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"Between government in the republican meaning, that is, Constitutional, representative, limited government, on the one hand, and Empire on the other hand, there is mortal enmity. Either one must forbid the other or one will destroy the other."

Garet Garrett, one of the last of the Old Right "isolationists,"1952,

Neoliberal Democrats seek to create the same tribalism-based/identity voting block on the left that the republicans have on the right. With the explicit purpose of maintaining and expanding neoliberal empire led by the USA. They were extremely successful by unleashing neo McCarthyism company.

Few members of the US elite understand that economic sanctions are as close to the declaration of war as one can get. Most members of the US elite bask in "American exceptionalism" mentality and do not feel the danger of reckless endless provocations against Russia and China. Or the fact that McCarthyism creates and feeds anti-Americanism in those counties that are targeted. And part of Europe (France, Spain) who understand are essentially hostages of the US foreign policy.

Previously that ended very well for the USA as the USSR dissolved. Will Russia dissolve ? Will China Communist Party be deposed from power ? If the answer on both  questions is no, this is a reckless, dangerous policy. Behavior exemplified Senator McCain, former vice-president Biden and former Secretary of State and Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.  Right now the status of the only superpower protects the USA, but this might change if Russia and China despite difficulties announce close military cooperation NATO style -- attack on one is attack on all. At this point the USA has no economic capabilities to match this block militarily, neither in manpower not is the strength of the first strike.  And EU allies might start having the second thoughts.

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Dangerous Insanity by Charley Reese

While everyone is being distracted by the war in Iraq, Tom Cruise's impending wedding and George Clooney's deep concern for the people in the Darfur region of Sudan, the knuckleheads in Washington are laying the groundwork for a sure-enough war - a war we won't win.

The latest step was Little Emperor George's proclamation that nothing will be allowed to keep us from the militarization of space. The emperor and his crazy neoconservative advisers apparently want to conquer not only the world, but outer space, too.

This insanity began in the first Bush's administration, continued through the Clinton administration and has begun to blossom in the Little Emperor's regime. Instead of seeing the end of the Cold War as a golden opportunity for lasting peace, the crazies in Washington saw it as an opportunity for American military dominance of the whole planet.

If you keep this goal in mind, then a lot of what happened makes sense. When the Warsaw Pact was disbanded, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization also should have been disbanded. After all, it was just a war alliance against the Soviet Union.

Instead, NATO was expanded right up to the borders of Russia. The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty was unilaterally abrogated. Other nuclear-disarmament treaties were tossed in the trash can. Rather than help Russia transition from communism to a free market, the U.S. sent sharpies who helped the oligarchs steal most of the country's wealth during the drunken presidency of Boris Yeltsin.

Furthermore, NATO's mission changed from a defensive posture to an offensive mission. The bombing of Serbia, a traditional ally of Russia, was designed to send a message to Russia; the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade was a message to Beijing. At the same time, using democracy or terrorism as an excuse, the U.S. has sought to install governments unfriendly to Russia in the former Soviet republics and to establish military bases on the perimeter of the country.

Unfortunately for the crazies in Washington, the Russians replaced their drunk with a smart guy, Vladimir Putin. By the way, all the bad-mouthing of Putin is coming from the oligarchs who fled justice in Russia. They have plenty of money to hire the best whores in the fields of public relations and journalism to bad-mouth a Russian leader who wants to put them in jail where they belong. Of course, they want regime change — another drunk who would invite them back to steal what they missed the first time.

The Chinese were not intimidated, either. Both countries see Bush's anti-missile defense system for what it really is — an offensive weapon to be used in conjunction with a nuclear first strike. We couldn't afford a system to cover the country, but one that might pick off the leftovers after an American first strike is feasible.

So China and Russia have come together in a strong, strategic alliance nobody would have thought possible 20 years ago. It is a military, economic and energy alliance with one purpose — to frustrate the U.S. attempt at world dominance.

These neoconservative crazies are dangerous people. They are sick with the same hubris that brought down the British Empire. It is one thing to bully Third World countries; it is quite another to play that game with nuclear powers.

One Asian former head of intelligence has written that China already has the technology and weapons to put our aircraft carriers on the bottom of the sea as easily as sinking a sampan.

The world doesn't need this madness. Washington needs to be cleansed of these crackpots before they stupidly unleash a nuclear holocaust. The Russians and Chinese are among Earth's most brilliant people, and they are not taken in by political blathering. It is extremely dangerous to be doing things that they reasonably can assume is leading to a strategy of a nuclear first strike.

(Write to Charley Reese at P.O. Box 2446, Orlando, FL 32802)

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[Jun 26, 2021] WHO Stealth Edits Page Warning Against Vaccinating Children

Jun 22, 2021 |
Having been caught delivering some fact-base 'science' that does not jibe with the establishment's message that all kids should be jabbed immediately, The WHO has rapidly 'adjusted' its science-based recommendations for whether children should get vaccinated... or not...

Gone is the big headline - "Children should not be vaccinated for the moment."

The new guidance is as follows: (emphasis ours... in case you are confused by their guidance)

Children and adolescents tend to have milder disease compared to adults, so unless they are part of a group at higher risk of severe COVID-19, it is less urgent to vaccinate them than older people, those with chronic health conditions and health workers.

More evidence is needed on the use of the different COVID-19 vaccines in children to be able to make general recommendations on vaccinating children against COVID-19.

WHO's Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) has concluded that the Pfizer/BionTech vaccine is suitable for use by people aged 12 years and above. Children aged between 12 and 15 who are at high risk may be offered this vaccine alongside other priority groups for vaccination.

Vaccine trials for children are ongoing and WHO will update its recommendations when the evidence or epidemiological situation warrants a change in policy.

So to clarify... children aren't really at risk of this virus so no hurry on the jab... more evidence is needed on its usefulness in kids... oh but the Pfizer vax is suitable?

So is there evidence or not? Is the vaccine worthwhile for kids? If you have to ask, you aren't following the science.

Here's the new page ( source )

h/t @AlexBerenson

Color us not entirely surprised at this farce... but one thing we are sure of, this will simply be dismissed as a coincidence and WHO had planned on adjusting its guidance the whole time (it was just waiting to get caught in a disagreement with Fauci and friends).

* * *

As The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity's Adam Dick noted yesterday, in America, national, state, and local governments are pulling out all the stops to advance giving experimental coronavirus shots to children down to the age of 12.

Up next, babies and children up to age 11.

The shots are "safe and effective," the propagandists proclaim.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) has a different approach. The WHO says do not vaccinate children, at least not yet.

At its website, the WHO offers this advice regarding giving experimental coronavirus vaccines, some of which are not even vaccines under the normal meaning of the term, to children:

Children should not be vaccinated for the moment. There is not yet enough evidence on the use of vaccines against COVID-19 in children to make recommendations for children to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Children and adolescents tend to have milder disease compared to adults.

However, children should continue to have the recommended childhood vaccines.

Choose accordingly.

Kugelhagel 18 hours ago

Conspiracy theorist = heretic ... they couldn't use that word anymore, because everyone would understand that this is about silencing the truth.

Ride_the_kali_yuga 17 hours ago

Nice analogy.

JimmyJones 17 hours ago remove link

Yep, women with their periods messed up, their babies allergic to their breast milk, young people with heart inflammation, people having partial paralyzed limbs. I know there's more.

We don't even know what 6-12 months has in-store or 1-2 years.

Alice-the-dog 13 hours ago

I'm always on the look out for new conspiracy theories, because my old ones all turned out to be accurate.

It was a brilliant psyop by the CIA to invent the term to cover up the murder of JFK. But if one takes a cursory look at it, how is a conspiracy ever to be exposed without a theory that there is one? If every time someone proposes a theory regarding this or that possible conspiracy, they are swept into the kook dust bin, how will any conspiracy ever be exposed? Hence they aren't, unless iron clad evidence of their existence is encompassed by the theory.

WarrenLiz 15 hours ago

Over 15,472 dead from Jab in 27 EU countries, about half of Europe's 50 countries.

The EudraVigilance database reports that through June 19, 2021 there are 15,472 deaths and 1,509,266 injuries reported following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots:

From the total of injuries recorded, half of them (753,657) are serious injuries.


skizex 13 hours ago remove link

and this on KOMO this morning:

Nona Yobiznes 17 hours ago (Edited)

...Too many people are stuck in normalcy bias and are too trusting of the modern elite class. You don't have to look back very far to see the unspeakable atrocities powerful people are willing and able to commit.

Ride_the_kali_yuga 17 hours ago (Edited) remove link

My guess was depopulation due to lower EROIE on petroleum. Deathcross of the fossil energy (oil) available was near to us, maybe we already are behind peak oil. Eolians, solar panels and EV are an energical leftist joke and will never be an alternative to nuclear/ charchoal power plants and thermic motors.

I was thinking about it for quite some time. Why all this Covidian Cult was necessary for? What does it produce? Lockdowns was a main response worldwide.

Was it usefull? absolutely not. No more planes in the sky, economic slowdown, a lot less of enegy used . I guess this sanitary madness was all about cheap energy we can get from oil. The human population exploded due to the industrial revolution, the machines, their capacities and -in fine- oil made it possible. If you do not have enough cheap oil and the EROIE is way to high, then the industrial technology we live in can no longer be.

The Covidian Cult produced what an energy crisis would have made...

The_Dude 16 hours ago

Evil is narcissism run amok...

Rose Marie PREMIUM 15 hours ago

Intelligence without wisdom. Always looking at what, how, when, where, but no interest in asking why. Running thought processes without examining the meaning.

uncle_duke 18 hours ago remove link

An age of unlimited information, and a population too dumb and lazy to do anything with it. Reality has become Pythonian.

DAVOS-19 14 hours ago

Not so fast. Remember, they lie, probably also about history.

Now Voyager 14 hours ago

What happens when you stop natural selection and substitute unnatural selection.

Ride_the_kali_yuga 13 hours ago

Yeah, the gene pool is over crowded with genetics defects. See diabetics, i mean "genetical" ones since a young age. Insuline was a great discovery, it saves a lot of people at some point. Then without the natural selection they had kids of their own and has a consequence they spread their genetic defect in the gene pool. Sometimes great inventions make unintended results.

Diseases are a way for nature to get rid of the olders and the weak. It is not moral, there is no justice in this, this is just the way nature works. Human tried damn hard to break nature's law, the thing is, there is consequences playing god.

[May 14, 2021] Ron Paul confrontation with Fauci on gain of functions experiments

Pretty explosive set of interview arguing from artificial origin of COVID-19...
Includes C-span footage of confrontation of Ron Paul and Fauci as well very interesting interview of Dr. Richard M. Fleming as well as pretty reveling interview of Dr. Peter Daszak - EcoHealth Alliance who was financed mainly by the Department of Defense and serve as intermediary for Wuhan labs financing from Fauci.
May 14, 2021 |

Fauci Denies NIH Funding; Defining a Bioweapon; CDC Stops Looking for Vaccine Failure; The Growing Toll of Vaccine Injury; Eric Clapton's Powerful Message #TheHighWire #EricClapton #StandAndDeliver #NIH #GainOfFunction

Broadcasted 5/13/21 2:00pm - 5/13/21 4:12pm

[May 05, 2021] Mark Blyth " An Inflated Fear of Inflation ?

May 01, 2021 |

Yves here. Mark Blyth is such a treat. How can you not be a fan of the man who coined "The Hamptons are not a defensible position"? Even though he's not always right, he's so incisive and has such a strong point of view that his occasional questionable notions serve as fodder for thought. And I suspect he'll be proven correct on his topic today, the inflation bugaboo. Yves here. Mark Blyth is such a treat. How can you not be a fan of the man who coined "The Hamptons are not a defensible position"? Even though he's not always right, he's so incisive and has such a strong point of view that his occasional questionable notions serve as fodder for thought. And I suspect he'll be proven correct on his topic today, the inflation bugaboo. Even though he's not always right, he's so incisive and has such a strong point of view that his occasional questionable notions serve as fodder for thought. And I suspect he'll be proven correct on his topic today, the inflation bugaboo. Even though he's not always right, he's so incisive and has such a strong point of view that his occasional questionable notions serve as fodder for thought. And I suspect he'll be proven correct on his topic today, the inflation bugaboo. By Paul Jay.

... ... ...

Paul Jay
And is the idea that inflation is about to come roaring back one of the stupid ideas that you're talking about? And is the idea that inflation is about to come roaring back one of the stupid ideas that you're talking about?
Mark Blyth
I hope that it is, but I'm going to go with Larry on this one. He says it's about one third chance that it's going to do this. I'd probably give it about one in ten, so it's not impossible.

So, let's unpack why we're going to see this. Can you generate inflation? Yeah. I mean, dead easy. Imagine your Turkey. Why not be a kind of Turkish pseudo dictator?

Why not fire the head of your central bank in an economy that's basically dependent on other people valuing your assets and giving you money through capital flows? And then why don't you fire the central bank head and put in charge your brother-in-law? I think it was his brother-in-law. And then insist that low interest rates cure inflation. And then watch as the value of your currency, the lira collapses, which means all the stuff you import is massively expensive, which means that people will pay more, and the general level of all prices will go up, which is an inflation. So, can you generate an inflation in the modern world? Sure, yeah. Easy. Just be an idiot, right? Now, does this apply to the United States? No. That's where it gets entirely different. So, a couple of things to think about (first). So, you mentioned that huge number of 20 trillion dollars. Well, that's more or less about two thirds of what we threw into the global economy after the global financial crisis, and inflation singularly failed to show up. All those people in 2010 screaming about inflation and China dumping bonds and all that. Totally wrong. Completely wrong. No central bank that's got a brass nameplate worth a damn has managed to hit its inflation target of two percent in over a decade. All that would imply that there is a huge amount of what we call "˜slack' in the economy. (Also) think about the fact that we've had, since the 1990s, across the OECD, by any measure, full employment. That is to say, most people who want a job can actually find one, and at the same time, despite that, there has been almost no price pressure coming from wages, pushing on into prices, to push up inflation. So rather than the so-called vertical Phillips curve, which most of modern macro is based upon, whereby there's a kind of speed bump for the economy, and if the government spends money, it can't push this curve out, all it can do is push it up in terms of prices. What we seem to actually have is one whereby you can have a constant level of inflation, which is very low, and any amount of unemployment you want from 2 percent to 12 percent, depending on where you look and in which time-period.

All of which suggests that at least for big developed, open, globalized economies, where you've destroyed trade unions, busted up national product cartels, globally integrated your markets, and added 600 million people to the global labor supply, you just can't generate inflation very easily. Now, we're running, depending on how much actually passes, a two to five trillion-dollar experiment on which theory of inflation is right. This one, or is it this one? That's basically what we're doing just now. Larry's given it one in three that it's his one. I'd give it one in ten his one's right. Now, if I may just go on just for a seconds longer. This is where the politics of this gets interesting. Most people don't understand what inflation is. You get all this stuff talked by economists and central bankers about inflation and expectations and all that, but you go out and survey people and they have no idea what the damn thing is. Think about the fact that most people talk about house price inflation.

There is no such thing as house price inflation. Inflation is a general rise in the level of all prices. A sustained rise in the level of prices. The fact that house prices in Toronto have gone up is because Canada stopped building public housing in the 1980s and turned it into an asset class and let the 10 percent top earners buy it all and swap it with each other. That is singularly not an inflation. So, what's going to happen coming out of Covid is there will be a big pickup in spending, a pickup in employment. I think it's (going to be) less than people expect because the people with the money are not going to go out and spend it because they have all they want already. There are only so many Sub-Zero fridges you can buy. Meanwhile, the bottom 60 percent of the income distribution are too busy paying back debt from the past year to go on a spending spree, but there definitely will be a pickup. Now, does that mean that there's going to be what we used to call bottlenecks? Yeah, because basically firms run down inventory because they're in the middle of a bloody recession. Does it mean that there are going to be supply chain problems? Yes, we see this with computer chips. So, what's going to happen is that computer chips are going to go up in price.

So, lots of individual things are going to go up in price, and what's going to happen is people are going to go "there's the inflation, there's that terrible inflation," and it's not. It's just basically short-term factors that will dissipate after 18 months. That is my bet. For Larry to be right what would have to be true?

That we would have to have the institutions, agreements, labor markets and product markets of the 1970s. We don't.

... ... ...

So, I just don't actually see what the generator of inflation would be. We are not Turkey dependent on capital imports for our survival with a currency that's falling off a cliff. That is entirely different. That import mechanism, which is the way that most countries these days get a bit of inflation. That simply doesn't apply in the U.S. So, with my money on it, if I had to bet, it's one in 10 Larry's right, rather one in 3.

Paul Jay
The other point he raises, and we talked a little bit about this in a previous interview, but let's revisit it, is that the size of the American debt, even if it isn't inflationary at some point, creates some kind of crisis of confidence in the dollar being the reserve currency of the world, and so this big infrastructure spending is a problem because of that. That's part of, I believe, one of his arguments. The other point he raises, and we talked a little bit about this in a previous interview, but let's revisit it, is that the size of the American debt, even if it isn't inflationary at some point, creates some kind of crisis of confidence in the dollar being the reserve currency of the world, and so this big infrastructure spending is a problem because of that. That's part of, I believe, one of his arguments.
Mark Blyth
The way political economists look at the financial plumbing, I think, is different to the way that macro economists do. We see it rather differently. The first thing is, what's your alternative to the dollar unless you're basically going to go all-in on gold or bitcoin? And good luck with those. If we go into a crushing recession and our bond market collapses, don't think that Europe's going to be a safe haven given that they've got half the US growth rate. And we could talk about what Europe's got going on post-pandemic because it's not that good. So what's your alternative (to the Dollar)? Buy yen? No, not really. You're going to buy Chinese assets? Well, good luck, and given the way that their country is being run at the moment, if you ever want to take your capital out. I'm not sure that's going to work for you, even if you could. So you're kind of stuck with it. Mechanically there's another problem. All of the countries that make surpluses in the world make surpluses because we run deficits. One has to balance the other. So, when you're a Chinese firm selling to the United States, which is probably an American firm in China with Chinese subcontractors selling to the United States, what happens is they get paid in dollars. When they receive those dollars in China, they don't let them into the domestic banking system. They sterilize them and they turn them into the local currency, which is why China has all these (dollar) reserves. That's their national savings. Would you like to burn your reserves in a giant pile? Well, one way to do that would be to dump American debt, which would be equivalent to burning your national savings. If you're a firm, what do you do? Well, you basically have to use dollars for your invoicing. You have to use dollars for your purchasing, and you keep accumulating dollars, which you hand back to your central bank, which then hands you the domestic currency. The central bank then has a problem because it's got a liability " (foreign) cash rather than an asset. So, what's the easiest asset to buy? Buy another 10-year Treasury bill, rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. So, if we were to actually have that type of crisis of confidence, the people who would actually suffer would be the Germans and the Chinese, because their export-driven models only makes sense in terms of the deficits that we run. Think of it as kind of monetarily assured destruction because the plumbing works this way. I just don't see how you can have that crisis of confidence because you've got nowhere else to take your confidence.
Paul Jay
If I understand it correctly, the majority of American government debt is held by Americans, so it's actually really the wealth is still inside the United States. I saw a number, this was done three or four years ago, maybe, but I think it was Brookings Institute, that assets after liabilities in private hands in the United States is something like 98 trillion dollars. So I don't get where this crisis of confidence is going to come any time soon. If I understand it correctly, the majority of American government debt is held by Americans, so it's actually really the wealth is still inside the United States. I saw a number, this was done three or four years ago, maybe, but I think it was Brookings Institute, that assets after liabilities in private hands in the United States is something like 98 trillion dollars. So I don't get where this crisis of confidence is going to come any time soon.
Mark Blyth
Basically, if your economy grows faster (than the rest of the world because you are) the technological leader, your stock markets grows faster than the others. If you're an international investor, you want access to that. (That ends) only if there were actual real deep economic problems (for the US), like, for example, China invents fusion energy and gives it free to the world. That would definitely screw up Texas. But short of that, it's hard to see exactly what would be these game-changers that would result in this. And of course, this is where the Bitcoin people come in. It's all about crypto, and nobody has any faith in the dollar, and all this sort of stuff. Well, I don't see why we have faith in something (like that instead . I think it was just last week. There wasn't much reporting on this, I don't know if you caught this, but there were some twenty-nine-year-old dude ran a crypto exchange. I can't remember where it was. Maybe somewhere like Turkey. But basically he had two billion in crypto and he just walked off with the cash. You don't walk off with the Fed, but you could walk off with a crypto exchange. So until those problems are basically sorted out, the notion that we can all jump into a digital currency, which at the end of the day, to buy anything, you need to turn back into a physical currency because you don't buy your coffee with crypto, we're back to that (old) problem. How do you get out of the dollar? That structural feature is incredibly important.
Paul Jay
So there's some critique of the Biden infrastructure plan and some of the other stimulus, coming from the left, because, one, the left more or less agrees with what you said about inflation, and the critique is that it's actually not big enough, and let me add to that. I'm kind of a little bit surprised, maybe not anymore, but Wall Street on the whole, not Larry Summers and a few others, but most of them actually seem quite in support of the Biden plan. You don't hear a lot of screaming about inflation from Wall Street. Maybe from the Republicans, but not from listening to Bloomberg Radio. So there's some critique of the Biden infrastructure plan and some of the other stimulus, coming from the left, because, one, the left more or less agrees with what you said about inflation, and the critique is that it's actually not big enough, and let me add to that. I'm kind of a little bit surprised, maybe not anymore, but Wall Street on the whole, not Larry Summers and a few others, but most of them actually seem quite in support of the Biden plan. You don't hear a lot of screaming about inflation from Wall Street. Maybe from the Republicans, but not from listening to Bloomberg Radio.
Mark Blyth
You don't even hear a lot of screaming about corporate taxes, which is fascinating, right? You'd think they'd be up in arms about this? I actually spoke to a business audience recently about this, and I kind of did an informal survey and I said, "why are you guys not up in arms about this?" And someone that was on the call said, "well, you know, the Warren Buffet line about you find out who's swimming naked when the tide goes out? What if a lot of firms that we think are great firms are just really good at tax optimization? What if those profits are really just contingent on that? That would be really nice to know this because then we could stop investing in them and invest in better stuff that actually does things." You don't even hear a lot of screaming about corporate taxes, which is fascinating, right? You'd think they'd be up in arms about this? I actually spoke to a business audience recently about this, and I kind of did an informal survey and I said, "why are you guys not up in arms about this?" And someone that was on the call said, "well, you know, the Warren Buffet line about you find out who's swimming naked when the tide goes out? What if a lot of firms that we think are great firms are just really good at tax optimization? What if those profits are really just contingent on that? That would be really nice to know this because then we could stop investing in them and invest in better stuff that actually does things."
Paul Jay
And pick up the pieces of what's left of them for a penny if they have to go down. And pick up the pieces of what's left of them for a penny if they have to go down.
Mark Blyth
Absolutely. Just one thought that we'll circle back, to the left does not think it's big enough, etc. Well, yes, of course they wouldn't, and this is one of those things whereby you kind of have to check yourself. I give the inflation problem a one in ten. But what I'm really dispassionately trying to do is to look at this as just a problem. My political preferences lie on the side of "˜the state should do more.' They lie on the side of "˜I think we should have higher real wages.' They lay on the side that says that "˜populism is something that can be fixed if the bottom 60 percent actually had some kind of growth.' So, therefore, I like programs that do that. Psychologically, I am predisposed therefore to discount inflation. I'm totally discounting that because that's my priors and I'm really deeply trying to check this. In this debate, it's always worth bearing in mind, no one's doing that. The Republicans and the right are absolutely going to be hell bent on inflation, not because they necessarily really believe in (inevitable) inflation, (but) because it's a useful way to stop things happening. And then for the left to turn around and say, well, it isn't big enough, (is because you might as well play double or quits because, you know, you've got Biden and that's the best that's going to get. So there's a way in which when we really are trying to figure out these things, we kind of have to check our partisan preferences because they basically multiply the errors in our thinking, I think.
Paul Jay
Now, earlier you said that one of the main factors why inflation is structurally low now, I don't know if you said exactly those words. Now, earlier you said that one of the main factors why inflation is structurally low now, I don't know if you said exactly those words.
Mark Blyth
I would say that yes. I would say that yes.
Paul Jay
Is the weakness of the unions, the weakness of workers in virtually all countries, but particularly in the U.S., because it matters so much. That organizing of workers is just, they're so unable to raise their wages over decades of essentially wages that barely keep up with inflation and don't grow in any way, certainly not in any relationship to the way productivity has grown. So we as progressives, well, we want workers to get better organized. We want stronger unions. We want higher wages, but we want it without inflation. Is the weakness of the unions, the weakness of workers in virtually all countries, but particularly in the U.S., because it matters so much. That organizing of workers is just, they're so unable to raise their wages over decades of essentially wages that barely keep up with inflation and don't grow in any way, certainly not in any relationship to the way productivity has grown. So we as progressives, well, we want workers to get better organized. We want stronger unions. We want higher wages, but we want it without inflation.
Mark Blyth
And it's a question of how much room you have to do that. I mean, essentially, if you quintuple the money supply, eventually prices will have to rise"¦but that depends upon the velocity of money which has actually been collapsing. So maybe you'd have to do it 10 times. There's interesting research out of London, which I saw a couple of weeks ago, that basically says you really can't correlate inflation with increases in the money supply. It's just not true. It's not the money that's doing it. It's the expectations. That then begs the question, well, who's actually paying attention if we all don't really understand what inflation is? So I tend to think of this as basically a kind of a physical process. It's very easy to understand if your currency goes down by 50 percent and you're heavily dependent on imports. You're import (prices) go up. All the prices in the shops are going to go up. That's a mechanism that I can clearly identify that will generate rising prices. If you have big unions, if you have kind of cartel-like vertically integrated firms that control the national market, if you have COLA contracts. If you have labor able to do what we used to call leapfrogging wage claims against other unions, if this is all institutionally and legally protected, I can see how that generates inflation, that is a mechanism I can point to. That doesn't exist just now. Let's unpack this for a minute. The sort of fundamental theoretical assumption on this is based is some kind of "˜marginal productivity theory of wages.' In a perfectly free market with free exchange, in which we don't live, what would happen is you would hire me up to the point that my marginal product is basically paying off for you, and once it produces zero profits, that's kind of where my wages end. I'm paid up to the point that my marginal product is useful to the firm. This is not really a useful way of thinking about it because if you're the employer and I'm the worker, and I walk up to you and say, hey, my marginal productivity is seven, so how about you pay me seven bucks? You just say, shut up or I'll fire you and get someone else. Now, the way that we used to deal with this was a kind of "˜higher than your outside option,' on wages. The way we used to think about this was "why would you pay somebody ten bucks at McDonald's?" Because then you might actually get them to and flip the burgers because they're outside option is probably seven bucks, and if you pay them seven bucks, they just won't show up. So we used to have to pay workers a bit more. So that was, in a sense, (workers) claiming (a bit of the surplus) from productivity. But now what we've done, Suresh Naidu the economist was talking about this the other day, is we have all these technologies for surveilling workers (instead of paying them more). So now what we can do is take that difference between seven and ten and just pocket it because we can actually pay workers at your outside option, because I monitor everything you do, and if you don't do exactly what I say I'll fire you, and get somebody else for seven bucks. So all the mechanisms for the sharing of sharing productivity, unions, technology, now lies in the hands of employers. It's all going against labor. So (as a result) we have this fiction that somehow when the economy grows, our productivity goes up, and workers share in that. Again, what's the mechanism? Once you take out unions and once you weaponize the ability of employers to extract surplus through mechanisms like technology, franchising, all the rest of it, then it just tilts the playing field so much that we just don't see any increase in wages. (Now) let's bring this back to inflation. Unless you see systematic (and sustained) increases in the real wage that increases costs for firms to the point that they need to push on prices, I just don't see the mechanism for generating inflation. It just isn't there. And we've underpaid the bottom 60 percent of the U.S. labor market so long it would take a hell of a lot of wage inflation to get there, with or without unions.
Paul Jay
Yeah, what's that number, that if the minimum wage was adjusted for inflation and it was what the minimum wage was, what, 30 years ago, the minimum wage would be somewhere between 25 and 30 bucks, and that wasn't causing raging inflation. Yeah, what's that number, that if the minimum wage was adjusted for inflation and it was what the minimum wage was, what, 30 years ago, the minimum wage would be somewhere between 25 and 30 bucks, and that wasn't causing raging inflation.
Mark Blyth
And there is that RAND study from November 2020 that was adeninely entitled, "˜Trends in Income 1979 to 2020,' and they calculated, and I think this is the number, but even if I'm off, the order of magnitude is there, that transfers, because of tax and regulatory changes, from the 90th percentile of the distribution to the 10 percentile, totalled something in the order of $34 trillion. That's how much was vacuumed up and practically nothing trickled down. So when you consider that as a mechanism of extraction, why are worrying about inflation (from wages)? The best story on inflation is actually Charles Goodhart's book that came out last year. We got a long period of low inflation because of global supply chains, and because of demographic trends. It's a combination of global supply chains, Chinese labor, and demographics all coming together to basically push down labor costs, and that's why you get this long period of deflation, which leads to rising profits and zero inflation. A perfectly reasonable way of explaining it. And his point is that, well, that's coming to an end. The demographics are shifting, or shrinking. We're going back to more closed economies. You're going to create this inflation problem again. OK, what's the timeline on that? About 20 years? A few years ago, we were told we had 12 years to fix the climate problem or we're in deep shit. If we have to face the climate problem versus single to double-digit inflation, I'm left wondering what is the real problem here? And there is that RAND study from November 2020 that was adeninely entitled, "˜Trends in Income 1979 to 2020,' and they calculated, and I think this is the number, but even if I'm off, the order of magnitude is there, that transfers, because of tax and regulatory changes, from the 90th percentile of the distribution to the 10 percentile, totalled something in the order of $34 trillion. That's how much was vacuumed up and practically nothing trickled down. So when you consider that as a mechanism of extraction, why are worrying about inflation (from wages)? The best story on inflation is actually Charles Goodhart's book that came out last year. We got a long period of low inflation because of global supply chains, and because of demographic trends. It's a combination of global supply chains, Chinese labor, and demographics all coming together to basically push down labor costs, and that's why you get this long period of deflation, which leads to rising profits and zero inflation. A perfectly reasonable way of explaining it. And his point is that, well, that's coming to an end. The demographics are shifting, or shrinking. We're going back to more closed economies. You're going to create this inflation problem again. OK, what's the timeline on that? About 20 years? A few years ago, we were told we had 12 years to fix the climate problem or we're in deep shit. If we have to face the climate problem versus single to double-digit inflation, I'm left wondering what is the real problem here? The best story on inflation is actually Charles Goodhart's book that came out last year. We got a long period of low inflation because of global supply chains, and because of demographic trends. It's a combination of global supply chains, Chinese labor, and demographics all coming together to basically push down labor costs, and that's why you get this long period of deflation, which leads to rising profits and zero inflation. A perfectly reasonable way of explaining it. And his point is that, well, that's coming to an end. The demographics are shifting, or shrinking. We're going back to more closed economies. You're going to create this inflation problem again. OK, what's the timeline on that? About 20 years? A few years ago, we were told we had 12 years to fix the climate problem or we're in deep shit. If we have to face the climate problem versus single to double-digit inflation, I'm left wondering what is the real problem here? The best story on inflation is actually Charles Goodhart's book that came out last year. We got a long period of low inflation because of global supply chains, and because of demographic trends. It's a combination of global supply chains, Chinese labor, and demographics all coming together to basically push down labor costs, and that's why you get this long period of deflation, which leads to rising profits and zero inflation. A perfectly reasonable way of explaining it. And his point is that, well, that's coming to an end. The demographics are shifting, or shrinking. We're going back to more closed economies. You're going to create this inflation problem again. OK, what's the timeline on that? About 20 years? A few years ago, we were told we had 12 years to fix the climate problem or we're in deep shit. If we have to face the climate problem versus single to double-digit inflation, I'm left wondering what is the real problem here? OK, what's the timeline on that? About 20 years? A few years ago, we were told we had 12 years to fix the climate problem or we're in deep shit. If we have to face the climate problem versus single to double-digit inflation, I'm left wondering what is the real problem here? OK, what's the timeline on that? About 20 years? A few years ago, we were told we had 12 years to fix the climate problem or we're in deep shit. If we have to face the climate problem versus single to double-digit inflation, I'm left wondering what is the real problem here? A few years ago, we were told we had 12 years to fix the climate problem or we're in deep shit. If we have to face the climate problem versus single to double-digit inflation, I'm left wondering what is the real problem here? A few years ago, we were told we had 12 years to fix the climate problem or we're in deep shit. If we have to face the climate problem versus single to double-digit inflation, I'm left wondering what is the real problem here?

cocomaan , , May 1, 2021 at 7:24 am

Great piece. He put to words something I've thought about but couldn't articulate: if wages are stagnant, how could you possibly get broad based inflation?

There is no upward pressure on labor costs anywhere in the economy. The pressures are all downward.

You would need government spending in the order of magnitudes to drive up wages. Or release from a lot of debt, like student loan forgiveness or what have you.

Left in Wisconsin , , May 1, 2021 at 2:06 pm

I'm not sure you need wage growth to get inflation. As Blyth notes, most of the time inflation is a currency or a monetary issue. In the 70s, it was initially an oil thing " and oil flows through a lot of products " and then really went crazy only when Volker started raising interest rates. I don't think there is an episode of "wage-push" inflation in history. (The union cost-of-living clauses don't "cause" inflation, they only adjust for past inflation. If unions can cause wage-push inflation, someone needs to explain how they did this in the late 70s, when they were much less powerful and unemployment was substantially higher, than in the 1950s.) One could argue that expansive fiscal policy might drive inflation but, even then, the mechanism is through price increases, not wage increases. You do need consumption but that can always come from the wealthy and further debt immiseration of the rest of us.

Adam Eran , , May 1, 2021 at 2:51 pm

Blythe is one of those guys who is *almost* correct. For example he declares that expectations drive inflation. What about genuine shortages? The most recent U.S. big inflation stemmed from OPEC withholding oil"a shortage we answered by increasing the price ($1.75/bbl in 1971 -> $42/bbl in 1982). In Germany, the hyperinflation was driven by the French invading the Ruhr, something roughly like shutting down Ohio in the U.S. A shortage of goods resulted. Inflation! In Zimbabwe, the Rhodesian (white) farmers left, and the natives who took over their farms were not producing enough food. A shortage of food, requiring imports, resulted. Inflation!

I guess you could say people in Zimbabwe "expected" food"¦but that's not standard English.

JFYI, Blythe is not a fan of MMT. He calls it "annoying." Yep, that's his well-reasoned argument about how to think about it.

As a *political* economist, he may have a point in saying MMT is a difficult political sell, but otherwise, I'd say the guy is clueless about it.

CH , , May 1, 2021 at 9:13 am

Inflation isn't caused by the amount of money in the economy but by the amount of *spending*.

Like the other commenter, I've wondered this too"if wages have been stagnant for a generation, then how are we going to get inflation? By what mechanism? It seems like almost all of the new money just adds a few zeros to the end of the bank account balances of the already rich (or else disappears offshore).

Still, you just cannot people to understand this because of houses, health care and education. One might even argue that inflated house and education prices are helping keep inflation down. If more and more of our meager income is going to pay for these fixed expenditures, then there's no money left over to pay increased prices for goods and services. So there's no room to increase the prices of those things. As Michael Hudson would point out, it's all sucked away for debt service, meaning a lot of the "money printing" is just subsidizing Wall Street.

But if you pay attention to the internet, for years there have been conspiracy theories all across the political spectrum that we were really in hyperinflation and the government just secretly "cooked the books" and manipulated the statistics to convince us all it wasn't happening. Of course, these conspiracy theories all pointed to the cost of housing, medicine and education as "proof" of this theory (three things which, ironically, didn't go up spectacularly during the Great Inflation of the 1970's). Or else they'd point to gas prices, but that strategy lost it's potency after 2012. Or else they'd complain that their peanut butter was secretly getting smaller, hiding the inflation (shrinkflation is real, or course, but it's not a vast conspiracy to hide price increases from the public).

I'm convinced that this was the ground zero for the kind of anti-government conspiratorial thinking that's taken over our politics today. These ideas was heavy promoted by libertarians like Ron Paul starting in the nineties, helped by tracts like "The Creature from Jekyll Island," which argued that the Fed itself was one big conspiracy. I've seen plenty of people across the political spectrum"including on the far Left"take all of this stuff as gospel.

So if the government is secretly hiding inflation and the Fed itself is a grand conspiracy to convince us that paper is money (rather than "real" money, aka gold), then is it that hard to believe they're manipulating Covid statistics and plotting to control us all by forcing us all to wear masks and get vaccinated? In my view, it all started with inflation paranoia.

Blyth explains why housing inflation isn't really a sign of hyperinflation. But the average "man on the street" just doesn't get it. To Joe Sixpack, not counting some of the things he has to pay for is cheating. So are "substitutions" like ground beef when steak gets too pricey, or a Honda Civic for a Toyota Camry, for example. The complexity of counting inflation is totally lost on them, making them vulnerable to conspiratorial thinking. Since Biden was elected, the ZOMG HyPeRiNfLaTiOn!!&%! articles are ubiquitous.

Does anyone have a good way of explaining this to ordinary (i.e. non-economically literate) people? I'd love to hear it! Thanks.

TomDority , , May 1, 2021 at 9:41 am

"There is no such thing as house price inflation. Inflation is a general rise in the level of all prices. A sustained rise in the level of prices. The fact that house prices in Toronto have gone up is because Canada stopped building public housing in the 1980s and turned it into an asset class and let the 10 percent top earners buy it all and swap it with each other. That is singularly not an inflation."
Maybe I am totally off but, I would say"¦. By your definition, inflation does not exist in the economic terminology as inflation only exists if generally all prices go up and a singularity of soaring house prices and education and healthcare do not constitute an inflation because the number of things inflating do not meet some unknown number of items needed for a general rise in all prices to create an inflation.
What I read you to say is that if Labor prices go up " that could lead to inflation " but if house prices go up (as they have) that is not inflation.
Hypothetically " if labor prices do not go up and the "˜nessesities of living' prices go up (Housing and Med) " would you not have an inflation in the cost of living? " I am convinced that economists and market experts try to claim that the economy and markets are seperate and distinct from humans as a science " and that Political science has nothing to do with what they present. Yet, humans are the only species to have formed the markets and money we all participate and, the only species, therefore, to have an exclusive asset ownership, indifferent to any other species " IE " if you can't pay you can't play and have no say.
I submit that one or a few asset price increases that are combined with labor price stasis(the actual money outlayed for those asset price increased products not moving up) " especially one that is a basic to living (shelter) and not mobile (like money) is inflation " Land prices going up will generally increase the prices of all products created thereon.

Chris , , May 1, 2021 at 9:55 am

Exactly my interpretation.

The "transitory" "food inflation" (but it's not inflation since TVs went down!) is no issue. Just eat 2 years from now or a TV instead.

Objective Ace , , May 1, 2021 at 10:23 am

I think there's two things going on here. There's different inflation indicators, and asset prices are by definition never a part of inflation

The main indicator of CPI has so many different things in it that the inflation of any one item is going to have little effect on it. But you can look up BEA's detailed GDP deflator to see inflation for more specific things like housing expenses (rent) or transportation.

So back to real estate/land: real estate and land are like the stock market. They aren't subject to inflation. They are subject to appreciation. There is somewhat of a feedback effect for sure though: Increased real estate prices can drive up inflation. Rent for sure gets driven up, but also any other good that's built domestically if the owners of capital need to pay more to rent their factories/farms etc.

As noted in the article though, capitalists can simply move their production overseas so there's a limit to how much US land appreciation can filter into inflation. Its definitely happening with rent as housing can't be outsourced. But rent is only one part of overall inflation

jsn , , May 1, 2021 at 10:23 am

The point he was making is that the price change in housing is the result of a policy restructuring of the market: no new public housing and financial deregulation.

The price of food is similarly a response to policy changes: industry consolidation and resulting price setting to juice financial profits.

The point is distinguishing between political forces and market forces. The former is socially/politically determined while the latter has to do with material realities within a more or less static market structure.

This is a distinction essential to making good policy but useless from a cost of living perspective.

Starry Gordon , , May 1, 2021 at 11:26 am

One could prevent crossover for awhile, but eventually certain policies are going to affect certain markets. The policy of giving the rich money drives up asset prices, real estate is a kind of asset, eventually rising real estate costs affect the market the proles enter when they have to buy or rent real estate.

If state institutions tell them there is no inflation, the proles learn that the state institutions lie because they know better from direct experience. Once that gap develops, it's as with personal relationships: when trust is broken, it is very hard to replace. Once belief in state institutions is lost, significant political effects ensue. Often they are rather unpleasant.

jsn , , May 1, 2021 at 1:06 pm

Yes. Discussing complexity in a low trust society makes definitions of terms within a discussion necessary.

The same words are used in different contexts to mean different things making a true statement in one place a lie in another.

Skip Intro , , May 1, 2021 at 2:22 pm

Blyth pointed to the lack of systemic drivers of price increases, and how the traditional ones have disappeared. I think one that he missed, that results in a disconnect with the evidence of price increases across multiple sectors, is the neoliberal infestation. Rent-sucking intermediaries have imposed themselves into growing swaths of the mechanisms of survival, hollowed out productive capacity, and crapified artifacts to the extent that their value is irredeemably reduced. This is a systemic cause for reduced buying power, i.e. inflation, but it is not a result of monetary or fiscal policy, but political and ideological power.

cnchal , , May 1, 2021 at 3:23 pm

> . . . The fact that house prices in Toronto have gone up is because Canada stopped building public housing in the 1980s and turned it into an asset class and let the 10 percent top earners buy it all and swap it with each other.

That is a total load of baloney. The eighties were a time when the Conservative government came up with the foreign investor program and it was people from Hong Kong getting out before the British hand over to China in 1997.

I was there, trying to save for a house and for every buck saved the houses went up twenty. I finally pulled the plug in 89 when someone subdivided a one car garage from their house and sold it for a small fortune. The stories of Hong Kongers coming up to people raking their yard and offering cash well above supposed market rates and the homeowner dropping their rakes and handing over the keys were legendary.

It's still that way except now they come from mainland China, CCP members laundering their loot.

Any government that makes domestic labor compete with foreign richies for housing is mendacious.

When a Canadian drug dealer "saves up" a million to buy a house and the RCMP get wind of it, they lose the house. When a foreigner show up at the border with a million, it's all clean.

Robert Hahl , , May 1, 2021 at 9:49 am

Many people who talk about avoiding inflation are speaking euphemistically about preventing wage growth, and only that; dog whistles, clearly heard by the intended audience. Yet they are rarely confronted directly on this point. Instead we hear that they don't understand what the word inflation means, and Mark seems to be saying these euphamists (eupahmites?) needn't be so concerned because wages will not go up anyway. If so, what we are talking about here is merely helping workers stay afloat without making any fundamental changes. Well, both sides can agree to that as usual. Guess I'm just worn out by this kind of thing.

Basil Pesto , , May 1, 2021 at 10:02 am

this is only related insofar as Mark Blyth is a treat, and I shared it last week, but icymi, an excellent interview with him on the European Super League debacle last week , which really was a huge story.

The Rev Kev , , May 1, 2021 at 10:28 am

The thing that I like about Mark Blyth is how he cuts to the chase and does not waffle. Must be his upbringing in Scotland I would say. The revelation that the US minimum wage should be about $25-30 is just mind-boggling in itself. But in that talk he unintentionally put a value on how much is at stake in making a fairer economic system and it works out to be about $34 trillion. That is how much has been stolen by the upper percentile and why workers have gone from having a job, car, family & annual vacation to crushing student debt, a job at an Amazon fulfillment center and a second job being an Uber driver while living out of car.

Skip Intro , , May 1, 2021 at 1:24 pm

That $25-30 wage was keeping up with inflation , if it were keeping up with productivity it would be, IIRC, nearly twice that. It is interesting to see a dollar figure put on the amount you can reap after a generation or two of growing a middle class, by impoverishing it.

cnchal , , May 1, 2021 at 3:41 pm

This is key.

But now what we've done, Suresh Naidu the economist was talking about this the other day, is we have all these technologies for surveilling workers (instead of paying them more) . So now what we can do is take that difference between seven and ten and just pocket it because we can actually pay workers at your outside option, because I monitor everything you do, and if you don't do exactly what I say I'll fire you, and get somebody else for seven bucks.

Praise be the STEM workers. Without them where would the criminal corporate class be?

Every time I listen to the news (without barfing) the story is, we need moar STEM workers, and I ask myself, what do they do for a living?

howard in nyc , , May 1, 2021 at 10:37 am

Blyth is a bass guitar player! The things you learn about people.

eg , , May 1, 2021 at 11:32 am

I think he also plays guitar and drums, in addition to the bass guitar.

Mikel , , May 1, 2021 at 2:02 pm

If that kind of tidbit excites you:
Before going into economics, Alan Greenspan was a sax and clarinet player who played with the likes of Stan Getz and Quincy Jones.

Go figure"¦.

The Rev Kev , , May 1, 2021 at 7:42 pm

Mark Blyth has a remarkable history as well as, well, I will let you read this article about him-

As a tidbit, he has released five or six albums when younger and is into gourmet Indian cuisine.

HotFlash , , May 1, 2021 at 9:04 pm

And Michael Hudson studied piano and conducting . Do failed musicians gravitate to economics? Perhaps for the same reason as my bank manager, a failed bass player (honors graduate from Classy Cdn U in double bass), they see the handwriting on the wall. He told me his epiphany came when he and his band-mates were trying to make cup-o-noodles with tap water in a room over the pub in Thunder Bay where they were playing.

Tex , , May 1, 2021 at 10:39 am

The mental gymnastics to get to "everything needed to survive costs more but wages have not gone up in decades so therefore its all transitory and inflation does not exist" must be painful. How high does the price for cat food have to get before we stop eating?

freebird , , May 1, 2021 at 10:11 pm

Thank you. Most things I buy or am forced to pay for are rising in price. The economists may enjoy the article, but here in Topeka, it's not flying.

KLG , , May 1, 2021 at 10:49 am

Yes! "The Hamptons are not a defensible position" ranks right up there with "It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of (neoliberal) capitalism" by Mark Fisher (and F. Jameson?).

Jeff W , , May 1, 2021 at 5:03 pm

"The Hamptons are not a defensible position"

From Mark Blyth's 2016 interview with AthensLive here .

Return of the Bride of Joe Biden , , May 1, 2021 at 12:12 pm

Does anybody here have knowledge of how much hedonic adjustments influence our official measures of inflation?

chuck roast , , May 1, 2021 at 12:30 pm

Very good, Mark. This leads to the next Q. How do we maintain aggregate demand? The rich guys increasingly Hoover everything up and pay no taxes. So, there is no T. Is the only way to get cash and avoid deflation deficit spending by the G? There is no I worth a damn. (X-M) is a total drain on everything since it's all M in the US and no X. The deficits will have to go out of sight in the future.

You say that there is no velocity of money. Is this because the more money pored into the economy by the G, the more money the rich guys steal? So, there is a general collapse in C. Maybe the work around for the rich guy theft is a $2,000 (sorry, $1,400) check every now and then to the great unwashed. The poors can circulate it a couple of times before the rich guys steal it. Seems like the macro-economists have a lot of "˜splainin' to do. Oh, right, they are busy right now measuring the output gap.

eg , , May 1, 2021 at 2:17 pm

Can someone please define the variables in this comment?


Also, is there an equation that goes with them?

chuck roast , , May 1, 2021 at 3:29 pm

GNP = Consumption + Investment + Government + (Exports " Imports)

I'd like to see Mark go into a discussion on the velocity of money. I remember the old timey Keynesians lecturing about it, and that's all I remember. I'm guessing that it's related to the marginal propensity to consume.

Ed S. , , May 1, 2021 at 4:35 pm


I may be getting a bit out over my skis, but the St. Louis Fed calculates the velocity of money ( ). It is defined as

The velocity of money is the frequency at which one unit of currency is used to purchase domestically- produced goods and services within a given time period. In other words, it is the number of times one dollar is spent to buy goods and services per unit of time. If the velocity of money is increasing, then more transactions are occurring between individuals in an economy.

So as velocity slows, fewer transactions happen. Based on the linked chart, the peak velocity was 2.2 in mid-1997. In Q1 2021, it was 1.12. By my understanding, although the money supply continues to increase, the money isn't flowing through the economy in the way it was over the last 30 years (or even 10 years ago).

It's beyond my level of understanding to say with any certainty as to why the slowdown in velocity has occurred, but I speculate it's directly related to the ever-growing inequality in the US economy and the ongoing rentier-ism that Dr. Hudson discusses. [simplistically, if Jeff Bezos has $1.3 billion more on Monday than on Friday, that money will flow virtually nowhere. If each of Amazon's employees equally shared that $1.3 billion (about $1,000 each), the preponderance of the money would flow into the economy in short order].

I've always speculated that money velocity is one of the key indicators of the stagnant economy since 2008. It certainly has coincided with the dramatic increase in wealth in the top fraction (not the 1% but the 0.001%) of the US population.

flora , , May 1, 2021 at 1:03 pm

Thanks for this post. Blyth is always good at explaining in a way I can understand.

Mikel , , May 1, 2021 at 1:04 pm

What Blythe has laid out is not a tale about inflation or money, but a tale about power.

If money goes to the non-elite, you get inflation. If it goes to the elite, you don't get inflation.
If you are a country with little control of your resources (not lack of resources, but control) and/or loans (think IMF)/debt (think war reparations) that give people with little interest in whether you live or die control over your countries' finances, you can be prone to inflation or even hyperinflation.

Yeah, I figured out a long time ago that none of this is any "natural economic law" because there is no such thing as "nature" in economics. Inflation is all about political decisions and perceptions.

And I saw this on YouTube a couple of days ago"¦and I still can't think of anything around me that hasn't gone up on price.

politicaleconomist , , May 1, 2021 at 2:37 pm

This is a good response to Summers. But I have a quibble and a concern.
My quibble is that he offers no theory of inflation except implicitly aggregate supply exceeding aggregate demand and there is nothing but hand-waving regarding what he is referring to that he feels has a one chance in ten of happening versus Summers one in three. A second part of this quibble is: what does it mean for inflation to "come roaring back." I assume it means more than just a short-term adjustment to a shot of government spending and gifting. I believe if he thought this through he would have to conclude that without changes in the current structure of the global economy there is no way for this to happen. That really is the case he has made. With labor beaten down not only in the US but worldwide inflation will not come roaring back, period. That is unless there is a chance either that a labor renewal is a near-term possibility. I doubt he believes this. Or does he believe there is another way for inflation to roar back? If so, what is that way, what is the theory behind it?

A more fundamental concern is the part where he relies on marginal productivity theory when discussing employment and exploitation. Conceptually that far from Marx's fundamental distinction between labor and labor power.

Wukchumni , , May 1, 2021 at 2:45 pm

Hyperinflation doesn't seem to be possible in this age of digital money no matter how much you conjure up because nobody notices the extreme amount of monies around all of the sudden as the average joe isn't in the know.

Used houses are always appreciating in value, but none dare call it inflationary, more of a desired outcome in income advancement if you own a domicile.

There were no shortages of anything in the aftermath of the GFC, and now for want of a semiconductor, a car sale was lost. Everything got way too complex, and we'll be paying the price for that.

I think the inflation to come won't be caused by a lack of faith in a given country's money, but the products and services it enabled us to purchase.

Mikel , , May 1, 2021 at 3:47 pm

""¦and now for want of a semiconductor, a car sale was lost"¦."
Sometimes car sales are lost because the price of cars has gone up (new and used)"¦just don't call it inflation"¦

I'm going to let some more time pass, but stimulus or not, we went from all economic problems being laid at the feet of Covid to now moving on to "shortages" everywhere"¦

Just enought to make you go"¦hmmmm"¦.unti more time passes.

Ed S. , , May 1, 2021 at 8:34 pm

Used houses always appreciate " or is it that they appreciate due to a combination of inflation in income over time and the dramatic decrease in interest rates over the last 20 years?

A very quick back of the envelope calc (literally " and all number are approximate):

In June 2000, median US income was $40,500; 30 yr mortgage rate was 8.25%. 28% of monthly income = $945. That supports a mortgage (30 yr fixed, P&I only " no tax, insurance, etc) of roughly $125,000.

In June 2005, median US income was $44,000; 30 yr mortgage rate was 5.5%. 28% of monthly income = $1026. That supports a mortgage (30 yr fixed, P&I only " no tax, insurance, etc) of roughly $180,000.

In June 2010, median US income was $49,500; 30 yr mortgage rate was 4.69%. 28% of monthly income = $1155. That supports a mortgage (30 yr fixed, P&I only " no tax, insurance, etc) of roughly $225,000.

In June 2015, median US income was $53,600; 30 yr mortgage rate was 4.00%. 28% of monthly income = $1250. That supports a mortgage (30 yr fixed, P&I only " no tax, insurance, etc) of roughly $260,000.

Finally, In June 2020, median US income was $63,000; 30 yr mortgage rate was 3.25%. 28% of monthly income = $1470. That supports a mortgage (30 yr fixed, P&I only " no tax, insurance, etc) of roughly $340,000.

And for fun, if you went to 40% of income in 2020 (payment only), a $2100 monthly payment will cover nearly a $500,000 mortgage in 2020.

For the vast majority of home buyers, the price isn't the main consideration " it's how much will it cost per month. So a small increase in median income (roughly 2% per year) combined with dramatically lower interest rates can drive a HUGE increase in a mortgage " and ultimately the price that can be paid for a house.

Michael Ismoe , , May 1, 2021 at 3:24 pm

I find it amazing that when you give poor people money, it creates inflation. If you give rich people money, it creates jobs (LOL. Sure it does.).

As long as billionaires pay as little as possible, the world is fine.

Tom Bradford , , May 1, 2021 at 3:49 pm

Can't say I really understand this sort of thing but saying rocketing house-prices is "˜a singularity' rather than "˜house-price inflation' has to me echoes of the Bourbon's "Bread too expensive? Let them eat cake." And Versailles wasn't a defensive position either.

In my version of economics-for-the-under-tens you get inflation in two situations. First is where enough folk have enough cash in their pockets for producers/manufacturers/retailers to hike their prices without hitting their sales too much and secondly where there's a shortage of stuff people want and/or need which leads to a bidding war. However I'd agree with Blyth that neither condition exists now or seems likely to arise for a while, making a "˜spike' in inflation unlikely.

ArvidMartensen , , May 1, 2021 at 4:17 pm

I am a non-economist, and so my thoughts below may be wrong. However, here goes.
I would say we have had inflation. Roaring inflation. For the past 20 years of so.

Inflation in wages and ordinary costs of living? No, wages have been stagnant. Health care has led the charge in cost of living increases, but most other living expense increases have been low.

Inflation in asset prices? We have had massive inflation in the costs of residential housing where I live.
20 years ago I could buy a 5 br, 3 bath home on a decent block in a good area close to everything for $270,000 dollars. Sure it needed some renovation, but still"¦. Now to buy that home it would cost me around $1,250,000. So that home has gone up in value by 500%. Man, that is inflation.

As I understand it, asset inflation is not counted by governments in the GDP or CPI. It appears that those who have most of the assets don't want this to be counted, by the very fact that they control the politicians who control what is counted, and asset inflation isn't counted in the economic data that the politicians rely upon to prove how prudent they are.

So if you want a day to day example of where all this free money is going, look at housing. And also have a quick look at the insane increases in the worth of billionaires. They love all this government spending which magically? seems to end up, via asset purchase and asset price inflation, in their pockets.

cnchal , , May 1, 2021 at 7:02 pm

That home has gone up in price by 500%

Price is what one pays, value is what one gets. That house is roughly the same, so the value has not changed, but the price has gone up by a factor of 5

Same with stawks. One share of Amazon stawk is $3,467.42 as of yesterday.

What is its value? If Bezos can work his tools ever harder, monitor them down to the nanosecond and wring ever moar productivity out of them before throwing them in the tool dumpster behind every Amazon warehouse, the value proposition is that someone else will believe the stawk price should be even higher, at which point one can sell it at greater price for a profit.

Susan the other , , May 1, 2021 at 5:07 pm

What is inflation? Good question. I'd say inflation is fear of monetary devaluation. Not devaluation, just the fear of it. We'll never overcome this unease if we always deal in numbers. Dollars, digits, whatever. We need to deal in commodities " let's call just about everything we live with and use a "commodity". Including unpaid family help/care; and the more obvious things like transportation. If we simply took a summary of all the necessary things we need to live decent lives " but not translated into dollars because dollars have no sense " and then provided these necessities via some government agency so that they were not "inflated" in the process and thereby provided a stable society, then government could MMT this very easily. Our current approach is so audaciously stupid it will never make sense let alone balance any balance sheets. That's a feature, not a bug because it's the best way to steal a profit. The best way to stop demand inflation or some fake scarcity or whatever is to provide the necessary availability. That's where uncle Joe is gonna run headlong into a brick wall. He has spent his entire life doing the exact opposite.

William Neil , , May 1, 2021 at 6:59 pm

The figure for the upward transfer of wealth from the Rand Study was $50 trillion between 1975-2018. It was adjusted up by the authors from $47 trillion to bring it up to 2020 trends.

Here are the authors explaining what they found and their methodology:

Now the interesting thing to me is this " look at the date of the publication in Time magazine: Sept. 14, 2020, so right in the heart of campaign fever, and it never came up in the debates, in the press"¦I didn't hear about it until Blyth made one of his appearances on Jay's show with Rana Foroohar. Long after the election.

VietnamVet , , May 1, 2021 at 9:47 pm

As long as 80% of Americans are head over heels in debt and 52% of 18-to-29-year-olds are currently living with their parents, there never will be the wage inflation of the 1970s. A majority of the people arrested for the Capitol riot had a history of financial trouble. The elite blue zones in Washington State and Oregon that prospered from globalism are seeing a spike in coronavirus cases. North American neoliberal governments have failed dismally. It is intentional in order to exploit more wealth for the rich from the natural resources and workers. If the mRNA vaccines do not control coronavirus variants, and a workable national public health system is not implemented; succession and chaos will bring on Zimbabwe type inflation.

There is a reason why Portland Oregon has been a center of unrest for the past year. The Elite just do not want to see it. How can Janet Yellen deal with this? She can't. She is an Insider. She was paid 7.2 million dollars in speaker and seminar fees in the last two years not to.

[Apr 27, 2021] Forget that old fraud Bernie Sanders; Tulsi Gabbard and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are the best hopes progressives in United States now

Notable quotes:
"... As has happened with epochal champions of generational transformation and change in U.S. history before her, Gabbard’s eclipse in Hawaii could lead to her comeback in a far more spectacular form. ..."
Apr 27, 2021 |

As has happened with epochal champions of generational transformation and change in U.S. history before her, Gabbard’s eclipse in Hawaii could lead to her comeback in a far more spectacular form.

Forget that old fraud Bernie Sanders; Tulsi Gabbard and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are the best hopes progressives in United States now have for saving and renewing Democratic values and a functioning political system. And watch Senator Ted Cruz to eventually unify a resurgent nationalist Right.

In my 2015 book “ Cycles of Change †I predicted both the nationalist insurgency of Donald Trump in the Republican Party and the progressive one unexpectedly spearheaded by Senator Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Party that lastingly transformed U.S. politics in the 2016 election cycle.

The Big Lie (of Josef Goebbels) proportions that Russia influenced or decided the shock outcome of the 2016 presidential election in reality was cooked up by defeated Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton â€" a bungling loser of historic proportions â€" on the very same night she was still reeling from her rejection at the Javits Center in Brooklyn after the results came out.

Since then, the old Republicans and Democratic Establishments alike have since eagerly clung to the Big Lie because it offers them an excuse to deny and ignore what really happened: The American people for once fitfully rose to express their ringing rejection â€" on both sides of the political divide â€" of the ruinous policies of free trade, globalization and ludicrous pretensions to World Empire to which they had been subjected for the previous 70 years.

However, President Donald Trump was ruthlessly opposed, undermined, betrayed, slandered and blocked on his honorable and responsible foreign policy and national security goals to restrain NATO improve relations with Russia and pull U.S. combat forces out of both Iraq and Afghanistan over the following four years and by the time of the next national election in 2024, he will be 78 â€" as old as Joe Biden is now. Undoubtedly the efforts to destroy and discredit Trump will continue unabated from now until then.

Trump should not yet be ruled out by any means but he has already played the role of being the Prophetic Precursor of the new and coming Political Age, as I pointed, out in “Cycles of Change,†my overview of more than 200 years of U.S. political history, published in 2015.

That “prophetic†pioneering role wa splayed by General John Fremont in 1856 for Abraham Lincoln four years later; by New York Governor Al Smith, the “Happy Warrior†in 1928 for the epochal election victory of Franklin D. Roosevelt four years later; and by Senator Barry Goldwater in 1964 for the eventual presidency and new political era of Ronald Reagan starting in 1980-81.

Who will be the coming leader of the conservative/nationalist Right in 21st century America? The most likely candidate so far by far is Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who ran unsuccessfully against Trump in 2016 before learning for himself the policies and priorities of the coming Political Age.

On April 14, Cruz, renowned for having easily the most brilliant legal mind in the U.S. Congress, eviscerated Kristen Clarke, President Biden’s nominee to head the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department when she appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

On the Democrats’ side, Independent Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont is now a twice-busted flush: Both in 2016 and 2020, the Democratic presidential nomination was his for the asking: He in real terms decisively and humiliatingly exposed first Hillary Clinton and then Joe Biden â€" both heirs of the worthless and despicable Bill Clinton and Barack Obama administrations they served so energetically for so long.

However, on both occasions, Sanders froze up at the crucial moments of decision when the nomination was twice stolen from him by vote manipulation (in 20216) and political chicanery (in 2020) before his eyes. When it comes to the High Noon moment of any political showdown, Sanders will always fold â€" just as he always has.

On the Democrats’ side, the contest for leadership superficial appears more open, but two dynamic young women in reality easily lead the field.

Right now, New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, †AOC†, who was supporting herself as a bartender before she won the Democratic nomination for her district and then the congressional election in shock outcomes in 2018, is by far in the lead. This is not even primarily because of AOC’s passionate advocacy of a Green New Deal, which indeed makes absolutely no industrial or economic or financial sense the closer one looks at it: It is because she is genuinely charismatic, genuinely aggressive and fearless in her public appearances.

The more that America’s progressives â€" admittedly an exceptionally slow-witted lot â€" wake up to the fact that Bernie Sanders will never lead them to real power or victory in anything, the higher AOC’s star rises.

She is already, at only age 31, the real leader of the Progressive Caucus in the Democratic Party and she is half a century younger than 81-year-old Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

Pelosi only won her precious House majority in November 2018. Yet already, she is watching it vanish before her eyes.

Following the victory of Trump protégé Julia Letlow in a special election in Louisiana in March, the Democratic House majority is only two seats â€" the narrowest either party has experienced in the lower house of Congress in more than a century. The narrower it gets, the more Pelosi does not dare risk AOC leading “her†progressives against the Speaker herself and against President Joe Biden: And the more AOC’s power grows.

Worse for Pelosi is sure to come: It is perfectly feasible that even before next year’s congressional midterm elections, a handful of congressional special elections could throw control of the House to current Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who loathes Pelosi and her ancient creaking clique of cronies with a never-burning passion. Then, Pelosi’s fading clout will be totally gone and AOC with her passion and a new generation of radicals riding the Winds of Change with her will take over Democratic Party in Congress far earlier than any of the Old Fogeys on either side dreams.

AOC must therefore be seen as the frontrunner for the new age: But if she fails to measure up and establish national credibility, the other most likely future presidential hopeful for the Democrats is another forceful, beautiful and exceptionally intelligent young lady hardly older than the New York congresswoman is: That is former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii, who was effectively squeezed out from her own congressional seat on the idyllic Pacific island by the machinations of the old Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi gang of rotting old politicos.

However, as has happened with epochal champions of generational transformation and change in U.S. history before her, Gabbard’s eclipse in Hawaii could lead to her comeback in a far more spectacular form.

She may move to California â€" a vastly superior political base to her home in Hawaii for national U.S. politics. Also, her outstanding military record, highly unusual for a young rising female Democrat of the current generation and her mastery of defense and national security issues potentially gives her a far more potent and impressive credibility across the American continent than AOC.

For Ocasio-Cortez’s appeal is like a laser beam: It is undoubtedly powerful but also quite narrow, centered on the East and West Coasts and to a far lesser degree, the much smaller progressive enclaves in major metropolitan areas across the country.

Gabbard by contrast has the potential to reach deep into the Heartland. She was carefully kept out of most of the nationally televised political debates for the 2020 presidential nomination by her own party’s leaders. They were terrified of her.

However, Gabbard was an absolute knockout in the debates when she got a word in edgewise. And she proved effortlessly able especially to demolish then-Senator and now-Vice President Kamala Harris. That could prove of priceless importance to the national credibility of the Progressive movement if, as appears likely Harris succeeds Biden into the White House in 2024, or even sooner.

