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Noninterventionism: A Primer

America's alternative to war and empire is not "isolationism."

By Daniel Larison June 11, 2014

Americans have grown understandably weary of foreign entanglements over the last 12 years of open-ended warfare, and they are now more receptive to a noninterventionist message than they have been in decades. According to a recent Pew survey, 52 percent of Americans now prefer that the U.S. “mind its own business in international affairs,” which represents the most support for a restrained and modest foreign policy in the last 50 years. That presents a challenge and an opportunity for noninterventionists to articulate a coherent and positive case for what a foreign policy of peace and prudence would mean in practice. As useful and necessary as critiquing dangerous ideas may be, noninterventionism will remain a marginal, dissenting position in policymaking unless its advocates explain in detail how their alternative foreign policy would be conducted.

A noninterventionist foreign policy would first of all require a moratorium on new foreign entanglements and commitments for the foreseeable future. A careful reevaluation of where the U.S. has vital interests at stake would follow. There are relatively few places where the U.S. has truly vital concerns that directly affect our security and prosperity, and the ambition and scale of our foreign policy should reflect that. A noninterventionist U.S. would conduct itself like a normal country without pretensions to global “leadership” or the temptation of a proselytizing mission. This is a foreign policy more in line with what the American people will accept and less likely to provoke violent resentment from overseas, and it is therefore more sustainable and affordable over the long term.

When a conflict or dispute erupts somewhere, unless it directly threatens the security of America or our treaty allies, the assumption should be that it is not the business of the U.S. government to take a leading role in resolving it. If a government requests aid in the event of a natural disaster or humanitarian crisis (e.g., famine, disease), as Haiti did following its devastating earthquake in 2010, the U.S. can and should lend assistance—but as a general rule the U.S. should not seek to interfere in other nations’ domestic circumstances.

LarisonIf parties to a dispute request outside arbitration, the U.S. should be in a position to act as a neutral mediator—which presupposes that the U.S. is not actively backing one side against another. We have seen the futility and absurdity of trying to act as an “honest broker” while providing lopsided support to one side in a conflict, and this should have no place in a noninterventionist foreign policy. There could be a potentially large and active role for U.S. diplomats abroad, but not one in which the U.S. was attempting to dictate terms or to promote a particular cause. International engagement could not and would not cease in a noninterventionist foreign policy, but it would be of a very different kind.

One of the priorities of a noninterventionist agenda would be the scaling back of America’s numerous commitments overseas. This would be accomplished mainly by shifting burdens gradually to current allies and regional powers: ceding regional influence in Central Asia to India and Russia, for example, and encouraging a more independent foreign policy for allies such as Japan and Germany. In general, the states that have the most at stake in maintaining regional stability should be given the responsibility for securing it. U.S. commitments have been building up over decades, so it is neither realistic nor desirable to end them suddenly. Nonetheless, there are also far more commitments than the U.S. can afford, and many of them are relics of the struggle with the Soviet Union or the remains of a “War on Terror” that has expanded beyond anything that most Americans imagined when it began a decade ago. Cutting back security entanglements is a long-delayed and necessary adjustment that the U.S. should have been making for the last 20 years. But it will not be sufficient simply to return to status quo ante at the start of the 21st century. The U.S. was already overcommitted around the world before the Bush era and will still be so after the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Ideally, the U.S. would reduce its overseas military presence in the Near East to at most what it was in the years before Desert Storm in 1991, and continue to reduce its presence in Europe as European governments bear more of the costs of their own defense. To date, wealthy allies have been able to skimp on their military spending, on the safe assumption that the U.S. would be ready and willing to make up the difference, but this arrangement is neither sustainable nor in our best interests. It not only creates an unhealthy dependence that ends up dragging unwilling Europeans into U.S. wars of choice, but as we saw in Libya, it perversely pulls the U.S. into European wars of choice because Europe’s governments cannot fight them on their own.

NATO is outdated and unnecessary, but provided that it functions purely as a defensive alliance it wouldn’t necessarily have to be dissolved. If the alliance continued to exist, the U.S. should not use it or permit it to be used as cover for members’ wars of choice and “out of area” missions. It should go without saying that there would be no further NATO expansion, which does nothing except antagonize Russia to the detriment of regional stability. If the alliance’s security guarantees to current members are to mean anything, they shouldn’t be extended to countries that the U.S. and other member nations are not actually willing to defend. To that end, U.S. and NATO officials should stop giving false encouragement to would-be member states that will never be admitted.

A noninterventionist U.S. would keep the major treaty allies it has for the time being but would also review its relationships with the many client states that neither act like nor deserve the name of ally. Clients that expose the U.S. to unnecessary conflicts or create dangerous tensions with other major powers are liabilities, and the U.S. should alter relations with them accordingly. That doesn’t require the U.S. to have poor relations with those states, but it does mean that they would stop receiving support and indulgence when their interests and ours clearly diverge. Many client state relationships would need to be downgraded as a result, and U.S. aid to them would be correspondingly reduced or eliminated.

In keeping with President Washington’s exhortation in his Farewell Address, the U.S. would seek to “observe good faith and justice toward all nations” and to “cultivate peace and harmony with all.” That means that a noninterventionist U.S. would work to maintain normal and full diplomatic relations with as many states as possible, and it would restrict or cut off trade with other states only in the most extreme cases. A noninterventionist foreign policy would very rarely rely on sanctions as a tool, and then only when they are targeted specifically against regime officials rather than the civilian population. In general, an America following Washington’s advice would promote both trade and diplomatic engagement rather than employing the tactics of embargo and isolation.

The U.S. would also refuse to take sides in the internal quarrels of other countries. The sovereignty of other states would be respected much more consistently than in past decades. The U.S. would refrain from destabilizing foreign governments or aiding in their overthrow, and it would not make a habit of siding with whichever protest movement happened to be in the streets of a foreign capital. Likewise, it would refrain from propping up and subsidizing abusive and dictatorial regimes and would condition U.S. aid on how a government treats its people. While there may be a need to cooperate with authoritarian states on certain issues, governments that torture or violently suppress peaceful protests, including the current Egyptian government, shouldn’t be supported in any way by American taxpayers.

War might be necessary at some point, but if so it would be waged only in self-defense or the defense of a treaty ally. A noninterventionist U.S. would never wage a preventive war— which is contrary both to international law and morality—and would generally be wary of using force even when it could be justified. The U.S. should always avoid giving allies and clients the impression that they have a blank check from Washington, since that will tend to make them more combative and unreasonable in disputes with their neighbors. Allies and clients that wanted to pursue reckless and provocative courses of action would be actively discouraged, and it would be the responsibility of the U.S. to pull these states back from avoidable conflicts. A noninterventionist U.S. would manage relations with other major powers by seeking to cooperate on matters of common interest and by avoiding unnecessary disagreements on those issues where the U.S. has relatively little at stake. The U.S. and other major powers are bound to have conflicting interests from time to time, but these unavoidable disagreements shouldn’t be compounded by picking fights over every issue where we differ. As long as the U.S. has allies on the borders of other major powers, there will always be a certain degree of mistrust and tension in our relations. However, the U.S. shouldn’t make this worse by seeking to enlarge our alliances or increase our influence in countries that have historically been in the orbit of another major power. The goal here should be to keep tensions with other major powers at a tolerable minimum and to reduce the possibility of renewed great power conflict in the new century.

As George Washington also said: “In the execution of such a plan, nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded; and that, in place of them, just and amicable feelings towards all should be cultivated.” For that reason, a noninterventionist U.S. would be one that doesn’t seek to demagogue or exaggerate foreign threats, nor would it cultivate either hostility towards or adoration of any other country. Above all, it won’t seek to make the U.S. the champion of any other country’s interests at our expense.

Noninterventionism is a rather clunky and unappealing label for a set of very appealing ideas: that the U.S. should mind its own business, act with restraint, respect other nations, refrain from unnecessary violence, and pursue peace. If future administrations took just a few of these as guiding principles for the conduct of foreign policy, America and the world would both be better off.

Senior editor Daniel Larison blogs at

Opposition to New American Militarism

Libertarians (along will less numerous and less influential paleoconservatives) are the only more or less influential faction of the US society that oppose what Basevich called New American Militarism. The foreign policy of the USA since the dissolution of the USSR was and is "open militarism". Recently  John Quiggin  tried to define militarism is came to the following definition (

100 years after the Battle of the Somme, it's hard to see that much has been learned from the catastrophe of the Great War and the decades of slaughter that followed it. Rather than get bogged down (yet again) in specifics that invariably decline into arguments about who know more of the historical detail, I'm going to try a different approach, looking at the militarist ideology that gave us the War, and trying to articulate an anti-militarist alternative. Wikipedia offers a definition of militarism which, with the deletion of a single weasel word, seems to be entirely satisfactory and also seems to describe the dominant view of the political class, and much of the population in nearly every country in the world.

Militarism is the belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively[^1] to defend or promote national interests

This new epidemic of the US militarism which started after Cold War ended was well analyzed by Professor Bacevich (who is former colonel of the US army) who called it New American Militarism. Bacevich's book  Washington Rules: America's Path to Permanent War  describe the "sacred trinity" of global military presence, global power projection, global interventionism is used to achieve those ends. 

Professor Bacevich had shown that the main driver of the US militarism is neocons domination of the US foreign policy, and, especially, neocons domination in State Department regardless of whether Republicans or Democrats are in power.  They profess that the US that we are uniquely qualified to take on the worldwide foes of peace and democracy, forgetting, revising, or ignoring the painful lessons of World War II, Vietnam, and beyond that might have taken the USA into periods of unprecedented peace, instead of numerous conflicts:

Bacevich scores a direct hit on the foundations of the American national security state with this scathing critique, and demolishes the unspoken assumptions that he believes have led the United States into a senseless, wasteful, and counter-productive posture of nearly perpetual war. These assumptions take the form of the "credo" -- which holds that the United States has the unique responsibility to intervene wherever it wants, for whatever purpose it wants, by whatever means it wants -- and the supporting "trinity" of requirements for the U.S. to maintain a global military presence, to configure its military forces for global power projection, and to counter threats by relying on a policy of global interventionism.

In other words they advocate permanent war for permanent peace. Lessons that the author shows President Obama is clearly in the midst of learning, using a modified sacred trinity. Written in engaging prose, his book Washington Rules: America's Path to Permanent War is an excellent peace of research with sections that some may find very troubling. Here is the summary:

UFPPC ( Digging Deeper CXXXVII: September 27, 2010, 7:00 p.m. 

Andrew J. Bacevich, Washington Rules: America's Path to Permanent War (New York: Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt and Company, August 2010).


The Washington consensus on national security policy that constitutes convention wisdom in American foreign policy began with the Cold War and survived, remarkably, the Vietnam War and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, no longer serves American interests, but the failure of the Obama administration to alter it shows that change can only come from the American people.

Introduction: Slow Learner

The author's faith in orthodoxy began to crumble when visiting the BrandenburgGate in Berlin in the winter of 1990-1991(1-4). In October 1990 a visit to Jenarevealed the backwardness of EastGermany (4-6). During his years in the Army, Bacevich had kept down doubts; after the end of the Cold War he retired, and his loss of status freed him to educate himself (6-10).

"George W.Bush's decision to launch Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 pushed me fully into opposition" (10). "This book aims to take stock of conventional wisdom" (11). The past 60 years of American history shows continuity: a symbiotic "credo" (formulated by Henry Luce in 1941 as the "American Century") and a "sacred trinity" ("the minimum essentials of international peace and order require the United States to maintain a global military presence, to configure its forces for global power projection, and to counter existing or anticipated threats by relying on a policy of  global interventionism") together define "the rules to which Washington adheres" (11-15).

In this book, "Washington" refers to the upper echelons of the three branches of government, the main agencies of the national security state, select think tanks and interest groups, "big banks and other financial institutions, defense contractors and major corporations, television networks and elite publications like the New York Times, even quasi-academic entities like the Council on Foreign Relations and Harvard's Kennedy School of Government" (15).

This book aspires to

(1) trace the history of the Washington rules;

(2) show who wins, who loses, and who pays under them;

(3) explain how itis perpetuated;

(4) show that the rules have lost what utility they might once have had;

and (5) re-legitimate "disreputable (or 'radical') views to our national security debates" (16).

The American Century is ending, and it "has become essential" to devise an "alternative to the reining national security paradigm" (16-18).

Ch. 1: The Advent of Semiwar.

As president, Barack Obama's efforts to change the U.S.'s exercise of power "have seldom risen above the cosmetic"(20). He made clear he subscribes to the "catechism of American statecraft," viz. that 1) the world must be organized, 2)only the U.S. can do it, 3) this includes dictating principles, and 4) not to accept this is to be a rogue or a recalcitrant (20-21).

It follows that the U.S. need not conform to the norms it sets for others and that it should maintain a worldwide network of bases (22-23).

Imagine if China acted in a comparable manner (23-25). The extraordinary American military posture in the world (25-27). To call this into question puts one beyond the pale(27). James Forrestal called this a permanent condition of semiwar, requiring high levels of military spending(27-28).

American citizens are not supposed to concern themselves with it (29-30). As to how this came about, the "standard story line" presents as the result of the decisions of a "succession of presidential administrations," though this conceals as much as it reveals (30-32).

Eisenhower's 1961 Farewell Address on the "military-industrial complex" was a rare exception (32-34). More important than presidents were Allen Dulles [1893-1969] and Curtis Lemay [1906-1990] (34-36).

Bacevich attributes the vision for an American-dominated post-World War II world with the CIA playing an active role to the patrician Dulles (36-43). The development of the U.S. military into a force capable of dominating the world, especially in the area of strategic weapons, he attributes to the hard-bitten Curtis LeMay, organizer of the StrategicAir Command (SAC) (43-52). Dulles and LeMay shared devotion to country, ruthlessness, a certain recklessness (52-55). They exploited American anxieties and insecurities in yin (Dulles's CIA) yang(LeMay's SAC) fashion, leaving the mainstay of American military power, the U.S. Army, in a relatively weak position(55-58).

Ch. 2: Illusions of Flexibility and Control

Kennedy kept Dulles and LeMay to signal continuity, but there was a behind-the-scenes struggle led by Gen. Maxwell Taylor to reassert the role of the U.S. Army by expanding and modernizing conventional forces that was "simultaneously masked by, and captured in, the phrase flexible response " (60; 59-63).

This agenda purported to aim at "resisting aggression" but really created new options for limited aggressive warfare by the U.S. (63-66).

McNamara engaged in a struggle with LeMay to control U.S. policy on nuclear weapons, but he embraced the need for redundancy based on a land-sea-air attack "triad" and LeMay et al. "got most of what they wanted" (66-72).

In the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy instituted the morally and legally "indefensible" Operation Mongoose," in effect, a program of state-sponsored terrorism" against Cuba (80; 72-82 [but Bacevich is silent on its wilder elements, like Operation Northwoods]).

U.S. recklessness caused the Cuban Missile Crisis, and to his credit Kennedy acknowledged this (albeit privately) and "suspended the tradition" in defusing the crisis (82-87).

Bacevich rejects as a romantic delusion the view that in the aftermath of this crisis Kennedy turned against the military-industrial complex and the incipient Vietnam war and shows no interest in Kennedy's assassination itself (87-92).

He sees a parallel between escalation in Vietnam and post-9/11 aggression as "fought to sustain the Washington consensus" (107; 92-107).

Ch. 3: The Credo Restored.

William Fulbright's The Arrogance of Power (1966) urged a rethinking of the Washington rules (109-15). A radicalized David Shoup, a Medal of Honor winner and former commandant of the MarineCorps, argued in "The New American Militarism" (Atlantic, April 1969) that the U.S. had become "a militaristic and aggressive nation" (120; 115-21). The 1960s Zeitgeist shift made LeMay "an embarrassment, mocked and vilified rather than venerated," which showed that the Washington rules had incurred serious damage in Vietnam; the Army was in dire shape (122; 121-27).

Yet astonishingly, in the subsequent decade the "sacred trinity" (cf. 11-15) was "fully restored" (127). As in post-1918 Germany, élites looked for scapegoats and worked to reverse "the war's apparent verdict" (128). The Council on Foreign Relations 1976 volume entitled The Vietnam Legacy: The War, American Society, and the Future of American Foreign Policy is an expression of élite consensus that the Vietnam war was insignificant, an anomaly (129-34).

By 1980, Democrats and Republicans were again on the same page (134-36).Reagan's election "sealed the triumph of Vietnam revisionism" (136; 136-38). Andthe end of the Cold War posed no challenge to the Washington rules, as Madeleine Albright's pretentious arrogance exemplifies (138-45).

Ch. 4: Reconstituting the Trinity

 The period from 1980 to 2000 saw "not retrenchment but reconfiguration" (147). The 

Except from Macmillan

Introduction: Slow Learner Worldly ambition inhibits true learning. Ask me. I know. A young man in a hurry is nearly uneducable: He knows what he wants and where he's headed; when it comes to looking back or entertaining heretical thoughts, he has neither the time nor the inclination. All that counts is that he is going somewhere. Only as ambition wanes does education become a possibility.

My own education did not commence until I had reached middle age. I can fix its start date with precision: For me, education began in Berlin, on a winter's evening, at the Brandenburg Gate, not long after the Berlin Wall had fallen. As an officer in the U.S. Army I had spent considerable time in Germany. Until that moment, however, my family and I had never had occasion to visit this most famous of German cities, still littered with artifacts of a deeply repellent history. At the end of a long day of exploration, we found ourselves in what had, until just months before, been the communist East. It was late and we were hungry, but I insisted on walking the length of the Unter den Linden, from the River Spree to the gate itself. A cold rain was falling and the pavement glistened. The buildings lining the avenue, dating from the era of Prussian kings, were dark, dirty, and pitted. Few people were about. It was hardly a night for sightseeing. For as long as I could remember, the Brandenburg Gate had been the preeminent symbol of the age and Berlin the epicenter of contemporary history. 

Yet by the time I made it to the once and future German capital, history was already moving on. The Cold War had abruptly ended. A divided city and a divided nation had re united. For Americans who had known Berlin only from a distance, the city existed primarily as a metaphor. Pick a date— 1933, 1942, 1945, 1948, 1961, 1989—and Berlin becomes an instructive symbol of power, depravity, tragedy, defiance, endurance, or vindication. For those inclined to view the past as a chronicle of parables, the modern history of Berlin offered an abundance of material. The greatest of those parables emerged from the events of 1933 to 1945, an epic tale of evil ascendant, belatedly confronted, then heroically overthrown.

A second narrative, woven from events during the intense period immediately following World War II, saw hopes for peace dashed, yielding bitter antagonism but also great resolve. The ensuing stand-off—the "long twilight struggle," in John Kennedy's memorable phrase— formed the centerpiece of the third parable, its central theme stubborn courage in the face of looming peril. Finally came the exhilarating events of 1989, with freedom ultimately prevailing, not only in Berlin, but throughout Eastern Europe.

.... ... ...

Although commonly depicted as the most advanced and successful component of the Soviet Empire, East Germany more closely resembled part of the undeveloped world.

... ... ...

Briquettes of soft coal used for home heating made the air all but unbreathable and coated everything with soot. In the German cities we knew, pastels predominated—houses and apartment blocks painted pale green, muted salmon, and soft yellow. Here everything was brown and gray

... ... ...

Bit by bit, my worldview started to crumble. That worldview had derived from this conviction: that American power manifested a commitment to global leadership, and that both together expressed and affirmed the nation's enduring devotion to its founding ideals. That American power, policies, and purpose were bound together in a neat, internally consistent package, each element drawing strength from and reinforcing the others, was something I took as a given. That, during my adult life, a penchant for interventionism had become a signature of U.S. policy did not—to me, at least—in any way contradict America's aspirations for peace. Instead, a willingness to expend lives and treasure in distant places testified to the seriousness of those aspirations. That, during this same period, the United States had amassed an arsenal of over thirty-one thousand nuclear weapons, some small number of them assigned to units in which I had served, was not at odds with our belief in the inalienable right to life and liberty; rather, threats to life and liberty had compelled the United States to acquire such an arsenal and maintain it in readiness for instant use.2 I was not so naíve as to believe that the American record had been without flaws. Yet I assured myself that any errors or misjudgments had been committed in good faith. Furthermore, circumstances permitted little real choice. In Southeast Asia as in Western Europe, in the Persian Gulf as in the Western Hemisphere, the United States had simply done what needed doing. Viable alternatives did not exist. To consent to any dilution of American power would be to forfeit global leadership, thereby putting at risk safety, prosperity, and freedom, not only our own but also that of our friends and allies.

The choices seemed clear enough. On one side was the status quo: the commitments, customs, and habits that defined American globalism, implemented by the national security apparatus within which I functioned as a small cog. On the other side was the prospect of appeasement, isolationism, and catastrophe. The only responsible course was the one to which every president since Harry Truman had adhered. For me, the Cold War had played a crucial role in sustaining that worldview.

Given my age, upbringing, and professional background, it could hardly have been otherwise. Although the great rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union had contained moments of considerable anxiety — I remember my father, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, stocking our basement with water and canned goods — it served primarily to clarify, not to frighten.

The Cold War provided a framework that organized and made sense of contemporary history. It offered a lineup and a scorecard. That there existed bad Germans and good Germans, their Germans and our Germans, totalitarian Germans and Germans who, like Americans, passionately loved freedom was, for example, a proposition I accepted as dogma. Seeing the Cold War as a struggle between good and evil answered many questions, consigned others to the periphery, and rendered still others irrelevant.

Back in the 1960s, during the Vietnam War, more than a few members of my generation had rejected the conception of the Cold War as a Manichean struggle. Here too, I was admittedly a slow learner. Yet having kept the faith long after others had lost theirs, the doubts that eventually assailed me were all the more disorienting. Granted, occasional suspicions had appeared long before Jena and Berlin

My own Vietnam experience had generated its share, which I had done my best to suppress. I was, after all, a serving soldier. Except in the narrowest of terms, the military profession, in those days at least, did not look kindly on nonconformity. Climbing the ladder of career success required curbing maverick tendencies. To get ahead, you needed to be a team player. Later, when studying the history of U.S. foreign relations in graduate school, I was pelted with challenges to orthodoxy, which I vigorously deflected. When it came to education, graduate school proved a complete waste of time — a period of intense study devoted to the further accumulation of facts, while I exerted myself to ensuring that they remained inert.

Now, however, my personal circumstances were changing. Shortly after the passing of the Cold War, my military career ended. Education thereby became not only a possibility, but also a necessity. In measured doses, mortification cleanses the soul. It's the perfect antidote for excessive self-regard. After twenty-three years spent inside the U.S. Army seemingly going somewhere, I now found myself on the outside going nowhere in particular. In the self-contained and cloistered universe of regimental life, I had briefly risen to the status of minor spear carrier. The instant I took off my uniform, that status vanished. I soon came to a proper appreciation of my own insignificance, a salutary lesson that I ought to have absorbed many years earlier. As I set out on what eventually became a crablike journey toward a new calling as a teacher and writer—a pilgrimage of sorts—ambition in the commonly accepted meaning of the term ebbed. This did not happen all at once. Yet gradually, trying to grab one of life's shiny brass rings ceased being a major preoccupation.

Wealth, power, and celebrity became not aspirations but subjects for critical analysis.

History—especially the familiar narrative of the Cold War—no longer offered answers; instead, it posed perplexing riddles. Easily the most nagging was this one: How could I have so profoundly misjudged the reality of what lay on the far side of the Iron Curtain? Had I been insufficiently attentive? Or was it possible that I had been snookered all along? Contemplating such questions, while simultaneously witnessing the unfolding of the "long 1990s"— the period bookended by two wars with Iraq when American vainglory reached impressive new heights—prompted the realization that I had grossly misinterpreted the threat posed by America's adversaries. Yet that was the lesser half of the problem. Far worse than misperceiving "them" was the fact that I had misperceived "us." What I thought I knew best I actually understood least. Here, the need for education appeared especially acute.

George W. Bush's decision to launch Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 pushed me fully into opposition. Claims that once seemed elementary—above all, claims relating to the essentially benign purposes of American power— now appeared preposterous. The contradictions that found an ostensibly peace-loving nation committing itself to a doctrine of preventive war became too great to ignore. The folly and hubris of the policy makers who heedlessly thrust the nation into an ill-defined and open-ended "global war on terror" without the foggiest notion of what victory would look like, how it would be won, and what it might cost approached standards hitherto achieved only by slightly mad German warlords. During the era of containment, the United States had at least maintained the pretense of a principled strategy; now, the last vestiges of principle gave way to fantasy and opportunism. With that, the worldview to which I had adhered as a young adult and carried into middle age dissolved completely. *

What should stand in the place of such discarded convictions? Simply inverting the conventional wisdom, substituting a new Manichean paradigm for the old discredited version—the United States taking the place of the Soviet Union as the source of the world's evil—would not suffice. Yet arriving at even an approximation of truth would entail subjecting conventional wisdom, both present and past, to sustained and searching scrutiny. Cautiously at first but with growing confidence, this I vowed to do. Doing so meant shedding habits of conformity acquired over decades. All of my adult life I had been a company man, only dimly aware of the extent to which institutional loyalties induce myopia. Asserting independence required first recognizing the extent to which I had been socialized to accept certain things as unimpeachable. Here then were the preliminary steps essential to making education accessible. Over a period of years, a considerable store of debris had piled up. Now, it all had to go. Belatedly, I learned that more often than not what passes for conventional wisdom is simply wrong. Adopting fashionable attitudes to demonstrate one's trustworthiness—the world of politics is flush with such people hoping thereby to qualify for inclusion in some inner circle—is akin to engaging in prostitution in exchange for promissory notes. It's not only demeaning but downright foolhardy. This book aims to take stock of conventional wisdom in its most influential and enduring form, namely the package of assumptions, habits, and precepts that have defined the tradition of statecraft to which the United States has adhered since the end of World War II— the era of global dominance now drawing to a close. This postwar tradition combines two components, each one so deeply embedded in the American collective consciousness as to have all but disappeared from view.

The first component specifies norms according to which the international order ought to work and charges the United States with responsibility for enforcing those norms. Call this the American credo. In the simplest terms, the credo summons the United States—and the United States alone—to lead, save, liberate, and ultimately transform the world. In a celebrated manifesto issued at the dawn of what he termed "The American Century," Henry R. Luce made the case for this spacious conception of global leadership. Writing in Life magazine in early 1941, the influential publisher exhorted his fellow citizens to "accept wholeheartedly our duty to exert upon the world the full impact of our influence for such purposes as we see fit and by such means as we see fit." Luce thereby captured what remains even today the credo's essence.3 Luce's concept of an American Century, an age of unquestioned American global primacy, resonated, especially in Washington. His evocative phrase found a permanent place in the lexicon of national politics. (Recall that the neoconservatives who, in the 1990s, lobbied for more militant U.S. policies named their enterprise the Project for a New American Century.) So, too, did Luce's expansive claim of prerogatives to be exercised by the United States.

Even today, whenever public figures allude to America's responsibility to lead, they signal their fidelity to this creed. Along with respectful allusions to God and "the troops," adherence to Luce's credo has become a de facto prerequisite for high office. Question its claims and your prospects of being heard in the hubbub of national politics become nil. Note, however, that the duty Luce ascribed to Americans has two components. It is not only up to Americans, he wrote, to choose the purposes for which they would bring their influence to bear, but to choose the means as well. Here we confront the second component of the postwar tradition of American statecraft. With regard to means, that tradition has emphasized activism over example, hard power over soft, and coercion (often styled "negotiating from a position of strength") over suasion. Above all, the exercise of global leadership as prescribed by the credo obliges the United States to maintain military capabilities staggeringly in excess of those required for self-defense. Prior to World War II, Americans by and large viewed military power and institutions with skepticism, if not outright hostility. In the wake of World War II, that changed. An affinity for military might emerged as central to the American identity. By the midpoint of the twentieth century, "the Pentagon" had ceased to be merely a gigantic five-sided building.

Like "Wall Street" at the end of the nineteenth century, it had become Leviathan, its actions veiled in secrecy, its reach extending around the world. Yet while the concentration of power in Wall Street had once evoked deep fear and suspicion, Americans by and large saw the concentration of power in the Pentagon as benign. Most found it reassuring. A people who had long seen standing armies as a threat to liberty now came to believe that the preservation of liberty required them to lavish resources on the armed forces. During the Cold War, Americans worried ceaselessly about falling behind the Russians, even though the Pentagon consistently maintained a position of overall primacy. Once the Soviet threat disappeared, mere primacy no longer sufficed. With barely a whisper of national debate, unambiguous and perpetual global military supremacy emerged as an essential predicate to global leadership. Every great military power has its distinctive signature. For Napoleonic France, it was the levée en masse— the people in arms animated by the ideals of the Revolution. For Great Britain in the heyday of empire, it was command of the seas, sustained by a dominant fleet and a network of far-flung outposts from Gibraltar and the Cape of Good Hope to Singapore and Hong Kong. Germany from the 1860s to the 1940s (and Israel from 1948 to 1973) took another approach, relying on a potent blend of tactical flexibility and operational audacity to achieve battlefield superiority.

The abiding signature of American military power since World War II has been of a different order altogether. The United States has not specialized in any particular type of war. It has not adhered to a fixed tactical style. No single service or weapon has enjoyed consistent favor. At times, the armed forces have relied on citizen-soldiers to fill their ranks; at other times, long-service professionals. Yet an examination of the past sixty years of U.S. military policy and practice does reveal important elements of continuity. Call them the sacred trinity: an abiding conviction that the minimum essentials of international peace and order require the United States to maintain a global military presence, to configure its forces for global power projection, and to counter existing or anticipated threats by relying on a policy of global interventionism. Together, credo and trinity—the one defining purpose, the other practice—constitute the essence of the way that Washington has attempted to govern and police the American Century. The relationship between the two is symbiotic. The trinity lends plausibility to the credo's vast claims. For its part, the credo justifies the trinity's vast requirements and exertions.

Together they provide the basis for an enduring consensus that imparts a consistency to U.S. policy regardless of which political party may hold the upper hand or who may be occupying the White House. From the era of Harry Truman to the age of Barack Obama, that consensus has remained intact. It defines the rules to which Washington adheres; it determines the precepts by which Washington rules. As used here, Washington is less a geographic expression than a set of interlocking institutions headed by people who, whether acting officially or unofficially, are able to put a thumb on the helm of state. Washington, in this sense, includes the upper echelons of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the federal government. It encompasses the principal components of the national security state— the departments of Defense, State, and, more recently, Homeland Security, along with various agencies comprising the intelligence and federal law enforcement communities. Its ranks extend to select think tanks and interest groups. Lawyers, lobbyists, fixers, former officials, and retired military officers who still enjoy access are members in good standing. Yet Washington also reaches beyond the Beltway to include big banks and other financial institutions, defense contractors and major corporations, television networks and elite publications like the New York Times, even quasi-academic entities like the Council on Foreign Relations and Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.

With rare exceptions, acceptance of the Washington rules forms a prerequisite for entry into this world. My purpose in writing this book is fivefold: first, to trace the origins and evolution of the Washington rules—both the credo that inspires consensus and the trinity in which it finds expression; second, to subject the resulting consensus to critical inspection, showing who wins and who loses and also who foots the bill; third, to explain how the Washington rules are perpetuated, with certain views privileged while others are declared disreputable; fourth, to demonstrate that the rules themselves have lost whatever utility they may once have possessed, with their implications increasingly pernicious and their costs increasingly unaffordable; and finally, to argue for readmitting disreputable (or "radical") views to our national security debate, in effect legitimating alternatives to the status quo. In effect, my aim is to invite readers to share in the process of education on which I embarked two decades ago in Berlin. The Washington rules were forged at a moment when American influence and power were approaching their acme. That moment has now passed. The United States has drawn down the stores of authority and goodwill it had acquired by 1945. Words uttered in Washington command less respect than once was the case. Americans can ill afford to indulge any longer in dreams of saving the world, much less remaking it in our own image. The curtain is now falling on the American Century. Similarly, the United States no longer possesses sufficient wherewithal to sustain a national security strategy that relies on global military presence and global power projection to underwrite a policy of global interventionism. Touted as essential to peace, adherence to that strategy has propelled the United States into a condition approximating perpetual war, as the military misadventures of the past decade have demonstrated.

To anyone with eyes to see, the shortcomings inherent in the Washington rules have become plainly evident. Although those most deeply invested in perpetuating its conventions will insist otherwise, the tradition to which Washington remains devoted has begun to unravel. Attempting to prolong its existence might serve Washington's interests, but it will not serve the interests of the American people.

Devising an alternative to the reigning national security paradigm will pose a daunting challenge—especially if Americans look to "Washington" for fresh thinking. Yet doing so has become essential. In one sense, the national security policies to which Washington so insistently adheres express what has long been the preferred American approach to engaging the world beyond our borders. That approach plays to America's presumed strong suit—since World War II, and especially since the end of the Cold War, thought to be military power. In another sense, this reliance on military might creates excuses for the United States to avoid serious engagement: Confidence in American arms has made it unnecessary to attend to what others might think or to consider how their aspirations might differ from our own.

In this way, the Washington rules reinforce American provincialism—a national trait for which the United States continues to pay dearly. The persistence of these rules has also provided an excuse to avoid serious self-engagement. From this perspective, confidence that the credo and the trinity will oblige others to accommodate themselves to America's needs or desires — whether for cheap oil, cheap credit, or cheap consumer goods—has allowed Washington to postpone or ignore problems demanding attention here at home.

Fixing Iraq or Afghanistan ends up taking precedence over fixing Cleveland and Detroit. Purporting to support the troops in their crusade to free the world obviates any obligation to assess the implications of how Americans themselves choose to exercise freedom. When Americans demonstrate a willingness to engage seriously with others, combined with the courage to engage seriously with themselves, then real education just might begin.

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[Jun 06, 2021] US Troops Die for World Domination, Not Freedom Consortiumnews

Notable quotes:
"... ..."
"... Please Support Our Spring Fund Drive! ..."
"... The New York Times ..."
"... War is a Racket ..."
"... Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix ..."
"... Rogue Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone ..."
"... Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers ..."
"... This article was re-published with permission. ..."
"... The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of ..."
Jun 06, 2021 |

US Troops Die for World Domination, Not Freedom May 31, 2021 Save

On Memorial Day, Caitlin Johnstone says it's important to block the propaganda that helps feed a steady supply of teenagers into the imperial war machine.

Airman placing U.S. flags at military graves, May 27. (Arlington National Cemetery, Flickr)

By Caitlin Johnstone

V ice President Kamala Harris spent the weekend under fire from Republicans, which of course means that Kamala Harris spent the weekend being criticized for the most silly, vapid reason you could possibly criticize Kamala Harris for.

Apparently the likely future president tweeted "Enjoy the long weekend," a reference to the Memorial Day holiday on Monday, instead of gushing about fallen troops and sacrifice.

That's it, that's the whole entire story. That silly, irrelevant offense by one of the sleaziest people in the single most corrupt and murderous government on earth is the whole entire basis for histrionic headlines from conservative media outlets like this :

Harris, the born politician, was quick to course correct.

"Throughout our history our service men and women have risked everything to defend our freedoms and our country," the veep tweeted . "As we prepare to honor them on Memorial Day, we remember their service and their sacrifice."

Listen to this article.

Which is of course complete bullshit. It has been generations since any member of the U.S. military could be said to have served or sacrificed defending America or its freedoms, and that has been the case throughout almost the entirety of its history. If you are reading this it is statistically unlikely that you are of an age where any U.S. military personnel died for any other reason than corporate profit and global domination, and if you are it's almost certain you weren't old enough to have had mature thoughts about it at the time.

Please Support Our Spring Fund Drive!

Whenever you criticize the U.S. war machine online within earshot of anyone who's sufficiently propagandized, you will invariably be lectured about the second World War and how we'd all be speaking German or Japanese without the brave men who died for our freedom. This makes my point for me: the fact that apologists for U.S. imperialism always need to reach all the way back through history to the cusp of living memory to find even one single example of the American military being used for purposes that weren't evil proves that it most certainly is evil.

But this is one of the main reasons there are so very many movies and history documentaries made about World War II: it's an opportunity to portray U.S. servicemen bravely fighting and dying for a noble cause without having to bend the truth beyond recognition. The other major reason is that focusing on the second World War allows members of the U.S. empire to escape into a time when the Big Bad Guy on the world stage was someone else.

From the end of World War II to the fall of the U.S.S.R., the U.S. military was used to smash the spread of communism and secure geostrategic interests toward the ultimate end of engineering the collapse of the Soviet Union. After this was accomplished in 1991, U.S. foreign policy officially shifted to preserving a unipolar world order by preventing the rise of any other superpower which could rival its might.

A 1992 article by The New York Times titled " U.S. Strategy Plan Calls For Insuring No Rivals Develop ," reporting on a leaked document which describes a policy known as the Wolfowitz Doctrine after then-Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Paul Wolfowitz, reads as follows:

"In a broad new policy statement that is in its final drafting stage, the Defense Department asserts that America's political and military mission in the post-cold-war era will be to insure that no rival superpower is allowed to emerge in Western Europe, Asia or the territory of the former Soviet Union.

A 46-page document that has been circulating at the highest levels of the Pentagon for weeks, and which Defense Secretary Dick Cheney expects to release later this month, states that part of the American mission will be 'convincing potential competitors that they need not aspire to a greater role or pursue a more aggressive posture to protect their legitimate interests.'

The classified document makes the case for a world dominated by one superpower whose position can be perpetuated by constructive behavior and sufficient military might to deter any nation or group of nations from challenging American primacy."

This is all U.S. troops have been fighting and dying for since the Berlin Wall came down. Not "freedom", not "democracy" and certainly not the American people. Just continual uncontested domination of this planet at all cost: domination of its resources, its trade routes, its seas, its air, and its humans, no matter how many lives need to risked and snuffed out in order to achieve it. The U.S. has killed millions and displaced tens of millions just since the turn of this century in the reckless pursuit of that goal.

And, as Smedley Butler spelled out 86 years ago in his still-relevant book War is a Racket , U.S. military personnel have been dying for profit.

Nothing gets the gears of industry turning like war, and nothing better creates chaotic Wild West environments of shock and confusion during which more wealth and power can be grabbed. War profiteers pour immense resources into lobbying , think tanks and campaign donations to manipulate and bribe policy makers into making decisions which promote war and military expansionism, with astounding success . This is all entirely legal.

It's important to spread awareness that this is all U.S. troops have been dying for, because the fairy tale that they fight for freedom and for their countrymen is a major propaganda narrative used in military recruitment. While poverty plays a significant role in driving up enlistments as predatory recruiters target poor and middle class youth promising them a future in the nation with the worst income inequality in the industrialized world, the fact that the aggressively propagandized glorification of military "service" makes it a more esteemed career path than working at a restaurant or a grocery store means people are more likely to enlist.

Without all that propaganda deceiving people into believing that military work is something virtuous, military service would be the most shameful job anyone could possibly have; other stigmatized jobs like sex work would be regarded as far more noble. You'd be less reluctant to tell your extended family over Christmas that you're a janitor at a seedy massage parlor than that you've enlisted in the U.S. military, because instead of congratulating and praising you, your Uncle Murray would look at you and say, "So you're gonna be killing kids for crude oil?"

And that's exactly how it should be. Continuing to uphold the lie that U.S. troops fight and die for a good cause is helping to ensure a steady supply of teenagers to feed into the gears of the imperial war machine. Stop feeding into the lie that the war machine is worth killing and being killed for. Not out of disrespect for the dead, but out of reverence for the living.

Caitlin Johnstone is a rogue journalist, poet, and utopia prepper who publishes regularly at Medium . Her work is entirely reader-supported , so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking her on Facebook , following her antics on Twitter , checking out her podcast on either Youtube , soundcloud , Apple podcasts or Spotify , following her on Steemit , throwing some money into her tip jar on Patreon or Paypal , purchasing some of her sweet merchandise , buying her books Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix , Rogue Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone and Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers .

This article was re-published with permission.

The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Consortium News .

Em , June 1, 2021 at 09:52

Instead of annually memorializing those dead youth, who were, in one way or the other, coerced to go off to foreign lands to kill or be killed, by other youth, in the name of a piece of dead symbolic cloth, wouldn't it be a better idea to honor them, while alive in the prime of living (the world over) by affording them the means to learn, leading by example, to discover for themselves – how to think critically as to what the real options are, collectively as well as individually, for survival and thriving.

CNfan , June 1, 2021 at 04:06

"Global domination" for the benefit of a predatory financial oligarchy.

Peter Loeb , June 1, 2021 at 09:11

Read William Hartung's "Prophets of War " to understand the dynamics.

Peter in Boston

Thom Williams , May 31, 2021 at 20:12

Re: CorsortiumNews, Joe Lauria, Caitlin Johnstone, Realist, & Rael Nidess, M.D.

Thank you all for speaking your truth in this dystopian human universe so apparently lacking human reason and understanding. As is so wisely introduced and recognized herein, the murderous depravity of the "Wolfwitz Doctrine" being and remaining the public policy formulation of our national governance, both foreign and domestic, is a fact that every U.S. citizen should consider and understand on this Memorial Day.
As Usual,

Realist , May 31, 2021 at 17:27

Well stated, perfectly logical again on this subject as always, Caitlin. You out the warmongers for their game to fleece the public and rape the world all so a handful of already fat, lazyass but enormously wealthy and influential people can acquire, without the slightest bit of shame, yet more, more and more of everything there is to be had. You and General Butler.

Will this message get through, this time? Maybe the billionth time is the charm, eh? Can the scales suddenly fall from the eyes of the 330 million Americans who will then demand an immediate end to the madness? On the merits, it's the only conclusion that might realise any actual justice for our country and the rest of the world upon whose throat it keeps a knee firmly planted.

Sorry, nothing of the sort shall ever happen, not as long as the entire mercenary mass media obeys its corporate ownership and speaks nothing but false narratives every minute of every day. Not as long as the educational system is really nothing more than a propaganda indoctrination experience for every child born in the glorious USA! Not as long as every politician occupying any given office is just a bought and paid for tool of the Matrix with great talents for convincing the masses that 2 + 2 = 3, or 5, or whatever is convenient at the time to benefit the ledgers of their plutocrat masters.

What better illustrates the reality of my last assertion than the occupancy of the White House by Sleepy/Creepy Joe Biden who, through age alone, has been reduced to nothing more than a sack of unresponsive meat firmly trussed up with ropes and pulleys that his handlers pull this way or that to create an animatronic effect apparently perfectly convincing to the majority of the American public? Or so they say, based upon some putative election results.

Truly, thanks for the effort, Caitlin. I do appreciate that some have a grasp on the truth. I look forward to its recapitulation by yourself and many others to no effect on every Memorial Day in the USA. It would be unrealistic of me to say otherwise.

Rael Nidess, M.D. , May 31, 2021 at 12:54

Kudos for being one of a very few to mention the central driving ethic behind U.S. foreign policy since the demise of the USSR: The Wolfowitz Doctrine. As central today as it was when first published.

[May 28, 2021] Nuances of the right to vote and Liz Cheney

Both Liz Cheney and Mitt The Bitch Romney are examples of the filthy neocons...
Notable quotes:
"... [in case of Cheney] The war monger doesn't fall far from the tree. ..."
"... Amazing how the liberal news outlets are now supporting a Cheney. But they know more war equals more rating ..."
May 09, 2021 |

Mike Rotsch 10 minutes ago

. . . which has caused some GOP leaders to fear alienating female Republican voters, particularly educated suburbanites who will be key votes in the 2022 elections.

When I first met my wife, she told me women shouldn't have the right to vote. It was instant love.

A Girl In Flyover Country 59 minutes ago

[in case of Cheney] The war monger doesn't fall far from the tree.

Rise21 42 minutes ago remove link

Amazing how the liberal news outlets are now supporting a Cheney. But they know more war equals more rating

yochananmichael 51 seconds ago

its time for the republicans to rid itself of chicken hawk warmongers like Cheney.

He father disbanded there Iraqi Army which was supposed to provide security, causing an insurgency and 5000 dead American boys and countless maimed.

vic and blood PREMIUM 4 minutes ago

Cheney's benefactors have erected massive billboards all over the state, 'thanking her for defending the Constitution.'

She has an incredible war chest, and sadly, money and advertising decides a lot of elections.

[May 24, 2021] French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian warned on Sunday of the risk of "long-lasting apartheid" in Israel

May 24, 2021 |

Մասիս , May 24 2021 6:59 utc | 124

The Roots of Coincidence

France is was denying any discomfort with Zionism for 52 years. but since yesterday effect of Plate tectonics are perceptible.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian warned on Sunday of the risk of "long-lasting apartheid" in Israel. The veteran politician [and high rank French official for 40 years with solid connection to French weapons trade] made the remarks in an interview with LCI TV NewsChannel, RTL radio and Le Figaro newspaper [ three major MSM]


French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian warned on Sunday of the risk of "long-lasting apartheid" in Israel in the event the Palestinians fail to obtain their own state.
Le Drian is one of the first senior French officials to use the term "apartheid" in reference to Israel , which has angrily denied any policy of racial discrimination.
The veteran politician made the remarks in an interview with RTL radio and Le Figaro newspaper in reference to the clashes between Jews and Arabs that erupted in several Israeli cities during the latest conflict.
The violence, which revealed simmering anger among Israeli Arabs over the crackdown on Palestinians in Jerusalem, shattered years of peaceful coexistence within Israel.
"It's the first time and it clearly shows that if in the future we had a solution other than the two-state solution, we would have the ingredients of long-lasting apartheid," Le Drian said, using the word for the white supremacist oppression of blacks in South Africa from 1948 to 1991.
Le Drian said the "risk of apartheid is high" if Israel continued to act "according to a single-state logic" but also if it maintained the status quo.
"Even the status quo produces that," he said.
He added that the 11-day conflict between Hamas and Israel had shown the need to revive the moribund Middle East peace process.
"We have take one step at a time," he said, expressing satisfaction that US President Joe Biden had reiterated support for creating a Palestinian state alongside Israel.
Israel's latest offensive against Hamas killed 248 people in the Gaza Strip, including 66 children, and wounded over 1,900, the Hamas-run health ministry said.
Meanwhile, rockets fired by Palestinian armed groups into Israel killed 12 and wounded around 357 others, Israeli police said.

Long-lasting apartheid usually ends badly


@ James & al.
Please, enjoy a little more Roots of Coincidence

Grieved , May 24 2021 7:05 utc | 125

@120 m - "Iron Dome system according to Israeli sources..."

The point is not the numbers taken from the sales brochure of the system. The point is, what does the penetration of the fantasy shield do to the Israeli psyche?

Israel initiated the ceasefire, without conditions. After 11 days, it could take no more.

Israel has failed to protect itself from the indigenous population that it was oppressing. Palestine has won a victory that changes the game and changes the world.

The entire regional Resistance now knows that Palestine alone can hold the enemy in check. And all the Palestinians everywhere are completely united with only the Resistance as their leader.

Over at the Saker just now, a speech from Hezbollah acknowledges proudly that Palestine itself is now the leading edge of the struggle to remove Israel from the Middle East, and that Hezbollah yearns for the day when it joins side by side with the Palestinians to drive the oppressor from the land.

Palestine as it says could keep up this barrage against Israel for six months - just Palestine alone. And the damage from such a thing would not be measured in how few or how many individual persons were killed by those rockets. The damage would be measured by the scream of madness and defeat from the Zionist oppressor, thrown down by the indigenous populace and cast out of the land in abject fear.

Paul , May 24 2021 8:02 utc | 126
As barflies can see, There may be an undefined 'ceasefire' but the 100 year old ethnic cleansing project in the rest of Palestine continues:

Israel's Daily Toll on Palestinian Life, Limb, Liberty and Land

(Compiled by Leslie Bravery, Palestine Human Rights Campaign, Auckland, New Zealand)
18 May 2021 {Main source of statistics: Palestinian Monitoring Group (PMG): NB:The period covered by this newsletter is taken from the PMG's 24-hour sitrep ending 8am the day after the above date.}
We shall always do our best to verify the accuracy of all items in these IOP newsletters/reports wherever possible [e.g. we often suspect that names of people and places that we see in the PMG sitreps could be typos; also frequently the translation into English seems rather odd ~ but as we do not speak Arabic, we have no alternative but to copy and paste these names from the PMG sitreps!] – please forgive us for any errors or omissions – Leslie and Marian.
206 projectiles
launched from Gaza

82 air strikes (157)

Very many
Israeli attacks

158 Israeli
ceasefire violations

21 raids including
home invasions

11 killed – 261 injured

Economic sabotage

43 taken prisoner

Night peace disruption
and/or home invasions
in 6 towns and villages
Home invasions: 09:20, Nazlet al-Sheikh Zaid - 09:20, al-Arqa - 04:00, Anabta - 03:30, Madama - 03:30, Tel.
Peace disruption raids: 14:40, Beitunya - 16:05, Um Safa village - 03:20, Bir Zeit - dawn, Bil'in - 17:40, Tura village - 18:55, Ya'bad - 19:45, Zububa - 06:30, Tubas - 18:05, Quffin - 04:00, Tulkarem - 20:00, Aqraba - 13:45, al-Azza UN refugee camp - 13:45, Aida UN refugee camp - 18:10, al-Khadr - 18:10, Janata - 20:15, Tuqu - 03:00, al-Ubeidiya - dawn, Husan - dawn, al-Ubeidiya.
Ceasefire violations – Palestinian missile attacks: Gaza enclave: From 07:00 until 07:00 the following day 206 projectiles were launched towards the Green Line from Northern Gaza, Gaza City, Central Gaza and Khan Yunis.
Ceasefire violations – Palestinian missile attacks: Gaza enclave: From 07:00 until 07:00 the following day, 206 projectiles were launched towards the Green Line from Northern Gaza, Gaza City, Central Gaza and Khan Yunis.
Ceasefire violations – Palestinian missile attacks: Northern Gaza – 53 projectiles launched towards the Green Line.
Ceasefire violations – Palestinian missile attacks: Gaza – 81 projectiles launched towards the Green Line.
Ceasefire violations – Palestinian missile attacks: Central Gaza – 17 projectiles launched towards the Green Line.
Ceasefire violations – Palestinian missile attacks: Khan Yunis – 38 projectiles launched towards the Green Line.
Ceasefire violations – Palestinian missile attacks: Khan Yunis – 17 projectiles launched towards the Green Line.
Ceasefire violations – air strikes: Gaza enclave – from 07:00 until 07:00 the following day, Israeli warplanes carried out 82 air strikes, launching 157 missiles onto Gaza. There were 7 killed, 50 injured, 35 homes destroyed and much damage caused.
Ceasefire violations – air strikes: Northern Gaza – Israeli warplanes launched 21 air strikes – 35 missiles: 16 injured and 10 homes destroyed.
Ceasefire violations – air strikes: Gaza – Israeli warplanes launched 17 air strikes – 27 missiles: 6 killed (including a child), 15 injured (including women and children) and 7 homes destroyed.
Ceasefire violations – air strikes: Central Gaza – Israeli warplanes launched 14 air strikes – 20 missiles: 11injured and 6 homes destroyed.
Ceasefire violations – air strikes: Khan Yunis – Israeli warplanes launched 13 air strikes – 46 missiles: 1 killed, 14 injured and 10 homes destroyed.
Ceasefire violations – air strikes: Rafah – Israeli warplanes launched 17 air strikes – 29 missiles. 3 injured and 2 homes destroyed.
Ceasefire violations – Israeli attacks: Gaza enclave: From 07:00 until 07:00 the following day, the Israeli Army and Navy pounded Central Gaza, Khan Yunis and Rafah.
Israeli Army attacks – 18 wounded: Jerusalem – Israeli Occupation forces opened fire, with live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters on protesters in Shuafat, al-Zaim, al-Jib, Beit Ijza, Qalandiya, near the villages of Qatanna and al-Issawiya, as well as in Abu Dis, al-Eizariya and at the entrances to Hizma, al-Sawahrah al-Sharqiya, Anata, the al-Ram road junction, Bab al-Amoud area and al-Wad Street in Jerusalem Old City. 18 protesters were wounded.
Israeli Army attack: Jerusalem – 18:00, Israeli Occupation forces opened fire on Palestinian motor vehicles in the Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood.
Israeli Army attacks – 3 killed – 72 wounded: Ramallah – Israeli forces in or near al-Bireh, Sinjil, Aboud, Ni'lin, al-Mughayer, Deir Jarir, Kafr Malik, Nabi Salih, Ein Qiniya, Ras Karkar, Kharbatha Bani Harith, Beit Sira, al-Jalazoun refugee camp, fired live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters towards protesters, killing 3 people, Muhammad Mahmoud Hamid (24), Adham Fayez Al-Kashef (20) and Islam Wael Fahmy Barnat, and wounding 72. There were many tear gas casualties.
Israeli Army attacks – 4 wounded: Jenin – Israeli troops, manning the Jalamah and Dotan checkpoints and at the southern entrance to Silat al-Dahr, fired live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters towards protesters, wounding 4 people and causing several tear gas casualties.
Israeli Army attacks – 7 wounded: Tulkarem – Israeli forces, manning the Einav checkpoint and troops in Tulkarem, Quffin, Zit and at the entrance to Beit Lid, fired live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters towards protesters, wounding 7 and causing several tear gas casualties.
Israeli Army attacks – 8 wounded: Qalqiliya – Israeli Occupation forces, at the entrances to Azun, Hajjah, and Kafr Qaddum as well as near Jayus, Hablat and at the Eyal crossing, fired live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters towards protesters, wounding 8 people and causing several tear gas casualties.
Israeli Army attacks – 33 wounded: Nablus – Israeli Army positions, near the Huwara checkpoint, the intersection of Osirin and Sarra villages and near the entrances to Qusra, Beta, Jama'in, Naqoura, Deir Sharaf, Burin, Madama, Asirah al-Qibliya, Yutma, al-Labban al-Sharqiya, Odla, al-Sawiyah and the village of Tal, fired live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters towards protesters, wounding 33 people and causing several tear gas casualties.
Israeli Army attacks: Salfit – Israeli troops, near the entrances to Deir Istiya, Qarawat Bani Hassan, al-Zawiya and the northern entrance to Salfit, fired live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters towards protesters. There were several tear gas casualties.
Israeli Army attacks – 18 wounded: Bethlehem – Israeli forces, present at Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque, the Aida refugee camp, northern entrance to Tuqu', western entrance to Beit Fajar, Um Rakba area of al-Khadr and entrance to Husan, fired live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters towards protesters, wounding 18 people and causing several tear gas casualties.
Israeli Army attacks – 1 killed: Hebron – morning, Israeli Occupation forces, positioned in the Old City, opened fire on and killed a resident: Islam Fayyad Zahida (32).
Israeli Army attacks – 30 wounded: Hebron – the Israeli Army, positioned in the Bab al-Zawiya area of Hebron and in the Old City, as well as near the entrances to Beit Ummar, Bani Naim, Tarqumiya, Khurasa village, the al-Aroub refugee camp and on Halhul Bridge, fired live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters towards protesters, wounding 30 people and causing several tear gas casualties.
Economic sabotage: Gaza -- the Israeli Navy continues to enforce an arbitrary fishing limit.
Home invasion: Jenin – 09:20, Israeli Occupation forces raided the villages of Nazlet al-Sheikh Zaid and al-Arqa, and invaded a house.
Home invasion – boy (aged 15) abducted : Tulkarem – 04:00, Israeli troops raided Anabta and abducted 15-year-old Muhammad Salam Wajih Rasheed.
Home invasions: Nablus – 03:30, Israeli forces raided Madama and Tel villages and invaded a number of homes.
Israeli police and settlers' mosque violation: 23:00, Israeli Occupation police invaded the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque, filming the Mosque and its facilities.
Israeli Army – 7 wounded – rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Tubas – Israeli Occupation forces, manning the Tayasir checkpoint and in the village of Atouf, fired rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters towards protesters, wounding 7 people and causing several tear gas casualties.
Israeli Army – 5 wounded – rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Jericho – Israeli forces, at the northern and southern entrances to Jericho, as well as outside the Aqbat Jaber refugee camp, fired rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters towards protesters, wounding 5 people and causing several tear gas casualties.
Occupation settler violence: Jerusalem – 18:00, Israeli settlers stoned a family home, on the outskirts of the village of Beit Ijza.
Occupation road casualties: Bethlehem – 16:40, an Israeli settler drove his motor vehicle over and hospitalised a 19-year-old Abdullah Saqr Saad, near Khalet Iskarya.
Raid: Ramallah – 14:40, Israeli Occupation forces raided and patrolled Beitunya.
Raid: Ramallah – 16:05, Israeli forces raided and patrolled Um Safa village.
Raid – 1 taken prisoner: Ramallah – 03:20, Israeli troops raided Bir Zeit, taking prisoner one person.
Raid – 1 taken prisoner: Ramallah – dawn, the Israeli Army raided Bil'in village, taking prisoner one person.
Raid: Jenin – 17:40, Israeli troops raided and patrolled Tura village.
Raid: Jenin – 18:55, Israeli soldiers raided and patrolled Ya'bad.
Raid: Jenin – 19:45, Israeli Occupation forces raided and patrolled Zububa village.
Raid: Tubas – 06:30, Israeli forces raided and patrolled Tubas.
Raid: Tulkarem – 18:05, the Israeli Army raided and patrolled Quffin.
Raid: Tulkarem – 04:0 Israeli troops raided Tulkarem.
Raid: Nablus – 20:00, Israeli soldiers raided and patrolled Aqraba.
Raid – UN refugee camps: Bethlehem – 13:45, Israeli Occupation forces raided and patrolled the al-Azza and Aida UN refugee camps in Bethlehem.
Raid: Bethlehem – 18:10, Israeli forces raided and patrolled al-Khadr and Janata.
Raid – 2 abductions: Bethlehem – 20:15, Israeli troops raided Tuqu and abducted two 16-year-old youths: Muhammad Khaled Nasrallah and Sind Talal Al-Amor.
Raid: Bethlehem – 03:00, Israeli soldiers raided and patrolled al-Ubeidiya.
Raid – 2 taken prisoner: Bethlehem – dawn, the Israeli Army raided Husan village, taking prisoner two people.
Raid – 2 taken prisoner: Bethlehem – dawn, Israeli Occupation forces raided al-Ubeidiya, taking prisoner twopeople.
Restrictions of movement (14): 11:30, entrance to Turmusaya- 11:20, tightened procedures at Huwara - 12:00, tightened procedures at Kifl Haris - 12:50, entrance to al-Zawiya - 11:25-12:30, al-Nashash road junction - 14:10, entrance to al-Walaja village - midnight, entrance to Marah Mualla - 09:15, entrance to the Fahs area, south of Hebron - 18:45, entrance to Sa'ir - Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing closed - al-Mantar-Karni crossing closed - al-Shujaiyeh crossing (Nahal Oz) closed - Sufa crossing closed - al-Awda Port closed.
[NB: Times indicated in Bold Type contribute to the sleep deprivation suffered by Palestinian children]
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Մասիս , May 24 2021 11:11 utc | 137

@ Paul, "100 year old ethnic cleansing project in the rest of Palestine continues", but
Tectonic plates still moving, collapse of an edifice of complacency

David Horovitz is the founding editor of The Times of Israel. He previously edited The Jerusalem Post (2004-2011) and The Jerusalem Report (1998-2004).
Published a shaking OP ED

Losing the war: The rising cost of Israel's lapsed support for 2-state solution

Must read

"It doesn't matter that Hamas is a repressive, misogynistic, homophobic, Islamist terrorist organization that fires thousands of rockets indiscriminately at innocent civilians all over the State of Israel...
It doesn't matter...
Again, it doesn't matter, because we are no longer avowedly seeking, even in principle, a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict -- the currently and foreseeably insoluble Israeli-Palestinian conflict. And since we no longer avowedly aspire to be part of the solution, we are increasingly perceived as part of the problem, as rejectionists.
Israel still has plenty of friends, and plenty of support, including crucially in the US. Three EU foreign ministers chose to make a solidarity visit to bombed Israeli homes at the height of the conflict. But the ground is shifting dangerously.
Many of us, this writer emphatically included, regard a two-state solution as essential if we are not to lose either our Jewish majority, or our democracy, or both, forever entangled among millions of hostile Palestinians. Many of us, this writer emphatically included, cannot currently see a safe route to such an accommodation.

