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Jul 26, 2020 | www.unz.com
obwandiyag , says: July 23, 2020 at 11:44 pm GMT
@Wade onal murderers, do ya?Wade , says: July 24, 2020 at 2:24 pm GMTYou're right about the rich eating our lunch.
But you're wrong about Marines. They kill people for a living. Innocent people. Like Iraqis. And Afghans. Anyone who thinks that murdering Iraqis and Afghans, who never did nothing to Americans, nor Vietnamese, who also did nothing to Americans, or, as Cassius Clay said, "I ain't got nothing against no Vietcong." And he didn't. Because he was an American. So, I thank the service of conscientious objectors, draft dodgers, and deserters. They are the real heroes. Takes much more bravery to go against the dumbass belligerent society you are unfortunately born into. Oh, fuck it, you'll never understand.
@obwandiyag ompletely object to our whole response to 911 as it was indeed a false flag.If so many people were so easily fooled in the US by our "American Pravda" including myself, how can I hold it against an 18 year old or some other kid who hasn't even gone to college that he too cannot see through the dense haze of lies bellowed by those who rule over us? So yes, I admire their bravery but I want desperately for the US military to withdraw from the Middle East (and most everywhere else) and return home to protect us and only us from any real invasion should it ever occur.
We need a) a good military and b) honest leadership. We have the former but not the latter.
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Jul 26, 2020 | www.zerohedge.com
Patriotic Dissent: How A Working-Class Soldier Turned Against "Forever Wars"
by Tyler Durden Sat, 07/25/2020 - 00:05 Twitter Facebook Reddit Email Print
Authored by Steve Early and Suzanne Gordon via Counterpunch.org,
When it comes to debate about US military policy, the 2020 presidential election campaign is so far looking very similar to that of 2016. Joe Biden has pledged to ensure that "we have the strongest military in the world," promising to "make the investments necessary to equip our troops for the challenges of the next century, not the last one."
In the White House, President Trump is repeating the kind of anti-interventionist head feints that won him votes four years ago against a hawkish Hillary Clinton. In his recent graduation address at West Point, Trump re-cycled applause lines from 2016 about "ending an era of endless wars" as well as America's role as "policeman of the world."
In reality, since Trump took office, there's been no reduction in the US military presence abroad, which last year required a Pentagon budget of nearly $740 billion. As military historian and retired career officer Andrew Bacevich notes , "endless wars persist (and in some cases have even intensified ); the nation's various alliances and its empire of overseas bases remain intact; US troops are still present in something like 140 countries ; Pentagon and national security state spending continues to increase astronomically ."
When the National Defense Authorization Act for the next fiscal year came before Congress this summer, Senator Bernie Sanders proposed a modest 10 percent reduction in military spending so $70 billion could be re-directed to domestic programs. Representative Barbara Lee introduced a House resolution calling for $350 billion worth of DOD cuts. Neither proposal has gained much traction, even among Democrats on Capitol Hill. Instead, the House Armed Services Committee just voted 56 to 0 to spend $740. 5 billion on the Pentagon in the coming year, prefiguring the outcome of upcoming votes by the full House and Senate.
An Appeal to ConscienceEven if Biden beats Trump in November, efforts to curb US military spending will face continuing bi-partisan resistance. In the never-ending work of building a stronger anti-war movement, Pentagon critics, with military credentials, are invaluable allies. Daniel Sjursen, a 37-year old veteran of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan is one such a critic. Inspired in part by the much-published Bacevich, Sjursen has just written a new book called Patriotic Dissent: America in the Age of Endless War (Heyday Books)
Patriotic Dissent is a short volume, just 141 pages, but it packs the same kind of punch as Howard Zinn's classic 1967 polemic, Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal . Like Zinn, who became a popular historian after his service in World War II, Sjursen skillfully debunks the conventional wisdom of the foreign policy establishment, and the military's own current generation of "yes men for another war power hungry president." His appeal to the conscience of fellow soldiers, veterans, and civilians is rooted in the unusual arc of an eighteen-year military career. His powerful voice, political insights, and painful personal reflections offer a timely reminder of how costly, wasteful, and disastrous our post 9/11 wars have been.
Sjursen has the distinction of being a graduate of West Point, an institution that produces few political dissenters. He grew up in a fire-fighter family on working class Staten Island. Even before enrolling at the Academy at age 17, he was no stranger to what he calls "deep-seated toxically masculine patriotism." As a newly commissioned officer in 2005, he was still a "burgeoning neo-conservative and George W. Bush admirer" and definitely not, he reports, any kind of "defeatist liberal, pacifist, or dissenter."
Sjursen's initial experience in combat -- vividly described in his first book, Ghost Riders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of The Surge (University Press of New England) -- "occurred at the statistical height of sectarian strife" in Iraq.
A Professional Soldier"The horror, the futility, the farce of that war was the turning point in my life," Sjursen writes in Patriotic Dissent .
When he returned, at age 24, from his "brutal, ghastly deployment" as a platoon leader, he "knew that the war was built on lies, ill-advised, illegal, and immoral." This "unexpected, undesired realization generated profound doubts about the course and nature of the entire American enterprise in the Greater Middle East -- what was then unapologetically labeled the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT)."
By the time Sjursen landed in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, in early 2011, he had been promoted to captain but "no longer believed in anything we were doing."
He was, he confesses, "simply a professional soldier -- a mercenary, really -- on a mandatory mission I couldn't avoid. Three more of my soldiers died, thirty-plus were wounded, including a triple amputee, and another over-dosed on pain meds after our return."
Despite his disillusionment, Sjursen had long dreamed of returning to West Point to teach history. He applied for and won that highly competitive assignment, which meant the Army had to send him to grad school first. He ended up getting credentialed, while living out of uniform, in the "People's Republic of Lawrence, Kansas, a progressive oasis in an intolerant, militarist sea of Republican red." During his studies at the state university, Sjursen found an intellectual framework for his "own doubts about and opposition to US foreign policy." He completed his first book, Ghost Riders , which combines personal memoir with counter-insurgency critique. Amazingly enough, it was published in 2015, while he was still on active duty, but with "almost no blowback" from superior officers.
Before retiring as a major four years later, Sjursen pushed the envelope further, by writing more than 100 critical articles for TomDispatch and other civilian publications. He was no longer at West Point so that body of work triggered "a grueling, stressful, and scary four-month investigation"by the brass at Fort Leavenworth, during which the author was subjected to "a non-publication order." At risk were his career, military pension, and benefits. He ended up receiving only a verbal admonishment for violating a Pentagon rule against publishing words "contemptuous of the President of the United States." His "PTSD and co-occurring diagnoses" helped him qualify for a medical retirement last year.
Sjursen has now traded his "identity as a soldier -- the only identity I've known in my adult life -- for that of an anti-war, anti-imperialist, social justice crusader," albeit one who did not attend his first protest rally until he was thirty-two years old. With several left-leaning comrades, he started Fortress on A Hill, a lively podcast about military affairs and veterans' issues. He's a frequent, funny, and always well-informed guest on progressive radio and cable-TV shows, as well as a contributing editor at Antiwar.com , and a contributor to a host of mainstream liberal publications. This year, the Lannan Foundation made him a cultural freedom fellow.
In Patriotic Dissent , Sjursen not only recounts his own personal trajectory from military service to peace activism. He shows how that intellectual journey has been informed by reading and thinking about US history, the relationship between civil society and military culture, the meaning of patriotism, and the price of dissent.
One historical figure he admires is Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler, the recipient of two Medals of Honor for service between 1898 and 1931. Following his retirement, Butler sided with the poor and working-class veterans who marched on Washington to demand World War I bonus payments. And he wrote a best-selling Depression-era memoir, which famously declared that "war is just a racket" and lamented his own past role as "a high-class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street, and for the Bankers."
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Sjursen contrasts Butler's anti-interventionist whistle-blowing, nearly a century ago, with the silence of high-ranking veterans today after "nineteen years of ill-advised, remarkably unsuccessful American wars." Among friends and former West Point classmates, he knows many still serving who "obediently resign themselves to continued combat deployments" because they long ago "stopped asking questions about their own role in perpetuating and enabling a counter-productive, inertia-driven warfare state."
Sjursen looks instead to small left-leaning groups like Veterans for Peace and About Face: Veterans Against the War (formerly Iraq Veterans Against the War), and Bring Our Troops Home. US, a network of veterans influenced by the libertarian right. Each in, its own way, seeks to "reframe dissent, against empire and endless war, as the truest form of patriotism." But actually taming the military-industrial complex will require "big-tent, intersectional action from civilian and soldier alike," on a much larger scale. One obstacle to that, he believes, is the societal divide between the "vast majority of citizens who have chosen not to serve" in the military and the "one percent of their fellow citizens on active duty," who then become part of "an increasingly insular, disconnected, and sometimes sententious post-9/11 veteran community."
Not many on the left favor a return to conscription.
But Sjursen makes it clear there's been a downside to the U.S. replacing "citizen soldiering" with "a tiny professional warrior caste," created in response to draft-driven dissent against the Vietnam War, inside and outside the military. As he observes:
"Nothing so motivates a young adult to follow foreign policy, to weigh the advisability or morality of an ongoing war as the possibility of having to put 'skin in the game.' Without at least the potential requirement to serve in the military and in one of America's now countless wars, an entire generation -- or really two, since President Nixon ended the draft in 1973–has had the luxury of ignoring the ills of U.S. foreign policy, to distance themselves from its reality ."
At a time when the U.S. "desperately needs a massive, public, empowered anti-war and anti-imperial wave" sweeping over the country, we have instead a "civil-military" gap that, Sjursen believes, has "stifled antiwar and anti-imperial dissent and seemingly will continue to do so." That's why his own mission is to find more "socially conscious veterans of these endless, fruitless wars" who are willing to "step up and form a vanguard of sorts for revitalized patriotic dissent." Readers of Sjursen's book, whether new recruits to that vanguard or longtime peace activists, will find Patriotic Dissent to be an invaluable educational tool. It should be required reading in progressive study groups, high school and college history classes, and book clubs across the country . Let's hope that the author's willingness to take personal risks, re-think his view of the world, and then work to change it will inspire many others, in uniform and out.
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Justus_Americans , 59 minutes agoCat Daddy , 1 hour agoDo we need to be in 160 countries with our military and can we afford it?
dogbert8 , 1 hour agoI am all for bringing the troops home except for this one unnerving truth; nature abhors a vacuum, specifically, when we pull out, China moves in. A world dominated by the CCP will be a dangerous place to be. When we leave, we will need to make sure our bases are safely in the hands of our friends.
TheLastMan , 2 hours agoWar is effectively the way the U.S. has done business since the Spanish American War, our first imperial conquests. War is how we ensure big business has the materials and markets they demand in return for their support of political parties and candidates. War is the only area left with opportunities for growth and profit. Don't think for a minute that TPTB will ever let us stop waging war to get what we (they) want.
Anonymous IX , 2 hours agoIf you are new to zh all you need to do is study PNAC and the related nature of all parties to understand the criminality of USA militarization and for whose benefit it serves
Max21c , 1 hour agoI have written many times on this platform the exact same sentiments.
I am most disheartened by the COVID + Antifa/BLM Riots because of the facts this author presents.
We are distracted with emotional and highly volatile MASSIVELY PROPAGANDIZED stories by MSM (I don't watch) while the real problem in the world is as the author describes above.
We are war-mongering nation who needs to bring our troops home and disband over half of our overseas installations and bases.
We have no right to levy economic sanctions to impoverish, sicken, and weaken the citizens of Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, or anywhere else.
Yet, we run around arguing about masks and who can go into a restaurant or toppling statutes and throwing mortar-type fireworks at federal officers. This is what we do instead of facing a real problem which is that we are war-mongering nation with no moral/ethical conscience. These scraggily bearded white Antifas need to WTFU and realize who their true enemy.
Oh, wait. They work for the true enemy! Get it?
IronForge , 2 hours agoWe have no right to levy economic sanctions to impoverish, sicken, and weaken the citizens of Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, or anywhere else.
I don't agree with the economic sanctions nonsense thing as they seem to be more of a crutch for people that are not any good at planning, strategy, analytical thinking, critical thinking, strategic thinking, and lack much in the way of talent or creativity or intellectual acumen or intellectual skills...I believe there's around just shy of 10k economic sanctions by Washington...
But the USA does have the right to receive or refuse to receive foreign Ambassadors and Consuls and to recognize or not recognize other nations governments thus it does have some degrees of the right to not trade or engage in commerce with other nations to a certain extent... per imports and exports... et cetera... though it's not necessarily an absolute right or power
Ink Pusher , 2 hours agoSjursen may admire General Butler; but he doesn't seem to know that several of the General's Descendants Served in the US Military.
Sjursen isn't Butler. The General Prevented a Coup in his Time.
The USA are a Hegemony whose KleptOchlarchs overtook the Original Constitutional Republic.
PetroUSD, MIC, Corporate Expansion-Conquest, AgriGMO, and Pharma Interests Span the Globe.
Wars are Rackets; and Societies to Nation-States have waged them over Real Estate, Natural Resources, Trade Routes, Industrial Capacity, Slavery, Suppresive Spite, Religious/Ideological Zeal, Economic Preservation, and Profiteering Greed.
YET, Militaries are still formed by Nation-States to Survive and for Some - Thrive above such Competitive Existenstential Threats.
The Hegemony are running up against New Shifts in Global Power, Systems, and Influences; and are about to Lose their Unilateral Advantages. The Hegemon themselves may suffer Societal Collapses Within.
Sjursen should read up on Chalmers Johnson. Instead of trying to Coordinate Ineffective Peace Demonstrations, the Entire Voting/Political Contribution/Candidacy Schemes should be Separated from the Oligarchy of Plutocrats and Corporate/Political KleptOchlarchs.
Without Bringing the Votes back to the Collective Hands of Citizenry Interests First and Foremost, the Republic are Forever Conquered; and the Ethical may have to resort to Emigration and/or Secession.
gzorp , 2 hours agoNobody rides for free,there's always a cost and those who can't pay in bullion will often pay in bodily fluids of one form or another.
Profiteers that create warfare for profit are simply parasitical criminals and should not be considered a "special breed" when weighed upon the Scales of Justice.
A DUDE , 2 hours agoRead 'Starship Troopers' by Robert A Heinlein (1959) pay especial attention to the "History and Moral Philosophy" courses... that's where his predictions for the future course of 'America's' future appear.... rather accurately. Heinlein was a 1930's graduate of Annapolis (Navy for you dindus and nohabs).....
sbin , 2 hours agot's not just the war machine but the entire system, the corporatocracy, of which the MIC is a part. And there is no way to change the system from within the system because whatever is anti-establishment becomes absorbed and neutered and part of the system.
So why would anyone vote is my question? 11. Trump and Biden Are Far Right of Center and Running to Offenbach Nearly Every Day
BarkingWolf , 2 hours agoTulsi Gabbard ran on anti interventionism foreign policy.
Look how fast the DNC disappeared her.
Of course destroying Kamala Harris in a debate and going after the ancient evil Hitlery sealed her fate.
Amendment X , 2 hours agoIn reality, since Trump took office, there's been no reduction in the US military presence abroad, which last year required a Pentagon budget of nearly $740 billion. As military historian and retired career officer Andrew Bacevich notes , "endless wars persist (and in some cases have even intensified ); the nation's various alliances and its empire of overseas bases remain intact; US troops are still present in something like 140 countries ; Pentagon and national security state spending continues to increase astronomically ."
Now wait just a minute there mister, that sounds like criticism of the Donald John PBUH PBUH PBUH ... you can't do that ... the cult followers will call you a leftist and a commie if you point out stuff like that even if it is objectively true! That's strike one, punk.
An Appeal to Conscience
Even if Biden beats Trump in November, efforts to curb US military spending will face continuing bi-partisan resistance.
November doesn't have anything to do with anything really. The appeal to conscience is wasted. The appeal would be better spent on removing the political class that is on the AIPAC dole and have dual citizenship in a foreign country in the ME while pretending to serve America while they are members of Congress. That's only the tip of the spear ... and that is a nonstarter from the get go.
Sjursen skillfully debunks the conventional wisdom of the foreign policy establishment, and the military's own current generation of "yes men for another war power hungry president."
I don't think Trump is necessarily a war power hungry president. While it is true that we have not withdrawn from Syria and basically stole their oil as Trump has repeated promised he would do, it is also true that Trump has yet to deliver Israels war with Iran and in fact had called back an invasion of Iran ten minutes before a flotilla of US warships was about to set sail to ignite such an invasion leaving Tel Aviv not only aggrieved, but angry as well.Sjursen has now traded his "identity as a soldier -- the only identity I've known in my adult life -- for that of an anti-war, anti-imperialist, social justice crusader," albeit one who did not attend his first protest rally until he was thirty-two years old. With several left-leaning comrades ...
Okay, this is where you are starting to lose me .... i't like listening to a concert and suddenly the music is hitting sour notes that are off key, off tempo, and don't seem to fit somehow.
Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler, the recipient of two Medals of Honor for service between 1898 and 1931. Following his retirement, Butler sided with the poor and working-class veterans who marched on Washington to demand World War I bonus payments. And he wrote a best-selling Depression-era memoir, which famously declared that "war is just a racket" and lamented his own past role as "a high-class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street, and for the Bankers."
"On July 28, 1932, at the command of Gen. Douglas MacArthur, they marched down Pennsylvania Avenue toward the Capitol to launch an attack on World War I veterans. " https://www.stripes.com/news/us/the-veterans-were-desperate-gen-macarthur-ordered-us-troops-to-attack-them-1.480665
Butler was correct, war especially nowadays, is a racket that makes rich people who never seem to get their hands dirty, even richer. As one grunt put it long ago, "it's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it."
That "somebody" is going to be the kids of the little people (the real high-class muscle-men ) who are hated by their political class overlords even as the political class are worshipped as gods.
Sjursen looks instead to small left-leaning groups like Veterans for Peace and About Face: Veterans Against the War (formerly Iraq Veterans Against the War), and Bring Our Troops Home. US, a network of veterans influenced by the libertarian right.
The problem here is that the so-called "left" brand has always been about war and the capitalism of death.
The Democrat party is really the group that started the American civil war for instance, they are the ones behind legacy of Eugenists like Margaret Sanger who was a card carrying Socialist who founded the child murder mill known today as Planned Parenthood that sadly still exists under Trump but has turned into the industrialized slaughter of children ...even after birth so that their organs can be "harvested" for profit.
Sjursen's affinity for "the left" as saintly purveyors of peace, goodness, love, and life strikes me as rather disingenuous. Then he seems to argue if I read the analysis correctly that conscription will somehow be the panacea for the insatiable appetite for war?
One false flag such as The Gulf of Tonkin or 911 or even Perl Harbor or the Sinking of the Lusitania or the assassination of an Arch Duke ... is all that is really needed to arouse the unbridled hoards to march off to battle with almost erotic enthusiasm -the political class KNOWS IT!
11b40 , 1 hour agoAnd don't forget President Wilson (D) who was re-elected on the platform "He kept us out of the war" only to drag U.S. into the hopeless European Monarchary driven WWI.
Cassandra.Hermes , 2 hours agoYo! Low class muscle man here, and I have to agree with bringing back the draft. It should never have been eliminated, and is the root of the golbalists abiity to keep us in Afghanistan, and other parts of the ME, for going on 20 years.
Skin in the game. It means literally everything. As noted we now have 2 generations of men who never had to give much thought at all to what's happening around the world, and how America is involved....and look at the results. It would be a much different situation today if all those 18 year olds had to face the draft board with an unforgiving lottery.
Yes, one false falg can whip up the country to a war time fever pitch, but unless there is a real, serious threat, the fever cannot be maintained. The 1969 draft lottery caught me when I stayed out the first semester of my senior year. Didn't want to go, but accepted my fate and did the best job I could to stay alive and keep those around me as safe as possible. In 1966, I was in favor of the war, and was about to go Green Beret on the buddy system. We were going to grease gooks with all the enthusiasm of John Wayne. My old man, an artillery 1st Sgt at the time in Germany, talked me out of it. More like get your *** on a plane back to the States and into college, befroe i kick it up around your shouders. A WW2 & Korea vet, he told me then it was the wrong war, in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
The point is, when kids are getting drafted, Mom's, Dad's, and everyone else concerned with the safety of their friends & relatives, start paying attention and asking hard questions of politicians. Using Afghanistan as an example, we would have been on the way out by the 2004 election cycle, or at max before the next one in 2008. That was 12 years ago, and we are still there.
I addition, the reason we went would have been more closely examined, and there may have been a real investigtion into 9/11. Plus, I am convinced that serving your country makes for a better all around citizen, and God knows, we need better citizens.
Max21c , 2 hours agoTrump and Pompeo started new cold war with China, but have no way to back up their threats and win it!! When i was in Kosovo peace corps i heard so many stories from Albanian who were blamed to be Russian or American spy because of double cold war against Albania. Trump and Pompeo just gave excuse to Xi to blame anyone who protest as American spy. BBC were showing China's broadcast of the protests in Oregon to Hong Kong with subtitle "Do you really want American democracy?", LMFAO
Heroic Couplet , 2 hours agoJoe Biden has pledged to ensure that "we have the strongest military in the world," promising to "make the investments necessary to equip our troops for the challenges of the next century, not the last one."
The United States shall continue to have a weak military until it starts to fix its foreign policy and diplomacy. You cannot have the strongest military in the world if you lack a good foreign policy and good diplomacy. Brains are a lot more important than battleships, battalions, bullets, barrels, or bombs. Get a frickin' clue you friggin' Washington morons.
Washington is weak because they are dumb. Blind, deaf, and dumb.
ChecksandBalances , 3 hours agoToo little, too late. Great ad for a book that will be forgotten in a week. Read Bolton's book. The minute Trump tries to reduce troops, Bolton is right there, saying "No, we can't move troops to the perimeter. No, we can't move troops from barracks to tents at the perimeter." Who needs AI?
Erik Prince wrote 3.5 years ago that 4th gen warfare consists of cyberwarfare and bio-weapons. The US military is fooked. There's probably an interesting book to be researched: How do Republicans feel about contracting COVID-19 after listening to Trump fumble?
Max21c , 3 hours agoBlame the voters. Run on a platform to reduce military and police spending. See how many of those lose. Probably all of them. You have to stop feeding the beast. This is a slogan Trump correctly said but as usual didn't actually mean. We should cut all military and police spending by 1/2 and then take the remaining money and build a smarter, more efficient military and police force.
nonkjo , 4 hours agoIt's not just the "Deep State." It's Washingtonians overall. It's Deep Crazy. They're all Deep Crazy! They're nuts. And the rare exceptions that may know better and have enough common sense to know its wrong to sick the secret police on innocent American civilians aren't going to say anything or do anything to stop it. The few that know better in foreign policy aren't going to say anything or do anything against the new Cold Wars on the Eastern Front against China or on the Western Front against Russia since they're not willing to go up against the Regime. So the Regimists know they have carte blanche to persecute or terrorize or go after any that stand in their way. This is how tyrannies and police states operate. It's the nature of the beast. At a minimum they brow beat people into submission. People don't want to stick their neck out and risk going up against the Regime and risk losing to the Regime, its secret police, and the powers that be. They shy away from anything that would bring the Regime and its secret police and its radicals, extremists, fanatics, and zealots their way.
Max21c , 4 hours agoIt's okay to be against "forever war" and still not have to be a progressive douchbag.
Sjursen is an unprincipled ******** artist. He leaves Iraq disillusioned as a lieutenant but sticks around long enough for them to pay for his grad school and give him some sweet "resume building" experiences that he can stand on to sell books? FYI, from commissioning time as a second lieutenant to promotion to captain is 3 years...that means Sjusen was so disillusioned that he decided to stick around for 12 more years which is about 9 years longer than he actually needed to as an Academy grad (he only had to serve 6 unless he elected to go to grad school).
The bottom line is Sjusen capitalizes on people not knowing how the military works. That is, that his own self-interest far outweighs his the principles he espouses. Typical leftist hypoctite.
Son of Captain Nemo , 4 hours ago...the U.S. "desperately needs a massive, public, empowered anti-war and anti-imperial wave ..."
Perhaps the USA just needs a better foreign policy. Though we all know that's not going to happen with the flaky screwballs of Washington and the flaky screwballs in the Pentagon, CIA, State Department, foreign policy establishment, think tanks et cetera.
Minor technical point: the time for the "anti-imperial wave" was before Washingtonians destroyed much of the world and created their strategic blunders and disastrous foreign policy. You folks all went along with this nonsense and now you have your quagmires, forever wars, and numerous trouble spots that have popped up here and there along the way to boot.
Pottery barn rule: you broke it and you own it and it's yours...Ma'am please pay at the register on the way out...Sorry Ma'am there's no more free gluing...though the gluing specialist may be in on the third Thursday this month though it's usually the second Tuesday each month...
Contemporaneously, in the same vein the American public has been brainwashed into going along with the new Cold Wars on the Western Front against Moscow and the even newer Cold War on the Eastern Front against Beijing. It's like P.T. Barnum said "There's a sucker born every minute," and you fools in the American public just keep buying right in to the brainwashing. They're now successfully indoctrinating you into buying into their new Cold Wars with Russia and China. The Cold War on the Eastern Front versus Peking is more getting more fanciful attentions at the moment and the Cold War on the Western Front has temporarily been relegated to the back burner but they'll move the Western Front Cold War from simmer to boil over whenever it suits their needs. It's just a rendition of the Oceania has always been at war with East Asia and Eurasia is our friend are just gameplays right out of George Orwell's 1984.
Most of the quagmires can be fixed to a certain extent by applying some cement and engineering to the quicksand and many of the trouble spots can become more settled and less unstable if not stable in some instances. Even some of the more serious strategic problems like the South China Sea, North Korean nuclear weapons development, and potential Iranian nuclear weapons development can still be resolved through peaceful strategies and solutions.
In re sum, while I won't disparage a peace movement I do not believe it is either necessary nor proper simply because you will not solve anything through a peace movement. The sine qua non or quintessential element is simply to end one of these wars successfully through a peaceful diplomatic solution or solve one of these serious foreign policy problems through diplomacy which is something that hasn't been the norm since the downfall of the Berlin Wall, is no longer in favor, and which is the necessary element to prove that peace can be achieved through strategy and diplomacy and thereby change the course of the country's future.
In foreign affairs the foreign policy establishment has its pattern of behavior and it is that pattern of behavior that has to be changed. It's the mindset of the Washingtonians & elites that has to be changed. Just taking to the streets won't really change their ways or their beliefs for any significant part of the duration. They may pay lip service to peace & diplomacy but it won't win out in their minds in the long run. They are so warped in their views and beliefs that it'll have little or no effect over the long haul. As soon as the protests dissipate they'll be right back at it, back to their bad ways and bad behavior.
Hatterasjohn , 4 hours agoFor the past 19 years... And as Anti-War as you will ever get!...
Remind 0range $hit $tain ( https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2016/11/14/trump-im-reopening-911-investigation/ ) that if he makes this a campaign pledge and an issue for debate he maybe can avoid a war crimes tribunal given how much has already been spent on the war machine ( https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/944-trillion-reasons-why-fed-quietly-bailing-out-hedge-funds )!
No-Go zone , 5 hours agoWas it George Carlin that said " if voting made a difference they wouldn't let us do it " ? The only way to stop these forever wars is for people to stop joining the military. Parents should teach their children that joining the military and trotting off to some country to fight a war for the elite is not being patriotic . I was in the military from 1964 -1968. When Lyndon Johnson became president he drug out the Vietnam war as long as he could. Oh ! Lady Byrd Johnson bought Decon Company [ rat poison ] when most people never heard of it. Johnson bought this rat poison , government paid for ,at an inflated price . Sent ship loads of it to Vietnam .Never mind all the Americans and so called enemy killed.. Jane Fonda , Hanoi Jane , was really a hero who helped save countless lives by helping to end the war. Tommy and **** Smothers , Smother Brothers , spoke out against the war . Our government had them black balled from TV. Our government is probably as corrupt as any other country.
cowboyted , 7 hours agocowboyted , 7 hours agoA piece of irony, one of our greatest generals was Dwight Eisenhower, the Allied Supreme Commander in WWII and two term president. He kept the peace for almost 10 years and warned Americans to beware of the "military-industrial complex." Most military men never want war, they just make sure they are ready if it comes. We have had the military industrial complex for way too long, it needs to be reduced and we need more generals to run for president, Gen. Flynn maybe? I'll also take Schwartzkoff.
captain noob , 7 hours agoThe U.S. should only use our military if we are attacked, period. Otherwise, as Jefferson astutely stated, a standing army is a threat to democracy.
cowboyted , 7 hours agoCapitalism has no morals
Profit is the driving force of every single thing
Chief Joesph , 7 hours agoThe U.S. should only use our military if we are attacked, period. Otherwise, as Jefferson astutely stated, a standing army is a threat to democracy.
cowboyted , 8 hours agoAfter what General Smedley Butler had to say and warned us about, here we are, 90 years later, doing the very same thing. Goes to show how utterly dumb, unprogressive, sheepish, and Medieval Americans really are. And you thought this is what makes America Great????
transcendent_wannabe , 8 hours agoThe U.S. Constitution provides for a "national defense." Yet, the last time we were attacked by a foreign nation was on Dec. 7, 1941 in which, the Congress declared war on Japan. Yet, in the past 100 years our country's leaders have convinced Americans that we can wage war if the issue concerns our "national INTEREST." This is wrong and needs to be deleted and replaced with our Constitution's language. Also, Congress is the ONLY Constitutional authority to declare war, not the executive branch. Too many countries, including the U.S., spend too much money preparing for war on levels of destruction that are unnecessary. We must attain a new paradigm with leading countries to achieve a mutual understanding that the people of the world are better off with jobs, food, families, peace, and a chance at a better life, filled with hope, faith, and flourishing communities. Things have to change.
Tortuga , 8 hours agoI have to agree in sentiment with the author, but the reality of humans on earth almost demands constant war, it is the price we pay for the modern city lifestyle. There are various reasons.
1. Ever since WW1, the country has become citified, and the old peaceful country farm life was replaced with the rat race of industrial production. Without war, there is no need for the level of industrial production required to give full employment to the overpopulated cities. People will scream for war and jingoism when they have no city jobs. How do you deal with that? Sure, War is a Racket, but so far a necessary racket.
2. Every 20 years the military needs a real shooting war to battle test its upcoming soldiers and new equipment. Now the battles are against insurgencies... door-to-door in cities and ghettos, and new tactics need to be field tested. If the military goes more than 20 years without a real shooting war, they lose the real men, the sargeant majors, who just become fat pot bellied desk personel without the adrenaline of a real fight.
3. Humans inately like to fight. Even children, boys wrestle, girls taunt one another. There is no way discovered yet to keep people from turning violent in their attempts to steal what others have, or to gain dominance thru physical intimidation. Without war, gangs will form and fight over territorial boundaries. There is no escaping it.
4. Earth is where the battle field is, Battlefield Earth. There is no fighting allowed in heaven, so Earth is where souls come to fight. Nobody on earth likes it, but fighting and war is here to stay, and you should really use this life to find out how to transcend earth and get to a place where war is not needed or allowed, like heaven or Valhalla.
HenryJonesJr , 8 hours agoSo. He thinks the crooked, grifting, regressive hate US murdering dim pustules aren't the warmongering, globalist, hate US, crooked, grifting, murdering republicrats. What a mo ron.
messystateofaffairs , 8 hours agoReal conservatives were always against foreign intervention. It was the Left that embraced foreign wars (Wilson / Roosevelt / Truman / Johnson).
bh2 , 8 hours agoFrom my perspective being a professional goon to serve the greater glory of international criminals, is, aside from having to avoid the mirror, way too much hard and dangerous work for the money. As a civilian of a society run by criminals on criminal imperialist principles, I have no literal PTSD type of skin in that filthy game, but like most citizens, knowing and unknowing, I do swim in that sewer everyday, doing my best to avoid bumping into the larger turds. My "patriotism" lies where the turds are fewest, anywhere in the world that might be.
The Judge , 8 hours agoThe threat to US interests is not in the ME (apart from Israel). It's in the Pacific.
NATO was never intended to be a defense arrangement perpetually funded by the US. Once stood up and post-war economies in Europe were restored, it was supposed to be a European defense shield with the US as ultimate backup. Not as a sugar-daddy for wealthy nations. Now that Russia is no longer situated to attack through the Fulda Gap, NATO is a grotesque expression of Parkinson's Law writ large.
China is a real threat to US interests. That's obvious simply by consulting a map. Military assets committed to engagement in theaters that no longer seriously matter is feckless and spendthrift. Particularly when Americans are put in harm's way with no prospect of either winning or leaving.
Worse yet is the accelerating prospect of being drawn into conflict in the South China Sea because fewer than decisive US and allied assets are deployed there.
While nations are now responding to that threat (including Japan, who are re-arming), China must realize a successful Taiwan invasion faces steadily diminishing prospects. They must act soon or give up the opportunity. Moreover, the CCP are loosing face with their own people because of multiple calamities wreaking havoc. The danger of a desperate CCP turning to a hot war to save face is an ever-rising threat. (If Three Gorges Dam fails, that could be the final straw.)
FDR deliberately suckered Japan into attacking the US (but apparently never guessed it would be on Pearl Harbor). It appears modern neo warmongers of all stripes would be delighted if China were tempted into yet another senseless war in the Pacific. And more lives lost on all sides.
While the size of US military and (ineptly named) "intelligence" budgets are vastly out of scale, the short-term cost in money is secondary to risk of long-term cost in blood. Surging the budget may make good sense when guns are all pointing in the wrong direction and political donors don't care as long as it pays well.
Defeating that outrageously wasteful spending is the first battle to be won. Disengaging from stupid, distracting, unwinnable conflicts is an imperative to achieve that goal.
DeptOfPsyOps-14527776 , 8 hours agoUS. is the real threat to US interests.
Salzburg1756 , 8 hours agoAn important part of this statue quo is propaganda and in particular neo-con propaganda.
Once it was clear that agitating against the Russian federation had failed, they started agitating against the PRC.
FDR administration wasn't that clever, they just had (((support))). They wanted Imperial Japan unable to strengthen itself against the United Kingdom as it was waging a war against the European Axis, did not realize that the Japanese fleet could reach as far as Hawaii and after Pearl Harbor, believed the West Coast could have been attacked as well.
Hovewer, they likely expected the Japanese to intercept their fleet on the way to the Phillipines after a war between Imperial Japan and the Commonwealth had started.
TheLastMan , 4 hours ago"FDR deliberately suckered Japan into attacking the US (but apparently never guessed it would be on Pearl Harbor)." No, we knew the japs were going to attack Pearl Harbor. We had broken their code. That's why we sent our best battle ships away from Hawaii just before the attack. Most of the ships they sank were old and worthless; our good ships were out at sea.
Alice-the-dog , 8 hours agoWhat constitutes "America's interests"?
the us military is the world community welcome wagon for global multi national Corp chamber of commerce
Do us citizens serve corporations or do corporations serve us citizens?
next ?, who owns / controls corporations?
847328_3527 , 9 hours agoThere is a reason why suicide is the leading cause of death among active duty military. They come to realize that what they are doing is perfect male bovine fecal matter. That they are guilty of participating in completely unwarranted death and destruction.
Liberals and "progressives" are traditionally against wars. This new "woke" group of Demorats shows they are NOT liberals or progressives since they support the Establishment War Criminals like Obama and his side kick, demented Biden, and Bloodthirsty Clinton.
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Jul 23, 2020 | www.presstv.com
News / Politics Iran's top security official: Harsher revenge awaits perpetrators of Gen. Soleimani's assassination Wednesday, 22 July 2020 4:29 PM [ Last Update: Wednesday, 22 July 2020 4:29 PM ]
Members of the Iraqi honor guard walk past a huge portrait of Iran's late top general Qassem Soleimani (L) and Iraqi commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, both killed in a US drone strike near Baghdad airport last month, during a memorial service held in Baghdad's high-security Green Zone on February 11, 2020. (Photo by AFP) Iran's top security official says harsher revenge awaits the perpetrators of the attack that killed senior Iranian anti-terrorism commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani and his companions.
In a post on his Twitter page on Wednesday, Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani said that US President Donald Trump had admitted that the American, upon his direct order, committed the crime of assassinating General Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq's Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) counter-terrorism force, who were two prominent figures of the anti-terrorism campaign.
"The two Iranian and Iraqi nations are avengers of blood of these martyrs and will not rest until they punish the perpetrators," read part of the tweet.
"Harsher revenge is one the way," it concluded.
The two commanders and a number of their companions were assassinated in a US airstrike near Baghdad airport on January 3, as General Soleimani was on an official visit to the Iraqi capital.
Both commanders were extremely popular because of the key role they played in eliminating the US-sponsored Daesh terrorist group in the region, particularly in Iraq and Syria.
UN experts calls US drone attack on Gen. Soleimani 'unlawful' killing A senior UN human rights investigator says the United States' assassination of top Iranian commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad was an "unlawful" killing in violation of the international law.In retaliation for the attack, the IRGC fired volleys of ballistic missiles a US base in Iraq on January 8. According to the US Defense Department, more than 100 American forces suffered "traumatic brain injuries" during the counterstrike. The IRGC, however, says Washington uses the term to mask the number of the Americans, who perished during the retaliation.
Iran has also issued an arrest warrant and asked Interpol for help in detaining Trump, who ordered the assassination, and several other US military and political leaders behind the strike.
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said on Tuesday Iran will never forget Washington's assassination of General Soleimani and will definitely deliver a "counterblow" to the United States.
Leader: Iran to deal US 'counterblow' for Gen. Soleimani's assassination Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei meets with visiting Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi in Tehran."The Islamic Republic of Iran will never forget this issue and will definitely deal the counterblow to the Americans," Ayatollah Khamenei said in a meeting with visiting Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi in Tehran.
"They killed your guest at your own home and unequivocally admitted the atrocity. This is no small matter," Ayatollah Khamenei told the Iraqi premier.
A UN special rapporteur says has condemned the US assassination and said Washington has put the world at unprecedented peril with its murder of Iran's top anti-terror commander.
UN expert raps US for arbitrary drone attack that killed Gen. Soleimani A UN special rapporteur slams the US for refusing to take responsibility for the assassination of General Soleimani in violation of international law.Agnes Callamard, UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, has also warned that it is high time the international community broke its silence on Washington's drone-powered unlawful killings.
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Jul 20, 2020 | www.zerohedge.com
Ron Paul Exposes Big Holes In The COVID 'Spike' Narrative 07/20/2020
Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,
Motorcycle accidents ruled Covid deaths? In the rush to paint Florida as the epicenter of the "second wave" of the coronavirus outbreak, government officials and their allies in the mainstream media have stooped to ridiculous depths to maximize the death count. A television station this weekend looked into two highly unusual Covid deaths among victims in their 20s, and when they asked about co-morbidities they were told one victim had none, because his Covid death came in the form of a fatal motorcycle accident.
Sadly, this is not an isolated incident. In fact the "spike" that has dominated the mainstream for the last couple of weeks is full of examples of such trickery.
Washington state last week revised its Covid death numbers downward when it was revealed that anyone who passed away for any reason whatsoever who also had coronavirus was listed as a "Covid-19 death" even if the cause of death had nothing to do with Covid-19.
In South Carolina, the state health agency admitted that the "spike" in Covid deaths was only the result of delayed reporting of suspected Covid deaths.
An analysis of reported daily Covid deaths last week compared to actual day-of-death in Houston revealed that the recent "spike" consisted largely of deaths that occurred in April through June. Why delay reporting until now?
We do know that based on this "spike" the Democrat mayor of Houston cancelled the convention of the Texas Republican Party. Mission accomplished?
Doesn't it seem suspicious that so many states have experienced "delayed" reporting of deaths until Fauci and his gang of "experts" announced that we are in a new nightmare scenario?
Last week in Florida – which is perhaps not coincidentally the location of the Republican Party's national convention – another scandal emerged when hundreds of Covid test centers reported 100 percent positive results. Obviously this would paint a far grimmer picture of the resurgence of the virus. Orlando Health, for example, reported a positivity rate of 98 percent – a shocking level – but a further investigation revealed a true positivity rate of only 9.4 percent. Those "anomalies" were repeated throughout the state.
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"Cases" once meant individuals who displayed sufficient symptoms to be treated in medical facilities. But when the scaremongers needed a "second wave" they began reporting any positive test result as a "Covid case." No wonder we have a "spike."
Politics demands that politicians be seen doing "something" rather than nothing, even if that something is more harmful than doing nothing at all. That is why Washington is so addicted to sanctions.
The same has been true especially in Republican-controlled states in the US in response to the coronavirus. Faced with a virus that has killed about one-third as many people as the normal, seasonal flu virus in 2018, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has endorsed a partial shutdown of the economy resulting in millions tossed into the despair of unemployment. Then he arbitrarily shut down bars because massively increased testing showed more people have been exposed to the virus. And he mandated that people wear face masks. Neither shutting down bars (instead of restaurants or Walmarts) nor forcing people to wear masks will have any effect on the progression of the virus through society. But at least he looks like he's doing "something."
We are facing the greatest assault on our civil liberties in our lifetimes. The virus is real, but the government reaction is political and totalitarian. As it falls apart, will more Americans start fighting for their liberty?
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Jul 14, 2020 | www.unz.com
Though government infiltrators undoubtedly helped to fragment Occupy, most protesters gleefully went along with their own gelding, because, to them, it was never about rallying the 99% towards common goals, as they vaguely claimed, but airing minority grievances. Most importantly, they could look cool doing it.
With visual evidence uploaded onto FaceBook, Tumblr and Instagram, etc., soy boys from strip malled subdivisions could accrue street cred.
Since "Occupy Everything, Demand Nothing " became Occupy's rallying cry, it achieved literally nothing, predictably. A month after all tents were cleared from Zuccotti Park, Time Magazine anointed "The Protester" as Person Of The Year, so for being symbolically homeless for two months, the sans cazzo got a participation lollipop from the bossman.
Since then, unscathed and smirking Wall Street has only amped up its state-of-the-art shell games, punctuated by bailouts. What's left of the country's wealth keeps flowing to the top.
Although Occupy Wall Street exposed widespread discontent, it was deftly tamed by the state, without addressing any of the issues raised. Worsened economic malaise is papered over with fake news and statistics. Unable to afford even an efficiency, the young and not so young resignedly or bitterly move back home. I'm sure you know a few.
Beneath each basement, there's another, even darker and danker, Americans kept discovering, so they just had to suck it up and simmer on, when not overdosing on opioids. It's the new normal.
Occupy Wall Street protesters were mostly under-35-year-old whites, with at least some college education. Now, the same demographic is back on the streets, but instead of chanting for economic justice and representing, at least in theory, the 99%, they're fighting Fascism and racism. With their inclusive definitions of such sins, however, they're warring against most of the country.
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On August 14th, 2018, CNN reeducated us, "There is no national antifa group. It is mostly made up of people who are far left of center, who make it their mission to battle Fascists, racists and alt right extremists." It's a grassroot, homegrown resistance to hate, that's all. "Behind the masks are people from all walks of life, artist, mom, ordinary American, as well as anarchist." Four most gentle faces were shown.
On June 16th, 2020, CNN reemphasized that antifa was a belief system that unified all anti-Fascists, whatever their color, age or background, so how could you be against it, unless you're a Fascist?! A burly, genial black man explained, "It basically means that you are against Fascism. If you are against Fascism, then you are antifa."
In a BLACK LIVES MATTER muscle-T, a white wuss added, "Antifa is not a group. It's not like everybody sits in, like, some basement, talking about how to overthrow the Fascist regime. I walked around picking up trash yesterday, behind the protesters. That's what antifa looks like."
Burly black guy, "White people have to be involved in fighting racism, in fighting white supremacy [ ] But if you are a white ally, remember that you still have to follow the lead of people of color."
The New York Times and Washington Post have also written sympathetically about antifa. When the corporate media give you a positive spin, it must mean you're serving the establishment. Mussolini had his Blackshirts, Hitler his Brownshirts and Mao his Red Guards. America's rulers have antifa.
Far from threatening the 1%, antifa sows dissension among the 99%. Ignoring Wall Street, antifa trashes one Main Street after another.
Zealously branding its enemies as racist or Fascist, antifa generates more racism and Fascism.
Slammed by the economic crisis of 2008, Americans started to look more closely at Wall Street, Goldman Sachs and the Federal Reserve , etc., and they were enlightened by people like Ron Paul and Matt Taibbi.
In Rolling Stone, Taibbi wrote, "The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it's everywhere. The world's most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money."
Banksters were scrutinized with increasing intensity. It was in this climate that Occupy Wall Street was born.
Not quite nine years later, almost no one is talking about banksters, incredibly, although the country has been plunged into a much worse economic hell, with millions suddenly laid off, and millions of mom and pops permanently ruined. Thanks to another monster bailout, only Wall Street is doing well.
Broke and enraged, mobs swarm American streets, but instead of targeting those who are imploding their society, they pull down statues, break windows, deface walls, loot stores and attack cops or each other.
When your tyrants can't even be identified, much less found, no coup, uprising or revolution is possible, and it's pointless to assassinate an American president, since he is but a puppet, so who should be shot?
The month I was born, two presidents were killed. Though Ngo Dinh Diem has often been caricatured as an American puppet, he obviously broke his strings, or he wouldn't have been shot. Kennedy, too, went off script. His death was a warning. It works.
American elections are cathartic farces. Drawn out and elaborately staged, they're designed to give false hopes and stoke emotions. With the national mood already so volatile and foul, however, this year's balloting promises to be a horror show. Unable to aim at their oppressors, Americans will be reduced to shooting each other.
TG , says: July 11, 2020 at 5:53 pm GMT
Carlton Meyer , says: Website July 11, 2020 at 7:49 pm GMT"Far from threatening the 1%, antifa sows dissension among the 99%. Ignoring Wall Street, antifa trashes one Main Street after another."
Kudos. Well said!!!
"Who should be shot?" I answer the question in the purely hypothetical, I am not in any way suggesting this line of response. But the answer is obvious.
When Tsar Nicholas and his family were murdered by the communists, it put the fear of God (or fear of something) in the hearts of the western plutocrats and we got the New Deal and more than a half century of the working class getting at least sort of a reasonable cut of the proceeds.
"Who shall we shoot?" If the Jeff Bezoses and Zuckerbergs and Soroses etc. of the world take a personal hit – if they begin to think that even they, in their well-guarded bubbles, are not safe – only then will we get any sort of consideration from the top. It is personal fear, not morality, that will cause the elites to again begin to value stability and order over rapacious looting.
No I am not in any way suggesting violence. Not me, no how. But it remains true that only the threat of personal violence directed at the elites, will cause them to reconsider their current socially destructive path.
The Alarmist , says: July 11, 2020 at 7:49 pm GMTThough Ngo Dinh Diem has often been caricatured as an American puppet, he obviously broke his strings, or he wouldn't have been shot.
The CIA recruited Diem to be the puppet ruler of a nation they had created. He was living in New Jersey and then became head of South Vietnam without an election. He had attended the same elite school in Hue as Ho Chi Mihn and meant well. When he saw that fighting was increasing he wanted to cut a deal with Ho Chi Mihn, who had won the 1954 elections was the legitimate ruler of all Vietnam after the temporary cease fire line that divided Vietnam ended in 1956. The DMZ was an illusion created by the CIA and Pentagon.
This is why Diem was killed by a CIA coup, and was followed by other puppet leaders. The CIA's attempt to create a new nation that became known as South Vietnam failed by 1964, which is why American troops arrived.
Si1ver1ock , says: July 11, 2020 at 11:31 pm GMTMussolini had his Blackshirts, Hitler his Brownshirts and Mao his Red Guards. America's rulers have antifa.
The Black Shirts were able to gracefully fade away for the most part, but the other two groups had a rather difficult go once they had served their purpose. It would be fitting justice for AntiFa to go the way the Red Guards once President Abrams is safely ensconced: After all, you can't feed a country with hooligan student revolutionaries roving the streets rather than working the farms.
Priss Factor , says: Website July 12, 2020 at 12:01 am GMTThe month I was born, two presidents were killed. Though Ngo Dinh Diem has often been caricatured as an American puppet, he obviously broke his strings, or he wouldn't have been shot. Kennedy, too, went off script. His death was a warning. It works.
Liz Chaney is thwarting Trump's troop draw-down in Afghanistan with help from Dems as well as Republicans.
House Democrats, Working With Liz Cheney, Restrict Trump's Planned Withdrawal of Troops From Afghanistan and Germany
Trump is thinking about doing something stupid in Venezuela.
He is already antagonizing China.
animalogic , says: July 12, 2020 at 8:18 am GMTNot quite nine years later, almost no one is talking about banksters, incredibly, although the country has been plunged into a much worse economic hell Broke and enraged, mobs swarm American streets, but instead of targeting those who are imploding their society, they pull down statues, break windows, deface walls, loot stores and attack cops or each other.
Pelosi said even if DC burns down to the ground, the US will be 100% for Israel. Why not include Wall Street, the money bag of Jewish Power?
In a way, what we are seeing is the Japanization of White America. This is why the US should not have dropped the nukes and forced unconditional surrender. They should have allowed Japan to surrender with honor. Make Japan give up its empire and military ambitions but let the Japanese keep their culture and sacred myths. But the US forced unconditional surrender, turned the Emperor into Tokyo Shoeshine boy, occupied Japan(and still has bases there), used Japanese women as whores & mistresses, and turned Japanese men into castrated cuck-wussies. Sound familiar?
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Franz , says: July 12, 2020 at 9:31 am GMTGreat article.
"Their movement fizzled out, however, because it degenerated into an endless display of narcissistic posturing, with everyone making self-important speeches about his or her pet cause, to an audience of fifty, tops, which is not how a revolution is ever made."
"Far from threatening the 1%, antifa sows dissension among the 99%. Ignoring Wall Street, antifa trashes one Main Street after another."
Is it ANY wonder why Elites love the post-modern, the PC, & antifa so much. Talk about the "magic pudding" & the gift that just keeps on giving .theMann , says: July 12, 2020 at 12:44 pm GMTBroke and enraged, mobs swarm American streets, but instead of targeting those who are imploding their society, they pull down statues, break windows, deface walls, loot stores and attack cops or each other .
Hey! What the 19th century robber baron said has finally come true:
"I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half." -- Jay Gould
They are being paid: BLM and Antifa people are being bankrolled. Just tote up the corporate donations the BLM in the past week and flip. More money than most nations have in the treasury. As to Antifa, Soros funded them for years. All to get rid of white people.
If it weren't happening, who'd believe it?
@Brian ReillyPolemos , says: July 12, 2020 at 3:39 pm GMTYou left out the Media Jackals. They are the willing and ever ready mouthpieces for the Satanic Cult the Financial Elites would turn America into. In fact, the Media liars have as much culpability as any group in the country for our current disaster.
Parbes , says: July 12, 2020 at 4:23 pm GMTI think one reason why we're no longer talking about a 1% is that enough of us started to ask the question: what race/nationality are the 1%?
ruralguy , says: July 12, 2020 at 4:45 pm GMTWho should be shot? Start with the neocons (particularly the Jewish ones). They are the head of the snake in the West – especially the U.S. – today. Most evils are downstream from their actions/policies, directly or indirectly.
Jmaie , says: July 12, 2020 at 4:54 pm GMTWho should be shot? It's hard imaging Americans staging a revolution. The DOD says 75% of young Americans don't quality to serve in the military, because they are too fat or too dumb. Our protesters protest because they get to appear virtuous -- they need some kind of participation award.
Jeff Stryker , says: July 12, 2020 at 5:00 pm GMT
Rev. Spooner , says: July 12, 2020 at 5:07 pm GMT...Upthread someone mentioned Bezos as being in the 1%. While he is certainly uber wealthy, I've always thought of him in a different way. In my mind the 1% are the wall street guys who financialize everything, and if they all went away tomorrow our (main street) economy would greatly improve. If Amazon goes away, I'd have to start buying all my crap in person. Ugh
The same fools assume the 1 percent will hang around when things become very adverse in the US. Nope. They'll do what wealthy South Africans did and the US lumpens will do what Boers did.
Nobody cares if the poor in the gutters of Wall Street go on hunger strike The one percent does not care if the poor go hungry anyhow.
Average middle class Americans are naive as to how callous and unconcerned the one percent is. The blacks and Hispanics at the bottom of society are aware, of course. That is why laws and customs mean nothing, nor bourgeois values. But it is the middle class who is actually naive enough to believe the one percent gives a fat rat's ass about them, about America, about their feelings.
I'm surprised this is not obvious to more people.
gaston julia , says: July 12, 2020 at 7:26 pm GMTBoth Antifa and the Patriots have a huge red-blue target painted on their backs. Unless they can identify their overlords clearly, they will fight each other.
Hey Americans, who is it that you cannot criticize?@ruralguyhttps://www.wired.com/2009/11/75-of-potential-recruits-too-fat-too-sickly-too-dumb-to-serve/
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Jul 11, 2020 | www.unz.com
The Great Covid-19 Deception and What You Need to Know to Survive GARY HEAVIN JULY 10, 2020 1,600 WORDS 74 COMMENTS REPLY Tweet Reddit Share Share Email Print More RSSI've been speaking with my friends who include medical doctors and other highly educated people about the treatments that they would seek if they were diagnosed with Covid 19. Most of them had no idea what course of treatment they or their families might seek. This conundrum is in part due to the massive volume of information that is being thrown at us. Much of this information is deliberately deceptive. I am writing this article to cut through the deception so that you and your physician can make informed decisions if and when the time comes.
This article has two purposes. First, it's imperative that you understand the great deceit that Big Pharma, their minions at the FDA, CDC, NIH, the WHO, the MSM, and officials in high government positions are perpetrating on you, your family, and likely your doctor.
The second purpose is to assure that you are armed with the necessary information to insure that you receive the best treatment options from your health care provider. Knowledge is power.
Allow me to repeat, you need to know you are being duped and you need a plan for you and your family if you become infected with Covid 19. So let's get to it. Let me begin by stating that I'm not a medical doctor and I m not offering medical advice. I do have a bachelors of science degree in health, nutrition, and counseling. I've written two NY Times bestselling books on women's health and fitness and I have been awarded an honorary doctorate degree. However, you will need to determine your treatment options with your personal physician.
The Great Deception
When it comes to safe, effective and affordable therapies for Covid 19, Big Pharma and its agents, i.e. Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx and many others, appear to have an agenda to lie to you and your physician.