However, Gabbard has also shown the potential to move dramatically from one extreme of the political chessboard to the other, much like a bishop moved a diagonal right across the board:

In January 2021, she launched her own podcast called “This is Tulsi Gabbard†and she has appeared a number of times on the conservative-leaning Fox News Channel since she left Congress, focusing her outspoken attacks on Pelosi and House Judiciary Committee Chair and leading Pelosi crony Congressman Adam Schiff. It is not inconceivable to see her as an eventual running mate for the nationalist right on a Republican ticket led by Senator Ted Cruz in 2024 or 2028. (In 2028, she will still be only 47).

Cruz and AOC are truly powerful potent emerging forces on the Right and Left of U.S. politics. Gabbard has the intriguing potential to completely transform the picture on either side. Between them, they offer hope that the new forces awakened by Trump and Sanders may triumph yet.

[Mar 06, 2021] Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out The US Dirty War On Syria That Biden Aides Admit To - ZeroHedge

Mar 06, 2021 |

Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out The US Dirty War On Syria That Biden & Aides Admit To BY TYLER DURDEN SATURDAY, MAR 06, 2021 - 15:30

Via Pushback with Aaron Maté at The Grayzone ,

While Joe Biden has faced some mild Congressional pushback for bombing the Iraq-Syria border, Tulsi Gabbard says her former colleagues are ignoring the larger issue: the ongoing US dirty war on Syria .

After a decade of proxy warfare that empowered Al Qaeda and ISIS, the US is now occupying one-third of Syria and imposing crippling sanctions that are crushing Syria's economy and preventing reconstruction.

Watch: Featuring video clips from -- Tulsi Gabbard, former Democratic Congressmember; President Joe Biden; Brett McGurk, National Security Council coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa; Martin Dempsey, former Joint Chiefs chairman; Rob Malley, Special Envoy for Iran; John Kerry, Special Envoy for Climate & former Secretary of State; former President Donald Trump; Alena Douhan, UN Special Rapporteur on Sanctions; Dana Stroul, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East; Vice President Kamala Harris.

While Gabbard has been vilified for her stance on Syria, many top White House officials – including Joe Biden himself – have already acknowledged the same facts that she has called out.

Aaron Maté plays clips of Biden and some of his most senior aides admitting to the horrific realities of the US dirty war on Syria, and argues that Gabbard only stands apart in being wiling to criticize it .

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21,478 113 N

Garciathinksso 1 hour ago (Edited)

Dems had a perfectly fine candidate in Gabbard, no surprise she was shunned and ignored by her own party

newworldorder 1 hour ago

Democrats wanted fake males like Beto and but-plug Pete, instead of a Female USNG Officer.

BarnacleBill 22 minutes ago

Tulsi understood exactly what goes on over there - the utter cruelties and uncaring slaughters that are responsible for the contempt with which the USA is held by the civilised people of the world. The wars are - as I wrote in one of my personal journal/blog posts some years ago - a war against women. (Link below) The women in mind were - and are still today - unarmed non-combatants, who are murdered deliberately in order to punish their menfolk and to traumatise their children. It is as disgusting as the German camps of the 1940s, and will be remembered in the same way by the survivors in their homes eighty years from now. They will never forget.

PGR88 1 hour ago (Edited)

Just to point out - Tulsi Gabbard made it all the way through the Democrat Primaries, and won more votes and delegates than Kamala Harris (who dropped out before even the first primary), yet Harris somehow became the presumptive co-President with Dementia Joe.

Yes, Virginia, it was a color revolution

thezone 1 hour ago

She'll probably be called a Russian Agent for criticizing the supreme ruler. Oh wait, that already happened.

You_Cant_Quit_Me 1 hour ago

Biden is a warmonger who has no problem sending your sons and daughters off as target on a phantom war

madashellron 42 minutes ago (Edited) remove link

God Bless Tulsi. She is one of the only politicians speaking of these grave Crimes Against Humanity, the US is engaged in Syria.

One final note. The Syrian envoy from Russia. Publicly warned Israel. If they continue attacking Syria. Russia will have no choice but to start shooting down Israel's Jets. Since this warning almost a week ago. Israel has not attacked Syria.

rwe2late 1 hour ago (Edited)

Not only Syria.

The US every day now attacks foreigners with about 50 bombs and missiles, possibly much more, mostly in secrecy, and in half dozen or more countries.

The US admitted to 27,923 bombs in 2018, and 17,281 bombs in 2019. In 2020, the totals were made secret. Not ever included were attacks by helicopters, gunships, or strafing.

"the U.S. military and its allies are engaged in bombing and killing people in other countries on a daily basis. The U.S. and its allies have dropped more than 326,000 bombs and missiles on people in other countries since 2001."

CondZero 37 minutes ago remove link

Tulsi, sometimes I think there's a chance for you, then you go and blow it by retreating back to your Democratic brethren and vote the party line. You can't have it both ways.

novictim 59 minutes ago remove link

It's critical that the fairly elected Assad regime be deposed ASAP and ISIS linked militants become the governance force. Why? Because China Joe did not win the US Presidential Election and, thus, any fairly elected leader is a threat to the US Deep State establishment.

Master Jack 1 hour ago remove link

A better question is:

Can anyone explain why the US is involved in so many military conflicts that the government refuses to call wars?

King of Kalifornia 1 hour ago

Here's a hint.

The US killed 2million plus people, spent over a trillion dollars, and lost thousands of their own attacking Iraq.

The oil contracts went to the Chinese.

Another hint.

They don't work for you.

[Jan 26, 2021] Show me whom you pardon and will tell you who you are

Now Trump has shafted DR Congo because the money was well appreciated by Dan Gertler as documented by Dershowitz.– "Letting Dan Gertler off the hook sends a message to the world's most corrupt businesspeople that the U.S. will let them walk free after a bit of lobbying,"-NYTimes
Notable quotes:
"... Trump's most pervasive foreign policy initiatives have involved Israel, encouraging the Jewish state's attacks on Palestinian, Iranian, Lebanese and Syrian targets with impunity, killing thousands of civilians on his watch. Trump has given Israel everything it could possibly ask for, with no consideration for what the U.S. interests might actually be. The only thing he did not do for the Jewish state was to attack and destroy Iran, and even there, reports suggest that he sought to do just that in the waning days of his administration but was talked out of it by his cabinet. ..."
"... But even given all that, Trump the panderer clearly wanted to give one last gift to Israel, and he saved it for his last day in office, when he issued more than 140 pardons and commutations. Though other presidents have issued controversial pardons, no other head of state has so abused the clemency authority to benefit not only friends and acquaintances but also celebrity defendants including rappers, some advocated by the likes of the Kardashians, and also those promoted by monied interests. Most of the pardons went to cronies and to supplicants who were willing to pay in cash or in kind to be set free. It was suggested that Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner was engaged in the selection process and money was often a key element. Some might describe that as corruption. ..."
"... Elliott Broidy, former finance chair of the Republican National Committee, had no less than five Rabbis vouching for him. Last year Broidy had pleaded guilty to acting as an "unregistered foreign agent," part of a larger investigation into the Malaysian "1MDB Scandal" in which Prime Minister Najib Razak stole more than $700 million dollars from his country's state-run 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). Broidy worked on behalf of Razak and was offered $75 million if he could get the U.S. Justice Department to drop its own investigation into the scandal. ..."
"... Another clemency beneficiary who exploited his Jewish links was Philip Esformes, a former nursing home executive who executed one of the biggest Medicare frauds in U.S. history. Just days after being released after serving four years of his 20-year sentence, Esformes celebrated his daughter's wedding in a lavish party held at his multi-million dollar Florida home. He benefited from a lobbying campaign by the Hasidic Chabad-Lubavitch Aleph Institute, a group advised by the ubiquitous former Trump lawyer Alan Dershowitz. The movement reportedly has connections to Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner. ..."
"... Another person pardoned by Trump was Sholam Weiss, a Hasidic businessman from New York who was sentenced to more than 800 years in prison in 2000 for racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering connected to a huge fraud scheme that stole $125 million from the National Heritage Life Insurance Company, leading to its bankruptcy. He fled the country but was subsequently arrested in Austria and extradited to the United States. Weiss had reportedly received the endorsement of from Dershowitz, who also recently has been involved in the Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell espionage case. ..."
"... Trump gave a full pardon to Aviem Sella, a seventy-five year old former Israeli Air Force officer, who was indicted in the U.S. in 1987 for espionage in relation to the Jonathan Pollard spy case. Sella fled to Israel days before Pollard was arrested outside the Israeli embassy in Washington D.C. and the Israeli government refused to extradite him. Sella, at the time doing a degree course at New York University, was Pollard's initial contact. He had started working part-time for the Mossad intelligence agency in the early 1980s and received some of the classified top-secret documents provided by Pollard in exchange for money and jewelry. ..."
Jan 26, 2021 |
by Philip Giraldi - The Unz Review Another disgraceful performance from "Israel's president" PHILIP GIRALDI JANUARY 26, 2021 1,700 WORDS 141 COMMENTS REPLY Tweet Reddit Share Share Email Print More

One keeps hearing that former President Donald Trump will be judged well by the history books because he was the only American head of state in recent memory who did not start any new wars. Well, the claim is itself questionable as Jimmy Carter, for all his faults, managed to avoid entering into any new armed conflict, and Trump can hardly be described as a president who eschewed throwing his weight around, both literally and figuratively. He attacked Syria on two occasions based on fabricated intelligence, assassinated an Iranian general, withdrew from several arms and proliferation agreements, and has been waging economic warfare against Iran, Syria, Venezuela and Iraq. He has sanctioned individuals and organizations in both China and Russia and has declared Iranian government components and Yemeni Houthi rebels to be terrorists. He has occupied Syria's oil producing region to "protect it from terrorists" and has generally exerted "maximum pressure" against his "enemies" in the Middle East.

So no, Donald Trump is no antiwar activist. But Trump's most pervasive foreign policy initiatives have involved Israel, encouraging the Jewish state's attacks on Palestinian, Iranian, Lebanese and Syrian targets with impunity, killing thousands of civilians on his watch. Trump has given Israel everything it could possibly ask for, with no consideration for what the U.S. interests might actually be. The only thing he did not do for the Jewish state was to attack and destroy Iran, and even there, reports suggest that he sought to do just that in the waning days of his administration but was talked out of it by his cabinet.

Trump's pander to Israel started out with withdrawing from the nuclear monitoring agreement with Iran, followed by his shutting down the Palestinian offices in the United States, halting U.S. contributions for Palestinian humanitarian relief, moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Syrian Golan Heights, giving a green light for Israel to do whatever it wishes on the formerly Palestinian West Bank, and, finally permitting paroled former Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard to go "home" to Israel where he received a hero's welcome. Trump, to be sure, was aided in his disloyalty to his own country by former bankruptcy lawyer Ambassador David Friedman in place in Israel, an ardent Zionist and a cheerleader for whatever atrocities Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided to commit. Couple that with a Congress that gives billions of dollars to Israel annually while bleating that the Jewish state has a "right to defend itself" and a media that self-censors all the human rights violations and war crimes that Netanyahu unleashes, and you have a perfect love fest for Israel expressed daily throughout the United States.

But even given all that, Trump the panderer clearly wanted to give one last gift to Israel, and he saved it for his last day in office, when he issued more than 140 pardons and commutations. Though other presidents have issued controversial pardons, no other head of state has so abused the clemency authority to benefit not only friends and acquaintances but also celebrity defendants including rappers, some advocated by the likes of the Kardashians, and also those promoted by monied interests. Most of the pardons went to cronies and to supplicants who were willing to pay in cash or in kind to be set free. It was suggested that Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner was engaged in the selection process and money was often a key element. Some might describe that as corruption.

Those of us in the actual antiwar plus anti-surveillance-state movement had been hoping that Trump would actually do something good at no cost to himself, pardoning whistleblowers Edward Snowden, John Kiriakou, Reality Winner, and Chelsea Manning as well as journalist Julian Assange. Kiriakou has reported that when he petitioned for a pardon through one of Trump lawyer Rudi Giuliani's aides, he was told that such an arrangement would cost $2 million.

Bribes for pardons aside, it would have cost Trump nothing to pardon the whistleblowers and it would be a vindication of those who had put themselves at risk to attack the machinations of the Deep State, which Trump had blamed for the coordinated attacks against himself. This was his relatively cost-free chance to get revenge. Admittedly, there is speculation that Senator Mitch McConnell may have warned Trump against pardoning Julian Assange in particular, threatening to come up with enough GOP votes to convict him in his upcoming impeachment trial if he were to do so. Be that as it may, not a single whistleblower was pardoned though there was room on the ship for plenty of heinous white collar criminals. Former Dr. Salomon Melgen, for example, had his sentence commuted. Melgen, a close friend of the seriously corrupt Senator from New Jersey Robert Menendez got into trouble in 2009 when the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) discovered that he had overbilled Medicare for $8.9 million for a drug called Lucentis. Two years later Melgen's business was hit with a $11 million lien from the IRS and four years after that he was charged and convicted over more than 76 counts of health care fraud and making false statements.

Some of those pardoned had Jewish organizations going to bat for them. Elliott Broidy, former finance chair of the Republican National Committee, had no less than five Rabbis vouching for him. Last year Broidy had pleaded guilty to acting as an "unregistered foreign agent," part of a larger investigation into the Malaysian "1MDB Scandal" in which Prime Minister Najib Razak stole more than $700 million dollars from his country's state-run 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). Broidy worked on behalf of Razak and was offered $75 million if he could get the U.S. Justice Department to drop its own investigation into the scandal.

Another clemency beneficiary who exploited his Jewish links was Philip Esformes, a former nursing home executive who executed one of the biggest Medicare frauds in U.S. history. Just days after being released after serving four years of his 20-year sentence, Esformes celebrated his daughter's wedding in a lavish party held at his multi-million dollar Florida home. He benefited from a lobbying campaign by the Hasidic Chabad-Lubavitch Aleph Institute, a group advised by the ubiquitous former Trump lawyer Alan Dershowitz. The movement reportedly has connections to Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Another person pardoned by Trump was Sholam Weiss, a Hasidic businessman from New York who was sentenced to more than 800 years in prison in 2000 for racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering connected to a huge fraud scheme that stole $125 million from the National Heritage Life Insurance Company, leading to its bankruptcy. He fled the country but was subsequently arrested in Austria and extradited to the United States. Weiss had reportedly received the endorsement of from Dershowitz, who also recently has been involved in the Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell espionage case.

And, of course, there was also the Israel factor. For no plausible reason whatsoever and contrary to actual American interests, Trump gave a full pardon to Aviem Sella, a seventy-five year old former Israeli Air Force officer, who was indicted in the U.S. in 1987 for espionage in relation to the Jonathan Pollard spy case. Sella fled to Israel days before Pollard was arrested outside the Israeli embassy in Washington D.C. and the Israeli government refused to extradite him. Sella, at the time doing a degree course at New York University, was Pollard's initial contact. He had started working part-time for the Mossad intelligence agency in the early 1980s and received some of the classified top-secret documents provided by Pollard in exchange for money and jewelry.

Sella had passed on the Pollard contact to Mossad's agent handler Rafi Eitan, who continued to "run" Pollard until he was arrested. Sella's indictment was essentially meaningless theater, as is generally true of nearly all Israeli spy cases in the U.S., as Tel Aviv refused to extradite him to the United States and the Justice Department made no attempt to arrest him when he was traveling outside Israel. Trump's pardon for Sella as a favor to Netanyahu sends yet another signal that Israel can spy against the U.S. with impunity. The request to Trump for clemency came from the Israeli government itself and was reportedly endorsed by Netanyahu, Israeli Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer, the United States Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, and Miriam Adelson. According to the White House statement on the pardon, "The state of Israel has issued what a full and unequivocal apology, and has requested the pardon in order to close this unfortunate chapter in U.S.-Israel relations."

Was it a gift or merely a pander? Note particularly the inclusion of David Friedman, who as U.S. Ambassador to Israel is supposed to defend the interests of the United States but never does so. Once upon a time it was considered a potential conflict of interest to send a Jewish Ambassador to Israel. Now it seems to be a requirement and the Ambassador is apparently supposed to be an advocate for Israel as part of his or her mission. Friedman will no doubt be replaced by a Democratic version to deliver more of the same. And then there is Miriam Adelson. Good old Sheldon is hardly cold on the ground and his wife has taken up the mantle of manipulating players in Washington on behalf of the Jewish state.

Money talks and so the drama in Washington continues to play out. Trump manages to make himself look even worse with his last round of pardons and commutations on his ultimate day in office. No one who deserved clemency got it and a lot of well-connected rogues who were willing to fork over money in exchange for mercy benefited. Business as usual delivered by the so-called Leader of the Free World.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected]

Z-man , says: January 26, 2021 at 5:14 am GMT • 19.0 hours ago

But guess what, senile Joe is a loyal 'Zionist' and Kamalawala is married to a Jew.

Ghali , says: January 26, 2021 at 5:32 am GMT • 18.7 hours ago

While I whole heartily agree with Dr Giraldi, I strongly believe that Trump was a hostage of wealthy Jews and Zionists. It is most likely that he has committed misdemeanour while he was involved (friendship) with Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine who operated an elitist paedophilia criminal enterprise. The criminal enterprise was to advance the interests of Israel and Jews. It was used as a honey trap. Remember, Trump was under constant threat by wealthy Jews and by right-wing Zionists like Senators Mitch McConnell, Robert Menendez, etc. Trump was not a smart president. He committed heinous crimes on behalf of Israel and wealthy Jews.

RedpilledAF , says: January 26, 2021 at 5:54 am GMT • 18.3 hours ago

All Shabbos goys. Our nation is truly Zionist occupied territory. It has been for a long time, but under trump it became overt, and will continue to be under Biden.

Our whole reality, in a sense, has become a Talmudic dialectic. The rabbinate's mouthpiece, our media, disseminates the two sides of that demonic dialectic. The education system and academia train and mold Shabbos goys and Noahides. We work for them and they see us as beasts of burden.

Our citizenry likes the slavery they have been placed in. They are content.

LarryS , says: January 26, 2021 at 6:02 am GMT • 18.2 hours ago

So, the Populist is a shill for Israel and Qanon is probably a psy-op run from Tel Aviv. I wanted to believe there was hope for the USA. I really did. Now we have Biden "I am a Zionist" with an Israeli cabinet. Was there really election fraud? Will we ever know?
What's next?

Just another serf , says: January 26, 2021 at 6:26 am GMT • 17.8 hours ago

I pity those people, probably otherwise good folks, that were conned by this character. Was a blanket pardon for all Jews and BLACKS just not possible? I'm confident Alan Dershowitz could have worked through the complex legalities of such a "comprehensive" pardon.

Jim Christian , says: January 26, 2021 at 6:33 am GMT • 17.7 hours ago

I see the perverts Bob Kraft and Alan Dershowitz in the picture.

nsa , says: January 26, 2021 at 6:45 am GMT • 17.5 hours ago

What are a few yid pardons when, unbelievably, Americans routinely mutilate the sex organs of their male offspring at birth to demonstrate total fealty to the vile Cock Cutter Cult that rules them ..a practice so bizarre even an equatorial pygmy would laugh at the practitioners. Of course, the practitioners claim hygienic as well as spiritual benefits look ma, no dick cheese!

Tolstoy , says: January 26, 2021 at 6:46 am GMT • 17.4 hours ago

Trump is a crypto Jew. Well at least all his grandkids are ..real Jews. So is Hillary's grandkid. So corrupted on both side. What's new? Nothing. The only thing remarkable is that red necks still believe in Trump, hence the white race is doomed.

AriusArmenian , says: January 26, 2021 at 6:47 am GMT • 17.4 hours ago

Trump was too busy being co-president of Israel to give any thought to the American people.

Gleimhart Mantooso , says: January 26, 2021 at 7:43 am GMT • 16.5 hours ago

Is five rabbis vouching for you considered something of value? These are the same people who shouted "Give us Barabbas!"

Publius 2 , says: January 26, 2021 at 8:08 am GMT • 16.1 hours ago


Varna , says: January 26, 2021 at 8:11 am GMT • 16.0 hours ago

Agree with most of the article, but calling Jimmy Carter a recent president is more than just a bit of a stretch.

Carter exited office 40 years ago. The current median age in the US is about 38.4 (2019).
So in the lifetime of a very large portion of Americans there has not been a president that hasn't started a new war.

Sirius , says: January 26, 2021 at 8:20 am GMT • 15.9 hours ago

Frankly, I don't see why presidents should have the power to pardon. It has been abused so much that perhaps it's time to strip presidents of that power, or at least there should be an appeals process or some sort of oversight when that abuse becomes so egregious. Aside from all the financial criminals, he pardoned actual war criminals, men who murdered innocent civilians in Iraq. Pardons weren't meant for this.

Of course, leave it to Trump to take it to new levels of corruption as well as abuse. If John Kyriakou's allegation of Trump's directly selling pardons is true, that should be a first.

Ilya G Poimandres , says: January 26, 2021 at 8:23 am GMT • 15.8 hours ago

Carter kickstarted funding the Taliban 6 months before the Russians intervened.

I'm nor surprised by Trump's graft, but the whole system of making laws in Congress includes bribery so nothing new here to see.

Aside from being a bad manager, he is no strategist it seems. Not pardoning Assange means the GOP are going to vote not to impeach you? How gullible is he? He is getting impeached whatever he does, he could jump on a literal sword and they'd still impeach him because they are so offended by the prols.

Ron G , says: January 26, 2021 at 8:25 am GMT • 15.8 hours ago

Trump lost his job because he didn't do what he was elected for . attack Iran.

Brewer , says: January 26, 2021 at 8:30 am GMT • 15.7 hours ago

The sight of Dersh rubbing his hands in the pic is nearly enough to induce this commenter to say good riddance despite the obviously stolen election and the incoming disaster. I got the Apolitical Blues.

antitermite , says: January 26, 2021 at 8:38 am GMT • 15.6 hours ago

It would not have mattered whether Donald Trump had pardoned any whistleblowers.

As we can see, the Harris administration is dismantling as much of his legacy as they can, as fast as they can.
The parts that offend, that is.

It only matters if the CIA pardon Snowden or Assange, else they will forever be looking over their shoulders, wondering when something will be slipped into their tea, or over their doorknob..

mark green , says: January 26, 2021 at 8:46 am GMT • 15.4 hours ago
@Z-man ing back.
Therefore: stop bad-speak. Stop unauthorized thinking. For the love of God: eradicate anti-Semitism!

Has Israeli dominance of Zio-Washington and US 'news' ever been greater? Nah. And it may even be growing. OK, Trump blew the whistle on 'fake news'. But that teaser was pretty much far as it went.

For all his boldness, Trump realized that–when it came to Israel and the deep state– he met is match. Time to retreat.

Meanwhile, Israel and Zionist America have basically merged. In the dark of night, no less.

(Can you guess who the senior partner is?)

Humbert Humbert , says: January 26, 2021 at 8:52 am GMT • 15.3 hours ago

This article is a full on demolition of the idea that Trumpstein is any sort of patriot. I can not imagine any patriotic figure in all of human history doing a tenth of what this shabas goy has done for another country – and one so universally despised as Israel – and not only getting away with it, but still being praised in certain circles for standing up for his "motherland". Bonkers.

Greta Handel , says: January 26, 2021 at 8:59 am GMT • 15.2 hours ago

Go back to the preposterously optimistic article and comments under "A Pardoning Time of Year," December 29, 2020.

Will his supporters who thought that Mr. Trump would do right, even if only on his way out the door, now admit that they were duped?

A few, maybe. But there will still be plenty like them for the next Most Important Election Ever, their dissent channeled into naive, participatory assent to more Red+Blue governance from Washington.

Smith , says: January 26, 2021 at 9:25 am GMT • 14.8 hours ago

The fact (american) right wingers haven't dropped Trump like a sack of rock foretells more LOSING in the future.

HeebHunter , says: January 26, 2021 at 9:30 am GMT • 14.7 hours ago

Amerimutts are either kikes or kike slaves. There is no other places on earth (except semitic hell, of course), where "huwhites" cut children's foreskin against their will, as good "Christians".

Disgusting nation of heretics, quadroons, subhumans, kike lovers and yids.

1945 payback.

Supply and Demand , says: January 26, 2021 at 10:31 am GMT • 13.7 hours ago

Every boomer is Jewish or aspirationally Jewish. No avoiding it with old crones.

Defcon , says: January 26, 2021 at 10:46 am GMT • 13.4 hours ago

No surprise here, coming from "the best president Israel ever had". Expect more of the same from the new administration of Israeli stooges. I was hopeful the orange bastard would pardon Snowden and Assange, oh well.

Anonymous [661] Disclaimer , says: January 26, 2021 at 10:57 am GMT • 13.3 hours ago

Israel: America's–and the world's–#1 liability for the last 70 years.

Greg Bacon , says: Website January 26, 2021 at 11:06 am GMT • 13.1 hours ago

Pedo Joe is wasting no time showing Jews & Israel he can pander and grovel to Israel and Jew Inc better than Zion Don.

Look at 10 of his high-level Cabinet appointments..ALL Jews. If they had been all Muslims or all Chinese, it would've hit the fan and by now, most would have dropped out from that spot.
But since their Jews, well look the other way you Silly Goyim.

I thought Diversity was our strength?

All 10 of Biden's High Profile Appointees Are Jews

Anthony Blinken, Secretary of State

David Cohen, CIA Deputy Director

Merrick Garland, Attorney General

Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence

Ronald Klain, Chief of Staff

Eric Lander, Office of Science and Technology Policy director

Rachel Levine, deputy health secretary

Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security

Anne Neuberger, National Security Agency cybersecurity director

Wendy Sherman, deputy secretary of state

Janet Yellen, Treasury secretary

Next up, a 9/11 false flag that hits an American city or US base that the MSM will blame on Iran that had Syrian helpers.

Or maybe us white guys will get the blame when some fertilizer blows up a Midwest city?

Timur The Lame , says: January 26, 2021 at 11:12 am GMT • 13.0 hours ago

Idiocracy, the director's cut. Trump grabs himself by the pussy in a surprise ending!

Remember, the Phoenix cannot rise from the fire, it has to rise from the ashes. Only then can the real MAGA begin. See if its true that Bismarck (allegedly) stated that " there is a special providence for drunkards, fools and the United States of America".


Hughes , says: January 26, 2021 at 11:16 am GMT • 12.9 hours ago

Lol and here i read on some other board that Trump would've given the capitol trespassers pardons. I guess not. Wishful thinking on the cult.

Frank frank , says: January 26, 2021 at 11:18 am GMT • 12.9 hours ago

It's pretty fascinating for anyone who knows what's happening to see Jews utterly destroy and evacuate yet another great civilization by using the same corrupting forces and patterns used in their clearly deliberate rotting out of Rome, the destruction of the Holy Roman Empire, then Russia, and now the USA. It's like Jews are a kind of human parasitoid that will always kill its host as part of its lifecycle after it has drained all energy and resources from within.

Remember that movie Alien, there the larva like offspring attaches to inject its seed into humans and then clearly affects the human's nervous system to make them kind of forget that ever happened as they carry the parasitoid in them that develops and feeds on their body until the day it bursts from their chest in the form of the beast we know as the alien.

As stated about our in the movie, something along the lines of "pure survival instinct burned by the limitations of delusions of morality"; pretty much describes how Jews operate and act, and how they keep infecting and then destroying the very societies and civilizations they feed on until they burst from their victims' chest.

I wish China all the luck it needs to see this threat from this parasitoid and freed themselves of it before it infiltrates and infests and feeds on their society out too. By all indications it is already too late for them too and they just don't realize it yet. The recent video of the Chinese academic bragging about the control of American officials would indicate as much, judging by the section of the video that was totally ignored, about the Jewish woman executive of an American bank who is thick as thieves with the Chinese communist party who manipulated things for the Chinese in America.

Sean , says: January 26, 2021 at 11:26 am GMT • 12.8 hours ago

Jimmy Carter, for all his faults, managed to avoid entering into any new armed conflict

What about Iran. Carter must take responsibility for the mishandling of Iran by letting the Shah into the US, and failing to withdraw the embassy when it became obvious Iranian internal politics meant US diplomats were becoming targets.

He attacked Syria on two occasions based on fabricated intelligence.

Russian forces fought a whole war in Syria on a correct appreciation of what could be gained for Russia.

Trump, to be sure, was aided in his disloyalty to his own country by

America has to come to the aid of its allies, right or wrong, otherwise it will have no allies.

[J]ournalist Julian Assange

Assange didn't describe himself as simply such until after his legal troubles started. 5 APRIL 2011
Assange: "WikiLeaks is the intelligence agency of the people"
The site chief discusses radical journalism and WikiLeaks's main threat in an exclusive

As for Snowden he wasn't drafted but rather was sought the job. He knew it was was not in a boy scout group, and the secrets he was swearing an oath to keep were not going to be about thoroughly wholesome activities such as training guide dogs for the blind. No more than someone who becomes a made member of the mafia could Snowden be shocked at what the organization he was associated with was doing.

Business as usual delivered by the so-called Leader of the Free World.

He never claimed to be a global Santa for those who brought nothing to the table.

G J T , says: January 26, 2021 at 11:26 am GMT • 12.8 hours ago

Trump is pathetic. Anyone still making excuses for him is a battered wife and a sycophant. I hope they continue to humiliate him now that he's out of office, because it's exactly what he deserves.

Trump, just like his Republican counterparts, are more despicable than shitlibs and the radical left, because they lie and stab you in the back every single time. At least the shitlibs and radical leftists don't pretend they don't absolutely hate us.

Go to hell, Trumpenstein.

Herald , says: January 26, 2021 at 11:27 am GMT • 12.8 hours ago

The article has nothing to do with the corrupt Joe Biden. It's all about the corrupt Trump and the selling of favours to his corrupt Zionist chums.

roonaldo , says: January 26, 2021 at 11:30 am GMT • 12.7 hours ago

If bribe money was paid, how was it spread around, and what besides money can be extracted in return? A "no" vote on inpeachment? Pardons to Mossad/Israeli connected cases in return for their pressure on certain politicians on whom they have compromising photos, etc?

A pardon for Assange and Kiriakou takes the pressure off Biden to do so, and these are Obama political persecutions. And Winner was arrested in what, June 2017, by the FBI for leaking classified info feeding the feeble Russian election interference narrative? She posted numerous anti-Trump diatribes.

Sure, they and Snowden deserve pardons, but now the Dems will face dissension, criticism, and sniping within their own ranks on these matters.

Smith , says: January 26, 2021 at 12:00 pm GMT • 12.2 hours ago

Trump might as well be more corrupted than Joe Biden at this point.

I'm convinced the American deep state removes him because he's actually an Israeli agent which would make the Zionist scene in USA look bad, like holy hell, is there any zionist jew he doesn't suck off? That's disgusting.

moi , says: January 26, 2021 at 12:00 pm GMT • 12.2 hours ago

The hierarchy that controls our government and moral/social values, in order, goes as follows:


Trump, loved with under-educated and redneck whites, was an all-out Shabbos goy, not to mention he was greedy, egotistical/egoistical and a self-serving liar.

moi , says: January 26, 2021 at 12:02 pm GMT • 12.2 hours ago

Trump, in his younger days, was a coached by and was a protege of Roy Cohn. Look into who Roy Cohn was.

mcohen , says: January 26, 2021 at 12:03 pm GMT • 12.2 hours ago

Donald trump is a mensch.He did what was needed to be done and he played a full round of golf while doing it.

zard , says: January 26, 2021 at 12:27 pm GMT • 11.8 hours ago

In many ways Trump has been like a Terminator sent by the Jewish Establishment to completely derail, discredit and destroy the Patriot movement in America. Now any American Patriot who is against the U.S. Establishment and says CNN is fake news is automatically associated with Trump and deemed an enemy of America. Can you say Mission Accomplished? The Jewish Snake must be patting itself on the back for its brilliant move to hurt the greatest threat to it in a long time.

Unfortunately there are many people who still believe that Trump was a great President sent by God to save America. It makes me sad to see so many people so clueless. I wish that all those still supporting Trump will wake up and recognize as so many others have that the man is nothing but a Snake who knows how to speak your language while totally betraying your cause. How can you support a two faced man like this who has hurt your cause more than anyone else possibly could?

EDIT TO ADD: Trump left office in disgrace just as was intended but the real disgrace is not on Trump but on the American Patriot movement. Now the American Patriot movement is in a far worse position than it was in 2016 before it accepted Trump as its leader. We were greatly deceived but in 2020 there is no excuse for anyone to still be deceived about Trump. He completely betrayed our cause and it was all by design. His entire purpose for becoming POTUS was, outside of giving Jerusalem and the Golan Heights to Israel (his true loyalty), to turn our cause into something that the American public would perceive as ugly and to be shunned when in reality our cause is very noble. We were played by Trump and his Jewish backers but that is now in the past. Let us stop talking about this man once and for all. He is nothing but a distraction away from what it is important to us. I consider anyone still supporting Trump at this point or in the future to be an enemy.

Ugetit , says: January 26, 2021 at 12:28 pm GMT • 11.7 hours ago

Providing mucho fertilizer for excellent articles like this which expose the hideous and disgusting perfidy of the Zionist sewer and its catamites is only worth of the Chrumpster and his time as Netanyahu's orifice.

Anon [295] Disclaimer , says: January 26, 2021 at 12:28 pm GMT • 11.7 hours ago

Blaming single acts and single people serves the purpose to remain in denial of the general situation, I guess?

Ugetit , says: January 26, 2021 at 12:30 pm GMT • 11.7 hours ago

Donald trump is a mensch.He did what was needed to be done and he played a full round of golf while doing it.

And I thought he was playing 4-D chess the whole time. Silly me!

Greg Bacon , says: Website January 26, 2021 at 12:39 pm GMT • 11.6 hours ago
@Ron G , just get me into the WH.
Which will happen, we'll have a power-mad prez that has never won any primaries doing Israel's blood work.


A line about Harris traveling to Israel and the West Bank in November 2017, where she met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was removed altogether.

Defcon , says: January 26, 2021 at 12:48 pm GMT • 11.4 hours ago
@Supply and Demand

My comment a few days ago on transgenerational hate got a lot of negative feed back. You are correct though, boomers and church goers worship the yids, despite what Jesus said about them and later Martin Luther.

Father O'Hara , says: January 26, 2021 at 1:06 pm GMT • 11.1 hours ago

What Roy Cohn was? You mean,the Jew? The "fixer"? The tax cheat? The fag?

Old and Grumpy , says: January 26, 2021 at 1:09 pm GMT • 11.1 hours ago
@Supply and Demand

Obviously you have never met all boomers.

Hans , says: January 26, 2021 at 1:12 pm GMT • 11.0 hours ago

Please read the following carefully line by line:

"I've never seen a President -- I don't care who he is -- stand up to them. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the point where I wasn't writing anything down. If the American people understood what a grip these people have on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens certainly don't have any idea what goes on." – Admiral Thomas Moorer, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, interview, 24 Aug. 1983

Now that "Zion Don" appears to be out of the way, we can get back to encouraging illegals, giving them their rights, setting our sights on the another Hitler in Syria, globalizing what's left of the industrial base, getting trannies more judgeships, queering history, and on and on cuz all dem ideas are homegrown and strictly non-kosher.

Old and Grumpy , says: January 26, 2021 at 1:25 pm GMT • 10.8 hours ago

I thought the pardons were great. Who knew there were so many criminal Jews who have been actually convicted? Its almost like the Jewish stereotypes are really true. Does that mean no one can be anti Semitic? Also the way black rappers get killed off, supply and demand dictates jailed ones need to be free. Very Reaganesque.

Sarcasm aside I think Jews tended to hate Trump because in sucking up to them, The Donald wound up revealing many ugly truths. Outside of Trump's energy and environmental policies, its a good riddance from me. Unfortunately the looming costs related to energy and taxes, I'll eventually and unfortunately will wind up missing the weak and Ivanka sniffing SOB.

Anon [374] Disclaimer , says: January 26, 2021 at 1:30 pm GMT • 10.7 hours ago


Run for president in 2024. Ya' got one vote here. You can use the catchphrase, "Make America Independent Again". Red, White, and Blue hats, etc. Your campaign rally speeches would be epically entertaining in the gnashing of establishment journo's teeth as they described them.

Katrinka , says: January 26, 2021 at 1:41 pm GMT • 10.5 hours ago

White people have survived much worse. Stop being hyperbolic.

Hillaire , says: January 26, 2021 at 1:48 pm GMT • 10.4 hours ago

Drumpf the rancid orange golem played you all to the very last coda, pissing in your eyes as he pardoned a most rancorous group of bent buddies and chosen criminal diversities . maga men hung to dry, swinging in the wind.

Half of america shafted and stockholm syndromed, as the fake fat narcissist waltzes of to play golf and hide the ginger squirrel with the reanimated frank-epstein and his transhumanised teenage sorority clones in tel-aviv.

by the way see where this link leads: .
hint: the whitehouse.

SolontoCroesus , says: January 26, 2021 at 1:52 pm GMT • 10.3 hours ago

Wasn't it Carter who gave Golda Meier the first holocaust museum, Jewish Trojan horse at the front door of the capital of the USA.

Hillaire , says: January 26, 2021 at 2:11 pm GMT • 10.0 hours ago

Well, if history is a yardstick, probably starvation and slaughter.

I would plan accordingly.

Che Guava , says: January 26, 2021 at 2:37 pm GMT • 9.6 hours ago

Assange has neither been charged nor convicted, AFAIK, the only precedent is Ford-Nixon.

Bradly Manning was a soldier in uniform at the time, so had no right to do what he did.

Anybody who has been in uniform would know this.

Still, probably deserved a re-pardon.

As an outside observer, the single observer most deserving of a pardon, for many years, Leonard Peltier, as always ignored.

Che Guava , says: January 26, 2021 at 2:48 pm GMT • 9.4 hours ago
@Che Guava

In the second instance of 'observer', it was meant to say 'person'.

Che Guava , says: January 26, 2021 at 2:57 pm GMT • 9.3 hours ago

I follow interesting facts from the U.S.A., the fraud was such a bad joke on so many facts and statistical measures.

People in many places have noticed.

I will remember, but the U.S. empire is sure to make a BIG effort to make most forget.

JoaoAlfaiate , says: January 26, 2021 at 3:01 pm GMT • 9.2 hours ago
@LarryS nd its American friends get what they want, no matter what.

Trump was terrible and I'm glad to see him gone. Problem is Biden & Co. will probably be worse, letting in countless third worlders and pandering to BLM, trannies and countless other perverts and sexual curiosities.

Neither party represents the interests of the American people. Did we really want 14 million illegals here and $6 trillion spent on failed adventures in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, etc.?

I harken back to H L Mencken who said both parties spend their time proving the other is unfit to govern and are both right.

Realist , says: January 26, 2021 at 3:10 pm GMT • 9.0 hours ago
@mark green

Why is there is no pushback?

The vast majority of Americans are stupid.

antitermite , says: January 26, 2021 at 3:11 pm GMT • 9.0 hours ago

The pardoning of the Blackwater scum has fascinating implications for any country with a Status of Forces Agreement /Visiting Forces Agreement, which is what, 80% of the world?

A host country might want to revisit these terms if it means that their women & children could be raped, killed, mutilated whilst the perpetrators walk free.

Rev. Spooner , says: January 26, 2021 at 3:16 pm GMT • 8.9 hours ago
@Greg Bacon

This is beyond belief. Are Americans blind? Is there something in the water they drink?
A whole population bent over with their posteriors pointed at the sky, willingly accepting the abuse by the zionists.
Love them or hate them, these jews dream big. Bravo

BAMA , says: January 26, 2021 at 3:17 pm GMT • 8.9 hours ago

Another on target Giraldi article. The ultimate blame for our being occupied and used without a shot being fired is with American gullibility and blindness. How does a global power, in almost every way, become the lap dog, errand boy, bully and financier for such an ungrateful, blood sucking little country? We have created a Frankenstein Monster for the world.

Sean , says: January 26, 2021 at 3:29 pm GMT • 8.7 hours ago
@SolontoCroesus ight Palestinians were there even if there was strong Israel Lobby domestic pressure. But in 1979 Carter–distracted by the fall of the Shah–merely brokered a Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty deal that eliminated Egypt from the conflict, and the lack of the deterrent they represented meant meant hat Israel was free to do what it liked in the West Bank and attack Lebanon. The Palestinians will never get another US president like Carter. Israel does not want an agreement, the current situation suits them very well. So Iran is not deterring Israel from doing anything it wants to do. Moreover, Israel likes having a pseudo threat like Iran.
Realist , says: January 26, 2021 at 3:31 pm GMT • 8.7 hours ago
@Greta Handel

Will his supporters who thought that Mr. Trump would do right, even if only on his way out the door, now admit that they were duped?

Not a chance stupidity reigns supreme.

While a pardon of Assange and Snowden would have been the moral thing to do America is still on the shit slide almost at the bottom.

Realist , says: January 26, 2021 at 3:32 pm GMT • 8.7 hours ago
@Greta Handel

Will his supporters who thought that Mr. Trump would do right, even if only on his way out the door, now admit that they were duped?

Not a chance stupidity reigns supreme.

While a pardon of Assange and Snowden would have been the moral thing to do America is still on the shit slide almost at the bottom.

Marckus , says: January 26, 2021 at 3:32 pm GMT • 8.7 hours ago

Well I have to say this comes as a surprise. To think that American politicians take bribes, favour one particular group etc etc is news to me. However, Trump catering to the foreskin modifiers and the dick cheese eliminators is the good news.

The bad news is the new team is already in bed not only with the foreskin challenged sticks, but with the chopsticks and every other stick with a dollar bill wrapped around the head. When the 25th collides with Joe's worn out pecker and Kamala takes over that will be the sign that circumcised or not we are all fucked.

As some readers commented on UR, honesty is the best policy, turn the other cheek and love conquers hate. All good advice I am sure but redundant and inapplicable in the world we live in.

The ruled live by these rules but the rulers live by their own !

[Jan 24, 2021] Towards US -Hyper-interventionism- in the Middle East- Biden's Secretary of State Nominee Anthony Blinken by Daniel McAdams

Notable quotes:
"... Not surprisingly, Blinken is a favorite of the AIPAC-bankrolled Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, which, as Phil Giraldi reported , Tweeted that Blinken would be part of a " superb national security team. The country will be very fortunate to have them in public service." ..."
"... We have Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) to thank for at least bringing up the fact that Blinken has blundered from foreign policy disaster to foreign policy disaster – which only gets you promoted in Washington DC. In Blinken's confirmation hearing, Paul reminded Blinken of his addiction to intervention in the Middle East and how that has worked out for everyone. ..."
"... Yes, Senator Paul is right. "Regime change" doesn't work. It kills or destroys the lives of the most vulnerable. The poor and the innocent. The US enemies may occasionally find themselves on the wrong end of a noose or a knife rape , but it is the civilians who always suffer when they are "liberated" by Washington. ..."
"... Buckle up, as incoming Senate Majority Leader Schumer advised, there's a whole lot of interventionism in the queue. There's a whole lot of death and destruction to be unleashed by Biden, Blinken, and their gang of " humanitarians ." ..."
Jan 23, 2021 |

By Daniel McAdams Global Research, January 23, 2021 Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity 21 January 2021

While the saccharine continues to ooze from the mainstream media for the incoming Biden Administration, the real iron fist of what will be the Biden foreign policy is starting to materialize. As if on cue, major bombings in Baghdad – by ISIS remember them? – have opened the door for the Biden Administration to not only cancel President Trump's troop drawdown from Iraq but to actually begin sending troops back into Iraq.

Is this to be Iraq War 4.0? 3.7? 5.0? Anybody's guess.

If Biden uses this sudden – and convenient – unrest in Iraq as a trigger to return US troops (and bombs), it should not surprise anyone. As Professor Barbara Ransby points out in this video , Biden did much more to make the disastrous 2003 attack on Iraq happen than just vote "yes" on the authorization to use force. As Professor Ransby reminds us, Biden used the full power of his position as chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to ensure the Senate approved George W. Bush's lie-based war on Iraq. Biden prevented any experts who challenged the "Saddam has WMDs and he's about to use them" narrative from being heard by Members of Congress, guaranteeing that only the pro-war narrative was heard.

As much as Bush or Cheney, Biden owns the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, which killed a million Iraqi civilians. And he may well be taking us back.

One figure in the Biden Administration who will play a pivotal role in returning the US to its hyper-interventionism in the Middle East is Secretary of State nominee Anthony Blinken . As a Biden Senate staffer in 2003, he helped the then-Foreign Relations Committee Chairman put together a pro-war coalition in the Democratic Party to support President Bush's Republican push for invasion.

Later on Blinken was Obama's Deputy National Security Advisor, where he successfully made the case that destroying both Libya and Syria were fantastic ideas. Both countries drowned in the Obama Administration's "liberation" bloodbath and neither country has recovered from the "democracy" brought by Washington, but being a neocon foreign policy ideologue means never having to say you're sorry.

And Blinken isn't.

Not surprisingly, Blinken is a favorite of the AIPAC-bankrolled Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, which, as Phil Giraldi reported , Tweeted that Blinken would be part of a " superb national security team. The country will be very fortunate to have them in public service."

We have Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) to thank for at least bringing up the fact that Blinken has blundered from foreign policy disaster to foreign policy disaster – which only gets you promoted in Washington DC. In Blinken's confirmation hearing, Paul reminded Blinken of his addiction to intervention in the Middle East and how that has worked out for everyone.

Paul reminded the Secretary of State nominee that his only criticism of the Syria "regime change" plan was that the US did not successfully overthrow Assad. But the US was using jihadist proxies to overthrow the secular Assad , so what does this say about Blinken's judgement?

"The lesson of these wars," said Paul , is that 'regime change' doesn't work!"

Paul added:

Even after Libya you guys went on to Syria wanting to do the same thing again it's a disaster.

You got rid of one 'bad guy' and another 'bad guy' got stronger.

Yes, Senator Paul is right. "Regime change" doesn't work. It kills or destroys the lives of the most vulnerable. The poor and the innocent. The US enemies may occasionally find themselves on the wrong end of a noose or a knife rape , but it is the civilians who always suffer when they are "liberated" by Washington.

Buckle up, as incoming Senate Majority Leader Schumer advised, there's a whole lot of interventionism in the queue. There's a whole lot of death and destruction to be unleashed by Biden, Blinken, and their gang of " humanitarians ."


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[Jan 24, 2021] Rand Paul Slams Stephanopoulos In Sunday Spat Over Election Integrity

Notable quotes:
"... "The debate over whether or not there was fraud should occur. We never had any presentation in court where we ever looked at the evidence..." ..."
"... '75% of Republicans want to look at election integrity,' Paul responds. Stephanopoulos responds by saying that those 75% agree with him because they were "fed a big lie" from the President. ..."
"... Paul pushed back, telling Stephanopoulos: "You immediately say everything's a lie instead of saying there's two sides to everything. Historically what would happen is if I said I thought there was fraud, you'd interview someone else who said there wasn't. But now you insert yourself in the middle and say that the absolute fact is that everything I'm saying is a lie." ..."
"... You gotta ask the question of Rand here though, even as a lone voice of reason that Rand Paul is he and the Trump supporting Senators failed the Republic. They needed to push forward and introduce the Election Fraud evidence after the Jan. 6 planned interruption of the evidence hearing. Why didn't the Election fraud evidence get its day in front of Congress? The Fraud needed to be part of the historical record, and it was not. ..."
"... South Philly judge of elections admits he took bribes to stuff the ballot box for Democratic candidates ..."
"... The problem is that there are only a few decent human beings in the Republic leadership who are not entirely in the pocket of the RNC, which is entirely in the pocket of the globalists. ..."
"... The MSM has given up the pretense of being journalists. They are full-fledged propagandist attack dogs and proud of it. ..."
Jan 24, 2021 |

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) took to ABC on Sunday morning with George Stephanopoulos to discuss election integrity of the 2020 election, in a discussion which immediately devolved into an inquisition during which Paul was repeatedly pressed to disavow clams that the election was stolen.

Paul not only pushed back -- he put Stephanopoulos in his place, accusing the host of 'inserting yourself in the middle' and 'forgetting who you are as a journalist.'

Stephanopoulos began by asking Paul to admit the "election was not stolen" -- to which Paul responded by saying "The debate over whether or not there was fraud should occur. We never had any presentation in court where we ever looked at the evidence..."

Paul continued: "There were several states in which the law was changed by the Secretary of State and not the state legislature. To me those are clearly unconstitutional and I think there's still a chance those do finally work their way up to the Supreme Court."

"No election is perfect," Stephanopoulos shot back , telling Paul there were "86 challenges filed by President Trump, all were dismissed". As Paul tries to argue that many cases were dismissed for lack of standing and not due to examination of evidence, Stephanopoulos responds: " Can't you just say the words 'this election wasn't stolen'? "

'75% of Republicans want to look at election integrity,' Paul responds. Stephanopoulos responds by saying that those 75% agree with him because they were "fed a big lie" from the President.

Paul pushed back, telling Stephanopoulos: "You immediately say everything's a lie instead of saying there's two sides to everything. Historically what would happen is if I said I thought there was fraud, you'd interview someone else who said there wasn't. But now you insert yourself in the middle and say that the absolute fact is that everything I'm saying is a lie."

"You're saying there's no fraud and it's all been investigated and that's just not true," Paul continues, with Stephanopoulos arguing at the same time. Paul then goes into specifics, detailing irregularities in states in like Wisconsin. "I plan on spending the next two years going around, state to state, fixing these problems," Paul continues. "Let's have an open debate. It's a free country!"

"There has been no thorough examination of all states to see what problems we had and see if we could fix them," Paul says, responding to Stephanopoulos' claims that Bill Barr pronounced there was "no widespread election fraud".

"There's two sides to every story," Paul says. "Interview someone on the other side, but don't insert yourself into the story to say we're all liars."

"You're forgetting who you are as a journalist if you think there's only one side," Paul says. "A journalist would hear both sides and there are two sides to this story."

You can watch the entire 6 minute exchange here:

Election integrity aside, Paul has been a vocal critic of the Biden administration in recent days . On Saturday, we noted Paul's interview with Fox host Sean Hannity, where he pummeled the Biden administration's decision to push for a $15 minimum wage increase that could put 4 million people out of work - leading the Kentucky Republican to exclaim:

"'Why does Joe Biden hate Black teenagers?' ... Why does Joe Biden want to destroy all of these jobs?"

Paul comments come amid ramblings from various leftist economists who insist that there's no impact on employment from such a drastic minimum wage hike...

...common sense (and historical experience) for anyone who has ever run an actual business is that raising costs on the lowest-skilled workers in your organization will ripple all the way up, forcing either higher prices to the end-user (eradicating the 'living wage' improvement) and or forcing layoffs as management hold margins and reduce costs (the least-skilled first).

Historically speaking, the black unemployment rate is twice that of whites , while minimum wage increases - as we've shown repeatedly over the last week - correlate with spikes in job losses just about every single time.

That's not an "alternative" fact, that's the awkward reality of 'unintended consequences' from nanny-state intervention write large for the last 70 years.

Paul also blasted Biden for canceling the Keystone XL oil pipeline:

"It's kind of a strange beginning to an administration," Paul said. "You're going to put your best foot forward and the first thing you say is, 'This is how I'm going to kill jobs' ... 'I'm going to kill thousands of jobs of the Keystone pipeline with ending it.'"

You can watch that full interview here:

various2 1 hour ago

Nobody disputes billionaires conspiracy election fraud to destroy political nationalism...

sgt_doom 16 minutes ago (Edited)

ELECTION INTEGRITY: The Great American Myth

Background: Fractional Magic (Bev Harris and Bennie Smith explain GEMS software, still used in Dominion Voting Systems)


Data scientists explain what went down in Georgia and Pennsylvania


The media view: watching ballot numbers flip on TV


State--level criticism:

Explanation : There are multiple ways to commit election fraud using Dominion systems but the most efficient manner is the full spectrum two-step process.

First at the adjudication step -- effectively covered in the data scientists' presentation on Georgia video -- massive ballot flipping and with the previous ballot images deleted, no trail remains.

Secondly at the tabulator stage (GEMS software, covered in detail in the Fractional Magic video) ----- so ballots which were not adjudicated, and in some counties 90% went to the adjudication process, proceeded to the tabulation step where they could be fractionalized.

Boing_Snap 20 minutes ago

You gotta ask the question of Rand here though, even as a lone voice of reason that Rand Paul is he and the Trump supporting Senators failed the Republic. They needed to push forward and introduce the Election Fraud evidence after the Jan. 6 planned interruption of the evidence hearing. Why didn't the Election fraud evidence get its day in front of Congress? The Fraud needed to be part of the historical record, and it was not.

nmewn 2 hours ago (Edited)

George Stephanopoulos: "There was not enough fraud to..."

Oh. So thats how the Leftardian brain works! Thank you Georgie boi. You now admit to voter fraud whereby legitimate votes were cancelled out by the fraud but it is your opinion that there was not enough fraud for it to matter. Never again do I want to hear this little runt of the litter yapping "Every vote matters!"

Feck Weed 2 hours ago

That's the fallback, the "widespread" qualifier.

Cheapie 1 hour ago

Yes, "Mostly honest election."

dark_matter 15 minutes ago

Just like mostly peaceful protestors as the buildings burn.

Zero-Hegemon 2 hours ago

Yes, "just enough" fraud to cover for Traitor Joe, but NOT ENOUGH to warrant a look into the allegations. You got his number.

Samual Vimes 2 hours ago

South Philly judge of elections admits he took bribes to stuff the ballot box for Democratic candidates

Huxley's Ghost 1 hour ago

Public schools have zero tolerance for 'bullying' (that definition has been broadened to irrelevance) or acting out for grade schools kids who barely have the ability to control themselves... but SOME election fraud is ok. Shining examples of values-driven integrity.

FluTangClan 2 hours ago

Stephanopoulos is Bill Clinton's lapdog. He's not a journalist. He's a democratic party operative and always has been. He's a warmonger dwarf. He was there for banging interns with cigars. He was there for Vince Foster...

Samual Vimes 2 hours ago

Samual Vimes 1 hour ago

Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots

Samual Vimes 1 hour ago

A Running Compendium Of Fraud Charges In Election 2020

LetThemEatRand 2 hours ago

I would say Rand Paul is one of the few Republicans who is not corrupted. He's not perfect either, but he seems to be one of a handful who tries to do something he promised to his voters. As you point out, the problem isn't that there are a few RINOs. The problem is that there are only a few decent human beings in the Republic leadership who are not entirely in the pocket of the RNC, which is entirely in the pocket of the globalists.

Jim in MN 2 hours ago

Wards 1 and 2, all districts, 'normal' results with Trump around 5-15% (he officially won 12% of the black vote and 18% of the black male vote nationwide).

Ward 3 district 1.....and the next few hundred districts in Wards 3, 4, 5, etc.....98%+ D.

Stolen votes. Mostly black men's votes.

Then do Detroit. Same thing, a 'buffer page' or two of normal looking results and then bam 98+% D.

Simple corruption, simple cheating.

NOW we can talk about the chain of custody of the mail-in 'thingies' and the security of the electronic systems.....but only if you can admit the bald truth in the DNC machine cities.

Jim in MN 2 hours ago

Do it or STFU.

ebworthen 2 hours ago

The MSM has given up the pretense of being journalists. They are full-fledged propagandist attack dogs and proud of it.

Handful of Dust 2 hours ago (Edited)

One problem Georgie and his Demorat pals have, is the 100 million people who listened to the State Legislative hearings with Rudy where hundreds of witnesses came forward with credible evidence of fraud. Then there are the video segments of evidence of fraud. Then you have a dozen of the world's top forensic data people coming from all over including forensic teams from Wall Street who testified "there is zero probability Biden could have gotten those numbers."

Inconvenient facts that provide overwhelming proof of fraud. That's why Dems are still in a tizzy and have 50,000 soldiers and police protecting His Majesty Biden...but this is not going away from what Rand Paul says.

"Da peeples love me so much I need 15 platoons of soldiers for protection," Pol Pot yelled to the rabble below his bullet-proof, bomb-proof balcony.

Rattling Bones 2 hours ago

How come Stephanopoulos can't say the words 'there was no Russian collusion'?

Demologos 2 hours ago

He enjoys his nice fat paycheck for looking the other way.

That Old Magic 2 hours ago

It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it ." ― Upton Sinclair

philmannwright 2 hours ago

George is not a journalist puhlease everyone knows that. He is the el chapito of the dem media

FluTangClan 2 hours ago

Thank you. He was on Bill Clinton's staff. He was a happy part of bombing Iraqi babies, bombing Yugoslavia, bombing phkn Sudan based on internet searches. He has zero credibility. His credibility is buried with Vince Foster.

adr 2 hours ago (Edited)

They can never allow the evidence to be presented because it is overwhelming proof of fraud. If there was no fraud, then there would be no harm in having evidence presented in court. The absolute proof of fraud is the number of adjudicated ballots. Were 68% of people in Georgia really incompetent enough to not know how to fill out a ballot.

The other irrefutable fact is that the state of PA did not follow an order from the US supreme court to separate ballots received after election day. Also in Philadelphia election officials destroyed the envelopes so they could not be matched with ballots.

Even if Biden really did win those two states, which he didn't, the actions of the election supervisors invalidated the election. The only recourse was to have a new election in disputed states.

headless blogger 1 hour ago (Edited)

Plus, Paul is not the best person to make the case for the American people on election integrity, as he isn't even an attorney. He can't debate the issue properly which allows the Psy-ops operators like Steph to out maneuver him.

People need FACTS, which so far the election integrity researchers are not providing in a logical and chronological format. The PSY OPS operation that pulled off the Coup, are smooth operators and are now able to clean up any loose ends with their media.

What needs to happen is an independent investigation that can present the findings in a way that people understand. As it is, they keep screaming election fraud, but aren't providing details in an orderly manner so nobody can really get a grip on what happened.....

....which is the hallmark of a psy-ops operation; they don't want you to be able to process what happened logically and chronologically.

yerfej 43 minutes ago

No, they have implemented a very good long term strategy to take over the positions of power. Academia is a good example where they own it and now have the ability to pollute minds rather than get students to look at all sides of the equation. That doesn't do anyone outside of the elites any good. Reality is its not a left vs. right thing, its the common people vs. the elites.

rkb100100 2 hours ago

"No election is perfect" - that'll be carved on the countries tombstone.

Lost in translation 1 hour ago

Blows my mind that people forget so quickly how he turned - or just overlook it - and continue in the foolish belief "Rand is one of the good guys!"

People reveal themselves in a crisis. Rand certainly did...

TruthAbsolute 1 hour ago

of course there was election fraud...and the democrats have set up a system that protects them well. All the way up to the judicial system and if not their judge then families are threaten. There is is no integrity in politics, these people are not honest or very, very few of them! They are not working for the people but ultimately for themselves and their life treasure chess! USA has become very Evil minded!

Jam 1 hour ago remove link

Nice to see Paul not backing down, someone in politics still has a backbone and can tell it like it is besides Trump.

[Jan 24, 2021] Roosevelt knew a Japanese fleet was enroute to attack Pearl Harbor, but withheld this intel from commanders in Hawaii; similarly weakining of police defence lines was a deliberate action by Dems operatives and their Republican collaborators

Jan 24, 2021 |

The January Sixth events in Washington D.C., depicted in the corporate media as Donald Trump's criminal "incitement to insurrection", were predictably greeted by Democrats and their media as the worst tragedy to ever befall American democracy, the heinous plot to establish a police state -- a coup d'etat, the final desperate act of a deranged tyrant. That might be considered something akin to surface discourse. Framed differently, those events could not have made the Dems happier, for by the time the last demonstrator left the Capitol the political floodgates were opened: total war against an entire nation of seditious Republicans, now demonized as "domestic terrorists", could finally be adopted as full-fledged strategy. The perfect Dems scenario for gaining unchallenged power had been laid.

Beyond the moment of Capitol disorder the Dems would find, without much difficulty, that most precious of all gifts -- a political godsend. Like Pearl Harbor and 9/11, national trauma would give the power elite just what it coveted – in this case the greatest of all opportunities to frame Trump and much of the Republican party as enemies of the state, collectively damned to ideological purgatory. January Sixth, like December Seventh before it, would serve as political code for converting national chaos into its very opposite: relief. The Dems, already beginning to solidify power in the White House, Congress, the media, and Big Tech, could now move toward a scorched-earth policy – war of annihilation.

In his book Cultures of Militarism, historian John Dower describes the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor as "political godsend", a moment when humiliating military defeat ("day of infamy") would allow president Franklin Roosevelt to do what he desperately wanted to do but could not in the face of an "isolationist" American public opinion -- bring the U.S. into World War II. Pearl Harbor turned out to be a wonderful blessing in disguise for FDR, whose infamous eight-point program effectively provoked the Japanese into attacking the Pacific fleet in Hawaii. In the end, after four difficult years, victory would be heroically wrestled from defeat.

After what was portrayed as a "sneak attack" (military operations were supposed to be advertised in advance?), the New York Herald Tribune could exalt: "Since the clash now appears to have been inevitable, its occurrence brings with it a sense of relief. The air is clearer. Americans can now get down to their task [of waging war] with the old obstacles finally removed, forgotten." Public opposition to U.S. entry into the war vanished in two hours one early Sunday morning. Democratic politicians, joined by a good many Republicans, were now ready to take military combat to Japan (and then Germany), as the attack had given FDR all the power, not to mention legitimacy, any president could possibly desire. Since 1941 Pearl Harbor has been ideological code for unlimited executive freedom, and Roosevelt energetically took advantage.

In the aftermath of Pearl Harbor, shock turned to resolve, momentary defeat to righteous commitment. Victim status would be transformed into its opposite. Roughly the same dynamic would be repeated in the case of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which gave president George W. Bush "permission" to do what he and the neocons were already hellbent on doing – invading Iraq and "finishing the job" of overthrowing Saddam Hussein. In both cases – Pearl Harbor and 9/11 – national humiliation was mobilized to "reset" U.S. foreign policy.

For the present-day ensemble of Democratic elites – Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, et. al. – January Sixth at the Capitol could not have been more timely, more opportune. Truly another godsend. A jolt to the system, however feeble, partial, and ill-fated, would justify sustained authoritarian force across the public landscape. Seen as vile agents of treachery, Republicans would be thrown onto the defensive, immobilized. Pelosi, ready as ever for vengeful action, would say: "The situation of this unhinged president could not be more dangerous. He chose to be an insurrectionist." Trump's behavior (in riling up demonstrators) would demand immediate and harsh retribution. Other Dems quickly followed Pelosi's lead, amplified by a monolithically frenzied media. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, shrill as ever and clearly speaking for the "progressive" squad, said: "I do believe we should exercise every avenue possible because the president has shown that his mental status and his actions are wildly eroding at a rapid pace." Trump represents a "clear and present danger to our democracy", she blustered, and must be removed from office as soon as possible.

Not to be overshadowed, Senator Chuck Schumer, reprising "Pearl Harbor" no less, would state: "I have never lived through or even imagined an experience like the one we have just witnessed in this Capitol. President Franklin Roosevelt set aside December 7, 1941 as a day that will live in infamy. Unfortunately, we can now add January 6, 2021 to that very short list of dates in American history that will live forever in infamy." Oblivious to months of fire bombings, lootings, beatings, and killings across the streets and buildings of dozens of American cities (criminality that persists to this day) – all encouraged by the Dems -- Schumer would add, hypocritically: "The temple of democracy was desecrated, its windows smashed, our offices vandalized."

The authoritarian, virtually fascistic reaction of the media and political establishment was swift and, well, unhinged: the House would quickly move to impeach the president, again, Trump was permanently banned from Twitter and other social-media outlets, Republicans (even those far removed from the Capitol violence) were facing censorship, blacklisting, job loss, and thoroughly dishonest smears. Within a week the silencing of conservatives across the Internet had reached new heights. The long-cherished Beltway goal to destroy Trump, his family, and associates was in sight: any Trump hope for the presidency in 2024 would be smashed. Hysterical threats of "domestic terrorism" would mean, as always, a drastic Hobbesian response: maximum state power, strengthened ideological controls, the crushing of political opposition.

As Dower noted, the ideological code emanating from "Pearl Harbor" included yet another motif: the familiar stereotype of Asians (at that time) as sneaky, backstabbing, and irrational would be affirmed on December Seventh. Who else could carry out such a dastardly attack? The same code would naturally apply to millions (tens of millions) of deplorable Trump supporters – a motley assemblage of gun-toting racists and neo-Nazis. Didn't those sanctimonious CNN pundits always warn about the backward white-supremacists seduced by the guile of the Orange Menace? Indeed. The truth was finally illuminated for every Beltway dweller to seize upon and embellish: Trump followers would now have to pay, their collective guilt revealed beyond doubt amidst the ashes of January Sixth.

So when all the enlightened Dems repeat their heartfelt sadness over the fate of the Republic, over Trump's evil subversion of "our democracy", it might be time to look more closely beneath the surface – or maybe head for the hills. If there were any bars open in the woke Democratic neighborhoods, that is probably where Pelosi, AOC, Adam Schiff, and other sad victims of the Orange Menace might be found gathering to celebrate, toasting to their unbelievably good fortune. Whether such celebrations might be long-lived, however, would be another matter. Fascistic politics has a tendency to devour its own ruthless protagonists.