For the last time, it doesn't matter. So long as Israel does not place itself firmly and distinctly on the side of those seeking a viable framework for long-term peace and security for ourselves and for the Palestinians, we will be regarded as blocking that framework. And even when facing an enemy so patently cynical, amoral and intransigent as Hamas, militarily strong Israel will be held responsible for the loss of life on both sides of the conflict.
We may keep on winning the battles, though they will get harder if fighting spreads to and deepens on other fronts. But we will be gradually losing the war.

[May 18, 2021] Why the necessity of populist POTUSes arose in the USA in the first place?

May 18, 2021 |

S.P. Korolev , May 18 2021 5:26 utc | 69

Vk @30
..why the necessity of populist POTUSes arose in the USA in the first place?

Perhaps it might be useful to examine the case of the first Western populist of the modern era: Louis Napoleon. It's been a while since I read Marx's 'The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon' but the short (hopefully not too vulgar) version is that the French ruling class was too divided (between different flavours of Royalist and Republicans, finance capitalists and industrialists etc) for any faction to provide a coherent class project to move France forward and either co-opt or repress the working people of France.

The workers were also divided and not yet ready to articulate a revolutionary project of their own. With France caught between its imperialist rival Great Britain and an awakening Germany, and the threat of revolution working to focus their minds, the French Ruling class came up with a way out of the impass: a populist leader who could stand above the social divisions and 'Make France Great Again'.

Bonaparte's nephew Louis Napoleon was by most accounts a mere grifter and stuffed-shirt, but he had name recognition and the ambition to play the part. The gambit was wildly successful in rolling back the gains the workers had made in 1848 and resulted in the 'second empire' that reinvigorated French imperialism. Well, wildly successful until Louis went up against against a rising power (Prussia/Germany) and the second empire folded like a house of cards.

When Trump was first elected it seemed probable that we were dealing with another 'Bonapartist'. With the ruling class floundering after the 'GFC' of 2008-11 and the crisis of US imperialism after the rise of China and defeat in Ukraine and Syria, some faction of the ruling class was seeking to put the pieces back together under a new strongman. But in this case the attempt was a resounding failure in unifing the ruling class.

The weakness of the US working class may be the key to understanding the failure of Trumpism. While French workers of 1850 may have struggled to create a unified revolutionary project of their own, they were organised and poliicised enough to provide the muscle in removing the Monarchy in 1848 and were a constant threat to French ruling class power. The US working class of 2016 was none of these things. Without the threat of revolution there was no incentive for the dominant ruling class factions to devolve some of their power to a strongman.

The ruling class attack on Trumpism seems to have consolidated the power of the dominant factions of the ruling class under the Democratic party, while hopelessly dividing the working class between those who support the strongman and those that tail after the ruling class attacks on him. So while Trumpism has failed to create a reborn and unified US empire, it has accomplished the next best thing: disorienting and demoralising the greatest threat to that empire. Perhaps it will take a diastrous collision with a rising power to change that. For France's second empire it was Germany and resulted in the Paris Commune. For the US, China and ?

psychohistorian , May 18 2021 5:56 utc | 70

@ S.P. Korolev | May 18 2021 5:26 utc | 69 with the nice description of Trump's Populist failing

Thanks for that...nicely done and, yes, the China/Russia axis is the challenge to the US faced axis....I keep calling it a civilization war because that it the only result I see meaning we have evolved from barbarism and haven't gone extinct trying...

Commenter vk is the MoA ideologue troll that should go create her own web site and stop polluting this one, IMO, and that of others on an ongoing basis....see the latest Week in Review Open Thread about Ivermectin for example.
vk is the main reason I scroll to the bottom of each comment to find the author before reading

Cryogenicman , May 18 2021 7:46 utc | 73

I think Trump is a man for the moment. He is not particularly intelligent. He is not particulary honest. He is not a natural leader. He loves to play to the gallery.He can be dominated.He is weak. He is disingenuous.He is rich. I don't think he can ever be called a self made man. He was chosen to do the job by those more connected and powerful than him. Remember you always get the leader that you deserve.

[May 09, 2021] I've formed the opinion that the BIC (the Billionaires In Charge) want societies atomised to reduce the likelihood of an anti-neoliberal revolution involving rope, and nooses

Notable quotes:
"... you make the best point: you have to have something seriously "wrong" with your mind to want a job with these spooks in the first place. you can't spell "sociopath" without "c-i-a". ..."
May 09, 2021 |

Hoarsewhisperer , May 5 2021 16:15 utc | 38

I asked Google (and thus Wikipedia) what cisgender means?

cisgender /sɪsˈdʒɛndə/ adjective

Denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender corresponds with their birth sex.
"this new-found attention to the plight of black trans folks by primarily cisgender allies is timely and necessary"

On the same page as the search result is a teaser headline: "How An (the) Ad About Cisgender Backfired Spectacularly"

I've formed the opinion that the BIC (the Billionaires In Charge) want societies atomised to reduce the likelihood of a revolution involving rope, and nooses. So guess how surprised I'm not that the BIC's loyal servants/savants, the CIA, are attempting to popularise such vacuous tosh as yet another addition to the LBGTQUERTY "landscape?"

the pair , May 5 2021 16:25 utc | 42

you make the best point: you have to have something seriously "wrong" with your mind to want a job with these spooks in the first place. you can't spell "sociopath" without "c-i-a".

both the bold - and to a lesser extent the italics - are terms people use to sound interesting when they're not. especially the tendency toward self-diagnosis that westerners have; "i'm not dumb with no attention span ...i have " ADHD " or "i don't have low self esteem or work-related anxiety based on the inner knowldge of how inept i am...i have " imposter syndrome ".

the woke types tend to be this kind of malleable and empty vessel...which is what the "company" wants.

karlof1 , May 5 2021 16:25 utc | 43

Thanks for bringing this issue to the main page in a brief article, b. I linked to this article, "CIA & The Woke Totalitarian Generation" , on the Week in Review thread, but it generated no additional comment despite its being one of several recent essays on the issue of the contrived Wokeism "culture" that Alastair Crooke's written about on several occasions over the past months and Pepe Escobar made the focus of his most recent essay.

Crooke argues that Wokeism is the peculiar and singular outcome of the American Malaise prominently exposed by Christopher Lasch in his 1994 Revolt of the Elites , which we've seen in the trenches as the war being waged against the State and citizenry by the Neoliberal Rentier Class that was explained well in this Renegade Inc interview from last year .

The Outlaw US Empire is clearly trying hard to get its Neoliberal vassals to adopt the Woke insanity, which proves beyond doubt Putin's assertion that the Liberalism of the West has died or worse evolved into something profane and loathsome.

[May 03, 2021] The beneficiaries of neoliberal distribution of wealth up would rather give up democracy, give up the Rule of Law, rather than see their privileged status compromised.

However, it might be that neoliberal oligarchy owns enough of the Congress now to be as hard to get rid of as herpes and as fatal as cancer.
Apr 15, 2021 |
Wealth distribution in the US continues to be a first order economic issue

Tomorrow (Thursday) is one of those days when just about Every Economic Statistic in the World will be released. In the meantime, no new data today.

So, while we wait, let me send you over to this article by Wolf Richter analyzing the distribution of wealth and assets in the US updated by the Fed through the end of last year.

Unsurprisingly, the rich have gotten richer, and their preferred asset classes are the most protected by the tax code.

Just one of many first-order economic problems in the US. Wealth, once entrenched – most particularly when it is unearned and inherited – will never be voluntarily disgorged. The beneficiaries would rather give up democracy, give up the Rule of Law, rather than see their privileged status compromised.

[May 03, 2021] US/NATO Troops Patrolling Opium Poppy Fields in Afghanistan

May 03, 2021 |

uncle tungsten , Apr 28 2021 22:44 utc | 29

Hoarsewhisperer #10

Ditto. I am sure the CIA will be grinding the generals as we speak. Even the letter in Politico could well be one of their strategies. I posted a piece in the open thread yesterday from The HILL that was pure propaganda.

USA is not alone in losing guerrilla warfare.

Watch for Biden announcing a 'shake up' of the military command in the next few weeks/months.

The US military 2021 retreat from Kabul will result in a slaughter in the USA.

I see the Pentagon pulling the plug on the opium income for the CIA. Now THAT is the real war. So the CIA now has to pay its mercenary army to defend the harvest and extraction. That added cost to the CIA will not be taken lightly.

arby , Apr 28 2021 22:53 utc | 31

Posted by: uncle tungsten | Apr 28 2021 22:44 utc | 29

"So the CIA now has to pay its mercenary army to defend the harvest and extraction."

Seems to me it is the taxpayer that is paying for defending the fields.

US/NATO Troops Patrolling Opium Poppy Fields in Afghanistan

[May 03, 2021] A Lifetime -at War- -

Notable quotes:
"... By Tom Engelhardt. Originally published at TomDispatch ..."
"... New York Times ..."
"... I supported the rule of law and human rights, not to mention the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. ..."
"... In these years, one key to so much of this is the fact that, as the Vietnam War began winding down in 1973, the draft was ended and war itself became a “voluntary†activity for Americans. In other words, it became ever easier not only to not protest American war-making, but to pay no attention to it or to the changing military that went with it. And that military was indeed altering and growing in remarkable ways. ..."
"... “The dislike of government spending, whether on public investment or consumption, is overcome by concentrating government expenditure on armaments†..."
"... “The dislike of government spending, whether on public investment or consumption, is overcome by concentrating government expenditure on armaments†..."
"... “Large-scale armaments are inseparable from the expansion of the armed forces and the preparation of plans for a war of conquest. They also induce competitive rearmament of other countries.†..."
May 03, 2021 |

A Lifetime “at War†Posted on April 30, 2021 by Yves Smith

Yves here. Englehardt describes how US war-making has been a continuing exercise starting with World War II. It’s important to recognize that before that, US military budgets were modest both in national and global terms. But with manufacturing less specialized, the US was able to turn a considerable amount of its productive capacity to armaments in fairly short order.

A second point is as someone who was in Manhattan on 9/11, I did not experience the attacks as war. I saw them as very impressive terrorism. However, I was appalled at how quickly individuals in positions of authority pushed sentiment in that direction. The attack was on a Tuesday (I had a blood draw and voted before I even realized Something Bad had happened). I was appalled to see the saber-rattling in Bush’s speech at the National Cathedral on Friday. On Sunday, I decided to go to the Unitarian Church around the corner. I was shocked to hear more martial-speak. And because the church was packed, I had to sit in the front on the floor, which meant I couldn’t duck out.

By Tom Engelhardt. Originally published at TomDispatch

Here’s the strange thing in an ever-stranger world: I was born in July 1944 in the midst of a devastating world war. That war ended in August 1945 with the atomic obliteration of two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, by the most devastating bombs in history up to that moment, given the sweet code names “Little Boy†and “Fat Man.â€

I was the littlest of boys at the time. More than three-quarters of a century has passed since, on September 2, 1945, Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu and General Yoshijiro Umezu signed the Instrument of Surrender on the battleship U.S.S. Missouri in Tokyo Bay, officially ending World War II. That was V-J (for Victory over Japan) Day, but in a sense for me, my whole generation, and this country, war never really ended.

The United States has been at war, or at least in armed conflicts of various sorts, often in distant lands, for more or less my entire life. Yes, for some of those years, that war was “cold†(which often meant that such carnage, regularly sponsored by the CIA, happened largely off-screen and out of sight), but war as a way of life never really ended, not to this very moment.

In fact, as the decades went by, it would become the “infrastructure†in which Americans increasingly invested their tax dollars via aircraft carriers , trillion-dollar jet fighters, drones armed with Hellfire missiles, and the creation and maintenance of hundreds of military garrisons around the globe, rather than roads, bridges, or rail lines (no less the high-speed version of the same) here at home. During those same years, the Pentagon budget would grab an ever-larger percentage of federal discretionary spending and the full-scale annual investment in what has come to be known as the national security state would rise to a staggering $1.2 trillion or more.

In a sense, future V-J Days became inconceivable. There were no longer moments, even as wars ended, when some version of peace might descend and America’s vast military contingents could, as at the end of World War II, be significantly demobilized. The closest equivalent was undoubtedly the moment when the Soviet Union imploded in 1991, the Cold War officially ended, and the Washington establishment declared itself globally triumphant. But of course, the promised “peace dividend†would never be paid out as the first Gulf War with Iraq occurred that very year and the serious downsizing of the U.S. military (and the CIA) never happened.

Never-Ending War

Consider it typical that, when President Biden recently announced the official ending of the nearly 20-year-old American conflict in Afghanistan with the withdrawal of the last U.S. troops from that country by 9/11/21, it would functionally be paired with the news that the Pentagon budget was about to rise yet again from its record heights in the Trump years. “Only in America,†as retired Air Force lieutenant colonel and historian William Astore wrote recently, “do wars end and war budgets go up.â€

Buy the Book

Of course, even the ending of that never-ending Afghan War may prove exaggerated. In fact, let’s consider Afghanistan apart from the rest of this country’s war-making history for a moment. After all, if I had told you in 1978 that, of the 42 years to follow, the U.S. would be involved in war in a single country for 30 of them and asked you to identify it, I can guarantee that Afghanistan wouldn’t have been your pick. And yet so it’s been. From 1979 to 1989, there was the CIA-backed Islamist extremist war against the Soviet army there (to the tune of billions and billions of dollars). And yet the obvious lesson the Russians learned from that adventure, as their military limped home in defeat and the Soviet Union imploded not long after â€" that Afghanistan is indeed the “graveyard of empires†â€" clearly had no impact in Washington.

Or how do you explain the 19-plus years of warfare there that followed the 9/11 attacks, themselves committed by a small Islamist outfit, al-Qaeda, born as an American ally in that first Afghan War? Only recently, the invaluable Costs of War Project estimated that America’s second Afghan War has cost this country almost $2.3 trillion (not including the price of lifetime care for its vets) and has left at least 241,000 people dead, including 2,442 American service members. In 1978, after the disaster of the Vietnam War, had I assured you that such a never-ending failure of a conflict was in our future, you would undoubtedly have laughed in my face.

And yet, three decades later, the U.S. military high command still seems not faintly to have grasped the lesson that we “taught†the Russians and then experienced ourselves. As a result, according to recent reports, they have uniformly opposed President Biden’s decision to withdraw all American troops from that country by the 20th anniversary of 9/11. In fact, it’s not even clear that, by September 11, 2021, if the president’s proposal goes according to plan, that war will have truly ended. After all, the same military commanders and intelligence chiefs seem intent on organizing long-distance versions of that conflict or, as the New York Times put it , are determined to “fight from afar†there. They are evidently even considering establishing new bases in neighboring lands to do so.

America’s “forever wars†â€" once known as the Global War on Terror and, when the administration of George W. Bush launched it, proudly aimed at 60 countries â€" do seem to be slowly winding down. Unfortunately, other kinds of potential wars, especially new cold wars with China and Russia (involving new kinds of high-tech weaponry) only seem to be gearing up.

War in Our Time

In these years, one key to so much of this is the fact that, as the Vietnam War began winding down in 1973, the draft was ended and war itself became a “voluntary†activity for Americans. In other words, it became ever easier not only to not protest American war-making, but to pay no attention to it or to the changing military that went with it. And that military was indeed altering and growing in remarkable ways.

In the years that followed, for instance, the elite Green Berets of the Vietnam era would be incorporated into an ever more expansive set of Special Operations forces, up to 70,000 of them (larger, that is, than the armed forces of many countries). Those special operators would functionally become a second, more secretive American military embedded inside the larger force and largely freed from citizen oversight of any sort. In 2020, as Nick Turse reported, they would be stationed in a staggering 154 countries around the planet, often involved in semi-secret conflicts “in the shadows†that Americans would pay remarkably little attention to.

Since the Vietnam War, which roiled the politics of this nation and was protested in the streets of this country by an antiwar movement that came to include significant numbers of active-duty soldiers and veterans, war has played a remarkably recessive role in American life. Yes, there have been the endless thank-yous offered by citizens and corporations to “the troops.†But that’s where the attentiveness stops, while both political parties, year after endless year, remain remarkably supportive of a growing Pentagon budget and the industrial (that is, weapons-making) part of the military-industrial complex. War, American-style, may be forever, but â€" despite, for instance, the militarization of this country’s police and the way in which those wars came home to the Capitol last January 6th â€" it remains a remarkably distant reality for most Americans.

One explanation: though the U.S. has, as I’ve said, been functionally at war since 1941, there were just two times when this country felt war directly â€" on December 7, 1941, when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, and on September 11, 2001, when 19 mostly Saudi hijackers in commercial jets struck New York’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

And yet, in another sense, war has been and remains us. Let’s just consider some of that war-making for a moment. If you’re of a certain age, you can certainly call to mind the big wars: Korea (1950-1953), Vietnam (1954-1975) â€" and don’t forget the brutal bloodlettings in neighboring Laos and Cambodia as well â€" that first Gulf War of 1991, and the disastrous second one, the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Then, of course, there was that Global War on Terror that began soon after September 11, 2001, with the invasion of Afghanistan, only to spread to much of the rest of the Greater Middle East, and to significant parts of Africa. In March, for instance, the first 12 American special-ops trainers arrived in embattled Mozambique, just one more small extension of an already widespread American anti-Islamist terror role ( now failing ) across much of that continent.

And then, of course, there were the smaller conflicts (though not necessarily so to the people in the countries involved) that we’ve now generally forgotten about, the ones that I had to search my fading brain to recall. I mean, who today thinks much about President John F. Kennedy’s April 1961 CIA disaster at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba; or President Lyndon Johnson’s sending of 22,000 U.S. troops to the Dominican Republic in 1965 to “restore orderâ€; or President Ronald Reagan’s version of “aggressive self-defense†by U.S. Marines sent to Lebanon who, in October 1983, were attacked in their barracks by a suicide bomber, killing 241 of them; or the anti-Cuban invasion of the tiny Caribbean island of Grenada that same month in which 19 Americans were killed and 116 wounded?

And then, define and categorize them as you will, there were the CIA’s endless militarized attempts (sometimes with the help of the U.S. military) to intervene in the affairs of other countries, ranging from taking the nationalist side against Mao Zedong’s communist forces in China from 1945 to 1949 to stoking a small ongoing conflict in Tibet in the 1950s and early 1960s, and overthrowing the governments of Guatemala and Iran, among other places. There were an estimated 72 such interventions from 1947 to 1989, many warlike in nature. There were, for instance, the proxy conflicts in Central America, first in Nicaragua against the Sandinistas and then in El Salvador, bloody events even if few U.S. soldiers or CIA agents died in them. No, these were hardly “wars,†as traditionally defined, not all of them, though they did sometimes involve military coups and the like, but they were generally carnage-producing in the countries they were in. And that only begins to suggest the range of this country’s militarized interventions in the post-1945 era, as journalist William Blum’s “ A Brief History of Interventions †makes all too clear.

Whenever you look for the equivalent of a warless American moment, some reality trips you up. For instance, perhaps you had in mind the brief period between when the Red Army limped home in defeat from Afghanistan in 1989 and the implosion of the Soviet Union in 1991, that moment when Washington politicians, initially shocked that the Cold War had ended so unexpectedly, declared themselves triumphant on Planet Earth. That brief period might almost have passed for “peace,†American-style, if the U.S. military under President George H. W. Bush hadn’t, in fact, invaded Panama (“Operation Just Causeâ€) as 1989 ended to get rid of its autocratic leader Manuel Noriega (a former CIA asset, by the way). Up to 3,000 Panamanians (including many civilians) died along with 23 American troops in that episode.

And then, of course, in January 1991 the First Gulf War began . It would result in perhaps 8,000 to 10,000 Iraqi deaths and “only†a few hundred deaths among the U.S.-led coalition of forces. Air strikes against Iraq would follow in the years to come. And let’s not forget that even Europe wasn’t exempt since, in 1999, during the presidency of Bill Clinton, the U.S. Air Force launched a destructive 10-week bombing campaign against the Serbs in the former Yugoslavia.

And all of this remains a distinctly incomplete list, especially in this century when something like 2 00,000 U.S. troops have regularly been stationed abroad and U.S. Special Operations forces have deployed to staggering numbers of countries, while American drones regularly attacked “terrorists†in nation after nation and American presidents quite literally became assassins-in-chief . To this day, what scholar and former CIA consultant Chalmers Johnson called an American “empire of bases†â€" a historically unprecedented 800 or more of them â€" across much of the planet remains untouched and, at any moment, there could be more to come from the country whose military budget at least equals those of the next 10 (yes, that’s 10!) countries combined, including China and Russia.

A Timeline of Carnage

The last three-quarters of this somewhat truncated post-World War II American Century have, in effect, been a timeline of carnage, though few in this country would notice or acknowledge that. After all, since 1945, Americans have only once been “at war†at home, when almost 3,000 civilians died in an attack meant to provoke â€" well, something like the war on terror that also become a war of terror and a spreader of terror movements in our world.

As journalist William Arkin recently argued , the U.S. has created a permanent war state meant to facilitate “endless war.†As he writes, at this very moment, our nation “is killing or bombing in perhaps 10 different countries,†possibly more, and there’s nothing remarkably out of the ordinary about that in our recent past.

The question that Americans seldom even think to ask is this: What if the U.S. were to begin to dismantle its empire of bases, repurpose so many of those militarized taxpayer dollars to our domestic needs, abandon this country’s focus on permanent war, and forsake the Pentagon as our holy church? What if, even briefly, the wars, conflicts, plots, killings, drone assassinations, all of it stopped?

What would our world actually be like if you simply declared peace and came home?

Hemanth Kumar , April 30, 2021 at 8:11 am

Here in Asia, many people think the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan was an act of flaying the dying horse, since Japan was staring at defeat even without the bombs. It was a totally callous act of the USA to drop the bombs just to “test their efficacyâ€.

Why then the bombs could not have dropped on Germany that was still waging war at that time? Asians smirk and say one) the “collateral†damage of radiation etc., to neighbours like France who were Allies and two) they were (and are) ‘whites’; unlike Japan and its neighbours.

NotTimothyGeithner , April 30, 2021 at 9:40 am

The war in Europe was over when the bomb was first tested.

The Rev Kev , April 30, 2021 at 9:43 am

I think that you have the dates mixed up. The war against Germany in Europe ended on May 7th and the testing of the first atom bomb was not until 16th July when the first bomb went off at Alamogordo in New Mexico. The following month the two remaining atom bombs that the US had were dropped on Japan. In short, the bombs arrived too late to use in Europe.

JBird4049 , April 30, 2021 at 3:57 pm

The bomb was built with Berlin being the first target, but because the war ended a year sooner than what everyone thought it would and making the very first bombs took longer than planned, it was used on Japan. It was probably used as a demonstration for the Soviets, but considering that sixty-six other large Japanese cities had already been completely destroyed by “conventional†firebombing, and in Tokyo’s case, with greater casualties than either nuclear bombing, the Bomb wasn’t really needed. The descriptions and the personal accounts of the destruction of Tokyo (or Dresden and Hamburg) are (if that is even possible) worse than of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Honestly, just what new and excitingly horrific ways of killing people the atom bomb used was not clearly understood. They generally thought of it as a bigger kaboom in a smaller package. And honestly, being pre-cremated during an entire night with your family and neighbors in the local bomb-shelter or dying after a few days, weeks, or even a month from radiation poisoning, is not really a difference is it?

WobblyTelomeres , April 30, 2021 at 6:28 pm

“More bang for the buck†is the phrase I heard years ago at Los Alamos.

John Wright , April 30, 2021 at 11:56 am

Another view has the dropping of the atomic bombs was a message, not to Japan, but to the Soviet Union.


“FOR 20 years after Harry Truman ordered the atomic bomb dropped on Japan in August 1945, most American scholars and citizens subscribed to the original, official version of the story: the President had acted to avert a horrendous invasion of Japan that could have cost 200,000 to 500,000 American lives. Then a young political economist named Gar Alperovitz published a book of ferocious revisionism, “Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima and Potsdam†(1965). While acknowledging the paucity of evidence available at the time, he argued that dropping the atomic bomb “was not needed to end the war or to save lives†but was Truman’s means of sending a chastening message to the Soviet Union.â€

Timh , April 30, 2021 at 1:32 pm

If we accept that at face value, then certainly the second bombing was unecessary. The threat would have been enough. But the US had a second bomb design to test…

BCD , April 30, 2021 at 4:13 pm

Few things working here. The US needed Japan to surrender quickly before Stalin invaded (which they asked him to do) so he couldn’t get his forces onto the island where the Allies couldn’t stop him. Most Japanese feared Stalin and preferred surrendering to the US but the Japanese government was trying to use talks with the USSR to get better terms than unconditional surrender (little did they know Stalin was licking his chops for more territory under his iron curtain).

The first bomb design (little man) was significantly less ambitious, it was so certain to function they never tested it because a study had proven there was almost no chance it would fail.

Fat boy was the scientific leap in technology needing to be demonstrated. Building little man was mostly a matter of enriching Uranium vs Fat boy Plutonium enrichment harder and detonation mechanism more complicated. However the end result was a bomb that could produce significantly higher yields with smaller amounts of fissionable material where both the size of the bomb could be significantly reduced and the yield of the device could be significantly scaled up at the same time.

Fat boy demonstrated the USA could someday be putting nukes on V2 rockets recently smuggled out of Germany. Even more important Fat boy is a precursor to the mechanism that initiates the H bomb fusion devices that Edward Teller would soon be Dr Strangloving.

Even after Trinity Fat boy still had very high odds of failure. They feared looking like fools if it failed and the USSR ended up with the Plutoniumt. As a result the US Air Force dropped little man first because it was certain to work. After the 1st bomb dropped, the Soviets declared war and began their invasion of Japan which forced Truman’s hand to drop Fat boy too. Even after Fat Boy, war mongers in Japan still refused to surrender where Emperor Hirohito finally overruled them and although there was a military coupe attempted, it failed.

Thus ended the most bloody conflict in the history of human kind.

Harold , April 30, 2021 at 7:52 pm

I’m not saying it isn’t true, but is there any actual evidence that the bombs were dropped as “a message to the Soviet Union†and not to speed the end of the war?

Also, who exactly wanted to send this “message� The US generals were against it, I understand.

Jason , April 30, 2021 at 9:23 pm

An apologia on bomb design, manufacture, and real-world application!

These ones weren’t even atomic:

And look what they can do. Yay bombs.

Tom Pfotzer , April 30, 2021 at 9:25 am

“What would our world actually be like if you simply declared peace and came home?â€

a. All those families whose livelihood is based on waging war would have to find a new job. These people will fight tooth and nail to avoid change

b. The resource grabs by the rich people behind the Oz-like curtain would fail. Their fate would be that of the English aristocrats who have to rent out their castles in order to maintain a roof over their head. These people will fight tooth and nail to avoid change

c. The general public would have a fire-hose of newly-available resources to direct toward activities which benefit all the rest of the families outside A and B above

d. Fear-based leverage by the few over the many would be diminished. Attention would be re-directed toward valid problems we all face


There’s an interesting question which I see posed from time to time, and often ask myself. It runs thus:

“Who decides who our “enemies†are, and why they are “enemies�

This is a fundamental question which I believe very few of us can currently answer accurately. Yet this question carries a $1.2T per year consequence. That’s a lot of money to allocate toward something we know nothing about.

One time I asked an acquaintance â€" who spent a career at CIA â€" that question. His reply was “Why, Congress decides who our enemies are, and why. Congress then tells the CIA what to doâ€.

I wasn’t sure if he truly believed that. It’s quite possible he did, of course, and I’m sure many of the people in group A above surely do think they’re doing honorable and patriotic work.

Group B above â€" the people who are actually moving the chess pieces of “the Great Game†â€" they are pretty clear on who defines our “enemies†and why they are “enemiesâ€. And they wisely don’t stand in front of podiums and explain their actions. These people aren’t visible, or explained, or known because it’s better for them not to be.

The way to combat manipulation by these predators is to:

a. Know them by their actions. Predators predate.
b. Don’t participate. In order for them to predate, they need minions. Don’t be a minion. Instead…
c. Be the giver, the creator and the constructor of things that are of no use to predators

NotTimothyGeithner , April 30, 2021 at 10:06 am

It’s not the soldiers but the contractors who live in dumpy overpriced holes like Northern Virginia.

As to your acquaintance, my godfather was in the CIA in the 60’s and a bit into the 70’s, and he might not say Congress as much as the President’s Chief of Staff as threat they choose what the President sees. You have to remember it’s primarily an organization of boring paper pushers looking to get promoted which requires political patronage. Imagine getting the Canada desk. You’ll be at a dead end unless you paint it as a grave threat. Then there is information overload and just the sheer size of the US. They would file reports, he mentioned an incident in Africa in the wake of decolonization when y godfather was stationed there that maybe warranted the President’s attention, but to get information to the President’s CoS took so long, it was in the President’s daily newspaper before the report could be handled. By then, why care, given the size of the US? Who can get to the Chief of Staff? Congress, so everyone else lobbies them. The CIA director is an appendage of the CoS.

When the President wants something, everyone jumps, but when the President doesn’t care, everyone is jockeying get for patronage.

HH , April 30, 2021 at 10:35 am

The war machine is sustained by plutocrats and their sociopathic flunkies in the national security state. How this works is clearly depicted in “The Devil’s Chessboard,†by David Talbot, a deeply depressing chronicle of how Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles did the dirty work of US corporations worldwide. The arrogance, impunity, and irresponsibility of these men established the framework of our secret government, which remains intact to this day.

It would be pleasant to believe that this evil persists because of public ignorance, but like the good Germans of the Nazi era, Americans accept that deception, torture, and murder are routinely practiced on our behalf to maintain our high standard of living and to keep us “safe.†The reverence for the operatives of the US national security state is evident throughout our popular culture, and that is a damning judgment on the American people.

Tom Pfotzer , April 30, 2021 at 11:17 am

Yes. Succinctly stated, and quite correct.

Of course the core problems are stationed at the place hardest to get to: right between our ears. This complicity disease runs deep and wide.

While I often succumb to that same despondency you mentioned, occasionally I interrupt the doom tape to notice that there’s a lot of people who are paddling hard toward a new ethos…like the posters here @ NC, for ex.

So today I’m going to indulge in a little happiness. Plant a tree. Do something good, something durable, something hopeful.

Something that offers no real hope of rent extraction potential.


JBird4049 , April 30, 2021 at 8:53 pm

It was nice being accused of supporting the terrorists because I supported the rule of law and human rights, not to mention the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

WTF do some people think that the Founders wanted an extremely small army, a large organized militia, and passed the Bill of Rights? It was a reaction to what the British Army did to them (using much of the same tactics as the current “justice†system does today.) The ignorance and lack of thinking is really annoying.

Much of what the British military did was not good. Even now some of it would not be allowed in a court of law, but I do not recall them being nearly as violent, brutal, or deadly in their tactics while enforcing the King’s Law as the current regime or the local police are. That the milder British tactics caused a civil war with in a decade, and that the people then had less to fear from an occupying army as we do from “our†police is disturbing to think on.

But wars always come home, don’t they? Faux toughness on the supposed baddies here with claims of treason and insurrections on protests and riots now that often would hardly be in the news fifty years ago, so great was the protests and riots happening then. The cry to use the same tactics that did not work overseas to be used here at home. “To keep us safe.â€

Swamp Yankee , May 1, 2021 at 2:06 am

There’s truth to this, but once the war was really on, British and Tory/Loyalist brutality had decisive effects on public opinion, putting lots of people into the Whig/Patriot camp. Tom Paine makes great efforts to publicize British sexual assaults, looting, and general thugishness as they chase the Continental Army across New Jersey in 1776; the cruelty of backcountry British cavalry officers and Tory rangers in the Carolinas was legendary as the war reaches its latter phases.

And there was brutality on the other side, too, especially for Loyalist elites who faced a kind of “social death.†It was a war, after all, as well as a social revolution. It wasn’t France in 1789 or Russia in 1917, but it was rough, especially given the small population size.

FluffytheObeseCat , April 30, 2021 at 11:36 am

Except as Engelhardt just pointed out, the national security state does not “maintain our high standard of livingâ€. It’s an immense net drain on our standard of living. The only Americans made well-to-do or wealthy by it are those who are directly involved in supplying contract goods and services to the system.

FriarTuck , April 30, 2021 at 3:41 pm

I don’t know if Americans “accept†it as opposed to taking a dim view of being able to affect change.

The levers the average person has to change the behavior of the state is infinitesimal. Add to that the scope of action and Overton window mediated by the hypernormalized press ecosystem just means those in power get to act without restraint.

Hell, Obama literally said “We tortured some folks†and the media and government barely shrugged. To my knowledge, no one went to jail, no one was brought up in the Hague, and some of the same ghouls that perpetrated such crimes got cushy commenter jobs in the media.

Right now, localities can’t even keep their police from regularly killing citizens.

What does the average person do in the face of such things?

Jason , April 30, 2021 at 5:07 pm

Hell, Obama literally said “We tortured some folks†and the media and government barely shrugged. To my knowledge, no one went to jail, no one was brought up in the Hague, and some of the same ghouls that perpetrated such crimes got cushy commenter jobs in the media.

No one went to jail. Certainly no one went before the Hague. No bankers went to jail either. Even during the nutty Reagan administration, people went to jail for financial shenanigans. Some got long sentences. Hell, the Iran-Contra stuff was at least covered and people were indicted, even if they all got pardoned. Not anymore. These shenanigans are the norm and happen right out in the open. I’d imagine some of it’s been given legal cover. It seems like it’s become the expected behavior within these circles. To act otherwise â€" to attempt to be honest, in other words â€" is seen as weak and is mocked as fiercely as a weaker child on the playground might be.

It’s just a continuing regression. And as you note, it’s an excellent career builder:

“Looking for a job in mainstream media? Research has shown that reducing your sense of ethics and morality actually helps you get ahead.â€

John Wright , May 1, 2021 at 1:53 pm

I like to quote a radio advertisement that a local Northern California bail bondsman ran on one local radio station years ago.

“Friends don’t let friends do timeâ€.

LowellHighlander , April 30, 2021 at 10:59 am

Doubtless, Ms. Smith and Ms. Engelhardt have provided a key public service here. And I speak as a veteran, decorated for service in the War Over Oil (a.k.a. the “Persian Gulf Warâ€).

Between the vast economic inequality currently raging in our country, the social stratification enabled by access to colleges and universities accepted as “eliteâ€, the trashing of Constitutional protections (e.g. the 4th Amendment, now thoroughly eviscerated owing to the “PATRIOT ACTâ€), and the rampaging rule by “intelligence agencies†over foreign policy, I see no reason why any father should tell his children that this is a country worth fighting and dying for. [Think: China] Of course, the Empire â€" just as Rome did in its dying days â€" will be able to find enough desperately poor who will take the king’s shilling and don the uniform.

If anyone wishes to prove me wrong, let them work for a substantive “peace dividend†for a 2-3 years. Then we can sit down and talk; I’ll buy the ale.

tegnost , April 30, 2021 at 11:38 am

I think Englehart is a “Mr.†but I don’t want to get myself in trouble with the gender neutralization crowd

LowellHighlander , April 30, 2021 at 12:41 pm

oops; my apologies to all.

Rod , April 30, 2021 at 12:25 pm

And here is a nice companion reading alluding to Media collusion by a CNN colluder:

from the above article:

In these years, one key to so much of this is the fact that, as the Vietnam War began winding down in 1973, the draft was ended and war itself became a “voluntary†activity for Americans. In other words, it became ever easier not only to not protest American war-making, but to pay no attention to it or to the changing military that went with it. And that military was indeed altering and growing in remarkable ways.

Because, imo,

Since the Vietnam War, which roiled the politics of this nation and was protested in the streets of this country by an antiwar movement that came to include significant numbers of active-duty soldiers and veterans, war has played a remarkably recessive role in American life.

Despite having already ‘pledged’ at my Uncles Invitation, with the Draft’s End, I had great hope my future would see the great Peace Dividand rather than 9 more Opportunity Conflicts.
Little did that then 21 year old see the brilliance in that Pentagon Strategy.
I Now firmly support a No Exemption Draft for all post HS.
Military Service being only one, and a restricted one, of many counter-balancing options available for Public Service for that cohort.

Frank Little , April 30, 2021 at 12:42 pm

This article reminded me of one of the best Congressional Research Service reports that I’ve read: Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2020 . Despite being just a list of dates and locations with a brief description, it comes in at around 50 pages, which I think is a testament to how important foreign military engagement has been to the growth of the US even before 1945. Between these foreign wars and the genocidal war against the indigenous people of the continent I think it’s fair to say this country has been at war since its founding.

juno mas , April 30, 2021 at 6:16 pm

Correct. Even the so called Louisiana Purchase was not really a purchase of land, but a faux “option†to engage in land treaties with the native Americans;.the US chose Indian Wars and relocation treaties that have been violated repeatedly. (This territory is now known as the Red States.)

The rest of the land extending to the west coast was acquired through conquest with the new nation of Mexico. I guess the only real honest acquisition would be Seward’s Icebox.

JBird4049 , April 30, 2021 at 8:30 pm

>>I guess the only real honest acquisition would be Seward’s Icebox.

Alaska has only been inhabited for a few tens of thousands of years. I would think that the natives should have some say about who “owns†the land even though the Russian Empire did say that they did. The reasons sometimes included the use of guns. As for stealing Mexico’s territory, again that was, and in some areas still is, inhabited by natives who somehow became under the “governance†of New Spain or the country of Mexico despite not being asked about it and often still a majority part of the population in many areas when Mexico lost control.

Often, Europeans or Americans would show up somewhere, plant a flag, and say that they claimed or owned the very inhabited land, sometimes with farms and even entire cities. Rather arrogant, I would say.

Harold , April 30, 2021 at 8:49 pm

“Whatever happens, we have got
The Maxim gun, and they have not.â€

juno mas , April 30, 2021 at 9:44 pm

I agree. Seward’s Icebox was not empty at time of sale. My understanding is that Seward thought it was. So faraway, so cold; no one would be living there, right?

As I’ve commented here many times, it was small pox not small bullets that allowed the Old World to take the New. There were estimates of 20 million native Americans living on the land now known as Mexico and the US. 90% were felled by Old World disease before Custer lost his scalp to the northern Plains Indians. In a fair fight the Indians would be enforcing the treaties.

It is amazing how the US continues to engage in war and still lose: Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq. . .Ukraine?

kgw , April 30, 2021 at 5:58 pm

I remember the words of Patrick Henry in his speech on the floor of the Virginia legislature debating the passing of the new constitution…

In particular, his views on the standing army : “What does a farmer in Virginia have to fear from a farmer in France?â€

Democracy Working , April 30, 2021 at 10:29 pm

For nearly a decade now every time I’ve read about the war in Afghanistan I’ve thought about Tim Kreider’s mordant 2011 cartoon We Could’ve Had The Moon, Instead We Get Afghanistan . Ten years later, that $432 billion has ballooned to $2.3 trillion (and more) and every word he wrote still stands. :-(

The author has retired from cartooning and now focuses on essay writing.

Sound of the Suburbs , May 1, 2021 at 4:37 am

We are going to have to halt the production lines.
The warehouses are full of bombs already, there is no more room.

Biden to the rescue; he’s started dropping bombs already.
When you have a large defence industry, you need war.
The only purpose is to use up the output from the defence industry.

This is what they realised in the 1940s, but we forgot.

“The dislike of government spending, whether on public investment or
consumption, is overcome by concentrating government expenditure on

Sound of the Suburbs , May 1, 2021 at 4:47 am

Ran out of edit time.
Should be two quotes.

“The dislike of government spending, whether on public investment or consumption, is overcome by concentrating government expenditure on armamentsâ€

“Large-scale armaments are inseparable from the expansion of the armed forces and the preparation of plans for a war of conquest. They also induce competitive rearmament of other countries.â€

These were the lessons they learnt from the 1930s.

Susan the other , May 1, 2021 at 12:18 pm

So now, here we are. And how do we create a peaceful world? Refit the US military for a sustainable world. It will prove to be very useful. We and other advanced nations still have the advantage for prosperity but we should not abuse it. The whole idea back in 1945 was for the world to prosper. So I’ll just suggest my usual hack: Get rid of the profit motive. It’s pure mercantilism. And totally self defeating in a world seeking sustainability for everyone.

Philip Ebersole , May 1, 2021 at 1:35 pm

The Manhattan Project was an enormously expensive enterprise with two components â€" the development of a uranium bomb (Oak Ridge) and a plutonium bomb (Hanford, WA).

If no bomb had been used, the project would have been considered a waste of time, and there would have been a congressional investigation. If only one bomb had been used, half the cost would have been considered a waste.

I’m not saying these were the only reasons for dropping the bombs. The event was, as they say, “overdetermined.â€

[Apr 30, 2021] The Big Tech Oligarchy Calls Out for Trustbusters by the founders. By Josh Hawley April 30, 2021 4:53 pm ET
Listen to this article 6 minutes 00:00 / 06:00 1x This is the year of the woke corporation, the year the chieftains of the most powerful companies got bored with making money and decided to remake America, principally by telling Americans how bigoted and backward they are. Major League Baseball shipped the All-Star Game out of Georgia when that state's elected representatives dared enact modest election-integrity measures. Big Tech silenced a sitting president, banned books it didn't like, and threatened to install itself as censor of the nation's speech. America's founders had a word for this state of affairs: aristocracy. We might call it oligarchy, rule of the wealthy and the few. The founders understood that concentrations of power in either government or the economy are dangerous, threatening the rule of the people. That's why they curbed monopolies and strictly limited the corporate form, largely confining its use to educational institutions and churches and sometimes public-works projects. They wanted the people to govern the nation, not an elite, whether that elite resided in government or business. It's time America recovered the founders' political economy. We need a new era of trustbusting, an agenda to break up Big Tech and the other concentrations of woke capital that threaten to turn the U.S. into a corporate oligarchy. The aim should be simple: Give working Americans control again over their government and their society. In short, protect our democracy. This is the year of the woke corporation, the year the chieftains of the most powerful companies got bored with making money and decided to remake America, principally by telling Americans how bigoted and backward they are. Major League Baseball shipped the All-Star Game out of Georgia when that state's elected representatives dared enact modest election-integrity measures. Big Tech silenced a sitting president, banned books it didn't like, and threatened to install itself as censor of the nation's speech. America's founders had a word for this state of affairs: aristocracy. We might call it oligarchy, rule of the wealthy and the few. The founders understood that concentrations of power in either government or the economy are dangerous, threatening the rule of the people. That's why they curbed monopolies and strictly limited the corporate form, largely confining its use to educational institutions and churches and sometimes public-works projects. They wanted the people to govern the nation, not an elite, whether that elite resided in government or business. It's time America recovered the founders' political economy. We need a new era of trustbusting, an agenda to break up Big Tech and the other concentrations of woke capital that threaten to turn the U.S. into a corporate oligarchy. The aim should be simple: Give working Americans control again over their government and their society. In short, protect our democracy. Major League Baseball shipped the All-Star Game out of Georgia when that state's elected representatives dared enact modest election-integrity measures. Big Tech silenced a sitting president, banned books it didn't like, and threatened to install itself as censor of the nation's speech. America's founders had a word for this state of affairs: aristocracy. We might call it oligarchy, rule of the wealthy and the few. The founders understood that concentrations of power in either government or the economy are dangerous, threatening the rule of the people. That's why they curbed monopolies and strictly limited the corporate form, largely confining its use to educational institutions and churches and sometimes public-works projects. They wanted the people to govern the nation, not an elite, whether that elite resided in government or business. It's time America recovered the founders' political economy. We need a new era of trustbusting, an agenda to break up Big Tech and the other concentrations of woke capital that threaten to turn the U.S. into a corporate oligarchy. The aim should be simple: Give working Americans control again over their government and their society. In short, protect our democracy. Major League Baseball shipped the All-Star Game out of Georgia when that state's elected representatives dared enact modest election-integrity measures. Big Tech silenced a sitting president, banned books it didn't like, and threatened to install itself as censor of the nation's speech. America's founders had a word for this state of affairs: aristocracy. We might call it oligarchy, rule of the wealthy and the few. The founders understood that concentrations of power in either government or the economy are dangerous, threatening the rule of the people. That's why they curbed monopolies and strictly limited the corporate form, largely confining its use to educational institutions and churches and sometimes public-works projects. They wanted the people to govern the nation, not an elite, whether that elite resided in government or business. It's time America recovered the founders' political economy. We need a new era of trustbusting, an agenda to break up Big Tech and the other concentrations of woke capital that threaten to turn the U.S. into a corporate oligarchy. The aim should be simple: Give working Americans control again over their government and their society. In short, protect our democracy. America's founders had a word for this state of affairs: aristocracy. We might call it oligarchy, rule of the wealthy and the few. The founders understood that concentrations of power in either government or the economy are dangerous, threatening the rule of the people. That's why they curbed monopolies and strictly limited the corporate form, largely confining its use to educational institutions and churches and sometimes public-works projects. They wanted the people to govern the nation, not an elite, whether that elite resided in government or business. It's time America recovered the founders' political economy. We need a new era of trustbusting, an agenda to break up Big Tech and the other concentrations of woke capital that threaten to turn the U.S. into a corporate oligarchy. The aim should be simple: Give working Americans control again over their government and their society. In short, protect our democracy. America's founders had a word for this state of affairs: aristocracy. We might call it oligarchy, rule of the wealthy and the few. The founders understood that concentrations of power in either government or the economy are dangerous, threatening the rule of the people. That's why they curbed monopolies and strictly limited the corporate form, largely confining its use to educational institutions and churches and sometimes public-works projects. They wanted the people to govern the nation, not an elite, whether that elite resided in government or business. It's time America recovered the founders' political economy. We need a new era of trustbusting, an agenda to break up Big Tech and the other concentrations of woke capital that threaten to turn the U.S. into a corporate oligarchy. The aim should be simple: Give working Americans control again over their government and their society. In short, protect our democracy. It's time America recovered the founders' political economy. We need a new era of trustbusting, an agenda to break up Big Tech and the other concentrations of woke capital that threaten to turn the U.S. into a corporate oligarchy. The aim should be simple: Give working Americans control again over their government and their society. In short, protect our democracy. It's time America recovered the founders' political economy. We need a new era of trustbusting, an agenda to break up Big Tech and the other concentrations of woke capital that threaten to turn the U.S. into a corporate oligarchy. The aim should be simple: Give working Americans control again over their government and their society. In short, protect our democracy.

Opinion: Morning Editorial Report
Apr 30, 2021 |

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We are living in an age of monopoly power. Since the 1990s, two-thirds of American industry has become more concentrated. In 1995 the nation boasted 60 major pharmaceutical companies. By 2015 they had merged to form just 10. Big banks grow bigger while top airlines control ever larger shares of revenue. The credit-card market is now effectively a duopoly, and online it's no better. Google and Facebook control more than 60% of digital advertising.

Big-business consolidation strips Americans of economic opportunity. In today's corporate economy, small and new businesses struggle. New-business formation is barely half what it was in the 1970s, and the pandemic has further privileged the largest players at the expense of local and family enterprises. Concentrations of market power also mean a smaller share of gross domestic product for labor, which leads to flat wages for workers. As the market power of big U.S. corporations has increased, business investment has declined, meaning less spending on innovation and less productivity growth.

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Not surprisingly, corporate monopoly leads to political power. It has always been thus. The giant railroads of the 19th century tried to bully and buy entire legislatures, including the U.S. Congress. Today, Major League Baseball -- exempt from antitrust laws -- and a cohort of megacorporations such as Delta and Coca-Cola are trying to order about states on election integrity, while Google, Facebook and Twitter decide which citizens may say what in the public square. Nike lectures the nation on social justice while it is suspected of profiting from forced labor overseas, as the Congressional-Executive Commission on China noted in its March 2020 report . Welcome to the woke economy, led by concentrated woke capital. Do as these companies say or face cancellation.

Americans weren't content to let monopolists run the country a century ago, and we shouldn't be today.

I propose three measures. First, break up Big Tech. The tech companies are the most powerful corporations in the country and likely in American history. They control what Americans read and what they say, what Americans share and what they buy. The Big Tech companies are the railroad monopolies, Standard Oil and the newspaper trust rolled into one, and tech CEOs are our robber barons. Congress should enact new bars on industry consolidation that will prevent the dominant tech platforms from simultaneously controlling separate industries and services. Google, for example, shouldn't be able to own the world's dominant web-search platform and run the cloud. That's too much power and it's bad for competition.

Second, cut the other megacorporations down to size. We can start by banning mergers and acquisitions for corporations larger than $100 billion. No exceptions. There is no good reason for a corporation to buy its way to the size of a small country. Vertical integration, in which one company buys up an entire supply chain -- think Amazon marrying Whole Foods with its Prime shipping network -- should also receive antitrust scrutiny.

Third, give courts a new standard to evaluate anticompetitive conduct. For years, courts have asked whether an alleged monopolist harms consumer welfare. In other words, does the business behavior in question drive up consumer costs? That's a fine question, but trustbusting isn't about consumer prices alone. The tech companies insist that most of their services are free, even as they extract monopoly rents in other ways, like taking private consumer data without consent.

Trustbusting is about promoting robust competition. It's competition that helps workers, spurs innovation and ultimately preserves the power of the ordinary citizen. Our founders understood that competition, not monopoly, is a friend to liberty.

Republicans were once the party of trustbusters. They should be again. The left is increasingly willing to cheer on the new monopolists -- so long as they push the left's agenda on cultural and other issues. In the face of this new alliance between big government and big business, conservatives must recover the wisdom of the founders' vision: liberty, not monopoly.

Mr. Hawley, a Republican, is a U.S. senator from Missouri. He is author of "The Tyranny of Big Tech," forthcoming May 4.

[Apr 29, 2021] The Populist 'Great Upset'- Decoupling From the Corporate State Deathgrip

Apr 29, 2021 |

by Ben Bartee via The Daily Bell

Globalism is a death machine; localization is the antidote .

The social engineers at the World Economic Forum -- seizing on the opportunities presented by mass fear over COVID-19 and the choking lockdowns on economies and societies worldwide -- have an authoritarian vision for the future of humanity, carefully choreographed from on high at the top levels of the global power structure.

Unaccountable, unelected entities are hard at work constructing this brave new world through a shadowy process they have ominously dubbed the " Great Reset ":

"The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world."

A sea change, just now coming into clear focus, is afoot. Without grassroots pushback from a united populist front, as the former CDC director recently forecasted , "nothing is ever going back to normal" – ever.

Addressing the globalist Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation group advocating "free trade" – a misleadingly labeled concept which means nothing more than corporate profiteering across borders to capitalize on cheap labor and instantiating dystopian corporate sovereignty into law while bleeding the working classes in rich nations dry – Canadian Prime Minister expounded on the ethos of the "Great Reset":

"This pandemic is truly a global challenge. And not just because every country in every corner of the world has been affected: because there is no part of society, no industry, no aspect of daily life that has not changed . This is our chance to build back societies that are fairer and economics that are more resilient ."

All of which begs the questions:

Again, globalist Trudeau's speechwriters offer insights on this front, a brief glimpse behind the curtain at how the proverbial Global Reset sausage is made :

"The most promising [Global Reset] ideas will be taken up within existing IMF and World Bank processes as well as at the G7 and G20 Leader Summit This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset . This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to re-imagine economic systems ."

The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the G7 and G20 are unelected, non-representative international bodies run by and for the interests of the global elite at the expense of the working classes in every country on Earth.

Debt slavery, slave wages, hollowed-out middle classes in the US Rust Belt , corporate tyranny, environmental catastrophe, and destruction of human rights are the rotten fruits of globalism.

Normal people have no seat at the table nor any voice in the decisions by these global behemoths. At its core, the international regime is fundamentally anti-democratic and, increasingly, anti-human.

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The real agenda of the ruling class -- as it has been for decades since globalized trade and politicization began in earnest -- is to further remove power from everyday people and place it into the hands of distant corporations and internationalized bureaucracies:

"We have to do more. We have to diversify our supply chains. We need to deepen our cooperation with different parts of the world we look for new iterations of multilateral structures as people are looking at a transforming world."

At the current crossroads in American -- and indeed, global -- history, reform is no longer a viable solution; on the contrary, reform is a fool's errand. World trade, and even more so world government, is a death machine :

"Globalization now connotes economic dislocation, increasing inequality, unwanted immigration, and a vehicle for the transmission of disease. The pandemic has emphasized the dangers rather than the benefits of efficient linkages between markets, laying bare the dangers of complex global supply chains where any node can become a 'choke point', and the risks of overspecialization or the concentration of technological knowledge and/or production capacity in a single country or region."

"Choke point" indeed. The task before us -- the only possible solution to the corporate, technocratic, medicalized, authoritarian nightmare we are hurdling toward at breakneck speed -- is our own populist, ultra-localized rendition of the "Great Reset" or the "Great UpSet." Some suggest that we are not uprising but rather "upwising" – arming ourselves with knowledge to carry out a peaceful reinstatement of public power.

The DC Swamp – not to mention the lurking global behemoths like the United Nations – is beyond reform. There is no salvation to be found in these institutions. Congress members don't represent average people – how could they ? Average people don't make small talk with them at Georgetown cocktail parties. Average people don't finance their campaigns. Average people don't give them lucrative positions in the never-ending revolving lobbying door after they conclude their terms.

We must insist, by our own means, on restoring control over our own communities. We must work to rebuild intimate human bonds at levels below abstraction – ones in which we are invested spiritually and financially:

"While local government is closest to voters, turnout in local elections is low; it is highest in national elections . Despite the pivotal importance of local politics getting out the vote is the toughest problem that party and labor leaders face."

-William Form, Segmented Labor, Fractured Politics

The only way to reverse course is to decentralize. Decouple from the toxic corporate-state ties that bind and enslave your local community. Reconnect with your neighbors. Shop locally and, whenever possible, sell locally.

Flout immoral laws imposed by far-off authorities. Target and eliminate national and international influence from bloated government and transnational corporations with no allegiance to you, your family, or community. Their claims to authority are illegitimate, non-representative, malevolent, and, increasingly, even genocidal.

Destroy what destroys; nourish what nourishes.

The time has come to #UNRIG not just our elections, but our entire economy and society to restore control to the local level, with the people, the only place it has ever rightfully belonged.

Robert David Steele, alt-right white male and former US spy as well as founder of the Open Source Everything movement, has joined with Kevin Jenkins and others to launch ARISE USA! The Resurrection Tour , that will visit all 50 US states from 15 May to 6 September and could transform into a global movement, Arise.World.

In partnership with Sheriff Richard Mack, founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs movement that challenges federal and state abuse of power, as well as other icons of freedom, they are building the definitive organic pro-human movement from the ground up – the only way to build anything of value.

Join the tour as a Founding Citizen at ; learn about election fraud and reform options at .

Ben Bartee is a Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. Contact him via Armageddon Prose .

[Apr 27, 2021] Forget that old fraud Bernie Sanders; Tulsi Gabbard and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are the best hopes progressives in United States now

Notable quotes:
"... As has happened with epochal champions of generational transformation and change in U.S. history before her, Gabbard’s eclipse in Hawaii could lead to her comeback in a far more spectacular form. ..."
Apr 27, 2021 |

As has happened with epochal champions of generational transformation and change in U.S. history before her, Gabbard’s eclipse in Hawaii could lead to her comeback in a far more spectacular form.

Forget that old fraud Bernie Sanders; Tulsi Gabbard and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are the best hopes progressives in United States now have for saving and renewing Democratic values and a functioning political system. And watch Senator Ted Cruz to eventually unify a resurgent nationalist Right.

In my 2015 book “ Cycles of Change †I predicted both the nationalist insurgency of Donald Trump in the Republican Party and the progressive one unexpectedly spearheaded by Senator Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Party that lastingly transformed U.S. politics in the 2016 election cycle.

The Big Lie (of Josef Goebbels) proportions that Russia influenced or decided the shock outcome of the 2016 presidential election in reality was cooked up by defeated Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton â€" a bungling loser of historic proportions â€" on the very same night she was still reeling from her rejection at the Javits Center in Brooklyn after the results came out.

Since then, the old Republicans and Democratic Establishments alike have since eagerly clung to the Big Lie because it offers them an excuse to deny and ignore what really happened: The American people for once fitfully rose to express their ringing rejection â€" on both sides of the political divide â€" of the ruinous policies of free trade, globalization and ludicrous pretensions to World Empire to which they had been subjected for the previous 70 years.

However, President Donald Trump was ruthlessly opposed, undermined, betrayed, slandered and blocked on his honorable and responsible foreign policy and national security goals to restrain NATO improve relations with Russia and pull U.S. combat forces out of both Iraq and Afghanistan over the following four years and by the time of the next national election in 2024, he will be 78 â€" as old as Joe Biden is now. Undoubtedly the efforts to destroy and discredit Trump will continue unabated from now until then.

Trump should not yet be ruled out by any means but he has already played the role of being the Prophetic Precursor of the new and coming Political Age, as I pointed, out in “Cycles of Change,†my overview of more than 200 years of U.S. political history, published in 2015.

That “prophetic†pioneering role wa splayed by General John Fremont in 1856 for Abraham Lincoln four years later; by New York Governor Al Smith, the “Happy Warrior†in 1928 for the epochal election victory of Franklin D. Roosevelt four years later; and by Senator Barry Goldwater in 1964 for the eventual presidency and new political era of Ronald Reagan starting in 1980-81.

Who will be the coming leader of the conservative/nationalist Right in 21st century America? The most likely candidate so far by far is Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who ran unsuccessfully against Trump in 2016 before learning for himself the policies and priorities of the coming Political Age.

On April 14, Cruz, renowned for having easily the most brilliant legal mind in the U.S. Congress, eviscerated Kristen Clarke, President Biden’s nominee to head the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department when she appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

On the Democrats’ side, Independent Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont is now a twice-busted flush: Both in 2016 and 2020, the Democratic presidential nomination was his for the asking: He in real terms decisively and humiliatingly exposed first Hillary Clinton and then Joe Biden â€" both heirs of the worthless and despicable Bill Clinton and Barack Obama administrations they served so energetically for so long.

However, on both occasions, Sanders froze up at the crucial moments of decision when the nomination was twice stolen from him by vote manipulation (in 20216) and political chicanery (in 2020) before his eyes. When it comes to the High Noon moment of any political showdown, Sanders will always fold â€" just as he always has.

On the Democrats’ side, the contest for leadership superficial appears more open, but two dynamic young women in reality easily lead the field.

Right now, New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, †AOC†, who was supporting herself as a bartender before she won the Democratic nomination for her district and then the congressional election in shock outcomes in 2018, is by far in the lead. This is not even primarily because of AOC’s passionate advocacy of a Green New Deal, which indeed makes absolutely no industrial or economic or financial sense the closer one looks at it: It is because she is genuinely charismatic, genuinely aggressive and fearless in her public appearances.

The more that America’s progressives â€" admittedly an exceptionally slow-witted lot â€" wake up to the fact that Bernie Sanders will never lead them to real power or victory in anything, the higher AOC’s star rises.

She is already, at only age 31, the real leader of the Progressive Caucus in the Democratic Party and she is half a century younger than 81-year-old Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

Pelosi only won her precious House majority in November 2018. Yet already, she is watching it vanish before her eyes.

Following the victory of Trump protégé Julia Letlow in a special election in Louisiana in March, the Democratic House majority is only two seats â€" the narrowest either party has experienced in the lower house of Congress in more than a century. The narrower it gets, the more Pelosi does not dare risk AOC leading “her†progressives against the Speaker herself and against President Joe Biden: And the more AOC’s power grows.

Worse for Pelosi is sure to come: It is perfectly feasible that even before next year’s congressional midterm elections, a handful of congressional special elections could throw control of the House to current Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who loathes Pelosi and her ancient creaking clique of cronies with a never-burning passion. Then, Pelosi’s fading clout will be totally gone and AOC with her passion and a new generation of radicals riding the Winds of Change with her will take over Democratic Party in Congress far earlier than any of the Old Fogeys on either side dreams.

AOC must therefore be seen as the frontrunner for the new age: But if she fails to measure up and establish national credibility, the other most likely future presidential hopeful for the Democrats is another forceful, beautiful and exceptionally intelligent young lady hardly older than the New York congresswoman is: That is former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii, who was effectively squeezed out from her own congressional seat on the idyllic Pacific island by the machinations of the old Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi gang of rotting old politicos.

