other than the person they were addressed
"Now, this isn't impossible to fix. In Florida, we have a standard that requires a review of
those mail-in ballots before Election Day. That way, you're able to give them greater scrutiny
and ensure a proper scrutiny. But here's one thing I know, Sean, those Dominion software
systems, they changed more votes than Vladimir Putin ever did, and we spent four years and tens
of millions of dollars over this fiction of Russian collusion with a Trump campaign. I'd say a
few more weeks ensuring we had a fair election in 2020 is worth this great nation's time."
When you add up all the various methods of fraud used to sway this election towards Biden we
are not talking just a few dead people voting, we are talking millions of votes either taken
from Trump and given to Biden or just outright deleted from Trump.
There is no way Biden received enough legal votes to beat Trump. It's just not possible
under the circumstances.
How a Stolen Election has been set aside inside just one week:
A Judge rules that PA Secretary of State, Kathy Bookvar, lacked statutory authority to issue
the guidance she did on November 1, which resulted in all Republican observers being excluded
from counts. This rules out hundreds of thousands of fake votes and the case moves to SCOTUS.
The investigation of the Dominion foreign owned machines led by Pelosi former chief of
staff, Nadeam Elshami continues. Smartmatic owns Dominion was number 2 or 33 in Soros's Change
the World Fake Charity.
The servers for these machines are owned in Canada or Spain - they won't allow inspection. Thus
it will end up with full audit of all these states, no matter how long that may take. Only then
will the complete depth of this heist be realised. For now, it is enough to win the election
for TRUMP but it cannot stop there. In Michigan, Philadelphia, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia,
Wisconsin... 30 states in all used this system. A complete audit is required (is already
happening in Georgia). Eventually as many as 30 million votes may have been tampered with. As
many as 10 million may have been destroyed for TRUMP alone !!! They didn't know that there were
eyes watching this scam, all prepared. Millions of votes being driven in, from out of state, to
shore up their losing counts ??? Never before in history have they sunk so low.
Even now another attempted cheat: the USPS has ordered that all TRUMP /Republican will be
suppressed whilst all mailings will be delivered for Biden...
See Rudy here:
Biden will never be President - instead he will be an inmate !!! Lin Wood, lawyer
He may even share a cell with someone called Murdoch !!!
Looks like the Pretend PresElect and his blackmailing co-conspirators are making their
pressure count: Porter Day pulls out of PA and now this:
Newsmax is reporting that Benjamin Hovland, who chairs the U.S. Election Assistance
and Bob Kolasky, the assistant director of the Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Agency, part of the Department of Homeland
Security along with 10 others are reporting that this election is "the most secure in US
WTF? Those threats about shunning apparently involve more than just cocktail parties.
The swamp's Soviet style bureaucratic apparatus is every bit as toxic to those that fall out
of line as found in every totalitarian state in the history of the planet.
I think they're more Maoist but maybe that really doesn't matter? For some reason the
Chinese seem more brutal and single minded. They have definitely run God out of their culture
in ways the Soviets never did
The Obammunists with the weight in the Dem Party are indeed Maoist or some close
Valerie Jarrett was told that new-hire Van Jones was a 'former' communist. She only asked
"What kind?"
When the answer was "Maoist", she replied with one word: "Good".
I looked for myself county by county. Repub. Votes for president, house and senate were
about the same in almost every county. But biden got 100,000 more than his fellow dems. Not
possible. Especially with 2 senate seats.
Local sources are often more complete, but national news is hiding a lot. And one-horse
operations like BB don't have the posse needed to track everything down.
Biden won't sit a day in prison. He'll keel over first. His son is another story. Anyone
higher up the "food chain" (Obama -Hillary etc.) will never serve time either. They're
"untouchable" because of the politicians in this country wouldn't want to start a trend.!
But if we manage to save law and Constitution, then let's follow them. Twenty years in
prison would give us a chance to send them postcards from all the places they wish they
Of course, if we can't save the Constitution, then there are no rules at all, and all kinds of
things would happen, for a state of "nature, red in tooth and claw" would prevail.
I don't think they will pull this off. The threats they are throwing around are a way of
saying "Don't you dare check the vote!"
It shows they know the fraud is massive, and think it will be caught if our agents don't
give up.
The course for us is to keep up the pressure on the people who do the checking, and soon
enough, the prosecuting and judging.
And then get busy making sure they cannot try again.
We still have to fight and not give an inch. You are right, though. We shall win. Even if
you don't live in Georgia, you are perfectly entitled to write to the authorities in Georgia
and insist they stop limiting Republican observers to one every 10 tables. Secretary of State
Brad Raffensperger awarded a $107m contract to them to provide their technology. Elections
security is my top priority , he said at the time. My suspicion is that he took a
commission from them (or their associates) as well so has a deep conflict of interest. He needs
to be audited financially.
😆 🤣 😂 keep telling yourself that 🤡. You're so delusional
just like the rest of the beta cucks on breitbart. Can't wait to see you eat your asinine post
come January when Biden is sworn in... you'll be crying the blues while the world moves on.
Actually, that is not my criterion. I'm sure you could do an online search (for yourself) on
how to "spot" a troll. Heck, there are even sometimes folks that look like conservative
"trolls" of a sort, and there are also accounts that are used for other purposes -- like giving
upvotes to others. Thing is, folks who come here to spew insults without giving anyone any
thought-oriented viewpoints or reactions to articles are typically trolls.
Folks who get too emotionally charged in the insults -- much the same --
Screen names also have histories and are recognizable.
Here's one pattern:
New guy + insults + nonsense = troll
"nonsense" often indicates an automated mechanism is being employed for posts.
We need a new academic field: Troll Studies.
Some (not all) of those who pretend to be 'friendlies' can be called 'concern trolls'. That
term has been around for a while. I contrast them with 'nuisance trolls'.
People who actually attempt to persuade the audience without dishonesty I don't classify as
trolls at all.
God help us all if that happens but at least we will get a smidgen of satisfaction watching
them go "what? But we were on your side. Why do we have to eat dirt and lose freedom
Words of a puffy eyed "alpha"poll puffer, been crying for four ? or is it five years
What you gonna burn down if this attempted theft get righted?
Make sure it's not your two moms basement🤣
Honestly, can't you people even come up with your OWN insults? I'm sick to death even of
CONSERVATIVES using "beta cuck", "snowflake", "soy boy" and "Mama's basement."
Top Democrats Raised Concerns About Dominion Voting Technology in 2019
Senne/AP Photo
13 Nov 2020
Democrat leaders, including Sens. Elizabeth Warren (MA), Amy Klobuchar (MN), and Ron Wyden (OR), wrote a letter in December
2019 to the private equity firms controlling the United States' three leading voting technology companies, expressing concern
in the letter about the voting technology industry's "vulnerabilities" and "lack of transparency."
sent on December 6, 2019, to three private equity firms, taking issue with "vulnerabilities and a lack of transparency in the
election technology industry and the poor condition of voting machines and other election technology equipment," Warren's
the letter. The letter sought information about what role the firms had in perpetuating the technology issues.
H.I.G. Capital, investing in Hart InterCivic
McCarthy Group, investing in Election Systems & Software
Staple Street Capital, investing in Dominion Voting Systems
At the time, those three voting technology companies facilitated 90 percent of voters, the letter noted, citing the Wharton
School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Today, Election Systems & Software and Dominion Voting Systems facilitate more than three-quarters of voters, while Hart
InterCivic was "quietly sold" by its owner, H.I.G. Capital, in April of this year, according to an October 28, 2020,
Street Journal
, which also cited Wharton School.
Dominion entered the spotlight in the days following the election after unofficial results were reported erroneously in Antrim
County, Michigan -- one of many locations that utilizes Dominion's software for its elections. The results attracted attention
late on election night after showing presidential candidate Joe Biden (D) leading President Donald Trump in the heavily red
county. A statement from Michigan's secretary of state
error was an "isolated user error" and not a software error.
Gwinnett County, Georgia, which also utilizes Dominion's software, experienced a delay in vote counting because of an unknown
issue with the software. The county
Dominion technicians had resolved the issue by November 8 and that the county was able to count its remaining ballots that
Trump's campaign and many Republican pundits have sounded alarms over the voting technology, but the letter from leading
Democrats in 2019 indicates concerns may be bipartisan.
The Democrats' letter identified a multitude of issues, at one point referencing a Vice report, saying, "In 2018 alone 'voters
in South Carolina [were] reporting machines that switched their votes after they'd inputted them, scanners [were] rejecting
paper ballots in Missouri, and busted machines [were] causing long lines in Indiana.'"
The letter also noted that around 20 election technology vendors had competed in that market in the early 2000s but that the
vendors have since consolidated to where only a few control the "vast majority of the market."
Warren told the
an email, "Private-equity firms 'have taken over nearly all of the nation's election technology -- and how they do business is
clouded in secrecy.'" Staple Street Capital, which purchased Dominion in 2018, reportedly partially responded to the
Democrats' letter at the time, while the other two firms did not respond.
vehement statement Friday fully rejecting various accusations that have been circulating about the company since the election.
Dominion said that it "categorically denies false assertions about vote switching issues with our voting systems," that the
company is nonpartisan, and that "assertions of voter fraud conspiracies are 100% false."
This just in. Sidney Powell says she has evidence of Dominion and that is was used on
November third. She also says that she has evidence the governors were involved. Release the
It's an interview of Sidney Powell by Lou Dobbs. At the 1:14 mark Sidney says that they
are also looking into which governors and Secretary of state's were INVESTED in Dominion.
Apparently we have these idiots also caught trying to make money off of voter fraud.
Wasn't Brian Kemp, the GOP governor of GA, the SOS of GA before becoming Governor? Isn't
he the guy who won't call on the legislature to address these voting irregularities? Is he
the guy in charge of this fake recount?
Is it possible this guy is also a Trojan horse, never Trumper? This recount is a sham, the
Governor is GOP, looks like to me that another traitor has been uncovered!
This is a false rumor, but information about this shady and probably controlled by intelligence agencies company is interesting.
Notable quotes:
"... Andrea Widburg at American Thinker earlier reported that Scytl has (or had) connections to Soros and the Democrat party. Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen' s Vulcan Capital has invested $40 million in Scytl , and other source points out that Bill Gates also owns stock in Scytl . ..."
In spite of the mainstream media and Big Tech continue flagging and suppressing the information that regarding the electoral fraud,
enormous evidence just keep flooding in.
Earlier today Rep. Louie Gohmert has confirmed on Newsmax that a software company called Scytl , has been improperly collecting
the election data through Spain was raided by a large US army force and its servers were seized in Frankfurt, Germany.
Scytl is a Barcelona-based software company that sells election software in more than 20 countries, including the USA, Mexico,
France, Norway, Switzerland, Austria, BiH, and India.
As it shows on the company's website:
Scytl has successfully delivered election modernization projects in the US since 2008, and most recently for the 2018 Midterm
Elections when over 70M voters from more than 900 U.S. counties successfully leveraged Scytl's technology. Also, during the 2016
US Presidential Election Scytl's technology provided over 53 million registered voters and thousands of election staff across 28
states the benefits of more efficient, scalable, and accessible election processes, consolidating Scytl as the leading election
modernization provider in the United States.
According to a report by Forbes in 2017:
Scytl applies end-to-end encryption, vote return cords, and a bulletin board audit service. Scytl's customers include France's
Ministry of Foreign Affairs , the European Green Party, the Parliament of the European Union, and the Swiss Canton of Fribourg .
In January 2012, the company bought SOE Software. Scytl also holds more than 40 patents and patent applications.
However, the company was declared bankrupt in June this year. The company filed for bankruptcy as part of a broader analysis of
security vulnerabilities associated with digital voting.
Andrea Widburg at American Thinker earlier reported that Scytl has (or had) connections to Soros and the Democrat party. Microsoft
co-founder Paul Allen' s Vulcan Capital has invested $40 million in Scytl , and other source points out that Bill Gates also owns
stock in Scytl .
When the U.S. government confirmed that the Dominion Voting System is involved in the electoral fraud, the intelligence community
was instructed to search for its servers and found out that they were in Germany. However, the CIA was totally excluded from this
By obtaining the servers, the US government, on the other hand, will have direct evidence of this electoral fraud: when was the
ballot-counting stopped; who gave the instruction to stop ballot-counting; and who initiated the algorithm which enabled to switch
@TheTrumanShow votes and that fake story was given as the reason why.
They went for a softer approach in KY in 2019. The first-term Repub Gov had a Yankee's
forthrightness so they just latched onto comments he made regarding the underfunded teachers
pension program and amped-it to high heaven getting teachers all in a frightful frenzy.
In that solidly Red state, with all other prominent offices on the ballot (AG, SoS, etc.)
going overwhelmingly Repub , somehow the Repub Gov loses to the Dem by around 5000
votes. The "teachers pension" narrative was rolled-out as the reason. (Btw, it seems that
Dominion, or another type, software was used to switch the votes in that race. I've seen
video about it.)
Officials in Georgia have not been able to produce any invoices or work orders related to a "burst pipe" at Atlanta's State Farm
Arena that was blamed for an abrupt pause in vote counting on election night.
The only evidence for the burst pipe, released under freedom-of-information laws, was a text message exchange in which one senior
employee at the stadium described it as "highly exaggerated a slow leak that caused about an hour and a half delay" and that "we
contained it quickly – it did not spread".
"Beyond the lack of documentary evidence of the inspection or repair of a ruptured pipe, we are being asked to believe that there
is not one single picture of this allegedly ruptured pipe, at a time and in a place where virtually everything is recorded and documented,"
Georgia lawyer Paul Dzikowski, who obtained the text messages, told news.com.au in an email on Wednesday night.
President Donald Trump mentioned the burst pipe
in his speech last Friday , where he claimed key battleground states where he was leading Mr Biden suspiciously stopped counting
on Tuesday night.
"In Georgia, a pipe burst in a far away location, totally unrelated to the location of what was happening and they stopped counting
for four hours," he said, in a claim that was disputed
by fact checkers .
On Monday, Mr Dzikowski sent an open records request concerning the burst pipe to the Atlanta-Fulton County Recreation Authority
– the state authority that owns State Farm Arena.
"Please produce all 'public records' related to the burst pipe at State Farm Arena that occurred on or about November 3, 2020,
which impacted the counting of ballots by Fulton County authorities, including and not limited to internal and external communications
with any person(s), communications with Fulton County Board of Registrations and Elections, memoranda, notes, work orders, requisitions,
invoices, repair records, and all other public records," Mr Dzikowski wrote.
AFCRA executive director Kerry Stewart responded less than half an hour later attaching "the only document responsive to your
request" – a text message exchange between an unidentified person and Geoffrey Stiles, vice president of facilities for the Atlanta
Hawks NBA team.
"I just heard a water pipe burst at SFA that will cause vote count delay. Has this affected the AFCRA office? I think they were
counting votes next door," the sender, believed by Mr Dzikowski to be Mr Stewart, wrote at 7.42pm.
"No sir – it was highly exaggerated – it was a slow leak that caused about an hour and a half delay," Mr Stiles replied at 7.43pm.
"We contained it quickly – it did not spread – we just wanted to protect the equipment."
... ... ...
There is no suggestion that the confusion around the pipe bursting story is linked to any claims of widespread voter fraud or
other conspiracy theories.
State Republicans have also raised concerns about the election, particularly the vote counting process in Fulton County, which
takes in the state capital and most populous city, Atlanta.
"Fulton County elections officials told the media and our observers that they were shutting down the tabulation centre at State
Farm Arena at 10.30pm on election night only to continue counting ballots in secret until 1am," Georgia Republican Party Chairman
David Shafer said on Twitter earlier this week
"No one disputes that Fulton County elections officials falsely announced that the counting of ballots would stop at 10.30pm.
No one disputes that Fulton County elected officials unlawfully resumed the counting of ballots after our observers left the centre."
It comes after Georgia, a key battleground state where Joe
Biden narrowly defeated Mr Trump by just 0.3 percentage points, ordered a full hand recount and audit of the vote.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced on Wednesday that so far 97 counties had sent their final numbers, with
Mr Biden leading Mr Trump by 14,111 votes out of just under 4.93 million in the state.
The Republican official, who has come under heavy
fire from his own party over his handling of the election, said he would implement a "risk-limiting audit" of the presidential race
after the final county certifications.
"With the margin being so close, it will require a full, by-hand recount in each county," Mr Raffensperger said. "This will help
build confidence. It will be an audit, a recount and a recanvass, all at once."
On Friday morning, Georgia began to recount the votes it received on November 3. However,
within a short time, reports came in that the recount process was being conducted with as
little respect for transparency as the original vote count. Without that transparency, this
recount is a waste of taxpayer time and money.
Before getting to the problem with the recount itself, we need to be sure we're all on the
same page about what's happening in Georgia, so some background is necessary. In my post about
two different types of election fraud , I explained that the first type of fraud goes to
ballot legitimacy .
That is, was the piece of paper that got fed into the counting machine from a duly
registered voter? If not, that vote cannot be counted.
We know from the affidavits flooding in from across the country that the Democrats used the
Wuhan virus to justify mailing out millions of ballots to anyone on the voter registers,
whether that person had since died, moved on, or lost interest in voting. Because voter rolls
are chock-full of such voters, mass mailings meant that thousand, tens of thousands, or even
hundreds of thousands of ballots were floating around in mail-in states, free for anyone to
grab and submit.
Democrats made this fraud possible because they have steadily chipped away at other election
legitimacy gatekeepers, such as identification checks and signature matches. In Democrat-run
states, voting became as easy and as vulnerable to fraud as going to a shopping mall, filling
out names on slips of paper, and sticking them in a big bucket for a promotional "drawing" for
a bike or car. Or, even better, mailing hundreds of completed slips of paper to your buddy at
the car dealer for him to put in the bucket. That's how Democrat states ran their elections in
So here's what's important to know about Georgia's recount: the recount will do nothing to
correct this first type of fraud. The process of vetting voters was wholly corrupt, and there
is no way to disentangle the illegitimate from the legitimate ballots during the recount.
The second type of fraud involves counting. Data-crunchers have produced powerful evidence
that electronic voting machines in contested states were set to switch votes from Trump to
Biden. Jay Valentine has an accessible rundown of that type of fraud
here . What's good about computer fraud is that, while it can be hidden on a small scale,
on a large scale, it leaves unmistakable clues. (You can read more about these clues
here and
here .) There's strong evidence that the same pro-Biden code that showed up in Michigan
affected votes in Georgia .
In theory, while it won't winnow out illegitimate ballots, a hand recount will at least
prevent a repeat of the computer counting fraud. However, that works only if the humans doing
the counting don't cheat.
The best way to prevent humans from cheating is to watch them. Indeed, those of you old
enough to remember the Florida recount in 2000 will also remember that the media wandered
freely through the counting rooms, getting close-ups of people carefully examining each ballot
for those infamous hanging chads. Everyone understood that the point was to get it right.
What happens, though, when the people in charge of the recount, in place of transparency,
once again refuse to allow representatives of the parties to audit their work? What happens is
In a brief video that I can't embed but that you can view here ,
Dick Morris explains that there is more going on than just barring Republicans from observing
the vote. In addition, to the extent there are still available envelopes from the mailed in
(absentee) ballots, secretary of state Brad Raffensperger stated that the counters would not
attempt to match the signatures.
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The refusal to check signatures or otherwise try to validate mail-in ballots has created
hugely anomalous rejection rates. Typically, Georgia rejects 3.5% of absentee ballots because
they cannot be validated. This year, says Morris, the rejection rate is 0.002%. As Morris said,
with nothing more, that discrepancy points to vast fraud.
Not content with removing these fraud controls, Raffensberger also ordered the counties to
finish the process by 3 P.M. on Saturday. Georgia received roughly 5 million votes. It's
ludicrous to believe they can properly be recounted in one and a half days. This isn't a
recount; it's fraud theater.
For more information about what's going on in Georgia, including the Senate runoff, be sure
to check out VoterGA.com . That site is all
over Georgia's election fraud.
Regardless of where one falls politically, the sanctity of the vote is a bedrock of a
functioning representative democracy. Voters have to believe their vote matters. And that the
vote is free, fair, and accurate.
Below we explore the details and the data of what happened in Pennsylvania, nicknamed "
Keystone State ", on Election Day. Elsewhere we explore similar efforts in the key swing
states of Wisconsin , Michigan , and
Georgia .
Ballots in Pennsylvania
Voter turnout was up everywhere. This was expected due to the highly partisan and hotly
contested nature of the election. However, there is something worth taking a closer look at in
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania -- namely the incredibly lopsided impact that mail-in ballots
had on the election.
We're not sure how many mail-in ballots went for Biden in Wisconsin because the data has not
been released. However, despite what we were told about how Biden would dominate in mail-in
ballots, Pennsylvania is the only place of which we're aware that this was actually true. Biden
tended to be up single digits where he was ahead through mail-in ballots. The only places where
Biden enjoyed a significant lead with mail-in balloting was Pennsylvania and Michigan . And,
indeed, in the Keystone State, former Vice President Joe Biden enjoyed a 55.7 percent advantage
in mail-in ballots.
Such a lead might not be noteworthy if it were not so anomalous and indeed, it is --
, the other state where Biden had a lopsided mail-in ballot victory, had him leading by only
37.9 percent. The next biggest advantage was in Ohio with a comparatively paltry 15.3, the next
Arizona at 8.1, with other swing states putting up only single digits.
What's more, Pennsylvania was another state where vote-counting was paused with the Vote
Fairy showing up in the middle of the night to drop obscene amounts of ballots, all marked for
former Vice President Joe Biden.
Two examples of such dumps were reported on by left-leaning FiveThirtyEight on their
Twitter feed: 23,277 votes came in from Philadelphia, all of them for Biden. 5,300 votes in
Luzerne County, which includes Wilkes-Barre, with nearly 4,000 of them for Biden. This was on
November 4, the day after the election, when the number of outstanding ballots miraculously
increased throughout the day.
Another vote dump went for Joe Biden by a 92-8 margin , something that
might have been plausible in Saddam Hussein's Iraq, but not so much in the United States.
Pennsylvania law does not allow for mail-in ballots to be counted in advance, which is
rather convenient for anyone seeking to rig an election. Simply wait for the other side to
count their ballots, then fabricate as many as you need to put your candidate slightly over the
Pennsylvania's Secretary of State, Kathy Boockvar, a Democrat, has stated in the lead up to
the election that votes arriving late will be counted and that they
don't even require a postmark to do so.
This means that the "ballots" could be sent at any time, from anywhere in the world, but
will count for the purposes of tabulating the final vote. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld
this decision, which is a flagrant rewriting of state election law from the bench.
The whistleblower who came forward with his name is from Pennsylvania and claims that postal
workers were instructed to illegally and fraudulently postmark ballots sent after the election
so that they could be counted when the ballots arrived.
Philadelphia is known as a bit of a poster child for election fraud in America. As in
Michigan, the dead are voting by mail-in ballot. This is nothing new :
Joe Frazier "voted" in 2018, while Will Smith's grandfather voted in both 2017 and 2018. We are
already receiving reports that the practice of the dead voting in Philadelphia is, pun
intended, alive
and well in 2020 .
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ordered Pennsylvania to segregate late-arriving mail-in
ballots, which are currently at the center of a legal controversy in the state. Pennsylvania refused to
do so .
Mail-in balloting is not secure. In fact, it was banned in France in the 1970s for this
reason. In the Blockchain era, there is no reason to rely upon such primitive means of voting
when one can't make it to a polling station. But Pennsylvania Democrats are using the
technological limitations of traditional, mail-in paper balloting for their own political
Watching the Pennsylvania Ballot Counters
Pennsylvania was likewise one of several states where those seeking to watch the vote count,
as is their legal right, were chased off by poll workers who preferred to do their work in
secret. Indeed, the state Democratic Party went as far as to
try and get courts to uphold their expulsion of Republican poll watchers from the
It would be naive to expect that elements in the Democratic Party would rig a vote to
control property taxes and municipal bond issues, but would not do so to help tip the scale to
elect a Democrat to the White House, with all that entails.
Indeed, Ron Coleman has done yeoman's work documenting this on his Twitter . Here are three posts in particular
that are worth looking at where he
summarizes what direct observers and citizen journalists have uncovered with regard to
Pennsylvania election shenanigans.
This viral video details how poll
workers worked to obstruct legal poll watchers in the state. Jack Posobiec, one of the main
forces on the ground for the #StopTheSteal movement likewise has a video of poll workers illegally
expelling poll watchers . Poll workers -- the ones who don't want anyone seeing what
they're doing -- are involved in the vote "curing" game. This is a process whereby poll workers
take ballots and attempt to divine what their intent was to "correct them." The Trump campaign
won an injunction against admitting such ballots on November 5, 2020 .
Aaron J. Carpenter, a conservative elected official from Ohio, reported that some 300,000
ballots were counted without a Republican poll watcher present at the time. This brings
into question a massive number of votes in Philadelphia alone.
Legal Action to Protect
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President Trump has filed suit in Pennsylvania to fight fraud and protect the integrity of
the vote in the Keystone State. The suit alleges that a whopping 2.5
million votes might have been fraudulent in Pennsylvania. The suit alleges that:
682,479 mail-in and absentee ballots were processed without review in Philadelphia and
Allegheny Counties alone.
Pre-clearance was conducted in Democratic-heavy areas, allowing disproportionately
Democratic districts to "cure" their ballots in advance of Election Day.
Signatures were not verified for mail-in ballots, but were rigorously enforced for those
voting on Election Day.
The Silver Lining: How You Can Fight Back
This is a very grim topic and you are right to be outraged and maybe even a little scared.
But we're here to tell you that you don't have to take this lying down. The President isn't and
the Congressional Republicans are quickly falling in line. The Utah Attorney General has even
taken a
temporary leave of absence to join the President's fight to ensure the integrity of
American elections.
So what can you, an average citizen do to stop the greatest election fraud in American
First, call your elected representatives be they friend or foe. Emails are great, but phone
calls are much, much better. You should call your state rep, your state senator, your House Rep
and your U.S. Senator. You should also call your state Speaker of the House. This is
particularly important if you live in a state like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan
or Georgia where there is ample reason to demand greater transparency and a full auditing of
all votes.
Be respectful, but firm. Let them know you're not interested in talking points and
boilerplate: You want to know what they're doing right now to ensure the integrity of the vote
in your state. Let them know that if they want your vote you expect concrete action to ensure
that all legal votes are counted -- and absolutely none that aren't.
For those interested in taking to the streets, there is the Stop The Steal movement. In Pennsylvania, this is being headed up
by Jack Posobiec of One America News Network and Scott Pressler of #ThePersistence. The
movement holds rallies at state capitols and places where votes are being counted to let your
elected officials know that you're holding them accountable. What's more, a nationwide rally in
DC called the Million MAGA
March is scheduled for November 14. The Democratic government of Washington, DC has
responded with
new COVID restrictions designed to cripple the march.
@TheTrumanShow 0 votes and that fake story was given as the reason why.
They went for a softer approach in KY in 2019. The first-term Repub Gov had a Yankee's
forthrightness so they just latched onto comments he made regarding the underfunded teachers
pension program and amped-it to high heaven getting teachers all in a frightful frenzy.
In that solidly Red state, with all other prominent offices on the ballot (AG, SoS, etc.)
going overwhelmingly Repub , somehow the Repub Gov loses to the Dem by around 5000
votes. The "teachers pension" narrative was rolled-out as the reason. (Btw, it seems that
Dominion, or another type, software was used to switch the votes in that race. I've seen
video about it.)
The chairman of the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) stated that he believes there is
evidence of voter fraud and other alleged irregularities.
In a recent interview, FEC Chairman Trey Trainor said reports of fraud in some battleground
states are credible "otherwise they would allow the [poll] observers to go in," referring to
reports of some polling areas refusing to allow GOP observers to check on the process on
Election Day and the days after.
"When you have claims of, you know, 10,000 people who don't live in the state of Nevada
having voted in Nevada, you have the video... they're (poll workers) either duplicating a
spoiled ballot right there or they're in the process of just marking a ballot that came in
blank for a voter," Trainor told Newsmax .
"That's a process that needs to be observed by election observers."
In the interview, he agreed with Trump's campaign lawsuits, while saying that questionable
actions by elections officials in several states could make the election illegitimate.
Trainor, an appointee of President Donald Trump, noted that state laws allow those observers
to be there, and "if they're not," then it's an "illegitimate election."
"Our whole political system is based upon transparency to avoid the appearance of
corruption," he said the interview while alleging that Pennsylvania and other states have not
been transparent. "I do believe that there is voter fraud taking place in these places," he
added .
Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, a Democrat who is in charge of the state's
elections, has denied claims there is fraud or irregularities in her state.
"I swear an oath that I am here to represent, to oversee elections -- fair, free, safe,
secure, and accessible elections," Boockvar
told the Morning Call newspaper.
"I don't care who is on the ballot. I don't care who is running against them. I want to
make sure every candidate has an opportunity to run and win and make sure that every vote for
or against them is counted accurately." She added: "And I will fight to the end on behalf of
any candidate. I don't care whether I agree with them or I don't agree with them."
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Joe Gloria, the registrar of Clark County in Nevada, rejected the Trump campaign's
allegations of voter fraud as well as the claim that 10,000 people voted out-of-state in a news
conference last week.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS)'s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
on Thursday concluded that the Nov. 3 election "was the most secure in American history,"
saying that "election officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process
prior to finalizing the result." Lt. Frank Drebin , 5 hours ago
The only thing this whole episode has taught me is that there really isn't much of an
America, not anymore.
The corruption is so deep and pervasive that it's simply unrecognizable.
Hugh_Jorgan , 5 hours ago
Yeah... in a normal world the FEC saying this would mean all-stop, audit all states with
credible irregularities. Today it is just another story for the MSM to ignore, Social Media
to censor and the apparatus of the Federal Government to shun.
E5 , 4 hours ago
Creedence is given to former CIA officials who lied to us about Saddam. These "former"
intelligence agents who don't have clearance anymore are more credible to the press than
acting authorities.
If it barks like a coup, wags a tail like a coup, and ****s on your lawn like a coup...
well, it's a coup.
Democrycy , 4 hours ago
Just a quick reminder where you're:
EXCLUSIVE: Twitter's Jack Dorsey and a shirtless Sean Penn take a walk on the beach in
Hawaii after testy few months for tech CEO
The mafia octopus is more integrated than you could ever dream of.
I would suggest to watch the La Piovra series ; English: The Octopus, referring to the
Very tragic but must see masterpiece. The story of the series at first follows Commissar
Cattani and his relentless fight against the Italian mafia and the corrupt bureaucracy and
state mafia in Sicily.
It has been obvious that the US voting system has been an unverifiable black box ever
since Bush vs. Gore and Bush vs. Kerry. Voting machines are produced by companies whose
ownership is not public knowledge and whose agenda is unknown. And There could well be people
or groups outside of these companies with technical skills, access to the software, and the
motivation to create mischief.
By design of the system we cannot know if the system has been rigged. Nor can we tell if
there are single, centralized manipulators or multiple, localized manipulators, each
jockeying for advantage with the machines they have access to or with all the software for a
given manufacturer.
The question is: why do neither of the two parties care about it? Democrats were quick to
accept the results in 2000 and.2004 and not raise a stink or demand a transparent, auditable
process afterwards. And Republicans haven't cared either.
Curious!!! Has each been coopted by a promise to get their share of the spoils?
Verifiable systems are clearly possible. Curiously, it is Venezuela that uses one. Each
electronic ballot produces a receipt , which each voter verifies and places in a receptacle
where it can be counted. In a large, randomly selected number of precincts, paper receipts
are publicly tallied and compared with machine results in the presence of representatives of
the candidates. Tallies of the precincts are made public and sent to a central vote
tabulation center, which publishes vote counts from each precinct.
Venezuela's system was created as a reaction to a system that had been designed to give
the appearance of democracy when in fact the two major parties had colluded to alternate
years in power. We have no way of knowing if this is what happens in Washington, or whether
outside, covert forces manage the results, or whether the will of the people is actually
being reflected by the results.
In any case, it a shameful situation for a country with the audacity to declare itself the
world's greatest democracy.
This looks like an algorithm that is in place to trigger after a certain Republican lead
is achieved (they don't want to make it too obvious). Once triggered the algorithm transfers
some individual votes from Trump to Biden.
As the Republican lead increases, the number of votes transferred also increases.
It's a sort of feedback loop that punishes trump as the Republicans do better.
One of the effects of the loop is to show Biden as an individual having significantly more
votes than the democrats as a party.
Another possible effect is (I'm not certain on this one) is that it tends to push the
votes for individuals towards a 50/50 split, because you can't take more from Trump than he's
actually got. So in heavy Republican states, Trump individual votes can all be skewed to
Biden, and Biden get's his own votes.
As I said, I'm not absolutely certain on this second effect, I may be wrong but it
certainly looks like that.
... As a professional analyst of "big data" I can tell you that it is extremely rare in
nature/social sciences - like the never happens kind of rare - to see such a tight
correlation as we do in the data he presents (the negative correlation between a district's %
republicans and % of Biden votes).
It is also rare to the point of being just about impossible for such a phenomenon to begin
to abruptly (at the point where a district's republic constituency hits 30%).
I further agree that it looks exactly like someone programmed the counting machines to use
the same vote switching logic in all of the districts. This would be easy logic to code. I
could do it myself in an afternoon in SQL or SAS and I'm not a professional coder, just a
dilettante that has learned to code analytical software. I know my IT guys could do it easily
in various coding languages.
So the mail-in voting things was always a red herring and good old fashioned counting
machines were always the game.
Do the actual ballots still exist. Should be easy enough for the courts to assess the
merits of Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai's analysis and then order a recount on "clean" machines.
Finally, I note that one district in MI has already admitted to counting issues that
favored Biden. They said it was a "glitch" in the software. Software doesn't just develop
glitches. Code is a physical thing; a script. It can't re-write itself. The glitch
explanation is insulting.
1) respect for rule of law
2) respect for constitutional governance of rule of law
3) respect for a quarter millennium of American tradition
4) fear of God's judgement
5) fear of legal punishment
The globalists and their socialist handmaidens have none of these. There might be a
handful of low-level drones who fear #5, but those fears are overblown. Brenda Snipes was
cheating down in Broward for 15 years (thanks Low Energy Jeb!) and merely got fired
IF they had the means, THEN they did cheat. Democratic forms of governance can produce
good governance only when the electorate has a sufficient degree of shared political culture.
The culture of most of the world (most Europeans included) is "not cheating outgroups when
you can is morally equivalent to stealing from your own group and is therefore wrong."
I haven't watched the video yet. However, I do a little coding on the side as a side
The guys I respect say that there is no such thing as a Software Glitch. That software
performs as coded or indicated and it is extremely easy to code for counters +1. A caveman
could do it.
Any glitch is a red flag for fraud. Also, uploading an update the night before is a huge
red flag since there will not be time to real time test for errors.
And last one guy was mocking the pay for a job advertised for Election Software job per
hour as insultingly low.
My impression is the experts in the field of coding have little respect for the security
of software in the electoral field. This is non-partisan viewpoint from what I can tell.
I have seen the following families of evidence of fraud
1) anecdotes
2) probabilities (Biden getting more votes than Obama only where he needed them, down ballot
differences et al)
3) statistical analysis like this, Benford and some others
4) computer nerds looking at the machines (just beginning)
They all point the same way and they all occur in the necessary places.
1) can you convince objective judges?
2) are there any objective judges?
3) if the judges conclude there was fraud, what to do?
Whatever happens. half the country will be convinced the election was stolen. Then
"hate doesn't go in a straight line" An apt comment by Dr. Shiva's colleague. The Wayne
County data is an eye opener. It would be interesting to see them do this same analysis to
Washtenaw County.
Sylvia1, That's precisely what they are showing, the heavier the Republican district, the
more the algorithm swaped votes. watch the intro of that video again, their explanation and
example are pretty good.
... As a professional analyst of "big data" I can tell you that it is extremely rare in
nature/social sciences - like the never happens kind of rare - to see such a tight
correlation as we do in the data he presents (the negative correlation between a district's %
republicans and % of Biden votes).
It is also rare to the point of being just about impossible for such a phenomenon to begin
to abruptly (at the point where a district's republic constituency hits 30%).
I further agree that it looks exactly like someone programmed the counting machines to use
the same vote switching logic in all of the districts. This would be easy logic to code. I
could do it myself in an afternoon in SQL or SAS and I'm not a professional coder, just a
dilettante that has learned to code analytical software. I know my IT guys could do it easily
in various coding languages.
So the mail-in voting things was always a red herring and good old fashioned counting
machines were always the game.
Do the actual ballots still exist. Should be easy enough for the courts to assess the
merits of Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai's analysis and then order a recount on "clean" machines.
Finally, I note that one district in MI has already admitted to counting issues that
favored Biden. They said it was a "glitch" in the software. Software doesn't just develop
glitches. Code is a physical thing; a script. It can't re-write itself. The glitch
explanation is insulting.
526,345 (Biden increase) minus 111,792 (Libertarian decrease) = 414,553 increase for Biden
= 18% increase which is not too far off Trumps increase which is more believable.
Of course, the mainstream media is working overtime to cover up this story.
However, even the
York Times
has confirmed that Rudy Giuliani is saying that Dominion whistleblowers are coming forward:
Many of those
people have said, contrary to evidence, that Dominion software was used to switch votes. Some people even suggested that the
company was doing the bidding of the Clintons, a conspiracy theory that was shared on Twitter by President Trump. On
Wednesday, Rudolph W. Giuliani, the president's lawyer, said he was in contact with "whistle-blowers" from Dominion, though he
did not provide evidence.
originally a Canadian company that now has its effective headquarters in Denver, makes machines for voters to cast ballots and
for poll workers to count them, as well as software that helps government officials organize and keep track of election
Georgia spent
$107 million on 30,000 of the company's machines last year. In some cases, they proved to be headaches in the state's primary
elections in June, though officials largely attributed the problems to a lack of training for election workers.
Dominion did not
immediately respond to a request for comment.
In Antrim
County, Mich., unofficial results initially showed President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. beating Mr. Trump by roughly 3,000
votes. But that didn't seem right in the Republican stronghold, so election workers checked again.
It turned out
that they had configured the Dominion ballot scanners and reporting software with slightly different versions of the ballot,
which meant that the votes were counted correctly but that they were reported incorrectly, state officials said. The correct
tallies showed Mr. Trump beat Mr. Biden by roughly 2,500 votes in the county.
In Oakland
County, Mich., election officials also spotted an error after they first reported the unofficial counts. They realized they
had mistakenly counted votes from the city of Rochester Hills, Mich., twice, according to the Michigan Department of State.
The revised
tallies showed that an incumbent Republican county commissioner had kept his seat, not lost it. Oakland County used software
from a company called Hart InterCivic, not Dominion, though the software was not at fault.
Both errors,
which appeared to go against Republicans, spurred conspiracy theories in conservative corners of the internet. That drew a
response from Tina Barton, the Republican clerk in Rochester Hills, Mich., the city that had its votes briefly counted twice.
Democrats investigated Russia for four years.
Why won't they commit to a few weeks to verify the integrity of our election?
We need transparency in our election process!
But Democrats appears to be fighting against that transparency that voters desire!
Trump's latest lawsuit could potentially flip the battleground state of Michigan.
It is requesting that 1.2 million incorrectly filled out ballots be tossed.
Four voters
filed a federal lawsuit seeking to exclude presidential election results from three Michigan counties due to allegations of
fraud, echoing several other legal challenges brought forward since President Donald Trump refused to concede defeat.
Trump earned
147,000 fewer votes than Democrat Joe Biden in Michigan, according to unofficial election results that are being certified
this month by county canvassing boards. The new lawsuit seeks to eliminate ballots cast in Wayne, Washtenaw and Ingham
counties, which would amount to 1.2 million votes, giving Trump the lead in Michigan.
attorney Maxwell Goss and Indiana attorney James Bopp Jr. are representing plaintiffs in the lawsuit. Bopp serves as a
campaign adviser to Trump. He was an Indiana delegate for Trump in 2016 and served as a legal adviser for George W. Bush and
Mitt Romney.
The lawsuit,
filed in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan, cites an assortment of allegations made by the Trump
campaign, Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel, right-wing media organizations and ongoing lawsuits filed since
the election.
Plaintiffs also
cite ongoing investigations launched by the Michigan Legislature and a variety of other claims that have been debunked. The
allegations include charges of Republican ballot challengers being harassed and illegal tampering with ballots.
conclude that "this evidence suffices to place in doubt the November 3 presidential election results in identified counties
and/or the state as a whole." However, the group of voters also claims to have additional evidence of illegal ballots being
included in unofficial results, based on "expert reports" and data analysis.
information and belief, the expert report will identify persons who cast votes illegally by casting multiple ballots, were
deceased, had moved, or were otherwise not qualified to vote in the November 3 presidential election, along with evidence of
illegal ballot stuffing, ballot harvesting, and other illegal voting," the lawsuit states.
At least one of
several other Michigan lawsuits making similar allegations has been thrown out for lack of evidence and other flaws.
Oakland County
residents Lena Bally and Gavriel Grossbard, Eaton County resident Carol Hatch and Jackson County resident Steven Butler are
listed as plaintiffs in the new federal lawsuit. Grossbard was a Republican candidate for Michigan's 9th Congressional
District, but lost in the August primary.
The lawsuit
names as defendants Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and members of the Michigan State Board of Canvassers, Wayne County Board of
Canvassers, Washtenaw County Board of Canvassers and Ingham County Board of Canvassers.
Plaintiffs are
seeking to exclude votes from Wayne, Washtenaw and Ingham counties. They argue that including results from counties "where
sufficient illegal ballots were included" would unconstitutionally cause legal votes to be "diluted."
Gen McInerney first broke the story on March 19th, 2017 on Dr Dave Janda's Operation Freedom
podcast, including the fact that John Brennan, James Clapper, Robert Mueller and James Comey
were directly involved with Barack Obama in operating The Hammer as a means of leverage and
blackmail their targets. Within moments of this broadcast, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were
texting each other about it, as seen in their declassified texts!
The following day, on March 20, 2017, Comey perjured himself when he testified before the
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that the FBI Counterintelligence Division had
"no information" to support Trump's tweet claiming that President Obama had "wiretapped"
The Deep State is completely desperate to keep a lid on The Hammer. Since November 2019,
former CIA officer, Kevin Shipp has been using platforms like Greg Hunter's USA Watchdog to
claim that The Hammer is a fraudulent psyop that pushed its way up to Gen Michael Flynn's the
defense team, with the potential of jeopardizing the credibility of his case.
Also, Shipp recently started telling everybody that Q is a nefarious psyop, coinciding with
the exact moment when Congress voted to condemn QAnon and its believers – and at just the
same moment that YouTube de-platformed dozens of our favorite creators and that Twitter and
Facebook terminated thousands of users' accounts.
Here's how nuclear it is on Facebook: When someone asked me about QAnon, I answered with 3
words: "Q is real" and I was instantaneously locked out of my account for 12 hours for making a
post associated with "domestic terrorism"!
I always liked Shipp but sadly, I can only conclude that he is a disinformant. Maybe they
used The Hammer on him
On September 21, 2020, 30-year NSA veteran, Bill Binney tweeted, "@Kevin_Shipp posted a
message today implying I changed my mind about the Hammer program. he did this without talking
to me. point is I have not changed my mind on this subject. it still needs to be investigated
by AG Barr and Durham."
As for James Comey, we know that he's been aware of The Hammer since at least August 19,
2015, when Montgomery gave 47 hard drives containing over 600 million pages of documents to his
office. Montgomery had become a whistleblower upon seeing firsthand how the Obama
administration had turned The Hammer against Americans. He received two limited immunity
agreements in exchange for evidence production and testimony.
Montgomery says the Obama White House provided 1,200 preloaded Blackberry devices to trusted
Obama insiders, including to Hunter Biden and that the FBI and DOJ are in possession of this
body of evidence. This would indicate that they have long been aware of Hunter and Joe Biden's
espionage activities, such as the sale of a US military technology manufacturer to the CCP via
Hunter's private equity company, Bohai Harvest.
Montgomery says the 1,200 BlackBerry devices, similar to those used by Obama and Hillary
communicated over a closed encrypted secure network, known as PIN-to-PIN messaging that did not
traverse the Internet, operating directly off The Hammer network. Each of those devices could
access The Hammer Vault, a secret database of The Hammer's illegally-collected data, including
corporate and military intellectual property and US Defense secrets, accessible only to Obama
team insiders.
Montgomery's 600 million pages of documents show that for more than four years before the
2016 election, four contractors working for the Obama Administration's FBI illegally surveilled
American citizens. Moreover, the FISA court was made aware of this and has communicated its
findings to the Justice Department.
Yesterday on the War Room, Gen McInerney revealed that the Obama administration added an
application to The Hammer called Scorecard, which he says, "Changes votes at a certain point in
the voting stream – and by the way, the Obama administration used it in the 2012
Elections in Florida and both Obama and Biden are very familiar with this.
In their article published at TheAmericanReport.org on October 31, 2020, Mary Fanning and
Alan Jones report :
"The Obama administration illegally commandeered The Hammer and Scorecard. They moved The
Hammer to Fort Washington, Maryland on February 3, 2009. The Obama White House had an encrypted
VPN in order to access The Hammer at will.
"On December 20, 2015, as part of a summary of information disclosed in The Whistleblower
Tapes, The American Report revealed the following on The American Report's official Facebook
"Florida voter registration disk removed and new disk inserted for redistricting via "The
Hammer" computer system in Fort Washington Maryland via Navy Intel cover (they stole the
Florida election via re-districting in Florida? How many other states did Brennan and Clapper
do this?)"
Gen McInerney continues, "They used [Scorecard] in the Primaries and Bernie lost to Biden
So, it is ready to go. I just found out about this yesterday. Sidney [Powell] played a very
important role in assisting me and [journalists] Mary Fanning and Alan Jones in trying to get
the word out, so the American people know all this enthusiasm you're talking about in
Pennsylvania gets changed very quickly with this software program [Scorecard] that switches 3%
of the votes."
McInerney was in the US Air Force for 35 years, where he had an extensive operational career
and retired as the Number Three man. He says, "I'm currently in the cloud business now and
that's why I'm so intimately familiar with what Hammer and Scorecard can do. And nobody knows
Bannon then says, "Hammer was the single most important and the single most sophisticated,
basically system that came up after 9/11 for intelligence or really counterintelligence about
Radical Islamic jihad and the ability to monitor that. Is that the beginning of how this
started? It was a foreign surveillance system that allowed the National Security and
intelligence apparatus to watch our enemies. Is that how this thing started?"
McInerney replies, "That's how it started, Steve. Very sophisticated. Very, very capable. It
was then adopted with the software packages, like on your iPhone, to the voting business. And
it was used in foreign countries. It was then moved over to the CIA and they started looking at
US Citizens. That is illegal. The CIA cannot look at US Citizens. Only the FBI, with the proper
FISA warrants, etc. Sidney knows all about this. You know all about this.
"And it is extremely important, that this was taken out of the CIA when the Obama
administration left. They used some kabuki to get it out. They still have it up and running. We
know where it is located. It's active tonight, it's active, they've been looking at a whole
host of things – as has the DNC, using false IPs – and they are looking around and
they are trying to set up this voting thing that happens on Tuesday night.
"It's gonna look good for President Trump but they're gonna change it. And that's the danger
that America and everybody must realize."
Bannon asks Gen McInerney, "Dennis Montgomery he was being rounded up at his house. He had
47 hard drives I think, he had taken from Fort Meade. How does Dennis Montgomery fit into the
"He's a genius," Gen McInerney responds. "And he loves America. Dennis invented The Hammer.
Dennis invented Scorecard. He's the programmer that made all of this happen. And he's on our
side, at great personal risk, as well as he hasn't benefited financially from it. He's an
absolute genius. So, he's extremely important to what's going on.
"It would have happened in 2016, Steve, except something happened to it that night, when the
Obama crowd and the Democrats tried to use it. I can't talk about that."
Bannon responds that when he first heard of it, Project Hammer was so compartmented that
just the name of the project, itself was classified. He says, given that Gen McInerney is
claiming, two days before the 2020 Election, that the DNC is going to try to steal it and given
the large amount of Left Wing media watching the podcast, he asks Sidney Powell why this isn't
a 'tinfoil hat conspiracy theory'?
Sidney replies, "Well, Gen McInerney has been talking about it for at least three years. A
separate source came to me, completely unconnected out of Dallas, that had identified computer
replacement of votes and there's a story out about that, from more than a year ago. And then,
now, it's coming up again. We've got more verification.
"The point is, the reason this is all happening is because there are trillions of dollars at
stake. The Globalists, the Communists, the Marxists, the Chinese Communist Party want to
control the world and the power and the dollars that go with it. And hey have to destroy the
independence of We, the People and the freedom and leadership of the United States to do that.
That's their last big target. We are the end of the line for liberty and freedom and any
semblance of justice.
"They will spend any amount of money. They are willing to do absolutely anything to try to
continue the graft and corruption that all of the evidence that's now just coming out against
Joe Biden exemplifies. It wasn't just Joe Biden. It's probably 80% of our public officials, at
least in the Federal Government and many in the States, too
"Look at General Flynn's Twitter feed and look at the articles he's written recently, about
how important this election is. And it's not just to this country, it is to the entire world.
It is anybody who has any hope for freedom anywhere."
Bannon comments that when Dennis Montgomery gave 47 hard drives with over 600 million pages
of documents to James Comey's office at the FBI and he asks Gen McInerney "What was he trying
to expose? What should the American people know today on the eve of this election that 250 Flag
Officers sent a letter to President Trump, including my old boss, Tom Hayward, that said, 'It's
the most important election in the history of the Republic.'
"What is Montgomery trying to tell us? What is the message we need to hear today?"
"Well, he's telling us right now, Steve that we are on the verge of being compromised
through cyber warfare. Which he is a master of, he's the most brilliant person in our country
on cyber warfare and they have used this. They moved it from the intelligence – a very
highly-secure program – and they've moved it from there over to political treachery. And
that's what it is.
"When they moved it out of the CIA, they moved it for their political use, as they have
politicized the intelligence community, as we saw in the Russia Hoax and what they've done to
General Flynn. All these things that you and Sidney have been talking about, that want to
change America from what it is. It goes back to the Electoral College, to the Supreme Court.
All these things are bundled to change America from being a Democratic Republic to a
Totalitarian regime.
"That means a Socialist country, the next step is Communism. That's why there can be no
agreement between this Democratic Party and the Republican Party. One choice is freedom. One
choice is Communism. It's that simple It is an either-or. If we don't win the election, that
will be the last free election this country ever has."
Bannon then says, "Just want the DNC to know that we're going to pull the plug on Scorecard.
You're not going to use cyber warfare to steal this election They're not going to steal it
because we've got Patriots, like Gen McInerney, Sidney Powell and others, that are on watch,
that are on the ramparts 24/7, OK? And we're going to be relentless in this We're gonna get the
plug pulled on Scorecard and Hammer. Sorry Brennan, sorry Comey, sorry DNC, sorry President
Obama, sorry – not sorry!
" This is the fight of a lifetime. This is the inflection point of the Republic. McInerney's
right. We lose this. It's over."
Bannon asks Sidney Powell again, why The Hammer is not a woo-woo conspiracy theory.
She replies, "Well, there's multiple sources that this exists – an absolute
confirmation of it. It's even moved off its original site into a private company But Obama,
Biden, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Mueller – all know about it; helped create it and know
how to use it against the American people.
"There's evidence that any number of judges, I think over 100 judges they collected
information on. A lot of lawyers. Thousands of lawyers, including me, I'm told was collected on
by it. And businesses, particular businesses, churches. They've gotten names and addresses of
people from certain churches, anti-abortion groups. They're using it for their social and
political issues."
Bannon asks, "When you're FBI Director, you're gonna clean all this up? Can the American
People get your commitment that you're gonna do this?"
"Yes. Regardless of political party. I will be a very Equal Opportunity offender."
Dennis Montgomery Developed Hammer after 9/11. Hammer and Scorecard were used in 2012 for
Biden and Obama. Just as you say and also used to STEAL from Bernie Sanders this year.
Complete Election Fraud
"This software is a CIA spy program designed to use on protected networks
(like voting machines) without detection. It is important to note that
Montgomery claims that in 2009, under then-President Barak Obama, this
software was "commandeered and repurposed" by John Brenan and James
Clapper into a "private and parallel domestic surveillance system."
Dennis Montgomery is a genius, a real prodigy who worked with the NSA to develop
"Scorecard" was developed using the intrusion capabilities of Hammer to focus upon
election software.
It definitely appears that the Dominion computers all had this program running.
Vote switching is its primary feature. The sure-fire telltale signs of Republican totals
DECREASING is rampant. It's an impossibility for votes to decrease for any candidate.
The fact that the totals at that given point in time, are universally decreasing for
Republicans ONLY and given to Democrats with identical totals is truly alarming.
Many videos are circulating showing these vote switches in real-time. All these videos are
proofs. Irrefutable evidence that votes were manipulated to swap votes from Republican votes
to Democrats.
Impossible to deny.
Scorecard was used in many elections and Democrat primaries.
Wish someone would post at least part of the actual malware code. If written properly,the
vote tally for the victim would continue to increase, just switching an occasional 'random'
vote to the opponents' tally. There would never be an actual decrease in the tally, and there
would be no real 'pattern' to discern - very hard to detect by itself unless the actual code
was available. I could write more, but there might actually be a 'Non-brain-dead' liberal
reading these comments!
Would that mean any legislation that those elected by fraudulent means would be put to
I mean that if this software fraud investigation goes retrospective and it's found that over
time local, state and the federal government's have had illegal candidates sitting will the
votes of the illegal candidates be struck from any legislation that they voted on?
Everything should undergo a review. Especially any act that passed by a narrow margin. If say
3 ineligible candidates sat in any particular legislature all bills that passed by 3 or less
votes during their term should be reviewed.
Any legislation which only passed because of the addition of ineligible votes could be deemed
null and void.
Seems to be a theme by the "serious conservatives" at Fox News: downplaying the scope and
severity of the election fraud. Solomon actually said there was only one glitch in MI and it
was resolved in a friendly manner with the county officials. He said there were no other
problems with Dominion software as far as he was aware, WHILE Sidney Powell was reporting the
same thing as Gateway Pundit - that it was across the country and there is evidence of
millions of votes impacted positively for biden because of the software. Hannity didn't
challenge him either when the opposite was being reported in other outlets.
He seems to be taking the paper ballot used to stuff the ballot box route based on the
statistics along with the data showing large numbers of ballots cast by people who had
previously submitted change of address requests yet had not been removed from voter rolls.
Seems those type of people would be ripe for targeting for submitting an illegal ballot in
their name. Those number is the 100's of thousands....
The book is mixed. Good information often is intermixed with absurd statements. And often
authors overplay their hand.
Still if read with a grain of slat one can find interesting, systematized information about
Flynn prosecution and Russiagate gaslighting. This information is presented via the prism of
Hammer, the newer surveillance system similar to Prism, that supposedly was used by Obama
administraqtion to spy on the US citizens including General Flynn, supreme court judges and even
members of FICA court.
In February 2009, the Obama administration commandeered a powerful supercomputer system
known as THE HAMMER. THE HAMMER includes an exploit application known as SCORECARD that is capable of hacking into
elections and stealing the vote, according to CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis
Montgomery, who designed and built THE HAMMER.
This is a blatant attempt of CIA to steal functions of NSA. Which strongly suggests that
Obama was a CIA-democrat.
On March 19, 2017, General Mclnerney and Admiral Lyons dropped The
American Report's expose 011 The HAMMER, the illegal surveillance operation overseen by Obama,
Brennan, and Clapper with which they spied 011 Americans and targeted their political
adversaries. The radio show is a Live show, and fifteen minutes before General Mclnerney's
segment he emailed me that he would be coming forward with time-sensitive information provided
with the support of Admiral Lyons.
The information focused 011 an illegal surveillance operation which utilized a platform, THE
HAMMER, developed by Dennis Montgomery, which Obama, Brennan and Clapper, with the support of
Comey and Mueller, had "privatized" to illegally-surveil political opponents. Their "operation"
violated the rights of many hundreds of Americans, including citizen Donald Trump, General
Flynn, government officials, and Supreme Court and District Court Judges. General Mclnerney
then came on the Live show and delivered the information noted above to the American public.
This was the first time this information was presented 011 Radio or TV. I would like to say
that the information of the illegal "operation" shocked me .... however, having been involved
in health care policy for years and having had "time in the swamp".... it angered me but did
not shock me.
The credit for exposing the illegal "operation" THE HAMMER and bringing it to the attention
of General Mclnerney and Admiral Lyons should go to investigative journalists Mary Fanning and
Alan Jones of The American Report and military intelligence officials who confirmed the illegal
"operation." Mary Fanning and Alan Jones have presented information in at least two dozen well
researched, well sourced, and very thorough investigative articles on the illegal surveillance
parallel platform.
The reaction to the segment was significant. The listening audience demanded that the
illegal "operation" be investigated, Deep State operatives expressed displeasure over the
information being made public, and for some "reason," my computer immediately after the show
malfunctioned and would not allow me to send emails. The screen repeatedly seized. This was not
a common occurrence -- this was rare.
Of note, several years after the segment, the Department of Justice released text messages
between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, which Tire American Report exposed and built a timeline
around. Included in those texts were messages between Strzok and Page on the evening of March
19, 2017 referencing the information General Mclnerney brought forward on the show. Over the
ensuing years, there have been those who thoroughly researched the illegal "operation" who are
also well-versed and experts in information technology.
The two most well-respected surveillance experts in the world, Bill Binney and Kirk Wiebe,
have been supportive of the existence of the illegal parallel platform of THE HAMMER and they
in fact have come forward stating that they had also participated in parallel platforms.
Admiral Lyons was an incredible Patriot and a friend who also regularly appeared 011 my
show. From March 19, 2017 until his death in December of 2018, he repeatedly told me ....
"David, continue to focus on the Hammer surveillance .... it is the key to the coup, the key
for General Flynn's Freedom, and the key to Save Our Country.
-- David H. Janda M.D. Host, Operation Freedom
... ... ...
(7) Brennan and Clapper ran THE HAMMER computer system out of a secret Fort Washington,
Maryland facility beginning on February 3, 2009, after President Barack Obama took office;
(8) Florida voter registration disks were removed, and new disks inserted by Brennan and
Clapper via THE HAMMER supercomputer system, whereby they stole the Florida election via
Operation "Scorecard" reveals shadowy interference at the polls.According to According
NOQ Report , Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney exposed "Scorecard." The Dems' alleged superweapon for
voter fraud.
"A CIA program known as "Scorecard" allows its users to change voting outcomes by hacking
into the transfer between local reporting stations and state or national data centers.
According to McInerney, it's a small amount, under 3%, to keep it from triggering any alarms.
He would know. He served in top military positions under the Secretary of Defense and the Vice
President of the United States," says QMN.The covert technology "was built by the CIA to
surreptitiously steal elections in targeted countries. Now, that technology is being turned
against the United States of America and is about to be activated on Tuesday to steal the
election for Biden," The covert technology "was built by the CIA to surreptitiously steal
elections in targeted countries. Now, that technology is being turned against the United States
of America and is about to be activated on Tuesday to steal the election for Biden,"
McInerney boldly claimed . "This might also help explain why Joe Biden told voters at a
recent (small) rally that he didn't "need their vote" to become President, and why Nancy Pelosi
says Biden will win no matter what the votes say on Nov. 3rd."Operation Texas Scorecard.Project Veritas is at it again with undercover work to show
ballot harvesting. Project Veritas is at it again with undercover work to show ballot
Newly released footage reveals an operation in San Antonio, Texas, collecting votes for
Democrats, a pollster saying to a voter,
Dems' ballot harvesting Minnesota.
In the first of a series of reports, Project Veritas
investigators reveal a ballot-harvesting racket in Rep Ilhan Omar's (D) Minneapolis district
involving her campaign workers and political allies, In the first of a series of reports,
Project Veritas investigators reveal a ballot-harvesting racket in Rep Ilhan Omar's (D)
Minneapolis district involving her campaign workers and political allies, reports QMN
News . "Whistleblower Jamal Osman, a Minneapolis community leader and chair of the city's
Somali Watchdog Group, alleges Omar's involvement, and says that his brother, Liban Mohamed, is
one of Omar's "many people." "It's an open secret. She [Omar] will do anything that she can do
to get elected and she has hundreds of people on the streets doing that," he told Veritas in an
on-camera interview last Tuesday. "Whistleblower Jamal Osman, a Minneapolis community leader
and chair of the city's Somali Watchdog Group, alleges Omar's involvement, and says that his
brother, Liban Mohamed, is one of Omar's "many people." "It's an open secret. She [Omar] will
do anything that she can do to get elected and she has hundreds of people on the streets doing
that," he told Veritas in an on-camera interview last Tuesday. "Whistleblower Jamal Osman, a
Minneapolis community leader and chair of the city's Somali Watchdog Group, alleges Omar's
involvement, and says that his brother, Liban Mohamed, is one of Omar's "many people." "It's an
open secret. She [Omar] will do anything that she can do to get elected and she has hundreds of
people on the streets doing that," he told Veritas in an on-camera interview last Tuesday.
"It's an open secret. She [Omar] will do anything that she can do to get elected and she has
hundreds of people on the streets doing that," he told Veritas in an on-camera interview last
Tuesday. "It's an open secret. She [Omar] will do anything that she can do to get elected and
she has hundreds of people on the streets doing that," he told Veritas in an on-camera
interview last Tuesday.
Dems deceit fracks election in Pennsylvania.
My polling place in Philly was handing these out. And no, no one handed out a GOP or any
other party option. pic.twitter.com/LZ9C2ZYl5w
TIPers knew the groundwork was in motion with mail-in ballots and all the other tricks
that would tip close states to the candidate with no chance of winning on his own. That would
be Joe Biden. They don't know Trump, America's top warrior, yet.
Featured Image: GETTYSBURG, PA, April 2019. Detail of Pennsylvania state memorial, Gettysburg Battlefield Photo Bubba73 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gettysburg_Battlefield,_Pennsylvania,_US_(81).jpg.
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
license. Attribution: Judson McCranie
Karen Fann, Senate president, has asked the state to test voting machines.
Capitol Media Services Karen Fann, Senate president, has asked the state to test voting
Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs said the election was run using laws established by
the Republican controlled Legislature. She rejected request to test voting machines.
By Howard Fischer Capitol Media Services
PHOENIX – Senate President Karen Fann is seeking an independent analysis of the
testing of Arizona voting machines.
In a letter to Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, the Prescott Republican said she is not
claiming there was fraud in the just-completed election.
"But many others are making that claim," Fann said. And she contends that the outside review
will put the "current controversy" to rest. Watch now: Ballots processing in Pima County Play
But Hobbs said Fann, while professing no belief in fraud, is herself trafficking in
conspiracy theories by even suggesting that an extra – and legally unrequired –
step is necessary to quell rumors.
"It is patently unreasonable to suggest that, despite there being zero credible evidence of
any impropriety or widespread irregularities, election officials nonetheless have a
responsibility to prove a negative," she wrote Tuesday in a response to Fann.
"To be clear, there is no 'current controversy' regarding elections in Arizona, outside of
theories floated by those seeking to undermine our democratic process for political gain,"
Hobbs said. "Elected officials should work to build, rather than damage, public confidence in
our system."
And the secretary left no doubt about what she intends to do.
"I respectfully decline your request to push aside the work that remains to be done to
ensure an orderly completion of this election and instead launch and fund with taxpayer dollars
a boundless 'independent' evaluation of 'all data related to the tabulation of votes in the
2020 General Election,"' Hobbs wrote.
Fann told Capitol Media Services there's nothing improper about her request, even absent any
proof of fraud.
"There are a lot of questions that the voters have," she said. "And for the integrity of our
democracy, why wouldn't we want to get to the bottom of these questions?" Quality journalism
doesn't happen without your help.
And if there's nothing there, Fann said, "let's find out what they are and either put them
to bed or get those questions answered."
Hobbs said everything being done follows the election laws as established by the
Republican-controlled Legislature.
She pointed out the equipment used to tabulate votes can be used only if first certified by
the U.S. Election Assistance Commission and her own office, after review by a special State's
Equipment Certification Advisory Committee.
Then there are "logic and accuracy" tests on each piece of equipment – tests that need
to be done in public – both before and after the election to ensure the machines are
properly recording votes.
And there even is a law that requires that 2% of the ballots from select precincts be
counted by hand to ensure the tally matches what the machine has spit out. And that is open to
party officials who even can video record the process.
All that, Hobbs said, was made public for months before the election.
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF
VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost -- Using Dominion and Other
Systems By
Joe Hoft
Published November 10, 2020 at 6:32pm
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows
MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost -- Using Dominion
and Other Systems By
Joe Hoft
Published November 10, 2020 at 6:32pm
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows
MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost -- Using Dominion
and Other Systems By
Joe Hoft
Published November 10, 2020 at 6:32pm
So despite the help from the massive software "glitch", Biden fraud machine had to dump
late night dump ballots all for Biden only in a hurry. How bad did he lose? It almost looks
like most of his votes are fabricated. I would not be surprised if he were 20 points behind
in legal votes.
I think the ballot dumping was the side show to keep us from finding out about the vote
switching and deleting. How can this be verified, and how can this be seen on the machines
Badass American of Indian decent (actually was born in India I believe but family came
here legally when a young child). Ran for senate in Massachusetts as a Republican and was/is
a big Trump supporter. Blew the doors off the Covid 19 scam, not that it wasn't real but how
it was being treated and handled by MSM and the Socialist Democratic Party, ie, by those who
hyped the whole thing.
EventBrite just told everyone that "March for Trump" was cancelled. It is NOT
The Elites / Big-Tech / MSM (including Fox) are TERRIFIED We Will Show Up - doing everything
possible to shut us down.
Don't let them. Break their Narrative.
Get to DC or the nearest contested state-house This Weekend, or we hand Biden the WH.
CORRECTION!! We hand the WH to Kamala, the most leftist (socialist) senator in the Senate!
She falls right in line with Hugo Chavez and Nicolás Maduro, Fidel,Stalin and other
(in)famous dictators politically. If you are a veteran, have a CFL, have made a firearms
purchase from a dealer, etc. - your personal information WILL be found and used to confiscate
your arms if these socialists gain enough power. They have already stated that they will
rejoin the 'climate accords,' restart 'fair trade' with China, move our embassy out of
Jerusalem, restart nuclear 'cooperation' with N. Korea, pass 'common sense' gun laws to
protect our citizens (never mind the THOUSANDS of gun laws now on the books that are NOT
ENFORCED,) tear down 'Orange Man Bads' border fence, open up our borders to all comers, and
amnesty all illegals now in the nation - and that's just for a start.
You are so right ....but the Marxists better ask the British what happened when General
Gage sent British regulars to DISARM AMERICANS at CONCORD . THAT is when the Revolutionary
War turned into a REAL SHOOTING WAR .
Avoidance of War is Not Peace. While I am praying for Honest Election Results that = Trump
Victory, the NWO Deep State must be stopped Now.
Marxist democRats and Quisling repubs are Bought and Paid for by their NWO Oligarch
Never Submit, Never Surrender.
If they mean to have CW, then let it begin with this Coup if it is accomplished in Jan of
He also doesn't believe AIDS is caused by HIV... really?! And that we should expand the
USPS by having them set up and regulate a national email service. Broken clock, twice-a-day,
H.I.V was found to be nothing more than Biologically Inactive Gunk by Nobel Laureate
Professor and Cancer specialist Doctor Peter Duesberg and his work was backed up by Nobel
Laureate Doctor Carey Mullin. The H.I.V hypothesis proposed by the Fraudulent Doctors Gallo
and Anthony Fao-Chi[ yes! That Fao-chi] never passed the Koch Postulates, so they turned to
the MSM to pressure the Reagan administration into acceptance of their Hypothesis and that is
the most important part of the H.I.V Hypothesis...
Yesterday on hannity's radio show, John Solomon was severely downplaying the software
problems. Never trusted that guy. Does anyone ever say, "hey, you have to check out Just the
News?!". NOPE.
John Solomon was an integral part of uncovering the SpyGate scandal. Just because he says
something you disagree with does NOT make him a partisan hack.. He's one of the last
investigative reporters left in the U.S.
He speaks the truth and the truth is that as of now we have zero evidence of wrongdoing
other than hearsay. "Data passed around" analyzed by some guy does not cut the mustard in
court. Actual proof is needed and as of now we are just spouting BS. I am not delusional as
most of you and understand that as we sit we are losing big time. He does not say everything
I need to hear......WAAAAAAAA.
I don't really trust him after watching him on Lou Dobbs A LOT. He squirms out of tough
questions. I agree about the investigation into obamagate with Sara Carter. Why is he now
putting a liberal (UNTRUE) spin on the software problems?
No spin, Just the truth. The evidence as of now would get thrown out of court as it is
hearsay. Get the data looked at by a real analytics team not some random guy sitting in his
He ran hard against Pocahontas up here in MA. Brilliant man! Someone had to step up with
indisputable proof and stop this charade now! OT: Watched a bit of Tucker Carlson
tonight...the bosses got to him. He's talking about senile Biden's virus response. No Tucker,
President Trump is in charge.
I agree! Tucker was singing the praises of FNC several nights ago about their truth
telling...what garbage! Tucker can go too with FNC, I'm done with them!
I read an email on the laptop from Tucker to Hunter the day after he said that on his
show. It was just thanking Hunter for writing a letter of recommendation to Georgetown for
someone. Nothing bad, but Tucker would not touch the photos on the laptop of incest with
underage family members.
What happened today, and what prompted Pilger to "quit" was that AG Barr said to US
Attorneys – "If you have substantial allegations of election fraud in your district,
you have authority to investigate that." Basically, Barr cut Pilger and Election Crimes
Branch out of the picture as "gatekeepers" to starting investigations in places like
Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit, and Atlanta.
And all the strange ballot dumps after the election including a single batch in Philly
with 23,277 votes all going to Joe Biden.
They stopped counting on election night so they could look at the voter rolls to see who
hadn't voted; they then used this information to create a bunch of fraudulent ballots for
many of the real people who didn't actually vote including dead people and people living out
of State. They had the post office backdate these fraudulent ballots created after the
This Corona-facilitated criminal conspiracy in the 2020 elections might be of even larger
proportions than the awkwardly covered up (Hunter) Biden Crime Family saga. The filthy
corruption of the lying mainstream media is, in a way, a non-partisan story. The media
misrepresentation of the most obvious truths in our midst does great damage to everyone
including Republican and Democrats. Its the Big Media/Big Tech dissemblers of decent
reporting on the real human condition that menaces average people the most; that puts our
very lives at wrongful risk; that calls most urgently for the enforcement of provisions
outlawing the serial frauds of the most guilty parties. The biggest story of our times is
that media venues regularly deceive its viewers to serve and facilitate organized crime.
Some important & additional sources of information on the obvious fraud:
VIDEO: The President's lawyer, Sydney Powell, explains the massive, historical vote
fraud that has occurred and predicts that Trump will win the election in the end .
"Who were the people in control of these ballots? What is their paper trail? Where did
they come from? Who signed for them and took control of them? What Trump/Biden split did
they convey? Was it statistically probable or improbable? Had they already been counted?
Has their legitimacy been established? Did observers have access to them before delivery
and after delivery? Why were they delivered at that time? Did this delivery coincide with
deliveries elsewhere in other states?"
@AReply You are what's called a usefull idiot. The GOP doesn't care about anyone but
Isreal and the elites on Wallstreet. Every 4 years the GOP pretends to care about poor white
people and they show some colored people to show "look we are not racist."
But to say the GOP really cares what everyone thinks and is inclusive to a fault is
ridiculous. How brainwashed are you?
The problem with Magatards like you is the inability to separate fantasy with reality. You
really think Trump is the god emperor who is fighting pedophiles and you will believe
anything other Trumptards throw up on YouTube.
Lol at the GOP by definition being conservative. Trump is a liberal who grew the size of
the government.
My feeling on election fraud is two-fold, first – Politicians have been cheating and
lying in Everything that they have done, so to have the election being the sole thing that
they do not cheat and lie about, particularly when the stakes for them are at the highest
point, would be clear signs of a delusional individual, or at least a fool with clouded
judgement, and secondly – I have no stake in this election since both candidates have
violated and have committed to violatimg my constitutional rights, in addition to violating
the rights of others around the world through wars and sanctions based on outright lies. It
is of no benefit for me to try to claim that the results of the election were in violation of
democracy if that democracy has democratically and illegally decided to violate my
constitutional rights, and if that democracy has also democratically decided to wage war and
sanctions on others based on lies, it can then be equated with a democratically decided gang
rape, of which I happen to be one of the many victims, and choosing one group of gang rapists
over another group of gang rapists is something that would not be in my best interests.
Brett Titley nails it.. The purpose of allowing a private media to control the discourse
space of the public is "to circumvent the intelligence of the voter..".. but there is more
its purpose is to trick, fool, subvert and divert and so forth .. the sensory inputs that
allow the voter to use his or her intelligence..
As stated above, there is no longer any pretense of a "fair election" in the USA or that
the USA is a "democracy".
I believe that was the most important message they wanted to send to us and why the fraud
was so blatantly obvious and the media censorship so heavy-handed.
Combine the above with their "Antifa" thugs and "covid19" lockdowns and you have the
totalitarian state for all to see.
What this author may have failed to consider is that all "judges", by whomever appointed,
are members of the USA establishment and have a stake in the perpetuation of a myth that
there is not and could not exist systemic and systematic voter fraud in the USA.
put this myth next to the myth that the USA is not a massive and ongoing global war crime
operation no member of the establishment will ever utter that equally blatant truth.
Everything is done for the Deep State dba MIC, Globalist Corps. Wall Street, International
Banking , Intel Agencies etc. not for the populace. Forget Democrat or Republican –
there are none – only a pigment of your imagination. Name 50 politicians who haven't
been recruited or Allowed to stay in office, if they didn't pledge allegiance to Israel, the
NWO , the MIC etc. You can't because there is no peoples Government . If there was an Honest
peoples Gov. the FCC would have yanked all the MSM licenses – long ago , Wall Street,
the Banks and the Pentagon would have been neutered , with the Federal Reserve on probation.
The movie Matrix is more real than most think – without the special effects. The Covid
virus is just another Government induced 08 and on Depression – and guess who is back
in the WH , to make sure things go smoothly for the NWO – Obama, Killary , Biden and
Company. How many " Democrats" did this for the good of their " Country " ? And how many did
it for Themselves ?
@Tor597 nal guy but he is really losing it with the election fraud narrative. Leaving
aside whether or not this was indeed a fraudulent election or not, what even it there to gain
for Whites? Trump hasn't done diddly squat in relation to things like affirmative action,
social media overreach into politics (via partisan banning and censorship) and immigration.
The only real benefit to Trump was that he radicalised the rank-and-file of the White
voter base, the problem is that much of the radicalisation was towards absolutely destructive
ideologies like the QAnon theory.
The only thing that will be lost will be Trump's politically incorrect statements, but we
will have Biden's senile gaffes to make up for that I guess.
Question: As in most other cases of election fraud, if the obvious mail-in and software
evidence is accepted as proof in the swing States being contested, can the Supreme Court
overturn the entire 2020 results and order a new election that would also include the Senate
and House elections in all States?
Its always entertaining to see how people get a dose of their own medicine. The US has
been active for the past 100 years or more cocking around with rigging elections and
supporting dictators in other parts of the world. Not only putting them in power but
supporting these fucks with taxpayer money. How many millions of people have been most
unhappy to see some scumbag they hate propped up as Leader Maximus courtesy of Uncle Sam.
The chickens have been circling for a long time and finally come home to roost. How do US
citizens now like the taste of their own cough syrup ?
And all thos immigrants flocking to the US courtesy of the puppet masters in DC, here is a
news flash. The golden years of the US are done. If you expect to make it here and attain the
American dream let me assure you that you are the wrong person, in the wrong place at the
wrong time and under the control of the wrong people.
How stupid can these immigrants be coming to the US to be flunkies, gophers and virtual
slaves to the Corporate world. Stay where you are people. We already have enough pizza
delivery boys and the coffee shops are already filled to capacity by unemployed dubs names
Abdul, Mbongo and LeMArco.
Even bloggers with Russian names, mushroom level intelligence and brandishing big swords
are barely making ends meet and have to shack out in West Coast tents living hand to
I'd be surprised if Trump doesn't feel the need to flee the jurisdiction, since he and his
family, regardless of rightfully or not, will be the first Presidential family pursued in the
criminal courts after leaving action to settle a political score. The message being sent is
that those not welcomed into the club enter at their own peril.
Indeed. You point out the lynch pin in whether opposition to this election fraud will be
successful, money and Trump's character. Although this is now the perfect situation for Trump
to do what he promised four years ago "drain" of at least "expose" the swamp, Trump is first
and foremost a selfish opportunist.
Trump however has a massive ego and I witnessed this when I was in the press corp. for
many Trump campaign stops. It is this ego that Americans on the side of America are betting
on, since Trump will absolutely hate the prospect of flying off into the blue just before the
In a little over a week, groups of volunteer IT specialists, Data
Analysts, Auditors and more, have uncovered enough potential fraud to overturn the 2020 Election.
the past week, groups of professionals have gathered to ensure election integrity was present in the 2020 election. These
groups of Trump and America loving patriots are working on their own time and digging into election data to identify potential
evidence of fraud. Despite the MSM promoting a group of 'experts' claiming this was 'the
secure election ever
', the real evidence indicates a total different story.
are numerous legal questions as well, such has how to address the numerous
and corrupt activities
the Democrats carried out in Michigan to steal the election.
There are enough legal issues identified to date to indicate this was
the most corrupt election in US history.
what is the impact?
Today we can say that there is enough information presently available on
the potential fraudulent activities that when quantified would overturn the election.
The biggest potential fraud identified to date is related to the data
coming from the voting machines themselves.
we had identified a number of anomalies where votes appeared to be 'switched' from President Trump to Joe Biden, a group of
experts dug into election data and found this was not an innocent mistake. By using election day data, this group found
millions of votes removed from President Trump and placed in the Biden column. (This data is now being reviewed but our
initial results are consistent with the group's reporting.)
are other items already identified and quantified by others. One report isolated Biden only votes from the election which
were so large and outside of expectations that they clearly are not reasonable and should at least be reviewed for signatures:
votes have not been confirmed by the Trump team or the states, so they are not final. There is also ongoing work on dead
people who voted, felons who illegally voted, and more. Democrats have a history of committing voter fraud, so there is more
to do.
Don't listen to the corrupt and dishonest media which never praises the
President's efforts or reports on his successes and always sides with corrupt perpetrators.
Already there is enough information to overturn this election.
Skip in 5
Possibility of hacking into and changing voters counts in the US electronic election system does exist. To what extent CIA
penetrated it remains unclear, but judging from some presentation the system is deliberately kept very vulnerable to exploits via
patchwork of shady private companies involved. Yes you got it right, the equipment for the USA election is not run by the USA
government, it is run by private companies, including Amazon.
I wish they'd stop with the Hammer and Scorecard BS.
Unless they have proof, trying to suggest that the CIA swayed the election just makes
all the other more legitimate claims sound like more nonsense.
There are real issues already here, like crates of ballots being brought in and
opened in sealed rooms, observers being banned, voter count and patterns being way off
normal, ballots being found in garbage or burned, etc. Dozens of reports.
Why would they do all that other stuff when some CIA puke can fire up a program
that just alters the counts on the fly? Trump's people need to focus on the real
issues, trying to blame everything under the sun just makes them look exactly like the
sore losers the left is saying they are.
This really is about more than just Trump. If the media and Democrats aren't willing
to stand for fair elections, the rest of the country needs to see it and do something
about it.
CherokeeRose Not Woke Yet, But
I'm Hoping
Posted: 11/10/2020 1:43:19 AM EST Originally
Posted By IronBalaclava:
JUST IN(11/8/2020):
Absolutely excellent podcast with Lt Gen. Tom McInerney a couple days BEFORE the
election, regarding the use of Project Hammer's Scorecard application to
steal votes:
Keeping the DNC party about 3% ahead.
To be used in battle ground states such as: FL, WI, MI, GA, TX, PA, AZ
In this expedited upload edition of the Operation Freedom Radio Show [November 1
2020] Dr. Dave chats with Gen. Tom McInerney about recently discovered information
regarding voter fraud:
For those with short attention spans, it's only 23 minutes. Please listen in, copy,
paste and spread the word:
In February 2009, the Obama administration commandeered a powerful supercomputer system
known as THE HAMMER. THE HAMMER includes an exploit application known as SCORECARD that
is capable of hacking into elections and stealing the vote, according to CIA
contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery, who designed and built THE HAMMER.
THE WHISTLEBLOWER TAPES, confidential audio recordings released by U.S. DIstrict Judge
G. Murray Snow's courtroom in November 2015, revealed that SCORECARD was deployed by
the Obama team against Florida election computers to steal the 2012 presidential
election on behalf of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.
now being activated to steal the vote on behalf of Joe Biden once again.
Biden utilized
THE HAMMER and SCORECARD while running for Vice President in 2012. Votes are again
being stolen on Joe Biden's behalf as he runs for President of the United States in
2020. This time, SCORECARD is stealing votes in Florida, Georgia, Texas, Pennsylvania,
Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, and Arizona, according to Montgomery.
"THE HAMMER is the key to the coup" U.S. Navy Admiral James A. "Ace" Lyons (Ret.) proclaimed
to U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnerney (Ret.). Admiral Lyons, who led the
largest military command in the world as Commander of the U.S. Navy Pacific Fleet, spoke those
words to General Mclnerney one final time as General Mclnerney sat beside Admiral Lyon's
Dennis Montgomery designed and built THE HAMMER foreign surveillance supercomputer to keep
America safe after 9/11. Montgomery is a software designer and computer expert who worked as a
government contractor for the CIA, FBI, NSA, and Defense Department.
According to military sources, THE HAMMER was a powerful foreign surveillance tool intended
to monitor terrorists and other foreign adversaries.
On February 3, 2009, at the beginning of President Obama's first term, John Brennan and
James Clapper illegally commandeered the foreign surveillance tool known as THE HAMMER and
transformed it into a domestic surveillance system that went operational at a secret government
facility at Fort Washington, Maryland.
Montgomery became a whistleblower to expose Brennan and Clapper's illegal use of THE HAMMER
for domestic surveillance.
Brennan and Clapper illegally spied on Americans, including President Obama's political
enemies, using that domestic surveillance data for "blackmail" and "leverage," as disclosed in
"The Whistleblower Tapes" and by Montgomery.
Robert Mueller's FBI supplied the computers for THE HAMMER, according to The Whistleblower
Tapes and according to Montgomery.
Brennan and Clapper used THE HAMMER to spy on Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts,
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, 159 Article III
judges, FISA Court Presiding Judge Reggie Walton, members of Congress, Wall Street executives,
Rudy Giuliani, Lt. General Michael Flynn, Donald
Trump, Trump Tower, multiple Trump businesses, and members of the Trump family, according to
Montgomery. Montgomery asserted that Brennan
spied on Donald Trump because the CIA feared Trump. According to The Whistleblower Tapes,
Brennan and Clapper wiretapped Donald Trump "a
zillion times."
In an interview with his attorney Montgomery said, "There has been a wiretap on Trump for
August 2015, FBI Director Comey took possession of 47 hard drives of illegal surveillance
from Dennis Montgomery under two limited immunity
agreements. According to Montgomery, the 47 hard drives proved Brennan and Clapper had Donald
Trump under illegal surveillance.
December 2015, after the FBI verified the 47 hard drives, Montgomery received greater
immunity. Montgomery provided testimony inside a
Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) at the FBI Washington DC Field Office while
under oath and being videotaped, for three and
one half hours, before Assistant U.S. Attorney Deborah Curtis and FBI Special Agents Walter
Giardina and William Barnett.
March 4, 2017, President Trump on Twitter accused President Obama of wiretapping Trump
March 7, 2017, WikiLeaks dumped CIA Vault 7 that confirmed the existence of THE HAMMER
НАМR (pronounced hammer) - throwing framework for browser exploits
WildTurkey (n.) A animal of the avian variety that has not been domesticated. Also a
type of alcohol with a high proof (151). It get's you HAMR'D
WildTurkey is the name of the collection of iOS related plugins for the HAMR framework.
The project WildTurkey has a makefile that helps build all the related plugins and a HAMR
BEM and a FEM. The BEM is the Back End Manager and manages the creation of a FEL (Front End
Listener). The FEL will actually handle the exploitation process of a device. Build
everything by:
cd <ZOO_REPO_DIR>/wildturkey
make <clean> <all|sot|sol> ( DNS name to be assigned...) is a Debian VM that has HAMR 1.3. Use that
server to build and run your fels, and remember to stop your fel when you are done to not
eat up ports.
To build a fel:
scp the plugins to the server
ssh into the server
make sure you have a plist (a sample exists on the share drive under
If using the sample, make sure you change the URL key under
Also if using the sample, the passphrase is moo
./bem build <plist path> <output name> <plugins>
where output name is the name of the fel (for example test.fel)
Now you can either run the fel through the bem and the fem via 4.b, or directly via
python test.fel # input the passphrase when prompted
see the hamr docs because I'm too lazy to look it up right meow
In order to build a FEL, you need to have a configuration plist. Until we build an easy
to configure plist here is a sample one:
There are several reports on Election night that five battleground states quit counting on
Election night. NewsMax pointed out the coincidence of it happening in those five states with
Democratic governors (except for Georgia) with Trump ahead before the "pauses." Wisconsin,
Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia and Nevada mysteriously quit counting after
We reported on this late at night on election night!
00:56 01:30 TRENDING: EXCLUSIVE: Based on Reports By Auditors, IT Specialists, Data
Analysts, and Statisticians - The Number of Illegitimate Votes Identified In Four Swing States
Are Enough to Overturn Election
The liars at Far Left Politifact later came out and said the counting did not stop in these
states. As usual Politifact is only telling half the story. It's what they do. Fact-check that!
In Georgia and several states on election night the officials announced they would resume
counting in the morning. It was a head fake. In Fulton County Georgia elections officials told
the media and our observers that they were shutting down the tabulation center at State Farm
Arena at 10:30 p.m. on election night only to continue counting ballots in secret until 1:00
In Michigan they dumped 138,000 votes for Biden in the middle of the night. Not one vote
went for Trump.
Wisconsin also dumped votes at 4 AM -- ALL FOR BIDEN.
In Pennsylvania Joe Biden received OVER ONE MILLION VOTES after election day -- over
ONE-THIRD of his totals!
This happened over and over again. Why? Why did this happen at 11 PM on Election night?
Democrats knew they were getting trounced. Who organized the call? Americans have a right to
know this.
"Methodological error? No. A deliberate information operation designed to discourage Trump
I think those fake polls are meant to add some plausible deniability to the election fraud
so that no reasonable person would question a result that conform exactly to what the polls
said we should expect.
Regardless of where one falls politically, the sanctity of the vote is a bedrock of a
functioning representative democracy. Voters have to believe their vote matters. And that the
vote is free, fair, and accurate.
The basic facts of the 2020 American Presidential election are concerning because
mounting evidence indicates there's been a concerted effort by state Democratic Parties to flip
the election from President Donald Trump to former Vice President Joe Biden in a number of key
swing states with the help of notoriously corrupt Democratic Party machines in at least five
American cities -- Detroit, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, and Atlanta.
Here are the basic facts of the case: On Election Night when America went to bed,
President Trump had a commanding lead in virtually every swing state, as well as Virginia,
which no one expected him to win.
However, when America woke up the next day, we found that he'd lost these leads, largely
on the basis of mail-in ballots found in the middle of the night and out from under the
watchful eye of legal election monitors.
What's more, these massive caches of votes – almost all of which were for former
Vice President Biden – came via large dumps primarily from the five aforementioned cities
in states predominantly run by Democratic governors.
When one looks at the statistical likelihood of the reported turnout, the numbers are so
improbable they're more at home in a one-party state like Saddam Hussein's Iraq or North
However, it is our belief that this mountain of data, much of it dissolute and
unconnected to one another, when taken in toto paints a clear picture of voter fraud on a scale
so large that it is unthinkable that it happened in the United States.
Below we explore the details and the data of what happened in Michigan, nicknamed "
The Wolverine State ", on Election Day, which had some of the most flagrant and sloppy
irregularities of any of the swing states, largely centering around Wayne County, the place
where Detroit is located – a city
notorious for voting irregularities favoring Democrats. Elsewhere we explore similar
efforts in the key swing states of Pennsylvania ,
Wisconsin , and Georgia
All of the posts in this series will be updated as
more credible information is uncovered.
A single computer
"glitch" awarded 6,000 votes to Biden and the Democrats that were supposed to go to
President Trump and other Republican candidates. With 47 Michigan counties using this software,
similar glitches might yield a discrepancy of hundreds of thousands of ballots -- or even more.
Perhaps this "glitch" was one of the more innocuous ones. Another glitch
returned a Republican incumbent to office after he "lost" to his Democratic challenger.
We use "glitch" in quotes because these types of things seem to be a running pattern in the
state and appear to always benefit the Democrat candidate. One other, and far more important,
example of this was the "glitch" that
awarded 138,000-plus votes to Joe Biden . It was one of these monolithic vote dumps we keep
talking about.
Over 138,000 votes tabulated and not a single one of them went for the President (or, for
that matter, Jo Jorgensen or Howie Hawkins or Kanye West), a statistical impossibility. It was
later corrected when hordes of Internet denizens found the vote dump and wondered how it was
possible, even under the basic laws of statistics.
This is hardly the only example of "mistakes" benefitting Biden or suspicious reported
totals in the State of Michigan. Take, for example,
Antrim County , where President Trump beat Hillary Clinton by 30 points in 2016 but had now
swung back to Biden by 29 points. County officials vowed to investigate what they called
"skewed" results.
A suit has been filed
in the state of Michigan based on a sworn affidavit from a Michigan poll worker -- not an
observer. Among other things, this suit alleges that
poll workers processed ballots with missing signatures, coached voters on who to vote for (Joe
Biden), and were instructed to backdate ballots.
How deep is the rabbit hole of "computer error" in Michigan? Sidney Powell, counsel for one
General Michael Flynn, appeared on Lou Dobbs' Fox Business News program and explained that she
believes that programs like HAMMER or
SCORECARD were used to change as much as 3 percent of the result . While this is merely
speculation at this point, it is worth noting that Steve Bannon also
floated this possibility on his show, War Room.
The final results of the city of Detroit are worth looking at: Joe Biden was able to receive
a whopping 93
percent of the vote in a year when Donald Trump doubled his share of the vote among the
black population. Again, this is a normal amount of the vote to receive if your name is Joseph
Stalin or Saddam Hussein or Idi Amin. It is not normal by any standard in the United States,
especially in large metropolitan areas.
Such things don't pass the smell test, much like the dramatic difference between the vote
tallies in similar rural counties in Ohio and their Michigan counterparts. These were
uncovered, once again, by the watchful eyes of citizen journalists and Twitter denizens, not
the government officials who are supposed to be safeguarding our elections.
Michigan, like Wisconsin and other states that have seen electoral chicanery, prohibits the
counting of mail-in ballots prior to Election Day. This is a convenient fact of life for those
who want to steal an election. They can simply allow the votes to be counted, then tabulate how
many they can fabricate for the purpose of putting their candidate over the top.
Florida does not have this feature and Donald Trump was able to win it comfortably. When
Florida goes right, the upper Midwest generally does as well. It is the true bellwether state,
selected every President since 1996 . Indeed, 1996 is the only time it hasn't since
As we mentioned, the dead seem to be voting in Michigan. One Twitter user kicked off a
trend of people checking to see if their dead relatives had voted via absentee ballot in the
state. Many users reported that, in fact, their relatives who had been dead for 20 years or so
had somehow requested absentee ballots, then filled them in. This is not a case of someone who
died during Coronavirus having their ballot received. This is about 118-year-olds voting. One
enterprising individual was kind enough to compile an entire list of dead voters in
Michigan in 2020 . It is voluminous. The Michigan Secretary of State has stated that
such ballots
will be thrown out at counting -- but are they? And how many are there?
Michigan is one of several states with
a voluminous amount of ballots that went for Biden only -- no one was interested in the
down ticket races. Michigan found a difference of just 7,131 votes between Trump and GOP Senate
candidate John James, but the difference between former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator
Gary Peters was a staggering 69,093. This was not the case in
non-swing states .
Finally, there is the small matter of postal workers being ordered to backdate ballots
so that they could be processed as if they were legitimate. This occurred both in Michigan and
in Pennsylvania, according to whistleblowers working with James O'Keefe of Project Veritas. The
Michigan whistleblower has not, at present time, been contacted by federal authorities, though
the one in Wisconsin has been.
It's no wonder the poll workers in Detroit don't want to be watched. There are a number of
highly egregious irregularities with regard to the handling and delivery of ballots in the
state. One Twitter user documented the arrival of 130,000 ballots in the dead of
night , all of which just so happened to be for former Vice President Biden.
Crowder reported on strange behavior around polling stations where unmarked vans pull up,
drop off boxes and suitcases of votes into secure areas, then disappear into the night. Perhaps
the worst part of this is that the integrity of all of the votes of this district has now
become compromised -- it will be very difficult to tell the illegally dropped ballots from the
legitimate ones. Chuck Woolery likewise reported on a
38,000 vote drop in Detroit in the dead of night .
Michigan is no stranger to getting ballot counts wrong when counting lots of mail-in
ballots: In August 2020 it was found that 72 percent of all of Detroit's absentee ballots
were counted incorrectly . Whether this is an honest mistake or outright fraud is
unimportant for our purposes. What is important is that, without independent auditing, we
cannot trust the results of the election in Wayne County, Michigan.
All of these irregularities are even more damning in light of revelations that vote-counting
machines in Michigan and several other states were
connected to the Internet during the election . This means they are inherently
We did, however, get one piece of welcome news from the Mitten: The Attorney General of the
state had to
officially request that protesters stop telling poll workers to stick Sharpie markers up
their butts. She later used her office to
threaten citizen journalists documenting the election theft.
The Lawsuit: Michigan
Voters Fight Back
A lawsuit was filed in the State of Michigan to protect the integrity of the vote. There
are a number of shocking allegations in the lawsuit, testified to under sworn affidavits. You
will be hearing a lot of talk in the coming weeks about how sworn affidavits aren't evidence,
but this is, strictly speaking, not true. These types of affidavits are used in court
proceedings all the time.
Some of the allegations in the lawsuit include:
Vote counters were instructed to not verify signatures.
Vote counters were instructed to backdate mail-in ballots.
Mail-in ballots were processed despite the fact that names did not appear on the
qualified voter file (QVF).
Mail-in ballots were altered to match a randomly selected name on the QVF who had not
False information was supplied to absentee ballots, including false birthdays, the most
common of which was "01/01/1900."
Ballots were removed from their privacy envelopes before proper processing.
Unsecured ballots with no chain of evidence were processed.
Batches of unsecured and unsealed ballots were processed after the final vote tally was
announced. At one oral count, 40,000 of these were all called for Joe Biden.
Poll workers refused to record objections from poll watchers and had poll watchers
removed without cause when they objected to ballots.
Absentee ballots were duplicated by hand without verification that the ballots were being
transcribed accurately by independent poll watchers.
One of the sworn affidavits in the suit corroborates stories of tens of thousands of unverified
ballots showing up through unofficial channels in the dead of night. Additionally, Attorney
General Bill Barr has begun an investigation into widespread voter fraud
across the nation at the federal level.
Despite the claims that there is "no evidence" for voter fraud in the Wolverine state, Ronna
McDaniel has presented 131 affidavits alleging
over 5,000 individual actions of voter fraud .
Take Action Today and Save America
While all of this is a bit scary and disheartening, the fight is far from over. President
Trump hasn't given up the fight and Congressional Republicans are starting to fall in line to
support him. A number of figures in conservative media are circling the wagons to denounce this
obvious fraud.
That's all great, but what can you do to stop the theft of the election and the end of the
American republic that will result from it?
As it turns out, the average person can do quite a lot. First, you should call your elected
representatives. That means calling your state rep, your state senator, your House Rep and your
U.S. Senator. You should do this be they friend or foe -- either way, they need to know that
you insist on having every legal vote counted.
You should likewise insist on them telling you what concrete steps they are taking to ensure
the integrity of the vote. Do not settle for boilerplate. A Twitter account has made what is
actually a very good script for you to
follow when you call in. Be firm, but polite.
The Michigan State Legislature is
taking action to ensure the integrity of the vote there . However, they have to continue to
feel the pressure from their constituents. Let them know that you're not going to be satisfied
with formalities and half-measures.
For those who want to take to the streets, there are opportunities for that as well.
Stop The Steal is the movement dedicated
to putting bodies in the streets of our nation's state capitals to let our elected officials
know that we are not going to stand for seeing our elections stolen in a manner befitting
Zimbabwe. There are almost daily rallies at the state capitol building and the TFC Center in
Detroit. What's more, a nationwide rally in DC called the Million MAGA March is scheduled for November 14. The
Democratic government of Washington, DC has responded with
new COVID restrictions designed to cripple the march.
What can you do? Quite a lot. Nothing less than the future of the country is at stake. If
they can steal this election, don't expect another one to be free and fair. But do expect a lot
of gun grabs and speech laws.
We are at an inflection point in the history of America. If we do not correct the voter
fraud we have seen in this presidential election we will not have another honestly counted
election. The democrats have told us they will stack the supreme court with political hacks,
do away with the electoral college, use COVID as an excuse to take away our Constitutional
rights and use climate change to regulate everything not otherwise controlled. Joe Biden said
"We are going into a long, dark winter." I do not think he was talking about this winter
season. He was talking about this period in American history. It is delusional to think any
election will be honestly counted if we do not resolve the fraud in this presidential
election. The fight is now. Future generations will curse our laziness and stupidity if we do
not begin to fight for our Constitutional Republic now.
The First Rule , 5 hours ago
"If we do not correct the voter fraud we have seen in this presidential election we will
not have another honestly counted election."
+1000000 VOTES
Chupacabra , 4 hours ago
"Correct" the voter fraud. Yeah, we definitely need to make some "corrections" in this
country. If you know what I mean.
If what Ms. Mellissa Carone outlines is true, this would explain how the ballots in
Michigan were manipulated. Ms. Carone was a contracted worker for Dominion a company
providing software services for ballot counting machines in Detroit.
Carone was sent to Detroit, Michigan, to provide technical support for the ballot counting
process. While she was there she noted poll workers repeatedly double scanning ballots to
generate multiple votes from the same batch of ballot sheets. When she reported this to her
employer, Mr. Nick Ikonomakis of Dominion, Carone was told it was not her role to review what
the poll workers are doing; essentially to ignore it.
Ms. Carone also witnessed election workers filling out ballots, fraudulently signing
ballots, as well as the unloading of vans in an area of the Detroit election tabulation
facility she was not permitted to inspect. Ms Carone was on Fox Business with Lou Dobbs to
explain part of what she witnessed.
Ms. Carone gave a longer interview – see here – which has more
information. It is always challenging to interpret the validity of whistleblowers; however,
Mellissa Carone has some specific details that provide credibility
Good! The more lawsuits, recounts and audits, the better. Healthy for America. Let's make
sure Trump gets his day in court. There is a 6 to 3 Republican majority on the U.S. Supreme
Court, and three of the justices were appointed by Trump. Let's hope Trump challenges
vigorously, demands recounts and files plenty of lawsuits. After it's over, of course, if
Trump is not the winner, then he should gracefully accept defeat.
SumTing Wong , 5 hours ago
And two of them are Obama appointees (the least qualified of all the justices and biggest
political hacks.) See where all of this is heading?
Chupacabra , 4 hours ago
I would just point out that the entire concept of "Republican" vs. "Democrat" or "liberal"
vs. "conservative" Supreme Court justices would be anathema to the Founding Fathers and the
fact that it has been internalized and accepted as normal is Exhibit 187 in my peition to
dissolve the United States. Divorce is inevitable, might as well man up and get it over
Savagegrace , 2 hours ago
unfortunately, I also believe that is coming.
This nation is only a sick shadow of what we were in the early 20th.
The new great depression is nigh upon us, Be Prepared!
Dead people helped Biden win. No doubt about that.
I already emailed and called both my senators and told them to get off their asses and get
involved in supporting the investigation and supporting Trump. One is a lazy MOFO. The other
one is already helping out.
The Mystic Seer , 8 hours ago
Dem's aren't concerned, and the MSM IS BURYING IT as long as their guy is ahead. SO CLEAR
and that's terrifying.
Justapleb , 35 minutes ago
So stupid of dems to think that "they" won.
Totalitarians, once in, will put them under the boot heel just the same. They "won"
nothing but making slaves of us all.
mtl4 , 6 hours ago
If you don't have fair elections you end up with a banana republic, the US is truly at a
crossroads......bend but don't break!
tlnzz , 7 hours ago
Election integrity is gone. Where do you go to get that back?
SmedleyButlersGhost , 1 hour ago
Arch_Stanton , 7 hours ago
Do the people of Flint have potable water, yet?
rkoen , 7 hours ago
I'm sure they still voted for Biden...one way or another.
Chupacabra , 4 hours ago
Stupid is as stupid does. Didn't that Jabba the Hut looking guy who makes movies about
Orange Man Bad grow up there?
BulkBeing , 7 hours ago
Excellent article! There is an abundance of evidence that Trump was re-elected.
We need to make sure the ones prosecuting these lawsuits are not sabotaged.
rkoen , 7 hours ago
Outside of SCOTUS nullifying the election and requiring standards by each state before
proceeding with a new election, there is no way to correct such massive corruption--democracy
is dead in America.
sweet-but-sour-saucy , 7 hours ago
Its quite clear now that the Dems are in it for themselves. The evidence is
President Trump has awakened the 'America Firs't mantra. Thinking people voted
The ballot needs to have integrity - but it has now been found sorely lacking.
Michigander , 8 hours ago
What a sad state if affairs we have in here in Michigan. Whitmer is a Democrat Hack and
will do anything, say anything, and offer up her constituency to the gods of the mask. I
don't want to wish what little of my life is left for me, but two years from now cannot come
quick enough.
Savagegrace , 2 hours ago
I feel your pain, as a new Hoosier, and former lifelong Michigander,
I'm happy that I made to move out of there to relative freedom in Indiana.
My car insurance was cut in half! And that just for starters.
elctro static , 47 minutes ago
Sydney Powell is one kick-butt attorney. If anybody can get justice for Trump, she
I wonder what Tom Fitton is up to.
The Donald should de-classify everything now, and get Assange out of the torture
Mareka , 1 hour ago
Not fond of the headline term "Chicanery".
Like "Shenanigans", "Mischief" or "Antics" it fails to convey the sinister, criminal
activity that took place.
Let it Go , 3 minutes ago
Good point! Just because some participants viewed it all as fun does not change the fact
it is extremely illegal.
Let it Go , 7 minutes ago
The mass media continues to claim there is no proof of "rampant voter fraud" but fail to
point out that in a close election a few votes matter.
The Democrats picked where to attack and attack they did. In these areas one or two
percent makes the difference between winning and losing.
overmedicatedundersexed , 25 minutes ago
mega march on DC this Saturday...be there if at all possible
gorghast , 2 hours ago
This systemic fraud destroyed itself in the trust & soul of AMERICA at that moment
when pizza boxes started to exclude observers‼
Who gave the pizza box order!?
One crack in the system, is all it takes.
Like a leak in a pipe it is impossible to determine exactly how much water washes away!
Suffice it to say that merely EVIDENCE of the leak (not the amount of water leaked¹) is
enough to nullify the voracity of a count!
An interesting question is how many ballots that were not returned can be faked and submitted
for the chosen candidate. You need just a couple of people to bypass all security checks and
after ballot is anonimized there is not any chance to detect that it was fraudulent.
There is not special box like in case of human voting with paper ballots that is opened by
But with voting machine so insecure the jury and so hackable is out on which form of votes is
less secure. At lest here is some paper trial. Also hacking can occur downstream when votes are
redistributed before entering into the database.
garry.brewster 19 June, 2020 cont - Ballots must be
postmarked no later than Election Day or returned to a ballot drop box by 8 p.m. on Election
If you fail to sign the ballot declaration, or the signature on the ballot declaration does
not match the signature in your voter registration record, your county elections department
will contact you.
Ballots are typically secured with numbered seals and a log is kept of the seal numbers to
detect any inappropriate access. All vote-by-mail ballots (also known as absentee) are kept in
secure storage while not being processed. ALL ballots are counted including Absentee and
Processing includes the verification of signatures and postmarks, removing the inner
envelope from the outer envelope and removing the ballot from the inner envelope. Ballots are
typically secured with numbered seals and a log is kept of the seal numbers to detect any
inappropriate access.
Most counties allow you to track your ballot each step of the way: Has it been mailed to
you? Has the county received it back? Has the signature been verified and the ballot counted?
Just as in 'early voting' allowed in some states ..... mail in ballots start coming in soon
after mailing and peak right before the election.
Election results are NOT delayed by VOTE by MAIL!
In the 2012 General Election, 23.3 million cast civilian or military absentee ballots . in
2016 24.8 million absentee ballots were cast ..... that is VOTE by Mail Snikkerz 26 April, 2020
Would it surprise anyone if they learned that the ballots harvested from GOP households were
unceremoniously destroyed, with only Democrat ballots being turned in to be counted? rjbell 12
May, 2020 In the article, "California legalized ballot harvesting" is a hyperlink which goes to
a broken link (
Between 2012 and 2018, 28.3 million mail-in ballots remain unaccounted for, according to
data from the federal Election Assistance Commission. The missing ballots amount to nearly one
in five of all absentee ballots and ballots mailed to voters residing in states that do
elections exclusively by mail.
States and local authorities simply have no idea what happened to these ballots since they
were mailed – and the figure of 28 million missing ballots is likely even higher because
some areas in the country, notably Chicago, did not respond to the federal agency's survey
questions. This figure does not include ballots that were spoiled, undeliverable, or came back
for any reason.
Although there is no evidence that the millions of missing ballots were used fraudulently,
the Public Interest Legal Foundation, which compiled the public data
provided from the Election Assistance Commission , says that the sheer volume of them
raises serious doubts about election security.
These questions are particularly relevant as the COVID-19 pandemic is forcing states across
the country to rapidly expand vote-by-mail operations in an election year. Democratic Sens. Amy
Klobuchar and Ron Wyden have proposed the
Natural Disaster and Emergency Ballot Act of 2020 , a bill that would allow every eligible
voter the opportunity to vote by mail, regardless of state laws governing mail-in ballots.
A significant increase in mail-in voting this fall could greatly incentivize "ballot
harvesting," where third parties collect mail-in ballots on behalf of voters and deliver them
to election officials. There's long been a consensus that such a practice incentivizes fraud,
and ballot harvesting is illegal in most of the country. Public debate over the issue has
intensified in recent years after a GOP operative in North Carolina was indicted
for crimes related to ballot harvesting in 2018.
That same election cycle
California legalized ballot harvesting , and observers say the practice played a key role
in ousting several Republican congressmen in Orange County in 2018, a longstanding GOP
stronghold in a state that has become very liberal in recent decades.
The fact that millions of unused mail-in ballots are floating around in every election cycle
"is not a secret type data here – it's sitting there on the Internet, and you're paying
for the server cost," notes Logan Churchwell, a spokesman for PILF. "So what do people that
really focus on the election process do about that? They go into ballot harvesting. If there's
so many ballots out there in the wind unaccounted for by election officials, surely some
manpower could be dedicated to go bring them in. And that's another part of the system where
you have weaknesses and risk."
To illustrate the risk, Churchwell notes that in 2016 Hillary Clinton won the popular vote
by garnering over 2.8 million more votes than Donald Trump. But nearly 6 million unaccounted
mail-in ballots were never counted in 2016, more than twice her margin in the popular vote. The
potential to affect elections by chasing down unused mail-in ballots and make sure they get
counted – using methods that may or may not be legal – is great.
There's little doubt that as the number of mail-in ballots increases, so does fraud. A 2012
report in The New York Times noted that voter fraud involving mail-in ballots "is vastly
more prevalent than the in-person voting fraud that has attracted far more attention, election
administrators say. In Florida, absentee-ballot scandals seem to arrive like clockwork around
election time." According to a Wall Street Journal report on voter
exploitation in Hispanic communities in Texas, mail-in ballots have "spawned a mini-industry of
consultants who get out the absentee vote, sometimes using questionable techniques." Poor,
elderly, and minority communities are most likely to be preyed upon by so-called ballot
"The convenience that on-demand absentees produces is bought at a significant cost to the
real and perceived integrity of the voting process," the report added. "On the face of it,
early voting can provide nearly equal convenience with significantly greater controls against
fraud and coercion." Similarly, another academic
study done in 2008 from Reed College flagged various concerns related to absentee voting
and conceded there is a "great deal of literature on turnout" but when it comes to mail-in
ballots there is "a dearth of research on campaign effects, election costs, ballot quality, and
the risk of fraud."
Despite these concerns, five states – Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Utah, and Hawaii
– now do all elections exclusively by mail. Supporters point to smooth elections in these
states as proof that it works. But PILF obtained voter data from Oregon, the first state to
adopt voting by mail exclusively, for the 2012 and 2018 elections and checked it against census
data. Of the 7 million ballots the state sent out in those two elections, some 871,000 ballots
are totally unaccounted for.
Losing only one of eight ballots, as opposed to the national average of one in five, may be
the result of Oregon having a more accurate listing of voters' addresses than many other
states, but that's still a very high percentage of missing ballots, and Oregon would not reveal
its data for the 2014 and 2016 elections for reasons the state would not
Regardless, U.S. Census data confirms that 11% of Americans move every year, and voters on
the lower end of the economic scale are especially transient. Without implementing some
extensive, and likely problematic, government surveillance program, there's no way for election
administrators to reliably get ballots to tens of millions of Americans every election cycle
without a large percentage of ballots going to the wrong address. This problem is compounded by
states that mail ballots automatically. (The author of this piece is from Oregon, where ballots
with his name on them were sent to his parents' address for years after he graduated from
college and moved out of state -- despite repeated contacts with the county clerk telling them
he had moved.)
The inherent problems of mail-in voting are being widely ignored, however. Use of mail-in
ballots more than doubled from 24.9 million in 2004 to 57.2 million in 2016, and around 40% of
U.S. votes are now done by mail. Along with this dramatic increase there have been virtually no
new safeguards, scrutiny, or additional research on the risks of vote by mail. If the current
pandemic is going to force the issue during a presidential election, proponents of voting by
mail may have to address obvious risks that come with proposing that more than 200 million
ballots be mailed out this fall.
"I really think the only reason vote-by-mail problems are not getting more attention on a
regular basis, is that it's kind of an embarrassing problem and people just aren't paying
attention," says Churchwell. "These numbers of missing ballots demonstrate large voter list
maintenance failures and security gaps within the broader mail voting process."
Hemingway is a writer in Alexandria, Va. You can follow him on twitter @heminator. Brian in
Arizona 24 April, 2020 Having lived in CO for five years, I voted by mail in a couple of
elections. It was simple to do, but I was always left with two nagging questions:
Was my vote ever counted at all?
What administrative controls are in place to insure that all votes are counted
"accurately? How does the election commission insure that errors or deliberate mistakes are
not made? To protect voter privacy, ballots are separated from the identifying outer cover so
no one can ever know how someone voted. But this opens the door to errors and fraud within
the vote count process.
Rosa1984 24 April, 2020 The focus should be on proving the Legitimacy of mail-in &
absentee votes. Every mail-in and absentee vote should be SCRUTINIZED. Pollworkers have been
arrested, charged, even jailed.....for filling-out multiple absentee ballots. That's already
been an issue. Blank Ballots should NOT be handed-out like candy. All ballots should be
numbered and cross-referenced with a registered voter, and accounted for.
Vote harvesting should NOT be allowed at all.
CrazyHungarian 24 April, 2020 Mail in voting is only as accurate as the accuracy of the voter
registration list complete with accurate addresses. We all know that voter registration lists
are fire with errors, dead people, duplicates, moved out of state, etc. JamminToTheTruth 25
April, 2020 The article talks about two different things as if they're both problems. Only one
of them is. Ballot harvesting is a problem which needs to be stopped. But "unreturned ballots"
in itself is not a problem. In fact, an 80% return rate is actually EXTREMELY GOOD. Also,
ballots are generally only good for one specific election. Having millions of expired ballots
out there is not a problem. Seems like someone trying to manufacture a crisis.
Unfettered_Reason 24 April, 2020 Mail in voting is a joke. Just another manufactured crisis by
democrats to distract from real issues affecting the American Public. The whole notion of Voter
Suppression was just debunked by a lengthy Harvard Study proving Voter ID has no impact on
turnout. Everyone should be required to vote in person, military excluded, show a picture ID,
and vote only on election day. It worked pretty well for a couple hundred years....Just sayin'
Rosa1984 24 April, 2020 That's not the problem. Boxes of absentee ballots have been found in
trunks of cars and in backrooms, after elections. NEVER cast, NEVER counted. The other problem
with absentee-ballot and mail-in voting is how long it can take to receive the ballot. My
husband requested absentee ballot in a recent election and it took 3 weeks from the time he
requested it-- until he actually received it. Keep in mind, too, your mailman knows whether
you're Republican or Democrat, by the mail you receive PC is fascism 24 April, 2020 Anyone who
will not generate a bit of effort to get to the polls in timely fashion probably should not
vote anyway. The same imbeciles who camp out in front of a store overnight waiting for Black
Friday sales or spend three days on line waiting to buy concert tickets, are often the ones who
claim that getting to the voting booth is too great an inconvenience. We ought to have
accommodations for seriously disa
There are a lot of Trump supporters who are very frustrated, even angry, with the silence of Attorney General Bill Barr in
the wake of last Tuesday's attempted Democrat heist of the Presidential election. But there are indications that Barr, who
understands what it takes to fight the entrenched bureaucracy that is aligned with a conspiracy that involves the media,
tech companies and computer software companies supplying voting machines, is preparing to move in a dramatic, far reaching
strike to expose this fraud.
Let us start with Barr's contentious interview with Wolf Blitzer.
I have a dear friend who knows Barr very well. Rarely does he show this kind of visceral anger. I find it difficult to
believe that in the ensuing two months, Barr has decided to curl up into a fetal position and allow the Republic to be
Now look at the actions on Monday.
following DOJ protocol,
sent a letter authorizing federal prosecutors across the U.S. to pursue "substantial
allegations" of voting irregularities. That same day, the DOJ official in charge of voter fraud investigations,
Pilger, resigned
Pilger is a compromised deep stater. I believe his resignation was, at a minimum, encouraged by Barr.
In tandem with the DOJ moves, President Trump fired Secretary of Defense Espers. The reason, I believe is simple–Trump wanted to
ensure he had someone running the DOD who was not going to meddle in domestic politics. Trump followed up by
Kash Patel
a National Security Council official and former congressional aide as chief of staff to new acting Defense Secretary.
Trump and Barr are not rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. They are making sure that loyal people are in place who will ensure
that the orders of the President are enforced.
To understand what Barr is preparing to confront you must understand the following. I will put it simply–there was an organized
conspiracy to interfere in the Presidential election and thwart the will of the voters.
First, six states stopped counting the votes on election night at approximately the same time. Five of the six are ruled by Democrat
Second, millions of dollars flowed to Black Lives Matter and then were re-routed to Act Blue, which in turn deposited this money
into the coffers of the Democrats. This was not legal. It is criminal for a "charitable" organization to divert those funds to
political campaigns. This is a money laundering charge.
Third, hundreds of thousands of ballots suddenly appeared in the middle of the night in several of the contested states where Trump
was ahead.
, for example, over 200,000 ballots for Biden appeared magically.
mail in ballots show similar problems
More than 20,000 absentee ballots in
have impossible
return dates and another more than 80,000 have return dates that raise questions, according to a researcher's analysis of the
state's voter database.
Over 51,000 ballots were marked as returned just a day after they were sent out -- an extraordinary speed, given U.S. Postal Service
(USPS) delivery times, while nearly 35,000 were returned on the same day they were mailed out. Another more than 23,000 have a
return date earlier than the sent date. More than 9,000 have no sent date.
Fourth, ballots also were filled out for voters without their knowledge and did not
their true choice:
A number of Pennsylvania voters were furious last week they they found that their mail-in ballots had already been filled in for
Democrats when they got them. Bower said the ballots that were already filled out and arrived at homes 40 miles apart, which he
says means they are not isolated incidents. "They literally stole my vote," said Delmas Fike. Fike said when his mail-in ballot
arrived, each Democrat was already selected.
Dominion Voting Systems has ties to prominent Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Bloomberg reported in April of last year that Dominion Voting Systems hired a high-powered lobbying firm that includes a longtime
aide to Pelosi. They hired Brownstein Farber Hyatt & Schreck. Nadeam Elshami, Pelosi's former chief of staff, is one of the
lobbyists on the account.
In 2014, Dominion was listed in the Washington Post
having donated between $25,001-$50,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
Sixth, the media and social media companies made no pretense of opposing Trump and favoring Biden. The major media polls falsely and
wrongly claimed
Biden had an enormous lead over Donald Trump
In his latest podcast
with son and pollster Jeremy Zogby, John Zogby said that polls showing a bigger Biden lead are using a
bad model, one that includes far too many Democrats.
His model follows the partisan turnout in 2016 that was about 34% Republicans and about 38% Democrats.
"We believe that is a more accurate reflection of the turnout model," he said.
But others showing a big Biden lead over-weigh Democrats. "Now some of the polls that have come out, I find troubling," he said,
citing CNN, Fox, and YouGov. They give an average 15-point advantage to Democrats. CNN had it a 16-point lead.
Most of the polls, especially those used by Fox, CNN and MSNBC and the rest of the media, were absurdly wrong. Methodological error?
No. A deliberate information operation designed to discourage Trump voters. Fortunately, the Trump crowd ignored this propaganda.
Twitter and Facebook dropped all pretense of providing a free forum for discussion. They clamped down, and continue to do so, on any
one who dares challenge the social media meme that the vote was fraud free or tries to present information not favorable to Joe
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Wednesday was locked out of her personal Twitter account for sharing The Post's
bombshell cover story
Hunter Biden's alleged hard drive
and an email linking Joe Biden to his son's job at a Ukrainian energy company. "Your
account has been locked," a message from the social media network informed McEnany, whose account has
than 1 million
Twitter said that it locked President Trump's account on Monday after the commander-in-chief violated company policies by sharing
the email address of a New York Post columnist in a chirp. The social media giant confirmed to the Daily News on Tuesday that the
coronavirus-stricken President's account was locked until the post was removed.
And Twitter even blocked the fourth largest newspaper in the United States, the New York Post, for having the audacity to do some
actual reporting:
Both Twitter and Facebook took extraordinary censorship measures against The Post on Wednesday over its exposés about
Biden's emails
-- with Twitter baselessly charging that "hacked materials" were used.
The suppression effort came despite presidential candidate Joe Biden's campaign merely denying that he had anything on his
"official schedules" about meeting a Ukrainian energy executive in 2015 -- along with zero claims that his son's computer had been
If you believe these are isolated, unrelated events, you are a moron and beyond the reach of reason. Set aside your partisan views
and at least have the honesty to admit that there is something rotten afoot. At a minimum, the suppression of dissenting views is an
act worthy of Joseph Stalin. I am shocked to discover that such a large number of Democrat partisans have gleefully embraced a
fundamental attack on the First Amendment. The very people who try to tell us that Donald Trump is a dictator are the very people
promoting and supporting quashing any voice that dares to protest the media narrative. This is very dangerous territory.
So back to Bill Barr. What can he do? One option is to arrest and charge people for Conspiracy to Defraud the United States. I am
talking about USC 18 section 371.
If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any
agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the
conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
The evidence I have outlined above is an indicia of criminal conspiracy. It provides sufficient predicate for criminal
investigations. These were not isolated acts or mere human error. The evidence is being accumulated. I do not know what the Attorney
General is going to do. But, he is not going to ignore evidence. Based on his emotional defense of the voting system when
interviewed by Wolf Blitzer, I do not believe he is going to let this slide. Stay hopeful.
In addition of Facebook and Twitter add LinkedIN, the business networking site. The amount of
partisanship, especially post election narrative framing of 'president elect' and 'first woman VP' has grown exponentially.
There's plenty of coercion within companies too, especially those with female dominated HR departments.
In regards to USC 18 section 371, two ovservations/questions: how many of the violators are
H1B visa holders working for social media companies? How does the concisous decision of the FDA and Pfizer apparently knew
Pfizer's potential vaccine was reliable months ago but the company withheld submitting the samples until timing of results
would only come out after the election. That impacted not just stock price - by delaying the inevitable jump (which has
financial ramifications for those investing or considering investing in that company) - but affected government policies
regarding Covid restrictions. Not to mention public opinion (fear) and their potential votes.
From Barr's handling of Russia Collusion hoax where not one of the major coup plotters has been
indicted and where none of Rosenstein, Yates, Comey, et al who have demonstrably signed under penalty of perjury a false FISA
application been indicted, it should be clear that placing any faith that Barr is going to take on the corrupt institutional
framework is misplaced.
It must be acknowledged that Trump failed in many ways in the execution of his office. He
nominated Sessions, Barr, Wray, Rosenstein, Bolton, Mattis, Kelly, et al. Blaming these people is essentially saying the buck
doesn't stop at his desk and he has no agency. A few days ago Don Jr. tweeted "Declassify everything". He should have called his
Dad and asked him why he hasn't done that for 4 years. Other than cry on Twitter, Trump did nothing tangible personally, using
the power of declassification that Col. Lang has noted many times is the prerogative of a POTUS, to expose the Russiagate coup
plotters. Trump did not take the fight to the Swamp when he had a chance. And he had 4 years to do that. Why not?
"Methodological error? No. A deliberate information operation designed to discourage Trump
I think those fake polls are meant to add some plausible deniability to the election fraud so
that no reasonable person would question a result that conform exactly to what the polls said we should expect.
Yeah, it sounds good, but the Durham report sounded good too. He kept us dangling with his
righteous indignation on that one for months, and then said he would close it without indictments because he didn't want to
affect the election. Why would he be willing to affect the election now when he was not then? Barr is sounding brass, filled with
noise and fury, signifying nothing.
On September 10, Nora Dannehy resigned as the deputy to John Durham, the federal prosecutor investigating the government's
probe into the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election. Dannehy left her post and the Justice Department in part
because of Attorney General William Barr's pressure on Durham to release a report on his investigation's findings before
Election Day, according to a person familiar with her thinking.
Durham, who is the U.S. Attorney for Connecticut, and Dannehy were also troubled that Barr
had purposely misrepresented their work in numerous public comments, the two people said. According to two sources familiar
with the probe, there has been no evidence found, after 18 months of investigation, to support Barr's claims that Trump was
targeted by politically biased Obama officials to prevent his election.
This is what Barr and Trump have to go up against, time and again. If they plan on fighting this
and winning, they need to find better people.
Computer chicanery seems the likelier, more easily-provable election fraud to me, especially to
account for the huge Ballot Fairy drop of tens of thousands of Biden votes that occurred in the wee hours of Nov. 4th, when
counting had ostensibly halted in battleground states. Now, some may argue that fraudulent votes couldn't be added randomly
because they would require corresponding registered voters, like a credit/debit function in accounting. Well, any claims of this
sort seem either naive or disingenuous to me as an IT person with administrative access could assign votes erroneously, if not
create numbers out of thin air. Unless a thorough audit would ensue, who would be the wiser?
Besides, the fact that only Republican oversight was hindered at counting centers is a HUGE red
flag and
be telling. I'm trying to keep faith in AG Barr but it's challenging. POTUS is the Ultimate Outsider and
this alone puts him at odds with a bi-partisan club of entitled, elitist antagonists.
How long did Durham take for his so-called "investigation?"
A little longer than he has taken, no doubt, to negotiate a lucrative partnership in a major swamp law firm.
Anyone has spent any time at all at the DOJ should be automatically regarded as a swamp creature for whom "justice" is
protection of the swamp and their own ultimate self-enrichment.
And Trump?
Trump had the right ideas, but he spent 4 years tripping over his own dick.
Terrible appointments, not declassifying pertinent information, no attention to detail and stupid tweeting.
Some of the tweets were clever, but a lot more just sounded like an emotional teenager.
Remember, his background is a salesman and deal maker, not management especially hiring and firing.
"Trump did not take the fight to the Swamp when he had a chance.
And he had 4 years to do that. Why not?"
The answer seems clear to me.
Trump was well aware of how the forces working against him would characterize an across-the-board declassification.
When the SCO operation wa tos on-going, declassification would have been characterized as an
"obstruction of justice".
Is that accurate? Of course not. But that would have been the line.
After the SCO ended, and even before, IC potentates would have screamed
"Revealing sources and methods."
That may be an accurate charge; I don't have the specifics.
See, e.g., among many,
Maybe the Russian pee-pee tapes were a false flag, It was the FBI/CIA itself who had
on Trump, and they held this over his head from Day One.
Dump everything and let historians plow through the entire set of "classified" documents for
years to come. Or transfer them to the Trump Presidential Library for full public viewing. Good way to unload a Trump resort
property - turn it into a Presidential Library.
Dominion software is used in 28 states. The are used in all Georgia 158 counties. "The
Dominion Voting Systems... was rejected three times by data communications experts from the Texas
Secretary of State and Attorney General's Office for failing to meet basic security
16, 2018: ""The Dominion ImageCast Evolution looks like a pretty good voting machine, but it has
a serious design flaw: after you mark your ballot, after you review your ballot, the voting
machine can print more votes on it!." pretty good voting machine, but it has a serious design
flaw: after you mark your ballot, after you review your ballot, the voting machine can print more
votes on it!."
Computer chicanery seems the likelier, more easily-provable election fraud to me,
especially to account for the huge Ballot Fairy drop of tens of thousands of Biden votes that
occurred in the wee hours of Nov. 4th, when counting had ostensibly halted in battleground
states. Now, some may argue that fraudulent votes couldn't be added randomly because they
would require corresponding registered voters, like a credit/debit function in accounting.
Well, any claims of this sort seem either naive or disingenuous to me as an IT person with
administrative access could assign votes erroneously, if not create numbers out of thin air.
Unless a thorough audit would ensue, who would be the wiser?
Besides, the fact that only Republican oversight was hindered at counting centers is a
HUGE red flag and should be telling. I'm trying to keep faith in AG Barr but it's
challenging. POTUS is the Ultimate Outsider and this alone puts him at odds with a
bi-partisan club of entitled, elitist antagonists.
Time and again throughout US history since the early 19th century, elections were stolen,
not won -- at the federal, state, and local levels. My own city of Chicago is notorious for dirty politics, rigged elections a longstanding
tradition, things controlled by the Dem machine. "Big Bill" Thompson was the city's last GOP mayor -- from 1927-1931. For nearly the past
90 years, Chicago's Dem machine controlled city politics.
Longtime University of Illinois Political Science Professor Dick Simpson explained that
Chicago's dirty politics "reputation is true." In 1931, Mayor Anton Cermak created the Dem machine, winning elections the old-fashioned way
by stealing them how it operated. Machine election rigging discouraged politicians from rival parties to run for mayor and
aldermanic offices. During his 1955 – 1976 tenure as mayor, Richard J. Daley fine-tuned machine politics
in the city. His son Richard M. was Chicago major from 1989 – 2011. Between them, father and son Daley ran the city for a near-half century. They in their time and Dems today are automatic winners when mayoral elections are held.
In the 1960 US presidential election, the Daley machine manufactured large numbers of votes
for JFK. According to Simpson, he would not have carried Illinois without Chicago shenanigans in his
favor. Electoral dirty tricks in Chicago included keeping deceased city residents on voter rolls,
even filling out voter registration cards with names from tombstones.
According to Simpson and former former political reporters, city residents were promised a
few dollars, a good meal, and drinks at a local pub if voted on election day for the "right"
candidates. Dem precinct captains notoriously filled in ballots for city residents, doing the same thing
for others who didn't show up to vote. Ward committeemen filled in ballots for nursing home residents who were unable to show up at
polling stations. Things today are different from Daley era politics but still suspect.
"Vote early and often" once said in the city is largely true today for legitimate
absentee-ballot early voting alone. The 2020 race for the White House one day will be remembered as one of the most flagrant
examples of US election rigging.
Pre-dawn Wednesday morning, six-digit vote dumps in Wisconsin and Michigan -- a 7-digit one
in Pennsylvania -- went 100% for Biden, erasing Trump's lead in these states. In the above ones, Georgia, Nevada, and likely others, votes from former state residents --
now deceased -- and others no longer residing in various states were counted for Biden over
Trump. So were un-postmarked mail-in ballots and others received after the voting deadline. Countless numbers of ballots in swing states that should have been tossed out were added to
the Biden count.
In at least Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, Dems controlled ballot counting, GOP
monitors prevented from watching it close-up for most of the process.
When significant leads for one candidate evaporate overnight, shenanigans are likely
responsible. That's precisely what happened for Biden over Trump in key swing states DJT likely won --
Dem state officials falsely claiming otherwise. According to the Federalist.com, "evidence (of) fraud (in key swing states) is rapidly
piling up," adding:
"(E)yewitness testimon(ies)" tell a tale of "falsif(ied) postmarks (or none at all) on late mail-in ballots. GOP election
observers were being harassed and kept away from the counting tables in Detroit. Software glitches have been discovered
switching votes from Trump to Joe Biden in Michigan, and the same software is being used in other battleground states
Near-90% turnout in Wisconsin raises automatic red flags.
Near-unanimity among establishment media for Biden over Trump throughout the campaign and
its aftermath -- notably calling it for the challenger on Saturday while vote-counting
continued -- begs the question.
Was the above planned well in advance -- establishment media in cahoots with Dems claiming
Biden won, drowning out alternative views?
On Thursday during Trump's post-election press conference, ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC cut away
from it in progress when he justifiably claimed election fraud in key swing states.Trump reportedly won't concede. He intends to challenge "voter fraud" through the judicial
Nine Supreme Court justices will likely have final say, a repeat of Election 2000 in new
form. Banana republic USA is clear from Election 2020 alone. The notion refers to a repressive nation, an undemocratic one, at times politically
unstable. It's a country where a small percent of the population has a disproportionate share or
wealth and power. It's where ordinary people are exploited, not served. It's where profits are privatized, working households bearing the burden of debt.