Sue Dunham , says: January 15, 2021 at 7:49 pm GMT • 7.9 days ago

Thank you for writing this. I am still trying to figure out why Ashli Babbit, the only person shot on 1/6, was surrounded by cops at the time, with John Sullivan filming the incident, along with a Chinese videographer from the CIA's Epoch Times. Sullivan's footage of the event focuses lovingly on the hand of the shooter, until he steps forward and shoots. The shooter makes a very exaggerated movement before he fires, despite having his gun trained on Babbitt already. I believe this movement was a necessary signal to Babbitt, so that could fall backward in sync with the gunshot. She could have been easily restrained and arrested by the cops on her side of the window, but instead she was "shot" by a conveniently disembodied arm. And the only evidence of injury is a very small amount of blood coming out of her mouth.

Crisis actor shenanigans!

My SIMPLE Pseudonymic Handle , says: January 16, 2021 at 12:04 am GMT • 7.7 days ago
@Sue Dunham ng out of her neck and all over the Capital steps.

After I saw the video of Ashli Babbit's rant on gewtube I came to the conclusion it was just another manufactured event. I was reminded of the woman Astronaut that drove all the way from the Johnson Space Center down to the Space Coast in Florida to be with her unrequited love. All the while wearing diapers the whole time so she wouldn't have to take potty breaks on the drive down.

If anyone else has seen a video of blood spurting out of Ashli's neck and pooling all over the floor please provide a link.

You know, I want to see a video where the blood is really spurting out like in the movies.

Robert Dolan , says: January 23, 2021 at 5:19 am GMT • 11.3 hours ago

1/6 was a nothingburger that is being jewed out of all proportion.

In reality, 1/6 did about ..1/10000000000000 as much damage as the Antifa and BLM shitheads did in nine months of REAL insurrection.

The jewish owned MSM lies about everything, turns ANY event into an opportunity to SHIT on innocent white people to demonize them and instill desire in non-whites to MURDER white people.

The jew media narrative distilled is blood libel against white people.

That's all it is.

Louis Hissink , says: January 23, 2021 at 5:29 am GMT • 11.2 hours ago

January Sixth, like December Seventh before it, would serve as political code for converting national chaos into its very opposite: relief.

Isn't "order" the antonym of chaos?

Carlton Meyer , says: • Website January 23, 2021 at 5:32 am GMT • 11.1 hours ago

In his book Cultures of Militarism, historian John Dower describes the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor as "political godsend", a moment when humiliating military defeat ("day of infamy") would allow president Franklin Roosevelt to do what he desperately wanted to do but could not in the face of an "isolationist" American public opinion -- bring the U.S. into World War II. Pearl Harbor turned out to be a wonderful blessing in disguise for FDR, whose infamous eight-point program effectively provoked the Japanese into attacking the Pacific fleet in Hawaii.

Roosevelt also knew a Japanese fleet was enroute to attack Pearl Harbor, but withheld this intel from commanders in Hawaii.

Buzz Mohawk , says: January 23, 2021 at 5:36 am GMT • 11.1 hours ago
@Beavertales act, the draconian over-reaction of the elite may prove to be a godsend rallying event for the oppressed.

Indeed, when I read the title, "January Sixth as Godsend," I thought this article was going in the direction you indicate.

Events, like arguments, often comprise two, opposing poles. The question is, what will be the result, the aufheben , this time?

In the near term, clearly it will be further erosion of civil liberties and continued "American Pravada" fakery. In the long run, however, anything is possible, even things we can't imagine, because this is now an irrational, complex, disturbed system.

Tony Hall , says: January 23, 2021 at 5:39 am GMT • 11.0 hours ago

Who will play the role of the Philip Zelikow in the "Insurrection Commission," in the extension of the 9/11 Commission into the forthcoming 1/6 Commission?

aandrews , says: January 23, 2021 at 5:44 am GMT • 10.9 hours ago
" a shift of the tectonic plates. It is happening before our eyes, this gathering of the elites ."

RedpilledAF , says: January 23, 2021 at 5:45 am GMT • 10.9 hours ago
@My SIMPLE Pseudonymic Handle

I forget the name of the incident, but several years ago there was a very obvious fake female getting shot incident in an attempted color revolution in Iran. It had cia/mi6/Mossad written all over it, as usual. However, I think they ended up killing the "useful idiot" a few hours later when the plan failed. This incident is very similar. If someone knows the incident I am talking about please remind me/us.

mcohen , says: January 23, 2021 at 6:04 am GMT • 10.6 hours ago

she was shot in the chest.the neck shot narrative is disinformation to go with the false flag narrative which is a great sunny day.

Luus Kanin , says: January 23, 2021 at 6:18 am GMT • 10.4 hours ago

Please don't besmirch fascists by mentioning Pelosi as a representative. A better description of her would be a plutocratic cypriot. No self respecting fascist would be caught within a stone's throw of her for fear of catching the backdoor trots.

Mr. Cracker , says: January 23, 2021 at 6:55 am GMT • 9.7 hours ago

Oh my gosh, is that thing still alive?! And who is that corpse beside her?

Kolya Krassotkin , says: January 23, 2021 at 7:01 am GMT • 9.6 hours ago

Quite tame, but Schumer, Pelosi and the rest of the gang are going to work it up into The Reichstag Fire and would, if they could use it to get an enabling act.

Goebbels would be so proud of all the Dems, especially of Schumer.

Schuetze , says: January 23, 2021 at 7:02 am GMT • 9.6 hours ago

We can take this Pearl Harbor analogy a little further. The Japanese Americans were also stripped of their property in a very planned and devious manner immediately after December 7. Jews picked up most of this property at fire sale prices and benefitted immensely.

The full effects of how this faked January 6 "insurrection" was "good for the jews" will become clear in the months ahead. But one thing is clear, the take down of Parler directly benefitted jew owned Facebook (((Zuckerberg))) and the gaggle of jew controlled social media outfits like Twitter and Instagram.

The Japanese Americans were stripped of thousands of acres of valuable farmland in central California. Shortly after the January 6 insurrection it came out the Bill Gates is the largest owner of farmland in the US. Covid and Climate Engineering has impacted farmers across the US (derechios). I think there may be some correlation here too.

There is also the issue of the 25,000 National Gaurd called in for the innauguration. Washington mobilized for war.

Mr. Cracker , says: January 23, 2021 at 7:03 am GMT • 9.6 hours ago

Will these people please die already!

Mr. Cracker , says: January 23, 2021 at 7:16 am GMT • 9.4 hours ago

They can wear tailored suits that cost five or ten thousand. They can get hair colouring that cost maybe two grand. They can spend as much as they can spend, but the brutal truth is they are not getting out of this place alive, no matter how much they spend, no matter how much political power they have, no matter who they know. They are going to be just as dead as the rest of us. LOL.

GeneralRipper , says: January 23, 2021 at 7:30 am GMT • 9.2 hours ago

Pelosi is 80 lol

That filthy fucking treasonous whore is going to die soon.

Her Daddy is waiting to greet her in Hell.

Dube , says: January 23, 2021 at 7:32 am GMT • 9.1 hours ago

Let the show continue. Trump will be in the Senate gallery to enjoy the impeachment. Pass it on.

Dr. Charles Fhandrich , says: January 23, 2021 at 7:41 am GMT • 9.0 hours ago

The people pictured above, are hands down, the craziest of the crazies. These comrades make the Trump administration look like boy scouts by comparison.

Dr. Charles Fhandrich , says: January 23, 2021 at 7:48 am GMT • 8.9 hours ago

The problem is, they weren't carrying guns. No one was really threatened. They stayed between the purple ropes, those folks with canes and walkers and only a few reached the "inner sanctum", which looks like a library and there ANTIFA members instigated the usual window breaking and were actually scolded by some of the Trump supporters telling them to stop it, when finally an unarmed woman, a Trump supporter was murdered by the police. Only the biggest dupes and people wanting to believe an absurd narrative were shocked. Thinking people were not.

brabantian , says: January 23, 2021 at 8:01 am GMT • 8.6 hours ago

Interesting that the troops in DC are STAYING, their active duty orders extending AT LEAST through 16 February which MAY BE EXTENDED military document below on this

Some say these are Trump troops who will still help 'stop the steal', arrest Biden etc LOL others say that Biden-Harris are preparing martial law scenarios after possible false flag terror attack, or some kind of new economic or pandemic crisis Given Biden's USA troops invaded northern Syria on Biden's first full day in office Thursday, it seems the USA war machine is back in gear and happy to be ridin' wit' Biden

As is widely noted, the new Biden gov seems to be poking ordinary Americans with a stick:
– Biden's tranny orders destroying women's sports and that all bio-males 'identifying as female' be welcome in women's locker rooms & rest rooms
– Biden 'critical race theory' order for white-humiliating 'training', all non-Jew whites to confess to being inherently 'racist' as price to keep gov etc jobs
– Amnesty & citizenship for 11 million & maybe 30-40 million migrants inside US, end to deportations & border security

Jewish Congressman Steve Cohen of Tennessee blurts out that 75% of USA white soldiers 'cannot be fully trusted' , as if hinting there is a war of the new government and Jewish interests, opposing whites who voted for Trump or reject the 'humiliate the whites', LGBTranny etc agendas

The 'troops staying in DC thru February, maybe longer' military document

chris , says: January 23, 2021 at 8:10 am GMT • 8.5 hours ago

Great summary, though the word 'godsent' implies a passivity which seems misapplied in describing the actions of the beneficiaries of this deep state instigation.

This type of event, perfunctorily (and rather clumsily) tracing a number of transparent stages, which are then blasted incessantly through propaganda megaphones, is absolutely standard practice in all foreign coups.

This dynamic is used to give all the partisans a fig leaf to cover their actions and to provide the next level actors a cue to start their intervention.

animalogic , says: January 23, 2021 at 8:18 am GMT • 8.4 hours ago
@My SIMPLE Pseudonymic Handle

"You know, I want to see a video where the blood is really spurting out like in the movies."
Fair enough.
But -- if she died instantly there'd be very little blood .
I have no idea what really happened, but I'm willing to provisionally accept she was shot dead by an unidentified shooter.

animalogic , says: January 23, 2021 at 8:25 am GMT • 8.2 hours ago

"The temple of democracy was desecrated, its windows smashed, our offices vandalized."
Most of the Dem' – Establishment reaction to 6.1.21 has been spew inducing, but the above quote is just perfectly -- funny.
It is SO over the top, SO cynical, self serving & lacking in irony that hilarity is the only natural response.

dimples , says: January 23, 2021 at 9:05 am GMT • 7.6 hours ago

There are said to be 2300 Capitol police answerable to Pelosi etc. So when the remarkably few police actually there conveniently moved the barriers aside to let protestors into the building, its obvious that the Democrat gerontocracy was still thinking well ahead of the dumb Trumpstein rabble.

Schuetze , says: January 23, 2021 at 9:09 am GMT • 7.5 hours ago
@Sue Dunham staged "incidents" along the path to Lexington, just like Charlottsville in 2017 was part of the lead up to the "insurrection" of January 6, 2021.

Samuel Adams and his Masonic Brothers had been planning and inciting the rebellion (Tea Party, Boston Massacre) from the Green Dragon Tavern.

Boston's Green Dragon Tavern, headquarters of both the Sons of Liberty and St. Andrew's Lodge

TyRade , says: January 23, 2021 at 9:14 am GMT • 7.4 hours ago

I thought from the title the theme was going to be a far subtler one, not the 'what a gimme for The Left', the line which everyone still able to publish has taken. I'd argue that 6 Jan brings peak Democrat hubris forward so pulls nemesis – the revelation of the red tooth and claw of unhinged, vote-losing socialism – much nearer (say 2022).

goldgettin , says: January 23, 2021 at 9:18 am GMT • 7.4 hours ago

Good points. Flip the script tell the truth make it happen.
Yet people still don't believe in Karma?????????
What we need to do is stop tolerating/subsidizing evil.
Easier said than done you say?You're probably right.
Hard to get it out there though,most seem TOO invested in
continuing their blissful expertise .
Looks to me that it's finally beginning to end or not

Bert , says: January 23, 2021 at 10:55 am GMT • 5.7 hours ago

Yes, and there is also the clear evidence of capitol police standing aside, waving protestors toward the building, lining the halls to get out of their way as they entered, and leading them up the correct set of stairs. It was a set up, like what Roosevelt achieved at Pearl Harbor.

Patric , says: January 23, 2021 at 10:56 am GMT • 5.7 hours ago

The writer does not say so though it is implied .this 'event' screamed it was STAGED. Beginning with the most obvious why were the crowd allowed in at all? It's just another of these 'hoaxes' and with Biden in charge look for many more. Didn't the whole 'hoax' method (Sandy Hook, Boston Bombing, etc etc) take off during the Obama/Biden years? As Chuck Shumer said recently "Buckle Up"

WorkingClass , says: January 23, 2021 at 10:56 am GMT • 5.7 hours ago

1/6 was a false flag attack following the theft of the 2020 election. The purpose? To establish Chinese style Totalitarianism on behalf of what Pepe Escobar refers to as Techno Feudalism.

Nothing good can come from Democrats and/or Republicans. Democrats and Republicans have ruined our Country. Why is Orange Man Bad? Becuase the Deplorables defeated both Parties in 2016. It won't happen again. Nothing good can come from the District of Corruption. Separation is the ONLY way forward. Why is anyone still talking about future elections?

The Alarmist , says: January 23, 2021 at 11:05 am GMT • 5.6 hours ago

That might be considered something akin to surface discourse.

Along these lines

Anonymous [144] • Disclaimer , says: January 23, 2021 at 11:07 am GMT • 5.5 hours ago
@Sue Dunham as a cue to pretend you were shot, if you are, in fact, pretending. So, if the "exaggerated movement" is your proof that it was "acting," then it was not acting but real. That it was otherwise a set-up, and "an inside job" by the same people who run Antifa is obvious. That the police removed the barricades and waved the people to come in, led by bussed in Antifa Judas goats, is also obvious and well documented. You could say all of America, white and black, was shot at that moment. Just because all of the fake killings the last few years by white people are a staged show to incriminate the innocent and create the illusion of "White Supremacy," does not mean that the Deep State does not kill when it serves their interest.
Abdul Alhazred , says: January 23, 2021 at 11:26 am GMT • 5.2 hours ago
@Sue Dunham

Some say Schumer shot Ashli Babbitt? Who did?

Chucky wants to take your guns away, but he knew how to shoot and somewhere on the net is a
better phrenic matchup than this would suggest, but hairlines do speak as well

onebornfree , says: • Website January 23, 2021 at 11:30 am GMT • 5.2 hours ago

"For the present-day ensemble of Democratic elites – Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, et. al. – January Sixth at the Capitol could not have been more timely, more opportune. Truly another godsend. A jolt to the system, however feeble, partial, and ill-fated, would justify sustained authoritarian force across the public landscape. Seen as vile agents of treachery, Republicans would be thrown onto the defensive, immobilized. "

The author does not seem to be aware yet that the whole invasion was a CIA/FBI/Antifa/BLM/Q-Anon staged, planned false flag event, [complete with a staged shooting], with the intent to demonize Trump and his supporters [and to arrest some of them on the spot, eg Alex Jones and Roger Stone].

A set up from the git go.

SWAT teams came to Roger Stones D.C. hotel room [luckily he'd already left town after smelling something rotten in the air]. Since then his 70 yr old wife was viciously attacked in FL. by an anonymous bike rider [Antifa?] who deliberately ran over her body at least 3 times [she's now under intensive care in a FL hospital, and Stone himself has gone into hiding, apparently].

A SWAT team also came for Jones in DC [apparently], but local police refused to co-operate with Feds to the best of my knowledge at present, so that take down didn't go as planned for the Fed goons either.

Regards, onebornfree

Peripatetic Itch , says: January 23, 2021 at 12:14 pm GMT • 4.4 hours ago
@Sue Dunham

Ashli died very quickly, You can see her hands going into tetanic contractions within a very few seconds of her collapse. She was bleeding internally through her esophagus or wind pipe and the blood was coming out her mouth. As your heart stops, so does the bleeding.

Curiously this is the second time you have posted this exact same comment, even with the exact same "Thank you for writing this" to start. Even more curious, your first reply and agreement comes from the exact same person who agreed with you then (Jan. 15). Who curiously posted the exact same response he posted then. Are you posing as both? Very convenient, if true.

Peripatetic Itch , says: January 23, 2021 at 12:36 pm GMT • 4.1 hours ago

she was shot in the chest.

That's interesting. It would explain a lot of things. Do you have a source for it? Has there been an autopsy?

Temporary Insanity , says: January 23, 2021 at 12:36 pm GMT • 4.1 hours ago

"Whether such celebrations might be long-lived, however, would be another matter."

Only time will tell

Schuetze , says: January 23, 2021 at 12:38 pm GMT • 4.0 hours ago
@Peripatetic Itch "throuple" mind games, clearly she has been a lot more than merely "mentioned"

"Ashli and Aaron, who served as a Marine from 2000 to 2005, married in 2019 and met their girlfriend less than a year into their marriage"

Schuetze , says: January 23, 2021 at 12:45 pm GMT • 3.9 hours ago

I think that they are afraid that old Jubal Early is pissed off about all the Confederate statues being desecrated and that he is going to rise from the dead, whoop those useless Yankees and threaten Washington once more

General Early and the Army of the Valley Movements Map

theMann , says: January 23, 2021 at 12:51 pm GMT • 3.8 hours ago

I think most of you are missing the point about the events of 1-6. The only really relevant photos of that day are the ones of US Congress"men" cowering in abject terror under their desks, or running in abject terror to their precious "safe" location away from the Capitol building.

This is the very public demonstration of true sniveling cowardice in a manner that cannot be naysayed or denied in any way. And now the entire world knows it. Having been so publicly outed as low grade cowards, we can now expect, going forward, that every reaction of the US Congress will be a grotesque, and violent, overreaction.

Because that is what cowards do with power.

Peripatetic Itch , says: January 23, 2021 at 1:00 pm GMT • 3.7 hours ago
@Schuetze lockquote>

There is also the issue of the 25,000 National [Guard] called in for the [inauguration].

They did give cover for the abysmally small crowd attending the inauguration. From the pics, it hardly looked to be more than a thousand. Trump had more than that lining the streets when he returned to Mar-a-Lago.

So of course, the "threat" of further horrendous violence from those oh so vicious Trump supporters still hiding in the city since Jan. 6 deterred a full half million of those enthusiastic Biden supporters who so wanted to see him take the oath.

Nicolae Ceaușescu would have been proud.

Realist , says: January 23, 2021 at 1:18 pm GMT • 3.4 hours ago

Beyond the moment of Capitol disorder the Dems would find, without much difficulty, that most precious of all gifts -- a political godsend.

It was not a godsend it was conceived and designed by subhumans in the Deep State.

Peripatetic Itch , says: January 23, 2021 at 1:35 pm GMT • 3.1 hours ago
@Schuetze Why would he shoot with Capitol police standing in the line of fire back in the stairwell?

Winter also tries to make the case that John Sullivan was inciting the riot when there is no footage yet produced of Sullivan doing anything more than recording events as he saw them, which is what he said he was doing. He published an hour-long video and nothing there shows him doing anything physical. He did say things like "Let's burn that shit down" but it could not have been heard by many (if any) people near him and there is no indication anyone else was paying attention to him. He was, it seems, simply narrating and role-playing.

Petermx , says: January 23, 2021 at 1:41 pm GMT • 3.0 hours ago

I only learned in the last 4 to 5 years what despicable old hags Pelosi and Hillary are. They compete for being the most despicable with Hillary suggesting Trump was in contact with Russian President Putin on January 6 to keep him updated on the so called "insurrection". For over 75 years Americans, most often Jews, have called Germany's Josef Goebbels a liar but I can't recall the last time they said what he supposedly lied about. No one can compete with Americans like Hillary Clinton and American Jews like Adam Schiff for being the most unabashed liars in the world. And it's the Lying Jewish media with mini-mes like CNN's head Jeff Zucker that create these deliberately false narratives for their stooges Pelosi and Clinton to propagate. As former Congressman Ron Paul suggested yesterday, no country has interfered in more foreign elections than the USA.

It would be glorious if Trump ran for President again. I don't expect it and I would think he would not want to become a human punching bag again, but I believe he would win if his forces could prevent another fraudulent election. There is no force in the USA as powerful as the media and it's the same in most "democratic" countries. How glorious it would be too if the old hags had enough of letting themselves be used by people like Zucker and Twitter's Jack Dorsey and turned on them and had the justice department put those despicables in jail. Oh, how glorious. One can dream. But that is unlikely and what is more likely is that within the next ten years the world won't care much what is happening in the USA, for the USA is in for a big fall which will reduce its power and influence greatly.

Peripatetic Itch , says: January 23, 2021 at 1:49 pm GMT • 2.8 hours ago

Separation is the ONLY way forward.

That said, Republicans control the legislatures in quite a few states, and the Constitution gives those states plenary power over election law, particularly for President and the Congress. Changing the law to mandate paper ballots and voter ID while eliminating the machines and mail-in ballots would probably expose the fraud and regain the House and Senate in the mid-terms.

Can do both prongs at the same time.

Jiminy , says: January 23, 2021 at 1:51 pm GMT • 2.8 hours ago

I remember the film of the vc prisoner, who while being held by guards was shot suddenly in the temple. The amount of blood forcefully streaming from the hole in his head was both astonishing and gruesome. I don't know if happened because of being shot in the head though, as opposed to being shot in the body. Or maybe the bullet hit the artery.

Achmed E. Newman , says: • Website January 23, 2021 at 1:59 pm GMT • 2.7 hours ago

That was a concise truthful account of what we are up against again, Mr. Boggs. Thank you.

Even the pundit Ann Coulter, someone I've appreciated being on my side for more than a decade, has fallen for some of this bullshit out of the Lyin' Press in their ceaseless Infotainment. From her latest column (otherwise, one I agree with):

The raid was disgusting, appalling, sickening, but it's not a license for concocting imaginary accusations. Trump is bad. The thugs who stormed the Capitol are bad. You don't need to manufacture evidence against them, media.

Peak Stupidity notes that she lied by using the terms "raid", "disgusting", and "thugs", in the post "Et tu, Ann?"

Will Ann Coulter, even, be suckered into supporting anti-"domestic-terrorism" laws, just as she went for the "fight them over there " crap after 9/11? There are cooler heads that don't get emotionally suckered in by the Lyin' Press narrative. We are the ones they are aiming at with the new round of oppression to come.

Tumi , says: January 23, 2021 at 2:00 pm GMT • 2.7 hours ago

" Fascistic politics has a tendency to devour its own ruthless protagonists."
It has already done .Bush or more precisely Cheney to Tea Party to MAGA false prophet of Trump is linear and traces only a tiny distance.
False hope is entertained because desperation and anger demand it . Obama and Trump are two sides of the same coin , Both hurt the believers and the faithful most and did intentionally.

Miro23 , says: January 23, 2021 at 2:25 pm GMT • 2.2 hours ago

"Since the clash now appears to have been inevitable, its occurrence brings with it a sense of relief. The air is clearer. Americans can now get down to their task [of waging war] with the old obstacles finally removed, forgotten."

This would apply equally well to a US civil war . It would clear the air, people/organizations commit to one side or the other and get on with it.

Sick of Orcs , says: January 23, 2021 at 2:44 pm GMT • 1.9 hours ago

Agreed. It was truly satisfying to watch uniparty kleptocrat cowards, who torture us daily with bad laws and invitations for invading hordes, scrambling for their escape choo-choo train.

Schuetze , says: January 23, 2021 at 2:45 pm GMT • 1.9 hours ago
@Peripatetic Itch on in Syria, preceded by waves of Iraeli bombings and missile strikes. Iraq has also been under the zio-genocide hammer.

Clearly, the next move in the US is going to be the gun grab, and they will try to focus it on "white supremacists". This is the narrative construction we see going on, of which Babbit likely was part of. During the Trump administration there seemed to be far fewer false flags. I would bet that we are about to see a flurry of "white supremacists" shooting up various synogogues, jewish graveyards, black churches, and I would not be at all surprised if the grand climax was the bombing of a "holocaust" museum.

HT , says: January 23, 2021 at 2:47 pm GMT • 1.9 hours ago

Hitler was the only leader in history that knew exactly what must be done with communists. If you allow even one communist to live in your land, your freedom is at risk. In my view, the only thing that will remove them now and thus save America is for a Hitlarian type figure to rise up and ruthlessly deal with the communists in politics, the Judeo media complex, the courts, and academia. He rounded them up in the 1930's and that is the only way to stop them now. If that isn't done soon, they will be rounding us up which they are making very clear.

Old and Grumpy , says: January 23, 2021 at 2:56 pm GMT • 1.7 hours ago

How about all those available resources to fortify the capital since the Big Capital Walk Thru? Were concrete and metal fence producers considered essential during all our lockdowns? Did they miraculously have inventory waiting for DC to come beckoning?

Crescent Moon , says: January 23, 2021 at 3:01 pm GMT • 1.6 hours ago
@Abdul Alhazred ian-immigrant-and-black-lives-matter-militant-he-repeatedly-threatened-to-kill-trump-su/">

Here is the best footage (professional) of the day. You could him shooting with the black and white bracelet clearly. Now it seems to be edited out, unless I missed it

Alexandros , says: January 23, 2021 at 3:08 pm GMT • 1.5 hours ago
@My SIMPLE Pseudonymic Handle

Well of course it's fake. It's on TV!

Peripatetic Itch , says: January 23, 2021 at 3:21 pm GMT • 1.3 hours ago
@Schuetze every possible misdemeanor in her life, from accusations of deliberate assault by car to restraining orders, to adultery, to her "fanatical" propensity to rant, to living in a threesome, as you say. Her death, on the other hand, is treated matter-of-factly, as if to say, What else would you expect for such a flaky dumb-ass? No mention that she was not armed.

Compare that to what they did for George Floyd. He came out as a saint who had only wanted to be president as a kid. Gone to Minneapolis to start a "new life" as I recall. Barely a mention of his home invasion, holding a gun to the belly of a pregnant woman, possibly raping her.

Avery , says: January 23, 2021 at 3:29 pm GMT • 1.2 hours ago
@HT > der Führer

* Hitler and Germans were lucky that Russians/Slavs were not as vengeful as Germans' Anglo-Saxon kin, who burned about 100,000 or so German civilians – old men, women, children – just to show what they are capable of. Stalin could have created 100s of Dresdens, and nobody could have stopped him.

** I understand there is an organized, decades long effort to erase that wonderful trait.

follyofwar , says: January 23, 2021 at 3:56 pm GMT • 43 minutes ago
@GeneralRipper especially since the servile House democrats don't have the guts to vote her out as Speaker? And she will continue to be easily re-elected in her far-left district, no matter how senile and delusional she is.

Think Strom Thurmond in his last years. He lived to be 1oo, dying in office. In fact, since women live longer than men, Pelosi may finally collapse for the last time when she is 110, still firmly clutching her gold-plated gavel that she refused to give up. After rigor mortis sets in, they won't be able to pry it out of her cold dead hand, so she'll be buried with it, and will lie in State in the Capitol Rotunda for a month.

[Jan 21, 2021] Watch- Rand Paul Challenges New Secretary Of State Over Regime-Change In Syria - ZeroHedge

Jan 21, 2021 |

Watch: Rand Paul Challenges New Secretary Of State Over Regime-Change In Syria BY TYLER DURDEN THURSDAY, JAN 21, 2021 - 10:19


Senator Rand Paul recently challenged the new Secretary of State nominee Anthony Blinken on his history of pushing regime change in the Middle East and North Africa:

"Regime change in the Middle East has led to chaos, instability and more terrorism," Sen. Paul argued.

"Like Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton you've been a supporter of military intervention in the Middle East from the Iraq war to the Libyan war to the Syrian civil war..." he introduced in his Tuesday questoning of Blinken.

Sen. Paul began his argument by questioning Blinken's role in the NATO intervention of Libya in 2001 and his support for the US military invasion of Iraq in 2003, which the Kentucky congressman said was a major disaster that paved the way for a stronger Iran.

The congressman argued that Blinken continued to push regime change in Syria, which he said was a significant blunder, especially with the amount of money spent training "moderate rebel forces" .

Sen. Paul said the administration of former President Barack Obama spent $250 million (USD) on training 60 rebels [as part of the DoD side; the CIA program was much more expansive], which he said was a waste of money.

He would go on to question why Blinken would support the Syrian opposition groups on the ground, as he pointed out the most powerful fighters are those from the jihadist groups like the Al-Nusra Front .

"Even after Libya you guys went on to Syria wanting to do the same thing again... it's a disaster. The lesson of these wars is that regime change doesn't work!" Paul said.

"You got rid of one 'bad guy' and another 'bad guy' got stronger," Paul added while lambasting the US strategy of going after Iran while Iraq is still weakened by Bush's regime change war there.

"Maybe we shouldn't be 'choosing' governments in the Middle East," Paul continued.



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Watch the full exchange here:

Blinken claimed in response that he wasn't supportive of a full-scale 'Iraq-style' regime change war in Syria while vaguely claiming that he's done "deep thinking" and reflection on the issue . Blinken never repudiated the policy of regime change in the Middle East, however.

Sen. Paul then shifted his attention to NATO, which he said Blinken was trying to strengthen for the purpose of combatting Russia. The senator said Blinken's policy on NATO would lead to war with Russia, which the latter responded would have the opposite effect.

Antony Blinken upon his nomination for Secretary of State in the new administration, via Reuters

Paul concluded by saying that regime change needs to end because it is involving the US in long wars that are costly to the military.

The Luftwaffe 8 hours ago

We will see a new major war started by this administration within two years

Cloud9.5 7 hours ago

We have to do something to reduce the population.

Leather-Dog 7 hours ago

You mean in addition to the 103.5% effective covid vaccine?

RiverRoad 7 hours ago

On search > "Med Cram".
On You Tube: Dr. Seheult's med school video lecture "Vitamin D and Covid 19: The Evidence for Prevention and " (5.3m views)
Vitamin D3 is sold over the counter.
Karma is coming for Covid.

eatapeach 7 hours ago

Hopefully it's also coming for the thieving liars who pushed this cheap PsyOp (Pompeo is one, Fauci is another).

bigjim 3 hours ago

I guess Bibi mis-spelled Rand's email address on the memo.

boattrash 2 hours ago

103.5%... that sounds like the voter turnout in all the blue cities.

rastanarchocapitalist 7 hours ago

If one could take all the people in the world and cram them into a city as dense as Tokyo, it would cover the area of Rhode Island.

BaNNeD oN THe RuN 5 hours ago

Tokyo pop density=16121.8 /sq.mi.
Rhode Island = 1045 sq.mi.

At that density RI would hold 16.8 million people.

At the average annual population growth rate of the last century there will be 1 sq.m. of land per person in only 750 years. That includes all mountains, frozen tundra, jungles and deserts... now "get off my lawn".

bearwinkle 6 hours ago

Sure, that's why Xiden is allowing millions of immigrants to invade our borders.

aloha_snakbar 7 hours ago

I thought it might be like today...

Hatterasjohn 7 hours ago

Anyone crazy enough to join ,or be in the military , is out of his friggin mind.

BarnacleBill 7 hours ago

Or likes killing civilians. Don't overlook the psychopaths.

headslapper 7 hours ago

and that will be the end of the US.

RiverRoad 7 hours ago

How about the Regime Change just effected right HERE in the good old USA?

Im1ru12 4 hours ago

Exactly - "Maybe we shouldn't be 'choosing' governments in the Middle East," Paul continued

That's what they do - they just did it here

starman99 7 hours ago

(((Anthony Blinken)))

USAllDay 7 hours ago

I'd take Assad over Biden.

9.1ontherichterscale 7 hours ago (Edited)

Assad has more integrity in his shoe than Biden has accumulated in the past 50 years.

Armed Resistance 7 hours ago

If the deep state hates Assad, then I know he must be legitimately a good guy deep down.

9.1ontherichterscale 7 hours ago


Brutlstrudl 6 hours ago

It seems that after each election, the USA becomes more of a contrarian indicator

SERReal1 7 hours ago

I agree. At least Assad puts his country first and gives the finger to the Deep State.

BaNNeD oN THe RuN 5 hours ago

Plus a secular government that respects the rights of all religious minorites. Sets a bad example for all the intolerant apartheid states in the region.

Hopefully the "Assad Must Go" curse gets the entire Biden Administration sooner rather than later.

aloha_snakbar 8 hours ago

Who cares...Uncle Scam lost the tiny bit of credibility he had on 01/20/2021. RIP America....

eatapeach 7 hours ago

I care. Here's yet another Israel-first douchenozzle getting put in a very, very high position. And acting like it'd be any different with Trump at the helm is severe folly. (Pompeo)

FluTangClan 6 hours ago

Sorry bro but anyone with eyes hasn't thought the US credible for more than a century.

4Celts 7 hours ago

Paul concluded by saying that regime change needs to end because it is involving the US in long wars that are costly to the military.

Pardon , but the " cost " to the military shouldn't be the top/only argument. What happened to morally/ ethically wrong ?

SwmngwShrks 7 hours ago

"All wars are Bankers' wars." -Smedley Butler

white horse 7 hours ago

Moral is dead long ago, replaced by new fake moral called humanitarianism.

DonGenaro 7 hours ago

You're an astute observer - few detect such "tells"

Feck Weed 5 hours ago

Consider the audience

FringeDweller 5 hours ago

Fair point.

Lord JT 5 hours ago

He mentioned that it creates more terrorism, and that the incoming regime may be even worse than the previous.

Unknown User 8 hours ago

Biden will start a war, or two, or three...

Why-Am-I-Banned 6 hours ago

Maybe the best thing that could happen to free us all finally is an all out war with Russia, we aren't going to see a revolution to get rid of the corruption the population is lazy and scared of doing without.

Maybe forced into mutual assured destruction is truly the only way to get rid of the deep state...

Russia lost approx 250 million via communism over decades, maybe we need to just swallow the poison pill and get it over with.

Not all of us will die, and definately no one is going to listen to the deep state leaders after the dust clears...

FluTangClan 6 hours ago

Cho Bai Den fol peace!

wick7 5 hours ago

It's amazing how Democrats flipped overnight to being pro war once Obama started new wars. They were mad when Trump was signing peace deals. Lol.

You_Cant_Quit_Me 8 hours ago

He's right. One disaster after another. Who has Assad attacked? If small countries want the US to back off then they must develop nuclear weapons. When was the last time the US attacked a country with nuclear capabilities?

JRobby 7 hours ago

Bust Blinken's balls until he quits like a little rat trying to naw through steel cables

gespiri 7 hours ago

The only way to stop these wars is to send the people (and their kids) who are pushing for it in the first place to the front lines.

rastanarchocapitalist 7 hours ago

Or make the state obsolete by transitioning to a private law society.

RedDog1 7 hours ago

Remember how Gaddafi surrendered his nukeprogram to Bush, a few years later Obama/HRC invaded...resulting in Gaddafi being lynched?

eatapeach 7 hours ago

Iran and NK and Syria remember, for sure. Wish we all remembered the USS Liberty when shaping foreign policy.

LooseLee 4 hours ago

Remember Libya has no central bank?

Pandelis 3 hours ago (Edited)

you really believe that bs ... it is much more than that ... at the end is about the land and the people ... money can be printed out of thin air and there is nothing libya (or iraq, iran etc.) central bank can do about it ...

bring on dr. fraucistein to explain it all to us ... maga!!

roach clipper 6 hours ago

Assad placed his country too close to Is ra hell

manofthenorth 8 hours ago

Sorry guys but we have been played like a second hand fiddle.

It is ALL BS.

THEY don't give a **** about US

LetThemEatRand 8 hours ago

I assume Paul has figured out by now that being a murderous psychopath is a job requirement in DC. It's the first question in the job interview. "Do you enjoy death and destruction for profit and personal power?"

littlewing 7 hours ago

Remember when Trump bombed Syria and all of a sudden everyone in DC loved him for 15 minutes.

Talk about the big reveal.

aloha_snakbar 7 hours ago

The same Rand Paul who was criticizing Trump in the eleventh hour? That one?? They are all swamp creatures and seriously make me want to vomit...

pro·le·tar·i·at 7 hours ago

The apple rolled away from the tree.

Leather-Dog 7 hours ago

Paul, I like you, you seem to care a little bit. However, if they haven't cared in the last forever, they are definitely not going to start now. They just regime changed ourselves with almost no substantial resistance, you think they will care about Syria?

StanleyTheManly 5 hours ago

He puts on a show to care once in a while.

He didn't stand for the truth when it counted.

Goat of Steverino 7 hours ago


Bank_sters 7 hours ago

He's cucked.

Ted Baker 6 hours ago

What is this obsession with Russia? Russia is a peaceful country who defends its people. How difficult is that to understand?

ReadyForHillary 6 hours ago

Russia isn't down with the NWO.

Dinaric 7 hours ago

(((Blinkin))) is all you need to know.

9.1ontherichterscale 7 hours ago

Does anyone honestly believe that if Biden was honest and had any degree if integrity that he would be president at this moment in U.S. history? That boy is a 50 year swamp critter A thoroughly reliable member of the compromised fraternity. Same for Nancy.

freakscene 7 hours ago

Remember the video of younger Biden telling some voter that he graduated top of his class, with honors????

None of which were true.

littlewing 7 hours ago

His degree is from University of Phoenix.

Now all colleges are that. haha

Invert This, Media Matters Monkeys 7 hours ago

Ironically, he wants to set up a comity for Integrity In Government.

freakscene 7 hours ago

Yeah. Thats hysterical!!

Saturday Night Live material - if they had any spine.

BarnacleBill 7 hours ago

Which they don't. Come on, man!

StanleyTheManly 5 hours ago

Yep. They needed someone with zero integrity.

yeketerina velikaya 7 hours ago

You know who's been right all along?

Tulsi Gabbard.

Right on big tech

Right on Kamala

Right on pardoning Assange and Snowden

Right on the uniparty and false flags in Syria

Right on Queen of Warmongers Hillary and DNC

Right on the MSM

Right on securing the elections/ballot harvesting

She's the real deal and would have delivered on these things but never had a shot.

Armed Resistance 7 hours ago

She was wrong on gun control. Very wrong! And that's a non-negotiable.

Why-Am-I-Banned 6 hours ago

Don't worry real gun control is coming and so much more you didn't ask for...

rastanarchocapitalist 7 hours ago

She should have been Trump's vp choice.

StanleyTheManly 5 hours ago

You know....I think you're right. I hadn't thought of that.

StanleyTheManly 5 hours ago

I like Tulsi. She seems like a genuine person with integrity that really cares about the country. BUT I disagree with her on quite a few issues. Maybe she'll come around.

littlewing 7 hours ago

The steal was sealed when the Supreme Court refused to hear the Texas case.

Greasy John Roberts wrecked America.

Max21c 7 hours ago

The steal was sealed when the Supreme Court refused to hear the Texas case.


Vichy John Roberts went full Quisling and brought back Jim Crow laws. The Supreme Court endorsed election fraud, supported the coup d'etat, forced Trump from power, helped usher in a new era for the banana republic of Jim Crow laws...

phillyla 7 hours ago

John Roberts is compromised 8 ways to Sunday. Trump should have had him impeached and removed from the bench

El Chapo Read 7 hours ago

If you thought Trump was surrounded by Red Sea Pedestrians with an agenda, research the ethno-religious background of Biden's cabinet picks.


SassyPants 7 hours ago

Every administration is. Trumps son in law and advisor is as well. Please see the entire picture for a change.

snatchpounder PREMIUM 7 hours ago

How about closing all military bases overseas and dismantling the MIC and oh **** it an old demented neocon is playing president for a few months, scratch that.

rastanarchocapitalist 7 hours ago

The crack up boom of the FRNs may force that one day

snatchpounder PREMIUM 7 hours ago

I think it'll happen sooner rather than later, the chances are good based on the demented old pedophile being selected president and his retards at the fed.

rastanarchocapitalist 4 hours ago

In the long run, that might be a good thing if we return to honest money but you can be sure they'll try to kick the can for another 50 years with some form of new fiat or erasing a couple of zeroes of our current notes.

Hopefully the masses will just say know but I wouldn't put much faith in that.

RedNemesis 6 hours ago

Parents, do not let your smart, winning kids into the armed services. The MIC will grind them out with PTSD, brain injuries, and lost limbs. There is no 'patriotism' or allegience to the Deep State.

Why-Am-I-Banned 6 hours ago

Maybe the best thing that could happen to free us all finally is an all out war with Russia, we aren't going to see a revolution to get rid of the corruption the population is lazy and scared of doing without.

Maybe forced into mutual assured destruction is truly the only way to get rid of the deep state...

Russia lost approx 250 million via communism over decades, maybe we need to just swallow the poison pill and get it over with.

Not all of us will die, and definately no one is going to listen to the deep state leaders after the dust clears...

Max21c 6 hours ago (Edited)

Maybe the best thing that could happen to free us all finally is an all out war with Russia..

Maybe we should instead just launch a sneak attack on Alpha Centauri instead. Skip the small fry like Russia and China. In a few generations we shall know whether our Earthling space torpedoes hit Alpha Centauri. This of course should be debated by the people and approved by a plebiscite per ballot referendums. Then the space war bill sent to the Earthlings Politburo for their approval. It'll take around a decade or more to design and build the space torpedoes... then 100 years plus for travel time and the same to get the data back from the mothership...

Plus we can have both a Cold War and a Hot War with Alpha Centauri... under the leadership of an Earthling appointed or elected by the Earthlings Council and elevated to the rank of Don Quixote with the accompany title of Primal inter Pares

We just need more right thinking smart people to join the cult and become enlightened to the prospects of a new 100 years war with other planets...and maybe some small wars with planetoids...asteroids and comets...

We can establish of house of OverLords composed of only the best Astrologers to help pick out which planets to attack & destroy...based upon whether they have offended our star charts or the zodiac calls for war... In addition we can establish a lower house of UnderLords composed of mad scientists and Generalissimos and crazy Spy Chiefs... and maybe some nutty press types from the official media and puppet press to lead us in the Two Minutes Hate against the Alpha Centauri folks, the space peoples, and the flying saucer people...

Maghreb2 5 hours ago

CIA already had plans for all this under the Stargate Program. After Ike's treaty with various alien species the MIC began its descent into madness and universal conquest.

surroundedbyijits 6 hours ago

A war like that might "free" you, because the Russians will kick your ***.

balz 7 hours ago

Each time I see this "Office of the President Elect" picture thing, I get nauseous.

Fake office for a fake president who wasn't elected in the first place.

BLOTTO 8 hours ago

Like nothing happened back here at home.

Max21c 6 hours ago

Blinken may prove out to be more slick and savy than Dumbo Pompeo the flying cartoon elephant but he's still a fawking neanderthal and a ******. Maybe an elite ****** but he's still a ******. Blind, deaf, and dumb is still blind, deaf, and dumb even with all the powers of the secret police at their disposal.

Ms No PREMIUM 7 hours ago

Rand is sick too. He goes on about how these things are bad specifically because they strengthened Iran? How about liberty crushing mass murder?

"Sen. Paul said the administration of former President Barack Obama spent $250 million (USD) on training 60 rebels [as part of the DoD side; the CIA program was much more expansive], which he said was a waste of money."

So your mad they steal money while creating terrorists? Or are you mad that they don't tell you what they do with the rest? They abduct children from war zones to make them. Maybe the indoctrination and rape children's homes are expensive. They have screwed the entire planet.

There is something wrong with him too. He is another limited hangout

silverlinings00 7 hours ago

He's all bark no bite like Elizabeth Warren. Trotted out to show a feigning resistance.

Insert farm animal here 4 hours ago

Poor Rand is going to have a tough and lonely battle over the next few years. Let's wish him well, he'll be going it alone for sure.

the_pencil 2 hours ago

It seems odd that no one has allied themselves with him in the same manner as McCain & Graham.

Pareto 6 hours ago

Another life long bureaucrat talking about his resume. And fails to answer a simple question. Woop there it is. That's why they hated Trump. Because somebody off the street had better answers than 25 years of experience.

bikepathwalkerjogger 5 hours ago

Every single time!! --

Blinken was born on April 16, 1962, in Yonkers, New York , to Jewish parents, Judith (Frehm) and Donald M. Blinken , the former United States Ambassador to Hungary . [1] [2] [3] His maternal grandparents were Hungarian ****. [4] Blinken's uncle, Alan Blinken , served as the American ambassador to Belgium

Garciathinksso 5 hours ago

Rand Paul, one of the few good ones left. Good Luck with Biden and his war hawks!

NumbNuts 6 hours ago

These same people are attempting a regime change in the United States too. From Freedom to Fascism.

Helg Saracen 6 hours ago

The Americans lost perspectives and actually real freedom when Woodrow Wilson sold US to international banksters in 1913, now this scam just ends and a new scam begins. You haven't figured it out yet. By the way, fascism is Italian National Socialism. No offense.

frank further 6 hours ago

Then what was German National Socialism, if not fascism?



BluCapitalist PREMIUM 6 hours ago (Edited)

They are not attempting. They have done it. They have perfected their craft over the last 70 years in other countries and they brought it home to keep their criminal organization going.

urhotdogs 6 hours ago remove link

They didn't attempt, they did it! Took a little over 4 years but had to stoop to massive election fraud and changing state laws on the fly. It was coordinated throughout all levels of government down to states and courts and SCOTUS.

bunkers 5 hours ago


bunkers 5 hours ago

Maybe not.

WhiteHose 6 hours ago

Russia Russia Russia! They never stop! BTW, wheres scumbag Hunter?

starman99 7 hours ago

(((Anthony Blinken)))

rkb100100 7 hours ago

Yea we know the cabinet is full of heeb's.

brown_hornet 7 hours ago

Is he in the boat with Winken and Nod?

GatorMcClusky 7 hours ago

Good one.

Mount Massive 7 hours ago (Edited)

There is a reason Russia has spent the last 2 months ramping up testing of its mil hardware including hyper-vel ICBM's and SLBM's. - Xiden

SelectedNotElectedBiden 7 hours ago

Rand will be the only Senator to give the Dems a hard time. Sad since it should be payback for EVERY Republican Senator.

freakscene 7 hours ago

Cruz will be fun to watch too. They excel being outnumbered.

Ms No PREMIUM 7 hours ago

If they wanted Rand out of that spot he would have been gone a long time ago.

Bob Lidd 5 hours ago

Does anyone think the US policy in the middle east will change with 10 of biden's

appointees being jewish .......??

The "greater israel" will continue no matter the cost to the American tax cattle.......

((((blinken))) ..........

ReadyForHillary 7 hours ago

The neocons are back!

Max21c 7 hours ago

The neocons are back!

Does not matter. They could not win before and they shall not win now. They're ineffective, inept, and incompetent. They won't be able to fix the messes and disasters they've created for themselves. At best they might be able to sick the secret police on a few people at home and drop some bombs or missiles abroad. But for the most part it's some more of the same. Evil is as evil does. They're not going to be able to work themselves out of the fix they've got themselves into or figure it out. They're toast. They're bad people and they're toast. Washingtonians may have absolute power but they've had absolute power all along...and they still can't fix the disasters they've caused.

Northern Exposure 6 hours ago (Edited)

Oh thank God!

If we're not looking for a new pointless war to start or jumping into an existing one then this isn't the America that I know and love!


karzai_luver 7 hours ago

Where is the BUFFALOBILL dude storming the Senate to drag this blinken criminal scum out and do justice for his wanton murder of thousands?

Shut down this freak show.

I would rather have BUFFALOBILL and his idiots running the place than these feckless people's representatives.

Tony , have you learned your lesson?

Senator - screw you and your people I will think it over.

Alexander 7 hours ago

Silence republicans! Yes we stole the election using widespread mail in ballots, yes your state governments changed the rules to allow us to count these mail in ballots more quickly, yes there were far more votes in this election than any other ever. ANDDDD... NO we will not look into the validity of this election becuase muh capital rioting grandma threatened sweet little socialist AOC.

Now give us your children to fight a war in syria.

artless 7 hours ago

Barack Obama. Neocon to the core. Biden is no different. Gonna do us some "liberating" again. And from the left there will be silence as thousands of poor, short brown people are killed as "collateral damage".

Welcome back America to what you do the best. Destroy lives. Any over/under on how many days it takes Biden to start killing folks and hence become a war criminal like pretty much all his predecessors? I might like a piece of that action.

SassyPants 7 hours ago

Republicans are neocons, democrats are neoliberal. You're basically right, just left out half the problem.

pods 7 hours ago

Can't bitch about foreign actions in our elections when we pick other governments.

Invert This, Media Matters Monkeys 7 hours ago

Pick ???? Surely you jest !

pods 7 hours ago

We choose sides right?

We picked the CIA stooge in Venezuela.

Not sure about your question.

Maybe "kinetically pick" would be better?

Invert This, Media Matters Monkeys 7 hours ago

Sorry, I didn't read your post properly. I didn't see "other" governments.

rwe2late 7 hours ago

you either forgot the sarc tag

or failed to notice such as V. Nuland hand-picking leadership in Ukraine,

or the Trump picking of Guiado for Venezuela.

Invert This, Media Matters Monkeys 7 hours ago

Poor eye sight is my best and only excuse.

SelectedNotElectedBiden 7 hours ago

Where is Hunter?

Invert This, Media Matters Monkeys 7 hours ago

The Big Guy made him the Advance Minister of Foreign Extortion.

headslapper 7 hours ago

The faces change but the song remains the same. What a waste of energy this government is. Resources thrown down the toilet to make the Ruling class more wealthy. Why do we even pay attention. We all need to have a look in the mirror. Myself included of course.

Armed Resistance 7 hours ago

So now that you've looked in the mirror, what are you going to do about it? Send a strongly-worded letter? Or are you ready to actually step up. As morally wrong and demented as the radical left is, at least you have to admire them in the sense they actually step up to the plate to get sh!t done. It's immoral, but effective.

Canadian Dirtlump 7 hours ago

Lest we forget the same bearded butchers that Chris Stevens flew into ben gazi with (al Quaeda inter alia aligned ) who were funded and trained by the West were the same ones who flew from ben gazi to the incirlik nato base to try to do the same thing in syria.

The only reason it didn't work was because of the SAA, Hezbollah and of course the ultimate backstop Russia. I'm thankful for this.

mikka 7 hours ago

Imagine Russian or Chinese parliament publicly debating regime change in USA.

Uncle_Cuddles 7 hours ago (Edited)

Debating? China has ALREADY done it here.

joew8989 7 hours ago

Rand will continue to fight the good fight, when you live a life based on principal, that's what you do. We will always need more people like him. That's what built this country, not the parasites at the helm now.

ItsTooHotForThis 6 hours ago

Paul voted to confirm the electors. His challenge to the new Sec. of State means nothing.

Garciathinksso 5 hours ago

his argument was based on State's right issue, in case you care

bunkers 5 hours ago

It doesn't matter WHY, he voted with traitors, only, that he did.

SillyTheEnemy 6 hours ago (Edited)

This is literally the only guy we have in the senate who even remotely gives a ****. Yet the amount of **** that is going to happen to us when biden heats up the war in Syria is immeasurable. F*ck me

hardright 6 hours ago

Rand Paul is wasting his time.

If he wants to make a difference he should be lobbying Russia to send more troops into Syria.

surroundedbyijits 6 hours ago

And arranging imports of the Russian vaccine. Less likely to kill you and more effective than the only 45% effective Pfizer ****.

BluCapitalist PREMIUM 6 hours ago

This guys eyes look exactly like the vampires in the movie 30 days of night. Am I in a simulation? Why do these people actually look like fictional villains? I mean Whitmer, Newsom, this new fat, unhealthy, mentally ill assistant "health secretary"? Did I do something really wrong? Am I in hell and don't know it? No. I am here on earth and psychopaths are real and evil is real.

duckandcover 1 hour ago

they're just a little scared and overwhelmed. You might be too

WhiteHose 7 hours ago

Look at this Blinken twit! F you pal! And....wheres HUnter??? Diddling his brothers minor niece? Again? Still?

0h 7 hours ago

2021-01-21 If you go here you can send an email. I just sent: "Joe, you know he won."

LorDampNuts 7 hours ago

I know you are an idiot.

Misesmissesme 7 hours ago

First Ron and now Rand. I think the club just lets them in as the token Don Quixote. They have been the only voices of reason for the last 25 years or so, but they are only tilting at windmills. Nothing is going to change until something forces them to change. The war mongering and corruption will just roll right along while the MIC and congress get richer by the minute.

The unrelenting droning of brown people in foreign lands that are ill-equipped to fight back will commence in 3,2,1...

SassyPants 7 hours ago

Leaving the Republican Party would be the first best step.

ejmoosa 7 hours ago (Edited)

We put too much on one man and one man alone to change things.

Faced with judges and a House and A Senate against him the task before Trump was Herculean.

Add to that 2/5ths of the states with governors also against Trump and it's even worse.

What you need to do is get involved in your local politics and take control back of your Cities and County Commissions, as well as your state governments.

Had Trump held control of the House and the Senate and we had sitting on Courts people who put the Constitution first FOR the people rather than using it against them, things would be a lot different today.

The choice is yours.

Time to play 7 hours ago

It's good to see that Rand, is starting to think more like his father!

north_hand_demon 7 hours ago

So he's controlled opposition, too?

Lyman54 7 hours ago

Pretty early to be smoking crack isn't it?

otschelnik 7 hours ago

With Cookies Nuland as Blinken's deputy, you've got the neocon family business installed at Foggy Bottom. Robert (Victoria's huband), Fredrick, and Kim each with their own pro-war think tank, and a list of supporters which constitute the "A-list" of the USSA's merchants of death. Northrup-Grumman, UTX, Raytheon, Lockheed....

9.1ontherichterscale 7 hours ago

Winken, Blinken and Nod.

That's the administration we got now.

silverlinings00 8 hours ago

Careful Rand, we wouldn't want you to get another "visit" from a neighbor while you're mowing the lawn.

Pdunne 3 hours ago (Edited)

Biden's biggest Cabinet mistake will ultimately be Blinken.

Like Obama picked H Clinton with disasterous consequences Biden picks Blinken.

JackOliver4 4 hours ago

Rand Paul says " Assad is a terrible person " !!!

Dr Assad is a HERO !!

Rand Paul is either completely misinformed or just another useless politician afraid to speak the TRUTH !


Hessler 4 hours ago

Assad may be a good person at heart but he is not qualified to run a state. He should be a doctor or something.

JackOliver4 4 hours ago

And Joe Biden is ??

OR Boris Johnstone ??

Helg Saracen 4 hours ago

It is up to the Syrians to decide, not you. You already paid for the genocide of the Syrian Christians in the "fight against the tyrant Assad." I've seen all kinds of idiots and hypocrites, but you are their king.

Hessler 4 hours ago (Edited)

Why did not Assad anticipated the Zionist invasion even though the Snowden document reveled the CIA/Mossad works in the making in 2006 ??

If he did anticipated an invasion why he did not do anything to safeguard his nation and it's people ?

Why every men, women and child capable to lift and shoot was not given and an ordinance and proper training ?? Israel has that. Why can't Syria ?

Syria is a part of Greater Israel. They have been marked for genocide the day Israel was created, what haste did Mr. Assad showed to safeguard his country against their genocidal maniacs psychopaths ??

I will never forgive those who inflicted the terrible atrocities on the children and women and Mr. Assad has a blame to share.

mark3383 3 hours ago

Assad risked his life and continues to do so every day, trump recently bragged he thought about "taking him out". he's a true hero more than you or I will ever be

steve2241 5 hours ago

Rand Paul doesn't understand. Blinken follows the path that Israel tells him to. Middle East instability benefits Israel. The fomenting of Sunni-Shia conflict kills Israels' enemies, the muslims, without Israel having to lift a finger. Syria is no longer a threat to Israel. Mission accomplished.

Hessler 4 hours ago (Edited)

You're wrong on two accounts. First, there's no ****te/Sunni conflict. What goes in Miiddle East is entire different than what is portrayed here. The locals know but how many of them get interviewed on live TV or get a airtime on a prime time desk ? Those are reserved for the chosenites who spew BS about Arabs and Muslims 24/7.

****te/Sunni fiction as broadcasts in the west is nothing but a ploy to wash the hands of the responsibility and pin the blame on the victims.

Second, Syria is now a bigger threat to Israel than it was in Pre War era. Battle Hardened troops, better organization, training with Russian/Iranian Military, better equipment, talented strategists and when you fight a war like that for that long you tend to grow a bigger set of balls.

JackOliver4 4 hours ago

Syria wants the GOLAN back - I would say they are a threat to ISRAEL !!

Sick Monkey 5 hours ago

Speaking of war didn't Rand Paul vote to accept the illegitimate electors. I like Paul he seems to have a level head but you voted to put the commies in power. Like you said in your speech "there are repercussions". Those who took a stand against this coup must be kept in power as they put skin in the game. That's a rare and precious gift to us the people. In the year 2021 it's as good as gold.

Taffer 5 hours ago

Exactly, hence my previous comment below.

mark3383 3 hours ago

trump lost the election because he allowed million of fraud votes to be counted and never said or did anything about it in the year leading up to it. he 's the one that lost it. no one else

Sinophile 6 hours ago

"War Pigs"----Black Sabbath

Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerers of death's construction
In the fields the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds
Oh lord yeah!

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor

Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait 'til their judgement day comes

Now in darkness world stops turning
Ashes where the bodies burning
No more war pigs have the power
Hand of God has struck the hour
Day of judgement, God is calling
On their knees the war pig's crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan laughing spreads his wings
oh lord yeah!

surroundedbyijits 6 hours ago

Circuses. Theatre for the plebes. Not one bit of foreign policy is decided or affected by debates or hearings in the Legislative branch. They're all following a script, some of them act like they aren't in on the joke.

Cloudcrusher 6 hours ago

Psychosis the denial of reality. The military industrial complex is make believe. It's military industrial congress, Congress is in charge they alone are to blame know one else. The sooner everyone starts living in reality the better off will be. You want to win the war of words better start with reality. Or your going to get a another kind of war one where only the strong survive.

Max21c 6 hours ago (Edited)

Watch: Rand Paul Challenges New Secretary Of State Over Regime-Change In Syria

Meaningless inside the beltway for the record drool-n-dribble... Rand Paul just wants to pad his resume, bio, and gain some street cred claims...

TahoeBilly2012 6 hours ago

When do the new wars start? Dems can't wait. Blame them on Covid or something, they will buy it.

vspam 7 hours ago

Biden will go to war with Iran and turned thr ME into a fireball. The mainstream media will cheer him on under the banner of peace and unity

Max21c 7 hours ago

Diablo Corona

Washingtonians are for the most part the spawn of Satan.

DC= the Devil's City... they are evil... Washingtonians are just pure rotten evil...

Washington DC ... Devil's City

Washington DC .... Devil's Crown

The evil ones cannot change their evil ways... they're too far gone... the evil ones cannot be redeemed...

Max21c 7 hours ago

Paul concluded by saying that regime change needs to end because it is involving the US in long wars that are costly to the military.

Too late. Washington is toast. It's just a question of when Washingtonians lose in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, et cetera. They already made a mess of things and they do not have the brains to fix it. Same with their inabilities as regards nonproliferation, North Korea, et cetera. They don't have what it takes to figure it out and work it out and nobody is going to fix it for them because they're assholes regardless of which cabal of Ivy League assholes or ******* elites are in power.

ThomasEdmonds 7 hours ago

Paul isn't supposed to question a Zionist's motives..

aloha-snackbar 7 hours ago

if the youth said no to war and moms said not my child and burned down the recruitment/death centers then war would end...

tunEphsh 7 hours ago

Thank goodness that Paul told the idiot Blicken to lay off regime change. Obama-Biden made a mess of the middle east and caused a refugee crises which is still with us. Instead of being named secretary of state, me thinks Blicken should be put in jail for acts in the Middle East which killed hundreds of thousands of people.

moneybots 7 hours ago

The EU has become a mess because of regime change.

freakscene 7 hours ago

Of course he should. But that would require sanity.

yerfej 7 hours ago (Edited)

Simple way to stop all this insane venturism and nation building it to MANDATE that every aysshole like Blinken have a spouse or child or sibling or relative ON THE GROUND fighting in one of these shyyytholes. These elites love this crap because THEY never pay a personal price, no they have farmed that out to the "commoners" who supply the bodies. The filthy elites are good at leveraging everyone else to fulfill their fantasies while paying no price.

Occams_Razor_Trader 7 hours ago

You've seen the videos of Chelsea and Malia on tour in Kabul? Yeah?

yerfej 7 hours ago

More like Eeyore pontificating from her 20 million dollar penthouse about how she is so not into money, or Maglia dancing around stoned like a "social justice warrior".

Flynt2142ahh 7 hours ago (Edited)

The senate needs more Rand Paul types - and they dont have to be in the Republican party...This would force actual accountability of uniparty folks and these appointees. We need less murkowski and collins

phillyla 7 hours ago

I am going to harp on this

in 2014 Matt Bevin challenged McConnell in a Senate Primary

He was gaining momentum

Then Rand endorsed McConnell

Bevin lost McConnell got re-elected

Bevin was later elected Governor of KY so he had the votes

Rand Paul Broke my heart

Leguran@premium PREMIUM 7 hours ago

We need use the Progressive's signage: He is not my President.

LostMyGunsInABoatingAccident 7 hours ago

You can't necessarily call it an "American" policy.

America lost control of it's policy long ago.....

Mount Massive 7 hours ago

Here comes another war, and this time, it will spiral out of control. In two years or less, I expect the US to be in a major conflict and/or hit at home. Sigh....Leftist

Invert This, Media Matters Monkeys 7 hours ago

Pelosi just took Rand aside and said, wait and see what your neighbor on the other side of you has to say about this.

9.1ontherichterscale 7 hours ago

Rand is in the senate. nancy runs the house. That would be Schumer's job.

Invert This, Media Matters Monkeys 7 hours ago

Pelosi seems to be running the show and is the face of the party

WorkingClassMan 8 hours ago (Edited)

Rand Paul, the lone voice of sanity in a rubber-stamp corrupt government.

If you or someone you care about is either in or thinking about joining this nation's military...please don't. Let these antiwhites fight their own wars. They hate you and don't trust you because you're White and they hate you owning guns, but they'll put a gun in your hand and point you at their and Isn'treal's enemies without hesitation.

fudge punch 8 hours ago

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

AVmaster 3 hours ago

"Regime change in the Middle East has led to chaos, instability and more terrorism,"

Uhhh, yea...

... Thats what they WANTED!


Scipio Africanuz 3 hours ago

Thank you Senator Paul..

For your candor..

The challenge of US Foreign Policy, is akin to a heroin addiction. It's bad for the country, but all attempts to cure the country of addiction to imperialism has failed, including our energetic efforts over the years..

Too many people benefit from the ruination of the country as it engages in squandering lives, honor, power, reputation, and treasure, in maintaining a facade of illusory power, at the expense of the true power of the country..

Put simply Senator, at this point, we don't believe any entity on earth can cure the US of the addiction to depravity save nature, which cure is more preferable to that of the Entity whose decision is not subject to appeal..

Now Senator, you may not believe in God Almighty and thus, swat away the simple insight but God does not require your belief to act..

Over His creation..

The only cure, if sense and rationality don't prevail, is exactly what we don't desire to know and why?

Because we've seen it before, applied to different societies with similar mentality over the course of human history and Senator, it's never palatable..

Anyhow, probation is till summer, to allow folks do intensive introspective contemplation, enough to acquire prudent humility and if they don't, well..


Ckierst1 2 hours ago

I believe the Senator is a Christian.

Pdunne 4 hours ago

Blinken is a bald faced liar and is already working with Ms Nuland on more regime changes.

Venezuela and Syria need to get ready for more robust attacks.

Dzerzhhinsky 2 hours ago

Control the oil, you control the world.

the_pencil 2 hours ago

Oil was the cause of every war for the past century.

Posa 4 hours ago

A ridiculous exchange. Sen Paul seems to take at face value the Liberal-NeoCon claim that Regime Change is good-intentioned attempt to democratize the Middle East.

Hardly. Regime Change was always designed to a) install Israeli supremacy in the region ("Operation Clean Break"); and b) secure US Global Uni-polar dominance (the Wolfowitz Doctrine) as part of the Brezezinski "Grand Chessboard". That's the intention... this exchange demonstrates how out of it Rand Paul is; and what a nasty weasel Blinken is.

Ckierst1 2 hours ago

That's not what Sen. Paul said. He doesn't agree with regime change. That's what he said.

PaulDF 5 hours ago

To which the Biden appointee replied, "You know, the thing!"

mark3383 3 hours ago

cmon man!

duckandcover 2 hours ago

do your job!

Taffer 5 hours ago

Rand Paul's opinion and $6 will get him a latte at Starbucks.

Hessler 6 hours ago (Edited)

Foreign policy is never gonna change no matter who's in change because the way system is setup.

