Nope. I've already said that George answered his own question when he asked where were all the good people of conscience
in government. He mentioned ,in Life Is Worth Losing, the people who often end up assassinated: Jesus, Gandhi, Lincoln, JFK,
RFK, MLK, John Lennon, Medgar Evers, Malcolm X. Folks who talk about peace, love and doing good to one another. These folks
RARELY get elected to high office and those that do end up dead!
If you think that the people who didn't get elected would actually be different, you need to watch this video again a few
Neoliberal oligarchy fight against income redistribution by pushing perverted social justice
smoke screen and in effect can turn the USA in South Africa. Money quote from comments: "If I
read NASDAQ's proposal for Board representation in the Onion, I would have thought that even
these jokesters have exceeded the creativity threshold of ridiculousness I thought was possible."
and "What about the Mentally Ill? Do they get a seat? How about the Homeless?"
Three words about famele CEO and board room members: Elizabeth Holmes, Theranos. BTW what is
unclear in NASDAQ bold critical race theory support is: Can we exchange one black member for two
female members? Or not.
Also why stop at the boardrooms. Why not require the same in professional sport teams?
Nasdaq has, in its own words, embraced "the social justice movement." The
actual job of a stock exchange, however, is to ensure that trading is orderly and its listed
companies follow standard governance rules. But doing that doesn't earn the applause of the
political left. Progressive approval apparently means a lot to Nasdaq, which has officially
proposed to its regulator -- the Securities and Exchange Commission, newly chaired by Gary
Gensler -- to increase boardroom diversity through a "regulatory approach."
This proposal would require that Nasdaq-listed companies not only disclose the diversity
characteristics of their existing boards, but also retain "at least one director who
self-identifies as female," and "at least one director who self-identifies as Black or African
American, Hispanic or Latinx, Asian, Native American or Alaska Native, two or more races or
ethnicities, or as LGBTQ+."
Noncompliant firms must publicly "explain" -- in writing -- why they don't meet Nasdaq's
quotas. Nasdaq has, in its own words, embraced "the social justice movement."
The actual job of a stock exchange, however, is to ensure that trading is orderly and its
listed companies follow standard governance rules. But doing that doesn't earn the applause of
the political left. Progressive approval apparently means a lot to Nasdaq, which has officially
proposed to its regulator -- the Securities and Exchange Commission, newly chaired by Gary
Gensler -- to increase boardroom diversity through a "regulatory approach."
The Fed, in sync with the fiction writers at the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), reports
consumer inflation as honestly as Al Capone reported taxable income.
Vardaman 3 hours ago
"A basket of things no one actually buys, with prices we just pull out of our
Glock 1 hour ago
Yep, the BLS uses the CPI-W to literally avoid raising SS payments. The real rate of
inflation for seniors is close to 10% as the things they spend most of their money on like
medical care, medicine, food and utilities have gone through the roof
While the government claims they are entitled to 1.5% or less COLA's out of which comes a
bigger deduction every year for Medicare. Scam artists.
So go ahead and say whatever you want around all your networked devices, but don't be
surprised if bad things start happening.
I received another "Our Terms Have Changed" email from a Big Tech quasi-monopoly, and for a
change I actually read this one. It was a revelation on multiple fronts. I'm reprinting it here
for your reading pleasure:
We wanted to let you know that we recently updated our Conditions of Use.
What hasn't changed:
Your use constitutes your agreement to our Conditions of Use.
We own all the content you create on our platform, devices and networks, and are free to
monetize it by any means we choose.
We own all the data we collect on you, your devices, purchases, social networks, views,
associations, beliefs and illicit viewing, your location data, who you are in proximity to,
and whatever data the networked devices in your home, vehicles and workplaces collect.
We have the unrestricted right to ban you and all your content, shadow-ban you and all
your content, i.e., generate the illusion that your content is freely, publicly available,
and erase your digital presence entirely such that you cease to exist except as a corporeal
What has changed:
If we detect you have positive views on anti-trust enforcement, we may report you as a
"person of interest / potential domestic extremist" to the National Security Agency and other
federal agencies.
Rather than respond to all disputes algorithmically, we have established a Star Chamber of
our most biased, fanatical employees to adjudicate customer/user disputes in which the
customer/user refuses to accept the algorithmic mediation.
If a customer/user attempts to contact any enforcement agency regarding our algorithmic
mediation or Star Chamber adjudication, we reserve the unrestricted rights to:
a. Prepare voodoo dolls representing the user and stick pins into the doll while
chanting curses.
b. Hack the targeted user's accounts and blame it on Russian or Ukrainian hackers.
c. Rendition the user to a corrupt kleptocracy in which we retain undue influence, i.e.,
the United States.
Left unsaid, of course, is the potential for "accidents" to happen to anyone publicly
promoting anti-trust enforcement of Big Tech quasi-monopolies. Once totalitarianism has been
privatized , there are no rules that can't be ignored or broken by those behind the curtain .
So go ahead and say whatever you want around all your networked devices, but don't be surprised
if bad things start happening.
Editor's note: this is satire. If I disappear, then you'll know who has no sense of irony or
On a previous thread, two readers linked to a transcript in Russian of VVP's interview on
NBC. A full English transcript is now available on Apologies if this is old
Controversial author Michael Wolff (of
dubious Trump White House 'tell-all' and
earpiece malarkey fame) was trotted out on CNN Sunday, where he proceeded (was allowed) to
excoriate "Reliable Sources" host Brian Stelter for doing a "terrible job" and being "full of
"You become part of, one of the parts of the problem of the media. You know, you come on
here, and you have a monopoly on truth - you know, you know exactly how things are supposed to
be done. You know, you are why one of the reasons people can't stand the media, I'm sorry."
said Wolff.
... ... ...
Were Wolff's comments truly off-the-cuff? Or as one Zero Hedge reader suggested, could CNN
be resorting to a "very strategic capitulation" in order to "turn over a new leaf" and regain
credibility amid dismal ratings and all-time low trust in the media?
Controversial author Michael Wolff (of
dubious Trump White House 'tell-all' and
earpiece malarkey fame) was trotted out on CNN Sunday, where he proceeded (was allowed) to
excoriate "Reliable Sources" host Brian Stelter for doing a "terrible job" and being "full of
"You become part of, one of the parts of the problem of the media. You know, you come on
here, and you have a monopoly on truth - you know, you know exactly how things are supposed to
be done. You know, you are why one of the reasons people can't stand the media, I'm sorry."
said Wolff.
... ... ...
Were Wolff's comments truly off-the-cuff? Or as one Zero Hedge reader suggested, could CNN
be resorting to a "very strategic capitulation" in order to "turn over a new leaf" and regain
credibility amid dismal ratings and all-time low trust in the media?
My fellow whites...Israel is our greatest ally. We must daily remind ourselves of the 6
million **** who died at the hands of our fellow whites! And those 6 Isreali subs full of
innocent sailors that were torpedoed to the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea by the USS
Liberty! Israel is a tiny nation of 9 million honest and industrious people that needs our
support like never before. The mere $3.3 BILLION dollars we send them every year for
military aid is a fine start as it keeps them safe from the millions of stone age
Palestinian terrorists on their doorstep. Think of the thousands of incendiary kites our
tax dollars have stopped from landing on Israeli soil! But, my fellow whites, military aid
does not go nearly far enough. There are literally thousands of elderly Israeli women on
the verge of starvation who will perish without our help. We must therefore open our
pockets as well as the coffers of our churches across this great nation and shower the tiny
nation of Israel with all the blessings our forefathers and God has bestowed upon us. As
our Israeli friends are truly God's Chosen people, we all know they certainly deserve it
and we will be rewarded many times over for our generosity.
UnicornTears 12 hours ago
Ronaldo PREMIUM 12 hours ago (Edited)
Sounds like software that is very beneficial. It backs up all your important files,
manages your contacts list, and keeps track of your calendar. All without any bother to
you! /s
StaySunny3000 12 hours ago
Israel again. Are we surprised? They've got global communications cornered both
literally and figuratively.
DEMIZEN 2 hours ago remove link
meanwhile the cnn news:
Ben & Jerry's will stop selling ice cream in Palestinian territories
Imagine realizing that you didn't do your research and take it...then learn the
Timmay 1 hour ago
It's the subscription model.....
bigjim 58 minutes ago
MicroSoft Vaccine365
MoonWatcher 35 minutes ago
Just imagine all the mental gymnastics they are doing to convince themselves that their
persuasion was medically based. And not a lie being driven by mainstream media, especially
if they took the shots out of social pressure and coercion. Hilarious.
Musum 1 hour ago
I heard that if you take Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and J&J in that order. And
then in reverse order. And then a booster shot in random order, the effectiveness jumps
from 64% to 65%.
Keith Speights: Some findings were recently published in Nature magazine that
indicate that the Pfizer-BioNTech and the Moderna vaccines may provide protection for
Many investors are and were hoping for annual recurring revenue from these companies'
vaccines. Brian, how troublesome is this latest data for the prospects for Pfizer, BioNTech,
and Moderna?
Brian Orelli: There's a bit of an extrapolation going on here. The researchers looked at
memory B cells, which tend to provide more long-term protection than, let's say, antibodies.
They looked at those in the lymph nodes and found the cells were there as long as 15 weeks.
Typically, they'd mostly be gone by four to six weeks. So that's the basis of this claim
that it could offer protection for years. If true, that will be a big blow obviously to vaccine
makers, at least for Moderna and BioNTech.
Pfizer would be fine because it's so diversified. It's really hard to make an argument for
the valuations of Moderna and BioNTech right now if these vaccines are one and done over a
couple of years. They really need to have ongoing sales until they can get growth from other
drugs in their pipelines.
Speights: Brian, when I first saw the story, I went to check out to see how the stocks were
performing, and Moderna is up, BioNTech was barely changed, Pfizer barely changed. It seems to
me that investors really aren't making much of this news. Do you think that's the right take at
this point?
Orelli: I think it's still too early to be able to conclude that it's definitely going to
work for years. The other issue is that we're looking at, will those B cells actually protect
against the variants?
If they don't protect against the variants, then it doesn't really matter if you have B
cells in your lymph nodes. If they're not going to protect against the variants then we're
going to have to get a booster shot anyway.
Speights: Right. Obviously, if these vaccines provide immunity for multiple years, these
companies aren't going to make nearly as much money as they expect and a lot of investors
expect. So this is a big story to watch, but like you said, really, really early right now and
too soon to maybe go drawing any conclusions at this point.
Note to Goldman: you're a bank. Stick to banky-stuff. Leave the fear **** and lies to
the professionals in the .gov and MSM.
p3scobar 7 hours ago
Goldman is the government... sooo.....
espirit 9 hours ago
If Goldman can give medical advice, so can I.
A Lunatic 9 hours ago remove link
Turning off the TV will neutralize the Delta Variant.
rag_house 9 hours ago
Just like 'Climate Change' you know it's contrived when the bankers start doing
liberty2day 9 hours ago
when did they not?
rag_house 8 hours ago
Bankers aren't scientists. They simply dream up fake things they want to convince people
of and bribe people to try to make it seem real.
Enraged 9 hours ago remove link
Goldman Sachs Charged in Foreign Bribery Case and Agrees to Pay Over $2.9 Billion
The Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Goldman Sachs (Malaysia) have admitted to conspiring to
violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) in connection with a scheme to pay over $1
billion in bribes to Malaysian and Abu Dhabi officials to obtain lucrative business for
Goldman Sachs, including its role in underwriting approximately $6.5 billion in three bond
deals for 1Malaysia Development Bhd. (1MDB), for which the bank earned hundreds of millions
in fees.
bond prices have nothing to do with recovery [sic]
stock prices have nothing to do with growth, except growth of the money supply
Kreditanstalt 3 hours ago
"...the price of a beer or a McDonalds in 10-years time will be exactly the same as it
is today. (Which it won't.)"
But the type who buy US government bonds don't care about the price of burgers. They
only plan to flip the thing back to the next Greater Fool...or THE FED
Peter Hitchens noted recently "the most bitterly funny story of the week is that a defector
from North Korea thinks that even her homeland is 'not as nuts' as the indoctrination now
forced on Western students."
One of Yeonmi Park's initial shocks upon starting classes at Colombia University was to be
met with a frown after revealing to a staff member that she enjoyed reading Jane Austen. "Did
you know," Ms. Park was sternly admonished, "that those writers had a colonial mind-set? They
were racists and bigots and are subconsciously brainwashing you."
But after encountering the new requirement for the use of gender-neutral pronouns, Yeonmi
concluded: "Even North Korea is not this nuts North Korea was pretty crazy, but not this
crazy." Devastatingly honest, but not exactly a compliment to what once might have been the
land of her dreams.
Sadly, Hitchens reports that her previous experience served Yeonmi well to adapt to her new
situation: "She came to fear that making a fuss would affect her grades and her degree.
Eventually, she learned to keep quiet, as people do when they try to live under intolerant
regimes, and let the drivel wash over her."
Eastern European readers will unfailingly understand what it is that Hitchens meant to
You need to drink a lot of "woke coke" and wearing exclusively "woke Nike" to digest those
recommendations without laughing.
History repeats, first as tragedy, second as farce. White Guard rebels during Russian civil
War called Bolsheviks "Tovatitcshi"(Comrades) as they prohibited to say Sir to the officers.
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I
choose it to mean -- neither more nor less." "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make
words mean so many different things."
As George Orwell has taught us, language manipulation is at the frontline (yes, I have just
broken one of the cardinal rules of his "
Politics and the English Language ," but not his final injunction to "break any of these
rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous") of politicised mind-bending. The sort of
language we are permitted to use circumscribes the thinking that we shall be allowed to engage
in. The assault on language is, therefore, an integral component of the unrelenting warfare
being waged for the conquest and control of the mind. Word elimination and reassignment of
meaning, as Orwell also presciently noted, are essential elements of the campaign to reformat
the mind and eventually to subjugate it.
A breath-taking example of how this process works was recently unveiled by the thoroughly
brain-washed students of the once prestigious Brandeis University who, this time without
prompting from their faculty elders and betters, voted to ban from their campus such odious
words and phrases as "picnic" and "you guys," for being "oppressive". "Picnic" is prohibited
because it allegedly evokes the lynching of Blacks.
The precocious young intellectuals took pains to produce an entire list of objectionable
words and phrases, shocking award-winning novelist Joyce Carol Oates who tweeted in
bewilderment: "What sort of punishment is doled out for a faculty member who utters the word
'picnic' at Brandeis? Or the phrase [also proscribed – S.K.] 'trigger warning'? Loss of
tenure, public flogging, self-flagellation?"
Oppressive Language
Possible Alternatives
Killing it
Great job!
If someone is doing well, we
don't need to equate that to
Take a shot at
Give it a go
These expressions needlessly use
imagery of hurting someone or
Take a stab at
Trigger warning
Content note
The word "trigger" has
connections to guns for many
people; we can give the same
head's up using language less
connected to violence.
Rule of thumb
General rule
This expression comes from an
old British law allowing men to
beat their wives with sticks no
wider than their thumb.
Outdoor eating
Tlie term picnic is often
associated with lynchings of
Black people in the United
States, during which white
spectators were said to have
watched while eating, referring
to them as picnics or other terms
involving racial slurs against
Black people.
Go off tlte reservation
Disagree with tlie group, defect
This phrase has a harmful
from the group
history rooted in the violent
removal of indigenous people
from their land and the Itorrible
consequences for someone that
left the reservation.
Not Your Father's ZH 8 hours ago (Edited)
"Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and
to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. " ― George Orwell
The constant reconstruction of language is a highly effective tool when employed against
weak minds... as most folks have only a loose association with the words in their
As meanings of words are changed the ideas associated with those words change...
consequently a society can be transformed into a different society without ever answering a
single argument...
1748 (in Chesterfield's "Letters"), but the thing itself apparently was rare before c.
1800 as an English institution [OED]; it originally meant "a fashionable social affair (not
necessarily out of doors) in which every partaker contributed something to the general
table;" from French piquenique (1690s), perhaps a reduplication of piquer "to pick, peck,"
from Old French (see pike
(n.1)), or the second element may be nique "worthless thing," from a Germanic source.
As in many other riming names, the elements are used without precision, but the lit.
sense is appar. 'a picking or nibbling of bits,' a snatch, snack .... [Century
The word also turns up 18c. in German, Danish, Swedish. Later "pleasure party the
members of which carry provisions with them on an excursion, as to some place in the
country." Figurative sense of "something easy" is from 1886. Picnic basket is by 1857.
Picnic table is by 1858, originally a folding table used for outdoor dining.
Meanwhile the top Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Indian etc. schools concentrating on STEM
are laughing their asses off.
John Grady 6 hours ago
Activism is now a career path so to differentiate yourself as an activist you have to
have an angle so you look busy. Endless bickering about minutia makes it look like they're
doing something.
For years, we have been
discussing the decline of journalism values with the rise of open bias in the media. Now, a
newly released report from
the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford has found something that would have
been unthinkable just a few years ago. The United States ranked dead last in media trust among
49 countries with just 29% saying that they trusted the media.
The are "apparatchiks" and that means that Rogan unfortunatly is closer to the truth then one
might suspect. "Ideological warriors" so to speak if we reuse Soviet term for such
Stetler isn't the only CIA script reader there's thousands of those cockroaches, they're on
every 'news' channel in this country. Stetler looks like a pedo, he's a fat idiot he proves
that every time he opens his candyass mouth.
play_arrow 170 play_arrow
6 hours ago
I stopped at fat idiot, no proof needed
play_arrow 35 play_arrow
6 hours ago
They're not real humans.
I think Rogan might be closer to the truth than he realizes on that one.
Authorities doe not telling truth: people who already have COVID do not need to be
vaccinated. Also if Delta varient can infect vaccineted in conserable quantities how any resobale
person can maintain this goal of "herg immunity". How it can be achieved if a vaccinated person
can be infected and thus spread the disease both amoung vaccinated cohort and among the
unvaccinated cohort. The fact the vaccinated people are infected with Delta changes the game and
here Senator Paul is wrong.
Pushing vaccination on chidren in such curcumstances changes nothing is became a very
questionable move both from scientific an from ethical perspective.
America's favourite Chinese lab funding coronavirus doomonger doctor Anthony Fauci announced
Tuesday that there are now two Americas, a vaccinated America and an unvaccinated America.
As Senator Rand Paul noted
earlier this week , there is a boat load of misinformation on the matter coming from a
government that is indiscriminately pushing vaccinations:
There are now two Americas. One that's retarded. And one that wants Fauci on a
liberty2 1 hour ago (Edited)
Note that the officials said there's no such thing as "herd immunity" last year. Now
this year they keep saying that we can reach "herd immunity" if we are 70% vaxxed! Terms
are used if it fits their narrative.
Ride_the_kali_yuga 3 hours ago (Edited)
In the Covidian Cult, there is true believers in one side and heretics on the other
side. Vaxxed and unvaxxed.
Divide and rule strategy, as always. Do not undurestimate the ratio of retarded people
among the population, it has been growing like a cancer for decades. It amazes me how
perfectly coordinated those MSM Covidian propaganda events appears worldwide.
In here France, 2 days ago, most MSM have all simultaneously gone full berserk (without
any reason) blaming the reluctant ones. One of them on TV said something like : "if it was
me, i will use police to drag those who refuse these "vaccines" from their home and force
it on them"
This was priceless, this little man has morbid obesity. We now officialy all live on the
twilight zone on steroids. Land whales dictate how people should consider their own health.
This ride seems to never end.
We now have officialy entered the dehumanization phase of the unvaxxed. The sanitary
gulag is not far from here.
NIRP-BTFD 1 hour ago
There are 2 Americas. The 0.01% (the rulers that own everything) and the serfs.
DemandSider 1 hour ago
Exactly, parasite and host. Fauci would be the former, obviously.
"Recent research shows the vaxxinated group had a 18 point lower IQ score then the
unvaxxinated group and a 128 point higher gullibility score."
Fact Checked : True ✔️
Cirdan PREMIUM 9 hours ago
Wow! I didn't know they had a gullibility score!
bidennotmyprez99 9 hours ago remove link
Sure that's true but in my circle, it's all the super intellectual types who are getting
"vaxxed". You know, the ones who read the Guardian in the UK or the NYT in the US and sneer
at we deplorables. They pride themselves on being free and critical thinkers. Yet, they are
the ones getting the jab. Incredible. The other group I see all aroujnd me getting jabbed
are the fundamental christians: the ones who vowed never to bow to Caesar. Yeah, right.
They've been warning all their lives about the Mark of the Beast and fall at the first
hurdle. In contrast, all the ordinary working class Joes I know see it for the nasty
******** that it is.
No-Go zone 6 hours ago
The ordinary working class still has a common sense.
Smiddywesson 11 hours ago
There are two types of people today, those who still listen to media and authority
figures that are proven liars, and those who remember and are immune to further lies FROM
PROVEN LIARS. Faucci and company are proven liars, he can't tell me the time of day with
any credibility at all.
Gunston_Nutbush_Hall 7 hours ago (Edited)
h/t ZH Johnny Walker
"If this is preventive medicine, I'll take my chances with disease." ~ Mendelsohn M.D
Dis-obey 8 hours ago
The Delta strain is weak sauce. With a mortality rate of 0.1% it's the same as H1N1.
H1N1 has been with Humanity since at least 1918 and human immunology has coped to deal with
it. Don't be fooled.
BendGuyhere 11 hours ago
1)The "case" number is pure JUNK SCIENCE. Meaningless. It is PCR cycles jacked up until
it gives a "positive". This is for people (Idiots) who get their 'science' from the
National Enquirer.
2) Corona viruses are NOTORIOUS for constantly rapidly mutating, like the Common
3) ALL pathogenic viruses, to the extent that there even is a pathogenic covid virus
anymore, attenuate over time. That is they become LESS pathogenic and the human immune
system becomes more and more competent at recognizing and neutralizing viruses within the
same family.
4) Well "What about India?" What ABOUT India? Outside of the MSM, which has mutated into
a vast labyrinth of lies geared towards social control, we have no way of verifying what
actually happened in India.
BugMan 5 hours ago
The microorganism must be identified in all individuals affected by the disease, but not
in healthy individuals.
The microorganism can be isolated from the diseased individual and grown in culture.
When introduced into a healthy individual , the cultured microorganism should cause
The microorganism must then be re-isolated from the experimental host , and found to be
identical to the original microorganism.
I'm struck by the fact that the news media constantly push the so-called Covid-19
"vaccines." Have the news media become pharmaceutical company sales reps ?
Every day, I see news articles proclaiming that the Covid-19 "vaccines" are effective
against the variants. They cite new studies even though such studies take a lot more time
to conduct than has been alloted for concrete conclusions.
Overall, the pimping of the Covid shots by reporters is suspect at best. These so-called
journalists never mention treatments, only vaccines.
Bill of Rights 7 hours ago (Edited)
When was the last time the MEDIA was actually just that the Media? 1960s perhaps..
What you are subjected to now, or for the better term, Choose to watch now is trash
where 99% of it is made up and false.
Conductor "Corn Pop" Angelo 8 hours ago
Following a citizen's petition, a Lisbon court was forced to provide verified COVID-19
mortality data, reports
According to the ruling , the number of
verified COVID-19 deaths from January 2020 to April 2021 is only 152, not about 17,000 as
claimed by government
All the "others" died for various reasons, although their PCR test was positive.
"We live in a fraud of unprecedented dimensions," wrote Dias.
Not a pandemic but a manufactured DemPanic. These snarling rabid far-left-wing dogs will
seize and shake any opportunity they can get to further their RESET utopian agendas,
including population reductions and striking down capitalism. So close to their goals now,
they are gone wild in their attacks and without any reservations whatsoever.
Fear for this little Republic. Its time is almost up.
Kugelhagel 11 hours ago
It's like a priest in stone age: if harvest was low because weather was bad a priest
said "gimme all your sheet and I'll talk to the gods" . When that doesn't work he says "of
course it not worked, you not gave me enough! gimme more!" ... and some day it worked and
weather was good and the priest was celebrated.
Same here ... Snakeoil sellers.
Bill Maher slammed Big Tech on Friday's episode of his show, "Real Time with Bill Maher,"
criticizing Facebook and Google for censoring content discussing the COVID-19 lab-leak
"I find this outrageous. Facebook banned any post for four months about COVID coming from a
lab," said Maher, adding "Now, even the Biden administration is looking into it."
incharge1976 PREMIUM 1 hour ago (Edited)
Google and the like are not search engines, video sites, or social media sites. They are
propaganda machines
The First Rule 42 minutes ago (Edited)
Yeah, is head and shoulders
above the rest when it comes to getting around pretty much any US based web search
It will show you the things Google is trying to hide.
Too may crazies among adjunct professors were discovered recently in the ocntext of Woke
ideology and Critical race theory. This is another one. What is interesting is the she is a
[A person the claims to be] University of Ottawa adjunct professor and Canadian Lawyer Naomi
Sayers took to Twitter recently to endorse sex work for "young people," calling it "the best
thing" they can do early in their careers.
"unpopular opinion: the best thing young people can do early in their careers is do #SexWork
on the side because your early career prospects will be unstable, unpredictable, low pay,
likely contract work and very much exploitative," Sayers wrote on Twitter Sunday.
... ... ...
Campus Reform reached out to Exodus Cry
, a non-profit organization committed to fighting back against sex work and human trafficking.
Director of Intervention Helen Taylor replied calling Sayers' comments "deeply
"For Professor Sayers to flippantly encourage young vulnerable students to engage in such a
harmful industry is deeply irresponsible and extremely offensive to survivors who are working
hard to heal and recover from the damage prostitution inflicted on their lives," Taylor
"The sex industry is a system of violence and gender inequality. It is not a 'job like any
other.' It puts girls at higher risk daily of rape, theft and murder. It causes long-term PTSD
comparable to torture victims"¦ We believe education leaders ought to be protecting
young women, and empowering them to aim high, not echoing pimp's advertisements for the sex
UPDATE: Sayers' publicist contacted Campus Reform after publication and insisted Sayers has
no relation with the University of Ottawa as a professor.
When Campus Reform reached out to Sayers for an interview, she replied, "my policy is not to
answer questions from media in which the answer can be found on google [sic] , which tweets are
searchable on google now (aka do their research)".
Research conducted by Campus Reform found that in Sayers LinkedIn profile, she currently touts herself as
"adjunct professor" at the university.
"... It helped defang the left. "Wokeism lent a lifeline to the people who were in charge of the big banks. They thought, 'This stuff is easy!' " They applauded diversity and inclusion, appointed token female and minority directors, and "mused about the racially disparate impact of climate change." So, in Mr. Ramaswamy's narrative, "a bunch of big banks got together with a bunch of millennials, birthed woke capitalism, and then put Occupy Wall Street up for adoption." Now, in Mr. Ramaswamy's tart verdict, "big business makes money by critiquing itself." ..."
"... Davos is "the Woke Vatican," Mr. Ramaswamy says; Al Gore and Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock , are "its archbishops." CEOs "further down the chain" -- he mentions James Quincey of Coca-Cola , Ed Bastian of Delta , Marc Benioff of Salesforce , John Donahoe of Nike and Alan Jope of Unilever -- are its "cardinals." ..."
It helped defang the left. "Wokeism lent a lifeline to the people who were in charge of
the big banks. They thought, 'This stuff is easy!' " They applauded diversity and inclusion,
appointed token female and minority directors, and "mused about the racially disparate impact
of climate change." So, in Mr. Ramaswamy's narrative, "a bunch of big banks got together with a
bunch of millennials, birthed woke capitalism, and then put Occupy Wall Street up for
adoption." Now, in Mr. Ramaswamy's tart verdict, "big business makes money by critiquing
Mr. Ramaswamy regards Klaus Schwab, founder and CEO of the World Economic Forum in Davos,
Switzerland, as the "patron saint of wokeism" for his relentless propagation of "stakeholder
capitalism" -- the view that the unspoken bargain in the grant to corporations of limited
liability is that they "must do social good on the side."
Davos is "the Woke Vatican," Mr. Ramaswamy says; Al Gore and Larry Fink, CEO of
BlackRock , are "its
archbishops." CEOs "further down the chain" -- he mentions James Quincey of Coca-Cola , Ed Bastian of Delta , Marc Benioff of
Salesforce , John
Donahoe of Nike and
Alan Jope of Unilever
-- are its "cardinals."
That Leftist "wokeism" is the brainchild of a religious cult should've been obvious decades
ago. The purely religious belief in anthropogenic global warming, for example, which closely
mimics the spiritual rituals of ancient cultures by worshiping nature over man. The hierarchy
of color and gender as fetishes through which human relative value can be determined also
mimics the hierarchy of priests or shamans in other religions. Thus, a fairly vapid group
like BLM is exalted based purely on the melanin content of their skin, even though their
claims are ridiculously flawed (They "care" about the lives of 90 or so armed felons killed
by police, but call the 7,000+ black people killed by Blacks a "distraction"). Like many
religions that plagued humanity throughout history, they will torment and punish all
"deniers." Four years of the Trump Presidency made this clear. He faced the Grand Inquisition
because he refused to kneel.
Update (0815ET) : British Health Secretary Matt Hancock said he was "very sorry" after
pictures of him kissing and embracing his top aide, a friend hired last year, were splashed on
the front page of the Sun newspaper. However, he has said he will not resign .
Summit News' Paul Joseph Watson detailed earlier, yet another architect of the UK's
lockdown has been caught violating it as photos revealed Health Secretary Matt Hancock
passionately kissing his mistress at a time when Brits were being told they shouldn't even
shake hands.
Once again, with feeling: None of the 'control measures' does anything. End it all now.
They just want us all in their databases anyway. They don't care about death tolls, or even
vaccines. It's not about that.
The vaccine passports in the UK already link to your entire medical history, biometric,
genetic and ethnic data, criminal history, vehicle registration and employer data.
All they need is your bank account and internet/social media.
Then it's just................................CHINA.
And THAT is what they want, and what they are doing.
Back in the mid-1990s when irony was still a thing, British TV had a popular celebrity
gameshow called
Shooting Stars hosted by comedians Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer. It was filled with
slapstick, surreal, anarchic humor, and while it appeared to stick to standard gameshow
conventions, everything was actually arbitrary: rules could be made up or ignored as and when
Vic and Bob felt like it
Robin, "the Imperial Pottery Barn rule" is an extremely good analogy. I'm going to have a
hard time citing you if I ever use that. I've also seen US foreign policy described as
"rubblization," with regard to Syria especially.
I wonder who is still buying this brown high-fructose corn syrup carbonated water. Only
people completely obvious to their health do so. Boycotting Coca-cola is probably the easiest and
healthiest boycott possible. From commnets: " Woka Cola can kiss my ***. "
In a letter dated June 11, the
American Civil Rights Project (ACRP) noted that on Jan. 28, the general counsel of Coca-Cola
demanded law firms seeking to keep the company as a client must commit that at least 30 percent
of billed time would be from "diverse attorneys," and at least half of that time would be from
black attorneys.
The ACRP, speaking on behalf of "a set of concerned Coca-Cola Company shareholders,"
demanded that the soft drink company either "publicly retract the discriminatory
outside-counsel policies" or otherwise "provide access to the corporate records related to the
decision of Coca-Cola's officers and directors to adopt and retain those illegal policies."
Coca-Cola's race-specific contracting policy , according to the ACRP, has exposed the
corporation and its shareholders to "material risk of liability" for potentially violating
anti-discrimination laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits
employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin.
The letter further alleged that all of Coca-Cola's decision makers knew, or should have
known, that the policy was potentially illegal. It said those who were not so aware of the
legal risks either have failed their responsibility or "relied on the inexcusably flawed advice
of counsel."
... ... ...
Coca-Cola, one of the largest food and beverage companies in the world, came under fire in
February, when its employees were allegedly instructed to be "less white" as part of a
"Confronting Racism" training course featuring interviews with sociologist Robin DiAngelo, the
author of a 2018 book called "White Fragility."
"In the U.S. and other Western nations, white people are socialized to feel that they are
inherently superior because they are white," reads one of the slides, allegedly sent from an
"internal whistleblower" and posted on Twitter by YouTube commentator Karlyn Borysenko. The
post went viral.
1 hour ago remove link
Coca Cola is brown high-fructose corn syrup carbonated water that makes one fat through
empty calories. It's perhaps the easiest and healthiest boycott possible. Do it, white man...
do it. play_arrow 51 play_arrow
Ghost of SilverIsMoney 59 minutes ago
I got off my sugary soda addiction 6years ago by switching to Seltzers.
They still have the soda bite without any garbage attached.
TacoNasty 50 minutes ago
I unfortunately got addicted to diet soda because my parents gave it to me since I was a
young toddler.
Coke's anti-White racism finally got me to quit.
I feel so much healthier... especially, my sleep is so much better!
ted41776 1 hour ago
yelp, a publicly traded company, has a category named "black-owned businesses" that they
regularly promote
discrimination laws?
overbet 1 hour ago
I regret that I already dont drink that **** so I cant boycott it any further. Avoiding
anything processed got me from a flabby 250lb desk jockey to a lean 190lb heavy lifting gym
rat after a few years.
Automatic Choke PREMIUM 49 minutes ago
you can short the stock.
TacoNasty 50 minutes ago
Good job!!! Props to you. I dropped from 220 to 180 during quarantine due to watching my
diet much more closely and lifting.
MaskTard 53 minutes ago
Woka Cola can kiss my ***. All Coke products in this household were poured down the
drain long ago.
sleepyhollow 51 minutes ago
Same here. Stopped drinking Coke, buying woke products and watching woke sports such as
the NFL, NBA, etc.
Virgil Krenshaw PREMIUM 31 minutes ago (Edited)
Sue. Them. Silly. Go on the offensive against wokeness. It's discrimination. It's
race-based harassment. And it's against the law. Document any HR sessions that are woke.
Build evidence of a pattern of behavior. Then go for the throat.
Very interesting to see shareholders threatening to sue. Courts recognize management's
fiduciary duty to shareholders, but overwhelmingly defer to executives' "business judgment"
on what's best for a company. But these woketards are now so obviously undermining company
value that I think courts will probably intervene.
How could A&E ever justify its decision to cancel "Cops," AKA the source of half its
revenue, as a sound business judgment that would add shareholder value?
William Dorritt 44 minutes ago
The following list presents notable Coca-Cola subsidiaries, brands and products:
Coca-Cola (Coke)
Diet Coke
Coca-Cola Zero
Minute Maid
Simply Orange
Del Valle
Fuze Beverage
Honest Tea
Chimesickle007 17 minutes ago
Thank god none of them are on my shopping list
tyberious 52 minutes ago (Edited)
Started out as a poison, got rid of Cocaine and added an even more addictive and far
deadlier substance, GMO high fructose corn syrup with a healthy dose of glyphosate!
Lt. Shicekopf 42 minutes ago
I do not drink Coke, watch the NFL, use Gillette products, I eschew Starbucks, shun the
airlines, avoid the NBA like the plague...and I feel much better about myself.
Automatic Choke PREMIUM 59 minutes ago
Stop "woke"
dump Coke.
MoneyMonkey 50 minutes ago
Incidence of diabetes (aka "the sugars") is highest amongst jogger Americans, so it
seems fair they get to be scum sucking lawyers for a company slowly killing their own
Southern_Boy 9 minutes ago (Edited)
Drank Coke daily (3 to 6 cans or bottles) for almost 60 years. They've lost my business
thanks to this "Woke Business". As I understood it, they hired an activist lawyer who
basically has cost them billions in sales.
Traders are addicted to trading, much like murderers fixate on murdering. The traders
noticed a slight change in the Fed's tone and sold anything tied to inflation. They whacked
gold good. Then they went after the other commodities. When they were done there, they went
after value stocks, before finishing the week by blasting a bunch of cyclical names.
25 play_arrow
ted41776 5 hours ago
the only kind of ism that has exist is sociopathism
they always end up at the top of any power pyramid and make the rules that apply to all
others but not them
same as it always was and same as it always will be
NoDebt 4 hours ago
Traders are addicted to trading, much like murderers fixate on murdering
A line I wish I had come up with.
lambda PREMIUM 4 hours ago
This was already modeled and formalized: The Gambler Fallacy.
Back in the day of newspapers, the Bolsheviks had PRAVDA ( which laughingly means TRUTH
thoughtbubble 3 minutes ago
Democrats have Twitter (which not ironically means TWITS).
AriusArmenian 3 minutes ago remove link
All the major social media companies in the US were funded and controlled by the CIA
from startup.
There is not a future end-game - it has been the CIA's agenda from the beginning.
The CIA along with Watt Street and the MIC owns and controls the US from top to bottom -
and they intend for the lumpen white people to fall on their swords. This is all to the
interests of the rich and powerful button pushers. I pity the young people like idiots so
easily used by the elites.
Rogan took exception with Stelter being incensed that more people were watching shows on
YouTube than watching his show, according to Fox News .
"They didn't even understand the way they were describing it. They were describing it as if
they're entitled to viewers," Rogan ranted.
"They were saying, "˜There are shows on YouTube right now that get more views than
this show.' This is because the market has spoken and your show's f***in terrible . Well, Brian
Stelter's show keeps slipping and slipping and slipping in the ratings."
"How about Brian Stelter talking to the press secretary, "˜What are we doing wrong?
What are we doing wrong?' Like, hey motherf---er, you're supposed to be a journalist ," Rogan
said. "They're obviously being told a certain amount of what to do. And maybe he'd be an
interesting guy if he had his own f---in podcast that you can rely on his own personality and
be himself. I don't know. I can't imagine doing that gig."
"He's the worst," Rogan guest and progressive commentator Kyle Kulinski said. Stelter has
"outright [called] for censorship under the guise of combatting the spread of conspiracy
They "use that for f---ing everything," Kulinski said.
Rogan then turned his ire to Don Lemon's show: "So is Don Lemon's. It's the same thing.
Everyone knows they're not real. They're not real humans."
"And they wonder why they get no views," Kulinski concluded.
this week we noted that Stelter, who just last week groveled at the feet of White House
Press Secretary Jen Psaki - asking how the media can better cover President Biden - has failed
to attract at least one million viewers for 11 straight weeks , and averaged just 752,000 on
Sunday, his smallest audience of the year.
If contemporary American liberalism has any High Priests, foremost among them would have to
be Jon Stewart. Arguably, he's the functional equivalent of a supreme pontiff. So much of
contemporary American liberalism hinges on aesthetic presentation" the ever-present need to
convey that you and your peers "get it"" and Stewart pioneered the perfect public sensibility
tailored to this ambition. For years, cultural liberals' sense of savviness and ironic
detachment, coupled with an underlying pretension to earnestness, was cultivated and affirmed
by Stewart. His method of communicating political information on The Daily Show became the
dominant style not just of mainstream corporate comedy, but of left-liberal politics as a
whole. Everyone from establishment Democrats to cynical online leftists speaks of Stewart with
worshipful reverence.
Stewart is also very smart. Like any good leader of a religious order, he knows on occasion
he must chide his fellow clergymen for their doctrinal blindspots, tactical blunders, or
personal indiscretions . He knows how to gently but firmly advise parishioners when they've
gone astray, or gone too far. He also mostly kept his head down throughout the Trump
presidency" declining to weigh in on every fleeting micro-scandal" which was a wise decision,
so as to not get himself too brain-melted by the endless frenzy of that period. He didn't even
join Twitter until this past January.
Stewart recognizes when to "read the room" and direct a course correction in the prevailing
sentiments of popular liberalism when its dogmas have become too untenable to continue. Who
else was going to do it, Joe Biden? Nowhere near enough funny-guy sway. It takes the cultural
prestige of a leader like Stewart to truly make a difference. And when he decides it's time for
one of those gentle-but-firm course corrections, liberals listen intently" because liberalism
is underrated for its ability to adapt and self-correct, at least in the arena of public
presentation. This is best accomplished by reframing its past failures as a big joke, and
there's no one better positioned to do so than Stewart.
Accordingly, the rapid transformation of the lab leak theory from shameful racist trope into
cool-kid conventional wisdom need not occasion any recriminations or blame" just more
self-deprecating laughter. Never mind that during all the Zoom banter Stewart presumably
participated in over the past 15 months, the theory was either scornfully dismissed or ignored.
That's all in the past; Trump is gone. Eventually Stewart got it.
But he wasn't imparted with this knowledge by some divine revelation. A campaign of Twitter
sleuths and Medium posts is what punctured a false consensus. Stewart merely consecrated the
shift within a certain strand of the cultural mainstream, thereby granting license to liberals
who need permission from their entertainment idols before they form opinions about
This volatility within liberalism is often fodder for mockery. It can make adherents look
and sound incoherent. But malleability is part of liberalism's strength; after all,
conservatives are always complaining that liberals control most every institution. To what do
they attribute this...?
It's why the big "face-off" this week between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, desperately
hyped by the flagging corporate news industry, could result in Putin lavishing Biden with
praise for his statesmanship and sterling moral character, and no Democratic elected official
taking issue. Memories of how similar
diplomatic niceties were portrayed vis-a-vis the previous President simply vanish. Stephen
Colbert didn't sneer at the "collusive" implications. The last five years of spy-thriller hype
can just wash away, with the snap of a finger.
It's why Ashli Babbitt "" an unarmed protester shot dead at point-blank range by an agent of
the state" was presumed worthy of summary execution by the nation's liberal class, even as they
make other questionable police killings the guiding impetus of their entire political program.
Babbitt had bad ideas, she was deluded by YouTube misinformation, she was a de facto white
supremacist, whatever. She might've even been trespassing at the time the bullet was pumped
into her throat. The public still doesn't have the name of her assailant" this information has
been concealed by the relevant police agency . But Jon Stewart wouldn't go near that one...
yet. Promoting a certain interpretation of January 6 still has a utility for liberals that
clinging to lab leak denialism no longer does.
So much of it all is a facade" but facades can overlay the accrual of real power . Stewart
just has enough self-awareness to poke his head through the facade every now and then, when the
conditions are safe, and help right the ship.
Last week Bill Maher of HBO's "Real Time" did a commentary on something he believes deeply
destructive. Maher, who has described his politics as liberal, libertarian, progressive and
practical, is a longtime and occasionally brave foe of wokeness in its extreme manifestations.
He zeroed in on one aspect that fuels a lot of grievance, and that is the uninformed sense that
America has largely been impervious to improvement.
Mr. Maher called this "progressophobia," a term coined by the cognitive psychologist Steven
Pinker. Mr. Maher defines it as "a brain disorder that strikes liberals and makes them
incapable of recognizing progress. It's like situational blindness, only what you can't see is
that your dorm in 2021 is better than the South before the Civil War."
His audience laughed uncertainly. You could tell they didn't want to get caught laughing at
the wrong thing and weren't certain what the wrong thing was. Normally they're asked to laugh
at right-wing idiocy, which is never in short supply.