It's a kleptocracy run by dark forces -- complicit with monied interests, benefitting at the
expense of most others. In the US, it's wrapped in the American flag, dominant media supporting what demands
exposure and denunciation. Elections when held are farcical. Powerful interests run things. Ordinary people have no
say. Election 2020 is one of many examples. Deep state interests alone decide things.
If they're for Biden/Harris over Trump, what seems likely, the incumbent will be a one-term
president. The process works the same way in all banana republics, including ones masquerading as
democracies -- notably the USA from inception to the present day.
Note to readers: please click the share buttons below. Forward this article to your email
lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc.
Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected] . He is a Research
Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for
Hegemony Risks WW III."
Paul Craig Roberts
Tucker Carlson is the ONLY honest media figure in the United States. No wonder the
presstitutes want him arrested. I am concerned that the criminal Hillary DNC will have him
assassinated. You are simply not permitted to tell the truth in the United States. To tell the
truth in the American media is a capital offense.
This had to be posted on Parler because Twitter, FaceBook, and YouTube will not permit the
Fox News report on Vote Theft to be posted. What more evidence do you need that there is a
conspiracy to steal the presidential election from Trump? If the treasonous and criminal
Democrats get away with their coup against democracy, the United States is finished as a
country. No Trump voter will ever again think of the US as his/her country.
Former governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich believes there is an "unprecedented" amount of
voter fraud in this election cycle.
Blagojevich joined David Brody on Just the News AM to explain how the current presidential
election is as he says being "stolen." Blagojevich believes that there will be a "treasure
trove" of fraudulent ballots found at the end of the current investigations into voter
Right now, there is an ongoing lawsuit in Michigan with city workers, and a former state
attorney general, swearing that they witnessed voter fraud at the polls.
Thank you, that
saker video is an astounding presentation and I would find it extremely hard to believe
the linear movement to be a mere artifact of counting. I will be interested to see the
continuing debate around this. Some equivalent data mapping needs to be shown for numerous
hand counted counties. I would like to see a refutation or even a second analysis.
The pattern of repetition by machine counting needs a much greater sample of comparison
with Hand counting.
Sixteen years before the 2020 presidential contest in America, the U.S. government decried
as corrupt an earlier election where special voting boxes were created to help citizens vote
from home, election observers were expelled from vote counts, pre-election polls were wildly
off, and voter turnout in certain communities exceeded 90%.
The 2004 presidential election in Ukraine saw suspiciously high turnout rates that "even
Stalinist North Korea would envy," the State Department declared in 2004 after an election in
the former Soviet republic infuriated the administration of President George W. Bush.
The famously and endemically corrupt Ukraine under then-Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych is,
of course, a far cry from the United States when it comes to election integrity. But the
story of that
Ukrainian election as recounted by then-Ambassador John Tefft to a Senate committee in
December 2004 raises a tantalizing question for conservatives distrustful of the Nov. 3
elections here: If tactics and outcomes in the Ukrainian election back then were enough to cry
foul, why can't Americans debate similar concerns here?
After all, a record number of Americans were allowed to vote from the comfort of their homes
in 2020, GOP election observers have claimed they were kept from observing vote counts,
pre-election and exit polls were wildly wrong when compared to actual vote, and there are some
city wards and precincts where voter turnout was, well, historically high.
But back in 2004, the U.S. State Department saw such turnout in any area of Ukraine as
"Turnout in the pro-Yanukovych eastern oblasts was unnaturally high," Tefft testified. "In
several electoral districts, turnout for the run-off round increased by 30 to 40 percent over
the first round. In Luhansk oblast, the reported turnout rate hit nearly 96 percent -- a number
that, to quote the OSCE, even Stalinist North Korea would envy. A similar turnout rate was
reported in Donetsk oblast, where 98 percent of the votes went to hometown candidate Prime
Minister Yanukovych."
State officials were also concerned by the high number of Ukrainians who were allowed to
cast absentee ballots into special boxes placed outside unmonitored locations, a phenomenon
that many communities enabled in America in 2020.
"In the second round of the election, the number of voters who supposedly cast ballots at
home using mobile ballot boxes was double that of the first round," Tefft told the senators.
"Much of this voting occurred without observers being present and was massively fraudulent. In
Mykolayiv oblast, for example, nearly 35 percent of the oblast's voters purportedly cast their
ballots at home."
One of the Bush administration's biggest complaints about the Ukraine election of 2004 was
that opposition party observers were expelled from ballot-counting locations or left unable to
meaningfully observe the count. Many Republican vote observers have made similar claims in
cities like Philadelphia in the recent U.S. election.
"Observers from Our Ukraine and other opposition groups were expelled from most polling
stations in eastern Ukraine on Election Day," Tefft recounted at the time. "For example, in
Territorial Election Commission (TEC) district number 42 in Donetsk oblast, Our Ukraine
observers were kicked out of all but a few polling stations."
Finally, State Department officials raised concerns that the final votes counted in Ukraine
were far different than the pre-election and exit polls, which had predicted a different
outcome than a Yanukovych victory. That too mirrors the Americans election, where President
Trump outperformed by a statistically significant margin nearly all the pre-election polls,
including one by ABC News and The Washington Post that showed him down 17 points in a Wisconsin
race he lost by just 20,000 votes, or less than 1%.
The 2004 Ukrainian election also featured some misconduct far beyond anything proven or even
alleged in the Nov. 3 election here, including allegations that election computers were hacked
to change vote totals and eyewitness accounts of election workers with their "pockets stuffed
with blank absentee ballots that they were using to vote at multiple polling stations."
Again, Ukraine ranks far below the U.S. when it comes to election integrity. But Tefft's
testimony nonetheless raises an important point: Should the greatest democracy of America share
any of the shamed attributes of a Ukrainian election? The answer for most Americans is probably
a resounding "No.
GREAT VIDEO describing how the electronic vote fraud works.
Shows two recent prime examples in TX in 2018 and KY in 2019. This guy is a patriot ....he
and his partners spent their own money and mountains of time tracking all this down and
putting it together. https://www.bitchute.com/video/dohtOkDixFsD/
It comes down to just one question; will the pigs, bulls and Pentacon "patriots" continue
to "serve their country" (i.e the Zero 1% war mongering predatory scum) by slaughtering
homegrown malcontents, deplorables and trumpites for the filth that owns USSA lock,stock and
Anyone who expects the militarized state controlled goons to not crush the skulls of those
that contest and decry this election farce has not been paying attention to the same pigs and
bulls brutally enforcing the cov ID 1984 agenda on a global scale.
If USSA is up to the job of a worthwhile revolution with all the necessary eradication of
bolshevik garbage then the time is clearly at hand or will the "few good men" continue to
procrastinate until the minute before the corpofascist owned goons kick down their doors?
We arrived long ago but many are those that will never see that blatant fact.
Ah don't ya love the stench of a dead "democracy" ....in the morning!
Onward to the burnin'
We have arrived....
Stage 1: Financial collapse. Faith in "business as usual" is lost.
Stage 2: Commercial collapse. Faith that "the market shall provide" is lost.
Stage 3: Political collapse. Faith that "the government will take care of you" is
Stage 4: Social collapse. Faith that "your people will take care of you" is lost.
Stage 5: Cultural collapse. Faith in "the goodness of humanity" is lost.
you are right, most people do not understand the gravitas of current events and our forced
march towards totalitarianism. it IS time to shut this color revolution down. it's getting
out of hand and our entire culture and way of life is on life support.
crunch time...
Jim in MN , 5 hours ago
Seems like a minor troll problem around here.
This complete collapse of the post-Election Day count is the DNC's fault. They got
over-excited by the 70 million actual American voters and panicked. YOUR GOONS BROKE IT. NOT
So STFU and get to the sidelines if you can. You DO NOT want to be on the wrong side of
this now.
Just blame the right people.
The SAME people you should have dealt with after 2016.
Any questions???
Arch_Stanton , 3 hours ago
The problem for the Democrats is they were stunned on election night with the amount of
fraud that was needed.
The Trump lead was so large they had to hurriedly devise a Plan B.
So they stopped the counting until they manufactured hundreds of thousands of phony
This was where the large, sloppy, easily detected fraud came in
LickItUp , 5 hours ago
If I'm not mistaken, the Supreme Court can rule that a state's election was conducted so
improperly as to be invalid rendering that state a non-participant in the election such as to
leave neither candidate with the necessary majority of electoral votes. Then it goes to the
House for a vote where each state gets one vote based on the majority party in the state's
legislature. Presently there are 30 legislatures with republican majorities. SWEET!!!
It's like the Founding Fathers knew this day would come.
Jim in MN , 5 hours ago
Pretty much. In fact the Constitution gives the state legislatures the SOLE AND ABSOLUTE
AUTHORITY to send electors.
Now in general current practice is to have preset elector slates for each candidate,
triggered by the state certification.
But, and this actually has ZERO to do with courts, if the legislature decides for any
reason that they should change that process they can.
In this case, with a busted system thanks to DNC goons, ALL of these swing state
legislatures not only CAN, but MUST vote bills sending electors based on the Election Day
vote count.
Everything after midnight Election Day is BROKEN BEYOND REPAIR.
That is not a legal/court determination. It is a political determination.
WE THE PEOPLE along with the state legislatures can end this simply, and peacefully in
this way.
Jim in MN , 5 hours ago
DC is a distraction now and so is the Georgia Senate runoffs.
State capitols are all that matters now.
December 14, either legitimate electors vote the President back in based on Election Day
results, or it's over.
State legislatures need to ensure that illegitimate electors are NOT appointed.
And We The People need to ensure that the legislatures know that.
This Saturday in DC is great, but its main purpose should be to spread the word to hit
Harrisburg, Richmond, Lansing, Madison, Atlanta, Saint Paul and Raleigh.
Arch_Stanton , 4 hours ago
The onus is Democrats to show that votes are legitimate.
If they destroyed evidence related to ballots to hide fraud, those ballots will be
That's literally hundreds of thousands of ballots in several states.
If they violated procedure by denying Republican poll workers access, more ballots get
thrown out.
If a voting system can be shown to be insecure (hello, Dominion), those votes get thrown
If votes get counted in violation of the state constitution (hello, PA), those votes get
thrown out.
If the state head of elections gives unconstitutional instructions to local election
officials (hello, WI), ballots get thrown out.
Duplicate ballots get thrown out.
Improperly signed ballots get thrown out.
Groups of votes that fail statistical analysis get adjusted.
Votes from dead people, from aliens (illegal or otherwise) or votes from out of state
residents who voted elsewhere get thrown out.
JackOliver4 , 5 hours ago
Someone on this thread mentioned Slobodan Milosevic - Milosevic was a hero who stood up
against the NATO backed terrorist group KLA ( always called a 'liberation' army when created
by the WEST) who went on their murderous rampage - fully backed by the Rothschild's army -
This is the powerful ***T Trump is up against - there is NO way Trump installed Pompeo OR
Bolton - they were 'installed' for him !!
Milosevic was 'suicided' while awaiting 'trial' at a holding cell in the HAGUE !!
Imagine his last moments ??
These people are **KING evil and have cost millions of innocent lives - the TIME to get
rid of this global cancer is NOW !!
There will never be another CHANCE !!
JackOliver4 , 5 hours ago
Someone on this thread mentioned Slobodan Milosevic - Milosevic was a hero who stood up
against the NATO backed terrorist group KLA ( always called a 'liberation' army when created
by the WEST) who went on their murderous rampage - fully backed by the Rothschild's army -
This is the powerful ***T Trump is up against - there is NO way Trump installed Pompeo OR
Bolton - they were 'installed' for him !!
Milosevic was 'suicided' while awaiting 'trial' at a holding cell in the HAGUE !!
Imagine his last moments ??
These people are **KING evil and have cost millions of innocent lives - the TIME to get
rid of this global cancer is NOW !!
he media mantra that there is no evidence of voter fraud in the Nov. 3 election for the
first time faces a real challenge. Several Michigan residents -- ranging from a city worker to
a former state assistant attorney general -- swear under penalty of perjury they witnessed
significant and widespread election tampering in the city of Detroit.
And by significant, they insist thousands of ballots were involved.
Take, for instance, longtime city of Detroit employee Jessy Jacob, who provided among the
most startling accounts.
Jacob stated in an affidavit she personally witnessed -- and in some cases was instructed --
to backdate thousands of absentee ballots the day after the election to make them appear legal
even though they were not in the Qualified Vote File and had not arrived by the deadline.
"On November 4, 2020, I was instructed to improperly pre-date the absentee ballots receive
date that were not in the QVF as if they had been received on or before November 3, 2020," she
testified. "I was told to alter the information in the QVF to falsely show that the absentee
ballots had been received in time to be valid. I estimate that this was done to thousands of
Just the News reviewed more than a dozen affidavits filed in various election challenge
lawsuits in Michigan. All witnesses, like Jacob, signed the affidavits and had them notarized,
making them subject to Michigan's perjury law.
Jacob described how she was assigned to work the city's election back in September and for
weeks witnessed systemic election fraud and tampering with voters at multiple locations.
"I processed absentee ballot packages to be sent to voters while I worked at the election
headquarters in September 2020 along with 70-80 other poll workers," her affidavit stated. "I
was instructed by my supervisor to adjust the mailing date of these absentee ballot packages to
be dated earlier than they were actually sent. The supervisor was making announcements for all
workers to engage in this practice.
"I directly observed, on a daily basis, City of Detroit election workers and employees
coaching and trying to coach voters to vote for Joe Biden and the Democrat party. I witnessed
these workers and employees encouraging voters to do a straight Democrat ballot. I witnessed
these election workers and employees going over to the voting booths with voters in order to
watch them vote and coach them for whom to vote."
Officials for the city election clerk's office did not immediately return a call seeking
Alexandra Seely, a Michigan voter who worked as a GOP poll challenger, recounted in a
handwritten affidavit how her challenges to suspect ballots were summarily ignored and she was
"harassed and threatened" for raising concerns.
"I challenged 10 votes at table 23, they would not take out the log to record my
challenges," Seely's affidavit stated. "I had to write names and ballot numbers on my own. I
asked to make incident reports. They would not allow me, and said they will make a note in the
computer. They did not and proceeded to keep counting."
Zachary Larsen, a GOP lawyer who until earlier this year worked for the state of Michigan as
an assistant attorney general, swore in his affidavit he witnessed poll workers violating the
secrecy of ballots, apparently peeking to see whom a voter had supported before deciding
whether to put them in a pile of problematic ballots that might not count. A fellow poll
watcher joined him for part of the observations
"Beyond the legal requirements for maintaining ballot secrecy, both of us were concerned
that the violations of the secrecy of the ballot that we witnessed could be or were being used
to manipulate which ballots were placed in the 'problem ballots' box," his affidavit
Larsen also stated he saw evidence the ballots were being approved for non-eligible
"I was concerned that this practice of assigning names and numbers indicated that a ballot
was being counted for a non-eligible voter who was not in either the poll book or the
supplemental poll book," his affidavit stated.
"From my observation of the computer screen, the voters were certainly not in the official
poll book," Larsen stated. "Moreover, this appeared to be the case for the majority of the
voters whose ballots I had personally observed being scanned."
Robert Cushman, another poll observer in Detroit, submitted an affidavit that described
behavior almost identical to that which the city worker Jacob said she engaged in. Cushman said
he saw large swaths of ballots being counted the day after the election for voters who were not
in the authorized list of names. In some cases, he added, fake birth dates were being used to
fill in birth dates.
"I challenged the authority and the authenticity of all of these ballots that were being
processed late with absolutely no accompanying documentation, no corresponding name in the QVF,
and no corresponding name in the Supplemental List," Cushman's affidavit stated.
"Every ballot was being fraudulently and manually entered into the Electronic Poll Book
(QVF), as having been born on January 1, 1900," Cushman continued. "This 'last' batch of
ballots was processed in the 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. time frame. When I asked about this
impossibility of each ballot having the same birthday occurring in 1900, I was told that was
the instruction that came down from the Wayne County Clerk's office."
The Washington Post and many other news organizations have published stories stating there
was no widespread voter fraud. Such stories ignore the sworn accounts of these Michigan
citizens -- some who were civil servants, some who were Republican poll watchers -- whose
accounts implicate thousands of ballots.
Dominion Voting Systems rebuked claims that the company has a financial relationship with the husband of Sen. Dianne Feinstein
and that the company manipulated the results of the 2020 election.
"The company has no
financial relationship with Mr. Blum ," Kay Stimson, Dominion's vice president of government affairs, told the Dispatch
. "This is a false claim spread on social media."
Trump legal adviser Sidney Powell said Democrats, including Feinstein's husband, Richard Blum, invested in the voting system company
to "steal" elections not only from Republicans but from other Democrats.
Fox News's Maria Bartiromo said that she had seen reports that Blum was a "significant shareholder" in Dominion and that a former
chief of staff for Nancy Pelosi is a "key executive."
"They have invested in it for their own reasons and are using it to commit this fraud to steal votes," Powell told Bartiromo during
an interview. "I think they've even stolen them from other Democrats in their own party, who should be outraged about this also."
Powell said that Democrats "had this all planned" and that they inserted ballots filled out only for apparent President-elect
Joe Biden when President Trump's vote tally went too high.
Apart from sworn affidavits, at least
one of which has been recanted , no evidence of widespread voter fraud has yet been found.
Claims of Democrats being involved in Dominion are misleading, the Dispatch reported. It confirmed that Nadeam Elshami,
Pelosi's former chief of staff, is a lobbyist for Dominion and reported that Bartiromo "fails to mention that a number of Republican
staffers are as well."
There is also no evidence to suggest that Blum ever had a financial stake in Dominion. At one point, Blum Capital Partners, a
firm chaired by Blum, held a 16.7% stake in Avid Technology, which viral posts alleged developed voting software that was used in
Those claims are also false, according to a spokesman who told the Dispatch that Avid produces software "to produce music,
movies, TV news, and shows," not voting software. The representative also said that Blum Capital Partners "has no holdings in Avid
Avid is also not connected to Dominion.
The Washington Examiner reached out to Dominion for further comment.
"It appears Dems shot themselves in the foot because making everyone do mail-in ballots actually makes it easier to catch mail-in
ballot fraud. Because all of the ballots go through the postal system, they get shuffled like a deck of cards, so we expect reported
ballot return to be extremely UNIFORM in terms of D vs R ratio, but to drift slightly towards R over time because some of those
ballots travel farther. This pattern proves fraud and is a verifiable timestamp of when each fraudulent action occurred."
The President's lawyer, Sydney Powell, explains the massive, historical vote fraud that has occurred and predicts that Trump
will win the election in the end.
Including the Pelosi, Feinstein connection to Dominion software manipulation
"... This whole thing has a chance of spiraling out of control across many levels. Anyone who believes the MSM narrative at this point needs cat scan of their brain. ..."
"... Finally, one more comment: over 71 million voted for Trump, many, if a not a majority, not out of undying love for the man, but out of conviction that he was the "lesser evil". They were presented with a partly demented, likely illegitimate candidate in Biden and a severely unattractive VP who failed to make a dent in the primary and withdrew early. ..."
There are several more steps and deadline in
the elaborate election process for the presidency.
Dec 8 - States determine their electors for the Electoral College.
Dec 14 - Electors meet in their states to cast their votes for the new President and
Vice President.
Dec 23 - Certificates of the electoral vote results get delivered to the president of
the Senate, who is Vice President Mike Pence
Jan 3 - Members of Congress are sworn in.
Jan 6 - Congress meets to count the electoral votes and declare the results.
Trump could, even without finding the necessary votes, (ab-)use the Electoral College
process to shift the result to his side. He can try to block or delay certifications in
certain states and/or he can push Republican state legislators to appoint Trump electors.
Then as now, each state must decide on a group of electors to meet with a joint session of
Congress on January 6 where the winner of the presidential election is declared. The normal
practice in a state where Biden won the popular-vote total would be for state election
officials to certify the results and send a slate of electors to Congress. But state
legislatures have the constitutional authority to conclude that the popular vote has been
corrupted and thus send a competing slate of electors on behalf of their state.
The 12th Amendment to the Constitution specifies that the "President of the Senate shall,
in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and
the votes shall then be counted." That means that in the case of disputes about competing
electoral slates, the President of the Senate -- Vice President Pence -- would appear to
have the ultimate authority to decide which to accept and which to reject. Pence would
choose Trump. Democrats would appeal to the Supreme Court.
Alternatively, if at that point, no candidate has the required 270 electoral votes, the
12th Amendment stipulates, "the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by
ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states,
the representation from each state having one vote." Currently, Republicans have a state
delegation majority with 26 of the 50 states and they appear almost certain to keep that
majority in the new Congress. A vote of the states would then elect President Trump for a
second term. And again, Democrats would appeal that outcome to the Supreme Court.
... ... ...
Meanwhile we all, as bystanders, will have to up our popcorn supplies to sustain the next
two month.
Posted by b on November 11, 2020 at 17:36 UTC | Permalink
he has a Constitutional challenge in Pennsylvania and a recount of the very close race in
Georgia. If he could manage to win in these two states (plus North Carolina where he has a
comfortable lead), Biden would have only 270 electoral votes and a single faithless elector
(selected by one of the Republican legislatures) could throw the race to the House of
Representatives where Trump would win. Such an outcome would avoid direct manipulation by
Trump/Trump Administration.
There have already been many predictions and opinions, some have come true, some have not.
My guess is that Biden's inauguration will take place, and it is entirely possible that Trump
will be present, thereby voluntarily agreeing to transfer power. A "civil war" between
supporters of Republicans and Democrats, too, most likely will not happen.
Either way, Biden is apparently the first American quasi-legitimate president.
Of course, there can be no question of the legality, transparency and democracy of the past
elections. The winner in such "elections" a priori does not have full legitimacy. Even
Lukashenko is more legitimate than Biden.
I agree. This is existential. If this fraud stands, elections are no more in the west. Not
that they have been meaningful the last 20 years, but the illusion is gone, and Biden's "Dark
Winter" follows. I am assuming that it is indeed the goal.
I am certainly more inclined to trust a hand recount done in searching light and
impartially supervised. In that sense I trust the system. Let's see what that brings. A
significant change, and there is a problem. Maybe then systematic.
It amazes me how otherwise critical thinkers will absolutely buy into this MSM bullshit of
"no evidence of widespread fraud" trumpeted in unison.
I have seen dozens of videos where actual fraud and criminal conduct was captured
The election fraud was done so blatantly and in-your-face that it is damn easy to track and
prove. Just look at this:
While some of this fraud may have been prepared well in advance, some of it can only be
explained by sheer panic on election night when the Dems noticed how strong Trump's lead
What strikes me though is the fixation of commentators even in this forum that just to get
rid of Trump is worth literally any and all collateral. Even if it means shattering
credibility of the voting process itself - just don't investigate, don't prosecute, Orange
Man still BAD and to hell with the fact that half of the country - or more - will consider
Biden illegitimate. As if you haven't seen over four years just how toxic that situation is.
This is not about Trump, folks, this is about the foundation of democracy. This is about
whether our votes still have any meaning.
Nice explanation of the results of some diligent research, b.
ABC.net.au/PlanetAmerica pointed out a puzzling anomaly in the election stats in this
evening's episode, which Xymphora has also hilighted...
The contest for House and Senate seats favoured the Republicans over Dems whereas the
Presidential contest did not. So that's mildly peculiar.
I would like to quibble with one of your observations...
"There is only one person that could stop Trump from being successful with a 'dirty'
Electoral College strategy. That is of course he himself. Over the last four years he has
failed to select competent advisors."
In Trump's previous life as a property developer, he was a gifted talent-spotter, one
example being the woman he chose to project-manage the construction of Trump Tower and the
woman he appointed to oversee the sale/lease of the completed project. I never watched The
Apprentice so can't comment on the quality of the "winners" who emerged from that TV
spectacle, but I'd be surprise if they were mostly duds.
So I was always confident that President Trump's 'failures' in selecting advisors were
intentional, and certainly helped to breathe life into the Conspiracy Theory that the Swamp
is a collection of utter assholes which runs America from the shadows.
Have to give President Trump credit. With everyone lined up against him - Dems, media,
Deep State & half the Republican party - they still needed massive voter fraud to "win"
the election. So massive that it can't be covered up. Question is: will the justice system
want to find the fraud? Bill Barr is as Deep State as they come. With him leading the DOJ
investigation it seems likely he's be sure not to find anything. It seems the entire system
is so corrupt that President Trump doesn't have a chance.
What I'm curious about is why they would all support a corrupt, senile politician leading
a party with a history of rigging elections. Obviously they REALLY don't like Trump. Ironic
as all these lifetime DC types have as big an ego and are as selfish and amoral as the guy
they hate. A bigger factor would be the perception that Biden's win was inevitable. Thus they
all jumped on board as they need to be on the winning side to have any future in Washington.
I'm sure they were all patting themselves on the back last weekend for a job well done. That,
however, was the high point for the Fraudsters. From now on they are playing defence, trying
to protect what they think they've won.
Will it work? Like working the four corner offence, can they run out the clock and claim
victory? I doubt there is a Dean Smith amongst them with the intelligence to pull this off.
Instead we have a bunch of brown nosers who have gotten everything by kissing ass. They
supported the fraud to be on the winning side. What will they do if perceptions change and it
appears they aren't on the winning side? Like rats leaving a sinking ship?
This was a once in a lifetime thing, building this Coalition of Fraud and getting so many
selfish people to all support the same cause. Coalitions do not last forever. Selfish people
will opt for their selfish interest when the pressure is on. President Trump has many options
to turn that pressure on. Just seeing Rudy Giuliani in prime 9/11 form would have me hiding
under my bed. The most important advantage is that the election was stolen and the evidence
is there. Simply a question of who chooses to reveal it.
I can understand the behavior of the DC denizens. Why would average Americans, mostly
liberals, support such shenanigans? They've nothing to gain from it. How do they benefit from
helping the dirtiest political party in US history back into power? What's to be gained by
undermining their own democracy? Trump said something to hurt your feelings? Go ahead and cut
off your nose to spite your face.
Good advice from B, Popcorn stock is on the rise! I'm looking forward to the hysterics
from the MSM as their fraud unravels and they become more panicked.
@Posted by: Ernesto Che | Nov 11 2020 18:08 utc | 6
Not to mention, Che, the war he ignited in the Middle East by unilateraly, along
Netnayahu, declaring Israel capital in Jerusalem, plus the economic war on Lebanon and one of
its main politcla parties, Hezbollah. The wars on Hong Kong, Venezuela and Belarus which not
becuase of unsuccessfull are not wars...
Then, there are the multiple proxy and civil wars started, and developing, in the African
continent, like in Mozambique ( where 50 people were beheaded by IS in an stadium just
yesterday..) and also just yesterday already declared civil war in Ethiopia, between central
government and Tigray Region rebels...just coincidentally with the inauguration of a Russian
base in South Sudan...
Well, Trump as peacenik debunked at least for anyone not only reading MoA, The Saker, and
Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution, on the selection of electors,
makes no mention of the popular vote. It does, however, give state legislatures the power to
determine how electors are to be chosen.
If enough of the public believes that the Dems are trying to steal the election and
nullify a Trump landslide they won't believe that turning over the choice of electors to
(elected) state legislatures amounts to saying that votes don't matter.
This an excellent analysis. The conclusion:
'It appears Dems shot themselves in the foot bc making everyone do mail-in ballots actually
makes it easier to catch mail-in ballot fraud.' 'This pattern proves fraud and is a
verifiable timestamp of when each fraudulent action occurred.'
Factual evidence: 'Trump Files Emergency Injunction In Michigan Alleging Fraud; Demands
Recounts Over 'Malfunctioning' Dominion Machines'
More than "more than one hundred credentialed election challengers" who have provided
"sworn affidavits". I don't think that these people would provide sworn affidavits to the
court without being truthful. This is from just one legal action.
Then of course there is the circumstantial evidence. The Dems have been telegraphing the
whole scenario for months in order to prepare the sheeple for just such an outcome.
The Democrats tried a faithless elector strategy after Trump won and before he took
office. They went after Trump electors in 2016 like they plan to go after Trump supporters
post Trump.
We will know in December how this plays out. Most likely Trump loses but there are some
valid complaints yet to be settled.
This whole thing has a chance of spiraling out of control across many levels. Anyone
who believes the MSM narrative at this point needs cat scan of their brain.
Regarding Trump being able to reverse the preliminary election results: I doubt it.
Unlike 2016, when there was a degree of panic within the Republican party still fresh off
the internal struggle of the Tea Party, Republicans are set up do do well enough for the next
2-4 years without Trump (or at least that seems to be the view that's expressed in
On the other hand, I'd expect Republicans are willing to go pretty far to contest the GA
election results, for the possibility of taking back one of the two Senate seats, and thus
formal control of the Senate (ability to set agenda). Republicans will have a de-facto voting
majority either way because of the DINO Joe Manchin.
Nah the Supreme Court is incapable of that task. If the issues are critical and so earth
shattering they can simply pass the entire steaming pot of turds back to the legislature and
suggest rerun of election or draw straws in a combined sitting of the Senate and Congress.
THAT is the measure of the rot in the USA.
...Also, I have the links both to the two first rate Election integrity studies from 2016
(these are really the gold standard now for how elections can be stolen and rigged when the
will is there and the means are secured, while the cover-up is sustained by enormous lust for
power). I also have somewhere an excellent link to the sordid history of ES&S (though it
can be found through Google with some effort). Yes, I am lazy but can be rattled from
it......if needed.
Finally, one more comment: over 71 million voted for Trump, many, if a not a majority,
not out of undying love for the man, but out of conviction that he was the "lesser evil".
They were presented with a partly demented, likely illegitimate candidate in Biden and a
severely unattractive VP who failed to make a dent in the primary and withdrew early.
These people, these 71+ M (some of whom may even be progressives, as I hinted above) will NOT
accept the greater evil which will include even more heavy-handed censorship than we have
seen so far. They - and I (however I voted) fear an Orwellian future for this country,
complete with suppression of free speech (yes, it can be suppressed even more than it is
The majority of these voters will NOT accept a verdict that they believe is illegitimate,
whether trump's lawyers can come up with a clever ploy or not. They WILL regard a dem
administration as illegitimate and they WILL resist, if passively at first.
A country requires at least some good will among a majority of its citizens to hold
together. IF much of that good will is withdrawn, the center will not hold and we'll be
seeing some truly hostile actions and reactions that will prove "we are NOT in this
Perhaps some of you look forward to the decline of the Empire through domestic strife (I
kind of do). Yet, we should always remember that no Empire went down quietly without first
inflicting countless damage on its own as well as those out there. It is simply not a pretty
sight, and that is something to dread.
Top analysis prize:- perfectly stated. Putin is off the hook and Xi can breath a sigh of
This USAi performance is downhill all the way. We all need a drink or a joint - f*k the
@Glen Batterham #61
2016+4: Russia rigged the election !!!
2020 : Elections can't be rigged !!!
If the Supreme Court decides no Electoral College vote is reliable, they don't have to
order a new election. They can just follow the Constitution and turn the choice of the new
president to the House of Representatives and of the new vice president to the Senate.
There is claimed proof. (Examples below and part of McENanay's statement). OK, these will
now be followed through. So we will see if they are enough to cause any changes in the final
In more news, Twitter censored 12 of trumps Tweets today.
The amount of newcomers trying, rather desperately, to decry anything about the voting
fraud that may have happened is a sign that a bit of "hot-under-the-collar-desperation is
setting in.
The "Intelligence" community is openly calling for a "coup" by VP Pence. They are in the
process of really panicking as many of the originators of Russiagate, Pizzagate would face
real prison terms if Trump wins. (Brennans statements to the Press) (I would love to add
"billsgate" but that would be off topic)
Quote; "We keep hearing the drumbeat of 'where is the evidence?' Right here, Sean, 234 pages of
sworn affidavits, these are real people, real allegations, signed with notaries," McEnany
"They're alleging - this is one county, Wayne County, Michigan - they are saying that
there was a batch of ballots where 60 percent had the same signature," she told host Sean
"They're saying that 35 ballots had no voter record but they were counted anyway, that
50 ballots were run multiple times through a tabulation machine."
It is clear that all US elections are just chicanery and attorneys. Their criticism of
Crimea, Belarus, Venezuela and others will now disappear down the plughole. They have no
authority to lecture anyone on democracy.
Trump did not lose, he was cheated out of a second term by the democrats.
This is the most enlightening video I've seen over the past week. A PHD from MIT
(Dr.Shiva) explains why the voting pattern in Michigan is an algorithm set to take votes away
from Trump and give them to Biden. Dr. Shiva shows charts by counties that clearly reveals
corruption and how the software was programmed so it would be impossible for Trump to win. If
this video already hasn't been sent to Rudy and the Trump team, it needs to be. here is the
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztu5Y5obWPk
If you don't have time to watch the whole video, start it at 31:07 and you'll see the
charts that show how Trump was cheated.
LVrunner , 1 hour ago
Excellent video, watched it last night. I knew when everything came to a complete halt in
AZ then the east coast, it had to be computer generated. This video proved just that. Also,
fb is trying to sensor it so that's the answer right there.
Sebastion , 1 hour ago
Oh boy you have charts!
Bay of Pigs , 1 hour ago
It's called real data.
Are you really this stupid or just a ****bag troll? Both?
Whistleblowers and tipsters should turn over their evidence to local law enforcement. Anyone
who provides information that leads to an arrest and final conviction of voter fraud will be
paid a minimum of $25,000," Patrick said in the press release.
The those who have short time available, roll to :25 minutes if you have some
understanding that within the software used in 30 states and Michigan in particular there is
a weighty system to alter vote totals.
This is demonstrated by the analysis.
Irrefutable evidence seems to be the result of this presentation.
Hopefully, the court challenge uses this analysis
Best of all, consume the entire video. Then you will have the education to understand the
fraud perpetrated.
I watched this earlier today. As soon as I saw the tilted scatter graph, it became
absolutely obvious that something was skewing the results into a biased direction. I didn't
need the orange lines to see it.
Basically it's a feedback loop that ensures that as the republican vote gets higher, the
Biden vote gets an increased proportion of the Trump vote.
This would surely explain the questions that people raise about why the Senate and Congress
votes aren't following the Presidential vote trend.
I haven't researched it further, but I feel that the nature of a feedback loop is also partly
responsible for results being so close.
This was one fantastic presentation; not only did the MIT professor an excellent job
making semi-arcane concepts accessible to the wider audience, but he also presented
irrefutable evidence that fraud was conducted on an industrial scale in cahoots with the
companies making the ballot machines and the global finance oligarchs.
I totally agree with Larchmonter, this is a must see, on so many levels!
Yes, after seeing this you have to ask: How far does is the fraud go? I don't have proof,
but this stuff has most likely been happening in lots of places, so the numbers could be
anything, even more than a million. You get the clear impression that it is systemic, the
fraud is built into the system and tuned so that the outcome would be a narrow win for Biden
no matter what. I will never trust a narrow victory in an election again.
The presentation was excellent indeed.
When we saw the demented Biden in front of nobody but empty cars, we are supposed to
believe he won the majority? The guy who says he organised the largest voter fraud in the US
history? The guy who sat in his basement? The guy who wears a black mask like a criminal? The
guy who's son provided him with illegal money from Ukraine? The guy who threatened the
Ukrainian president to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor for investigating his corrupt son, and
then bragging about it in front of cameras? It goes on and on.
I don't like Trump, I condemn his murder of Soleimani and crimes against Iran, Syria,
Yemen. But this is not about Trump, it is all about whether there will ever be elections
"I don't like Trump, I condemn his murder of Soleimani and crimes against Iran, Syria,
Yemen. But this is not about Trump, it is all about whether there will ever be elections
Because I say things sort of like this, family members won't talk to me!!
I guess I'll have Thanksgiving by myself (sob!) ((:-))
"I don't like Trump, I condemn his murder of Soleimani and crimes against Iran, Syria,
Yemen. But this is not about Trump, it is all about whether there will ever be elections
Because I say things sort of like this, family members won't talk to me!!
I guess I'll have Thanksgiving by myself (sob!) ((:-))
BTW. was unable to watch the video myself. I got this message:
"An error occurred. Please try again later. (Playback ID: ifMdcKbpCAEFAPjm)
Learn More
This is clearly far more compelling evidence than any talk of dead voters or observers
being denied access.
It makes me wonder if both parties are colluding and we're actually watching a
choreographed dance / a divide and conquer operation designed to run and run.
Perhaps I'm just too suspicious, but if this irrefutable evidence is ignored / goes
nowhere and instead there's a continuing pantomime about dead voters, then there is clearly
no intention to uncover the truth.
Pay attention to the 1 minute 19 second mark, which shows how a voter's choice is
translated to a candidate.
The video suggests each machine has a master table that lists all the candidates on the
ballot associated with the intersection of the two coordinates on the ballot that translates
to a candidate's matching number. The machine then tallies the vote based upon the matching
This tells me at some point prior to election night, the hundreds of electronic voting
machines have their master table updated with all the candidates and the location of their
name on the ballot identified by the intersecting coordinate matching process.
In my opinion, this design lends itself to software fraud and here is why.
For example, if the machine knows that 091511 corresponds to Donald Trump's name on the
ballot, it could have a malicious algorithm that examines the trend of the votes tallied and
reassign a portion of the tally to another candidate's number. It it a technological form of
ballot stuffing.
The software must be re-designed to eliminate the master table and only tally the count of
the intersecting coordinate on the ballot. At the end of the election day, the counts for
each of the intersecting coordinates on the ballot are electronically uploaded to a central
server that matches the candidate's name on the ballot.
That means the position of a candidate's name on a ballot must be kept confidential until
they are handed out on election day to the voters and no software upgrades for the voting
machines must be allowed.
The potential for fraud at the central server does exist but an audit of all the polling
place results should catch that during a recount.
This work graphically exposing the fraud is excellent and very educative.
Each passing day, I see a new analysis exposing statistical incoherence in swing states
I hope Sydney Powell & Co have the team and the time to prepare all this for use in
I was also happy to learn about a Rockefeller sponsored non profit organization dedicated
to elections (fraud). Does that mean Trump was the chosen one in 2016? I still doubt it, I
think they miscalculated.
Re Pennsylvania, about 3 years ago, the PA Secretary of State, Pedro Cortes, resigned
abruptly without explanation. It turned out that legal residents but non citizens upon
renewing their driver's licenses were asked if they wanted to register to vote. No one knows
how many non citizens actually registered.
I think Tucker Carlson is wrong. I believe there are enough fraudulent votes to
change the result -- if the recount is done honestly. WI, MI, GA, PA could all flip, even AZ
and NV. The DNC is run by End Justifies Means people who believe everything they do is
justified due to Holocaust, Slavery, yada yada.
MSM is working hard to try to make this a foregone conclusion. Each day we hear about
Biden this Biden that, Biden's Transition Team, Biden's New Cabinet, Biden's Foreign Policy,
Biden's Trade policy Instead of feeling discouraged, I hope this actually gets Trump and his
lawyers fired up to push for recounts. He just filed a new lawsuit in MI. There is no reason
why the recounts have not started in WI, GA and PA. It's total BS. The longer this drags on,
the harder it'll be to overturn the results. They need to press on.
Going forward the GOP needs to push hard for a Voting Integrity Act that mandates all
voter registration must be approved by social security office to verify citizenship status. I
suspect a high number of voters esp. in blue states like CA and WA are non-citizens, from
tens of thousands to millions, since the DMV asks everyone to register to vote and never
check their citizenship status. In WA the ballot used to ask people to confirm they are US
citizens before signing the ballot with indication of fines/jail time for non-citizens who
vote, but they've removed that warning entirely in all ballots since 2016.
The Voting Integrity Act should include a mass audit of the voter registration in every
state, with a national database that detects people who are registered to vote in more than
one state. Even if Trump doesn't prevail due to mass cheating in the recounts, the GOP needs
to put this Voting Integrity Act in place or they will never win another election.
Legacy media are lying when they claim that all of President Trump's allegations of voter
fraud are baseless. I know, because I argued a case on the president's behalf in federal court
in Philadelphia.
At issue was President Trump's request for an order changing the way Pennsylvania absentee
and mail-in ballots are being reviewed at the Philadelphia Convention Center. CNN and others
claim he "lost." That's false: he won. As I made that argument on behalf of the president's
campaign, I can tell you what really happened.
President Trump went to court about two problems: First, only a handful of Republican
observers -- substantially fewer than the Democrats had there -- were being admitted to the
room at the Philadelphia Convention Center where inspections were being conducted. Second, the
few who could get in weren't permitted to get close enough to see what was actually happening.
The most important questions all have to ask are: Why all the hiding? What's being hidden?
At the Convention Center counting location, I personally observed dozens of Trump
campaign volunteers being barred from the counting room even though they'd been properly
registered as observers. That's why I urged Pam Bondi and Corey Lewandowski, who were on the
scene, to authorize the filing of a request that a federal court order the Board of Elections
to stop this nonsense.
More hiding: despite a binding order of the state's Commonwealth Court, the handful of
Republican observers who could get into the room weren't being allowed up to the barrier set at
six feet from the closest tables where work was being done. So even though they were in the
room where it was happening, they had no way to tell what was happening. If there's no
fraud, why is the Democrat-controlled Board of Elections unwilling to let people get close
enough to actually see what its people are doing?
So on a borrowed laptop at around 2 p.m. on election day, I typed up a very short document
to start a federal lawsuit and to request that the federal court intervene to prohibit these
unfair practices. At about 4:30 p.m., its filing was authorized by the campaign.
The federal judge ordered a hearing that began at 5:30 p.m. and went for two hours. In open
court, the judge compelled the Board of Elections to agree that the Republicans could have up
to 60 representatives in the room. That was a huge victory, not only for Republicans but for
anyone who actually wants to have a vote tabulation worthy of belief.
He also compelled the board to agree that all observers, Democrat or Republican, could get
up to the six-foot barrier. While the Democrats claimed that of course, of course, they
had always been letting people in and letting them up to the barrier, I had a long list of
witnesses who were prepared to testify that this was false. The judge told the defendants
pointedly that if they didn't do what they'd promised in his courtroom they would, he had
plenty of authority to make them keep their word.
Having secured this agreement from the Board of Elections, the court dismissed the
president's motion for court-ordered relief as moot. Courts often do that when they secure an
agreement between the parties. It means the court doesn't have to issue an order, which would
be appealable, granting or denying the motion, and it means the court doesn't have to write an
opinion. What it doesn't mean is that the request made on behalf of President Trump to
stop the election fraud was moot, despite the false spin CNN and other mainstream media put on
it. All of this was a victory for President Trump and anyone else who believes in open
I'm no longer surprised by anti-Trump non-news coming from the likes of CNN. But I cannot
imagine why Pennsylvania Republican leaders have suggested there's no reason to think that
anything wrong or fraudulent is going on in the counting of Pennsylvania's votes.
If that were true, why in the world would the Democratic-controlled city government be
working so hard to keep Republicans out of the room where those votes are being counted? In a
world where every car that drives down the street is on video, why isn't all of this counting
being conducted in broad daylight, under watchful eyes? What do they have to hide?
Other people have gathered substantial evidence that there are indeed things to hide,
including this video showing,
among other things, footage of government officials wearing Joe Biden facemasks filling in
blanks in already-submitted mail-in votes. The hearing I attended wasn't about that, but it was
about the conditions that make that possible.
No one who wants a legitimate vote count should be working to keep observers out of the room
where the votes are counted. Yet for some reason the City of Philadelphia sent three lawyers,
including the city solicitor himself, to a hearing to try to persuade a federal judge that he
shouldn't even bother addressing President Trump's request.
Fortunately, the federal judge didn't take that advice, and he forced the Board of Elections
to do the right thing. I call that a solid victory for everyone -- except for those with
something to hide. For some reason, all of this hiding was being done by Democrats, for Biden.
Jerome M. Marcus is an attorney in private practice in Philadelphia
There is strong indication of widespread systemic fraud. Those who say otherwise are
speaking against their own knowledge. If you are so sure about the opposite, all you have to
do is investigate the main allegations and prove you are right, but not just dismiss it.
An important analysis showing systemic fraud
MIT PhD Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztu5Y5obWPk
Computers only do what they are programmed to do. There is no such thing as a "glitch"! Code is code and it is in-putted by
a human.
It is fraud, plain and simple...
jammyjo , 38 minutes ago
Working as designed too. Must have been some H1-Bs coding to spec. Otherwise, they would have taken into account the effect
of coattails in presidential elections. Oh well, they'll fix that in Dominion 2.0.
We all know the CIA and the technocracy are behind the entire election fraud in the first place, Pelosi and Pals and their
Dominion Counting Software. Its disgusting, the entire world is disgusted.
You vote in person with an ID. Exemtions given to the disabled and those who are 67 and older. Continue to control elections
at the state level in keeping with the constitution. Set a national database that all votes can be verified through social security
numbers. Federal law mandating all counties report deaths to the registry so they can be removed from the database. Idk but the
current system is garbage. If you want a fare election regardless of political affiliation something would have happened along
time ago. And yes there has been fraud. I'm not saying a Democrat rep. contacted every election official. I'm saying these individuals
overseeing these counts had the mentality of "by any means necessary". Why? Because orange man evil, so they feel it's justifiable.
Such an irony: The Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence were signed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
And today the state of Pennsylvania just desecrated our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. What a shame.
Having been a computer programmer, I've never understood why everyone just went along with trusting the voting machines to
be accurate...to have not been purposely compromised by the left.
Why is this CRITICAL ?? Because the last UN-RIGGED election Turkey had was in 2000. After 2002 every election was rigged like
this one. GAME OVER and one party rule !
As a result of the 2002 HAVA Act, most counties don't run elections anymore. Private Co/s with Private Shareholders under contract
to counties run our elections. And these companies do it with virtually NO Transparency or Supervision.
The entire election system infrastructure is a complex patchwork of various private companies doing various parts of it. ALL of
it is exposed to the internet, the idea of it being air-gapped is a myth. The voting companies own manuals show this. Some of these
companies conduct elections all over the world, effectively being in a position to control some of the outcomes
Some of the companies are foreign owned with servers outside this country, and they are the last ones to actually control the
so-called "unofficial" votes. BUT, it is the "Unofficial" votes that eventually control "Official" votes.
There are no security standards, similar to NIST, for election software. Hence any certifications are largely just agreed on an
ad hoc basis between the certifying company and the election company and therefore don't mean much.
Most State SoS offices fail to grasp the extent and vulnerabilities within their systems, and so they grant waiver to their State
law and voting code to counties and election companies that exacerbate the problem.
Our investigation revealed at least a dozen or more entry points where votes can and are being switched and the audit trails changed
or erased so that a forensic investigation finds no trace. It has to be caught in real time. Even the operator of the election system
can change votes undetected.
As an attorney and forensic technologist, the DB reset is what triggered me to watch the whole thing - This is amazing. Why
do we never hear more of these things???????? DB reset totally cuts the chain of custody and invalidates the whole election. INSANE
- and that's just at 10 minutes in!!!!!
According to the US Constitution the election was scheduled for the 1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday in November. Nothing else
matters (fraud, counting votes next day etc..) Election ended that day. Federal Law over-rules all these illegal state laws. TRUMP
won constitutionally. Time to go to Supreme Court of the United States
Also, Mayor Giuliani has claimed mamy Cases of Fraud and is Filing Lawsuits as Trump's
Also, Tucker Carlson has also claimed that his Team have verified a good number of
Reported Incidents.
Statistical Analyses Claimants are coming forward as well.
Those who claim that there were none or not enough - including you, B - need to read
around a bit more and wait before making presumptive assessments when we don't have All the
Claim Cases, related Data, and Votes Affected.
Personally, I've seen enough to believe this Election is Compromised. Dominion are
allegedly vested by the Pelosis (which alone raise a few Red Flags for a RICO
It may be Prudent to Not only Hold Audits; but Redo the Federal Election Seats (WH and
Congress) again with Federal Ballots Monitored by Federal Personnel.
Biden should have been sent to Bethesda/Walter Reed/Hopkins for an Alzheimer's/Dementia
Review Panel (put my Own Mother through the Drill every several years prior to her going to
her Nursing Home); and Hunter should have been Arrested for Crack/Child Molestation while
being further investigated for MoneyLaundering/RICO with Pops.
Giuliani is Confident Here As Well. One thing for Certain, B, is that Giuliani has an
Outstanding Reputation as a Federal Prosecutor; and Does. Not. Bπ££$#!+.
Around. When it comes to Criminal Cases.
I'll rely on Giuliani's Assessments more than anyone else's on this Matter.
@anon also sat on Hunter Biden's laptop and did nothing.
Trump should fight this travesty of an election but it's hard to see how he can prevail
when most of the government and all of the Jmedia have always been against him.
I feel bad for Trump but I feel even worse for our country. If the deep state can use
"Hammer" and "Scorecard" to alter elections, then trust in the election process is over.
Barr has done nothing about the ongoing criminality of the left so it's not likely that he
will actually do anything about the fraudulent election. Barr will oversee the recounts and
claim that everything is kosher and he will follow the Jmedia narrative.
In 1975, the Church Committee hearings exposed the illegal CIA MKULTRA program and
formally illegalized it.
Transferring the same program to EO12333 and to DARPA is equally illegal and is a
confession of high crimes and is in total violation of the Supreme Law Of The Land, The
Constitution sworn to be upheld under oath and affirmation by every president and person in
the military, which also makes them guilty of Treason.
It was not the fact that it was the CIA that was doing it that made it illegal. It was
illegal in and of itself for the barbaric nature of it being a crime against humanity.
Congress never said that they wanted to transfer the program to the president and the
To insinuate that the same concept would be illegal by the CIA, but not illegal by the
president and the military is an asinine assumption that defies all logic.
Unfortunately, we do not have a government in America. We have an organized crime ring of
corrupt, retarded, sadistic, criminal psychopaths running the country.
America is not a country. It is a crime against humanity!
"No Trumper doubts about the Senators and house members Elected trough the same Ballots
the Dimwits denounce as Fake" --TDS victim
This is one of the things I am interested in hearing more details on. Rudy Giuliani was
saying that there are witnesses stating that at least in Pennsylvania and Michigan the big
batches of extra ballots that came in the following morning from the election and while the
counts were frozen were only marked for Biden, with no other down-ticket candidates being
marked on those ballots. This would explain how Biden got more votes than Trump while the
down-ticket Republicans still won the rest of the races. More importantly, if this is
accurate, then it is a massive and obvious screw-up by the people cooking the election
results. This is going to stand out with mammoth improbabilities in any statistical analysis,
and while the PMCs in the corporate mass media are not very bright (they are business and
journalism majors, after all, whose math skills plateaued at basic arithmetic), even they can
see how awkward this is going to look if those ballots have to face close public scrutiny.
That is why they are doing the full court press to get Trump to concede. With a concession
the establishment will be able to memory hole the details of the election and gaslight into
silence anyone who doubts the establishment narrative about it.
Look either way the Banker Oligarchs win. Why fight over the scraps, neither one party or
leader represents the little guy (defined these days as those with less than 100m USD in
A new issue has turned up in Pennsylvania putting another 100,000+ ballots in line for
exclusion: (1)
Over 51,000 ballots were marked as returned just a day after they were sent out -- an
extraordinary speed, given U.S. Postal Service (USPS) delivery times, while nearly 35,000
were returned on the same day they were mailed out. Another more than 23,000 have a return
date earlier than the sent date. More than 9,000 have no sent date.
"Since October 1, the average time of delivery for First-Class Mail, including ballots,
was 2.5 days," USPS said in an Oct. 29 release.
Impossible and improbable return dates indicate there's something wrong with either the
database or the ballots.
Objective facts show that Trump won Pennsylvania.
-- Will the system work?
-- Or, will the Blue Coup cause the Constitution to collapse?
In today's episode of America's Next Zionist President, we have an insider giving us all
an accurate description of our beloved US constitutional republic and democracy which we must
fight to protect:
For rational people, the media's outlandish bias and presumptive misinformation will not
end well for their handlers. True, in a fake new soylent green economy, businesses don't need
customers and politicians don't need constituents – you can just manufacture them, and
pay yourself with your own money by decree. But reality has a way of eventually creeping in
(as you gag on your fake beyond meat burger).
The reality here is that we need to take a step back from the media frenzy and recognize
rule of law. Concession cannot even be legally possible for several weeks as it stands today.
And the only excuse for Biden falsely claiming victory is that he is too senile to observe
Constitutional law.
The Don is done. Lindsey and Mitch and their Dem co-conspirators will be thrilled to get
back to business as usual. Motives aside he did change things a bit in between hiring and
firing everyone in sight.
To much of a rocky ride Washington doesn't like that no criminal enterprise does.
Don't cry for Don he'll bounce back this is a man who lost three casinos then went on to
hawking steaks and finally ended up as President. A real life 21st. century Jack Armstrong.
He can write a book play some golf, Melania can go on doing her Eva Gabor impersonation and
Don Jr. and Eric can do whatever it is they do. And as for us we're all on a slow boat to
China most likely to work at one of those Sino-Ivanka Fashion Inc. factories.
Big Brother has spoken. Even Fox News has kicked Trump's ass into the shithole and called
the election for Biden. Tucker Carlson may also be looking for the exit or he has been
instructed to change his tune if he wants to keep his job which in all likelihood he will
comply. Trump lovers and sympathisers better face up to the bitter reality and take to the
hill to prepare a defense against brutal persecution by their enemies who will come after
them with unimaginable passion right after Jan 20, 2021. They already have THE LIST and names
are being added to it fast and furious. Bread and circus, people!
Come on, get real. American voters were presented with two donkeys and puppets of Israel
as candidates. Millions voted for one or the other of two donkeys both of whom dance to the
beat of Jewish drums. Come to think about it, which American president in recent memory has
not outfawned his predecessor on Israel? Jewish power owns us. End of.
Tucker Carlson said, " At this stage , the fraud that we can confirm does not
seem to be enough to alter the election result." That's a far cry from, "There's not
enough fraud to change the election results." Newsweek's paraphrasing is, therefore, itself
fraudulent and part of the gigantic Democrat gaslighting campaign to convince the nation Joe
Biden is the legitimate winner. It should not be repeated here without the actual quote and a
This also goes to the wider issue of trying to be reasonable and fair when dealing with
Democrat cockroaches who are anything but. They will unfailingly distort measured and
diplomatic language. It's best to make no concessions to them.
I don't give a rat's butt about trump or biden. As far as I'm concerned they'll always be
two draft dodger/shirkers and nothing more. Interesting how both of them hid in college in
the 60's and refused to serve as privates in the army but think they should be able to have
the power to send men in harms way.
Actually, the Zionists and the Jewish vote generally were overwhelmingly for Biden. They
were very hostile to Trump. Why would they do this if Trump were a Zionist minion ? Because
he's not.
Trump wants to normalise relations with Russia and pull US troops out of the Middle East,
including Syria. These moves are very much opposed to Zionist aims and the interests of
Israel. Unsurprisingly, Netanyahu was very quick to recognise Biden as the winner. That's
because Biden really is a Zionist minion.
@Roacheforque every TDS normie discussed it like it had a real chance of occurring
despite not having thought out how exactly how such a ridiculous event would take place on a
practical level. Added to which the 'homey' comments coming from diaper Bill and Kameltoe
Harris have a overly saccharine flavour to them, more likely scripted with great thought put
in as opposed to spontaneous quotes from some gosh darn nice people who want to heal the
nation such that anyone trying to prevent them from doing so necessarily must be evil.
If the Zerohedge article is accurate, thank you for posting it. If it has weaknesses
perhaps some poster could point them out. It is the most sane thing that I have read on the
topic since the 3rd.
No Surrender! President Trump Should Not Concede -- No Matter What
Sure just like Hillary should not have conceded in 2016, when they had strong evidence of
electronic vote rigging.
Look either way the Banker Oligarchs win. Why fight over the scraps, neither one party or
leader represents the little guy (defined these days as those with less than 100m USD in
The Zio Banking elite wins hands down right now Biden or Trump. At least Biden might keep
some social services like Soc Sec, Medicare, and Obama Care!!!! Yes the public deserves to
get something for paying all these taxes not just the Oligarchial super rich who were openly
looting the Fed budget under Trump. The unthinking and unemployed working/middle class,
especially the Whites amongst them seem to put their crisis of identity ahead of their well
being. Daaah.
What did Trump (led by his handlers Kushner/Ivanka) do for the little guy except fill
their heads with racial antagonisms and anti-government innuendo (some true but most false).
For sure he fulfilled every Zio-Israeli fantasy at the expense of US interests. Yes, no
problem for the unquestioning MAGA types, but where did he lead America to, to the precipice
of a pending national disaster?
So stop tearing down the constitutional republic, preserve what the general public still
has left to protect their individual rights and economic well being. Obviously the elite is
pushing for civil unrest so they can bring on a military and dictatorial regime, where all
sorts of new control straps can be implemented.
Kirkpatrick you are shameful for stoking the embers of civil unrest! Nobody is calling for
unity and statesmen like leadership these days on RU report. Biden is looking much more
leader like than cry baby Trump. Trump as you like to say -- -- -- -- – YOUR
FIRED!!!!!Man-up and get out and move on and get a life.
Only idiots and fools still want to carry Fake and Slimy Politicians on top of their
shoulders. Find some brains and lobby for your own interests, no politician in this system
will work for you unless forced to by their electorate.
[Reflections on the late election, by Curtis Yarvin, Gray Mirror, November 8, 2020].
Because I began my journey to 'red-pilled' awareness thanks to Curtis 'Mencius Moldbug'
Yarvin, I naturally clicked on the link and read his piece. One has travelled far since
reading his 'Unqualified Reservations' blog way back on 2007-08, and I now agree with much of
Andrew Joyce's recent critique of Yarvin ( https://www.unz.com/article/jews-in-the-cathedral-a-response-to-curtis-yarvin/
However, I frequently chuckled while reading Yarvin's piece linked by James Kirkpatrick,
and marvelled anew at the quality and brilliance of his insights. In this regard it rather
took me back in time twelve or so years.
A sample or two:
After describing how Trump could legally take full and absolute personal power for the
length of his second term, Yarvin points out that what is required amounts to nothing less
than 'regime change', and states that 'A true regime change must be a revolution in every
sense of the word Of course, since the right is order and the left is chaos, the left-wing
revolution is a butcher and the right-wing revolution is a surgeon. If ours needs to keep its
bandages on for a few days, theirs can barely be sold as hamburger. And even before her
stitches are out, America feels and looks better than ever.'
He goes on:
'One lesson that should be appreciated by all sides in all civic conflicts is that force
is not another word for violence. Force is the opposite of violence. Violence is bad, and
force is good. Violence is chaos, and force is order. Violence is slow and force is fast.
'If you can win by force, what are you waiting for? Do it immediately. If you can't win
without violence, you probably can't win at all, and you probably shouldn't try. Much
bloodshed could be saved if all young persons were educated with these simple and timeless
Machiavellian principles'.
And earlier, he explains the role of elections in a 'democracy' as being to assess the
power of each side's support, and that this power ought to reflect actual physical strength
and or courage, remarking:
'The fundamental purpose of a democratic election is to test the strength of the sides in
a civil conflict, without anyone actually getting hurt. The majority wins because the
strongest side would win. Better to measure that by counting heads, than knocking heads; and
counting heads produces a reasonable guess as to who would win a head-knocking contest. Same
outcome, fewer concussions: a Pareto optimization.
'But this guess is much better if it actually measures humans who are both willing and
able to walk down the street and show up. Anyone who cannot show up at the booth is unlikely
to show up for the civil war. This is one of many reasons that an in-person election is a
more accurate election. (If voters could be qualified by physique, it would be even more
'My sense is that in many urban communities, voting by proxy in some sense is the norm.
The people whose names are on the ballots really exist; and almost all of them actually did
support China Joe. Or at least, preferred him. The extent to which they perform any tangible
political action, including physically going to the booth, is very low; so is their
engagement with the political system. The demand for records of their engagement is very
high, because each such datum cancels out some huge, heavily-armed redneck with a bass
Your obsession with Jews is really misplaced here. As soon as anyone starts blaming the
Jews, that person has immediately branded himself unfit for further comment.
Trump had four years to do something about election fraud. Didn't do a thing. Kinda funny
Trump and those Senator Georgians that sucked up to blacks thought blacks would actually vote
for them. Georgia and trump lost! Maybe taught them a lesson! I doubt it. Georgia has been
overrun with Hispanics and absolutely flooded with H-1B Indians for years too . The GOP has
committed suicide and taken the rest of America down with it. But hey, they made a few bucks
doing it! Maybe trump can do another publicity stunt with a rapper to save his campaign.
The problems with the election are just a mirror image of the problems with this country.
Fake money, fake border, fake pandemic, fake scholarship, fake news, fake food, fake votes.
Did I miss anything?
@TheTrumanShow ll decide. and failing that, the congress shall decide.. If a candidate
interferes with that constitutional process, changes or alters it to suit a personal
circumstance, he or she invites the crowd operated guillotine, i fear.
I agree the election process in many states is subject to corruption.. but Trump had four
years to change that process. like most things he did not provide the leadership needed to
get the masses to help him do just that.. Now Trump complains ..to the very people who
expected more from him .. and seeks to circumvent their intentions. I hope not?
I learned long ago: the pilot that does not pay the mechanic, pays the undertaker, when
the engine quits at 15000 feet.
I am an Australian living in an Australian country town. My email address is recognisably
Australian. I have never lived in the US. I have never even been there in fact.
Yet I have been inundated with election propaganda from the Democrats (from the other side
nary a peep).
Recently an organisation that goes under the name "Fight for Reform"invited me, as a "Top
Democrat in your state", to sign a card to congratulate "Joe and Kamala" testyifying that I
too had been crying "tears of joy" about their election.
When I didn't react I was asked, virtually the day after, why I hadn't done so. They were
"running low on support from"registered Democrats" "so please
Well, if you think that Biden and Harris will serve Israel any less than Trump, then you
should be willing to purchase my Jewless estate of 500,000 acres in NY, which comes with 6000
square foot fully restored 19th century house, a 2500 square foot guest house, and a horse
barn. It also comes with both a real pond and a ce- ment pond. I'm asking only
$600,000. It's a steal of a bargain.
In other words, according to you, the Jews as individuals, organizations, or as a people
may never be blamed for anything. Methinks it is YOU wearing the brand that says "unfit for
further comment".
Ultimately, the entire battle is about who is sovereign in this country -- American
citizens or
LOL! I haven't seen the words "sovereignty" and "American people" in the same sentence for
quite some time. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is not simply restricted to American people,
as it applies to all peoples of the West.
We must muster the will to shift this balance of power.
Whining about jail time over tax laws is why Trump has to fight? He can tell us
deplorables it is for us. Its not. It will be about preserving his empire. As much as I want
the corrupt PA democrats to finally get theirs in this legal process, I support Trump in his
fight for himself. If you twerps are allowed to destroy someone like a President Trump, just
imagine what you will do to a mere lunch lady for using the wrong pronoun. Please for once in
your miserable life admit your side is not made up of good people but rather a whole bunch of
totalitarian dictatorial wannabes. Scarily you keep moving the goalposts of your endgame
because every victory is never enough to satiate the rumble in your hollow souls.
Saw the Lt. Gov. of PA on YahooNews (? I guess it's a channel), complete POS in complete
denial. Complete with condescending BS and 'refusing to even accept that question' when the
reasonably nice reporter asked him how he could govern with half the people not trusting him
LVrunner , 1 hour ago
Was Wolf elected in 2018?
Lie_Detector , 2 hours ago
Every transaction needs to be video recorded in DETAIL! The cost of video recording NATION
WIDE would be no more than a billion dollars. Cameras above the ballot counters would be used
to VALIDATE ANY ballot. The video feeds would be saved for future challenges. It would be the
BEST investment ever made. The trouble is getting the dems on board. That is because it would
make cheating hard. They are a fraud, evil and enemies of America and the constitution.
radical-extremist , 2 hours ago
The trouble is privacy. You can bet the ACLU would have that in front of the Supremes in a
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany late Tuesday announced
234 pages of what she said were sworn affidavits alleging election irregularities in a county
in Michigan .
McEnany appeared alongside Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel on Fox News'
"Hannity," where she shared several
allegations listed in the affidavits -- statements made under penalty of perjury - from Wayne
"We keep hearing the drumbeat of 'where is the evidence?' Right here, Sean, 234 pages of
sworn affidavits, these are real people, real allegations, signed with notaries," McEnany
"They're alleging - this is one county, Wayne County, Michigan - they are saying that there
was a batch of ballots where 60 percent had the same signature," she told host Sean
"They're saying that 35 ballots had no voter record but they were counted anyway, that 50
ballots were run multiple times through a tabulation machine."
McEnany also shared details of another affidavit where a woman alleged that "her son was
deceased but nevertheless somehow voted."
"These are one of many many allegations in one county, and a county no less, where poll
watchers were in many cases threatened with racial harassment, they were pushed out of the
way, and Democrat challengers were handing out documents, how to distract GOP challengers,"
she continued.
"These are real, and anyone who cares about transparency and the integrity of the system
should want this to pursue to the discovery phase."
On Monday, President Donald Trump's reelection campaign filed a suit in Wayne County Circuit
Court alleging voter fraud in ballot-counting procedures. The suit alleges county election
officials allowed various fraudulent processing of votes, including telling poll workers to
backdate ballots and not verify signatures on absentee ballots. Several witnesses have filed
sworn affidavits attesting to alleged election fraud. The plaintiffs, two poll challengers, are
seeking a temporary restraining order on ballot counting. The case is pending.
Late Tuesday, the Trump campaign
announced the filing of a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in the Western District of
Michigan that alleges pervasive election irregularities and violations in Wayne County and
seeks a review of the Dominion Voting software which caused glitches in several states.
A number of media outlets declared Democratic nominee Joe Biden president-elect on Nov. 7
after they projected victories for him in Pennsylvania and Nevada, putting him over the 270
electoral vote threshold, although the vote counts have not been completed in those states.
Vote counts also continue in Georgia and Arizona. Georgia and Wisconsin will have recounts of
the votes, where results initially yielded a Biden lead.
Trump has alleged voter fraud and said any declarations of victory are premature, with his
campaign having launched multiple legal challenges in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia,
Arizona, Nevada, and Michigan. The president said on
Tuesday that his campaign is making progress and said that he will ultimately be declared
the winner of the 2020
election .
Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories.
RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel speaks during a press conference at the Republican National
Committee headquarters in Washington on Nov. 9, 2020. (Samuel Corum/Getty Images)
McDaniel told Hannity that the Trump campaign has received 11,000 incident reports and has
compiled at least 500 affidavits from witnesses across various states.
"It is a long process and people need to be patient. The media keeps saying 'where's the
evidence, where's the evidence,' because they're not giving us time to show it," she
"But even the evidence we're putting forward they're deciding 'oh we're not going to
report it' or 'we're going to break away from press conferences' and we don't want to hear
from these 500 people who have signed affidavits talking about what they saw with this
McDaniel's comments come after Fox News late Monday
swiftly cut away from airing a briefing by the Trump campaign , after McEnany appeared to
allege that the Democrat Party had been involved in election fraud. The outlet claimed that
McEnany did not have details to back up her allegations.
Trump did not lose, he was cheated out of a second term by the democrats.
This is the most enlightening video I've seen over the past week. A PHD from MIT
(Dr.Shiva) explains why the voting pattern in Michigan is an algorithm set to take votes away
from Trump and give them to Biden. Dr. Shiva shows charts by counties that clearly reveals
corruption and how the software was programmed so it would be impossible for Trump to win. If
this video already hasn't been sent to Rudy and the Trump team, it needs to be. here is the
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztu5Y5obWPk
If you don't have time to watch the whole video, start it at 31:07 and you'll see the
charts that show how Trump was cheated.
Arthor Bearing , 11 minutes ago
Dr. Shiva! You know a guy is trustworthy when he repeats his credentials at the beginning
of every single video of his. He insinuates a lot but the votes are subject to audit and
hand-counting if Trump and his team decide to do so, something Shiva glosses over.
Also, on the article above, sworn affadavits aren't admissible into evidence when they are
arguing "facts that are in issue," because in order to be admissible, evidence has to be
subject to cross-examination. That's a foundational rule of evidence. So McEnany saying
"here's your evidence right here" is just her spouting more ********. None of that will be
admissible in court. Depositions, where opposing counsel is present and can cross-examine,
are admissible for facts in issue.
On Wednesday, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced that the state will
conduct a full hand recount of the state's 2020 presidential election results amid claims of
voter fraud from President Trump's reelection claim.
What you need to know – Raffensperger announced on Wednesday that Georgia will conduct
a full audit and by-hand recount of the state's presidential election results – The
secretary of state anticipates the recount to conclude by the state's November 20 election
certification deadline – Raffensperger urged Georgians to report instances of alleged
voter fraud, adding that his office needs "something that we can actually investigate"
In 2016 Wayne county Michigan (Detroit) couldn't duplicate their results during the Jill
Stein ordered recount. 37% of the precincts demonstrated that they double-counted ballots by
running them through the scanners multiple times.
Biden has 47 years of practice, he's gotten used to it...
LVrunner , 1 hour ago
I don't think they care. They are delusional psychopaths and only care about power and
Robert De Zero , 1 hour ago
As usual, right on target LVrunner. Psychopath's believe in some ordained right that
justifies any action, without guilt. The ends always justify the means, for a psychopath.
They are OWED it.
LVrunner , 1 hour ago
I'm still surprised the Bernie bro's accepted being cheated twice. What were they
promised? That if Bernie backed out he would be pulling the strings from behind? With the
push of the green new deal it sure looks that way. It's all too surreal.
@KDKA look at these 200 years old
people that voted smh. This is all types of fraud, and they put it out for the public to see!
And this is only a small amount of them, the list goes on ..... how ya'll cant see this is
beside me
The announcement that the US Justice Department would be looking into some aspects of last
week's election has elicited screaming and wailing from those convinced that Biden's win is a
slam-dunk. Would the mainstream media resistance to investigating possible fraud be the same
had Trump appeared to pull off a second term? Also today, is Biden breaking the law by speaking
with foreign leaders about what a Biden Administration foreign policy would look like? The
answer might surprise you. Watch today's Liberty Report:
"Fraud" was definitely at play in Pennsylvania's vote count, and Republicans have the facts
to back that up, according to Rep. Guy Reschenthaler, R-Pa., on Newsmax TV.
"We know that there are facts in place that show there was fraud," Reschenthaler told
Tuesday's " American
Agenda ." "How much fraud? That's a questions that needs to be fought out in the court. But
it's irrefutable that there was fraud that took place. We have sworn affidavits.
"A sworn affidavit is the definition of evidence."
"We have evidence at play that says supervisors in Erie [Pennsylvania] at the Post Office
were told to backdate ballots that were coming in," he continued, adding in Philadelphia, "we
as Republicans were kept out of the count of those absentee ballots.
"You had what Democrats referred to as treasure troves that were found in Western
Pennsylvania in the Pittsburgh area," he said. "Those ballots were predominately straight-party
votes for the Democrats. It is statistically, incredibly improbable, that all those ballots
that the Democrats were finding went with that large of a margin for Biden and the
straight-party ticket."
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas.) said in an interview that aired Sunday that he believes an
investigation should be launched into software used to count ballots amid concerns of election
The Republican senator told Fox News that the same software that was
linked to an incident in which votes were switched in a county in Michigan should be
investigated to rule out potential vote tabulation issues elsewhere in the country.
Antrim County in Michigan, which uses voting machines by Dominion Voting Systems, flipped
from Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden to President Donald Trump after over 5,000
votes were found to have been incorrectly registered for Biden.
"That same software is used in 47 counties throughout Michigan," Cruz said . "That needs to be examined to determine
that there isn't a problem counting the votes. And the legal process is how you resolve those
Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson said in a statement that the
problem ballots in Antrim County were due to human error, not a software malfunction.
"The erroneous reporting of unofficial results from Antrim county was a result of accidental
error on the part of the Antrim County Clerk," she said. "The equipment and software did not
malfunction and all ballots were properly tabulated. However, the clerk accidentally did not
update the software used to collect voting machine data and report unofficial results."
Dominion Voting Systems didn't immediately respond to a requests for comments from The Epoch
Benson added that even if the incident of incorrectly tabulated votes hadn't been quickly
flagged, it would have been noticed during the county canvass.
"As with other unofficial results reporting errors, this was an honest mistake and did not
affect any actual vote totals," she said. "Election clerks work extremely hard and do their
work with integrity. They are human beings, and sometimes make mistakes. However, there are
many checks and balances that ensure mistakes can be caught and corrected."
Cruz, in his interview, said the software should be examined in order to definitively rule
out any possibility of vote tabulation problems and to allay concerns of voters amid an
election that is facing claims of fraud.
"If there is a glitch that's built into the software system, it'll be shown and it's easy to
define that," Cruz said. "I think this is a great exercise to get back the trust of the
American people."
"You know, one of the frustrating things just as an American watching this, you hear all
these allegations of what's going on, it's hard to know what the facts are, what the truth is,"
Cruz said, adding that allegations of voter fraud "could easily end up in the Supreme
Biden was declared by a number of media outlets as president-elect on Saturday and has
victory in the presidential race.
Trump has alleged voter fraud and said any declarations of victory are premature, with his
campaign announcing a raft of legal challenges.
"The simple fact is this election is far from over," Trump said in a statement. "Joe Biden
has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any of the highly contested
states headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate
legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor."
"Legal votes decide who is president, not the news media," Trump added.
The explanations of the "glitches" are ridiculous, and the "glitches" were detected in one
county but apply to software used in 47 counties plus the entire state of Georgia.
The way the "glitches" were detected was luck, or a huge mistake on the part of the
You may be right. Or it may all come crashing down in the automatically-triggered recount.
Or the political machine may succeed in doing a fake recount without observers and shutting
the book on this. We'll see.
One Dominion unit having a glitch is a glitch. Multiple Dominions across multiple states and
scores of counties having glitches all in favor of the same candidate is corruption. Pure and
On zero evidence, a manufactured dossier, and a frenzied TDS media, Trump was hounded for
almost 3 years with investigations. Now in 2020, with a mountain of evidence, we're about to
have a true investigation of true election interference.
RIP Alex Trabek, 1940-2020. 80 years old. A great life.
Dominion disagrees with these findings, stating that multiple large
local governments across the country -- such Cook County, Illinois, which
includes Chicago, and San Francisco and San Diego counties in
California -- have purchased their system.
Why do the same names keep popping up, wherever controversy is? Feinstein, Pelosi and
the Clinton Global Initiative
1) Dianne Feinstein's husband owns 60% percent of the Dominion Voting company 2) Nancy Pelosi's longest serving aide is now a Lobbyist for the Dominion Voting
company 3) Dominion Voting makes philanthropic contributions to the CGI (Clinton Global
Posted by "The Gateway Pundit" on November 8, 2020:
My husband was a mainframe IT professional for 40 years. His department maintained 401k
systems for BOA's corporate clients.
He said you NEVER implement a system at the last minute. You do system testing repeatedly
over a long period of time to make sure the program is working correctly.
He was stunned when I told him they updated the system the night before. Stunned.
When they did system updates at Merril Lynch/BOA, they worked on it for months and did
numerous test runs before putting it into operation.
If they had access to update the software the night before the vote, they had access during
the voting process, as well as after. Changes could be made in real-time. How secure was the
VPN access?
VPN access is secure. But that assumes someone without authorization to VPN in to the
machines (like the manufacturer) will have access to each machine no matter what. A VPN only
stops or slows down an unauthorized access.
"New normal" as in: having Dominion software flip votes from Trump to Biden, corporate
media doing a witch hunt on Trump for 5 years, MSM lying about everything from George Floyd
not dying from a drug overdose, MSM literally fanning the flames to incite a race war? I
could go on.
By the way, the NYT article on Barr's salvo reveals the Democrats and their Allied Media
shift from the no longer defendable "No evidence of voter fraud," to no evidence that the
fraud was "widespread."
In other words, "Forget about PA. We don't need it." But while their Allied Media will of
course dutifully abide, Trump pulled the lawsuit trigger yesterday. More are coming soon.
Including WI and MI.
Thus it's a mistake to think that Biden being declared the winner in AZ and GA, with the
attendant "both controlled by Republicans!" shouting, will abort the process now in
Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe has been censored again by Twitter shortly after
releasing a video of a whistleblower attesting to voter irregularities in Pennsylvania. The
video can still be
accessed on Facebook at the present time.
The video pertains to spoiled ballots being handled in an unlawful manner with their
destruction by Pennsylvania elections workers against protocol. Pennsylvania Board of Elections
Director Tom Freitag confirmed in the video that the law was not followed.
The video opens with an ominous quote: "During this very important time, those involved in
the voter count PA investigation should know that they won't have all their spoiled ballots to
use in their official recount."
A Project Veritas journalist rummaged through a couple of garbage bags from the Bucks County
Board of Elections. They had been thrown into a dumpster and contained pieces of ballots that
appeared to be spoiled and discarded against regulations. Freitag ensured that the ballots were
authentic, blaming the rule-breaking activity on "ignorance" of the "brand new law."
"Whoever was the judge of elections didn't do it correctly," Freitag said to confirm that
the law had not been followed by certain Pennsylvania election workers.
"The poll worker should have not thrown it in the garbage," he added. Freitag said that
these spoiled ballots should have been retained for years and then shredded.
Big League Politics
has reported on the censorship that O'Keefe is receiving for merely exposing abnormalities
with regards to the election process:
Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe was recently
locked out of his Twitter account for a nine-month-old tweet that supposedly violated a
copyright shortly after he uncovered a Democrat ballot harvesting scheme operating out of
Minneapolis, Minn. tied to Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN).
The revelations demonstrated how the Somali-dominated areas of Minneapolis are rife with
fraud, showing how importing the third world can negatively impact electoral integrity in the
O'Keefe was temporarily locked out of his account and unable to promote the ballot
harvesting story for a short period. However, he eventually had functionality restore to his
Twitter account. He believes the censorship is proving what a massive impact he is having in
exposing the globalist establishment.
"They couldn't even provide proof of a legitimate reason and point to the tweet in
question!" O'Keefe wrote in a Tweet after returning to the social media platform.
"Some "copyright violation" and they wouldn't even show the tweet in question," he
"[Project Veritas] has the tech overlords rattled we're winning," O'Keefe added
Big Tech is heavily invested in the Democrat vote steal against President Trump. These
powerful globalist interests hope to pull off their anti-Trump color revolution in broad
daylight and rape U.S. democracy in the process.
O'Keefe's journalism is necessary to hold this corrupt process in line. His work may be
relevant in the upcoming court battle that will decide the future of the presidency.
No doubt many of the mail in ballots were illegitimate, but it's even worse ..
Sidney Powell says they sued Hammer and Scorecard to alter the numbers digitally.
She says the CIA/military have used these methods to wreck elections all over the
The takeaway is that there is no way to tell if an election is on the up and up.
Elections can never again be trusted. A number of goofballs like to mention that voter
fraud has always been done, but .it has never been done so brazenly and on such a huge scale
this was in your face fraud ..this is to inform us that we no longer have ANY say in what
happens to our country.
Hell, the Covid hoax is the same kind of clue ..they can do whatever they want to us .and
for the most part people will take it.
Schumer is bragging that he intends to take the Senate, add two states, pack the supreme
court, end the filibuster one party rule FOREVER.
Isn't it odd that none of that deluge of mail-in ballots for biden translated into votes
for the senatorial candidate on the same ballot. Apparently in Georgia biden received nearly
100,000 more votes than the senatorial candidate on the same ticket, an extraordinary
discrepancy. Trump is said to have received fewer than 1,000 more votes than the senatorial
candidate on the same ticket, more or less in line with historical norms. In Michigan, biden
received 69,000 more votes than the senatorial candidate – again, extraordinarily
No, a lot more is at play here than the mail-in vote favoring the democratic
Sidney Powell says they sued Hammer and Scorecard to alter the numbers digitally.
She says the CIA/military have used these methods to wreck elections all over the
Software is not magic. Unlike shown in "Independence Day", it has to actually interface
with the remote system.
"One software to control them all" doesn't exist. Or if it does, it takes the form of the
guy in charge entering fresh numbers into the database by hand.
Like many, I spent the last few nights waking up at 2:03 A.M., no reason, then looking at my
phone for news, any news, that might be positive for President Trump. I survived on Rush,
Bongino, Mark Levin. When the news continued to be ugly, I even checked in on ridiculous
bloggers promising that ballots were watermarked and D.J. (our household name for a president
we love) was actually launching a sting on the Deep State.
Enough already. Stop the madness.
Hey, I have a degree in statistics, and I have some level of critical thought. If there is
such pessimism in my tribe, I am not going along.
So today, I started to dig into the numbers, and as I did, I fought my confirmation bias at
every step.
I realized that I, like millions of others, had been numbed into despondency by the
overwhelming press, media, social media push to certify President-Elect Biden. (I put that in
there so you can see how repellent it is.)
Hey guys, this thing is not only not over; it is scary for Biden. I mean really scary, and
most of all, the media know it. Thus, the rush to get everyone in line with the narrative that
a 78-year-old, early-dementia former V.P., who could not draw a crowd larger than a dozen, just
beat D.J. in a fair election.
Process that for a moment.
Start with Pennsylvania . Biden, as of this writing, is at 290 electoral votes. Pennsylvania
is 20.
I read the Justice Alito opinion, and it is pretty clear that he wants the after election
night at 8:00 P.M . votes separated for a reason. Biden is going to lose at the Supreme Court,
and they know it. Four justices already said the Pennsylvania Supreme Court cannot adjust
voting rules. A new arrival, Justice Barrett, says she is there to apply the rules in the
Constitution. OK, wanna bet she does?
Remove the after 8:00 P.M. ballots, and Biden loses Pennsylvania. Biden 270.
Let's visit Nevada . I have lots of friends in California who have condos in Nevada to evade
state taxes. There are not a couple of people doing this; there are tens of thousands. Everyone
knows it, and California seeks them out.
Our old pal Harry Reid knows it as well, and he apparently has them voting in droves in this
election. Probably not a big D.J. constituency. Within 72 hours of the election, the Trump team
found, validated over 3,500 of them. I do not suspect that Trump's people stopped counting.
Every one of these is a ballot reduction for Biden
Nevada, as of now, is well within reach for DJ and the Trump team -- particularly when the
California crowd is reduced. And a few of them may testify since a false vote is a very bad
thing, with jail time if convicted. Maybe a bigger story here.
Remember where we are, people. Biden is at 270 after a highly probable Supreme Court
decision (read Alito and concurring opinions).
Lose Nevada, lose the election.
But wait: it gets better.
Let's visit Wisconsin . Right now, it is 20,000 votes in Uncle Joe's direction. Lots of
stories out there, well below the Google fold, that there are way more Wisconsin votes than
there are registered voters. OK, maybe the dead can vote up there -- probably a Midwest
Well, last night, we found that Wisconsin election clerks were told, and followed the
direction, to modify mail-in ballots and fill in the blanks where witnesses left out critical
I am sure it was just a good customer service thing and they meant no harm. The problem is
every such ballot is
now toast .
There were "thousands" of such prima facie wrongful votes. Oops. Biden up 20,000 -- now that
number is in question. No more truckloads of votes coming in, so every ballot D.J.'s team
eliminates gets President-Elect Biden on step closer to former V.P. Biden who lives in a
basement. Not good here.
North Carolina . That one pretty much looks like as though it is over and D.J. won it. Fox
News is rumored to call it for Trump around April 2021.
Remember where we are here. Biden is probably going to lose Pennsylvania, so if he loses
even one state, even one Electoral College vote, ouch!
Either D.J. wins outright, or it goes to the House, which means that D.J. has four more
We're not done yet.
Michigan . Oh, yes, the land of the "glitches" in the voting machines. Six thousand votes
for Trump given to Biden in one of 47 counties where that software is used. About 150,000 votes
in Biden's favor right now.
Google the 130,000 Biden votes that showed up in the middle of the night, and you can see
how the wonderful people at Google are fact-checking this "debunked" story. In fact, for fun,
Google "Michigan voter fraud," and you get literally three pages of "this was fact checked and
proven to be false." Why would Google be so assiduous?
They too see that if Amy votes with the four, Biden is one vote away from the
Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories.
Lawsuits in Michigan and the other states are being launched, and discovery will take place.
Google will not be there.
Voter fraud is kind of like larceny. A little is OK. It is even kind of entertaining.
Dead people have been voting for a hundred years in Democratic cities. It is such a constant
that one would think the Republican Party would consider a Dead Voter Outreach program to get
their share.
But voter fraud on this scale is just not sustainable. It does not pass the common sense
We have bloggers with lots of time on their hands going through voter rolls and showing that
person after person who voted in a swing state also fought in the Civil War or maybe the War of
1812. It was funny at first, but the overwhelming number now goes beyond humor and rubs our
faces in it.
I think D.J. has to swing one state. Actually, one electoral vote. Not only is this thing
not over, but the Biden team must be sweating bullets.
Voter fraud at scale seemed like a really cool idea until D.J. went to the mattresses. Now
that he is fighting it out one voter at a time, with the Supreme Court likely to create the
starting point at Biden 270, Biden has everything to lose.
Perk up! Arch_Stanton , 1 day ago
130K ballots getting thrown out in Fulton county. GA goes to Trump.
That link goes to a SGT Report video that's slightly misleading in that the video
description states that the fraud depicted on the video occurred during this most recent
election, when rather it happened in November of last year. Doesn't change the fact that
apparently some kind of software exists which has the ability to switch votes from one
candidate to another, as this is what appears to happen in real time on a CNN newscast
captured in that video. Illuminating.
Roacheforque , 1 day ago
Without a doubt, Ga goes to Trump, and NC. He needs Pa to win, and he will get that one
too. It's not like he hasn't described the attempted Coup, the Russian interference BS, the
"impeachment" lunacy for 4 years of endless harassment, censorship and mainstream bias.
Massive election fraud is just par for the course.
All so a bunch of greedy whores can get back to the business of being wined and dined by
special interests to approve legislation designed to screw the US middle class (as
And as for the "woke" idiots who don't have a ****in clue? There's no hope for those
walking dead and their lockdown fantasy.
But Justice needs to root out the "blue wave" of evil and it's enablers in the borg
Republicans ran the most aggressive get-out-the-vote operation in U.S. history, bringing nearly 72 million voters to the
polls. Despite that effort, they were swamped by mail-in-ballots that brought the Democrats nearly 76 million votes.
Mass vote-by-mail was a change Democrats sought precisely because they knew it would give them the advantage. Republicans
turned out the voters, and Democrats turned out the envelopes, and envelopes counted.
The result highlights the fact that the two parties have fundamentally different approaches to voting.
Republicans consider voting to be a civic ritual, defined by a particular day and place, requiring some degree of personal
commitment from voters.
Democrats consider voting to be away of registering a preference, no matter how subtle, and anything that makes expressing
that preference more difficult -- including being able to prove that you are who you say you are -- is regarded with suspicion.
It should be noted that the Republican idea is closer to the international standard.
In most countries -- including poor, Third World countries -- voting happens on one day, and requires that voters be physically
present in polling places, with photo ID. Absentee voting is restricted and must happen under similar conditions.
That is not "racist"; it is just realism. The potential for fraud is simply too great to allow people to vote by mail, or to
trust their word when they say they are on the voter rolls.
The irony is that Republicans tend to believe the U.S. should follow its own standards, not those of some international body.
But the U.S. has actually incorporated some global standards by ratifying the
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
(ICCPR). Article 25 says elections must be held by "secret ballot, guaranteeing the
free expression of the will of the voters." Vote-by-mail violates this provision, because the name of the voter must at some
point accompany the ballot itself.
Democrats pushed vote-by-mail in 2020 because they argued that the coronavirus pandemic made voting in person riskier. Though
the scientific evidence on that question is mixed, Republicans agreed that there should be more options for voting remotely.
But Republicans objected to mass, "automatic" vote-by-mail. Democrats sued in more than a dozen states to force the issue, and
to lower the standards for mail-in-ballots. Judges, fearful of the pandemic, often acquiesced.
Never before have the rules of voting changed in the middle of an election.
It was a change Democrats knew would benefit them. In states that already voted largely or wholly by mail -- California and
Oregon, for example -- Democrats have controlled state politics for years.
This year, the party ran an
a Wisconsin judicial election. It worked, and Democrats exported it elsewhere, aided by massive investments from Silicon
Valley that
large, urban vote-by-mail infrastructure.
Breitbart News had warned for months that vote-by-mail would become a major problem for Republicans, and for public trust in
the election itself. Notably, the election lawyer leading many of Democrats' vote-by-mail cases, Marc Elias, is
overturning elections that Republicans appear to have won, and for his role in the "Russia collusion" hoax. It was Elias and
his firm, Perkins Coie, who hired Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to dig up dirt against Trump in 2016.
U.S. Attorney General William Barr also sounded the alarm. "[W]hen government, state governments start adopting these
practices like mail-in ballots that open the floodgates of potential fraud, then people's confidence in the outcome of the
election is going to be undermined," he
June. He listed vote-by-mail along with creeping censorship as factors that were making the 2020 election worrisome.
He was right: 70% of Republicans
election was not "free and fair."
Democrats also tried to make "ballot harvesting" -- the mass collection of ballots by party operatives -- legal nationwide,
inside coronavirus relief legislation. They legalized the practice in California in 2016 -- long before coronavirus -- and used
it to flip Republican seats in the 2018 midterm elections.
The federal bill never passed, but Democrats carried out what looked like "ballot harvesting" under another name -- mass
nursing homes, for example.
Some Republicans were happy to vote by mail. But many were not, and for the same reason that experiments with "ballot
harvesting" among Republicans have failed: Republican voters do not part easily with their ballots.
They distrust the U.S. Postal Service, for example, whose employees
Joe Biden. More Republicans than Democrats also
if their political views are known, given the growing "cancel culture." To Republicans, the secret ballot is about personal
President Donald Trump opposed vote-by-mail --
correctly, that it would help Democrats, and create confusion on Election Day. Early efforts by states like Nevada, which
never used vote-by-mail before, were a disaster.
Later, realizing that he risked losing votes among frightened seniors, Trump encouraged people to vote by mail and verify
their vote in person, if possible.
Some Republicans felt he made a strategic mistake by opposing vote-by-mail. Arguably, Trump had no choice.
When the votes were counted, Trump led by wide margins on Election Day, only to see those leads disappear as mailed-in ballots
were counted -- a familiar experience for California Republicans. (Kamala Harris won her race for Attorney General that way.)
Experts were
fewer vote-by-mail ballots were rejected than normal -- but that was at least partly the result of Democrats' lawsuits to lower
standards. Republicans also claim that Democrats kept observers at an unfair distance.
The question is what to do next.
Republicans are going to court, and it is possible that the result will be overturned in one state, and perhaps more. But
vote-by-mail is going to be a problem in the next election.
Republicans have two choices. One is to prohibit vote-by-mail nationwide, except for absentee ballots, perhaps citing U.S.
treaty obligations under the ICCPR.
The other option is to accept vote-by-mail and find ways Republicans can use it to their advantage, or at least narrow the
Shawn Steel, the Republican National Committeeman for California,
to Breitbart News on Sunday that while the GOP was taken by surprise the first time "ballot harvesting" was used in
his state, the party was far better prepared in 2020.
Instead of asking individual voters for their ballots, for example, Republicans put ballot collection boxes in churches, party
offices, and businesses -- in institutions their voters trusted. Democrats
but it was perfectly legal.
The result: Republicans did well in congressional elections in California, taking back two seats in Orange County and -- thus
far -- defending seats elsewhere. Steel's wife, Michelle Steel, is heading to Congress from the 48th district, as is former
state legislator Young Kim. They will be the first two Korean-American women in the U.S. House of Representatives -- and they
are both Republicans. Moreover, while Democrats remained dominant statewide, they also
key ballot initiatives.
Vote-by-mail remains deeply problematic. In effect, it turns elections over to party operatives.
In the long term, the U.S. needs a system that satisfies Republican concerns about the secret ballot and voter fraud, on the
one hand, while also satisfying Democratic concerns about access and voting rights, on the other.
In the meantime, the only answer is for Republicans -- and their donors -- to study California's example and exploit
vote-by-mail in the upcoming Georgia Senate runoff, and beyond.
Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of
Breitbart News Sunday
Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). His newest e-book is
Trumpian Virtues: The Lessons and Legacy of Donald Trump's Presidency
. His recent book,
tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert
Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said on Monday that he will ask Senate Majority Leader Mitch
McConnell (R-Ky.) to create a joint committee to probe mail-in voting if the Senate remains in
Republican hands next year. "This election is by no means over," Graham said during an
interview with Fox News Radio's Brian Kilmeade. "What I'm going to tell Mitch McConnell today
when we get back, if we keep the Senate, we need to do a joint committee in the Senate to
analyze mail-in balloting and how it worked in 2020." "All I'm asking people to do is run down
every credible allegation of misconduct, look at the computer systems, look at the provisional
ballots, then we'll make a decision, go to court, then we'll make a decision about who won the
presidency. It would be insane for President Trump not to look at all this stuff," Graham said.
With four
Thursday morning and the election remains unresolved with the prospect of a long legal
battle ahead. The most striking feature of all this is America's failure to arrange a fair,
honest, and coherent election system. Instead, we add layers of complexity that only increase
the likelihood of failure and opportunities for cheating. But remember, one of the hallmarks of
the long emergency is the federal government's growing impotence and incompetence to deal with
As for red flags, we have the 4 a.m. Wednesday morning dump of 131,000 votes, all for Mr.
Biden, none for Mr. Trump, emanating out of Shiawassee and Antrim Counties, Michigan,
populations respectively 68,000 and 23,000. Some person in the chain there declared it was "a
typo," but the returns don't reflect that the false number was retracted. A similar dump of
27,000, all for Biden, came out of Philadelphia, no explanation. And that was only the
beginning of a Democratic Party wholesale mail-in ballot manufacturing effort that continues to
this writing.
The Democrats have established a Biden "transition team" to lay on a veneer of legitimacy to
their scheme, with the expectation that the mainstream media will amplify the idea that it's
over but it's not over. The Trump campaign has also declared victory in PA, Michigan, and other
states that are supposedly still reporting. All of this is tending to the Supreme Court where
some people are gonna have to do some 'splainin'.
The chances are pretty good for all this to enter an ugly stage of violent intransigence,
with Antifa / BLM mobs of Dem "allies" busting things up in Philadelphia and Detroit, to
distract from what's going on in the election district counting rooms.
The legal battles could stretch out into December when states have to certify electors, and
if that can't be resolved, it's on to the House of representatives for the first time since
1876 (Hayes-Tilden).
Election update, 9:50 am Weds Nov 4
The election has rolled out as expected here – that is, not resolved the morning
after, with Antifa and BLM rioters already moiling in the streets of Washington D.C.
Portland, Oregon, remains in continual uproar after four months of violence and destruction,
and Mayor Ted Wheeler won reelection against "Antifa candidate" Sarah Iannarone. Lucky
Outside the swing states still in play, the margins were strikingly lopsided. Joe Biden's
radiant charisma worked in the usual blue coastal states -- Cal 65% to 33%, NY 55% to 33% --
but Mr. Trump's margins were equally lopsided in the flyover red states -- OK 65% to 32%, TN
60% to 37%, MO 56% to 41%. Mr. Biden won thumpingly in VA once the Deep State bedroom counties
next to DC came in late at night. But the president won convincingly in FLA, OH, and TX.
For now, at 9 a.m. Weds, the race hinges on the usual suspects. Mr. Trump is up a half a
percent in Michigan with 91% of votes counted; Mr. Biden is seven-tenths up in Wisconsin, with
95% in awaiting Green Bay results (delayed, apparently, because a vote-processing machine ran
out of ink (!). Similar close margins in NC not so close in GA, with the president ahead a
healthy 2 percent, and finally the dark maw of mischief, PA, where Mr. Trump was up by more
than ten full percentage points (@700,000 votes) this morning, but awaiting more than a million
mail-in ballots.
Let's not forget the rather reckless remark made by PA Attorney General Josh Shapiro on
Halloween night that "if all the votes are added up, Mr. Trump is going to lose." Sounded
pretty sure of himself. Now, as I understand it, the PA state supreme court ruled recently that
counties could continue to process mail-in votes until Friday, and, more importantly, that
they did not require postmarks or signature authentication -- which would appear
an easy invitation to simple ballot fraud.
The president vowed late Tuesday night to take a case to the US supreme court where, I
expect, that PA ruling will be tossed out as self-evidently unsound. Can the forces of Dem
Lawfare work around that? I don't see how, but I'm not a constitutional lawyer. The Dems have
worked hard in recent years to manufacture the inane and false narrative that any kind of
voter-ID procedure amounts to "suppression." America needs to get its mind right about
Does Lawfare have other tricks up its sleeve? I rather expect so, but the president has had
months to plan his own defense against the threat of a Lawfare coup, so now we will see the
game play out. Meanwhile, we await mayhem in the streets, condoned and encouraged by Joe
Biden's party, as though that will endear him to nation.
You mean like 4 years of Trump colluded with Russia and all the other non-sense you idiots
It's not a 'conspiracy theory' that ballots arrived late, outside the window of when they
were legally allowed, even PA admits to it, and the SCOTUS ordered them separated.
Sorry Jamiester, That isn't how the US operates in any investigation of wrongdoing. Even
serial killers only get punished for the bodies found not for the ones we think they did. If
trump's very expensive lawyers and investigators, with the help of any GOP state officials,
cannot find enough fraudulent votes to change the outcome, then we have no other number we can
use. Historically, the averages caught have been low and were more accidental than criminal so
we can't even use those averages.
Remember, in 2016, many trump family members, spicer, bannon, miller and others were caught
having been registered to vote in multiple states at the same time. Everyone knows it was
clerical and not criminal.
Trump and team are tasked with finding the evidence and trump has already said he has it.
We'll find out if he is blustering or not soon enough.
The biggest problem is the ignoring voter fraud election after election until now where
we have voter fraud equal to a third world dictatorship. We are talking millions of
fraudulent votes in Pennsylvania alone. ShawnNJ ✓Swamp Drainer •
7 hours ago
Joe Biden Says Democrats Created 'The Most Extensive And Inclusive Voter Fraud Organization'
In American History
Did you watch Levin this weekend? Apparently democrats brought hundreds of lawsuits in
all 50 states to loosen election laws, to enact ballot harvesting in the state level, to allow
earlier and later voting. If that isn't enough evidence of their plan to cheat, I don't know
what is.
What Peen did is unconstitutional. State Supreme Court cannot change law. It had to be voted
on by the legislature. 34 states have the same voting software that "glitched" and changed
votes and Nancy Pelosi abd Feinstein's husband are major shareholders. A poll watcher decided
to stay after the polling place "closed" abd filmed two cars and a truck drop off ballots. I
think there is more evidence than we can imagine.
Most of those changes were made outside the legislative process as prescribed in the
Constitution. The changes they made were the same as what Pelosi tried to jam through in HR-1
in 2019 when the new Congress was seated.
Yes, Penn is illegal. In fact the "judge" that reviewed the case about the changes that the
Democrats wanted and ADDED more illegal verbiage.
It also happened here in AZ where the clerk sent out instructions against a court order that
allows someone to cross out a mis-vote.
So, in my case, I voted early. My ballot was put in an envelope, sealed and sent off to be
counted. It would have been opened by a person who looks at the ballot....what's to say that
person didn't draw a line through my vote and vote for the other person? That makes me
concerned my vote could have been changed. This is how they sow doubt into elections.
The Dominion "glitch" occured in more than one state, which equates to Interstate voter
manipulation ! SCOTUS needs to order all states with Dominion systems completely audited !
Each glitch was a manual interruption to falsely add Harris votes to obtain a false slight
lead. It was not a glitch. Sytl manages the IT maintenance of the voting software systems for
the guilty counties, i.e., they have a back door to manually stop displayed totals and insert
false totals.
At that point President Trump lead should have been about 300,000 votes, indeed we saw early
in the evening an 6-8% margin in favor of President Tump
There have been about 1 million more ballots cast on election night in person. That would
require Joke Biden to receive 75% of the in person votes with a nearly 90% turnout to overcome
Trumps lead. For reference 2016 turnout was less than 70%.
Yet traditionally, Republican in person vote outpaces Democrats by a 60-40 margin.
In a further attempt to circumvent the intelligence of the voter, the American media machine
has, this past Saturday, Nov 7, 2020, arbitrarily declared Joe Biden president. There are many
problems with this report being accurate. The largest problem is that of the media itself.
In declaring Biden the winner, this media ignores very credible accusations of Biden
campaign election fraud, substantiated problems with the mail-in ballots, successful legal
challenges and, more importantly, that at least three of the states in question will be
available to Trump, by state law, to perform a recount. When these recounts do occur, they will
likely be under court order and also allow all Republican vote watchers to view the millions of
mail-in ballots of which thousands are already in question.
To begin this presentation of the first 72 hours since election night Nov 3, it would serve
the voter well to remember: This is same media which first spent more than two years
championing, like Biden himself, the utterly debunked Russia Gate allegations and next the
Democrat's very flawed and deliberately tepid Impeachment attempt against incumbent
More to the point, as of Election Day of this past Tuesday, that media had worked a blanket
media censorship of the very credible allegations of a Biden family influence-peddling
operation while their candidate was, then, Vice President.
It must be now also be recalled that Biden, during a campaign stop Q&A presser on Oct
25, stated very clearly, that
"[W]e have put together and you guys did it for President Obama's administration before
this, we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization
in the history of American politics."
While his statement may also prove the upcoming need for the 25 th Amendment, if
it is not an admission of complicity, it is certainly an indictment of the media.
These past seventy-two business hours are already the stuff of American history and a good
reason for a journalist to stay up all night to follow and report this ongoing daily history.
Unless Trump concedes, this election has many more days to go. This reporter, thus
sleep-deprived and objectively irritable, will in the days to come update the proceedings
within the body of this series.
To the student of history and American backed Color Revolutions, when MSM divisively
anointed Biden far too early as US president- after a two-and-a-half-year quest to do so- their
candidate, Joe Biden, became, instead, America's own Juan Guaido.
It has become apparent that the Trump campaign's concern about the Dems use of mail-in
ballots was justified since all allegations begin here. Trump strategists were expecting this.
What was not expected was that the DNC would be so brazenly obvious in using the mail-in
ballots to Biden's advantage.
The chronology of questionable vote counting began in the wee hours of election night
Still barely awake and by then cross-eyed, news hit the screen at approx. 2:30 AM EST
that despite the national back and forth of the vote count, suddenly that vote count had been
suspended for the night in NV, AZ, MI, Wi, PA, GA and NC. These were the last of the swing
states that were still key to any victory. All but two (GA and AZ) are under a democratic
governor's control. This stoppage seemed very strange. Brief research did not reveal a
precedent to this, at which time the vote favored Trump in all but AZ and NV.
Interestingly, on that night several hours before every network had already called AZ for
Biden with only 75% counted. This early declaration came despite the Trump campaign's protests
and AZ governor, Doug Ducey saying,
" I encourage media outlets, cable news and national pundits to avoid the temptation to
declare a winner until our Arizona election officials have finished their jobs."
A look at the converse is also enlightening.
As of this Sunday morning, despite NC reporting, a 99% tally and a recount proof 1.3 %
lead all weekend for Trump, not one media source has, as they did so quickly for Biden in AZ,
NV, WI, PA, GA, declared that state and NC's fifteen delegates for Trump's total.
Deliberately, this action continues to deceive the uneducated voter that there is a much
larger, and presumably insurmountable electoral lead for Biden. The intent is to sow
disinterest and make the allegations irrelevant to the win.
Before pursuing some much-needed strong tea and a walk, I wrote down the existing vote
counts in all these states as a reference for the restart of the media's count beginning the
next day.
Revitalized, I took a quick look at tabulations on my screen merely out of habit. What I saw
sent me scrambling for my notes. Suddenly Biden was up in MI. This had happened while the count
was reportedly suspended!
A quick search provided a graph comparing the Biden to Trump vote count, minute-by-minute
per state. Looking back in time, the graph had spiked straight up, not diagonally, for Biden
during my few minutes of absence. This sudden upward tick was so large that it had put Biden in
the lead. The same graph showed no uptick for Trump at the same moment at all. All Biden votes.
No Trump votes?
As dawn broke, Michigan's "Decision Desk HQ" attempted to explain away too easily
this discrepancy:
" Thedatashowing Biden receiving 100% of the newly counted votes was released at 5:04 a.m. by
Decision Desk HQ which showed Biden with 2,130,695 votes at Trump with 2,200,902 votes. But
that data was not correct Once we identified the error, we cleared the erroneous data and
updated it with the correct data as provided by officials. We stand by our data as reflected
Since that morning's reawakening, many more questions have been buried by the media. N ot
in these pages.
This day, news surfaced of Trump's observers being barred from their duties by the vote
counters in many locations in many states. This, at the least, called into question the workers
Hindsight would recall that before the election there were successful efforts by
Democrats to loosen electoral administration standards. This did legalize ballot harvesting,
where, such as in Texas, partisan "volunteers" went out and collected ballots, sometimes after
helping voters fill them out. The same laws facilitated same-day voter registration and mass
mail-in voting.
At the same time, the DNC decried efforts by the RNC to require ID or proof of citizenship
to vote.
After the early morning irregularities of November 4, there continued the mysterious
discoveries of huge tranches of ballots that were overwhelmingly, if not exclusively for Biden.
This turned out not to be surprising.
It was
reported that US District Judge Emmet Sullivan was outraged at Postmaster General Louis
DeJoy for not following his specific court order to "sweep " all USPS facilities for any
possible stashes of ballots before 3 PM on Election Day. Prudently, Sullivan's order was
crafted to prevent ballots surfacing for counting after the close of the polls at 8 PM. Of
course, this, in part, was exactly what happened. Said Sullivan , "At some point, the
postmaster is either going to have to be deposed or appear before me and testify under
oath," adding, "The court has been very clear that it expects full compliance,"
while excoriating the US Postal Service's legal team for failing to promptly notify him after
the agency supposedly realized it couldn't meet his deadline.
Naturally, it was then confirmed by the vote counters in many districts that
"glitches" with the digital voting machines had flipped Republican
votes into the Democrats' column as was documented.
As Wednesday continued, next were reports from people who showed up to vote in person but
were told by poll workers that they had already voted as absentees, despite not having
requested an absentee ballot. This was confirmed by a voter, Eugene R. who contacted the author
through his website, stating that this happened to both he and his wife in Allentown,
In many of the Democrat-controlled precincts in PA reports coming in regarding vote
counters limiting access to Republican observers, in defiance of court orders, were
Combined, these individually insignificant reports began to quickly add up to suspicion.
However, next came a very large statistical anomaly, in both Georgia and Michigan.
In Michigan for example, by using the old screenshots provided, there showed a minimal
mathematical difference of just 7,131 votes between Trump and GOP Senate candidate John James.
This was as expected since, as PEW research agreed, the vote for senator almost always closely
follows that of the presidential vote and adheres to party preference.
However, the difference between Joe Biden and Democrat candidate Gary Peters was, very
strangely, 69,093.
In Georgia, as of 6:05 AM EST Wed the difference between Trump and GOP offering Senator
David Purdue was also in line with party preference. However , in checking the difference
between Biden and the Democrat candidate for Senator, Jon Ossoff, it was 98,501. (Biden:
2,414,651 Jon Ossoff : 2,318,850)
This math is worthy of further scrutiny and explanation, but on the first examination can
only be explained by either a lot of dyed in the wool republicans not voting the party line for
Trump and Biden instead. Or .?
Certainly, this report from the first full day of post-election 2020 should pique the
interest of any concerned voter, democrat and republican and demand their further personal
scrutiny of the ongoing events. However, in anointing Biden as the winner already, the goal of
America's media is to suggest via its cover-up, that these current allegations, just like those
of influence peddling, are now over and done with.
A review of the states that remain in play show, that unless Trump concedes, both sets of
allegations will remain very much in play in each of these contested states and then, likely,
in the Electoral College's " Certification of Attainment" on Dec 14.
There is much penny ante finger-pointing by the GOP and combined these smaller allegations,
such as restrictions of Republican observers, may turn into a playable hand. However, it
is the legislative law and violations thereof that are the serious political chess moves that
will, this week, be revealed by Trump.
Before looking at the main legal challenge, the easier subject is per state recounts.
Recounts can be required or commissioned by state law in WI, GA, MI and PA. While it is
true that recounts rarely change a previous outcome, one might well remember the Florida
recount of 2000 and the strength of the allegations that seem to favor Trump. Should there be a
recount, it will certainly be done under direct scrutiny, no matter what, by the GOP state
operatives and the supervision of the courts.
At this time the margin for Biden-reportedly– is GA: 10,195; MI: 46,113; PA: 19,423
and WI: 20,510. This is a total of 96,241. Considering the cumulative total of allegedly
illegal votes, this number, subject to a recount and the courts, would seem to be
Of, Recounts.
Already the Trump campaign has informally requested a recount in WI, but cannot as yet do so
per WI statute.
Wisconsin election law, there is no automatic recount, even if the unofficial results
are extremely close; a candidate must request one. According to the state's
manual outlining the process, candidates can request a recount if they are within the 1%
margin of victory. Biden currently has a lead of just 0.7 percentage points with 99% of votes
tallied. The request cannot be filed before the initial counting is complete, so that news is
During a WI recount, it must be open to the public, and the Board of Canvassers has the
option of a hand-count or to use voting equipment to re-tabulate the ballots, unless a court
orders otherwise.
In Pennsylvania, where the margin is less than or equal to 0.5% of the total vote, an
automatic recount may be required in the event of certain discrepancies as described
here . At this time, Joe Biden has 49.608 percent of the vote, and Donald Trump has 49.098
percent of the vote, a margin of 0.51 percent.
Regardless of percentage difference, the recount can be requested, if filed, and
subsequently paid for by the complainant, within five days of the election or five days after
the computational canvass and must be requested through the Court of Common Pleas. If error or
fraud is found, an additional five days is provided to make additional requests elsewhere, like
the courts.
Georgia does not automatically initiate a recount. However, if a candidate falls with a 0.5%
margin or less, a recount can be requested. Georgia law also states that a recount must be
requested within two business days following the certification of results. State law does not
specify who pays for the recount, but like PA percentage difference is not a requirement.
Michigan sets five criteria for requesting a recount: 1) The candidate ran for president. 2)
The request "alleges that the candidate is aggrieved on account of fraud or mistake in the
canvass of the votes." 3) the request "shall contain specific allegations of wrongdoing only if
evidence of that wrongdoing is available to the petitioner." 4) The request "sets forth the
nature and character of the fraud or mistakes " 5) The request "specifies the counties, cities,
townships, and precincts in which the recount is requested."
Presumably, Trump's legal army have checked-off all five boxes.
It is true that in all four states Trump is losing, and in states like MI, PA, WI, is at the
moment slightly over the threshold for an automatic recount. But it is the allegations of fraud
that may put Trump within those limits for a recount, or possibly swing the state in his favor
afterwards. With all these states still a day or more from final results, the term, "Re-count,"
will soon hit the news on four separate fronts.
Pennsylvania, SCOTUS and the Re-Count.
U.S. Supreme
Court Justice Samuel Alito late Friday ordered Pennsylvania election officials to segregate
and separately count ballots that arrived after Election Day.
Alito ordered ( pdf ) that those
segregated ballots must be kept "in a secure, safe and sealed container separate from other
voted ballots."
The justice, however, did not order the counties to stop counting but instead ordered those
ballots to be counted separately pending review of their legitimacy. Here, Trump won a
significant, although partial victory as to the segregation of these challengeable ballots and
possible reduction of the Biden total.
This ruling and Alito's words may be a forewarning of SCOTUS decisions to come.
In 2019, the PA legislature passed a law called Act 77 that permitted all voters to cast
their ballots by mail but, in Justice Alito's words, "unambiguously required that all mailed
ballots be received by 8 p.m. on election day ."
Indeed, the exact text from 2019 Pa. Leg. Serv. Act 2019-77 , reads, "No absentee ballot under this
subsection shall be counted which is received in the office of the county board of elections
later than eight o'clock P.M. on the day of the primary or election."
Even more prohibitively, Act 77 also provided that if this portion of the law was ever
invalidated, that the rest of Act 77, including its liberalization of mail-in voting, would
also be void.
Pretty clear so far, except if you're on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
After a four to three party-line vote, this court very strangely ruled that, first, mailed
ballots don't need to be received by election day and that ballots can be accepted if they are
postmarked on election day or received within three days thereafter. Next, the court got
creative allowing that, a mailed ballot with no postmark, or an illegible postmark, must be
regarded as timely if it is received by that same date.
Of course, to most who read English this court's rulings were not in keeping with Act
Before Friday's order, Alito had already assessed that,
" The provisions of the Federal Constitution conferring on state legislatures , not
state courts , the authority to make rules governing federal elections would be
meaningless if a state court could override the rules adopted by the legislature simply by
claiming that a state constitutional provision gave the courts the authority to make whatever
rules it thought appropriate for the conduct of a fair election." [Emph.added]
When bringing suit the Republicans also raised concerns that PA Secretary of the
Commonwealth, Kathy Boockvar, had issued new guidance on Nov. 1 (
pdf ) directing county election boards to count late-arriving ballots.
Bottom of Form
Alito said in his order that he had not been informed that his guidance issued on Oct. 28,
"which had an important bearing on the question whether to order special treatment of the
ballots in question," had been modified. Alito suggested that segregating the ballots would
be necessary because, "if the State Supreme Court's decision is ultimately overturned, a
targeted remedy will be available."
This means Alito, Thomas and Gorsuch (who joined Alito's apparent skepticism on the
Pennsylvania ruling) are open to legal challenges brought by Trump regarding post- Election Day
fraud. That one decision will, after a full hearing, very likely invalidate thousands of votes
cast illegally in Pennsylvania. However, with new allegations surfacing, more illegal ballots
could add up. Or at the very least legitimize a recount.
This willingness by SCOTUS to already provide certiorari to actions brought to it
regarding 2020 election fraud may foreshadow consequences in other states soon.
Case in point may be the news of the last hour that the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC)
told poll workers to 'add a missing witness address' to any deficient ballot and that
some poll workers allegedly took it one step further by signing for non-existent witnesses. If
true, in doing so, the workers may have invalidated thousands of more ballots, committed a
felony offense and necessitated further SCOTUS intervention.
" an absentee ballot must be signed by a witness, who is also required to list his or
her address. If a witness address is not listed, then the ballot is considered invalid and
must be returned to the voter to have the witness correct."
" The statute is very, very clear," said retired Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice
Michael Gableman, a Milwaukee poll watcher on Election Day. "If an absentee ballot does not
have a witness address on it, it's not valid."
With Alito's words and Thomas' and Gorsuch's concurrence in mind, WI may have just come back
into play; re-count pending.
The former ambassador to Russia under the Obama Administration, Michael McFaul, presumably
knows a lot about Color Revolutions, since his boss used him in Ukraine in 2014. McFaul, who
was also instrumental in the Russia-Gate disinformation campaign against Trump, also
authored, "7 Pillars of ColorRevolution,"
As this historic election continues, reporting and further analysis will highlight daily
events and their parallels that already warn that these seven pillars are seemingly right in
place here in America, as they were in the examples Ukraine, Bolivia and Venezuela, at
The initial step in each example has been to use a national election as the reason for a
razor-thin and disputed vote result, one that the media stirs into a frenzy on both sides: A
frenzy so viscous that the result becomes massive civil unrest followed next by violence.
And then military intervention.
In this, the first seventy-two hours of news from the election battleground of America 2020,
this first step of a media fabricated victor, of which the other side detests and alleges
criminal behavior, would seem in play.
Unless Trump concedes.
As this report continues to delve into the hard allegations of equally outrageous American
election fraud, like its funded Color Revolutions past, America's color may turn out to be,
here in the homeland, " Pale Blue."
Good night
About the Author: Brett Redmayne-Titley has authored and published over 180
in-depth articles over the past twelve years. Many have been translated and republished
worldwide. He can be reached at: live-on-scene ((at)) gmx.com. Prior articles can be viewed at
his archive:www.watchingromeburn.uk
Attorney General William Barr appeared Monday to make a bid to reassure backers of President
Donald Trump who have complained bitterly in recent days that the Justice Department was not
taking action to combat alleged voter fraud and other election irregularities.
In a memo to U.S.
attorneys , Barr authorized them to open election-fraud investigations "if there are clear
and apparently-credible allegations of irregularities that, if true, could potentially impact
the outcome of a federal election in an individual State."
... "While serious allegations should be handled with great care, specious, speculative,
fanciful or far-fetched claims should not be a basis for initiating federal inquiries," Barr
wrote. "Nothing here should be taken as any indication that the Department has concluded that
voting irregularities have impacted the outcome of any election."
Employees were summoned to campaign headquarters in Virginia for a meeting led by Trump
campaign manager Bill Stepien and lawyer Justin Clark to talk about the next steps, according
to a campaign official at the meeting.
Clark told staff not to mistake a "lack of motion for lack of progress," as the campaign
pursues legal action in all critical states, with the exception of Georgia, called for
...senior Trump campaign adviser Jason Miller said on Fox Business that the campaign does
believe there is a pathway toward Trump remaining president.
"We're going to go and pursue all these legal means, all the recount methods," he said.
"We're going to continue exposing and investigating all these instances of fraud or abuse, and
make sure [that] the American public can have full confidence in these elections."
Miller said the campaign is pulling together evidence of alleged fraud, and he believes it
has enough to change the outcome in Pennsylvania. He added that he expects recounts in Georgia
and Arizona, and legal action in Michigan and Wisconsin, both states that Biden carried.
The word "concede" he said, "is not even in our vocabulary right now."
Here's a video showing a live broadcast feed of election results as the AC360 is rolling in
the Kentucky Gubernatorial race. It represents the flip of votes in small increments at a
Almost imperceptible to anyone.
But it's caught on live digital television, and a frame by frame examination shows it.
REPORT: Wisconsin Election Clerks Tampered with Thousands of Ballots.
Eye-witness reports of numerous acts of ballot tampering and vote fraud pour in from the battle
ground states including Wisconsin where poll workers altered absentee ballots.
Poll workers handling absentee ballots in Wisconsin received direction from election
authorities to illegally alter ballots with missing information. The missing information
– by law – made those absentee ballots invalid and ineligible to be included in
But a report coming out of Wisconsin reveals that poll workers and ballot counters were given
instruction by the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) to write in missing absentee ballot
witness information on ballots that were missing that information.
Not quite right. It was found by a Dallas Security firm that Dallas County used DS-200
Ballot Tabulator, and they were hacked in 2018.
Simply amazing why our officials have allowed this to gone on for so
long. election vote servers are in Spain and Germany for 28 states ! 28
isn't that the number using Dominion Voting machines ?
Software is really stupid stuff. It does not go off on its own, has no mind of its own, and
there is no intelligence anywhere in code. It performs instructions and does them over and
over, exactly the same every time, no matter what. Until something changes.Something changing
is not a "glitch." It is a change.
Software does not wake up in the morning and suddenly shift 6,000 votes from candidate A to
candidate B, as in Biden. An electrical impulse hitting from that outdoor lightning strike does
not make code do something different. It may fry a hard drive, but it does not change vote
Software leaves tracks. These are called log files
I don't think I'd go that far. There is a numerical analysis method called "Benford's Law"
that has been used in the past to show instances of voter fraud in Iran. When applied to voting
patterns for candidates other than Biden it shows no problems in any states. Apparently it does
not show problems for Biden either in states where he lost or those obviously liberal ones that
were almost bound to support him. However, when the analysis is performed on the results coming
in from swing states where we are being told he pulled off some very lucky victories the
picture becomes different. So different that big tech are pulling down posts about it.
Since the CIA wrote Scorecard and Hammer, and since there are a few computer forensics folks working for Trump, it's possible
they were able to monitor and log changes to votes on election night and beyond.
If Trump was smart enough to catch these activities and proves fraud to reverse the States he needs to win, he deserves another
If he was not smart enough, he'll lose due to the lack of evidence.
There would be a good reason for Trump not to mention any of this yet. They still might be using the software to change votes
in some States.
In the words of Sun Tze: "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Hammer is a machine in the CIA, perhaps a server unit, and Scorecard is one of the programs. The system was designed to hack
into and interfere with foreign country voting elections results. Expect more to be reported on it this week.
Qr code readers on our phone would solve the matching of the text. Scanners and to the tabulation databases still could be
vulnerable, but one the paper copy is verified by the voter and archived it can be audited.
The question is whether Scorecard, Hammer and all of the Internet connections between Dominion and the various State voting
servers were used to change votes on Super Tuesday when Joe Biden unexpectedly blew out Bernie Sanders in one shot for the nomination,
just after several other candidates ducked out.
Here is a lengthy video by a Dallas company that specializes in cyber security it's extremely detailed and will make you sick
when you realize this is a cluster that will never get unraveled. And worse, the FBI isn't interested.
A laptop and several memory sticks used to program
Philadelphia's voting machines were stolen from a city warehouse in East Falls, officials confirmed Wednesday,
setting off a scramble to investigate and to ensure the machines had not been compromised.
Though it remains unclear when the equipment was stolen,
sources briefed on the investigation said the items vanished this week. The laptop belonged to an on-site employee
for the company that supplies the machines. It and the USB drives were the only items believed to have been taken.
Two days ago
that Republican poll watchers were being turned away from Philadelphia voting stations:
There was reportedly a problem with the state's voter database.
Trump observers were being blocked entry to satellite voting locations in Philly, according to President Trump's 2020 election
security staffer and GOP advisor Mike Roman.
Philadelphia is notorious for Democrat voter fraud. In May of this year a
Philadelphia judge
of elections was found guilty of taking thousands in bribes to inflate vote totals for Democrat
July former Rep. Michael "Ozzie" Myers
, 77, was indicted on multiple counts, including conspiracy to violate voting rights
by fraudulently stuffing ballot boxes.
Philadelphia, voter turnout in 20 of the wards was 97 percent and greater. That is 97 percent of the bloated voter rolls
that probably include dead people. Zombies are in these days, and in Philadelphia, they vote.
In 2017 in the US as a whole there were more people eligible to vote than there were eligible voters.
National Review:
Election Integrity Project of
-- a Washington-based legal-watchdog group -- analyzed data from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2011–2015 American
Community Survey and last month's statistics from the federal Election Assistance Commission. The latter included figures
provided by 38 states. According to Judicial Watch, eleven states gave the EAC insufficient or questionable information.
Pennsylvania's legitimate numbers place it just below the over-registration threshold.
My tabulation of Judicial Watch's state-by-state results yielded
462 counties where the registration rate exceeded 100 percent. There were 3,551,760 more people registered to vote than
adult U.S. citizens who inhabit these counties.
We are unaware if any of this has been addressed in Philadelphia or across the nation. Now Philadelphia has its voting
machine keys stolen. What is next?
The Feds need to step in in Philadelphia and all the other big cities
and ensure voter integrity.
These Democrat cities are where elections are stolen.
"... Well they're holding Cook County, Illinois, which includes Chicago, and San Francisco and San Diego counties in California as examples of their satisfied customers. Every one of them a pillar of election fraud for decades. ..."
Forget about the Chinese and the Russians, this fraud was carried out by the
douchebags at our very own, CIA. Those people are the most arrogant bunch of low life's
that you will ever meet. I had to deal with a bunch of them while overseas.
They used CIA's Hammer and Sickle. I'm sorry I meant to say Hammer and Scorecard. I
think the fact that our loudmouth neanderthal ex-CIA director John Brennan voted for
commie Gus Hall was on my mind.
Well they're holding Cook County, Illinois, which includes Chicago, and San Francisco
and San Diego counties in California as examples of their satisfied customers. Every one
of them a pillar of election fraud for decades.
As Pelosi recently said, " we have more arrows in our quiver". Nothing could bring
this country to its knees more than massive voter fraud, other than total nuclear
Question why five key states stopped counting votes at the same time at 2:00a.m. when Trump was ahead ,then resumed 3 hours later
when votes turned ALL to Biden, none for Trump. Seriously?
It's worst than that. Dominion is the new brand name if Smartmatic, a Venezuelan "entreprise". Here in Brazil our elections
are being cheated extensively for decades because the entire national voting process are based upon these machines. Over here
the machines doesn't print a copy of the ballot in paper at all. It's a disgrace.
Dominion Voting Systems has ties to prominent Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Bloomberg reported in April of last year that Dominion Voting Systems hired a high-powered lobbying firm that includes
a longtime aide to Pelosi. They hired Brownstein Farber Hyatt & Schreck. Nadeam Elshami, Pelosi's former chief of staff,
is one of the lobbyists on the account.
In 2014, Dominion was listed in the Washington Post table as having donated between $25,001-$50,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
Also 60% stakeholder of Dominion is Finsteins husband. Nothing to be concerned about at all.
I mean why should we worry about Clinton hyping the Russia interference story to scare people both about Trump and the vulnerability
of old voting machines and simultaneously working with a foundation partner to provide 'reliable' ones...
Oh, and of course Pelosi's chief of staff is also chief executive of Dominion voting systems... cozy no?
the entire mail in thing is a fraud and you know it. people can go to the market and buy
food, they can dance in the street after they think Trump lost, but they can't vote in person
because of the virus?
this was an operation to steal the election and everybody knows it
Every vote counted by an old dominion machine needs to be recounted/audited.
Our election systems have been poorly designed on purpose so they could be hacked. They ALWAYS pretend it's incompetence. ALWAYS.
The first thing a criminal does is play dumb and pretend like they didn't know what they were doing. They knew exactly what they
were doing. Russia Russia Russia was BS and they knew it. They needed easily hackable machines for a different outcome, so they
changed them. It's that simple.
These electronic machines updated 50 year old punch card tech. The reason it wasn't updated in the past 50 years? Potential
for hacking and fraud. So of course our politicians rolled these out in states all over the country. This started around 2012,
but expanded mainly after 2018. They are very easy to hack, see:
All you need to do is change a few lines of code in the memory card. THESE ARE NOT GLITCHES!!!
And in terms of implementation all you need to do is send out a few repair men to swap out memory cards every so often. Swap
to the hacked one and then back so people won't notice or discover it later. Voting machines were open in most places for a month.
It's super easy to do this, the repairmen don't even need to know what they're swapping in and out. It's extremely simple and
would only need to involve a few memory cards per state. This is so easy to do it's absurd.
"... Republicans and Democrats have long understood the problems with mass mail-in ballots. The usual stages of ballot security are lost: unlike absentee ballots, some people are claiming they received unsolicited mail-in ballots , a practice Pennsylvania does not allow. Could it be ballots are being illegally sent or is it simply that voters forgot they signed up to get them? ..."
"... Worse, it's impossible to ensure the ballot is filled out by the voter or with her approval. And when the ballot is submitted, the chain of custody observing that ballot is broken. It's a recipe for contested election results. ..."
"... Wolf's administration then asked the state's elected Supreme Court, which is 5-2 Democratic-majority and has become notorious for partisan rulings , to grant all the Democrats' requests -- and they did on Sep. 17. The court went further than expected, granting the Democrats' deadline extension , approving drop boxes and satellite "election offices" for ballot collection, and even ruling that postmarks could not be used to verify when ballots had been mailed. ..."
"... It got worse. Sensing an opportunity, the Wolf administration pronounced that county officials "are prohibited from rejecting absentee or mail-in ballots based on signature comparison." On Oct. 23, not long before Election Day, the court approved this last nail in the coffin of election integrity. ..."
"... To prevent a future election debacle in Pennsylvania, we need election integrity reform through the normal legislative process. Only legal votes should be counted, and controls should be put in place -- like polling place verification and absentee ballot chain-of-custody at every stage. ..."
I can't tell you how many texts I've received this week from friends and acquaintances
across the country asking -- usually in all-caps and peppered with profanity -- what is going
on in Pennsylvania? As a native Philadelphian, and from my current vantage in politically
coveted Bucks County, I can see why Americans are demanding answers.
Ballots can be counted up to three days after Election Day? Mailed ballots with no postmark
still qualify? Unsupervised drop boxes scattered across cities are entrusted to secure tens of
thousands of votes?
Sadly, it's all true. None of these practices inspires confidence that the standard of "one
person, one vote" is being upheld. Nor were these practices valid in any prior general election
in Pennsylvania.
Scratching your head as to why we chose the most consequential election in our lifetimes to
run an experiment? Here's what I've told my friends: the experiment was a wild success -- once
you understand that the chaos we're witnessing was the plan all along, carefully orchestrated
by Pennsylvania Democrats, including the governor, party activists, and the state Supreme
Court. Here's how it happened.
In Pennsylvania, Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf used the COVID-19 pandemic as cover for hurrying
through new voting rules that bypassed reasonable deadlines or restrictions. The result? Many
voters now have deep suspicion about wide-scale voter fraud in Philadelphia.
Republicans and Democrats have long understood the problems with mass mail-in ballots. The
usual stages of ballot security are lost: unlike absentee ballots,
some people are claiming they received unsolicited mail-in ballots , a practice
Pennsylvania does not allow. Could it be ballots are being illegally sent or is it simply that
voters forgot they signed up to get them?
Worse, it's impossible to ensure the ballot is filled out by the voter or with her approval.
And when the ballot is submitted, the chain of custody observing that ballot is broken. It's a
recipe for contested election results.
The seeds of public distrust were sowed in June, when Wolf decreed by
executive order that mail-in ballots in the primary election could trickle in from certain
counties for an extra week. The state Democratic Party followed up in July by suing
to similarly extend the general election deadline for mail-in ballots. Their suit also sought
to allow unprecedented "drop boxes" to collect mail-ins and to limit the number of election
In addition, the court removed the Green Party presidential candidate's name from the state
ballot over a technicality, a move that may have shifted Green Party votes to Joe Biden's camp.
In their decision, the justices acknowledged that the new deadline violated state law but
claimed that "in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic" such laws could be dismissed.
It got worse. Sensing an opportunity, the Wolf administration pronounced that county
officials "are prohibited from rejecting absentee or mail-in ballots based on signature
comparison." On Oct. 23, not long before Election Day, the court approved this last nail in the
coffin of election integrity.
On Thursday, Republican Sen. Pat Toomey expressed
concern about these unprecedented rule changes that fueled this week's chaos, making clear
that free and fair elections aren't a partisan issue. Now, the U.S. Supreme Court will have to
But on Oct. 28, the Supreme Court postponed any decision with a 4-4 ruling -- excluding newly
appointed justice Amy Coney Barrett -- that returned the case to its court of origin. At the
time, Justice Samuel Alito noted that it is likely "that the state Supreme Court decision
violates the Federal Constitution," opening a possibility that the justices will review the
case post-election, with the potential outcome of eliminating thousands of illegal ballots.