The lifestyle (our way of life) pertaining to the western model of civilization (our values) needs unlimited supply of money to be supported. The money that can't be made by legal means, hence the continues war that needs to be maintained overseas while also starting new ones as requirement arise.

And since this is a continues state, so accompanies it continues propaganda, lies, false flags, deception and manipulation of facts and truth. LYING IS IN VERY GENES OF THE WHITE CHRISTIAN WEST. They have been doing it for so long that they have almost mastered the "the art of lying" the zenith of which is to project your own flaws and crimes on to the subjects you carried it out on. One thing you can always be sure of, they will never admit their crimes unless there's no other way. And that they will be accusing their opponents of the same things they would be doing.

War underpins their society, nation and civilization.

steve2241 4 hours ago

The problem is that the U.S. is abusing its position as printer-in-chief of the Reserve Currency of the world. With that fake money, it can intervene in the affairs of nations throughout the world - a capability that no other country enjoys. Take away its reserve currency and watch how quickly middle eastern strife ends - and the nation of Israel, too.

apparently 6 hours ago

will the left and their mindless supporters be comforted to know that their guy promotes these "endless wars"? will they be happy to sacrifice their sons and daughters for desert real-estate whose oil we don't want?

Paul was being way too polite. He should simply say: "I'm not voting to confirm this war monger" then get up and leave the room.

Hessler 6 hours ago

If you think it's about the oil, you really don't understand the world you inhabit.

apparently 6 hours ago (Edited)

I don't think it's about oil but I'm struggling to name a single US interest in sand-wars. maybe you can? yes, yes, military/industrial complex, blah, blah, but why the middle east? please enlighten us.

Hessler 5 hours ago (Edited)

It's to rebuild the world in the image of the west and Islam is the biggest hampering in the way. Like other religions, it can't be altered or dominated so the only way is to completely destroy it. This is why Israel was setup by the Anglos at a strategic location in the heart of the Arab world to engage them into perpetual war and destroy them.

That's about it.

And whenever a war on a civilization is waged, there are always monetary benefits. Oil, MIC, Political donations come into play here. But that's just a sideshow. And with a civilization as big as Islamic, benefits also tend to be massive.

apparently 5 hours ago

no evidence that the arab spring was against islam. why aren't we doing regime change in indonesia? why did joe just reverse the Muslim travel ban?

do you understand anything about the world you live in?

Hessler 5 hours ago (Edited)

A lot actually. We are concentrating on the core of the Islamic civilization for when the core collapses, the outer layers collapses with it. It's the core that holds the entire thing together, hence we concentrate on Middle East and not on Indonesia.

Arab spring was to sow chaos and turmoil. By the way of deception.....Jewish moto

It is not that Israel establishes America's foreign policy. It is that the basic world view produced by WASP culture is naturally aligned with Jewish thought in most ways, especially in terms of Empire: ruling the world.

InflammatoryResponse 5 hours ago

it was not a muslim travel ban. it was a ban on places that didn't have adequate infrastructure to verify who was travling.

duckandcover 1 hour ago

where is the last place, core or not core, that Islam religion and Muslim culture has been eradicated by any means? Yugoslavia? India? Not seeing it. Culture eats strategy for breakfast. Your argument does not hold.

starman99 5 hours ago


Groucho 5 hours ago

No of course not. Nothing to do with what George Kennan called "the greatest strategic material prize in world history".

Hessler 5 hours ago

And whenever a war on a civilization is waged, there are always monetary benefits. Oil, MIC, Political donations come into play here. But that's just a sideshow. And with a civilization as big as Islamic, benefits also tend to be massive.

apparently 2 hours ago

by now, we should be weary (and wary) of "it's all a sideshow" arguments.

it simply asserts greater knowledge (never disclosed) and terminates the thread.

as for the grand anti-islam plan... how's that going in western europe?

Groucho 5 hours ago

No of course not. Nothing to do with what George Kennan called "the greatest strategic material prize in world history".

JackOliver4 4 hours ago

It is ALWAYS about the OIL - thats why IRAN and VENEZUELA are being weakened by crippling sanctions !!

THAT"S how the ZIO/US does it - SANCTIONS first - WAR 2nd !

Doesn't work anymore since RUSSIA stepped in !

nocturnal66 7 hours ago

Just ask if this 100 year plus war is to create "greater Israel" . It all documented. Enough already with the lies. Just admit it.

Occams_Razor_Trader 7 hours ago

WWE- fake fights have begun again in earnest .....................

Paul Ryan could fake a punch as good as John Boehner ............

Max21c 7 hours ago (Edited)

"Maybe we shouldn't be 'choosing' governments in the Middle East," Paul continued.

The Washington establishment imposed their chosen ruler Joe Schmo Biden to rule over America.

jesus_loves_you 7 hours ago

H a n g t h e m a l l

Aquamaster 7 hours ago

Should we have a contest to see who can pick the first country Biden will send troops to?

Lyman54 7 hours ago

DC !

SERReal1 7 hours ago

You win!

WTFUD 7 hours ago

Blinken Heck , don't worry ya'll, Nuland (Nudelman's) back to steady the ship with a fab new chocolate chip cookie recipe that the terrorists will adore.

littlewing 7 hours ago

And they aren't even trying to hide it.

fzrkid 7 hours ago

Rand can say whatever he wants and it changes NOTHING

Armed Resistance 7 hours ago

Who is still planning on filing taxes? At the very least, turn your back on the system-right? Upvote for not filing, downvote for I just want to avoid conflict-I'm filing.

brown_hornet 7 hours ago

But, we are getting a return.

No paying next year though.

rwe2late 7 hours ago (Edited)

Doesn't matter if it is a disaster for the peoples invaded and for domestic liberty in the USA.

It's considered "worth it" by those in power

to protect the financial supremacy of the dollar,

promote the regional military supremacy of Israel,

and continue the war profiteering of the MIC.

north_hand_demon 7 hours ago

So what? Your cushy lifestyle and mine is a direct result of hegemony. Get over it.

rwe2late 7 hours ago (Edited)

Celebration of a "cushy lifestyle" gained by plunder and murder is not for everyone.

To revel in it, one requires a special insensibility.

DonGenaro 7 hours ago (Edited)

This fence-sitter did virtually NOTHING to stop the steal.
Now he's whining about having to lie in bed his cowardice helped make.
Many MORE thousands will soon be massacred by these war-mad psychopaths.

littlewing 7 hours ago

Rand is smart, he knew no matter what Xiden was going to be installed.

HominyTwin 7 hours ago

He's smart. A bunch of idiots, after a good breakfast at IHOP, were herded into the capital by govt informants to break stuff for the cameras, and then herded right back out in time for a hearty dinner at Golden Corral. They did sacrifice their lunch for exactly nothing, though. Congrats. He stayed away from all that nonsense.

9.1ontherichterscale 7 hours ago

That's about the size of it, in retrospect.

zulu127 7 hours ago

regime change needs to end because it is involving the US in long wars that are costly to the military.

Wrong! "regime change needs to continue because it is involving the US in wars that are profitable to the military.

ableman28 4 hours ago

Part of the problems is that neither the democrats or republicans are primarily in favor of DEMOCRATIC governments in the middle east. When Egypt FREELY ELECTED the Muslin Brotherhood to power in Egypt the US fell all over itself to help unseat them, using every technique we can.....currency debasement, food aid manipulation, tacit encouragement to strongment (military) that we feel are controllable, etc. etc.

The US was never in favor of one man one vote in South Africa during apartheid and explained this convenient hypocrisy as an unfortunate necessity.

Supporting regime change is entirely, ENTIRELY, different than supporting democracy. The US has a very very very long history of supporting the former and claiming it was the latter when in fact it wasn't. Democracy means letting the chips fall where they may. In countries whose ruling leadership is oppressive to its people and for which we have a long history of support its very unlikely that any democratic election would bring us new friends. It would, in every case, bring to power people who opposed the old government and by association US.

People playing to the stands here in the US are smart enough to know this. But maintaining the correct political position for domestic consumption also trumps doing the right thing in anywhere else.

International politics is a pure expression of national interest. Our national interest is economic outside the US. That part of socialist or marxist theory is spot on.

Hessler 4 hours ago

Insightful, thanks!

LooseLee 4 hours ago

'Disaster' is the MO, Rand. Please, get real or get lost.

Musum 5 hours ago

Senator Rand Paul recently challenged the new Secretary of State nominee Anthony Blinken on his history of pushing regime change in the Middle East and North Africa

Pointless and hopeless. The only way to end America's endless wars is to deal with the guys in small hats.

Hessler 5 hours ago

Small hats were employed by the English speaking protestants for their ulterior motives, world view, global ambitions which were in alignment with the chosenites.

You can't solve the Jewish problem without solving the problem of western civilization.

Fire_Hog 5 hours ago

The real problems are the 3 letter intelligence agencies, not religion.

Musum 4 hours ago

Are you naive or misdirecting? Offices are occupied by people.

train rider 6 hours ago

Deep thinking and reflection...what about our military personnel and contractors...why are we putting them in danger with these interventionist kockamamie screw balls coming up with these strategies...meanwhile innocent civilians keep getting maimed and killed.

We have no business over there, let the countries decide for themselves what they want etc. we need energy idependence...greta can go fly a kite...keep reducing emissions with tech we have.

nocturnal66 6 hours ago

LorDampNuts 7 hours ago

It is very sad that paul's neighbor does not have a more lethal right hook.

TheZeitgeist 7 hours ago

Sen. Paul began his argument by questioning Blinken's role in the NATO intervention of Libya in 2001

So...only off by a decade. I think ZeroHedge drops these snafus into the copy just to see if anyone actually reads the stuff.

freakscene 7 hours ago (Edited)

Its skimming material at best. Reading all the way through went out the window when ZH become a CNN sponsor.


littlewing 7 hours ago

When Ron Paul was calling out Bernanke you would see they were alone in the room.

There is no debate, its all a fraud. Saw the vote on election theft and it was their aides voting for them.

StanleyTheManly 7 hours ago

Give me a break, Rand Paul. YOU KNOWINGLY voted for this by not standing for our elected President.

You're a traitor. Shut up and sit down.

TRON Paul 7 hours ago




wmbz 7 hours ago

War is a business, and "we" are big business. Matter no how many completely innocent people get blown away. What matters are the spoils. We were warned over and over again about the MIC yet here we are.

Profit always wins over peace, no money in it.

totally unwise 7 hours ago

Today, wars aren't meant to be won

they're meant to bring chaos


Calling Maxwell Smart and agent 99

Where's that shoe phone ?

freakscene 7 hours ago

I guess, good for Rand? Thats about all he can do.

Dog Will Hunting 7 hours ago

Oh, that Rand Paul. I wondered where he was hiding this whole time peels back Trump's saggy *** cheeks to find the good doctor

in_xanadu_did_kubla_khan 8 hours ago

Achoo: Hey, Blinkin

Blinkin: Did you say Abe Lincoln?

Achoo: No! I said, HEY, BLINKIN!

createnewaccount 8 hours ago

If we can't have Giant Meteor maybe a global helter skelter of 'regime change' will be a good consolation prize.

Lt. Frank Drebin 8 hours ago

I voted for Giant Meteor, but the Dominion voting machines switched my vote to turd sandwich.

Holding My Breath 7 hours ago

A big upvote for sarcasm (or is it utter stupidity?)

createnewaccount 4 hours ago

Uh oh!

Herdee 7 hours ago

The Military/Industrial Complex needs endless foreign wars and imaginary enemies so that the money won't be spent at home helping Americans. Such as infrastructure projects. The goal from within is to destroy the American middle class and turn the United States into a third world country. Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump all served the crooks.

littlewing 7 hours ago

Uh then why didn't Trump start wars?

Bear 11 minutes ago

Like father like son ... insight and wisdom

Arizona1234 26 minutes ago

China Joe and the mentally ill Marxist that run his crap show already started a multi Trillion dollar endless war. The War on the weather they call Climate Crisis. It's the one where we loose and wind up praying to find the small potato to make it through the day, and then hope to find a few dry sticks for the fire to cook it. Where you will have to make the small fire at night so that mentally ill #AOC carbon police can't easily see the smoke.

Maltheus 1 hour ago

It's taken less than 24 hours, after Biden's inauguration, for ISIS to magically make an appearance again. They're not even pretending anymore.

Tom Angle 2 hours ago

I think I had heard all I want to hear from Rand Paul after.

boattrash 2 hours ago

Gawdamit Rand, we like you and everything, but the Coup you should be focused on is HERE, even if it means you should spit in your hands, hoist the black flag and start slittin throats.


The American People

Dzerzhhinsky 3 hours ago

If the US can steal Syria, it means it will be able to build a pipeline, steal Iranian gas and sell it to Europe.
The US needs something to give its financiers and controlling energy supplies to Europe would go a long way to paying off the debt.

learnofjesuits 4 hours ago

vatican's wars

Hessler 3 hours ago

Puritans burred the Vatican so deep underground that if even the nuke detonates there, if won't make a shockwave on the ground

TemporarySecurity 4 hours ago

Perfectly fine for anybody in the executive to lie through their teeth.

Say one thing in the hearing and do what they always do once confirmed. Our post Constitutional government needs to fail.

tangent 4 hours ago

Ran Paul's ability to talk as if they are not simply being outright bribed for their positions is impressive. I suppose the new CCP SoS will take the positions of the CCP, which is the one paying him the most money for those positions.

richnhappy 4 hours ago

Just read confessions of an economic hit man, by john perkins, all you need to know. The playbook sounds like what china is doing in the us now, distract the masses with the middle east ****show.

Seditious 4 hours ago

We have had just one president so far this century that has not used American blood and treasure to destroy a nation. He was a rogue billionaire that got taken out by every other billionaire that wanted to stay in the club. The American people are going to have to figure out that they will have better results solving this nations problems at the Bezos, Walton, Zuckerberg and Dorsey homes than they will going to the Capitol in Washington DC.

The Child sacrifice murders committed by these people don't occur in some hidden room at a pizza parlor. They occur on public roads under semitrailers marked Amazon Prime and Walmart that wouldn't be allowed on the roads of nations that we used to call the third world.

I suppose the only big question is, who's child dies tomorrow?

Maghreb2 4 hours ago

You could look it at that way. I'd say he was a hairs breadth from starting world war III with Iran and China and was removed by a stroke of bad luck from Wuhan and the old establishment asserting their authority through corruption.

Trump might be remembered fondly for actually lowering the number of small conflicts but the U.S war machine is bigger than any one president and his closeness to Israel show what camp he was in. Only God or a few insiders can really judge what his ultimate aim was but he wasn't the man who pulled the first shot of the first world war. Damn well loaded the gun and gave it to the Israelis in my opinion.

Seditious 4 hours ago

During Obama's time in office we had a year in which the United States dropped bombs in more nations than they did in any single year during WW2.

Bezos, Walton's and others spill our blood domestically. Biden will spill our blood overseas to keep some other billionaires happy.

Maghreb2 5 hours ago (Edited)

I'll play devils advocate even though I like the guy. His father thought things like that were a good idea as an alternative to imperial invasion.

steve2241 4 hours ago

Based on your comment, I take it you REALLY like Blinken! Yes?

Fire_Hog 5 hours ago

The same thing happened in Egypt when Obama pushed for and got quick elections when the only organization that could field candidates was the Muslim Brotherhood. The result was very predictable.

The Brotherhood took over and the result was so bad that the people finally rebelled against Morsi's government. This lead to Al Sisi who was better than Morsi. I question whether the situation improved by letting the Muslim Brotherhood take control.

Maghreb2 4 hours ago

People? Thought that was the military?

WatchnSee 5 hours ago

"regime change doesn't work" "Maybe we shouldn't be 'choosing' governments in the Middle East,".... nor in the USA. Time will tell.

Hessler 6 hours ago (Edited)

Don't worry Mr. Paul, these white men in the suits are the leaders of the terrorists groups. It's hardcoded in their genes, they don't know any other way of earning a living.

Mancolo 6 hours ago

Lessons? I don't need your stinking lessons. I've got friends to pay off.

Pvt Joker PREMIUM 7 hours ago

I like the US policy of Perma War and Regime change. The more troops over there , the less troops over here.

Scornd 7 hours ago

I dont understand the complaints.

You voted for this.

MCDirtMigger 6 hours ago

By 'you', do you mean Dominion?

littlewing 7 hours ago

District of Criminals

that's all they are.

I am bailing out forever now.

Just looking at them and their actions is self harm.

Max21c 7 hours ago (Edited)

District of Criminals

Diablo Corona

Washingtonians are for the most part the spawn of Satan.

DC= the Devil's City... they are evil... Washingtonians are just pure rotten evil...

Washington DC ... Devil's City

Washington DC .... Devil's Crown

The evil ones cannot change their evil ways... they're too far gone... the evil ones cannot be redeemed...

LorDampNuts 7 hours ago

Keep sending your donations to Stop the Steal, Trump has a plan and will be sworn in by April when it warms up. Free Chumptard hat with every $100 donation.

Occams_Razor_Trader 7 hours ago

I'd donate a hunny for you to flush your head in a toilet ...............

foxenburg 7 hours ago

plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

Rammbock 7 hours ago

Republicans are great actors

Kotwica 44 7 hours ago

This guy speaks truth, but, no one gives a flying fu<k.

Ajax_USB_Port_Repair_Service_ 7 hours ago

Attention Secret Police: We've got one for you!

freedommusic 7 hours ago (Edited)

Whatever these folks say is irrelevant. They are all sitting on foreign soil. The UNITED STATES CORPORATION is a foreign Municipal entity owned by China claimed in the recent bankruptcy settlement. POTUS said when he was leaving. Go ahead, take it. The buildings, the chairs, statues, it's all yours . Anyone who steps outside of that foreign jurisdiction will be entering American soil and subject to the Laws of the United States Constitutional Republic and prosecuted for treason and sedition.

DC is now a Chinese embassy.

I wonder how much food they have stocked up in there? I would presume the military would uphold a blockade and prevent the exchange of trade from occurring into a surrounded hostile territory of the enemy.




SERReal1 7 hours ago

Where was Rand in calling out the election fraud?

Now he is acting all tough again on the deep state creatures.

9.1ontherichterscale 7 hours ago (Edited)

He wants to stay in office. No way is going to touch the third rail. None of them will.

rkb100100 7 hours ago

This is part of a Punch and Judy show put on for retards.

leodogma1 7 hours ago

And yet not one peep of this Quislings tie's to the Chinese Communist party of Evil !

Southern Discomfort 7 hours ago

I'm sure it will be blamed on an action taken by Trump and the only cure will be intervention. Maybe Joetard can set up a new cabinet level position to seek out opportunities for new wars.

More-Cowbell 8 hours ago

The show must go on. As if these asz clowns ( all of them ) matter.

north_hand_demon 8 hours ago

Whatever. Your cushy lifestyle, and mine, exists because we're the dominant imperial power on the planet. Might makes right. Paul knows it too; this is just virtue signaling.

artless 7 hours ago (Edited)

And in your statement lies the real problem with the vast majority of people in this country.

Yeah I edited the lame ad hom line after I read a few comments. But perhaps it is long due that rather than simply accept things as the way they are and calling any opposition to it the thoughts of a ten year old, it might be high time to actually try to make a change in how people think and ultimately behave.

LooseLee 4 hours ago

Said like a card-carrying Zio.

[Jan 19, 2021] Goodbye Sheldon Adelson by Philip Giraldi

What is interesting tha casino traditionally was regarded as mafia connected business.
Jan 19, 2021 |

Casino magnate and Israeli patriot multi-billionaire Sheldon Adelson, one of the world's richest men, died in Las Vegas on January 11 th at age 87. He had been suffering from cancer and has been buried at the Mount of Olives Cemetery in Israel . When his body arrived in Israel it was met by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as well as Jonathan Pollard, the most damaging spy in United States history. Tributes to the fallen "hero" poured in from the political class in both the United States and Israel and it has even been reported that President Donald Trump was intending to hoist the American flag at half mast over federal buildings to honor the "great humanitarian philanthropist." Unfortunately, the flag was already at half mast honoring the death of Capitol Police Force officer Brian Sicknick, who was murdered in the Capitol building last Wednesday.

Trump has not mentioned the service unto death of Sicknick and the flag lowering itself was apparently a bit of an afterthought on behalf of the White House, but he had plenty to say about his good buddy Adelson, who has been the principal funder of the Republican Party over the past five years. As he can no longer use Twitter, the president's condolences were posted on the White House site: "Melania and I mourn the passing of Sheldon Adelson, and send our heartfelt condolences to his wife Miriam, his children and grandchildren. Sheldon lived the true American dream. His ingenuity, genius, and creativity earned him immense wealth, but his character and philanthropic generosity his great name. Sheldon was also a staunch supporter of our great ally the State of Israel. He tirelessly advocated for the relocation of the United States embassy to Jerusalem, the recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and the pursuit of peace between Israel and its neighbors. Sheldon was true to his family, his country, and all those that knew him. The world has lost a great man. He will be missed."

Missing from the Trump eulogy is any mention of what Adelson did for the United States, which is his country of birth and where he made his fortune engaging in activity that many would consider to be a vice. In fact, Adelson was all about the Jewish state, positioning himself as the principal funder of the Republican Party under Donald Trump and receiving in return as a quid pro quo the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement (JCPOA), the move of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, the recognition of Israeli annexation of the Syrian Golan Heights, and a virtual concession that the Jewish state could do whatever it wants vis-à-vis the Palestinians, to include expelling them from Palestine. Adelson once commented that Israel does not have to pretend to be a democracy but it must be Jewish, presumably to help the process of Arab genocide move along.

Adelson's mechanism, initiated under George W. Bush, is familiar to how the Israel Lobby operates more generally. It consisted of the exploitation of the incessant need of campaign money by the GOP, which Adelson provided with strings attached. He worked with the Republicans to completely derail the admittedly faux peace process begun under Bill Clinton, which depended on a two-state solution, and instead give the Jewish state a free hand to implement its own unilateral Greater Israel Project extending from "the Jordan River to the Mediterranean." As part of that expansion, Israel has been building illegal settlements while also bombing and killing Lebanese, Syrians, and Iranians and assassinating scientists and technicians throughout the region.

All of the interventions against Israel's neighbors took place even though the Jewish state was not technically at war with anyone. The U.S. meanwhile funded Israeli aggression and watched the spectacle without any complaint, providing political cover as necessary, while also maintaining a major military presence in the Middle East to "protect Israel," as Trump recently admitted.

In short, Sheldon Adelson committed as much as half a billion dollars from his vast fortune to buy control over a major element of U.S. foreign policy and subordinated American interests to those of Israel. In addition to direct donations to both major political parties, he also paid for Congressional "fact finding" trips to Israel and funded a number of pro-Israel lobbies, so-called charities and other related Jewish projects. It is indisputable that he wielded an incredible degree of power to shape Washington's actions in the Middle East. In her own tribute to her dead husband, Miriam Adelson, an Israeli, described how he "crafted the course of nations."

Adelson was actively engaged on Israel's behalf until the week before his death. He provided his casino's private 737 luxury executive jet to transport Jonathan Pollard "home" to Israel. Pollard has served 30 years in prison after being convicted of espionage and was on parole, which restricted his travel. As yet another a gift to Israel, Donald Trump lifted that restriction, allowing him to fly to Israel where he received a hero's welcome. It is generally agreed that Pollard was the most damaging spy in American history, having stolen the keys to accessing U.S. communications and information gathering systems. A month after Pollard's arrest in 1985, C.I.A director William Casey stated: "The Israelis used Pollard to obtain our war plans against the USSR – all of it: the co-ordinates, the firing locations, the sequences, and Israel sold that information to Moscow for more exit visas for Soviet Jews."

Sheldon Adelson used his wealth and political connections to shield himself from any criticism due to his openly expressed preference for Israel over the land of his birth. He famously publicly stated that he wished he had worn the Israeli Army uniform instead of that of the U.S. Army, where he served briefly as a draftee. He also expressed his desire that his son would serve as an Israeli army sniper, presumably allowing him to blow the heads off of Palestinians. In 2013 Adelson advocated ending nuclear negotiations with Iran and instead detonating a nuclear weapon in "the middle of the [Iranian] desert," followed by a threat to annihilate the capital city Tehran, home to 8.6 million, to force Iran to surrender its essentially non-existent nuclear program.

Other acknowledgements of the impact of Adelson came from officials in the Trump Administration. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo commented how his "efforts to strengthen the alliance between Israel and the United States the world, Israel and the United States are safer because of his work." Yeah, right Mike.

So, the world is definitely a better place due to the passing of Sheldon Adelson. Or is it? His Israeli wife Miriam owns more than 40% of Las Vegas Sands Corp Casinos Inc., estimated to be worth in excess of $17 billion. She has proposed that a new chapter be included in the Jewish bible, the Book of Trump, and has pledged herself to continue her husband's work. Trump had previously given her the highest award that a president can bestow, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Freedom, of course, does not apply to Palestinians. And if one is concerned that the Democrats will not be cooperative, they too have their own major donor similar to Adelson. He is an Israeli film producer named Haim Saban, who, echoing a similar statement by Adelson, said that he is a one issue guy and that issue is Israel.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected]

[Jan 17, 2021] 'Let the purges begin'

Jan 17, 2021 |

Twitter has banned the sitting president from its platform indefinitely. Facebook and Instagram have banished Trump until at least after Joe Biden's inauguration. After Twitter began cancelling Trump followers, Amazon Web Services, Apple Store, and Google Play cancelled an entire corporation, Twitter competitor Parler . Other social media platforms could face a similar fate at the hands of the leftist authoritarian Big Tech cartel.

Tens of thousands, if not millions, of Trump supporters have either been purged from mainstream social media platforms or have fled in protest. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has recently promised more censorship and purges . Even the libertarian leader of an earlier populist movement, Ron Paul, has faced a Facebook ban (although this was subsequently claimed to be "an error" ). Guilt by association seems to the rule, no matter how distant or strained the association.

The purges extend well beyond social media. Trump has been cancelled by former business associates, including by one of his former financiers, Deutsche Bank . Blacklists of Trump supporters are being compiled. Congress members have called for the resignation of senators and House members who questioned the election results. If they refuse to resign, say the totalitarian wannabes about to seize complete control, they should be removed from office. ABC News contributor Rick Klein called for the " cleansing " of Trump supporters from the political landscape in a now-deleted tweet.

Khanlenin 1 day ago 15 Jan, 2021 11:34 PM

Always been 99.99% vs 0.01%. The 0.01% determine what wars the military will start, the minimum wage, security of employment, how affordable to make health care, the tax system etc even the school curriculum. The freest country with the most controls.
Ronj14848 ceshawn 1 day ago 15 Jan, 2021 07:36 PM
True...the media support the military industrial complex. Their friends own the miltary industrial complex . See who they support politically and avoid them like the plague.

[Jan 15, 2021] American Pravda- Our Disputed Election by Ron Unz

The key reson of the protest, which was later hijacked and used against Trump and his supporters, was disputed election. Navaro report suggests that the signs of election fraud committed are very plausible. As Ron Unz said "Given these facts, anyone who continues to deny that the election was stolen from Trump is simply being ridiculous."
If those allegations are true, that makes installation of Biden a coup d'état. The fact that the protest was turned into false flag used to depose and silence Trump does not change that fact.
Notable quotes:
"... The Hunter Biden corruption scandal seemed about as serious as any in modern presidential election history and Biden's official victory margin was just 0.01%. So if the American voters had been allowed to learn the truth, Trump almost certainly would have won the election, quite possibly in an Electoral College landslide. Given these facts, anyone who continues to deny that the election was stolen from Trump is simply being ridiculous. ..."
"... Heated election campaigns have consequences, and this is especially true when all of America's most powerful corporations and ruling elites unite to essentially steal a reelection ..."
"... this confused tableau of chaos and popular anger, which recalls scenes from the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention protests, has been portrayed as a "coup attempt" incited by President Trump, and therefore justifying his second impeachment. ..."
"... Expanded mail in voting FRAUD, you mean. Most European countries do not accept voting by mail. Because of fraud issues. ..."
"... This is one more typical coup, CIA installing its chosen presidential puppet ruler. It's a wholly routine occurrence ..."
"... Trump would have won despite the hostility of the media and big tech, and despite electoral corruption in Democrat-controlled big cities, if he had spent the previous 4 years making a good faith effort to implement the policies he ran on in 2016. ..."
"... He ran as a populist, yet ruled as a plutocrat. ..."
"... Candidate Trump promised a non-interventionist foreign policy. President Trump dug us deeper into the Middle East quagmire, intensifying hostilities against Russia, Syria, Yemen and Iran while being cartoonishly subservient to Israel. ..."
"... He ran on an immigration platform written by Jeff Sessions. As president he prioritized the immigration policies of Sheldon Adelson and Jared Kushner – calling for "more immigration than ever before" in his State of the Union address, and lecturing his dumbfounded rally-goers on the need for increased immigration because "my friends in the business world say we need it". ..."
"... Candidate Trump promised to drain the swamp. President Trump pardoned a menagerie of grotesque swamp creatures. ..."
"... Candidate Trump promised to close the carried interest loophole and make Wall Street pay its fair share. President Trump gave massive tax cuts to the very media moguls and tech oligarchs who would subsequently doom his 2020 campaign. ..."
Jan 15, 2021 |

... ... ...

In particular, several of the major swing-states contain large cities -- Detroit, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, and Atlanta -- that are both totally controlled by the Democratic Party and also notoriously corrupt, and various eye-witnesses have suggested that the huge anti-Trump margins they provided may have been heavily "padded" to ensure the candidate's defeat.

Even leaving aside some of these plausible claims, the case for a stolen election seems almost airtight. I don't know or care anything about Dominion voting machines, whether they are controlled by Venezuelan Marxists, Chinese Communists, or Martians. But the most blatant election-theft was accomplished in absolutely plain sight.

Not long before the election, the hard drive of an abandoned laptop owned by Joe Biden's son Hunter revealed a gigantic international corruption scheme, quite possibility involving the candidate himself. But the facts of this enormous political scandal were entirely ignored and boycotted by virtually every mainstream media outlet. And once they story was finally published in the pages of the New York Post , America's oldest newspaper, all links to the Post article and its website were suddenly banned by Twitter, Facebook, and other social media outlets to ensure that the voters remained ignorant until after they had cast their ballots.

Renowned international journalist Glenn Greenwald was hardly a Trump partisan, but he became outraged that the editors of the Intercept , the $100 million publication he himself had co-founded, refused to allow him to cover that massive media scandal, and he angrily resigned in protest. In effect, America's media and tech giants formed a united front to steal the election and somehow drag the crippled Biden/Harris ticket across the finish line.

The Hunter Biden corruption scandal seemed about as serious as any in modern presidential election history and Biden's official victory margin was just 0.01%. So if the American voters had been allowed to learn the truth, Trump almost certainly would have won the election, quite possibly in an Electoral College landslide. Given these facts, anyone who continues to deny that the election was stolen from Trump is simply being ridiculous.

Heated election campaigns have consequences, and this is especially true when all of America's most powerful corporations and ruling elites unite to essentially steal a reelection from a populist incumbent, hero-worshiped by many tens of millions of Americans. And when despite all that blatant unfairness and theft, the final margin of defeat is just one vote in 7,000, an explosion of popular outrage should only be expected.

Solid estimates appear unavailable, but it seems that hundreds of thousands of grass-roots Trump supporters traveled to our nation's capital to protest against what they regarded as a stolen election, and then peacefully assembled to listen to their hero's speech.

Afterwards, a tiny sliver of this vast multitude of angry individuals -- perhaps less than one in a thousand -- barged their way into the strangely-undefended Capitol building of Congress, took souvenir selfies, livesteamed their antics, and generally played the role of tourist-protesters while the lawmakers they so despised as corrupt mostly fled or hid. These Trumpists and some of their colorful costumes brought to mind the radical Yippies of the late 1960s.

The previous year had seen an unprecedented wave of violent riots, arson, and looting across some 200 American cities, which our entirely corrupt and dishonest media had generally characterized as "mostly peaceful protests." In previous years, angry mobs of organized Democratic activists had repeatedly invaded and occupied the Wisconsin Legislature , sometimes winning praise from the media. But when unarmed Trump supporters now did something similar for a few hours in Washington, they were quickly branded "domestic terrorists" seeking to overthrow our democracy.

A video shows Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed female protester, being shot dead by a security guard as she tried to climb through a window, an incident not dissimilar to the famous Kent State shootings of a 1960s campus protest, but hardly treated by the media in a similar manner.

A couple of other Trump protesters, probably elderly, overweight, or in poor health, died of strokes or heart-attacks during all the excitement, and one Capitol police officer later died as well, allegedly struck in the head with a fire-extinguisher although there has been no solid account of the incident. Yet this confused tableau of chaos and popular anger, which recalls scenes from the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention protests, has been portrayed as a "coup attempt" incited by President Trump, and therefore justifying his second impeachment.

Even more importantly, the incoming Biden/Harris Administration may be considering the most sweeping domestic crackdown upon traditional American civil liberties since the Patriot Act was passed in the hurried aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks twenty years ago. This has been justified by the need to suppress "domestic extremism."

Even without any new governmental legislation, a remarkable Internet crackdown has already begun. In an absolutely unprecedented development, the sitting president of the United States -- who had just lost his reelection by 0.01% of the vote -- has been summarily banned by Twitter, Facebook, and all other major social media outlets, preventing him from communicating with his followers, and with many of his leading supporters suffering the same fate.

Famed libertarian Ron Paul criticized Twitter for banning Trump, and he was immediately locked out of his own Facebook page . Parler, a young but rapidly growing Twitter competitor, refused to ban Trump, and was immediately driven off the Internet by a combined attack from Apple, Google, and Amazon, possibly never to return. Our Information Age has entered a truly Orwellian period.

... ... ...

Dumbo , says: January 14, 2021 at 9:38 pm GMT • 20.5 hours ago

Another unprecedented aspect of the election is the change of rules implemented due to COVID. I expected Trump vs. Biden to be the lowest turnout ever. Instead it was the highest. This must be a consequence of expanded mail in voting.

Expanded mail in voting FRAUD, you mean. Most European countries do not accept voting by mail. Because of fraud issues. Anyway, probably in the future we will be able to vote with an app, from the safety of our homes, as we will be locked inside forever due to the "new variations" of Covid.

It will all be safe from fraud, of course, Dorsey and Zuck and Cook and Gates and Brin guarantee.

anon [179] Disclaimer , says: January 14, 2021 at 11:23 pm GMT • 18.7 hours ago

Right. This is one more typical coup, CIA installing its chosen presidential puppet ruler. It's a wholly routine occurrence, although the tactics and staging change a bit:

1. Preemptively quashing the candidacy of Robert Taft
2. Murder of John Kennedy
3. Preemptive murder of candidate Robert Kennedy
4. "Watergate" purge of Richard Nixon
5. Iran-hostage "October surprise" ratfuck of Jimmy Carter
6. Botched murder of Ronald Reagan
7. Suspending the vote count for candidate Al Gore
8. Ballot-stuffing in Ohio to stop John Kerry
9. Multi state ballot-stuffing to purge Donald Trump

By the way, it's a hoot to see the censorship hysteria in CIA's Mockingbird social networks, while arch-subversive Ron Unz sits here with his infuriating little grin, permitting the manifest foreign treason of GC34-standard freedom of expression.

A123 , says: January 14, 2021 at 11:36 pm GMT • 18.5 hours ago

The Navarro report provides detailed proof on how elections in multiple states were stolen. (1)

Given that all rational human beings understand, as a matter of objective proven fact, that the election was stolen Where do we go from here?

The slender & extreme, authoritarian, Leftoid margin in the House is certain to be a circular firing squad of internecine discontent. What little they pass will contain more pork than an industrial pig farm. It will be a matter of months before the U.S. Economy is tanked by SJW illegitimacy and misrule.

Much like the GOP beat Gerrymandering, with lead time the GOP will beat Fultoning (named after the Atlanta County). The GOP is sure to take the House in the 2022 elections.

How many times will Biden & Harris be Impeached, shamed, and forced to undergo public trial in the Senate? There will have to be multiple trials to establish for the historical record that Biden/Harris Coup plot was vastly more criminal than Nixon, Clinton, and Trump.



Theft By A Thousand Cuts’ Report Conclusive On Election Fraud, Slams Media Cover Up

ruralguy , says: January 15, 2021 at 1:16 am GMT • 16.8 hours ago

I read an interesting article by a Sri Lankan who lived through the recent Sri Lanka Civil War. He made an interesting point that in a civil war, most people just go about their daily routines, not aware they are in a war. They experience the war as a constant drumbeat of negative news, with outbreaks of violence that don't directly affect themselves. He said America is in a civil war, but Americans don't realize it. You know you are in a civil war or insurrection when the news is constantly negative with frequent reports of violence.

John Gruskos , says: January 15, 2021 at 2:31 am GMT • 15.6 hours ago

Trump would have won despite the hostility of the media and big tech, and despite electoral corruption in Democrat-controlled big cities, if he had spent the previous 4 years making a good faith effort to implement the policies he ran on in 2016.

He ran as a populist, yet ruled as a plutocrat.

Candidate Trump promised a non-interventionist foreign policy. President Trump dug us deeper into the Middle East quagmire, intensifying hostilities against Russia, Syria, Yemen and Iran while being cartoonishly subservient to Israel.

The troops didn't come home.

He ran on an immigration platform written by Jeff Sessions. As president he prioritized the immigration policies of Sheldon Adelson and Jared Kushner – calling for "more immigration than ever before" in his State of the Union address, and lecturing his dumbfounded rally-goers on the need for increased immigration because "my friends in the business world say we need it".

A tight labor market and rising real wages remained in the world of might-have-been.

Candidate Trump promised to drain the swamp. President Trump pardoned a menagerie of grotesque swamp creatures.

Candidate Trump promised to close the carried interest loophole and make Wall Street pay its fair share. President Trump gave massive tax cuts to the very media moguls and tech oligarchs who would subsequently doom his 2020 campaign.

The most passionate supporters of candidate Trump were stabbed in the back by President Trump – Chris Christie, Jeff Sessions, Steve Bannon, Ann Coulter, the Dissident Right, etc. in a pattern that has continued to the bitter end with his denunciations of the Capitol Hill protesters and scapegoating of Rudy Giuliani. At the same time, a whole series of Never-Trump personalities were promoted within the Trump White House (Rod Rosenstein, Anthony "the Mooch" Scaramucci, John Bolton, etc.).

Trump's most intelligent and active supporters were utterly demoralized, while his enemies were given ample opportunity for sabotage and espionage.

Candidate Trump promised law and order. President Trump did absolutely nothing while his supporters were terrorized by Antifa and BLM.

Thousands of Antifa terrorists and BLM rioters broke federal laws. Why weren't they arrested, charged, indicted and tried?

President Trump didn't support $2,000 stimulus checks until after the election.

He didn't lift a finger against electoral corruption in Democrat-controlled big cities, or big tech censorship, until after the election.

Without all these own-goals, the score wouldn't have even been close, and the biased referees wouldn't have mattered.

Ash Williams , says: January 15, 2021 at 3:13 am GMT • 14.9 hours ago

Here's the link to the full Navaro report This election wasn't "close". It was a blowout for Trump. It was OBVIOUS. It was also EASY to find, if anyone bothered looked just a little bit.

Ron put a "I'm a reasonable man" spin on this (and changed his tune from beginning to end, glad I read it before firing off an angry response), but I'm not sure there's a lot gained anymore by trying to reason with thieves and liars. Let's pray this turns around peacefully.

Derer , says: January 15, 2021 at 3:56 am GMT • 14.2 hours ago

But the facts of this enormous political scandal were entirely ignored and boycotted by virtually every mainstream media outlet.

Re: Hunter Biden scandal. A survey of Biden's voters – unaware of his son's corruption – is suggesting that estimated 4.6% would've not voted for Biden, sufficient for Trump victory.

Mr. Dershowitz, strong defender of constitution and who opposed Trump first impeachment is suggesting (BBC Hard Talk) that vindictive Dems lead by Pelosi and Schumer violated 5 articles of constitution in one day during the 2nd not even investigated impeachment. Denying freedom of speech is a violation of constitution.

[Jan 14, 2021] 25 Organizations Say Victoria Nuland should not be nominated for undersecretary of state for political affairs, and if nominated should be rejected by the Senate.

Jan 14, 2021 |

Organization's statement originally published at

Victoria Nuland, former foreign policy adviser to vice president Dick Cheney, should not be nominated for undersecretary of state [for political affairs], and if nominated should be rejected by the Senate.

Nuland played a key role in facilitating a coup in Ukraine that created a civil war costing 10,000 lives and displacing over a million people. She played a key role in arming Ukraine as well. She advocates radically increased military spending, NATO expansion, hostility toward Russia, and efforts to overthrow the Russian government.

The United States invested $5 billion in shaping Ukrainian politics, including overthrowing a democratically elected president who had refused to join NATO. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Nuland is on video talking about the U.S. investment and on audiotape planning to install Ukraine's next leader, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who was subsequently installed.

The Maidan protests, at which Nuland handed out cookies to protesters, were violently escalated by neo-Nazis and by snipers who opened fire on police. When Poland, Germany, and France negotiated a deal for the Maidan demands and an early election, neo-Nazis instead attacked the government and took over. The U.S. State Department immediately recognized the coup government, and Arseniy Yatsenyuk was installed as Prime Minister.

Nuland has worked with the openly pro-Nazi Svoboda Party in Ukraine. She was long a leading proponent of arming Ukraine. She was also an advocate for removing from office the prosecutor general of Ukraine, whom then-Vice President Joe Biden pushed the president to remove.

Nuland wrote this past year that "The challenge for the United States in 2021 will be to lead the democracies of the world in crafting a more effective approach to Russia - one that builds on their strengths and puts stress on Putin where he is vulnerable, including among his own citizens."

She added:

" Moscow should also see that Washington and its allies are taking concrete steps to shore up their security and raise the cost of Russian confrontation and militarization. That includes maintaining robust defense budgets, continuing to modernize U.S. and allied nuclear weapons systems, and deploying new conventional missiles and missile defenses, . . . establish permanent bases along NATO's eastern border, and increase the pace and visibility of joint training exercises."

The United States walked out of the ABM Treaty and later the INF Treaty, began putting missiles into Romania and Poland, expanded NATO to Russia's border, facilitated a coup in Ukraine, began arming Ukraine, and started holding massive war rehearsal exercises in Eastern Europe. But to read Victoria Nuland's account, Russia is simply an irrationally evil and aggressive force that must be countered by yet more military spending, bases, and hostility. Some U.S. military officials say this demonizing of Russia is all about weapons profits and bureaucratic power, no more fact-based than the Steele Dossier that was given to the FBI by Victoria Nuland.


Alaska Peace Center
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TimeTraveller 36 minutes ago (Edited)

The funny thing about appointment of Nuland, is that basically every European government hates her.

Those idiots in the EU complained about Trump. Well the American Empire war machine is about to ratchet up a notch or three, btches.

Max21c 50 minutes ago

The U.S. State Department immediately recognized the coup government, and Arseniy Yatsenyuk was installed as Prime Minister.

The Washington establishment immediately recognized the coup government, and Joe Schmoe Biden was installed as ruler.

replaceme 52 minutes ago

Why wouldn't they appoint a murderer?

TimeTraveller 50 minutes ago (Edited)

It is funny that they oppose that. After all, every single person in the Democrat party was in agreement with those foreign coup and wars. If we're going to all of a sudden start pointing the finger, then there would be no Democrats left in congress

aspnaz again 38 minutes ago

Nationalist, extremist, exceptionalist, white supremicists are okay if they are democrats.

eatapeach 13 minutes ago

She's an Israel-firster, thus has a pass?

TimeTraveller 51 minutes ago

Those 25 organizations are about to be cancelled. Social Media thought police will be working overtime tonight.

You_Cant_Quit_Me 52 minutes ago

So we go around the world interfering with every country's internal affairs but when they do it to the US is meddling in US elections.

does nooner know how hypocritical Washington sounds?

Ms No PREMIUM 36 minutes ago

"pro-Nazi Svoboda party"

That is a headfake there. They are definitely tyrannical and Bolshevik, but not targeting Jewish people.

As a matter of fact Nuland's Council on Foreign Relations huband-brother (whatever they really are) is a Kagan, like Kagan-ovich, and that ain't a coincidence.

So you can see what the mob did there. It helps with plausible deniability down the road when they get charged with war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorism, aggression, etc

xious 37 minutes ago

They don't care what you think. You will watch child molesters on TV and like it.

TryingSomethingNew 38 minutes ago

But she's Jewish and a woman, right? Those 25 organizations are clearly Anti-Semitic and sexist.

Ms No PREMIUM 35 minutes ago

Why would a Jewish Mobster set up a Nazi like color revolutionary group and coup the Ukraine with it?

Already looking at plausible deniability down the road. Nobody's *** is covered anywhere but theirs. Their apparatchiks should ponder that.

Pliskin 43 minutes ago

Amurikans should keep the fcuk out of other countries affairs...!


Dzerzhhinsky 48 minutes ago

People think Zionists are anti Nazi, but Zionism is the non Christian version of Nazism. Herzl the founder of the Zionist party was enamoured with the Nazis, but they rejected him on religious grounds.

It's natural for Nuland and the other Kaganites to be in bed with Ukrainian Nazis.

Ms No PREMIUM 22 minutes ago remove link

I remember Lavrov getting grilled by angry journalists about why Russia wasn't bombing the **** out of the color revolutionaries that took the Ukraine with US money.

He basically said, What would you have us do, cause countless deaths of our own Russian speaking people? They don't care about their deaths but we have to.

Then the first thing the US did was put in illegal bioweapons labs in the Ukraine. There was a super weird outbreak prior to the color revolution takeover too..Then Russians were really pissed off. So Putin drew red line in Syria

Russia will get the Ukraine back someday. They have to. It was their bread basket during last grand minimum.

bluskyes 14 minutes ago

perhaps, when the western threat become stronger than ethnic bias. Though it will probably split first.

Anthraxed 38 minutes ago

Victoria Noodlebrain should be on Interpol's top 10 most wanted list.

Cautiously Pessimistic 49 minutes ago

Man....I had all but forgotten about many of these scumbags that are resurfacing now in the Biden administration. This woman should be waterboarded until deceased.

Dzerzhhinsky 46 minutes ago

It's always the same people, the front men change, but behind the scenes it's always the same people.

RKKA 6 minutes ago

Again, all these demons of the Obama era are striving for power. During the Trump presidency, we have already forgotten about these devils.

Victoria Nuland, her real Jewish surname is Nudelman, her parents are Moldovan ****. The parents of the former Ukrainian President Poroshenko, who seized power as a result of the Maidan and the coup d'etat, are also Moldovan **** by the name of Valtsman. Already in adulthood, Petr Valtsman took the name of his wife and became - Poroshenko. They are the father and mother of the war in Ukraine, and Joe Biden blessed them for this.

Another Ukrainian oligarch, also a ***, Igor Kolomoisky, financed the Ukrainian nationalist battalions of Azov, Dnepr and Aydar. Tell me, what are these Nazis who are financed and serve the ****? Adolf spins tirelessly in his coffin!

And you probably thought that the **** are such poor and offended children of the Holocaust and the Nazis are their enemies? No, **** and Nazis merged in violent ecstasy and it is time to introduce the term - Jewish Nazism into the lexicon!

de tocqueville's ghost 28 minutes ago

that was a good four new wars. Good going liberals, you voted for a war monger.

Lt. Shicekopf 14 minutes ago

Yes! Maybe we can do to all kinds of countries what we did to Libya. The continuing calamity that has been going on in Libya since Obama and Hillary got done with them has been studiously ignored by all the Western media. Anarchy, chaos, death, an open slave market in which black Africans are bought and sold by Arab traders. All good stuff to the American left.

David Q. Little 45 minutes ago

Joe and Hunter owe her a favor.

Musum 19 minutes ago

Neocons are returning with a vengeance.

Death2Fiat 28 minutes ago

Her job is to destroy the US and do the bidding of the Globalists.

tbone654 28 minutes ago

none of it matters... with the dems controlling everything the [M]ilitary [I]ndustrial [I]ntelligence [C]omplex is gonna ramp up and spend a crap-ton on wars all over the globe... it's how it works when they have the throttle... everyone was worried about Trump, but he de-escalated everywhere...

The people have spoken (I mean cheated) and now they must be punished... Ed Koch

Lyman54 34 minutes ago

Yatsenyuk, Nulands pick, was given a Canadian passport. Likely hiding in Manitoba.

ThomasEdmonds 36 minutes ago

Some things in this life don't matter and Biden cares squat. Perhaps these groups can express their contempt for Samantha Power as well. Let's extend that to his foreign policy team.

WTFUD 13 minutes ago remove link

Joseph Biden reminds me of Hedley Lamar in Blazing Saddles, forming a posse of the biggest wackjobs available.

As long as he doesn't put Hunter in charge of the Afghani Poppy Crop Investment Fund then his Middle-East and Central Asian policy could prove fruitful.

[Jan 13, 2021] Lessons from the Trumpistan Coup, by Thomas Dalton

The main less is not be so stupid: Trump and Trumpists got in a trap and now will be eliminated from the political scene.
Jan 13, 2021 |

Mass protests generally have two distinct but intertwined goals: 1) to "make a statement," and 2) to inflict a cost. To state the obvious, mass protests occur because a group of people are unhappy about something, and they want something to change. Change only occurs, in a large bureaucratic nation like ours, if a loud "message" is conveyed, or if the price of non-change becomes too high. If thousands of Trump voters are mad as hell because they believe the election was stolen, and if they want to protest, they can either make their message heard and then hope for the best (not much hope there), or they can attempt to punish the thieves -- that is, make them incur some cost for their malfeasance.

What did the mob achieve on Wednesday? We already knew their message -- Trump won the election, and it was stolen. We know they have support across the country; even our biased media admit to some 74 million Trump voters, of whom 70% to 80% (depending on the poll) think the election was stolen. But then what? "We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it." And then what? The message is impotent. It has no consequence.

If 'the message' was doomed to impotence, inflicting 'a cost' was much more tangible, and much more achievable. By forcing their way into the Capitol building, a motivated and reasonably prepared mob could have caused tremendous damage. If -- and I stress the conditional here -- if they wanted to inflict damage, they had a golden opportunity. They had guns, presumably hidden, and far outnumbered the handful of guards. Any firefight would have been over quickly, with the mob victorious. Security guards, staffers, even congressmen would have been easy prey, for kidnapping, injury, or worse. But this did not happen.

... ... ...

Notice how congressmen, left and right, responded to the event. All were indignant. All were outraged. All condemned the "senseless violence" of the crazed mob and the "attempted overthrow" of American democracy. All of them: left, right, and center; Democrat and Republican; Trump supporter or not. All of them condemned it.

Again: Why? The answer here is clear: All congressmen, of all stripes, have a vested interest in sustaining the system, more or less in its current form . This is obvious. They are all 'winners' in the system. It has made them all rich, famous, and powerful. Yes, they fight for relative power and relative influence, but this is largely a sham. The Republican-Democrat battles are only there to give the impression of real competition. Instead, in reality, we have a deep and radical monopoly -- a monopoly of pro-corporate, pro-capitalist, pro-war, pro-Israel, and pro-Jewish individuals. On these things, they all agree. I've been saying as much for many years: We should focus not on what divides the two parties, but on what unites them . This is far more revealing.

... More than anything, Trump was a symbol: a symbol of resistance, of defiance, and of an 'in your face' attitude. But nothing more. The Trump presidency was all show, no substance. It was, and is, hardly worth dying over.

And by 'media,' I mean all media. Consider what our beloved Tucker Carlson had to say , speaking at the beginning of his show on the very first day after the protest:

Political violence begets political violence. That is an iron law that never changes. We have to be against that, no matter who commits the violence or under what pretext, no matter how many self-interested demagogues assure us the violence is justified or necessary. We have a duty to oppose all of this, not simply because political violence kills other people's children, but because in the end it doesn't work.

No good person will live a happier life because [Ashli Babbitt] was killed in a hallway of the Capitol today. So our only option, as a practical matter, is to fix what is causing this in the first place. You may have nothing in common with the people on the other side of the country -- increasingly, you probably don't -- but you're stuck with them. The idea that groups of Americans will somehow break off into separate peaceful nations of like-minded citizens is a fantasy. That will not happen. There is no such thing as 'peaceful separation'; there never has been, and there won't be.

The two hemispheres of this country are inseparably intertwined, like conjoined twins. Neither can leave without killing the other. As horrifying as this moment is, we have no option but to make it better, to gut it out.

Beavertales , says: January 12, 2021 at 10:00 pm GMT • 23.9 hours ago

The entry of the Capitol building was spontaneous. Nobody saw it coming.

In the immediate aftermath, the media didn't know whether to promote it or bury it. It took hours and days for the narrative to coalesce on orders from the top.

As it was happening, the media was gob-smacked. The 'insurrection' narrative didn't truly get going until the protest was long over.

stevennonemaker88 , says: January 13, 2021 at 5:45 am GMT • 16.1 hours ago

I thought this was a pretty good article. Virtually no politician is on the side of the people (maybe Ron Paul is the exception)...

shylockcracy , says: January 13, 2021 at 5:51 am GMT • 16.0 hours ago

It's real tiresome to do this but people need to be reminded that Ziocorporate conman fraud Trump and his MAGA brand are a product of the same lot that governs the Democrats, and that he was never on his constituency's side:

"Donald Trump endorses Benjamin Netanyahu for PM"

And it's necessary because if there's a chance to unite even a small group of people after realising how they're being had, then there's a chance for a small change to snowball into something larger. And it should not stay on the white side of the divide, it's not like the plandemic's been killing the economy for whites only. No "populist anti-Deep State patriot" or national leader goes around endorsing other countries' politicians, much less Israel's, the purest manifestation of corporate bankster power acting in unison with neocolonial globalism, a trait shared by Biden and Trump.

Actions should be peaceful, because entities like the Pentagon and CIA have an absolute monopoly on violent repression...

Thomasina , says: January 13, 2021 at 5:58 am GMT • 15.9 hours ago

One Christian fellow I listened to said that Antifa were definitely there. He took video of them walking down the street. That just proves to me that even Antifa knew they were no threat, otherwise they wouldn't have been mingling among thousands and thousands of Trump supporters.

The fellow said that from what he could see, the Trump protesters were unarmed, well behaved, smiling, and content with waving their flags. He said they are proud patriots and would never think of destroying art work or smashing up the Capitol Building.

He said on the 15 to 20 previous trips he's made to the Capitol Building, the pop-up metal barriers have always been up, but no barriers were up on January 6th. He said on a previous trip he had stepped onto the grass to take a picture and was quickly told by an officer to "get off the grass". But on January 6th, the sidewalks were blocked off, forcing people onto the grass.

We've seen the video of what looks to be an Antifa member breaking a window, only to be stopped by a Trump supporter.

No, these were salt of the earth people who were no threat to Antifa OR the spineless politicians. They knew this, but they've played it up for all it's worth.

And where was the police presence? Nowhere.

SwedeMan , says: January 13, 2021 at 6:59 am GMT • 14.9 hours ago

The main physical damage was the supposed theft of Pelosis laptop. Can I take a look at it?

Franz , says: January 13, 2021 at 7:13 am GMT • 14.6 hours ago
@James Speaks andbook by Edward N. Luttwak

Amazon includes a couple accurate blurbs on the product description page:

This short book is wicked, truthful, and entertaining. The author, after outlining a step-by-step procedure for bringing about a coup, analyzes modern (post–Second World War) coups, and points out why some succeeded and others failed. ( New Yorker )

An extraordinarily competent and well-written work, displaying very wide knowledge of the ways in which coups, both successful and unsuccessful, have actually been organized. ( Times Literary Supplement )

El Dato , says: January 13, 2021 at 7:16 am GMT • 14.6 hours ago

You don't do a "coup" by invading the congressional discussion bunker in a nominal democracy. You do a "coup" by ordering up CIA-organized troops to take over communication centers as checkpoints secured by APCs go up everywhere as congresscritters are frogmarched to a nearby stadium. The CEOs and salaried Wokers of the social meedja companies would swear enthusiastic allegiance to the new powers. Antifa would be issued clean shirts, ties and government-approved truncheons. Then a grand proclamation that there will be a convention to work towards national unity. Ooops, that last part actually happened.

If there had been a coup, it would 100% evident.

If there had been fair elections, it would 100% evident.

El Dato , says:
Whitewolf , says: January 13, 2021 at 10:03 am GMT • 11.8 hours ago

The event was, variously, a "coup," an "insurrection," or at minimum, "a riot." Protesters were "right-wing extremists" and even "domestic terrorists" who were attacking "the very basis of American democracy."

A coup?
An insurrection?
Attacking the very basis of American democracy?

The only reason the crowd was there in the first place was to protest against the people committing those crimes through election fraud. Hopefully at least the crowd has figured out that the Republicans and Trump are not on their side...

Forze , says: January 13, 2021 at 12:11 pm GMT • 9.7 hours ago

Jazzhand McFeels of has written a very interesting article on Dissident Mag about some sudden changes in the administration that could explain this thing.

There's also a podcast with even more facts:

Johnny Walker Read , says: January 13, 2021 at 3:01 pm GMT • 6.8 hours ago

Then things got ugly. Around 3:15, Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed, evidently by a security guard.

I don't know how this hoax could be exposed any better. WTFU people, you are being played.

Twodees Partain , says: January 13, 2021 at 3:16 pm GMT • 6.6 hours ago
@Franklin Ryckaert

If the attack on the Capitol was already so clumsy and ineffective, how could those same people succeed in the much more difficult task of seccession?

You're assuming that the phony attack was planned by the people who would be involved in a secession movement. I haven't seen any evidence that it was.

Anonymous [144] Disclaimer , says: January 13, 2021 at 3:54 pm GMT • 6.0 hours ago

Cui Bono? The Key to 6 January is what did NOT happen. The two houses of congress had gone off to hear, separately, in public broadcast, evidence from objecting congressmen that there was massive electoral fraud to criminally deliver the election to Biden. MSM transmitted the opening statements to the debate by McConnell and Schumer. These two said that there was no election fraud. MSM then pulled away when the other congressmen started presenting the view that there WAS fraud. Although MSM was not going to carry what the people are not supposed to know, and filled in instead with their own propagandists and the Party Line, the proceedings examining election fraud would have been seen by some of the public through the internet streams and C-Span. This was clear evidence which the courts should have heard, but refused to hear. BUT, instead of Congress publicly hearing evidence, the hearings abruptly STOPPED. Why? The Capitol police, following instructions, opened the barricades and waved the demonstrators to come in. The demonstrators were guided to the spot where the Deep State assassin was waiting. A person was shot. After that, there were NO MORE discussions of election fraud. Biden was confirmed without the airing of evidence of fraud. 6 January was a simple, but elegant, Deep State SETUP. A psyop. The American people have been, once again, deceived. Once everybody submits to vaccination there will never again be disputed elections, just like in the third world.

anastasia , says: January 13, 2021 at 5:01 pm GMT • 4.8 hours ago

Correction: The media said that the policeman "collapsed when he got back to the Precinct. .that he MAY have been hit with a fire extinguisher." It was not reported as fact. No other subsequent report abouthow he died albeit it should have been established by now.

The second poilce officer who the media says was "killed" by the "riots" was a man who we heard nothing about on the date of the event, but who, five days later, committed suicide. The suicide story is not speculation. It was given as a fact. They call this suicide a "killing" because of the riots. It is more likely a police officer shooting his mouth off about these lies,who, five days later was suicided.

This summer and fall at least a dozen police officers were killed. Many more were injured. One got his eye knocked out. Many were very gravely injured. The government officials applauded their killers, posted bail for them, and every step of the way government officials "incited the violence".

Trump made a speech in front of his supporters laying out the evidence of the election fraud. He was complaining about the election fraud, a fraud that was never scutinized or investigated by anyone except his own lawyers and a few other lawyers, like Sidney Powell. They want to impeach him for publicly complaining about their stealing the election from him. It's like someone getting their home stolen, and when the victim publicly complains, he is threatened with arrest.

Again, they fundament their impeachment grounds on the "insurrection" of January 6, but again, like the election fraud, no one has scrutinized or conducted the most cursory investigation of it The fact that we still don't know how that policeman died is telling. The speculations made about him getting hit by a fire extinguisher are still floating around when at this point, it should be an established fact how he died. The dopiest doctor in this country would be able to diagnose a trauma to the head or body, if there were any physical trauma of that kind.

Two people died from natural causes. Yet, no details are given. One woman, age 34 and overweight was said to have been "trampled by the mob." Minutes after her death her family and closest friends were bad mouthing her, saying that she was mentally unstable, a conspiracy theorist, and "had problems in the past." She just died shortly before, and that was their public statements about their dearest friend and family member.

Ashli Babbits death was a provocative act that would have encouraged Trump supporters to turn on the police. It is no coincidence that those around her breaking windows, and screaming that she was dead when she was not, also provoked the crowds of Trump supporters. They are seen clearly on the video near Ashli not only breaking windows but changing their clothes after they had done so to hide their identification. This is clearly seen on the video. One guy provoking the crowds, breaking windows and screaming that Ashli was dead when she was not, was clearly Antifa, proven to be Antifa by video evidence. Yet, after January 6, he was interviewed by CNN. Clearly, the Antifa provocateur was not arrested by the Washington police or the FBI, but at least 6 Trump supporters were arrested for breaking curfew after 6 p.m. when all that happened at the Capitol was over. Those six were the first arrested – for breaking curfew. I do not find it a coincidence that both Ashli Babbitt and those breaking the windows around her, and screaming that she was dead when she was not, all acted to provoke the crowds and were all proven to be Antifa members. Was it coincidence that Ashli Babbitt's getting shot also acted as an unwitting provocateur, along with the Antifa members around her in the Capitol that day? Or was both Ashli and Antifa working for our security agencies that day, all playing their roles as agents provocateurs.

Why wouldn't the DOJ and FBI investigate the election fraud? Was it because the government did it? That would be a good reason not to investigate. Sidney Powell has produced an affidavit from a Serb who said it was the CIA who oversaw the manipulation of the US voting machines from Serbia, a country completely taken over by the CIA. He also writes about Hunter Biden's clandestine trip there in August 2020 to meet with these people.

Ugetit , says: January 13, 2021 at 5:13 pm GMT • 4.6 hours ago

Whoever didn't develop a sense of humor with your Ziocorporate fraud reality TV show president posing as patriot anti-deep maverick ain't gonna do it now.

Quite right. Unfortunately.

Thomasina , says: January 13, 2021 at 5:30 pm GMT • 4.4 hours ago

Yes, the coup and insurrection had ALREADY happened.

The coup and insurrection happened when the Democrats AND Republicans rigged the election. Democratic state courts and election officials changed voting laws, and Republican state legislatures looked the other way.


gleongelpi , says: January 13, 2021 at 6:46 pm GMT • 3.1 hours ago

You are wrong on so many counts. The event was not spontaneous, that is quite clear when the guards let the protesters in and they mostly went inside peacefully while a handful of rioters did minimal damage. Some Antifas, yeah, for sure. But someone stole Pelosi's computer or did they? That smacks of a plan. It achieved the objectives of the groups on the inside. The marchers that went inside had to have been, for the most part, surprised that they were welcomed. Did you see how they walked in between the purple ropes? Took photographs and selfies, some of these with the guards? Did you see the videos of some of the protesters stopping the people trying to break the glass windows? ...

Curmudgeon , says: January 13, 2021 at 6:47 pm GMT • 3.1 hours ago

This is a very interesting video.

Trinity , says: Next New Comment January 13, 2021 at 7:58 pm GMT • 1.9 hours ago

I see "anti-Semitism" has made it to the floor during these impeachment hearings. LMAO. I would guess that 97% of Trump's base is the muh Israel crowd and Trump is as pro-Israel, pro-Jewish as it gets.

Even more laughable is Maxine Waters standing up and decrying violence. I guess Maxine has a very selective memory. All these demsheviks and the gay guys over at CNN who had no problem with Antifa/BLM are now staunch advocates for the Constitution and have a problem with riots. How in the hell do these cretins live with themselves? Have these hypocrites no shame? It can't be said enuff that Antifa/BLM's and (((the leftoids))) fingerprints are all over these riots. This is the new 9-11, folks, don't believe your lying eyes. Look at some of those scraggly people busting windows and attacking cops? Do they look like the average Trump voter? Do these young punks scaling the walls look like the average Trump voter?

Dr. Charles Fhandrich , says: Next New Comment January 13, 2021 at 8:15 pm GMT • 1.6 hours ago

The democratic party is now pretending to "call out" the "white supremacists" in Congress. Even if there were "white supremacists" in Congress, they would be not one bit different from "brown supremacists", "black supremacists","yellow supremaicsts", if by "supremacists" is meant politicians that belong to the Hispanic caucus, Black caucus or Asian caucus , ALL of whom claim to be looking out for the welfare of their respective group.