"If you think that America is more racist now than ever, more sexist than before women could
vote, you have progressophobia," Mr. Maher said. Look at the changes America has made on
disputed issues like gay marriage and marijuana legislation. "Even something like bullying. It
still happens, but being outwardly cruel to people who are different is no longer acceptable.
That's progress. Acknowledging progress isn't saying, 'We're done,' or, 'We don't need more.'
And being gloomier doesn't mean you're a better person."
He was asking for perspective, a hard thing to do when you're a comic because a comic's
tools are exaggeration, satire and sarcasm. But Mr. Maher maintained earnestness.
"In 1958," he said, "only 4% of Americans approved of interracial marriage. Now Gallup
doesn't even bother asking. But the last time they did, in 2013, 87% approved. An overwhelming
majority of Americans now say they want to live in a multiracial neighborhood. That is a
sea change from when I was a kid." Mr. Maher was born in 1956.
He barreled on: "In a country that's 14% black, 18% of the incoming class at Harvard is
black. And since 2017, white students are not even a majority in our public colleges. Employees
of color make up 47% of Microsoft , 50% of Target, 55% of the Gap, as
companies become desperate to look like their TV commercials."
"The 'Friends' reunion we just had looked weird, because if you even suggested a show today
about six people all of whom were straight and white, the network would laugh you out of the
room and then cancel you on Twitter . And yet there is a recurrent theme
on the far left that things have never been worse."
The comedian Kevin Hart had recently told the New York Times , "You're witnessing white
power and white privilege at an all-time high." Mr. Maher: "This is one of the big problems
with wokeness, that what you say doesn't have to make sense or jibe with the facts, or ever be
challenged, lest the challenge itself be conflated with racism."
He added: "Saying white power and privilege is at an all-time high is just ridiculous.
Higher than a century ago, the year of the Tulsa race massacre? Higher than when the KKK rode
unchecked and Jim Crow unchallenged?" He acknowledged that "racism is unfortunately still with
us," and its "legacy of injustice" lingers. "I understand best I can how racism singes a
person's soul so much they might see it everywhere. But seeing clearly is necessary for
actually fixing problems, and clearly racism is no longer everywhere. It's not in my home, and
it's probably not in yours if I read my audience right, and I think I do. For most of the
country the most unhip thing you could ever be today is a racist."
You know leftist overreach is extreme when Bill Maher and Jon Stewart are calling out its
absurdities. Maher's bit is interesting--if you watch the video you'll see that he hasn't
totally wandered off the reservation of the left, but he is objectively looking around and
recognizing that all of this progressive indoctrination is causing problems.
Jon Stewart's rant brilliantly illustrated the folly of the Never Trumpers who have
allowed their disdain for the Orange Man to cloud their view of reality. He was 12 months too
late to point it out, but at least he got there eventually.
Chris Breidenbaugh
Marxist and Fascist tyrants have always required a boogey man. The Bolsheviks had the
bourgeoisie. Nazi Germany had the Jews, Castro, Chavez and the North Koreans have the US.
Today's US marxists have racism. An undeniable, invisible scourge that must be irradiated, no
matter how irrelevant it is in modern society. But it will never and can never be irradiated.
How will BLM rally the troops if there is no racism? Who will pay for Al Sharpton and Jesse
Jackson's limos if racism were "gone"? For todays US marxists, the goal is not to end racism.
It's to enact marxist policies to control the masses. Racism is just a tool; a means to an
end. You can see a direct correlation to the rise of marxist policies and the prevalence of
anti-racism fervor. When racism no longer serves it purpose for these marxists, it will be
kicked to the curb. They'll find a new boogey man and start the whole process over.
Patricia Barnes
Cultural elites (i.e. Hollywood, publishers) for decades have pushed the narrative that all
whites are one grandfather removed from a cruel Southern plantation owner wielding a bull
whip over a sniveling black slave on his knees. All to sell movie tickets and books.
Patrica : Yes, I have learned quite a bit about this inter-racial part of America History
from watching " Finding Your Roots ." Quite an insight into how complicated slavery was
because even some African Americans owned slaves . The cultural divisions between the North
and South were huge . And finding a solution to this cultural divide was terribly difficult.
r fortin
To quote the racist Maxine Waters, we have to "push-back" against rewarding and giving more
power to the racist woke mob or we will become more divided than ever!
Maher's point will gain no traction on the left. Without "you're a racist", they would have
to produce cogent arguments, and they cannot.
"progressophobia," a term coined by the cognitive psychologist Steven Pinker. Mr. Maher
defines it as "a brain disorder that strikes liberals and makes them incapable of
recognizing progress.
Absolute genius!
Gary Blakely
In the past we only had two genders, now we have 72 genders. That's progressive.
In the past we had 3,446 black hangings in the US, now we have had 40,000 black people
murdered in Chicago alone. That's progressive.
I could go on. Please feel free to enhance this list.
The Free Beacon reports that U.S. intelligence officials haven't come to a conclusion about
whether or not the students being investigated were spies, but RedState is told that whether or
not one wants to use the term "spy," those students were sent back to the United States with
specific information-gathering directives with the purpose of helping Beijing understand the US
government's response to the pandemic at a much deeper level than they could through
publicly-available documents. Those students (spies) were charged with reporting back on public
policy changes, economic response and damage, impacts on the healthcare system
(equipment/hospital bed shortages, etc), supply chain impacts (including how long it took
things like semiconductors from China to reach the United States), civil unrest, and more.
In addition, Dong has provided DIA with the following information:
Early pathogenic studies of the virus we now know as SARS-CoV-2
Models of predicted COVID-19 spread and damage to the US and the world
Financial records detailing which exact organizations and governments funded the research
on SARS-CoV-2 and other biological warfare research
Names of US citizens who provide intel to China
Names of Chinese spies working in the US or attending US universities
Financial records showing US businessmen and public officials who've received money from
the Chinese government
Details of meetings US government officials had (perhaps unwittingly) with Chinese spies
and members of Russia's SVR
How the Chinese government gained access to a CIA communications system, leading to the
death of dozens of Chinese people who were working with the CIA
Dong also has provided DIA with copies of the contents of the hard drive on Hunter Biden's
laptop, showing the information the Chinese government has about Hunter's pornography problem
and about his (and Joe's) business dealings with Chinese entities. Some of the files on Dong
has provided shine a light on just how it was that the sale of Henniges Automotive (and their
stealth technology) to Chinese military manufacturer AVIC Auto was approved.
Again, according to sources, Dong told DIA debriefers that at least a third of Chinese
students attending US universities are PLA assets or part of the Thousand Talents Plan and that
many of the students are here under pseudonyms. One reason for using pseudonyms is that many of
these students are the children of high-ranking military and party leaders.
As we initially reported, DIA has high confidence in the veracity of Dong's claims. The fact
that since our original report, which was pooh-poohed by Langley apologists, the New York Times
published a rare interview with Dr. Shi Zhengli (the WIV "Bat Woman"), ABC News has started an
"investigation" into COVID-19 origins, and now the actual name of the defector has been
published in an anti-Trump, CIA-friendly blog, demonstrates what sources told RedState today:
"This defector has the rest of the intelligence community and the LEO community scared
The Free Beacon reports that U.S. intelligence officials haven't come to a conclusion about
whether or not the students being investigated were spies, but RedState is told that whether or
not one wants to use the term "spy," those students were sent back to the United States with
specific information-gathering directives with the purpose of helping Beijing understand the US
government's response to the pandemic at a much deeper level than they could through
publicly-available documents. Those students (spies) were charged with reporting back on public
policy changes, economic response and damage, impacts on the healthcare system
(equipment/hospital bed shortages, etc), supply chain impacts (including how long it took
things like semiconductors from China to reach the United States), civil unrest, and more.
In addition, Dong has provided DIA with the following information:
Early pathogenic studies of the virus we now know as SARS-CoV-2
Models of predicted COVID-19 spread and damage to the US and the world
Financial records detailing which exact organizations and governments funded the research
on SARS-CoV-2 and other biological warfare research
Names of US citizens who provide intel to China
Names of Chinese spies working in the US or attending US universities
Financial records showing US businessmen and public officials who've received money from
the Chinese government
Details of meetings US government officials had (perhaps unwittingly) with Chinese spies
and members of Russia's SVR
How the Chinese government gained access to a CIA communications system, leading to the
death of dozens of Chinese people who were working with the CIA
Dong also has provided DIA with copies of the contents of the hard drive on Hunter Biden's
laptop, showing the information the Chinese government has about Hunter's pornography problem
and about his (and Joe's) business dealings with Chinese entities. Some of the files on Dong
has provided shine a light on just how it was that the sale of Henniges Automotive (and their
stealth technology) to Chinese military manufacturer AVIC Auto was approved.
Again, according to sources, Dong told DIA debriefers that at least a third of Chinese
students attending US universities are PLA assets or part of the Thousand Talents Plan and that
many of the students are here under pseudonyms. One reason for using pseudonyms is that many of
these students are the children of high-ranking military and party leaders.
As we initially reported, DIA has high confidence in the veracity of Dong's claims. The fact
that since our original report, which was pooh-poohed by Langley apologists, the New York Times
published a rare interview with Dr. Shi Zhengli (the WIV "Bat Woman"), ABC News has started an
"investigation" into COVID-19 origins, and now the actual name of the defector has been
published in an anti-Trump, CIA-friendly blog, demonstrates what sources told RedState today:
"This defector has the rest of the intelligence community and the LEO community scared
Chief Joesph 2 hours ago
This story is totally unbelievable. First of all, the DIA is the wrong agency to turn
over information to, since it only analyze stuff that has military implications, (which of
course bioagents would be of an interest to them), but they never make any releases of
information available to the public. So, it's very doubtful the author would have gotten
any information directly from them. They are literally more secretive than the CIA. And,
the business of who had F/J visas and who went to American schools is totally irrelevant to
DIA too, which also makes this report suspicious about it's authenticity. This is simply
not the way military intelligence works.
Rudolph 1 hour ago (Edited)
Reads like a fiction. Mass number of spies in US gov't even CIA FBI must not be told of
Dong's defection ?
AmadausVoltaire 1 hour ago
Yeah, my tolerance for Hopium is so high that this story barely took the edge off...
Drowsapp123 3 minutes ago
Oh so now the Deep State is going to give me the straight story!
Wow they must have gotten jeeeeeeesus.
Never mind our military wants to go after China. This information will be totally
unbiased. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
Someone tell the block heads in the military that we're not going to win when all the
parts to our war machine come from China. Seriously. This. Is. Dumb.
It was Fauci who had this crap going on in labs of Fort Detrick. When it was made
illegal here the research effort was shipped to Wuhan. There it was funded by Fauci / USSA.
China is being used as a patsy. Did China put on Event 201 where they did an exercise of a
corona pandemic in Sept 2019?? NO. It's the Davos Crowd. The Banking Cartel. Never forget
it or we'll have yet ANOTHER world war where your sons / daughters die for them. WW1 / WW2
were fought to make the world safe for the Banking Cartel and allow them to loot the
pro·le·tar·i·at 35 minutes ago
Names of US citizens who provide intel to China
Dr. Anthony Fauci
bombdog PREMIUM 34 minutes ago
Financial records showing US businessmen and public officials who've received money
from the Chinese government
Joe Biden
Huginn 33 minutes ago
Captain Carrot 28 minutes ago
Don't forget Sheldon Adelson (Trumpy's Boss)...!
Johnny Walker 2 hours ago
US has bio weapons labs in 25 countries.
"They kept tampering with the virus for a few years, trying to make it more infectious
and more deadly. After gain-of-function research was forbidden by the US government in
2014, it was promptly offshored to Wuhan lab. The research was quietly continued with US
grants coming (partly) from the notorious Dr Fauci via the equally notorious Peter Daszak
and his EcoHealth Alliance, the beneficiary of
$39 million grant from the Pentagon . The Pentagon is a great humanitarian organization
known for its love of mankind, right? "
4.5% (inflated) infection rate and 99.7% (deflated) survival rate is not any kind of
weapon. Perhaps the research was leading to it, but covid was not any kind of obviously
effective weapon. Dont believe the neocon jibberish. The weapon was the a test of the
ability to manipulate the media and politicians to create panic and fear and submission.
Obviously totally effective.
Gotta try and keep us distracted from the tribe going on a real-estate shopping spree
via BlackRock while small hat AG Garland calls "white supremacy" the greatest terrorist
"Look over there!! It's CHINA!!!"
BaNNeD oN THe RuN 1 hour ago
Models of predicted COVID-19 spread and damage to the US and the world
So what, they obtained a copy of the Event 201 document from the Johns Hopkins Center
for Health Security.
Still it was pleasant to read a speculative propaganda piece not written by Epoch Times,
well done.
Sid Finch 32 minutes ago
This feels like more theatre to keep narrative alive. If the CDC or anyone proved a
virus exists, it would be good start. Their own PCR manuals concede that it hasn't. Anyone
can read them. It's more about creating panic to get more to want the magic mystery potion
injection. I see 4 healthy British Airways pilots died this week, and fllying does increase
clotting risks.
seems the public has become bored with the china/wuhan/bats/commies narrative, so we
needs to spice it up. facts or no facts, doesn't matter. it's all about the
so, umm......until some real news organizations update us on this world-shattering
story, ima take it with lott's wife.
VladLenin 2 hours ago
This sounds like BS. Someone here called it... Steele...
He approached the DIA after being in the US for 2 weeks? As a counter-intel guy, he
should know DIA HUMINT is for sh!t. They're the JV team. The only reason he might go to
them is if they had already pitched him (and maybe the Chinese found out).
So in a world of compartmentalization, this guy knows everything about everything.
Even being a high level guy, we all know executive types are incapable of doing stuff for
themselves. So, in between budget meetings and picking the new picture of Mao for the
lobby, he was downloading data to a thumb drive?
If I had to guess, this guy probably did defected. But his exploits are an amalgamation
of many potential intel sources. Pin some sh!t on him so he won't re-defect.
After four years of Russia, Russia, Russia is our mortal enemy and has compromised the
former US President to our great national peril, don't you think it is wonderful Biden brought
a thaw to those very same hostilities he and his party spent the last four years trying to
foment? ( /s)
Boy, was this unexpected and fun. Jon Stewart, former star of the Daily Show (back when it
was funny), hooked up Monday night with his old protege, Stephen Colbert. When Stewart was
running the Daily Show, he had a liberal bent but he would also take on liberal hypocrisy. That
bit of integrity was on display again last night (today is Tuesday) when the insufferable
Stephen Colbert asked his old boss what he thought about the Covid-19 pandemic. Here is the
"I think we owe a great debt of gratitude to science. Science has, in many ways, helped
ease the suffering of this pandemic, which was more than likely caused by science ," Stewart
said after Colbert asked how he was feeling about the scientific response to COVID-19.
"Do you mean perhaps there's a chance that this was created in a lab?" asked Colbert,
adding "There's an investigation."
" A chance? " shot back Stewart – kicking the door open.
" Oh my god, there's a novel respiratory coronavirus overtaking Wuhan, China, what do we
do? Oh, you know who we could ask? The Wuhan novel respiratory coronavirus lab. The disease
is the same name as the lab. That's just a little too weird, don't you think? And then they
asked those scientists – they're like 'how did this so wait a minute, you work at the
Wuhan respiratory coronavirus lab. How did this happen?' and they're like ' mmmm – a
pangolin kissed a turtle? ' and you're like 'no the name of your lab! If you look at the
name! Can I let me see your business card. Show me your business card. Oh – I work at
the coronavirus lab in Wuhan. Oh, cause there's a coronavirus loose in Wuhan. How did that
happen? '
'Maybe a bat flew into the Cloaca of a turkey and then it sneezed into my chili. And now
we all have Coronavirus."
Stewart landed one final joke as Colbert desperately tried to control the situation;
"HOLD IT, HOLD IT! What about this, what about this listen to this! 'OH MY GOD, there's
been an outbreak of chocolately goodness near Hershey, Pennsylvania. What do you think
'Oh I don't know, maybe a steam shovel mated with a cocoa bean?'
" Or it's the fucking chocolate factory ! Maybe that's it!" Stewart screamed.
Boy oh boy. Liberal land did not like that. Click
here to enjoy the tsunami of liberal hysteria in the aftermath of getting punched in the
nut sack by truth.
John Stewart always stroke me as an old-school 'New-Deal' type liberal who had a nuanced
view of the world. Ironically, when Dubya was in office Stewart was always there to criticize
and poke fun at him and the Republicans so he was pretty much their enemy no.1 in the media,
but this time around it is the batshit crazy progressives that are foaming on their mouths for
seeing him apply the same stuff he used to unleash against the Republicans. The Colbert's
interview actually sums up the insanity of the progressives nicely.
My hats off to John Stewart for standing up to non-sense when he sees it. James
says: June 17,
2021 at 9:48 am
Krystal & Saager were on Joe Rogan yesterday and the three of them watched the clip
together – quite approvingly.
Not everyone on the left is an idiot or a sellout. These three people, and Jon Stewart, have
great integrity and intelligence. Krystal & Saager are living proof that the left and the
right can work together to take on the establishment.
I see many commenters referring to President Putin as Vlad. For the last time, the
shortening of Vladimir is not Vlad, it's Volodya. Vlad is short for Vladislav. Just because
American idiots journalists didn't bother to do a little research doesn't mean you couldn't
I see many commenters referring to President Putin as Vlad. For the last time, the
shortening of Vladimir is not Vlad, it's Volodya. Vlad is short for Vladislav.
Posted by: Andrew Ho | Jun 17 2021 0:55 utc | 74
You're forgetting that this is an English Language conversations among Speakers of
English. Their most common method of shortening a person's name is by omitting the surplus
syllables from the end of a long name.
In English, if the short version of a person's name bears no resemblance to the name itself,
then it's a Nickname.
It's not disrespectful to talk ABOUT someone using a conventional shortening of their
name. It would only be disrespectful if one used it when speaking TO the individual without
first asking how he/she prefers to be addressed. And that's a universal precaution.
Queen Elizabeth is nicknamed "Liz" by the irreverent and "BoJo" is widely recognized for
Boris. Somehow I have a vague notion Merkel has been dubbed "Tante," but this may be the
onset of dementia. ("Lilibet" has been revived for a great-granddaughter, but that was more a
WWII thing for Elizabeth II.) Before Macron was elected I off-handedly referred to him as
"monster," but that really provoked one of the regulars at another blog, Crooked Timber. (Our
host may be pleased to know they are allergic to MoA?)
Nicknames may be both expressions of affection and of scorn.
The men on the street corners with "The End is Nigh" placards are beginning to
resemble Walter Kronkite in demeanor as well as credibility.
But then again Walter was one of the CIA's finest...
Nona Yobiznes 7 hours ago
I guess the crazy conspiracy theorists were right again.
benb 3 hours ago (Edited)
Dumb Hannity used to call the FBI "The Crown Jewel of Law Enforcement,."
C Rabbit PREMIUM 7 hours ago
Why has the FBI never released the surveillance videos from the Alfred P. Murrah
Buildings and the others around it from the morning of April 19, 1995. "It's still under
Why have the videos from all around the Pentagon taken on the morning of 9/11 never been
Why does the CIA refuse to release all of their files on the JFK assassination?
Why? Why? Why?
Muffdiver2269vIII 7 hours ago
Ahh, they are waiting for Durham to complete the reports?
wootendw PREMIUM 6 hours ago
"Congressman Matt Gaetz calls on FBI Director Christopher Wray to fully disclose the
role and involvement of FBI operatives during the January 6th Capitol riot."
That would be self-incrimination.
radical-extremist 7 hours ago (Edited)
FBI will never talk because that would be revealing "classified methods and
Why of course they troll the boards looking for "extremists" to exploit. They befriend
them and groom them, until they eventually enable them to commit the crime itself.
Conspiracy to commit the crime isn't near as sexy as the real thing, let's put these people
away for life. If there's collateral damage now and then, so be it. "Justice" comes at a
cost. /s
If the prosecutor is obliged to choose his cases, it follows that he can choose his
defendants. Therein is the most dangerous power of the prosecutor: that he will pick people
that he thinks he should get, rather than pick cases that need to be prosecuted. With the
law books filled with a great assortment of crimes, a prosecutor stands a fair chance of
finding at least a technical violation of some act on the part of almost anyone. In such a
case, it is not a question of discovering the commission of a crime and then looking for
the man who has committed it, it is a question of picking the man and then searching the
law books, or putting investigators to work, to pin some offense on him. It is in this
realm-in which the prosecutor picks some person whom he dislikes or desires to embarrass,
or selects some group of unpopular persons and then looks for an offense, that the greatest
danger of abuse of prosecuting power lies. It is here that law enforcement becomes
personal, and the real crime becomes that of being unpopular with the predominant or
governing group, being attached to the wrong political views, or being personally obnoxious
to or in the way of the prosecutor himself.
One of them is only capable of having 2-3 sentence discussions and then needs to be
shuffled off out of the public eye.
toady 14 hours ago
It's amazing how he's managed to "fail up" for his entire life.
brown_hornet 14 hours ago
That's what [neoliberal] dems do.
RattieNomNom 18 hours ago
where is his cocaine-infused son? he could keep talks going
Stormtrooper 17 hours ago
This Summit will be a victory for Biden because it will be just a media show for the
American (or whatever we are now that we do not have a legitimate Federal government tying
the states into a Constitutional union) sheeples.
The Summit will be in one of the movie studios where the Biden "White House" exists.
Putin will be an actor and the whole episode will be structured to make Biden appear to
know where he is at.
Enjoy the show.
JohnnyCrypto 18 hours ago remove link
Is Obama going with them?
yerfej 18 hours ago
No, Rice and Jarrett will be there instead. Oblama will be busy ginning up race hatred
somewhere in some inner city shythole.
You are conveying information to me as to who said that. But where is evidence that this
was indeed done? I will tell you that this person has said that, that person has said this. But
where is the evidence? Where is proof? With -- when there is -- when there are charges --
without -- evidence, I can tell you, you can take your complaint to the International League of
Sexual Reform.
In his article Paul Robinson details how since the 16th century Russian imperialism had
been rooted in a specific Russian form of Christian messianism ("Third Rome") which in turn
has lead to imperial over-extension and internal break-down. But no more! Russia has learned
it`s lesson and is now a pragmatic country without exceptionalism and imperial ambitions.
In the lower half of the article RT links to another article with the headline: "Love thy
neighbor? Putin says religious values of 'mercy' & support for vulnerable underpin
Russian civilization through history "
Russia's peak was after the defeat of Napoleon's Grand Army at the start of the 1800s.
Britain and France then focused on it as the main European enemy (with Napoleon finally
defeated at Waterloo and Germany not yet unified) and destroyed its military during the
Crimean War (1853-1856). The Japanese administered the coup de grace with the Russo-Japanese
war (1904-1905) during which they destroyed the Russian fleet. The taking of Eastern Europe
after WW2 was a defensive maneuver by Stalin, as any detailed reading of the correspondence
and actions of the day would attest - for example, Stalin handed back Austria and allowed the
US/UK a free hand in Greece, Italy and Western Europe when many were ripe for
socialist/communist victories.
Russia is a weak shadow of the USSR and the Russian Empire, it has to accept the reality
of its situation. Unfortunately it will take much longer for the US to do so.
Let us preface our inflation note with one of our favorite quotes:
"World War II was transitory"
Inflation has eroded my purchasing power in my transitory life. Bring back the $.35 Big Mac,
which was only about 20% of the minimum wage. Now? About 40-50%... Enough to spark a
There are also Bagdad Bobs from IEA " "World oil supply is expected to grow at a faster rate
in 2022, with the US driving gains of 1.6 million bpd from producers outside the OPEC alliance.
"... Just in time for Pride Month, a new exchange traded fund aims to connect with LGBTQ investors. ..."
"... LGBTQ Loyalty Holdings partners with Harris Poll to annually survey 150,000 self-identifying LGBTQ constituents across the U.S. for their views about a company's brand awareness, brand image, brand loyalty and how the firm supports the community. As noted in its prospectus , 25% of the index's weighting is derived from that survey data. ..."
Just in time for Pride Month, a new exchange traded fund aims to connect with LGBTQ investors. Two previous efforts failed to
attract enough assets.
The fund, LGBTQ + ESG100 ETF LGBT,
, launched in late May, is a passively managed, large-cap index fund that holds the top 100 U.S. companies that most align with
the LGBTQ community.
In 2019, two LGBTQ-focused ETFs were delisted: ALPS Workplace Equality Portfolio ETF and InsightShares LGBT Employment Equality
ETFs. Like this new fund, both were mostly U.S. large-cap, passive index ETFs comprising companies that received high or perfect
marks for workplace equality in the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality
Index , a benchmark for corporate LGBTQ policies.
The first ETF stuck around for five years, but the second barely made it two years, even though it was launched with much fanfare
by UBS. Neither gained many assets.
Bobby Blair, CEO and founder of LGBTQ Loyalty Holdings, which launched the fund with issuer ProcureAM, says community input on
holdings makes this fund different.
LGBTQ Loyalty Holdings partners with Harris Poll to annually survey 150,000 self-identifying LGBTQ constituents across the U.S.
for their views about a company's brand awareness, brand image, brand loyalty and how the firm supports the community. As noted in
its prospectus
, 25% of the index's weighting is derived from that survey data.
... the LGBTQ + ESG100 has an annual expense ratio of 0.75%.
For these Fauci religious cultists, if the death rate from Covid is 0.074% but the death
rate from the "vaccine" is 0.073%, the "vaccine" will be a miraculous, smashing success.
The problem with conspiracy theories (CIA invented term to whitewash CIA participation in
killing of JFK) that some of them in ten to twenty years no longer viewed as conspiracies. They
enter mainstream.
An online poll this week from Ipsos reported 15% of Americans agree that the government,
media and financial worlds are controlled by Satan-worshiping pedophiles. Not 15% of
Republicans or conservatives, but of Americans. That's a lot.
... ... ...
America is a lonely place. When you hold to a conspiracy theory, you join a community.
You're suddenly part of something. You have new friends you can talk to on the internet ...
... One of the enduring and revealing songs of America asks "Which side are you on / Which
side are you on? / You go to Harlan County / There is no neutral there / You'll either be a
union man / Or a thug for J.H. Blair."
... ... ...
Conspiracy believers don't believe what the mainstream media tell them. Why would they?
Newsrooms are undergoing their own revolution, with woke progressives vs. journalistic
traditionalists, advocacy versus old-school news values. It is ideological. "We are here to
shape and encourage a new reality." "No, we are here to find and report the news." It is
generational: The young have the upper hand and the Slack channel. The woke are winning.
When you think your country has grown completely bizarre...Think of what normal human beings
have been asked to absorb the past year. The whole country was shut down and everyone was told
to stay in the house. They closed the churches, and the churches agreed. There was no school
and everyone made believe""really, we all made believe!""screens were a replacement. A bunch of
13-year-old girls in the junior high decided they were boys and started getting shots, and no
adults helped them by saying, "Whoa, slow down, this is a major life decision and you're a
kid." The school board no longer argues about transgender bathrooms, they're on to transgender
boys wanting to play on the girls team. Big corporations now tell you what you should think
about local questions, and if this offends you, they don't care. There were riots and protests
last summer and local government seemed overwhelmed.
We're talking about the COVID-19 injections, of course. They were always the end game;
that's why the COVID-19 "vaccine" propaganda is so relentless. It's everywhere. The syndicate
news channels, newspapers, websites, celebrities, professional sports figures etc. continuously
pimp the toxic injection message. They don't call them injections but "vaccines", of course,
even though by definition they are not vaccines and thus it's technically illegal to formally
classify them as such. Words matter, especially when it comes to the subject of our health, and
thus we refuse to use the word "vaccine" when referencing these gene therapy experiments.
Meanwhile, people are now literally virtue-signaling that they've either already received or
are intending to get these Big Pharma injections. Shockingly, parents are
subjecting their own children to these toxic treatments ; for a disease that for anyone
under the age of 70 and in reasonably good health has effectively a zero percent chance of
dying from. We'll wager many of your friends and family members are getting it.
The left love their saint Dr Fraud and he could do no wrong in their eyes.
And they see democrats as superheroes who try to save the world when the latter are only
good at stealing.
Meat Hammer 6 hours ago
That's all of this in a nutshell: liberals see themselves as enlightened, superior
beings, and conservatives as vermin who deserve extermination. And they wonder why we keep
buying guns.
Plus Size Model 18 minutes ago remove link
Both groups see themselves this way because they have been cognitively conditioned
accordingly. It's all part of the plan.
I can go into any liberal bookstore and pick up a stack of books on protesting, civil
action, making stickers, posters, organizing, setting up fundraisers, etc. I come to ZH and
alI I see are bots and the occasional poster complaining about how things are never going
to get better. Think long and hard about this!!!
I can't emphasize enough how much people should read up on information operations and
long term strategic psychological warfare. There are plenty of good books in the open
domain and the US military does not copyright their work.
If you read the replies to this tweet, you can clearly see why Americans tolerate the
existence of billionaires: according to liberal ideology, the alternative would simply be too
much worse.
The whole legitimacy of capitalism to masses lies in the assumption it is a pure and
limitless meritocracy: you get monetarily rewarded in the exact proportion of your individual
qualities and hard work.
The moment you start to arrest and even execute billionaires for crimes related to the
economy (white collar crime), you're tacitly admitting the free market has a ceiling: you
cannot get indefinitely rich, therefore you're not entirely free. It may be a tall cage, but
it is still a cage - a precept that would kill the liberal concept of individual freedom.
That's why Westerners are completely ok with death penalties for crimes related to
individual defects (i.e. serial killers, rapists) or related to a violation of the game
(crimes against private property; robbery; rigging), but not with "white collar crimes" - no
matter how much more damaging white collar crimes are to society (e.g. only one middle
management guy got arrested in the aftermath of the crisis of 2008, and he got very little
So, the problem isn't in the fact that Westerners don't recognize that extreme wealth
concentration is a problem, but that they think that this is a necessary evil, the price of
freedom. It's like the Egyptians servants building the pyramids for their dead pharaohs under
the fear the world will literally end if they don't.
Just in time for Pride Month, a new exchange traded fund aims to connect with LGBTQ investors. Two previous efforts failed to
attract enough assets.
The fund, LGBTQ + ESG100 ETF LGBT,
, launched in late May, is a passively managed, large-cap index fund that holds the top 100 U.S. companies that most align with
the LGBTQ community.
In 2019, two LGBTQ-focused ETFs were delisted: ALPS Workplace Equality Portfolio ETF and InsightShares LGBT Employment Equality
ETFs. Like this new fund, both were mostly U.S. large-cap, passive index ETFs comprising companies that received high or perfect
marks for workplace equality in the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality
Index , a benchmark for corporate LGBTQ policies.
The first ETF stuck around for five years, but the second barely made it two years, even though it was launched with much fanfare
by UBS. Neither gained many assets.
Bobby Blair, CEO and founder of LGBTQ Loyalty Holdings, which launched the fund with issuer ProcureAM, says community input on
holdings makes this fund different.
LGBTQ Loyalty Holdings partners with Harris Poll to annually survey 150,000 self-identifying LGBTQ constituents across the U.S.
for their views about a company's brand awareness, brand image, brand loyalty and how the firm supports the community. As noted in
its prospectus
, 25% of the index's weighting is derived from that survey data.
... the LGBTQ + ESG100 has an annual expense ratio of 0.75%.
The problem with conspiracy theories (CIA invented term to whitewash CIA participation in
killing of JFK) that some of them in ten to twenty years no longer viewed as conspiracies. They
enter mainstream.
An online poll this week from Ipsos reported 15% of Americans agree that the government,
media and financial worlds are controlled by Satan-worshiping pedophiles. Not 15% of
Republicans or conservatives, but of Americans. That's a lot.
... ... ...
America is a lonely place. When you hold to a conspiracy theory, you join a community.
You're suddenly part of something. You have new friends you can talk to on the internet ...
... One of the enduring and revealing songs of America asks "Which side are you on / Which
side are you on? / You go to Harlan County / There is no neutral there / You'll either be a
union man / Or a thug for J.H. Blair."
... ... ...
Conspiracy believers don't believe what the mainstream media tell them. Why would they?
Newsrooms are undergoing their own revolution, with woke progressives vs. journalistic
traditionalists, advocacy versus old-school news values. It is ideological. "We are here to
shape and encourage a new reality." "No, we are here to find and report the news." It is
generational: The young have the upper hand and the Slack channel. The woke are winning.
When you think your country has grown completely bizarre...Think of what normal human beings
have been asked to absorb the past year. The whole country was shut down and everyone was told
to stay in the house. They closed the churches, and the churches agreed. There was no school
and everyone made believe""really, we all made believe!""screens were a replacement. A bunch of
13-year-old girls in the junior high decided they were boys and started getting shots, and no
adults helped them by saying, "Whoa, slow down, this is a major life decision and you're a
kid." The school board no longer argues about transgender bathrooms, they're on to transgender
boys wanting to play on the girls team. Big corporations now tell you what you should think
about local questions, and if this offends you, they don't care. There were riots and protests
last summer and local government seemed overwhelmed.
Guess who has been overseeing this and making sure that it happens? Biden. Schumer.
Pelosi. McConnell, Feinstein and many others who have spent their entire life working
against we the people for their donors.
They stripped us of our jobs, wages, pursuit of
happiness and well being. They wrote away our health care through trade agreements and
imported foreign workers to keep our wages low. During Reagan people could work full time
in a grocery store and have a car, vacation home and great benefits from their employer.
Now both parents have to work full time and then some and still can't make ends meet.
They did that to us.
But they get to do insider trading, get great benefits that WE FCKING PAY FOR while they deny us the same thing.
And yet we've been returning them to
office time after time and they keep doing it. Duh! We can't vote our way out of the
current mess because the people who run the country don't get voted on. 23 Reply Share
Report Save
Well, don't forget the masters they serve (capitalists). Politicians aren't the root
of the problem. It's just important that we remember that they sure as fuck are
part of the problem and not the cure for it. 6 Reply Share Report Save
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 38 Reply Share Report Save View Entire Discussion (58
Comments) More posts from the WayOfTheBern community 2.3k Posted by u/_MyFeetSmell_ a self aware Russian Bot
6 days
Believe it or not, the president says that human rights R us.
Hear that, BLM? Women? Asian Americans? Hispanics? homeless? heavily indebted students? .
. the list goes on.
Biden said so, May 30, 2021
"I had a long conversation -- for two hours -- recently with President Xi, making it clear
to him that we could do nothing but speak out for human rights around the world because
that's who we are. I'll be meeting with President Putin in a couple of weeks in Geneva,
making it clear that we will not -- we will not stand by and let him abuse those rights." . .
..reminds me of Aeschylus: "In war, truth is the first casualty."
"There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love
their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears , so to speak, producing a kind of
painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their
liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it."
People keep expecting a drug that you "take." We have been taking this drug willingly, after
knowing all the risks, for the last ten years.
I accept the reality except that FED said this inflation is "transitory."
The Fed description is accurate... it's just whether the transition is to
lower inflation or to runaway inflation.
Jim McCreary
The biggest single factor that will drive long-term inflation is the absence of downward
price pressure from new Chinese market entrants. Cutthroat pricing from China is the ONLY
reason the West has been able to get away with Money-Printing Gone Wild for the past 20 years
without triggering runaway inflation.
There are no new Chinese entrants because the Chinese are now all in in the world economy.
The existing Chinese competitors are seeing their costs go UP, not down, because they have
fully employed the Chinese population, and have to pay up in order to get and keep
So, without any more downward price pressure from China, this latest round of
Money-Printing Gone Wild is showing up as price inflation, and will continue to do so.
Batten down the hatches! Stagflation and then runaway inflation are coming!
My ultra-Liberal boss announced this AM, almost with a sense of glee, that COVID cases in
our county allegedly went back up so we'd be forced to submit to once-a-week testing
again....except for those who are vaccinated. They don't have to be tested. Immediately, I
piped up that that seemed odd the vaccinated didn't require testing seeing as the CDC says
that they can still Harbor & pass on the virus. She got pissed & screamed at me, "I
don't make the rules!". To which I responded, "If you'll notice, I never said you did. I
simply stated that the CDC says the vaccinated can still pass the virus so the rule they
don't need testing is contradictory to the "science". Either the vaccine you all are pushing
works...or it doesn't. Time for "the science" to be consistent or it's all a bunch of
I think it's pretty safe to say I won't be getting a glowing performance review this year.
Too bad... they're so flipping short-staffed she can't possibly afford to fire me.
Sky News host Rowan Dean says proof of how the Biden administration "is being run behind the
scenes by hardcore neo-Marxists" is the administration's embrace of the Durban Declaration.
"... I can't wait to see the 1000 foot long cargo ships, the 80,000 pound carrying semi trailers, the 42 million pound trains and above all (sorry) the 400 passenger jet airliners run off of solar panels or wind generators. Especially the airliners using a windmill! (We used to have much of this. It was called "the Age of Sail"). ..."
I can't wait to see the 1000 foot long cargo ships, the 80,000 pound carrying semi
trailers, the 42 million pound trains and above all (sorry) the 400 passenger jet airliners
run off of solar panels or wind generators. Especially the airliners using a windmill! (We
used to have much of this. It was called "the Age of Sail").
In other words, we can have globalism with its demands for unlimited movement of goods and
people or we can have local economies, autarky and nativism. The globalists who claim to care
about carbon footprints are being disingenuous.
It should serve as a warning. 14 years ago, obscure corners of banking businesses became
hotbeds of regulatory arbitrage, speculation and leverage. The contagion of US subprime brought
the financial system to its knees. Now, after years of low or negative interest rates, equity
finance may have become a similar hotbed.
What wokeness does mandate for my son (who is studying biology) to be told in his class
that he is the carrier of "white guilt" even though his ancestors never interacted with
blacks, let alone blacks in the USA.
Obama's follow-up to "Dreams from My Father" will be "Sins of My Mother"
" [C]orporate "America" which is now flooding all its advertisements with the "correct"
races in total disregard to that race's real percentage of the population "
Yes, for corporate America, the U.S. demographic is composed mainly of young, beautiful,
smart looking "black folks" with a few flabby, pasty white dullards to heighten the
Looks like the chance to win a million bucks can give vaccination rates a real shot in the
Ohio saw its COVID-19 vaccination rate jump 45% between May 14-19 as compared to the
previous week, thanks in part to the state's Vax-A-Million lottery,
Gov. Mike DeWine told reporters on Wednesday . Last week, the state said it recorded a 28%
spike in vaccinations in the days following the lottery announcement.
Each week, adult Ohioans who have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose will enter a
random drawing to win a million dollars. And younger vaccinated Ohio residents between the ages
of 12 and 17 will be part of a weekly random drawing to get a four-year scholarship to an Ohio
public university, which will include tuition, room, board and books. There will be five
winners for each prize selected over the next five weeks.Wednesday night, the Ohio lottery
announced the first two winners: Abbigail Bugenske of Silverton, near Cincinnati, won $1
million, while Joseph Costello of Englewood, near Dayton, won the college scholarship. Each
Wednesday moving forward, another adult and another teen winner will be revealed at 7:29 p.m.
through June 23.
More than 2.7 million adults registered for the cash prizes, and more than 100,000 teens are
vying for the scholarships.
Pretty soon we are going to hear a variation of the Casablanca "gambling at Rick's"
I'm shocked, shocked that there's gain-of-function research being done at the Wuhan lab.
Pretty soon we are going to hear a variation of the Casablanca "gambling at Rick's"
I'm shocked, shocked that there's gain-of-function research being done at the Wuhan
Pretty soon we are going to hear a variation of the Casablanca "gambling at
Rick's" line.
I'm shocked, shocked that there's gain-of-function research being done at the Wuhan
Doyle Lonnegan to Johnny "Hooker" Kelly in the movie The Sting: "Your boss is quite the
card player Mr. Kelly. How does he do it?"
Kelly to Lonnegan: "He cheats."
philipat 2 days ago
It's appropriate that the entirely useless ex-PM Cameron got taken by this guy and tried
to use his influence to access free money for him from The Treasury as an "advisor"..He
didn't get any.
The Fed never had control, just s bunch of shysters running a long term hybrid ponzi
Lordflin 54 minutes ago (Edited)
The Fed is losing control...
I suppose that is true... as the function has been to drain the people's wealth into the
coffers of the few...
The Real Satoshi 29 minutes ago remove link
Sad that Greg Hunter got kicked off youtube.
gregga777 12 minutes ago (Edited)
He is in great company, though. Anyone who offends the Marxist narratives (Politically
Correct, Multicultural, Affirmative Action, Diversity, Feminist, LGBTQQ, etc.) gets kicked
off YouTube.
pmc 36 minutes ago (Edited) remove link
...As Kissinger said "The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little
With the old rules a motorcycle fatality and a shooting victim were counted as covid
With the new rules if a vaxxinated person has had a previous motor vehicle accident 20
years ago, but dies of covid now they will be counted as a car accident death or an unsolved
..Francisco José Contreras was banned from his account for 12 hours,
according to Fox News , for making the argument and backing it up by stating men have "no
uterus or eggs."
He was making the comments in response to an article about a transgender male who announced
that they had "given birth" to a baby girl and were now a father.
"... "My bureaucracy in no way funded gain of function research at the Wuhan lab on a bat virus that came to be known as Covid19." ..."
"... You've been at the top of the public health heap for at least four decades. So what have YOU done to address this situation? If your answer is "Nothing." you should consider jumping off a tall building because YOU are a racist. ..."
"... When you've got nothing intelligent to say, declare something is racist! ..."
Bold statements like that require the proper attire!
SharkBit 2 hours ago
Oh please! Dr Fraudci virtue signalling. Total embarrasment.
nmewn 2 hours ago
Dr.StrangeElf: "My bureaucracy in no way funded gain of function research at the Wuhan lab
on a bat virus that came to be known as Covid19."
That infected millions of people of color. Oh. And America is raaayzist.
NotaSheep 2 hours ago
Racism? Really? Because of inadequate access to "public health"? Really?
Well gosh, Dr. F. You've been at the top of the public health heap for at least four
decades. So what have YOU done to address this situation? If your answer is "Nothing." you
should consider jumping off a tall building because YOU are a racist. The rest of us, not so
FreeSpeech1A PREMIUM 2 hours ago
When you've got nothing intelligent to say, declare something is racist!
"... Asked about the issue, Biden began, "I believe we should go back to what existed when I came to the Senate 120 years ago" a statement that supporters defended as a joke. He then noted that there were only 58 filibuster motions in 54 years, through 1971, but five times that many in 2020. He may have forgotten that all of last year's motions came from his party, which was then the Senate minority. ..."
WATCH: Biden adds fodder to dementia speculation as spirited response on filibuster reform degenerates into word salad
Leah Millis 170
President Joe Biden apparently had some crucial things to say about reforming
the Senate filibuster, the legislative speed bump against ruling-party dominance, but his descent into unintelligibility left his
plans a mystery.