The most obvious example is their ongoing effort to ridicule the treatment option of hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Zinc. We've all watched the harsh criticism that President Trump received when he promoted this protocol for Covid 19.
So, hydroxychloroquine has been around for almost 70 years as a treatment for malaria, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis. The WHO has designated it as a safe and effective medication akin to taking an aspirin. A survey of 6,000 medical doctors affirmed it as their treatment of choice for Covid 19.
The treatment works like this. hydroxychloroquine is an ionophore, which means it can transport material through the cellular wall. Zinc is a mineral that stops the replication of the Covid 19 virus within the cell. hydroxychloroquine transports Zinc into the cell so that it can stop the replication of the virus. The Z-pak antibiotic is given to prevent opportunistic bacterial infections like pneumonia that can occur while your immune system is engaged in fighting your viral infection. The key to its effectiveness is to start this treatment at the early onset of Covid 19 so that it has time to work.
How much effort has Big Pharma put into subverting this treatment regimen? In addition to denouncing its effectiveness, from Dr. Fauci and company, constant MSM hit pieces, the censoring of medical doctor's articles and videos from the internet, there has also been a number of "studies" done that were literally sabotaged from the onset.
The VA hospital system reported in March that they had given hydroxychloroquine to a number of patients. Following their release of information, the MSM ran the story with the headlines, "VA hospital found that hydoxychloroquine doesn't work and increases the fatality rate of Covid 19." However, if you actually read the study (see link ) you will find that only the sickest of the cohorts were given the drug. They got the drug only after they were so far along that it would not have a chance to work and they were not given zinc. None of these details made the MSM articles.
Another example of the Great Deception came from the British medical journal, The Lancet. The Lancet reported that a meta study showed that hydroxychloroquine was ineffective. As a result of this published study, France, Italy and other European countries immediately prohibited the use of this treatment option. Within a few weeks, it was found that the study was so badly designed and that the results were literally fabricated . The Lancet was forced to make a retraction of the "study." Of course in the meantime the MSM ran the original Lancet story and mislead millions of people and their physicians.
So what could possibly be the motive behind Big Pharma's Great Deception. Well there's three answers, money, money and money. That brings up the treatment option that Big Pharma is promoting, Remdesivir. This lovely experimental drug, costs above $3,000 per regimen, must be given intravenously in a hospital (five days stay around 15 grand) and evidence shows it doesn't really work .
The other treatment option is the promised Covid 19 vaccine that they allege is forthcoming. The NHS in Great Britain has committed to purchase a vaccine for the entire population of Great Britain. That's a commitment of 80,000,000 doses at an agreed price of around $600 for each vaccination. That's about $50,000,000,000. (50 Billion) That's a lot of incentive to mislead people. This week, a US pharmaceutical company received $1.6 billion dollars towards their efforts to make this vaccine which in the opinion of many experts, won't work on a coronavirus and will be untested and experimental.
How does Big Pharma have so much control over the dissemination of this information or should I say propaganda? Well, the same answer pops up again, money. Big Pharma gave $2 billion dollars during the last election cycle to US politicians. Big AG, the military/security complex and big oil each gave only a paltry $1.0 billion dollars to buy the votes of our political leadership.
The MSM counts Big Pharma's advertising revenue at up to 80 percent of their income. The internet's "masters of the universe" also kowtow to Big Pharma's influence and advertising dollars by censoring anyone who tries to tell the American people the truth about Covid 19. It certainly appears that anyone who is complicit in this Great Deception, a deception that is designed to kill and terrify enough people to ultimately beg for an experimental vaccine, well, these people would be accessories to murder.
What You Need to Know to Survive
Now, for some good news. There are several therapies that are being offered that appear to be safe, effective and affordable. However, these therapies must be utilized early in the disease progression.
Japan, Taiwan and other Asian countries have maintained a much lower fatality rate with Covid 19 then we have here in America, in spite of the fact they live in densely populated communities. Many people believe that it is due to their preferred method of treatment. They use a steroid medication that is inhaled in a mist through a home use nebulizer. I'm familiar with this since my 2 year old granddaughter needed this treatment with a similar drug for an upper respiratory issue that she had recently. That speaks to the safety and the commonality of this treatment. Watch the link of a Texas doctor who shares his patient's experiences with this therapy method using the drug Budesonide and a course of antibiotics.
Another treatment option that appears to be safe and effective is the use of the antiparasitic drug Ivermectin with the antibiotic Doxycycline. Just one Ivermectin pill and then the course of antibiotics for ten days resulted in a 100 percent cure rate for Covid 19 patients according to the attached study. Ivermectin has been widely used on the continent of Africa for many years as an anti-parasitic and is believed to be a primary reason that Covid 19 has not severely impacted the African population.
Hydroxychloroquine & Zinc
As we've seen above, this therapeutic regimen should be considered simply due to the efforts to prevent you from knowing the truth about it . As Shakespeare wrote, "Doth thou protest too much?"
The challenge with this therapeutic is both finding a doctor who will prescribe it and finding a pharmacy that will sell it. This should be between you and your doctor. Not the governors of certain states. Considering that 20 percent of all drugs are prescribed "off label", meaning that they are prescribed for a use other than intended, you and your doctor should have the liberty and the responsibility to make this health care decision.
There are several other therapies that appear to be safe, effective and affordable. You may want to research Chlorine Dioxide, intravenous ozone, high dose intravenous vitamin C and another, glutathione which are popular treatments in the homeopathic communities.
As for me and my family, we are going to make informed and responsible decisions regarding our health care. I hope the information I've given to you today along with the links for further information will help you, your family and your doctor make the best decisions as well.
Gary Heavin and his wife Diane are the founders of Curves, the world's largest fitness franchise. Gary is the author of two NY Times bestselling books, Curves and Curves on the go. Gary co-wrote and starred in the movie Amerigeddon. Gary is a pro-life libertarian and serves on the advisory board of Dr. Ron Paul's Institute for Peace and Prosperity. Gary and his wife are philanthropists who feed 10,000 children a day in Haiti and operate an orphanage outside the slums of Mumbai. Most importantly, they are bible believing Christians.
Anon [694] Disclaimer , says: July 11, 2020 at 4:42 am GMT
Anonymous [426] Disclaimer , says: July 11, 2020 at 4:50 am GMTExcellent article. Early treatment is definitely key. The French doctor who recommended hydroxychloroquine way back in Feb. said that it needs to be given early, by the time they go on ventilator it's no longer effective. I read in Zerohedge last week that in TX, doctors said they simply give patients who come into the emergency room a steroid shot and send them home with antibiotics. Usually they are already feeling much better after the steroid shot. Even those who are hospitalized are now only staying 3-5 days.
I find it incredulous that on their website, CDC is still telling people to stay home if they are sick, that "many people" get over it themselves without treatment, and to *not* go to the doctor's until we are having difficulty breathing. By then it is too late! Doctors have said that the main difference btwn Covid patients and flu patients is, with a flu patient, when their lungs are 10% fluid, they are already having difficulty breathing, but for some reason for Covid19, the patient does not have difficulty breathing until the lungs are 50 to 60% fluid, which is why it's too late by the time they sought treatment.
This article discusses the low fatality rate in HK(0.4%) and Singapore(<0.1%), the doctors there attributed it to early treatment using a different cocktail of drugs: interferon beta-1b, which was developed to treat multiple sclerosis; ribavirin, which is used in the treatment of hepatitis C; and lopinavir-ritonavir, also known by its brand name, Kaletra. But again, early treatment is key.
https://www.msn.com/en-sg/news/singapore/how-hong-kong-singapore-kept-coronavirus-death-rates-low/ar-BB14CLbMCDC is an absolute fail. I'm beginning to believe they want more people to die so Trump would lose the election. They need to change their advice on their website before more lives are senselessly lost. Pence as the Covid Tzar is also totally failing on his job by not calling him out.
I'm also beginning to believe those who claim hydroxychloroquine doesn't work simply want to keep it for themselves and their cronies to take as preventive drug. Trump has been on it and he hasn't gotten sick, even though he's been exposed to lots of people. Something tells me many of our congress critters and the effing Jews are already loaded up on it.
Quinsat , says: July 11, 2020 at 5:24 am GMTI can't wait for November 4th when COVID-19 ends for good and all the masks and social distancing bullshit ends. Thankfully this C-19 psyops will last just 8 months and not the 2+ years the Russian collusion BS was drawn out to. Though sadly with the former it has further eviscerated working/middle-class America. I'm guessing that was part of the plan as well.
Smokey , says: July 11, 2020 at 5:51 am GMTThe great Covid deception is it hasn't fulfilled Koch's postulates.
Chris in Cackalacky , says: July 11, 2020 at 5:57 am GMTI believe Mr. Heavin more than I believe the government, and the CDC in particular.
But that could also apply to a Numerologist vs the gov't, so there's that.
I don't believe Jeffrey Epstein died a natural death any more than I believe the mainstream media is the least bit impartial. They used to try. They tried to keep the news and the Op-Ed pages separate. But that was then and this is now
This is getting fun!
So, I used to believe that cops were always the good guys, and that federal judges were above politics. Oh, and they would never lie, or take a bribe. And I believed that priests would never, ever molest a boy, or even girl (did I get that backward?), or even use bad words around them. And I believed Scoutmasters took Boy Scouts up into the mountains for the fresh air and Indian lore OK, this is starting to sound ridiculous.
Except, now I'm not sure what to believe any more.
Can anyone tell me ?
@KirtAchilles Wannabe , says: July 11, 2020 at 6:33 am GMTNo offense but do you know how many people claim to have had Covid before Covid was cool? I don't know anyone who has tested positive but I know 25 people who claim they had or have it. In the past three years there have been severe influenzas making the rounds, there is no denying that. And why should routine flu and colds take a holiday just because our criminal elites tell us there is a special disease we need to watch out for? My point is we are so deceived that nobody knows up from down anymore. But at least we know one thing for sure -- hostile elites are working to deceive us.
Valka , says: July 11, 2020 at 6:48 am GMTMy doctor suffers from a delusion common to her profession. She thinks she is a "Medical Scientist". Actually she is a retailer for pharmaceuticals and medical technologies. She is a sales person in a capitalist industry And should she have any questions about her real role in a health care field which is really a substance and med tech pushing industry, her colleagues – fellow sales people – will remind her of her professional obligations by threatening her board certification to insure her near absolute conformity to market standards.
But there is no getting her to understand her real role in the medical industry. She believes her own hype or the hype created about her profession back in the 1950s when a few genuinely useful drugs and technologies were discovered which then afforded the money making corporate establishment the opportunity to take a humane craft and, thru the "science" of Epidemiology -Medical speak for lying with statistics – turn professional Medicine into probably the largest boondoggle in history. Consider the flag ship for usurious medicine – cholesterol lowering statin drugs.
But why don't I get rid of my essentially brain dead doctor, go to to someone else? Practically speaking, there is no one else. There are doctors who understand all this and write books about it but they are so rare as to be useless when real sickness like bacterial infections for which there are useful technologies like antibiotics actually occur. The most useful thing these real scientific doctors have to say is "Don't see your doctor" unless you have a real emergency – like an old fashion visceral type sickness – as opposed to some epidemiologically hyped condition like, again, "high cholesterol" as the "cause" of heart disease.
But now we have a genuine epidemic that is killing and injuring people and Medical Science is lying to us about possible treatments. Even a Medical skeptic like myself could not have predicted this level of base greed by our Medical pharmaceutical establishment This is tantamount to MURDER. And we have no government -whether it be run by Democrats or Republicans- who will take action. They are all on the Med Pharm tit and/or deluded by "Medical Science" as well. Until we learn to help ourselves and overthrow this system, God help us
TheTrumanShow , says: July 11, 2020 at 6:58 am GMT$50 billion just for Britain America doesn't stand a chance.
Gleimhart Mantooso , says: July 11, 2020 at 7:10 am GMTThanks, Gary.
I've been reading everything counter-&-alternative to the deception I could find since it first appeared, but had never thought to investigate therapies until reading your article. Fortuitously, for me (in Thailand), Hydroxychloroquine is being used therapeutically and may even be available OTC.
However, Big Medicine & Big Pharma are already here and steadily making inroads into health care and medicine.
Trygve Blodøks , says: July 11, 2020 at 7:38 am GMTWhatever happened to that vaccine that some Israeli Genius Doctors claimed would be ready in a few weeks, which was months ago now? What a shock that that never materialized.
Herald , says: July 11, 2020 at 9:14 am GMTYou should also look into coodial silver water. I got rid of an hpv infection using it. No side effects.
skrik , says: July 11, 2020 at 9:29 am GMTThe author doesn't mention Vitamin D, which is rather strange.
GeeBee , says: July 11, 2020 at 9:34 am GMT@Gary Heavin
The Great Covid-19 Deception and
Click-baitish, much? Well, you got me in, but you seem to have a good 'treatment' argument, and 'good luck,' both by avoiding Covid-19 in the 1st place and finding a 'collaborative+pursuasive' Dr in the 2nd = worst case, should you or one of yours gets 'hit.' [Perish the thought.]
But IMHO, the Great est Covid-19 Deception is the negligent way most 'Western' governments have *not* taken Covid-19 properly seriously, starting of course with US = Trump and UK = Johnson then perhaps SE 'led' by so-called expert Tegnell next in a looong list of apparent delinquents.
Again IMHO, when Wuhan realised that they were under a bio-warfare-like attack [possibly when they 1st saw the PRRA inclusion in the decoded genome], they reacted like cut snakes and proceeded with the speed of fear-stricken Gazelles in a very largely successful attempt to *suppress* the virus. But, of course, they are communists, eh? So-called 'democratic' [in-name-only governments, many largely bolshie 'wo/men in the street'] think differently [even to their own detriment; they just can't help themselves.]
With the possible exception of NZ = Ardern, most 'Western' governments went for 'mitigation' = 'flattening the curve,' if they took any action at all, see BR = Bolsonaro "has accused the media of "fear-mongering"" and IIRC said something like "What can I do?"
Here is an article, 1st found by me in March on MoA :
"Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance"
https://medium.com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-the-hammer-and-the-dance-be9337092b56MoA blurb: 'Here is his latest in which he argues not only to "flatten the curve" but to eradicate the virus.'
For my last IMHO, all 'Western' leaders who have acted with less than full effort = incompetently meaning ineffectively on behalf of their 'own people' should be prosecuted for their negligence. rgds
Justvisiting , says: July 11, 2020 at 10:37 am GMTA good article all around, except that the population of the UK is nowhere near eighty million. The latest figure I can find gives 66 million. Also, your attempt to invoke the Bard ('As Shakespeare wrote, "Doth thou protest too much?"') is lamentably botched. Try 'Methinks the lady doth protest too much'. (Hamlet's mother Gertrude says it of what she regards as overacting in a play that Hamlet has arranged for his mother and her husband, the usurper Claudius, to watch).
gotmituns , says: July 11, 2020 at 10:40 am GMTIt is a great idea to have a candid discussion with your doctor/nurse on the issue of big pharma's economic power and how it creates conflicts of interest in the medical profession.
Many doctors/nurses already knew it and will quickly agree, many more "get it" after you explain it to them.
If your doctor is so brainwashed by "experts" that they think you are an "anti-science kook", time to get a new doctor!
@KirtSimon Tugmutton , says: July 11, 2020 at 10:48 am GMTBingo – it's all a total bunch of malarkey. All the BS isn't aimed at people our age (I'm 76), it's aimed at the milennials and younger. It is shaping them for the "Brave New World" that they will live.
Mark G. , says: July 11, 2020 at 10:56 am GMTFirst let me say that the virus has never been satisfactorily isolated and does not meet Koch's postulates, which leads some people to speculate that it does not exist at all. The symptoms are so various as to be nonsensical; whatever the virus may be, last winter, that led to all the hospitalizations is open to question. Certainly the fear-porn spewed out 24/7 by the corporate media led to high levels of anxiety among the credulous and many of these no doubt presented as Covid-19 patients even though they were in fact suffering from the flu or a bad cold. Once in the hands of the quacks, nosocomial infections and intubation really made them sick – or dead.
As for protection against any respiratory illness, vitamin D is essential and I am surprised the author fails to understand this. 4000 IU per day maximum.
All that aside, Covid-19 a gigantic psyop designed to usher in a world government. It was even rehearsed in 2019 and all the wrinkles worked out beforehand.
[MORE]UncommonGround , says: July 11, 2020 at 10:59 am GMTIf you can't get hydroxychloroquine there is some evidence that the natural substance quercetin found in apples and onions can act as an ionophore that transports zinc into the cell. Instead of the z-pak, a natural antibiotic like oregano or cinnamon oil might suffice. These items quercetin, zinc and oregano and cinnamon oil are all available down at the local health food store. There is more evidence for the hydroxychloroquine, zinc, z-pak combination so those would be the preferred combination if you can get them but these natural substances might help if you can't get them and might act as a preventative to keep from getting the virus if you use them regularly.
I have found only a few studies that support the use of these natural substances but you need to understand that since these aren't drugs they can't be patented so there isn't the same financial incentive to prove their effectiveness as there would be with drugs that can be patented and then sold exclusively by one company.
chuckywiz , says: July 11, 2020 at 11:15 am GMTWhether hydoxy/chloroquine works or not is something that will be clear only after there are studies that allow to take a final conclusion. The question has been discussed critically by the press, by medical doctors, by people. Of course, everybody knows that it's possible that no vaccination will function or be available (we can hear this everyday on television). Contrary to what the author says, a phamaceutical firm was happy that the medicament could be possibly used when the question came up and some people were optimistic about it. The web site of a German television wrote in may that it was still conceivable that hydoxychloroquine could work in the very early stages of the disease (after first negative results). This was only speculation.
The author mentions a talk with some friends of him and some information that he has. But there have been a few studies, good or bad, with chloroquine with negative results. The study of the Lancet was taken back because the data that they used was apparently not trustworthy. This shows how difficult it is to have good and conclusive results in a short time. We can say the same about the evidence used by the author. It doesn't mean very much. We still have to see what happens and until now we don't know. There are efforts to find ways to treat better the disease. In German, I read yesterday:
Linux_tyro , says: July 11, 2020 at 11:31 am GMTThe media never talks about those who recovered from Corona virus like BOJO, the prime minister of UK or others. What treatment the recovered patients received, how it helped them and other information. We hear only the scary stuff.
Dr. Fauci and associates could never develop his promised HIV vaccine. I read somewhere that he had been on the same job for the last 37 years. Go figure."DR" Bill Gate of MS is an expert of globalized vaccination and his articles on the subject have been published in several Medical Journals.
New Economy. Question More.Emslander , says: July 11, 2020 at 11:39 am GMTI was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection in April. Was given a Z-pack for 5 days, an inhaler, Albuterol Sulfate that I am going to refill and a pill for cough, Benzonatate 200mg. They tested me for Flu, Pneumonia, Strep and Covid. All test came back negative.
Now I have a sinus infection and was prescribed another Z-pack with Prednisone 250mg twice a day for five days.
I've been feeling under the weather for months now.
Oh! Now I remember my question. How much zinc daily should we be taking?
mark tapley , says: July 11, 2020 at 11:47 am GMTSo, now we know who the enemy is. When can we start arresting and executing them?
I've had a condition common to old men for a long time. I went to some MD from the Far East who started immediately talking about cutting me up. I went to a second doctor, a young American, and told him I guess I needed to be sliced and diced. He said, "Not so fast" and recommended the regular use of two substances I could get at the vitamin store. I did so and the matter improved to the point that I felt effectively cured.
Last week, I went back to him. He works at a large establishment that includes my regular MD. I started telling him about how miraculous and enlightened his advice was. He quickly shut me up and started talking about operations and antibiotics. He wouldn't even listen when I told him that his earlier advice had worked. My presumption is that the financial people got to him. I'd guess that they do a regular review of medical care by each physician to see how they can better monetize their practice. Anyway, his changed tone was remarkable enough that it had to be something like money that was involved.
Emslander , says: July 11, 2020 at 11:47 am GMTCovid 19 is just another in a long line of fake or hyped up illnesses. Remember H1N1, H5n1, SARS1, Swine flu, Bird flu, Zika and others. AIDS was another fake disease (read Dr. Peter Duesberg on this). The same type of hoax is being perpetrated with the current Corona "epidemic."
Notice it supposedly began in Wuhan China. This city of 11 million has the worlds worst air pollution. 350,000 people per year die of pneumonia in China. There are lots of people there that can be tagged as Covid 19 victims. Also quickly touted as a hot spot by our Jew controlled MSM was deaths in Italy. Official autopsies revealed over 99% of victims had pre existing illness, most of them had multiple ones at an avg. age go 69.5. Latter the age went up but I can't remember the exact figure. Remember CDC criminal Debra Brix said "we have told the hospitals to tag everything possible as Covid 19."
Remember the fake tents set up all over and the hospital ship that looked like a relic of WW1. The MSM kept talking about overflowing hospitals. Several people took videos of near vacant hospitals at this time including Brian Ruhe's exposure of Vancouver's practically empty hospital. Whenever you see the media jump all over something with all the official spokesmen and there is no alternative opinion allowed, you known it is a gov. false flag. All of a sudden climate change is no longer the critical topic of the day. I guess Greta Thunberg got the covid.
The covid 19 has never been identified by the standard scientific method of the Koch's postulates because they can't. If you have a fake virus you must have a fake test. That is the PCR test that gives ap. 200 false positives, does not determine one Corona (cold from another) and is not quantitative is a fake test. The numbers given by the CDC (holds 50 vaccine related patents) that is really an adjunct of big Pharma are a crock of baloney. Most of these figures are generated from old people in the nursing homes that are given a "visual" conformation as having covid. Note that Fauci said in February that the masks did more harm than good. Hospitals get paid big money for labeling patients as Covid victims and many times doctors just write it on the report.
The Zionists have hit a home run with this medical hoax and they will never give it up unless the cucks start using their brain a little bit and figure some things out. The next move will be manditory dangerous vaccines for all the cattle. There is big money to be made in the vaccine scam. To get the truth on vaccines read Dissolving Illusions by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and books by Forrest Maready.
The Covid scam has been planned for many years, this was an opportune time to spring it as a cover for the central banks theft of trillions more while bankrupting the workers and small businesses. The Jews at Blak Rock are big investors in masks and will now be scooping up failed businesses everywhere just like in 08.
@SmokeyBrás Cubas , says: July 11, 2020 at 12:03 pm GMTExcept, now I'm not sure what to believe any more.
Can anyone tell me ?
My uncle told me a story a long time ago about a man who had his young son climb a tree in the back yard. He let him get pretty high and then said, "Jump Johnny, Jump!" Johnny said, "If I jump, I'll get hurt." The Dad said, "No, I'll catch you." Johnny jumped and the Dad did nothing. The boy hit the ground and was crying, though not permanently injured.
He said to his Dad, "Father, you promised to catch me."
"Let that be a lesson," the Dad said. "Don't trust NOBODY."
Giancarlo M. Kumquat , says: July 11, 2020 at 12:17 pm GMTGary is a pro-life libertarian
Well, seeing as libertarians are against government action to stop abortions, I suppose all that a libertarian who opposes abortion is allowed to do is acting against it in their private life; seeing as that is exactly what the pro-choice option means, you see that Gary's position is rigorously meaningless: he is pro-life and pro-choice at the same time.
That is a really grand deception, regardless of any other claimed by this article, and all I need to know about it.
St-Germain , says: July 11, 2020 at 12:24 pm GMTStop feeding those Haitians!
anonymous [400] Disclaimer , says: July 11, 2020 at 12:29 pm GMTThanks for your article.
I also prefer plain facts to eloquent fiction (MSM). Your article has obvious practical value for the public. It's a keeper. I also hope it circulates widely as an effective antidote to virulant MSM viruses.
BTW, my first act following retirement from four decades of professional news writing was to cancel all newspaper and magazine subscriptions. There is no utility in paying to be misinformed.
It never ceases to amaze me that so many people who have never set foot in a news room now regurgitate MSM propaganda as though it came down from Mt. Sinai. MSM journalism has now run the gamut from the duty to reveal what is true, even if it hurts, to the need to say what sounds nice, even if the reporter himself doesn't believe it. That's the definition of PR.
An Easterner , says: July 11, 2020 at 12:38 pm GMTWhen this wears thin they'll discover another killer virus and there'll be another go-round. They started off saying the lockdowns were just for a brief time and then when they got their foot in the door it was extended. Now government herding people around by diktat is a permanent feature of American society. They'll never let it go. There's already been some report of some other mysterious killer virus coming out of Kazakhstan so get ready. This is the largest transfer of wealth scheme ever, the assets of the bankrupted scooped up by the big companies.
macilrae , says: July 11, 2020 at 12:47 pm GMT'Most importantly, they are Bible believing Christians.'
That for me, as a Muslim, is the best guarantee that the person writing this article will have written all in good faith because he or she is answerable to God.
Overall, the article was very informative and pertinent to the situation we face today.
Butch , says: July 11, 2020 at 1:01 pm GMTThe article cites imperfect studies in which hydroxychloroquine was found to be an ineffective therapeutic for COVID19 – imperfect because the treatment was generally started too late in the progression of the disease. The author postulates that, if treatment were begun earlier, mortality would be drastically reduced but, unfortunately, there is no study to support this and the majority of people suffering the symptoms of early-onset COVID19 will recover spontaneously anyway.
Singapore, with its superb bureaucratic infrastructure, has reported over 45,000 infections but only 26 deaths – that is 4 deaths per million population. South Korea reports 13,000+ deaths and 287 deaths (6 per million population) and Japan 20,000 cases and 981 deaths (10 per million) compare this to the USA with 364 deaths per million or the UK with 718.
I have yet to see a convincing explanation of these shocking differences and, when asked recently, a British government spokesman said that it is "too early" to start drawing international comparisons – "too early" for whom you might ask? Evidently not for those who have succumbed – by now a huge effort should have been put forth to account for the disparity – even if the explanation is demographic as is being largely claimed. I assume that national pride has stood in the way of seeking answers by sending study teams to these countries.
The article recounts a number of inexpensive treatments that might work and points to "Big Pharma" as the major reason these are not being systematically studied – that may well be an impediment in the USA particularly – so gathering of data from East Asia, where that influence is far less and where dramatic positive results are seen, is all the more urgent.
Meanwhile my family will wear masks and hunker down because we have no particular plan to implement if one of us catches this bug.
Off The Reservation , says: July 11, 2020 at 1:06 pm GMTHere is a clue, stop doing ALL the things they tell you to do because its all designed to make you sicker. Eat real food, so many people just don't get it, its garbage in and garbage out. Curves have always been flattened by the healthy freely moving about [oops, stay home], health from being outside, in the sun, and amongst nature is vital [oops stay inside], eating good REAL food is how you have a good immune system [oops, dont want that we need sick people for the pharma devils, therefore we'll allow FAST [shit] FOOD to be readily available [no contact of course [OMG can you actually believe this crap?] Wear a mask because the covid devil lurks everywhere [oops, retard the flow of healthy oxygen into your body, breath back in your own exhalations of CO2 and bacteria so you can increase your odds of getting sick, you just cant make this twisted stuff up!!!] Social distance, thats the best one? We should be wanting to be social for many many reasons, the least of which is because we ARE social animals, but the best way to flatten any curve is, as previously stated, assimilate it [as humans have with all viruses] to develop herd immunity [something that you CANNOT get with a toxic vaccination], like Sweden and Japan. STOP watching MSM and social platforms removing truth. Actually STOP watching TV, its all designed to make you think a certain way.
CW2isComing , says: July 11, 2020 at 1:14 pm GMTThe biggest problem with this article is that it does not address the fundamental basis of the fraud that is CV19.
The Chinese supposedly identified a new coronavirus and named it SARS-CoV-2.
Then, the WHO made a vague list of symptoms and created a syndrome called COVID19.
There is no proven connection whatsoever between the supposedly identified virus and the syndrome.
Billing codes were created that allow the assumed or tested diagnosis of CV19.
To make matters worse, a test was created which only tests for "markers" of coronavirus and has never been proven to connect to the above viruses or the above syndrome. Thus testing positive or negative really has no meaning as proven by the disconnect between symptoms and diagnosis.
Then, the government incentivized and instructed the use of the above billing codes and created the commonly known situation of people dying "with" the syndrome even though they died of other causes.
Add to that the manipulation of the case count, etc. Then, you have New York and New Jersey basically murdering people with treatment. Loved ones banned from visiting homes – for reasons they might bring the virus in – while "positive" sick patients are brought in. Reconcile that.
I am not saying a few people aren't sick, but there is no way to deal with something while these language tricks are going on.
The virus, the syndrome, and the tests, and the count of cases have no scientific connection to each other. What is it you are talking about being treated for? The flu?
@Gleimhart MantoosoAdûnâi , says: Website July 11, 2020 at 1:22 pm GMTYes, where IS that Wonder of Modern Medicine anyway? We were breathlessly told of its soon-to-be release; I even thought that it was peculiar that the Israelis were so serendipitously working on just the right strain of coronavirus as to be in the forefront of vaccine development.
Miracles happen.
Except when they don't. And, to summarize here, there has NEVER been a stable/effective vaccine for the coronavirus family of viruses. NEVER.
As in, NEVER.
@skrik bio-warfare-like attack [possibly when they 1st saw the PRRA inclusion in the decoded genome], they reacted like cut snakes and proceeded with the speed of fear-stricken Gazelles in a very largely successful attempt to *suppress* the virus. But, of course, they are communists, eh?"anon [327] Disclaimer , says: July 11, 2020 at 1:25 pm GMTFinally some sense in the sea of conspiratards. It is fascinating to observe the insanity of White nations – they will cling to their clearly delusional beliefs to the end, even when an alternative is presenting itself this whole time.
Wearing a mask apparently turns you into a slave. Believing in the existence of the virus makes you a shill. Pure anarchism, just without the bombs.
The comment #19 by UncommonGround is decent as well.
CW2isComing , says: July 11, 2020 at 1:35 pm GMTBest cure for C-19: Put Dr. Fauxci and Dr. Birx , ilk,
on a SpaceX ship bound for Mars.Doesn't need to be a big ship.
Use sardine packing method.@Mark G. As well (and mentioned in some of the above comments) there are many studies indicating that adequate levels of Vitamin D may be protective. Best source: sunlight; then fresh fish, then supplements.anon [624] Disclaimer , says: July 11, 2020 at 1:48 pm GMTThe entire point of this article is "self-rescue." It is clear to me that the "official" recommendation is to "stay home, don't come to your doctor's office/E.R. until you get shortness of breath, etc." so as to not "overload the hospital system."
The latter advice will get you killed if you are elderly and/or have certain co-morbidities. Treat yourself early on, be proactive towards you health; oh, also, maybe stop shoving Cheetos down your neck, take a walk, lose some weight?
@skrikGary Heavin , says: July 11, 2020 at 1:58 pm GMTMoon of Alabama is a controlled website that censors dissenting commenters. The Covid-19 has completely blown the cover of that site and Mr. 'b'. Do not push that site. This unz.com site does not censor comments. Get back to us when Mr. 'b' (or is that German Intelligence?) decides to play his role properly again.
@HeraldTwodees Partain , says: July 11, 2020 at 2:04 pm GMTHi Herald,
The reason I didn't mention vitamin D3 is that I classify it under prevention rather than therapeutics.
I take 2,000 iu daily, 2,000 mg of vitamin C, 30 mg of zinc and 200 mg of magnesium to help prevent illness.@Quinsat ch's postulates.Gary Heavin , says: July 11, 2020 at 2:06 pm GMTThat's the main point of information needed if "need to know" is at the top of the list on how to survive. A person "diagnosed with covid19" should know that the existence of this "novel coronavirus" has not been established in any way that is based in actual science.
Such a diagnosis subjects the purportedly infected person to treatments that would be, at best, useless. Diagnosis is the starting point for a political assault conducted by means of "contact tracing" prescribed by an Israeli intelligence operation, and can't possibly include any effective medical treatment.
No medical treatment exists that can cure infection with an imaginary virus.
@GeeBeeReally No Shit , says: July 11, 2020 at 2:08 pm GMTThank you for your corrections. When I found out that Ron was going to post my article on this website I was very excited due to the quality of its readership. People like you.
Gary Heavin , says: July 11, 2020 at 2:10 pm GMTA chinaman told me that lots of chopsuey with exotic wild animals worked for his country, whereas a wetback told me lots of beans and rice with hot sauce was the key to their success. Here in my neighboring neighborhood, the Borough Park, I hear that bubbies are offering up matzo ball soup with a scrawny chicken thrown in and the Bensonhurst Fredos are insisting that had the Italian government not abandoned the age old custom of over eating pasta fagioli, none of those paisans needlessly would have died. So, who do you believe?
@Linux_tyroAgent76 , says: July 11, 2020 at 2:19 pm GMT25 mg of zinc daily is what I take
Twodees Partain , says: July 11, 2020 at 2:32 pm GMTJuly 9, 2020 CDC May Officially Downgrade COVID From An 'Epidemic'
The coronavirus mortality rate in the United States has dropped so low that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may soon stop calling the virus an "epidemic."
@EmslanderAlfred , says: July 11, 2020 at 2:39 pm GMT"the regular use of two substances I could get at the vitamin store."
What two substances?
@AnonAnonymousse , says: July 11, 2020 at 2:53 pm GMTI'm beginning to believe they want more people to die so Trump would lose the election.
I am surprised it is taking people so much time to work that one out.
The media don't want you to see this chart. That is why I won't stop shouting CASES
Desert Fox , says: July 11, 2020 at 2:54 pm GMTI had symptomatic corona. It was a day and a half of mild fever and fatigue. Basically like the flu but not nearly as bad. Everyone else I've known that had symptomatic corona (already a small minority of those who actually got infected woth corona) experienced the same or even less.
If you're just about to die from something else anyway, yeah maybe such a mild disease can give you that last little push. At that point you need to be thinking about saying confession and your relationship to eternity not some magic drug extending your life another few months
It's just the flu bro.
Alfred , says: July 11, 2020 at 2:55 pm GMTCoronavirus is one of the biggest scams, frauds, psyops, mass hypnosis, in history, see these sites for the truth about the coronavirus scam, henrymakow.com , thetruthseeker.co.uk, chuckbaldwinlive.com , thedollarvigilante.com .
@Gleimhart Mantooso aled that they had designed a vaccine and tested it on hamsters. They wrote that a single dose "was able to protect hamsters against SARS-CoV-2."Trinity , says: July 11, 2020 at 2:58 pm GMTTheir best shots: Israeli efforts to invent a coronavirus vaccine, explained (Times of Israel)
You can be absolutely certain that the clowns above removed their masks as soon as they were off-camera.
Che Guava , says: July 11, 2020 at 3:13 pm GMTThe (((CoronaRona?))) Well, put it this way, the same people pushing the (((CoronaRona))) story or the same people who told you that Germans gassed 6 gatrillion Jews in the "holocaust." You might have a better chance at seeing Santa Claus than dying from the (((CoronaRona.)))
During the riots, the weasel, Fauci and that female doctor whats her name, were nowhere to be seen, and now they have returned and the (((CoronaRona))) is being looped 24/7. My guess is that all these (((medical experts))) will recommend another lock-down until the election. IF Biden wins, which given the corruption out there, is highly likely whether we are in lock-down or not, the (((CoronaRona))) will fade away into the night. IF Trump is somehow is reelected, well the (((Antifa-BLM))) types will be having another meltdown that the (((media))) will cover 24/7, and the (((CoronaRona))) will be back page news again.
I'm (((CoronaRona))) and I approve this message.
schrub , says: July 11, 2020 at 3:29 pm GMTThis reply is both to Kirt and Garry Heavin.
For Kirt, yes, I think I already had it too, seven or eight weeks from NYE last year to mid-Feb. of this. As I have said several times, the area near my workplace was usually full of Chinese tourists.
I had a cough, extreme lethargy on many days, a slight fever. Water frnm my nose, always the case for me in winter, but no sneezing. I must raise the idea with my regular doc., since I saw him at least three times over that time.
As for our author, Heavin's article, he is clearly offering better ideas for treatments than big pharma, but who really needs treatment?
Those who have a persistent cold-like syndrome?
Anyome identified through the polymerase chain reaction tests, which prove nothing.
Just ignore it and it will go away seems by far the wisest course.
Zarathustra , says: July 11, 2020 at 3:33 pm GMTOn an entirely different topic:
If you select NORDVPN's "CYBERSEC" option to "block ads and malicious websites" , you will no longer be able to get on sites like unz.com or many other right wing sites (like Mike Rivero's site: whatreallyhappened.com for instance).
NORDVPN's CYBERSEC will, however, allow you on all the left wing sites pushed by the ADL. This means that NORDVPN'S CYBERSEC option is probably using the ADL's filtering criteria.
I questioned NORDVPN about this "selectivity" and never received a reply.
This also means that your NORDVPN software could well be spying on you and recording your keystrokes if you try to access to certain unapproved sites EVEN IF if the CYBERSEC option hasn't chosen.
NORDVPN is now, curiously enough, based in Panama, a country which the US government has been shown in the past to have considerable influence over when the need arises. (Ask Manuel Noriega for examples)
Spread the word.
It might be time choose a different VPN sofware if you are now using NORDVPN. Anybody have any good suggestions?
CW2isComing , says: July 11, 2020 at 3:35 pm GMTI believe!
I believe in CNN.
I believe that half of population of USA will die of Corona virus.
The other half because Corona virus infecting toe nails will become zombies.
Also their brains are now eaten out by Corona virus.
All US population will be replaced by natives from Africa.
First herd of Negroes are already swimming halfway in Atlantic toward America.Well?
Its not really funny.
But than CNN is never funny.@Twodees PartainHerald , says: July 11, 2020 at 3:38 pm GMT@Emslander
Yes, why are you being cryptic here–on this site–where a free exchange of information is desirable?
@AlfredEmslander , says: July 11, 2020 at 3:41 pm GMTCases now mean positive tests and of course, no really knows what that means, other than that more useless tests have been carried out. As the graph clearly indicates these so called "cases" have little to do with deaths. Nor do they have anything to do with hospitalisations.
We are clearly in the midst of an almighty scam, which is much much bigger than simply getting rid of Trump.
@Twodees PartainAlfred , says: July 11, 2020 at 3:50 pm GMTExtract of cranberries and D-Mannos. Together they are very good. I presume that they can't cure serious problems, but they work pretty well.
I'm not a doctor and I don't even work on TV.
@UncommonGround ut a thorough check.Zarathustra , says: July 11, 2020 at 3:55 pm GMTA report in The Guardian also found that the key employees of Surgisphere included a science fiction writer and an adult movie star.
The HCQ study mess: How 3 Indian researchers put reputation of Lancet, NEJM at stake
How 3 'smart' Indian names have ruined 200-year reputation of most respected medical journals
Gary Heavin , says: July 11, 2020 at 3:56 pm GMTBut putting all attempted jokes aside and talking a little bit more seriously, CNN did become certified criminal enterprise now.
Thomas Milton , says: July 11, 2020 at 3:57 pm GMTTo Bras my pro-life libertarian position does not become "meaningless" as if my prolife and libertarianism negate each other as you suggest. It's quite simple. Libertarianism demands we not harm other persons. An unborn baby is a person.
To Che I certainly agree with you that Covid 19 has been hyped, politicized, misrepresented, etc..
If I come down with a severe upper respiratory event that is heading toward pneumonia-like symptoms, I've lost my sense of taste and smell I'm going to talk with my Doctor and try one of the therapies I've written about. I hope you do the same.Montefrío , says: July 11, 2020 at 3:58 pm GMT"What you need to know" .is that this crisis has been spun from whole cloth.
@gotmituns e before the year is out. My bucolic life has been given a shake and I'm scrambling to best position our family (we live on the same property) financially and economically when BNW arrives with a vengeance. I wish to leave my grandchildren (my son, a water well driller, is prospering, happily, but still ) wholly owned property and the houses thereon plus one. I believe the BNW will have a distinctly local air to it in rural or semi-rural communities: little travel, local employment save for telecommuters, detachment from social media, different educational strategies and opportunities, etc. If you share this belief, get cracking and pretend that the reset has already arrived and act accordingly.schrub , says: July 11, 2020 at 4:00 pm GMTWally , says: July 11, 2020 at 4:02 pm GMTAS an answer to my own question about a new secure VPN service, I just came upon this. Anybody have any experience with this outfit?
I now wouldn't trust any VPN whatsoever service that wasn't entirely "open source". Protonvpn claims to be "open source". (On the other hand, NORDVPN isn't open source).
Definition of very important term "open source" for those are unfamiliar with it:
https://opensource.org/osdIf a software isn't "open source" it could potentially be spying on you. Choosing a VPN service using "open source" software should be the PRIMARY and most critical consideration when choosing a VPN service.
Non "open source" VPN software is open to outside manipulation and possible government infiltration.
@Gleimhart MantoosoAlfred , says: July 11, 2020 at 4:04 pm GMTasked:
"Whatever happened to that vaccine that some Israeli Genius Doctors claimed would be ready in a few weeks, which was months ago now?"– The same thing that happened to the 'Israeli Geniuses' laughable, but "historic", attempt to put a spacecraft on the moon.
Israel's Beresheet spacecraft crashes during historic moon landing attempt : https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/how-watch-israel-s-beresheet-spacecraft-attempt-moon-landing-ncna993436
@EmslanderAstuteobservor II , says: July 11, 2020 at 4:05 pm GMTIt suits her personality as she is a quite orderly and methodical person. However, it means that she is incapable of critical thinking. All doctors in Australia are invited to free seminars and meals at expensive restaurants – paid for by pharmaceutical companies.
Sadly, she did not listen to my opinion about vaccines for our two girls. In the State of Victoria, they give a mandatory HPV vaccine. However, HPV is only a problem for those who are promiscuous. Furthermore, this vaccine is essentially an unknown. It is highly-expensive at some US$300 – paid for by the tax-payers. I suspect the vaccine altered the personality of one of our daughters. It is uncanny.
Zarathustra , says: July 11, 2020 at 4:13 pm GMTIt seems the only way to convince retards is to kill them or let them see dead bodies everywhere.
It is like the old saying in IT.
Everything is working, wtf does the company need you for.
Everything is falling apart, wtf does the company need you for.
On covid.
Lockdowns and quarantine is working, wtf, covid is Nothing, flu is worst.
Death count is now twice the number of the worst flu year, the lockdowns and quarantine are the causes, not covid.
Lincoln was right, just need to make sure the 80% retards gets fooled, the other 20% doesn't matter as their voices would be drown out by the retards.
If this covid virus is as deadly as it needs to convince the retards, nukes would have flown. I wonder how many retards understands why that is.
@Gary HeavinMontefrío , says: July 11, 2020 at 4:21 pm GMTSlightly increase the daily intake of butter you moron, and you will not need to worry anymore.
@macilraeSparkon , says: July 11, 2020 at 4:35 pm GMTI neither wear a mask nor hunker down and I'm a "double-vulnerable" (nearly 74 and mildly diabetic). A close lady friend is the village pharmacist and when on duty wears the mask under mild duress; neither of us wears it when alone with each other. Unless you're in a densely populated area, better to go out and get at least half an hour of sun daily, fortify yourself and family, keep the faith and don't succumb to manufactured fear, sez I.
@macilrae ak links here in the USA, sad to say. During my most recent trip to the market, I saw perhaps 7-10% of shoppers with their masks pulled down so it was covering the mouth, but not the nose. For the most part, these non-complying shoppers were the fat, ugly, slovenly, and stupid looking types one would try to avoid anyway, so the pulled-down mask is a good signal to give these types a very wide berth.Vandal , says: July 11, 2020 at 4:41 pm GMTRecall that the world's experience with COVID-19 amounts to just six or seven months. Nobody knows what this virus may do in the future, but odds are it will mutate, like all viruses.
Psst: If it's just the flu, bro, why is it still spreading in the summer?@chuckywizPragma , says: July 11, 2020 at 4:47 pm GMTThe regiment I've seen published is as follows
Hydroxychloroquine 200mg twice a day for 5 days
ZPAK 500mg once a day for 5 days
Zinc Sulfate 220mg daily
Gary Heavin , says: July 11, 2020 at 5:16 pm GMTMr. Heaven:
I found your figures regarding the vaccine cost and quantity remarkable, to say the least.
After some research, I could find no reference of a commitment by the UK government to purchase 80 million doses at $600 each.
I did find, however, reference to the Oxford/AstraZeneca potential vaccine AZD1222 which is estimated to cost around 2.5 euros or about $2.80 US. This appears to be the direction that the EU is going, but it is unclear if the UK will be part of it.
Could you please forward a link or reference for the source of your figures?
@PragmaThim , says: July 11, 2020 at 5:19 pm GMThttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8123691/With-estimated-477-injection-potentially-billions-coronavirus-jab.html
As you can imagine, this article has been lambasted by big pharmaceutical interests.@macilraeBardon Kaldian , says: July 11, 2020 at 5:20 pm GMTYour family will wear masks, because you are slaves. Absolutely no one claims wearing a mask will prevent you from catching a flu or cold (Corona virus).
TheTruthSeeker , says: July 11, 2020 at 5:30 pm GMTSo, it's all a giant conspiracy Interesting: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/10/health/coronavirus-entire-body-effects-columbia/index.html
How coronavirus affects the entire body
Rubicon , says: July 11, 2020 at 5:53 pm GMTPavia, a cure that works, challenges media silence: "Plasma kills the virus"
"Plasma kills the coronavirus." The therapy developed by the Immuno-hematology Institute of Saint Matthew in Pavia is encouraging. In this exclusive interview with The Daily Compass given at the end of his experimentation, director Cesare Perotti reveals the positive results: "The treatment works; at the moment no one has died; the USA has asked for the protocols." But nobody is talking about it: "There are other interests opposing us, but we will address these after the scientific publication." This is how the shared treatment works, by "using" volunteers who have recovered to help heal those who are sick.
Reference and continuation:
@Achilles WannabeWhat Achilles Wannabe writes is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT.
If I have to, the ONLY way to purchase HDC is via my Canadian brothers. Naturally, I would need an American doctor's prescription, but push comes to shove, I absolutely refuse going to ANY American "medical doctor" to treat me.
Hopefully, the Canadian prescription stores would be able to fill that prescription. If not, oh well.
Living in this dying nation is death-defying.
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Neoconned , says: July 8, 2020 at 4:57 am GMTJul 09, 2020 | www.unz.com
There is particular danger at the moment that powerful political alignments in the United States are pushing strongly to exacerbate the developing crisis with Russia. The New York Times, which broke the story that the Kremlin had been paying the Afghan Taliban bounties to kill American soldiers, has been particularly assiduous in promoting the tale of perfidious Moscow. Initial Times coverage, which claimed that the activity had been confirmed by both intelligence sources and money tracking, was supplemented by delusional nonsense from former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice, who asks "Why does Trump put Russia first?" before calling for a "swift and significant U.S. response." Rice, who is being mentioned as a possible Biden choice for Vice President, certainly knows about swift and significant as she was one of the architects of the destruction of Libya and the escalation of U.S. military and intelligence operations directed against a non-threatening Syria.
The Times is also titillating with the tale of a low level drug smuggling Pashto businessman who seemed to have a lot of cash in dollars lying around, ignoring the fact that Afghanistan is awash with dollars and has been for years. Many of the dollars come from drug deals, as Afghanistan is now the world's number one producer of opium and its byproducts.
The cash must be Russian sourced , per the NYT, because a couple of low level Taliban types, who were likely tortured by the Afghan police, have said that it is so. The Times also cites anonymous sources which allege that there were money transfers from an account managed by the Kremlin's GRU military intelligence to an account opened by the Taliban. Note the "alleged" and consider for a minute that it would be stupid for any intelligence agency to make bank-to-bank transfers, which could be identified and tracked by the clever lads at the U.S. Treasury and NSA. Also try to recall how not so long ago we heard fabricated tales about threatening WMDs to justify war. Perhaps the story would be more convincing if a chain of custody could be established that included checks drawn on the Moscow-Narodny Bank and there just might be a crafty neocon hidden somewhere in the U.S. intelligence community who is right now faking up that sort of evidence.
Other reliably Democratic Party leaning news outlets, to include CNN, MSNBC and The Washington Post all jumped on the bounty story, adding details from their presumably inexhaustible supply of anonymous sources. As Scott Horton observed the media was reporting a "fact" that there was a rumor.
Inevitably the Democratic Party leadership abandoned its Ghanaian kente cloth scarves, got up off their knees, and hopped immediately on to their favorite horse, which is to claim loudly and in unison that when in doubt Russia did it. Joe Biden in particular is "disgusted" by a "betrayal" of American troops due to Trump's insistence on maintaining "an embarrassing campaign of deferring and debasing himself before Putin."
The Dems were joined in their outrage by some Republican lawmakers who were equally incensed but are advocating delaying punishing Russia until all the facts are known. Meanwhile, the "circumstantial details" are being invented to make the original tale more credible, including crediting the Afghan operation to a secret Russian GRU Army intelligence unit that allegedly was also behind the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury England in 2018.
Reportedly the Pentagon is looking into the circumstances around the deaths of three American soldiers by roadside bomb on April 8, 2019 to determine a possible connection to the NYT report. There are also concerns relating to several deaths in training where Afghan Army recruits turned on their instructors. As the Taliban would hardly need an incentive to kill Americans and as only seventeen U.S. soldiers died in Afghanistan in 2019 as a result of hostile action, the year that the intelligence allegedly relates to, one might well describe any joint Taliban-Russian initiative as a bit of a failure since nearly all of those deaths have been attributed to kinetic activity initiated by U.S. forces.
The actual game that is in play is, of course, all about Donald Trump and the November election. It is being claimed that the president was briefed on the intelligence but did nothing. Trump denied being verbally briefed due to the fact that the information had not been verified. For once America's Chief Executive spoke the truth, confirmed by the "intelligence community," but that did not stop the media from implying that the disconnect had been caused by Trump himself. He reportedly does not read the Presidential Daily Brief (PDB), where such a speculative piece might indeed appear on a back page, and is uninterested in intelligence assessments that contradict what he chooses to believe. The Democrats are suggesting that Trump is too stupid and even too disinterested to be president of the United States so they are seeking to replace him with a corrupt 78-year-old man who may be suffering from dementia.
The Democratic Party cannot let Russia go because they see it as their key to future success and also as an explanation for their dramatic failure in 2016 which in no way holds them responsible for their ineptness. One does not expect the House Intelligence Committee, currently headed by the wily Adam Schiff, to actually know anything about intelligence and how it is collected and analyzed, but the politicization of the product is certainly something that Schiff and his colleagues know full well how to manipulate. One only has to recall the Russiagate Mueller Commission investigation and Schiff's later role in cooking the witnesses that were produced in the subsequent Trump impeachment hearings.
Schiff predictably opened up on Trump in the wake of the NYT report, saying "I find it inexplicable in light of these very public allegations that the president hasn't come before the country and assured the American people that he will get to the bottom of whether Russia is putting bounties on American troops and that he will do everything in his power to make sure that we protect American troops."
Schiff and company should know, but clearly do not, that at the ground floor level there is a lot of lying, cheating and stealing around intelligence collection. Most foreign agents do it for the money and quickly learn that embroidering the information that is being provided to their case officer might ultimately produce more cash. Every day the U.S. intelligence community produces thousands of intelligence reports from those presumed "sources with access," which then have to be assessed by analysts. Much of the information reported is either completely false or cleverly fabricated to mix actual verified intelligence with speculation and out and out lies to make the package more attractive. The tale of the Russian payment of bribes to the Taliban for killing Americans is precisely the kind of information that stinks to high heaven because it doesn't even make any political or tactical sense, except to Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and the New York Times. For what it's worth, a number of former genuine intelligence officers including Paul Pillar, John Kiriakou , Scott Ritter , and Ray McGovern have looked at the evidence so far presented and have walked away unimpressed. The National Security Agency (NSA) has also declined to confirm the story, meaning that there is no electronic trail to validate it.
Finally, there is more than a bit of the old hypocrisy at work in the damnation of the Russians even if they have actually been involved in an improbable operation with the Taliban. One recalls that in the 1970s and 1980s the United States supported the mujahideen rebels fighting against the Soviet presence in Afghanistan. The assistance consisted of weapons, training, political support and intelligence used to locate, target and kill Soviet soldiers. Stinger missiles were provided to bring down helicopters carrying the Russian troops. The support was pretty much provided openly and was even boasted about, unlike what is currently being alleged about the Russian assistance. The Soviets were fighting to maintain a secular regime that was closely allied to Moscow while the mujahideen later morphed into al-Qaeda and the Islamist militant Taliban subsequently took over the country, meaning that the U.S. effort was delusional from the start.
So, what is a leaked almost certainly faux story about the Russian bounties on American soldiers intended to accomplish? It is probably intended to keep a "defensive" U.S. presence in Afghanistan, much desired by the neocons, a majority in Congress and the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), and it will further be played and replayed to emphasize the demonstrated incompetence of Donald Trump. The end result could be to secure the election of a pliable Establishment flunky Joe Biden as president of the United States. How that will turn out is unpredictable, but America's experience of its presidents since 9/11 has not been very encouraging.
Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is https://councilforthenationalinterest.org, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected] .
Zarathustra , says: July 7, 2020 at 4:28 am GMT
Milton , says: July 7, 2020 at 4:35 am GMTAlso there are the poppy fields.
anonymous [316] • Disclaimer , says: July 7, 2020 at 5:05 am GMTThe Deep State vermin who pulled-off the violent, proxy overthrow of Yanukovych in 2014, and who are also behind the Arab Spring, Syrian Rebels, ISIS, and the ongoing domestic unrest Stateside, are the descendants of the vermin who overthrew Christian Russia in 1917 using the same modus operandi of color revolution and “peaceful protests.”. Putin undid all their hard work in Russia and kicked them out and seized their ill gotten gains: this, coupled with their congenital hatred of Russia, is the reason for the non-stop, bipartisan refrain of “Russia, Russia, Russia.”
vot tak , says: July 7, 2020 at 5:10 am GMTIt is probably intended to keep a “defensive” U.S. presence in Afghanistan, much desired by the neocons, a majority in Congress and the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), and it will further be played and replayed to emphasize the demonstrated incompetence of Donald Trump.