This is of course what is going on here. The democratic party politicians, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden and the whole left has been race baiting against white people as a default manner of doing politics for over sixty years now. It is the fault of the FAUX REPUBLICAN PARTY, that has been posing as conservatives who many whites believe "have their backs", against the hate and shenanigans the anti-white left perpetrates. THEY ARE WRONG. We see plainly now, that what the U.S. has is a uni-party, that is left and far left and includes good old Republican RINO's, but the left and far left is used by the elite to keep and gain control of the U.S. for their own agenda. The idea now operating is to belittle, denigrate and cow white folks as never before, because many of the protesters at the recent "event", scared the living bleep out of the politicians who have simply not been representing them. The corporations and tech moguls,etc. are not taking the side of the left because they are "better" citizens or politicians than people on the right side of the political spectrum. They take the side of the left because that is where these corporations know that the radical Americans are, the ones that burn, loot and murder and therefore can be used to divide the nation for the big corporations and tech moguls,etc. Any honest person that considers what happened at the so called violent demonstration in D.C. knows that compared to the violence that ANTIFA, BLM and other groups perpertrated on innocent Americans last summer, knows perfectly well that there is no comparison. The anti-white left, enabled by the democratic party and the news media, IN SERVICE OF THE U.S. ELITE. BURNED, LOOTED AND MURDERED THE CITIZENS OF AMERICA for months, WITHOUT A SINGLE WORD FROM PELOSI, SCHUMER, BIDEN HARRIS, ETC.

The simple fact is that these D.C. politicians were scared shitless by some plain American citizens, who finally felt they needed to meet these representatives that keep ignoring and abusing them. The wrong people are being blamed here.

Dr. Charles Fhandrich , says: Next New Comment January 13, 2021 at 8:26 pm GMT • 1.4 hours ago

"Lessons from the Trumpistan Coup"

Before reading this article, the reader might consider the fact that there was NO COUP, by the accepted meaning that the word "coup" denotes. Now, if the fake news media and the democratic party want to explain the event by bending the facts and actual events to fit their own interpretation of it, that's a problem due to their dishonesty.

[Jan 05, 2021] The Democrats Have Stolen the Presidential Election by Paul Craig Roberts

Notable quotes:
"... It is difficult to know or to ensure that the ballots are actual ballots from registered voters. For example in the early hours of the morning of November 4 large ballot drops occurred in Michigan and Wisconsin that wiped out Trump's lead. State officials have reported that people not registered -- probably illegals -- were permitted to vote. Postal service workers have reported being ordered to backdate ballots that suddenly appeared in the middle of the night after the deadline. These techniques were used to erase Trump's substantial leads in the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia. ..."
"... Digital technology has also made it easy to alter vote counts. US Air Force General Thomas McInerney is familiar with this technology. He says it was developed by the National Security Agency in order to interfere in foreign elections, but now is in the hands of the CIA and was used to defeat Trump. Trump is considered to be an enemy of the military/security complex because of his wish to normalize relations with Russia, thus taking away the enemy that justifies the CIA's budget and power. ..."
"... The military/security complex favors the disunity that the Democrat Party and media have fostered with their ideology of Identity Politics. ..."
"... I would take it a little further and say that voting by mail is a method of vote fraud. The supposed safeguards are easily circumvented, as some whistleblowers have illustrated with ballots being brought forth in large numbers after election day without postmarks and postal workers being ordered to stamp them with acceptable postmarks. ..."
"... Eisenhower is always lauded for his MIC warning. Frankly he ticks me off. Thanks for the warning AFTER you were in some position to mitigate. ..."
"... the most likely source of fraud that is hard to detect, is ballot harvesting. This should be outlawed as it violates the idea of a secret ballot. Somebody comes to the home of a disinterested voter and makes sure he votes (of course they will never admit to hounding the person) and "helps" them with the ballot. If the voter cannot be cajoled into voting the correct way, you merely throw his ballot in the trash. ..."
"... Living in an urban setting I often had to visit apartment buildings. Without fail, there was always a pile of undeliverable mail in the lobby under the mailboxes. ..."
"... His farewell address was just flapdoodle; it wasn't really dredged up till the 70s. Eisenhower spent eight years spreading tripwires and mines and then said "Watch out." Thanks buddy. ..."
"... As the German newspaper editor Udo Ulfkotte revealed in his book, Bought Journalism, the European and US media speak with one voice -- the voice of the CIA. The very profitable and powerful US military/security complex needs foreign enemies. ..."
"... inventive creative new ways to deceive.. first it was election machines, then mail in votes. ..."
"... The phrase "there's no evidence" is just a public commitment to ignore any evidence, no matter how blatant or obvious. ..."
"... Paper ballots as ascribed by Tulsi Gabbard legislation is the only safe option for elections. Kudos to Tulsi! ..."
"... Everyone knew about the potential for voter fraud to occur, but the entire system is corrupt, including Trump who has allowed the massive corruption within the system that was present when he entered office to persist and grow because he is a wimpy, spineless, coward, that was too afraid to make any waves and take the heat that he promised his voters. ..."
"... Why anyone voted for Trump in 2020 confounds me. I voted for him in 2016 and he has turned out to be one of the worst presidents in history. ..."
"... Trump in his cowardess and dishonesty knew that the ailing economy would harm his chances of being re-elected, so he allowed the health scare scamdemic to occur and destroy the livelihoods, lives, and businesses of hundreds of millions of Americans because he is a psychopath. Trump did not do what he promised. Trump made America worse than it has ever been since the end of slavery. ..."
"... Trump has also demanded the extradition of Assange after telling his voters that he loved wikileaks. Trump is a two-faced, lying, fraud. It has been his pattern. He consistently supports various groups and people like Wikileaks, Proud Boys, and others and panders to them and voters and tells people that he loves them, and then every time without fail when the heat is on, Trump says," I really don't know anything about them." ..."
"... "I know nothing." Trump saying "I know nothing." defines his presidency and who he is as a person, a spineless, pandering, corrupt, two-faced, narcissist, loser, and wimp! ..."
Nov 12, 2020 |


Paul Craig Roberts' Interview with the European magazine Zur Zeit ( In This Time ):

English Translation:

A few months ago it looked like the re-election of Trump was almost certain, but now there was a close race between Trump and Biden? What happen during the last months?

In the months before the election, the Democrats used the "Covid pandemic" to put in place voting by mail. The argument was used that people who safely go to supermarkets and restaurants could catch Covid if they stood in voting lines. Never before used on a large scale, voting by mail is subject to massive vote fraud.

There are many credible reports of organized vote fraud committed by Democrats. The only question is whether the Republican establishment will support challenging the documented fraud or whether Trump will be pressured to concede in order to protect the reputation of American Democracy.

For those influenced by a partisan media that is denying the massive fraud that occurred, here is an overview of the elements of the fraud and the legal remedies.

It is difficult to know or to ensure that the ballots are actual ballots from registered voters. For example in the early hours of the morning of November 4 large ballot drops occurred in Michigan and Wisconsin that wiped out Trump's lead. State officials have reported that people not registered -- probably illegals -- were permitted to vote. Postal service workers have reported being ordered to backdate ballots that suddenly appeared in the middle of the night after the deadline. These techniques were used to erase Trump's substantial leads in the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia.

Digital technology has also made it easy to alter vote counts. US Air Force General Thomas McInerney is familiar with this technology. He says it was developed by the National Security Agency in order to interfere in foreign elections, but now is in the hands of the CIA and was used to defeat Trump. Trump is considered to be an enemy of the military/security complex because of his wish to normalize relations with Russia, thus taking away the enemy that justifies the CIA's budget and power.

People do not understand. They think an election has been held when in fact what has occurred is that massive vote fraud has been used to effect a revolution against red state white America. Leaders of the revolution, such as Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, are demanding a list of Trump supporters who are "to be held accountable." Calls are being made for the arrest of Tucker Carlson, the only mainstream journalist who supported President Trump.

In a recent column I wrote:

"Think what it means that the entirety of the US media, allegedly the 'watchdogs of democracy,' are openly involved in participating in the theft of a presidential election.

"Think what it means that a large number of Democrat public and election officials are openly involved in the theft of a presidential election.

"It means that the United States is split irredeemably. The hatred for white people that has been cultivated for many years, portraying white Americans as "systemic racists," together with the Democrats' lust for power and money, has destroyed national unity. The consequence will be the replacement of rules with force."

Mainstream media in Europe claim, that Trump had "divided" the United States. But isn`t it actually the other way around, that his opponents have divided the country?

As the German newspaper editor Udo Ulfkotte revealed in his book, Bought Journalism , the European and US media speak with one voice -- the voice of the CIA. The very profitable and powerful US military/security complex needs foreign enemies. Russiagate was a CIA/FBI successful effort to block Trump from reducing tensions with Russia. In 1961 in his last address to the American people President Dwight Eisenhower warned that the growing power of the military/industrial complex was a threat to American democracy. We ignored his warning and now have security agencies more powerful than the President.

The military/security complex favors the disunity that the Democrat Party and media have fostered with their ideology of Identity Politics. Identity politics replaced Marxist class war with race and gender war. White people, and especially white heterosexual males, are the new oppressor class. This ideology causes race and gender disunity and prevents any unified opposition to the security agencies ability to impose its agendas by controlling explanations. Opposition to Trump cemented the alliance between Democrats, media, and the Deep State.

It is possible that the courts will decide who will be sworn into office at January 20, 2021. Do you except a phase of uncertainty or even a constitutional crisis?

There is no doubt that numerous irregularities indicate that the election was stolen and that the ground was well laid in advance. Trump intends to challenge the obvious theft. However, his challenges will be rejected in Democrat ruled states, as they were part of the theft and will not indict themselves. This means Trump and his attorneys will have to have constitutional grounds for taking their cases to the federal Supreme Court. The Republicans have a majority on the Court, but the Court is not always partisan.

Republicans tend to be more patriotic than Democrats, who denounce America as racist, fascist, sexist, imperialist. This patriotism makes Republicans impotent when it comes to political warfare that could adversely affect America's reputation. The inclination of Republicans is for Trump to protect America's reputation by conceding the election. Republicans fear the impact on America's reputation of having it revealed that America's other major party plotted to steal a presidental election.

Red state Americans, on the other hand, have no such fear. They understand that they are the targets of the Democrats, having been defined by Democrats as "racist white supremacist Trump deplorables."

The introduction of a report of the Heritage Foundation states that "the United States has a long and unfortunate history of election fraud". Are the 2020 presidential elections another inglorious chapter in this long history?

This time the fraud is not local as in the past. It is the result of a well organized national effort to get rid of a president that the Establishment does not accept.

Somehow you get the impression that in the USA – as in many European countries democracy is just a facade – or am I wrong?

You are correct. Trump is the first non-establishment president who became President without being vetted by the Establishment since Ronald Reagan. Trump was able to be elected only because the Establishment thought he had no chance and took no measures to prevent his election. A number of studies have concluded that in the US the people, despite democracy and voting, have zero input into public policy.

Democracy cannot work in America because the money of the elite prevails. American democracy is organized in order to prevent the people from having a voice. A political campaign is expensive. The money for candidates comes from interest groups, such as defense contractors, Wall Street, the pharmaceutical industry, the Israel Lobby. Consequently, the winning candidate is indebted to his funders, and these are the people whom he serves.

European mainstream media are portraying Biden as a luminous figure. Should Biden become president, what can be expected in terms of foreign and security policy, especially in regard to China, Russia and the Middle East? I mean, the deep state and the military-industrial complex remain surely nearly unchanged.

Biden will be a puppet, one unlikely to be long in office. His obvious mental confusion will be used either to rule through him or to remove him on grounds of mental incompetence. No one wants the nuclear button in the hands of a president who doesn't know which day of the week it is or where he is.

The military/security complex needs enemies for its power and profit and will be certain to retain the list of desirable foreign enemies -- Russia, Iran, China, and any independent-inclined country in Latin America. Being at war is also a way of distracting the people of the war against their liberties.

What the military/security complex might not appreciate is that among its Democrat allies there are some, such as Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who are ideological revolutionaries. Having demonized red state America and got rid of Trump (assuming the electoral fraud is not overturned by the courts), Ocasio-Cortez and her allies intend to revolutionize the Democrat Party and make it a non-establishment force. In her mind white people are the Establishment, which we already see from her demands for a list of Trump supporters to be punished.

I think I'm not wrong in assuming that a Biden-presidency would mean more identity politics, more political correctness etc. for the USA. How do you see this?

Identity politics turns races and genders against one another. As white people -- "systemic racists" -- are defined as the oppressor class, white people are not protected from hate speech and hate crimes. Anything can be said or done to a white American and it is not considered politically incorrect.

With Trump and his supporters demonized, under Democrat rule the transition of white Americans into second or third class citizens will be completed.

How do you access Trump's first term in office? Where was he successful and where he failed?

Trump spent his entire term in office fighting off fake accusations -- Russiagate, Impeachgate, failure to bomb Russia for paying Taliban to kill American occupiers of Afghanistan, causing Covid by not wearing a mask, and so on and on.

That Trump survived all the false charges shows that he is a real person, a powerful character. Who else could have survived what Trump has been subjected to by the Establishment and their media prostitutes. In the United States the media is known as "presstitutes" -- press prostitutes. That is what Udo Ulfkotte says they are in Europe. As a former Wall Street Journal editor, I say with complete confidence that there is no one in the American media today I would have hired. The total absence of integrity in the Western media is sufficient indication that the West is doomed.

Twodees Partain , says: November 12, 2020 at 7:21 pm GMT • 1.0 days ago

Never before used on a large scale, voting by mail is subject to massive vote fraud.

I would take it a little further and say that voting by mail is a method of vote fraud. The supposed safeguards are easily circumvented, as some whistleblowers have illustrated with ballots being brought forth in large numbers after election day without postmarks and postal workers being ordered to stamp them with acceptable postmarks.

It really seems to me that there would be no democrat majorities in Congress or in so many state legislatures without vote fraud.

Ann Nonny Mouse , says: Website November 12, 2020 at 7:42 pm GMT • 1.0 days ago

So fraud is needed to protect the reputation of American democracy. Only fraud can! Thanks, PCR!

endthefed , says: November 12, 2020 at 7:53 pm GMT • 24.0 hours ago

Eisenhower is always lauded for his MIC warning. Frankly he ticks me off. Thanks for the warning AFTER you were in some position to mitigate.

MarkinLA , says: November 12, 2020 at 9:37 pm GMT • 22.2 hours ago

Worse than the fraud available with vote by mail is the voting of people normally who don't bother to vote. Think of how stupid and uninformed that average American voter is. Now realize how much more stupid and uninformed the non-voter is, only now he votes.

However, the most likely source of fraud that is hard to detect, is ballot harvesting. This should be outlawed as it violates the idea of a secret ballot. Somebody comes to the home of a disinterested voter and makes sure he votes (of course they will never admit to hounding the person) and "helps" them with the ballot. If the voter cannot be cajoled into voting the correct way, you merely throw his ballot in the trash.

Curmudgeon , says: November 12, 2020 at 9:43 pm GMT • 22.1 hours ago

I have little doubt that there have been massive "irregularities", particularly in the so-called battleground states, that are at play in "stealing" the election.

...The favourite phrase these days is "no evidence of wide spread voter fraud". Let's break that down. Only 6 states have been challenged for vote fraud. In the big scheme of things, 6 states is not wide spread, even if there is massive vote fraud within those 6 states. That the vote fraud is not widespread, implies that some vote fraud is acceptable, and that the listener should ignore it. Last and most importantly, in the narrowest of legalistic terms, testimony or affidavits are not evidence. Testimony and affidavits become evidence when supported by physical evidence. An affidavit with a photograph demonstrating the statement would be evidence.

Another phrase is something like "election officials say they have seen no evidence of voter fraud". I have yet to hear a reporter challenge the "seen no evidence of " part of the statement, regardless of the subject, by asking if the speaker had looked for any evidence. They won't, because they know damn well no one has.

That is how the liars operate. Not so different from Rumsfeld's "plausible deniability".

Beavertales , says: November 12, 2020 at 10:21 pm GMT • 21.5 hours ago

Living in an urban setting I often had to visit apartment buildings. Without fail, there was always a pile of undeliverable mail in the lobby under the mailboxes.

The envelopes were mostly addressed to people who had moved out or died. If ballots were sent to these people based on incorrect voter rolls, then these too would likely have been left sitting on the floor or on a ledge for anyone to take.

It doesn't take a leap of faith to know what a Trump-hating leftist would do when no one is looking. This moral hazard was intentionally created by Dems, who know that urban dwellers are transient and lean left politically.

Franz , says: November 12, 2020 at 10:54 pm GMT • 21.0 hours ago

Eisenhower is always lauded for his MIC warning. Frankly he ticks me off. Thanks for the warning AFTER you were in some position to mitigate.

Ike's a mystery. Why did he NOT question Harry Truman's commitments to NATO, the UN, and all that rubbish? Ike was a WWII guy. He knew Americans hated the UN in 1953 as much as they hated the League of Nations after WWI. But he let it all slide and get bigger.

His farewell address was just flapdoodle; it wasn't really dredged up till the 70s. Eisenhower spent eight years spreading tripwires and mines and then said "Watch out." Thanks buddy.

endthefed , says: November 12, 2020 at 11:08 pm GMT • 20.7 hours ago

Well, agree on your points however, on the other side of the ledger, he never understood the stupidity of the Korean war (that he could have ended) and majorly up-ramped CIA activities in all manner of regime change (bay of pigs anyone?). Almost a direct path to our foreign policy now (and now domestic policy)

Notsofast , says: November 12, 2020 at 11:28 pm GMT • 20.4 hours ago

He did deploy the military assistance advisory group to Vietnam in 1955. This is considered the beginning of U.S. involvement in the war. This allowed the French to moonwalk out the back door leaving us holding the bag. In fairness this was Johnson's war however. Eisenhower did cut the military budget as a peace dividend to fund interstate system and other domestic projects. In today political spectrum he would be considered a flaming liberal.

Louis Hissink , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:30 am GMT • 14.4 hours ago


As the German newspaper editor Udo Ulfkotte revealed in his book, Bought Journalism, the European and US media speak with one voice -- the voice of the CIA. The very profitable and powerful US military/security complex needs foreign enemies.

What intrigues me is the ultimate political goal of the UN and the WEF when they anticipate a single global government centered at the UN and the absence of nation-states.

So what is the MIC going to do when there are no existential threats of competing nation-states? Or will the MIC re-engineer religious wars between the various religious groups, secular and theological? It seems the aspirations of the WEF and its fellow travellers preclude the occurrence of future armed conflicts.

Of course one needs capitalistic economies to produce the ordnance and materiels for the engineered social factions to war with each other. Yet if the Greens have their way, there will be no mining period.

More likely is the possibility that none of them actually understand what they are doing. As Nassim Taleb is alleged to have remarked, 99% of humans are stupid.

anonymous [284] Disclaimer , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:35 am GMT • 14.3 hours ago

The total absence of integrity in the Western media is sufficient indication that the West is doomed.

It's because Western media is completely under the control of Jews, the world's foremost End Justifies Means people. The Fourth Estate has become the world's most powerful Bully Pulpit. There are still a few good ones though, brave souls they are: Kim Strassel of WSJ, Daniel Larison of The American Conservative , Neil Munro of Breitbart.

The rest are more or less lying scums, including everyone on NYTimes, WSJ, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, MSNBC, Fox News (minus Tucker Carlson and Maria Bartiromo), The Economist , and let's not forget the new media: Google, Facebook, Twitter. The world would be a much better place without any of them.

The Real World , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:44 am GMT • 14.1 hours ago
@Beavertales -- with either vote flipping on machines or having the totals that paper ballot scanners tabulate adjust via a pre-programmed algorithm. Many elections have already been stolen this way.

But, in the vein of what you mention is this fascinating article. I urge everyone to read it. He spills the beans in detail.

Imagine hundreds of those people around the country over decades. There must be scads of illegitimate office holders all over. It's horrendous

Alfred , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:51 am GMT • 14.0 hours ago

Nancy Pelosi claims that Biden's victory gives the Democrats a "MANDATE" to alter the economy as they see fit with 50.5%. This proves that Biden will NOT represent everyone – only the left! I have warned that this has been their agenda from day one. Now, three whistleblowers from the Democratic software company Dominion Voting Systems, alleging that the company's software stole 38 million votes from Trump. There are people claiming that Dominion Voting Systems is linked to Soros, Dianae Finesteing, Clintons, and Pelosi's husband. I cannot verify any of these allegations so far.

We are at the Rubicon. Civil War is on the other side. There should NEVER be this type of drastic change to the economy from Capitalism to Marxism on 50.5% of the popular vote. NOBODY should be able to restructure the government and the economy on less than 2/3rds of the majority. That would be a mandate. Trying to change everything with a claim of 50.5% of the vote will only signal, like the Dread Scot decision, that there is no solution by rule of law. This is the end of civilization and it will turn ugly from here because there is no middle ground anymore. As I have warned, historically the left will never tolerate opposition.

Democrats Claim Mandate to Alter the Economy & 3 Whistleblowers from Software Company Allege they stole 38 million votes from Trump | Armstrong Economics

Priss Factor , says: Website November 13, 2020 at 5:56 am GMT • 13.9 hours ago


Just another serf , says: November 13, 2020 at 6:18 am GMT • 13.6 hours ago

Yes, the theft is blatant. But what are you, us, going to do about it? We really can't do much as the Office of the President Elect requires us to wear masks. For our safety.

animalogic , says: November 13, 2020 at 6:35 am GMT • 13.3 hours ago

"in the narrowest of legalistic terms, testimony or affidavits are not evidence. Testimony and affidavits become evidence when supported by physical evidence. " Correct – but they also can become evidence by verbal testimony. ie "I saw the defendant hit the victim with a rock"

Anon [115] Disclaimer , says: November 13, 2020 at 6:55 am GMT • 12.9 hours ago

Not only have they stolen the election but when Joe Biden and other democrats claim that President Trump caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans because of his handling of Covid 19, they are in sane. No world leader could stop the spread of this respiratory virus. However, Joe Biden and democrats have caused the deaths of hundreds of white people, while whipping up weak minded people to kill many whites. Biden and the democrats are criminals. Any one who is white, man or woman, that supports the democratic party is enabling a criminal organization to perpetrate violence on white people, including murder.

chet roman , says: November 13, 2020 at 7:05 am GMT • 12.8 hours ago

Since the article was from a German magazine it's understandable that there is no mention of "the one who shall not be named". No mention of the people behind the Lawfare group, the same people behind the impeachment, the same people providing financial and ideological support for the BLM/Antifa, the same people that own the media that spewed lies for 5 years and censored any mention of the Biden family corruption, no mention of the people behind this Color Revolution, the same people who promoted the mail in voting and those that managed the narrative for the media on election night to stop Trump's momentum.

For the public consumption the election will be described in vague terms, like this article, blaming special interests and institutions like the FBI, CIA and MIC without naming names as if an institution, not the oligarchs and chosen pulling the strings, are somehow Marxist, anti-white or anti-Christian.

Clay Alexander , says: November 13, 2020 at 7:18 am GMT • 12.6 hours ago

The interviewer quotes the Heritage Foundation does anyone even care what they say? The English Tavistock Institute by way of the CIA which the British molded from the OSS created programs for the Heritage Foundation as well as the Hoover Institute, MIT, Stanford University, Wharton, Rand etc. These "rightwing think tanks" were created to counter the CIA's "leftwing think tanks" at Columbia, Berkeley etc. Thank you British Intelligence.

Priss Factor , says: Website November 13, 2020 at 7:24 am GMT • 12.5 hours ago

Bloat the Vote:

Thomasina , says: November 13, 2020 at 7:31 am GMT • 12.3 hours ago

Steve Bannon was just interviewing someone (can't remember his name). Apparently there are about 200 to 300 IT professionals/engineers working on these so-called "glitches" (not glitches at all) which mysteriously "disappeared" thousands of Trump votes. Then they'd dump phony Biden votes into the mix. These IT professionals are going to follow the trail.

I've also heard that Dominion Voting Systems played a big part in this scam by using algorithms. One Trump lawyer said that big revelations are coming.

We're going to have to be patient and just wait.

"The inclination of Republicans is for Trump to protect America's reputation by conceding the election."

I honestly think it's more like the old established Republicans (corporate bought) want Trump to lose because that is what their campaign donors want (Big Pharma, Wall Street, etc.) They are part of the elite, and the elite (both the Democrats AND Republicans) want Trump gone so they can continue their crony capitalist looting. They've got to appear like they're behind Trump, but I don't think they are. Of course, that's not all Republican representatives.

Sounds like they've been rigging elections for awhile now. I bet they just messed up with Hillary. I think that's why she was so upset. She had it, but they screwed up and didn't supply enough ballots.

Biff , says: November 13, 2020 at 7:39 am GMT • 12.2 hours ago

My conclusion is: They are probably going to get away with it.

My advice: Make them suffer.

sally , says: November 13, 2020 at 7:45 am GMT • 12.1 hours ago
@KenH inventive creative new ways to deceive.. first it was election machines, then mail in votes. next it will be magic carpet voting. But the votes don't count, cause it is the electoral college that elects the President.

Trump also lost a significant number who did not understand Trump was an Israeli at heart, they thought he was a uncoothed NYC red blooded American.

As far as white, black or pokadot color or any of the religions ganging up against Trump I don't think that happened, the fall out into statistically discoverable categories is just that, fall out, not those categories conspiring to vote or not vote one way or the other.

Wizard of Oz , says: November 13, 2020 at 7:46 am GMT • 12.1 hours ago

PCR seems to have trouble seeing a difference between the counting of perfectly proper votes which Pres Trump's post office delivered late which may or may not be allowed by law which can be determined in court, and fraud like the dead voting or votes being forged.

Anonymous [272] Disclaimer , says: November 13, 2020 at 7:54 am GMT • 12.0 hours ago

The fraud is all so transparent but no one in the power elite seems to give a crap whether the public catches on or not these days. They know that the entire media which creates the false matrix of contrived "truth" that we all live in will back them to the hilt because they are actually just one more working part in the grand conspiracy. We all know that when "O'Brian" says 2 + 2 equals 5 we must all believe it, or at least say we do. We interface with "O'Brian's" minions on a daily basis but we don't know the ultimate identity of "O'Brian" (in the singular or multiple). Many guesses are made, but they hide that from us fairly well with the aid of their militaries and "intelligence" agencies (aka secret police in other times and places).

Wally , says: November 13, 2020 at 8:08 am GMT • 11.7 hours ago
@MarkinLA s://">
Why Did Six Battleground States with Democrat Governors (Except One) ALL Pause Counting on Election Night? And How Was This Coordinated?
Biff , says: November 13, 2020 at 8:57 am GMT • 10.9 hours ago

For example in the early hours of the morning of November 4 large ballot drops occurred in Michigan and Wisconsin that wiped out Trump's lead.

In a very similar vein, it is the same thing that happened to Bernie Sanders during the primary's. Joe was down and out, and Bernie was enjoying the lead and then "Bam!" Overnight Joe is back on top.

Well, fool me once,,,,,, .,and blah, blah whatever Bush said .

Verymuchalive , says: November 13, 2020 at 9:48 am GMT • 10.1 hours ago
@Stephen Allen

Dr Roberts has referenced in the interview a UR article that goes into considerable detail about the massive electoral fraud by the Democrats and their partners. You've obviously not bothered to read it.

You're like one of those MSM hacks who denies electoral fraud without making any attempt to look at the evidence.

Sollipsist , says: November 13, 2020 at 10:17 am GMT • 9.6 hours ago
@Begemot And it's almost always a closer race than anyone would have guessed beforehand -- which I also find suspicious. How likely is it that the majority of presidential elections over the last century were decided by more or less even numbers of voters from each party, between more or less evenly matched candidates?

Really seems like they've perfected the art of putting on rigged political shows that you can't quite believe in, but don't have anything really solid to back up your suspicions. It's like the "no evidence of fraud" canard -- anything solid enough to show obvious manipulation is explained away as the exception, rather than the tip of a very deep iceberg

James Speaks , says: November 13, 2020 at 10:40 am GMT • 9.2 hours ago
@S Martini

Like the false accusations about Russia, delegitimizing the presidential election as fraud is turning out to be much ado about nothing.

Let's review. The Democrats perpetrated the phony 2016 Russian influence fraud, and now the Democrats are perpetrating the phony 2020 election victory.

The common elements are Democrats perpetrate fraud.

Do try to keep up.

Lee , says: November 13, 2020 at 11:48 am GMT • 8.1 hours ago

IMO this is a simple remedy to settle the election fraud mess or we will be arguing about this 20 years from now .from the American Thinker.

The candidates on the ballot must have an opportunity to have observers whom they choose to oversee the entire process so the candidates are satisfied that they won or lost a free and fair election.

That is not what happened in the 2020 election. That is the single most important and simple fact that needs to be understood and communicated. The 2020 election was not a free and fair election, because poll-watchers were not allowed to do their essential job. The 2020 election can still be a free and fair election with a clear winner, whoever that may be, but time is running out.

In every instance where poll-watchers were not allowed to observe the process, those votes must be recounted. They must be recounted with poll-watchers from both sides present. If there are votes that cannot be recounted because the envelops were discarded, those votes must be discarded. Put the blame for this on the officials who decided to count the votes in secret. Consider it a way to discourage secret vote counts in the future.

The pandemic has not been fearful enough to close liquor stores, and it in should not be used as excuse to remove the poll-watchers who are essential to a free and fair election. If we must have social distancing, then use cameras.

Certainly, there are other issues with the 2020 election. There may be problems with software, and there are issues like signature verification and dead people voting. Everything should be considered and examined, but no other issue should distract from the simple fact that both sides must be able to view the entire process. If one side is not allowed to view the vote-counting, then that side should be calling it a fraud. We should all be calling it a fraud.

Read more:

TomGregg , says: November 13, 2020 at 12:23 pm GMT • 7.5 hours ago

The Spirit of Enoch Powell , says: November 13, 2020 at 1:02 pm GMT • 6.8 hours ago

...Trump had control of the Senate, the House and of course the Executive between his inauguration in January of 2017 and the Midterm Elections of 2018, a total time period of 1 year and 10 months. What did he do during this time? He deregulated financial services and passed corporate tax cuts.

At the end of the day, being emotionally invested in US elections is no different to being emotionally invested in Keeping up with the Kardashians , that is to say your life wouldn't be that different if your don't follow either.

Realist , says: November 13, 2020 at 1:04 pm GMT • 6.8 hours ago

The Democrats Have Stolen the Presidential Election

The Deep State Has Stolen the Presidential Election. FIFY. But they have been in control for decades they just don't care who knows now. They are taking final steps to make their control impervious to attack.

anon [434] Disclaimer , says: November 13, 2020 at 1:06 pm GMT • 6.8 hours ago
@Notsofast nd protect the actual elephant in the Oval Office: CIA.

Trumman did speak up one month after JFK was killed by the unmentionable "I" of M.(I).I.C.

This is the reason that the establishment latched on to the Eisenhowerian bon mot but entirely memory hole Trumman's far more explicit warning a freaking month after a sitting president is shot like a turkey in Dallas: it white washes CIA and NSC .

Priss Factor , says: Website November 13, 2020 at 1:31 pm GMT • 6.3 hours ago

Why are CIA goons like Anderson Pooper serving as journalists? CIA is a criminal organization that subverts other nations.

MLK , says: November 13, 2020 at 1:32 pm GMT • 6.3 hours ago

The place to begin, and it's mind-blowing when you think about it this way, is that nothing was resolved on election night. Not who will take the oath on January 20th. Nor which party will control the Senate. Nor even who will be Speaker and which party will control the House.

Suffice it to say, a still raging factional struggle has simply moved to a greater degree behind the curtain.

I noted this movie reference on another thread here:

If your father dies, you'll make the deal, Sonny.

-- "The Godfather"

My point being, you're foolish if you ascribe certainty as to outcome at this point.

Being rid of Trump has been as close to a dues ex machina for the establishment as imaginable since he took the oath. This ineluctable observation elicits no end of foot-stomping by those who assume it necessarily says anything positive about the man.

With every persistent revision of the script they wrote for him, all ending with his political demise at least, Trump has not just survived but grown stronger. While the Democrats turned our elections into something only seen in a third-world shit hole, Trump legitimately drew 71M votes from Americans.

That's a lot of air in the balloon. Believe me, filth like Russian mole Brennan may think everything is finished once they get rid of terrible, awful Trump, but those above his pay grade know better.

Like him or hate him, Trump is the only principal not wholly or largely discredited. He was saved from destruction during his first term by the Republican base moving to protect him. That was the import of his 90-95% approval among them, destroy him and you destroy the Republican Party.

Now, despite -- or perhaps, because of -- everything they've done, that base now includes a significant number of Democrats and independents. Trump is merely a vessel for an American majority attached to this constitutional republic thingie we've got going.

Don't get lost in the details. This isn't a puzzle you can solve by internet sleuthing. The plan they executed -- to steal sufficiently to make the outcome inevitable by the morning after the election at the latest -- failed. This was evident early on Election Day (e.g. fake water main breaks in Atlanta) and necessitated their playing their Fox/AZ card and shutting down the count at least until they had removed Republican monitors.

BannedHipster , says: Website November 13, 2020 at 2:57 pm GMT • 4.9 hours ago

People need to stop falling for Republican bullshit.

The Republicans control:

1. The Senate

2. The Supreme Court with a 6 to 3 majority.

3. The majority of state governments by a huge margin:

"In 22 states, Republicans will hold unified control over the governor's office and both houses of the legislature, giving the party wide political latitude -- including in states like Florida and Georgia."

"Eleven states will have divided governments in 2021, unchanged from this year: Democratic governors will need to work with Republican legislators in eight states, and Republican governors will contend with Democratic lawmakers in three."

The Democrats have: Joe Biden, and a slim majority in the House of Representatives which they are almost certain to lose in two years.

What the Republicans are going to do is everything we hate, but they will pretend they were "forced" to do it by the Democrats – the Democrats being the minority party.

Amnesty? Democrats made us do it.

More immigration? Democrats made us do it.

The Republican party is the greater of two evils.

Rurik , says: November 13, 2020 at 2:59 pm GMT • 4.9 hours ago

Who else could have survived what Trump has been subjected to by the Establishment and their media prostitutes. In the United States the media is known as "presstitutes" -- press prostitutes. That is what Udo Ulfkotte says they are in Europe.

Mr. Ulfkotte died of a "heart attack" in January, 2017

Rest in Peace Udo.

Zarathustra , says: November 13, 2020 at 3:00 pm GMT • 4.9 hours ago

Left and right.
(What you small brains do not understand is this.)
Democrats enabling the elite to invest in far east (lower wage costs, higher profits) did abandon the working class in America. Democrats by this act did throw away the working class as a dirty rug.
Democrats with their TPP exporting most of the production to far east would totally destroy working class in USA. Trump's first act was to cancel this insanity. Democrats are insanely delusional.
Democrats were left. Left is a party that supports the working people.
So here switch occurred. Democratic party now represent the elite, and Republicans now represent the working people.
(The irony of the fate)

Robert Dolan , says: November 13, 2020 at 3:26 pm GMT • 4.4 hours ago

Robert Snefjella , says: November 13, 2020 at 3:30 pm GMT • 4.4 hours ago

The headline for PCR's article is a prediction, not yet established, and incomplete.

There is an ongoing massive attempt to steal the Presidential election as well as to steal an unknown number of House and Senate seats, and who knows what else.

The 'game' is still on. Many tens of millions of citizens – actual total unknown but possibly in numbers unprecedented in American history – voted for Trump. Republican candidates for office generally had strong support, but again, the actual percentage of support is unknown but presumably larger than now 'recorded'.

There are also the many millions who ardently supported Trump, know that Biden is illegitimate, deeply corrupt, and the precursor to perils unknown. Their determination and backbone and intelligence will now be tested.

There is the electoral college process; there are the state legislators that have a say in the process; there is the Supreme Court.

There is also the possibility of pertinent executive orders that mandate transparent processes in the face of, say, apprehended insurrection via fraudulent voting processes.

There is also the matter of how millions of 'deplorables' with trucks and tractors and firearms and other means to make their point will react to obvious massive election travesty.

The conjunction of the COVID global scamdemic/plandemic, with crazed Bill Gates and kin lurking in the background with needles, 'peaceful' protesters in many cities setting fires and looting with near impunity, and a mass media that is clearly comprehensively committed to a demonic degree of dishonesty and manipulation, and lunatic levels of 'identity politics' ideology, are among the elements setting the stage for what may be an historical watershed.

The American Revolution in the 18th century, against the British Crown's authority, came about after years of simmering anger and sporadic resistance against British injustice. At some point there was a 'tipping point'. When Germany invaded and occupied Norway early in the 2nd WW, an effective resistance quickly formed in reaction, where death and torture were the known willing risk. Two years before, those forming the resistance would have been just going on with their lives.

No one knows today how this plays out.

Agent76 , says: November 13, 2020 at 3:45 pm GMT • 4.1 hours ago

Who's Afraid of an Open Debate? The Truth About the Commission on Presidential Debates. The CPD is a duopoly which allows the major party candidates to draft secret agreements about debate arrangements including moderators, debate format and even participants.

Mar 6, 2014 Truth in Media "End Partisanship"

Ben Swann explains how the new coalition of EndPartisanship org is working to break the 2 party hold on primary elections, which currently lock around 50% of voters out of the process.

Sep 5, 2012 DNC Platform Changes on God, Jerusalem Spur Contentious Floor Vote

Democratic National Convention 2012: Delegates opposed to adding language on God, Israel's capital to platform shout, 'No!' in floor vote.

anon [287] Disclaimer , says: November 13, 2020 at 4:21 pm GMT • 3.5 hours ago

For those who are sick of Fake News CNN or FoxNews, watch this new channel that many Trump voters are flocking to:

I am currently watching an interview with SD Governor Kristi Noem, who went on ABC to challenge George Stenopolosus' claim that there is no fraud in this election. She pointed out that there has been many allegations, including dead people voting in PA and GA, she says we don't know how widespread this is, but we owe it to the 70+ million people who voted for Trump to investigate and ensure a clean and fair election. She said we gave Al Gore 37 days to investigate the result in 2000, why aren't we giving the same to Trump?

She is extremely articulate and sounds intelligent and honest, and what's more courageous to come forward like this. I hope she runs for president in 2024, I'd vote for her.

Anonymous [721] Disclaimer , says: November 13, 2020 at 4:21 pm GMT • 3.5 hours ago
@Chris in Cackalacky

Am I the only one who sees something profoundly spiritual happening in front of our eyes?

Yes. In reality, 5% of White men sent Trump packing. That doesn't match the GOP negrophile narrative where "based" Hindustanis join the emerging conservative coalition to make sure White people can't get affordable healthcare in their own countries, though. So we'll have to watch you parasites spool up this pedantic "fraud" nonsense until the fat orange zioclown gracelessly gets dragged out.

OutsideMan , says: November 13, 2020 at 4:30 pm GMT • 3.4 hours ago

Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups and Average Citizens
by Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page

Agent76 , says: November 13, 2020 at 4:31 pm GMT • 3.3 hours ago

Good post. You will gain more insight from this background on the speech and drafting.

Jan 19, 2011 Eisenhower's "Military-Industrial Complex" Speech Origins and Significance US National Archives

President Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address, known for its warnings about the growing power of the "military-industrial complex," was nearly two years in the making. This Inside the Vaults video short follows newly discovered papers revealing that Eisenhower was deeply involved in crafting the speech.

Thomasina , says: November 13, 2020 at 4:42 pm GMT • 3.2 hours ago
@The Real World

Great article. Thanks. Agree with you about the big stealing being electronic. Trump tweeted out yesterday that over 2 million votes were stolen this way. For him to say this, they must have evidence.

Dinesh D'Souza said he hopes that when this matter comes before the Supreme Court that they will tackle once and for all what constitutes a legal vote.

Some pretty big names are involved with this Dominion Voting. It will be interesting to see what Trump's team of IT experts discover re the use of algorithms to swing the vote.

Cyrano , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:03 pm GMT • 2.8 hours ago

Why (Oh, why) did Trump had to go? Because Trump is an enema to the Deep State. He was threatening to expose the biggest lie of the last 100 years – the supposed "liberalism" of US...

Genrick Yagoda , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:07 pm GMT • 2.7 hours ago
@Wizard of Oz

It has already been determined by the court. Pennsylvania ruled that late ballots are not to be counted.

DanFromCT , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:15 pm GMT • 2.6 hours ago
@Stephen Allen

The author refers to a body of overwhelmingly persuasive evidence of voter fraud that can be specified and quantified to provide proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt in criminal cases, not to mention hands down proof in civil cases requiring only a preponderance of the evidence to establish guilt. Furthermore, the Democrats' easily documented, elaborate efforts at concealing the vote counting process by shutting down the counting prior to sneaking truckloads of ballots in the back door is by itself powerful circumstantial evidence of their guilt. You have no idea what "evidence" means, either in general usage or in its strictly legal sense.

fatmanscoop , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:15 pm GMT • 2.6 hours ago

The election cannot be trusted at all, just based on the insane entitled emotional state of the Globalist establishment alone. The system as-a-whole cannot be trusted, for the same reason. They are actively corrupting it in every way they can, and fully believe (as a matter of religious conviction) that they are right to do so.

fatmanscoop , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:38 pm GMT • 2.2 hours ago

"no evidence of wide spread voter fraud"

That's one of the Jew/Anglo Puritan Establishment's new catch-phrases. There's also "no evidence" that Joe Biden acted in a corrupt manner in Ukraine, even though he admitted to it on tape. There's "no evidence" that Big Tech is biased against conservative plebians, despite their removing conservative plebians' published content arbitrarily and with no State compulsion to do so. The phrase "there's no evidence" is just a public commitment to ignore any evidence, no matter how blatant or obvious.

Robert Dolan , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:39 pm GMT • 2.2 hours ago

Peripatetic Itch , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:41 pm GMT • 2.2 hours ago

This newly discovered legal standard goes beyond "preponderance of the evidence" or even "guilt beyond a reasonable doubt" to establish absolute certainty as the standard.

Just the obvious and necessary complement of the Bob Mueller standard for Russian collusion, don't you think -- "could not (quite) exonerate"? /s

Don't you dare call this hypocrisy.

Orville H. Larson , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:57 pm GMT • 1.9 hours ago

When it comes to protecting the integrity of elections, "low-tech" might be best!

anon [771] Disclaimer , says: November 13, 2020 at 6:05 pm GMT • 1.8 hours ago

His impotence makes a lot more sense when you know the full version was supposed to be Military-Industrial Congressional Complex.

The Real World , says: November 13, 2020 at 6:42 pm GMT • 1.2 hours ago
@TheTrumanShow as the reason why.

They went for a softer approach in KY in 2019. The first-term Repub Gov had a Yankee's forthrightness so they just latched onto comments he made regarding the underfunded teachers pension program and amped-it to high heaven getting teachers all in a frightful frenzy.

In that solidly Red state, with all other prominent offices on the ballot (AG, SoS, etc.) going overwhelmingly Repub , somehow the Repub Gov loses to the Dem by around 5000 votes. The "teachers pension" narrative was rolled-out as the reason. (Btw, it seems that Dominion, or another type, software was used to switch the votes in that race. I've seen video about it.)

Art , says: November 13, 2020 at 6:47 pm GMT • 1.1 hours ago
@Orville H. Larson

When it comes to protecting the integrity of elections, "low-tech" might be best!

Paper ballots as ascribed by Tulsi Gabbard legislation is the only safe option for elections. Kudos to Tulsi!

The Real World , says: November 13, 2020 at 6:55 pm GMT • 56 minutes ago
@Orville H. Larson out how the winds are blowing. There is nothing good about it.

Why not this:
-- ONLY in-person voting over a 2-day period, a Sat and Sun, with polls being open from 6AM to 9PM both days.
-- Exceptions are the traditional requested absentee ballot where the voter can be authenticated.
-- Paper ballots must be used at the polls and no single box of 'Straight Vote by Party' is offered.
-- Some kind of SIMPLE scanning tabulator could be used of the ballots and with it NOT being connected to the internet.

There is far too much cheating opportunity built into our current system. That's intended, of course.
It needs to end!

Priss Factor , says: Website November 13, 2020 at 7:02 pm GMT • 49 minutes ago

... ... ...

No Friend Of The Devil , says: November 13, 2020 at 7:09 pm GMT • 42 minutes ago

Because you don't get it. You are missing the big picture. It was well known that these systems had the ability to be hacked as soon as they were implemented. It is also a well known fact that massive mail in ballots increases the likelihood that corrupt individuals are more likely to get away with election fraud.

Everyone knew about the potential for voter fraud to occur, but the entire system is corrupt, including Trump who has allowed the massive corruption within the system that was present when he entered office to persist and grow because he is a wimpy, spineless, coward, that was too afraid to make any waves and take the heat that he promised his voters.

Why anyone voted for Trump in 2020 confounds me. I voted for him in 2016 and he has turned out to be one of the worst presidents in history.

Trump in his cowardess and dishonesty knew that the ailing economy would harm his chances of being re-elected, so he allowed the health scare scamdemic to occur and destroy the livelihoods, lives, and businesses of hundreds of millions of Americans because he is a psychopath. Trump did not do what he promised. Trump made America worse than it has ever been since the end of slavery. Jeremy Powell said today that the economy is dead and will never recover.

The only injustices that Trump gave a damn about were the injustices against himself and his family, and has committed countless injustices against the entire country and world during his term. Trump is a corrupt narcissist. The facts prove it. Trump is such a corrupt narcissist that he was willing to destroy the entire economy based on scientific fraud, high crimes, and treason to use as political cover for his own incompetency which is the most offensive and disgusting diabolical act ever perpetrated on the entire country.

Trump has also demanded the extradition of Assange after telling his voters that he loved wikileaks. Trump is a two-faced, lying, fraud. It has been his pattern. He consistently supports various groups and people like Wikileaks, Proud Boys, and others and panders to them and voters and tells people that he loves them, and then every time without fail when the heat is on, Trump says," I really don't know anything about them."

"I know nothing." Trump saying "I know nothing." defines his presidency and who he is as a person, a spineless, pandering, corrupt, two-faced, narcissist, loser, and wimp!

Why would anyone vote for him the second time around after a record of pathological incompetency and pathological corruption? What's to approve of about him? Go ahead, investigate voter fraud it if is permitted, and if it isn't then ask yourselves why it is that a system that enables election fraud is in place, and ask yourselves who had the ability to change it and, who had the ability to benefit from it!

Andrea Iravani

[Jan 02, 2021] Tulsi Gabbard slams COVID relief bill as a 'slap in the face' to Americans - YouTube

Jan 02, 2021 |

, 6 days ago

She voted against the bill because she's smart and she actually reads things

Joseph Klimchock , 6 days ago

Congress has failed the American people again and again. They do almost nothing, we might actually be better if they did NOTHING!!!!!

Shawn Cornell , 1 week ago

One of the few dems that talks sensibly. That's why the communist dems kept changing the rules to keep her out of the debates.

EAZY-E Zero , 5 days ago

Respectfully, Tulsi Gabbard could have been a better candidate than Joe Biden. That's just my opinion.

Jn Stonbely , 3 days ago

Bravo Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard for putting it to the "Demagogue" Party for their deviousness, lies, and clearly ; anti-American behavior !

Kai Chinn
, 6 days ago

I like Tulsi, she actually has a head on her shoulders and actually cares about the American People! Aaaaand, she is not hard on the eyes either! :)

boonarga , 6 days ago

Gabbard represents what Democrats were before they became evil.

, 4 hours ago

As a Republican Tulsi was the only Democrat I was rooting for, the Democrats destroyed her because she wasn't part of their agenda.

Brian Hariprashad
, 2 days ago

She embodies what a true good democrat is idk what's up with the rest of the party, she has my vote

What Is Your Worldview? - Creation or Evolutionism?
, 6 days ago

In a world of [neo]liberalism, it is the VICTIM that gets punished, not the criminals.

[Jan 02, 2021] Senate Overrides Trump Veto Of Defense Bill - ZeroHedge

Jan 02, 2021 |

Senate Overrides Trump Veto Of Defense Bill BY TYLER DURDEN FRIDAY, JAN 01, 2021 - 15:15

Meeting for a rare New Year's Day session, the Senate voted 81-13 on Friday to override President Trump's veto of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which Trump said "fails to include critical national security measures, includes provisions that fail to respect our veterans and our military's history, and contradicts efforts by my Administration to put America first in our national security and foreign policy actions."

A two-thirds majority was needed to override the veto - which would mark the first in Trump's presidency. The NDAA authorizes over $740 billion in military programs and construction, as well as 3% pay raises for US troops. It also contains a provision to rename military bases named after Confederate generals .

Trump also wanted to force a repeal of Section 203 protections for social-media companies enjoy due to their constant editorializing of user content, however lawmakers refused to include the provision.

The rare January 1st session comes as the new Congress is set to be sworn in on Sunday.

On Wednesday, the Senate voted 80-12 to begin an official debate on overriding the veto, proving that Congress can act with lightning speed when properly motivated.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said on Tuesday that the NDAA is crucial to national defense, and to "deter great power rivals like China and Russia." The bill "will cement our advantage on the seas, on land, in the air, in cyberspace and in space," he added.

During Trump's time in office, he has vetoed eight other bills - several of them focused on foreign policy and national security issues, according to the Wall Street Journal .

The fight over the NDAA also underscored broader tensions over national-security issues between congressional Republicans and Mr. Trump. On foreign policy and national-security issues, many Republicans have readily bucked Mr. Trump during his presidency even as they have stood by him on many other issues.

For instance, the Trump administration's recent effort to cut troop levels in Afghanistan in half , to roughly 2,500, by Jan. 15, has alarmed some Republicans. The NDAA requires the administration to submit to Congress a comprehensive assessment of the withdrawal before it can use funds to pull out troops. -WSJ

In addition to creating a commission to assess changes to bases, displays, monuments, symbols and other paraphernalia related to Confederate commanders, the bill limits the president's ability to use emergency military construction funds for other purposes . It also restricts employees or former employees from the military-industrial complex to work directly for the Chinese government or government-controlled companies.

Banned Banana 56 minutes ago

Dwight Eisenhower warned us about this 60 years ago, and we have done exactly nothing.

RasinResin 50 minutes ago

When you comb through who is doing what, you realize it's just politicians supporting monopolistic companies. Lawyers in essence, always have been, and always will be the problem. Just ask Shakespere.

Orange Man Rad 53 minutes ago (Edited) remove link

McConnell is on a suicide mission for the GOP as a political party. I'm guessing he could careless as he won't be running for reelection. I always knew he was a swamp creature that hated Trump. He never once publicly defended Trump in 4 years. I will be changing my party affiliation to Independent on January 7th. I'm waiting until then so it has maximum impact after the scumbags throw Trump under the bus. Good riddance GOP.

Right Wing-Nut 48 minutes ago

Excellent presentation on:

How Big Government Really Works

It fully explains why China Mitch is fine being Minority Leader. Follow the money!!

Obake158 40 minutes ago

Don't change your party affiliation, do what I did and go to your town hall and unregister to vote. There is absolutely no point in participating in this sham of a system. Voting for muppet A or muppet B is silly when both sides are played by the same interests. All you do by giving your consent to be ruled is create a mandate that the agent of corruption uses to lord over you. I am 100% done playing with their system and by their rules. Politicians are a verminous class of filth. They need to be purged, swapping a rat for a snake for a maggot is what voting results in. Think of a single politician that represents you and your interests and that you look up to. I haven't been able to say anything good about a politician since Ron Paul was active, they are all treason scum.

techengineer 15 minutes ago

The Republican Establishment is disgusting.. A damn disgrace.. We can't get rid of the rotten bastards without turning it over to even worse Democrats..

Bernout Sanders 43 minutes ago remove link

For those of you keep asking "but why doesn't Trump do more?" - this is your answer.

Could Trump have expanded the use of the Executive Order into clearly unconstitutional territory and hope the Supreme Court would support this? Perhaps.

When it comes to legislation, though, sadly there are less than 10 (and perhaps less than 5) Republican Senators worth a hill of beans.

I mean, look at Utah. Solidly Republican, elect the sorriest GOP Senator and carpetbagger Mittens, and even their decent Senator, Mike Lee, is militantly pro-immigration.

Until Republicans start primarying SOB RINO's like Democrats do in their caucus, there will never be any change.

AboveAverageIdiot 27 minutes ago

Senators who voted to sustain Trump's veto of defense bill:
Booker (D)
Braun (R)
Cotton (R)
Cruz (R)
Hawley (R)
Kennedy (R)
Lee (R)
Markey (D)
Merkley (D)
Paul (R)
Sanders (I)
Warren (D)
Wyden (D)

yerfej 27 minutes ago

The endless wars continue. What the phyuyk is wrong with a country that can't stop starting wars yet never has the balls to finish them? Oh its just a facade for ayssholes to line their pockets.

dustnwind 43 minutes ago

"Amazing how fast Congress can act when properly motivated..."

Yes motivated by special interests, lobbyists and perks. Someday R voters might realize that R politicians were just as involved in the voter scams to neuter(2018) and remove Trump as the democrats. Any appearances to the contrary are simply theater to retain the voter base Trump had.

vasilievich 21 minutes ago

The mood in this country seems to be poisonous. In this little county of ours, population about 220,000, the food bank is moving into larger premises. Also there will be a residence for those in need, available only to women and children.

I think it's doubtful that this sort of thing can go on without consequences, some of which may be dramatic.

I had family in Europe which lived through something similar, the result of which was a world war.

aliens is here 29 minutes ago

When comes to fudging over the people, congress wastes no time doing it.

GreatUncle 29 minutes ago

The politicians on all sides support the censorship and cancellation culture through big tech editing.

Handful of Dust 28 minutes ago

The Republicans had complete control of both houses during Trump's first two years and did ZERO for the working middle class American.

Jon_noDough 7 minutes ago

Can't give the citizens more than a pittance for Covid relief but no limits to military industrial swamp complex...

Baronneke 8 minutes ago

"National Offense Authorization Act " is a more appropriate name as the US was never attacked after ww2 so no need to Defend. The 5-6 last US presidents on the other hand are all war criminals and have attacked (including sanctions) countless countries since the end of ww2. Far over 700 Billion Dollars to the DOO. Just crazy !!

HoodRatKing 4 minutes ago (Edited)

The US is in BUSINESS, one of their top businesses is SELLING ARMS...

I can't of course discuss their other lucrative businesses in Asia & Afghanistan...

JaWS 5 minutes ago (Edited)

I understand that Cocaine Mitch will be visiting the spa in the near future.

[Dec 30, 2020] Stock market might well be close to the start of a selloff, says veteran trader Larry Williams

Usually such prediction are not worth electrons to are needed to display them on the screen but the idea that "[paper gold" offer no hadge might be sound. Whether natural gat wil rally as he predicts is another story ("Buy natural gas because Williams expects it to rally.") If the stock market followed his forecasts he probably would be billionaire, especially with his tendency to trade futures.
It is not clear how long the market can levitate at current high but some kind of 2008 reckoning might be in the cards. When and what might be the trigger is not clear. But as one commenter said "I don't believe that all of the damage caused by our pandemic has been adequately summed up" The disconnect between the actual economy and the stock market can't last forever.

I've watched Williams accurately call many market twists and turns in the 15 years I've known him. I know of more than a few money managers who trust his judgement. Williams has won or placed well in the I've watched Williams accurately call many market twists and turns in the 15 years I've known him. I know of more than a few money managers who trust his judgement. Williams has won or placed well in the World Cup Trading Championship several times since the 1980s To make market calls, Williams uses his own time-tested mix of fundamentals, seasonal trends, technical signals and intelligence gleaned from the Commitment of Traders report from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Here's how he thinks about the three types of positions the CFTC reports. Williams considers positioning by commercial traders or hedgers and users and producers of commodities to be the smart money. He thinks large traders, mainly big investment shops, and the public are contrarian indicators. Williams mainly trades futures because he thinks that's where you can make the big money. But we can apply his calls to stocks and exchange traded funds, too. Here's how he's positioning for the next few weeks and through the end of the year, in some of the major asset classes and stocks. To make market calls, Williams uses his own time-tested mix of fundamentals, seasonal trends, technical signals and intelligence gleaned from the Commitment of Traders report from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Here's how he thinks about the three types of positions the CFTC reports. Williams considers positioning by commercial traders or hedgers and users and producers of commodities to be the smart money. He thinks large traders, mainly big investment shops, and the public are contrarian indicators. Williams mainly trades futures because he thinks that's where you can make the big money. But we can apply his calls to stocks and exchange traded funds, too. Here's how he's positioning for the next few weeks and through the end of the year, in some of the major asset classes and stocks. To make market calls, Williams uses his own time-tested mix of fundamentals, seasonal trends, technical signals and intelligence gleaned from the Commitment of Traders report from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Here's how he thinks about the three types of positions the CFTC reports. Williams considers positioning by commercial traders or hedgers and users and producers of commodities to be the smart money. He thinks large traders, mainly big investment shops, and the public are contrarian indicators. Williams mainly trades futures because he thinks that's where you can make the big money. But we can apply his calls to stocks and exchange traded funds, too. Here's how he's positioning for the next few weeks and through the end of the year, in some of the major asset classes and stocks. Williams mainly trades futures because he thinks that's where you can make the big money. But we can apply his calls to stocks and exchange traded funds, too. Here's how he's positioning for the next few weeks and through the end of the year, in some of the major asset classes and stocks. Williams mainly trades futures because he thinks that's where you can make the big money. But we can apply his calls to stocks and exchange traded funds, too. Here's how he's positioning for the next few weeks and through the end of the year, in some of the major asset classes and stocks.

Expect an extended stock market selloff

To make market calls in September, Williams turns to what he calls the Machu Picchu trade, because he discovered this signal while traveling to the ancient Inca ruins with his wife in 2014. Williams, who is intensely focused on seasonal patterns that consistently play out over time, noticed that it's usually a great idea to sell stocks -- using indexes, mostly -- on the seventh trading day before the end of September. (This year, that's Sept. 22.) Selling on this day has netted profits in short-term trades 100% of the time over the past 22 years.

... ... ...

One caveat: Watch the advance-decline line, one of Williams' favorite indicators. If fewer stocks are declining relative to advancers on days the stock market is weak, or if there is a broadening out of participation on up days, this is a sign the any selloff may be coming to a close.

"If great breadth comes in to the market [on up days], then I will get bullish," he says.

Gold offers no hedge

A lot of people think gold serves as a hedge during stock market declines, but this isn't true, says Williams. Gold has slumped along with stocks in most of the major market selloffs. He expects the same over the next three to four weeks. He's advising gold traders to sell any rallies now, and then revisit when gold falls later this year to buy back lower.

To make this call, Williams looks at the typical seasonal pattern for gold that plays out every year, and also the historical trends in election years. The conclusion: Gold typically peaks around the middle of September then weakens for most of the rest of the year. This year, gold has underperformed its typical seasonal pattern, which is bearish for the metal.

"Gold has not been able to stay in step with what happened in the past, therefore the seasonal pattern should work this year," he says.

Another sign of potential weakness is the "crazy bullishness on gold" among the right-wing pundits like Ron Paul who have a long-standing affinity for the medal.

"They're all on the bandwagon because of the rally in gold," he says.

As with gold, he expects a similar seasonal pattern in other precious metals and copper. They will be weak from now through the end of the year, with a possible bounce in the middle of October.

Michael Brush is a Manhattan-based financial writer who publishes the stock newsletter Brush Up on Stocks. Brush has covered business for the New York Times and The Economist group. He attended Columbia Business School in the Knight-Bagehot program. Günter Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff 11 hours ago Only this September there is a the Fed, a pandemic, Robinhood and Trump, and his corrupt administration. Factor in those variables and it's impossible to predict what the market is going to do. Will remain in all cash till after the election. Stuart Young 11 hours ago I don't believe that all of the damage caused by our pandemic has been adequately summed up. Our U.S. Government may suffer huge consequences as a result of trillions of dollars in new debt. The law of gravity can be defied on so long. LT Murray 1 day ago Valualtions are now about where they were in the summer when there was all the talk about a V-shaped recovery that is now known not to be the case.

[Dec 30, 2020] The Building Blocks of a Restraint Coalition by DANIEL LARISON

Notable quotes:
"... The most overrepresented group in Washington, the "hard power primacists," is also the one with the most destructive track record. This is the group that cheers on John Bolton and Mike Pompeo as they trash America's reputation while putting us at greater risk of pointless wars. Only 10% of the respondents belonged to this group, and even among Republicans they make up less than 25%. There is remarkably little popular support for the position that has become the default Republican Party agenda. ..."
"... The EGF survey likewise asked a question about American exceptionalism, but phrased it a bit differently. They asked if America was exceptional for what it had done in the world (20% agreed), exceptional because of what it represented (40%), or not exceptional (38%). While most of these respondents still affirmed some support for the idea, support is declining with each generation. While the president proposes "teaching American exceptionalism" in schools (whatever that might mean in practice), such lessons seem likely to fall on deaf ears. ..."
"... It becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a myth of exceptionalism when our institutions are so faulty, our infrastructure so derelict, and our political leaders so inept. If each new generation is more disillusioned than the last with this myth, it is because they have seen how false it is in real life and they have seen how it has been used to rationalize some of the worst policies imaginable. ..."
Sep 23, 2020 |

The American public is increasingly supportive of a foreign policy that is more engaged diplomatically and more restrained in its use of force. Large majorities want the U.S. to rejoin agreements and institutions that the U.S. has left over the last four years, but there is also substantial support for reducing America's military footprint in many other parts of the world. Most Americans don't care for the wrecking of successful agreements, including the nuclear deal with Iran, but many would welcome troop withdrawals from deployments overseas.

Those are some of the findings from the Eurasia Group Foundation's annual survey of what Americans think about U.S. foreign policy and our country's role in the world. There is a major constituency in both parties for a foreign policy that is less militarized and more involved in constructive international cooperation. This could be the foundation for a broad coalition in favor of greater restraint, and it shows that most of the public is not interested in maintaining the status quo of militarized hegemony.

The survey divides the respondents into four groupings based on their answers.

  1. There are the "traditional internationalists" that don't want to reduce U.S. forces overseas and want to remain in international institutions,
  2. And then there are the "hard power primacists" that have no use for institutions and treaties but want to dominate militarily.
  3. There are the "global ambassadors" that want deeper diplomatic engagement, but also want to reduce military forces overseas and move away from a militarized U.S. foreign policy.
  4. Finally, there are the respondents that the survey classified as so-called "genuine isolationists." The choice of isolationist here was unfortunate because even among these respondents the preference is for reduced engagement of all kinds, but not necessarily the separation from the world that the isolationist label implies. When push comes to shove, almost no one is a "genuine isolationist" in this country or anywhere else, and a more extensive survey might be able to tease out how these "isolationists" really think the U.S. should act in the world.

Out of these four, the "global ambassadors" made up the largest contingent: "The most popular position was that of the Global Ambassadors, who support active diplomacy and participation in international institutions, trade and treaties but oppose global military primacy." It would be fair to say that this position is closest to the views held by advocates of restraint. According to the survey, 38% of respondents fit this description, and they were pretty evenly distributed between different political affiliations. 40% of Democrats gave answers that put them in this group, and the same was true for 32% of Republicans.

There is a clear majority that doesn't support a strategy of primacy. As the report notes, "When "engagement" is split into military and non-military components, only three in ten Americans favor liberal hegemony." Between the "global ambassadors" and so-called "genuine isolationists," those opposed to primacy to one degree or another made up almost 60% of the total. These are potentially huge blocs of voters that prefer a more peaceful, less interventionist foreign policy, and they are woefully underrepresented in Washington today. This is a large audience that would seem to be receptive to what advocates of restraint have to say, and so we need to find more ways to reach them.

The most overrepresented group in Washington, the "hard power primacists," is also the one with the most destructive track record. This is the group that cheers on John Bolton and Mike Pompeo as they trash America's reputation while putting us at greater risk of pointless wars. Only 10% of the respondents belonged to this group, and even among Republicans they make up less than 25%. There is remarkably little popular support for the position that has become the default Republican Party agenda.

There is more popular support for bringing U.S. forces home from all over than there is for keeping them there. 44% say that the U.S. should decrease the number of troops it has in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, and they also say that the U.S. should reduce its commitments to other countries in these regions. Only 31% were in favor of the status quo or an increase in troop levels. This is consistent with the findings of other surveys, including the new poll from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, which found that 57% approved of the announced troop withdrawal from Germany, and another 16% wanted full withdrawal of all of the remaining troops.

One of the other interesting results that the Chicago Council survey found is the growing partisan gap over the question of "American exceptionalism." 80% Republicans are in agreement with the definition of exceptionalism the survey provided (the U.S. has a "unique character that makes it the greatest country in the world"), and only 35% of Democrats held the same view. It is possible that this gap is exaggerated by the fact that Democrats seem to have soured on the idea during Trump's presidency, and the numbers may go up again in the future, but there seems to be something more significant going on. Insofar as "American exceptionalism" has been turned into a motto for excusing U.S. rogue behavior in the world, it has become an increasingly loaded phrase that provokes strong reactions in both directions. The experience of the last twenty years would also give many people good reasons to doubt that the U.S. deserves to be called the greatest country.