On Friday, GOP state House Speaker Bryan Cutler, who noted that the election
"confusion is a direct result of the court decisions," called for a full audit before any
certification of the results. Cutler also
cited Pennsylvania's 100,000 provisional ballots -- cast when a voter's eligibility is in
question -- that further indicated problems with the mail-in system.
Elections decided by the courts is a nightmare scenario for either political party. But Wolf
refused to reform the state's election procedures in concert with the legislature. In October,
GOP lawmakers proposed compromise legislation,
House Bill 2626 , that included several, but not all, of the governor's proposed changes to
Pennsylvania voting laws. Wolf threatened to veto their bill in an all-or-nothing negotiation
To prevent a future election debacle in Pennsylvania, we need election integrity reform
through the normal legislative process. Only legal votes should be counted, and controls should
be put in place -- like polling place verification and absentee ballot chain-of-custody at
every stage.
But Democrats have resisted these reforms for years, creating the present chaos. The U.S.
Supreme Court must respond accordingly and assure Pennsylvanians that their election was fair
-- regardless of the presidential outcome. Jennifer Stefano is chief innovation officer and
vice president at the Commonwealth Foundation, Pennsylvania's free market think tank.
The report warns that sweeping national change to voting would be costly and
A new report from a conservative group on the potential problems with large-scale
mail-in voting argues that a recent push from states to send ballots to all registered
voters for November's election would not only expose them
to possible fraud but could likely result in a significant waste of taxpayer dollars.
The report, by the Honest Elections Project, cites problems that have already arisen in a
number of states showing that including inactive voters – including those who have
changed addresses or died – would result in money being spent on ballots that would never
reach their intended recipients.
"At the very least, mailing ballots to every registration on file – knowing that a
significant number of registrations are erroneous or outdated – is a significant waste of
scarce resources," the report says, noting that a recent estimate from Clark County, Nevada
predicted it would cost at least $323,000 to mail ballots to inactive registrants.
When ballots were sent to inactive voters in Nevada's May primary, ballots were found piled
up in post office trays, outside apartment complexes, and on community bulletin boards in and
around Las Vegas. One
report said ballots were even found in a trash can.
"Taxpayers' dollars are literally being thrown away because of ill-conceived vote-by-mail
schemes," the Honest Elections Project report says.
In addition to the waste of money, the group warns that fraud is a real concern, citing past
examples of how mailed ballots have been used improperly, such as voting on behalf of dead
people or submitting votes in multiple states in the same election.
Earlier this year up to 800 ballots were disqualified in Paterson, N.J., after hundreds of
ballots were found in the mail bundled together, despite a state law forbidding anyone from
handling or sending more than three mail-in ballots together. Several individuals –
including a councilman-elect – are now facing criminal charges for alleged election
This was the first time New Jersey had done an all mail-in election, and the Honest Election
Project warns that any state attempting an all new system with November's presidential election
is putting itself at risk for complications, fraudulent or otherwise. While some states already
have mail-in voting, Washington State Secretary of State Kim Wyman told
The New York Times in April that while her state has security measures in place to prevent
and punish voter fraud, hers is a system that has been developed over the course of a
years-long process.
Wyman said it was unlikely that national mail-in voting would be feasible this November.
"You can't just flip a switch and go from real low absentee ballots to 100 percent
vote-by-mail," she told the Times.
Democrats are accusing Republicans of attempting to suppress votes by requiring in-person
voting during a pandemic, claiming that such a move would force voters to choose between
exercising their rights and protecting their health.
More states are adopting a hybrid system of mail-in and in-person voting; William La
Jeunesse reports.
The Honest Elections Project suggests that this does not have to be an either/or situation
if proper measures are taken. This would include expanding absentee voting for vulnerable
populations, sending applications for mail-in ballots which would at least require individuals
to provide personal information to confirm their identities prior to receiving ballots, and
social distancing measures for in-person voting.
The Project's director Jason Snead said that recent incidents support the findings of a
commission from 15 years ago that warned of the problems posed by mail-in voting.
"In 2005 former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker co-chaired
a commission on election reform that found serious problems and risks with mail-in voting.
Today in 2020, four people - including a sitting city councilman and a councilman-elect - face
criminal charges for trying to rig an all-mail election in Paterson, New Jersey," Snead said in
a statement.
He added: "Automatically mailing ballots, weakening election safeguards, and trying to
impose a national mail-in election on an entire country in four months is a recipe for
disaster. We need to ensure it is easy and safe to vote this November, but not at the expense
of the credibility of our democracy."
A top Democratic operative says voter fraud, especially with mail-in ballots, is no myth.
And he knows this because he's been doing it, on a grand scale, for decades.
Mail-in ballots have become the latest flashpoint in the 2020 elections. While President
Trump and the GOP warn of widespread manipulation of the absentee vote that will swell with
COVID polling restrictions, many Democrats and their media allies have dismissed such concerns
as unfounded.
But the political insider, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he fears prosecution,
said fraud is more the rule than the exception. His dirty work has taken him through the weeds
of municipal and federal elections in Paterson, Atlantic City, Camden, Newark, Hoboken and
Hudson County and his fingerprints can be found in local legislative, mayoral and congressional
races across the Garden State. Some of the biggest names and highest office holders in New
Jersey have benefited from his tricks, according to campaign records The Post reviewed.
"An election that is swayed by 500 votes, 1,000 votes -- it can make a difference," the
tipster said. "It could be enough to flip states."
The whisteblower -- whose identity, rap sheet and long history working as a consultant to
various campaigns were confirmed by The Post -- says he not only changed ballots himself over
the years, but led teams of fraudsters and mentored at least 20 operatives in New Jersey, New
York and Pennsylvania -- a critical 2020 swing state.
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Alamy Stock Photo
"There is no race in New Jersey -- from city council to United States Senate -- that we
haven't worked on," the tipster said. "I worked on a fire commissioner's race in Burlington
County. The smaller the race, the easier it is to do."
A Bernie Sanders die-hard with no horse in the presidential race, he said he felt compelled
to come forward in the hope that states would act now to fix the glaring security problems
present in mail-in ballots.
"This is a real thing," he said. "And there is going to be a f–king war coming
November 3rd over this stuff If they knew how the sausage was made, they could fix it."
Mail-in voting can be complicated -- tough enough that 84,000
New Yorkers had their mailed votes thrown out in the June 23 Democratic presidential
primary for incorrectly filling them out.
But for political pros, they're a piece of cake. In New Jersey, for example, it begins with
a blank mail-in ballot delivered to a registered voter in a large envelope. Inside the packet
is a return envelope, a "certificate of mail in voter" which the voter must sign, and the
ballot itself.
That's when the election-rigger springs into action.
Phony ballots
The ballot has no specific security features -- like a stamp or a watermark -- so the
insider said he would just make his own ballots.
"I just put [the ballot] through the copy machine and it comes out the same way," the
insider said.
But the return envelopes are "more secure than the ballot. You could never recreate the
envelope," he said. So they had to be collected from real voters.
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Bloomberg via Getty Images
He would have his operatives fan out, going house to house, convincing voters to let them
mail completed ballots on their behalf as a public service. The fraudster and his minions would
then take the sealed envelopes home and hold them over boiling water.
"You have to steam it to loosen the glue," said the insider.
He then would remove the real ballot, place the counterfeit ballot inside the signed
certificate, and reseal the envelope.
"Five minutes per ballot tops," said the insider.
The insider said he took care not to stuff the fake ballots into just a few public
mailboxes, but sprinkle them around town. That way he avoided the attention that foiled a
sloppy voter-fraud operation in a Paterson, NJ, city council race this year, where 900 ballots
were found in
just three mailboxes.
"If they had spread them in all different mailboxes, nothing would have happened," the
insider said.
Inside jobs
The tipster said sometimes postal employees are in on the scam.
"You have a postman who is a rabid anti-Trump guy and he's working in Bedminster or some
Republican stronghold He can take those [filled-out] ballots, and knowing 95% are going to a
Republican, he can just throw those in the garbage."
In some cases, mail carriers were members of his "work crew," and would sift ballots from
the mail and hand them over to the operative.
In 2017, more than 500 mail-in ballots in New York City
never arrived to the Board of Elections for races that November -- leaving hundreds
disenfranchised. They eventually were discovered in April 2018. "For some undetermined reason,
some baskets of mail that were bound to the New York City Board of Elections were put off to
the side at the Brooklyn processing facility," city elections boss Michael Ryan said at the
time of discovery.
Nursing homes
Hitting up assisted-living facilities and "helping" the elderly fill out their absentee
ballots was a gold mine of votes, the insider said.
"There are nursing homes where the nurse is actually a paid operative. And they go room by
room by room to these old people who still want to feel like they're relevant," said the
whistleblower. "[They] literally fill it out for them."
The insider pointed to former Jersey City Mayor Gerald McCann, who was sued in
2007 after a razor-thin victory for a local school board seat for allegedly tricking
"incompetent and ill" residents of nursing homes into casting ballots for him. McCann denied
it, though he did admit to assisting some nursing home residents with absentee ballot
Voter impersonation
When all else failed, the insider would send operatives to vote live in polling stations,
particularly in states like New Jersey and New York that do not require voter ID. Pennsylvania,
also for the most
part, does not.
The best targets were registered voters who routinely skip presidential or municipal
elections -- information which is publicly available.
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Alamy Stock Photo
"You fill out these index cards with that person's name and district and you go around the
city and say, 'You're going to be him, you're going to be him,'" the insider said of how he
dispatched his teams of dirty-tricksters.
At the polling place, the fake voter would sign in, "get on line and vote," the insider
said. The impostors would simply recreate the signature that already appears in the voter roll
as best they could. In the rare instance that a real voter had already signed in and cast a
ballot, the impersonator would just chalk it up to an innocent mistake and bolt.
Bribing voters
The tipster said New Jersey homeless shelters offered a nearly inexhaustible pool of
reliable -- buyable -- voters.
"They get to register where they live in and they go to the polls and vote," he said,
laughing at the roughly $174 per vote Mike
Bloomberg spent to win his third mayoral term. He said he could have delivered the same result
at a 70 percent discount -- like when Frank "Pupie" Raia, a real estate developer and Hoboken
nabob, was convicted
last year on federal charges for paying low-income residents 50 bucks a pop to vote how he
wanted during a 2013 municipal election.
Organizationally, the tipster said, his voter-fraud schemes in the Garden State and
elsewhere resembled Mafia organizations, with a boss (usually the campaign manager) handing off
the day-to-day managing of the mob soldiers to the underboss (him). The actual candidate was
usually kept in the dark deliberately so they could maintain "plausible deniability."
With mail-in ballots, partisans from both parties hash out and count ballots at the local
board of elections -- debating which ballots make the cut and which need to be thrown out
because of irregularities.
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The insider said any ballots offered up by him or his operation would come with a bent
corner along the voter certificate -- which contains the voter signature -- so Democratic Board
of Election counters would know the fix was in and not to object.
"It doesn't stay bent, but you can tell it's been bent," the tipster said. "Until the
[certificate] is approved, the ballot doesn't matter. They don't get to see the ballot unless
they approve the [certificate.]"
"I invented bending corners," the insider boasted, saying once the fixed ballots were mixed
in with the normal ones, the bed was made. "Once a ballot is opened, it's an anonymous
While federal law warns of prison sentences of up to five years, busted voter frauds
have seen far less punishment. While in
2018 a Texas woman was sentenced to five years, an Arizona man busted for voting twice in
the mail was given just three
years' probation . A study by the conservative Heritage Foundation found more
than 1,000 instances of documented voter fraud in the United States, almost all of which
occurred over the last 20 years.
"There is nothing new about these techniques," said Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal
fellow at Heritage who manages their election law reform initiative. "Everything he's talking
about is perfectly possible."
The city Board of Elections declined to answer Post questions on ballot security.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With the number of Americans voting by mail on Nov. 3 expected to nearly double due to COVID-19,
election experts see little reason to expect an increase in ballot fraud, despite President Donald Trump's repeated
Voting by mail is not new in the United States -- nearly 1 in 4 voters cast 2016 presidential ballots that way. Routine
methods and the decentralized nature of U.S. elections make it very hard to interfere with mailed ballots, experts say.
While mail balloting has its drawbacks, it can help minimize the long lines, faulty voting machines and COVID-19-induced
staffing shortages that have plagued some elections this year.
Election experts say it would be nearly impossible for foreign actors to disrupt an election by mailing out fake
ballots, a scenario floated by Attorney General William Barr.
For one thing, voters won't just be selecting a president: They might be choosing candidates for city council, school
board and weighing in on ballot initiatives. That can require hundreds of different ballot designs in a single county
and the United States has more than 3,000 counties.
Ballots aren't counted if they aren't printed on the proper type of paper and don't include specific technical markings.
States also require voters to sign the outside of their envelope, which they match to a signature on file.
Some 29 states and the District of Columbia allow voters to track their ballots to ensure they are received, according
to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Fourteen states and D.C. also allow voters to return their ballots by
hand if they don't trust the mail.
Those envelopes are typically opened by a different group of workers than those who scan the ballots. Outside observers
are allowed to monitor the process to ensure voter privacy.
As with other forms of voting, documented cases of mail-ballot fraud are extremely rare.
The conservative Heritage Foundation, which has warned of the risks of mail voting, found 14 cases of attempted mail
fraud out of roughly 15.5 million ballots cast in Oregon since that state started conducting elections by mail in 1998.
FILE PHOTO: Lexi Menth of Seattle holds up her vote-by-mail ballot as supporters line up at a rally for U.S.
Democratic 2020 presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren at the Seattle Center Armory in Seattle, Washington,
U.S. February 22, 2020. REUTERS/Jason Redmond
The most prominent cases of mail fraud have involved campaigns, not voters. North Carolina invalidated the results of a
2018 congressional election after state officials found that a Republican campaign operative had orchestrated a ballot
fraud scheme.
Experts say those scenarios can be minimized by nixing requirements -- currently in place in 11 states -- which instruct
voters to get at least one witness to sign their return envelopes.
"All of these policies remove the need to hand over your ballot to someone you don't know," said Tammy Patrick, a former
election official in Maricopa County, Arizona.
Turnout rates tend to be higher in states that conduct elections by mail. A Stanford University study found that
participation increased by roughly 2 percentage points in three states that rolled out universal voting by mail from
1996 to 2018. It had no effect on partisan outcome and did not appear to give an advantage to any particular racial,
economic or age group.
In Colorado, 77% of voting age citizens cast ballots in the 2016 presidential election, the highest figure in the
country, according to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. In Oregon, that figure was 72% and in Washington it was
68%, well above the national rate of 63%.
Each day we have watched the vote tallies in a half-dozen key states drift inexorably toward
blue, many of which were heading solidly red on election night. Is it possible to elect the
leader of the free world in this way, in a closed-door system that reeks of possible
The legality of ballots must be determined first. The count comes second. As significant as
the "hanging chads" were in 2000, ballot creep has emerged as the determining issue in 2020.
It's a skill that Democrats perfected in past elections.
Back in 2008, incumbent Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman seemed on his way to re-election against
comedian Al Franken. After the ballots were counted, Coleman had a 725-vote lead. But then the
post-Election Day vote-gathering kicked into high gear. By the time it was over, an exhausting
eight months later, Coleman was cleaning out his Capitol Hill office and Franken was moving in.
His margin of victory: 312 votes.
The process by which it all happened is instructive as to how Democrats operate. The initial
canvass in Minnesota had resulted in a 206-vote lead for Coleman. Democrats were just getting
started, though, as a phalanx of attorneys descended on the blue state. Caches of ballots began
to appear, starting with
200 that had not been counted on election night.
An envelope with ten absentee ballots
was found in a Democratic stronghold. And 953 previously rejected absentee ballots were
included in the second recount, yielding a net pickup of
176 votes for Franken. Nineteen precincts in Democrat-friendly Minneapolis ended up
more votes than voters . By January, the State Canvassing Board certified Franken as the
Just a few years prior in Washington state, Republican Dino Rossi lost by 129 votes in the
closest gubernatorial election in the history of the United States.
He had led Democrat Christine Gregoire in both the initial count (261 votes) and the
machine recount (42 votes). Consideration of 573 previously rejected ballots had only added to
his lead, then up to 74 votes.
But then a tray of 162 "misplaced" absentee votes was suddenly discovered in a warehouse in
Democrat-heavy King County, and by the end of December
Gregoire was ahead by 130 votes . Litigation followed but was never successful in unseating
Before, there was Lyndon Johnson's election to the Senate in 1948 via a batch of 202 ballots
found six days after polls closed in a small town in south Texas, and John Kennedy's election
to the presidency in 1960 via fake voter
registrations (names found on cemetery tombstones and an empty house with 56 votes tied to
The lesson is clear: Democrats believe in finding votes, until they're ahead. Then it's game
over. It's a sport Democrats know well, but Republicans seem to instinctively fail to
understand. As
Coleman commented , "I've watched this drama before. The other side is very good at this.
if you have an accounting process that simply allows unlimited ballots to kind of come in
without being checked, without being verified, without having timestamps, who knows what you
get in the end?"
Democrats will argue that Al Gore was cheated out of victory in 2000, but the simple truth
is that, for once, they were stopped from perpetual recounting in accordance with the law.
There had already been an initial count (1,784 Bush margin), and then a state-mandated machine
recount which again yielded a Bush win (327 votes).
It should've ended there, but Gore's team then sought a manual recount in four selected
counties, and eventually the Florida Supreme Court ordered a state-wide manual recount that
threatened to go on forever. Four days later, on December 12, 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court
stopped it on the grounds that different counting methods were being used, a violation of the
Equal Protection Clause, and the fact that the state's electoral deadline was at hand.
The decision ended Democrats' attempts to continue counting "hanging chads" ad infinitum.
Writing in support of
the ruling, Justice Antonin Scalia warned of "irreparable harm" by "the counting of votes that
are of questionable legality." With words that could be called upon today, he noted that,
"Count first, and rule upon legality afterwards, is not a recipe for producing election results
that have the public acceptance democratic stability requires."
The Supreme Court must soon hear these arguments in another presidential race. More
important than whether the person who takes the oath of office in January is Republican or
Democrat is the confidence of the American people in the validity and fairness of the process.
We may be witnessing the end of election integrity -- and nations do not long stand when
the foundation of democracy is shattered. Bob Anderson is a partner and CFO of a hotel
development company and a former aerospace engineer who worked on the International Space
Station and interned in Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO) at the
Pentagon. He is also a licensed commercial pilot. Photo
WTF Colorado / Flickr
Ohio Attorney General has joined a bid to ask the US Supreme Court to toss the
Pennsylvania Supreme Court's
late-October ruling allowing late ballots to be counted.
Two Georgia GOP Senators call on Republican Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger to
resign over failure 'to deliver honest and transparent elections.'
Pennsylvania Supreme Court agrees to hear GOP challenge over dozens observers who claim
they were 'corralled' and unable to view count, which may invalidate up to 800,000
Nevada poll worker attests to outright fraud .
Update 1810ET: The Trump campaign has filed a 105-page
lawsuit in the US District Court in Pennsylvania alleging that the state operated an
illegal 'two-tiered' voting system for the 2020 general election , and has sought to block the
state from certifying the count.
As LawandCrime.com reports, Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, a Democrat, and
seven Keystone State county boards of elections are listed as defendants . These boards come
from Allegheny, Centre, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Northampton, and Philadelphia
The case has been assigned to U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann, a Barack Obama
* * *
Update 1635ET: Monday just keeps getting more and more interesting. As claims of fraud and
invalidated ballots pile up, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Sen. Lindsey
Graham (R-SC)
threw their support behind election challenges (implying there's a 'there' there).
For starters , Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost has filed a 'friend of the court' brief with
the Supreme Court in support of Pennsylvania Republicans, who want the USSC to overturn the
Pennsylvania Supreme Court's late October ruling allowing absentee ballots which arrived up to
three days after election day .
"The States need an answer to that question, which is certain to arise again in future
elections. And it is important to provide that answer now because, without a ruling from this
Court, doubts will continue to linger about whether the vote count in Pennsylvania was
performed in conformity with the Constitution," reads the filing by Yost, which was also signed
by Ohio Solicitor General Benjamin Flowers and Chief Deputy Solicitor General Michael
Hendershot. (source:
cleveland.com .
Next, two GOP Senators from Georgia have called on the state's Republican Secretary of State
to resign over his alleged failure 'to deliver honest and transparent elections.'
And as we noted earlier:
* * *
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has agreed to consider a GOP challenge claiming that
Republican observers were unable to oversee ballot counting, thereby invalidating hundreds of
thousands of votes, according to Reuters .
The decision to hear the case is separate from a challenge to the PA Supreme Court's ruling
regarding ballots received after election day.
The news comes as Rudy Giuliani says at least 50 GOP witnesses say they were 'corralled' by
Philadelphia election officials on election day and 'weren't able to see a single ballot'
counted behind closed doors. He claims that the roughly 800,000 votes counted after that ' are
invalid .'
Giuliani detailed the claims in an interview with Newsmax - where he announced that the
first of five lawsuits will be filed on Monday in Pennsylvania 'challenging the entire vote on
a number of grounds. '
"In this lawsuit we have over 50 witnesses who will say that the vote count, particularly
once the election ended that night and President Trump was ahead by 800,000 votes in
Pennsylvania, the count thereafter was unlawful ," said Giuliani, adding: "It was counted
behind closed doors. Republicans were not given an opportunity to see any of the mail-in
ballots as required by Pennsylvania law. Pennsylvania law requires that for a ballot to be
valid, a mail ballot to be valid, it has to be observed by both sides."
"We have 55 Republicans ready to testify that they were uniformly corralled and weren't
able to see a single ballot . They saw a lot of activity, but no ballot. Every one of those
ballots that was cast that was not examined, is now an illegal ballot - an unlawful vote.
-Rudy Giuliani
Giuliani continued: "Not just in Philadelphia, however, precisely the same thing was done in
Pittsburgh. The only difference is - when a court intervened in Philadelphia they didn't follow
the court order, and our people were threatened with arrest if we tried to look at the ballots
. Whereas in Pittsburgh, halfway through, they allowed some observation. So the numbers of
unlawful ballots in Philadelphia are about twice the number in Pittsburgh."
Over the weekend, Giuliani told Fox News host
Maria Bartiromo " This is documented on videotape. There are upwards of 50 witnesses. And
this will be the subject of a lawsuit that we file tomorrow for violating civil rights, for
conducting an unfair election, for violating the law of the state, for treating Pittsburgh and
Philadelphia different than the rest of the state, which is an equal protection violation,
which goes under Bush vs. Gore. "
Meanwhile in Nevada , a Clark County poll worker has claimed in a sworn affidavit that proof
of residence data was fabricated for illegal voters , among other claims.
The whistleblower claims that they worked 13 out of 14 days during early voting 'from
October 17th - 30th,' where they 'had concerns over election polling place intimidation and
voter fraud.'
Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories.
Voters without valid ID were told to go to the parking lot and simply 'make an
appointment with the DMV' - after which they were allowed to vote .
"We were told by [redacted] (my team leader), and two other assistants to advise people
who wanted to register to vote and did not have the proper Nevada ID/Driver's license that
they could go out in the parking lot and make an appointment with the DMV to get a Nevada
ID/Driver's License, and then bring in proof of their appointment confirmation (either a
paper copy or show it on their phone to us) and then they would be registered."
"We were told to add two zeroes ("00") to the DMV confirmation number and put it where the
Driver's License/ID number was supposed to go when we filled in the registration form on
A 'Biden/Harris bus, tent, or table was in the parking lot' with 'speakers, dancers,
music and other festivities' and were offering 'food, drink, and political memorabilia to
"Our team leader [redacted] had to go out several times a day to tell the Biden/Harris
team they had to stay 100 feet from the location doors . As they would give folks signs to
carry up to the door coming to vote. The Biden/Harris bus and/or van was there 7-8 days out
of the 14 days."
Unopened ballot envelopes were opened and filled out against the side of the Biden/Harris
van .
"I personally witnessed two people handing multiple unopened mail in ballot envelopes to
two other people who then opened and filled out the ballots against the side of the
Biden/Harris van . The same two people who marked the ballots then put the marked ballots in
official pink and white envelopes. These individuals were not poll workers."
"By my final walking lap, there were 5 or 6 additional people who formed a human wall ,
which moved as I walked by, apparently in an attempt to block my view of the four people who
were opening envelopes, marking ballots, and placing those ballots in the pink and white
return envelopes ."
On Saturday, the Clark County Registrar of Voters, Joe Gloria, acknowledged that his office
had received reports of potential voter fraud , but that they wouldn't investigate them until
after the election is completed.
"We do have some reports that have come in that we're logging for reporting. But we're
definitely going to do an investigation, and we'll deal with them once the canvass is
finished," said Gloria. "The votes are in the system at this point, so we'll have to after the
election, post-election, go after anything that's been reported at this time."
el_buffer , 4 hours ago
800K unmonitored ballots?
Naw...that doesn't smack of possible fraud at all.
The USA has CIA, DIA and NSA and can't create reliable voting machines. something is really
fishy here. Some clearly amateurish solutions are in place. May be this is by design.
Dominion Voting Systems were used in Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and other
"Voting System Examination of Dominion Voting Systems Democracy Suite 5.5" - Brian
Mechler, Technical Examiner, February 15, 2019
Conclusion: " I do not recommend the EMS Express [ or EMS Standard electronic
voting systems by Dominion ] for use in elections in the State of Texas."
"If a ballot has to be removed from the underside of the scanner to clear the jam,
the privacy of the vote is not maintained "
"The voting UI does not allow a voter to crossover vote from straight
party to no selection in a partisan contest."
"Another major concern is the quality of the scanned ballot images. Write-in selections
written in ballpoint pen were illegible. Even the scanned images of ballots generated
by Dominion's own ballot marking devices were of poor quality ."
" If a USB device was added while the [ voting ] tablet was
powered down, no warnings appeared at startup and the poll worker could open the polls
unaware of any change. "
" The ICX Prime BMD [voting system by Dominion] is not safe from fraudulent or
unauthorized manipulation ..."
"Voters could end up with printouts that accurately spell out the names of the candidates
they picked, but, because of a hack, the bar codes do not reflect those choices.
Because the bar codes are what's tabulated, voters would never know that their ballots
benefited another candidate."
Huh. What do you know.
And, that's only for the Dominion Voting System machines.
Philadelphia, for example, also uses over 37,000 ExpressVote XL paper ballot voting
machines, manufactured by Election Systems & Software of Omaha, Nebraska:
"...plaintiffs led by ex-Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein
recently asked a federal judge to enforce the settlement terms. They claim the Pa.
Department of State hasn't upheld the agreement's parameters for upgrading voting systems
statewide by the end of the year. And they've asked U.S District Court Judge Paul
S. Diamond to order DoS to decertify the ExpressVote XL voting machine, the pick in three Pa.
jurisdictions (Philadelphia, Northampton and Cumberland counties)."
Seems the GOP aren't the only ones raising concern over voting machines. The only ones who
aren't concerned are the self-declared "winners" using them.
People might recall that President Trump won Pennsylvania by only 44,000 votes back in 2016,
and may also recall during the 2912 Election 59 precincts in the Philly area had 100% of their
votes go to Mitt Romney despite the fact Philly had only about 73% registered Democrats.
So, a fair, open, honest, and transparent election process would be important in Philly.
Now, before anyone provides a knee-jerk reactions like "conspiracy theory", "certifiable",
"sour grapes", etc. and proclaims I may be wearing a possibly-too-tight tin-foil hat, consider
the information above is just the tip of any legal process: Any legal effort to show the
Election Process was above-board or corrupted would require substantially more information,
timelines to be established, data to verify and trend, witnesses to identify & interview,
affidavits to collect, and legal arguments to present.
Finally, to satisfy the Liberal naysayers, let me finish with: Why, I'll bet that to date
there's more evidence showing fraud in the 2020 Election Cycle than there was to justify the
claims of "Man-made, irreversible global warming". Hayte to see all those knee-jerk reactions
and donations of tin-foil go to waste.
Richard J Daily pulled the same stunt and waited until all the votes were in.. Then
delivered just enough from Chicago to give the victory to JFK over Nixon.
When Trump beats this fraudulent election. First on the list Voter ID and hardening of the
ballot process.
Without control of both houses of CONgress, no such thing will pass on a federal level.
The party that filed 300 lawsuits to remove state election laws & legalize ballot
harvesting will simply never do so & 💋-asses like Grahamnesty, Pierre Delecto &
many there are only too happy to compromise the nation away.
If Joe Biden had run a real campaign and generated genuine enthusiasm, Trump voters would be
unhappy with his victory but would acknowledge he had won. But Biden did not win. This election
was stolen. And the fury and bitterness among Trump's base is real and pervasive. So far, Trump
supporters are keeping their powder dry–literally and figuratively. They are going to
give the institutions, particularly the Justice Department, the opportunity to set things right
in accordance with the law. But there is a limit to their patience. I know that Donald Trump
understands this point, it remains to be seen if Attorney General Bill Barr grasps the
situation. From what I know of Bill Barr, especially from friends who are close with Barr, he
understands the danger and the implications perhaps even better than President Trump.
The latest coup attempt is a mixture of audacity and sloppiness. On the audacious side we
see a coordinated effort in key battleground states to stop counting votes when it was clear
that Trump was in the lead and headed to a second term. The reason to stop counting was to
bring in the thousands of votes that would make it appear that Trump lost. But for those of us
in Florida, we saw the Democrat plans thwarted and the true depth of Trump's victory.
Here is where we see the sloppiness of the Democrat plot against Trump–the Dems
foolishly forgot to cook the books on the House and the Senate. Trump's coat tails brought
significant gains in the House of Representatives and prevented a wipeout in the Senate. It is
historically and statistically improbable that Republicans win back seats in House and hold the
Senate while Trump allegedly loses. Trump did not lose. He garnered the most votes ever for a
Republican but could not control the Democrat Governors who opted to stuff ballot boxes with
bogus ballots. There is a legal, lawful remedy to this.
I got my start at the CIA as the Honduran analyst during the height of the war in Central
America. Part of my duties required me to keep tabs on political chicanery that was rampant
among Honduran political, business and military leaders. I am now stunned to witness that this
Republic–thanks to the craven and corrupt actions of politicians, business leaders and
the media–behave like a shithole banana republic. The days of America pretending to
instruct other countries on how to conduct free, fair elections is over.
So, what are we to do? First, Trump supporters in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania,
Georgia, Arizona and Nevada must demand action by their state legislators. Those men and women
must stand up and be counted and must fight this outrage.
Second, turn off the media and cancel subscriptions to those publications that have
facilitated this evil farce. This means Fox. Only News Max and OAN can be relied on now to
report what is going on. An honest media would be reporting on the growing mountains of
evidence that the will of the voters was thwarted. Our so-called media, for the most part, is
mute or insisting that we did not see what we very clearly saw–i.e., votes for Biden
magically appearing in the middle of the night, Republican observers being barred illegally
from doing their job, Trump supporters showing up to vote and being informed that they had
already voted, and long lists of dead people who were resurrected from their graves to cast a
vote for Sleepy Joe.
Third, shutdown your Facebook and your Twitter accounts. Create fake accounts and do not
post any personal information about your activities or those of your family. Only support
genuine social media that allow full, unfettered discussion. Sign up for Parler, for
Fourth, vote with your dollars. Make sure you are not supporting the tech giants that are
continuing to play a hand in trying to quash dissent and drown out the truth.
Fifth, if you own a firearm make damn sure you know how to use it. You must know without a
doubt how to safely load, unload, fire and clean your weapon. There are thousands of NRA
instructors ready to assist.
Sixth, change your viewing habits. Give up your Netflix account. Don't support Hollywood. If
you don't watch their movies and buy their products you will hit them where it really
hurts–the pocketbook.
Seventh, Do the Math! Trump supporters in every state must obtain official state registered
voter counts on Nov 2. Compare those totals to the numbers put up at the end of November 3rd.
Why? You couldn't have voted if you weren't registered. Next, compare the addition of Nov 2
voters to those added on Nov 3 TO the total votes for a state. If total votes / nov 2 plus add
ons is greater than the 5 year average of same comparison in 2016, ie percent of voters who
voted THEN, there is clear probable cause to show that ballot stuffing occurred.
Last, pray. We are not in a battle with mere mortals. This is at root a war against evil.
The constant drumbeat of propaganda proclaiming Donald Trump as a racist, as homophobic and a
liar is but one manifestation of this demonic plot. The very people leveling those charges are
the ones who have allowed millions of black Americans to wallow in misery in crime ridden
neighborhoods. They are the ones who celebrate aborting black babies as a fundamental human
right. They are the ones who will gladly sell out to China and sacrifice American jobs in order
to rake in millions of dollars.
I understand the gut churning fear that many of you feel. I also understand the seething
rage that has yet to manifest itself. Here the radical left, masquerading as Democrats, have
made a fatal mistake. They assume we will go quietly into the Gulag. They don't know
A most interesting thread popped up on Twitter Sunday from a data scientist who wishes to
remain anonymous, regarding mail-in ballot data which strongly suggests fraud occurred in the
wee hours of election night, when several swing states inexplicably stopped reporting vote
counts while President Trump maintained a healthy lead over Joe Biden.
Using time series data 'scraped' from the New York Times website, the data - comparing
several states (swing and non-swing) - clearly illustrates what fraud does and does not look
like, and how several anomalies in swing states left 'fingerprints of fraud' as Biden pulled
ahead of President Trump.
This is based on their proprietary "Edison" data source which would ordinarily be impossible
to access for people outside the press. The CSV is available here . And the script to generate
it is here . I suggest that
everyone back up both of these files , bc this is an extremely important data source, and we
cant risk anyone taking it down.
What we are looking at will be time series analysis and you will see that it is extremely
difficult to create convincing synthetic times series data. By looking at the times series logs
of the ballot counting process for the entire country, we can very easily spot fraud.
One of the first things noticed while exploring the dataset is that there seems to be an
obvious pattern in the ratio of new #Biden ballots to new #Trump ballots.
As we can see on this log-log plot, for many of the counting progress updates, we see an
almost constant ratio of #Biden to #Trump. It's such a regular pattern that we can actually fit
a linear regression model to it with near-perfect accuracy, barring some outliers. How could
this be possible? Is this a telltale sign of fraud? Surprisingly, as it will be shown, the
answer is no! This is actually expected behavior. Also, we can use this weird pattern in the
ballot counting to spot fraud!
Here is the same pattern for Florida . We see this linear pattern again.
And again (Texas)
And again (South Dakota)
And again all over the country. What appears to be happening is that points on the straight
line are actually mail in votes . The reason they're so homogeneous across with respect to the
ratio of #Biden vs #Trump votes is that they get randomly shuffled in the mail like a deck of
cards. Since the ballots are randomly mixed together during transport, spanning areas occupied
by multiple voting demographics, we can expect the ratio of mail-in #Biden ballots to mail-in
#Trump ballots will remain relatively constant over time and across different reporting
Lets dig a little deeper into this :
Here is a plot of the same Florida voting data, but this time it's the ratio of #Biden to
#Trump ballots, versus time. What we see is that the initial ballot reportings are very noisy
and "random".
The initial reporting represents in-person voting. These vote reports have such large
variation bc in-person voting happens across different geographic areas that have different
political alignments. We can see this same pattern of noisy in-person voting, followed by
homogeneous mail-in reporting in almost all cases. What we see in almost all examples across
the country is that the ratio of mail-in Dem to Rep ballots is very consistent across time, but
with the notable drift from Dem to slightly more Rep.
This slight drift from D to R mail-ins occurs again and again, and is likely due to outlying
rural areas having more R votes. These outlying areas take longer to ship their ballots to the
polling centers.
Now we're getting into the really good stuff . When we see mail-in ballot counting where
there isn't relatively stable ratios of D and R ballots that slightly drift R, we have an
anomaly! Anomalies themselves are not necessarily fraud, but they can help us spot fraud more
Now let's look at some anomalies:
This is the Wisconsin vote counting history log. Again, on the Y axis we have the ratio of D
to R ballots in reporting batch, and on the X axis we have reporting time. Around 4am there,
there is a marked shift in the ratio of D to R mail-in ballots . Based on other posts in this
thread, this should not happen . This is an anomaly, and while anomalies are not always fraud,
often they may point to fraud.
By 4am the D to R ratio was all thrown out of whack. That is because these ballots were not
sampled from the real Wisconsin voter population, and they were not randomized in the mail
sorting system with the other ballots. They inherently have a different D to R signature than
the rest of the ballots quite possibly bc additional ballots were added to the batch, either
through backdating or ballot manufacturing or software tampering. This of this being kind of
analogous to carbon-14 dating, but for ballot batch authenticity.
Lets look at another anomaly (Pennsylvania):
Here is Pennsylvania's vote counting history. For the first part of the vote counting
process, we see the same pattern for mail-in ballots that we've seen in every other state in
the country, which is relatively stable D to R ratio that gradually drifts R as more ballots.
But then as counting continues, the D to R ratio in mail-in ballots inexplicably begin
"increasing" . Again, this should not happen , and it is observed almost nowhere else in the
country , because all of the ballots are randomly shuffled in the mail system and should be
homogeneous during counting. The only exceptions to this are other suspect states that also
have anomalies .
Again, this is evidence of ballot backdating, manufacturing of software tampering
Lets look at another anomaly:
In Georgia we see pretty much the same story as Pennsylvania: increasing fractions of
mail-in D ballots over time even though it defies logic and we see this pattern no where else
in the country.
In Michigan , we see a combination of Wisconsin strangeness, together with the GA/PA
weirdness. We see both signs of contaminated ballot dumping, and ballot ratios drifting toward
dems when they should not be.
Now in fairness, VA is the only state out of the 50 that has anomalies but has not had
accusations of voter fraud, yet. I think this is the exception that proves the rule. Yet to
figure out what causes this anomalous shift, but here it is so no one accuses me of holding it
Lets wrap this up: It appears Dems shot themselves in the foot bc making everyone do mail-in
ballots actually makes it easier to catch mail-in ballot fraud . Bc all of the ballots go
through the postal system, they get shuffled like a deck of cards, so we expect reported ballot
return to be extremely UNIFORM in terms of D vs R ratio, but to drift slightly towards R over
time bc some of those ballots travel farther. This pattern proves fraud and is a verifiable timestamp of when each fraudulent
action occurred
takeaction , 28 minutes ago
Somebody just sent me this over my phone...Is this correct?
This is going to the Supreme Court where they will rule the election is invalid due to
fraud or mistakes on a country wide scale. It will go one of two ways, either they will rule
that all the unconstitutional mail in ballots will be removed and the states ordered to
recount without them or they will simply rule the election is invalid due to mass voter fraud
and at that point it will be sent to the congress and senate for a vote.
This is where it gets good. The House/Congress votes on who the President will be. It has
nothing to do with what party that has power. Every state gets one vote and 30 states are
held by Republicans / 19 by Democrats.
They have to vote down party lines, they have no choice due to the 12th Amendment of the
Constitution and the Senate votes for the Vice President where a similar event will take
place. This is The Law. This is why the Democrats are so mad at Nancy Pelosi. This will
happen in January. The only way President Trump won't be president is if he concedes the
election and that will never happen.
So stop watching the fake news and don't let your heart be troubled and live your life
knowing this will all work out. Another fun fact is when they called Gore the President elect
back in 2000 until the courts ruled against him and declared Bush the winner ––
the two people that were part of that decision was none other than new Supreme Court Justices
Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Why do you think the Democrats tried so hard to keep
them from being confirmed. :)
Perseus-Reflected , 22 minutes ago
The globalist Dems premature rush to claim victory is so that the MSM narrative can claim
Trump 'stole' it from them after working it's way thru the legal system, thereby justifying
their riots/chaos/violence against Trump & the Supreme Court's "illegitimacy".
spyware-free , 14 minutes ago
Wrong. If the election is shown to be invalid the results of the electoral college are
voided. The SCOTUS under the constitution can and will direct the House of Representatives to
resolve the election with a one vote per state basis.
The other less likely option under the constitution is the recount without the ineligible
ballots or redo the election. Neither will be done as it can be argued the integrity of the
election system has been compromised.
Mr. Bones , 17 minutes ago
The ballots would be invalidated due to ' spoilation ' if that's how it
The Democrats would pitch an absolutely epic fit and cry voter disenfranchisement for the
next forever.
I'm also not certain that the republican electors would go for it.
The Democrat swing states were using ballot tabulating software made by Democrat partisan
activists called "Dominion". They obviously built back doors in the code were votes could be
switched or created.
That is why they stopped the counting - changing votes through the back door. Like with
your own computer when you are updating or downloading the operating system "exit all other
CNN vote totals board is direct feed from election computers. As the election computers
are fed tabulations by precincts and counties changes within seconds on CNN. There are now
TWO videos people have captured that show Trump's vote totals decreasing and Biden vote total
increasing in the election computers. it happens so fast CNN is not always covering them over
by changing to other shots. Here's one of those videos. Watch it closely - you will see:
Start of video PA total votes are: Trump 1,690,589 Biden 1,252,537
At the end of the video the totals on the screen are for PA are: Trump 1,670,631.
-19,958 votes Biden 1,272,495
Statistician here. I could see this pattern happening in real time in Georgia and knew it
was proof of fraud but didn't have all the terminology. Limits make straight lines. Limits
don't lean by definition. Great article.
mendigo , 9 minutes ago
I completely support President Trump and his effort to verify and address issues of voting
integrity - investigation and court action and corrective measures as warranted.
It's all part of draining the swamp. There remains work to be done.
No time for pleasantries and playing nice.
LEEPERMAX , 10 minutes ago
This is HUGE!
Donald Trump may win the state of Georgia after 132,000 ballots may be ineligible Over
600,000 mail-in -Nevada with NO voter roll signature or envelope signature Michigan counted
149,772 votes in 5 seconds, and less than 6,000 of them were for Trump.
jetsly , 2 minutes ago
Not a statistician, so can't comment on this. Don't have to. Sidney Powell has uncovered
the big tell: at least 450,000 ballots with a vote for Biden, and no one else.
It's understandable. In the counting rooms, they had to process tens of thousands of fake
ballots in a very short period of time, so they had to cut corners. This was one of them.
EuroPox , 27 minutes ago
There IS a problem in Virginia! 169,000 votes just vanished into thin air:
Just listened to it. Very disturbing and whoever that lady was leading the class/briefing
should be arrested and prosecuted. Then every vote that came through her precint/s should be
invalidated on grounds that it is fruit from the poisonous tree.
Totally_Disillusioned , 31 minutes ago
Believe the Science!!!
Here's an excellent article that explains some of the statistical anomolies in Biden's
votes. These anomolies and expert testimony are real evidence of election fraud.
Also lawsuits are proliferating - discovery has begun ! Attorneys general in Missouri and
Kentucky have joined a Republican lawsuit challenging PA mail-in ballots before the U.S.
Supreme Court
B52Minot , 19 minutes ago
The Goggle searches within these select battleground States for punishment for voter fraud
a week BEFORE the election was off the wall...and anyone with a brain know that the typical
voters does not normally do that...people who are going to do this fraud are looking at how
much they would now be sent to jail for.....BUT FOR ONE THING....several AGs in these battle
ground States were Dems and would not prosecute these crimes if discovered...EXCEPT FOR ONE
THING....THE FEDS will not provide you protection from prosecution unless you come forward
and expose it. Their computers have been ID as who did this search....and cross referencing
to who worked doing the counts are KNOWN...YOU have been ID'd.
SO if you are the one who did such fraud better think about that now....discovery is
coming as are the FEDS.....There is AMPLE evidence of WIDE-SPREAD FRAUD...in multiple States
doing the exact same thing.....which makes it a conspiracy to deceive the USA....that will
get people put into jail....and Biden will NOT be certified and the Dems attempt to get
control of the USA via fraud will FAIL...and the longer Trump keeps this up the greater the
involvement of Biden in this whole thing.....call 1 615 747-1500 and/or contact election2020unmasked.com to provide info
on any fraud you did as part of vote counting or similar activity...better do it now.
Canoe Driver , 21 minutes ago
The vote fraud is very obvious. The Biden camp has NOT gambled that no one will be able to
detect the fraud. Not at all. Their gamble is that the fraud will NOT be acknowledged
publicly, because the risk of discrediting the election system is too great. Many people in
positions of responsibility and authority are already saying the rioting would be unstoppable
if the Biden campaign fraud were exposed.
However, in the Milwaukee County of Wisconsin, which is in one of the key swing states, Joe
Biden's votes violate Benford's Law while other candidates' don't. (Joe Biden 69.4%, Donald
Trump 29.4%, Jo Jorgensen 0.9%. Source: theguardian.com)
And in Chicago of Illinois, Joe Biden's votes are abnormal.
So does that of Allegheny of Pennsylvania which includes Pittsburg. (Joe Biden 59.0%, Donald
Trump 39.9%, Jo Jorgensen 1.2%. Source: theguardian.com)
It looks like maybe Biden had lost big cities like Chicago and Pittsburgh, which is why the
fraudulent votes need to be brought in, which skew his curve away from a normal looking
For those who are interested to reproduce the analysis, you can follow the instructions
here and give it a go.
"... This essay, however, argues that, despite its apparent utility in looking at other phenomena, Benford's Law is problematical at best as a forensic tool when applied to elections. ..."
"... It is not simply that the Law occasionally judges a fraudulent election fair or a fair election fraudulent. Its "success rate" either way is essentially equivalent to a toss of a coin, thereby rendering it problematical at best as a forensic tool and wholly misleading at worst. ..."
The proliferation of elections in even those states that are arguably anything but
democratic has given rise to a focused interest on developing methods for detecting fraud in
the official statistics of a state's election returns. Among these efforts are those that
employ Benford's Law, with the most common application being an attempt to proclaim some
election or another fraud free or replete with fraud.
This essay, however, argues that, despite its apparent utility in looking at other
phenomena, Benford's Law is problematical at best as a forensic tool when applied to
Looking at simulations designed to model both fair and fraudulent contests as well as data
drawn from elections we know, on the basis of other investigations, were either permeated by
fraud or unlikely to have experienced any measurable malfeasance, we find that conformity with
and deviations from Benford's Law follow no pattern.
It is not simply that the Law occasionally judges a fraudulent election fair or a fair
election fraudulent. Its "success rate" either way is essentially equivalent to a toss of a coin, thereby
rendering it problematical at best as a forensic tool and wholly misleading at worst.
As commenters have noted , the vertical scales are different. Narrow vertical scales make
changes look larger. While wide vertical scales smooth out changes. Biden's graph is using a
more narrow scale than Trump's.
Put them all together in one graph with the same scale and they don't look so different
I had to eyeball
the numbers from the graphs, but more precise numbers won't change the outcome. I don't
even know if the numbers are correct. I can say with some certainty that the graphs are
deliberately constructed to sell a lie. One or the other scale is a natural choice, either
0 to max or min to max. Someone had to choose to use different vertical axes for each
Disclaimer: I have not looked at the actual data.
In general, the biggest problem with applying Benford's law to district level election data
is, that precincts are usually small and similar in size. For example, if all the precincts
have around 800 voters and one candidate consistently takes 40-50% of votes, then it is
expected, that the most frequent first digits will be 3 and 4.
Benford's law works better in cases where the values span multiple orders of magnitude,
which is not the case here.
For concrete examples, it is worth looking at the several Github issues on the source of the
The disappearance of Benford's law in Milwaukee is a function of voter preference alone.
If one candidate has between 60% and 80% average chance of receiving a vote, then the sizes
of the wards in Milwaukee are too small to accommodate Benford's law.
More generally, several papers question the usefulness of Benford's law applied to election
Unfortunately, my analysis shows that Benford's Law is an unreliable tool. And, as one
applies more sophisticated methods of estimation, the results become increasingly
inconsistent. Worse still, when compared with observational data, the application of
Benford's Law frequently predicts fraud where none has occurred.
It is not simply that the Law occasionally judges a fraudulent election fair or a fair
election fraudulent. Its "success rate" either way is essentially equivalent to a toss of a
coin, thereby rendering it problematical at best as a forensic tool and wholly misleading at
Looking at the actual Chicago data at https://www.chicagoelections.gov/en/election-results-specifics.asp
by precinct as of late November 7, the charts for Chicago look credible but the assumption that
Benford's law should apply do not, at least for Biden/Harris or the minor candidates.
Of the 2069 precincts (most of which are of broadly similar size), Biden/Harris won fewer
than 100 votes in 12 precincts, and more than 999 votes in 4 precincts. All the rest (more than
99%) had three digits for their votes, violating the requirement that natural data satisfying
Benford's law
should span several orders of magnitude . More than half the precincts (1100) gave
Biden/Harris from 300 through to 499 votes, making 3 and 4 the most common first digits (the
chart reflects this and is close to showing the actual frequencies by hundreds of votes, so
300-399 was the most common).
For Trump/Pence, votes were more widely dispersed: 99 precincts with 1-9 votes, 1339
precincts with 10-99, and 633 precincts with 100 or more votes. This dispersion over orders of
magnitude allowed a greater chance of coming closer to matching Benford's law.
For the minor candidates, they only reached double digits in a very small number of
precincts (and got 0 votes in hundreds of precincts - not shown on the charts) so the charts
are close to showing their actual vote distribution with censoring of 0 and 10+; again you
would not expect Benford's law to apply.
Chicago was an odd choice to investigate for suspected cheating in 2020 where the gap in
Illinois was 12 percentage points (1960 when it was 0.2 percentage points might have been more
interesting). I suspect it was chosen simply because the data is publicly available and the
distortions caused by similar precinct size led to this non-Benford law result. You will see
this elsewhere for similar reasons: in 2019 very few British MPs won a number of votes starting
with 5-9, as their constituencies are of broadly similar sizes and the winners usually got in
the range from 10,000 to 49,999 votes, again failing the spanning several orders of magnitude
requirement. share improve
this answer follow answered yesterday Henry 12.9k 1 1 gold badge 51 51
silver badges 57 57 bronze badges
user3570982 ,
That's a good explanation, though not entirely accurate: There is no requirement for spanning
several orders of magnitude, and Benford's Law can be observable even when there is not a
wide span of magnitudes. If there is a wide span, Benford's Law tends apply more accurately,
but it's not a requirement. What's required is that there not be a cutoff of possible leading
digits (a bounding requirement). – user3570982 yesterday
Acccumulation , 2020-11-09 01:58:10
According to Wikipedia:
Benford's law, also called the Newcomb–Benford law, the law of anomalous numbers,
or the first-digit law, is an observation about the frequency distribution of leading
digits in many real-life sets of numerical data. The law states that in many naturally
occurring collections of numbers, the leading digit is likely to be small.
It tends to be most accurate when values are distributed across multiple orders of
magnitude, especially if the process generating the numbers is described by a power law
(which is common in nature).
Beford's Law is not some universal phenomenon, and it failing to hold is not "proof" of
fraud. For instance, we can play this game with the vote percentages that Donald Trump
received in 2016: 11 first digit of 3, 19 first digit of 4, 16 first digit of 5, 9 first
digit of , and 1 first digit of 7 (yes, this adds up to 56; some states don't assign electors
based on state-wide totals, and there's also DC). Clearly, Trump's vote percentages were
fraudulent! In the reddit thread, u/Three-Twelve
In the case of the Milwaukee data and Detroit cited in the pictures above, the number of
votes per voting area does not span over several orders of magnitude, so Benford's Law is
not applicable.
The size of a precinct is likely a stronger predictor of the number of votes for Biden,
than Biden's support is. If these people want to claim that this is evidence that the number
of voters per precinct is not random, that would be more supported by the evidence, but also
much more vacuous (it's hardly earth shattering news that some precinct sizes are preferred
over others).
The amount by which a candidate's level of support predicts their vote count, compared to
how well precinct size does, will increase the more that level of support varies (as a
percentage of that support). Thus, if Biden's support varies between 90% and 95%, and Trump's
varies from 5% to 10%, Biden's support is varying by a bit more than 5% (the math is a bit
confusing, as this is a percentage of a percentage; 5% is a bit more than 5% of 90%), and
Trump's support is varying by 100% (5% is 100% of 5%). So Trump's vote totals will vary more
than Biden's, and thus Trump's totals will have more variance across orders of magnitude, and
Beford's Law will be more applicable (note that Jo Jorgensen, who has even less support than
Trump, has a distribution that is also closer to Benford). For an apples to apples
comparison, we'd want to compare to places where Trump was the favored candidate, but those
are rural areas, and I would expect precinct sizes to vary more in rural areas than in
The Wikipedia article further says:
Based on the plausible assumption that people who fabricate figures tend to distribute
their digits fairly uniformly, a simple comparison of first-digit frequency distribution
from the data with the expected distribution according to Benford's law ought to show up
any anomalous results.
Biden's distribution is consistent neither with Benford, nor with a uniform distribution.
It is, however, a very good fit for a Poisson or lognormal distribution.
Whenever you have a statistical analysis, it's important to remember that the what it can
tell you is that the observed data is unlikely given your null hypothesis. Going from that to
that the null definitely is false requires further justification, and assuming that because
the null is false that means that your favored alternative is true is a false dichotomy. If
someone has a model in which this voting data is unlikely, all that is an argument for is
that their model is false. Democrats engaging is fraud is just one possible way the model
could be false. share
improve this answer follow edited 20 hours ago answered
20 hours ago Acccumulation 2,003 1 1
gold badge 10 10 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges
Do vote counts for Joe Biden in the 2020 election violate Benford's Law?
Simple, uninformative answer: They apparently considerably deviate from it, at
least on one of the presented charts.
Caveat: This observation alone is not sufficient to jump to any conclusions yet. Two
additional questions need to be answered before attempting any jumps:
How (im)probable is this observation under our "normal worldview"?
Although a commonly observed pattern in election datasets, there are no guarantees for
Benford's law to necessarily always emerge. It is therefore important to understand
when it is expected to emerge and how far can we expect a given district to
deviate from it. This can be done by, for example, analyzing previous elections (
assuming those represent "normal voting"). We can model each district's
vote distribution based on historical data and measure the expected degree
of deviation from Benford's law. Once this is done, we may assess the probability of
seeing the observed deviations under these "normal conditions" (a.k.a. the
"p-value"). If this probability ends up being low, we will be able to say that "we are
very surprised" by our observations.
What is the cause of the deviation?
If the analysis in step 1 happens to result in a "sufficietly low" p-value, i.e the
data does not match a "normal" worldview, our next order of business is to come up with
an explanation - a model of a "new" worldview, which fits the data better (e.g. by
including a particular voting fraud process). Only then we can try to jump to any
Metacaveat: Although this all would be pretty standard, textbook-approved methodology of
data analysis, give up your hopes that this could help anyone "learn the Truth". Both steps
include enormous amounts of subjective judgement and, in the end, it is still one's own
beliefs that determine which conclusion to jump towards.
The first step ("modeling normality"), despite relying on mathy techniques and bearing
resemblance to hard science, is, none the less, a form of art. Depending on which historical
data one picks and how one processes it, it may be possible to end up with the p-value
estimate ranging between "unbelievable" to "totally expected".
The second step ("modeling abnormality") is even more subjective - one can usually find
hundreds of valid explanations, ranging from data errors to seasonal abnormalities to various
types of fraud, and the final decision will be determined by one's prior beliefs as to which
of these explanations "seem more plausible".
Given how politically charged the question is, convincing someone else in any chosen
judgement's "objectivity" here is probably hopeless. However, I would be extremely interested
if anyone actually attempted a systematic analysis and suggested a tentative p-value estimate
for the observations. share improve this answer follow edited 23 hours
ago answered yesterday KT. 153 2 2 bronze badges New
user1781498 ,
This answer is based on original data analysis or non-verifiable data. It is up to the
answerer to provide valid, verifiable and potentially replicable evidence. Answers which are
wholly based on "original research" are generally downvoted and may be deleted. See
FAQ: What constitutes
original research?
The charts for this question are from this repo . I created a fork of the repo
here . I did
chi-squared statistics tests on all the counties and all the counties have in the repo have
statistically significant data for deviations from Benford's law.
My understanding is that the chi-squared test should be valid for sample sizes over 50.
Which is what the benford statistical testing module I'm using says. They use Donald Trump's
2016 election vote data as an example. It did not violate Benford's law. Quote from the
module's README:
Dataset should preferably cover at least 1000 samples. Though Benford's law has been
shown to hold true for datasets containing as few as 50 numbers.
I think the graphs' weird proportions are mostly just to make the text display correctly.
I think it's mostly due to laziness and not thinking about the weird proportions.
There's discussion in the main repo's issues page on how accurate Benford's law is or is
not for detecting election fraud. There's also people saying in the issues saying that using
the second digit instead of the first is more accurate for detecting election fraud. I don't
know whether that's true or not. share improve this answer follow edited yesterday
answered yesterday user1781498 33 2 2 bronze
badges New contributor
Benford's Law catches Biden red handed: a repost Posted on 11/6/20 at 8:59 pm 63 6 Look at these fricks
in Milwaukee. Trump "lost" by 20,000 votes when there was a 100,000+ only Biden vote dump at 4
in the morning.
Two Statistical Curiosities That Allowed Biden To Pull Ahead In PA: A Limerick and
The votes that was tallied in Philly
were not added up willy-nilly.
For the fraud is state-wide
leaving no place to hide.
It's treason; deny it is silly.
Two Statistical Curiosities That Allowed Biden To Pull Ahead In PA:
A brief note. I've been asked
to examine the Pennsylvania votes. That work is ongoing. Update See below for a serious
critique of Benford's law.
I'm showing here (with
permission) the one analysis I found most curious.
This is official county-level timed voting data that started at 2020-11-04 11:00:00, a day
after the election, to 2020-11-07 11:29:00 which is Saturday night. That is, these are all late
vote counts. They start, county by county, where the vote left off on election night.
This is a picture of the running totals by the time the votes were added, summed across all
counties, during those time periods. They do not start at 0, but at the totals given after
election night.
The early gains for Biden are from, mainly, Philadelphia, Allegheny, Montgomery, Chester and
Berks counties. A simple plot
shows the size of vote additions for both candidates, when new vote totals (greater than 0)
were added by county (and not all counties added votes after election day).
All goes well for Trump until 2020-11-04 21:15:00 when he loses just under 10,000 votes, but
curiously from three different counties simultaneously: -1,063 Allegheny; -2,972 Bucks; -7,135
Chester. Biden never lost any votes (at least, in this late voting).
Understand that this does not mean the decreases happened at this time, but that they were
recorded in the official data as happening at that time. And the same is true for our next
Biden's next curiosity was the big increase of 27,396 votes at 2020-11-06 08:53:00 over one
consecutive reporting period. This bump is just like the blue-red F-memes you have seen: this
only seems more spread out because of the finer time scale used.
These two curiosities account for a 37,263 vote swing for Biden. Biden's total, as of the
end of this data, was 3,344,528, and Trump's 3,310,326. Biden therefore "won", in this dataset
anyway, by 34,202 votes.
Biden could not have pulled ahead without the curiosities noted above.
There is more to come. Stick around.
Update Benford's law is only useful in uncovering multiple and on-going instances of
cheating. As in somebody consistently cooking financial books. As I showed above, assuming the
curiosities are cheats, it only took two instances to tip the balance. Benford's law will never
pick this up: never.
I'm skeptical of what I'm seeing in other analyses, because if somebody turns something up
with Benford, it implies that many, many vote totals were tampered with, which increases the
possibilities of getting caught. And you don't need to tamper with many. Only a few.
his is a map of the extent to which Dominion voting machines software is presently used.
When votes are tallied it produces results that are not credible according to statistical
Joe Biden's votes violate Benford's Law, President Trump's do not.
Benford's law or the first-digit law, is used to check if a set of numbers are naturally
occurring or manually fabricated. It has been applied to detect the voting frauds in Iranian
2009 election and various other applications including forensic investigations.
Benford's Law ,
also called the Newcomb–Benford law, the law of anomalous numbers, or the first-digit
law, is an observation about the frequency distribution of leading digits in many real-life
sets of numerical data. The law states that in many naturally occurring collections of numbers,
the leading digit is likely to be small. For example, in sets that obey the law, the number 1
appears as the leading significant digit about 30% of the time, while 9 appears as the leading
significant digit less than 5% of the time. If the digits were distributed uniformly, they
would each occur about 11.1% of the time. Benford's law also makes predictions about the
distribution of second digits, third digits, digit combinations, and so on.
Plots of the first digits of counts in various precincts and wards for selected
This is Pittsburgh.
But even cities where we know the outcome, the numbers have been manipulated such as
When this fraud is corrected the electoral map will look quite different, and may even swing
a few house and senate votes.
Hoft linked to a November 7 2020 GNews.org item with the headline "Joe Biden's votes violate Benford's Law
(Mathematics)," which began with a cascade of pseudointellectual lies:
As the vote counting for the 2020 Presidential Election continues, various facts suggest
rampant frauds in Joe Biden's votes. So does mathematics in terms of the votes from
Benford's law or the first-digit law, is used to check if a set of numbers are naturally
occurring or manually fabricated. It has been applied to detect the voting frauds in Iranian
2009 election and various other applications including forensic investigations.
On Gab , a blog post written by Hoft was atop its list of trending
topics, featuring the following headline:
UPDATE: Facebook and Twitter Suspend Accounts That Posted on Benford's Law Showing Biden's
This part appears to be legitimate; we are contacting Facebook for details. However, that
warning appears to be more a reaction to previous claims made by Hoft
and his ilk. We have contacted Facebook for comment.
In that November 8 2020 post, Hoft primarily accused Facebook and Twitter of censoring
shares of his tweet and the GNews.org post, writing:
We have heard from many readers who told us once they retweeted this tweet or tried to
post it on Facebook their account was suspended! The social media giants are preventing
Americans from posting this mathematical evidence that proves Joe Biden's numbers violate the
Benford Law of normal distributions!
In a prescient November 6 2020 analysis
by the Election Integrity Partnership ("Vote Data Patterns Used to Delegitimize the Election
Results"), claims about Benford's Law were one of several topics discussed in relation to
potential efforts to delegitimize the final vote tallies with social media-enabled election
The Election Integrity Project also displayed two charts, one called "Vote Tallies Projected
against Benford's Law," and the other, "Final Vote Tallies Projected against Benford's Law."
Contrasting the two, they wrote:
The figure above ["Vote Tallies Projected against Benford's Law"] shows the leading digit
of reported vote tallies across select counties. For instance, the final tally in Dane
County, Wisconsin was 338,946. This would count for one county in the 3 column. But why would
anyone care to look at this kind of frequency distribution? Data forensic experts use these
distributions to investigate fraud. They look at whether empirical distributions of leading
digits deviate from a special distribution described by Benford's Law. The law posits that
leading digits of numbers are more likely to be smaller numbers (e.g., 1) than larger numbers
(e.g., 9).
Armchair investigators during the election have already begun to argue that too many of
the submitted vote totals begin with larger single digit numbers (7 or 8 for example), which
is being spun as evidence of voter fraud. We caution against this conclusion. Having the
distribution of leading digits stray from the expected percentages predicted by Benford's Law
can happen by chance, though it is more common when the law's assumptions are violated, as
they often are with vote tallies. Benford's Law, and other math-based inquiries, can be used
to detect voter fraud, but the vast majority of these violations are not conclusive evidence
of fraud.
[ ]
Returning to our voting tally in Figure 1, you will see that the tallies deviate from the
line of expectation. So, does this mean fraud? Does it mean that vote counters were up to
something nefarious? In this case, absolutely not. First, the example above is a simulation
based on a computer script, rather than one based on real voter data. If we consider the
final output of this 72 county simulation, it ends up looking like Figure 2 ["Final Vote
Tallies Projected against Benford's Law"]:
These final results are more predictable and follow the expected counts more closely, but
still exhibit expected deviations. These same deviations are occurring in the voting counts
currently being reported in the 2020 election. Our aim in this post is to prepare the public
and journalists for these misleading arguments and to provide context for the claims already
being made online.
In their conclusion, the Election Integrity Partnership noted that claims about Benford's
Law "proving" election fraud were based on early, incomplete data -- not to mention a
fundamental misunderstanding of how it works. Essentially, claimants citing Benford's Law were
cherry picking
early or
incomplete results to stake their claim:
At this stage, the assumptions that lead to Benford's law are violated leading to the
patterns generated in the Figure 1 above. Only once all counties have been counted does the
distribution approach something consistent with Benford's law, seen in Figure 2. Even at this
stage, the distribution of county sizes still makes it unlikely to exactly match
expectations. A more complete model might include non-random voting patterns whereby rural
counties lean a different direction than urban ones. This, compared with the relationship
between the rate of vote counting and county or precinct size would probably cause more
drastic violations of assumptions. As this is a rapid response, incorporating this complexity
was impractical.
Unsurprisingly, a spike in interest involving one particular mathematical principle
(Benford's Law) led to drama over on the topic's Wikipedia page. On the "Talk" page for
"Benford's Law," one section ("Benford, QAnon, and the 2020 election") began:
Following the 2020 United States presidential election result, a number of QAnon folks
have been promoting a theory on social media that the failure of voting numbers for Biden to
match Benford is a demonstration of likely electoral fraud. This is likely why there has been
a big increase in interest in this page, and in particular the electoral fraud section. The
short answer is no. These claims are baseless, and come from a misapplication of Benford's
law to particular cities in a county, or wards in a city, as opposed to all counties/cities
in the US (which is how Benford detected possible fraud in Iran. If you do this analysis in
the US you find that yes, all the numbers fit Benford perfectly). Of course, this cannot be
posted in the article as it would constitute original research, but it is worth keeping a
close eye on the article as there may be misleading edits made in support of the conspiracy
theory over the next few days. Awoma (talk) 09:46, 8 November 2020
Application (or misapplication) of Benford's Law to the 2020 election eventually made an
appearance in a massive , regularly updated
Twitter thread by political reporter
Isaac Saul cataloging disinformation around the results of the 2020 election:
On November 5 2020, Saul first mentioned Benford's Law, noting
that he was not initially familiar with the principle nor its purported relation to current
election fraud claims:
Saul eventually cited a 2011
paper ("Benford's Law and the Detection of Election Fraud") from Political Analysis
, vol. 19, no. 3. Its abstract explained:
The proliferation of elections in even those states that are arguably anything but
democratic has given rise to a focused interest on developing methods for detecting fraud in
the official statistics of a state's election returns. Among these efforts are those that
employ Benford's Law, with the most common application being an attempt to proclaim some
election or another fraud free or replete with fraud. This essay, however, argues that,
despite its apparent utility in looking at other phenomena, Benford's Law is problematical at
best as a forensic tool when applied to elections. Looking at simulations designed to model
both fair and fraudulent contests as well as data drawn from elections we know, on the basis
of other investigations, were either permeated by fraud or unlikely to have experienced any
measurable malfeasance, we find that conformity with and deviations from Benford's Law follow
no pattern . It is not simply that the Law occasionally judges a fraudulent election fair or
a fair election fraudulent. Its "success rate" either way is essentially equivalent to a toss
of a coin, thereby rendering it problematical at best as a forensic tool and wholly
misleading at worst.
A 2006 paper [ PDF ] presented at a political
methodology conference addressed the application of Benford's Law alone to evidence claims of
election fraud:
Another important issue concerns whether Benford's Law should be expected to apply to all
the digits in reported vote counts. In particular, for precinct-level data there are good
reasons to doubt that the first digits of vote counts will satisfy Benford's Law. Brady
(2005) develops a version of this argument. The basic point is that often precincts are
designed to include roughly the same number of voters. If a candidate has roughly the same
level of support in all the precincts, which means the candidate's share of the votes is
roughly the same in all the precincts, then the vote counts will have the same first digit in
all of the precincts. Imagine a situation where all precincts contain about 1,000 voters
each, and a candidate has the support of roughly fifty percent of the voters in every
precinct. Then most of the precinct vote totals for the candidate will begin with the digits
'4' or '5.' This result will hold no matter how mixed the processes may be that get the
candidate to roughly fifty percent support in each precinct. For Benford's Law to be
satisfied for the first digits of vote counts clearly depends on the occurrence of a
fortuitous distribution of precinct sizes and in the alignment of precinct sizes with each
candidate's support. It is difficult to see how there might be some connection to generally
occurring political processes. So we may turn to the second significant digits of the vote
counts, for which at least there is no similar knock down contrary argument.
On skeptics.stackexchange.com, one reader
asked about the Benford's Law and Biden votes rumor. Another commenter reiterated that such
claims were predicated on cherry-picked early numbers, and promoters of the claim were
lying with
graphs :
I'll address just the second charts, because they are straight out of How To Lie With
As commenters have noted, the vertical scales are different. Narrow vertical scales make
changes look larger. While wide vertical scales smooth out changes. Biden's graph is using a
more narrow scale than Trump's.
Put them all together in one graph with the same scale and they don't look so different
I had to eyeball the numbers from the graphs, but more precise numbers won't change the
outcome. I don't even know if the numbers are correct. I can say with some certainty that the
graphs are deliberately constructed to sell a lie. One or the other scale is a natural
choice, either 0 to max or min to max. Someone had to choose to use different vertical axes
for each graph.
Rumor's that Biden's victory was impossible because it somehow "violated" Benford's Law
gained further traction after Biden's victory was called on November 7 2020, promoted by
disinformation purveyors like Jim Hoft. Under even the slightest scrutiny, the claims dissolved
for a number of reasons -- such as their basis on early or single-district results, and general
existing indications that Benford's Law was a poor model with which to "prove" election fraud
across the board.
Not only that, but all the dead voters need to be expunged, and all the crooked voter fraud
schemers like those recorded in the following video should be questioned and/or charged with a
__________________________________ [Recorded] Voter Fraud -- Michigan -- Detroit [11:38]
There has never been a more urgent constitutional crisis in our country except maybe during the
civil war (the 1st one).
The GOP will stand with Trump, and Trump will be legally reelected. The Michigan Legislature
just convened a special session to consider the widespread ballot stuffing, technical
"glitches," and other suspicious activity in their election. Everyone in Michigan knows that
Trump and James won that election in a landslide.
The Democrats all stopped counting in numerous states on election night to give them time to
"create" some extra mail-in Biden votes.
The legislature, controlled by the GOP, will invalidate the election if there is evidence of
fraud. They have the Constitutional right to instruct the electors. America will not let the
Democrats steal an election the way they do in Venezuela. THIS JUST IN: The Wisconsin
legislature, controlled also by the GOP, has been called to investigate voter fraud too!!
Milwaukee had an unprecedented 91% return rate, more than any precinct in history by 20 points.
No fraud? We'll see. TruLogix Dennis
Mastin •
2 days ago
Yeah good luck. The work has been done. The ballots removed are long gone. GOP is to blame
this was obvious and they put nothing in place to stop this knowing it was most likely part of
the plan with all of the dems fighting tooth and nail for mail in. Bullet2354 Avery Bierce •
2 days ago • edited
In places like Michigan, more republicans requested Absentee Ballots than Democrats...
And More republicans returned their Absentee Ballots than Democrats....
The 20% could be mostly Biden... but 80-20%. Dems did pick up votes... but so did Trump!
And while I know you feel some republicans did not like Trump... all polling done this year
shows 89-94% of Republicans were supporting Trump - actually much higher than Dem support for
- the Trump 'Voter Enthusiasm was off the charts"..... Biden had historic LOW 'voter enthusiasm
most of the summer.
Also - many Bernie People (about 25% in spring) stated they would never vote Democrat after
what the DNC did to Bernie in 2016 and 2020. Maybe the came back to Biden - but I don't know...
I did not see Bernie people rallying for Joe at all.
I think the "ILLEGAL BALLOT ISSUE" IS NOW WHAT THE FOCUS is moving too...
Voting Laws were abused... Late ballots, fake registrations, 'the dead,' ghost mail in
ballot.... -and intentionally and illegally manipulated ballots - even poll workers admitting
they tossed Trump votes because they hate him so much...
Of course, support for Biden isn't in issue. Exasperation with Trump is clearly the
Independents don't generally support Trump this year.
I don't think many Bernie people would vote for Trump. That doesn't make much sense.
Yes, clearly Trump wants lawyers to argue about ballots being illegal. I guess he thinks they
might be able to show enough ballots were illegal, and that most of the illegal ballots were
for Biden. Ball is in their court on that, I guess. But in court, Trump won't be able to argue
in the form of tweets that say "we've been hearing about so much fraud." Time to put
Court challenges are coming.... that is for sure...
Supreme Court already has the PA rulings and is looking at that.
I do think overall Election Integrity has been compromised... at almost every level and
every step of the process. Ghost ballots sent out, Mail in ballots sold for cash, 'the dead,'
Fake Ids', out of state voters voting multiple times, dates and signatures altered, ballots
trashed by partisan poll workers, ballots altered, software 'errors' (that seem to favor one
party about 100% of the time) ...
It is too much.... I have seen a few poll workers arrested for trying to slide multiple
votes through a machine - and I though 'well just few votes won't matter' - but now... the
Trust is broken...
If anything good can come of all this - I hope the "Voting Process" is overhauled 100%...
maybe even to the level of BlockChain.... Bullet2354 Mike •
a day ago
My concern is not the actual count... however.
My concern is that Voter Laws were abused... significantly.
illegal votes counted, illegal processes used - a really corrupted vote system..... The Law
was not followed.
2016 MI was bad enough with the failed RECOUNT.... Detroit has always had massive counting
errors, bribery scandals, constant inconsistencies, pay to vote schemes, 'walking around money'
- and the STATE has know this for 60 years! ... yet never moved to fix it. I think it has grown
'out of control' in 2020.
I used to 'give a little' for a few fraudulent votes here or there.... a few Dead people get
a ballot... a few data base errors.
This year - the Fraud has crossed the line.
I don't trust the count. - VOTE INTEGRITY HAS COLLAPSED.
This article means there's no paper ballot for recounts and the voter can't verify his
ballot. This is not good, and NO ONE should be using a system where the voter cannot verify his
own choices and that his vote was counted. These issues must be figured out for now and future
elections, even if some states have to throw out the results and vote all over
Unless you are too dumb to realize it the American public has witnessed the most rigged
election in American history....If Biden would have drawn anywhere nearly the crowds that Trump
did at his rallies I would say maybe it's legit but Biden couldn't draw more than a dozen
people....What's wrong with this picture?
Locally, hundreds took to the streets in places like the South Side and Squirrel Hill once the news broke. A large crowd marched
to the City-County Building, causing rolling road closures and disrupting public transit.
Election administrators have a shorthand name for a central weakness of voting by mail. They
call it granny farming.
"The problem," said Murray A. Greenberg, a former county attorney in Miami, "is really with
the collection of absentee ballots at the senior citizen centers." In Florida, people
affiliated with political campaigns "help people vote absentee," he said. "And help is in
quotation marks."
Voters in nursing homes can be subjected to subtle pressure, outright intimidation or fraud.
The secrecy of their voting is easily compromised. And their ballots can be intercepted both
coming and going.
The problem is not limited to the elderly, of course. Absentee ballots also make it much
easier to buy and sell votes. In recent years, courts have invalidated mayoral elections in
Illinois and Indiana because of fraudulent absentee ballots.
• 97,000 Biden voters in Georgia who did not vote for Ossoff (or Perdue). They just
voted for Biden, did not vote for a senator. (Did not have enough time overnight to fill in
the bubbles for Ossoff?) Same phenomenon in Michigan.
• 4 am data dumps of 100,000 votes, all for Biden. That happened in several states, all
the same time. They stop counting for the night. Poll watchers go home. But then, actually,
they were counting all night after all. Counting ballots that were delivered after the poll
watchers left.
• 27,000 vote data dump, 100% for Biden. Statistically impossible. Called a
• Ca. 90% turnout in Wisconsin. Did 900,000 new voters do same-day registration in
• Vicious behavior by Wayne County and Philadelphia vote counting crews--poll watchers
were not allowed in, or kept too far away to see what was going on.
• Polling stations in R districts of Philly kept closed until 10 am on election day.
• Several hundred affidavits from whistleblowers have been collected but not released
• USPS employees told to backdate postal marks on mail-in ballots to election day. On
Greater than 100% turnout in multiple Milwaukee precincts, massive vote dumps for Biden
with zero for Trump, but everything is just peachy. This election is obviously, blatantly,
in-our-face corrupt and illegitimate and if it is allowed to stand, this Republic is
finished. Beijing Biden will throw open the borders, tens of millions of illegals would flood
in and it's Game Over. There would never be a fair national election ever again and there
sure as hell would NEVER be another conservative president. But yes, do continue to lecture
us peasants about "civility" and "muh norms". Maybe the traitors at the Lincoln Project could
write a guest editorial to get our minds right.
Here's something that's not an innuendo: The Nevada GOP just sent a criminal referral to
the Attorney General, referencing 3,062 documented cases of potential voter fraud discovered
thus far, with that number "expected to grow substantially."
Certain trolls in these parts have been demanding evidence of fraud, in the obvious
expectation that said evidence will never come. As the method the Nevada GOP
used--cross-referencing voter names/addresses against the National Change of Address
database, to identify voters who apparently cast fraudulent ballots in Nevada after moving
out of state--is easily replicable elsewhere, this is likely to be merely the first
We're trolls because we demand evidence instead of blindly accepting claims made by the
losers? Voter fraud is a concern for all Americans. If Trump was cheated he should prove it
in court. But he can't, and he won't. If he does, I'll admit I'm wrong and accept the
results. I'm sure there were some isolated instances, but it won't change the outcome of the
election. Y'all are going so crazy because your paranoid delusions are finally hitting the
wall of reality. It's not trolling to want more than a bunch of innuendo and baseless claims.
I mean you're all now saying even fox is biased against him. Where does it end? Every world
leader and major news organization throughout the world thinks he won. Only the Russians have
been pushing it's a fraud. Doesn't that say enough? Could it be possible you're being
manipulated, not those libs you hate?
" But coming on the heels of decades of bipartisan bloodsport, from impeachment to
birtherism to Russiagate and back again, baseless delegitimization of election results is
I m not sure who is calling the election issue a coup. But you have missed one or two in
your comments and they had nothing to with this election. Election fraud is generally hard to
prove, especially a large bucket of votes or perhaps buckets is a better word.
You remind me of the kid who was struck in head more than a few wild pitches and when the
fifth hit he spoke up and was boo'd off the field for whining. It is not this election issue.
It has been a sting of peculiar and incomprehensible behaviors by the democrats and liberals
to unseat the current executive and malign anyone who voted for him. And in all ways the
election scenario plays out as so many issues with liberals and democrats in general. This
business of changing the rules because of COVID
And I am ever astonished given the performance of the democrats and their liberal
supporters that were in the race at all. At every turn save one they were turned back
repeatedly and decidedly. And then enduring their campaign . I am not on the economic great
band wagon, but reports were until the COVID matter, people were actually getting back to
work and in some areas among middle and lower incomes, the wages increased. For the first
time in quite some time, an executive was actually challenging how the US was spending its
resources regarding the international policy. That it ruffled the feathers of some or many in
the international community made sense. After all the US had been doing their bidding since
the end of the WWII and the cold war (a retraction more than an end).
Not a single prediction made by the democrats and those "republicans" that opposed him came
to the fore -- they were wrong on every front except one: it would ruffle the feathers of our
international partners to ask them to do more pay more or both on the question of security.
One of the most astute presidents the US ever had on foreign policy managed to develop
relations with the Russians and the Chinese and no one sought to embroil him in intrigues or
Russian or Chinese spying. Though interestingly enough they had temper tantrums during his
admin and went after him, his wife (though they did leave his dogs and his daughters alone).
oddly enough as with the current executive, some member of the FBI funneled incorrect
information in haze of accusations, that became Watergate. And as it turns out his crime, not
ordering a break-in, but attempting to protect his presidency, under seige the his entire
tenure. Though its nice to recall that these same children destroyed President Johnson's
tenure as well.
These are the same individuals who made their bones on Vietnam and got it completely
backwards in every way oddly enough these are the same architects of the Iraq and Afghanistan
invasions. But unlike Pres Johnson one of their own and like the current executive, President
Nixon beat them repeatedly. - he even trounced them at their environmental assail.
While more sophisticated than the 1970's. The same tactics of rhetoric and control are in
play. Antagonize, change the rules, instigate fights, make false accusations, intimidate and
threaten -- it the 1973 APA conference on a larger scale.
It's not one election, it's a boat load of wild pitches .
From Townhall: ........"One of the most interesting aspects of this, as pointed out by NOQ
Report, is that Dominion Voting Systems has machines in more than one-third of the United
States. They never had a lobbyist in Washington, D.C., until last year when they hired
Brownstein Farber Hyatt & Schreck, a lobbying firm. One of the account's main
supervisors is Nadeam Elshami, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) former chief of staff.
Whether or not this was a glitch should be investigated, especially when it comes down to
swing states. Areas in which this system was used should have a hand recount so voters know
their votes were tabulated correctly. A glitch in one county is probable. A glitch in
multiple counties in multiple states sounds like it could potentially be a bigger systemic
problem. ......."
Reason this caught my eye is this law firm has a branch in my little Calif town, far from
DC or LA or SF or Sacramento. Why are they here?
Reminder from RedState, who the Dems started out with and who they actually ended up
Tom Steyer, Deval Patrick, Andrew Yang, Marianne Williamson, Elizabeth Warren, Eric
Swalwell, Joe Sestak, Bernie Sanders, Tim Ryan, Beto O'Rourke, Wayne Messam, Jay Inslee,
Kamala Harris, Tulsi Gabbard, John Hickenlooper, *** Amy Klobuchar, Kirsten
Gillibrand, Mike Gravel, John Delaney, Julián Castro, Pete Buttigieg, Steve Bullock,
Cory Booker, Joe Biden, Bill de Blasio, Michael Bennet, and Michael Bloomberg
***Hickenlooper now also associated with the DC lobbying Law Firm - Brownstein, Farber,
Hyatt and Schreck, which is now also linked to the widespread use of certain voting data
What is that line about "no coincidences in politics"?
The latest coup attempt is a mixture of audacity and sloppiness.
That latter part, the sloppiness, is what bothers me. It's almost as if they wanted us
to know. I mean, they coulda just stolen the election the usual way, with the Diebold
machines. As long as the popular vote count difference is within the margin of error, Diebold
could change the exact count at the touch of a button--and nobody would ever know!
So why this blatant, in-your-face fraud instead of the low-key approach? Well, I can think
of only two possible explanations:
1.) Trump's margin of victory in these states was so big that is was outside the margin of
error, and the Democrats' internal polling told them that long before election day (even as
their media continued to push the bogus external polls on us). Or ...
2.) They actually do want us to notice the fraud. It's a deliberate provocation on their
part, and they're hoping we do something dumb in response so that they can declare all of us
deplorables to be 'terrorists'.
Absent more evidence, right now I'm leaning towards explanation #2.
"... Trump won Michigan by only 11,000 votes, yet Michigan was CALLED FOR TRUMP ON ELECTION NIGHT. Trump won Wisconsin by only 23,000 votes, yet Wisconsin was CALLED FOR TRUMP ON ELECTION NIGHT. Trump won Pennsylvania by only 45,000 votes, yet Pennsylvania was CALLED FOR TRUMP ON ELECTION NIGHT. ..."
"... Republicans have been nearly AWOL in terms of getting control of election security, other than fighting Democrats tooth and nail over voter ID. ..."
"... If Trump lost the election – massive vote fraud operation not withstanding – it's his own damned fault. If one is deluded enough to believe the rigged system in the banana-republic which has taken the name of the USA is somehow legitimate, the loss is entirely thanks his adopting Kushner's wormtongue strategy – one guaranteed to lose. ..."
"... There is simply no way Biden got that many votes .90/100% turnouts in districts where the norm is 65% 100% of mail ins going to Biden ..more votes than registered voters ..more votes than Obama ..pathetic campaign ..Biden sat in the basement because he knew the fix was in. ..."
"... Yes, Kushner is a little cunt and he's taken a lot of heat. But Trump isn't stupid ..he chose to suck up to non-whites and neglect his white base. I agree with that totally but I do not think that explains his "loss" because I do not think he actually lost ..I think the numbers are sheer bullshit. Trump won the election and they are trying to steal it. ..."
"... Just because they declared Trump was a Russian agent, didn't make him a traitor to his country or a Russian agent. Mueller later admits he had ZERO evidence. Over three years of hysteria for nothing. ..."
"... Similarly, just because the MSM declares Biden the winner doesn't mean he is. He's probably not and you just need to avoid making baseless pronouncements of your own. Wait and give justice a chance to work. There's a long time between now and January 20th. ..."
There are simply too many irregularities in this election for me to trust the results.
Mail-in voting is inherently fraud prone and has been something the Dems in PA, MI, and
elsewhere have been seeking and using to steal elections for many years. I will have to see
quite a bit more analysis of the data before I accept this new system of voting that requires
me to trust the moral rectitude of thousands of Black women in the Dem machine, fueled by an
infusion of 350 million thanks to Zukerberg a couple of months ago. This election stinks.
it's possible Trump simply lost a close election because he ran a bad campaign. that's
totally believable, going into election day. indeed, that's what i called for, for about 2
years out. for the Democrat to comfortably win. but that's not believable after what happened
on election day.
in 2016 this happened:
Trump won Michigan by only 11,000 votes, yet Michigan was CALLED FOR TRUMP ON ELECTION
NIGHT. Trump won Wisconsin by only 23,000 votes, yet Wisconsin was CALLED FOR TRUMP ON
ELECTION NIGHT. Trump won Pennsylvania by only 45,000 votes, yet Pennsylvania was CALLED FOR
something, ahem, rather different happened on election day in 2020. things that have never
happened in 200 years of voting.
Republicans have been nearly AWOL in terms of getting control of election security, other
than fighting Democrats tooth and nail over voter ID. they do put up some of a fight there.
on other election stuff, they're comfortable losing gracefully, over and over. even US
Supreme Court justices will allow the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which has been acting
illegally for a while now since it accrued a Democrat majority, to do stuff like count
ballots 3 days after election day.
a lot of DC Republicans also want Trump gone, so they won't even say anything. but we'll
see what happens in Georgia later, because Democrats are going to use the same tactics on
McConnell's guys.
If Trump lost the election – massive vote fraud operation not withstanding –
it's his own damned fault. If one is deluded enough to believe the rigged system in the
banana-republic which has taken the name of the USA is somehow legitimate, the loss is
entirely thanks his adopting Kushner's wormtongue strategy – one guaranteed to lose.
has covered this extensively on his own website. Though he at least did not launch a major
war with either China, Russia or Iran, Trump has spent much of his first term fellating
Jewish donors and pandering to negroes while tossing the whites who put him over the top in
2016 under the Church of Woke's speeding bus. Tossing the largest segment of your voter base
under the bus – be it the Church of Woke's anti-racist one or Goldman-Sachs Mnunchin's
usury-racketeering model – is not a winning strategy. Many white men stayed home or
voted for the Alzheimers-Murikan. He should have followed Steve Sailer's strategy instead of
his me-too denunciations of "white supremacy" (38 times!).
As for the fraud, the evidence is quite overwhelming that there has indeed been an
unprecedented level of fraud. This has been a trend building for some time. There was also
massive vote fraud in 2018, even in BG's home state of Alabama where the D-jerseys literally
bused in voters from out of state to put Doug Jones in the senate. The fraud's expansion is
also thanks Trump's own fecklessness. Instead of spending his days on Twitter, he could have
been doing something to clean up the ongoing criminal enterprises in the DOJ, FBI and every
other federal agency. Instead, he hired one swamp-creature after another to "drain the
swamp". His latest AG, William Barr, was born, raised and elevated in the swamp – truly
a creature 'of the swamp, by the swamp, and for the swamp'. According the Barr (who did
pro-bono legal work for FBI assassin Lon Horiuchi), Epstein hanged himself – something
even most of the clueless normies doubt.
Yet the MAGA faithful believe that this greasy swamp
monster is somehow going to take the drastic action to destroy the swamp because of some
secret 666-D chess plan with NSA spooks. I wonder what the "plan" will be if Biden is sworn
in on January 20? Will they be tired of "winning" by then?
As for the q-anon theory, yes the evidence is significant that pedophiles dominate the
ruling oligarchy. This is not that much of a surprise if one takes some time to read up on
Satanism and the practices thereof, not to mention the Bible. Christ rejected Satan's offer
of world dominion but there have been many men and women who've taken it since his rejection.
It makes little difference what branch of Satanism is in play, be it Kang Jared and Queen
Esther's Chabad Talmudism or the various Masonic flavors or even flat-out Church of Satan.
Crowley provided the shortest summary: "Do what thou wilt." Pedo activity is the
highest form of Satanic worship and does seem to be the required ticket to be elevated to
great levels of wealth and power. (Did Trump take the ticket himself?)
So if Biden is sworn
in on January 20 by Roberts (on the Lolita express passenger list) he will be the next
pedophile to preside over the banana-republic (it's very unlikely he's the first). There are
many others worldwide of course, with even a Pedo-Pope now ruling over the sad wreck of
Catholicism. (This was inevitable with the apostasy of Vatican II).
Solzhenitsyn's 'old ones' were correct: When the question was asked "Why has all of this
(disaster) happened?" the old ones would answer "Men have forgotten God, that's why all of
this has happened". Like the USSR, the Rotten Banana Empire will one day collapse under the
weight of its own evil and corruption. Today, when the (((fake news))), designated the senile
old pedophile as its president-elect, happens to be the 103rd anniversary of the disaster
which Solzhenitsyn referred to. Given his decrepit state, Biden will likely be removed soon
after assuming office. The Hindoo-Dindoo is the one who the overlords want to stamp the
Orwellian boot onto the white man's face forever. She'll do it gladly too.
I think at least part of the decline in white male support this time around is simple
reversion to the mean.
In 2016, Trump ran against Hillary, who is unique in being almost universally disliked or
loathed by white men. Anyone who grew up or lived through the 90s remembers how she became a
national figure and household name during that decade and an entire industry on talk radio
and other media based on hating her developed. And not just right wingers and conservatives,
but centrist and left leaning white men generally disliked or loathed her. White men can't
stand Hillary.
This time around, without Hillary, at least some of the white male vote reverted back.
Massive fraud. The election was not legitimate. And I had given up on Trump long ago for his failures on immigration .. still, I felt he'd be better than Biden so I voted for him.
There is simply no way Biden got that many votes .90/100% turnouts in districts where the
norm is 65% 100% of mail ins going to Biden ..more votes than registered voters ..more votes
than Obama ..pathetic campaign ..Biden sat in the basement because he knew the fix was
Trump had huge rallies and massive support even if he did lose a few whites for pandering
to non-whites.
He pissed me off for sure but I still voted for him because Biden/Harris are scum.
There are far too many red flags and irregularities to believe the election was fair. The
color revolution theory makes sense to me. The jews saw Trump as an autocrat .faked polls to
favor Biden ..prepared their army of Antifa/BLM scum to riot ..sent out a zillion mail in
ballots that have no verification readied an army of lawyers to fight, etc.etc.etc.
Yes, Kushner is a little cunt and he's taken a lot of heat. But Trump isn't stupid ..he
chose to suck up to non-whites and neglect his white base. I agree with that totally but I do
not think that explains his "loss" because I do not think he actually lost ..I think the
numbers are sheer bullshit.
Trump won the election and they are trying to steal it.
Everything you say is still far too early to call. What does it mean that the MSM declared
themselves the official appointed people to declare the winner of an election? NOTHING.
That's right. Just because they say they can, doesn't mean they can. Why does everyone fall
for this illusion? The law is the law. Every legal ballot will be counted and the real winner
will prevail. If there's vote fraud it will be uncovered. Twitter, MSNBC, CNN etc. can't
declare a winner and make it binding. They can mislead their viewers, make people very very
upset if things are ultimately different than they expected but they have NO LEGAL AUTHORITY.
Quite honestly, it's pretty obvious there was significant fraud. Give the law a chance to
Just because they declared Trump was a Russian agent, didn't make him a traitor to his
country or a Russian agent. Mueller later admits he had ZERO evidence. Over three years of
hysteria for nothing.
Similarly, just because the MSM declares Biden the winner doesn't mean he is. He's
probably not and you just need to avoid making baseless pronouncements of your own. Wait and
give justice a chance to work. There's a long time between now and January 20th.
remember people making up a hoax and lying doesn't overturn reality. Fake votes don't win
elections, only real votes. Someone is going to get the record straight like Mueller did and
people will be pissed, It's their problem, not ours.
Election Summary Report for Gwinnet County, Georgia.
Total Population: 936,250
Total Registered Voters: 581,467
Voter Participation: 408,268 (70.21%)
Ballots Cast?
1.36 ballots per registered voter.
1.99 ballots per participating voter.
This Election was a perfect example of what America has become. A dog eat dog society that
has Zero Class , and even less morals with No honor left – anywhere. Dissect it anyway
you wish – It's going to be a very very hard lesson to learn from – that is If
there's anybody left – to teach or comprehend.
It led to the Russiagate coup, delegitimising the peaceful hand over of power. For 3 years the left screamed 2016 was rigged,
with 0 verifiable evidence.
Fed Up
was called down to the TCF Center in Detroit, Michigan on Wednesday morning after the election.
has been a poll challenger for nine years in the Detroit area.
She can assure you that voter fraud is alive and well in Michigan.
told The Gateway Pundit she could not believe what she was witnessing at the center that day. Patty was there for hours to
witness the lawlessness of the Democrat operatives as they went to work to steal the election in Michigan.
Democrats were STUNNED on Election night by the record setting numbers of President Donald Trump. They had to work fast in
Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, North Carolina and Wisconsin. So they went to work manufacturing ballots.
told the
Fed Up
audience, "Last night, after watching the media, tech giants, Democrats, and back-stabbing Republicans attempt to
convince Americans that voter fraud is a myth, and that mass voter fraud is simply not a thing, I decided to go live on our
100 Percent Fed Up Facebook page and explain what I saw or didn't see, thanks to Democrat operatives and Detroit election
workers, at the TCF Center with my own two eyes."
Here is Patty's full video on her day at the TCF Center in Michigan.
This lawlessness cannot stand. If Americans value their freedoms they better wake up and speak out now.
There are no second chances when one corrupt party is allowed to steal
UPDATE 3:58 p.m.: Pennsylvania GOP Congressional members have issued a letter to Gov.
Wolf, Attorney General Josh Shapiro and Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar:
"Dear Governor Wolf, Attorney General Shapiro, and Secretary Boockvar:
As Members of the Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation, we greatly understand that when a
legislative body creates law, the duty of an administration is to faithfully execute these
laws. However, we are deeply concerned with how the Commonwealth has handled the general
From last minute guidance provided to the counties on the eve of the election, to the
Attorney General playing dual roles as a political candidate and legal arbiter with a vested
personal interest, to volunteer legal observers being prevented from having access to vote
counting locations, we believe these conflicts and irregularities have greatly eroded public
trust in the Commonwealth's electoral system.
The citizens of the Commonwealth do not just expect free and fair elections, they deserve
free and fair elections.
We believe that every legal vote should be counted, and it is compulsory for the Secretary
of the Commonwealth to discount any votes that do not meet the letter of the law. On Friday,
November 6, United States Supreme Court Justice Alito issued a temporary order requiring
election officials to segregate ballots received after 8 p.m. on election day. While Secretary
Boockvar has indicated this has already been occurring in Pennsylvania's 67 counties, there has
been little evidence to support these statements.
This uncertainty follows guidance issued to the counties on the eve of the election
instructing them to disclose to party operatives individual information associated with
rejected mail-in ballots, in an attempt to have corrections made, which is in direct conflict
with Pennsylvania election law. We believe that in order to faithfully execute the duties of
the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth it is incumbent upon Secretary Boockvar to
follow the law.
Statements made by Pennsylvania's Attorney General, including social media posts calling the
outcome of the election, prior to the tabulation of a single vote are troubling and highlight
the Attorney General's inability to maintain impartiality and to separate his sworn duties from
his political desires. We believe that due to this conflict, the Attorney General must recuse
himself from all future election proceedings and appoint an impartial designee moving
As many of these issues will now be addressed by the United States Supreme Court, we remain
concerned about the integrity of the election and continued attempts by the administration and
its officials to put their thumbs on the scale in pursuit of what they believe should be a
preordained outcome. These actions continue to chip away at the foundation of our
representational democracy and challenges the citizens of Pennsylvania's faith in their
government. We implore you to put politics aside and provide these requests all due
UPDATE 3:40 p.m.: Representative Mike Kelly has issued a statement following the news
of media outlets declaring the election in favor of Joe Biden.
"We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media
allies are trying so hard to help him: they don't want the truth to be exposed. The simple fact
is this election is far from over. Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any
states, let alone any of the highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or states
where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate
victor. In Pennsylvania, for example, our legal observers were not permitted meaningful access
to watch the counting process. Legal votes decide who is president, not the news media.
"Beginning Monday, our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure
election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated. The American People are
entitled to an honest election: that means counting all legal ballots, and not counting any
illegal ballots. This is the only way to ensure the public has full confidence in our election.
It remains shocking that the Biden campaign refuses to agree with this basic principle and
wants ballots counted even if they are fraudulent, manufactured, or cast by ineligible or
deceased voters. Only a party engaged in wrongdoing would unlawfully keep observers out of the
count room – and then fight in court to block their access.
"So what is Biden hiding? I will not rest until the American People have the honest vote
count they deserve and that Democracy demands."
UPDATE 5:17 p.m.: Rep. Bob Brooks (R-Allegheny/Westmoreland) sent Channel 11 a
statement Friday:
"Our electoral process must be protected to ensure that every vote legally cast is counted.
Pennsylvania's mail-in ballot system is plagued with problems. Allegheny County disqualified 22
ballots because those people were declared deceased. I am pleased with how our Westmoreland and
Allegheny county poll workers handled this very difficult process.
Today, Pennsylvania Speaker of the House Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) sent a letter to Gov.
Tom Wolf requesting a full audit be completed before the certification of any results. In the
letter Cutler cites actions taken by the state Supreme Court and the Department of State that
have created confusion for county election officials, and actions believed to be in violation
of the federal Constitution.
"There were an unprecedented number of provisional ballots in this year's election. My
office has been inundated with constituents frustrated with how our state has handled the
process as the counting of ballots is continuing, especially in Philadelphia. My House
Republican colleagues and I are investigating their practices.
"In-person voters were turned away and told they had to use the mail-in system. Let's face
it, mail-in ballots are less secure. The focus of this election was on the mail-in ballots;
however, millions was spent on voting machines and security to enhance the safest election
"I am happy to report that all House Republican incumbents in the southwest region of the
state are leading in their respective races. Also, three new Republican House legislators in
the region and two new Senate Republicans are leading in their races.
"The Commonwealth's Democratic Supreme Court has exterminated the integrity of our election
with its ruling to allow mail-in ballots to be counted up to three days after election day.
Pennsylvanians from every political party should have the full confidence that the final vote
tally reflects the will of the voters. I will do everything in my power to continue to fight
for a fair vote count in Pennsylvania where every legal ballot is counted in a transparent
UPDATE 2:10 p.m. : A state court has ordered provisional ballots cast at the polls on
Election Day in Pennsylvania by voters who submitted mail-in ballots that were rejected be
Also, President Trump has issued a statement:
"We believe the American people deserve to have full transparency into all vote counting and
election certification, and that this is no longer about any single election. This is about the
integrity of our entire election process. From the beginning we have said that all legal
ballots must be counted and all illegal ballots should not be counted, yet we have met
resistance to this basic principle by Democrats at every turn. We will pursue this process
through every aspect of the law to guarantee that the American people have confidence in our
government. I will never give up fighting for you and our nation."
UPDATE 5:20 a.m.: With three lawsuits filed in Pennsylvania by the GOP, here is a
recap of what they are:
A lawsuit against Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar alleges she violated
state law by having election officials contact voters with the wrong mail in ballots.
A lawsuit claims election officials contacted voters before Election Day to correct
mail-in ballots, which they say violates state law.
A lawsuit is challenging the 3-day extension to accept mail-in ballots postmarked by
Election Day.
8 Nov, 2020 13:56 / Updated 8 hours ago Get short URL
...the Trump campaign has alleged that droves of dead people voted in Philadelphia, and that
staff there illegally counted late-arriving mail ballots.
Giuliani called the "Philadelphia Democrat machine" "brazen," and claimed that the
late heavyweight boxer Joe Frazier and actor Will Smith's grandfather both voted in previous
elections in the city after their deaths.
"I bet Biden dominated this group," he tweeted. "We will find out."
'Exit polls' are not trustworthy, viable, etc. is a meme running about. In fact exit polls
are good; of course all polls are subject to some margin of error.
Newsweek published the results of the Edison exit poll*:
The fact that Trump made gains amongst Black, Hisp. etc can be read all over the MSM,
twitter, blogs, with Dems sometimes saying 'that can't be right!' - minorities are expected
to vote Dem - a white racist can't 'make gains.' (One can increase votes in one category and
still lose the / an election.)
Imho particularly many Hispanics are attached to law and order (see "Defund the Police")
and many established immigrants are against uncontrolled immigration. I also suspect that
quite a few Blacks, probably specially women strongly disaprove of Antifa - etc. Much more
could be said, at least some Blacks see through the Dem. condescension and Obama fakery.
Important factor: the economy, which was the no. 1 concern of Trump voters (see Pew polls,
80% about, posted previous), which pre-covid did put a little more money into many poorer
pockets. Chart at link, the visible uptick is small but steady.
Using the exit poll to 'extrapolate' the overall result:
Ethnicity || voted for DT according to poll || % of electorate || equals * out of 100
White 57% . 67% . 39.18
Black 12% . 13% . 1.56
Asian 31% . 4% . 1.24
Hisp 32% . 13% . 4.16
Other 40% 3% 1.2
Total = 46.35
This makes sense: a 'good, fair' majority of whites voted for DT. A small minory of blacks
did so. Just under a third of Asians and Hispanics voted for DT, and 'other' did so somewhat
under half.
If we award all the other votes to Biden, that makes 53.75 for JB.
Tricky. How many votes were for for 3rd party candidates ? Vox estimates 2% 3rd cand.
2020. Jill Stein got 1% plus, Gary Johnson 3.28% in the past. Maybe 3% is a good guess. Of
course on the intertubes ppl saying they voted 3rd cand. proliferate - you'd think it was
15%! Certainly there were many other candidates.
Then, the non conforming ballots, mistakes, spoiled / blank ones, etc. About 2% is
standard in the EU so let's say (conservatively) 5% NOT for DT or JB. With 5%, Total:
46.35 For DT
5.00 for 3rd party, write-ins, invalid
51.35 accounted for
48.65 for JB is the remainder, he is the winner.
If 10% of ballots were for 3rd party / other fanciful / rejected, DT got 46% and JB 44%,
DT win.
Tight race, with many imponderables. Extrapolating from that one exit poll.
*15,590 voters outside polling stations, early voting sites, and over the phone. The
number is large enough. *poll distinguishes Latino/Hispanic but that is the same category in
Your reporting that 100,000 votes arrived on a single flash drive, with all votes for
Biden, is perhaps an effort at hyperbole. It appears to also to be quite incorrect. I refer
you to this reporting by Jeramey Jannene, a Milwaukee journalist reporter, https://urbanmilwaukee.com/2020/11/04/absentee-ballots-give-biden-lead-in-wisconsin/
Mr. Jannene reports the story quite differently. Nothing sinister seems to have occurred.
Just the counting of mailed-in ballots, which could not by law begin until after the walk-in
polls were all closed.
"That seems to have happened in Wisconsin, where over 100,000 Biden votes appeared
seemingly out of nowhere on a flash drive delivered by hand from a Democratic district. "
Bullshit. So b appears to have been suckered in by general cynicism (which he's welcome to
since it's usually right) to believe an already debunked conspiracy theory.
CLAIM: "Wisconsin took a break, and when they returned, Biden coincidentally came back
ahead by 100k."
This is one of several viral claims that key states took a break from counting in some
form on election night.
And it's simply not true.
Election officials worked through the night in Wisconsin to tally the unprecedented
numbers of mail-in ballots, which under state law they were not allowed to start counting
until Election Day.
"Our municipal and county clerks have worked tirelessly throughout the night to make
sure that every valid ballot is counted and reported accurately," Meagan Wolfe, the
director of the state Elections Commission, said in a news conference the morning after the
The jump in Biden's tally came when the central count facility in Milwaukee completed
its tally of the mail-in votes around 3:30 a.m., reporting those all at once. That led to a
long-predicted spike in Biden's favor since Democrats are more likely to use vote absentee
and Milwaukee is a heavily Democratic area.
CLAIM: Wisconsin "found" or "dumped" 100K ballots around 4 a.m. the morning after the
A chart from FiveThirtyEight.com showing how the Wisconsin race changed as results were
reported sparked an array of unfounded conspiracy theories. It showed a sharp uptick in
Democratic votes at around 4 a.m. on the morning after the election.
A conservative website trumpeted this as "Voter Fraud in Wisconsin." One widely shared
Facebook post called it a "ballot dump," while another referred to the votes as being
"found." President Donald Trump followed the same narrative when he tweeted about 9 a.m.
that his lead in key states "started to magically disappear as surprise ballot dumps were
These claims are ridiculous. This jump was expected and explainable.
"We are not finding ballots," Julietta Henry, director of elections for Milwaukee
County, told PolitiFact National. "Ballots are being counted."
The increase in the chart simply shows when the City of Milwaukee reported its absentee
ballot results. We knew well before the election that Democrats were much more likely than
Republicans to vote absentee, that it takes longer to count such ballots, and that
Milwaukee is a Democratic stronghold.
So, predictably, the mail-in results from that area led to a spike in the number of
Democratic votes when the Associated Press added that count -- reported all at once -- to
its vote tally about 3:30 a.m.
From 3:26 to 3:44 a.m. in the Associated Press election reporting stream, the vote for
former Vice President Joe Biden jumped by 149,520 (9.2% of Biden's total votes) and Trump's
vote jumped by 31,803 votes (2% of his total votes). Milwaukee County accounted for most
but not all of that jump.
These votes were all reported together because Milwaukee and 38 other communities used a
central count location. Other communities counted absentee ballots at the polling places,
and reported them along with their in-person vote totals.
The city of Green Bay reported its results in bulk shortly after. It also had a central
count facility for absentee ballots.
In other words, it's not fraud, that's just the time officials finished counting those
legitimate votes.
At around 4 a.m., county election officials were able to confirm that 100% of the county's
votes had been accounted for and recorded for this election.
That was also the moment Wisconsin flipped from red to blue.
After counting absentee ballots for nearly 20 hours, the data from the City of
Milwaukee's Central Count Location was loaded onto flash drives and escorted, by police, to
the Milwaukee County Courthouse. Executive Director of the City of Milwaukee Election
Commission, Claire Woodall Vogg, walked in the front doors and handed the data over to the
county clerks office. On those flash drives, 169,519 absentee ballots that were counted in
the City of Milwaukee. Those votes were added to the rest of the votes in Milwaukee County,
which brought the total number of ballots cast to 460,300.
The county reports an 83.67% voter turnout, which election officials said was "very good
for a presidential election."
When all of the votes were counted, just over 69% of Milwaukee County's vote went to Joe
Biden and Kamala Harris. Just over 29% of the vote was for President Trump and Vice
President Pence.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Nov 8 2020 15:06 utc | 16 - Legal challenges in PA (and elsewhere)
- Recount in GA
Not going to happen. Reversing Georgia was always in the cards since the race was so
close. But a recount there won't change the outcome of the election.
And Pennsylvania is not going to be flipped for Trump either. And every report on his
legal options I've read indicate they go nowhere. That's why he's reportedly bitching about
how his lawyers have failed him, as I reported in an earlier thread.
Multiple legal battles over the Keystone State's election laws were underway well before
Election Day, but this week, the Trump campaign upped the ante. Pennsylvania Attorney General
Josh Shapiro said in an interview that "there has been a lot of noise about litigation" but it
has had "zero material impact" on the electoral process. "The count has continued. Legal votes
are being tallied and soon the commonwealth will respect the will of the people and certify a
vote," he said. Since Tuesday, the campaign has filed at least five separate lawsuits, with
mixed results:
1. To compel Philadelphia election officials to stop counting ballots.
A federal judge dismissed the request.
2. To compel state election officials to allow Trump campaign officials closer observation
of the counting process.
A state judge ruled in the campaign's favor , allowing campaign officials to observe the
Philadelphia process from a six foot distance. Philadelphia election officials appealed the
decision to the state Supreme Court, and the outcome of that appeal is pending.
Levitt says this ruling will likely affect the pace of the count, rather the outcome.
"Imagine a gymnasium, with observers lining the walls: to let the observers get closer, they've
got to move the count closer to the walls and not be counting in the center," he writes. Since
people can no longer count in the center of the gym, "the count is going to move more
3. To compel Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar and all 67 counties to impose an
earlier date for voters to show proof of identification if it was not on their initial
Litigation is ongoing . The presiding judge ordered all counties to segregate ballots if the
voters do not provide supplemental identification by Nov. 9. The ballots with supplemental
identification provided after Nov. 9 cannot be counted until approved by the court.
Local Republicans filed a separate suit against Boockvar in state court, alleging she
subverted state law when she issued guidance telling voters with deficiencies on their mail-in
ballots to cast provisional ballots, and trying to prevent those provisional ballots from being
counted. A state judge denied that request, but ordered officials to segregate provisional
ballots from voters who submitted deficient mail-in ballots before election day.
4. To compel the Montgomery County Board of Elections to stop counting mail-in-ballots
The campaign and Republican National Committee filed suit to halt the process of counting
mail-in ballots in Montgomery County, one of the counties in suburban Philadelphia, alleging
that the board of elections was counting 600 ballots that had not been placed in secrecy
envelopes and was therefore not complying with requirements. Pennsylvania election data shows
Montgomery county overwhelmingly voted for Biden.
The litigation is ongoing .
5. To intervene in an already existing dispute before the U.S. Supreme Court about whether
ballots the state received after 8 p.m. on Election Day should count.
The litigation is ongoing . Some legal experts are skeptical SCOTUS will take the case,
while others say that even if the Justice do, their ruling is unlikely to change the outcome of
the Presidential election.
"I think that the court is going to be very hesitant to involve itself in the process in the
most politically contentious context possible," says Michael Dimino, an election law expert at
Widener University in Pennsylvania. Joshua Geltzer, executive director of the Institute for
Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law, notes that the number of ballots that
may fall in this category "appears increasingly irrelevant to the election outcome given the
sheer vote numbers in that state regardless of those ballots."
The backstory: After Pennsylvania's Supreme Court extended the ballot receipt deadline to
Nov. 6, state Republicans twice appealed the case to the U.S. Supreme Court. The first time
they were unsuccessful, and the second time the court declined to expedite the decision before
the election, but left open the possibility of hearing it afterwards. On Friday, Supreme Court
Justice Alito, in response to a motion from Pennsylvania Republicans, ordered state election
officials to segregate any ballots that arrived after election day. State officials had already
ordered counties to segregate any ballots that arrived after Election Day, likely anticipating
a future challenge.
With Trump narrowly trailing Biden in the state, the Trump campaign has backed two cases to
impact the counting of ballots:
1. To impose an injunction on the automated signature-verification machines used in Clark
County as ballots continue to be counted.
A federal judge rejected the request on Nov. 6, ruling that federal judges should not be
involved in state election administration and there is no evidence Clark County is doing
anything unlawful.
The backstory: The Trump campaign held a press conference on Nov. 5 introducing Jill Stokey,
a Nevada voter who claimed that when she tried to cast a ballot, she was told someone had
already cast a mail-in ballot in her name. She alleged that the signature verification
technology used in Clark County, the most populous county in the state, enabled someone to cast
a mail-in ballot in her name. Her lawsuit asserted, without evidence, that "lax procedures for
authenticating mail ballots" had resulted in "over 3,000 instances of ineligible individuals
casting ballots."
Aaron Ford, Nevada's Attorney General, called Stokey's allegations "absurd." "While the
Attorney General's Office normally does not comment on pending litigation, I feel compelled to
dispel the misinformation being circulated to undermine the public's trust in our election," he
said in a statement.
2. To compel state election officials to allow the public closer observation at a Clark
County ballot-counting facility.
The Trump campaign, Republican National Committee, and a plaintiff, Fred Krause, filed a
lawsuit before election day in state court seeking to halt the counting process in Clark County
until they could observe the process.
A district judge rejected the lawsuit, ruling they lacked standing to bring the claims and
had no evidence to back up their arguments. The plaintiffs appealed to the state Supreme Court,
which accepted the request to expedite the case, but denied the request for immediate relief.
In a November 5 order, the State Supreme Court said the campaign and state Republicans had
reached a settlement. According to
local news, the settlement included expanding observation access, so that all counting
tables would be visible to the public.
While the Associated Press called Michigan for Biden on Nov. 4, the Trump campaign and
Republicans have continued to file lawsuits attempting, unsuccessfully, to stop the state
ballot count. The state has seen two cases since Election Day:
1. To halt the
counting of absentee ballots, on the grounds that campaign officials had not been given
access to observe the process as required by state law.
Michigan Court of Claims Judge Cynthia Stephens denied the campaign's request on Nov. 6.
2. To halt the certification of election results in Detroit, Michigan's largest city and a
Democratic stronghold.
Judge Timothy Kenny
denied the motion for injunctive relief on Nov. 6, saying there was no evidence that
oversight procedures had not been followed.
"Chief Judge Kenny's quick decision mirrors a decision yesterday by Court of Claims Judge
Stephens – specifically, that, once again, the allegations are mere speculation,"
Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel's Press Secretary Ryan Jarvi said in a statement. "The
swift, clear and decisive opinion should put to rest the meritless claims that have been made
in Michigan and other states around the country."
The backstory: The case was not brought by the Trump campaign, but by a conservative group,
the Election Integrity Fund, and sought to stop election workers in Detroit from "curing"
absentee ballots that could not initially be read by a machine, a normal part of the ballot
counting process. The case alleged that the work had not always been overseen by election
inspectors from both major political parties, and that certification should be delayed until
inspectors could review the process.
In Georgia, where the on-going count suggests an extremely tight race, the Trump campaign
has filed one suit:
1. To disqualify about 53 ballots.
A poll watcher in Chatham County reported seeing a stack of late ballots that may have
arrived after the 7 p.m. Election Day deadline get mixed in with ballots that had arrived on
A Superior Court judge in Chatham County rejected the suit on Nov. 5 after hearing testimony
from county officials that the ballots had, in fact, arrived on time. "There is no evidence
that the ballots referenced in the petition were received after 7:00 p.m. on Election Day," the
court found.
Fox News and the Associated Press have declared Biden won the state, but other networks have
held off, deeming the race too close to call. On November 7, the Trump campaign and Republican
National Committee filed a lawsuit in state court alleging voters' ballots had been rejected
because they contained "bleeds," splotches" and "stray marks." These allegations appear similar
to claims circulating on social media that ballots would not be counted if voters filled them
out using a Sharpie marker. Election officials have said these claims are false. A lawsuit with
similar allegations was filed in the same court system by a group of voters who were
represented by a conservative legal fund on Nov. 4; plaintiffs dropped the lawsuit on Nov. 7.
They did not provide a reason for dismissing the case.
President Donald Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani has frequently referenced
Philadelphia's history of election fraud on behalf of Democrats, as the mainstream media has
mostly discredited his 2020 fraud claims as lacking evidence.
But it was not too far back in history, just this past May, a South Philadelphia judge of
elections admitted to taking bribes to stuff the ballot box for Democrat candidates,
according to The Philadelphia Inquirer.
"Our election system relies on the honesty and the integrity of its election officials,"
U.S. Attorney William M. McSwain.said in a video statement, per the report. "If they are
corrupt, the system is corrupt, which creates opportunities for election fraud and for the
counting of fake votes."
Domenick J. DeMuro, 73, pleaded guilty to conspiracy, having deprived Philly voters of their
civil rights by stuffing ballot boxes for judicial and other candidates in the 2014 and 2016
primary elections.
DeMuro was a former South Philly judge of elections and a Democrat operative, accepting
thousands of dollars in bribes from a"political consultant," from $300 to $5,000 for each
election, according to McSwain.
"DeMuro fraudulently stuffed the ballot box by literally standing in a voting booth and
voting over and over, as fast as he could, while he thought the coast was clear," McSwain's
statement continued. "This is utterly reprehensible conduct. The charges announced today do not
erase what he did, but they do ensure that he is held to account for those actions."
The consultant, unnamed by prosecutors, was a former elected official who took fees from
Democrat candidates and used part of the money to pay DeMuro, judge of elections in the 36th
Division of the 39th Ward, for votes.
The scope of the scandal was few fewer votes than the Trump campaign would need to prove
corruption to show "determinative" impact on Trump's presidential race. DeMuro stuffed votes on
the scale of 27, 40, and 46 votes, according to the report.
"It was pretty flagrant, and it was repeated again and again," Al Schmidt, vice chairman of
the Office of Philadelphia City Commissioners, which runs elections, told the Inquirer. "It was
a source of frustration for me because it kept occurring again and again.
"We take election integrity seriously. That's why we've been referring these cases since I
first came into office in 2012."
The FBI was conducting the investigation and special agent Michael J. Driscoll called out
the "election inference" corruption this past spring.
"Domenick DeMuro put a thumb on the scale for certain candidates, in exchange for bribes,"
Driscoll told the Inquirer. "As public trust in the electoral process is vital, the FBI's
message today is clear: election interference of any kind, by hostile foreign actors or
dishonest local officials, won't be tolerated."
The FBI had vowed to continue the corruption probes in Philadelphia and was asking for
whistleblowers to come forward to aid the investigation.
Are you asserting that no criminal action occurred, or that the criminal action that did
occur had no effect on the outcome?
There is substantial clear and concrete evidence of criminal action. Are you denying that?
Denying that undeniable fact makes you appear either hopelessly partisan or easily duped.
More on that later.
Did the criminal action which undeniably occurred affect the outcome of the election? That
is a logical question, the answer of which remains unknown. If the answer is "yes," then the
"election was stolen." If no, then it wasn't "stolen."
We don't yet know the answer to that question. If you want to remain credible, you should
wait until the answer is known. If the answer is never know (as now appears may be the case),
so be it. You should refrain from making bold assertions about things that aren't known.
I don't really care that much about Trump or Biden. I do care deeply about the integrity
of elections. I'd rather have President Biden than see Trump re-elected through fraud. While
my personal politics are closer to Trump's policies than the Democrats' (as Biden has no
policies), my respect for the system is far greater than my concern for the politics. I find
both men boorish and uninteresting.
This is a very dangerous point in our history. If you don't understand that, understand
this: There are two kinds of people in the world, predators and prey. Our system of checks
and balances is all we have to keep us from being nothing more than predators and prey. If
you choose not to see this, understand that you are lunch, nothing more.
While the Democrats continue to stick to their narrative that incidents of ballot harvesting
and rampant voter fraud are just a bogeyman conjured up by Republicans to disenfranchise people
(or something), more evidence continues to prove just how wrong they are. In Texas, four people
have been arrested in a ballot harvesting scheme, including a Gregg County commissioner.
That commissioner, Shannon Brown, 49, was arrested along with Marlena Jackson, 50, Charlie
Burns, 84, and DeWayne Ward, 58,
according to the Longview News-Journal. Brown alone was charged with 23 felonies including
fraudulent use of mail ballot application, tampering with a governmental record with intent to
harm or defraud, and good ole election fraud.
The elderly member of the crime group, Burns, was charged with eight felonies. Brown racked
up six felony charges, but Jackson took the cake with 97 felony charges of organized election
fraud and illegal voting.
The charges stem from activity during the 2018 Democratic primary in Texas when Brown won
his contest against former Longview City Councilwoman Kasha Williams by just five votes. His
victory was secured only after a tie was broken by counting provisional ballots, giving him the
five-vote advantage. A recount confirmed his win. Williams challenged the results with a
Gregg County Elections Administrator Kathryn Nealy raised suspicions about the election
saying that, for years, a disproportionate number of mail-in ballots came into the South
Longview voting precinct. Things got stranger still when more than 230 mailed in ballots bore
the signature of just five different people who claimed to have assisted the person casting the
The office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton
detailed the alleged intent of the defendants to fraudulently steal elections.
To increase the pool of ballots needed to swing the race in Brown's favor, the group
targeted young, able-bodied voters to cast ballots by mail by fraudulently claiming the
voters were "disabled," in most cases without the voters' knowledge or consent. Under Texas
election law, mail ballots based on disability are specifically reserved for those who are
physically ill and cannot vote in-person as a result.
In total, the state filed 134 felony charges against the four defendants, including
engaging in organized election fraud, illegal voting, fraudulent use of an application for a
mail-in ballot, unlawful possession of a mail-in ballot, tampering with a governmental
record, and election fraud. Penalties for these offenses range from six months in state jail
to 99 years in prison.
Paxton himself praised the work of investigators and underscored the importance of election
"It is an unfortunate reality that elections can be stolen outright by mail ballot fraud.
Election fraud, particularly an organized mail ballot fraud scheme orchestrated by political
operatives, is an affront to democracy and results in voter disenfranchisement and corruption
at the highest level," said Attorney General Paxton. "Mail ballots are vulnerable to
diversion, coercion, and influence by organized vote harvesting schemes. This case
demonstrates my commitment to ensuring Texas has the most secure elections in the country,
and I thank the Gregg County Sheriff and District Attorney for their continued partnership.
Those who try to manipulate the outcome of elections in Texas must be held accountable."
four men face multiple voting fraud charges. In addition to Jackson and Mendez, 51-year-old Shelim Khalique -- the brother
of Paterson councilman Shahin Khalique -- and Abu Razyen, 21, were charged with vote-fraud counts.
"Today's charges send a clear message: if you try to tamper with an election in New Jersey, we will find you and we will
hold you accountable," said Attorney General Grewal on Thursday. "We will not allow a small number of criminals to
undermine the public's confidence in our democratic process."
Board of Elections previously said about 800 votes would be set aside and not counted, amid charges they were found
improperly bundled in mailboxes in Paterson as well as at a drop box in nearby Haledon.
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Jackson is accused of approaching voters in his district and collecting their mail-in ballots to deliver to the city's
Board of Elections himself, a violation of state election laws. The councilman allegedly had more than three ballots on
him, none of which were his, and also received a voter's ballot without it having been filled out or sealed. It was then
handed over to the elections board sealed, the attorney general said in the charges.
"Jackson is a public servant and has a distinct record of public
service for many years," Jackson's attorney, Theodrore Kyles, said.
1: Find a senior for example, drive her to get registered. She has no idea why or for which
party, but happy to help "this nice young fella". Then later pick her up and drive her to the
polls with "instructions" on who to vote for.
2: Implement motor-voter registration. Increases the farm and therefore the harvest and also
the number of non-residents registered and therefore voting by accident or intentionally.
Credible estimates are as high 30 to 60 million non-citizens on US soil. Even Yale recently
estimated 22 million.
3: No Voter ID even though most other countries require it. Voter ID is adamantly opposed by
Democrats. Why?
4: Implement same day registration, another Democrat idea. Makes 1 above easier.
5: Implement early voting, another Democrat idea, since Step1 doesn't have a real high ROI.
Vote weeks or months in advance, before the debates?
6: Implement vote-by-mail, ballots sent upon request. Another Democrat idea. Now some real
possibilities for fraud and irregularities.
7: Implement vote-by-mail, ballots sent unsolicited! Another Democrat Party idea. Wow!
8: Democrat votes are concentrated in a few densely populated urban areas which makes
harvesting easy in large numbers.
Why are most large urban areas Deep Blue? The folks there are often relatively poor,
relatively majority minority. The areas often have high crime indexes. Those folks are just
naturally politically engaged and civic minded and all vote-by-mail?
LBJ for example said, "I will have them voting Democrat for the next 200 years"
Who is "them"? How did he know? How did he do it?
The king of ballot harvesting. Just Philly alone beat Trump this year. How? lay_arrow
zeropopulationgrowth , 7 hours ago
Maybe the gop could write a bill requiring id and no electronic voting machines?
LeftandRightareWrong , 7 hours ago
In person only. Period.
The comets are coming , 7 hours ago
That's obvious, because they don't want secure voting. If this was in person only, trump
would have been declared president Tuesday night
LeftandRightareWrong , 8 hours ago
"Once you have received your ballot, under no circumstances permit any campaign workers to
fill in your choices or attempt to influence the way you vote."
Each mailed-in ballot NOT filled-out by the assigned registered voter is invalid for just
that reason alone unless they have a proxy agreement on file. Basic election law. Ballot
harvesting 101.
But how does the counter know who filled out the ballot? Do some simple audits, make a few
phone calls.
The following scenarios are mentioned many times on line. Many know of it, maybe even do
it. Most likely never think they are doing anything wrong.
"I never vote, but I am registered and don't even remember when or how. This year I
received a ballot in the mail that I never even asked for. A nice young man knocked on my
door and asked if he could help me with my ballot. I just gave it to him to fill out."
"There are five people living in my house. Four never vote, but I do, we are all
registered, motor voter probably. When I voted in person, that was one vote from my entire
household. Now with vote-by-mail, I just pick-up the ballots from the other four in my house
and fill them in. Now there are five votes from my house alone instead of just one".
This could be for one or the other candidate. But for some still unexplained reason(s),
one political party overwhelmingly uses vote-by-mail. 3 or 4 to 1! Why? The other party never
mails anything? The other party prefers to drive and stand in line?
Now, this year, there were 10's of millions of blank ballots floating around the
Ballot harvesting could easily tip many elections that are somewhat close, even for POTUS
which was razor close.
As Ted Cruz is fond of saying, "inference".
The variations of ballot harvesting are numerous.
Zorch , 6 hours ago
There is unfortunately no constitutional provision for a runoff and no time to do it by
the mandated deadlines even if there were.
The various state legislatures could declare the election fraudulent and appoint electors
themselves; the Supreme Court could void the choice of electors in one or more states. I
don't think either of those is likely but I hope I'm wrong.
We'll likely get some recounts which will not change the outcome because there isn't a
problem with the counting of the ballots, it is the ballots themselves.
"... Mike Lind, the American academic and author has observed , around the idea of America moving toward a 'managed' society -- based on 'science' -- that would be essentially finessed and controlled by a managerial, expert class. ..."
"... The notion however, of what America -- as Idea -- now constitutes, has fractured into two tectonic plates, moving apart in very different directions -- and likely to move even further apart as each 'plate' remains convinced that 'it won' -- and the sweetness of victory has been stolen. ..."
"... The fact remains that the election has produced a result in which it is abundantly clear that one half of the American electorate precisely voted to oust the other half. ..."
"... A President may emerge, but it will not be, as it were, a settled one: He or she cannot make claim to the 'will of the majority'. ..."
One clear outcome of the U.S. election was
the collapse of the promised 'Blue Wave' -- an implosion that marks the 'beginning of the
end' to a powerful spell enthralling the West. It was the delusion which Ron Chernow, the
acclaimed U.S. presidential historian, gave credence, as he contemptuously dismissed America's
"topsy-turvy moment" as purely ephemeral, and a "surreal interlude in American life": No longer
can it be said that there is one 'normal'. Win or lose the White House, Red Trumpism remains as
'President' for half America.
Biden, by contrast, served as the prospect for Restoration -- a return to a hallowed
consensus in American politics -- to a reassuring 'sanity' of facts, science and truth .
Biden, it was hoped, would be the agency over-lording a crushing electoral landslide that would
terminate irrevocably Trump's rude interruption of the 'normal'. Biden supporters were rallied,
Mike Lind, the American academic and author has
observed , around the idea of America moving toward a 'managed' society -- based on
'science' -- that would be essentially finessed and controlled by a managerial, expert
Over time, Lind suggests, American society would begin to depart more, and more easily, from
its republican roots, through a process already underway: via attempts to alter the
Constitutional order, and other rules, to bring about a change in the way America is
The notion however, of what America -- as Idea -- now constitutes, has fractured into two
tectonic plates, moving apart in very different directions -- and likely to move even further
apart as each 'plate' remains convinced that 'it won' -- and the sweetness of victory has been
The fracturing of the 'One Normal', by contrast, provides some kind of respite to much of
the globe.
The fact remains that the election has produced a result in which it is abundantly clear
that one half of the American electorate precisely voted to oust the other half. It is gridlock
-- with the Supreme Court and Senate in the hands of one party, and the House of
Representatives and White House (possibly) in the hands of the other. As Glenn Greenwald
warns :
No matter what the final result, there will be substantial doubts about its legitimacy by
one side or the other, perhaps both. And no deranged conspiracy thinking is required for
that. An electoral system suffused with this much chaos, error, protracted outcomes and
seemingly inexplicable reversals will sow doubt and distrust even among the most rational
Though the maths and maps suggests Biden will likely reach 270 Electoral votes, the old
saying 'It ain't over 'till it's over', holds true. The electoral vote scenarios in the key
'swing states' would only apply if there is no litigation, fraud or theft. However all three
are in play -- If you are stuffing the ballot box, you first wait to see what the regular vote
is, so that you know how many votes you 'need' (
mathematical anomalies aside) to push your candidate over the top. Trump, somewhat rashly,
gave out the GOP vote calculations at 02.30 on Wednesday, and hey-presto, loads of absentee
ballots suddenly arrived at certain polling stations at around 04.00. That seems to have
happened in Wisconsin, where over 100,000 Biden votes appeared seemingly out of nowhere on a
flash drive delivered by hand from a Democratic district. That put Biden ahead in Wisconsin --
but litigation is in process. Likewise, it appears that a huge "absentee ballot" dump appeared
in Michigan that heavily favored Biden.
This is just the beginning of a new and more uncertain phase that
could go on for weeks . It may be that ultimately Congress will have to certify and make
the final determination in late January. Meanwhile, there are some things we know with much
higher certainty: The Republican majority in the Senate may hold until the 2024 election. So,
even if Biden wins, his agenda will not hold through 2024.
A President may emerge, but it will not be, as it were, a settled one: He or she cannot make
claim to the 'will of the majority'. Whomsoever is certified by Congress cannot truthfully say
they represent 'the nation'. Consensus is fractured, and it is difficult to see any leadership
that can bring Americans together as a 'united people'.
"There is not a single important cultural, religious, political or social force that is
pulling Americans together more than it is pushing us apart," David French
notes in a new book Divided We Fall: America's Secession Threat and How to Restore Our
Nation . French -- an anti-Trump conservative -- argues that America's divisions are so great,
and the political system so poorly designed to handle them, that secession may eventually be
the result: "If we keep pushing people and pushing people and pushing people, you cannot assume
that they won't break", he writes. (A
2018 poll found that nearly a quarter of each party -- Democrat and Republican --
characterized the opposing party as "evil").