However, as has happened with epochal champions of generational transformation and change in U.S. history before her, Gabbard’s eclipse in Hawaii could lead to her comeback in a far more spectacular form.

She may move to California â€" a vastly superior political base to her home in Hawaii for national U.S. politics. Also, her outstanding military record, highly unusual for a young rising female Democrat of the current generation and her mastery of defense and national security issues potentially gives her a far more potent and impressive credibility across the American continent than AOC.

For Ocasio-Cortez’s appeal is like a laser beam: It is undoubtedly powerful but also quite narrow, centered on the East and West Coasts and to a far lesser degree, the much smaller progressive enclaves in major metropolitan areas across the country.

Gabbard by contrast has the potential to reach deep into the Heartland. She was carefully kept out of most of the nationally televised political debates for the 2020 presidential nomination by her own party’s leaders. They were terrified of her.

However, Gabbard was an absolute knockout in the debates when she got a word in edgewise. And she proved effortlessly able especially to demolish then-Senator and now-Vice President Kamala Harris. That could prove of priceless importance to the national credibility of the Progressive movement if, as appears likely Harris succeeds Biden into the White House in 2024, or even sooner.

However, Gabbard has also shown the potential to move dramatically from one extreme of the political chessboard to the other, much like a bishop moved a diagonal right across the board:

In January 2021, she launched her own podcast called “This is Tulsi Gabbard†and she has appeared a number of times on the conservative-leaning Fox News Channel since she left Congress, focusing her outspoken attacks on Pelosi and House Judiciary Committee Chair and leading Pelosi crony Congressman Adam Schiff. It is not inconceivable to see her as an eventual running mate for the nationalist right on a Republican ticket led by Senator Ted Cruz in 2024 or 2028. (In 2028, she will still be only 47).

Cruz and AOC are truly powerful potent emerging forces on the Right and Left of U.S. politics. Gabbard has the intriguing potential to completely transform the picture on either side. Between them, they offer hope that the new forces awakened by Trump and Sanders may triumph yet.

[Apr 19, 2021] The current political class running the US loathes the average American, and it matters not what side of the isle you sit on. They hate us. They also have their assets squirreled away offshore.

Apr 19, 2021 |

Old and Grumpy , Apr 17 2021 22:25 utc | 44

...The current political class running the US loathes the average American, and it matters not what side of the isle you sit on. They hate us. They also have their assets squirreled away offshore. One question to ask is our demise something the international financial class wants for their reset or one world?

Lucci , Apr 17 2021 23:11 utc | 47

One question to ask is our demise something the international financial class wants for their reset or one world?

Posted by: Old and Grumpy | Apr 17 2021 22:25 utc | 44

I guess we should just see when there's large movement of patents and technologies transfers to the next capital finance powerhouse. As it is right now i can see US financial elite are doing everything it can to keep their monopolies and current order as is trying to sabotage emerging China+Russia led new economic initiatives.
The US moneyed elites would like it very much at home where they don't have to fear forceful government crackdown on themselves and having their wealth seized.
Just remind you that Venezuelan gold are swiped by it's local British government as soon as they have the pretext. It can happen to them too in China and Russia where local prominent houses already emplaced in position of power.

My guess is they got too used to game the Democratic process in the US that they do not want it to come back functional anytime soon without minding too much of the long term effects of dumbed down populaces.

Mina , Apr 18 2021 10:05 utc | 106

If the US have turned Byzantine, the EU is into late Roman decadence

[Apr 14, 2021] Well yeah, "demos" are running all this having robbed any meaning from that traditional labor/common man viewpoint (think FDR) thus in full cahoots with the global cabal which is gates and all the other devils, which must be stopped.

Apr 14, 2021 |

dale t hood , 14 February 2021 at 02:20 PM

Well yeah, "demos" are running all this having robbed any meaning from that traditional labor/common man viewpoint (think FDR) thus in full cahoots with the global cabal which is gates and all the other devils, which must be stopped. Too long to list, here is astonishing summary big food/pharma/chemical/oil/$

[Apr 07, 2021] Jamie Dimon....Friend of the Little Guy....

Apr 07, 2021 |

Herdee 5 hours ago (Edited) remove link

This guy is nothing but a f * c king crook and a gangster. They just paid a fine of a BILLION dollars for manipulating the Gold Market. And they even give time for this shyster to even speak?

jamesblazen62 10 hours ago remove link

Dimon is in greed's grasp and he can't escape. He's had 2 brushes with death (cancer and emergency heart surgery). You'd think a billionaire with more money than he can ever need or want has something better to do in his life than conniving for more money and playing big corporate games of manipulation and deceit.

Evil-Edward-Hyde 50 minutes ago

J P Morgan is a crime Syndicate.

They constantly Break the Laws.

No Problem for Them,

They Just Pay The Fines.

Their secret is they make much much more money on the scam did they have to pay in fines.

FiscalBatman 1 hour ago remove link

It's amazing how out of touch these guys are. They just don't get it. Dimon will be swaying back and forth with the rest of them at this rate

The Competent Man 8 hours ago remove link

This is NOT a boom.

When was the last time houses went for above asking price, ever, with 20 million out of work?

All of this 'boom' is nothing but asset inflation.

Same reason Bitcoin is over $50K.

[Apr 07, 2021] JPMorgan's Dimon criticize the current wave of populism, failing to understand that it was caused by the crisis of neoliberalism

And also by the level of degeneration of the US neoliberal elite. Healthy elite would never resort to "Wokism" in the attempt to crush populism and deflect anger directed on banksters, tech moguls and politicians
Apr 07, 2021 |

Political populism, a common lament for Dimon, was also criticized.

" Americans know that something has gone terribly wrong, and they blame this country's leadership: the elite, the powerful, the decision makers - in government, in business and in civic society," he wrote.

"This is completely appropriate, for who else should take the blame?"

That fuels populism on the right and left, he said.

"But populism is not policy, and we cannot let it drive another round of poor planning and bad leadership that will simply make our country's situation worse."

The lengthy letter touched on many perennial policy bugbears like the need for "proper immigration policies" - ie making it easier for tech companies and others to hire skilled labor from abroad - while the CEO also wrote that " affordable housing remains out of reach for too many Americans."

At one point, Dimon offered a defense of the dollar's status as the world's reserve currency, arguing that the Chinese yuan isn't "fully convertible" like its American counterpart, and warned of the possibility of capital controls and prohibitions against assets like gold and cyptocurrency.

But the CEO was very candid about China...

"China's leaders believe America is in decline... The Chinese see an America that is losing ground in technology, infrastructure and education – a nation torn and crippled . . . and a country unable to coordinate government policies (fiscal, monetary, industrial, regulatory) in any coherent way to accomplish national goals."

"Unfortunately," Dimon writes, "there is a lot of truth to this."

Warning of the real risks of stagflation, the banker warned

"...the United States could be perceived as a place that is inhospitable to capitalism and capitalists," and he advised readers to think about "currency diversification, country diversification, and asset class diversification."

And as SovereignMan's Simon Black notes , Dimon then lists goes on to provide a wide-ranging laundry list of problems that have been building for years in the United States– "I'll give some examples, but if I tried to address them all this letter would become a book."

He also rails against the education and healthcare systems, saying:

"Our education and health issues come together in this alarming statistic: Seventy percent of today's youth (ages 17-24) are not eligible for military service , essentially due to a lack of proper education (basic reading and writing skills) or health issues (commonly obesity or diabetes)."

Dimon goes on to explain that all of these problems "may explain why, over the last 10 years, the U.S. economy has grown cumulatively only about 18%. "

"Some think that this sounds satisfactory, but it must be put into context: In prior sharp downturns (1974, 1982 and 1990), economic growth was 40% over the ensuing 10 years."

The country ultimately needs to "move beyond our differences and self-interest and act for the greater good," Dimon said. "The good news is that this is fixable."

Of course, a strong economic rebound is good for JP Morgan, and waxing about the threat posed by Big Tech could help the CEO push for less regulation even under a Democratic Administration. Is Dimon once again just talking his book?

Read Dimon's full letter to shareholders here...

[Mar 28, 2021] The revolt of the public- Martin Gurri on a world without trust - Vox

Notable quotes:
"... The Revolt of the Public ..."
Mar 28, 2021 |

The elites have failed

We have lost faith in elites and public institutions. The problem is nothing has taken their place.

By Sean Illing @seanilling [email protected] Updated Mar 27, 2021, 9:07am EDT Share this story
A Q sign and an American flag seen outside the US Capitol. Stefani Reynolds/Bloomberg via Getty Images
This story is part of a group of stories called Future Perfect

Finding the best ways to do good.

One of the greatest challenges facing democratic societies in the 21st century is the loss of faith in public institutions.

The internet has been a marvelous invention in lots of ways, but it has also unleashed a tsunami of misinformation and destabilized political systems across the globe. Martin Gurri, a former media analyst at the CIA and the author of the 2014 book The Revolt of the Public , was way ahead of the curve on this problem.

Gurri spent years surveying the global information landscape. Around the turn of the century, he noticed a trend: As the internet gave rise to an explosion of information, there was a concurrent spike in political instability. The reason, he surmised, was that governments lost their monopoly on information and with it their ability to control the public conversation.

One of the many consequences of this is what Gurri calls a "crisis of authority." As people were exposed to more information, their trust in major institutions -- like the government or newspapers -- began to collapse.

Gurri's book became something of a cult favorite among Silicon Valley types when it was released and its insights have only become more salient since. Indeed, I've been thinking more and more about his thesis in the aftermath of the 2020 election and the assault on the US Capitol on January 6. There are lots of reasons why the insurrection happened, but one of them is the reality that millions of Americans believed -- really believed -- that the presidential election was stolen, despite a complete lack of evidence. A Politico poll conducted shortly after the election found that 70 percent of Republicans thought the election was fraudulent.

That's what a "crisis of authority" looks like in the real world.

And it's crucial to distinguish this crisis from what's often called the "epistemic crisis" or the "post-truth" problem. If Gurri's right, the issue isn't just that truth suddenly became less important; it's that people stopped believing in the institutions charged with communicating the truth. To put it a little differently, the gatekeeping institutions lost their power to decide what passes as truth in the mind of the public.

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So where does that leave us?

I reached out to Gurri to explore the implications of his thesis. We talk about what it means for our society if millions of people reject every claim that comes from a mainstream institution, why a phenomenon like QAnon is fundamentally a "pose of rejection," and why he thinks we'll have to "reconfigure" our democratic institutions for the digital world we now inhabit.

A lightly edited transcript of our conversation follows.

Sean Illing

Have elites -- politicians, corporate actors, media and cultural elites -- lost control of the world?

Martin Gurri

Yes and no. It's a wishy-washy answer, but it's a reality.

They would have completely lost control of the world if the public in revolt had a clear program or an organization or leadership. If they were more like the Bolsheviks and less like QAnon, they'd take over the Capitol building. They'd start passing laws. They would topple the regime.

But what we have is this collision between a public that is in repudiation mode and these elites who have lost control to the degree that they can't hoist these utopian promises upon us anymore because no one believes it, but they're still acting like zombie elites in zombie institutions. They still have power. They can still take us to war. They can still throw the police out there, and the police could shoot us, but they have no authority or legitimacy. They're stumbling around like zombies.

Sean Illing

You like to say that governments have lost the ability to dictate the stories a society tells about itself, mostly because the media environment is too fragmented. Why is that so significant?

Martin Gurri

When you analyze the institutions that we have inherited from the 20th century, you find that they are very top-down, like pyramids. And the legitimacy of that model absolutely depends on having a semi-monopoly over information in every domain, which they had in the 20th century. There was no internet and there was a fairly limited number of information sources for the public. So our ruling institutions had authority because they had a very valuable commodity: information.

So I was an analyst at the CIA looking around the world at open information, at the global media. And I can tell you, it was like a trickle compared to today. If a president, here or somewhere else, was giving a speech, the coverage of it was confined to major outlets or television stations. But when the tsunami of information hit around the turn of the century, the legitimacy of that model instantly went into crisis because you now had the opposite effect. You had an overabundance of information, and that created a lot of confusion and anarchy.

Sean Illing

I'm curious how you weigh the significance of material factors in this story. It's not just that there's more information, we've also seen a litany of failures in the 21st century -- from Hurricane Katrina to the forever wars to the financial crisis and on and on. Basically, a decade of institutions failing and misleading citizens, in addition to the deepening inequality, the deaths of despair, the fact that this generation of Americans is doing materially worse than previous ones.

How big a role has this backdrop of failures played in the collapse of trust?

Martin Gurri

I would say that what matters is less the material factors you mention than the public's perception of these factors. Empirically, under nearly every measure, we are better off today than in the 20th century, yet the public is much angrier and more distrustful of government institutions and the elites who manage them. That difference in perception arises directly from the radical changes in the information landscape between the last century and our own.

me title=

With few exceptions, most market democracies have recovered from the 2008 financial crisis. But the public has not recovered from the shock of watching supposed experts and politicians, the people who posed as the wise pilots of our prosperity, sound and act totally clueless while the economy burned. In the past, when the elites controlled the flow of information, the financial collapse might have been portrayed as a sort of natural disaster, a tragedy we should unify around our leadership to overcome. By 2008, that was already impossible. The networked public perceived the crisis (rightly, I think) as a failure of government and of the expert elites.

It should be a truism that material conditions matter much less than expectations. That was true during the Great Depression and it's true today. The rhetoric of the rant on the web feeds off extreme expectations -- any imperfection in the economy will be treated as a crisis and a true crisis will be seen as the Apocalypse.

Take the example of Chile. For 40 years, it had high economic growth, rising into the ranks of the wealthiest nations. During this time, Chile enjoyed a healthy democracy, in which political parties of left and right alternated in office. Everyone benefited. Yet in 2019, with many deaths and much material destruction, the Chilean public took to the streets in revolt against the established order. Its material expectations had been deeply frustrated, despite the country's economic and political successes.

Sean Illing

Just to be clear, when you talk about this "tsunami" of information in the digital age, you're not talking about more truth, right?

Martin Gurri

As Nassim Taleb pointed out, when you have a gigantic explosion of information, what's exploding is noise, not signal, so there's that.

As for truth, that's a tricky subject, because a lot of elites believe, and a lot of people believe, that truth is some kind of Platonic form. We can't see it, but we know it's there. And often we know it because the science says so.

But that's not really how truth works. Truth is essentially an act of trust, an act of faith in some authority that is telling you something that you could not possibly come to realize yourself. What's a quark ? You believe that there are quarks in the universe, probably because you've been told by people who probably know what they're talking about that there are quarks. You believe the physicists. But you've never seen a quark. I've never seen a quark. We accept this as truth because we've accepted the authority of the people who told us it's true.

Sean Illing

I'm starting to hate the phrase "post-truth" because it implies there was some period in which we lived in truth or in which truth was predominant. But that's misleading. The difference is that elite gatekeeping institutions can't place borders on the public conversation and that means they've lost the ability to determine what passes as truth, so now we're in the Wild West.

Martin Gurri

That's a very good way to put it. I would say, though, that there was a shining moment when we all had truth. They are correct about that. If truth is really a function of authority, and if in the 20th century these institutions really had authority, then we did have something like truth. But if we had the information back then that we have today, if we had all the noise that we have today, nothing would've seemed quite as true because we would've lacked faith in the institutions that tried to tell us.

Sean Illing

What does it mean for our society if an "official narrative" isn't possible? Because that's where we're at, right? Millions of people will never believe any story or account that comes from the government or a mainstream institution.

Martin Gurri

As long as our institutions remain as they are, nothing much will change. What that means is more of the same -- more instability, more turbulence, more conspiracy theories, more distrust of authorities. But there's no iron law of history that says we have to keep these institutions the way they are. Many of our institutions were built around the turn of the 20th century. They weren't that egalitarian or democratic. They were like great, big pyramids.

me title=

But we can take our constitutional framework and reconfigure it. We've done it once already, and we could do it again with the digital realm in mind, understanding the distance we once had between those in power and ordinary citizens is gone forever. It's just gone. So we need people in power who are comfortable in proximity to the public, which many of our elites are not.

Sean Illing

I do want to at least point to an apparent paradox here. As you've said, because of the internet, there are now more voices and more perspectives than ever before, and yet at the same time there's a massive "herding effect," as a result of which we have more people talking about fewer subjects. And that partly explains how you get millions of people converging on something like QAnon.

Martin Gurri

Yeah, and that's very mysterious to me. I would not have expected that outcome. I thought we were headed to ever more dispersed information islands and that that would create a fragmentation in individual beliefs. But instead, I've noticed a trend toward conformism and a crystallizing of very few topics. Some of this is just an unwillingness to say certain things because you know if you said them, the internet was going to come after you.

But I think Trump had a lot to do with it. The amount of attention he got was absolutely unprecedented. Everything was about him. People were either against him or for him, but he was always the subject. Then came the pandemic and he simply lost the capacity to absorb and manipulate attention. The pandemic just moved him completely off-kilter. He never recovered.

Sean Illing

But we're in a situation in which ideas, whether it's QAnon stuff or anything else, are getting more hollow and more viral at the same time -- and that seems really bad moving forward.

Martin Gurri

I'm not quite that pessimistic. You can find all kinds of wonderful stuff being written about practically every aspect of society today by people who are seeing things clearly and sanely. But yeah, they're surrounded by a mountain of viral crap. And yet we're in the early days of this transformation. We have no idea how this is going to play out.

There has always been a lot of viral crap going around, and there have always been people who believe crazy stuff, particularly crazy stuff that doesn't impact their immediate lives. Flat earthers still get on airplanes, right? If you're a flat earther, you're not a flat earther enough to not get in an airplane and disrupt your personal life. It's not really a belief, it's basically giving the finger to the establishment.

Sean Illing

It's a pose.

Martin Gurri

Yeah, it's a pose of rejection. QAnon is a pose of rejection. There are very many flavors of it, but what they have in common is they're saying all these ideas you have and all the facts you're cramming in my face -- it's all a prop for the powerful and I'm rejecting it.

Sean Illing

It's an important point because a lot of us treat QAnon like it's some kind of epistemological problem, but it's not really that at all. It's actually much more difficult than that. And even if we set aside QAnon, the fact that the vast majority of Republicans still believe the 2020 election was fraudulent speaks to the breadth of the problem.

Martin Gurri

Right, it's a problem of authority. When people don't trust those charged with conveying the truth, they won't accept it. And at some point, like I said, we'll have to reconfigure our democracy. Our politicians and institutions are going to have to adjust to the new world in which the public can't be walled off or controlled. Leaders can't stand at the top of pyramids anymore and talk down to people. The digital revolution flattened everything. We've got to accept that.

I really do have hope that this will happen. The boomers who grew up in the old world and can't move beyond it are going to die out, and younger people are going to take their place. That will raise other questions and challenges, of course, but there will be a changing of the guard and we should welcome it.

Millions of people rely on Future Perfect to understand the most effective ways to create a better world. We focus on what's important but not necessarily new -- things like the future of meat, artificial intelligence, morality, and threats to society, including pandemics. Financial contributions from our readers help support our journalism and enable our staff to continue to offer our articles, podcasts, and newsletters for free. Please consider making a contribution to Vox today from as little as $3 .

[Mar 28, 2021] The West is declining because the elite production system has failed. The worst type of mediocre grinders are pulling the levers of power. The plebes are revolting because immigration, taxes, inflation and the tenuous over-complication of society (fragility) has positioned a great deal of people in precarious positions.

Mar 28, 2021 |

alaska3636 , says: March 25, 2021 at 3:23 pm GMT • 3.0 days ago

This is a reductive argument.

The West is declining because the elite production system has failed. The worst type of mediocre grinders are pulling the levers of power. The plebes are revolting because immigration, taxes, inflation and the tenuous over-complication of society (fragility) has positioned a great deal of people in precarious positions. Might as well loot Target.

I don't agree with it. Violence is the inverse of the type of impulse control necessary for a functioning society.

But impulse control is gone from our overlords as well. So long noblesse oblige. The plebes loot Target while the gentry loots the treasury. Race blindness is a courtesy for civilized people. Ignore the social implications because the enemy has no race. They are global elites with no homes and no loyalty. They may not be sending their best but our worst are sending out the invitations.

We can't go on ignoring the class violence hollowing out the West. The elites today are actively trying to make everyone poorer. Not themselves, obviously. How is that going to induce cops out of the donut shops? The culture wars are making me a retarded Marxist. Marxist in the class conflict sense. Retarded in the spergy libertarian view that economics and politics are intertwined to create the type of society that, as Menken says, we deserve good and hard.

[Mar 26, 2021] The net result of neocon policies of Biden administration

Money spend on military adventures of the neoliberal empire are money stolen from common people
Mar 26, 2021 |

Jeff Davis , says: March 24, 2021 at 5:11 pm GMT • 9.3 hours ago


Actually, it is the ***American people*** who are fucked. The little people that is. Fucked on behalf of Israel/Neocons, the MIC, the Neolibs, and the other "owners" of the country.

The good news is that when the above have thoroughly looted the country, and the rest of the world sheds the by then worthless US dollar, and the City on the Hill becomes the Toothless Slum on the Hill,

[Mar 26, 2021] Stavridis "oversaw operations in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria."

Mar 26, 2021 |

annamaria , says: March 24, 2021 at 8:07 pm GMT • 2.0 days ago

@Anonymous that a strong American military and national security posture is the best guarantor of peace and the survival of our values and civilization.

Stavridis has been at the forefront of the mass slaughter known as the implementation of the Oded Yinon Plan for Eretz Israel:

From 2002 to 2004, Stavridis commanded Enterprise Carrier Strike Group, conducting combat operations in the Persian Gulf in support of both Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.

Stavridis "oversaw operations in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria." In short, this prominent racketeer is dripping with the blood of hundreds of thousands of the victims.

[Mar 08, 2021] Example of naive populism

Mar 08, 2021 |

TruthFreedomPeace 6 hours ago

Hope that more people start cancelling cable TV and boycotting companies like Twitter, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Google and Amazon and others to counter the censorship, bias and corruption.

I don't think the corrupt politicians of either party will pay attention until We The People unite behind basic principles and become an economic force. Money talks and it can be used to make positive change in contrast to all the bad things it is also used for.

ACTION PLAN FOR IMMEDIATE CHANGE to counter the corruption , censorship and surveillance by media/tech/finance giants and politicians:

1)Cancel Cable TV (All channels should be made available individually so consumers don't have to give money to channels they don't want to)

2)Do Not donate money to politicians & consider boycotting companies that give them money or pay them for speeches.
Some might decide to boycott Facebook,Twitter,Apple,Amazon,Microsoft, Google and Netflix for censorship or corruption issues alone.

3)Bank with small local banks & invest with small brokerages & insist your employer/pension fund do the same.
Buy from small local merchant stores and use cash when possible.

4)Demand a pardon for Julian Assange & Edward Snowden and other whistleblowers/truthtellers

5)Join Pro freedom social networks like MINDS and Gab ,where freedom of speech and truth are respected.
Follow Zero Hedge and Project Veritas for pro truth/freedom news.

6)Use web browsers like Dissenter,Tor or Brave rather than Chrome or Safari when you surf the web.
Use search engines like Quant or DuckDuckGo rather than Google or Bing for web searches.
Use an email service like ProtonMail rather than Gmail.
Save important online videos/articles/posts to your PC hard drive or phone.
Post videos to Bitchute and LBRY rather than youtube
Shop online at Overstock and smaller independent retailers rather than Amazon/Wayfair

7)Use Linux operating systems like Linux Mint,Debian or others on your computer rather than Windows, Mac or Chrome OS (Almost any PC can be switched to Linux).
Use a Linux based smartphone like PINEPHONE or a "dumbphone" rather than Google Android or Apple iPhone.
Avoid buying a "smart" TV as it is smarter to buy a "dumb" TV with no operating system pre-installed.
Use a Linux mini PC with wireless keyboard on your TV for web browsing/computing/gaming/video streaming rather than amazon fire tv/roku/google chromecast/apple tv/microsoft xbox/nvidia shield.

8) Do NOT support the phony "War on Drugs" which causes more crime,death,murder,gang violence,incarcerations,enriching criminals while millions of people still use illegal drugs anyway.

9) Support a new foreign policy where We The People worldwide unite behind and promote the principles of truth/freedom/goodwill/integrity/humility/Non-Aggression Principle/Golden Rule and focus on winning hearts and minds.

10) Support a worldwide effort to voluntarily help others in the hope that it will win over more people to these principles.

Please share this plan of action with others via text,email & social media if you agree.
Here is the link to share this message.Thank You

littlewing 6 hours ago

If you buy anything from that TREASONOUS Amazon you should be run out of your neighborhood when the truck shows up.

andrew h nelson 2 hours ago

Institutional corruption. And that's why they are sitting behind a barb wire fence around Washington D.C. OBTW, walls seem to work when these idiots want one.

newworldorder 5 hours ago

And there we people of the USA have it all. Brazen in our face political and institutionalized corruption with no consequences for the Senior US Bureaucracy. If that does not say it all, - nothing else will.

Hope and Change? For the "connected elite," - it's a done deal. You are either in the club or you are not.

[Mar 08, 2021] The Prophet Of The Trump Era by Matt Taibbi

The key is the collapse of neoliberalism and this topic Tabbi tries to avoid. Which makes this article junk with a couple of interesting, thought provoking quotes.
The " collapses of faith in traditional hierarchies of power " should peropery called the "deletimization of the elite." and the situation the result due to it "the revolutionary situation" when the elite can't rule "as usual" and "Deplorables" does not want to live "line usual" anymore. Actually Marxists wtore quite a bit about revolutionary situation, although the fact tht they assign mystique stiat of "future hegemon class" to proletariat undermines much of their writings.
Mar 08, 2021 |

Authored by Matt Taibbi via TK News ,

I entered Martin Gurri's world on August 1, 2015. Though I hadn't read The Revolt of the Public , at the time a little-known book by the former CIA analyst of open news sources, I hit a disorienting moment of a type he'd described in his opening chapter. There are times, he wrote, "when tomorrow no longer resembles yesterday the compass cracks, by which we navigate existence. We are lost at sea."

Gurri's book is about how popular uprisings are triggered by collapses of faith in traditional hierarchies of power . I felt such a collapse that day in Waterloo, Iowa, covering the Republican presidential primary . The first debate was five days away and the man expected to occupy center stage, Donald Trump, held a seemingly inexplicable six-point lead .

Two weeks before, on July 18th, Trump lashed out against former Republican nominee John McCain. Even McCain's critics considered his physical and mental scars from years as a Vietnam war prisoner to be unassailable proofs of his patriotic gravitas, but the service-evading Trump was having none of it. "I don't like losers," he said, adding, "He's only a war hero because he was captured." It was the universal belief among colleagues in campaign journalism that this was an unsurvivable gaffe, a "Dean scream" moment. We expected him to apologize and wash out. Instead, he called McCain a "dummy" and kept a firm grasp on the lead.

... ... ...

Elections in the pre-Trump era had been stale rituals. As recently as 2013, Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post called them " remarkably scripted and controlled ." Donors, party chiefs, and pundits could concoct contenders through sheer alchemy, mesmerizing the public with incantations like "electability." But in Iowa that summer, one "electable" Republican candidate after another -- from Jeb Bush to Scott Walker to Marco Rubio -- flopped in public appearances, savaged as phonies on social media. Walker, the betting favorite among reporters, saw his campaign deflated when his online strategist, Liz Muir, started tweeting her real feelings about Iowa (including the classic, "#agsubsidies #ethanol #brainless").

I'd spent weeks crisscrossing the state in search of even one piece of evidence that conventional wisdom still had predictive power in Republican politics, finding none. Now, here was Christie, reduced from being lionized in a Time cover story as a favorite and a " guy who loves his mother and gets it done ," to being nobody at all, a clown standing alone in a park. The realization that no one was in control of the campaign show anymore was jarring even to me, a critic of the old gatekeeping ritual.

In the introduction to The Revolt of the Public , Arnold Kling speaks of a different "Gurri moment": when Dan Rather's 2004 expose about George W. Bush's military service was blown up by an amateur blogging under the name "Bucklehead ." In the past, a media titan like CBS could only be second-guessed by another major institutional power. In "Rathergate," both the network and one of its most iconic celebrities were humiliated by a single individual, a preview of the coming disorientation.

The thesis of The Revolt of the Public is that traditional centralized powers are losing -- have lost -- authority, in large part because of the demystifying effect of the Internet. The information explosion undermined the elite monopoly on truth, exposing long-concealed flaws. Many analysts had noted the disruptive power of the Internet, but what made Gurri unique is that he also predicted with depressingly humorous accuracy how traditional hierarchies would respond to this challenge: in a delusional, ham-fisted, authoritarian manner that would only confirm the worst suspicions of the public, accelerating the inevitable throw-the-bums-out campaigns. This assessment of the motive for rising public intransigence was not exactly welcomed, but either way, as Kling wrote, "Martin Gurri saw it coming."

Gurri also noted that public revolts would likely arrive unattached to coherent plans, pushing society into interminable cycles of zero-sum clashes between myopic authorities and their increasingly furious subjects. He called this a "paralysis of distrust," where outsiders can "neutralize but not replace the center" and "networks can protest and overthrow, but never govern." With a nod to Yeats, Gurri summed up: "The center cannot hold, and the border has no clue what to do about it."

Read the rest of the report here .

Bank_sters 1 hour ago remove link

Taibbi forgot to cover the Coup?

RedDog1 1 hour ago

Why would he want to be Arkansancided (or what ever Barry's team calls it)?

Oldwood 29 minutes ago


YuriTheClown 17 minutes ago

Taibbi is a camp follower. He always seems to be on the spot a year or two late.

But at least he gets there unlike so many others.

Estimated_Fractal PREMIUM 1 hour ago

I read the book last week. At times you'll feel like he's pro liberal and times when he sounds pro conservative. It's not a political book. It's about the deluge of information, in the age of being online, and how the public have just as much information, if not more than the elites. This creates a crisis of authority. I'm trying to sum it up. You should just go read it.

This interview with Beck would be a good primer.

overbet 1 hour ago

how the public have just as much information, if not more than the elites.

Except the information online is filtered by the elites. So theres that.

Patmos 36 minutes ago

MSM outlets no longer have the scoop, because the internet beats them to it. MSM outlets no longer are the gatekeepers, because the internet exposes their lies. Their authority is neutered. It's why people who still follow the MSM parade around like little nutless b!tches.

Isn't Life Gland 30 minutes ago

Yet they slap each other on the back with Pulitzer and Nobel Prizes which nowadays is the equivalent of showing what sellout snakes and intelligence bitches they really are.

fightapathy 23 minutes ago remove link

Happy memories of Trump stomping on Mad Dog McCain's face.

Thank you, Matt!

I Write Code 1 minute ago

Exactly, whatever myths the MSM told themselves about "Maverick", if half the stories about McCain were ever true, he should never have been elected to anything, unfit. Before his brain exploded he was a sweet guy, but never stable, and maybe not even before the POW bit. Taibbi is really shocked when Trump only barks out what everyone already knows, namely the TRUTH?

Isn't Life Gland 45 minutes ago (Edited)

I tried to read the "rest of the report"...subscription required.

Oh, and F*CK John McCain..good riddance

Slaytheist 57 minutes ago

Taibbi is the left's Ben Shapiro. He will use logical arguments to concede certain facts, but never those that threaten the establishment he critiques so tirelessly.

I Write Code 7 minutes ago remove link

The thesis of The Revolt of the Public is that traditional centralized powers are losing -- have lost -- authority, in large part because of the demystifying effect of the Internet.

Gurri might be right or wrong, I dunno, about how it stood in 2015 - but Taibbi here only shows how utterly clueless he and the entire MSM have been since 2015. They had maybe half a clue from 2008-2015. Maybe two-thirds of a clue from 1992 through 2007. But since 2015 they have not even wanted a clue, they've decided to do without.

HOW ABOUT THIS, THE PUBLIC HAD EVERY RATIONAL RIGHT TO BE REVOLTED BY THE ACTIONS OF THE ELITE AND THE CLUELESSNESS OF THE PRESS after 2015. I don't know how or why the MSM had their heads cut off at that point, but Taibbi shows this to be the case - BRAGS about it being the case.

LouTurks PREMIUM 32 minutes ago

This is nothing new. What has happened is there is a new medium the computer so info can now be shared without the ruling consent. Last time it was the printing press. Ideas could be shared acrossed distences. Thomas Locke and his likes could print ideas and sent them far and wide.

But sadly US is going towards a French style revolt instead of the splendid experiment we now have and have destroyed by our own ignorance.

[Mar 06, 2021] Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out The US Dirty War On Syria That Biden Aides Admit To - ZeroHedge

Mar 06, 2021 |

Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out The US Dirty War On Syria That Biden & Aides Admit To BY TYLER DURDEN SATURDAY, MAR 06, 2021 - 15:30

Via Pushback with Aaron Maté at The Grayzone ,

While Joe Biden has faced some mild Congressional pushback for bombing the Iraq-Syria border, Tulsi Gabbard says her former colleagues are ignoring the larger issue: the ongoing US dirty war on Syria .

After a decade of proxy warfare that empowered Al Qaeda and ISIS, the US is now occupying one-third of Syria and imposing crippling sanctions that are crushing Syria's economy and preventing reconstruction.

Watch: Featuring video clips from -- Tulsi Gabbard, former Democratic Congressmember; President Joe Biden; Brett McGurk, National Security Council coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa; Martin Dempsey, former Joint Chiefs chairman; Rob Malley, Special Envoy for Iran; John Kerry, Special Envoy for Climate & former Secretary of State; former President Donald Trump; Alena Douhan, UN Special Rapporteur on Sanctions; Dana Stroul, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East; Vice President Kamala Harris.

While Gabbard has been vilified for her stance on Syria, many top White House officials – including Joe Biden himself – have already acknowledged the same facts that she has called out.

Aaron Maté plays clips of Biden and some of his most senior aides admitting to the horrific realities of the US dirty war on Syria, and argues that Gabbard only stands apart in being wiling to criticize it .

* * *

21,478 113 N

Garciathinksso 1 hour ago (Edited)

Dems had a perfectly fine candidate in Gabbard, no surprise she was shunned and ignored by her own party

newworldorder 1 hour ago

Democrats wanted fake males like Beto and but-plug Pete, instead of a Female USNG Officer.

BarnacleBill 22 minutes ago

Tulsi understood exactly what goes on over there - the utter cruelties and uncaring slaughters that are responsible for the contempt with which the USA is held by the civilised people of the world. The wars are - as I wrote in one of my personal journal/blog posts some years ago - a war against women. (Link below) The women in mind were - and are still today - unarmed non-combatants, who are murdered deliberately in order to punish their menfolk and to traumatise their children. It is as disgusting as the German camps of the 1940s, and will be remembered in the same way by the survivors in their homes eighty years from now. They will never forget.

PGR88 1 hour ago (Edited)

Just to point out - Tulsi Gabbard made it all the way through the Democrat Primaries, and won more votes and delegates than Kamala Harris (who dropped out before even the first primary), yet Harris somehow became the presumptive co-President with Dementia Joe.

Yes, Virginia, it was a color revolution

thezone 1 hour ago

She'll probably be called a Russian Agent for criticizing the supreme ruler. Oh wait, that already happened.

You_Cant_Quit_Me 1 hour ago

Biden is a warmonger who has no problem sending your sons and daughters off as target on a phantom war

madashellron 42 minutes ago (Edited) remove link

God Bless Tulsi. She is one of the only politicians speaking of these grave Crimes Against Humanity, the US is engaged in Syria.

One final note. The Syrian envoy from Russia. Publicly warned Israel. If they continue attacking Syria. Russia will have no choice but to start shooting down Israel's Jets. Since this warning almost a week ago. Israel has not attacked Syria.

rwe2late 1 hour ago (Edited)

Not only Syria.

The US every day now attacks foreigners with about 50 bombs and missiles, possibly much more, mostly in secrecy, and in half dozen or more countries.

The US admitted to 27,923 bombs in 2018, and 17,281 bombs in 2019. In 2020, the totals were made secret. Not ever included were attacks by helicopters, gunships, or strafing.

"the U.S. military and its allies are engaged in bombing and killing people in other countries on a daily basis. The U.S. and its allies have dropped more than 326,000 bombs and missiles on people in other countries since 2001."

CondZero 37 minutes ago remove link

Tulsi, sometimes I think there's a chance for you, then you go and blow it by retreating back to your Democratic brethren and vote the party line. You can't have it both ways.

novictim 59 minutes ago remove link

It's critical that the fairly elected Assad regime be deposed ASAP and ISIS linked militants become the governance force. Why? Because China Joe did not win the US Presidential Election and, thus, any fairly elected leader is a threat to the US Deep State establishment.

Master Jack 1 hour ago remove link

A better question is:

Can anyone explain why the US is involved in so many military conflicts that the government refuses to call wars?

King of Kalifornia 1 hour ago

Here's a hint.

The US killed 2million plus people, spent over a trillion dollars, and lost thousands of their own attacking Iraq.

The oil contracts went to the Chinese.

Another hint.

They don't work for you.

[Mar 06, 2021] Hong Kong vs. USA cancel campaign: I cannot believe the authors of that article think they can win sympathy from the scores of millions of Americans opposed to the establishment crackdown, "cancelling", and labeling of them as "domestic terrorists".

Mar 06, 2021 |

vk , Mar 5 2021 16:48 utc | 15

'Hong Kong is crumbling': seven days that crushed city's last resistance

I love some capitalist tears.

William Gruff , Mar 5 2021 18:06 utc | 22

vk @15: "I love some capitalist tears."

More Americans, and in particular the "deplorable" ones, need to read that article. One can safely bet that they will not take away from it what the Grauniad intended. I cannot believe the authors of that article think they can win sympathy from the scores of millions of Americans opposed to the establishment crackdown, "cancelling" , and labeling of them as "domestic terrorists" .

The phones rang on Friday.... More than 50 [agents of American imperialism] across Hong Kong received a call from the authorities: they were to report to police on Sunday.

What? Masked stormtroopers didn't kick in their doors at 3:00AM and drag them naked out of bed as happens in America to "insurrectionists" "? They just got a call to show up in court the next week? Let me play a sad song for them on the world's smallest violin!

[Mar 06, 2021] This proposition requires the occupied bartering away their land and amending their borders, always for the benefit of the illegal occupier. These 'negotiations' are expressly forbidden by the Geneva Conventions. Every functioning government in the world knows this.

Mar 06, 2021 |

Paul , Mar 4 2021 21:57 utc | 37

Thanks b for the research and journalism.

One of the favourite tropes of the transparent cabal who have seized power in the US and other captive nations is that the solution to the Palestine/Israel problem is "the path to peace is through direct negotiations.'

This proposition requires the occupied bartering away their land and amending their borders, always for the benefit of the illegal occupier. These 'negotiations' are expressly forbidden by the Geneva Conventions. Every functioning government in the world knows this.

The alien invaders are under an obligation to simply get out. Every 'agreement' is null and void.

The New Zealand government and the NZ superannuation fund has recently decided to divest their investments in Israeli banks citing international law, the Geneva Conventions and reputation damage as key factors.

Read the decision making document here:

Expect a MSM wall of silence on this one.

It is sheer hypocrisy for the usual suspects to talk about human rights, rules based international law, democracy and our values, while advocating the opposite policies in the middle east.

Is it possible they actually believe their own propaganda and their own lies through Bernays like repartition?

[Feb 27, 2021] The democrats identity politics push way too far for the country to stomach

Feb 27, 2021 |

DanP66 , February 27, 2021 at 3:49 pm

I've been saying this same thing for months. Trump's policies were widely popular. It was Trump's personality that did him in along with a lot of help from a pandemic, the FBI and the media.

The democrats are going to push way too far left for the country to stomach. You do not have to be a hard core conservative to think that it is unfair for girls to compete against trans girls or some guy that claims to identify as a girl and nor is any liberal father going to be thrilled with his 13 yr old daughter sharing a locker room with one.

Pretty sure that if we took a vote more than 90% of adults in this country would agree that the government should not be able to step in and override a parents decision not to provide puberty blockers to their child or that children should even be given puberty blockers. BUT that is what is being nominated by the Biden team.

Trump tried to get us out of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq but the dems fought him tooth and nail right along with the hawks in the republican party. WHO KNEW the dems would become the war hawks? Biden sent more troops into Syria on his first day. Now he is trying to figure out how to get out of the withdrawl in Afghanistan and Germany.

All these "green" energy policies are going to lead to higher costs for electricity, gas, home heating oil, natural gas and they are gonna do it while unemployment is high.

Going to push for $15 minimum wage that they KNOW is going to kill a lot of jobs while unemployment is already obscenely high.

BTW Trump voters were overall higher earning than Biden voters. That they had fewer college degrees tells me two things. First, that the average Trump voter is not a toothless redneck but a professional tradesman or small business owner. It also tells me that a college degree aint worth the paper its printed on if your looking just at earning potential.

Point is .the democrats are going to tick off a lot of people. Pass the minimum wage and those that get the increase will love you but those that lose their jobs will hate you and small business owners across the country will detest you. Do not pass it and the left will never forgive you.

Yep, I think the democrats are going to have a very very hard time and they are going to end up turning on each other. I also think that Trumpism without Trump has a very good future.

Dont get me wrong, Trump will be around. He will attend rallies, raise money, drive the media nuts and the democrats insane but he will not run again. He is going to just create headaches for the media, the democrats, the never Trump republicans and enjoy the heck out of it. But he will not be a candidate.

[Feb 27, 2021] Retarget the Christian Right from abortion to usury and neoliberal Dems will be sidelined. One out of seven Americans has a debt collector after them. Everybody, even this atheist, knows the story about Jesus throwing moneylenders out of the temple.

Feb 27, 2021 |

Jack Parsons , , February 27, 2021 at 7:05 pm

The 'New Democrats' have stolen the nouveau riche from the Republicans, and the nouveau riche are fantastically richer than the old money. The NewDems have also abandoned poor people. The only way forward for the Repubs is to corral the poors.

The way to do it? Retarget the Christian Right from abortion to usury. 1 out of 7 Americans has a debt collector after them. Everybody, even this atheist, knows the story about Jesus throwing moneylenders out of the temple.

If Trump wants to get any traction in 2024, he's got to weld the Repubs back together. Usury is a great strategy.

[Feb 27, 2021] A good article by Martin Sieff on the West hall of mirrors delusional politic.

Feb 27, 2021 |

uncle tungsten , Feb 27 2021 21:05 utc | 62

Good read by Martin Sieff on the wests hall of mirrors delusional politics.

Trapped in the empty luxury and petty court intrigues of Versailles, the French ruling class could only see their own imagined beauty and illusions of power reflected in mirrors. They were ignorant and blind to the despair and rage building up against them among the ordinary people of France.

Today, old Reagan Free Market, minimum government Republicans and tree-hugging, coal, oil and natural gas-hating and abortion-loving romantic Green Democrats who hold the politics of Washington and its media in an iron (and rusting) grip are the true heirs of those decadent French aristocrats. Their Mainstream Media has become a 21st century Cybernetic Hall of Mirrors 2.0. Across the Atlantic the dark and doomed Spirit of Versailles has migrated from the outskirts of Paris to Brussels where it now resides in the European Commission.

History has repeated itself on a colossally larger scale.

[Feb 27, 2021] Populism is a term used in neoliberal Newspeak instead of the term "mass social protest" and it is used by neoliberal propagandists and neoliberal MSM in order to smear the rejection of neoliberalism by the vast swats of the US population

Feb 27, 2021 |

likbez , , February 27, 2021 at 9:06 pm

Populism is a term used in neoliberal Newspeak instead of the term "mass social protest" and it is used by neoliberal propagandists and neoliberal MSM in order to smear the rejection of neoliberalism by the vast swats of the US population. Generally this social movement (and it is a social movement) is about the resistance to neoliberalism and globalization.

When the term "populism" moves on front pages of neoliberal MSM and into papers like this one that, first of all, means the process of de-legitimization of the ruling (in our case neoliberal) elite reached at a moderately dangerous for the elite stage which requires some "active countermeasure" not just passive suppression in MSM and ostracism.

The typical charges of corruption, the control of government by financial oligarchy, outsourcing and offshoring of manufacturing jobs as well and suppression of wages and redistribution of wealth up are just icing on the cake. The core is the rejection of neoliberalism, the rejection of accumulation by dispossession – gangster capitalism in other words. Which is politely called "redistribution of wealth up" in the neoliberal MSM.

Trump during his 2016 election campaign (and only during it; he governed like Bush III ) voiced some concern that are typically associated with this mass rejection of neoliberalism and instantly became kind of de-facto leader of the movement. But, in reality, he was yet another "full-blown BS artist" as Tucker called him.

So Trumpism or "national neoliberalism" is not exactly populism – it is more of the attempt to hijack and channel the protest in a way beneficial for the "nationalist" part of national oligarchy and military-industrial complex like happened in Germany in late 20th – early 30th. Only this time "national neoliberalism" card is played instead of "national socialism". And what is interesting is that intelligence agencies, which typically are viewed as a part of the military-industrial complex, fought Trump and this movement tool and nail. The Russiagate gang of Brennan-Comey-McCabe was not an accident.

Please note that the social base of Trump movement are not so much blue collar unionized workers but owners of small business and contractors. They stick to Trump as their leader despite blatant betrayal of their interests on his part. that does not exclude part of blue collar workers but if you look at the social composition of the Jan 6 meeting participant I do not see many blue color workers in it. But is did included some former police officers, which is pretty telling and makes it superficially looks like Germany 2.0.

And rapid construction of barbed fence and National Guard sleeping on Capitol floors is another testament that neoliberal elite took this threat seriously.

[Feb 21, 2021] Some context to the 2016 to 2020 Trump interruption to Business as Usual

Feb 21, 2021 |

Robert Snefjella , says: February 15, 2021 at 8:32 pm GMT • 4.4 days ago

Some context to the 2016 to 2020 Trump interruption to Business as Usual:

The United States in 2016 was long lost as republic. Politically it had been transmuted into something for which there is no simple traditional title. Oligarchy and plutocracy and tyranny and corporatocracy and insane asylum and stupidocracy, with disproportionate Jewish presence at levers of influence and power, still fails to capture the whole adequately.

This – whatever descriptive we give it – political conglomeration aka the 'United States' had residual elements of Empire – 1000 ish military bases and uncounted numbers of biological warfare related facilities outside its borders. It still militarily occupied Japan and Germany and Italy and South Korea and many other countries.

Doctrine promoting 'full spectrum domination' – that is, the intention of achieving global totalitarian control – was still hanging in the air and influencing behaviour. The Federal Reserve dollar was still the dominant international currency. The United States was still a heavyweight in the IMF and UN Security Council. Many countries remained de facto vassal to it (Canada, Australia, Norway )

At home a police state had been in place for generations, but the mass media and educational system steadfastly refused to call a spade a spade. The mass media had comprehensively for generations been a mind warping propaganda system. Publicly execute JFK and RFK. In response the political and judicial system and the media have been comatose or lying to the people for half a century.

The treasonous false flag 9/11 2001 is carried out, and again, the mass media tell lies and censors and the political system is silent or complicit in buttressing the official lies. More police state measures are implemented, and mass murdering wars of aggression abroad are initiated. The more general 'war on terror' war of terror is launched, which is actually merely the old policy of subversion, robbery, murder etc abroad given a new title and a refurbished rationale (from fighting communists to fighting terrorists).

Meanwhile at home the middle class and the blue collar workers and the infrastructure are in steady decline. 40 % of Americans are living hand to mouth while billionaires proliferate. Tens of millions are on anti depressants, while tens of millions more are morbidly obese or beset with chronic serious health problems. Etc. Growing basket case.

Meanwhile David Rockefeller famously confesses that he and his family (and fellow 'intellectual elite' and banking exemplars) have been working against the best interests of America and towards the goal of world government. Sort of a Rockefeller Pinky and the Brain syndrome, but not a cartoon, a real intention, steadily worked towards. He writes that all we need is the "right big crisis" and voila, we will have it!!: World Government. The New World Order.

Then something happened. Whatever folly and genius and everything in between Donald J. Trump possesses, whatever his intentions conscious or unconscious might have been, he in 2o16 won election over the selection of the Powers that BE. They tried to steal the election, but the tide for Trump was too strong.

In the wake of this political rookie's election, while he may have been naive, and foolish, and made any number of questionable moves, he was also facing the entire phalanx of the global establishment.

One of his first acts was to announce that he was going to drain the swamp, and all the many powerful swamp creatures took this as an unforgivable and deeply threatening public challenge. So a four year unending attack on Trump by FBI, DOJ, mass media, former CIA, European politicians, tech giants, and the American political establishment ensued.

Equally guaranteed to create a massive effort by the PTB was his rhetoric on behalf of national sovereignty and against globalism – The Rockefeller-esque extended pipedream. One of his first acts was to cancel the TPP, which had threatened a further erosion of national sovereignty on behalf of the power of transnational corporate and financial power.

Another fundamental really priceless contribution that Trump made was to continually and pointedly jeer at and identify the "fake news": The NYT and CNN were subjected to the public humiliation of a sitting President continually accurately describing them.

Trump's willingness to call out the mass media propaganda and brainwashing system that the CIA under largely Jewish auspices (or vise versa?) had intensely inflicted on the American people for decades was an indispensable act of rebellion. American politics and media is dependent upon the pretense that it is legit. Trump's message was: there's something deeply wrong here: Fake news and the Swamp.

Trump also at least gave frequent voice to the desirability of reducing American military activity and presence abroad, and stands in contrast to his Nobel Peace Prize winning predecessor Barry ( aka B.O.) Soetoro (Libya destroyed) and George Bush the Latter (Iraq and Afghanistan attacked) and Clinton (Serbia attacked). Trump as comparatively a deplorable peacenik.

So then we have the COVID- psyop, creating de facto world medical martial law, which is a kind of sick facsimile to Rockefeller's pipe dream. And also, dislocating, disorienting, social and economic turmoil and pain. Trump was placed at the center of that storm, surrounded by ghoulish Fauci and the CDC and the Bill Gates contaminated WHO.

Then the looters and burners and rioters were let loose. And the underlying goal was to have Americans so sick of it all and Trump could be blamed and surely he would be thrown out of office.

But even so, no. He wins in a huge landslide. And the Swamp goes all out and installs a pathetic creature in Trump's place. This story is not over .

[Feb 20, 2021] The No Change Presidency

Feb 20, 2021 |

Mike from Jersey , Feb 19 2021 18:56 utc | 1

After a month as president Joe Biden has already broken several major campaign promises.

There will be:

As Alan MacLeod summarizes :

Biden began his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in June 2019 at a Manhattan hotel, telling wealthy donors that "nothing would fundamentally change" under his presidency. After one month in office, it appears as if that is one campaign promise he is likely to keep.

The U.S. will also continue its wars on Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

We are left to guess where, not if, Biden will start another one.

Posted by b on February 19, 2021 at 18:46 UTC | Permalink

I always thought that Biden's campaign slogan should have been a modification of Obama's "Hope and Change" slogan.

Biden's campaign slogan should have been: "No Hope and No Change."

robin , Feb 19 2021 20:11 utc | 17

t Posted by: vk | Feb 19 2021 19:20 utc | 7

And, contrary to the 1960s-1970s, it will now have to start to win those wars, otherwise the wealth will stop flowing.
I believe the objective now is to prevent wealth from flowing East. This means that the definition of 'winning' the war may not be the one we intuitively may think of.

An obvious example which illustrates the strategy is the one of a functioning, promising nation with the highest standard of living on the African continent turned into a devastated stretch of rubble.

Another example is the success the empire is having in Syria. With large chunks of confiscated land and a state of durable smoulder everywhere else, we shouldn't expect the Eastern bloc to extend westward to the Mediterranean anytime soon. Nor should the empire fear the regional actors gaining sufficient economic and political mass to ever make an impression on the world podium and demand the return of occupied territories and repatriation of all refugees as required by law.

uncle tungsten , Feb 19 2021 20:41 utc | 22
No change presidency means that the USA will continue to steal from the poor. Someone should inform Ethiopia and Egypt about this reality.
_K_C_ , Feb 19 2021 20:57 utc | 25
"We are left to guess where, not if, Biden will start another one."

Given the context of the past 20 years including the Bush, Obama and Trump presidencies and current geopolitical realities, I doubt Biden starts a war on par with Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and most certainly not on the level of Iraq. They will have to try hard to grow and harvest so-called low hanging fruit if they intend to engage in any real, direct, shooting military engagements much less invasions/occupations. I'm not saying that can't or won't happen - and I predicted a much wider scale military confrontation with Iran if Trump was re-elected. Maybe not an all out invasion which would never sell back home and would be a military and societal folly of epic proportions. But Trump did try with Soleimani, tanker seizures, and standard militaristic posturing and prodding, not to mention brutal sanctions.

Biden isn't as beholden to Israel (which isn't saying much since the rest of the gov't is) or Saudi Arabia (there is a "damning" report coming soon on the Kashogghi murder which allegedly ties it directly to MBS...duh) and most countries which are even possible military targets that represent a "threat" to US or Israeli interests have been thrown into chaos and instability (which was the real goal). China, Russia, North Korea, and even Iran are off the table in my opinion.

Guess we'll have to wait and see. While the US corporate media were the main cheerleaders for the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions, they sold Obama's wars much more subtly, often intentionally ignoring or burying stories that were contrary to that administration's image. That is the kind of treatment I expect from them for Biden if and when he starts a new war.

psychohistorian , Feb 19 2021 21:03 utc | 27
The Harris/Biden presidency will not start any more wars just like the Trump presidency because we are in the throes of a civilization war already and it escalated to MAD phase in late Obama days.

Yes, there can be border skirmishes but no more invasions like Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. Russia has said that Iran is a strategic partner of Russia and I believe both China and Russia are protecting Venezuela to some degree.

The process of taking sides in this civilization war continues and as the membership of those sides firms up, the firming events at some point will precipitate the final act......extinction or capitulation.......I hope I get to see the final act and maybe experience a bit of the denoueument period.

It sure looks to me like empire is in crash and burn mode but we haven't reached the final act of this shit show yet.

_K_C_ , Feb 19 2021 21:07 utc | 28
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Feb 19 2021 21:02 utc | 26

Of course. That goes without saying at MoA. Those who frequent this site understand the brutality of sanctions and embargoes. We also know they are acts of war. But I don't think that's what b meant when he said: "We are left to guess where, not if, Biden will start another one." If so, what other countries are left to sanction? Keep in mind that "another one" means one that isn't currently sanctioned/sabotaged - which Biden will of course continue doing. So what countries do you think might be on their radar for new brutal sanctions?

Closest thing I can think of when it comes to war under Biden would be Reagan/Bush/Clinton (incl. Hillary)style coups and "behind the scenes" support for right wing death squads in Central and South America. Otherwise, I think the Biden administration sits back and supports Israel's invasion or destruction of Lebanon.

tucenz , Feb 19 2021 21:29 utc | 31
Really, why would anyone be surprised that a candidate who did nothing to win the Presidency should similarly do nothing once elected?

Posted by: c1ue | Feb 19 2021 21:15 utc | 30

Thanks for that. I'm sure I'll use that line whenever I can!

Stephen Laudig , Feb 19 2021 21:41 utc | 32
Come on, you can do better:
"its wars"?
How about "Its unlawful, war crime, extra-constitutional wars of aggression".
The US military: most expensive, losingest military in human history. Hasn't won a war since 1945 unless you count Panama and Grenada.
William Gruff , Feb 19 2021 21:41 utc | 33
"America is back!"

So Biden is saying he Made America Great Again ? Just by successfully scamming the election? Even if he never delivered at least Trump's MAGA referenced jobs and industry and economic growth. Biden's MAGA is just about tone and empty posturing. Which one attempted to deal with reality and which one is just delusion? I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader!

Hoarsewhisperer , Feb 19 2021 21:47 utc | 35
Really, why would anyone be surprised that a candidate who did nothing to win the Presidency should similarly do nothing once elected?
Posted by: c1ue | Feb 19 2021 21:15 utc | 30

Many a true word is spoken in jest...
It'll be easy for the Biden Admin to start a new war with Jewed-up John (Assad Must Go) Kerry as USA's Climate Czar. The Climate Czar has a big say in Energy Policy which Trump interpreted as Stealing Oil. Kerry's appointment is unlikely to have been an accident.

_K_C_ , Feb 19 2021 22:03 utc | 36
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Feb 19 2021 21:47 utc | 35

"...which Trump interpreted as Stealing Oil."


So are you saying that Trump didn't "steal oil" in and around Syria or are you simply commenting on his campaign messaging and not his proven history of stealing (no quotes needed and anyone can find the information) oil?

vetinLA , Feb 19 2021 22:12 utc | 38
IMO Biden's got two choices, continue the class war, or try to mitigate it, by helping the American working classes.

His epitaph is yet to be written....

karlof1 , Feb 19 2021 22:16 utc | 39
Strategic-Culture Editorial on the topic:

"Biden's Post-Trump NATO Reset Points to Failing U.S. Global Power in Multipolar World."

Key snippet:

"American hegemonic ambitions required to satisfy its corporate capitalism are dependent on a zero-sum geopolitics. The globe must divided into spheres of influence as in the earlier Cold War decades. There must be antagonism to thwart genuine cooperation which is anathema to American capitalism. Indeed, it can be said that the Cold War never actually ended when the Soviet Union dissolved more three decades ago. America's imperialist ideology continued under new guises of 'fighting terrorism', 'democracy promotion and nation building', or more recently 'great power competition' with Russia and China.

"The bottom line is that NATO is more important than ever for enabling Washington's global power ambitions given the demise of American capitalism and the rise of China and Eurasia. NATO provides a crucial political cover for what would otherwise be seen as naked American imperialism ." [My Emphasis]

IMO, the socio-political-economic set of crises within the Outlaw US Empire will deter BidenCo from going to war elsewhere, especially if Dollar Hegemony's to be salvaged or at least delayed from ending soon. The one big change that Hudson will raise in his rewritten, third edition of Super Imperialism will be the Outlaw US Empire's loss of ability to have the world finance its Imperialism as was the case until 2008. That's why Stoltenberg's cost-sharing proposition is being warmly received in DC.

Nick , Feb 19 2021 23:39 utc | 43
The Texas has been returning for 7 days the stone age . IF Germany wants destroy the Nordstream II project for American gas.. I wish they see what is happening in TEXAS.
alaff , Feb 19 2021 23:40 utc | 44
We are left to guess where, not if, Biden will start another one.

He actually started one already. It's called a war against his own people (~ half of the population, to be precise).
There is no need for a democratically elected president, for whom the majority of voters honestly voted, to sit behind several rows of high barbed wire fences guarded by thousands of soldiers. And if this happens, then not everything is okay. Not okay at all.
Jackrabbit , Feb 20 2021 0:01 utc | 45
_K_C_ @Feb19 21:07 #28

I think there's a hyrid war on all countries that have:

I count at least a dozen countries (along with the stateless Palestinians) that qualify.

And lets not forget the war on whistle-blowers, "populist movements", "conspiracy theorists" and other domestic dissidents. Example: white nationalists are fine when they support Trump's expanded military budget and denunciation of socialism but become an evil threat when they rail against his total support for Israel or demand answers as to why they are being de-platformed/canceled.

Those who claim (directly or indirectly) that Trump didn't start any new wars are (knowingly or unknowingly) minimizing the outrage of the Empire's many, and ongoing, hybrid wars for total global domination.


Jim , Feb 20 2021 0:02 utc | 46
Tannenhouser (#3) said 'Actually lends credence to the theory that there aren't 2 parties anymore ... Soon to b 3 parties just like Canada. Then u will have 3 parties doing squat....except for donors.'

Might be true for the US one day, but here in Canada our third party is a centre-left alternative to the two centre-right parties...

snake , Feb 20 2021 0:03 utc | 47
Why would anyone be surprised that a candidate who did nothing to win the Presidency should similarly do nothing once elected? by: c1ue @ 30 <= based on the laws, decisions and lies in years since 1788 it seems obvious to me the less the USA does, the greater will be America.
Grieved , Feb 20 2021 0:05 utc | 48
@44 alaff

I get what you're saying but I don't think the war is against one half versus another half. In my view the real war is from the top against all below.


On the US domestic scene, I happened to notice today that the Administration signed off on extending foreclosure forbearance until midsummer, but didn't extend the eviction moratorium past March.

I'm on the side of mortgage holders (i.e. small landlords), and forbearance is useful, but no extension for tenants? They are determined to clean the weak off the rolls, aren't they?