The EGF survey likewise asked a question about American exceptionalism, but phrased it a bit differently. They asked if America was exceptional for what it had done in the world (20% agreed), exceptional because of what it represented (40%), or not exceptional (38%). While most of these respondents still affirmed some support for the idea, support is declining with each generation. While the president proposes "teaching American exceptionalism" in schools (whatever that might mean in practice), such lessons seem likely to fall on deaf ears.

It becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a myth of exceptionalism when our institutions are so faulty, our infrastructure so derelict, and our political leaders so inept. If each new generation is more disillusioned than the last with this myth, it is because they have seen how false it is in real life and they have seen how it has been used to rationalize some of the worst policies imaginable.

Probably the most discouraging result in the EGF survey came in response to a question about war powers. There is a large majority that thinks that Congress has to authorize the use of force first, and that is something that advocates of restraint can build on, but it is disturbing that so many would support presidential overreach in matters of war. When asked if the president needed Congressional authorization before ordering military action abroad, 26% said that he didn't. While this is a distinctly minority view, it was supported by half of the Republican respondents, and it shows that roughly a quarter of the public holds an important part of the Constitution in contempt. When such a large group endorses illegal presidential warmaking, it is another sign that our political culture has been badly corrupted by decades of war and arbitrary presidential power grabs. The failure to prevent previous illegal wars and the failure to hold presidents accountable for trampling on the Constitution have paved the way for this.

Foreign policy tends to be a low priority for most voters, and few use these issues to determine their voting decisions, but public opinion still has to be kept in mind in any foreign policy debate. Most Americans are not paying close attention to what the government is doing in the world, but there are limits to what they will tolerate. The public also has fairly clear preferences for greater international cooperation without the unnecessary burdens of endless wars and excessive military commitments around the world. There is an opening here for a prudential and restrained internationalism that draws support from across the political spectrum, but to take advantage of that will require organizing these disparate groups of Americans to achieve greater influence in both parties.

Daniel Larison is a senior editor at TAC , where he also keeps a solo blog . He has been published in the New York Times Book Review , Dallas Morning News , World Politics Review , Politico Magazine , Orthodox Life , Front Porch Republic, The American Scene, and Culture11, and was a columnist for The Week . He holds a PhD in history from the University of Chicago, and resides in Lancaster, PA. Follow him on Twitter .

kouroi 18 hours ago

Did it ever mattered what the majority of the US public thinks and wants?

Tom Riddle 17 hours ago • edited
Foreign policy tends to be a low priority for most voters, and few use these issues to determine their voting decisions

Unfortunately, I think this is the most important sentence in the article. The fact of the matter is FP stuff is a very low priority for most Americans and "supporting the troops" is often conflated with money for the pentagon.

Worst of all, Americans will oppose attacking Country X until the president says "We need to attack Country X" and then they are all for it. I mean, during all of 2017 half the country suddenly knew we absolutely needed to attack North Korea.

Alan Vanneman 8 hours ago

I agree with Tom. These polls rarely mean much on any topic, and when it's as low priority as foreign affairs, there's even less significance. There is some brave talk among Democrats about cutting defense spending, but in the past both parties have been happy to give the Pentagon as much, and frequently more, than it wants. And the military is devoted above all else to maintaining its global presence, so that all its toys can be given at least a veneer of purpose. Trump, with all his disgusting bluster, is clearly more risk averse than Obama, who stupidly cost his party the presidency by trying to play the hero in Libya. I'm am (pretty) sure that Biden will continue this restraint, but on the other hand his administration will almost surely be stocked with Wilsonian interventionists, who have learned nothing and forgot plenty.

Feral Finster 6 hours ago

The polls have been consistent for a long time now. But this is America - what the elites want, the elites get and since when did the voters start to matter?

rayray Feral Finster 2 hours ago

Agreed. But to be precise, the "elites" in this particular case are nothing other than the military brass, the military contractors, and the senators/reps they've purchased. Well funded and unbelievably well-placed to influence/leverage/etc. whoever is the President. And what powerful/wealthy interests are lobbying on the other side? Few, if any.

kouroi rayray 2 hours ago

Never mind the NSA that can blackmail everyone out there...

kouroi 6 hours ago

The building block is the UN Charter and agreed upon International Law. but while Russia 7 China & others would love to have those treaties respected, the US Gob wants to follow the "rules based order". Moon of Alabama and others talk about these very fundamental issues, and how the West in fact has lost all its legal and moral ground and became in fact Mordor ru by Sauron:


MPC 3 hours ago

The best thing that could happen to tilt American foreign policy more in the direction of restraint would be a consistently populist, in the true sense, political force. Interventionist foreign policy is a dream world and plaything of elites, for elite gain.

Right now you have way too many peace-inclined left wing people fighting peace-inclined right wing people, in a clear divide and conquer setup. Left and right identity politics are being used to preserve a decadent status quo a bit longer, including in foreign policy.

rayray MPC 2 hours ago

Agree with this as well...but the scorched earth identity politics of Trump have set back the dream of a centrist "peace party" for a quite a time.

[Dec 24, 2020] Tulsi Gabbard breaks with other lawmakers, won't take Covid-19 vaccine until seniors get it, blasts 'heartless bureaucrats' a

Dec 24, 2020 |

Tulsi Gabbard breaks with other lawmakers, won't take Covid-19 vaccine until seniors get it, blasts 'heartless bureaucrats' at CDC 21 Dec, 2020 19:57 Get short URL Tulsi Gabbard breaks with other lawmakers, won't take Covid-19 vaccine until seniors get it, blasts 'heartless bureaucrats' at CDC FILE PHOTO. © REUTERS / Mike Segar 103 Follow RT on RT While numerous other lawmakers have publicly gotten the Covid-19 vaccine, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) has vowed not to until all seniors receive it.

"I had planned to get the vaccine but will now stand in solidarity with our seniors by not doing so until THEY can. I urge my colleagues who are under 65 and healthy to join me," Gabbard said in a Monday morning message posted to Twitter.

The congresswoman and previous presidential hopeful blasted "heartless bureaucrats" at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for not prioritizing seniors, viewed as the most vulnerable to Covid-19, in their rollout plan.

Seniors were deemed a second-priority group by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, which recommended health care workers, nursing home staff/residents receive the vaccine first. CDC Director Robert Redfield could still prioritize seniors. He has expressed support for ensuring people over the age of 70 receive the vaccine sooner rather than later.

ALSO ON RT.COM Dr. Deborah Birx, who's seeking role on Biden's Covid-19 team, violates her own guidelines with Thanksgiving family trip

Gabbard's statement stands in contrast to the actions of many lawmakers who have received the vaccine before it is available to most Americans.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida), 49, was accused on social media of "cutting" to the front of the line by critics after posting images of himself receiving the vaccine over the weekend.

On the other side of the political aisle, 31-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) also received pushback after receiving the vaccine, with many citing her young age as a reason for her not to be one of the first to get vaccinated.

Others, like journalist Glenn Greenwald, also pointed to the hypocrisy of many liberals criticizing conservatives like Rubio, but celebrating Ocasio-Cortez's vaccination announcement.

Senior lawmakers like House speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California), 80, and Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) have also been vaccinated.

ALSO ON RT.COM Iowa senator who questioned Covid-19 profiteering gets excoriated online after receiving state's first vaccine dose

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[Dec 24, 2020] The Revenge Agenda by Philip Giraldi

Notable quotes:
"... Washington Post ..."
"... Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is ..."
"... ..."
"... address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is ..."
Dec 24, 2020 |

The upcoming year should be interesting. The Establishment "Deep State" has won a major victory in the United States with the election of Joe Biden as president. What remains to be seen is whether or not there will be significant bloodletting as a consequence, revenge for the presumed misdeeds that constituted the core legacy of four years of Donald J. Trump as chief executive. Many in the Democratic Party harbor deep resentments that go back to the election of 2016, which spawned the myth that foreign interference by the Russians was responsible for the upset victory by the GOP candidate. Even at this distance, few if any Democrats are willing to admit that Hillary Clinton was a deeply flawed candidate whose condescension towards whole categories of voters ultimately inspired many "undecideds" to vote against her.

Indeed, Trump came closer to repeating his improbable victory in 2020 than anyone would have predicted and the stench of possible widespread fraud continues to hang over the result. Donald Trump entered office with a pledge to "drain the swamp," something that he found more difficult to actually do rather than just talk about doing. The Democrats will surely now work hard to methodically eliminate all political appointees in the vast bureaucracy guilty of Trumpism.

That replacement of bureaucrats is referred to as the "spoils systems" and it is to be expected, but there is something more sinister in the works with leading Democrats and some journalists calling for heads to roll, metaphorically to be sure but with real impact on the lives of those who supported the losing side. The Washington Post 's resident Trump-hating Zionist Jennifer Rubin summed it up nicely in a tweet three days after the election, posting "Any R now promoting rejection of an election or calling to not to follow the will of voters or making baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position or be accepted into 'polite' society. We have a list."

And Bill Clinton's former Labor Secretary Robert Reich has been even more explicit, tweeting a demand to create a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission." The commission borrows the name and would be modeled on the organization set up in South Africa after the fall of the apartheid government and the establishment of majority black rule, an exercise in attempted democratization that has nevertheless failed to put an end to extremely high levels of corruption and communal violence in the country.

Reich's objective is not limited to punishing the Trump White House's top officials who may have promoted policies considered anathema by the incoming Democratic administration. He has also tweeted "When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump's lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe." The Reich proposal would potentially mean punishing thousands of otherwise innocent individuals who had little influence over what happened during the past four years. "Enabled" covers a lot of ground, and is prone to devolve into something like a witch hunt.

One Reich supporter wrote in defense of the proposal "As long as unresolved historic injustices continue to fester in the world, there will be a demand for truth commissions" and there have been numerous comments on social media sites like Facebook insisting that "something be done" about the "deplorables" who voted for and supported Trump. Interestingly, even though the comments constitute actual threats, Facebook has not deleted them, unlike the elimination of posts that run afoul of the censors by questioning the validity of the election or challenging conventional wisdom on COVID-19.

Another commenter on twitter agreed with Reich, though complaining "But it doesn't go far enough, clearly. Trump's assets and those of his voters should be seized by the state through legislation and distributed to those he's harmed as reparations. Surely that's the only way to heal our nation. Land of the free!" And finally, still another cheerleader enthused "Robert you're right. And after we win we'll come for you all we're pretty much over trying to share a country with you anyway. Four years ago I thought you were people with bad ideas. I was wrong: YOU'RE BAD PEOPLE."

To be sure, Trump invited much of the hostile response to what he represents when he held rallies where supporters called out Hillary Clinton with chants of "Lock her up!" So the anger is there on both sides and momentum is building not just to replace or ignore Trump's associates and his supporters, but to punish them for their alleged inability to comprehend the many benefits derived from Democratic Party rule. As no mechanism actually exists to enable the new regime to punish supporters of the previous administration, unless they have actually committed a crime, one suspects the process of purging the bureaucracy and voters rolls will pretty much be improvised while Biden and Harris get settled in.

Donald Trump also does not help either himself or the cause he represents. His insults and abusive language invite hostility, having his tweets turn allies into enemies and making friends of the "revolution" that he represents wish that he would just shut up. Current media reports suggesting that he might not vacate the White House on January 20 th as he continues to be convinced that he won invite a nasty response from the Democrats. Ex-president Barack Obama has warned , possibly in jest, that Trump might need to be removed forcibly by Navy SEALS.

And, of course, violence could beget violence. If denigration of Trump supporters followed by a real purge does take place it will impact on the tens of millions of voters who still believe President Trump should have won re-election but for fraud. They are ready for a fight, and not necessarily limited to the metaphoric. As I said in the beginning, it could be an interesting year here in America.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected]

Verymuchalive , says: December 22, 2020 at 11:03 am GMT • 16.3 hours ago

To be sure, Trump invited much of the hostile response to what he represents when he held rallies where supporters called out Hillary Clinton with chants of "Lock her up!"

So it's Trump's fault – not for anything he has said or done, but for what his supporters have said.

Indeed, Trump came closer to repeating his improbable victory in 2020 than anyone would have predicted and the stench of possible widespread fraud continues to hang over the result.

I could continue, but won't. Even when criticising the Democrats, his hostility towards Trump and his supporters never lets up. Any dispassionate observer can see that widespread electoral fraud was actual and likely swung the election Biden's way. Even honest leftist observers agree. Giraldi should have mentioned this, but didn't. Having perpetrated it once, the Democrats will do it again. The likelihood is that there will be no fair elections in future. So the Democrats will have the time to enforce their revenge agenda in perpetuity. Again Giraldi fails to mention this.

Sick of Orcs , says: December 22, 2020 at 11:04 am GMT • 16.3 hours ago

Donald Trump entered office with a pledge to "drain the swamp," something that he found more difficult to actually do rather than just talk about doing.

Especially when Trump himself hired nothing but nevertrumpers and swamp rats and listened to his know-nothing rat-in-law.

(Didn't this guy have a tv show for 13 years about hiring the best people?)

It's secession time, has been for years before Orange Golfbag. Don't worry about whether the federal mafia approves of the parting of ways, their new scamulus includes $300,000,000 to bring in more rapefugees aka your replacements.

[Dec 23, 2020] 'Slap in the face'- Tulsi Gabbard blasts stimulus package as 'rushed' embodiment of DC's 'screwed up priorities' -- RT USA New

Dec 23, 2020 |

'Slap in the face': Tulsi Gabbard blasts stimulus package as 'rushed' embodiment of DC's 'screwed up priorities' 22 Dec, 2020 07:54 / Updated 21 hours ago Get short URL 'Slap in the face': Tulsi Gabbard blasts stimulus package as 'rushed' embodiment of DC's 'screwed up priorities' FILE PHOTO. © REUTERS / Brendan McDermid 77 20 Follow RT on RT The omnibus stimulus bill, which pours money into everything from missiles to horse racing and offers $600 in direct payment to struggling Americans, is "an insult and a slap in the face" of the people, Tulsi Gabbard said.

The outgoing representative from Hawaii gave a harsh evaluation of the controversial stimulus package, which many critics see as too little, too late for the country, which has been ravaged by Covid-19. She said she voted against the bill because it was rushed and catered to special interests rather than the needs of the people.

The almost 5,600-page package was distributed to lawmakers just hours before the vote, so "There is no way that anybody in Congress had the opportunity or time to go through and read this bill to know exactly what was in it," Gabbard said.

And its actual content – which allocates money to things like missiles for the Pentagon and provides a tax break for corporate meals, dubbed the 'three martini lunch' by critics – is "an insult and a slap in the face to every single American in this country, who is struggling because of this Covid-19 pandemic."

This bill is a representation of the screwed-up priorities of Washington.

The bill was passed by the Democrat-controlled House 359-53 on Monday and was given a 92-6 stamp of approval by the Republican-controlled Senate hours later. President Donald Trump is expected to sign it into law.

ALSO ON RT.COM While Covid 'stimulus' gives Americans $600, omnibus spending bill in Congress would spend BILLIONS on foreign aid & pet issues

Gabbard, a maverick Democratic representative whose tenure ends next month, has a record of voting against her own party and has taken flack for it in the past. Arguably the most notable example was her 'present' vote on the articles of impeachment of President Trump a year ago. She said she could not in good conscience vote either 'yes' or 'no' because she believed the president to be guilty of wrongdoing, but saw the impeachment as a flawed process fueled by partisanship.

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[Dec 13, 2020] "The Century of The Common Man"

Dec 13, 2020 |

"The march of freedom of the past one hundred and fifty years has been a long-drawn-out people's revolution. In this Great Revolution of the people, there were the American Revolution of 1775, The French Revolution of 1792, The Latin-American revolutions of the Bolivarian era, The German Revolution of 1848, and the Russian Revolution of 1917. Each spoke for the common man in terms of blood on the battlefield. Some went to excess. But the significant thing is that the people groped their way to the light. More of them learned to think and work together....

"The people are on the march toward even fuller freedom than the most fortunate peoples of the earth have hitherto enjoyed. No Nazi counter-revolution will stop it. The common man will smoke the Hitler stooges out into the open in the United States, in Latin America, and in India. He will destroy their influence. No Lavals, no Mussolinis will be tolerated in a Free World.

"The people, in their millennial and revolutionary march toward manifesting here on earth the dignity that is in every human soul, hold as their credo the Four Freedoms enunciated by President Roosevelt in his message to Congress on January 6, 1941. These four freedoms are the very core of the revolution for which the United Nations have taken their stand. We who live in the United States may think there is nothing very revolutionary about freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and freedom from the fear of secret police. But when we begin to think about the significance of freedom from want for the average man, then we know that the revolution of the past one hundred and fifty years has not been completed, either here in the United States or in any other nation in the world. We know that this revolution can not stop until freedom from want has actually been attained .

"And now, as we move forward toward realizing the Four Freedoms of this people's revolution, I would like to speak about four duties. It is my belief that every freedom, every right, every privilege has its price, its corresponding duty without which it can not be enjoyed. The four duties of the people's revolution, as I see them today, are these:

1. The duty to produce the limit.
2. The duty to transport as rapidly as possible to the field of battle.
3. The duty to fight with all that is in us.
4. The duty to build a peace -- just, charitable and enduring.

"The fourth duty is that which inspires the other three ."

Wallace laments about the failure after WW1; but when he spoke, few knew the actual reasons for the war, although Wallace was correct that it wasn't to serve the Common Man's interest. To solve the basic problem that in reality goes back 4-5,000 years. Wallace then drives the nail home:

"We did not build a peace treaty on the fundamental doctrine of the people's revolution. We did not strive whole-heartedly to create a world where there could be freedom from want for all peoples . But by our very errors we learned much, and after this war we shall be in position to utilize our knowledge in building a world which is economically, politically and, I hope, spiritually sound."

The United Nations contained within it the above vision that it could become the vehicle for attaining the goals enunciated in that last sentence. It's now 75 years later, and it appears we might have an opportunity to attain Wallace's, FDR's, and numerous others dream goal of an unfettered people living in harmony while enjoying those four basic freedoms, but most importantly, the freedom from want and the chains of debt that attends it always .

Wallace knew about banks and finance from the farmer's POV for he was a member of a longstanding Iowa farming family--the Iowa Asgards. And he knew about the Devilish threats within the USA to the Four Freedoms as he noted in his speech. Although the focus was on Germany, Wallace knew the Nazi Devil lived in many places:

"Through the leaders of the Nazi revolution, Satan now is trying to lead the common man of the whole world back into slavery and darkness. For the stark truth is that the violence preached by the Nazis is the devil's own religion of darkness. So also is the doctrine that one race or one class is by heredity superior and that all other races or classes are supposed to be slaves . THE belief in one Satan-inspired Fuhrer, with his Quislings, his Lavals, and his Mussolinis -- his "gauleiters" in every nation in the world -- is the last and ultimate darkness. Is there any hell hotter than that of being a Quisling, unless it is that of being a Laval or a Mussolini?" (Quisling was a Norwegian Fascist executed in 1945 for treason.) [My Emphasis]

Wallace knew and he displayed his knowledge in a very famous op/ed written at the request of the NY Times and vetted by FDR, "The Dangers of American Fascism," published 9 April 1944. Besides that message, Wallace's most powerful message was spoken toward the conclusion of his speech which provides an excellent benchmark to measure just how far we've come and how much farther we need to go:

"Some [Henry Luce] have spoken of the 'American Century.' I say that the century on which we are entering -- The century which will come out of this war -- can be and must be the century of the common man. Perhaps it will be America's opportunity to suggest that Freedoms and duties by which the common man must live. Everywhere the common man must learn to build his own industries with his own hands is a practical fashion. Everywhere the common man must learn to increase his productivity so that he and his children can eventually pay to the world community all that they have received. No nation will have the God-given right to exploit other nations. Older nations will have the privilege to help younger nations get started on the path to industrialization, but there must be neither military nor economic imperialism . The methods of the nineteenth century will not work in the people's century which is now about to begin. India, China, and Latin America have a tremendous stake in the people's century. As their masses learn to read and write, and as they become productive mechanics, their standard of living will double and treble. Modern science, when devoted whole-heartedly to the general welfare, has in it potentialities of which we do not yet dream.

"And modern science must be released from German slavery. International cartels that serve American greed and the German will to power must go. Cartels in the peace to come must be subjected to international control for the common man, as well as being under adequate control by the respective home governments . In this way, we can prevent the Germans from again building a war machine while we sleep. With international monopoly pools under control, it will be possible for inventions to serve all the people instead of only a few.

"Yes, and when the time of peace comes, The citizen will again have a duty, The supreme duty of sacrificing the lesser interest for the greater interest of the general welfare. Those who write the peace must think of the whole world. There can be no privileged peoples. We ourselves in the United States are no more a master race than the Nazis. And we can not perpetuate economic warfare without planting the seeds of military warfare. We must use our power at the peace table to build an economic peace that is just, charitable and enduring .

"If we really believe that we are fighting for a people's peace, all the rest becomes easy." [All Emphasis Mine]

Reading between the lines, we can sense Wallace's apprehensions about what the USA will become; and as we've witnessed, he was quite correct in his suspicions. But the people were quickly duped and he didn't have any chance of besting Truman in 1948 being attacked in media by those who supported him and FDR during the Depression and war--very much like the attacks on Sanders during the last two election cycles. As Wallace feared, something very similar to Nazism took hold within the USA quickly after the war. Behind it then as now stood Private Finance and the Neoliberals went to work, their goal to privatize everything and ensure the Common Folk owned nothing but the debt that enslaved him/her. No other political-economic example was to be allowed to exist; their one greatest failure and the only reason we're now on the path to the better world we should have already attained if the sort of Christian Commonwealth vision Wallace had and many shared could have arisen instead of the latent fascism within the USA gaining control.

Posted by: karlof1 | Dec 13 2020 23:01 utc | 49

[Dec 13, 2020] Only in a nation that had taken leave of its senses would Tulsi Gabbard be denigrated and Kamala Harris be queen-in-waiting --

Dec 13, 2020 |

SanSkrit 17 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 02:20 AM

Tulsi Gabbard said she ran as presidential candidate with the Democratic party because she believed that a third party didn't stand a chance against the Dems' political clout. And because she believed that the Dems could be brought back to their original goal, i.e. the party of and for the people. I wonder if she still believes that. And I personally wonder if there will be a 2024 presidential race, seeing that the USA is soon heading towards collapse from a completely corrupt parasitic elite.
Nikolaidis 23 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 08:31 PM
There is no room for sane people in an insane society. The US and most parts of the so-called Western world are becoming more and more insane with their "gender correctness" making men women and women men plus adding 87, or is it 114, new genders. It is a sure sign of social decline and collapse. It is parallel to what can be observed when looking at the fall of the Roman empire.
zoombeenie 19 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 12:22 AM
Tulsi was America's chance at being at least No.2 to China. Now with already effectively a one party state with both GOP and Dems beholden to their sponsors (MIC and the 1%) its now jumping from the fire into the frying pan. Hope the US doesn't implode before the people wake up to reality and see Tulsi as the saviour in 2024.
David Penrose Barneby 14 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 05:21 AM
Tulsi Gabbard was the only credible democrat candidate for the presidency , I believe Tulsi Gabbard would be a good president . America today has sunk beyond recognition , where lies , deceitfulness and brazen dishonesty are accepted as the norm .
Doodle_Dandy 15 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 05:08 AM
This just proves to the world the total corruption within American politics. They can't talk democracy, they are the world's largest terrorist organisation...and to think Yanks think they are exceptional, makes me laugh...
David Penrose Barneby Doodle_Dandy 14 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 05:30 AM
A laugh of derision ! I too would laugh , but unfortunately it isn't remotely funny . I'm British , ashamed of the British government , I am ashamed that my sons and their California wives vote democrat . Are even educated American So Ignorant that they are unaware of the total corruption they are supporting ?
1justssayn 10 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 09:20 AM
As a Democrat she endorsed the party instead of switching. Ronald Reagan said "I didn't leave the democratic party, they left me". She should up hold her values and moral high ground by changing parties. After this terrible year maybe the libertarian and Constitution parties could arise and replace the Dem-, pub parties of corruption.
TWolsey 23 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 08:42 PM
USA is crumbling. From within of course. That's how it is said it will happen.
a325 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 08:04 PM
Tulsi is so much the better person and candidate than Kamala!
Black Chinese 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 06:49 PM
I support Tulsi on this bill to level the playing field to protect the female gender to compete with and against females and not WANNABE females with man muscles and everything a man have at birth.
jangosimba 9 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 10:44 AM
Tulsi can sleep well, knowing she does the right thing. I can't say that about any other politician, none.
SNrt 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 05:25 PM
Well said Michael McCaffrey! Thank you! I wish I new you in person. :)
uncle_Alex 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 03:56 PM
I agree!
PedroNZ 19 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 12:25 AM
Yep, we live in an upside-down world!
Crowfoot9 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 04:04 PM
I say let them accept all the trans people they want into woman's sports. All normal women will eventually abandon professional competitions as all the unhinged glory seeking males willing to earn some easy money and media attention will jump on this opportunity and kill the sports. Will be interesting when this controversy reaches the olympics. All the non western countries will abandon the Olympic Games and you'll be left with a western centred competition which will look more like a circus show.
Blod_Grogan 7 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 12:22 PM
Yes, America is floundering. But as long as it is possible to make a bad-to-hopeless situation fine and dandy by just claiming it is, sonorously and with expansive arm-wavings, the steady slide will continue. Believe it or not, it is sometimes worthwhile and beneficial to tell the truth. Ah, you'd never heard that before, well, despite that, I can assure you several honest people claim that's true too - silly buggers.
Fred Dozer 18 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 01:28 AM
I have a lot of Tulsi , hats, and shirts and gave her several hundred dollars. I was upset to say the least when she backed Biden. However I calmed a lot since than. I always wondered how Lindsey Graham could keep winning. Says a lot about some Americans. Tulsi truth, is not what most Americans, want to believe.
Manya 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 03:54 PM
Gabbard the one who is a member on the Council on Foreign Relations? Come on, RT, you can do better. Keep in mind your website is supposed to be for the informed people, not the Americans who can barely read and manage to watch "Dennis Miller +one."
D Green Manya 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 04:42 PM
Truth hurts. She's right on this issue, but 'broken clocks,' etc. CFR membership is a huge red flag and like most Dems, Gabbard is also a gun-grabber. Any politician (most all of them) who supports wholesale destruction of the Constitution and abrogating the individual's right to self-defense is not to be trusted!
Nitupsar 3 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 05:14 PM
That's exactly my sentiment too!
Donkey80 17 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 02:54 AM
The greatest intrinsic quality of America is that it always gets the finest politicians money can buy
Nathan075 18 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 01:19 AM
Kamala Harris = Queen of Tarts.
apothqowejh 21 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 11:01 PM
She should come to Texas and help us reestablish the republic.
IandIandI 15 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 04:21 AM
Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.

[Dec 12, 2020] Only in a nation that had taken leave of its senses would Tulsi Gabbard be denigrated and Kamala Harris be queen-in-waiting --

Dec 12, 2020 |

Only in a nation that had taken leave of its senses would Tulsi Gabbard be denigrated and Kamala Harris be queen-in-waiting Michael McCaffrey

Michael McCaffrey

Michael McCaffrey is a writer and cultural critic who lives in Los Angeles. His work can be read at RT, Counterpunch and at his website . He is also the host of the popular cinema podcast Looking California and Feeling Minnesota. Follow him on Twitter @MPMActingCo

11 Dec, 2020 20:12 / Updated 1 day ago

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Only in a nation that had taken leave of its senses would Tulsi Gabbard be denigrated and Kamala Harris be queen-in-waiting

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard listens to a supporter during a campaign event in Lebanon, New Hampshire © Reuters 501 Follow RT on RT

In an age where lies are worshipped and cowardice celebrated, Tulsi Gabbard is despised for her bravery and commitment to truth, while Kamala Harris is lauded for...what, exactly?

Tulsi Gabbard, the four-term Democratic congresswoman from Hawaii, is currently being attacked by liberals for introducing The Protect Women's Sports Act, which seeks to protect women's athletics by recognizing that different sexes are born with different physical abilities.

Reasonable and rational people realize that men and women are biologically different. Reasonable and rational people also realize that on average, men are bigger, stronger and faster than women, and that just because someone born a male now subjectively "identifies" as a female, that doesn't alter the objective fact that copious amounts of testosterone were pumping through their body as it developed, thus making their competing against biological girls and women in sport not only unfair, but dangerous.

ALSO ON RT.COM Tulsi Gabbard branded 'transphobe' after introducing bill to limit women's sport to biological females

These should not be controversial statements as they are obviously factually and scientifically true. But objective truth is anathema in our age of subjective insanity. Which is why Tulsi Gabbard's introduction of the Protect Women's Sports Act is a brazen act of bravery.

This is why it is so perversely ironic that on the same day Tulsi Gabbard was being made a pariah for courageously speaking plain truth and supporting common sense, Time Magazine was announcing that the empty pantsuit and monument to tokenism, Kamala Harris, and her chauffeur in the corporate Democrat clown car, Joe Biden, were being honored as the Person of the Year.

If America were a sane place, Tulsi Gabbard, not Kamala Harris, would be the darling of the supposedly liberal Democratic Party.

Gabbard is an intelligent, principled and charismatic woman of color, something the devotees of diversity claim to desire. Her progressive bona fides are unquestionable as she vociferously supports Medicare-for-All, a Universal Basic Income and wants to end the war on drugs and private prisons. She is also a courageous anti-interventionist in addition to being a respected Army Reservist and Iraq War veteran.

In contrast, Kamala Harris is a corrupt former "top cop" in California who brutalized the poor by being a proponent of the war on drugs yet let white-collar corporate criminals skate . She is also a neo-liberal militarist who opposes Medicare-for-All and a Universal Basic Income.

And yet, despite, or more likely because, of all of these things, Tulsi Gabbard is persona non grata among the dupes, dopes and dullards in the Democratic party and media, while the sellout and raging sub-mediocrity Kamala Harris is celebrated.

This is not surprising as Gabbard and her fetish for truth have long been a thorn in the establishment's side, especially with her contrarian foreign policy beliefs, most notably regarding Syria and Bashar Assad.

ALSO ON RT.COM Where's the Hitler?

In 2017 Gabbard committed the cardinal sin of going against establishment orthodoxy when she expressed skepticism regarding dubious claims of chemical weapons attacks by the Syrian government in Khan Shaykhun, and, despite being right , was quickly labeled an "Assad apologist."

She also made the egregious mistake of speaking the truth when she said that the U.S. had been "waging a regime change war in Syria since 2011." Nothing will get you a scarlet letter from the establishment faster than telling the truth regarding America's thuggish empire.

As for compliant Kamala, speaking truth to power is not a sin with which she is intimately familiar. Kamala is more of a kiss up and kick down kind of girl. She "kissed" up to former Speaker of the California Assembly and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown and kicked down by trying to jail poor parents of truant kids.

Another glaring difference between Tulsi Gabbard and Kamala Harris is that Gabbard is guided by principle and Harris is guided by blind partisanship and personal ambition.

For instance, besides the Protect Women's Sports Act, this week Gabbard also dared to cross the aisle by introducing the Break Up Big Tech Act, which supported Trump's initiative to repeal Section 230, which gives legal immunity to large social media companies. Gabbard did this because it is the right thing to do, even if Trump supports it.

As for Kamala, she is allergic to principles beyond personal ambition. Kamala will not take on big tech, as they are her donor base and she is a junkie for their money and a corporate power courtesan. One should not expect a Biden-Harris administration to move in any way shape or form against Silicon Valley.

Another argument in favor of Gabbard's superiority over Harris is that the one time the two women went head-to-head was in the Democratic primary debates, and Gabbard eviscerated Harris so decisively that it stopped Harris' presidential campaign dead in its tracks.

This week's state of affairs proves that America is a madhouse, and the media, Time Magazine and their ridiculous and grammatically incorrect "Person of the Year" selection included, are funhouse mirrors used to further distort our already deranged sur-reality.

ALSO ON RT.COM This is who they are: What media & Big Tech did with Hunter Biden laptop story isn't a bug, but a feature

In these United States of the Insane, the inmates are running the asylum as American militarism and corporate power are now deemed benign, it is declared gender doesn't exist, and Kamala Harris is worthy of celebration while Tulsi Gabbard is deserving of denigration.

America always gets the leadership it deserves, and when Joe Biden falls, or more likely gets pushed, down a flight of stairs and Queen Kamala ascends to the throne, we will get what we deserve. And that certainly isn't a person of the quality and worth of Tulsi Gabbard, that's for damn sure.

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carlus 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 04:23 PM

Good essay. My question is why she endorsed Biden, which immediately compromised her intellectual honesty and contradicts her previous decisions to buck the DNC and powers that be. It is puzzling and disturbing. The practical implications are that by so doing, she didn't allow a chance for her growing supporters and the country to overcome impending, rapidly approaching disaster, in many forms. In other words, Tulsi was the last hope and it is now too late. She didn't realize this.
Hanonymouse carlus 1 hour ago 12 Dec, 2020 06:40 PM
Because she probably wants to run again in the future, so she has to keep the party happy.
TruthSpeak carlus 14 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 05:55 AM
I was surprised she endorsed Biden, I did not know she did that. I felt she was the only hope of sanity in this whole mess. I do hope she keeps pushing forward.
Anton Moric 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 03:42 PM
Spot on article that sums up the current situation in the USA quite well. Gabbard is a rational hero, who is also strongly against the US Deep State's endless wars against the perceived enemies of Israel. Another reason that the cabalists have unleashed their dogs on her.
Rocky_Rambler Anton Moric 23 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 08:33 PM
I agree this was very well-written, and right on the money. I loved the phrase, " the empty pantsuit and monument to tokenism, Kamala Harris, and her chauffeur in the corporate Democrat clown car, Joe Biden "
Richi777 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 03:54 PM
Good article. Tulsi Gabbard is certainly the one to watch for the next election. Although the swamp and or the deep state might have other ideas.
skizex Richi777 14 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 05:50 AM
Doesn't help that she is CFR
Russian_Bot Richi777 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 07:32 PM
In 4 years, it'll be, then, the incumbent President Kamala Harris and whoever the establishment appointed to be No 2. Tulsi has no chance. I believe that by the next election, the US is going to become, effectively, one-party nation. As of now, she is the only one who could be a compromise figure for the centrists and moderates on both political sides. But she's too independent and unpredictable for those who have high stakes in the future elections outcome and are able to finance her campaign.
Je suis CHUMP 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 03:43 PM
"Only in a nation that had taken leave of its senses would Tulsi Gabbard be denigrated and Kamala Harris be queen-in-waiting" Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen. I'm waiting for 2024 when Tulsi Gabbard winning the presidential race, or VP position on Trump-Gabbard ticket.
Teodor Nitu Je suis CHUMP 22 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 09:22 PM
"... VP position on Trump-Gabbard ticket." That's exactly why she endorsed Biden, to dispel the notion that she was a 'Trump supporter in disguise', as she was beginning to be painted by some leftist extremists.
carlus Je suis CHUMP 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 04:12 PM
Gabbard has talked to Trump about issues. I think she tried to convince him that the climate crisis is real. He either believes this and lies about it for political reasons (she would find this repulsive ), or doesn't believe it and therefore is (and she would have a problem with this as well) too willingly ignorant to listen to reason.
Rolf001 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 05:10 PM
Speaking the Truth in Times of Universal Deceit is a Revolutionary Act (George Orwell). Tulsi represents exactly what Orwell meant.
Jose Francisco 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 07:32 PM
love the pincipled Tulsi. altho i did lose respect for her for her endorsement of BIden. still, i can forgive her, i mean, look at her, she's committed to the truth, brave and beautiful.
BluDiva 8 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 11:51 AM
I considered Gabbard one of the few, honest, intelligent politicians of our time. She invited the wrath of her corrupt party, which stands for anything but honesty and intelligence. However, her endorsement of Biden stands in strange opposition to her intellectual/political persona.
bbob412 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 08:09 PM
The treatment of Tulsi Gabbard is a tell tale sign of how corrupt the DNC has become. She has more integrity than the lot of them. It's scary how easy it is for the DNC to make good people look evil. A little partisan politics and a lot of bad and misleading press goes a long way in this country of half wits though.
TheFishh bbob412 22 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 09:43 PM
The DNC is so backward and demented that it won't consider anything new to the point that it will force-feed a candidate that isn't all that popular.
Happylistener 23 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 08:25 PM
She is straight, she is honest ( as far as we can see) she's the guts to stand up to the bullies, lots of them. She has an opinion that reflects the ideals and ideas of her targeted voters. Why are the DNC so afraid of her ? She doesn't flop like Bernie, she's not afraid of The Hillary mob. Unfortunately, she can't get the big bucks that get you into power. I wonder why? No war, no bucks ! Keep at it Tulsi Gabbard. You have guts.
Midnight10 19 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 12:15 AM
How very true. Unfortunately since both parties rely on their funding from the military/industrial complex, there will never be a candidate that would be acceptable if they were not a warmonger. She spoke truth to power and turned the drumbeating msm against her. She would have made a difference as VP. Kamala has her own agenda, and seems to love the sound of her own voice. Has alot in common with Trump. Has already told BiBi there will be no preconditions when the US deals with Israel. May get a illegal settlement named after her yet.

[Dec 01, 2020] Tony Blinken Replaces Mike Pompeo by Philip Giraldi

Dec 01, 2020 |

Tony Blinken Replaces Mike Pompeo Israel's friends will enjoy four more years in power PHILIP GIRALDI DECEMBER 1, 2020 1,900 WORDS 1 COMMENT REPLY Tweet Reddit Share Share Email Print More RSS

I for one am getting really excited by the staff that Honest Joe Biden is pulling together for the White House. When I first heard the name Tony Blinken during the Obama kleptocracy I assumed that he was one of those Ivy League lawyer types that proliferate in Washington, likely affiliated with the firm of Winken, Blinken and Nod, which we all know to be in partnership with Dewey, Cheatem and Howe. But I was wrong. He actually was affiliated to a much bigger fraternity, which one might call Zionists in government. You know, those nice well educated, always polite Jewish boys and sometimes girls who have self-designated as foreign policy experts and who work their way up through the various levels of power that might lead to the most coveted positions at the top in the state department and national security apparatus. Blinken was one such striver, and I began to feel the pricking in my thumbs that was telling me that something evil this way was coming when he was mentioned now and again as a former close adviser to the already beatified Barack Obama. And some in the media had observed with approval that he had more recently been briefing Joe Biden, particularly about Israel and the Middle East.

In an interview in the Times of Israel Blinken confirmed Biden's position on possibly reducing aid to Israel if the Jewish state were to do things that damaged U.S. interests. Blinken " reiterated Biden's position that he would not condition aid to Israel. He [Biden] is resolutely opposed to it. He would not tie military assistance to Israel to any political decisions it makes, full stop."

The question of withholding aid is itself moot as Israel does nothing but "do things" that damage U.S. interests, knowing that no president or the Congress would dare to turn off the money tap, but it is an interesting unambiguous admission from Blinken that both he and Joe Biden put Israeli interests ahead of those of the United States.

Blinken's personal view of unfettered support for Israel allegedly derives from his stepfather having claimed to be a survivor of the so-called holocaust, a tale that he invoked several times during his acceptance speech on November 24 th . The Times interview concludes with Blinken asserting that "One of the things that's really shaped the vice president's career-long support for Israel and its security is the lesson of the Holocaust. He believes strongly that a secure Jewish homeland in Israel is the single best guarantee to ensure that never again will the Jewish people be threatened with destruction."

The indefatigable Israel-firster Tony Blinken has also served as a "conduit" to those in government for Israel advocacy groups like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). And now that we have Tony Blinken as Secretary of State Designate the door will soon be wide open to the Israel Lobby.

If you need to know more about what Tony Blinken is all about you only have to look at his friends and his track record. Israel was inevitably quick off the mark in saluting the appointment, both in its media and through its mouthpieces in the United States. Stalwart Canadian Zionist Mark Dubowitz, who heads the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD), tweeted that Blinken would be part of a " superb national security team. The country will be very fortunate to have them in public service."

The signal from FDD is particularly important as the organization is directed by the Israeli Embassy in Washington. FDD is the leading neoconservative bastion seeking a war with Iran, Israel's bête noir . Its Leadership Council has featured former CIA Director James Woolsey, Senator Joe Lieberman, and Bill Kristol. Its advisors and experts are mostly Jewish and most of its funding comes from Jewish oligarchs.

A recent expose by al-Jazeera exposed how FDD and other Lobby groups work directly with the Israeli government, collecting information on U.S. citizens, spying on legal organizations, and both planning and executing disinformation at Israeli direction, making it an Israeli agent by the definition of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 (FARA). Unfortunately, the Department of Justice has never sought to compel FDD to register under FARA. In fact, the U.S. government has never compelled any part of the vast and powerful Israel Lobby to register.

Tony, inevitably a Harvard graduate plus a JD from Columbia who has never served in the U.S. military, is inevitably a chicken-hawk because that is what America's Zionists and their political neocon wing are made of. It is a phenomenon that has often been noted. In 2017, Israel's Deputy Prime Minister Tzipi Hotovely called out American Jews as "people that never send their children to fight for their country, most of the Jews don't have children serving as soldiers, going to the Marines, going to Afghanistan, or to Iraq. Most of them are having quite convenient lives " Of 1,300,000 active duty personnel in the U.S. armed forces, only 4,515 are Jewish.

This is how it works: instead of actually fighting in the wars you are promoting, you have your tax-exempt "educational foundations" pour tons of money into a project to go to war and corrupt the politicians to issue the necessary orders so unemployed kids from Arkansas and North Dakota can go off and die for Israel. You yourself remain safe at home, free to deliver bellicose speeches about how Iran threatens the world through its "meddling" in the Middle East. And, of course, about how the dumbass Palestinians have failed to accept the hand of Israel offered in peace.

That is what Tony's record demonstrates. Blinken has come a long way with Biden, all the way back to the Clinton Administration. And he he has always been there for the Jewish state. During the Obama Administration when relations with Israel were often strained, Blinken was the contact point for "Jewish leaders [differentiating] him from others in the White House at the time who weren't as sympathetic to Israel's position." Dennis Ross, often described as Israel's lawyer, praises him for having " an instinctive emotional attachment to Israel," referring to Blinken's frequently cited Jewish and refugee roots.

Other media reporting indicates that "Blinken was a top aide to Biden when the then-Sen­a­tor vot­ed to autho­rize the U.S. inva­sion of Iraq, and Blinken helped Biden devel­op a pro­pos­al to par­ti­tion Iraq into three sep­a­rate regions based on eth­nic and sec­tar­i­an iden­ti­ty. As deputy nation­al secu­ri­ty advis­er, Blinken sup­port­ed the dis­as­trous mil­i­tary inter­ven­tion in Libya in 2011, and in 2018 he helped launch Wes­t­Ex­ec Advi­sors, a ​'strate­gic advi­so­ry firm' that is secre­tive about its clients, along with oth­er Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion alum­ni like Michèle Flournoy. Jonathan Guy­er writes in The Amer­i­can Prospect , ​'I learned that Blinken and Flournoy used their net­works to build a large client base at the inter­sec­tion of tech and defense. An Israeli sur­veil­lance start­up turned to them. So did a major U.S. defense com­pa­ny."

Beyond the intersection of government policy and personal profit exhibited by Blinken, the Washington Post in 2013 described Blinken as "[o]ne of the government's key players in drafting Syria policy" and he recalled that "This is a little bit personal to me, and any of us -- and I start with myself -- who had any responsibility for our Syria policy in the last administration has to acknowledge that we failed. Not for want of trying, but we failed." What Tony failed at was overthrowing Syria's legitimate government and turning the country over to the terrorist linked groups that he and Hillary and Obama were supporting.

The Democrats are particularly good at coming up with secretaries of state that one would like to forget, and that is saying quite a lot given the recent appointees by the Republicans. One recalls immediately the big-hearted Madeleine Albright, who found the killing of 500,000 Iraqi children by sanctions "worth it," or Hillary Clinton, who laughed out loud as she recalled the death of Libya ruler Muammar Ghaddafi by having a bayonet inserted up his anus. Clinton, who more than anyone launched the war against Africa's most developed nation, paraphrased Julius Caesar, who, upon returning from a rapid victory in Asia during the Rome's Second Civil war, described the event as "Veni, vidi, vici," in English "I came, I saw, I conquered." For the laughing Hillary it was "I came, I saw, he died!" The anarchy in Libya persists to this day and it included the payback killing of four U.S. Embassy employees in Benghazi in 2012, with Hillary and Susan Rice at the helm. It is generally believed that both Clinton and Rice might well have senior positions in the incoming Biden Administration.

But back to Blinken. Israel loved the way the Trump Administration showered favors upon it, nearly always without any quid pro quo . But for all his Dispensationalist fervor, salesmen like Secretary of State Mike Pompeo were little more than goys who had been seduced by the myth of Israel. They were, as Lenin would have described it, little more than "useful idiots," which is allegedly an expression that certain Israeli politicians have used to describe their passionate Christian Zionist supporters in the U.S. Now, with Blinken, the Israeli hard liners will have the "real thing," a convincing Jewish boy who fatuously describes an apartheid Israel as "the anchor and foundation for democracy in the region." Tony believes in the Zionist cause and will do the Jewish state's bidding with a malleable Joe Biden. And if Joe should go, there is always Kamala Harris, who is married to a Jewish lawyer lobbyist. Win-win either way.

Even though it's early days, Blinken joins a number of other American Jews already tagged for senior positions, including Alejandro Mayorkas, the nominee for Secretary of Homeland Security who is a Latino Jew. Ron Klain, Biden's Chief of Staff and Janet Yellen, his pick for Treasury Secretary, are also Jewish. The liberal Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports how "Having Jewish men and women in prominent government positions is so standard that it's barely even a talking point " before observing that "The fact that some of President-elect Joe Biden's top cabinet picks are Jewish should be a source of pride for the community 'These people are being chosen because they're incredibly competent, because they're incredibly talented, because they're incredibly experienced,' Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt told Haaretz in a phone interview." Indeed, if one believes Greenblatt pressure from the Israel Lobby, the media and billionaire donors as well as networking by the Jewish mafia inside the government itself have nothing to do with it.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected] .

Majority of One , says: December 1, 2020 at 5:22 am GMT • 58 minutes ago

Only good thing that could come out of this development, should the Harris-Biden selectees actually come into power is that this massive infusion of rabid Zionists into high levels in the Demo administration is so blatant that the awakeners will increase in numbers and in determination.

[Nov 29, 2020] Trump must pardon Snowden Assange for helping expose 'deep state,' says Tulsi Gabbard amid chorus against war on whistleblo

Nov 29, 2020 |

Gabbard, who's set to leave office at the end of her congressional term, previously introduced a resolution alongside GOP lawmaker Matt Gaetz (Florida) urging the government to drop its charges against Snowden – who was indicted under the World War I-era Espionage Act for his role in leaking classified material revealing illegal mass surveillance by the National Security Agency (NSA). Though the antiquated law was originally intended to prosecute foreign spies, it has been repeatedly wielded against journalists and whistleblowers.

[Nov 26, 2020] Internal policies of those who pull the strings of senile walking dead will accelerate the downfall of the Empire

Nov 26, 2020 |

AnonFromTN , says: November 26, 2020 at 4:21 pm GMT • 3.5 hours ago

@Alfa158 is on the cards. Look on the bright side, though: in response to US aggression Iran will sink quite a few US Navy ships and devastate US military bases in the area. The US response would likely be the same as to Iranian shooting at the US base in Iraq: a string of ever-changing lies purporting to show that nothing much happened.

The danger is that the US might go nuclear, starting WWIII. That would be the end of the US and most of mankind. Maybe aborigines in Papua and some primitive tribes in the Amazon basin will survive. Like Einstein predicted, world war four will be fought with sticks and stones.

JimDandy , says: November 26, 2020 at 4:24 pm GMT • 3.5 hours ago

It seems pretty clear now that the Antifa and BLM riots have been psyops orchestrated for the purposes of influencing the courts. It seems probable that even the SCOTUS will ignore facts in favor of preventing upheaval. Trump supporters don't loot or riot. Violence and lawlessness will be rewarded by the courts, and civilized behavior will be punished–the exact opposite of what really happened in the voting booths.

AnonFromTN , says: November 26, 2020 at 4:31 pm GMT • 3.4 hours ago

Except there is no evidence of fraud

Those who refuse to see are blinder than the blind. Suffice it to mention lots of sworn affidavits testifying to massive election fraud. In addition, anyone who saw 85-95% of votes counted within about 10 hours, and the rest "counted" for two weeks, cannot help smelling the rat. Statistics bear this out: senile half-corpse got more "votes" than Obama in swing states, but fewer everywhere else, be it the bluest San Francisco or the reddest rural TN. Sapienti sat.

Johnny Walker Read , says: November 26, 2020 at 4:34 pm GMT • 3.3 hours ago

We know where your head is @Anon 241, it is really quite obvious.

TKK , says: November 26, 2020 at 4:43 pm GMT • 3.2 hours ago
@anonymous try to go Atticus Finch. My first job as a misdemeanor prosecutor (I lasted less than a year) I put on a big restitution hearing to make an animal abuser pay the State back for all the care his animals needed after his disgusting abuse. It was emus and ostriches.

The County Judge, after he denied ANY restitution, called me back in his office and told me never to "put on a dog and pony show like that again."

It has a real chilling effect on your view of the Law. Trump will not find any justice with the SCOTUS.

They didn't make it this far up the food chain by being brave.

Joseph Doaks , says: November 26, 2020 at 4:51 pm GMT • 3.0 hours ago

"So Biden was the most voted candidate in the history of the U.S.? Biden??"

Yeah, all those rallies attended by just 25 people were only a head fake. Those Democrats are incredibly clever, aren't they?

Peripatetic Itch , says: November 26, 2020 at 4:59 pm GMT • 2.9 hours ago
@Corvinus that we do not see smaller vote updates with mail-in votes which favor Biden more heavily

Anomalies in Vote Counts and Their Effects on Election 2020

They further demonstrated that the steal encompassed by these dumps was enough to throw the election.

One might well conclude you were among the pencil pushers filling in Biden circles all night long. You probably had a good case of carpal-tunnel syndrome by morning.

Art , says: November 26, 2020 at 4:59 pm GMT • 2.9 hours ago

I will never believe that Biden* honestly won the election. I believe that Trump is psychologically a beaten man. Something is wrong, he is not fighting – he is quiet. Either he has Biden* all rapped up and headed to jail because of the Hunter emails – or Trump wants out.

Good Americans are not going to give up. They are going to push the truth of the fraud to the Supreme Court. The problem is – can the Supreme Court find a way to fudge the truth and the law and give Biden* the election. If they give Trump the election there will be civic hell to pay by the left. Not so if they give it to Biden*.

The best way out of this quagmire is for Trump to concede. Will he demand a deal? I say give it to him. Four more years of Trump derangement syndrome will tear the country apart.

p.s. Iran War? How many B-52s did he send to the ME? Twenty means war.

p.s. Biden* is appointing mostly mainline Jews to his cabinet. The Jews like the status quo – they are not going to go hard left.

follyofwar , says: November 26, 2020 at 5:00 pm GMT • 2.9 hours ago
@Jus' Sayin'... s ran the country for 6 months, until a fair election can be held? Neither party would be required to stick with their current candidates. Biden is so corrupt and mentally incompetent, and Trump so divisive, that it would be better if different candidates were chosen by party leaders.

If the country makes it thru this interim period, without a war or other catastrophe, then perhaps we voters could make this three-pronged executive permanent. Three heads are better than one. It often works well on the township and county levels, where three commissioners (two from one party, one from the other) decide policy.

RoatanBill , says: November 26, 2020 at 5:00 pm GMT • 2.9 hours ago
@JimDandy ies digging up dirt on them. Only dirty people get elected or appointed to positions of authority so they can be controlled via blackmail and the threat of assassination.

Every once in a great while a Ron Paul mistake is made, but even he's a disappointment. He took his salary for 26 years and accomplished next to nothing. Trump was told how the cow ate the cabbage after his inauguration. He's hired neocons, criminals, war mongers and the dregs of society as a result because he was told to do so while bullshitting his MAGA supporters.

And people waste their time voting. I can't understand that.

Sick of Orcs , says: November 26, 2020 at 5:03 pm GMT • 2.8 hours ago

It's almost as if the Democrat establishment didn't really want to win the Presidency for the next four years.

Feasible theory. Trump-hatred has united every faction of shitlib kook, despite Trump failing to build a wall or fix immigration. Weaponized demographics ensures Trump will be the last Retardicuck president ever.

As for the rest:

Democrap majority = Democraps control congress

Retardicuck majority = Democraps control congress

Secession from blue state swine is logical and desirable.

Onan the Barbarian , says: November 26, 2020 at 5:05 pm GMT • 2.8 hours ago

The question is what, if the status quo is maintained, either Trump or the Biden-Harris-Obama-Clinton cabal can reasonably expect to achieve during the next four years, with the country split into two halves hell-bent on blocking each other, violence erupting on the streets, the tech and media overlords trying to gain control, and the Islamic world licking its lips.

Justsaying , says: November 26, 2020 at 5:12 pm GMT • 2.7 hours ago

Were the two candidates not cutting such pathetic and tragic figures, the whole election circus could be quite hilarious. And all the fuss about one donkey stealing the election from another makes it even more so. But what can one say when each donkey commands the following of tens of millions?

Parsnipitous , says: November 26, 2020 at 5:17 pm GMT • 2.6 hours ago

I talk to "internationals" and – aside from their media – Trump is not seen as an embarrassment. He's not a deep thinker for sure and pretty inarticulate. But I think most mature people can appreciate that he's one of the few objects standing between them and the CultMarx hordes.

This obsession of American liberals with how "the world" sees them is laughable. A more positive step would be to stop being represented by Hollywood.

Zarathustra , says: November 26, 2020 at 5:19 pm GMT • 2.6 hours ago

It is definitely a possibility. I also see breakup along cities and rural areas lines.

BiggDee55 , says: November 26, 2020 at 5:23 pm GMT • 2.5 hours ago

Is this the same ABC123 from SD?

BiggDee55 , says: November 26, 2020 at 5:25 pm GMT • 2.5 hours ago

As long as "Patriots" have porn and bass boats, they ain't going to do nothing.

AKINDLE , says: November 26, 2020 at 5:26 pm GMT • 2.4 hours ago

Trump and his staff favored blacks over whites. Him and his whole family are n lovin' losers. There was no reason to vote for him. Case closed.

James O'Meara , says: November 26, 2020 at 5:27 pm GMT • 2.4 hours ago

I honestly don't understand the issue here. Will Trump attack Iran?[1] Of course he will.

The only issues Trump is on record as caring about are 1. Birtherism and 2. Ending the Joint Agreement and attacking Iran. Oh, and cutting taxes on the rich. The other stuff, "Trumpism", was created by his handlers as "winning issues" among hoi polloi.

According to Trumpism, we shouldn't engage in wars of choice. But an exception has always been made for Iran. As always in politics, there are "principles" but also "places where it OBVIOUSLY doesn't apply". Cf. "all men are created equal, except women, slaves, and the poor."

Biden differs only because he wants all the wars. So Biden will surely attack Iran.

Why should Trump give Biden the "glory" for doing something they BOTH want to do? Of course, Biden will whine about Trump acting during the interregnum, but really (such a "principle" of course OBVIOUSLY not applying to future Democrats, see above) but that would just be sour grapes.

So yeah, Iran is toast. Probably around Christmas (a la Nixon).

[1] Leftists, mostly, like to point out that Trump as such won't go into battle (like Goliath) but this is a synecdoche for the US military. (as in "That's our fascist government, not the American people, man"). In this case, it's even more true: Trump can issue the orders, but will the military obey? As Saker says, they have no stomach for war, so they could use the "not really President" excuse, perhaps even activate Biden's wet dream of removing Trump.

Curmudgeon , says: November 26, 2020 at 5:38 pm GMT • 2.2 hours ago
@The Alarmist As for curling up under his desk, like many things related to Trump, there may be method to his madness. The more he talks, the more the issue becomes about him, not the legalities. The more it becomes about him, the less likely the SCOTUS will rule on the legalities. Similarly, the outrage that is escalating is becoming more about the election fraud than Trump. That is the rage that the Courts and legislatures needs to hear in order to push them to do the right thing, or minimally do a proper investigation. If the voters turn on the politicians backing the fraud, the gravy train will be over for them, and they know it.
Zarathustra , says: November 26, 2020 at 5:38 pm GMT • 2.2 hours ago

One way or the other Biden is in shit up to his neck.
If Biden start a war with Iran, there will be domestic uprising.
If Biden does not start a war with Iran Natanyahu will have him killed. (discrete way of course like at annual check up. Or car crash maybe.)

frontier , says: November 26, 2020 at 5:38 pm GMT • 2.2 hours ago
@rebel yell o overturn the will of the people expressed in referendums, to institute gay marriage, trans rights, etc, etc but how and why we've got that is an important question for another time.

The fate of Trump, is in the hands of the Republican Party . The state legislature decides the electors and I believe GOP holds majority in PA. WI and GA and almost every other state that might decide that the vote was fraudulent and appoint different Electors. How much faith do you have in the Republican party? that's the question the Saker should write an article about and what to do if they cave in.

Curmudgeon , says: November 26, 2020 at 5:50 pm GMT • 2.0 hours ago

While it is possilbe that Trump may attack Iran, I think it is a step too far. He campaigned on no wars and bringing troops home. The last month or so it has all come out how the crowd in Defense and the Pentagon lied and withheld evidence to block troop withdrawal. Troop withdrawal is happening now. He has the opportunity to leave office being the first President in gawd knows how many years, not to start a war. Why would he blow that now?
Biden/Harris are every bit up Israel's arse as Trump, if not more. If Bibi wants a war, leave it to the Democrat War Hawks.

RoatanBill , says: November 26, 2020 at 6:08 pm GMT • 1.7 hours ago
@JimDandy hive or has he extended the secrecy to protect the deep state? Is Hillary any nearer to prison now than 4 years ago? Has he gone after Twitter or Facebook? Has he come right out and stated that his followers should abandon the most visible free speech detractors and follow him on the nascent competition?

Face it, the man is ineffective. Admittedly he faced incredible opposition, but he made so many mistakes and missed so many opportunities that his failures must eventually rest on his shoulders. I'm convinced he was told to shut up or he or his family would be JFK'd. He won't do anything heroic because he's beaten.

Joseph Doaks , says: November 26, 2020 at 6:25 pm GMT • 1.5 hours ago

"If they give Trump the election there will be civic hell to pay by the left."

Good, that would show the world exactly how EVIL the left actually is. Every body knows that if Trump would only concede and go away quietly his 73 million supporters would regretfully and peacefully accept that outcome. The Democrats are like the Nazis of the 1930's and BLM and Antifa are their Brownshirts. Heil Biden, or else!

Curmudgeon , says: November 26, 2020 at 6:27 pm GMT • 1.4 hours ago
@metternich ontrol of the Board. What happens to computer systems outside its country of origin may be entirely different than what happens internally. Note that the EU and OAS observers, along with Jimmy Carter's crowd, certified Chavez's election wins as free and fair. The OAS is a US sock puppet, and the EU follows US orders.
The reality is that Trump and Chavez, just as with Trump and Sanders, have more in common with each other than they do the Uni-party. They identify many of the same issues, but have very different ideas for solutions. The Uni-party won't identify the real issues, and doesn't want real solutions.
AnonFromTN , says: November 26, 2020 at 6:39 pm GMT • 1.2 hours ago
@Uncle Sam

These rioters, looters and burners don't have the necessary zeal to give up their lives for their beliefs

Most of them don't even have any beliefs. All these stormtroopers are rent-a-crowd cowards, out to make a buck, not to die for a cause.

Sean , says: November 26, 2020 at 6:46 pm GMT • 1.1 hours ago

This is why I believe that it is very dangerous to make any assumptions about what the Justices might or might not do.

Biden said before the election that he was going to introduce a mandatory retirement age for Supreme Court Justices, and and add to the number of Justices on the Supreme Court. Promising to make those Justices that decide whether he gets to be president irrelevant if they decide for him, that was great thinking. Always one step ahead is Joe.

obwandiyag , says: November 26, 2020 at 6:50 pm GMT • 1.0 hours ago

What you fail to address is that this "agonizing" US was manufactured. The powers that be deliberately and artificially divide the public into two and only two opposing camps, get the group hate going, egg on the exaggeration of their differences, suppress the mention of their similarities, and bob's your uncle. Without top-down manipulation, everybody'd pretty much agree that it's time to lamppost the rich and free the country of such blood-sucking parasites.

[Nov 26, 2020] Did Jews fail to deliver- by Israel Shamir

Nov 26, 2020 |

Did Jews Fail to Deliver? ISRAEL SHAMIR NOVEMBER 18, 2020 2,300 WORDS 161 COMMENTS REPLY Tweet Reddit Share Share Email Print More

President Trump gave to Israel all she could wish for; he hoped that in return, the Jews would give him America to rule another term. A simple give-and-take, but it didn't work out as intended. If he were to run for the presidency of Israel, he would have it. If Brooklyn were to decide who'd inhabit the White House, he would be the Chosen one. But Trump's plan to bribe US Jews by bearing gifts to Israel failed completely.

East Europeans define the difference between Jews and Hungarians (or Poles) as follows. All of these would sell their grandmother for a fistful of coins; but only a Jew would deliver. This non-delivery of America will be remembered by future US presidents. Perhaps we witness a defining moment for the downturn in American support of Israel, in direct contradiction to the main thesis of our colleague Philip Giraldi who said this week that "Israel's Power Is Unlimited". Why did it happen? The US Jews didn't take the bait. And now for details.

"Zionist" is a euphemism for "Jew", isn't it? Up to a point. Zionists, that is Jews (and others) who care and work for Israel, are strongly supportive of the US President, but Jews that matter, that is elite liberal progressive US Jews, won't support Trump even if he were to pave Tel Aviv with golden bricks. Three out of four US Jews voted for Joe Biden , about the same proportion of Jews who voted for Barack Obama, though Obama was quite critical towards Israel, while Trump did all the Israelis could wish for.

The Jews that cared more about Israel voted for Trump, but they are powerless. They have money, they have good positions in society, but they aren't top dogs. The Orthodox Jews are for Trump; not so much for the sake of Israel but rather for his conservative agenda. They do not like gay parades, do not care for transgenderism, and for them, Black Lives do not matter much. Social justice is not their credo.They have little influence outside their own milieu. They voted 77 to 23 for Trump. Right-wing Jews are strongly Zionist and support Trump. Their publication FrontPage Magazine is all out for Trump. But they would be for Trump even if he hadn't left Iran agreement.

Polls of Jewish voters show that they do not care much about the steps taken by Trump in order to please Israel. They are worried about Covid pandemics, about medical care, while economics occupies fifth place in their concerns, and Israeli-related acts are at the very bottom. The only place where one can notice some positive change is Florida, where Jews actually shifted in noticeable numbers to Republicans. But even there it seems to be a part of a Latino shift rather than a separate phenomenon.

Elite Jews voted for Biden and for Dems as advised by the NY Times. For them, Trump's friendship with PM Netanyahu was a drawback rather than an advantage. If they care for Israel, they would prefer a quieter approach as usual, within the Two States paradigm. None of what Trump did for Israel found a response in their hearts.

According to the AJC (American Jewish Committee) Biden bested Trump on every issue including handling the coronavirus pandemic, 78%-19%; combatting terrorism, 71%-26%; dealing with Iran, 71%-27%; handling crime, 72%-24%, and strengthening U.S.-Israel relations, 54%-42%. (The Republican Jewish Coalition has slightly better numbers, as they polled older Jews.) Trump has expressed frustration that his Israel decisions have not garnered greater support in the Jewish community, and many activists have spoken of "treason".

If Trump had known in advance that courting Jews would bring neither votes nor political profit, probably he would have wasted less time in the Zionist cul-de-sac. Jews are connected with the Dem Party, remember! All Jewish congressmen but two are Democrats; strongly pro-Israel Senator Chuck Schumer, the Dem leader in the Senate, is as hostile to Trump as any man. Only those Jews really matter; only those Jews have their unique access to media, movies, art, politics, and universities. Perhaps they would act differently if Israel were in danger; but thanks to the generous politics of Donald Trump they didn't need to worry about Israel. (Preceding American presidents were aware of this catch, and were careful not to give too much to Israel. This was also the view of Dr Kissinger).

Israeli Jews are much more pro-Trump than their American cousins. If Israel were a US state, it would be deep red. They feel gratitude to the man who moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem and recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. They appreciate his drive for normalisation with the Arab states; his non-interference in the Palestinian issue; his recognition of the Golan Heights. Being more conservative, they are on the same page as Trump on many issues. However, even before Trump, the majority of Israeli Likud-voters are and have been for the Republicans for many years. They did not like Obama and Clinton, and they do not care for Biden. A prominent high tech Israeli personality prophesied that Biden would bring disaster for Israel.

However, in Israel, too, there is a sharp division between elites and Deplorable masses. The Deplorables support Netanyahu and Trump, vote domestically for Likud or religious parties. The Deplorables rule Israel for over twenty years; Netanyahu is the Israeli Trump who succeeded to keep power.