Speaking on Thursday at his first formal press conference since taking office having taken almost twice as long as any president
in 100 years to invite reporters to ask questions 78-year-old Biden at times struggled to express his thoughts, particularly on
the filibuster. At issue was the longstanding Senate rule that makes it more difficult for the ruling party to force through partisan
legislation, which Democrats have called for eliminating now that they control the White House and both chambers of Congress.
Asked about the issue, Biden began, "I believe we should go back to what existed when I came to the Senate 120 years ago"
a statement that supporters defended as a joke. He then noted that there were only 58 filibuster motions in 54 years, through 1971,
but five times that many in 2020. He may have forgotten that all of last year's motions came from his party, which was then the Senate
BIDEN: "I believe we should go back to a position of a filibuster that existed just when I came to the United States Senate
120 years ago."
"Do you think he knows?" former Wisconsin governor Scott Walker asked on Twitter. "He's either cynical or incompetent."
Biden said he supports reform, such as requiring opposition senators to actually deliver marathon filibuster speeches to block
action on a bill, and spoke of his desire and ability to "get things done" in the Senate. But then the mental wheels appeared
to come off.
"The best way to get something done, if you hold near and dear to you that you uh, um like to be able to uh anyway," Biden
said. "I, we're going to get a lot done. And if we have to, if there's complete lockdown and chaos as a consequence of the filibuster,
then we'll have to go beyond what I'm talking about."
Biden drifted off similarly as other reporters came back to the topic. "Our preoccupation with the filibuster is totally legitimate,
but in the meantime, there's a lot we can do while we're talking about what we can do with the filibuster," he said.
After agreeing with a previous statement by former president Barack Obama that the filibuster is "a relic of the Jim Crow era,"
meaning it's racist, Biden was pressed on why he wouldn't therefore abolish it. After a long pause, Biden said, "Successful electoral
politics is the art of the possible. Let's figure out how we can get this done and move in the direction of significantly changing
the abuse of even the filibuster rule, first. It's been abused from the time it came into being by an extreme way in the last 20
years. Let's deal with the abuse first."
Apparently mystified by Biden's comments, the reporter asked if that meant he was moving closer to eliminating the filibuster.
"I answered your question," he replied.
The performance likely did little to inspire confidence at a time when Biden was perceived by many to be avoiding being put in
a position of having to speak off script. A Rasmussen Reports poll earlier this month found that 50% of Americans aren't confident
that Biden is physically and mentally fit to be president, and 52% were troubled that he hadn't held a press conference. It took
until day 65 of his administration to hold such an event.
BLM co-founder blasts 'white supremacy' in housing market after $3 million property spending spree 16 May, 2021 21:54 /
Updated 2 hours ago Get short URL FILE PHOTO: Co-founder of the Black
Lives Matter movement, Patrisse Cullors, attending the 90th Academy Awards in Hollywood, California, March 4, 2018 Reuters / Carlo
Allegri 27 Follow RT on A co-founder of Black Lives Matter, Patrisse Cullors,
has highlighted the "history of racism inside of the housing market," after making waves for spending millions on homes in predominantly
white neighborhoods.
In an Instagram post over the weekend, Cullors praised a National Public Radio report that "highlighted" the history of
racism in the US housing market.
"Thank you @npr for highlighting the history of racism inside of the housing market and why Black homeownership has always
been a way to disrupt white supremacy," she wrote, adding a link to the report, titled 'We Hold These Truths.'
There is a viral pneumonia. I doubt bacterial and viral are separated in the numbers.
Giant Meteor 3 hours ago remove link
On a bright note .. not a single person died from the flu! Its a miracle !
aztrader 1 hour ago
They made everything look like a COVID death. What are the real numbers with only COVID
involved and not diabetes, heart conditions, cancer and motorcycle accidents?
Where I keep a bio lab
Next to wet markets
That's how we do
But this time
Something just escaped
And I just wanted to
Just I thought you'd wanna know
Oops my bad
I swear I never meant for this
I never meant
Don't look at me that way
It was a Chinese mistake
Don't look at me that way
It was a Chinese mistake
An honest mistake
When I'm in the lab
I F up
And pathogens get away
Chinese flu
I swear I never meant for this
I never meant
Don't look at me that way
It was a Chinese mistake
Don't look at me that way
It was a Chinese mistake
An honest mistake
Don't look at me that way
It was a Chinese mistake
Don't look at me that way
It was a Chinese mistake
She would need to rewire her brain to have a thought that was not programmed into her... After her Russiagate adventures there are
some doubts that this is possible. But money do not smell.
Perhaps Maddow is just sad that there's no longer official justification to intimidate and harass those who choose not to wear
masks, something that leftists have enjoyed doing for the best part of a year.
The notion that people who don't wear masks are a "threat" is of course completely ludicrous since the COVID-19 virus particle
is 1,000 times smaller than the holes in the mask anyway.
After Texas ended its mask mandate, COVID cases dropped to a
record low and a similar pattern was observed in Florida and South Dakota.
Lordflin 46 minutes ago (Edited)
She would need to rewire her brain to have a thought that was not programmed into her...
What a mindless shill... first that singer... what's her name... and now this creature...
What is the effect ZH is going for here exactly...?
takeaction 36 minutes ago (Edited)
Rachel...Pelosi...Schumer...Swalwell.....Cuomo (Both of them) Lemon, Anderson, Fauci, AOC, Maxine, etc.
With or without a mask...
takeaction 18 minutes ago (Edited) remove link
All calm....Gorgeous weather.....78 today.
Hamilcar 28 minutes ago remove link
Branch Covidians like Madcow "Love F$#%ing Science".
And by "science" they mean believing whatever braindead politicians or left-wing corporate media make up as they go along without
any critical analysis and hysterically denouncing any evidence that contradicts the narrative as heresy.
It's going to be fun when all these people become the object of universal mockery they deserve. In a JUST world they would
be severely punished though.
Lordflin 24 minutes ago
I have always been impressed by the willingness of those who know virtually nothing of the sciences to believe almost anything
if it is told to them in the name of science...
signer1 9 minutes ago
To quote Mark Twain, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled".
Citxmech 18 seconds ago
Apparently, it's also easier to get people to believe illogical arguments by telling them it's "science" than it is to get
them to actually think critically about the stupid shlt they're being asked to believe.
toiler4fiat 26 minutes ago
Madcow, like [neo]liberalism, is a disease. You can't repair a damaged brain like you can't turn a pickle into a cucumber.
"Inside BLM co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors' million-dollar real-estate buying binge.
Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors has gone on a real-estate buying binge in
recent years, snagging four high-end homes for $3.2 million in the US alone, according to
property records.":
...Biden has demonstrated an ability to do only two things; give taxpayer money away and wear a mask. Perhaps the mask is appropriate
( See Jesse James.)
"... Why is healthy 24-year-old Jennifer Gates jumping the line to get the vaccination when older at-risk Americans can't get an appointment? You may not have inherited your father's genius as you claim, but you certainly have his sense of entitlement. ..."
Why is healthy 24-year-old Jennifer Gates jumping the line to get the vaccination when older at-risk Americans can't
get an appointment? You may not have inherited your father's genius as you claim, but you certainly have his sense of
Why do so many people who are fully
vaccinated care whether I have been vaccinated or not? They seem to think that vaccines only "work" if everyone is vaccinated.
I am getting vax shamed by my family
for not getting the vaccine yet, especially from my brother who is a surgeon. What's wrong with waiting until there is more data
if you're young and healthy with no underlying conditions?
Quantity never equal to quality " The agency defended itself, remarking that the ad campaign had been effective. "2020 was a
standout recruitment year for the CIA, despite the pandemic... Our 2021 incoming class is the third-largest in a decade," a spokesperson
told Fox News."
Journalist Kyle Becker tweeted that the CIA needed to "stay out" of domestic politics. "You're there to serve the U.S.
flag, not the rainbow flag," he wrote.
Kyle Becker @kylenabeckerMay 8 You're there to serve the U.S.
flag, not the rainbow flag. I wonder how much of this is about inclusivity and how much is about redefining the CIA and leading
it away from its core mission of defending the U.S. from enemies abroad. The CIA needs to stay out of domestic politics.
Other users paraphrased the lanyard rainbow anecdote to note how "much better" they now felt about CIA airstrikes and other
unpalatable dealings around the world.
St. Antonios @LoneStarTexian "I love that, as a gay man, I too
can do my part in destabilizing black & brown countries, droning their women & children & spying on my fellow Americans..."
St. Antonios
■ @LoneStarTexian
Replying to @ING2Firebrand
"I noticed a rainbow on CIA Director Brennan's lanyard & felt so much better green lighting airstrikes on starving Yemeni citizens
8:55 PM May 7, 2021
Since its launch in 2019 as part of a broader recruitment strategy, the 'Humans of CIA' social media series has depicted real
agency officers sharing their "first-hand experiences" in the intelligence organization, a CIA spokesperson told the Guardian.
While the majority of the series has attracted little pushback, part of the backlash to the Latina officer video was directed
at the agency's perceived willingness
"to weaponize their power to target their political opponents: conservatives."
The agency defended itself, remarking that the ad campaign had been effective. "2020 was a standout recruitment year for the
CIA, despite the pandemic... Our 2021 incoming class is the third-largest in a decade," a spokesperson told Fox News.
"... In 20 years, the movie Office Space will seem to young people like watching a Western. ..."
"... Possibly--but like a good western. The themes and characters in the movie are universal and timeless. Nearly everyone has worked for Lumberg at one time or another. It may seem far-fetched to future generations that there were ever programmers in this country. ..."
"... Office buildings could all readily be re-purposed to grow weed. ..."
In 20 years, the movie Office Space will seem to young people like watching a Western.
Midas 21 minutes ago
Possibly--but like a good western. The themes and characters in the movie are universal
and timeless. Nearly everyone has worked for Lumberg at one time or another. It may seem
far-fetched to future generations that there were ever programmers in this country.
Kickaha 1 hour ago
Office buildings could all readily be re-purposed to grow weed.
I think CIA counter-intelligence now is in very unenviable position. This woman is a poster girl for recruitment by
foreign agencies. This level of narcissism and lack of introspection means that she can be easily manipulated and support "the right
Katie Halper and Esha Krishnaswamy roast the "brilliance intoxicator":
The CIA Gets Woke (8 min "" Katie Halper's YouTube channel,
May 4, 2021)
Notable quotes:
"... In a mind-blowing marketing video first published on March 25, but which had escaped widespread notice until recent days, the CIA enthusiastically endorsed several key tenets of what has now indisputably become a hegemonic left/liberal ideological and rhetorical construct: ..."
"... my existence is not a box-checking exercise ..."
"... She continues, "I used to struggle with imposter syndrome . But at 36, I refuse to internalize misguided patriarchal ideas of what a woman can or should be. I am tired of feeling like I'm supposed to apologize for the space I occupy ." ..."
"... if the CIA wants to hire more such people I am all for it. Folks who can not leave their personal issues at the door typically muck up their workplace and create productivity problems. A less effective CIA will be a plus for the rest of the world. ..."
"... And for some levity, here's some much deserved satire on the CIA vid. ..."
"... Like b suggests: never stop/prevent the enemy (which is what CIA is, for most people) from making a mistake. The sooner they replace their cadre with woke idiots the better for humanity and the chances of our survival. ..."
"... Over 50% of The Company's light lifting is subbed out to contractors, and most of the Langley smurfs are busy "analyzing" data, soooo desk jockey much? It would be fun to track where the diversity hires actually go ..."
"... Utter bullshit indeed. Listing all the boxes she checks and then adding "my existence is not a box-checking exercise" is comical in itself. Hopefully b is right and the CIA will be less effective for the inclusion of people like her. ..."
Michael Tracey writes
about a weird CIA video that is making the rounds (emphasis added):
In a mind-blowing marketing video first published on March 25, but which had escaped widespread notice until recent days, the
CIA enthusiastically endorsed several key tenets of what has now indisputably become a hegemonic left/liberal ideological and
rhetorical construct:
" I am a woman of color ," the video's
protagonist, an unnamed CIA officer, triumphantly proclaims. "I am a cisgender millennial who's been diagnosed with generalized anxiety
disorder. I am intersectional , but my existence is not a box-checking exercise ."
She continues, "I used to struggle with imposter syndrome . But at 36, I refuse to internalize misguided patriarchal ideas
of what a woman can or should be. I am tired of feeling like I'm supposed to apologize for the space I occupy ."
I have to admit that I do not know what the words in bold are supposed to mean. (Nor does my Firefox spellchecker. It flags
I also do not understand the italicized phrases. To me they sounds like utter bullshit. But if the CIA wants to hire more such people I am all for it. Folks who can not leave their personal issues at the door typically
muck up their workplace and create productivity problems. A less effective CIA will be a plus for the rest of the world.
It would be interesting if 'em spooks started cancelling each other for some 10 yo tweets, or for not being transsexual, or
for the white supremacist mindset demonstrated by remembering the multiplication table.
Oh! You definitely should learn that NewSpeak. Yes, it's ridicelous, knowing this babble hasn't any intrinsic value. It is
,however, the current ruling ideology of the USA and by extension the broader West. It's like understanding the babble of some
obscure theoretician or the basic terminology of some remote religion. You can safely ignore all of this as nonsense - as long
as such people don't run a country!
Posted by: m | May 5 2021 14:13 u
Like b suggests: never stop/prevent the enemy (which is what CIA is, for most people) from making a mistake. The sooner they
replace their cadre with woke idiots the better for humanity and the chances of our survival.
Yeah this video took a nice beating on The Hedge....frikkin hilarious!
Over 50% of The Company's light lifting is subbed out to
contractors, and most of the Langley smurfs are busy "analyzing" data, soooo desk jockey much? It would be fun to track where
the diversity hires actually go, but hey I've got a garden to build!
Utter bullshit indeed. Listing all the boxes she checks and then adding "my existence is not a box-checking exercise" is comical
in itself. Hopefully b is right and the CIA will be less effective for the inclusion of people like her.
@b In your last sentence 'the' before CIA is superfluous, it appears you cut down a larger sentence incorrectly.
In the early days of the virus pandemic, things didn't look so hot for the field of plastic survey. Hospitals were overrun with
COVID-19 infections and banned all elective procedures, limiting plastic surgeries. But sometime after, when the economy reopened,
and hospitals allowed elective surgeries, demand for butt implants soared.
Bloomberg , citing data from the
American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), says there were broad declines for minimally invasive and surgical cosmetic procedures
during 2020. Botox and soft-tissue fillers remained popular with consumers.
But it was buttock augmentation, or butt implants were
a massive hit among consumers.
Cosmetic procedures for the implants last year were up 22%, from 970 to 1,179.
Not only is this not true, the evidence shows that bubbles are called in advance. In 1999,
the Wall Street Journal had 286 articles on bubbles. Here are a few of the titles,
"When the Bubble Bursts..."
"The Bubble Won't Burst"
"Bursting Mr. Geenspan's Bubble"
"Fed `Bubble' Policy: Watch, Don't Pop'"
"Fed Governor Meyer Counters Suggestions Of a Market Bubble"
Dogecoin is now valued at more than Ford.
Lunacy is more like it.
This is just more proof that the dollars are becoming more worthless.
Whistling past the graveyard.
...retail investors have been net buyers of stocks for 10 straight weeks, hedge funds have
been sellers, client data from BofA Global Research showed, with the four-week average of net
sales of equities by hedge funds hitting their highest levels since the firm began tracking the
data in 2008.
I view the 2008 election as the major failing-to-turn-back-when-we-had-the-chance
point. Obama could have undone Bush's worst policies, but instead he cemented them into place
Our elites are both stupid and evil, but Bush is more stupid and Obama is more evil
I like to verify things myself and you can do so as well by reading the California
Department of Education Mathematics
Framework .
In its framework, the Department of Education seeks " Culturally responsive mathematics
education ."
Introduction Highlights
Active efforts in mathematics teaching are required in order to counter the cultural
forces that have led to and continue to perpetuate current inequities. Mathematics pathways
must open mathematics to all students, eliminating option-limiting tracking . [i.e. no
advance classes].
implementation of this framework and the standards, teachers must be mindful of other
considerations that are a high priority for California's education system including the
Environmental Principles and Concepts (EP&Cs) which allow students to examine issues of
environmental and social justice .
Teaching for Equity Highlights
The evolution of mathematics in educational settings has resulted in dramatic inequities
for students of color, girls, and students from low income homes.
Teachers are encouraged to align instruction with the outcomes of the California ELD
Standards, which state that linguistically and culturally diverse English learners receive
instruction that values their home cultures.
Need to Broaden Perceptions of Mathematics
I did not go through all the chapters. Reason uncovered these gems.
The inequity of mathematics tracking in California can be undone through a coordinated
approach in grades 6–12 .
Middle-school students are best served in heterogeneous classes.
The push to calculus in grade twelve is itself misguided.
To encourage truly equitable and engaging mathematics classrooms we need to broaden
perceptions of mathematics beyond methods and answers so that students come to view
mathematics as a connected, multi-dimensional subject that is about sense making and
reasoning, to which they can contribute and belong.
Sabotage the Best
Reason concludes, and I agree " If California adopts this framework, which is currently
under public review, the state will end up sabotaging its brightest students . The government
should let kids opt out of math if it's not for them. Don't let the false idea that there's no
such thing as a gifted student herald the end of advanced math entirely."
Instead, and in the name of "equity", the proposed framework aims to keep everyone learning
at the same dumbed down level for as long as possible.
The intention is clear. The California Board of Education intends to sabotage the best and
brightest, hoping to make everyone equal.
The public does not support these polices. Indeed, it is precisely this kind of talk that
nearly got Trump reelected.
Biden should speak out against such nonsense, but he won't. He is beholden to Teachers'
Unions and Boards of Education.
Care to complain? If so the California Department of Education posted these
Phone Number and Address
Phone: 916-319-0598
Instructional Quality Commission
1430 N Street, Room 3207
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-319-0172
It's easy to become inured to the daily procession of flagrant falsehoods, tendentious
misrepresentations, deceitful exaggerations and narrative-driven editorial distortions from
many of the nation's leading media outlets. As opinion surveys suggest that most of these
organizations now rank in public trust a little below emailed pleas from deposed Nigerian
princes, it's easy to think the power they once wielded has been so diminished that they are
little more than a mildly diverting source of contemporary color in our lives.
"... Not a single resource on the Pfizer Executive team or Board of Directors has been injected with the Pfizer (experimental poison yet) vaccine yet. - C Weissman. Excuses allegedly provided offering the less fortunate an opportunity to go first. Don't laugh. True story. Some real humanitarians. ..."
Not a single resource on the Pfizer Executive team or Board of Directors has been injected
with the Pfizer (experimental poison yet) vaccine yet. - C Weissman. Excuses allegedly provided offering the less fortunate an opportunity to go first. Don't
laugh. True story. Some real humanitarians.
Yes just finished listening to my dose of bullshit on ABC. The amazing thing is they
actually telling you it's bullshit if people listen closely. The number of new infections in
India. Hundreds of thousands. Deaths a few hundred. In a country where the normal annual death
rate is 9.6 Million and 26,000 people die EVERY DAY. It's like a joke. Like they testing our
stupidity. And you can't say; No we not falling for it because there is no longer anywhere to
say it! I feel like I have permanent road rage over this crap.
It's the tone and emotive words like crisis, and other exaggerated terms they use that
triggers fear. The viewer remembers the number of cases, not deaths because the number is
larger. But the cases are based on testing.
Why they dusted off those remnants from Bush and Obama neocon gangs?
When interventionists and national security deep state hawks need to prolong what's already
the longest war in in US history, who're they gonna call?...
"Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice told members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee
they're worried about President Biden's plan to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan, with
Rice suggesting the US may need to go back,"
Axios reports.
The pair's "expert" testimony was given over Zoom and appears to have been kept relatively
quiet, given it was a 'closed door' members only call, until Axios learned of it.
Rice of course infamously served as George Bush's National Security Advisor during the
initial invasions of both Afghanistan and Iraq, and crucially helped make the case for war to
the American public, later serving as Bush's Secretary of State through 2009.
Having helped start two failed wars, both of which have long remained deeply unpopular among
the American public, naturally Condi Rice as a pre-eminent neocon voice would be consulted as a
"stay the course" point of view . It's also deeply revealing that there's no foreign policy
space in terms of viewpoint whatsoever between Rice and Clinton - latter who pushed for the
US-NATO invasion of Libya and planned covert regime change in Syria against Assad.
Little is known about precisely what Hillary testified, but it's not difficult to imagine.
Here are a few key insights
via Axios :
"Condi Rice is like, 'You know, we’re probably gonna have to go
back,' " amid a potential surge in terrorism, the member said.
Rep. Mike McCaul (R-Texas), the top Republican on the committee, told Axios: "With the
potential for an Islamic State, coupled with what they're going to do to our contractors in
Yemen and Afghanistan is, sadly, it's going to be tragic there and we all see it
Another member of the committee confirmed both Clinton and Rice raised concerns about
the potential fallout from a quick removal of all U.S. troops .
Both also expressed concerns about protecting U.S. diplomats on the ground following the
withdrawal and what the move will mean for the global war on terrorism.
One unnamed committee member told Axios further that "they both agreed we're going to need
to sustain a counterterrorism mission somehow outside of that country."
Well of course!...there always needs to be a war going on somehow and somewhere - otherwise
how would these warmongering ladies sleep at night?
"... We can’t leave anybody behind. We will all benefit, we will all be safer when everyone everywhere has equal access to the vaccine. ..."
"... “We must pursue equitable vaccine distribution, and in that, restore faith in our common humanity. This mission couldn’t be more critical.†..."
Generous and fair-minded Harry and Meghan have said: “ We
can’t leave anybody behind. We will all benefit, we will all be safer when
everyone everywhere has equal access to the vaccine.
“We must pursue equitable vaccine distribution, and in that, restore
faith in our common humanity. This mission couldn’t be more
I wonder how much Harry and Meghan will be paid for this promotion?
From comments: " Tucker is right on this one. If you wear a mask outside you truly are a
moron. You may as well add goggles and a butt plug." ... "Don't forget about those solo drivers
with masks on!", "Maskers are stupid scared virtue signalers"
As an anti-mask militant for quite a while now I've been going out of my way to ask people
with masks on outdoors why they're wearing one (I've really tried to be polite but it's
getting increasingly hard to do that). In literally hundreds of instances I haven't gotten a
straight answer yet. It's stunning that people are so gullible but it shows what the power of
propaganda really is. 99% of that is coming from teevee, which truly rots your brain.
Capt Tripps 10 hours ago remove link
They are signaling the submission to a tyrannical state. That submission makes us all less
safelyG 10 hours ago
mister tucker is wrongeddy wrong wrong.
we must all wear multiple masks. indoors. outdoors. at work. at play. while we sleep.
while we bathe. while we eat. while we sing praises unto the most high.
and we must remain 8 feet apart, one from the other. at all times.
and report our whereabouts and our contacts and our body temperature. to the
get your vacines!
bill n melinda
radical-extremist 10 hours ago
When Tucker Carlson says to tell people to take off their masks and call CPS on parents
who mask their children he's trolling the Left. And because the Left has no sense of humor or
irony or hypocrisy...they're of course OUTRAGED, which was his point.
Realism 10 hours ago remove link
I like it best when hiking outside, in 75 degree weather with a nice breeze, you see
people put up their mask as they walk by
Pure comedy, it's hard to understand the stupidity if you think you'll get any disease
much less Covid walking by someone
And importantly, would you really be hiking if you had Covid LOL
aztrader 10 hours ago
Mask wears see it as a badge of honor because they "care" about other people. In reality,
it's a badge of Stupidity and ignorance.
Prince Velveeta 10 hours ago (Edited) remove link
California is an open-air mental ward. I was just out there and the collective idiocy is
astounding. People jogging with masks on , exaggerating their breathing as they pass you in
some competitive virtue signaling event. I witnessed some idiot jogging up the hill past my
family member's house, with a bandana on his face, being sucked into his mouth as he's
gasping for air.....
Archegos is a Greek word denoting leadership. The place where the eponymous family office
led UBS, and a growing roll call of investment banks, was into a morass.
SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago Borrowing money to gamble on the stock market is not
a very smart thing to do in my opinion. Like thumb_up 7 Reply reply Share link Report flag
Anytime I hear the word "justice" it makes be wary. Justice has always been in the eye of the
beholder, but now there is only one justice - the woke justice. It is catching on like a fire
and there are few media outlets left to describe that it is anything but justice.
Anytime I hear the word "justice" it makes be wary. Justice has always been in the eye of
the beholder, but now there is only one justice - the woke justice. It is catching on like
a fire and there are few media outlets left to describe that it is anything but justice.
She is really bold: "Hobson, who is Black, noted that White men made up about 70% of board seats in the U.S. but only 30% of the
population in pre-2020 data." This one step from trying to examine ethnic composition of Wall Street firms. Not good for Starbucks ;-)
More content below
Anne Riley Moffat
Wed, April 21, 2021, 8:50 PM
More content below
(Bloomberg) -- American
companies eschewing diversity in the boardroom risk “committing corporate suicide,” Starbucks Corp.’s Mellody Hobson said,
about a month after taking over as board chair at the coffee giant.
“You can’t be a leading
company in the world and not have a diverse board or have a real agenda around diversity without at some point dying as an
organization,” Hobson said Wednesday evening at a virtual event sponsored by Bowdoin College. “Now it may take a while, but
I do think it will be inevitable.“
All the while, unfriendly moves towards Russia have also continued unabated. Some countries
have taken up an unseemly routine where they pick on Russia for any reason, most often, for
no reason at all. It is some kind of new sport of who shouts the loudest.
In this regard, we behave in an extremely restrained manner, I would even say, modestly,
and I am saying this without irony. Often, we prefer not to respond at all, not just to
unfriendly moves, but even to outright rudeness. We want to maintain good relations with
everyone who participates in the international dialogue. But we see what is happening in
real life. As I said, every now and then they are picking on Russia, for no reason. And of
course, all sorts of petty Tabaquis are running around them like Tabaqui ran around Shere
Khan â€" everything is like in Kipling's book â€" howling along in
order to make their sovereign happy . Kipling was a great writer.
I think VVP is missing a golden opportunity to appoint an unofficial 'freelance' Court
Jester, or 2 or 3. The Court Jester's role would be to answer every childish slur from the
West's Naughty & undisciplined Little Kiddies with an equally insulting and personal slur
against the West's Spokes-Children.
If the West wants to behave like the Louts and Riff-Raff that hang around outside the
Local Saloon in the Wild West, trying to start a fight, it would be fun to encourage them to
push the boundaries. Considering the cornucopia if Silly Stuff the West believes, or pretends
to believe, it shouldn't be difficult to goad them into crossing their own Red Lines.
The Court Jester could start by asking the West to explain, comprehensively, why it wants
to Save Alexi Navalny whilst torturing Julian Assange to death?
Something strange is occurring in the gutter of "liberal comedy"... After four years of constant attacks on anything 'Trumpian'
and constant ignorance of anything 'Left', one man has begun to realize that there is plenty of farce on both sides of the aisle
and virtue-signaling to your cocktail party co-conspirators just doesn't pay the bills anymore (
cough CNN cough ).
Last week, Comedian Bill Maher used his HBO show to highlight some awkward 'facts' and ask some uncomfortable questions about
media and politicians approach to COVID .
This week, he has taken aim at the heart of the problem - American Millennials and Gen Z and their total ignorance of history.
"In India, young people touch old people's feet to show reverence. In Japan, there's a national 'respect for the aged' day.
You know the reason why advertisers in this country love the 18-34 demographic... because it's the most gullible .
A third of people under 35 say they're in favor of abolishing the police ...not defunding, but doing away with a police force
altogether... which is less of a policy position and more of a leg tattoo.
36% of Millennials think it might be a good idea to try Communism... but much of the world did try it... I know most of Millennials
think that doesn't count because they weren't alive when it happened... but it did happen, and there are people around who remember
it. Pining for communism is like pining for BetaMax or MySpace.
So when you say 'you're old, you don't get it', get what? Abolish the police? ...and the Border Patrol? ... and Capitalism?
... and cancel Lincoln?
No, "I get it"... the problem isn't that I don't get what you're saying or that I'm old. The problem is that your ideas are
stupid .
If you say "let's eat in the bathroom and shit in the kitchen" , yeah, that's a new idea, but I wouldn't call it interior design.
You think someone 80 is hopeless because they can’t use an iPhone? Maybe the one who is hopeless is the one who can’t stop
using it .
You think I'm out of it because I'm not on Twitch? Well maybe I 'get Twitch' but I just think people watching other people
play video games is a waste of fucking time .
20% of Gen Z agree with the statement that "society would be better off if all property was owned by the public and managed
by the government" and another 29% say 'they don't know if that's a good idea'...
Here's who does know... anyone who wasn't born yesterday!"
Watch the full monologues here (timestamped to begin at 5:13)
Manthong 8 hours ago (Edited)
You know when Bill Maher is right...
I hate when that happens.
But if you listen to the whole piece, he is shilling for a fool who is wholly owned and he is wrapping truth around deception
and falsity... very crafty.
But that's what they do.
various2 5 hours ago
Billionaires do not allow their direct peasants millionaires to deviate from left-right allocation. If he utters a word of
nationalism, he would be canceled fast.
Billionaires destroy America, and need firmly control over common peasants.
Money printing billionaires bought out all big tech and big media as fast as they become public.
Only Trump was allowed to speak certain limited truths like “China - enemy globalist proxyâ€, “Russia is America’s only
ally on a planetâ€.
But that was an experiment in compromise that billionaires failed.
Macho Latte 4 hours ago (Edited)
Maher is part of the problem, not part of the solution. His salary depends on that. The only reason he has "changed" his tune
is because he got permission to do it or he was told to do it.
DemonRats: The EVIL that lives among us.
Max Hunter 3 hours ago
He didn't change his tune that much, if you watch the first 5 minutes he is drooling all over Biden and shilling the orangeman
bad mantra.
"It's quite stupid to jump in the middle of a highly controversial issue," he told
The colorful language from the typically reserved Republican leader shows the dilemma ahead
for the party in the post-Trump era. Many Trump-styled lawmakers are bucking big business and
leaning more heavily into the populist, working-class themes championed by the former president
â€" even as they rely on deep-pocketed business donors to fuel their political
By wading into the debate, McConnell is situating himself in the emerging culture wars on
the opposite side of progressive groups that are pressuring business not to sit by silently on
voting rights, gun violence and other big issues before Congress.
This is sort of like how Chelsea Clinton is thumping for the removal of Tucker Carlson from
Twitter; she doesn't like the back talk, something captured succinctly in this response to her
'Mocking Clinton, journalist Glenn Greenwald simply wrote: "Please remove from the internet
any content that displeases or otherwise causes any discomfort for Chelsea Clinton."'
So, yeah, the same principle applies here. Screw these "whited sepulchres". How I conceive
of them is as follows; those who wish these sepulchres to be venerated take great pains that
they be thickly slathered with an oh so respectable, dissimulating coating of whitewash, but in
reality, as tombs, their genuine function is as repositories for corrupt, rotting meat.
Speaking of "hygiene theater," think of all the billions of dollars of hand sanitizer that
has been sold to prevent people from contracting the virus on surfaces. Which the recent
study shows happens in only 1-in-10,000 cases!
Ah, "never mind" .... but the makers of hand-sanitizer are a thankin' you.
Give Me Some Truth 39 minutes ago
My wife is a high school teacher. It's surprising her elbow hasn't fallen off by now from
all the scrubbing she's done of classroom desks. I guess it was good exercise for her.
Demologos 15 minutes ago
Would have been better to repurpose the alcohol as vodka.
The Tsunami of COVID-19 Bullsh!t and disinformation has Fauci's face on it. Looks like
Anthony "surprise outbreak" Fauci took just 13 months to go full circle from no masks needed
outside to
everyone should wear two masks, to no mask needed outside. The man is a national
Didn't this twat say just 2 months ago we should be wearing TWO masks?
Krink26 2 hours ago
Unfortunately yes. So wear three masks...
cpt. carptastic 1 hour ago remove link
Have you been outside of your basement lately? There are idiots driving in their car alone
wearing a mask. I see people riding their bikes with masks on, and people walking around my
block wearing a mask.
So yes, plenty of morons still listen to him.
LetThemEatRand 2 hours ago
And the smug Karens who confronted people for failing to wear masks outdoors will go along
without the slightest twinge of regret for having been wrong the whole time. And they will
still be the first to be vocal and certain of the correctness of their next baseless
Karanical instructions to the rest of us.
in4mayshun 1 hour ago
Dictionary Term
KAREN , noun (karanical, karanny, karenish): to direct exacerbation, frustration, or
criticism at a person or persons while in a heightened state of illogical virtue signaling
panic; the disphoria exhibited when victimizing ones self, while projecting unrealistic fears
onto otherwise innocent bystanders, often fueled by the leftard media. 2. a person who is
Gullible; will accept any and all propaganda delivered from "official" channels. 3. An
insult, often labeling a person who overreacts. 4. A form of entertainment for politically
right-leaning persons
beekeeper 2 hours ago remove link
The highest paid employee in the federal government is an idiot. That explains a lot.
Global Hunter 1 hour ago
All the brainwashed Karens in Canada will pretend they didn't see this as it doesn't fit
their agenda. The masks have become part of their identity.
Suzy Q 1 hour ago
Do Canadian Karens have face masks made to match their outfits like Fancy Nancy does?
"Brussels and D.C. started to suspect that Russia doesn't 'want' Ukraine. What Russia
wants is for this country to rot and implode without excrement from this implosion hitting
Russia. West's paying for the clean up of this clusterf**k is also in Russian plans for
Ukrainian Bantustan"
I hate to admit it, but it sounds like Putin's got a plan.
Volkodav 15 hours ago
"The Russians saddle their horses slowly but ride fast".
- Otto von Bismarck
Malkavian 13 hours ago
"God has a special providence for fools, drunks, and the United States of America." - also
Otto von Bismarck
jusstpassinthru 10 hours ago (Edited)
"The division of the United States into two federations of equal force was decided long
before the civil war by the high financial power of Europe. These bankers were afraid that
the United States, if they remained in one block and as one nation, would attain economical
and financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over the world. The
voice of the Rothschilds predominated. They foresaw the tremendous booty if they could
substitute two feeble democracies, indebted to the financiers, to the vigorous Republic,
confident and self-providing. Therefore they started their emissaries in order to exploit the
question of slavery and thus dig an abyss between the two parts of the Republic." -- Otto von
Bismarck, 1876
Somehow the US public school system left that part out.
" Time flies like an arrow ; fruit flies like a banana" Groucho Marx
Dragon HAwk 19 minutes ago remove link
Takes a long time to sort thru documents deciding which ones are useless and can be
released. come on man give the FBI a break they are on Our Side. /s
uhland62 9 hours ago
Maybe Ghislaine knows?
And why did the sketches of two 'wanted' in Madeleine McCann case resemble the Podesta
novictim 10 hours ago
So the FBI determined that the assassin was Jeffrinovich Epsteinokova, who, according to
signal intelligence and bar chatter, subsequently hung himself, destroying all the evidence
with him.
Which was a real shame because they really wanted to get to the bottom of it.
uhland62 9 hours ago
Good idea, but -ovich is the ending for a make and -kova for a female. Nothing is
impossible these days, but it still reads bizarre, even though the direction is
The current financial world has been reduced to a one-legged bar-stool in a bar where
drinks are on the house. There is no scenario where this does not end well no matter how
euphoric we are in the moment.
Comedian Ryan Long released a now viral video with Danny Polishchuk called "When Wokes and
Racists Actually Agree on Everything," poking fun at the nation's unfolding debates on
The video depicts two friends, Brad and Chad, one "woke" and one "racist," agreeing on very
fundamental parts of their ideologies.
"Your racial identity is the most important thing. Everything should be looked at through
the lens of race," the men say before one of them jinxes another.
Whether it's about privilege, interracial dating, discrimination, segregation of cultures
and arts, appropriation, the two men appear to agree on pretty much everything.
"We both have a lot of opinions about people of color," one of the men quips while the other
nods in agreement.
The end of the video shows the "woke" character claiming that the only disagreement between
the two is that one believes "white people are the root of all evil." The two eventually
resolve the tension by agreeing that Jews should be the subject of their wrath.
"Technically I don't consider Jewish people white," the "woke" character says.
"Neither do I!" the "racist" character interrupts.
... ... ...
Jordan Davidson is a staff writer at The Federalist. She graduated from Baylor University
where she majored in political science and minored in journalism.
The Bidet Administration Goes Haywire 3 hours ago (Edited)
We are ruled by wicked, immoral and un-intellectual idiots who are getting far too high on
their own supply
I Write Code 2 hours ago
So Russia claims Donbas, China invades Taiwan, US annexes Greenland, Idaho claims half of
Oregon, and Mexico reclaims California. And Quebec just sits there and stews.
williambanzai7 PREMIUM 2 hours ago
And BLM claims Manhattan...
Jade_Dragon 1 hour ago
My 77 year old mom is as upset as anyone but is also still optimistic. I have other
reasons for spending May and possibly the summer in Mexico (if I get an English teaching job)
but I see little if any reason to come back if things are going well down there. America has
gone psycho. At the very least, I'm afraid the entire country will be run like California
before long
dead hobo 1 hour ago (Edited)
Agree. I'm old and set. My home is paid for and I've lived in it for over 20 years. It's
set up just like I want and a new place would have less going for it. Moving would be highly
disruptive, not to mention expensive.
Yet, I am still considering possibilities. Mexico cartels vs Democrat incited BLM mobs?
Hmm, which is better? Free states in the US offer alternatives. I live in Illinois, soon to
be a California level mess. Belize is English speaking.
The next 2 years or so will tell the tale.
2thelastman 1 hour ago
In two years you could easily see a wall built to keep people IN.
Corporations, especially those headquartered in Georgia, have come out against the
legislation signed by Governor Kemp. Republicans describe the bill as one that addresses
election integrity while Democrats call it a voter suppression law – "Jim Crow 2.0".
Coca-Cola and Delta were among
the first to make a point to virtue-signal after the governor signed the bill, only to be
exposed as taking part in the process and giving input into the legislation. Both were fine
with the law until the governor signed it and grievance activists did their thing. Coke soon
discovered that not all of its consumers think that companies should be making policy –
that 's the job of lawmakers- and now it is trying to clean up the mess it made for itself.
Churches have increasingly played a part in American politics and this is an escalation of
that trend. Evangelical churches have shown support for conservative and Republican candidates
while black churches get out the vote for Democrats. This threat of bringing a large-scale
boycott over state legislation is a hostile action against the corporation. It's political
theatre. Groups like Black Voters Matter, the New Georgia Project Action Fund (Stacey Abrams),
and the Georgia NAACP are pressuring companies to publicly voice their opposition and the
religious leaders are doing the bidding of these politically active groups.
When SB 241 and HB 531 were working through the legislative process, the groups put pressure
on Republican lawmakers and the governor to abandon the voting reform legislation. They also
demanded that donations to any lawmakers supporting the legislation be stopped. The Georgia
Chamber of Commerce tried to remain bipartisan while still voicing support for voting rights
but then caved and expressed "concern and opposition" to some provisions . At the time,
several large Georgia companies were targeted by activists, including Aflac, Coca-Cola,
Delta Airlines, Home Depot, Southern Company and UPS.
The Georgia Chamber of Commerce previously reiterated the importance of voting rights
without voicing opposition against any specific legislation. In a new statement to CNBC, the
Georgia Chamber said it has "expressed concern and opposition to provisions found in both HB
531 and SB 241 that restrict or diminish voter access" and "continues to engage in a
bipartisan manner with leaders of the General Assembly on bills that would impact voting
rights in our state."
Office Depot came out at the time and supported the Chamber's statement. The Election
Integrity Act of 2021, originally known as Georgia Senate Bill 202, is a Georgia law
overhauling elections in the state that was signed into effect by the governor and we know what
happened. Office Depot has not delivered for the activists as they demand so now the company
faces boycott drama. The
religious leaders are taking up where the activist groups left off.
African Methodist Episcopal Bishop Reginald Jackson said the company has remained "silent
and indifferent" to his efforts to rally opposition to the new state law pushed by
Republicans, as well as to similar efforts elsewhere.
" We just don't think we ought to let their indifference stand ," Jackson said.
The leader of all his denomination's churches in Georgia, Jackson had a meeting last week
with other Georgia-based executives to urge them to oppose the voting law, but said he's had
no contact with Home Depot, despite repeated efforts to reach the company.
Faith leaders at first were hesitant to jump into the boycott game. Now the political
atmosphere has changed and they are being vocal. Jackson focused on pressuring Coca-Cola first.
After that company went along to get along, before it realized its error, Jackson moved his
focus onto other companies.
"We believe that corporations have a corporate responsibility to their customers, who are
Black, white and brown, on the issue of voting ," Jackson said. "It doesn't make any sense at
all to keep giving dollars and buying products from people that do not support you."
He said faith leaders may call for boycotts of other companies in the future.
So, here we are with Home Depot in the spotlight. There are
four specific demands leveled at Home Depot in order to avoid further action from the
Rev. Lee May, the lead pastor of Transforming Faith Church, said the coalition is "fluid
in this boycott" but has four specifics requests of Home Depot: To speak out publicly and
specifically against SB 202; to speak out against any other restrictive voting provisions
under consideration in other states; to support federal legislation that expands voter access
and "also restricts the ability to suppress the vote;" and to support any efforts, including
investing in litigation, to stop SB 202 and other bills like it.
" Home Depot, we're calling on you. I'm speaking to you right now. We're ready to have a
conversation with you. You haven't been ready up to now, but our arms are wide open. We are
people of faith. People of grace, and we're ready to have this conversation, but we're very
clear those four things that we want to see accomplished ," May said.
The Rev. Timothy McDonald III, senior pastor of the First Iconium Baptist Church, warned
this was just the beginning.
"It's up to you whether or not, Home Depot, this boycott escalates to phase two, phase
three, phase four," McDonald said. "We're not on your property -- today. We're not blocking
your driveways -- today. We're not inside your store protesting -- today. This is just phase
That sounds a lot like incitement, doesn't it? Governor Kemp is speaking out, he has had
enough. He held
a press conference to deliver his comments.
"First, the left came for baseball, and now they are coming for Georgia jobs," Kemp said,
referring to MLB's decision to move this year's All-Star Game from Atlanta over the new laws.
"This boycott of Home Depot – one of Georgia's largest employers – puts partisan
politics ahead of people's paychecks."
"The Georgians hardest hit by this destructive decision are the hourly workers just trying
to make ends meet during a global pandemic. I stand with Home Depot, and I stand with nearly
30,000 Georgians who work at the 90 Home Depot stores and 15 distribution centers across the
Peach State. I will not apologize for supporting both Georgia jobs and election integrity,"
he added.