An ideological split, and the concomitantly contested America as Idea has huge geo-political
implications, reaching well beyond America itself -- and principally for Europe's
élites . European leaders did not see it coming when Trump was elected in 2016. They
misjudged Brexit. And this year, they misread U.S. politics once again. They yearned for a
Biden win, and they (still) fail to see the connection between the popular rebellion of Red
under Mr. Trump, and the angry protests occurring across Europe against lockdown.
Separating tectonic plates -- more strategically -- usually signal a kind of dualism that
betokens civil conflict. In other words, their separation and moving apart turns into an
ideological struggle for the nature of society and its institutional fabric.
Historian, and former War College Professor, Mike Vlahos
warns (echoing Lind), that, "there is, here: more of a hidden -- and thus in a sense,
occult struggle -- by which over time, societies begin to depart more, and more easily, from
their roots. The western dominant élites presently are seeking to cement their hold over
society [moving towards a 'managed' society]: To have full control over the direction of
society, and, of course, a framework of rule that protects their wealth."
"Quite to the surprise of everyone, and given that the Republicans are being represented by
a billionaire who has a great many friends in Manhattan -- the Wall Street donors to the two
outnumber Trump's donors for Biden by 5-to-1".
Why, Vlahos asks, would Wall Street invest in a man -- Biden -- and in a Party, ostensibly
seeking to move America toward this 'managed' progressive society? Is it because they are
convinced of a need radically to restructure the world's economy and geopolitical relations? Is
this then Vlahos' occult struggle?
Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories.
Many of the élite hold that we are at that
monumental inflection point at this moment -- In a nutshell, their narrative is simply
this: the planet is already economically and demographically over-extended; the infinite
economic expansion model is bust; and the global debt and government entitlement expenditure
bubble too, is set to pop at the same moment.
Mike Vlahos notes
that in a curious way this American story mirrors that of ancient Rome in the last century of
the Republic -- with on the one hand, the élite Roman class, and on the other, the
Populares , as Red Americans' equivalent:
"This is in fact the dual story of Rome in the last century of the Republic, and it tracks
very well -- with the transformation going on today [in the U.S.] -- and it is a
transformation The society which emerged at the end of the Roman Revolution, and civil war
had too, a totally dominant élite class.
"This was a new world, in which the great landowners, with their latifundia [the
slave-land source of wealth], who had been the 'Big Men' leading the various factions in the
civil wars, became the senatorial archons that dominated Roman life for the next five
centuries -- while the People, the Populares, were ground into a passive -- not helpless --
but generally dependent and non-participating element of Roman governance: This sapped away
at the creative life of Rome, and eventually led to its coming apart.
" today American inequality is as great as in the period right before the French
Revolution, and is mirrored in what was happening to Rome in that long century of
transformation. The problem we have right now, and which is going to make this revolution
more intense, is I think, the cynical conclusion and agenda of Blue to just leave behind the
Americans they do not need [in the New Economy] -- which is to say all of Red America, and to
put them into a situation of hardship and marginalization, where they cannot coalesce, to
form a rival -- as it were -- Popular Front.
"What I think what we are seeing here [in the U.S.] is profound: American society --
emerging from this passage, is going to be completely different. And frankly, it already
feels different. It already feels -- as it has felt for the past four years -- that we are in
a rolling civil war norm now, in which deep societal strife is now the normal way in which we
handle transfers of power. Issues will be [momentarily] resolved, with the path of society
[painfully] staked out through violent conflict. That is likely to be our path for decades
"The problem with that in the shorter term, is that there is still enough of the nation
aroused and ready to fight this process. The problem: Can the last energies of the Old
Republic still be harnessed against this seemingly inevitable, transformation?"
A 'fourth industrial revolution' is the only way by which to 'square this circle', according
to this mindset. The Reset is purposefully aimed to disrupt all areas of life, albeit on a
planetary scale. Shock therapy, as it were, to change the way we humans think of ourselves, and
our relationship with the world . The Great Reset looks to a
supply-side 'miracle', achieved through full-spectrum automation and robotics. A world where
the money is digital; the food is lab-grown; where everything is counted and controlled by
giant monopolies; and everyday existence is micromanaged by ever-monitoring, ever-nudging AI
that registers thoughts and feelings before the people even get a chance to make those
LVrunner , 2 hours ago
Traitorous Mittens Romney took to Twitter to congratulate sleepy joe today. He’s
such an epic douchebag!
PGR88 , 2 hours ago
He reminds me of some kind of aging gay Mormon **** star
LVrunner , 2 hours ago
His kid was in business with bidens, not much of surprise. Just disgusted.
Roacheforque , 1 hour ago
I find it amazing that pundits can describe the detailed evidence of the fraudulent
activities of democratic operatives, along with the understanding that no such activities
took part on the republican front, and simply dismiss this legal and moral contrast with a
broad stroke finding that "the nation is divided".
Simply. *******. Amazing.
Who writes this ****?
I am no Trump sycophant, but the contrast in "division" is law abiding vs. fraudulent,
anarchy vs civilized order, constitutional vs. totalitarian. Trump's personality flaws are
immense, but I contend that a solid majority of Americans voted for president in accordance
to the red wave downvote, and that a gross misrepresentation of living human Biden voters
does not constitute an equal division.
Thank God!
Fizzy Head , 2 hours ago
Funny how there is no evidence of fraud with the Dems, but it was all Russian meddling in
the last election...
Chemical_Engineer_IT_Analyst , 2 hours ago
Remember Republicans you are the ones who have the real power!
It's not a good idea to bully the productive class. Without the conservative workers the
country would starve in the cold and dark. Who are not needed are the parasitic class of
politicians, bureaucrats, lobbyists, Deep State workers, incompetent teachers and Marxist
professors. And we would all be better off without Facebook and Twitter. We also don't need
NBC CNN, ABC, and other alphabet media, Washington Post, New York Times and other propaganda
SurfingUSA , 2 hours ago
Biden, by contrast, served as the prospect for Restoration – a return to a
hallowed consensus in American politics – to a reassuring ‘sanity’ of facts, science
and truth .
Give me a break. He served as a prospect of a Chinese sock puppet.
not dead yet , 1 hour ago
Selected facts, selected science, selected truth. Better known as cherry picking. If that
isn't working turn fiction into fact and truth to legitimize junk science. Better known as
man made climate change.
tk8565 , 2 hours ago
If you like your fraud, you can keep your fraud.
This will happen repeatedly from every election on, as they learn and improve.
If it isnt fixed now in court it will never be.
Election laws must be fixed.
If unsuccessful the only plan left is to ((censored))
ClusterF , 2 hours ago
No thank you, and yes I care damn well enough to fight about it. The founders rebelled
over a miniscule tea tax for gods sake!!!! This is about subversion of the entire race to a
globalist over class.
the idea of America moving toward a ‘managed’ society – based on
‘science’ – that would be essentially finessed and controlled by a
managerial, expert class.
Managed society sounds a heck of a lot like communism. That is, one-party "management" of
people and resources by elites unaccountable to the people via free and fair elections.
ChetRoman , 2 hours ago
"Biden, by contrast, served as the prospect for Restoration – a return to a hallowed
consensus in American politics – to a reassuring ‘sanity’ of facts, science
and truth "
Who writes this horse****? Biden was a senile placeholder for the next puppet of the
"ruling class" or "deep state" that has only contempt for working Americans, the deplorables.
Biden will formalize Big Tech's and MSM domination of what we can say and think. They have
censored 95% of the media to keep the public from seeing how thoroughly corrupt and
incompetent Biden is. Trump has his faults but he is the only one, in at least the last 30
years, that even mentioned the downward spiral of the working Americans. What we have is a
Color Revolution and the Bolsheviks are a major part of it.
Patmos , 1 hour ago
Technocracy is just another form of tyranny, and once the global economy inevitably
collapses technocracy will only end up proving the saying that when the blind follow the
blind they both end up in a ditch.
Deplorable , 1 hour ago
I'm actually happy that Biden won and will continue with the lockdown ********. It keeps
me working from home until I decide to officially retire. As a govt contractor I can get away
with working less than half the time while still getting paid for a 40 hour workday.
Added bonus, I can drink beer all day long and day trade on the side.
hoytmonger , 2 hours ago
Nothing will change with Biden as President,
Except for the rhetoric.
Nexus789 , 2 hours ago
They will spend their time enriching themselves. Biden, according to Forbes is worth ten
million. How does a career politician do that.
RozKo , 2 hours ago
A world where the money is digital; the food is lab-grown; where everything is counted
and controlled by giant monopolies; and everyday existence is micromanaged by
ever-monitoring, ever-nudging AI that registers thoughts and feelings before the people
even get a chance to make those thoughts.
Oh boy, lots of fun, maximum security prison with a twist, you'll be getting screwed by
robot bubba and he be in your head too.
Onthebeach6 , 2 hours ago
Rupert Murdoch said a couple of months ago that he expected Trump to lose in a
Looks like he worked overtime to achieve this outcome.
3-fingered_chemist , 2 hours ago
Trump should just give the Left what it wants. Total lockdown of the country until we have
6 months straight of zero cases of coronavirus. That means no new President can be sworn in
until that time is reached. Have fun! The next two years will be hilarious as the Dems
further implode. You already can see it with Pelosi wanting to be Speaker again. The
Progressives will think that they have some mandate, but the Old Guard is going to throw them
under the bus yet again. ANTIFA and BLM will be burning down the Dem cities not because of
Trump but because they aren’t getting their way. Biden won’t even be allowed to
make decisions, but the Progressives won’t be calling the shots either. This will be
the de facto Hillary Presidency. The irony is that Mitch is likely to be the most powerful
person in Washington.
monero_123 , 2 hours ago
Even though I do agree with some conservative principals, I probably lean more blue than
red overall.
Unfortunately, I still don't get the opinion on getting mad at the "blue" states for
making some of these very commentators' life worse. The computer you are using, the phone you
have in your pocket, the internet you are browsing, the webhost that hosts Zerohedge, etc,
etc is all from the advancements of companies/talent that are in those states.
But, at the same time, the more people are angry at the invisible boogeyman, the easier it
is for myself to advance in society while others just sit and complain.
OK Boomer , 16 seconds ago
It's not that complicated. The US has had for many decades an entrenched "Deep State"
running much of the govt. Republican and Democrat parties are the two hands of this Deep
State. When an establishment Democrat president replaces an establishment Republican (or vice
versa), no actual power is transferred. It's just the Deep State passing the baton from one
hand to the other. The enduring power is in the un-elected govt. The process of electing a
president is normally just a symbolic ritual which serves to generate consent by allowing the
masses to feel as though they actually chose their govt.
Trump was the unicorn president. He was never supposed to be elected. And even as
president his power has been very limited. The Justice Dept, CIA, FBI, all conspired against
him. The only prosecutions by "his" Justice Department were against members of his own
administration. The purpose of the US president is to act as a figurehead and a rubber stamp
for the wishes of the dominant un-elected govt. Biden fits the bill perfectly--a complete
N2M , 1 hour ago
Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs and the Press Kindle Edition
It's time for the sore loser crying to end. Trump lost because he didn't deliver on his
promises. Hillary is not locked up. Illegals and H1Bs are still being employed. There is very
little wall. O-care wasn't repealed/replaced. For the pandemic we got useless vaccines and
vents, instead of HCQ for anyone who wants it.
The GOP is all RINO. There is only 1 party. Their job is to sell our representation to the
highest bidder. We are the product and we are royally sold out.
Bananamerica is done unless some state secedes. I would suggest that it be a very poor
state, because if done correctly it will become the richest. A hard currency that cannot be
debased. Very low tax on businesses. No property tax. No civil forfeiture. It would instantly
become like Singapore or the Caymon Islands. Every wealthy corp would want to be there. Wall
Street and silicon valley would want to move there. Lousiana, Missisipi or Alabama w/b great
gonediving , 7 hours ago
Stupid lame lies and spin....Trump did not run on locking hillary up! He did as much as he
could with obamacare and is putting in place a new policy that will be about a new healthcare
plan which i am sure biden will stop. Trump is not God and is not responsible for covid. he
did ALL that was asked of him by governors. But yes, voting in another clinton, obama, bush
and biden is handing it all back to the globalists! Trump was protecting what was left of
america that seems to want to be Canada or Britain and not independent!
Kirk Patrick , 7 hours ago
I was waiting for Frozen BlueHairedWoman to say she has a pickup truck and loaded all her
Covidiot Lvr , 7 hours ago
Trump also lost because he's a liar. He said the trade deficit would be reversed.
(Instead, it got worse.)
Trump said he'd pay back our national debt in 8 years. Instead he added $7 trillion to it,
much of it pre-Covid.
Trump said he'd build the wall and make Mexico pay for it. Only a few measly miles were
built, none of it paid by Mexico.
In a nutshell, Trump is full of ****.
a false profit , 7 hours ago
He replaced 400 miles of run down fence with new fence. he wasn't able to do more because
Dems and environmentalists prevented the construction of new wall
ClusterF , 5 minutes ago
8ft playground fence with 18-30ft sheet steel security barricade. We dont live in the
1200s where it has to be a castle wall to be effective.
ZeroTruth , 7 hours ago
Chump didn't fulfill a single campaign promise and commanded nothing. He was a political
No wall. No end to daca. No end to obamacare. No bringing home the troops. No locking up
Hilldog or anyone else unless they were close to Trump himself. No draining the Swamp.
Nepotism, cronyism and trillions of dollars in bailouts to the cronies will be his legacy.
Only idiots would applaud these actions.
apple_orange , 5 hours ago
When I heard Trump's fabulous inaugration speech my first thoughts were that he will not
pull this off without (coughs nervously) "removing" at least two hundred of his opponents. He
of course failed to do this and he even appointed some of his opponents into the
administration or took money from them.
Dash8 , 5 hours ago
Proof of taking money?
artichoke , 5 hours ago
Son of a bitch! (moderator, this is a direct quote from the presidential candidate who won
according to the media.)
apple_orange , 4 hours ago
OK he let the likes of Sheldon Adelson influence him. It seems odd to me that he would
trash the Iran deal. Why was it so bad? Secondly, backing Brexit was also dumb. He should
have stayed clear of this foreign stuff and put America first. Why p1ss off Irish Americans
over Brexit for example? America needs to improve trade with EU not the City of fooking
Anyone saying that what is happening right now in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan etc. is
not a conscious effort to rig an election is either a victim of propaganda or being willfully
Because they told us this is what would happen. Through the Transition Integrity Project and
bread crumbs left throughout the campaign, we knew it would come to this.
For weeks I've been saying I hope Trump's performance is strong enough and his coattails
long enough to preclude the Democrats and The Davos Crowd from trying to pull off the theft of
the election.
That they would see the magnitude of the problem in front of them and be stopped short by
little things like math.
And then realize that even if they did try and cheat it would be so transparent that nothing
good for them would be gained by it. But they didn't listen.
Trump almost pulled it off. His numbers across the board were excellent, stunning even given
everything that's happened.
He may yet pull this out and I support any and all efforts to do so, but it is looking quite
grim today.
The potential is there for the Republicans to pick up as many as twelve seats in the House
while holding the Senate if not picking up a seat, depending on how the courts rule on the
already well-documented fraud.
Coattails that long are prima facia evidence that what's happening with the presidential
election is fraud. I won't go into the list of red flags here, others have
done a far better job (and are, frankly, more entertaining), but they are big enough and
red enough to get even the laziest, porn-besotted bull in the world angry.
And that's what should be scaring the crap out of everyone on 'the Left' today. Because as
we heard yesterday, with coattails that long and the amount of obscene behavior on display, the
remaining members of the Democratic caucus in the House are scared and not just for their
political lives.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in damage-control mode, saying "but we held the House" -- which
they were supposed to expand their majority in -- and are "on track to win the presidency,"
which no one will take even remotely seriously.
I've had visions of seeing Pelosi dragged out of the Capitol by her expensive dyed hair
choking on her dentures while being arraigned for sedition, but her getting beaten with the
'awesome power of the Speaker's gavel' and lynched by her own caucus for incompetence will be
even more delicious.
At around 2am Tuesday evening I realized that they were actually going to do this and I
texted a friend the next morning. His response?
"Civil war it is then."
There can be no other response to this from men and women of character. Exhaust every legal
means possible, certainly, but remember that the courts are as corrupt as the county
governments. Fear of reprisal makes men weak.
The one thing Trump said in his post-election remarks that rang so true and with me and
should ring true with every libertarian-leaning person (left or right) alive, that the process
itself is corrupting. It corrupts everything it touches.
Four years of the Democrats and the Media screaming about Russian collusion and undermining
the legitimacy of Donald Trump inspired thousands of people to become corrupt poll workers,
mailmen, supervisors of elections, party operatives and the like.
And they obviously feel justified in this. They are, after all, the heroes of their own
stories whose motives are pure and whose hearts are in the right place.
If we just get rid of Orange Man Bad, everything wrong with America will be gone.
Scapegoating is as old as mankind but it doesn't work anymore now that we've internalized the
story from the scapegoat's point of view, Christ.
So, all they have now is the unquenchable envy of Marxism which burns until it consumes
everyone in retribution or they are put down like rabid dogs. That's what is on display in
these counting centers.
On the other hand, even Trump's detractors had to admit the guy did inspired work to try and
bring as many people under his tent as possible. To right the wrongs they see in the most
non-violent way possible, voting.
But if that's not good enough, if the message sent wasn't strong enough through the ballot
box, then that lesson will be taught in a far uglier way.
is why I excoriated the libertarians the other day. I could see this coming. Either cooler
heads prevail or the grievances get settled with violence. It's our job to be the voice in
between, not sit on the sidelines like high school band nerds sitting through a football
From a market perspective the threat of a marginally-empowered Harris presidency with he
slimmest House majority any party has held in decades and a divided Senate means nothing gets
done until the mid-terms.
And any attempt by Harris and Obama to legislate through Executive Order will result in even
more dramatic events than we've seen to date, including secession.
This is why Bitcoin, gold, silver and U.S. Treasuries exploded to the upside. Big money
moved into the most liquid assets, UST's, while the marginal flow piled into safe havens and
those worried about cross-border capital controls are running into Bitcoin and cryptos.
Everyone is holding their collective breath while we grind towards the Great Reset with most
of the first world either under lockdown over last year's flu or paralyzed by political
shenanigans which makes the U.S. look like Venezuela.
The rising euro is a function of the lockdowns and the local need for liquidity. The
spasming bonds markets blew out a lot of carry and interest rate trades this week. While the
dollar looks like it's getting killed, what's really happening is trades betting on Harris
destroying capital have reversed.
And the focus now turns to the wholesale destruction of European economies. Oh well, Europe
was a good thing while it lasted. Enjoy the return of feudalism, folks, maybe there will be
something left for me to visit before I die.
We still have our guns, FYI.
And this is why Trump isn't going anywhere. The Deplorables now have to become The
Ungovernables. No more negotiations, discussions, turning the other cheek, etc.
What's the point of voting or even democracy at all if a few dozen angry black election
officials in Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Atlanta can decide the entire thing?
Hey man, don't let the midwit, white women off the hook there in this Civil War race has
nothin' to do with it.
Because no matter what vote totals you manufacture or political/judicial arms you twist no
one can rule for long without the consent of the governed.
This is not a LARP nor a drill. It is a simple statement of fact.
If the men who keep the engine of the world running refuse to show up one day, the God of
Power the Marxists all worship will vanish like Hillary's emails.
Ayn Rand wasn't wrong about everything, folks.
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This is particularly true when nearly all of those men are armed and are the ones that grow
the food, treat the water, patrol the streets and keep the lights on.
The legal case is being built now to go to the State Legislatures, who are the ones who
actually decide whose electors go to the Electoral College, and invalidate the votes in
Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan, at a minimum.
Getting those Republican-controlled legislatures to throw out the suggested results of a
tainted election is exactly why the Electoral College exists. It is the last defense against
mob rule and the corrupting nature of politics. The commies in the DNC and The Davos Crowd
don't like to hear that and frankly don't care but that is the reality of it.
That's Trump's path to the presidency at this point, because the votes will be tallied to
ensure that he not only loses but lose by a large enough 'electoral vote' majority to nullify
any rulings by the Supreme Court.
Pelosi is prepared to invoke the 20th Amendment if there is no resolution on Inauguration
day, January 20th through an act of Congress. This is why many House seats have not been called
even though they are over.
She made her choice. So did the all the people currently engaged in this theft. Now the
nature of the State is clear for a majority of people to see.
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All Comments 630
Thucydides , 7 hours ago
What is now set into motion is unstoppable. I am not saying it will erupt tomorrow, but it
will erupt. The seething anger that begins the day the corrupt political class resumes
business as usual will not abate. It will build and build. Only in retrospect will people
understand what has transpired. History is always 20/20 in hindsight. The corrupt political
class is myopic to its own weaknesses and arrogant in its methods. They are only focused on
money and power. What they think the unwashed are capable of flies in the face of history.
What happened to the French aristocracy in 1789 or the Tsarist Russians in 1917? Two wars
have been fought already in this country and they were both between people who had very
little differences between them. This war is between people with a Grand Canyon between them.
There is no going back once it starts. God help us all.
ZeroTruth , 7 hours ago
Nah. All that **** requires conviction and courage, values Americans sorely lack. It's
just gonna be four more years of tough talk by keyboard warriors while the idiot antifa
LARPers run around with wooden shields in Portland like extras at Medieval Times.
Send in the clowns.
Zeitgeist Nomad , 6 hours ago
In all seriousness America, your governments have been messing with elections in other
countries for decades.
Trump even acknowledged this in the first campaign.
Is it really such a surprise to you that the same organizations wouldn't ( and haven't
already) done such things at home?
Whether or not this is some elaborate plot to reveal these type of misdeeds remains to be
I hope Trump does win, and I hope the nefarious actors are revealed and punished.
However, the selective approach to this type of malfeasance carried out in other countries
in the "name" (only) of the American people is the slippery slope that allowed the
fundamental corruption of the electoral process that now besets you.
Argon1 , 43 minutes ago
Apparently Trump had election monitors and for some reason the fact that Nanci Pelosi is
the majority stakeholder in the crooked ballot machines - Dominion has been released to the
CatInTheHat , 7 hours ago
"If we just get rid of Orange Man Bad, everything wrong with America will be gone.
Scapegoating is as old as mankind but it doesn't work anymore now that we've internalized the
story from the scapegoat's point of view, Christ."
Ah yes and thats the crux of it all isn't it?
The Democrats THEFT of this election is as obvious as their theft of the 2016 and 2020
primaries for their preferred candidate and people even LIBERAL VOTERS, KNOW IT.
Democrats over played their hand. To promote this pedophile sociopath who campaigned from
his basevent and whose rallies couldn't fill a broom closet, won more votes than
People are seeing that this is not even statistically possible and that the Rona was the
EXCUSE for mail in ballots, making it far easier to CHEAT. But that counting all of a sudden
stopped then resumed was also a huge red flag. And now whistleblowers are coming out of the
woodwork, including a dude who works for the post office where workers were told to back date
I don't give one phuck what you think of ORANGE MAN BAD but this election is fraudulent
and Biden has won nothing fair and square. And if you did vote for Biden because ORANGE MAN
BAD then you are a MORON.. Biden and Obama were WHY we got a Trump in the first place.
If the globalist thought they would get away with THEFT of the election without
consequence they are WRONG..
Biden is ILLEGITIMATE and will be seen that way by hundreds of millions of Americans who
elec9999 , 6 hours ago
Let's see, America was responsible for:
Coup d'etats in:
Iran, Ukraine, libya, haiti, chile, much more.
Attempted: Venezuela (twice), Syria
Color revolutions in:
Hong kong, Arab spring, belarus, ukraine, much more.
Outright regime change: Iraq
Now we know how it feels.
Aloha_Snackbar , 6 hours ago
Biden lost all the top bellwether counties in America except for the one in his home State
which he only got by a very small margin; the odds of this happening in a fair election are
astronomically small but Sleepy Joe can pull off miracles! It's also a miracle that a batch
of 23,277 Biden ballots were "found" after the election in Philly; not a single one of them
contained a vote for any other candidate! Incredible!
Admit it. This election was won fair and square. Ignore the computer glitches, the dead
voters, the backdated ballots, and the blatant violation of election laws by kicking out poll
observers and covering up windows at counting centers among other things. Claims of voter
fraud are just baseless and stupid. Twitter and the mainstream media said so.
Onthebeach6 , 1 hour ago
Trump got so many votes that the fraudsters had to create such a quantity of false votes
for Basement Biden - of the lid - that he ended up with millions more votes than Obama got in
2008. In fact Basement got more 'votes' than any presidential candidate in history.
The candidate who couldn't attract 50 supporters to a 'rally' got more votes than any
Presidential candidate in history.
Add to this his selling of his influence whilst on official government business and you
can see why Basement shouldn't ever be inaugurated as President.
George Galloway says it's a COUP. He is a full on leftist but here he sounds half
approving of Trump
Morphic , 6 hours ago
Legal votes decide who is president, not the news media. Joe Biden is not the
president-elect just because media declares him so. Media coordinated efforts are attempting
to simply declare Joe Biden the president and ignore the rule of law. There is no official
winner until every legal vote is counted accurately, the states certify results, and all
legal challenges are resolved. As a reminder, here are the official dates that matter (as
opposed to what CNN et al. think).
December 8: States are expected to resolve controversies at least six days before the
meeting of electors.
December 14: Electors meet in respective states to certify their votes for President and
Vice President.
Nature_Boy_Wooooo , 7 hours ago
My take here is that the pollsters made them think that Biden was going to win and they
were just going to push him over the finish line as necessary.
But then the pollsters were wrong......and that's where the cheating became blatantly
obvious as they were committed to cheating the count. The line graph from Michigan that night
was the most appalling thing that I have ever seen which suggests that nobody with a
statistical background was on board at 3 a.m. because allowing that pattern on a chart was
This is why they are so angry at the pollsters for being wrong. They were so wrong that
the entire game plan was destroyed.
Chadwick , 1 hour ago
If you read the wording carefully, it says the AP Projects that Biden will be the next
president. Ultimately, they have no say in the issue. The election has to be certified, and
if you have been listening to anyone outside of the MSM you should know there are all sorts
of issues going on. "glitches"
Consider 100,000 ballots just showing up. How does that happen? Not one Trump vote within
the stack. Did you go and vote? Were you with 99,999 other democrats? See, the logical fact
is, ballots are commingled together just how voters are. It is impossible to separate 100,000
votes to one candidate with out some illegal effort. It's like a kid having choclate icing on
his face and saying he didn't eat any cake.
Vivekwhu , 3 hours ago
To all US voters: note that in every other democracy the media do not "call" the election,
they merely make projections and predictions until the votes are certified, counted and
certified, and if needed several re-counts and challenges are complete, and the results then
announced by a electoral commission/board.
Do not let the media Demfarts get in the way of the counting and certification of all
legal votes and legal challenges, or the credibility and acceptance in the whole electoral
process will be shattered.
watamess , 6 hours ago
Remember Pelosi ripping the State of the Nation speech in front of the world... These
corrupt assclowns hate Trump with a passion, and they are powerful. Pelosi is the mob and is
involved in the election counting machines business with her husband... She said a week prior
"no matter what the count is, BIden will be sworn in on January 20"... No one said anything.
THat alone should have landed her at FBI for questioning at the very least.
SmokeyBlonde , 6 hours ago
Except the FBI is in on the coup attempt.
The Continental , 3 hours ago
A clarion call to all patriots: please go to Rudy Giuliani's Youtube channel Common Sense
( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-9J07yyuXQTx_uZQchtwsg
) where he details the high crimes and misdemeanors of Joseph Biden and the Biden family
including full documentation garnered from Hunter Biden's hard drive and an insider
whistleblower. Folks this is deadly serious. If Biden obtains the presidency, he will be a
veritable puppet of the chinese communist government and utterly blackmailable. Biden as
president will put every American life at risk, especially our military and intelligence
folk. Please spread this information far and wide because the MSM has sold the American
people out and suppressed this knowledge per Mr. Giuliani.
Vivekwhu , 4 hours ago
Gee, there are 17 US intelligence agencies, the finest law enforcement agency in the FBI
and none of them have the ability to protect the integrity, credibility and trust in the US
electoral process? Perhaps Trump has already ordered the gathering of EVIDENCE since the
postal ballot fraud was signalled months ago? Perhaps Trump gave the orders and none of them
bothered to do anything as they were already working with Biden (laptopgate)?
ponchoramic , 4 hours ago
Trump has been in office but not in power. Sorta but he was more in power than any other
President who has bent over to these criminals. He got a lot done dispite them. He will have
four more years when this is over.
dogsbollocks , 5 hours ago
Dems are being very gracious celebrating their legally challenged fraudulent election
victory..Lapping in all the adulation from their Globalist NWO controlled MSM sycophants.
If there is one thing i have learned from this election.It is how badly compromised by third parties western MSM
has become..Calling it Orwellian is understating the problem.
Anything insinuating Kosher Nostra involvement and you likely see the results
What I see, and it is anecdotal only, is that a lot of conservatives are either afraid of
or angry about the changes that are happening in the country, both culturally and
economically. These changes even since the 80s and 90s are putting us in greater contact with
other Americans, and for rural Americans especially, it's too much to handle.
Trump gave some promise to the idea that he would work to separate that back, maybe to a
1960s era, with soft segregation, even if not directly saying so, and also have factories and
farms thriving again. It sounded good to a lot of conservatives, but it really has no chance
of actually happening.
The sad part of all of it, from my point of view as center left, is that Trump could have
potentially accomplished a few things that would have mitigated the damage for those
conservatives, but he wound up with republicans in control of both the House and Senate. He
really doesn't have much in the way of actual principles, himself, so he went along with the
republican agenda, all tax cuts and judges, all the time. Two years in, all he had to show
were the tax cut bill and the judges, since then only judges. But that effectively baked the
cake that has now got us as divided as we are. So now, the conservatives look at themselves
as being constantly under attack, Biden is either a devout Stalinist style communist, or
close to dementia taking over, and giving the country to Harris, who will be even worse.
You're probably right. I think that fear of cultural diversity is also what keeps many
people in those places. They'll choose to stay in decaying towns that are never going to
rebound instead of moving a couple of hours away to a place where they may have Guatemalan
You are so right and it's the reason I can't "hate/"despise" the trump base too much. I
feel sadness. They have some legitimate pains, but they run after the wrong medicine and
trump is a terrible pill... all talk and no policy substance. One of the only things he did
for his rural base was a handout to farmers (hurt by his policy) and all the other promises?
(awesome health care, return of manufacturing) Nada. Not one inch of help or real problem
solving for them. Now if only independents or the other party could figure out how to
actually do something of substance for these people. And taking some responsibility for their
situation and opening up a little to the Other would help them too. Their towns might grow
again, might experience some revitalization... if they allowed refugees/legal immigrants to
come; if they allowed someone other than the good ol boy town club to run some things.
If they had focused on infrastructure, that could be a huge benefit to those areas. And
that applies to the Biden administration as well. Infrastructure covers a lot of different
areas, roads, electricity, internet services, and so on. And a lot of what is needed has to
be manufactured. Factories could be set up to make what is needed, and I would go so far as
to make most of the factories employee owned, to get them away from Wall Street. That could
be decades worth of real economic growth in small towns.
I've never understood the "cruel and evil" aspect of supporting Trump. Trump, his
accomplishments, his supporters, and his opponents and their supporters do not exist in a
vacuum. I see far more cruelty and evil on the left and do not understand how anybody can
support it; but I don't call leftist supporters cruel and evil. I don't know them. You don't
know me or us.
Trump correctly pointed out at the last debate that the separation and actual caging of
migrant children originated under Obama. Pelosi politicized COVID by denouncing Trump and
urging everyone to "come to Chinatown" when a lockdown was underway. So where were you while
you were getting high? In a champagne supernova in the sky?
Most countries in Europe did not allow ad hoc massive increases in mail-in voting even
though they were also hit by the deadly coronavirus:
Your point is still a fair one to make in the comments. I just don't think it's shocking
to leave it out of the article as you do, and for me personally it doesn't carry the day.
Mitt Romney
Ann and I extend our congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect
Kamala Harris. We know both of them as people of good will and admirable character. We pray
that God may bless them in the days and years ahead.
I hope they not only find cases of election fraud but at such a massive amount that they
have no choice but come up with a better and updated system. We do our elections in such a
outdated way that fraud is not only easy to pull off (Election, voter or otherwise) it
renders the system obsolete. We need a truly bipartisan committee to set up new standards for
the age we are in and focus on technology and cyber security. With the new Spaceforce and the
vision of moving beyond our single planet race, we can't expect to be using primitive methods
of choosing representatives or leaders. jmo
I personally doubt that there was ballot fraud but the fix was in against Trump from the
beginning--the media not covering Biden corruption stories, taking Trump quotes out of
context, largely ignoring the good things Trump did--not starting another war, sentencing
reform--and ignoring the problems with Biden--his votes for the Iraq war and the 1994 crime
bill, the foreign policy disasters under the Obama-Biden administration.
Whenever I heard yet another "Trump is the spawn of Satan" story, I always wondered how
Bush--who started a WAR based on lies, killing untold numbers of people and orphaning nearly
a million kids--got away with so little scrutiny and is being repackaged as an elder
The prestige media and their Big Tech accessories never gave credence to Trump's
accomplishments and never ceased to drum for his ejection during the past four years. We have
endured four years of a demonic-inspired fury and lies about Trump, a campaign abounding in
deceit, vilification of the president's family, glittery celebrity scorn, disinformation of
spellbinding proportion, pejorative auguries, and malevolent plottings. We didn't believe the
frame-up then, why should we believe it now?
Most people don't know about the fraud and the real reason Gore didn't win Fla. The RNC,
Florida elections officials and others paid almost $4 million for a voter list that kept
thousands of mostly Black voters from casting their ballots.
Florida was the only state that paid a private company to purge the voter file of
ineligible voters, in effect allowing a private company to make the administrative decision
of who is not eligible to vote.
The first firm hired in 1998 to purge the voter rolls was Professional Service Inc., which
charged $5,700 for the job. Later the same year, the state placed an open request for tenders
to bid for the job. The contract was assigned to DBT Online, despite the fact that its bid
had the highest price. The state gave the job to DBT for a first-year fee of US $2,317,800;
total fees eventually reached US $4 million.
At first, Florida specified only exact matches on names, birthdates and genders to
identify voters as felons. However, state records reveal a memo dated March 1999 from Emmett
"Bucky" Mitchell, a lawyer for the state elections office who was supervising the felon
purge, asking DBT to loosen its criteria for acceptable matches. When DBT representatives
warned Mitchell that this would yield a large proportion of false positives, Mitchell's reply
was that it would be up to each county elections supervisor to deal with the problem. In a
February 2001 phone conversation with the BBC's London studios, ChoicePoint vice-president
James Lee said that the state "wanted there to be more names than were actually verified as
being a convicted felon"
On 17 April 2001, James Lee testified before the McKinney panel that the state had given
DBT the directive to add to the purge list people who matched at least 90% of a last name.
DBT objected, knowing that this would produce a huge number of false positives (non-felons).
His testimony indicates the state then ordered DBT to shift to an even lower threshold of 80%
match and also include name reversals (thus a person named Thomas Clarence could be taken to
be the same as Clarence Thomas). Besides this, middle initials were skipped, Jr. and Sr.
suffixes dropped, and some nicknames and aliases were added to puff up the list.
"DBT told state officials", testified Lee, "that the rules for creating the [purge] list
would mean a significant number of people who were not deceased, not registered in more than
one county, or not a felon, would be included on the list. DBT made suggestions to reduce the
numbers of eligible voters included on the list". According to Lee, the state's response to
the company′s suggestion was "Forget about it".
"The people who worked on this (for DBT) are very adamant ... they told them what would
happen", said Lee. "The state expected the county supervisors to be the fail-safe." Lee said
his company will never again get involved in cleansing voting rolls. "We are not confident
any of the methods used today can guarantee legal voters will not be wrongfully denied the
right to vote", Lee told a group of Atlanta-area black lawmakers in March 2001
In February 2002, the NAACP and four other groups filed suit against Harris (NAACP v.
Harris), the county elections supervisor and a former state election chief. The lawsuit cites
the state, several counties and the contractor over procedures for voter registration, voter
lists and balloting. The suit charges that Black voters were disenfranchised during the 2000
presidential election, and argued that Florida was in violation of the Voting Rights Act of
1965 and the US Constitution's 14th Amendment. The parties reached a settlement wherein
ChoicePoint will reprocess the voter file on the plaintiffs' terms and donate $75,000 to the
This is a fantasy, pure and simple. The notion that Milwaukee is dominated by a Tammany
style machine is ludicrous. The mayor has to run as an individual candidate, and the city
council has no political cohesion. The voting process has multiple safeguards, is utterly
transparent and open, and everybody who wants to observe has ample opportunity to do so.
You are indulging in sour grapes, pure and simple. "Wah, my man lost, no fair, cheater,
cheater, cheater." Well, you're a good match for your failed champion.
I don't like Biden or Harris, but I'd vote for a yellow dog to get Trump out. The Dems
should shuffle off stage right over the next four years with the shame that this squeaker is
the best they could pull off against a dream opponent like Donald Trump. It should have been
a blow-out, but the Dems didn't have it in them.
you are really grasping at straws here man. The chances of finding any substantial
election fraud are nil and would be inconsequential, not to mention that you are assuming
that this unsubstantiated, alleged "fraud" is done only by democrats.
Biden won with over 4 million more votes than Trump. and more than enough electoral votes.
This so called fraud would have to been orchestrated over multiple states. You should be
happy, the Republicans actually did quite well this election. but instead you scream "you
cheated" like a child as your fascist fantasy disintegrates like the wicked witch of the
Trump has every right to pursue all the legal challenges that he can come up with, and
knowing him, Im sure he will, but he lost by a significant margin and his chances of
unearthing some huge game changing bag of ballots are slim to none, and you know the joke,
slim just left town. His whole strategy is centered around delegitimizing the voting process
and its very effective. And by the way, I am not a socialist. I've run my own business for
over 30 years and I hate paying taxes as much as the next guy. It's freaky that the core
republican strategy is to label all democrats "socialists".
Laugh. It is entirely possible that one sees and smells something foul while at the same
time not being an "acolyte".
This was as the democrats apparently have been spouting since they hit the books to use
COVID as a means to change the rules. I am not prone to conspiracies. But after the Russia
Impeachment attempt, the Ukrainian Impeachment attempt, the near public hysterics that have
fed both of those investigations, accusations that the executive threatened a woman to keep
silent that also fell apart and backfired, the response to Justice Kavenaugh . . . the
machinations at the behavior at the border and most peculiar that the people of Michigan,
Wisconsin and Georgia would support planned riots . . .
And then recalling how the system went down in Iowa --- there's plenty of reason to be
suspicious. But overall, the response here has been reasonable. And if no case is evident, so
be it.
But one this is clear, people do conspire to engage in getting there way. Who would have
thought that they the Russians could actually implant a chess board center piece in
Washington's capitol, in the white house no less . . . based on uncorroborated accusations by
members of the FBI, CIA, State department and Sec Clinton and her allies -- who would have
thought it . . . .
-- apparently democrats and lots of liberals.
Even some writers here at TAC believed it. You are a humorous fellow. Election fraud and
error is not a myth in the US, and usually, one shrugs it off at least republicans generally
-- say next time.
But after fours years of actual conspiracy by the opposition, it might be a good idea to
check if the same machines tested in Iowa that suggested a first husband was in order after
voting there . . . . made there way around the country.
If the Democrats were capable of cheating and rigging elections as you are baselessly
speculating why would they stop at the Presidential race and not swing the Senate leftward as
well? There are two very close races in Georgia that are heading for a runoff in January.
Trump and his legal team are frantically throwing spaghetti against the wall and hoping
something sticks.
Poorly researched.
"... Moreover, Biden administration probably will quickly abandon all its election promises in domestic policy area and will kick the neoliberal can down the road. After all Biden is a classic neoliberal and he is as far from Warren and Sanders, as one can get. ..."
"... And legitimacy of election is much bigger question than the silly question about who among two factions of neoliberal oligarchy won. Because this is an important factor that holds the society together. ..."
"... A President may emerge, but it will not be, as it were, a settled one: He or she cannot make claim to the 'will of the majority'. Whomsoever is certified by Congress cannot truthfully say they represent 'the nation'. Consensus is fractured, and it is difficult to see any leadership that can bring Americans together as a 'united people'. ..."
"... If Dems really abuse ballot harvesting to the extent Trump supporters suspect, that will be very detrimental to the USA as a society. And that's much bigger negative factor than any positive effect from Biden's victory. ..."
"... Marc Elias , the lawyer for Dems in Nevada, efforts to expand mail-in voting and revoke prohibition of ballot harvesting in Nevada look really suspicious. ..."
"... Unprincipled pursuit of power is utterly characteristic of the Democrats and their media allies in recent years, and it would not be at all surprising to learn that there was some kind of a "Plan B" already decided on before the election. ..."
"... When you fill up the mail in ballot for your demented grandmother this is a fraud though on a micro scale. But multiply it by thousand. Do it in nursing homes. Then do it in community centers in minority areas and ghettos for people who would never vote. You incentivize them and twist their arms. This is no different than ballot stuffing but impossible to be proven as a fraud, yet everybody knows about it... ..."
"... While I do not believe that election fraud changed the outcome (see above), the real question now is "Was it an election, or a coup detat?" ..."
I am firmly in "anybody but Trump" camp. IMHO Trump lost 5% of his share among white male voters. Because he betrayed his election
promises to them. That's why he lost. As for Trump personally, all else are details.
But I see huge issues with how 2020 elections was conducted. And not only I.
You need also to understand that the actual difference between Biden administration and Trump administration will be positive,
but pretty small. Meet the New Boss. Same as the Old Boss And in some areas on foreign policy (Ukraine) Biden will be definitely
worse. Another negative factor is that Biden victory legitimized Russia-gate. Which means that his win legitimized neo-McCarthyism.
Moreover, Biden administration probably will quickly abandon all its election promises in domestic policy area and will kick
the neoliberal can down the road. After all Biden is a classic neoliberal and he is as far from Warren and Sanders, as one can
But all this are gory details.
What really matter now is whether the elections legitimized the return to power of globalists, or this is yet another scam
similar to Russia-gate.
And legitimacy of election is much bigger question than the silly question about who among two factions of neoliberal oligarchy
won. Because this is an important factor that holds the society together.
That's why all color revolutions start with the frontal assault on the legitimacy of elections in the first place. Now Trump
campaign will be doing that. And this is hugely negative. As Alastair Crooke noted:
A President may emerge, but it will not be, as it were, a settled one: He or she cannot make claim to the 'will of the majority'.
Whomsoever is certified by Congress cannot truthfully say they represent 'the nation'. Consensus is fractured, and it is difficult
to see any leadership that can bring Americans together as a 'united people'.
If Dems really abuse ballot harvesting to the extent Trump supporters suspect, that will be very detrimental to the USA as a
society. And that's much bigger negative factor than any positive effect from Biden's victory.
For example in Nevada many workers moved out of state due to the collapse of casino industry. But formally you cannot vote
if you moved out of the state over 30 days prior to the balloting. Absent of a system of authentication of residency and identification,
we have essentially a honor system – an approach that no casino would allow even at the nickel slots section. In this sense
Elias , the lawyer for Dems in Nevada, efforts to expand mail-in voting and revoke prohibition of ballot harvesting in Nevada
look really suspicious.
Unprincipled pursuit of power is utterly characteristic of the Democrats and their media allies in recent years, and it would
not be at all surprising to learn that there was some kind of a "Plan B" already decided on before the election.
When you fill up the mail in ballot for your demented grandmother this is a fraud though on a micro scale. But
multiply it by thousand. Do it in nursing homes. Then do it in community centers in minority areas and ghettos for people
who would never vote. You incentivize them and twist their arms. This is no different than ballot stuffing but impossible
to be proven as a fraud, yet everybody knows about it...
Charges of ballot harvesting are extremely difficult to prove, but indirect signs suggests that it did have place much in Chicago
major Daley fashion.
While I do not believe that election fraud changed the outcome (see above), the real question now is "Was it an election, or
a coup detat?"
The unidentified poll worker blew the whistle after claiming he was told by a supervisor to
tabulate votes he believed needed signature verification, According to Fox News, he also claims
that higher-ups said he should ignore any discrepancies with addresses while validating
The election worker provided a sworn affidavit, which has been forwarded to the Department
of Justice. Fox reported that a lawyer for the Trump campaign said the worker's testimony was
The affidavit makes clear that we're not dealing with oversights or sloppiness. This
was intentional criminal conduct.
The incendiary allegations come after a federal judge shot down a lawsuit brought by
Republican lawyers that claimed Clark County was "improperly" using its
signature-verification machines to check votes. In its ruling, the court said there was scant
evidence to suggest the machines were malfunctioning, and questioned whether a human poll
worker could do a better job, local media
reported .
Nevada is one of many states in which Donald Trump supporters have claimed they were
disenfranchised at the voting booth. Media outlets called the state for Joe Biden on Saturday,
hours after the Democrat was crowned the projected winner of the election.
In a statement issued on November 4, the Nevada Republican Party said it had received
"thousands" of complaints regarding issues that occurred during Election Day. It also
claimed there had been "a number of mail ballots turned in to Clark County Department of
Elections that are being processed without meaningful observation."
As of Sunday, the state has tallied around 92 percent of cast ballots, according to the
Associated Press.
Donald Trump continues to maintain that alleged invalid mail-in votes tipped the scales in
Biden's favor. His campaign has filed a series of lawsuits to challenge the processing and
counting of ballots in several battleground states.
* Pelosi was warning a month agoTrump wouldnt leave office without a fight.....what did
she know? The polls suggested it was no contest. The election was to be cut and dried. Clear
mandate. Did she know the polls were rigged? Did she know the 11th hour ballot deluge would
be delivered "if needed" in the key states?
* Why was Biden not interested in the vote counting procedures on the night of Nov 3 when
he was behind in key states? Wouldnt he be calling for audits and recounts? Or did he know
the "posse" was coming?
* If clear cut fraud is discovered and in necessary levels to recount and maybe alter the
results, then the civil unrest dogs will be released in Soros funded levels never seen
Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are preventing any mention of the widespread Democrat vote
fraud -- a complete flip from Russiagate that social media hyped for years
A little tidbit for you. A couple of weeks ago, a Facebook (on which I seldom post) "friend"
shared a TDS video about Trump "conspiracy theories". I replied saying conspiracies exist,
identifying them is the problem. His response basically challenged me to "prove it". I provided
several links, including a couple of court cases, showing that the media ignores what does not
fit their narrative. I closed by saying the TDS crowd is delusional. Trump is different in
kind, not substance.
Today, I was notified that a different "friend" had shared a video. It was another mindless
rant about Trump and his lies about election fraud. Facebook has blocked my ability to comment.
But hey, there's no such thing as Big Brother. I wasn't "supporting" Trump, only pointing out
the narrative is managed.
I really don't understand either side of the Trump thing. US elections, for decades, have
been about which competing faction of the corporate uni-party in Congress gets to call the
shots. Trump is his own corporate party, which stunned both the Demicans and Republocrat Inc.s.
He has cut in on their territory and will pay the price for not being compliant. To return to
the vernacular of my misspent youth – same shit, different pile.
"... "We ask that your office and the office of the Nevada Attorney General immediately announce a suspension of prosecutions under this statute for all elections for which mail-in balloting will be the primary means of voting in the state," Elias said. ..."
"... At the same time, Elias called for Nevada to stop throwing out ballots when signatures on voters' ballots appear different from those on voters' registrations, saying "lay election officials have never had the necessary expertise" to make an accurate determination. ..."
"... Elias also demanded that Nevada "require mail-in ballots be sent to all registered voters in Nevada, not just those in an active status." Elias asserted that state election law doesn't distinguish between the two categories of voters. ..."
"A prominent Democratic lawyer who represented Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is
threatening to sue the state of Nevada unless it immediately suspends prosecutions for ballot
harvesting before the June 9 primary, among a slew of other demands, according to a letter
obtained by Fox News on Tuesday.
Marc Elias, now representing the Nevada Democratic Party, also called for a substantial
expansion to in-person voting access in the upcoming primary -- though just days ago, he said
it was a "national disgrace" that Wisconsin was moving ahead with in-person voting amid the
coronavirus pandemic. In both cases, he cited health concerns.
Democrats had feared that low turnout in Wisconsin would hurt their chances, while they
have a more optimistic outlook in Nevada.
Writing on April 10 to Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske, a Republican, Elias
first took aim at Nevada Revised Statutes section 293.330(4), which prohibits ballot
harvesting and permits only certain individuals, like family members, to return ballots.
Ballot harvesting, or the practice of allowing political operatives and others to collect
voters' ballots and turn them in en masse to polling stations, has drawn bipartisan concerns
of fraud from election watchers.
In his letter, Elias argued that "many Nevada voters will not be able to return their
mail-in ballots themselves and do not have family members – or are separated from these
family members because of social distancing – who can do so for them."
"We ask that your office and the office of the Nevada Attorney General immediately
announce a suspension of prosecutions under this statute for all elections for which mail-in
balloting will be the primary means of voting in the state," Elias said.
At the same time, Elias called for Nevada to stop throwing out ballots when signatures on
voters' ballots appear different from those on voters' registrations, saying "lay election
officials have never had the necessary expertise" to make an accurate determination.
"In an environment where the vast majority of Nevada voters will be casting a mail-in
ballot for the first time, there is the real possibility that hundreds of thousands of Nevada
voters could be disenfranchised due to the arbitrary determinations of these untrained
officials," Elias wrote. In the alternative, Elias said that those found to have mismatched
or missing signatures should be given an additional two weeks, instead of the normal one-week
deadline, to clarify the matter.
Elias also demanded that Nevada "require mail-in ballots be sent to all registered voters
in Nevada, not just those in an active status." Elias asserted that state election law
doesn't distinguish between the two categories of voters.
Republicans have argued that many states fail to adequately clean up their voter rolls.
Last year, California was forced to remove 1.5 million ineligible voters after a court
settlement last year when California's rolls showed a registration of 112 percent.
Further, Elias urged that Nevada "require more than just one in-person vote center per
county in the State's most populous counties as well as those with geographically distant
population centers."
"Nevada voters have a proud tradition of voting in person either during the early voting
period or on election day," Elias wrote. "Having only a single in-person location in each
county poses certain risks and hardships to voters in various circumstances -- voters in
dense urban communities, for example, will be forced into dangerously overcrowded polling
places, while rural voters will have to travel unreasonable distances just to cast their
On April 6, though, Elias called it a "national disgrace" that "may well cost lives" when
the Wisconsin Supreme Court blocked an order to shut down in-person voting there. "No one
should have to chose between voting and their health," Elias wrote on Twitter.
Elias, among other things, is known for his role hiring private research firm Fusion
GPS to probe Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign – efforts which resulted in the
discredited anti-Trump dossier. (my bold)
Elias did not respond to a request for comment from Fox News ..
Elias did appear to be citing health concerns in both cases, however -- first by
criticizing Wisconsin for having in-person voting at all, and later by arguing that limited
polling locations In Nevada would force voters into overcrowded spaces.
But Walters pointed to the ballot-harvesting request as part of a bigger scheme.
Walters added: "Democrats' entire strategy is to legalize ballot harvesting nationwide,
and this letter proves it. Sending far-left activists door-to-door to collect ballots not
only jeopardizes people's health, it threatens the security of their ballot. The last thing
our country needs during a time of crisis is to weaken confidence in our elections, but that
is exactly what would happen if Democrats get their way."
In 2018, despite holding substantial leads on Election Day, many Republican candidates
in California saw their advantage shrink, and then disappear, as late-arriving Democratic
votes were counted in the weeks following the election. Many observers pointed to the
Democrats' use of ballot harvesting as a key to their success in the elections. (my
"Anecdotally there was a lot of evidence that ballot harvesting was going on," Neal
Kelley, the registrar for voters in Southern California's Orange County, told Fox News.
In Orange County – once seen as a Republican stronghold in the state – every
House seat went to a Democrat after an unprecedented "250,000" vote-by-mail drop-offs were
counted, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.
"People were carrying in stacks of 100 and 200 of them. We had had multiple people calling
to ask if these people were allowed to do this," Kelley said.
California had recently legalized ballot harvesting ahead of the election. In 2019, a GOP
operative in North Carolina was arrested related to alleged ballot harvesting, which is
prohibited in that state.
"Marc Erik Elias (born February 1, 1969) is an American attorney specializing in election
law, voting rights and redistricting. He is a partner at Perkins Coie and head of the firm's
Political Law practice. He served as general counsel for the Hillary Clinton 2016
presidential campaign and John Kerry 2004 presidential campaign.
Early life and education
Born to a Jewish family in New York City "
"... Social media is clamping down on posts questioning US election results' "integrity," despite troubling anomalies. Yet questioning election integrity defined the establishment narrative for four years of relentless Russiagating. ..."
"... Twitter has been steadily tightening its " election integrity " policy since 2016 in response to allegations that social media had served as a breeding ground for " Russian bots " and trolls who somehow convinced a massive swathe of the American electorate to vote for Republican candidate Donald Trump in that year's election. The platform now vows to remove " unverified claims " about election fraud or meddling, now that four years of unverified claims about Russian meddling have succeeded in making many ordinary Americans fearful of what would happen to their precious vote if censors weren't waiting in the wings to smother wrongthink. ..."
"... Facebook, too, has refashioned itself as an election integrity crusader using the Russian meddling claims as a springboard. In a plot twist that would be rejected from a Hollywood script for being too on the nose, its "election integrity" expert Anna Makanju previously worked as a special policy adviser for Europe and Eurasia to former Vice President (and current Democratic presidential challenger) Joe Biden. She's also a senior nonresident fellow at the pro-war NATO-backed think tank the Atlantic Council, which has partnered with Facebook since 2018 to "defend democracy" – again, based on unfounded allegations that the Trump campaign had colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election. ..."
Social media is clamping down on posts questioning US election results' "integrity," despite troubling anomalies. Yet questioning
election integrity defined the establishment narrative for four years of relentless Russiagating.
Twitter, Facebook and YouTube's crackdown on speculation about voter fraud, " election meddling ," and other " information
intended to undermine public confidence in an election or other civic process " (as Twitter
put it ) represents a stunning
about-face from the way they fostered – even bolstered – speculation about alleged Russian interference in the 2016 vote.
In what is perhaps the ultimate irony, the current level of election meddling by the social media establishment – which outstrips
anything the troll farm Internet Research Agency pulled off in 2016 by several orders of magnitude – would be impossible without
the hysteria ginned up on these platforms by journalists casting doubt over the integrity of that year's election. If not for four
years of Russiagate, social media platforms would never have gotten away with choking off the flow of information about 2020's election
on the level they are.
Twitter has been steadily tightening its " election integrity " policy since 2016 in response to allegations that social
media had served as a breeding ground for " Russian bots " and trolls who somehow convinced a massive swathe of the American
electorate to vote for Republican candidate Donald Trump in that year's election. The platform now vows to remove " unverified
claims " about election fraud or meddling, now that four years of unverified claims about Russian meddling have succeeded in
making many ordinary Americans fearful of what would happen to their precious vote if censors weren't waiting in the wings to smother
Facebook, too, has refashioned itself as an election integrity crusader using the Russian meddling claims as a springboard. In
a plot twist that would be rejected from a Hollywood script for being too on the nose, its "election integrity" expert Anna Makanju
previously worked as a special policy adviser for Europe and Eurasia to former Vice President (and current Democratic presidential
challenger) Joe Biden. She's also a senior nonresident fellow at the pro-war NATO-backed think tank the Atlantic Council, which has
partnered with Facebook since 2018 to "defend democracy" – again, based on unfounded allegations that the Trump campaign had colluded
with Russia to steal the 2016 election.
YouTube has acted in a similar vein,
forcing " authoritative sources " down users' throats (when if they wanted to watch CNN, they would turn on their TV, not
log on to YouTube) and slapping thought-babysitting warning labels on content related to controversial issues.
All three outlets have labeled " state-run media " and
suppressed its reach – in many cases
making loopholes for media run by the US or its client states, and making bogus claims about " editorial independence " as
if the heads of state of Russia, Iran, China, and other wrongthink-generating states are breathing down the necks of individual writers.
Yet even privately owned US media outlets are now muzzled when the stories they publish purport to tell unwanted truths about the
anointed one – Biden – or his son, whose laptop initiated the most shockingly heavy-handed censorship episode of the pre-election
season. The coverup, as they say, is always worse than the crime.
Thanks to a cross-platform clampdown on questioning election results, no matter how dodgy they may seem, the president of the
US himself cannot call the attention of his millions of followers to allegations of voter fraud in states that have become key battlegrounds
in the 2020 contest: Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona. Half of his last dozen tweets are hidden behind a 'warning'
that prevent users from commenting on or retweeting them. Even a three-word caps-lock outburst like " STOP THE FRAUD " has
been declared too sensitive for users' eyes.
Twitter, Facebook and YouTube declared it their mission to fight " misinformation " amid the fog of doubts about election
integrity that ensued following Trump's 2016 upset. Their drift in the past four years has made it abundantly clear – as has the
revelation that upwards of 95 percent of political contributions made by employees of all three companies went to Democrats – that
they are not neutral, nonpartisan onlookers, but willing soldiers in the Democratic Party's information war. The obviousness with
which they go about fighting it only inflames the president's supporters, who – after days of having tweets deleted, being locked
out of their accounts, and otherwise being suppressed – are ready to go to war themselves.
And that's the point. Given how little daylight there really would be between the policies of the two presidents, it's clear all
this divide-and-conquer pageantry is aimed more at the candidates' supporters – many of whom have divergent views on where the US
should go. Nevertheless, if those supporters were to peacefully compare notes on what they see as the problems with American society,
they might realize they have more in common with each other than they do with the leaders of their respective parties. Therefore,
they must be kept at each other's throats if the ruling establishment is to survive. And, given the looks of 2020's election results,
that ruling class will enjoy a long, healthy life.
Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those
of RT.
Kiro919 7 hours ago
No-one would vote for Dorsey or Zuckerbum - yet they have incredible power and influence. Close them down and
punish them.
Daniel Fernald Kiro919 5 hours ago
Boycott, divest, sanction (BDS).
Count_Cash Kiro919 5 hours ago
Tech dictators - we know what is going to happen to them really. US is closing mouths now, censoring
even their president. Free speech is dead in the US. No allegations allowed, every dissenting voice labelled as not to be listened
to, every search result censored, every non conforming view attacked - everyone with a mind knows they are looking at a US which
is an oppressive regime only permitting a single party view. They have run a fraudulent election to protect that regime!
UshouldKnow 3 hours ago
Google, Facebook and Twitter are public forums and as such should not be allowed to censor free speech
which is guaranteed in our constitution. This should be taken up by the Supreme Court.
Jack the Beanstalk 7 hours ago
just a few years ago Maduro was almost ousted in a coup by Guaido and special interests in USA.
The same thing is happening now its a failed coup attempt again sponsored by richest 1%
a325 6 hours ago
"Social media is clamping down on posts questioning US election results' "integrity," despite troubling anomalies.
Yet questioning election integrity defined the establishment narrative for four years of relentless Russiagating." The hypocrisy
is right there
Jimmy_The_Cop 3 hours ago
Donald Trump should be congratulated for saving us from Hilary Clinton and staying alive for nearly
four years (with his own private security of course). Well Done Donald! Now have some fun in the next couple months and pardon everyone
under sun! By the way, censorship is not new in America. Read the Warren Report, the 9-11 Commission Report and countless other "official"
narratives during the Great American Century.
shadow1369 5 hours ago
It's everywhere. The bbc never fails to describe reports of ballot fraud as 'unsubstantiated' despite never
once having used the word when reporting endlessly on he Russaiagate hoax. As for Biden corruption, they simply refused to mention
that at all.
Ivan DeGaulle shadow1369 1 hour ago I love the 'false rumours' line.. because, if it was false? it's not a rumour but a lie! Reply
SavantMan 3 hours ago
I don't know why it's so hard for people to simply stop using these platforms. The more people use them, the
more empowered these corrupt platforms are. I just don't get it. Why would anyone still use such corrupt and biased platforms is
truly mind boggling.
UshouldKnow SavantMan 3 hours ago
The people are brainwashed by the MSM and the alphabet agencies which have a monopoly on the
"news." As a result the masses have no idea what's really going on. Many are addicted to Google, Facebook, Twitter, et al just as
they are to sports and other distractions. And what are the alternatives? The 3 platforms referenced above are so ubiquitous they
have no competition. I agree people should wean themselves away from them but it isn't easy. That being said, "My Space" is not a
thing anymore, so it is possible, but first people have to wake up.
Avaron 3 hours ago
Trump's worst mistake was staying with Twitter. Now they keep on censoring his tweets. He should have moved
to a different platform when he became the president, then advertised it on twitter. So people would come to that platform instead
of twitter.
muahaha 4 hours ago
Maybe, but anyway, he's done after the evil things he did, not before. And everyone
knew what he was doing. That's the pity.
Daffyduck011 7 hours ago
We dont need anymore examples. Facebook Twitter YouTube Google and the MSM have
an agenda. It is globalism. Trump was a nationalist and a Republican. So if you are a socialist and a globalist you should
use these entities. If you are not you must boycott these entities.
Daffyduck011 3 hours ago
It's not socialism, you need to crack a book. What this is: Bolshevism (Zionist-sponsored)
shadow1369 Daffyduck011 5 hours ago
US tech giants are corporate fascists, the exact opposite of socialists.
"... The referral is substantially less than the "10,000" referenced earlier but the underlying allegation is still important. The early concern for many of us was that the system established in Clark County would be difficult to review for violations due to how the tabulation was handled and the record preserved. ..."
"... Many states like Nevada are relying on notoriously outdated voter lists and applying fairly lax standards for confirming the identity of voters for mail-in ballots. In Nevada, this is a particular concern because many workers moved out of the state due to the pandemic's impact on the casino industry. ..."
"... "Gonzo reporter" Hunter S. Thompson once said that "For a loser Vegas is the meanest town on earth." The question for a court may be whether it is equally unkind to a winner if he cannot prove what he won. ..."
It turns out that some things that happen in Vegas may not stay in Vegas . . . like
The Republican Party in the Silver State is now arguing that thousands of votes in the close
presidential election were cast by workers who moved out of the state or even by deceased
individuals. Various voters reported their deceased relatives receiving live ballots in the
mail. Now, the Nevada Republican Party has sent a criminal referral to the Justice Department
alleging at least 3,062 instances of voter fraud in the battleground state. The referral is
substantially less than the "10,000" referenced earlier but the underlying allegation is still
important. The early concern for many of us was that the system established in Clark County
would be difficult to review for violations due to how the tabulation was handled and the
record preserved.
The allegations over ineligible voting were raised before Election Day. Many states like
Nevada are relying on notoriously outdated voter lists and applying fairly lax standards for
confirming the identity of voters for mail-in ballots. In Nevada, this is a particular concern
because many workers moved out of the state due to the pandemic's impact on the casino
You cannot vote if you moved out of the state over 30 days prior to the balloting.
The problem is the accuracy of state voting and residency records in showing such changes
shortly before an election. Absent a system of authentication of residency and identification,
it would be a system based on the honor system – an approach that no casino would allow
even at the nickel slots section.
As courts deal with a flurry of lawsuits in various states, I have been focusing on the
allegations in Nevada of thousands of ineligible or even deceased voters. That is the type of
systemic failure that could cloud results in not just the Silver State but other states. Nevada
was one of the states that I identified before the election as one of three states that I was
watching the most closely for election challenges. However, the problems raised in Nevada could
raise concerns with shared elements to various states from Michigan to Pennsylvania. The
reliance on questionable voter lists and the lack of authentication systems were raised months
ago. The legal problem is not simply that such systems may allow for large numbers of
ineligible votes but that they would not allow sufficient review of ballots to resolve such
The criminal referral is substantially less than the "10,000" referenced earlier but the
underlying allegation is still important. The early concern for many of us was that the system
established in Clark County would be difficult to review for violations due to how the record
was being preserved.
The Republicans are claiming that this is just the first set of identified voters with
alleged ineligibility. Conversely, Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat, issued a statement
arguing the state was "widely recognized as being a leader in election administration," and
that he had "the utmost confidence in the abilities of Nevada's local election officials and
Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske to accurately count every eligible vote cast in the Silver
State." We have no basis to rule in or rule out either claim.
I have repeatedly stated that we must not make assumptions on either side. My concern is
that it is not clear how a court could review these ballots in Clark County if it agrees that
there appears to be systemic problems. If the court believes that thousands votes illegally,
that lack of a record could prove the undoing of the state officials. At some point, the burden
can shift and courts demand proof that a problem was not systemic. If they cannot, the question
will be raised whether the same vulnerability existed in other states like Pennsylvania,
Michigan, or Georgia. A court could be presented with a decision of when the unknowable becomes
the unacceptable. If the court believes that thousands of unlawful votes were cases and the
ultimate number impossible to confirm, the only certain way to address a systemic failure would
be a special election – a prospect that few judges would relish and even fewer would
seriously consider.
What we know is that we are rapidly running out of runway to deal with this problem. The
options range from a detailed review of ballots to the remote possibility of a new election.
All of those options take time as we saw in 2000 with the Florida recount. If the time runs
out, we could have an election with lingering doubt over the legitimacy of the vote count in
states like Nevada – a poisonous prospect for any democratic process.
"Gonzo reporter" Hunter S. Thompson once said that "For a loser Vegas is the meanest town on
earth." The question for a court may be whether it is equally unkind to a winner if he cannot
prove what he won.
"... There's huge uncertainty about how the election will turn out. What looked like a certain Trump victory when I went to bed on Tuesday night suddenly turned in Biden's favor in Democrat-run swing states where there appears to have been massive fraud -- unprecendented stopping of vote counting on Tuesday night, vote-dumps in the middle of the night in Wisconsin and Michigan in which 100% of the votes went to Biden, preventing poll watchers from actually seeing what was going on in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Nevada, and I am sure much more. ..."
"... ... Unprincipled pursuit of power is utterly characteristic of the Democrats and their media allies in recent years, and it would not be at all surprising to learn that there was a Plan B already decided on before the election. ..."
There's huge uncertainty about how the election will turn out. What looked like a certain
Trump victory when I went to bed on Tuesday night suddenly turned in Biden's favor in
Democrat-run swing states where there appears to have been massive fraud -- unprecendented
stopping of vote counting on Tuesday night,
vote-dumps in the middle of the night in Wisconsin and Michigan in which 100% of the votes
went to Biden, preventing poll watchers from actually seeing what was going on in Michigan,
Pennsylvania and Nevada, and I am sure much more.
The folks who firmly believe that Putin
rigged the 2016 election and studiously ignore how supposedly neutral platforms like Google,
Twitter, and Facebook have tilted their coverage in favor of the Democrats, now would have us
believe that Democrats would not do anything to cheat.
... Unprincipled pursuit of power is utterly characteristic of the Democrats and their media
allies in recent years, and it would not be at all surprising to learn that there was a Plan B
already decided on before the election.
The old guard wants us to lay down and take it, but this election is far for over. It's time
to fight, and Trump is our man.
Mitt Romney would have conceded by now. John McCain would have conceded Tuesday night.
George Bush would have called it quits, and then invaded Iraq for good measure. Thank God in
heaven for Donald J. Trump.
Speaking late Thursday from the White House, President Trump predicted that, if all legal
votes (and only legal votes) were counted, they would show that he has won the election.
Over the past few days, former Vice President Biden has consistently made similar claims,
without the caveat that votes must be legally cast. As has become the norm when conservatives
voice concerns over a questionable election, the president's observations and forecast were
quickly "fact-checked" by the mainstream media and censored by Big Tech platforms -- while
Biden's went unchecked.
The facts, we are told, show a clear Biden victory. Any suggestion to the contrary, any
attempt to investigate reports of Democratic misconduct, is dismissed as right-wing
conspiracizing, or the petulant protestations of a sorry bunch of sore losers. (Russiagate, it
seems, has been memory-holed.) The decent thing, they say, would be concession -- take the
numbers at face value and call it a day. To his great credit, it looks like Trump will do no
such thing.
This election has essentially come down to six states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada,
Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Of these six, only Arizona and Nevada really remain question
marks. Michigan and Wisconsin have already been called for Biden by most sources, and
Pennsylvania and Georgia are expected to follow close behind. Even if Arizona and Nevada both
went for Trump in the end -- the latter seems likely, while the former is a long shot --
victory in the other four would secure Biden a comfortable electoral college win at 289. It can
hardly be ignored that the major blue cities in each of these states -- Atlanta, Detroit,
Philadelphia, and Milwaukee -- are all dominated by strong, old-school, Tammany-style machines.
It can hardly be forgotten that urban Democratic machines are not exactly known for the
integrity of their elections.
This is the question being asked by Trump and other right-wingers: not whether some massive
conspiracy has been orchestrated at the national level, with Biden pulling the strings from a
basement in Delaware, but whether the substantial misconduct that has long defined city
political machines is influencing outcomes in these four key locations. This is not a question
on which we can play it safe and civil. We need a full court press to get answers from people
who have shown themselves unwilling to provide them.
Pay attention to the mainstream argument: Trump's claims have not been conclusively proven,
and so the mere suggestion is considered far beyond the pale. For many, the president's
assertion that 1) misconduct has been observed on a large scale in all of these key locations
and 2) this misconduct will be challenged in court, is the conclusive proof they need that we
are sliding into the dictatorship they predicted four years ago. The concerns are rebuked with
the usual dismissals -- unfounded, unproven, unsubstantiated, "without evidence" -- and the
narrative that Biden is the clear winner tightens its grip with every word out of every
anchor's mouth. But more than enough preliminary evidence has been provided in each of these
places to justify -- no, demand -- investigation.
The fundamental reason all these claims remain "unsubstantiated" is that the very people who
reject them on this basis are the ones who are supposed to be substantiating them -- and
they have absolutely, entirely abandoned this basic duty. Anyone who tries to look into the
evidence is denounced as a kook or (in Trump's case) a caudillo. We can hardly expect an honest
accounting of what's happened in the blue cities when talking about what's happened in the blue
cities has suddenly become the eighth deadly sin.
This is why -- besides his unique perspective and approach drawing together the broadest
coalition a Republican has built in sixty years -- Trump is actually the perfect man for the
moment. The entire media establishment is aligned to declare a Biden victory prematurely, with no
intention of investigating election inconsistencies. Local and state governments in the places
that matter are hardly more reliable -- Michigan Attorney General Jocelyn Benson is an alumna of
the SPLC, and Pennsylvania AG Josh Shapiro promised four days before the election that Trump
would not win the state. The docile functionaries and milquetoast figureheads of the pre-Trump
GOP could not have handled the fight ahead -- and likely would have run from it.
In fact, we know that they would have, because that's exactly what they're urging Trump to do
now. If you Google "trump+thursday+speech" or any similar query, it's going to take a whole lot
of digging to actually find the speech Trump delivered on Thursday. What you will find instead
are abundant "fact-checks" of the speech that don't actually check any of the facts, and page
upon page of ritual denunciations by the chattering classes.
These denunciations are hardly limited to the left-wingers behind the anchors' desks at every
major network. CNN is proudly touting a clip of Rick Santorum, former Republican senator from PA
and current senior political analyst at that esteemed news source, expressing his shock and
disappointment that the president would call into question certain aspects of the election.
Santorum voiced his hope that "Republicans will stand up at this moment and say what needs to be
said about the integrity of our election." (The irony is apparently lost on him.)
Similarly, Scott Walker, who was one of the first to exit the Republican primary field in 2016
and lost his reelection bid for governor of Wisconsin in 2018 to Democrat Tony Evers, has issued
a number of tweets insisting that a recount -- which the Trump campaign has already called for --
would be pointless. He has observed that, in normal elections, recounts have done very little to
alter tallies. There's no sense to this line: this is not a normal election. Delays in ballot
counting alone are enough to cause concern. Add to that the occasional full stops, after which
huge quantities of Biden ballots conveniently appear. Add to that Wisconsin's level of voter
turnout -- not over 100%, as some online rumors earlier suggested, but still near unbelievably
high. It would be the farthest thing from a surprise if a more careful inspection really did
shake things up this time around.
The same is true in Michigan, where Biden has made similarly stunning gains in witching-hour
ballot dumps. On top of that, the transposition of a few thousand Trump votes to Biden in Antrim
County has now been chalked up to a glitch in the tabulation software -- software that happens to
be used in 46 other counties. We now know there is a problem with the way the votes are
counted, and even the slightest chance that even the smallest repetition of that glitch has
occurred elsewhere demands the strictest scrutiny be applied to the Michigan vote.
All this and more can be said for Pennsylvania and Georgia, the two states most vital to the
president's reelection. Pennsylvania in particular is playing fast and loose with mail-in
ballots, and dubious rules changes need to be challenged in court. Philadelphia has a reputation
for machine-style corruption that puts Daley-era Chicago to shame. Election workers there have
also repeatedly blocked GOP poll watchers from observing the process they are legally entitled to
oversee. The same thing is happening in Detroit, where cardboard has actually been placed over
the windows to prevent people from seeing inside the central counting location. If you have
nothing to hide, right?
The president has every reason not to take the narrative at face value. This doesn't mean we
throw out the election, and it doesn't mean we're undermining democracy. It means we need to
exhaust every avenue and turn over every stone. Everything that can be brought before a court
needs to be, and every ballot that raises red flags needs to be explained. Put the screws to
every machine operative from Milwaukee to Atlanta, and make sure every word holds up.
Somebody needs to give a very good answer as to why the number of ballots left to count in
Fulton County keeps changing every time we go to sleep -- and changing by margins that boggle the
mind. Force the people who run the machines to speak, and see how long their story lasts.
Declan Leary is the Collegiate Network Fellow at The American Conservative and a
graduate of John Carroll University. His work has been published at National Review ,
Crisis, and elsewhere.
The fundamental reason all these claims remain "unsubstantiated" is that the very people
who reject them on this basis are the ones who are supposed to be substantiating them --
and they have absolutely, entirely abandoned this basic duty.
This is such a bizarre sentence. Why would government officials, investigators or
journalists or whoever be duty bound to substantiate the existence voter fraud.
They've basically done the opposite actually, and debunked the claims. Nearly every
single case of claimed voter fraud has been shown to be inaccurate, a lie, simply misleading
and/or a misunderstanding.
"Suitcases" of ballots? Actually it's photography equipment of local news broadcasts. Poll
watchers getting "pushed out" of wards? Because PA law says you are legally only allowed a
set amount of pre-certified watchers in each precinct, who must wear face masks. "Dead
voters" appearing in ballot rolls? Could exist, doesn't matter though because votes are
crosschecked with databases, and even if you died on the way home from dropping off your
mail-in ballot , your vote will be deleted, let alone if you're some potential fraud
voter who died 30 years ago.
In fact, here's a good nice long Twitter thread explaining most of the major accusations
flying around social media:
I'm just going to reply to my own very long post with an addendum:
The example of Detroit is given in the article as if papering the windows over was some
heinous thing. The reason why we have to protect the identity of poll workers is intimidation. We
already have a situation in Fulton County, GA where some enterprising conservatives have
doxxed a poll worker and actually sent the poor man into hiding.
His license plate number was posted onto Twitter, and he is now hiding at a friend's
house, because conservative activists falsely accused him of throwing out
You are a liar. You obviously have never actually WORKED an election. I have. Several,
in fact.
I have personally witnessed ballot fraud on a large scale, coupled with utter
incompetence. Palm Beach county, 2012.
I oversaw the correction of 60,000 "defective" absentee ballots. Each correction table
was to be staffed with 1 Dem, 1 Repub, who cross-checked each others work. The corrupt
Supervisor of Elections harassed and threatened Republican workers and monitors. Nasty as
I PERSONALLY witnessed CORRECTED ABSENTEE BALLOTS taken to the back where the voting
TABULATORS were, and watched as each ballot was removed from the box, examined, and some
were thrown in the trash can. And I had seen a lot of ballots with Romney marked for
President, with a straight Dem ticket down-ballot races all Dem. This is a BLUE
I reported this, and nothing was done. Cowardly Republicans do this... Nothing. I
often wonder how many other blue cou ties have threatened Republican poll watchers &
Your slander of decent people means NOTHING, except that you are a liar of gigantic
proportions. Go over to Daily Kos, where you can fellowship with your vile compatriot
I support the view that it is entirely possible for a county full of good people to
lean hard against the "other side" in a hot disputed election. In 2014 and 2016 the
polling place was a strange church miles away; the workers there had a hand-lettered sign
posted that demanded driver licenses as ID, even though State law did not demand that
form of ID alone. This year I was one of the people who were locked out of the voting
process; the details do not matter, but it happened, and I refused to kowtow to the
system to get my registration card renewed. My county went 80% for Trump, so in fact my
lone vote would not have mattered for much anyway.
No doubt some people were denied the right to vote. Historically, the right to vote is
denied blacks and latinos more often than whites. But to make a blanket claim of a stolen
election, just the President, mind you, is an extraordinary claim that demands
extraordinary proof. Trump does not even claim that any of those down ballot Repubs,
candidates who did just fine for themselves, were denied votes. Just him.
If the democrats rigged the election then why didn't they give themselves the Senate?
Why did they lose seats in the House? And why did they not take back a single statehouse?
Trump lost because the DNC opened their arms to the Bush-era neocons from the Lincoln
Project. They're all republicans that voted for Biden and down ticket republicans and now
Biden will be putting them in his cabinet. If the election was rigged then you can thank
the those republicans for betraying their party, but the DNC is incapable of rigging
anything without help from the other side.
Your mistake is conflating "Republicans" and "republican voters." Not the same thing.
Trump was sent to DC to deal, among other things with the "Republicans."
Why didn't they give themselves the senate? A couple of hundred thousand ballots with
a 100% tally for one side were manufactured to influence one election. Only one really
mattered. Several million Americans were impoverished and terrorized all year long to
ensure this result.
In any case, they don't need the Senate -- the "Republicans" will simply roll
over. They always do. Cocaine Mitch is already signaling his intent to do so.
I saw his spokesperson the other day said any Biden cabinet picks will have to be
approved by him. Doesn't sound like Mitch is rolling over at all. We're going to see the
Lincoln Project repugs (Bush era neocons) in his cabinet and giving the MIC a seat at the
table again.
Just another 4 years of Bush/Obama policies. I think we can agree that both
sides lost this election and that's sadly not new either.
Maybe its time the for
"fringes" to unite against the center.
Speaking as a progressive myself, I dont feel like we united as much as we stayed
home. No one in the 2016 election was representing anything we wanted. The only thing
that united us was our hatred of Hillary. ;) hahaha
We can't unify under either established party. I'm talking about really uniting and
taking both out with a real populist platform (healthcare, ending our wars and getting
money out of politics), all things most Americans are in favor of. What do we have to
lose at this point? There's something horribly broken with our government when every 4
years both sides are left frustrated when the will of the people is never represented in
our supposed representative democracy. We gotta try something different.
Fox News has aired video of certified poll observers in philly being prevented from
entering polling places. but keep running interference- its obvious you wouldn't care if
you KNEW fraud had taken place...
Other Murdoch-owned news companies have done much worse! In England, his reporters
spoofed a call from a dead girl's phone, giving her parents false hope. They bugged and
bribed politicians, pretty ugly stuff. Here you go:
Fox News is a subsidiary NewsCorp, peddler of tabloid propaganda , promulgated by an
Australian plutocrat Rupert Murdoch, who is no friend of the USA. He has been ripping us
apart now for decades for his profit, power, and ego. He has made the GOP his b**ch. Note
how recently he has turned on Trump (not that I mind).
Why would government officials, investigators or journalists or whoever be duty bound
the existence voter fraud.
What a ridiculous thing to say. Those who claim to "speak truth to power" have as
their function the investigation and reporting of charges of voter fraud.
Instead, they are nothing but rank partisans, licking the government hand that feeds
them, and simply memory-holing anything that might damage their boy or be thought helpful
to their opponents. Liars and frauds, every last one.
simply memory-holing anything that might damage their boy or be thought helpful to
their opponents.
Whatever you want to claim about lefties with "TDS" or whatever you want to label
them, this sentence is literally a word-for-word description that applies to Trump
Just endless ranks of simpletons who will thrust off every piece of evidence and
correction to their accusations.
Write out a comment to debunk things being misconstrued, twisted or lied about, and
Trumpists will waste your time blathering and ranting on about "rank partisans" without
even a hint or lick of irony and self-reflection about how their entire post is actually
about themselves.
I can just as easily dismiss you the same way, but the idea that FB, Twitter, CNN, and
yes -- even Fox -- aren't nakedly partisan is ridiculous nonsense. The least you could do
is pretend to understand what got Trump elected in the first place.
Wall St and the MIC work hand and hand with our corporate media, an industry that's
dominated by 6 corporations. They're not liberal nor conservative, they are only
motivated by money and power and keeping the population divided so that they dont unite
and come for them all.
One only has to look at the Citizens United Supreme Court decision to see how far down
the US has fallen. Now a corporation is a person? If that is so, can't they get
20-to-life when they kill someone? Can't they get the death penalty? NO, they can't; but
they can get all the good things that come from that ruling, without any of the negatives
at all.
Not every last reporter is a rank partisan, but many of them prefer the easy route to
a paycheck. Look up Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Tom Engelhardt, and others like them.
There are honest historians like Howard Zinn and Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz. There are also
honest whistleblowers who get a bad rep, like Chelsea Manning, Eric Snowden and Julian
Assange. There are still a few journalists of the old school in the world. But they have
to be careful less they find themselves charged with treason under an old law, and spend
the balance of their lives locked down 23 1/2 hours per day in a tiny cell in a US
SuperMax prison.
Excellent article. I am very happy Trump is pushing to open up this election to legal
review, public inspection, recounts, bipartisan review of the ballots, process
violations. We were supposed to be patient and wait for the count, why not the recount.
What is the hurry. If he lost, fine, I want to know that, not just trust anti-Trump,
Democratic activist officials telling me that. There are so many oddities - the Biden
surges coming after down time, always so conveniently. Software turning Republican votes
into Democrat votes. The dead voting. Blocking access to GOP observers. Given the
closeness of the results in the key states that are determining the outcome, it is not
that hard to turn things one way or the other.
The state legislators decide when the mail in ballots are counted. For Florida,
Oregon, Colorado they are counted when they come in and are verified as legal votes. For
Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin the legislature decided they could not start
processing the ballots until election day, thus it is impossible get a count of those
ballots before the in person voting was counted.
Barr is asking, "how many people who sent late-arriving mail-in ballots also showed up
to vote on election day?"
It matters because it's the law we all agreed to, and you need to respect the process
to retain the other side's confidence, which your side has not done.
But one thing which may be behind the law is these 100%-Biden ballot dumps that don't
vote for congress. Do you see what's behind Barr's question? Mail-in ballots make ballot
stuffing almost trivial because you can just dump them into the mail. The one problem is
that each envelope has to have a registered voter's name on it, and that name is compared
to who voted in person. To get the mail-in vote counted, and to avoid suspicious
patterns, you need to put a name on there that didn't vote in person. That's much easier
to do after the polls close, and you have collected all the signature books to start
doing the mail-in count.
Maybe they wouldn't have had to skip steps in the process if Trump should have
appointed someone better than DeJoy, and maybe Congress (Republicans in particular)
shouldn't have spent the better part of the last two decades screwing with the USPS.
Delays in ballot counting alone are enough to cause concern. Add to that the
occasional full stops, after which huge quantities of Biden ballots conveniently appear.
Add to that Wisconsin's level of voter turnout -- not over 100%, as some online rumors
earlier suggested, but still near unbelievably high. It would be the farthest thing from
a surprise if a more careful inspection really did shake things up this time
Yeah, what kind of insane ballot-counting system would allow the poll workers to
sleep ? They should be legally required to mainline stimulants until their work is
done! And the only honest way to deliver counts is to transmit each individual ballot one
by one to the state: sending counts in batches must be evidence of fraud! And how is it
possible that after vocally discouraging his voters from voting by mail, there are
relatively few Trump mail-in votes? Very suspicious! Oh and by the way, turnout in
Wisconsin was quite normal:
jeez, it is amazing how uncurious everyone has become...
Uncurious? The uncurious are the people who take videos shared by Steven Crowder, or
whatever right-wing grifter they like, and believe them as gospel truth without verifying
I have literally spent the better part of my precious Friday evening reading and
watching a trove of claimed voter fraud incidents, and I have yet to find a substantially
supported example.
But...duh? You absolutely do have some ballots thrown out in every
election, because they're improperly marked or otherwise somehow invalid. That's not a
conspiracy, that's literally what poll workers have to do. I don't get it, if we think
there are dead people voting (per the above conspiracy) wouldn't we want the workers to
throw them out? Or do we not want them throwing them out? Can't have it both ways!
It doesn't exactly take a brainiac to realize what's happening in the video. The man
on the right is holding a damaged ballot, and reading off the marked selections to
the woman on the left so that she can transcribe the damaged information to a new,
undamaged ballot. You then mark the serial number for the new ballot onto the original,
damaged ballot to keep them together.
And of course, as an extra bonus, the video is zoomed in purposefully to crop out the
bipartisan poll-watchers that are standing right by this duo to make sure that they're
properly transcribing the votes.
This is literally election 101 stuff, but apparently people don't know how it
Come on, you can literally verify or debunk this on the County website. Yes, one claim
going around is that Wards 273 and 274, which was located at the Spanish Immersion School
reported 200% turnout.
Ward 273 had 671 registered voters, and 612 actual voters; Ward 274 had 702 registered
voters and 611 actual voters.
So congratulations, you bought into another easily disprovable lie. I've also seen
claims that the 272nd, 277th, 269th, 234th and 312nd Wards overrated, but you can check
and see that none of that is true either.
And, all of these claims are leaving out an important detail anyways: Wisconsin has
same-day voter registration. It is possible , albeit perhaps unlikely, to have
higher voter counts than number of pre-registered voters because of that.
Ballot harvesting is real:
https://dfw.cbslocal.com/20... This is but one example in my state, and we're also aware of certain places sending
out unrequested ballots. They all deserve jail time.
Let's say I was. Would that make any of the proof I linked untrue? Or is truth only
something that comes out of a party-flag waving conservatives' mouth?
And no, I'm not. I've pretty openly stated multiple times that I voted ASP in the
Presidential race, and both R/D in various spots down the ballot.
Oh, and just in the interest of fairness, there were some conspiracies going
around on the left too on election night. One that I saw was that 300,000 ballots were
undelivered. While yes, many thousands of ballots were likely undelivered, what was
happening wasn't that they were undelivered,
it was that the USPS was skipping scanning the ballots to expedite delivery. That's
why DeJoy likely won't actually get in trouble, because postal branches were
specifically going out of their way to hand-pick ballots and expedite their delivery.
The reason a recount doesn't change anything is because it's just that--a recount.
They take all the ballots that were counted before, and count them again. They're not
looking at whether any ballots should have been thrown out. Fraudulent ballots that were
counted the first time around are counted again.
A recount won't do anything about what the Democrats pulled in Milwaukee.
I also don't understand it. Hasn't the mail-in envelope with the signature and the
voter's name already been thrown away? How will they remove the votes by dead people?
I have heard they're using some procedure intended for ballots that won't scan to
conceal ballots with missing or invalid signatures by copying them at desks that are
supposed to have bipartisan teams. I guess they throw out the original ballot when they
do that to prevent the recount from checking signatures properly?
I guess they throw out the original ballot when they do that to prevent the recount
from checking signatures properly?
No, they do that to prevent any possibllity of the original being mistakenly counted
As you yourself pointed out, the copying takes place in front of a bipartisan team of
watchers. So for your fantasy to have any validity, you have to believe that BOTH parties
are conspiring together to rig the vote. In which case, your vote is irrelevant, anyway,
If you really care about this, then instead of believing all of these ridiculous
conspiracy theories, why don't you try to actually become educated about how the process
works, and next time volunteer yourself to become a certified poll watcher? Then you will
KNOW the truth.
Those checks were made before the ballot was accepted and counted. They include
checking that it was a legal ballot sent to a specific person. And that the signature
matched that of the registered voter. Only after those checks is the ballot removed from
its envelop. While there may be a few mistakes there aren't anywhere enough to be
material to the final results. The ballots from in person voting are similarly
dissociated from the voters' information.
A big thank you to Mr. Maheras commenting below. Listen to him. He is our savior.
I am close to 80 years old. Old conspiracy advocates began to make extraordinary
claims about most everything when photographs would appear in newspapers. Rorschach
tests. Then came videos , or movie clips on TV. Think the Kennedy tape. Pretty soon we
had personal video equipment. And now cell phones. All Rorschach tests. But those crazy
conspiracies were the fringe long time ago. True belivers. Ideologues. But not the
Republican party leaders.
About 30 years ago the new world order, illuminati, the Bilderbers, now the Davos all
became the subject of the go to conspiracy advocates. Take your pick. One or all . But
one thing for sure, a cabal is taking over the world. Throw in a few Clinton, or Obama
conspiracies. Catch a sighting of Elvis for good measure.
Now all rolled into the Qanon cabal. Democratic pedophilia scum raping children. What
they all have in common is that they are right wing conspiracy advocates. And they all
are foolish.
This article fits in with those conspiracies. And by right wing
advocates naturally. When Clinton lost , her margin of defeat was similar to Trump's
projected defeat. Clinton and the Democrats never asserted fraud. Nor suggested
conspiracies. The political system worked, Trump won.
Now we have a reputable magazine publishing similar outlandish conspiracy theroies to
the ones mentioned above. All without a scintilla of proof. The President of the United
States for months has been setting his base up to claim fraud. And he has. And they have
blindly bought into it.
Long way to tell you that the greatest disappointment of my lifetime is the validation
by conservatives of these kooky ideas. 30 years ago even conservatives would call these
conspiracy peddlers nut jobs.
Now we have a nut job in the white house. The birther in chief. And he just gets
worse. But no one in the Republican party, except for a few tepid critics, will call the
Predident out.
This is the same guy who saw videos of Muslims dancing on 9/11. Or an inaugural crowd
rivaling the largest gathering of human beings ever assembled in the whole history of
mankind. The greatest. The most perfect and strongest
I have never been so disappointed in my President. He has enabled Mr. Leary to peddle
his nonsense. And tragically Leary believes his blather. This is truly heartbreaking. But
it is the world that Leary and his ilk will have to live with.
Me, l'll be gone. Forgetting my own name soon. Someone tell me that what I just read
is a part of my onset dementia.
Lifelong stutterer? What a load of crap. Just watch some old videos of Joe in his
arrogant days on the senate judiciary. He and his good buddy Ted Chappaquidick Kennedy
didn't stutter when they were trashing Clarence Thomas and Judge Bork. Hey it's your
right to vote for a lifer politician who's way past his prime and suffering from a tragic
disease. Climate change - right. More likely God's judgement on a godless nation.
Now we have a reputable magazine publishing similar outlandish conspiracy
As someone who started reading TAC a long time ago when it really WAS a reputable
magazine, I'm afraid that particular ship started sailing several years ago, and is
almost out of the harbor by now. There was a time when you could come here to find
intelligent, educated, and thoughtful conservatives setting out their views and being
unafraid to engage with responses from all across the entire political spectrum. Now,
Larison is the only one left who consistently meets that description, a couple of others
dabble in reality once in a while, and the rest are descending into Breitbart levels of
paranoid lunacy.
I look forward to seeing the evidence of fraud in a court of law rather than just
circulating on twitter where the standards are somewhat less stringent.
And the president said BEFORE the election that any election he lost would necessarily
be rigged/corrupt. So of course that evidence was going to be found if he lost.....
You can put this is the same category as all these white guys who lost a job because
they were white men. Of course the couldn't possibly make these claims in a court where
discovery could happen and their BS would be exposed.
"Philadelphia has a reputation for machine-style corruption that puts Daley-era Chicago to
You talk about convenient actions, convenient facts, then conveniently bring this
shameless charge without any supporting evidence. One could easily say "Trump has been a
crook since the days when he and his siblings cheated Mary Trump and family out of her legal
share of patriarch Fred Trump's fortune".
Except, there is substantial evidence that the
Trumps did cheat the niece and nephew out of hundreds of millions of dollars, and there is no
evidence of "machine-style corruption" in Philadelphia during this election, which is the
pertinent point – during this election.
If there was corruption in Philadelphia four,
eight, or eighty years ago it has no bearing; only if it happened during this election. But
the Trump transgressions stands for all time rather than just for this election, because it
reveals his personal willingness to engage in unlawful activity for personal profit, a
shameful mark on any claim to personal integrity.
"Election workers there have also repeatedly blocked GOP poll watchers from observing the
process they are legally entitled to oversee"
One authorized observer was temporarily denied entry, a mistake that was corrected by the
elections board fairly quickly. It was one and only one. It was due to a mis-interpretation
of a change in the law that happened recently. Once the directive to allow entry came down,
the observer entered and did his work without obstruction. No other authorized observer was
challenged or blocked from observing the process at any time for any length of time. Maybe
unauthorized observers were blocked, or observers who wanted to enter locations where no
observers were authorized at all.
"The same thing is happening in Detroit, where cardboard has actually been placed over the
windows to prevent people from seeing inside the central counting location"
People who were not authorized observers were attempting to film the activities of the
authorized vote counters, tabulators, and observers inside a facility. That video is illegal
because of a law designed to promote fairness in elections by making sure authorized vote
counters, tabulators, and observers can be anonymous, and not outed to the press and
The windows were blocked to prevent further filming of the activities inside; those
activities already had a full compliment of observers from both sides, and did not need the
press of untrained, angry humanity attempting to push their way inside, which was sure to end
in injury if those in back continued to press against those at the front who were stuck up
against plate glass windows.
The possibility of vote workers being publicly identified then followed to their homes and
families was a threat that deserved protection from. It happened to at least one worker, and
he had to temporarily move in with a relative to protect himself, plus keep off the streets
because his car license was published. The proper legal solution was to continue to allow the
workers their anonymity, and simple cardboard did the trick.
"If you have nothing to hide, right?"
"If there is smoke there must be fire" does not always pertain. When angry, or frustrated
at being unable to get 'their guy' elected, people can imagine all sorts of scenarios. But
imagination does not equal truth. Adults know this without even thinking about it.
"Put the screws to every machine operative from Milwaukee to Atlanta"
There should be operatives and procedures in place from well before the election just to
make sure no one has to come back later and "put the screws to every machine operative." And
there are just such laws in place everywhere in the US. Do these people writing on this
American Conservative website think the election laws and procedures were made up on the
morning of the election, and made up with no input from any Republicans? Don't be
" why the number of ballots left to count in Fulton County keeps changing "
The people writing on this American Conservative website have such vivid imaginations when
thinking up ways they could be receiving a wrong vote count. Why can they not use that same
imagination here? Perhaps the reason that numbers change is that they are changing TV
channels and listening to different pundits.
Perhaps it could be because there is no God of
Remaining Votes to make sure nobody gives out a number that confuses a Republican. Perhaps it
could be because there is no validity to a count of uncounted votes – it is only the
counted and validated votes that matter in an election, not the uncounted ones.
Simply put, an uncounted ballot is just that, a ballot that does not (yet) count. They are
acting like there is an endless supply of Biden ballots out there that can be put in play on
demand. Show me. Just show me.
The entire notion is frivolous, and silly, and worthy of
someone running an election in 1820 or 1850, where a man might make his X on a ballot on
Election Day, in return for a slug of whisky or plug of tobacco, then try to come back an
hour later to get another drink, and another
"Force the people who run the machines to speak, and see how long their story lasts."
Would that include waterboarding the machine operators? Would the Republican observers be
waterboarded, too? How about elected officials, Dem or Repub? Maybe hot irons would get to
the truth better, or bringing in a worker's child and beating them or raping them until the
worker "freely" swore to the desired testimony?
It is a well-known fact in science that eyewitnesses are unlikely to get events exactly
correct when tasked with describing them later. If some poll worker fails to get their
details exactly as another sworn witnesses' testimony, which is the most likely outcome for
eyewitnesses reporting an event, does the second person get charged with perjury, and go to
prison for years? Look back to Susan McDougall, a woman who chose years in prison rather than
put herself on the witness stand under oath, because she knew full well her honest account
was the exact opposite of the people who testified before her. Those guys were a pack of
self-serving liars who created lying accounts that fit the story the prosecutors' favored.
They got themselves sweet plea bargains, or sweet freedom, just by telling the politically
correct lie.
Put the screws to every machine operative from Milwaukee to Atlanta was an earlier threat.
Why make such a threat? Is violence against innocent-until-proven-guilty workers, the
low-wage peasants of modern society, your only and best option? Do you think so little of
people as to threaten thumb screws, a torture straight out of the worst of the Spanish
Inquisition and the Middle Ages? I guess so; it's right there in the article you wrote and
the editors approved.
That last sentence in the essay, with its serious threat to hurt and destroy the lowest
level of poll worker, to cause them harm until they testify the way you want them to testify,
is straight out of the playbook of the Russian Communist Lubyanka Prison in the days of
Stalin. I did not expect to see a card-carrying Commie on this website, but there it is. I
didn't write that last sentence, the author did, and the editors of American Conservative
passed it.
Shame, for shame. Oh wait, the editors have a disclaimer in the fine print. Sure, that
makes it right. For sure. No, for shame, still.
President Donald Trump's reelection campaign will launch a lawsuit in Pennsylvania to
challenge the mail-in
ballots that have been counted without Republican poll watchers onsite.
Rudy Giuliani, Trump's attorney announced Saturday the lawsuit during a press conference in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with several Republican poll watchers who were prevented from
entering the poll sites or the rights of poll-watching were blocked.
A federal lawsuit will be filed on Monday in Pennsylvania and more expected in other
"We're going to file a federal lawsuit that will cover here [Philadelphia] and Pittsburgh,
and we will have as many witnesses as the court needs. Right now, it could be as many as 90
witnesses," Giuliani said.
Several witnesses joined Giuliani during the press conference, all are local Philadelphia
Lisette Tarragano, one of the witnesses, said she was never allowed to enter the polling
site along with other five to six Republican poll watchers.
"I was never brought in. Actually, I never got past the first identification stage, they
kept saying that mine as well as five or six other Republicans, their names hadn't been
entered into the system," she said.
Two other poll watchers, Darrell Brooks and Matt Silver said they were kept 15 to 20 feet
away from the ballots.
Silver also alleged that some unusual ballot boxes were witnessed inside the polling
"There seem to be at least certain boxes seem to be in the same unusual pen, and seem to
have very similar handwriting. Some boxes were normal, some boxes were like that," he
The Biden campaign, the Office of Philadelphia City Commissioners, the election division of
Allegheny county government, and the Pennsylvania Department of State didn't immediately
respond to requests for comment from The Epoch Times.
It was reported that a Republican
poll watcher was temporarily blocked on Election Day in Philadelphia.
Kevin Feeley, a spokesman for the Philadelphia City Commissioners, admitted that the one
poll watcher was prevented from entering the polling site on Nov. 3.
"The mistake was corrected, and the guy was admitted," he said, claiming it was an
isolated incident.
During the election night, Trump led when the ballot canvassing started in several swing
states including Pennsylvania. But the lead was diluted by the lately-counted mail-in ballots.
In Pennsylvania, Democratic party presidential candidate Joe Biden took a slight lead after the
mail-in ballots were counted.
Because the results are very close and several lawsuits are ongoing over the election
outcome in several battlefield states, it's more and more clear that this election will be
settled through the judicial system.
The expected lawsuit by the Trump campaign will start another battle line over the outcome
of the election in some swing states: mail-in ballots counted without Republican observers.
Over the past few days, Trump has been vocal over the need to protect the sanctity of the
ballot box while claiming that Democrats are trying to "steal" the election from him due to
efforts to count late-arriving ballots, which he alleges are "illegal." He and his legal teams
have been arguing that mail-in ballots postmarked by Nov. 3 but received after election day
should not be counted and that votes that were counted without Republican observers present in
the ballot-counting centers should also be considered "illegal votes."
The U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito late Friday ordered Pennsylvania election
officials to segregate ballots that arrived after Election Day.
sixsigma cygnusatratus , 29 minutes ago
Listen. Now is not the time to take a defeatist approach. Dropping out from politics would
only achieve exactly what the left wants. Everyone needs to be doing exactly the
Whenever we were attacked, our forefathers did not stomp around and say they were fed up.
They dusted themselves off, rolled up their sleeves, organized and kicked @ss.
Biden is the epitome of corruption. Large corporations that want access to either Chinese
labor or Chinese markets or both will now feel victorious in a Biden win. The "flyover"
states will suffer even more than under Obama.
You are not an army. But if you organize, you can be just as effective. Pick a target.
Just one target that you know you can win. Whether it's canceling Netflix, canceling your
Amazon account, not buying that thing you were thinking of buying, canceling social media,
etc. Now stay on target, no matter what. Tell everyone to do the same. Find alternatives.
Our forefathers sacrificed a lot to keep this country free. President Trump, his
businesses and his family have sacrificed a lot. You can cancel Netflix.
I voted in person in Las Vegas, yet the Nevada Secretary Of State's website says I voted
in person AND through mail in ballot.????? They demanded any blank mail in ballots from the
voters at the polling place be turned in.
No you didn't, you're a liar and always have been and always will be, at least that's what
everyone is saying. I voted 12 times, it's no big deal. In fact, my 95yo momma is still
voting, I just can't get her to stop, besides, she really is enjoying herself. Oop, there she
goes, she just voted for Nixon, and and she hated Nixon. Well, what are you gonna do, she's
Zero evidence of a fraudulent election. Zero. Lawsuits are a laughable farce.
Trump lawyers complained about thousands of "non-residents" voting in Nevada. Yeah --
those "non-residents" were military serving overseas, they have an absolute legal right under
Federal and state law to vote in the Nevada election.
Just one of many ******** legal claims thrown against the wall by Trump. All baseless.
Election = over.
LVrunner , 11 minutes ago
Not a smidge of corruption I tell ya! 🤣 and I live in Nevada douchebag, the non
residents are the thousands who have dual residences that received unlawful mailed
Social media is clamping down on posts questioning US election results' "integrity," despite troubling anomalies. Yet questioning
election integrity defined the establishment narrative for four years of relentless Russiagating.
Twitter, Facebook and YouTube's crackdown on speculation about voter fraud, " election meddling ," and other " information
intended to undermine public confidence in an election or other civic process " (as Twitter
put it ) represents a stunning
about-face from the way they fostered – even bolstered – speculation about alleged Russian interference in the 2016 vote.
In what is perhaps the ultimate irony, the current level of election meddling by the social media establishment – which outstrips
anything the troll farm Internet Research Agency pulled off in 2016 by several orders of magnitude – would be impossible without
the hysteria ginned up on these platforms by journalists casting doubt over the integrity of that year's election. If not for four
years of Russiagate, social media platforms would never have gotten away with choking off the flow of information about 2020's election
on the level they are.
Twitter has been steadily tightening its " election integrity " policy since 2016 in response to allegations that social
media had served as a breeding ground for " Russian bots " and trolls who somehow convinced a massive swathe of the American
electorate to vote for Republican candidate Donald Trump in that year's election. The platform now vows to remove " unverified
claims " about election fraud or meddling, now that four years of unverified claims about Russian meddling have succeeded in
making many ordinary Americans fearful of what would happen to their precious vote if censors weren't waiting in the wings to smother
Facebook, too, has refashioned itself as an election integrity crusader using the Russian meddling claims as a springboard. In
a plot twist that would be rejected from a Hollywood script for being too on the nose, its "election integrity" expert Anna Makanju
previously worked as a special policy adviser for Europe and Eurasia to former Vice President (and current Democratic presidential
challenger) Joe Biden. She's also a senior nonresident fellow at the pro-war NATO-backed think tank the Atlantic Council, which has
partnered with Facebook since 2018 to "defend democracy" – again, based on unfounded allegations that the Trump campaign had colluded
with Russia to steal the 2016 election.
YouTube has acted in a similar vein,
forcing " authoritative sources " down users' throats (when if they wanted to watch CNN, they would turn on their TV, not
log on to YouTube) and slapping thought-babysitting warning labels on content related to controversial issues.
All three outlets have labeled " state-run media " and
suppressed its reach – in many cases
making loopholes for media run by the US or its client states, and making bogus claims about " editorial independence " as
if the heads of state of Russia, Iran, China, and other wrongthink-generating states are breathing down the necks of individual writers.
Yet even privately owned US media outlets are now muzzled when the stories they publish purport to tell unwanted truths about the
anointed one – Biden – or his son, whose laptop initiated the most shockingly heavy-handed censorship episode of the pre-election
season. The coverup, as they say, is always worse than the crime.
Thanks to a cross-platform clampdown on questioning election results, no matter how dodgy they may seem, the president of the
US himself cannot call the attention of his millions of followers to allegations of voter fraud in states that have become key battlegrounds
in the 2020 contest: Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona. Half of his last dozen tweets are hidden behind a 'warning'
that prevent users from commenting on or retweeting them. Even a three-word caps-lock outburst like " STOP THE FRAUD " has
been declared too sensitive for users' eyes.
Twitter, Facebook and YouTube declared it their mission to fight " misinformation " amid the fog of doubts about election
integrity that ensued following Trump's 2016 upset. Their drift in the past four years has made it abundantly clear – as has the
revelation that upwards of 95 percent of political contributions made by employees of all three companies went to Democrats – that
they are not neutral, nonpartisan onlookers, but willing soldiers in the Democratic Party's information war. The obviousness with
which they go about fighting it only inflames the president's supporters, who – after days of having tweets deleted, being locked
out of their accounts, and otherwise being suppressed – are ready to go to war themselves.
And that's the point. Given how little daylight there really would be between the policies of the two presidents, it's clear all
this divide-and-conquer pageantry is aimed more at the candidates' supporters – many of whom have divergent views on where the US
should go. Nevertheless, if those supporters were to peacefully compare notes on what they see as the problems with American society,
they might realize they have more in common with each other than they do with the leaders of their respective parties. Therefore,
they must be kept at each other's throats if the ruling establishment is to survive. And, given the looks of 2020's election results,
that ruling class will enjoy a long, healthy life.
Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those
of RT.
Kiro919 7 hours ago
No-one would vote for Dorsey or Zuckerbum - yet they have incredible power and influence. Close them down and
punish them.
Daniel Fernald Kiro919 5 hours ago
Boycott, divest, sanction (BDS).
Count_Cash Kiro919 5 hours ago
Tech dictators - we know what is going to happen to them really. US is closing mouths now, censoring
even their president. Free speech is dead in the US. No allegations allowed, every dissenting voice labelled as not to be listened
to, every search result censored, every non conforming view attacked - everyone with a mind knows they are looking at a US which
is an oppressive regime only permitting a single party view. They have run a fraudulent election to protect that regime!
UshouldKnow 3 hours ago
Google, Facebook and Twitter are public forums and as such should not be allowed to censor free speech
which is guaranteed in our constitution. This should be taken up by the Supreme Court.
Jack the Beanstalk 7 hours ago
just a few years ago Maduro was almost ousted in a coup by Guaido and special interests in USA.
The same thing is happening now its a failed coup attempt again sponsored by richest 1%
a325 6 hours ago
"Social media is clamping down on posts questioning US election results' "integrity," despite troubling anomalies.
Yet questioning election integrity defined the establishment narrative for four years of relentless Russiagating." The hypocrisy
is right there
Jimmy_The_Cop 3 hours ago
Donald Trump should be congratulated for saving us from Hilary Clinton and staying alive for nearly
four years (with his own private security of course). Well Done Donald! Now have some fun in the next couple months and pardon everyone
under sun! By the way, censorship is not new in America. Read the Warren Report, the 9-11 Commission Report and countless other "official"
narratives during the Great American Century.
shadow1369 5 hours ago
It's everywhere. The bbc never fails to describe reports of ballot fraud as 'unsubstantiated' despite never
once having used the word when reporting endlessly on he Russaiagate hoax. As for Biden corruption, they simply refused to mention
that at all.
Ivan DeGaulle shadow1369 1 hour ago I love the 'false rumours' line.. because, if it was false? it's not a rumour but a lie! Reply
SavantMan 3 hours ago
I don't know why it's so hard for people to simply stop using these platforms. The more people use them, the
more empowered these corrupt platforms are. I just don't get it. Why would anyone still use such corrupt and biased platforms is
truly mind boggling.
UshouldKnow SavantMan 3 hours ago
The people are brainwashed by the MSM and the alphabet agencies which have a monopoly on the
"news." As a result the masses have no idea what's really going on. Many are addicted to Google, Facebook, Twitter, et al just as
they are to sports and other distractions. And what are the alternatives? The 3 platforms referenced above are so ubiquitous they
have no competition. I agree people should wean themselves away from them but it isn't easy. That being said, "My Space" is not a
thing anymore, so it is possible, but first people have to wake up.
Avaron 3 hours ago
Trump's worst mistake was staying with Twitter. Now they keep on censoring his tweets. He should have moved
to a different platform when he became the president, then advertised it on twitter. So people would come to that platform instead
of twitter.
muahaha 4 hours ago
Maybe, but anyway, he's done after the evil things he did, not before. And everyone
knew what he was doing. That's the pity.
Daffyduck011 7 hours ago
We dont need anymore examples. Facebook Twitter YouTube Google and the MSM have
an agenda. It is globalism. Trump was a nationalist and a Republican. So if you are a socialist and a globalist you should
use these entities. If you are not you must boycott these entities.
Daffyduck011 3 hours ago
It's not socialism, you need to crack a book. What this is: Bolshevism (Zionist-sponsored)
shadow1369 Daffyduck011 5 hours ago
US tech giants are corporate fascists, the exact opposite of socialists.
Karlin ps would rather have more influence in governing than less, but they aren't
particularly troubled by dem victory (principled defeat forms a big part of their rhetoric
and the basis of many rep careers). Both the senior and junior members of the ruling class
would truly like to see Trump gone, the faction that Trump represents is a very small
minority in American government, without much institutional influence. And in this election
in particular they made out like bandits, flipped a lot of seats to their side, and got rid
of the primary opponent of principled cuckservatism, win-win! Seems to me when the defense
and the prosecution both want the same thing, arguments in favor of a "fair" process should
be viewed with extreme suspicion.
Trump did well with the Black vote everywhere except Milwaukee, Detroit and the
surrounding counties, Philadelphia and Atlanta. Oddly all the places voting was halted and
votes were dumped.
@Shortsword he incumbent next
election, like with Reagan. Polling showed Trump picked up the Mormon and pearl clutchers
this time.
Amusing to read the Isaac Saul gibberish purporting to debunk the dead people voting in
Michigan, he claims the blacks there check and discount any votes from dead people, no doubt
quickly and efficiently. They presumably then do exhaustive investigations of why dead people
are requesting absentee ballots and returning them.
Nothing to worry about, dead people often vote accidently after requesting absentee
ballots, they definitely aren't counted and this practise is clearly investigated.
If you know not of which you speak, you probably shouldn't speak at all..
A gaming exercise of the perfect, indigenous color revolution, code-named Blue, was
leaked from a major think tank established in the imperial lands that first designed the
color revolution concept.
Blue concerns a presidential election in the Hegemon. In the gaming exercise, the
incumbent president, codenamed Buffoon, was painted Red. The challenger, codenamed Corpse,
was painted Blue.
Blue – the exercise – went up a notch because, compared to its predecessors,
the starting point was not a mere insurgency, but a pandemic. Not any pandemic, but a
really serious, bad to the bone global pandemic with an explosive infection fatality rate
of less than 1%.
I'm not convinced there wasn't fraud. However, fraud only works where the election is very
close, which in a way means it's a statistical toss up whether a state goes for one candidate
over the other. Whoever wins will not have a clear democratic mandate to govern.
As Paul Harvey used to say: "And Now For The Rest Of The Story"
Countdown to magic voting
Election Day comes. Vote counting is running smoothly – mail-in count, election
day count, up to the minute tallies – but mostly favoring Red, especially in three
states always essential for capturing the presidency. Red is also leading in what is
characterized as "swing states".
But then, just as a TV network prematurely calls a supposedly assured Red state for
Blue, all vote counting stops before midnight in major urban areas in key swing states
under Blue governors, with Red in the lead.
Blue operators stop counting to check whether their scenario towards a Blue victory can
roll out without bringing in mail-in ballots. Their preferred mechanism is to manufacture
the "will of the people" by keeping up an illusion of fairness.
Yet they can always rely, as Plan B, on urban mail-in ballots on tap, hot and cold,
until Blue squeaks by in two particularly key swing states that Red had bagged in a
previous election.
That's what happens. Starting at 2 am, and later into the night, enter a batch of
"magic" votes in these two key states. The sudden, vertical upward "adjustment" includes
the case of a batch of 130k+ pro-Blue votes cast in a county alongside not a single pro-Red
vote – a statistical miracle of Holy Ghost proportions.
Stuffing the ballot box is a typical scam applied in Banana Republic declinations of
color revolution. Blue operators use the tried and tested method applied to the gold
futures market, when a sudden drop of naked shorts drives down gold price, thus protecting
the US dollar.
Blue operators bet the compliant mainstream media/Big Tech alliance will not question
that, well, out of the blue, the vote would swing towards Blue in a 2 to 3 or 3 to 4
They bet no questions will be asked on how a 2% to 5% positive ballot trend in Red's
favor in a few states turned into a 0.5% to 1.4% trend in favor of Blue by around 4am.
And that this discrepancy happens in two swing states almost simultaneously.
And that some precincts turn more presidential votes than they have registered
And that in swing states, the number of extra mysterious votes for Blue far exceeds
votes cast for the Senate candidates in these states, when the record shows that down
ticket totals are traditionally close.
And that turnout in one of these states would be 89.25%.
The day after Election Day there are vague explanations that one of the possible
vote-dumps was just a "clerical error", while in another disputed state there is no
justification for accepting ballots with no postmark.
Blue operators relax because the mainstream media/Big Tech alliance squashes each and
every complaint as "conspiracy theories".
"... When you fill up the mail in ballot for your demented grandmother this is a fraud though on a micro scale. But multiply it by thousand. Do it in nursing homes. Then do it in community centers in minority areas and ghettos for people who would never vote. You incentivize them and twist their arms. ..."
"... A well oiled (with money) political party machine with motivated workers do it naturally; they can do it in their sleep. ..."
"... Fake polls were very important to demoralize and demotivate Republican voters, donors and, most importantly, on the ground election workers. ..."
"... I think you’re right that fraud was done at the micro-level. Easy to do and probably impossible to counter legally. ..."
“The most probable
fraud would be ballot harvesting facilitated by the fact that millions of ballots were sent unsolicited based on lists
including a significant proportion of people who have moved or are dead. “
When you fill up the mail in ballot for your demented grandmother this is a fraud though on a micro scale. But
multiply it by thousand. Do it in nursing homes. Then do it in community centers in minority areas and ghettos for people who
would never vote. You incentivize them and twist their arms. This is no different than ballot stuffing but impossible to
be proven as a fraud, yet everybody knows about it:
claim is impossible because it would require too much of planning, coordination, secrecy? Absolutely not. A well oiled
(with money) political party machine with motivated workers do it naturally; they can do it in their sleep.
How do you get the motivated workers and why it was for Republicans harder to emulate Democrats’ shenanigans? Very simple.
The full spectrum dominance in media; creation of Trump derangement syndrome that removes any inhibition to win; most
importantly the sense of doom for Trump supporters by fake polls predicting two digit Biden’s win.
The meme of ‘shy Trump supporters’ is a fake invented in 2016 to explain away the fake poll results.
Fake polls were very important to demoralize and demotivate Republican voters, donors and, most importantly, on the
ground election workers.
This article is another example of author’s psychopathology. A cowardly bully who position himself on the side of the
winner and takes a pleasure in rubbing it in to the losers.
Bert says: November 7, 2020 at 4:02 pm GMT
@utu I don’t have an opinion about AK’s personality, but otherwise I think you’re right that fraud was done at the
micro-level. Easy to do and probably impossible to counter legally.
Election fraud is part of Oligarch privately owned government scenario.. Ho hum.. '
Defending the Republicans when they had a reputaturd congress and a reputaturd president and
still did not
fix the major frauds.. perpetrated by the private interest that own the USA that governs
innocent Americans.
Its like media fraud, both parties condone it because they are both guilty. Last night I
my os provider uploaded to every file in my browser and on my computer crhoms disease
what's the different if its search engine fraud or select the information you are
allowed/not allowed to see fraud or denial of service fraud, or break and enter fraud. And
even when some whistleblower points it out the USA prosecutes him or her.
Its private parties doing their USA assisted frauds designed to bilk the America public.
Time for a change we need a different government, one that responds only to the governed.
No more voting districts, vote by state, or electoral college, no more laws passed without
approval from the governed.. no more government agencies to license a few to bilk the many..
its time for a change..
... I know this state like
the back of my hand, and despite the influx of Yankees to metro Atlanta and the Georgia
mountains, hell, many of them were Trump supporters, and despite Brown Mexican and El
Salvadoran factory workers, and the abundance of Africans In America, Georgia is still red as
in redneck. The only thing blue in Georgia is a Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. Rednecks, white socks
and Blue Ribbon beer, yawl. hehe.
Biden had about as much chance of winning Georgia legitimately as he has of running the 40
in 4.3 or hitting a ball out of Yankee stadium.
Anatoly, the fraud in this election was of a kind you did not address. To understand
American election fraud you must go back in time to see context.
Historically, American blacks showed the least interest in voting of any ethnic group.
This gave them zero impact in politics. Jewish activists decided to reverse this trend and
tap into this vein of unexploited Democratic power. "Community Organizers" were charged with
encouraging black vote in the inner city ghettos. One such became president.
When this failed to produce the desired results they upped their game by actually
providing vans to drive people to polling places. But this proved to be too much trouble and
still wasn't efficient enough so they refined the technique by pushing for absentee balloting
which allowed blacks to vote from the comforts of home. Also, Jewish legal activists pushed
for proxy voting, which allowed third parties to cast the vote for registered voters.
It is relatively easy to organize this type of thing in large public housing blocks.
Everyone is in one place, mailing lists are available etc.
This is how the "cheating" took place. The percentage of blacks who voted in this election
is unprecedented. Now some may argue that this is a good thing, representative democracy and
all. But the counter argument is that if a person is too lazy to get to the polls under his
own power then they don't deserve representation.
But more importantly, ballot harvesting allows votes to be purchased and this doesn't seem
to embody the proverbial spirit of democracy.
It would be easy to refute my theory. Just show that blacks districts in America did not
turn out in greater numbers in 2020 than they had, proportionately, eight, twenty or forty
years ago.
"Ballot harvesting is the process where organized workers or volunteers–people you
don't know–collect absentee ballots from voters and drop them off at a polling place or
election office."
"A ballot-harvesting racket in Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar's Minneapolis district -- where
paid workers illegally gather absentee ballots from elderly Somali immigrants -- appears to
have been busted by undercover news organization Project Veritas.
One alleged ballot harvester, Liban Mohamed, the brother of Minneapolis City Council
member Jamal Osman, is shown in a bombshell Snapchat video rifling through piles of ballots
strewn across his dashboard.
"Just today we got 300 for Jamal Osman," says Mohamed, aka KingLiban1, in the video. "I
have 300 ballots in my car right now . . .
"Numbers don't lie. You can see my car is full. All these here are absentee ballots. . . .
Look, all these are for Jamal Osman," he says, displaying the white envelopes.
"Money is the king in this world . . . and a campaign is driven by money."
The video, posted on July 1, was obtained by Project Veritas and included in a 17-minute
video expose released Sunday night.
Under Minnesota law, no individual can be the "designated agent" for more than three
absentee voters. The allegations come just five weeks before a presidential election plagued with
predictions of voter fraud. Both President Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr have warned
that the increased use of mail-in ballots, due to COVID-19 concerns about in-person voting,
is vulnerable to fraud, especially when unsolicited ballots are mailed to all voters in
certain states.
Project Veritas' investigation in Minneapolis will pour gasoline on the fire, only 48
hours before Trump debates Joe Biden in the first presidential debate Tuesday, addressing
topics including election security."
Well as long as there are excuses for all the horse shit, then I'm satisfied. Especially
since those excuses are coming from the same power structure that gave us weapons of mass
destruction and Trump is a Russian asset.
'The Hammer' And 'Scorecard': Weapons Of Mass (Vote) Manipulation?
In February 2009, the Obama administration commandeered a powerful supercomputer system
known as THE HAMMER.
THE HAMMER includes an exploit application known as SCORECARD that is
capable of hacking into elections and stealing the vote, according to CIA
contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery, who designed and built THE HAMMER.
Because they're in power and power corrupts. Plus the general arrogance of Leftist
ideology. Look at Hunter Biden. They just don't even care to pretend anymore.
There was fraud for sure. No need to dig into the county numbers. Just the fact that Crazy
Uncle Biden became the most popular candidate in the history of presidential elections is
suspicious. Trump actually got 10% more of votes, in absolute numbers, than in 2016. So Biden
surpassing him is an extreme anomaly. In some places supposedly there was a turnout of 90%.
Very unusual with optional voting and in an extreme period. Also, there was always fraud (in
limited numbers). It's so easy to fraud votes in the U.S., it's not even funny. It's harder
to fraud votes in one of those "3rd world countries" that followers of the "HBD cult" tend to
My reading:
1. The Chinese in collusion with Dems create "Covid" Lockdown operation
(more info at https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1324079045072556034.html
2. The "Lockdown" benefits Dems in at least two ways: an artificial crisis is created, and
people are forced to vote by mail, which is easier to fraud. (not to mention of course the
possibilities of control, so that it is likely it will continue for a while, even after
fulfilling its initial function).
3. Fraud, fraud, fraud.
4. Biden "wins", and becomes the "most voted candidate ever." Everybody laughs and has a good
Pinsen tly executed conspiracy, yes, but Ukrainegate was deranged idiocy from day one.
And – hold your breath – Covid19 is a deranged idiocy on an astronomical scale.
The theory of the useless, toasted conspirationalist that I am is, that we are witnessing
a large scale operation of psychological warfare: The point is to dump down the people and to
have them believe in ever more stupid BS. The more intelligent ones – above all those
in relevant positions in society – are being willfully demoralized.
The endgame will be the abolishment of functional modern society as we know it.
"... Trump did what he really wanted to do: tax cuts (mainly corporate taxes), deregulation, anything Netanyahu wanted, and not starting a new war. People always manage to do what they put first. Clearly helping the white male workers has not been a priority. So he lost. ..."
"... that being said, all Trump had to do was deliver for his voters, but instead he decided to spend 4 years going after the votes of people who will never vote for him. so this situation is partly of his own making. instead of going -5 with european men, he should have been +3 at least. maybe +5. that would have produced a big electoral college win. ..."
You people seriously expect that level of competence from inner city Dems?
Not so naive. More like cabals in NSA/SiGINT. Nothing crude like driving a probable-cause
van with mail-in votes .its 2020 . They don't print money these days, they punch a value into
a computer. Same with votes. Shiiieeeeettttt for enough money I'd do it. Find like-minded
individuals in the organization to help me for a cut. You underestimate greed son. And crime
obviously has an element of risk. Whats your point? If it goes belly up I know I'll be
Oswalded like the patsy I am but hey . No one said it was easy.
Not like CIA is going to let anyone know they rooted out members of signal intelligence
abusing their positions. Imagine the embarrassment. Hell RT reported an election bug in
Michigan already.
Besides Biden just needs to be off his meds for 3 days and he'll forget everything.
Manchurian candidate style. Now that I think about it
1. Trump lost three urban counties in Florida he won in 2016 (Seminole, Pinellas,
2. The only states with reasonably completed vote counts that show better
Trump margins in 2020 than in 2016 are Hawaii (always a pro-incumbent state), Florida
(LATINOS), Arkansas (Clinton home state reversion effect -its rural areas were notably more
Democratic than those just across the border in Missouri in 2016; this has been rectified),
and Utah (McMullin reversion effect). Other than these four demographically unusual states,
there is no sign Trump has gained net support in any state since 2016. NV, NY,
MS, IL, OH, and AK are nowhere close to done counting. Given that he won by three quarters of
a percentage point in 2016, it's no surprise that a two point swing against him resulted in a
loss, especially when the losses were concentrated in major metros. It's not fraud, folks,
the candidate was just unpopular due to his COVID response. Luis Lacalle Pou would have won
in a massive landslide.
Interestingly, I'm sort of surprised the allegations of election stealing were all from
the Democratic side last time in Florida and especially Georgia (even though Florida's result
was more shaky, Abrams had more bioleninist pokemon points than poor old Nelson). No
Republicans tried to challenge Scott Walker's narrow loss as fraudulent.
Fraud deniers are fucking retarded. You think you're subtle and sophisticated when really
you're just a Ptolemyist adding more epicycles. Benford's law provesfraud happened and it
stole the Great Lake states from Trump. This is comming from someone with a track record of
criticizing Trump for being anti-white. Why? Because fraud happened, period.
Why should we expect pro-Democratic fraud in Wisconsin? If anything, judging from the vote
numbers in neighboring (and uncompetitive) Minnesota and Indiana, Wisconsin's vote numbers
look too Republican . Indiana currently shows up as swinging against Trump by 3.42
points, Minnesota by 5.6 points, Wisconsin by only 1.39 points. Trump won Wisconsin in 2016
by only .76 points. The Antrim County error is obvious and currently shows up like a major
splotch on the swing map; it is nowhere near large enough to affect the outcome of any
statewide election. Antrim County contains 17K voters; Biden is leading in MI by a margin of
146K votes. The real trouble for Trump is in Michigan's South, in the metropolitan belt
between Oakland County and Ottawa County. This region is filled with those college-educated
White men who voted for Trump in 2016, but, seeing the disaster his presidency imposed on the
economy, decided to vote for Biden in 2020. There is no pro-Dem fraud here, just MAGA cope
that America hasn't been made great again, and never will be made great again.
Trump lost 5% of his share among white male voters. That's why he lost. All else were
Why he lost the %5? Trump run a campaign heavily promoting bulls..t optimism about the
economy, boasting about the ' lowest black unemployment ', and failing to deliver
Phase II of the stimulus. Plus he has done close to nothing about the continuing massive
importation of migrant cheap workers, from service workers to H1B's from India. Why the hell
should white males vote for him after 4 years of promises? On a remote chance that he would
actually make their concerns a priority in his 2nd term?
Trump did what he really wanted to do: tax cuts (mainly corporate taxes),
deregulation, anything Netanyahu wanted, and not starting a new war. People always manage to
do what they put first. Clearly helping the white male workers has not been a priority. So he
Also, funny thing, but Trump actually did better in the actual untrustworthy urban areas
(inner city Philly, Chicago, Essex and Hudson Counties) than he did last time. His losses
were among college-educated White men, not among inner-city minorities.
The annoying thing is that Trump actually won Mahoning County, Ohio, this time. So he
actually did pretty well in 2020 among the more vatnik portions of the WWC. Among the more
Puritan portions (e.g., in New England, the UP, and parts of Wisconsin), he obviously did
Trump doing better in only four-five states is not "mathy bullshit".
Seems obvious that moderates turned against Trump. With the extreme polarization, that
explains most of these cases that people believe to be anomalies. Trump's republican turnout
was huge, but he lost the moderates, so he lost the election. Republicans simply cannot win
the presidency on Reagan era talking points anymore.
nah. democrats clearly cheated. and this time, they went all out, and why not? it's a
coup. all they have to do is win this one last time, and they'll never have to worry about
republicans ever again. they won't be investigated once democrats are in control of the
government, and now they'll be in control of the government forever. amnesty coming up next,
to lock in the permanent democrat monopoly.
so yeah. they cheated by historical, ludicrous margins. they were committed to the steal,
and succeeded, with their allies in the media.
that being said, all Trump had to do was deliver for his voters, but instead he
decided to spend 4 years going after the votes of people who will never vote for him. so this
situation is partly of his own making. instead of going -5 with european men, he should have
been +3 at least. maybe +5. that would have produced a big electoral college win.
2016 election, and spent this campaign running a boilerplate Republican campaign of tax cuts,
Israel first, socialism-for-the-rich, and utterly shameless pandering to blacks, whilst
entirely ignoring his blue-collar base (which, if he actually pursued, probably would have
picked a significant Hispanic vote, alongside the Midwest).
His Presidency will go down as a failure. But most of all, a massive wasted opportunity,
he totally squandered his mandate in the most stupid and self-destructive manner possible
(appointed dozens of his sworn-enemies, for starters) almost immediately after getting
ef="https://www.rt.com/op-ed/505945-america-election-system-mistrust/"> The US political
system is the last thing holding the country together; the 2020 election is about to destroy
Research has shown that revolutions tend to happen not when things are bad, but when
there are "rising expectations" and people believe things aren't improving quickly enough.
Whether these revolutionaries will really "settle" for President Biden or President Harris,
or will they push for their utopia even harder, is a question no one seems to be asking,
much less trying to answer.
What are the prospects of more friendly relations between the White people of America who
aren't self-hating and the Russian people? Could there be a way to build bonds?
And would Russia consider creating a platform that White Americans and Europeans could
use, since it looks like authentic voices are all shut down in the West?
7) The frauds that happened in these elections are normal, inherent to the system and
happen in every elections. I don't see the results overall as fake. Biden did receive more
votes than Trump, and he deserves to be the new POTUS. That's who the American people are -
look yourself in the mirror.
This is how Biden is getting 100,000 or so EXTRA VOTES than the Democrat Senate Candidate
in Each SWING STATE, and only in Swing States. ZH noticed this exact thing the other day.
Sure: First set up the expectation that Trump will lose with biased polls and massively
biased MSM and social media; then use the China virus to push for mail votes, which opens the
door to massive fraud; then slant news coverage so Biden is always leading – keep that
narrative going – to such an extent that the Pacific states were called for Biden
within a few minutes of the polls closing while Florida still wasn't called when Trump had
had an insurmountable lead for hours;
Then when Trump was about to surge ahead anyway, they stop the count; that gave the
Democrats the time they needed to determine how many phony ballots they needed, which were
duly delivered at 4 in the morning
Huge jumps from Biden-only votes occur out of the blue in two states (two typos at once!);
then expel observers–in some cases only Republican–who were supposed to be
afforded access, even defying court orders, so that any cheating could not be observed; then
ignore red flags such as Biden winning the state but Republicans taking the Senate and House
Ignore evidence of postal workers backdating vote receipt; ignore discrepancies between
Biden's performance in swing state cities–with huge percentages in his favour–as
opposed to other states where Biden only marginally outperforms Trump in cities
Ignore the precincts–all Democrats strongholds–where votes exceed registered
voters; ignore clear evidence of dead people voting; ignore evidence of people voting in
states where they no longer live; ignore the vast increase in voter participation where
Democrats take the vast majority of votes; ignore bunches of votes going to Biden when they
were actually meant for Trump, then labeling them glitches–notice all the typos,
errors, and glitches go against Trump.