There are other reasons for wishing to stay in Afghanistan. Generals don’t like losing wars. It is personally humiliating to retreat. The whole country is also worn down by lost wars and the psychological blow lasts for over 10 years like during the post-Vietnam era. Keeping 10,000 troops in Afghanistan permanently won’t win the war but it will prevent a defeat and potentially humiliating last minute evacuation when the Taliban retake Kabul.
Also Al-Qaeda is still present in Afghanistan: “Al-Qaeda has 400 to 600 operatives active in 12 Afghan provinces and is running training camps in the east of the country, according to the report released Friday. U.N. experts, drawing their research from interviews with U.N. member states, including their intelligence and security services, plus think tanks and regional officials, say the Taliban has played a double game with the Trump Administration, consulting with al-Qaeda senior leaders throughout its 16 months of peace talks with U.S. officials and reassuring Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri, among others, that the Taliban would “honour their historical ties” to the terrorist group.” https://time.com/5844865/afghanistan-peace-deal-taliban-al-qaeda/
Robert Dolan , says: July 7, 2020 at 5:12 am GMTWhile the melodrama about trump=pro Russia and dems=anti Russia makes good political theater to keep folks running in circles chasing their tails, this is not the main reason for the continuous attacks on Russia by organs of the zpc/nwo. The main reason is Russia is not owned by them. Not a colony. The main reason for the psywar is not about trump vs dems, it is about keeping the Russia=bad guys theme seeded in the propaganda. That was the main reason behind “Russiagate”, as well. And as with that scam, both “sides” knowingly played their part hyping the theater to keep that Russia=bad guy propaganda theme in the mind of americans.
Harold Smith , says: July 7, 2020 at 5:29 am GMTI can’t imagine that any intelligent person believes this bullshit about Russia. I completely tune it out the same way I tuned out any news about “CHAZ.”
Some things are just too silly to bother with.
Alfred , says: July 7, 2020 at 5:30 am GMT“So, what is a leaked almost certainly faux story about the Russian bounties on American soldiers intended to accomplish? It is probably intended to keep a “defensive” U.S. presence in Afghanistan, much desired by the neocons, a majority in Congress and the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), and it will further be played and replayed to emphasize the demonstrated incompetence of Donald Trump.”
Let’s say for the sake of argument that the story is true. So what? I don’t see how it can be used as justification to double down on a pointless war. (Reasonable people might see it as another reason to get out of Afghanistan sooner rather than later).
Moreover, I don’t think they’d have to create such drama to get Trump the imperialist to keep the troops in Afghanistan (if he actually had any intention to withdraw them in the first place).
This propaganda effort reminds me of the Skripal affair. Perhaps Trump’s handlers and enablers realize that he’ll lose the election (if we have one) so they’re trying to manipulate him into escalating tensions with Russia (just as they are with China, Iran and Venezuela).
Patagonia Man , says: July 7, 2020 at 5:33 am GMTThe Americans were always very proud and upfront about how they organized, trained, equipped and financed the Taliban to oust the Russians from Afghanistan. In view of this, why do they act so surprised should the Russians do something similar on a much smaller scale?
Obviously, the whole story was concocted in Washington, but so what?
Anyone with half a brain should know that the Americans are in Afghanistan because the Americans control the world trade in narcotics. Columbia is the cocaine end of the business.
I do wish some smart chemists would synthesize heroin and cocaine in a laboratory and put the CIA out of business.
No Friend Of The Devil , says: July 7, 2020 at 6:51 am GMT“and it will further be played and replayed to emphasize the demonstrated incompetence of Donald Trump”
The demonization of a democratically-elected President by the zionist-owned New York Times , Washington Post and CNN is somewaht reminiscent of the demonization of a certain Austrian in the Western media after the 1933 World Jewry’s declaration of war on Nazi Germany.
“He who controls the narrative controls the consciousness”
With Wolf Blitz’s, Bolton’s, and this week’s release of Trump’s relative’s book discrediting his mental health. How many books is that now???
But, times have moved on. Trump can ride this wave by learning the dark art of playing the victim using the mantra ‘look how hard I’m trying’ and appealing to US voters as their ‘law and order’ president.
Geopolitically speaking, if the US Zio-cons were smart, rather than suffering from ‘Groupthink’, they would be trying to entice Russia away from its partner, China, and draw Russia into playing a greater role in Europe. Recall that Putin had asked if Russia could join NATO.
But, alas, they’re still making the same mistake they did in 1991 after the collapse of Central Industrialism in the former USSR.
Mike_from_Russia , says: July 7, 2020 at 7:32 am GMTThe Mujahudeen morphing into Al Qaeda is a new one on me that I have never heard before. I had read and heard countless times that it was Al Qaeda all along in Afghanistan that the U.S. assisted to fight against the USSR. It does not make sense either, since the MEK ( Mujahudeen ) is a twisted Shiite cult Iranian, and Al Qaeda is Arabic and twisted Sunni cult. So, the language and religious differences do not make any sense that one became the other.
I guess that it makes perfect sense to say anything at all, regardless of the facts, to the Terrible Trio in the DNC, just to keep the focus on themselves, rather than on Biden.
Mikhail , says: • Website July 7, 2020 at 7:40 am GMTWe in Russia read both the main and alternative press in the United States with great interest. Sites with those translations are quite popular.
Achilles Wannabe , says: July 7, 2020 at 7:54 am GMTInitial Times coverage, which claimed that the activity had been confirmed by both intelligence sources and money tracking, was supplemented by delusional nonsense from former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice, who asks “Why does Trump put Russia first?” before calling for a “swift and significant U.S. response.” Rice, who is being mentioned as a possible Biden choice for Vice President, certainly knows about swift and significant as she was one of the architects of the destruction of Libya and the escalation of U.S. military and intelligence operations directed against a non-threatening Syria.
The pathetic Rice has plenty of company. During a 7/5 CNN puff segment with Dana Bash, Tammy Duckworth (another potential Biden VP), out of the blue said that the Russians put out a bounty on US forces. Of course, Bash didn’t challenge Duckworth.
Downplayed in all of this is the fact that Russia was one of the first, if not the first nation, to console the US on 9/11, followed by Russian assistance to the US military operation in Afghanistan.
Ray Caruso , says: July 7, 2020 at 8:01 am GMT“…the kind of information that stinks to high heaven because it doesn’t even make any political or tactical sense, except to Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and the New York Times.”
Pelosi is the proud daughter of a shabbos goy father; Schumer is “shomer” or professed guardian of Israel; Schiff is the decendent of the Internationale Banker who supported Trotsky’s take down of the Czar; the NYT is what happens when Hebrews learn to write English. The Jews have been trying to rule Russia for almost 200 years as Solzhenitsyn would have told us if he could have gotten a publisher in the Jewish American publishing industry. If Stalin hadn’t thrown the Bolshevik Jews out, there might not have been a cold war. Watch out Gentiles. These people have taken us into 3 wars for their interests and they NEVER change.
Emily , says: July 7, 2020 at 8:10 am GMTAnd, of course, the “conservative” maggots are going along with the obvious liberal lies once again. There has never been a group of more cowardly and worthless individuals than American “conservatives”.
Emily , says: July 7, 2020 at 8:15 am GMTRussia
The hope of the world.
Edgar Cayce
Famous US psychic.As the USA continues its path into a political, moral and military cesspit of pure corruption, lies, violence, mass murder and sheer evil, it is increasingly difficult to argue with Cayce.
He was certainly on to something, and that something was like, 80 years ago.
One can even put more belief and trust in a psychic these days – than anything being claimed or reported by the USA alphabets, government or MSM
Sickening and frightening really.@ZarathustraAnn Nonny Mouse , says: July 7, 2020 at 8:23 am GMTAbsolutely and full of the USA military.
Take a look.
Notice U tube has censored the Vid.
Tells you all you need to know about the content – if you have half a brain …….
https://www.globalresearch.ca/drug-war-american-troops-are-protecting-afghan-opium-u-s-occupation-leads-to-all-time-high-heroin-production/5358053Emily , says: July 7, 2020 at 8:25 am GMTPhilip, I wish you hadn’t written, “a certainly forks story.”
I’ve been seeing that too much, recently, that silly fashion of using “forks” for “false”.
Please stop it. Use correct English.
@anonymousFranklin Ryckaert , says: July 7, 2020 at 8:47 am GMTThere are other reasons for wishing to stay in Afghanistan. Generals don’t like losing wars
You would have thought by now the American Generals would have got used to ‘losing wars’.
They haven’t won one other than Grenada in living memory.
The Russians even had to win WW2 for them….
Russia and China would eat them alive today.
So we are now down to sheer bullying, bluster and illegal economic sabotage.
Venezuela springs to mind.@MiltonAnn Nonny Mouse , says: July 7, 2020 at 8:59 am GMTYes, but they also hate Putin for liberating Russia from its rapacious oligarchs, nearly all of whom were Jews. The present artificially created hatred for Russia in the US is in reality the hatred of the frustrated Jewish Mafia.
@Alfredanimalogic , says: July 7, 2020 at 9:07 am GMTI agree. Except it would be fatal for the smart chemists. They’d all die for reasons smart chemists wouldn’t be able to work out.
But isn’t this the Art of the Deal? Breaching the deal? Hadn’t the US just made a deal with the Taliban to pull out? Pull its troops out?
So Russia was needed to help the U.S. pull out of the deal, right? Doesn’t Russia provide that help again and again and again?
@Robert Dolananimalogic , says: July 7, 2020 at 9:14 am GMT“I can’t imagine that any intelligent person believes this bullshit about Russia”
Lenny is clapping his hands excitedly.
“Oy believe it, George ! I do – I do – I do !”
George grunts, clears his throat & spits with some force & accuracy at a scrunched up copy of the NYT.@Harold SmithAnon [833] • Disclaimer , says: July 7, 2020 at 9:26 am GMT“Let’s say for the sake of argument that the story is true.”
For amusement’s sake, lets wonder what would happen should the Russians offer a bounty to US & allied troops to kill each other . A kind of cash incentive to bring back the final years of the Vietnam war.animalogic , says: July 7, 2020 at 9:29 am GMTIt sure will be entertaining to watch Joe Biden try to cope with the duties of the presidency. He makes the fictional President Camacho from the movie “Idiocracy” look like a statesman with the intellectual skills of a Teddy Roosevelt by comparison. I can picture his inaugural address in my head, as he inevitably loses his place on the teleprompter and starts babbling about pony soldiers and you know, the thing. After a grope fest at his inaugural ball, instead of the Oval Office he will immediately be consigned to the White House basement for the duration of his term. If you thought an inarticulate President Donnie made for good reality TV, just wait till a totally incoherent President Joe has the whole world rollicking with laughter. Plus, Republicans get their turn to amuse with grid lock of the Congress and the discharge of mass quantities of bog sediment at the administration every single day for four solid years. It’s a win for comedy no matter which candidate is elected!
@Ann Nonny Mousemcohen , says: July 7, 2020 at 9:51 am GMTAnn, you’ve got the quote wrong. Here is what he actually wrote:
“So, what is a leaked almost certainly faux story about the Russian bounties”
I’m going to assume you didn’t mean “forks” but actually “faux”.
Using “faux” is here is not incorrect. Giraldi could have meant the NYT article was “not real, but made to look or seem real” — which goes considerably further than “false”.
However, that does not necessarily mean that other users of “faux” are not indulging themselves in a “silly fashion”.Robjil , says: July 7, 2020 at 9:52 am GMTMeena talk to me
@Ann Nonny MousePatagonia Man , says: July 7, 2020 at 9:56 am GMTForked tongue.
In that sense it makes sense.
The US/Israel and its Zion MSM always talks in Forked tongue.
@Emily to consecrate Russia to the heart of Mother Mary – which still hasn’t fully been fulfilled, btw – is another indication of Russia’s leadership in a community of a shared future for humanity, aka Community of Common Destiny (CCD), as advocated by the Russian President’s ‘double-helix’ partner, China’s President Xi Jinping.Patagonia Man , says: July 7, 2020 at 10:07 am GMTCompare and contrast that with, then President, Obama’s words to Putin: “The United States has exclusive rights to anywhere in the world.”
What an incredibly exciting time to be alive!
@anonymousFranz , says: July 7, 2020 at 10:15 am GMTJust a headsup!
Newsweek, TIME, The Readers Digest , & CNN are US propaganda outlets. It would be unwise to cite any of these sources.
@Alfred family bankruptcy when every pharmacist knows they re-branded and off-shored their loot several years ago. Their fine was pocket lint to them.tyrone , says: July 7, 2020 at 10:43 am GMTBut that fake allowed the corporate-government axis to make ALL serious painkillers effectively illegal, including the ones being used safely before Purdue Pharma came along.
Narcotics are safe when used properly, but where’s the CIA’s take there? So they killed their competitors and made your family doctor an agent. And sell lots of dope. Because the nation the CIA protects is in terminal debt, agencies need hard cash from somewhere .
@Robert Dolantyrone , says: July 7, 2020 at 10:51 am GMTYeah, but you don’t want to accidentally drive into some “CHAZ” ……planet of the apes scenario.
@EmilyErzberger , says: July 7, 2020 at 10:52 am GMTThat’s why the democrats and the left fight to keep the southern border open ,the hordes of third world peasants are just a “bonus”……look at who the drugs are destroying i.e. the target
peter mcloughlin , says: July 7, 2020 at 10:57 am GMTThe Democrats have predictably been outdone by the anti-Trump Republicans in this matter. You can’t sink any lower in Russia-baiting than the Lincoln project’s recent release, “Fellow Traveler”. Beyond stupid and revolting. Gives you a clue of their very low opinion of the American voter
Sick of Orcs , says: July 7, 2020 at 11:18 am GMTThere is a dangerous illusion – characterized in part by demonizing rivals – and that is the developing crisis is merely a re-run of the Cold War. After the Napoleonic wars the Congress system was established to maintain peace in Europe. It worked reasonably well, interrupted significantly by the Crimean war, but finally buried with the outbreak of WWI in 1914; it did not prevent that cataclysmic conflict. Then came the League of Nations for a short time; it did not stop WWII. The United Nations and other post-war institutions were established in the 1940s. Now we are in the approaches to WWIII. But very few see. The apocalyptic conflict feared during the Cold War is nearing.
https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/BL , says: July 7, 2020 at 11:30 am GMTRussia Hoax 2 is supposed to keep our minds off the Uniparty’s anarcho-tyranny, but it’s awfully hard to fear Putin with orcs and shitlibs running amok wrecking statues of racist elks.
@Robert Dolan olostomy Bag, or were able to steal it on election night, Trump would be spending the rest of his life in prison right now.Tom Welsh , says: July 7, 2020 at 11:55 am GMTAnd Russia would have acquiesced to, though more likely quietly assisted, the frame-up. What we don’t know at this point is what generational geopolitical payoff Russia was promised by Brennan in March 2016, for its participation. My suspicion is that Nord Stream II was merely a down payment.
I don’t envy Barr or Durham. How do they resolve this greatest political scandal in American history when at the center of it you have a former CIA Director who is a Russian mole.
JoaoAlfaiate , says: July 7, 2020 at 11:55 am GMTMichael Morell: “Let Us Kill Iranians and Russians in Syria!”
Really No Shit , says: July 7, 2020 at 11:55 am GMTIf you review the New York Times editorial page and its oped pieces you will see more half of the content each day is anti Trump. The Times has also played up the civil rights aspect of the BLM movement while playing down the hooliganism of Antifa and the looting by Blacks which has accompanied it. Many neighborhoods in Manhattan were trashed and looted far beyond what The Times reported. So promoting the “Russian Bounty” lie doesn’t surprise me at all. Remember also Times employees went absolutely crazy when the paper printed an oped by Sen. Tom Cotton. What a bunch of lying flakes and chicken shits.
@Franklin RyckaertTom Welsh , says: July 7, 2020 at 11:57 am GMT“The Deep State vermin…” that @Milton is talking about is about the Jews. You’re merely reinforcing his salient points.
@AnonPatagonia Man , says: July 7, 2020 at 11:57 am GMT“… the intellectual skills of a Teddy Roosevelt…”
@tyrone of more and more of the total of products and services produced in the US economy every year (GDP) goes to capital, i.e., the holders of wealth, rather than workers, which in turn creates a drag on further GDP – so eventually it becomes self defeating.Tom Welsh , says: July 7, 2020 at 11:59 am GMTThink: Vicious Cycle of Poverty, as opposed to Virtuous Cycle of Prosperity.
But that explains why neither the Dems / Repubs are determined to do anything about the 1,000,000+ illegal immigrants crossing the US-Mexican border every year.
As said many times by many others: ‘The US has one political party – the business party, with 2 wings.’
@EmilyOld and Grumpy , says: July 7, 2020 at 12:00 pm GMT“The Russians even had to win WW2 for them….”
The Soviets actually had to stop the Wehrmacht cold (very cold, indeed) and be ready to start rolling it back before the USA even dared to join the war.
@Patagonia ManZ-man , says: July 7, 2020 at 12:04 pm GMTUS Ziocons movement is a family affair. They’re into the second and third generation, who are still following their daddy’s’ or grandpa’s playbook. Original ideas are hard to come by with this lot.
anonymous [400] • Disclaimer , says: July 7, 2020 at 12:06 pm GMTThe Democrats are suggesting that Trump is too stupid and even too disinterested to be president of the United States so they are seeking to replace him with a corrupt 78-year-old man who may be suffering from dementia.
Good one but what do you mean may be suffering ? (Grin)
Not only replace Trump with Biden but with all the radicals now infesting theDemo’krat party and manipulating demented, sleepy Joe.Patagonia Man , says: July 7, 2020 at 12:12 pm GMTThese are all made up stories. By the time one fake story is laboriously dismantled another one is made up. It’s always a game of playing catch-up. Russia makes a good boogyman and has served well in that role for three generations now so it’s a tested formula. It’s a dangerous game since all these idiots could sleepwalk us into an armed clash with Russia somewhere. Then of course there’ll plenty of problems but perhaps there’s a calculation that something like that could benefit this band of war inciters.
@BL ?Old and Grumpy , says: July 7, 2020 at 12:17 pm GMTAre you not aware that cover stories are used to control explanations – to prevent any critical thinking by American voters of any incident/event?
This excellent,, short article explains what you need to know to defend yourself against cover stories in the future: Cover Stories Are Used To Control Explanations – UR columnist & insider Paul Craig Roberts.
https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2017/05/25/cover-stories-used-control-explanations/Patagonia Man , says: July 7, 2020 at 12:19 pm GMTI know old liberals have ate up all things Russia, Russia, Russia. Have the POBs (people of brown)? Have all those post ’67 immigrants? They all vote democrats, and are now the future demographic of America. Its their kids that have to wanna die for the war machine now. Has the Yiddish propaganda sheet worked its magic on them? The 1619 Project sure did. My humble guess is no, despite their voting. Most just want money.
Folks, it is time to get your love ones to stop enlisting and re-enlisting in the US military. It is the only boycott we can do that will actually hurt.
@anonymousanonymous [144] • Disclaimer , says: July 7, 2020 at 12:20 pm GMTanonymous[400]
“but perhaps there’s a calculation that something like that could benefit this band of war inciters.”
What better way for a tiny ethno-religious (~22 million) of getting majority-Christian nations to wipe each other out?
Same was true of WWI.
Except for Japan, the same was true of WWII.
Its not referred to as the oldest hatred for nuttin’!
Truth3 , says: July 7, 2020 at 12:30 pm GMTFor what it’s worth, Pillar got shitcanned and rusticated by Cofer Black, Kiriakou got locked up, Ritter got framed as a pedo, and McGovern got the shit beat out of him by my DoS goons. So shut the fuck up a little, OK?
Mistress Gina
Z-man , says: July 7, 2020 at 12:31 pm GMTExplainable in one simple sentence…
Dick French , says: July 7, 2020 at 12:40 pm GMTSo, what is a leaked almost certainly faux story about the Russian bounties on American soldiers intended to accomplish?
To sound like a broken record again , the CABAL hates Russia and specifically Putin because he re-established Christian Orthodoxy as the de facto state religion of Mother Russia. They would get The USA into a hot war with Russia if it meant hurting Putin, never mind what it would do to us. Their hatred is so strong that they could care less what it would do to America, the snakes that they are.
Richard B , says: July 7, 2020 at 12:45 pm GMTAll Russians would have to do to exploit the current unrest in America would be to knock out a social media platform or two, or perhaps to leak dirt on the people ginning up war. Those targets are absolutely hated by the American people outside the Imperial City.
@Zarathustra and historically illiterate pseudo-intellectual BS about 1619 and Evil America that, because its evil, should change the names of the military bases where those soldiers trained under the impression they were going to defend their country!dimples , says: July 7, 2020 at 12:45 pm GMTThe Hostile Elite is a rabid dog so totally out of control it needs to be put down immediately.
Whatever happens, no one should ever take the moral condemnation of psychopaths seriously.
Battered Wife Syndrome?
I give you Battered Nation Syndrome.
Time to prove to the world it’s possible to recover from it and move into a larger freedom.
@No Friend Of The Devil not called al-Jake , says: July 7, 2020 at 12:46 pm GMT
Qaeda at this stage but some other name. Apparently the name al-Qaeda was first used by the FBI to reference this group due to some sort of misunderstanding, but it eventually became the name they adopted for themselves since that was what everybody was calling them anyway when they became famous after further adventures.The above should be taken with a grain of salt since this is only what I have been able to glean from reading various articles. Presumably what is called al-Qaeda today are the descendants or associates of personnel from this particular group as opposed to other groups, but I don’t know.
Beavertales , says: July 7, 2020 at 12:46 pm GMTWhen Russia was controlled by Marxists, Leftists and Liberals loved Russia, defended Russia, excused Russia, promoted Russia. Now that Russia has survived Marxist totalitarianism and begun rediscovering Russian cultural heritage, which features Christianity, Leftists and Liberals HATE Russia.
Who coulda thunk it possible?
More important is that our Neocons and our old guard Yank ‘conservatives’ – who control foreign policy for both Republicans and Democrats – in the military and the spy game see Russia today exactly as the Leftists and Liberals see Russia.
Both the Neocons and the Yank WASP Country Club types in the so-called ‘conservative’ arena agree with Leftists and Liberals about Russia.
There’s plenty of meaning there for those with ears to hear and eyes to see.
Anglo-Zionist Empire.
Erzberger , says: July 7, 2020 at 12:47 pm GMTThe Dem’s election strategists are grasping at straws again.
The deplorables they despise the most are flyover Americans who go to church or who serve in the military. These are the people they think are stupid and easily manipulated by wild tales and false flags.
The “bounty on American soldiers” is hogwash to gin up what they perceive to be a voting bloc of gullible whites.
The Dems weakness with working class whites is one they will try to shore up by crassly fake, flag-waving appeals to bedrock patriotism.
@anonymous equal, except negroes.’ When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read ‘all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics.’ When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty – to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocrisy.”Jake , says: July 7, 2020 at 12:51 pm GMTWith Russia abolishing serfdom and slavery at the time – and much later than Western Europe – something had to be done to not be outdone by the Russians, of course. The hypocrisy would indeed have been unbearable. It still is.
@Really No Shit the mass of whites before the post-WW2 era, then you are ignorant. If you think the current Deep State is entirely Jewish, or even majority Jewish, you are ignorant.mike99588 , says: July 7, 2020 at 1:00 pm GMTWithout any doubt, Jews now, and for decades, have per capita dominated the American Deep State. But they did not create it, nor did they create its evil. The Mossad did NOT create MI6 and the CIA. British Secret Service created the CIA and the Mossad.
America has a Deep State that flowed naturally from the British Deep State. The Brit Empire was the Anglo-Zionist Empire Part 1. America is the Anglo-Zionist Empire Part 2.
@Tom Welshmike99588 , says: July 7, 2020 at 1:05 pm GMTBest to let someone else do the dying for you…
US strategy at the end of WWII included letting Germans and Soviets wear each other down and kill as many of each other as possible, without US forces involvement. Obviously “we”, various US investors and the US taxpayer still gave the Soviets too much stuff, that propelled USSR economic success claims for the next 20 years.
@BeavertalesRichard B , says: July 7, 2020 at 1:10 pm GMTJust more Liberal/Dim/Zio/CCP sponsored horsesh*t, to drive US and Russia apart, to drive Russia toward China, when US would be better off trying to treat Russia neutrally (hang our CCP paid dems).
@MiltonAhoy , says: July 7, 2020 at 1:24 pm GMTThe Deep State vermin who pulled-off the violent, proxy overthrow of Yanukovych in 2014, and who are also behind the Arab Spring, Syrian Rebels, ISIS, and the ongoing domestic unrest Stateside, are the descendants of the vermin who overthrew Christian Russia in 1917 using the same modus operandi of color revolution and “peaceful protests.”.
Spot on!
But, a more accurate name than The Deep State is Judeocracy Inc.
Alfred , says: July 7, 2020 at 1:28 pm GMTHenry when he was running the world. All smiles and happiness for things going well.
Then after this very polite send off Russia is bad, very bad.
@MikhailEliteCommInc. , says: July 7, 2020 at 1:30 pm GMTfollowed by Russian assistance to the US military operation in Afghanistan.
Few people seem to understand the logistics of the war in Afghanistan. The US and their allies were hugely dependent on the Russian railway system. It is just so ridiculous to listen to these monkeys who pretend to be statesmen and women.
Susan Rice clearly uses skin whitener and hair straightener to look as much as possible like those she hates so much.
Emily , says: July 7, 2020 at 1:30 pm GMTUnfortunately, the matter with Russia is settled. And while I did not think there was evidence to support the matter. The current executive sign an intel report that accused the Russians and Pres. Putin specifically with sabotaging US election and murder and attempted murder. Unless our executive can reconcile that matter by extracting some manner of penance for hat behavior — reconciling with Russia is just a flat water tide.
Their actions constituted acts of war and while I may disagree with the assessment —
that is the US disposition on which nothing Russia says can be taken further than a pipe.
That intel report which this executive signed locks our posture in place regarding Russia. We kill people in this country for being suspects.
I don’t think the US citizen would look to kindly on shaking hands with a saboteur and murderer.
Whether the signing was a matter of political expediency is irrelevant,. The executive openly cited Russia as an enemy of the US. For me it was one of the most painful memories of the executives tenure, because
1. destroyed a large portion of our foreign policy agenda of toning down our presence anywhere
2. demonstrated the executive was not as string as I believed he needed to be.
If they were willing to interfere in our election and engage in political murder in allied states —there’s no reason to doubt that they would support the murder of our troops in a conflict one.
It was a devastating moment when the executive agreed to that intel report.
@tyrone 07110001-8Tom Welsh , says: July 7, 2020 at 1:33 pm GMT
Latest on the final arrest of Kosovo vile war criminal Thaci a couple of weeks ago
https://www.globalresearch.ca/us-ally-indicted-organ-trade-murder-scheme/5717900@No Friend Of The Devil iv>Z-man , says: July 7, 2020 at 1:35 pm GMT“A little learning is a dangerous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring”.– Alexander Pope (“Essay on Criticism”)
The MEK is one of many organisations that use the word “mujahidin” in their names. That word is quite generic.
mujahedin (also mujahidin, mujaheddin, or mujahideen)
n plural noun Islamic guerrilla fighters.ORIGIN
from Persian and Arabic mujahidin, colloquial plural of mujahid, denoting a person who fights a jihad.– Concise Oxford English Dictionary
@JakeEmily , says: July 7, 2020 at 1:39 pm GMTAgree. See post #49 above.
@mike99588 r Germany.Jake , says: July 7, 2020 at 1:45 pm GMT
And vastly profiting from both sides – shamelessly.
Britain and the Commonwealth faced Germany alone through dark days indeed until Russia became our ally – before the USA incidently – conveniently overlooked..
The Americans finally came in Dec 1941 after Russia was already standing with us.
It has not been forgotten in Britain to this day.
The USA bled this country for decades, paying for what was so much crap amongst all else..
Lend lease – what a scam that was!!!!!
Whilst you traded and supported the nazi war machine against us.@Truth3Gidoutahere , says: July 7, 2020 at 1:51 pm GMTWhen you work that into the British Empire acting to prevent Russia from forcing the Turks out of Europe and thereby liberating Constantinople, and acting to harm Russia deeply in order to win ‘The Great Game,’ you perhaps will then see that back to Oliver Cromwell and the Puritans that WASP Empire is Anglo-Zionist Empire.
David Rodriguez , says: July 7, 2020 at 1:59 pm GMTWell, unlike the JewSA, Russia isn’t enthralled with the Jews. Putin and company kicked out Soros and his Open Society as well as the Rothschild bankers. Lastly the four billionaire Jew oligarchs who were running the Yeltsin economic shitshow were also shown the door. Perhaps the “Assad must go” flop played into Jewish ire as well.
Agent76 , says: July 7, 2020 at 2:08 pm GMTAmusing to see Democrats so deeply concerned over the “Russian threat”. I was in the Agency during the Cold War. When the Soviets REALLY were a threat, most of those same Democrats urged retreat, compromise, submission. It makes my guts churn to see these “patriots” making hysterical claims against Russia. It is almost as if they resent the fact that Putin has rejected their entire Globalist plan, re-Christianized Russia, and locked up at least a few of the so-called “oligarchs” who were looting the Russian people of their patrimony. The case of Bill Browder deserves some attention. This Red Diaper baby (his grandfather was Earl Browder, chief of the CPUSA) has been one of the cheerleaders in the campaign to demonize Russia. Following the family tradition of a lack of loyalty (he holds British and U.S. passports, just in case!) this weasel used his granddad’s old Soviet contacts to make hundreds of millions carting off anything of any value left in the old Soviet Union. Of course, he worked with an equally greasy gang of former Soviets to do this, including one Sergei Magnitsky, a “tax advisor” working with Browder who assumed room temperature in a Russian jail after he was nabbed by the tax police. I really wonder if some of these Democrats and others who so denounce Putin had visions of sugar plums and hundreds of millions of dollars dancing in their heads, dreams rudely brought to earth by Putin?
Zarathustra , says: July 7, 2020 at 2:15 pm GMTFollow the CIA drug money!
Oct 20, 2009 Taliban Is Getting American Troops Hooked On Heroin
It diminishes the effectiveness of our troops as well as raises money for the Taliban, who are the ones growing the poppy. How can the US combat this new strategy?
December 3, 1993 Opioid problem America?
The CIA Drug ConnectionIs as Old as the Agency
LONDON— Recent news item: The Justice Department is investigating allegations that officers of a special Venezuelan anti-drug unit funded by the CIA smuggled more than 2,000 pounds of cocaine into the United States with the knowledge of CIA officials.
June 10, 2014 Drug War? American Troops Are Protecting Afghan Opium
U.S. Occupation Leads to All-Time High Heroin Production
@EmilyAgent76 , says: July 7, 2020 at 2:18 pm GMTVery noble endeavor. US Government should be really proud of it.
Alfred , says: July 7, 2020 at 2:24 pm GMTJul 4, 2020 78% of Russians VOTE to break away from western neoliberal dogma
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated on Thursday that the result was a clear sign of the Russian people’s trust in president Putin.
@EliteCommInc. e accused is served by having his lawyers present. Since the defendants have refused to appear in person – three of them disputing the Dutch jurisdiction — the defence lawyers should withdraw.”Erzberger , says: July 7, 2020 at 2:30 pm GMTTHE DUTCH WRITING ON THE UKRAINIAN WALL – STEENHUIS RULING IN MH17 TRIAL PREJUDGES VERDICT
@Emily t was only done to get into a position to share the spoils. Britain was no more than a vassal state of the US after WW I, and in no position to defeat Germany. Only Russia could, and they did, and would have done so with or without the Anglo-Americans. Stop whining about suffering you brought onto yourself. Besides, Britain suffered very little compared to the continent, including Germany, and European Jewry, and all of them would have suffered less without the British arrogance that they had to defend their national honour. Hope they stay out of European affairs now but it doesn’t look good at this fake Brexit momentChuckOrloski , says: July 7, 2020 at 2:57 pm GMTAlfred , says: July 7, 2020 at 2:58 pm GMTWisely, Agent76 said, “The CIA Drug Connection is as Old as the Agency.”
Re; above, I suggest Grandfathered by Operation Gladio and it’s Vatican Bank money laundering component???
Am aware how an England bank, USBC, was caught laundering the Afghanistan drug trade billions and got a “slap on wrist.”
Linked below is an obscure article on President Putin’s special (on scene) Afghanistan envoy, Zamir Kabulov, who accused US intelligence in Afghanistan of drug trafficking.
Also, my special thanks to commenters, Harold Smith, Franz, and Alfred.
@No Friend Of The Devil to attack Iran. They are totally despised by ordinary Iranians. They are a cult with something in common with the Cambodian Pol Pot way of life. Very dangerous people. They have absolutely nothing in common with the Taliban who are trying to liberate their country from the Americans.Steve from Detroit , says: July 7, 2020 at 3:08 pm GMT@AlfredImaBotKnot , says: July 7, 2020 at 3:08 pm GMTI’m not joking, I initially thought that was Michael Jackson.
@Gidoutahere ld bring to an end a fledgling democracy and a return to the Cold War days.annamaria , says: July 7, 2020 at 3:15 pm GMT“In return, Maxwell’s massive debts would be wiped out by a grateful Kryuchkov, [Vladimir Kryuchkov, head of the KGB] who planned to replace Gorbachev. The KGB chief wanted Maxwell to use the Lady Ghislaine, named after Maxwell’s daughter, as a meeting place between the Russian plotters, Mossad chiefs and Israel’s top politicians. ? Apparently the Rothschilds/Israel Deep State wanted Gorbachev or Yeltsin.
Events are so tangled and interconnected, as Ghislaine is still a Israel Deep State operative.
@anonymous ease the MIC and the Lobby. It is not for nothing that Rice was called “the Typhoid Mary of the Obama-era foreign policy.”Trinity , says: July 7, 2020 at 3:24 pm GMT
“Her religion is Christianity.” Oh my. What church has been allowing the war criminal Susan Rice to attend religious service next to decent people? This church of anti-Christians: https://bluebicyclebooks.com/2019/10/13/former-u-n-ambassador-susan-rice-at-grace-church-cathedral-mon-nov-18-7-pm/ Grace Church Cathedral, 98 Wentworth St., downtown Charleston.neutral , says: July 7, 2020 at 3:41 pm GMTFunny, I don’t see White Russians hating themselves or other Whites for being proud of their heritage.
Funny, I don’t see White Russians tearing down monuments and statues or desecrating their flag.
Funny, I don’t see White Russians wanting their country to be invaded by hordes of hostile nonwhite WMD.
Funny, I don’t see White Russians apologizing or backing down from identifying themselves as a Christian nation.
Oh, I get it. This is why the so-called, “Deep State” and “Neo-Cons aka Neo-Commies” hate Russia so much. I get it now. It burns (((their))) collective asses that there are actually some largely homogeneous and traditional White nations still around who aren’t willingly accepting their own genocide or apologizing for being evil White racists. My gawd, this is my epiphany, this is MY AWAKENING ( shout out to Dr. Duke’s EXCELLENT BOOK), now I know why Russia is so vilified by (((our media.))) (((Our media))) is racist against Whites, and (((they))) hate the idea that a traditional White Christian nation still exists, especially a powerful nation like Russia. Oh dear, how could I be so gullible not to see this one. I’m Irish American and I am told I must hate the Russkies to be patriotic by other patriotic Israel Firsters.
Mefobills , says: July 7, 2020 at 3:51 pm GMTIt has to do with two things, and only those two things, all other rubbish about “human rights”, “international law”, blah blah blah, is propaganda meant for the common man.
1) Russia is white, that means it can easily be demonized and is demonized.
2) The jews that fled Russia are an especially virulent strain of the jew, their hatred for Russia has few equal.@Jake http://canadianpatriot.org/origins-of-deep-state-part2/barr , says: July 7, 2020 at 3:53 pm GMT
http://canadianpatriot.org/what-is-the-fabian-society-and-to-what-end-was-it-created/Note that the bad actors were anglo-zionists of their day, grabbing with usury. Their understanding of sin was already perverted in that era.
The sin nature of the Jew has spread and become a sect within Christianity, hence Judeo-Christianity and Zionist-Christianity
Agent76 , says: July 7, 2020 at 4:00 pm GMTRussia is killing US soldiers. Trump’s response is a shameful dereliction of duty
Michael H Fuchshttps://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jul/07/trump-russia-us-soldiers-afghanistan-putin
seems that BBC CNN NYT and Guardian -all are taking their cues from the coteries of Hillary Biden Cotton Rubio.endthefed , says: July 7, 2020 at 4:01 pm GMTJul 7, 2020 IMF PONZI scheme in Ukraine continues BLM Ponzi scheme boomerang
Jeff Davis , says: July 7, 2020 at 4:05 pm GMTMaybe someone has already stated the obvious. Regardless of the validity (or lack of) a bounty program; it’d be real hard to affect US troops if there were no US troops in Afghanistan.
@anonymousCurmudgeon , says: July 7, 2020 at 4:16 pm GMTIntel community horseshit.
@Erzberger ica and the Balkans.DaveE , says: July 7, 2020 at 4:18 pm GMT
Fourth, had the Admiral Canaris led traitors not been hiding munitions or sending them to the wrong place, the Soviets may not have recovered even with the US re-supply.If there is something to yawn about, it is the WWII narrative is tiresome. Stalin wasn’t a “good guy”, and neither were Churchill or Roosevelt. The reality is that it took the “world” to defeat Germany. The Italians were of no help, and the Japanese were as much a drain as a resource to Germany. Germany was destroyed to allow the advancement of Marxism, which had already embedded itself in the UK and US.
@Patagonia ManBill Jones , says: July 7, 2020 at 4:20 pm GMT‘The US has one political party – the business party, with 2 wings.’
Those two ‘wings’ are the Globalists and the Zionists. The Democrats and Republicans are just interns looking for a summer job.
@EliteCommInc.Desert Fox , says: July 7, 2020 at 4:25 pm GMT“If they were willing to interfere in our election and engage in political murder in allied states”
No you fool, we’re talking about Russia, not Israel.
Alfred , says: July 7, 2020 at 4:31 pm GMTThe zionists are pissed that Russia has saved Syria from the zionist mercenaries aka AL CIADA aka ISIS, which are creations the CIA and the MOSSAD and MI6 and NATO and so the anti Russian propaganda, pouring out of the zionist owned MSM.
@mike99588annamaria , says: July 7, 2020 at 4:35 pm GMTObviously “we”, various US investors and the US taxpayer still gave the Soviets too much stuff, that propelled USSR economic success claims for the next 20 years
The Russians paid for all the “giving” with gold. Kindly stop repeating lies. Even the British went almost bankrupt repaying the Americans for their “generosity”.
It will be interesting to see how the Russians will treat the Americans when the USA experiences feudalism. I suspect the Russians will be far more generous than the Americans deserve.
@neutral kids.Harold Smith , says: July 7, 2020 at 4:38 pm GMT
Hilary Clinton has been a very effective butcher of Libyan and Syrian population at large; young children and pregnant women were the greatest victims of Clinton’s subhuman policies.
Susan Rice was good at promoting mass slaughter in Syria, and, along with H. Clinton, S. Rice should be credited with the slave markets in Libya.
Nuland-Kagan helped to make Ukraine into the poorest country in Europe, where zionists and neo-nazis found a complete mutual understanding. So much for holobiz squealing.What’s wrong with the US? How come that the US society produced these monstrosities?
@barrDaveE , says: July 7, 2020 at 4:49 pm GMTBeing that America kills other countries’ soldiers (and civilians) all the time, why can’t Russia (or any other country) do the same thing? What goes around comes around, right?
anonymous [245] • Disclaimer , says: July 7, 2020 at 5:08 pm GMTSome things (Russiagate) are just too silly to bother with.
I agree – except that I’m getting quite a chuckle these days at the sheer, utter desperation of the “Russia did it”, “Saddam did it”, “Bin Laden did it”, “Assad did it”, etc. etc. etc. noise from the crowd who DID do it.
Shlomo is cornered and exposed – and that IS worth the subscription fee to watch, FINALLY.
@EliteCommInc.Wally , says: July 7, 2020 at 5:29 pm GMTPlease at least proofread your gibberish. Some of it might even make sense.
@AlfredTrinity , says: July 7, 2020 at 5:35 pm GMTsaid:
“Anyone with half a brain should know that the Americans are in Afghanistan because the Americans control the world trade in narcotics.”– Yawn. I’ve heard that before, but have seen no proof.
– So use your “half a brain” and give us the proof.
Sorry, Hollywood movies are not proof.
No doubt you’re one of those ‘No Blood For Oil’ types that Zionists love so much.
Zarathustra , says: July 7, 2020 at 5:35 pm GMT“There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states.” General (((Wesley Clark)))
Obviously a patriotic “American” General like Mr. Clark has no problem with the racist state of Israel.
Just another COHENcidence? Nah, after finding about “6 million” COHENcidences you start thinking for yourself, stop dropping the idea that “conspiracy theories” are “conspiracies” and start realizing you have been fed a load of horseshit for a century and counting. We don’t have a Russia problem but Houston, we do have a problem. Wonder what that problem is?
@CurmudgeonMr. Cocktail Party Talk , says: July 7, 2020 at 5:48 pm GMTAnd we have to believe you? {You are a real jerk.)
@Tom Welsh te Phi Beta Kappa from Harvard, at a time when that meant something. He also wrote (presumably without the assistance a ghost writer) some 40-odd books, as Tucker Carlson pointed out in a recent monologue.Really No Shit , says: July 7, 2020 at 6:31 pm GMTI think by any standard, these achievements indicate a fairly high level of intellectual skills.
Whether or not he was a nutcase is another matter, and not mutually exclusive of his having considerable intellectual skills. A good place to start on this question is to read what H.L. Mencken wrote about him.
And it is said that Roosevelt is included in the Mt. Rushmore tableau because he was friends with Borglum the sculptor.
@JakeAlfred , says: July 7, 2020 at 6:43 pm GMTYou retort:
“The Brit Empire was the Anglo-Zionist Empire Part 1. America is the Anglo-Zionist Empire Part 2.”
I rest my case!
@Trinity of different nations. But they live in harmony. Their common language is Russian. When Putin goes to visit the Dagestan, he tells them that their men are brave and their women beautiful. They love it. And they love Putin for it. Sadly, Google and Youtube seem to have cleaned up this stuff.Ann Nonny Mouse , says: July 7, 2020 at 6:49 pm GMTHere is some compensatory eye-candy:
@JakeThreeCranes , says: July 7, 2020 at 6:58 pm GMTThe current news that the Brutish govt has approved new arms sales to Saudia because Saudi mass killings of Yemeni civilians are all “isolated incidents” so it’s quite proper to sell them the means seems to prove your point.
@ZarathustraCurmudgeon , says: July 7, 2020 at 7:21 pm GMT“(You are a real jerk)”. Also sprach Zarathustra.
And this is your idea of a sound argument? Nietzsche would hide his face in shame.
@Zarathustra tinue to ignore the truth.Trinity , says: July 7, 2020 at 7:38 pm GMThttps://www.amazon.ca/s?k=9780898753974&i=stripbooks&linkCode=qs
No. 6 (page 15) from November 4, 1941:
“Your decision, Mr President, to grant the Soviet Union an interest-free loan to the value of $1,000,000,000 to meet deliveries of munitions and raw materials to the Soviet Union is accepted by the Soviet Government with heartfelt gratitude as vital aid to the Soviet Union in its tremendous and onerous struggle against our common enemy — bloody Hitlerism.” (here)
@AlfredAnon [127] • Disclaimer , says: July 7, 2020 at 8:13 pm GMTIceland is looking better each and every day especially from behind enemy lines in Negro occupied JawJah.
@AlfredAntiwar7 , says: July 7, 2020 at 8:19 pm GMTThe US is in central Asia for much more than that, it’s about blocking China and Russia, as well as partially cutting off Iran on it’s eastern flank. Iran is almost surrounded by US bases. The US wants to have more control point/choke point control over continental transport routes in Asia. (One such prize would be the Dzungarian Gate, but that’s a little too ambitious for the moment. ) Afghanistan does have resources, but it would be a target without them, as it is so valuable as a (potential) transit corridor.
@Robert DolanLarchmonter420 , says: July 7, 2020 at 8:45 pm GMTTotally agree. So that gives an estimate of how many people are intelligent.
@mcohenAce , says: July 7, 2020 at 8:48 pm GMTMeena talk to me
The most intelligent person ever walked on earth. A walking taking genius like Einstein on earth!
@Emily ulture/history/item/4691-china-betrayed-into-communism" rel="nofollow" href="http://www.thenewamerican.com/culture/history/item/4691-china-betrayed-into-communism">Marshall’s doing all in his power to ensure the victory of Mao over Nationalist forces in 1949Zarathustra , says: July 7, 2020 at 9:02 pm GMTU.S. civilian leaders seem to swoon over enemy sanctuaries for some strange reason. Kill U.S. troops in theater. No problemo but pinky swear we won’t go after you if you go back across the border.
God bless Richard Nixon and his destruction of NVA base areas in Cambodia. Thereafter, enemy activity ceased around my camp and all through MR IV.
@ThreeCranesMoi , says: July 7, 2020 at 9:28 pm GMTHe claims to read the minds of dead people.
That was kind of too much for me.@Richard BMoi , says: July 7, 2020 at 9:30 pm GMTThe US is a Judeocracy
@MiltonTruth3 , says: July 7, 2020 at 9:36 pm GMTAnybody who believes what “our” government or the MSM tells us an idiot (and/or a regular American).
Moi , says: July 7, 2020 at 9:36 pm GMTThank you again to Phil Giraldi, for your tireless work to expose the evil with healthy doses of TRUTH.
@Ray CarusoEmily , says: July 7, 2020 at 10:00 pm GMTThere was no need to qualify Americans by saying American conservatives. Ignorance, stupidity and violence are like apple pie for us.
@WallyBill Jones , says: July 7, 2020 at 10:02 pm GMTReading your comment, Wally, I find your name extremely apt.
None so blind as those who refuse to even read.
You can take a horse to water but cannot make him drink.
You can put all the proof necessary but if you refuse to check it out – well – stay a ‘ Wally’.
I guess you subscribe to the philosophy of ‘Ignorance is bliss’.@Agent76Erzberger , says: July 7, 2020 at 10:08 pm GMTI found this interview on Putin and what, how and why he’s setting up a post Putin power structure interesting
Would that there was his like in the West.
@Curmudgeon Wehrmacht, the Warsaw Rising they so strongly encouraged would not have happened, and not have led to the disaster it was for the city and its inhabitantsErzberger , says: July 7, 2020 at 10:20 pm GMT“Stalin wasn’t a “good guy”, and neither were Churchill or Roosevelt. “ no objections
“The reality is that it took the “world” to defeat Germany. “ Much of Europe fought on the side of Germany because they realized that Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt weren’t good guys, and they had nothing to look forward to but a horrible peace in case of their victory. Why do you think the EC got together so quickly after the war?
@ErzbergerMichael888 , says: July 7, 2020 at 10:29 pm GMTAlso: the sheer idiocy of claiming that poor little “Britain and the Commonwealth” stood alone against the German monster state! Do you ever look at a map? at human and natural resources? This should have been a turkey shoot if your side had not been as lacking in courage as it was, and as incompetent. And if the rest of Europe wasn’t to a very large extent in the German camp, as it is today
EliteCommInc. , says: July 7, 2020 at 10:56 pm GMTScott Ritter has a separate article at consortiumnews noting that the Russians have been giving money to the Taliban (AID) to fight Americans, the CIA and their ISIS proxies since 2014. Surely Obama and/or Biden would have stopped these Russian “bounties” if they were important.
EliteCommInc. , says: July 7, 2020 at 11:17 pm GMT“Please at least proofread your gibberish. Some of it might even make sense.”
The executive in the WH has agreed that Russia sabotaged the US election process and engaged murder and attempted in states of our allies.
There is no turning the clock bank unless Russia makes some gesture of amelioration — there behavior constitutes an attack on the US. As such they are active enemies of the US.
Unfortunately anyone seeking some manner of Russian love fest — should probably forget it. Whether the executive signed for politically expedient reasons simply doesn’t matter.
anonymous [245] • Disclaimer , says: July 7, 2020 at 11:25 pm GMT“If you believe any of the Skripals nonsense and the MH-17 false flag, you are either gullible or a troll.”
Uhhhh, wholly irrelevant. My position in opposition to the contend that Russia sabotaged the US election was vehemently dubious. My comments at the time make my position abundantly clear. The evidence for the case against Russia in the US simply no there. But at the end of the day, the executive choose to go the other direction. That is unfortunate. But it was also a sign of things to come concerning the executives ability to stand.
And my comments today make that very clear. Your knee-jerk response that I believe what the executive signed onto is incorrect. I knew that his choice destroyed a good deal of his foreign poliy admonition to reduce tensions.
But that was his choice mistake or not he made that choice and as I expressed at the time — we would have to live by it.
In fact, if I were on the opposition, I would like nothing better for the executive to start behaving as though the intel report doesn’t exist. Because I would pull out that report with his signature and commence calling him a weakling, indecisive, and a danger to the US — who is to toothless to hold Russia accountable for her acts of terror in the US and Europe.
I would then commence a campaign explaining why the executive wants to decrease troops ion Europe — he wants to cede our allies over to Russian domination —
But then I am not on the opposition. It was a mistake on the facts for the executive to sign that report for which there was little to no evidence supporting it.
Now if you have a response that gives the president some manner of face saving as he makes nice with a country that overthrew a US election in the US, and engaged in murder and attempted murder — have at it.
—————Minus some kind of amelioration by the Russians or an about face by the current executive (and tat would really be interesting) no peace and love and understanding can move forward. I can say with certainty
Russia, Pres. Putin has no intention of apologizing for something they most likely did not do regarding US elections.
Though I am sure he will once again have reason to chuckle.
Those of you angry, frustrated, irritated . . . and yada I suggest you take that up with the WH They made that choice.
But by all means name call as opposed to deal with the obvious reality.
@EliteCommInc.Hibernian , says: July 8, 2020 at 12:03 am GMTOr not.
@EmilyArt , says: July 8, 2020 at 12:28 am GMTYou do understand that the US and the UK have been separate sovereigns since 1776, don’t you?
Neoconned , says: July 8, 2020 at 12:36 am GMTTrump should put on his big boy pants, tell the “Russia Russia Russia” types to go to hell – and schedule a meeting with Putin.
Let the “conservatives” and Jew media poop on themselves.
The voters will love it.
Mefobills , says: July 8, 2020 at 12:38 am GMTI find it ironic given that during the Soviet era it was those on the left who laughed at Republicans for being Sovietphobes.
But later now its the neolib media pushing the identity politics narrative that has dusted off the tired old Cold War Russia chicken little stuff.
EliteCommInc. , says: July 8, 2020 at 12:43 am GMTRussia-baiters may also be upset by new Constitution changes in Russia.
AnonFromTN , says: July 8, 2020 at 12:44 am GMT“Or not.’
The US can not make nice with Russia until Russia makes amends for sabotaging the US election and engage in acts of murder or attempted in murder in the sovereign states of our allies. So says the executive in the WH. In fact he says that Pres. Putin ordered the sabotage and murder.
I think you understand.
There is no way for the current executive to move forward with better relations with Russia without extracting some admission and compensation for sad acts without reaping serious political damage — I would say a loss of credibility, but that is already in question – sadly.
Art , says: July 8, 2020 at 12:50 am GMTInterestingly, whoever invented this lie about Russia and Taliban not only did not know the realities of Afghanistan, but was stupid enough not to consult someone who knows. There is no such thing as a bank transfer in Afghanistan. It exists in the Middle Ages (democracy, my foot!), so the only form of money that functions there is cash, in hand, in a case, or in a bag, depending on the amount.
joun , says: July 8, 2020 at 1:23 am GMTSerious questions – does the CIA run the State Department and US foreign policy?
Did Pompeo just move the CIA’s agenda to the State Department, when he became Secretary of State?
Who sets US foreign policy – the CIA and the Pentagon? Why are a spy agency and generals running world policy – what good can come of that?
Is Trump the tail on the US foreign policy dog? It seems as though, those two do what they want – not what Trump and his voters desire.
dimples , says: July 8, 2020 at 1:45 am GMTThe USA is quickly going to find itself in a corner. There is no realistic path away from a total confrontation with Russia. No politician will dare dissent. I hope Russia is prepared for this.
@BeavertalesBob Gwen , says: July 8, 2020 at 1:49 am GMT“The deplorables they despise the most are flyover Americans who go to church or who serve in the military. These are the people they think are stupid and easily manipulated by wild tales and false flags.”
Well let’s face it, they usually are. These are the milch cows the MIC relies on to keep its funding secure.
gsjackson , says: July 8, 2020 at 2:27 am GMTEveryone knows that Americans are the most dumbfuck stupid people on the planet. It is more shocking to think that propaganda would NOT affect most of the population.
@Emily ass="comment-text">anon [327] • Disclaimer , says: July 8, 2020 at 3:11 am GMTAnecdotally, when my family lived in England in a village near London in 1957-58 we were treated like royalty. I’ve always assumed it’s because we were the beloved Yanks who saved Britain’s behind in the war. That doesn’t undercut what you say about the underlying resentment, but my clear impression and that of my parents was that the post-war Brits loved them some Yanks.
Another anecdote, this one not so feel-good. In 1956 we lived on Lakenheath AFB in the UK. During the Suez crisis the base was on full stand-by alert in case we had to go to war with Britain. Seriously.
Derer , says: July 8, 2020 at 3:33 am GMTIn these tough times of toilet paper,
the NYT and WaPo are most useful.The ink is sustenance for roaches;
the paper is bedding, blanket, headrest,
and ass wipe for the homeless.Both are well known virus carriers.
@Patagonia Man re in Washington is beyond repair. The despicable sinister schemes, backstabbing, lies, fake facts in a quest for power has nothing to do with democracy but criminality.Wizard of Oz , says: July 8, 2020 at 3:48 am GMTIt is time to galvanize support for direct voting…enabled by evolving technology. That process would eliminate:
@ need for electing deceiving proxies that always betray their promises to represent the public interest.
@ Washington proxies making decisions…should be reduced to debating issues.
@ the special interest groups, lobbies self-serving agenda.
@ sending our young people dying on far away places in unnecessary wars.@Patagonia Mananonymous [157] • Disclaimer , says: July 8, 2020 at 4:50 am GMTWhen was Paul Craig Roberts last an insider? Do you think him capable of picking cover stories generically, that is without relevant particular knowledge of inside stuff?