That's a 3-month margin for landlords to evict tenants, rehab the property and get it rented again at a a higher rent. Tight, but doable for small landlords (whom I regard as little different from the rest of the poor, by the way - rentier philosophies notwithstanding).


What the US always does supremely well is knock the weakest portion of society into the gutter through financial manipulations (recessions) and then sweep them all into a memory hole so they don't exist anymore. Those who survive don't notice the carnage and it is never mentioned, so life goes on as if there's a working economy.

There's a subliminal tacit agreement in US society, I think, not to mention the ones who fell by the wayside, in case this should plunge the economy into another fall. No one dares to talk about the weak who are lost. Some of the survivors glory in their survivorship, while others I suspect are simply afraid to call the airstrike down on themselves. No negative thinking, lest the magic runs out.

But it keeps the economy running, for a bit longer.

In light of the Romanoff recent articles, I think this dynamic fits the national psyche somewhere.

Tannenhouser , Feb 20 2021 0:19 utc | 49
@jim46. The orange house in Canada is in cahoots w whatever party happens to be in power at any given moment. It spouts
virtuous rhetoric at every opportunity, and then does what ever blue or red house tells it to. ALL three parties in Canada serve the same interests, and it isn't yours or mine. Ever. Look no further than each parties stance on Palestine. All three are beholden to Non sovereign interests. The Red house handed 2 elections to the Blue house under Harper by fielding unelectable candidates. Dion 1st and then Ignatieff. The blue house has done the same, second unelectable candidate being O'tool. The NDP is left in rhetoric only. Under its previous leader it may have had a chance at leading federally. Jagmeet hasnt a hope here, and he knows it, which why he pretends to be relevant with virtue signaling. Its all Kayfabe just like the states.
ian , Feb 20 2021 0:21 utc | 50
Rejoining the Paris accords does not constitute a change as it was purely cosmetic.
Kadath , Feb 20 2021 0:42 utc | 51
Re: Jim #46,

Im not sure if the NCP counts as center left in any meaningful way compared to the Liberals or Progressive Conservatives. Nowadays, the NDP are mostly "Liberals" who weren't cut-throat enough to cut it in the Liberal Party. The Greens are at least slightly different from the Liberals & Conservatives in that they are fanatical in their devotion to "Green" policies. However, I would hesitate to call the Greens "leftist", as they every bit as Neo-liberal in their economic policies as the Liberals & Conservatives (just with a green veneer slapped on top) and pro-war as well, i remember during the last election I was considering voting green and saw their foreign policy boiled down to keep trying to overthrow of Assad and the mass settlement of Syrian refugees into Canada. Call me old fashioned, but I've always felt that sinking ships so you can praise yourself for rescuing the lifeboats is a repugnant morality. Perhaps one day Canada will have a political party worth voting for, but until that day I will keep casting my vote for Putin

Smith , Feb 20 2021 0:45 utc | 52
I love Biden and his quotes.

His "I will not make that (stimulus, minimum wage, student debt writeoff) happen" line is the best of 2021 so far.

Dave , Feb 20 2021 0:52 utc | 53
Just the latest in a long list of no-change presidencies. Obama tinkered, Trump tinkered, and nothing fundamentally changed as usual.
spudski , Feb 20 2021 0:53 utc | 54
Re #46 and #51

I agree with Kadath that the Greens, under Annamie Paul, are neoliberal and not at all antiwar. Ms Paul seems to unquestioningly accept all the Sinophobic and Russophobic propaganda peddled in our Canuckistan media. I was really hoping that Dimitri Lascaris would win the leadership but "Democratic" (DNC) style rigging, including by the outgoing leader, ensured that Dimitri would not succeed Elizabeth May.

Bemildred , Feb 20 2021 0:55 utc | 55
Posted by: karlof1 | Feb 19 2021 22:16 utc | 39

Thanks for your posts, that's what I see too. They found another slice of the salami. I've seen a few other rhetorical touches that suggest they are heading towards less "kinetic" options, and Iran is aware of the situation. They took the bait. Psaki has said that is all we are going to do before talking. Zarif says "we agree", but all the stuff Trump did must be undone. Which would seem like a congenial choice for Biden to consider. But I don't suppose everybody is going to take this lying down. But this all does suggest a dose of reality is at work, which would be nice. I notice the Bidenites want China and Russia in the talks too.

Mao , Feb 20 2021 1:10 utc | 58
China May Ban Rare Earth Tech Exports on Security Concerns

Biden to order review of U.S. reliance on overseas supply chains for semiconductors, rare earths

Wolle , Feb 20 2021 2:29 utc | 59
Munich Security Conference 2021(video conference): SleepyJoe, no comment, he can't remember his speech anyway.
Obvious stoned Stoltenberg reports about NATO's low-carbon warfare! LOL!
U.v.d.Lying, no comment! Sic!
Looks like dancing vampires:
Lisa Fritz Kabarett, sorry German only.
gm , Feb 20 2021 2:42 utc | 61
Re: "China May Ban Rare Earth Tech Exports on Security Concerns"

-Mao | Feb 20 2021 1:10 utc | 58

This so-called rare earth (RE) element shortage is a false narrative pumped out by the fake media, controlled by the US -asset-liquidating vulture GloboCapitalists.

There are lots of mothballed US/North American RE mines/deposits that were shut down/abandoned/undeveloped, for cheaper Chinese sourced (cheaper labor/dirty coal energy-powered/pollution friendly) RE mined resources.

The Vulture GloboCaps just don't want to pay the extra out-of-pocket to mine RE domestically.

That would cut into their profit margins...[just like in Texas...]

michaelj72 , Feb 20 2021 2:58 utc | 62
Well, NATO is sending 3,500 new troops to... Iraq.

increasing its invasion force from 500 troops to 4,000. So maybe that's an indicator where the next 'war zones' are going to be: Iraq and Syria... Again

Gotta keep a hold on that Syrian oil and the better part of the Syrian northeast as well, which can easily be used as a springboard (along with the al-Tanf area) to mount/support either frequent ISIS and/or al Qaeda, etc attacks on the Syrian government and people.

vetinLA , Feb 20 2021 3:06 utc | 63
And after endless debate, the simple question is; How much improvement in the lives of workers across America, will Biden's owners let him tinker with? After all is said and done, that's the key to any president's term.

We'll see. Take a deep breath and pay attention to what's done, not what's said, especially in the empire's MSM.

Roger , Feb 20 2021 3:09 utc | 64
@urblintz, @Ian,

So true. Radoslav Dimitrov captured the reality so well in his concept of "Empty Institutions" designed not to make any real policy progress, but rather to provide performative political art on a regular basis to distract from the actual lack of real progress. I have linked to his paper below:

psychohistorian , Feb 20 2021 3:42 utc | 68
Below is a quote from Biden's speech to the Munich least he agrees with my civilization war context....

"We are in the midst of a fundamental debate about the future direction of our world. Between those who argue that -- given all of the challenges we face, from the fourth industrial revolution to a global pandemic -- autocracy is the best way forward and those who understand that democracy is essential to meeting those challenges."

"Historians will examine and write about this moment. It's an inflection point. And I believe with every ounce of my being that democracy must prevail."

When is the world going to call BS on the democracy term applied to a society that has its money system controlled by a cult of private individuals? The longer humanity continues to live the myth/lie of democracy in the West, the more likely our species will go extinct because we are unable to evolve beyond barbarism as our form of social organization.

Josh , Feb 20 2021 3:44 utc | 69
No offense to anyone (or their imaginary friends),
What are these silly bitches going to do when the music stops?
Just sayin'...
div> The world is like an onion, it has layers. Where Trump attacked everything Obama, Biden is attacking everything Trump plus his supporters and, while the MSM is mostly silent on this, about half the USA is gearing up for a civil war. Meanwhile the international wars have been increasing, just not so visibly. Don't forget the digital wars, the apparent biological wars, the propaganda wars, the food wars, and etc. And while most people just recognize the shooting wars the oligarchs, through the military-industrial-congressional complex and other world governments, are playing a global game of Monopoly against each other where even superpowers are but pawns. WWIII started years ago, it's just that most people don't recognize it as such because it's not state actors calling the shots, it's oligarchs who are, in essence, ghosts because we can't see them.

Posted by: Glenn S Olson , Feb 20 2021 4:17 utc | 71

The world is like an onion, it has layers. Where Trump attacked everything Obama, Biden is attacking everything Trump plus his supporters and, while the MSM is mostly silent on this, about half the USA is gearing up for a civil war. Meanwhile the international wars have been increasing, just not so visibly. Don't forget the digital wars, the apparent biological wars, the propaganda wars, the food wars, and etc. And while most people just recognize the shooting wars the oligarchs, through the military-industrial-congressional complex and other world governments, are playing a global game of Monopoly against each other where even superpowers are but pawns. WWIII started years ago, it's just that most people don't recognize it as such because it's not state actors calling the shots, it's oligarchs who are, in essence, ghosts because we can't see them.

Posted by: Glenn S Olson | Feb 20 2021 4:17 utc | 71

psychohistorian , Feb 20 2021 4:29 utc | 72
@ psychohistorian | Feb 20 2021 3:51 utc | 70 quoting US Senator Tom Cotton about calling China "new Evil Empire".

I didn't think about it but would someone ask Tom Cotton to describe the old/existing Evil Empire......grin

james , Feb 20 2021 4:29 utc | 73
"The USA has lied, stolen, and killed its way to the top. China, Russia, Iran, etc needs a plan to beat this Evil Empire."

fixed it for you pschohistorian!

@ 54 spudski.. ditto your comment.. canada isn't far behind in this democracy charade..

vetinLA , Feb 20 2021 4:47 utc | 74
GSO @ 71 said;

"And while most people just recognize the shooting wars the oligarchs, through the military-industrial-congressional complex and other world governments, are playing a global game of Monopoly against each other where even superpowers are but pawns. WWIII started years ago, it's just that most people don't recognize it as such because it's not state actors calling the shots, it's oligarchs who are, in essence, ghosts because we can't see them."

This is obvious to anyone paying attention, so, you'd think more folks would get it.

Well stated GSO, thank you....

[Feb 14, 2021] Yanis Varoufakis- Trumpism after Trump NEWSWEEK Magazine, Interviewed by Basit Mahmood

Trumpism is "national neoliberalism." Trump actually betrayed almost all his election promises so it is unfair to call it after him.
Feb 14, 2021 |

"The wave of enthusiasm regarding the Biden administration has not washed over me," he says. "I'm glad Trump is out, but at the very same time I'm very worried that Trumpism is going to get stronger. I'm very worried that the Democratic Party is in the process of turning in on itself, of divisions between the establishment figures, those who were effectively supported by Wall Street to become senators or congressmen or presidents for that matter and the socialists.

"The clash is already there, the blame game has begun. While the Trumpists are more united than ever, they're going to be aided and abetted by two things. First, the [financial] slump which is unavoidable given the pandemic, they will be blaming it on the system and the swamp that has taken over again and a false but real sense that they have, false in the sense that it's untrue but real in the sense they do feel it, that they were robbed of the election.

"So this combination, solidity on the Trumpist side, political economy which is strengthening their feeling and their unity and the fragmentation of the Democratic side which is only going to get worse as we're moving towards the congressional elections two years from now. That for me is the great danger."

Varoufakis doesn't believe that the Biden-Harris ticket will improve outcomes for the poor or radically redistribute wealth. Nearly eight million Americans, many of them children and minorities, have fallen into poverty since May last year as the pandemic took its toll, according to Columbia University research .

arkansasangie , February 13, 2021 at 6:39 am

Opinion -- there are Trumpers who like Trump. There are also Trumper who are broadly against the level of corruption today and "1984" materializing before them. They believe that the deep state exists and that the two primary political parties are one and the same; their differences being cosmetic only

And guess what. Neither party likes them.

Northeaster , February 13, 2021 at 7:43 am

Didn't vote for Trump, but in a blue state it wouldn't matter with vote bundling (sans Nebraska & Maine), but this post resonates. Basically we're in political exile, both Party's are corrupt and most spend their time calling donors and/or taking lobby monies for their Party dues in exchange for their vote. The only politician I can stand is Massie, who's not even allowed in the RNC building, and actually walks-the-walk on issues, and me as a Vet, Massie doesn't vote for unending war (NDAA).

kayjay , February 13, 2021 at 6:19 pm

who the hell is massie?

The Rev Kev , February 13, 2021 at 6:27 pm

I would imagine that to be Thomas Massie. You may not know the name but he was one of the few who stood against that CARES Act last March. He copped lot of flak from Trump and John Kerry at the time which means that he must have been right-

flora , February 13, 2021 at 11:12 am

This was interesting. I wish YV had defined the term "Trumpism". I haven't seen it defined anywhere; it's used to smear voters, but I haven't seen it defined.

Imo, it's the rising populism (in the good sense) in the US trying to stop financial predations by the banks and Wall St. speculators, stop trade deals that undercut US wages and off shore jobs, again regulate and breakup the new monopolies – especially the tech monopolies whose rents attach to nearly everything now. That's my definition. I wonder what YV's definition is. It's happening in the US, in the UK (Brexit), in France (jillet jaunes), and in other Western countries where the bottom70-80% of the populations – the once large and financially stable middle class – has been economically undermined for the past 30 years by govt policy and deregulation. Its a reasonable, sane response to seeing your childrens' and grandchildrens' life chances and life expectancies fall at the same time billionaires are getting richer and richer.

But calling the idea that this economic destruction needs to be addressed, calling it "Trumpism" smears the entire idea there's something badly out of balance that needs to be addressed. Calling it "Trumpism" dismisses these ideas as unimportant and maybe even slightly unhinged.

So, again, I wish YV had defined "Trumpism" as he understands it. Otherwise, the argument sounds a bit like "these crackpots are a worry, how can we keep the crackpots under control"? Shorter: over half the country has real, long term, ongoing financial grievances against the current system, but I'll use this dimissive name for them and still expect everyone to take half the country's financial and health care grievances seriously. It doesn't work that way, imo.

Amfortas the hippie , February 13, 2021 at 12:13 pm

trump will be a weapon against any populism, at all.
think the next election had problems? the primary? you must be a moron and a trumper.
think the economy is rigged for the powerful, and ruinous for everyone else? damned trumpy racist moron.
on and on on just about every real problem we face, there is a rebuttal there in trump that will dismiss it out of hand no matter the glaring evidence that the problem is real.
just as the Left appeared to be getting it's shit together, the Powers have their out.
see Haydar Khan's part 2:

of course, dismissing the myriad problems or doing them in such a way that they are ineffective, if very profitable will only make them worse, and that will eventually have consequences.

Patrick , February 13, 2021 at 2:39 pm

From the great reset – an attempted corporate coup: "The recent social media cancellation of former president Donald Trump is certainly a demonstration of private corporations serving as private trustees of society."

Thanks for the link

Alfred , February 13, 2021 at 2:20 pm

Agreed that Newsweek should have pressed Mr Varoufakis to define his key term. 'Trumpism' seems to defy succinct definition, however. Possibly its vagueness counts as an advantage in ideological discourse? Still I think the Wikipedia article on 'Trumpism' is a pretty good place to get a start on understanding it. I noticed that it actually suggests the existence of more than one 'Trumpism' in the US, and as covers it/them as an international phenomenon. It also makes clear what a wide variety of assessments of it have already emerged. It provides a rather vast bibliography. More provocative, in the good sense of thought-provoking, are the several definitions offered up by contributors to Urban Dictionary. They emphasize its reliance on deception to market itself. Personally I think it may make more sense to understand 'Trumpism' as a mode of political discourse – a means of advancing a certain political agenda, apparently a means especially amenable to social media though I very much doubt one engendered by its parameters – than as any particular agenda as such.

Amfortas the hippie , February 13, 2021 at 4:03 pm

that wiki page is a pretty good read in itself, and provides a launch pad for further digging.
and, i hadn't realised that Bob Altemeyer was still around and on the case.
his main book was one of the most important in trying to understand the people i've been embedded in for all my life.

re: the wiki, the sections on "Methods of Persuasion" and "Social Psychology" are particularly good, and link to a lot of names familiar to me from my own research project/field study into the american right, circa 2002-2014~.

by comparison, just about the entire canon of interpretation of the trump phenomenon by NYT, WaPo, etc etc is useless unless you are after a mirror image emotional response/catharsis, rather that actually trying to understand what why and how.
we'll be dealing with this mess for a long time to come.

RMO , February 14, 2021 at 2:48 pm

Thank you Amfortas! I too hadn't realized Bob Altermeyer was still writing – he hadn't added anything new in quite a while so I figured he had retired and I hadn't been checking.

Runkelstoss , February 13, 2021 at 4:32 pm

I wish YV had defined the term "Trumpism"

a draft

1. America first
2. white supremacy
3. pandering to religious fundamentalists
4. pandering to gun enthusiasts and right wing militias
5. marking people and groups as enemies of the people
6. decrying so called hostile elites
7. creating alternative 'facts' and imaginary realities
8. xenophobia
9. misogyny
10. politics of force, inside and outside

flora , February 13, 2021 at 9:04 pm

2016 campaign:

a. Campaigning against more trade deals like TPP and TPIP (NAFTA on steroids)

b. Campaigning on ending the endless wars and bringing troops home

c. Campaigning on bringing back on shore manufacturing and good jobs.

d. Campaigning on closing the US/Mexico border and stopping the inflow of the cheapest labor possible undercutting wages of already very low paid workers here.

e. Campaigning on lowering military tensions with Russia

(not that he did these things, but he campaigned heavily on economic issues and reducing military adventurism, both important to the middle class/working class in 2016. Not sure what the 2020 message was.)

Keith Newman , February 14, 2021 at 2:29 pm

Good list Flora. For some I would also guess a giant effu to the cultural elites.

Pelham , February 14, 2021 at 10:41 am

Let's see:

1. America first. True. Is this so bad?
2. White supremacy. False. Very few of these characters exist, although they're much in demand from the left.
3. Pandering to religious fundamentalists. False, although substitute "appealing" for "pandering" and it's true.
4. Pandering to gun enthusiasts and right-wing militias. Sigh, true, although there's nothing wrong with gun enthusiasts, broadly speaking.
5. Marking people and groups as enemies of the people. False, I think. Needs to be more specific, though.
6. Decrying so-called hostile elites. True if you omit the "so-called."
7. Creating alternative "facts" and imaginary realities. Sigh, True.
8. Xenophobia. Mostly false. It's not fear of others, it's mostly a plea to at long last shut off the firehose of wage-crushing immigration.
9. Misognyny. Mostly false. Trump has certainly had his moments, but many women were happy to serve in the Trump administration, and I'm not seeing evidence of misogyny among his backers.
10. Politics of force, inside and outside. True to a small degree but not nearly as characteristic of Trumpists as of leftists, who destroyed thousands of buildings and businesses last summer, and the media, which have cheerfully allied themselves with our internationally murderous intelligence community.

Patrick , February 13, 2021 at 12:45 pm

flora, I'm thinking your "populism in the good sense" aligns with the political science textbook definition of a populist, at least the economic component of that definition: a populist is an economic liberal (one who generally believes that government should play a role in the economy to protect the 99% by regulating and otherwise reining in large and powerful private sector interests, especially big business).

The textbook definition says that a populist is also a cultural conservative (one who believes that government should play a role in our private/social/cultural lives by promoting traditional values). (I am not sure you are meaning to discuss this cultural aspect of a populist; I'm just providing the textbook definition.)

I am thinking that arkansasangie (above) is also describing populism in the same way ("Trumper(s) who are broadly against the level of corruption today and "1984" materializing before them. They believe that the deep state exists and that the two primary political parties are one and the same; their differences being cosmetic only" (if by the "deep state" she might mean a government that has been captured by and serves the interest of corporate elites, eg, globalization, market monopoly, empire, etc.).

And I am thinking Amfortas the hippie's "feedstore people" are, likewise, (economic liberal) "populists" (who could have "been won by a new New Deal"). (Having enjoyed many of Ath's posts, I'm guessing they are also cultural conservatives.)

I do think that some if not most "Trumpists" are populists. But what I think is interesting is how they are being managed (as in how the Koch brothers (created and) managed Tea Party "populists").

Conservatives are reactionary – they react to change. It seems to me that one of the ways they react is by co-opting the changes taking place, dressing them up and claiming at least some aspect of those changes as their own. I find myself thinking about the Social Gospel of Christ. Or Adam Smith's "free markets". Martin Luther King Jr.'s struggle for freedom (transformed into idpol?). I think all of us understand that this is largely what is happening today with the term "populism".

Thomas Frank would agree ("The People, No")
And he would speak to the manipulation – he would as "What's the Matter with Kansas?"

Susan the other , February 13, 2021 at 1:20 pm

While Janet Yellen advocates pouring money into the covid/economic crisis now because it will be cheaper in the long run (and we know from various indications that the term could be a decade) and post-Trump the trade deficit is no longer talked about since nobody's counting – nobody's buying as much – except RVs and groceries and the stats show a vertical drop down in commercial activity and a vertical shot up in bankruptcies and closings and while Klaus Schwab talks about the great capitalist reset from shares to stakes but not to sovereign states, China is busy establishing the new silk road and consolidating its neighbors into cooperative economic behavior. I don't even want to know what that combined CO2 footprint is. Cooperative economics has really already been precluded here in the West – we can't turn back that clock. So, Biden is looking for an excuse to go to war. He is wasting no time letting Russia and China know. It's possible that when Yellen says spend whatever is necessary now she is being encouraged by Biden and the militarists who will receive much of that financial aid whether we actually go to war or not. It would be so idiotic and wasteful it is hard to imagine that even that dope Biden would march us off to war. So when YV talks about "financial engineering for a better world" it sounds too Klaus Schwab to embrace at face value. I don't see how a switch from shareholders to stakeholders is going to change western capitalism significantly unless there is a financial separation between old capitalism and new capitalism. That being the West and China. And the big problem there is that capital seeks its best return. Otherwise it's not capital for long. So either direction we are looking, (neoliberalism or socialism) financial engineering will have to restrain capital, hence "capitalism" will be a euphemism. Which it has been for a long time, but who's even noticing? It's possible that "war" as we knew it is also a thing of the past and when Biden salivates for war he'll have to be content to just do "war engineering" to achieve the necessary separation from China. It's all so meta. The irony is that the thing called "sovereignty" is the only tool we have to organize all this neoliberal and/or social protection. And the big one – the environment? Still no details.

Sound of the Suburbs , February 14, 2021 at 4:14 am

Why isn't capitalism working as it should?
You need to identify where real wealth creation occurs in the economy to get it working well.
Houston, we have a problem.

Mankind first started to produce a surplus with early agriculture.
It wasn't long before the elites learnt how to read the skies, the sun and the stars, to predict the coming seasons to the amazed masses and collect tribute.
They soon made the most of the opportunity and removed themselves from any hard work to concentrate on "spiritual matters", i.e. any hocus-pocus they could come up with to elevate them from the masses, e.g. rituals, fertility rights, offering to the gods . etc and to turn the initially small tributes, into extracting all the surplus created by the hard work of the rest.
The elites became the representatives of the gods and they were responsible for the bounty of the earth and the harvests.
As long as all the surplus was handed over, all would be well.

The class structure emerges.
Upper class – Do as little as they can get away with and get most of the rewards
Middle class – Administrative/managerial class who have enough to live a comfortable life
Working class – Do the work, and live a basic subsistence existence where they get enough to stay alive and breed

Their techniques have got more sophisticated over time, but this is the underlying idea.
They have achieved a total inversion, and got most of the rewards going to those that don't do anything.
The last thing they needed was "The Enlightenment" as people would work out what was really going on.
They did work out what was going on and this had to be hidden again.

The Classical Economists had a quick look around and noticed the aristocracy were maintained in luxury and leisure by the hard work of everyone else.
They haven't done anything economically productive for centuries, they couldn't miss it.
The Classical economist, Adam Smith:
"The labour and time of the poor is in civilised countries sacrificed to the maintaining of the rich in ease and luxury. The Landlord is maintained in idleness and luxury by the labour of his tenants. The moneyed man is supported by his extractions from the industrious merchant and the needy who are obliged to support him in ease by a return for the use of his money. But every savage has the full fruits of his own labours; there are no landlords, no usurers and no tax gatherers."
There was no benefits system in those days, and if those at the bottom didn't work they died.
They had to earn money to live.
The classical economists could never imagine those at the bottom rising out of a bare subsistence existence as that was the way it had always been.

Economics was always far too dangerous to be allowed to reveal the truth about the economy.
How can we protect those powerful vested interests at the top of society?
The early neoclassical economists hid the problems of rentier activity in the economy by removing the difference between "earned" and "unearned" income and they conflated "land" with "capital".
They took the focus off the cost of living that had been so important to the Classical Economists as this is where rentier activity in the economy shows up.
The landowners, landlords and usurers were now just productive members of society again.

Economists do identify where real wealth creation in the economy occurs, but this is a most inconvenient truth as it reveals many at the top don't actually create any wealth.
Confuse making money and creating wealth and this problem goes away and we can get back to the traditional order.

Upper class – Do as little as they can get away with and get most of the rewards
Middle class – Administrative/managerial class who have enough to live a comfortable life
Working class – Do the work, and live a basic subsistence existence where they get enough to stay alive and breed

Sound of the Suburbs , February 14, 2021 at 4:14 am

What happens when you confuse making money and creating wealth?
We are forty years in, just look around.

When you equate making money with creating wealth, people try and make money in the easiest way possible, which doesn't actually create any wealth.
In 1984, for the first time in American history, "unearned" income exceeded "earned" income.
The American have lost sight of what real wealth creation is, and are just focussed on making money.
You might as well do that in the easiest way possible.
It looks like a parasitic rentier capitalism because that is what it is.

You've just got to sniff out the easy money.
All that hard work involved in setting up a company yourself, and building it up.
Why bother?
Asset strip firms other people have built up, that's easy money.
The private equity firms have found an easy way to make money that doesn't actually create any wealth.
Letting private equity firms ransack your economy is not really a good idea, even though they do make lots of money.

Bankers make the most money when they are driving your economy into a financial crisis.
They will load your economy up with their debt products until you get a financial crisis.
On a BBC documentary, comparing 1929 to 2008, it said the last time US bankers made as much money as they did before 2008 was in the 1920s.
At 18 mins.
The bankers loaded the US economy up with their debt products until they got financial crises in 1929 and 2008.
As you head towards the financial crisis, the economy booms due to the money creation of bank loans.
The financial crisis appears to come out of a clear blue sky when you use an economics that doesn't consider debt, like neoclassical economics.

UK bankers started to make a lot of money after 1980.
Oh no.

The UK used to be the great financial superpower and it looks as though we understood this in the past.
Someone knew what real wealth creation was and how banks should work.

What happened in 1979?
The UK eliminated corset controls on banking in 1979, the banks invaded the mortgage market and this is where the problem starts.
The transfer of existing assets, like real estate, doesn't add to GDP, so debt rises faster than GDP until you get a financial crisis.

Before 1980 – banks lending into the right places that result in GDP growth (business and industry, creating new products and services in the economy)
Debt grows with GDP
Bankers don't make much money

After 1980 – banks lending into the wrong places that don't result in GDP growth (real estate and financial speculation)
Debt rises faster than GDP
Bankers make lots of money

2008 – The financial crisis

Banks – What is the idea?
The idea is that banks lend into business and industry to increase the productive capacity of the economy.
Business and industry don't have to wait until they have the money to expand. They can borrow the money and use it to expand today, and then pay that money back in the future.
The economy can then grow more rapidly than it would without banks.
Debt grows with GDP and there are no problems.
The banks create money and use it to create real wealth.

Sound of the Suburbs , February 14, 2021 at 4:17 am

They took the focus off the cost of living that had been so important to the Classical Economists as this is where rentier activity in the economy shows up.
What will happen?
Now everyone trips up over the cost of living, even the Chinese.
It is well hidden.

Someone from the CBI (Confederation of British Industry) has just seen the equation.
Disposable income = wages – (taxes + the cost of living)
Two seconds later ..
They realise the UK's high housing costs push up wages, and are actually paid by the UK's employers reducing profit.
UK's high housing costs make UK labour very expensive compared to elsewhere in the world, and it makes it very expensive to do anything in the UK.
Employees get their money from wages.
Employers pay the UK's high housing costs in wages reducing profit.

You can pay wages elsewhere that people couldn't live on in the West.
To maximise profit you will need to off-shore.

Why was China always going to be the winner in an open, globalised world?
Maximising profit is all about reducing costs.
Western companies couldn't wait to off-shore to low cost China, where they could make higher profits.
China had coal fired power stations to provide cheap energy.
China had lax regulations reducing environmental and health and safety costs.
China had a low cost of living so employers could pay low wages.
China had low taxes and a minimal welfare state.
China had all the advantages in an open globalised world.
It did have, but now China has become more expensive and developed Eastern economies are off-shoring to places like Vietnam, Bangladesh and the Philippines.

China trips up over the cost of living.

Davos 2019 – The Chinese have now realised high housing costs eat into consumer spending and they wanted to increase internal consumption.
They let real estate rip and have now realised why that wasn't a good idea.

The equation makes it so easy.
Disposable income = wages – (taxes + the cost of living)
The cost of living term goes up with increased housing costs.
The disposable income term goes down.
They didn't have the equation, they used neoclassical economics.
The Chinese had to learn the hard way and it took years.

They have let the cost of living rise and they want to increase internal consumption.
Disposable income = wages – (taxes + the cost of living)
It's a double whammy on wages.
China isn't as competitive as it used to be.
China has become more expensive and developed Eastern economies are off-shoring to places like Vietnam, Bangladesh and the Philippines.

I worked the other way.
I looked at the world around me and worked back to find the cause.

Sound of the Suburbs , February 14, 2021 at 5:05 am

We got some stuff from Ricardo, like the law of comparative advantage.
What's gone missing?

Ricardo was part of the new capitalist class, and the old landowning class were a huge problem with their rents that had to be paid both directly and through wages.
"The interest of the landlords is always opposed to the interest of every other class in the community" Ricardo 1815 / Classical Economist

What does our man on free trade, Ricardo, mean?
Disposable income = wages – (taxes + the cost of living)
Employees get their money from wages and the employers pay the cost of living through wages, reducing profit.
Employees get less disposable income after the landlords rent has gone.
Employers have to cover the landlord's rents in wages reducing profit.
Ricardo is just talking about housing costs, employees all rented in those days.
Low housing costs work best for employers and employees.

In Ricardo's world there were three classes.
He was in the capitalist class.
The more he paid in labour costs (wages) the lower his profits would be.
He was paying the cost of living for his workers through wages, and the higher that was, the higher labour costs would be.
There was no benefits system in those days and those at the bottom needed to earn money to cover the cost of living otherwise they would die. They had to earn their money through wages.
The more he paid in rents to the old landowning class, the less there would be for him to keep for himself.

From Ricardo:
The labourers had before 25
The landlords 25
And the capitalists 50
.. 100

He looked at how the pie got divided between the three groups.

The capitalist system actually contains a welfare state to maintain an old money, idle rich in luxury and leisure. In the UK we still have an aristocracy, so it is hard to forget.
The Classical economist, Adam Smith:
"The labour and time of the poor is in civilised countries sacrificed to the maintaining of the rich in ease and luxury. The Landlord is maintained in idleness and luxury by the labour of his tenants. The moneyed man is supported by his extractions from the industrious merchant and the needy who are obliged to support him in ease by a return for the use of his money."

There were three groups in the capitalist system in Ricardo's world (and there still are).
Workers / Employees
Capitalists / Employers
Rentiers / Landowners / Landlords / other skimmers, who are just skimming out of the system, not contributing to its success
The unproductive group exists at the top of society, not the bottom.
Later on we did bolt on a benefit system to help others that were struggling lower down the scale.

[Feb 03, 2021] The Trump Administration Viewed from the Right by John Morgan

Feb 03, 2021 |

The Trump experiment is over, and the strange journey that the last five years have been is now at an end. There are already lots of assessments being made about the meaning of Trump's presidency, but most of them are from either liberal or conservative viewpoints. It also needs to be evaluated from the viewpoint of the Dissident Right -- those of us such as myself who fall outside what is usually called "Right-wing" in today's mainstream. And no group had more dramatic ups and downs with Trump than the Dissident Right did.

I imagine my experience with Trump was the same as that of many other people reading this. When he first announced his candidacy in 2015, I was initially dismissive and didn't even think he'd make it to the primaries. It was when I saw him in the Republican debates that I decided that, first, he was preferable to the other candidates in both parties; and second, that he actually had some good positions, such as on immigration and non-interventionism. I never really put my faith in the guy -- I always thought people who hailed him as the "God Emperor" were being naïve -- but I could see that he was the least bad option among his many competitors (and "least bad" is all I ever look for when contemplating the American political scene). As his campaign developed, the signs were more and more encouraging -- mainly because Trump was free to just talk without having to deliver on anything he was saying.

No one was more flabbergasted than me when Trump actually managed to win, and like many people I allowed myself to become giddily optimistic for a few months after the election. I was proud of the fact that Michigan, where I vote, was one of the states that had dramatically swung over into Trump's column after having been solidly Democrat for decades, but it confirmed for me that the white working class, which remains Michigan's backbone despite the weakening of the American auto industry, had finally come to see more or less eye-to-eye with the Dissident Right on many issues. I had suspected this even before the election, but it was nice to see it confirmed in reality.

Perhaps, I thought, as an outsider and maverick, Trump could actually bring about some real change in Washington, especially with the help of genuine populists like Steve Bannon. But those hopes were soon dashed by the bombing of Syria only two and a half months after he took office, which seemed to herald the gradual rolling back of the entire agenda he had campaigned on. By 2018, with Bannon out, Bush leftover John Bolton as Secretary of State, the President himself embroiled in the seemingly endless Russia investigation, and the promised Wall nowhere to be found, it looked like the Swamp had subdued Trump after all.

Still, I never for a moment felt that the support the Dissident Right gave to Trump in 2016 had been a mistake. There was no question that Trump, as poor as his performance was from our perspective, was nevertheless preferable to what we know Hillary would have enacted. (In the run-up to the 2016 election, when people would ask me why I was voting for Trump, I would say, "I know exactly what Hillary will do; I can't say with any certainty what Trump will do, but he's at least saying some of the right things.") And whenever Trump spoke his own mind -- which he made sure to do often -- he usually stayed on message, even though we always knew that the reality would end up being different from his words. (Remember when he promised to abolish birthright citizenship in the run-up to the 2018 midterm elections?) For us, I think the epitaph we can write on the tombstone of his presidency is "It could have been worse."

I don't know what Trump really believed while President, and quite honestly I don't care; it was his words and his actions that mattered, and even if it was all a cynical ploy, his impact on American politics and culture is undeniable. It became a tired cliché, but it was nevertheless true that Trump moved the Overton window further to the right in a way that isn't likely to be undone anytime soon. Many issues that were virtually nonexistent except at the margins of American political discourse before 2015 are now front and center. Some dislike Trump for his personality and failings, feeling that these contributed to his lack of achievement as President. While this is justified, it's indisputable that only someone like Trump, who was independently wealthy and already held celebrity status among the white working class, could have made the breakthrough as an outsider that he did. And even if he didn't succeed in remaking Washington, he nevertheless weakened the Washington Establishment during his tenure. Most importantly, it's always best when the Washington elite remains so divided and gripped by internal conflicts that it can't pursue its evil designs on the rest of us, and Trump turned the heat up in Washington beyond where it had been at any time since the Civil War.

We also shouldn't overlook the fact that Trump was continually embattled with the Washington Establishment, the opposition, the mainstream media, and on many occasions even his own party from the day he took office. It also shouldn't be forgotten that when Trump took office, his party controlled the executive branch and Congress, and yet the President still had to fight every step of the way to pursue his agenda -- often unsuccessfully. James O'Meara once commented that Trump was in fact a third-party candidate who managed to hijack one of the two major parties. This was true, and many Republicans in the House never lost sight of that, showing that their true loyalties lay with maintaining the Establishment rather than with supporting their erstwhile leader's agenda.

We can't ignore the short, spectacular life of the Alt-Right, either. Those of us who had been on the Dissident Right for many years prior, and who understood that the only way to bring America into line with genuinely Rightist principles would be to transform the country from its very foundations on issues such as citizenship, immigration, and capitalism, always saw Trump as merely a stepping stone to something grander and better. And indeed, although this fact has vanished into the mists of prehistory, before the 2016 election "Alt-Right" merely referred to anyone on the Right whose views fell outside those of the Republican Party; even Steve Bannon infamously told Mother Jones in 2016 that Breitbart was "the platform of the Alt-Right," a statement I imagine he came to regret later. I myself was happy to accept the label at first. And like many, I was naïve enough to think that the Alt-Right could make use of the mainstream media rather than the other way around.

Once they realized that a Trump presidency was a reality, the mainstream media quickly understood that the "Alt-Right," which was a nebulous phenomenon with no clear leadership or goals, could be used to discredit Trump and populism more generally. Its decentralized nature and lack of an organizational structure were in one sense a strength in that it was more difficult to pin down and target it; but at the same time, anyone ranging from libertarians to outright neo-Nazis could claim the mantle or be designated "Alt-Right" by clever journalists. As such, it was perfect from their perspective as a means of attacking the populist Right as a whole, since they spun the ridiculous narrative that the Alt-Right was somehow vaguely responsible for getting Trump elected. The fact is, of course, that there was never any relationship between what was called the Alt-Right and the Trump administration, but the Alt Right's media-appointed leaders were hungry for attention that the media was more than happy to provide -- and the rest is, regrettably, history.

It might have been possible to develop an alternative movement in late 2016 and 2017 that could have piggybacked on Trump's success while laying the groundwork for a genuinely innovative form of the American Right more in keeping with genuine Right-wing principles, and yet that could still have appealed to ordinary Americans. It quickly became apparent, however, that those individuals who found themselves thrust into the Alt-Right spotlight lacked the character, maturity, and judgment to make it happen. Being wizards at winning followers for websites, podcasts, and social media was no proper education to prepare them for entering the arena of actual politics. Granted, they were confronting forces far beyond what any marginal group could be expected to compete with; but by adopting tactics that had failed for George Lincoln Rockwell half a century earlier and standing shoulder-to-shoulder with actual Nazis and Klansmen, they played the role of cartoon Nazis that the media had cast them in to a tee. After being led into the trap that was Charlottesville, the Alt-Right's tombstone was written and Trump was never again able to plausibly deny that he was a white supremacist. We must persist in our efforts, but the fact remains that the Alt-Right's spectacular and tragically unnecessary failure will continue to hamper us for many years to come.

Despite our disappointment, we must still acknowledge that President Trump accomplished some goals that deserve our thanks. It must be granted that throughout his tenure, despite the constant accusations of warmongering by his opponents, he didn't start any new wars. There were a few close calls, of course, particularly with Syria and Iran, but none of America's enemies called his bluffs despite provocation and things remained at the level of low-intensity conflict. It is certainly true that when it comes to foreign policy, Trump did much more for Israel than he did for America, but he nevertheless made strides toward ending the conflicts he had inherited and never bowed to the pressure to start new ones. As a corollary to this, no Islamist terror attacks occurred within the United States during Trump's tenure apart from the shooting at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, which puts him above both Bush and Obama in that category. (It struck me as odd that Trump didn't play this up more in his second campaign.)The most glorious moment of Trump's presidency for me, however, remains his refusal to denounce the Alt-Right in the notorious press conference that he held three days after Charlottesville. While it certainly wasn't the unequivocal defense of White Nationalism that the media has made it out to have been ever since, the fact that he refused to issue the standard denunciations of the Alt-Right that he had doubtless been asked to deliver stands for me as a rare moment of principle for President Trump. In the end, it meant nothing in practical terms, but it's one of the few clear examples we have that there was something deeper to his presidency than mere egotism. It's also a sign of how much worse things were to get over the subsequent years that he failed to show the same spirit when dealing with those of his supporters who stormed the Capitol, opting for submissiveness rather than the spirit of defiance that had characterized his campaign and the early days of his term.

Additionally, Trump's strident Euroskepticism forced Europe for the first time since the Second World War to consider pursuing greater independence from NATO and the US and to perhaps even solely pursue its own interests in foreign policy yet again, rather than serving as America's lapdog on many issues and continuing to rely on the US for defense. It remains to be seen if this trend will persist or reverse now that Trump is gone, but we can hope that more forward-looking European politicians will continue thinking in terms of preparing for a post-American global order.

We should also bear in mind that the Trump administration established good relations with Right-wing populist parties in Europe in a way that would have been unimaginable under any other presidency. The present governments of Hungary and Poland, in particular, enjoyed friendly relations with Washington for the first time and will sorely miss Trump now that Biden has made it clear that he intends to return to a confrontational policy with them. (At the same time, it's worth noting that some European politicians on the Right I have spoken with said that they preferred a Trump defeat, since they feel that Trump and American politics more generally have become an obsessive distraction for the European Right and that his removal would allow Europeans to focus on their own problems again.)

Domestically, Trump could hardly be considered a success on his signature issue, immigration, although he wasn't entirely a failure, either. We certainly didn't get anything like the sort of sweeping and radical changes on immigration that many of us had hoped for in the beginning. Indeed, the Trump administration did not pass a single new piece of immigration-related legislation. By some metrics , in fact, certain types of immigration remained the same or increased during Trump's tenure. In those currents where it decreased, some of it appears to have occurred as a result of the pandemic rather than due to any political action. And of course, the Wall remains mostly unbuilt and now surely faces cancellation.

At the same time, Trump did fortunately withdraw the US from the United Nations' ethnomasochistic Global Compact on Migration. He did make limited progress in a few other areas as well , particularly making it more difficult for "refugees" to come to the US and for illegal immigrants to remain there. And he did put a stop to some of the more troubling immigration policies that have emanated from both parties in the past, such as the push for amnesties for illegals, and called a temporary moratorium on visas for "guest workers" in response to the pandemic.

The issue that could be regarded as his second-biggest signature issue was opposing globalization and helping ordinary working Americans; bringing industry back home was a constant theme of his first campaign. In the end, however, Trump remained largely ineffectual in this area. We should thank him for ending the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). But the treaty he signed to replace the former, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement , is only slightly better than its precursor. The other nations which were part of the TPP ended up signing the virtually identical Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), which the US has not signed but which it remains eligible to join at any time. In other words, the Trump administration didn't do much to halt the drumbeat of globalization.

When it comes to the Dissident Right, Trump offered little but empty rhetoric. Despite occasionally talking about establishing controls over Big Tech to prevent their blatant censorship of non-conformist views that challenge the neoliberal narrative, no action was ever taken in this direction. Apart from his Charlottesville press conference, neither did Trump ever take a stand in defense of white advocates, and he often went in the other direction, such as in September , when he promised to declare the "Ku Klux Klan" a terrorist organization (thus opening the door for any Dissident Right groups to be targeted given the lack of an easily identifiable unified KKK organization), calling for Juneteenth to be declared a federal holiday, and promising $500 billion in aid to black communities.

Thus, President Trump achieved modest successes at best, and even those issues on which he won victories can be easily reversed by the Biden administration -- and in some cases they are already doing so. But such is the ephemeral nature of politics in a liberal democracy.

On the plus side, the Republican Party now finds itself in its direst predicament since the 1940s, if not before, as a result of Trumpism taking root within it. The conflict between populists and neoliberals within its ranks, which now threatens to come to a head as a result of Trump's second impeachment, may very well end the party for good, or at least result in a split -- either outcome of which might perhaps open the door for a more genuinely Right-wing party to fill the void it will leave behind. Only time will tell, but if it happens, it will be a parting gift from Trump to have achieved what once seemed impossible, back when the Republican Party was nothing more than the party of multiculturalism and globalism plus Jesus and low taxes.

President Trump's most important contribution is that he lit the flame that genuinely started the fire of Right-wing populism in America after previous attempts such as Pat Buchanan's campaigns and the Tea Party ( yech ) had guttered out without raising the temperature in Washington by even a degree. Whether that flame can continue burning now that he's gone remains to be seen, but we can still hope that it was the start of a trend rather than a temporary deviation. If American populism is to survive, it will clearly stand on the Right; the Left has already amply demonstrated in its underhanded suppression of more populist Democratic candidates such as Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard that they will not tolerate the rise of any form of Leftism that doesn't conform to the Washington Elite's expectations.

Now, Unpresident Biden and the entire Democratic Party apparatus, emboldened by their largely successful efforts to discredit the Right as a whole by blaming it in its entirety for the Capitol occupation, believe themselves to be in a place where they can reshape American politics according to their own agenda without any regard for the other side whatsoever. As they've done continuously since the 2016 election, the Democrats always choose to double down on their extremist rhetoric rather than doing any soul-searching about how they might have contributed to bringing the situation about, nor about how they might be able to seek some sort of compromise with the other side. They are too self-righteous to be capable of critical reflection.

The Capitol "coup," harebrained as it was, certainly does not even begin to compare to the Democrats' -- and some Republicans' -- efforts to undermine the Trump administration and the will of the American electorate at every turn over the past four years, which to my mind much more accurately fits the definition of a coup. It will be the task of the Dissident Right -- and hopefully the Right more generally, if they have the stones -- to do to the Left exactly what they have been doing to us by throwing endless obstacles in their path, denying their legitimacy, and constantly calling them to account for their injustices and excesses at every possible opportunity.

The Democrats are not as strong as they believe. Even most liberals only supported Biden grudgingly and purely out of expediency. Unpresident Biden is America's Brezhnev -- his health and stamina failing, he is merely an old Establishment tool who has been resurrected in an attempt to prop up an order that everyone knows is on its last legs. A telling video from the inauguration shows Biden passing a contingent of Marines on guard duty, who any sitting president is supposed to salute, being the Commander-in-Chief. Biden just shambles past them without a gesture, oddly mumbling "salute the Marines" under his facemask. The quite plausible theory that has been making the rounds is that Biden was being instructed on what to say and do through an earpiece, and that he mistakenly repeated an instruction to salute the Marines rather than actually doing it. This seems a good metaphor for his entire administration. (If you're wondering who is on the other end of Biden's earpiece, it might perhaps be one of the many Jews with whom he has packed his cabinet -- such a number that makes Trump's pandering to the Jewish lobby seem tame in comparison. What happened to diversity? Does the White House need affirmative action for whites nowadays?)

Like the late Soviet Union, however, Washington Inc. will project images of power in order to conceal the reality of their order's decrepitude. That is surely the motive behind the deployment of 26,000 soldiers to Washington, DC -- more than the number currently stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan combined -- in response to the supposed Right-wing "threat." It isn't about security, it is a show of force to prove to America that they are back and that they intend to keep Washington and propagate their policies by any means necessary. Further, I predict that the US will engage in some significant military action within the next year to make a similar show of force on the world stage, flexing its muscles to prove that America intends to resume its role as the world's policeman.

Starting from before the inauguration, the Left has been making their intention to declare war on anything authentically white or Rightist clear. But while it was very easy for the Establishment to muzzle the few thousand adherents of the Alt-Right, it will be much more difficult for them to silence the 75 million Americans who voted for Trump -- in many cases not because they loved Trump but simply because they wanted to prevent the return of the ruling clique that had been governing our country entirely unopposed for decades before Trump's rise.

In the final analysis, the most important lesson to be taken away from the Trump administration is that the last five years were never about Trump himself. American populism didn't start with him and it won't end with him. Samuel Francis was already predicting the rise of a populist figure like Trump in the 1990s, even heralding a " revolution from the Right " in a way that seems extremely prescient today. What the Capitol occupation showed is that the populist current has grown beyond Trump's ability to channel and contain it. As a result -- maybe -- we have an opportunity to transcend him and construct something real out of the movement he energized, and do it better.

The real news of the last few months was the fact that 11 million more Americans voted for Trump in 2020 over 2016, despite the ongoing demographic changes and despite all of his flaws and failures. There is nothing that more aptly proves that it wasn't all merely about him than this. American populism isn't dead. White America isn't dead. That's why I didn't use a photo of Trump himself to illustrate this post, but rather one of his supporters -- ordinary Americans, who were the real motor behind these changes in the political landscape.

I can't say at present what will come next for the Dissident Right. I'm not sure who will, or even could, emerge to form the leadership of a post-Trump populist movement. Perhaps those who follow the American political scene more closely than I do might have an inkling of who is waiting in the wings that might be qualified to take charge. One thing that is certain is that these new leaders must be completely disconnected in every public way from the fiasco that was the Alt-Right. That brand is dead. But hopefully what is best in the Dissident Rightist milieu can still inform whatever follows in our, and Trump's, footsteps.

With Trump's wings clipped, ordinary white Americans are looking for a leader. Here's hoping they can finally get the one they deserve.

elvisroy0000 , says: January 26, 2021 at 2:02 pm GMT • 4.0 days ago

Well Lets see interesting year Biden wins ,Pennsyllvanis by 25,000 more votes than Registered voters. He wins Wisconsin by 17,000 more votes than voters, their were two states with over 300,000 combinred votes that were from people who did not exist, But according to the courts all the way up to the supreme court who said it was legal, needless to say i no longer, trust the supreme court

Chris Moore , says: Website January 26, 2021 at 4:01 pm GMT • 3.9 days ago

Trump succeeded in two things, both for the Jewish cause: advanced the Zionist interest in Israel, and put back the opposition to the liberal-neocon Jewish establishment in America. How is that in any way a "win" for authentic America Firsters?

Ann Coulter got it right: His loyalties were to himself and his entitled (Zionist) bloodline.

Exalted Cyclops , says: January 27, 2021 at 8:10 am GMT • 3.3 days ago

Trump was never anything but a con from the start. Don't feel bad, lot's of us were conned...

RoatanBill , says: January 27, 2021 at 10:39 am GMT • 3.2 days ago

I was proud of the fact that Michigan, where I vote

No real dissident votes. When one votes, he is buying into the scam that continually produces the next savior and continually produces nothing but more repression.

A real dissident understands he is getting reamed and won't cooperate in his own demise. A dissident has a brain that actually thinks. A voter is a mindless spectator in the endless game of politics purposely designed to provide a false sense of control for people too stupid to understand the system offers them no control.

Brian Reilly , says: January 27, 2021 at 12:59 pm GMT • 3.1 days ago

Trump was a little bit better choice than the other candidates. And they were really, really, really bad. I was not disappointed in Trump because I never expected much out of him. RIP Donny!

troof , says: January 30, 2021 at 5:32 am GMT • 9.2 hours ago

It's always amazing to see how many right-wingers have invented a country for themselves called "this country", which is everywhere, has no population, but lives in their minds anyway. All for the sake of a chimera called "the white working class".

How is it an imaginary class which is actually a minority, and that has no history anywhere is also going to rule over a continent of 50 States with 300+ million people?

Everything "right wing" is a mental fantasy cult.

Jimmy le Blanc , says: January 30, 2021 at 6:58 am GMT • 7.7 hours ago

I called it the day he rode down the escalator. I was happy he won, but not happy with his performance. Even so, I voted for him again, because the alternative was much worse.

Trump ran on a Democrat 1980 platform: manufacturing jobs, family values, everything the Democrats were before homosexuals, Scientism, and "people of color" changed the party. Hardly "right wing," but given today's politics, who knows what the labels mean anymore. Contrary to the New York Times, he was not a racist or a fascist. He pandered more to blacks and Hispanics than he did to Whites. His pardon of two negro rappers just before he left office was disgusting. Allowing that Kardashian whore into the Oval Office was likewise disgusting. And his Jewish in-laws were nauseating.

He was not my ideal candidate, but, as I said, the alternative was far worse. As for the future, I will not vote again. We are unlikely to ever see a promising leader that Whites can follow.

Yukon Jack , says: January 30, 2021 at 7:53 am GMT • 6.8 hours ago

From a right wing perspective, Trump was in bed with the enemy Israel.

animalogic , says: January 30, 2021 at 7:55 am GMT • 6.8 hours ago
@Exalted Cyclops

If Jared is involved, then the seeds of corruption are already sprouting.

gotmituns , says: January 30, 2021 at 9:26 am GMT • 5.3 hours ago

trump was/is a carnival huckster who fooled enough people to become president.

Anonymous [199] Disclaimer , says: January 30, 2021 at 9:34 am GMT • 5.1 hours ago

While it is true that Trump didn't start the war with Syria, that honor belongs to our 44th White President, make no mistake: we are at war with Syria and should not be.

Can everybody please stop calling it "immigration"? And start calling it "illegal alien invasion"? Immigration is not the problem although the H1B visa program is a disaster for American workers, just a way to import cheap mostly Indian labor and it needs a moratorium.

Ghost of Emanuel Swedenborg , says: January 30, 2021 at 9:45 am GMT • 4.9 hours ago

I think the author is far too generous in his assesssment of Trump. The only positive thing I can see was that he didn't start any new wars, only maintained the ones that was although the blatant zionist provocation of Iran was unforgivable.

It all started the first day after the election when Trump et al decided that they would not be going in opposition to their own party. That was his first mistake. His econd mistake mistake was not hiring people loyal to him and Bannon's vision and third mistake was being a dumbfuck who let himself be led into the most stupid things by the corrupt -- - Kushner who had way too much influence over everything, yes everything, in the administration.

Ultimately Trump was a bloviating buffoon (Although that was known to anybody reasonable before the election) with a degree of narcissism never seen in a white goy in politics before that was only thinking about himself the whole time, without any convictions at all.
He squandered the first two years on going along with the GOPe agenda and ultimately the only people who got anything out of his presidency was blacks/criminals, the left (Because he riled them up and poked them while never using the force of the state to shut them down, even dropping his own voter fraud investigation halfways and crying on twitter that somebody should do something about so many different things when he was the President – an absurd thing to do), the rich 1 % elite and Jews (But i repeat myself).

If Russia anneses Crimea, which was a part of the country until the 1950s or 60s, it's a crime against humanity. If Israel annexes the West bank it's only good and right.

Why? Because Jews run the USA and Trump did nothing at all to stand up to them in any real way that gave any results (And I mean implicitly, not explcitly of course).

R2b , says: January 30, 2021 at 12:50 pm GMT • 1.9 hours ago

As mr Morgan said, its not about Trump, it is American Populism rising, and betrayed once again. I
Israel got the most!
Four years wasted, and no organizing but ludicruos fringe alt-right queers, and nazi-fan boys!
This should be about the ordinary people, 75 million, long since betrayed by the democrats calling them "deplorables" and "fly-over-people".
Organize now!
Pick up Tulsi Gabbard and forget about Bernie Sanders!
Create a movement and form resistance, before they jab you out in space!

BannedHipster , says: Website January 30, 2021 at 1:56 pm GMT • 46 minutes ago

The record is quite clear at this point.

Trump never cared about immigration, the wall, deporting illegals, bringing jobs back, ending the wars for Israel in the Middle East.

Trump was always, 100%, about Israel's Likud agenda.

[Jan 29, 2021] Industrial capitalism's resistance to this international pressure is necessarily nationalist, because it needs state subsidy and laws to tax and regulate the FIRE sector

Jan 29, 2021 |

karlof1 , Jan 29 2021 17:18 utc | 23

The acronym ought to be ISUS or USIS. Of course, al-Tanf is a terrorist base, the terrorists primarily being forces of the Outlaw US Empire and its main accomplice. Accepting that as fact, we must then determine WHY? What is the overall aim? If Hudson's correct about the overall geopolitical aims of the Parasitical Neoliberal Fascists running the Outlaw US Empire and its NATO vassals, then we've known the answer for quite awhile. The following is what Hudson has distilled it to:

"All economic systems seek to internationalize themselves and extend their rule throughout the world. Today's revived Cold War should be understood as a fight between what kind of economic system the world will have . Finance capitalism is fighting against nations that restrict its intrusive dynamics and sponsorship of privatization and dismantling of public regulatory power . Unlike industrial capitalism, the rentier aim is not to become a more productive economy by producing goods and selling them at a lower cost than competitors. Finance capitalism's dynamics are globalist, seeking to use international organizations (the IMF, NATO, the World Bank and U.S.-designed trade and investment sanctions) to overrule national governments that are not controlled by the rentier classes . The aim is to make all economies into finance-capitalist layers of hereditary privilege, imposing anti-labor austerity policies to squeeze a dollarized surplus .

" Industrial capitalism's resistance to this international pressure is necessarily nationalist , because it needs state subsidy and laws to tax and regulate the FIRE sector . But it is losing the fight to finance capitalism, which is turning to be its nemesis just as industrial capitalism was the nemesis of post-feudal landlordship and predatory banking. Industrial capitalism requires state subsidy and infrastructure investment, along with regulatory and taxing power to check the incursion of finance capital . The resulting global conflict is between socialism (the natural evolution of industrial capitalism) and a pro-rentier fascism, a state-finance-capitalist reaction against socialism's mobilization of state power to roll back the post-feudal rentier interests ." [My Emphasis]

The situation in Syria and Iraq represent the kinetic edge of what's mostly a Cold War globally. It's noted that some of the Parasitical organizations have powers equal to some nation-states and that the main underlying aim is the weakening of governments's abilities to regulate them. The pandemic has weakened a great many nations while the Parasites have grown stronger as they get massive transfusions from the Fed. Thus it seems very plausible that given their motive, the Parasites spawned the pandemic, not this or that government. We watched as those forces operated independently of Trump by disobeying his orders, and now we have further understanding of why the so-called Forever Wars. We can also understand the real motive for 911 was the destruction of evidence at Building 7 and the Pentagon that would've gravely injured the Parasites while also providing a covering reason for launching the Forever Wars. IMO, the only way the Outlaw US Empire will leave the areas it occupies is if its physically ousted--Korea, Japan, Europe, Afghanistan, Southwest Asia. It ought to be possible to now see how Full Spectrum Domination can be obtained without a military conflict, as well as the real reasons behind the demonization of China and Russia.

Both Putin and Xi told Davos and the Parasites that they're committed to their development path which is completely at odds with what the Parasites desire. IMO, the global masses would agree with both and join them if they knew what they said. We can also see why the attack on the Ummah, which is the Islamic global collective that adheres to the values that promote the collective, not the Parasites that would feed on it. And we just witnessed how the Parasites are able to quickly counter any concerted effort to disciple them, which also served the purpose of outing Big Tech as an enemy of the collective. Cold War or Class War? The difference between them is close to indistinguishable.

snake , Jan 29 2021 13:52 utc | 12

How can a U.S. citizen even respond? U.S. Intel agency secrets. CENTCOM's treason, the nation's complicity in another eternal war for Israel. It's just too sad to comment about. Maybe voting and the law will fix this mess.

Posted by: PavewayIV | Jan 29 2021 11:31 utc | 2

I think maybe its time to rethink is it actually the nation state of Israel, OR is it that the Nation State of Israel is the same as the Nation State of the USA, a warrior, pawn and get it done group that both holds captive its citizens by rule of law and that serves the will and wishes of the Oligarch..

Oligarchary has gone global. They are in control of the top of nearly all governments and they privately own (92% owned by just 6 entities) the media (the ninth tier in the 9 tier model) At the top and at the bottom they have what it takes to keep divided the populations so the deplorable cannot effectively organize. Until someone comes up with a way to overcome the divided nation,nothing effective is likely to surface. Nation states are the pawns, the war machine (leg breakers) that keep the Oligarch familes wealthy.. forget the nation state as the center of power, the nation state is not, the center of power is invisible, the nation state is just the war machine, and law making machine and the wealth extraction machine the oligarch depend on to keep their wealth and to deny the deplorable their chance at the good life.

One of the biggest challenges to democracy lay in the copyright and patent monopolies. these monopolies are creatures of the rule of law, without law there can be no privately owned monopolies. as of Oct 1, it is reported that 90% of the balance sheets of the traded companies is either patents or copyrights. that only leaves 10% for physical assets. Rule of law, without effective input from those who are the governed, is the enemy of the deplorable and the supression of Democracy, Independence of mind, thought and deed.

If you removed the laws that enable copyright and patents, overnight some mighty big corporate enterprises would be broke.