"This insanity needs to stop. The people that are pushing this, that are profiting off of
it, like Stacey Abrams and others, are now trying to have it both ways," Kemp said. "There is
a political agenda here, and it all leads back to Washington, D.C."
The governor is right. The activists are in it to federalize elections, not to look out for
Georgians, who will lose jobs over these partisan actions. The law signed by Kemp increases
voting rights, it doesn't limit them .
Five million people in this country die of natural causes every year. Some of them happened
to have Covid when they passed. You might just as well say they died of tooth decay.
rioting continuing in Brooklyn Center , Minn. and around the country, Rep. Maxine Waters,
D-CA, went to Minnesota and told the protesters that they "gotta stay on the street" and "
get more confrontational ." The statement is ironic since Waters is one of the House
members currently suing former President Donald Trump and others for inciting violence on
January 6th with his words on the Mall. Waters insists that Trump telling his supporters to go
to the Capitol to make their voice heard and "fight" for their votes was actual criminal
incitement. Conversely, Waters was speaking after multiple nights of rioting and looting and
telling protesters to stay on the streets and get even more confrontational. There was violence
after the remarks, including a shooting incident where two National Guard members were
... ... ...
After Waters remarks,
protesters confronted reporters in a tense scene. Also protesters descended upon the home
of the prosecutor responsible for the second degree manslaughter charge against the officer who
killed Daunte Wright. Also the
Minnesota National Guard was fired upon , injuring at least two Guardsman. That is not to
say that Water incited such actions but that the same claimed nexus could be raised in making
such an allegation as was done in the Trump impeachment.
Carl Jung once said that "Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an
understanding of ourselves". That certainly seems to be the case with Waters and Trump. It is
also why Waters could prove the only witness that Trump needs to call to defeat her own
bshirley1968 3 minutes ago
bshirley1968 3 minutes ago
"Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg cares so much about the environment that he
decided to ride a bicycle to work at least the last two blocks.
He was caught unloading a bicycle from a black SUV a short distance from the White House
so he could finish his ride to the cabinet meeting on bike. Such a great photo
Security followed in the SUV.
Perfect example of everything coming out of DC. Everything is a narrative supported by some
kabuki theater.
"" Lord, if it be your will, harden my heart. Stop me from striving to see the best in
people. Stop me from being hopeful that White people can do and be better."
I wonder if this sick woman has any idea, how many good people trapped in the violence of
hoods...could feel exactly the same way about blacks?
Liesel 24 minutes ago
Dear God, please help me to stop spending money on Amazon and doing Google searches...
Liesel 27 minutes ago (Edited)
If we refuse to spend money at all these businesses that are "woke", there would literally
be no place left to shop. It's really getting that bad. However, please remember the powers
that be want people divided and hating each other. In their eyes, people who are united are
the most dangerous them.
Darth-Budice 34 minutes ago
Been 7 years since I stepped foot into a Target.
If they think 13% of the population + the soy-infused can support them...
I have a different take on this. The US should move to take back Cuba. Let Russia have
Ukraine, we take back Cuba. After Cuba take back Venezuela. Then Russia and China have no
ports in the Americas. Much bigger win for the US.
permanent victim 1 hour ago
Take back?
libfrog88 56 minutes ago
That is the usual word for Americans for stealing.
My simple solution is to turn the vacant malls into giant marijuana growing operations,and
huge meth labs,and use the revenue from the meth and weed sales to balance the Federal
budget..As an additional plus,you put the Mexican drug cartels out of business,which can't be
a bad thing,either
FurnitureFireSale 26 minutes ago
The smile on the side of the Prime trucks looks like a big wang (Bezos's?) saying "F-U,
take THIS!" to all the small businesses. Once you see it, you cannot unsee it.
Puppyteethofdeath 14 minutes ago
Turn them into homeless shelters.
744,000 Americans filed for 1st time unemployment last week.
Every week the numbers are the same.
no cents at all 5 minutes ago
Yet mall property owners and their ilk have equity prices in the stratosphere. Same with
cruise lines. A mystery. (Although doesn't take scooby doo to understand why)
"Our education and health issues come together in this alarming statistic: Seventy percent
of today's youth (ages 17-24) are not eligible for military service , essentially due to a
lack of proper education (basic reading and writing skills) or health issues (commonly
obesity or diabetes)."
When you have no standards, SJW everyone is equal, then you have ****ty results.
5G-Powered Nanobots 3 hours ago
Good. Lets cut "defense" by 25% a year for the next 10 years
Clockwork Orange is complete, unbelievable nonsense. Our current leaders would not have
cured Alex, they would have appointed him an Ambassadorship to Syria or made him Vice
President, perhaps even given him a shot at Prime Minister or President one day.
Yes, but on condition that the 'Alexes' play the game. Deep State is full of sociopaths but
they spent their years in elite schools, not stealing cars and invading homes. Go to school,
get your degree, and then you can invade entire nations and kill many more people. Turk 152 says:
April 2, 2021 at 9:33
pm GMT • 4.8 days ago ↑ @Priss Factor
I suppose it is pretty tough these days to be a mass murderer on a global scale without
Harvard or Yale on your resume. In the old days, Truman was able to drop 2 atomic bombs and
firebomb Dresden with merely a degree from Spalding's Commercial College.
Other that that this ilist is just another sign of the crisi of neoliberlaism in the USA
and elsewhere. That why neoliberal elite badly needs a scapegoat to avoid the possibility to
be hanging from lampposts. The high level of hate toward neoliberal elite( parcially
redirected by "woke" movement toward whites ) and the loss of legitimacy is not
...Bryan MacDonald's thread is a good opportunity to update our list of all the issues,
ideas and things Russia has weaponized.
Even while the list below now includes 111 entries - like robotic cockroaches,
postmodernism and 14-legged squids - it is likely far from being complete:
I am deeply troubled that you conveniently neglected to include another fearsome Russian
Super-Dooper Weapon: the children's cartoon Masha and the Bear .
It's obvious that Masha and the Bear is a nefarious Russian plot to steal the precious
bodily fluids of our children!
We must be constantly vigilant. The CIA, FBI, MI6, NSA, and Homeland Security must be
notified about the Masha Threat. YouTube must censor Masha. And blue check-marked Twitter
police must condemn anyone who watches Masha.
This one didn't have the word 'weaponize', close though: "opening a new front in its spy
accusing the Kremlin of opening a new front in its spy battles with the West amid the
worldwide competition to contain the pandemic.
American intelligence officials said the Russians were aiming to steal research to
develop their own vaccine more quickly, not to sabotage other countries' efforts. There was
likely little immediate damage to global public health, cybersecurity experts said.
The U.S. media is weaponizing ignorance. The more one absorbs their reporting, the more
the brain is reduced to mush.
I can only manage a few hundred works and I become irritated and disoriented. My hat is
off to people who can somehow look at that stuff and remain sane. Or are they...hmmm...
That makes Jamie brilliant. play_arrow 5 play_arrow 1
zorrosgato 10 hours ago
"flush with savings"
Yen Cross 10 hours ago
Jack, ****, Dimon? Which one was it Z/H Google moderator?
I donate at Christmas.
Basil 20 minutes ago
whats gone wrong is the cancer of progressiveism. wokeism, social justice nonsense.
Gadbous 29 minutes ago
Don't you want to just slap these people?
MuleRider 18 minutes ago
You misspelled decapitate.
GrandTheftOtto 2 hours ago
"It was a year in which each of usfaced difficult personal challenges"
boundless hypocrisy...
Mr. Rude Dog 2 hours ago remove link
" Americans know that something has gone terribly wrong, and they blame this country's
leadership: the elite, the powerful, the decision makers - in government, in business and in
civic society," he wrote.
"This is completely appropriate, for who else should take the blame?"
Lets see if he projects the problem back on the citizens...Let's see what happens.
"But populism is not policy, and we cannot let it drive another round of poor planning
and bad leadership that will simply make our country's situation worse."
I knew the so called elites could not take the blame... You know populism always makes bad
decisions with the economy, our monetary system, our infrastructure and just managing our tax
money in general...Yes I knew Jamie could not take the blame..LOL.!!!!
QE4MeASAP 2 hours ago
So Dimon is giving the state of the union instead of Biden?
Budnacho 2 hours ago
Jamie Dimon....Friend of the Little Guy....
Tomsawyer2112 PREMIUM 11 hours ago
He doesn't believe a word of what he just said. But he knows that if he wants his bank to
continue to be an extension of the government and curry favor then he needs to tow the line.
I am sure he also has his eye on a future role as Fed Lead or US Treasurer but might be tough
since he's not a diversity candidate.
oknow 2 hours ago
Someone turn off his mike, dont need your sorry *** confession
Just confiscate his wealth and make him do 9 to 5 jobs for the rest of his life.
ChromeRobot 9 hours ago remove link
This guy is a rarity in the banking industry. He's a billionaire. Running a bank I was
often told in my early years in finance was foolproof. Everybody needs money and they have
it. Hard to fk up. Somehow this "titan" has gamed it to do really well doing something
incredibly easy. Positioning yourself to be a SIFI helps too! Too big to fail has it's
a drink before the war 10 hours ago
What Jamie is really saying without saying it is " I get paid in stock options however
since the pandemic JPM and other banks haven't been allowed to do stock buy back but come
June we get back to the NORMAL and with the FED printing money and giving it to us we going
to talk this stock WAY up no matter what because I got almost two years of stock options I
gotta get paid for!"
lay_arrow 2
archipusz 10 hours ago
If you want to get to the top, you must speak the party line narrative.
The truth is something different altogether.
Eddie Haskell 10 hours ago
If you want to be a state-approved oligarch you've gotta suck the right dickie. Good
Detective Miller 38 minutes ago
"Jaimie Tells Bagholders To 'Buy Buy Buy!!!'"
Onthebeach6 38 minutes ago
The US is addicted to helicoptor money.
The world looks fine to an addict until the supply is cut off.
sbin 41 minutes ago
Off shore industry
Steal pension funds
Laundering drug money
Regulatory capture.
Jimmy going to lock himself in jail and forfeit his assets?
34k of jerkoff.
Nuk Soo Kow 2 hours ago
How magnanimous of Jamie to blame elitists and civic "leaders" for the structural problems
in America. It was the banksters that pushed NAFTA and helped China engineer it's currency
against the dollar, which led to massive outflows of productive capital. It was the banksters
via the use of financial legerdemain who engineered the collapse in 2008 (not to mention
every other banking panic and collapse prior to). It's high time to throw out this den of
vipers once and for all.
Nature_Boy_Wooooo 2 hours ago
He lost me at.....
We need more cheap immigrant labor...... housing is unaffordable for many.
No **** moron! suppressed our wages and increased demand for housing.
PT 10 hours ago remove link
I always consult the fox when I want to know about the state of the hen house.
QuiteShocking 10 hours ago
Economic boom?? Is really just trying to get back to where we were previously before the
pandemic hit with things opening back up etc... More people have been working from home so
different spending patterns are developing.. but could change... Supply chain chaos makes it
seem like shortages and inflation etc... It may only last through 2023?? but with Dems in
charge this is not a given with their anti business slant??
same2u 11 hours ago
UBI for the rich= stock market...
Hope Copy 3 hours ago (Edited)
Jamie knows that the core of Crypto is at the CIA and that the pseudo Republic has far to
much Fascist politics at the core .. There has been a competitive failure at most all levels
of the government in recent times with a 'winner take all' at the cost of keeping competitive
practices alive (not to mention kickbacks).. Of course China is laughing even though they
have a history of cutting corners (and outright fraud) in every economic sector.
Mario Landavoz 20 minutes ago
Banker. That's all ya need to know.
Just a Little Froth in the Market 40 minutes ago
But the CEO was very candid about China...
"China's leaders believe America is in decline... The Chinese see an America that is
losing ground in technology, infrastructure and education – a nation torn and
crippled . . . and a country unable to coordinate government policies (fiscal, monetary,
industrial, regulatory) in any coherent way to accomplish national goals
This is correct.
Joe A 55 minutes ago
He is just mocking and taking a piss at everybody. That America is such a mess is because
of people like him with his scorched earth robber baron rogue capitalism. But there is a way
to redeem yourselves. Just make all your assets available to the American people. And oh,
blow your own brain out.
Abi Normal 3 hours ago remove link
What else is he supposed to say? As long as things don't go bad for Jamie it's cool.
OrazioGentile 3 hours ago
The Banksters, after years of mismanagement, borderline fraud, and endless bailouts now
see that investments in unicorn startups, selling mindless BS to each other, and the quick
buck lead to a burned out husk called America?!? Now?!? Let all of them live in the great
paradise called the Cayman Islands that they helped build and see how far they get selling
"capital instruments" to each other. The last 20 years have taught most Americans that hard
work is meaningless to get ahead IMHO.
"... Do Mr. Biden and his people claim that the dogmatic and occasionally hysterical certitude of the woke is sufficient warrant to turn the country upside down? ..."
"... If the 2020 election meant anything, it confirmed the irreconcilable differences -- a standoff of the cobra and mongoose. The election certainly didn't give Mr. Biden marching orders from the American people to open the southern border to all comers, or to redesign the natural order of biology (in regard to gender identity and all the social arrangements that have flowed from the difference between the sexes since time immemorial), or to change the country in a hundred other ways, bundling it off on an expedition to the far left fringes of reality and grievance. What the new administration proposes may be less a transformation than a hijacking. Half the country doesn't want to be reinvented -- not on Mr. Biden's terms. ..."
"... He and his people have gone into business with a bogus, echo-chamber mandate: They manipulate a media illusion of unanimity, and presume to impose a moral narrative. The Bolsheviks, a tiny but ferociously focused minority, proceeded in this way in 1917. ..."
While Trump was rejected by electorate (Biden got 7 million votes more -- mainly in costal
states and large cities), Biden was elected only because of extention of mail-in voting and
because he was not Trump. Now people regret their choice, while main-in voting "irregularities"
deprive Biden administration of the legitimacy. Moreover due to Biden neocon foreign policy and
pandering to woke Bolsheviks, many people have "post-election remorse," But in two-party system
you can do nothing about it: the train already left the station.
Now the Biden administration, headed by a man a few years too old to be a boomer, entertains
ambitions to take a great leap forward. But wait. Does a transformation require a mandate? By
what mandate does the Biden administration undertake the work of irrevocably altering American
society? Do Mr. Biden and his people claim that the dogmatic and occasionally hysterical
certitude of the woke is sufficient warrant to turn the country upside down?
There was no mandate in the outcome of the last election. November 2020 merely confirmed
that the U.S. remains split precisely down the middle, 50-50, as it has been for more than 20
years, since the deadlock of Al Gore and George W. Bush and the hanging chads of Florida.
If the 2020 election meant anything, it confirmed the irreconcilable differences -- a
standoff of the cobra and mongoose. The election certainly didn't give Mr. Biden marching
orders from the American people to open the southern border to all comers, or to redesign the
natural order of biology (in regard to gender identity and all the social arrangements that
have flowed from the difference between the sexes since time immemorial), or to change the
country in a hundred other ways, bundling it off on an expedition to the far left fringes of
reality and grievance. What the new administration proposes may be less a transformation than a
hijacking. Half the country doesn't want to be reinvented -- not on Mr. Biden's terms.
He and his people have gone into business with a bogus, echo-chamber mandate: They
manipulate a media illusion of unanimity, and presume to impose a moral narrative. The
Bolsheviks, a tiny but ferociously focused minority, proceeded in this way in 1917.
... ... ...
Mr. Morrow is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. His latest book
is "God and Mammon: Chronicles of American Money."
Peter Von Nessi SUBSCRIBER 29 minutes ago "A man of his age --
fearing that he may amount to nothing more than the great Obama's onetime sidekick -- is apt to
react to the surprise of waking up in the White House by pandering to the flashiest ideas of
the young people and their hero Bernie Sanders. Mr. Biden can, for a moment, forestall death if
he veers way left and makes his mark, however chaotically."
I think the author gives too much credit to Biden and not his handlers. After all Pinocchio
was made of wood. When was the last time you saw a piece of wood think....about anything? SHOW
N Neil Steinhoff SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago Joe did not know which state he was in, what office
he was running for and said 150 million Americans have died of Covid Here is an update from
Joe. "I have been in government for 180 years". "I wake up every morning, look at Jill, and say
'where the he- are we?'" on February 17, 2021. What could possibly go wrong? Greg Caldwell SUBSCRIBER 58 minutes ago (Edited) Mr. Ferrara: Many
people voted for Joe's ideas because he claimed to be more of a centrist while he was running
for office. I know of quite a few people who voted for Joe (1) because he wasn't Trump, and;
(2) he claimed he would govern from the middle-left.
Those people are now saying they didn't vote for anything he has done to the jobs, to
energy, nor do they buy his lies about Covid Relief (only 9% of over $1.9T actually went to
Covid); the Infrastructure bill (of which only 7% actually has anything to do with our
infrastructure); or, finally the repeated outright lies about the Georgian Voting Law. People
who voted for him are paying attention and many are not happy.
Like thumb_up Reply reply Share link Report
M Melissa Firestone SUBSCRIBER 49 minutes ago Vote counting continued on and on in pivotal
states in 2020. That's why 2016 was so different than 2020. And in 2020, pivotal states were
decided by less than 21,000 votes - WI, AZ, and GA. And PA and MI were more competitive than
the polls showed going into election night. Votes continued to be counted days after the
election and as we know in some cases weeks. That's why this wasn't a mandate for Biden. It was
a rejection of Trump by the marginal voter - the ones who in tight elections determine
outcomes. The same was true for Trump when he won - Hillary was so hated by so many voting
blocks the Republicans could have run any of their potential nominees and would have won.
G George Nesterenko SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago Claiming the WH, and both chambers of Congress
is, in deed a mandate.
The only measure by which the election was 'close' was the electoral college. By the number
of.. you know... actual people... there was no, and is no contest. That's is also, indeed, a
And as demographics shift, the mandate deepens. Which is why the GOP is so adamant against
preventing a DC or Puerto Rico statehood. An unpopular, shrinking minority is desperately
holding on to any iota of power. Not 'half the country', as Mr. Morrow repeats on several
A national rebirth is desperately needed. Although I doubt it will happen under Biden, we
can at least get on our way.
One thing which separates Russia and China from Western 'thinking' is that the People's
Government in each country has rules in place to prevent Billionaires from buying/owning
THOMAS QUICK SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago I doubt it. Vaccination doesn't cure chronic grifters.
Like thumb_up 1 Reply reply Share link Report
N N Z SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago "Medical science is making such remarkable progress that soon
none of us will be well.'' ---Aldous Huxley
So, the New Normals are discussing the Unvaccinated Question. What is to be done with us?
No, not those who haven't been "vaccinated" yet. Us. The "Covidiots." The "Covid
deniers." The "science deniers." The "reality deniers." Those who refuse to get "vaccinated,"
There is no place for us in New Normal society. The New Normals know this and so do we. To
them, we are a suspicious, alien tribe of people. We do not share their ideological beliefs. We
do not perform their loyalty rituals, or we do so only grudgingly, because they force us to do
so. We traffic in arcane "conspiracy theories," like "pre-March-2020 science," "natural herd
immunity," "population-adjusted death rates," "Sweden," "Florida," and other heresies.
They do not trust us. We are strangers among them. They suspect we feel superior to them.
They believe we are conspiring against them, that we want to deceive them, confuse them, cheat
them, pervert their culture, abuse their children, contaminate their precious bodily fluids,
and perpetrate God knows what other horrors.
So they are discussing the need to segregate us, how to segregate us, when to segregate us,
in order to protect society from us. In their eyes, we are no more than
criminals , or, worse, a plague , an infestation. In the
words of someone (I can't quite recall who), "getting rid of the Unvaccinated is not a question
of ideology. It is a question of cleanliness," or something like that. (I'll have to hunt down
and fact-check that quote. I might have taken it out of context.)
Nice thoughts but the high priests of the new secular cult of scientism are playing a zero
sum game. It's an either/or for them; slavery or scalp. The rituals of the cult reinforce the
dogma. The continual washing of hands as an act of purification. The mask as an act of
penance for your defiling breath. Forced solitude to keep you in front of the 24 hour Cult
broadcasts on tv. Social distancing as a way to inculcate insular thinking. Any resistors to
the new rituals will be brought to a tribunal of neo torquemadas. Perhaps a better way to be
thinking of the resistance is in terms of knighthood.
I will bring up a "human right" that rarely is discussed in the MSM: the right to relieve
one's bladder & bowels when traveling in public places. In many cities in the U.S., there
are NO public restrooms, not even in the railway stations and bus depots! Oh, sure -- all the
airports have them because they cater to the well heeled.
Here in the two biggest California cities SF and LA, one has to find a restaurant (good
luck during the pandemic) or supermarket or else a secluded spot. I live next to an alley
where the homeless people frequently dump, and we the neighbors have to clean it up because
the city won't bother.
The authorities claim that setting out Porta-potties can't be done because homeless
addicts would use them. WTF -- those people would do drugs in their own place if they had
one. But this isn't just an issue about homelessness, which is an enormous violation of human
rights in itself, but more broadly one of DECENCY that barely exists in this society.
The authorities claim that setting out Porta-potties can't be done because homeless addicts
would use them. WTF -- those people would do drugs in their own place if they had one. But
this isn't just an issue about homelessness, which is an enormous violation of human rights
in itself, but more broadly one of DECENCY that barely exists in this society.
CHOLERA is gonna get ya.
It is sad but what has happened to the USA through neoliberal economic rules based society
is the abdication of memory and learning over centuries.
"... It is natural for bullshitters to think the world runs on bullshit. In a away, that capsulizes the entire problem that the US' establishment is having now. They have been relying on bullshit for so long that they think that's all there is. ..."
"... It is natural for bullshitters to think the world runs on bullshit. In a away, that capsulizes the entire problem that the US' establishment is having now. They have been relying on bullshit for so long that they think that's all there is. ..."
“ I wish I could summon a strong argument against it, but I can find none.”
It is natural for bullshitters to think the world runs on bullshit. In a away, that
capsulizes the entire problem that the US' establishment is having now. They have been relying
on bullshit for so long that they think that's all there is.
The truth is we have no way to know what underlies our "reality", if anything. We don't have
the tools, the senses, yet. At the limits everything dissolves into probability mush, or the
lack of time for anything to get from there to here at the speed of light, or complexity we
have no way to impose order on.
If they want to go live in the computer, I say good riddance.
@ maahaa | Mar 24 2021 17:46 utc | 5:
“ I wish I could summon a strong argument against it, but I can find
It is natural for bullshitters to think the world runs on bullshit. In a away, that
capsulizes the entire problem that the US' establishment is having now. They have been
relying on bullshit for so long that they think that's all there is.
The truth is we have no way to know what underlies our "reality", if anything. We don't
have the tools, the senses, yet. At the limits everything dissolves into probability mush, or
the lack of time for anything to get from there to here at the speed of light, or complexity
we have no way to impose order on.
If they want to go live in the computer, I say good riddance.
"... It is natural for bullshitters to think the world runs on bullshit. In a away, that capsulizes the entire problem that the US' establishment is having now. They have been relying on bullshit for so long that they think that's all there is. ..."
"... It is natural for bullshitters to think the world runs on bullshit. In a away, that capsulizes the entire problem that the US' establishment is having now. They have been relying on bullshit for so long that they think that's all there is. ..."
"High-profile proponents of what's known as the "simulation hypothesis" include SpaceX
chief Elon Musk, who recently expounded on the idea during an interview for a popular
"If you assume any rate of improvement at all, games will eventually be indistinguishable
from reality," Musk said before concluding, "We're most likely in a simulation."
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson agrees, giving "better than 50 -- 50 odds" that the
simulation hypothesis is correct. " I wish I could summon a strong argument against it, but I
can find none."
I guess that is one way for Musk to avoid the guilt over those people his coup in Bolivia
killed. They didn't really die because it is all just make-believe; a simulation.
“ I wish I could summon a strong argument against it, but I can find none.”
It is natural for bullshitters to think the world runs on bullshit. In a away, that
capsulizes the entire problem that the US' establishment is having now. They have been relying
on bullshit for so long that they think that's all there is.
The truth is we have no way to know what underlies our "reality", if anything. We don't have
the tools, the senses, yet. At the limits everything dissolves into probability mush, or the
lack of time for anything to get from there to here at the speed of light, or complexity we
have no way to impose order on.
If they want to go live in the computer, I say good riddance.
@ maahaa | Mar 24 2021 17:46 utc | 5:
“ I wish I could summon a strong argument against it, but I can find
It is natural for bullshitters to think the world runs on bullshit. In a away, that
capsulizes the entire problem that the US' establishment is having now. They have been
relying on bullshit for so long that they think that's all there is.
The truth is we have no way to know what underlies our "reality", if anything. We don't
have the tools, the senses, yet. At the limits everything dissolves into probability mush, or
the lack of time for anything to get from there to here at the speed of light, or complexity
we have no way to impose order on.
If they want to go live in the computer, I say good riddance.
According to the Austfailian media, it was a triumph. I kid you not. They will lie and lie
and lie again about Biden's dementia, until the bitter end, and at his stage, once the meds
lose their effectiveness, the end can come quickly. Perhaps he'll rip off his nappy and fling
faeces at the fawning presstitutes. Dream on. Or, as in the comedy, Bidet will mutter 'I'm
going to the toilet. I mean, I'm going to the toilet NOW!'.
It is always helpful to remember the words of "Arthur Jensen": "You are an old man who
thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are
no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only
one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate,
multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks,
rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels. It is the international system of currency which
determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things
"... Apparently Biden was either too senile or too inherently stupid to realize what gangrenous filth the subhuman Clintonite scum Stephanopoulis is, was and always will be. And put his stupid senile foot into Stephanopoulis's clever little bear trap. ..."
"... Pretty sure this was exactly the message Biden's people wanted to send, whether because they really think this sort of thing will "work" on the world stage or because they've gunned up the Russia nonsense so hyperbolically for so long that their domestic audience now demands it. ..."
Apparently Biden was either too senile or too inherently stupid to realize what gangrenous
filth the subhuman Clintonite scum Stephanopoulis is, was and always will be. And put his
stupid senile foot into Stephanopoulis's clever little bear trap.
Well, those are hardly trick questions or subtle ones. And Biden temporizes perfectly well
when he wants to. He didn't want to. I'd be mildly surprised if he hadn't been told to expect
these particular questions. Stephanopolous has form for lobbing cooperative softballs at the
right sort of democrats.
Pretty sure this was exactly the message Biden's people wanted to send, whether because
they really think this sort of thing will "work" on the world stage or because they've gunned
up the Russia nonsense so hyperbolically for so long that their domestic audience now demands
If your interpretation of "what Stephie-poo was thinking" and what Biden was expecting are
correct, then Biden is indeed the same sort of Clintonite filth that Stephanopoulous himself
And that would be very unfortunate. It means that Biden is just as war-risky with Russia
as Clinton would have been. And yes, the massed millions of "Putin stole the election" Pink
Kitty Kap Klintonites want, need and demand this sort of agitprop. They and their precious
spokes-creeps like that anti-Russianitic MSNBC news show hostess whose name I absolutely
cannot remember just now.
And do you remember who her mentor was? Roger Aisles. Yeah, him. And after an extensive
education, including a Rhodes scholarship, she sells her integrity out on her program for
about $30,000 a day now-
Maybe she never had any integrity to begin with. Maybe she was always and only about
working the media rackets, just like her reciprocal one-schtik-phoney opposite number Tucker
Carlson over at Fox.
Let's start with comic relief: the "leader of the free world" has pledged to prevent China
from becoming the "leading" nation on the planet. And to fulfill such an exceptional mission,
his "expectation" is to run again for president in 2024. Not as a hologram. And fielding the
same running mate.
It goes back to The Democrat Run Mainstream Media's narrative that Black men can only be
the poor helpless victims and NEVER the apex predators.
Which is why they only say that Black men are murdered by guns but NEVER that Black men
are murdered by other Black men. The only time they do not blame the guns is in the much less
common man bites dog White male on Black male murders.
You know the perpetrator is a Black male and not a White male when the headline is a gun
all by itself murdered a Black man!
"... This whole process was intended to be for seriously delinquent kids/parents, but, you know bureaucracy – gotta check the boxes rather than just have a 30 second phone call "please email Mrs. ABC when your kids have been absent." ..."
If underfunded means you have to use old textbooks from the 1950s through the 1970s and have no tablets or computers on class,
I'd choose an underfunded school for a better education.
@Jonathan Mason on an attendance remediation plan. The first words out of my mouth were "so this is where my tax money goes."
It went on for 15 minutes, signing forms and shit. This whole process was intended to be for seriously delinquent kids/parents,
but, you know bureaucracy – gotta check the boxes rather than just have a 30 second phone call "please email Mrs. ABC when your
kids have been absent."
After that BS, we got another certified letter, so I went to the school. "I thought we had this thing settled. What do we have
to do now?" "Oh, nah, we just sent one to everybody. It was easier that way. You're fine." How much do certified letters cost
now, Jonathan? Oh, it's free though, right?
They've got plenty of money, all of them. Wait until the SHTF. Then we'll see some frugality and some legitimate complaints.
California public schools get their funding according to the number of students present. So if your kid is a half hour late,
you get an urgent call from the attendance office. Every kid is worth money to them. Maybe something like that is driving the
overreaction you describe.
I can see why this is unfinished work, with lots more research required, requiring quite a bit more grant money. It's hard
work getting around the simple truth. Steve here had a good handle on the reasons for the big uptick in violent crime half a year
ago, without even hitting the taxpayers up for a lot of grant money. It's just that his was not the answer that the Establishment
was looking for. Try harder, Steve.
I have written of the decline of the US likening it to a malignant tumour yet the recent
gaffs with Russia and China make it likely the hospitalisation of the patient may be more
urgent. Regarding sanctions and thier use on poor countries .
Goya and Sanctions: with some satirical nudity. Satire is a bellweather indicator of the
sophistication and progress of a civilization. When satire and humor dies history teaches us
so will that civilization. Sadly I don't expect this video to be allowed on US youtube.
Not the OP, but I'll answer. American expat here. I spent years trying to get people to at
least talk with me on issues. They just wanted to watch TV and eat fast food and let the
plutocrats run things into the ground. So I left, 10 years ago, to seek meaning and adventure
elsewhere. Haven't looked back.
I settled into a "third world anti-freedom authoritarian regime", where I enjoyed all the
freedoms I hadn't realized I had not known in America, and built a life for myself. When
I'd talk to people back home they'd tell me I was crazy for wanting to stay in an
"authoritarian nation", and ask wasn't I afraid? They didn't understand why I didn't want to
come back home. I haven't visited America in ages. I can no longer relate to America's
Afro-centric, virus-mania culture. Turning on American MSM shows is like watching the news from
Would I leave the life I've created for myself to go back to the place I grew up and help
save the people there if I thought there was enough of them willing to fight? Maybe, if I could
do it without jeopardizing my family here. A part of me would like to.
But the sad reality is, the people in the United States do not want to be saved .
They're comfortable . Half the people I talk to back there brag to me about the vaccine
they got. I just talked to one who boasted how it "wasn't available to the masses yet" and she
had to trick her way into getting an mRNA shot. 130 million doses have been administered in the
US already, to a nation of 330 million. That doesn't seem like something "unavailable to the
So, do I want to go back to the US, to stand there screaming at people on the street like
some homeless bum as they line up to get their COVID shots, as armies of them march with
#BlackLiveMatters signs, surrounded by police protection, as the idiots on the left scream
about Russia and the idiots on the right scream about China, while nobody talks about the #1
foreign influencer of American public policy by far, because to mention its name is to have
one's life destroyed? I have better things to do with the precious few years I get on this
When enough of the people wake up, when they are ready to be led, I may yet answer the call
to leadership when that call seriously goes out, 15 or 20 or 25 years from now. But at the
present moment, the American people are still so far from wanting anything other than football,
fast food, and racial equality that it really is not a place I have any interest in being, nor
one I have anything much to offer.
Five_Black_Eyes_Intel_Agency 2 hours ago (Edited) remove link
israel-firsters and the CIA love to milk their sugar daddy, meanwhile people are all
choked up about the Left and Right charade
Weihan 59 minutes ago remove link
Great article from Greenwald! And remember: by "domestic terrorists" and "violent
extremists," they're referring to anyone who still believes a country should have a
recognizable and enforceable border.
P Paul Avila SUBSCRIBER 8 hours ago U.S. stocks edged higher Wednesday as investors
awaited more testimony from Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell.
Good grief. Is there any way his subordinates could prevent that? Perhaps lock him in a
supply closet until the market closes? Every time he opens his pie hole, I lose money.
W Will Bee SUBSCRIBER 8 hours ago Actually I suspect we are waiting for all the FED and
Treasury "people" to stop jawboning us so Markets can assimilate their irrelevance
"Holy cow: 42% of Americans report undesired weight gain during Covid 19. The average weight
gain is 29 lbs. And 41 lbs for Millennials! "
Individuals are limited to one donut, but the offer can be redeemed once per day. Meaning
anybody who receives the COVID vaccine can swing by for a free glazed doughnut every day between
now and the end of the year.
Let's hope Krispy Kreme is working on a vaccine for diabetes, because it's latest
promotion isn't exactly a net-positive for the public welfare.
The donut-maker has announced that, starting Monday, anybody who presents proof of
vaccination at any Krispy Kreme location can receive one free glazed donut per visit.
"Krispy Kreme is finding ways to be sweet as the U.S. continues to scale COVID-19
vaccinations. To show our support for those who choose to get vaccinated, starting Monday,
3/22, anyone who shows their COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card will receive a free Original
Glazed® doughnut."
... ... ...
Ideology in Practice 4 hours ago
If you get vaccinated over a free donut, you deserve everything you get.
Donut included.
StuffyourVAXX 5 hours ago
Today, show your vaxx card to get a free donut.
Tomorrow, show your vaxx card to buy basic groceries.
Next week, show your vaxx card to keep your kids from getting taken away from you, you
@#$@ing super spreader.
reddpill 4 hours ago (Edited)
1939: "Work Sets You Free"
2019: "Vaccination Sets You Free"
Average weight gain 29 lbs ???? 41 for millenials ????
WTF??? That isn't trivial, that is huge. This a far bigger health risk than the wuphlu
espirit 4 hours ago
Welcome to the Gates of Hell.
Have a free donut...
neocons on meathooks 4 hours ago
One of the reasons the new feudalism has such a bright future is that the serfs are
allowed to feast like kings and queens on rich animal-based, fiberless and highly processed
foods 21 times (or more) a week -- and they have the gout, heart disease, strokes,
diabetes, cancers and medical bills to prove it. Once you're woke you'll understand the
sexism of thinking obesity and sickness shouldn't be accepted. But exercise, weight loss
programs and public education (a la smoking cessation) aren't nearly as profitable as
injecting Bill Gates's poison into 7 billion customers and tracking and controlling human
movement. Sorry to cause dissension but I just got my paycheck from Vlad.
Automatic Choke PREMIUM 5 hours ago
Lemme know when the Heart-Attack-Grill starts offering free
quadruple-bacon-chili-burgers free for the jab.
Rockatanski 5 hours ago
as Mussolinil said, the fusing of goverenment and corporate give you full facism and
that is what we are seeing now.
It's a FOX World why does their stupidity bother me so much?
They develop the talking point first and then alter the 'facts' to support it. How can a
brain survive on such a diet?
FOX on the U.S. meeting w/China in Alaska re-visited the consensus from all of the
dimwitted hosts is that it was a dark day for the U.S. because ...
1. China insulted us because Biden is weak.
2. China insulted us because the Democrats have torn down our country for 4yrs
3. China insulted us because the Democrats helped BLM burn down our country
4. China insulted us because the Democrats emboldened them ! ! !
There is actually a much, much, more straightforward explanation that never occurs to
these dimbulbs, China insulted us because we insulted them for 10 minutes. We
accused them of aggression, genocide, crushing democracy and being evildoers. Only a Neocon
slaps someone in the face and expects them to smile back at you.
Biden does seem to be keeping one promise he made from the campaign, namely that "nothing
will fundamentally change", he is basically continuing all of Trump's terrible foreign
policies (Iran, China, Russia, Syria & Venezuela). In many ways he's being even more
hawkish, issuing clownish threats to both Russia and China and even to the steadfast US
vassal Germany over Nord Stream 2. One has to ask the question, just how much of Trumps
foreign policy was his own. Afghanistan and Suria I think yes; Israel and Saudi Arabia maybe;
China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela and Germany; I think the interagency consensus (aka the "Deep
State") is setting those policies and will push it into overdrive under the Biden/Harris
With Respect to Biden, I saw that Max Keiser is already comparing Joe Biden to Borris
Yeltsin as a President who presided over the near breakup of the State and the rise of a
economic oligarchy.
recently installed "president" who can't make it up a flight of stairs or give a press
conference, who has the nuclear football following him around 24/.7. <- Posted by:
Perimetr | Mar 19 2021 22:55 utc | 54
History of American presidency had worse falls as we are reminded by New
York Post .
"President Biden's wince-inducing series of stumbles while boarding Air Force One on
Friday calls to mind Gerald Ford's 1975 fall on the same stairs -- a minor tumble that
forever tarred him as a clumsy oaf.
Chevy Chase pilloried Ford in a series of ruthless and hilarious "Saturday Night Live"
skits -- even though the object of his ridicule was just 62 years old, and an ex-University
of Michigan football star who avidly skied and golfed."
It was the very athletic ability of Gerald Ford that magnified his fall, all the way down.
When Biden started cautiously and kept his hand on the rail at all times, Ford climbed "with
a spring in his step", but, alas, he missed one step.
I'm slightly curious: if the USA insists that there is a "rules-based international order"
then - by definition - there must exist a rule-book i.e. a compendium of those rules.
That is axiomatic, because how else would anyone know if they are a rule-breaker, or when
they are in compliance with the rules.
Otherwise this isn't a "rules-based" system at all, it is merely a world based upon US
Has any reptile of the press ever asked a State Department flunky for a copy of "the
Wouldn't it be nice if the CPC starts backing the CPUSA with the kinds of resources that
the US backs their regime change operations through NED and USAID? That would be a game
I suspect Blinken/Sullivan/Biden need to show that they are "tough" to the Chinese in
public because otherwise, they will be roasted by the 78 millions Trump supporters for being
"weak" to China compared with Trump. Behind the close door, Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi
characterized the talks to be NOT "very tense." I believe Biden actually is quite keen to get
some "achievements" from the Chinese side, probably not realistically in this meeting, but
hopefully in the near future.
Ha, but the weather is cold, the hotel is shoddy, and the Chinese delegate had to have
instant noodle for lunch - that sounds like a very low budget "Hongmen Banquet" by the
Americans. Maybe they are still waiting for their 1.9 trillion stimulus check?
Is not that what we see now was always the true cost of "electing" (via cheating) the
greatest crook of them all plus a dementia sufferer? Both POTUS and the vice are completely
useless but highly manipulable. This why they were pushed forward and why the presidency was
delivered into their lap. But the main problem with manipulable is the inconsistency of the
manipulation usually due to the disagreement amongst the manipulators due to their differing
interests. Simply, the model of a dummy in the spotlight and the multiple string pullers in
the shadow is not a stable model. It is a model on the opposite extreme of the good
leadership, which is stable as long as the leader lasts (cough, cough ... Putin).
Regarding all the doomsayers on US who Martyanov joined lately and unoriginally (concept
sold long ago and much better by another Russian - Dimitry Orlov), they are not completely
wrong but wrongish. Whenever I read of some crap in the US, I think - was this the way it was
in the Chinese Empire, the seemingly endless corruption, depravity and complete and constant
lying? But look at China now. If US does not manage to destroy the World during its decline,
it will come back better and stronger. But one or two generations will suffer and many
contemporaries will run away, as they are running away from the cities right now. As things
get even worse they will start running away from the country en masse.
The problem with coronavirus vaccine is similar to the problem with flu vaccine: the virus
mutates and it is unclear how effective the vaccination will be against the next dominant
Did you know that "49 percent of GOP men say they won't get vaccinated"? It's true.
According to a recent article in The Hill:
"Nearly half of U.S. men who identify as Republicans said they have no plans to get the
coronavirus vaccine, according to a new PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll released Thursday.
The study, which surveyed 1,227 U.S. adults from March 3 to March 8, found that approximately
30 percent of Americans overall said they do not plan on getting vaccinated.
The poll found a higher amount of opposition among Republicans, with 41 percent saying
they would not get one of the three federally approved coronavirus vaccines and 49 percent of
Republican men saying the same. Fifty percent of GOP men said they would get the vaccine or
had already got it. One percent was unsure.
I believe that people who refuse to take the vaccine will be ridiculed, humiliated,
scapegoated, deprived and isolated. Judging from the COVID 19 situation we are already living
in fascist society where people are treated as the state property.
Once you you look at the vaccination statistics, it is clear that the psychopaths are
winning. There is no escape from them. Sooner or later they will come for people like me. I
am trying to prepare myself for a painful and slow death from starvation/disease/maltreatment
in a detention/concentration/reeducation camp.
My hat is off to Mr. Whitney for an excellent article. And thank God for a real human
being and American patriot as Gov. Kristi Noem. I thought there was no such thing in
politics. This woman should be our president not the fake and false "woman of color" standing
in the wings salivating. The media can't tell if she's African or from India. Does it matter
that she was the least favored candidate in the primaries? Not to to demoncrats. All they do
is pander to color and gender confusion. This should be an insult to any real person of color
like me and it most definitely is. When are people going to realize that they are being
exploited and manipulated? We are all citizens and those sincerely aspiring to be citizens.
Not pawns in a politica chess game that no one wins but the politicians...
Apparently Chuck Todd is a
climatologist and virologist . He doesn't ASK Fauci if climate change will cause more
pandemics - or how even soon that might happen - he simply states as fact that
it will happen. For his part, Fauci largely avoids the issue, responding as generically as
possible. LOL!
In this indirect way, Americans have now been put on notice: expect more pandemics and
continuing restrictions in the not-too-distant future.
Who says our media aren't informative?!?!/sarc
Expert Chuck Todd fails to note that the world was long overdue a pandemic. Chuckie also
fails to note that highly-paid health authorities - that planned for years for the next
pandemic - failed miserably in protecting us. What health authority questioned Trump's early
lies that SARS-COV-2 was no worse than the flu?
Of course Biden is senile, but from the speech it is clear that his clique is also far from
being the sharpest knifes in the drawer.
The problem with coronavirus vaccine is similar to the problem with flu vaccine: the virus
mutates and it is unclear how effective the vaccination will be against the next dominant
Also it is unclear whether for people, say, over 70 the danger of vaccine outweighs the
danger of the virus (especially if they live alone with no children in the household -- children
usually bring new infection into the family). Half of Covid-19 deaths are over age 80 (median age
of victims is 82). If you are over age 80 and live in a big city or in a family with children ,
you have elevated, probably a 1 in 6 chance of dying from Covid-19
And again big difference is whether you live in the large city like NYC or somewhere in the
suburbs, say 70 miles from the nearest large city. People in the city are in much higher danger
to get the infection.