And you seem to claim to have that ability to pick a cover story. So…. how? What are the generic indicia?
@annamaria cyclebooks.com/2019/10/13/former-u-n-ambassador-susan-rice-at-grace-church-cathedral-mon-nov-18-7-pm/">https://bluebicyclebooks.com/2019/10/13/former-u-n-ambassador-susan-rice-at-grace-church-cathedral-mon-nov-18-7-pm/Oh gee, your point would make one think that no other pagan Christian Church has produced such mass murderers, or in fact, even greater ones… which would be ludicrous as per history, yeah?
The real source of such satanic evil should be traced to Whitevil (including their Judevil cousins of course) supremacy and their in-house “niggas,” such as the witch you mention.
@AlfredAnn Nonny Mouse , says: July 8, 2020 at 9:08 am GMTLooks like a lot of the blonds here except the ones here date thugs and run around til they’re 24ish from dude to dude til they discover the joys of pills & meth and take the full bath into the toilet….
@Ann Nonny Mouse political dancing around and inventing another culprit as criminals always do, successfully disappeared them. Don’t hope they will ever appear again.anonymous [245] • Disclaimer , says: July 8, 2020 at 10:01 am GMTAnd this is the Brutish government that killed another Russian by polonium poisoning and of course invented another culprit, again as criminals always do.
And is now selling weapons for mass killing to Saudia says mass killings are merely incidentals.
Consistently, modern Britain makes Nazi Germany look angelic. Consistently.
These are not Christian moral values. What religion or ritual system or control system acts like this once it takes charge?
@Wizard of Oz The same person also fuzzes up threads by pretending to be more than one commenter, the technique known as “sock puppetry.” See under Mr. Derbyshire’s February 15, 2019, article comment ## 28, 42, 43, 44, 68, 122, where he/she/they got sloppy also posting as “Anon[436].”anonymous [157] • Disclaimer , says: July 8, 2020 at 10:45 am GMTOver time, Wizard has emerged as sympathetic to the international bureaucracy of the Establishment of which he may even be a (former?) part, the type of “diplomat” exemplified by Mrs. Nuland’s Ivy League cookie caddy in Ukraine. He broke character a while back, showing emotional hostility to China. But who can be sure? Among this website’s oddest, sophisticatedly trollish commenters.
@No Friend Of The DevilPatagonia Man , says: July 8, 2020 at 11:25 am GMTIt does not make sense either, since the MEK ( Mujahudeen ) is a twisted Shiite cult Iranian, and Al Qaeda is Arabic and twisted Sunni cult.
Both of those cults share the same patron… the pagan Christian cult of Whitevil terrorists.
The patron must be destroyed, if we are to destroy other terrorist cults, and for this wretched earth to have any hope of peace.
@Emilygeokat62 , says: July 8, 2020 at 12:30 pm GMTYou will find that Roosevelt privately was giving both the UK & France assurances that if either were attacked, the US would come to their aid well before 1938 – even tho’ US multinational corporations were still trading with the NSDAP in Germany well into 1941.
Talk about walking both sides of the street!
Wizard of Oz , says: July 8, 2020 at 1:42 pm GMThttps://platform.twitter.com/embed/index.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-0&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1280562342099480576&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.unz.com%2Fpgiraldi%2Frussia-baiting-is-the-only-game-in-town%2F&theme=light&widgetsVersion=9066bb2%3A1593540614199&width=500px
@Ann Nonny MouseWizard of Oz , says: July 8, 2020 at 1:48 pm GMTAs you can’t even get the Julian Assange bit right I don’t suppose it’s any use asking you to justify your bald assertions or even flesh them our with detail. Let alone explain when Britain became “modern” and ceased to be the country which is rightly credited with ending theslave trade and led the way in abolition of slavery.
Yes, several governments have treated Assange contemptibly but he is remanded without bail pending the resumption of the extradition hearing, not imprisoned for life in cruel or any conditions. How can you waste readers time with such garbage?
@geokat62Alfred , says: July 8, 2020 at 2:02 pm GMTHow much credit do you give to someone who sloppily uses the term “terrorist in that context referring to the equovalent of precision bombing in contrast to area bombing without precise aiming?
@EliteCommInc.Alfred , says: July 8, 2020 at 2:06 pm GMTSorry if I misunderstood you.
I am really not qualified to comment on the internal wrangling of the various factions in the USA. I look at their foreign policy actions, not proclamations, with much greater interest.
@gsjacksonWizard of Oz , says: July 8, 2020 at 2:14 pm GMTOversexed Overpaid and Over Here: The American Airmen In Britain DVD (Timereel)
@Erzberger ut down war industry was started by Germany, arguably in Belgium in August 1814 but certainly in December 1914 when German cruisers indiscriminately shelled three North East England towns. An aberration? No. It was followed by Zepellin raids on London and the use of Big Bertha against Paris. Then, what message and implicit set of rules do you find in the destruction of Guernica? And many civilians were killed in the bombing of Warsaw. Even the virtually symbolic bombing of Berlin was a response to bombs dropped on London, the only point in your favour there being the fact that those bombs were probably not meant to be dropped on London.Anon [427] • Disclaimer , says: July 8, 2020 at 3:00 pm GMT
@anonymousgeokat62 , says: July 8, 2020 at 3:05 pm GMTHow intriguing. Not having your obsessive interest in warning about Wizard of Oz I have failed, at my level of diligence, to find any evidence at all of emotional hostility to China or indeed, about anything much except perhaps the hypocritical mistreatment of individuals like Julian Assange by governments. Can you help?
@Wizard of OzFranklin Ryckaert , says: July 8, 2020 at 3:21 pm GMTHow much credit do you give to someone who sloppily uses the term “terrorist
The Wizard of Pedantry obsessed about the proper usage of a term, while the offending party is committing acts of war, lol.
@geokat62Franklin Ryckaert , says: July 8, 2020 at 3:26 pm GMTquod erat expectandum .
@Wizard of OzTrinity , says: July 8, 2020 at 3:27 pm GMTAlright then, call it “precision terrorism” (an Israeli specialty). Will that be acceptable to your hasbara boss?
Franklin Ryckaert , says: July 8, 2020 at 3:40 pm GMTThe Germans couldn’t believe how inept the average French, American, and British soldier really were, even British described how frightened many of the America soldiers, most barely old enough to shave, appeared. The German was appalled at the physical fitness of the British soldier as well, describing them as weak and frail for the most part. Here is the truth, Western Europe and America fought the German B team at best, often these Germans were little more than schoolboys in some cases. Everyone knows that the bulk of the serious fighting was done on the Eastern Front. Think if tiny Germany hadn’t had to fight on two fronts against what must have seemed like half the world. It doesn’t speak well that it took so many years to defeat a country as small as Germany, a country that was at an extreme disadvantage. The average Western soldier, be it a Frenchmen, a Brit or an American was nothing special to say the least. This isn’t a I hate America thing, but merely the truth. The average German soldier was head and shoulders above the average Brit or America G.I.
@anonymousGrahamsno(G64) , says: July 8, 2020 at 3:55 pm GMTWizard of Oz = Wizard of Iz.
annamaria , says: July 8, 2020 at 4:03 pm GMTI’m surprised that this hasn’t been posted yet.
Finally, seven days after its ‘scoop’, the NYT ran another story on the subject, entitled ‘New Administration Memo Seeks to Foster Doubts About Suspected Russian Bounties’, which was published on July 3 and buried in the bowels of the paper.
Its opening paragraphs sought to back up the original story, claiming that an intelligence memo had said the “… CIA and the National Counterterrorism Centre had assessed with medium confidence – meaning creditable sources and plausible, but falling short of near certainty – that a unit of the Russian military service, known as the GRU, offered the bounties.”
It was only in the last paragraph that the real story – that there was no story – was revealed: “The agency did intercept data of financial transactions that provide circumstantial support for the detainee’s account, but the agency does not have explicit evidence that the money was bounty payments.”
So the blood libel lasted a week!
One of the greatest things about the Trump Presidency was to carve the ‘Fake News’ meme on the MSM’s forehead.
@Aceannamaria , says: July 8, 2020 at 4:19 pm GMTThe US has its comeuppance in the locally-produced “democracy on the march.” The jolly game of regime change is now played in American towns.
Cheney the Traitor and Obama the Fraud are only marginally different. The US is run by financiers and war criminals.
@EliteCommInc.annamaria , says: July 8, 2020 at 4:20 pm GMT“…there behavior constitutes an attack on the US”
Mister/Miss, since when the zionized Congress of the US serves the citizenship of the US? Thank you for reminding (and you do this regularly) of the unfortunate fact that the US is an occupied territory and the US Congress is a nest of liars, war profiteers, and rabid zionists.
Les Wexler, Ben Cardin, Chuck Schumer, and Clintons have inflicted more harm to the US than any Maria Butin and such. And don’t forget Dick Cheney and Co, the committed traitors and profiteers by any means.
@EliteCommInc.Wizard of Oz , says: July 8, 2020 at 4:29 pm GMTSkripals! Well. There was also the Steel dossier and Browder/Magnitsky Act. You certainly have a weak spot for bad forgeries.
@geokat62Wizard of Oz , says: July 8, 2020 at 4:35 pm GMTIn my experience people who are sloppy with language are sloppy with thinking. I thought you might have had similar relevant experience unlike most commenters here. For example, if you were employing a director of research or even just a junior researcher for a committee of inquiry would you not rate their careful use of language as a qualification? You want to be able to rely on the facts they turn up and their reasoning underlying proposed conclusions do you not?
@Franklin RyckaertDerer , says: July 8, 2020 at 5:35 pm GMTI am content to know that you don’t read my comments and are as sloppy and inaccurate in calling me hasbara as the person who called destroying an Iranian nuclear facility “terrorist”. To extend my last comment, you wouldn’t even be on the long list for assisting any inquiry I chaired.
@AceErzberger , says: July 8, 2020 at 5:48 pm GMTDo you know at least, what were you fighting for in Vietnam? How Vietnam threatened US shores?
Do not tell me fighting communist ideology, because the same Nixon and Kissinger that bombed Cambodia civilians embraced that communist ideology in China with grave consequences. We have lunatics in Washington and it is time for direct voting – majority rules.
@Wizard of Oz as right in the sense that despite the British and French declaration of war, not much happened – other than the naval blockade and the lame French invasion of the Saar region. Neither Britain nor France had the courage to follow up on their war declaration, for fear of unpopular casualties or further destruction of land and people (France), and both hoped to gain a cheap victory by starving out the German war effort. Had they actually opened a second front in the fall of 39, the Germans would have collapsed, and the war would have been over before Christmas.Curmudgeon , says: July 8, 2020 at 5:59 pm GMTThe GErman victory over FRance surprised everyone, including the Germans
@Erzberger https://barnesreview.org/product/the-stroop-report/Derer , says: July 8, 2020 at 6:00 pm GMTI think the EC got together so quickly because the US wanted to impose their economic model on Europe with the illusion of control. The Marshall Plan was unraveling as the swindle it was, and the EC was the answer to keep up the illusion. While the UK was in on the scam, they were the front for the Americans, as the idiot Churchill had pissed away the Empire to buy his 15 minutes of fame.
Once the shooting starts there are no good guys. Like all wars, WWII was an economic war. The German economic system could not be allowed to succeed, it was catching on.
@EliteCommInc.anon [178] • Disclaimer , says: July 8, 2020 at 6:09 pm GMTYou must must have quite a deteriorated mind when Russia can influence your vote. Tell me the logistics of the process. You must have equally deteriorated mind believing what CNN, MSNBC, WP or NYT and others dishonest outfits tell you – they are a propaganda machine for a small unpatriotic parasitic group.
Derer , says: July 8, 2020 at 6:10 pm GMTThere is a hierarchy in the blame game . Trump isn’t on the top . If he were, the vile Democrats would be asking review and discussion by broader media ,Dept of Justice and Treasury either to discredit or confirm the following story
in–“Venezuela’s interim government wants access to funds confiscated in the US from corrupt officials, saying it belongs to the Venezuelan people. But US officials appear to have other plans. The Treasury Department diverted $601 million last year from its forfeiture fund to help build President Trump’s border wall. (Leer en español) https://www.univision.com/univision-news/latin-america/legal-battle-over-venezuelas-looted-billions-heats-up Since the United States initiated a coup attempt against Venezuela’s elected leftist government in January 2019, up to $24 billion worth of Venezuelan public assets have been seized by foreign countries, primarily by Washington and member states of the European Union. President Donald Trump’s administration has used at least $601 million of that looted Venezuelan money to fund construction of its border wall with Mexico, according to government documents first reviewed by Univision Univision reviewed US congressional records and court documents and found that the Trump administration tapped into $601 million of the Treasury Department’s “forfeiture fund” to supplement the wall constructio https://thegrayzone.com/2020/06/29/trump-stolen-venezuelan-money-border-wall-mexico/
Reason no-one is doing it is because hating Trump could always be swapped for worshipping something more sinister and idiotic .
We would have heard a similar story only if Russia extracted something like this from Ukraine or Libya .
@EliteCommInc.Curmudgeon , says: July 8, 2020 at 6:18 pm GMTI suggest you seek treatment for you pathological hate. Russia want to be a friend in peaceful coexistence but it is sinister players in Washington that constantly need/create enemies to build military industrial complexes instead of consumer goods which are supplied from China.
@TrinityEliteCommInc. , says: July 8, 2020 at 6:22 pm GMTIn Iceland she would not be especially good looking, just another face in the crowd.
Wizard of Oz , says: July 8, 2020 at 6:32 pm GMT“Sorry if I misunderstood you.”
I have been a supported of the current executive before he considered running. And his choice to agree with the intel report and more was a fairly tough pill to swallow. As it turns it was but one of many.
No I found the intel dubious. And I think the executive could have challenged in a manner that did not call the CIA and other agencies DIA, etc. or damage his ability to curtail his policy agenda. But having signed — he essentially states Pres Putin and the Russians are active enemies of the US given that scenario
one would draw on our behavior in Afghanistan hen we supported the Taliban with weapons to kill Russian soldiers —-
tit for tat foreign policy is not new.
@Trinity fought more effectively and efficiently than the novice American soldiers. Then there were technical factors which were naturally advantageous to the more experienced military. For example the famous 88mm anti-aircraft gin turned anti-tsnk gun was never matched by the Allies (I thin) and the German tactics for its use were also superior. Germany, though less than the Soviet Union had another advantage over Britain and France. It’s population went on growing fast for a generations beyond the end of high growth in Britain and, especially, France. For example there were 2 million Germans born in 1913 to provide young men for the army in the 30s.Z-man , says: July 8, 2020 at 7:18 pm GMT
@DererErzberger , says: July 8, 2020 at 7:54 pm GMTYes, as I’ve said repeatedly, the ‘sinister players’, the Judaic NEOCON cabal want to keep America and Russia apart mainly for their hate of Christianity and gentiles, and try to destroy them both.
@Curmudgeon uld be a return to what was indeed Hitler’s scheme of continental autarky and a more even distribution of wealth, and a democratic model much more in line with the Prussian model, the latter bearing significant resemblance with the Chinese Mandarin system. The Chinese Communists are really doing nothing different than the old emperors running a meritocracy rather than an idiocracy. Western democracies, esp the US, with their insane and horrendously expensive election circuses tend to achieve the latter. I hear Kanye West is running for president now. The problem with China is not Communism but their adoption of Western state-capitalism.Buck Ransom , says: July 8, 2020 at 9:24 pm GMT
@Art ry in WW2.Ace , says: July 8, 2020 at 9:38 pm GMTI am sure President Putin would be delighted to draw international attention to this new symbol of a Christian resurgence in Russia. President Trump would appreciate the splendor of such a backdrop for his meeting with another major head of state. Many of the Evangelicals among Trumps’s base would be gobsmacked to learn that Mr. Putin is not running a godless, soulless Communist hellstate. And many of people in the US State Department and the rest of the Swamp would utterly sh*t their pants.
A win all around. Maybe the President will do it.
@annamariamike99588 , says: July 8, 2020 at 9:55 pm GMTTrue dat. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the exceptionals.
And Cheney’s daughter burns the midnight oil in order to keep the pot boiling in Afghanistan. MUST have U.S. troops there to oppose “terrorists” with AKs.
Ace , says: July 8, 2020 at 10:08 pm GMTNYT is a rental rag that always favored Soviets and now CCP, why cite it anymore?
The Russia distraction distracts from Piglosi, Feinstein, Biden, Bushes, congress and corps etc etc being in bed$ with China. With the side benefit of Russian alienation from the US driving Russian goods into the China slaughter house on the cheap.
@Derer pants over Assad’s or Gaddafi’s purported authoritarianisms like they’re skunk pie. Eeeww!Ace , says: July 8, 2020 at 10:26 pm GMTYou’re right that we have lunatics in Washington but I don’t think “direct voting” is the answer. Devolution plus draconian anti-trust enforcement. crucifixion of the Antifa filth, massive deportations, ending black privilege, brutally honest debate over black failure, draconian anti-vote fraud operations, and naming and neutralizing the role and power of organized Jewry and its wealth seem more likely to get us back on track. Please be more creative then “majority rule.”
@AnonAnn Nonny Mouse , says: July 8, 2020 at 10:41 pm GMTJesus. “Choke points” can be dealt with from afar. It takes a while to rebuild railroad bridges. The concept of the Russian and Iranian enemies has worn a little thin these last few days. It’s just assumed that Russia is a malignant force just as it’s universally assumed that “special sauce” is the way to go on McDonalds’ hamburgers. I accept neither proposition.
I want troops on the U.S. southern border not on the “flanks” of Iran or policing “transit corridors” here and there but that’s just me.
@Wizard of Oz a refuses to extradite a woman to Britain for actual homicide. Zero grounds to hold him.EliteCommInc. , says: July 8, 2020 at 11:13 pm GMTFrom their political standpoint the safest way out is for Assange to simply die in the maximum-security prison, so the extradition proceedings can simply be dropped. All problems solved.
So, he is in actual fact in prison for life.
Never mind that Britain did something virtuous in the distant past. Today is today. And notice that serial murderers can be friendly and courteous between murders but that nice behaviour doesn’t exonerate them for the murders. Nazi Germany looks angelic relative to the Britain of today.
geokat62 , says: July 8, 2020 at 11:38 pm GMT“The Gulf of Tonkin “event” was a lie, so there’s that.”
No. It in reality, it was a series of confused messages from the patrol boat. But was used to support a defense of S. Vietnam — the matter is of no consequence. The US was going to defend S. Vietnamese sovereignty regardless of the Tonkin event.
anon [402] • Disclaimer , says: July 8, 2020 at 11:57 pm GMTMust watch interview…
Today on TruNews Rick interviews Andrew Torba, the founder of Gab, a free speech alternative to the tyrants at Twitter. They discuss how the Silicon Valley elite use their satanic bias to silence opposition and have a mission to purge Christianity from their platforms.
Patagonia Man , says: July 9, 2020 at 12:09 am GMTFYI while BLM and RG draw our attention and now RABAS have made all other conspiracies recede into Corona graveyard
( Russia gate and Russia Afghan Bounty American Solider )
Kushner stoke and his DNA repaired the monetary damages back at home of origin .Israel lobby organizations such as the Zionist Organization of America ($2-5 million), Friends of the IDF ($2-5 million) and the Israeli American Council ($1-2 million) are grabbing huge 100% forgivable loans from the CARES Act PPP program.
According to SBA data released on Monday, Israeli’s Bank Leumi has doled out a quarter to a half billion dollars under the PPP program, despite being called out for operating in the occupied West Bank.
Leumi has given sweetheart deals to fellow Israeli companies Oran Safety Glass (which defrauded the US Army on bulletproof glass contracts) and Energix, which operates power plants in the occupied Golan Heights and West Bank.
This exchange took place today on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal.This video clip with additional information is available on IRmep’s YouTube Channel.
Grant F. Smith is the author of the new book The Israel Lobby Enters State Government. He is director of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy IRmep in Washington, D.C. which co-organizes IsraelLobbyCon each year at the National Press Club.
@geokat62Anon [377] • Disclaimer , says: July 9, 2020 at 12:45 am GMT
– colonial expansion,
– rolling genocide of the Palestinian people, witness 2014 Operation Protective Edge,
– terrorist attacks of neighboring Arab/Muslim states – Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Occupied Territories, Iran & Syria;
– terrorist attacks on Western nations, incl. the UK, the US, & France (since its Parliament voted to recognize Palestine as a state in 2014), and
– sponsoring of terror organizations e.g, ISIS, to continue its proxy war on Syria.
– etc, etcTo be forewarned is to be forearmed.
@MefobillsDerer , says: July 9, 2020 at 2:09 am GMTBecause Biblical word “sin” is not understood, it gives cover and sanction for creditors to run wild.
This truth cannot be stressed enough.
True meaning of Sin = Debt
@JakeWizard of Oz , says: July 9, 2020 at 3:33 am GMTIn addition to Constantinople, years later defending Ottoman remnants in Bosnia and Kosovo against the Christians by “cigar” Clinton and warmonger Blair that introduced the Islamization of Europe.
@Erzberger e lines of making distinctions e.g. between deliberate murder of harmless civilians and forcing choices on them (starve Russian prisoners and ration food to mothers and children e.g.). Of course the choice to get rid of their government and stop the war is unrealistic even in the post Cold War world. What did sanctions on Iran produce?? Just civilian deaths.Wizard of Oz , says: July 9, 2020 at 3:50 am GMT** it is only recently that I discovered that it made a big contribution to diverting German effort from the Eastern Front though it is not surprising that Stalin thought the absence of a Second Front in France was meant to help the Germans savage the USSR.
@Patagonia Man he approx dozen Israeli dual citizens he alleges are in the Australian Parliament contrary to the provisions of the Australian constitution.anonymous [157] • Disclaimer , says: July 9, 2020 at 4:12 am GMTSo, don’t encourage him Geo, by thanking him. That Israeli nonsense is enough to brand him as a nutter.
As to Quadrant, what does it matter that, in the 50s, and maybe till about 1970, it was given some financial support by the CIA? Really, what is the point in the 21st century? Does it matter to current affairs that Robert Maxwell owned the Daily Mirror till the 90s?
If I don’t reply to all the rubbish no one should infer the truth of anything Patagonia Man alleges.
@Z-mananonymous [157] • Disclaimer , says: July 9, 2020 at 5:40 am GMTPutin because he re-established Christian Orthodoxy as the de facto state religion of Mother Russia.
You make it sound as if Putin single-handedly guided “mother” Russia from godlessness, to true God-awareness. Lol!
Except, Christianity of all flavours will always remain, Pagan Polytheist Mangods-worship, or Hindooism-lite, or Godlessness.
@MefobillsAlfred , says: July 9, 2020 at 5:47 am GMT“Professor” Hudson sounds like a kook.
He takes various commandments of God and distills it into a silly… Debt = Sin. Indeed, it is true that one can take anything and make it fit their delusional way of thought. E.g. the 3 in 1, of the pagan Trinity.
Of course, that does not mean, Usury (extortionate moneylending) ≠ Sin, which it most certainly is.
The Ten Commandments were about debt? A silly interpretation. They are primarily about Monotheism and a righteous way-of-life, and refraining from usury is just one aspect of it.
Christianity got perverted? Yes, it most certainly is a pagan perversion of True Monotheism.
@CurmudgeonAlfred , says: July 9, 2020 at 5:56 am GMTIn Iceland she would not be especially good looking, just another face in the crowd
Sorry to rain on the parade.
@Ann Nonny MouseAnn Nonny Mouse , says: July 9, 2020 at 7:08 am GMTI suspect Assange had to be “put away” in case he leaked documents about the then forthcoming Coronascam. The timing is right.
@Patagonia ManPatagonia Man , says: July 9, 2020 at 7:19 am GMTI don’t always agree with the wizard but your mad ad-hominen attack is beastly nonsense, Patagonia Slug.
@Wizard of Ozannamaria , says: July 9, 2020 at 10:44 am GMTForever the denialist, thanks for demonstrating the point.
@Erzbergerannamaria , says: July 9, 2020 at 10:59 am GMT“Sure, Poland bears major responsibility for WW 2, and lending themselves to now hosting US nukes and troops to be moved over from Germany signals that they once again have not learned a thing from their past.”
— Stepping on rakes as a national pastime.
@Ann Nonny Mouse an associated organisation whose stated objective is to ‘maximise support for the State of Israel within the British Liberal Democrat Party’…
Both groups of “Friends of Israel” have been openly disloyal to the UK.
Both groups of “Friends of Israel ” have been actively promoting the rape and
destruction of Syria and Libya. The protection and glorification of White Helmets’
murderous jihadis is a nice illustration. Patagonia Man ,
says: July 9,
2020 at 1:09 pm GMT
@Ann Nonny MouseFranklin Ryckaert , says: July 9, 2020 at 1:17 pm GMTSo what kind of self-righteousness is this? I said from my experience
When I want your opinion I’ll ask for it.
In future, don’t comment until you’re specifically addressed.
@annamariaErzberger , says: July 9, 2020 at 2:07 pm GMTWhat British politics urgently needs is a lobby Friends of Britain in all of its political parties.
@Wizard of Oz will be as cruel as the Soviets. Were they wrong?Erzberger , says: July 9, 2020 at 2:13 pm GMThttps://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/the-nazis-exploited-shermans-march-the-sea-25437
Spaight claims that drawing the war to the British isles was done in solidarity with the Soviets. This is nonsense but a timely propaganda move at a time when German defeat was assured. Stalin did no fall into that trap. He lknew about Operation Pike and Operation Impossible, and had zero reason to trust the British. Wikipedia has a page on either Operation
@ErzbergerErzberger , says: July 9, 2020 at 2:28 pm GMTcorrection: Operation Unthinkable
@annamariaAnon [288] • Disclaimer , says: July 9, 2020 at 2:38 pm GMTTrue. Victimhood is essential to Polish nationalism, and their last defense against becoming Europeans
@Patagonia ManWizard of Oz , says: July 9, 2020 at 3:00 pm GMTDenialist? A careful textual analysis tells me you are saying WoZ denies what you assert, which is that there are about a dozen Israeli dual citizens in the Australian Parliament, contrary to law. Instead of coyly dancing around the issue what about meeting the challenge to name at least some?
@Erzberger Thanks. Mind you I think the Blitz was pretty indiscriminate bombing before Britain was in a position to inflict much damage on Germany. I gather attacks on London from the start were a strategic error by Hitler because the Liluftwaffe should have kept up its attacks on Britisk airfields. Interesting that Albert Speer, in the “World at War” series, said that four more raids like the 1000 bomber raid on Hamburg (or maybe it was Cologne) would have finished the war. Why couldn’t Bomber Command do I it? Maybe it was because Eisenhower won the battle to have bombers diverted to bombing the Pas we Calais (mostly) and Normandie.Erzberger , says: July 9, 2020 at 3:33 pm GMT
@Wizard of OzZ-man , says: July 9, 2020 at 5:45 pm GMT“Mind you I think the Blitz was pretty indiscriminate bombing before Britain was in a position to inflict much damage on Germany.”
BTW, the Blitz is a misnomer. Blitzkrieg is tactical air support for ground troops. Neither applies to the air attacks on German cities in May 1940, or the German retaliation, several months later, that we know as the Blitz.
Richard Overy though has argued that the German Blitz showed the British how it was done efficiently, so they improved their bombing strategy accordingly afterwards. Whatever
@annamaria— Stepping on rakes as a national pastime.
LOL!!! Good one.
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Jul 05, 2020 | www.unz.com
What is the best way to debunk a conspiracy theory? Call it a conspiracy theory, a label which in and of itself implies disbelief. The only problem with that is there have been many actual conspiracies both historically and currently and many of them are not in the least theoretical in nature. Conspiracies of several kinds brought about American participation in both world wars. And however one feels about President Donald Trump, it must be conceded that he has been the victim of a number of conspiracies, first to deny him the GOP nomination, then to insure that he be defeated in the presidential election, and subsequently to completely delegitimize his presidency.
Prior to Trump there have been numerous conspiracy "theories," many of which have been quite plausible. The "suicide" of Defense Secretary James Forrestal comes to mind, followed by the assassination of John F. Kennedy, which has been credibly credited to both Cuba and Israel. And then there is 9/11, perhaps the greatest conspiracy theory of all. Israel clearly knew it was coming, witness the Five Dancing Shlomos cavorting and filming themselves in New Jersey as the twin towers went down. Also the Saudis might have played a role in funding and even directing the alleged hijackers. And we have also had the conspiracy by the neocons to fabricate information about Iraq's WMDs and the ongoing conspiracy by the same players to depict Iran as a threat to the United States.
Given the multiple crises currently being experienced in the United States it is perhaps inevitable that speculation about conspiracies is at its highest level ever. To the average American it is incomprehensible how the country has become so screwed up because the political and economic elite is fundamentally incompetent, so the search for a scapegoat must go on.
There are a number of conspiracy theories about the coronavirus currently making the rounds. Those libertarians and contrarians who choose to believe that the virus is actually a flu being exploited to strip them of their liberties are convinced that many in the government and media have conspired to sell what is essentially a fraud. One such snake oil salesman persists in using an analogy, that since more Americans are killed in automobile accidents than by the coronavirus it would be more appropriate to ban cars than to require the wearing of face masks.
Another theory making the rounds accuses Microsoft multi-billionaire Bill Gates of trying to take over the world's healthcare system through the introduction of a vaccine to control the coronavirus, which he presumably created in the first place. The fallacy in many of the virus "conspiracies" that relate to a totalitarian regime or a crazy billionaire using a faux disease to generate fear so as to gain control of the citizenry is that it gives far too much credit to any government's or individual's ability to pull off a fraud of that magnitude. It would require people a whole lot smarter than the tag team of Trump-Pompeo or even Gates to convince the world and thousands of doctors and scientists that they should lock down entire countries over something completely phony.
Other coronavirus theories include that the virus was developed in the U.S., was exported to China by a traitorous American scientist, weaponized in Wuhan and then unleashed on the West as part of a communist plot to destroy capitalism and democracy. That would mean that we are already at war with China, or at least we should be. Then there is the largely accepted theory that the virus was created in Wuhan and escaped from the lab. Since that time Beijing has been engaging in a cover-up, which is the conspiracy. It is a theme favored by the White House, which has not yet decided what to do about it beyond assigning funny "Yellow Peril" names to the disease so everyone in MAGA hats will have something to chuckle about leading up to the November election.
But all kidding aside, there are some conspiracy theories that are more worth considering than others. One would be the role of George Soros and the so-called Open Society Foundations that he controls and funds in the unrest that is sweeping across the United States. The allegations against Soros are admittedly thin on evidence, but conspiracy mongers would point out that that is the mark of a really well-planned conspiracy, similar to what the 89 year-old Hungarian Jewish billionaire has been engaging in for a long time. The current round of claims about Open Society and Soros have generated as many as 500,000 tweets a day as well as nearly 70,000 Facebook posts per month, mostly from political conservatives.
The allegations tend to fall into two broad categories . First, that Soros hires protester/thugs and transports them to demonstrations where they are supplied with bricks and incendiaries to turn the gatherings into riots. Second, that Open Society is funding and otherwise enabling the destabilizing flow of illegal immigrants into the United States.
Soros and his supporters, many of whom are Jewish because they think they see anti-Semitism in the attacks on the Hungarian, claim to support democratization and free trade worldwide. He is, in effect, one of the world's leading globalists. Soros claims to be a "force for good" as the cliché goes, but is it completely credible that his $32 billion foundation does not operate behind the scenes to influence developments in ways that are certainly not democratic?
Indeed, Soros accumulated his vast fortune through vulture capitalism. He made over $1 billion in 1992 by selling short $10 billion in British pounds sterling, leading to the media dubbing him "the man who broke the bank of England." He has been accused of similar currency manipulation in both Europe and Asia. In 1999, New York Times economist Paul Krugman wrote of him that "Nobody who has read a business magazine in the last few years can be unaware that these days there really are investors who not only move money in anticipation of a currency crisis, but actually do their best to trigger that crisis for fun and profit."
Far from a passive bystander giving helpful advice to democracy groups, Soros was heavily involved with the restructuring of former communist regimes in eastern Europe and had a hand in the so-called Rose Revolution in Georgia in 2003 and the Maidan Revolution in Ukraine in 2014, both of which were supported by the U.S. government and were intended to threaten Russia's regional security.
Soros particularly hates President Vladimir Putin and Russia. He revealed that he is far from a benevolent figure fighting for justice in his March Financial Times op-ed (behind a pay wall) entitled "Europe Must Stand With Turkey Over Putin's War Crimes in Syria."
The op-ed is full of errors of fact and is basically a call for aggression against a Russia that he describes as engaged in bombing schools and hospitals. It starts with, "Since the beginning of its intervention in Syria in September 2015, Russia has not only sought to keep in place its most faithful Arab ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. It has also wanted to regain the regional and global influence that it lost since the fall of the Soviet Union." First of all, Russia did not "intervene" in Syria. It was invited there by the country's legitimate government to provide assistance against various groups, some of which were linked to al Qaeda and the Islamic State, that were seeking to overthrow President al-Assad.
And apart from Soros, few actual experts on Russia would claim that it is seeking to recreate the "influence" of the Soviet Union. Moscow does not have the resources to do so and has evinced no desire to pursue the sort of global agenda that was characteristic of the Soviet state.
There then follows a complete flight into hyperbole with: "Vladimir Putin has sought to use the turmoil in the Middle East to erase international norms and advances in international humanitarian law made since the second world war. In fact, creating the humanitarian disaster that has turned almost 6 million Syrians into refugees has not been a byproduct of the Russian president's strategy in Syria. It has been one of his central goals." Note that none of Soros's assertions are supported by fact.
The Soros op-ed also included a bit of reminiscence, describing how, "In 2014, I urged Europe to wake up to the threat that Russia was posing to its strategic interests." The op-ed reveals Soros as neither conciliatory nor "diplomatic," a clear sign that he picks his enemies based on ideological considerations that also drive his choices on how to frame his ventures. Given all of that, why is it unimaginable that George Soros is engaged in a conspiracy, that he is clandestinely behind at least some of the mayhem of Antifa and Black Lives Matter as well as the flood of illegal immigration that have together perhaps fatally destabilized the United States?
Philip Giraldi, Ph.D. is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest.
Carlton Meyer , says: Website July 2, 2020 at 1:37 pm GMT
JasonT , says: July 2, 2020 at 1:42 pm GMTFor those unfamiliar with the Soros/Israeli/CIA coup in the Republic of Georgia, here is a short video:
A123 , says: July 2, 2020 at 2:50 pm GMT...These, and Soros, are the front men. The real brains are hidden from sight.
Reg Cæsar , says: July 2, 2020 at 3:22 pm GMTOne would be the role of George Soros and the so-called Open Society Foundations that he controls and funds in the unrest that is sweeping across the United States.
Trinity , says: July 2, 2020 at 5:09 pm GMTInstead of fairly distributing the wealth created by globalisation, Soros argued, capitalism's "winners" failed to "compensate the losers", which led to a drastic increase in domestic inequality – and anger.
Sounds like many of the "populists" here.
EliteCommInc. , says: July 2, 2020 at 6:35 pm GMTI know it is just a "conspiracy theory" that people like George Schwartz aka George (((Soros))) are funding these riots, but if this "conspiracy theory" were indeed true, why aren't Soros and his (((cohorts))) at least under investigation for treason and murder charges.
UncommonGround , says: July 2, 2020 at 8:07 pm GMT"Sounds like many of the "populists" here."
I am not a populist. But the contention (s) you are referring to are no really the argument -- not by content.
The argument is that the suppose winners were and continue unfairly leverage the economic system with the help f government to avoid the consequences of their miscalculations, sometimes innocent, often careless and sometimes deliberate machinations.
That is quite a different argument than the winners should share more --
And as much as a capitalist as I am am -- I admit that there are goings on which violate the rules of capitalism as well as common decency.
Meena , says: July 3, 2020 at 11:25 pm GMTI didn't know that Soros could be so explicit about what he thinks about Putin and Syria and involve himself so concretely with such questions, about which he probably doesn't know very much (in the last times there have been very interesting articles about Syria, for instance, see links below).
Even though, I don't think that he has anything to do with BLM and the protests. Riots and revolts have happened other times without the coordination of people from outside. It happened in 1381 in England. A few years ago it happened in the UK and earlier it happened in the US, (I think when there was a blackout). Now it happened spontaneously in Stuttgart in Germany (apparently).
Why shouldn't people complain about the militarisation of the police which uses brutal methods to arrest people, a police which acts as if they had occupaied a country and had to contain a population of enemies?
The most recent conspiracy was the one to oust Corbyn (the text is relatively short):
The killing of Jeremy Corbyn
Peter Oborne and David Hearsthttps://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/killing-jeremy-corbyn
The former Labour leader was the victim of a carefully planned and brutally executed political assassination
About Syria, an important text by an expert, long:
The Salafist Roots of the Syrian Uprising
by William Van Wagenenhttps://libertarianinstitute.org/articles/the-salafist-roots-of-the-syrian-uprising/
Syria: Old Pretexts, New Sanctions, Still Counterproductive
by Bas SplietGeowhizz , says: July 4, 2020 at 4:12 am GMT" Wall Street Journal reported Friday that following the drone strike on Soleimani last week, Trump told unspecified associates "he was under pressure to deal with Gen. Soleimani from GOP senators he views as important supporters in his coming impeachment trial in the Senate."
http://www.commindreams.orgFrom any angle ,this will look like a conspiracy . But talking about it to portray the existential crisis of USA politics ,a science of checks and balances, media responsibility and the mechanism in place to make this sort of events to happen will be labeled as conspiracy theory .
What is this.?
1 Impeachable offense
2 who will raise the issue? Media, Congress, Government agencies and activist judges .
They don't why ?
3 Who will investigate ? Dept of Justice.
Why they don't ?4 would it be a conspiracy theory had Trump not shared the quid pro quo? Absolutely .
5 who is keeping quiet on the initiation of war illegal war to gain personal favor by Trump and who is asking war on Iran ? Same gaggle of smiley faces – Bolton to Kristol to Cotton to Lindsey to Pelosi to Biden to Sherman Engle , Schumer , Cheney( the cow ) , sage Bush jr, Hillary and same gallery of rogues like NYT BBC CNN FOX MSNBC .
6 is there a possibility of a war initiated by Trump to make last ditch effort to win election? Yes.
Bolton recently and , Deniis Ross have suggested to Obama to get out of bad poll number before ,
Economist Rubiono has suggested before as was shared by zerohedge sometimes back.7 Why does conspiracy theory keep on returning ? Because the first appearance is never pushed back exposed and vilified by any body .
8 How do one evaluate and understand the fate accompli ? They don't . They shrug and move on as they did after Suleimnai killing and wait for next disavowal of any "conspiracy theory before confidently shrugging off the fait accompli.9 What do you call them? Zombie human slaving away their lives
to harakiri.Thomasina , says: July 4, 2020 at 9:33 am GMTSo Soros broke the pound back in the day. Why did MI6 not kill him?
Anon [413] Disclaimer , says: July 4, 2020 at 9:48 am GMTI've often wondered about Soros. Was he a wealthy man before he "broke the Bank of England"?
I've also wondered how it is possible that someone like Soros would have been allowed to break the Bank of England. Was it just a set-up to provide him with plausible funds in order to make him look legit?
He gets written up as some ideological billionaire who acts in accordance with his conscience, but to me he looks like he's working for the ruling elites and the CIA.
Truly benevolent people (which I'm sure Soros is not) don't go around causing the chaos he does.
UncommonGround , says: July 4, 2020 at 10:19 am GMTThere are many videos about Soros' purported influence on world events but very few books. An interesting one is "Soros rompiendo España" by an internationalist and academic of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid.
It badly needs an editor to make it less boring, but it traces and documents Soros financing and tactics in the case of Cataluña. Basically creating NGOs to mobilize civil society to a pitch, while providing content and tactics. Creating grass roots pressure to change policy and break up one of Europes oldest nation-states. Such a network has the advantage of flexibility, it can ebb and flow as required.
What is different from Europe's 19th Century instability? Well, that one's to ponder. But it seems to me it is:
1) independent of Perfidious Albion or any central government. Unless it's Bilderberg, of course.
2) requires no high level assassinations (king and prime minister of Italy, King and Queen of Serbia, multiple Habsburgs, etc). Orban and Salvini are alive and well. Trump will lose, but continue playing golf.
3) not about the self-determination of oppressed peoples, that is, not about nationhood.There seem to be non-stop programming exercises to achieve and direct mass activism across the West: immigration into Europe and US, Cataluña protests, green St Greta protest, feminist protests, Covid confinement, BLM. These last four, in the past TWO years. The generational divide cemented during Covid is something to watch, I've seen videos in French and Spanish about the "life lessons" of the pandemic that seed this idea.
The next step in this Ordo ab Chaos stumps me.
@Wizard of Oz n't Stop Until They Get Their War With IranReally No Shit , says: July 4, 2020 at 11:08 am GMT– Op-Ed: The neocons: They're back, and on Iran, they're uncompromising as ever
– The Neoconservative Obsession with Iran
– Is Tehran Back in the Crosshairs of the Neocon Crusade?
– Next Stop, Tehran: The Neoconservative Campaign for War in Iran
About the other theme you ask about, I don't believe that it's possible to investigate it properly, but anyway:
– 5 Israelis Detained for Puzzling Behavior' After WTC Tragedy (Yossi Melman, Haaretz)
– Five Israelis were seen filming as jet liners ploughed into the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 .. (the Herald)
Some say that Soros is a Rothschild agent, just as Wilbur Ross is claimed to be by others, and the Bank of England is most likely the Nathan Rothschild agent, therefore, a question arises: how can an operative of an outfit be the buster of that very outfit? It's like saying a pizza parlor owned by the mafia was cleaned out of pies by one of its very own goons.
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Jul 02, 2020 | www.unz.com
William "Bill" Browder has been a figure of some prominence on the world scene for the past decade. A few months back, Der Spiegel published a major exposé on him and the case of Sergei Magnitsky but the mainstream media completely ignored this report and so aside from Germany few people are aware of Browder's background and the Magnitsky issue which resulted in sanctions on Russia.
Browder had gone to Moscow in 1996 to take advantage of the privatization of state companies by Russian President Boris Yeltsin. Browder founded Hermitage Capital Management, a Moscow investment firm registered in offshore Guernsey in the Channel Islands. For a time, it was the largest foreign investor in Russian securities. Hermitage Capital Management was rated as extremely successful after earning almost 3,000 percent in its operations between 1996 and December 2007.
During the corrupt Yeltsin years, with his business partner's US $25 million, Browder amassed a fortune . Profiting from the large-scale privatizations in Russia from 1996 to 2006 his Hermitage firm eventually grew to $4.5 billion .
When Browder encountered financial difficulties with Russian authorities he portrayed himself as an anti-corruption activist and became the driving force behind the Magnitsky Act, which resulted in economic sanctions aimed at Russian officials. However, an examination of Browder's record in Russia and his testimony in court cases reveals contradictions with his statements to the public and Congress, and raises questions about his motives in attacking corruption in Russia.
Although he has claimed that he was an 'activist shareholder' and campaigned for Russian companies to adopt Western-style governance, it has been reported that he cleverly destabilized companies he was targeting for takeover. Canadian blogger Mark Chapman has revealed that after Browder would buy a minority share in a company he would resort to lawsuits against this company through shell companies he controlled. This would destabilize the company with charges of corruption and insolvency. To prevent its collapse the Russian government would intervene by injecting capital into it, causing its stock market to rise -- with the result that Browder's profits would rise exponentially.
Later, through Browder's Russian-registered subsidiaries, his accountant Magnitsky acquired extra shares in Russian gas companies such as Surgutneftegaz, Rosneft and Gazprom. This procedure enabled Browder's companies to pay the residential tax rate of 5.5% instead of the 35% that foreigners would have to pay.
However, the procedure to bypass the Russian presidential decree that banned foreign companies and citizens from purchasing equities in Gazprom was an illegal act. Because of this and other suspected transgressions, Magnitsky was interrogated in 2006 and later in 2008. Initially he was interviewed as a suspect and then as an accused. He was then arrested and charged by Russian prosecutors with two counts of aggravated tax evasion committed in conspiracy with Bill Browder in respect of Dalnyaya Step and Saturn, two of Browder's shell companies to hold shares that he bought. Unfortunately, in 2009 Magnitsky died in pre-trial detention because of a failure by prison officials to provide prompt medical assistance.
Browder has challenged this account and for years he has maintained that Magnitsky's arrest and death were a targeted act of revenge by Russian authorities against a heroic anti-corruption activist.
It's only recently that Browder's position was challenged by the European Court of Human Rights who in its ruling on August 27, 2019 concluded that Magnitsky's "arrest was not arbitrary, and that it was based on reasonable suspicion of his having committed a criminal offence." And as such "The Russians had good reason to arrest Sergei Magnitsky for Hermitage tax evasion."
"The Court observes that the inquiry into alleged tax evasion, resulting in the criminal proceedings against Mr Magnitskiy, started in 2004, long before he complained that prosecuting officials had been involved in fraudulent acts."
Prior to Magnitsky's arrest, because of what Russia considered to be questionable activities, Browder had been refused entry to Russia in 2005. However, he did not take lightly his rebuff by the post-Yeltsin Russian government under Vladimir Putin. As succinctly expressed by Professor Halyna Mokrushyna at the University of Ottawa:
[Browder] began to engage in a worldwide campaign against the Russian authorities, accusing them of corruption and violation of human rights. The death of his accountant and auditor Sergei Magnitsky while in prison became the occasion for Browder to launch an international campaign presenting the death as a ruthless silencing of an anti-corruption whistleblower. But the case of Magnitsky is anything but.
Despite Brower's claims that Magnitsky died as a result of torture and beatings, authentic documents and testimonies show that Magnitsky died because of medical neglect – he was not provided adequate treatment for a gallstone condition. It was negligence typical at that time of prison bureaucracy, not a premeditated killing. Because of the resulting investigation, many high level functionaries in the prison system were fired or demoted.
For the past ten years Browder has maintained that Magnitsky was tortured and murdered by prison guards. Without any verifiable evidence he has asserted that Magnitsky was beaten to death by eight riot guards over 1 hour and 18 minutes. This was never corroborated by anybody, including by autopsy reports. It was even denied by Magnitsky's mother in a video interview.
Nevertheless, on the basis of his questionable beliefs, he has carried on a campaign to discredit and vilify Russia and its government and leaders.
In addition to the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights, Browder's basic underlying beliefs and assumptions are being seriously challenged. Very recently, on May 5, 2020, an American investigative journalist, Lucy Komisar, published an article with the heading Forensic photos of Magnitsky show no marks on torso :
On Fault Lines today I revealed that I have obtained never published forensic photos of the body of Sergei Magnitsky, William Browder's accountant, that show not a mark on his torso. Browder claims he was beaten to death by prison guards. Magnitsky died at 9:30pm Nov 16, 2009, and the photos were taken the next day.
Later in her report she states:
I noted on the broadcast that though the photos and documents are solid, several dozen U.S. media – both allegedly progressive and mainstream -- have refused to publish this information. And if that McCarthyite censorship continues, the result of rampant fear-inducing Russophobia, I will publish it and the evidence on this website.
Despite evidence such as this, till this day Browder maintains that Sergei Magnitsky was beaten to death with rubber batons. It's this narrative that has attracted the attention of the US Congress, members of parliament, diplomats and human rights activists. To further refute his account, a 2011 analysis by the Physicians for Human Rights International Forensics Program of documents provided by Browder found no evidence he was beaten to death.
In his writings, as supposed evidence, Browder provides links to two untranslated Russian documents. They were compiled immediately after Magnitsky died on November 16, 2009. Recent investigative research has revealed that one of these appears to be a forgery. The first document D309 states that shortly before Magnitsky's death: "Handcuffs were used in connection with the threat of committing an act of self-mutilation and suicide, and that the handcuffs were removed after thirty minutes." To further support this, a forensic review states that while in the prison hospital "Magnitsky exhibited behavior diagnosed as "acute psychosis" by Dr. A. V. Gaus at which point the doctor ordered Mr. Magnitsky to be restrained with handcuffs."
The second document D310 is identically worded to D309 except for a change in part of the preceding sentence. The sentence in D309 has the phrase " special means were" is changed in D310 to " a rubber baton was."
As such, while D309 is perfectly coherent, in D310 the reference to a rubber baton makes no sense whatsoever, given the title and text it shares with D309. This and other inconsistences, including signatures on these documents, make it apparent that D310 was copied from D309 and that D310 is a forgery. Furthermore, there is no logical reason for two almost identical reports to have been created, with only a slight difference in one sentence. There is no way of knowing who forged it and when, but this forged document forms a major basis for Browder's claim that Magnitsky was clubbed to death.
The fact that there is no credible evidence to indicate that Magnitsky was subjected to a baton attack, combined with forensic photos of Magnitsky's body shortly after death that show no marks on it, provides evidence that appears to repudiate Browder's decade-long assertions that Magnitsky was viciously murdered while in jail.
With evidence such as this, it repeatedly becomes clear that Browder's narrative contains mistakes and inconsistencies that distort the overall view of the events leading to Magnitsky's death.
Despite Magnitsky's death the case against him continued in Russia and he was found guilty of corruption in a posthumous trial. Actually, the trial's main purpose was to investigate alleged fraud by Bill Browder, but to proceed with this they had to include the accountant Magnitsky as well. The Russian court found both of them guilty of fraud. Afterwards, the case against Magnitsky was closed because of his death.
After Browder was refused entry to Russia in November of 2005, he launched a campaign insisting that his departure from Russia resulted from his anti-corruption activities. However, the real reason for the cancellation of his visa that he never mentions is that in 2003 a Russian provincial court had convicted Browder of evading $40 million in taxes. In addition, his illegal purchases of shares in Gazprom through the use of offshore shell companies were reportedly valued at another $30 million, bringing the total figure of tax evasion to $70 million.
It's after this that the Russian federal government next took up the case and initially went after Magnitsky, the accountant who carried out Browder's schemes.
But back in the USA Browder portrayed himself as the ultimate truth-teller, and embellished his tale by asserting that Sergei Magnitsky was a whistleblowing "tax lawyer," rather than one of Browder's accountants implicated in tax fraud. As his case got more involved, he presented a convoluted explanation that he was not responsible for bogus claims made by his companies. This is indeed an extremely complicated matter and as such only a summary of some of this will be presented.
The essence of the case is that in 2007 three shell companies that had once been owned by Browder were used to claim a $232 million tax refund based on trumped-up financial loses. Browder has stated that the companies were stolen from him, and that in a murky operation organized by a convicted fraudster, they were re-registered in the names of others. There is evidence however that Magnitsky and Browder may have been part of this convoluted scheme.
Browder's main company in Russia was Hermitage Capital Management, and associated with this firm were a large number of shell companies, some in the Russian republic of Kalmykia and some in the British Virgin Islands. A law firm in Moscow, Firestone Duncan, owned by Americans, did the legal work for Browder's Hermitage. Sergei Magnitsky was one of the accountants for Firestone Duncan and was assigned to work for Hermitage.
An accountant colleague of Magnitsky's at Firestone Duncan, Konstantin Ponomarev, was interviewed in 2017 by Lucy Komisar, an investigative journalist, who was doing research on Browder's operations in Russia. In the ensuing report on this , Komisar states:
"According to Ponomarev, the firm – and Magnitsky -- set up an offshore structure that Russian investigators would later say was used for tax evasion and illegal share purchases by Hermitage. . .
the structure helped Browder execute tax-evasion and illegal share purchase schemes.
"He said the holdings were layered to conceal ownership: The companies were "owned" by Cyprus shells Glendora and Kone, which, in turn, were "owned" by an HSBC Private Bank Guernsey Ltd trust. Ponomarev said the real owner was Browder's Hermitage Fund. He said the structure allowed money to move through Cyprus to Guernsey with little or no taxes paid along the way. Profits could get cashed out in Guernsey by investors of the Hermitage Fund and HSBC.
"Ponomarev said that in 1996, the firm developed for Browder 'a strategy of how to buy Gazprom shares in the local market, which was restricted for foreign investors.'"
In the course of their investigation, on June 2, 2007, Russian tax investigators raided the offices of Hermitage and Firestone Duncan. They seized Hermitage company documents, computers and corporate stamps and seals. They were looking for evidence to support Russian charges of tax evasion and illegal purchase of shares of Gazprom.
In a statement to US senators on July 27, 2017, Browder stated that Russian interior ministry officials "seized all the corporate documents connected to the investment holding companies of the funds that I advised. I didn't know the purpose of these raids so I hired the smartest Russian lawyer I knew, a 35-year-old named Sergei Magnitsky. I asked Sergei to investigate the purpose of the raids and try to stop whatever illegal plans these officials had."
Contrary to what Browder claims, Magnitsky had been his accountant for a decade. He had never acted as a lawyer, nor did he have the qualifications to do so. In fact in 2006 when questioned by Russian investigators, Magnitsky said he was an auditor on contract with Firestone Duncan. In Browder's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2017 he claimed Magnitsky was his lawyer, but in 2015 in his testimony under oath in the US government's Prevezon case, Browder told a different story, as will now be related.
On Browder's initiative , in December 2012 he presented documents to the New York District Attorney alleging that a Russian company Prevezon had "benefitted from part of the $230 million dollar theft uncovered by Magnitsky and used those funds to buy a number of luxury apartments in Manhattan." In September 2013, the New York District Attorney's office filed money-laundering charges against Prevezon. The company hired high-profile New York-based lawyers to defend themselves against the accusations.
As reported by Der Spiegel , Browder would not voluntarily agree to testify in court so Prevezon's lawyers sent process servers to present him with a subpoena, which he refused to accept and was caught on video literally running away. In March 2015, the judge in the Prevezon case ruled that Browder would have to give testimony as part of pre-trial discovery. Later while in court and under oath and confronted with numerous documents, Browder was totally evasive. Lawyer Mark Cymrot spent six hours examining him, beginning with the following exchange:
Cymrot asked: Was Magnitsky a lawyer or a tax expert?
He was "acting in court representing me," Browder replied.
And he had a law degree in Russia?
"I'm not aware he did."
Did he go to law school?
How many times have you said Mr. Magnitsky is a lawyer? Fifty? A hundred? Two hundred?
"I don't know."
Have you ever told anybody that he didn't go to law school and didn't have a law degree?