The Israeli elites support Biden. For them Trump is a mirror image of their own PM Netanyahu, the man they hate with gusto. The problem with Israeli elites is that they have lost their ability to govern. Their parties disintegrate; their causes are lost. If there is a common cause for Israeli elites it is rejection of PM Netanyahu mirroring the NeverTrump spirit of American elites, and their belief that they are elites and destined to govern.

They want to get rid of Netanyahu, like the US elites wanted to get rid of Trump. This desire caused three rounds of national elections in the last year, but despite trying hard, they could not vote him out. Now they hope he will be removed by the Supreme Court, and by massive demonstrations near the PM's residence. They say he is corrupt, that he takes bribes, that he didn't save Israel from Coronavirus – just like the Dems had tried to impeach Trump for ridiculous reasons. They want Netanyahu to die in jail, just like the Dems hope to see Trump rotting in Guantanamo. (There are hundreds of women ready to swear Trump almost-raped them fifty years ago when they were underage.)

The case against Netanyahu is feeble at best. He received a pack of cigars and a box of champagne from an American film producer; he promised to help a newspaper publisher if he would stop attacking him. A murky case connects him to a German submarine sale, but it is too opaque even for Netanyahu haters.The PM had been indicted by the state attorney, but by Israeli law, he does not have to resign unless found guilty. Israel is experiencing huge and violent demos against Netanyahu almost daily. But the deplorables still support their Bibi, and vote for him. As opposed to Trump, Netanyahu has a newspaper, and it makes a lot of difference.

It would be nice if there were some positive differences between the Israeli Left and Right on important issues. No such luck. There is practically no difference between Likud and the liberal parties regarding the really important Palestinian question. The Left-wing and Right-wing Jews are on the same page: they do not want to grant equality to non-Jews. They treat Palestinians much worse than the Blacks were treated in Alabama a hundred years ago. They aren't even interested in Palestinians.

The Israeli liberal left is interested in Lesbians and Gays; the main point of the election campaign of the once-radical-left Meretz (I was their spokesman 40 years ago) was gay adoption and access to surrogate mothers. And that in a society where workers earn less and less every year, while houses cost more and more; where regular employment is a dream for workers; where trade unions collapsed, and instead of employment, workers are offered a contract with unlimited working hours, no holidays and no security at all. All in a country where Palestinians are not allowed even to bathe in the sea a few miles from their besieged villages.

Another topic of the liberal elite is their fight against religion.They are equal haters, hating religious Jews as well as Christians and Muslims. The outbreak of Covid provided them with a new reason to hate the believing Jews: they go to synagogues instead of staying at home or going to demos against Netanyahu. I do not know any redeeming feature of this group, but they are quite similar to liberal elites elsewhere.

In France, too, the ruling elite hates Islam and promotes Charlie Hebdo; but they hate Christianity, too. The first thing Macron did in the present lockdown was to ban the Mass. And his support groups, the elite liberals, were mighty pleased. In this video , you can see young liberals asking police to disperse Catholics praying outside of Church. The same happens in Israel, and in New York, where police have interfered with praying Jews.

The main difference between the populists of Netanyahu and the elitists is in their attitude to ordinary people. The populists exude empathy while elitists just deplore. At the practical level, they do not differ. Both are equally bad for workers, for ordinary Jews and Palestinians. Populists waste public money on Jewish settlements in the occupied territories, while elitists offer free Nepalese surrogate mothers for every gay.

As for Covid lockdowns, the elitists approve of them, just like Biden and his Dems do. The deplorables dislike them greatly, for they lose their jobs, and they can't afford it, but they still do not rebel.

In the US, the populists of Trump did not get much from his first cadence. A possible solution would be the integration of left populists and right populists, of Trump taking Tulsi Gabbard as his VP or at least as Secretary of State, of Trump giving every American citizen medical care as in Europe, of him providing quality education free, of him taxing billionaires and supporting workers. Such a ticket would be unbeatable. And stop bothering with the Jews and Israel; they have nuisance value, but nothing more.

Now we can explain why the Trump Zionist Offensive didn't help him. The US (as well as US Jews and Israel) is split into incompetent but cocksure elites and gullible but angry Deplorables. The vote in the recent elections was a test of loyalty: are you with the elites or with the Deplorables (in Hebrew, עמך)? In the US, where many Jews actually belong to elites, even those outside accept elite values and narratives and still hope to get invited in. A US Jew has to despair to join Trump and his counter-élites, and they are still hopeful.

The Jewish newspaper Forward tells of "two young Jewish political activists who formed the Jewish Unity PAC and raised all of $31,000, and every cent of it was spent supporting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris." It's not that they care for Biden, but these young people know where their bright future may lie.

In Israel, the elites are against Netanyahu, but the majority of Israelis, Jews or non-Jews, have already despaired of being invited into the traditional elites. So they have no problem voting for Netanyahu or supporting Trump. However, the Israel of Netanyahu and his Deplorables is much less attractive to US Jews than the old elitist Labour-ruled Ashkenazi Israel. They do not admit it; certainly not in writing, but there is no social lift for a US Jew in going to Israel or even in supporting Israel. Thus Zionism as a cause has lost its attraction for US Jews. And probably this change is irreversible: the old Ashkenazi elite of Israel is gone, and it won't come back. It has been supplanted by Oriental Jews, by religious folk, by the Ashkenazi counter-elites of Likud. There is no profit in courting Israel as much as Trump did.

If Trump does, despite enormous odds, gain his second term, perhaps he will learn the lesson and treat Israel as Jewish Liberia. It would be a great relief for the US and for the people of Israel. Being cut off from the US supply pipeline, Israel may yet make peace with Palestinians and become a normal Middle Eastern state. The US won't be driven into far-away wars. It would be better if Trump had understood earlier, but better late than never.

American support is as dangerous for Israel as Russian support is for Armenia. Armenians had 30 years to make peace with their neighbours but they didn't for they were sure of Russian support. Israelis had 50 years, but they didn't because of the US support. Armenians already came to grief, and for Israel it is coming, unless they will disengage from their protective superpower. So the special relations between the US elites and Israel are fully exhausted for both sides.

And meanwhile, Israel sits on the fence. "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chose not to refer to Joe Biden as president-elect during a press conference Monday, saying instead that Biden was "supposed to be appointed the next president", reported Haaretz .

Israel Shamir can be reached at [email protected]

This article was first published at The Unz Review .

Altai , says: November 18, 2020 at 2:16 pm GMT • 8.3 days ago

though Obama was quite critical towards Israel

Fixed that for you.

though Obama was less vocally supportive towards Israel

TG , says: November 18, 2020 at 3:07 pm GMT • 8.3 days ago

But one must remember: both parties are completely totally pro-Israel. Meaning the there is no reward for a politician in supporting Israel, only punishment for those that don't.

And while this might or might not completely apply to Trump, most modern American politicians don't care all that much about winning elections. They care about doing the bidding of their wealthy patrons, and getting rewarded on the side. It's about putting on a show for the masses, and as in professional wrestling, both the 'winners' and the 'losers' get paid. Sitting on corporate boards, distinguished positions in academia, cushy book contracts, the press treating them like senior statesmen, awards and accolades, that sort of thing.

Consider also: Trump presumably will continue to run businesses and will need contacts and support etc from other wealthy people, many of whom of course will be Jewish. Not pissing off the Jews might still be critical to him in the days to come

BuelahMan , says: November 18, 2020 at 3:51 pm GMT • 8.3 days ago

I find it most difficult to believe what a jew says that jews think, especially when it is geared towards goy.

Of course, only because I am antisemitic not that jews lie with abandon, covering for the tribe in some way.

saggy , says: Website November 18, 2020 at 5:01 pm GMT • 8.2 days ago

Jews were the prime movers in the effort to impeach Clinton as told by David Brock in 'Blinded by the Right', and Jews were the prime movers in the effort to impeach Trump as was widely publicized, and yet the response of Clinton and Trump was to redouble their efforts to please the Jews . probably to 'follow the money'.

A123 , says: November 18, 2020 at 6:07 pm GMT • 8.2 days ago

Did Jews Fail to Deliver?

Which Jews Failed to Deliver What?

The article is much better than the headline.

The author concedes that there is no "Jewish Side" and in fact details how there are significant numbers of Jews on opposing sides.

However, in Israel, too, there is a sharp division between elites and Deplorable masses. The Deplorables support Netanyahu and Trump, vote domestically for Likud or religious parties.

The Israeli elites support Biden. For them Trump is a mirror image of their own PM Netanyahu, the man they hate with gusto. The problem with Israeli elites is that they have lost their ability to govern

The virulent Anti-Semitism of Islam is aggressively trying to contaminate certain western parties such as Labour and the DNC. However, movements like Muslim BLM are generating so much backlash that they are already losing traction. In the U.S.:

-- Conservatives are likely to join the Orthodox, majority voting for GOP Populism and workers.
-- Reform and Reconstructionist are likely to stay aligned against workers with the Blue SJW Elites of the Globalist DNC.

I find it baffling that Jews openly oppose Judeo-Christian values by staying with SJW "woke" apostasy. However, it is a fact that huge numbers of Jews act against their own self interest.

It is not unique to them. Huge numbers of Christians make the same mistake siding with SJW deviancy.


RealAmerican , says: November 18, 2020 at 6:15 pm GMT • 8.2 days ago

You cannot be serious BuelahMan? Take your blinders off.
Those that you speak of are indeed many, but not so Mr. Shamir.
Great read Mr. Shamir. Thank you!

Ann Nonny Mouse , says: Website November 18, 2020 at 8:28 pm GMT • 8.1 days ago

Israel Shamir is not a Jew.

No Friend Of The Devil , says: November 18, 2020 at 9:22 pm GMT • 8.0 days ago

Republicans are not courting American Jews in order to win their votes. Republicans are courting American Jews in order to win their wallets and positive press coverage. There are not enough Rebublican Jews to sway an election, but there is enough Republican Jewish money and Republican Jewish media for the Republican Party to pay attention to them.

Andrea Iravani

Chris Moore , says: Website November 19, 2020 at 12:10 am GMT • 7.9 days ago
@No Friend Of The Devil Bingo. Plus, to fend of the inevitable, demagogic "anti-Semitism" accusations from liberals, leftists and Democrats, and their stooges in MSM.

The "anti-Semitism" accusation has paid off well for Jews. It's kind of like the "Holocaust" wail -- the gift that keeps on giving. Someday, all that Jewish dogma will be recognized as the grift it's always been. Not today, but maybe tomorrow, or the day after

Then we can watch ALL the grifters scramble for cover. Maybe they'll hide in an attic. Then they'll make up some story of epic persecution and start the cycle over again.

How many times will Charlie Brown fall for it? How many times will Charlie Chan fall for it? We'll find out.

Anonymous [208] Disclaimer , says: November 19, 2020 at 5:24 am GMT • 7.7 days ago

Ah but you forget that Trump's political base is Evangelical Christians and they are Zionists.

The big money may come from conservative Jews (like Adelson) but his popular support is from Christians.

anon [321] Disclaimer , says: November 19, 2020 at 5:50 am GMT • 7.7 days ago

Jews dumped Trump for Biden because he didn't do enough. With Biden they get even more support for Israel, including putting more troops in Syria to finally take out Assad, and perhaps finally going to war with Iran, which Trump wouldn't do. Plus Biden will give them billions of taxpayer money to run the Diversity Industrial Complex, with every government agency now requiring diversity training, and lots more diversity and race initiatives everywhere, all rackets run by Jews, with a few token blacks. And then there's media censorship, which Trump won't give them but Biden/Harris are already putting on the agenda.

niceland , says: November 19, 2020 at 5:58 am GMT • 7.7 days ago

Interesting article. Thanks Mr Shamir.

JWalters , says: November 19, 2020 at 6:05 am GMT • 7.7 days ago

"Biden bested Trump on every issue including strengthening U.S.-Israel relations, 54%-42%."

Biden puts a more "civilized" face on Israel's inhumane ethnic cleansing. Trump was so obvious and garish about it. Trump ran the risk of calling too much attention to Israel's crimes. But "both sides" were still willing to have Israel grab all that Trump was "giving" (though illegal and not Trump's to give). As others have noted, Trump's payoff may come after he is out of office. Much is theater.

Zarathustra , says: November 19, 2020 at 6:14 am GMT • 7.7 days ago

Come to think about it Trump could make good money opening a TV station. all sane Americans would watch it. The advertisement money would just be poring in. This would be excellent thing.
Trump has many followers. Trump would give his followers some hope.

Justsaying , says: November 19, 2020 at 6:24 am GMT • 7.7 days ago

The purported failure of Jews to deliver presupposes Jews are under some sort of obligation to deliver. Jews are in total control. They have the sworn, unsolicited and total subservience of any American presidential candidate of substance. Quite the contrary, it is the Jewish colony of America that must deliver to its colonial master.

Zarathustra , says: November 19, 2020 at 6:31 am GMT • 7.6 days ago

Also from there he could criticize Biden's administration and make Biden miserable for all four years.

RedpilledAF , says: November 19, 2020 at 6:33 am GMT • 7.6 days ago

A Jewish dialectic. By design and effort. That's what it always comes down to. That is the vicious cycle that needs to broken. Jewish thesis, Jewish antithesis, Jewish synthesis, rinse and repeat.

Ghali , says: November 19, 2020 at 6:48 am GMT • 7.6 days ago

It is true that Democrats are bought and owned by Jews. But, I have to agree with Andre Joyce. Jews are very unreliable people, possibly the most unreliable of backers. Trump exhausted his usefulness to Jews and they threw him under the bus. Jews want someone as racist Zionist as Biden.

In Biden Jews find a long time obedient Gentile servant. Biden will do what Obama and Trump refused to do. He is a well-known war criminal and he will leash war on the Middle East.

Clay Alexander , says: November 19, 2020 at 6:50 am GMT • 7.6 days ago

Great article. Did the Jews deliver ? The question should be did any one group deliver ? Trump was way to erratic and made way to many enemies and always seemed to say the first thing that popped into his head. A good example of one of the stranger incidents was in Oct. 2018 when Rap star and mental defective Kanye West sat in the Oval Office and went a non-stop, rambling, incoherent tirade. The President of the United States sat there like a moron nodding approvingly it made Trump look foolish and cheapened all Americans. He sunk himself with his big mouth and his tantrums. As far as the voting went it brings to mind the Joe Pesci character from Casino in the end they all had enough.

Hiram of Tyre , says: November 19, 2020 at 6:52 am GMT • 7.6 days ago
@Chris Moore

Anti-semitism , Holocaust ; "it's a trick" .

chris , says: November 19, 2020 at 7:00 am GMT • 7.6 days ago

Yeah, liberal Jews profess universal values, they keep their fervent support for Israel hidden, because that gives away the fact that they are hypocrits. It's like the whore that they're banging at every opportunity. And now Trump comes out and admonishes them in the open to vote for him because of the jewlery and boob job he's bought her – as much as they like it, they are profoundly mortified by his crude appeal. . and of course they know that she's being taken care through all the institutions they're supporting.

In some sense, Trump missing the boat on this issue is like Hillary selling herself as a war hawk, when that didn't actually sell anymore; she had missed the boat by 40 years.

gT , says: November 19, 2020 at 7:40 am GMT • 7.6 days ago

No, the Jews did not fail to deliver. Jews always support both sides in any conflict so that whoever wins they can claim to have supported / made the winning side...

AnonStarter , says: November 19, 2020 at 9:54 am GMT • 7.5 days ago

It would be nice if there were some positive differences between the Israeli Left and Right on important issues. No such luck. There is practically no difference between Likud and the liberal parties regarding the really important Palestinian question.

I don't find it all that different here.

Quite a few Jews on the American left expose their Zionist underbelly whenever the question of Palestine arises...

Verymuchalive , says: November 19, 2020 at 10:12 am GMT • 7.5 days ago

American support is as dangerous for Israel as Russian support is for Armenia. Armenians had 30 years to make peace with their neighbours but they didn't for they were sure of Russian support. Israelis had 50 years, but they didn't because of the US support. Armenians already came to grief, and for Israel it is coming, unless they will disengage from their protective superpower. So the special relations between the US elites and Israel are fully exhausted for both sides.

Excellent article, sticking more or less dispassionately to the facts. Also, it draws the logical inference of these facts, as outlined above. The economic collapse of America is only a matter of time, and with it the collapse of its subsidies to Israel. History is full of instances of small states encouraged in their intransigence by their patrons, whether intentionally or indirectly. With the loss of the patrons, their clients are then forced to agree terms at very unfavourable conditions, compared to what they would have got, had they negotiated previously.

God's Fool , says: November 19, 2020 at 12:58 pm GMT • 7.4 days ago

Obama critical of Israel? Are you kidding or may be misleading? Ehud Barak is on record (Charlie Rose Show now defunct) stating unequivocally that the other Barak had done more for Israel than any other American president before him.

No matter how you cut it, Jews alone have a way too much power in the U. S Take for example a mundane decision to cap number of people that should get together for the Thanksgiving: not 9 or 11 but exactly 10, per Dr. Ranit Mishori (she is an Israeli woman) on PBS Newshour last night. Her explanation was very disarming when asked about it. Oh, she said, "they" decided that ten was the right number guess how many people does it take to form a "community of Israel" or the so called Minyan?" TEN! It's all about Jews and Israel even at the freaking NIH (the National Institute of Health).

Ron T, , says: November 19, 2020 at 2:28 pm GMT • 7.3 days ago

Unquestioning and unequivocal support for Israel has become a part of the Republican platform, mostly a result of Evangelical Christians, a large denomination of dupes who believe that the modern state of Israel, established by European colonists in Palestine, is somehow related to the biblical Israel and biblical prophecy.

Jews voted the same way the have for generations as they are assured that Biden is going to provide unquestioning support to Israel too.

Their Jewish votes hardly matter as they are mostly concentrated in New York and California, which are not swing states. It is Jewish power in media and campaign donations that matter, which both candidates could not do without.

76239 , says: November 19, 2020 at 8:17 pm GMT • 7.1 days ago

"If Trump does, despite enormous odds, gain his second term, perhaps he will learn the lesson and treat Israel as Jewish Liberia. It would be a great relief for the US and for the people of Israel. Being cut off from the US supply pipeline, Israel may yet make peace with Palestinians and become a normal Middle Eastern state. The US won't be driven into far-away wars. It would be better if Trump had understood earlier, but better late than never"

I doubt this. The irony is that the same deep state that pushed regime change hook or crook in Bolivia, Iran, and Venezuela is the same deep state that pushed for regime change in the USA against Trump in 2016 (Russia controls Trump bs) and again with the voting fraud of 2020. And yet Trump seems to like regime change when it benefits his Israeli and Saudi patrons. You live by the sword; you die by the sword.

There is the well reasoned narrative that the last US president who took on the CIA with vengeance had his head blown apart in Dallas. The real power in Washington is with the merging of the military, intelligence, silicon valley tech community. The civilian leadership from both parties in the US are mere order takers from this oligarchy.

Government is just a means for the elite to impoverish the public and strip every liberty from them. They are not part of the answer. They are part of the problem.

Iva , says: November 19, 2020 at 11:46 pm GMT • 6.9 days ago

Trump condemns globalism, touts nationalistic view of foreign affairs at U.N."The future does not belong to globalists. The future belongs to patriots," Trump said. "The future belongs to sovereign and independent nations who protect their citizens, respect their neighbors and honor the differences that make each country special and unique." This is why Jews and pro globalists want Biden and Harris. Barbra Lerner Spectre speaks about multiculti and Israel expels black Jews giving them the one way tickets, because "they do not mix well with other Israelis' ' . Hypocrisy in full spectrum. They just want other countries ( not Israel) to lose their traditions, customs and values. When the society is divided and broken it is easier to rule throwing various groups against each other's throats. While groups fight with each other, they pursue their agendas unnoticed. Today Trump's lawyers were talking about lawyers who wanted to represent Trump getting threats, even death treats. How did this happen in the US? Who's "accomplishment" this is?

geokat62 , says: November 21, 2020 at 2:27 pm GMT • 5.3 days ago
@Occasional lurker ss="comment-text">

Mostly Jews vaguely support Israel For most liberal Jews, Israel is deep, deep down on their political agenda.

You must've missed this headline in the Jerusalem Post:

US Jews strongly support Israel, new poll shows

94% say that if Jewish state "no longer existed tomorrow," it would be a "tragedy."

anon [235] Disclaimer , says: November 22, 2020 at 3:53 pm GMT • 4.3 days ago
@Occasional lurker

Obama did a lot .He tolerated Israeli attacks on Gaza. He offered 40 billions worth of new dole to israel in exchange for Israel delaying the commission of the illegal activity ( postponing of the settlement for 3-4 month ).
He made sure Sisi was not opposed and Morsi was deposed . He got USA involved in Syria and tolerated open advocacy for war by AIPAC against Syria . He tolerated the opposition to Park 51 construction mounted by Neocons . In his time Islamophobia introduced by the neocons skyrocketed .
He campaigned for anti-American charlatan like Joe Liberman . Israel got him do a lot of damages to Iran economically and physically

Buzz Baldrin , says: November 23, 2020 at 8:39 am GMT • 3.6 days ago

I missed the part about Sheldon Adelson's series of campaign contributions to Trump

[Nov 25, 2020] Trump Blasts World's Most Overrated General After Mattis Urges Biden To Eliminate America First Policy

Nov 25, 2020 |


leosden , 4 hours ago

And that coming from Trump who put APARTHEID Israel first

and did more for that racist country than he did for America.

whether underground , 5 hours ago

Exactly. And biden will for sure, 110% COMPLETELY END any idea of putting Americans first in anything other than shackles. F all of them.

Mr Poopra , 5 hours ago

People still think Biden will actually assume office? If Trump won't win in the courts, he's going to burn the entire thing down on his way out. Full Declass coming. Swamp creatures tremble!

SurfingUSA , 4 hours ago

Problem is the agencies are openly defying him on declass (and have been). Would have to send in U.S. marshals.

CJgipper , 4 hours ago

trump will do nothing. he should have already done the declassifications.

FingerInTheDarkness , 4 hours ago

Dropping the Biden laptop after most of the mail in ballots were already in the mail is all you really need to know. Biden was installed. The only question is what to do next? He will come for the guns and he will force the poison shots. Options are few.

cankles' server , 4 hours ago

He's already tried the declass route regarding Russia hoax and was thwarted by swamp creatures.

"Means and methods" will be the mantra for obstructionists.

FingerInTheDarkness , 4 hours ago

Just like he declassified the JFK stuff, err wait a damn minute. We been had!!!

eatapeach , 3 hours ago

Even if it's released, you can bet Israel's complicity in the murder/coup will be omitted, despite the fact that Jack Ruby (Rubinstein) was a Mossad asset and AIPAC got the massive benefit of NOT having to register as a foreign agent.

Dragonlord , 5 hours ago

I am more amazed that the left love wars more than Trump and thats after the former accused the latter of starting WWIII

Herodotus , 5 hours ago

They made sure that Goldwater was defeated so that they could build up the war there and insure that 58,000 Americans would die in Vietnam.

Fizzy Head , 4 hours ago

...Once they had JFK out of their way.

BarnacleBill , 4 hours ago

For as long as Americans honour the 58,000 invaders more than the 2,000,000 victims of the invaders' activities, there is no hope for the USA. And no respect, either. Sorry! I wrote this post (link below, "The war against women") eight years ago, and it's still sadly relevant.

Everybodys All American , 5 hours ago

You really have to wonder about an American generals loyalties when they do not like or recommend an America first policy. Who exactly is the guy Gen. Mattis working for?

Rich Stoehner , 5 hours ago

Mattis is working for a globalized cartel of ho-mos.

Dapper Dan , 4 hours ago

Who is Mattis working for?

He did work for Elizabeth Homes briefly.

it's about the money. Always has been always will be


highwaytoserfdom , 4 hours ago

What you talking about Elizbeth..

frontierland , 3 hours ago

"America First" was a con. What we got is a 'J3w5 First' foreign & domestic policy.

Biden's isn't hiding his ''J3w5 First' foreign & domestic policy.

The only difference between the two are stylistic, the goal is the same.

Haboob , 3 hours ago

The difference is how they operate.

Trump wants peace through business and Mattis wants peace through war?

frontierland , 3 hours ago

Peace has nothing to do with it.

Trump conned White America with his pro-White dog-whistles, a tactic developed by his mentor Arthur Finkelstein. The establishment doesn't like this approach as it woke the sleeping giant, White America, while delivering no pro-White policies... Which made White America self-aware, with expectations raised, awake and pissed off with Trumps failure to deliver.

The "Left" arm of the neoLiberal establishment prefers an honest, open anti-White approach... The long, slow-boil of White America.

Seal Team 6 , 4 hours ago

Mattis also threw in a dig at Trump's coronavirus response, noting "The pandemic should serve as a reminder of what grief ensues when we wait for problems to come to us."

Really now? It seems to me that the US did exactly what Mattis says by the Obama administration helping to fund the level 5 Wuhan lab, along with the French and the neo-marxist government in Canada.

Does anyone in the MSM ever ask any of these turds questions that are actually relevant, or do they give them an open mike to fabricate history however they like?

Max21c , 4 hours ago

Mattis is a product of the Deep State and an agent of the Deep State. He's been brainwashed by the Deep State and his loyalties are to the Pentagon Gestapo and CIA and Deep State. His loyalties are not to the American nation, American citizenry, Constitution and Bill of Rights. He works for and sides with the secret police and state security apparatus.

d_7878 , 4 hours ago

Ron Paul: "Trump Does The Bidding of the Deep State".

Record Wealth Disparity and trump gives the rich 100% expensing for their planes because they need moar.

[Nov 22, 2020] Biden's Deep State -

Nov 22, 2020 |

Biden's Deep State

by Tyler Durden Sat, 11/21/2020 - 17:00 Twitter Facebook Reddit Email Print

Authored by Steve Brown via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

Philosopher Hannah Arendt once wrote about the banality of evil , and there's never been a more banal bunch than the foreign policy and security state crew Barak Obama surrounded himself with for eight years beside the possible exception of Bush's own Neocons .

Now after three years screaming about "Russian collusion" it appears the Evil Empire is about to regain its lost ground, championing new wars and more interventionist expansionism with a much greater role for the US military in the world.

Let's name names.


For the defense chief post, the Washington Post has portrayed the banal face of Michele Flournoy as the pick to 'restore stability' to the Pentagon , an entirely false assertion. Recall that Fluornoy promotes unilateral global US military intervention, and advocated the destruction of Libya in 2011. By the military-industrial revolving door , Flournoy enabled many Corporate weaponry contracts amounting to tens of millions. Likewise Fluornoy is on the Booz-Hamilton board, where the swamp cannot get any deeper. As if this wretched example of an agent-provocateur for war and destruction were not bad enough, Biden is reportedly considering Lockheed-Martin banal kingpin Jeh Johnson for the DoD position, too.

Lockheed director Johnson was employed by Rob Reiner and Atlantic editor arch-Neocon David Frum to run the Committee to Investigate Russia which mysteriously blew up as soon as the Mueller Report was released. Jeh Johnson has continued to warn of "Russian interference" in the US presidential election until now. Biden's anointing as president-elect has ended that. As Homeland Security head, Johnson authorized cages for holding immigrant children. He also supported the assassination of General Suleimani, and has voiced support for US wars in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan.


From Libya to Syria, Yemen, Ukraine and beyond, the banality of evil is perhaps best personified by Susan Rice – apparently Biden's premiere pick for Secretary. Rice was an abject failure at the United Nations, but all seems forgiven, probably at the behest of Biden's donors. After her failure at the UN, Obama kicked Rice upstairs to be his National Security Advisor, a position that does not require Senate approval.

An obvious war hawk in the mold of the Democrat's donor class, a Rice appointment could reinforce the liberal mantra that women can be just as good at interventionism as men, and ensure full re-establishment of the Neoliberal agenda in Washington. John Kerry has been flagged as a potential for State (again) too, but at age 77 and subsequent to the failure of the JCPOA Kerry is an unlikely pick.

Another potential pick among the banal Daughters of Darkness is Victoria Kagan-Nuland , architect of the 2014 debacle in Ukraine (among other things). Outed at State in an embarrassing act of what she called impressive statecraft and other embarrassing incidents, Nuland seems an unlikely choice. But Kagan-Nuland is as banal as banal can be, and Biden may somehow wish to reinforce his solidarity with the JTF and his donor class, on Israel.

National Security Advisor

Banality is certainly the mark of the beast here, in the form of Tony Blinken. Well in with Michele Flournoy (above) Blinken typifies the type of banality the Deep State engages in to promote its evil, with Blinken as successful as any other Deep State actor. A major hawk on Russia and war hawk in general, Blinken is an apologist for Israel . Blinken is a war hawk on Afghanistan and Syria too, and Blinken was directly involved in CIA operation Timber Sycamore . Oh, the banality.

Another model of banality is Leon CIA Panetta who so far claims that cruising the Monterey peninsula is more fun that being in Washington. But we know that's false and Panetta would be a logical pick. Besides being a hawk on everything, and laughing about the fact he has no idea how many wars Obama's America was fighting – because he lost count – Panetta is simply another sycophant for evil like Hannah Arendt portrayed in her study of Adolf Eichmann.


Banal of the banal is of course Mike Morell. This incredibly vacuous excuse for a human being has been hate-mongering for years. Beside his blatant pandering support for another banal and brutal warmonger – Hillary Clinton – Mike Morell is one Neoliberal who still maintains that Saddam Hussein actively aided and abetted al Qaeda with regard to the 911 attacks. But Morell simply and ultimately represents the banality of evil, just as Arendt depicted Adolf Eichmann, but in Morell's case succinctly summarized here by Ray McGovern .

United Nations

Outing the banality of the banal would be incomplete without mentioning Jen Psaki . Although a potential pick for White House Communications Director, why not promote an accomplished liar to a venue where accomplished lying really matters?


There is no indication that the United States as an entrenched warfare state will ever change its course until forced to. Mr Trump was incapable of enforcing that change. Sidelined by Russiagate psychosis , as a Beltway Neophyte and his own worst enemy at times, that sank Trump's agenda. The actions of Mr Trump now – to end the wars in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen -- should have been undertaken in earnest and without compromise years ago. Point being that Mr Trump's new appointments to the Pentagon – and let's hope CIA – will hopefully blunt the efficacy of Biden's bad actors going forward.

Regardless, characters the same or similar to the ones listed above will definitely infest Washington's infernal Beltway cesspool once again via Joe Biden make no mistake. And they will be meaner and nastier than ever before! Guaranteed.

Creative_Destruct , 2 hours ago

And the same old swamp slime (Morell, et al) waits eagerly to burst back in through the doors of power. New boss, same as the old(er) boss(es). Uuuuuuggh.

EndofTimes , 5 hours ago

Obama's 3rd Term. Swamp will grow like a tumor. These demons are shaking with excitement to get into office and fulfill the desires of the founders of the UN. Kill off America and establish a global government

truth or go home , 4 hours ago

Biden is 100% deep state puppet. He will say and do whatever they tell him to.

Dominion = Scytl = CIA = Deep State = Swamp

CIA threw the election. Trump team caught them.

Trump has already cut the CIA off at the knees. Getting ready to fill up Guantanamo again...

Giant war going on inside the gov right now - Biden enjoying the limelight before he is retired to his rocking chair.

CatInTheHat , 5 hours ago

NICE JOB Biden voters!!

You MORONS electing Obama 2.0 on STEROIDS is WHY we got a Trump in the first place

To Hell In A Handbasket , 4 hours ago

The USSA electorate are idiots, and divided idiots at that. You got Trump because the electorate was desperate, and you got Biden because the other half was desperate. That adds up to a desperate population. Your enemy is not voters from the other side of the Uniparty. Please get off the GOP vs DEMOCRAT horse$h1t.

Bay of Pigs , 3 hours ago

Quite an impressive list of Neoliberal globalist ****bags.

SabOObas , 3 hours ago

The establishment demonizes Trump for 4 years.

The sheeple voted to put the guy with 40 years of corruption under his belt in office, because the establishment said its good for you.

Jgault , 2 hours ago

It is always the small man, the inept man, the insecure man who has a need to demonstrate to the world his bravado with reckless and senseless gestures.

Biden and his brothel of advisors he surrounds himself with have perhaps the worst track record of international policy since Jimmy Carter, absolute proven failures and disasters in Ukraine, Syria, Lybia, and Egypt. This is the group that laid the intellectual groundwork for what would become the largest refugee crisis and humanitarian disaster in nearly 50 years.

Laughably, now the MSM is doing a complete 180 in their editorial view of troops in Afghanistan and Syria...what a shock!

Lacking foresight, insecure, lacking ethical standards and being given the ability to order troops, how could this possibly go wrong?

Trump was the first President in 30 years not to provoke any new millitary interventions, yet the world criticized him for his style. Let's see how long it takes for the world to start looking back to a more stable past.

ReadyForHillary , 3 hours ago

The Democrat party is the WAR party.

RumbleGuts , 4 hours ago

Another article that doesn't realize red and blue are the same team. Make no mistake, big baby bonespurs is in deep with the deep state. Think epstein. ;-)

Someone Else , 2 hours ago

Mike Morell, the most evil man to ever draw a breath, as CIA Director?

A Biden Presidency can never be allowed to happen.

flawse , 2 hours ago

There will not be a Biden presidency. There is obviously some other plan.

DebbieDowner , 3 hours ago

This author's last paragraph fails to acknowledge that the CIA and FBI has not obeyed Trump's (or any President's) orders in quite some time. Now is the time for someone to finally make a change and it took such a massive plan to expose them all to drain the swamp.

play_arrow 2
Little Johnny Jewel , 5 hours ago

Caitlin Johnstone covered this a week ago

swampy war mongerers

[Nov 18, 2020] Hawley Bucks Trend, Backs Afghanistan Exit

Hawlwy wrote to the acting Defense secretary, Christopher C. Miller. "The costs of the war in Afghanistan continue to mount, and they are borne disproportionately by working Americans. For these reasons, majorities of Americans, including veterans of the war itself, have long called for an end to the war in Afghanistan. Yet most of our nation's policymakers have ignored them."
Nov 17, 2020 |

By siding with Trump's push to leave the country, the rising star senator distinguishes himself on the right.


Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., allied himself with the White House and those calling for a swift exit from Afghanistan on Tuesday.

"I write to express my support for President Trump's plan for the prompt withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan," Hawley wrote to the acting Defense secretary, Christopher C. Miller. "The costs of the war in Afghanistan continue to mount, and they are borne disproportionately by working Americans. For these reasons, majorities of Americans, including veterans of the war itself, have long called for an end to the war in Afghanistan. Yet most of our nation's policymakers have ignored them."

Hawley's signaling is significant because it runs counter to the political assault on the Hill by Republicans to stop President Trump's plot to exit from the troubled theater in his administration's closing days. On Monday, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell expressed, in no uncertain terms, his vociferous opposition to a further drawdown: "A rapid withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan now would hurt our allies and delight the people who wish us harm."

McConnell was joined by Michael McCaul, the ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, among others, in expressing his displeasure with recent developments in President Trump's national security team. An embattled Trump has suddenly cleaned house at the Pentagon , in a maneuver widely described as essentially outlaw.

Trump's moves at DoD are seen as part score-settling -- and part delivering on a major campaign promise. If he sticks the landing, Trump's acolytes insist drawing down further in Afghanistan cracks the door open still wider for a potential 2024 repeat run.

"You wrote recently, 'All wars must end,'" Hawley wrote to Miller. "The time has come to end the war in Afghanistan. I urge you to stand with President Trump and bring our troops home as expeditiously as possible."

Hawley has now staked out new territory, putting finishing touches on a Afghanistan policy he has been developing for some time. In September, he told this magazine : "It's time for a strategic refocus. We have spent too much time on adventures in the Middle East and elsewhere that do not serve our strategic aims and place enormous burdens on the class of working men and women who fight our wars."

Notably, Hawley's statements stand apart from other Republican senators, who are keen to enhance their bona fides to become the leader of a future, "realigned" Republican Party.

Echoing McConnell, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida told Politico : "The concern would be it would turn into a Saigon-type of situation where it would fall very quickly and then our ability to conduct operations against terrorist elements in the region could be compromised. That's my primary concern right now."

But the leadership class in Republican Washington continues to mostly diverge from those reading the tea leaves on the future of the party. Rubio was not joined by Sen. Tom Cotton, who is traditionally seen as the most hawkish of the trio. Cotton has previously noted that he shares Trump's frustration with the war. And Ted Cruz, another 2024 contender, has so far been silent.

dragnet20 a day ago ,

Nice rhetoric, but I'll believe it when I see it.

In any case, Hawley is the only GOP hopeful on the scene right now I could remotely contemplate voting for in 2024. Will continue watching him with interest.

Royal Oaks dragnet20 a day ago ,

"I'll believe it when I see it."

Me too. Too many Israeli and Saudi meddlers in Washington. They get what they want, and they don't want Americans coming home.

Rkramden66 a day ago ,

Wake me up when Hawley renounces his opposition to labor unions.

CPT a day ago ,

That's good to see. I like Hawley a lot on domestic policy, but he's stuck to a more or less pre-Trump GOP foreign policy up till now. He needs to drop the deranged hostility to Iran to really win my support, but supporting a drawdown of our Middle Eastern wars is better than the neocons banging the drums for indefinite occupations.

CPT a day ago ,

That's good to see. I like Hawley a lot on domestic policy, but he's stuck to a more or less pre-Trump GOP foreign policy up till now. He needs to drop the deranged hostility to Iran to really win my support, but supporting a drawdown of our Middle Eastern wars is better than the neocons banging the drums for indefinite occupations.

Feral Finster a day ago ,

According to Reuters, citing Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller, U.S. troop numbers in Afghanistan will be reduced, but not a full withdrawal.

Once again, a failed Trump pullout. Such a pathetic little cuck.

marku52 Feral Finster 7 hours ago ,

Really. Just write the damned document. Withdraw within 2 weeks. Get it over. This war is old enough to vote, for Dog's sake.

kouroi a day ago ,

Removal of troops from Syria should be the first step, since the illegality of that occupation is the most obvious, and then Iraq. Afghanistan is somewhat prioritize because it is less important strategically right now and more cumbersome to deal with...

But the US would rather have its diplomatic missions in every country replaced with military bases...Superpowers!

kouroi 20 hours ago

Israel needs the US troops there to facilitate the genocide of Syria's Christians, which General Soleimani and Hezbollah, along with the Syrian Arab Army, were protecting.

kouroi ZizaNiam 19 hours ago ,

Oh, nothing so base. It's about the Golan Heights and preserving and maybe even extending land holdings Israel has secured, including in Jordan...

PR Doucette a day ago ,

The saddest thing about this whole affair is that it is a sham to make it look as if Trump has kept his promise to bring US troops home and then blame Biden for supporting endless wars if he has to send US troops back in to protect the troops that were left behind. As the graduate of an elite law school Hawley is bright enough to know that terrorism is not going to abate in Afghanistan or the Middle East or in parts of Africa but he also realizes that the great grandparents of the people who voted for him were skeptical about the US entering WWI, had grandparents who did not see any reason to enter WWII until Pearl Harbor, and parents who did not think invading Afghanistan made sense until 9/11. If you are thinking of running for president in 2024 this may seem like a reasonable political move but ultimately really shows how facile Hawley's understanding of international affairs really is and a basic dishonesty about what is really involved in maintaining US global power.

I Don't Matter • a day ago ,

Trump only had 3 years and 10 months to do this. If only he were interested in ending wars as opposed to trying hard to start new ones.

[Nov 18, 2020] Biden Administration will no doubt suffer the same fate if it seeks to reject or challenge Israel's ability to manipulate and virtually control key aspects of U.S. foreign policy. by Philip Giraldi

Notable quotes:
"... There is some pushback in Washington to Israeli dominance, but not much. Recent senior Pentagon appointee Colonel Douglas Macgregor famously has pointed out that many American politicians get "very, very rich" through their support of Israel even though it means the United States being dragged into new wars. ..."
Nov 18, 2020 |

That Israel would blatantly and openly interfere in the deliberations of Congress raises some serious questions which the mainstream media predictably is not addressing. Jewish power in America is for real and it is something that some Jews are not shy about discussing among themselves. Jewish power is unique in terms of how it functions. If you're an American ( or British ) politician, you very quickly are made to appreciate that Israel owns you and nearly all of your colleagues. Indeed, the process begins in the U.S. even before your election when the little man from AIPAC shows up with the check list that he wants you to sign off on. If you behave per instructions your career path will be smooth, and you will benefit from your understanding that everything happening in Washington that is remotely connected to the interests of the state of Israel is to be determined by the Jewish state alone, not by the U.S. Congress or White House.

And, here is the tricky part, even while you are energetically kowtowing to Netanyahu, you must strenuously deny that there is Jewish power at work if anyone ever asks you about it. You behave in that fashion because you know that your pleasant life will be destroyed, painfully, if you fail to deny the existence of an Israel Lobby or the Jewish power that supports it.

It is a bold assertion, but there is plenty of evidence to support how that power is exerted and what the consequences are. Senators William Fulbright and Chuck Percy and Congressmen Paul Findlay, Pete McCloskey and Cynthia McKinney have all experienced the wrath of the Lobby and voted out of office. Currently Reverend Raphael Warnock, who is running against Georgia Loeffler for a senate seat in Georgia demonstrates exactly how candidates are convinced to stand on their heads by the Israel Lobby. Warnock was a strong supporter of Palestinian rights and a critic of Israeli brutality. He said as recently as 2018 that the Israelis were shooting civilians and condemned the military occupation and settlement construction on the Palestinian West Bank, which he compared to apartheid South Africa. Now that he is running for the Senate, he is saying that he is opposed to the Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement due to what he calls the movement's "anti-Semitic overtones." He also supports continued military assistance for Israel and believes that Iran is in pursuit of a nuclear weapon, both of which are critical issues being promoted by the Zionist lobby.

There is some pushback in Washington to Israeli dominance, but not much. Recent senior Pentagon appointee Colonel Douglas Macgregor famously has pointed out that many American politicians get "very, very rich" through their support of Israel even though it means the United States being dragged into new wars. Just how Israel gains control of the U.S. political process is illustrated by the devastating insider tale of how the Obama Administration's feeble attempts to do the right thing in the Middle East were derailed by American Jews in Congress, the media, party donors and from inside the White House itself. The story is of particularly interest as the Biden Administration will no doubt suffer the same fate if it seeks to reject or challenge Israel's ability to manipulate and virtually control key aspects of U.S. foreign policy.

The account of Barack Obama's struggle with Israel and the Israeli Lobby comes from a recently published memoir written by a former foreign policy adviser Ben Rhodes. It is entitled The World As It Is , and it is extremely candid about how Jewish power was able to limit the foreign policy options of a popular sitting president. Rhodes recounts, for example, how Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel once nicknamed him "Hamas" after he dared to speak up for Palestinian human rights, angrily shouting at him "Hamas over here is going to make it impossible for my kid to have his fucking bar mitzvah in Israel."

Rhodes cites numerous instances where Obama was forced to back down when confronted by Israel and its supporters in the U.S. as well as within the Democratic Party. On several occasions, Netanyahu lecture the U.S. president as if he were an errant schoolboy. And Obama just had to take it. Rhodes sums up the situation as follows: "In Washington, where support for Israel is an imperative for members of Congress, there was a natural deference to the views of the Israeli government on issues related to Iran, and Netanyahu was unfailingly confrontational, casting himself as an Israeli Churchill . AIPAC and other organizations exist to make sure that the views of the Israeli government are effectively disseminated and opposing views discredited in Washington, and this dynamic was a permanent part of the landscape of the Obama presidency."

And, returning to the persistent denial of Jewish power even existing when it is running full speed and relentlessly, Rhodes notes the essential dishonesty of the Israel Lobby as it operates in Washington: "Even to acknowledge the fact that AIPAC was spending tens of millions to defeat the Iran deal [JCPOA] was anti-Semitic. To observe that the same people who supported the war in Iraq also opposed the Iran deal was similarly off limits. It was an offensive way for people to avoid accountability for their own positions."

Many Americans long to live in a country that is at peace with the world and respectful of the sovereignty of foreign nations. Alas, as long as Israeli interests driven by overwhelming Jewish power in the United States continue to corrupt our institutions that just will not be possible. It is time for all Americans, including Jews, to accept that Israel is a foreign country that must make its own decisions and thereby suffer the consequences. The United States does not exist to bail Israel out or to provide cover for its bad behavior. The so-called "special relationship" must end and the U.S. must deal with the Israelis as they would with any other country based on America's own self-interests. Those interests definitely do not include funding the Israeli war machine, assassinating foreign leaders, or attacking a non-threatening Iran while continuing an illegal occupation of Syria.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected] .

[Nov 18, 2020] Dem peaceniks are now chickenhawks and Dem party a second War party: It has been fascinating to see both Republicans and Democrats denounce Trump on his Afghan withdrawal with NPR "experts" warning how dangerous a withdrawal would be

Nov 18, 2020 |
William Hunter Duncan 10 hours ago

It has been fascinating to see both Republicans and Democrats denounce Trump on this. NPR yesterday was in full-on war propagation mode, all of it's "experts" warning how dangerous a withdrawal would be. Nary a mention anywhere that we have been there for 19 years, more mocking Trump for "what he calls never-ending wars."

Like I told a liberal I know, recently. when he was complaining how Republicans were destroying Democracy - why so sour? You won, remember? Now take heart, the Democratic Party, major media and the Intelligence Community will be in sync restoring Democracy.

I wonder if we made it illegal for weapons/security contractors to trade their stock in the markets, if most of this full throated support for war amongst our elite would evaporate?

E.J. Smith William Hunter Duncan 5 hours ago

The interesting part is that the condemnation of Trump is coupled with "we're on the cusp of victory" talk. America has been on the cusp of victory in Afghanistan multiple times, it seems.

The Obama surge was prompted by General McChrystal's representations back in 2009 that the war was winnable with more troops. In excess of 100,000 troops by 2011 was not sufficient to achieve victory. The war then became an exercise in Afghan self-determination and honorable withdrawal, reminiscent of "Vietnamization." This has been going on for nine years with, by all accounts, the Taliban increasing its control of the country. There is no doubt that a final withdrawal of U.S. troops would be a repeat of Saigon 1975.

Interestingly, the war morphed from removing Al Qaeda, propping up the Kabul government, and defeating the Taliban, to being a protracted counter-narcotic operation. Given the feudalistic realities of Afghan society, creating a Taliban-free, central government controlled Afghanistan based upon western concepts is not a reality.

There is no doubt as to Afghanistan's strategic importance based upon its location and resources. At the very least, those who condemn Trump for wanting to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan can be honest about why we are still there, although it's not a mystery in geopolitical terms.

Loukas 8 hours ago

So, in Rubio's worldview Saigon would be better today if it were still occupied by American soldiers. This imperialistic gene has to be eradicated from within these Establishment armchair warriors. Our election of Donald Trump was a first raising of the hand to say..stop. Stop it. Your time is through.

And now, since Democrats have flipped from freedom-loving liberals to authoritarian leftists, they are united with the neo-con Republicans to keep imperialism alive and prospering. America will soon come to understand that they've made a huge blunder in replacing the one that has both the power and the will to turn us around. Only by electing more Donald J. Trumps will the fever finally be broken.

[Nov 17, 2020] Israel's Power is Unlimited by Philip Giraldi

Notable quotes:
"... There is some pushback in Washington to Israeli dominance, but not much. Recent senior Pentagon appointee Colonel Douglas Macgregor famously has pointed out that many American politicians get "very, very rich" through their support of Israel even though it means the United States being dragged into new wars. ..."
Nov 17, 2020 |

Even though there was virtually no debate on foreign policy during the recent presidential campaign, there has been considerable discussion of what President Joe Biden's national security team might look like. The general consensus is that the top levels of the government will be largely drawn from officials who previously served in the Obama administration and who are likely to be hawkish. There has also been, inevitably, some discussion of how the new administration, if it is confirmed, will deal with Israel and the Middle East in general.

Israelis would have preferred a victory by Donald Trump as they clearly understand that he was and still is willing to defer to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on nearly all issues. Indeed, that process is ongoing even though Trump might only have about nine more weeks remaining in office. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is reportedly preparing to sanction several international human rights organizations as anti-Semitic due to the fact that they criticize Israel's brutality on the West Bank and its illegal settlement policies. The White House is also prepared to free convicted but paroled Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard from travel restrictions so he can move to Israel, where he is regarded as a hero. Pollard was the most damaging spy in U.S. history and any mitigation of his sentence has been opposed by both the Pentagon, where he worked, and also by the intelligence community.

Finally, it is widely believed that before the end of the year Trump will declare that the United States accepts the legitimacy of Israeli intentions to declare annexation of nearly all the Palestinian West Bank. The White House will actually encourage such an initiative reportedly "to sow hostility between Israel and the Biden administration." One should note that none of the pro-Israeli measures that are likely to come out of the White House enhance U.S. security in any way and they also do nothing particularly to benefit Trump's campaign to be re-elected through legal challenges.

If Biden does succeed in becoming president, the special place that Israel occupies in the centers of American power are unlikely to be disturbed , which is why Netanyahu was quick off the mark in congratulating the possible new chief executive. Biden has proudly declared himself to be a "Zionist" and his running mate Kamala Harris has been a featured speaker at the annual gatherings of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Washington. Both are strongly supportive of the "special relationship" with the Israel and will make no effort to compromise America's apparent commitment to protect and nourish the Jewish state.

Though Israel is central to how the United States conducts its foreign policy, the country was invisible in the debates and other discussions that took place among candidates during the recent campaign. American voters were therefore given the choice of one government that panders to Israel at the expense of U.S. security or another party that does exactly the same thing. To be sure, Biden did state that he would work to reinstate the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) relating to Iran's nuclear program, which was canceled by Trump. But he also indicated that it would require some amendment, meaning that the Iranians would have to include their missile program in the monitoring while also abandoning their alleged propensity to "interfere" in the Middle East region. The Iranian government has already indicated that additional conditions are unacceptable, so the deal is dead in the water. Israel has also privately and publicly objected to any new arrangement and has already declared that it would "save the option" of working through the Republican Senate to thwart any attempts by the Biden Administration to change things.

That Israel would blatantly and openly interfere in the deliberations of Congress raises some serious questions which the mainstream media predictably is not addressing. Jewish power in America is for real and it is something that some Jews are not shy about discussing among themselves. Jewish power is unique in terms of how it functions. If you're an American ( or British ) politician, you very quickly are made to appreciate that Israel owns you and nearly all of your colleagues. Indeed, the process begins in the U.S. even before your election when the little man from AIPAC shows up with the check list that he wants you to sign off on. If you behave per instructions your career path will be smooth, and you will benefit from your understanding that everything happening in Washington that is remotely connected to the interests of the state of Israel is to be determined by the Jewish state alone, not by the U.S. Congress or White House.

And, here is the tricky part, even while you are energetically kowtowing to Netanyahu, you must strenuously deny that there is Jewish power at work if anyone ever asks you about it. You behave in that fashion because you know that your pleasant life will be destroyed, painfully, if you fail to deny the existence of an Israel Lobby or the Jewish power that supports it.

It is a bold assertion, but there is plenty of evidence to support how that power is exerted and what the consequences are. Senators William Fulbright and Chuck Percy and Congressmen Paul Findlay, Pete McCloskey and Cynthia McKinney have all experienced the wrath of the Lobby and voted out of office. Currently Reverend Raphael Warnock, who is running against Georgia Loeffler for a senate seat in Georgia demonstrates exactly how candidates are convinced to stand on their heads by the Israel Lobby. Warnock was a strong supporter of Palestinian rights and a critic of Israeli brutality. He said as recently as 2018 that the Israelis were shooting civilians and condemned the military occupation and settlement construction on the Palestinian West Bank, which he compared to apartheid South Africa. Now that he is running for the Senate, he is saying that he is opposed to the Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement due to what he calls the movement's "anti-Semitic overtones." He also supports continued military assistance for Israel and believes that Iran is in pursuit of a nuclear weapon, both of which are critical issues being promoted by the Zionist lobby.

There is some pushback in Washington to Israeli dominance, but not much. Recent senior Pentagon appointee Colonel Douglas Macgregor famously has pointed out that many American politicians get "very, very rich" through their support of Israel even though it means the United States being dragged into new wars. Just how Israel gains control of the U.S. political process is illustrated by the devastating insider tale of how the Obama Administration's feeble attempts to do the right thing in the Middle East were derailed by American Jews in Congress, the media, party donors and from inside the White House itself. The story is of particularly interest as the Biden Administration will no doubt suffer the same fate if it seeks to reject or challenge Israel's ability to manipulate and virtually control key aspects of U.S. foreign policy.

The account of Barack Obama's struggle with Israel and the Israeli Lobby comes from a recently published memoir written by a former foreign policy adviser Ben Rhodes. It is entitled The World As It Is , and it is extremely candid about how Jewish power was able to limit the foreign policy options of a popular sitting president. Rhodes recounts, for example, how Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel once nicknamed him "Hamas" after he dared to speak up for Palestinian human rights, angrily shouting at him "Hamas over here is going to make it impossible for my kid to have his fucking bar mitzvah in Israel."

Rhodes cites numerous instances where Obama was forced to back down when confronted by Israel and its supporters in the U.S. as well as within the Democratic Party. On several occasions, Netanyahu lecture the U.S. president as if he were an errant schoolboy. And Obama just had to take it. Rhodes sums up the situation as follows: "In Washington, where support for Israel is an imperative for members of Congress, there was a natural deference to the views of the Israeli government on issues related to Iran, and Netanyahu was unfailingly confrontational, casting himself as an Israeli Churchill . AIPAC and other organizations exist to make sure that the views of the Israeli government are effectively disseminated and opposing views discredited in Washington, and this dynamic was a permanent part of the landscape of the Obama presidency."

And, returning to the persistent denial of Jewish power even existing when it is running full speed and relentlessly, Rhodes notes the essential dishonesty of the Israel Lobby as it operates in Washington: "Even to acknowledge the fact that AIPAC was spending tens of millions to defeat the Iran deal [JCPOA] was anti-Semitic. To observe that the same people who supported the war in Iraq also opposed the Iran deal was similarly off limits. It was an offensive way for people to avoid accountability for their own positions."

Many Americans long to live in a country that is at peace with the world and respectful of the sovereignty of foreign nations. Alas, as long as Israeli interests driven by overwhelming Jewish power in the United States continue to corrupt our institutions that just will not be possible. It is time for all Americans, including Jews, to accept that Israel is a foreign country that must make its own decisions and thereby suffer the consequences. The United States does not exist to bail Israel out or to provide cover for its bad behavior. The so-called "special relationship" must end and the U.S. must deal with the Israelis as they would with any other country based on America's own self-interests. Those interests definitely do not include funding the Israeli war machine, assassinating foreign leaders, or attacking a non-threatening Iran while continuing an illegal occupation of Syria.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected] .

anon [287] Disclaimer , says: November 17, 2020 at 5:24 am GMT • 15.5 hours ago

USA is dead, long live USA. We now officially live in JUSA, the New Weimar Republic. Actually we have been for almost 70 years, since the Cultural Revolution. America is no longer a Christian nation but a Jew nation, with all that that entails – greed, unscrupulousness, end justifies means, intolerance for dissent, mass deception, hypocrisy, over sensitivity, pleasure seeking, sexual deviance, narcissism, vengeful and punitive.

Jews now basically control all institutions of import in this country, from Wall Street to Hollywood, DC to Silicon Valley, and everywhere in between, the media, academia, judiciary, deep state including all of DOJ and the State department. Using their control of Big Tech, they can censor and suppress all dissent. Websites that try to go their own way like Alex Jones or have trouble monetizing themselves and face constant media and left wing harrassment.

They control both msm and the "conservative" media like WSJ, FoxNews, Breitbart, Zerohedge, National Review all are just controlled opposition. No matter who is in the white house, we get the same things: Zionism, globalism, corporatism, endless wars, endless immigration.

How did they do it? Not just by controlling banks and profiting off wars that they instigated, but by selling sin. Jews own the entire sin industry. From the opium trade to the slave trade, tobacco trade, Bootlegging, JUUL, Opiod, marijuana, alcohol, Victoria's Secret, casinos and brothels in Vegas, HBO soft porn to hardcore porn, all are owned by Jews. Sin is an industry where supply creates demand, not the other way around. Using their lawyers, they first make it all legal, then make it fashionable. As Andrew Joyce so aptly put, "sordid commercial exploitation of vice", that is what Jews excel in.

The sin industry is a trillion dollar industry, and many of those trillions have been siphoned off to Israel, along with all the money from Wall Street swindling and the weapons industry. We are witnessing the greatest transfer of wealth from the rest of the world to Israel.

China-Russia-Iran may provide the world with an alternative for the future, if they can hold off this Jewish scorch, but the West is done for. We have nothing but decline, which will be hastened by Biden/Harris. Someone needs to keep reminding the Chinese it was a Jew David Sassoon who ran the opium trade and forced the two opium wars on them. Never forget, never surrender!

Lot , says: November 17, 2020 at 5:33 am GMT • 15.4 hours ago

" Jewish power in America is for real "

It's a sort of sexual charisma: all three of Joe's kids are married into the tribe, as is the VP. Though the crackhead kid's tatted up wife Melissa Cohen definitely isn't orthodox, though she's hot enough I'd forgive her!

"to accept that Israel is a foreign country"

Nah, it's like Canada, an America Jr. If the people disagreed, they'd have elected Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, etc.

Aspies aren't good with contradictions and ambiguity. Israel is both ours and sovereign, foreign and domestic. Most people get it though.

Anon [227] Disclaimer , says: November 17, 2020 at 5:53 am GMT • 15.0 hours ago

Funny that BLM and antifa seem to have expressed no opinion on foreign policy isn't it?

I guess those are "unapproved games" in Revilo Oliver's words.

Tdstype2 , says: November 17, 2020 at 6:35 am GMT • 14.3 hours ago

Yo, the Great US of A, how about just do this one thing – fixed your problem of Israeli infestation in your institutions of power, instead of running around with a dynamite up you behind looking to fix other people's hemorrhoids all over the world

Colin Wright , says: Website November 17, 2020 at 7:04 am GMT • 13.9 hours ago

A piece discussing the roles played by Israel and the US in the coup in Egypt would be useful.

anonymous [112] Disclaimer , says: November 17, 2020 at 7:22 am GMT • 13.6 hours ago

Based on what you write, it seems that only a smart, independent minded black politician as president would have any chance to stand up a bit to the Israeli lobby. The black politician does not have white guilt and is less self conscious of accusations of antisemitism. Obama was one of the few people who could fit the bill. Corey Booker is a potential black president meeting the description who could give it the college try and 25% stand up to the Israel lobby once in office. You should write more appreciatively of Barack Obama. Yeah, more BLM is a bad trade off that comes with a black president but life is always a package deal.

tiredofitall , says: November 17, 2020 at 7:47 am GMT • 13.1 hours ago

"Bibi the Backstabber" – Gee, I thought he and Trump were pals but he seemed pretty quick to acknowledge a Biden win BEFORE it has even been officially on the record. Regardless of who you want as figurehead of the USA, that seemed like a pretty crappy move but then again, we're talking about a snake. If Trump did end up "winning" after all the recounts and possible court rulings, do you think Trump would welcome "Bibi the Backstabber" back? "Fool me once " What a total farce this election and our Jew infested country is. Sad.

Ralph B. Seymour , says: November 17, 2020 at 8:11 am GMT • 12.7 hours ago

Jews didn't immigrate here in any number until the late 19th century. So it didn't take long for them to take it over completely.

But it's not enough for them to run everything. Now they are trying to perfect an outright slave plantation.

Clay Alexander , says: November 17, 2020 at 8:49 am GMT • 12.1 hours ago

OK move along nothing to see here, just another description of Jewish subversion 101 which has been going on for time immemorial. I think by now we should all know who's been behind every war, famine, economic collapse etc. The occidental countries have the remaining 11.5% of Whites left on the planet, it appears we are going to lose, so please try and enjoy what little time is left just don't forget to put your mask on.

Dr. Charles Fhandrich , says: November 17, 2020 at 8:51 am GMT • 12.1 hours ago

Joe Biden, a mediocre intellect and a corrupt long time D.C. insider as president of the U.S., running with a shrill shrew as vice president is supposed to be a positive development for the citizens of the U.S.? It's too funny. She was the first democrat to pull out of the running in the primaries and I believe Biden was second. Harris also suggested Biden is a racist, lol. It's too surreal to believe that this has happened. Thinking of Biden in charge, is like the feeling that the cave is going to collapse with you in it, vs. seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with President Trump. Oh well, ces't la vie

Achilles Wannabe , says: November 17, 2020 at 8:55 am GMT • 12.0 hours ago

Well said Anon. There is a lesson here. It is one which any dog or cat knows but Jewish social science has denied us: Do not let the parasite into the nest. A couple of million Ashkenazim were admitted to this country between 1880 and 1920. The rest is history – a history increasingly determined by THEM.

How this happened is a story I wish our white internet historians would tell us before the lights are shut off

Ray Caruso , says: November 17, 2020 at 9:22 am GMT • 11.6 hours ago

Israel is a leech. Liberalism in all its aspects, including racial egalitarianism, feminism, homosexualism, and democracy is a cancer that has spread from head to toe in the body of the nation. A leech won't kill you, but widespread cancer certainly will. What folly it is to focus so much attention on the little parasite outside while ignoring the massive malignancy inside.

Anonymous [661] Disclaimer , says: November 17, 2020 at 9:29 am GMT • 11.4 hours ago

Regarding the photo accompanying this article: it is always beyond disconcerting to see Israel's satanic pentagram parked next to the American flag, it evinces the kind of sickening aplomb you would find in the image of a gorilla sodomizing a doe.

I appreciate Giraldi's incisive analysis. No one writes better about Israel's parasitic destruction of the US.

geokat62 , says: November 17, 2020 at 9:51 am GMT • 11.1 hours ago

Someone needs to keep reminding the Chinese it was a Jew David Sassoon who ran the opium trade and forced the two opium wars on them

This, of course, is in the Chinese ledger, but offsetting it is the more recent massive transfer of manufacturing jobs, technology, engineering services and other indirect benefits that derived from the "great offshoring" that first occurred in the late 70s. The apparatchiks of the CCP know who was responsible for arranging this unprecedented largesse and will consequently be reluctant to bite the hand that feeds them.

geokat62 , says: November 17, 2020 at 9:54 am GMT • 11.0 hours ago

The so-called "special relationship" must end

This should be demanded by every freedom-loving American.

Moi , says: November 17, 2020 at 10:09 am GMT • 10.8 hours ago

One can only conclude that American Christians relish being Jews' bitch. And here's the dumbest thing that the otherwise astute P. Giraldi has said: "Many Americans long to live in a country that is at peace with the world and respectful of the sovereignty of foreign nations." LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: Phil, it's over for American. All hail, China!

RoatanBill , says: November 17, 2020 at 10:12 am GMT • 10.7 hours ago

All foreign aid should be turned off. Disaster relief should be looked at on a case by case basis, but that just allows the most corrupt countries to rely on it to come to the rescue when disaster strikes. I'd even prevent that.

Is there a single member of Congress with the intestinal fortitude to propose this? I doubt it. The selctions process has installed people so beholden to the current power structure that no one would dare put up a bill to stop foreign aid.

Doesn't that show that the US doesn't have a Federal Government, but does have a Federal Mafia?

Wizard of Oz , says: November 17, 2020 at 10:28 am GMT • 10.5 hours ago

It is time perhaps for this (in your words)

The so-called "special relationship" must end and the U.S. must deal with the Israelis as they would with any other country based on America's own self-interests.

But, falling back on realism, what is second best for Americans,and *much* more likely to be achieved?

As a preliminary sketch it is probably wrong to blame much of the disapointments and tribulations of the least prosperous 80 per cent of Americans on Israel, even if the cost of the Iraq war is included. Such a small country can eat only so much of America's breakfast. It is big business's complicity in the rise of China's economy at the expense of American workers and the open borders to cheap labour that counts for much more damage (I believe, though open to refutation).

So, what is a more likely acceptable outcome than your ideal prescription? I suggest that more Balkanising of the ME to eliminate threats to Israel would be part of it.That is happening already with the Saudis and Gulf States falling i to line. It seems hard to see why Israel should be unhappy about Russia remaining in Syria giving security to the Assad régime. How Iran can be dealt with isn't clear but it seems unlikely that Russia or China would be interested in an expensive effort to prevent the overthrow of the Iranian theocrats. It would suit both well enough that the ME was made up mostly of small countries mostly with oil or gas to sell and without much of a US connection. China would I guess be happy to regard Pakistan as the one Muslim country that deserved special attention.

What about the Palestinians? Oh yes, easily forgotten. Well, surely it isn't too difficult to think up several ways of giving them a much better deal than they have now with the one condition satisfied that Israeli Jews will not find themselves outbred and outvoted by Arab Muslims within the state of Israel. Secular outbred by Haredim? Oh well.