Finally, have MSM ignore all the above or issue laughable excuses, and delete any
references to any of it on social media, going as far as deleting Tweets from the President
of the United States!
The article is specific to Reno, Nevada, but the discussion is applicable to other
False Claim 4: Ballot harvesting and 'granny farming'
In August, Nevada passed AB4, which clarifies who can collect ballots. According to
language in AB4, "a person authorized by the voter may return the mail ballot on behalf of
the voter by mail or personal delivery to the county or city clerk." There are strict
regulations against any unauthorized person interfering with the return of mail-in
Yet, there have been misleading claims from critics of mail-in ballots that this would
lead to ballot harvesting. The accusation is that dishonest people will go to assisted
living homes and manipulate grandmas into giving away their ballots for harvesting.
Lately, ballot harvesting is being talked about as a malpractice. But this has been a
common, legal practice of collecting and submitting the ballots by specified agents such as
family members, authorized legal guardians and, in some states, paid staff where harvesting
is legal, such as in California and Colorado. Some states have limitations in place on how
many ballots a paid agent can collect.
In the current political climate, politicians have painted a picture of an agent running
off with someone else's ballot or "one of the post guys" delivering a "handful of" ballots
"to some Democratic political operative," as President Trump claimed at his September rally
in Minden. Comments like these create an image of lawlessness, incompetency and chaos and
can scare law-abiding citizens. However, the checks and balances embedded in AB4 make it
nearly impossible for anyone to collect ballots without authorization.
In parts of rural and frontier Nevada, some voters have said ballot collection is a
And yes, The New York Times published a report in 2012 suggesting that mail-in voting would
lead to fraud. As I wrote at the time, the story quoted a former county attorney in
Florida, who was concerned about "granny farming." This is where fraudsters allegedly go
into nursing homes and "help" elderly people vote by more or less filling out their ballots
for them and mailing them in.
Why Trump supports mail-in voting in Florida and not in Nevada
But the story never attempted to document this happening. In any event, it would be a
slow and laborious way to alter an election, and easily detectable by nursing home
officials who, especially in today's pandemic, ought to monitor visitors carefully.
Back then, the Times noted, mail-in voting was seen as a way to help Republicans win.
"In the 2008 general election in Florida," the story said, "47% of absentee voters were
Republicans and 36% were Democrats."
Today, President Donald Trump seems worried it will help Democrats.
The vote-by-mail bogeyman, it seems, can be a convenient tool for whichever party feels
the need to use it.
Credible evidence suggests all this is overblown. A study earlier this year by Daniel
Thompson, Jesse Yoder, Jennifer Wu and Andrew Hall of Stanford University concluded, "In
normal times, based on our data at least, vote-by-mail modestly increases participation
while not advantaging either party."
Part of that data came from Utah, one of five states that conduct all mail-in voting.
Utah has phased this in since 2012. As a Deseret News story this week suggested, the
Beehive State knows how to do it right. It has safeguards in place. No one has alleged
widespread fraud here.
It's one thing to wave hands and speculate on various forms of vote fraud. It's another to
produce actual evidence of any widespread use - and yet another to produce actual evidence
that it has happened over the last few days in this election. b has elected to not do so, but
rely on the same innuendo and speculation the Trump supporters do.
However, I do agree with the rest of b's analysis. The Biden-Harris administration will be
a nightmare just as much as Trump's was. And yes, I expect them to start a war with Iran once
Biden's fake attempt to restart the JCPOA is rejected by Iran due to demands over Iran's
ballistic missile program. And I expect "Trumpism" - as they are calling the populist
movement - to continue going forward with negative results for the country.
But it's ridiculous to start eulogizing Trump as if he wasn't the worst President in US
history - which he was. He was certainly the biggest joke President in US history. Even
Clinton's blue dress didn't rise to the level of Trump.
The NYT does not **set out** to lie, they lie, lie, lie
and then lie again; but they **set out** to serve a narrative.
If the truth serves that narrative then the NYT will tell the truth.
They did not **set out** to tell the truth, the truth just **happened** to
serve a narrative.
"What is the difference between lying and serving a narrative?" - visak
When someone serves a narrative they are not necessarily lying it might just
serve the narrative to tell the truth. When someone is lying then they are lying, period.
Who is against re-counts? If 133,000 votes had been dumped at 4 o'clock in the morning ALL
for Trump, the Dems. would have had a court case going for a re-count 15 minutes later. What
is sauce for the goose...... I am all for re-counts. If it was right the first time it will
be right the second.
So how many times has Donnie said he was going to do something and then didn't follow
through? ICE raids, wall, border security, Hillbags in prison, Russiagate investigations,
etc., etc., etc.
So now Donnie is going to fight this election fraud (which BTW he created a task force in
2017 and then quickly disbanded). And you actually believe it.
fxrxexexdxoxmx2 , 20 minutes ago
Anyone surprised the same media who protected and worked for the Biden campaign are
working with him to claim an ilegall victory?
You acknowledge that there is a systematic and organized effort, a conspiracy, dare I say,
on the part of the Media, Tech giants, and Democratic Party to systematically censor,
basically, the entire Country, BUT .
The very same actors couldn't organize a massive vote fraud because they would get
You have managed a twofer, logically inconsistent, and wrong. They have been "caught " it
just doesn't matter.
The daily numbers being reported do not indicate how much of the mail was delivered on
time, i.e., within the service standard of two or three days. These numbers are processing
scores, i.e., the percent of the ballots that went through the processing network on time.
They do not encompass
Does not matter. As long as mail arrived to the post office after the deadline this should
be registered as late in the database and returned to the sender as late. Otherwise you enter
"flexible deadline" regime which invites abuse, as in 24 hours preliminary results are
What is important is to make obligatory presence of at least two observers from each party
during counting of votes. all the time. And 100% time videotaping of the process.
Also mail ballots historically were the source of blatant abuse (it is much easier to bribe
a person and fill the ballot for him than force him to go to the voting booth and enter names
that you want).
The fact that in some places we have abnormally high, close to the USSR levels percentages
of voters participation is a red flag.
Anything above 60 percent or ten year average (whatever is higher) in the USA is highly
suspect of manipulation by one or another party and should invite investigation and possibly
Few people were exited by this election (and especially by Trump or Biden personalities --
Buffoon vs Corpse as one think talk named them in their simulation of 2020 elections ).
Most votes were perverted version of lesser evilism -- people voted for the candidate they
hated less, while they hated both.
And this is a part and parcel of the Crisis of neoliberalism which we experience which
involved de-legitimization of neoliberal elite and PMC -- professional, managerial class --
intelligentsia as French call them )
And such cases, unfortunately, easily can be played to de-legitimize elections (which is a
typical tactic of color revolutions for those who do not know the term). Which is what
happening now as a replay of 2016 but from Repug side.
Historically Democratic Party specialized in election rigging via party machine mechanisms.
They have been doing it since the 1790s. They were the party of political machines -- Tammany,
Pendergast, Cook County.
BTW clear glass ballot boxes were invented in the USA to prevent abuse (including use of
hidden pockets pre-staffed with ballots )
Here are some warning signs listed by Ron Paul:
Every state that has had a delay has seen Biden has overtaken trump AFTER the delays were
announced – Red flag
Florida counted 10.5M votes in less than 24 hours, Georgia couldn't count 4.8M in 48
hours, why? – Red Flag
In PA, the courts have barred all accredited observers from observing the vote – Red
In Detroit, the ballot counting centers barred windows and expelled observers, why?
– Red Flag
David Lim (Obama's former speech writer) sent a tweet out on Nov 4 (AFTER the election)
asking for volunteers in Georgia to help people fix their mail in ballots so that they count,
why? – Red Flag
Participation in one PA county reached 90% turn out, beating the prior record that had
stood for more than 100 years and almost 30% higher than the last election in 2016. Other PA
counties saw voter numbers exceed 100% of registered voters compared to the last election,
even accounting for same day registration this is statistically improbable- Red Flag
The Nevada Republican Party announced Thursday evening that its legal team has sent a criminal referral to the Justice
Department regarding alleged voter fraud in the Silver State's 2020 presidential election and predicted the number of
instances of fraud will grow in the coming days.
"Our lawyers just sent a criminal referral to AG Barr regarding at least 3,062 instances of voter fraud," the Nevada GOP's
official account wrote on Twitter. "We expect that number to grow substantially. Thousands of individuals have been identified
who appear to have violated the law by casting ballots after they moved from NV."
The announcement comes hours after the Trump campaign filing a federal lawsuit in Las Vegas in an effort to halt the counting
of what it described was "illegal votes" in Nevada. The campaign alleges deceased individuals and nonresidents cast ballots in
the state's election.
Fox News
reports: "The Trump campaign alleges there are "tens of thousands" of people who voted in Nevada who are no
longer state residents. The campaign said it is not seeking to stop the vote but rather ensure that every "legal" vote is
counted and that no "illegal" votes are counted."
"We are confident that when all legal votes are tallied -- and only legal votes are tallied -- President Trump will win the
state of Nevada," Former Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell
a statement to Fox News.
Grenell and other Trump campaign surrogates such as former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt and chairman of the American
Conservative Union Matt Schlapp, said in a press conference that "transparency is not political."
"Ballots are not automatically legal votes until they are checked," stated Grenell. "We are not being allowed to check."
"If you haven't been in the state for 30 days, it is illegal to vote," the former Trump administration official continued.
"The fact is, we are filing this federal lawsuit to protect legal voters."
"It is unacceptable in this country to have illegal votes counted, and that's what's happening in the state of Nevada," he
Federal standards for Federal elections. NO ballot harvesting! NO mass mailings of ballots! NO non-citizen voting!
Poll watchers MANDATORY! We are a Banana Republic thanks to Democrats!
hours ago
Electors can be picked by state legislators without a vote from the people if they set it up that way as some
early states did that. Back when state also picked their senators. Regardless of all else only the state
legislature can say how their electors are picked, not AG's or voting committees.
hours ago
California lets anyone vote who wants to vote. They never remove dead voters from the rolls. When I worked at the
LA County Fair, people complained all the time that their dead relative was still getting a ballot even though
they had notified the Registrar of Voters. When I poll watched four years ago, I checked the list of registered
voters in my condo complex. I noticed that many dead residents were still registered to vote. Residents who had
sold their condos and moved, were still registered to vote. CA doesn't require Voter ID. When I poll watched this
year, there was no posted list of registered voters because people in LA County can vote at any polling place in
the county. This year, people could drop their ballots in special mail boxes marked " Mail In Votes." There was
early voting for both mail in and walk in voting. Why bother to count the actual ballots when the system is so
corrupt. Just call it any way you want, like Fox News.
Zero Kelvin
Roscoe Jr.
hours ago
Every western countries in the world require ID when you go to vote in person. Only in banana republic America
where ID is not require to vote. In Canada, you can vote early, 3 or 4 weeks before Election Day, but you have to
bring ID to vote. So the whole notion that voter ID is voter suppression is garbage.
Roscoe Jr.
hours ago
Support Election Reform, by 2024:
1. Ballots should be like communion. Given ONLY to people who claim to be worthy AND actually request a ballot for
the upcoming election. No mass mailings of communion, OK?
2. Voter ID is a must, and since Social Security chip-enabled cards are way overdue-- issue everybody a new high
tech SS card that can easily double as a national voter ID card for 2024.
3. A thumbprint scan is taken using the Social Security card to get the ballot EVERY election. Clearly, this
doesnt help much in the first election (but it would prevent one person from submitting multiple ballots) but in
future elections the thumbprint could be forever matched to one's chip-enabled Social Security card.
Feel this is too intrusive? Then, dont vote.
Voting by mail greatly facilitates the use of the vote-altering software and the use of
ballot dumps. One reason for the mask mandate and Covid fear was to justify mass voting by
The media speaks with one voice. The print, TV, NPR, social media, and the anti-Trump
Internet sites exercise censorship and control the explanations.
We are experiencing a well designed and successful coup against American democracy and
accountable government.
No, this is not a conspiracy theory. It is a revolution against red state America.
Republicans are too establishment to effectively fight back. They fear that exposing and
resisting a stolen election would discredit American democracy. In effect, patriotism makes
them impotent.
Republicans should think instead what it means to be governed by a President covered in
criminal scandal who also seems to be suffering mental confusion and is likely for one or both
of these reasons to be moved aside. If Kamala Harris becomes president, we will have in the
Oval Office a female of color who hates white people and is vindictive against them.
The Democrat Party is now in the hands of indoctrinated leftists who despise the working
class and champion "oppressed minorities." Immigration floodgates will be thrown open. Red
states will be cut out of the federal budget. Gutsy Republicans such as Devin Nunes and Jim
Jorden will be falsely investigated, and Trump will be falsely prosecuted. The rest of us will
be silenced in one way or the other.
Think about how unlikely the Biden/Harris ticket is for success. Everyone knows that Biden
suffers mental confusion. His campaign events were barely attended. Harris had so little
support in the Democrat primaries that she was the first to drop out. Even the Democrats didn't
want her; yet she ends up the Democrat VP choice. Americans watched as Democrat regimes in
Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and other cities
responded to rioting and looting by hampering and defunding the police.
How can such an unattractive party whose elected officials refused to enforce law and order
win the presidential election?
The threat posed to democracy by the software described by General McInerney is devastating.
With such software in the hands of intelligence services, every election in every country can
be decided behind the scenes.
This makes it easier for elites to rule. The vote altering software turns democracy into a
cover for self-interested rule. Yes, elites have always tried to purchase elections, but now
they can program them.
I have often written that the digital revolution was the greatest threat humanity faces.
Proof piles up every day.
Press Prostitutes Make Fools of Themselves Trying to Cover Up Vote Fraud for Democrats
It is amusing to watch the press prostitutes try to cover-up vote fraud for the Democrats.
Here is an example from the bought-and-paid-for BBC whose "Reality Check Team" has undertaken
to "fact check" the "rumor" of a 138,000 sudden ballot dump for Biden in Michigan during the
early hours of morning when no one was watching: https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-54811410
The BBC claims this was a "data entry error" that was corrected. The "data entry error" was
not corrected, if it was, until it became an issue. How does the BBC know that the sudden jump
in votes for Biden wasn't fraud that when exposed was explained away by crooked officials as a
"data entry error."
Note also that the exact same thing occurred in neighboring Wisconsin at about the same
time. So we had two simultaneous "data entry errors" in two critical contested states that
wiped out Trump's lead? How likely is that?
Note also that correcting the "data entry error" did not result in the reappearance of
Trump's lead. So how was the error corrected?
It shows how utterly stupid the presstitutes are that they report that a data entry error
that erased Trump's lead was "corrected" but the lead remained erased!
Why does a British news service have a "Fact Check Team" to protect an American political
party? Is the campaign against red state America organized globally?
Note two other anomalous vote patterns. In the critical swing states, the Democrat votes for
senators do not match the votes for Biden, and despite what seems to be a record Democrat
turnout the Democrats lost house seats in the election! What explains the absence of "down the
ticket" voting in Democrat House and Senate voting? Fraud in the Biden vote is an obvious
Just the order in which things happened (are happening) is very weird. First one candidate
clearly winning, then another And such a turnout for Biden? Sometimes of 90%? I don't
Increasingly the modern world feels like a play at a theatre First the ongoing Covid
farce, now this elections farce And in the meantime of course some more "normal" terrorist
For months Trump and his people have been claiming that mail-in ballots will be corrupt,
bogus, unreliable. This idea has gained considerable traction among Trump partisans.
For months Trumps and his people have been claiming that the polls showing Biden having a
lead over Trump are wrong, that they are actually lying. This scenario asserts that Trump in
fact enjoys majority support among voters.
These two notions have created an expectation of victory at the polls for Trump. Thus, if
victory does not come, then it can only be because the Democrats stole the election. It
couldn't be because the preceding claims are false.
One of the techniques of the color revolutions carried out by the US government abroad has
been to put forth claims prior to an election that will serve to deligitimize the outcome,
unless the desired candidate wins.
Do we have a scenario here that Trump is using to delegitimize a vote that does not give
him victory, thereby trying to shift the decision into venues where he thinks he has a better
chance of remaining in power?
Is the coup that Roberts claims is being carried out in fact coming from the Republican
become disappointed in him and stayed home this time.
But the large, record-setting turnout statistic is obviously a result of DEMs pushing
ballots into the hands of lots of registereds who otherwise would not have participated.
Someday the DEMs will legislate vote by proxy. A registered partisan will have his
e-ballot automatically pre-filled according to the party's recommendations, and cast.
For each election, e.g. several per year, in some states.
If the voter chooses to show up at the polling station, the automatic casting feature, for
that election, will be disabled (though the ballot presented will still come pre-filled
Recall the 2016 election, their tool Jill Stein, the cynical harassment of electors, and
attempts to prevent states from certifying their vote by the constitutional deadline.
The Democrat fraud squads have come a long way since their Cook County shenanigans in 1960
gave them Illinois and thus the win. Democrat control of the big cities gives their fraud
machinery a huge advantage. The Republicans got one back in 2000 when the Supreme Court
thwarted the jurisdiction of the election laws of Florida. Nowadays, we're all masked-up in
our new Bandana Republic.
Mail in ballots lend themselves to fraud via this: (from Fox)
"Ballot harvesting, or the practice of allowing political operatives and others to collect
voters' ballots and turn them in en masse to polling stations, has drawn bipartisan concerns
of fraud from election watchers.
[Hide MORE]
Several states have enacted some restrictions on the practice, while others have expressly
allowed it or failed to regulate it at all. According to a 2019 analysis by Ballotpedia, 24
states and the District of Columbia permit someone chosen by the voter to return mail ballots
on their own, with nine of those states adding some specific exceptions.
Twelve states outline who specifically can return ballots (i.e., family members or
caregivers); and one state explicitly requires only voters can return their ballots. Eleven
states establish a limit on the number of ballots that a so-called "harvester" can
Imposing restrictions on the practice has led to legal challenges. In Arizona, a federal
appeals court upheld a ballot harvesting prohibition, despite a claim that it unfairly
discriminated against minorities who might need help filling out their ballots.
Some prominent examples of ballot harvesting have already impacted national politics. In
2016, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law AB1921, which legalized ballot harvesting.
Previously, only a family member or someone living in the same household was permitted to
drop off mail ballots for a voter, but the new allowed anyone -- including political
operatives -- to collect and return them for a voter.
The move apparently led to results. In 2018, despite holding substantial leads on Election
Day, many Republican candidates in California saw their advantages shrink, and then
disappear, as late-arriving Democratic votes were counted in the weeks following the
election. Many observers pointed to the Democrats' use of ballot harvesting as a key to their
success in the elections.
Richard Kaufman, right, a volunteer election official in Superior Wis., helps Betty
Bockovich cast a vote at a curbside voting station set up outside the Government Center in
Superior, Wis., Tuesday, April 7, 2020. Voters could ring a doorbell and poll workers would
come outside to help them vote in the state's presidential primary election if they didn't
want to go inside to cast their ballots because of the COVID-19 outbreak. (Dan
Kraker/Minnesota Public Radio via AP)
Richard Kaufman, right, a volunteer election official in Superior Wis., helps Betty Bockovich
cast a vote at a curbside voting station set up outside the Government Center in Superior,
Wis., Tuesday, April 7, 2020. Voters could ring a doorbell and poll workers would come
outside to help them vote in the state's presidential primary election if they didn't want to
go inside to cast their ballots because of the COVID-19 outbreak. (Dan Kraker/Minnesota
Public Radio via AP)
"Anecdotally, there was a lot of evidence that ballot harvesting was going on," Neal Kelley,
the registrar for voters in Southern California's Orange County, told Fox News at the
In Orange County -- once seen as a Republican stronghold in the state -- every House seat
went to a Democrat after an unprecedented "250,000" vote-by-mail drop-offs were counted, the
San Francisco Chronicle reported.
"People were carrying in stacks of 100 and 200 of them. We had had multiple people calling
to ask if these people were allowed to do this," Kelley said.
Orange County Republican Chairman Fred Whitaker said the ballot harvesting "directly
caused the switch from being ahead on election night to losing two weeks later."
Later, in 2019, a GOP operative in North Carolina was arrested related to alleged ballot
harvesting there.
"The evidence that we will provide today will show that a coordinated, unlawful and
substantially resourced absentee ballot scheme operated in the 2018 general election" in
parts of North Carolina's 9th Congressional District, former state elections director Kim
Strach remarked at the time.
The results in the race were eventually thrown out amid concerns of ballot harvesting and
other fraud. Republican Dan Bishop won a September 2019 special election for the seat.
RealClearInvestigations has found ballot harvesting is common in other states, including
Florida, where harvesters are known as "boleteros," and Texas, where they're called
The issue was again thrown into focus in March, when an ex-Clinton lawyer threatened to
sue Nevada unless it relaxed its ballot harvesting rules amid the coronavirus pandemic.
There's much precedent for calling for a new election. The US agenicies have used it many
times in countries to change an outcome that didn't go their way. If there's evidence of wide
spread fraud then the way to go forward would be this: present the case to the SCOTUS, and
plead it.
ntested states, shows without any doubt that smoke and mirrors are in play behind the
Plus a bucketload of other shady stuff being reported by postal workers etc, and even
being filmed and posted on the web.
Like I said, it's nothing to do with me – it's your country, so go spastic. I do
have to wonder, though, are people really that dumb that they can't see what's happening
– or are they choosing not to see it, or are they so bloody-minded that they are
willingly complicit or otherwise just don't care?
The university study has already been done which scientifically demonstrates that the USA
is an oligarchy, not a democracy. Is this the election in which the American people finally
capitulate to the reality and abandom any pretence of egalitarianism?
I would urge everyone to give this a read; it's an eye-opener. It's a detailed account
about how some types of election fraud are executed from a guy who was paid to do it.
Why does a British news service have a "Fact Check Team" to protect an American
political party? Is the campaign against red state America organized globally?
Why did Brit secret service operatives provide the initial impulse of the "Russia
collusion" thing?
You've got serious Brit, Israeli, and Saudi interference in the modern US, deflected into
"Russian, Chinese, and Iranian interference". Is this sutainable?
Think Next Level. Remember MSM is a manipulative propaganda machine. The elections are
rigged and the winner is predetermined. Why the show off slow counts, sudden jumps and
inexplicable overtakes which may prove critical in determining who wins? Could they really
not manipulate the numbers more smoothly, or do we need to seek another intent?
Are they leaving clues of fraud on purpose is my concern.. fuel the fires of civil unrest
in the hopes of grabbing even more control when things go pear shaped?
US elections are looking distinctly 3rd world at the moment. Biden has a bigger voter
turnout than Obama did despite Trump gaining Black and Hispanic support? On what planet is
this even remotely credible?
The guy who's been hiding in his basement the last few months and speaking(mostly
incoherently) to a dozen or so people beats a guy who holds several rallies a day to
thousands of supporters. Nothing to see here folks. Just par for the course in the new Banana
States of America.
For me, even Trafalgar Group was conservative in their projections for the shy Trump voter
in states like Texas, Florida, and Ohio, where they were 3-5% off the mark for Trump support.
And Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania were all following that pattern before the voting
'not-pause' (it was not a stop, they counted a thousand votes here and a thousand there so
the MSM could parrot the lie that the voting continued, which it really didn't – I had
to miss a night's sleep out of frustration, watching the ticker grow ever slower).
After the pause, the situation flipped PA which was 12.7% for Trump at 75% of the vote
counted went to 2.6% for Trump at 89% counted the next day. Now it's neck and neck. USPS
endorsed Biden, and postdating envelopes is not difficult if you managed to run an operation
like Russiagate. DNC also has a track record with fraud with both of Bernies runs, so it's
not like they can claim vestal purity.
They created a system that was specifically grey – no need to allow votes after Nov
3rd, people had weeks, months to send the envelope. And if they were too lazy or slow, well
then, too bad, act faster next time. Now instead there is a grey zone where fraud is simple
to commit, and hard to disprove.
It is a simple delegitimisation of the voting process. Another case of the Dems doing
exactly what they screeched Trump was doing. So now a peaceful handover has been
delegitimised, voting has been delegitimised, the impeachment process has been
delegitimised.. the system is cracking at the seams.
Everything is possible. But the possibility that a lead of ~10k one way turns into a lead
of ~150k the other way overnight and with independent oversight forbidden is so statistically
improbable that it appears in real life as very close to impossible without some artificial
help. What is even more improbable is that similar things happen in different places at the
same time.
I don't know by heart the probability of a comet hitting the Earth tomorrow but I'm confident
that the number of zeros behind the comma is not worlds apart from that of the probability
for a fair Biden's win.
Really? Does every sore loser always have to go and claim election fraud. Such claims need
solid and material proof, not saying their is a certain electronic program out there. Most
states have worked hard to secure their votes against manipulation, though a lot more needs
to be done.
Most polls gave Biden a bigger voter margin than he achieved and they are are rarely wrong
when the polls are summed and averaged.
Listening to his speech last night, it came across as an adolescent with an overtly
Narcissistic and fully Self Centered character that has now been put on full display. Most
Republicans ran for cover. Sorry, but maybe PCR should have done the same rather than jump
with DT into his dark pit of self-delusion. Better for PCR to have not wasted his integrity
ammo on such a ridiculous and fraudulent claim.
Sorry, but Trump has probably lost fairly and squarely. White Americans, whether Working
or Middle Class, do not have more rights than others in the selection of any political leader
or national President. Other views exist and must be accounted for and debated and integrated
into the windstorm of politics.
Just get over it, and focus on keep the new President, whoever the maybe, that he act as a
loyal America First and Constitution First President.
This time – the Russians didn't commit US Election fraud or tampering – well,
at least they haven't been accused – yet. lol So, we are now looking at members of the
Democratic party and members of the USGov. – again. And the evidence looks pretty good
and pretty damned easy to see. Two or three swing states and a stupid consecutive drop of
hundreds of thousands of votes for only one party at least. Will they get away with it again
? Probably.
The difference, is that they blamed Russia and Russia payed a heavy price for those lies.
Will the perpetraitors that are American citizens, get away with it, or should they pay 10Xs
more than – what Russia had to pay – without even a trial ? Are the American
citizens going to be the continuous Huckleberries – for the USG corruption ? Or they
going to finally Cowboy up and do something .
onary atmosphere, thereby validating their revolution so that id doesn't look like the
coup that it is.
But above all, governments, like that run by the hostile elite who are intersted in
imposing a top-down authoritarian regime that will last indefinitely, routinely accuse the
accuser, victim-blame, and project on their target exactly what it is they are
And now we're back to The Dark Triad.
P.S. Begemot gave an excellent demonstration of the circular reasoning and tautalogical
assumptions common among online trolls. Of course, he thought he was doing something
It is amusing to watch the press prostitutes try to cover-up vote fraud for the
Democrats. Here is an example from the bought-and-paid-for BBC whose "Reality Check Team"
has undertaken to "fact check" the "rumor" of a 138,000 sudden ballot dump for Biden in
Michigan during the early hours of morning when no one was watching: https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-54811410
The BBC claims this was a "data entry error" that was corrected. The "data entry
error" was not corrected, if it was, until it became an issue. How does the BBC know that
the sudden jump in votes for Biden wasn't fraud that when exposed was explained away by
crooked officials as a "data entry error."
I would guess that we'll hear a lot more about all of this. Trump supporters aren't going
to wait to come forward with evidence. Also, voting in a democracy is so important that every
avenue for fraud needs to be shut down.
The motive for fraud is always going to be there so digitalization was a vastly stupid
thing to do. That 138.000 votes can appear/disappear is grounds for suspending the whole
failed operation. Paper ballots with voters visiting voting booths in person and counting by
hand is relatively safe. And it's easier to do a recount than go to the Supreme Court.
"How can such an unattractive party whose elected officials refused to enforce law and
order win the presidential election?
"The answer is fraud."
That's possible, but this inflammatory article completely fails to prove the case.
Equally plausible is a rather obvious explanation that Paul Craig Roberts deftly avoids
mentioning: Trump is a crude, narcissistic and deeply unattractive plutocrat who may have
established a cult-like following but who's disliked by a majority of Americans (along with
his billionaire-friendly economic policies). Among other possible factors are the fact that
Trump's environmental policies are so appalling they'd embarrass Richard Nixon and his
America-alone approach to global politics is puerile and seen to be such by a majority of
But all these are speculations and opinion – like Paul Craig Robert's article,
What's deeply disturbing to me is that a commentator I've long respected for his courage
over issues such as 9/11 has now seemingly lost the plot. Yes, the Democratic leadership are
a bodgy lot – but so are the Republicans, FFS! Both sides of the USA's major party
duopoly seem beholden to the Military Industrial Complex and Zionist Lobby. Neither are
treating the environmental crisis with anything like the requisite urgency.
The electoral system in the USA – fragmented as it is into a myriad of local
systems, each of differing reliability and fairness – is an international joke. The
nation that purports to export democracy doesn't have a grown-up democracy at home. Tulsi
Gabbard's proposed legislation on electoral reform would have largely fixed that problem, but
like so much else that's sane in the USA it barely got a mention in mainstream discourse.
So here we are.. with a electoral system that hasn't been fit for purpose for decades (if
ever?). and two unpleasant, untrustworthy leadership options. We need to recognise we're knee
deep in mire and keep our heads high. The last thing we should think of doing is slinging mud
at each other, like opposing tribes each hollering for their own preferred Big Chief.
This tribalistic, one-eyed, pro-Trump article by Paul Craig Roberts may be the worst he's
ever written. I hope he recovers soon.
There are plenty of people exposing shitlib criminals but no one arresting them.
(((globohomo))) probably struck a deal with Trump, promising not to go after Trump Family
Inc. in exchange for a few token tweets of resistance before he slinks off to create "Trump
TV." (For betraying us and surrendering I hope they do lock him up.)
Even if not, Orange Bluster has a history of never using the lawful powers of the
presidency to their full potential.
* Weak-ass "muslim ban" which wasn't
* Shitty rebuilt fence rather than wall
* No mass deportations
* Had the gall to tweet he would find a way to keep the illegals if the Supreme Joke ruled
DACA illegal (which it is)
* Israel First
Recucklicans hate Trump even more than commiecrats. They are classic cowards, it's their
role in the Uniparty. We have no one, and in a sense never did.
Secession is no longer an amusing meme. It cannot be worse than what globohomo has planned
for you and yours.
McDonald's Grimace voice: "Duhhhh, secession is illegal!"
From where does the Republican establishment impotence come? Not out patriotism as you
have suggested but from fear of losing their privileges emanating from Jewish controlled
The Deep State rigged the 2016 Democrat primary race for Hillary. It then rigged the 2016
general election for Hillary, but not enough to win. This time the Deep State counted
The billionaires behind the scenes calling shots for the Anglo-Zionist Empire are an evil
group, an evil class, as are their well paid loyal servants.
Whatever Trump's faults may be, he is far less dangerous than Bolshevik scum like
yourself. Congratulations moron, as Jack warned, your ilk made peaceful revolution
Fool was summed in the slogan of things they opposed to the death: Rum, Romanism, and
Rebellion: meaning, non-Elite whites they saw as Trash, Catholics, and Southerners.
What you see today as impotence is a large segment of the Republican Party power brokers
who are original Republicans at heart. So they despise the Deplorables just like Hillary
despises the Deplorables. Hillary's parents, like Obama's white grandparents, were that kind
of original Republican. George Will was that kind of Republican.
Jews did not invent that. They simply latched onto it and then became its major financial
backer by the ned of the Reagan years.
A senile old party hack who couldn't muster 100 people at a rally, along with a hideously
insincere veep who even the democrats despised in the primaries suddenly gets 70 million
I actually feel sorry for people who believe this fiction – as well as despising
It's invariably the same morons who spent the last 4 years believing every ludicrous piece of
drip-drip information about "the Russians".
After first night, the next day, Wisconsin flips over to Biden
After second night, the next day, Michigan flips over to Biden
After third night, the next day, Georgia flips over to Biden
After fourth night, the next day, Pennslyvania flips over to Biden?
Anyone see a pattern here?
youarelost , 22 minutes ago
The color revolution is being televised. The orange revolution is underway. Just like
Obama and the Cia pulled off in the Ukraine. We all know. We all see it. Many have stood
against it. Only the fools of the free crap army think their communist overlords will
Perseus-Reflected , 14 minutes ago
Do you think Trump expected this to happen?
Is Trump a fighter?
Do you think Trump would have planned a counter response for this to happen?
This site is pure propaganda. Whether Chi-com or Zio, I'm not sure.
But ask yourself, do you really think this is over?
Why are so many on here & in the MSM in a rush to convince you Trump is defeated?
Mr. Apotheosis , 2 minutes ago
I concur with your assessment. The evidence of fraud is now so overwhelming, no amount of
chicanery can overcome it. This election is null and void. If Biden were to legitimately win,
I would have no problem with it as people should get what they ask for. But to have the
entire deep state establishment fake the results is absolutely unacceptable.
Dragonlord , 25 minutes ago
I called it last week that Trump will hit more than 70 millions votes, looks like he is on
his way to do just that.
As of now, Trump has beaten all historical presidents in terms of number of votes earned.
Even if Obama from 2008 comes and contest against Trump, the former would lose the election
in terms of sheer numbers of the popular votes.
And even that is not enough to beat the most corrupted candidate in history, Biden....
ThaBigPerm , 21 minutes ago
No postmark, no signature and can arrive after election day. They can literally whip up as
many as they want.
not-me---it-was-the-dog , 22 minutes ago
trump told his supporters to vote in person, biden told his to mail their ballots.
trump gets a higher percentage of in person votes, but then the mailed in ballots are
it wouldn't look like this if the republicans had allowed the penn voting officials to
begin pre-canvassing the mail in ballots before the polls closed. nope, they demanded that
begin only after polls closed..........so we start counting millions of ballots, an
overwhelming majority for biden, after the majority of trump votes have been counted.
otschelnik , 15 minutes ago
Yea, yea the "red mirage," just like Podesta and the Transition Integrity Project
TruthFreedomPeace , 33 minutes ago
Hope that more people start cancelling cable TV and boycotting companies like
Twitter,Facebook,Microsoft,Apple,Google,Netflix and Amazon which all pander to the DNC and
their cronies and some try to cover up their crimes.
ACTION PLAN FOR IMMEDIATE CHANGE to counter the corruption , censorship and surveillance
by media/tech/finance giants and politicians:
1)Cancel Cable TV (All channels should be made available individually so consumers don't
have to give money to channels they don't want to)
2)Do Not donate money to politicians & consider boycotting companies that give them
money or pay them for speeches.
Some might decide to boycott Facebook,Twitter,Apple,Amazon,Microsoft, Google and Netflix for
censorship or corruption issues alone.
3)Bank with small local banks & invest with small brokerages & insist your
employer/pension fund do the same.
4)Support a pardon for Julian Assange & Edward Snowden and other
5)Join Pro freedom social network MINDS ,where freedom of speech and truth are respected
and users earn crypto tokens for their contributions to the site.
Follow Zero Hedge and Project Veritas for pro truth/freedom news.
6)Use web browsers like Dissenter,Tor or Brave rather than Chrome or Safari when you surf
the web.
Use search engines like Quant or DuckDuckGo rather than Google or Bing for web searches.
Use an email service like ProtonMail rather than Gmail.
Save important online videos/articles/posts to your PC hard drive or phone.
Post videos to Bitchute and LBRY rather than youtube
Shop online at Overstock and smaller independent retailers rather than Amazon/Wayfair
7)Use Linux operating systems like Linux Mint,Debian or others on your computer rather
than Windows, Mac or Chrome OS (Almost any PC can be switched to Linux).
Use a Linux based smartphone like PINEPHONE or a "dumbphone" rather than Google Android or
Apple iPhone.
Avoid buying a "smart" TV as it is smarter to buy a "dumb" TV with no operating system
Use an Atari VCS or Linux mini PC on your TV for web browsing/computing/gaming/video
streaming rather than amazon fire tv/roku/google chromecast/apple tv/microsoft xbox/nvidia
8) Do NOT support the "War on Drugs" which causes more crime,death,murder,gang
violence,incarcerations,enriching criminals while millions of people still use illegal drugs
9) Support a new foreign policy where We The People worldwide unite behind and promote the
principles of truth/freedom/goodwill/integrity/humility/Non-Aggression Principle/Golden Rule
and focus on winning hearts and minds.
10) Support a worldwide effort to voluntarily help others in the hope that it will win
over more people to these principles.
BTW,if Trump would simply join a free speech social media site and endorse some of the
other big tech rivals and announce it,he could instantly make a big dent in the dominance of
Notveryamused , 31 minutes ago
Huge increases in specific Democrat areas vs. 2012 & 2016 with nearly 100% of the new
increase going to Biden. Check those ballots.
In the large Democrat areas surrounding Atlanta, Georgia (Fulton/DeKalb/Cobb/Gwinnett)
there was in 2012 and 2016, 1.27 million and 1.3 million total votes cast respectively for
republicans and democrats.
In 2020 there were 1.6 million votes & nearly 100% of that increase went to Biden
🤨 (That 300k potentially wins him Georgia.)
In Dane County, Wisconsin there were 298k total votes in 2012, 288k total votes in 2016
for republicans and dems but in 2020 there were 340k votes, nearly 100% of that increase went
to Biden 🤨 (That 40k wins him Wisconsin.)
In Pima, Arizona there were 351k votes in 2012 & 343k total votes in 2016. In 2020
there were 486k votes and Biden got 100k votes more on average than Hillary/Obama 🤨
(That 100k might win him Arizona)
Revolution_starts_now , 31 minutes ago
We know what they want, they want more for themselves and less for you, and they will get
George Carlin.
Max21c , 17 seconds ago
Could be contractors for the alphabet agencies as the coup d'etat is clearly well
This is the second successful coup d'etat in America. The first successful coup d'etat
being by the assassination of a President per JFK assassination & murder on November 22nd
1963 in Dallas. The second successful coup d'etat being the stealing of the election and the
fraudulent election of 2020. They tried several times to overthrow Trump and this time the
coup plotters may have succeeded through a fraudulent election and by stealing the
The 1876 Presidential election was so completely corrupted by Democratic Party cheating
across the South that the Electoral College was defeated. No normal ballot was possible in
the Electoral College, because there were competing slates of Electors.
Instead of picking the President by a vote of the House, as provided in the Constitution
for such instances, Congress created a Commission. The Commission picked the President, by a
vote of 8-7.
That is the only time a Commission has been done.
It is also the only time an election had been so comprehensively corrupted across so many
The (Northern) Republicans got their candidate elected, which was likely the honest
outcome before all the cheating, as near as we can really know.
However, to get that they had to give up Reconstruction, and permit the start of Jim Crow
across the South.
It was a high price to pay. It was paid. Who suffered? Black people were thrown to the
I forgot to mention that counting the remaining votes in PA works like a clockwork. With
each 1% counted (ca. 70k), Trumps lead decreases by 0.5%, not 8% votes left, the remaining
lead is under 2%. Will the strategic bombers that were recently deployed to Russian borders
be sent onto Philadelphia?
It doesn't have to make sense. Dorsey and Zuckerberg will keep discussion of how
suspicious it all is out of social media and the stenographers in the mass media are so
desperate to get back to writing about Kardashian ass that they will never draw public
attention to "irregularities" in the election. When you tell a lie then you usually
have to follow it with more lies to back up the previous one, and then yet more lies to
support each previous wave of lies. The stenographers in mass media have had four years of
that and cannot take it anymore. That is just too many lies for them to try and keep straight
in their heads and they want to start off on some new, like Lukashenko using novichok on
ducks and kids or something like that. They just want these last four years of their own
self-inflicted nightmare to go away as soon as possible.
There will be no media coverage of any investigations of irregularities. The only
attention the media will give the matter is to dismiss the whole thing as conspiracy
Some guy on Twitter
claims to have found something weird - surging votes for Biden in the swing states yet no
such surge in votes for the Democrats' senate candidate accompanying Biden on the ticket.
"Down ticket votes" is what he calls it, normally a supposed link in preferences.
First of all, Biden has not "won", and won't, unless/until Trump concedes-- or gets
JFK'd [or rather more likely, these days; 'brain-cancered' (ie poisoned/incapacitated by some
'plausibly deniable' means)].
The collective efforts of an array of interests (the well-entrenched, many-tentacled US
deep state [writ large] power base, with its nearly total media saturation/message control
thru the 'Beyond Mockingbird'
silicone valley social media/traditional media monopolies, corrupt/compromised elected dems
and repugs and their respective party infrastructures, and probably some extra-national
players vested in the outcome), are being applied right now to attempt to drag across the
finish line the 'Dead Man Walking' candidate Biden, pumped up with nootropics , and propped up by ever-present
handlers during the campaign. Many agree Biden functions merely as a placeholding marionette,
soon to be replaced, should their election theft coup succeed.
Furthermore, ' he [Biden] was *not* a lot less hated than Trump'. I believe most honest
observers would acknowledge, at least privately, that the vast 'MiniTruth' electronic
social/traditional media propaganda/censorship complex has been weaponized since 2016 to
engage in a transparently biased and unrelenting effort to smear and demonize Trump, while it
is simultaneously engaging during the recent period of the 2020 election in nearly total
suppression, distortion and even outright banning of open honest reporting of news, negative
facts or public free speech unfavorable to Biden or negative to his campaign.
I believe I replied to one of Bemildred's previous post-Nov 3 comments, by pointing out
that the deep state/DNC/never-Trumper coalition has been trying continuously, "six ways from
Sunday", to destroy Trump since the lead-up to 2016 election, but he's been beating them
down, and learning from the experience, on how to plan a defense for their likely actions in
the 2020 race.
Trump saw the perennial election stealing tactics of the DNC in primaries, in Florida
(remember Brenda Snipes/Broward Co. 2018?) Detroit 2018, Philly (forever), as well other
dem-controlled states (WI, Mn etc) in play in 2020.
And he recognized the corrupt behavior pattern of Brian Kemp(R) Gov, and tangled with Kemp
over Kemp's appointment of who appointed Kelly 'no-political-resume' Loeffler ( shiksa
trophy wife of NY Stock Exchange chief Jeffrey Sprecher) to Isakson's vacated senate seat,
ignoring over Trumps recommendation of the experienced and effective Rep Doug Collins (R-Ga)
to fill it).
Kemp was also the previous shady SoS (head of elections) for Georgia. In short and Trump
had his number as a self-serving RINO going into the 2020 prez voting.
I have little doubt Trump anticipated the massive dirty vote counting and fraud that
are coming to pass now in these States and has taken measures in advance to nail them cold
with hard evidence on election fraud.
I do not think it is only because he is a good poker bluffer. I suspect feels he is
holding a strong hand to play and likes his odds of winning this fight.
More and more evidence of voting fraud is piling up (barring outside observer from voting
counting, 89% voter turn out, refusal of states to update their vote totals, discarded trump
votes found in dumpsters, vote counts being stopped for hours at a time). Textbook example of
votes being manipulated, they are counting some, stopping, estimating how many Biden votes
need to manufactured to reach the desired total, stuffing the ballot boxs, then restarting.
Will almost certainly go to the US Supreme Court (unless the supreme court declines to hear
the cases, which I think is unlikely). Regardless of how this turns out I think some things
can be agreed upon
1. Trump supporters are furious, far more angry then Gore supporters in 2000, they are
mobilizing to defend Trump's political future and his legacy. If Trump loses, I suspect their
first target will be the Republican establishment who they regard as having been half-hearted
in defending Trump. They will probably succeed in making Trump-style populism the new
ideology of the Republican Party (comparable to Goldwater's influence on the Republican Party
of the 60s-80s)
2. Biden is a lame duck already, his political capital has been wholly spent and with a
Republican senate and a Republican base baying for blood he won't be able pass anything of
note that doesn't have bipartisan support (he'll probably stir up some new wars in the Middle
East, Africa and Eastern Europe - always bipartisan support for MOAR war). We will probably
stand down within 18 months (he'll try to last at least a full year). As a political figure
he is tarnished beyond repair and his calls for "coming together" will mean nothing to the
Trump supporters who are convinced he stole the election.
3. The Democrats are no longer the party of minorities as they originally assumed
themselves to be. Though the majority of blacks and hispanics continue to support the
Democratic party, Trump grew his support in both groups (around 20%, almost double what it
was last election). "IF" the Republicans continue with a populist message they will be able
to continue this growth, this is significant because the Democratic rainbow coalition
strategy is based around getting 80%+ of the minority vote, this will force the Democrats to
look at strategies at getting elected
4. For several decades now the US political system has been becoming more corrupt,
undemocratic, unrepresentative and oligarchical. Regardless of outcome, this looks like a
crossing of the Rubicon moment, where a huge segment of the population refuses to accept the
legitimacy of an election. This doesn't mean a civil war is on the table now, but many people
(on both sides) will adopted a turn-a-bout is fair play attitude - expect future elections to
be even more disputed, courts to be more politicized and prosecutions to be more
National polls consistently predicted a huge Biden blowout. That they were wrong (again) is
demonstrated by the facts that (a) the 2020 popular vote is, so far (California is not
fully counted), a mere two-point spread, hardly a blowout; (b) Trump got a higher share of
the vote than last time; and (C) Trump received far more total votes than last time.
But it's the swing states that matter. Here (again) Trump was supposed to lose - if not
necessarily bigly in every case, at least widely.
But throughout election day, the president consistently outperformed the polls. He
crushed his 2016 performance in Florida. He also outperformed in Iowa, Ohio, South
Carolina, and Texas. Senators he was supposed to drag down with him, including Joni Ernst,
Lindsey Graham, and Mitch McConnell, won handily. Even Susan Collins, who was supposed to
be sure goner and lose by at least three, won by nine. A party that was "certain" to lose
the Senate has kept it and gained (so far) six seats in the House.
Looking at states no one expected Trump to lose, his overperformance is even more stark.
The polling average for West Virginia was Trump +17; he won it by 39. Kansas was estimated
at +9; the result was +15.
Throughout the day the president was also outperforming his expected result in key
states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania,
and Wisconsin. He even, for a time, looked like he was within striking distance in
Virginia, a state Hillary Clinton won by five points in 2016. At one point the New York
Times's "meter" had Trump's chances in North Carolina at 92%. The needle was also sliding
in the president's direction in Arizona and Georgia, among others.
And then, suddenly, the counting stopped in at least five states (or parts of states):
Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin; all but one with a
Democratic governor (coincidence, surely!). When has that ever happened? Well, it happened
in Broward County, Florida, in 2018, when a dodgy Democratic election official appeared to
be intervening, illicitly, on her party's behalf. The process only got back underway when
the state's (Republican) governor intervened and had her removed from the process.
An upstate USPS employee was arrested Tuesday while crossing the US-Canada border with
hundreds of envelopes and other undelivered mail -- including several absentee ballots.
The Buffalo mailman, who was caught with over 800 pieces of mail inside his trunk that
he had failed to deliver, said he had ended up on a bridge between the US and its neighbor
to the north by accident, the Buffalo News reported.
Customs and Border Protection found a huge bin of mail spanning several zip codes in the
vehicle. Among them were three absentee ballots from the Erie County Board of Elections,
authorities told the newspaper.
Brandon Wilson, 27, told CBP agents he was in the wrong lane while traveling on
Interstate 190 and accidentally wound up on the bridge. When pressed, Willson claimed that
the mail was for his mother, though he was unable to explain why the names on the packages
did not match.
A gaming exercise of the perfect, indigenous color revolution, code-named Blue, was leaked
from a major think tank established in the imperial lands that first designed the color
revolution concept.
Not all the information disclosed here about the gaming of Blue has been declassified. That
may well elicit a harsh response from the Deep State, even as a similar scenario was gamed by
an outfit called Transition Integrity Project.
Both scenarios should qualify as predictive programming – with the Deep State
preparing the general public, in advance, for exactly how things will play out.
The standard color revolution playbook rules usually start in the capital city of
nation-state X, during an election cycle, with freedom fighting "rebels" enjoying full national
and international media support.
Blue concerns a presidential election in the Hegemon. In the gaming exercise, the incumbent
president, codenamed Buffoon, was painted Red. The challenger, codenamed Corpse, was painted
Blue – the exercise – went up a notch because, compared to its predecessors, the
starting point was not a mere insurgency, but a pandemic. Not any pandemic, but a really
serious, bad to the bone global pandemic with an explosive infection fatality rate of less than
By a fortunate coincidence, the lethal pandemic allowed Blue operators to promote mail-in
ballots as the safest, socially distant voting procedure.
That connected with a rash of polls predicting an all but inevitable Blue win in the
election – even a Blue Wave.
The premise is simple: take down the economy and deflate a sitting president whose stated
mission is to drive a booming economy. In tandem, convince public opinion that actually getting
to the polls is a health hazard.
The Blue production committee takes no chances, publicly announcing they would contest any
result that contradicts the prepackaged outcome: Blue's final victory in a quirky,
anachronistic, anti-direct democracy body called the "electoral college".
If Red somehow wins, Blue would wait until every vote is counted and duly litigated to every
jurisdiction level. Relying on massive media support and social media marketing propelled to
saturation levels, Blue proclaims that "under no scenario" Red would be allowed to declare
Countdown to magic voting
Election Day comes. Vote counting is running smoothly – mail-in count, election day
count, up to the minute tallies – but mostly favoring Red, especially in three states
always essential for capturing the presidency. Red is also leading in what is characterized as
"swing states".
But then, just as a TV network prematurely calls a supposedly assured Red state for Blue,
all vote counting stops before midnight in major urban areas in key swing states under Blue
governors, with Red in the lead.
Blue operators stop counting to check whether their scenario towards a Blue victory can roll
out without bringing in mail-in ballots. Their preferred mechanism is to manufacture the "will
of the people" by keeping up an illusion of fairness.
Yet they can always rely, as Plan B, on urban mail-in ballots on tap, hot and cold, until
Blue squeaks by in two particularly key swing states that Red had bagged in a previous
That's what happens. Starting at 2 am, and later into the night, enter a batch of "magic"
votes in these two key states. The sudden, vertical upward "adjustment" includes the case of a
batch of 130k+ pro-Blue votes cast in a county alongside not a single pro-Red vote – a
statistical miracle of Holy Ghost proportions.
Stuffing the ballot box is a typical scam applied in Banana Republic declinations of color
revolution. Blue operators use the tried and tested method applied to the gold futures market,
when a sudden drop of naked shorts drives down gold price, thus protecting the US dollar.
Blue operators bet the compliant mainstream media/Big Tech alliance will not question that,
well, out of the blue, the vote would swing towards Blue in a 2 to 3 or 3 to 4 margin.
They bet no questions will be asked on how a 2% to 5% positive ballot trend in Red's
favor in a few states turned into a 0.5% to 1.4% trend in favor of Blue by around 4am.
And that this discrepancy happens in two swing states almost simultaneously.
And that some precincts turn more presidential votes than they have registered
And that in swing states, the number of extra mysterious votes for Blue far exceeds
votes cast for the Senate candidates in these states, when the record shows that down
ticket totals are traditionally close.
And that turnout in one of these states would be 89.25%.
The day after Election Day there are vague explanations that one of the possible vote-dumps
was just a "clerical error", while in another disputed state there is no justification for
accepting ballots with no postmark.
Blue operators relax because the mainstream media/Big Tech alliance squashes each and every
complaint as "conspiracy theories".
The Red counter-revolution
The two presidential candidates do not exactly help their own cases.
Codename Corpse, in a Freudian slip, had revealed his party had set up the most extensive
and "diverse" fraud scheme ever.
Not only Corpse is about to be investigated for a shady computer-related scheme. He is a
stage 2 dementia patient with a rapidly unraveling profile – kept barely functional by
drugs, which can't prevent his mind slowly shutting down.
Codename Buffoon, true to his instincts, goes pre-emptive, declaring the whole election a
fraud but without offering a smoking gun. He is duly debunked by the mainstream media/Big Tech
alliance for spreading "false claims".
All this is happening as a wily, old, bitter operator not only had declared that the only
admissible scenario was a Blue victory; she had already positioned herself for a top security
Blue also games that Red would immediately embark on a single-minded path ahead: regiment an
army of lawyers demanding access to every registration roll to scrub, review and verify each
and every mail-in ballot, a process of de facto forensic analysis.
Yet Blue cannot foresee how many fake ballots will be unveiled during recounts.
As Corpse is set to declare victory, Buffoon eyes the long game, set to take the whole thing
all the way to the Supreme Court.
The Red machine had already gamed it – as it was fully aware of how operation Blue
would be played.
The Red counter-revolution does carry the potential of strategically checkmating Blue.
It is a three-pronged attack – with Red using the Judiciary Committee, the Senate and
the Attorney General, all under the authority of codename Buffoon until Inauguration Day. The
end game after a vicious legal battle is to overthrow Blue.
Red's top operators have the option of setting up a Senate commission, or a Special Counsel,
at the request of the Judiciary Committee, to be appointed by the Department of Justice to
investigate Corpse.
In the meantime, two electoral college votes, one-month apart, are required to certify the
presidential winner.
Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories.
These votes will happen in the middle of one and perhaps two investigations focused on
Corpse. Any state represented at the electoral college may object to approve an investigated
Corpse; in this case it's illegal for that state to allow its electors to certify the state's
presidential results.
Corpse may even be impeached by his own party, under the 25th Ammendment, due to his
irreversible mental decline.
The resulting chaos would have to be resolved by the Red-leaning Supreme Court. Not exactly
the outcome favored by Blue.
The House always wins
The heart of the matter is that this think tank gaming transcends both Red and Blue. It's
all about the Deep State's end game.
There's nothing like a massive psy ops embedded in a WWE-themed theater under the sign of
Divide and Rule to pit mob vs. mob, with half of the mob rebelling against what it perceives as
an illegitimate government. The 0.00001% comfortably surveys the not only metaphorical carnage
from above.
Even as the Deep State, using its Blue minions, would never have allowed codename Buffoon to
prevail, again, domestic Divide and Rule might be seen as the least disastrous outcome for the
world at large.
A civil war context in theory distracts the Deep State from bombing more Global South
latitudes into the dystopian "democracy" charade it is now enacting.
And yet a domestic Empire of Chaos gridlock may well encourage more foreign adventures as a
necessary diversion to tie the room together.
And that's the beauty of the Blue gaming exercise: the House wins, one way or another.
play_arrow palmereldritch , 2 minutes ago
So many snakes with heads.
yojimbo , 25 minutes ago
Well, a leftie spots the cheat.
I love the dissonanse for most of them though - 2016, every Trump vote was a Putin fake,
this time no Biden vote is a lie, and how dare you even question the democratic system!
Sammy Adams , 27 minutes ago
Three Branches of the Deep State: 1. Corporate/Social Media, 2. CIA/MI6, 3. Federal
Reserve/Bank of England
I think Trump has the goods on these goofs, I'm mean it is circumstantially obvious of
organized fraud coming directly from the top of the DNC on this caper. They even announced
the game plan before they started. What a bunch of morons, these people are really
joego1 , 15 minutes ago
It might have helped if the corpse didn't come out and brag about putting together the
best voting fraud operation in history.
Ms No , 28 minutes ago
A lot of that is true but predictive programming isnt real. There is zero motive or
incentive to do such. Its a bad theory with no real evidence. They are just incompetent or
too brazen and full of hubris to hide. The other stuff is creative writing clairvoyance. That
actually has over 100 years of data. Predictive programming just sounds good.
Boiling frog tactic isnt predictive programming either. People are just trying to figure
out why the future shows up in arts and insider discourse prior to it becoming a reality,
even in minute specific detail. This really is no mystery though. Both reasons I gave are
actually following Occam's razor.
Michigan's Oakland County has discovered a computer glitch that erroneously gave a victory
to a Democratic candidate for commissioner. Her rival is breathing a sigh of relief, and
worrying about where else such errors lurk.
Democratic candidate for county commissioner Melanie Hartman appeared to have won the
election on Wednesday by a razor-thin 104-vote margin, according to
Detroit Free Press . However, red-faced county officials have revealed that a computer
glitch led them to actually count votes for seven precincts twice, and the Republican incumbent
Adam Kochenderfer was declared the winner on Friday.
the evidence is growing and you can watch the recent Ron Paul Liberty report where Daniel
McAdam (an actual elections observer)listed off a huge list of red flags. In case your too
busy to watch I will provide a brief list
1. Every state that has had a delay has seen Biden has overtaken trump AFTER the delays were
announced - Red flag
2. Florida counted 10.5M votes in less than 24 hours, Georgia couldn't count 4.8M in 48
hours, why? - Red Flag
3. In PA, the courts have barred all accredited observers from observing the vote - Red
4. In Detroit, the ballot counting centers barred windows and expelled observers, why? - Red
5. David Lim (Obama's former speech writer) sent a tweet out on Nov 4 (AFTER the election)
asking for volunteers in Georgia to help people fix their mail in ballots so that they count,
why? - Red Flag
6. Participation in one PA county reached 90% turn out, beating the prior record that had
stood for more than 100 years and almost 30% higher than the last election in 2016. Other PA
counties saw voter numbers exceed 100% of registered voters compared to the last election,
even accounting for same day registration this is statistically improbable- Red Flag
If you put in the effort to investigate this issue with an open mind you will find more
evidence of suspicious activity during this election.
On a unrelated note, I have been a commenter on this website for several years and I have
never insulted a fellow commenter as you have done. this website supports the free exchange
of views, information and dialogue, not crass and churlish name-calling. Vulgar and
unprofessional conduct does a disservice to this website, your fellow commenters and
Despite the unfounded protestations I've seen here over the past few days, the type of
operation with designs to selectively throw away, not deliver, or otherwise void Trump
ballots/votes would require a mind boggling degree of coordination and communication and at
some point someone would get caught and investigated
I think that is usually correct
This is not in any way an ordinary usual election. There are a lot of deranged people out
there that are extremely agitated so it would not be surprising if somebody took it upon
themselves to save the world from what ever they think they are saving the world from and
they did something to alter the election. And if that did happen they will be caught because
this will also be the most scrutinized election.
I'm still thinking trump will win in the end. We have seen this movie so many times before
where the left wing media is telling everybody over and over and over that trump is toast and
is going to be run out of town and it always turns into a nothing burger. Why would it be
different this time?
I used to work with demographic data professionally. Yet, I would love for someone to
explain why the Democratic voters vote so much more by mail than the Republican voters, like
at least 2:1? This is a serious question. There are all kinds of differences between which
can cause one group to be higher. But it requires an extremely high correlation with some
unknown factor to cause such dominance of one group of registered voters in one type of
voting. Without arriving at a good explanation, obviously fraud is the next best one.
This is on top of the issue of so many Republican senators apparently receiving winning
votes where Biden "won" through newly discovered bags of mail in votes.
The election is in the courts. The judges were all elected. Or appointed by elected
politicians. Should be pretty plain how hermetically sealed that system is.
Judges are politicians first, jurists second. They are going to decide for Biden. Biden is
better connected. Biden is sure to reward them while Trump is mercurial. There will be no
determination of facts, probably impossible to do that in any case, more importantly no one
wants to know.
Mark2 said something I can agree with! His photo file of Trump with Epstein is damning.
Bigger photo file of Clintons with Epstein. Even bigger photo file of Clintons with Trump.
And then we have the photo file of Biden pawing young girls. And of course the photo files of
his son with children. They all stink. But half of us cheer on one and half of us cheer on
the other. They stink.
b is entirely correct in suggesting that the Democrats steal elections. Their entire
history is of doing so. They have been doing it since the 1790s. They are the party of
machines- Tammany, Pendergast, Cook County. The party of the Solid South in which the entire
section, larger than the Confederacy, vored Democrat for the better part of a century when
the only elections were the White Primaries.
But there is no need to go back so far: Biden stole this year's primaries, just as Clinton
stole those in 2016. Stealing elections is what Democrats do. It is also what Republicans,
particularly since the South switched from Democrat to Republican, do. It is the American
way-fixing elections to make sure that the popular will is never imposed on the rich and
Those who think that Biden represents anything more enlightened than the appalling Trump
have not been paying attention, something which is hard to do when your head is buried in the
sand and full of fantasies in which great men (or women) rescue the Republic.
The problem in the United States and most of the 'western' world, is that people just
enjoy being told what to do, what to think, who to applaud. It has reached the stage at which
the most basic sexual attraction is held to be perverse and large numbers of people adjust
themselves to conformity with the tawdriest gender stereotypes by demanding to be castrated.
You really couldn't make this up!
Votes will continue to be "found" until they have enough.
The establishment needs to get "back to normal" . They don't have the strength for
four more years of hysteria, so the election will be flipped regardless of the
We are an "end justifies the means" society. I understand that some people here hate Trump
so much that seeing him beaten - at any cost - is all that matters. People are entitled to
their opinion. The election is clearly being stolen from Trump. One can recognize that
reality regardless of which side they are on. Don't you think the Dems and media can handle
all the fraud on their own? Why must you insult everyone's intelligence by taking part in the
lies? Have you no self respect?
I believe this is the probable outcome as well, that Trump will win a further term by a
narrow margin. But it is the narrowness of that margin that is the story – a
closely-contested vote is the easiest to rig, since it requires a comparatively-small amount
of fakery, but it risks an explosion of public fury when the losing half sees their candidate
'cheated' right at the post. Here are two examples of the alleged manipulations. Whom they
fall in favour of is fairly obvious.
If a city send out 100,000 vote by mail ballots, there is great chance more than a quarter
are returned due to bad address and federal law does not allow the forwarding of ballots.
The easiest way to cheat, is to use the return-to-sender ballots.
what i find interesting is how quick many are to claim fraud in this election... i am not
saying fraud doesn't happen, but i don't know that it is a one way street and only happens in
a one sided way..
it is almost like all the allegations of fraud in foreign countries elections is coming
home to roost in the usa.. this is ironic as the usa has always been held up as a type of
gold standard for fair elections... that many americans are now projecting onto their own
country what has normally been projected only onto other countries ( 3rd world type
countries?) only, is quite interesting at this juncture...
In 2016, Trump won:
AZ by 91,234 votes
GA by 211,141 votes
PA by 44,292 votes
WI by 22,748 votes
MI by 10,704 votes
The same civil servants counted the votes 4 years ago across all of these states...is
anyone SERIOUSLY believing (can't say thinking) that all these folks conspired this year and
not 4 years ago?
It's an election....sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.
The U.S. Inability To Count Votes is a National Disgrace. And Dangerous.
Nations far poorer and less technologically advanced have no problem holding quick,
efficient elections. Distrust in U.S. outcomes is dangerous but rational.
By Glenn Greenwald
November 04, 2020 " Information Clearing House " - The richest and
most powerful country on earth -- whether due to ineptitude, choice or some combination of both
-- has no ability to perform the simple task of counting votes in a minimally efficient or
confidence-inspiring manner. As a result, the credibility of the voting process is severely
impaired, and any residual authority the U.S. claims to "spread" democracy to lucky recipients
of its benevolence around the world is close to obliterated.
At 7:30 a.m. ET on Wednesday, the day after the 2020 presidential elections, the results of
the presidential race, as well as control of the Senate, are very much in doubt and in chaos.
Watched by rest of the world -- deeply affected by who rules the still-imperialist superpower
-- the U.S. struggles and stumbles and staggers to engage in a simple task mastered by
countless other less powerful and poorer countries: counting votes. Some states are not
expected to finished their vote-counting until
the end of this week or beyond .
The same data and polling geniuses who pronounced that Hillary Clinton had a 90% probability
or more of winning the 2016 election, and who spent the last three months proclaiming the 2020
election even more of a sure thing for the Democratic presidential candidate, are currently
insisting that Biden, despite being behind in numerous key states, is still the favorite by
virtue of uncounted ballots in Democrat-heavy counties in the outcome-determinative states.
[One went to sleep last night with the now-notorious New York Times needle of data guru Nate
Cohn assuring the country that, with more than 80% of the vote counted in Georgia, Trump had
more than an 80% chance to win that state, only to wake up a few hours later with the needle
now predicting the opposite outcome; that all happened just a few hours after Cohn assured everyone how
much "smarter" his little needle was this time around].
NYT's predictive needle for Georgia less than four hours later, at 12:12 a.m., early
Wednesday morning.
Given the record of failures and humiliations they have quickly compiled, what rational
person would trust anything they say at this point? A citizen randomly chosen from the
telephone book would be as reliable if not more so for sharing predictions. And the monumental
failures of the polling industry and the data nerds who leech off it, for the second
consecutive national election, only serve to sow even further doubt and confusion around the
electoral process.
No Advertising - No Government Grants - No Algorithm - This Is Independent
A completely untrustworthy voting count is now the norm. Two months after the New York state
primary in late June, two Congressional races were in doubt by what The New York Times
c alled "major
delays in counting a deluge of 400,000 mail-in ballots
and other problems." In particular:
Thousands more ballots in the city were discarded by election officials for minor errors,
or not even sent to voters until the day before the primary, making it all but impossible for
the ballots to be returned in time.
It took a full
six weeks for New York to finally declare a winner in those two primary races for
The coronavirus pandemic and the shutdowns and new votings rules it ushered in have
obviously complicated the process, but the U.S. failure to simply count votes with any degree
of efficiency, in a way that inspires even minimal confidence in the process, pre-dates the
March, 2020 nationwide lockdowns. Even if one dismisses as aberrational the protracted,
Court-decided, and still-untrusted outcome of the 2000 presidential election -- only four
national election cycles ago -- the U.S. voting process is rife with major systemic failures
and doubt-sowing inefficiencies that can be explained only as a deliberate choice and/or a
perfect reflection of a collapsing, crumbling empire.
Recall the mass confusion that ensued back in January, in the very first Democratic Party
primary election in the Iowa caucus, where a new app created and monetized by a bunch of sleazy
Democratic operatives caused
massive delays, confusion and an untrustworthy outcome . Later in the process, many Super
Tuesday states -- including California -- were still counting votes weeks or even longer after
the election was held (more than a week after the Democratic primary, California had
still only counted roughly 75% of the ballots cast, depriving Bernie Sanders of a critical
narrative victory on election night).
The 2018 midterm elections were also marred by pervasive irregularities. The Washington Post
noted "thousands of reports of voting irregularities across the country . with voters
complaining of broken machines, long lines and untrained poll workers improperly challenging
Americans' right to vote."
And the full extent of the "irregularities" and treacherous outright cheating by the
Democratic National Committee in the 2016 primary race between Clinton and Sanders was never
fully appreciated given how pro-Clinton the press was. As just one example, "200,000 New York
City voters" -- many in pro-Sanders precincts -- "had been illegally wiped off the rolls and
prevented from voting in the presidential primary" (for one of the best-documented histories of
just how pervasive were the shenanigans and cheating in the 2016 Democratic primary across
multiple key states, listen to this TrueAnon episode ).
As Bernie Sanders pointed out in a video that went viral, initial results were always
going to favour the Republicans because Republicans were more likely to vote in person,
whereas Democrats were more likely to use mail-in ballots which take time to
count, so this is precisely what was anticipated, this was always going to happen, there's
nothing untoward or unexpected happening here. As the count continues the 'process' begins
to inexorably favour the Democrats.
First of all, the election fraud is not something exceptional. It small dozes it is
present in any of US election. More in the past (Kennedy-Nixon), then currently. See
A Brief History of Mail-In Vote Fraud
I do not think that fraud alone is capable of flipping the states. The key problem for
Trump is that he a fake/fraudulent populist: look at Trump tax cut and that might explain why
less voters supported him in 2020 . And Biden with all his warts is IMHO better choice then
Trump with this bulling and "national neoliberalism" stance along with aggressive "might is
right" foreign policy (just
look at Pompeo)
But at the same time some facts require careful analysis. Among them
Kyle Becker@kylenabecker
Swing state voting irregularities:
Biden outperforms [Dem] Senators in swing states, underperforms in VA, NH, RI
Biden underperforms Hillary/Obama in cities, except in MI, PA, GA, WI
In the
1982 Illinois gubernatorial election , more than 100,000 votes were fraudulently cast in
Chicago. The Justice Department found that Democratic Party officials there had set up an
extensive vote fraud ring that very nearly stole the governorship from Republican Jim Thompson,
who won re-election over Adlai Stevenson III by just 5,074 votes out of 3.67 million cast.
Following an extensive federal investigation, a total of 63 people were convicted on vote
fraud charges. Prosecutors found that they had bought votes, registered illegal immigrants and
imaginary voters, and even had voting precinct captains physically change their vote counts.
But by far their most common trick was casting fraudulent absentee ballots. The corrupt
precinct captains who were in on the fraud had their workers "encourage voters to apply for
absentee ballots whether or not they had a valid reason to do so and to turn the blank ballots
over" to the election workers, who would then vote for them.
The investigation found that "although the [vote] canvass disclosed that a number of persons
who were registered to vote in the precinct had died, moved away, or for some other reason had
become ineligible to vote, these persons were not struck from the list of eligible voters.
Finally on election day the defendants, either personally or by acting through others, caused
numerous false ballots to be cast for the straight Democratic ticket."
The conspirators preyed on the elderly and infirm, because they "would be the most unlikely
to challenge the theft of their franchise."
12 years later, in Greene County, Alabama, eleven people were convicted of widespread vote
fraud through the use of phony absentee ballots.
"The defendants included Greene County commissioners, officials, and employees; a racing
commissioner; a member of the board of education; a Eutaw city councilman; and other community
leaders," a White
House report concluded . "The conspiracy included using an assembly line to mass produce
forged absentee ballots meant to swing elections in favor of preferred candidates."
That "assembly line" involved the conspirators filling out ballots that they had
fraudulently mailed to them and then sending them back on Election Day. Some of those involved
in the scheme even went so far as to steal ballots out of people's mailboxes!
That same year, the mayor's race in Hialeah, Florida had to be re-run because "so many
forged absentee ballots were cast...that the results were void." Incumbent Mayor Raul Martinez
(a convicted felon who was allowed to run while awaiting sentencing on corruption charges) had
his win reversed. The Los Angeles
Times reported at the time that "Circuit Judge Sidney Shapiro found that the mayor's
2-to-1 advantage in absentee ballots may have come from the efforts of 'overzealous' campaign
workers at a retirement home, where many voters suffer from schizophrenia and drug
In other words, members of the mayor's campaign simply filled out ballots for those
residents and mailed them back in.
Three years later, the 1997 Miami mayoral election also had to be re-run after 36 people
were arrested for cheating the absentee ballot process. As the
Miami Herald noted , "numerous absentee ballots were cast in the primary by people
who live outside of the City of Miami. Some voters were unaware they had voted at all. One
ballot was cast by Manuel Yip, who has been dead for four years."
When the fraud was discovered and the election was held again, a different candidate
In 2003,
a member of East Chicago Mayor Robert Pastrick's campaign was found guilty of casting
fraudulent ballots by promising jobs to people in exchange for letting him vote for them in the
primary. Because of this widespread fraud, the primary was re-run and Pastrick lost.
Five years later, community activist group ACORN engaged in what Washington's Secretary of
State called "the worst case of voter registration fraud in the history of the state" by
submitting nearly 2,000 fake voter registration forms. According to CNN , the group "took
addresses from homeless shelters, used fake birthdays and Social Security numbers and took
names from baby books to create voters out of thin air."
Clifton Mitchell, the ringleader of the scheme, spent three months in prison, and four of
his co-conspirators were sentenced to jail time. ACORN itself was fined $25,000. The group was
under investigation for fraud in 10 different states for its activities ahead of the 2008
presidential election.
Nevada officials charged ACORN, its regional director and its Las Vegas field director with
submitting thousands of fraudulent voter registration forms last year. Larry Lomax, the
registrar of voters in Las Vegas, says he believes 48% of ACORN's forms "are clearly
fraudulent." Prosecutors in Pittsburgh, Pa., also charged seven Acorn employees with filing
hundreds of fraudulent voter registrations before last year's general election.
In 2012, Martin, Kentucky Mayor Ruth Thomasine Robinson ran a mail-in ballot scheme that
preyed on people who lived in properties she either owned or supervised.
The FBI said in a press release :
According to evidence at the trial, Thomasine Robinson and her co-conspirators intimidated
poor and disabled citizens in order to gain their votes during Robinson's 2012 campaign for
re-election. For instance, members of the conspiracy directed residents of public housing to
vote by absentee ballot under the supervision of Thomasine Robinson or another member of the
conspiracy. The conspirators also targeted residents of private housing owned and leased by
Thomasine Robinson.
Trial testimony established that the conspirators completed absentee ballots, marking their
choice of candidates, and instructing the voters to sign the pre-marked ballots. Voters who
complied by voting for Thomasine Robinson received promises of better living arrangements and
other considerations. Voters who did not comply faced eviction or the loss of priority for
public housing. In addition, the evidence established that the defendants offered to pay
several voters to vote for Thomasine Robinson.
She was convicted on vote fraud and civil rights violation charges and sentenced to 90
months in federal prison.
It starts with a knock. Someone in your family opens the door, because you're old, most
likely over 80, certainly poor, possibly infirm, probably a minority. You see a familiar
face. She is a community organizer, young, passionate. She has come by often, campaigning for
Obama or Wendy Davis. Today she comes bearing a fruit basket, because she wants to help.
She's also kind enough to carry in your mail.
It just so happens that today's mail brings a large envelope. The envelope contains a letter
from the Secretary of State, who thanks you for doing your civic duty. There are pages of
instructions in English and Spanish. There is a mail-in ballot for early voting. There is a
carrier envelope that must be signed and used to deliver the ballot. The nice woman with the
fruit asks if you'd like some help filling out your ballot. Of course you would. It's all
very confusing. She asks you to sign on the envelope and says she'll take care of the rest.
That's one scenario. The details can change. The harvesters who show up just as your ballot
is delivered, maybe they have to ask you if you've already brought your ballot inside. Maybe
they find the package in the mailbox, put it on a clipboard, and ask you to sign your name to
the carrier envelope for some bogus reason. Maybe you never vote, so these harvesters just
take your ballot out of the mailbox for themselves -- and you never miss it.
Why are these big envelopes being sent to many people who didn't even request a mail-in
ballot? Because before these ballots were harvested, these precincts were "seeded." Large
batches of applications for ballots, stuffed in manila envelopes, had arrived at the county
elections office, each request with a name from voter lists that had also been requested from
said office. That elections office alerted harvesters to when the precincts would receive
their ballots by mail, so the nice woman with the fruit would know when to have her basket
This is, broadly speaking, how the mail-in ballot game works across Texas and how it has
worked in Dallas County for decades.
The following year, in what is perhaps the best known vote fraud case since the 1982 Chicago
a Congressional race in North Carolina was upended over massive mail-in vote fraud . After
Republican Mark Harris beat Democrat Dan McCready by just 905 votes, it became clear that a
Harris operative named L. McCrae Dowless, Jr. was running a fraud scheme. He requested more
than 1,200 absentee ballots on behalf of unsuspecting voters. When the ballots arrived at their
homes, Dowless picked them up and had assistants fill them out.
Dowless and four people who worked for him were criminally charged and the race was re-run.
The Republican Party rescinded its support for Harris and he announced that he wouldn't run.
Instead, Republican Dan Bishop beat McCready to win the seat.
The next year, Sherikia Hawkins, the Democratic City Clerk of Smithfield, Michigan, was
charged with fraud for altering 193 ballots that were mailed to her office ahead of the
2018 midterm elections.
As if nearly 40 years of continual fraud associated with mail-in balloting weren't enough,
on the exact same day that Twitter fact-checked President Trump's claims, a mail carrier in
West Virginia was charged with attempted vote fraud.
Thomas Cooper allegedly changed party affiliations of eight voters on their requests for
mail-in ballots. According to an affidavit, he admitted to the crime but claimed that he did it
"as a joke" and was "just being silly."
Such widespread vote fraud, of course, is no joke--especially when it spans four decades.
And mail-in balloting makes fraud easier. If Twitter is looking for a fact-check, it might ask
former President Jimmy Carter and Secretary of State James Baker, who co-chaired the 2005
Commission on Federal Election Reform . One of its primary conclusions was definitive:
"Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud."
GOP political analyst and former Trump Data Chief Matt Braynard believes he can detect voter
fraud by comparing absentee ballots and early voters to the Social Security Death Index and the
National Change of Address Database .
Braynard - former analyst for pollster Frank Luntz - is the president of Braynard Group,
which provides services for voter targeting, polling and fundraising.
In order to accomplish this, Braynard will need up to $100,000 to purchase databases from
data vendors. In a Thursday Twitter thread, he outlined his plan to audit the election in key
states and launched a GoFundMe
page which is currently under review ("Getting nuked still a possibility," he says).
As of this writing, Braynard's GoFundMe is up to just under $170,000 . And in a Friday
update, he says he's been in touch with the Trump campaign ("but nothing more to say on that
now"), has vendors lined up for Social Security and the Change of Address data, and is
"Tracking down source data on Early Voters/ABS [absentee ballots] " adr , 28 minutes
All you have to do to prove voter fraud is walk on the street in Milwaukee and find ten
people that didn't vote in the election.
Because apparently 9 out of 10 people who live in Milwaukee voted.
kleptomistic , 9 minutes ago
Between 4:24AM (Trump winning) and 4:40AM (Biden now winning)
I did some analysis earlier today and discovered that if you took Hennepin county in
Minnesota, which contains the city of Minneapolis, and subtracted those votes from the state
total, Trump would win the state by more than 100,000 votes.
This was a true ****show of anti-Democratic proportions.
He's a link to my blog, which has the breakdown, plus other stuff which may be of interest
to people.
You don't get it, they perpetrated fraud in broad daylight. There is no secrecy. You don't
need to study it. It is a brazen seizure of power, message of intimidation, and demonstration
that the general populace is too mentally and physically weak to put up any resistance, and
that they system is so rotten no one would risk anything to defend it. This is a classic
socialist takeover. Our species repeats itself over and over. Go read about the October
Revolution, French Revolution, Red Revolution, or a dozen other Revolutions. What follows is
equally predictable. Redistribuion. Angry retributive terror. 5 year brutal civil war.
Political infighting. Power struggle. Totalitarianism. Total enslavement of 99.999% of
people. The answer....i dont know. The right wing resistance loses the civil war, not that it
shouldn't be fought, but that is what will happen. No matter how armed or well trained
militarily they are. If you have any creative ideas to resist this movement, you could save
humanity and change it forever by stopping this repetitious cycle.
Murky Mook , 28 minutes ago
Wow! $170,000. That's a lot of money.
in 2016, Jill Stein, for a recount in two states, raised $7,000.000 in two days on
Biden outperforms Senators in swing states,
underperforms in VA, NH, RI Biden underperforms Hillary/Obama in cities, except in MI, PA,
GA, WI Biden mail-in dumps with 100% margins GOP lose ZERO House races
Interesting take by the former Lieutenant Governor of New York
Don't be fooled by the Biden team's rhetoric that every ballot must be counted and all it
takes is patience. Only valid, legally cast ballots should count.
"The U.S. urged leaders in Ivory Coast to stick to a "democratic" election process hours
after President Trump prematurely declared victory."
I call for a delegation from Bolivia to come and watch the elections in the USA and make
sure they go as planned because clearly no one in the USA is capable of handling this
This tweet pretty much sums up the dysfunctionality of the election:
Dinesh D'Souza
If Latinos turned out for Trump in record numbers, Biden can be consoled by the fact that
dead people seem to have turned out for him in record numbers. Incredible turnout!
But hey, they found another bag of 'mailed in' ballots.
LOL. It's ok, Biden took the lead no need to "find" any more mail-in ballots.
Mature ballots often play around with the other ballots, between them, they produce from
one to over a thousands baby ballots, and baby ballots take longer to count; so please just
be patient.
The elites may control who gets nominated but no matter how flawed or repugnant their
candidate is or how obvious that the candidate was chosen for them the flocks that follow the
candidates act as if they did the choosing.
Trump was given 10 times the free advertising than all the other primary candidates
combined and yet his followers think they picked him.
And Biden will go down in history as the candidate who got more popular votes than any
other candidate ever has and yet he is about as popular as a hemorrhoid.
Stories began circulating last night about the official ballots being watermarked. This
looks like it is true! The watermark is detectable under 640nm wavelength and also the
individual printers of the ballots have the same micro dot signature so fraudulent ballots
will be easy to detect and investigate. All printers have a micro dot signature that is like
a fingerprint for that specific printer. Every ballot, real or fake, can be traced back to
the source. This could get very interesting
One of the best articles on ZH in a while. The elites are so full of hubris, they behave
as if the state of affairs since the post-WWII era has always been the state of affairs
throughout history and are immutable. They believe that they are cause of America's
dominance, not the individuals who built this country on whose goodwill they are now quickly
I think we're like Rome. Currency debasement, no border security, massively corrupt
politicians, most of population on welfare, and games and circuses to distract from the
The elites will soon be surprised how quickly things will decline, just as shocked as the
Romans when the Visigoths came through the city walls and looted the Imperial City in 410
Max21c , 45 minutes ago
It's a mix between Nazi Germany and its criminality and thievery and persecution
machinery, and Bolshevist Russia and its criminality and thievery and persecution machinery
and many third world banana republics and their criminality and thievery and political
persecution machinery.
Face it Washingtonians are evil.
ZeroTruth , 5 minutes ago
I had a few drinks in Vegas years back with a guy that said he was some variety of
congress critter. The two things I remember him saying was that his entire time in office was
spent drumming up money for PACs and chasing personal wealth. He also told me DC was
Hollywood for ugly people.
sbin , 35 minutes ago
CCCP is similar in decrepit old party hacks ruining everything.
Unfortunately American exceptional lunatics will try to destroy the world before excepting
Never been a group so corrupt and delusional with so much destructive weaponry.
Dr Strangelove is more appropriate.
goatsman , 42 minutes ago
Tsarist Russia, 1917?
ZeroTruth , 23 minutes ago
I'll tell you exactly how this all plays out:
The US petrofiat is backed solely on our reputation and a fleet of aging nukes that may or
may not work. Americucks look like complete idiots abroad and have lost the respect of nearly
every nation on Earth. The dumping of the US petrodollar is an imperative to China, Russia
and damn near everyone else. A new currency will rise up to take its place soon and then its
open season on Americuck, which will have already been destroyed internally by economic
collapse, massive homelessness, poverty, starvation and crime. The true owners of the US will
want their property and will come and claim it with little to no fight as the Americuck
people will be so beat down and demoralized they will have lost the will to do anything,
which has already happened as the Americuck people refuse to take up arms against the
government that oppressed them and the domestic terrorists that now control major US cities.
Americucks will be eliminated en masse and a new nation will be formed, probably a mix of
south Americans and Chinese. Whites will be eradicated and remembered by history as trash
that was removed by the new heroes of history. The entirety of the MIC will abandon the US,
as it has already done...the invasion over our wide open southern border is ample evidence of
the oath breakers intent. I suspect the MIC will form its own nation, in league with
You will most likely see friends and loved ones perish before your very eyes, see our once
great cities burn and foreign troops eliminate Americuck sheeple.
That's the future, all because the Americuck sheeple refuse to take up arms against their
lords and masters: Goldman Sachs, JPM Chase and Morgan Stanley.
Americuck...land of the fee and home of the slave.
Is-Be , 15 minutes ago
Imagine a world without Anglo-Saxons; It's easy if you try. Look at Zimbabwe.
RKKA , 4 minutes ago
In the summer of 1941, the 4th Panzer Division of Heinz Guderian, one of the most talented
German tank generals, broke through to the Belarusian town of Krichev. Parts of the 13th
Soviet Army were retreating. Only one gunner, Nikolai Sirotinin, did not retreat - very
young, short, thin.
On that day, it was necessary to cover the withdrawal of troops. "There will be two people
with a cannon here," said the battery commander. Nikolai volunteered. The second was the
commander himself.
On the morning of July 17, a column of German tanks appeared on the highway.
Nikolai took up a position on the hill right on the field. The cannon was sinking in the
high rye, but he could clearly see the highway and the bridge over the river. When the lead
tank reached the bridge, Nikolai knocked it out with the first shot. The second shell set
fire to the armored personnel carrier that closed the column.
We must stop here. Because it is still not entirely clear why Nikolai was left alone at
the cannon. But there are versions. He apparently had just the task - to create a "traffic
jam" on the bridge, knocking out the head car of the Nazis. The lieutenant at the bridge and
adjusted the fire, and then, disappeared. It is reliably known that the lieutenant was
wounded and then he left towards the withdrawing positions. There is an assumption that
Nikolai had to move away, having completed the task. But ... he had 60 rounds. And he
Two tanks tried to move the lead tank off the bridge, but they were also hit. The armored
vehicle tried to cross the river not across the bridge. But she got stuck in a swampy shore,
where another shell found her. Nikolai shot and shot, knocking out tank after tank ...
Guderian's tanks rested on Nikolai Sirotinin, like the Chinese wall, like the Brest
fortress. Already 11 tanks and 6 armored personnel carriers were on fire! For almost two
hours of this strange battle, the Germans could not understand where the gun was firing from.
And when we reached the position of Nikolai, he had only three shells left. The Germans
offered him to surrender. Nikolai responded by firing at them with a carbine.
This last battle was short-lived ...
11 tanks and 7 armored vehicles, 57 soldiers and officers were lost by the Nazis after the
battle, where they were blocked by the Russian soldier Nikolai Sirotinin.
The inscription on the monument: "Here at dawn on July 17, 1941 entered into combat with a
column of fascist tanks and in a two-hour battle repulsed all enemy attacks, senior artillery
sergeant Nikolai Vladimirovich Sirotinin, who gave his life for the freedom and independence
of our Motherland."
"After all, he is a Russian soldier, is such admiration necessary?" These words were
written down in his diary by Chief Lieutenant of the 4th Panzer Division Henfeld: "July 17,
1941. Sokolnichi, near Krichev. An unknown Russian soldier was buried in the evening. He
alone stood at the cannon, shot a convoy of our tanks and infantry for a long time, and died.
Everyone was amazed at his courage ... Oberst (Colonel) before the grave said that if all the
soldiers of the Fuehrer fought like this Russian soldier, they would have conquered the whole
world! Three times they fired volleys from rifles. After all, he is a Russian soldier, is
such admiration necessary? "
Ordinary people were ready to defend and die for the USSR. And who is Gorbachev, who
destroyed the USSR. A traitor who betrayed everything and everyone. A stupid dilettante who
imagines himself a world-class politician. The main drawback of the USSR was that the power
was too concentrated in the hands of one person, who was trusted without question. But when
people realized where he was leading the country, it was too late.
DeeDeeTwo , 45 minutes ago
The elites, Big Tech, Media and Deep State threw the kitchen sink at this election and did
not move the needle. Regardless of who is next President, nothing changes. This is a tribute
to the stability of the American system. In fact, the pendulum is swinging against the
subversives who are becoming increasingly reckless and discredited.
TBT or not TBT , 46 minutes ago
What did Huxley call the future country depicted in Brave New World?
Stories began circulating last night about the official ballots being watermarked. This
looks like it is true! The watermark is detectable under 640nm wavelength and also the
individual printers of the ballots have the same micro dot signature so fraudulent ballots will
be easy to detect and investigate.
All printers have a micro dot signature that is like a
fingerprint for that specific printer. Every ballot, real or fake, can be traced back to the
source. This could get very interesting
The "peaceful but fiery protests" in Portland are just a small taste of the delightful
entertainment that we will get to enjoy if somehow Trump's election fraud prevails over the
establishment election fraud. Who is so dull that they don't want more of that?
Riots are good for Americans. Gets them off their couches for a few hours.
Jinn, ''the most valuable to TPDB, will still win, who can handle the herd''...
i would just take this pen and flatly say that everything you say is pure immaculate BS but
then I realized I actually didn't catch what you mean.
Please what you mean?
JaimeInTexas @42: "The Antrim County Clerk's Office has been working around the clock to
identify what caused the inaccuracies."
Circe: "It was the Russians!"
Just so everyone knows, large numbers of electronic voting machines in the US can only be
audited and verified electronically, which is to say they cannot be audited or verified at
In most elections, the majority of votes are cast "down the ticket" - meaning, a voter
supports both party's presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact,
according to
Pew Research , "overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they
are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate."
Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that
party's Senate candidates are relatively close.
Twitter user "US Rebel" (@USRebellion1776), however, found that the number of votes cast for
Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state's Senate candidates in swing states , while
those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.
In Michigan , for example, there was a difference of just 7,131 votes between Trump and GOP
candidate John James , yet the difference between Joe Biden and Democratic candidate Gary
Peters was a staggering 69,093 .
In Georgia , there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a
95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.
Yet, in two non-swing states , there was "no massive flood of mysterious empty Biden votes,"
leading US Rebel to suggest "It's fraud."
In Wyoming, the difference on the Democratic side is is just 725 votes, while in Montana the
difference is 27,457.
What's going on here? If it were "never-Trumpers" pairing Biden with their GOP Congressional
picks? If so, we would expect fewer votes for Trump than GOP Senators. We're open to
suggestions. Biff says: November
5, 2020 at 1:01 am GMT • 1.1 days ago • 100 Words ↑
and it's suspicious that the president was leading in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan,
and other states when the authorities decided they couldn't finish counting votes until
Well, they needed time to put the fix in. This is exactly as expected – Trump rolling
to a clear victory, and then an abrupt stop of the counting process.
If by "good" election you mean a colossal nightmare that revealed the fatal fractures
between the vote-rigging by the left and the honest and sincere support for our Constitutional
Republic by traditionalists, why yes. anon [773] • Disclaimer says: November 5,
2020 at 5:23 am GMT • 22.0 hours ago ↑
I'm not sure how anyone can call a massive fraud a "Good Election". A Biden win will be the
shame of America, it'll mean we are now officially a massively corrupt third world country that
can't even run a legitimate election.
A TrumpTV cable channel would be great, but he might have a hard time attracting
advertisers. Which means he'd probably have to launch a YouTube channel, or just hosts it on
his own website, which would make it hard for him to attract broadcasting talent.
Interesting case study on vote fraud occurs at the local level. I posted it on an earlier
thread. What is staggering is how many people were involved.
Chicago, however, is known for its fires, and there was a roaring one there in 1982 that
resulted in one of the largest voter fraud prosecutions ever conducted by the U.S.
Department of Justice. The telltale smoke arose out of one of the closest governor's races
in Illinois history; and as for the fire, the U.S.
Attorney in Chicago at the time,
Daniel Webb, estimated that at least 100,000 fraudulent votes (10 percent of all votes in
the city) had been cast.[2] Sixty-five individuals were indicted for federal election
crimes, and all but two (one found incompetent to stand trial and another who died) were
convicted. [3]
"... Trump's campaign claimed Wednesday he still had a path to victory if he keeps Pennsylvania and somehow Arizona comes back to him. But even if Trump does lose, it may be a blessing in disguise for Republicans. ..."
"... The result has crushed Democratic expectations of a clean sweep. It wasn't a landslide win against an unpopular president, as we had been told so confidently for months. ..."
"... If Biden wins, it will be by the narrowest margin. And all the hundreds of millions spent on retaking the Senate came to nothing, with the Republicans looking to hold onto their lead. The top targets, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. Lindsey Graham, survived easily. ..."
"... The failure means that in 2022, the House is more likely to revert to Republican control, setting up a lame-duck presidency. ..."
"... Unfortunately, nothing can be done to stop a President Biden-Harris repeat of the geopolitical errors of the Obama presidency, such as appeasing China and Iran's mullahs and signing onto the Paris climate accord. But a President Biden in cognitive decline will sooner or later be replaced by his unpopular, untested vice president, Kamala Harris. Saddled with a recession and policies that will only exacerbate economic decline, the next four years will hobble Democrats. ..."
"... Whoever wins this election, the result is a humiliation for the Trump-deranged media and the tame pollsters who provide them with the justification for their dishonest political narrative. ..."
"... Whoever wins, this election has exposed the frauds and liars who pose as our elites, and half of America won't forget it. ..."
"... In a press conference in Philadelphia Wednesday, Giuliani laid out one clear anomaly in which, contrary to Pennsylvania law, Republican election observers were denied the right to oversee the counting of 120,000 ballots by being forced to stand 20 to 30 feet away from where they were being counted. ..."
"... In one case, a woman claiming to be an election volunteer in Michigan's Clark County claimed on video she had discovered a box of 500 ballots outside the counting facility from people who were not on the voter rolls. ..."
The president has every right to ensure electoral laws are enforced to prevent fraud. In
fact, he owes it to the 68 million deplorables who voted for him. Let's be real. Goliath was never going to let David breeze through the rematch .
The provinces, for whom President Trump
is an instrument, not an end in himself, were never going to have an easy time winning the 2020
election against the amassed might of the Democratic Party, the "Fake News" media and allied
pollsters, Big Tech, woke billionaires and the celebrity class, who united to stamp out the
barbarian orange emperor.
The "chumps" and "ugly folk," as Joe Biden calls them, came out in their
glorious millions from the American heartland on Election Day and now we will see if people
power prevails, if the nationalist populist movement enabled by Donald Trump, but not defined
by him, lives to fight another day against the corrupt globalists represented by the sad husk
of Biden.
It boils down to Trump's belief that the Democrats perpetrated
widespread voter fraud in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and elsewhere to steal the
While even those in his own party are urging him to lose gracefully, the president has every
right to ensure electoral laws are enforced to prevent fraud. In fact, he owes it to the 68 million deplorables who voted for him. To that end, Trump has turned to an old ally, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, to lead a
heroic legal challenge .
In Wisconsin, 300 ballots went missing when the Willow Township municipal clerk went home
sick and no one could find her, the Washington Post reported. The ballots eventually turned up
yesterday, with 157 votes for Trump and 114 for Biden.
In Arizona -- which was called early for Biden on election night, but the Trump campaign
still says they can win -- a "data error" claimed that 95 percent of votes had been counted
yesterday when only 86 percent had been, and the remainder reportedly were from Trump-heavy
So you can see that, in such a close election, Trump's concerns are not frivolous. Fraud is corrosive, but so is claiming fraud where there is none. We will see where the
lawsuits land. In any case, Biden as much as declared victory yesterday, saying that by the time the count
is finished, "I believe I will be the winner . . . we are winning in enough
states to reach the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency."
Trump's campaign claimed Wednesday he still had a path to victory if he keeps Pennsylvania
and somehow Arizona comes back to him. But even if Trump does lose, it may be a blessing in disguise for Republicans.
The result has crushed Democratic expectations of a clean sweep. It wasn't a landslide win
against an unpopular president, as we had been told so confidently for months.
If Biden wins, it will be by the narrowest margin. And all the hundreds of millions spent on retaking the Senate came to
nothing, with the Republicans looking to hold onto their lead. The top targets, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. Lindsey Graham, survived easily.
The fatal miscalculations of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in cynically refusing to negotiate
on the latest stimulus bill have cost the Democrats dearly in the House, where they have gone
backward by at least six seats. They did not manage to get rid of a single Republican. So much
for the blue wave.
The failure means that in 2022, the House is more likely to revert to Republican control,
setting up a lame-duck presidency.
The Democrats won't be able to pack the Supreme Court, abolish the Electoral College or make
DC and Puerto Rico states. They will struggle to impose the Green New Deal.
Unfortunately, nothing can be done to stop a President Biden-Harris repeat of the
geopolitical errors of the Obama presidency, such as appeasing China and Iran's mullahs and
signing onto the Paris climate accord. But a President Biden in cognitive decline will sooner or later be replaced by his
unpopular, untested vice president, Kamala Harris. Saddled with a recession and policies that will only exacerbate economic decline, the next
four years will hobble Democrats.
Their flaws and hypocrisy will be on full display, with a good chance of the 2024
presidential race being won by one of the new generation of Republican heirs to Trumpism.
Whoever wins this election, the result is a humiliation for the Trump-deranged media and the
tame pollsters who provide them with the justification for their dishonest political
Let history record that on the Sunday before the election, the New York Times declared that
"all 15" of their columnists suffer from mandatory Trump Derangement Syndrome.
"All 15 of our columnists explain what the past four years have cost America" was the
introduction to a carnival of wokesplaining.
That's what you get when you fire opinion editors who publish conservatives. Whoever wins, this election has exposed the frauds and liars who pose as our elites, and
half of America won't forget it.
In a press conference in Philadelphia Wednesday, Giuliani
laid out one clear anomaly in which, contrary to Pennsylvania law, Republican election
observers were denied the right to oversee the counting of 120,000 ballots by being forced to
stand 20 to 30 feet away from where they were being counted.
"They were never able to see the ballot itself, never able to see if it was properly
postmarked, properly addressed, properly signed on the outside . . . this went on
for 20 hours. While all of you thought there was some kind of legitimate count going on here in
Philadelphia, it was totally illegitimate."
Giuliani's team has also launched
a lawsuit in Wisconsin , where he says that, after election observers had gone home, "at 3
or 4 in the morning about 120,000 ballots appeared . . . and they all got
The Trump campaign also filed
a lawsuit in Michigan Wednesday, with campaign manager Bill
Stepien claiming Republican observers were denied "meaningful access to numerous counting
locations to observe the opening of ballots and the counting process, as guaranteed by Michigan
There are other allegations of fraud or irregularities, late-counted votes and suspected
vote harvesting being reported around the country.
In one case, a woman claiming to be an election volunteer in Michigan's Clark County claimed
on video she had discovered a box of 500 ballots outside the counting facility from people who
were not on the voter rolls.
It seems that we all will have to fill up our popcorn supplies as the rather comical and
process of U.S. vote counting is likely to continue until maybe December 8, the safe harbor date on
which the states will have to certify their electors.
The race is nowhere near where the Democrats and their supporting media had expected it to
go. Just last week polls claimed that Biden would lead in Wisconsin
by 17 percent . The current margin is a rather dubious
0.6 percent which upcoming recounts may well eliminate.
That the Democrats lose House seats, do not win the Senate and barely manage to drag their
demented presidential candidate towards a stalemate tells a lot about their lack of sane
policies. A donor party completely disinterested in what the people really want - medicare for
all, no fracking etc. - will have little chance to survive a future onslaught of conservatives
with a more competent figure head than Donald Trump.
There will be protests, probably violent ones, and more legal action from either side. I see
no comprise possible that would satisfy both parties. I fear that, should Trump lose this
Trumpism will only grow and make the U.S. ungovernable.
Maybe Trump and Biden could publicly draw straws to get over with it.
I did not support #DemExit before tonight. But I just got off the phone with my 24 year old daughter. She's depressed as hell
by what we all see, because they are not bothering to hide it anymore. I could not promise her things will get better, because
they won't.
We do not have a democracy, we have an #oligarchy and when shit hits the fan (as it will sooner than later), our nation
will become another dictatorship or military junta.
So, I'm done with the party system, because we only have one party - the party
for and by the rich. I'm abandoning the Democratic party because it abandoned us for corporate cash decades ago. That's all I
have to say. End of story.
reporting that 82% is in. If so then Biden would need to get 67% of the remaining votes. He's currently at 27%. What are the
odds that such a huge number of Biden votes would now come in? Zero, of course. There's no chance of it and Bernie has won California.
But CNN, for one, is still refusing to call it for him. They had no problem calling Michigan, though, with something like 18%
Perhaps Bernie will hold on and win Washington. We'll see. Tulsi has over 8,500 votes so far. If we were to emulate the Hillbots
we'd be screaming at her, saying she hurt Bernie!!! ! But we don't do that because we're more aware.
#2 Said results won't
be available until tomorrow. We still don't have full results from California...
Meanwhile, Bernie shows at 14.8%, below the 15% threshold.
I did not have an instant of anger at Tulsi, only sadness.
that the mockery of democracy that holds sway in this country would repeatedly set us up for those ridiculous attacks that someone
has been a "spoiler".
With millions of votes yet to be counted, President Trump falsely asserted election fraud,
pledged to mount a legal challenge to official state results and made a premature claim of
Weird to have popcorn for breakfast ...
Thing is they just stopped counting. As soon as it looked like Trump was going down the
path Trafalgar Group predicted, and then some, boom, nothing. 100 votes added every 5 minutes
on the New York Times map of the country. What's the excuse - sleep? When has that ever been
an issue? The votes were paused so that Trump didn't get his 270 on the day, before the mail
in votes were counted. Then Trump would Supreme Court and the battle would be fought there.
Now it's gonna be a lot messier. The pause looks like a trick to stuff ballot boxes, from
afar at least.
It ain't over till the fat lady sings.
We do not have a decision. Right now it looks as if Biden may win by a slim margin. However,
when you look at what happened, the states that would tip the scale in Trump's favour just
stopped counting and handing in their results. This reeks of fraud. We may see that election
night allowed the FBI to gather sufficient concrete evidence of voter fraud by the Dems in
order to provide Trump with the ammo to totally tank them in court. If the fraud can be
proven - and I believe it can - then all Dem operatives will go to jail and the election gets
decided without competition.
Posted by: Ilya G Poimandres | Nov 4 2020 10:37 utc | 24
Any system in which employees have to vote on a working day is bad, disadvantages
employees vs employers. Employers have power over workers, they are not "equals" at work, and
they use it.
Any system in which everybody has to assemble to vote is bad, unless you are going to pay
to get them all there.
You are quite right about the problem of literacy, but nobody is saying you cannot vote in
person if you need to or choose to.
Internet voting can also be made at least as secure as your bank account, eh?
The crooks are going to cheat regardless, that's who they are. The question is do the
non-crooks have a fast, secure way to get their views counted or not? Right now we have
"deliberately not" as the answer here.
Trump is not serving himself well. No surprise there. Any American election has
ambiguities built in and infinite openings for lawyers. Right now Trump's attorneys are
asking themselves if the fix is in and if they want this guy for a client.
If Biden can get as far as repeating the words of the oath of office he faces 46 or 48% of
the electorate just not believing it. Some of those would, in better times, relax about it
after a while. They would entertain doubts and get on with life. With the Democrats thinking
of them all as Demons from Hell and Mark2 demanding death for the infidels the wound remains
open. Biden couldn't even lead the Senate Judiciary Committee. He will not reduce the
national rancor. Kamala can only do worse.
Whoever is rigging this election is wondering what they got into. Nobody wins. Everybody
I'm starting to believe that karma is real. The way the USA often disrupt democracy abroad
is now happening on its soil. I hope it gets dirtier. Hopefully some moderate rebels among
them would now declare war on the state.
The problem with mail in voting is that it increases the opportunity for fraud. Are these
democracies with mail in voting really functioning democracies or does mail in voting allow
them to fix elections and maintain the status quo? Nothing ever changes in Canada, even on
the rare occasions Conservatives(CINO) win. The status quo is a wonderful thing for the
ruling elite. You better believe they love mail in voting too. No surprise that Trump - not a
career politician - is against mail in votes.
Watching current electoral college:
Biden 238 with potential for 16 more if the current lead remains => 254 and Biden's lead
is < 1% in NV and WI
Trump 213 with potential for 70 more if the current lead remains => 283 and Trump's lead
is clear in MI and PA, > 2% in GA and NC
I really don't understand why most of you act as if Trump lost.
Haven't you noticed that truth and reality does not matter anymore? We live in a post truth
world, where ideology trumps everything. Other than that, you are 100% correct.
Elections are nothing more than convenient launch pads for a color revolutions these
Political power is the most addictive drug that was ever created. Many millions of addicts
will do anything to obtain their fix. This is why political voting ballots must be paper and
publicly and openly hand counted at an extremely local level. Single points of failure will
wreck democracy.
I do not trust my computer with my money! I have a whole 'separate' bank that I use only
for necessary computer transactions. I do not have Microsoft Windows! You can probably
install PCLOS Linux yourself, or have a geek kid install Salix Linux. These are mostly free
of something insecure known as systemd infestation, which all the rest have, making them
almost as bad as Windows. The Internet has baked-in insecurity simply because the people who
invented it were oblivious to the possibility that some bad actors would use it to cheat
innocent users.
Ranked choice (RCV/IRV) voting was also invented by people who didn't consider tampering
by bad actors. That's why the simple score (aka 'range') voting is needed. Americans are
oblivious to the fact that there do exist people who will gladly cheat them (especially
political party operatives).
The U.S. government does not represent the interests of the majority of the country's
citizens, but is instead ruled by those of the rich and powerful, a new study from
Princeton and Northwestern universities has concluded.
People will not get access to healthcare, Wall Street will continue to be bailed out at
the expense of Main Street, and the war machine will march on.
According to the EIP, U.S. elections scored lower than Argentina, South Africa, Tunisia,
and Rwanda -- and strikingly lower than even Brazil. Specifically compared to Western
democracies, U.S. elections scored the lowest, slightly worse than the U.K., while Denmark
and Finland topped the list.
ES&S, which by itself accounts for 44 percent of US election equipment, received its
initial financing from the families of Nelson Bunker Hunt and Howard Ahmanson, Jr.,
right-wing billionaires who also contributed substantially to the Chalcedon Foundation,
Christian Reconstruction's main think tank.
Hunt and Ahmanson were also prominent early members of the Council for National Policy,
a networking group for the Religious Right and billionaires whose recent members have
included Kelly Anne Conway, Steve Bannon, Mike Pence, Richard DeVos, Wayne LaPierre of the
NRA, Robert and Rebekka Mercer, and Bob Dallas, a convicted embezzler whose nonprofits have
been closely linked to massive voter data leaks.
It begins with a stone-cold fact: Mail-in ballots are lost by the millions -- especially
the ballots of low-income young and minority voters, those folks often called, "Democrats."
The seminal MIT study, Losing Votes by Mail, warns that 22% – more than one in
five ballots – never get counted.
A self-professed whistleblower who claims to work for the US Postal Service told Project
Veritas mail carriers in Michigan have been instructed to retrieve absentee ballots from
general mail circulation so they can be stamped with Tuesday's date and counted as legitimate
votes. Project Veritas founder James O'Keeffe said the Postal Service's internal investigation
body contacted him and is considering looking into the matter. Michigan was sued by the Trump
campaign after an unusual last-minute spike in Biden votes.
The mainstream pro-Biden media is poking fun at Donald Trump's suggestion that there could
be fraud involved in the post-election receipt of mail-in ballots. Apparently they're not
familiar with the election-theft case of Lyndon Johnson, who would go on to become president of
the United States.
The entire matter is detailed in Robert Caro's second book in his biographical series on
Johnson. The book is entitled Means of Ascent .
Johnson election theft took place in 1948, when he was running for the Democratic nomination
for US Senate against Texas Governor Coke Stevenson, one of the most admired and respected
governors in the history of the state.
In the primary election, Stevenson led Johnson by 70,000 votes, but because he didn't have a
majority of the votes, he was forced into a run-off. The run-off was held on a Saturday. On the
Sunday morning after the run-off, Stevenson was leading by 854 votes.
As a New York Times review of
Caro's account stated, the day after the run-off election it was "discovered" that the returns
of a particular county had not yet been counted. The newly discovered votes were overwhelmingly
in favor of Johnson. Then, on Monday more returns came in from the Rio Grande Valley.
Nonetheless, on Tuesday, the State Election Bureau announced that Stevenson had won by 349
votes. Nothing changed on Wednesday and Thursday after the election. On Friday, precincts in
the Rio Grande Valley made "corrections" to their tallies, which narrowed Stevenson's lead to
But also on Friday, Jim Wells County, which was governed as a personal fiefdom by a powerful
South Texas rancher named George Parr, filed "amended" returns for what has become famous as
"Box 13" that gave Johnson another 200 votes. When all was said and done, Johnson had "won" the
election by 87 votes.
It was later discovered that one of Parr's men had changed the total tally for Johnson from
765 to 965 by simply curling the 7 into a 9.
Where did the extra 200 votes come from? The last 202 names on on the election roll in Box
13 were in a different color ink from the rest of the names, the names were in alphabetical
order, and they were all in the same handwriting. When Caro was researching his book, he
secured a statement from Luis Salas, an election judge in Jim Wells County, who acknowledged
the fraud and confessing his role in it.
As the Washington Post
reported , to investigate what obviously appeared quite suspicious Stevenson employed the
assistance of Frank Hamer, the Texas Ranger who had trapped and killed Bonnie and Clyde. It was
to no avail. Johnson got a friendly state judge to issue an injunction preserving the status
quo, after which the Democratic executive committee, by one vote, declared Johnson to be the
Stevenson took the matter to federal court but the Supreme Court punted, declaring that it
had no right to interfere with a state election.
So, Lyndon Johnson stole the election and ended up going to Washington as Texas' US Senator.
Ironically, if Stevenson had become the state's senator instead, Johnson would never have been
selected to be John Kennedy's vice-presidential running mate and, consequently, would never
have been president.
No wonder Donald Trump is worried about those Democrats! For that matter, those Democrats
should be just as worried about those Republicans!
written by daniel
mcadams wednesday november 4, 2020 The introduction and legalization of "ballot harvesting," where operatives can collect and
submit boxes of ballots without proof of identity, has thrown a huge monkey wrench into last
night's presidential vote tally.
States are wavering wildly as hundreds of thousands of votes are suddenly "discovered."
Hillary Clinton's former lawyer is behind the mass legalization of this questionable
process. Is this the worst run election in US history? Watch today's Liberty Report:
300 election don't count comments not one comment about the future of America? All I see
here is who shall be king of the mountain. What is it that our leader (whoever it is, should
1. Reduce military spending by 50% per year for each of the next four years.
2. Close 50% of the military bases each year, over each of the next four years
3. Standardize national examinations for high school and undergraduate degrees pass the
receive the BS or BA.. degree.. eliminate any all accreditation requirements, people can
study wherever
whenever and how ever they wish. Tutorials not bureaucratic institutions will prepare the
students for
the examinations.
4. eliminate copyright and patent laws so as to reduce the wealth gap and so as to return
America to
from monopolism to capitalism.
5. fix the constitution so the governed have a powerful, meaningful say in not just in how
uses the
government to govern, but also so the governed have a powerful say in what it is those who
are elected
to the government must accomplish why they are in the employee of our elected government.
6. Find a way to get the USA activities subject to human rights courts.
7. Paint all of the white people black in order to eliminate race as condition of
A list of goals and objectives should be put forth on what the elected are supposed to
accomplish in the next four years. In that way, it will not matter who is the President, what
will matter is did he or she accomplish what it was they were elected to do?
There is nothing in China like the military-industrial complex of the United States that
structurally fosters militarism and imperialism with its powerful "lobbies" and think
tanks. The mandarins of the United States are prisoners of a network that greatly
complicates their adaptation to the new world. Its powerful and efficient propaganda
apparatus ("information & entertainment") presents the United States' two-headed,
single-party political regime based on the money aristocracy as a democracy.
That is really well put.
"The mandarins of the United States are prisoners of a network that greatly complicates
their adaptation to the new world"
Nevada will put Joe Biden over for the Presidential win..
Tonight.. Now the question is. How long will Biden last until Harris becomes the Queen of
Spades of Pentagon?
See? Twitter is cool with allowing this posting by David Litt, former Obama speechwriter,
*today* 5:34 pm Nov 4 of a democrat ballot "curing" (post Nov 3 ballot harvesting) assistance
operation in Georgia over the next three days (Wed, Thurs and Fri)
Attention everyone in or near Georgia: We need YOUR help today! This race is not over
and we need every single vote to be counted.
It is all hands on deck and all eyes on Georgia!
Join us today for a virtual training to learn how to knock doors to help voters cure
their ballots. We need you in this fight with us today and tomorrow and Friday. We've come
so far, this is how we bring it home. See you in the virtual training room and out knocking
doors soon!"
"The guy at the source of the whole kerfluffle acknowledges that the 130,000 magical votes
Tweet was based on incorrect data"
-Posted by: _K_C_ | Nov 5 2020 3:50 utc | 306
I'm not so sure about this, _K_C. His explanation for the late night MI Biden vote bump
"kerfluffle" still smells sketchy to me. Given the stakes, could someone have gotten that guy
to "flip" his statement after the fact?
I live in PA, Democrats cheat. Republicans let them. It is a very corrupt state. Having
said all that, Trump didn't hold onto his 2016 white male base. Maybe it is just me, but I
think that is huge. Had he kept them, he would have won despite Democrat (or is it
intelligence agencies?) shenanigans. From what I read Jared told Ivanka's daddy they would
vote for him. They had no other choice. I haven't stopped laughing all day over that Kushner
Posted by: _K_C_ | Nov 4 2020 20:36 utc | 206 with the Glenn Greenwald quote
No matter what the final result, there will be substantial doubts about its legitimacy by
one side or the other, perhaps both. And no deranged conspiracy thinking is required for
that. An electoral system suffused with this much chaos, error, protracted outcomes and
seemingly inexplicable reversals will sow doubt and distrust even among the most rational
citizens. The next time Americans hear from their government that they need to impose democracy in
other countries -- through wars, invasion, bombing campaigns or other forms of clandestine
CIA "interference" -- they should insist that democracy first be imposed in the United
States. An already frazzled, intensely polarized and increasingly hostile populace now
has to confront yet another election in the richest and most technologically advanced
country on earth where the votes cannot even be counted in a way that inspires even minimal
degrees of confidence.
My analysis of the election itself, and the ongoing, systemic failures of the Democratic
Party no matter the outcome, will be posted later today.
The bold text is some odd framing. So according to Greenwald it's ok for the CIA to overthrow
other governments as long as democracy is installed within the Empire?!
It all boils down to Joe Stalin's statement that it is more important who counts the votes
than who casts them. The states with all of the doubtful postal votes created by methods such
as forging the names of mental incompetents living in rest homes are controlled by democratic
political machines.
Two of them, Minnesota and Wisconsin, apparently cast more votes than registered
Even if they allow same day registration, 90% turnout appears fraudulent based on the
history and the quality of the candidates running, a mental incompetent with a proven record
of corruption covered up by the propaganda media, and a blustery self-promoter who, even if
he may have meant well in some of his pronouncements, proved inadequate to liquidate the deep
state as promised because he kept appointing denizens of this establishment to key positions.
His biggest mistake was his failure to achieve control over the Justice apparatus of the
yankee state.
What we're seeing happening in Michigan and Wisconsin is nothing short of election theft.
That is unambiguous to anyone who is paying attention. But they're having trouble revealing
it to other Americans because, on cue, it's being censored across the board. The President's
Tweets are being hit. Prominent conservatives' Facebook and Twitter posts are being
For those who are just coming in on the topic I'm conspicuously dancing around, it appears
that the election really is being stolen right before our eyes. Michigan and Wisconsin are
seeing voting totals materialize overnight that make it clear the fix is in. And they're not
even trying to hide it. In Michigan, an overnight vote update added 138,339 votes to Vice
President Joe Biden's totals. That same updated yield wait for it ZERO votes for President
From an article by Rafael Poch, US´Qing
Syndrome , commenting on last book by political scientist Kishore Mahbubani Has China
If the last electoral campaign in the United States has made something clear, it is to
confirm that that country does not have a strategy for the new world of the 21st century.
The only clear recipe to prevent decline is war, commercial and technological, and the
military threat with an increasingly nuclear diplomacy . Trump has divided his country
on almost everything except his trade and technology war against China. This
belligerence is something that is taken for granted in the presidential candidates who
compete with each other to show who pampers the military and the military-industrial
complex the most and who is more anti-Chinese, fleeing like the plague from any fickleness
of laziness before the adversary. It is not just an ideological "sacred cow" emerging from
the inertia of a century of world domination, but a structural defect .
Spending on weapons and wars is not something that in the United States is decided
within the framework of a rational national strategy that assesses what weapons systems are
needed for the current and specific geopolitical situation, says Mahbubani. "Guns are
bought as a result of a complex system of lobbying by manufacturers who cleverly located
their industries in every congressional constituency in America, thereby allowing
politicians who want to keep jobs in their territories (and their own positions in
Congress) are the ones who decide what weapons will be produced for the army" .
Advantages of the adversary
There is nothing in China like the military-industrial complex of the United States
that structurally fosters militarism and imperialism with its powerful "lobbies" and think
tanks. The mandarins of the United States are prisoners of a network that greatly
complicates their adaptation to the new world. Its powerful and efficient propaganda
apparatus ("information & entertainment") presents the United States' two-headed,
single-party political regime based on the money aristocracy as a democracy
Vote fraud happens at state level by state politicians purging voter lists (Ga) sending
out incorrect ballots (Ca) or intimidating potential voters by sending out threatening or
false information about voting procedures (Wi).
And of course that doesn't include the scam guaranteed by SCOTUS in Florida 2000 where the
State secretary of state can just decide to order a halt to counting. Several million votes
every prez beauty contest never get counted.
Plus the old trick of only have one election station in areas that contain hundreds of
thousands sometimes millions of poor people.
Dems purge black voters too, apparently because they are concerned about the chance of a
'black party' being formed.
That article by Murray was very good but I give an honourable mention to his paragraph on the
"I pause to note that the terrorist in Vienna had attempted to go as a jihadist to Syria
and fight against Assad. If he had not been prevented from doing that, he would have been
financed by the Saudis, fed and clothed by the Turks, armed by the CIA, trained by the SAS
and given air support by the Israelis. He might even have got to be a TV star posing in a
White Helmet, or employment artfully placing chlorine bottles on beds for pictures by
Bellingcat. Unfortunately, having been prevented from joining the western sponsored
insurgency, he ended up killing Austrians instead of Syrians and now is a "terrorist",
whereas jihadist killers of Syrians are "heroes". A strange world. The Manchester Arena
bomber was of course physically brought in to the UK by the British military after fighting
for "our side" in Libya. You do indeed reap what you sow."
Thank you for your post. I am with you on the diabolical fraud that is the Diebold
machines and have been aware of their disgraceful product for many years. There can be no
integrity or trust in any process or machine that is audited behind closed doors. It is
simply a fraud and the practice is nothing other than a slap in the face to any decent
Your experience and expression of despair is why I contend that the USAi is in a
pre-revolutionary condition. Greg Palast confirms all that you say and more and thankfully
has been doing so for many years.
If the Demonazis do anything about 'reforming' the electoral system that should
immediately ring alarms.
Glad to hear you passed through the West Point system with integrity intact. I am sure
many did or found their way back to integrity. I never cease to be amazed at the all
enveloping embrace of the military in US affairs both political and civil. THAT has to be
I guess people are referring to these two graphs. (Disclaimer: I have no idea where these
graphs originate from, whether they have been tampered with, whether they show correct
information, etc.)"
-Posted by: S | Nov 4 2020 23:17 utc | 251
The sources printed(faintly) on the bottom of that that second (Wisconsin) are
"FiveThirtyEight" and "ABC News"
This story shows that same Wisconsin graph with the 4am 100K Biden bump:
The graph was sourced from a twitter post by a Derek Duck:
I mean LOOK at this graph for Wisconsin
I'll zoom in just so you can see the part where Biden votes came out of NOWHERE
-- Derek Duck (@duckdiver19) November 4, 2020
Interestingly Twitter has blocked Derek Duck's twitter post.
Twitter also blocked DC Corruption's post on same subject/same GP article:
DC Corruption
This is literally 5+ standard deviations from the mean. That actually = statistically
practically impossible https://twitter.com/nobbins2001/status/1324078983923658752
4:02 PM · Nov 4, 2020
2K people are Tweeting about this
If Twitter is blocking it, tells me it is probably true, and hurts Biden...
Why would they be paying out before official results are in? Perception management? 17
million is chicken shit percentage of the billions yanks spend on crowning their new
When Trump calls on the militias will be time for popcorn. Hopefully the yankistan arseholes
will end up nuking themselves.
Posted by: gm | Nov 5 2020 1:50 utc | 279 a Dem-leaning polling web site run by Nate
Silver and owned by ABC (Disney) News?
So what? We're not talking about polls. We're talking about results - on a graph with no
provided source data and even much of a legend. I mean, seriously? What exactly is the point
that the graph *proves*? All it shows is someone's notion of the results at a given time -
with *no* context as to which places have reported, which have not reported, what was the
breakdown by county, etc., etc.
It's literally meaningless. Don't bother with the ad hominem, it's irrelevant to the
ALL: Just watched the Jimmy Dore interview with Greg Palast.
Everyone needs to watch it. Seriously. It will blow your mind. Compared to these stupid
graphs, it's like a nuclear bomb compared to a match.
Can someone explain why all the excitement? Nothing is happening. Nothing.
Slightly more CIA and war-peddler support for the war party with the gangster boss clinically
demented to the point of boasting on TV of successfully blackmailing his own puppet installed
by a US-Zionist putsch. Slightly more bloodsucker support for the showman. It's a wash any
way you slice it. Why isn't everybody in bed with a good book? I'm not only addressing the
likes of Circe and Jimmy: where is the fun in watching this?
I generally appreciate and agree with PCR on many issues, but the logic in that piece is
pretty gnarly. This is where he lost me:
It really makes no sense for people in Michigan, who have severely suffered from the
American Establishment's offshoring of their manufacturing jobs to Asia, thereby destroying
the economic wellbeing of people in Michigan, to prefer Biden, the Establishment's
candidate over Trump, their champion. I wondered if this was yet another example of
dumbshit insouciant Americans being unable to act in their own interest. But I dismissed
this thought and looked for other explanations.
What I found was astonishing. During the early hours of November 4 in both Wisconsin and
Michigan there was a sudden vertical upward adjustment to Democrat votes, and every one of
the approximately 150,000 newly found votes was for Biden. This sudden ballot dump accounts
for the lost of Trump's lead in Michigan and Wisconsin: http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=61890
It is possible that shifts of vote counters in the two states finished their shifts and
went home, and that when the new shifts arrived they found that Biden had jumped even or
ahead in Michigan and Wisconsin. This would be plausible except that all the vertical shift
in votes were for Biden. Not a single vote in the suddenly changed situation was for Trump.
How likely is this?
So he's basing the entire piece on a typo (and apparently I was not 100% correct and 538
DID generate a graphic that was created using DecisionDeskHQ mistaken numbers). For a
discussion of that, see all the back and forth between RSH and gm as well as my posts about
it in this thread. An election data aggregator that feeds the AP (and apparently 538 in some
fashion) its numbers screwed up and the erroneous graphic was Tweeted out by a Republican in
Texas who later deleted the Tweet. Guess 538 picked up the wrong version and created their
own graphic.
Mackowiak acknowledged the posts were inaccurate. He has since deleted the tweet,
explaining, "I have now learned the MI update referenced was a typo in one county."
It was big nothing burger from the very beginning and PCR is starting from a completely
incorrect premise. (and now I see that others also used the 538 version). Also, buried in
PCR's source link is the exact same deleted Tweet that I've been talking about. Someone named
Derek Duck started re-tweeting it (the 538 version) AFTER the first guy deleted his (which I
think was based on the AP's version but not sure) and apparently insisted on doing so despite
the fact that it had been debunked (his Twitter account is now suspended - big surprise). BUT
the link to the article that PCR based his own on is still there, and it has been [UPDATED]
to include the quoted text I just pasted. So I wonder why PCR hasn't [UPDATED] his own story
The other thing about that article is his seeming endorsement of Trump as someone who is
actually going to bring manufacturing jobs back. He's no more likely to than Biden is.
Helen Buyniski is an American journalist and political commentator at RT. Follow her on
Twitter @velocirapture23
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's campaign is using a vast reserve of donations
from the usual plutocratic suspects to pry even deep-red states away from an incumbent who's
done little to help the working class.
The Biden campaign broke all-time records for TV ad spending over the weekend, leveraging
Wall Street donors' unprecedented largesse in its effort to woo ordinary Americans back into
the establishment fold.
Given how Trump's record bristles with policies so 'pro-business' they can be seen as
anti-working-class, it's a strategy just crazy enough to work. Voters need only be reminded how
the incumbent cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations while printing trillions of dollars to
be diverted directly into the pockets of big banks and big companies during the pandemic. The
media is encouraged to do its part by hyping up Trump's " divisiveness. "
The same corporate-friendly policies that alienated many in Trump's 2016 base have somehow
failed to keep the .01 percent in the Republican camp, and Wall Street has poured $50 million
into the Biden campaign, CNBC reported on Monday, holding up former Goldman Sachs president
Harvey Schwartz as a typical contributor. Schwartz made his largest-ever political donation
earlier this month to the Biden Action Fund, a $100,000 gift that was also one of the biggest
donations the Fund received during that period.
And it's not just Wall Street - aside from hardcore Republican Zionists like casino mogul
Sheldon Adelson and vulture capitalist Paul Singer, the US oligarchy is firmly and vocally in
the Biden camp. Former New York City Republican-turned-Democrat mayor Mike Bloomberg announced
a $15 million ad buy in Texas and Ohio on Monday, two states where Trump won by a healthy
margin in 2016 but where the failed presidential candidate apparently smells weakness. That
hefty sum is in addition to over $100 million Bloomberg spent in the critical swing state of
Florida, where he also raised millions of dollars to pay off the court fees of black and
Hispanic ex-cons - whose votes the businessman believes will reliably land in the Biden camp,
never mind the candidate's history of supporting the kind of laws that probably landed them in
prison in the first place.
Overwhelming support for Biden among the ruling class is also amplified by wealthy
celebrities. From Cher's cringe-inducing ditty " Happiness is just a thing called Joe ,"
recently performed at a Biden benefit concert, to Taylor Swift's insistence that 2020's
election is " more important than I could even possibly say ," to questionable
statements from one-time anti-establishment stalwarts like Jello Biafra of the Dead Kennedys,
Americans are being cajoled, shamed, and pushed into the voting booth to deliver their support
to candidates who have never cared less about average Americans.
Working class people whose lives have been torn asunder by the coronavirus shutdowns Biden
has essentially pledged to expand aren't left with many options. While Trump resisted calls to
lock down the nation, his self-presentation as an anti-establishment maverick contrasts with
four years spent racking up debt and bombing Middle Eastern civilians. Recent polls suggest
that even the " poor and uneducated " - groups whose support for Trump has long been the
butt of liberal jokes - are defecting.
While a New York Times
analysis on Sunday showed Trump continuing to outperform Biden in low-income areas and
Biden's support remains concentrated in traditional liberal bastions on the East and West
Coasts, it showed middle-class suburban voters bailing out of the " Trump train " in
droves. Meanwhile, wealthy and college-educated voters have coalesced around Biden more firmly
than in the past, with even big-money establishment Republican types drawn to Biden's promise
of a return to the Obama-era status quo.
Where does that leave the poor, or those who lost their middle-class status in the last
crash? Trump's detractors have pointed out the irony of the man surrounded by gold presenting
himself as the people's champion, and the Biden campaign is spending relentlessly to poach
wavering Trump supporters, with ads and opinion
pieces featuring self- described
" Christian Republicans " embracing the Democrat.
Short of voting for a third party - described by the media establishment as something akin
to a war crime, especially for swing state residents - the working class is caught in an
unenviable bind. More than a few must be wondering if voting is merely a long con aimed at
drafting Americans into participating in their own oppression. Driving through rural western
Pennsylvania, a state polls insist Biden has bagged, a bumper crop of Trump signs - more than a
few of them handmade - has blossomed, suggesting the small farmers of the Rust Belt really are
expending their meager resources to re-elect the man with the gold-plated
bathroom . But if this is, indeed, what democracy looks like, it's no wonder the system is
losing support among the younger generation.
If you like this story, share it with a friend! Jojo jordan 1 day ago Sorry Helen but
you lost me where you claimed Trump didn't help the working class. Also, the Big companies got
rich during the pandemic due to Democrat Governors and Mayors shutdowns of small businesses.
Biden is THE definition of swamp creature. Trump is for the people. He's a realist. Reply 10 2
Zogg Jojo jordan 1 day ago Nope, Trump heavily damaged the working class when signed the law
having the corporate taxes halved and not halving the working class taxes. tracie72 1 day ago
"It's one big party, we aren't invited." George Carlin J_P_Franklin 1 day ago "wondering if
voting is merely a long con aimed at drafting Americans into participating in their own
oppression" Democracy is the problem. "Voting only encourages them." - Gore Vidal Juan_More
J_P_Franklin 1 day ago Actually it is the reverse. The more the people vote the more it scares
the politicians. It is usually non-aligned voters that make up the vast majority of those who
do not vote. That way the parties count on the party faithful to get out and vote. With all
those independent voters voting it makes those sure thing seats a lot less sure. Why are you
trying to discourage people from voting. From the number of comments like yours I've seen in
social media there would appear to be move to suppress people from voting. Lastly everyone
should keep in mind, there may not be anything worth voting for but there is always something
to vote against.
"... It is indeed more likely that an authoritarian regime can last longer than the current one, and they can more easily push the things they want this way. "Democracy" and "free speech" served their purpose for a time, now it's time to try something else. ..."
"How to consume the surplus capital? " I suspect you maybe confusing money/debt with capital
["-The latter [capital] is so cheap these days it costs nothing to a qualified borrower. "]
which is the capacity to use labour productively, usually combination with technology.
"surplus" capital then is non/under utilised factories etc & labour.
As to the vast inflation of debt/money .as Dr Hudson says, debts that can't be paid,
won't be paid. The easiest way to rid the world of the trillions that elites have, is to
liquidate the elites themselves. Either that, or like Samson, pull the whole shithouse down
around you .
e. the economy/dollar will collapse), or they realize that the global democratic neo-liberal
order is on its last legs, and can't last, so they are anticipating things.
It is indeed more likely that an authoritarian regime can last longer than the current
one, and they can more easily push the things they want this way. "Democracy" and "free
speech" served their purpose for a time, now it's time to try something else.
The final push will be when they make people complete slaves by embedding our bodies with
technology (i.e. Musk's project for a microchip in the brain, among other things). The
Unabomber wrote about that in his Manifesto.
You'd think that voting Republican would be an easy decision if you work on Wall Street,
especially given the lower taxes and the removal of burdensome regulations. But Democrats have
entangled themselves so deeply in the web of Wall Street, that the industry is now leaning to
the left, according to a new report from
Reuters .
The Center for Responsive Politics took a look at how the industry, and its employees, break
down for the 2020 election cycle.
It has been obvious that Democratic candidate Joe Biden has been outpacing President Trump
when it comes to fundraising, and this is also true of "winning cash from the banking
industry," Reuters notes.