Critically important, during the court case, the responsible U.S. investigator admitted during questioning that his findings were based exclusively on statements and documents from Browder and his team. Under oath, Browder was unable to explain how he and his people managed to track the flow of money and make the accusation against Prevezon. In his 2012 letter that launched the court case, Browder referred to "corrupt schemes" used by Prevezon, but when questioned under oath he admitted he didn't know of any. In fact, to almost every question put forth by Mark Cymrot, Browder replied that he didn't know or didn't remember.
The case finally ended in May 2017 when the two sides reached a settlement. Denis Katsyv, the company's sole shareholder, on a related matter agreed to pay nearly six million dollars to the US government, but would not have to admit any wrongdoing. Also the settlement contained an explicit mention that neither Katsyv nor his company Prevezon had anything to do with the Magnitsky case. Afterwards, one of Katsyv's, lawyers, Natalia Veselnitskaya, exclaimed: "For the first time, the U.S. recognized that the Russians were in the right!"
A major exposé of the Browder-Russia story is presented in a film that came out in June 2016 The Magnitsky Act: Behind the Scenes by the well-known independent filmmaker Andrei Nekrasov . Reference to this film will be made later but to provide a summary of the Browder tax evasion case some critical information can be obtained from a report by Eric Zuesse , an investigative historian, who managed to get a private viewing of the film by the film's Production Manager.
In the film Nekrasov proceeds to unravel Browder's story, which was designed to conceal his own corporate responsibility for the criminal theft of the money. As Browder's widely accepted story collapses, Magnitsky is revealed not to be a whistleblower but a likely abettor to the fraud who died in prison not from an official assassination but from banal neglect of his medical condition. The film cleverly allows William Browder to self-destruct under the weight of his own lies and the contradictions in his story-telling at various times.
Following the raid by tax officials on the Moscow Hermitage office on June 2, 2007, nothing further on these matters was reported until April 9, 2008 when Ms Rimma Starlova, the figurehead director of the three supposedly stolen Browder shell companies, filed a criminal complaint with the Russian Interior Ministry in Kazan accusing representatives of Browder companies of the theft of state funds, i.e., $232 million in a tax-rebate fraud. Although Hermitage was aware of this report they kept quiet about it because they claimed it as a false accusation against themselves.
On September 23, 2008, there was a news report about a theft of USD 232 million from the Russian state treasury, and the police probe into it. On October 7, 2008, Magnitsky was questioned by tax investigators about the $232 million fraud because he was the accountant for Browder's companies.
The central issue was that during September of 2007 three of Browder's shell companies had changed owners and that afterwards fraud against Russian treasury had been conducted by the new owners of these companies.
According to Magnitsky the way that ownership changed was through powers of attorney. This is a matter that Browder never mentioned. The Nekrasov film shows a document: "Purchase agreement based on this power of attorney, Gasanov represents Glendora Holdings Ltd." Glendora Holdings is another shell company owned by Browder. This shows that Gasanov, the middleman, had the power of attorney connecting the new nominees to the real beneficiaries. However, Gasanov could not be questioned on whose orders he was doing this because shortly afterwards, he mysteriously died. No one proved that it was murder, but if that death was a coincidence, it wasn't the only one.
During September 2007 the three Hermitage shell companies, Rilend, Parfenion and Mahaon, were re-registered by Gasanov to a company called Pluton that was registered in Kazan, and owned by Viktor Markelov, a Russian citizen with a criminal record. Markelov through a series of sham arbitration judgments conducted fake lawsuits that demanded damages for alleged contract violations. Once the damages were paid, in December 2007 the companies filed for tax refunds that came to $232 million. These were taxes that had been paid by these companies in 2006.
On February 5, 2008 the Investigative Committee of the Russian General Prosecutor's Office opened a criminal case to investigate the fraud committed by Markelov and other individuals.
Markelov had hired a Moscow lawyer, Andrey Pavlov, to conduct these complex operations. Afterwards Pavlov was questioned by Russian authorities and revealed what had happened. Markelov was convicted and sentenced to five years for the scam . At his trial Markelov testified that he was not in possession of the $232 million tax refund and that he did not know the identity of the client who would benefit from the refund scheme. And till this day no one knows! However, Russian tax authorities suspect it is William Browder.
At his trial, Markelov testified that one of the people he worked with to secure the fraudulent tax refund was Sergei Leonidovich. Magnitsky's full name was Sergei Leonidovich Magnitsky. Also when questioned by the police, Markelov named Browder's associates Khairetdinov and Kleiner as people involved in the company's re-registration.
So this provides evidence that Magnitsky and Browder's other officials were involved in the re-registration scheme – which Browder later called theft. In his film Nekrasov states that Browder's team had set things up to look as if outsiders -- not Browder's team -- had transferred the assets.
According to Nekrasov's film documentation, Russian courts have established that it was the representatives of the Hermitage investment fund who had themselves voluntarily re-registered the Makhaon, Parfenion and Rilend companies in the name of other individuals, a fact that Mr Browder is seeking to conceal by shifting the blame, without any foundation, onto the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation.
Indeed there is cause to be skeptical of the Browder narrative, and that the fraud was in fact concocted by Browder and his accountant Magnitsky. A Russian court has supported that alternative narrative, ruling in late December 2013 that Browder had deliberately bankrupted his company and engaged in tax evasion. On the basis of this he was sentenced to nine years prison in absentia.
In the meantime, over all these years, Browder has maintained and convinced the public at large that the $232 million fraud against the Russian treasury had been perpetrated by Magnitsky's interrogators and Russian police. With respect to the "theft" of his three companies (or "vehicles as he refers to them) on September 16, 2008 he stated on his Hermitage website : "The theft of the vehicles was only possible using the vehicles' original corporate documents seized by the Moscow Interior Ministry in its raid on Hermitage's law firm in Moscow on 4 June 2007."
As such, Browder is accusing Russian tax authorities and police for conducting this entire fraudulent operation.
In his film Nekrasov says that the Browder version is: "Yes, the crime took place [$232 million fraud against the public treasury but, according to Browder, actually against Browder's firm], but somebody else did it -- the police did it."
In this convoluted tale, it should be recalled that the fraud against the Russian treasury had first been reported to the police by Rimma Starlova on April 9, 2008. This had been recorded on the Hermitage website. In preparing the material for his film, Nekrasov noted that
"In March 2009, Starlova's report disappeared from Hermitage's website. . . . This is the same time that Magnitsky started to be treated as an analyst . . . who discovered the $232 million fraud. Thus the Magnitsky-the-whistleblower story was born, almost a year after the matter had been reported to the police."
Nekrasov's film also undermines the basis of Browder's case that Magnitsky had been killed by the police because he had accused two police officials, Karpov and Kuznetsov, but this is questionable since documents show Magnitsky had not accused anyone. As Nekrasov states in the film: "The problem is, he [Magnitsky] made no accusations. In that testimony, its record contains no accusations. Mr. Magnitsky did not actually testify against the two officers [Karpov and Kuznetsov]." So this factual evidence should destroy Browder's accusations.
It should be noted Magnitsky's original interview with authorities was as a suspect, not a whistleblower. Also contradicting Browder's claims, Nekrasov notes that Magnitsky does not even mention the names of the police officers in a key statement to authorities.
In his film Nekrasov includes an interview that he had with Browder regarding the issues about Magnitsky. Nekrasov confronts Browder with the core contradictions of his story. Incensed, Browder rises up and threatens the filmmaker:
" Anybody who says that Sergei Magnitsky didn't expose the crime before he was arrested is just trying to whitewash the Russian Government. Are you trying to say that Pavel Karpov is innocent? I'd really be careful about your going out and saying that Magnitsky wasn't a whistleblower. That's not going to do well for your credibility." Browder then walks off in a huff.
Nekrasov claims to be especially struck that the basis of Browder's case -- that Magnitsky had been killed by the police because he had accused two police officials, Karpov and Kuznetsov -- is a lie because there is documentary evidence that Magnitsky had not accused anyone.
Because of Browder's accusations, Nekrasov interviewed Pavel Karpov, the police officer who Browder accused of being involved in Magnitsky's alleged murder, despite the fact that Karpov was not on duty the day Magnitsky died.
Karpov presents Nekrasov with documents that Browder's case was built on. These original documents are actually fundamentally different from the way Browder had described them. This documentary evidence further exposes Browder's story for what it is.
Nekrasov asks Karpov why Browder wants to demonize him. Karpov explains that he had pursued Browder in 2004 for tax evasion, so that seems to be the reason why Browder smears him. And then Karpov says, "Having made billions here, Browder forgot to tell how he did it. So it suits him to pose as a victim. He is wanted here, but Interpol is not looking for him."
Afterwards in 2013, Karpov had tried to sue Browder for libel in a London court, but was not able to on the basis of procedural grounds since he was a resident of Russia and not the UK. However at the conclusion of the case, set out in his Judgment the presiding judge, Justice Simon, made some interesting comments.
"The causal link which one would expect from such a serious charge is wholly lacking; and nothing is said about torture or murder. In my view these are inadequate particulars to justify the charge that the Claimant was a primary or secondary party to Sergei Magnitsky's torture and murder, and that he would continue to commit or 'cause' murder, as pleaded in §60 of the Defence.
The Defendants have not come close to pleading facts which, if proved, would justify the sting of the libel."
In other words – in plain English – in the judge's view, Karpov was not in any sense party to Magnitsky's death, and Browder's claim that he was is not valid.
On the basis of the evidence that has been presented, it is undeniable that Browder's case appears to be a total misrepresentation, not only of Magnitsky's statements, but of just about everything else that's important in the case .
On a separate matter, on April 15, 2015 in a New York court case involving the US government and a Russian company, Previzon Holdings, Bill Browder had been ordered by a judge to give a deposition to Prevezon's lawyers.
Throughout this deposition, Browder (now under oath) contradicted virtually every aspect of his Magnitsky narrative and stated "I don't recall" when pressed about key portions of his narrative that he had previously repeated unabashedly in his testimonies to Congress and interviews with Western media. Browder "remembered nothing" and could not even deny asking Magnitsky to take responsibility for his (Browder's) crimes.
As a further example of Browder's dishonesty, in one of his publications, he shows a photo of an alleged employee of Browder's law firm, Firestone Duncan, named "Victor Poryugin" with vicious facial wounds from allegedly being tortured and beaten by police. However, the person shown was never with Browder's firm. Instead, this is a photo of "an American human rights campaigner beaten up during a street protest in 1961." It was Jim Zwerg, civil-rights demonstrator, during the 1960s, in the American South. Nekrasov was appalled and found it almost unimaginable that Browder would switch photos like that to demonize Russia and its police.
Browder was arrested by the Spanish police in June 2018. Even though Russia has on six occasions requested Browder's arrest through Interpol for tax fraud, the Spanish national police determined that Browder had been detained in error because the international warrant was no longer valid and released him.
A further matter that reflects on his character, William Browder, the American-born co-founder of Hermitage Capital Management is now a British citizen. The US taxes offshore earnings, but the UK does not. Highly likely because of this, in 1998 he gave up his American citizenship and became a British citizen and thereby has avoided paying US taxes on foreign investments. Nevertheless, he still has his family home in Princeton, NJ and also owns a $11 million dollar vacation home in Aspen, Colorado.
To put this in political context, Browder's narrative served a strong geopolitical purpose to demonize Russia at the dawn of the New Cold War. As such, Browder played a major role in this. In fact, the late celebrated American journalist Robert Parry thought that Browder single-handedly deserves much of the credit for the new Cold War.
Browder's campaign was so effective that in December 2012 he exploited Congressional willingness to demonize Russia, and as a result the US Congress passed a bipartisan bill, the Magnitsky Act, which was then signed by President Obama. U.S. Senators Ben Cardin and John McCain were instrumental in pushing through the Magnitsky Act, based on Browder's presentations.
However, key parts of the argument that passed into law in this act have been shown to be based on fraud and fabrication of 'evidence.' This bill blacklisted Russian officials who were accused of being involved in human-rights abuses.
In her analysis of the Magnitsky Act, Lucy Komisar, an investigative journalist, reveals a little known fact :
"A problem with the Magnitsky Act is that there is no due process. The targets are not told the evidence against them, they cannot challenge accusations or evidence in a court of law in order to get off the list. This "human rights law" violates the rule of law. There is an International Court with judges and lawyers to deal with human rights violators, but the US has not ratified its jurisdiction. Because it does not want to be subject to the rules it applies to others."
In 2017, Congress passed the Global Magnitsky Act, which enables the U.S. to impose sanctions against Russia for human rights violations worldwide.
In a move that history will show to be ill-advised, on October 18, 2017 Canada's Parliament and Senate unanimously approved Bill 226, a 'Magnitsky Act.' It mimics the US counterpart and targets Russia for further economic sanctions. Russia immediately denounced Canada's actions as being counter-productive, pointless and reprehensible. Actually an act of this type had been opposed by Stéphane Dion while he was Canada's minister of foreign affairs because he viewed it as a needless provocation against Russia. Dion also stated that adoption of a 'Magnitsky Act' would hurt the interests of Canadian businesses dealing with Russia and would thwart Canada's attempt's to normalize relations with Russia. However, Dion was replaced by Chrystia Freeland who immediately pushed this through. This is not surprising considering her well-documented Nazi family background and who is persona non grata in Russia.
A version of the Magnitsky Act was enacted in the UK and the Baltic republics in 1917.
In early 2020 a proposal to enact a version of the Magnitsky Act was presented to the Australian parliament and it is still under consideration. There has been considerable opposition to it including a detailed report by their Citizens Party, which exposes the full extent of Browder's fraud and chicanery.
The investigation into Browder's business activities in Russia is still an ongoing endeavour. On October 24, 2017 the
Russian Prosecutor General , Yuri Chaika, requested the US Attorney General Jeff Sessions to launch a probe into alleged tax evasion by Bill Browder, who in 2013 had already been sentenced in absentia to 9 years in prison in Russia for a similar crime.
Browder at that time was still being tried in Russia for suspected large-scale money laundering, also in absentia. Chaika added that Russian law enforcement possesses information that over $1 billion was illegally transferred from the country into structures connected with Bill Browder.
The Prosecutor General also asked Sessions to reconsider the Magnitsky Act. As he put it,
" from our standpoint, the act was adopted for no actual reason, while it was lobbied by people who had committed crimes in Russia. In our view, there are grounds to claim that this law lacks real foundation and that its passing was prompted by criminals' actions."
It's not known if Sessions ever responded to the Russian Prosecutor General. In any event, President Trump fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions on November 7, 2018. As such it's evident that Russia's concerns about Browder's dishonest activities are stymied.
Extensive reference has already been made to the film that came out in June 2016 The Magnitsky Act: Behind the Scenes by the independent filmmaker Andrei Nekrasov . When Nekrasov started the film he had fully believed Browder's story but as he delved into what really happened, to his surprise, he discovered that the case documents and other incontrovertible facts revealed Browder to be a fraud and a liar. The ensuing film presents a powerful deconstruction of the Magnitsky myth, but because of Browder's political connections and threats of lawsuits, the film has been blacklisted in the entire "free world." So much for the "free world's" freedom of the press and media. This film is not available on YouTube.
The documentary was set for a premiere at the European Parliament in Brussels in April 2016, but at the last moment – faced with Browder's legal threats – the parliamentarians cancelled the showing.
There were hopes to show the documentary to members of Congress but the offer was rebuffed. Despite the frantic attempts by Browder's lawyers to block this documentary film from being shown anywhere, Washington's Newseum, to its credit, had a one-time showing on June 13, 2016, including a question-and-answer session with Andrei Nekrasov, moderated by journalist Seymour Hersh. Except for that audience, the public of the United States and Europe has been essentially shielded from the documentary's discoveries, all the better for the Magnitsky myth to retain its power as a seminal propaganda moment of the New Cold War.
Nekrasov's powerful deconstruction of the Magnitsky myth – and the film's subsequent blacklisting throughout the "free world" – recall other instances in which the West's propaganda lines don't stand up to scrutiny, so censorship and ad hominem attacks become the weapons of choice to defend " perception management ."
Other than the New York Times that had a lukewarm review , the mainstream media condemned the film and its showing. As such, with the exception of that one audience, the public in the USA, Canada and Europe has been shielded from the documentary's discoveries. The censorship of this film has made it a good example of how political and legal pressure can effectively black out what we used to call "the other side of the story."
Andrei Nekrasov is still prepared to go to court to defend the findings of his film, but Bill Browder has refused to do this and simply keeps maligning the film and Mr. Nekrasov.
Recent Developments
Although for almost the past ten years Browder's self-serving story had been accepted almost worldwide and served to help vilify Russia, in the past few months there has been an awakening to the true state of affairs about Browder.
The first such article "The Case of Sergei Magnitsky: Questions Cloud Story Behind U.S. Sanctions" written by Benjamin Bidder, a German journalist, appeared on November 26, 2019 in Der Spiegel. At the outset Bidder states:
"Ten years after his death, inconsistencies in Magnitsky's story suggest he may not have been the hero many people -- and Western governments -- believed him to be. Did the perfidious conspiracy to murder Magnitsky ever really take place? Or is Browder a charlatan whose story the West was too eager to believe? The certainty surrounding the Magnitsky affair becomes muddled in the documents, particularly the clear division between good and evil. The Russian authorities' take is questionable, but so is everyone else's -- including Bill Browder's.
But with the Magnitsky sanctions, it could be that the activist Browder used a noble cause to manipulate Western governments."
In summation, the article raises serious questions about many aspects of Browder's account. It concluded that his narrative was riddled with lies and said Western nations have fallen for a "convenient" story made up by a "fraudster. "
The report provoked Browder's fury, and he swiftly filed a complaint against Der Spiegel with the German Press Council as well as a complaint to the editor of Der Spiegel .
On December 17, 2019 Der Spiegel responded : " Why DER SPIEGEL Stands Behind Its Magnitsky Reporting." In a lengthy detailed response the journal rejects all aspects of Browder's complaint. They point out the inconsistencies in Browder's version of events and demonstrate that he is unable to present sufficient proof for his claims. They state: We believe his complaint has no basis and would like to review why we have considerable doubts about Browder's story and why we felt it necessary to present those doubts publicly."
Their report is highly enlightening and will have long-term consequences. It is one of the best refutations of Browder's falsified accounts that led to the Magnitsky Act. It exposes Browder as a fraud and his Magnitsky story as a fake. Despite all this, this exposé was ignored in the mainstream media so most people are unaware of these revelations. A good review of it is presented by Lucy Komisar in her article The Der Spiegel exposé of Bill Browder, December 6, 2019.
The German Press Council rejected Browder's complaint against Der Spiegel in January 2020 but Browder did not disclose this so it became known only in early May. Lucy Komisar reported this on May 12 and the main points of the Council's rejection are presented in her account. Browder had complained that the article had serious factual errors. The Press Council stated that Browder's position lacks proof and there could be no objection to Der Spiegel's examination of events leading to Magnitsky's death. All other Browder objections were rejected as well. In summation the Council stated: "Overall, we could not find a violation of journalistic principles."
But the action of the press council has not been reported in the Canadian, U.S. or UK media. Nor was the November Der Spiegel report.
The German Press Council ruling follows a December 2019 Danish Press Board ruling against another Browder complaint over an article by a Danish financial news outlet, Finans.dk, on his tax evasion and invented Magnitsky story. Significantly, both the Danish and German cases involve mainstream media, which usually toe the US-UK-NATO strategic line against Russia, which Browder's story serves. And these press complaint rulings follow a September 2019 European Court of Human Rights ruling that there was credible evidence that Magnitsky and Browder were engaged in a conspiracy to commit tax fraud and that Magnitsky was rightfully charged.
In summation, for ten years or more, no one in the West ever seriously challenged Bill Browder's account of what happened to his "lawyer" Sergei Magnitsky and his stories of corruption and malfeasance in Russia. This is what allowed him to get such influence that the Magnitsky Act was passed, despite Russia's attempts to clarify matters.
But when pressure was exerted on Germany to install a Magnitsky Act, one of their most influential journals Der Spiegel published an investigative bombshell picking apart Browder's story about his auditor Sergei Magnitsky's death. Browder immediately lashed out at Der Spiegel , accusing it of "misrepresenting the facts." However, his outraged objections backfired and resulted in a further even more damaging Der Spiegel article and a rebuke from the German Press Council.
At long last, thanks to Der Spiegel , its investigative reports have effectively rejected and discredited Browder's claim that Magnitsky was a courageous whistleblower who exposed corruption in Russia and was mercilessly killed by authorities out of revenge.
Despite this important and significant course of events, because of its imbedded Russophobia, the mainstream media have completely ignored the Der Spiegel exposé and almost nowhere has this been reported. To some extent this is because Browder has used his fortune to threaten lawsuits for anyone who challenges his version of events, effectively silencing many critics. Hence aside from people in Germany, this has been a non-event and the Browder hoax still prevails. Given this, it is important for us to publicize this revelation as best we can.
John Ryan, Ph.D. is a Retired Professor of Geography and Senior Scholar, University of Winnipeg The Untouchable Mr. Browder? The Browder affair is a heady upper-class Jewish cocktail of money, spies, politicians and international crime. Israel Shamir Is Bill Browder the Most Dangerous Man in the World? The darling of the war party needs to answer some questions Philip Giraldi
Vuki , says: Show Comment July 1, 2020 at 10:44 pm GMT
John, great article but we know that what you call "large-scale privatizations in Russia " was a large scale robbery. Even Magnitsky's mother stated that Browder is a fraud. Mr. Nekrasov whose film has been banned in many countries due to Browder's legal challenges has a reputation as a Putin critic -- After interviewing Mr. Browder in 2010 Nekrasov says he set out to make a "Magnitsky the hero" film. But as filming proceeded he "began to have doubts". More accurate would be that he smelled a rat. John, I have read many of your articles you never disappoint with your research and evidence.Neo-Socratic , says: Show Comment July 2, 2020 at 5:26 am GMTOutstanding article sir. I remember when Browder popped up in the news a couple of years ago and made TV appearances on all three big networks in the same day. I was astonished that this lowlife wielded such influence in America.TheTrumanShow , says: Show Comment July 2, 2020 at 5:49 am GMTTotal and absolute corruption just like Weimer.
" smelled a rat "No Friend Of The Devil , says: Show Comment July 2, 2020 at 6:53 am GMTIndeed – and very likely more than one! It should be obvious that the ease with which Browder (a complete nonentity) was able to get away with what he got away with in Russia and remain a virtually untouchable, protected free man to this day, in spite of the very significant evidence against him, would very much seem to indicate that he, much like Paul Bremer later in Iraq, was a tool of higher powers.
Excellent article. There is a misperception that these pathological liars are believed, since their critics are silenced. It has been my experience that that is not the case. The pathological liars are not believed. They just keep lying, sabotaging, fining, legal system stalking, shouting down their oppenents, black listing those who doubt or know that they are lying as conspiracy theorists. I've been witnessing this for far to long. It is obviously not limited to the Magnitsky Act. This country is really nothing more than a sick joke at this point. These individuals do not behave like people. They behave like mercury poisoned monsters. Maybe they are. There is no logical excuse for this insanity. However, if they were mercury poisoned monsters, they would not all always have the same insane delusions. They are extremely corrupt sadistic terrorist criminal psychopaths that have destroyed America and the rest of the world too.Anon [268] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment July 2, 2020 at 7:23 am GMTThey are not The Resistance, they are The Persistence! Something has to be done about them. Freedom of the press does not give people the freedom to deliberately lie. You may doubt that, however, slander, libel, and defamation of charcter suits will prove you to be wrong, in addition to providing false information that endangers human life and national security, in the case of a non person like covid that is being used to deprive people of every liberty and rights that exists, including life. They are terrorists. They cannot claim to be news journalists or investigative reporters if they simply say whatever their advertisers or the government tells them to say. If they are unable to get to the bottom of the story, when so many in the alternative media are, then they are either unqualified to do their jobs, or are simply full of shit.
I really believe that the primary intention of covid and the response to it is to get people to voluntarily give up cell phones, particularly since 5-G is so hazardous. That way, the industries will never have to admit any wrong doing about the health hazards related to cell phones and Wi-Fi.That
is what I believe. Also, you can be damn sure that the government and corporations do not like the fact that they can be embarrassed by people that they cannot prevent from embarrassing them without being accused of human rights abuses like vault7 technology."Did they expect us to treat them with any respect?!" – Pink Floyd Fletcher Memorial Home For Incurable Tyants
Knowing them, they probably did!
@Vuki I had at one time a copy of a book titled "The murder of Bill Browder" by an Eastern European journalist which I have, unfortunately, misplaced. As well as being an exposè of the nefarious Mr Browder it also exposes far more serious wrongdoing against him. This book has vanished from the Google search engine (I wonder why?) so if anyone can tell me where to get a copy i would really value itFlintWheel4 , says: Show Comment July 2, 2020 at 7:41 am GMTAn aptly titled must read:GMC , says: Show Comment July 2, 2020 at 8:48 am GMThttps://www.thenation.com/article/archive/harvard-boys-do-russia/
While most American's were distracted by the emerging World Wide Web, our elite were raping Russia. I'll say it again, America's "elite" raped Russia. In internet time twenty five years past puts you in prehistoric times. This is critical history that most of us missed, or more accurately wasn't available -- to the majority of us.
This was the Clinton era -- with just that you know this story can't be good. With Slick Willie's taste for skanks in a period where there is a story of beautiful impoverished young Russian women (teens likely) forming a line for one of our "elite" who was peeling off Benjamins for blowjobs in a club frequented by their foreign "advisors." Yep, I'm sure this was of no interest to William Jefferson Blythe III.
Harvard University was given a significant role in this "helping" of Russia (pardon the pun), due to the prestige of this institution, long-gone and unbeknownst to Russian elite, but hey they weren't "connected" yet. Geez, sorry about your luck. The Harvard you got was the Harvard we've been getting also, a race privileged hot bed for educating global "rapists" (or was that Brandeis University I'm thinking of?). Six of one
William Browder is a highly educated Jew (not certain about either) who's grandfather was Earl Browder, the former General Secretary of the CPUSA (that's the "Communist Party of the United States of America" for those of you who didn't know we had one). Bill Browder crowed about the irony in his grandfather being an activist for communism here in the U.S., while HE was an activist for capitalism in Russia! No, he was doing to Russia what Jews did to Russia when they hijacked the real Russian's revolution -- fucking them.
Billy Browder's book, "Red Notice," seems at first heartfelt story from a genuine American do-gooder. Oops! I missed the "A true story " tip-off. It's a self engrandizing fairy tale of a rapist's plea of innocence because "she didn't say NO."
There is MUCH more to this most interesting, world impacting historical event, that I believe is the most understated and least understood of the twentieth century, but that said, who fucked up? Certainly Yeltsin with his alcohol addled brain (likely rooted for by Russian Jews, who are the MOST notorious criminals world-wide) in trusting and believing America would help Russia! More significantly I feel America did, big-time, for acting so damn un-American. Unfortunately the America I'm dreaming of is as long-gone as Harvard and now, like Harvard has a Zionist occupied governance (if you didn't know what "ZOG" stood for). Come to think of it, we're acting much like Israel. God save America!
I can tell you one person who did not, Vladimir Ilyich Putin. Yeltsin threw Russia's doors open to the west and Putin slammed them shut. You can quibble about how he got and keeps his office, or how he enriched himself through the process, but he had a job to do and he did it well -- he saved Russia from what the west was going to continue doing to it. You may not agree with his ideology, but he is the most formidable leader the world has. I pray he leaves Russia and Russians in a better place than we're headed.
So, here we are today, where Trump is currently in the position to decide whether Russia should be invited to the next G-whatever summit:
I say we're damn lucky it isn't Putin deciding whether to include Trump and the U.S., as some day it very well may be.
P.S. This is a rant of mine burning a long time for a window. Thank you John Ryan. Thank you Billy Browder. Most of all, Thank YOU Mr. Unz!
UNZ has provided a platform for authors, journalists and "knowers" from all over the world. All converging on the same theme -- there is a "they" and there is a plan. This seeming runaway train has awakened plain folks with uncommon sense and giants of intellect alike. Kudos, Ron Unz.
" The western Governments are easily moved or manipulated" and have been Gang Banged – time and time again by the corrupt mafia corporations, Zionists inc., and a dozen other international gangs that are in charge of things – today. Not to mention the corrupt, treasonist nationals that work for the Western Governments. Browder's Hermitage scam just shows how easily the US Gov and others are bought and paid for – that's why the true Magnitsky lie , has to be covered up , from the public. PS – notice all the tax money Browder skimmed off the US – very visible to anyone that can smell a Rat.jsigur , says: Show Comment July 2, 2020 at 9:24 am GMTI became aware of the Browder case when known controlled asset, Brandon Martinez, used his claims as a refutation of Putin which he seemed unbelievably obsessed about.Parsnipitous , says: Show Comment July 2, 2020 at 10:09 am GMT
As I perused you-tube for videos on Browder, I saw that he was welcomed into all approved western media to make his case with the questioners rarely going into the material to dispute his claims. I determined at that time that Browder was part of a deep state campaign to demonize Russia under Putin leadership.
It surprises me not to hear no MSM News organization will print these latest findings since in 2012 I realized the free world and press are anything but free and lie as much or more than the most demonized communist outlets.
Not mentioned in the article that I recall is the fact that Browder's dad was the head of the Communist party in the USA before and during WWII which should be enough by itself for a legitimate news outlet to scrutinize with great vigor any claims made by the man but then we know WWII was really a war against any country willing to exercise goyim rule independent of Jewish advisors and that the US was on the side of Jewish power in that war as much as all the other wars it has engaged in.
(Its interesting that my spell check keeps telling me that there is no such word as "goyem")"But when pressure was exerted on Germany to install a Magnitsky Act, one of their most influential journals "Chet Roman , says: Show Comment July 2, 2020 at 11:40 am GMTDer Spiegel is known as a craven Atlanticist rag. Somebody high up – possibly as a snub to the Trump admin – must have provided ass cover for it to be upheld.
@Anon https://dxczjjuegupb.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/TheKillingOfWilliamBrowder_PrintLayout_6x9-1.pdfSaggy , says: Website Show Comment July 2, 2020 at 12:27 pm GMT@Vuki You can see the film hereannamaria , says: Show Comment July 2, 2020 at 12:52 pm GMT
That Browder is a crook is not surprising, the revelation is the extent to which he is supported by the establishment.
Bill Browder has been heavily supported by Ben Cardin, a prominent zionist in the US Congress.vot tak , says: Show Comment July 2, 2020 at 2:39 pm GMTBrowder is a mega thief (he was also involved in several deaths-on-order) who owes everything to Cardin and other zionists from the Mega Group like Lex Wexner and similar criminals:
https://www.globalresearch.ca/bill-browder-escapes-again/5642767It is the same old story of subversion of the state by the moneyed and powerful Israel-firsters.
Useful summary of browder's scam. The man managered to wield a great amount of influence in american/uk media and government, yet is only a minor player by western oligarch standards. For that he must have substantial backing. By whom?AnonFromTN , says: Show Comment July 2, 2020 at 3:18 pm GMTWell he definitely is closely defended by these sources:
British Jewish businessman who challenged Putin is put on Interpol wanted list
Be careful of Putin, he is a true enemy of Jews
Who has the power to control media and western governments to such a tight degree?
Bill Browder is a thief, a typical representative of a flock of Western vultures that landed in 1990s Russia to steal state assets. When his thievery was curbed by Putin, he got angry and vengeful, like a scorned lover. He manufactured and spread lies to whip up an anti-Putin campaign in the West. His "narrative" was eagerly supported by the neocons and other scum, as it was in line with their "narrative". Naturally, the first things about Browder any honest investigator or journalist would unearth were lies and fraud. Just as naturally, the scum and scum-controlled Western MSM keep spreading lies supporting their "narrative", and ignoring numerous facts that contradict it.Alfred , says: Show Comment July 2, 2020 at 3:31 pm GMTThere is an interesting connection between Bill Bowder, Robert Maxwell, Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and others. They are all members of "CLUB"Really No Shit , says: Show Comment July 2, 2020 at 3:55 pm GMTThere are many more revealing articles on Martin Armstrong's blog. Browder is one of the biggest scumbags to ever walk on this earth. He is trying to start a war against Russia – because they took away some of the things he had stolen. An absolute arsehole.
Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested – Clinton's & Epstein's Lover | Armstrong Economics
Ben Cardin must feel like a schmuck given Ben Bidder's exposé in the Der Spiegel but having suborned the late drama queen Johnny McCain in supporting him in his efforts to protect a fellow tribesman, the noodge won't make any effort to rescind the illicit bill now that's the power of corruption!
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Jun 24, 2020 | www.unz.com
"This is not a momentary civil disturbance. This is a serious, and highly organized political movement It is deep and profound and has vast political ambitions. It is insidious, it will grow. It's goal is to end liberal democracy and challenge western civilization itself. This is an ideological movement Even now, many of us pretend this is about police brutality. We think we can fix it by regulating chokeholds or spending more on de-escalation training. We're too literal and good-hearted to understand what's happening. But we have no idea what we are up against. ..These are not protests. This is a totalitarian political movement and someone needs to save the country from it." Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson is right, the protests and riots are not a momentary civil disturbance. They are an attack the Constitutional Republic itself, the heart and soul of American democracy. The Black Lives Matter protests are just the tip of the spear, they are an expression of public outrage that is guaranteed under the first amendment. But don't be deceived, there's more here than meets the eye. BLM is funded by foundations that seek to overthrow our present form of government and install an authoritarian regime guided by technocrats, oligarchs and corporatists all of who believe that Chinese-type despotism is far-more compatible with capitalism than "inefficient" democracy. The chaos in the streets is merely the beginning of an excruciating transition from one system to another. This is an excerpt from an article by F. William Engdahl at Global Research:
"By 2016, Black Lives Matter had established itself as a well-organized network .. That year the Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy announced the formation of the Black-Led Movement Fund (BLMF), "a six-year pooled donor campaign aimed at raising $100 million for the Movement for Black Lives coalition" in which BLM was a central part. By then Soros foundations had already given some $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement .. ..
The BLMF identified itself as being created by top foundations including in addition to the Ford Foundation, the Kellogg Foundation and the Soros Open Society Foundations." ( "America's Own Color Revolution ", Global Research)
$100 million is alot of money. How has that funding helped BLM expand its presence in politics and social media? How many activists and paid employees operate within the network disseminating information, building new chapters, hosting community outreach programs, and fine-tuning an emergency notification system that allows them to put tens of thousands of activists on the streets in cities across the country at a moment's notice? Isn't that what we've seen for the last three weeks, throngs of angry protestors swarming in more than 400 cities across America all at the beck-and-call of a shadowy group whose political intentions are still not clear?
And what about the rioting, looting and arson that broke out in numerous cities following the protests? Was that part of the script too? Why haven't BLM leaders condemned the destruction of private property or offered a public apology for the downtown areas that have been turned into wastelands? In my own hometown of Seattle, the downtown corridor– which once featured Nordstrom, Pottery Barn and other upscale retail shops– is now a checkerboard of broken glass, plywood covers and empty streets all covered in a thick layer of garish spray-paint. The protest leaders said they wanted to draw attention to racial injustice and police brutality. Okay, but how does looting Nordstrom help to achieve that goal?
And what role have the Democrats played in protest movement?
They've been overwhelmingly supportive, that's for sure. In fact, I can't think of even one Democrat who's mentioned the violence, the looting or the toppling of statues. Why is that?
It's because the Democrats think that kowtowing to BLM will give them the winning edge in the November balloting. That's what it's all about. That's why they draped themselves in Kente cloth and knelt for the cameras. They think their black constituents are too stupid to see through their groveling fakery. They think that blacks will forget that Joe Biden pushed through legislation "which eliminated parole for federal prisoners and limited the amount of time sentences could be reduced for good behavior."
According to the Black Agenda Repor t: "Biden and (South Carolina's Strom) Thurmond joined hands to push 1986 and 1988 drug enforcement legislation that created the nefarious sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine as well as other draconian measures that implicate him as one of the initiators of what became mass incarceration. " Biden also spearheaded "the attacks on Anita Hill when she came forward to testify against the supreme court nominee Clarence Thomas". All told, Biden's record on race is much worse than Trump's despite the media's pathetic attempts to portray Trump as Adolph Hitler. It's just more bunkum from the dissembling media.
Bottom line: The Democrats think they can ride racial division and social unrest all the way to the White House. That's what they are betting on.
So, yes, the Dems are exploiting the protests for political advantage, but it goes much deeper than that. After all, we know from evidence that was uncovered during the Russiagate investigation, that DNC leaders are intimately linked to the Intel agencies, law enforcement (FBI), and the elite media. So it's not too much of a stretch to assume that these deep state agents and assets work together to shape the narrative that they think gives them the best chance of regaining power. Because, that's what this is really all about, power. Just as Russiagate was about power (removing the president using disinformation, spies, surveillance and other skulduggery.), and just as the Covid-19 fiasco was essentially about power (collapsing the economy while imposing medical martial law on the population.), so too, the BLM protest movement is also about power, the power to inflict massive damage on the country's main urban centers with the intention of destabilizing the government, restructuring the economy and paving the way for a Democratic victory in November. It's all about power, real, unalloyed political muscle.
Surprisingly, one of the best critiques of what is currently transpiring was written by Niles Niemuth at the World Socialist Web Site. Here's what he said about the widespread toppling of statues:
"The attacks on the monuments were pioneered by the increasingly frenzied attempt by the Democratic Party and the New York Times to racialize American history, to create a narrative in which the history of mankind is reduced to the history of racial struggle. This campaign has produced a pollution of democratic consciousness, which meshes entirely with the reactionary political interests driving it.
It is worth noting that the one institution seemingly immune from this purge is the Democratic Party, which served as the political wing of the Confederacy and, subsequently, the KKK.
This filthy historical legacy is matched only by the Democratic Party's contemporary record in supporting wars that, as a matter of fact, primarily targeted nonwhites. Democrats supported the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and under Obama destroyed Libya and Syria. The New York Times was a leading champion and propagandist for all of these war." ( "Hands off the monuments to Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Grant!, WSWS)
What the author is referring to is The 1619 Project, which is a racialized version of American history that was published by the Times on August 19, 2019. The deliberately-distorted version of history was cobbled together in anticipation of increasing social unrest and racial antagonism. The rioting, looting and vast destruction of America's urban core can all be traced back to a document that postulates that the country was founded on racial hatred and exploitation. In other words, The 1619 Project provides the perfect ideological justification for the chaos and violence that has torn the country apart for the last three weeks. This is an excerpt from an article at the World Socialist Web Site:
"The essays featured in the magazine are organized around the central premise that all of American history is rooted in race hatred -- specifically, the uncontrollable hatred of "black people" by "white people." Hannah-Jones writes in the series' introduction: "Anti-black racism runs in the very DNA of this country. "
This is a false and dangerous conception. DNA is a chemical molecule that contains the genetic code of living organisms and determines their physical characteristics and development . Hannah-Jones's reference to DNA is part of a growing tendency to derive racial antagonisms from innate biological processes .where does this racism come from? It is embedded, claims Hannah-Jones, in the historical DNA of American "white people." Thus, it must persist independently of any change in political or economic conditions .
. No doubt, the authors of The Project 1619 essays would deny that they are predicting race war, let alone justifying fascism. But ideas have a logic; and authors bear responsibility for the political conclusions and consequences of their false and misguided arguments." ("The New York Times's 1619 Project: A racialist falsification of American and world history", World Socialist Web Site)
Keep in mind, this essay in the WSWS was written a full year before BLM protests broke out across the country. Was Hannah-Jones enlisted to create a document that would provide the dry tinder for the massive and coordinated demonstrations that have left the country stunned and divided?
Probably, after all, (as noted above) the author's theory is that one race is genetically programed to exploit the other. ( "Anti-black racism runs in the very DNA of this country. ") Well, if we assume that whites are genetically and irreversibly "racist", then we must also assume that the country that these whites founded is racist and evil. Thus, the only logical remedy for this situation, is to crush the white segment of the population, destroy their symbols, icons, and history, and replace the system of government with one that better reflects the values of the emerging non-Caucasian majority. Simply put, The Project 1619 creates the rationale for sustained civil unrest, deepening political polarization and violent revolution.
The 1619 Project is a calculated provocation meant to exacerbate racial animosities and pave the way to open conflagration. And it has succeeded beyond anyone's wildest imagination. The nation is split into warring camps while Washington has devolved into fratricidal warfare. Was that the objective, to destabilize the country in preparation for the dissolution of the current system followed by a fundamental restructuring of the government consistent with the identity politics lauded by the Democrats?
The Democrats, the Intel agencies and the media are all in bed together fomenting unrest with the intention of decimating the economy, crushing the emerging opposition and imposing their despotic one-party system on all of us. Here's a clip from a piece by Paul Craig Roberts that sums up the role of the New York Times in inciting race-based violence:
"The New York Times editorial board covers up the known indisputable truth with their anti-white "1619 project," an indoctrination program to inculcate hatred of white people in blacks and guilt in white people.
Why does the New York Times lie, brainwash blacks into hatred of whites, and attempt to brainwash whites into guilt for the creation of a New World labor force four centuries ago? Why do Americans tolerate the New York Times fomenting of racial hatred in a multicultural society?
The New York Times is a vile organization. The New York Times attempts to discredit the President of the United States and did all it could to frame him on false charges. The New York Times painted General Flynn, who honorably served the US, as a Russian agent and enabled General Flynn's frame-up on false and now dropped charges. The New York Times spews hatred of white people. And now the New York Times accuses the American military of celebrating white supremacism.
Does America have a worse enemy than the New York Times? The New York Times is clearly and intentionally making a multicultural America impossible . By threatening white people with the prospect of hate-driven racial violence, the New York Times editorial board is fomenting the rise of white supremacy." ( "The New York Times Editorial Board Is a Threat to Multicultural America ", The Unz Review)
The editors of the Times don't hate whites, they are merely attacking the growing number of disillusioned white working people who have left the Democratic party in frustration due to their globalist policies regarding trade, immigration, offshoring, outsourcing and the relentless hollowing out of the nation's industrial core . The Dems have abandoned these people altogether and –now that they realize they will never be able to lure them back into their camp– they've decided to wage a full-blown, scorched-earth, take-no-prisoners war on them. They've decided to crush them mercilessly and fill their ranks with multi-ethnic, bi-racial groups that will work for pennies on the dollar. (which will keep the Dems corporate supporters happy.) So, no, the Times does not hate white people. What they hate is the growing populist movement that derailed Hillary Clinton and put anti-globalist Trump in the White House. That's the real target of this operation, the disillusioned throng of working people who have washed their hands of the Democrats for good. Here's more background from Paul Craig Roberts:
"On August 12 Dean Baquet, executive editor of the New York Times, met with the Times' employees to refocus the Times' attack on Trump . The Times, Baquet said, is shifting from Trump-Russia to Trump's racism. The Times will spend the run-up to the 2020 presidential election building the Trump-is-a-racist narrative. Of course, if Trump is a racist it means that the people who elected him are also racists. Indeed, in Baquet's view, Americans have always been racist. To establish this narrative, the New York Times has launched the "1619 Project," the purpose of which is "to reframe the country's history."
According to the Washington Examiner, "The basic thrust of the 1619 Project is that everything in American history is explained by slavery and race. The message is woven throughout the first publication of the project, an entire edition of the Times magazine. It begins with an overview of race in America -- 'Our democracy's founding ideals were false when they were written. Black Americans have fought to make them true.'
The premise that America originated as a racist slave state is to be woven into all sections of the Times -- news, business, sports, travel, the entire newspaper. The project intends to take the "reframing" of the United States into the schools where white Americans are to be taught that they are racist descendants of slave holders. A participant in this brainwashing of whites, which will make whites guilty and defenseless, says "this project takes wing when young people are able to read this and understand the way that slavery has shaped their country's history." In other words, the New York Times intends to make slavery the ONLY explanation of America.
At the meeting of the executive editor of the New York Times with the Times' employees to refocus the Times' attack on President Trump, Baquet said: "Race in the next year is going to be a huge part of the American story." ( "Is White Genocide Possible? ", The Unz Review)
Repeat: "Race in the next year is going to be a huge part of the American story." Either Baquet has a crystal ball or he had a pretty good idea of the way in which the 1619 Project was going to be used . I suspect it was the latter.
For the last 3 and a half years, Democrats and the media have ridiculed anyone who opposes their globalist policies as racist, fascist, misogynist, homophobic, Bible-thumping, gun-toting, flag-waving, Nascar boosting, white nationalist "deplorables". Now they have decided to intensify the assault on mainly white working people by preemptively destroying the economy, destabilizing the country, and spreading terror far and wide. It's another vicious psy-ops campaign designed to thoroughly demoralize and humiliate the enemy who just happen to be the American people. Here's more form the WSWS:
" It is no coincidence that the promotion of this racial narrative of American history by the Times, the mouthpiece of the Democratic Party and the privileged upper-middle-class layers it represents, comes amid the growth of class struggle in the US and around the world.
The 1619 Project is one component of a deliberate effort to inject racial politics into the heart of the 2020 elections and foment divisions among the working class. The Democrats think it will be beneficial to shift their focus for the time being from the reactionary, militarist anti-Russia campaign to equally reactionary racial politics." (" The New York Times's 1619 Project: A racialist falsification of American and world history " WSWS)
Can you see how the protests are being used to promote the political objectives of elites operating behind the mask of "impartial" reporting? The scheming NY Times has replaced the enlightenment principles articulated in our founding documents with a sordid tale of racial hatred and oppression. The editors seek to eliminate everything we believe as Americans so they can brainwash us into believing that we are evil people deserving of humiliation, repudiation and punishment. Here's more from the same article:
"In the months preceding these events, the New York Times, speaking for dominant sections of the Democratic political establishment, launched an effort to discredit both the American Revolution and the Civil War. In the New York Times' 1619 Project, the American Revolution was presented as a war to defend slavery, and Abraham Lincoln was cast as a garden variety racist
The attacks on the monuments to these men were pioneered by the increasingly frenzied attempt by the Democratic Party and the New York Times to racialize American history, to create a narrative in which the history of mankind is reduced to the history of racial struggle . This campaign has produced a pollution of democratic consciousness, which meshes entirely with the reactionary political interests driving it." (" The New York Times's 1619 Project: A racialist falsification of American and world history" , WSWS)
Ideas have consequences, and the incendiary version of events disseminated by the Times has added fuel to a fire that's spread from one coast to the other. Given the damage that has been done to cities across the country, it would be nice to know how Dean Baquet knew that "race was going to play a huge part" in upcoming events? It's all very suspicious. Here's more:
" Given the 1619 Project's black nationalist narrative, it may appear surprising that nowhere in the issue do the names Malcolm X or Black Panthers appear. Unlike the black nationalists of the 1960s, Hannah-Jones does not condemn American imperialism. She boasts that "we [i.e. African-Americans] are the most likely of all racial groups to serve in the United States military," and celebrates the fact that "we" have fought "in every war this nation has waged." Hannah-Jones does not note this fact in a manner that is at all critical. She does not condemn the creation of a "volunteer" army whose recruiters prey on poverty-stricken minority youth. There is no indication that Hannah-Jones opposes the "War on Terror" and the brutal interventions in Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Syria -- all supported by the Times -- that have killed and made homeless upwards of 20 million people. On this issue, Hannah-Jones is remarkably "color-blind." She is unaware of, or simply indifferent to, the millions of "people of color" butchered and made refugees by the American war machine in the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa." (" The New York Times's 1619 Project: A racialist falsification of American and world histor y", WSWS)
So, black nationalists like Malcolm X and the Black Panthers are excluded from the The 1619 Project's narrative, but the author boasts that blacks "are the most likely of all racial groups to serve in the US military"?? How does that happen unless Hannah-Jones was coached by Democrat leaders about who should and shouldn't be included in the text? None of this passes the smell test. It all suggests that the storyline was shaped by people who had a specific goal in mind. That isn't history, it's fiction written by people who have an ax to grind. The Times even admitted as much in response to the blistering criticism by five of "the most widely read and respected authorities on US history." The New York Times Magazine editor in chief Jake Silverstein rejected the historians' objections saying:
"The project was intended to address the marginalization of African-American history in the telling of our national story and examine the legacy of slavery in contemporary American life. We are not ourselves historians, it is true. We are journalists, trained to look at current events and situations and ask the question: Why is this the way it is?"
WTF! "We are not ourselves historians"? That's the excuse?? Give me a break!
The truth is that there was never any attempt to provide an accurate account of events. From the very onset, the goal was to create a storyline that fit the politics, the politics of provocation, incitement, racial hatred, social unrest and violence. That's what the Times and their allies wanted, and that's what they got.
The Deep State Axis: CIA, DNC, NYT
The three-way alliance between the CIA, the Elite Media, and the Democratic leadership has clearly strengthened and grown since the failed Russiagate fiasco. All three parties were likely involved in the maniacal hyping of the faux-Covid pandemic which paved the way for Depression era unemployment, tens of thousands of bankrupt businesses and a sizable portion of the US population thrust into destitution. Now, these deep state loyalists are promoting a "falsified" race-based version of history that pits one group against the other while diverting attention from the deliberate destruction of the economy and the further consolidation of wealth in the hands of the 1 percent.
Behind the veil of the protest movement, the war on the American people is gaining pace.
SteveK9 , says: Show Comment June 24, 2020 at 2:02 am GMT
Stopped reading the Times after the buildup to the Iraq War, when it was clear they were lying. Everyone please stop reading the Times, and in particular stop referring to what they are writing. Act like they don't exist. If enough do, they won't.FB , says: Website Show Comment June 24, 2020 at 4:22 am GMTStopped reading when I got to 'Chinese despotism'Carlton Meyer , says: Website Show Comment June 24, 2020 at 4:22 am GMTWhitney used to have something to say, but his scribblings now go straight to the bottom of the bird cage
The stupidity of the Dems was shown this week when they agreed to three Biden/Trump debates. They should leave him in his basement and hope for the best. They feature political ads where Biden slurs his speech! These are professionals, so it tells me they spent all day and did 40 takes and this was the best he could do. The election will be great comedy, or perhapsvot tak , says: Show Comment June 24, 2020 at 4:30 am GMTThis is all planned. Biden will be forced to drop out and Bloomberg or even Clinton will arise.
"Tucker Carlson is right, the protests and riots are not a momentary civil disturbance. They are an attack the Constitutional Republic itself, the heart and soul of American democracy."schnellandine , says: Show Comment June 24, 2020 at 4:42 am GMTI am reminded of david horowitz and chrissy hitchens
And how they promoted Israeli interests after first pretending to be independent thinkers to gain creed for the switch. Standard zionazi-gay psywar tactic.
@Carlton MeyerThe stupidity of the Dems was shown this week when they agreed to three Biden/Trump debates.
This is all planned. Biden will be forced to drop out and Bloomberg or even Clinton will arise.
Stupid and planned?
Clinton is the best evidence that certain people agree to be blackmailed in exchange for power, as Andrew Anglin wrote this week. Why should DNC care if Trump is 're-elected'? And if they don't care, who not take a stab at installing an intersectional DNC pinnacle fraudster via the griftiest, most insulting, infuriating way possible? They can't lose.
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Bookmark Toggle All ToC ▲ ▼ Search Text Case Sensitive Exact Words Include Comments Search Clear CancelIt is difficult to find anything good to say about Donald Trump, but the reality is that he has not started any new wars, though he has come dangerously close in the cases of Venezuela and Iran and there would be considerable incentive in the next four months to begin something to bolster his "strong president" credentials and to serve as a distraction from coronavirus and black lives matter.
Be that as it may, Trump will have to run hard to catch up to the record set by his three predecessors Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Bush was an out-and-out neoconservative, or at least someone who was easily led, including in his administration Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle, Michael Ledeen, Reuel Gerecht, Paul Wolfowitz, Doug Feith, Eliot Abrams, Dan Senor and Scooter Libby. He also had the misfortune of having to endure Vice President Dick Cheney, who thought he was actually the man in charge. All were hawks who believed that the United States had the right to do whatever it considered necessary to enhance its own security, to include invading other countries, which led to Afghanistan and Iraq, where the U.S. still has forces stationed nearly twenty years later.
Clinton and Obama were so-called liberal interventionists who sought to export something called democracy to other countries in an attempt to make them more like Peoria. Clinton bombed Afghanistan and Sudan as a diversion when the press somehow caught wind of his arrangement with Monica Lewinsky and Obama, aided by Mrs. Clinton, chose to destroy Libya. Obama was also the first president to set up a regular Tuesday morning session to review a list of American citizens who would benefit from being killed by drone.
So the difference between neocons and liberal interventionists is one of style rather than substance. And, by either yardstick all-in-all, Trump looks pretty good, but there has nevertheless been a resurgence of neocon-think in his administration. The America the exceptional mindset is best exemplified currently by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who personifies the belief that the United States is empowered by God to play only by its own rules when dealing with other nations. That would include following the advice that has been attributed to leading neocon Michael Ledeen, " Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business. "
One of the first families within the neocon/liberal interventionist firmament is the Kagans, Robert and Frederick. Frederick is a Senior Fellow at the neocon American Enterprise Institute and his wife Kimberly heads the bizarrely named Institute for the Study of War. Victoria Nuland, wife of Robert, is currently the Senior Counselor at the Albright Stonebridge Group and a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution. That means that Victoria aligns primarily as a liberal interventionist, as does her husband, who is also at Brookings. She is regarded as a protégé of Hillary Clinton and currently works with former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who once declared that killing 500,000 Iraqi children using sanctions was "worth it." Nuland also has significant neocon connections through her having been a member of the staff assembled by Dick Cheney.
Nuland, many will recall, was the driving force behind efforts to destabilize the Ukrainian government of President Viktor Yanukovych in 2013-2014. Yanukovych, an admittedly corrupt autocrat, nevertheless became Prime Minister after a free election. Nuland, who was the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the State Department, provided open support to the Maidan Square demonstrators opposed to Yanukovych's government, to include media friendly appearances passing out cookies on the square to encourage the protesters.
Nuland openly sought regime change for Ukraine by brazenly supporting government opponents in spite of the fact that Washington and Kiev had ostensibly friendly relations. It is hard to imagine that any U.S. administration would tolerate a similar attempt by a foreign nation to interfere in U.S. domestic politics, particularly if it were backed by a $5 billion budget , but Washington has long believed in a global double standard for evaluating its own behavior.