"Trust the government", says Biden, and yet, in survey after survey, we see that trust in
government is lower now than any time in our 245-year history. And, for good reason: the public
health officials, the media, and their Democrat allies in the statehouses have consistently and
deliberately misled the public on nearly every aspect of the pandemic...
Take a look:
"When I came into office you may recall I set a goal that many of you said was kind of way
over the top. I said I intended to get 100 million shots in people's arms in my first 100
days in office . Tonight, I can say we're not only going to meet that goal, we're going
to beat that goal. Because we're actually on track to reach this goal of 100 million shots in
arms on my 60th day in office. No other country in the world has done this, none. And I want
to talk about the next steps we're thinking about.
"Tonight, I'm announcing that I will direct all states, tribes, and territories to make
all adults, people 18 and over, eligible to be vaccinated no later than May 1. Let me say
that again. All adult Americans will be eligible to get a vaccine no later than May 1. That's
much earlier than expected.
"And let me be clear. That doesn't mean everyone's going to have that shot immediately,
but it means you'll be able to get in line beginning May 1. Every adult will be eligible to
get their shot. And to do this, we're going to go from a million shots a day that I
promised in December before I was sworn in, to maintaining, beating our current pace of 2
million shots a day, outpacing the rest of the world "
What does that mean?
It means the virus is on its last legs . It means there is enough immunity in the
community that the rate of infection is falling like a stone . Viruses don't suddenly
decide to pack their bags and leave town. No. They run out of susceptible hosts to infect. And
the reason they run out of susceptible hosts to infect, is because more people have already had
the infection and either survived or died. Either way, the pool of susceptible hosts has shrunk
dramatically. This is a long way of saying that ' At present, there is no reason to get
vaccinated.' There is no reason to inject an experimental and potentially-lethal substance
into your bloodstream to counter an infection that is nearly kaput. Capisce?
Biden knows this, his speech writers know this, and the deep-pocket oligarchs who shoehorned
his sorry a** into the White House by dumping truckloads of mail-in ballots at voting stations
around the country in the wee-hours of the morning; they know it, too.
Of course, he knows it. He knows the whole thing is a fraud, but that won't stop him from
doing what he's been doing for the last 50 years; carrying water for corporate honchos and
billionaire busybodies who see vaccination as an essential steppingstone to their glorious new
order. Biden is merely the face-man for this sinister project; a pallid, inconsequential
cog that helps to move the machinery of tyranny forward. That's Biden in a nutshell. Here's
more from the speech:
"I need you, the American people. I need you. I need every American to do their part. I
need you to get vaccinated when it's your turn and when you can find an opportunity.
And to help your family, your friends, your neighbors get vaccinated as well. Because
here's the point.
"If we do all this, if we do our part, if we do this together, by July the 4, there's a
good chance you, your families and friends, will be able to get together in your backyard or
in your neighborhood and have a cookout or a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day."
Get it? In other words, either you get vaccinated or no 4th of July for you!
... Do these people have any idea how despicable they are? The government's job is to
provide accurate, well-researched, empirical information on matters of public interest, like
vaccines. The government has no right to employ private contractors to persuade,
indoctrinate or brainwash the American people in order to promote the cynical and
self-serving agenda of power-mad elites and money-grubbing corporations. That is a massive
Last spring, the New York Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered nursing homes to admit patients who
had recently been treated for Covid-19.
This led to a spike in Covid deaths inside nursing homes, which are filled with elderly
people in the highest risk category for serious Covid-19 cases.
When the State Health Department issued a report on the nursing home deaths, one of Cuomo's
aides rewrote it to remove the total count of 9,250 deaths related to the policy.
The reasoning was that the death count outpaced New Jersey's -- with the second highest
nursing home death rate in the county -- by almost 3,000.
The aide who rewrote the report with the intention to mislead the public worked as a
Professor of Government Ethics at NYU's law school, before joining the Cuomo administration in
"ethics and law enforcement matters."
"The aide who rewrote the report with the intention to mislead the public worked as a
Professor of Government Ethics at NYU's law school, before joining the Cuomo administration
in "ethics and law enforcement matters."
I worked in medical ethics for a decade, so I'm not surprised. Especially since he did
that work at a LAW SCHOOL . If we didn't already know it, the focus at law schools is on
teaching students that it is their professional duty to argue for any point of view they are
paid for. And it is the professional task of "ethics experts" to make the argument that the
course of action preferred by their bosses or their institutions is the most "ethical" among
alternatives. Never mind that it's generally the most profitable as well. Pointing out the
actual moral destitution of the chosen acts is NOT conducive to a long career. Trust me on
that one.
The short-cut through the verbiage is generally, if someone refers to "morality", they're
actually talking about what's Right or Wrong. When they mention "ethics", however, they're
discussing what you can get away with.
Cityzerosix 1 day ago
Ethics; underlying morality.
Ethical- relating to beliefs that are morally right or wrong
weeks ago I was just watching an NBA game and thought it would be so much more enjoyable if
there was more diversity on the court. Maybe they could lower the baskets so more whites and
Asians could play in the league.
Deep State Operator: "I'll have the staff start drawing up plans for that."
Trump: "I want them out NOW!"
Deep State Operator: "Ah... that's complicated. We can't just leave right away and
leave all of our stuff there."
Trump: "OK, then make those plans! Tell me why these plans were not prepared yet? You
knew that I wanted the troops home. That was one of my campaign promises."
Deep State Operator: "But you never asked us!"
[six months pass]
Trump: "So, how about those plans?"
Deep State Operator: "What plans?"
Trump: "The ones about withdrawing from Syria that I ordered you to have
Deep State Operator: "Oh, those plans. We have our best people working on them. I'll
find out their status and get back to you."
[three months later]
Trump: "The plans!"
Deep State Operator: "What plans?"
Trump: "Do you have brain damage or something? The ones about withdrawing from Syria!
You said you would look into their status and get back to me!"
Deep State Operator: "We're doing the best that we can! There have been some
complications, but we'll have them straightened out soon!"
[three more months pass]
Trump: "The plans."
Deep State Operator: "What plans?"
Trump: "To get out of Syria."
Deep State Operator: "Oh, those plans! You never filled out the necessary paperwork. We
cannot proceed without the orders in writing. You have to be specific about what you mean by
wanting the troops out. Which parts of Syria do you want them out of and which troops do you
want the operation to apply to? Like I said before, this is really complicated."
[incredulous look from Trump]
[six months later]
Trump: "The plans."
Deep State Operator: "What plans?"
Trump: "To get out of Syria."
Deep State Operator: "Oh, those plans! You wouldn't believe this but a dog ate the
orders that you gave us. We couldn't tell which troops to get out of where, so the plans have
been developing rather slowly."
Trump: "You are right. I don't believe you. You're fired!"
Deep State Operator: "You can't fire me! I am a civil servant!"
Trump: "I can't? OK then, you're promoted to cleaning toilets at McMurdo Station.
[six months later]
Trump: "Those plan? Or do you want to join your predecessor at McMurdo
New Deep State Operator: "You ask too much! It takes time to learn the intricacies of
this interdepartmental work! I've just started!"
[six months later]
Trump: "Plans!"
Deep State Operator: "Can I go to McMurdo Station?"
[and so on]
[after deep state/business elites frauded election]
Deep State Operator: "Welcome Mr President, and can I say how please I am at your
Biden: "You can say whatever the hell you want, whoever the hell you are."
Deep State Operator: "I am your Deep State interdepartmental
facilitator and liaison."
Biden: "Ah, good. They want me to ask you to get the troops back in Syria."
Deep State Operator: "Right away sir. The plans are already prepared and troops will
begin moving before the end of the hour."
Everyone knows the Deep State works this way. Infinite resistance against what the Deep
State doesn't want and immediate action on what the Deep State desires.
Disposable people are indispensable. Who else would fight the wars? Who would preach? Who
would short derivatives? Who would go to court and argue both sides? Who would legislate? Who
would sell red hots at the old ball game?
For too long disposable people have been misrepresented as destitute, homeless, unemployed,
or at best precariously employed. True, the destitute, the homeless, the unemployed and the
precarious are indeed treated as disposable but most disposable people pursue respectable
professions, wear fashionable clothes, reside in nice houses, and keep up with the Jones.
Disposable people are defined by what they do not produce. They do not grow food. They do
not build shelters. They do not make clothes. They also do not make the tractors used to grow
food, the tools to build shelters or the equipment to make clothes.
Although disposable people do not produce necessities what they do is not unnecessary. It is
simply that the services they provide are not spontaneously demanded as soon as one acquires a
bit of additional income. One is unlikely, however, to engage the services or purchase the
goods produced by disposable people unless one is in possession of disposable income.
Disposable income is the basis of disposable people. Conversely, disposable people are the
foundation of disposable income.
I was joking about Biden being reanimated, but judging from campaign videos etc. he has
troubles with longer answers to questions, looses track and temper and prattles, and he react
badly to some trigger words. That said, like Trump, he cannot be an attentive boss, so
whoever made that leak, clearance from the top was not necessary...
Just imagine how differently the Epstein story would be covered by the media if Epstein
and Maxwell were ethnic Russians, and if Maxwell's father had received a State funeral in
Not really. They know the President's condition merely means someone else is currently
enjoying the highest form of power: power without responsibility.
Huawei's Harmony OS Extends to All Devices in 2021 in Bid for Tech Self-Sufficiency Amid US
Trade War."
This is interesting. Tech commentators have pointed out, correctly but without too much
insight, that Huawei will have a hard time selling phones with Harmony outside of China because
Trump cut the company off from using the Android operating system's app store. Google." Huawei
is now preloading Harmony on all of its product, making it independent of Google.
Now we have.
Huawei May Allow Chinese Smartphone Firms to Use Harmony OS to Counter Trump Trade
This means that all of China's phone companies are independent of Android, at least in
China, as, if threatened by the US, they just switch to Harmony. It also means that China,
should it choose, could ban Android in Chinas as Trump banned Huawei in the US, and perhaps ban
iOS also, thus losing the entire Chinese market for Google and Apple. Forcing a large,
resourceful country to build competing products might charitably be called preternaturally
Which brings us to the new Cold War, which is exactly what Trump II is engaged in. The
Beltway China hawks want to cripple China's tech industry by denying it advanced semiconductor
technology, chiefly from America's vassal states of Holland, Taiwan, and South Korea. Will this
work? I dunno. But there is a clear pattern in China's response. A sort of techy example, that
sensible readers can skip.
There is a company in Wuhan,
YMTC, Yangtze Memory Technology Company, that has developed an advanced 192-layer
dual-wafer NAND ("flash") chip using Chinese technology. Flash memory is used in huge
quantities in everything from smartphones to French fries (well, maybe not French fries.) There
is some doubt as to whether the company will be able to produce in volume, but it is building a
second fab line, so it must think it can.
If it does, American companies, notably Micron, will lose the (very large) Chinese market
for flash. Then the Chinese, nothing if not commercial, will probably flood the world market
with discount flash.
This tech-wide lunge for self-sufficiency, if Washington does not succeed in crushing it,
will close the Chinese market progressively for American firms. Well, who needs 1.4 billion
customers? The China hawks may be poking the wrong bear.
The most important thing Fred wrote in an overall great piece:
Education. China finds its brightest students with a grueling entrance exam. America
dumbs down elite high schools because they don't have enough unqualified minorities.
Thomas Jefferson High School in Virginia has already been enstupidated, and the NYC
schools are on the block. The purpose of schools is to admit students who can't do the
Huawei's AppGallery has attracted over 530 million active monthly users, and 384 billion
installs in 2020–an 83% increase YoY. There are 2.3 million registered developers
working on mobile applications for AppGallery, up 77% over 2019.
Tibet, yes, that Tibet, has broader, faster 5G coverage than the San Francisco
Bay Area.
Sure. Biden has been in office 5 weeks, and that's why China is ahead of us on all of
these technologies. Maybe Marjorie Green can get us all caught up.
Congratulation to the Chinese for the economic advances of recent decades. Not all their
advances are brilliant.
Take Maglev trains. That is an extraordinary expensive technology for moving a few score
people per car. Trains make sense for moving heavy loads long distances. Loads of coal,
petroleum, cattle, lumber and manufactured goods are natural cargoes. It is a waste of
resources to move human passengers in the massive trains. To engineer trains to travel at
300 or 500 mph is a fool's errand. Might as well attach lasers to ox carts. Trains are 19th
century technology and still useful for limited purposes. If you want to ship people at
hundreds of mph use aircraft. The only profitable passenger trains were a few of the
trolleys early in the 20th century.
Fusion reactors: it is said to be the next big thing. Funny, it has had that status
since the 1950s. I hope some practical application is developed by someone.
Hydrogen fuel: it is a wonderful clean burning fuel. Minor problem: where does the
hydrogen come from? Answer: natural gas is the cheapest source but why not save a lot of
expenses and just burn natural gas? Methane fuel cells are possible although perhaps not
practical. There is a endless supply in water but the separation by electrolysis requires
more energy input than the energy yielded when hydrogen is burned.
Solar panels: a great source of electricity when reliable electric power isn't desired.
If Chinese rely on solar for 32% of their electricity they will face an imminent energy
crisis. A coal burning plant has to be running hot 24 hours per day in case there are
clouds. And there is no solar at night.
The clever Chinese do a lot of the dumb things Americans do. They imitate stupid things
as well as practical technologies. I do not doubt the Chinese will make unique
contributions eventually.
We have a criminal regime in power now, a junta, complete with troops and barbed wire.
Laws don't apply to them because all 3 branches are corrupt. The press is a near total
failure, and has simply become Pravda on steroids.
Gimmie My Stimmy 5 hours ago
Actually, razor wire. All that's really missing are the german sheppards.
ThorAss 6 hours ago
...the media and the alphabet [agencies] are all owned by the same people. Guess what,
it's a big club ......
Tesla down 31%? Not a problem I will use the dividends to offset my losses. Oh wait!
BigJJ 13 minutes ago
I've never understood how Tesla could possibly make money given all the infrastructure
they had to install just to sell shoddily thrown together rusty cars that are useless when
the grid crashes.
Sound of the Suburbs 41 minutes ago (Edited)
...What was the ponzi scheme of inflated asset prices that collapsed in 2008?
El Hosel 1 hour ago (Edited)
Clearly "It's different this time", now that everybody knows "stocks only go up"...
All the democrats have to do is inact standard mail in voting as a federal law. They will
never have to worry about losing another election. Who is going to stop them? It has done
wonders for California. They have it down to an art form. Every state will have a Diane
Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi. Mindless ramblings about the glories of democracy. Fairness and
equality for all types! But especially powerful politicians smart enough to marry
investment bankers.
Just as a pointless aside, I dragged out my old DVD of a mid-1980s British comedy called
"Whoops Apocalypse", about the events leading up to nuclear Armageddon. Hilarious, despite
the grim plot.
The US President is a man way out of his depth (obviously Ronald Raygun), while the
British PM is clinically insane.
So far, so normal...
But it was the depiction of the Soviet leadership that is most striking: apparatchiks so
interchangeable that when the Soviet Premier has a heart attack while meeting the US
Ambassador they simply drag the body out and wheel in a replacement as if it were the most
natural thing in the world.
But look at the world now: the recent Presidential election was between two men of
pensionable age, with the "winner" showing definite the signs of dementia. While over in the
Kremlin there is a man who - whatever faults he may have - is definitely not an apparatchik
and certainly is not sclerotic.
Difficult to come by, but if you ever get the chance then do yourself a favor and watch
the show. It is a work of absolute genius from start to finish.
Biden front of camera (and barely managing that) with Chief of Staff Klain running the
Reminds me of Obama front of camera (managing that extremely well) with Rahm Emmanuel
running the show, ensuring the interests of those who put Obama where he was.
Rahm left the position after two years to run for Mayor of Chicago, following Richard M
Daley, who's brother, William, took over the role of White House Chief of Staff (after Rouse
was interim for several months), also to ensure the interests of those who put Obama where he
Why do people lose sight of Obama's political origins?
"This will likely cost them their House majority in 2022"
So what? Yes every congresscritter greatly cares about his own seat, but for the Dem
Party it only leads to embarrassment. "It was politically unfeasible", "Those evil
Repubs made us do it"--that's when Dems are in their element; Obama also ditched the
overall majorities he rode in on as soon as he could. The Dems need to look relevant, and to
have a little something to block Republican plans they don't care for, and all is good. And
'24... who knows; one way or another, Biden just beat Trump; why could't he, or his stuffed
corpse, do it again?
Anyway, the real arbiters here are the donors. And they like their pendulum swings, lest
their puppets get too uppity, and because one-party rule would be too ... overt. This is what
gloomy Repubs fail to understand these days.
"Neither the European U.S. allies, nor the Asian ones, have any interest in following the
U.S. into a confrontation with China."
Beg your pardon? Both the Canadian and Dutch parliaments have just lobbed genocide
accusations against China. Now that Bad Man Trump is gone, they're desperate to show
their servility. Fundamentally, this is who they are.
This post is an excellent diagnosis of the Anglo-American malady.
Quoting PlutoniumKun: "So in the UK they have a government run by a buffoon surrounded by
lightweights, that has made an appalling mess of Covid, screwed up Brexit, has destroyed the
UK's standing internationally, and has driven the country into an unnecessary steep
recession. But is still incredibly popular."
In the U S of A, the Monoparty, Aqua Wing plus Mauve Wing, have driven the country into
declining life expectancy, a constant petty low-level civil war, greater and greater income /
wealth inequality, and visible decline–streets falling in, broken sidewalks, tatty post
offices no longer maintained, and so on.
Yet there is no indication that the Monoparty can be broken up. Meanwhile, minimum wage is
maintained at an obscene level, the government quibbles over unemployment benefits (let alone
the manipulated unemployment rate), and the stimulus is a guaranteed shambles. Large numbers
of Americans have a sense that the whole shebang is "rigged," yet being American, they want
to fall into racial panic rather than breaking down the system of oppression.
And Joe Manchin, oh-so-conveniently, is president of this mess.
It doesn't take much to understand that the Iranian government has some eighty years of
reasons for not wanting to deal with the U.S. government. Justifiable reasons. Yet the U.S.
is still deluded enough to think that it is the center of Empire. Talk about
lightweights–the U.S. foreign policy establishment and the "intelligence communit" have
produced one disaster after another, with impunity.
As a resident of Joe Manchin's country, it is pleasing to see that the discussion of the
idiocy of what is happening politically in the US and that the discussion of MMT are finally
being presented in a rational way.
The opening of this entire blog hit it on the head – money is not an issue for a
sovereign monetary country. The EU could adopt the MMT point-of -view, whereas the individal
countries making up the EU cannot. There is only one party in the US, the party of those who
have enough money to buy the politicians.
With the above admitted, NC can now retire; there is nothing more to discuss except how do
we get rid of these problems with the governments in power?
...Hillary failed. She was organised by self confident, privileged, idiotic fools,
example: Podesta use 'password' as his password for his most confidential emailer. The
hackers had both Hillary and Podesta by the short and curleys: they were extreme risk.
The likelihood of the entire Clinton home server contents being in the possession of more
than two contending nations is quite high IMO. Add the Debbie Wasseman Shultz hacking debacle
and you get a 'trust and confidence' deficit. Trump had none of that baggage.
Better for the oligarchs to go with the guy who confessed to grabbing women by the short
and curleys than to throw your lot in with morons and where you had to share 'control' with
the hacker universe:
Trump was elected by the democracy that the USA fears to amend. Live with it.
DJT was supposed to be thrown under the bus more than four years ago. From that
perspective it was the 2016 election that was stolen... by the electorate. That wasn't
supposed to happen which is why the establishment totally lost their shi... uh, cool.
Biden is the most fitting US President in modern history. He is a fantastic representation
of the political system that has metastasized around the institutions of government. He's
almost redundant, that's not intended as an insult.
An empty husk has its political uses and as simple continuation device for the forever
war's he should do fine.
It looks almost certain that it's a question of when not if the cognitive wheels will
grind to a halt. Despite his grim determination to remember his lines you're left wondering
if the effort is even worth it. If the systems barely functioning meat suit simply drooled
over the lecturn at his next engagement what would be the substantive difference for the US,
it's people and policies.
Trump was nothing more than entertaining distraction but cucked almost every decision he
had to make and was dealt with easily by the systemic, vested interests groups mitigating the
slightest correction, the smallest bit of change. Biden is a real life deepfake, an illusion,
just like the bona fides of the American political system claiming to represent the
The vested interests will continue to gorge themselves on wealth and power while Biden
gazes vaccously into the nearest camera.
How many repeat performances with known end would be required and how many acts to conceal
the crime, er, tort, before a lawyer stands up and says that pile of dead bodies was put
there by a perp?
How many dead bodies before a journalist decides there is a story?
How many times will public be fooled before wising up? Well, that one I know the
Speaker Pelosi eagerly
cancelled voting Thursday because of the bogus threat. This freed up Representative Al
Green, a Democrat from the Houston area, to undertake a stunt of surpassing stupidity that was
taken with deadpan seriousness by much of the media. The DC insider publication,
The Hill , bought into the stunt:
Rep. Al Green (D-Texas)
is sending a message to QAnon and right-wing extremist threats by sitting on the Capitol
steps on Thursday, the date authorities warned militia groups were potentially planning
another breach of the building.
"I want to make a statement to let people know, those who would threaten those of us who
cherish this freedom that we have here that we refuse to allow those threats to negate our
freedom," he told The Hill.
Green himself touted his bravery:
... The only problem is that Rep. Green was sitting behind a large protective cordon,
including National Guard troops and fencing, facing no danger, even if the phony insurrection
reports had been true.
Tucker Carlson called them out in his introductory segment Friday. It's worth watching
here .
"US announces sanctions on top Ukrainian oligarch & Zelensky ally Kolomoisky for '
undermining democratic processes ' in country." [My Emphasis] Here .
Okay, so when will the Democratic National Committee and its Republican counterpart be
sanctioned for doing the same within the USA?
TRUMP fans clashed with Antifa and BLM supporters while carrying a massive flag depicting Nancy Pelosi as a demon during a march
on Friday.
The MAGA supporters marched along Fifth Avenue in
Trump Tower with all sorts of pro-Trump flags waving.
Trump supports marched in Manhattan on Friday
Alamy Live News
The MAGA fans unveiled a large flag depicting
Nancy Pelosi as some sort of demon
Getty Images - Getty
One of those flags, unfurled right in front of the former president's namesake tower, featured
Speaker Pelosi
fashioned as some sort of demon.
CLAIM: The White House cut President Joe Biden's feed at a virtual event with top House
Democrats because they did not have confidence in him answering questions.
AP'S ASSESSMENT: False. Biden did take questions after his introductory remarks at the
House Democratic Caucus Virtual Issues Conference on Wednesday but the event was closed to
the press after the initial comments, so the video feed was cut.
THE FACTS: Posts online are suggesting that the video proves that the White House is
limiting the president's talking time.
"'Man Has No Idea What He's Doing': Biden Says He's 'Happy to Take Question' But WH Cuts
"' I'd be happy to take questions if that's what I'm supposed to do , Nance,' Biden
said. ' Whatever you want me to do .'" [My Emphasis]
I've refrained from calling Biden a walking corpse or otherwise making fun of his dementia
because I cared for my mom during her losing battle with Alzheimer's, and it's extremely
tragic and not at all funny. But given this evidence and the fact that his minders cut him
off, it ought to be very clear that Biden is in no way in control of his administration or
even of himself. So, there's absolutely no way that he ordered the missile strike on the
Iraqi troops, or is making any other policy decisions. The voting public can rightfully say
it was defrauded. started with Teresa May alleging a "chemical weapons attack" on European soil (re:
the Skripals) and now has morphed into an alleged active Russian Chemical Weapons/WMD program
requiring sanctions and public outrage (re: Navalny).
The decline of the West can be measured by the level of constant BS.
Michael Mackenzie and James Fontanella-Khan in New York Fri, March 5, 2021, 7:00 PM
The veteran value investor John Rogers predicted the US is headed for a repeat of the
"roaring twenties" a century ago that will finally encourage investors to dump tech stocks in
favour of companies more sensitive to the economy. The founder of Ariel Investments told the
Financial Times in an interview that value investing "dinosaurs" like him stood to win as
higher economic growth and rising interest rates took the air out of some of the hottest stocks
of recent years. The US central bank is "overly optimistic that they can keep inflation under
control", he said, and higher bond market interest rates would reduce the value of future
earnings for highly popular growth stocks such as tech companies and for the kinds of
speculative companies coming to market in initial public offerings or via deals with Spacs.
Call it payback for the December restaurant shutdowns.
It took a few minutes after the BLS reported the impressive February jobs report, which
showed a whopping 379K total jobs added in February (and 465K private payrolls, or more than
double the 195K expected), for traders to read between the lines and realize that there was
much less than meets the eye in the latest jobs report.
To wit: of the 379K jobs, a whopping 355K, or 93%, were in leisure and hospitality, and
within this category the one and only sector that truly boomed the most under the Obama admin
was on top: employees food service and drinking places, i.e. waiter and bartenders, accounted
for a massive 286K jobs, or 75% of the total job gains in February. Call it payback for the
December collapse in restaurant workers when nearly 400K jobs were lost amid the latest round
of restaurant shutdowns.
Honest Joe is old, weak, frail, incompetent, corrupt, traitorous to his own people, and
some say maybe even a little bit sexually perverted.
You meant to say Donald Trump. Maybe Biden isn't much better, but it can't be good for the
US when the same description is perfectly valid for both rivals for power.
At 78, after a prolonged illness and without recovering consciousness, Joe Biden succumbed
to the Presidency. The last hopes of the last QAnon believers vanished like smoke in the night,
with Biden assuming the mighty US throne. This is truly a dark day for America and for the
world, as the US example will be followed by many. It is also a farewell to the real world we
were brought up in. The new world is virtual, like most of the inauguration. It is virtual and
dark, ruled by digital companies fronted by old and tired politicians.
The creepy voice of Biden, the voice of a dirty old man offering sweets to a nine-year-old,
delivered some platitudes.
... ... ...
The Biden regime is just a front for the power of Big Data, of the five giants that removed
Trump and installed Biden in the White House. We shall see soon whether the power-thirsty
politicians will be satisfied with fronting for real power...
Whenever Trump complained that it is open to fraud, Bezos' Washington Post screeched,
'President Trump has peddled false claims or imaginary threats about voting by mail'. Three
days after Trump's removal, Amazon (owned by the very same Bezos) rejected mail-in voting for its
unionising employees as the mail-in vote is notoriously unreliable. "We believe that the best
approach to a valid, fair and successful election is one that is conducted manually, in-person,
making it easy to verify",
said Amazon. The mail-in vote for the Presidency was a must because of the pandemic, but
there is no outbreak when Amazon employees try to join a trade union.
Likewise, the looting of BLM was 'largely peaceful', but selfie snapping in the Capitol was
a work of 'internal terrorists'. The victors are so dishonest, that I feel pity for Trump
– and for all of us.
Freezing Texas should commission a monument: Greta Thunberg and Bill Gates save the Texans
from global warming by turning them into icicles. So much for global warming, the reddest
herring ever caught in the Gulf of Mexico!
Even the direction of the climate drift is not certain. The Warmers (like Greta) say our
planet is warming up because of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by mankind. Many experts say the
planet is actually enters the new Ice Age due to diminished solar activity ( here ),
connecting it to Maunder Minimum or Gleissberg Minimum.
In Israel, a popular
expert Chaim Noll says the real problem is desertification, while CO2 is good for plants
and prevents semi-arid areas turning into desert. Still others say the changes are perfectly
normal; we have been through such changes before.
LINK BOOKMARK We really do
not know for sure what's going on and whether we can or should do anything about it. And now,
at the time of the great freeze, Bill Gates has temerity to publish his Warmer's Manifesto,
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster by Bill Gates.
The book was heavily promoted, and got fawning reviews, though it is as silly as any of
these books. Gates wants us to stop travelling (unless you can afford a private jet, of
the kind Gates has invested in), stop
eating meat (worms should be good enough for the hoi polloi, or synthetic meat produced by
the same Gates, for cows fart, and farting is warming the planet). Knowing his and his ilk's
ability to mobilise the media, I wouldn't be amazed if he succeeds in convincing the West. And
any disaster in meat-producing Texas would be grist to Gates' mill.
Besides being silly, this guy knows too much! In 2015, Gates gave a "prescient warning about
the threat of a pandemic", says a
reviewer . To what extent was it "prescient" if in the same 2015, Gates patented a coronavirus quite similar to
the one that attacked mankind in 2020? Perhaps he is prescient "for the same reason that
arsonists have the earliest knowledge of future fires", as Ron
Unz remarked .
Bill Gates never went to college, so I doubt he knows the carbon cycle. He thinks he can
talk nonsense because he is rich, and the nonsense will then make sense.
There is no global warming, but global cooling, as there was snow even in Israel:
"... Congress needs to establish an investigative body like the 9/11 Commission to determine Trump's ties to Putin so we can repair the damage to our national security and prevent a puppet from occupying the presidency ever again. ..."
Congress needs to establish an investigative body like the 9/11 Commission to
determine Trump's ties to Putin so we can repair the damage to our national security and
prevent a puppet from occupying the presidency ever again.
With hand on book– I solemnly do swear to continue Neo Liberalism, to enrich my family, and the off shore banks accounts of
those who surround me.
A-Men "I think the Chinese put Biden in power, or was it the Russians, or perhaps North Korea, maybe Iran, Syria maybe. Kuala
Lumpur perhaps "or a YouTube video that looks like
Freezing Texas should commission a monument: Greta Thunberg and Bill Gates save the Texans
from global warming by turning them into icicles. So much for global warming, the reddest
herring ever caught in the Gulf of Mexico!
The Texans have got the real New Green Deal, very expensive and uncertain. The deal is
"Freeze and pay through your nose!" The green alternative pure cheap and plentiful energy is
the stuff the dreams of AOC are made of. It is not likely to work out. Wind and sea are
wonderful but hardly a reliable source of energy for heating in sub-zero temperatures.
In an age where voting is a joke I am going to advertise that my vote is for sale. I mean it
amounts to the same thing when politicians promise free money.
REDinFL 2 minutes ago
Sorry, too late. Votes have no market value now that they can be manufactured.
"... $1.9 Trillions comes out to about $6000 per person. But a family of four gets $1400. Where is the other $22,600? Check Chuck and Nancy's pockets. ..."
"... Joe Biden is just a puppet, so let this old guy alone, his last years of life as POTUS are a gift for his marvelous (*sarcasm) political career of almost half a century, where he accomplished almost nothing, but some corrupted money grabs, together with his junkie-son ..."
Joe Biden is just a puppet, so let this old guy alone, his last years of life as POTUS are a
gift for his marvelous (*sarcasm) political career of almost half a century, where he
accomplished almost nothing, but some corrupted money grabs, together with his junkie-son 9.5
Those behind him are the true leaders and they will instruct and push him hard to do what is
needed and help with both hands (and legs and teleprompters and earpieces) so that creepy Joe
goes the "right way" as they want him to go.
They already made him president, while hiding in his basement, so they know how it
All this is just a big hoax, a farce and laughable if it weren't tragic for the American
The empire tricks are being called out, with their obsession to sanction and old style
western "wanted" posters what they're getting back is to be trolled. Prigozhin, the so called
Putin's Chef is trolling the FBI claiming a 250K reward for information on himself, he
provided them with his personal address, Lieutenant Schmidt Embankment Number 7, St.
Petersburg RF. He is waiting for them there, to cash his quarter million. Old western movies
are kind of old.
Biden bombs Syria, and allows congress to quash $15 minimum wage. No $2000.00 covid aid
for hungry yanks. Y'all happy you got rid of Orange Man Bad? Dementia Joe would look after
you, right? Good luck with that.
What eludes me about Russian cyber actors is their utter stupidity and their utter genius.
We are told that the Solar Winds attack was an absolutely super duper act of pure hacking
genius. But on the other hand Russian hackers cannot hide a twitter bot's point of origin.
According to The Intercept, Mueller was able to indict Russian hackers because one of them
forgot to sign into their VPN account. Go figure.
I suspect that any tweet which "takes the Kremlin line" is assumed to be tied to Russians
regardless of its point of origin. Otherwise, Twitter would have to have the resources of the
CIA to identify a multitude of cyber actors to back track them.
The interesting aspect of the Twitter ban on Trump is that it tends to reinforce the
theory that POTUS is just a Token Figurehead with Zero Power. It was an extraordinarily
myopic act for The Swamp to approve.
Narrative control has always been part of the grift. But one can always cultivate a
critical mind, read widely, understand history and try to think carefully about how ideology
works. I'm a fan of Zizek's film 'Pervert's Guide to Ideology' because it points out that
'propaganda' is never disseminated from a central point by diabolical puppet-masters.
Ideology is dispersed and decentralised, and radiates from all points. It is embodied, and in
a way this makes it even more sinister, because it cannot be countered by rationality and
argument. But we can try to understand it in its complexity, and there are plenty of
excellent thinkers who have done so to fall back on: Marx, Nietzsche, Althusser, Foucault,
Baudrillard, Zizek, not to mention all of the Frankfurt School and their successors.
But it also is astonishingly naive to expect narrative to align with a truth imagined to
lie outside narrative. Truth is an effect of narrative combined with authority. The early
Greeks grasped this in their genealogy of the Muse: she is the daughter of Zeus (sovereign
power) and Mnemosyne (memory). We just happen to live in a world where all narrative forms
are indeterminate: nothing is true, everything could be true... This is an effect of
narrative form not an intrinsic problem of content.
I am reminded of a quote from the always essential guide to bureaucracy:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
"But the plans were on display "
"On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them."
"That's the display department."
"With a flashlight."
"Ah, well, the lights had probably gone."
"So had the stairs."
"But look, you found the notice, didn't you?"
"Yes," said Arthur, "yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet
stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of the Leopard."
His Lights Stayed on During Texas' Storm. Now He Owes $16,752.
Posted by: vk | Feb 21 2021 15:17 utc | 3
There are wise people in Texas and not so wise. A not so wise person uses electric heating
and lighting during an ice storm, and his local utility frantically bids for available power
(I guess it is done by a computer program). Win! As a reward, for an hour both home and
office is warm and lit for an hour, using few kilowatts that cost 1000 each. Later the
country plunges in darkness, like the neighboring country that lost the bidding and thus was
cold and dark for an extra hour.
A wise person shuts everything and flies to Cancun. Plenty of warmth and light down there,
and much much cheaper! But as I was commenting before, the public frowns upon clever
politicians -- Senator Cruz in in a bit of hot water. To recover, he will need to blab for at
least a year and hide his intelligence completely.
When deregulated electricity came to my municipality it was in guise of green renewable
energy. The local Greens put two years of heavy work into that referendum. Anyone with common
sense or a particle of skepticism knew that in this case green was a stalking horse for
deregulation. Deregulation would not have passed muster here. But the Greens got it through.
They are majority Ph.D. So they have no common sense at all.
Day after referendum the sales force descended. Within a week the Greens no longer
existed. If you slammed door in salesman's face they called you on the phone. For five years
I got at least two phone calls a day and at times it was hourly.
Twice I was slammed. Slammed means suddenly you have a new electric provider. A bill
arrives in the mail from someone you have never heard of and it is hard to know if it is even
real, but it probably is. To get unslammed the remedy is infinite phone calls and hours on
hold day after day. Or you can hire an attorney. Or you can make a trip and appear in person
at your congressman's service office. I would rather never be within a kilometer of the slime
that represents me in Congress but there are times you have to compromise your
Have to mention that any and all who failed to display sufficient enthusiasm for green
renewable energy were dragged through the mud. We were called reactionaries, dinosaurs,
Libertarians, Republicans. It goes without saying we were baby killers. This was heated and
public and impossible to evade.
The tendency of liberalism to deny the consequences of society stems from its myth of the
'individual'. Liberalism imagines a world of rational subjects each making decisions in a
sovereign way (Thatcher's 'there is no such thing as society'). This allows capitalism to
erect a moral framework that represents the consequences of an economy as the consequences of
personal decisions. In this way, success (wealth) is 'reward' and failure (poverty) is
punishment. It's what Max Weber called 'secular Protestantism'. The working classes
participate in this evaluative ideology (Gramsci); it is the source of their self-loathing
and the reason they always vote against their own best interests. They all believe their lack
of means is a consequence of their lack of intelligence, work ethic, failure of
entrepreneurial spirit, etc etc. Here is Marx's own critique of the way liberalism washes its
hands of the effects of capitalism:
"The... theory... which is also expressed as a law of nature, that population grows faster
than the means of subsistence, is the more welcome to the bourgeois as it silences his
conscience, makes hard-heartedness into a moral duty and the consequences of society into
the consequences of nature, and finally gives him the opportunity to watch the destruction
of the proletariat by starvation as calmly as any other natural event without bestirring
himself, and, on the other hand, to regard the misery of the proletariat as its own fault
and to punish it. To be sure, the proletarian can restrain his natural instinct by reason,
and so, by moral supervision, halt the law of nature in its injurious course of
development." - Karl Marx, Wages, December 1847
While it may be superficially true that our poor Texan could have cunningly evaded copping
the wholesale price the fact remains that he is -- as all Texans are -- a victim of a system
structurally designed to extract exorbitant rents from his need for power. A socialist system
would not see him as a battery hen to be skimmed or as an atomized individual who should
'sink or swim' (in the words of that local mayor) but would seek to prevent power, food,
water, air, housing, education, health, etc etc from being hijacked and sequestered by vested
interests accessible only by outrageous fees. Socialism would outlaw rent-seeking, which is
the theft of meaningful life by carpetbaggers and their corrupt partners in government.
Creepy almost Dead President Biden commemorates the 500K+ Dead Covid People [who probably
ALL voted for him, several times, by mail in the Nov 2020 election].
Painful indeed! I can see why the Mockingbird mass media is trying to steer people to
read the speech rather than watch it. I suppose they are proud of the script but
underwhelmed by the delivery. They don't want to waste a whole week's worth of work by the
speechwriting committee simply because the undead talking head didn't get enough amphetamines
to appear life-like.
Re: "I can see why the Mockingbird mass media is trying to steer people to read the speech
rather than watch it..."
-William Gruff | Feb 23 2021 12:44 utc | 206
I think you are probably correct there. I looked around for other videos of that speech
with better audio/volume quality for listening on smartphones, w/o success...the Controllers
must be jiggling the crappy sound on purpose so that the fewest people will actually listen
all the way through to what the [almost] Dead President is muttering.
I think you are right about being pumped up with stimulants or something too.
Biden's eyes used to be blue-green, but nowadays they are always so dilated when he's in
public, that they look black/dark brown. He[his Caregivers] hide them behind sunglasses when
he/They can during sunny days and outside appearances.
Paco, was your series you first mentioned an adaptation of the novel I am reading? I was
puzzled by your mention that 'Bulgakov was a physician' -- the author of 'The Master and
Margarita was not, so not to confuse James any further than I have - and James, just to
clarify, the quotation I gave is not from the novel. Here's a bit, and I'll include
psychohistorian in this conversation as well:
"But here is a question that is troubling me: if there is no God, then, one may ask,who
governs human life and, in general, the whole order of things on earth?"
"Man governs it himself," Homeless angrily hastened to reply to this admittedly
none-too-clear question.
"Pardon me," the stranger responded gently, "but in order to govern, one needs, after
all, to have a precise plan for a certain, at least somewhat decent, length of time. Allow
me to ask you, then, how can man govern, if he is not only deprived of the opportunity of
making a plan for at least some ridiculously short period--well, say, a thousand years, but
cannot even vouch for his own tomorrow?
And in fact," and here the stranger turned to Berlioz, "imagine that you, for instance,
start governing, giving orders to others and yourself, generally, so to speak, acquire a
taste for it, and suddenly you get ... hem ... hem ... lung cancer ..." - here the
foreigner smiled sweetly, as if the though of lung cancer gave him pleasure - "yes, cancer"
- narrowing his eyes like a cat, he repeated the sonorous word - "and all your governing is
@ juliania | Feb 23 2021 6:41 utc | 192 who quoted
"Man governs it himself," Homeless angrily hastened to reply to this admittedly
none-too-clear question.
You write of only two options, man or man's creation in language of the concept and
instantiation of a deity
I have always been drawn to the Lao Tze description of the latter: "The way that can be
named is not the real way."
I studied science early on in my life and when I learned that humans only know some things
about this stuff we call matter that makes up only 5% of the Cosmos, I marveled at the
anthropological hubris of humans. I think we are capable of evolving beyond this
self-centered view of our place in the Cosmos and being motivated by the awe of our ignorance
rather than the lies of our myths.
Unz t of the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times as proof of anything is a sign of
Baby Boomer Dementia Syndrome (BBDS).
@Ron Unz: Do you still subscribe to these newspapers and read them in their paper form? If
so, then likely you are a BBDS victim as well. One of its symptoms is wasting hours every
morning and evening reading unadulterated CIA propaganda and thinking that you have read "the
news". Its sister syndrome is GXDS (Gen-X Dementia Syndrome) where you rely on CNN for your
Or the pandemic guru (a female one) who declared that, after a sufficiently widespread
vaccination of the serfs, ' we would achieve herd mentality'. Dr. Freud, where art thou?
Trump has been the exposer-in-chief. He exposed the filth behind the curtain:
Russiagate, Covid, the stolen election. Maybe that's all he could do this time around.
And for this I shall be forever grateful. While I didn't get my 2,000 miles of wall, I DID
get something from Trump, me and 100 million more American-Americans like me: irrefutable
proof that mainstream media and the Swamp hate my guts. This is his legacy that shall last a
very long time, indeed.
Really, why would anyone be surprised that a candidate who did nothing to win the
Presidency should similarly do nothing once elected?
Posted by: c1ue | Feb 19 2021 21:15 utc | 30
Reporter asking Ukranian: why are you bombing Donbass?
Because Russians are there! - he says.
Reporter asks again: then why aren't you bombing Crimea too?
Because Russians are *really* there!
Do you think the state of Alaska might one day ask to be Russian again?
Posted by: passerby | Feb 17 2021 21:41 utc | 29
From memory, from somewhere on the internet, probably soon after Russia regained Crimea.
Journalist: "Is Russia going to revisit its past control of Alaska?"
Putin: "No. Russia already has enough cold."
You can't have it both ways: a lab that is competent enough to engineer a precise and
devastating bioweapon but sloppy enough to let a rogue virus to proliferate and leak from
its facilities.
Thea Fischer who was actually on the WHO covid origins team said the quoting of her out of
context to convey a message exactly opposite to her experience was intentional (also known as
NYT usually are subtle and crafty with their lies. With some countries like China they are
bald faced liars.