[Jan 27, 2021] Part of the reason the establishment ushered Trump into the race in 2016, apart from thinking that would guarantee Clinton a win, was the intention to socially/culturally marginalize the "Deplorables" and crush their morale when their "champion" was brutally humiliated by losing the election bigly

Notable quotes:
"... Blatantly frauding the election against Trump wasn't enough and they have to hold show trials and even label the "Deplorables" as terrorists to get back to where they expected to be after the election in 2016. This is why the establishment feels they have to go forward with the second impeachment, and it is why the public is being treated to the spectacle of hysterical, over-the-top hyperbole from the establishment mass media about the threat of imaginary white supremacists and Capitol building insurrectionists. ..."
"... If Trump WAS a "champion" of the right he would've mauled the establishment via prosecutions (that never came) and true 'America First' actions. Instead, we see Biden just picking up where Trump left off. ..."
Jan 27, 2021 |

William Gruff , Jan 26 2021 19:30 utc | 24

vinnieoh @14

Part of the reason the establishment ushered Trump into the race in 2016, apart from thinking that would guarantee Clinton a win, was the intention to socially/culturally marginalize the "Deplorables" and crush their morale when their "champion" was brutally humiliated by losing the election bigly. Though Trump winning against all expectations set back the establishment's plans for rolling out its more "inclusive" formulation of capitalist exploitation, they are now fully committed to picking up the pieces of their plans and trying to run with them as if the previous four years never happened.

The only difference in their plans is that Trump actually was president, so the establishment has to work much harder at shaming and humiliating the "Deplorables" into subjugation.

Blatantly frauding the election against Trump wasn't enough and they have to hold show trials and even label the "Deplorables" as terrorists to get back to where they expected to be after the election in 2016. This is why the establishment feels they have to go forward with the second impeachment, and it is why the public is being treated to the spectacle of hysterical, over-the-top hyperbole from the establishment mass media about the threat of imaginary white supremacists and Capitol building insurrectionists.

Of course the establishment's plans will not work any better now than they did in 2016, but it should be fun to watch them continue to cluelessly flounder about.

Jackrabbit , Jan 26 2021 20:51 utc | 42

William Gruff @Jan26 19:30 #24

Part of the reason the establishment ushered Trump into the race in 2016, apart from thinking that would guarantee Clinton a win ...

Firstly, "the establishment" is very broad. I think those who "select" the President is a much narrower group of power people and the interests they represent. If there's one thing that they have in common, it is this: their outlook is EMPIRE-FIRST, and the interests they represent benefit from the Empire.

The Presidency is the lynchpin of the Empire.

There's evidence that Hillary was meant to lose to Trump:

  1. as sheepdog, Bernie all but guaranteed that Hillary would win the Democratic nomination;
  2. Hillary, a seasoned campaigner made egregious "mistakes" that angered key voter groups - mistakes that no seasoned campaigner in a 'must win' campaign would do: she snubbed blacks (she was very cold to BLM); alienated progressives (bringing Debra Wasserman-Schultz into her campaign); and declared that non-progressive whites were "deplorables."

    In the closing weeks of the campaign, she also refused to campaign in the THREE STATES that SHE KNEW would decide the election.

  3. After Russia stood up to USA in Syria and Ukraine, Kissinger wrote a WSJ Op-Ed (August 2014) that all but called for MAGA! He argued for a return to America's global leadership/dominance. 10 months later Trump entered the race as the ONLY MAGA! candidate.
... was the intention to socially/culturally marginalize the "Deplorables" and crush their morale when their "champion" was brutally humiliated ...

But Trump was hardly a "champion" of the Tea Party Republicans in 2015-16. He was just a billionaire poser that was paying lip service to them. Many weren't sure they could trust him but he was sure as hell better than Hillary. The popular right's embrace of Trump mostly came after the election as propaganda from Qanon and others spun every action of Trump's as heroically fighting the good fight.

The only difference in their plans is that Trump actually was president ...

And therein lies the rub! If Trump WAS a "champion" of the right he would've mauled the establishment via prosecutions (that never came) and true 'America First' actions. Instead, we see Biden just picking up where Trump left off.


[Jan 26, 2021] Show me whom you pardon and will tell you who you are

Now Trump has shafted DR Congo because the money was well appreciated by Dan Gertler as documented by Dershowitz.– "Letting Dan Gertler off the hook sends a message to the world's most corrupt businesspeople that the U.S. will let them walk free after a bit of lobbying,"-NYTimes
Notable quotes:
"... Trump's most pervasive foreign policy initiatives have involved Israel, encouraging the Jewish state's attacks on Palestinian, Iranian, Lebanese and Syrian targets with impunity, killing thousands of civilians on his watch. Trump has given Israel everything it could possibly ask for, with no consideration for what the U.S. interests might actually be. The only thing he did not do for the Jewish state was to attack and destroy Iran, and even there, reports suggest that he sought to do just that in the waning days of his administration but was talked out of it by his cabinet. ..."
"... But even given all that, Trump the panderer clearly wanted to give one last gift to Israel, and he saved it for his last day in office, when he issued more than 140 pardons and commutations. Though other presidents have issued controversial pardons, no other head of state has so abused the clemency authority to benefit not only friends and acquaintances but also celebrity defendants including rappers, some advocated by the likes of the Kardashians, and also those promoted by monied interests. Most of the pardons went to cronies and to supplicants who were willing to pay in cash or in kind to be set free. It was suggested that Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner was engaged in the selection process and money was often a key element. Some might describe that as corruption. ..."
"... Elliott Broidy, former finance chair of the Republican National Committee, had no less than five Rabbis vouching for him. Last year Broidy had pleaded guilty to acting as an "unregistered foreign agent," part of a larger investigation into the Malaysian "1MDB Scandal" in which Prime Minister Najib Razak stole more than $700 million dollars from his country's state-run 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). Broidy worked on behalf of Razak and was offered $75 million if he could get the U.S. Justice Department to drop its own investigation into the scandal. ..."
"... Another clemency beneficiary who exploited his Jewish links was Philip Esformes, a former nursing home executive who executed one of the biggest Medicare frauds in U.S. history. Just days after being released after serving four years of his 20-year sentence, Esformes celebrated his daughter's wedding in a lavish party held at his multi-million dollar Florida home. He benefited from a lobbying campaign by the Hasidic Chabad-Lubavitch Aleph Institute, a group advised by the ubiquitous former Trump lawyer Alan Dershowitz. The movement reportedly has connections to Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner. ..."
"... Another person pardoned by Trump was Sholam Weiss, a Hasidic businessman from New York who was sentenced to more than 800 years in prison in 2000 for racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering connected to a huge fraud scheme that stole $125 million from the National Heritage Life Insurance Company, leading to its bankruptcy. He fled the country but was subsequently arrested in Austria and extradited to the United States. Weiss had reportedly received the endorsement of from Dershowitz, who also recently has been involved in the Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell espionage case. ..."
"... Trump gave a full pardon to Aviem Sella, a seventy-five year old former Israeli Air Force officer, who was indicted in the U.S. in 1987 for espionage in relation to the Jonathan Pollard spy case. Sella fled to Israel days before Pollard was arrested outside the Israeli embassy in Washington D.C. and the Israeli government refused to extradite him. Sella, at the time doing a degree course at New York University, was Pollard's initial contact. He had started working part-time for the Mossad intelligence agency in the early 1980s and received some of the classified top-secret documents provided by Pollard in exchange for money and jewelry. ..."
Jan 26, 2021 |
by Philip Giraldi - The Unz Review Another disgraceful performance from "Israel's president" PHILIP GIRALDI JANUARY 26, 2021 1,700 WORDS 141 COMMENTS REPLY Tweet Reddit Share Share Email Print More

One keeps hearing that former President Donald Trump will be judged well by the history books because he was the only American head of state in recent memory who did not start any new wars. Well, the claim is itself questionable as Jimmy Carter, for all his faults, managed to avoid entering into any new armed conflict, and Trump can hardly be described as a president who eschewed throwing his weight around, both literally and figuratively. He attacked Syria on two occasions based on fabricated intelligence, assassinated an Iranian general, withdrew from several arms and proliferation agreements, and has been waging economic warfare against Iran, Syria, Venezuela and Iraq. He has sanctioned individuals and organizations in both China and Russia and has declared Iranian government components and Yemeni Houthi rebels to be terrorists. He has occupied Syria's oil producing region to "protect it from terrorists" and has generally exerted "maximum pressure" against his "enemies" in the Middle East.

So no, Donald Trump is no antiwar activist. But Trump's most pervasive foreign policy initiatives have involved Israel, encouraging the Jewish state's attacks on Palestinian, Iranian, Lebanese and Syrian targets with impunity, killing thousands of civilians on his watch. Trump has given Israel everything it could possibly ask for, with no consideration for what the U.S. interests might actually be. The only thing he did not do for the Jewish state was to attack and destroy Iran, and even there, reports suggest that he sought to do just that in the waning days of his administration but was talked out of it by his cabinet.

Trump's pander to Israel started out with withdrawing from the nuclear monitoring agreement with Iran, followed by his shutting down the Palestinian offices in the United States, halting U.S. contributions for Palestinian humanitarian relief, moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Syrian Golan Heights, giving a green light for Israel to do whatever it wishes on the formerly Palestinian West Bank, and, finally permitting paroled former Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard to go "home" to Israel where he received a hero's welcome. Trump, to be sure, was aided in his disloyalty to his own country by former bankruptcy lawyer Ambassador David Friedman in place in Israel, an ardent Zionist and a cheerleader for whatever atrocities Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided to commit. Couple that with a Congress that gives billions of dollars to Israel annually while bleating that the Jewish state has a "right to defend itself" and a media that self-censors all the human rights violations and war crimes that Netanyahu unleashes, and you have a perfect love fest for Israel expressed daily throughout the United States.

But even given all that, Trump the panderer clearly wanted to give one last gift to Israel, and he saved it for his last day in office, when he issued more than 140 pardons and commutations. Though other presidents have issued controversial pardons, no other head of state has so abused the clemency authority to benefit not only friends and acquaintances but also celebrity defendants including rappers, some advocated by the likes of the Kardashians, and also those promoted by monied interests. Most of the pardons went to cronies and to supplicants who were willing to pay in cash or in kind to be set free. It was suggested that Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner was engaged in the selection process and money was often a key element. Some might describe that as corruption.

Those of us in the actual antiwar plus anti-surveillance-state movement had been hoping that Trump would actually do something good at no cost to himself, pardoning whistleblowers Edward Snowden, John Kiriakou, Reality Winner, and Chelsea Manning as well as journalist Julian Assange. Kiriakou has reported that when he petitioned for a pardon through one of Trump lawyer Rudi Giuliani's aides, he was told that such an arrangement would cost $2 million.

Bribes for pardons aside, it would have cost Trump nothing to pardon the whistleblowers and it would be a vindication of those who had put themselves at risk to attack the machinations of the Deep State, which Trump had blamed for the coordinated attacks against himself. This was his relatively cost-free chance to get revenge. Admittedly, there is speculation that Senator Mitch McConnell may have warned Trump against pardoning Julian Assange in particular, threatening to come up with enough GOP votes to convict him in his upcoming impeachment trial if he were to do so. Be that as it may, not a single whistleblower was pardoned though there was room on the ship for plenty of heinous white collar criminals. Former Dr. Salomon Melgen, for example, had his sentence commuted. Melgen, a close friend of the seriously corrupt Senator from New Jersey Robert Menendez got into trouble in 2009 when the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) discovered that he had overbilled Medicare for $8.9 million for a drug called Lucentis. Two years later Melgen's business was hit with a $11 million lien from the IRS and four years after that he was charged and convicted over more than 76 counts of health care fraud and making false statements.

Some of those pardoned had Jewish organizations going to bat for them. Elliott Broidy, former finance chair of the Republican National Committee, had no less than five Rabbis vouching for him. Last year Broidy had pleaded guilty to acting as an "unregistered foreign agent," part of a larger investigation into the Malaysian "1MDB Scandal" in which Prime Minister Najib Razak stole more than $700 million dollars from his country's state-run 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). Broidy worked on behalf of Razak and was offered $75 million if he could get the U.S. Justice Department to drop its own investigation into the scandal.

Another clemency beneficiary who exploited his Jewish links was Philip Esformes, a former nursing home executive who executed one of the biggest Medicare frauds in U.S. history. Just days after being released after serving four years of his 20-year sentence, Esformes celebrated his daughter's wedding in a lavish party held at his multi-million dollar Florida home. He benefited from a lobbying campaign by the Hasidic Chabad-Lubavitch Aleph Institute, a group advised by the ubiquitous former Trump lawyer Alan Dershowitz. The movement reportedly has connections to Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Another person pardoned by Trump was Sholam Weiss, a Hasidic businessman from New York who was sentenced to more than 800 years in prison in 2000 for racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering connected to a huge fraud scheme that stole $125 million from the National Heritage Life Insurance Company, leading to its bankruptcy. He fled the country but was subsequently arrested in Austria and extradited to the United States. Weiss had reportedly received the endorsement of from Dershowitz, who also recently has been involved in the Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell espionage case.

And, of course, there was also the Israel factor. For no plausible reason whatsoever and contrary to actual American interests, Trump gave a full pardon to Aviem Sella, a seventy-five year old former Israeli Air Force officer, who was indicted in the U.S. in 1987 for espionage in relation to the Jonathan Pollard spy case. Sella fled to Israel days before Pollard was arrested outside the Israeli embassy in Washington D.C. and the Israeli government refused to extradite him. Sella, at the time doing a degree course at New York University, was Pollard's initial contact. He had started working part-time for the Mossad intelligence agency in the early 1980s and received some of the classified top-secret documents provided by Pollard in exchange for money and jewelry.

Sella had passed on the Pollard contact to Mossad's agent handler Rafi Eitan, who continued to "run" Pollard until he was arrested. Sella's indictment was essentially meaningless theater, as is generally true of nearly all Israeli spy cases in the U.S., as Tel Aviv refused to extradite him to the United States and the Justice Department made no attempt to arrest him when he was traveling outside Israel. Trump's pardon for Sella as a favor to Netanyahu sends yet another signal that Israel can spy against the U.S. with impunity. The request to Trump for clemency came from the Israeli government itself and was reportedly endorsed by Netanyahu, Israeli Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer, the United States Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, and Miriam Adelson. According to the White House statement on the pardon, "The state of Israel has issued what a full and unequivocal apology, and has requested the pardon in order to close this unfortunate chapter in U.S.-Israel relations."

Was it a gift or merely a pander? Note particularly the inclusion of David Friedman, who as U.S. Ambassador to Israel is supposed to defend the interests of the United States but never does so. Once upon a time it was considered a potential conflict of interest to send a Jewish Ambassador to Israel. Now it seems to be a requirement and the Ambassador is apparently supposed to be an advocate for Israel as part of his or her mission. Friedman will no doubt be replaced by a Democratic version to deliver more of the same. And then there is Miriam Adelson. Good old Sheldon is hardly cold on the ground and his wife has taken up the mantle of manipulating players in Washington on behalf of the Jewish state.

Money talks and so the drama in Washington continues to play out. Trump manages to make himself look even worse with his last round of pardons and commutations on his ultimate day in office. No one who deserved clemency got it and a lot of well-connected rogues who were willing to fork over money in exchange for mercy benefited. Business as usual delivered by the so-called Leader of the Free World.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected]

Z-man , says: January 26, 2021 at 5:14 am GMT • 19.0 hours ago

But guess what, senile Joe is a loyal 'Zionist' and Kamalawala is married to a Jew.

Ghali , says: January 26, 2021 at 5:32 am GMT • 18.7 hours ago

While I whole heartily agree with Dr Giraldi, I strongly believe that Trump was a hostage of wealthy Jews and Zionists. It is most likely that he has committed misdemeanour while he was involved (friendship) with Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine who operated an elitist paedophilia criminal enterprise. The criminal enterprise was to advance the interests of Israel and Jews. It was used as a honey trap. Remember, Trump was under constant threat by wealthy Jews and by right-wing Zionists like Senators Mitch McConnell, Robert Menendez, etc. Trump was not a smart president. He committed heinous crimes on behalf of Israel and wealthy Jews.

RedpilledAF , says: January 26, 2021 at 5:54 am GMT • 18.3 hours ago

All Shabbos goys. Our nation is truly Zionist occupied territory. It has been for a long time, but under trump it became overt, and will continue to be under Biden.

Our whole reality, in a sense, has become a Talmudic dialectic. The rabbinate's mouthpiece, our media, disseminates the two sides of that demonic dialectic. The education system and academia train and mold Shabbos goys and Noahides. We work for them and they see us as beasts of burden.

Our citizenry likes the slavery they have been placed in. They are content.

LarryS , says: January 26, 2021 at 6:02 am GMT • 18.2 hours ago

So, the Populist is a shill for Israel and Qanon is probably a psy-op run from Tel Aviv. I wanted to believe there was hope for the USA. I really did. Now we have Biden "I am a Zionist" with an Israeli cabinet. Was there really election fraud? Will we ever know?
What's next?

Just another serf , says: January 26, 2021 at 6:26 am GMT • 17.8 hours ago

I pity those people, probably otherwise good folks, that were conned by this character. Was a blanket pardon for all Jews and BLACKS just not possible? I'm confident Alan Dershowitz could have worked through the complex legalities of such a "comprehensive" pardon.

Jim Christian , says: January 26, 2021 at 6:33 am GMT • 17.7 hours ago

I see the perverts Bob Kraft and Alan Dershowitz in the picture.

nsa , says: January 26, 2021 at 6:45 am GMT • 17.5 hours ago

What are a few yid pardons when, unbelievably, Americans routinely mutilate the sex organs of their male offspring at birth to demonstrate total fealty to the vile Cock Cutter Cult that rules them ..a practice so bizarre even an equatorial pygmy would laugh at the practitioners. Of course, the practitioners claim hygienic as well as spiritual benefits look ma, no dick cheese!

Tolstoy , says: January 26, 2021 at 6:46 am GMT • 17.4 hours ago

Trump is a crypto Jew. Well at least all his grandkids are ..real Jews. So is Hillary's grandkid. So corrupted on both side. What's new? Nothing. The only thing remarkable is that red necks still believe in Trump, hence the white race is doomed.

AriusArmenian , says: January 26, 2021 at 6:47 am GMT • 17.4 hours ago

Trump was too busy being co-president of Israel to give any thought to the American people.

Gleimhart Mantooso , says: January 26, 2021 at 7:43 am GMT • 16.5 hours ago

Is five rabbis vouching for you considered something of value? These are the same people who shouted "Give us Barabbas!"

Publius 2 , says: January 26, 2021 at 8:08 am GMT • 16.1 hours ago


Varna , says: January 26, 2021 at 8:11 am GMT • 16.0 hours ago

Agree with most of the article, but calling Jimmy Carter a recent president is more than just a bit of a stretch.

Carter exited office 40 years ago. The current median age in the US is about 38.4 (2019).
So in the lifetime of a very large portion of Americans there has not been a president that hasn't started a new war.

Sirius , says: January 26, 2021 at 8:20 am GMT • 15.9 hours ago

Frankly, I don't see why presidents should have the power to pardon. It has been abused so much that perhaps it's time to strip presidents of that power, or at least there should be an appeals process or some sort of oversight when that abuse becomes so egregious. Aside from all the financial criminals, he pardoned actual war criminals, men who murdered innocent civilians in Iraq. Pardons weren't meant for this.

Of course, leave it to Trump to take it to new levels of corruption as well as abuse. If John Kyriakou's allegation of Trump's directly selling pardons is true, that should be a first.

Ilya G Poimandres , says: January 26, 2021 at 8:23 am GMT • 15.8 hours ago

Carter kickstarted funding the Taliban 6 months before the Russians intervened.

I'm nor surprised by Trump's graft, but the whole system of making laws in Congress includes bribery so nothing new here to see.

Aside from being a bad manager, he is no strategist it seems. Not pardoning Assange means the GOP are going to vote not to impeach you? How gullible is he? He is getting impeached whatever he does, he could jump on a literal sword and they'd still impeach him because they are so offended by the prols.

Ron G , says: January 26, 2021 at 8:25 am GMT • 15.8 hours ago

Trump lost his job because he didn't do what he was elected for . attack Iran.

Brewer , says: January 26, 2021 at 8:30 am GMT • 15.7 hours ago

The sight of Dersh rubbing his hands in the pic is nearly enough to induce this commenter to say good riddance despite the obviously stolen election and the incoming disaster. I got the Apolitical Blues.

antitermite , says: January 26, 2021 at 8:38 am GMT • 15.6 hours ago

It would not have mattered whether Donald Trump had pardoned any whistleblowers.

As we can see, the Harris administration is dismantling as much of his legacy as they can, as fast as they can.
The parts that offend, that is.

It only matters if the CIA pardon Snowden or Assange, else they will forever be looking over their shoulders, wondering when something will be slipped into their tea, or over their doorknob..

mark green , says: January 26, 2021 at 8:46 am GMT • 15.4 hours ago
@Z-man ing back.
Therefore: stop bad-speak. Stop unauthorized thinking. For the love of God: eradicate anti-Semitism!

Has Israeli dominance of Zio-Washington and US 'news' ever been greater? Nah. And it may even be growing. OK, Trump blew the whistle on 'fake news'. But that teaser was pretty much far as it went.

For all his boldness, Trump realized that–when it came to Israel and the deep state– he met is match. Time to retreat.

Meanwhile, Israel and Zionist America have basically merged. In the dark of night, no less.

(Can you guess who the senior partner is?)

Humbert Humbert , says: January 26, 2021 at 8:52 am GMT • 15.3 hours ago

This article is a full on demolition of the idea that Trumpstein is any sort of patriot. I can not imagine any patriotic figure in all of human history doing a tenth of what this shabas goy has done for another country – and one so universally despised as Israel – and not only getting away with it, but still being praised in certain circles for standing up for his "motherland". Bonkers.

Greta Handel , says: January 26, 2021 at 8:59 am GMT • 15.2 hours ago

Go back to the preposterously optimistic article and comments under "A Pardoning Time of Year," December 29, 2020.

Will his supporters who thought that Mr. Trump would do right, even if only on his way out the door, now admit that they were duped?

A few, maybe. But there will still be plenty like them for the next Most Important Election Ever, their dissent channeled into naive, participatory assent to more Red+Blue governance from Washington.

Smith , says: January 26, 2021 at 9:25 am GMT • 14.8 hours ago

The fact (american) right wingers haven't dropped Trump like a sack of rock foretells more LOSING in the future.

HeebHunter , says: January 26, 2021 at 9:30 am GMT • 14.7 hours ago

Amerimutts are either kikes or kike slaves. There is no other places on earth (except semitic hell, of course), where "huwhites" cut children's foreskin against their will, as good "Christians".

Disgusting nation of heretics, quadroons, subhumans, kike lovers and yids.

1945 payback.

Supply and Demand , says: January 26, 2021 at 10:31 am GMT • 13.7 hours ago

Every boomer is Jewish or aspirationally Jewish. No avoiding it with old crones.

Defcon , says: January 26, 2021 at 10:46 am GMT • 13.4 hours ago

No surprise here, coming from "the best president Israel ever had". Expect more of the same from the new administration of Israeli stooges. I was hopeful the orange bastard would pardon Snowden and Assange, oh well.

Anonymous [661] Disclaimer , says: January 26, 2021 at 10:57 am GMT • 13.3 hours ago

Israel: America's–and the world's–#1 liability for the last 70 years.

Greg Bacon , says: Website January 26, 2021 at 11:06 am GMT • 13.1 hours ago

Pedo Joe is wasting no time showing Jews & Israel he can pander and grovel to Israel and Jew Inc better than Zion Don.

Look at 10 of his high-level Cabinet appointments..ALL Jews. If they had been all Muslims or all Chinese, it would've hit the fan and by now, most would have dropped out from that spot.
But since their Jews, well look the other way you Silly Goyim.

I thought Diversity was our strength?

All 10 of Biden's High Profile Appointees Are Jews

Anthony Blinken, Secretary of State

David Cohen, CIA Deputy Director

Merrick Garland, Attorney General

Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence

Ronald Klain, Chief of Staff

Eric Lander, Office of Science and Technology Policy director

Rachel Levine, deputy health secretary

Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security

Anne Neuberger, National Security Agency cybersecurity director

Wendy Sherman, deputy secretary of state

Janet Yellen, Treasury secretary

Next up, a 9/11 false flag that hits an American city or US base that the MSM will blame on Iran that had Syrian helpers.

Or maybe us white guys will get the blame when some fertilizer blows up a Midwest city?

Timur The Lame , says: January 26, 2021 at 11:12 am GMT • 13.0 hours ago

Idiocracy, the director's cut. Trump grabs himself by the pussy in a surprise ending!

Remember, the Phoenix cannot rise from the fire, it has to rise from the ashes. Only then can the real MAGA begin. See if its true that Bismarck (allegedly) stated that " there is a special providence for drunkards, fools and the United States of America".


Hughes , says: January 26, 2021 at 11:16 am GMT • 12.9 hours ago

Lol and here i read on some other board that Trump would've given the capitol trespassers pardons. I guess not. Wishful thinking on the cult.

Frank frank , says: January 26, 2021 at 11:18 am GMT • 12.9 hours ago

It's pretty fascinating for anyone who knows what's happening to see Jews utterly destroy and evacuate yet another great civilization by using the same corrupting forces and patterns used in their clearly deliberate rotting out of Rome, the destruction of the Holy Roman Empire, then Russia, and now the USA. It's like Jews are a kind of human parasitoid that will always kill its host as part of its lifecycle after it has drained all energy and resources from within.

Remember that movie Alien, there the larva like offspring attaches to inject its seed into humans and then clearly affects the human's nervous system to make them kind of forget that ever happened as they carry the parasitoid in them that develops and feeds on their body until the day it bursts from their chest in the form of the beast we know as the alien.

As stated about our in the movie, something along the lines of "pure survival instinct burned by the limitations of delusions of morality"; pretty much describes how Jews operate and act, and how they keep infecting and then destroying the very societies and civilizations they feed on until they burst from their victims' chest.

I wish China all the luck it needs to see this threat from this parasitoid and freed themselves of it before it infiltrates and infests and feeds on their society out too. By all indications it is already too late for them too and they just don't realize it yet. The recent video of the Chinese academic bragging about the control of American officials would indicate as much, judging by the section of the video that was totally ignored, about the Jewish woman executive of an American bank who is thick as thieves with the Chinese communist party who manipulated things for the Chinese in America.

Sean , says: January 26, 2021 at 11:26 am GMT • 12.8 hours ago

Jimmy Carter, for all his faults, managed to avoid entering into any new armed conflict

What about Iran. Carter must take responsibility for the mishandling of Iran by letting the Shah into the US, and failing to withdraw the embassy when it became obvious Iranian internal politics meant US diplomats were becoming targets.

He attacked Syria on two occasions based on fabricated intelligence.

Russian forces fought a whole war in Syria on a correct appreciation of what could be gained for Russia.

Trump, to be sure, was aided in his disloyalty to his own country by

America has to come to the aid of its allies, right or wrong, otherwise it will have no allies.

[J]ournalist Julian Assange

Assange didn't describe himself as simply such until after his legal troubles started. 5 APRIL 2011
Assange: "WikiLeaks is the intelligence agency of the people"
The site chief discusses radical journalism and WikiLeaks's main threat in an exclusive

As for Snowden he wasn't drafted but rather was sought the job. He knew it was was not in a boy scout group, and the secrets he was swearing an oath to keep were not going to be about thoroughly wholesome activities such as training guide dogs for the blind. No more than someone who becomes a made member of the mafia could Snowden be shocked at what the organization he was associated with was doing.

Business as usual delivered by the so-called Leader of the Free World.

He never claimed to be a global Santa for those who brought nothing to the table.

G J T , says: January 26, 2021 at 11:26 am GMT • 12.8 hours ago

Trump is pathetic. Anyone still making excuses for him is a battered wife and a sycophant. I hope they continue to humiliate him now that he's out of office, because it's exactly what he deserves.

Trump, just like his Republican counterparts, are more despicable than shitlibs and the radical left, because they lie and stab you in the back every single time. At least the shitlibs and radical leftists don't pretend they don't absolutely hate us.

Go to hell, Trumpenstein.

Herald , says: January 26, 2021 at 11:27 am GMT • 12.8 hours ago

The article has nothing to do with the corrupt Joe Biden. It's all about the corrupt Trump and the selling of favours to his corrupt Zionist chums.

roonaldo , says: January 26, 2021 at 11:30 am GMT • 12.7 hours ago

If bribe money was paid, how was it spread around, and what besides money can be extracted in return? A "no" vote on inpeachment? Pardons to Mossad/Israeli connected cases in return for their pressure on certain politicians on whom they have compromising photos, etc?

A pardon for Assange and Kiriakou takes the pressure off Biden to do so, and these are Obama political persecutions. And Winner was arrested in what, June 2017, by the FBI for leaking classified info feeding the feeble Russian election interference narrative? She posted numerous anti-Trump diatribes.

Sure, they and Snowden deserve pardons, but now the Dems will face dissension, criticism, and sniping within their own ranks on these matters.

Smith , says: January 26, 2021 at 12:00 pm GMT • 12.2 hours ago

Trump might as well be more corrupted than Joe Biden at this point.

I'm convinced the American deep state removes him because he's actually an Israeli agent which would make the Zionist scene in USA look bad, like holy hell, is there any zionist jew he doesn't suck off? That's disgusting.

moi , says: January 26, 2021 at 12:00 pm GMT • 12.2 hours ago

The hierarchy that controls our government and moral/social values, in order, goes as follows:


Trump, loved with under-educated and redneck whites, was an all-out Shabbos goy, not to mention he was greedy, egotistical/egoistical and a self-serving liar.

moi , says: January 26, 2021 at 12:02 pm GMT • 12.2 hours ago

Trump, in his younger days, was a coached by and was a protege of Roy Cohn. Look into who Roy Cohn was.

mcohen , says: January 26, 2021 at 12:03 pm GMT • 12.2 hours ago

Donald trump is a mensch.He did what was needed to be done and he played a full round of golf while doing it.

zard , says: January 26, 2021 at 12:27 pm GMT • 11.8 hours ago

In many ways Trump has been like a Terminator sent by the Jewish Establishment to completely derail, discredit and destroy the Patriot movement in America. Now any American Patriot who is against the U.S. Establishment and says CNN is fake news is automatically associated with Trump and deemed an enemy of America. Can you say Mission Accomplished? The Jewish Snake must be patting itself on the back for its brilliant move to hurt the greatest threat to it in a long time.

Unfortunately there are many people who still believe that Trump was a great President sent by God to save America. It makes me sad to see so many people so clueless. I wish that all those still supporting Trump will wake up and recognize as so many others have that the man is nothing but a Snake who knows how to speak your language while totally betraying your cause. How can you support a two faced man like this who has hurt your cause more than anyone else possibly could?

EDIT TO ADD: Trump left office in disgrace just as was intended but the real disgrace is not on Trump but on the American Patriot movement. Now the American Patriot movement is in a far worse position than it was in 2016 before it accepted Trump as its leader. We were greatly deceived but in 2020 there is no excuse for anyone to still be deceived about Trump. He completely betrayed our cause and it was all by design. His entire purpose for becoming POTUS was, outside of giving Jerusalem and the Golan Heights to Israel (his true loyalty), to turn our cause into something that the American public would perceive as ugly and to be shunned when in reality our cause is very noble. We were played by Trump and his Jewish backers but that is now in the past. Let us stop talking about this man once and for all. He is nothing but a distraction away from what it is important to us. I consider anyone still supporting Trump at this point or in the future to be an enemy.

Ugetit , says: January 26, 2021 at 12:28 pm GMT • 11.7 hours ago

Providing mucho fertilizer for excellent articles like this which expose the hideous and disgusting perfidy of the Zionist sewer and its catamites is only worth of the Chrumpster and his time as Netanyahu's orifice.

Anon [295] Disclaimer , says: January 26, 2021 at 12:28 pm GMT • 11.7 hours ago

Blaming single acts and single people serves the purpose to remain in denial of the general situation, I guess?

Ugetit , says: January 26, 2021 at 12:30 pm GMT • 11.7 hours ago

Donald trump is a mensch.He did what was needed to be done and he played a full round of golf while doing it.

And I thought he was playing 4-D chess the whole time. Silly me!

Greg Bacon , says: Website January 26, 2021 at 12:39 pm GMT • 11.6 hours ago
@Ron G , just get me into the WH.
Which will happen, we'll have a power-mad prez that has never won any primaries doing Israel's blood work.


A line about Harris traveling to Israel and the West Bank in November 2017, where she met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was removed altogether.

Defcon , says: January 26, 2021 at 12:48 pm GMT • 11.4 hours ago
@Supply and Demand

My comment a few days ago on transgenerational hate got a lot of negative feed back. You are correct though, boomers and church goers worship the yids, despite what Jesus said about them and later Martin Luther.

Father O'Hara , says: January 26, 2021 at 1:06 pm GMT • 11.1 hours ago

What Roy Cohn was? You mean,the Jew? The "fixer"? The tax cheat? The fag?

Old and Grumpy , says: January 26, 2021 at 1:09 pm GMT • 11.1 hours ago
@Supply and Demand

Obviously you have never met all boomers.

Hans , says: January 26, 2021 at 1:12 pm GMT • 11.0 hours ago

Please read the following carefully line by line:

"I've never seen a President -- I don't care who he is -- stand up to them. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the point where I wasn't writing anything down. If the American people understood what a grip these people have on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens certainly don't have any idea what goes on." – Admiral Thomas Moorer, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, interview, 24 Aug. 1983

Now that "Zion Don" appears to be out of the way, we can get back to encouraging illegals, giving them their rights, setting our sights on the another Hitler in Syria, globalizing what's left of the industrial base, getting trannies more judgeships, queering history, and on and on cuz all dem ideas are homegrown and strictly non-kosher.

Old and Grumpy , says: January 26, 2021 at 1:25 pm GMT • 10.8 hours ago

I thought the pardons were great. Who knew there were so many criminal Jews who have been actually convicted? Its almost like the Jewish stereotypes are really true. Does that mean no one can be anti Semitic? Also the way black rappers get killed off, supply and demand dictates jailed ones need to be free. Very Reaganesque.

Sarcasm aside I think Jews tended to hate Trump because in sucking up to them, The Donald wound up revealing many ugly truths. Outside of Trump's energy and environmental policies, its a good riddance from me. Unfortunately the looming costs related to energy and taxes, I'll eventually and unfortunately will wind up missing the weak and Ivanka sniffing SOB.

Anon [374] Disclaimer , says: January 26, 2021 at 1:30 pm GMT • 10.7 hours ago


Run for president in 2024. Ya' got one vote here. You can use the catchphrase, "Make America Independent Again". Red, White, and Blue hats, etc. Your campaign rally speeches would be epically entertaining in the gnashing of establishment journo's teeth as they described them.

Katrinka , says: January 26, 2021 at 1:41 pm GMT • 10.5 hours ago

White people have survived much worse. Stop being hyperbolic.

Hillaire , says: January 26, 2021 at 1:48 pm GMT • 10.4 hours ago

Drumpf the rancid orange golem played you all to the very last coda, pissing in your eyes as he pardoned a most rancorous group of bent buddies and chosen criminal diversities . maga men hung to dry, swinging in the wind.

Half of america shafted and stockholm syndromed, as the fake fat narcissist waltzes of to play golf and hide the ginger squirrel with the reanimated frank-epstein and his transhumanised teenage sorority clones in tel-aviv.

by the way see where this link leads: .
hint: the whitehouse.

SolontoCroesus , says: January 26, 2021 at 1:52 pm GMT • 10.3 hours ago

Wasn't it Carter who gave Golda Meier the first holocaust museum, Jewish Trojan horse at the front door of the capital of the USA.

Hillaire , says: January 26, 2021 at 2:11 pm GMT • 10.0 hours ago

Well, if history is a yardstick, probably starvation and slaughter.

I would plan accordingly.

Che Guava , says: January 26, 2021 at 2:37 pm GMT • 9.6 hours ago

Assange has neither been charged nor convicted, AFAIK, the only precedent is Ford-Nixon.

Bradly Manning was a soldier in uniform at the time, so had no right to do what he did.

Anybody who has been in uniform would know this.

Still, probably deserved a re-pardon.

As an outside observer, the single observer most deserving of a pardon, for many years, Leonard Peltier, as always ignored.

Che Guava , says: January 26, 2021 at 2:48 pm GMT • 9.4 hours ago
@Che Guava

In the second instance of 'observer', it was meant to say 'person'.

Che Guava , says: January 26, 2021 at 2:57 pm GMT • 9.3 hours ago

I follow interesting facts from the U.S.A., the fraud was such a bad joke on so many facts and statistical measures.

People in many places have noticed.

I will remember, but the U.S. empire is sure to make a BIG effort to make most forget.

JoaoAlfaiate , says: January 26, 2021 at 3:01 pm GMT • 9.2 hours ago
@LarryS nd its American friends get what they want, no matter what.

Trump was terrible and I'm glad to see him gone. Problem is Biden & Co. will probably be worse, letting in countless third worlders and pandering to BLM, trannies and countless other perverts and sexual curiosities.

Neither party represents the interests of the American people. Did we really want 14 million illegals here and $6 trillion spent on failed adventures in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, etc.?

I harken back to H L Mencken who said both parties spend their time proving the other is unfit to govern and are both right.

Realist , says: January 26, 2021 at 3:10 pm GMT • 9.0 hours ago
@mark green

Why is there is no pushback?

The vast majority of Americans are stupid.

antitermite , says: January 26, 2021 at 3:11 pm GMT • 9.0 hours ago

The pardoning of the Blackwater scum has fascinating implications for any country with a Status of Forces Agreement /Visiting Forces Agreement, which is what, 80% of the world?

A host country might want to revisit these terms if it means that their women & children could be raped, killed, mutilated whilst the perpetrators walk free.

Rev. Spooner , says: January 26, 2021 at 3:16 pm GMT • 8.9 hours ago
@Greg Bacon

This is beyond belief. Are Americans blind? Is there something in the water they drink?
A whole population bent over with their posteriors pointed at the sky, willingly accepting the abuse by the zionists.
Love them or hate them, these jews dream big. Bravo

BAMA , says: January 26, 2021 at 3:17 pm GMT • 8.9 hours ago

Another on target Giraldi article. The ultimate blame for our being occupied and used without a shot being fired is with American gullibility and blindness. How does a global power, in almost every way, become the lap dog, errand boy, bully and financier for such an ungrateful, blood sucking little country? We have created a Frankenstein Monster for the world.

Sean , says: January 26, 2021 at 3:29 pm GMT • 8.7 hours ago
@SolontoCroesus ight Palestinians were there even if there was strong Israel Lobby domestic pressure. But in 1979 Carter–distracted by the fall of the Shah–merely brokered a Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty deal that eliminated Egypt from the conflict, and the lack of the deterrent they represented meant meant hat Israel was free to do what it liked in the West Bank and attack Lebanon. The Palestinians will never get another US president like Carter. Israel does not want an agreement, the current situation suits them very well. So Iran is not deterring Israel from doing anything it wants to do. Moreover, Israel likes having a pseudo threat like Iran.
Realist , says: January 26, 2021 at 3:31 pm GMT • 8.7 hours ago
@Greta Handel

Will his supporters who thought that Mr. Trump would do right, even if only on his way out the door, now admit that they were duped?

Not a chance stupidity reigns supreme.

While a pardon of Assange and Snowden would have been the moral thing to do America is still on the shit slide almost at the bottom.

Realist , says: January 26, 2021 at 3:32 pm GMT • 8.7 hours ago
@Greta Handel

Will his supporters who thought that Mr. Trump would do right, even if only on his way out the door, now admit that they were duped?

Not a chance stupidity reigns supreme.

While a pardon of Assange and Snowden would have been the moral thing to do America is still on the shit slide almost at the bottom.

Marckus , says: January 26, 2021 at 3:32 pm GMT • 8.7 hours ago

Well I have to say this comes as a surprise. To think that American politicians take bribes, favour one particular group etc etc is news to me. However, Trump catering to the foreskin modifiers and the dick cheese eliminators is the good news.

The bad news is the new team is already in bed not only with the foreskin challenged sticks, but with the chopsticks and every other stick with a dollar bill wrapped around the head. When the 25th collides with Joe's worn out pecker and Kamala takes over that will be the sign that circumcised or not we are all fucked.

As some readers commented on UR, honesty is the best policy, turn the other cheek and love conquers hate. All good advice I am sure but redundant and inapplicable in the world we live in.

The ruled live by these rules but the rulers live by their own !

[Jan 25, 2021] The illusion of democracy will return and the booboise will once again be permitted their panem et circenses sportsball matches, concerts, pubs, as long as GloboCap feels convinced that those things will no longer be fertile ground for spreading populism.

Jan 25, 2021 |

Hockeyguy , says: January 25, 2021 at 9:27 pm GMT • 5.4 hours ago

I suspect that GloboCap will eventually – and in a very controlled fashion – allow some normalcy to resume, once they're finished with the lesson of Covid lockdowns and once they're convinced that the "domestic terrorist" propaganda is sufficiently internalized by enough people to sustain a subtle but pervasive level of distrust, paranoia, and suppression of dissent.

Thus, the illusion of democracy will return and the booboise will once again be permitted their panem et circenses – sportsball matches, concerts, pubs, in-person schooling, and art fairs – as long as GloboCap feels convinced that those things will no longer be fertile ground for spreading populism.

The carrot will return, but the stick will now always be hanging like the sword of Damocles.

[Jan 24, 2021] You can counter Trumpism only by ending the conditions which created it, not with authoritarian policies, by Caitlin Johnstone

Jan 24, 2021 |

The option of stopping the rise of Trumpism by changing the system has been taken off the table. Instead, people are being asked to debate the pros and cons of giving more powers to that same corrupt system which created Trump.

The US political/media class have been pushing hard for more authoritarian policies to stave off the threat of "domestic terrorism" in the wake of the Capitol riot. President Biden, who was already working on rolling out new domestic terrorism policies well before January 6, confirmed after the riot that he is making these new measures a priority. Political internet censorship is becoming increasingly normalized , anti-protest bills are being passed , and now we're seeing liberals encouraged to form "digital armies" to spy on Trump supporters to report them to the authorities.

And an amazingly large percentage of the US population seems to have no problem with any of this, even in sectors of the political spectrum that should really know better by now.

"What else can we do?" they reason. "What other solution could there possibly be to the threat of dangerous fascists and conspiracy theorists continuing to gain power and influence?"

Well there's a whole lot that can be done, and none of it includes consenting to sweeping new Patriot Act-like authoritarian measures or encouraging monopolistic Silicon Valley plutocrats to censor worldwide political speech. There's just a whole lot of mass-scale narrative manipulation going on to keep it from being obvious to everyone.

The way to stem the tide of Trumpism (or fascism, or white supremacism, or Trump cultism, or whatever term you use for what you're worried about here) is to eliminate the conditions which created it.

Trump was only able to launch his successful faux-populist campaign in the first place by exploiting the widespread pre-existing opinion that there was a swamp that needed draining, a corrupt political system whose leadership does not promote the interests of the people.

Conspiracy theories only exist because the government often does evil things and lies about them with the help of the mass media, forcing people to just guess what's happening behind the opaque wall of government secrecy.

People only get it in their heads that they need a trustworthy strongman to overhaul the system if the system has failed them.

People who are actually interested in ending Trumpism would be promoting an end to the corruption in the political system, an end to the opacity of their government, an end to their uniquely awful electoral system , and an end to the neoliberal policies which have been making Americans poorer and poorer with less and less support from the government which purports to protect them.

But these changes are not being promoted by the US political/media class, because the US political/media class speaks for an empire that depends on these things.

Without corruption, the plutocratic class couldn't use campaign donations and corporate lobbying to install and maintain politicians who will advance their interests.

Without government secrecy, the oligarchic empire could not conspire in secret to advance the military and economic agendas which form the glue that holds the empire together.

Without a lying mass media, people's consent could not be manufactured for wars and a system which does not serve their interests.

Without widespread poverty and domestic austerity, people could not be kept too busy and politically impotent to challenge the massive political influence of the plutocrats.

So the option of stopping the rise of Trumpism by changing the system is taken off the table, which is why you never hear it discussed as a possibility in mainstream circles. The only option people are being offered to debate the pros and cons of is giving more powers to that same corrupt system which created Trump, powers which will be under the control of the next Trumpian figure who is elevated by that very system.

You're not going to prevent fascism by creating a big authoritarian monster to stomp it into silence, and even if you could you would only be stopping the fascism by becoming the fascism. To stop the rise of fascism you need to actually change. Drastically. Believing you can just make it go away without changing your situation is like believing you can avert an oncoming train by putting your hands over your eyes.

There is no valid argument against what I am saying here. Saying the powerful won't allow any positive change is just confirming everything I'm saying and confirming the need to remove the powerful from power. Saying that ending corruption, government secrecy and injustice would just be giving the terrorists what they want would be turning yourself into a bootlicker of such cartoonish obsequiousness there aren't words in the English language adequate to mock you.

Yes, change is desperately needed. Yes, the powerful will resist that change with everything they have. But the alternative is letting them plunge the world into darkness and destruction. We're going to have to find a way to win this thing .

Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

By Caitlin Johnstone, an independent journalist based in Melbourne, Australia. Her website is here and you can follow her on Twitter @caitoz

Paul Ericson 1 day ago 22 Jan, 2021 09:59 PM

Trumpism doesn't really exist, because Trump doesn't really subscribe to all the mythical traits his enemies claim for him. He did however expose the ground-level Americans' resentment of corporate USA and radical liberal USA working them over and wanting to make patsies of them. I'm quite happy to support a real Trumpism if it ever comes along, just as I support Putin. Neither are ideal but are at least appreciative of the instincts of the worker and the patriot.
jayjm1138 Paul Ericson 13 hours ago 23 Jan, 2021 03:33 PM
Very well stated. The so-called "Trumpism" was just people rallying around one figure who was outside of the establishment dictatorship. Trump was far from perfect, but he proved that the establishment will not tolerate anyone who goes even slightly against them. Those who did not support Trump have no right to complain about authoritarianism now. Trump warned them what was coming and they did not care.
Jewel Gyn 1 day ago 23 Jan, 2021 12:44 AM
Politics is about saying what voters want to hear but do otherwise after you won. This is bipartisan and folks must realise the policies are often not for people but to perpetrate the narratives disguised as pro US.

[Jan 22, 2021] Structural Crisis- Senate Threatens to Usurp Presidency, Constitution, and Will of the People by Leonard R. Jaffee

Jan 22, 2021 |

By 8 January 2021, Mitch McConnell had determined he would not permit the Senate to try Trump until 19 January 2021 or later. He ruled that the Senate could not convene for special session unless all 100 Senators formally agreed; he maintained that ruling consistently, through 19 January 2021. By 10 January 2021, House majority Whip James Clyburn suggested the House may not deliver articles of impeachment to the Senate until after Biden has been in Office 100 days.

Not until today, 20 January 2021, did Pelosi deliver articles of impeachment to the Senate. The same day, McConnell said: (a) the Senate will receive the House managers at noon ET Thursday, 21 January, when the managers will present and exhibit the articles; (b) at 2:00 PM 21 January, Chief Justice John Roberts will be escorted into the Senate chamber and swear in all senators; (c) the impeachment articles' trial will begin Tuesday, 26 January.

Until 20 or 21 January, the Senate majority would remain Republican; and a GOP-majority Senate would not only acquit Trump but also impeach, strongly, the articles of impeachment. So, why did Mitch McConnell block early Senate trial? Two possible intersecting reasons:

has said Trump fed the "mob" lies to provoke the mob to use violence to prevent Congress's certification of Biden's election.] (b) If trial occurs (as it will) when the Democrats control the Senate, a conviction might seem a Democrat-framed lynching -- not the GOP's traitorous assassination of Trump's "populism" and his political career.

I do not suggest such reasons are wise, logical, or even rational, but possibly real. McConnell is a crafty, dissembling, unscrupulous pseudo-aristocrat, but no Socrates or Aristotle.

"Liberal" and "moderate" Democrats, never-Trump Republicans,"The Squad, " the "Deep State" -- the nation's whole jumble of psychopathic and otherwise-psychically-ill "Elite," "woke," anti-"White"/anti-male/anti-meritocracy/sexually-deviant members -- all share one mantra : Trump and populism are evil, inimical to "Democracy" and the "culture," "morality," and "public interests" of the U.S. Populism must be extinguished. Never again may Trump "hold and enjoy any Office or honor, Trust or Profit under the United States" [U.S. Constitution Article I § 3 clause 7].

Why ought anyone care?

I voted twice for Trump, the second time (2020) merely because he was the lesser evil. In 2016, Trump promised more than a few moves that would have bettered the nation, e.g. ,

Trump meant and honored some promises -- at least partly. But others -- (a), (b), (f), (h), (i), and (k) -- were bad jokes. His Israel policy was evil. He railed against growing impairment of free speech. But his concern was mostly his own freedom of expression; and he failed to do anything substantial toward restoring the general public's freedom of speech. He continued, and worsened, Obama's persecution of Julian Assange and Bradley ["Chelsea"] Manning. Edward Snowden remains exiled. Trump has pardoned or commuted sentence of tens of nefarious criminals, but not Assange, Manning, or Snowden.

Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Clinton, George W Bush, and Obama supported the illegal "state" called Israel. But Trump lifted Israel-support, and, concomitantly, anti-Iran policy to insane levels. Trump's Israel-related domestic policy included design of blocking or impeding first-amendment-protected speech and assembly that opposes Israel's genocidal persecution of Palestinians. Trump rendered formal equation of anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism and sought to outlaw the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction movement.

So, why ought we care whether, after Trump is not President, the Senate tries the articles of impeachment of Trump and rules that Trump shall not "hold and enjoy any Office or honor, Trust or Profit under the United States"? Why ought we care even whether simply the Senate tries the articles of impeachment but acquits Trump?

Trump's 2016 election suggested a true populist might become President -- not a closet "Elite," but one who would resist the Elites and the Deep State, not surround himself with snakes of the swamp. If the Senate tries Trump and rules that Trump shall not "hold and enjoy any Office or honor, Trust or Profit under the United States" because Trump and his supporters exercised their First Amendment freedom of speaking and assembling to support populism and protest a corrupt election, speech and assembly freedoms will cease and near-certainly no capable, electable populist will run for the Presidency.

But that consideration is subsumed in another, greater, more vital, fundamental concern. We have a federal Constitution. Every federal legislator and judge promises, by oath, not to act contrary to that Constitution. Every federal judge must promise this: "I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me under the Constitution and laws of the United States."

... ... ...

anonymous [305] Disclaimer , says: January 21, 2021 at 3:44 pm GMT • 1.3 days ago

...You live in a totalitarian state with arbitrary power.

Your government has three branches: CIA, CIA, and CIA. They infest every other corner of your government with spies. Until you can accept this you will be an irrelevant muppet writing bullshit.

Just another serf , says: January 22, 2021 at 5:40 am GMT • 18.2 hours ago

Trump pardoned the following:

... ... ...
4. Every jew ever involved in health care fraud over the past 100 years

If you might be a Trump supporter, just stop. Trump was an incompetent fraud. And Biden (well his handlers really), will be very competent and will soon make you feel the sting of systemic punishment.

Everyone can claim some African ancestry. Suggest you get familiar with the process real quick

Dr. X , says: January 22, 2021 at 5:57 am GMT • 18.0 hours ago

Back in 1987, as a young political science major, my constitutional law professor made us attend a lecture by a visiting scholar on the 200th anniversary of the Constitutional Convention. I cannot remember who the lecturer was, but I do recall one phrase he used that has stuck in my mind ever since: the Constitution only works if we have a "constitutional frame of mind." In other words, the Constitution reflected the culture and the attitudes of its authors. Today, elites in both parties could give a damn about the Constitution. They simply ignore the Constitution when it suits them -- or, conversely, use it as a club to bludgeon their enemies when it suits them.

Today we are reduced to parsing the language of the Constitution because nobody is really committed to the upholding the culture and the attitudes that informed it when it was written. Therefore it has become meaningless.

stevennonemaker88 , says: January 22, 2021 at 5:58 am GMT • 17.9 hours ago

The president must dance to the tune of the bankers and assorted oligarchs who actually control the US. They enjoy confusing the common people with changing rhetoric and theater, but at the end of the day, the president is little more than a figurehead, and the policies remain largely the same. Many do not realize that the Obama administration deported some 2,750,000 illegals.. Under Trump it was only 935,000. Foreign wars? Police brutality? the rich getting richer? Prison industrial complex? decimation of the middle class? endless currency debasement? these things are consistent regardless, because they represent the interests of the actual rulers. The red candidate throws a bone to the "conservatives", the blue candidate throws a bone to the socialists, but the policy makers continue from one administration to the next. The last president who tried to stand up to the powers that be was JFK . and look what they did to him.

Thomasina , says: January 22, 2021 at 7:22 am GMT • 16.5 hours ago

Excellent article. Very well done.

Tucker Carlson said Monday or Tuesday night on his show that McConnell warned Trump not to pardon Assange, and he held the impeachment over Trump's head.

Swampington has gone rogue. I have a feeling that during much of Trump's presidency the threat of impeachment loomed large, and maybe worse.

Look at Sessions, recusing himself and cowering in the corner. Barr comes in and does diddly squat. The Durham investigation was a very long joke.

Two years of the Mueller Commission (when everybody in the know knew it was a pack of lies), spying, leaking, abuse of the FISA Court, Kavanaugh, impeachment over Ukraine, Covid, Antifa, BLM, stolen election ..never-ending chaos.

These corrupt clowns will do whatever the hell they please. They are the law now. If they do end up following the law, it will only be because the destruction they've caused already will be deemed to be enough.

Many of them should be behind bars.

Miro23 , says: January 22, 2021 at 11:27 am GMT • 12.5 hours ago

With the federal judiciary's corrupt or cowardly treatment of legitimate election-result challenges, the federal judiciary has shown it has abnegated its constitutional duty and will incline to commit impeachable offenses to avoid resisting the Elites' and the Deep State's subjugation of the People. The Supreme Court has shown that five or more pseudo-aristocrat judges (two Democrats, three or more Republicans) align with the Elites and the Deep State. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is correct. The People are suffering a revolution wrought by the "Establishment" (of the Elites and the Deep State).

I would say that they are more cowardly than corrupt.

They know that if they supported Trump's legitimate (good evidence) questioning of the election result, they would personally be in big trouble, so the Supreme Court is really not a Supreme Court at all – it's a piece of establishment window dressing – same as the rest of the hollowed out US Democratic institutions.

Real power in the US lies with the ZioGlob deep state and their MSM, the military (whichever way they turn), and the 72 million US gun owners (whatever they decide to do). There's also the aspect of real military power outside the US (Russia and China) that could be brought to bear, and would be potentially decisive. Accepted that some of these are TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It) scenarios but that seems to be how it is. Genuine Democracy isn't coming back to the US any time soon.

Avery , says: January 22, 2021 at 2:23 pm GMT • 9.5 hours ago
@Beavertales at, do you really think Trump will discuss anything that went on in private? He is not the type to write a memoir.

And some of the most bizarre decisions he made while POTUS were as a result of "advice" from his favourite daughter Ivanka and her repellant husband. Ann Coulter has an article where she lists the boneheaded decisions Trump made on "advice" from the two incompetent rich-kids..

This short video is very indicative of the stupidity of Ivanka: she is so stupid, that she can't even see the contempt these politicians have for her, and sticks around like a bad smell:

[French Government Posts Video Of Ivanka Trump At G-20 Summit | NBC News]

Dr. Charles Fhandrich , says: January 22, 2021 at 3:43 pm GMT • 8.2 hours ago

McConnell must, not maybe, must be the first person to go if the Republican Senate has any chance of surviving in a way that serves conservative interests. He has been positively of Zero support to president Trumps four years in office, only giving lip service to the interests of the issues the presidents supporters wanted addressed.. For four long years, McConnell was an expert at bringing every advance, or potential advance in conservative interests to naught. He however, had no problemo at all in taking advantage of President Trumps popularity with conservative voters, when his re-election was in doubt. Maybe his middle name should be Mitt.

Getaclue , says: January 22, 2021 at 5:13 pm GMT • 6.7 hours ago
@anonymous ChiComs -- from whence In Laws $ all arises . McConnell shows the country is totally sold out to the ChiComs and in fact "governed" by them -- the rest of Congrassholes are about the same with various "spies" working them, having sex with them, and screwing us -- the USA is an occupied country via IsraHell and the Chinese Communists -- very, very bad days are ahead and most in the USA are moron mask wearers who actually believe the filthy pieces of cloth do something for their "health" contrary to all actual 41 Medical Studies to date which state the opposite -- truly Maskholing was an IQ test and the country failed to reach even the level of "Moron". Easy to steal an election when dealing with Maskhole Morons. Sad all are being pulled down by them .
Getaclue , says: January 22, 2021 at 5:18 pm GMT • 6.6 hours ago
@Aardvark you are charged by the Feds you will be railroaded, innocence means zero once you are charged and all the "Judge" cares about is getting you to plead guilty and move the case, you will be grossly overcharged to force this to happen and the Judge will glare at you and let you know he hates you if you go forward -- unless you are a Leftist Political hack or "activist" then you will be cut loose and probably never even charged ."justice" Roberts is the "model" -- his rulings in Obamacare etc. show he has no care for the actual "law" at all -- all the other Federal "judges" follow his example .The best thing that could happen to the USA is for the end of the Federal Courts, DOJ, and FBI -- all are Enemies Of The People -- get involved with them and find out.
waw , says: January 22, 2021 at 5:46 pm GMT • 6.1 hours ago

The Trumpster is a phony. He folded like a cheap suit, as he had done the bidding of the Khazar Satanists like a judas goat.

Peripatetic Itch , says: January 22, 2021 at 5:52 pm GMT • 6.0 hours ago
@FoSquare The works of Plato and Aristotle have had much influence on the modern view of the "sophist" as a greedy instructor who uses rhetorical sleight-of-hand and ambiguities of language in order to deceive, or to support fallacious reasoning. In this view, the sophist is not concerned with truth and justice, but instead seeks power.

Societies that value truth but recognize the difficulties involved in discovering it also put value on freedom of expression. Those interested in power for its own sake, not so much. Unfortunately the power mongers always have the advantage of moral certainty. For them Alinsky and the Protocols are the only bibles.

Majority of One , says: January 22, 2021 at 7:12 pm GMT • 4.7 hours ago
@Anon olling 90% of the mass media of mindfuckery, mesmerization and mass megalomania and finally, the CIA financed and directed "Social Media", the greatest enemy of our First Amendment rights;;; those nefarious forces nearing absolute control over the federal regime in the Di$trict of Corruption have now fully succeeded in driving the last nail into the coffin of the Constitution AND the Bill of Rights, the enabling precondition for establishment of the federal system.

Behind the scenes, roaring and howling with fits of schadenfreude laughter; the ultimate shotcallers, those OWNER$ of the Federal Reserve and most other major international banking institutions, are rubbing their greasy palm$ with total glee by having pulled off the greatest heist in world history.

Johnny Walker Read , says: January 22, 2021 at 7:35 pm GMT • 4.3 hours ago

Former President Trump is playing his final scene today, making ready to hand over the lead part of a government like reality show to the mentally infirm Joe Biden. Biden, with history of pathological lying and a trail of crimes and associations with other crimes had no actual chance of winning a real election, but real elections are now only part of America's history.
Trumped & Dumped: The Psychological Operation Scrambles to Survive | Jack Mullen

Majority of One , says: January 22, 2021 at 8:09 pm GMT • 3.8 hours ago
@Old and Grumpy wn individual of blackmail able importance -- was discovered in one of Ep$tein's logs).

Anyone notice how the Joint Chiefs of $taff for the U$ armed forces put out a notice to all military personnel that they must not participate in acts of sedition prior to the coronation of the Kamal's Foote/Biding administration.? Since the days of their attempted Operation Northwoods false flag scheme to attack Cuba, which was vetoed by JFK (among his other sins against the Deepe$t $tate); the proof was already in the pudding that the JC$ is dirty and our military is compromised by their chains of command from the top-down -- which is the way the enemies of We The People choose to employ their nefarious control system over one and all -- excepting, of course, the Elite$ themselves.

Spanky , says: January 22, 2021 at 8:51 pm GMT • 3.1 hours ago
@Mefobills of savvy self-promoter and foil for Hillary. That would explain a lot, especially Hillary's (and the Democrats) absolute hatred of Trump and his supporters. That his shtick worked is testament to both his talent for self-promotion and our dislike of Hillary. Guess she miscalculated

In any case, it became obvious that either the fix was in, when he refused to back Flynn and appointed swamp creatures to fill his administrations' posts, or Trump was a fool. But that's not to say he wasn't useful in exposing the media and deep state's contempt, hatred and fear of us -- deplorables all -- by personifying it in their attacks on him.