AnonStarter , says: November 17, 2020 at 10:33 am GMT • 10.4 hours ago

"Even to acknowledge the fact that AIPAC was spending tens of millions to defeat the Iran deal [JCPOA] was anti-Semitic. To observe that the same people who supported the war in Iraq also opposed the Iran deal was similarly off limits. It was an offensive way for people to avoid accountability for their own positions."

And this , ladies and gentlemen, is why we come here and speak often of Jews: because they make it so difficult to discuss their reality anywhere else.

This fact has to change in America and Europe as well.

frankie p , says: November 17, 2020 at 11:19 am GMT • 9.6 hours ago

Antisemitism is a rational response to the manifestation of Jewish anti-gentilism in gentile societies.

Any gentile who isn't antisemitic needs education and development of the will to self-protect.

The Spirit of Enoch Powell , says: November 17, 2020 at 11:30 am GMT • 9.4 hours ago

Well, the verified Twitter account of BLM UK put out the above tweet, after that happened we saw an ebbing away of support for it and footballers no longer kneeled before a game. Really tells you a lot about the totem poll and which groups are placed where.

Ugetit , says: November 17, 2020 at 11:51 am GMT • 9.1 hours ago

How did they do it?

What you said, (all excellent, btw) plus what PG has long said.

More details can be found in the 10 planks of Marx's Commie Manifesto and the Protocols.

PG's reference to the Weimar republic is something decent Americans need to understand as well.

Unfortunately, as pathetic as things are, it's apparently not yet degenerate enough to wake up and motivate enough people to improve anything.

BuelahMan , says: November 17, 2020 at 11:57 am GMT • 9.0 hours ago

Ridiculous. Obama is half black and half jewish.

He's all in with the theft and take over by jews.

Ugetit , says: November 17, 2020 at 12:05 pm GMT • 8.8 hours ago
@Lot e topic of genetic disorders, I'm happy that you brought up Asperger's.

Let me also note that Asperger's syndrome has its highest prevalence among Ashkenazi Jews and their descendants.

-David Mamet, (from his book Bambi Vs Godzilla, 2007), as quoted by Henry Makow–_the_jewish_diseas.html

Here's some more soft porn for ya.

Lovely, isn't it?

Ugetit , says: November 17, 2020 at 12:10 pm GMT • 8.8 hours ago
@Ray Caruso

Israel is a leech. A leech won't kill you, but widespread cancer certainly will.

I hope yer not a dokter.

Truth Hurts the Liars , says: November 17, 2020 at 12:14 pm GMT • 8.7 hours ago

One word describes all the World's troubles.


Robjil , says: November 17, 2020 at 12:48 pm GMT • 8.1 hours ago

She is also said to be a documentary filmmaker.

Before she met Biden, she was supportive of the Obama presidency, and critical of President Trump.

After the white supremacist march at Charlottesville she wrote of the president: "To those of you who voted for this POS [piece of s ** t] you should be ashamed. That's all."

According to the New Yorker, Cohen has a tattoo of the word "Shalom," or "peace," in Hebrew on her bicep.

BL , says: November 17, 2020 at 12:51 pm GMT • 8.1 hours ago

Israel's Power Is Unlimited

While you might not have written the headline it's an accurate synopsis of your argument.

I shouldn't give you a hard time for it because it's accepted across the geopolitical universe on Israel. Including, as you have long detailed, by Israel itself.

Amusingly, if you compare the mirror position along this spectrum, for example, elimination/"It's the 51st state!," they complete each other.

It just simply isn't true. Israel isn't sui genesis. It isn't a planet that doesn't have to, or refuses to, obey the laws of geopolitical physics.

Think of it this way. There's a disingenuous disconnect between the public discussion and that which takes place behind the curtain. As with seemingly everything else, it's just more so when it comes to Israel.

All of that was the shortest predicate for suggesting you notice the slim to none argument from this author in defense of the JCPOA, much less what the Obama administration sold as a rapprochement with Iran.

Did it have any coherence in that regard? No, indeed the Iranians stupidly insisted on rubbing it in our faces as an abandonment of not just Israel but all other states in the region.

It's impossible to overstate how thoroughly this has discredited the proponents of a deal with Iran.

Whatever you think are Israel's malefactions, they are no legitimate basis for the USG to gift a trouble-making Iran anything. Least of all, regional hegemony at the expense of everyone else.

Katrinka , says: November 17, 2020 at 12:57 pm GMT • 8.0 hours ago

The link will provide a pretty good synopsis of Jewish involvement in the opium trade cartel in China.

BannedHipster , says: Website November 17, 2020 at 1:07 pm GMT • 7.8 hours ago

The Anti-Defamation League is a front for Jewish organized crime that launders their money and defames anyone who says anything about it. The ADL openly supports apartheid in occupied Palestine. All Silicon Valley companies, including Wikipedia, count them as an "expert" on "hate" – despite the ADL being openly pro-apartheid. All the major news media corporations quote them as "experts" despite them being nothing more than a partisan political lobby.

How is the world is such an organization considered "mainstream" as opposed to a fringe hate group?

Felix Krull , says: November 17, 2020 at 1:11 pm GMT • 7.7 hours ago

Regarding the photo accompanying this article: it is always beyond disconcerting to see Israel's satanic pentagram parked next to the American flag

You not count good?

The Star of David is a hexagram, moron. No less disturbing, but do the fucking math.

anarchyst , says: November 17, 2020 at 1:12 pm GMT • 7.7 hours ago

When it comes to Israel, it is obvious that President Trump has pretty much given the jews everything they wanted.

From the annexation of Jerusalem proper to the Golan Heights, Israel has gained approval for its questionable, illegal actions from President Trump and others in the U S government. His encouragement of recognition of Israel by other middle eastern countries is telling.

President Trump has been dealing with jews all of his life, being in the New York City real estate market. He KNOWS how jews act and what they are capable of, along with their foibles and weaknesses.

Since Trump gave the jews just about everything they wanted, he is finally going to exact his "price" for acquiescing to Israeli demands and is going to demand something in return.

President Trump is about to reduce, if not withdraw the entire American troop presence in the middle east. American troops can be replaced with Israeli troops.

Of course the jews will cry foul and scream that they need an American troop presence, but if President Trump does anything right , the reduction or withdrawal of American troops in the middle east would be a good first step.

President Trump has already replace the Secretary of Defense with someone more amenable to him. The American military-industrial complex will not like the changes, but they can go "pound sand".

Old and Grumpy , says: November 17, 2020 at 1:34 pm GMT • 7.4 hours ago

Well they are the chosen ones, and the rest of us are just beasts of burden. Just ask them. They wrote it in their book. The real travesty was putting the Torah in the Bible. Or maybe the penultimate travesty was being forcibly converted to Christianity by the Roman Catholic Church?

Robjil , says: November 17, 2020 at 1:37 pm GMT • 7.3 hours ago

Here is another good source about the Sassoon's destruction of China in the 19th century. The Chinese remember it well especially for what was done to their summer palace, Yuan ming yuan. It held 5000 years of Chinese history.

Greta Handel , says: November 17, 2020 at 1:47 pm GMT • 7.1 hours ago

Deference of Washington's elected politicians to Israel is repeatedly discussed in these columns. Courts traditionally hesitate to adjudicate issues of Uncle Sam's wars and other "foreign policy," and even related questions ( FEC v. Akins ). Americans tend to assume and accept that the judicial "branch" of the USG has nothing to do with these matters.

However, with another Presidential election possibly headed to the SCOTUS, there's an intriguing adjective in this sentence:

One should note that none of the pro-Israeli measures that are likely to come out of the White House enhance U.S. security in any way and they also do nothing particularly to benefit Trump's campaign to be re-elected through legal challenges.

Does Dr. Giraldi believe that the measures may generally benefit the legal challenges?

Ugetit , says: November 17, 2020 at 1:52 pm GMT • 7.1 hours ago


Speaking of the ADL, I think our host's article is a must read.:

American Pravda: the ADL in American Society

Ugetit , says: November 17, 2020 at 1:57 pm GMT • 7.0 hours ago

She is for "peace". What kind of "peace"?

Without a doubt, her "tat" notwithstanding, she meant "piece." As in a piece for her and hers sufficient to allow nothing left for the deplorable goyim.

UncommonGround , says: November 17, 2020 at 2:13 pm GMT • 6.7 hours ago
@Robjil on and so on.

After reading that I thought that Americans are really admirable. Kamala's both parents came recently from foreign countries which have no close relation with the US. They were recent immigrants, refugees from poverty and other inconveniences. A few years later the daughter becomes vice president of the country, the controler of the president (one of them) and possibly the next president and at the same time begins to tell Americans what they have to think and to want. It's not even merely her opinion. She is telling Americans what they have to think and to accept. You don't have any choice. Kamala has decided.

God's Fool , says: November 17, 2020 at 2:35 pm GMT • 6.3 hours ago

"It is time for all Americans, including Jews, to accept that Israel is a foreign country that must make its own decisions and thereby suffer the consequences."

You're still walking on eggshells, Giraldi. You're either having problem understanding or are in deliberate need to evade the issue of a Jew not needing to practice Jewism (my definition of a complete Jew), that is to say, separate himself from Israel no Jew can nor will do so. Hence, America is either stuck with them or will have to declare that Jews, and only Jews, aren't part of this great experiment called United States of America. It'll hurt like hell to be divorced from present reality but at least this nation, without any natural enemies, will have a fighting chance of being a truly great country within the commity of nations. So long as a single Jew remains in America, there isn't any chance of having daylight between two separate nations. So, what's going to be, slavery with comfort or freedom with sacrifices?

Greta Handel , says: November 17, 2020 at 2:39 pm GMT • 6.3 hours ago
@Greta Handel

Sorry, that "particularly" is an adverb, not an adjective.

Ugetit , says: November 17, 2020 at 2:43 pm GMT • 6.2 hours ago

Thanks very much for that. Excellent article, full of details that I was not aware of, and extremely interesting site.

Seems to me that it would be a good fit to be published here.

GMC , says: November 17, 2020 at 2:50 pm GMT • 6.1 hours ago
@BuelahMan con black and 99% NWO white Zionist on the inside. 2005 Senator Obama heads to Donetsk, Ukraine with 40 million dollars to De arm the Ukrainian military – he was successful and I can more that prove it since I lived there shortly after and knew some Ukraine military guys. This was part/ start of the Maidan plan. Move along to 2013 " We now have the right to use propaganda against our own citizens" Prez. Obama. Veterans Today – Obama WAS born in Africa , but we support him 100% . And this is is also true which means we have a psyops webpage there. Nam Vet here – and I don't like seeing Veterans screwed over by other " Veterans".
Desert Fox , says: November 17, 2020 at 2:54 pm GMT • 6.0 hours ago

The key to zionist ie Israels power comes from the zionist owning the FED and from this came the zionist owning the government of the ZUS and from this came the trillions in debt and the unending wars for the zionists and for Israel.

Also from this control of the ZUS came the assassination of JFK and RFK and JFKjr. and the attack on the USS Liberty and the attack on the WTC on 911, which was used to plunge America into the unending wars against the Arabs, all for the benefit of Israel and the zionist dual citizen traitors in the ZUS.

Zionists are destroyers of nations and humanity and they are behind the covid-19 scam and psyop which is being used to destroy America and they are doing this via the World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation and UN Agenda 2030 which are the tips of the zionist spears aimed at the heart of America.

God help America.

John Q Duped , says: November 17, 2020 at 2:56 pm GMT • 6.0 hours ago

Well written and informative. They also own (and control) most churches and long ago rewrote the Bible. And of course they create and own money.

anon [287] Disclaimer , says: November 17, 2020 at 3:00 pm GMT • 5.9 hours ago

Per the WSJ today, Trump is looking for a way to strike Iran for "starting to enrich uranium".

He's still trying to suck up to the Jews, after they just engineered the biggest coup on him. What an idiot!

Mustapha Mond , says: November 17, 2020 at 3:16 pm GMT • 5.7 hours ago
@anarchyst be illegal to print what Giraldi penned herein, as well as to discuss it over the internet, even via 'private' e-mails. Anti-semitism was quickly made a capital offense when the mostly jewish Bolshevik leaders enslaved Russia over a century ago. Expect similar here shortly, as many of us on Unz are somewhat elderly, and so a long prison term for 'inappropriate political speech' is basically a death sentence, which will be gleefully enforced by Tribal minions, of which there is never a dearth.

So we should enjoy our liberty to speak our minds freely here at Unz while we still have it, as it won't last long, I can assure you .

Rurik , says: November 17, 2020 at 3:18 pm GMT • 5.6 hours ago

also do nothing particularly to benefit Trump's campaign to be re-elected through legal challenges.

Does Dr. Giraldi believe that the measures may generally benefit the legal challenges?

wasn't your entire shtick that it doesn't matter in the least which whore of Zion sits in the White House, and that we're all chumps for caring or voting, because it doesn't matter one whit?

And now somehow that the voting is over, you still seem keen on obsessing over the outcome.

To answer your question, (if I may Mr. G)..

'Pro-Israeli measures' (presidential slavish and abased fealty to Bibi/Israel) does nothing to particularly *or* generally benefit Trump, vs. the other whore of Zion. As 'Bibi' was one of the very first heads of state to congratulate Biden and toss his former supplicant and courtesan out the door – with less grace or gratitude than I've seen sailors toss two-bit hookers out the door once the service was performed.

I'm sure in both cases they feel particularly sullied. Considering how eagerly and enthusiastically they swallowed their um.. duties.

I must say, I felt more pity for the whore in some Caribbean port, who sold herself for a few pesos, than I do for the political whore who sold out my nation.

That said, Trump has done more to keep whatever shred of dignity a whore has, than all his recent predecessors.. (how do you quantify the incomprehensible evil of 9/11, Shock and Awe, Patriot Act, Gitmo, Obama's destruction of Libya and Syria, etc , using the English language?)

The bar has been so low for so long, that simply not having destroyed several nations and mass-murdered untold hundreds of thousands- in slavish fealty to Israel- is reason enough for some of us to consider your presidency a measured success.

Our free-fall into the abyss hit a snag on the way down with the Trump administration.

But not to worry, under Biden/Harris, we'll get to those 'seven nations'. It's just going to take a little longer than 'five years', is all.

Colin Wright , says: Website November 17, 2020 at 3:43 pm GMT • 5.2 hours ago

'Nah, it's like Canada, an America Jr. '

Except that they shoot children, burn babies alive, and spit on Christians. And oh yeah: not much in the way of salmon fishing.

But other than that, just like Canada.

MarkU , says: November 17, 2020 at 3:45 pm GMT • 5.2 hours ago
@Ralph B. Seymour e 'friends of Israel'.

Nor is it really about Jews as such, it is about a Jewish financial elite that took control with the signing of the Federal Reserve act in 1913.

Face facts Americans, your 'deep state' is mostly controlled by Jewish bankers. If white gentiles were really in charge of America would they be demonising themselves with anti-white racism? Have you not noticed that your own political elites are marrying into the tribe? Remember those royal weddings that European monarchies arranged to seal alliances with other nations? Your political elites are cementing alliances with the bankers by marriage.

Colin Wright , says: Website November 17, 2020 at 3:46 pm GMT • 5.2 hours ago

'Our free-fall into the abyss hit a snag on the way down with the Trump administration.'

Not much of a snag, but you're right.

anon [332] Disclaimer , says: November 17, 2020 at 3:48 pm GMT • 5.1 hours ago

If you're serious about this, you will acknowledge that your bosses at NHB get away with murder, torture, assassination of heads of state including your own, coercive interference, aggression, and use of banned weapons. Now is the time to drop your Boy Scout act.

You won't have to lean on your vegetable Biden too hard to make him faithfully execute the Symington-Glenn Amendment and the Leahy Law. That cuts off Mossad's bribe spigot. Maybe there will be a little dustup on your own turf, but who's going to win that? When it comes down to it, Israel is a one-nuke laydown.

The Israeli command structure are deep-dyed cowards. Whack a few in spectacular ways and the grabass will stop. Start with Bibi.

CoolAid Joe , says: November 17, 2020 at 3:48 pm GMT • 5.1 hours ago

Yeah she's a hot bitch. A rare thing an attractive jew.

Good thing she's marrying out.

Rurik , says: November 17, 2020 at 3:50 pm GMT • 5.1 hours ago
@Moi nists.

Not hardly.

And Phil is right, that we are very disgusted (understatement of the century) with the Eternal Wars for Israel.

But like the French, (who bombed Libya into the stone age in fealty to Zion), and the Brits who go along with it all, and the Germans who piss their lederhosen at the mention of Israel, and all the other countries that are vassals of the Federal Reserve and their Satanic minions, our institutions also have been utterly corrupted by this (((fiat paper))).

But that doesn't mean that we like it.

anonymous [400] Disclaimer , says: November 17, 2020 at 3:54 pm GMT • 5.0 hours ago

many American politicians get "very, very rich" through their support

That's one of the major features of American politics. American politicians are mostly whores for sale so naturally various interests will buy them. It's not what's good for the country but what's good for their bank account. Greed and corruption are what'll be the undoing of the US.
It's only logical that Iran would want to build nuclear weapons since the US and Israel have them and war has been threatened against Iran almost continuously. Being threatened has a way of spurring on the acquisition of nuclear weapons. The US was the first to develop them and then actually used them, setting off a chain reaction of other countries developing their own. It seems to only be a matter of time before Iran actually has it. Then what?

heymrguda , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:00 pm GMT • 4.9 hours ago

Don't forget Rep. Jim Traficant (d-oh) on your list of people torpedoed by the lobby.

anon [315] Disclaimer , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:02 pm GMT • 4.9 hours ago

My favorite poster of the day, says it all about whites who continue to vote with the Satanic, blood-sucking, parasitic tribe:

Realist , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:03 pm GMT • 4.9 hours ago

Perhaps some day Whites will stop pissing and moaning and do something about their plight.

Philip Giraldi , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:11 pm GMT • 4.7 hours ago

Thanks – I did forget Jim, who stood up to the bastards and paid the price.

anon [315] Disclaimer , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:12 pm GMT • 4.7 hours ago

Are we talking about the same Obama? The Obama who invaded Syria and Libya when they did absolutely nothing to threaten the security of the US? The JCPOA was credit to John Kerry, who was then slaughtered by msm on his way out for calling for a two-state solution that includes Israel leaving the occupied West Bank.

Osama was spot on when he called Obama a "house nigger". That was all he was, nothing more. We don't need another. We already had one.

RedpilledAF , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:15 pm GMT • 4.7 hours ago

I am more and more a supporter of Iran every day.

They had a revolution to get rid of western influenced degeneracy. They support Palestine unwaveringly. They support Lebanon unwaveringly. They defended Syria along with Russia. They are Russia's closest ally in the world. They stand up to Israel. They fight Israel. They attack the social and political theory of Zionism as well it's existence.

God bless them and protect them because often it seems like they are the only ones at a state level doing anything about the evil in our world.

Lot , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:16 pm GMT • 4.7 hours ago
@Colin Wright

Those are things happening IN Canada due to its insane decision to import Muslims and Haitians.

You're right that Israel at times can be brutal. Muslim barbarism coarsens those around them. Not just Israel: Thailand, Philippines, Burma, India, Ethiopia, Greece, Armenia.

The worldwide Jihad Colin and Phil support creates bloody borders with Islam always seeking to conquer and enslave.

Israel says NO! And that's why they are full of obsessive hate for it.

Rurik , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:17 pm GMT • 4.6 hours ago

Perhaps some day Whites will stop pissing and moaning and do something about their plight.

by all means, what do you propose?

Ugetit , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:31 pm GMT • 4.4 hours ago

Perhaps some day Whites will stop pissing and moaning and do something about their plight.

Patience, Grasshopper!

You are not a gardener, are you?

Jack McArthur , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:33 pm GMT • 4.4 hours ago

A fine analysis. I would add in one more group to your list i.e. the Christian churches who daily play the part of Judas.

Realist , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:35 pm GMT • 4.3 hours ago

by all means, what do you propose?

Revolution and you?

phillip sawicki , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:36 pm GMT • 4.3 hours ago
@anon ormer number two at the State Department) and his son Douglas published 'The Passionate Attachment," explaining how it had evolved over the years. In 2007 came the Mearsheimer/Walt book on AIPAC. For a critical history of Israel wince Biblical times, see Laurent Guyenot's book From Yahweh to Zion, published in 2018. The last-named says that Israel is responsible for JFK's death. He had tried to stop Israel's nuclear weapons program and thus was killed. The Warren Report covered up that particular crime. Jews are a tremendously talented tribe, but they have no right to dominate the world, which is what Israel is now determined to do.
Ugetit , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:36 pm GMT • 4.3 hours ago

The worldwide Jihad Colin and Phil support creates bloody borders with Islam always seeking to conquer and enslave.

Israel says NO!

Of course they say "no." An Izzie without a monopoly? Unthinkable.

Poco , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:38 pm GMT • 4.3 hours ago

That arm should be amputated. Then shoved up her ass.

Ugetit , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:39 pm GMT • 4.3 hours ago
@Philip Giraldi

Thanks – I did forget Jim, who stood up to the bastards and paid the price.

True, and I wonder how long it'll take before people realize that even by sucking up to the bastards they'll still pay the price.

anarchyst , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:45 pm GMT • 4.2 hours ago
@Realist eing but another hazard that the left takes advantage of, in order to silence the opposition, with good effect, so far
All one has to do is look at the Memphis couple who was arrested for defending themselves as well as James Fields who has been wrongly convicted of murder while attempting to escape while being attacked.
At the present time, discretion is advised.
The only effective way to "nip this in the bud" would be to confront the police, city officials, judges and prosecutors directly
As they are well-protected, that is not a viable option at this time presently, but in the future who knows??
Realist , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:52 pm GMT • 4.1 hours ago

Patience, Grasshopper!

You are not a gardener, are you?

Silly childish response Patience has brought us to this disastrous point in US history

phillip sawicki , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:53 pm GMT • 4.0 hours ago

There are some very good books on the subject. See The Passionate Attachment by George and Douglas Ball, published in 1992. (George Ball was the number two man at State under jFK and LBJ.)
See the book on AIPAC by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, published in 2007. See Laurent Guyenot's From Yahweh to Zion, published in 2018.

Anonymous [401] Disclaimer , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:55 pm GMT • 4.0 hours ago
@BL Did Jews learn nothing by wandering the desert for 40 years? Do they forget that they were frog-marched for defying their own god, Yahweh, yet again? Yet they seem to think their slow-motion shoahing of Palestinians will go unpunished.

How many future small-but-hugely-powerful guided missiles hitting Haifa, Tel Aviv, etc. will Israelis be able to take? What their power-hungry pride protect them then?

Do Jews really think they will not be held responsible/targeted around the world for the crimes of their state?

What other state, what other people, think only THEY matter?

The Jewish State has become a blight unto the nations.

Israelo delenda est!

Jack McArthur , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:56 pm GMT • 4.0 hours ago

Whilst human beings conspiring is as old nevertheless the Biden family is an example of something way, way beyond human artifice. You do not have to be a Christian to recognize that what Jesus said of the Jews was right on the mark – their father is a devil. The New Testament says explicitly that the ruler of this world is the Satanic Majesties the Rolling Stones celebrated in 1967.

Jesus was offered the entire world if he would take the knee not to Saint George of this sick era but to satan. He replied that this was the epitome of shortermism.

People are no more than puppets on a string without divine protection and that is why I do not hate Jews but only the vile evil in which they excel through the "gifts" of their spiritual father.

Greta Handel , says: November 17, 2020 at 4:57 pm GMT • 4.0 hours ago
@Rurik ion sits in the White House, and that we're all chumps for caring or voting, because it doesn't matter one whit?

And now somehow that the voting is over, you still seem keen on obsessing over the outcome.

There's nothing inconsistent in (i) my position about the futility of Red/Blue politics to effect any change in what matters to the Establishment and (ii) the question I've posed to the author. In fact, how and why "the outcome" is arrived at may enlighten some gullible voters.

Of course, you neither needed nor wanted to hear that. Which is why you didn't reply to me directly, right?

Philip Giraldi , says: November 17, 2020 at 5:01 pm GMT • 3.9 hours ago
@phillip sawicki

And Alison Weir's Against Our Better Judgment

Jack McArthur , says: November 17, 2020 at 5:10 pm GMT • 3.8 hours ago
@phillip sawicki

Your observation is confirmed by Lord Beaverbrook explaining to the young Robert Kennedy at the end of WW2 that the USA was a subjugated country run by Jews.

Cauchemar du Singe , says: November 17, 2020 at 5:28 pm GMT • 3.5 hours ago

The Talmudic Zionist jew vampire pirates, in their arrogance, believe themselves to be beyond accountability for their many misdeeds.
Speed The Day when their filthy little illegitimate enclave on the Easterrn shores of The Med gets glassed over in a thermonuclear kind of way.
The remedy for the ills of Wall Street and The Bank of England will only be a tad less harsh.
A bounty on all Rothschilds and Warburgs and their servile rats and snakes would also be nice.

It's got to start somewhere.

Rurik , says: November 17, 2020 at 5:30 pm GMT • 3.4 hours ago
@Realist nks Woodrow) [RIH]

And then there's also the 'Atlas Shrugged' strategy- wherein all honest and productive people of good will, eventually refuse to be willing lapdogs to this Satanic cabal.

As long as you'll lose your job, by mentioning the truth, don't do so. But more and more, as the 'hundredth monkey' come around to the Great Awakening', like the Soviet Union, this devil'$ charade must certainly die its ignoble death.

and beauty, truth and peace, will once again rise like a phoenix from the ashes of Zion

Defcon , says: November 17, 2020 at 5:32 pm GMT • 3.4 hours ago
@Ralph B. Seymour shred of human remorse.

The bolsheviks goal was a %90 reduction in population, the Talmud states that the "goy" were to be their servants, the beasts are not worthy. 10% of the Russian goys would be enough.

After their reign of terror from 1917 to 1989, they sucked the rest of Russia dry and moved to their next target, the USA. They are almost done here, they will poison us with the covid vaccination and as a final F you leave us as a minority among the hoards of subhumans.

Their next target is Uzbekistan, this is why no one ever hears about the country or can point it out on a map.

Cauchemar du Singe , says: November 17, 2020 at 5:37 pm GMT • 3.3 hours ago
@Achilles Wannabe

Ben Franklin, in his prescient wisdom, wanted a Constitutional inclusion that would have barred (((them))) from even setting foot upon The New Republic.
Too bad that (((The Worms))) were already here perpetrating their financial scumbaggery.

Cauchemar du Singe , says: November 17, 2020 at 5:44 pm GMT • 3.2 hours ago
@frankie p

jews, Blacks and Muslims TEACH people to hate them, and are very good teachers.

BL , says: November 17, 2020 at 5:46 pm GMT • 3.2 hours ago
@Anonymous e in terms of any real concern for the national interest of the United States vis-à-vis Iran.

Also, did you intentionally omit the USA removing Iran's democratically-elected leader in 1953? Or America giving poison gas to Iraq to use against Iranians?

A word to the wise, sovereigns aren't cute and cuddly. The effect their interests with little regard for humans in their way.

It's downright embarrassing that Iran and its acolytes are still belly-aching about Mosaddegh. It's going to continue to be a hard road with the US if they don't learn to shake it off.

melgibson , says: November 17, 2020 at 5:48 pm GMT • 3.1 hours ago
@Colin Wright

How about a movie, a Hollywood style blockbuster titled: Operation Susanna! What a spy thriller that would be.

Per/Norway , says: November 17, 2020 at 5:54 pm GMT • 3.0 hours ago

You are not supposed to notice these patterns.
Report to the nearest fema HaPpY CaMp™ for your reeducation peasant.

Katrinka , says: November 17, 2020 at 6:01 pm GMT • 2.9 hours ago
@Jack McArthur

If any minister, pastor, or priest starts to sermonize about Judeo-Christian commonality, head straight out the door. Christians and Jews have no common ground. In fact, the modern Jewish religion was created as a response to Christianity. It is Pharisaism based on the Talmud, not the Old Testament.

Per/Norway , says: November 17, 2020 at 6:04 pm GMT • 2.9 hours ago
@Achilles Wannabe

dig a bit deeper on the interwebz and you will see that there are many wypipo historians that have screamed this message the last 100 years+.
They get shunned, memoryholed or worse.
I will not link on purpose because the search is important for learning, but i will give you a hint
archiveDOTorg have many off their books available.
Type "political zionism" into their searchbar and learn about the enemy of humanity and their origins first.
Pharisees is their true name btw, b4 the 2 world wars this was common knowledge among us Christian goyims

Per/Norway , says: November 17, 2020 at 6:06 pm GMT • 2.8 hours ago

the star of david is not a pentagram it is satanic tho.

Rev. Spooner , says: November 17, 2020 at 6:07 pm GMT • 2.8 hours ago

This is from wikipedia for whatever it's worth -- Centuries later, the Jews were expelled from China proper during the Great Anti-Buddhist Persecution (845–46), where they lived in the region of Ningxia.

That makes it 110 countries?

Rurik , says: November 17, 2020 at 6:18 pm GMT • 2.6 hours ago
@Greta Handel p> The fact that I quoted you, on the same thread you're reading and writing on, means to a certainty that I was responding to your post with the intent that you'd see it. (duh)

There's nothing inconsistent in (i) my position about the futility of Red/Blue politics to effect any change in what matters to the Establishment and (ii) the question I've posed to the author. In fact, how and why "the outcome" is arrived at may enlighten some gullible voters.

Yea, that was your only interest, in your priggish, pedantic parsing of Philip's prose.

I gotcha

Curmudgeon , says: November 17, 2020 at 6:31 pm GMT • 2.4 hours ago
@Colin Wright

Canada has been kiked for 50 years. The Canada I grew up in had no problem pointing out tribal influence, and no one called it Auntie Shem-itism.
We have gone from the 1930s when "one would be too many" was the attitude to Jewish "refugees" asking for admission to openly admitting we are Israel's bitch. At the same time, making it clear non-whites were not welcome to let's flood the country, already suffering from high unemployment, with more than 1% of our population annually from the 3rd world.

anon [471] Disclaimer , says: November 17, 2020 at 6:35 pm GMT • 2.3 hours ago

"t's downright embarrassing that Iran and its acolytes are still belly-aching about Mosaddegh."

It's downright embarrassing that Israel and its acolytes are still belly-aching about Holocaust to steal few more pennies and dimes .

t's downright embarrassing that west and its acolytes are still belly-aching about 911 ,and knife attacks and Chinese something to wage wars for Israel.

profnasty , says: November 17, 2020 at 6:37 pm GMT • 2.3 hours ago

Good points all.
My suggestion?
Establish Greater Israel from Nile to Euphrates. Give Jews full hegemony in their new country.
Then, deport 3/4 of American Jews. Make laws to prevent, here, Jewish control of finance, education, or media. And above all, keep America's nuclear deterrent razor sharp.
Thank you. Thank you very much.

Colin Wright , says: Website November 17, 2020 at 6:51 pm GMT • 2.1 hours ago

'Israel says NO! And that's why they are full of obsessive hate for it.'

No -- I'm full of hate for Israel because it's an evil, duplicitous, corrosive, criminal, indefensible, and unnecessary state that generates a great deal of misery that wouldn't otherwise happen and that has corrupted my own country and implicated us in its crimes.

Colin Wright , says: Website November 17, 2020 at 6:59 pm GMT • 1.9 hours ago

' it seems that only a smart, independent minded black politician '

Black politicians come in two flavors: corrupt, and ineffectual. Neither one would serve your purposes.

Black politicians -- and judges -- actually tend to be Israel's most willing tools

Realist , says: November 17, 2020 at 7:01 pm GMT • 1.9 hours ago

Swell poetry but what's the solution?

Realist , says: November 17, 2020 at 7:08 pm GMT • 1.8 hours ago

Written like a true wimp bend over and take it in the ass.

anonymous [387] Disclaimer , says: November 17, 2020 at 7:10 pm GMT • 1.8 hours ago

All foreign aid should be turned off

Lol! The irony hidden there is hilarious.

You see, it is the Banana States of America which is the most indebted beggar nation on earth. It survives because foreign nations perform trade using the dollar. Without that trade, the Banana States would be on its knees, literally begging.

Now, do you see who is aiding whom?

anonymous [321] Disclaimer , says: November 17, 2020 at 7:15 pm GMT • 1.7 hours ago


mark green , says: November 17, 2020 at 7:46 pm GMT • 1.2 hours ago
@frankie p mplex–and often ruthless–political struggle.

In fact, 'anti-Semitism' is a legitimate and appropriate self-defense mechanism. 'Anti-Semitism' needn't produce violence, injustice, or bloodshed. It is fundamentally about awareness and self-preservation. It is a discredited virtue, born from necessity.

Invasive, devious, and destruction species must be resisted. 'Anti-Semitic' theory suggests that one party–often the dominant, duplicitous, and aggressive one– is endowed with moral superiority in the struggle for political power and self-determination. This inculcated myth is an oversized kosher lie.

anonymous [387] Disclaimer , says: November 17, 2020 at 7:56 pm GMT • 60 minutes ago
@Cauchemar du Singe . So do not knowingly set up equals to Allah ˹in worship˺ .

And if you are in doubt about what We have revealed to Our servant, then produce a sûrah like it and call your helpers other than Allah, if what you say is true.

But if you are unable to do so -- and you will never be able to do so -- then fear the Fire fuelled with people and stones, which is prepared for the disbelievers .

May your hate consume you in this world, while the fire of Hell awaits your kind with much anticipation.

On the Day We will say to Hell, "Have you been filled?" and it will say, "Are there some more?"

anon [148] Disclaimer , says: November 17, 2020 at 7:59 pm GMT • 57 minutes ago

Just like any cancer, it finally kills it's host, and it goes down with it.
Some day , the cure will come , and the world will be rid of it's foremost problem

AReply , says: November 17, 2020 at 7:59 pm GMT • 57 minutes ago

Dazzling! Fascinating!

This narrative of the poor enslaved USA, beholden to Isreal is openly contradictory to our manifest galactic power -- something, something middle-east energy and minerals, geopolitics Whatever Boring!

As to heartache of Obama: While Isreal working him over through the derp state double agent Rahm, U.S. Republicans shit on the President's head continuously, en masse for his entire tenure and thwarted with open bigotry and contempt his every attempt to execute thoroughly Republican policy!

So yes, Zion, and Republicans. Both a great threat to USA and democracy.

Pat Kittle , says: November 17, 2020 at 8:05 pm GMT • 51 minutes ago

JOE BIDEN receives a MOMENTO from the JEW LOBBY

Old Joe's most humiliating (& revealing) experience
was immediately consigned to the Memory Hole:
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

"I HAVE NOTHING TO OFFER YOU BUT BROKEN GLASS," Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu addressed US Vice President Biden during an after-dinner ceremony in Jerusalem on March 9, 2010.

Netanyahu had prepared a symbolic gift for visiting Vice President JoeBiden: a framed document announcing that several trees were planted in Jerusalem in memory of Biden's mother, a loyal supporter of Israel.

But with Biden's mission to persuade the Israeli government to begin shrinking Greater Israel back to its pre-1967 borders, Netanyahu leaned on thepresent (NOT "accidentally" as reported by the Jew-owned press) and shattered the glass frame.

Then came Netanyahu's cyptic warning and by way of indirection, a threat to Obama: "I have one thing to offer you right now, and it's broken glass." [ViewFull Photo Here.]

It got worse. At a later tour of Israel's Holocaust memorial museum, Yad Vashem, the lights in the Hall of Remembrance "unexpectedly" went out as a prayer for the dead was chanted.

Catching Biden's security detail by surprise as they anxiously stood forover 60 seconds in utter darkness, only the "eternal fire" that honored the Jewish dead spread its ominous light upon the Biden contingent.

By the time the lights flickered back on, Biden's Middle East fortunes were sealed with an Israeli announcement that it would build 1,600 new homes for Jewish settlers, ignoring US and Palestinian objections. On Biden's departure for Jordan, Ha'aretz reported that Israel plans to build 50,000 new homes in East Jerusalem over the next three years.

The "broken glass" and the "moments of darkness" that Biden experienced were not chance events. Nothing happens at official Israeli gatherings that is not carefully planned and orchestrated in advance. And in spite of Biden's groveling before Netanyahu and Peres, with vows of Israel being the "centerpiece of US policy," the Vice President's cowering was met with glassy eyes by the leaders of the "master race."

Symbolic acts, such as the breaking of a glass by a Jewish groom beforemaking vows of faithfulness to his bride at every Jewish wedding, are part of Jewish tradition. When the Jewish groom crushes the glass beneath his rightfoot, he silently pledges to avenge the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem and wage war on all those who would perpetuate that destruction .

-- ( )

sarz , says: November 17, 2020 at 8:08 pm GMT • 48 minutes ago

Trump hasn't just been dealing with Jews his whole life. The Trumps are Jews, as Trump's elder brother told his frat brothers at his Jewish fraternity at college. What Trump did for Israel was done because of what he considers himself to be. But that doesn't mean he doesn't recognize something higher. He does. Himself. If he can't be a winner affirming Israel, then the hell with Israel. That's really ultimate Jewish values, right? Some have spoken of it as having no soul.

RoatanBill , says: November 17, 2020 at 8:09 pm GMT • 47 minutes ago
@anonymous e to nothing to do with the US's foreign aid scam.

Foreign aid supports dictators around the world to see things the US's way.

It provides the money to, for example, Israel, to turn that money around to purchase weapons and to bribe Congress with our own currency. In effect, the US uses foreign aid as a straw man to simply funnel money from the US gov't to the US corporate elite and Congress.

Some of the money that went to Ukraine eventually found its way back to the US in Biden's pocket along with a whole host of DNC operatives. That revelation should come out if the Justice Dept weren't part of the scam.

Z-man , says: November 17, 2020 at 8:18 pm GMT • 38 minutes ago

I z ruel The Last Superpower.

Anon [255] Disclaimer , says: November 17, 2020 at 8:21 pm GMT • 35 minutes ago

Must be, look at what theyve gotten away with. COVID race specific biowar. 9/11. Theres no terrorism, only Israel going for world domination. USS Liberty. Murder of Patton. On and on.

Ugetit , says: November 17, 2020 at 8:22 pm GMT • 34 minutes ago

Silly childish response

You want a silly childish response?

Here you go.

Perhaps some day Whites will stop pissing and moaning and do something about their plight.

Greta Handel , says: November 17, 2020 at 8:24 pm GMT • 32 minutes ago
@Rurik " into pseudonymity by Mr. Unz's recent limit of three anonymous comments per day, tends to decay the quality of discussion in comment threads. People think that they have to mark every hydrant, and wait on each other to settle scores, rather than comment on the column. (I'm not immune!) This is what happened at Taki's, ZeroHedge, and most recently Kunstler, where the same people trudge into their pews every Monday and Friday, hear one of the same few sermons, and then start snipping.

If we didn't have a history, "Rurik," I doubt that you would have taken much interest in my #35, which you apparently still misunderstand.

sarz , says: November 17, 2020 at 8:25 pm GMT • 31 minutes ago

It's written in the Iran constitution that it is the duty of the country to fight oppression.

Ugetit , says: November 17, 2020 at 8:30 pm GMT • 26 minutes ago

Written like a true wimp bend over and take it in the ass.

By the sounds of yer squaking, you've been doing enough of that for all of us, Ram-bo. Now, step aside and let the grownups decide.

[Nov 16, 2020] How Russiagate Ruined Everything

Nov 16, 2020 |

Daniel McAdams Posted on November 15, 2020

How did the Russiagate hoax feed into the Covid hoax and then feed into the Election hoax? Ron Paul Institute Director Daniel McAdams ties them all together in this speech to the Mises Institute 's recent Lake Jackson Seminar with Ron Paul. "All of a sudden the tweets are gone, the Facebook is gone, the media is gone. Only crazy people are questioning the most pristine -- the most perfect -- election of all time." Watch it here:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity .

[Nov 15, 2020] Trump Must Out The Deep State -

Nov 15, 2020 |

Trump Must Out The Deep State

by Tyler Durden Fri, 11/13/2020 - 19:00 Twitter Facebook Reddit Email Print

Authored by Steve Brown via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

Whether the US 2020 election was truly stolen or not we will likely never know. The president himself doesn't know since he failed to purge the palace that embarked on the palace coup that has seemingly toppled him.

Booting Mark 'Raytheon' Esper after the fact simply highlights this fact.

Now, Mr. Trump will have to put on his thinking cap and grasp the Machiavellian reality of the perverse Washington cesspool he has presided over for nearly four years - and come up with a plan.

Trump can use his deal-making skills to court the Evil Empire's titular head, but what sort of deal would that be? And if Mr. Trump truly is the visionary and rogue his base believes he is, then he could disembowel the Deep State with an adroit stroke or two instead. However, with Jared Kushner as his top advisor, that's unlikely.

But if he chose to, how could Mr. Trump out Washington's Axis of Evil while avenging himself on the Beltway's swamp creatures?

Well, one major hurdle for Washington's corrupt coup class is the upcoming government shutdown. The central government runs out of Federal Reserve just-above bog roll – ie funding again -- on December 11th . The president must reliably engage Mitch McConnell in withholding any new funding agreement, and since McConnell's position is secure there is little motivation for him to provide favors now, especially when Trump is supremely vulnerable.

During the pandemic a Trump government shutdown would certainly generate massive public and major media outrage. Likewise, Mr. Trump has been most interested in keeping his promises to the people, so a government shutdown is unlikely to be in the cards.

Another option, Trump could issue executive orders to end the endless US-initiated conflicts in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq. In such a scenario, Congress would have to scramble to keep its wars going. However the new Zombie-head, major media, and US congress would certainly howl to the moon all the while. Even so, Trump could leave office with some satisfaction, knowing that he did what he promised to do, regardless of opposition from the warfare state cancer infesting the Beltway.


me title=

The United States funds about 70 percent of NATO's Cold War dinosaur existence too, with member states contributing the rest. Trump jousted with Esper over NATO, their most significant point of difference. Now the president can defund NATO with an emergency executive order – perhaps on a government shutdown basis? – at a stroke. Like ending America's endless wars, the new Zombie leader (Biden) major media, and US congress would howl to the moon all the while and ditto on Trump's satisfaction.

Now think of all the secrets Trump knows on so many issues, from Huntergate to Russiagate. Trump knows who setup George Papadopoulos and why. He knows about the Steele Dossier . Trump knows the Deep State's secrets and where the dirty laundry is hidden. If Trump truly were a visionary - as well as a rogue (not to mention patriot) - he could easily out the dirty laundry in one go. But that may be too much, creating risk for himself and his family. A more practical idea would be to covertly get the information out for "plausible denial" release later. All that's left would be to admit nothing, deny everything, and make counter-accusations.

In such interesting times, Mr. Trump has other options - even seemingly frivolous ones. He could out the facts on Hillary's emails and the related alleged FBI cover-up; or undermine any deal the Zombie's regime intends to make with Ghislaine Maxwell in order to protect powerful interests. Trump could even release all the documents, unredacted, on the John F Kennedy assassination, showing that elements within Langley's unconstitutional Criminal Intelligence Agency were involved and that the assassination was not just the work of a "lone nut" who got lucky.



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In brief, Trump's options re outing the Deep State are virtually limitless. Washington's detritus and the grifters who infest the Beltway's infernal swamp – like Biden – are of course aware of that, too. So there is a good chance some sort of deal will be cut for Trump's graceful exit, especially if rumors are true that Trump will run again in 2024.

If not... then watch out below! 6 play_arrow 3 FreemonSandlewould , 1 day ago

Have a look at the bar graphs and see if you think it confirms Biden fraud in Pennsylvania

We know. There is no doubt that the election was stolen.

All the social ques say so. All the numbers say so.

Another option, Trump could issue executive orders to end the endless US-initiated conflicts in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq. In such a scenario, Congress would have to scramble to keep its wars going.

Uh. No. They would just ignore the orders. The real orders come from the JCG. ( Jish Control Grid ). The propaganda - news agencies would be used to squelch any real propagation of these stories. It's as if this guy has been asleep. There is blatant in your face proof of election fraud yet what do we have?

cankles' server , 1 day ago

19,958 vote switch in PA from Trump to Biden. Despite being 4M votes behind. They were overwhelmed with the red tsunami.

Pic 1

Pic 2

Izzy Dunne , 22 hours ago

Ann Coulter nails it:

Talking and tweeting is not action:

John Grady , 1 day ago

Order declassification, not authorize it. Pardon Assange and Snowden. Most importantly, cease all military conflicts immediately and started bring troops home from all theaters. It might not work for long but it will make them reveal themselves by having to hit the switches to turn the war machine back on.

DanDaley , 1 day ago

Trump needs to pull out all the stops, he has nothing left to lose...put it all out there 911, Clinton murders, Epestein's pedo island -John Roberts connection, the whole damned thing. They will go after him, prison, whatever...he needs to pull no punches, none!

Same for give up your firearms, you sign your death warrant.

Reaper , 1 day ago

Withdraw all troops from Middle East and Afghanistan. Declassify and release all the CIA misdeeds back to Truman. Pardon Assange and Snowden. Release all the FBI's investigation of Biden Family.

cjones1 , 23 hours ago

Trump has just had his political generals suffer their Wilderness campaign. Who is his General U.S. Grant who see this fight through to victory?

AG Barr has lost his will to fight. Huntergate & Russiagate should have had their defendents on trial by now.

FDA & NIH have been working behind the lines and the Pfizer vaccine announcement was deliberately delayed until after the election. To add insult to injury, the Confederate camp was notified the night before the official announcement.

Biden condemned locking down egress from China in January, but now he desires to lock down the country. He has never acknowledged the origin of the CCP's Wuhan lab coronavirus (Covid 19/SARS2) pandemic, but has blamed Trump for the toll his Chinese paymasters have inflicted on America.

The deepest wounds to Trump have been inflicted by the Deep State and RINOs.

The election was rigged with pre-filled out ballot dumps, non-certification of ballots, restriction of access for observers, and fraudware counts. I wouldn't be surprised if hundreds or thousands of "You ain't Black votes" were disenfranchised by the fraud and corruption in this election. Our successful U.S. Grant will defeat such fraud. Whether that general is Rudy G., Sidney P., or some other Sherman or Sheridan remains to be seen.

With Trump's certification to reelection, his coattails may bring the Republicans a House majority and additional no runoff Senators. That day would be glorious and the take down of the Deep State, Globalist robber barons, and Socialist Confederates could commence. Trump could begin the reconstruction and the renaissance of America the Beautiful that would bring prosperity and sanity to this era of misguided forces and dishonesty which brought decades of ruin.

Mine eyes have seen the Glory in the coming of the Lord.

Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!

May the loyal Republicans kick those Democratic party Confederates and their RINO allied butts as they well deserve.

[Nov 14, 2020] This still technically ongoing electoral process has exposed many truths and confirmed a wide range of suspicions about what is actually going on inside American politics.

Highly recommended!
Nov 14, 2020 |

Authored by Tim Kirby via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Right now, the entire world sits in waiting for the final declaration of the victor in the 2020 U.S. Presidential race even if they have already officially congratulated Biden. This still technically ongoing electoral process has exposed many truths and confirmed a wide range of suspicions about what is actually going on inside American politics. How "the game is to be played" going further down the road will be determined by who wins or maybe better yet how they win. Let's break down everything we should have learned from this very unusual voting year during this brief window of uncertainty.

Democratic calls for "Healing and Unity" prove Trump has a strong case

The American Left is now crying out for " Healing and Unity " across the country which is an obvious middle school ploy to make any attempts by Trump to get fair final election results look pathetic and divisive. On the surface one would think that this is an offensive strategy from the dominant side to get the other to break, but calls for peace generally come from the one with the weaker hand.

If the Democrats were sure that Trump lost, then there would be no need to call for peace after years of demonizing anyone who doesn't agree with them. This rhetorical change is not one of triumph, but of fear. When the first partially Black President of the United States came to power the Left boldly rode this wave of political inertia starting their transformation into hardcore Progressives and while showing zero concern for the losers and "unity". For them this was a smug moment of victory, much like Trump's 2016 victory was for the right. So why would they choose to become so much more friendly all of a sudden this time?

Image: After years of hateful rhetoric why call for healing and unity now?

It seems more likely than not that this guilt tactic is being used because Trump may actually have a case and be able to get the votes counted accurately, i.e. in his favour. Moral high ground attacks from the Dems are unlikely to work as Trump has been compared to Hitler since the start of his previous electoral campaign. Appeasement for the POTUS has thus far completely failed, why would it start working now?

A Color Revolution in America is possible and may have occurred



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The Old Russian joke that a revolution could "never happen in America because there are no U.S. Embassies in Washington" has now become obsolete. The media, including even the supposedly conservative Fox News, has completely and totally given the election to Biden despite many irregularities. Not to mention, the fact that as these words are being typed – the election is not officially over.

Image: High journalistic standards in practice in the EU.

If there is one key element to a Color Revolution that must be in place for success it is control of the media. If every TV channel and news site says candidate X is the winner, then he has won regardless of votes and regardless of how many people still use said dinosaur media. They ultimately cast the big final ballot.

The rampant tampering and falsification witnessed (and often self filmed by the perpetrators) during the election looked like something you would expect to see in a "backwards third world hellhole" type of country. The manipulation was rampant, blatant and primitive.

This fact can and should be used by the nations at odds with America (Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, Syria, etc.) in perpetuity as proof that the U.S. never had, nor should have, some sort of democracy-based moral authority over anyone else. America's own Color Revolution delegitimizes any attempts to spread regime change via media elsewhere across the globe .

The Dynamic between the Republicans and Democrats has changed forever.

Donald Trump has changed the Republican Party, from the party of Businessmen and a defensive Upper Middleclass with a sprinkling of Social Conservatism speaking almost exclusively to a White audience into a populist party that offers a Right Wing emotional vision to the multi-ethnic America that we live in today.

The shift in concept of the Republican Party is so severe that Trump's influence has had the same or maybe even a greater effect that "The Southern Strategy" ever did. Around ten or fifteen years ago it looked like America would evolve into a one-party state due to demographics and the inability of Republicans to appeal to non-Whites. If polls can be trusted, at the very least Trump has doubled the amount of Black Americans who voted for him last time and was able to persuade ⅓ of Latinos to vote for him despite building "The Wall". Looking back on the 2016 election it is easy to see these huge gains, in groups that the Democrats took for granted as "theirs".

In contrast to Trump's vision of a pro-Consitution, somewhat Libertarian populous party the Democrats have doubled down on hardcore Progressive positions. If the Dems used to represent the working man in a White vs. Blue collar America battle, they have now shifted over to being a Postmodernist circus of race, gender and sexual orientation baiting with a sprinkle of environmentalism via taxation as icing on the cake.

These are two radically different messages in direct opposition to each other, and the parties are no longer "two sides of the same coin", being two slightly different takes on the Liberalism laid down by the Founding Fathers. This is probably why things have gotten so unusually ugly, American politics may have become truly "winner take all" .

Enemy Lists are Proof of Extremism

When Richard Nixon's enemy list was discovered it shocked America. How could such an important politician try to crush those who disagreed with him? Those are the actions of a monsterous dictator, how horribly unamerican! Well the Overton Window has certainly shifted since the 1970's and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's call to create the same type of political repression of her enemies was met with mostly applause over Twitter.

Image: The Enlightenment is dead and we killed it.

Now a " Trump Accountability Project " has already sprung up based on her words to make sure that everyone who supported Trump will be somehow punished. From having their noses rubbed in it, to having their lives ruined by being doxed, harassed, etc.

This idea of creating a Black List of people to punish, is the line where passion for an ideology turns into a form of Extremism. This along with the intimidation tactics used by Antifa are proof that the Democratic Left now has demonstrably Extremist views .

The key issue with Extremists is that you cannot make any agreement with them as they see their opponents as subhuman and/or evil. Trump over the last 4 years has made the massive mistake of trying to "playball". The problem is that one cannot do so with people who have fanatical views. Making concessions to those with Extremist views is basically just tightening the noose around your own neck. Trump, if he survives this needs to understand that this is political war not political games.

Image: The election results are "counted" by those with the money to broadcast the results. Trump needs to break the monopoly.

Trump & The Right need to invest in a Media Empire

The homogeneity of the American news media has become Orwellian. Trump and other like-minded billionaires need to put together a countervoice on their own dime. The Trump Presidency would be doing much better if a billion dollar news outlet was on his side fighting back. There are many media experts with the experience needed (including and especially the author of this piece) who could get this done quickly and effectively.



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The Million MAGA March will surely turn violent and that violence will be exploited for political gains.

Image: The big march is coming, but who would honestly expect it to go peacefully?

Leaders that have survived Color Revolution attempts like Venezuela's Maduro and Belarus's Lukashenko have one thing in common – massive public support. At the very least a massive public showing for the Dear Orange Leader wouldn't hurt but if Antifa were to show up to fight, the event could be exploited by the Right for all sorts of political action. Just because Trump's views seem much more human and reasonable compared to SJWs does not make him a saint. This event will be manipulated to the utmost.

Congratulating Biden is proof of approval of or submission to Washington.

Image: Weaker and more loyal "allies" jumped at the chance to acknowledge Biden's victory.

Some nations have already congratulated Biden, whereas America's two "big dog" enemies, Russia and China, and many other disgruntled parties have not [ZH: China has since congratulated Biden]. This willingness to congratulate Biden, supporting the legitimacy of the elections as the Mainstream Media reported them is very telling to say the least.

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_arrow 6 Thinking123 , 9 hours ago

I do believe that there was a lot of fraud and cheating. Because Biden was as dumb as hell and didn't he talk in empty places.

A recount is definitely necessary, to expose the corrupt voting system and software that were used. Because if they are not exposed, they will do it again and again. Just like they did it to Bernie votes in 2016 primaries.

I don't think that he is the greatest President in US history, he has been Israel first and has given everything to them. He Made Israel Great Again.

Ancient Handicapper , 2 hours ago

Thinking, I would not be the least surprised to discover the Republicans committed some of that "fraud" voting you refer to. Republicans are famous for their "Dirty Tricks," and voting tricks are not beyond their ken. Why are so many people seeing only the Dems as having possibly cheated?

moonshadow , 1 hour ago

Republicans cheated Ron Paul. So what you say may be true. More likely Democrats, problem, no prejudice, let's expose it ALL

rphb , 7 hours ago

The problem is, even IF he still can expose this fraud and get 4 more years, the US is done. The fact that so many thousands of Democrats, from normal postal workers, to governors and anything in between have felt perfectly justified in cheating to get their way is proof that the US is broken beyond repair.

...America have long since passed the point of no return. There is only controlled default or hyperinflation left, and the former requires a fidget of responsibility so the US is sure to choose the later.

The industrial base is gone, and what made America great, its freedoms, its ethics and its proud men and women, no longer exist

XanII , 7 hours ago

Called super trends. The youth is corrupted beyond repair and newcomers will come with specific goals in mind. The ammo box will be the last one remaining unless seccessions succeed better. i doubt that.

dont stare at the beam , 6 hours ago

The problem is not whether he can expose the fraud or not. The problem is that he is part of the fraud.

He never fought for the people.
2 play_arrow 2

[Nov 13, 2020] Neocons Poised to Join New Government by Phil Geraldi

Notable quotes:
"... It would not be overstating the case to suggest that the neoconservative movement has now been born again, though the enemy is now the unreliable Trumpean-dominated Republican Party rather than Saddam Hussein or Ayatollah Khomeini. ..."
"... The transition has also been aided by a more aggressive shift among the Democrats themselves, with Russiagate and other “foreign interference” being blamed for the party’s failure in 2016. ..."
"... The unifying principle that ties many of the mostly Jewish neocons together is, of course, unconditional defense of Israel and everything it does, which leads them to support a policy of American global military dominance which they presume will inter alia serve as a security umbrella for the Jewish state. ..."
"... That change has now occurred and the surge of neocons to take up senior positions in the defense, intelligence and foreign policy agencies will soon take place. In my notes on the neocon revival, I have dubbed the brave new world that the neocons hope to create in Washington as the “Kaganate of Nulandia” after two of the more prominent neocon aspirants, Robert Kagan and Victoria Nuland. ..."
"... A Dick Cheney and Hillary Clinton protégé, Nuland openly sought regime change for Ukraine by brazenly supporting government opponents in spite of the fact that Washington and Kiev had ostensibly friendly relations. Her efforts were backed by a $5 billion budget, but she is perhaps most famous for her foul language when referring to the potential European role in managing the unrest that she and the National Endowment for Democracy had helped create. The replacement of the government in Kiev was only the prelude to a sharp break and escalating conflict with Moscow over Russia’s attempts to protect its own interests in Ukraine, most particularly in Crimea. ..."
"... A lot of the neocons are Russian Jews who grew up in households that were Bolshevik communists. They're idea of spreading democracy goes back to Trotsky who tried to spread communism through the Soviet Union. Their hatred toward Russia dates back to their ancestors feudal days under the Tsars and the pogroms they suffered and the ice pick Trotsky got to the head. ..."
"... Obama's deep state lied, people died: ..."
"... I've never quite figured out the "neocon" ideology, beyond the fact that neocons seem devoted to the sort of status quo present in Washington, D.C. during the three administrations prior to Trump. Military adventurism, nation-building, and interventionist foreign policy, all based on nebulous concepts which are applied unevenly around the world. ..."
"... The Neocon movement seems to have morphed into nothing more than a club for bullies trying to one up each other. ..."
"... "It makes no difference what men think of war, said the judge. War endures. As well ask men what they think of stone. War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner. That is the way it was and will be. That way and not some other way." ..."
"... Neocons don't really prefer war, so much as they prefer overseas "engagements" that may look like war and smell like war. All that's missing in neocon military operations is a defined end state. ..."
Nov 13, 2020 |

Donald Trump was much troubled during his 2016 and 2020 campaigns by so-called conservatives who rallied behind the #NeverTrump banner, presumably in opposition to his stated intention to end or at least diminish America’s role in wars in the Middle East and Asia. Those individuals are generally described as neoconservatives but the label is itself somewhat misleading and they might more properly be described as liberal warmongers as they are closer to the Democrats than the Republicans on most social issues and are now warming up even more as the new Joe Biden Administration prepares to take office.

To be sure, some neocons stuck with the Republicans, to include the highly controversial Elliott Abrams, who initially opposed Trump but is now the point man for dealing with both Venezuela and Iran. Abrams’ conversion reportedly took place when he realized that the new president genuinely embraced unrelenting hostility towards Iran as exemplified by the ending of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and the assassination of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad. John Bolton was also a neocon in the White House fold, though he is now a frenemy having been fired by the president and written a book.

Even though the NeverTrumper neocons did not succeed in blocking Donald Trump in 2016, they have been maintaining relevancy by slowly drifting back towards the Democratic Party, which is where they originated back in the 1970s in the office of the Senator from Boeing Henry “Scoop” Jackson. A number of them started their political careers there, to include leading neocon Richard Perle.

It would not be overstating the case to suggest that the neoconservative movement has now been born again, though the enemy is now the unreliable Trumpean-dominated Republican Party rather than Saddam Hussein or Ayatollah Khomeini.

The transition has also been aided by a more aggressive shift among the Democrats themselves, with Russiagate and other “foreign interference” being blamed for the party’s failure in 2016. Given that mutual intense hostility to Trump, the doors to previously shunned liberal media outlets have now opened wide to the stream of foreign policy “experts” who want to “restore a sense of the heroic” to U.S. national security policy. Eliot A. Cohen and David Frum are favored contributors to the Atlantic while Bret Stephens and Bari Weiss were together at the New York Times prior to Weiss’s recent resignation.

Jennifer Rubin, who wrote in 2016 that “It is time for some moral straight talk: Trump is evil incarnate,” is a frequent columnist for The Washington Post while both she and William Kristol appear regularly on MSNBC.

The unifying principle that ties many of the mostly Jewish neocons together is, of course, unconditional defense of Israel and everything it does, which leads them to support a policy of American global military dominance which they presume will inter alia serve as a security umbrella for the Jewish state. In the post-9/11 world, the neocon media’s leading publication The Weekly Standard virtually invented the concept of “Islamofascism” to justify endless war in the Middle East, a development that has killed millions of Muslims, destroyed at least three nations, and cost the U.S. taxpayer more than $5 trillion. The Israel connection has also resulted in neocon support for an aggressive policy against Russia due to its involvement in Syria and has led to repeated calls for the U.S. to attack Iran and destroy Hezbollah in Lebanon. In Eastern Europe, neocon ideologues have aggressively sought “democracy promotion,” which, not coincidentally, has also been a major Democratic Party foreign policy objective.

The neocons are involved in a number of foundations, the most prominent of which is the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), that are funded by Jewish billionaires. FDD is headed by Canadian Mark Dubowitz and it is reported that the group takes direction coming from officials in the Israeli Embassy in Washington. Other major neocon incubators are the American Enterprise Institute, which currently is the home of Paul Wolfowitz, and the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at John Hopkins University. The neocon opposition has been sniping against Trump over the past four years but has been biding its time and building new alliances, waiting for what it has perceived to be an inevitable regime change in Washington.

That change has now occurred and the surge of neocons to take up senior positions in the defense, intelligence and foreign policy agencies will soon take place. In my notes on the neocon revival, I have dubbed the brave new world that the neocons hope to create in Washington as the “Kaganate of Nulandia” after two of the more prominent neocon aspirants, Robert Kagan and Victoria Nuland.

Robert was one of the first neocons to get on the NeverTrump band wagon back in 2016 when he endorsed Hillary Clinton for president and spoke at a Washington fundraiser for her, complaining about the “isolationist” tendency in the Republican Party exemplified by Trump. His wife Victoria Nuland is perhaps better known. She was the driving force behind efforts to destabilize the Ukrainian government of President Viktor Yanukovych. Yanukovych, an admittedly corrupt autocrat, nevertheless became Prime Minister after a free election. Nuland, who was the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the State Department, provided open support to the Maidan Square demonstrators opposed to Yanukovych’s government, to include media friendly appearances passing out cookies on the square to encourage the protesters.

A Dick Cheney and Hillary Clinton protégé, Nuland openly sought regime change for Ukraine by brazenly supporting government opponents in spite of the fact that Washington and Kiev had ostensibly friendly relations. Her efforts were backed by a $5 billion budget, but she is perhaps most famous for her foul language when referring to the potential European role in managing the unrest that she and the National Endowment for Democracy had helped create. The replacement of the government in Kiev was only the prelude to a sharp break and escalating conflict with Moscow over Russia’s attempts to protect its own interests in Ukraine, most particularly in Crimea.

And, to be sure, beyond regime change in places like Ukraine, President Barack Obama was no slouch when it came to starting actual shooting wars in places like Libya and Syria while also killing people, including American citizens, using drones. Biden appears poised to inherit many former Obama White House senior officials, who would consider the eager-to-please neoconservatives a comfortable fit as fellow foot soldiers in the new administration. Foreign policy hawks expected to have senior positions in the Biden Administration include Antony Blinken, Nicholas Burns, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Samantha Power and, most important of all the hawkish Michele Flournoy, who has been cited as a possible secretary of defense. And don’t count Hillary Clinton out. Biden is reportedly getting his briefings on the Middle East from Dan Shapiro, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel, who now lives in the Jewish state and is reportedly working for an Israeli government supported think tank, the Institute for National Security Studies.

Nowhere in Biden’s possible foreign policy circle does one find anyone who is resistant to the idea of worldwide interventionism in support of claimed humanitarian objectives, even if it would lead to a new cold war with major competitor powers like Russia and China. In fact, Biden himself appears to embrace an extremely bellicose view on a proper relationship with both Moscow and Beijing “claiming that he is defending democracy against its enemies.” His language is unrelenting, so much so that it is Donald Trump who could plausibly be described as the peace candidate in the recently completed election, having said at the Republican National Convention in August “Joe Biden spent his entire career outsourcing their dreams and the dreams of American workers, offshoring their jobs, opening their borders and sending their sons and daughters to fight in endless foreign wars, wars that never ended.”

Polish Janitor , 13 November 2020 at 11:34 AM

It should be noted that the return of "neocons" does not mean the return of people like Wolfowitz, Ladeen, Feith, Kristol who are more "straussian" than "liberal/internationalist", but those like Nuland, Rice, Sam Powell, Petraeus, Flournoy, heck even Hilary Clinton as UN Ambassador who are CFR-type liberal interventionist than pure military hawks such as Bolton or Mike Flynn.

These liberal internationalists, as opposed to straussian neocons, will intervene in collaboration with EU/NATO/QUAD (i.e. multilaterally) in the name upholding human rights and toppling authoritarianism, rather than for oil, WMDs, or similar concrete objectives. In very simple terms, the new Biden administration's foreign policy will be none other than the return to "endless wars" for nation-building purposes first and last.

fakebot , 13 November 2020 at 11:43 AM

The name Kagan is the Russianized version of the name Cohen. He was going to be McCain's NSA had he been elected. They pulled a stunt with the Bush admin to make Obama look weak by pushing Georgia into war with Russia in 2008. Sakaasvili, the president of Georgia, was literally eating his own tie:

A lot of the neocons are Russian Jews who grew up in households that were Bolshevik communists. They're idea of spreading democracy goes back to Trotsky who tried to spread communism through the Soviet Union. Their hatred toward Russia d