Biden's campaign has been the beneficiary of $3 million from commercial banks, compared to
the $1.4 million Trump has raised. This is a far skew from 2012, where Mitt Romney was able to
raise $5.5 million from commercial banks, while Barack Obama only raised $2 million. In 2012,
Wall Street banks were among the top five contributors to Romney' campaign.
In 2020, campaign contributions to congressional races from Wall Street banks are about
even. Republicans have raised $14 million while Democrats have brought in $13.6 million. About
four years ago, Republicans pulled in $18.9 million, which was about twice as much as the
Democrats raised. In 2012, Republicans raised about 61% of total bank donations.
Interestingly enough, when Biden and Trump are removed from the equation, the highest
recipient from Wall Street is none other than Bernie Sanders, who has raised $831,096. Sanders
often tops contributions in many industries due to his grassroots following.
When you remove the employees from the equation and only look at how the bank's political
arms donate, the picture turns more Republican-friendly.
House of Representatives lawmaker Blaine Luetkemeyer of Missouri, one of the senior
Republicans on the House Financial Services Committee, which is key for the banking industry,
tops the list, hauling in $226,000. Next up is Patrick McHenry of North Carolina, the top
Republican on that panel, with $185,500 in cash from bank political committees.
The top 20 recipients of bank political funds comprise 14 Republicans and six Democrats.
Representative Gregory Meeks of New York, a senior member of the House banking panel,
received the most among Democrats, with $140,000.
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The shift in data shows that while Wall Street's top brass may still understand the value of
Republican leadership, bank employees themselves may overwhelmingly favor
tonye , 3 hours ago
It's obvious. Wall Street is part of the Deep State...
Le SoJ16 , 3 hours ago
How can you hate capitalism and work for a Wall Street bank?
tonye , 3 hours ago
Because Wall Street is no longer capitalist.
Main Street is capitalist, they create the GNP.
Wall Street is a casino owned by globalists and bankers. They don't create much
Macho Latte , 2 hours ago
It has nothing to do with ideology. The Biden is FOR SALE!
Any questions?
Lord Raglan , 2 hours ago
It is because the majority of Wall Street are Jewish and **** overwhelmingly support
David Horowitz has said that 80% of the donations to the Democrat Party come from
KashNCarry , 2 hours ago
What a bunch of ****. Wall St. elites are in it up to their necks casting their lot with
the globalists who want total control NOW. Trump is the only thing in their way....
artvandalai , 3 hours ago
Wall street people don't know much about the real economy. They also know little, nor do
they care about, the real problems faced by business people who have to work everyday to
overcome the policies put in place by liberals.
They do understand finance however. But all that requires is the ability to push paper
around all day.
But let them vote for the Libotards and have them watch Elizabeth Warren take charge of
the US Senate Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection Committee. They'll be jumping
out of windows.
FauxReal , 3 hours ago
Wall Street favors free money?
sun tzu , 1 hour ago
Wall Street wants bailouts. 0bozo gave them a yuge bailout
American2 , 2 hours ago
Based on the massively coordinated MSM suppression of the Biden corruption scandal, now I
know why these folks back Biden.
CosmoJoe , 2 hours ago
Democrats as the party of the big banks,
bgundr , 2 hours ago
Of course banksters favor policies that make the average person a slave with less
Homie , 2 hours ago
Especially if you like the endless bailouts, give-aways, and freedom from those pesky
rules limiting the Squid's diet
You'd think that voting Republican would be an easy decision if you work on Wall Street,
especially given the lower taxes and the removal of burdensome regulations.
mtl4 , 2 hours ago
The shift in data shows that while Wall Street's top brass may still understand the
value of Republican leadership, bank employees themselves may overwhelmingly favor
The banks are big on corruption and that's one poll the Dems are definitely leading by a
longshot.......thick as thieves.
tunetopper , 2 hours ago
Wall St youngsters dont realize their job is to whore themselves out as much as possible
to the few remaining classes of folk they dont already have accounts with. The few
Millennials and Gen Xers that have enough capital saved up are their target market. Ever
since the take-down of Bear Stearns and Lehman, and the exit of many others from their
Private Client Groups- the Whorewolves of Wall St are very busy pretending to be Progs and
And like this post says: " who really cares, they all live in NY, NJ and CT which are
guaranteed Dem states anyway"
So in essence- they have nothing to lose while pretending to be a Prog/Lib. in order to ge
the clients money.
radar99 , 36 minutes ago
I arrived to wall st in 2010. My female boss at a large investment bank hated me from the
moment I criticized Obama. I was and still am absolutely amazed you can work on wall st and
be a democrat
moneybots , 59 minutes ago
"The shift in data shows that while Wall Street's top brass may still understand the value
of Republican leadership, bank employees themselves may overwhelmingly favor
So 50 Cent alone went Trump after finding out NYC's top tax rate would be 62% under
Flynt2142ahh , 1 hour ago
also known as MBNA Joe Biden friends, you mean the privatize profits but liberalize losses
crowd that always looks for gubment money to bail out failures - Shocking !
invention13 , 1 hour ago
Wall St. just knows Biden is someone you can do business with.
Loser Face , 1 hour ago
Wall Street leans towards anyone who passes laws that benefit Wall Street.
Obamaroid Ointment , 1 hour ago
The Wally Street crowd has always been a bunch Globalist Mercedes Marxists and Limousine
Liberals, this article is ancient history.
Sound of the Suburbs , 2 hours ago
US politicians haven't got a clue what's really going on and got duped by the banker's
shell game.
When you don't know what real wealth creation is, or how banks work, you fall for the
banker's shell game.
Bankers make the most money when they are driving your economy towards a financial
On a BBC documentary, comparing 1929 to 2008, it said the last time US bankers made as
much money as they did before 2008 was in the 1920s.
Bankers make the most money when they are driving your economy into a financial
Money and debt come into existence together and disappear together like matter and
The money flows into the economy making it boom.
The debt builds up in the financial system leading to a financial crisis.
Banks – What is the idea?
The idea is that banks lend into business and industry to increase the productive capacity
of the economy.
Business and industry don't have to wait until they have the money to expand. They can
borrow the money and use it to expand today, and then pay that money back in the future.
The economy can then grow more rapidly than it would without banks.
Debt grows with GDP and there are no problems.
The banks create money and use it to create real wealth.
Caliphate Connie and the Headbangers , 2 hours ago
The banks and corporations of America have been welfare queens since 2008. Regardless of
who wins, they will be the beneficiaries of moar US-style corporate welfare socialism.
Victory_Rossi , 3 hours ago
Wall Street loves globalism and hates the entire ethos of "America First". They're people
with dodgy loyalties and grand self-interests.
FreemonSandlewould , 3 hours ago
What a surprise. The Banking Cartel faction of the Jish Control Grid sent Trotsky and
company to Russia to implement the Bolshevik revolution. Should I be surprised they lean
Well I guess not. But they are at base amoral - that is to say with out moral philosophy.
Their real motto is "Whatever gets the job done".
Hands up those who think the election will only have a 'marginal' effect?
"Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens
Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page
Each of four theoretical traditions in the study of American politics -- which can be
characterized as theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy, Economic-Elite Domination, and
two types of interest-group pluralism, Majoritarian Pluralism and Biased Pluralism -- offers
different predictions about which sets of actors have how much influence over public
policy: average citizens; economic elites; and organized interest groups, mass-based or
business-oriented. A great deal of empirical research speaks to the policy influence of
one or another set of actors, but until recently it has not been possible to test these
contrasting theoretical predictions against each other within a single statistical model. We
report on an effort to do so, using a unique data set that includes measures of the key
variables for 1,779 policy issues.
Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing
business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while
average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent
The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination and for
theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or
Majoritarian Pluralism. "
"... Are you arguing that sociopaths have an inalienable right to hold office, even though they will inevitably use that office to aggrandize themselves at the expense of everyone else, and could spark a general war just for their own enjoyment and to gather yet more power to themselves? ..."
"... How do people who don't share your beliefs get represented if you rig the system to exclude them? People unlike you are sociopaths? It isn't even tempting. Your cost benefit study benefits you. The world is destabilized if your guys don't get in? No surprise. ..."
"... The under-employment rate is also very informative. People working less hours or in lower positions than their investment in education should have returned to them. They are working, but not enough to be able to independently sustain themselves, which makes them insecure in variety of ways. ..."
"... It all depends on what the penalties are. Confiscation of hidden assets would chill that behavior, strike one. Loss of the privilege to conduct business with federal and state entities would also chill such behavior, strike two. Finally, for persistent violations of the cap, loss of citizenship and expulsion form the country, three strikes and you are literally out, would be the ultimate penalty. ..."
"... The United States is actually both a federation (hardly unique by the way) and a representative democracy. Whether you call them members of Parliament or members of Congress, their representatives are elected by the people. ..."
Huge numbers of people who disagree with me and don't share my particular beliefs are not sociopaths, nothing would stop them
from running or holding office, and I've no problem with that.
Are you arguing that sociopaths have an inalienable right to hold office, even though they will inevitably use that office
to aggrandize themselves at the expense of everyone else, and could spark a general war just for their own enjoyment and to gather
yet more power to themselves?
How do people who don't share your beliefs get represented if you rig the system to exclude them? People unlike you are sociopaths?
It isn't even tempting. Your cost benefit study benefits you. The world is destabilized if your guys don't get in? No surprise.
Love this line: "the gig economy combined with record debt and astronomically high rent prices cancel out any potential economic
stability for millions of people."
The under-employment rate is also very informative. People working less hours or in lower positions than their investment in
education should have returned to them. They are working, but not enough to be able to independently sustain themselves, which
makes them insecure in variety of ways.
Do you think the interpreters might turn out to be agents, or perhaps even assassins, from other governments? Or maybe everybody
will be knocked out with fentanyl gas at dinner. In the dining room.
1. It all depends on what the penalties are. Confiscation of hidden assets would chill that behavior, strike one. Loss of the
privilege to conduct business with federal and state entities would also chill such behavior, strike two. Finally, for persistent
violations of the cap, loss of citizenship and expulsion form the country, three strikes and you are literally out, would be the
ultimate penalty.
The alternative, continuing to allow unlimited wealth accumulation will ultimately destroy democracy and end in a dictatorship
nearly impossible to remove without massive casualties. Is that preferable to trying to control the behavior of wealth addicts?
Make no mistake: billionaires are addicts, their uncontrollable addiction to more is an extreme form of hoarding dysfunction,
one that, like all uncontrolled addictions, has had disastrous consequences for everyone but them.
3. Fewer Representatives means you are concentrating power rather than dispersing it. More means smaller districts, which in
turn means more accountability, not less. As it stands now, Congresscritters can safely ignore the wishes of the public, because
when someone "represents" nearly a million citizens, it means they actually represent only themselves. If taken in conjunction
with item #2, more citizens would be invested in the political process and far more likely to pay attention.
4. The Hare test is a standard written exam that is difficult to cheat. Getting caught at cheating or attempting to cheat would
mark one automatically as a sociopath. The latest studies of brain structures show that sociopaths have physically different brains,
and those physical differences are detectable. Brain activity as shown by fMRI also clearly marks a sociopath from a normal, since
while they can fake emotional responses very well, their brain activity shows their true lack of response to emotionally charged
images, words, etc. Using a three-layer test, written>fMRI>genetic should be robust enough to correctly identify most. The stakes
are too huge to risk a set of sociopaths and their lackeys control of the machinery of government. The genetic test is the most
likely to give problematic results, but if the written is failed, the fMRI would then be done to confirm or reject the written
results, while the genetics would be a supplementary confirmation. Widespread genetic testing of politicians and would-bes would
undoubtedly advance research and understanding dramatically.
When you do even a casual cost-benefit study, the answer is clear: test them. Ask yourself: is the thwarting of an individual's
potential career in politics really that great a cost compared to preventing unknowingly electing a sociopath who could destabilize
the entire world?
Another big difference of course is a little thing called the law.
Are you under the impression the British don't have rule of law? Their elected representatives make their laws, not
their ceremonial royal family. Their royal family's job is to abide by the same laws as every other UK citizen, stay out of politics
and promote British tourism and gossip magazines.
The United States is actually a federal republic, not a democracy.
The United States is actually both a federation (hardly unique by the way) and a representative democracy. Whether you call
them members of Parliament or members of Congress, their representatives are elected by the people.
If we move the cheap manufacturing to the US, and wages are lower due to a depression, people will take the jobs, and the
job numbers will improve. And China will be toast.
We will never beat China at manufacturing cheap and efficient products using human labor. Robotic labor maybe, but that might
not happen for a decade or more at least--if they or another country doesn't beat us to retooling our factories.
Labor and manufacturing will never return in the US--unless we have another world war we win, in which all global production is
again concentrated in the US because the rest of the worlds factories are bombed to rubble. Besides, they have the most central
location for manufacturing in the world and a cheap source of endless labor.
What they don't have is innovation, tech and freedom to try products out on a free market. We are squandering those advantages
in the US when we cut education and limit college education to the masses.
Are Americans the most immoral people on earth? I don't think so. Do we have the strictest code of laws on earth? I don't think
so either. Yet we have the highest incarceration rate on earth. Higher than authoritarian countries like China & Russia.
This alone should tell you something is wrong with our system. Never mind the stats about differing average sentences depending
on race & wealth.
Doubt implies a reason behind the wrong, where uncertainty implies an unknowing trait--a mystery behind the wrong.
The right, what with all its fake news scams, deep state BS and witch hunt propaganda, is uncertainty at best, a mystery of sorts--it
provides us with a conspiracy that can neither be proved or unproven--an enigma.
Doubt, about if Russia meddled in the US election in collusion with the president or at the least his advisors, surely implies
something is wrong, especially in the face of criminal charges, doubt is inherent and well intentioned, but not always true and
can be proven false in the face of doubt.
At one time the US was agrarian and one could subsist via bartering. Consider reliance on for-profit healthcare, transportation
systems, debt, credit cards, landlords, grocery stores, and the lack of any ability to subsist without statewide and nationwide
infrastructure. Right now, people in the US already die prematurely if they can't afford healthcare. Many are homeless. And this
is when things are better than ever? What will happen here is what happened in Europe during WWII. People will suffer, and they
will be forced to adopt socialist practices (like the EU does today). People in Europe really did starve to death, and people
in India, Africa, and other countries are starving and dying today. China doles out food rations because they practice communism.
That's why they have cheap, efficient labor that serves to manufacture products for US consumers. Communism and socialism help
American corporations big time.
Citizens United is a First Amendment decision. Which part of the First Amendment do you want moot? What gives any government the
right to decide which assemblies of citizens have no free speech rights?
You are aware, I imagine, that the US can adjust its money supply to adapt to circumstances? We can feed ourselves. We have our
own power sources. We can improvise, adapt, and overcome. Prices go up and down. No big deal. Scaring people for political gain
doesn't have the clout it onvce did.
Too many virtue signalers seem to think that only the innocent are ever convicted.
The system is not crooked, but if you can set up a better one that doesn't bankrupt every community, have at it.
You really, really, really like screaming racist, don't you? And slide in a Godwin. Wow. The concept that black pastors would
be negatively impacted by financial attacks on their churches never ever occurred to you, did it? You get off on pretending to
care about people that you have no direct, routine connection to. How virtuous of you. Wouldn't deliberately harming black churches
make you the racist storm trooper?
Violence will break out when credit cards stop working. Can't even imagine what will happen if people are starving. No problem
in a socialistic country like Finland, but a big problem here. My guess is that Trump knows the economy is hanging by a thread,
so needs to create an alternate reason (trade wars). Or he figures he might as well have a trade war if it's all going to pieces
anyway. Of course China manufactures just about everything for the US. If we move the cheap manufacturing to the US, and wages
are lower due to a depression, people will take the jobs, and the job numbers will improve. And China will be toast.
Don't forget as the Trump trade war heats up and China decides to sell off US bonds en-masse (they own 1.17 trillion in US debt).
That's gonna put a hurt on the already low US dollar and could send inflation soaring. China could also devalue its currency and
increase the trade deficit. Combine those with all the things you've pointed out and you've got financial troubles the likes of
which no large government has ever dealt with in human history.
Starving people--China can handle in droves; not so much the US. We're talking nasty violence if that kinda stuff happens here.
Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for
profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable,
unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection,
safety, prosperity, and happiness require it.
Occupy Wall Street began due to income inequality when the worst effects of the Great Recession were being felt by the population.
Wealth inequality has only increased since then.
Right now, the population is held at bay because the media and politicians claim that the economy is so incredibly hot it's overheating.
But we know that's a lie. For one, the gig economy combined with record debt and astronomically high rent prices cancel out any
potential economic stability for millions of people. This year, 401(k) plans have returned almost nothing (or are going negative).
This was also the case in 2016. Savings accounts have returned almost nothing for the last decade (they should be providing approximately
5% interest).
The worker participation rate today is 3.2% below what it was in 2008 (during the Great Recession). The US population, meanwhile,
has increased by approximately 24,321,000. That's a 7.68% increase. The labor force has increased by 5% during this time (unemployment
rate was relatively similar, 5.6% vs 4%). From June 2008 to June 2018, the labor force increased by approximately 8 million. However,
if the worker participation rate was the same now as it was then, there would be approximately 8 million more people in the labor
force. If you add 8 million people to the current number of people who are counted as unemployed by the BLS, the unemployment
rate is approximately 9%. This is about as high as the unemployment rate got during the depths of the Great Recession, right when
Occupy Wall Street was born.
Now, OK, sure, the economy has REPLACED lost jobs, but it has not ADDED jobs for the last decade. The unemployment rate is false.
It should be at least 8%. There's many millions of Americans who do not have steady, gainful employment - or any employment -
and they are not counted.
The billionaires and their bought politicians are responsible for fixing this. They can fix it and should fix it. Otherwise, the
economy and their profits are going to fall off a giant cliff any day now. The next recession has basically already begun, but
it can still be alleviated. If things continue as they are, unemployment could be 16% by 2020, with the U6 measure approaching
or exceeding 25%. If stocks drop enough, people may starve to death.
Who supported Citizen's United? All cons and republicans
Who supports campaign finance reform and legislation that would make Cititzen's United moot? Democrats and progressives
Really tired of the false equivalencies. Republicans are now the polar opposite of Democrats in policy and principles. Vote Blue
this November and get rid of the republicans; every single one of them. It can be done if people get out and vote.
1. Anything is possible but I don't think this is practical. The rich can just cheat on the definition of ownership, pass it around
between family members, offshore it, sink it into their businesses in token ways, etc. When you try to take wealth (power) away
from the most powerful people in the country they will start devoting SERIOUS resources to getting around it.
3. I'm not saying we need fewer people doing congress's job in total. But we should be electing fewer of them, and letting
those fewer people do more hiring/delegating. The way things are now, most of the public only knows much about the president.
Everyone else is mostly just a vote for a party. But if the country only voted for 50 Congressmen in total - or even fewer - then
we would all have a more careful eye on them. We would know them better and see them more individually. They would have less pressure
to toe the party line all the time.
4. As long as there's a written test then it will get cheated. Right now the testing is rarely given and the specific consequences
don't determine powerful people's careers. Make it a widespread & important thing and people will learn to cheat it.
The genetic + fMRI research is interesting but the whole thing opens up serious cans of worms. We're talking about DQ'ing somebody
from an important career based partially on the results of a genetic screening for a character trait. That's a dangerous business
for our whole society to get into. Although I do realize the payoff for this specific instance would be very big.
1. Why do you think that? Using teams of forensic accountants and outlawing secret accounts would go a long way towards increasing
enforceability. But you are viewing it as a legal problem rather than a cultural problem. If an effective propaganda campaign
aimed on one level at the public and another level at the billionaires, it could work. Many billionaires are already committed
to returning their fortunes to the economy (mostly after they are dead, true). Convince a few and the rest will follow. Give them
the lure of claiming the title of the richest who ever were and some would be eager for that place in history.
Anything can be done if the will is there.
2. Income taxes are just a portion of the federal revenues, ~47%. Corporate taxes, parkland fees, excise taxes, ~18% taken
together and Social Security make up the rest. Revenues would increase as taxpayers topped off step amounts to keep control. The
beauty of it is that Congress would see very clearly where the nation's priorities were. Any politician trying to raise fines
so that they had more money under their control would soon find themselves out of office. Unpopular programs would
have to be financed out of the 18%, and that would likely make them increase corporate taxes. But most importantly, it would cut
the power of politicians and decrease the effectiveness of lobbyists.
3. Actually, we have too few, not too many. The work of governance suffers because there is too much to be done and too few
to do it. Spreading the workload and assigning responsibility areas would increase efficiency. Most importantly though, it would
break up the oligarchic duopoly that keeps a stranglehold on the nation's politics, and bring more third party candidates into
office giving Congress a more diverse culture by adding viewpoints based on other things than business interests.
4. Actually, advances in fMRI equipment and procedures, along with genetics and written testing can prove beyond a reasonable
doubt whether or not someone is a sociopath, do some research and you'l see it is true. False positives in any testing regime
are always an issue, but tens of millions of workers submit to drug tests to qualify for their jobs, and their jobs don't usually
run the risk of plunging the world into war, economic or environmental disasters. False positives are common in the workplace
and cost many thousands their jobs.
And there's an easy way to prove you aren't really a sociopath: be honest, don't lie, and genuinely care about people...things
sociopaths cannot do over time.
Seriously, it is a societal safety issue that demands to be done, protecting the few against false positives means opening
the floodgates for the many sociopaths who seek power over others.
Not just eliminate--alter and add to it, but since it takes 2/3 majority of the house and senate to amend the constitution--it's
not an easy feat--that's why there has only been 17 amendments altogether and two of them are there to cancel each other out!
You see, the beauty behind the National
Popular Vote Bill is that it's done on a state by state basis and will only work when the required 270 electoral votes are
gained with the bill--this means all voters would have their votes tallied in a presidential election and it eliminates swing
states with a winner takes all approach. The electoral college and state control of elections are preserved and every one is happy.
I feel like you've not read up on any of this even though I provide a link. 12 of these bills have been enacted into state law
already, comprising of 172 electoral votes and 3,112 legislative sponsors. That's more than halfway there.
To continue to say that changing the way we vote by altering the EC is a fantasy is in itself a fantasy because obviously it is
gaining traction across the country.
Which 'side' do you imagine I'm on Mike ? FYI.. Im not a member of any tribe especially regarding the republican or democrat parties...
you may have noticed that as part of the progress towards a globalized economy, 'Money' now has open borders...but the restrictions
of movement for people are growing as nationalism rises and wealth and the power it yields, becomes ever more concentrated in
fewer hands...this is a dangerous precedent and history repeats if lessons of the past are not learned.
I can well recall when humanity and the ability of the individual to attain freedom and liberty based upon the merit of the individual
was once celebrated.
What really irks me and causes me to voice my opinion on this forum, ( thank you Guardian for your continued efforts at informing
us all and especially for promoting participation) is how easily people are duped .. when 'others' can easily see that they are
being lied to. My parents fought for freedom and liberty against vicious tyranny in Europe and paid a HUGE price..by the time
the scales had tipped the balance towards fascism, it was far too late for anything other than all out war... the fact that they
survived the required sacrifice to pitch in to protect democracy, and the freedom and liberty which comes with it, still seems
Billionaires on the left should put some of that money into paying for and distributing subscriptions to newspapers and magazines
which live up to the standards of professional journalism. These papers should be made available, free, at high schools, colleges,
libraries, and commercial centers of loitering and "neighborly" discussions. May I suggest the NYT, WP, The Guardian, and The
"What the country sorely needs is a new constitution."
No thanks! The Founders were quite a bit more intelligent than the current national 'brain trust' -- on the both sides
of the Aisle -- that would be charged with writing a new Constitution.
1) Democracy with a population that is at least minimally engaged and angrily stays that
way (including removing powerful special interests from premises with pitchforks)
2) Being "managed" on behalf of various power centers. This can be liveable or can turn into
strip mining of your "resources".
Sadly, there is no algorithm that allows you to detect whether your are engaged or are
being engaged on behalf of others. That would be easy. But one should start with a minimal
state, hard money and the sons of the upper crust on the front lines and forbidden from
taking office in government.
That being said, this article is a bit meandering. Came for Bellingcat but was
Who presented the Emmy Award to the film makers, but none other than the rebel
journalist Chris Hedges.
@El Dato "1) Democracy with a population that is at least minimally engaged and angrily
stays that way (including removing powerful special interests from premises with pitchforks)"
There are no revolutions by means of pitchforks in a democracy, everything is weakened by
compromise, false promises, infiltration, manipulation, etc. You cannot stay angry all the
time too, it is very bad for your health, it needs to be short and intense to be effective,
which is exactly what democracy prevents.
Democracy turns you into a petted animal.
CARLSON: But more broadly, what you are saying, I think is, that the Democratic Party
understands what it is and who it represents and affirmatively represents them. They do
things for their voters, but the Republican Party doesn't actually represent its own voters
very well.
VANCE: Yes, that's exactly right. I mean, look at who the Democratic Party is and look, I
don't like the Democratic Party's policies.
VANCE: Most of the times, I disagree with them. But I at least admire that they recognize
who their voters are and they actually just as raw cynical politics do a lot of things to
serve those voters.
Now, look at who Republican voters increasingly are. They are people who
disproportionately serve in the military, but Republican foreign policy has been a disaster
for a lot of veterans. They are disproportionately folks who want to have more children.
They are people who want to have more single earner families. They are people who don't
necessarily want to go to college but they want to work in an economy where if you play by
the rules, you can you actually support a family on one income.
VANCE: Have Republicans done anything for those people really in the last 15 or 20 years?
I think can you point to some policies of the Trump administration. Certainly, instinctively,
I think the President gets who his voters are and what he has to do to service those folks.
But at the end of the day, the broad elite of the party, the folks who really call the shots,
the think tank intellectuals, the people who write the policy, I just don't think they
realize who their own voters are.
Now, the slightly more worrying implication is that maybe some of them do realize who
their voters are, they just don't actually like those voters much.
CARLSON: Well, that's it. So I watch the Democratic Party and I notice that if there is a
substantial block within it, it's this unstable coalition, all of these groups have nothing
in common, but the one thing they have in common is the Democratic Party will protect
CARLSON: You criticize a block of Democratic Voters and they are on you like a wounded
wombat. They will bite you. The Republicans, watch their voters come under attack and sort of
nod in agreement, "Yes, these people should be attacked."
VANCE: Yes, that's absolutely right. I mean, if you talk to people who spent their lives
in D.C. I know you live in D.C.
VANCE: I've spent a lot of my life here. The people who spend their time in D.C. who work
on Republican campaigns, who work at conservative think tanks, now this isn't true of
everybody, but a lot of them actually don't like the people who are voting for Republican
candidates these days.
"... Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world has not seen these levels of concentration of ownership. The Soviet Union did not die because of apparent ideological reasons but due to economic bankruptcy caused by its uncompetitive monopolistic economy. Our verdict is that the US is heading in the same direction. ..."
"... In a future instalment of this report, we will show that the oligarchization of America – the placing it under the rule of the One Percent (or perhaps more accurately the 0.1%, if not 0.01%) - has been a deliberate ideologically driven long-term project to establish absolute economic power over the US and its political system and further extend that to involve an absolute global hegemony (the latter project thankfully thwarted by China and Russia). ..."
"... In present-day United States a few major investors – equity funds or private capital - are as a rule cross-owned by each other, forming investor oligopolies, which in turn own the business oligopolies. ..."
"... A study has shown that among a sample of the 1,500 largest US firms (S&P 1500), the probability of one major shareholder holding significant shares in two competing firms had jumped to 90% in 2014, while having been just 16% in 1999. (*2). ..."
"... Institutional investors like BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, Fidelity, and JP Morgan, now own 80% of all stock in S&P 500 listed companies. The Big Three investors - BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street – alone constitute the largest shareholder in 88% of S&P 500 firms, which roughly correspond to America's 500 largest corporations. (*3). Both BlackRock and Vanguard are among the top five shareholders of almost 70% of America's largest 2,000 publicly traded corporations. (*4). ..."
A close-knit oligarchy controls all major corporations. Monopolization of ownership in US
economy fast approaching Soviet levels
Starting with Ronald Reagan's presidency, the US government willingly decided to ignore the
anti-trust laws so that corporations would have free rein to set up monopolies. With each
successive president the monopolistic concentration of business and shareholding in America has
grown precipitously eventually to reach the monstrous levels of the present day.
Today's level of monopolistic concentration is of such unprecedented levels that we may
without hesitation designate the US economy as a giant oligopoly. From economic power follows
political power, therefore the economic oligopoly translates into a political oligarchy. (It
seems, though, that the transformation has rather gone the other way around, a ferocious set of
oligarchs have consolidated their economic and political power beginning from the turn of the
twentieth century). The conclusion that
the US is an oligarchy finds support in a 2014 by a Princeton University study.
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world has not seen these levels of concentration
of ownership. The Soviet Union did not die because of apparent ideological reasons but due to
economic bankruptcy caused by its uncompetitive monopolistic economy. Our verdict is that the
US is heading in the same direction.
In a later report, we will demonstrate how all sectors of the US economy have fallen prey to
monopolization and how the corporate oligopoly has been set up across the country. This post
essentially serves as an appendix to that future report by providing the shocking details of
the concentration of corporate ownership.
Apart from illustrating the monopolization at the level of shareholding of the major
investors and corporations, we will in a follow-up post take a somewhat closer look at one
particularly fatal aspect of this phenomenon, namely the
consolidation of media (posted simultaneously with the present one) in the hands of
absurdly few oligarch corporations. In there, we will discuss the monopolies of the tech giants
and their ownership concentration together with the traditional media because they rightfully
belong to the same category directly restricting speech and the distribution of opinions in
In a future instalment of this report, we will show that the oligarchization of America
– the placing it under the rule of the One Percent (or perhaps more accurately the 0.1%,
if not 0.01%) - has been a deliberate ideologically driven long-term project to establish
absolute economic power over the US and its political system and further extend that to involve
an absolute global hegemony (the latter project thankfully thwarted by China and Russia). To
achieve these goals, it has been crucial for the oligarchs to control and direct the narrative
on economy and war, on all public discourse on social affairs. By seizing the media, the
oligarchs have created a monstrous propaganda machine, which controls the opinions of the
majority of the US population.
We use the words 'monopoly,' 'monopolies,' and 'monopolization' in a broad sense and subsume
under these concepts all kinds of market dominance be it by one company or two or a small
number of companies, that is, oligopolies. At the end of the analysis, it is not of great
importance how many corporations share in the market dominance, rather what counts is the death
of competition and the position enabling market abuse, either through absolute dominance,
collusion, or by a de facto extinction of normal market competition. Therefore we use the term
'monopolization' to describe the process of reaching a critical level of non-competition on a
market. Correspondingly, we may denote 'monopoly companies' two corporations of a duopoly or
several of an oligopoly.
Horizontal shareholding – the cementation of the
One especially perfidious aspect of this concentration of ownership is that the same few
institutional investors have acquired undisputable control of the leading corporations in
practically all the most important sectors of industry. The situation when one or several
investors own controlling or significant shares of the top corporations in a given industry
(business sector) is referred to as horizontal shareholding . (*1). In present-day United
States a few major investors – equity funds or private capital - are as a rule
cross-owned by each other, forming investor oligopolies, which in turn own the business
A study has shown that among a sample of the 1,500 largest US firms (S&P 1500), the
probability of one major shareholder holding significant shares in two competing firms had
jumped to 90% in 2014, while having been just 16% in 1999. (*2).
Institutional investors like BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, Fidelity, and JP Morgan, now
own 80% of all stock in S&P 500 listed companies. The Big Three investors - BlackRock,
Vanguard and State Street – alone constitute the largest shareholder in 88% of S&P
500 firms, which roughly correspond to America's 500 largest corporations. (*3). Both BlackRock
and Vanguard are among the top five shareholders of almost 70% of America's largest 2,000
publicly traded corporations. (*4).
Blackrock had as of 2016 $6.2 trillion worth of assets under management, Vanguard $5.1
trillion, whereas State Street has dropped to a distant third with only $1 trillion in assets.
This compares with a total market capitalization of US stocks according to Russell
3000 of $30 trillion at end of 2017 (From 2016 to 2017, the Big Three has of course also
put on assets).Blackrock and Vanguard would then alone own more than one-third of all US
publicly listed shares.
From an expanded sample that includes the 3,000 largest publicly listed corporations
(Russell 3000 index), institutions owned (2016) about
78% of the equity .
The speed of concentration the US economy in the hands of institutions has been incredible.
Still back in 1950s, their share of the equity was 10%, by 1980 it was 30% after which the
concentration has rapidly grown to the present day approximately 80%. (*5). Another study puts
the present (2016) stock market capitalization held by institutional investors at 70%. (*6).
(The slight difference can possibly be explained by variations in the samples of companies
As a result of taking into account the common ownership at investor level, it emerges that
the US economy is yet much more monopolized than it was previously thought when the focus had
been on the operational business corporation alone detached from their owners. (*7).
Oligarch owners assert their control
Apologists for monopolies have argued that the institutional investors who manage passive
capital are passive in their own conduct as shareholders as well. (*8). Even if that would be
true it would come with vastly detrimental consequences for the economy as that would mean that
in effect there would be no shareholder control at all and the corporate executives would
manage the companies exclusively with their own short-term benefits in mind, inevitably leading
to corruption and the loss of the common benefits businesses on a normally functioning
competitive market would bring.
In fact, there seems to have been a period in the US economy – before the rapid
monopolization of the last decade -when such passive investors had relinquished control to the
executives. (*9). But with the emergence of the Big Three investors and the astonishing
concentration of ownership that does not seem to hold water any longer. (*10). In fact, there
need not be any speculation about the matter as the monopolist owners are quite candid about
their ways. For example, BlackRock's CEO Larry Fink sends out
an annual guiding letter to his subject, practically to all the largest firms of the US and
increasingly also Europe and the rest of the West. In his pastoral, the CEO shares his view of
the global conditions affecting business prospects and calls for companies to adjust their
strategies accordingly.
The investor will eventually review the management's strategic plans for compliance with the
guidelines. Effectively, the BlackRock CEO has in this way assumed the role of a giant central
planner, rather like the Gosplan, the central planning agency of the Soviet command
The 2019 letter (referenced above) contains this striking passage, which should quell all
doubts about the extent to which BlackRock exercises its powers:
"As we seek to build long-term value for our clients through engagement, our aim is not to
micromanage a company's operations. Instead, our primary focus is to ensure board
accountability for creating long-term value. However, a long-term approach should not be
confused with an infinitely patient one. When BlackRock does not see progress despite ongoing
engagement, or companies are insufficiently responsive to our efforts to protect our clients'
long-term economic interests, we do not hesitate to exercise our right to vote against
incumbent directors or misaligned executive compensation."
Considering the striking facts rendered above, we should bear in mind that the establishment
of this virtually absolute oligarch ownership over all the largest corporations of the United
States is a relatively new phenomenon. We should therefore expect that the centralized control
and centralized planning will rapidly grow in extent as the power is asserted and methods are
Most of the capital of those institutional investors consists of so-called passive capital,
that is, such cases of investments where the investor has no intention of trying to achieve any
kind of control of the companies it invests in, the only motivation being to achieve as high as
possible a yield. In the overwhelming majority of the cases the funds flow into the major
institutional investors, which invest the money at their will in any corporations. The original
investors do not retain any control of the institutional investors, and do not expect it
either. Technically the institutional investors like BlackRock and Vanguard act as fiduciary
asset managers. But here's the rub, while the people who commit their assets to the funds may
be considered as passive investors, the institutional investors who employ those funds are most
certainly not.
Cross-ownership of oligarch corporations
To make matters yet worse, it must be kept in mind that the oligopolistic investors in turn
are frequently cross-owned by each other. (*11). In fact, there is no transparent way of
discovering who in fact controls the major institutional investors.
One of the major institutional investors, Vanguard is ghost owned insofar as it does not
have any owners at all in the traditional sense of the concept. The company claims that it is
owned by the multiple funds that it has itself set up and which it manages. This is how the
company puts it on
their home page : "At Vanguard, there are no outside owners, and therefore, no conflicting
loyalties. The company is owned by its funds, which in turn are owned by their shareholders --
including you, if you're a Vanguard fund investor." At the end of the analysis, it would then
seem that Vanguard is owned by Vanguard itself, certainly nobody should swallow the charade
that those funds stuffed with passive investor money would exercise any ownership control over
the superstructure Vanguard. We therefore assume that there is some group of people (other than
the company directors) that have retained the actual control of Vanguard behind the scenes
(perhaps through one or a few of the funds). In fact, we believe that all three (BlackRock,
State Street and Vanguard) are tightly controlled by a group of US oligarchs (or more widely
transatlantic oligarchs), who prefer not to brandish their power. It is beyond the scope of
this study and our means to investigate this hypothesis, but whatever, it is bad enough that as
a proven fact these three investor corporations wield this control over most of the American
economy. We also know that the three act in concert wherever they hold shares.
Now, let's see who are the formal owners of these institutional investors
In considering these ownership charts, please, bear in mind that we have not consistently
examined to what degree the real control of one or another company has been arranged through a
scheme of issuing different classes of shares, where a special class of shares give vastly more
voting rights than the ordinary shares. One source asserts
that 355 of the companies in the Russell index consisting of the 3000 largest corporations
employ such a dual voting-class structure, or 11.8% of all major corporations.
We have mostly relied on www.stockzoa.com for the shareholder data. However, this and
other sources tend to list only the so-called institutional investors while omitting corporate
insiders and other individuals. (We have no idea why such strange practice is employed
Oligarchy owns the USA political system and tune it to their needs. Proliferation of NGO is one such trick that favor
That kind of influence over expert opinion is immense—and it yields results. In April, Gates called for a nationwide total
lockdown for 10 weeks. America didn’t quite sink to that level of draconian control, but the shutdowns we did get absolutely
crushed small businesses. Massive tech firms, however, made out like bandits. Microsoft stock is at an all-time high.
Notable quotes:
"... Non-profit activity lets super-elites broker political power tax-free, reshaping the world according to their designs. ..."
"... The American tax code makes all of this possible. It greases the skids for the wealthy to use their fortunes to augment their political power. The 501(c)(3) designation makes all donations, of whatever size, to charitable nonprofits immune from taxation. ..."
"... For the super-wealthy, political power comes tax-free. ..."
"... No one ever elected Bill Gates to anything. His wealth, and not the democratic process, is the only reason he has an outsized voice in shaping coronavirus policy. The man who couldn't keep viruses out of Windows now wants to vaccinate the planet. That isn't an unreasonable goal for a man of his wealth, either. Gates's foundation is the second largest donor to the World Health Organization, providing some 10 percent of its funds . That kind of influence over expert opinion is immense -- and it yields results. In April , Gates called for a nationwide total lockdown for 10 weeks. America didn't quite sink to that level of draconian control, but the shutdowns we did get absolutely crushed small businesses. Massive tech firms, however, made out like bandits. Microsoft stock is at an all-time high . ..."
"... Eliminating the tax exemption for charitable giving would make it simple to heavily tax the capital gains that drive the wealth of America's richest one thousand people. One could also leave the exemption in place for most Americans (those with a net worth under $100 million), while making larger gifts, especially those over a billion dollars, taxable at extremely high rates close to 100%. Bill Gates wants to give a billion dollars to his foundation? Great. But he should pay a steep fee to the American people to purchase that kind of power. ..."
"... There is nothing socialist in these or similar tax proposals. We are not making an abstract commentary on whether having a billion dollars is "moral." These are simply prudential measures to put the people back in charge of their own country. Reining in billionaires and monopolists is a conservative free market strategy. ..."
"... An America governed by Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and George Soros will be -- arguably, already is -- a disaster for the middle class and everyday Americans. Cracking down on their "selfless" philanthropy, combined with antitrust enforcement and higher progressive tax rates, is a key way for Americans to leverage the power of the ballot box against the power of the banker's vault. ..."
"... The rotting edifice that is the United States is coming down one way or another. Just accept it. ..."
"... I would end tax exempt status for organizations. When everyone pays taxes we all become better stewards of how that money is used. ..."
"... To think both Mr. Dreher and Mr. Van Buren just recently posted about the superwealthy leaving the big cities, citing as the main reasons the Covid thing on the one hand, and "excessively high" income taxes on the other. Most comments that followed were in the line of "that's what happens when you let socialists run things" and "stop giving money to the poor, then they'll work and get rich." And here we have someone proposing more and higher taxes on the wealthy to bust their political nuts. ..."
"... It's an interesting proposal, but it seems that if you're worried about super-elites brokering political power tax-free, you might focus on direct brokering of political power. For example, we could pass a law requiring full disclosure of all sources of funding for any political advertising. ..."
Non-profit activity lets super-elites broker political power tax-free, reshaping the world
according to their designs.
America's super-wealthy have too much power. A republican regime based on the consent of the
governed cannot survive when a few hands control too large a sum of money and too much human
capital. A dominion of monopolists spells ruin for the common man.
The Federal Reserve calculates that, at present, America's total household wealth equals
$104 trillion .
Of that,
$3.4 trillion belongs to America's 600 billionaires alone. Put another way, 3% of the
nation's wealth belongs to 0.0002% of the population. Those 600 names control twice as much
wealth as the least wealthy 170 million Americans combined . This is a problem. Economic
power means political power. In an era of mass media, it has never been easier to manufacture
public opinion and to manipulate the citizenry.
Look no further than the consensus view of
Fortune 500 companies as to the virtues of Black Lives Matter. That movement's incredible
cultural reach is, in large part, a function of its cachet among American elites. In 2016, the
Ford Foundation began a
Black-Led Movement Fund to funnel $100 million into racial and social justice causes.
George Soros' Open Society Foundation immediately poured in $33 million in grants.
Soros and company received a massive return on investment. The shift leftward on issues of
racial and social justice in the last four years has been nothing short of remarkable.
Net public support for BLM , at minus 5 percent in 2018, has surged to plus 28 percent in
2020. The New York Times estimates that some 15 to
26 million Americans participated in recent protests over George Floyd's death.
And the money keeps flowing. In the last three months, hundreds of millions of dollars have
poured into social and racial justice causes.
Sony Music Group , the
Warner Music Group , and
Comcast all have promised gifts in excess of $100 million. MacKenzie Bezos has
promised more than a billion dollars to Historically Black Colleges and Universities as
well as other racial and social justice organizations. Yet, as scholars like Heather
MacDonald have pointed out -- America's justice system is not racist. Disquieting anecdotes
and wrenching videos blasted across cyberspace are not the whole of, or even representative of,
our reality. But well-heeled media and activism campaigns can change the perception. That's
what matters.
The American tax code makes all of this possible. It greases the skids for the wealthy to
use their fortunes to augment their political power. The 501(c)(3) designation makes all
donations, of whatever size, to charitable nonprofits immune from taxation.
A man can only eat so much filet mignon in one lifetime. He can only drive so many
Lamborghinis and vacation in so many French chalets. At a certain point, the longing for
material pleasures gives way to a longing for honor and power. What a super-elite really wants
is to be remembered for "changing the world." The tax code makes the purchasing of such honors
even easier than buying fast cars and luxury homes.
For the super-wealthy, political power comes tax-free.
No one ever elected Bill Gates to anything. His wealth, and not the democratic process, is
the only reason he has an outsized voice in shaping coronavirus policy. The man who couldn't
keep viruses out of Windows now wants to vaccinate the
planet. That isn't an unreasonable goal for a man of his wealth, either. Gates's foundation
is the second largest donor to the World Health Organization,
providing some 10 percent of its funds . That kind of influence over expert opinion is
immense -- and it yields results.
In April , Gates called for a nationwide total lockdown for 10 weeks. America didn't quite
sink to that level of draconian control, but the shutdowns we did get absolutely crushed small
businesses. Massive tech firms, however, made out like bandits. Microsoft stock is at an
all-time high .
No one ever voted on those lockdowns, either. Like the mask-wearing mandates, they were
instituted by executive fiat. The experts
, many of them funded through donations given by tech billionaires like Gates , campaigned for policies that
radically altered the basic structure of society. Here lies the danger of billionaire power.
Without adequate checks and balances, the super-wealthy can skirt the normal political process,
working behind the scenes to make policies that the people never even have a chance to debate
or vote on.
A republic cannot be governed this way. America needs to bring its current crop of oligarchs
to heel. That starts with constraining their ability to commandeer their massive personal
fortunes to shape policy. Technically, the 501(c)(3) designation prevents political activities
by tax-exempt charities. Those rules apply only to political campaigning and lobbying, however.
They say nothing about funding legal battles or shaping specific policies indirectly through
research and grants. America's universities, think tanks, and advocacy organizations are nearly
universally considered tax-exempt nonprofits. Only a fool would believe they are not
One solution to the nonprofit problem to simply get rid of the charitable exemption all
together. If there is no loophole, it can't be exploited by the mega-wealthy. Most Americans'
charitable giving wouldn't be affected. The average American gives between $2,000 and
$3,000 per year . That is well under the $24,800 standard tax deduction for married
couples. Ninety
percent of taxpayers have no reason to use a line-item deduction. Such a change likely
wouldn't affect wealthy givers either. In
2014 , the average high-income American (defined as making more than $200,000 per year or
having a million dollars in assets) gave an average of $68,000 to charity, and in 2018
93 percent said
their giving had nothing to do with tax breaks.
Eliminating the tax exemption for charitable giving would make it simple to heavily tax the
capital gains that drive the wealth of America's richest one thousand people. One could also
leave the exemption in place for most Americans (those with a net worth under $100 million),
while making larger gifts, especially those over a billion dollars, taxable at extremely high
rates close to 100%. Bill Gates wants to give a billion dollars to his foundation? Great. But
he should pay a steep fee to the American people to purchase that kind of power.
There is nothing socialist in these or similar tax proposals. We are not making an abstract
commentary on whether having a billion dollars is "moral." These are simply prudential measures
to put the people back in charge of their own country. Reining in billionaires and monopolists
is a conservative free market strategy.
Incentives to make more money are generally good. The libertarians are mostly right --
people are usually better judges of how to spend and use their resources than the
But not always. The libertarian account does not adequately recognize man's political
nature. We need law and order. We need a regime where elections matter and the opinions of the
people actually shape policy. Contract law, borders, and taxes are all necessary to human
flourishing, but all impede the total and unrestricted movement of labor and money. At the very
top of the wealth pyramid, concentrated economic power always turns into political power. An
economic policy that doesn't recognize that fact will create an untouchable class that controls
both the market and the regime. There's nothing freeing about that outcome.
An America governed by Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and George Soros will be --
arguably, already is -- a disaster for the middle class and everyday Americans. Cracking
down on their "selfless" philanthropy, combined with antitrust enforcement and higher
progressive tax rates, is a key way for Americans to leverage the power of the ballot box
against the power of the banker's vault.
Josiah Lippincott is a former Marine officer and current Master's student at the Van
Andel School of Statesmanship at Hillsdale College.
I'd like to thank the author for actually discussing policy proposals that actually
make sense. That's a rarity on TAC. However, he needs to keep a couple of things in
1. You can't just say something isn't socialist on a conservative website.
Conservatives have been conditioned for decades to believe that anything the GOP
considers to be bad is called by the name "socialism". And taxes are bad. Therefore
socialist. To bring any nuance to that word will be devastating to long-term conservative
ability to argue points.
2. This proposal won't just hurt the ability of left-leaning tech giants, but also
right-leaning oil and defense industry barons. A double-edged sword.
This is an interesting idea that might have had a shot, big maybe, 50 plus years ago.
America is too far gone to fix with political changes, not that you could make any major
changes like this in the current political environment.
The rotting edifice that is the United States is coming down one way or another. Just
accept it.
Certainly! Just so long as the word "organizations" encompasses churches as well, I
think lots of people on all sides of the political spectrum would agree.
Complicated argument. Basically, charitable people will always give charity, even from
taxed income. However, if people give charity from taxed income, the state can no longer
control what the institutions given money do with that money as long as salaries and
surplus are taxed.
Interesting proposal. Removing tax deduction should of course throw IRS out of
monitoring charitable giving. So less power to Lois Lerner and colleagues.
To think both Mr. Dreher and Mr. Van Buren just recently posted about the superwealthy
leaving the big cities, citing as the main reasons the Covid thing on the one hand, and
"excessively high" income taxes on the other. Most comments that followed were in the
line of "that's what happens when you let socialists run things" and "stop giving money
to the poor, then they'll work and get rich." And here we have someone proposing more and
higher taxes on the wealthy to bust their political nuts.
Note that the author carefully left out any mention of conservative megadonors shaping
public policy. Must be the quiet part, to avoid tarring and feathering by his own
Say you like the game of Monopoly so much that you want it to last longer than
the few hours it takes for one player to dominate and beat the others. Well, you could
replace $200 as you pass Go with progessive taxation on income, assets, or a combination
thereof. If you do it right, you can make the game last into perpetuity by ensuring that
the dominance of any one player is only temporary.
It's an interesting proposal, but it seems that if you're worried about super-elites
brokering political power tax-free, you might focus on direct brokering of political
power. For example, we could pass a law requiring full disclosure of all sources of
funding for any political advertising.
If we wanted to be aggressive, we could even pass
a constitutional amendment to specify that corporations are not people. It seems odd to
worry about the political power exercised by institutions with no direct control over
politics, and ignore the institution whose purpose is politics.
Another approach to deal with the direct influence of the super-elite would be to make
lobbying expenses no longer tax deductible. I'm sure you could find support for that.
This is the 5th TAC article since May to take something word-for-word from a Bernie
Sanders-esque Leftist platform and call it something "Conservatives" want. GTFOOH.
Mr. Lippincott: That kind of influence over expert opinion is immense -- and it yields
results. In April, Gates called for a nationwide total lockdown for 10 weeks. America
didn't quite sink to that level of draconian control, but the shutdowns we did get
absolutely crushed small businesses. Massive tech firms, however, made out like bandits.
Microsoft stock is at an all-time high.
So the argument here is that the experts were not going to call for a lockdown, but
Mr. Gates' outsized influence made them do it? The experts weren't going to do it anyway?
Did that outsized influence extend to every other country in the world which imposed
lockdowns? Was there a secret communique between Mr. Gates and the NBA so they suspended
their season in mid-March? In the US, CA, Clark Cty in NV, Illinois, Kansas City, MA, MI,
NY, OR, and WI all began lockdowns in March. Around the world, 80 countries began
lockdowns in March. No matter what Mr. Gates said, lockdowns were deemed to be
appropriate. Plus, Mr. Lippincott admits that Mr. Gates' proposal was not followed. In
terms of "massive tech firms making out like bandits" v small businesses, might that have
anything to do with their value?
I very much agree with this article and I think we need another Teddy Roosevelt
Monopoly (oligarchy) buster but much has changed in the 100 years since Teddy Roosevelt
was President. The first thing that comes to mind is that the aristocracy was mostly
protestant and the business class was mostly domestic with high tariffs keeping foreign
competitors out so we could break up these companies without a foreign country purchasing
them and possibly creating a national security risk.
Today's aristocracy is much more diverse. Its more Jewish and it has much more
minority representation from African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, etc so that creates
the first problem in breaking up a monopoly or an oligarchy which would be the accusation
of targeting minorities for discrimination. The second problem is that many of the
aristocratic class in the US consider themselves global citizens and have dual
citizenship. They can live anywhere anytime they choose so if you target them the way say
Cuomo and DiBlasio and Newsom do then they will leave. Third problem is our global
society particularly the digital / virtual society. If you break that up without
safeguards then you will only be inviting foreign ownership then you will have a national
security issue and even less influence.
The biggest problem is the NGOs, nonprofits that the rich set up to usurp the
government on various issues from immigration to gender identity to politics. These NGO
nonprofits arent your harmless community soup kitchen doing good works. The anarchy,
arson, looting, rioting in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, NYC, Baltimore these are paid for
by NGO nonprofits and they have the money to threaten local government, state government
and federal government. Trump was 100% correct when he started to tax college endowments
but he didnt go far enough. The tax laws have to be rewritten with a very strict and
narrow interpretation of what exactly constitutes the public good and is deserving on
non-profit status. If you say education then I will say you are correct but endowments
are an investment vehicle under the umbrella of an educational nonprofit. Thats like a
nonprofit hospital buying a mutual fund company or a mine or a manufacturing plan and
claiming its non-profit. For me its relatively simple unless someone has a some other
way. If you look at the non-profit community good...what are the budgets for say
hospitals, schools, orphanages, retirement homes, etc. Put monetary limits on nonprofits
which can vary depending on industry and the rest is taxed at a high rate. We simply
cannot have NGOs (nongovernmental organizations) using a nonprofit status to bring down a
country's financial system, over-throwing a country, financing civil strife and civil
war, usurping the government on things like immigration, etc.
Billionaires like Jeff Bezos aren't obscenely wealthy because they work harder than everyone
else or they're more innovative. They're obscenely wealthy because their corporate empires
drain society's resources -- and we'd all be better off without them.
This week, Amazon CEO
Jeff Bezos saw the largest single-day increase in wealth ever recorded for any individual. In
just one day, his fortune increased by $13 billion. On current trends, he is on track to become
the world's first trillionaire by 2026.Those on the right wing of politics argue that extreme
wealth is a function of hard work, creativity, and innovation that benefits society. But wealth
and income inequality have increased dramatically in most advanced economies in recent years.
The richest of the rich are much wealthier today than they were several decades ago, but it is
not clear that they are working any harder.
Mainstream economists make a more nuanced version of this argument. They claim that the
dramatic increase in income inequality has been driven by the dynamics of globalization and the
rise of "superstars." Firms and corporate executives are now competing in a global market for
capital and talent, so the rewards at the top are much higher -- even as competition also
constrains wages for many toward the bottom end of the distribution.
According to this view, high levels of inequality are a reward for high productivity. The
most productive firms will attract more investment than their less productive counterparts, and
their managers, who are performing a much more complex job than those managing smaller firms,
will be rewarded accordingly.
But here again the narrative runs aground on contact with reality. Productivity has not
risen alongside inequality in recent years. In fact, in the United States and the UK
productivity has flatlined since the financial crisis -- and in the United States, it has been
declining since the turn of the century.
There is another explanation for the huge profits of the world's largest corporations and
the huge fortunes of the superrich. Not higher productivity. Not simply globalization. But
rising global market power.
Many of the world's largest tech companies have become global oligopolies and domestic
monopolies. Globalization has played a role here, of course -- many domestic firms simply can't
compete with global multinationals. But these firms also use their relative size to push down
wages, avoid taxes, and gouge their suppliers, as well as lobbying governments to provide them
with preferential treatment.
Jeff Bezos and Amazon are a case in point. Amazon has become America's largest company
through anticompetitive practices that have landed it in trouble with the European Union's
competition authorities. The working practices in its warehouses are notoriously appalling . And
a study from last year revealed Amazon to be one of the world's most "aggressive tax
Part of the reason Amazon has to work so hard to maintain its monopoly position is that its
business model relies on network effects that only obtain at a certain scale. Tech companies
like Amazon make money by monopolizing and then selling the data generated from the
transactions on their sites.
The more people who sign up, the more data is generated; and the more data generated, the
more useful this data is for those analyzing it. The monetization of this data is what
generates most of Amazon's returns: Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the most profitable part of
the business by some distance.
Far from representing its social utility, Amazon's market value -- and Bezos' personal
wealth -- reflects its market power. And the rising market power of a small number of larger
firms has actually reduced productivity. This concentration has also constrained investment and
wage growth as these firms simply don't have to compete for labor, nor are they forced to
innovate in order to outcompete their rivals.
In fact, they're much more likely to use their profits to buy back their own shares, or to
acquire other firms that will increase their market share and give them access to more data.
Amazon's recent acquisition of grocery store Whole Foods is likely to be the first of many such
moves by tech companies. Rather than the Darwinian logic of compete or die, the tech companies
face a different imperative: expand or die.
States are supporting this logic with exceptionally loose monetary policy. Low interest
rates make it very easy for large companies to borrow to fund mergers and acquisitions. And
quantitative easing -- unleashed on an unprecedented scale to tackle the pandemic -- has simply
served to raise equity prices, especially for the big tech companies.
As more areas of our lives become subject to the power of big tech, the fortunes of people
like Bezos will continue to mount. Their rising wealth will not represent a reward for
innovation or job creation, but for their market power, which has allowed them to increase the
exploitation of their workforces, gouge suppliers, and avoid taxes.
The only real way to tackle these inequities is to democratize the ownership of the means of
production, and begin to hand the key decisions in our economy back to the people. But you
would expect that even social democrats, who won't pursue transformative policies, could get
behind measures such as a wealth tax.
"Building back better" after the pandemic will be impossible without such a tax -- and the
vast majority of both Labour and Conservative voters support such an approach, according to a
recent poll. And yet it appears that Labour's leadership are retreating from the idea.
In an interview the other day, I was asked why we should care about Jeff Bezos's wealth
if it makes everyone else better off. But the extreme inequalities generated by modern
capitalism are making obvious something that Marxists have known for decades: the superrich
generate their wealth at the expense of workers, the planet, and society as a whole.
In a rational and fair society, the vast resources of a tiny elite would be put to use
solving our social problems.
Wishful thinking. The neoliberal oligarchy is in conrol of all political power centers. Looks like neoliberal ideas became completely discredited. Even Krugman abandoned them.
Notable quotes:
"... In the age of AI the US needs a grand rebuilding of our infrastructure including electrical grids, bridges, highways, mass transit systems, and conversion to renewable energy. ..."
"... Elizabeth Warren showed her chops years ago when she was a guest on Bill Moyer's PBS show, and I've been a fan ever since. But - we don't just need more of Teddy Roosevelt - we need a good dose of Franklin Roosevelt, too ..."
"... In Senator Warren we finally have a politician who understands the difference between wealth and income and is willing to start taxing wealth. This is especially important as the truly wealthy receive very little of their money in the form of income and are therefore taxed on far less than they are actually worth. This only serves to exacerbate our inequality problem. ..."
"... Extreme income inequality is damaging to social capital and to public health - and thus in the long run to sustainable prosperity. The American epidemic of depression, opioid abuse and suicide is is correlated with the acceleration of income inequality. ..."
"... Finally, Senator Warren's proposal seems like an acceleration of the estate tax. ..."
"... Having worked in trusts and estates law for decades, I suspect that this proposal will invite use of the same techniques used by estate planners, lawyers, and accountants to drive down the fair market value of assets. Her proposal may work, if it is ever enacted, but the devil, as usual, will be in the details. This is a very complex concept, simple as it may seem at first blush. That is not an argument for not trying, but for being very careful in the implementation, beginning with the statutory language. ..."
"... This tax will require staffing up the IRS and that will require dems control over both houses of Congress as the GOPers have defunded the IRS. ..."
"... Pretax income concentration at the top increased starting in the 1980s as a direct result of the large reductions in the top marginal income tax rates. ..."
"... Even if a 70% top marginal tax rate did not raise a penny more in tax revenue it would still be justified on the grounds of preventing extreme concentration of wealth and income. Recent economic research has shown that in a purely capitalistic society in which there is no taxation nor redistribution all wealth in the whole society will ultimately be owned by a single household. https://voxeu.org/article/what-would-wealth-distribution-look-without-redistribution ..."
"... I applaud Elizabeth Warren and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez for espousing Teddy an Franklin Roosevelt's ideas about reducing the concentration of 90% of wealth in the upper 1/10th of 1 per cent (0.1%). That is the situation which can lead to major social unrest, widespread crime, and ultimately, civil war as happened in England in the 17th century, in Russia in 1917, and in the French Revolution that beheaded Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette - along with thousands of other members of the nobility. ..."
"... "wealthiest 0.1 percent of Americans almost equal to that of the bottom 90 percent combined." The corrupt neoliberalism of the 1% is unsustainable but is reflective of a downward spiral of decline. While we experience continuous political campaigning the U.S. is, in reality, a criminal and corrupt corporate state enriching the 1% and masquerading as a democracy, an Inverted Totalitarianism. ..."
"... Great. The pendulum swings back to sensible taxation rates for the ultra wealthy. Hard to feel sorry for hedge fund managers. I can just see Sean Hannity railing against it now. He would have to cough up. ..."
"... Fascinating article. Thanks for sharing. Her Accountable Capitalism Act also addresses the root causes of inequality, although some critics have stated that it would lead to the semi-nationalization of business. ..."
@Horsepower the tax bill has, as predicted by almost everyone but the GOP lawmakers,
caused the deficit to balloon. Currently, the resulting debt must be paid by the descendents
of all of us but the ultra-wealthy. The alternative to that approach, openly proposed by the
GOP, was to take away vital services from most of us, like medical care, public education,
and retirement support. I'm surprised that you don't find those things "consequential to the
life of most Americans".
There is no reason -- economic, social or moral -- why anyone needs a personal fortune above
$500 million dollars.
Eddie Cohen M.D ecohen2 . com Poway, California Jan. 29
In the age of AI the US needs a grand rebuilding of our infrastructure including
electrical grids, bridges, highways, mass transit systems, and conversion to renewable
It also needs a medical care system that provides a high level of to all of our
citizens including the poor and those with pre-existing conditions. What better down payment
on these costly necessities than a tax on the ultra rich.
Elizabeth Warren showed her chops years ago when she was a guest on Bill Moyer's PBS show,
and I've been a fan ever since. But - we don't just need more of Teddy Roosevelt - we need a
good dose of Franklin Roosevelt, too.
Given where this country is at, taxing the uber-rich
alone isn't going to be enough to solve our problems. We need a jobs program - good, family
wage jobs - that have been chipped away at for decades by both automation and off-shoring.
Taxing will help fund much needed gov't infrastructure problems, but it's purchasing power
that drives the economy - and we can't have one without a vibrant middle class that's
actually making and doing stuff. Since the Clinton years, the USA has spawned a bloated
investor class, making a lot of money shuffling paper, but what do they produce that drives
this country forward? Our infrastructure is fast becoming 3rd world.
In Senator Warren we finally have a politician who understands the difference between
wealth and income and is willing to start taxing wealth. This is especially important as the
truly wealthy receive very little of their money in the form of income and are therefore
taxed on far less than they are actually worth. This only serves to exacerbate our inequality
problem. The big banks, in particular, are very worried about what would happen should Warren
become president. Like that other Roosevelt - Franklin - she welcomes their hatred. Good for
Extreme income inequality is damaging to social capital and to public health - and thus in
the long run to sustainable prosperity. The American epidemic of depression, opioid abuse and
suicide is is correlated with the acceleration of income inequality.
Worldwide, countries
with high income inequality have more depression, more suicide and less happiness, even when
their per capita GNP is higher than their neighbors'. The toxic effects of inequality are
especially great in a nation like the US where children are taught that anyone can make it if
they work hard enough. In fact, there's a lot more upward mobility in those awful socialist
Nordic countries, where teaching public school is a prestigious and well-paid job, college
and vocational training are taxpayer-funded (not 'free'), and no one goes bankrupt from a
serious illness or injury.
Without endorsing anyone's proposals here, a couple of examples from recent history on
what's actually possible, despite what people may think: -- Six weeks before the Berlin Wall
fell and reunited Germany, the then-West German government issued a report projecting that
German reunification was at least 20 years away. -- Japan went from a highly-nuclear power
dependent country, with no prospect of changing, to one that drastically cut its dependence
on nuclear in just one year after the Fukushima disaster. -- One of my favorites: FDR sits
down with the leaders of General Motors at the dawn of WWII and says I need so many tanks, so
many trucks etc etc for the war effort. A GM exec responds on these lines: "Mr. President, we
can't fulfill those needs and still produce X-hundred-thousand cars a year." FDR: "You don't
understand. You're no longer a car company." So the lesson is, no one knows what's possible
in a society till you try.
Eliminating carried interest seems perfectly rational. Compensation by any other name is
compensation and taxable as ordinary income as it is for everyone else in this country. Once
upon a time, capital gains were taxed at 15% and ordinary income at rates as high as 91%.
That led to all sorts of devices to game the system, including the infamous collapsible
But with the difference down to around 10-15%, we may as well bite the bullet
and tax income from capital at the same rate we tax income from work. I doubt this will hurt
savings, investment, or capital formation.
It is still nice to have money, and owning capital
assets will still beat the alternative.
Finally, Senator Warren's proposal seems like an
acceleration of the estate tax.
Having worked in trusts and estates law for decades, I
suspect that this proposal will invite use of the same techniques used by estate planners,
lawyers, and accountants to drive down the fair market value of assets. Her proposal may
work, if it is ever enacted, but the devil, as usual, will be in the details. This is a very
complex concept, simple as it may seem at first blush. That is not an argument for not
trying, but for being very careful in the implementation, beginning with the statutory
@Steve B People receiving Social Security only pay taxes on the benefits if their income
exceeds the same thresholds that apply to people who go out and work for a living, and pay
Social Security taxes that go to the elderly. Ellen, stop treating Social Security like it's
a savings bank.
Your Social Security taxes paid for the generation before you, and the Social
Security taxes raised now are paying for you. The average Social Security recipient today
will receive twice as much as they paid into the system during their earning years.
So please
give the "I'm just getting back the money I paid into the system" routine a rest. It's a
fiction. The wealth of the over 65s is growing faster than any other age group in our
society, and the fraction of government spending on over-65s is the only part of government
that has grown in decades.
If you're making enough to pay income taxes, pay your taxes and
stop complaining. That means you're doing OK. You'd better hope young people don't wake up
and realize just how much of their hard-earned pay is going to pay for
The seriousness in her policies is in her work ethics and brilliance. She means what she
says and works her heart out to achieve those goals. There isn't anyone out there that
matches those qualities.
This tax will require staffing up the IRS and that will require dems control over both
houses of Congress as the GOPers have defunded the IRS.
The ultra right, ultra rich will be
paying more and more of their fortunes to their already privately-owned senators to defeat
this and any other progressive tax proposals. We need more, more and more people to get into
the democratic process and VOTE to recapture the nation's leadership in 2020!
Pretax income concentration at the top increased starting in the 1980s as a direct result
of the large reductions in the top marginal income tax rates. Those who complain that a 70%
top marginal tax rate is confiscatory need to understand that's the whole point.
When top
marginal tax rates are confiscatory that leads to lower pre-tax income inequality because tax
aversion of the wealthy leads they to pay themselves less income to avoid paying the
government so much in taxes.
Unlike most workers, corporate executives can easily arrange for
their boards to pay them far more than their marginal product would justify.
wealth tends to concentrate automatically when top marginal tax rates are low. This is simply
due to the math of compound interest. When investment returns are not taxed sufficiently by
the estate tax or by capital gains taxes, they will be reinvested leading to extreme wealth
accumulation over generations that is automatic and not the result of any kind of investing
Even if a 70% top marginal tax rate did not raise a penny more in tax revenue it would
still be justified on the grounds of preventing extreme concentration of wealth and income.
Recent economic research has shown that in a purely capitalistic society in which there is no
taxation nor redistribution all wealth in the whole society will ultimately be owned by a
single household. https://voxeu.org/article/what-would-wealth-distribution-look-without-redistribution
@Baldwin Actually, it's 2% on what is on top of those 50M, so 2% on 100M, if you have a
net worth of $150M. That being said, nobody with $150M net worth just "sits" on his money for
35 years. To get there in the first place, in the 21st century you usually have to pay an
expert and engage in financial speculation (= speculation about financial transactions, not
an investment in the "real" economy), and of course you won't stop paying that expert once
you reach $150M, so you continue to add millions to your wealth anyhow. On the other hand, if
you belong to the middle class, you easily pay $30,000 taxes a year.
After ten years, that's
$300,000, and after 33 years that's a million dollars paid in taxes. Seen in this way, even
having the middle class paying taxes seems "unfair", because when they only earn $75,000 a
year, why should they pay a million in taxes over 33 years ... ?
Conclusion: taxes are paid
year after year not in function of how many you will have paid in total at the end of your
career, but in function of what we collectively need to run this country smoothly (military,
government, education, roads and bridges, EPA, ...).
A "fair" tax code is a tax code that
allows anyone who works hard to live comfortably, weather your a hedge fund manager or
teacher. And in order to get there, we can't continue the GOP's constantly lowering taxes for
the wealthiest all while cutting services to the 99%. NO one with $150M will suffer by paying
$2M in taxes a year ...
I applaud Elizabeth Warren and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez for espousing Teddy an Franklin
Roosevelt's ideas about reducing the concentration of 90% of wealth in the upper 1/10th of 1
per cent (0.1%). That is the situation which can lead to major social unrest, widespread
crime, and ultimately, civil war as happened in England in the 17th century, in Russia in
1917, and in the French Revolution that beheaded Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette - along with
thousands of other members of the nobility.
We see this anger and violence today in the
United States - in mass shootings, in failing public schools (the salaries are not sufficient
to attract qualified teachers who instead will work in more remunerative fields, like law and
computer technology. What works better is to reduce the concentration of wealth so people in
the lower 90% can have more prosperity and social stability in their lives.
All people need a
reliable source of food, healthcare, and a place for them and their families to live. All
people need access to good education, family planning, and higher education sufficient to alllow them to work. With so much reliance on mechanical work, we also need for all people to
have a minimum income - something that no one talks abou yet - but enough to live safely.
There is support for this not only among Democrats but also among Republicans. The help
should be for everyone, not based on need (Marxism). This is common sense not
It was hilarious to read that Rush Limbaugh is SO terrified of AOC and Liz Warren that he,
the grandmaster of Goebbels-like mis-information, is calling them "hitlerian" as he and
Hannity push Trump every day to emulate Mussolini! But why is simple: I read that Limbaugh
makes about $100 million a year, which puts him in the super-rich category. I doubt highly
that he's paying the maximum 37(?)% on his income and if he is he needs better accountants
and tax lawyers! But AOC's proposal means that $90 million of his $100 million would be taxed
at 70%, leaving him "only" a measly $27 million a year to try not to starve on. Along with
whatever millions are left after taxes on the first $10 million, say, $5 million (again,
needs better tax advice). So he's stuck trying to survive on $32 million! (BTW, Hannity only
makes about $29 million before taxes, Oh! The Humanity!--Or is it "Oh! The Hannity"?) That's
really why they are vitriolic. Taxes are for the "little people", the suckers who call in and
rant, who watch Fox and believe, no matter how illogical their logic. Rush and Sean see a
REAL movement to tax their excessive income and will fight it tooth and nail, with fact and
fiction (mostly fiction) to protect themselves and their wealth.
Interesting how it is almost exactly a hundred years since this problem was dealt with in
the last Gilded Age. Enough time so that the generations that remember are long gone and so
the problem came back.
The Uber rich did this to themselves with their complete disconnect
from the economic realities facing the 99%. TARP was the kicker - we gave a trillion dollars
to the 1% while the 99% were left to fend for themselves. Despite the protestations of the
99%. Now that's political power in the hands of the few for the benefit of the few. Time to
stop it now.
"wealthiest 0.1 percent of Americans almost equal to that of the bottom 90 percent
combined." The corrupt neoliberalism of the 1% is unsustainable but is reflective of a
downward spiral of decline. While we experience continuous political campaigning the U.S. is,
in reality, a criminal and corrupt corporate state enriching the 1% and masquerading as a
democracy, an Inverted Totalitarianism.
"We can have democracy in this country, or we can
have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." Louis D.
Great. The pendulum swings back to sensible taxation rates for the ultra wealthy. Hard to
feel sorry for hedge fund managers. I can just see Sean Hannity railing against it now. He
would have to cough up.
This column makes a good case for Elizabeth Warren as Secretary of the Treasury, or head
of the Consumer Protection Bureau which she invented following Dodd Frank legislation. But
the best way to reach the widest audience is a Presidential campaign. Most of the responses
here focus on enough wealth, extreme wealth and self-interest. Beyond their tax liabilities
is the reality of the power the the rich wield through lobbyists, campaign contributions,
corporate takeovers, and tax dodges over our politics, governments, and over us, the people.
It's a pity that any proposed tax fairness adjustments are reduced to epithets against
The problem is that the big money against this will say (ie: fund ads saying) anything
(true or false) about any other subject to swing votes against any candidate who's a serious
chance of pushing such a tax increase. One can only hope I am wrong.
Fascinating article. Thanks for sharing. Her Accountable Capitalism Act also addresses the
root causes of inequality, although some critics have stated that it would lead to the
semi-nationalization of business. I think its effect would be commonsense regulation of the
economic playing field so that excesses do not occur in how rewards are distributed. It has
the potential to address issues early enough to prevent problems.
@George Thanks to the Republican budget busting tax holiday for rich folks we will need
every penny of revenue just to keep our fiscal boat afloat. We should add AOC's 70% rate just
to patch our leaks in infrastructure, healthcare, education and social security for the
retirees who were gutted by the 2008 Republican Great Recession.
Since the super-rich are already paying 2+20 for their wealth management, paying another 2
to the government hardly seems like it would kill incentive...
Throughout most of the history of civilizations, governments have been funded by a wealth
tax. This was in the form of property tax, as that was the only wealth there was. Somehow
when financial wealth started to build, it was made largely exempt. Proposals to close this
loophole are well overdue. It's not so radical as it is just restoring traditional funding
A sure sign of health when Warren, a veteran politician and Ocasio-Cortez, a first term
member of Congress publish ideas early in the election cycle. The next steps are laws that
dismantle Citizens United and protect voting rights.
Elizabeth Warren had better take care. If she doesn't tread softly on these plans to
progressively tax the rich and make them spread the wealth to all those millions of people
out there who have had a hand in generating their economic success, she'll be called
something equally invidious to a 'socialist' -- a 'Canadian'.
Prof. Krugman is speaking truth to power but power tends to speak back, telling our
citizens that progressives like Sen. Warren are aiming to increase taxes across the board.
Never EVER do they narrow the stated target of such projected increases to the uppermost
economic stratum. And progressives always manage to let them get away with this. Democratic
candidates for political office need to assign members of their campaign staffs to Republican
events and arm them with bullhorns for the expressed purpose of shouting out the words "for
the rich" every time a typically disingenuous Republican opponent announces that a specific
Democrat has a plan to raise Americans' taxes.
"More important, my sense is that a lot of conventional political wisdom still assumes
that proposals to sharply raise taxes on the wealthy are too left-wing for American voters."
It's just shocking to me that conservative voters supposedly hate liberal elites, yet refuse
continuously to tax the mega rich and/or ignore the tax cuts for those households. Do they
not see the hypocrisy they're being fed by Fox News?
I know that it's inconvenient, but the US Constituion prohibits a direct tax that is not
apportioned among the states on the basis of population. Hard to see how Ms. Warren's "plan"
meets this standard. Serious presidential candidates need to propose plans that actually have
a chance to work. After what we're experiencing now, we don't need four additional years of
@Mkm Can you give any arguments as to why this is unconstitutional, or a source as to when
it was declared so? Note that once (ie, just a few generations ago) abhorrent laws concerning
voting rights and segregation were considered just fine.
@Paul Wortman We indeed tend to believe that the poor and lower middle class must be
(more) ignorant, and as such easier victims of the GOP's massive fake news campaigns. Studies
show however that a majority of those earning less than $100,000 a year voted for Hillary,
whereas a small majority of those earning more than that voted for Trump. That's because her
platform included VERY clear and urgent, fact-based measures that would have helped the poor
and middle class, after Obama already made serious progress on these issues (a public option
added to Obamacare, and many other things). So imho the only ones risking "forgetting" about
the needs of the 99% when it comes to voting, are those who don't carefully fact-check
politicians' achievements and campaign agenda, before voting (or deciding not to vote)
@BC The current standard deduction of $12K for single people means that the first $12K is
not taxed ($24K joint) which means that your wish has already come true.
Fundamentally, a fallacy of modern American society is a perversion of the golden rule.
Let's call it "tax not lest ye be taxed." Even though the electorate will never in their
wildest dreams make this kind of income, their wildest dreams persist. And thus they will not
permit the thought of "unfair" taxation on the ultra-rich, using all the talking points the
richest 1% have lobbied deep into our political system at every level.
At this stage in our history when wealth hasn't been more concentrated, raising taxes on
the ultra-rich is exactly what populism is about. Think TR and FDR, not DJT.
@Ronald B. Duke, I think I remember people saying that during the civil rights movement
too. Be patient. You'll get what you want by'n'by. Waiting for dynastic fortunes trickle away
is sort of like waiting for the mountain to be worn away by the wind. It's not gonna happen
in our lifetime. There's always a reason for not depriving the wealthy of any part of their
fortunes. Each time we fail to do that, the need to do it becomes more dire. Things just
don't get better by waiting for someone to voluntarily or even accidentally, divest
themselves of money or power. It can be done by legislation, and that's better than by
revolution. And, you know, the wealth accumulation has already begun. What has to happen now
is to keep it from falling over and crushing all of us (Make that almost all of
@Rockets Pual Krugman is almost surely right about incentives on the individual level
since few of us will hold off just because the second $50 MM is slightly less lucrative. Buts
its funny how he ignores the macroeconomic effect. If the Bezos tax bill was $1 billion, I
think we agree it would come exclusively out of savings. *IF* the government simply used the
proceeds to reduce spending (below some credible prior baseline) then the net effect on
national savings is zero; interest rates unchanged, economic activity unaffected, and so on.
But if the government spends the money (as seems likely under President Warren) then national
savings is reduced and the fed will (in the current environment) probably feel obliged to
push back against a stimulative fiscal policy with a restrictive monetary policy: higher
rates, less investment, less consumer spending, etc. So Bezos has no incentive to invest less
but as a nation we will do just that. Is that good? Maybe - it would have been great in 2009.
Seems to merit a discussion.
The 2020 campaign for POTUS is shaping up to be very interesting. That is, if Trump makes
it. Combine Warren and Harris we would have a great team. Warren adds specifics with
intellectual heft and Harris inspires us with her open, honest and intelligent persona. Just
need to find room for Amy K. on that team.
This is far better than changing the rate on capital gains, which would tend to punish
middle class retirees for having invested over the years (Mr. Rattner's proposal today) and,
I think, would be difficult for the uber-wealthy to avoid. I'm not sure that $50 million is
the correct starting point (perhaps a meager $25 million of net worth should be taxed) but
this is a brilliant new concept that offers promise of slowing wealth inequality while not
terribly constraining the wealthy.
In reading this column and the associated comments, there seems to be one glaring
omission: the necessity of overturning the Citizens United decision which provides the
ultra-rich avenues to continually push their lower taxes agenda by hiring hoards of
lobbyists, by "buying" politicians with campaign contributions, by funding misleading and
excessive political advertising, and by controlling various media outlets that are little
more than propaganda mills. Until Citizens United is overturned much-needed, rational
progressive taxation reforms have little chance of becoming reality, and with the current
composition of the Supreme Court overturning this decision is unfortunately extremely
@Yabasta Yeah, Dr. Krugman must have sustained a hit to the head since 2016 and would not
recognize a photo of Hillary Clinton if it was flashed before him. His incessant savaging of
Bernie was positively embarrassing to witness and never adequately explained. Only goes to
show you that our much vaunted reason is designed to justify our emotions and that even Nobel
laureates have deep subconscious axes to grind.
Under Eisenhower marginal tax rates were approximately 90%. This "Greatest Generation"
built the interstate system. We can't even maintain the interstate system we have let alone
build a new one. Our national-level political system is dominated by the rich. Our economic
policies are totally skewed towards the rich. Our educational system is biased towards the
rich. We've let capitalism trump democracy. If making America Great Again means taxing the
rich back into reality, I have no problem with that. My only annoyance with Mr. Krugman's
essay is his monomaniacal avoidance of saying the word, "Sanders." What's that
This makes perfect sense to me. Under Senator Warren's plan households with more than $50
million of annual income would pay a 2% wealth surcharge. I can't imagine this would have any
significant effect on any of the 75,000 wealthiest U.S. households. I'd much rather see
Michael Bloomberg and his financial peers support broader efforts to make college free or
reduce student debt levels than make more lavish gifts to elite institutions like John
cks, broken promises, scandal. and a presidency in trouble – all pushed Bill Clinton
into taking a brand new tack: triangulation. In addition to the definition of triangulation
offered by Dick Morris in his Frontline appearance on PBS, here is a quote from his book:
"The idea behind triangulation is to work hard to solve the problems that motivate the other
party's voters, so as to defang them politically The essence of triangulation is to use your
party's solutions to solve the other side's problems. Use your tools to fix their car." The
problem with that is that triangulation has not quite worked out that way. "Their car" wasn't
what was actually being fixed. What the "tools" did address, however, were the goals of the
Republican party.
@Jonathan....Current S+P 500 dividend yield is 2.02%. That would provide cash to cover
most of the wealth tax. A wealth tax might impact the market for high end art and
collectibles, but that is probably a very small fraction of total wealth.
@Duane McPherson I realize Warren may have some limitations re emotional appeal (also re
men not wanting to vote for a woman), which is why I said I put her "at the top of my list
for Dems, SO FAR." I'll see how this plays out on the campaign trail. Someone else may emerge
who has both the smarts and the charisma- or Warren may find an emotional niche. Time will
@Phyliss Dalmatian I'm afraid Sherrod is not liberal enough. Nowadays, if you talk about
bi-partisanship and reaching across the aisle, you're talking about making a deal with the
This is a pie pie-in-the-sky comment, but I'll stand by the overall premise based on our
history. It's all about the velocity of money and resources. You have to spend it to grow it.
Infrastructure also includes 100% healthcare cradle to grave, baseline living standards,
Social Security clean water, clean air, clean power, full education, etc. Infrastructure is
the key to everything throughout history, period. Close all tax loop holes. Reduce all
business taxes by at least half or more. Create a progressive tax rate starting at 0% raised
all the way to 80% up the ladder. If you don't like it, renounce your citizenship with all of
what that entails and leave. Completely get rid of the cap on Social Security. Everyone
except those at the 0% tax rate pays in 7%. That is fair. Make the business contribution 3%
of the first $100,000 Reinstate a stronger set of anti-trust guard rails. Re-instate a
stronger form of Glass/Steagle. Reinstate a stronger Fairness Doctrine Realize that a
corporation is NOT a person and if we think they are, subject them to the 13th amendment
regarding one person owning another. They also are not allowed participate in anything of a
political nature, in any way shape or form. Period. Full stop. Invest in the poor and middle
classes in all ways. Raising standards from the bottom up raises all boats. It's not "trickle
down" it's "trickle up". It's all about the velocity of money. You have to spend it to grow
it. We can do this in this country.
Why do by indirection what is better done directly? Income tax rates should be adjusted to
push the marginal rate to a percentage needed to produce the estimated revenue from Warren's
proposal. This would (1) not require creation of a new beauracracy and a new wealth tax code
to administer the new wealth tax, (2) not create incentives for lawyers and accounts to
redefine net worth and would (3) not change incentives for investments by wealthy
individuals, with unknown and unknowable side effects. If we also want to reduce fortunes
directly, enact a truly functional estate tax, not the joke which we have
One other thought, the high tax rates of the 1950s and 1960s carried with them many, many
deductions which are no longer available -- -which were surrendered politically in exchange
for lower overall ages. Maybe something additionally to be considered would be combing
through the tax code and addressing the special interest provisions which conflate social
policy about certain companies/products/goals with tax policy.
@A P As you note, simply giving the money to their foundation can spare them the tax bill.
They don't actually need to have the foundation disburse that much of it. And my casual
impression is that Bill Gates' ability to direct billions through his foundation has
preserved his "social capital" - he is still invited to Davos, can tour Africa with Bono or
the Pope, get his phone calls returned by Important People, get his kids into whatever
college he chooses to endow, hop on private jets to wherever, and so on. As punishments go
forcing him to chair a major foundation is not much.
The government has never proven itself to be a good steward of capital. They will tax and
spend, tax and reallocate, tax and waste. No thanks. Would rather the incentives remain and
America push back against socialist notions. So expected from Krugman.
@CDN Eh? Real estate is already valued every year and taxed accordingly, it's called
property taxes. Art and antiquities are already valued for insurance purposes. It's not
difficulty at all.
@Shiv "I'm completely unable to determine how Jeff Bezos's work building Amazon has caused
me or anyone else to be worse off. In fact, we're all better off." So you know nobody who had
been making a decent living with a bookstore - or in publishing - or in many other small
businesses that have been priced into oblivion by Amazon if they'd been lucky enough to
survive the WalMart effect that came before. Robert Reich in "Supercapitalism" was right. The
consumer side of a person can so easily derange the thinking of the rest of the person. Not
following me? Than picture the dream world of big tech companies with their dreams of
stupendous individual wealth by "disrupting" something where people have been making their
livings. Each wave of disruption leaves people without their jobs. And these days, the chance
of getting into a better-paying job after being disruptive aren't all that terrific if you
look at the statistical outcomes. So is your view of morality served by the relentless push
to undercut older businesses that provided employment, simply because the disrupting model is
"more efficient"? Reconsider what "efficiency" is supposed to accomplish in the bigger
picture of society rather than just shareholder (and top executive) financial
As an authentic Republican, not one of the brigands who hijacked the party as a means to
plunder and pillage, I heartily endorse the Warren proposal. To make it somewhat more
palatable for voters I would suggest it earmark 50% of the revenue generated go to starting
to pay down the national debt. That would mean, using the 2.75 trillion estimate, that in the
first decade we would reclaim from the wealthiest approximately what Republicans gave away in
the deficit-financed tax cuts of 2017. In effect having had an interest-free loan from us for
a decade they would return the cash we have been paying interest on. Would be quite big of
them, actually.
@Alice It's not as if we ignore which tax loopholes for the wealthiest have to be closed
and how to do so, you know. Democrats have been trying to do this for quite some time
already, but the GOP blocks it. And Obamacare already includes a tax increase for the
wealthiest - that's one of the reasons why it cuts the deficit by $100 billion, rather than
adding to it. That proves that the wealthiest DNC donors and Democrats (such as Obama
himself, and Pelosi) FULLY agree to increase their own taxes. Conclusion: cynicism never
helped us move forward, fact-checking does ... ;-)
@Vink Why do you think they all own a dozen sprawling properties scattered around the
globe? They are all Bond villain wannabes never far from a secret citadel. I hope they've got
plenty of toilet paper on hand for the siege.
@Michael Blazin You think that... why? It's not at all clear. But it is clear that the law
could be written so that any transaction could be taxed. So unless the billionaires want to
hide their money under their mattresses.....
A progressive wealth tax is an"idea whose time has come". See Piketty, Thomas. Capital in
the Twenty-First Century . Harvard University Press. Use the revenue generated for
infrastructure repair.
@Blue Moon As far as Social Security and Medicare, all we have to do to fix that is tax
the millionaires' income the same as we do the peon- every dime that goes in their overseas
accounts should be taxed, same as the rest of us.
There are numerous holes in this proposal, none of which have anything to do with "greed".
1. What Krugman, Saez and Zucman fail to mention is that Denmark repealed its wealth tax in
1996 and Sweden repealed its wealth tax more than a decade ago. Not hard to understand why --
it is ultimately a self-defeating tax policy that just drives wealth out of your economy.
Krugman doesn't mention that Saez and Zucman's basic premise is that every country has to
implement a wealth tax for it to work, which is never going to happen. 2. Warren's proposal
is blatantly unconstitutional as a direct tax, so she would need to garner the political
support not just to pass the tax but amend the constitution similar to what was done for the
income tax. Highly unlikely. The bottom line is that the only way to actually pay for all of
the middle-class goodies that Democrats want to be provided by the Federal government (free
college, Medicare for all, free daycare, paid leave) is to tax the middle-class like what
they do in Sweden and Denmark through VAT and much lower income tax thresholds. Of course,
once everyone figures that out, those proposals won't poll nearly as well, which is why AOC
is now claiming that it will be magically paid for through the hocus-pocus of Modern Monetary
For Warren's tax proposal that "wouldn't lead to large-scale evasion if the tax applied to
all assets and was adequately enforced ..." the IRS needs more staff and a bigger budget.
Past Republican congresses have purposely gutted the agency's audit and enforcement
capabilities at the direction of the very interests Warren's proposal targets.
"Would such a plan be feasible? Wouldn't the rich just find ways around it?" The most
likely way around it would be to bribe Congress not to vote for it. Isn't that why they
The United States national election is now only three months away and it should be expected
that the out-and-out lies emanating from both parties will increase geometrically as the
polling date nears. One of the more interesting claims regarding the election itself is the
White House assertion that large scale voting by mail will permit fraud, so much so that the
result of the voting will be unreliable or challenged. To be sure, it is not as if voter fraud
is unknown in the United States. The victory of John F. Kennedy 1960 presidential election has
often been credited to all the graveyards in Mayor Richard Daley's Chicago voting to swing
Illinois into the Democratic camp.
The Democrats are insisting that voting by mail is perfectly safe and reliable, witness the
use of absentee ballots for many years. The assertions by Democratic Party-affiliated voting
officials in several states and also from friends on the federal level have been played in the
media to confirm that fraud in elections has been insignificant recently. That may be true, up
until now.
The Democrats, of course, have an agenda. For reasons that are not altogether clear, they
believe that voting by mail would benefit them primarily, so they are pushing hard for their
supporters to register in their respective states and cast their ballots at the local mail box.
Nevertheless, there should be some skepticism whenever a major American political party wants
something. In this case, the Democrats are likely assuming that people at lower income levels
who will most likely vote for them cannot be bothered to register and vote if it requires
actually going somewhere to do it. They have spoken of "expansion of voting," presumably to
their benefit. The mail is a much easier option.
A Fox News host
has rejected the impelling logic behind the mail option, saying "Can't we just have this
one moment to vote for one candidate every four years, and show up and put a ballot in without
licking an envelope or pressing on a stamp? If you can shop for food, if you can buy liquor,
you can vote once every four years."
The fundamental problem with the arguments coming from both sides is that there is no
national system in the United States for registering and voting. Elections are run at state
level and the individual states have their own procedures. The actual ballots also differ from
voting district to voting district. To determine what safeguards are actually built into the
system is difficult as how electoral offices actually function is considered sensitive
information by many, precisely because it might reveal vulnerabilities in the process.
To determine how one might actually vote illegally, I reviewed the process required for
registering and voting by mail in my own state of Virginia. In Virginia one can both register
and vote without any human contact at all. The registration process can be accomplished by
filling out an online form, which is
linked here . Note particularly the following: the form requires one to check the box
indicating U.S. citizenship. It then asks for name and address as well as social security
number, date of birth and whether one has a criminal record or is otherwise disqualified to
vote. You then have to sign and date the document and mail it off. Within ten days, you should
receive a voter's registration card for Virginia which you can present if you vote in person,
though even that is not required.
But also note the following: no documents have to presented to support the application,
which means that all the information can be false. You can even opt out of providing a social
security number by indicating that you have never been issued one, even though the form
indicates that you must have one to be registered, and you can also submit a temporary address
by claiming you are "homeless." Even date of birth information is useless as the form does not
ask where you were born, which is how birth records are filed by state and local governments.
Ultimately, it is only the social security number that validates the document and that is what
also appears on the Voter's ID Card, but even that can be false or completely fabricated, as
many illegal immigrant workers in the U.S. have discovered.
In a state like Virginia, the actual mail-in ballot requires your signature and that of a
witness, who can be anyone. That is also true in six other states. Thirty-one states only
require your own signature while only three states require that the document be notarized, a
good safeguard since it requires the voter to actually produce some documentation. Seven states
require your additional signature on the ballot envelope and two states require that a
photocopy of the voter ID accompany the ballot. In other words, the safeguards in the system
vary from state to state but in most cases, fraud would be relatively easy.
And then there is the issue of how the election commissions in the states will be
overwhelmed by tens of thousands of mail-in ballots that they might be receiving in November.
That overload would minimize whatever manual checking of names, addresses and social security
numbers might otherwise take place. Jim Bovard has speculated how
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"The American political system may be on the eve of its worst legitimacy crisis since the
Civil War. Early warning signals indicate that many states could suffer catastrophic failures
in counting votes in November Because of the pandemic, many states are switching primarily to
mail-in voting even though experiences with recent primaries were a disaster. In New York
City, officials are
still struggling to count mail-in ballots from the June primary. Up to 20% of ballots
'were declared
invalid before even being opened , based on mistakes with their exterior envelopes,' the
Washington Post noted, thanks largely to missing postmarks or signatures. In Wisconsin, more
than 20,000 '
primary ballots were thrown out because voters missed at least one line on the form,
rendering them invalid.' Some states are mailing ballots to all the names on the voting
lists, providing thousands of dead people the chance to vote from the grave."
Add into the witch's cauldron the continued use of easily hacked antiquated voting machines
as well as confusing ballots in many districts, and the question of whether an election can
even be run with expectations of a credible result becomes paramount. President Trump has
several times claimed that the expected surge in mail-in voting could result in "
the most corrupt vote in our nation's history ." Trump is often wrong when he speaks or
tweets spontaneously, but this time he just might be right. gcjohns1971 , 8 hours
This was why the founders required voters to be property owners. You have to have a stake
in the system to have a vote in the system or you will only vote for the property owners'
wealth to be given to you.
joego1 , 8 hours ago
Pretty soon that would mean only Black Rock could vote.
rent slave , 7 hours ago
Some people pay taxes and have wealth without owning property.Plus ,some property owners are nearly indigent and
dependent on government handouts.
Chocura750 , 7 hours ago
Voting by mail gives the elderly and shutins the ability to vote. These are usually
Republican leaning which makes me wonder why the Republicans oppose it. Mail in voting has
been done for years without any problems.
Wild Bill Steamcock , 8 hours ago
I had recently come to the conclusion, and in hind sight its a fairly obvious one that
mail-in voting is no more prone to fraud than the electronic voting machines. Hell, it's
easier to manipulate those, at least with the mail in ballots there is a paper trail.
Glad to see the article points this out.
But, the election outcome will be what TPTB want it to be. Voting and elections are too
important to be left to us commoners. ay_arrow
Billy the Poet , 8 hours ago
One would have to have access to electronic voting equipment in order to manipulate the
data. Mail in voter fraud involves nothing more than getting ahold of ballots and sending
them in which sounds like a lower bar. No special access or skills necessary. It could end up
like "we found a box of ballots in the truck of my car" on steroids.
NoDebt , 8 hours ago
Any system run by the corrupt will be compromised.
Let me explain how I see this going down with new mail-in voting this cycle:
Lots of mail-in ballots will come in that are rejected for one reason or another (arrived
too late, had no postmark, signature didn't match, whatever). The Ds will already have
favorable judges lined up ready to overturn those rulings. While those rulings are waiting to
be overturned, thousands more in a similar circumstance will keep mysteriously piling up. The
hand-picked judge will rule them all valid and they will be counted.
Remember when Trump won in '16 they simply stopped reporting results for about 6 hours
from any state anywhere in the US? Went on from about 10pm (when it became obvious Trump was
about to pull off his upset) to about 4am, give or take.
What were they doing in those hours? LOOKING FOR MORE VOTES FOR HILLARY. They couldn't
find or manufacture enough in that time period.
But what if you were to stretch that period of time out not just for hours, but days or
even weeks? Plenty of time to "find" the votes needed to tip the election so that once the
judge rules in their favor, all of the rejected mail-in ballots, plus the number needed to
tip the outcome are in. And once the judge rules, they are ALL in. Not just the technically
questionable ones, but the outright fraudulent ones that were added after the fact.
Billy the Poet , 8 hours ago
It would also be easier to make sure that your loyal constituents remained loyal by
watching them fill out ballots (or filling out ballots for them), rewarding them on the spot
and mailing in the votes.
Much easier than dragging people to the polls and hoping that they stick around long
enough and manage to pull the right lever.
You could go door to door and buy blank ballots and do the same thing. If people are
willing to sell EBT cards they'd probably be willing to sell their ballot.
bIlluminati , 5 hours ago
Even easier. See that ballots from known Republican strongholds don't get postmarked, or,
if postmarked, never make it to their destination. Or Demonrat votes. Or open envelopes to
see how they voted, and replace the ones that voted "the wrong way". President Trump could
get as few as 50 million votes if the Dims want a landslide, and blame it on corona.
GoozieCharlie , 6 hours ago
In 2016 I was amazed (but not surprised) at the school buses full of adult coloreds
tooling around on secondary roads near the triple point where OH, MI, and IN come together,
on the Monday before election day. Also, i'd never seen so many coloreds in the convenience
stores in that very lily white area.
NeitherStirredNorShaken , 8 hours ago
The entire voting process including electorate is one massive fraud. Are people that vote
and participate pretending they live in some kind of Democracy really believing the
And you're making fun of the of so called woke retards?
Here's what happens in a rigged vote when a recount is ordered. 10,000 voting machines
burn in a warehouse fire the same night the recount is court ordered.
Anyone who militates against the integrity of the electoral process is a traitor, nothing
The disloyal opposition's efforts to render this nation's electoral system a Third World
burlesque, by qualifying to vote millions, if not tens of millions, of illegals and by
advocating the wanton distribution of mail in ballots, constitutes the felonious
disenfranchisement of natural born citizens - an act of treason.
CatInTheHat , 6 hours ago
Blatant election fraud in Broward county Florida..
"... Greenwald went on, after that, to discuss other key appointees by Nancy Pelosi who are almost as important as Adam Smith is, in shaping the Government's military budget. They're all corrupt. ..."
"... Numerous polls (for examples, this and this ) show that American voters, except for the minority of them that are Republican, want "bipartisan" government; but the reality in America is that this country actually already does have that: the U.S. Government is actually bipartisanly corrupt, and bipartisan evil. In fact, it's almost unanimous, it is so bipartisan, in reality. ..."
"... That's the way America's Government actually functions, especially in the congressional votes that the 'news'-media don't publicize. However, since it lies so much, and its media (controlled also by its billionaires) do likewise, and since they cover-up instead of expose the deepest rot, the public don't even know this. They don't know the reality. They don't know how corrupt and evil their Government actually is. They just vote and pay taxes. That's the extent to which they actually 'participate' in 'their' Government. They tragically don't know the reality. It's hidden from them. It is censored-out, by the editors, producers, and other management, of the billionaires' 'news'-media. These are the truths that can't pass through those executives' filters. These are the truths that get filtered-out, instead of reported. No democracy can function this way -- and, of course, none does. ..."
"... The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society , and we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings . ..."
"... But we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding it's fear of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections , on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. It's preparations are concealed, not published. It's mistakes are buried, not headlined. It's dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned. No rumor is printed. No secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War in short with a wartime discipline, no democracy would ever hope or wish to match. ..."
The great investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald gave an hour-long lecture on how
America's billionaires control the U.S. Government, and here is an edited summary of its
opening twenty minutes, with key quotations and assertions from its opening -- and then its
broader context will be discussed briefly:
2:45 : There is "this huge cleavage between how members of Congress present themselves,
their imagery and rhetoric and branding, what they present to the voters, on the one hand, and
the reality of what they do in the bowels of Congress and the underbelly of Congressional
proceedings, on the other. Most of the constituents back in their home districts have no idea
what it is that the people they've voted for have been doing, and this gap between belief and
reality is enormous."
Four crucial military-budget amendments were debated in the House just now, as follows:
to block Trump from withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.
to block Trump from withdrawing 10,000 troops from Germany
to limit U.S. assistance to the Sauds' bombing of Yemen
to require Trump to explain why he wants to withdraw from the Intermediate Nuclear
Forces Treaty
On all four issues, the pro-imperialist position prevailed in nearly unanimous votes -
overwhelming in both Parties. Dick Cheney's daughter, Republican Liz Cheney, dominated the
debates, though the House of Representatives is now led by Democrats, not Republicans.
Greenwald (citing other investigators) documents that the U.S. news-media are in the
business of deceiving the voters to believe that there are fundamental differences between the
Parties. "The extent to which they clash is wildly exaggerated" by the press (in order to pump
up the percentages of Americans who vote, so as to maintain, both domestically and
internationally, the lie that America is a democracy -- actually represents the interests of
the voters).
16:00 : The Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee -- which writes the nearly $750B
annual Pentagon budget -- is the veteran (23 years) House Democrat Adam Smith of Boeing's
Washington State.
"The majority of his district are people of color." He's "clearly a pro-war hawk" a
consistent neoconservative, voted to invade Iraq and all the rest.
"This is whom Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats have chosen to head the House Armed
Services Committee -- someone with this record."
He is "the single most influential member of Congress when it comes to shaping military
He was primaried by a progressive Democrat, and the "defense industry opened up their
coffers" and enabled Adam Smith to defeat the challenger.
That's the opening.
Greenwald went on, after that, to discuss other key appointees by Nancy Pelosi who are
almost as important as Adam Smith is, in shaping the Government's military budget. They're all
corrupt. And then he went, at further length, to describe the methods of deceiving the voters,
such as how these very same Democrats who are actually agents of the billionaires who own the
'defense' contractors and the 'news' media etc., campaign for Democrats' votes by emphasizing
how evil the Republican Party is on the issues that Democratic Party voters care far more about
than they do about America's destructions of Iraq and Syria and Libya and Honduras and Ukraine,
and imposing crushing economic blockades (sanctions) against the residents in Iran, Venezuela
and many other lands. Democratic Party voters care lots about the injustices and the sufferings
of American Blacks and other minorities, and of poor American women, etc., but are satisfied to
vote for Senators and Representatives who actually represent 'defense' contractors and other
profoundly corrupt corporations, instead of represent their own voters. This is how the most
corrupt people in politics become re-elected, time and again -- by deceived voters. And -- as
those nearly unanimous committee votes display -- almost every member of the U.S. Congress is
profoundly corrupt.
Furthermore: Adam Smith's opponent in the 2018 Democratic Party primary was Sarah Smith (no
relation) and she tried to argue against Adam Smith's neoconservative voting-record, but
the press-coverage she received in her congressional district ignored that, in order to
keep those voters in the dark about the key reality. Whereas Sarah Smith received some coverage
from Greenwald and other reporters at The Intercept who mentioned that "Sarah Smith
mounted her challenge largely in opposition to what she cast as his hawkish foreign policy
approach," and that she "routinely brought up his hawkish foreign policy views and campaign
donations from defense contractors as central issues in the campaign," only very few of the
voters in that district followed such national news-media, far less knew that Adam Smith was in
the pocket of 'defense' billionaires. And, so, the Pentagon's big weapons-making firms defeated
a progressive who would, if elected, have helped to re-orient federal spending away from
selling bombs to be used by the Sauds to destroy Yemen, and instead toward providing better
education and employment-prospects to Black, brown and other people, and to the poor, and
everybody, in that congressional district, and all others. Moreover, since Adam Smith had a
fairly good voting-record on the types of issues that Blacks and other minorities consider more
important and more relevant than such things as his having voted for Bush to invade Iraq, Sarah
Smith really had no other practical option than to criticize him regarding his hawkish
voting-record, which that district's voters barely even cared about. The billionaires actually
had Sarah Smith trapped (just like, on a national level, they had Bernie Sanders trapped).
Of course, Greenwald's audience is clearly Democratic Party voters, in order to inform them
of how deceitful their Party is. However, the Republican Party operates in exactly the same
way, though using different deceptions, because Republican Party voters have very different
priorities than Democratic Party voters do, and so they ignore other types of deceptions and
Numerous polls (for examples,
this and
this ) show that American voters, except for the minority of them that are Republican, want
"bipartisan" government; but the reality in America is that this country actually already does
have that: the U.S. Government is actually bipartisanly corrupt, and bipartisan evil. In
fact, it's almost unanimous, it is so bipartisan, in reality.
That's the way America's
Government actually functions, especially in the congressional votes that the 'news'-media
don't publicize. However, since it lies so much, and its media (controlled also by its
billionaires) do likewise, and since they cover-up instead of expose the deepest rot, the
public don't even know this. They don't know the reality. They don't know how corrupt and evil
their Government actually is. They just vote and pay taxes. That's the extent to which they
actually 'participate' in 'their' Government. They tragically don't know the reality. It's
hidden from them. It is censored-out, by the editors, producers, and other management, of the
billionaires' 'news'-media. These are the truths that can't pass through those executives'
filters. These are the truths that get filtered-out, instead of reported. No democracy can
function this way -- and, of course, none does.
Patmos , 8 hours ago
Eisenhower originally called it the Military Industrial Congressional Complex.
Was probably still when Congress maybe had a few slivers of integrity though.
As McCain's wife said, they all knew about Epstein.
Alice-the-dog , 2 hours ago
And now we suffer the Medical Industrial Complex on top of it.
Question_Mark , 1 hour ago
Klaus Schwab, UN/World Economic Forum - power plant "cyberattack" (advance video to 6:42
to skip intro):
please watch video at least from minute 6:42 at least for a few minutes to get context,
consider its contents, and comment:
Vot3 for trump but don't waste too much energy on the elections. All Trump can do is buy
us time.
Their plan has been in the works for over a century.
1) financial collapse with central banking.
2) social collapse with cultural marxism
3) government collapse with corrupt pedophile politicians.
EndOfDayExit , 7 hours ago
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." -Thomas Jefferson
Humans are just not wired for eternal vigilance. Sheeple want to graze and don't want to
JGResearch , 8 hours ago
Money is just the tool, it goes much deeper:
The Truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far
worse than your darkest visions and fears.'
– Hunter S. Thompson, Kingdom of Fear
'The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are
not behind the scenes' *
- Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
This information helps understand the shift to the bias we are witnessing at The PBS
Newshour and the MSM. PBS has always taken their marching orders from the Council on Foreign
Judy Woodruff, and Jim
Lehrer (journalist, former anchor for PBS ) is a member of the
Council on Foreign Relations. John McCain (United States Republican Senator
from Arizona , 2008
Republican Party nominee for the Presidency), William F. Buckley, Jr
(commentator, publisher, founder of the National Review ), Jeffery E Epstein
The Council on Foreign Relations has historical control both the Democratic establishment
and the Republican establishment until President Trump came along.
Until then they did not care who won the presidency because they control both parties at
the top.
FYI: Hardly one person in 1000 ever heard of the Council on Foreign Relations ( CFR ).
Until Trump both Republicans and Democrats control by the Eastern Establishment.There
operational front was the Council on Foreign Relations. Historically they did not care who
one the election since they controlled both parties from the top.
The CFR has only 3000 members yet they control over three-quarters of the nation's wealth.
The CFR runs the State Department and the CIA. The CFR has placed 100 CFR members in every
Presidential Administration and cabinet since Woodrow Wilson. They work together to misinform
the President to act in the best interest of the CFR not the best interest of the American
At least five Presidents (Eisenhower, Ford, Carter, Bush, and Clinton) have been members
of the CFR. The CFR has packed every Supreme court with CFR insiders.
Three CFR members (Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, and Sandra Day O'Connor) sit on
the supreme court. The CFR's British Counterpart is the Royal Institute of International
Affairs. The members of these groups profit by creating tension and hate. Their targets
include British and American citizens.
The CFR/RIIA method of operation is simple -- they control public opinion. They keep the
identity of their group secret. They learn the likes and dislikes of influential people. They
surround and manipulate them into acting in the best interest of the CFR/RIIA.
KuriousKat , 8 hours ago
there are 550 of them in the US..just boggles the mind they have us at each others throat
instead of theirs.
jmNZ , 3 hours ago
This is why America's only hope is to vote for Ron Paul.
x_Maurizio , 2 hours ago
Let me understand how a system, which is already proven being disfunctional, should
suddenly produce a positive result. That's craziness: to repeate the same action, with the
conviction it will give a different result.
If you would say: "The only hope is NOT TO TAKE PART TO THE FARCE" (so not to vote) I'd
But vot for that, instead of this.... what didn't you understand?
Voice-of-Reason , 6 hours ago
The very fact that we have billionaires who amass so much wealth that they can own our
Republic is the problem.
Eastern Whale , 8 hours ago
all the names mentioned in this article is rotten to the core
MartinG , 5 hours ago
Tell me again how democracy is the greatest form of government. What other profession lets
clueless idiots decide who runs the business.
Xena fobe , 4 hours ago
It isn't the fault of democracy. It's more the fault of voters.
quikwit , 3 hours ago
I'd pick the "clueless idiots" over an iron-fisted evil genius every time.
_triplesix_ , 8 hours ago
Am I the only one who noticed that Eric Zuesse capitalized the word "black" every time he
used it?
F**k you, Eric, you Marxist trash.
BTCtroll , 7 hours ago
Confirmed. Blacks are apparently a proper noun despite being referred to as simply a
color. In reality, no one cares. Ask anyone, they don't care expert black lies matter.
freedommusic , 4 hours ago
The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society , and we are as a people,
inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret
proceedings .
And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be
seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official
censorship and concealment.
Our way of life is under attack.
But we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies
primarily on covert means for expanding it's fear of influence, on infiltration instead of
invasion, on subversion instead of elections , on intimidation instead of free choice, on
guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast
human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine
that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political
operations. It's preparations are concealed, not published. It's mistakes are buried, not
headlined. It's dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned. No
rumor is printed. No secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War in short with a wartime
discipline, no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.
...I am asking the members of the newspaper profession and the industry in this country
to re-examine their own responsibilities, to consider the degree and the nature of the
present danger, and to heed the duty of self restraint, which that danger imposes upon us
It is the unprecedented nature of this challenge that also gives rise to your second
obligation and obligation which I share, and that is our obligation to inform and alert the
American people, to make certain that they possess all the facts that they need and
understand them as well, the perils, the prospects, the purposes of our program, and the
choices that we face.
I am not asking your newspapers to support an administration, but I am asking your help
in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people, for I have complete
confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens, whenever they are fully
... that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment. The only business in
America specifically protected by the constitution, not primarily to amuse and entertain,
not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply give the public what it
wants, but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to
indicate our crises, and our choices, to lead, mold, educate, and sometimes even anger,
public opinion.
This is a golden opportunity, universal mail-in ballots, for the US to transition
back to hand written ballots, counted by hand in public (masked, gloved and shielded,
open air, social distancing) and accepting of all writeins for the top position, then safely
held for any future recounts. This could be done precinct by precinct, or via appropriate
other groupings, in a gradual manner, with no deadline as to when the final count would be
tallied (It's the virus, you know; we the public shall be patient). It's doable! Observers
could be chosen by lot (also out in the open). Twelve ought to do it, for each count. No
Brooks Brothers are eligible.
I can't see where this would be anything but simple. A worthy matter to be decided
publicly. You want to protest? This is worth protesting about! Organized by the people, for
the people. And not any private firm picking up the ballots. Our long suffering public postal
service is all we need, thank you!
Grieved @ 72 and psychohistorian above that, I hadn't read your two excellent posts when I
gave my bit on mailin ballots, but the same 'weltgeist' seems to be in play.
With the electoral vote being such a bone of contention ever since 2000 in the US, that
top-down orchestration is even in play there, with core freedoms having been usurped as the
power shifts were undertaken.
I would volunteer for this, and I would march for it also. I'm 80 this month - time to
roll up my sleeves!
This is from Lambert's Water Cooler yesterday at nakedcapitalism.com:-
• Imagine the timeline if Democrats had supported hand-marked paper ballots,
hand-counted in public after the 2000 debacle. Now we have a system that's broken because
both parties want the capacity to steal elections. They made their bed .
Also there is a podcast from Barack and Michelle Obama, both pictured. I would not have
recognized her. (The picture of Dorian Grey does come to mind.)
Once again, weltgeist. I only just started reading the Watercooler. Lambert even sadly
mentions the ailing Post Office, after paying appropriate attention to UPS. All other
attention is on Red and Blue: up, up, up. TINA...
This is indeed a very cool thing (kudos to Lambert again):
"...we have two types of immunity: innate immunity, which jumps into action within hours,
sometimes just minutes, of an infection; and adaptive immunity, which develops over days
and weeks . That antibodies decrease once an infection recedes isn't a sign that they are
failing: It's a normal step in the usual course of an immune response. Nor does a waning
antibody count mean waning immunity: The memory B cells that first produced those
antibodies are still around, and standing ready to churn out new batches of antibodies on
demand." • So, even if the bloodstream isn't full of antibodies, the body retains
the recipes for them. That is extremely cool." [my bold]
And from the NYT this comes, so I guess Times readers profit from being mostly 'up'.
"... The objective of the elites was to wrest control of resources eg land and/or timber plus so-called royal warrants that controlled who was allowed to produce, sell export products to who, grab allocation out of the control of the mobs of greedy royal favorites, then into the hands of the new American elites. ..."
"... The bagmen & courtiers grew fat at the expense of the colonists and generally the bagman, who also spied on the locals for obvious reasons, would go back to England once he had made his stash. ..."
"... The American elites wanted and, after the revolution got, the power to control economic development for themselves.Hence the birth of lobbyists simultaneous with the birth of the American nation state. ..."
"... IMO the constitution was about as meaningful to the leaders of the revolution as campaign promises are to contemporary politicians.That is, something to be used as self protection without ever implementing. ..."
I'm always amused, nah that is a little harsh - dumbfounded is more reasonable, when
Americans express dismay that 'their' constitution is not being adhered to by the elites.
The minutiae of American political history hasn't greatly concerned me after a superficial
study at high school, when I realized that the political structure is corrupt and was
designed to facilitate corruption.
The seeming caring & sharing soundbites pushed out by the 'framers' scum such as
Thomas Jefferson was purely for show, an attempt to gather the cannon fodder to one side.
This was simple as the colonial media had been harping on about 'taxation without
representation' for decades.
It wasn't just taxes, in fact for the American based elites that was likely the least of
it. The objective of the elites was to wrest control of resources eg land and/or timber plus
so-called royal warrants that controlled who was allowed to produce, sell export products to
who, grab allocation out of the control of the mobs of greedy royal favorites, then into the
hands of the new American elites.
A well placed courtier would put a bagman into the regional center of a particular colony
(each colony becoming a 'state' post revolution), so that if someone wanted to, I dunno, say
export huge quantities of cotton, the courtier would charge that 'colonial' for getting the
initial warrant, then take a hefty % of the return on the product - all collected by the
on-site bagman then divvied up.
The bagmen & courtiers grew fat at the expense of the colonists and generally the
bagman, who also spied on the locals for obvious reasons, would go back to England once he
had made his stash.
The system was ponderous inaccurate & very expensive. Something had to be done, but
selling revolutionary change to the masses on the basis of the need to enrich the already
wealthy was not likely to be a winner. Consequently the high faulting blather.
The American elites wanted and, after the revolution got, the power to control economic
development for themselves.Hence the birth of lobbyists simultaneous with the birth of the American nation state.
IMO the constitution was about as meaningful to the leaders of the revolution as campaign
promises are to contemporary politicians.That is, something to be used as self protection without ever implementing.
"... No one has benefited from the new rules more than the state of Israel, whose hundreds of support organizations and principal billionaire funders euphemized as the "Israel Lobby" have entrenched pro-Israel donors as the principal financial resources of both major political parties. ..."
The nearly complete corruption of the U.S. republican form of government has largely come
about due to the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court in January 2010 that basically
permitted unlimited donor-spending on political campaigns based on the principle that
providing money, normally through a political action committee (PAC), is a form of free
speech. The decision paved the way for agenda-driven plutocrats and corporations to largely
seize control of the formulation process for certain policies being promoted by the two
national parties.
No one has benefited from the new rules more than the state of Israel, whose hundreds of
support organizations and principal billionaire funders euphemized as the "Israel Lobby" have
entrenched pro-Israel donors as the principal financial resources of both major political
MCC is married to a VC multi-millionaire. To have hubby's business friends throw a couple
hundred grand at her is unsurprising. It's kind of like when your kid has to sell chocolate
bars so the marching band to go to the Thanksgiving Day parade. I doubt she'll get a thousand
votes. It's a lark and great fun to talk about over cocktails with the other Masters of the
But then again Claire Booth Luce was a Congressperson but she had the good taste to run in
Connecticut not the Bronx.
"... the Money Power, which is the collective term for the Central Bank and the "Princely Class" within the Outlaw US Empire. And their critique about Sanders, Biden and "Progressives" I agree with 100%. ..."
I see you're busy spreading BigLies. Please, jump out of your tree onto your head.
"Neofeudalism by design" is today's Keiser
Report Mantra --Max and Stacy present an excellent argument that tries to inform
people about what I call the Money Power, which is the collective term for the Central Bank and the "Princely Class" within the Outlaw US Empire. And their critique about Sanders, Biden
and "Progressives" I agree with 100%.
Update (2030ET) : Surprise! AP is reporting that Joe Biden has won the Illinois Democratic
Primary ... just as WCIA reported... yesterday
* * *
An Illinois news station accidentally aired election day results on Monday showing former
Vice President Joe Biden winning Tuesday 's primary election .
Station WCIA aired the results during a Monday showing of The Price Is Right , indicating
Biden defeating Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) by over 93,000 votes.
"While watching The Price is Right our station accidentally runs tomorrow's election results
its [sic] Monday our election in Illinois is tomorrow," said Sherry Daughtery, who posted a
video of the incident. Station Bureau Chief Mark Maxwell said that it was nothing more than a
"routine test" rehearsal, and that airing the dry run was an error, according to
Breitbart News .
We do routine test rehearsals before every election to make sure the graphics work
properly and to give directors some practice. The error was in putting the dry run on air.
That shouldn't have happened and we're looking into it. Obviously, we never intended to give
the wrong information or wrong impression . None of those numbers were based on any real
polling returns. Since your post is being widely shared, I'd appreciate it if you would
consider updating the original post so people don't get the wrong idea. -Mark Maxwell via
Sherry Daughtery
Why does this seem to happen just about every election?
Half Of Young American Democrats Believe Billionaires Do More Harm Than Good by
Tyler Durden Sun,
03/15/2020 - 21:25 With income inequality the political hot potato du-jour and wealth
concentration at its most extreme since the roaring twenties, is it any wonder that even
Americans' view of what used to be called 'success' is now tainted with the ugly taste of
partisan 'not-fair'-ism.
Income inequality is roaring...
Wealth concentration is extreme to say the least...
But still,
according to Pew Research's latest survey , when asked about the impact of billionaires on
the country, nearly four-in-ten adults under age 30 (39%) say the fact that some have fortunes
of a billion dollars or more is a bad thing...
...with 50% of young Democrats.
"The recent reigning conventional wisdom over the last several decades of what I call the
'Age of Capital' is that [billionaires] are 'up there' because they are smarter than us," said
Anand Giridharadas, author of "Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World."
But the Pew data, he says, suggest that young Americans are concluding that billionaires
have amassed their wealth "through their rigging of the tax code, through legal political
bribery, through their tax avoidance in shelters like the Cayman Islands, and through
lobbying for public policy that benefits them privately. "
"Bernie Sanders taught a lot of people [about wealth inequality], including people who did
not vote for him," Giridharadas said.
"The billionaire class is 'up there' because they are standing on our backs pinning us
The good news - for the rest of America's "capitalists" - is that a majority (58%) say the
impact of billionaires on America is neither bad nor good.
Finally, one quick question - where were all these under-30s when Bernie needed them the
most in the Primaries? Was it all just virtue-signaling pro-socialist bullshit after all?
Sanders never had a chance because he represents the majority on almost every issue. That is
not acceptable to a democratic party joined at the hip to the republican party, both
completely subservient to monied interests.
Exits polls in SC, CA, and MA showed large discrepancies in Biden's favor, well out of the
margin of error. If the vote count reflected the exit polls Sanders would be well ahead in
delegates. The US uses exit polls as a test of validity of foreign elections, but for some
reason does not apply that methodology here. Duh.
Nothing new here. In 2006 Clinton Curtis testified in congress about election hacking in
Ohio in 2004 where exits polls were wildly different than the final count. The Iowa caucus
app debacle was a more visible demonstration of the hacking. No need for superdelegates now,
Sleepy Joe has been selected to assure another 4 years of Trump or Trump-like policies.
Looks like DNC run a pretty sophisticated smear campaign against Sanders ...
Notable quotes:
"... It really isn't about who the candidates are – hurtful as that may sound to some in our identity-saturated times. It is about what the candidate might try to do once in office. In truth, the very fact that nowadays we are allowed to focus on identity to our heart's content should be warning enough that the establishment is only too keen for us to exhaust our energies in promoting divisions based on those identities ..."
"... The Republican and Democratic leaderships are there to ensure that, before a candidate gets selected to compete in the parties' name, he or she has proven they are power-friendly. Two candidates, each vetted for obedience to power. ..."
The Democratic presidential nomination race is a fascinating case study in how power works
– not least, because the Democratic party leaders are visibly contriving to impose one
candidate, Joe Biden, as the party's nominee, even as it becomes clear that he is no longer
mentally equipped to run a local table tennis club let alone the world's most powerful
Biden's campaign is a reminder that power is indivisible. Donald Trump or Joe Biden for
president – it doesn't matter to the power-establishment. An egomaniacal man-child
(Trump), representing the billionaires, or an elder suffering rapid neurological degeneration
(Biden), representing the billionaires, are equally useful to power. A woman will do too, or a
person of colour. The establishment is no longer worried about who stands on stage
– so long as that person is not a Bernie Sanders in the US, or a Jeremy Corbyn in the
It really isn't about who the candidates are – hurtful as that may sound to some in
our identity-saturated times. It is about what the candidate might try to do once in office. In
truth, the very fact that nowadays we are allowed to focus on identity to our heart's content
should be warning enough that the establishment is only too keen for us to exhaust our energies
in promoting divisions based on those identities. What concerns it far more is that we might
overcome those divisions and unify against it, withdrawing our consent from an establishment
committed to endless asset-stripping of our societies and the planet.
Neither Biden nor Trump will obstruct the establishment, because they are at its very heart.
The Republican and Democratic leaderships are there to ensure that, before a candidate gets
selected to compete in the parties' name, he or she has proven they are power-friendly. Two
candidates, each vetted for obedience to power.
Although a pretty face or a way with words are desirable, incapacity and incompetence are no
barrier to qualifying, as the two white men groomed by their respective parties demonstrate.
Both have proved they will favour the establishment, both will pursue near-enough the
same policies , both are committed to the status quo, both have demonstrated their
indifference to the future of life on Earth. What separates the candidates is not real
substance, but presentation styles – the creation of the appearance of difference, of
Policing the debate
The subtle dynamics of how the Democratic nomination race is being rigged are interesting.
Especially revealing are the ways the Democratic leadership protects establishment power by
policing the terms of debate: what can be said, and what can be thought; who gets to speak and
whose voices are misrepresented or demonised. Manipulation of language is key.
As I pointed out in my previous post , the
establishment's power derives from its invisibility. Scrutiny is kryptonite to
The only way we can interrogate power is through language, and the only way we can
communicate our conclusions to others is through words – as I am doing right now. And
therefore our strength – our ability to awaken ourselves from the trance of power –
must be subverted by the establishment, transformed into our Achilles' heel, a weakness.
The treatment of Bernie Sanders and his supporters by the Democratic establishment –
and those who eagerly repeat its talking points – neatly illustrates how this can be done
in manifold ways.
Remember this all started back in 2016, when Sanders committed the unforgivable sin of
challenging the Democratic leadership's right simply to anoint Hillary Clinton as the party's
presidential candidate. In those days, the fault line was obvious and neat: Bernie was a man,
Clinton a woman. She would be the first woman president. The only party members who might wish
to deny her that historic moment, and back Sanders instead, had to be misogynist men. They were
supposedly venting their anti-women grudge against Clinton, who in turn was presented to women
as a symbol of their oppression by men.
And so was born a meme: the "Bernie Bros". It rapidly became shorthand for suggesting
– contrary to all evidence
– that Sanders' candidacy appealed chiefly to angry, entitled white men. In fact, as
Sanders' 2020 run has amply demonstrated, support for him has been more diverse than for the
many other Democratic candidates who sought the nomination.
So important what @ewarren is saying to @maddow about the
dangerous, threatening, ugly faction among the Bernie supporters. Sanders either cannot or
will not control them. pic.twitter.com/LYDXlLJ7bi
How contrived the 2016 identity-fuelled contest was should have been clear, had anyone been
allowed to point that fact out. This wasn't really about the Democratic leadership respecting
Clinton's identity as a woman. It was about them paying lip service to her identity as a
woman, while actually promoting her because she was a reliable warmonger
Wall Street functionary . She was useful to power.
If the debate had really been driven by identity politics, Sanders had a winning card too:
he is Jewish. That meant he could be the United States' first Jewish president. In a fair
identity fight, it would have been a draw between the two. The decision about who should
represent the Democratic party would then have had to be decided based on policies, not
identity. But party leaders did not want Clinton's actual policies, or her political history,
being put under the microscope for very obvious reasons.
Weaponisation of identity
The weaponisation of identity politics is even more transparent in 2020. Sanders is still
Jewish, but his main opponent, Joe Biden, really is simply a privileged white man. Were the
Clinton format to be followed again by Democratic officials, Sanders would enjoy an identity
politics trump card. And yet Sanders is still being presented as just another white male
candidate , no different from Biden.
(We could take this argument even further and note that the other candidate who no one,
least of all the Democratic leadership, ever mentions as still in the race is Tulsi
Gabbard, a woman of colour. The Democratic party has worked hard to make her as
invisible as possible in the primaries because, of all the candidates, she is the most
vocal and articulate opponent of foreign wars. That has deprived her of the chance to raise
funds and win delegates.)
. @DanaPerino I'm not quite sure why
you're telling FOX viewers that Elizabeth Warren is the last female candidate in the Dem
primary. Is it because you believe a fake indigenous woman of color is "real" and the real
indigenous woman of color in this race is fake? pic.twitter.com/VKCxy2JzFe
Sanders' Jewish identity isn't celebrated because he isn't useful to the
power-establishment. What's far more important to them – and should be to us too –
are his policies, which might limit their power to wage war, exploit workers and trash the
But it is not just that Democratic Party leaders are ignoring Sanders' Jewish identity. They
are also again actively using identity politics against him, and in many different
The 'black' establishment?
Bernie Sanders' supporters have been complaining for some time – based on mounting
evidence – that the Democratic leadership is far from neutral between Sanders and Biden.
Because it has a vested interest in the outcome, and because it is the part of the
power-establishment, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is exercising its influence in
favour of Biden. And because power prefers darkness, the DNC is doing its best to exercise that
power behind the scenes, out of sight – at least, unseen by those who still rely on the
"mainstream" corporate media, which is also part of the power-establishment. As should be clear
to anyone watching, the nomination proceedings are being controlled to give Biden every
advantage and to obstruct Sanders.
But the Democratic leadership is not only dismissing out of hand these very justified
complaints from Bernie Sanders' supporters but also turning these complaints against them, as
further evidence of their – and his – illegitimacy. A new way of doing this emerged
in the immediate wake of Biden winning South Carolina on the back of strong support from older
black voters – Biden's first state win and a launchpad for his Super Tuesday bid a few
days later.
It was given perfect expression from Symone Sanders, who despite her surname is actually a
senior adviser to Biden's campaign. She is also black. This is what she wrote: "People who keep
referring to Black voters as 'the establishment' are tone deaf and have obviously learned
People who keep referring to Black voters as "the establishment" are tone deaf and have
obviously learned nothing.
-- Symone D. Sanders (@SymoneDSanders) March 3,
Her reference to generic "people" was understood precisely by both sides of the debate as
code for those "Bernie Bros". Now, it seems, Bernie Sanders' supporters are not simply
misogynists, they are potential recruits to the Ku Klux Klan.
The tweet went viral, even though in the fiercely contested back-and-forth below her tweet
no one could produce a single example of anyone actually saying anything like the sentiment
ascribed by Symone Sanders to "Bernie Bros". But then, tackling bigotry was not her real goal.
This wasn't meant to be a reflection on a real-world talking-point by Bernie supporters. It was
high-level gaslighting by a senior Democratic party official of the party's own voters.
Survival of the fittest smear
What Symone Sanders was really trying to do was conceal power – the fact that the DNC
is seeking to impose its chosen candidate on party members. As occurred during the confected
women-men, Clinton vs "Bernie Bros" confrontation, Symone Sanders was field-testing a similar
narrative management tool as part of the establishment's efforts to hone it for improved
effect. The establishment has learnt – through a kind of survival of the fittest smear
– that divide-and-rule identity politics is the perfect way to shield its influence as it
favours a status-quo candidate (Biden or Clinton) over a candidate seen as a threat to its
power (Sanders).
In her tweet, Symone Sanders showed exactly how the power elite seeks to obscure its toxic
role in our societies. She neatly conflated "the establishment" – of which she is a very
small, but well-paid component – with ordinary "black voters". Her message is this:
should you try to criticise the establishment (which has inordinate power to damage lives and
destroy the planet) we will demonise you, making it seem that you are really attacking black
people (who in the vast majority of cases – though Symone Sanders is a notable exception
– wield no power at all).
Symone Sanders has recruited her own blackness and South Carolina's "black voters" as a ring
of steel to protect the establishment. Cynically, she has turned poor black people, as well as
the tens of thousands of people (presumably black and white) who liked her tweet, into human
shields for the establishment.
It sounds a lot uglier put like that. But it has rapidly become a Biden talking-point, as we
can see here:
NEW: @JoeBiden responds to @berniesanders
saying the "establishment" is trying to defeat him.
"The establishment are all those hardworking, middle class people, those African Americans
they are the establishment!" @CBSNews pic.twitter.com/43Q2Nci5sS
The DNC's wider strategy is to confer on Biden exclusive rights to speak for black voters
(despite his
inglorious record on
civil rights issues) and, further, to strip Sanders and his senior black advisers of any
right to do so. When Sanders protests about this, or about racist behaviour from the Biden
camp, Biden's supporters come out in force and often abusively, though of course no one is
upbraiding them for their ugly, violent language. Here is the famous former tennis player
Martina Navratilova showing that maybe we should be talking about "Biden Bros":
Sanders is starting to really piss me off. Just shut this kind of crap down and debate the
issues. This is not it.
This kind of special pleading by the establishment for the establishment –
using those sections of it, such as Symone Sanders, that can tap into the identity politics
zeitgeist – is far more common than you might imagine. The approach is being
constantly refined, often using social media as the ultimate focus group. Symone Sanders'
successful conflation of the establishment with "black voters" follows earlier, clumsier
efforts by the establishment to protect its interests against Sanders that proved far less
Remember how last autumn the billionaire-owned corporate media tried to tell us that it was
unkind to
criticise billionaires – that they had feelings too and that speaking harshly about
them was "dehumanising". Again it was aimed at Sanders, who had just commented that in a
properly ordered world billionaires simply wouldn't exist. It was an obvious point: allowing a
handful of people to control almost all the planet's wealth was not only depriving the rest of
us of that wealth (and harming the planet) but it gave those few billionaires way too much
power. They could buy all the media, our channels of communication, and most of the politicians
to ringfence their financial interests, gradually eroding even the most minimal democratic
That campaign died a quick death because few of us are actually brainwashed enough to accept
the idea that a handful of billionaires share an identity that needs protecting – from
us! Most of us are still connected enough to the real world to understand that billionaires are
more than capable of looking out for their own interests, without our helping them by imposing
on ourselves a vow of silence.