The question that matters now, for populists, is how do we avoid the leadership trap?

gotmituns , says: January 22, 2021 at 9:10 pm GMT • 2.7 hours ago

For the most part, our entire legal profession has been taken over by an overeducated, inexperienced crowd of people who are not able to deal in "Letter" and "Spirit" of law. They're prisoners of the letter of the law because their only background is of the spoken and written word.

[Jan 22, 2021] The movement now needs leadership that's more cognizant of the political world they live in and capable of more coherent strategies that will move it forward hopefully strategies that can offer more than tweets.

Jan 22, 2021 |

J1234 , says: January 21, 2021 at 9:23 pm GMT • 4.7 hours ago

When I see President Trump, I feel pity, sadness, and grief. I pity him because he has no future and will be go down in history as America's most hated man.

And in exactly which historical document will he go down as this?

A half a century ago, the media tried to tell us that Richard Nixon was the most warped and corrupt political leader of the late twentieth century without using those exact words, of course, because those exact words were a lie, but that was the distinct message it tried to convey. It sort of worked for a couple of decades, but only with a definable segment of the population. That's because political pathos can only stay alive for so long. And historical figures can only be defined solely by their failings and political enemies for so long.

Despite gaffs and missteps that likely cost him his reelection, Trump wasn't "the guy who let us down" but instead, the William Jennings Bryan of the 21st century right leaning populist movement. Like Bryan, he changed the nature of his political party forever. Unlike Bryan, he at least got to be president once, but -again- like the Democrat game changer out of Nebraska 100 years ago, he never was the right person to lead the movement to it's promised land. Instead, he was the tip of a spear that the opposition said it could never be gored by but was.

Trump's loss has a very bright silver lining in the admittedly dark cloud of looming far left authoritarianism. Ultimately, the self-aggrandizing Trump could really do little more than make his opponents really angry, but he also made his supporters aware of just how numerous and (more importantly) potent they are. The movement now needs leadership that's more cognizant of the political world they live in and capable of more coherent strategies that will move it forward hopefully strategies that can offer more than tweets.

Carolyn Yeager , says: Website January 21, 2021 at 10:19 pm GMT • 3.7 hours ago

But what did President Trump actually do as President? Not much. In 2016, after the most remarkable, unlikely, and miraculous campaign in American history, President Trump governed like a normal Republican. He did not deport illegals, make English the official language, or tax remittances to Mexico. He did not abolish birth-right citizenship. He was not a "white nationalist." He did not even eliminate race-based discrimination against whites and Asians.

Robert Snefjella , says: January 22, 2021 at 12:24 am GMT • 1.7 hours ago

From brabantian comment 28:

The establishment's hate for what Trump legitimised saying – that media news is often fake, it's ok to fight globalism, it's ok to defend your own culture, we should disentangle from wars – is Trump's enduring badge of honour, despite Trump's flaws and how he disappointed

There was another aspect to Trump that provides possible inspiration for emerging political aspirants: he could at any time go 'alarmingly' and sometimes effectively 'off script', and furthermore, sometimes wield his 'outrageous remarks' repeatedly.

Going 'rogue' is the great heresy within the context of a western (at least) political establishment that considers remaining 'on message', – sticking to the script, no matter how dishonest or absurd the message – to be the basic principle of successful party power politics.

And there was the moon's problem in sunlight: The political establishment near and far, used to being celebrated in noxious ceremony, trained actors just about all, but trained to avoid spontaneity like the plague, were suddenly cast into the dismal light of seeming boring and predictable by comparison.

Trump's forays into rogue utterance sometimes included unmentionable truths that become memes. Trump's swamp is now far more identifiable, and sometimes more accurately now referred to as a cesspool. The fake news universe has been hauled out of their previously self-satisfied abode in the mass media heavens and had their addiction to dishonesty more fully exposed. In desperation the fallen angels have cobbled together an army of fake fact checkers, to identify truth tellers as the real fake news, but their audience nevertheless yawns and dwindles.

From J1234 at comment 129:

[Trump has] also made his supporters aware of just how numerous and (more importantly) potent they are. The movement now needs leadership that's more cognizant of the political world they live in and capable of more coherent strategies that will move it forward hopefully strategies that can offer more than tweets.

The COVID monstrosity has also given countless millions of people opportunity to re-evaluate a lot in their lives and learn a lot, and so a politically more cognizant deplorable/independent political confluence may result.

[Jan 21, 2021] Sometimes you drain the swamp sometimes the swamp drains you

Highly recommended!
Notable quotes:
"... "We will never give up. We will never concede, it doesn't happen. You don't concede when there's theft involved", ..."
"... "We will never give up. We will never concede, it just doesn't happen." ..."
"... " Biden's America Would Be A Dystopian Hellhole ", ..."
"... Trump has not signed the Insurrection Act. ..."
"... 'trust the plan' is a never ending story psyop ..."
"... 'best is yet to come' .. ..."
"... to beam back to the mothership. ..."
"... the humans are out to get them ..."
"... it happening you watch just donate ..."
"... without symptoms. ..."
"... Amnesty run by US State Department representatives, funded by convicted financial criminals, and threatens real human rights advocacy worldwide. ..."
"... Yes yes yes – as if we didn't fucking know! ..."
Jan 21, 2021 |


The Trump Era is over after the incumbent announced in the day after Wednesday's storming of the US Capitol that "My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power", which was widely interpreted by friends and foes alike as the tacit concession that he previously promised never to provide a little more than 24 hours prior during his speech at the Save America Rally .

At that event, he literally said that "We will never give up. We will never concede, it doesn't happen. You don't concede when there's theft involved", yet completely changed his tune following the day's tumultuous events and after mysteriously "going dark" for over 24 hours, during which time some speculate that he was forced by his enemies in the permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (" deep state ") to give up the fight.


This totally devastated his supporters who elected him primarily for the purpose of executing his chief promise to "drain the swamp" that all of them so deeply despise. They truly believed that he could irreversibly effect significant long-term change to the way that America is run, something which Trump himself also sincerely thought he could do as well, but he ultimately lacked the strength time and again to take the decisive steps that were necessary in order to do so.

Thus, he ended up getting swallowed by the same "swamp" that he attempted to drain, which is licking its lips after feasting on the political carcass that he's since become as a result of his capitulation. For as much hope as he inspired in his supporters and the respect that many of them still have for him, most of them are profoundly disappointed that he gave up and didn't go down fighting.

That's not to say that the vast majority of them expected him to forcefully resist Biden's impending inauguration, but just that they never thought they'd see the day where he publicly capitulated after carefully cultivating such a convincing reputation among them as a fighter who literally said a little more than 24 hours prior that "We will never give up. We will never concede, it just doesn't happen."

This prompted an ongoing soul-searching process among the most sober-minded of them who aren't indoctrinated with the cultish Q-Anon claims that Trump still has a so-called "master plan" that he's preparing to implement after this latest "5D chess" move. It's over, the Trump Era has ended, and the "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) movement that he inspired is now at risk of being declared a " domestic terrorist " organization in the coming future.


" Biden's America Would Be A Dystopian Hellhole ", like the author predicted a few months ago, and all of Trump's supporters know that. Some had already resigned themselves to its seeming inevitability after his efforts to legally reverse the contested results of the latest elections failed for a variety of reasons that most of them attribute to the "swamp's" corruption, but they nevertheless remained as positive as possible after having believed that their hero would go down with them to the end.

None ever thought twice about his promise to "never give up, never concede", and they even expected him to have to be escorted from the White House on 20 January, yet his tacit concession is forcing many of them to re-evaluate their views about him in hindsight. Not only is he going out with a whimper on the "deep state's" terms, but he never fully "drained the swamp".

Trump's most fatal political miscalculation is that he thought that he could change the system from the "inside-out" after symbolically -- yet importantly, not substantively -- taking control of it as America's first modern-day "outsider" President. He immediately switched from an "outsider" to an "insider" shortly after his inauguration by capitulating to the "deep state's" demands that he fire former National Security Advisor Flynn, which was his "original sin" that paved the way for all that would later follow.

Trump the self-professed "deal-maker" thought that he could strike a "compromise" with his enemies through these means, but all that he did was embolden them to intensify their fake news-driven efforts to oust him and continue sabotaging him from within through many of the same "swamp" creatures that he naively continued to surround himself with.


The most reviled among them in the eyes of his base is "Javanka", the popular portmanteau of Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and his daughter Ivanka. He continued listening to these "Republicans In Name Only", or RINOs as many MAGA members describe them, as well as many others such as those who still sit in Congress but pretended to be his friend just to win re-election.

Furthermore, the influence that his former reality TV career had on him resulted in Trump remaining obsessed with how his enemies might malign him in the Mainstream Media (MSM) for any decisive moves that he took to smash the "deep state". This weakness of character proved to be his greatest personal flaw since he should have followed his instincts instead of submitting to the egoistic desire to be "liked" by his foes.

So influenced was he by the MSM that his enemies were able to employ the most basic "reverse-psychology" tricks to manipulate him into "playing it safe" in his struggle against the "deep state". They fearmongered since even before he entered office that he'd turn into a so-called "dictator", yet he never seriously contemplated any such authoritarian moves in that direction despite always having the possibility of utilizing the immense powers vested in him by the Constitution to do so if he sincerely wanted.

His MAGA supporters passionately pleaded that he should have turned into his enemies' worst nightmare by declaring at least limited martial law in response to the decades-long Hybrid War of Terror on America finally going kinetic last summer after Antifa and "Black Lives Matter" (BLM) orchestrated nationwide riots to oust him.


Bewildering his base, Trump also failed to revoke Article 230 despite now-proven fears that it would empower Big Tech to censor him and his supporters , nor did he thwart the Democrats' mail-in ballot and Dominion voting system schemes which they argue ultimately led to them stealing the election.

Just as concerning was his decision to not stop the Democrat Governors from locking down their populations for political reasons under the convenient pretext of COVID-19. The author addressed all of these issues in his analysis published shortly after the election about why " The Anti-Trump Regime Change Sequence Is Worthwhile Studying ". Trump could have legally exercised near-"dictatorial" powers to avert all of this and thus save America as his supporters see it, yet time and again he failed to gather the strength needed to do so due to his deep personal flaws.


While Trump was unquestionably victimized by the "deep state" during his entire time in office, he's no longer as much of a martyr as he used to be after suddenly giving up the fight following Wednesday's storming of the US Capitol. He surrendered to the shock of his base, was subsequently swallowed by the "swamp", and is now being mercilessly destroyed in an ominous sign of what awaits the rest of the MAGA movement in the Biden-Kamala era.

Had he gone down fighting to the end and "never gave up" like he promised, then it would be an altogether different story, but instead his over-hyped "deal-making" instincts got the best of him at the very last minute and he foolishly thought that he could save himself by capitulating to their demands. The "deep state" is now showing their "thanks" by censoring him from social media and pushing for his impeachment.

The MAGA movement always believed that the country has already been at "war" for years even though most couldn't articulate the hybrid nature of it like the author did in his piece last summer about how " The Hybrid War Of Terror On America Was Decades In The Making ".

They truly felt that Trump shared their threat assessment after he was viciously attacked by the "deep state" from the second that he stepped onto the campaign trail, but it turned out that he underestimated the threat even though his enemies never did. To the "deep state" and their public Democrat proxies, this was always a "war" in its own way, which they never shied away from expressing.

The supreme irony is that while Trump lambasted the "weak Republicans" in his Save America Rally speech, he himself ultimately epitomized that very same weakness by later surrendering.


His opponents know no limits and believe in classic Machiavellian fashion that "the ends justify the means", whereas he thought that he could play by the rules -- and not even all of them as was early explained by pointing out his refusal to employ the near-"dictatorial" powers vested in him by the Constitution -- and still come out on top.

His naïveté will go down in history since it's what's most directly responsible for him failing to fully recognize the seriousness of the "deep state's" no-holds-barred war on him and the rest of America.

As a born-and-raised New Yorker, Trump perfected the art of slick talking, so much so that he even managed to dupe his base into believing that he shared their threat assessment about the decades-long Hybrid War of Terror on America. They fell for this charade since they desperately wanted to believe that there was still some hope left.

There isn't, though, since the war is over and the "deep state" won once and for all. The " Great Reset "/" Fourth Industrial Revolution " brought about by World War C is barreling forward at full speed ahead, and practically every domestic accomplishment that Trump has to his name will likely be reversed by Biden-Kamala during their first year in office, especially since the "deep state's" Democrat proxies control all branches of government now (remembering that the Supreme Court's supposed "conservative supermajority" really just consists of RINOs as was proven by their refusal to hear his team's convincing election fraud cases).

After " Analyzing The MAGA Movement's Democratic Security Failure " on Wednesday, it's clear that whatever "master plan" he and/or the MAGA movement might have had backfired and was actually exploited by their opponents.


In fact, the only real "master plan" was that of the "deep state", which effectively thwarted every one of Trump's moves and ultimately turned his supporters' "last hurrah" of a mostly peaceful rally into the nail that'll now be hammered into the MAGA movement's coffin.

It's extremely suspicious that the US Capitol was so poorly defended despite there being an ongoing session of Congress on such an historic day and after weeks of preparation to ensure the site's safety ahead of Trump's long-planned Save America March.

It's even more baffling that some of the police officers removed the barricades and even opened the doors to some of the protesters, which in hindsight suggests that the "deep state" wanted to tempt the most "overly passionate" among them (to say nothing of suspected provocateurs) into storming the site as the pretext for what followed.

The whole point in passively facilitating this scenario through the masterful exploitation of crowd psychology was to lay the basis for a comprehensive nationwide crackdown against the MAGA movement on the grounds that it's now "proven" to be a "domestic terrorist" group.

That explains the push behind impeaching Trump less than two weeks before he himself acknowledged just the other day that he'll be leaving office after ensuring the "transition of power".

Had he not surrendered, then he probably would still be a martyr to most of the MAGA movement, but now he's just a palace hostage awaiting his highly publicized political execution as the opening salvo of the "deep state's" Democrat-driven reprisals against his supporters in the name of "defending against domestic terrorism". That, not whatever Q-Anon imagines, is the real "master plan", and it succeeded.


Trump was swallowed by the "swamp" because he lacked the strength to drain it. Every MAGA member needs to accept this harsh truth no matter how painful it might be. Time and again, he failed to muster up the strength needed to meaningfully fulfill what many sincerely believed to be his destiny.

This was due to his fatal political miscalculation of transforming from an "outsider" into an "insider" in a doomed-to-fail attempt to change the system from within. He continued relying on RINOs despite their proven unreliability. Trump's obsession with how his foes portrayed him in the MSM also led to him never seriously countenancing the use of the near-"dictatorial" powers vested in him by the Constitution to save America.

He pathetically surrendered after the "deep state's" "master plan" succeeded, and now he can't even go down in history as a martyr.

Originally published on One World Press Jan 20, 2021 2:08 PM

Trump was part of the show nothing more nothing less. They had the goods on him for decades. He made Izzrail grate again. That was about it. Notice Jizzlaid Maxwell, the Mossad kiddy victim procurer watching her mark in the background of the video below from 92 as the king of bankruptcy eyes the broads and "struts" his stuff.

Meanwhile Kill Bill Gates gets to poison Planet Sheeple and nobody ever questions his association with Mossad kiddy porn snuff director, Epstein or Kill Bill's sojourns on Pedovore Island. Anyone remember the CIA Operation Brownstone"? It's global and it's Satanic.

King of Bankruptcy and King Pedovore

Kill Bill and King Pedovore 0 0 Reply

Malatok , Jan 20, 2021 2:10 PM Reply to Malatok

Jams O'Donnell , Jan 13, 2021 6:47 PM

How could Trum 'drain the swamp' when he lives in the swamp. contributes to the swamp and essentially is part of the swamp.

This story is sh!te. Trump is a swamp dweller.

Trump is just the same as all the other oligarchs and would be oligarchs. He is a rich, privileged, white entrepreneur. His propaganda campaign in which he claimed to be on the side of the poor and unemployed whites is just about the biggest lie which has been swallowed wholesale since Goebbles was whitewashing the Nazi regime.

How you fools here can fall for this tripe has me absolutely beat.

Aethelred , Jan 13, 2021 10:17 AM

Trump in his political ineptitude resembles Jimmy Carter, an idealist incapable of wielding power. Neither man had the gumption, nor the charisma (much the same thing) to win over the apparatchiki. Both vain and selfish men (like all politicians), neither inspired sufficient love nor fear to gather support, unlike Reagan or Clinton, both of whom exuded calm confidence. Trump differs from Carter in that Trump's social incapacity manifests in bombast, and Carter's in staged humility. Neither could convince the ruling classes, and so were ushered away.

The elevation of Biden, an aged hack, is a signal the republic is finally overturned. The feds not only can convict but now can elect and govern through a ham sandwich.

Blather , Jan 13, 2021 8:21 AM

Does the author know how to read Trump's speech or is he so BIAS as not to see?

Trump DID NOT capitulate. Read careFOOLY. It can go both waze.

ZenPriest , Jan 12, 2021 8:50 PM

Trump was never going to drain the swamp. He was a clown put in place by America's masters, to keep an endless supply of material for their media and to stir up hatred among citizens.
It's funny because citizens should be uniting against the puppeteers. Or they would be if they knew they even existed, or knew they were being played.

S Cooper , Jan 13, 2021 2:47 AM Reply to ZenPriest

"Quite a number already know this. That number keeps growing with each passing day. Got Debs?"

captain spam , Jan 12, 2021 7:32 PM

F**k Twitter.
#Boycott Twitter.

niko , Jan 12, 2021 7:24 PM

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Remember that line? That was Ronnie Raygun back in 1986, with one of his (or his ghost writers') versions for 'draining the swamp' then, getting government off our backs, and blah, blah, blah. Agitprop thrown the masses so the corporate state could get down to bizzness as usual in dispossessing 'we the people' by rolling back government programs for social welfare and building up wealth and power for elites via the MIC and Wall Street (complementary to Iron Bitch Thatcher's neoliberal programs for a greater fascism in Britain).

Hardly anything original, such marketing ads. Politricking fronts of the ruling class have been campaigning before and after getting into office with noble lies of populism covering for their brands of treachery as long as the fraudulence of capitalist democracy and representative government have been around. In the post-WWII era of Pox Americana, the U$ CEOs for the Fortune 500 routinely have disguised their institutional role in managing the empire under cover of brands of reform that keep promising power to the people with one hand while taking it away with the other.

But when it comes to the greatest show on earth, it's the words attributed to P.T. Barnum that there's a sucker born every minute (or at least every election season) which ring truest. So now we've got the ringmasters retiring the Donald and installing good ole Creepy Joe to 'build back better' on behalf of the Great Reset. That's after Swamp Thang has played his part as dictator of distraction overseeing such achievements as the greatest robbery of the commons in human history and launch of technofascism under Operation Warp(ed) Speed, all thanks to a global coup with which he's been entirely complicit. And his manufactured base of true believers still carry on with the covidiocy as much as the controlled opposition of the faux left.

The more things change, the more they stay the same (only worse!).

Chris , Jan 12, 2021 5:14 PM

The Q group are patriots with access to a quantum computer able to untangle timelines from a possibility/probability vortex.
Their movement was designed to awaken many individuals with key roles to play in the real Operation Warpspeed.

The majority of these folks had some connection to the military or other branches of government including the police.

Chris , Jan 12, 2021 7:34 PM Reply to Chris

In 2012 nearly all technology, ancient or more modern, was suddenly rendered non functional.
The Mayans were obviously dead right with their calender.
The race was on to gain absolute supremacy in the prediction game.
All major stakeholders have access to quantum computing, but the US has the upper hand.
The true value of quantum computers lies not in the task of pure number crunching, but in its ability to predict probabilities of complex situations.

The quantum computer exposes the most probable timelines and delivers the results in numerical form that correspond to actual events and dates/times .

Igby MacDavitt , Jan 12, 2021 3:43 PM

"The only kinds of fights worth fighting are those you're going to lose, because somebody has to fight them and lose and lose and lose until someday, somebody who believes as you do wins."
― I.F. Stone

Laurence Howell , Jan 12, 2021 12:42 PM

President Trump has declared a State of Emergency in the District of Columbia.
White House

Waldorf , Jan 12, 2021 2:00 PM Reply to Laurence Howell

Not reported anywhere else that I can see.

Laurence Howell , Jan 12, 2021 7:00 PM Reply to Waldorf

Try the Whitehouse website

Moneycircus , Jan 12, 2021 2:20 PM Reply to Laurence Howell

Strange that it is reported by overseas news outlets, ignored by domestic.

Strange also that U.S. Capitol Police officer commits suicide days after riots Saw something he didn't oughta? Stepped out of the thin blue line?

Cyd , Jan 12, 2021 3:01 PM Reply to Moneycircus

Witness protection?

Laurence Howell , Jan 12, 2021 12:21 PM

To everyone that believes in the rule of law congratulations President trump has won.

Laurence Howell , Jan 12, 2021 7:03 PM Reply to Laurence Howell

Correction, President Trump has not signed the Insurrection Act.

My error.

REvail , Jan 13, 2021 5:18 PM Reply to Laurence Howell

OW look the fruitcakes and cult follower spent another new moon being juiced , Trump has not signed the Insurrection Act. BUT BUT BUT
Cult of BIG disclosure keep watching.donate huge Arrests and stay tuned keep watching
it happening – keep watching- it happening soon, BIG disclosure huge Arrests . it Happening soon psyop AND distraction

Simple simon and Q nonsense told another lie to the sheep

Laurence Howell , Jan 12, 2021 12:16 PM

President Trump has signed the Insurrection Act.

YouDontCareAboutGrandma , Jan 12, 2021 12:47 PM Reply to Laurence Howell

Proof? And don't link to Simon Parkes' YouTube channel. He's provided no evidence whatsoever for his claims. He says he talks to aliens and "Q" on the telephone.

REvail , Jan 13, 2021 5:20 PM Reply to YouDontCareAboutGrandma

comment is above

Sgt_doom , Jan 12, 2021 3:04 PM Reply to Laurence Howell

Please stop spreading Q-propaganda -- they originate out of Asia and are a silly, cartoonish disinfo outlet of the CCP!

Sgt_doom , Jan 12, 2021 3:07 PM Reply to Sgt_doom

When a serious traceroute is done on the Q lines it tracks back to a Filipino Maoist group.

Moneycircus , Jan 12, 2021 10:12 AM

Capitol Riot: 10 Questions -- James Tracy's Memory Hole Blog

Sgt_doom , Jan 12, 2021 6:59 AM

Gosh, evrn more baffling and scarey and reminescent of 1963, never seen footage of the murder of Ms. BABBIT showing collusion between police and antifa agitators, taken by an independent Japanese reporter!

!nd this is the real plan begun almost 50 years ago:

Great article but consider how many thousands of people the Islamist extremist, Erdogan of Turkey, had to fire and imprison, to dismantle the positive Deep State structure Attaturk put in place to keep that country secular? Functioned admirably for many years.

DimlyGlimpsed , Jan 12, 2021 1:06 AM

Dems enthusiatically voted from Bill Clinton, Obama, Hillary and Biden. All corrupt and compromised. Repubs voted for Bush Jr., Romney, and Trump. All corrupt and compromised. Both accuse the other of corruption, dishonesty and hypocrisy. Both are right, of course.
Reality, though, is not possible to perceive when limited to a diet of mainstream news. Neither is it a trivial task to navigate the rough seas online disinformation.'
Unless one is privy to big-picture high-level (and secret) information, one is left to attempt to identify and assemble a complex jigsaw puzzle using one's own sleuthing and intuition skills.
Common people without inside knowledge can still interpret the world, however. War is evil, and those who advocate war have been seduced by evil. Kindness and generosity are among the highest values. On the other hand, those who are selish and cruel pollute our world. Etc,, etc.
Let us keep in mind that the most evil cloak themselves in the garb of peace, kindness and generosity, in order to dine on sheep who wishfully and willfully refused to judge behavior rather than be seduced with addictive slogans. Let us also keep in mind that no leaders can remain in power without the compliance of the rest of us.
Any of should be able to recognize Joe Biden as evil. His "track record" is one of corruption, budget cutting, war and authoritarian legislation. And Trump? One of the great mysteries of human civilization is that Trump, the ultimate swap creature, was elected by promising to "clean the swamp".

Julia , Jan 12, 2021 8:52 AM Reply to DimlyGlimpsed

I literally want to copy and paste this comment and send it to as many people as I can. You capture it precisely.

Sgt_doom , Jan 12, 2021 3:11 PM Reply to DimlyGlimpsed

That is fairly accurate but Trump did push back against America's China Class and the CCP -- more than you can say for commies like the Bidens, Obamas, Clintons, Bushes, etc.

REvail , Jan 12, 2021 5:35 PM Reply to Sgt_doom

Trump's America First Hoax: Trump is an Israeli agent. He put #Mossad asset #JaredKushner in charge of infiltration of US Intelligence and Defense. Bidens are Chinese agents? Charles Kushner (Jared's father), is an agent of #AnbangInsurance, a Chinese Communist front group.

Jams O'Donnell , Jan 13, 2021 6:54 PM Reply to REvail

All US presidents, vice-presidents, chiefs of staff, etc are Israeli agents, or more accurately, are in effect the same thing.

Jams O'Donnell , Jan 13, 2021 6:53 PM Reply to Sgt_doom

"commies like the Bidens, Obamas, Clintons, Bushes, etc."

If you think that the above mentioned capitalist clowns are "commies", then you really, REALLY, need to get an education, because clearly you don't know your arse from your elbow.

Igby MacDavitt , Jan 12, 2021 3:46 PM Reply to DimlyGlimpsed

"Trump, the ultimate swap creature " I do not think you have any idea what the 'swamp' is to make such a claim.

Otherwise, a great post.

Lost in a dark wood , Jan 12, 2021 12:40 AM

Note: I drafted this as a response, but the person is not worthy of a reply, so I'll post it here instead.

I've always said that Q is a deep-state operation. It's the NSA, military intelligence, etc. It's just a different deep state to the CIA/MI6 deep state. And I've always said that people should at least know what "the plan" is. They should know what it is because it's by far the most coherent explanation for what is happening now, and for what has happened over the last four years.

A couple of years ago I thought a deal had been struck between the opposing factions, and it was all going to be wound down. But I changed that view after the Covid911, attempted colour revolution. The overwhelming view on this site, from contributors and posters, was that Trump would fall in June 2020. I was one of only a handful of people saying Trump would survive.

I can't predict the details of what's happening now, but I think Trump will survive this because:
a) he has the ammunition
b) it would make no sense to go this far and not see it through
c) even though it seems to be going to the precipice, it still fits a coherent plan

For some time now, the best rolling updates have been provided by X22 Report:

Lost in a dark wood , Jan 12, 2021 2:35 AM Reply to Lost in a dark wood

I've only recently started following Simon Parkes, but in his latest update he claims to have spoken to the real Q. Of course, as anybody who's been following Q posts would know, this would breach the "no outside comms" principle.

Moneycircus , Jan 12, 2021 10:20 AM Reply to Lost in a dark wood

I'm not at all impressed. Appeared on the scene coincidental with Gen McInerney and all the misinformation about "hammer and scorecard" which was a blatant distraction from clear and convincing evidence of election fraud.

Parkes does far too much, "I could have told you beforehand but then I'd have had to kill you."

REvail , Jan 12, 2021 5:37 PM Reply to Lost in a dark wood

Your on the ball wow from 1 psyop to another Now your following simon charlatan parkes.
HE gets excepted into the Q nonsense and trump Savior psyop and becames one of there star leaders over night.
Do you not do basic checks on who you start to worship?? or do they have to say code words like Q and trump maga and its like there chosen to lead you.

Sgt_doom , Jan 12, 2021 3:13 PM Reply to Lost in a dark wood

Negative, far too silly and cartoonish and tracks back to a Filipino Maoist group directed by the CCP!

Asylum , Jan 11, 2021 7:34 PM

We've been manipulated into fighting against each other over trivial differences to divert us from the fact that we're all in the same boat.

Lost in a dark wood , Jan 11, 2021 6:33 PM

Andrew Korybko: "That, not whatever Q-Anon imagines, is the real "master plan", and it succeeded."

Okay, I'm trying to figure this out. With regard specifically to this thread, are we allowed to post direct links to Q posts? For instance, Q has stated explicitly that there is no "Qanon" (#4881). Instead, there is Q and there are anons. I personally think this is debatable, and that Qanon is a collective name for a highly amorphous movement and method of enquiry. Furthermore, that movement and method predates Q and was to some extent co-opted by Q. The movement will also outlive Q, though it may retain the name. As a movement, Qanon stands in opposition to the hierarchical, hive-mind vacuity of the Rationalists and Neo-Platonists. In short, Qanon is Blakean. Welcome to Jerusalem!

We do not want either Greek or Roman models if we are but just & true to our own imaginations, those Worlds of Eternity in which we shall live forever; in Jesus our Lord.
– William Blake

Sophie - Admin1 , Jan 11, 2021 7:25 PM Reply to Lost in a dark wood

Oh please

Lost in a dark wood , Jan 11, 2021 7:40 PM Reply to Sophie - Admin1

So what happened to my other posts?

Lost in a dark wood , Jan 12, 2021 9:17 PM Reply to Lost in a dark wood

Q Alerts is back up so I'll try again. The following is a critical part of "the plan".

Q (Oct 17, 2020):
I'm going to bring the whole diseased, corrupt temple down on your head. It's gonna be Biblical.
Enjoy the show!

Marion Reynolds , Jan 11, 2021 6:01 PM

Please – can we have more of Andrew Karybko. I've seen him on Peter Lavelle. For such an acutely well informed young chap about international politics, he demonstrates an equally rigorous understanding about Trumps psyche.

Loverat , Jan 12, 2021 6:28 PM Reply to Marion Reynolds

Andrew Korybko is probably one of the best geo-political analysts I've come across and his depth of knowledge across all continents shines through. A very warm and engaging person.

He runs a site called OneWorld Press. Recently accused by mainstream media and The Daily Beast of being GRU agents. Well if it is, they are most measured and balanced in the history of intelligence services.

Lost in a dark wood , Jan 11, 2021 5:18 PM

The best is yet to come.

REvail , Jan 11, 2021 11:50 PM Reply to Lost in a dark wood

Your be saying that on the way to the concentration camps!!!
'trust the plan' is a never ending story psyop
Similar to the 'best is yet to come' ..
you trumpsters have your own Down Syndrome language.
WWG1WGA, another bunch of devotees similar to a cult who will not except there guru is a oppressor

mikael , Jan 11, 2021 1:09 PM

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."Reinhold Niebuhr

Pardon moi for the lenght.

I dont know whats with people this days, the shere avalange of bollocks is baffling, the inability to conect the dots to what was, the past, to the present is making me think there must be something, hehe, with the narrative, or should we say in this uh . conpiracy tinfoil hat wearing days, in the tap water, and the rethotic, about Trump, I have my issues, and I have never been quiet about them, but then to whine about things when most of it have been inplace before Trump came into the WH, incl children in gages to wars, Obamalama started more wars than any other American president ever, with Hitlary the Beast from Little Rock beside, after Her husband stole Social sec and now, witch could be massive, is completely eradicated out of existence, and the sactions, etc, most of them are just continuations of existing systems, we can always blame Trump for something, but please, do know the difference and dont just throw bollocks because of the people whom wanted change, when Obamalama said it, you belived, and what happened, again, he pissed upon you all, and have since laughed all the way to the bank, the economic crashes, the insane austeritys, the bailins and outs, you name it to color revolutions.
This isnt to defend Trump, for me, He was more an castrat, singing but otherwise balless, but also tied, unable to move, and been relentlessly attacked by those that defenses the past witch in no way was better.

Then we have the eh .. storming?, and if you look at videos, what sticks out is, what storming, some gass clouds, yea, means what, an Cop throving an gass can, but take an look for your self, it was never in any way what the MSM wants you to belive, and the army of people crawling all over the sites wants you to persive, along with profanitys about people whom did suported Trump, because they hoped for change, you cant attack them, maybe for been a bit naive, but one thing shal be the thing Trump did, exposed them all, in an way witch is unpresedented despite His flaws, nobody have done that in this level, He exposed them all, and if you havent gotten it yet, you have an problem, nobody else, incl the people whom did their duty as free citizens of the USA, did the protesting.
Rioting, again, what riot, the worst thing I can come up with, after watching some videos, is minore, a window, probably by the AntiFags/BLMs/eh leftards?, and one man whom ran off with an piece of the furiture, nothing else, and if I drag that further, maybe the stormers should have wiped their shoos off before entering the Hill, stepping on the fine carpets on the floor in the hallway, what an horrible crime, right.
What storming, do you see anything, do enlighten us.

So, I know I am pushing the attention span to the limit.
BUT, I have thru the years found out that Americans, not that I want to call em stupid, but regarding world poltics, more infantile, naive, brainwashed to such an extent thru the decades/centurys of propaganda, where the various Gov always have had an enemy, it have variated, from muslims etc to what it have become to day, domestic terrorism aka conservatives whatever that means, and not only in the MSM but also thru an army of so called Alternative MSM, witch have feed upon this narratives and played upon this, but overall, gone the same erant as the Gov wanted them to go, and witch have resulted in wars upon wars, and stil some want more wars, like the broad attack line on Iran, just to give you one ex to the strangling of others, like western sahara to the Palestinians.
Then we have the new enemy, in mainly the so called alternative ugh .. rightwinged? whatever whom sommehow manages to blame everything on socialism, yea, apart from the weather because thats Putins fault, despite that, I found Putin to be an scoundrel, the Russian Gov rotten to its core, that dont mean I hate Russians but there will always be those that cant differentiate at all.
Whom is the "enemy" Americans, socialism, China, Russia, Iran, huh.

I have saxed this from P. L. Gonzalez.
Social media networks, payment processors, airlines, hotels, streaming services, and online vendors are strangling people based on ideology but TPUSA is still complaining about "socialism." Burn your money or donate it to TPUSA, it's the same thing.

Yup, briliantly summarised everything in some few lines, and why, do you refuse to see them when they are right infront of your very own eyes, and yet, you blame some imaginary enemy witch have nothing to do with this coup, its an class war, its the oligarcs, the robber barons, witch have an army of buttspreaders in the capitol Hill to their abuse, and this bitches do whatever they are told, do notice how the RepubliCONs threw you under the buss, is that to the Chines fault.

So, I hope the Americans whom stil have some parts of their bran fuctional, can notice the difference, in Norway we have the same problem, but we are an so called socialistic nation, but we are held hostages by the same pack of scums that is plundering your nation and resources, and have nothing but contempt for everyone of us, and an Gov that do whatever they want and whom are we then to blame, the Hottentots, Maoris, communism is an tool for social unrest, and when they have done their job, thrown under the buss, because the PTB wants us to fight each others, as long we do, they will win.
Unite and you have an chanse, if not, well, I am old, and my life span expectanse isnt that long anymore and I will not have to live in the totalistaian regime that comes, but the sole reason for me to even bother, is for our children, and their children.
And to all of you whom went to the protest, you have my deepest respect.
It truly is an war, against the dark forces.
You all need to take an stand.
Be the light.


Igby MacDavitt , Jan 12, 2021 3:53 PM Reply to mikael

We have the same problem worldwide. Singling out and scorning the Americans is simply divisive. It has always been the People against the Oppressors. The Americans are people and have Oppressors bearing down on them like the rest of us. There is a cancer that needs to be removed lest it devour us all.

Chris , Jan 11, 2021 10:57 AM

The overtone of Korybko's writing is excessively defeatist. When the "Deep State" applies such overt tools to steal the U.S. election, imposes censorship, labels millions of American citizens as potential "domestic terrorists", silences the still incumbent U.S. President, resorts to provocation, deprives Americans of essential liberties through Covid, curfews or other bogus emergencies, then it means that the establishment behind the "Deep State" is scared. Scared not as much of Donald Trump as scared of You – the People. I know it since I live in a central European country with a very bitter experiences with dicatorship. When the power starts to resort to an open forgery and uses coercion or force it reveals its weakness, not strength. Its power derives only from the passive attitude of majority of population, nothing more. What this so called 'liberal elite' in America hopes for is to return to the good old days, when the whole Middle America remained voiceless, silent, isolated, without any leadership or political representation. Now it is their objective to 'legally' separate the 'progressive America' from the 'populist' one and they might even inspire separation, violence or secessionist moves to achieve it. But MAGA movement must not play this delusional vision of retreat to entrench in false sense of local security. That's what the 'Deep State' wants to achieve – to herd the popular opposition into their home arrests and their privacy soon to be possibly separated by walls, sanitary wards, wired fences or a new Indian reservation. Americans would never win their Independence by acting in defense only, by retreating to 'wait and see' tactics as Korybko suggests. What must be done is to recapture Your state institutions that have been stolen and turned into a travesty of American political tradition. Before that happens a common awareness is needed that those who appear to rule as a new 'government' are just a tiny bunch of criminals who try to impress the whole world that their power has no limits, that they monopolised the mass media and economy, that they are invincible. Do not let this delusion of 'Deep State' victory to dominate Your outlook. Yes, I agree that Trump failed as a leader in a time of crisis but MAGA (or however we call it) but all the people who really care for America need to maintain representation, authority and leadership. They shouldn't accept a comfortable fantasy that sooner or later the 'Deep State' would crumble under its own weight and then by some miracle a new movement would be born. If Trump indicates that 'its only the beginning' then his supporters should join him in any action he offers. All Republican politicians, conservative or libertarian societies, local communities, state legislatures or any other active group must be engaged in this action. Struggle for political freedom always involves risk and mistakes. Trump certainly made a lot of them. But it is the People who are sovereign, not any office, institution or technological dicatorship. When the Constitution, the congressional debate and civil liberties are ruined by 'elite' it is the responsibility of the People to act in emergency to restore law, order and liberty. The 'Deep State' perfectly understands that after the four years of Trump and the emergence of trumpism as a social-political fact there can not be any turning back to the business as usual. Not under normal and peaceful circumstances. That's why they are so frightened and act in panic. That's why they impose health and security 'emergencies' to incapacitate the population, to make it superfluous and useless. We saw it in totalitarian regimes.
The world needs the U.S. not as an imperial power but as an example of well established social contract, human liberty and hope for a better future. The European 'elites' are in revolt against their people too but here we won't have a chance for any anti-establishment president to support us. That's why in Europe we still believe that not all has been lost in America.

Laurence Howell , Jan 11, 2021 12:17 PM Reply to Chris

Lt. General Thomas Mcinerney,

"special forces imbedded in Antifa rioters have Nancy Pelosi's laptop"

Panic in DC would ban understatement.

Bring it on

Asylum , Jan 11, 2021 2:56 PM Reply to Laurence Howell

laptop always the laptop it on the laptop he/she left the laptop at
it etc etc et was found there# etc etc etc bullshit
laptop psyop used as much as the immaculate passport psyop found at the scene of crime in a burning inferno it aimed at idiots

Asylum , Jan 11, 2021 7:24 PM Reply to Asylum

Laurence Howell , Jan 12, 2021 10:37 AM Reply to Asylum

Are you saying that Hunter Biden's laptop and the released information that it contains is of no value?

Conflating 911 with the current conspiracies is not helpful. This would need an article of longer length and written by an unbiased observer which you are not.

Instead of saying etc. etc. bullshit, why not explain why this is your position?
Or does this not fit in with your soundbite posting?

Jacques , Jan 11, 2021 9:41 AM

Historically speaking, the problem with the "deep state" is essentially that the current system has corrupted itself to a point where it is so far from what is claimed, or perhaps appears to be, that there is no way to fix it from within by rebuilding it, by "draining the swamp".

Klaus "Cockroach" Schwab et al understand this, hence the Great Reset, a new vision for the future. Of course, they want a future for themselves, but that's another story.

Even if Trump were entirely sincere in his effort to "drain the swamp", he had nothing to offer apart from some vague anachronistic concept of Making America Great Again. What the fuck is that supposed to mean anyway, eh? The only thing he had behind him was populism which in itself is an empty concept.

Like it or not, a change will only come if people formulate a new philosophy, ideology, and if the new ideology is proposed and embraced on a broad scale. Ideally in a non-violent fashion.

Right now, there is fuck all, people are still stuck on all sorts of left-right bullshit dichotomies, (fake) democracy, the games that have been played for decades if not hundreds of years.

If you ask me, it would be nice if the ideology of the future was loosely based on Hayek's spontaneous order.

Thom1111 , Jan 11, 2021 3:03 PM Reply to Jacques

If Trump can pull something off this week or early next, the new plan is already waiting in the wings. It's called Nesara/Gesara. It's a new economic system not based on a debt based system.

rechenmacher , Jan 12, 2021 3:45 PM Reply to Thom1111

Heard that one before. Fraud.

Thom1111 , Jan 12, 2021 7:09 PM Reply to rechenmacher

It's a real framework plan, it's just whether it can be implemented is the question.

Igby MacDavitt , Jan 12, 2021 3:57 PM Reply to Jacques

"Like it or not, a change will only come if people formulate a new philosophy, ideology, and if the new ideology is proposed and embraced on a broad scale. Ideally in a non-violent fashion."

Sure. So we the people have had centuries or more to figure the answer out. Repeating the dilemma is not enlightening. Idealism has no voice with tyrants.

ZenPriest , Jan 11, 2021 8:53 AM

All this talk of the 'deep state' yet no one can name them. Lol.

Thom1111 , Jan 11, 2021 3:04 PM Reply to ZenPriest

you must have been born yesterday. In America it's the alphabet agencies but obviously all runs back to Rothschild and the Vatican.

gordan , Jan 11, 2021 7:48 PM Reply to Thom1111

eustace mullins

the curse of canaan

old names
very old
and new ones

written in the 1980s
still up to date

ZenPriest , Jan 12, 2021 2:44 PM Reply to Thom1111

If you think it stops at the Vatican and Rothschilds, maybe you were born yesterday.

Thom1111 , Jan 12, 2021 7:11 PM Reply to ZenPriest

well actually no, it goes off planet or interdimensionally if you want to go that deep.

Igby MacDavitt , Jan 12, 2021 4:02 PM Reply to ZenPriest

Start here.

ZenPriest , Jan 12, 2021 5:02 PM Reply to Igby MacDavitt

Corbett is owned like almost everyone else. Gives you everything but the source.

Joerg , Jan 11, 2021 8:50 AM


Ashley , Jan 11, 2021 6:11 AM

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Researcher , Jan 11, 2021 2:13 PM Reply to Ashley

Look. Your spam filter, didn't catch the SPAM.

Asylum , Jan 11, 2021 2:59 PM Reply to Researcher

but it does catch certain comments funny that

aspnaz , Jan 10, 2021 11:47 PM

The 6 January protest march clearly shows that the majority of Trump voters had already given up on Trump so did not join the protest. There was originally talk of a possible one million people attending, it didn't get anywhere close. If half the nation was still behind Trump, this was a very puzzling showing.

Trump just did not have what it takes, or was not really trying, to ruthlessly cut out the cancer of corruption in government. History will show that he was a weak leader who allowed the deep state to distract him to the extent that he never did anything of note other than to reveal, through no action of his own, how extreme is the corruption that he had promised to drain.

The Democrat distractions, paid for by their oligarch owners, showed the world that extreme corruption is running the USA. Even the most loyal Democrats must be puzzled by the current purges and threats of extreme centralised thought control, the arrogance of the swamp now that it has gotten rid of the peoples' man.

To his credit, I am still willing to believe that Trump tried to do the right thing.

Although the author is trying to place Trump as a coward who resigned, going back on his word, I think this is not how his original supporters see him. From what I can see, the majority of his original supporters still support him and see him as a figurehead, but they recognise that he doesn't have the skills to do the job. He is not a coward, he did not cave in, he recognised, probably because of the low protest numbers, that he did not have what is takes to continue the fight, he could see that his base had already given up on him. He is still a figurehead in the patriot movement. He may have lost the far right, but he still has a lot of centre-ground supporters.

MaryLS , Jan 11, 2021 4:47 AM Reply to aspnaz

I disagree with your claim that the majority of supporters had already given up on him. It was the middle of the week. People have jobs. It was a significant turn out. People understand what is at stake. I would not place the blame for failure on Trump. He is amazing in so many ways.

Carmpat , Jan 12, 2021 8:39 AM Reply to MaryLS

I just don't understand here how anybody can believe Trump was sincere in wanting to change anything: he's a narcissistic bully in it for his own benefit and that of his offspring. Fighting corruption??? Come on!

Igby MacDavitt , Jan 12, 2021 4:06 PM Reply to Carmpat

The mere fact that hundreds and hundreds of treasonous actors throughout government and business have been clearly and openly revealed through the process started by Trump is a damn good start.

S Cooper , Jan 11, 2021 5:53 AM Reply to aspnaz

"What is going in DC right now is like what went on at Jonestown after Jim Jones went crackers. Except instead of cyanide laced Kool-Aid they are going to use 'Doc' Billy Eugenics EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT to off the 'faithful'. If only Billy and they would just off themselves and leave the rest of the World out of it."

" EUTHANIZE the World! Corporate Fascism and Eugenics forever."

S Cooper , Jan 11, 2021 4:24 PM Reply to S Cooper

"Time now for Na n zi Pelosi, Chuckie 'Upchuck' Schumer and all the rest of the war criminal gang of CORPORATE FASCIST FABIAN EUGENICISTS to beam back to the mothership. They see insurrections, rebellions and conspiracies everywhere. They believe the humans are out to get them . They are going full Jim Jones. "

S Cooper , Jan 11, 2021 6:40 PM Reply to S Cooper

"Also Nasty Na n zi should lay off the hooch. It is beginning to have a deleterious and harmful effect upon the sad thing's cognitive faculties and behavior."

Sgt Oddball , Jan 10, 2021 10:35 PM

I *Hope* they name the next Carrier after him – USS Donald J. Trump – CVN 83


Sgt Oddball , Jan 10, 2021 10:38 PM Reply to Sgt Oddball

- Nickname: – 'Big Don'

Voxi Pop , Jan 10, 2021 9:57 PM INSURRECTION ACT "PROBABLY" SIGNED –
Military In Control of the US, Under Commander In Chief Trump/
Updates Will Follow Throughout The Day

Cal , Jan 10, 2021 9:56 PM


Sgt Oddball , Jan 10, 2021 9:26 PM

"Captain America's been torn apart,
Now he's a court jester with a broken heart,
He said, "Turn me around and take me back to the start",
"I must be losing my mind!" Are you blind?!
– I've seen it all a *Million Times* "

James Meeks , Jan 10, 2021 9:02 PM

Situation Update Jan 8th – Trump fighting from secure location, did NOT concede

Sukma Dyk , Jan 10, 2021 8:50 PM

You are going to be very surprised. See what happens.

David Meredith , Jan 10, 2021 9:08 PM Reply to Sukma Dyk

I was just about to post a comment saying: It's not over yet, but you beat me to it! Well done.

John Smith , Jan 11, 2021 6:17 PM Reply to Sukma Dyk

Why the secrecy? If you know summit then spill.

Jacques , Jan 10, 2021 8:49 PM

I don't know what Trump's intentions were, and I couldn't care less.

From where I'm standing, it appears that he was elected on a wave of populism, which seemed to be an alternative to the "liberal democracy" fakery, the swamp. An interesting presentation of that was here ( ). IMHO, Bannon kicked Frum's butt in that debate.

It would appear that populism was a big enough threat for the "swamp" to unleash four years of a hate campaign against Trump, possibly, probably culminating with COVID. Hard to believe that it was a coincidence.

Be it as it may, and allowing for the possibility that this or that or the other thing has been staged this way or that way, Trump's presidency has certainly set things in motion, woken up people. Had somebody more slick been elected, the transition to the dystopia that seems to be in the pipeline would probably have been less noticeable, perhaps not noticeable at all. With the shitshow that has been going down since last February, all of a sudden there is a public debate. Perhaps misinformed, perhaps mislead, but there is a debate nevertheless. Will it result in something positive? Hard to say, hopefully.

Bottom line, Trump's presidency has been historically a good thing.

YouTube_censors_unfortuna , Jan 11, 2021 10:05 AM Reply to Jacques

Covid19 was decided in 2010 and earlier.

Jacques , Jan 11, 2021 10:37 AM Reply to YouTube_censors_unfortuna

So what? What sort of relevance does it have to what I said?

First understand the bigger picture, then worry about details.

Carmpat , Jan 12, 2021 8:43 AM Reply to Jacques

Covid 19 was DECIDED? But of course, yes, it's just a detail .. lol

Researcher , Jan 10, 2021 8:45 PM

Turns out the Viking Guy aka QAnon Shaman aka Jake Angeli aka Jacob Anthony Chansley aka Actor and self proclaimed "Super Soldier" pals around with Bernard Kerik and Rudy Giuliani when he takes time off from memorizing the latest NSA script:

Lost in a dark wood , Jan 10, 2021 9:42 PM Reply to Researcher

Oh look, a photo at some sort of book-signing type event. I'll file it alongside the one of Oswald and Mother Teresa.

Researcher , Jan 10, 2021 11:32 PM Reply to Lost in a dark wood

Where's the book? Nowhere. Not a book signing.

Freemason handshake tho, Lost_In_Your_Tiny_Mind

Lost in a dark wood , Jan 11, 2021 4:37 PM Reply to Researcher

BTW: if that's what Bernard Kerik looks like when he's "palling around", you definitely wouldn't want to fall out with him!

James Meeks , Jan 10, 2021 10:10 PM Reply to Researcher

Haven't you figured out yet that QAnon is an intelligence agency psyop based in the type of magical thinking that will get you killed and lose the nation? If not, you really aren't qualified to participate in what is currently hitting us. The enemy has your number. This is obviously a photo op staged by the security state to feed the false narrative created around QAnon.

Researcher , Jan 10, 2021 11:23 PM Reply to James Meeks

Can you read? Read what I wrote again. Read it enough times until you understand.

QAnon = Q Group NSA

Nothing is hitting you except the Democrats and Republicans together against the citizens. That's not new.

Asylum , Jan 11, 2021 6:30 PM Reply to Researcher

S Cooper , Jan 11, 2021 10:25 PM Reply to Asylum

"If there was a non WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST in SHAM DEMOCRACY USA for whom to vote and the REPUBLICRATS did not FAKE the counts and rig the SHAM elections WE THE PEOPLE might. Where is a Eugene Victor Debs when the world needs one?"

"Soon that is not going to be an issue, however. There will be no need for SHAM ELECTIONS after Billy EugenIcs and the CORPORATE FASCIST FABIAN EUGENICISTS cull all the untermenschen and useless eaters with their EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT."

REvail , Jan 11, 2021 11:42 PM Reply to S Cooper

it was a compliment and joke on others who still be lie ve in what you eloquently posted

S Cooper , Jan 12, 2021 12:23 AM Reply to REvail

"Just can not give up the opportunity for a good lead up (segue'). In good faith and in all seriousness, thanks for providing it."

Cmiller , Jan 12, 2021 5:27 AM Reply to Researcher

Masonic handshake

Dayne , Jan 10, 2021 8:40 PM

Peasants in 19th-century Russia clung to a notion of the Czar as a benevolent, fatherly figure. Even when he rained misery and oppression down on them, it was only because he was "misinformed", "surrounded by bad guys", etc.

It makes sense: Those were desperate, illiterate people living in misery. Hoping against hope was all they had. But why would anyone in 2021 think of Trump in essentially the same way is beyond me. An entrenched military-industrial-media-psychiatric-intelligence system, hundreds of years in the making and with untold trillions in funding, just stood by as a Robin-Hood-type hero and people's champion rose to take the Oval Office? Sorry. Trump might as well sprout wings and fly.

Sgt Oddball , Jan 10, 2021 10:10 PM Reply to Dayne

Thanx for your comment, Dayne – I've been trying to put this into words, and as I'm autistic, I could frankly, literally *Sperg'-out* over this, right now

- TL:DR version is this, tho': – Ever wonder why 'Populism' is such a dirty word for the establishment and their MSM bullhorn? – The argument I've heard thus far generally goes like the South Park underpants gnome's plan for world domination: – Phase 1: Popular Uprising (aka: 'Civil Unrest') Phase 2: ? . Phase 3: Fascist 'Strongman' Dictatorship – Why is that?

- Also that we're *Too Stoopid*(/ie: Self-Absorbed) – Like the Mud-Pickin' peasants in Monty Python' Holy Grail

- I would suggest 2 reasons for this:

- 1.) The Davostanis (Global Banksters/Oligarchs) never *merely* back the *winning horse* in the race, – In fact they back *every* horse that they *allow* to run (ergo: Trump was an Establishment-groomed *Stalking Horse* )

- 2.) The Davostanis (again), have *long since* seen to it that *most everyone*, from birth onwards, is psychologically conditioned, first with childhood myths and fairy-tales about Charming Princes and Fair Princesses, then with religio-spiritual 'adult' myths and fairy-tales about (In Judeo-Christian terms) Messianic, White-Knight champion/rescuer types who, if *we would only* put our lives and our *Utmost Faith* in their holy, heaven-sent hands, would *Save Us All* from all the terrible, terrible *Mess We've All Made* for ourselves down here on Earth, by collectively *Shitting The Bed*

*Obviously*, this is *All* just so much *Childish Nonsense*, and, more to the point, a *Writ-Large Con-Job*

- Cutting to the chase: – The 'Great-Man' theory of history is *Bunk* – Always *Has Been*, always *Will Be*

If you're still "Holding Out For A Hero", I invite you to stare *Long And Hard* into the nearest available mirror, *Take A DEEP Breath*, and then go out and *Elect Yourself* to the office – *Better Yet*, elect your family, elect your friends, elect your neighbors, elect *Everyone*

- And then let's *Do This Shit* – *Together*!

James Meeks , Jan 10, 2021 10:23 PM Reply to Dayne

It could have something to do with the fact that Biden is backed by every billionaire member of the Davos gang of criminals getting ready to use this event, coupled with medical martial law, to stage the "great reset" scheme. A wet dream of Malthusian eugenecists like Faucci & Gates, since it includes a drastic reduction in world population aka genocide of the elderly, vulnerable, poor and non compliant. This Globalist Technocracy will be led by un-elected bankers and corporate CEO's effectively ending any form of Democracy planet wide. MSM mockingbirds are completing the programming of the public to make Casey's statement to Reagan ring true" We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is wrong."

janmarsh , Jan 10, 2021 8:16 PM

Insurrection Act signing brought forward.
Scroll down to 10th. January update:

Asylum , Jan 11, 2021 3:31 PM Reply to janmarsh

Ow look Simon one trick pony parkes been laughed at and ridiculed and busted for his many many many many lies and it happening you watch just donate psyop
gets excepted into the Q nonsense and trump Savior psyop and became s one of there leaders!!!

doesn't anyone go back 5 years and do basic check on thsoes they watch and then make idols of them.

fools follow fools

Mike , Jan 10, 2021 8:15 PM

Trump was never going to be Ameica's hero. He was played to depict America as a fascist, racist, neo-nazi country that needs to be saved by the Left aka Joe Biden/Kamala Harris. The Left can now "save us all" from the "damage" caused by the MAGA movement and Trump. They can do this through heavily increased mass surveillance and what is essentially imprisonment, to make sure that we don't fall victim to the "domestic terrorism" that is represented by Trump and his fan base.

David Meredith , Jan 10, 2021 9:10 PM Reply to Mike

saved by the left? The left has been selling out the US to the globalist agenda for the last 20 years (in power or out). Trump is not finished restoring America to a country that doesn't sell out to China.

S Cooper , Jan 10, 2021 9:32 PM Reply to David Meredith

"Left-Center-Right" seems that paradigm is a tad askew. It is more like a top to bottom pyramid [scheme/racket]. The CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATH SLAVE MASTERS sitting on their gold platinum thrones at the very top of the tower/pyramid and all their prole slave victims, WE THE PEOPLE (HUMANITY) in the mud at the base. The PSYCHOS will say or do anything to get the prole slaves at each others throats. IF WE ARE FIGHTING AMONG OURSELVES WE ARE NOT FIGHTING THEM."

Mike , Jan 10, 2021 11:12 PM Reply to David Meredith

Well, being saved by the left was a sarcastic comment. And Trump is clearly done with "restoring America" because it was never his to restore, let alone him conceding to the left after the Capitol "riots".

falcemartello , Jan 11, 2021 3:53 AM Reply to David Meredith

@ David
The left is as left as my right GONAD

Martin Usher , Jan 10, 2021 10:12 PM Reply to Mike

Biden/Harris "the left"? Surely you're joking? These two are conservatives, in another timeline they'd be Republicans. What they have going for them is they, like many Americans, believe in the Constitution of the United States, about what the country is and what its trying to acheve. It strives to build "a more perfect union".

This the fundamenal error many people made about the Deep State. I've no doubt that there's a fom of Deep State out there, an ingrained conservative streak in the bureaucracy, because there is in all bureaucracies. But the real Deep State is all of us, its every last person who believes in the system, in the American form of democracy and the principles upon which the nation was founded. There are innumerable personal interpretations of exactly what this means but the sum total is the United States.

Trump, MAGA and the modern GoP represent 'capture', the idea that the capture of the state can be turned to personal profit. In doing so Trump and his enablers degraded the notion of what the US is and why it exists. This is what's caused the backlash, its not 'the left' or 'socialism'.

Sgt Oddball , Jan 10, 2021 10:54 PM Reply to Martin Usher

"Biden/Harris "the left"? Surely you're joking?"

- The proverbial 'Overton Window' has, at this point, collapsed to a quantum singularity, about a nothingth of a planck length wide

- Prepare for *Teh Great Suck*!

Peanut butter wolf , Jan 10, 2021 8:11 PM

You seriously think Trump was genuinly elected? All the points you make show obviously he was a puppet and psy-op of the deepstate from the very beginning.
The deepstate won because they never had an enemy, they created him from the start, with or without him knowing we dont know, but anyone on that level is on a need to know basis anyway. It's clear that his every move is steered with the goal to bring down rogue antiestablishment sentiments.

And it worked very well. Radical left antiestablishment is suddenly prodemocrats and radical right antiestablishment is totally disillusioned and just became domestic terrorists.

David Meredith , Jan 10, 2021 9:12 PM Reply to Peanut butter wolf

you spelled Biden incorrectly on your fourth word in.

Sgt Oddball , Jan 10, 2021 10:57 PM Reply to Peanut butter wolf

- *Divide and Conquer* Churn, same as it ever was

BTW, My condolences for MF Doom

Asylum , Jan 11, 2021 3:07 PM Reply to Sgt Oddball

ironic dont you think a artist MF Doom who is known for wearing a mask gets sacrifices sorry dies on the usual astro constellation

Thom1111 , Jan 11, 2021 3:15 PM Reply to Peanut butter wolf

Trump wasn't supposed to win in 2016. The deep state probably wanted liberal Jeb Bush or Rubio or Cruz in there. Trump destroyed all the competition in the GOP primaries. Remember, Trump wasn't picked by the deep state to be their guy. He financed his own campaign. He was a major burr in their saddle. The Trump phenomenon is real and he proved it with a landslide victory that was stolen.

Martin Usher , Jan 12, 2021 6:16 PM Reply to Thom1111

What 'landslide'? The numbers tell a very different story. Trump should have won a second term but he didn't because of two things, one being the grass roots efforts of Democrats to motivate voter groups despite systematic road blocks being placed in those groups' path and the other -- a important one -- being that there's quite a lot of life long Republicans out there that cannot stand Trump.

Trumpism is like a cult in many ways. One feature is that those who 'believe' find it difficult to come to grips with the fact that they might hold a minority view. They're used to being embattled, that's a signature feature of such groups (they're always fighting for something against an implacable enemy, preferably an unseen one) but its just inconceivable that they're really a fringe group. The events of last Wednesday have probably done more to promote Democrat candidates than anything else this cycle; fortunately for the most part the election was over so all they lost were the two Senate seats.

PS -- May I draw your attention to an old Beatles song -- "Revolution"? (I'd also suggest an even old song "Trouble Coming" from the Mothers of Invention.)

Voz 0db , Jan 10, 2021 7:58 PM

Under the CURRENT MAIN SYSTEM – The Monetary System – there is no "drain the swamp"!