He not only knows about the Bat corona virus research in Wuhan ,he funded it!......he
knows what kind of gain of function research they were doing because he was part of it. He
was the first to come out and call anyone who had questions about the Wuhan lab and possible
leak a "conspiracy theorist".
Seeing all that snow in Moscow -as it should be in winter-will cause Greta to book an
emergency appointment with her psychiatrist.
Looneytoonsindv 4 hours ago 14 Feb, 2021 06:45 PM
All caused by global warming? I think not. Climatologists not paid by central governments
(who are using global warming as a cry for changing our way of life) say we are entering an
extended period of solar minimum. Maybe for the next 30 years. A major solar minimum last
occurred in the 1600's (the Maunder Minimum) that lasted from 1645 to 1715. During that
period, rivers and harbors froze over, crops failed and people died of starvation and
exposure. Something to look forward to!
This paragraph alone is worth the price of admission:
Well, the incident on January 6th wasn't exactly a replay of the storming of the
Bastille, but as it is all we have it will have to make do. Were those folks wandering
around inside the Capitol Building tourists who had gotten separated from their tour guide
or were they confused citizens from the Dakotas who had a couple of stamps remaining on
their hunting licenses allowing them to bag a Democrat or two? They would have been better
advised to set up a couple of feeder bait sites under the Rotunda loaded with Benjamins and
the Congress-critters would have arrived in droves. And that guy who stole Nancy Pelosi's
podium only had to announce that he was holding a Black Lives Matter meeting and good old
Nancy would have arrived tout suite on her knees with an African kente cloth stole
draped around her neck.
A sad, funny, and true observation by Phil Giraldi:
"They would have been better advised to set up a couple of feeder bait sites under the
Rotunda loaded with Benjamins and the Congress-critters would have arrived in droves."
Now you know that BLM stands for Bankers Lives Matter
Grumbleduke 7 hours ago
Or bankers love murder
sgt_doom 5 hours ago
The Bankers' Boy --- the prez who gave them everything --- was Bill Clinton and it was
Clinton who pardoned convicted domestic terrorist, Susan Rosenberg, who was the real founder
of BLM -- so essentially that is correct!
You guys keep reducing it down to democrats versus republicans. Both parties are in bed
with each other. Both parties strike deals with corporations, special interest groups,
lobbyists, and any other entity which provides wealth and power. Dan Crenshaw is the exact
same thing as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. His job (like hers) is to attract right leaning
voters which may be disenchanted with contemporary American politicians. He brings the
outcasts and the exiled back to the party while reassuring them that they can trust him-
since, he claims to not be 'one of them.' This country needs to hold ALL politicians
accountable and clean house.
"Look, you paranoid, privileged, white trash, white supremacist, qtard, wignat, nazi scum --
there was no Sekret Cabal scheming to rig the election, ok? that's a Conspiracy Theory, it did
not happen
There was just a small group of billionaires and elite power brokers working together
behind-the-scenes to *fortify* the election which is totally different and not at all a bad
So stop spreading baseless Conspiracy Theories; this election was not Rigged in Secret, it
was Fortified in Private -- you're welcome."
"... Apparently we have a new definition of democracy - it's when the Democratic party wins. ..."
"... I think Time magazine should be booted off Facebook, Twitter for spreading "misinformation". they sure have thought up some clever euphemisms for ballot box stuffing. ..."
"... "The table is tilted folks. The game is rigged." - George Carlin ..."
"... So, does this article say the Russians didn't interfere in the election, it was everyone else ..."
"... America the freest country in the world where you get to pick one of two THEIR carefully hand selected and groomed candidates from THEIR two approved parties. After that your told to go home and shut up because the people have spoken. ..."
"... I find it interesting that after all this "fortification", Biden is now following most of Trump's "terrible policies" like anti-China, anti-Iran, anti- Venezuela, continued pandering to Israel (of course), keeping troops in Afghanistan, hassling Russia ..."
"... Nope! Color revolution in US is nonsense: it is the only country in the world with no American embassy on its territory! ..."
Apparently we have a new definition of democracy - it's when the Democratic party wins.
Lifes_a_Hoax 1 day ago 5 Feb, 2021 04:29 PM
No surprise here, all the hallmarks of a color revolution were there, suppression of public
knowledge by the media, censorship of social media, fraudulent election and a fake
insurrection blamed on the opposition. Color revolution 101!
Jewel Gyn 1 day ago 5 Feb, 2021 09:39 PM
So the modus operandi is the same from the old playbook except that defending democracy is
now weaponised for domestic use. Once the dust is settled, the same "defending democracy"
will be launched against any country that US deemed not to be in line with its narratives. So
often used by US and its allies that you can write a similar script every time.
Pulling The Strings Jewel Gyn 1 hour ago 7 Feb, 2021 12:00 AM
Same old tactic, Radicalize the naive youth who will then in turn spread it, Organize
protests that turn into Riots, The Media will help justify/legitimize the protest, A unknown
Political figure suddenly becomes a serious rival ironically always a Right-wing party even
though they demonize the right in domestic politics for instance at the moment with Alexei
Navalny as you will see the West dodge calling him Right-wing or nationalist and just refer
to him as the opposition or anti-Kremlin.
Godspower Obasuyi 1 day ago 5 Feb, 2021 10:18 PM
The audacity of the cabal to volunteer information on how the rigged system operates is, to
me, the impressive point of Western civilization. Yet the 'enlightened' masses carry on with
the conviction that the system is equitable.
VaimacaPiru 1 day ago 5 Feb, 2021 07:10 PM
What I find astonishing is that the American peoples think they have a democracy and that
there is any difference between the two parties, no matter who wins the policy never changes,
Corporate America will still be in charge and aiming at global hegemony, the population will
be more oppressed and have less to eat!!!!
RCBreakenridge VaimacaPiru 22 hours ago 6 Feb, 2021 02:52 AM
Even the most transparent of lies becomes believable as truth if told enough times. Watch
US-based media and you'll see that the lies are told consistently and repeatedly day after
week after year. Combine with the removal of critical thinking skills from the education
system and its a surprise the transformation is not proceeding faster.
Eric Johnson 1 day ago 5 Feb, 2021 05:52 PM
I think Time magazine should be booted off Facebook, Twitter for spreading "misinformation".
they sure have thought up some clever euphemisms for ballot box stuffing.
ClairvoyantHW 1 day ago 5 Feb, 2021 06:28 PM
this is karma... most US presidents did to other nations what those conspirists did to Trump.
Now the country will suffer through the same problems, other regimes faced, who weren't voted
but installed.
Irish_Diakonos 1 day ago 5 Feb, 2021 08:33 PM
It was always this way. The US system of democracy is fundamentally flawed by design to
ensure the government of the people by the people for the (rich) people. Only now are the
'people' (i.e. the not rich ones) beginning to notice. Nothing has really changed.
VAdrian 14 hours ago 6 Feb, 2021 11:07 AM
"Time magazine is literally admitting that a secret cabal of powerful wealthy elite people
and corporations hijacked our 2020 election by steering media coverage, influencing
perceptions, and changing rules and laws." Just waiting for brainIess zombies to repeat their
favourite mantra: "cUnsPiRacY tHeOrY!"
Pulling The Strings VAdrian 2 hours ago 6 Feb, 2021 10:38 PM
Anything that goes against their "Narrative" is a Conspiracy.
Kevin Cormier 1 day ago 5 Feb, 2021 06:45 PM
So that's why they opened the gates.
WaveWolf Kevin Cormier 1 day ago 5 Feb, 2021 06:48 PM
At the Capitol? Some of the rioters got in that way. The rest either broke in or overwhelmed
the officers.
RTaccount 1 day ago 5 Feb, 2021 06:33 PM
The good news is that even the sports fans finally realize this 'democracy' stuff has to
shadow1369 13 hours ago 6 Feb, 2021 11:48 AM
So there you have it, the 'election' was fraudulent, not just in the form of ballot rigging,
but in systematic voter manipulation over many months. 'Fortified' is the new term for
'manipulated', and it is clear that the democratic process in the BRA, long a charade, is now
totally controlled by the fascist DNC. There is no point in hunkering down and waiting for
the next election, with every passing day the new regime is entrenching itself, purging
dissent and rounding up the opposition. If decent americans do not unite to overthrow this
tyranny very soon they will be too late.
Pulling The Strings shadow1369 2 hours ago 6 Feb, 2021 10:32 PM
It is too late, Capitol Hill was the Reichstag moment for the Democrats.
Mistermal 15 hours ago 6 Feb, 2021 09:34 AM
"The table is tilted folks. The game is rigged." - George Carlin
Levin High 1 day ago 5 Feb, 2021 04:54 PM
So, does this article say the Russians didn't interfere in the election, it was everyone else
March31 19 hours ago 6 Feb, 2021 06:18 AM
America the freest country in the world where you get to pick one of two THEIR carefully hand
selected and groomed candidates from THEIR two approved parties. After that your told to go
home and shut up because the people have spoken.
Khanlenin jetguyone 1 day ago 5 Feb, 2021 09:24 PM
Trump was a lying, violence promoting demagogue. Murdering 8 Iranian officials because they were exploring peace initiatives
in the ME. This had sent reverberations through the ranks of the US military and caused them to go running for their guns. He
pushed the world closer to the edge of environmental collapse and nuclear war. ...
anaisanesse 16 hours ago 6 Feb, 2021 09:12 AM
I find it interesting that after all this "fortification", Biden is now following most of
Trump's "terrible policies" like anti-China, anti-Iran, anti- Venezuela, continued pandering
to Israel (of course), keeping troops in Afghanistan, hassling Russia and supporting the
fool-criminal Navalny, stopping the pipeline from Russia to the EU, leaving Julian Assange to
rot in the UK then get destroyed in the US prisons.
Ohhho 1 day ago 5 Feb, 2021 09:54 PM
Nope! Color revolution in US is nonsense: it is the only country in the world with no
American embassy on its territory!
Orwell's 1984 was supposed to be a cautionary tale, not a how-to manual.
LetThemEatRand 2 hours ago
The loss of freedom could be represented by a hockey stick chart. As someone in my 50's, I
can attest that it was very gradual up until around 2000. Now the chart is going straight up,
hockey stick style. If you invested in the Elimination Of Freedom (EOF) in 2000, you would be
very happy right now and shopping Lambos.
the_pencil 2 hours ago
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."
overbet 2 hours ago remove link
Its to the point they just come up with lies and just agree this is the truth now we're
all going to accept then repeat it over and over. So many know theyre blatant lies, but they
eventually get accepted.
Some of their lies are as outrageous as somthing like water is dry. Thats the truth now
we're all going to agree that water is dry. If you dont think water is dry youre a
Progressive reporter Jordan Chariton had the change of heart after YouTube took down one of
his videos.
Chariton's original advocacy for censorship occurred when he called for Big Tech giants to
target anyone who questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election.
"EVERY media outlet that pushed this INSANE election fraud conspiracy for clicks should be
taken off the air. They've incited a Civil War," Chariton tweeted on January 6, the date of the
Capitol breach.
A leftist journalist expressed regret about calling for Silicon Valley to censor content
after it happened to him.
Progressive reporter Jordan Chariton had the change of heart after YouTube took down one of
his videos.
Chariton's original advocacy for censorship occurred when he called for Big Tech giants to
target anyone who questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election.
"EVERY media outlet that pushed this INSANE election fraud conspiracy for clicks should be
taken off the air. They've incited a Civil War," Chariton tweeted on January 6, the date of the
Capitol breach.
However, after YouTube pulled video from his own channel featuring footage of the January 6
riot for violating the platform's policies against "spam and deceptive practices," the Chariton
reversed his position.
"With time to reflect, & seeing Silicon Valley's censorship onslaught, I regret this
tweet made in [the] heat of moment," the progressive journalist wrote. "Whether certain
cable/YouTube outlets mislead audiences w/ dishonest claims lacking real evidence, they
shouldn't be targeted." Jordan
@JordanChariton · Feb 3 THREAD: With time to
reflect, & seeing Silicon Valley's censorship onslaught, I regret this tweet made in heat
of moment. Whether certain cable/YouTube outlets mislead audiences w/ dishonest claims lacking
real evidence, they shouldn't be targeted...
Chariton noted that with the precedent having been set for blanket censorship, progressive
content was also now being unfairly targeted, while pointing out that big left-wing networks
with friendly YouTube ties like the Young Turks were not calling it out.
In a subsequent interview, the journalist noted that the purge of right-wing content was
merely an excuse for YouTube to "get rid of" all content that questioned the consensus on
subjects such as healthcare or U.S. foreign policy.
Chariton pointed out that big networks like CNN that carried the exact same footage from
January 6 were not targeted at all by YouTube.
@DonaldJTrumpJr So I
guess daddy is breaking another promise he made? He said if he lost this election we would
never see him again. When is he going to get lost for good?
@DonaldJTrumpJr Key
phrase "if he lost the election" . He is not going anywhere & after he is acquitted for
the 2nd impeachment sham. He will continue to command more attention & influence than the
impostors controlling DC. The next 4 years will be even more entertaining than the last
"Alexandria Ocasio Smollett" and "AOC Lied" trended on Twitter amidst backlash over
Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's tale of her experiences during the
Capitol Riot.
The New York Democrat has repeatedly said she feared for her life, describing how she hid
in her office bathroom after hearing loud banging and shouting on Jan. 6 before a Capitol
Police officer burst into her office.
Critics pointed out that her office is not in the United States Capitol building, which
rioters stormed that day, but in the Cannon office building down the street.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is being compared to the actor who staged an attack on himself,
after her account of fearing for her life during the January 6 riot was fact-checked, exposing
that she wasn't in the Capitol building.
The hashtags #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett, along with #AOCLied, trended on Wednesday, following
a fact-check of AOC's (D-New York) Instagram livestream two days prior by OAN journalist Jack
Posobiec. During her emotional one-and-a-half-hour-long talk, Ocasio-Cortez admitted that she
was not in the Capitol building during the riot to begin with, but continued to claim that she
experienced a life-threatening situation.
When Ocasio-Cortez denounced it as a "manipulative take on the right," Posobiec
posted a map, with arrows pointing to the Capitol as well as two other office buildings across
the road. One of them is where AOC's own office is located, and where she claimed she
"thought I was going to die" during the January 6 events. Another is where she ended up
sheltering inside the office of Rep. Katie Porter (D-California) after leaving her office on
the instructions of the Capitol Police.
... ... ...
Whatever the truth about AOC's alleged sexual assault and near-death experience at the
Capitol, some critics of the progressive social media star noted that she had successfully
diverted attention from problems with the government and the small investor rebellion against
hedge funds.
ALBANY, NY -- In response to criticism over his handling of the pandemic, New York governor
Andrew Cuomo reportedly unveiled a plan Monday to reduce the spread of Covid-19 at nursing
homes by throwing all residents out onto the street. "The elderly are one of the groups most
vulnerable to Covid, and we will dramatically reduce nursing home deaths by closing all of
these facilities immediately and evicting all the residents," said Cuomo, who defended himself
against accusations that he had mishandled the spread of coronavirus within adult care
facilities by claiming that it never would have happened if they had closed all facilities
before the pandemic even started.
"Democrats risk unintended Medicare cuts if they pass partisan Covid relief" [
NBC ].
"But under the Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, known as PAYGO, new laws that raise the
national debt automatically trigger offsetting cuts in some safety net programs
Senate Budget
Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who will shepherd the reconciliation process and has been a supporter of expanding
safety net programs, will work to prevent the cuts, said his spokesman, Keane Bhatt."
Another Obama-era debacle (and one which Pelosi, among other top Democrats, supports.)
"... To Blinken, war as the last resort can only be understood in the same way a mugger considers shooting his victim as a last resort to stealing their wallet. ..."
To Blinken, war as the last resort can only be understood in the same way a mugger considers
shooting his victim as a last resort to stealing their wallet.
While doing some research on the reliability of the PCR test I came across a couple of
different sources that said the day ole joe was inaugurated, and the vaccine started to roll
out, that the WHO quietly changed their recommendations on the cycle rate the test should be
run from 40-45 down to 30-35.
This might explain the drop in positive cases. Has anyone else
seen this?
Scott MacFarlane @MacFarlaneNewsJan 28 PERMANENT SECURITY FENCING
coming to US Capitol. New statement from acting US Capitol Police chief: "Vast improvements to the physical security infrastructure
must be made to include permanent fencing"
On the bright side, perhaps the fencing could keep the Congress critters in ?
Statement of Acting Chief Pittman Regarding U.S. Capitol Complex Physical Security
"In the days following January 6, 2021, with the assistance of our Federal and local law enforcement partners, and our Congressional
stakeholders, the United States Capitol Police (USCP) has hardened the physical security across the Capitol Complex in order to
further protect the Congress.
"Upon becoming the Acting Chief on January 8, 2021, I immediately directed my staff to conduct a physical security assessment
of the entire Capitol Complex. This assessment is in addition to the USCP's Inspector General's review of the events of January
6, 2021, and the third-party review of the Complex's physical infrastructure, processes, and command and control being conducted
at the behest of Speaker Pelosi by retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honore.
"I welcome each of these reviews, and I am ensuring that the Department will provide all of the information that is necessary
to facilitate these studies. In the end, we all have the same goal - to prevent what occurred on January 6 from ever happening
"As I noted earlier this week, even before September 11, 2001, security experts argued that more needed to be done to protect
the U.S. Capitol. In fact, a 2006 security assessment specifically recommended the installation of a permanent perimeter fence
around the Capitol.
"In light of recent events, I can unequivocally say that vast improvements to the physical security infrastructure must be
made to include permanent fencing, and the availability of ready, back-up forces in close proximity to the Capitol.
"I look forward to working with Congress on identifying the security improvements necessary to ensure the safety and security
of the Congress and the U.S. Capitol." ###
That fence could post a danger to members of congress and their staff as much as protection. suppose there was a massive explosion
in the capitol and they had to run away, not just out of the building, but away. The fence could serve as a trap.
It would be worse if by then that metal fence has been electrified because of demands of legislators for their "security".
Think of one very, very long bug zapper.
"Biden administration eyes Rahm Emanuel for ambassadorship" [
NBC ]. "President Joe Biden is considering former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel for a
high-profile ambassadorship, potentially to China, three people with knowledge of the
discussions said." Rahm Emmanuel, China hand.
More: "Becoming the U.S. ambassador to Japan is another option that Biden administration
officials have discussed with Emanuel, one of the people with knowledge of the discussions
Unpresident Biden is America's Brezhnev -- his health and stamina failing, he is merely an
old Establishment tool who has been resurrected in an attempt to prop up an order that everyone
knows is on its last legs. A telling video from the inauguration shows Biden passing a
contingent of Marines on guard duty, who any sitting president is supposed to salute, being the
Commander-in-Chief. Biden just shambles past them without a gesture, oddly mumbling "salute the
Marines" under his facemask. The quite plausible theory that has been making the rounds is that
Biden was being instructed on what to say and do through an earpiece, and that he mistakenly
repeated an instruction to salute the Marines rather than actually doing it.
A shocking example was provided Wednesday when Douglass Mackey of Delray Beach, Fla., was
arrested for creating memes that allegedly misled voters in 2016 to think they could vote by
texting instead of by actually going to the polls.
This is the equivalent of arresting Sacha
Baron Cohen for exposing the gullibility of the rich and famous.
The FBI offered no evidence
that Mackey actually convinced anyone not to vote, but even if it did, so what? Would you
rather live in a country where the FBI is hunting down pranksters -- four years after the
supposed transgression -- or a country where voters are expected to be able to recognize a joke
when they see one?
like many Trump supporters, US liberal intellectuals exist in a fantasy world in which a
leading purveyor of "international terrorism" – the US government – is perceived as
a fundamentally benign force, Noam Chomsky told RT.
"Just as you can't get the Republican mobs to admit that the election was lost, you can't
get liberal American intellectuals to recognize that the United States is a leading terrorist
state," Chomsky told RT's Chris Hedges.
The facts are that for almost the entirety of its history as a sovereign state, the US has
waged a war of aggression against somebody, Chomsky said. The so-called 'War on Terror', which
Ronald Reagan made the focus of his foreign policy, was Washington dealing with "resistance
to US terrorism in Central America and also in South Africa."
"... For a long time, I thought that record numbers of Black and Hispanic voters supporting Trump in 2020 meant that Trump was not racist, but I now realize that these poor folks just suffered from "multiracial whiteness". ..."
"... I thought that questioning voting machines that had been caught red handed manipulating elections across the world was patriotic and that somehow some conglomeration of Big Tech, the media, intelligence agencies and a thing called "deep state" were colluding to create a color revolution in the USA but I now realize that I was actually supporting conspiracy theories and thus violence and thus domestic terrorism. ..."
"... Social Media should do its civic duty and extend its censorship of "dangerous thoughts" to citizens and political officials outside of the USA in order to protect the world from itself. ..."
"... all I can say is "thank god" Joe Biden has found himself in the position of leader of the free world at this historic moment of change. ..."
"... Joe Biden is a man who understands what liberal values and the "rules-based order" are really about. ..."
"... He was wise enough to get onto the unipolar bandwagon before it was popular by drafting the 1994 surveillance bill that John Ashcroft later used verbatim for the Patriot Act after 9/11 ..."
"... He was smart enough to know that Wall Street couldn't lead America into the 21 st century as long as Glass-Steagall was in place and voted for its repeal in 1999. ..."
"... He also gave the Credit Card companies the political support they needed to stop citizens from abusing their generosity which went a long way to help Americans build character and take responsibility for their short sighted consumer decisions. ..."
"... Unlike those cultish Trumping fascists, Biden was courageous enough to proclaim even before the horrible insurrectionary riots of January 6 th , that a new Patriot Act/Domestic Terror Bill would be needed to purge the republic of dangerous terrorism and the insidious thought crimes which spread doubt in honest elections, and distrust in the benevolent political structures leading the western world. ..."
"... Sure, some people think that the 46 deaths and 32 riots caused by Antifa and BLM over the past six months might qualify as domestic terrorism, but that's only because they are infected with racist wrong think and don't realize that these groups were just fighting against fascism and racism. ..."
As many people are aware, CNN recently aired a wonderful interview by former Moonie-turned-cult-deprogrammer Steve Hassan giving
advice to Americans wishing to deprogram their MAGA-hat wearing loved ones, now that the age of Trump is coming to an end.
I was fortunate enough to have read Hassan's book and had the loving scrub-brush of truth wash my brain of all of its formerly
pro-Trump sympathies and can honestly say that I am most certainly better off for having left those old delusions in the past.
For one thing, I used to enjoy my right to free speech but thanks to the terrible events of January 6, 2021 that left 3 people
dead, horned Q supporters doing photo ops for media
, pro-Trump rioters let into
the capitol building by guards , and busloads of conspicuous
violent figures whom some say were "provocateurs" (whatever that means), I have come to realize that I was all wrong. Free speech
is actually very dangerous. Words we took for granted like "patriot", "nationalism", or "vote fraud" are actually very racist and
using them is a sure fire sign that you might be a domestic terrorist. At any rate, using them should at least be enough to get someone
banned from social media and put under surveillance.
For a long time, I thought that record numbers of Black and Hispanic voters supporting Trump in 2020 meant that Trump was
not racist, but I now realize that these poor folks just suffered
from "multiracial whiteness".
I thought that
questioning voting machines that had been caught red handed manipulating elections across the world was patriotic and that somehow
some conglomeration of Big Tech, the media, intelligence agencies and a thing called "deep state" were colluding to create a color
revolution in the USA but I now realize that I was actually supporting conspiracy theories and thus violence and thus domestic terrorism.
I was so far gone that my pre-deprogrammed self was actually persuaded in the crazy idea that depopulation agendas hid behind
the cover of a "Great Reset agenda", concocted by a shadowy elite of sociopathic oligarchs. I have now learned that this was either
a silly conspiracy theory, the result of my own delusions or if it was true, then I can at least say with certainty that it is all
for my own good.
The truth that I have now come to discover, is that free speech has just gone too far. This practice has reached its limits, and
Twitter's legal executive
Vijaya Gadde is absolutely
right . Social Media should do its civic duty and extend its censorship of "dangerous thoughts" to citizens and political
officials outside of the USA in order to protect the world from itself. If other world leaders are worried about this new truth,
then they should seriously do some soul searching and learn to think differently.
The old me is long gone, and now all I can say is "thank god" Joe Biden has found himself in the position of leader of the
free world at this historic moment of change.
For awhile it was looking like Donald Trump would actually stop
forever wars, and untie the U.S. military's
involvement from the CIA . That white supremacist actually came precariously close to destroying the foundations of globalization
that many enlightened billionaires had put decades of energy into organizing -- first destroying Obama's Transpacific Partnership,
then the Paris Climate Accords and THEN he had the nerve to scrap NAFTA itself by giving nation states a say in economic affairs!
He even committed the sin of criticizing NATO itself -- the very foundation of western collective security from the obvious threats
of Russia and China!
He called for insane things like "bringing back manufacturing to the USA", "restoring protectionism", and "making space exploration
and arctic development a priority for the nation" and everyone knows that this is all so 1963.
But now the "disturbance" is over, and the age of Biden has arrived!
Joe Biden is a man who understands what liberal values and the "rules-based order" are really about.
He was wise enough to get onto the unipolar bandwagon before it was popular by
drafting the 1994 surveillance
bill that John Ashcroft later used verbatim for the Patriot Act after 9/11.
He was smart enough to know that Wall Street couldn't lead America into the 21 st century as long as Glass-Steagall
was in place and voted for its
repeal in 1999.
He was one of the
loudest supporters of NAFTA which helped reduce carbon emissions drastically by exporting dirty industrial jobs oversees where
they should be.
He also gave the Credit Card companies
the political support they needed to stop citizens from abusing their generosity which went a long way to help Americans build
character and take responsibility for their short sighted consumer decisions.
After 9/11, Biden also brilliantly supported the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq (who may not have had anything to do
with 9/11 but at least showed the terrorists who's boss).
Unlike those cultish Trumping fascists,
Biden was courageous enough to proclaim even before the horrible insurrectionary riots of January 6 th , that a new
Patriot Act/Domestic Terror Bill would be needed to purge the republic of dangerous terrorism and the insidious thought crimes which
spread doubt in honest elections, and distrust in the benevolent political structures leading the western world. Thinking people
know, that thought does sometimes cause action and if we want to truly remedy wrong actions like the riots of January 6 th
, or dangerous COVID-denialism, then we should most certainly take the battle to the realm of the mind.
The brilliant Steve Hassan even recognized this reality in his CNN interview when he said that "the bottom line is all of America
needs deprogramming because we've all been negatively influenced by Donald Trump."
Sure, some people think that the 46 deaths and 32 riots caused by Antifa and BLM over the past six months might qualify as
domestic terrorism, but that's only because they are infected with racist wrong think and don't realize that these groups were just
fighting against fascism and racism.
Certainly, the first 100 days after Biden's inauguration will be inspired.
Already, Biden has made commitments to sign the USA back onto the legally binding Paris Climate Accords to help us win the war
against climate, and has shown the good sense to reverse Trump's disastrous decision to break the anti-China TPP in 2016. Biden always
said he would renegotiate the TPP
in order "to
hold China accountable", and everyone knows Trump's selfish decision only helped China by freeing up its neighbors to work together
on the BRI. If only Trump hadn't killed TPP, then the 14 nation strong
Regional Cooperation Economic Partnership
which China just finalized would never have happened.
Most importantly, our benevolent overlords who meet at Davos every year are happy once more and have even kicked off Biden's inauguration
with a special celebration entitled "the Davos Agenda" running from January 25-29.
According to the WEF , this event
will "mark the launch of the World Economic Forum's Great Reset Initiative and begin the preparation of the Special Annual Meeting
in the spring. Each day will focus on one of the five domains of the Great Reset Initiative."
The USA's new Special Envoy on Climate, John Kerry, captured the excitement of this wonderful moment perfectly
he said : "The notion of a reset is more important than ever before we're at the dawn of an extremely exciting time." According
to the
Great Reset architects, this is definitely the right idea. WEF President Klaus Schwab has taught us that the "age of owning things"
is so passe , and we know that this obsolete relic of capitalism isn't compatible in our new age of global peace and brotherhood.
Ownership of "things" just makes us selfish and forget about the real purpose of life.. which is really about sacrifice. Establishing
new supranational organizations to manage the levers of consumption and production according to evidence-based standards and scientific
realities of carrying capacity is the only remedy to the evils of populism and being ignorant to this reality doesn't lessen the
fact that boards of experts who are smarter than you say that it is so.
According to the WEF's Great Reset website global CO2 output collapsed by over 7% during the 12 months of global COVID-19 shutdowns
which means the COVID-19 is more of a blessing than many dim witted selfish nationalists who like owning things realize.
So what if the world population will contract under the shutdown of the world economy under COVID lockdowns? And so what if we
lose our capacity to support industrial civilization through the imposition of global green energy grid?
Didn't the late
great Maurice
Strong (who was WEF Executive Director and father of the Great Reset), ask the question in 1991:
"What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of
the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact
on the environment. Will they do it? The group's conclusion is 'no'. The rich countries won't do it. They won't change. So, in
order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse?
Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?"
So get ready for an exciting time in history, and hopefully China finally learns that the new world order is Unipolar with a
big green hug for all well behaved leaders who get rid of such silly ideas as "nationalism", "industrial progress" or "ending poverty
through development" which dangerous concepts like the Belt and Road Initiative threaten to unleash. Most importantly, China has
to really deprogram itself from her belief that Russia is a worthwhile partner in the 21 st century. Xi made a good decision
to attend this month's Great Reset conference and both he and Modi would do well to abandon dirty fossil fuels, their support of
nuclear energy development or space mining in order to adapt their realities to the computer models which have been telling us how
to hitch our destinies to a world of entropy and diminishing returns.
"... Let's see, Sanders's net worth is how much again? And, let's see, after The Machine denied him the Dem nomination in both 2016 and 2020, it took him how long to endorse and sign on and generally drop trou, bend over, and grab his aged ankles? ..."
"... Yep, there's a real anticapitalist revolutionary firebrand, all right. ..."
"... I agree with Reactionary Utopian's view of Sanders, who revealed himself to be a grovelling lackey of the establishment with the way he campaigned for the harpy, signed on to the absurd anti-Russian propaganda initiative, and showed that he was only controlled opposition. The fact is, the propaganda combined with the fraud, perfected as a result of the medico-fascism discussed by Hopkins enabled the steal. The usage of the provocation discussed in the main article completed the consolidation of what is a new model of a fascist regime. This followed Goebbels' playbook usage of the Reichstag fire provocation as the Nazi regime was consolidating power. ..."
Back in 2016, the American people, sick to the gills of global capitalism and its
increasingly oppressive woke ideology, elected an unauthorized, narcissistic ass-clown to
the highest office in the land.
Well, if the American people had really been sick of global capitalism they would have
voted for Sanders. He may not be perfect, but he made a lot more sense as an anti-capitalist
candidate than Trump. Trump has done nothing to curb global capitalism during his
administration. Being narcissistic and clownish is probably of minor importance and beside
the point, and bringing it up seems more like obfuscation. Trump was the status quo every bit
as much as Hillary. He was demonized for one simple reason: there are two parties in America.
And Trump didn't make it especially hard for them.
Well, if the American people had really been sick of global capitalism they would have
voted for Sanders. He may not be perfect, but he made a lot more sense as an
anti-capitalist candidate than Trump.
Ah, thanks, I needed a good laugh today. Let's see, Sanders's net worth is how
much again? And, let's see, after The Machine denied him the Dem nomination in both 2016 and
2020, it took him how long to endorse and sign on and generally drop trou, bend over,
and grab his aged ankles?
Yep, there's a real anticapitalist revolutionary firebrand, all right.
I agree with Bras Cubas that if the American people were really sick of global capitalism
they would have voted for Sanders. The fact is, they did, and the methods of fraud developed
to deprive Sanders of his victory were a sort of rehearsal of the methods used to sideline
Trump. There was quite a bit of fraud in 2016; ballot harvesting, and the manipulation of
postal votes, etc. but Trump unexpectedly did too well for it to work. They also did not have
the virus as an excuse to go full monty on the fraud.
I agree with Reactionary Utopian's view of Sanders, who revealed himself to be a
grovelling lackey of the establishment with the way he campaigned for the harpy, signed on to
the absurd anti-Russian propaganda initiative, and showed that he was only controlled
opposition. The fact is, the propaganda combined with the fraud, perfected as a result of the
medico-fascism discussed by Hopkins enabled the steal. The usage of the provocation discussed
in the main article completed the consolidation of what is a new model of a fascist regime.
This followed Goebbels' playbook usage of the Reichstag fire provocation as the Nazi regime
was consolidating power.
Kudos again to Hopkins on this article and all of the preceding ones. As an additional
fact, we should discuss the mask deal. It is the first time in history that any regime of any
description has actually restricted the right to breathe, which at the end of the day is
limiting the right to live. The present regime for that reason seems even more odious than
the Nazi regime in that aspect.
P.S. Bernie was a rabid socialist(communist), and many in America wanted no part of
Sanders is neither socialist nor communist. He's a con man. The overwhelming majority of
dumbed down America thinks socialism is communism, and actually think that finance capitalism
is friendly to them.
There's to plenty righteous to be said about empire and all of that, but I want to write
something about how Black people have since our founding been considered the internal enemy,
so what it means to have a Black person as Secretary of Defense.
Surprise! Mail-in ballots raise the risk of fraud - according to Amazon.
In a Thursday filing with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the Seattle-based
online retail giant formally requested that a group of Alabama warehouse trying to form a union
be required to vote in person , rather than by mail, according to
Bloomberg .
"... It remains to be seen if the outcome of Biden's rule will be better or worse than Yeltsin's, but my money is on Yeltsin the way things are looking. ..."
Gorbatsjov tried to reform the USSR but it ended in failure and the drunken Yeltsin
crashed the remains. His only success was to name Putin as his successor.
Trump tried to reform the USA but it ended in failure, election coup and the demented and
hyper-corrupt Biden as his successor.
It remains to be seen if the outcome of Biden's rule
will be better or worse than Yeltsin's, but my money is on Yeltsin the way things are
Hillary:" I would love to see his phone records to see if he was talking to Putin the day
the insurgents invaded our Capitol"
That has to be the most idiotic thing Hillary Clinton has ever said, and she has said a
great many idiotic things.
First, does she not know that the NSA and CIA and FBI would immediately be on to any such
Is she really that naïve? No, of course not, she is simply a grotesque liar.
Second, I have studied and written about Putin fairly extensively. He is a calm, pragmatic, and highly intelligent man, one with Russia's best interests
always at heart.
The last thing he would want to see is instability in the United States with all the
immense dangers that would represent.
It is precisely American politicians like Hillary who are a threat to global stability
I've copied this comment from the site below – though it was a good one ..
" Joe Biden: a virtual candidate elected in a virtual election, sworn-in via a virtual
inauguration to preside over a virtual presidency. Virtually no one has physically attended
any public event with him in attendance since 2019. See also 'Wizard of Oz ."
Look how perfectly applicable is the phase "The complaint wants the Ethics Committee to investigate whether Cruz and Hawley failed to
"[p]ut loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party, or Government department," to key
Notable quotes:
"... they "engaged in criminal conduct, or unethical or improper behavior." ..."
"... The Democratic Senators are also asking the Ethics Committee to "offer recommendations for strong disciplinary action, including up to expulsion or censure, if warranted by the facts uncovered." ..."
"... Its as if democrats didnt spend 4 years and millions of dollars questioning the validity of the prevous election. ..."
The complaint wants the Ethics Committee to investigate whether Cruz and Hawley failed to
"[p]ut loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party,
or Government department," or if they engaged in "improper conduct reflecting on the Senate"
linked to the January 6 Capitol 'riot.'
The Democratic senators also outlined several questions they believed should be probed as
part of an Ethics Committee investigation including if they were in touch with coordinators
for the rally , if they encouraged any "insurrectionist" acts or if they "engaged in criminal
conduct, or unethical or improper behavior."
"While it was within Senators' rights to object to the electors, the conduct of Senators
Cruz and Hawley, and potentially others, went beyond that," they wrote in the letter to
Ethics Committee leadership.
Cruz and Hawley, two potential 2024 presidential contenders, have denounced the mob that
breached the Capitol but they've also stood by their decisions to object to the Electoral
College results from Arizona and Pennsylvania, respectively. -
The Hill
During the counting of electoral votes, Cruz objected to Arizona's results, while Hawley
objected to Pennsylvania's results following the Capitol attack, when a group of Trump
supporters and at least one prominent member of BLM breached the Capitol building and occupied
it for a brief period of time before leaving on their own.
The Democratic Senators are also asking the Ethics Committee to "offer recommendations for
strong disciplinary action, including up to expulsion or censure, if warranted by the facts
Forgero 3 hours ago
Its as if democrats didnt spend 4 years and millions of dollars questioning the validity
of the prevous election.
I was watching the Helper-Taibbi Inauguration stream yesterday and one clever viewer
remarked that we are seeing bread and circuses ... but without the bread.
William Gruff just ended a comment on the Weekly Open thread with words that accurately
describe one on the symptoms of dystopia that Americans are afflicted with
"Just look around at all of the mouth-breathing chin-maskers in America to see how much
Americans have pitched in to defeat the Fort Detrick Flu."
Americans have been brainwashed to be more in love with their Plato's Cave Displays than
their fellow Americans. They have been taught to consume and not be citizens or members of
community......and everyone is their own gender divide/conquer can you get?
"... attempts to restore "normality," or the "New Normality," or the "Great Normal Reset," or "The New Normal War on Domestic Terror" or whatever they eventually decide to call it. ..."
...going to be quite an exciting year. It is going to be the year in which GloboCap reminds
everyone who is actually in charge and restores "normality" throughout the world.
or at least attempts to restore "normality," or the "New Normality," or the "Great Normal
Reset," or "The New Normal War on Domestic Terror" or whatever they eventually decide to call
"... Oh, yes, you really did it this time! You stormed the goddamned US Capitol. You and your racist, Russia-backed army of bison-hat wearing half-naked actors have meddled with the primal forces of GloboCap, and now, by God, you will atone! ..."
"... No, do not try to minimize your crimes. You entered a building without permission! The building where America simulates democracy! You walked around in there waving silly flags! You went into the Chamber, into people's offices! One of you actually put his filthy populist feet up on Pelosi's desk ON HER DESK! This aggression will not stand! ..."
So, welcome to 2021! If last week was any indication, it is going to be quite an exciting year. It is going to be the year in
which GloboCap reminds everyone who is actually in charge and restores "normality" throughout the world.
or at least attempts to restore "normality," or the "New Normality," or the "Great Normal Reset," or "The New Normal War on Domestic
Terror" or whatever they eventually decide to call it.
In any event, whatever they call it, GloboCap is done playing grab-ass. They have had it with all this "populism" malarkey that
has been going on for the last four years.
Yes, that's right, the party is over, you Russian-backed white supremacist terrorists! You Trump-loving, anti-mask grandmother
killers! You anti-vax, election-fraud-conspiracy theorists! You deviants who refuse to follow orders, wear your damn masks, vote
for who they tell you, and believe whatever completely nonsensical official propaganda they pour into your heads!
Oh, yes, you really did it this time! You stormed the goddamned US Capitol. You and your racist, Russia-backed army of
bison-hat wearing half-naked actors have meddled with the primal forces of GloboCap, and now, by God, you will atone!
No, do not try to minimize your crimes. You entered a building without permission! The building where America simulates democracy!
You walked around in there waving silly flags! You went into the Chamber, into people's offices! One of you actually
put his filthy populist feet up on Pelosi's desk ON HER DESK! This aggression will not stand!
OK, before I go any further with this essay, I need to explain to my regular readers (in case it wasn't already clear) that I've
decided to forswear every word I've ever written, and all my principles, and my common sense, and join the remainder of my old leftist
and liberal friends in the orgy of online hate and outrage they are currently mindlessly indulging in.
I'm already in enough trouble as it is for not playing ball with their "
apocalyptic plague ," and whatever else I
am, I am certainly no martyr, and I have a career in the arts to consider, so I have decided to listen to my inner coward and join
the goose-stepping global-capitalist mob, which is why this column sounds slightly out of character.
See, back in the old days, before my conversion, I would have made fun of my liberal friends for calling this "storming" of the
Capitol a "coup," or an "insurrection," and for demanding that the protesters be prosecuted as "domestic terrorists."
I probably would have scolded them a bit for taking to the Internet and spewing their hatred at
the unarmed woman
shot dead by the police like a pack of soulless, totalitarian jackals.
I might have even made a reference to that infamous scene in Schindler's List where the crowd of "normal" German citizens
all laugh and jeer as the Jews are marched away to the ghetto by the Nazi goons.
But, now that I have seen the light, I see how bad and wrong that would have been. Clearly, trespassing in the US Capitol is a
crime that should be punishable by death. And comparing contemporary American liberals to the "good Germans" during the Nazi era
is so outrageous that well, it should probably be censored.
In fact (and I hope my liberal friends are still reading this), the police should have shot the entire lot of them! All these
Russian-backed Nazi insurrectionists should have been gunned down right there on the spot, preferably by muscle-bound corporate mercenaries
and CIA snipers in Black Hawk helicopters with big Facebook and Twitter logos on them!
Actually, anyone who trespassed in the Capitol Building (which is like a cathedral), or just came to the protest wearing a MAGA
hat, should be hunted down by federal authorities, charged as a "domestic white-supremacist terrorist," frog-marched out onto Black
Lives Matter Plaza, and shot, in the face, live, on TV, so that everyone can watch and howl at their screens like the
Two Minutes
Hate in 1984 . That would teach these "insurrectionists" a lesson!
Or they could shoot them in one of those corporate-branded stadiums! We could make it a weekly televised event. It's not like
there is any shortage of Trump-supporting "domestic terrorists." They could use a different stadium every week, deck the place out
with big "New Normal" banners, play music, make speeches, the whole nine yards. Everyone would have to wear masks, of course, and
strictly adhere to social distancing. Folks could bring the kids, make a day of it.
How am I doing so far, leftist and liberal friends? No? Not fanatical and hateful enough?
OK, so what is it going to take to convince you that I have changed my tune, got my mind right, and am totally on board with the
New Normal totalitarianism? Trump? Sure, I can do Trump. I hate him! He's Hitler! He's Russian Hitler! He's Russian White Supremacist
Yes, I know I've spent the last four years pointing out that he isn't actually Hitler, or a Russian agent, and that he's really
just the same ridiculous, narcissistic ass clown that he has always been, but I was wrong. He's definitely Hitler, and a Russian
agent! He is certainly not just a pathetic old huckster without a single powerful ally in Washington who could not stage an actual
coup if Putin nuked every blue state on the map.