But one cannot fault the power-establishment for being constantly inventive in the search
for new ways to stifle our criticisms of the way it unilaterally exercises its power. The
Democratic nomination race is testing such ingenuity to the limits. Here's a new rule against
"hateful conduct" on Twitter, where Biden's neurological deficit is being subjected to much
critical scrutiny through the sharing of dozens of
videos of embarrassing Biden "senior moments".
Twitter expanding its hateful conduct rules "to include language that dehumanizes on the
basis of age, disability or disease." https://t.co/KmWGaNAG9Z
Yes, disability and age are identities too. And so, on the pretext of protecting and
respecting those identities, social media can now be scrubbed of anything and anyone trying to
highlight the mental deficiencies of an old man who might soon be given the nuclear codes and
would be responsible for waging wars in the name of Americans. Twitter is full of comments
denouncing as "ableist" anyone who tries to highlight how the Democratic leadership is foisting
a cognitively challenged Biden on to the party.
Maybe the Dem insiders are all wrong, but it's true that they are saying it. Some are
saying it out loud, including Castro at the debate and Booker here: https://t.co/0lbi7RFRqG
None of this is to overlook the fact that another variation of identity politics has been
weaponised against Sanders: that of failing to be an "American" patriot. Again illustrating how
closely the Democratic and Republican leaderships' interests align, the question of who is a
patriot – and who is really working for the "Russians" – has been at the heart of
both parties' campaigns, though for different reasons.
Trump has been subjected to endless, evidence-free claims that he is a secret "Russian
agent" in a concerted effort to control his original isolationist foreign policy impulses that
might have stripped the establishment – and its military-industrial wing – of the
right to wage wars of aggression, and revive the Cold War, wherever it believes a profit can be
made under cover of "humanitarian intervention". Trump partly inoculated himself against these
criticisms, at least among supporters, with his "Make America Great Again" slogan, and partly
by learning – painfully for such an egotist – that his presidential role was to
rubber-stamp decisions made elsewhere about waging wars and projecting US power.
I'm just amazed by this tweet, which has been tweeted plenty. Did @_nalexander and all the people
liking this not know that Mueller laid out in the indictments of a number of Russians and in
his report their help on social media to Sanders and Trump. Help Sanders has acknowledged
Bernie Sanders has faced similar smear
efforts by the establishment, including by the DNC's last failed presidential candidate
Hillary Clinton – in his case, painting him as a "Russian asset". ("Asset" is a way to
suggest collusion with the Kremlin based on even more flimsy evidence than is needed to accuse
someone of being an agent.) In fact, in a world where identity politics wasn't simply a tool to
be weaponised by the establishment, there would be real trepidation about engaging in this kind
of invective against a Jewish socialist.
One of the far-right's favourite antisemitic tropes – promoted ever since the
publication of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion more than 100 years ago – is that
Jewish "Bolsheviks" are involved in an
international conspiracy to subvert the countries they live in. We have reached the point
now that the corporate media are happy to recycle evidence-free claims,
cited by the Washington Post, from anonymous "US officials" and US intelligence agencies
reinventing a US version of the Protocols against Sanders. And these smears have elicited not a
word of criticism from the Democratic leadership nor from the usual antisemitism watchdogs that
are so ready to let rip over the slightest signs of what they claim to be antisemitism on the
But the urgency of dealing with Sanders may be the reason normal conventions have been
discarded. Sanders isn't a loud-mouth egotist like Trump. A vote for Trump is a vote for the
establishment, if for one of its number who pretends to be against the establishment. Trump has
been largely tamed in time for a second term. By contrast, Sanders, like Corbyn in the UK, is
more dangerous because he may resist the efforts to domesticate him, and because if he is
allowed any significant measure of political success – such as becoming a candidate for
president – it may inspire others to follow in his footsteps. The system might start to
throw up more anomalies, more AOCs and more Ilhan Omars.
So Sanders is now being cast, like Trump, as a puppet of the Kremlin, not a true American.
And because he made the serious mistake of indulging the "Russiagate" smears when they were
used against Trump, Sanders now has little defence against their redeployment against him. And
given that, by the impoverished standards of US political culture, he is considered an extreme
leftist, it has been easy to conflate his democratic socialism with Communism, and then
conflate his supposed Communism with acting on behalf of the Kremlin (which, of course, ignores
the fact that Russia long ago abandoned Communism).
Sen. Bernie Sanders: "Let me tell this to Putin -- the American people, whether
Republicans, Democrats, independents are sick and tired of seeing Russia and other countries
interfering in our elections." pic.twitter.com/ejcP7YVFlt
There is a final use of weaponised identity politics that the Democratic establishment would
dearly love to use against Sanders, if they need to and can get away with it. It is the most
toxic brand – and therefore the most effective – of the identity-based smears, and
it has been extensively field-tested in the
UK against Jeremy Corbyn to great success. The DNC would like to denounce Sanders as an
In fact, only one thing has held them back till now: the fact that Sanders is Jewish. That
may not prove an insuperable obstacle, but it does make it much harder to make the accusation
look credible. The other identity-based smears had been a second-best, a make-do until a way
could be found to unleash the antisemitism smear.
The establishment has been
testing the waters with implied accusations of antisemitism against Sanders for a while,
but their chances were given a fillip recently when Sanders refused to participate in the
annual jamboree of AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a prominent lobby group
whose primary mission is to ringfence Israel from criticism in the US. Both the Republican and
Democratic establishments turn out in force to the AIPAC conference, and in the past the event
has attracted keynote speeches from Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
But Sanders has refused to attend for decades and maintained that stance this month, even
though he is a candidate for the Democratic nomination. In the last primaries debate, Sanders
justified his decision by rightly
calling Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu a "racist" and by describing AIPAC as
providing a platform "for leaders who express bigotry and oppose basic Palestinian rights".
Trump's Vice-President, Mike Pence,
responded that Sanders supported "Israel's enemies" and, if elected, would be the "most
anti-Israel president in the history of this nation" – all coded suggestions that Sanders
is antisemitic.
But that's Mike Pence. More useful criticism came from billionaire Mike Bloomberg, who is
himself Jewish and was until last week posing as a Democrat to try to win the party's
nomination. Bloomberg accused Sanders of using dehumanising language against a bunch of
inclusive identities that, he improbably suggested, AIPAC represents. He
claimed :
"This is a gathering of 20,000 Israel supporters of every religious denomination,
ethnicity, faith, color, sexual identity and political party. Calling it a racist platform is
an attempt to discredit those voices, intimidate people from coming here, and weaken the
US-Israel relationship."
Where might this head? At the AIPAC conference last week we were given a foretaste. Ephraim
Mirvis, the chief rabbi of the UK and a friend to
Conservative government leader Boris Johnson, was warmly greeted by delegates, including
leading members of the Democratic establishment. He boasted that he and other Jewish leaders in
the UK had managed to damage Jeremy Corbyn's electoral chances by suggesting that he was an
antisemite over his support, like Sanders, for Palestinian rights.
His own treatment of Corbyn, he argued, offered a model for US Jewish organisations to
replicate against any leadership contender who might pose similar trouble for Israel, leaving
it for his audience to pick up the not-so-subtle hint about who needed to be subjected to
character assassination.
WATCH: "Today I issue a call to the Jews of America, please take a leaf out of our book
and please speak with one voice."
The Chief Rabbi speaking to the 18,000 delegates gathered at the @AIPAC General Session at their Policy
Conference in Washington DC pic.twitter.com/BOkan9RA2O
For anyone who isn't wilfully blind, the last few months have exposed the establishment
playbook: it will use identity politics to divide those who might otherwise find a united voice
and a common cause.
There is nothing wrong with celebrating one's identity, especially if it is under threat,
maligned or marginalised. But having an attachment to an identity is no excuse for allowing it
to be coopted by billionaires, by the powerful, by nuclear-armed states oppressing other
people, by political parties or by the corporate media, so that they can weaponise it to
prevent the weak, the poor, the marginalised from being represented.
It is time for us to wake up to the tricks, the deceptions, the manipulations of the strong
that exploit our weaknesses – and make us yet weaker still. It's time to stop being a
patsy for the establishment. Join the debate on
Facebook More articles by: Jonathan Cook
"... One almost feels sorry for Bernie Sanders, who, even at this late stage, still seems to believe that he can drag Joe Biden to the 'left' and secure something/anything? for all those millions of ordinary Americans who supported Bernie's dream of a more just and equal America. ..."
"... Poor Bernie and poor ordinary Americans. It ain't gonna work. Bernie knows that the Demorcratic party has chosen Biden, not him and his political dream is over, once again. ..."
"... With Joe having these " miraculous " wins in the primaries yet bringing nothing new to the table I can only conclude we are set for another 4 yrs of Trumpelstiltskin and his money grubbing ways. ..."
"... Tulsi is inspirational. I'm not talking 'politics' but regarding her willingness to speak truth to corruption. ..."
"... The self-evident externalities of 40 years of unfettered neoliberalism (war, lies, injustice, extreme wealth inequality, etc) now seem to be approaching some sort of explosive end-point. ..."
"... These problems are too entrenched for real politicians to sort out, so what we have instead is a form theatre, albeit a third-rate form of theatre with abysmal actors taking on roles that are far too difficult for them: Trump vs Biden would be the apotheosis this morass. ..."
"... As it turned out, the security state's narrative was easy to pull off because Sander is weak, lacks courage, and was never in it to win it. He never fought back against the DNC. ..."
"... He never called out the cheating in Iowa. There were thousands of volunteers that would be willing to protest on his behalf. Timid Bernie just let it go. ..."
"... Instead Bernie, kept saying "Biden is my good friend" or "Biden can beat Trump." WTF, if Biden can beat Trump then why are you running? Are you campaigning for Biden? ..."
"... The final nail was Tulsi's tweet asking for Biden and Bernie's support for her to right to participate in the next debate. Yang and Marianne Williamson tweeted yes of course, but Bernie was silent. On subsequent mainstream media news appearances Bernie totally ignored Tulsi's candidacy. That was it – Bernie is a lackey – completely intimidated by the DNC. ..."
"... "Former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg is a top contender to head up the World Bank. Bloomberg endorsed Biden immediately after dropping out of the 2020 race. ..."
"... Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts as Treasury secretary. Warren dropped out of the race last week after disappointing losses on Super Tuesday but hasn't yet made an endorsement. Axios reported that Warren's name had been floated as part of an effort to unite the fractured Democratic Party around Biden. Some of Biden's advisers have also suggested Warren as a vice-presidential candidate for that reason. ..."
"... Seems Bernie has reprised his role as sheep dog. Probably the reason the Orwellian DNC unpersoned Tulsi is that she probably refused to play. ..."
"... Hundreds of thousands of ballots in California and Texas were discarded. Warren purposely stayed in the race to screw Bernie in Minnesota and Massachusetts, while Klobuchar and Buttigeg dropped out to prop-up Biden. ..."
"... And as I mentioned, Bernie is his own worst enemy, or as I also speculated he was never in it to win it. ..."
"... Blackmail ? The Clinton campaign exercising leverage over Sanders during the election – Podesta/wikileaks emails. 'This isn't in keeping w the agreement. Since we clearly have some leverage, would be good to flag this for him'. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/47397 ..."
"... Unfortunately. Trump may end up botching the corona crisis and lose, but whoever wins it's going to be four more years of everything getting worse. ..."
"... Some research on 'possible' fraudulent hidden computer counting from first super Tuesday. http://tdmsresearch.com/ ..."
The handful of American citizens who have by some miracle escaped the wave of death caused
by the coronavirus will be braving the toilet-paper maddened crowds to vote in the latest round
of Democratic primaries today.
There's several more rounds of voting before the convention in July, but this is the last
before the next debate on March 15th.
The process is kinda moot at this point.
The weight of the establishment has thrown itself – for some reason – behind Joe
Since his "miraculous"
wins on Super Tuesday we've been treated to dozens of stories praising his "decency", happy
that "angry politics" lost, and calling for the party to "unite
behind" Biden . And that's just The Guardian .
Jonathan Freedland, in his special brand of smug establishment boot-licking, suggested that
Biden being a long-term establishment democrat is his strength in these times of crisis.
You have to wonder if that crisis wasn't awful convenient for Joe, in that instance.
None of the mainstream media have questioned the validity of results or the fairness of the
electoral process, although given the DNC's history you'd be forgiven for doing so.
After Biden's win, Trump immediately went on the offensive (so to speak), questioning
mental acuity . This is likely just a taste of things to come.
Given this, you have to wonder what the point of the exercise is. Biden will likely be
mauled by Trump, so are the Democrats even trying to win? Is the plan for Biden to have "health
problems" before the convention, forcing the DNC to pick its own candidate? Or is the plan to
have him run, win and then get Ned Starked by his vice-president whoever he or (more likely)
she may be?
Whatever the plan turns out to be, progressives and leftists all over America will likely be
disappointed in Bernie. If last time is anything to go by, no matter how obviously he (and more
importantly his voters) get screwed over, Sanders will just let it happen.
It seems like Bernie is a serial offender here. Setting up hope only to fold faster than
Superman on laundry day when the pressure is on. You wonder if he's being used as a tool to
engage the youth vote, or just a puppet designed to funnel all real leftist thinkers into a
political cul-de-sac.
The other Great White Hope of American leftists – or should that be "Great Native
American hope"? – Elizabeth Warren, dropped out last week but is yet to endorse her
fellow "progressive", Bernie Sanders. This could mean she's spiteful, or it could mean she's
angling to be Biden's VP nominee. Either way, no real surprise and no real loss. Warren always
talked a better game than she played and she didn't talk all that well.
Oh, and the DNC changed their debate eligibility rules to exclude
Tulsi Gabbard . Something both the other candidates and the vast majority of the mainstream
media have been quiet about.
Questions arise
Are the democrats really rallying behind Joe Biden? why?! Are they
planning to throw the race? Is Joe Biden going senile? Who will each candidate pick as a
running mate? Will the DNC ever acknowledge Tulsi Gabbard exists?
If Bernie is real; ie. not sheep-dogging for Hillary again, he can prove it by dropping out
immediately and throwing his delegates to Tulsi so she can debate Joe Biden on Sunday; then
watch the fur fly. .last chance for the left.
Seriously, the only positive play left for Bernie, (if positive change is his intent )would
be to immediately drop out and throw a "Hail Tulsi Pass" downfield ahead of the Sunday
michaelk ,
One would imagine that Tulsi Gabbard would tick all the liberal/left boxes and virtues the
Guardian pretends to adore and aspire to. She seems almost too perfect in my eyes another
story perhaps? Anyway, one wonders what all those politically correct and so obvioulsy woke
feminist ladies at the Guardian have against Tulsi? The Guardian seems to have decided that
its future lies overseas, in America, which is very odd for a newspaper/platform based in the
UK? Consequently, they are increasingly obsessed with moving closer and closer to the
Democrat party in the US.
This is like the BBC that keeps talking to Americans about absolutely everything of
importance that happens in the world and seeking their insights and opinions to a truly
remarkably degree, considering how little they know and understand about the rest of the
world and how poor they are at foreign languages and historical knowledge. Christ they know
next to nothing about their own history, let alone the rest of the world! The idea that all
these Americans are authorities on the world is ridiculous.
Harry Stotle ,
The ghosting of Gabbard illustrates how the MSM act in concert, and how they look after their
own, i.e. backing those understand their role as puppets for corporate backers.
It also illustrates how the likes of the Guardian turn identity politics off and on like a
tap, but more importantly how even shibboleths like identity politics are still secondary to
an economic model that has placed us on the road to armegeddon.
Maxine ,
Well, Tulsi is FAR from "too perfect" .She voluntarily took part in the Bush/Cheny invasion
of Iraq .How could anybody with a working mind have believed the lies of these nortorious
criminals? .And what sort of judgement did this show? .Just as bad, she is a big fan of
India's monstrous Right-Wing leader, Modi .Nevertheless, the DNC's throwing her out of the
debate is another hideous sign of its corruption .Like her or not, she should have her
opinions heard by the public.
Maxine ,
Don't get me wrong, I find the Gaurdian as despicable as CNN, MSNBC, FOX, the NYT and the
rest of the American MSM .OffG is a god-send.
Admin2 ,
Thanks Maxine!
michaelk ,
One almost feels sorry for Bernie Sanders, who, even at this late stage, still seems to
believe that he can drag Joe Biden to the 'left' and secure something/anything? for all those
millions of ordinary Americans who supported Bernie's dream of a more just and equal America.
Poor Bernie and poor ordinary Americans. It ain't gonna work. Bernie knows that the
Demorcratic party has chosen Biden, not him and his political dream is over, once again.
Now it's all about stopping the 'monster' Trump first and foremost. The coming election
won't actually be about anything of real substance, nothing like Bernie's political ideas
about healthcare and education; but it'll be a crass referendum about Trump's personality.
Biden, of course, doesn't really have a personality anymore, that's going fast, along with
his mental capacity.
Trump will smash him to pieces and be re-elected again. Four more years,
at least.
Maxine ,
I would have voted for Bernie in 2016 if the DNC hadn't rigged the primary on behalf of
Hillary .But I was overwhelmingly disappointed that he in the end supported her .Sadly, I am
appalled that once again he announced he would support Biden if the latter won the primary
this time. How could he?. Hillary and Biden are diametrically opposed to every one of
Sander's professed principles!
Andy ,
With Joe having these " miraculous " wins in the primaries yet bringing nothing new to the
table I can only conclude we are set for another 4 yrs of Trumpelstiltskin and his money
grubbing ways.
As for Michelle Obama coming into the fight , I can only laugh and carry on
with my life. I fail to see what she has to offer, other than being Barry's wife. Not really
awe – inspiring stuff. Young Hilary must be turning in her coffin at the thought of
being pipped to the post, as the first female President by another ex presidents wife.
truly are living in bizarro times. The men behind the curtain must be laughing their
collective arses off at the results of this circus they have created.
Tulsi is inspirational.
I'm not talking 'politics' but regarding her willingness to speak truth to corruption.
harry stotle ,
America dispensed with the idea of democracy some time ago.
The self-evident externalities of 40 years of unfettered neoliberalism (war, lies,
injustice, extreme wealth inequality, etc) now seem to be approaching some sort of explosive
There may be a full blown international conflict, rather than asymmetrical power used to
intimidate weaker states (led by the USA, and backed to the hilt by Britain, Israel, and
These problems are too entrenched for real politicians to sort out, so what we have
instead is a form theatre, albeit a third-rate form of theatre with abysmal actors taking on
roles that are far too difficult for them: Trump vs Biden would be the apotheosis this
Pity more citizens in America fail to understand what has been done to them, or what this
corrupt regime has inflicted on rest of the world.
Britain is no better – to expose what is happening we need a functioning MSM but what
we have instead is the Guardian and BBC: platforms that are now infamous for churning out low
calibre, or fake news.
Is the plan for Biden to have "health problems" before the convention, forcing the DNC
to pick its own candidate?
That's my theory. I think they're going to suddenly 'discover' that Joltin' Joe has
'health problems' and then roll out their real candidate on the second ballot at the
convention this summer–probably Michelle Obama.
Will the DNC ever acknowledge Tulsi Gabbard exists?
I think our only hope now is that the Corona Virus kills all other politicians in the US,
leaving only Tulsi alive. Of course, the DNC would probably still find some way to deny her
the nomination somehow
michaelk ,
The DNC's election tactics were superb. Corrupt, rotten, foul and manipulative as well, but
they worked. The swathe of candidates at the start gave the impression of a democratic and
fair race, whilst deflecting people away from the stark choice of supporting Biden or Sanders
from the beginning.
Whilst Trump succeeded by first capturing the Republican party and then going on to win
the presidential election; Sanders chose not to follow that strategy, apparently believing,
though it's an extraordinary thing to believe, that the leadership of the party was going to
allow him to win the nomination 'fairly.'
Biden against Trump is going to be the worst, most grotesque, election contest, ever seen
in the United States. Two totally unworthy candidates battling it out over the rotting corpse
of a dying democracy. Probably the best result would be if most people just stayed at home on
election day and boycotted the entire ghastly event.
wardropper ,
Yes. People should just stay home. But of course there is a regular percentage of observers
who are incensed by the idea that people will realize how little effect their vote truly
"It's treason not to vote", they rage, quite oblivious to the really treasonous system
which manipulates votes according to something quite different from the interests of
wardropper ,
It would be interesting to see, (although it's not going to happen) how the media, faced with
an absolute zero voting turnout, would still manage to yap on about a "neck and neck race",
with the most corrupt party emerging the clear winner after all
Gary Weglarz ,
The Democratic Party candidate selection process continues to roll along providing all the
tension and suspense of an impending colonoscopy – sans anesthetic. It has been clear
since 25 (yes 25) Democratic Party challengers have already "dropped out" of the race –
that divide and conquer would be the order of the day. Spread the electorate out among a
ridiculous number of mainstream centrist candidates and then throw all that support to one
candidate – Joe Biden. Why would the party establishment choose Biden? Perhaps the
following recent quote from Joe might shed some light. In trying to reference the Declaration
of Independence Biden had the following to say to a crowd at a campaign rally:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women created by -- you know, you
know . . . the thing."
Since we all know "the thing" is said to "work in mysterious ways" – one can deduce
that the Democratic Party elites are perhaps depending upon "the thing" to work some sort of
a miracle for them. At any rate it is all rather "mysterious" indeed.
Since Tulsi Gabbard has had the temerity to not join the 25 brain-dead placeholders and to
"drop out" herself, and since she has further shown the very bad form of continuing to speak
to anyone who will listen about America's illegal amoral regime-change wars – she has
sadly had to be simply – "disappeared." Yes, I know, this term is usually associated
with the death-squad democracies my government supports endlessly and shamelessly in Latin
America, but if nothing else our American MSM have shown that you don't need death squads
when they are on the job. They are quite capable of completely and entirely "disappearing"
anyone sharing a message that has not been – "oligarchy approved." Trying to find
reference to Tulsi in MSM is like trying to get through a day without being brutally reminded
of Joe Biden's blinding dementia problem – pretty much impossible.
As the author suggests the Democratic Party establishment surely must have some plan other
than simply sabotaging Sanders and then throwing a demented Biden to the Orange One to act as
a pinata during the presidential debates. We American's do love "reality TV," but this I fear
would be about as crass and horrific a spectacle as watching someone drown puppies on live
television. Surely we must assume that the DNC and party oligarchy plan to use Biden as yet
another "place-holder" to be replaced between now and fall presidential debates. The name
"Hillary 'the rot' Clinton comes to mind – and suddenly one is reminded that there are
worse things in life than a colonoscopy.
Of course the actual credibility of all of this spectacle to date depends upon one
actually believing that both the polling numbers, and the voting processes, are honest and
ethical and accurate, which seems to me to be about as likely as "you know, you know . . .
the thing," performing some sort of a "miracle" on behalf of the Democratic Party so that it
can valiantly vanquish the Orange One – using of all things – a dementia
From my limited vantage point here in southern California it would appear that America is
very much like a runaway train speeding toward a very very thick brick wall while gaining
speed minute by minute. This train of course has no "driver" – save the inexorable laws
of history as they pertain to crumbling "empires."
With that in mind I think I'll go shopping again so I can pretend none of this is
happening – while joining with my neighbors in "hoarding" as much toilet paper as I
possibly can! Actually, truth be told, the local toilet paper supply is now long gone and
people are now hoarding paper towels – (I kid you not) – which of course portends
a lot of very very sore bottoms by the time this is all over.
Seamus Padraig ,
You can have a dogshit sandwich or a catshit sandwich, just so long as its kosher.
So true! +1000
Charlotte Russe ,
Unfortunately, for all of Bernie's enthusiastic supporter 2020 was a redux of 2016. Amnesia,
initially sets in caused by the initial excitement. Bernie's campaign overwhelms those
yearning for change. Sanders is cognizant of how young voters and the marginalized are
economically suffering. He knows exactly what to say to arouse an audience of thousands.
Devoted crowds eagerly rally around Bernie anticipating the upcoming primaries, believing
he'll win everyone of them. After all, how could anyone be against a message promoting social
And lo and behold, right out of the box the security state shenanigans begin. A "Shadow
app" surfaces in Iowa, followed by a narrow win in New Hampshire. And although Bernie won the
popular vote in the first two primaries he still comes out the loser to CIA Pete. However,
not to be deterred Bernie won the Nevada caucus in a landslide. That was the moment when
security state needed to make its move. It was now or never. These ghouls could not let
Bernie pick up any more momentum. If they did, it would be too late to stop
him–Milwaukee could turn into a bloodbath. It was time for the intelligence agencies to
take a stand.
Clyburn a sellout bourgeois conservative black was called upon to do his duty. You don't
get to be a "misleader" of the poor and the dejected if you won't convince them to smile
while jumping off a cliff.
Slick Clyburn, gathered all the other crooked black politicians and they united in force
behind brain dead Biden. When misleader Clyburn speaks his downtrodden constituency listens.
South Carolina was a wipeout–Biden overwhelmingly won. And that's all the security
state needed. Using the state-run mainstream media news propaganda machine in 72 hours
Biden's campaign was raised like Lazarus from the dead.
Drooling Joe, received a slew of slick endorsements from all the longtime party hacks. A
narrative was easily generated– Sanders was a loser and only Biden could beat Trump. At
the end of day, don't you dumbasses want to beat Trump. So let's unite behind alzheimer
Joe–he's our best chance.
As it turned out, the security state's narrative was easy to pull off because Sander is
weak, lacks courage, and was never in it to win it. He never fought back against the DNC.
never called out the cheating in Iowa. There were thousands of volunteers that would be
willing to protest on his behalf. Timid Bernie just let it go. There were other things
showing Bernie's lack of interest in winning. He stupidly embraced the Russiagate concocted
narrative and then was victimized by it himself. He refused to tear into Biden describing in
detail how every piece of reactionary legislation Joe passed was based on payoffs he'd
received for either his son or his brother. In South Carolina, Bernie never used the millions
donated to play video clips proving Biden is a warmongering racist.
Instead Bernie, kept saying "Biden is my good friend" or "Biden can beat Trump." WTF, if
Biden can beat Trump then why are you running? Are you campaigning for Biden?
The final nail was Tulsi's tweet asking for Biden and Bernie's support for her to right to
participate in the next debate. Yang and Marianne Williamson tweeted yes of course, but
Bernie was silent. On subsequent mainstream media news appearances Bernie totally ignored
Tulsi's candidacy. That was it – Bernie is a lackey – completely intimidated by the
Naturally the DNC didn't want Tulsi near the debate stage–she's the bravest of the
lot. Tulsi would have proved Biden was a crook and a war criminal. Tulsi presence would be a
boom for bernie, but Bernie didn't want that since he was in cahoots with the DNC.
And in the end, that's what it was always all about NOTHING. Bernie is the Tammy and Jim
Baker of politics a prophet of false hope. He gathers up all the guiless and guillibe and
then tosses them into the lion's den.
In Biden's case it's easy to know why the slithering DC establishment gang embraced him
with open arms -- they all wanted to come back home
Here are some of the people Biden is considering for senior positions, per Axios:
"Former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg is a top contender to head up the World Bank.
Bloomberg endorsed Biden immediately after dropping out of the 2020 race.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts as Treasury secretary. Warren dropped out of the
race last week after disappointing losses on Super Tuesday but hasn't yet made an
endorsement. Axios reported that Warren's name had been floated as part of an effort to unite
the fractured Democratic Party around Biden. Some of Biden's advisers have also suggested
Warren as a vice-presidential candidate for that reason.
Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, as the US ambassador to the
United Nations or the US trade representative. Buttigieg also endorsed Biden shortly after
dropping out.
Some Biden advisers see Sen. Kamala Harris of California as a contender for attorney
general if she's not on the ticket.
JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and Bank of America Vice Chairman Anne Finucane have both
been floated for positions at the Treasury Department.
The Biden campaign is also considering a slew of veterans from the Obama administration
for key positions. Among those being considered:
Former Secretary of State John Kerry may reprise his role or take on a Cabinet position
focused on combating climate change.
The former national security adviser Susan Rice may be nominated for a State Department
Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates is a contender for attorney general."
Every loathsome contemptible neoliberal military interventionist is waiting in the wings
to continue where Obama left off ..
Super Tuesday was so obviously rigged. The vote in California deviated from exit polling by
over 15% and don't get me started on that Shadow app used for the Iowa caucus. The only
difference wasn't as blatantly obvious as the last Primary.
Seems Bernie has reprised his role as sheep dog. Probably the reason the Orwellian DNC
unpersoned Tulsi is that she probably refused to play.
Charlotte Ruse ,
Hundreds of thousands of ballots in California and Texas were discarded. Warren purposely
stayed in the race to screw Bernie in Minnesota and Massachusetts, while Klobuchar and
Buttigeg dropped out to prop-up Biden.
In avid Bernie locations polling centers were closed. And when all else failed voting
machines are hacked. No one should underate the power of state-run mainstream media
propaganda they hammered Sanders and launded the creep Biden.
And as I mentioned, Bernie is his own worst enemy, or as I also speculated he was never in
it to win it.
The elections are more democratic in Afghanistan. When I previously commented on several
posts the Democratic Party Primaries need to be monitored by a UN Raconteur many found it
Maxine ,
Why did Bernie become a candidate if he were not in it to win? .I can't figure that one out.
Eric McCoo ,
Blackmail ?
The Clinton campaign exercising leverage over Sanders during the election –
Podesta/wikileaks emails. 'This isn't in keeping w the agreement. Since we clearly have some leverage, would be good
to flag this for him'. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/47397
RealPeter ,
There is a lot in what Charlotte says. Unfortunately. Trump may end up botching the corona
crisis and lose, but whoever wins it's going to be four more years of everything getting
Andy ,
Some research on 'possible' fraudulent hidden computer counting from first super Tuesday.
Ken ,
The fix is in for the status quo, and it's quite likely another 4 years of the orange
Everybody knows (listen to Leonard Cohen) Tulsi Gabbard does not exist, just like everybody
knows Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction, Assad, that Putin Nazi, spread some kind of Bad
Gas in Douma, repeatededly over several years since 2014, which the Intrepid White Helmets
made better–just watch their Hollywood, Oscar winning movie. Of course Joe Biden is
senile, else why would he challenge our carrot-topped Fearless leader, and everybody knows
that Putin-Nazi Boris and Natasha tried to rig the 2016 election but were thwarted by
Moose-Squirel, and other CIA assets.
Election results from the computerized vote counts of the 2020 California Democratic Party
presidential primary differed significantly from the results projected by the exit poll
conducted by Edison Research and published by CNN at poll's closing.
According to the exit poll Sanders won big in CA (by 15%). The unobservable computer
counts cut his lead by half (to 7.3%).
In the total delegate count to date, substituting the estimated California and Texas exit
poll delegate apportionments for the apportionments derived from the computer counts, results
in candidate Sanders currently leading candidate Biden by 42 delegates instead of trailing by
The possibility exists that massive voter suppression is currently occurring during the
extended unfinished count of California ballots.
"In light of clear irregularities in voting results in the 2020 Democratic presidential
primary and structural barriers to voter participation, The Grayzone and CODEPINK call on the
Organization of American States (OAS) to provide emergency international election monitors in
the primary contest."
"The OAS must send an emergency election monitoring team to the United States to ensure
independent scrutiny of a presidential primary that has been marred by clear irregularities
and the systematic and highly discriminatory obstruction of citizens' right to vote,"
Grayzone editor Max Blumenthal stated. "
ben @22 has already informed us that he's busy trying to get election monitors:
"The Grayzone and CODEPINK call on the Organization of American States (OAS) to provide
emergency international election monitors ..." Grayzone editor Max Blumenthal stated."
There is nothing subtle about paring down the number of polling stations in populous areas,
or having malfunctioning voting machines, or the surprise of buggered up voter lists,
scrambled with typos, that keep people from getting hold of a ballot.
As much as I'm sure election interference is a factor, I think the biggest story of the
primary is the credulity and submissiveness of the average Democratic voter. Republican
voters gave the middle finger to their establishment and hoisted Trump into the presidency.
Democrats were stampeded into the arms of a demented old segregationist by a pork-fattened
Uncle Tom (Clyburn) and the pansies at MSNBC and the Washington Post. It's a true sight to
behold---Super Tuesday may have been a self inflicted deathblow for the old jackasses; I will
watch the party die with glee.
"... The consolidation of the Democratic Party behind Biden is a damning exposure, not merely of the politically reactionary character of this organization, but of the contemptible falsification on which the Sanders campaign has been based: that it is possible to transform the Democratic Party, the oldest American capitalist party, into the spearhead of a "political revolution" that will bring about fundamental social change. ..."
"... It is evident that the Democratic Party leadership in Congress, as well as the Biden campaign and the Democratic National Committee, aims to run the 2020 campaign on the exact model of Hillary Clinton's campaign in 2016: portraying Trump as personally unqualified to be president and as a Russian stooge, while opposing any significant social reform and delivering constant reassurances to the ruling financial aristocracy that a restored Democratic administration will follow in the footsteps of Obama, showering trillions on Wall Street and doing the bidding of the military-intelligence apparatus. ..."
"... One could ask of the nine ex-candidates who have now endorsed Biden, why they were candidates in the first place? Why did they bother to run against the former vice president, clearly the preferred candidate of the party establishment? None of them voices any significant political differences with Biden. All of them hail the right-wing political record of the Obama-Biden administration, even though that administration produced the social and economic devastation that made possible the election of Donald Trump. ..."
"... African American Democratic Party leaders, including Representative James Clyburn in South Carolina and hundreds of others, represent one of the most right-wing and politically corrupt sections of the party. ..."
"... The thinking of this layer was summed up in a column Saturday in the Washington Post ..."
"... What the Washington Post ..."
"... the entire black Democratic Party establishment has lined up behind Biden -- including, most recently, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Senator Kamala Harris. ..."
"... Sanders seeks to counter this all-out Democratic Party campaign for Biden by seeking to woo sections of the trade union bureaucracy with appeals to economic nationalism. ..."
"... More than 13 million people, mainly workers and youth, voted for Sanders in 2016 in the Democratic primaries and caucuses. Millions more continue to support him this year, with the same result. Sanders will wrap up his campaign by embracing the right-wing nominee of the Democratic Party and telling his supporters that this is the only alternative to the election, and now re-election of Trump. ..."
The campaign of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is making a last-ditch stand in the
Michigan primary Tuesday, amid mounting indications that the Democratic Party as a whole has
moved decisively into the camp of his main rival, former Vice President Joe Biden. Sanders
cancelled rallies in Mississippi, Missouri and Illinois -- all states where he trails Biden
in the polls -- in order to concentrate all his efforts in Michigan, where he won an upset
victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016.
On Sunday, Senator Kamala Harris endorsed Biden, the latest of nine former presidential
contenders to announce their support for their one-time rival, joining Pete Buttigieg, Amy
Klobuchar, Michael Bloomberg, Beto O'Rourke, John Delaney, Seth Moulton, Tim Ryan, and Deval
Patrick. Harris is to join Biden for a campaign rally in Detroit Monday.
The consolidation of the Democratic Party behind Biden is a damning exposure, not
merely of the politically reactionary character of this organization, but of the contemptible
falsification on which the Sanders campaign has been based: that it is possible to transform
the Democratic Party, the oldest American capitalist party, into the spearhead of a
"political revolution" that will bring about fundamental social change.
Former Vice President Biden is the personification of the decrepit and right-wing
character of the Democratic Party. In the past 10 days alone, Biden has declared himself a
candidate for the US Senate, rather than president, confused his wife and his sister as they
stood on either side of him, called himself an "Obiden Bama Democrat," and declared that 150
million Americans died in gun violence over the past decade. This is not just a matter of
Biden's declining mental state: it is the Democratic Party, not just its presidential
frontrunner, that is verging on political senility.
It is evident that the Democratic Party leadership in Congress, as well as the Biden
campaign and the Democratic National Committee, aims to run the 2020 campaign on the exact
model of Hillary Clinton's campaign in 2016: portraying Trump as personally unqualified to be
president and as a Russian stooge, while opposing any significant social reform and
delivering constant reassurances to the ruling financial aristocracy that a restored
Democratic administration will follow in the footsteps of Obama, showering trillions on Wall
Street and doing the bidding of the military-intelligence apparatus.
One could ask of the nine ex-candidates who have now endorsed Biden, why they were
candidates in the first place? Why did they bother to run against the former vice president,
clearly the preferred candidate of the party establishment? None of them voices any
significant political differences with Biden. All of them hail the right-wing political
record of the Obama-Biden administration, even though that administration produced the social
and economic devastation that made possible the election of Donald Trump.
Even more revolting, if that is possible, is the embrace of Biden by the black Democratic
politicians. The former senator from Delaware is identified with some of the most repugnant
episodes in the history of race relations in America: the abusive treatment of Anita Hill,
when she testified against the nomination of Clarence Thomas, before Biden's Judiciary
Committee; an alliance with segregationist James Eastland on school integration in the early
1970s, highlighted at a debate by Kamala Harris, eight months before she endorsed Biden; and
the passage of a series of "law-and-order" bills that disproportionately jailed hundreds of
thousands of African Americans, all of them pushed through the Senate by Biden.
How did a politician who boasted of his close relationships with Eastland and Strom
Thurmond become the beneficiary of a virtual racial bloc vote by African Americans in the
Southern states? Because African American Democratic Party leaders, including
Representative James Clyburn in South Carolina and hundreds of others, represent one of the
most right-wing and politically corrupt sections of the party.
The thinking of this layer was summed up in a column Saturday in the
Washington Post by Colbert King, a former State Department official and local
banker, a prominent member of the African American elite in the nation's capital, who wrote
in outrage, "America's black billionaires have no place in a Bernie Sanders
King denounced the suggestion that black CEOs and billionaires are "greedy, corrupt
threats to America's working families or the cause of economic disparities and human misery."
Voicing the fears of his class, he continued, "I know there are those out there who buy the
notion that America consists of a small class of privileged, rapacious super-rich lording
over throngs of oppressed, capitalist-exploited workers. You can see it in poll numbers
showing the share of Americans who prefer socialism to capitalism inching upward."
What the Washington Post columnist reveals is what Bernie Sanders has done
his best to cover up: the Democratic Party is a party of the capitalist class. It can no more
be converted to socialism than the CIA can become an instrument of the struggle against
American imperialism.
True, Sanders can dredge up Jesse Jackson for a last-minute endorsement, proof that
demagogues engaged in diverting mass left-wing sentiment into the graveyard of the Democratic
Party recognize and embrace each other across the decades. But with that exception, the
entire black Democratic Party establishment has lined up behind Biden -- including, most
recently, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Senator Kamala Harris.
Harris's statement is worth quoting. "I have decided that I am with great enthusiasm going
to endorse Joe Biden for president of the United States," she said. "I believe in Joe. I
really believe in him, and I have known him for a long time." The senator was no doubt
responding to the incentives dangled in front of her by Biden after she left the race last
December, when he gushed, "She is solid. She can be president someday herself. She can be the
vice president. She can go on to be a Supreme Court justice. She can be an attorney
Sanders seeks to counter this all-out Democratic Party campaign for Biden by seeking
to woo sections of the trade union bureaucracy with appeals to economic nationalism. New
Sanders television ads in Michigan feature a United Auto Workers member declaring that his
state "has been decimated by trade deals," while Sanders declares that Biden backed NAFTA,
drawing the conclusion, "With a record like that, we can't trust him to protect American jobs
or defeat Donald Trump." The Vermont senator will find that very few auto workers follow the
political lead of the corrupt gangsters who head the UAW.
More than 13 million people, mainly workers and youth, voted for Sanders in 2016 in
the Democratic primaries and caucuses. Millions more continue to support him this year, with
the same result. Sanders will wrap up his campaign by embracing the right-wing nominee of the
Democratic Party and telling his supporters that this is the only alternative to the
election, and now re-election of Trump.
Indeed, in appearances on several Sunday television interview programs, Sanders went out
of his way to repeat, as he said on Fox News, "Joe Biden is a friend of mine. Joe Biden is a
decent guy. What Joe has said is if I win the nomination, he'll be there for me, and I have
said if he wins the nomination, I'll be there for him "
"... How is it that Biden won so many states based on endorsements alone? No field offices, no real money, he barely visited some states, if at all and yet he won. ..."
"... Hillary had tons of endorsements everywhere, a field office in every state and major city, lots of cash, and she didn't win as many. This does not compute. ..."
"... The only difference is Biden is personally more appealing and approachable than Hillary. But still. Something fishy here. I'm wondering how many of those states had audit trails like hand-marked paper ballots and how many did not? ..."
"... The wide discrepancy between exit poll numbers and vote total percentages in some states seems a little fishy, too. Electronic voting machines: progress! (removing my foil bonnet now) ..."
How is it that Biden won so many states based on endorsements alone? No field offices, no
real money, he barely visited some states, if at all and yet he won.
Hillary had tons of
endorsements everywhere, a field office in every state and major city, lots of cash, and she
didn't win as many. This does not compute.
The only difference is Biden is personally more
appealing and approachable than Hillary. But still. Something fishy here. I'm wondering how
many of those states had audit trails like hand-marked paper ballots and how many did
The wide discrepancy between exit poll numbers and vote total percentages in some states
seems a little fishy, too. Electronic voting machines: progress! (removing my foil bonnet
I'll put the foil bonnet on Flora. DCG, the fishy smell is election fraud courtesy of the
DNC. Unless we have paper ballots hand counted in public, I don't buy the miraculous Biden
resurgence narrative from his supposed silent majority. Give me a family blogging break.
I absolutely fail to understand why anyone would consider this idea tin foil. Who do we
think we're dealing with here? These folks are playing to win and they will do anything and
everything in their power to do so. The system is set up perfectly to support psychopaths
Me neither. That fact that the Democrat party has never even tried to address the problems
with election integrity, even when they've had the presidency stolen from them, speaks
They allow a phony riot to stop the count in FL, then hardly make a peep when the Supremes
anoint Bush in 2000 in a decision not meant to set precedent, and their response is
the Help America Vote Act which foisted these easily hackable machines on us as a solution?
The only reason you do that is if you want to be able to rig elections yourself.
After the debacle of the Iowa caucus this year and the unheard of swing to Biden this
week, it sure looks like the fix is in.
Please educate me–no seriously!–as to how hand marked paper ballots are so
very different from machine marked paper ballots. If you assume that machine marked
ballots–marked with the candidate's name (written in human readable English) and
securely stored for a potential hand recount–are crooked then aren't you assuming that
the entire election machinery is crooked and not just a vote tabulating machine? After all
long before computers were invented there was that thing called ballot box
Machine marked ballots have a middleman. Said machines 'phone home' to a central server,
which may well be running a program that fractionally 'shifts' votes as needed to edge out a
win for the estab preferred candidate (of either party). The 'red shift' in vote results
after electronic voting has been noted by statisticians.
One interesting coincidence here is that I was going to link to some statisticians' work I
know of, work that was easily available online as late as early January this year. When I
search for the links now they are either gone or the links are warned off as 'suspect'.
Info easily found online. Here's one very recent story's take away:
"Some of the most popular ballot-marking machines, made by industry leaders Election
Systems & Software and Dominion Voting Systems, register votes in bar codes that the
human eye cannot decipher. That's a problem, researchers say: Voters could end up with
printouts that accurately spell out the names of the candidates they picked, but, because of
a hack, the bar codes do not reflect those choices. Because the bar codes are what's
tabulated, voters would never know that their ballots benefited another candidate.
"Even on machines that do not use bar codes, voters may not notice if a hack or
programming error mangled their choices. A University of Michigan study determined that only
7 percent of participants in a mock election notified poll workers when the names on their
printed receipts did not match the candidates they voted for."
In the just past election are there any reports of ballots being printed out that had a
different name than the one the voter selected to be printed? And if that did happen would it
be anything other than accidentally pressing the wrong button? Surely if this "voters didn't
look at the ballot" (which personally I greatly doubt) idea was really the cheating scheme
then it would be highly likely to be exposed.
Re-read the part about the 'computer reads and tabulates the barcode information, not the
english text printout'. A hack or middleman could fiddle the barcode printout/information
(unrecognized by the human eye) , not the text printout.
Also consider that the fiddle works best if it's only a few percentage points different
than expected, one way or the other. People then say of unexpected results, 'oh, it was
really close, but that's how it goes, elections can be unpredictable', and accept the
election results as 'the will of the people.' It's called "electronic fractional vote
shifting". Really. It's called that. Fractional vote shifting.
Right–without a doubt. But the reason it prints that piece of paper is for a later
human audit by eye should a recount be demanded. In that case the barcode would become
irrelevant. There is a paper trail.
That said, I would agree there could be secret ballot concerns about the way I voted. You
feed the ballot into the counter right side up and unfolded with an election "helper"
standing nearby.
One reason both parties prefer 'close elections'. A few points either way won't raise
eyebrows. Won't raise a demand for a recount. (And, like compound interest, a 'few points'
one way or the other in various elections, over time, can add up to large effects in
political direction. imo.)
The problem is getting to the recount. My state does not allow recounts unless the machine
tally is extremely close. So if you want to rig an election, just make sure your candidate
wins by enough and there will never be a recount of those machine counted paper ballots.
I asked city officials for a few years to do recounts just to audit the machines, and was
told it was not allowed under state law unless there was a close enough race – I
believe the threshhold is in the low single digits. My wife later ran for office and lost by
about 1% and I was finally able to get a recount. We counted all the ballots by hand and
while the final outcome didn't change, what we found was that the hand recount tallied about
1-2% more votes than the machines had.
flora is right about the close elections. I find it very odd that in my younger days we
had landslides fairly often and now every presidential election goes right down to the
OK. This is my experience as a counter in a UK General Election, where hand-marked
ballot-papers are counted in public.
Each voting station has a sealed tin box. Arriving to vote your name is checked against
the electoral role and you are handed a ballot paper. You go into a curtained booth with a
stand-up desk and a pencil in a string and put a X in a box opposite the candidate you vote
for. Outside the booth you fold your ballot paper and post it into the box through a narrow
slot. When the election closes the box is delivered to – in our case – the
town-hall – where the counters sit at tables three to a side with a team-leader at the
head. One of the boxes is brought to each table, unsealed and the contents dumped into the
middle of it. Each counter then snags a pile of marked votes and sorts them into piles as
voted. Any uncertainties – where the vote isn't obvious – is passed up to the
team leader for assessment. When all the votes are tallied – including the
uncertainties – the total is compared with the note from the polling station stating
the number of votes cast there, and if they don't agree the count for that box is done
All this is done under the eyes of representatives of the candidates who are free to move
around the tables at will, and who in particular can watch over the team-leaders dealing with
the uncertain ballot papers, but who are free to challenge any counter's tally.
Ballot boxes could be 'switched' between the voting station and the count, but that would
only work if you knew how many papers were in the box per the count or could also substitute
the tally signed off by the polling-station superintendent. Ballot-box stuffing wouldn't work
as again the votes cast and counted for that box/station would not align.
Could it be gamed? I suppose, but it would take a massive effort and conspiracy –
mostly at the polling-station/transit stage, tho' again the candidates can have observers
there. The whole system is run by the local authority and most of those involved in the
polling-station/count are local authority workers with their own political preferences so
finding enough to suborn to fix the count would be a difficult, and politically dangerous
operation. Even if one polling-station's box was corrupted in some way it would have little
effect on the overall result, and if it stood out as atypical could invite investigation.
So no, it's not perfect, but I can't think of a better way of doing it.
Ps. Each voting paper is numbered and taken from a book leaving a stub with the same
number. So to 'stuff' or otherwise tamper with the voting papers in the box you'd also need
to swap the actual voting paper book with a substitute bearing the same number system and I
think, tho' don't quote me on this, books of ballot papers for the various polling stations
are only issued on election day and at random.
IIRC, in a nut-shell, some of the systems used have a bar code printed on the ballot at
the time they are scanned into the system.
That bar code ' marks ', the ballot, and supposedly communicates the voter's
intentions to the tabulating software that counts the votes.
The rest of the ballot looks proper to the voter, but the voter has no way of telling what
the bar code means.
And from any IT professional's point of view, who cares what the ballot looks like, if the
mark on your ballot, (the one that is counted) was not made by your hand (say, a bar code
printed by a scanner), and/or, if there is a computer used to count the votes, that system is
intended to allow falsification of election results.
Due to the lack of legal action on the part of either of our political parties, to refute
the results of elections stolen by wholesale electronic election fraud, I can only conclude
that election fraud is a wholly acceptable tool in their bi-partisan toolbox?
And yes, you're right, they've always stuffed the ballot box, think of electronic vote
tabulation as the newest twist on an old trick.
The invention of electronic voting was intended to insure that voters can never vote their
way to freedom.
So your argument is that we must have hand counted ballots because the machine marked
version won't work because the recounters would have to hand count the ballots. Just to
repeat, yet again, when I voted a ballot shaped piece of plain paper was printed with my
candidate choice clearly printed along with a bar code, not qr. This then becomes the vote
itself and it can be read by a scanner or by a human. If done by a human then it is utterly
no different than if I had checked a box on a pre printed ballot.
And for all the objections cited by those above there are valid reasons for states to want
such a system. Obviously an all manual system is very labor intensive and also subject to
human error unless double checked by still more labor. You'd also have to print lots of
ballots before every election while not knowing exactly how many will be needed.
If there are suspicions of vote machine companies–and there should be–a more
logical approach might be to insist that all software is open source and that no machines are
connected directly to the internet or have usb ports. Signs in the precincts should advise
voters to check their paper ballot to make sure the correct choice is printed.
So sellout by Clinton of the Democratic Party to Wall Street proved to be durable and
Bernie again behaves like a sheep dog with no intention to win... "Let's be friends" is not a
viable strategy...
Notable quotes:
"... the same character traits that make him an honorable politician also make him fundamentally unsuited for the difficult task of waging a successful outsider campaign for the nomination of a major political party. ..."
"... Why hasn't Sara Nelson, head of the Flight Attendants' Union, endorsed Bernie? (Personally I have always thought she'd be a good VP.) ..."
"... Robinson is dreaming if he thinks Non-Profit Industrial Complex entities like EMILY's List and Planned Parenthood will lift a finger to help Sanders, or busines unionists like Randi Weingarten. To his credit, though, Ady Barkan switched immediately. External support, though is correct: IIRC, there are plenty of union locals to be had; the Culinary Workers should be only the first. ..."
"... "Corporate Lobbyists Control the Rules at the DNC" [ ReadSludge ]. "Among the 447 total voting DNC members, who make up the majority of 771 superdelegates, there are scores of corporate lobbyists and consultants -- including many of the 75 at-large DNC members, who were not individually elected . ..."
"... The 32-member DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee contains the following 20 individuals: a health insurance board member co-chair, three surrogates for presidential campaigns (two for Bloomberg, one for Biden), four current corporate lobbyists, two former corporate lobbyists, six corporate consultants, and four corporate lawyers." ..."
"... "Joe Biden is a friend of mine" is the 2020-updated version of "enough about the damn e-mails, already". No amount of ground-level organizing can make up for a candidate willing to publicly overlook what should be high-office-disqualifying fundamental character traits in his opponents out of "niceness". ..."
"... It's easy to do a post Super Tuesday defeat analysis of Sanders but remember, everything seems to work before SC where I think the Democrats fixed the election and the same holds for Super Tuesday. ..."
Sanders (D)(1): "Bernie Sanders needs to find the killer instinct" [Matthew Walther,
The Week ].
I've heard Useful Idiots, Dead Pundits, and the inimitable Jimmy Dore all make the same point,
but Walther's prose makes the point most forcefully (as prose often does). The situation:
There is no greater contrast imaginable than the one between the popular (and frequently
exaggerated) image of so-called "Bernie bros" and the almost painfully conciliatory instincts
of the man they support.
This was fully in evidence on Wednesday afternoon when Sanders responded to arguably the
worst defeat of his political career by chatting with journalists about how " disgusted "
he is at unspecified online comments directed at Elizabeth Warren and her supporters and what
a " decent
guy " Joe Biden is.
He did this despite the fact that Warren, with the connivance of debate moderators,
recently called him a sexist in front of an audience of millions, effectively announcing that
she had no interest in making even a tacit alliance with the only other progressive candidate
in the race and, one imagines, despite thinking that the former vice president's record on
virtually everything -- finance, health care, race relations, the environment, foreign policy
-- should render him ineligible for office.
It should go without saying that offering these pleasantries will do Sanders few if any
Lambert here: This is a Presidential primary, not the Senate floor. There is no comity.
Walther then gives a list of possible scorched earth tactics to use against Biden; we could all
make such a list. But then:
Sanders's benevolent disposition does him credit. But the same character traits that
make him an honorable politician also make him fundamentally unsuited for the difficult task
of waging a successful outsider campaign for the nomination of a major political
Corbyn had the same problem...
Sanders really must not let Biden and the Democrat Establishment off the hook. He seems to
have poor judgment about his friends. Warren was no "friend." And neither is Joe Biden.
He should forget those false friends, go into the next debate, and slice Joe Biden off at
the knees. Trump would. And will, if Sander loses.
His canvassers and more importantly his millions of small donors deserve no less. The race
and the debate is now between two people, and only one can emerge the winner. Sanders needs to
decide if he wants to be that person, and then do
what it takes . (If the outcome of the Sanders campaign is a left that is a permanently
institutionalized force, distinct from liberal Democrats, I would regard that as a net
positive. If that is Sanders' ultimate goal, then fine. He's not going to achieve that goal by
being nice to Joe Biden. Quite the reverse.)
UPDATE Sanders (D)(2): "Time To Fight Harder Than We've Ever Fought Before" [Nathan J.
Robinson, Current
Affairs ].
"Biden now has some formidable advantages going forward: Democrats who no longer see him as
a failed or risky bet will finally endorse and campaign for him. He will find it easier to
raise money. He will have "momentum." Bloomberg's exit will bring him new voters.
Sanders may find upcoming states even harder to win than the Super Tuesday contests. But the
one thing that would guarantee a Sanders loss is giving up and going home, which is exactly
what Joe Biden hopes we will now do."
Here follows a laundry list of tactics. Then: "The real thing Bernie needs in order to win,
though, is external support. Labor unions, activists, lawmakers, anyone with a public platform:
We need to be pressuring them to endorse Bernie.
Why hasn't Sara Nelson, head of the Flight Attendants' Union, endorsed Bernie?
(Personally I have always thought she'd be a good VP.)
Now that Elizabeth Warren is clearly not going to win, will organizations like the Working
Families Party and EMILY's List and people like AFT president Randi Weingarten and Medicare For
All advocate Ady Barkan switch and endorse Sanders?
Where is the Sierra Club, SEIU (Bernie, after all, was one of the first national figures to
push Fight for $15), the UAW, Planned Parenthood? Many progressive organizations have been
sitting out the race because Warren was in it."
Good ideas in general, but Robinson is dreaming if he thinks Non-Profit Industrial
Complex entities like EMILY's List and Planned Parenthood will lift a finger to help Sanders,
or busines unionists like Randi Weingarten. To his credit, though, Ady Barkan switched
immediately. External support, though is correct: IIRC, there are plenty of union locals to be
had; the Culinary Workers should be only the first.
Warren (D)(1): "Why Elizabeth Warren lost" [Ryan Cooper, The Week ]. "Starting in
November, however, she started a long decline that continued through January, when she started
losing primaries . So what happened in November?
It is hard to pin down exactly what is happening in such a chaotic race, but Warren's
campaign certainly made a number of strategic errors. One important factor was surely that
Warren started backing away from Medicare-for-all, selling instead a bizarre two-step plan.
The idea supposedly was to pass universal Medicare with two different bills, one in her
first year as president and one in the third year. Given how difficult it is to pass anything
through Congress, and that there could easily be fewer Democrats in 2023 than in 2021, it was a
baffling decision. Worse, Warren then released a plan for financing Medicare-for-all that was
simply terrible.
Rather than levying a new progressive tax, she would turn existing employer contributions to
private health insurance plans into a tax on employers, which would gradually converge to an
average for all businesses but the smallest. The clear objective here was to claim that she
would pay for it without levying any new taxes on the middle or working classes. But because
those employer payments are still part of labor compensation, it is ultimately workers who pay
them -- making Warren's plan a horribly regressive head tax (that is, an equal dollar tax on
almost all workers regardless of income).
All that infuriated the left, and struck directly at Warren's branding as the candidate of
technical competence. It suggested her commitment to universal Medicare was not as strong as
she claimed, and that she would push classic centrist-style Rube Goldberg policies rather than
clean, fair ones. (Her child care plan, with its complicated means-testing system, had a
similar defect).
Claiming her plan was the only one not to raise taxes on the middle class was simply
dishonest. In sum, this was a classic failed straddle that alienated the left but gained no
support among anti-universal health care voters. More speculatively, this kind of hesitation
and backtracking may have turned off many voters." • On #MedicareForAll, called it here on
"pay for" ; and here on "transition." Warren's plans should not have been well-received,
and they were not. I'm only amazed that these really technical arguments penetrated the media
(let along the voters).
Warren (D)(2): "Warren Urged by National Organization for Women Not to Endorse Sanders: He
Has 'Done Next to Nothing for Women'" [
Newsweek ]. • Establishment really pulling out all the stops.
* * *
"Why Southern Democrats Saved Biden" [Mara Gay, New York
Times ]. (Gay was the lone member of the Times Editorial Board to endorse Sanders
.) "Through Southern eyes, this election is not about policy or personality. It's about
something much darker. Not long ago, these Americans lived under violent, anti-democratic
governments. Now, many there say they see in President Trump and his supporters the same
hostility and zeal for authoritarianism that marked life under Jim Crow .
They were deeply skeptical that a democratic socialist like Mr. Sanders could unseat Mr.
Trump. They liked Ms. Warren, but, burned by Hillary Clinton's loss, were worried that too many
of their fellow Americans wouldn't vote for a woman."
Well worth a read. At the same time, it's not clear why the Democrat Establishment hands
control over the nomination to the political establishment in states they will never win in the
general; the "firewall" in 2016 didn't work out all that well, after all. As for Jim Crow, we
might do well to remember that Obama destroyed a generation of Black wealth his miserably
inadequate response to the foreclosure crisis, and his pathetic stimulus package kept Black
unemployment high for years longer than it should have been. And sowed the dragon's teeth of
authoritarian reaction as well.
"Corporate Lobbyists Control the Rules at the DNC" [ ReadSludge
]. "Among the 447 total voting DNC members, who make up the majority of 771 superdelegates,
there are scores of corporate lobbyists and consultants -- including many of the 75 at-large
DNC members, who were not individually elected .
The 32-member DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee contains the following 20 individuals: a
health insurance board member co-chair, three surrogates for presidential campaigns (two for
Bloomberg, one for Biden), four current corporate lobbyists, two former corporate lobbyists,
six corporate consultants, and four corporate lawyers."
"Joe Biden is a friend of mine" is the 2020-updated version of "enough about the damn
e-mails, already". No amount of ground-level organizing can make up for a candidate willing to
publicly overlook what should be high-office-disqualifying fundamental character traits in his
opponents out of "niceness".
That's fine, but if his organization is then put at the disposal of Joe Biden, I don't see
how the organization survives. (That's why the DNC cheating meme* is important; it provides the
moral cover to get out of that loyalty oath (which the Sanders campaign certainly should have
had its lawyers take a look at)).
NOTE * Iowa, Texas, and California have all had major voting screw-ups, all of which
impacted Sanders voters disproportionately. The campaign should sue. They have the money.)
I once met an union organizer and he said he could go back to any site he had worked and be
on friendly terms with everyone. Bernie is thinking like an organizer. I think that making this
about Social Security is his best bet. It demolishes Biden in a way that makes the election
about the American people.
he needs to go after biden on the issues in a much more forceful manner than he typically
does, with lots and lots of specifics. did i mention lots of specifics? and lots of pointed
references to biden's past positions, and a focus on pinning him down on his position now. he
needs to ask questions biden will not be prepared for with easy scripted responses.
Perhaps if Sanders can keep successfully baiting Biden with hooks baited with Biden's own
past statements over and over and over again, that Sanders can then go on to practice some very
well disguised passive-aggressive pointing/not-pointing to Biden's mental condition by asking
Biden at every opportunity: " don't you remember that, Joe? You remember saying that, don't you
Joe? Don't you remember when you said that, Joe?"
Except 70% of Women according to Stanford finding these kind of confrontations distressing
to very distressing. Tricky. One changes emotions by using emotions so the trick here is
"allowing" Biden to act deranged and expressing sorrow over it. For 70% of guys they won't get
the emotional content, but will understand the logic of the questions and lack of answers. It
can be done, Bill Clinton and Obama were very good at this. Look you want to be president you
got to play the game at the highest level. Good practice for dealing with trump.
Timing was right for both Obama and Clinton. After the GFC voters would have gone for any
Democrat because Republicans were toxic. Similarly, it was fortuitous for Clinton because Perot
was running and he quit the race a couple of months before the election.
Obama got loads and loads of money from Wall Street. Neither of these guys would stand a
chance in an election year when the economy was doing well.
It's easy to do a post Super Tuesday defeat analysis of Sanders but remember, everything
seems to work before SC where I think the Democrats fixed the election and the same holds for
Super Tuesday.
I didn't see anyone pointing out that Bernie had to be confrontational when he seems to be
Wait. How many days ago was the field of candidates wide open?
If Bernard does not roast Biden on Social Security I will be disappointed. If Smokin' Joe
doesn't lash out with his typical aplomb, I'll be disappointed. I'm saving myself up
for bigger disappointments.
I'll be happy with the Vermont interpretation of Huey Long. I'm glad that people are finally
noticing we have one Socialist Senator.
Idea for an 'own the slur' bumper sticker: "I'm tickled pink by Bernie" -- Although I don't
know how the post-dial-up-modem crowd might misinterpret that?
I support Bernie because Bernie supports the polices I think we need to save the country:
M4A, GND,$15/hr min, free college, etc. To me, being an FDR Dem like Bernie is the moderate
position, we've done it before, we know it works. Biden's support of neoliberal polices that
have wrecked America is the extreme position.
But the DNC does not support FDR's Democracy. They have ended up to the right of Ronald
Reagan. Pelosi could have pushed a M4A bill but did not. Pelosi could have pushed any number of
polices to show how Trump is failing the working and middle class, but she did not.
So if Bernie is not picked for the general, I no longer have a reason to support the Dems,
and will stay home. Actually, I will probably not stay home, I will work to get Dems out of
office, and in general, work to burn the party to the ground. Why? Because it is in the way,
and does not support the working class or the middle class.
The Dem party has to decide – do they really support the working and middle class or
not. Because only Bernie supports those polices, and the rest of the Dems running for President
do not.
Former DNC chairman who gave Hillary Clinton debate questions in advance during the 2016
election, exclaimed on Fox News that Biden's victory was "the most impressive 72 hours
I've ever seen in U.S. politics," and told another analyst to "
go to hell " for suggesting that the Democratic establishment was once again working to
manipulate a nominee into frontrunner status.
The Democrats are in chaos and melting down on live TV.
Donna Brazile just told the @GOPChairwoman to "go to hell"
when asked about the chaos.
I will be very interested to see what happens in the states with closed or semi-closed
primaries. That should be a true test of Bernie enthusiasm compared to 2016.
Alabama: Open primary , with 52 pledged delegates being awarded on a proportional
Hillary 2016-- 309,928
Bernie 2016-- 76,399
American Samoa: Open caucus, with the territory awarding six delegates on the basis of the
results of the caucuses.
Arkansas: Open primary , with 31 delegates being awarded on a proportional basis.
Hillary 2016-- 144,580
Bernie 2016-- 64,868
California: Semi-closed primary -only Democrats and unaffiliated voters can cast a ballot-
with the 415 delegates being awarded on a proportional basis.
Hillary 2016-- 2,745,302
Bernie 2016-- 2,381,722
Colorado: Semi-closed primary –only Democrats and unaffiliated voters can cast a
ballot- with 67 delegates being awarded on a proportional basis.
Hillary 2016-- 49,314
Bernie 2016-- 72,115
Democrats Abroad: Open primary in which any U.S. citizen living abroad who is a member of
Democrats Abroad can participate, with the 13 delegates being awarded on a proportional
Maine: Closed primary –only Democrats can cast a ballot- 24 delegates being awarded on
a proportional basis.
Hillary 2016--Maine held a caucus in 2016 and awarded most of its delegates to Hillary.
Bernie 2016--
Massachusetts: Semi-closed primary –only Democrats and unaffiliated voters can cast a
ballot- 91 delegates being awarded on a proportional basis.
Hillary 2016-- 603,784
Bernie 2016-- 586,716
Minnesota: Open primary , 75 delegates being awarded on a proportional basis.
Hillary 2016-- 73,510
Bernie 2016-- 118,135
North Carolina: Semi-closed primary –only Democrats and unaffiliated voters can cast a
ballot- 110 delegates being awarded on a proportional basis.
Hillary 2016-- 616,346
Bernie 2016-- 460,316
Oklahoma: Semi-closed primary –only Democrats and unaffiliated voters can cast a
ballot- 37 delegates being awarded on a proportional basis.
Hillary 2016-- 139,338
Bernie 2016-- 174,054
Tennessee: Open primary , 64 delegates being awarded on a proportional basis.
Hillary 2016-- 245,304
Bernie 2016-- 120,333
Texas: Open primary , 228 delegates being awarded on a proportional basis.
Hillary 2016-- 935,080
Bernie 2016-- 475,561
Utah: Open primary , 29 delegates being awarded on a proportional basis.
Hillary 2016-- 15,666
Bernie 2016-- 61,333
Vermont: Open primary , 16 delegates being awarded on a proportional basis.
Hillary 2016-- 18,335
Bernie 2016-- 115,863
Virginia: Open primary , 99 delegates being awarded on a proportional basis.
Super Tuesday is a Catfood Democrat conspiracy. The Catfood Democrat Party themSELVES
engineered Super Tuesday in order to prevent a McGovern figure from winning the most
delegates ever again ever.
What's the mystery? Lock Assange in solitary for months and gee golly, suddenly no one to
expose how SCarolina was fixed for Joe Biden. Just like Debbie Wasserman screwed Bernie in
2016. Media "explains" it was the "black vote." You bet. Sure Joe got 51pc. I guess so.
I just voted in California, lots of "new tech", with touchscreens. Quite buggy. Be sure to
wash your hands too. /sarc
Took about an hour and a half starting at 10:00 AM to get in, about 10-15 to get through
the voting process. Bazillions of people standing in line, half the voting booths empty. The
big rollout. I predict a big mess tonight, lots of mistakes, lots of voters who give up and
no "verified" results any time soon ...
And all those touchscreens will be junk in five years. $$$
The thing to watch today will be the vote stealing by the Democrat oligarchy. They are the
world champions at every sort of electoral malfeasance. Remember in 2016 how Bernie almost
won New York until Brooklyn, his hometown, was counted and more than 20,000 voters
disappeared? Then there was California where millions of votes went uncounted and Hillary was
called the winner.
The Democrats are not really a political party in the sense that europeans understand the
term, more like an agglomeration of electoral machines, controlled by politicians owned by
vested interests, making up the rules as they go along.
With both Biden and Warren desperate for anything that can be portrayed as momentum expect
the unexpected: repeats of the sort of nonsense we saw in Iowa and local precincts in which
110% of the electorate give unanimous support to the candidate most likely to take away their
social security and wave 'bye-bye' as they die untreated of diseases. Or malnutrition.
nd the cherry on top of the electoral sundae in today's primaries will be the near unanimity
with which the most glaring irregularities are ignored by the media, and anyone suggesting
that 2+2= anything as predictable as 4 will be called a conspiracy theorist, working for
Putin and the KGB.
Anything can happen, but it seems that both Warren and Biden are going down the tubes, and
without yet having been able to stop Bernie. Buttegieg seems to be doing well, but the only
reason to expect that to last is that he is a Deep State/CIA-creation like Obama was.
Just as Democrat-supporters have had to find the path to accepting -- or
embracing–whatever they are told is necessary to defeat Trump (the CIA, the defiant
heroism of Nancy Pelosi in tearing up Trump's speech, the "principled stands" of militarist
reactionaries such as John Bolton, Alexander Vindman, and Mitt Romney, and deep hatred and
contempt for ordinary people in general -- is there any doubt that there is no limit to how
reactionary Democrats and "the Left" can get?), now they will have to accept Michael Bloomberg
as the "alternative."
My own view is that Trump is not an "oligarch," because oligarchs exist among other
oligarchs; that's a subject for further exploration, but it is clear that Bloomberg is, in
fact, such an oligarch.
A thesis regarding the postmodern spectacle: What one might accept, even minimally, at one
point, perhaps as necessary in a purely tactical sense ("the Left," broadly speaking), one can
come to embrace at a later moment (confirmed OP Democrats who will vote "BNMW"). This is the
moving line of bullshit as it moves around what stands in as a "principle" in this scene:
"Because Trump."
The moving line really does some fantastic work for the neoliberal-globalist forces who want
a "return to normalcy." What people who think of themselves as some kind of "resistance" at
first grudgingly accept will later come to embrace.
In the wake of Iowa, and now New Hampshire, there are already good liberals talking up
Bloomberg as the best chance for beating Trump -- this includes people who claim they would
prefer Bernie. Somehow they are getting past the fact that only Bernie is given a realistic
chance of beating Trump in an election. Certainly, things can change, but what is really going
on here?
Among OP Dems it seems likely that the instinct for neoliberal globalist "normalcy" is
kicking in, and so Dems are proposing to go with an oligarch billionaire -- just yesterday the
worst thing on earth -- who has many times the wealth of Trump, and who represents the ugliest
sector of globalist capital.
Will those supposedly in the left, and those supposedly to the left, of the Democratic
Party, remain dutiful and accept (and then enthusiastically embrace -- again, any- and
everything is possible here) this "alternative"?
They have failed every test thus far, but perhaps Sanders can turn them around. As I argued
previously, this will take a movement of great strength and depth. Even if Sanders cannot win
the general election, he would be doing the world a great favor in defeating Bloomberg. Despite
serious reservations, I wish him well in this pursuit.
Of course, if Sanders were to win the nomination but not the general, those who despise him
now would despise him that much more, and very likely even many who like him now would turn
against him. It is hard not to see the maneuverings of the Clintons here, and even more the
Clintonist mainstream of the Democratic Party, and just in recent days trial balloons are
floating around with the proposal that Hillary could be Bloomberg's VP pick. No one should be
surprised if things turn out the other way 'round.
When one considers this whole mess, and adds to it the way that Identity Politics, at least
in its current predominant form as woke ideology for resistance LARPers, fits hand in glove
with globalist economic and military agendas, I find it difficult to see how the Trump
Disruption, Clarification, and the bits of Experiment that have gained traction are not
qualitatively superior.
Of one thing we can be sure, however, namely that the circumnavigations and circumlocutions
of those who claim to the contrary will continue to kick into ever-higher gears.
Bill Martin
is a philosopher and musician, retired from DePaul University. He is completing a book with the
title, "The Trump Clarification: Disruption at the Edge of the System (toward a theory)." His
most recent albums are "Raga Chaturanga" (Bill Martin + Zugzwang; Avant-Bass 3) and "Emptiness,
Garden: String Quartets nos. 1 and 2 (Ryokucha Bass Guitar Quartet; Avant-Bass 4). He lives in
Salina, Kansas, and plays bass guitar with The Radicles.
There was a statement that Sanders made at the debate
last night that deserves more attention, because it gets at the heart of the manufactured
controversy over Sanders' own past statements and the glaring hypocrisy that defines so many of
our foreign policy discussions. Sanders said this:
Excuse me, occasionally it might be a good idea to be honest about American foreign policy
[bold mine-DL], and that includes the fact that America has overthrown governments all over
the world in Chile, in Guatemala, in Iran. And when dictatorships, whether it is the Chinese
or the Cubans do something good, you acknowledge that. But you don't have to trade love
letters with them.
Several of Sanders' opponents last night were not interested in being honest about U.S.
foreign policy. If they had been interested, they would have to admit that U.S. politicians
acknowledge positive developments that take place under authoritarian regimes all the time, and
most of the time they do this to justify U.S. support for those governments. The fact is that
both Bloomberg and Biden have sometimes said very positive things about repressive
authoritarian states without any caveats. They haven't prefaced their praise by saying that
this is an oppressive government that violates human rights. They didn't say anything that
could be construed as a criticism. Biden
touted Mubarak as an ally and refused to call him a dictator just weeks before his ouster.
praised the Saudi crown prince and his Vision 2030 plan last year without
But Bloomberg has praised another murderous dictator – Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed
bin Salman, known as MBS – as recently as last year, long after he was implicated in
the murder of Post contributing columnist Jamal Khashoggi.
In a September 2019 interview with Arab News, Bloomberg praised Mohammed bin Salman's
"Saudi Vision 2030" plan, focusing especially on its loosening of some restrictions on Saudi
women. "I have had a number of women come up to me and say you don't understand this is the
best thing that has ever happened to Saudi Arabia because half the population was cut out and
now they are going in the right direction," Bloomberg said. He lauded King Salman and MBS for
their efforts "to take that country into the new world," saying, "They have made progress
going in the right direction."
He didn't acknowledge that MBS had jailed and tortured some prominent Saudi women
activists. And Bloomberg didn't mention that 11 months earlier, U.S. permanent resident and
Saudi journalist Khashoggi was murdered and dismembered by MBS's own henchmen. International
investigators and the CIA later concluded that the killing was a premeditated crime ordered
by MBS himself.
This wasn't just a case of Bloomberg letting optimism get the better of him. By the time he
said these things, the increasingly repressive nature of the Saudi government under Mohammed
bin Salman was well-known. The many war crimes and atrocities committed by his government in
Yemen had been in the news for years (and
they continue to happen ), Khashoggi's murder had happened almost a year earlier, and he
could not have missed the stories about the ongoing detentions and torture of political
activists, including Loujain
al-Hathloul , who is still imprisoned to this day. As far as political rights are
concerned, Saudi Arabia has clearly been moving in the wrong direction, but Bloomberg chose to
ignore all of that.
It would be fair to acknowledge that there have been some positive changes in Saudi Arabia
over the last few years at the same time that the crown prince has been cracking down on
dissent, killing critics, and consolidating power, but if you're going to talk about those
changes it would be important to state opposition and condemnation of the Saudi government's
myriad abuses. On that occasion, Bloomberg only offered praise, and there is no evidence that
he expressed any concern about Saudi government crimes and abuses until he was starting to run
for president. The Saudi Arabia example is a telling one, because for the last several years
many American politicians and media outlets embarrassed themselves by lavishing nothing but
praise on the Saudi crown prince for his "reforms."
As a matter of U.S. policy, Saudi Arabia has been given a pass for the many atrocities it
has committed in Yemen because the current administration places more value on selling them
weapons and the previous administration wanted to "reassure" them of our support. The issue
here is not just the double standard applied to U.S. clients, but that many of our leaders give
these governments a pass on their human rights violations and war crimes in order to justify
U.S. policies of support for those clients that cause even more death and destruction. In other
words, when U.S. politicians praise authoritarian clients, it is usually part of an effort to
whitewash the client government's record and to justify providing them with more weapons and
aid. There are real consequences and human costs when politicians turn into cheerleaders for
these governments.
Biden was vice president when the shameful policy of supporting the war on Yemen began, and
when he was part of the Obama administration there is no evidence that he opposed this policy
or spoke against it at any point. He has since turned against that policy, but he had nothing
to say about it when he could have done something about it. While Bloomberg was singing the
crown prince's praises, Sanders has been one of the leading critics of the Saudi government's
crimes and an opponent of U.S. enabling of those crimes. Which one would you rather have making
foreign policy decisions as president: Mohammed bin Salman's cheerleader or one of his most
vocal critics?
Twenty-one of those were people that I spent $100 million ...
Names? I mean after all, if a guy's gonna bet frn100m on a hand of black jack, maybe he's
in a different class than me. I wonder if he has those folks punching his clock, from
the reports of his management style, it sounds like he's more interested in controlling
people's lives than in getting things done efficiently.
Akzed , 5 hours ago
That's $4.7M apiece. I forget, what are the limits for individual donations?
Bill of Rights , 6 hours ago
So is the FBI going to investigate Bloomturd for admitted. election fraud?
Laughter fills the room.
waspwench , 5 hours ago
Agreed. Mini-Mike is a control freak.
I would never have thought I would ever even contemplate such a thing but I am concluding
that there should be limits on any one person's wealth. Mike has $57 billion and we cannot
prevent him from using it to buy the government. There is something seriously wrong with such
a scenario.
GreatUncle , 6 hours ago
So Bloomberg just admitted he has been positioning himself to become king.
"... With Neoliberal Democrats like with Trotskyites , the only reality is power. For everything else, in any conflict between reality and fantasy, fantasy wins every damn time. ..."
in the wake of Sanders' landslide victory in Nevada, a brokered convention would mean
the end of the Democrat Party pretense to represent the 99 Percent.
as if it really mattered. Neoliberal Democrats policies are built on manufactured memes,
anecdotal narratives, hyperbolic delusions, ephemeral boogeymen, sweeping generalizations,
logical fallacies, and bloated definitions. In other words it's lies, lies, lies, lies, lies,
all the way up and down the chain.
With Neoliberal Democrats like with Trotskyites , the only reality is power. For
everything else, in any conflict between reality and fantasy, fantasy wins every damn
"... But in the wake of Sanders' landslide victory in Nevada, a brokered convention would mean the end of the Democrat Party pretense to represent the 99 Percent. The American voting system would be seen to be as oligarchic as that of Rome on the eve of the infighting that ended with Augustus becoming Emperor in 27 BC. ..."
"... Last year I was asked to write a scenario for what might happen with a renewed DNC theft of the election's nomination process. To be technical, I realize, it's not called theft when it's legal. In the aftermath of suits over the 2016 power grab, the courts ruled that the Democrat Party is indeed controlled by the DNC members, not by the voters. When it comes to party machinations and decision-making, voters are subsidiary to the superdelegates in their proverbial smoke-filled room (now replaced by dollar-filled foundation contracts). ..."
"... I could not come up with a solution that does not involve dismantling and restructuring the existing party system. We have passed beyond the point of having a solvable "problem" with the Democratic National Committee (DNC). That is what a quandary is. A problem has a solution – by definition. A quandary does not have a solution. There is no way out. The conflict of interest between the Donor Class and the Voting Class has become too large to contain within a single party. It must split. ..."
"... A second-ballot super-delegate scenario would mean that we are once again in for a second Trump term. That option was supported by five of the six presidential contenders on stage in Nevada on Wednesday, February 20. When Chuck Todd asked whether Michael Bloomberg, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar would support the candidate who received the most votes in the primaries (now obviously Bernie Sanders), or throw the nomination to the super-delegates held over from the Obama-Clinton neoliberals (75 of whom already are said to have pledged their support to Bloomberg), each advocated "letting the process play out." That was a euphemism for leaving the choice to the Tony-Blair style leadership that have made the Democrats the servants' entrance to the Republican Party. Like the British Labour Party behind Blair and Gordon Brown, its role is to block any left-wing alternative to the Republican program on behalf of the One Percent. ..."
To hear the candidates debate, you would think that their fight was over who could best beat
Trump. But when Trump's billionaire twin Mike Bloomberg throws a quarter-billion dollars into
an ad campaign to bypass the candidates actually running for votes in Iowa, New Hampshire and
Nevada, it's obvious that what really is at issue is the future of the Democrat Party.
Bloomberg is banking on a brokered convention held by the Democratic National Committee (DNC)
in which money votes. (If "corporations are people," so is money in today's political
Until Nevada, all the presidential candidates except for Bernie Sanders were playing for a
brokered convention. The party's candidates seemed likely to be chosen by the Donor Class, the
One Percent and its proxies, not the voting class (the 99 Percent). If, as Mayor Bloomberg has
assumed, the DNC will sell the presidency to the highest bidder, this poses the great question:
Can the myth that the Democrats represent the working/middle class survive? Or, will the Donor
Class trump the voting class?
This could be thought of as "election interference" – not from Russia but from the DNC
on behalf of its Donor Class. That scenario would make the Democrats' slogan for 2020 "No Hope
or Change." That is, no change from today's economic trends that are sweeping wealth up to the
One Percent.
All this sounds like Rome at the end of the Republic in the 1st century BC. The way Rome's
constitution was set up, candidates for the position of consul had to pay their way through a
series of offices. The process started by going deeply into debt to get elected to the position
of aedile, in charge of staging public games and entertainments. Rome's neoliberal fiscal
policy did not tax or spend, and there was little public administrative bureaucracy, so all
such spending had to be made out of the pockets of the oligarchy. That was a way of keeping
decisions about how to spend out of the hands of democratic politics. Julius Caesar and others
borrowed from the richest Bloomberg of their day, Crassus, to pay for staging games that would
demonstrate their public spirit to voters (and also demonstrate their financial liability to
their backers among Rome's One Percent). Keeping election financing private enabled the leading
oligarchs to select who would be able to run as viable candidates. That was Rome's version of
Citizens United.
But in the wake of Sanders' landslide victory in Nevada, a brokered convention would mean
the end of the Democrat Party pretense to represent the 99 Percent. The American voting system
would be seen to be as oligarchic as that of Rome on the eve of the infighting that ended with
Augustus becoming Emperor in 27 BC.
Today's pro-One Percent media – CNN, MSNBC and The New York Times have been busy
spreading their venom against Sanders. On Sunday, February 23, CNN ran a slot, "Bloomberg needs
to take down Sanders, immediately." Given Sanders' heavy national lead, CNN warned, the race
suddenly is almost beyond the vote-fixers' ability to fiddle with the election returns. That
means that challengers to Sanders should focus their attack on him; they will have a chance to
deal with Bloomberg later (by which CNN means, when it is too late to stop him).
The party's Clinton-Obama recipients of Donor Class largesse pretend to believe that Sanders
is not electable against Donald Trump. This tactic seeks to attack him at his strongest point.
Recent polls show that he is the only candidate who actually would defeat Trump – as they
showed that he would have done in 2016.
The DNC knew that, but preferred to lose to Trump than to win with Bernie. Will history
repeat itself? Or to put it another way, will this year's July convention become a replay of
Chicago in 1968?
A quandary, not a problem
Last year I was asked to write a scenario for what might happen with a renewed DNC theft of
the election's nomination process. To be technical, I realize, it's not called theft when it's
legal. In the aftermath of suits over the 2016 power grab, the courts ruled that the Democrat
Party is indeed controlled by the DNC members, not by the voters. When it comes to party
machinations and decision-making, voters are subsidiary to the superdelegates in their
proverbial smoke-filled room (now replaced by dollar-filled foundation contracts).
I could not come up with a solution that does not involve dismantling and restructuring the
existing party system. We have passed beyond the point of having a solvable "problem" with the
Democratic National Committee (DNC). That is what a quandary is. A problem has a solution
– by definition. A quandary does not have a solution. There is no way out. The conflict
of interest between the Donor Class and the Voting Class has become too large to contain within
a single party. It must split.
A second-ballot super-delegate scenario would mean that we are once again in for a second
Trump term. That option was supported by five of the six presidential contenders on stage in
Nevada on Wednesday, February 20. When Chuck Todd asked whether Michael Bloomberg, Elizabeth
Warren, Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar would support the candidate who received
the most votes in the primaries (now obviously Bernie Sanders), or throw the nomination to the
super-delegates held over from the Obama-Clinton neoliberals (75 of whom already are said to
have pledged their support to Bloomberg), each advocated "letting the process play out." That
was a euphemism for leaving the choice to the Tony-Blair style leadership that have made the
Democrats the servants' entrance to the Republican Party. Like the British Labour Party behind
Blair and Gordon Brown, its role is to block any left-wing alternative to the Republican
program on behalf of the One Percent.
"... This is the PLAN for all WHITE anglo saxon deplorables goyim Illiterate, Unemployed, violent and give them all the (tax subsidized) drugs opiods, pornography, that their subhuman hallow souls desired white genocide/ ..."
"... There is no quandary. The US democracy has long become "one dollar – one vote". Those who still believe that Dems represent working people should not take IQ test to avoid being deeply disappointed. ..."
Ironically the DEM party has become the Oligarchs party the DEMs debased themselves
abandoning the WORKING class long time ago. The DEM recipe for WHITE conservative deplorables
is something like DETROIT model a former city the cradle of the Auto/industrial manufacturing
is now a desolated city bankrupt, violence, dilapidated etc.
This is the PLAN for all WHITE anglo saxon deplorables goyim Illiterate, Unemployed,
violent and give them all the (tax subsidized) drugs opiods, pornography, that their subhuman
hallow souls desired white genocide/
There is no quandary. The US democracy has long become "one dollar – one vote". Those
who still believe that Dems represent working people should not take IQ test to avoid being
deeply disappointed.
"... It was no accident that Davos, the promoter of globalization, is so strongly behind the Climate Change agenda. Davos WEF has a board of appointed trustees. Among them is the early backer of Greta Thunberg, climate multi-millionaire, Al Gore, chairman of the Climate Reality Project. WEF Trustees also include former IMF head, now European Central Bank head Christine Lagarde whose first words as ECB chief were that central banks had to make climate change a priority. Another Davos trustee is outgoing Bank of England head Mark Carney, who was just named Boris Johnson's climate change advisor and who warns that pension funds that ignore climate change risk bankruptcy (sic). ..."
"... Of note: Mark Carney upon leaving his position of Governor Bank of England will serve as global warming adviser to Boris Johnson. Who knew Carney was a scientist? ..."
'Greta, bonnie Prince Charles and the pirate billionaires and trillionaires'- In another
post I queried how did Greta go to Davos? Silly me; Greta was invited the keynote speaker.
"Stop Climate change" was this year's theme: the Vision - 'stop the natural cycle of the
universe' -
Now she intends to Trademark 'How Dare You' and set up a Foundation Indeed, Greta found
her sugar daddies. Adults who encourage truancy.
my grandpa was a wise bloke and admonished "when politicians and do gooders are in the
same room, keep an eye on your money."
It was no accident that Davos, the promoter of globalization, is so strongly behind the
Climate Change agenda. Davos WEF has a board of appointed trustees. Among them is the early
backer of Greta Thunberg, climate multi-millionaire, Al Gore, chairman of the Climate
Reality Project. WEF Trustees also include former IMF head, now European Central Bank head
Christine Lagarde whose first words as ECB chief were that central banks had to make
climate change a priority. Another Davos trustee is outgoing Bank of England head Mark
Carney, who was just named Boris Johnson's climate change advisor and who warns that
pension funds that ignore climate change risk bankruptcy (sic).
The board also includes the influential founder of Carlyle Group, David M. Rubenstein.
It includes Feike Sybesma of the agribusiness giant, Unilever, who is also Chair of the
High Level Leadership Forum on Competitiveness and Carbon Pricing of the World Bank Group.
And perhaps the most interesting in terms of pushing the new green agenda is Larry Fink,
founder and CEO of the investment group BlackRock.[.]
TCFD and SASB Look Closely
As part of his claim to virtue on the new green investing, Fink states that BlackRock
was a founding member of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). He
claims, "For evaluating and reporting climate-related risks, as well as the related
governance issues that are essential to managing them, the TCFD provides a valuable
TCFD was created in 2015 by the Bank for International Settlements, chaired by fellow
Davos board member and Bank of England head Mark Carney. In 2016 the TCFD along with the
City of London Corporation and the UK Government created the Green Finance Initiative,
aiming to channel trillions of dollars to "green" investments. The central bankers of the
FSB nominated 31 people to form the TCFD. Chaired by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, it
includes in addition to BlackRock, JP MorganChase; Barclays Bank; HSBC; Swiss Re, the
world's second largest reinsurance; China's ICBC bank; Tata Steel, ENI oil, Dow Chemical,
mining giant BHP and David Blood of Al Gore's Generation Investment LLC. Note the crucial
role of the central banks here.[.]
Of note: Mark Carney upon leaving his position of Governor Bank of England will serve as
global warming adviser to Boris Johnson. Who knew Carney was a scientist?
Tax on Excessive garbage output is coming to your town. You will be restricted to xxxKGs/LBS
annually. Your garbage will be weighed and at December 31st any excess above the permissible
will attract additional tax.
Anyone see the unintended consequences?
The deep state clearly is running the show (with some people unexpected imput -- see Trump
Elections now serve mainly for the legitimizing of the deep state rule; election of a
particular individual can change little, although there is some space of change due to the power
of executive branch. If the individual stray too much form the elite "forign policy consensus" he
ether will be JFKed or Russiagated (with the Special Prosecutor as the fist act and impeachment
as the second act of the same Russiagate drama)
But a talented (or reckless) individual can speed up some process that are already under way.
For example, Trump managed to speed up the process of destruction of the USA-centered neoliberal
empire considerably. Especially by launching the trade war with China. He also managed to
discredit the USA foreign policy as no other president before him. Even Bush II.
>This is the most critical U.S. election in our lifetime
> Posted by: Circe | Jan 23 2020 17:46 utc | 36
Hmmm, I've been hearing the same siren song every four years for the past fifty. How is it
that people still think that a single individual, or even two, can change the direction of
murderous US policies that are widely supported throughout the bureaucracy?
Bureaucracies are reactionary and conservative by nature, so any new and more repressive
policy Trumpy wants is readily adapted, as shown by the continuing barbarity of ICE and the
growth of prisons and refugee concentration camps. Policies that go against the grain are
easily shrugged off and ignored using time-tested passive-aggressive tactics.
One of Trump's insurmountable problems is that he has no loyal organization behind him
whose members he can appoint throughout the massive Federal bureaucracy. Any Dummycrat whose
name is not "Biden" has the same problem. Without a real mass-movement political party to
pressure reluctant bureaucrats, no politician of any name or stripe will ever substantially
change the direction of US policy.
But the last thing Dummycrats want is a real mass movement, because they might not be able
to control it. Instead Uncle Sam will keep heading towards the cliff, which may be coming
into view...
The amount of TINA worshipers and status quo guerillas is starting to depress me.
HOW IS IT POSSIBLE to believe A politician will/can change anything and give your consent to
war criminals and traitors?
NO person(s) WILL EVER get to the top in imperial/vassal state politics without being on the
rentier class side, the cognitive dissonans in voting for known liars, war criminals and
traitors would kill me or fry my brain. TINA is a lie and "she" is a real bitch that deserves
to be thrown on the dump off history, YOUR vote is YOUR consent to murder, theft and
DONT be a rentier class enabler STOP voting and start making your local communities better
and independent instead.
The amount of TINA worshipers and status quo guerillas is starting to depress me. <-
Of course, There Is Another Way, for example, kvetching. We can boldly show that we are
upset, and pessimistic. One upset pessimists reach critical mass we will think about some
But being upset and pessimistic does fully justify inactivity. In particular, given the
nature of social interaction networks, with spokes and hubs, dominating the network requires
the control of relatively few nodes. The nature of democracy always allows for leverage
takeover, starting from dominating within small to the entire nation in few steps. As it was
nicely explained by Prof. Overton, there is a window of positions that the vast majority
regards as reasonable, non-radical etc. One reason that powers to be invest so much energy
vilifying dissenters, Russian assets of late, is to keep them outside the Overton window.
Having a candidate elected that the curators of Overton window hate definitely shakes the
situation with the potential of shifting the window. There were some positive symptoms after
Trump was elected, but negatives prevail. "Why not we just kill him" idea entered the window,
together with "we took their oil because we have guts and common sense".
From that point of view, visibility of Tulsi and election of Sanders will solve some
problems but most of all, it will make big changes in Overton window.
Elections now serve mainly the legitimizing of the deep state rule function; election of a
partuclar induvudual can change little, althouth there is some space of change due to the power
of executive branch.
For example, Trump managed to speed up the process od destruction of the USA-centered
neoliberal empire considerably. Especially by lauching the trade war with China. He also
managed to discredit the USA foreign policy as no other president before him. Even Bush
>This is the most critical U.S. election in our lifetime
> Posted by: Circe | Jan 23 2020 17:46 utc | 36
Hmmm, I've been hearing the same siren song every four years for the past fifty. How is it
that people still think that a single individual, or even two, can change the direction of
murderous US policies that are widely supported throughout the bureaucracy?
Bureaucracies are reactionary and conservative by nature, so any new and more repressive
policy Trumpy wants is readily adapted, as shown by the continuing barbarity of ICE and the
growth of prisons and refugee concentration camps. Policies that go against the grain are
easily shrugged off and ignored using time-tested passive-aggressive tactics.
One of Trump's insurmountable problems is that he has no loyal organization behind him
whose members he can appoint throughout the massive Federal bureaucracy. Any Dummycrat whose
name is not "Biden" has the same problem. Without a real mass-movement political party to
pressure reluctant bureaucrats, no politician of any name or stripe will ever substantially
change the direction of US policy.
But the last thing Dummycrats want is a real mass movement, because they might not be able
to control it. Instead Uncle Sam will keep heading towards the cliff, which may be coming
into view...
"... they promote the nauseating center-right candidacies of the bewildered racist and corporatist Joe Biden, the sinister neoliberal corporate-militarist Pete Butiggieg and even the marginal Wall Street "moderates" Amy Klobuchar and Kamala Harris? ..."
"... "Follow the money" is the longstanding mantra in campaign finance research and criminal prosecution. ..."
"... At the same time, both U.S. corporate media managers and the advertisers who supply revenue for their salaries are hesitant to produce content that might alienate affluent folks – the people who hire pricey investment advisors, go to Caribbean resorts and buy Jaguars and Mercedes Benzes and count for an ever-rising share of U.S. consumer purchases. It is those with the most purchasing power who are naturally most targeted by advertisers. ..."
Is it any wonder that the nation's "liberal" cable news stations CNN and MSNBC can barely
contain their disdain for Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign and even (to a lesser degree)
for that of Elizabeth Warren while they promote the nauseating center-right candidacies of the
bewildered racist and corporatist Joe Biden, the sinister neoliberal corporate-militarist Pete Butiggieg and even the marginal Wall Street "moderates" Amy Klobuchar and Kamala Harris?
time you click on these stations, keep a pen and paper handy to write down the names of the
corporations that pay for their broadcast content with big money commercial purchases.
I did that at various times of day on three separate occasions last week. Here are the
companies I found buying ads at CNN and MSDNC:
American Advisors Group (AAG), the top lender the American reverse mortgage industry (with
Tom Selleck telling seniors to trust him that reverse mortgages are not a rip off)
United Health Care, for-profit "managed health care company" with 300,000 employers and an
annual revenue of $226 billion, ranked sixth on the 2019 Fortune 500.
Menards, the nation's third largest home improvement chain, with revenue over $10 billion in
CHANITX, a drug to get off cigarettes ("slow Turkey") sold by the pharmaceutical firm
Pfizer, 65th on the Fortune 500.
Tom Steyer (billionaire for president)
Lincoln Financial, 187 th on the Fortune 500, an American holding company that
controls multiple insurance and investment management businesses.
Liberty Mutual, an insurance company with more than 50,000 employees in more than 900
locations and ranked 68 th on the Fortune 500 two years ago.
Allstate Insurance: 79 th on the Fortune 500, with more than 45,000
INFINITI Suburban Utility Vehicle (new price ranging from 37K to 60K), produced by Nissan,
the sixth largest auto-making corporation in the world.
RCN (annual revenue of $636 million) WiFi for business
Jaguar Elite luxury autos.
Porsche luxury autos, selling new models priced at $115,000, $145,000, and $163,00, and
Mercedes Benz luxury auto, including an SRL-Class model that starts at $498,000
Capital Group, one of the world's oldest and biggest investment management firms, with $1.87
trillion in assets under its control.
Otezla, a plaque psoriasis drug, developed by the New Jersey drug company Celgene and owned
by Amgene, a leading California-based biotechnology firm with total assets of $78 billion.
Trelegy, a CPD drug produced by the British company GSK, the world's seventh leading
pharmaceutical corporation, with the fourth largest capitalization of any company on the London
Stock Exchange.
HunterDouglass – elite windows made by a Dutch multinational corporation with more
than 23,000 employees and locations in more than 70 countries.
Humira – drug for Crohn's disease and other ailments, manufactured by Abbvie, with
28,000 global employees and total assets of $59 billion.
Primateme Mist – for breathing, produced by Amphastar Pharmaceuticals.
Glucerna – drug for diabetes, produced by Abbot Laboratories, an American medical
company with more than 100,00 employees and total assets of $67 billion.
Prevagen – a controversial drug for brain health produced by Quincy Bioscience
DISCOVER Credit Card, the third largest credit card brand in the U.S., with total assets of
$92 billion.
Fidelity Investments, an American multinational financial services corporation with more
than 50,000 employees and an operating income of $5.3 billion.
Cadillac XT-6 high-end SUV, starting at $53K, made by General Motors (no. 10 on the Fortune
500 for total revenue), which makes automobiles in 37 countries, employees 173,000 persons, and
has total assets $227 billion.
Comfort Inn, owned by Choice Hotels, one of the largest hotel chains in the world,
franchising 7,005 properties in 41 countries and territories.
Audible/Amazon – books on tape from the world's biggest mega-corporation Amazon,
ranked fifth on the Fortune 500, with 647,000 employees and total assets of $163 billion.
Ring Home Security, owned by Amazon
Coventry Health Insurance, no. 168 on the Fortune 500
SANDALS Resorts International, with 16 elite resort properties in the Caribbean.
Cigna Medicare Advantage, owned by the national health insurer Cigna, no. 229 on the Fortune
SoFi Finance, an online personal finance company that provides student loan refinancing,
mortgages and personal loans.
Ameriprise Finance, an investment services firm, no. 240 on F500.
It's not for nothing that bit Fortune 500 firms are represented in my anecdotal sponsor list
above. Last summer, SQAD MediaCosts reported that a 30-second commercial during CNN's
prime-time lineup (Anderson Cooper, Chris Cuomo, and Don Lemon), cost between $7,000 and
$12,000. The price has certainly gone up significantly now that Trumpeachment is bringing in
new eyeballs.
The three most prominent and recurrent advertising streams appear (anecdotally) to come from
Big Pharma (the leading drug companies), insurance (health insurance above all), and finance
(investment services/wealth management). These giant concentrated corporate and industry
sectors are naturally opposed to the financial regulation and anti-trust policy that Senator
Warren says she wants to advance. Amazon can hardly be expected to back the big-tech break-up
that Warren advocates.
Big corporate lenders certainly have no interest in making college tuition free, a Sanders
promise that would slash a major profit source for finance capital.
The big health insurance firms are naturally opposed both to the Single Payer national
health insurance plan that Sanders puts at the top of his platform and to the milder version of
Medicare for All that Warren says she backs. Warren and especially Sanders pledge to remove the
parasitic, highly expensive profit motive from health insurance and to make publicly funded
quality and affordable health care a human right in the U.S. The corporate insurance mafia is
existentially opposed to such human decency.
Both of the "progressive Democratic candidates" (a description that fits Sanders far better
than it does Warren) loudly promise to slash drug costs, something Pfizer, Abbvie, Amgene,
Amphastar, and Abbot Labs can hardly be expected to relish.
None of the big companies buying advertising time on CNN and MSNBC have any interest in the
progressive taxation and restored union organizing and collective bargaining rights that
Sanders advocates.
The big financial services firms paying for media content on "liberal" cable news stations
primarily serve affluent clients, many if not most of whom are likely to oppose increased taxes
on the well off.
The resort, tourism, luxury car, and business travel firms that buy commercials on these
networks are hardly about to back policies leading to the real or potential reduction of
discretionary income enjoyed by upper middle class and rich people.
So, gosh, who do these corporate and financial interests favor in the 2020 presidential
election? Neoliberal Corporatists like Joe Biden, Pete Butiggieg, Kamala Harris, and Amy
Klobuchar, of course. Dutifully obedient to the preferences and commands of the nation's
unelected dictatorship of money, these insipid corporate Democrats loyally claim that Sanders
and Warren want to viciously "tax the middle class" to pay for supposedly unaffordable excesses
like Medicare for All and the existentially necessary Green New Deal.
In reality, Single Payer and giant green jobs programs and more that We the People need and
want are eminently affordable if the United States follows Sanders' counsel by adequately and
progressively taxing its absurdly wealthy over-class (the top tenth of the upper 1% than owns
more than 90% of U.S. wealth) and its giant, surplus-saturated corporations and financial
institutions. At the same time, as Warren keeps trying to explain, the cost savings for
ordinary Americans will be enormous with the profits system taken out of health insurance.
Sanders reminds voters that there's no way to calculate the cost savings of keeping livable
ecology alive for future generations. The climate catastrophe is a grave existential threat to
the whole species.
These are basic arguments of elementary social, environmental, and democratic decency that
the investors and managers behind and atop big corporations buying commercials on CNN and MSNBC
don't want heard. As a result, CNN and MSDNC "debate" moderators and talking heads persist in
purveying the, well, fake news, that Sanders doesn't know how to pay Single Payer, free public
college, and a Green New Deal.
It's not for nothing that CNN and MSNBC have promoted the hapless Biden over and above
Sanders and Warren – this notwithstanding the former Vice President's ever more obvious
and embarrassing inadequacy as a candidate.
It's not for nothing that MSNBC and CNN have habitually warned against the supposed
"socialist" menace posed by the highly popular Sanders (a New Deal progressive at leftmost)
while refusing to properly describe Trump's White House and his dedicated base as pro-fascists.
MSDNC has even get a weekly segment to the silver-spooned multi-millionaire advertising
executive Donny Deutsch after he said the following on the network last winter:
"I find Donald Trump reprehensible as a human being, but a socialist candidate is more
dangerous to this company, country, as far as the strength and well-being of the country,
than Donald Trump. I would vote for Donald Trump, a despicable human being I will be so
distraught to the point that that could even come out of my mouth, if we have a socialist
[Democratic presidential candidate or president] because that will take our country so down,
and we are not Denmark. I love Denmark, but that's not who we are. And if you love who we are
and all the great things that still have to have binders put on the side. Please step away
from the socialism."
It's not for nothing that the liberal cable networks go out of their way to deny Sanders
remotely appropriate broadcast time. Or that they habitually and absurdly frame Single Payer
health insurance not as the great civilizing social and human rights victory it would be (the
long-overdue cost-slashing de-commodification of health care coverage combined with the
provision of health care for all regardless of social status and class) but rather as a
dangerous and authoritarian assault on Americans' existing (and unmentionably inadequate and
over-expensive) health insurance.
Dare we mention that the lords of capital who pay for cable news salaries and content are
heavily invested in the fossil fuels and in the relentless economic growth that are pushing the
planet rapidly towards environmental tipping points that gravely endanger prospects for a
decent and organized human existence in coming decades?
It's not for nothing that the progressive measures advanced by Sanders and supported by most
Americans are regularly treated as "unrealistic," "irresponsible," "too radical," "too
idealistic," "impractical," and "too expensive."
It's for nothing that Sanders is commonly left out of the liberal cable networks' campaign
coverage and "horse race" discussions even as he enjoys the highest approval rating among all
the candidates in the running.
With their preferred centrist candidate Joe Biden having performed in a predictably poor and
buffoonish fashion (Biden was a terrible, gaffe-prone politician well before his brains started
coming out of his ears) falling back into something like a three-way tie with the liberal
Warren and the populist progressive Sanders, the liberal cable talking heads and debate
moderators have naturally tried to boost "moderate" neoliberal-corporatist "second" and "third
tier" Democratic presidential candidates like Butiggieg, Klobuchar and the surprisingly weak
Kamala Harris. It's not for nothing that these and other marginal corporate candidates (e.g.
Beto O'Rourke) get outsized attention on "liberal" cable stations regardless of their tiny
support bases. Even if they can't win, these small-time contenders take constant neoliberal
jabs at Sanders and even at the more clearly corporate-co-optable Warren (who proudly describes
herself as "capitalist in my bones").
Thanks to Harris's curiously weak showing, Biden's dotard-like absurdity, and the likely
non-viability of Butiggieg (the U.S. is not yet primed for two men and a baby in the White
House), the not-so liberal cable channels are now joining the New Yok Times and
Washington Post in gently floating the possibility of a dark-horse neoliberal Democratic
Party newcomer (Michael Bloomberg, John Kerry, Michelle Obama, Sherrod Brown, and maybe even
Hillary Clinton herself) to fill Joke Biden's Goldman-and Citigroup-approved shoes in the
coming primary and Caucus battles with "radical socialist" Bernie and (not-so) "left"
So what if running an establishment Obama-Clinton-Citigroup-Council on Foreign Relations
Democrat in 2020 will de-mobilize much of the nation's progressive electoral base, helping the
malignant white nationalist monster Donald Trump get a second term?
As the old working-class slogan says, "money talks and bullshit walks."
"Follow the money" is the longstanding mantra in campaign finance research and criminal
prosecution. It should also apply to our understanding of the dominant media's political news
content. U.S. media managers are employed by giant corporations (MSNBC is a division of Comcast
NBC Universal, no. 71 on the Fortune 500 and CNN is owned by Turner Broadcasting, no, 68 on the
Fortune 500) that are naturally reluctant to publish or broadcast material that might offend
the wealthy capitalist interests that pay for broadcasting by purchasing advertisements. As
Noam Chomsky has noted, large corporations are not only the major producers of the United
States' mass commercial media. They are also that media's top market, something that deepens
the captivity of nation's supposedly democratic and independent media to big capital:
"The reliance of a journal on advertisers shapes and controls and substantially determines
what is presented to the public the very idea of advertiser reliance radically distorts the
concept of free media. If you think about what the commercial media are, no matter what, they
are businesses. And a business produces something for a market. The producers in this case,
almost without exception, are major corporations. The market is other businesses –
advertisers. The product that is presented to the market is readers (or viewers), so these
are basically major corporations providing audiences to other businesses, and that
significantly shapes the nature of the institution."
At the same time, both U.S. corporate media managers and the advertisers who supply revenue
for their salaries are hesitant to produce content that might alienate affluent folks –
the people who hire pricey investment advisors, go to Caribbean resorts and buy Jaguars and
Mercedes Benzes and count for an ever-rising share of U.S. consumer purchases. It is those with
the most purchasing power who are naturally most targeted by advertisers.
Money talks, bullshit talks on "liberal" cable news, as in the legal and party and elections
systems and indeed across all of society.
Watch the wannabe fascist strongman Trump walk to a second term with no small help from a
"liberal" corporate media whose primary goal is serving corporate sponsors and its own bottom
line, not serving social justice, environmental sanity, and democracy – or even helping
Democrats win elections.
"Why this expert warns that a voting watchdog has 'lost its way' -- and our elections are at
risk" [
Alternet ]. "Verified Voting, the national advocacy group seeking accountable election
results, has been "providing cover" for untrustworthy new voting systems and the public
officials buying them, according to an esteemed academic board member who has resigned in
To be accused by the inventor of its "gold-standard" audit solution of selling out while
states and counties are buy voting technology that will be used into the 2030s is remarkable
Stark and other critics say that the cards produced by a so-called ballot-marking device
(BMD) may not be accurate because potentially insecure software sits between a voter's fingers
and the printout.
Thus, Stark contends that his audit tool cannot assess if the reported result is correct.
Also, BMD systems are far more costly than hand-marked ballot systems, he and other critics
have said.
They note that the acquisition costs are followed by per-machine service agreements designed
to generate millions in annual revenues for vendors." • On BMDs,
see NC here .
It has long required the support of the wealthy -- and a certain level of personal wealth --
to run for president of the United States. In 2016, billions of
dollars were raised by Donald Trump's and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaigns. But the
rich control much
of this cash flow . In 2014, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, the
top .01 percent of all income earners in the United States accounted for 29 percent of all
political committee fundraising.
There are many reasons why this is a dangerous thing. But a big one is accountability.
"... At a first approximation, democracy is the alliance of the city dwellers for the power of the city, ignoring tribes and rural aristocrats, carefully contained so the landowners keep their land, and the slaves are kept under control. Or, to update it, the class collaboration of the wealthy (nowadays some sort of capitalist,) the middling strata and the common people for the power of the nation, carefully arranged so the people with great property make the decisions about the economy. ..."
"... As an example, it's only in the last few years I've wakened up to the extraordinary tendency to people to ignore either the progressive content of bourgeois revolutions, such as in pretending that destroying a national secular state in Iraq or Syria and replacing it with a cantonal confederation is a step backward. Or in surreptitiously pretending that democracy has nothing to do with the democratic state needing fighters against other states. Like most people on the internet, i do tend to get a little trendy, and repetitive. But apparently I'm too socially backward to get the memo on the correct trendy, and repetitive. ..."
"... The classic model of course was the Roman Republic. By coincidence I was reading Livy's first five books and the relationship between rights for the plebs and the need for them in war, stands out. Macchiavelli's Discourses on Livy makes this even plainer. In the US much of this was conveyed to the Americans via Algernon Sidney's Discourses on Government as refracted through Cato's Letters. (I hope to live long enough to read Discourses on Davila by John Adams, solely because of the title.) ..."
"... It would seem to me that the answer to the question "what is democracy" is best answered by another question: who gets (and doesn't get) the franchise? ..."
I went to see occasional Timberite Astra Taylor's remarkable film What is
Democracy? last night. It takes us from Siena, Italy to Florida to Athens and from Ancient
Athenian democracy through the renaissance and the beginning of capitalism to the Greek debt
crisis, occupy and the limbo life of people who have fled Syria and now find themselves stuck.
It combines the voices of Plato and Rousseau with those of ordinary voters from left and right,
Greek nationalists and cosmopolitans, ex-prisoners, with trauma surgeons in Miami, Guatemalan
migrants in the US, with lawmakers and academics, and with refugees from Syria and Afghanistan.
All the while it poses the questions of whether democracy is compatible with inequality and
global financial systems and the boundaries of inclusion.
steven t johnson 10.23.19 at 3:05 pm (no link)
At a first approximation, democracy is the alliance of the city dwellers for the power of the
city, ignoring tribes and rural aristocrats, carefully contained so the landowners keep their
land, and the slaves are kept under control. Or, to update it, the class collaboration of the
wealthy (nowadays some sort of capitalist,) the middling strata and the common people for the
power of the nation, carefully arranged so the people with great property make the decisions
about the economy.
It doesn't sound like this is very informative or useful, so I will wait until I have a
cheaper way to see it.
In my opinion, democracy as an actually existing property of a society is only imperfectly
described in terms of institutional arrangements, philosophical constructs, political system
or (as steven t johnson would have it) power relations between social groups. In addition to
all that, but probably prior to all that, democracy relies on principles which are
anthropological in nature, that pertains to the particular way human beings relate to
each other on a given territory.
This means that I absolutely believe in the necessity of a "we" to underlie democracy but
I doubt that this "we" needs to be (or indeed is ever) constitutive, it exists primarily if
not exclusively as a matter of human relations not as a constitutive abstraction. This also
means that I'm not surprised by the general absence of convergence in democratic forms around
the world (much to the bemusement of English-speaking political philosophers, or in the last
20 years, German and Flemish politicians) and that I believe that global citizenship is under
present circumstances a meaningless concept with respect to democracy. Some people understand
this to be arguing for a national, ethnic or cultural definition of democracy, in which only
people with a specific national identity, or a particular ethnicity, or specific cultural
practices or (in the contemporary American libertarian version) specific personality traits
may participate, as a matter of normative or positive judgment, depending on various
proponents of this theory. This seems to me to be a rather ironic analytical error: if indeed
a core property of democracy is rooted in the characteristic ways people relate to each
other, it is highly implausible that this could change under the influence of even a
substantial minority (in one direction or the other).
Incidentally, the idea that democracy is originally native to North-America is somewhat
classical (Voltaire championed it, but as usual with him, it is hard to vouch for his
seriousness). Since then it has resurfaced periodically for instance in William James Sidis
(disturbed) book The Tribes and the States or in the works of Bruce Johansen. Serious
discussions of this question lead, I believe, to the seemingly paradoxical observation that
English and Dutch settlers came to adopt the democratic principles of the Haudenosaunee
because they were themselves rather primitive (temporally speaking), and hence
democratic, in their anthropological values. Suc discussion would also lead to the far more
pessimistic conclusion that beyond their political models, native people in North-America
facilitated the establishment of a political democracy by providing a large neighboring group
to exclude out of humanity.
LFC@10 uses a reason for waiting as an excuse for a rhetorical question meant as a taunt. The
reason I might see it, if it's cheap enough, is because new facts and the (rare) new
perspective, if any, would seep into my thinking. The idea that my thinking doesn't change is
unfounded. It changes, it just doesn't change by conversion experience. The cogent arguments
of the wise on the internet are like Jesus on the road to Damascus, not quite able to be
described consistently, but still irrefutable.
But, try as I may, continual reworking of old ideas by new -- to me -- information
inevitably leads to the change. The process usually goes A Is that really true? B My old
ideas get a parenthesis added. C The parenthesis gets worked into the rest of the paragraph
so that I'm more consisten. D I've always believed that. The step where I abjectly plead for
forgiveness for being a moron is never there, any more than actually being consistent.
As an example, it's only in the last few years I've wakened up to the extraordinary
tendency to people to ignore either the progressive content of bourgeois revolutions, such as
in pretending that destroying a national secular state in Iraq or Syria and replacing it with
a cantonal confederation is a step backward. Or in surreptitiously pretending that democracy
has nothing to do with the democratic state needing fighters against other states. Like most
people on the internet, i do tend to get a little trendy, and repetitive. But apparently I'm
too socially backward to get the memo on the correct trendy, and repetitive.
For a less contentious example, as part of the process I've realized that ancient Sparta
was on the democratic spectrum, not least because of two kings which is definitely not twice
the monarchy. This may seem counter-intuitive, but it is still true, despite authority. But a
true expert who actually cared could revise the elementary insight into a much more
sophisticated, much superior way that might not even seem controversial. It might even seem
just like the answer to the questions: Why did Sparta ever ally with Athens in the first
place? Why did both Athens and Sparta ally (at different times) with Persia?
I will admit to a general prejudice against every historical discovery that a particular
place etc. was the birth of virtue.
steven t johnson 10.24.19 at 3:20 pm (no link)
Re the Haudenosaunee as exemplars of democracy, this is as I recall long known to be true of
Benjamin Franklin, one of the disreputable founders, nearly as disgraced as Tom Paine.
(Indeed, the notion that the revolutionaries weren't the founders, but Philadelphia lawyers'
convention was, is remarkable, though unremarked on.) But, what did Franklin admire about the
Iroquois League? I think it was the power through unity of different "tribes." The league
essentially genocided the Hurons to control the fur trade; launched long distance military
expeditions to drive away many other peoples from large areas in the Ohio valley to free up
hunting grounds; when it was convenient, they sold their rights, lands, there to the US. (The
treaty of Fort Stanwix) was later repudiated, verbally at least, by other.
The classic model of course was the Roman Republic. By coincidence I was reading Livy's
first five books and the relationship between rights for the plebs and the need for them in
war, stands out. Macchiavelli's Discourses on Livy makes this even plainer. In the US much of
this was conveyed to the Americans via Algernon Sidney's Discourses on Government as
refracted through Cato's Letters. (I hope to live long enough to read Discourses on Davila by
John Adams, solely because of the title.)
It would seem to me that the answer to the question "what is democracy" is best answered by
another question: who gets (and doesn't get) the franchise?
That's to who political power belongs under late capitalism and neoliberalism: financial
oligarchy. He who pays the piper calls the tune: " Do you imagine those who foot those huge
bills are fools? Don't you know that they make sure of getting their money back, with interest,
compound upon compound? "
Notable quotes:
"... Here we all are, piddling around with why Nancy Pelosi won't release the hounds in the House of Representatives, and waiting for some poor bastard in intelligence to come forward with what he really knows, and with a vulgar talking yam still in office. Meanwhile, Bill Weld has cut right to the heel of the hunt. You think you can't scare this guy? Put the gallows in his eyes. I mean, wow." ..."
"... " The greatest single hold of "the interests" is the fact that they are the "campaign contributors" -- the men who supply the money for "keeping the party together," and for "getting out the vote." Did you ever think where the millions for watchers, spellbinders, halls, processions, posters, pamphlets, that are spent in national, state and local campaigns come from? Who pays the big election expenses of your congressman, of the men you send to the legislature to elect senators? ..."
"Well, Bill Weld, former governor of the Commonwealth (God save it!), really shot the moon
to begin the week. Appearing on MSNBC, Weld made it plain. From the Washington Post:
"Talk about pressuring a foreign country to interfere with and control a U.S. election,"
Weld said during an appearance on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
"It couldn't be clearer, and that's not just undermining democratic institutions. That is
treason. It's treason, pure and simple, and the penalty for treason under the U.S. code is
death. That's the only penalty...The penalty under the Constitution is removal from office,
and that might look like a pretty good alternative to the president if he could work out a
plea deal.""
Well, all right, then.
Here we all are, piddling around with why Nancy Pelosi won't release the hounds in the
House of Representatives, and waiting for some poor bastard in intelligence to come forward
with what he really knows, and with a vulgar talking yam still in office. Meanwhile, Bill
Weld has cut right to the heel of the hunt. You think you can't scare this guy? Put the
gallows in his eyes. I mean, wow."
" The greatest single hold of "the interests" is the fact that they are the "campaign
contributors" -- the men who supply the money for "keeping the party together," and for
"getting out the vote." Did you ever think where the millions for watchers, spellbinders,
halls, processions, posters, pamphlets, that are spent in national, state and local campaigns
come from? Who pays the big election expenses of your congressman, of the men you send to the
legislature to elect senators?
Do you imagine those who foot those huge bills are fools? Don't you know that they make
sure of getting their money back, with interest, compound upon compound? Your candidates get
most of the money for their campaigns from the party committees; and the central party
committee is the national committee with which congressional and state and local committees
are affiliated. The bulk of the money for the "political trust" comes from "the interests."
"The interests" will give only to the "political trust."
Our part as citizens of the republic is plain enough. We must stand our ground. We must
fight the good fight. Heartsick and depressed as we may be at times because of the spread of
graft in high places and its frightfully contaminating influence, we must still hold up our
heads. We must never lose an opportunity to show that as private citizens we are opposed to
public plunderers."
Those who control the public forum, as Spengler pointed out, obviously use their control to further their own interests and no
others. Why in the world would an American-hating MSM give Americans an equal voice?
Notable quotes:
"... These educated lemmings believe what they're spoon fed by CNN or Fox News. They cannot possibly accept that they're immune to facts and disproof of their cherished assumptions because they've been emotionally conditioned on a subconscious level, after which facts and reasoning are emotionally reacted to like they were personal attacks. ..."
"... A newly scripted financial crisis will complete transfer of much of America's corporate assets to the government when the $7 trillion in private retirement assets is appropriated in emergency legislation, immediately conceded by the Republicans amid the usual handwringing and crocodile tears. In exchange Americans will receive rapidly deflating gov bonds that will be accepted as the new store of wealth, which it will be for the elites who own American as surely as they do in Venezuela. ..."
Politics in America is a function of those who control the public forum via the msm. Those
who control the public forum, as Spengler pointed out, obviously use their control to further
their own interests and no others. Why in the world would an American-hating msm give
Americans an equal voice?
The msm aren't merely some unfortunate artifact of the First Amendment we have to live.
The msm control the formation of men's minds. As Jacques Ellul points out in his masterpiece
on propaganda, it's those among us who're most educated and most inclined to closely follow
the "news" who are most susceptible to brainwashing. These educated lemmings believe what
they're spoon fed by CNN or Fox News. They cannot possibly accept that they're immune to
facts and disproof of their cherished assumptions because they've been emotionally
conditioned on a subconscious level, after which facts and reasoning are emotionally reacted
to like they were personal attacks.
This explains why college educated white women are the Dems' winning edge, trading empty
moral posturing for condemning their own children and grandchildren to die hounded and
dispossessed in their own land. But there are never any consequences when they insist they
have the best of intentions. These women whose thoughts are authored by their own people's
enemies will probably put a Warren or one of the other Marxists over the top in 2020.
A newly
scripted financial crisis will complete transfer of much of America's corporate assets to the
government when the $7 trillion in private retirement assets is appropriated in emergency
legislation, immediately conceded by the Republicans amid the usual handwringing and
crocodile tears. In exchange Americans will receive rapidly deflating gov bonds that will be
accepted as the new store of wealth, which it will be for the elites who own American as
surely as they do in Venezuela.
"Judge: Georgia must scrap old voting machines after 2019" [ Associated Press ]. "U.S. District
Judge Amy Totenberg's order on Thursday prohibits the state from using its antiquated paperless
touchscreen machines and election management system beyond this year. She also said the state
must be ready to use hand-marked paper ballots if its new system isn't in place for the March
24 presidential primary election."
"The top voting machine company [Election Systems & Software] in the country insists
that its election systems are never connected to the internet. But researchers found 35 of the
systems have been connected to the internet for months and possibly years, including in some
swing states." • The only reason I can imagine, besides corruption, for election officials
to buy these things is that they want the capability to fix elections, and that goes for both
Presence of two opposing parties during counting of votes and communicating the results up is the necessary prerequsite. Paper
ballots should be mandatory. Internet translation of voting like they do in Russia is helpful. So voting can easily be
improved and make tampering proof.
The real problem is the selection of candidates for which you votes (two in two-party system). Here we have a real problem
because this process is controlled by ruing oligarchy.
Notable quotes:
"... The ruling elite have no interest in making sure our voices are heard ..."
"... If they sought to have our voices heard, we would have paper ballots, ranked choice voting, real exit polls and a president who doesn't look and act like an over-cooked ham-and-cheese sandwich. ..."
"... It's time to demand real elections. ..."
"... Paper ballots should be mandatory, in triplicate, with the voter depositing copy A in the ballot box, mailing copy B to one of any approved secondary processing centers, chosen by the voters, retaining copy C for ones records and online verification that copies A and B remain true. ..."
Election forensics analyst
Jonathan Simon said , "The great irony, and tragedy, here is that we could easily go the
opposite direction and quickly solve all the problems of election security if we got the
computers out of the process and were willing to invest the modicum of effort needed for humans
to count votes observably in public as they once did."
Jonathan Simon, god bless him, has used 55 words to say 11: We could easily fix our
fraudulent election system, but we won't.
The answer is not to hand it over to Microsoft and the Pentagon and the ass clowns who make
robotic death machines. The Pentagon can't keep track of $21 TRILLION
DOLLARS over the past 20 years -- what makes us think they can keep track of hundreds of
millions of votes?
The ruling elite have no interest in making sure our voices are heard. They want that as
much as they want nunchucks to the balls. If they sought to have our voices heard, we would
have paper ballots, ranked choice voting, real exit polls and a president who doesn't look and
act like an over-cooked ham-and-cheese sandwich.
Now with Microsoft providing the lib-genda software...what could go wrong?
All this whiz bang gadgetry for unimportant things, like elections but when the Gov really
wants info it's "fill this out in triplicate Mr Smith"!
Paper ballots should be mandatory, in triplicate, with the voter depositing copy A in the
ballot box, mailing copy B to one of any approved secondary processing centers, chosen by the
voters, retaining copy C for ones records and online verification that copies A and B remain
I see no reason why states couldn't swap ballots, allowing state 2 to "grade state 1's
homework". At the end of the day, the state 1 opens a lottery drawn code telling them who
will be grading their papers. For Example, at poll close, CA opens the supersecret envelope
(reminiscient of Karnac the Great on Johnny Carson), revealing that TX will be in charge of
processing CAs validation count. If it's off by a statistical significance...no fed money for
the offending state until corrected)
There has to be a better way, and Microsoft/Soros/DARPA isn't going to enstill the
confidence this country needs to survive. A #2 pencil, a few black dots and independent
verification with (voter retained) proof is so simple it just may work. If the voter isn't
intelligent enough to color the circle, they shouldn't be voting.
Ballot box computers should be reserved for researching the candidates, not for harboring
the only copy of your choices...
Here's hoping Brenda Snipes isn't in charge of counting your 2020 Trump vote!
Technology is destroying most if not all of western civilization's institutions, and
replacing them with nothing but mobocracy. The feedback effect means that every 3-4 years the
power of the loudest and most popular -- and hence the lowest common denominator -- gets
amped up another few degrees. It is not abating. The phones are everywhere, everywhere , in
public. Necks bent over everywhere. When they can get these things synced up to eye movement
on a headset or pair of glasses for mass consumption (meaning, really, really easy to
use), look out. Silence, baby. Human race goes under.
If you were raised in an oddball environment before computers -- and then smartphones --
infested every corner of the human imagination, it's obvious what's happened. 40 years ago
people didn't behave this way. They had tons of problems, sure, and those were fucked up
times, but at least there was still some fight left in them. I just see a bitter, aggrieved,
very small-minded set of people out there now, absorbed in themselves, their
genitalia/identity/skin color, who have nothing to offer this planet except destruction. I
have come to believe they will succeed. I could walk away from all this tech tomorrow and
wouldn't blink an eye. But I realize that for many, that would be an event akin to becoming a
quadruple amputee.
We've always been cynical about how much a single vote can mean, but for the most part,
people have believed that their vote showed up somewhere, numerically, in a digit in a column
in a newspaper every other November. If nothing else. Once that belief goes out the window,
forget it. What, then, will tie you to the land or the people around you? The law? Ha. Only
force, and that means outright tyranny. Which is what democracy, Socrates argued in The
Republic, always leads to.
And all to serve these ******* computers instead of ourselves.
In UK we have paper ballot papers and postal voting, both have been abused recently by the
Labour Party.
One man boasted on Twitter than he burnt over 1,000 votes for the Brexit Party, so
effectively they would have won the election had this crime against democracy not been
Police Investigating Mystery Man Who Claims He 'BURNED' Brexit Party Votes
Why bother hijacking an election, when the deep state choose both candidates? And just
because you use paper ballots doesn't mean it still can't be rigged. We use paper ballots in
the UK, but elections can be rigged through the postal voting system amoungst other
Why do we need an answer? Well, our election system is... how do you say... a
festering rancid corrupt needlessly complex rigged rotten infected putrid pus-covered
diseased dog pile of stinking, dying cockroach-filled rat **** smelling like Mitch
McConnell under a vat of pig farts. And that's a quote from The Lancet medical journal
(I think).
But have no fear: The most trustworthy of corporations recently announced it is going to
selflessly and patriotically secure our elections. It's a small company run by vegans and
powered by love. It goes by the name "Microsoft." (You're forgiven for never having heard
of it.)
Also - unless these voting machines are Faraday caged AND have Mu metal layers, they could
be monitored or interfered with in real time, even if air gapped.
Know the basics of this and you're already a 1 in 100,000 tech red piller ;)
Passport ID, Paper system with a duplicate receipt ... ironically like Venezuela's system
(the one thing they got right it seems) and monitoring of voting areas and counting streamed
to the net of every polling station (ironically like the newish Russian system) make it close
to foolproof and certainly verifiable if questioned and accountable.
Auditable paper ballots for voters with verifiable identity - preferably
with receipts - and dye-marking the hands of the voters.
We are a long way from secure elections. Our (((oligarchy))) wouldn't have it any
other way!
Remember the old refrains: "If voting could change anything it'd be illegal." -- Emma
Goldman, and "The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count
the votes do." -- Joseph Stalin
Wow. Dude just climbed out from under his favourite rock and met the reality gnome. Good
for him.
I'm good with technology. I wasted whole moments of my life pondering electronic
elections. Here's the thing. There is NO manner of electronic election process that does not
forfeit one, or more, mandatory elements required of a free and fair election process. None.
At all. Can't be done.
This article is nuts and full of BS! The Pentagon could care less who is president, since
they only have to worry about congress funding them. Also, Microsoft is more worried about
profits than people. Just ask anyone who works there.
The hijacking of American elections has been going on for 165 years. That is why almost
every state has Ballot Access Laws, and why practically every district in the U.S. are
gerrymandered by the two parties. And, you never had any truly free elections either, since
the parties chose the candidates for you in the primaries, and all you do is ratify their
selections. Your vote is rather meaningless.
I went to bed after having voted for BREXIT and through all the propaganda thought BREMAIN
had won. I woke up the next morning and BREXIT had won. Those in tears were all BREMAIN as
they thought they would win because the propaganda was so complete against the people.
One more step put in place the next step has to be to close down all channels of objection
or certainly throttle it back to prevent people discussing it - the scrutiny of those being
fit for public office removed.
"... MSNBC is also that bastion of journalistic integrity that hired an exposed CIA mole, Ken Dilanian, to feed its viewers propaganda about "national security ..."
"... Now, the parties truly "meddling in America's democracy" should be very clear, although I can only scratch the surface here concerning the long history of media corruption and outright lies broadcast all the time. ..."
"... The criminal behaviour continues unabated. Lies and fraud abound. American behaviour worldwide is an embarrassment to any free thinking individual. They are a danger to all of us. ..."
"... Organisations like the BBC and all the rest of the corporate media are a greater threat to democracy than any foreign army or terrorist organisation. ..."
CNN rigged a poll to censor out nearly everyone under 45 years of age. Based on this nonsensical false sampling they claim Biden
is now in the lead.
MSNBC was caught making up false numbers to report, increasing Biden from an actual 25% approval to a magical 28%, just enough
to edge out Bernie Sanders. But this is a fraud, deliberate journalistic malfeasance at the highest levels. How could such a thing
MSNBC is also that bastion of journalistic integrity that hired an exposed CIA mole, Ken Dilanian, to feed its viewers propaganda
about "national security."
MSNBC also made hysterical, highly dangerous, and false claims about the Russians' ability and intention to shut down America's
electrical grid, a completely false story that was retracted as soon as it went out by the Washington Post. This kind of unhinged
war propaganda could lead the world straight to Armageddon.
Now, the parties truly "meddling in America's democracy" should be very clear, although I can only scratch the surface here
concerning the long history of media corruption and outright lies broadcast all the time.
The criminal behaviour continues unabated. Lies and fraud abound. American behaviour worldwide is an embarrassment to any
free thinking individual. They are a danger to all of us. We can start by removing them from Europe along with their so called
"allies". Here in the disunited UK T.May and her little gang of Tory millionaires should be top priority for political oblivion.
People worldwide urgently need to wake up to the sick joke that goes under the name of "American democracy".
Organisations like the BBC and all the rest of the corporate media are a greater threat to democracy than any foreign army
or terrorist organisation.
They need to be constantly exposed for what they are rather than actually suppressed or controlled. They can be safely left
to wither on the vine and decline into irrelevance. Social media and sites like this are a powerful antidote.