James Meeks , Jan 10, 2021 10:29 PM Reply to Voz 0db

Then you're going to love the technocrats "social credits" scheme such as China currently imposes on it's population.

Voz 0db , Jan 11, 2021 10:43 AM Reply to James Meeks

China developed that system with the HELP of the Western Corporations, so that in a near future the tech will be deployed in the western Plantations. OPERATION COVIDIUS is just the 1st of many operations that will create the FEAR & PANIC conditions among the herds of modern western moron slaves, that will make it really easy for THEM to deploy that tech.

Why do you think China was the chosen one to practice a "city lockdown" during EVENT 201 planning?

Why do you think China was on the news of western countries while they were executing the lockdown and then no more China news?

China is also under the Shadow of the SRF & Billionaires at least for now. The only thing China is trying to achieve is to shift the POWER of the SRF into Chinese Families, nothing more.

maxine , Jan 10, 2021 7:48 PM

What has Off-G come to? .One must be truly mad to imagine that D. tHRUMP
"SINCERELY" thought ANYTHING EVER, let alone "changing the way America is run" .He's incapable of comprehending what the word "SINCERITY" means .Sorry the author has lost his hero.

wardropper , Jan 10, 2021 8:24 PM Reply to maxine

OffG publishes articles and anybody who wants to can comment on them.

It does not push, or imagine, any group philosophy other than to support us all in a deep distrust of what the mainstream media ram down our throats every day, and to give us space to express our personal disgust in our own way.

We are not going to imagine what you would like us to imagine merely on your say-so either, although you are quite free to tell us what your personal recommendations are.

OffG has never been pro-Trump, and we are all aware that the alternative is far from being any better.

Perhaps you would like to tell us what is really bugging you, given that you have never been under any pressure even to show up here At the very least, you could stay on topic:
So, what about the swamp, and who you think is most likely to succeed in draining it ?

Carol Jones , Jan 10, 2021 8:53 PM Reply to wardropper

Hear Hear!

Gezzah Potts , Jan 10, 2021 10:26 PM Reply to wardropper

Spot on W👍

YouTube_censors_unfortuna , Jan 10, 2021 7:40 PM

Trump's racist fan base supported America's bogus War of Terrorism against blameless Muslim countries, did they not? What goes around, comes around.

James Meeks , Jan 10, 2021 10:40 PM Reply to YouTube_censors_unfortuna

I think you are getting fan bases mixed up. Trump inherited these conflicts from Bush, Iraq 2002 invasion & Obama's 2015 invasion of Syria and it was Trump that threatened to end the propping up of the endless war industry. In fact that played the major role in why Trump had to be removed at all costs including selling treason and vote rigging as Democracy to be defended against "domestic terrorists".

YouTube_censors_unfortuna , Jan 11, 2021 9:45 AM Reply to James Meeks

Did America's white patriots oppose the demonisation of Muslims as being terrorists who did 9/11 or did they participate in this US government fiction?

Thom1111 , Jan 11, 2021 3:17 PM Reply to YouTube_censors_unfortuna

No, at least half of the patriots are and were aware that 9/11 was an inside job.

Geoffrey Skoll , Jan 10, 2021 7:25 PM

Right! The Donald was too weak and too stupid. A smarter president got shot for his troubles, but the rulers knew they didn't have to resort to that against the Donald. He was obsessed with his mirror. All those meeting between Ike and JFK, what do you think they were talking about?

Sgt Oddball , Jan 10, 2021 11:01 PM Reply to Geoffrey Skoll

- Please also note the *Extreme* copypasta, every other sentence, in the article – Who *Actually Is* this guy?

DM: , Jan 11, 2021 12:22 AM Reply to Sgt Oddball

A fifty-center.

Lisa , Jan 10, 2021 7:09 PM

Fuck Trump and his knuckle dragging moron supporters.

Mr Y , Jan 10, 2021 7:21 PM Reply to Lisa

Now tell us what *you* like.

David Meredith , Jan 10, 2021 9:14 PM Reply to Lisa

hey, my knuckles don't drag – how dare you suggest such a thing.

James Meeks , Jan 10, 2021 10:44 PM Reply to Lisa

Sounds like you came to Off Guardian thinking it was the Guardian and expected to find a group of like minded consumers of security state propaganda in a Trump bashing fest.

Sgt Oddball , Jan 10, 2021 11:02 PM Reply to Lisa

"Oook, Oook, Oook!!! "

*Flings Monkey-Poop *

sue , Jan 10, 2021 6:55 PM

A premature judgement. Time will tell.

MANUEL , Jan 10, 2021 6:55 PM

Do u relly guys think Trump was a hope for all pf us? I am still amazed that people(including off-guard) still thinks in terms of left vs right, good vs bad, and all that narrative. I am afraid that nnarrativ has never been true. It is part of the game of "the matrix" to keep us entertained in shows programmed for tth masses, division, polarizaiomn, saviours and "heros". In my opinion it is time for a deep shift. Continuing to hope that some guy will save us all, it is just seeing a tree but not being able to see the woods. While some keep waiting for somebody to save us, they are moving forward with their plans really fast. But no problem guys. Sooner or later the rrality will knock on you door, and you will have to decide if you are going to be a slave or a free human. And it will be all about what you decide. No american hero or any messiah will do it for you.

Sophie - Admin1 , Jan 10, 2021 9:50 PM Reply to MANUEL

We have warned against accepting the Left/Right paradigm many times. This is NOT an editorial and therefore is not 'the voice of OffG'.

Some visitors here need to up their sophistication level to the point they understand we publish a SPECTRUM of dissident opinion that we consider merits discussion or a wider audience, without necessarily agreeing with all of it.

Sgt Oddball , Jan 10, 2021 11:15 PM Reply to Sophie - Admin1

"Some visitors here need to up their sophistication level to the point they understand we publish a SPECTRUM of dissident opinion "

- Yep, well that's as may be, but Andrew Korybko's position is *Lame As All Hell* – Every establishment talking point *Covered* – just from the 'Contrarian' side

- Trump was an 'Outsider' who 'Became' an 'Insider'?! – Aww Puh-lease! – He was a *Stalking Horse

- "He didn't have the *'Strength'* to 'Drain The Swamp'(tm)"??!?! – *No-One* *Indivudal* in all Creation could've

- Do you think we're *Children*?!

Asylum , Jan 11, 2021 3:26 PM Reply to Sgt Oddball

been on this site a whole while now not seen any articles discussing trump failures

James Meeks , Jan 10, 2021 11:06 PM Reply to MANUEL

We are all aware that we are the playthings of the rich and powerful but all you're doing is stating what most of us already know. What is your solution? So tell us please what you are doing to that makes you feel free and not a slave? Are you living off the grid? Not using currency? What is it you're doing that makes you different from those of us you claim are not facing reality? I think many people, myself included, who have no love for Trump see that he is being denounced by every billionaire member of the Davos gang of criminals as a threat to world order and the economy while they shut down the planet with medical martial law and create an authoritarian Globalist Technocratic dictatorship ending Democracies worldwide and targeting "domestic terrorists" who oppose them.

George Mc , Jan 10, 2021 6:35 PM

The steps on how to destroy all of the services, public and private though focussing on the NHS:

Seize on a moderate flu variant. Build it up to be the blackest death since the black death. Seize on all the old people who die anyway and claim their numbers as an indication of the carnage. For anyone still hesitant, introduce hypocritical emotional blackmail about "the most vulnerable" in our society to shame everyone into the game On the basis of those appropriated death figures, endlessly circulate fear porn – enhanced by the fact that the symptoms of this apocalyptic virus are indistinguishable from the regular flu or even the common cold. Get everyone to steer clear of everyone else. Close down all "inessential" work plus communal gathering places to ensure everyone is isolated before the droning monolithic message you are pumping out. Introduce even more draconian measures for anyone who "has" the bug – effectively barring them even (especially) from care work. Prioritise the new bug cases so that they have access to hospital facilities – while anyone with other (real) illnesses are barred to "protect" them! This fills up the hospitals with hypochondriacs with the common cold. Introduce the notion that some may carry the bug without symptoms. Introduce a new test which can determine who has the symptomless bug. On the basis of those magical symptomless bug test kits, bar the essential workers from supporting the vulnerable – in order to "protect the vulnerable"! Constantly report on how the NHS is collapsing – which it is, being filled up with folks with the cold and turning everyone else away, and also being deprived of essential workers who tested positive for the symptomless bug. Just stand back and watch it all collapse whilst continuing to report on it with increasing horror!

George Mc , Jan 10, 2021 6:41 PM Reply to George Mc

PS the list is not exhaustive. I didn't even touch on the phony Left/Right divide.

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL , Jan 10, 2021 7:18 PM Reply to George Mc


A must read.

The Department of Health and Social Care . adopted a policy, that led to 25,000 patients, including those (known to be) infected (with Covid-19, and also those who were) possibly infected with Covid-19 (but) had not been tested, being discharged from hospital into care homes between 17 March and 15 April -- exponentially increasing the risk of transmission to the very population most at risk of severe illness and death from the disease. (This, while being denied) access to testing, (being denied) personal protective equipment, (while having) insufficient staff, and limited (and confusing) guidance.

(As expected) care homes were overwhelmed.

James Meeks , Jan 10, 2021 11:10 PM Reply to AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL

Amnesty International is US State Department Propaganda Amnesty run by US State Department representatives, funded by convicted financial criminals, and threatens real human rights advocacy worldwide.

DM: , Jan 11, 2021 12:30 AM Reply to George Mc

Who the hell down-voted this. I want a name, address, and employment details.

Teresa , Jan 10, 2021 6:27 PM

No, the entire "game" hasn't played out yet. Hold back on your final conclusions for now. Watchful waiting at the moment.

Moneycircus , Jan 10, 2021 6:21 PM

Computah sez. I mean computer is science, right? And you gotta trust the science Just Google it, OK?


George Mc , Jan 10, 2021 6:04 PM

The tackiest of plays unfolding with the most tedious predictability: "And the NHS can't take much more as .."

Yes yes yes – as if we didn't fucking know!


[Jan 20, 2021] Are You Ready for Total (Ideological) War by CJ Hopkins

Notable quotes:
"... Oh, yes, you really did it this time! You stormed the goddamned US Capitol. You and your racist, Russia-backed army of bison-hat wearing half-naked actors have meddled with the primal forces of GloboCap, and now, by God, you will atone! ..."
"... No, do not try to minimize your crimes. You entered a building without permission! The building where America simulates democracy! You walked around in there waving silly flags! You went into the Chamber, into people's offices! One of you actually put his filthy populist feet up on Pelosi's desk ON HER DESK! This aggression will not stand! ..."
Jan 12, 2021 |

So, welcome to 2021! If last week was any indication, it is going to be quite an exciting year. It is going to be the year in which GloboCap reminds everyone who is actually in charge and restores "normality" throughout the world.

or at least attempts to restore "normality," or the "New Normality," or the "Great Normal Reset," or "The New Normal War on Domestic Terror" or whatever they eventually decide to call it.

In any event, whatever they call it, GloboCap is done playing grab-ass. They have had it with all this "populism" malarkey that has been going on for the last four years.

Yes, that's right, the party is over, you Russian-backed white supremacist terrorists! You Trump-loving, anti-mask grandmother killers! You anti-vax, election-fraud-conspiracy theorists! You deviants who refuse to follow orders, wear your damn masks, vote for who they tell you, and believe whatever completely nonsensical official propaganda they pour into your heads!

Oh, yes, you really did it this time! You stormed the goddamned US Capitol. You and your racist, Russia-backed army of bison-hat wearing half-naked actors have meddled with the primal forces of GloboCap, and now, by God, you will atone!

No, do not try to minimize your crimes. You entered a building without permission! The building where America simulates democracy! You walked around in there waving silly flags! You went into the Chamber, into people's offices! One of you actually put his filthy populist feet up on Pelosi's desk ON HER DESK! This aggression will not stand!

OK, before I go any further with this essay, I need to explain to my regular readers (in case it wasn't already clear) that I've decided to forswear every word I've ever written, and all my principles, and my common sense, and join the remainder of my old leftist and liberal friends in the orgy of online hate and outrage they are currently mindlessly indulging in.

Yes, I realize this comes as a shock, but I have seen the GloboCap writing on the wall, and I don't want to you know, get ideologically "cleansed," or charged with " extremism ," or " insurrectionism ," or " domestic terrorism ," or " populism ," or whatever.

I'm already in enough trouble as it is for not playing ball with their " apocalyptic plague ," and whatever else I am, I am certainly no martyr, and I have a career in the arts to consider, so I have decided to listen to my inner coward and join the goose-stepping global-capitalist mob, which is why this column sounds slightly out of character.

See, back in the old days, before my conversion, I would have made fun of my liberal friends for calling this "storming" of the Capitol a "coup," or an "insurrection," and for demanding that the protesters be prosecuted as "domestic terrorists."

I probably would have scolded them a bit for taking to the Internet and spewing their hatred at the unarmed woman shot dead by the police like a pack of soulless, totalitarian jackals.

I might have even made a reference to that infamous scene in Schindler's List where the crowd of "normal" German citizens all laugh and jeer as the Jews are marched away to the ghetto by the Nazi goons.

But, now that I have seen the light, I see how bad and wrong that would have been. Clearly, trespassing in the US Capitol is a crime that should be punishable by death. And comparing contemporary American liberals to the "good Germans" during the Nazi era is so outrageous that well, it should probably be censored.

So, good thing I decided not to do that!

Plus, the woman was a "devoted conspiracy theorist," so she got what she deserved, right? ( "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes" was the official liberal shibboleth, I believe.)

In fact (and I hope my liberal friends are still reading this), the police should have shot the entire lot of them! All these Russian-backed Nazi insurrectionists should have been gunned down right there on the spot, preferably by muscle-bound corporate mercenaries and CIA snipers in Black Hawk helicopters with big Facebook and Twitter logos on them!

Actually, anyone who trespassed in the Capitol Building (which is like a cathedral), or just came to the protest wearing a MAGA hat, should be hunted down by federal authorities, charged as a "domestic white-supremacist terrorist," frog-marched out onto Black Lives Matter Plaza, and shot, in the face, live, on TV, so that everyone can watch and howl at their screens like the Two Minutes Hate in 1984 . That would teach these "insurrectionists" a lesson!

Or they could shoot them in one of those corporate-branded stadiums! We could make it a weekly televised event. It's not like there is any shortage of Trump-supporting "domestic terrorists." They could use a different stadium every week, deck the place out with big "New Normal" banners, play music, make speeches, the whole nine yards. Everyone would have to wear masks, of course, and strictly adhere to social distancing. Folks could bring the kids, make a day of it.

How am I doing so far, leftist and liberal friends? No? Not fanatical and hateful enough?

OK, so what is it going to take to convince you that I have changed my tune, got my mind right, and am totally on board with the New Normal totalitarianism? Trump? Sure, I can do Trump. I hate him! He's Hitler! He's Russian Hitler! He's Russian White Supremacist Hitler!

Yes, I know I've spent the last four years pointing out that he isn't actually Hitler, or a Russian agent, and that he's really just the same ridiculous, narcissistic ass clown that he has always been, but I was wrong. He's definitely Hitler, and a Russian agent! He is certainly not just a pathetic old huckster without a single powerful ally in Washington who could not stage an actual coup if Putin nuked every blue state on the map.

No, I soil myself in fear before his awesome power. Never mind that he's just been banned by Facebook , Twitter , and numerous other corporate platforms , and made a fool of by the corporate media, the international political establishment, the Intelligence agencies, and the rest of GloboCap since the day he took the oath of office.

Forget the fact that, although he holds the nuclear launch codes in his tiny little hands and is Commander in Chief of the US military, the most he could do to challenge his removal was file a buttload of hopeless lawsuits and sit around in the Oval Office eating cheeseburgers and tweeting into the night.

No, none of that means a thing, not when he still has the power to "embolden" a few dozen pissed-off Americans to storm ( or calmly walk ) into the Capitol and take selfies sitting in the Vice President's Chair!

Look, the point is, I hate him. And I hate his supporters. I hate everyone who doesn't hate him and his supporters. I hate everyone who won't wear a mask. I hate the Republicans. I hate the Russians. I hate everyone who won't get the vaccine. My God do I hate them! I am so full of hatred and mindless rage that it is making me crazy. I am so consumed with self-righteous hatred, propaganda, and manufactured hysteria that, if Rachel Maddow, or Chris Hayes, or whoever, told me that it was time to round them all up, these "domestic terrorists," these "insurrectionists," these "conspiracy theorists," these "anti-mask extremists" (and anyone else who won't obey us), and put them on trains and send them to camps, I'd probably be OK with that.

How am I doing, liberals? Am I back in the club? Because, I get it. I swear! I'm cured! Praise God! I'm ready to pitch in and do my part. I believe in GloboCap's final victory! I'm willing to work, if our leaders order me, ten, twelve, or fourteen hours a day, and give all I have for GloboCap victory! I am ready for total ideological war an ideological war more total and radical than anything I can even imagine!

Sure, our imaginary enemies are formidable (and this war will probably last forever or at least until the end of global capitalism), but, in the words of one our greatest liberal heroes, George W. Bush, "bring it on!"


CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23 , is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volume I of his Consent Factory Essays is published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or .

[Jan 20, 2021] Trump the Manchurian Populist

Jan 20, 2021 |

Christian J. Chuba , Jan 18 2021 18:18 utc | 112

Trump the Manchurian Populist
He made a joke of foreign policy restraint (his restraint is worse than Obama's 'war') and he ruined the career of good people like McGregor. McGregor is now toxic because of Trump.
Trump's domestic policies failed. He gave us $8T of new debt.

Operation Warp speed had a warp core breach . What happened to the 300M doses we were supposed to have in Jan, we only have 30M doses, where did the reserve go?

Jackrabbit , Jan 18 2021 19:10 utc | 115

Christian J. Chuba @Jan18 18:18 #111

Yeah, this "America First" so-called "populist" also weaponized space, doubled-down on Israel and ME idiocy, supported a coup in Venezuela (including seizing Venezuelan State assets), cut taxes (yet again), and lied about the seriousness of the virus.

Oh, and no pardon for Assange or Snowden to support whistle-blowers and independent journalism that keep the Deep State (that Trump supposedly fights) in check.

I could go on but I won't belabor the point.


[Jan 20, 2021] When German scholars use the US populist government as a scapegoat, they overlooked the real question - without addressing the growing inequality in a Western system, will there be a second Trump in the future?

Notable quotes:
"... No examination of Neoliberalism's utter failure to deliver benefits to the masses while expropriating the wealth they produced for delivery to the class of Financial Parasites. At least the writers at Global Times get it right: ..."
Jan 20, 2021 |

karlof1 , Jan 19 2021 17:55 utc | 155

Global Times reports on an essay published by the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Check it out b or other German barflies) deeming " China's system, although 'authoritarian,' is 'very successful .'" [My Emphasis]

"It explained that as long as a society can reach the following goals - improving social welfare, increasing consumption choices, safeguarding domestic security, promoting education, and providing good healthcare - people will support and trust the system even if their influence in the decision-making process is limited. Such can 'in part ensure the legitimacy' of the social system....

"But the authors' introspection stopped from digging problems as they tried to shift blame to the rise of populism in the US."

No examination of Neoliberalism's utter failure to deliver benefits to the masses while expropriating the wealth they produced for delivery to the class of Financial Parasites. At least the writers at Global Times get it right:

"Populism, which helped crown Donald Trump, is being blamed today. Yet it all started from the widening gap between rich and poor. When German scholars use the US populist government as a scapegoat, they overlooked the real question - without addressing the growing inequality in a Western system, will there be a second Trump in the future?" [My Emphasis]

The fatal thrust is delivered in the two closing paragraphs but still omit naming the actual culprit, which is the ideology of Neoliberalism:

"The article raised the support and trust of people when it comes to judgment over the legitimacy of a society. In this regard, data speak louder than words. According to a poll conducted in 2020 by US-based global public relations and marketing consultancy firm Edelman, 95 percent of Chinese trust their government while the US government only saw an approval of 48 percent .

"What other excuses will the Western world have to question the legitimacy of the Chinese system? If the West, especially the US, the beacon of democracy, actually senses the crisis and does not wish to lose the competition, it should stop burying its head in the sand." [My Emphasis]

The problem isn't heads being buried in sand; rather, it's the design of the ideology to exploit and degrade a nation's masses so they're left with relatively nothing compared to the nation's Financial Parasites, all so the latter will always have their Free Unearned Lunch.

[Jan 20, 2021] The USA and the Crisis: How and Why the Oligarchs Fight Trumpism

Jan 20, 2021 |

Grieved , Jan 20 2021 1:04 utc | 64

@59 alaff

Thanks for the link to the Rostislav Ischenko article. Are you making the translations of these Russian analyses? I'm grateful to whomever is doing them - the translators are the heroes of the information war. By the way, I think plenty of people here would recognize Ischenko's name and would be glad to know about his articles if you link another in future - it could easily get missed the way you linked it.


Ischenko has some interesting things to say about the US dystopia from a Russian perspective. He speaks of the oligarchs no longer needing a home country - which we've discussed here before - and that they may now feel powerful enough to take on any country in the world.

All of this, Russia should watch with careful interest.

The USA and the Crisis: How and Why the Oligarchs Fight Trumpism - Rostislav Ishenko .

Some quotes (my emphasis):

The American oligarchy no longer needs a strong state. They need power over its remnants. ... As I wrote above, the actions already taken and the future actions of the Democrats are destroying American statehood. However, the American oligarchy felt itself global and became so insolent that it is no longer afraid of being left without a state behind its back, hoping that if they had enough of their own resources to seize America, then they would have enough to defend their interests in a changing world.

Why is it important for us to thoroughly understand what is happening in the United States? Because the left-liberal (including pseudo-communist) movements around the world are guided by the financial oligarchy...They really work to destroy the state.
Whatever they think, de facto they are doing it in the interests of the trans-national oligarchy, the global financial capital, which is ready to devour the corpses of the USA, Russia, China, the EU and others, just as it is now devouring the corpse of Ukraine. Strong bureaucratic republics hinder them in this regard. They don't need strong states. They want tiny debris.

That is why the internal political struggle in the United States is not just an interesting spectacle for us, but a scientific experimental base for the struggle for our statehood against international financial capital (transnational globalist oligarchy) and its left-liberal mercenaries.

I think this is the overarching view of what's happening in the US and the world today. Oligarchic power and riches are now so great and so globally mobile that nation-states are simply getting in the way of the plunder.


In my opinion, the very rich of this world actually do have a solution to climate change and resource depletion, and they didn't have to think very hard to see what to them is obvious. As they break up societies to make the plunder easier, they also imperil millions and ultimately billions of people, who will quickly die and relieve the burden on planetary resources.

This is why chaos is success for them. There is no plan to save anything except their own riches. Everything and everyone else can fade away. We spoke of steady-state economies the other day, and the very rich are now prepared to live in one - their own. New world order is a red herring anymore. They don't want to rule anything. They just want it all to go away.

They, the rich, have come up with the obvious, brilliant solution to all recent problems of this world. We the people are the largest ingredient of these planetary problems. Obviously, we'll have to go. And as this happens, the rich will exuberantly - with great zest - increase their own wealth from the very crumbling of former societies.

alaff , Jan 19 2021 23:16 utc | 51

Hillary Clinton & Nancy Pelosi suggest Putin ORDERED Trump to launch Capitol siege in unhinged interview

Sad news (for American society), but not surprising.
I can only repeat that democratic elites (although the Republicans are far from ideal either) are mentally unstable, they have serious brain problems. In the direct/medical sense of the word. There is no joke or metaphor here.

Their bizarre manic obsession with Putin/Russia is striking. These people have invented/artificially created for themselves some kind of alternative reality, where Russia "threatens them", where "Putin wants to undermine world democracy", where "Putin can order Trump to storm the Capitol" and other such nonsense of a sick imagination. Frankly, I am somewhat alarmed that the Americans are consistently choosing a leadership suffering from such a serious mental disorder.

These people created a Big Lie about Russia, believed in it themselves, act (make political decisions, official statements, etc.) on the basis of this Big Lie, and who can give a guarantee that one day they will not press the nuclear button when the mass of their inadequate action (based on a Big Lie) will exceed the critical threshold?

All this wild hysteria with inauguration - an unprecedented 26,000(!) thousand soldiers, several lines of fences, barbed wire, absolutely insane statements by the Democrats, frenzied censorship, repression against disloyal - only confirms the illegality of the seizure of power by the Democrats. They know very well that in reality they would not have won the elections without falsifications. They have essentially carried out a coup. After the seizure of power, their regime is unstable and is in danger for several weeks/months. To strengthen/stabilize their regime, they resort to all these insane actions and statements. The disagreement of the disloyal must be suppressed in the bud, not to be allowed to grow into stable resistance.

The very fact that Trump (and millions of his supporters) resisted until the end, refusing to accept the election results, is, if you will, a moral delegitimization of the power of the Democrats. Probably, this is one of the reasons for the brutal hatred of the Democrats towards the outgoing president, expressed in the ridiculous decision on a second impeachment. And this is the reason for the need for 26,000 soldiers to protect the "elected president" from essentially his own people.

A good recent article by a Russian political scientist examines opposition to Trump from the perspective of the interests of the American oligarchy.

[Jan 19, 2021] Is Trump a populist, or a populist wanna-be?

Looks like Trump is elevated well beyond his standing and abilities. He proved to be mediocre politician who got into the prepared trap and endangered and then betrayed his supporters.
Notable quotes:
"... Four years ago the Anglo-American deep state concluded that liberal democracy is no longer guaranteed to keep them in power. The new threat comes from populist like Trump. Instead of democracy they decided to turn to totalitarianism. The first step was a totalitarian media regime . ..."
"... LMFAO. Trump is no threat. Listen to his farewell speech . Summary: bend over and salute the flag. ..."
Jan 19, 2021 |
Petri Krohn , Jan 19 2021 22:34 utc | 44

Four years ago the Anglo-American deep state concluded that liberal democracy is no longer guaranteed to keep them in power. The new threat comes from populist like Trump. Instead of democracy they decided to turn to totalitarianism. The first step was a totalitarian media regime .

Jackrabbit , Jan 19 2021 23:25 utc | 52

Petri Krohn @Jan19 22:34 #44

The new threat comes from populist like Trump.
LMFAO. Trump is no threat. Listen to his farewell speech . Summary: bend over and salute the flag.


[Jan 19, 2021] Goodbye Sheldon Adelson by Philip Giraldi

What is interesting tha casino traditionally was regarded as mafia connected business.
Jan 19, 2021 |

Casino magnate and Israeli patriot multi-billionaire Sheldon Adelson, one of the world's richest men, died in Las Vegas on January 11 th at age 87. He had been suffering from cancer and has been buried at the Mount of Olives Cemetery in Israel . When his body arrived in Israel it was met by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as well as Jonathan Pollard, the most damaging spy in United States history. Tributes to the fallen "hero" poured in from the political class in both the United States and Israel and it has even been reported that President Donald Trump was intending to hoist the American flag at half mast over federal buildings to honor the "great humanitarian philanthropist." Unfortunately, the flag was already at half mast honoring the death of Capitol Police Force officer Brian Sicknick, who was murdered in the Capitol building last Wednesday.

Trump has not mentioned the service unto death of Sicknick and the flag lowering itself was apparently a bit of an afterthought on behalf of the White House, but he had plenty to say about his good buddy Adelson, who has been the principal funder of the Republican Party over the past five years. As he can no longer use Twitter, the president's condolences were posted on the White House site: "Melania and I mourn the passing of Sheldon Adelson, and send our heartfelt condolences to his wife Miriam, his children and grandchildren. Sheldon lived the true American dream. His ingenuity, genius, and creativity earned him immense wealth, but his character and philanthropic generosity his great name. Sheldon was also a staunch supporter of our great ally the State of Israel. He tirelessly advocated for the relocation of the United States embassy to Jerusalem, the recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and the pursuit of peace between Israel and its neighbors. Sheldon was true to his family, his country, and all those that knew him. The world has lost a great man. He will be missed."

Missing from the Trump eulogy is any mention of what Adelson did for the United States, which is his country of birth and where he made his fortune engaging in activity that many would consider to be a vice. In fact, Adelson was all about the Jewish state, positioning himself as the principal funder of the Republican Party under Donald Trump and receiving in return as a quid pro quo the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement (JCPOA), the move of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, the recognition of Israeli annexation of the Syrian Golan Heights, and a virtual concession that the Jewish state could do whatever it wants vis-à-vis the Palestinians, to include expelling them from Palestine. Adelson once commented that Israel does not have to pretend to be a democracy but it must be Jewish, presumably to help the process of Arab genocide move along.

Adelson's mechanism, initiated under George W. Bush, is familiar to how the Israel Lobby operates more generally. It consisted of the exploitation of the incessant need of campaign money by the GOP, which Adelson provided with strings attached. He worked with the Republicans to completely derail the admittedly faux peace process begun under Bill Clinton, which depended on a two-state solution, and instead give the Jewish state a free hand to implement its own unilateral Greater Israel Project extending from "the Jordan River to the Mediterranean." As part of that expansion, Israel has been building illegal settlements while also bombing and killing Lebanese, Syrians, and Iranians and assassinating scientists and technicians throughout the region.

All of the interventions against Israel's neighbors took place even though the Jewish state was not technically at war with anyone. The U.S. meanwhile funded Israeli aggression and watched the spectacle without any complaint, providing political cover as necessary, while also maintaining a major military presence in the Middle East to "protect Israel," as Trump recently admitted.

In short, Sheldon Adelson committed as much as half a billion dollars from his vast fortune to buy control over a major element of U.S. foreign policy and subordinated American interests to those of Israel. In addition to direct donations to both major political parties, he also paid for Congressional "fact finding" trips to Israel and funded a number of pro-Israel lobbies, so-called charities and other related Jewish projects. It is indisputable that he wielded an incredible degree of power to shape Washington's actions in the Middle East. In her own tribute to her dead husband, Miriam Adelson, an Israeli, described how he "crafted the course of nations."

Adelson was actively engaged on Israel's behalf until the week before his death. He provided his casino's private 737 luxury executive jet to transport Jonathan Pollard "home" to Israel. Pollard has served 30 years in prison after being convicted of espionage and was on parole, which restricted his travel. As yet another a gift to Israel, Donald Trump lifted that restriction, allowing him to fly to Israel where he received a hero's welcome. It is generally agreed that Pollard was the most damaging spy in American history, having stolen the keys to accessing U.S. communications and information gathering systems. A month after Pollard's arrest in 1985, C.I.A director William Casey stated: "The Israelis used Pollard to obtain our war plans against the USSR – all of it: the co-ordinates, the firing locations, the sequences, and Israel sold that information to Moscow for more exit visas for Soviet Jews."

Sheldon Adelson used his wealth and political connections to shield himself from any criticism due to his openly expressed preference for Israel over the land of his birth. He famously publicly stated that he wished he had worn the Israeli Army uniform instead of that of the U.S. Army, where he served briefly as a draftee. He also expressed his desire that his son would serve as an Israeli army sniper, presumably allowing him to blow the heads off of Palestinians. In 2013 Adelson advocated ending nuclear negotiations with Iran and instead detonating a nuclear weapon in "the middle of the [Iranian] desert," followed by a threat to annihilate the capital city Tehran, home to 8.6 million, to force Iran to surrender its essentially non-existent nuclear program.

Other acknowledgements of the impact of Adelson came from officials in the Trump Administration. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo commented how his "efforts to strengthen the alliance between Israel and the United States the world, Israel and the United States are safer because of his work." Yeah, right Mike.

So, the world is definitely a better place due to the passing of Sheldon Adelson. Or is it? His Israeli wife Miriam owns more than 40% of Las Vegas Sands Corp Casinos Inc., estimated to be worth in excess of $17 billion. She has proposed that a new chapter be included in the Jewish bible, the Book of Trump, and has pledged herself to continue her husband's work. Trump had previously given her the highest award that a president can bestow, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Freedom, of course, does not apply to Palestinians. And if one is concerned that the Democrats will not be cooperative, they too have their own major donor similar to Adelson. He is an Israeli film producer named Haim Saban, who, echoing a similar statement by Adelson, said that he is a one issue guy and that issue is Israel.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected]

[Jan 14, 2021] Trumpism without Trump

Highly recommended!
Jan 14, 2021 |

The Trump administration denounced or threatened trade agreements and "jaw-boned" particular manufacturers without tangible or lasting results for young workers. It continued drone warfare and bombing runs, exacerbating refugee problems. Its ham-handed actions relating to visa and green card holders with vested rights partially wasted its "trump card" on immigration. Its deregulatory and tax proposals had little appeal to its three new constituencies, and in its kindness to fund managers, it forgot Bernard De Jouvenel's maxim that "the wealth of merchants is resented more than the pomp of rulers."

There are still available, either to a Republican Party cleansed of Trump or to the Biden administration, my 11 proposals of a populist nature, none very expensive. Since the Trump administration was a milder version of what Hermann Rauschning in the 1930s called "A Revolution of Nihilism," any effort to enlarge its constituency of malcontents was forsworn. Accordingly, these ideas are re-tendered:

1. Completely relieving workers under the age of 25 of payroll taxation, as in Germany and Holland. Over the long term, this would render them the most employed, rather than the most unemployed, age cohort. Because they make up at most 10 percent of the labor force, and typically enjoy barely half of average earnings, relieving them of 12.4 percent payroll taxes would require an increase in general payroll tax rates of, at most, 5 to 10 percent of one percent.

2. A revived Civilian Conservation Corps, a cause promoted only by Senator Bernie Sanders, with its focus on low-tech infrastructure projects and services, including such neglected fields of activity as soil conservation, reforestation, disaster relief, reclamation of abandoned mine sites, creation of new national parks in Appalachia, hydrology, desert agriculture, creation of footpaths and youth hostels, and training as practical nurses and nursing assistants.

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3. Making the services of the United States Employment Service, a largely moribund adjunct of the unemployment system, available to all workers under the age of 25.

4. Tax credits, like those in Germany, Finland, and Japan, to encourage the installation of second kitchens in owner-occupied housing, thereby fostering the creation of low-cost housing in the form of accessory apartments, duplex houses, and mother-in-law flats. This is a far more economical method of generating new low-cost small units than subsidized housing, and restrictions to owner-occupied homes would eliminate the fears and controversies accompanying public housing proposals.

5. Limited incentives, in the form of handbooks and nominal tax credits, to foster the creation of cooperative old-age clubs on the Japanese pattern to assist the elderly in remaining in their own homes, removing pressures on Medicaid.

6. Promotion of model state and local legislation and tax incentives for the creation of land readjustment and land assembly districts on the postwar Japanese, Korean, and German pattern, to foster private redevelopment of blighted urban and inner-suburban areas.

7. Support for a revived TEAM Act providing for the organization of single-plant works councils, with the authority to negotiate local pay and productivity deals, work rules, and employee grievances. Legislation to this effect sponsored by the Dunlap Commission appointed by Labor Secretary Robert Reich and including several former Democratic secretaries of labor was vetoed by President Clinton at the behest of the United Auto Workers. Since private-sector union membership has declined by 60 percent since Clinton's veto, even Democratic congressmen might now support it, to the great benefit of the low-income work force in non-union chain establishments.

8. An orderly de-criminalization of marijuana on the Canadian pattern, accompanied by an educational campaign stressing its de-motivating characteristics and enlisting schools and colleges in its discouragement through selective drug testing, as in the military and adult work force. This will eliminate nearly a million arrests a year and defund much of the underworld that is the youth employer of first resort in depressed areas.

9. An effort to revive depressed downtown areas in small towns and cities with incentives for the creation of Business Improvement Districts, together with enhanced enforcement of antitrust, predatory pricing, and bribery laws against offending large retailers.

10. Relief for credit unions and community banks from the more oppressive Sarbanes-Oxley and Dodd-Frank regulations without holding them hostage to secure unjustified deregulation for larger banks.

11. Grant of work permits to undocumented workers without criminal records and with long records of American employment upon payment by them, their families, employers, or philanthropies of large ($5,000) application fees, the proceeds to be dedicated to a fund for law enforcement, housing, and nurse practitioner programs addressing migration in its Central American and other source countries. As with women's suffrage prior to 1920, the question of enfranchisement should be left to the States, pursuant to Article I, Sections 2 and 4 of the Constitution.

It may be objected that measures to relieve the young are of limited political appeal, since they do not vote in large numbers. They do not, but their mothers do. And many of the other measures will provide citizens with a greater sense of control over their own lives.

While much of this agenda may not appeal to gradgrind Republicans who appreciate the price of everything and the value of nothing, nor to those whose idea of an infrastructure program is aid to a contracting class and its representatives on K Street, some might be led to follow a vagrant thought of former speaker Paul Ryan. It will be recalled that he uttered the only memorable words of the 2012 Republican Convention when he declared that "college graduates should not have to live out their 20s in their childhood bedrooms, staring up at faded Obama posters and wondering when they can move out and get going with life."

George W. Liebmann, a Baltimore lawyer, is the author of various books on public policy and history, including Solving Problems Without Large Government: Devolution, Fairness, and Equality (Praeger, 1999), reprinted as Neighborhood Futures (Transaction Books, 2003).

Joe Black 4 hours ago

I would modify Item#1 and Item#3 to not just encourage employment for those under 25 but I would:
1) exclude all (legal, illegal or visa workers from programs to encourage their employment.
2) such programs should also include the difficult to employ like the disabled
3) such programs should also include the difficult to employ over 50 job seeker.

I especially support Item 4 (small studio apartments or granny flats)

I oppose Item#7 It is much to dangerous for such worker councils to be usurped by our leftist Marxist woke culture, political activist, social justice, cancel culture, diversity, inclusivity, cross sectional race theorists, etc. which will translate into a hostile anti-white, anti-male, anti-Christian, anti-marriage, anti-family, anti-chrildren, anti-American corporate enforced ideology. If you thought the left's false accusations of rape on campus and the lefts false accusations of race hatred on campus, it you thought false accusations of Jesse Smollett in Chicago were an example of ruining an individuals life on hearsay then wake until these work councils get taken over by leftist activists and watch what they do to innocent working class employees who just want to do their job but don't follow the leftist narrative.

I oppose Item#11. We lost 250,000 jobs due to COVID (the chinese bat flu stew). Our unemployment rate is 6.7%. At the same time we are losing jobs our legal immigration rate is steady at 1 million per year. No, I do not support illegal immigration, legal immigration, refugees, asylum seekers, economic migrants, temporary work or education visas. No western nation can continue to relieve the problems of over population by mass immigration. It is not fair to the citizens of the US or any other western/westernized country.

JonF311 5 hours ago • edited

I don't disagree with very much here though as a practical matter I will point out a mistaken assumption that seems to underlie #5:

Re: Limited incentives, in the form of handbooks and nominal tax credits, to foster the creation of cooperative old-age clubs on the Japanese pattern to assist the elderly in remaining in their own homes, removing pressures on Medicaid.

I assume that is about nursing homes, but those are almost always a last resort when the patient is so seriously disabled that they cannot possibly live independently and their medical needs surpass the abilities of family members to care for them.

Also, I don't think that youth unemployment is the big bugaboo with deindustrialization. Young people are a good deal more flexible, and have fewer financial commitments, than older people after all. Rather the disemployment of middle aged (and older) blue collar workers is the larger problem. These people expected to be in the same job (or type of job) for life and they had the rug pulled out from under them and found themselves with few prospects. Some of them ended up in low paying service jobs, some lived off a still-employed spouse, some went on SSDI, and some few even ended up homeless.

Kent 8 hours ago

I can support every one of those measures. I would add:

12. And export credit system for balancing trade and the current account deficit.

Baruch Dreamstalker
9 hours ago

Most of these barely sound conservative. One-company workers' councils violate NLRB rules, for reasons probably having to do with Clinton's veto; these days they would vastly increase the number of workers in organized setting.

The marijuana suggestion contains bits of the old War on Drugs: forced drug testing of workers, and propaganda that focuses on marijuana rather than the dangers of any kind of excess substance use/addiction. *Free employers to pursue a drug-free work place rather than a drug-free work force. *Any govt-sponsored statements on drugs should be based on facts and even-handed research, not the whoring that scientists have done for the last 50 years, and should include the tonic effects of both a mild buzz and deep psychedelic experience.

Buddhajerk 8 hours ago

As a moderate Democrat, most of these ideas appeal to me. As someone who has paid attention for decades, I see no chance in hell of any of these things happening [during Biden administration], especially if proposed by a Democrat. As an optimist, I wish moderate Republicans could join moderate Democrats in making such things a possibility. As a realist, I don't think America is capable of solving any problems right now, especially tough ones. As an American, it saddens me.

populistovice 3 hours ago

Most of the ideas are excellent. I would add much greater funding for vocational education at the secondary and post-secondary level. Our public schools are far too focused on preparing students for college with insufficient training for those ill suited for or uninterested in seeking a university education.

The lack of affordable housing is a major obstacle for twenty somethings to get out of their childhood home and begin the process of family formation. We need tax incentives to build limited equity cooperative apartment buildings, resident-owned mobile/modular home parks and small bungalow-style houses.

I like the proposal for worker councils but employee ownership is an even better idea. Workers owning a share in their business should be strongly encouraged by public policy at all levels.

[Jan 14, 2021] 25 Organizations Say Victoria Nuland should not be nominated for undersecretary of state for political affairs, and if nominated should be rejected by the Senate.

Jan 14, 2021 |

Organization's statement originally published at

Victoria Nuland, former foreign policy adviser to vice president Dick Cheney, should not be nominated for undersecretary of state [for political affairs], and if nominated should be rejected by the Senate.

Nuland played a key role in facilitating a coup in Ukraine that created a civil war costing 10,000 lives and displacing over a million people. She played a key role in arming Ukraine as well. She advocates radically increased military spending, NATO expansion, hostility toward Russia, and efforts to overthrow the Russian government.

The United States invested $5 billion in shaping Ukrainian politics, including overthrowing a democratically elected president who had refused to join NATO. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Nuland is on video talking about the U.S. investment and on audiotape planning to install Ukraine's next leader, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who was subsequently installed.

The Maidan protests, at which Nuland handed out cookies to protesters, were violently escalated by neo-Nazis and by snipers who opened fire on police. When Poland, Germany, and France negotiated a deal for the Maidan demands and an early election, neo-Nazis instead attacked the government and took over. The U.S. State Department immediately recognized the coup government, and Arseniy Yatsenyuk was installed as Prime Minister.

Nuland has worked with the openly pro-Nazi Svoboda Party in Ukraine. She was long a leading proponent of arming Ukraine. She was also an advocate for removing from office the prosecutor general of Ukraine, whom then-Vice President Joe Biden pushed the president to remove.

Nuland wrote this past year that "The challenge for the United States in 2021 will be to lead the democracies of the world in crafting a more effective approach to Russia - one that builds on their strengths and puts stress on Putin where he is vulnerable, including among his own citizens."

She added:

" Moscow should also see that Washington and its allies are taking concrete steps to shore up their security and raise the cost of Russian confrontation and militarization. That includes maintaining robust defense budgets, continuing to modernize U.S. and allied nuclear weapons systems, and deploying new conventional missiles and missile defenses, . . . establish permanent bases along NATO's eastern border, and increase the pace and visibility of joint training exercises."

The United States walked out of the ABM Treaty and later the INF Treaty, began putting missiles into Romania and Poland, expanded NATO to Russia's border, facilitated a coup in Ukraine, began arming Ukraine, and started holding massive war rehearsal exercises in Eastern Europe. But to read Victoria Nuland's account, Russia is simply an irrationally evil and aggressive force that must be countered by yet more military spending, bases, and hostility. Some U.S. military officials say this demonizing of Russia is all about weapons profits and bureaucratic power, no more fact-based than the Steele Dossier that was given to the FBI by Victoria Nuland.


Alaska Peace Center
Center for Encounter and Active Non-Violence
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
Greater Brunswick PeaceWorks
Jemez Peacemakers
Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
Peace Action Maine
Physicians for Social Responsibility – Kansas City
Progressive Democrats of America
Peace Fresno
Peace, Justice, Sustainability NOW!
The Resistance Center for Peace and Justice
Veterans For Peace Chapter 001
Veterans For Peace Chapter 63
Veterans For Peace Chapter 113
Veterans For Peace Chapter 115
Veterans For Peace Chapter 132
Wage Peace
World BEYOND War

TimeTraveller 36 minutes ago (Edited)

The funny thing about appointment of Nuland, is that basically every European government hates her.

Those idiots in the EU complained about Trump. Well the American Empire war machine is about to ratchet up a notch or three, btches.

Max21c 50 minutes ago

The U.S. State Department immediately recognized the coup government, and Arseniy Yatsenyuk was installed as Prime Minister.

The Washington establishment immediately recognized the coup government, and Joe Schmoe Biden was installed as ruler.

replaceme 52 minutes ago

Why wouldn't they appoint a murderer?

TimeTraveller 50 minutes ago (Edited)

It is funny that they oppose that. After all, every single person in the Democrat party was in agreement with those foreign coup and wars. If we're going to all of a sudden start pointing the finger, then there would be no Democrats left in congress

aspnaz again 38 minutes ago

Nationalist, extremist, exceptionalist, white supremicists are okay if they are democrats.

eatapeach 13 minutes ago

She's an Israel-firster, thus has a pass?

TimeTraveller 51 minutes ago

Those 25 organizations are about to be cancelled. Social Media thought police will be working overtime tonight.

You_Cant_Quit_Me 52 minutes ago

So we go around the world interfering with every country's internal affairs but when they do it to the US is meddling in US elections.

does nooner know how hypocritical Washington sounds?

Ms No PREMIUM 36 minutes ago

"pro-Nazi Svoboda party"

That is a headfake there. They are definitely tyrannical and Bolshevik, but not targeting Jewish people.

As a matter of fact Nuland's Council on Foreign Relations huband-brother (whatever they really are) is a Kagan, like Kagan-ovich, and that ain't a coincidence.

So you can see what the mob did there. It helps with plausible deniability down the road when they get charged with war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorism, aggression, etc

xious 37 minutes ago

They don't care what you think. You will watch child molesters on TV and like it.

TryingSomethingNew 38 minutes ago

But she's Jewish and a woman, right? Those 25 organizations are clearly Anti-Semitic and sexist.

Ms No PREMIUM 35 minutes ago

Why would a Jewish Mobster set up a Nazi like color revolutionary group and coup the Ukraine with it?

Already looking at plausible deniability down the road. Nobody's *** is covered anywhere but theirs. Their apparatchiks should ponder that.

Pliskin 43 minutes ago

Amurikans should keep the fcuk out of other countries affairs...!


Dzerzhhinsky 48 minutes ago

People think Zionists are anti Nazi, but Zionism is the non Christian version of Nazism. Herzl the founder of the Zionist party was enamoured with the Nazis, but they rejected him on religious grounds.

It's natural for Nuland and the other Kaganites to be in bed with Ukrainian Nazis.

Ms No PREMIUM 22 minutes ago remove link

I remember Lavrov getting grilled by angry journalists about why Russia wasn't bombing the **** out of the color revolutionaries that took the Ukraine with US money.

He basically said, What would you have us do, cause countless deaths of our own Russian speaking people? They don't care about their deaths but we have to.

Then the first thing the US did was put in illegal bioweapons labs in the Ukraine. There was a super weird outbreak prior to the color revolution takeover too..Then Russians were really pissed off. So Putin drew red line in Syria

Russia will get the Ukraine back someday. They have to. It was their bread basket during last grand minimum.

bluskyes 14 minutes ago

perhaps, when the western threat become stronger than ethnic bias. Though it will probably split first.

Anthraxed 38 minutes ago

Victoria Noodlebrain should be on Interpol's top 10 most wanted list.

Cautiously Pessimistic 49 minutes ago

Man....I had all but forgotten about many of these scumbags that are resurfacing now in the Biden administration. This woman should be waterboarded until deceased.

Dzerzhhinsky 46 minutes ago

It's always the same people, the front men change, but behind the scenes it's always the same people.

RKKA 6 minutes ago

Again, all these demons of the Obama era are striving for power. During the Trump presidency, we have already forgotten about these devils.

Victoria Nuland, her real Jewish surname is Nudelman, her parents are Moldovan ****. The parents of the former Ukrainian President Poroshenko, who seized power as a result of the Maidan and the coup d'etat, are also Moldovan **** by the name of Valtsman. Already in adulthood, Petr Valtsman took the name of his wife and became - Poroshenko. They are the father and mother of the war in Ukraine, and Joe Biden blessed them for this.

Another Ukrainian oligarch, also a ***, Igor Kolomoisky, financed the Ukrainian nationalist battalions of Azov, Dnepr and Aydar. Tell me, what are these Nazis who are financed and serve the ****? Adolf spins tirelessly in his coffin!

And you probably thought that the **** are such poor and offended children of the Holocaust and the Nazis are their enemies? No, **** and Nazis merged in violent ecstasy and it is time to introduce the term - Jewish Nazism into the lexicon!

de tocqueville's ghost 28 minutes ago

that was a good four new wars. Good going liberals, you voted for a war monger.

Lt. Shicekopf 14 minutes ago

Yes! Maybe we can do to all kinds of countries what we did to Libya. The continuing calamity that has been going on in Libya since Obama and Hillary got done with them has been studiously ignored by all the Western media. Anarchy, chaos, death, an open slave market in which black Africans are bought and sold by Arab traders. All good stuff to the American left.

David Q. Little 45 minutes ago

Joe and Hunter owe her a favor.

Musum 19 minutes ago

Neocons are returning with a vengeance.

Death2Fiat 28 minutes ago

Her job is to destroy the US and do the bidding of the Globalists.

tbone654 28 minutes ago

none of it matters... with the dems controlling everything the [M]ilitary [I]ndustrial [I]ntelligence [C]omplex is gonna ramp up and spend a crap-ton on wars all over the globe... it's how it works when they have the throttle... everyone was worried about Trump, but he de-escalated everywhere...

The people have spoken (I mean cheated) and now they must be punished... Ed Koch

Lyman54 34 minutes ago

Yatsenyuk, Nulands pick, was given a Canadian passport. Likely hiding in Manitoba.

ThomasEdmonds 36 minutes ago

Some things in this life don't matter and Biden cares squat. Perhaps these groups can express their contempt for Samantha Power as well. Let's extend that to his foreign policy team.

WTFUD 13 minutes ago remove link

Joseph Biden reminds me of Hedley Lamar in Blazing Saddles, forming a posse of the biggest wackjobs available.

As long as he doesn't put Hunter in charge of the Afghani Poppy Crop Investment Fund then his Middle-East and Central Asian policy could prove fruitful.

[Jan 14, 2021] I accuse virtually the entire US establishment over the events leading to President Donald Trump's impeachment -- RT Op-ed

Jan 14, 2021 |

It wasn't a single speech by Trump just before events unfolded that led to the violence of January 6 during which five people died. Many of the same people now pointing fingers at Trump bear responsibility for the tragedy themselves. So, in the spirit of Zola

I accuse the Washington establishment of reducing the concept of democracy itself to little more than a convenient pretext for foreign invasion of countries that don't align with America's interests. You've perverted the concept for the average foreigner of target countries that have seen little more than enduring chaos and destruction borne of ' democracy '. So why should the average American trust in the notion when you cry about 'democracy' itself being attacked by a mob?

I accuse the Democratic Party of spending the past four years since Trump was legitimately elected trying to disenfranchise the near-63 million Americans who cast their ballot in his favor by portraying them as useful idiots of a foreign power (namely Russia), rather than people who simply wanted someone in charge who wasn't going to kowtow to the insidious corruption in Washington.

I accuse the Republican Party of placing its own personal interests over those of the citizens by enabling – or even cheerleading – Trump's behavior when it risked becoming a liability for his presidency, for the party, and for the hopes of millions of average Americans who voted for him.

I accuse Big Tech – specifically, social media giants – of rank hypocrisy. The more extreme and buzzworthy the comments on your platforms by Trump and his most fervent supporters, the more money it has made you. And now you have the gall to admonish and blacklist Trump and his supporters while pretending that it's all such a shock. You played just as much a role in all of this as they did. Own it. And to clarify, are you in favor of free speech, or strictly speech that squares with the prevailing political winds and social pressures at any given time?

ALSO ON RT.COM The silencing of President Trump by Big Tech is moral cowardice, and all about the opportunistic pursuit of power and profit

I accuse right-leaning ideological talking heads of self-serving pandering to your audience of consumers – by screaming about unproven 'election fraud', for example – rather than providing rational analysis and credible information that might have helped to make your case to a wider audience beyond the handful of radical extremists who didn't exactly need convincing in the first place.

I accuse left-leaning pundits of hysteria rather than constructive opposition, and reducing any pushback against your agenda or positions to some form of bigotry.

I accuse the mainstream media of obvious and inherent bias against President Trump from the very outset of his presidency, which has ultimately served to radicalize his base and further erode the average American's faith in the important work of the free press.

I accuse the sanitary fascists who emerged over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic and who acted like anyone prioritizing their own solvency and ability to feed their families over various, ever-changing restrictions of questionable effectiveness was some kind of terrorist. Many members of the mob that showed up on Capitol Hill felt that they had little left to lose. And it's in part because of you.

I accuse Wall Street, and the politicians whom it has purchased through lobbying efforts, of failing to see how globalization would ultimately disenfranchise the average American worker by exporting jobs and driving down wages. You, too, contributed to the frustration seen in that mob that congregated in Washington from the four corners of America.

Finally, I accuse President Donald Trump of failing to grow into his presidency, of allowing his own ego to get in the way of his promises, of seemingly prioritizing the interests of friends and associates, and of failing to convert his considerable rhetorical power into lasting achievements and a legacy in which his voters and supporters could take pride.

Every one of these people hold responsibility for catalyzing the events of January 6. Unless those who remain standing when the dust settles on this fiasco change their ways, America is in for a long, rough ride.

[Jan 14, 2021] Trump actually self-destructed and the Republican Party again will become Bush family playground

Jan 14, 2021 |

Passer by , Jan 13 2021 19:49 utc | 5

There will be a wipe out of Trumpists and one party Dem state ala California. The Rep party will divide itself into Trumpists and establishment fighting each other.

The clear changes in the culture of the US population, which is found by numerous surveys, back up this assessment of the situation.

Trump's biggest fault is that he managed to corrupt many naturally isolationist rank and file republicans into "I have the biggest dick" imperialism and China/Iran hysteria. He tried to save the US Empire, corrupted MAGA into Make America Rule the World Again, and for that he paid the price.

He was triggered by the US decline in the world (Murica is no longer number 1, how can this be!) and tried to prop up the Empire that will eat him later.

If he tried to run on anti-imperial isolationit platform he still had a chance. But that required better relations with China, Russia, Iran and others, something impossible for a US rightoid massively triggered about Murica not being "number 1".

[Jan 14, 2021] The dissatisfaction with the Establishment goes way beyond the QAnon crowd

Jan 14, 2021 |

gottlieb , Jan 13 2021 19:45 utc | 3

Too many people believe what they choose to read. The constantly reinforced world view of us vs them. I remember when Obama had a real mandate and both houses of Congress his first two years. His big 'socialist' victory - a corporate run for-profit healthcare system which is the laughing stock of the world and oh yeah he expanded the 911 Forever War.

What did Trump do in four years? Nothing. The government of the USA is failed. The dissatisfaction with the Establishment goes way beyond the QAnon crowd.

The idea that there are actually two opposing political ideologies in the USA is Big Lie 101.

Mao Cheng Ji , Jan 13 2021 19:49 utc | 4

"The remains of "Democracy" have gelled into Mediacracy."

Tsk. Or, as one might call it, 'liberal fascism'. On account of the liberal establishment serving global financial capital.

Oh well, this too will pass.

[Jan 14, 2021] Trump as populist

Is there anything more pathetic than competition between two political mafias hiding as some sort of disagreement over principle?
Notable quotes:
"... Absolutely his instinct to rebalance the economic relationship with China was correct. But he's too stupid to do it in a way that actually benefits or improves the US long term. Every once in a while with him there was hint of a good instinct but he never followed through because his base instincts always win out. ..."
"... The cries of censorship are asinine. Real censorship of diverging opinions was accomplished decades ago. Banning Donald trump from twitter isn't censorship. They didn't ban the POTUS account (they did delete tweets when he tried to use it), they banned his personal account because he's an asshole who broke the rules. Republicans have been telling me about the sanctity of property my whole life. Now they change their minds? ..."
Jan 14, 2021 |
Lex , Jan 13 2021 23:25 utc | 55

It's all just farts in a jar. The trajectory was set decades ago and the political oligarchy and gerontocracy aren't going to let go of that trajectory. Trump was only a "populist" insofar as it was a means for him to be popular. In reality, he's a dishonest, craven asshole. If he was a populist he would have responded to Covid way differently. What he is, however, is a nationalist. Those are dangerous because they don't think clearly.

Absolutely his instinct to rebalance the economic relationship with China was correct. But he's too stupid to do it in a way that actually benefits or improves the US long term. Every once in a while with him there was hint of a good instinct but he never followed through because his base instincts always win out.

The cries of censorship are asinine. Real censorship of diverging opinions was accomplished decades ago. Banning Donald trump from twitter isn't censorship. They didn't ban the POTUS account (they did delete tweets when he tried to use it), they banned his personal account because he's an asshole who broke the rules. Republicans have been telling me about the sanctity of property my whole life. Now they change their minds?

The empire is in terminal decline. Trump doesn't change it. Biden doesn't change it. Who controls Congress doesn't change it. Because all of them are beholden to the declining empire and/or they believe in America's myths (they are nationalists). A failed color revolution run by people who don't want to accept an election result just says real loud that the empire is falling.

[Jan 10, 2021] The Congress Has No Clothes: The "people," whom they love to claim they represent, went from being an ideological abstraction to an angry mob after they felt cheated and decided to take matters into their own hands by John Morgan

Notable quotes:
"... What struck me was the behavior of most of the House's invaders: they for the most were pranksters. For them it was Halloween; not the storming of the Bastille! ..."
"... This is all pretty mild stuff. Useful to see that Washington is not so different to Kiev. With the Biden presidency you can certainly add the USA to the list of countries ruled by governments put in place by colour revolutions ..."
"... The images that arise from this event will remain iconic. It possibly was a shaperoned event, but the plan, that anger would be wide-spread and destruction abundant did not materialize. This is evident in the bizarre, concocted, pre-written M5M media reports. It was a trap, but it backfired. ..."
"... The French police official said they believed that an investigation would find that someone interfered with the deployment of additional federal law-enforcement officials on the perimeter of the Capitol complex; the official has direct knowledge of the proper procedures for security of the facility. ..."
"... someone interfered with the proper deployment of officers around Congress ..."
"... I was surprised but pleased to see Americans demonstrating their contempt for the hostile elite government we live under. Assault against Democracy? BS. ..."
"... But nobody should delude themselves into thinking that Donald Trump is a patriot who will die for the cause. Hell, he already threw the people risking their lives and liberty protesting the fraudulent election under the bus. It is long past time the whores in Washington become acutely aware of the contempt sane Americans have for them. I do not support violent protests, but I do support a mass demonstration of people expressing their total and absolute contempt for the traitorous whores who rule over us. ..."
Jan 10, 2021 |

But for me, I was no less happy to see the Republicans on the run. After all, it is they who have been stoking the anger and resentment of populist Americans, secure in their belief that they had conjured a monster they completely controlled and that they could endlessly exploit for their own purposes no matter what they did. Well, that monster turned around and bit them on their fleeing asses on Wednesday. The "people," whom they love to claim they represent, went from being an ideological abstraction to an angry mob after they felt cheated and decided to take matters into their own hands. It's important to remember that, according to reports , what first inspired the protesters to descend on the Capitol was when word reached them that Pence had refused to challenge the certification of the Electoral College result. They weren't just angry at the Democrats; they were angry at the whole lot of them.

... For me, the Capitol occupation was a spontaneous and dramatic expression of the white working class' frustration with the Washington establishment and an indication that they won't tolerate a return to business as usual. The Democrats -- and more than a few Republicans -- blocked and worked against Trump's agenda from the day he took office. Stealing the election was merely the final prong in their assault on him and on the wishes of ordinary Americans. If Washington doesn't begin to take populist demands seriously, violence is inevitable.

... This means they have to stop attributing the fact that working-class whites aren't on board with their agenda to the influence of scapegoats like Trump or conspiracy theories and instead finally recognize that our nation's yeomanry have legitimate grievances that won't go away just because Trump does.