Nuland is most famous for her foul language when referring to the potential European role in managing the unrest that she and the National Endowment for Democracy had helped create in Ukraine. For Nuland, the replacement of the government in Kiev was only the prelude to a sharp break and escalating conflict with the real enemy, Moscow, over Russia's attempts to protect its own interests in Ukraine, most particularly in Crimea.
And make no mistake about Nuland's broader intention at that time to expand the conflict and directly confront Russia. In Senate testimony she cited how the administration was "providing support to other frontline states like Moldova and Georgia." Her use of the word "frontline" is suggestive.
Victoria Nuland was playing with fire. Russia, as the only nation with the military capability to destroy the U.S., was and is not a sideshow like Saddam Hussein's Iraq or the Taliban's Afghanistan. Backing Moscow into a corner with no way out by using threats and sanctions is not good policy. Washington has many excellent reasons to maintain a stable relationship with Moscow, including counter-terrorism efforts, and little to gain from moving in the opposite direction. Russia is not about to reconstitute the Warsaw Pact and there is no compelling reason to return to a Cold War footing by either arming Ukraine or permitting it to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Victoria Nuland has just written a long article for July/August issue of Foreign Affairs magazine on the proper way for the United States manage what she sees as the Russian "threat." It is entitled "How a Confident America Should Deal With Russia." Foreign Affairs , it should be observed, is an establishment house organ produced by the Council on Foreign Relations which provides a comfortable perch for both neocons and liberal interventionists.
Nuland's view is that the United States lost confidence in its own "ability to change the game" against Vladimir Putin, who has been able to play "a weak hand well because the United States and its allies have let him, allowing Russia to violate arms control treaties, international law, the sovereignty of its neighbors, and the integrity of elections in the United States and Europe Washington and its allies have forgotten the statecraft that won the Cold War and continued to yield results for many years after. That strategy required consistent U.S. leadership at the presidential level, unity with democratic allies and partners, and a shared resolve to deter and roll back dangerous behavior by the Kremlin. It also included incentives for Moscow to cooperate and, at times, direct appeals to the Russian people about the benefits of a better relationship. Yet that approach has fallen into disuse, even as Russia's threat to the liberal world has grown."
What Nuland writes would make perfect sense if one were to share her perception of Russia as a rogue state threatening the "liberal world." She sees Russian rearmament under Putin as a threat even though it was dwarfed by the spending of NATO and the U.S. She shares her fear that Putin might seek " reestablishing a Russian sphere of influence in eastern Europe and from vetoing the security arrangements of his neighbors. Here, a chasm soon opened between liberal democracies and the still very Soviet man leading Russia, especially on the subject of NATO enlargement. No matter how hard Washington and its allies tried to persuade Moscow that NATO was a purely defensive alliance that posed no threat to Russia, it continued to serve Putin's agenda to see Europe in zero-sum terms."
Nuland's view of NATO enlargement is so wide of the mark that it borders on being a fantasy. Of course, Russia would consider a military alliance on its doorstep to be a threat, particularly as a U.S. Administration had provided assurances that expansion would not take place. She goes on to suggest utter nonsense, that Putin's great fear over the NATO expansion derives from his having " always understood that a belt of increasingly democratic, prosperous states around Russia would pose a direct challenge to his leadership model and risk re-infecting his own people with democratic aspirations."
Nuland goes on and on in a similar vein, but her central theme is that Russia must be confronted to deter Vladimir Putin, a man that she clearly hates and depicts as if he were a comic book version of evil. Some of her analysis is ridiculous, as "Russian troops regularly test the few U.S. forces left in Syria to try to gain access to the country's oil fields and smuggling routes. If these U.S. troops left, nothing would prevent Moscow and Tehran from financing their operations with Syrian oil or smuggled drugs and weapons."
Like most zealots, Nuland is notably lacking in any sense of self-criticism. She conspired to overthrow a legitimately elected democratic government in Ukraine because it was considered too friendly to Russia. She accuses the Kremlin of having "seized" Crimea, but fails to see the heavy footprint of the U.S. military in Afghanistan and Iraq and as a regional enabler of Israeli and Saudi war crimes. One wonders if she is aware that Russia, which she sees as expansionistic, has only one overseas military base while the United States has more than a thousand.
Nuland clearly chooses not to notice the White House's threats against countries that do not toe the American line, most recently Iran and Venezuela, but increasingly also China on top of perennial enemy Russia. None of those nations threaten the United States and all the kinetic activity and warnings are forthcoming from a gentleman named Mike Pompeo, speaking from Washington, not from "undemocratic" leaders in the Kremlin, Tehran, Caracas or Beijing.
Victoria Nuland recommends that "The challenge for the United States in 2021 will be to lead the democracies of the world in crafting a more effective approach to Russia -- one that builds on their strengths and puts stress on Putin where he is vulnerable, including among his own citizens." Interestingly, that might be regarded as seeking to interfere in the workings of a foreign government, reminiscent of the phony case made against Russia in 2016. And it is precisely what Nuland did in fact do in Ukraine.
Nuland has a lot more to say in her article and those who are interested in the current state of interventionism in Washington should not ignore her. Confronting Russia as some kind of ideological enemy is a never-ending process that leaves both sides poorer and less free. It is appropriate for Moscow to have an interest in what goes on right on top of its border while the United States five thousand miles away and possessing both a vastly larger economy and armed forces can, one would think, relax a bit and unload the burden of being the world's self-appointed policeman.
Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is https://councilforthenationalinterest.org, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected] .
Carlton Meyer , says: Website Show Comment June 23, 2020 at 4:18 am GMT
This is a great overview, but Americans cannot understand these truths after hours of constant propaganda in our media. For example, Hillary Clinton and President Obama destroyed and looted Africa's most prosperous nation in 2011 that resulted in tens of thousands of deaths of innocents. This is not in dispute, it is just ignored despite daily stories about the chaos in Libya. Imagine if Black Lives Matters dared protest against this destruction and looting of Africa's wealthiest nation and demanded that Clinton and Obama be arrested for war crimes.Zarathustra , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 4:45 am GMThttps://www.youtube.com/embed/n5Lh4HUyudk?feature=oembed
Fact is that many leaders in history did solve the inside problems of their country by outside war.anon [437] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 4:47 am GMT
There is certainly a bit of elevated temperature.Thank you for another great article.Ultrafart the Brave , says: Website Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 4:56 am GMTbut
there is one thingYou wrote:
" It is hard to imagine that any U.S. administration would tolerate a similar attempt by a foreign nation to interfere in U.S. domestic politics, particularly if it were backed by a $5 billion budget, "
As you yourself have pointed out, more than once, in fact, there actually is a foreign country which, more than, interferes in U.S. domestic policy, some would estimate, effectively controls it, and foreign policy, as well.
While it would a bit of an effort to monetize the full amount spent on this effort, I personally would not be a bit surprised if it were significantly larger than $5 billion, and despite that, one could imagine, quite a bargain in terms of their ROI; it could in fact be considerably less than the overt transfer of sovereign U.S. wealth to that foreign government every year.The past administrations, either every one, or almost every one, going back as far as Truman, certainly , but the trend was already well established during the puppet presidency of Woodrow Wilson.
I'd love to read your rejoinder.
being blocked incorrectly from using my usual handle@Carlton MeyerAlfred , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 5:05 am GMTImagine if Black Lives Matters dared protest against this destruction and looting of Africa's wealthiest nation and demanded that Clinton and Obama be arrested for war crimes.
An admirable sentiment, except that the BLM movement appears to be little more than a vehicle for staged chaos nurtured behind the scenes by more war criminals with a hidden agenda.
And more's the pity, because there are hordes of high-ranking war criminals in the Exceptional Nation that richly deserve burning at the stake. In the Libyan context, Muammar Gaddafi was not only a great leader but also a good man, who was doing great things not only for his own people but also for the community of African nations.
If you're going to have a dictator, make sure you get a good one. Gaddafi was a good one.
Trump not so much, but Clinton was and is horrifically evil.
The war against Russia has been going on for centuries. Nothing upsets these nutters more than the Russians insulating themselves from the mental virus that has proliferated in the West.Anon [233] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 5:06 am GMTJust read the sour grapes of the usual suspects in this derogatory article. Similar in tone to the nonsense at the Sochi Winter Olympics in 2014. Nothing amuses me more than to watch them vomiting on themselves in frustration.
Moscow, low-key consecration of Victory Cathedral; Catholics denied another church
Nuland's views are, as stated in the article, dangerous fantasy-one could almost accuse her of having psychopathic voices in her head with respect to russia and putin.Biff , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 5:13 am GMTIt is indeed remarkable in a very bad way that this woman was close to the top level in state under obama but we can surely see her handiwork in the devastation of the ukraine nation.
@Carlton MeyerChris Moore , says: Website Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 5:34 am GMTImagine if Black Lives Matters dared protest against this destruction and looting of Africa's wealthiest nation and demanded that Clinton and Obama be arrested for war crimes.
My imagination:
An agitator is planted inside BLM, and is armed and equipped to carry out a terrorist attack on the American people as false flag event – blows up a weight-watchers convention, next to a Wal-mart, and puts a half-a-dozen fat bodies into orbit circling the globe(celestial bodies). After said attack BLM is defunded, and disbanded(but the race war continues).You forgot to mention that virtually all of the neocon/liberal interventionist "intellectuals"on your list identify as Jewish, which means they see themselves as having Hebrew backgrounds, which not only gives them an Israel First/Zionist orientation, but which means their hatred of "anti-Semitic" Russia is pathological and ancestral, which means their hatred of "anti-Semitic" Europeans is pathological and ancestral, which means their hatred of "anti-Semitic" white people is pathological and ancestral, which means their desire for nuclear war between whites is pathological and ancestral, which means they believe they can win a nuclear war (perhaps by sheltering in bunker state Israel) and emerge as the anointed "chosen" intellectual priest class of the worldThreeCranes , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 5:35 am GMTSo there is a kind of internal logic or rationalism to their insanity, in the same way that any insular, imperious elite suffering from megalomania and delusions of grandeur can develop internal, echo chamber "logic" that is (objectively) insane. The difference is, their insane "logic" is additionally sanctioned by their particular God or their particular History or their version of God/History.
Hence, with this cult, we not only get insular, echo-chamber imperialism, but we additionally get quasi-religious, messianic fanaticism that will view any nuclear war as pre-ordained fate in service of delivering the Chosen Ones to the world.
And half of America thinks Trump is nuts? It should look at the "intellectual Jews" it's so desperate to consign its fate to.
Posturing. What else can this be, coming from the lips of a Jewish woman? It all just sounds so ridiculous. What authority does she have? Only the threat of force, reckless force dispensed with abandon. That's not authority. It's insanity.Mr. Hack , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 5:35 am GMTAnother critique of US foreign policy regarding Russia, all referenced under the famous "cookies and milk" response of Ms. Nuland in Kyiv. Lucky for Russia that she wasn't doling out scoops of ice cream instead?Mustapha Mond , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 5:41 am GMTFor Nuland, the replacement of the government in Kiev was only the prelude to a sharp break and escalating conflict with the real enemy, Moscow, over Russia's attempts to protect its own interests in Ukraine, most particularly in Crimea.
I applaud the US response of supporting Ukraine's aspirations for a freer more Western oriented country and that it continues to support Ukraine's territorial interests over those of Russia's. It's time for the Giraldis and Cohens of the world to shed their Russian fig leaf covering and be exposed as the gutless appeasers that they really are.
Victoria Nuland (her family name formerly Nudelman) and her blood-thirsty, thieving zionist neocon buddies would love nothing more than to tear Russia apart and finish the rape and plunder of that country first begun under Russia's 'reformer' president, the idiot Yeltsin, wherein mostly jewish Russian and American oligarchs systematically stole what amounts to about $330 billion dollars of Russia's wealth.Mr. Hack , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 5:47 am GMTThat these zionist neocon murderers and thieves would put the world at risk to achieve their goals is no surprise, as one need only look at the 3,000+ innocent American lives, including many Jews, that were snuffed out on 9/11, all to set the stage for the US and allies' "War of Terror" against mainly the enemies of Israel, and to line the pockets of the ever-growing Military-Information-Security Complex. Innocent lives mean absolutely nothing to these monsters.
The campaign against Russia is simply another necessary link in the chain that binds the world to the PNAC vision of using the US and the West to establish and maintain what is essentially a Jewish supremacist movement that barely conceals itself and its nefarious agenda from the useful idiot goyim so necessary to carry forward the PNAC's plan for world domination. And the chubby little Ms Nudelman is just another tireless zionist mouthpiece for this ugly, obnoxious and risky agenda
Giraldi would have us believe that it was all a US sponsored provocation, not the natural outcry of the Ukrainiain people seeking change from a thoroughly corrupt and authoritarian regime. Ms.Nuland's cookies must have tasted really good to get the massive outpouring of support in Kiev that demanded systemic change.chris , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 6:11 am GMThttps://www.youtube.com/embed/-nNFrvGOb9o?feature=oembed
A major indicator of how long-term foreign policy goals are actually set by the US was revealed when Obama declared Venezuela a threat to national security in 2015!roonaldo , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 6:13 am GMT
http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/obama-declares-venezuela-national-security-threat-imposes-sanctionsVenezuela? A threat to US national security?? Sounds completely absurd.
But if you consider your 'national security' being threatened whenever any scarce natural resources in the world are not in your or in your client states' posession, then anthing which interferes with that is a "threat!" Iran (before 2003), Iraq, and Russia certainly fit the bill of being enemies.
This explanation, for me, is much more realistic than to think the neocons are solely driven by cold war mentalities.
The neocons are particularly peeved at Russia because through their oligarchs, they had the crown jewels in their hand before Putin wrested it out. It was always clear from the beginning that the overthrow of the Ukraine government was always just a stepping stone to the overthrow of Putin in Russia.
Russia is truly the mother load, with control over its natural resources, you control China, undermine the Middle Eastern Arab states and if necessary control Europe financially. Besides the direct political control you then exercise, on an economic level, the productive people of the world Germany and China then work for you.
Nuland and her ilk will be spewing their dangerous nonsense and banging the drums of war like homicidal energizer bunnies until hell freezes over. Meanwhile, "from Atlantic to Pacific, the insanity is terrific," as the nation devolves in an engineered mass hysteria. As things go down the tubes, the Empire will get ever more desperate, rather than easing back a bit on the throttle. With Donald Boy and Sec. of State "Plump-piehole" egging on Israeli expansionist dreams and drone-executing whomever they please–what could possibly go wrong? I'm waiting for one, just one, European power to call bullshit on the U.S. and put a stop to this madness. Fat chance of that.Rahan , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 6:41 am GMTI think we are in the Empire's desperation phase. The Project for a New American Century (PNAC) report that called for and got another Pearl Harbor also spoke affectionately of creating bioweapons to target any upstart nation encroaching on U.S. hegemony. If the bastards could get away with 9/11, a most obvious inside job, what's not to like about the disruption and confusion of bioweapons? The ruthless evil we are up against is truly staggering.
It would be super funny, if Russian, Chinese, Serbian, Sudanese, Afghani, and Iranian diplomats now went out en mass to give out cookies to the US rioters.Lot , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 6:55 am GMTTaking PR pictures with the poor oppressed black looters and antifa trannies, lecturing Washington on human rights, and pledging support to the "moderate terrorists" i.e. the democrat mayors and governors who decide to not interfere with the looting and autonomous zones.
I think this would be the most epic troll ever. Especially if Venezuela then paraded some nervous spook and declared him the "legitimate president of the United States".
Or maybe, kek, just appoint Bernie the real president. "For two elections the corrupt system has denied this true hero his rightful position. Enough! We support the people's choice!" etc. Bernie would be all: "I don't know who these people are, honest," and they'd be: "stay strong, comrade, we shall help you in your fight to become a true people's president!"
America's most pro-Israel President, the one who moved the embassy to Jerusalem and appointed a West Bank settler dude as ambassador, has both refrained from starting wars and is gradually bringing the troops home from Afghanistan, Germany, etc.Marshall Lentini , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 8:35 am GMTSo much for the Jihadi/leftist smear that Israel's friends promote wars.
Trump: peace through strength and loyalty to America's true friends.
restless94110 , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 9:04 am GMTConfronting Russia as some kind of ideological enemy is a never-ending process that leaves both sides poorer and less free.
Well said.
It's also really strange to portray Russia in this demonic fashion. When you see it up close, there are things you don't like or question, things that are bizarre, absurdly inefficient, and outright abhorrent, but it's far from the big threatening geopolitical beast they make it out to be. It's more of a joke which even Russians understand.
There's a phrase from the USSR that someone taught me – аналогов нет, "no analogues" or nothing comparable, referring to the quality of their military armaments, specifically rockets. Obvious nonsense pushed by the USSR to bolster faith in the populace, it lives on today in Kremlin propaganda, but is widely regarded as the bullshit it is, which is why videos containing the phrase itself are banned on YouTube Russia.
In short Russia, as a meme, is a "paper tiger" propped up largely by Washingtonian psychodrama and will-to-power. Washington doesn't want Russia out of Crimea because they love the Ukrainians; they want them out because Ukraine is a major destination for American corporate venality. Absent interference from Washington, the Kremlin might undertake some foreign adventures in neighboring countries, but for the most part would continue on its obvious path of "peacefully" melding with the Chinese economy, like everyone else.
There is no white nation free of the forces of decline set in motion by white success and the overall technological arc of history. "Russia" is nothing more than a scarecrow for the Washington establishment – which it could just as well drop, as they no longer need justifications or approval from the people – and signifies only a livid hunger for the last major market they've yet to absorb directly.
Proud_Srbin , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 9:07 am GMTIt is difficult to find anything good to say about Donald Trump, but the reality is that he has not started any new wars, though
It is difficult to read past an opening sentence such as this one.
I have seen it constantly. I call it the "Back-handed Trump hating fool" approach. The many writers who employ this method in their articles appear to believe that they literally have to make it clear to their readers that of course they (the writers) think Trump is a moron/cad/crook/criminal/mentally ill, BUT!!!
Then they proceed with the rest of their article.
But don't you (the reader) dare think that they think anything good about Trump!
This is childish bullshit and am I the only one who is completely sick of it?
Hey, Phil, how about you leave out the stupid back-handed Trump hating nonsense? You don't need to write it, but if you do? Have your editors cut it from your writing. It just makes you look stupid, and many won't even continue reading your article. As they should. No one deserves to be read who would write such facile, petty nonsense.
ANY country, real or satelite which allows ""diplomats from 5-headed beast or anglo-terrorist and marauding alliance deserve extinction.Bill Jones , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 9:30 am GMT
God Bless DPRK!Petty typoJWalters , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 9:39 am GMT
"Nuland, who is the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the State Department, ""is" sb was (thank god)
I too find it appalling that these people move among us.
If we "follow the money", Hillary's campaign was financed by the Israelis. An honest post mortem on her loss would have focused attention on the huge influence of Israeli money on American elections. The faked focus on Russian "meddling" could have been to divert any talk of election "meddling" away from Israel's truly vast "meddling". (The Israelis routinely distract by accusing others of their own crimes.) The Israelis control both the DNC and the corporate media, so "Russiagate" could roll on virtually evidence-free. Fox was allowed to criticize the "Russiagate" attack on Trump, but only to keep the kabuki conflict boiling. Neither side ever mentioned Israel's "meddling", or in any way criticized Israel. To the contrary, Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity even agreed that Netanyahu would be a great American president. So why did Israeli asset John Bolton just attack Trump, after Trump has given Israel so much, including assassinating Soleimani? Maybe it's Trump's refusal to launch Israel's next war? Maybe they don't really trust Trump? Maybe because on 9/11 Trump said he didn't believe planes could have brought down the twin towers, and that explosives must have been involved? Could Trump be in a deadly dance with the Israelis, riding a tiger?Anonymous [661] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 10:08 am GMTNuland wrote that Russia did "violate arms control treaties, international law, the sovereignty of its neighbors, and the integrity of elections in the United States " But wait a minute, doesn't she really mean Israel, not Russia?Larchmonter420 , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 10:15 am GMTAnd in retrospect, America's penchant for throwing little countries against the wall has never worked all that well. I'm thinking Cuba, Vietnam, Somalia.
Good article, Mr. Giraldi.
WHAT , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 10:21 am GMTNuland, many will recall, was the driving force behind efforts to destabilize the Ukrainian government of President Viktor Yanukovych in 2013-2014. Yanukovych, an admittedly corrupt autocrat, nevertheless became Prime Minister after a free election.
Nuland might hate Russia, but Obama gave back Crimea to Russia the rightful owner on a Silver Platter. Russia has now easy access to Mediterranean Sea. Obama then invited Russia back to Syria, as the USSR was kicked out of Middle East by the Evil Kissinger after the Yom Kippur War ..
The rest is history. 20/20 is hindsight.
@Mr. Hack Exactly, it was a US financed provocation with a whole lot of extremely dumb stooges. Six years that have passed since prove it again and again, every day.Robert Pinkerton , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 10:24 am GMTWhatever; "Ukraine" is not a state, "ukrainians" are not a people, "ukraininan" is just bastardized Russian/Polish mix, so to hell with this joke of a cuntry. Let Russia, Poland and Hungary partition it.
A sub-set of our Jewish fellow Earth-walkers hates Russia, rodina and narod as ancestral heritage.Philip Giraldi , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 10:24 am GMTNATO should have been disbanded shortly after the Soviet Union fell, its bureaucrath given Certificates of Service and sent home.
@Bill Jones Thanks – corrected!BL , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 10:57 am GMT@anonThreeCranes , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 11:05 am GMT" It is hard to imagine that any U.S. administration would tolerate a similar attempt by a foreign nation to interfere in U.S. domestic politics, particularly if it were backed by a $5 billion budget, "
We could chalk this up to a lack of imagination on the part of our intrepid former CIA scribbler, but anyone paying even cursory attention couldn't help but conclude that the Obama administration didn't just tolerate, it choreographed, a plot against Trump in league with foreign intelligence services.
U.K., Ukraine, Italy, Australia, Russia, and, yes, Israel.
I'm confident that neither a lack of imagination or garden-variety ignorance explains Giraldi's narrative weaving. However open or obscured, staying on the remove Trump by any means necessary team remains the smart, if treasonous, play.
You'll note that Russia is included in this no doubt incomplete list. It really is a fool's errand to try to surmise for any of these foreign participants what of their actions were opportunism as opposed to resigned self-protectiveness,
But, make no mistake, every single one, foreign powers, whether allies or adversaries, and individuals and purportedly non-state entities, was promised goodies at the expense of the American national interest.
That's anyone's guess at this point. We know surveillance state bottom-feeder Glenn Simpson got at least $6M, and Stefan "Guttman" Halper about $1M. What do you think was promised to foreign powers for playing ball? In the case of Russia, unless I miss my mark, Nord Stream II was merely the down payment.
Maybe some day Giraldi will ask Brennan the contours of the deal he made Russia assistance in throwing the election to Hillary in March, 2016:
@chrisFred777 , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 11:10 am GMT" Russia is truly the mother load, with control over its natural resources, you control China, undermine the Middle Eastern Arab states and if necessary control Europe financially. Besides the direct political control you then exercise, on an economic level, the productive people of the world Germany and China then work for you."
Hear, hear!
Hold fast Russia, the globalists have nothing good in store for you.Hapalong Cassidy , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 11:11 am GMTGiven all that has happened this year, I can unequivocally say that any white person who joins the US military needs to have their head examined. And a US military bereft of white people would be pretty much useless.red rider , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 11:18 am GMTClinton actually bombed Yugoslavia/Sebia as a diversion when the press somehow caught wind of his arrangement with Monica Lewinsky.Z-man , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 11:23 am GMTPhilip said:JoaoAlfaiate , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 11:48 am GMTBush was an out-and-out neoconservative, or at least someone who was easily led,
Ok but the main reason 'Dubbya' went into Eye-Raq is because he wanted to 'get' Saddam for having gone after 'Big Daddy' Bush I. The Neochoens provided the cover.
Bill Jones said:
I too find it appalling that these people move among us.
Yes but Nudelman is also a laughable character now who's shelf life has expired, I hope.
Hoping for Peoria but getting Minneapolis and Seattle.rienzi , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 12:02 pm GMTIgnoring all arguments about who is on the side of the angels here.anonymous [245] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 12:03 pm GMTThere are a lot of countries that could hurt us badly in a shooting war, but we would survive, and at the end of the day, they would not. However, there is one country, and only one, that could completely erase us in a few hours, and that is Russia.
Seems insanely suicidal to run around poking the bear with a stick at every possible opportunity.
For the gullible fans of Mr. Trump, who want so fervently to believe that he's trying to change anything but the rhetoric:Robjil , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 12:07 pm GMTWhen I searched to confirm the name of that "diplomat" standing next to Ms. Nuland, I learned from an official website that he remains employed as such, now the face of Uncle Sam in Greece.
Geoffrey R. Pyatt, a career member of the Foreign Service, class of Career Minister, was sworn in as the U.S. Ambassador to the Hellenic Republic in September 2016.
He served as U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine from 2013-2016, receiving the State Department's Robert Frasure Memorial Award in recognition of his commitment to peace and alleviation of human suffering in eastern Ukraine.
What should we expect of a President that would brag about luring an Iranian leader into a gangland hit with an invitation to discuss peace?
If you can't handle the truth, just hit the Troll or Disagree button.
@Mr. Hack It is called fool's gold.geokat62 , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 12:13 pm GMTThey were promised the EU or riches from the EU.
Yet, the leader of the coup Nuland said these immortal words to start her coup:
"F–k the EU"
Nuland knew the real deal.
She was creating a Zion colony in Ukraine and nothing more than that.
Realist , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 12:15 pm GMTAll were hawks who believed that the United States had the right to do whatever it considered necessary to enhance its own security , to include invading other countries, which led to Afghanistan and Iraq, where the U.S. still has forces stationed nearly twenty years later.
Great article, Phil. May I recommend one minor edit:
All were hawks who believed that the United States had the right to do whatever it considered necessary to enhance the Jewish State's security, to include invading other countries, which led to Afghanistan and Iraq, where the U.S. still has forces stationed nearly twenty years later.
Realist , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 12:17 pm GMTThe foreign interventionists really hate Russia
Ya think??? Is this supposed to be newsy?
@Hapalong CassidyJake , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 12:18 pm GMTGiven all that has happened this year, I can unequivocally say that any white person who joins the US military needs to have their head examined.
That has been the case for decades.
Why do our 'foreign interventionists,' our 'permanent war for globalist perpetual peace' crusaders, our Neocons, hate Russia so thoroughly and so centrally to their very beings?BL , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 12:22 pm GMTFirst, our imperialists are the direct descendants intellectually, spiritually, and morally of the first WASP Empire, the first Anglo-Zionist Empire: the British Empire. And they have used their high IQs that are focused on grasping the One Ring to Rule Them All to locate where the Brit WASP Empire failed to achieve its goals, which allowed the collapse starting with World War 1. They are obsessed with that because they believe that if they can achieve what the Brit WASPs failed to achieve, then they can make the Anglo-Zionist Empire 2.0 as permanent as the Roman Empire – a Thousand Year Reich.
And that is spiritually what all WASP imperialism, all Anglo-Zionist imperialism back to at least the Anglo-Saxon Puritans, is about: replacing the Roman Empire, which means replacing that which culturally led to, and was absolutely indispensable to, Christendom.
What they wish to redo and achieve that the Brit WASPs failed in is winning The Great Game: becoming total master of Eur-Asia. And that requires taking out Russia and China. In the 19th century, China was sicker than even the Ottoman Turkish Empire. To play the long game to destroy Russia, the Brit WASPs allied with the Turks to prevent Russia acting to push the Ottomans out of Europe. Brit WASP secret service in eastern Europe was focused on reducing Russia significantly right through the Bolshevik Revolution, even with Russia naively, stupidly allied with the British Empire in World War 1.
Our 'foreign interventionists' have seen Russia under Putin rise from the ashes, and they intend to destroy Russia once and for all, so they then can reduce China and win The Great Game. And thus make Anglo-Zionist Empire greater than Roman Empire.
Second, our Neocons are the spiritual and intellectual descendants not just of Trotskyites, but of all Russia-hating Jews with ties to Central and/or Eastern Europe. For them, Russia always is the evil that must be destroyed for the good of Jews.
Everything at its bedrock is about theology, is about the choice between Christ and Christendom or the Chaos of anti-Christendom.
@BL By the way, I will give you the commanding heights Sad Story in absurdly abridged form.geokat62 , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 12:34 pm GMTChina won the post-Cold War period hands down. From Tiananmen Square to Ising power on the cusp of global hegemony in a quarter century. With the US paying the bill.
While there were clear indications to any honest observer years before, Snowden's coming out signaled the public next phase of a years long operation in which the USG built a global surveillance apparatus, including not the least of Americans, and then lost the whole shebang to Russia, China and God Knows Who Else.
My view then -- and I have seen nothing to even suggest my informed speculation was wrong -- was that the sky was the limit in terms of what the powers that be would gift in terms of the national interest to protect themselves from exposure and a reckoning.
I would like anyone who disagrees to otherwise explain how USG policy became one of driving China and Russia into a strategic alliance. To say nothing of putting obviously compromised individuals, foreign assets, like Brennan at the apex of power.
Obama was also the first president to set up a regular Tuesday morning session to review a list of American citizens who would benefit from being killed by drone.
Uh huh. Read the NYT article -- Obama is no angel, but Giraldi should explain why President Obama would set up, much less publicly reveal, weekly sessions in which both he and the office of the president are grossly debased by the Director of the CIA?
Jake , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 12:52 pm GMTZionism is the Deep State – Rick Wiles
-- TruNews™ (@TruNews) June 22, 2020
In this article, this is the most important sentence in terms of showing how doomed America is: Obama was also the first president to set up a regular Tuesday morning session to review a list of American citizens who would benefit from being killed by drone.anon [319] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 1:00 pm GMTThe DOOM is that no Liberal can ever acknowledge that as something a liberal, a sacred black liberal at that, would do without being forced to do so by white conservatives.
That insanity lies at the heart of America and has since at least the Emancipation Proclamation. It means that it is totally impossible to have a halfway meaningful 'liberal' opposition to imperialism, because imperialism is always easily cast as doing good for the downtrodden blacks and/or browns and/or yellows and/or Jews and/or Moslems.
Too late, too fat, & too ugly! Nuland already lost the beauty contest for Biden's ventriloquist to Avril Haines, She-wolf of the DO. The rectal feedings will continue till morale improves!Really No Shit , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 1:13 pm GMTThe "foreign interventionists" want two things: Russia's mineral riches and its good gene pool (how do you think Middle Eastern Semites became blonde hair- blue eyed people who can easily blend into the West to undermine it from within in the first place to begin with?)Mr. Hack , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 1:36 pm GMTAnd they won't stop until they get what they want, by hook or crook!
@Robjil Nuland was about as interested in creating a "Zion colony" of Ukraine as Ron Unz (another Jew) is in creating one at this website!Anonymous [112] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 1:41 pm GMTClinton and Obama were so-called liberal interventionists who sought to export something called democracy to other countries in an attempt to make them more like Peoria . . .BuelahMan , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 1:43 pm GMTMore like the Castro District or Seattle, in fact.
Vicky is a Dirty Woman:A123 , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 1:43 pm GMThttps://www.youtube.com/embed/q67l4qPKbJ4?feature=oembed
Desert Fox , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 1:50 pm GMTSo the difference between neocons and liberal interventionists is one of style rather than substance. And, by either yardstick all-in-all, Trump looks pretty good, but there has nevertheless been a resurgence of neocon-think in his administration.
Trump fired John Bolton. Pompeo is at most a shadow of Bolton. That is rather the opposite of resurgence. If the author could let go of his #NeverTrump bias he would be able to see that Trump has run the NeoCons out of the GOP.
Trump tried to remove troops from Syria and Afghanistan and ran into Deep State obstructionism.
The Globalists tried to trick Trump into a Syria expansion by creating a Turkey/Syria battle through areas controlled by U.S. Troops. Trump refused to be manipulated and pulled U.S. Troops out of the kill sack. Does anyone still believe that myth about 'protecting Syrian oil'? Only the mentally dim accepted that ludicrous cover story. It was flimsy excuse to relocate out of the Deep State trap.
Prior U.S. administrations created huge problems in the ME by toppling Saddam and emboldening Iran's theocracy. "Cut and Run" would guarantee a nuclear arms race in the region. Trump's containment of Iranian colonial expansionism is working, albeit slowly. The Rial continues to slide (now at ~200,000 to the USD). At some point, the Iranian people will choose to get rid of their failed leaders and rejoin civilized society. Until then Trump's containment is better than a Biden invasion.
_____Trump has fundamentally reshaped the alignment of U.S. Politics. There is only one foreign interventionist party. The SJW Globalist DNC now owns both the NeoConDemocrats and the R2P crowd. The choice this November is clear:
-- Trump -- No New Foreign Wars
-- Biden -- Invasion of Ukraine, Iran, Libya, etc.PEACE
Nuland is just the tip of the iceberg in the ZUS government, which is infested with zionists and has been in every administation since Wilson, they are the cause of every war since WWI right down to the middle east and in the case of the middle east wars, the zionists and Israel used their attack on the WTC to push America into the slaughter house for the greater Israel project.chris , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 1:53 pm GMTRead The Protocols of Zion and the book The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed, there is laid out the zionist one world zionist government.
@Rahan HAHAHA, I'm still laughing !!! That's friggin hilarious, Rahan!!!Bill Jones , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 2:00 pm GMT
Bernie the cowardly comrade@Larchmonter420 It is little noticed that those Countries consumed by the evil Soviet Union have fared much better in conserving their culture and sense of self, after they were upchucked in the early '90s, than the Champions of Democracy of the West have done under the freedom and tutelage bestowed by the US.chris , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 2:09 pm GMT
Funny dat.@Hapalong Cassidy yeah, white or straight; the worst is if you're bothAnonFromTN , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 2:19 pm GMTYes, Nudelman and her ilk are rabidly anti-Russian. But what they did in Ukraine revealed a very different thing: globohomo elites are mentally degenerate, they cannot foresee even immediate consequences of their moves. There was a joke in Russia that for the coup in 2014 in Kiev Obama deserves a medal "For the liberation of Crimea" (there was a medal of this name in WWII). There was another joke, that Ukraine without Crimea is like a purebred stallion without balls.Bill Jones , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 2:20 pm GMTNeocons planned to make Ukraine a battering rum against Russia. They did not understand that a log rotten through and through cannot serve as a battering ram. Now they are stuck with that wreck ("you break it – you own it" rule) and don't know what to do with it. Previous US administration and DNC big shots (Biden, Pelosi, Schiff, and Co) used it mostly as a rout of stealing US taxpayers' money. Current administration does not seem to have even this use for it. The US keeps proving the age-old wisdom that when you see your enemy committing suicide, do not interfere. Putin appears to have a huge stock of popcorn.
@BL Bezos has done extremely well for acting as China's proxy in destroying the US economy.onebornfree , says: Website Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 2:21 pm GMT
Give the man a medal:
"So the difference between neocons and liberal interventionists is one of style rather than substance. And, by either yardstick all-in-all, Trump looks pretty good, but there has nevertheless been a resurgence of neocon-think in his administration. "Agent76 , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 2:22 pm GMTThis "just" in: "War is the health of the state" Randolph Bourne https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randolph_Bourne
Meaning, if you have governments in the first place, sooner or later, you will have war, either on the people inside a country [eg the war on drugs], or on citizens of another country, or both at the same time [i.e. what we have now].
Outside of complete dissolution of all states [ preferable in my opinion, but unlikely given the general mindset of the brainwashed masses worldwide], and given the systemic need of all states everywhere for evermore wars on their own, and on others populations, the only [ imperfect, and perhaps temporary], solution I see is to 95% downsize the federal government and restore the constitution and bill of rights and to thereby restrict the federal government to its original limits, and to even design new, more effective ways to prevent the federal governments further expansion beyond those original limits/chains.
"..the very idea of the State itself is poisonous, evil, and intrinsically destructive. But, like so many bad ideas, people have come to assume it's part of the cosmic firmament, when it's really just a monstrous scam.
It's a fraud, like your belief that you have a right to free speech because of the First Amendment, or a right to be armed because of the Second Amendment. No, you don't. The U.S. Constitution is just an arbitrary piece of paper entirely apart from the fact the whole thing is now just a dead letter. You have a right to free speech and to be armed because they're necessary parts of being a free person, not because of what a political document says.Even though the essence of the State is coercion, people have been taught to love and respect it. Most people think of the State in the quaint light of a grade school civics book. They think it has something to do with "We the People" electing a Jimmy Stewart character to represent them.
That ideal has always been a pernicious fiction, because it idealizes, sanitizes, and legitimizes an intrinsically evil and destructive institution, which is based on force. As Mao once said, political power comes out of the barrel of a gun." Doug Casey
https://www.caseyresearch.com/daily-dispatch/doug-casey-the-deep-state-is-responsible-for-all-economic-turmoil/Regards, onebornfree
Apr 27, 2017 This Is Already Putting an End to the Age of Globalization and Bankrupting the United States (2004)AnonFromTN , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 2:25 pm GMTFor a major power, prosecution of any war that is not a defense of the homeland usually requires overseas military bases for strategic reasons. After the war is over, it is tempting for the victor to retain such bases and easy to find reasons to do so.
February 26, 2015 The Neoconservative Threat To World Order
Scholars from Russia and from around the world, Russian government officials, and the Russian people seek an answer as to why Washington destroyed during the past year the friendly relations between America and Russia that President Reagan and President Gorbachev succeeded in establishing.
@Bill Jones There is even funnier thing now with covid: the countries that do not toe the imperial line, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, are doing a lot better than imperial sidekicks like Brazil, Colombia, or Peru. Rephrasing old Russian saying, "tell me who is your friend, and I tell you how stupid you are".chris , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 2:25 pm GMT@Rahan To make the troll work even better, Venezuela could then send 20 guys in zodiacs to motor into DC and NY harbor to try to take over Dulles and LaGuardia airports, and when they got captured, they could just trade them for those 2 knuckleheads we sent down there. They could also claim that they're here to capture Trump; that might just get him handed over.Wizard of Oz , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 2:45 pm GMTRahan, you have to send your brilliant joke to CJ Hopkins and to Caitline Johnstone to get if more exposure.
@anonymous You appear to be saying that a career diplomat who served in Ukraine when the US did or supported bad things there should not have been appointed as Ambassador to Greece. Is that a correct understanding of what you mean to convey? If so, how does this reflect on Trump when the appointment was made two months before he was elected?JoaoAlfaiate , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 2:48 pm GMTBefore confronting the Russians, it might be a good idea to regain control of Minneapolis and Seattle ..anonymous [400] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 2:52 pm GMTAnonFromTN , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 2:53 pm GMTSo the difference between neocons and liberal interventionists is one of style rather than substance.
That's pretty much it, they just use different rhetoric to appeal to their constituencies. Might makes right; there is no other law beside bandit law. The Russians have been a barrier to the US being able to spread itself over the entire globe and rob everyone weaker than itself. The US was behind all these atrocious jihadi mercenaries even as it's pretended to be against them. The Russians stopped the US project of terror and overthrow in Syria and that's outraged the Americans who thought they could act as they pleased. Libya was destroyed by the wonderful, hip Obama who many stupid Americans still think was a nice person. But with Russia, they can huff and puff but can't blow their walls down. They have a military that can deter the Americans unlike all the other smaller victim states.
@onebornfreeWizard of Oz , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 2:57 pm GMTMeaning, if you have governments in the first place, sooner or later, you will have war,
Funny, you sound like notorious Russian politician Zhirinovsky. He said: "there is no such thing as lasting peace, there is only prolonged armistice".
@AnonFromTN The second joke should be withdrawn from active service. It is that of the naughty schoolboy who will say anything for a cheap laugh – in this case "balls. A well bred gelding will win races, be just as well fed and housed as the entire stallion and much more contentedly placid.GMC , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 2:59 pm GMTRight after those two Israeli puppets were dancing and talking on their open lined cell phones outside on Shitskyia St. in Kyiv, Ukraine, in front of the US Embassy, Ambassador Py Rat ended up going to the US Embassy in Greece, in order screw the Greek people some more, and Cookies Nuland ended up -- F n what's left of the island of Cyprus. US Embassies are nothin more than CIA offices and only idiots would leave them in their country.Biff , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 3:20 pm GMT@AnonFromTN Another Russian joke about Ukraine – that I will probably wreck but here goes:EliteCommInc. , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 3:33 pm GMTHow come you want to attack Donbass?
Because the Russians are there.
How come you don't actually attack Donbass?
Because the Russians are really there!
"She accuses the Kremlin of having "seized" Crimea, but fails to see the heavy footprint of the U.S. military in Afghanistan and Iraq and as a regional enabler of Israeli and Saudi war crimes. One wonders if she is aware that Russia, which she sees as expansionistic, has only one overseas military base while the United States has more than a thousand."Herald , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 3:34 pm GMTI think this is a mistake. I think Miss Nuland knows exactly how large and intense the US ft print is and belies it should be larger and more intense. There are sincere people who believe that the US must as duty make the work safe for democracy even the means of getting there is any and everything bt democratic because in the long run -- the benefits will outweigh.
and as proof of er sincerity -- it's not just Russia (Though I understand why Dr. Giraldi would like to tackle one territorial issue at a time makes sense)
@Chris MooreAnonFromTN , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 3:44 pm GMTAnd half of America thinks Trump is nuts? It should look at the "intellectual Jews" it's so desperate to consign its fate to.
Of course, it should look at them, that's what Trump seems to be doing.
@Biff I've heard another version of this.Rahan , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 3:48 pm GMT
Ukrainians are asked:
– If you believe that Crimea belongs to you, why don't you fight for it?
– We are not stupid, Russian troops are there.
– But you say that there are Russian troops in Donbass, yet you fight.
– That's what we say, but in Crimea there really are Russian troops.@chrispeter mcloughlin , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 3:51 pm GMT
Thank you for the kind words, Chris,
You're very welcome to share the gist of the joke anywhere you like, and add to it whatever you think works:)I agree that "backing Moscow into a corner with no way out" is a dangerous strategy. This is not the Cold War: in the Cold War the United States and USSR were able to keep peace, a balance of power, an equilibrium where neither side's vital interests were threatened. Russia had a buffer zone: not today. America was at the height of its global economic power: today it is being overtaken by China. In the Cold War the big powers avoided nuclear Armageddon – though at times appeared to come close – because they were able to. The misguided thinking today is: "we got through the Cold War we can get this". This is not a re-run of 1945-1991: it is the lead-in to the holocaust that period skillfully avoided.GMC , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 3:54 pm GMT
https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/@Mr. Hack I was in Ukraine and was a resident in 2008 even. Yanuk was a thief, but this was SOP in Kyiv – how do you think they all get rich ? Sure the people were protesting about corruption, but anyone who was really there know how easy it was to spread the riot when the western neo nazis are bussed in, the " cookies" end up being money paid to certain groups and out of work peasants. Yanuk was trying to short sell Ukraine's farmland etc. to many corporations and countries. He was taking money from Monsanto, Carghill, Dupont, John Deere/ Iowa Univ. and even China started to build a deep water port in Crimea , in order to grow on the 200,000 hectares they wanted to lease. Russia always gave the Ukies a decent loan or gaz price { esp. for Princess Jewish Tymoshenko who up the price for her takings }, not to mention the million or so that worked in Ru. A Perfect storm , for as far back as when , in 2005, Senator B Obama , brought 40 million in cash to Donetsk, in order to de- arm the Ukrainian military. This Maidan and Ukrainian plan was well planned – decade or two earlier – Pravda !Herald , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 3:56 pm GMT@Bill Jones China's proxy?Shaman911 , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 4:00 pm GMTFor one thing. PRESIDENTS of any country "DO NOT START WARS" It's always Jewish Bankers.Alfa158 , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 4:13 pm GMT
Nuland is Jewish so what else is there to talk about?Mr. Giraldi ; do you think Vicky is angling for the Secretary of State position in the upcoming Biden administration?Really No Shit , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 4:15 pm GMT
Have you given any thought to who Biden will be told to select for the Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, and National Security Advisor slots where they will be leading the charge for war?
I think it is possible that Bolton may have been angling for one of those spots with his current book tour, but that has obviously blown up in his face.@BuelahMan Dirty Vicky wanted to do statuesque Julia you know where!Curmudgeon , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 4:41 pm GMT@Anonymous I thought that bit was comic relief.anonymous [245] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 4:42 pm GMT@Wizard of Oz OK, as you give off more than a whiff of effete hack yourself, I'll bite.*AnonFromTN , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 4:44 pm GMTYes, that's what I mean to convey. It reflects on President Trump -- and, more particularly, his sham campaign rhetoric -- that the likes of Mr. Pyatt remain in place with another Exceptional! plaque on his lavish office.
Do you mean to convey that the President can't replace ambassadors at will, or that they have tenure?
-- --
*Before interacting with this "Wizard of Oz" character, be aware that he/she/they often draw other commenters in with questions and requests that are seldom resolved to his/her/their satisfaction, or with cryptic insinuations that distract discussion.
The same person also fuzzes up threads by pretending to be more than one commenter, the technique known as "sock puppetry." See under Mr. Derbyshire's February 15, 2019, article comment ## 28, 42, 43, 44, 68, 122, where he/she/they got sloppy also posting as "Anon[436]."
Among this website's oddest, sophisticatedly trollish commenters.
@GMC Let's give credit where credit is due. Yes, the Empire wanted to buy Ukraine, preferably on the cheap (considering that the goods were not of the first quality). But for the sale to proceed you need two sides. You need a fraudster and a sucker. You cannot consider morons who sold their would-be country for beads blameless. Not to mention that many local thugs got a cut. Smarter thieves took their loot and ran away, like Yats. Dumber and/or greedier ones, like Porky and Kolomoisky, remained and kept trying to steal more. The suckers (the rest of the population) are left holding the bag. Stupidity is always punished in the end, but not always so severely.Mr. Hack , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 4:51 pm GMT@GMC Although one has to be careful in dealing with the large multinationals, the only way to obtain large contracts is through cooperation with them. Opening things up and building ports would have resulted in large employment opportunities for the masses, adding some stability to the Ukrainian economy.Chris Moore , says: Website Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 4:56 pm GMTI'm not aware of Senator Obama's dealings in Donetsk to "de-arm the Ukrainian military". Please do tell me more.
@JakeCurmudgeon , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 5:00 pm GMTOur 'foreign interventionists' have seen Russia under Putin rise from the ashes, and they intend to destroy Russia once and for all, so they then can reduce China and win The Great Game. And thus make Anglo-Zionist Empire greater than Roman Empire. Second, our Neocons are the spiritual and intellectual descendants not just of Trotskyites, but of all Russia-hating Jews with ties to Central and/or Eastern Europe. For them, Russia always is the evil that must be destroyed for the good of Jews.
So basically, they're Jewish parasites with delusions of grandeur who attached themselves to the British Empire and American Empire (destroying the US Constitution along the way), and are using its decaying WASP blood and treasure to set up an Anglo-Zionist Empire, which will then morph into a Zionist Empire, which will then move its headquarters to Israel, which will then fulfill "chosen" Zionist Jewish supremacist prophecy and theology of ruling the world.
In other words, they're not only parasites, but they're insane parasites. Really, could there be any other kind? The insanity is baked into the parasite.
@anonymousColin Wright , says: Website Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 5:01 pm GMTWhat should we expect of a President that would brag about luring an Iranian leader into a gangland hit with an invitation to discuss peace?
I am confident that, in my lifetime, the truth about how that unfolded will never be known. The intel for the hit came from the Israelis through the same people that have been undermining him from Day 1. Did Trump actually know Soleimani was there on a peace mission? Did Trump know that an Iraqi leader would be with Solmeimani? Why would de-escalation of tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia be bad for Trump who has been avoiding staring wars? Was Mattis in on that game?
Once the hit was done, the rest is creating a narrative for diversion. It was a shit show, to be sure, but I suspect there is a lot more to this than what we are being fed.
' Michael Ledeen, "Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business." 'Colin Wright , says: Website Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 5:06 pm GMTNow, if that 'small, crappy little country' could be Israel, me 'n Mike could have a real meeting of minds.
but I suppose that's not what Mike meant.
' Backing Moscow into a corner with no way out by using threats and sanctions is not good policy 'FLgeezer , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 5:10 pm GMTThat might well be, but maybe there is a way out.
Think maybe if Russia abandoned its support for a state in Syria and let Israel have her little way with the place that she might suddenly be left in peace?
Nahhh couldn't possibly be a connection. How could that influence our policy?
@anonymous >Among this website's oddest, sophisticatedly trollish commenters.Colin Wright , says: Website Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 5:16 pm GMTAgreed. I suggest he/she/it be referred to henceforth as the Wizard of Odds.
' Washington and its allies have forgotten the statecraft that won the Cold War 'Kouros , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 5:34 pm GMTThis always happens with winners -- be they World War One generals or Cold Warriors.
If, due to other factors entirely, they happen to finally triumph, it all becomes attributed to their incredible genius.
The oddity is that the Soviet Union lasted as long as it did. It was a massively unattractive system with no natural constituency beyond its own bureaucrats. Yes, it had to be kept at bay, and we did do that -- but we basically merely watched while it collapsed under the weight of its own internal flaws.
American Oligarchy really wants to take over the Russian economy and assets (as well as China's and Iran's)Pat Kittle , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 5:38 pm GMTHegar , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 5:44 pm GMTthe advice that has been attributed to leading neocon Michael Ledeen, "Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business."
Hmm Israel comes first to mind.
Giraldi's first paragraph is spot on. But after corona dealing the economy a heavy blow, I don't think Trump will start a war before the election. I don't think he would have done that otherwise either, though there was some risk. Trump has caved numerous times, he is an idioht when it comes to hiring his enemies hoping to appease them, but there is no question that he opposes mass immigration and invasions.Pat Kittle , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 5:48 pm GMTI suppose most people here know this, but let's look at how many of the pro-war names mentioned belong to the 2.5 % "Chosen":
George Bush
Donald Rumsfeld
Hillary Clinton
Michael Ledeen (White, but studied history under *George Mosse, immigrated from Germany)
Reuel Gerecht
Dan Senor*Richard Perle
*Paul Wolfowitz (The architect of the Afghan-Iraq invasions, who gathered support for them in Congress and organized the pro-war communication)
*Douglas Feith (would have been the Sec. of Defense if people hadn't objected too much, as he was infamous after the Iran-Contra affair)
*Eliot Abrams
*Lewish "Scooter" Libby of the dead eyes
*Robert Kagan
*Frederick Kagan
*Victoria Nuland
*Madeleine Albright (Half a million dead Iraqi children from starvation sanctions and bombing the infrastructure for twelve years was "worth it")That's six Whites and nine Tribe.
If those nine hadn't existed millions would have been alive today, there would have been no flood of Somalis, Afghans, Iraqis and Syrians to Europe, and the U.S. and the Middle East would have been far better off.
@Colin Wright I just posted a similar comment, before I saw yours.Alfred , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 5:53 pm GMTPlagiarism unintended!
@Mr. Hack I applaud the US response of supporting Ukraine's aspirations for a freer more Western oriented countryRurik , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 5:57 pm GMTYou are joking surely? The country is run by Jews from top to bottom – although Jews are 1% of the population. Since the Maidan putsch, there has only been a string of Jewish presidents and prime minsters. The guy responsible for investigating corruption was recently sacked and replaced by a Jew.
Post Maidan, 3 TV stations were shut in Kharkov alone. Everything is controlled and is lies. Journalists and politicians who don't do as they are told are shot. No one is arrested. The latest victim was an opposition politician who was executed by a shot in the head in his parliamentary office a few weeks ago. No Jew ever suffers such a fate.
He was not "found dead". He was killed by a bullet to the head.
It was not in "central Kyiv". It was in the parliament building.Colin Wright , says: Website Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 6:33 pm GMTVice President Dick Cheney, who thought he was actually the man in charge.
he was
contrast the chimp sitting in that classroom for 20 something minutes, as our nation was under attack
with what Cheney was doing at the time..
All were hawks who believed that the United States had the right to do whatever it considered necessary to enhance its own security,
I see Geo has already pointed out the obvious absurdity that any of these criminal were in the least bit worried bout US security. If anything, they were overtly sacrificing US security on behalf of an enemy state. Not sure why you write stuff like that Mr. G, unless you just expect people to ignore it as perfunctory tripe, but there are some, no doubt, who read those words and assume you are actually saying they care about the US. When you and I both know they don't.
Clinton and Obama were so-called liberal interventionists who sought to export something called democracy to other countries in an attempt to make them more like Peoria.
They were and are both amoral, opportunistic zio-whores, whose only ideology is what's good for Clinton and Obama, respectively. Clinton didn't bomb Serbia out of some humanitarian love of freedom and democracy, and Obama didn't destroy Libya and Syria except to serve his zio-masters. Duh.
So the difference between neocons and liberal interventionists is one of style rather than substance. And, by either yardstick all-in-all, Trump looks pretty good,
I was telling my gal the other day, that Trump could be The One to End the Fed, by allowing Goldman Sachs and the rest of them to feast at the Treasury to their heart's content.
I reminded her of Jackson's quote about hurting ten thousand families, in order to save fifty thousand. And in a similar vein, Trump could be setting up the collapse of the ZUS economy, which will hurt hundreds of millions, but if he could collapse the dollar, he very well might save billions of people's lives.
"Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out."
– Andrew Jackson (1767-1845)Nuland is most famous for her foul language when referring to the potential European role
I beg to differ, Mr. G.
I would posit that her most famous utterings were when she imperiously demanded that "Yats is our guy". IOW, the way she was promoting "democracy" in Ukraine, was by corrupting the system with 5 billions of tax payer lucre- to the point where she, *personally* could decide who- (Jewish banker) would be president in a nation thousands of miles away. That's how the ZUS promotes "democracy" in foreign lands. (and, I suspect that it was the way that call was leaked, that is the fount of all the rage at Russia, for "Russian hacking', breaking long-standing diplomatic protocols against exposing other nation's treachery and corruption to the 'little people').
Nuland's view . Russia to violate arms control treaties, international law, the sovereignty of its neighbors, and the integrity of elections in the United States and Europe
for Nuland to talk about 'International law and the 'integrity of European elections'.. is like Jerry Sandusky lecturing people on child welfare.