Befitting of his status as a former VP and the leader in most national polls, Biden managed
to beat out Bernie Sander's day-one haul of $5.9 million, despite the still-simmering
controversy over 'gropegate' and the backlash over his treatment of Anita Hill, a young black
female lawyer who accused Supreme Court nominee (now Justice) Clarence Thomas of sexual
harassment. Hill rejected a personal apology from Biden earlier this week, even as Biden
clarified during an interview on ABC's "the View" that he wasn't apologizing for his personal
behavior, but rather for the treatment she was subjected to during a hearing of the Senate
Judiciary Committee, which he led at the time.
Biden's day-one haul also beat out the $6.1 million raised by Texas Congressman Beto
O'Rourke during his first day, though recent polls show that enthusiasm for O'Rourke among
Democrats has waned as South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg has benefited from a media blitz of
fawning coverage.
After all the manipulated outrage, the electoral choices will most likely still be between
about whom it can essentially be said "meet the old boss, same as the old boss." Underneath
the thin layers of standard rhetorical ******** the same strings connect the puppets to the
puppet masters.
In case anyone is wondering what kind of thug Kolomoisky (Hunter biden's sponsor at
burisma), here is a run down of the murder of Russians in Odessa on 2 May 2014 and
kolomosky's close involvement.
What I read was "Biden is a typical American politician." All the career politicians
depend on big checks from the rich and corporate elites who greatly appreciate their services
rendered. America is pay to play. It has been for a long time.
. The New York Times reports how 40 years later Robert Caro tracked down Luis Salas,
'the election judge who, under oath, had certified 200 disputed votes for Johnson in the
notorious Ballot Box 13.' As the Timessays
He [Caro] knocked on the door of a mobile home near Houston, and the frail old man of 84
who answered was only too pleased to fish out from a trunk a 94-page history titled "Box 13,"
which described how he had switched votes from Stevenson to Johnson. He was proud of
deceiving everyone. "We put L. B. Johnson as senator for Texas, and this position opened the
road to reach the presidency."
Never again would Caro have to equivocate, "No one will ever be sure if Lyndon Johnson
stole it." Now, in [his book] "Working," he writes yet another definitive sentence: He
stole it.
Electoral corruption takes rather different forms nowadays. Corporate lobbying,
gerrymandering, voter suppression, and the like are far more common than ballot stuffing
LBJ-style. But regardless of the form these abuses take, the idea that we have some type of
pristine process which is pure and 'democratic' until defiled by 'foreign meddling' is rather
naïve. That doesn't mean, of course, that we shouldn't be doing all we can to make matters
better, or that we shouldn't be wary of things which might make them worse. But in doing the
latter, we need to keep a sense of proportion and not to over-idealize existing systems or
over-exaggerate the scale of the dangers.
The likes of Timothy Snyder would have us believe that democracy is on the verge of
collapsing into tyranny. In reality, the choices are between various forms of democratic
imperfection. Some are better than others, but all are inevitably flawed. A little bit more
imperfection here and there isn't the end of the world.
"... This isn't about taxing wealth. It's about taxing power, privilege and greed. This isn't about punishing oligarchy. This is about saving democracy. ..."
"... The concentration of wealth parallels the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere: it is economic climate change with consequences equally as dire as global warming on all lifeforms. The challenge will be no less difficult, replete with a powerful lobby of deniers and greed-mongers ready for war against all threats to their power and position. Their battle cry is apres moi, le deluge -- as if taxing wealth and privilege is barbarians at the gate and the demise of civilization rather than curbing cannibals driven not by hunger but voracious greed. ..."
"... Likewise, the same majority now sees the rising tide of inequality and social dysfunction and what that means for the future as a global caste system condemns nearly all of us -- but mainly our progeny -- to slavery in servitude to our one percent masters. ..."
This isn't about taxing wealth. It's about taxing power, privilege and greed. This
isn't about punishing oligarchy. This is about saving democracy.
The concentration of wealth parallels the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere: it is economic climate change with consequences equally as dire as global warming
on all lifeforms. The challenge will be no less difficult, replete with a powerful lobby of
deniers and greed-mongers ready for war against all threats to their power and position.
Their battle cry is apres moi, le deluge -- as if taxing wealth and privilege is barbarians
at the gate and the demise of civilization rather than curbing cannibals driven not by hunger
but voracious greed.
Everywhere climate change deniers are being drowned out by a rational majority who now see
the signs of global warming in every weather report and understand what this means for their
children if we continue to emulate ostriches.
Likewise, the same majority now sees the rising tide of inequality and social
dysfunction and what that means for the future as a global caste system condemns nearly all
of us -- but mainly our progeny -- to slavery in servitude to our one percent
Elizabeth Warren is no nerd. She's our Joan of Arc. And it's up to us to make sure she
isn't burned alive by the dark lords as she rallies us to win back our country and our
"The net worth of the wealthiest 0.1 percent of Americans is almost equal to that of the
bottom 90 percent combined." This describes a truly radical concentration of wealth that
should raise red flags for anyone who genuinely cares about the future of this country. How
long can such a situation last...or grow even worse...without resulting in social upheaval on
a massive scale, such as happened in France in the late 1700's or Russia in the early 1900s?
And exactly what do those 0.1 percent want so much wealth for anyway? While some people of
great wealth do try to use it to make the world a better place, far too manty of them seem
not to know what to do with it, except to let it pile up to gloat over or use it to influence
politicians to create policies that will give them even more. Proposals for higher taxes on
the very wealthy are derided as too radical. But the economic chasm that exists in this
country between the very wealthiest and everyone else represents a radical challenge that
must be addressed.
All you smarties ignored us when your Globalism took away all our jobs. Prez Clinton aimed
for middle with his love of approval. Our situation became worse so in desperation we
believed the Huckster Trump and called him our "NEW DEAL" Trump has failed us and there is a
chance for Dem government in two years. A cautious, donor friendly, middle of the road
Democratic administration just like the last one will send us on the hunt again for a leader
to save us from peonage.
@Charlie As enticing as is your suggestion, let's not lower ourselves that far down to
Tweety's "standards of behavior". Pinocchio redeemed himself in the end; Tweety never will,
and many hope he ends up sharing a cell with Bernie Madoff.
Thank you for this review of reactions from the experts -- and for the list of experts who
focus on this topic. And thank you for sharing your views. The challenge with Warren's
proposal isn't devising a good policy. The challenge will be explaining it to voters who
don't understand economics or Piketty's book. It's a voter-education problem more than an
economics problem. I wish Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez well in their efforts
to explain their proposals. It seems a tall order, but it's just the kind of medicine we
Thanks to Trump we, as a nation, got to see that even Federal workers can barely get by.
This was quite a revelation for many. There has long been a stigma in this country about
sharing the truly dismal state of one's economic affairs. It's why we've made so little
progress along the lines discussed here. It's also the reason once-middle class people place
themselves in a debt spiral, to compete with others who, unbeknownst to them, are doing
likewise. There will be much more discussion now of just how unequal and insecure this
society is. The powers that be have tried to muffle the conversation for long enough. And
kudos to Wilbur Ross for opening his fat mouth and provoking everyone's ire!
@dajoebabe Another sign that ours is "a system that is the only one in the world where
such vast sums can be accumulated with so little being required in return" is the way foreign
capital is swamping our property markets because people from un-free countries are trying to
buy access to the rule of law. There aren't that many places in the world for the rich to
flee where public infrastructure and the rights of citizenship are quite as robust as here in
the US.
@Ana Luisa Amen!! Very well said. I hope you're correct in projecting that the U.S. "will
finally become an entirely civilized country too." I fear that the 'Kochtopus' will strangle
the initiatives proposed by Warren and other progressives before they can be enacted. But I
won't roll over and give up. Dr. Krugman's columns and the comments from others such as
yourself inspire me to continue to push back against the Repubs and support candidates such
as Sen. Warren. Bravo Zulu to you and all the other NYT readers who speak up to state that
the United States can strive to be the shining example of equality and fairness that does
truly function to promote governance that works for the common good of ALL U.S.
Dr. Krugman uses the argument of "marginal utility value" as the crux of one of his
statements. Marginal utility, briefly described, is the value one might put on he first
milkshake he's had in years. Probably very high. But what about the 10th milkshake in the
same day? ("Yuck" would do nicely.) So it is with "the second $50 million", as Dr. Krugman
argues. Quite right. After a given point - depending on the individual - wealth ceases to
play an important part in one's life. Would a billionaire miss a million?... one thousandth
of his net worth? Hardly. But when arguing such a point, beware the Slippery Slope argument
(a classic fallacy). "Yeah, maybe just a million today; but tomorrow? Maybe TEN
"Taxing the superrich is an idea whose time has come -- again." Let's hope Democrats have
their ducks in a row with this legislation when they regain the presidency and full control
of Congress in 2020. And if we want to get even more radical with the "swollen" wealthy, we
could rescind their recent trillion-dollar tax cut. Perhaps that will start acclimating them
to what needs to be our new normal. We should consider cuts to our bloated defense budget as
well. We can use all of this money to shore up Social Security and Medicare, in addition to
Medicaid, and to promote more affordable public education, infrastructure to fight climate
change, and universal health care. This additional revenue is not just something we should
see as a windfall for society. In the end, it may prove to be what saves what's left of our
@Mike Rowe The only people that this would effect are the people who can't afford lawyers
and accountants. I have been audited twice. Both times it turned out the government owed me
money, but the money I was owed, was eaten up because I had to pay and accountant to defend
me. Trump still has not put forward his tax documents, do you really think that adding a few
more IRS agents would change that.
@Orthoducks Let's be honest: every society that has taken away the wealth of individuals
and handed it to the government to allocate has been ruled by tyrants and has reduced their
citizenry to penury at the point of a gun. Wealthy people reinvest their money in economic
ventures that grow their wealth, which generates greater productivity while creating jobs and
wealth for the society. If there is too much concentration of wealth (there is), let's tax it
back down, but don't ever suggest that we should just take all the money from individuals
because we can. That's the route Lenin and Mao went down; I thought we had learned that
Whether you agree with Warren's proposal or not it's a good thing that this issue is being
put out in the public domain because we've now reached the stage where income and wealth
inequality is eroding the effectiveness of the open and dynamic capitalist economy that we
all need. Some of the more perceptive of the super rich like Warren Buffett and Michael
Bloomberg have recognized this and the dangers it threatens. It was a problem recognized in
the 30's by J. M. Keynes speaking in America when he said "If the new problem of inequality
is not solved the existing order of society will become so discredited that wild, foolish and
destructive changes will become inevitable." It's worth remembering that Maduro and Chavez
before him were the products of the vast inequalities in Venezuelan society. And there are
plenty of other examples of a similar dynamic at work.
The people who don't like a wealth tax are a) very wealthy, or b) corrupt politicians, or
c) pundits who like to sound like they know everything. Yes, tax the wealthy. Even Willie
Sutton could tell you that if you want money (tax revenue) go where it is. The time is right.
They can choose: higher taxes or the guillotine.
@Shiv Taxes were at this rate in the 50's and inequality was nowhere as bad as it is now.
Undertaxing Bezos and his ilk (and the way our tax system is now set up, generally), directs
money to the CEOs and other muckety mucks, not to their employees. Republicans seem to think
that there's a "natural" (as in, arising out of nature) situation where money goes to the
person who has "earned" it. That's simply not true. The economy is a construct, created by
law and custom. And right now, the law makes sure that Bezos gets a whole lot more than he
should be getting, while his hapless employees (the folks who do the actual work) get way
less than they should.
I have admired Warren since she entered the political spectator sport. She has a lot of
guts for a woman. I gathered from your essay that only 75,000 or so Americans hold as much
wealth as the lower 90 percent of the entire population of 320,000,000 Americans. Decades
have passed since Eisenhower rightly paid down the debt of the great war. In that time,
fairly dispersed wealth trickled up to a few who employed "Trickle Down" propaganda and
political manipulation, all too often agreed to, to reduce their tax burden thereby heaping
all responsibilities of maintaining the nation on everyone but the rich. "Trickle Down
Economics" was always a lie we all saw through. Party politics, bought and paid for, happily
accepted wealthy dollars in exchange for legislation outlined by the wealthys' lobbyists. The
reality has always been "Trickle Up" and "Trickle Out" economics as American wealth is
grossly concentrated at the top. I like the taxation plan as presented. It still leaves the
filthy rich, well, filthy rich. It started as our money they now have amassed. Decades of
lies and corruption justify any new taxes on the wealthy who need to be convinced their
absent patriotism should be reestablished by law. If the wealthy are going to "Crowd Source"
America, let's make them "Crowd Pleasers". It's a great way to keep the peace. We do want
peace, don't we?
@DJS Ummm, wealthy people, no matter how well meaning or even well-acting (and there are
many who are neither), do not (or should not) be in charge of infrastructure, public health,
national defense, public education and so on. As far as "helping needy people, who never see
it," I wonder what you are thinking. I assure you that the recipients of food stamps,
unemployment, social security, medicare and medicaid benefits certainly "see" it. As do the
rest of us when we have clean air and water (currently under attack by Republicans), safe air
flight (ditto), and well-maintained roads (also ditto).
@Registered Repub (Reply to your reply to FunkyIrishman) Could you please explain how
American workers can be simultaneously 30-40% more productive than Scandinavian workers, and
all American "socialists" (which for you seems to be a synonym with Democrats, and as a
consequence refers to the majority of the American people) "lazy" ... ? And of course America
hasn't a 40% higher productivity rate than Scandinavian countries. In 2015, the US ranked
merely fifth on the OECD's productivity list - after Luxemburg, Ireland, Norway and Belgium.
A US workers adds $68 per hour to the GDP, a Danish worker half a dollar less, and a Swedish
worker $9 dollars less. And maybe Americans "own more cars and live in bigger houses", but
Norwegians are FAR happier, as all studies show. Producing tons of money as a country's
highest ideal is clearly not the best way to have a happy, healthy and well-educated
population and economy that works for all citizens. And funny enough, in the US it's
precisely the party that loves to call itself "the party of values" that indeed
systematically sees money as its main value ... http://time.com/4621185/worker-productivity-countries
@Paul Rogers Agree except for abolishing propaganda, which offends the First Amendment.
Better to help others recognize political manipulation and reject irrational or emotional
appeals. Thanks for your reply.
It doesn't matter whether large majorities of Americans or economists or tax experts
support a wealth tax or higher marginal rates. The only poll that matters limits itself to
535 people, the members of the House and Senate. And the net worth of those 535 people is on
average 5 times larger than that of the rest of America. Fourteen have net worths larger than
the $50 million of the proposal. Will they vote to tax themselves more? Though the number may
be small, in a contentious matter and a highly partisan and divided body, every vote
Let's start simple: close the carried interest loophole. For all the talk of Obama being
about the working class, he didn't get this done. Hedge fund guys had his administration and
Dems lobbied up to prevent closing this. So it's not just the Republicans supporting the
oligarchy. Democrats are guilty too.
Us Americans need to stop seeing ourselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires, that's
the problem. I don't care how we do it, either by raising rates, closing loopholes, or both,
but the 1%, the 0.1%, and the 0.01% need to take home less money. They don't "work harder"
than the rest of us, that's complete garbage. Maybe we pass a tiered law stipulating an
allowed pay ratio between the CEO and lowest level employee, based on either company size as
the number of people, or revenue, or some other formula. Or maybe we say you get a lower tax
rate if you meet that ratio, and higher taxes if you don't. I'm glad people are moving the
overton window though.
@Taz Obama was also a moderate Republican. This time, we need a liberal. Who was the last
president to be nearly universally popular? (Except with the mega-rich) FDR. And remember
what he said about his wealthy enemies? "I welcome their hatred!"
Existing US infrastructure is so degraded, the ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)
estimates it will cost $2 trillion just to bring it back up to code. President Trump cut
taxes on the 1%, which will cost about that much in increased debt over ten years. Candidate
Trump floated the idea that this imminent infrastructure cost should be born by the 'little
people' via toll booths, as they schlep themselves to work and back each day just trying to
make their rent money. Americans need to realize something about our government: it costs
money, and that money is not in question. Someone is going to pay that bill: 'nothing is
certain but death and taxes'. As the infrastructure debate illustrates, we can either make
the wealthy pay that cost, or they will make us pay it. But somebody is going to pay it, of
that you can be sure. (Just a suggestion: that $2 trillion is just for delayed maintenance on
existing infrastructure. But that infrastructure was originally constructed, i.e. out of
nothing, back at a time when the maximum marginal income tax was over 90%).
Benjamin Franklin founded the first communally funded public hospital and library, and
Jefferson the the first communally funded public school. Both also touted the benefits of
capitalism, including Franklin in his autobiography, stressing self discipline and creativity
in business; and Jefferson famously said, paraphrasing here, that he 'admired industry and
abhorred slavery' while they touted science and technologies' advances and natural law.
Therefore, they believed in and instantiated a mixed economics plan for the future of the
nation, with both capitalist and socialist dimensions. This was over the objections and boos
of men of lesser ideals, at the time. But the founders became Founders, and the other men of
lesser ideals did not. Therefore, it is the ideals of the founders that should live on in our
country, not other ideals. We can all take a simple pride in the American Exceptionalism that
led Ben Franklin to maneuver against powerful loyalist-capitalists in the 1750's in
Pennsylvania colony, and found the first hospital in Philadelphia above their private
disbelief that it would ever work; the hospital would unquestioningly take in any and all
from off of the streets who needed assistance. The combined ideal vision of America's
founding fathers broke the mold of two-tiered monarchy capitalism, and established mixed
capitalism on the new plateau of democracy. There's no need to apologize, if we aim to
fulfill this vision in a now more pluralist America.
Simply: the USA has perhaps the largest set of overpaid, underperforming rich people the
world has ever seen. Yes, there are always rich people ... but ... at some point they realize
the only significant remaining goal is to make humankind ... well, more human. Teddy R and
Franklin R "got it", even Dwight. But certainly not Saint Ronald. Without implementation of
the Warren or other plans, we will let the rich destroy the fundamentals of society which
allowed them to become rich. Rich includes: law and order, free speech, little corruption
among police, ... children who will grow up and support the rich in their
To me the current trend in concentration of income at the top looks like inflation. In
places like San Francisco you have to earn 7 digit incomes to be able to afford housing. In
response housing gets more expensive, and Google will have to increase your salary to make
your ends meet. So now houses will get more expensive... Of course, if you are a school
teacher, or a baker or a cashier at the supermarket, your goose is cooked. If a hedge fund
manager can afford to pay $200+ million for a penthouse where you used to live, you are going
to be homeless
The real justice of such a plan is that money could be made to move throughout the system
stimulating the economy and shared prosperity. What should be obvious to all and hopefully
will before the next election cycle is that the Dems are imaginatively searching for
solutions and coming up with great ideas.
@Baldwin - How about property tax? Tax on your same home over an over again, with the home
itself paid for with money that was already taxed. T'would be no worse than
We have no hesitation in shaming those who get a dopamine rush from alcohol or from drugs
or from sex or (occasionally) from an obscene accumulation of power. But as the saying goes,
you can never be too rich or too thin. Well, that's a cultural meme not a Platonic truth, one
probably dating back to at least Freud (if not Augustine) who preferred we "sublimate" our
sexual lust for money/power lust because the latter is, at least theoretically, more
"productive" for society. Except when it isn't. And when dopamine (a/k/a/ greed) driven
plutocrats use their wealth to corrupt the system so that they can continue to accumulate
more wealth and power, it isn't. Neuter them.
It's time we ask ourselves this: What happens if we do nothing versus if we do something?
If we do nothing, we continue with a small group of family dynasties that owns everything,
whose primary commitment is only to amassing more wealth. We have a precedent for this in the
robber barons of the late 1800's. The outcome? They drove the U.S. economy off the cliff in
the 1920's. (Yes, simplified, but not much.) What happens if we do what Warren proposes -- or
something similar? More tax money to solve problems, and we need the money. We just gave
these people around $1.5 trillion in tax breaks, and the data clearly show they will not
trickle down on us. And we're not remotely addressing climate change or crumbling
infrastructure -- situations that will strain our social and economic capacity for perhaps a
century. But just as important, it would cap the capacity of 75,000 people to make all the de
facto decisions for our society. Democracy would be reinvigorated. Throw in the destruction
of Citizens United, and it would usher in a new era in America. Of course, it is guaranteed
that the ultra-rich, their super-rich pals, and the politicians they buy through Citizens
United will fight this tooth and nail. For them it would be: to the barricades! Just like
corporations, their loyalty is to themselves and their wealth, not to their
Wealth Redistribution is only one of the four legs of the stool of an inclusive society.
Prof Krugman, AOC and Democrats would do well to expand the narrative to address right wing
concerns: 1. Effective government spending on public services that improve welfare and
national wealth and risk taking and knowledge generation (eg NASA) that the private sector
just wont do - root out inefficiencies in the system, ensure incentives for productivity are
maximized and keep operations lean and accountable to society. 2. Campaign finance reform:
mandate air time for election coverage as a public good and give parties public funds and
budget ceilings to ensure a level playing field. Also ensure redistricting makes all races
competitive scross party lines as the preeminent rule. Eliminate the electoral college and
moderately shift senate power to more populous states. 3. Equalise access to educational
opportunities by removing the link between geography and housing and education quality and
massively supporting early education programmes across the board. Improve educational
outcomes to ensure the majority of society is capable of critical thinking. 4. Redistribute
wealth and limit the power of elites to tilt the system in their favour: both in government
policy and in how the judicial system operates (no more a la carte legal representation
quality based on ability to pay).
@Michael Who says it will be changed? You? Progressive taxation is not seizing assets.
Without it a modern state cannot function. And the AMT came into existence because of the
efforts of people like Donald Trump to evade taxation.
Income inequality along with climate change are the two BIG issues that need to be
addressed. The rollback in the progressive income tax that began with Ronald Reagan needs to
be reversed. The proposals by Sen. Warren, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Steven Rattner in
today's Times need to be debated and carefully evaluated. But, there are related issues that
are relevant to this debate concerning how to cope with automation and artificial
intelligence that will dramatic effect the labor market for those still struggling for decent
paying jobs. Democrats must not lose sight of their base--blue-collar, lower- and
middle-class voters still struggling with wage stagnation and the loss of manufacturing jobs.
That's where Hillary Clinton lost the last election, and while Democrats may feel good about
taxing the rich, they must not forget the 99 plus percent who are still in need of
I feel this is exactly what this country needs. The rich have become richer and seem to
demand more and more. Time to stop this incredible greed and put some of those dollars back
to work in the country. Hopefully all of the Dems will agree with this.
Excellent article and kudos to Elizabeth Warren. On top of her and AOC's proposals I would
add a 100% inheritance tax on estates over $1M. This isn't my idea but that of my favorite
law school professor: the taxee doesn't care because s/he's dead; any money passed on to
children is a complete windfall to them. Let's end the aristocracy.
The time has got to be ripe for these kinds of proposals. The primary source of
unhappiness in the working class throughout the western world is the feeling of being left
behind and not having their problems addressed. In the US we need to fix our crumbling
infrastructure, provide a livable minimum wage and universal health care. These goals can
easily be achieve by addressing the outrageous accumulation of wealth by the top 1%.
Implement Warren's plan, AOC's 70% tax, tax capital gains the same as income, and add a 1%
fee on all stock trades. The money the rich are hoarding needs to be invested in the
betterment of society. That would truly make America great again.
@Alice...Inflation has been low and stable for 20 years and quantitative easing has had no
effect on it, despite the forecasts of most right-wing economists. If you knew anything about
macroeconomics you would be aware that in the past some governments have had serious
struggles with the control of inflation.
It's a sad, very sad day, when in order to have a very brief but concrete idea about what
Warren just proposed, you have to read an op-ed, not a NYT article, as that article just
skips the very content of her speech and instead focuses on what most MSM constantly focus
on: a politician as an individual wanting a career in DC, and whether this or that will
advance or hurt that career (supposedly based not on policy but "likability"). MSM, I really
hope that this time you will do your job! That Trump and the lying GOP won the 2016 elections
is as much due to Fox News constant barrage of fake news as to MSM's tendency to
systematically silence the most relevant facts (most of the time not in order to distort the
truth, as Trump falsely claims, but simply because of their "small" concept of political
journalism, which often seems closer to a sports match report than to a way to build a truly
informed and engaged democratic civil society, even though that's precisely the crucial job
of the fourth branch of government, in a democracy).
@Linda Helping the poor seems to be your prescription for salvation. But what hope is
there for those who don't help the poor when they actually made and continue to make people
It's the T word that hangs people up. On any given day, the paper wealth of billionaires
can gain or lose one or two percent based on the fluctuations of the stock market. They
happily play the numbers to stabilize -- and hopefully improve -- their portfolios, but they
manage to take the lumps without having to alter their lavish lifestyles. They're fixated on
control, which they believe is stolen from them by big government. But in the long run, they
really don't feel the pain on a personal level. Let 'em be taxed.
Bully for Elizabeth Warren! Take the time to read or skim the engaging books she has
written about the economic plight of the American family---available on Amazon, and in your
local library.
If her bid for the nomination fails the winning candidate should commit to her being their
Treasury secretary. She knows how to reform and tame finance.
@Ana Luisa Hillary totally ignored the blue-collar voters in the Midwest "blue wall"
states and did not advocate for stronger unions. In fact, she never agreed with the
progressive proposal for a $15/hr. minimum wage. She was a centrist, establishment, Wall
Street candidate who picked a center-right running mate rather than uniting the party by
picking a progressive like Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio. The election NEVER should have been
close, but Clinton was out-of-touch with the working class and most Sanders progressives--and
it cost her.
@carlyle 145 This has nothing to do with globalism, and everything with the fact that for
too long, many people didn't vote, allowing the GOP to fire up their base with fake news and
as such force Democrats in DC to move more and more to the right, each time they had to
compromise with the GOP because "we the people" didn't give them the votes to control DC. And
in a democracy, ALL real, radical, lasting, democratic progress is step by step progress. So
as long as progressives don't see that Democrats' are their natural allies and simply wait
until someone comes along who claims to be able to single-handedly change everything
overnight, it's the lying GOP and their Big Money corruption that will continue to destroy
the country. Conclusion: stop "hunting for a leader to save us", in a democracy only "we the
people" can save us. So instead of standing at the sidelines yelling "not enough!" to those
fighting in the mud each time they managed to get us one step closer to the finish line,
start focusing on that finish line too, then roll up your sleeves and come standing in the
mud too, and then the next step forward will be taken much faster
The typical scheme of politic life in US under neoliberalism is as following:: candidate for
President promises something reasonable, like to end foreign wars and improve the sliding
standard of living of the middle class and/or cut outsourcing and offshoring. Gullible voters
elect him. He governs as worst of his predecessors and start cutting benefits for the middle
class and workers. . In two years voters start realizing that they were deceived and elect House
or Senate or both from another party, not realizing that the difference is minimal, if exists at
This cycle of election fraud can continue indefinitely.
Notable quotes:
"... "and with those gains voters have delivered a sharp rebuke to the president and his party." ..."
"... The problem with health care in America is not the cost of insurance, it's the cost of health care services. Moving the "who pays" food around the plate accomplishes nothing. A "Medicare for All" plan under the existing fee for service model will only increase the pathological per capita health care cost in the U.S. ..."
"... Forget what Trump said as a candidate. Every winning candidate since arguably 1988 ("kinder, gentler America") has run as a non-interventionist and promised to restore jobs, then immediately morphed into John McCain the moment they took the Oath of Office. Instead, watch what Trump has done since getting elected. From that perspective, it is obvious that there is no such thing as "Trumpism", only a meaner, more dysfunctional, more reckless version of Dubya. ..."
The US Democrats have taken control of the House of Representatives in the mid-term
elections, dealing a serious blow to President Donald Trump.
While the GOP is poised to add to its Senate majority, yesterday's election was the best
midterm result for the Democrats since 2006. They flipped dozens of Republican-held seats,
including some that they were not expected to win (e.g., IL-06, OK-05), and with those gains
voters have delivered a sharp rebuke to the president and his party. It is normal for the
president's party to lose seats in the first midterm following a presidential election, and
Democratic gains were in line with pre-election predictions. The striking thing about this
year's result is that the president's party has lost so much ground despite relatively good
economic conditions. Republicans had an extremely favorable Senate map, and despite that they
barely managed to eke out a win in Texas of all places. It was not as thorough of a repudiation
as the GOP deserved, but it was a significant rejection all the same.
The president's poor approval ratings and his unimpressive record to date have further
dragged down a Republican Party that wasn't very popular to begin with. Americans seem to lose
patience with unified government fairly quickly. Yesterday voters gave the Democratic Party an
opportunity to put the president in check and hold him accountable for his overreaching and
illegal wars. Trump and his officials should expect to face much more rigorous oversight and
scrutiny from relevant Congressional committees, and Trump's haphazard and incompetent conduct
of foreign policy should run into much stronger resistance from the Foreign Affairs and Armed
Services Committees. Trump won't be able to count on the leadership in the House to roll over
for him over the next two years, and he and his Cabinet members are likely to be facing one
investigation after another.
Losing control of one house of Congress under current circumstances is a huge vote of no
confidence in Trump and the GOP, and it could not have come a moment too soon.
I voted for him in 2016, but I lost confidence in him as he started doing favors for Wall
Street, Israel, and Saudi Arabia instead of doing the job we hired him for, the job he
promised to do during the campaign: deport the illegals, stop immigration and foreign work
visas, get us out of the Middle East, rebuild US infrastructure, i.e. "America First".
Yesterday I voted against the only national GOP politician I could get my hands on. He
lost, and I'm glad, especially because he was a Tea Party Republican who betrayed our Tea
Party principles by voting for Trump's out of control deficit spending and for more stupid
Mideast wars.
We've got a lady Democrat now, but she looks fairly sane. We'll see. The problem with
Democrat politicians is that a lot of them only pretend to be normal until they get to
I am no Trump fan, but what is going to change? It will still be a do nothing Congress. The
wars will still go on and the health-care dilemma will still be ever-present. It is sad that
the past 2 years have been wasted. Even if the Republican Congress could not do something about
health-care due to the size of the problem, they could have at least done something about
infrastructure, immigration, and these dumb wars. The failure is just as much Paul Ryan's fault
as it is Trump's. I watched last night with far more interest than 2016 and am amazed that so
many old Boomers were elected given the supposed youth movement. It never occurred to me that
there are alot of Septuagenarian war-mongers who should have retired a decade ago still
receiving votes. The Democrats took the House, but what is left of this nation is toast
"Losing control of one house of Congress under current circumstances is a huge vote of no
confidence in Trump and the GOP, and it could not have come a moment too soon."
How much of this was national in nature is unclear. Many of the republicans that lost were
"Never Trump" advocates or very "lukewarm" at best. I think this reflects more failure on the
local level to turn or translate the positives into something beneficial locally.
I am just surprised the Republicans managed to lose the house given the economic numbers
(though I remain deeply distrustful of them -- given exports) and what has been repeated
stumbles by democrats.
Texas, is a perfect example. While Sen Cruz was not a never Trumper, he was mild fair in the
president's corner. His election was about him, not the president. And I think the vote
reflected less confidence in his leadership. Neither Texas nor Sen Cruze are as conservative as
believed or at least not as they once were considered. Unfortunately, what carried him over the
top was ethnicity, not his leadership.
It's probably too early to tell, just how big a factor the president was in the election or
how much change will result. Thus far, the establishment that existed previously remains
despite the presidential election that was intended to reshape or at least curb its self
serving appetite --
Given the the money at play -- it is doubtful that that things are going to change much. Now
that I put at the admin door step. Because his folded a lot against the reasons he was elected,
during the last two years.
Re: "and with those gains voters have delivered a sharp rebuke to the president and his
And with what promises did the Democrats win those votes? Why with the bogus "Medicare for
All" and the equally bogus "Free College Education for All".
The problem with health care in America is not the cost of insurance, it's the cost of
health care services. Moving the "who pays" food around the plate accomplishes nothing. A
"Medicare for All" plan under the existing fee for service model will only increase the
pathological per capita health care cost in the U.S. Too bad the MSM in love with Nitwit
Newbie Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is too stupid to connect the dots.
And higher ed is unaffordable simply because it's also over priced. Using government
subsidies to sustain a bankrupt higher ed model amounts to re-arranging even more deck chairs
on the Titanic.
The Democrats are the Party of Free Lunch and Free War. While the Republicans are the Party
of Free War and Free Lunch.
The fact is that any "solution" to health care that has any integrity to it is a single payer
solution. That's also probably the only solution that reduces, as you accurately state, the
pathological per capita health care cost.
And to be clear, in terms of fiscal viability, the party of reducing taxes and raising
budgets is currently and has been historically the GOP. The current administration has picked
up that baton as well.
One final thing, I wouldn't count out Ocasio-Cortes as a nitwit. I've been reading her white
papers and following her evolution and she makes 95% of the current GOP crop seem like
toddlers. Yes, her idealism will backfire hard as it always does. But what's the other option?
Endless corrupt cynicism? She's impressive. I'm pulling for her to stay focused and do
Forget what Trump said as a candidate. Every winning candidate since arguably 1988
("kinder, gentler America") has run as a non-interventionist and promised to restore jobs, then
immediately morphed into John McCain the moment they took the Oath of Office. Instead, watch
what Trump has done since getting elected. From that perspective, it is obvious that there is
no such thing as "Trumpism", only a meaner, more dysfunctional, more reckless version of
The alternative to Ocasio-Cortez style state worship is the simple wisdom that governments are
neither efficient nor effective at delivering what she proposes.
While this and the previous post on the US elections may well be right that the
republicans and trump will retain their majorities, the posts omit major factors playing a
determining role in these ev
While this and the previous post on the US elections may well be right that the republicans
and trump will retain their majorities, the posts omit major factors playing a determining
role in these events..
1. Gerrymandering.. supposedly creates about a 5% advantage to the republicans. 5% in a
2-party system is almost a landslide. even this article downplaying the role of
gerrymandering includes this line,
2. Voter-suppression. indications are that this may create and even bigger bias than
gerrymandering. it includes numerous tactics, in florida the felon-dienfranchisement tactic
alone suppresses 1.4 million majority black voters. it may be difficult for naive people like
me to imagine the mindset of the vote-suppressors, this excellent short article by meghan
tinsley, sketches the historical origins of these tactics, e.g.
" The end of federal support for Reconstruction in 1877 ushered in the Jim Crow era, wherein
southern states waged a relentless campaign of racial terror against empowered black
citizens. From the outset, disenfranchising black citizens was a priority: the Black Codes
enforced severe penalties for minor 'crimes', such as vagrancy, and permanently barred
convicted felons from the vote. As these tactics spread, those who imposed them became
increasingly brazen about their purpose: in 1884, the Alabama Supreme Court upheld felon
disenfranchisement as an effective means to "preserve the purity of the ballot box".
With the entrenchment of segregation in the late nineteenth century, felon
disenfranchisement, combined with poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses,
effectively disenfranchised virtually all African-Americans in Southern states...
In 1965, Congress passed the Voting Rights Act, hailed as the single most important
legislative achievement of the Civil Rights Movement...
The effects were immediate and wide-reaching: whereas only seven percent of eligible
African-Americans in Mississippi were registered to vote in 1964, the number had jumped to
sixty-seven percent by 1969. Ostensibly colourblind policies, including laws that would
require citizens to present state-issued photo identification before voting, were blocked
because they would disproportionately prevent African-Americans from voting."
4. Electronic vote flipping. this has the least hard evidence, but there are anecdotes, even
in this election, of voters in texas ticking straight democratic slate options but finding
that the machine had entered their senate vote for ted cruz. There are also anecdotes in
earlier elections of vote tallies flipping suddenly, of electronic data not being recorded or
being erased before it could be checked and analysed etc. For those inclined to pooh-pooh
such reports, here is a troubling article on the 2012 mexican elections,
"... Obviously, redistribution is the main problem for neoliberal capitalists. In the 50's and 60's the west had the redistribution capitalist formula with capital controls and high taxes on the very rich which forced them to spend profits on expanding productive enterprises that produced jobs and benefits/wages that reduced corporate profits and corporate taxes, and a healthy middle class with spending power allowed their businesses to grow. ..."
Secure transaction histories provided by blockchain (same technology as Bitcoin)
allows for internet-based direct democracy.
Under such a system, there will still be the need for government services like police, fire,
inspection, schools, etc. but many (all?) of these can be outsourced. Auditors can report on
their compliance/progress. Auditors can be themselves be audited, and a "government" that is
responsive to the people would also support whistle-blowers instead of f*cking them over.
Direct democracy could greatly increase efficiency of public services and make government
respond to the people instead of oligarchs and industry groups.
Defense? LOL! What is popularly termed "Defense" is offensive to the intelligence of any
critical thinker.
Jackrabbit'I don't know much about blockchain but blockchain democracy sounds good.
Defense as in a force that only defends a country's sovereign territory, not this so called
defending a country's interests which is no more than a politically correct term for
Diplomacy as a first line of defense.
"Socialism is clearly based on two fundamental precepts: empowering the long-oppressed
with democratic rights, and massive state-organised economic redistribution, which is
anathema in capitalism. Thus, socialism is both a structure of government and an economic
policy. Therefore, Iran certainly has socialism."
This might be the clearest definition of socialism I have read.
Obviously, redistribution is the main problem for neoliberal capitalists. In the 50's
and 60's the west had the redistribution capitalist formula with capital controls and high
taxes on the very rich which forced them to spend profits on expanding productive enterprises
that produced jobs and benefits/wages that reduced corporate profits and corporate taxes, and
a healthy middle class with spending power allowed their businesses to grow.
Globalism coupled with neoliberalism ended the Golden Age and those countries who try and
reproduce social justice and reject globalism and free trade are sanctioned as enemies, or
even worse, attacked or subject to regime change
1.Human societies are complex abstract systems.
2.The system is a set of rules (thus abstract) that govern how members of the society
interact with each other, in order to collectively provide the necessities of life.
3.Government is the body (i.e. group of people) accepted by the members of the society at
large to tend the system (i.e. to develop it, manage it, operate it, change it as required,
etc.). Without a government there is no system, and no society.
4.Societies work best when the rules are set up to maximize the aggregate benefit of all
members. This is best achieved when the members of the society collectively (i.e.
democratically) choose the people (i.e. government) who develop and manage the rules that
govern them.
5.Large societies require large complex systems. High societal performance requires high
levels of complexity.
6.To function effectively, very large, highly complex abstract systems requires that
authority be distributed throughout the system, and be based on the person's role within the
7.The most important function of societal governance is to organize the production and
distribution of the necessities of life for the society's members, i.e. the economic
8. For those parts of the economic system that are not natural monopolies, markets are very
effective tools for economic planning and organization.
9.Markets are, by definition, a set of rules. Markets work best when the rules are set by in
an unbiased fashion to provide a fair playing field for all participants.
Some thoughts on what has gone wrong in the U.S.
1.The members of the U.S. society no longer collectively choose their leaders. Because the
democratic system has been corrupted by money, a very small, very wealthy elite (many of them
not even American), limit the choice to those who will serve the interests of the elite. The
U.S. has turned into an 'Oligarchic Dictatorship'. The turning point was the election of
Ronald Reagan in 1980.
2.This 'Oligarchic Dictatorship' works for the benefit of the elites, not the aggregate
benefit of the society as a whole. Thus the system (while optimized for the few) is, in
aggregate, sub-optimized.
3.Dictatorships are based on centralized authority, where as complex systems require
distributed authority. The U.S.' oligarchic dictatorship, unable to handle complexity, tries
to simplify the entire political-economic system. The result of trying to simplify the
system, in order to make it compatible with centralized authority, is a system that
increasingly fails to meet the needs of the people and is unable to effectively change and
adapt as required to changing circumstances.
4.Market deregulation has not changed the fact that the markets are, by definition, a set of
rules. It has only changed who makes the rules, from the government to market participants
themselves. And in this case, as always, the 'Golden Rule' applies - he who has the gold
makes the rules. And when market participants make the rules themselves, for the benefit of
themselves, markets always tend towards monopoly. The U.S. economy is no longer a 'Market
Economy' but rather a system of serial monopolies.
What can be done to redress the problems?
Until the people of the U.S. reclaim their democracy – Nothing!
The U.S.' system of government is not the problem. The problem is that the system has been
hi-jacked and turned from a democracy into an 'Oligarchic Dictatorship'.
How much time and study have gone into the observations posted just in this one thread. Many
Americans I meet just aren't able to investigate that much. I find most people in the small
american town that I live in, are just intersted in exchanging banal pleasantries, which
isn't too bad in its own way, but provincial perhaps at best.
And amongst all the current epoch's american instiutionally educated I feel there is a
lack of some indefineable quality of "experience," which I just don't have the wisdom to
grasp in its entirety, but I kind of think of it as some people, if they can't see it
directly, they just aren't capable of comprehending it. If you were to try to explain it to
them, in the manner of these posts, they would become irriated or bewildered, or think you
were eccentric .
Unfortunately, it's this same principal used by individuals and corporations, governments,
which is, if they don't tell you, it won't harm you and you won't ever know. It's here where
there's a problem I think, because it's been my experience that to be kept in the dark, is
far more harmful, then it is to have delusions upended, as painful as that might be.
The US is at 16 on the CPI Corruption Perception Index for 2017. But keep in mind perception
is something that can be manipulated. I think the US should be lower and and cheer when it
moves lower because it could mean more are getting the idea of the nature of the beast. https://www.transparency.org/news/feature/corruption_perceptions_index_2017
Curtis , Jun 30, 2018 9:50:17 AM |
78b4real , Jun 30, 2018 10:02:35 AM |
@55 Peter
"It is not so much a delegating of authority but having someone to mediate between views
and find a solution that is acceptable to all."
Respectfully, it is absolutely a delegation of authority. When that delegation is not
tightly constrained to one particular issue it will be usurped by corrupt individuals. IMO
elections are good for one purpose only and that is to identify the psychopaths among us who
should not ever be allowed near the reins of power.
@57 Jen
"A national government is needed to approve going to war (or using diplomacy instead of
Your premise is based upon what I am arguing against, the existence of an entrenched
government. While I fully concede that genie will not be put back in the bottle any time
soon, it is government that allows the greed and evil of a few to disrupt and complicate the
lives of the many.
All individuals are ultimately responsible for their own well being and safety. To depend
upon the actions of others when your life or livelihood is threatened is foolish.
It is not possible to dismiss my argument using examples that exist today under an
entrenched government.
Criminals are released from prison every day and relocate to new communities (or not) and
continue their crimes. Vendettas between families are commonplace everywhere today. Crips,
bloods, the mexican mafia, ms13, etc are present in almost every city in the usa. Just an
FYI, but I have found that beating the shit out of people who invade my space has been very
effective. It also dissuades others from trying the same. I live in a rough neighborhood, and
this is simply a fact of life for me.
It is the laws of the 24/7 rule makers which allows them to strengthen and prosper.
A 'new' bridge recently collapsed in Miami killing and I can guarantee you, "No one could
have foreseen" and there will be no consequences for those whom profited in its construction.
This under existing government.
I appreciate your response, (you are one of my favorite posters) but I believe you along
with the majority are too dependent on a structure that does not ever have your best
interests at heart.
@59 Ashley
"When I talk to Anarchist friends they ALWAYS go silent when I mention railways
I would say to you I have no problem with people who want railways building them and
maintaining them. Should I choose to ride one, I would gladly purchase a ticket. I see no
contradiction or hypocrisy in such. What I would object to is people who have no intention of
utilizing it, being forced to subsidize it, lose their homestead in its construction and
again being forced to subsidize it when the inevitable mismanagement of said train (due to
greed) causes it to become unprofitable.
Hillary 'lost' six BILLION during her stint at state.
The Pentagon cannot account for between 6.5 and 21 TRILLION dollars of taxpayer money.
Americans are subject to prison should they decide the government has not been a good
custodian of their funds and decline to contribute any longer. They will take everything you
have acquired and everything you may acquire in the future should any "free" american take
this decision and act upon it.
@69 Russ
"Thomas Paine was right in the first place when he pointed out that the vast majority of
people would be better off without governments and other trappings of centralized
civilization, which of course are designed to subjugate the many to concentrate wealth,
power, and luxury for the few."
@71 Lysias
(another of my favorite posters)
" Most state positions were occupied by citizens chosen by lot for limited terms"
This would only slow the corruption not curtail. Now if "violation of the public trust"
became a capital offense with public execution becoming mandatory upon conviction a democracy
might have a chance to succeed. It really is that simple. I think Thomas Jefferson may have
mentioned something about that...
It was not my intent to hijack this thread.
To get back on topic, it should have been apparent to any thinking individual that Obama
and Congress failure to prosecute the bush/cheney regime would lead to a continuation of the
war crimes they unleashed. It is called precedent, and when Obama decided to look forward
rather than reinforce the rule of law, he left the door open for a recurrence of torture by
American soldiers. I can assure you that the full story is not being told, in regard the
torture and disappearance of people in Yemen. Especially with trump stating that he has no
qualms about using such means.
In a similar instance, congress voted to retroactively legalize illegal warrantless
surveillance by the telecoms in 2007. I was not surprised when Snowden revealed the extent to
which this process had grown. It is the same with the torture of Yemen people. It is the
corruption that is inherent in people which gravitate to these positions. Hillary not being
prosecuted for running her private server, (too many people do not understand the difference
between using a personal email address and running a personal server) and I am certain that
there is some other (non) surprise coming in the future by another government official for
doing something similar or more extreme. Comey has already been found to have been using a
gmail addy for government business.
It is their nature and will be proven time and time again. Also people, these are only the
things they do which become known. Can you imagine what they are doing and have done that
remains secret?
PeacefulProsperity , Jun 30, 2018 11:45:16 AM |
All roads of evil in this world lead to the City of London, as some of the commenters have
already pointed out here on many occasions. The US is only the muscle man taking orders from
the Brutish Crown Corporation and its peado-satanic "elites".
The butcher of Iraq, with Nazi family roots, gen. Schwarzkopf was knighted by Her fucking
"Majesty" for his services for the global empire in destroying that ME country, just as many
US commanders, officials before him and after him. Iran's P Mossadegh was removed by the CIA
on orders by the BP, one of the most evil companies in the world. Much more sinister, dark
company is SERCO, a name that only few people hear from the MSM:
At the same time the US is being managed by the British agents who monitor and influence,
often shape, manage, distract the public opinion as needed: Frost, John Oliver, Simon Cowell,
any more.
London have always been a cozy, safe home for many "divide and conquer" radical propaganda
agents of the Empire: SOHR, Chowdhary, Qardawi, Osama bin Laden, Khomeini, Muslim
Brotherhood, many more...
The most densely populated by millionaires, billionaires and security cameras.
That's were global trade of oil, finance "engineering", gold manipulation have been taking
Rooted in John Dee necromancy, Jewish Kabala, Francis Bacon group (aka "William
Shakespeare") created anglosphere, in opium wars,...
Trump will end this Brutish anti-human global empire, that's why they are so hell-bent on
destroying him...
Kudos for great reporting and comments!
PS Germany lost the last game in World Cup on purpose, they did not want to win, look
carefully again - something's up on the global geopolitical stage...
astonishing .. the "liberal" media MSM or the corporate establishment press has always
gone along with all the coverups. Babyl-on. on torture.
.. a recent poll showing US citizen support for torture that proved the misinformed
nature of the public responding to the poll..... karlof, 30.
MSM (W, particularly Anglo, but not only..) is 100% on the side of the most hateful and
sadistic parties / entities / orgs. / crowd. Simultaneously, a driver, motivator and a
This stance has infected and brainwashed USA citizens, who per their history and mind-set
-- free market, revanchard immigrants, genocide, slavery, opportunities for incredible
exploitation - have lost what one might call an 'integrative' mind set, where 'integrating'
ppl in to *join* (as in the original touted melting-pot which wasn't what it was purported to
be) is no longer of any value, interest.
Concurrently, collectivism (might be called community solidarity or other friendly terms,
not argh communism!) is reduced to local contact on specific issues (protecting a park),
p-to-p efforts (food bank, donations to charity) or very weak and useless pol moves.
Individualism and tribalism (the two actually go together) leave no room for any general
societal schemes - including anarchism! weird.. -- > empathy becomes limited to close
friends and family accompanied by the adoption of purely functionalist reasoning, very
reductive, sketchy, as all other view-points are eliminated, scotched.. (A leads to B to C
Torture is good because it forces confessions that can save other lives. Separating
families is necessary, it deters others from coming. Prisons need to be expanded, evil
violent robbers, rapists shouldn't freely roam the streets, etc. Yes and even family bonds
are subject to exclusion, blame, hate, violence
I upped the traits to make a point. You all get the picture.
"Third world people look to the government hoping
to able to apply for a benefit and, of course, they do receive certain benefits of the
Really? That's funny, everywhere I've looked throughout my adult life I've seen the rich
and big corporations looking to the government for benefits, and hoo boy do they get
"Third world people look to the government hoping to able to apply for a benefit and, of
course, they do receive certain benefits of the government. Really? That's funny,
everywhere I've looked throughout my adult life I've seen the rich and big corporations
looking to the government for benefits, and hoo boy do they get them.
I certainly agree that the richies have increasingly had the inside track on government
economic support, however the poor people in Mexico still hope and expect that the government
will provide them with benefits, as it has in the past.
"The education policy of President Lázaro Cárdenas's six-year term
originated scholarships and opportunities to underprivileged youth, underscoring an implicit
belief that the last Indian in the sierra is a Mexican as well, and that a person of humble
origens might become President of the Republic, or a great man or woman of letters, or a
creator or a collaborator of enormous importance to the Mexican nation.
The rural normal schools were founded to help the poorest among the poor to gradually rise
from the miserable pains of marginalization to better living conditions for themselves and
their families. The mission of these schools was the instruction of their students in
theoretical-practical knowledge of biology, literature, history, mathematics, and pedagogy,
to train and prepare the normalists to alphabetize the population; so to speak: to liberate
it. In those years, wherever a normal school was opened, it became a modernizing agent, it's
mission was to teach future teachers to plant the alphabet and other basic forms of social
knowledge in the arable population, with the expectation that their future students might
become morally free."
What can be done to redress the problems?
Until the people of the U.S. reclaim their democracy – Nothing!
The U.S. system of government is not the problem. The problem is that the system has been
hi-jacked and turned from a democracy into an 'Oligarchic Dictatorship'.
Posted by: dh-mtl | Jun 30, 2018 8:34:19 AM | 74
I agree with much of what you wrote to support this conclusion however, it seems that The
People in AmeriKKKa would rather whinge about their govt than take action to reform it. The
fact that they swallowed the indigestible trope that McCain is a War Hero, without a whimper
of protest, suggests that Wimpiness is alive and well in the US of A.
The UK's victims of Oligarchical Dictatorship (and the subject of this thread) on the
other hand, don't take kindly to being treated like docile obedient morons. And this latest
example of Criminal Executive Malfeasance will be angrily discussed and added to a growing
list of similar outrages.
If revolution comes to AmeriKKKa it is more likely to come from without, rather than
within. If the Brits kick up a big enough stink about what their govt thinks it can get away
with then AmeriKKKans will notice and begin to realise they are in the same boat. When
Americans wanted Britain's jackboot removed from their neck, the Revolutionary French were
happy to oblige. Funnier things have happened than the looming prospect that AmeriKKKans will
be inspired, by Brit efforts to remove a home-grown jack-boot, to do likewise to relieve
their own frustration.
Revolution doesn't have to be violent. It can be achieved by citizens uniting behind an
effort to 'encourage' the govt to adopt a shortlist of reforms which will grant citizens the
right to have grievances considered, acknowledged, and rectified by govt.
Switzerland has such a system. Here's a brief summary...
Switzerland has a tradition of direct democracy. For any change in the constitution, a
referendum is mandatory. For any change in a law, a referendum can be requested by the
people. In addition, the people may present a constitutional Popular Initiative to introduce
amendments to the federal constitution. The people also assume a role similar to the
constitutional court, which does not exist, and thus act as the guardian of the rule of
"Defense" becomes a racket as soon as it prompts others to increase THEIR "defense". The
only answer to guns is more guns. It is a self-licking I've cream cone that is exploited by
neocons, Zionists, MIC, and others to the detriment of everyone else.
Security forces are, by their nature, non transparent and therefore subject to corruption.
Proper governance would REMOVE incentives for corruption. Examples: legalize drugs,
prostitution, and gambling; create strong, respectful alliances, and deal fairly with other
Absent adequate safeguards, security forces will quickly grow to a size where they serve
themselves FIRST. Serving powerful elites is part of that.
We now have the technology to fundamentally change how we are governed. The establishment
will fight that change tooth and nail.
PS Even the Judeo-Christian religious tradition is a protect racket. You must believe (as
proved by donations and other visible support) or you will go to hell or be accused of being
a witch or devil worshipper.
We have to understand and come to grips with the fact that we are now ruled by a corrupt
establishment. It is composed of many groups that have gotten cozy with each other: mafia,
"cartel", industry groups whose foot soldiers are "lobbyists", CIA, MIC, neocons, oligarchs,
etc. each has a grip that is reinforced by the others.
AFAICT, Direct Democracy offers the only way to break the pervasive, pernicious grip that
they collectively hold on society.
I thought the biggest club was the disenfranchised, Jackrabbit@88.
According to some comments above only the very few enlightened atheists rise above the
fray, us dumb unwashed peons who believe everything we hear, see, read. Well, good for you,
but good for the rest of us as well. We are not so dumb as you make out. We are not as you
have characterized us. We actually think! We actually make up our own minds, and lots of what
we think and decide for ourselves comports with what you think and decide! And in addition,
for goodness sake, some of us have faith. I know it's hard for you to fathom, but I assure
you it is so.
The few are those currently in control, who have wrested power away from the people and do
not serve them, the ones who refuse to let the truth be told, such as the PM in the UK, as
the report makes Some folk suppose Americans are brain washed, revealing their own
shortsightedness. One might say that about the citizens of any country, if all you see is
what the media of that country presents to you.clear. It really has nothing to do with
religion or the lack thereof, or even with the mass media.
Sorry, should have been "as the Report makes clear." And erase the 'clear' at the end of the
penultimate sentence. (Hiccup occurred with copy and paste.)
@ PeacefulProsperity | Jun 30, 2018 11:45:16 AM | 80
"PS Germany lost the last game in World Cup on purpose, they did not want to win, look
carefully again - something's up on the global geopolitical stage..."
Sounds interesting. I looked carefully again but could not see anything mentionable. could
you please be a bit more specific?
Decades back, the
KUBARK Manuael from 1963 a CIA torture training manual, was made public. It includes all
the techniques that so "outraged" the US Congress when CIA torture was revealed during the
Bush II regime, and are now "outraging" the British Parliament today.
But of course, not only were these torture techniques not new in 2005, they were not knew
in 1963 either. The "arts" of torture extend back to prehistory, but can fairly be described
as having become a science during the Nazi era.
A woman named Gudrun Burwitz recently died at age 88. If the name doesn't ring a bell,
perhaps it would help if we referred to her by her father's family name. For she was the
daughter of top Nazi, Heinrich Himmler, Commander of the SS (Schutzstaffel), and claimed to
be the author of the entire racial cleansing, "Final Solution," Holocaust program.
We are also told that Himmler somehow took a poison pill while in prison awaiting his
execution, thereby "cheating justice." But this is about his daughter and the thread that
leads to the Report on British torture.
Ms. Burwitz never disavowed Nazism and defended her father's reputation. She remained
prominent in far-right politics throughout her life. She was reported to be a prominent
member of Stille Hilfe (Silent Help), a secretive group known to provide legal and financial
support to former SS members. She was also known to attend other neo-Nazi events and rallies
before her death.
Oh, and she did hold jobs, too. She worked at BND (West German Secret Police/Intelligence)
headquarters during the time the organisation was under the control of Reinhard Gehlen. Nazi
General Reinhard Gehlen, of course, had headed the Russia Desk in the Oberkommando der
Wermacht (OKW - Hitler's Supreme Headquarters). Later, he had been recruited by OSS/CIA
Director Allen Dulles in the closing days of WW II and brought to service in the US.
@ b4real with his call for some level of anarchism
Do you agree that humans are community oriented beasts at some level? What do you call
that level of organization and how does one scale it...or is that a bad idea to you?
Is it anarchy all the way down?
I am fine to move this to the next open thread and feel some responsibility for my ongoing
contextualization of stuff.
I agree that the Internet provided an awesome medium for the spread of information, much
of which had only been available to readers of low-circulation alternative sources. We were
witness to a "Golden Age" of largely unrestricted information flow.
And that is why the Internet in Europe and the US is being clamped down. Private companies
people relied on, like youtube and facebook are deleting accounts and "throttling" traffic.
Google is "deranking" sites such that some have seen traffic drop by 75%. "Net neutrality"
has been overturned, so all of this and more is about to become much worse in the US.
A reminder for those who sometimes fall into a Pollyanna hopefulness.... as bad as our
Western internet censorship is becoming, it's still a beacon of freedom compared to what
China already has.
Jen @57. Thanks for interjecting some real world examples into the theoretical "utopian"
government/no government ideas being floated.
I'd add that internet voting has not shown itself to be trustworthy. Right now Estonia (or
e-Estonia as it's now calling itself) is establishing an entirely internet-based life way.
Everyone gets a bio-ID card. All financial transactions will go through that card, as is
voting, medical records, education, etc. etc. etc.
Is this really "hack-proof?" If/when someone's entire life is hacked, will we even be
allowed to know it happened?
China is developing their "social score" system similar to e-Estonia. In their case,
they're bragging that whatever black box is keeping score will have the authority to prevent
people from purchasing property, or boarding a train, or going to school, or voting or really
anything at all.... all based on some algorithms programmed by some faceless bureaucrats.
Back to the "Venus Project" which someone linked earlier, such high-tech autocratic
societies may be a big improvement for most people's lives. Maybe I'm some sort of Luddite to
prefer things like paper ballots, filled out in ink and hand counted multiple times with
observers from any interested parties.
But that still looks like a technology that isn't broken, and so doesn't need to be
@ Daniel
When in China I could not access anything google. Google browser, google search, google
blogs. As I mostly used yandex everything else was fine. I could access all western
propaganda and alternative news/blogs that were not on a google platform. I take it google
was blocked because they were heavily involved in color revolutions and regime change
Peter AU 1. I think you're reading too much literalism into the folk tales written down by
bronze age nomads as they took up an agrarian lifestyle. You might enjoy the book, "The Evolution of God" by Robert Wright. He is
a bit too "evo/psych"" for my tastes, but overall his description of the current
understanding of the archaeological, anthropological, paleographical and historical evidence
is quite well presented.
As readers know, I'm a big fan of paper ballots[1], and the recent Election in Virginia
gives me a chance to explain why. (The "recount" phase -- erroneously named, as what's been
happening is
resolving absentee and provisional ballots -- seems to have culminated with the
Republicans keeping control of the Virginia House by a whisker, 49-51 .) First, I'll do
that, and set up two requirements that any system for counting votes in a democracy should
meet. Then, I'll look at Virginia's "Back to the Future" transition from digital voting to
paper ballots.
From Brad Friedman's essay on " Democracy's Gold Standard" (with numbering added), a set of
requirements for voting systems suitable for a democracy:
Last March, the country's highest court found that secret, computerized vote counting was
unconstitutional. Unfortunately, the country was Germany, and the Constitution violated by
e-voting systems was the one that the U.S. wrote and insisted Germans ratify as part of their
terms of surrender following WWII.
Paul Lehto, a U.S. election attorney and Constitutional rights expert, summarized the German
court's unambiguous, landmark finding :
"No 'specialized
technical knowledge' can be required of citizens to vote or to monitor vote counts." There is
a "constitutional requirement of a publicly observed count." "[T]he government substitution
of its own check or what we'd probably call an 'audit' is no substitute at all for public
observation." "A paper trail simply does not suffice to meet the above standards. "As a
result of these principles, 'all independent observers' conclude that 'electronic voting
machines are totally banned in Germany' because no conceivable computerized voting system can
cast and count votes that meet the twin requirements of being both 'observable' and also not
requiring specialized technical knowledge.
If you go through this set of requirements, you'll see that hand-marked paper ballots,
hand-counted in public, meet every one of them. You will also see that digital voting systems,
no matter how designed or implemented, cannot. They cannot, especially, meet requirements #1
("no specialized technical knowledge to monitor") and #2 ("a publicly observed count"). The
first requirement ensures that the voting process is not riggable by insiders with technical
expertise (native, or hired); the second ensures that the actual voting is not rigged on
election day. These are important requirements for a functioning democracy.
On September 24, hundreds of thousands of volunteers will be handing out ballots, checking
voters' names against lists, and counting votes once the polling station closes. The entire
process is open to the public Every citizen is allowed to watch and monitor the entire
counting process; and in effect, the volunteers monitor each other.
No specialized technical knowledge
[T]he volunteers open the ballot box, take out the envelopes and remove the ballot slips.
They sort the ballots according to a pre-arranged system, decide on whether the votes are
valid or invalid, and count the votes – reading out each vote aloud, which is noted in
writing in a log.
At the end, the number of ballots is compared with the number of people who voted in that
particular polling station.
Now, let's turn to Virginia. It's worth noting that Virginia's move back to paper is being
across the political spectrum . From the centrist Daily Banter ,
a summary of the history:
It wasn't until 2014, when the state experienced a myriad of problems on Election Day,
that Governor Terry McAuliffe proposed
an overhaul of the state voting system. By 2015, the Virginia Board of Elections decertified
the use of WINVote, but they were still
stuck with other DRE (Direct Recording Electronic) systems. This past summer, at a
DefCon conference in Las Vegas, computer scientists staged a "Voting Machine Hacking
Village" to prove the instabilities of DRE, which included a single password for all
machines, physical ports to insert malware, and reliance on outdated software that had not
been updated since the mid-2000s.
In emergency meeting, Virginia elections board votes to scrap all touch-screen voting
The Virginia State Board of Elections voted Friday to discontinue use of all touch-screen
voting machines throughout the state because of potential security vulnerabilities, forcing
22 cities and counties to scramble to find new equipment just weeks before voting begins for
the November gubernatorial election.
Behind closed doors at an emergency meeting in Richmond on Friday afternoon, the board
heard about specific vulnerabilities identified after a cybersecurity conference this summer
in Las Vegas, where hackers showed they could break into voting machines with relative
In an interview, Elections Commissioner Edgardo Cortés acknowledged that the short
time frame could put localities under the gun. However, 10 of the 22 localities that still
use touch screens, either as their primary voting method or for more limited uses, have
already begun buying new equipment, Cortés said. That leaves 12 that will have to
start from scratch, but Cortés said the rapid swap is "doable" and worth the "hiccups"
that may come with new equipment.
(The Banter points to "Russian targeting of last year's presidential election" (whatever
that means)
as do
others , but if the threat of Russia hacking was a necessary cause for the Board's
decisionl, it was certainly the DefCon that was the proximate one).[2] In any case, the Board's
decision was taken September 8, and by Election Day, November 7, the transition was complete
with no reported problems, which shows you the advantages of adopting simple, rugged, and
proven systems. Here is how the system works, as described in a press release from
Albemarle County :
The Albemarle County Department of Voter Registration and Elections wants to alert voters
that a new, digital scan voting system will be used in all County voting precincts in the
upcoming November 3, 2015 general election. The previously used "touchscreen" voting machines
have been replaced by the new voting systems as a result of the Commonwealth of Virginia's
mandate which requires jurisdictions move toward the use of digital scan technology.
With the new system, voters will mark paper ballots at marking booths, and then deposit
the marked paper ballots into a digital ballot scanning machine, which will read the ballots,
and drop them into a secure ballot storage bin. When the polls close on Election Day, at 7
PM, the election officers at the voting precincts will obtain the tabulated totals of votes
from a results report that will be printed by the digital scanning machine. After the
election, the paper ballots will be kept in secure storage for a period of one year, to
ensure a voter-verified paper trail in the event of a recount.
Recall our two requirements. Can the Virginia System be said to meet them?
1) Public observation. Yes and no. Yes, because the ballot is handmarked, and dropped in the
box in public. No, because the ballots are counted in the innards of the optical scanner. (This
can be mitigated by storing the ballots for recounts later, if needed.) And no, because the
actual running of the count from the scanners does not take place in public, nor (AFAIK) the
integration into the totals of provisional and absentee ballots.
2) No specialized technical knowledge. Yes and no. Yes, because clearly paper ballots are an
improvement in every way from the horrid touch screens. No, in the same that once again, the
innards of the optical scanner must be relied upon. (This could be mitigated, depending on the
choice of vendor, by dealing with an actual scanner industry, as opposed to a bunch of tiny,
sketchy outfits purveying custom, proprietary software.)
In summary, and IMNSHO, there should be no digital determination or intermediation of
voter intent whatever ; why should we trust the scanner software engineers, or those who
run them? There's no reason to, any more than there's reason to trust the engineers or
operators of mechanical voting machines.) Virginia's ballots are indeed hand-marked, but they
are not hand-counted in public.[5]
With these strong caveats, Virginia's hand-marked paper ballots were well-received by the
public, and that's progress. WAVY :
At a voting precinct at the Chrysler Museum in Norfolk, voters said they had no issues
going back to pen and paper.
"It goes back to the old days, you know, we've been voting a long time, so we remember
when they didn't have anything but paper ballots," said voter Winston Whitehurst.
Voter Kevin Rafferty said he enjoyed the switch.
"It works. I understand. At least if we're having to spend some time on it, we're the only
ones in control, perhaps is the idea. Nobody else hacking on in I guess is their theory so
hopefully it's safe," he said.
"You can't hack paper," a man training a group of Hopewell poll workers on the new
[optical scanning] machines said.
(But you can hack the scanners -- using "specialized technical knowledge" --
and you can social engineer any process where the ballots are not hand-counted in public.)
Of the two requirements, the ability to monitor election results without technical expertise
is needed to prevent chicanery by those who structure the voting process. And the public count
is needed to prevent chicanery on election day by those who inspect and count the ballots.
Paper ballots can and do meet these requirements. That's why most Western countries use them,
and why many other countries have returned to them, after experimenting with digital systems.
Virginia's re-adoption of hand-marked paper ballots is a step forward, not backward.
[1] For those who are concerned that paper ballots prevent ranked choice voting, Maine advocates disagree : "Ranked choice
voting is designed to work with paper ballots."
[2] The idea that "foreign invaders" (as the
Christian Science Monitor puts it) are the main threat for election theft seems very odd to
me. Surely domestic operatives are, or at least should be, the main concern?
[3] I vividly recall a Quebec referendum where the Quebec "scrutineers" rejected a seemingly
overlarge number of "No" ballots. But because the process was public, and not part of an
algorithmic black box, the scrutineers could be called out. Although Canada does use electronic
voting at the municipal level, the stakes are lower.
[4] Hilariously, a Google search on "How many countries use paper ballots" directs me to a
WikiPedia page on "Electronic voting by
country." 26 are listed. There are 195 countries.
[5] The convenience of election officials seems to bulk large in these disucussions; they
don't want to be
"up all night counting paper." Well, if the Germans (and the Canadians (and the Brits)) can
make that investment in democracy, why can't we?
Just an added note here to say that in Ireland, which uses Single Transferable Vote, the
law states that the election candidates can appoint Counting Agents , known as Tallymen during
the vote. They observe the opening of voting boxes and keep a tally during the count. As this
allows them to get a good feel for voting patterns, it eliminates another potential source of
fraud, box stuffing during or after the vote.
The Tallymen are so skilled they can often provide a very accurate result hours before the
final result (vote counting is much more complex for STV). There is no interest at all from
political parties for electronic voting because tally information is more fine grained than
final totals (as it is box by box rather than district by district) and so provides each
party with very valuable statistical information.
Same in Canada but we call them "scrutineers" or monitors (at least in Ontario). I worked
as an election official a while back (I think it was at the last provincial election) and one
of the scrutineers raised a big stink because the number of votes were not the same as the
number of people who voted. I left around 10 pm and I heard they were there until midnight
trying to resolve this. It was pure schadenfreude for me because I wasn't selected as one of
the vote-counting electoral officials but was just a lower-paid electoral assistant who
barred people from entering the building from the wrong door and gave directions to the
correct entrance. "Serves those idiots right for not picking me" was what I was thinking when
I left.
In France, the process is basically the same as in Germany. An interesting note, that I
don't see mentionned, is that once the public count is done and the number of votes matches
the number of voters, ballots are destroyed (except blank votes). A very sensible step as the
whole process is fraud-proof and ballots could be tampered with afterwards.
In this sense, there are no recounts (except the basic maths check). You can only report
to the courts irregularities in the process and there will be a new election if enough
polling station were affected to swing the election.
And the process is generally not too long. The average seems to be between one and three
hours so it's almost always done way before midnight (British seems to take a very long time,
if anyone cares to explain to me why ?). Of course, it helps a lot that we don't elect a
whole bunch of people on the same night (no lieutnant-governor, judges, sheriffs ), it's
always one election at a time with a dozen choices at most (and half the time it's only two
because of the two-round system).
Having used a number of different systems as I moved around the state of Maryland*, my
favorite system was hand marked ballots that were scanned by machine at the voting place. My
observations follow.
Old fashioned lever machines: They haven't made them for years, so there was always a
shortage of machines which led to long lines. Despite the fact that people are familiar with
them, they are an un-auditable black box like electronic voting machines.
Punched card machines. They always seemed physically a little difficult to operate and a
slight misalignment could result in a miscast vote. But there is a recountable paper trail
and only one or two scanners is required for each polling place.
Electronic voting machines. They're a completey un-auditable black box. They DO have the
advantage of being easier to adjust for people with limited vision and other handicaps. Each
voting station requires a separate machine, which means either greater expense or longer
lines compared to other systems. My guess is that programming the ballots into them probably
costs almost as much printing ballots and is more difficult to spot errors or fraud.
Hand counted ballots: The difficulty with hand counting ballots is that it is error-prone
and slow.
Paper ballots and digital scanners would seem to be the best system that I have used with
several caveats. You have to manually recount a random sampling of polling places to check
for systemic fraud in the setup of the scanning machines. You have to have a good system to
deal with errors and complications. How do you void ballots that have been mis-marked by
accident? You have to make SURE that they aren't added to the tallys. You have to have a
system for contested/contingent voting, a way to segregate and maintain those ballots until
the eligibility of the voters is determined.
*It used to be that every county chose the vote system separately
You have to manually recount a random sampling of polling places to check for systemic
fraud in the setup of the scanning machines.
That is an excellent suggestion however getting officials on board is not so easy. Our
state got new optical scan machines in all larger precincts a few years ago and since they
had never been used I made the same suggestion you did to our city council and asked for a
random audit. They refused and told me that by state law the city was not allowed to do an
audit just because they felt like it and the only way a recount could be done was if an
election was close enough to be within the mandated threshold needed to trigger one. If they
were correct about our state law, the state has actually made it illegal for cities to check
the accuracy of the machines they use. That would need to be changed in order for your
proposal to work.
I do still prefer handcounted paper ballots – I did get to participate in a hand
recount eventually and it was a LOT quicker than you might expect.
The other issue is cost – it would be a LOT cheaper to pay people to count by hand
than to replace millions of large pieces of aging machinery every decade or so.
Maybe, but machines can't determine voter intent on paper ballots nearly as well as humans
can. Our city uses these optical scanners and as noted last election season, we had a close
race that triggered a recount that I participated in. The human beings actually counted
more ballots than the machines did, as the machines didn't count those that were
filled out improperly (circles not completely filled out, or checked rather than filled in,
etc). Rough estimate, we were able to count approximately 2% more votes then the scanner
If we're going to keep pretending we still have a democracy here in the US, everybody's
vote deserves to be counted in every election. The only way to do that is count paper ballots
by hand.
The FIRST TIME I heard that they were going to use IT technology for voting I thought they
must be kidding. It is so obviously wrong ON THE FACE OF IT that I have always suspected the
motives of those making that decision (although I suppose I should´t be too surprised
at human laziness being a motivating force!). Anyway, it is to me just another sign of the
dumbing down of America that this whole topic needs any discussion at all!!
Voltaire would have loved political position that the machines were perfect and unable be
hacked until Chavez-Venezuela bought voting machine manufacturer
Clinton conflates Virginia's switch to paper ballots with her claims that Russia hacked
into voter rolls and possibly went even further. This is Clinton speaking about it on Monday at the Atlanta
stop on her book tour.
So maybe we're finally getting some benefit from the claims that the Russians were able to
manipulate the election results in the United States! In reality, it's Republicans and
Democrats who manipulate election results in the U.S., but I'll accept a victory, even if
it's for the wrong reasons.
Exactly! Clinton applauds the reduced risk of paper ballots, but of course has to muddle
it all up with the dreaded Russian threat. I swear, Clinton can't help but link almost
everything to Russia now -- listening to her is like plaing a constant game of 6 degrees of
Kevin Bacon, except it's 3 degrees and its Russia.
One would think that governments would require that any software to be used in a public
election must be open source – not proprietary – and that it and its application
be open to public audit.
Vendors unwilling to comply can take their sales people elsewhere. If vendors are hard to
find, governments could join together in providing seed money for any number of parties to
develop and maintain the necessary code.
This is the sort of change that should be part of any elections improvement commissions,
not that the likes of Kris Kobach and his commission have in mind anything but voter
suppression. The use of proprietary software in a public election is as appropriate as a
cordon of watch dogs, lighted torches, or police cars outside a voting center.
"Making the source code available" for a critical system makes a good sound bite, but in
reality has a number of substantial problems:
o There is no guarantee that the compiled code in the box is the same as the purported
source code made public. Even technical experts would have a very hard time confirming this,
since the code in the box has been compiled down to machine instructions whereas the source
code is normally in a high level language.
o The process of building (compiling and linking) the code introduces myriad opportunities
for bad actors. E.g., code can include conditional sections or definitions that can be built
in various ways. The build process itself invokes other programs that themselves can be
hacked. Building also normally brings in third-party libraries of uncertain provenance, and
for which the source is typically unavailable.
o Inspecting realistic industrial software for *inadvertent* problems, called a code
review, is a big effort (many man weeks) and requires people with the requisite skills (often
arcane) and expertise in the problem domain. Inspecting code for *deliberate hacks* would be
much harder, and could well miss hacks anyway depending on the skill of the hacker.
Relying on public source code for security is a very weak reed and should be avoided
altogether if at all possible.
Fair enough. But why would proprietary code be better? I mean what stops a private vendor
from doing this, but without public oversight? I mean to say "public code" in what ever form
could be a start.
XXYY was not supporting proprietary code. I believe he was pointing out that "open source"
does not have sufficient integrity for e;ections, thus closed source (proprietary code) is
After the 2000 election, congress passed the Help America Vote Act (HAVA). Among the
provisions of the bill, money was given to states and counties to upgrade their voting
systems. Most of these new systems came online in the mid 00's.
Now that it has been around a decade, the generation of machines purchased with the help
of federal money are getting long in the tooth. The average person changes their cell phone
every 2-3 years, so a touch screen machine machine over a decade old feels especially ancient
to a technophile.
There will be a trend toward paper ballots with this next generation. More states have
added tougher paper trail requirements on DRE (touch screen) voting machines. and there is a
lack of federal HAVA money available to states and counties to buy top-of-the-line DRE
machines with paper trails. Vendors for this generation are pushing hybrid systems that allow
a voter to input their choices onto a touch screen, then the machine prints out a paper
ballot which (theoretically) removes ambiguous choices and allows disabled people to vote
without assistance. But ultimately, if a jurisdiction is going to a paper system anyway, why
spend more money on expensive hybrid machines that will break down in another ten years? I
anticipate a push to paper ballots with optical scanning tabulation machines in the medium
and states can – do take away driver licenses – I.D. "legally" determining who
gets to vote, by the hundreds of thousands, even over issues having nothing to do with
driving, and primarily affecting the poor:
In my town, we have big election night parties at the downtown bars while volunteers go to
the polling stations and phone back the preliminary results which are posted in the front
windows or on the front doors.
A lot of politically connected people would have trouble sleeping the night of the
election if they didn't have the results.
In my town's municipal election last week, it seems almost a tenth of voters were confused
by the design of the ballot and circled their choice rather than filling in the bubble.
Since we're in Massachusetts and all elections use Scantron ballots and tabulating
machines, any circled ballot was marked "blank" the same as ballots where no notation was
A lot of people, including quite a few first-time and infrequent voters, and voters with
eyesight issues, were disillusioned by the fact that their votes would not be counted. Some
were shocked the ballots are not in fact counted by hand.
Maybe, instead of Russia-Gate, we have is Israel-Gate. This time Netanyahu discreetly interfering
in US Presidential Election ..Chilling thought though!
Notable quotes:
"... casus belli ..."
"... To be sure, my observations are neither new nor unique. Former Congressmen Paul Findley indicted the careful crafting of a pro-Israel narrative by American Jews in his seminal book They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby , written in 1989. Professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt's groundbreaking book The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy said much the same thing nine years ago and discussions of Jewish power do emerge occasionally, even in the mainstream media. In the Jewish media Jewish power is openly discussed and is generally applauded as a well-deserved reward bestowed both by God and by mankind due to the significant accomplishments attributed to Jews throughout history. ..."
"... That many groups and well-positioned individuals work hand-in-hand with the Israeli government to advance Israeli interests should not be in dispute after all these years of watching it in action. Several high level Jewish officials, including Richard Perle , associated with the George W. Bush Pentagon, had questionable relationships with Israeli Embassy officials and were only able to receive security clearances after political pressure was applied to "godfather" approvals for them. Former Congressman Tom Lantos and Senator Frank Lautenberg were, respectively, referred to as Israel's Congressman and Senator, while current Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has described himself as Israel's "shomer" or guardian in the U.S. Senate. ..."
"... The documentary reveals that local Jewish groups, particularly at universities and within the political parties, do indeed work closely with the Israeli Embassy to promote policies supported by the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. ..."
"... That's the money shot, Phil. I'm okay with Jews, okay with the existence of Israel, all that, but I think we were massively had by Iraq II. When Valerie Plame spoke in my area, she talked disgustedly about a plan to establish American military power throughout the Middle East. She used the euphemism "neocons" for the plan's authors, and seemed about to burst with anger. ..."
"... I recall the basic idea was for the U. S. to do Israel's dirty work at U. S. expense and without a U. S. benefit, and I think there was the usual "God talk" cover in it about "democratization", "development", blah-blah. ..."
"... I'd also add Adlai E. Stevenson III and John Glenn. Stevenson was crucial in getting compensation -- paltry sum though it was– payed to "Liberty" families for their loss. The Israelis had been holding out. Something for which the Il Senator was never forgiven (especially by The Lobby). ..."
"... Netanyahu should not have been allowed to address the joint session. No foreign leader should be speaking in opposition to any sitting President (in this case Obama). It only showed the power of "The Lobby." Netanyahu who knew that Iran didn't have the weapons the Bush Adm. had claimed, was treated like a trusted ally. He shouldn't have been. ..."
"... Maybe, instead of Russia-Gate, we have is Israel-Gate. This time Netanyahu discreetly interfering in US Presidential Election ..Chilling thought though! ..."
"... And Israeli interference in U.S. government and elections is also a given. Endorsement of Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential election by the Netanyahu government was more-or-less carried out in the open. ..."
"... All embassies try to further their national interest through political machinations and all people in politics tend to use hyperbolic language to describe what they are doing. I don't know if your shock is just for show or you are just a bit dim. The same applies to Buzzfeed's 'expose' of Bannon and the gasps the article let out at his use of terms like #War. ..."
"... The British government attitude was that everything was fine because the Israeli government "apologised" and the "rogue individual" responsible was taken out of the country, and the British media mostly ignored the story after an initial brief scandal. Indeed the main substantive response was the Ofcom fishing expedition against Al Jazeera looking for ways to use the disclosure of these uncomfortable truths as a pretext for shutting that company's operations down. ..."
"... The supreme irony behind all this is that Trump has been prevented by his own personal and family/adviser bias from using the one certain way of removing all the laughably vague "Russian influence" nonsense that has been used against him so persistently. All he had to do was to, at every opportunity, tie criticism and investigation of Russian "influence" to criticism and investigation of Israel Lobby influence under the general rubric of "foreign influence", and almost all of the high level backing for the charges would in due course have quietly evaporated. ..."
"... WASP culture has always been philo-Semitic. That cannot be stated too much. WASP culture is inherently philo-Semtic. WASP culture was born of Anglo-Saxon Puritanism, which was a Judaizing heresy. ..."
"... You cannot solve 'the Jewish problem' unless you also solve 'the WASP problem.' ..."
"... The Israeli lobby is more powerful throughout the Anglosphere than the Saudi/Arabic lobby, but the Saudi lobby is equally detestable and probably even a more grave threat to the very existence of Western man. ..."
"... That the intelligence services of many countries engage in such conduct is not really news. Indeed, you could say that it's part of their normal job. They usually don't get caught and when accused of anything they shout "no evidence!" (now, where have I heard that recently?) Of course, if the Israelis engage in such conduct, then, logically, other countries' services do so too. ..."
"... Not surprising that the Jewish public gets gamed by Israeli political elites, just as the American public keeps getting gamed by our own cabal of bought politicians. Trying to fool enough of the people, enough of the time, contra Lincoln (who was not exactly a friend of critical dissent against war either .) ..."
One month ago, I initiated here at Unz.com a discussion of the role of American Jews
in the crafting of United States foreign policy. I observed that a politically powerful and well-funded
cabal consisting of both Jewish individuals and organizations has been effective at engaging the
U.S. in a series of wars in the Middle East and North Africa that benefit only Israel and are, in
fact, damaging to actual American interests. This misdirection of policy has not taken place because
of some misguided belief that Israeli and U.S. national security interests are identical, which is
a canard that is frequently floated in the mainstream media. It is instead a deliberate program that
studiously misrepresents facts-on-the ground relating to Israel and its neighbors and creates
casus belli involving the United States even when no threat to American vital interests exists.
It punishes critics by damaging both their careers and reputations while its cynical manipulation
of the media and gross corruption of the national political process has already produced the disastrous
war against Iraq, the destruction of Libya and the ongoing chaos in Syria. It now threatens to initiate
a catastrophic war with Iran.
To be sure, my observations are neither new nor unique. Former Congressmen Paul Findley indicted
the careful crafting of a pro-Israel narrative by American Jews in his seminal book
They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby , written in 1989. Professors
John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt's groundbreaking book
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy said much the same thing nine years ago and discussions
of Jewish power do emerge occasionally, even in the mainstream media. In the Jewish media Jewish
power is openly discussed and is generally applauded as a well-deserved reward bestowed both by God
and by mankind due to the significant accomplishments attributed to Jews throughout history.
There is undeniably a complicated web of relationships and networks that define Israel's friends.
The expression "Israel Lobby" itself has considerable currency, so much so that the expression "The
Lobby" is widely used and understood to represent the most powerful foreign policy advocacy group
in Washington without needing to include the "Israel" part. That the monstrous Benjamin Netanyahu
receives 26 standing ovations from Congress and a wealthy Israel has a guaranteed income from the
U.S. Treasury derives directly from the power and money of an easily identifiable cluster of groups
and oligarchs – Paul Singer, Sheldon Adelson, Bernard Marcus, Haim Saban – who in turn fund a plethora
of foundations and institutes whose principal function is to keep the cash and political support
flowing in Israel's direction. No American national interest, apart from the completely phony contention
that Israel is some kind of valuable ally, would justify the taxpayers' largesse. In reality, Israel
is a liability to the United States and always has been.
And I do understand at the same time that a clear majority of American Jews, leaning strongly
towards the liberal side of the political spectrum, are supportive of the nuclear agreement with
Iran and do not favor a new Middle Eastern war involving that country. I also believe that many American
Jews are likely appalled by Israeli behavior, but, unfortunately, there is a tendency on their part
to look the other way and neither protest such actions nor support groups like Jewish Voice for Peace
that are themselves openly critical of Israel. This de facto gives Israel a free pass and
validates its assertion that it represents all Jews since no one important in the diaspora community
apart from minority groups which can safely be ignored is pushing back against that claim.
That many groups and well-positioned individuals work hand-in-hand with the Israeli government
to advance Israeli interests should not be in dispute after all these years of watching it in action.
Several high level Jewish officials, including
Richard Perle , associated with the George W. Bush Pentagon, had
questionable relationships with Israeli Embassy officials and were only able to receive security
clearances after political pressure was applied to "godfather" approvals for them. Former Congressman
Tom Lantos and Senator Frank Lautenberg were, respectively, referred to as Israel's Congressman and
Senator, while current Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has described himself as Israel's "shomer"
guardian in the U.S. Senate.
A recent regulatory decision from the United Kingdom relates to a bit of investigative journalism
that sought to reveal precisely how the promotion of Israel by some local diaspora Jews operates,
to include how critics are targeted and criticized as well as what is done to destroy their careers
and reputations.
Last year, al-Jazeera Media Network used an
undercover reporter to infiltrate some U.K. pro-Israel groups that were working closely with
the Israeli Embassy to counter criticisms coming from British citizens regarding the treatment of
the Palestinians. In particular, the Embassy and its friends were seeking to counter the growing
Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS), which has become increasingly effective in Europe.
The four-part documentary
released late in 2016 that al-Jazeera produced is well worth watching as it consists mostly of secretly
filmed meetings and discussions.
The documentary reveals that local Jewish groups, particularly at universities and within
the political parties, do indeed work closely with the Israeli Embassy to promote policies supported
by the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It also confirms that tagging someone
as an anti-Semite has become the principal offensive weapon used to stifle any discussion, particularly
in a country like Britain which embraces concepts like the criminalization of "hate speech." At one
point, two British Jews discussed whether "being made to feel uncomfortable" by people asking what
Israel intends to do with the Palestinians is anti-Semitic. They agreed that it might be.
The documentary also describes how the Embassy and local groups working together targeted government
officials who were not considered to be friendly to Israel to "be taken down," removed from office
or otherwise discredited. One government official in particular who was to be attacked was Foreign
Office Minister Sir Alan Duncan.
Britain, unlike the U.S., has a powerful
regulatory agency that oversees communications, to include the media. It is referred to as Ofcom.
When the al-Jazeera documentary was broadcast, Israeli Embassy political officer Shai Masot, who
reportedly was a Ministry of Strategic Affairs official working under cover, was forced to resign
and the Israeli Ambassador offered an apology. Masot was filmed discussing British politicians who
might be "taken down" before speaking with a government official who plotted a "a little scandal"
to bring about the downfall of Duncan. Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, who is the first head of
a political party in Britain to express pro-Palestinian views, had called for an investigation of
Masot after the recording of the "take down" demand relating to Duncan was revealed. Several Jewish
groups (the Jewish Labour Movement, the Union of Jewish Students and We Believe in Israel) then counterattacked
with a complaint that the documentary had violated British broadcast regulations, including the specific
charge that the undercover investigation was anti-Semitic in nature.
On October 9 th , Ofcom ruled in favor of al-Jazeera, stating that its investigation
had done nothing improper, but it should be noted that the media outlet had to jump through numerous
hoops to arrive at the successful conclusion. It had to turn over all its raw footage and communications
to the investigators, undergoing what one source described as an "editorial colonoscopy," to prove
that its documentary was "factually accurate" and that it had not "unfairly edited" or "with bias"
prepared its story. One of plaintiffs, who had called for critics of Israel to "die in a hole" and
had personally offered to "take down" a Labour Party official, responded bitterly. She
said that the Ofcom judgment would serve as a "precedent for the infringement of privacy of any
Jewish person involved in public life."
The United States does not yet have a government agency to regulate news stories, though that
may be coming, but the British tale has an interesting post script. Al-Jazeera also had a
second undercover reporter inserted in the Israel Lobby in the United States, apparently a British
intern named James Anthony Kleinfeld, who had volunteered his services to The Israel Project, which
is involved in promoting Israel's global image. He also had contact with at least ten other Jewish
organizations and with officials at the Israeli Embassy,
Now that the British account of "The Lobby" has cleared a regulatory hurdle the American version
will reportedly soon be released. Al-Jazeera's head of investigative reporting Clayton Swisher commented
"With this U.K. verdict and vindication past us, we can soon reveal how the Israel lobby in America
works through the eyes of an undercover reporter. I hear the U.S. is having problems with foreign
interference these days, so I see no reason why the U.S. establishment won't take our findings in
America as seriously as the British did, unless of course Israel is somehow off limits from that
Americans who follow such matters already know that groups like the American Israel Public Affairs
Committee (AIPAC) swarm over Capitol Hill and have accomplices in nearly every media outlet. Back
in 2005-6 AIPAC Officials Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman were actually tried under the Espionage
Act of 1918 in a case involving obtaining classified intelligence from government official Lawrence
Franklin to pass on to the Israeli Embassy. Rosen had once boasted that, representing AIPAC and Israel,
he could get the signatures of 70 senators on a napkin agreeing to anything if he sought to do so.
The charges against the two men were, unfortunately,
eventually dropped "because court rulings had made the case unwinnable and the trial would disclose
classified information."
And Israeli interference in U.S. government and elections is also a given. Endorsement of Mitt
Romney in the 2012 presidential election by the Netanyahu government was more-or-less carried out
in the open. And ask Congressmen like Paul Findley, Pete McCloskey, William Fulbright, Charles Percy
and, most recently, Cynthia McKinney, what happens to your career when you appear to be critical
of Israel. And the point is that while Israel calls the shots in terms of what it wants, it is a
cabal of diaspora American Jews who actually pull the trigger. With that in mind, it will be very
interesting to watch the al-Jazeera documentary on The Lobby in America.
Philip Giraldi is a rare American treasure. A voice of integrity and character in a sea of moral
cowardice and corruption. If there is any hope for this nation, it will be due specifically to
the integrity of men like Mr. Giraldi to keep speaking truth to power.
When the Jewish Messiah comes, all of us goyim (Black, White, Yellow, brown or Red) will be living
like today's Palestinians. Our slave descendant will be scurrying around in their ghettos afraid
of the Greater Israeli Army military andriod drones in the sky.
But if I was a Westerner, I would support Israel any day. Because if the Israeli state were
to be ever dismantled, all of them Israelis would go to the West. Why would you want that?
My admittedly subjective impression is that your UR reports are becoming more open/unbounded
after your release from the constraints of the American Conservative . In other word, you're
now being enabled to let it all hang out. In my book that's all to the good.
Of course your work and those of the other UR writers are enabled by the beneficence
of its patron, Ron!
There may be limits to their power in Britain. Jeremy Corbyn is hated by them, and stories are
regularly run in the MSM, in Britain and also (of course!) in the New York Times claiming
that under Corbyn Labour is a haven of anti-Semitism. Corbyn actually gained millions of votes
in the last election. Perhaps they will nail him somewhere down the road but they have failed
so far.
" . . . [W]ars in the Middle East and North Africa that benefit only Israel and are, in
fact, damaging to actual American interests (emphases mine).
That's the money shot, Phil. I'm okay with Jews, okay with the existence of Israel, all
that, but I think we were massively had by Iraq II. When Valerie Plame spoke in my area, she talked
disgustedly about a plan to establish American military power throughout the Middle East. She
used the euphemism "neocons" for the plan's authors, and seemed about to burst with anger.
I looked up the plan, but don't recall the catch phrase for it.
I recall the basic idea was for the U. S. to do Israel's dirty work at U. S. expense and
without a U. S. benefit, and I think there was the usual "God talk" cover in it about "democratization",
"development", blah-blah.
I remain skeptical that the Al-Jazeera undercover story in the US will be able to be viewed. I
anticipate a hoard of Israel-firster congress critters to crawl out from under their respective
rocks and deem Al-Jazeera to be antisemitic and call for it being banned as a foreign propaganda
apparatus, much as is being done with RT and Sputnik.
I fear that we are long past the point of being redeemed as a nation. We can only watch with
sorrow as this great nation crumbles under the might of Jewish power – impotent in our ability
to arrest its fall.
ask Congressmen like Paul Findley, Pete McCloskey, William Fulbright, Charles Percy
I'd also add Adlai E. Stevenson III and John Glenn. Stevenson was crucial in getting compensation
-- paltry sum though it was– payed to "Liberty" families for their loss. The Israelis had been
holding out. Something for which the Il Senator was never forgiven (especially by The Lobby).
Netanyahu should not have been allowed to address the joint session. No foreign leader
should be speaking in opposition to any sitting President (in this case Obama). It only
showed the power of "The Lobby." Netanyahu who knew that Iran didn't have the weapons the Bush
Adm. had claimed, was treated like a trusted ally. He shouldn't have been.
And the point is that while Israel calls the shots in terms of what it wants, it is a cabal
of diaspora American Jews who actually pull the trigger. With that in mind, it will be very
interesting to watch the al-Jazeera documentary on The Lobby in America.
Maybe, instead of Russia-Gate, we have is Israel-Gate. This time Netanyahu discreetly interfering
in US Presidential Election ..Chilling thought though!
And Israeli interference in U.S. government and elections is also a given. Endorsement
of Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential election by the Netanyahu government was more-or-less
carried out in the open.
London's Mayor, Sadiq Khan, actually went to America to campaign for Hillary. Numerous European
leaders endorsed her, while practically all denounced Trump. Exactly the same can be said of the
Muslim world, only more so.
The problem with criticism of Israel is not that it lacks basis in truth. It is that it is
removed from the context of the rest of the world. Israel's actions do not make Israel an outlier.
Israel fits very much within the norm. Even with the recording this is the case.
All embassies try to further their national interest through political machinations and
all people in politics tend to use hyperbolic language to describe what they are doing. I don't
know if your shock is just for show or you are just a bit dim. The same applies to Buzzfeed's
'expose' of Bannon and the gasps the article let out at his use of terms like #War.
Unfortunately, contemporary idiots of all stripes seem to specialise in removing context so
that they can further their specious arguments.
"so I see no reason why the U.S. establishment won't take our findings in America as seriously
as the British did"
Sadly, Clayton Swisher is probably correct that the US establishment will take their findings
in America just as "seriously" as the British media and political establishment, and government,
The British government attitude was that everything was fine because the Israeli government
"apologised" and the "rogue individual" responsible was taken out of the country, and the British
media mostly ignored the story after an initial brief scandal. Indeed the main substantive response
was the Ofcom fishing expedition against Al Jazeera looking for ways to use the disclosure of
these uncomfortable truths as a pretext for shutting that company's operations down.
But there's no "undue influence" or bias involved, and if you say there might be then you are
an anti-Semite and a hater.
The supreme irony behind all this is that Trump has been prevented by his own personal
and family/adviser bias from using the one certain way of removing all the laughably vague "Russian
influence" nonsense that has been used against him so persistently. All he had to do was to, at
every opportunity, tie criticism and investigation of Russian "influence" to criticism and investigation
of Israel Lobby influence under the general rubric of "foreign influence", and almost all of the
high level backing for the charges would in due course have quietly evaporated.
And in this rare company I would place former congressman, Ron Paul.
Here's an excerpt from his latest article, President Trump Beats War Drums for Iran
Let's be clear here: President Trump did not just announce that he was "de-certifying" Iran's
compliance with the nuclear deal. He announced that Iran was from now on going to be in the
bullseye of the US military. Will Americans allow themselves to be lied into another Middle
East war?
This state of affairs, where the Zionist tail wags -- thrashes -- the US dog is bizarre to the
point of laughter. Absent familiarity with the facts, who could believe it all? Is there a historical
parallel ? I can't think of one that approaches the sheer profundity of the toxic embrace the
Zionists have cover the US & west generally.
So how is using money we give them as foreign aid (it's fungible by any definition of the US Treasury
and Justice Department) to lobby our legislators not a form of money laundering? Somebody ought
to tell Mnuchin to get FINCEN on this yeah, I know, it sounded naive as I typed it. FINCEN is
only there to harass little people like you and me.
I fear that we are long past the point of being redeemed as a nation. We can only watch
with sorrow as this great nation crumbles
We are long past that point.
I myself am watching with joy, because this supposedly "great nation" was corrupt to the core
from its inception.
For evidence, all one has to do is read the arguments of the anti-federalists who opposed the
ratification of the constitution* such as Patrick Henry, Robert Yates and Luther Martin. Their
predictions about the results have come true. Even the labels, "federalist" and "anti-federalist"
are misleading and no doubt intentionally so.
Those who spoke out against the formation of the federal reserve bank* scheme were also correct.
The only thing great about the US in a moral sense are the high sounding pretenses upon
which it was built. As a nation we have never adhered to them.
*Please note that I intentionally refrain from capitalizing those words since I refuse to show
even that much deference to those instruments of corruption.
Philip, glad to see you undaunted after the recent attacks on you. We can maybe take solace in
the fact that their desire for MORE will finally pass a critical point, and dumbass Americans
will finally wake up.
"She said that the Ofcom judgment would serve as a "precedent for the infringement of privacy
of any Jewish person involved in public life."
I have news for that twister of words.
In my opinion, if you choose to put yourself in the limelight, you have no private life. That
is especially true for those who think they're entitled to a position of power.
In other words, if you think you're special, then you get judged by stricter standards than
the rest of us.
It's called accountability.
BTW, speaking of Netanyahu, why do we hear so little about the scandal involving the theft
of nuclear triggers from the US?
"The Israeli press is picking up Grant Smith's revelation from FBI documents that Benjamin
Netanyahu was part of an Israeli smuggling ring that spirited nuclear triggers out of the U.S.
in the 80s and 90s."
When you listen to Abby Martin describe her experience regarding this brutal apartheid system
in Israel and the genocide of the Palestinian people, remember, Jeffrey Goldberg, editor-in-chief
of The Atlantic , was a prison guard in the Israeli Defense Forces guarding the West Bank
death camp. And David Brooks, political and cultural commentator for The New York Times
and former op-ed editor for The Wall Street Journal , has a son in the Israel Defense Forces
helping to perpetuate this holocaust of the Palestinian people. I hope I live to see the day when
some Palestinian Simon Wiesenthal hunts these monsters down and brings them to trial in The Hague.
The lobby is not as powerful in Britain as it is the US, we can talk about it and someone like
Peter Oborne is still a prominent journalist, but I don't see that it makes that much difference.
We seem to end up in the same places the US does.
I had my meeting with the Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs and the Israeli Department of Hasbara last
week and we discussed how our plan to suppress both the US and British governments is progressing.
Apparently we are meeting our targets and everything is going according to plan.
Speaking about how greatly rare a treasure are the P.G.'s words, below is linked a deliberately
rare letter written by Congressman Donald Rumsfeld on behalf of the AZC.
Also, re, "Will Americans allow themselves to be lied into another M.E. war?"
History shows that, in order for ZUSA to start M.E. wars, Americans are routinely fed Executive
Branch / Corporate Media-sauteed lies. Such deceit is par-for-the-course.
At present, it would be foolish for me to not realize there is a False Flag Pentagon plan "on
the table" & ready for a war with Iran.
What is playing out in the UK, and is in early stages in America, is the fight between the two
side of Victorian WASP pro-Semtiism.
WASP culture has always been philo-Semitic. That cannot be stated too much. WASP culture
is inherently philo-Semtic. WASP culture was born of Anglo-Saxon Puritanism, which was a Judaizing
heresy. Judaizing heresy naturally and inevitably produces pro-Jewish culture. No less than
Oliver Cromwell made the deal to get Jewish money so he could wage culture war to destroy British
Isles natives were not WASPs.
WASP culture has always been allied with Jews to destroy white Christians who are not WASPs.
You cannot solve 'the Jewish problem' unless you also solve 'the WASP problem.'
By the beginning of the Victorian era, virtually all WASP Elites in the Empire – who then had
a truly globalist perspective – were divided into two pro-Semitic camps. The larger one was pro-Jewish.
It would give the world the Balfour Declaration and the state of Israel.
The smaller and growing one was pro-Arabic and pro-Islamic. It would give the world the people
who backed Lawrence of Arabia and came to prop up the House of Saud.
Each of these philo-Semitic WASP Elites groups was more than happy to keep the foot on the
pedal to destroy non-WASP European cultures while spending fortunes propping up its favorite group
of Semites.
And while each of those camps was thrilled to ally to keep up the war against historic Christendom
and the peoples who naturally would gravitate to any hope of a revival of Christendom, they also
squabbled endlessly. Each wished, and always will wish, to be the A-#1 pro-Semitic son of daddy
WASP. Each will play any dirty trick, make any deal with the Devil himself, to get what he wants.
The Israeli lobby is more powerful throughout the Anglosphere than the Saudi/Arabic lobby,
but the Saudi lobby is equally detestable and probably even a more grave threat to the very existence
of Western man.
It is impossible to take care of a serious problem without knowing its source and acting to
sanitize and/or cauterize and/or cut out that source. The source of this problem is WASP culture.
That the intelligence services of many countries engage in such conduct is not really news. Indeed,
you could say that it's part of their normal job. They usually don't get caught and when accused
of anything they shout "no evidence!" (now, where have I heard that recently?) Of course, if the
Israelis engage in such conduct, then, logically, other countries' services do so too.
Thus, Mr Giraldi's argument lends credibility to the claims that Russia interfered in the US
election and to the proposition that US intelligence agents are seeking to undermine the EU.
Since those two operations are part of the same transaction, i.e. maintain US global hegemony
by breaking the EU up into its constituent Member States or even into the regional components
of the larger Member States, using Putin as a battering ram and a bogeyman to frighten the resulting
plethora of small and largely defenseless statelets back under cold war-era American protection,
could it be that US and Russian intelligence services collaborated to manipulate Trump into the
White House? If that were true, it would be quite a scandal! Overthrowing foreign governments
is one thing, collaborating with a foreign power to manipulate your own country's politics is
quite another! But of course, there's "no evidence"
Not surprising that the Jewish public gets gamed by Israeli political elites, just as the
American public keeps getting gamed by our own cabal of bought politicians. Trying to fool enough
of the people, enough of the time, contra Lincoln (who was not exactly a friend of critical dissent
against war either .)
Posted by BeauHD
on Tuesday September 12, 2017 @03:00AM from the nick-of-time dept. Following the
DefCon demonstration in July that showed how quickly Direct Recording Electronic voting equipment
could be hacked, Virginia's State Board of Elections has
decided it wants to replace their electronic voting machines in time for the gubernatorial election
due on November 7th, 2017.
According to The Register, "The decision was
announced in the minutes of the Board's September 8th meeting: 'The Department of Elections officially
recommends that the State Board of Elections decertify all Direct Recording Electronic (DRE or touchscreen)
voting equipment."
From the report: With the DefCon bods showing some machines shared a single hard-coded password,
Virginia directed the Virginia Information Technology Agency (VITA) to audit the machines in use
in the state (the Accuvote TSX, the Patriot, and the AVC Advantage).
None passed the test. VITA told the board "each device analyzed exhibited material risks to
the integrity or availability of the election process," and the lack of a paper audit trail
posed a significant risk of lost votes.
Local outlet The News Leader
notes that many precincts had either replaced their machines already, or are in the process of
doing so. The election board's decision will force a change-over on the 140 precincts that haven't
replaced their machines, covering 190,000 of Virginia's ~8.4m population.
Posted by msmash
on Thursday November 24, 2016 @01:01PM
from the
On Wednesday, J. Alex Halderman, the director of the University of Michigan's
Center for Computer Security & Society and a respected voice in computer
science and information society, said that the Clinton Campaign
should ask for a recount of the vote for the U.S. Presidential election
Later he wrote, "Were this year's deviations from pre-election polls the
results of a cyberattack? Probably not. I believe the most likely explanation
is that the polls were systematically wrong, rather than that the election was
hacked. But I don't believe that either one of these seemingly unlikely
explanations is overwhelmingly more likely than the other." The Outline, a new
publication by a dozen of respected journalists, has published a post (on
Facebook for now, since their website is still in the works), in which former
Motherboard's reporter Adrianne Jeffries makes it clear that we
still don't have concrete evidence that the vote was tampered with, but why
still the case for paper ballots is strong
. From the article:
also repeats the erroneous claim that federal agencies have publicly said that
senior officials in Russia commissioned attacks on voter registration databases
in Arizona and Illinois. In October, federal agencies attributed the Democratic
National Committee email hack to Russia, but specifically said they could not
attribute the state hacks. Claims to the contrary seem to have spread due to
anonymous sourcing and the conflation of Russian hackers with Russian
state-sponsored hackers. Unfortunately, the Russia-hacked-us meme is spreading
fast on social media and among disaffected Clinton voters. "It's just
ignorance," said the cybersecurity consultant Jeffrey Carr, who published his
own response to Halderman on Medium. "It's fear and ignorance that's fueling
that." The urgency comes from deadlines for recount petitions, which start
kicking in on Friday in Wisconsin, Monday in Pennsylvania, and the following
Wednesday in Michigan. There is disagreement about how likely it is that the
Russian government interfered with election results. There is little
disagreement, however, that our voting system could be more robust -- namely,
by requiring paper ballot backups for electronic voting and mandating that all
results be audited, as they already are in some states including California.
Despite the 150,000 signatures collected on a Change.org petition, what happens
next really comes down to the Clinton team's decision.
As the Worm Turns!
For all those Amurican rubes out there who beleived that Homeland Security was protecting them
against foreign terrorists – ha hahahahahaha!
Since recounts that overturn the vote totals seem unlikely, it appears the Clinton campaign's Plan B is to use any evidence
of tampering that it can pin on Russia to lobby electors to change their votes to Clinton when the Electoral College meets
in state capitals on Dec. 19.
Finding evidence of hacking of election computers that can somehow be blamed on Russia could be crucial for the Clinton
team in their effort to convince electors to change their vote.
Laurence Tribe, a well-known and connected Democratic lawyer, has offered to defend pro bono any elector who breaks the
law by changing their vote to Clinton. And there are plans to mount a constitutional challenge against the 26 states that legally
bind the electors' to their state's popular vote.
Jill Stein's willingness to provide cover for 'the Russians hacked the election' recounts is interesting ...
Exhibit A in Stein's petition is an affidavit from Professor J. Alex Halderman, a professor of computer science at the University
of Michigan, who alleges that Russia hacked the election.
Exhibit B from Stein's petition is an article from Wired Magazine about Russia's alleged role in the hack.
Exhibit C is a New York Times article quoting DellSecureWorks, a private security firm, saying Russia was behind the hack
of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.
Exhibits D through G - meaning all of Stein's exhibits - are on alleged Russian hacking. One article is about an alleged
attempted Russian hack of the 2014, post-coup Ukrainian election.
... although I think it unlikely that 'the Russians hacked the election' it does look likely that the authors of that 'meme' managed
to get Jill Stein to carry their water for them. Why did she do that? Did she even read the petition - that drew $7 million in
funding overnight - before signing it? What does it say about her if she didn't? What does it say about her if she did?
What does it say about her that she went for such a lose-lose proposition?
Can an actual run on the electoral college be in the works? Can that be the 'reasoning' behind Jeff Bezos' ProPornoTeam?
Correct. Many of the people (me included) who voted Green for obvious anti-Clinton reasons
were also very suspicious of Trump. So Green made sense. But all of these people now feel utterly
betrayed by Stein's greed or fronting for the Clintons. Why no New Hampshire recount? So good
job Stein, you just destroyed the only credible left alternative while the Dems are mortally wounded
on the their left flank and the Clinton mob are taking resumes for a new sheepdog to get the wayward
Sandernistas back into their stinking little corner of Hillary's big tent where they belong.
...This recount is serious business. The Greens don't have the organizational aptitude or money
to have accomplished what needed to be done within days. That indicates that Democrats/Clinton
cronies are behind this. And
the Clinton press corps have been engaged as well.
Now Stein has allowed the dems to buy her ass, one has to wonder -
why? Debs is dead at 60.
Because carreerism, because her position was always to get ahead in a major
party (not Repub. obviously), to capitalise on her popularity.
Many Greens are like that all over the OECD world. They get 'splinter support',
often quite high in votes, using seductive discourse, to then join the Top Brass
promoting "renewables" using all kinds of inclusive and enviro-friendly, vague but
marginal, leftist discourse, avoiding the 'economy' and 'real numbers' and for
that matter deeper politics e.g. "sustainable communities" , "sharing", "grass
roots initiatives", "husbanding energy", "respecting traditional ways of life",
"integrating people", "developping solar", "promoting electric cars" and
forbidding plastic bags, etc. etc.
The powerful party apparatus integrates them as a 'voice' for whatever is the
gout-du-jour memes and everyone, including the dominant energy conglomerates are
all happy. The person earns potentially well a lot.
Sorry to be so cynical and negative but I have seen Greens do this time and
time again.
I don't hate or dislike Jill Stein. Just, that is the general trend and from
what I have seen (maybe superficial) she is not different from the mold.
"... I was one of those recounting the votes by hand and when all was said and done we wound up counting over 100 votes more than the machines had counted and we only recounted ballots that contained votes for the 2nd and 3rd place candidates so there were potentially and quite probably an even higher number of ballots that weren't counted the first time around. A rough estimate is that 1-2% of the initial votes weren't counted at all by the machines. ..."
"... The ballots that were initially counted weren't marked in any way so we had no way of knowing which ballots had been previously counted by the machines and which hadn't however we were able to make some educated guesses after looking through thousands of ballots. ..."
"... After the recount we picked up some votes but not enough to change the results which was actually pretty reassuring as the extra votes tallied were in the same proportion for each candidate to what the machines initially tallied which is what you'd expect over a large sample size. ..."
"... What we found is that while these particular machines did accurately count the ballots they were able to count, they cannot count all of them due to user error which is pretty difficult to eradicate – some people simply won't follow directions properly no matter how clear they are. ..."
"... We caught some flak when asking for the recount about the presumed large cost to the taxpayer however the cost turned out to be minimal. Each candidate had 8 volunteers plus 8 more election clerks who were paid $11/hr by the city to supervise the volunteers. Our 8 teams of 3 managed to go through around 12K ballots in about 5 hours. ..."
"... The solution is to have all ballots for every election counted by hand in public immediately after the polls close. It isn't rocket science, it's not that expensive and it's the only way to ensure that everyone's vote is actually counted. ..."
Regarding recounts, when the total vote difference is in the single digit thousands in large states
where hundreds of thousands or more votes were cast, the candidates shouldn't have to ask for a recount,
it should be mandatory*.
I've been asking my city to do a recount to verify the accuracy of the machines for several years
and was told that the state law would not allow for a recount simply for accuracy's sake (unbelievable!)
and the only way for a recount to happen would be after a close election.
Well my significant other stood for election in a city race this year, and how ironic, came within
about 50 votes of winning and we got to ask for a recount! This was an odd race where voters chose
two out of seven candidates for the two open seats. One candidate won by a clear margin and 2nd and
3rd place were separated by about 50 votes. I was one of those recounting the votes by hand and when
all was said and done we wound up counting over 100 votes more than the machines had counted and
we only recounted ballots that contained votes for the 2nd and 3rd place candidates so there were
potentially and quite probably an even higher number of ballots that weren't counted the first time
around. A rough estimate is that 1-2% of the initial votes weren't counted at all by the machines.
The ballots that were initially counted weren't marked in any way so we had no way of knowing
which ballots had been previously counted by the machines and which hadn't however we were able to
make some educated guesses after looking through thousands of ballots.
We found quite a few where
people 'x'ed or drew a line through the circle rather than filling it in according to instructions
and others where people had voted for one candidate, crossed it out, and then voted for someone else.
We suspected these were the types of ballots that the machines were not able to count.
Also when
I had served as an election clerk several years ago I noticed that the ticker on the machine that
is supposed to count the number of ballots fed into it would not count a ballot if it was fed into
the machine too quickly after the previous one so this may have been another reason some ballots
didn't get counted the first time.
There were also reports on election day that some machines temporarily
malfunctioned (one had been accidentally unplugged) which may have caused other votes not to be counted.
After the recount we picked up some votes but not enough to change the results which was actually
pretty reassuring as the extra votes tallied were in the same proportion for each candidate to what
the machines initially tallied which is what you'd expect over a large sample size.
What we found
is that while these particular machines did accurately count the ballots they were able to count,
they cannot count all of them due to user error which is pretty difficult to eradicate – some people
simply won't follow directions properly no matter how clear they are.
We caught some flak when asking for the recount about the presumed large cost to the taxpayer
however the cost turned out to be minimal. Each candidate had 8 volunteers plus 8 more election clerks
who were paid $11/hr by the city to supervise the volunteers. Our 8 teams of 3 managed to go through
around 12K ballots in about 5 hours.
The solution is to have all ballots for every election counted by hand in public immediately after
the polls close. It isn't rocket science, it's not that expensive and it's the only way to ensure
that everyone's vote is actually counted.
* Lest anyone accuse me of trying to get Clinton in, I say all of this as someone who would rather
be shot in the face by Dick Cheney than cast a ballot for any of the Clinton's or their spawn, legitimate
or otherwise.
"... Harris later learned that the lever machine companies and technicians had all been convicted of election fraud, going back to the 1880s, all over the US. Lever machine tampering was also discovered not long ago that changed election results, resulting from a single "miscalibrated" machine that it turned out had been producing anomalous results for over a decade. ..."
[Response to Ulysses' comment] This begs the question of whether those votes were cast or counted accurately. In my early days
of learning about election fraud (particularly at the Black Box Voting.org website and discussion threads), a topic that came
up time and again was that there was extensive history of election fraud associated with union elections. IIRC, as electronic
voting machines were being actively promoted, one of the avid supporters of using these methods was trade unions.
Harris later learned that the lever machine companies and technicians had all been convicted of election fraud, going back
to the 1880s, all over the US. Lever machine tampering was also discovered not long ago that changed election results, resulting
from a single "miscalibrated" machine that it turned out had been producing anomalous results for over a decade. Richard
Hayes Phillips in his lectures and book about the theft
of the OH 2004 election (and thus the presidency) describes with detail how one of the methods used was altering the punch cards
or sending voters to the wrong precinct machine, so their ballot would end up with undervotes or overvotes and not be counted.
It would be interesting to know about the election procedures for that union election, particularly the Canadian vote. Was
it on machines? Paper? How secure was the chain of custody of the ballots?
It seems to me that early voting should be abolished, voter photo ID SHOULD BE required by
law in all states.
Also to keep things as clean as possible there should be a media "NO FLY ZONE" on polling outcomes
until ALL POLLS are closed in all states.
So much wag the dog it is just disgusting.
Praying for justice.
roddcarlson -> Scuba Steve •Nov 8, 2016 1:16 PM
The early vote (aka the mail in ballots) were compromised. Right the FBI kept sacking the Dems
with mail in ballot forms, it must've been like a drug bust all those voting confetti sitting
there like paper dollars. Dems crying you are hindering our right to vote! Hopefully the later
day voting goes in our favor, but considering Soros electioneering electronics machines with no
way to track it may not.
If we lose the vote then America is cooked literally. But the vote was cooked books if it does
happen, so we won't be judged for that. What we as a nation may be judged for is severe apathy
and embracement of things for our personal gain years earlier where it was obviously wrong. We
should have never let these politicians get away with things like Iraq after learning there were
no WMD. Or free trade that was exporting our manufacturing base to every totalitarian government
abroad. Or our keeping up with the Jones by bigger and bigger mortgages we could barely afford
the old one. Or uncontrolled immigration. We should have put our foot down a long time ago and
made these uppers fear like Vietnam the whole thing was unstable and going to capsize on their
But I can pretty much tell you that Americans (true ones) aren't guilty of this electioneering.
The invader Mexicans and other parasites think they are somehow going to get on top of this thing.
You know I still love them to this day. I remember falling down some stairs carrying a heavy desk,
while some legal Mexican American citizens came and picked me up and then helped carry the desk
too. So I'm not judging people individually based on their skin or ethnic background, I however
am not foolish to say there is a problem of means here either. Hope all the invader Mexicans like
Mexico II where they get to live out of cardboard boxes and railroad cars, because they killed
the American host and now get their very own Mexican culture that is wholly immoral here too.
Well don't worry because you get a taste of this Hillary invasion as well, with your nemesis the
Muslims she is going to import in here. You see parasite never stop loving bigger problems for
the host.
If we lose this election white people need to start taking care of their own. I've had many
races that were my best of friends, and I'm not at all going to say I hate those people I will
never hate them. But the white people are under attack by a systematic attempt to dispossess them
from people like Soros. We still hold the reigns of economic power, even in our weakened state.
We can still peacefully (hopefully) use that power to say no to the 3rd world takeover of our
Again early vote may mean nothing given the found stuffed cheated ballots at Dem headquarters.
But do not think that we accept this NWO takeover, we've overlooked many previous incursion that
has let it get this bad but no more even with a Hillary win.
jcaz -> Ghost of PartysOver •Nov 8, 2016 12:02 PM
The line I stood in this am was Trump up and down- everyone unhappy with the prospect of more
of the same corrupt shit.
Not buying this story.
Ghost of PartysOver d jcaz •Nov 8, 2016 12:14 PM
It is really pretty easy to understand. Wall Street, including all the Hedge Funds, Banks ....
have bought and paid for HRC. They control her. Wall Street will get what it wants which is more
of the same; market manipulation, inside dealings, payoffs, lack of perp walks. You name it. This
is a very good scenario for those bastards. Hence markets will rally.
Trump on the other hand will lock those bastards up. Markets will fall.
Pres HRC means outstanding next QTR reports and of course bonuses. Any illegal activity will
be met with a slap on the wrist (Corzine ring a bell)
Pres Trump means reigning in the the crap and the next QTR report will not be so rosy. And
bonuses will be much, much lower. Any illegal activity will be met with a perp walk.
"... But 30 percent of Republicans and 27 percent of Democrats agree that voter suppression occurs by purging eligible voters from the registration rolls. ..."
Washington Post analysis of Pollfish data shows that 84 percent of Republicans, 52 percent
of Democrats, and 75 percent of independents believe that a "meaningful amount" of voter fraud occurs
during elections.
Sixty percent of Republicans believe that illegal immigrants are voting, much higher than Democrats
and independents.
Democrats focus more on voter ID laws, with 32 percent suggesting that it contributes to voter
suppression. (Only 26 percent of Republicans feel the same way.)
But 30 percent of Republicans and 27 percent of Democrats agree that voter suppression occurs
by purging eligible voters from the registration rolls.
"... Obama said back in 2008: "I want to be honest, it's not as if it's just Republicans who have monkeyed around with elections in the past. Sometimes, Democrats have, too." ..."
"... hillary goes along with CIA and the neocon/zionist/MIC agenda but she's replaceable. ..."
"... An out of control, above the law, criminal mafia acting on behalf of the Saudis and Israelis (if you think Syria is about the petrodollar or a Qatari pipeline... Think again - it's about Iran and Russia and about Greater Israel and its Leviathan and Golan gas most of all - Zbig et al would prefer to be full battle rattle in Ukraine and Chechnya...) is stopped how? ..."
A U.K. based company that has provided voting machines for 16 states, including important battleground
states like Florida and Arizona, has direct ties with billionaire leftist and Clinton crusader George
As Lifezette
reports , the fact that the man in control of voting machines in 16 states is tied directly to
the man who has given millions of dollars to the Clinton campaign and various progressive and globalist
causes will surely leave a bad taste in the mouth of many a voter.
The balloting equipment tied to Soros is coming from the U.K. based Smartmatic company, whose
chairman Mark Malloch-Brown is a former UN official and sits on the board of Soros' Open Society
According to Lifezette , Malloch-Brown was part of the Soros Advisory Committee on Bosnia and
also is a member of the executive committee of the International Crisis Group, an organization he
co-founded in the 1990s and built with funds from George Soros' personal fortune.
In 2007 Soros appointed Malloch-Brown vice-president of his Quantum Funds, vice-chairman of Soros
Fund Management, and vice-chairman of the Open Society Institute (former name of OSF).
Browns ties also intertwine with the Clintons as he was a partner with Sawyer-Miller, the consulting
firm where close Clinton associate Mandy Grunwald worked. Brown also was also a senior advisor to
FTI Consulting, a firm at which Jackson Dunn, who spent 15 years working as an aide to the Clintons,
is a senior managing director.
When taking that into account, along with the poor track record Smartmatic has of providing free
and fair elections, this all becomes quite terrifying.
An astonishing 2006 classified U.S. diplomatic cable obtained and released by WikiLeaks reveals
the extent to which Smartmatic may have played a hand in rigging the 2004 Venezuelan recall election
under a section titled "A Shadow of Fraud." The memo stated that "Smartmatic Corporation is a
riddle both in ownership and operation, complicated by the fact that its machines have overseen
several landslide (and contested) victories by President Hugo Chavez and his supporters."
"The Smartmatic machines used in Venezuela are widely suspected of, though never proven conclusively
to be, susceptible to fraud," the memo continued. "The Venezuelan opposition is convinced that
the Smartmatic machines robbed them of victory in the August 2004 referendum. Since then, there
have been at least eight statistical analyses performed on the referendum results."
"One study obtained the data log from the CANTV network and supposedly proved that the Smartmatic
machines were bi-directional and in fact showed irregularities in how they reported their results
to the CNE central server during the referendum," it read.
With such suspicion and a study which claims to prove that the U.K. firm's equipment tampered
with the 2004 Venezuelan recall election, should be enough for states to reject these machines if
they desire a fair election.
Smartmatic is providing machines to Arizona, California, Colorado, Washington DC, Florida, Illinois,
Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington and
Wisconsin, which means these Soros and Clinton linked machines are going to take the votes of thousands
of Americans.
While GOP nominee Donald Trump has been voicing his opinion that the elections are indeed rigged
due to media bias, and the proof that
mainstream polls are heavily weighted to favor Clinton , it is needless to say that if the results
show Hillary as a winner in November, there is going to a mess to shuffle through to find signs of
MSNBC are reporting that Hillary is absolutely surging and now leading by double digits! America
is going absolutely wild for Hillary!! This is very exciting – I can sense victory, and I see
that bitter right-wingers can sense defeat as they pre-emptively blame their loss on vote rigging.
There is no such thing as election rigging, unless we're talking about Al Gore losing to Bush
– there was clear evidence of rigging during this election. But Republicans are known for rigging
elections. Democrats have never, and will never rig an election.
Two words: PAPER BALLOTS!!! How anyone with 3 brain cells or more can't see that paper ballots
are the way to go when voting is beyond me. There is a paper trail, and they cannot be hacked.
They can be recounted. Machines are easily manipulated and there is NO PAPER trail to recount.
Use paper ballots and tell Gerge Soros to go fuck himself.
The Soros voting machine issue is one of the largest problems with this election. Trump has mentioned
him by name twice during the debates and has also talked openly about a 'rigged' election. I hope
he will address this directly.
We're already seeing the polls skew in Clinton's direction in unusual states like Arizona so
even that is on the cards to be stolen.
LOL, not even your big hero Barry would claim that. To wit: Obama said back in 2008: "I want
to be honest, it's not as if it's just Republicans who have monkeyed around with elections in
the past. Sometimes, Democrats have, too."
And this time, it seems to be more than some monkeying on part of Hitlery and Barry. Rather
"we rigged some votes and screwed some folks." Go figure.
Speaking at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, Million Dollar Bonus said: "To say you won't
respect the results of the election, that is a direct threat to our democracy.
"The peaceful transfer of power is one of the things that makes America America.
And look, some people are sore losers, and we just got to keep going" It was actually Hillary
Clinton who said that, same difference lol,
You make a good point, and to distill the matter to its essence, apart from a controlled media
and well established and entrenched special, foreign and banking interests in DC... The CIA is
a CRIMINAL MAFIA acting under color of law, currently taking Saudi money to pay jihadi and 'blackwater'
type mercs in Syria, and by the way Yemen, and elsewhere, to include the slow ramp up in E Ukraine.
hillary goes along with CIA and the neocon/zionist/MIC agenda but she's replaceable.
No they can and will steal this election if, in fact, Trump were to get a majority of votes
(which by the way is unlikely - study the demographics... trump can not beat hillary when she
has 70/80% of women, the latinos, blacks, leftists, and so on) - but the underlying issue remains:
An out of control, above the law, criminal mafia acting on behalf of the Saudis and Israelis
(if you think Syria is about the petrodollar or a Qatari pipeline... Think again - it's about
Iran and Russia and about Greater Israel and its Leviathan and Golan gas most of all - Zbig et
al would prefer to be full battle rattle in Ukraine and Chechnya...) is stopped how?
Considering that US military personnel may quite literally be killed by CIA provided weapons,
one might posit that one scenario is CIA personnel being hunted down and arrested (or not) by
elements of the US special forces although this doesn't happen without either strong and secure
leadership or some paradigm-shifting revelation.
For example- if more knew how exceedingly likely it is that 9/11 was an inside/Israeli job...
Knew it... Things might change.
but I'm not optimistic.
hillary means ww3, and we are not the good guys. If we ever were..
Things were way different back when JFK was killed, I know I was around then.
For one thing there was no internet, and people trusted and respected the media (TV and Newspapers)
This trust made it very easy to coverup and / or bury details.
People overwhelmingly trusted government officials, Very few people questioned what government
and media told them, again this makes it super easy to lie and coverup
I repect your question, and I hope you consider what I said. I am trying to make the case that
assasination is no longer an option, not unless they want to truly start a real civil war. Which
I would not rule out. But if they wish to keep the status quo and the sheep silent, assasination
is way way to risky for the reasons I mentioned above
"... It is an obvious fact that the oligarchic One Percent have anointed Hillary, despite her myriad problems to be President of the US. There are reports that her staff are already moving into their White House offices. This much confidence before the vote does suggest that the skids have been greased. ..."
"... Stolen elections are the American tradition. Elections are stolen at every level-state, local, and federal. Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley's theft of the Chicago and, thereby, Illinois vote for John F. Kennedy is legendary. The Republican US Supreme Court's theft of the 2000 presidential election from Al Gore by preventing the Florida vote recount is another legendary example. The discrepancies between exit polls and the vote count of the secretly programmed electronic voting machines that have no paper trails are also legendary. ..."
"... The presstitutes have gone all out to demonize both Trump and any mention of election rigging, because they know for a fact that the election will be stolen and that they will have the job of covering up the theft. ..."
"... Don't believe the polls that say Hillary won the Q&A sessions or the polls that say Hillary is ahead in the election. Pollsters work for political organizations. If pollsters produce unwelcome results, they don't have any customers. The desired results are that Hillary wins. The purpose of the rigged polls showing her to be ahead is to discourage Trump supporters from voting. ..."
"... Don't vote early. The purpose of early voting is to show the One Percent how the vote is shaping up. From this information, the oligarchs learn how to program the electronic machines in order to elect the candidate that they want. ..."
It is an obvious fact that the oligarchic One Percent have anointed Hillary, despite her myriad
problems to be President of the US. There are reports that her staff are already moving into their
White House offices. This much confidence before the vote does suggest that the skids have been greased.
The current cause celebre against Trump is his conditional statement that he might not accept
the election results if they appear to have been rigged. The presstitutes immediately jumped on him
for "discrediting American democracy" and for "breaking American tradition of accepting the people's
What nonsense! Stolen elections are the American tradition. Elections are stolen at every
level-state, local, and federal. Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley's theft of the Chicago and, thereby,
Illinois vote for John F. Kennedy is legendary. The Republican US Supreme Court's theft of the 2000
presidential election from Al Gore by preventing the Florida vote recount is another legendary example.
The discrepancies between exit polls and the vote count of the secretly programmed electronic voting
machines that have no paper trails are also legendary.
So what's the big deal about Trump's suspicion of election rigging?
The black civil rights movement has fought vote rigging for decades. The rigging takes place in
a number of ways. Blacks simply can't get registered to vote. If they do get registered, there are
few polling places in their districts. And so on. After decades of struggle it is impossible that
there are any blacks who are not aware of how hard it can be for them to vote. Yet, I heard on the
presstitute radio network, NPR, Hillary's Uncle Toms saying how awful it was that Trump had cast
aspersion on the credibility of American election results.
I also heard a NPR announcer suggest that Russia had not only hacked Hillary's emails, but also
had altered them in order to make incriminating documents out of harmless emails.
The presstitutes have gone all out to demonize both Trump and any mention of election rigging,
because they know for a fact that the election will be stolen and that they will have the job of
covering up the theft.
Don't believe the polls that say Hillary won the Q&A sessions or the polls that say Hillary
is ahead in the election. Pollsters work for political organizations. If pollsters produce unwelcome
results, they don't have any customers. The desired results are that Hillary wins. The purpose of
the rigged polls showing her to be ahead is to discourage Trump supporters from voting.
Don't vote early. The purpose of early voting is to show the One Percent how the vote is shaping
up. From this information, the oligarchs learn how to program the electronic machines in order to
elect the candidate that they want.
The only way Hillary could be stopped would be if the Republican Party elite stood with Trump,
so Soros and the other donor who owns voting machines could be blocked from flipping/fractionalizing
votes. But that isn't happening. Soros machines are in key swing states like Colorado and Pennsylvania,
and we already have data from the primary that a good 15% (at least) can be flipped, compared to
exit polls/hand counts/paper trail or non-donor machines.
I guess it's still possible, like what happened in the Michigan Democratic primary, that the real
numbers are more like a 10% lead for Trump and they come out in force in unexpected locations, and
Clinton's small, unenthusiastic base stays home, thus making it too difficult to successfully flip.
But I'm trying not to count on something like that, because it seems too close optomism bias driven
"poll unskewing" – I mean, the polls clearly ARE skewed in favor of Hillary, but I doubt they're
off by 15%.
Stein could never take over the Democratic Party. It isn't even clear to me that the Greens could
replace the Democrats, although I do think their massive increase in ballot access this year is a
credit to the party and to Stein. That shows real organizing and management effectiveness.
I started this campaign season advocating for purging Clintonians out of the now hollow Democratic
Party and taking it over. That still seems like the most efficient path to an actual left national
party, in part because our current system is so corrupted and calcified. But I'm not sure it's possible.
At this point, I can imagine a cataclysmic revolution happening during Clinton's term more easily
than a reformed, citizen friendly Democratic Party.
""Obama, Holder to lead post-Trump redistricting campaign" [Politico]. "The new group, called
the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, was developed in close consultation with the
White House. President Barack Obama himself has now identified the group - which will coordinate
campaign strategy, direct fundraising, organize ballot initiatives and put together legal challenges
to state redistricting maps "
Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be
included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by
adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years,
and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.2 The actual Enumeration shall
be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within
every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of
Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least
one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall
be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations one,
Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six,
Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three.
That the parties are even allowed anywhere near district-drawing processes is a sign that the
system is a sham designed to preserve them against us. How much more evidence do people need to
be hit over the head with that they're complicit in enforcing frauds and that's not okay?
Obama and Holder, fresh off their various triumphs - closing Gitmo, prosecuting the Bush-era
torturers, and sending top-level banksters to jail - just the team to sort this out. Not.
The Last but not LeastTechnology is dominated by
two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt.
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