No, I soil myself in fear before his awesome power. Never mind that he's just been banned by
Facebook ,
Twitter , and
numerous other corporate platforms , and made a fool of by the corporate media, the international political establishment, the
Intelligence agencies, and the rest of GloboCap since the day he took the oath of office.
Forget the fact that, although he holds the nuclear launch codes in his tiny little hands and is Commander in Chief of the US
military, the most he could do to challenge his removal was file a buttload of hopeless lawsuits and sit around in the Oval Office
eating cheeseburgers and tweeting into the night.
No, none of that means a thing, not when he still has the power to "embolden" a few dozen pissed-off Americans to storm (
or calmly walk ) into the Capitol and
take selfies sitting in the Vice President's Chair!
Look, the point is, I hate him. And I hate his supporters. I hate everyone who doesn't hate him and his supporters. I hate everyone
who won't wear a mask. I hate the Republicans. I hate the Russians. I hate everyone who won't get the vaccine. My God do I hate them!
I am so full of hatred and mindless rage that it is making me crazy. I am so consumed with self-righteous hatred, propaganda, and
manufactured hysteria that, if Rachel Maddow, or Chris Hayes, or whoever, told me that it was time to round them all up, these "domestic
terrorists," these "insurrectionists," these "conspiracy theorists," these "anti-mask extremists" (and anyone else who won't obey
us), and put them on trains and send them to camps, I'd probably be OK with that.
How am I doing, liberals? Am I back in the club? Because, I get it. I swear! I'm cured! Praise God! I'm ready to pitch in and
do my part. I believe in GloboCap's final victory! I'm willing to work, if our leaders order me, ten, twelve, or fourteen hours a
day, and give all I have for GloboCap victory! I am ready for total ideological war an ideological war more total and radical than
anything I can even imagine!
Sure, our imaginary enemies are formidable (and this war will probably last forever or at least until the end of global capitalism),
but, in the words of one our greatest liberal heroes, George W. Bush, "bring it on!"
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published
by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel,
Zone 23 , is published by Snoggsworthy,
Swaine & Cormorant. Volume I of his
Consent Factory Essays
is published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
After condemning the pro-Trump invasion of the Capitol, the incoming Biden administration
invited Carlos Vecchio – a coup leader charged in the 2014 torching of the Venezuelan
Attorney General's office – to its inaugural ceremony.
"... Some pointed out that the accusations leveled at Trump supporters could just as easily be lobbed back at their accusers – specifically the part of Hassan's checklist in which the cult member is discouraged from seeking " outside " sources of information and gaslighted with revised versions of the past. ..."
"... Read the soldiers are being vetted to see if they're Trump supporters, resulting in some uploading photos of themselves on social media with red MAGA caps on :-) ..."
Some pointed out that the accusations leveled at Trump supporters could just as easily be
lobbed back at their accusers – specifically the part of Hassan's checklist in which the
cult member is discouraged from seeking " outside " sources of information and
gaslighted with revised versions of the past.
Read the soldiers are being vetted to
see if they're Trump supporters, resulting in some uploading photos of themselves on social
media with red MAGA caps on :-)
Better to be a conspiracy theorist than a bootlicking fantasist who thinks a bunch of
eugenicist billionaire parasites are just 'incompetently' trying to save pensioners from a media-inflated flu, but 'mistakenly' imprisoning & fleecing the population in the
We warned these people relentlessly that the despotic 'public health' policies they
demanded from the regime would immiserate millions more workers, they laughed and mocked us,
now they cry crocodile tears at the obvious consequences which they enabled.
While it's true that #1984 can't be used as a hashtag, this has nothing to do with
censorship, politics, Trump, or the Capitol riot. Twitter does not let users create hashtags
solely from numbers. You can't make a hashtag for #1234, #2021, or any other string of numbers.
But humorists and neoliberal MSM are elible to exaggerate things ;-)
Rabid fighter for gender nutral terms, the Speaker of the US Congress, Nancy Pelosi, is
eighty years old. It's time to think about something eternal. And what could be more eternal
than the great and mighty English language. Known for its vast vocabulary. Which the Democratic
congressional caucus decided to slightly reduce by voting on Monday for new rules for official
Instead of the words "he" or "she", it is now recommended to use the gender-neutral terms.
Instead of "father", "mother", "son", "daughter", "brother", "sister", "uncle", "aunt" --
generalized "parent" or " child". And instead of "brother" and "sister", it is better to use
the word "sibling". And so on.
Which means Joseph Biden got very unlucky. Because every one of the forty-five presidents
before him was called " Mr. President." And "mister" is no longer allowed. Because this word
has a clear gender connotation.
And there's nothing he can do about it: the law is the law.
For ten years, humanity has been preparing to meet the coronavirus pandemic prepared, if not
from a medical point of view, then at least from the technological point of view. And maybe
with the medical one, too -- after all, we do not encounter the achievements of genetic
modeling in everyday life as often as with the achievements of digital technologies. But the
minimum time frame for the development of a coronavirus vaccine seems to tell us that in this
area, too, the past ten years have not been lost for all of us.
And here we are faced with a dialectical contradiction. On the one hand, technology has
enabled us to withstand the pandemic and adapt to to working from home for those who can allow
it. On the other hand, if it were not for technology, there would be no pandemic.
It would be
no air travel, no places of the big congestion of people, without a developed industry of
tourism and travelling. And-who knows-maybe the virus itself would not exist without
technology. Although here I am entering on a slippery slope of unsubstantiated assumptions.
It is difficult to agree that the "values" spoken of by Pompeo equate with the Washington Post report on January 14
that the National Mall in Washington will have to be closed on the day of Mr Biden's inauguration as 46 th President
of his nation.
"The extraordinary closure is the latest in a series of security measures to harden the city against
the type of violence that rocked the Capitol on January 6. Local and federal officials had already established a downtown security
zone and called up more than 20,000 National Guard troops to protect the presidential swearing in on January 20. The move is significant
because the Mall has been the traditional site where much of the general public has gathered to view the inauguration at the Capitol
in person."
It would not be surprising if a similar paragraph had appeared in the media concerning such cities as Baghdad, Tripoli or Kabul,
which have suffered grievously from U.S. attacks, simply because these places are unstable to the point of collapse.
But for this sort of military action to be necessary in the national capital of "the greatest country on earth" is a sad
indication of the depth to which Trump has taken America.
... within just 72 hours of this ban madness starting, Russian Social Media/Messenger
Platform "Telegram"
gained 25 million new users . This is unlikely to be a fluke or coincidence. Furthermore,
this new member surge brings the total user base to healthy 500 million.
This means that the majority of Telegram's audience are now not
connected to Russia in any way. The platform has reached the critical mass needed to become a
mainstay of daily life across the globe.
... During the Cold War, thanks to the dismal state of Soviet media, the youth of the USSR
was listening to Radio Freedom and doing anything that it could to jump into the Western media
sphere of influence.
It was simply the better alternative that gave them breathing room to
think about life without a framed Lenin picture in the background
The stuff about the NY consulate really sets me off, Sputnik said the phones are down for
two days running and internet intermittent.
It's hard to guess at the reason for any of it since it could be almost anything (and
pretty much entirely stupid no matter what) but what's much more noticeable is the apparent
lack of interest in truly clarifying what the hell the point is/was supposed to be (instead
of bs) from anyone inside anywhere in the US government structures, or intelligence services,
or armed forces.
Dystopian and dysfunctional become synonyms at some point.
Other than that I'm only waiting to see if anything within the Pentagon will get a move on
to clear up all the mess (rather than "worrying" about National Guards who will do whatever
they're told). If anything happens I expect it to be clean and orderly and then after the
fact maybe the NG troops will be told something or the other a little before everyone else,
and that's about it. They don't have any need to know about anything in advance or as it
That's just me, at least a little bit more realistic in my "if-so" than the FBI and Pelosi
gang? :)
Below is a list of which House Republicans voted to impeach Trump on Wednesday.
Rep. John Katko
(N.Y.) : "To allow the President of the United States to incite this attack without
consequence is a direct threat to the future of our democracy. For that reason, I cannot
sit by without taking action. I will vote to impeach this President."
Rep. Liz
Cheney (Wyo.) : " There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United
States of his office and his oath to the Constitution. I will vote to impeach the
President. "
Rep. Adam
Kinzinger (Ill.) : "There is no doubt in my mind that the President of the United
States broke his oath of office and incited this insurrection I will vote in favor of
Rep. Fred Upton
(Mich.) : "Enough is enough. The Congress must hold President Trump to account and send
a clear message that our country cannot and will not tolerate any effort by any President
to impede the peaceful transfer of power from one President to the next. Thus, I will vote
to impeach."
Rep. Dan Newhouse
(Wash.) : "A vote against this impeachment is a vote to validate the unacceptable
violence we witnessed in our nation's capital. ... I will vote yes on the articles of
Peter Meijer (Mich.) : "With the facts at hand, I believe the article of impeachment to
be accurate. The President betrayed his oath of office by seeking to undermine our
constitutional process, and he bears responsibility for inciting the violent acts of
insurrection last week."
Rep. Anthony Gonzalez
(Ohio) : "When I consider the full scope of events leading up to January 6th including
the President's lack of response as the United States Capitol was under attack, I am
compelled to support impeachment."
Rep. Tom Rice (S.C.) : "I
have backed this President through thick and thin for four years. I campaigned for him and
voted for him twice. But, this utter failure is inexcusable."
Rep. David Valadao
(Calif.) : "Based on the facts before me, I have to go with my gut and vote my
conscience. I voted to impeach President Trump. His inciting rhetoric was un-American,
abhorrent, and absolutely an impeachable offense. It's time to put country over
There is a better chance of Joe Biden remembering his own name tomorrow than the Blue Team
admitting that the impeachment was bogus, no matter how strong the evidence.
In the reality the USA is not falling apart. It is neoliberalism that is falling apart and
this is just how common people feel during the collapse of neliberalism.
"79% of Americans think the US is falling apart" those not accounted for are possibly
homeless or illiterate and don't have the opportunity of putting their view forward.
RTaccount 1 day ago 15 Jan, 2021 02:22 PM
There will be no peace, no unity, and no prosperity. And there shouldn't be.
TheFishh RTaccount 1 day ago 15 Jan, 2021 03:38 PM
The US regimes past and present have worn out their bag of tricks. A magician is a con-man.
And the only way they can entertain and spellbind the crowd with their routines is if
everyone just ignores the sleight of hand. But people are starting to call the US out for the
tricks it is pulling, and that's where the magician's career ends.
SJMan333 23 hours ago 16 Jan, 2021 01:02 AM
America as a whole is now reaping the fruits of its decades of exceptionalism complex.
Through its propaganda machine, Americans as individuals and collectively as a society, have
been brainwashed into believing that laws, rules and basic human decency do not apply to
themselves. These are only sweetened poisons for them to shove down the throats of other
lesser countries, especially those in Africa, Latin America, Middle East and Asia ((bluntly
put, non-white countries)) when it suited America's global resource thievery and daylight
wealth grabbing. Habitualized into bullying every other countries with no resistance,
Americans are now showing their ugly faces on each other. The same exceptionalism delusion
"the laws apply to you, not me'' is driving every American (except the colored Americans
probably) to blame all the ills of the country on everyone else except himself. Nancy Pelosi
advocated total lock-down but treated herself to a total grooming in a hair saloon is just
one example. For the sins it has committed over the decades, I guess the time is right for
USA to have a dose of its own medicine. Except in this case, America never thought it
necessary to develop an antidote.
Robert Bridge is an American writer and journalist. He is the author of 'Midnight
in the American Empire,' How Corporations and Their Political Servants are Destroying the American
'Home Alone 2: Lost in New York' (1992) Dir: Chris Columbus Hughes Entertainment, 20th Century Fox
Cancel culture is
now rampant in the entertainment industry, which wants to edit Trump from Hollywood history.
Stalin would be proud, but this kind of thinking is dangerous and could have devastating
consequences for the US.
If you blinked, you'd have missed it – a brief cameo appearance by Donald Trump
speaking to child actor Macaulay Culkin in the 1992 film ' Home Alone 2: Lost in
New York' .
The now notorious scene takes place inside the iconic Plaza Hotel where Trump tells Culkin,
playing the role of Kevin McCallister in the popular Christmas film, " down the hall and to
the left ." Not exactly R-rated material. Fast forward to these touchy times and Culkin
says he is " sold " on the idea of having Trump digitally replaced from the John Hughes
So it's not enough to vote out Donald Trump after four tumultuous years in the White House;
it's not enough to impeach him, twice; it's not enough to remove him from every major social
media platform, effectively alienating him from his 75 million supporters. Now the insatiable
woke wolves must work retroactively to delete from the public mind any positive associations it
may still have with the real estate magnate turned American president.
But this little harangue is not really about Donald Trump, nor is it about Hollywood, where
the annual Academy Award ceremonies have become blood-curdling 1984-style Trump hate-fests.
Even less is this about Macaulay Culkin, who, like many other famous child actors, has
struggled throughout adulthood to prove he's just as lovable as his former pintsize self.
Instead, this is about the dangers of forgetting history and being " condemned to repeat
it. "
Whether Hollywood has forgotten or not, there have been other attempts throughout history to
erase the historical record. One famous case involved that of Nikolay Yezhov, the head of the
feared NKVD under Joseph Stalin, who presided over trials and executions (1936-1938) during the
Great Purge, a rather joyless period when hundreds of thousands perished without a trace.
So now that BLM and ANTIFA have been implicated with the events of Jan 6th in DC, can we
just say it was a mostly peaceful protest and everyone can go on to the next manufactured
"... They all laughed and Schummer said " What qualifications do you have to join us" the old man said. " I am old, sick and suffer from dementia" ..."
An old man went to Congress and ask to see Pelosi, Schummer and Biden, at first they refused
but he insisted and they felt sorry for him and took him in. Pelosi ask him "Why did you come
to Washington". He said " I want to join you in Congress".
They all laughed and Schummer said "
What qualifications do you have to join us" the old man said. " I am old, sick and suffer from
In their efforts to expunge the Trump movement from memory let alone existence, these
neo-Stalinists are hellbent on nullifying constitutionally guaranteed rights – freedom of
speech, freedom of assembly, and the right to bear arms are under assault.
In place of the Bill of Rights, they would impose a Bill of Don'ts:
Don't say what we don't want to hear.
Don't gather where we don't allow, especially if you are a 'deplorable'.
Don't bother petitioning for grievances, because we don't care. Don't own weapons and don't
defend yourself when you or your property are attacked, even as the police are defunded.
Don't tell us about your right to privacy because our right to surveil you supersedes
Don't tell us you have the right to confront the witnesses aligned against you, or see the
evidence alleged against you, or to present evidence and witnesses in your own defense. That's
your white privilege speaking, and we will not tolerate hate speech.
Don't expect us to be bound by due process or the rule of law. Feelings and desired outcomes
trump facts and rules, both of which are tools of oppression, relics of the fascist
Don't object, or we will cancel you entirely from these Disunited States of Woketopia.
And first and foremost, don't dare have the temerity to question election results that have
handed us uncontested power.
Only authoritarians sanction this state of affairs. The harm they will do, as they neglect
and inflict further pain on the Republic, will be immeasurable. The nation is failing, not
merely because it is divided, but because a contingent has rejected its foundational
principles. That contingent is now in control.
Those are not students. Those are young neoliberals ;-) Or may be intensive studies exhausted them so that they are reaching a point of mental
I feel like I'm in the book "The Giver" and I'm just now seeing how brain washed we all are. We're spoon fed shit by pretty
people on tv and are expected to accept it as the only truth we'll ever need.
Pelosi is an epitome of America - exceptionalism, incompetence, vindictiveness and total lack
of self awareness. It's like looking at yourself in the mirror and hating what you see.
Cop shoots lady in the back. Lady who is no threat to him at all. She is entering a small
hallway where there are three or more cops with rifles. The situation is completely under
control and a lady gets shot in the back.
And still no one is nervous, no one takes cover. They all just stand there. Cop who flouts
all rules has just discharged his firearm for no good reason ...
Posted by: oldhippie | Jan 15 2021 11:42 utc | 94
On the basis of other video of police shootings, fatal and found blameless by prosecutors
and/or grand juries, the cop action was more justified than most. For example, it is more
typical that the deceased citizen is shot in the back while trying to escape, frontally in
the chest while immobilized etc. The lady was advancing at the cop, momentarily with her
behind first, and looked quite a bit more fit. She was squeezing through a window in a door
panel that was cleared from glass mostly by others. Perhaps she took the initiative being
slimmer then the majority of the crowd -- the crowd and the cops "looked like America", i.e.
mostly chubby. Yea, that meant that most of them would not repeat what she was doing.
What I am trying to say is that the shooting was FULLY within de-facto norms in U.S.A.
Cops have an absolute right to be panicking beyond reason in a wide variety of situation, and
I never read about cops being instructed to shoot first at body parts that do not cause death
and to stop shooting once the target cannot move. For example, the target tries to open the
door of his own dwelling while keeping in the other hand a dangerously looking sandwich. I
bet he was shot in the back, but we are not suppose to second guess split second decisions
motivated by the defense of lives of common people.
"Shame, shame on the ten Republicans who joined with Speaker Pelosi & the House
Democrats in impeaching President Trump yesterday," Graham tweeted on Thursday.
"After all that he has done for our country, you would turn your back & betray him so
quickly? What was done yesterday only further divides our nation."
In a separate Facebook post, Graham, a longtime influential supporter of the president,
further elaborated on his disappointment.
House Democrats impeached him because they "hate him and want to do as much damage as
they can," he wrote. "And these ten, from [Trump's] own party, joined in the feeding
frenzy. It makes you wonder what the thirty pieces of silver were that [Democratic House]
Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi promised for this betrayal."
The Putsch Govt and Tech & Media Oligarchs are "Riding the Tiger"
The reason I'm laughing, is because Joe and the deep state are exposing themselves for
who they are, a bunch of corrupt government officials who don't have the support of the
Joe is going to have a really hard time unless they institutionalize the election
fraud and continue it, which is my biggest fear because it means we've become a corrupt
banana republic, and poverty will quickly ensue.
Big government brings poverty to the
public (and riches to the deep state) while freedom (i.e., small government that just
protects our freedoms, rather than socialism that promises to provide for us but instead
brings government forcing us to work) brings prosperity to the people.
JOKES. Just heard this one: I can make anti-Putin jokes on Russian social media. So, what, I
can make anti-Putin jokes on Western social media. (A re-tread of a Soviet-era joke). Or this:
Due to travel restrictions abroad, Americans have done a coup at home.
A major scandal is unfolding in the US naval community. It turned out that a whole class
of ships, on which America had pinned great hopes a couple of decades ago, turned out to be
utterly incapable of combat. What exactly are the problems with these ships? Why did they
only show up now? What does the massive corruption in the United States have to do with what
is happening?
Political events in the United States have overshadowed everything that happens in this
country. Including one event related to the Navy, which would indeed have exploded.
We are talking about a whole type of warships, both already delivered to the US Navy, and
those still under construction – the so-called Littoral combat ship (LCS) of the
Freedom type. And it's not that they're useless. And not at the prohibitive cost. And not
even that the gearboxes of the ship's main power plant (GEM) do not withstand the maximum
stroke, and with the speed of 47 knots, which was the ridge of this project, he will never be
able to walk – they also resigned themselves to this.
But at the end of 2020, it turned out that they generally cannot move faster than a dry
cargo ship for more or less a long time. That is, it is not just scrapping metal; it is also
almost stationary scrap metal.
I'm not sure about that. Seems to me you can always count on them to overplay their hand.
They lack the true artist's sense of when to quit, and they don't trust anyone to draw their
own conclusions. So you get these apocalyptic remarks about 'assaulting the very temple of
Democracy!' or similar nonsense, when everyone can see it was a bunch of hooligans acting out
in a demonstration that got too rowdy.
The smart thing would be to just let it slide - ignore him, treat him as something humorous
and irrelevant - and just move on. Treat it like 'this was unpleasant, but we've got more
important things to worry about'. In other words, defuse things. The one thing Trump has
always tried to be is the center of attention - so the best way of punishing him is to
relegate him to obscurity.
It is especially stupid to let the impeachment trial continue past the inauguration - it will
compete for attention with Biden's legislative agenda and you can count on Trump to drag it
out as long as possible. It is also open to challenge on constitutional grounds.
Thanks to the following website I am reminded of something I hardly remember today. Back on
November 7, 1983 the Senate was BOMBED !!!!
"[M19 member Susan] Rosenberg, sentenced to 58 years on explosives charges, was pardoned
by President Bill Clinton on his last day in office. [M19 member] Judith Clark, convicted of
murder in the Brinks case, had her sentence commuted by Gov. Andrew Cuomo "
"Susan Rosenberg [long after Bill Clinton pardoned her] has served as vice chair of the
board of directors for Thousand Currents, an organization that provides fundraising and
fiscal sponsorship for the Black Lives Matter Global Movement ."
"... "There is an ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden's laptop in being bought and paid for by Chinese communist energy companies," she continued ..."
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to Newsmax TV: Filing to Impeach Joe Biden
"I would like to announce on behalf of the American people, we have to make sure that our
leaders are held accountable. We cannot have a president of the United States that is willing
to abuse the power of the office of the presidency and be easily bought off by foreign
governments, Chinese energy companies, Ukrainian energy companies."
"We don't need a man serving in the presidency of the United States who is guilty of
committing the crime of abuse of power and is under investigation with Hunter Biden's laptop,
his very own son."
"There is an ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden's laptop in being bought and paid for
by Chinese communist energy companies," she continued
"Many of us are altering our routines, working to get body armor, which is a reimbursable
purchase that we can make," Meijer told MSNBC in a Thursday interview.
Dennis Wayne Pennenga 3 hours ago 14 Jan, 2021 06:05 PM
Better wear helmets too.
Paulino Avina Dennis Wayne Pennenga 1 hour ago 14 Jan, 2021 08:29 PM
How does that work after Trump has already resigned? This is just childish idiocy, in fact
much worse. Does this mean that Biden/Harris have no other policies than being anti Trump? So
now they want to make him a martyr? This looks like it is going to blow up in their faces,
figuratively or literally.
Trump's 2nd impeachment: what it reminds me of is the impeachment of Andrew Johnson during
reconstruction, a lot of historical resonance there, the bitterness, the desire to undo as
much as possible, and I'd say that this now is in some sense unfinished business from back
"...Fellow-Satanists, honored guests, ladies and gentlemen! The year 2020 has been a
banner year for our society and for His Satanic Majesty! [Applause]
Our major success of 2020, of course, was in locking down half the planet by hyping a
not-too-dangerous respiratory virus that's mostly dangerous for the old and the sick with the
help of Satanic Minion Tedros Adhanom Boutros-Boutros-Boutros Ghebreyesus at our affiliate
World Health Organization. This has allowed us to proactively set in motion a controlled
demolition of the global economy. It stands to greatly enrich our members, whereas the
inevitable spontaneous collapse would have wiped us out. [Enthusiastic applause, shouts of
Still, we must not grow complacent; the virus ploy will stop working for us at some point.
We do not want to find ourselves in the situation of a Boutros-Boutros-Boutros who cried wolf
one time too many! The hype is wearing off already. The use of the term "lockdown" was
unfortunate; after all, it is US prison slang for locking inmates in their cells. Plus those
damnable Russians seem to have developed their Sputnik-V, a vaccine that actually works. Now
everybody seems to want it instead of our preferred toxic, fertility-destroying potions.
Still, it brought tears of joy to many a Satanist's face watching millions of people wear
face masks and stand 1,5 meters apart just as shown in Stanley Kubrik's excellent film "Eyes
Wide Shut" starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. [Confused looks; some stifled guffaws, a
smattering of applause]..."
Across the nation, Americans are peacefully protesting to demand an end to the pattern of
racial injustice and police brutality that has killed so many innocent Americans, as we saw
most recently in the murder of George Floyd.
It is alarming that here in our nation's capital, the thousands who have turned out
peacefully have been confronted with the deployment of various security officers from
multiple jurisdictions, including unidentified federal law enforcement personnel.
We have seen soldiers on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. We have witnessed Bureau of
Prisons officers in Lafayette Square. We have seen National Park Service officers hassling
peaceful protestors. Several states have deployed members of their National Guard to D.C.
This is in addition to the FBI and other security forces operating in our nation's
We are concerned about the increased militarization and lack of clarity that may increase
chaos. I am writing to request a full list of the agencies involved and clarifications of the
roles and responsibilities of the troops and federal law enforcement resources operating in
the city. Congress and the American people need to know who is in charge, what is the chain
of command, what is the mission, and by what authority is the National Guard from other
states operating in the capital.
To make matters worse, some officers have refused to provide identification and have been
deployed without identifying insignias, badges and name plates. The practice of officers
operating with full anonymity undermines accountability, ignites government distrust and
suspicion, and is counter to the principle of procedural justice and legitimacy during this
precarious moment in our nation's history.
The Department of Justice itself in the past has stated that allowing officers to work
anonymously creates "mistrust and undermines accountability" and "conveys a message to
community members that, through anonymity, officers may seek to act with impunity." In recent
days, many former high-level DOJ officials have echoed these concerns and warned that
allowing federal law enforcement officers to operate without identification can fatally
weaken oversight efforts and fails to send the message that abuse will not be tolerated.
As peaceful people all over the country turn out to honor the memory of George Floyd and
protest for change, we must ensure that their safety and their constitutional rights are
being respected.
Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.
Speaker of the House
Besides the obvious irony, the funniest part of this letter is that Pelosi calls crowds
that took control over parts of cities, caused over $1bn in damage, and cost the lives of
over a dozen people "peaceful"...
The DemonRats still have a week and could impeach him for a 3rd time! Like a hat trick in
MongoStraight 4 hours ago remove link
Look! Orange Man bad! Stop looking at those pesky election irregularities!
Art_Vandelay 4 hours ago remove link
I'm glad everyone is enjoying the theater. They have to keep the masses focused on this
soap opera. Double the homelessness is not good optics during this great depression.
Speaker Pelosi names Rep. Eric Swalwell among Trump impeachment managers
boyplunger7777 1 hour ago (Edited)
Eric "Fang Fang" Swalwell leading the impeachment committee. If this doesn't say it all
about how Dems have betrayed the average American I do not know what does. Americans will not
forget this.
Thierry Meyssan:
...Blinded, the rest of the world did not see that the United States has reverted to what it
was in the first four years of its foundation: an oligarchic system, this time in the service
of a class of international billionaires.
re: "Many protesters were recorded saying that the Capitol building belonged to the
people, not to the people working in it on behalf of the people. They are right."
The Clintonites touted (Trump) "not my president" . Well it's our turn now,
"Biden-not our President!' and like a wedding and marriage, the biblical phrase, "the two
become one" applies therefor, Harris isn't either!
Did I hear someone say, nuclear codes? Hello, America you've just muscled into office a
senile old dote who can't put two sentences together he's got his shaky finger the button
The Saker is capable of superb writing when he chains his inner imp and refuses to indulge
his adolescent GI Joe fantasies.
The essential question is: can Americans who do not understand Marxism or socialism
– and who seem in self-conscious refusal to understand – to be in a persistent,
calorie-burning state of willful ignorance and stupidity – can such Americans
@obwandiyag tol false
flag). This will be a Soviet-style gerontocracy with senile figureheads pretending to be in
power (think Biden vs Chernenko here). Looking at the old, Obama-era, names which are
circulated now for future Cabinet positions, we can bet on two things: the new rulers will be
as evil as they will be grossly incompetent, mostly due to their crass lack of education
(even Nuland and Psaki are back, it appears!). The Biden admin will be similar to the rule of
Kerensky in "democratic" Russia: chaos, violence, lots and lots of speeches and total social
and economic chaos. The next crucial, and even frightening, question now is: what will
replace this US version of a Kerensky regime?
The best we can hope for from President Biden's administration, is possibly a UBI of
$1,200/month granted to the legacy white populace. That guaranteed income would allow those
racists a modest diet, heat in the winter, some gasoline to drive their vehicles and some
basic medical care.
Joseph Biden has been in public service now for nearly 60 years. He's seen the
inequalities, the systemic racism throughout his career. The nation is fortunate that he's
still alive and possesses the energy and conviction to finally change things.
He's a wonderful man, with a gigantic heart and the will to put this country right. Also,
his spouse, Dr. Jill Biden, along with their son, Hunter (an heroic figure himself) will
guide the nation forward.
Pompeo's last shouts before he competes with Condie Rice on making conferences about
'evil' and 'nefarious' Iran.
Trump and Pompeo are now deflated balloons...
Pictures are self-explanatory. Google translation of texts under them follows Pictures are self-explanatory. Google translation of texts under them follows
Parler has not only been deplatformed from the App store, it was deplatformed by Google,
amazon (AWS), and their email provider, and their lawyers.
" Additional precise and specific actions must also be taken: Reveal who is paying for
advertisements, how....." said Mozilla, and it looks like a number of people followed
instructions .
That'll keep them in line. Notice the narrative of the media that kept us informed of the
mostly peaceful blah, blah, blah all summer long?
We are about to participate in "The Great Experiment V. 2.0" in my opinion. This decides
which of the Georges, Washington and Orwell, is right. My money is on Orwell for a reason I
will tell you later.
...The checks and balances have been replaced with (Bank) checks and (Bank) balances. The
richest men in the world are overseeing this experiment which is going global quicker than you
can say"Google". They are enabled by the University academics who as Raymond Asquith once
observed are always prepared to provide an intellectual justification for vile acts if the
price is right and journalists will laud said acts to the heavens as decent, moral doings if
they want a paycheck next week from their masters.
The Legislature is bought. The Executive is bought. The Supreme Court are ninnies...
... And you enabled all this yourselves. When you applauded the Patriot Act. When you
cheered at the vilification of muslims, "sand niggers", "rag heads". When you justified the use
of torture. When you masturbated watching targeting videos of drone strikes on Afghans. When
you credulously watched fantasies on television about "Irans nuclear threat". When you listened
and watched uncritically (or perhaps with secret pleasure) as the media lied to you
breathlessly about the President disporting himself on a urine soaked bed with Russian hookers.
Where was your sense of outrage then? Every time you deny the humanity and human rights of
anyone, no matter how vile they be, you are destroying your own rights.
The notion "presstitute" is likely far off, in that it is still too flattering.
What kind of promiscuous garden tool variety would you deem appropriate, if I may
There is reason for some optimism for the future of White Americans, if not for the USA.
Yesterday was the proudest day of my entire life! When I saw those patriots, a great many of
them middle aged people just like myself, march on the capitol and demand entry, I saw that
the survival instinct of my fellow Americans may have been dormant, but it is not dead. It is
now awakened and nothing will put it back to sleep now.
We embark now upon an epic struggle against powerful dark forces but at least now we will
play on a field where our numbers can be brought to bear. We are the many, they the few. We
will win this war, though I fear the cost is going to be greater than any struggle this
nation has ever had to grapple with.
This will be my last post online. It is not safe to do this any longer. But please,
continue with your work so long as you can do so in safety Dr. Roberts. It is more important
now than ever. Thank you and Goodbye.
They have converted this into a sort of Reichstag fire characteristic of fascist regimes
consolidating power. Now they are labelling all opponents terrorists. They must be hoping to
incite a civil war before the opposition can adequately organize and mobilize and consolidate a
21st century version of politically correct fascism where the prejudice is against the normal
and the traditional majority.
I think the Nobel Prize for medicine should go to the Canadian scientist who just isolated
Covid by discovering it's most dangerous outside from 8pm to 5am. Thus the current curfew in
Quebec, with Ontario joining shortly.
Second nominee: to the medical staff that discovered there's no Covid in big box
'It has been an epiphany for the world to see that there are people in our country led by
this president, for the moment, who have chosen their whiteness over democracy,' Pelosi
I don't think people around the world think what happened at the capital was about
whiteness. It's really too bad the Democratic Party leadership has such a simplistic view. It
also shows how anti-white some white people can be and why they want so much immigration we
don't need.
"... During last year, many government buildings were taken over by Dem-sponsored BLM activists, and in not one case did the police use lethal weapons or even rush the protesters out of buildings. ..."
During last year, many government buildings were taken over by Dem-sponsored BLM
activists, and in not one case did the police use lethal weapons or even rush the protesters
out of buildings.
"Shortly after 8 p.m. Wednesday, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the locked King
Street entrance to the Capitol, chanting "Break down the door!" and "General strike!" Moments
later, police ceded control of the State Street doors and allowed the crowd to surge inside,
joining thousands who had already gathered in the Capitol to protest the votes. The area
outside the Assembly, which is scheduled to take the bill up at 11 a.m. today, was crowded
with protesters who chanted, "We're not leaving. Not this time."
Department of Administration spokesman Tim Donovan said although protesters were being
encouraged to leave, no one would be forcibly removed. Mayor Dave Cieslewicz said he had
instructed Police Chief Noble Wray not to allow his officers to participate in removing
demonstrators from the building."
Voice of America CEO Accused Of Fraud, Misuse Of Office All In One Week
Fresh crises and fresh challenges confront the Trump-appointed CEO of the parent of Voice
of America, even with less than two weeks left of the Trump presidency.
To start, the Attorney General of the District of Columbia this week accused U.S. Agency
for Global Media CEO Michael Pack of illegally funneling more than $4 million to his private
documentary company through a not-for-profit that he also controls.
"The city of Detroit gave 95 per cent of its vote to Biden/Kamala, a number that Mr Kim
Jong-un would view with slight envy, while Mr Lukashenko would murmur, "How can it be done?"
It is highly likely this mind-boggling result was achieved in the following way.
Detroit Dems outsourced ballot harvesting to local drug lords, offering them as a prize
– recreational marijuana business licenses. These licences are the best thing since a
licence to print money. Having such licenses is like having your own ATM. Here you can read
about their profitability and the lengths criminals will go to obtain them. Detroit Dems had
changed local laws allowing the sale of marijuana in their fine city (it was forbidden until
November 2020). They changed local laws prescribing the issuing of marijuana licences to drug
dealers with previous convictions for drug dealing.
They let drug lords out of jail. They changed local laws to allow ballot harvesting; that
is, collecting postal votes and assisting with the filling in of ballots.
After that, the drug dealers went around collecting postal ballots and filling them in
immediately, if they were conscientious, or just filling them in at their leisure, if feeling
lazy. They had a judge at their disposal, Cynthia Stephens, who single-handedly changed
Michigan election laws, and then rejected Trump's claims of fraud."
"Biden: "No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesting
yesterday, they wouldn't have been treated very, very differently than the mob of thugs that
stormed the Capitol. We all know that's true, and it is unacceptable. Totally unacceptable.""
Mr. Biden is not off to a very credible start on his campaign promise to "heal the soul of
our nation."
Are you aware that long before dirty commoners violating the sanctity, back on Jan 5th,
Apple Maps stopped navigating to Washington DC? Apparently, one couldn't get directions to DC
for driving, public transport, or walking.
Hmm....I read that Pelosi is coming unhinged because several laptops with incriminating
information are now in Trump's posession....thanks to this stunt
Obamanism666 3 hours ago
Naw they just contained her Luxury Ice cream orders..... apparently the flavors have
alcohol in them
journey80 34 minutes ago
COMING unhinged? That happened a couple of decades ago.
Can the hysterical little girls freaking out about tourists in the Capitol building do me
one little favor? I just want to see one video clip of rioting in DC back on the 6th.
All of these posts and we don't have a single link to evidence of rioting or mob-like
behavior. This is important because years from now people reading this thread may not clearly
remember what you imagined you saw and need some visual reminders of this imaginary rioting
that you are talking about. Please include some links or people of tomorrow will suspect that
what you little girls are wailing about didn't happen. In particular I want to see some
imagery of "baseball bats and metal pipes" on the scene in DC. Is this too much to ask
This event is a confirmation that everything is a great show. From the election to the fight
between Trump and Biden. It is all settled long time ago. Seems that all this stuff is just
distraction, enterteniment for the masses with the old same purpose. There is no saviours
amigos. All the guys work for the same "master". So if you still have some hope that trump or
whatever the hero is gonna sace the world, i guess you are lost and u will have a big surprise.
The plan is still on. Nobody is gonna save u. Just u uniting with people and once amd for all
understand that the future is in your hands and your will.
tike , Jan 8, 2021 4:49 AM
Great coverage. Loved the expansion of the four points. What a clown show, complete with
silly costumes. Do people really fall for this sh!t? Sadly, too many do.
Here's a refreshing and insightful discussion between Ryan Cristian and Whitney Webb on
The Last American Vagabond channel:
I know! And realistically, would you even have had time from the announcement of the new
variant until now, also keeping in mind public holidays in between, that this was
scientifically tested, published and peer reviewed by people who had this as their job? NO,
there is not enough time, so what the hell is this statement based on?
It's like they are adjusting the narrative to the stupidity of the masses – they see
that most people just accept it anyway, so why bother even doing it properly when you can
make it up as you go along?
Too late for Gregory Michael MD of Mount Sinai Medical Centre, who died 'due to a strong
reaction to the COVID vaccine' (Heidi Neckelmann, his widow). RIP
President-elect likens Cruz, Hawley to Nazi propagandist Goebbels, says they share blame for
inciting violence
... Speaking to reporters on Friday, Biden said Senators Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Josh Hawley
(R-Missouri) share responsibility with President Donald Trump for inciting the violent
protesters who breached the US Capitol on Wednesday. Rather than being forced to resign, he
said the two senators should be voted out of office when they come up for re-election.
Cruz and Hawley led opposition to certifying results of the November 3 presidential election
– at least not before an investigation – citing allegations that Biden won based on
hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes in Georgia and other swing states. "If he's the
only one saying it, that's one thing," Biden said of Trump. "But the acolytes that
follow him, like Cruz and others, they are as responsible as he is."
Biden's comments were not unlike the Nazi-invoking rhetoric that was used against Trump and
his supporters for the past four years. And the comments came one day after he leaned on
another anti-Trump theme, racism,
suggesting police failed to protect the Capitol because they responded more leniently to
Wednesday's rioters than if the protest had been a Black Lives Matter event.
"By using the 'terrorist' moniker Biden, and the media, are taking this thing into the
wrong direction. It creates more extremism and will likely have bloody consequences."
Now half the country believes the government is fraudulent.
As someone commented on this site, Americans fall into two categories. One believes that
the election was fraudulent and it is good, the other believes that the election was
fraudulent and it is bad.
Except for the Coast Guard, which is a purely defensive military, any White American who
would want to join the other military branches has to be incurably stupid.
"... As the duly selected leader of Binomo, I will be having serious words with my Head of Intelligence over this embarrassing political imbroglio. ..."
Oh noes, I am totally gutted. It turns out the Viking Man is a GRU agent all along, and
this is all a last ditch effort by Russia to keep their man in place.
How do pacify 72 million voters, many of whom are convinced that they have been cheated?.
How do you stop them ALL from marching on the White house?
Answer; You stage a psyop . You let in a number of colourful figures disguised as
"Manhatten-cowboy style trappers " - add a bit of shoving and pushing, lots of
shouting. Cameramen(or women) at the ready. and bingo... everyone can go home afterwards
saying "we tried" or "we did our bit".
Item one, a clip: Notice the two cameramen, one following the "break-in+, and the other at
the top of the stairs. All filmed in glorious technicolour and HD by professionals)
I love the first demonstrator signaling the cop to retreat, small hand signal.
The MSM and "Governments" can all now play the " we support Democracy, look how we are
above all this mayhem ". Visible moral fibre on tap and statements prewritten?
Zuckerberg and mass media can silence any comment including Trumps or those that come from
the "deplorables". Which is what they have done to silence any revision of the narrative,
before it gains traction. (Zuckie rules, he must do as he wasn't elected, probably got
there by hereditary means )
The bit-parts were played by members of the house who had their masks ready under their
The unfortunate lady was probably an accident as the Police there just can't resist
shooting someone.
Read Trump's earlier stuff from Reuters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The chaos in the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday unfolded after President
Donald Trump spent weeks whipping up his supporters with false allegations of fraud in the
Nov. 3 election, culminating in a call to march to the building that represents U.S.
The real question is was the election stolen? On balance, I would guess that
it was and that is why the courts all refused to examine the evidence, instead of allowing
the evidence to be presented and refuted. Trumps case was never answered only trashed
and ridiculed.
Turka #125
I also find it incredibly disingenuous that protestors/"rioters" made it into the Capitol
building despite sturdy doors, and the police couldn't stave it off.
just another addition to the "both sides are assholes" exhibit: the first comment on the
NPR tweet about the unarmed woman killed by a cop is "coups have consequences".
even putting aside the whole (valid) "if it was a black woman killed by a cop" argument,
i've loved seeing the past 4 years of so called "liberals" slowly losing their mask of
humanity. they complain about the MAGA types as if they're the barbarians at the gate but
they're ALL americans and therefore have violence and hatred of the "other" baked in from
also, if that shitbag thinks this was a "coup" then they're even less informed than their
idiotic comment would suggest.
Very well said. It's amazing how much you can tell about the agenda of the deep state just
by careful reading and noticing the words chosen--especially when you keep seeing the same
words repeated incessantly.
And incidentally, at first I was a bit curious about all this over-the-top sudden calls to
impeach Trump and that sort of nonsense...I was thinking it was just a matter of continued
venting of hatred at him for his "gift" of exposing the hypocrisy and duplicity of the deep
state, and the US in general. But it just occurred to me that no, it's because it has dawned
on them that a Trump drummed out of office by a clearly fraudulent election (i.e.,
righteously indignant) could be quite a rallying point for the disenfranchised regular
citizens of the US. So, they're hoping to spend these last two weeks doing everything they
can to tarnish his reputation and try to destroy his ability to rally the troops, so to
speak. I don't think it will work, but then again who knows to what depths they will sink to
permanently sink Trump. Expect a lot more craziness these last two weeks.
By allowing the protesters into the Capital Building, the chance to challenge the certification of the various states' electors
was lost. This was Trump's and his supporters' last chance. They have been played like a piano. Quite brilliant, in its way. Game over.
There was a curious
lack of resistance from the relevant authority. While Trump proved to be an incompetent and a coward, this looks like another Pelosi
dirty trick similar to Ukrainegate ? Russiagate and Ukrainegate taught him nothing.
That the incoming president declares a number of activist from the opposing party to be 'terrorists' demonstrates how unqualified
he is for that job.
Is this a terrorist? These were not terrorists but tourists who came from all over the states to Washington for fun and to register
their disagreement with the 'elites'.
Those rabbles were in no way terrorists. They were not even a mob. Most of them were out-of-town rednecks who felt that they had
been wronged. They wanted to express that. They were surprised when they found how easy it was to enter the Capitol and they apparently
took more time to take pictures than to rearrange the furniture.