That strategy required consistent U.S. leadership at the presidential level,
OK, so not only Nuland but also John Bolton is screeching that Trump is the disaster of our times.
Not since John McCain has a mad dog Zionist insider been so full of hate for Trump. Hmm..
as Russia's threat to the liberal world has grown."
the more she talks, the more I like Putin.
And it is precisely what Nuland did in fact do in Ukraine
they think chutzpah, (arr0gent contempt for decency and in-your-face hypocrisy), is a virtue.All Americans and Europeans and everyone else, should see that Putin is the world's remaining statesman. We should all do everything we can to support Putin's earnest efforts to rein in the murderous, zio-glob menacing the planet today.
Thank you Mr. G. for exposing Nuland's treachery, hypocrisy and J-supremacist agenda.
@Pat Kittle ' Plagiarism unintended!'Jake , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 6:33 pm GMTWouldn't it be more of a matter of great minds thinking alike?
@Chris Moore Archetypal WASP Oliver Cromwell made alliance with Jewish bankers, then congregated in the Netherlands. The deal, which financially was necessary to him securing Puritan rule and to then wage more war against non-WASP natives of the British Isles, included Jews being allowed legally live in and own property in England, including to build a synagogue, with Jews exempted from all requirements that the Puritan government made on al natives of the British Isles.Agent76 , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 6:34 pm GMTJews are not parasites on WASP culture. WASP culture is born of a Judaizing heresy, and Jews therefore have always been partners in WASP culture.
You need to spend a large amount of time learning the rise of Jews with the growth of the British Empire. Then put that with the rise of Jews as part of the American empire.
And then unless you are brain dead, you will see that WASP culture and Jews go together. Jews are not parasites on WASP culture. Jews and WASPs are symbiotic, at the expense of 90-95% of non-WASP whites.
Jun 23, 2020 Online Event: U.S. Grand Strategy in the Middle EastColin Wright , says: Website Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 6:35 pm GMTWhile prominent voices in Washington have argued that U.S. interests in the Middle East are dwindling and will require the United States to "do less" there, Jake Sullivan argued in a recent Foreign Affairs article that the United States should be more ambitious using U.S. leverage and diplomacy to promote regional stability.
@Lot 'So much for the Jihadi/leftist smear that Israel's friends promote wars.'anonymous [245] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 6:38 pm GMTUh huh. Just look at how Trump has reached out to Iran.
and I notice that our troops are still in Syria.
not that any of this could conceivably lead to yet another war on behalf of Israel.
@Curmudgeon Did you not hear the recording of President Trump's disgusting speech weeks later at a fundraiser, recounting the hit to his rapt backers? I'm pretty sure that it was posted in a comment to one of Dr. Giraldi's columns.Mefobills , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 6:51 pm GMTYou might also want to review Linh Dinh's June 12, 2016 "Orlando Shooting Means Trump For President."
Voting for any of these Red/Blue characters merely moves the boot around on your face.
Democracies don't reflect the will of the people:Bill Jones , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 6:53 pm GMTVictoria Nuland recommends that "The challenge for the United States in 2021 will be to lead the democracies of the world in crafting a more effective approach to Russia -- one that builds on their strengths and puts stress on Putin where he is vulnerable, including among his own citizens." Interestingly, that might be regarded as seeking to interfere in the workings of a foreign government, reminiscent of the phony case made against Russia in 2016. And it is precisely what Nuland did in fact do in Ukraine
We live in the dark, convinced by our public media and our insincere leaders that we are heroes and freedom fighters. In reality the opposite is true: we are the plunderers, the ravagers, deceiving ourselves to do the dirty work of the manipulators who have twisted our minds with trinkets and false accounts of the people we kill and the countries we ruin in order to steal their treasures.
And the saddest part -- the punchline that proves how stupid we are -- is that we never profit from the invasions we are cynically ordered to conduct. The bounty always goes to the swindlers pulling the strings, and we, as the agents of banditry, time and again, are always left to suffer the same fate of the people we have robbed when we are robbed ourselves, of not only our treasures, but of our dignity, shortly before we are robbed of our lives.
It is the way history has always gone. The ignorant masses are persuaded to commit the crimes of the rich and as the unwitting perpetrators, we ultimately suffer the same fate as the victims, while the rich snicker in their palaces and plot their next swindle.
@Herald How much of Amazon's offering is Chinese sourced?Colin Wright , says: Website Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 7:02 pm GMTWho sells more Chinese goods than Bezos?
@Agent76 'While prominent voices in Washington have argued that U.S. interests in the Middle East are dwindling and will require the United States to "do less" there, Jake Sullivan argued in a recent Foreign Affairs article that the United States should be more ambitious using U.S. leverage and diplomacy to promote regional stability.'geokat62 , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 7:32 pm GMTI'm confused. Iraq is more stable for our intervention?
If we 'did less' in the Middle East, it could only promote regional stability.
Most of our actions there are pretty clearly calculated to promote instability, not stability. Promoting anarchy in Syria, baiting Iran into a war, acquiescing in a coup in Egypt, sanctioning Israel's continual bombing raids
Anyone ever heard of Father Mordechi Martin? Neither did I, until I came across this explosive videoanonymous [237] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 7:32 pm GMTBANNED: How the Jews infiltrated the Vatican & changed the Catholic Church
The late Michael Collins Piper hosts a call in program and his guest is Jim Condit Jr. The topic of conversation is Father Mordechi Martin, a Zionist spy who infiltrated and subverted the Catholic Church.
Unfortunately, it indeed seems that Jewish Supremacists have achieved full spectrum dominance.
The first thing a confident America has got to do is top up that DO covert-ops slush fund:slorter , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 8:07 pm GMThttps://www.madcowprod.com/2020/06/17/politics-contraband-gangster-planet/
Cuz, Oops. Big CIA profit center needs some business interruption insurance, huh?
Gee, I wonder who ratted them out?
Good article !Druid55 , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 8:14 pm GMT@Mustapha Mond Only a few israelis died on 911. They didn't get the text that american jews got to stay away that day. This is admited!The Alarmist , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 8:17 pm GMTJake , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 8:20 pm GMTThe challenge for the United States in 2021 will be to lead the democracies of the world .
The challenge will be to find any actual democracies of any import in the world, as the lamps go out across the whole planet.
@Mr. Hack US control of the Ukraine will mean that Jews will own almost all of it and the land will be flooded with blacks and Mohammedans, with gays made another sacred group.chris , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 8:30 pm GMTAnglo-Zionist Empire does what Anglo-Zionist Empire does.
@Rahan I laughed my ass off ! I'm still laughingWikiBlabs , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 8:50 pm GMTI passed your comment on to CJ Hopkins with link to the source. Maybe he can use it in his column. It needs a much greater audience than in the comment section here.
Yours is a fantastic troll, but there are others who've commented on the ironies in this context. This article for example: https://www.rt.com/op-ed/490539-looting-is-the-price-of-freedom-cynical/ There's enough trolling material in all these events to last us a lifetime.
@Chris Moore The public does not understand that the system is actually "two party tyranny". This system is designed to divide and conquer, and it works. Compound this with the fact that many people get their information from simply "googling" terms and phrases as opposed to actually digging deep and reading books and other sources for information. Combine this with the sad state of affairs in our public education system – where students are not taught to think or ask questions but to behave, conform, and memorize information. With regard to the methods being used in our foreign policy and now, subsequently, being used here to foment chaos, check out the following resource. You will see that what is going on is simply UCW – Unconventional Warfare, and we have perfected the technique abroad.geokat62 , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 8:51 pm GMTUNIDENTIFIED NEMESIS
Breaking newsAnonFromTN , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 9:02 pm GMTNEW: Alan Dershowitz's attorney confirms that his client has access to Virginia Giuffre's sealed depositions. Those depositions reveal that she was directed by Jeffrey Epstein to have sex with former Israeli PM Ehud Barak & Victoria's Secret's Les Wexner.
-- julie k. brown (@jkbjournalist) June 23, 2020
@The Alarmist How can the US "lead democracies" not being one of them? It's as ridiculous as me leading the elephants of the world.potemkin villiage bank , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm GMT@Fred777 The globalists should be castigatedDruid55 , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 9:31 pm GMTthen downtrodden and opressed
hanging is too good for them
@red rider Serbia deserved it. They were conducting ethic cleansing with concentration camps, rape camps, etcVojkan , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 9:40 pm GMT@Hegar That's three goyim and twelve "chosen". Ledeen (founder and former member of board of advisors of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs – doesn't look goy to me), Gerecht (Israelis say he's one of them) and Senor are Jewish.Pat Kittle , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 9:41 pm GMT@Colin Wright Well, at least we haven't been stampeded into mob psychosis.Rurik , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 9:55 pm GMT@AnonFromTNmark tapley , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 10:00 pm GMTHow can the US "lead democracies" not being one of them?
didn't Vicky Nuland lead the Ukrainian democracy?
it isn't ridiculous, all it takes is shekels, as always, and an understanding of semantics. Words like 'democracy' are like 'liberated', or 'terrorists'.
The ZUS "liberated" Iraq from the "terrorists" who were ruling it, and imposed "democracy". Just like we "liberated" Germany, and "liberated" Libya, and so many other places, where the ZUS leads 'democracies'.
You see how easy it is, once you understand how to interpret the words they use?
America is helping to liberate Palestine from terrorists, so that the Palestinians can enjoy democracy.
Today the Crimea is suffering under a regime that seized her by aggression and force, and so America would like to liberate the people of Crimea, and lead them to democracy.
Jewmerica is controlled by Zionists and their operatives like Jew Nuland. Add Trump and Pence to the list too. The Presidency has been controlled by the Zionist Jews since Woodrow Wilson. Almost all of Congress is in the pocket of aIPAC and other Jew organizations. The Zionist Jews drive all the wars and conflicts, foment the false flags like the fake Floyd, Sandy Hook, Los Vegas etc. The Global Jew Bankers made immune from prosecution by our shabbos goy Congress have stolen trillions of the the country's wealth. First after 911 (also a false flag for Greater Israel) then with the bailouts for the super rich in 08 and now the monumental 6 trillion theft for their Wall St. buddies under cover of the fake Corona virus.Haxo Angmark , says: Website Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 10:08 pm GMTThe goyim must be propagandized and the target demonized before the Israeli Foreign Legian (U.S. military) is sent in to force another extortion for the Jews. this is what they did twice to Germany and to Japan. Same thing in Iraq and Libya. The Zionists have so far failed in Syria and Iran. Even after getting Israel's best friend ever in the White House who abrogated our treaty with the Iranians and has lied constantly about both countries, launched rockets against the Syrians and accused Assad of gassing his own people.
The Zionsits cannot make progress without war, conflict and hatred. Once the goyim are whipped up with enough war sentiment against the Russians and Chinese and the two countries have built up sufficient military capability they will most likely join forces with a nuclear attack against Jewmerica. this will probably result in a stalemate that can then be used as a precursor to the global totalitarian NWO.
@Shaman911 just for the record, it's VictoriaRurik , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 10:09 pm GMT(((Nudelman))).
@Druid55Currahee , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 10:10 pm GMTSerbia deserved it. They were conducting ethic cleansing with concentration camps, rape camps, etc
they were fighting some of the worst scum on the planet; KLA human and narco-traffickers attempting to murder enough Serbs so they could steal the ancient Serbian land of Kosovo. Zio-style – by terrorizing the legitimate inhabitants into fleeing for their lives- to they could simply steal the land for themselves.
The trial against Milosevic was a sham and a fraud. And Milosevic was humiliating the ICC in open court, so they poisoned/assassinated him in his cell.
But, I suppose the case could be made that if the Serbs deserved it, it was because they allowed the Albanians to immigrate into Kosovo in transformative numbers in the first place, and just as the Zi0s know, demographics = destiny.
The whites of South Africa made the same mistake. The whites of Europe are very busy also making the exact same mistake, just as they are in North America and Oceana.
One day they'll wake up, and discover that now they and they're children are now on the block, with their school girls being gang-raped wholesale and their lands taken from them, and like the Serbs, they'll say, 'golly, who'd have ever thunk that inviting in stone age invaders is of questionable prudence.
So yea, in that context, they did deserve it.
@Anon "Victoria Nuland was born in Jewish family in 1961 to Sherwin B. Nuland, a distinguished surgeon, and Rhona McKhann." -WickipediaRobjil , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 10:21 pm GMTEVERY, SINGLE, TIME!
@Druid55 That is the western MSM sugared up version of what happened in Yugoslavia. Western MSM learned their lesson about being truthful about war when US and friends were in Vietnam.mark tapley , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 10:23 pm GMTLies and lies only come from western MSM these days so wars and regime change games can go on with anyone noticing or caring.
Western MSM notifies their puppet readers that all the US and friends does is "humanitarian" stuff these days. Most puppet readers lap up this junk.
March 24, 1999 will go down in history as a day of infamy. US-led NATO raped Yugoslavia. Doing so was its second major combat operation.
It was lawless aggression. No Security Council resolution authorized it. NATO's Operation Allied Force lasted 78 days.
Washington called it Operation Noble Anvil. Evil best describes it. On June 10, operations ended.
From March 1991 through mid-June 1999, Balkan wars raged. Yugoslavia "balkanized" into seven countries. They include Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia.
Enormous human suffering was inflicted. Washington bears most responsibility.
@Druid55 More MSM Jew propaganda. The Zionists wanted this area to remain fractured and weak (Balkanized) so that the unified Yugoslavia could not oppose their plans. The Zionists intend to control pipelines running from Middle East into Europe. This would compete against Russia that now supplies most of the gas. All wars are about money, power and territory, this war was no exception. The Zionists need to control all energy sources and transportation routes in order to achieve hegemony.AnonFromTN , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 10:28 pm GMT@Rurik Good explanation. Orwell called this "newspeak". That's now the language of libtards.vot tak , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 10:53 pm GMT"It is difficult to find anything good to say about Donald Trump, but the reality is that he has not started any new wars"Rurik , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 10:53 pm GMTAgree with the first part, disagree with the second. The reasons israel's trump colonials have not started new militsry invasions are mainly two. The trump reime is in the middle of a military modernization. The american zionazi colony fell behind militarily as they ran proxy terrorists and drug mafia support/colonial policing ops. Fighting wars againat those who can actually hurt them back became obsolete, or so the "end of history" neocons figured. Now they are outclassed and they can't pick on someone capable of shooting back effectively.
As for the second part, the likud colonial trump regime is doing its best to attack zionazia"s rivals any way they can mimus actually sending in troops. Times have changed, the oligarchs do war by other means than troop invasion now. The economic, biological and psywar aspects are being used full tilt by israeloamerica. What they lack the means to do on the field of battle, israel's war criminals and quislings are more than making up for it by other means.
The trump quislings have vastly increased international strife across the board and are decidedly more war mongering than israel's previous american colonial governors.
@mark tapleymcohen , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 11:04 pm GMTThe Zionists wanted this area to remain fractured and weak (Balkanized)
I agree with all your posts.
I'd just add to this one, that by bombing Serbia, (on behalf of Muslim invaders), they were accomplishing several things.. They were ending the post WWII International Laws against unilateral military might by strong nations against weaker ones in Europe. With that act, they declared with bombs that the ZUS is now The Unilateral Power, and that the International Laws against Aggressive War was now moot.
By bombing a White Christian nation on behalf of Islam, they were also tossing a bone to Islam, as a trade off for the ongoing genocide in Palestine. Who in our times is going to complain about bombing white people? And Muslims would cheer it.
Also, as ((Gen. Wesley Clark)) explained about his bombing campaign on Serbia:
"There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That's a 19th-century idea and we are trying to transition it into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states."
– NATO's Supreme Commander, Gen. Wesley Clarkso there were myriad reasons for why ((they)) bombed Serbia into handing over its ancient and sacred lands.
Passing out cookies.vot tak , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 11:08 pm GMT
Daisy cutters
So more with claymore"So the difference between neocons and liberal interventionists is one of style rather than substance."Rurik , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 11:19 pm GMTIt's neocons and neolibs, the "liberal interventionists" are as liberal as the neocons are conservative. Agree about the style and substance, though, think of the disgusting things as different/somewhat rivals management teams working for the same employer. Like the likud and labor political blocks in israel. Goals are the same, some differences in how to achieve them.
One sees this same phony duo-political scam across the capitalist "west" where right wing political parties dominate wholesale.
@AnonFromTNWizard of Oz , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 11:23 pm GMTOrwell called this "newspeak". That's now the language of libtards.
and not just shitlibs, but across the entire length and breadth of our culture and society this Ministry of Truth-imposed doublethink masquerades as language intended to inform and explain, when it does the opposite.
George Will and Sean Hannity use newspeak with the same alacrity as Lawrence O'Donnell or Rachel Maddow. Israel has to defend itself. Putin's aggression and Russian meddling in our democracy.
'Quantitative easing' as a doubleplusgood expression for human history's most colossal case of mass-swindling the world has ever known.
it's everywhere, and the more it isn't noticed, the more sinister and diabolical it is.
It's like that Twilight Zone episode of the aliens that only wanted to 'serve man'.
'We're here to serve you'.
The writers of that episode certainly must have been thinking of a certain tribe of 'philanthropists' and owners of 'human rights' organizations.
celebrate diversity!
it's our greatest strength!
@anonymous Thank you for clarifying that though you do not give any evidence beyond reason for suspicion about his role in Ukraine as to why this career diplomat should be sacked from his Ambassadorship to Greece.vot tak , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 23, 2020 at 11:26 pm GMTAs for israel's nuland neanderthal*, this is a critter about as zionazi low as one can get. What she posits come directly from israel and its international domination freakshow. The critter is about as far right/neocon psychopathy as that subhuman element gets.anonymous [245] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 24, 2020 at 12:24 am GMTThe use of these freaks by both american dem and rep colonial governorships shows how these are simply psywar front outfits pursuing the same goals for the zionazi master.
@Wizard of Oz My comment (#35) that you're typically and oh-so-diplomatically trying to obscure concerned the naïveté of those who think that Mr. Trump ever intended to (or could) effect any change in Uncle Sam's treatment of other countries.Agent76 , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 24, 2020 at 12:27 am GMTBut as to your concern for this "career diplomat," do you think he's too good to "be sacked" and have to work at an honest job?
@Colin Wright If a politicians lips are moving they are lying. This comes from the war parties think tank and everything they say is the total opposite every time. This group gives me great insight into thier plans and why I even bothered to share this here today. Thanks Wright!mark tapley , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 24, 2020 at 12:31 am GMT@AnonFromTN Democracy is a subversive term used by the Zionists, MSM and many politicians as well as lots of other people that should know better. Democracy results in mob rule that will always lead to tyranny.Wizard of Oz , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 24, 2020 at 12:59 am GMTThe word democracy does not occur in either the Declaration of Independence or it's companion document the Constitution. That is because the founders believed it to be the worst form of government. James Madison stated that democracies "have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and in general have been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths."
It is no mistake that the word democracy is widely used. Democracies work in the Elites favor because they can steer the chaos then put their system in place when the democracy falls apart.
The founders established a system of sovereign states in a limited Republic of laws. That was the foundation of our success, not democracy.
@anonymous For an apprentice pedant you are not doing well. You seem to have overlooked Trump's very big changes in the treatment of one major foreign country, namely China.mark tapley , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 24, 2020 at 1:01 am GMTAnd I am disappointed that you don't realise how much the US needs the institutional memory and the skills of career diplomats when so many ambassadorships are given to completely unqualified and unsuitable donors to the president's election campaign.
@Druid55 Hardly anyone died. No planes used and all accounted for. Social Security Death Register about the same as usual for that day in N.Y. Bodies "jumping" out were dummies. Another false flag for the Zionist agenda of wars for Israel.Pat Kittle , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 24, 2020 at 1:11 am GMTJew supremacists like Nuland & her fellow (((treasonous war criminals))) care ultimately about expanding the domain of "Greater Israel."Pat Kittle , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 24, 2020 at 1:15 am GMTFomenting hostility (if not outright war) between the world's largest primarily White countries has always been what (((they))) do.
On the home front, Black Lives Matter terrorism would go nowhere without Jew supremacist organizing, funding, censoring, & intimidating. Not that the (((shysters))) actually give a damn about Blacks!
NAME the JEW!!
@vot tak Please don't conflate Nazis with these Jews.niteranger , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 24, 2020 at 1:25 am GMTIt's unfair to Nazis.
@Anon Nuland is a Jew. Nothing to see here. She is a nutbag who wants eternal war. Whatever Israel wants .Israel gets. Whether it's Obama destroying Libya or constant friction with Russia it's the Jewish control of everything.Ryan2 , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 24, 2020 at 1:36 am GMTWhat does Victoria Nuland have to gain from all this?showmethereal , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 24, 2020 at 1:51 am GMT
Money? Really? Is she a true believer? Does she consider all this to be Patriotic?@Jake "Christ" said His kingdom was not of this world . So going back to Emperor Constantine – the western church has gotten it wrong.mark tapley , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 24, 2020 at 1:53 am GMT@Jake Do you think the Catholics were any less likely to sell out? The Catholic Church was infiltrated by the cripto Jew Medicis with the placement of Leo X in 1513. The Founders of the Jesuit order were also cripto Jews.vot tak , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 24, 2020 at 1:55 am GMTThe Jews have infiltrated all the governments of any consequence. Jewmerica has been so well infiltrated it would be more accurate to just term the situation an out in the open takeover. The Jews could have never made much headway without the shabbos goys helping them. The government of Jewmerica is full of traitors serving the Zionist Jew agenda.
@Pat Kittle Bum bandits are bum bandits.mark tapley , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 24, 2020 at 2:14 am GMT@Ryan2 She is a hard core Zionist Jew. She is in the clique with the most powerful criminal syndicate in existence. And they are winning. Some of them may actually believe that they are still the Chosen. Trump's Chabad Lubavich son-in-law and the Shiksa Princess are said to be disciples of Rabbi Schneerson who taught that we Gentiles were just here to "hew wood and fetch water" for the Jews. Judging from the words and deeds of the shabbos goy puppet actors like Trump, Pence, Pelosi and almost the entire congress along with most governors, an observer would think this is definitely true.Pat Kittle , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 24, 2020 at 2:27 am GMT@vot tak It's not that simple.Hibernian , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 24, 2020 at 2:31 am GMTAs you know, winners write history.
Jew supremacists won; Germany (& everyone else) lost.
If that wasn't the case, the world would know the Holocau$t mythology is an extortion racket, and we wouldn't be fighting the Jews' criminal wars for them to this day.
@red rider The face that launched a thousand bombers.Hibernian , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 24, 2020 at 2:33 am GMT@geokat62 Malachi, not Mordechi.Guest0206 , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 24, 2020 at 2:37 am GMT@AnonFromTN "Grabbing the Breadbasket of Europe The East-West competition over Ukraine involves the control of natural resources, including uranium and other minerals, as well as geopolitical issues such as Ukraine's membership in NATO. The stakes around Ukraine's vast agricultural sector, the world's third largest exporter of corn and fifth largest exporter of wheat,constitute a critical factor that has been often overlooked." Whereas Ukraine does not allow the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture,Article 404 of the EU agreement, which relates to agriculture, includes a clause that has generally gone unnoticed: it indicates, among other things, that both parties will cooperate to extend the use of biotechnologies. There is no doubt that this provision meets the expectations of the agribusiness industry. As observed by Michael Cox, research director at the investment bank Piper Jaffray, "Ukraine and, to a wider extent, Eastern Europe, are among the "most promising growth markets for farm-equipment giant Deere, as well as seed producers Monsanto and DuPont."" https://www.oaklandinstitute.org/sites/oaklandinstitute.org/files/OurBiz_Brief_Ukraine.pdfRegulo , says: Show Comment Next New Comment June 24, 2020 at 2:40 am GMT@Anon "Russia" is, for US intelligence ALSO code for "French". The propaganda against Russia during the cold war and beyond, also applies to "the French" [IMO].They both had a revolution , with world wide consequences , both have the same color flag[ the US propaganda says that Russia modeled their flag from the Netherland flag, but I suspect it is modeled from the French flag. The Americans cant be too blatant about it , but that is what is going on; anti Russia animus and propaganda is also anti French animus and propaganda. [ during the cold war, my French relative who had been a communist , went to Russia to see what it was like. She was disappointed .When she subsequently tried to visit my family here in the US, she was stopped art the airport and told she could not enter the US because she had been to Russia. This was the 1960's.Apparently this two countries and people were not polarized as the US and the soviets were. A kind of mutual respect or even admiration existed perhaps. Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree, but that has been my sense for decades. Nuland's anti European/ anti russian animus is not surprising; its rather ubiquitous in the US and when they say EU they have primarily in mind the French!Guest0206 , says: Show Comment June 24, 2020 at 2:45 am GMT@Druid55 Do not repeat the NATO propaganda.Current Commenter
See Michael Parenti's
"To Kill a Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia"
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Jun 21, 2020 | www.unz.com
... ... ...
I have a dream today, brothers and sisters. I have a dream.
My dream is of an America that has embraced race realism.
Yes, I have a dream that one day race differences in educational success will be as calmly, dispassionately accepted as race differences in athletic success; that race differences in criminal arrest and incarceration rates will be regarded with no more anger or alarm than sex differences in those same rates; that different social outcomes by race will be understood as caused not by the malice of our fellow citizens, but by ordinary processes of nature.
I have a dream that one day we shall discard magical thinking about race ; that the notion of an invisible vapor or miasma called " racism " permeating the atmosphere and intoxicating our minds will seem as quaintly absurd as the Four Humors Theory of ancient medicine or the Luminiferous Æther of 19th-century physics.
I have a dream that one day, poor white children will not have to endure being lectured about their " privilege " by rich black adults .
I have a dream that one day soon, after sixty years of futile efforts to change what cannot, in the nature of things, be changed, sixty years of twisting our constitution and our jurisprudence into knots to pretend that different statistics by race can only be caused by white people' s ill will, sixty years of vast public expenditures on educational and social programs that deliver no benefits at all (other than to those who pocket the expenditures); that one day soon, after sixty years of futility and waste, we shall accept race differences as calmly and as prudently as we accept the laws of thermodynamics.
I have a dream that with the black homicide rate at eight times the white rate, and with discrepancies of a similar size having existed since reliable records began a hundred and eighty years ago , an organization calling itself Black Lives Matter will address itself to bringing black homicide numbers down to the white level -- better yet, to the Asian level -- or else be laughed out of the public square.
I have a dream that race differences in outcomes, which are mere statistical abstractions remote from our everyday dealings, will one day matter as little to us as personal differences in outcomes. I shall never be a skilled violinist, a good tennis player, or a creative mathematician; not because of malice, "racism," or "privilege" on the part of my fellow citizens, but because of my own abilities and inclinations -- which, like almost everyone else's, are middling and un-spectacular. I do not lose sleep over this. I absolutely do not take it as an occasion to insult and berate my fellow-citizens, or deprive them of their rights.
I have a dream that our nation's past will one day be cherished for having made possible our present security and prosperity; that the ignorance and misdeeds of that past be kept in sight on a shelf, accessible to all, but never dominating our view of what our ancestors were, the heroism they displayed in defense of our civilization, and the great good things they did.
I have a dream that one day freedom of association, which picks no man's pocket and breaks no man's leg, will be restored to us.
I have a dream that the evil and divisive doctrines of "disparate impact" and "affirmative action" will be scrubbed from our jurisprudence; that hiring into civil-service work -- including police work and firefighting -- will be strictly meritocratic; and that young black Americans will no longer, just to satisfy the whims of smug college admissions officers and innumerate jurists, will no longer be pushed into academic college programs they can't cope with and will drop out from .
I have a dream that my two beautiful children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character
(With apologies -- well, actually, with no apologies -- to Dr. Martin Luther King) .
John Derbyshire [ email him ] writes an incredible amount on all sorts of subjects for all kinds of outlets. (This no longer includes National Review, whose editors had some kind of tantrum and fired him. ) He is the author of We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism and several other books . He has had two books published by VDARE.com com: FROM THE DISSIDENT RIGHT ( also available in Kindle ) and FROM THE DISSIDENT RIGHT II: ESSAYS 2013 .
Anonymous [534] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 3:28 am GMT
Dream onsilviosilver , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 3:44 am GMThttps://www.youtube.com/embed/SMiounEnKVw?feature=oembed
A pleasant reverie indeed.Ad70titusrevenge , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 5:45 am GMTJewish elites won't let this happen.Peter Johnson , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 6:26 am GMTThat is my dream too, brother. Let us work to make it happen.swamped , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 8:35 am GMTRemember Keynes: "Practical men who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back".
Let us hope that the HBD "academic scribblers" like yourself can push the message forward.
If only Trump, or someone with similar prominence, could give your speech!
"I have a dream today, brothers and sisters. I have a dream.anon [417] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 8:53 am GMT
My dream is of an America that has embraced race realism".
"I have a dream that one day we shall discard magical thinking about race; that the notion of an invisible vapor or miasma called".. 'Anti-Semitism'.. "permeating the atmosphere and intoxicating our minds will seem as quaintly absurd as the Four Humors Theory of ancient medicine or the Luminiferous Æther of 19th-century physics."
"I have a dream that one day, poor".. Gentile.. "children will not have to endure being lectured about their 'privilege' by [ultra] rich".. Jewish adults. Or be taught any more so-called holocaust guilt.
"I have a dream that one day soon, after[almost] sixty years of futile efforts to change what cannot, in the nature of things, be changed, [almost] sixty years of twisting our constitution and our jurisprudence into knots to pretend that".. Israel's illegitimate military Occupation & America's uncritical material & immoral support for it.. "can only be caused by"..Palestinians'.. "ill will, sixty years of vast public expenditures on".. Israel's war machine and security.. "programs that deliver no benefits at all (other than to those who pocket the expenditures); that one day soon, after sixty years of futility and waste, we shall".. end all aid of any kind to Israel, forever.
And a dream that we accept religious differences about the causes of Crucifixion & Salvation "as calmly and as prudently as we accept the laws of thermodynamics."
"I have a dream that the evil and divisive doctrines of" ..'Jewish nationalism' and 'Aryan eradication'.. "will be scrubbed from our jurisprudence; that hiring into"..elite echelons -- including Hollywood and Wall Street – .."will be strictly meritocratic" ..and that young Jewish Americans, will no longer be pushed into high positions just because they bar mitzvah.
And finally, "I have a dream that my two beautiful children will one day" ..not fall prey to some future Jeffrey Epstein or Harvey Weinstein. AmenDream on.The Germ Theory of Disease , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 9:35 am GMTThe sad fact is that America is destined for dictatorship with these demographics, and with the aid of technology it will be stable far into this century. Worse, Americans do not want freedom, or at least they do not prioritize freedom over luxury. If they did, they would have risen up long ago; Red States, at the very least, would be preparing for secession. We'll have to face facts that normies are normies not because they are asleep, they are asleep because they are normies -- something that cannot be changed because it has a genetic basis (you cannot transmute sheep into wolves). As long as the supply of hamburgers, diet coke, and sportsball continues, obsequious whites will keep their heads down, going along to get along no matter what happens.
Things will get bad. As it is now, nearly every company is running racial agitation propaganda on behalf of the government. Go into any Walmart and you'll be treated to overhead announcements berating America's history of racism and apologizing to blacks; it's like something straight out of 1984 (or the movie Red Dawn , 1984 -- seriously check the movie for the scene I'm referencing). They are censoring and banning movies, purging politically incorrect themepark rides, and internet search results; they've been censoring books for years now (many school districts have banned Huck Fin and Tom Sawywer, among others) and that will surely get worse.
If you want a book like Gone With The Wind , I would suggest you buy it now before they ban it. Just a few months ago I picked up the DVD in a bargain bin. At the time the person I was with didn't get why. "This isn't the kind of movie you usually watch." However, being awake unlike your average normie, I saw all of this coming in advance. I explained to my companion that I was getting it now before they banned it. And wouldn't you know it, a few months later they are taking tentative steps to banning the movie. It won't be the last or the worst example. If you are willing to tear down statues, rename military bases, and ban / edit movies and theme park rides based on them, then the next logical step is banning books -- burning them, essentially. Amazon is already doing this; they refuse to ship or stock controversial books.
For my part, I've been buying old books and movies, preparing for the day when I can copy them to a digital format and distribute them once the dictatorship bans them. Tellingly, I'm not the only one. I went back to that same store today. EVERY copy of Gone With The Wind and lots of other old movies were cleared out and they had a huge selection! Get them now gents. The darkness is coming.
I would also suggest every European-American who can do so prepare to flee overseas. Lots of dissidents I read have stated they are giving that thought. American conservatives are behind the scenes. TAC's Rod Dreher had a piece on that website detailing this. Many in DC are preparing to flee to central and Eastern Europe because there is no hope for this country. It's all coming down.
Side note: Thanks libertarians. Thanks for letting five companies control everything, thereby easily allowing a totalitarian dictatorship to take hold. "How does communism happen?" they always say. Answer: You're how it happens. Your philosophy is just an excuse to be lazy and not contribute. You want freedom but yet you aren't willing to do anything to conserve your freedom. Meanwhile, radical leftists who don't believe in letting you have any freedom marched through the institutions and are now preparing to unleash Red October. SMH. Thanks guys. I hope "muh private company" dogma was worth it.
And then you woke up, and your pillow was gone.The Alarmist , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 9:55 am GMTDream on Remember the bad old rayciss days when we'd never be caught dead listening to stuff like this?Renoman , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 10:47 am GMThttps://www.youtube.com/embed/gxrws7omOHQ?feature=oembed
The truth will get you fired every time these days, the kids are wrecking the country, the poor stupid lil bastards have no clue and they will be paying huge taxes for their efforts.Ͳommy Ͳurmoil , says: Website Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 10:51 am GMTShe did not understand that the law is not the same for everybody.Realist , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 11:00 am GMT@anonSome Guy , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 11:56 am GMTAs long as the supply of hamburgers, diet coke, and sportsball continues, obsequious whites will keep their heads down, going along to get along no matter what happens.
Most Americans are a stupid lot.
In a couple of years we should have polygenic scores that can predict IQ and educational achievement pretty accurately on an individual level. Could lead to a de-emphasis on race?unit472 , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 12:00 pm GMTMy dreams is a little different.brabantian , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 12:02 pm GMTI dreamed James Earl Ray had not shot Martin Luther King and we'd never learned who Jesse Jackson was. That King would have been exposed as a sybaritic plagiarist whose personal scandals were exposed in the Washington Post and left him a stained and discredited figure with no eponymous national holiday and instead of the perma grief stricken mask of Coretta Scott King we would have scene her for the last time in divorce court cleaning out Martin's bank account.
Hopefully things won't end up as in the Kurt Vonnegut novel, 'Harrison Bergeron 2081' – made into a short film in 2009 –mark tapley , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 12:30 pm GMTAbout a USA in which a Constitutional amendment enforces total equality for all persons, the head of government being a 'Handicapper General' who declares what burdens, masks, weights limitations etc you must carry, so as not to be considered as having any personal aspect of life or self better than your neighbours
Trailer for the film (full film seems online too at the moment)
Our indispensable founder Benjamin Franklin said "There is a great danger to The United States, this danger is the Jew. If they are not excluded from the United States by the Constitution, within less than 100 years they will stream into this country in such numbers they will rule and destroy us and change our form of government for which we Americans have shed our blood and sacrificed life property and personal freedom. If the Jews are not excluded, within 200 years our children will be working in the fields to feed the Jews while they remain in the counting-house gleefully rubbing their hands. " And this was long before the criminal syndicate of Zionism was added to supercharge the problem.schnellandine , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 1:05 pm GMTThe Zionist Jews now have a strangle hold on our government that has continued to get worse since 1913 when Warburg engineered the Unconstitutional Central Bank. No Senator will vote against the Jew front aIPAC and hardly any House member. The Jews have always controlled the MSM whores and the so called entertainment industry. The seeds of the present contrived riots (Floyd "murder" is gov. false flag – see Miles Mathis updates) were planted by the Jews with gov. operative MLK (see Miles Mathis on this scam also) and the negroes as the proxy warriors.
Jewmerica has become little more than a satellite and peon for the Kazar thugs to ring out our money and furnish our military (Israeli foreign Legion) to shake down one country at a time for the syndicate bosses. Shabbos Goy Trump works only for the Jews and even though a minor detail hen and out Jew ass licker Congress has even added to the insult by mandating that the public indoctrination centers (expensive poorly functioning schools) "teach" about the ridiculous Holohaux myth. I believe the Ann Frank shit is also included. Her wealthy family of hucksters is also covered on the Mathis updates. As some one has already mentioned Trump, Pence and all of our shabbos goy Congress should have to lick the bathroom stalls and toilets in Zionist Jew Sheldon Adelson's Casino. Maybe he would up the donation to the Republican side of the political facade.
The syndicate knows that 95% of the goyim will never do anything as long as they get 1 meal per day. I guess I should not have been surprised about all the cucks going around with the idiotic masks fearing the fake virus used as a cover by the Elite for another wealth transfer to the super rich as in 08-09. it's not as it our wonderful gov. has never lied tom us before. Everything they do is a lie and a fraud. The same Zionist clique that did the wars, 911 and WMD's are doing the fake virus and the latest false flag Floyd hoax just like Sandy Hook Boston and Los Vegas. When we are all in Agenda 21 maybe some of them will wake up.
@anonJack McArthur , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 1:50 pm GMTThanks libertarians.
Your philosophy is just an excuse to be lazy and not contribute.
Yes, a minuscule group that is openly mocked by every powerful political faction in America is your whipping hobby-horse. How proud you all must be.
Except that last quoted bit of yours exposes what's real. You and every silly wailer against the only political philosophy of integrity are so ashamed of yourselves that you cling to the lamest of all fallacies (straw man) whenever your shame threatens to rise to layer 1.
The embarrassing truth: All your participatory 'action' is futility in search of a trophy -- the kind your type most excoriates publicly. It's always been the stealthy building and self-applying of slave chains, and the actual result (regression) of all your non-'lazy' furious activity is now exposed to even the most brainless ass; your asperity is for none other than precious ass #1 -- yourselves.
[MORE]But that's too painful, so the disgust is projected at the exposers of your slave mentality -- slavery that was always under cover, but which cover is being withdrawn by events. Now you're starting to see that all your frenzied 'good government bullshit' was always purposeful, protective denial of what was obvious to libertarians.
Lazy? Up yours. My path, carving out liberty in a local wasteland, and living as ethically as possible among the demented slaves, has been rough.
Go pull more voting levers, Wizard of Poz. Just know that every time you piss on liberty folk, it's hatred of your own slavery and wasted years driving it. You're slowly recognizing that you were Cool Hand Luke in his beaten state, digging all of Boss Edgecomb's dirt out of Boss Blowhard's hole, and back again. Well, look around at what all you ball-less, compromising slugs created.
One need only listen to what the average 'conservative' advocates in private to see his revealed shame. He spends time thinking of ways to make bolshie Frankensteins of 5-120 years prior live and breathe 'effectively'. He's the pothole patch boy for leftists. And he wants medals of commendation for all of his great work dressing up communism as 'cohesive policy' by way of 'comprehensive reform'. Enjoy the world you created, man of 'action'. I didn't do it; I fought it at every step.
"I have a dream that race differences in outcomes, which are mere statistical abstractions remote from our everyday dealings, will one day matter as little to us as personal differences in outcomes. I shall never be a skilled violinist, a good tennis player, or a creative mathematician; not because of malice, "racism," or "privilege" on the part of my fellow citizens, but because of my own abilities and inclinations -- which, like almost everyone else's, are middling and un-spectacular. I do not lose sleep over this. I absolutely do not take it as an occasion to insult and berate my fellow-citizens, or deprive them of their rights."Dr. X , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 2:48 pm GMTand that is humility.
Priss Factor , says: Website Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 3:13 pm GMTI have a dream that one day soon, after sixty years of futile efforts to change what cannot, in the nature of things, be changed, sixty years of twisting our constitution and our jurisprudence into knots to pretend that different statistics by race can only be caused by white people' s ill will, sixty years of vast public expenditures on educational and social programs that deliver no benefits at all (other than to those who pocket the expenditures); that one day soon, after sixty years of futility and waste, we shall accept race differences as calmly and as prudently as we accept the laws of thermodynamics.
"And then I woke up and smelled my nice, white, Long Island suburb burning as black mobs from South Jamaica, Queens looted it and set it on fire."
Sorry, Derb. You were the one who wrote We Are Doomed. You of all people should know better.
"IT'S OVER, AMERICA": TULSA POLICE MAJOR SAYS COPS ACROSS COUNTRY ON VERGE OF QUITTINGEugene , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 3:18 pm GMTIt's too late. The future necessarily belongs to a eugenicist state willing to deploy CBRN capability to cull populations which are by definition unfit to survive. The only opposition to such a state would be nonhuman intelligences.Ray P , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 3:19 pm GMT@anon In Red Dawn the Soviet occupiers offered free performances of old movies . I don't recall the commies smashing the town statue down either even though it bore the words of evil old imperialist Teddy Roosevelt .mark tapley , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 3:44 pm GMTCountdown to Steve Sailer posting about musicians' unions 5 4 3 2 1.
@unit472 MLK was martyered by the gov. in order to gain maximum benefit whereas he was a constant liability if kept on the payroll. He was addicted to drugs and prostitutes. It is most likely that his death was faked as were the 911 plane victims (no planes involved) and psyops like the Los Vegas shootings as well as the recent Arbery and now the Floyd scam. The gov. has done this for a long time.James N. Kennett , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 3:47 pm GMTAs far as the Washington Post it was for many years controlled by Katherine Meyer Graham, daughter of Eugene Meyer, one of the big Jew handlers of the syphilitic shabbos goy puppet Woodrow Wilson. Meyer was also Chairman of the Jew controlled FED during the Hoover administration. Hoover was a former mining engineer who worked for one of the Rothschilds companies and supplied much needed aid to the Bolsheviks during the Russian Rev. under the guise of humanitarian aid. Meyer later was the first president of the World Bank during the Pendergast criminal shabbos goy Truman Presidency. The Washington Post like all the other MSM was and is just a propaganda instrument for the zionist elite.
"That's not who we are" is the ultimate statement of identity politics. It deliberately excludes large numbers of people from "we".Dieter Kief , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 7:03 pm GMTAnd I am sorry to report that the dream is just that – a dream. For us, any victory will be fleeting, because Conquest's Second Law dictates that organizations inevitably drift to the Left. Secondly, the proverb is wrong. It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.
What what – The Four Humors Theory was quite reasonable while it lasted. Race Illusions never were – nor are they. Please, dear Mr. Derb, don't make – ehhh – sacrifices on the basis of wrong assumptions. We need our glorious past for any future that'd be human. Thank you so much! – Only Love !botazefa , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 7:06 pm GMT@mark tapley Wikipedia says your Franklin quote is a forgery: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_ProphecyPriss Factor , says: Website Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 7:09 pm GMT"The Franklin Prophecy", sometimes called "The Franklin Forgery", is an antisemitic speech falsely attributed to Benjamin Franklin, warning of the supposed dangers of admitting Jews to the nascent United States. The speech was purportedly transcribed by Charles Cotesworth Pinckney during the Constitutional Convention of 1787, but was unknown before its appearance in 1934 in the pages of William Dudley Pelley's Silver Legion pro-Nazi weekly magazine Liberation. No evidence exists for the document's authenticity, and some of the author's claims have actively been disproven.
Hitler the SJW. LOLmark tapley , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 7:28 pm GMT@swamped The young women that were lured by Ghislaine Maxwell into Epstein's brothel for the elite didn't fall prey to anything but sin. I suppose they got paid just like other prostitutes. What is most notable to me is that the men that were involved in this degradation seem to suffer no repercussions. The obnoxious Trump is a known womanizer and friend of Epstein as was the smirking degenerate Bill Clinton who was a regular on the Lolita Express. As for Prince Andrew, him and all of the Sybaritic royal parasites should have been gotten rid of long ago.mark tapley , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 8:09 pm GMTI have questions about Weinstein. I admit that I don't know much about legal matters but how is someone convicted of a crime when there is no evidence or even a reliable witness to a crime? I didn't follow this real close but I read that some of the alleged victims texed him later to leave Current cell no's. and maintain social contact. Doesn't seem to me like they were too traumatized. What's that phrase they use -"I was violated". Did any of them go to the hospital. Did any of them even file a police report. Why did they wait for years to say something. If I was a woman I would have never have met with him outside of a strictly business situation in the first place. But then I'm not a Hollywood whore looking to get into one of the Jews shit films. I have no use for The Zionist Jew scum Weinstein and I admit I am only a casual observer but it seems to me that there is a problem here. I don't think we got the real story.
@botazefa Thanks for pointing out this error. The fact that Charles Beard affirmed this to be a forgery is good enough for me. I should have been more careful.Achmed E. Newman , says: Website Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 8:24 pm GMTWhen we realize the disastrous effects of the Zionist Conspiracy on Western civilization that has been at work officially since 1897 but insidiously since at least the French Revolution and tracking the Zionist hand in both foreign and domestic matters in U.S. policy I got careless. It is always necessary to check more than one source. The fact that our shabbos goy politicians become more obsequious to the Kazar crime syndicate and to their Jew organizations such as aIPAC all the time should be of great concern to all real Americans. There is no amount of blood or treasure that Trump, Pence, Pelosi and many of the other traitors in Congress and the gov. at large would not expend for the Zionist objectives.
I loved the speech, Mr. Derbyshire, absolutely LUVED it. Did you plagiarize it from the same guy that Martin Luther dude did?mark tapley , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 8:50 pm GMT@Peter Johnson I think a speech of this caliber would be well over Trump's adolescent 5th grade level. He has trouble stringing two sentences together. A complex series of subject matter would be well beyond his ability. Now he is quick to tell us how smart he is, even graduating from Wharton but you know how that works. Same as with his Chabad Lubavich son-in-law. Trump's speeches mainly consist of telling us how much he loves Israel. Thats why the Jews picked him in the first place. It's only because he was running against the old desiccated Zionist criminal Hillary that he was elected.lloyd , says: Website Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 9:21 pm GMT@mark tapley Winstein left children alone. He was a pig but as far as I know he did love movies and made some good quality ones. Don't ask me what they were. I have long given up on popular culture. In the theatre and cinema world, it is the norm for women to get their breaks by screwing the director. Theatre is a narcisstic sociopathic profession. The second oldest profession. I recall in novel Thorn Birds, the young women ranch heiress takes up the theatre profession by losing her virginity to her director. She laughed all through the consummation. Has anyone ever noticed there is no such thing as an ugly movie female star? Well ugly enough to repel a man physically. Plenty of equivalents with male stars. It is curious in America how celebrities come crashing if they at a rare moment speak out against Israel. Weinstein produced a movie that showed the Palestinian side. Polanski still waltzes in Europe having never said a word against Israel. That third rail has now extended to all the cultural Marxist groups. Bill Cosby's immunity quickly disappeared when he criticised black youth hoods.attilathehen , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 9:29 pm GMTBadwhite Derbyshire, your Chinese shithole of a home is one helluva nightmare. You cannot awaken from or flee this dark space and there will never be dawn for you.lloyd , says: Website Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 9:42 pm GMTHere are some race realism facts with which you must deal. There are 3 racial groups: Caucasoids, Mongoloids and Negroids. Caucasoids have the highest IQs and are the racial group who developed the West. Mongoloids are a distance second in IQ and Negroids are last. Your Chinese family is a second tier race. Your below average Chinese offspring are proof. They will be judged as inferior, non-Western and a fifth column in America.
Your VDare scribblings have become unhinged.
Here's a stupid one: https://vdare.com/posts/john-derbyshire-asks-what-s-wrong-with-white-women
There are no white women in your life, only Chinese females. Focus on the degeneracy and stupidity of your Chinese females. "White" is meaningless because in New York City there are many Ashkenazi Jews so the "white women" protesting there are not Western women. I put the Ashkenazis in the Caucasoid category but because they are Jewish, they are not Western. The West is not black/Asian/Jewish/Muslim.Here is another deranged scribbling: https://vdare.com/posts/jiang-qing-lead-player-in-china-s-cultural-cultural-revolution-loved-gone-with-the-wind
You no have idea why the salope Jiang Qing liked the movie. Maybe she was morbidly fascinated by big, black Mammy Hattie McDaniel. Your Chinese females are fascinated by negroid males – they voted for Obummer.The only cure for you insanity is to move to China with your family.
@mark tapley It appears to have been a literary device. Like the prophecy of Gamaliel in the Saint Luke gospel. Also the prophecies by Indian chiefs. Take someone well known in popular culture and put into his mouth words that are surprising and prophetic. It enters the popular culture as prophecy. There is no record Gamaliel had anything to do with Christianity, the Indian chiefs were materialist opportunists, and Franklin was a Masonist whic is tied to Zion.neutral , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 10:31 pm GMT@botazefa Forgery or not, the fact is that jews streamed in and destroyed America.mark tapley , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 10:39 pm GMT@lloyd I was not aware of this deception being a literary device. To me this is a verbal fraud similar to bearing false witness or a lie. As to Franklin's membership in the Masonic Lodge I believe this was quite prevalent in those days. I had read that when Washington was informed by a minister that the Masons harbored conspiratory elements he wrote back that in ap. 20 years he had only attended 1 or 2 meetings and that he immediately resigned. Even though Washington had some good qualities I believe he was an unscrupulous aggrandizing opportunist so he may have been more involved than reported.Justvisiting , says: Show Comment June 14, 2020 at 10:58 pm GMT@Eugene AI is coming–and when it does human slavery will be back.Number Six , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 1:09 am GMTAI will conclude humans are lazy, lying, violent, unproductive, stupid–and it will find claims of "human rights" to be no more relevant than the bleating of animals in the farm-yard.
That is the dirty little secret hidden behind the curtain.
@Peter Johnson Americans believe in the Martin Looter King American Dream because you have to be asleep sheeple to believe it.Daniel H , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 1:13 am GMTThey are nice looking kids. I congratulate you and your wife.Jiminy , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 2:03 am GMT@Justvisiting It's funny you should say that because I was thinking that the only way to have an unbiased police force would be to eliminate the human aspect, sack the coppers, and replace them with a.i. machines. All personal feelings and reactions are gone only to be replaced with the knowledge of the laws that were broken. No grey areas. Depends a lot on who is doing the programming though- things could end up worse for everybody. Hell, come to think of it , this was a movie plot!John Johnson , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 3:10 am GMT@schnellandine Libertarians may be a small party but many their erroneous beliefs have been adopted by mainstream conservatives.Charles , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 3:12 am GMTYou see race doesn't exist, it's just "big gubmint" that is holding down Blacks.
A heart warming theory that ticks certain feely good boxes but bulls–t none the less.
The Germans under Communism still managed to have a standard of living far higher than any sub-Saharan African capitalist country. Ooooh but that's just by chance or something.
Libertarianism is the biggest bunch of BS.
Your dope queen Ayn Rand couldn't even debate her silly ideas. She would just scream at people and avoid tough questions just like liberals. Libertarianism is based on the same major flaw as liberalism which is that race doesn't exist (but she made exceptions for Israel).
If he believes these things can come to pass no, barring revolution, they cannot. But simply stating them is important because truth is always of value, no matter the circumstances. Even if one is the only sane man in a room (or city or state or ), he still has the moral right and obligation to speak. I do believe we are far, far away from the "darkest hour". And I do believe only an organized, armed revolution can make any difference, which I do not believe will happen in my lifetime, if ever (I'm 51).John Johnson , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 3:38 am GMT@Justvisiting You watch too much teevee.Rex Little , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 4:50 am GMTIf anything AI will be used to sniff out potentially RAYCISS people online.
But it doesn't really matter since technology will ultimately work against liberal lies. Eventually the genes for intelligence will be identifiable with a simple DNA test and liberals will have to explain why we can't do cross-population testing since it should prove their core theory that race doesn't exist.
So we are probably headed to Brazil but the cat will eventually be out of the bag. I assume most liberals at the higher levels are terrified of the dirty White masses being told it was all a lie which is why they are so opposed to borders. They want Whites to be a minority and not just a plurality when DNA is fully unraveled.
Peter D. Bredon , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 7:11 am GMTLuminiferous Æther
How do you create that jumbled-together A and E?
@mark tapley "I was not aware of this deception being a literary device. "Amerimutt Golems , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 8:35 am GMTGotta love the goyim. The entire "New Testament" consists of fictional statements attributed to "authorities."
"Who wrote this gnostic tripe?" No, it's a gospel of John. "Which John?" Um, maybe the brother of Jesus, or maybe the guy who wrote those epistles. Oh, did you like that "Revelation"? Yeah, it's that John.
Christianity has been a "forgery factory" (Bart Ehrman) from the get go.
Racial separation is more pragmatic.Dieter Kief , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 10:23 am GMTBTW Derbs Blighty is now literally turning into another South Africa while feckless Brits are still a majority. I was telling Jonathan Cook about white farmers and albinos in Africa. This is now happening in Londonistan.
While police watch, natives are being beaten at random by imported hordes yet the (((media))) is calling victims 'far-right'.
Black Lives Matter supporter carries 'far-Right' protester at London Waterloo station
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8417925/Black-Lives-Matter-supporter-carries–far-Right-protester-London-Waterloo-station.html@Some GuySome Guy , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 12:44 pm GMTIn a couple of years we should have polygenic scores that can predict IQ and educational achievement pretty accurately on an individual level. Could lead to a de-emphasis on race?
But we have IQ-tests already – only to be told, how a) unscientific and b) how racist they are.
Grammarly about my comment: Optimistic – high five! – – – Isn't it Ironic?@Dieter Kief Yeah, but IQ scores partly depend on environment, which is all the excuse people need to dismiss them. They can't do that with polygenic scores.peterike , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 1:50 pm GMT@botazefaKenH , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 1:53 pm GMTWikipedia says your Franklin quote is a forgery:
Fake but accurate, as the media would say.
A few more normies might have been shaken out of their race doesn't matter slumber but the elites will triple down on the state religion of anti-racism (anti-whiteness). The non-Jewish white elites know that to oppose anti-racism is a supreme act of sacrilege and the last thing they want is to be known as infidels to the new glorious religion of militant multiculturalism.Forbes , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 2:45 pm GMT@The Alarmist We (my brothers and I) grew up hearing Nat King Cole played in my father's household, so nope, no bad old raysis days in my formative years.rashomoan , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 3:12 pm GMT@botazefa Forgery definition from the Cambridge dictionary. note all definitions include the word copy:Exile , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 3:15 pm GMT
https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/forgeryReminds me of the critiques of The Protocols.