For its part, the American Left, which now has Biden as its figurehead, really has no moral authority whatsoever to condemn the Capitol occupation given that they've been bending over backward to excuse the violence of BLM and Antifa for years now. Remember "punch a Nazi"?

Not that these are in any way comparable to what happened in the Capitol; BLM and Antifa violence has resulted in dozens of deaths , rapes, other violence, and untold billions in property damage across the United States. The Capitol protesters, by contrast, were mostly peaceful and caused very little serious damage (if there had been extensive damage it seems unlikely the House would have been able to reconvene so quickly). Most importantly, they were not attacking innocent bystanders' private property. There also doesn't seem to have been much looting apart from a few items taken as pranks; compare this to the scenes we witnessed from Minneapolis last spring , when we saw black rioters stripping entire shopping centers down to their frames.

The Left, of course, will never accept this logic; for them, the occupation was the next Charlottesville, if not the next 9/11 -- but we have to never cease from reminding them of their hypocrisy. In looking at the photos of politicians scurrying for cover as the protesters began to break into the House chamber, I was reminded of the mockery that Trump took from Democratic politicians back in May when word got out that he had been briefly sent to the emergency bunker beneath the White House after it had been besieged by BLM rioters . There's also a delicious irony in the fact that some of the politicians who have been calling for police departments to be defunded were hiding behind these very same police when their constituents came calling.

On Wednesday, the world heard the voice of American populism. It wasn't Trump's voice; it was that of the American people. And perhaps, just perhaps, the people are beginning to rule. This isn't about Trump anymore -- it didn't start with Trump and it certainly won't end with him. As for myself, all I can say is that, for the first time in a while, on that day I actually felt proud to be an American.

Roacheforque , says: Website January 8, 2021 at 11:27 pm GMT • 1.1 days ago

Mostly some good and correct points in this article. Yes, Antifa was there, and Capital police expected them. Yes, Washington's corrupt Capital police also did welcome surprised Trump supporters into the building and even to the area where Ashli was assassinated. How do you think there were no less than 5 videos of the murder from 4 angles? Trump supporters were flabbergasted, nonviolent and wondering for the most part how they got so far.

But the END RESULT was a bizarre attempt to REMOVE TRUMP IMMEDIATELY – by any means (25th or impeach – neither will succeed). Do you really think that end result is the product of chance or circumstance? Do you really think Pelosi is foaming at the teeth because she truly believes Trump is ready to enter the launch codes (give me a break)?

In point of fact, because the civilized legal process has been completely exhausted, we now reach the military option, as in executive order on foreign interference in US elections. This means, in the end, a military tribunal convened to prosecute treason. This is the reason certain conspirators are soiling their Depends undergarments.

But how it will end when you have the global banking interests of "the Guardians" as a foe, with their 10 trillion in play? This is a 5th generation world war unlike any before it. Humanity is at stake.

anonymous [342] Disclaimer , says: January 8, 2021 at 11:51 pm GMT • 1.1 days ago

Congress hasn't had any clothes for years. It was difficult to imagine anything that could make Americans despise congress more. But look at this.

(You need Tor Browser Bundle to see it, and if you don't have it, Why the fuck not?)

Physically cowering in fear of the people they've fucked for all these years.

This is the single most compelling evidence for CIA LIHOP. This quirky peasant uprising and its public happiness scared congress much more than CIA's anthrax attacks. Now congress will do what they're told, take their AIPAC bribes and hide behind high walls.

It's the USA [neoliberlaism] that has no clothes...

Priss Factor , says: Website January 9, 2021 at 5:09 am GMT • 21.0 hours ago

Congress has no clothes because it's the best little whorehouse in America.

By the way, Twitter banning Trump is a great thing. Mass purge is actually better for us.

The problem with limited purges was that most cons and patriots still stuck with Big Tech because there was still enough freedom and conservative material available. But when Big Tech goes whole hog and censors so many people, it will force a Techession(tech-secession or techxodus) among millions and millions of people, and this will make Alt Tech far more viable. Indeed, Alt Tech can turn into counter-tech and the Big Other Tech.

People who were too lazy to get off their butts and join Alt Tech will now have no choice.

Big Tech could maintain monopoly as long as they just banned people like Alex Jones. But when they ban the president and so many of his followers, they are forcing the creation of the Big Other Tech, and that will end the monopoly.

Anonymous [263] Disclaimer , says: January 9, 2021 at 5:31 am GMT • 20.6 hours ago

The people's anger is real. Trump is a false prophet. He's nothing but a Jew loving blowhard, a con man with a below average IQ. He campaigned on draining the swamp but staffed his entire cabinet with nothing but swamp creatures, because he *is* the swamp. He's just been cast aside because the puppet masters have found an even more corrupt puppet that they can extort. The patriots who have been protesting the election deserve someone better, a real deal like Kris Kobach.

This election exposes just how corrupt this country has become, from top to bottom, not just the Executive branch and the legislative branch, but even the judiciary branch is now completely corrupt from the very top, the Chief Justice of SCOTUS. Jews now have firm control on every institution of import in this country, from Wall Street to Hollywood, DC to SV and everywhere in between, media, academia, publishing industry, healthcare, everything. Patriots now have our backs against the Wall. There's no place else to turn to. We either fight our way out or die.

The Roman empire lasted 1,000 years, from 500BC to 500AD. In the first half, Rome was ruled by elected emperors, and in the second half, by unelected emperors. Rome ruled for 500 years, peaked for 200, and fell for 300 years. It was a long, slow death. America was on the ascendance for 300 years, peaked for 50 years (1945-1995), and has been on a decline the last 25 years. The next 75 will be a long, slow, increasingly painful death as we eventually get swallowed whole by huns and visigoths.

Garliv , says: January 9, 2021 at 5:37 am GMT • 20.5 hours ago

"But the END RESULT was a bizarre attempt to REMOVE TRUMP IMMEDIATELY – by any means (25th or impeach – neither will succeed). Do you really think that end result is the product of chance or circumstance? Do you really think Pelosi is foaming at the teeth because she truly believes Trump is ready to enter the launch codes (give me a break)?"

Strange they are unable to wait for less than two weeks for inauguration. These people are truly evil. It's like what did Trump ever do to them that is so personal?

Dan Hayes , says: January 9, 2021 at 5:44 am GMT • 20.4 hours ago

What struck me was the behavior of most of the House's invaders: they for the most were pranksters. For them it was Halloween; not the storming of the Bastille!

Majority of One , says: January 9, 2021 at 5:50 am GMT • 20.3 hours ago

Were I an investor I'd be buying up stocks in private security firms. Just today I viewed a video of that hideous old quean, Lindsay Graham plodding and plunging through an airport passageway on the way (presumably) to his home in South Carolina. All the way he was being harassed, shouted at and called a "traitor" for his RINO collusion in the takedown of the Trumpster.

Then there is the case of Mike Pence. After his refusal to call the question on the Constitutional approach to denying any confirmation of electors from either party, making way for either a compromise (as was reached in a similar kerfuffle in the 1876 showdown between Democrat Samuel Tilden and Republican Rutherfraud Hayes) or to call for new elections in the challenged and conflicted swing states; Pence has been broadly excoriated as a traitor who weaseled his way out of supporting the president's back-up plan.

Next, we fast-forward to those photos of Congressional prostiticians cowering behind their seats as the "deplorables" streamed into the sacred chambers of the people's house. A lot of guilty consciences in that zoo. They well know they either sold out for hefty campaign contributions and money under the table or are being blackmailed through the workings of Epstein, Maxwell and Wexner on behalf I$rael's Mo$$ad or maybe a dozen other intel agencies, most specifically Britain's MI-6 and the shot-callers (think 11-22-63 in Dallas) who rule through other deep state organs, the CIA.

Private security agencies will be getting a.lot of calls from terrified prostiticians and many others who have been working for the enemies of WE THE PEOPLE. Consider those talking heads on boobtoob noose who are paid handsomely for constant repetition of a false reality paradigm which has entrapped all those suburban soccer moms who were mind-controlled into voting for the Kamala's Foote/Biden ticket. Awakeners by the millions have been curing themselves of the boobtoob noose habit. Do you think the teevee presenters are sleeping peacefully these days and soon about to enjoy high times at fancy resorts and pricey restaurants?

How about professors and other academics who get the call to appear as talking-heads on PB$ and spread erudite sounding barf and garbage as fast as they spread their legs for all those shekels and the public recognition?

Are gated communities with patrolling guards and cameras galore, places where powerful movers and shakers tend to live will those havens (or those high-rise apartment suites surrounding Central Park -- or placid neighborhoods in Georgetown or Bel-Air–) likely to feel safe from now on?

Private Security services. That's where I'd invest. The "Deplorables" are pissed off at the stolen election and even more so at the political duopoly constituting government of the prostiticians, by the deep $tate bureaucratic Administrators and for the plutocratic oligarchs.

As of January 6th, 2021 the status of our country devolved into a totally ruptured republic. Democracy? Fuggidaboutit.

Twodees Partain , says: January 9, 2021 at 5:51 am GMT • 20.3 hours ago

An Open Letter to Politicians:

globalist deepstate , says: January 9, 2021 at 6:07 am GMT • 20.0 hours ago

About 95% of the US media, and about 70% of US politicians are corrupt deep-state globalists (which makes them implicitly treasonous). The source of their deep-state globalist power is central banking, usury, and enslaving us goyim with debt and "the love of money". The last president who was not a treasonous globalist was Reagan (although most of his cabinet were globalists including VP Bush). President Trump has been constantly under attack by this deep-state globalist cult because he is not an obedient member of their club and has been irreverently exposing their hand.

Nothing will change: the US and the rest of the western civilization will eventually succumb to this cancerous globalist corruption unless the cancer is removed. This is not about politics: it's about removing the cancerous corruption before the cancer destroys its host.

Thank God President Trump has exposed their hand and has got the ball rolling. Now it is up to us: to step up and continue the populist movement that he started.

Dick French , says: January 9, 2021 at 7:01 am GMT • 19.1 hours ago

Beautiful take.

This truly is the end of the Banana Empire. I say "God bless Trump" only because he set into motion the end of this tyranny; like Kerensky he was largely clueless as to the extent of the rot.

This is the beginning of the end. Best case scenario the United States returns to democracy.

Exiled off mainstreet , says: January 9, 2021 at 7:21 am GMT • 18.8 hours ago

No matter what the cause, there was evidence of agents provocateurs present who inflamed the violence, and the reaction, calling those who opposed the regime candidate "terrorists" is going to lead to more serious unrest, particularly if as appears likely, kangaroo courts begin rounding up people for trial. The thing is, close to a majority already suspect that the fix was in in November, and the fact the same methods of fraud were successfully employed in Georgia's senate races inflamed the anger. Proof of agents provocateurs is abundant. Even the guy dressed up in a viking suit whose photograph is run with the article apparently was an antifa figure.

Since the regime's coordinated reaction is attempting to turn this into a sort of Reichstag fire to eliminate opposition to a consolidated deep state fascist regime, we are in for turbulent times. I suspect the tacticians, despite what the author says, actually are hoping for a serious response before the opposition can effectively organize, and the regime operatives are too arrogant to care about the economic consequences, and the likelihood that the numerous vassal states may use the instability as a means of securing a greater degree of independence from the yankee imperium.

Leander Starr , says: January 9, 2021 at 9:05 am GMT • 17.0 hours ago

This is all pretty mild stuff. Useful to see that Washington is not so different to Kiev. With the Biden presidency you can certainly add the USA to the list of countries ruled by governments put in place by colour revolutions

The best way for Trumps place in history to be magnified and consolidated would be for them to imprison him and take away all of his assets (he'd become like a mini Jesus), though I am guessing this is the only reason he has not been assassinated, yet.

hip, hip, hooray (x3) for the alleged rioters

9nope9 , says: January 9, 2021 at 9:19 am GMT • 16.8 hours ago

The images that arise from this event will remain iconic. It possibly was a shaperoned event, but the plan, that anger would be wide-spread and destruction abundant did not materialize. This is evident in the bizarre, concocted, pre-written M5M media reports. It was a trap, but it backfired. I for one likely would have ransacked the place. I must admit I am impressed with their disinterest in marauding. It was an important event, cherish its iconic imagery, for darkness, subversion and false flags will take our guns away and reduce the flame of patriotism to pilot size soon.

Anonymous [661] Disclaimer , says: January 9, 2021 at 10:49 am GMT • 15.3 hours ago

I've seen at least two videos of the Capitol police opening steel fences at one point and doors at another point only two stand aside and calmly allow protesters to pour in. Looked more like an invitation than an invasion. Obviously they had orders to stand back at those points.

What a wonderful moment to see all the Congressional rabble hitting the decks.

Next time the protesters should bring a guillotine!

Ugetit , says: January 9, 2021 at 10:55 am GMT • 15.2 hours ago

if anything dramatic would happen

Key word, there, "dramatic." And it apparently makes no difference how corny it is (goofball with the horns and even Trump himself) or how idiotic, (the masked moron response to COVID and installing senile Joe on the throne).

Drama is a force that gives empty heads meaning, or at least a bit of entertainment while our owners mock and manipulate us at their adolescent pleasure.

Enjoy the carnival and carry on.

GMC , says: January 9, 2021 at 11:28 am GMT • 14.6 hours ago

I would have enjoyed it more – had 2 million armed Iraqis, Afghanis, Syrians, Libyans, Yemenis, Ukrainians, and others , that have had their countries wasted by the USA , storm the Capital and get even with those that voted and supported those murderous invasions.

Lee , says: January 9, 2021 at 11:57 am GMT • 14.2 hours ago
@Craig Nelsen

CN said:

If he's out in 11 days anyway, why the push to impeach? Pure spite?

It has been suggested that if the Dems could get DT impeached before his time is up then they could attach legislation to his verdict stating that he could never run for any office again.

Some on the Left are terrified that he will come back in 2024 and the same 75M Maga people will be waiting to sweep him back in office.

IMO in 2024 KH as Prez is a sure thing -- -people will be shamed into voting for her to avoid being called a racist AND a sexist.

St-Germain , says: January 9, 2021 at 11:58 am GMT • 14.1 hours ago

Realizing that not only his political but also his personal future might be in jeopardy, Trump was quick to concede the election and promise a peaceful transition of power -- showing that when things get tough, it's his own hide that he's thinking of.

"Trump was quick to concede the election" -- That's the part I somehow missed hearing over here in central Europe, perhaps because not all the relevant news is reported here. Would the author quote the words the president used to do that?

Conceding the election, as I understand it, is something he could have done any time since Nov. 3, making our shadow government very happy. Since mainstream media spent the next two months loudly demanding that he "concede the election", they must also have missed those magic words.

Conceding the election not only acknowledges a valid election was held but also makes monkeys out of the skeptical people who voted for Trump and answered his call to rally in Washington Jan. 6. Are you saying that?

Or does conceding a U.S. election now equate to saying the election was rigged and it looks like not a damned thing we can do about it?

cranc , says: January 9, 2021 at 12:54 pm GMT • 13.2 hours ago
@Dan Hayes te>

A fitting end to the Trump movement, seeing as there was never anything in terms of a structure to organise the political base except for a ludicrous conspiracy prank (i.e. 'Qanon'). The whole thing has been a diversionary venture to corral dissent and neutralise it. It might 'feel good to see patriots in the Capitol Building' but -shorn of any genuine movement, all that really amounts to is .well feelings .
Real populism looks quite different surely, and so do real insurrections. There was no 'invasion', the security was stepped down and they opened the doors for the crowd to walk in. A spectacle to advance an agenda.

Moi , says: January 9, 2021 at 12:58 pm GMT • 13.1 hours ago

Trump bans Muslims–no problem
Trump hands over Jerusalem and the Golan Heights to Israel–no problem
Trump murders Gen. Soleimani–no problem

Trump goads on his useful idiots to take over the Capitol–impeach the bastard

PS: the US is effed, no matter who's in charge.
PS: it's now China's turn to be #1, and lead a more peaceful world.

The Alarmist , says: January 9, 2021 at 1:00 pm GMT • 13.1 hours ago

I must admit as an American abroad that I felt a little Schadenfreude -- having watched the left burn America through the summer, it was about time the populists got a crack at it -- but I had this nagging feeling this would end very unpleasantly for all; there's an old adage that if you take a shot at the crown, you'd better not miss. That feeling was confirmed as CNN started trumpeting this as being an insurrection, which was picked up by the politicos in short order. It's hard to dismiss out of hand that this was a false flag because the leftists almost immediately had the language and narrative and an action plan in hand to finally put the populist genie back in the bottle. Then again, maybe they're just quick on their feet.

If this was planned, as some above suggest, then I'm really disappointed at the lack of thought given to this. Taking the Capitol was never going to seriously result in a change of government in a country that has been practising Continuity of Government exercises for three-quarters of a century, and at best would only be a symbolic protest. Having taken the Capitol, this was never going to end well for those participating in the frolic, as we will see in the coming weeks as more average Joes and Janes are dragged into court (do you think Buffalo-boy will stand in the dock?). So why not make the best of what was going to be a shit sandwich anyway?

Instead of walking through the halls of the Capitol, taking selfies, and then going home when "asked" to leave, they should have taken a page out of Occupy Wall Street and settled in for the long hall. The left would have shown up with pre-printed signs, some of which would have looked amateurish enough to seem authentic. Where were these guys' signs?

They should have filled every seat in "the Peoples' House" with real people holding signs saying "We are the People" with a few thousand more people sitting peacefully in all the corridors and steps and waiting passively for the the police or military to carry them away. That would have taken days, if not weeks, and would have put a serious damper on the inevitable inauguration.

Truly a missed opportunity.

elmerfudzie , says: January 9, 2021 at 1:01 pm GMT • 13.1 hours ago

Politicians and their fellow bureaucrats have opened the door to the real barbarians; corporate fascism, influence of special interest lobbies in Congress, foreign entanglements (Israel) , endless war, unaccountable government within the ever expanding sixteen Intelligence Agencies, secrecy in place of democracy, the authority to print currency handed over to oligarchs at the Federal Reserve Board, who are, in reality a collection of banksters and financiers- not an agency of the federal government as the organizations' name would have all of us believe.

If there ever was a time for revolution and dissolution of a thoroughly corrupted government (for every western Occident country) the time is now.

The corporate-fascist infection began under Ford the stumbler, he opened the door to The NeoCons followed by Reagan the Union buster who did everything he could to dismantle FDR's social democracy programs such as the CCC (infrastructure support), the social security safety net. Reagan had a close association with the barbarism of Thatcher, she had a set of horns much larger than that, so called "insurrectionist" buffoon who's face was plastered all over newsprint today. Chavez was correct and I add, that a waft of sulfurous odor behind Thatcher was shared by both Bushes. Strategies dedicated to endless war, endless predation(s) for dwindling resources rather than embracing a philosophy that nourishes support for human ingenuity and mutual trust between nations. Instead, adopting long range and global domination plans outlined by Admiral Cebrowski and his assistant, Thomas P. M. Barnett, who announced a new map of our world-according to the Pentagon that is. Visit Dr Henry Gaffney Jr of the CNA Corporation.

ASIDE: This is what happens when an entire people allowed a post World War II dream to die. The Kennedy Brothers dream of a new demilitarized era, and Western European style Marshal Plan for third world countries who desired to attach themselves to the tail of our kite (voluntarily) -Rest in peace John and Robert, I'll never let their guilt, control freakishness or rapacity to go free !

Rusting bridges, potholed autobahns, with an emphasis on who owns them, not when maintenance or repairs will be forthcoming-by extortion no doubt. Gaunt, vitamin deficient citizenry, homelessness, epidemic drug addictions, who needs "society" haven't you heard? Thatcher said there's no such thing as society!

Verymuchalive , says: January 9, 2021 at 1:04 pm GMT • 13.0 hours ago

Thus it seems improbable to me that the Deep State was willing to sacrifice the sense of American invulnerability it projects across the globe simply in order to discredit the populist movement when there are many other, less self-harming methods it could use instead.

America's aura of invulnerability has been gone since September 11th 2001. Civil airliners flown by a ragtag crew of "Islamists", if you believe the official story, smashed into the WTC and the Pentagon. No fighter aircraft made any attempts to intercept them: they were completely unhindered in their actions. The Deep State were willing to let thousands of civilians die in order to achieve its own purposes.
Letting a couple of hundred people occupy the Capitol building for a short period of time seems very minor in comparison.

Robert Dolan , says: January 9, 2021 at 1:33 pm GMT • 12.6 hours ago

KMAC shares some observations on the rally.

As to the aftermath, I always ask, "Who benefits?"

theMann , says: January 9, 2021 at 1:35 pm GMT • 12.5 hours ago

Surely one of the first rules of the exercise of Power is to scrupulously avoid demonstrating that you are a low grade coward. Now that the entire US Congress has been videoed cowering in craven fear before an unarmed crowd, whose only "crime" is to seek redress for a stolen election, there are going to be serious consequences.

How many foreign agents, and foreign powers, are now coming to the realization "hey, these guys are bunch of pussies?" How many criminal organizations, in the USA or abroad, formerly operating with some restraint, will now be freed from any restraint? And how many citizens of the Republic, formerly circumspect to the Public Offices in our country, will now proceed to operate with complete contempt of sniveling cowards in Public Office who seek to rule us?

The absolute lowest level of Degeneracy demonstrated by the Political Class is not in their systematic sexual degeneracy, nor their relentless and despicable Negroaltry, nor their thievery of anything they can steal, nor their relentless, pervasive, and relentless dishonesty even when they would be much better served by the truth, but precisely in their pervasive fear of everything Decent, including decent Americans.

So here we are, in the land of the Zoo Monkey Shit-eaters, faced with the only choice that will ever have any real meaning for the rest of our lives:

Bravery, or Cowardice?

Realist , says: January 9, 2021 at 2:14 pm GMT • 11.9 hours ago

ANTIFA and BLM are cowards. Why would patriots want to "learn" anything from them? Why would they want any comparison to them at all?

Antifa and BLM are not in prison patriots are that's the reason.

Ugetit , says: January 9, 2021 at 2:50 pm GMT • 11.3 hours ago
@Dan Hayes

What struck me was the behavior of most of the House's invaders: they for the most were pranksters. For them it was Halloween; not the storming of the Bastille!


Just another PR stunt that benefits nobody except the globalists.

Davidoff , says: January 9, 2021 at 2:53 pm GMT • 11.2 hours ago

The US have no clothes After decades and decades of warmongering & murdering innocent people around the globe in the name of "democracy" (what a hypocritical sick joke!!!) to steal and loot other nation's territories and resources now the true face of the USA is visible to All: the face of a horrendous tyrannical evil monster serving not the american people but the interests of a few billionnaires, master puppeteers in the dark. We knew it all along: u are not a democracy and you are not an example to anyone.

All the contrary, you are an example of what not to be or what not to become.

You are and always have been a kleptocracy or something worse.

(wikypedia: Kleptocracy (from Greek κλέπτης kléptēs, "thief", κλέπτω kléptō, "I steal", and -κρατία -kratía from κράτος krátos, "power, rule") is a government whose corrupt leaders (kleptocrats) use political power to appropriate the wealth of their nation, typically by embezzling or misappropriating government funds at the expense of the wider population.)

_dude , says: January 9, 2021 at 4:45 pm GMT • 9.4 hours ago
@globalist deepstate

About 95% of the US media, and about 70% of US politicians are corrupt deep-state globalists

I think you're being very generous.

BannedHipster , says: Website January 9, 2021 at 5:05 pm GMT • 9.0 hours ago

I didn't vote for Trump and I never supported him.

But I loved seeing the Congress hiding under their seats in fear of Americans storming the gates. It was beautiful.

Johnny Walker Read , says: January 9, 2021 at 5:10 pm GMT • 8.9 hours ago

One of the few among us who still is in possession of a functioning brain..

What should we expect in 2021?

So far, it looks like this year is going to be plagued by more of the same brand of madness, mayhem, manipulation and tyranny that dominated 2020.

Frankly, I'm sick of it: the hypocrisy, the double standards, the delusional belief by Americans at every point along the political spectrum that politics and politicians are the answer to what ails the country, when for most of our nation's history, politics and politicians have been the cause of our woes.

Consider: for years now, Americans, with sheeplike placidity, have tolerated all manner of injustices and abuses meted out upon them by the government (police shootings of unarmed individuals, brutality, corruption, graft, outright theft, occupations and invasions of their homes by militarized police, roadside strip searches, profit-driven incarcerations, profit-driven wars, egregious surveillance, taxation without any real representation, a nanny state that dictates every aspect of their lives, lockdowns, overcriminalization, etc.) without ever saying "enough is enough."

ChuckOrloski , says: January 9, 2021 at 6:12 pm GMT • 7.9 hours ago
@Mr. X.

The Zionist establishment vets & selects US presidential candidates...

Jus' Sayin'... , says: January 9, 2021 at 6:22 pm GMT • 7.7 hours ago
@Realist black shirt thugs never went to prison. Antifa/blm are the shock troops for elitists like George Soros, who are seeking to impose a new order, a global, neo-feudal system run solely by them and solely for their benefit.

Antifa/blm are part of the machinery for achieving this neo-feudal vision, as are the USA's Democrat-Republican establishment, DSMIC, and MSM. They will be dealt with when the new order is achieved, just as Hitler dealt with the SA when they had served their purpose. All populists, especially Trump supporters are an immediate threat to our would-be feudal masters. Their eradication is a compelling necessity. There will be no mercy.

anon [157] Disclaimer , says: January 9, 2021 at 6:24 pm GMT • 7.7 hours ago

The French police official said they believed that an investigation would find that someone interfered with the deployment of additional federal law-enforcement officials on the perimeter of the Capitol complex; the official has direct knowledge of the proper procedures for security of the facility.

someone interfered with the proper deployment of officers around Congress

It is routine for the Capitol Police to coordinate with the federal Secret Service and the Park Police and local police in Washington, DC, before large demonstrations. The National Guard, commanded by the Department of Defense, is often on standby too.
On Wednesday, however, that coordination was late or absent.

The National Guard, which was deployed heavily to quell the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020, did not show up to assist the police until two hours after the action started on Wednesday, according to The Associated Press.

This is coordinated among different levels . ( think of 911 and lack of responses preparedness and abuses of the drill )

Trump is a psycho who has convinced the low IQ white of him being a savior facing off deep state which is against the poor white and which doesn't want Trump get elected . So the election must be stolen .

And what's not good about fighting a thief or stealing ?

Zarathustra , says: January 9, 2021 at 6:46 pm GMT • 7.3 hours ago

This article has even more clarity. (Some kind of writer called Nebojsa)

lavoisier , says: Website January 9, 2021 at 6:55 pm GMT • 7.2 hours ago

Excellent essay.

I was surprised but pleased to see Americans demonstrating their contempt for the hostile elite government we live under. Assault against Democracy? BS. Perhaps there is some fight left in the American people?

But nobody should delude themselves into thinking that Donald Trump is a patriot who will die for the cause. Hell, he already threw the people risking their lives and liberty protesting the fraudulent election under the bus. It is long past time the whores in Washington become acutely aware of the contempt sane Americans have for them. I do not support violent protests, but I do support a mass demonstration of people expressing their total and absolute contempt for the traitorous whores who rule over us.

Kolya Krassotkin , says: January 9, 2021 at 8:14 pm GMT • 5.9 hours ago

Pelosi, Schumer et al. want to pretend this was the burning of the Reichstag, so they can take "appropriate" measures. They want to act with haste.

Pelosi and Schumer fear that people will realize, after looking at how for years Obama and the left stoked racial hatred, which resulted in riots, murder and arson causing billions in damage, this is, by comparison, a nothing-burger. Thus, haste is the order of the day.

Robert Dolan , says: January 9, 2021 at 9:13 pm GMT • 6.2 hours ago

[Jan 09, 2021] America's Color Revolution by Paul Craig Roberts

Notable quotes:
"... You do know a guy name Milton Friedman was the architect for Reagan economics? For the record we are currently living thru long term dystopia effects of Reagan economics. ..."
Jan 09, 2021 |

Biden and Kamala are mere figureheads put in office by a stolen election. Any agenda they think that they have is irrelevant. Here is the Establishment's agenda:

First: Prevent any political organization of the "Trump Deplorables." Any who attempt to form a real opposition party will be made an example of. In America it is child's play to frame up anyone. We saw the show in Russiagate, and Trump will now be exhausted with endless frameups as the Establishment pursues him into oblivion. If the President of the United States can be so easily framed up, an unknown political organizer in the red states can be disposed of at will.

... ... ...

Fourth: The Establishment will increase its fomenting of racial and gender conflict in order to keep Americans too divided to resist its increasingly odious control measures, whether they be the use of Covid to suppress freedom of movement and association, charges of being a foreign agent in order to suppress free speech as in the Assange case, or round up and internment of Trump Americans trying to organize a political party that represents the people instead of the Establishment.

Modern weapons in the hands of the state are devastating. Mass spying and control techniques that exist today go beyond those in dystopian novels such as Orwell's 1984 . Free speech is a thing of the past. Free speech no longer even exists in universities. As I write Twitter, Facebook and the presstitutes are suppressing the free speech of the President of the United States, and the President of the United States is powerless to do anything about it.

The Establishment's control over the media means that no charge against President Trump is too extreme to cause a protest. The enormous support shown for Trump in Washington on January 6 with estimates of participants ranging from 200,000 to 2,000,000 was easy for the Establishment to turn into a liability by infiltrating the rally.

It was naive for President Trump and his supporters not to realize that infiltration was guaranteed as it was necessary for the Establishment to turn massive support into a massive liability. This would achieve two purposes. One purpose was to terminate the challenge to the electors in the Senate, and it succeeded. Here, for example, is Republican Senator Mike Braun from Indiana dropping his intent to object to the electors from the swing states where the election was stolen: "I think that today change things drastically. Yeah, whatever point you made before that should suffice. Get this ugly day behind us," he said. Even Rand Paul was intimidated: "I just don't think there's going to be another objection. I think it's over at that point." Here is Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler whose reelection to the Senate was stolen from her acquiescing in Trump's and her own stolen elections: "When I arrived in Washington this morning, I fully intended to object to the certification of the electoral votes. However, the events that have transpired today have forced me to reconsider and I cannot now, in good conscience, object," Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.).

The other purpose served was to insure that Trump would not go out as a president whose reelection was stolen but as an insurrectionist. And it has succeeded.

Internationally Trump was denounced by NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg for not respecting democracy. "The outcome of this democratic election must be respected," declared Stoltenberg. Stolen or not it is democracy to be rid of Trump.

British prime minister Boris Johnson declared that the US is the world symbol of Democracy and that it is vital there is a peaceful and ordered transfer of power, as if there was an actual insurrection taking place and an election not stolen.

The French President Macron declared: "What happened today in Washington, DC today is not American, definitely." In other words, it is unamerican to protest a stolen election that the Establishment refuses to address. [I watched presentations by independent experts to the Arizona, Georgia, and Michigan legislatures that proved beyond all doubt the presidential election was stolen. Half of the professional presenters were people of color.]

The German Chancellor Merkel blamed Trump for creating an atmosphere that led to a challenge to democracy in the US Capitol.

Republican senators themselves, former members of Trump's cabinet, and a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff jumped on Trump with both feet. The no longer Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that Trump's "unhinged thugs" "tried to disrupt our democracy. They failed. This failed insurrection underscores how crucial the task before us is" to restore Establishment control.

Republican Senator Richard Burr from North Carolina said: "The President bears responsibility for today's events by promoting the unfounded conspiracy theories that have led to this point."

Republican Senator Mitt Romney from Utah said: the violence was "an insurrection, incited by the President of the United States."

"There is no question that the president formed the mob, the president incited the mob, the president addressed the mob," said Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.), the third-ranking House Republican. "He lit the flame."

Trump's Secretary of Defense James Mattis told the presstitutes that "Today's violent assault on our Capitol, an effort to subjugate American democracy by mob rule, was fomented by Mr. Trump. His use of the presidency to destroy trust in our election and to poison our respect for fellow citizens has been enabled by pseudo political leaders whose names will live in infamy as profiles in cowardice."

General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Trump administration said Republicans "who have continued to undermine a peaceful transition in accordance with our Constitution have set the conditions for today's violence."

The presstitutes had a field day with misleading and lying headlines. One of the worst offenders was The Hill , formerly a source of real news on what was going on in Congress, but today a highly partisan Trump-hating source of Establishment propaganda.

With the American Establishment's foreign puppets, Republicans, Trump's own cabinet members, military leaders, and the presstitutes speaking with one voice setting up President Trump as an insurrectionist threat to democracy, the Democrats' wild charges seemed credible.

Democrat Senator Schumer from New York, the new Senate Majority Leader, Democrat House Speaker Pelosi, and a large number of Democrat members of Congress, together with the New York Times, have called for Trump's impeachment or his removal from office by invoking the 25th Amendment. Here is the new Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) making the case:

"What happened at the U.S. Capitol yesterday was an insurrection against the United States, incited by the president. This president should not hold office one day longer," Schumer said in a statement.

"The quickest and most effective way -- it can be done today -- to remove this president from office would be for the Vice President to immediately invoke the 25th amendment. If the Vice President and the Cabinet refuse to stand up, Congress should reconvene to impeach the president," he added.

Here is Pelosi:

Here is Adam Smith, Democrat from Washington state and chairman of the House Committee on Armed Services, calling for Trump's removal from office: "President Trump incited & encouraged this riot. He & his enablers are responsible for the despicable attack at the Capitol. VP Pence and the Cabinet should invoke the 25th amendment to remove Trump, otherwise Senate Republicans must work with the House to impeach & remove him.

For the New York Times , it doesn't not suffice to remove Trump from office. He must be prosecuted as well.

To understand the extraordinary hatred of President Trump by the Establishment, listen to his inaugural address. He described the Establishment accurately as a force arraigned against the American people, a force that he intended to dismantle and restore America to the American people. This was a revolutionary challenge, a reckless one as Trump is a populist, not a revolutionary leading a determined movement. Moreover, Trump was so uninformed about Washington that he never succeeded in appointing anyone to his government, other than General Flynn (an immediate casualty of the Establishment) who agreed with his agenda of normalizing relations with Russia, bringing the troops home from the Middle East, ending NATO, and bringing the jobs home that American corporations had exported to China. Here was Trump unarmed taking on the American Establishment. This was an act of suicide as it has turned out to be.

People who think in terms of party politics have no likelihood of understanding the situation. The struggle is not Democrats vs. Republicans. or red states vs. blue states. It is the Establishment against the people. If you have any doubt about this, note that the US National Association of Manufacturers, always a throughly Republican organization, agrees with Schumer and Pelosi that Trump must be removed from office. Here is the organization's statement: "Vice President Pence, who was evacuated from the Capitol, should seriously consider working with the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to preserve democracy." The National Association of Manufacturers want Trump out because they are the ones responsible for China's rise, the US trade deficit and the destruction of half of the US middle class. All the goods and services imported from offshored production count as imports. It is the offshored production that is responsible for America's trade deficit, not China.

The presstitutes throughout the Western world have intentionally misrepresented the January 6 rally in Washington in support of Trump. The rally had to be misrepresented, because no one in politics today anywhere in the Western World can demonstrate such massive support other than Donald Trump. No one turned out for Biden or Kamala during the presidential campaign. Their events, soon cancelled, had no attendees. Yet, they won the election? What saps people are. Who turns out for Merkel, Macron, Boris Johnson. No one even knows who the leaders are in the rest of the Western World.

Trump could not be permitted to leave office with such a massive showing of support -- a terrible embarrassment to the corrupt scum who "speak for the people." So the support had to be discredited by turning it into an insurrection ordered by Trump against Democracy, a holy word that is observed nowhere in the Western World.

The people who entered the Capitol were a tiny minority of those who attended the rally which was entirely peaceful and well behaved. It was so peaceful and well behaved that Facebook will ban and delete all photos and videos of Wednesday protests: The facts are not consistent with the presstitute narrative and must be suppressed.

Here is a description of agitators who suddenly appeared and provoked the entrance into the Capitol by a few Trump supporters who, unlike the rioters in Minneapolis, Chicago, Detroit, Seattle, Portland, Atlanta and elsewhere, did not behave as rioters and did no damage. The report is from a person present not as a Trump supporter but as a person to film the event. The report was sent to NYU professor Mark Crispin Miller. I have left the person's name off so that he doesn't get investigated by the FBI:

"I was in Washington, D.C. today filming the Trump rally and related events. I also ran across your post concerning the Capitol demonstration tonight. Perhaps this short account will help you assess what others are saying in a small way.

"I was also at the Capitol before the crowd appeared setting-up my camera on a stone wall around the perimeter of the back of the capitol (the rear facing Constitution Avenue). Then I waited for President Trump's speech to end and for supporters to walk-up Constitution Avenue to the Capitol. I was located at the precise location where supporters first rushed up the slope towards the back of the Capitol after casting aside a section of the first Capitol perimeter barrier. Supporters gathered roughly at the center of the back of the capitol, but a circle began to grow around the perimeter as the crowd grew larger. I had no sense that the growing crowd intended to rush the Capitol.

"After a large crowd emerged at the perimeter a man in perhaps his late 30's or early 40's showed-up, pacing quickly to his left then to his right before the crowd, and essentially began hurling insults at the crowd challenging their political wisdom. He excoriated the crowd for thinking that their attendance would be taken seriously by members of congress. (Hard to say that he was wrong about that, whoever he was). I cannot recall his precise words, but for a very short period he engaged in a shouting exchange with supporters, and suddenly supporters pushed aside the first barrier and rushed towards the back of the Capitol. Others on the northern edge of the perimeter followed suit. But the first rush was right at the center of the back of the Capitol. I followed the rush to the bottom of the Capitol back steps, and began filming again from atop an inner perimeter stone wall.

"The police, so it appeared, were a little surprised by the rush, and this gave supporters an opportunity to race up the steps. One or two men even made it as far as the steps leading up to the scaffolds on the south side of the Capitol before police arrested them. By this time, five or ten men had climbed to the top of the tall steel tower structure facing the Capitol. Then the police erected and lined-up behind a new barrier perimeter at the foot of the Capitol steps. Police at the top of the Capitol steps aimed rifles down on the crowd (perhaps rubber bullet rifles, I could not tell). The crowd began arguing with police and pressing hard against the new barrier. The police sprayed men pressing directly against the barrier with tear gas from time to time causing them to retreat. "Meanwhile, the men at the top of the tower began rallying the crowd to challenge the new barrier (over bull horns) by filling any gaps between the barrier and the stone wall that I was using as a filming vantage point. Another man worked the crowd with a bull horn immediately in front of me and also encouraged supporters to climb over the inner perimeter stone wall (my filming vantage point) and create a wall of pressure on the new barrier at the bottom of the Capitol back steps.

"After about 30 minutes to an hour I dropped to the bottom of the stone wall to reload my camera when suddenly the barrier gave way and police attempted to fortify it by blasting tear gas into the area between the stone wall and the barrier. I was hit by the gas myself and struggled back over the stone wall in order to breathe. The gas threw many crowd members into a panic. And I was nearly trampled as I struggled to lift my camera and heavy gear bag over the wall after two women began pulling desperately on the back of my coat to pull themselves up and over the moderately high wall in retreat.

"After the second perimeter barrier gave way, the men with the bull horns began working the crowd very hard to fill-up with Trump supporters the steps of the Capitol and the scaffolding on both sides of it. At this point one of the calls, which the men with bull horns repeated from time to time in order to encourage people to climb the Capitol steps was "this is not a rally; it's the real thing." Another frequent call was "its now or never." After about a two hour effort peppered with bull horn calls of this nature the entire back of the Capitol was filled with Trump supporters and the entire face of the Capitol was covered with brilliant small and very large Trump banners, American flags, and various other types of flags and banners.

"Sometime after the rush on the back of the Capitol, people were apparently able to enter the Capitol itself through the front. But I was not witness to anything at the front or inside the Capitol.

"One clearly bona fide Trump supporter who had apparently entered the Capitol himself was telling others emotionally and angrily (including press representatives of some sort, even a foreign newsman) that he witnessed someone inside the Capitol encouraging violence whom he strongly suspected was not a legitimate Trump supporter (apparently on the basis that the man showed no signs at all of Trump support on his apparel). I did not pay that close attention to his claims (for example the precise claim of the violence encouraged) because, naturally, I had not yet read your post and it had not occurred to me that professional outsiders might play a role in instigating particular violent acts in order to discredit the event.

"I overheard one Trump supporter (who followed the rush on the Capitol himself) say aloud, "I brought many others to this rally, but we did not sign on for this" as he watched matters escalate.

"Still, from my seat, I would say that large numbers of very legitimate Trump supporters felt that it was their patriotic duty to occupy the Capitol in light of their unshakable beliefs that (1) the 2020 election was a fraud, (2) that the vast majority of the members of congress are corrupt and compromised, and (3) that the country is in the throes of what they consider a "communist" takeover (although many use the expression "communism" as a synonym for "totalitarianism"). They are also convinced that the virus narrative is a fraud and an essential part of an effort to undermine the Constitution –in particular the Bill of Rights. They have a very real fear that the country and the very conception of any culture of liberty is on the verge of an irreparable collapse. For most (if not a very large majority) rushing the Capitol was a desperate eleventh hour act of partiotism –even of the order of the revolution that created our nation. Some Trump supporters sang the Star Spangled Banner and other patriotic songs as others climbed the Capitol steps. They also demonstrated a measure of respect for the Capitol itself. I saw no attempt by anyone to deface the Capitol simply for the sake of defacing it.

"The incontrovertibly compromised press has called this event a riot. But from what I saw and heard this would indeed be a gross and intentionally misleading oversimplification at best. At least from the standpoint of supporters, if their Capitol event was a riot, then so was the Boston Tea Party. It also seems to me that some professional help (very aware of deep sentiments) might have come from somewhere to make sure that the party happened."

See also:

When I was on the Stanford University faculty, I remember rich and pampered Stanford students occupying the university president's office in a protest either against the Vietnam war or the name of the Stanford Football Team (Stanford Indians) and destroying the papers in the president's files of his life's work. Despite the liberalism of the university president, the presstitutes regarded the protest justified and well intentioned.

The rioters and looters who rampaged through many of America's major cities suffered no media condemnation, only support and encouragement. This is because, unlike Trump, Antifa and Black Lives Matter are financed by and controlled by the Establishment and thus represent no threat.There is no FBI investigation or intended prosecution of any of the rioters who destroyed billions of dollars of property in America's cities.

But the Trump supporters provoked into entering the Capitol are in for it says the Establishment figure Trump, in yet another of his mistakes, put in charge of the FBI.

It is difficult to defend Trump when he consistently puts in charge of his security agencies and Department of Justice members of the Establishment who hate his guts.

The FBI did nothing about the real rioters that did billions of dollars of damage to private businesses, but FBI Director Christopher Wray vowed Thursday to "hold accountable those who participated in yesterday's siege of the Capitol after a pro-Trump mob overtook the building, forcing evacuations."

Here is Trump's appointee describing the people who elected the man who appointed him:

"The violence and destruction of property at the U.S. Capitol building yesterday showed a blatant and appalling disregard for our institutions of government and the orderly administration of the democratic process," Wray said in a statement.

"As we've said consistently, we do not tolerate violent agitators and extremists who use the guise of First Amendment-protected activity to incite violence and wreak havoc," he continued. "Such behavior betrays the values of our democracy. Make no mistake: With our partners, we will hold accountable those who participated in yesterday's siege of the Capitol."

Wray announced that the bureau "has deployed our full investigative resources" and is working with law enforcement partners "to aggressively pursue those involved in criminal activity" on Wednesday.

"Our agents and analysts have been hard at work through the night gathering evidence, sharing intelligence, and working with federal prosecutors to bring charges," he said.

He requested the public send in any information about Wednesday's events to the FBI, noting "We are determined to find those responsible and ensure justice is served."

Notice that Wray, the Establishment's servant, not the servant of the rule of law, aligns the First Amendment with "violent agitators and extremists" and thus discredits the First Amendment as a tool of insurrection.

Everyone who was not at the US Capitol building on January 6, which is the entire world except the Trump supporters, has been brainwashed, by a corrupt, despicable collection of media whores serving an Establishment of Oligarchs, that Donald Trump intended an insurrection, but it was defeated. By Whom?

It was Trump who called out the National Guard and who told his supporters to leave the Capitol and to go home.

What kind of people can present this as an insurrection that requires Trump's removal from office and prosecution? The answer is totally evil people who have not only the United States but the entire Western World in their clutches.

The Western World is dead. It is now Mordor.

Trump appointees realize that, unless they add to his orchestrated embarrassment and setup by resigning, they are targeted for reprisals. Seeing permanent unemployment facing him, US Deputy National Security Advisor Matthew Pottinger has resigned in response to Donald Trump's handling of the crisis on Capitol Hill. "Other people named as likely to abandon the sinking Trump ship are National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien and Deputy Chief of Staff Chris Liddell."

Everyone everywhere is participating in Trump's destruction. The English language Russian press loves embarrassing America. The fun and games leaves the world in ignorance of the extraordinary consequences of what the stolen election and demonization of Trump and his supporters means. The end of the Western World is a big event, and it will affect everyone.

Addendum: Here is an example of the lies the presstitutes constantly deliver. Every prestitute organization reports that Trump incited a mob of his supporters this week to storm the U.S. Capitol: "House Democrats are racing toward impeaching President Trump for a second time after he incited a mob of his supporters this week to storm the U.S. Capitol and halt Congress's constitutional duty to certify President-elect Joe Biden's victory."

Clearly, the dumbshits at The Hill, Bloomberg, and everywhere else let their hatred of Trump run away with them. What would be the point of halting the certification process? It could only be a temporary halt. The National Guard ordered in by Trump would clear the Capitol and the process would go forward, as it did. If Trump intended to halt the certification by having supporters occupy the Capitol, why did he call in the National Guard and tell his supporters to leave the Capitol? Clearly The Hill's presstitutes are devoid of reasoning ability. What Trump wanted to happen was to have the electors from the stolen swing states rejected by Congress on the basis of the evience. It was an unlikely thing to happen, but Trump had no choice but to exhaust the legal means available.

Chris Moore , says: Website January 8, 2021 at 3:17 am GMT • 20.1 hours ago

Trump was too conflicted to lead a populist revolt. He was too mobbed up with wealthy Zionists and right-leaning factions of the Jewish establishment. Now they'll quickly throw him under the bus. He's finished, and politically homeless. Not even the Deplorables will want anything to do with him, given the fact that he betrayed them time and again.

Trump might have been a populist leader had he immediately abandoned his Jewish handlers, fully adopted the white right, the military and veterans, Christians, Constitutionalists, small business, Main Street, America First industry and working class, etc. and oriented his entire administration in their direction. But given that New York Jews were part of his family, that wasn't going to happen.

A true populist will eventually emerge from the People, and do what Trump should have done but lacked the guts and integrity to do. And the Deep State will do all it can to strangle him in the cradle, but will fail, because like Golden Calf Hebrews from the Bible, or like Cyclops if you prefer Greek fables, it and its sycophants are sick, blind and insane now beyond any possibility for redemption, intoxicated by their own narcissism.

How long the white knight will take to emerge is hard to say, but he's eventually coming. Count on it.

Priss Factor , says: Website January 8, 2021 at 4:16 am GMT • 19.1 hours ago

Over the Establishment is Jewish Power.

The US always had an establishment. So does every country. And in the past, there were patriotic American establishments that cared about the people. What happened? Jews took over as the new masters and severed the ties between white elites and white masses. White elites now exist to serve Jews than to represent the American People.

Elites are formed by social selection. Fish rots from the head. As Jews at the top favor the most craven and venal goy cucks for promotion, the result is that the elites get filled up more and more with venal and craven people. And as people don't want to admit they're craven and venal, they convince themselves that they're on the side of angels and 'liberal democracy' even though all they do is serve Wall Street, spread worship of sodomy, and push for Wars for Israel.

When social selection to the top is predicated on patriotism and national unity, a better kind of people make it to the top. But when selection is based on obeisance to Jews and all their agendas(anti-white politics, globo-homo degeneracy, magic negro worship, and etc), then the result is the elites that the US has today.

There was a time when someone like Pat Buchanan and Paul Craig Roberts could serve in the US government or work in elite industries. But today, even the most 'right-wing' Republican would rather be dead than be seen anywhere near such individuals.

shylockcracy , says: January 8, 2021 at 5:29 am GMT • 17.9 hours ago

The Trumpet hasn't been a victim of any "color revolution", he's been the catalyst for the US Ziocorporate regime's new phase of "democratic" government:

"Homeland Security Committee wants all 'domestic terrorists' who besieged US Capitol placed on FBI no-fly list"

What's so populist about the Trumpet besides his speechwriters' style? He barely repealed Bombamacare's forced payment of premiums to corporate health peddlers, but not before doubling down on the Obama/Biden-backed war on Yemen and giving Ziodi Arabia's royal Salafi headchoppers $400 billion more in weapons, among other pearls of "populist anti-swamp" policies.

People had to occupy their local and state capitols, not the federal Ziocorporatists' temple of corporate governance masquerading as public office. Why even leave your own property unguarded to go fight for some billionaire with a tad too much fake tan, or for his walking corpse president-elect "rival" for the other side of that same coin, though I doubt anyone would fight for Kameltoe Biden without being paid in advance.

Great Reset was coming with Trump as it is with Biden either way, there wasn't any time to be an ignorant partisan tool. Things won't be getting any easier now. Even Mexico with its CIA/DEA-managed druglord wars is looking tame in comparison.

Robert Snefjella , says: January 8, 2021 at 5:51 am GMT • 17.6 hours ago

Trump is a moderate and inherently self-contradictory populist, not a phony populist, but a flawed populist, and in terms of complete program a meager populist. But give him credit, his tepid, flawed brand of populism has been spectacularly – popular – with tens of millions of Americans, and countless others around the planet.

One of his advantages has been that the political leadership stage in not just the United States but in the 'West' is occupied largely by corrupt pathetic figures who do political theater, scripted, banal, dishonest political puppetry on behalf of transnational agendas and powers that be, and their personal advantage. Trump populist program has included giving priority voice to the 'outdated' concepts of national sovereignty and national interest. He has been an implicit and explicit critic of the global 'full spectrum domination' American establishment agenda.

In the land of political midgets a person of even modest stature seems a giant.

But more importantly, Trump is actually a great and singular revolutionary, not in normal terms, of political ideology, or political program, but in terms of the ability to change and animate public perceptions. His has been a needed revolution in terms of style and substance: he has been by far the most effective critic on Earth of and enemy of the mass media mind control system, a system indispensable to establishment power and agenda.

To the political class and the politically minded who demand and depend upon and find their comfort in adherence to normal ritualistic banality and bromides, Trump's bombastic out of bounds style is outrageous, he tossing shocking mental hand grenades like confetti on the nation, his ejaculations sometimes truthful sometimes false, but often refreshing entertainment for some and outrageous for others.

Recall for example when he merely stated the obvious about the annual joint military exercises at the borders of North Korea: he described them as provocative. Howls of foreign policy outrage over this lapse from scripted normality. How dare Trump utter a simple truth contradicting our investment of decades of on message propaganda on the subject.

And truth – even little bites of truth – is the great nemesis – the forbidden fruit that must not be allowed to be shown let alone bitten by the public – of the corrupt system of public mind control and public exploitation and subjugation.

As response to his fundamental, effective if not outright deadly attack on the mind control system, and for his espousal of national sovereignty over transnational hegemony, he has been under continual establishment attack since – actually even before – his 2016 inauguration. Public belief in the veracity of mass media's reliability when it comes to fairness and accuracy has never been as low.

And something else has happened during the last four years: the public perception of the ethical rot, the stench, of the cesspool that the establishment occupies has grown greatly. Beyond Pizza gate and Jeffrey Epstein, there is a greatly increased public opinion and suspicion and perception that elite power is dependent upon and suffused with and tainted with that which goes beyond mere typical variations of corruption: that there exists widespread hitherto unthinkable unspeakable evil that preys on children and innocence.

But now, with the obvious massive coordinated election fraud that was engineered against what was in fact one of the – if not the – greatest landslide presidential victories in American history, another great service has been rendered by Trump. And this service goes far beyond his particular case: The legitimacy of all US elections since the advent of electronic voting machines is now cast into doubt. That is, the entire US political class, state, local and federal, has had their legitimacy appropriately undermined. And the call for election procedures which ensure reasonably fair elections will now be ongoing.

Charlene Richards , says: January 8, 2021 at 6:07 am GMT • 17.3 hours ago
@Priss Factor >

Funny how the MSM apparently missed Trump commuting Jonathan Pollard's sentence and allowed him to fly back to Israel where he disembarked from his plane and kissed the ground.

I think it might have been George W. Bush who was considering pardoning Pollard and the various intelligence agencies told him there would be a mutiny if he did. And he didn't.

But now ..crickets?

Pollard should have been in federal prison for life with no parole or executed.

But Trump won't pardon Assange for being a journalist or Snowden for alerting the American people we are all being surveilled 24/7?

Auntie Analogue , says: January 8, 2021 at 6:10 am GMT • 17.2 hours ago

"People who think in terms of party politics have no likelihood of understanding the situation. The struggle is not Democrats vs. Republicans. or red states vs. blue states. It is the Establishment against the people."

My dear Mr. Roberts, you hit the nail on the head.

Garliv , says: January 8, 2021 at 6:45 am GMT • 16.7 hours ago

Thanks PCR. My exact thoughts. Definitely DC rally was infiltrated with sole intention of discrediting Trump and his supporters. And the chorus of "leaders" from US vassals like UK, Germany, France and others is proof of well choreographed scheme. Where were they when BLM/Antifa with clear support of Dem politicians rampaged through US cities including DC itself?
I wonder whether people of the US would still consider voting as one of the most important civic duties. This election steal has shown that even with a landslide win, the establishment will get its way. Sad.

Miro23 , says: January 8, 2021 at 7:14 am GMT • 16.2 hours ago

I watched presentations by independent experts to the Arizona, Georgia, and Michigan legislatures that proved beyond all doubt the presidential election was stolen.

That the counting was manipulated electronically was proven for me by Shiva Ayyadurai (MIT) in his interesting video showing the statistically impossible change in voting trend in the early morning counting.

It is difficult to defend Trump when he consistently puts in charge of his security agencies and Department of Justice members of the Establishment who hate his guts.

This is a real oddity. At the outset he had a good selection of very loyal people to choose from – but he dumped them all in favour of Establishment people who have predictably backstabbed him – even his own Vice President. The only explanation that I can find is that he doesn't really sympathize with the Deplorables at all (certainly never spends any time with them) and was just using them as an alternative route to a top Establishment position. The surprise was that the Establishment then rejected him, despite his best efforts to ingratiate himself.

What's undeniable, is that the ZioGlob US is starting to look, socially and economically, like an international basket case. Much of the ROW (Rest Of the World) is moving to separate from it as fast as possible – ref. trade agreements/international payments/currencies etc.

nsa , says: January 8, 2021 at 7:22 am GMT • 16.0 hours ago

The filthy old swindler could have easily won re-election if he had done even one tiny thing for the vast demographic making under $34k per year (the median wage) i.e. the working poor. He could have pushed for a federally mandated $15/ hour minimum wage. He could have pushed for a universal basic subsidized medical plan instead of trying to take one away. How about federal money for a new system of trade schools and vocational training institutes? Instead, he signed off on massive tax cuts for himself and his wealthy jew sponsors. He signed off on trillions of dollars for his wall street pals, goosing the stock market into the stratosphere. The old coot played golf while half the nursing home population was wiped out by the wu-wu. He started a pointless trade war with China after listening to three of the dumbest jews on the planet: Munchkin, Krudlow, Koshner jews so stupid they couldn't figure out how to cheat rubes at a corner furniture store. Endless demagoguery, fake religiosity, phony nationalism, counterproductive race baiting, shameless nepotism, constant lying .but then what else would you expect from a former WWE wrestling promoter?

Abdul Alhazred , says: January 8, 2021 at 7:36 am GMT • 15.8 hours ago


This was a "False Flag" as evidenced by Speaker's Pelosi's 'Purple" dress as she elbow bump's Pence after he did his dirty deed for the Coup.

Look the whole 'Kabuki' was a set up with Capitol Building guards opening the way for crowds to mill forward after the professional black block antifa gang made the first assault on police lines and subsequently forced entry

Trump had told people at the rally to be peaceful and we know that message has been censored.

The Republican Party has been exposed, and all seems like all is lost as it appears, as is the case that the whole fraud has been accomplished in the open, but I think the wrestling match is not over, which is why impeachment and or 25th Amendment is what seals the coup, or unseals sealed indictments, full disclosure and the Seals.

nickels , says: January 8, 2021 at 8:06 am GMT • 15.3 hours ago

This was not Antifa.
Perhaps antifa helped stir the pot.
But no.
84 million patriots are ready to burn this country to ground. Don't doubt that for a second.

Lynda Brayer , says: January 8, 2021 at 8:11 am GMT • 15.2 hours ago

As a lawyer, I am convinced the election was stolen from Trump. I am absolutely stunned at the total denial of this fact by all and sundry in the Establishment and by the citizenry in both the USA as well as the West who believe the weaponized press and media. In addition the Roman Catholic Church has now officially joined this political Establishment.

Post-modernism and multiculturalism have come home to roost.

Truth has been banished from the Western Establishment. What an achievement!

Whether they realize it fully or not, there is nowhere else but Hell that bids them on. From the real God-fearing understandings of Reality, the anti-Christ/Dajjal now rule the world.

IronForge , says: January 8, 2021 at 8:24 am GMT • 15.0 hours ago

MAGA couldn't be allowed to Continue.
MAGA had to be cut down.
MIGA couldn't Persist with MAGA. Unfortunately, Trump was a MIGA Player First before being a MAGA Leader.
Catholics couldn't Persist with MAGA – they gained a POTUS and a SCOTUS Seat this Round – with a mostly Catholic SCOTUS refusing to hear Electioneering Case Arguments.
OpenBorders wouldn't happen with MAGA.
DNC couldn't Persist with MAGA.
GOP_NeverTrumperz couldn't Persist with MAGA.
McConnell+Chao couldn't Persist with MAGA.
MSM couldn't Persist with MAGA
OffShoring couldn't Persist with MAGA.
FB/TWTR couldn't Persist with MAGA.

nickels , says: January 8, 2021 at 8:26 am GMT • 15.0 hours ago


Nick Fuentes lays out how glorius it was:

Zarathustra , says: January 8, 2021 at 8:56 am GMT • 14.5 hours ago

This article is above brilliant. Nobody can see the situation as clearly as PCR.
I am glad that Trump is gone. There will be no more somebody for MSM to serve as punching bag.
It is unbelievable to me that Trump did withstand such a deluge of abuse from MSM and Democrats and deep state. Trump did not have any real support from his coworkers. he was standing alone.

Exiled off mainstreet , says: January 8, 2021 at 9:35 am GMT • 13.8 hours ago

I agree with Mr. Roberts; a bit of anger increased by the repeat of the "steal" in Georgia, and a large dollop of agents provocateurs, including the famous viking with an American flag, created an incident being blown up by the real fascisti, the establishment, as a new Reichstag fire to set up a permanent dictatorial regime based in Washington. They are in your face and probably hope for unrest because its suppression will consolidate this odious regime. The only hope is that temporary instability will instigate a loss of control over the vassal states and/or economic collapse caused by the authoritarian lockdown policies will weaken the yankee state enough so that it loses influence. Otherwise, unfortunately, Dr. Roberts' view of the future unfortunately looks accurate to me.

Thomasina , says: January 8, 2021 at 9:51 am GMT • 13.6 hours ago
@Abdul Alhazred the Capitol Police. She told him that a lot of people feel the police didn't do enough the day before. He told her that at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning he was told to go home, along with his fellow policemen. He thought this odd, considering there was going to be a huge rally taking place that day, but off he went home. After hearing of the breach on the news, he subsequently returned, but he did this on his own; he hadn't been asked to return.

Makes you wonder if they didn't intentionally short-staff the Capitol Police that day in order to ensure the outcome they got. Made it much easier for the agent provocateurs to get through.

lavoisier , says: Website January 8, 2021 at 10:04 am GMT • 13.3 hours ago
@Priss Factor

And cucks hated Trump because his brashness exposed and shamed their cuckery. Servile Dogs hate the wolf.

So true.