[L]et's be clear about what did not take place at the Capitol Building last night. This was not a fascist coup, as so many shrill,
supposedly liberal commentators are claiming. Their flagrant use of the word 'fascist' to describe every political movement they
disapprove of is an insult to reason and history. This wasn't a coup full stop. The National Guard suppressed the morons, the
barricades were put back up, and even their hero Donald Trump told them to go home. A coup is a conscious effort to illegally
seize power from the government. These people couldn't even believe they made it into the Capitol Building. They were like children
finding a candy store unguarded.
A children's game. Indeed.
Yet Biden and others are furious about the stunt because it lifted the veil off their vaunted U.S. 'democracy' and its empty rituals:
Nicholas J. Fuentes @NickJFuentes - 21:01
UTC Jan 7, 2021
The US Capitol is hardly a "sacred temple of democracy," it's the sleaziest brothel in the world, totally bought and controlled
by powerful interest groups and foreign governments. Who are they kidding?
Congressional processes are dirty fights about the distribution of the loot. There is nothing sacred about it. Just consider the
bribes that were taken during the Georgia Senate races. Those hundreds of millions of 'donations' will have to be paid back in
The threat inflation, the wild claims about a fascist coup, are transparent efforts by the cosseted political and cultural elites
to endow their project with moral importance; to give their restoration of managerial, technocratic power after the four-year
populist experiment which is fundamentally the project that Biden and his influential supporters are currently engaged in
the gloss of historical urgency. It is mission creation.
Worse, this narrative-building will allow the elites to circumscribe even more forms of political thought and speech than they
already desire to do , on the basis that the latent fascism among the American rabble is likely to be stirred up by inflammatory
ideas and commentary. Indeed, we've already been given a chilling glimpse of this post-incursion clampdown on 'violent' speech
in Twitter's extraordinary decision to ban, outright, three of Trump's tweets last night and to lock him out of his account for
12 hours.
It strikes me that this unilateral use of corporate power by Silicon Valley to prevent the democratically elected president
of the United States from engaging with millions of his voters and supporters, to physically forbid him from partaking in online
discussion, is a grave assault on democracy, too. More grave, I would say, than the immoral and anti-democratic incursion of the
Capitol Building. Already, right away, we are seeing that the threat-inflating response to last night's events will likely have
longer-lasting negative consequences for open debate and democratic norms than the thing itself.
Biden is famous for mixing his words up. He meant to say that the protesters were "domestic tourists" . I'm sure he meant
to thank them for doing their part to revitalize America's service economy.
I mean, how many times do they have to say things like "totally unproven" and
"unsubstantiated" in every sentence before people start to think that they're being treated
like idiots?
Peaceful protesters only want democracy, freedom, and the realization of their civil rights.
The totalitarian American machine suppresses them, one citizen was even shot in the chest.
Monstrous barbarism and encroachment on the rights of people to peacefully protest! So awful.
It is the duty of the free world to support civic activists and sternly condemn the American
oppression machine of freedom!
I think it would be nice for the Russian Foreign Ministry to make a corresponding
statement. It would be very appropriate to troll the "western partners" well. The most
splendid trolling would be to try to call an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council
because of the events in the United States and discuss the oppression of peaceful protesters
and the repression of the American totalitarian power machine.
A resolution is also absolutely necessary urging the American authorities to immediately
end the harassment of peaceful protesters and to release the detainees. Of course, sanctions
are also needed in connection with the oppression of civil liberties by the American
Well, the boomerang returned to those who threw it. That's wonderful.
You can't believe anything those days as false flag operation are so commonplace that you
should suspect any event being a false flag. A real "empire of illusions"
My new drinking game includes a sip every time somebody on CNN or MSNBC says the words "a
threat to our democracy". Yesterday I passed out at noon.
SelectedNotElectedBiden 7 hours ago remove link
"Either the U.S. Congress has the worst security personnel that any of us have ever seen,
or this was allowed to happen on purpose."
My immediate thought yesterday.
Democrycy 7 hours ago remove link
They were let in by the security. There's plenty of video evidence. They even removed the
statutes in the hallway for them.
wasd 7 hours ago
'security' 'tour guide' same diff
walküre 5 hours ago (Edited) remove link
Which public building that was just "stormed" and evacuated gets reopened, lawmakers
resuming the most important session of all?
No sweep for hidden toxins, viral exposure (Covid !!!!), booby traps and so on?
Even the grocery store needs to close min. 24 hours for a deep clean under Covid
How many hours before someone gave the 'all clear' and resume the process?
Do you believe this?
Smedley of Tarsus 6 hours ago remove link
This was entirely false flag.
GoldenDebt PREMIUM 5 hours ago
Remarkable how even Fox News used yesterday's even to trash and throw Trump under the
The Capitol Building event is being used as cover so that investigations of voter fraud
are brushed away as if voting fraud never happenned.
mrjinx007 7 hours ago
Like I said, it was all planned so the Con-men could certify it without hearing the
objections. The Reps are in it as much as Dems. It gave them the easy way out.
"... This is our reward for heckling the 'intelligence agencies' after Trump's vanguard bought Hillary's Broom for display purposes only, nothing to see there. Biden is now mayor of munchkinland. Still can't figure out who is 'Great Oz'. ..."
"... It's too late now, but a "win-win" solution might have been for Congress to certify Juan Guaido as President. ..."
"... That way, Trump would be replaced by his (or maybe it's Pence's) protégé, and the wokesters would have their first latino head of state. And of course in politics, other than one's identity, what the hell else matters? ..."
"... Who says there isn't a way to reconcile red and blue America? ..."
This is our reward for heckling the 'intelligence agencies' after Trump's vanguard bought
Hillary's Broom for display purposes only, nothing to see there. Biden is now mayor of
munchkinland. Still can't figure out who is 'Great Oz'.
When the going gets tuff, I listen to Frank Zappa and George Carlin, in that order while
chopping onions. Sleep well my pretties, I know I will.
It's too late now, but a "win-win" solution might have been for Congress to certify Juan
Guaido as President.
That way, Trump would be replaced by his (or maybe it's Pence's) protégé, and the
wokesters would have their first latino head of state. And of course in politics, other than
one's identity, what the hell else matters?
Who says there isn't a way to reconcile red and blue America?
In Dmitry Orlov's irreverent style addressing a very serious topic:
And this brings us to the final traditional part of the year-end report: the forecast.
According to our Satanist friends at (lovely understated Satanic logo, by the
way, kudos to the designers!) by 2025 the United States will lose 70% of its population,
92% of its real GDP and its economy will be slightly smaller than that of Mexico.
Meanwhile, China will remain the world's largest economy, growing slightly, while Russia
and India will skyrocket to rank second and third. The world rankings will look quite
different. Germany will find itself somewhere between Chile and South Africa. Switzerland
and the United Kingdom (should this silly anachronism still exist) will rank somewhere
between Slovakia and Greece. The Swedes will be poorer than the Romanians... and so on. The
world is changing before our eyes and nothing will ever be the same.
They aren't that organized in the US to set up a revolution. We lack a US embassy.
I agree with Grieved that Orange Man Bad will experience his peripeteia. He was only some
half rate shegetz in their opinion.
With so many anti orange man people who have shown up lately, I am surprised Woody
Guthrie's song about Orange Man's father hasn't been posted. This one's for you Mark2, you
muppet tosser! Work on your spelling, too. ( or grow a pear )
"... Thanks b for reminding us of how the Western mainstream media all presented Hong Kong rioters and thugs as "peaceful pro-democracy protesters," despite months upon months of ample violent video evidence to the contrary (which they of course never aired because it didn't fit their narrative directives.) ..."
"... Yet the Western mainstream media now somehow characterize these relatively far more peaceful pro-democracy protesters in Washington as "thugs" and "mobs", and of course their protests about election fraud concerns are all labeled by the media (again, as if by directive,) as "baseless" and "unsubstantiated" without any investigations into them. ..."
"... Meanwhile, our media has repeatedly demonstrated that it has absolutely no problem with reporting unsubstantiated claims as fact when it fits their directed narratives. (ex. White Helmets, Navalny, Uighurs, etc.) ..."
Thanks b for reminding us of how the Western mainstream media all presented Hong Kong
rioters and thugs as "peaceful pro-democracy protesters," despite months upon months of ample
violent video evidence to the contrary (which they of course never aired because it didn't
fit their narrative directives.)
Yet the Western mainstream media now somehow characterize these relatively far more
peaceful pro-democracy protesters in Washington as "thugs" and "mobs", and of course their
protests about election fraud concerns are all labeled by the media (again, as if by
directive,) as "baseless" and "unsubstantiated" without any investigations into them.
Meanwhile, our media has repeatedly demonstrated that it has absolutely no problem with
reporting unsubstantiated claims as fact when it fits their directed narratives. (ex. White
Helmets, Navalny, Uighurs, etc.)
Belarus was another example of our media's blatant double standards.
Thanks too for the reminder that Pelosi gushed "It is a beautiful sight to behold."
This line from Biden probably provoked a guffaw from most the world: "An assault on the
citadel of liberty".
The one and only difference between Democrats and Republicans is that one or the other, depending on the circumstance, prefers
to drive the handcart to hell we are riding on a little slower, or faster if you prefer. The destination remains the same. They
both use the same gang of armed goons to enforce their insanity.
"... So, IMO, as far as swamps go, Trump only wants a straight orange one, ..."
"... People who wrote the 'Verschärfte Vernehmung' rules in nazi Germany were, if caught, sent to jail or hanged. Yoo and Gonzales, in contrast, got well paid academic jobs, no prosecution at all - instead they advise Trump. It's a nightmare to think that such people now train (and worse than that - influence) students today. ..."
IMO that's an ugly and likely criminal demand. But then, Trump has a coat of arms, with the
motto "Numquam concedere" (Never concede). Obviously.
Mr. Raffensperger said that the votes, as counted, liked by Trump or not, are correct and
have been counted three times already. Well, living in alternate reality, Trump doesn't
Given Trump's personal of style, he's in for being insulted as a swamp RINO, disloyal to
Trump personally and ... (if he was a woman) also ugly, facelift wreck, fat and stupid. Also,
Trump is likely to support any competitor to him, as long as he, she or it has one head and can
Good luck for him. He'll need it since as a result of such enthusiastic trumperey
Raffensperger now needs body guards, police protection and had a number of death threats. Some
nut encouraged by stuff like that may just kill him.
As for Assange, those who would like vengeance on him can live easy with that since the UK
prison conditions are about as comfortable as Guantanamo, though without wall slamming,
waterboarding and that other physical and psychological desruction enhanced
People who wrote the 'Verschärfte Vernehmung' rules in nazi Germany were, if caught,
sent to jail or hanged. Yoo and Gonzales, in contrast, got well paid academic jobs, no
prosecution at all - instead they advise Trump. It's a nightmare to think that such people now
train (and worse than that - influence) students today.
Super militarized super equipped police essentially did not put much resistance and
allowed protesters into the building.
Kalen , Jan 6, 2021 11:06 PM
Choreographed Protesters orderly following Capitol Hill visitors lines even wiped their
feet before entering House and Senate chambers making sure not to disturb nothing so usual
spectacle of anointing a new stooge of oligarchy May proceed shortly after a photo op with a
Getty Images hired photographers and live transmitting via FB MSM correspondents that happens
to be there. All fake, badly choreographed and directed with no shred of credibility
if their goal was to stop or disrupt the debate or to stop rotten political charade of
lies and deceit they did really nothing to achieve that, likely as planned. They did nothing
to prevent voting Biden in ...
. ...Corruption is embedded feature of American electoral system for over 230 years where
every election have been stolen by oligarchy from the people and where they could be no shred
of democracy existing where routinely 75% or more US citizen opposed or did not support
installed POTUS and where opinions of 95% of population are ignored or directly contradict US
congress actually enacted policies.
Although a little shitting in pants by congressmen and senators is never bad, the
existence of this abhorrent imperial regime cannot be threatened this way...
"The aphorism that in SHAM DEMOCRACY USA every "election" above that of local dog catcher
is rigged is not far from the truth. WE THE PEOPLE do not choices, we have owners."
@ v | Jan 6 2021 21:18 utc | 37 who wrote
Some MAGA nutter has just announced that the Kansas State Capitol has been taken over.
The interesting thing to me has always been that if you get the nutters on both sides of
the mythological left/right to say how they feel about the private bankers, you know, the
top/bottom reality we live in, they both agree that private banking is bad. But we can't have
that coming to the fore especially in the face of the China example of public banking.
So its MAGA, USA, MAGA, USA, MAGA, USA forever, or until another narrative gripping
opportunity comes along or is manufactured.
I see that "cookie monster" Nuland is supposed to become Deputy secretary of State under
Biden. As a new of version of Pompeo she will obviously be sending tins of fresh home baking
to Putin.
Maybe she will use her Maidan experience and let Joe sniff a bit first.
Polls close at 7:00pm. Republican votes shredded at 8:00pm. Boxes of Democratic votes
brought out from under the tables at 9:00pm. Dems declared winners at 10:00pm.
Zeroscum 4 hours ago
I love the smell of shredded Republican votes in the morning...
1. If your preferred party loses, the whole thing was rigged. If your preferred party
wins, it was a legitimate and fair election.
2. There are a lot of good songs about Georgia. " Midnight Train to Georgia", "The Devil
Went Down to Georgia" -- lots of great songs.
... ... ...
5. Before you read any information on the election, call Mark Zuckerberg's cell to make
sure it's legit. He's there for you. Always. In every corner of your house. Watching you.
6. Pay no attention to the briefcases under the vote-counting tables. They are there for
decoration, OK?
7. This election is a clear choice between vegan Communist baby-killers and racist
Klansmen who want to kill grandma. Choose wisely. The choice is clear. We don't want vegans
in office, do we?
8. Remember to wear a poncho just in case pipes start bursting as soon as Republicans
start winning. Plumbing tends to explode at opportune times.
9. No matter what happens, Jesus is still king. Hey, I thought this was supposed to be
In that same article I posted above, Assange compared Clinton to cholera. Or maybe it was
the opposite, Trump is cholera and Clinton is gonorrhea? I forget.
In any case Politico is kind of evenhanded and has articles by both lefties and righties.
Even our host Colonel Lang has sourced Politico in the past.
If someone that President Trump knows and trusts were to convince President Trump that a
total pardon for Assange would drive the PKKK ( Pink Kitty Kap Klintonite) Democrats to a new
height of frenzied rage and hate, he might consider it worth doing.
To pardon Assange would
be to fling a drippy bag of burning snot right straight into the face of Hillary herself.
If President Trump were to see it that way himself, how could he resist the temptation to
do it?
Is Mitch McConnell a shadow lobbyist for Dominion?
Notable quotes:
"... In July, McConnell blocked two bills, one that would provide $775 million to "bolster election security," along with requiring a physical paper trail of every single ballot cast in the country, and a second that would mandate political candidates, their staff members, and their families, to notify the FBI if any foreign government offered to assist them. ..."
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) quashed two election integrity bills in July
last year after receiving thousands in donations from Dominion lobbyists.
In July, McConnell blocked two bills, one that would provide $775 million to "bolster
election security," along with requiring a physical paper trail of every single ballot cast in
the country, and a second that would mandate political candidates, their staff members, and
their families, to notify the FBI if any foreign government offered to assist them.
They are not stupid, they are selfish, leading to a great capacity for evil. The love of
money, sex and power. Sex being replaced with litigation for those over 50. As most married men
know, sex is replaced by to-do lists after about the first 6 years or so....
"I am 100% confident that if @VP or members of Congress spent 15 minutes reviewing contents
of Hunter Biden laptop, they would NEVER let Joey "Bribes" Biden get within missile range of
White House.
Biden is a CCP puppet, a criminal, & a pervert. A few other things too. None good."
Bravo Mr Atkinson bravo, cancel culture is killing life as we know it. Humour and comedy is
99% at somebody's expense and if you cant laugh at yourself sometimes you dont deserve to
Fort Biden, Fort Obama, Fort Clinton, Fort BLM, Fort Antifa,
Fort Weenie-Wok, Fort Pelosi, etc, Fort Apache...I could babble
on but you get the idea...if math wasn't currently considered racist they could simply be
renamed numerically to avoid future renaming's,
like Fort 1, 2, 3, etc
Names that will be selected
1. Fort George Floyd
2. Fort Breonna Taylor
3. Fort Malcolm X
4. Fort Angela Davis
5. Fort Toussaint Louverture
6. Fort Martin Luther King
7. Fort Nat Turner
8. Fort Dred Scott
Any objections will be met by cries of racism, and the new names will be accepted eagerly by
the Army Brass. However the effect on the soldiers morale will be devastating
"Obama Official Ben Rhodes Admits Biden Camp is Already Working With Foreign Leaders:
Exactly What Flynn Did" [ Glenn Greenwald ]. "Any
doubts about how customary it is for such calls to be made by transition officials were
unintentionally obliterated on Monday night by former Obama national security official Ben
Rhodes, who is almost certain to occupy a high-level national security position in a Biden
administration. Speaking on MSNBC -- of course -- Rhodes, while amicably chatting with former
Bush/Cheney Communications Director turned-beloved-by-liberals-MSNBC-host Nicolle Wallace,
admitted in passing that ' foreign leaders are already having phone calls with Joe Biden
talking about the agenda they're going to pursue January 20 ,' all to ensure 'as seamless
a transition as possible,' adding: 'the center of political gravity in this country and the
world is shifting to Joe Biden.'" • Presumably the FBI should be interrogating Rhodes
about his guilty knowledge. Anyhoo, I'm so old I remember when IOKIYAR was current in the
blogosphere: "It's OK If You're A Republican." But now IOKIIOG: "It's OK If It's Our Guy."
>David Sirota – "That was enough to barely defeat Trump.."
I'm getting confused, was Trump officially defeated. If not why are all these folks making
these kinds of statements without any qualifications, none, zip. He could have said "most
likely" or some other qualifier. Am I missing something here? Let the legal process of
contesting the election play out for Pete's sake.
"The most important takeaway from the COVID-19 crisis isn't the science. The 'science'
depends entirely on one's politics. Whether to get on with life and take our licks or hunker
down and ride it out at home has nothing to do with empirical evidence or peer review; it's
entirely about our ideological leanings and psychological profiles.
Thousands are dying, billions are locked down, business is shuttered; life as we knew it
has basically come to a stand still. The clocks and the oranges are in a standoff and the
stakes are probably much higher than most realize.
This is not about a pandemic. What we are deciding now is the kind of world we want to
live in. The clocks would love us to sit back, follow their sage advice and allow them to
usher in a 'new age'. Sooner or later they will get their way, but are the oranges ready to
give in just yet?
Looks like Nancy is just a regular type of gal ;-). No security at all. No even 24x7 cameras.
Did they used Photoshop with masking to deface Piglosi's .jpg garage door ?
And amazingly enough the vandals remembered to bring masking tape or at least a peace of
cardboard to protect the bricks.
When you think of your average Antifa type (
these mug shots may be representative), does that Antifa guy or gal strike you as the kind
of person who would carefully avoid getting any paint on bricks so as to spare Pelosi the
inconvenience of getting the paint off the bricks?
Soloamber 3 hours ago
No doubt this was a false flag . You don't think Pelosi has security covering her yard,
house, cars ?
Nobody gets that close to her house without a swat team there in a minute. So where is the
video showing who did it , when , and how . This will be used to justify some full time guard
house or something else .
lennysrv 2 hours ago
You are absolutely correct. Years ago, when John Kerry was a candidate in the Democrat
primaries, I was walking near his neighborhood in Boston. Near. As in about eight blocks
away. Not even close to his house. I didn't even know he was living there. I was challenged
by a Secret Service agent and his backup friend (in a vehicle behind him). SS guy asked who I
was, what I was doing, why I was there, etc. Spoke into a microphone beneath his overcoat.
Told me that my chosen route was no longer available and that if I would be well-advised to
head the other direction. The point being that nobody, not a single person, gets near
Pelosi's house without a bunch of security knowing about it and stopping it.
This entire "vandalism" thing is a complete tub of BS.
JZ123 6 hours ago
Pelosi pulled a Juicy smollet? Nah, I think the hatred is real for these people. The
volcano will erupt this year.
The Ordinal Numbers PREMIUM 4 hours ago remove link
I feel redeemed. I've been saying that these photoshopped since the news broke.
FAKE NEWS is real....
Lamejokes 7 hours ago
You don't understand. Russian agents, following the last plan written by Soleimani,
arguably his master plan, tagged poor Nancy's door, and - and there's where you can see how
tricky and evil Russians and Iranians are- they PURPOSEFULLY protected the walls, so people
would think it's fake, and accuse poor Nancy, that gorgeous woman, that Saint, of
manipulation attempt!
(Do I really need a /s here?)
SirBarksAlot 2 hours ago
And just like the Pentagon on 9-11, there were no pictures of the event
AlphaSnail 6 hours ago
the cameras were epsteined
6 hours ago
To those of you that noticed it was a hoax congratulations, you passed the ".gov finger on
the pulse of society" test. For those of you who believed it hook, line, and sinker; get more
omega 3 fatty acids in your diet, stop voting, and cut back on the high fructose corn syrup
and Cheetos.
MieleBauknecht 7 hours ago
antifa's are vegetarian. The hogshead itself is sufficient proof of false flag.
Alexander 2 hours ago
You are fricken dreaming if you think nancy would even pay someone to clean this garage
door. She's getting a new garage door and YOU are going to pay for it.
HomeBrewPrepper 2 hours ago
I thought she lived in a gated, luxurious house?
That looks like a house in Dundalk, Md. Outside of Baltimore.
toady 2 hours ago
That's her 4th house in the city where she houses her Chinese slaves.
Ms No PREMIUM 5 hours ago
...People should scream that at her: "Why did antifa use tape around your garage, you
lying b*tch?"
After pushing phony stories of 'Russian interference' and working for an agency that
interferes in elections, ex-CIA agent now Congressman Will Hurd thinks the GOP should accept
Joe Biden's win, or risk helping the US' "enemies."
A dozen Republican Senators are getting set to object to the Electoral
College's certification of Joe Biden's win in November, unless an "emergency 10-day
audit" is held in a number of key swing states won by Biden. The move is also backed by a
number of Republican representatives in the House.
However, there's a rival faction of Republicans who want to put allegations of Democrat
fraud behind them and go back to business as usual under a Biden administration. Outgoing Texas
Rep. Will Hurd is one of them, and he made a novel argument against questioning the election on
"When I was undercover at the CIA, I saw firsthand how our enemies steal elections and
try to interfere in ours," he tweeted. "Elected officials continuing to sow doubt
amongst the public for petty political gain is playing into our enemies' hands."
As for who these "enemies" are, Hurd was presumably referring to the reliable old
specter of "the Russians." Throughout Trump's four years in office, Hurd has repeatedly
claimed that Moscow meddled in the 2016 election, despite there literally being zero proof for
these claims.
" This is honestly one of the most hilarious mega-viral tweets I've ever seen on
Twitter," journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted. In a follow-up tweet, Greenwald joked that
Hurd "must have been in a different part of the CIA" than former Director James Woolsey, who
told Fox News' Laura Ingraham in 2018 that his agency had meddled in European elections during
the Cold War "in order to avoid the Communists taking over," and continues to dabble in
election meddling, but "only for a very good cause.
Hurd was mocked on all sides. First for condemning election interference from an agency
famed for
interfering in elections
... ... ...
And then for bragging about his undercover status...
The neoliberal "identify wedge" that gone way too far ;-) That might be a gift to Republicans
for Georgia runoffs.
In any case this is looks like an important stage in the development of Neoliberal Newspeak.
I guess Huxley got one prediction right in Brave New World, that "father" and "mother" would be
treated as offensive words.
...Terms to be struck from clause 8(c)(3) of
rule XXIII , the House's Code of Official Conduct, as outlined in the proposed rules (
), include "father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew,
niece, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law,
brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother,
stepsister, half brother, half sister, grandson, [and] granddaughter."
Such terms would be replaced with "parent, child, sibling, parent's sibling, first cousin,
sibling's child, spouse, parent-in-law, child-in-law, sibling-in-law, stepparent, stepchild,
stepsibling, half-sibling, [and] grandchild."
According to the proposed rules, "seamen" would be replaced with "seafarers," and "Chairman"
would be replaced with "Chair" in Rule X of the House.
... ... ...
The rules package will be introduced and voted on once the new Congress
Joebloinvestor2 1 hour ago
Isn't great to see congress addressing the real important ****?
What a FARCE.
DayWear 1 hour ago (Edited)
First thing to erase is 'Madam' Speaker. Perhaps just 'Speaker" from now on to keep it
St. TwinkleToes 1 hour ago
That title actually represents who she is. A 'Madam' running the largest whore house in
the world.
RoboFascist 1st 1 hour ago remove link
Well... that rules me out as Speaker of the House.
I wouldn't be able to stop from using expressions like...
"The Chairman recognizes the m0ther****er from Rhode Island..."
"The s0n-0f a b!tch from New York has no remaining time left."
pmc 1 hour ago
Proposed House Rules Seek To Erase Gendered-Terms
If this doesn't give you a clue the inmates are running the asylum I don't know what will!
Aren't there more important things to worry about then gender terms.... like homelessness or
people losing their livelihood because of policies they're putting in place!
[Jan 02, 2021] Reuters/Ipsos polling by Republicans (67%), Democrats (17%), and Independents (31%)."
It also contains a provision to rename military bases named after Confederate generals
Oh yes, THAT is important.
Huh uhh ... THAT will protect the country from CCP agents like Mtch McConnell and the rest
of the Congressional scum, nursing themselves from Baphomet's engorged teets guised as the
nipples of the Chinese Communist Party ... AND ... keep the MIC swine at the public trough
well fed and fat.
Good thing McConnell kept that $2000 (wish he'd take back the $600 chump change too)
payout to the American taxpayer ... actually ... refunds and paltry compensation for being
robbed not only of their wealth, but their voting rights via a stolen election courtesy of
the congressional and judicial sucklings at the nipples of the CCP goat god.
Ben A Drill 1 hour ago
MIC with all their lobbyists. How did you really think this would be any different.
Dadburnitpa 34 minutes ago
It's like the scene from Animal House: "Forget it, he's rolling".
"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every
picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has
been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has
stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present in which the party is always right." -
George Orwell
"The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth." - George
If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to
believe it yourself. - Joseph Goebbels
Hurricane Baby 6 minutes ago
Now that the names of Confederate generals will be removed from military bases located in
the South, we can stop pretending that they are not garrison bases for an occupation
A short comedy sketch is a staple on New Year's Eve in Germany, featuring Miss Sophie and
James the butler. The introduction is in German and the skit is in English. Happy New Year to
All, and fireworks may well extend to and beyond the 6th of January--
"... I'm still stunned that the paper did a study that confirmed what people have suspected, namely that a high cycle threshold used on PCR testing was creating the appearance of a pandemic that might have long receded. The testing mania was generating wild illusions of millions of "asymptomatic" carriers and spreaders. How severe was the problem? Read this and weep ..."
"... up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus, a review by The Times found. ..."
"... A major reason for the ongoing lockdowns are due to the pouring in of positive case numbers from massive testing. If 90% of these positive tests are false, we have a major problem. The whole basis of the panic disappears. All credit to the Times for running the article but why no follow up and why no change in its editorial stance? ..."
"... I am deeply concerned that the social, economic and public health consequences of this near total meltdown of normal life -- schools and businesses closed, gatherings banned -- will be long lasting and calamitous, possibly graver than the direct toll of the virus itself. ..."
"... During the Covid-19 pandemic, the world is unwittingly conducting what amounts to the largest immunological experiment in history on our own children. We have been keeping children inside, relentlessly sanitizing their living spaces and their hands and largely isolating them ..."
"... in the course of social distancing to mitigate the spread, we may also be unintentionally inhibiting the proper development of children's immune systems. ..."
"... The psychological effects of loneliness are a health risk comparable with risk obesity or smoking. Anxiety and depression have spiked since lockdown orders went into effect. ..."
The paper of record in 2020 shifted dramatically to the most illiberal stance possible on
the virus, pushing for full lockdowns, and ignoring or burying any information that might
contradict the case for this unprecedented experiment in social and economic control. This
article highlights the exceptions.
Even within the blatant and aggressive pro-lockdown bias, and consistent with the way the
New York Times does its work, the paper has not been entirely barren of truth about Covid and
lockdowns. Below I list five times that the news section of the paper, however inadvertently
and however buried deep within the paper, actually told the truth.
I'm still stunned that the paper did a study that confirmed what people have suspected,
namely that a high cycle threshold used on PCR testing was creating the appearance of a
pandemic that might have long receded. The testing mania was generating wild illusions of
millions of "asymptomatic" carriers and spreaders. How severe was the problem? Read this and
In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in
Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried
barely any virus, a review by The Times found.
On Thursday, the United States recorded 45,604 new coronavirus cases, according to a
database maintained by The Times . If the rates of contagiousness in Massachusetts and New
York were to apply nationwide, then perhaps only 4,500 of those people may actually need to
isolate and submit to contact tracing.
The implications of this revelation are incredible. A major reason for the ongoing lockdowns
are due to the pouring in of positive case numbers from massive testing. If 90% of these
positive tests are false, we have a major problem. The whole basis of the panic disappears. All
credit to the Times for running the article but why no follow up and why no change in its
editorial stance?
Gone missing this year in public commentary has been much at all about naturally acquired
immunities from the virus, even though the immune system deserves credit for why human kind has
lasted this long even in the presence of pathogens. That the Times ran this piece was another
exception in otherwise exceptionally bad coverage. It said in part:
Scientists who have been monitoring immune responses to the virus are now starting to see
encouraging signs of strong, lasting immunity, even in people who developed only mild
symptoms of Covid-19, a flurry of new studies suggests. Disease-fighting antibodies, as well
as immune cells called B cells and T cells that are capable of recognizing the virus, appear
to persist months after infections have resolved -- an encouraging echo of the body's
enduring response to other viruses .
have yet to
find unambiguous evidence that coronavirus reinfections are occurring, especially within
the few months that the virus has been rippling through the human population. The prospect of
immune memory "helps to explain that," Dr. Pepper said.
Data from monkeys suggests that even low levels of antibodies can prevent serious illness
from the virus, if not a re-infection. Even if circulating antibody levels are undetectable,
the body retains the memory of the pathogen. If it crosses paths with the virus again,
balloon-like cells that live in the bone marrow can mass-produce antibodies within hours.
It's still a shock that so many schools closed their doors this year, partly from disease
panic but also from compliance with orders from public health officials. Nothing like this has
happened, and the kids have been brutalized as a result, not to mention the families who found
themselves unable to cope at home. For millions of students, a whole year of schooling is gone.
And they have been taught to treat their fellow human beings as nothing more than disease
vectors. So it was amazing to read this story in the Times :
So far, schools do not seem to be stoking community transmission of the coronavirus,
according to data emerging from random testing in the United States and Britain. Elementary
schools especially seem to seed remarkably few infections.
Byline Karen Yourish, K.K. Rebecca Lai, Danielle Ivory and Mitch Smith
Another strangely missing part of mainstream coverage has been honesty about the risk
gradient in the population. It is admitted even by the World Health Organization that the case
fatality rate for Covid-19 from people under the age of 70 is 0.05%. The serious danger is for
people with low life expectancy and broken immune systems. Knowing that, as we have since
February, we should have expected the need for special protection for nursing homes. It was
incredibly obvious. Instead of doing that, some governors shoved Covid patients into nursing
homes. Astonishing. In any case, the above article (and
this one
too) was one of the few times this year that the Times actually spelled out the many thousands
times risk to the aged and sick as versus the young and healthy.
Notable Opinion
The op-ed page of the paper mirrored the news coverage, with only a handful of exceptions.
Those are noted below.
I am deeply concerned that the social, economic and public health consequences of this
near total meltdown of normal life -- schools and businesses closed, gatherings banned --
will be long lasting and calamitous, possibly graver than the direct toll of the virus
itself. The stock market will bounce back in time, but many businesses never will. The
unemployment, impoverishment and despair likely to result will be public health scourges of
the first order.
Worse, I fear our efforts will do little to contain the virus, because we have a
resource-constrained, fragmented, perennially underfunded public health system. Distributing
such limited resources so widely, so shallowly and so haphazardly is a formula for failure.
How certain are you of the best ways to protect your most vulnerable loved ones? How readily
can you get tested?
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the world is unwittingly conducting what amounts to the
largest immunological experiment in history on our own children. We have been keeping
children inside, relentlessly sanitizing their living spaces and their hands and largely
isolating them. In doing so, we have prevented large numbers of them from becoming infected
or transmitting the virus. But in the course of social distancing to mitigate the spread, we
may also be unintentionally inhibiting the proper development of children's immune
Our mental health suffers, too. The psychological effects of loneliness are a health risk
comparable with risk obesity or smoking. Anxiety and depression have spiked since lockdown
orders went into effect. The weeks immediately following them saw nearly an 18 percent jump
in overdose deaths and, as of last month, more than 40 states had reported increases. One in
four young adults age 18 to 25 reported seriously considering suicide within the 30-day
window of a recent study. Experts fear that suicides may increase; for young Americans, these
concerns are even more acute. Calls to domestic violence hotlines have soared. America's
elderly are dying from the isolation that was meant to keep them safe.
Inevitable decline of the United States hastened by corrupt politicians, greedy CEOs,
dishonest MSM and the well-funded Marxists who have infected every aspect of USA, from local
mayors to the Supreme Court.
"There are times that I wonder if today's Democrats see George Orwell's 1984 not as a
warning but a model of good government."
In celebration of a 2020 that desperately needs to come to an end, here is a list of the
Top 10 Worst Mayors in the nation. These mayors most definitely use Orwell's 1984 as their
policies and procedures manual, if not their Bible.
It comes as no surprise that all 10 of the mayors on the list are Democrat (something
about that political party), and that five of the 10 are mayors of West Coast cities
(something about the Pacific Ocean).
Several of the mayors have overseen a mass exodus of people from their cities, and even
their state in a 10-month period. But most of all, every one of these mayors stand out as
abject failures of governance, with constituents that literally despise them.
Without further adieu, here is the Top 10 Worst Mayor's list for 2020:
10. Michael
Hancock (Denver)
Denver Mayor Michael Hancock could have stayed under the radar and never made it to the
Top 10 on this list. But thanks to his Holiday Hypocrisy, he landed firmly in the final
"According to the news report, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock was spotted leaving the
state to go spend Thanksgiving with his daughter in Mississippi. The Mayor's office said
that the Mayor had canceled his big holiday dinner this year, but "traveled alone" (aside
from the whole public transportation and flying from a crowded airport thing).
"His flight allegedly also took off 30 minutes after he posted this little gem to his
Twitter account:"
Local investigative reporter Nicole Vap dropped the hammer, exposing Mayor Hancock's
hypocrisy of not only telling others to stay at home, but hopping a flight from Colorado to
Mississippi without so much as an eyelash blink.
Hancock was "deeply regretful" about his decision, saying he led with his heart and not
his head.
When do they ever lead, let alone actually use their head to do so? Asking for a
9. Sam Liccardo (San Jose)
Our first Coastie Mayor enters the fray. San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, like Hancock of
Denver, probably could have avoided this list too; but, when you dictate to people that they
are required to follow certain behavior, you better make sure you're dictating to
Liccardo decided the City of San Jose needed to be scolded and reminded
Another plug for local journalism, as I
reported :
"San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo (Democrat-Duh), ignored his own protocols <clutch the
pearls!> and had
Thanksgiving with family members outside of his own household.
" 'The NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit has learned Liccardo celebrated with his elderly
parents at their Saratoga home with an unknown number of other guests. While the mayor's
staff did confirm the dinner took place, they have not disclosed how many other people
attended, how many different households were present, and whether any of those in
attendance wore masks while not eating.' "
So much for Liccardo avoiding the big gatherings and keeping people safe. The San Jose
Mayor assumed because he wasn't Governor Gavin Newsom, that no one would be watching. Dude,
we're all stuck at home -- you know we're watching.
Seeing those geriatric demonrats on their knees with their kente cloths, paying homage to
a dead drug addict was one of the more hysterical moments of 2020.
Ducks 8 hours ago
Its a disgusting image. and my Black American peers agree.
Is-Be 9 hours ago
The word missing is "chutzpah".
bobroonie 9 hours ago
Watching scummy democrats in pro slavery garb bend the knee for a POS that OD'd is comedy
u25dtp1 8 hours ago
Is that what they were doing, I thought they were looking for Nancy's Ben and Jerrys.
Sorry, My irrationality
radical-extremist 8 hours ago
They do it because it works. Democrats love the theater. They don't mind being lied to if
it benefits them. Many of them actually believe it's not theater and that their political
heroes are being authentic and sincere....with crocodile tears, feigned outrage and other
drama techniques. I would have to give Adam Schiff an Oscar, but Chuck Schumer definitely
gets second place.
I've been on vacation in Mexico for the past two weeks. But that isn't the reason content
from me has been scarcer than normal. Yes, vacations are supposed to be for recharging and
taking a break from your routine.
But as I sat down to write this morning the overwhelming sense of futility washed over me .
And nothing saps your will to work more than reading through the headlines and noting the
complete lack of conscience on display by the media, our political leadership or frankly anyone
with half a brain.
We live in a world today where the legislature of one of the most important states in the
Union, Pennsylvania, released a report where more than 200,000 votes were counted than were
actually cast. And no one in our media seems to think this is news.
Worse, most people in America can't even be bothered to care about such things. And if you
were to confront them with the evidence there must be some good reason why that 'just can't be
The FBI, which couldn't find any issues with Hunter Biden's laptop for months nor ever do
anything substantial with Anthony Weiner's laptop in FOUR YEARS somehow solved the case of the
Nashville bomber in less than 48 hours conclusively.
And that conclusion was the same as every other major terrorist event in this country's
recent history - a lone crackpot blew himself up to make a half-formed political statement. At
least this time they had the good sense to vaguely tie the patsy to the political left versus
turn him into a mouth-breathing MAGAtard with a Q-complex.
And somehow no one seems to care. Nor does anyone care about the lack of conclusion about
the shooting in Las Vegas a few years back.
Notice the trend? Major stories that are supposed to matter are dropped the moment they get
anything close to uncomfortable for those in power who are chosen to remain in power.
... ... ...
If we've reached this level of whitewashing of the news and the truth to this point, I'm
having to wonder why it is North Korea is so hated? I'm at a loss to come up with anything more
accurate than competitive envy at fiction writing.
Hundreds of millions of people's lives are being actively destroyed by overzealous governors
and heads of state issuing draconian lockdown orders over a virus with multiple vaccines that
are less effective than our own immune systems. A compromised WHO and CDC issue conflicting
recommendations weekly and Dr. Mengele Fauci openly admits to lying to us.
They all do this without any sense of shame, shedding crocodile tears so unconvincing they
could be runner-ups at a Miss America pageant. But we're supposed to think we're saved because
Congress decided to give us a $600 advance to pay our 2020 income taxes with?
The same operation has been done with COVID-19, any and all data associated with it, the
death statistics, the miraculous immunity to influenza Americans now seem to have, etc.
And if we are going to just sit back, mask up, accept the $600, put our heads down and
"believe all talking heads" then what's the point in pointing out the hypocrisy of it all?
The new Super-COVID is here and it's time to believe it all again.
Isn't that the real lesson of 2020? Don't fight the crazy just cling to the delusion that a
mask isn't a muzzle, guns can't protect you and we still live in a society with something
approximating rules.
Isn't that what all of this irreality is for, to desensitize us to their outrageousness? To
normalize their grotesquerie? I mean, really, does anyone honestly believe any single word that
comes out of Nancy Pelosi's mouth?
I didn't think they made masks big enough to contain the Pinocchio nose she has to have at
this point. Maybe she's had to have so much plastic surgery to contain it that it collapsed
like Michael Jackson's and it's actually now just negative space.
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Tigbits 9 hours ago
Seeing those geriatric demonrats on their knees with their kente cloths, paying homage to
a dead drug addict was one of the more hysterical moments of 2020.
Ducks 8 hours ago
Its a disgusting image. and my Black American peers agree.
Ms No PREMIUM 9 hours ago
The biggest problem is that we are an occupied people but tools don't want to acknowledge
that fact. A tiny minority took power long ago and have pretenses to have a majority. The
innact all forms of destruction on the people and the idiots keep think writing on a piece of
paper changes that. You have no courts, you have nothing but some sheriff's left.
Stalin's quote "It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the
votes." can now be engraved over the entrance to the Supreme Court.
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asteroids 8 hours ago remove link
Most of the world is amazed that the US, with all its technological advances can't hold
foolproof elections.
Ben Sequestered 6 hours ago
It's VERY easy to do, but for some odd reason, "they" don't? Why would that be??
"Eighteen percent of the survey's respondents named Trump as their most admired man,
compared to 15 percent who named Obama and 6 percent who named President-elect Joe Biden . Three percent named
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci , while 2 percent chose Pope Francis .
Biden gets only 6% - what on earth were Gallup doing wrong? This looks like a tremendous
sales opportunity for Dominion voting systems, I'm sure their special vote adjudication
process can fix the problem.
I look forward to seeing Trump's figure next year and BHO's for that matter. Let's see
what the next few days bring.
Before 2020, the world was a bleak dystopia overrun by Nazis. It never ceased to amaze me
how many Nazis I would encounter on a daily basis once I had decided that everyone but me was a
This was the year that intersectional identity politics went mainstream, and there is no
going back. The gender-neutral genie is out of the bottle, and xe is fabulous.
There were uprisings against systemic injustice, statues of straight white males were torn
down, and Ben and Jerry's reminded their customers how racist they all were in order to
encourage them to buy more of their New York Super Fudge Chunk ice cream.
This was all made possible because Covid-19 refused to spread during our mass protests ,
which just goes to show that even pathogens have gone woke.
The world finally accepted that there are more than 400 genders , and that all of these have
been persecuted throughout history. Even the ones we invented last week.
Intersectional feminism triumphed over transphobia. All of a sudden, major companies were
using phrases such as "menstruators", "vulva owners" and "people with a cervix". All of which
is far more respectful to women: or, as I like to call them, bipedal gestation units.
We are now living in a post-BLM world, where Critical Race Theory has been received as the
hallowed truth that shall guide us towards salvation. At last, we are amplifying voices of
colour that have been historically marginalised. (Except for the ones who don't agree with
defunding the police or dismantling capitalism, who are just white-adjacent scumbags that are
best ignored.)
Best of all, Joe Biden triumphed over that malevolent incubus Donald Trump. Already Biden
has discovered a vaccine for Covid-19, which explains why he spent most of his election
campaign in a basement.
As we move into 2021, Biden's brave message resounds throughout our new woke empire. It is
time for healing. It is time for hope. Above all, it is time for unity.
So let's make a list of everyone who voted the wrong way and deal with them as soon as
Just a reminder that Joe, the candidate with the most votes in the history of the USA, had
52k views on all of his live streams COMBINED yesterday when he "won." United Spot has more
than double that in Subs.
The Last but not LeastTechnology is dominated by
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