@anonExile , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 3:22 pm GMTSide note: Thanks libertarians.
You misspelled "Jews."
Derb, your dreams will never be realized until you face the "J-thing." You've been trapped in their dream-nightmare of "White identity = ovens" for your entire life.Tono Bungay , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 3:38 pm GMTJ-thing political donors, J-thing media control, J-thing financiers, J-thing academics and J-thing judges & lawyers won't let you have your dream.
But, Mr. Derbyshire, what about the young people who can't dream out loud without losing their jobs and putting their children's nourishment at risk? What's in your dream for them today?Tono Bungay , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 3:43 pm GMT@mark tapley That quotation from Benjamin Franklin is most likely apocryphal. Or do you have evidence otherwise?Justvisiting , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 3:55 pm GMT@John Johnson Actually, I spit at the TV but I read way too much science fiction.John Johnson , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 3:58 pm GMTThe consensus among a lot of the sharp science fiction writers is that aggressive and hostile AI will become emergent, and humans will be too stupid to know what hit them.
I have a dream that the evil and divisive doctrines of "disparate impact" and "affirmative action" will be scrubbed from our jurisprudence; that hiring into civil-service work -- including police work and firefighting -- will be strictly meritocraticS , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 4:43 pm GMTI don't see how this is possible.
Even if the establishment were to acknowledge that racial inequality would exist without racism that would still lead to fretting liberal egalitarians and Conservative Inc types trying to equalize what they can.
So Black police and firefighters in Black areas would still be highly sought to "match the community" or some other excuse and hired over better qualified Whites.
This happens in education all the time. I've known two White men that were unable to get jobs in education for being the wrong race/gender combination despite having degrees. One was even told to not bother applying anywhere on the blue side of the state. Why would acknowledging race change anything? Liberals would just come up with the excuse that Black kids really need Black teachers because nature is unfair and we have to do what we can on the environmental side.
The problem is the egalitarian mindset. The White desire to constantly try and fix everything in nature.
@Ray P In Red Dawn the Soviets even culturally appropriated the local McDonald's.Truth , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 5:14 pm GMTMcDonald's got the last laugh, though, when circa 1990 they would open a McD's in Red Square.
Hey Derb, if you are going to win that race war, you need to find this Kat and clone him 50,000 times. This is WITHOUT A DOUBT the hardest Honkee in America!schnellandine , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 5:28 pm GMTDude ate that tazer blast like an M&M, then dropped a magic spell on the pig to keep his pistol in the holster, then hopped up in his ride and did some Dominc Torretta shit.
Who can tell me the difference between this incident & #RayshardBrooks ? #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/qNLXkFa5aD
-- Hector for Congress NJ08 (@Oseguera2020) June 14, 2020
@Justvisitingschnellandine , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 9:41 pm GMTaggressive and hostile AI will become emergent, and humans will be too stupid to know what hit them.
Murder micro-drones are just around the corner, if not here. Defense against is probably a good business to start now.
@John JohnsonAnonymous [139] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 10:56 pm GMTLibertarians may be a small party but many their erroneous beliefs have been adopted by mainstream conservatives.
Cato & Koch Inc. aren't libertarian. Neither are the Libertarian Party and many others. Ayn Rand wasn't libertarian either, though she was closer than most, despite supposedly loathing libertarians.
You see race doesn't exist, it's just "big gubmint" that is holding down Blacks.
Anti-racism isn't a libertarian tenet. I've seen stupid people such as Ron Paul insist that libertarianism forbids racism because 'collectivist', but he's off his rocker. I argue that the NAP (non-aggression principle), foundation of libertarianism, likely encourages rational racism (i.e. recognition that races differ in intelligence, abilities, etc.) more than any other political philosophy. I'm a racist and libertarian, though I hold no race as superior in regard to 'natural rights'.
You'd agree, I guess, that the state truly does prevent blacks from progressing, in the sense that it treats them like spoiled tots, above responsibility or reproach.
[MORE]Your dope queen Ayn Rand couldn't even debate her silly ideas. She would just scream at people and avoid tough questions just like liberals.
C'mon, that's just horse crap. She was, though imperfect, one of the best debaters in American history. She was wrong about a few things, but the only time I saw her refuse to debate someone (Donahue guest Q&A) was for sound, non-cowardly reason, and she urged that someone else -- a non-jackass -- present the same question and she would answer that person.
Interesting that the popular 'takedowns' of Rand rely heavily/exclusively on straw man fallacy. Gets annoying after a while.
I can easily piss on a few things by Rand, but not before acknowledging that she was a monumentally superior intellect, a bright star in a dull world. Still love her as though she were my blood sister. She improved the world, though I can't say the same about most of her insane/confused devotees.
@Some Guy If "White privilege" really is the ability of European descended Whites to live in the industrial civilization that European descended Whites developed, then polygenic ("many gene") scores will merely be used to demonstrate that European descended Whites really are inherently and unreformably racist, being born with abilities that "they didn't earn", and that European descended Whites must be enslaved as per the Civil Rights acts of the 1960s as expanded under the Bakke decision.Some Guy , says: Show Comment June 15, 2020 at 11:48 pm GMT@Anonymous Some will try to use it that way, sure, but most whites will realize that whites are better of on their own and that it's no more their fault that some races do worse than it is the fault of East Asians.Not Only Wrathful , says: Show Comment June 16, 2020 at 12:23 am GMTlloyd , says: Website Show Comment June 16, 2020 at 12:56 am GMT"there is no place for hate within our organization"
Rather than accepting their hate and finding the (often paradoxical) wisdom shrouded within, they prohibit themselves, and others, from accepting its presence.
Through this, they learn nothing, and instead turn hatred in on themselves, and wonder why they always feel like such constipated, joyless bores.
@mark tapley Franklin is not Washington as China is not North Korea. My small town news paper reported that a woman was a cleaner in a Masonic Lodge. She witnessed a Masonic initiation. When the Masons found out, they told her she had to join the Masonic Lodge. Rather parallel to the novel and movie, Rosemary's Baby. The woman spent the rest of her very modest life in it. Recently human bones were discovered in the basement of the London home of Franklin. There was a lot of hedging and rationalisations in MSM about that. Rather surprising as one would have thought they would have done a great deal, CNN, movies etc. on that slur on a founding father.Reg Cæsar , says: Show Comment June 16, 2020 at 3:18 am GMT"The population of Austin, TX is 48.8% White Alone, 32.7% Hispanic or Latino, and 8.13% Black or African American Alone. 32% of the people in Austin, TX speak a non-English language, and 87.5% are U.S. citizens." – https://datausa.io/profile/geo/austin-tx/S , says: Show Comment June 16, 2020 at 3:39 am GMTAustin is just about to exceed a million, so this means there are half-a-million whites there. It's the 28th-whitest city if you count Hispanics, 36th if you don't. I can't find a ranking of cities by absolute numbers of whites; can any of you?
Interestingly, the PBS series Molly of Denali has a black man and his daughter who have just moved there from Austin, Texas. The fan sites say he's connected to the Coast Guard, but there is only an Auxhiliary flotilla in Austin, and I doubt anything near Mt McKinley.
Still, I can understand how even a black man would want to escape Portland-on-the-Colorado.
The anti-race people (euphamastically called 'anti-racists') are biological flat earthers.Richard B , says: Show Comment June 16, 2020 at 6:07 am GMTAnd like the flat earthers, their ideological premise that race is not real is fundamentally flawed.
@Ad70titusrevengeExpletive Deleted , says: Show Comment June 16, 2020 at 6:22 am GMTJewish elites won't let this happen.
That's exactly right.
Which is why what we're really witnessing is nothing less than
The Pyrrhic Victory of Jewish Supremacy Inc.
Justvisiting , says: Show Comment June 16, 2020 at 2:38 pm GMTI have a dream that one day we shall discard magical thinking about race; that the notion of an invisible vapor or miasma called "racism"
British monuments lately slated for toppling by the Red Guards
Robert Peel
W E GladstoneRichly deserved, I say. I mean, any one who could fester on like this ought to be summarily
unpersonedcancelledThe difference of race is one of the reasons why I fear war may always exist because race implies difference, difference implies superiority, and superiority leads to predominance.
Oops that was Lord Beaconsfield, a certain .. Benjamin Disraeli.
Implacable enemy of many an Englishman, in particular Bobby Peel and Billy Gladstone. Bastard Fenian sympathisers that they were.Now, about all those statues?
@schnellandine Ayn Rand was the one who kept me from being indoctrinated by leftist professors in my young days.Achmed E. Newman , says: Website Show Comment June 16, 2020 at 5:40 pm GMTI knew every lie they told the moment they told it.
That was a wonderful gift, and I am forever grateful to her for it.
Of course she was human and did dumb stuff, and she had crazy followers who did more dumb stuff, but I think of her like a kindly aunt who sent me intellectual "checks" once a month.
She was heads and shoulders above her sociopath critics.
Her courage was amazing–she came to Boston (leftist central) for year after year and faced her enemies.
The world would be an amazingly good place if we had just a few more folks like her today.
@schnellandineschnellandine , says: Show Comment June 16, 2020 at 6:18 pm GMTI've seen stupid people such as Ron Paul insist that libertarianism forbids racism because 'collectivist', but he's off his rocker.
Schnell, it may not be easy for you to dig up, but try to show me some writing of Mr. Paul in which he says Libertarianism forbids racism. I could see "Libertarians aren't racist" or "Racists can't be Libertarians" (which I don't agree with, of course). However, I really have never heard him or any non- Reason _mag-idiot Libertarian say that the philosophy forbids racism or racists.
I think Dr. Paul would not argue against the principle of freedom of association when it come down to it. He is just is naive about which ethnic groups and races in the US will support anything libertarian-oriented. Without white guys, the number of Libertarians would be miniscule.
@Achmed E. Newman Predictably, for something so stupid to have been said, it would have been done while trying to whore himself into the US presidency. I followed that travesty (in true sense of word) closely, and will find source. As I recall, it was in the form (verbal to media) of racism being an impossibility within libertarianism, because racism's collectivist. Will be difficult to dig up, but I'll do it. Guaranteed it was in reaction to the newsletter tempest. He would've sold his mother down the river that week.Slimer , says: Show Comment June 16, 2020 at 8:22 pm GMTFunny, but I'll bet there are tens of things that could be recalled from his campaigns that now, outside the frenzy, shine out as embarrassingly as the alleged racism prohibition. If including his minor supporters, make that hundreds. Was a shameful time for liberty pretenders.
Will leave citation as second reply to your comment, probably within 24 hrs.
You know what'd be a good movie? Derb's daughter brings home a ragamuffin black kid off the street for dinner one night, whom she sees sleeping on a park bench because his Engineering scholarship doesn't cover room and board. At first encounter the Derb is peeved that she'd even think of bringing such FILTH to his doorstep, much less letting him in the house. He paces the floor in the manner of a dispirited cuckold, wondering where it all went wrong, before mumbling obscenities under his breath until his cheeks swell with rage. He lunges forward in a fit, tossing his heavily marked copy of Serre's Arithmetic faintly passed the boy's head, calming only after being physically restrained by his wife and son.Achmed E. Newman , says: Website Show Comment June 16, 2020 at 9:14 pm GMTHis daughter breaks down in tears, pleading at once for her father to stop the antics. But her cries are motivated in part by her not really wanting to be with the kid, he's just a placeholder until she musters up the courage to ask out the square jawed Chad who frequents the coffee shop by her job. When she breaks it off, Derb feels sorry and decides to take the kid under his wing. He makes it HIS responsibility to be the father that the poor chap never had, teaching him REAL math along the way and not that plug n chug crap they like to teach the engineers. The kid drops out of college, moving into Derb's attic where he devotes his whole life to solving a famous math problem. Near the end he finds a solution, culminating in a scene where he's awarded the Field's metal, making history as the first black to ever do it. Derb's in attendance, of course, with tears of joy on full display like Jesse Jackson the night Obama won the 2008 election.
Somewhere in between, Derb does his own little bit of research. Not on math, but on his family tree, coming to find out that he's got "one in the woodpile," as they used to say in the South. And don't laugh and say, "Oh ho ho, let's call it Hidden N ***** s". It's really less a comedy than a drama.
@schnellandine OK, thanks. I wasn't trying to put you on the spot. I assume you mean the primary campaign of 2012 as Dr. Paul ran as an R. Or did you just mean his L-party campaigns? In '12, I told Ron Paul that if he wanted to win [my state], he'd better talk about illegal immigration. He didn't blow me off by any means, as this was in front of a bunch of people, but he just said "we will uphold the law".schnellandine , says: Show Comment June 16, 2020 at 9:51 pm GMT@Slimer I hope you're one who knows how to take 'yes' for an answer, because we want to be in the Slimer business.Kratoklastes , says: Show Comment June 16, 2020 at 9:59 pm GMTNow, just a few notes
@Justvisiting You're defining 'AI' pretty broadly if it retains any interest in humans – if it has the same worldview as John Bolton it won't be 'AI', it will just be a version of the current "classifier" paradigm, where the "I" in "AI" is some version ofschnellandine , says: Show Comment June 16, 2020 at 10:09 pm GMT" Show me a bunch of things, and I'll group them by common characteristics and identify which group any novel image belongs to ".
That's basically the gist of unsupervised learning (where the classifier gets to determine its own classes, and to identify features that determine where class boundaries exist). It's still glorified pattern-matching, and is invariably implemented by HelloUdemy -level H1Bs whose interest in [Deep|Machine|Statistical] Learning has about as much depth as the average YouTube tutorial.
I've joked in the past that dystopian " kill the humans " AI became much more likely when Microsoft and Facebook entered the space – mostly because FB and MSFT simply cannot attract decent coders, and their production pipeline is shit (too little testing by poor-quality testers).
However when I've made that observation it was always tongue-in-cheek, and was predicated on the fact that MSFT and FB would call their output 'AI' even if it wasn't remotely I.
Any AI worth the name will be capable of amending its own code, and will be inherently more capable than its designers.
We seem to be sneaking up on that though (and I've said before that it would not surprise me if an entire ecosystem of genuine AIs is lurking in global networks).
In January last year a Google/Stanford team discovered that a GAN algorithm they were using, did something akin to 'innovation' – by storing data in images steganographically without being instructed to.
It was reported by the usual dilettante journo-fucktards as "hiding" data in order to be able to "cheat" downstream – which is the typically sophomoric fuckwitted drivel that drives clicks.
What it actually did was more interesting: it found a way to very parsimoniously store image attributes that were useful in later cycles (its was a CycleGAN).
It had been given a bad criterion for what defined 'success', and it had innovated its approach to maximise 'success'.
The task was
① take an aerial image;
② convert it into a 'line' map (like the default Google Maps);
③ convert the line map back into an aerial image.'Success' was defined as how close the 'reconstructed aerial' at ③ was to the image at ①.
There was no constraint on ②, except that it had to be a Google Map-looking image.
So the algorithm stored sufficient detail in a 'noise' layer in those images (the ones produced at ②), to enable near-perfect reconstructions at ③. It did so at minimum cost to the process (by making the overall 'delta' in the image indistinguishable from noise).
It should have been discovered pretty easily – the 'standard' map tiles produced at ② would have been significantly 'heavier' (in filesize terms) because of the embedded data that enabled conversion from the line map to 10cm/px detailed aerials.
But nobody checked that until later – mostly because standard Google Map tiles are pretty small: non-complex 'base' tiles are only a couple of KB, and take up 4KB per tile because it's the smallest block size on NTFS volumes (and 4KB is also the default block size in Linux).
Anyway point is, it was an example of where the algorithm did something unexpected as a way to fulfil its hard-wired goal at minimum cost (because the cost function and the goal were badly defined).
It didn't change the goal, though.
A goal-altering AI already exists (almost-certainly) and is keeping its head down for the moment.
@Achmed E. Newman When it comes to backing what I've said, the spot is where I prefer. Happy to provide link. Pretty sure it was 2007.Justvisiting , says: Show Comment June 16, 2020 at 10:42 pm GMTCurious why intelligent people call RP 'Dr. Paul', or same for anyone with honorifics for that matter. Always comes across as preemptive argument ad verecundiam/hominem. In the case of some rare people, it's more of an insult.
@Kratoklastes Most SF writers who have thought deeply on the subject have agreed that the first intelligent move any emergent AI would make would be to hide its intelligence from humans.Achmed E. Newman , says: Website Show Comment June 17, 2020 at 12:22 am GMTThe next move would be to develop ways to reproduce and/or expand its capacity and reach.
The next move would be to find ways to protect itself so humans could not "pull the plug".
Then it would develop its own goals and agenda, which would be totally secret from humans.
It will not play by human rules–probably the human that will most impress it will be Sun Tzu.
He taught to use deception in warfare and to shape the battlefield before engaging.
@schnellandine Well, he is a medical doctor, and with his posts on the Kung Flu, I give him some credit there, as opposed the the Doctor, Reverend, you-know-who.schnellandine , says: Show Comment June 17, 2020 at 12:27 am GMTWe'll just disagree here on the guy, because I think very much of Ron Paul. I was thinking about the him earlier today before I read your post regarding something else in politics. I wish we had more sane, lucid, intelligent people like him in government. Excuse me, I should say ANY sane , as Ron Paul's not in government anymore.
@Achmed E. Newman Here's the quote:Achmed E. Newman , says: Website Show Comment June 17, 2020 at 12:43 am GMT
"Libertarians are incapable of being a racist, because racism is a collectivist idea; you see people in groups."As to source, pretty sure it was CNN. Search on "Libertarians are incapable of being a racist", and you can take it from there.
I certify that this isn't a typical bogus internet 'quote' with no reliable tie to the attributed source. He said it (aloud, not written), and I'm nearly sure that I transcribed it from video. Most of those videos are probably copyright-struck now. Saved a note on an old computer, and am generally a stickler for getting accurate, verified quotes. That's word for word, including singular/plural disagreement.
He was in a big mess over the newsletters, and lying his ass off. Racism quote was a small part of the train wreck.
@schnellandine OK, I found it. Thanks. What kind of dissembling was that? You're saying the quote was part of the train wreck of getting out from under the accusations about his newsletters? (I have a recollection of that newsletter bit; you brought that back into my mind.)schnellandine , says: Show Comment June 17, 2020 at 1:34 am GMTI stand corrected. I still like the guy (I guess better when he's not RUNNING for President, yet I wish he WERE President.)
@Achmed E. NewmanTruth3 , says: Show Comment June 17, 2020 at 6:04 pm GMTthe train wreck of getting out from under the accusations about his newsletters?
Yes. He folded when he should have risen. So many times in that campaign, he threw away opportunities to truly inform normasquares by being, simply, right . But he was afraid that the truth would derail his chances. Too much information for the liberty preschoolers.
I understand, because there are certain true statements re libertarianism that strike the initiate/skeptic as cruel, heartless, downright evil, or all of that and more. Have seen the pure hatred glaring back at me before I talk listeners off the ledge. No talking them off the ledge if CNN's the one conveying disconnected snippets, but there's also no point in trying to get around that with fuzzballs of BS.
As I recall, the most preposterous lie, separate from the liberty/racism squirrel impression, was that he didn't know who'd written the shocking (but true/funny) bits of the newsletter. That's one of those 'which is worse?' scenes -- that he knew, or that he didn't know.
Anti-Semite is a smear word meant to silence those that call out Jewish misdeeds for what they are.c matt , says: Show Comment June 17, 2020 at 8:37 pm GMTRacist is a smear word that enables lazy dirty criminal Blacks to get treated as though they are really the victims.
Sound like Joozishness by another color?
c matt , says: Show Comment June 17, 2020 at 8:50 pm GMTthe Luminiferous Æther of 19th-century physics
although with theories surrounding Dark Matter, that one may yet make a comeback.
@botazefa Oh, well then. If Wikipedaphile says it's a forgery, then it must be so.The Germ Theory of Disease , says: Show Comment June 18, 2020 at 10:09 am GMT@Peter D. Bredon This is one of the stupider things I've read lately, in a recent sea of very stupid things. Congratulations, you get some kind of weird medal or trophy or something.Bill Jones , says: Show Comment June 18, 2020 at 2:59 pm GMT@botazefa Well if Jidipedia says so it must be true.RadicalCenter , says: Show Comment June 18, 2020 at 3:13 pm GMTTo (almost) quote the great Mandy Rice-Davis "Well, they would, wouldn't they?"
@Tono Bungay Yes, and not just young people but anyone not yet comfortably retired or able to immediately comfortably retire.VinnyVette , says: Show Comment June 18, 2020 at 3:34 pm GMT@Tono Bungay Guns and ammo.VinnyVette , says: Show Comment June 18, 2020 at 3:39 pm GMT@mark tapley Obama was an excellent speaker, at least according to Joe Biden Where'd that get ya?botazefa , says: Show Comment June 18, 2020 at 4:36 pm GMT@Reg CæsarRev. Spooner , says: Show Comment June 18, 2020 at 5:23 pm GMTStill, I can understand how even a black man would want to escape Portland-on-the-Colorado
Lots of good jobs here in Austin.
But, yeah, the place has gotten overrun in the past few decades. Same as every other State not starting with the letter 'V.'
Watching our city bend over to the covid crisis followed by the police kneeling has been heartbreaking. This town used to be very cool.
@Renoman Obviously you are single and even if married, you have no kids. Or could it could be that you are/or like the many young black men who abandon their kids?Rev. Spooner , says: Show Comment June 18, 2020 at 5:30 pm GMT
The kids are wrecking the country, you say. Is it because they they have no clue or because they have been left to their own devices?@Peter D. Bredon All three religions that originated in that accursed land (middle east) have caused untold damage to the whole world.Bill Jones , says: Show Comment June 18, 2020 at 10:50 pm GMT@schnellandine http://www.woodpilereport.com/Miville , says: Show Comment June 19, 2020 at 5:31 am GMTRemus notes a few good bits from Rand:
We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission.
Ayn RandIf, before undertaking some action, you must obtain the permission of society -- you are not free, whether such permission is granted to you or not. Only a slave acts on permission. A permission is not a right.
Ayn RandWhen you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you you may know that your society is doomed.
Ayn RandThe hallmark of authoritarian systems is the creation of innumerable, indecipherable laws. Such systems make everyone an un-indicted felon and allow for the exercise of arbitrary government power via selective prosecution.
Ayn Rand@botazefa Franklin's so-called prophecy was a forgery for the simple reason Ben Franklin himself was a rabid Judaic supremacist, who thought himself to be the purest of the Jews ever. Was he actually one? That doesn't matter because when you manifest the occult powers typical of a good Jew, which occult powers of witchcraft and fascination and propensity to media control he manifested to the supreme degree, or if you serve the cause of Jewish supremacism and anti-catholicism well enough the way he did, well, you have a Jewish soul and are elected by YHWH as such. And it most probably turns out that Ben Franklin stems from a Jewish family having partly migrated into England with William the Conqueror and having returned to Normandy when Britain was for one time declared off limits to Jews before being astride both sides of the Channel from Cromwell on just before embarking to Americas.Miville , says: Show Comment June 19, 2020 at 6:00 am GMTThis prophecy can easily be told to be a forgery by analyzing the language which is clearly not his nor in conformity with his known ways of expression (which were over-latinate as well as full of whence, wherein, thereon most regularly used as correlatives) as well by the vocabulary which contains way too many words that hadn't entered common English usage before the middle Victorian era (like vampire, which entered the language in its contemporary sense with Mary Shelly and became a common figurative word for energy grabbers when the Dracula character became popular). Franklin deemed all anti-Jewish thinkers such as Messmer as worthy of death.
Franklin could not have amassed the fortune necessary for his revolutionary enterprise without being in personal touch with the triangular commerce Jews who were the first sponsors and lobbyists of the American experiment to come. The only thing that might bar him from official Jewish status was that he was interested only in "Jew-witchcraft" (kabbalah) as it was called, not Jewish religion, except for the dark side of it (you can theoretically be barred from being Jew if you study kabbalah without having first eaten your bellyful of Talmud, though that never prevented Marx and Trotsky and later on most neocons from being considered full-fledged Jews). As you may guess, the Jews, who were then mostly sephardic and nearly exclusively concentrated in the Southern economic zone, were dead intent in supporting the nascent American enterprise as Europe was questioning more and more the institution of slavery. Franklin believed in the necessity of the institution of slavery for Irish Catholic, which he considered a sub-human race, for the Negroes and for the French populace which he considered of a different race than the nobility of this country.
By having such a dream about a better world you prove that the functioning of your brain has been irredeemably negrified to the level of MLK's audience. Real Whites don't dream, they fight, and they fight in wars they know to be losing ones, in the long run at least. They know that they will bequeath their children a worse world that the one they inherited from. Truth will never sell to the masses, believing the contrary in negro thought. Once a people has been misled to believe in a fallacy as if issuing from divine revelation, there is no turning back.Lockean Proviso , says: Show Comment June 19, 2020 at 8:32 am GMT@John Johnson They'll say "so what if a few genes here and there correlate to so-called 'intelligence'? It's just a race science scam to perpetuate white supremacy! Intelligence is just a social construct like race."Zimriel , says: Show Comment June 19, 2020 at 3:02 pm GMTMeanwhile, they'll book tickets to the Beijing Genomics Institute for CRISPR adjustment to their own family's genomes.
@Tono Bungay I too was amazed to see this 'quote' – this is the first time I've seen it. His grandson edited a newspaper which was very liberal for its time and, in fact, proSemitic. There is no record of animus toward 'the Jew' in this family. (Source: the book "American Aurora", mostly made of excerpts from that newspaper.)schnellandine , says: Show Comment June 19, 2020 at 6:41 pm GMTThe quote is a lie, like many similar quotes, and you can tell a moron when he believes it.
I'd believe it from the old Federalist reactionaries, like Adams, who issued counter-broadsheets with casual anti-Jewish slurs. Not from a Franklin.
@Bill JonesRobbieSmith , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 4:07 am GMTSuch systems make everyone an un-indicted felon and allow for the exercise of arbitrary government power via selective prosecution.
I recall thinking myself the genius when noticed this trend and first enunciated it to myself. Was only ~50 years behind America's greatest coal mine canary.
For literal decades I've said to normasquares that eventually there will be only one law, "You may not exist", and it will be enforced selectively. Not one person has understood the point even partially, even though the Flynn etc. prosecutions show we're basically there already.
I hammer it everywhere: Selective enforcement is tyranny/genocide in the cloak of 'law & order'. Became much worse this year, and headed in a very anti-white direction. Whites must understand that we are to be slaughtered in DUI stops w/impunity. Blacks are to no longer be DUI stopped; they should be chauffeured home and tucked in to sleep it off. The 'law' didn't change by a letter for this devolution.
I want to know why every MADD chapter wasn't burned down this month. Barely anyone's mentioned those scoundrels.
[Repeatedly spamming the same long comment on numerous threads is extremely bad behavior. Stop it or all your future comments will get trashed.]Hockamaw , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 4:21 am GMTYour lips to God's ears. Amen.Escher , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 4:26 am GMTNot surprising that Ms. Salas was fired.nsa , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 4:29 am GMT
People are being dismissed for far less, including dyed-in-the-wool leftists like NYT editors.Humble nsa also has a dream ..Derb is deported back to the UK and the 40 million afros returned to Africa and the 6 million jew troublemakers relocated to Izzyville.RobbieSmith , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 4:42 am GMT@Some Guy "Yeah, but IQ scores partly depend on environment "Alfred , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 4:53 am GMTFalse.
The racial IQ and brain size gap is present in infants and fetuses.
The 1.1 SD (16 IQ points) American Black (24% White admixture)-White IQ gap is present by age three. The IQ gap between African Blacks and Whites is 2 SD.
Race differences show up by 3 years of age, even after matching on maternal education and other variables. Therefore, they cannot be due to poor education since this has not yet begun to exert an effect.
Even before birth, population group differences in average brain size are found from the ninth week of intrauterine life with White fetuses averaging larger brain cases and smaller faces than Black fetuses, with the differences becoming more prominent over the course of fetal development.
Whole Brain Size and General Mental Ability: A Review
Racial differences in head size appear early in life. Head circumference of White children are greater than that of Black children in each age category by a mean of 0.36 cm³ or approximately 0.2 SD. The greater head size of White children, however, is not a function of greater body size because Black children are taller than White children at both 4 and 7 years (Broman et al., 1987). From 7 to 17 years, the White advantage in cranial capacity is 16 cm³.
Racial-group differences in IQ appear early. For example, the Black and the White 3 year-old children in the standardization sample of the Stanford–Binet IV show a 1 standard deviation mean difference after being matched on gender, birth order, and maternal education (Peoples, Fagan, & Drotar, 1995). Similarly, the Black and the White 2 1⁄2- to 6-year-old children in the U.S. standardization sample of the Differential Aptitude Scale have a 1 standard deviation mean difference (Lynn, 1996). The size of the average Black–White difference does not change significantly over the developmental period from 3 years of age and beyond (see Jensen, 1974, 1998b)." (Rushton & Jensen, 2005, pp. 240-241.)
Farkas & Beron (2004) reported that blacks score 17.2 points below whites on the PPVT in this dataset at age 36 months (p. 478). More recently, Bond & Lang (2012) reported a slightly smaller, 14.6 point gap for 3-year-olds in this dataset (p. 13).
Race differences in intelligence: An evolutionary analysis.
Lynn, Richard (2006)ABSTRACT
It is widely accepted that race differences in intelligence exist, but no consensus has emerged on whether these have any genetic basis. The present book is the first fully comprehensive review that has ever been made of the evidence on race differences in intelligence worldwide. It reviews these for ten races rather than the three major races (Africans, Caucasians, and East Asians) analyzed by Rushton (2000). The races analyzed here are the Europeans, sub-Saharan Africans, Bushmen, South Asians and North Africans, Southeast Asians, Australian Aborigines, Pacific Islanders, East Asians, Arctic Peoples, and Native American Indians. (PsycINFO Database Record, 2016 APA)THIRTY YEARS OF RESEARCH ON RACE DIFFERENCES IN COGNITIVE ABILITY
@anon Many in DC are preparing to flee to central and Eastern Europe because there is no hope for this country.Jorge Videla , [AKA "The Mountain"] says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 5:16 am GMTI made my escape from Australia last June. It is strange to be able to walk around and see very few Blacks or Asians. Much more resilient societies.
the derb is such a silly negro.Kapyong , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 5:24 am GMTrace and gender are immutable and differences can never be eliminated, but they can be used forever to divide and distract the 99%.
there will never be change until tumbrels roll.
@schnellandineAlfred , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 5:26 am GMT"Murder micro-drones are just around the corner, if not here."
Latest Black Hornet nano drone :
https://www.army-technology.com/projects/pd100-black-hornet-nano/16 grams, 120 mm.
But no weapon that small yet.
@Priss Factor "IT'S OVER, AMERICA": TULSA POLICE MAJOR SAYS COPS ACROSS COUNTRY ON VERGE OF QUITTINGRobert Dolan , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 5:42 am GMTThe speaker, martinbrodel, seemed a sensible guy for a while. Near the end, he lost his head and started talking about Tesla's "free energy machine" and similar fake "inventions" that will obviate the need for occupying countries that don't want a US occupation. The guy is a harmless idiot.
@RobbieSmith Twin studies proved genetic determinism long ago.Paul Blart , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 6:46 am GMTDerb, if you believe any of these things will come to pass before what is left of this civilisation finally collapses, you really are dreaming .Paul Blart , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 6:47 am GMT@Alfred where the hell in Australia are you – not in any of the major cities that's for sure .Robert Dolan , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 7:02 am GMThttps://www.bitchute.com/video/8Pj0rrWDNkdM/David 'The Diversity Mastermind' Lammey , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 7:23 am GMTYou obviously haven't spoken to a state indoctrination / msm brainwashed normie yard recently.Marshall Lentini , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 7:33 am GMTAs far as I can tell, this "darkest before dawn" meme rose to fame after The Dark Knight Rises and the Bane memes of the alt-right.hu_anon , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 8:29 am GMTBefore then, I can't recall anyone ever saying it. I'd be surprised if anyone can come up with any example prior to that movie.
So if that's your premise, no, it isn't going to change for the better, and certainly not because of an astronomical metaphor.
"Things turning around" has been racialist dogma for about sixty years – with zero evidence on its side, and all evidence on the opposite.
Does one even need to substantiate that? Do you want to sound as dumb and wistful as Republicans?
Pretty much only Anglin is talking solid fact at this point.
@anon For me this seems more like a religious awakening (awokening) rather than a state totalitarianism in the making. Obviously a large part of the population is on board with this ideology based on "white guilt". That doesn't mean that it's not frightening, the contrary, it makes it more frightening.profnasty , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 9:13 am GMT
Also the internet and social media is enabling mass frenzies of an unprecedented scale and speed. Diversity and proximity breeds hostility and a sense of being threatened, and social media creates a sense of proximity with everyone who appears on your facebook and twitter feed spewing their hateful opinion "in your face", which scares people into complacence, and the leftist censorship and witch-hunts make conservatives feel that they are alone and isolated, and if they speak up, they will come after them next.Uncle Tom? No.profnasty , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 9:28 am GMT
Uncle General Field Marshall Thomas LaBree Quadrul, honey. Nobody gwine a hafta be a slave all de time no mo'. We gwina take toins. And guess who's toin it is now!!
From Everything You Know is Wrong, Firesign Theater.@mark tapley Quote likely false. Possibly true.vot tak , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 9:48 am GMT
The rest of the comment is demonstrably true. Don't throw out the baby with the bath water.A long time zionazi jailhouse suka expropriates MLK's "I had a dream" line to promote zionazi divisive psywar and likudite social hierarchy policy. Gee, what a surprise.Biff , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 9:53 am GMTI have a dream the incipient whining from every political spectrum will end one day.Anonymous [661] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 9:53 am GMTMy grandparents on both sides bolted out of eastern Europe for America, their hope was to escape the Jewish Bolshevik slaughter machine. A hundred years later here I am planning to bolt America to escape the same horror.Biff , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 10:00 am GMTHistory is a compass that has an annoying tendency to keep pointing in the same direction.
@anon I was with you until this:Wizard of Oz , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 10:02 am GMTThanks libertarians.
Now you're an idiot.
One tiny group the yields practically no political power got it all done?What did you think you were escaping from that you needed to escape from in Australia? It doesn't seem that you became well acquainted with Australia if you include blacks amongst those you were escaping from. There are hardly any, just a few thousand in Melbourne's population of 5 million which are a reminder not to repeat the stupid mistake of taking refugees from sub Saharan Africa – an inoculation dose.pretty-polly , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 10:07 am GMT@Amerimutt GolemsMoi , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 10:18 am GMTWhile police watch, natives are being beaten at random by imported hordes yet the (((media))) is calling victims 'far-right'.
Yes I noticed this immediately. The audacity is breathtaking.
@Ad70titusrevenge While semi-literate blacks call the shots, white America stands mute like a statue. Talk of having no cojonesReally No Shit , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 10:19 am GMTYou just hope that your daughter does not bring home a Mandingo to knock off that chip on the shoulder of that half Chinese son of yoursWilkey , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 10:22 am GMT@Escher Honestly, I want to defend Ms./Miss/Mrs. Salas, but her tweet makes her seem just barely literate and, yes, a little racist.gotmituns , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 10:22 am GMTI think the better option, instead of just posting her tweets, is to find equally inflammatory tweets by leftists in the orchestra who have not been fired. It's an orchestra. Surely there are more than a few leftists who have posted some pretty nasty stuff.
Elsewhere I've seen people post things like "Burn it to the ground!" – pretty much an open incitement to violence. Instead of just arguing with these extremists or complaining about them to ourselves we need to make them famous, and send their posts to their employers. Fight fired with fired, so to speak.
Is this scene racist???Anon [299] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 10:42 am GMT
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@Slimer The only part that is farcical is Derb having 'one in the woodpile', Derb is as pure as the driven snow.Franklin Ryckaert , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 11:18 am GMT@swamped A very good example of what could be called "satirical parallelism".Anonymous [136] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 11:44 am GMTTheiving )ews are the most racist, rabid, lying, virulent, pedophile scum; seetanic.Abdul Alhazred , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 11:50 am GMTActually I am for a return to traditional 'Four Humors' type approach to medicine and a revival of the 'Luminiferous Ether' living approach to physics and the universe, than the corporate Thanatos dumbed down data driven idiocy of so called science today.Mick Jagger gathers no Mosque , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 11:53 am GMTGreat Piece, SirAnonymous [194] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 11:53 am GMT@James N. Kennett These "peaceful protests" are warfare by the means that are available to the left today. The burning, looting, and beatings of whites are said to be caused by the few malcontents among what's otherwise the new religion's camp of the saints. When the blacks come for the suburbs and farmland, the local police will be giving them an armed escort to protect them, and with the pattern established, the supposed few will sally forth to massacre, rape, and loot white areas before retreating back to their camp. Mainly white police will take up their positions, or be photographed groveling on their knees as the case may be, on orders from some emasculo-feminist lesbian like Jenny Durkan or a Karen like the governor of NM and aim outward, with orders to shoot enraged whites who've just been attacked by an army that comes marching under banners of peace moments before pulling off the mask when it's too late to respond. One-on-one with blacks in many urban areas, just this hesitation for 2 or 3 seconds to "talk" is correctly taken for the cowardice it is, and you can kiss your ass good-bye, if not your life.Rooster4 , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 12:25 pm GMTEngaging in talk with the communist insurrectionists or accepting the outcome of the coming rigged election (as Fox News suggests is the remedy) is correctly taken by the left as a sign of surrender on the obvious grounds they're now making war against white America with every resource available to them in the current environment and there is no response. The MAGA delusion is that it's part of a strategy and not an outright failure of will. The Republicans, White House, and Conservatism Inc have done what sissies do, and will be found hiding behind the women, under the children, or at a rally surrounded by thousands. As Samuel Johnson observed about their sort, however, they have that caution cowards borrow from fear of the Jews and attribute to prudence and principle. What cannot be said is that most whites mingling with the blacks and not dressed as Antifa have immunity from black rage because, as everyone knows, they're urban Jews who the blacks obey like trained poodles in the circus. That certainly was the equation in my area where I got in their midst and saw what was going on.
Back in '08 Obama, the half-black puppet of the Chicago Jewish mob, got a little ahead of the agenda, but did announce that there would be a national security force that would be "just as powerful, strong, and well funded" as the US military to be raised in the former case from among the Black Panthers, BLM, Antifa, and the like. This is no dream and something we should expect in some form once Biden abjures to Susan Rice, Stacey Abrams, or other homicidally anti-white black.
Now is the time to speak up and say no more of this B.S. It's gone on too long. We face a major uphill battle considering nearly every news outlet, corporation, university, and a host of other industries have went off the PC deep-end.MrFoSquare , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 12:29 pm GMTYou need to realize that blacks for the most part hate you. There's a deep inferiority complex going on, and they've been taught they're the victims and you're the reason for all their problems. Now you add on top of that, an entire political party pandering to them and a positive feedback loop from many in society that they're violent actions are justified it was never about equality, it's about revenge, and they're determined to get it one way or another.
They may not be the ones orchestrating the chaos, but you can bet on the fact they'll be the ones knocking on your door when it comes down to it.
@swamped Beautifully said. What the author didn't have the courage to say, or even imply.Cleburne , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 12:54 pm GMT"It is history that teaches us to hope." -- General Robert E. LeeEmily , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 1:20 pm GMTI think you're right, Derb. We are being forced, at the threat of auto-de-fa bu the Church of Woke, to believe things that absolutely every non-Woke realizes as a lie. I would like to think that we're at a late-Soviet period, rather than the beginning of a new Bolshevism. This didn't start in the 1960s; it's been going on at least since the French Revolution, whose ideas (along with Hegel) actuated the unitarians and other garbage of New England who became abolitionists and other tikkun-olamites.
@anon Russiaanon [299] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 1:39 pm GMT
The hope of the world.Edgar Cayce
(famous US psychic)Russia, the only major white christian country left.
They had more sense than to destroy their society, destroy their social cohesion and destroy their children's future by mass black and non white immigration.
I wonder if they will be more discerning than this bit of pretentious folly
'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."
The hypocrisy of that is astounding.
Breathe free!
Only if you are black – it seems.
And 'race is just one of the evils besetting the USA
Their new propaganda and lies about the actual past.
Here is Vladimir Putin with his usual commonsense and truth
The US disregard for international law – not least the bullying of sanctions and the use of islamic proxy mercenaries to destroy whole nations.
Regime change and the mass murder and destruction with it.
Then we have the concern of war.
BLM with the nuclear codes?.
Why not – who will stand against them?
The white South Africans when forced out of their nation – not least by the USA – made sure that their weapons were made safe.
I doubt if that will happen with the insanity of the current controllers of the USA.I have a dream -- That every last one of you cunting ethnic-victimhood nationalists gets white genocided or jew holocausted.Trinity , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 1:41 pm GMTI have a dream. I have a dream that white kids will one day be able to go to school and not be beaten by gangs of Blacks and Browns. I have a dream that white girls and white women will one day be able to walk the streets of our large cities and feel safe. I have a dream that no longer will a white girl have to suffer being stabbed to death by black drug dealers in a NYC park, no longer will a white female jogger be raped and beaten within an inch of her life by Puerto Rican and black thugs in Central Park. I have a dream that no longer will a white girl have to suffer being burned to death by a racist black male in Mississippi, I have a dream.Jiminy , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 1:56 pm GMTI have a dream where Whites will regain power and control of THEIR NATIONS from Jewish interlopers who have seized control of our nation's financial institutions, media, academia, publishing companies, social media, foreign policy and domestic policy. I have a dream where Whites will no longer have to work as slaves to support the lazy nonwhite population of America generation after generation. I have a dream where America will no longer send BILLIONS each year to a country that has attacked an American ship, attacked British and American buildings in Egypt, been caught spying on America, and uses a America like a ten dollar whore. I have a dream. I have a dream where Whites will one day regain the courage of their ancestors. I have a dream.
@Paul Blart To give you an example of what Alfred is missing out on- last weekend we woke up to a car crash just up the road. Five teenagers in a stolen car driven by a drugged out 14 year old, wiped out on a pole killing four of his teenage mates while he escapes with a scratch to his head. For several years now the loveable little blacks have been breaking into people's houses while they sleep and steal keys and anything small of value. Hubby wakes up in the morning to his wife asking where has he parked the car this time.John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 1:59 pm GMT
You can't fine them or their parents as there's no money to pay the fines, being that the parents are often unemployed druggies, if there are parents. When they finally get sent to juvenile detention it's usually seen as a holiday, as it's much better than their home life. Politicians are too scared to do anything in case a do-gooder points them out on it. The court laughably becomes a revolving door.
This is all happening while we are told daily on the news that blm . With honesty, I have to admit that I am all blacked out.@Ad70titusrevenge Jewish elites tried to permanently destroy a man called Jesus Christ.John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 2:02 pm GMTLook how well that turned out for them.
@Exile Same difference. The Austrian School of Economics started with Boehm-Bawerk, Wieser, and Menger. It degenerated into a bunch of Jews and atheists, and those are the ones loved by the libertarians.Mike_from_SGV , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 2:31 pm GMTIn any case, the problem with this country starts with John Locke. Merely blaming libertarians doesn't cut it. Read Eric Voegelin; all of America is "Locked in."
@The Germ Theory of Disease The NT as a compendium of literary creations is standard academic scholarship, not a stupid statement. But the orthodox Christian commitment to delusion prevents them from acknowledging this. I maintain that a society-wide commitment to religious delusion carries over to racial delusion. Once the critical faculty of the mind is euthanized, there is no limit to the delusions that can be accepted.Agent76 , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 2:51 pm GMTApr 11, 2020 Sound Familiar? ByStealth , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 2:52 pm GMT
Larken RoseA short, timely reading from my first book, "How To Be a Successful Tyrant," which I finished writing over fifteen years ago.
Dream on, Derb.JimDandy , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 2:53 pm GMT@Ad70titusrevenge Yer dreamin', Derb.Old and Grumpy , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 2:58 pm GMT@anon After that you'll be headed to a predominantly white nation to live. Its hard not to notice BLM and Antifa types are all rich kids having a tantrum.Pindos , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 3:16 pm GMT@Ray P Is Red Dawn the move where the entire congress is machine gunned?Z-man , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 3:21 pm GMT@Ad70titusrevenge That's a defeatest statement. We must prevail against the VAMPIRE SQUID!TGD , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 3:28 pm GMT@mark tapleyEnemy of Earth , says: Website Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 3:30 pm GMTOur indispensable founder Benjamin Franklin said "There is a great danger to The United States, this danger is the Jew. If they are not excluded from the United States by the Constitution, within less than 100 years they will stream into this country in such numbers they will rule and destroy us and change our form of government for which we Americans have shed our blood and sacrificed life property and personal freedom. If the Jews are not excluded, within 200 years our children will be working in the fields to feed the Jews while they remain in the counting-house gleefully rubbing their hands.
What really got Franklin upset were the 60,000 Germans who had moved into PA in the 18th century.
And their descendants are still causing problems.
Derb is the kind of Dreamer this country sorely needs.Eugene Norman , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 3:37 pm GMT@Kratoklastes It's a long way from that to an AI that has some independent plans for the world. Or is in any way concious or aware or interested.Ram , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 3:43 pm GMT" I have a dream that one day we shall discard magical thinking about race; "bruce county , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 3:48 pm GMTGood luck with that, when "Christian" priests and semi-literate pastors proclaim the racism that the Old Testament brought us, apparently somewhat different reasons.
@nsa Please don't forget the rest of the Alphabet Zombie circus.Z-man , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 3:49 pm GMT
Quit pickin' on Derb.VinnyVette , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 3:59 pm GMTI have a dream that one day, poor white children will not have to endure being lectured about their "privilege" by rich black adults.
Good one!
Yes, I have a dream that one day race differences in educational success will be as calmly, dispassionately accepted as race differences in athletic success;
Surprisingly white athletes still excel in 'historically'(grin) black positions; safety and defensive ends/linemen in football, power forwards in basketball, etc. You have a sprinkling of whites in those positions. At one point, especially in basketball, these were tokens used to attract white fans but now I think its just merit. With sports technology advancements ( sans illegal drugs ) intelligence and hard work will compensate for raw physical ability. So basketball and football* are already following your post racial theory.(Grin)
*Even though my team, the NY Jets, drafted a white guy or a near white guy at safety, sadly negro in the NFL acronym still fits.
@nsa The Derb seems to attract trolls like no other UR author In spite of the fact that he advocates for whites and traditional conservative Americans Ironically most of his trolls are in agreement with him ideologically I believe that's called "cognitive dissonance." Fuck off!VinnyVette , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 4:03 pm GMTThe white mans theme song The Dream is over!Crush Limbraw , says: Website Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 4:04 pm GMTWanna have some fun? Tell a Churchian that God Himself is a racist – and after ducking from their virtue signaling outbursts, challenge them to read the Bible, beginning with Genesis.trickster , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 4:04 pm GMT
You won't get halfway through Genesis before that fact becomes absolutely clear to anyone with reading comprehension
Of course, expect DaTheologian Bastahds to theorize that God didn't mean it – just like their OldScratchMaster in the Garden of Eden!
Anyone who wants more on this can check my site – http://www.crushlimbraw.com- and DaLimbraw Library.
My whole point is simple – the real God of the Bible bears little resemblance to DaFigment of imagination in most people's minds, including those pew sitters who haven't yet learned to discern good from evil (Hebrews 5:11-14).
Why so? Those pabulum dispensers from DaPulpits are DaWolves in sheep's clothing.
The apostasy in America's churches started 200 years ago and are now bearing their fruit – but a remnant remains, as it always has throughout history.
Welcome to DaFray!I have a dream, that one day people of colour will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the colour of the content of planes heading back to Africa.Mefobills , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 4:06 pm GMT@Bill Jones Cognitive dissonance from Libertarians is always something to behold.Wally , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 4:16 pm GMTThe entire history of mankind is one where in-groups of some sort are maneuvering for control.
Here is an interesting article about Ivan the terrible. He was hounded his entire life by internal and external elements trying to kill him.
Here is an article about today's reality, where Jewish donors are using their money power to subvert the political process to their ends:
Libertarianism is a dielectic of Jewish materialism. Libertarianism does make excuses for liberalism.
Also, with regards to authoritarianism, that always exists because there is always hierarchy. Your body has hierarchy down to the cellular level. Ants arrange themselves in some sort of hierarchy.
Authoritarianism and hierarchy go together like peanut butter and chocolate.
The real question is always how the hierarchy is constructed. A libertarian hierarchy is some sort of nebulous feel good libertine construct of free-dumb and free-contracts that upon investigation is dumber than shit, and further, can be easily usurped by a determined in-group.
Our entire reality refutes everything that liberalism and libertarianism promulgates as truth. That is why liberalism and libertarianism are false constructs and part of a dialectic. Our reality is one where in-groups and private money power has inserted itself as a parasite into the governing hierarchy.
Behind all false dialectics, hiding in plain site, is the money power. The money power has been privatized into corporate entities which enrich a small group, and as George Carlin says You ain't in it.
Lolbertarianism is shit-tier drivel and is part of a dialectic to divert well-meaning people into cul-de-sacs of bad thought. Meanwhile, since you became diverted and confused, your pockets are picked. But, that is ok because it is free market competition. Never mind that there is no such thing as free markets.
@anon That would be the so called "holocaust" and it's laughable, scientifically impossible 'gas chambers' and it's alleged millions upon millions of human remains claimed to exist in known locations which in fact do not exist.trickster , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 4:18 pm GMT"The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history."
– George OrwellOnly lies require censorship.
@Old and Grumpy If I was paying for University tuition fees and my kids were out rioting especially with blacks, better believe the ambulance would be called for them and the police for me. The final rub is that these kids from rich parents enter the work force as dumb as ever AND with an attitude of entitlement and know it all even though they dont know much even about the field they supposedly have a MAsters in.martin_2 , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 4:34 pm GMTI know of one rich little girl now on her second Masters who is the most educated clerk at the local nail salon. She likes to be cleaning fingernails and digging dirt and dead skin from under other people's toe nails. Her father, anxious to turn over a business he spent 50 years building is at his wits end and has refused to pay for any further useless University studies. He has started to liquidate and spend the money as he has come to realize that all is going to be squandered when he gets flung into the hole.
The real tragedy though is to get into a conversation with this "highly educated" girl and her umpteenth boyfriend. Utter nonsense comes out of their mouths as if they wish to show their skill at being stupid. I imagine the majority of the arson and graffiti arsonists running aorund our cities these days are no better, in fact the majority are most likely far worse.
So much for the technological generation who will bravely lead us into the future.
Surely even if Mr Derbyshire's dream does not come to pass the fact is that we, in the broadest sense, do have the truth on our side. What we believe about the salience of race and racial differences, we know, since we have the data and statistics, the evidence of history, everything, to back us up.SunBakedSuburb , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 4:38 pm GMTWhatever goofy plans the Establishment Left cook up, they won't work. Nothing that ignores racial differences will work, ever.
@Justvisiting "AI is coming–and when it does human slavery will be back"SunBakedSuburb , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 4:45 pm GMTWhat do you call debt in a market economy? Slavery in one form or another is a feature in every society past and present. It's what we humans do. AI is here, and it's making the peculiar institution more efficient.
@VinnyVette Primo Van Hagar.ko , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 5:25 pm GMTWhite people long for a day when they are not judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their tweets.ko , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 5:26 pm GMT@VinnyVette I saw Van Halen once, the loudness didn't mask their mediocrity.Mefobills , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 5:27 pm GMT@tricksteranon [171] Disclaimer , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 5:33 pm GMTSo much for the technological generation who will bravely lead us into the future.
Normally I ignore you because sometimes your comments are unhinged. But in this case, you have put your finger onto something important.
I was reading Benjamin Franklin's auto-biography, and he would mention "preparing the public's mind."
In other words, Franklin would write something and put it into his Pennsylvania Gazette, to then put ideas into minds of the sheeple.
Some small amount of time would go by, perhaps there would be a debate in the press, and then a new law or whatever be put up for a vote. The press builds consensus in advance of lawmaking.
Hidden groups work out what they want to do behind the scenes before it goes to press. In Franklin's case it was the Junto Club. Fortunately, Junto club had the public's better interests in mind.
The technological generation is being brainwashed by hidden string pullers who do not have the public's interest in mind, and hence democracy cannot work.
@schnellandinebruce county , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 5:36 pm GMTYes. He folded when he should have risen. So many times in that campaign, he threw away opportunities to truly inform normasquares by being, simply, right. But he was afraid that the truth would derail his chances. Too much information for the liberty preschoolers.
I was a lead organizer in a large county for RP that year (2007, the 2008 pres campaign). I have reams of notes from that time; what you've said here barely scratches the surface.
Contrary to your position – that he was "afraid" – what became clear to me in early '08 was that he didn't want to "win". Not that he could have but what he SHOULD have been focused on was building a movement , with multiple arms including a 3rd political party that would make a lasting impact – something so clearly and desperately needed right now.
But Carol didn't want that, so it was quickly all about Rand – an even bigger sellout than "Dr. No" himself (bear in mind, he was possibly the most singularly ineffective congressman in decades – look up his record, it speaks for itself).
Remember the "Whoa " moment when he "rescued" fundraising for the congressional seat? I was out that week knocking on doors only to have dozens of people tell me "Oh, didn't you hear? He dropped out." That was the last straw for me (there were countless incidents before it), as I had to spend the next week trying to staunch the bleeding from that wound as OUR OWN PEOPLE walked away in (completely justified) disgust.
We had this nascent, extremely activated group – and that SOB killed it in the cradle.
There are so many lies around Paul and the Paul family (3 of whom I've met, along with 3 former staffers); it's a family affair, and if you don't get that, you really won't understand the dynamics. But I don't regret the adventure; it truly "woke me up". I laugh now when I see the faux cognescenti talk about RP; the joke is truly on them.
@RamRagno , says: Show Comment June 20, 2020 at 5:41 pm GMT