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Hillary Clinton checked
every box required for a felony violation of Section 793(f) of the federal penal code (Title 18)
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The main page with the periodically updated news section is Hillary Clinton email scandal: Timeline and summary
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error
John Kenneth Galbraith
"All Pigs Are Equal, But Some Pigs Are More Equal Than Others"
Impunity is the essence of power (Impunity Corrupts - Antiwar.com):
What, after all, is power? Is it simply the capacity to exert unjust force? The ability to impress one’s will upon the flesh or belongings of another? No, it’s more than that.Most anyone can wield unjust force. Anyone could walk out onto the street right now and exert their will on somebody weaker: say, pushing over an old lady or stealing candy from a baby. And the toughest, or most heavily-armed guy in town can strong-arm just about any other single person.
But isolated incidents of aggression do not constitute power. The “reign” of the rogue rampager is generally short-lived. It only lasts until the community recognizes him as the menace to society that he is and neutralizes him.
Power isn’t simply about the exertion of unjust force. It is about what happens next, after the exertion. Does the perpetrator generally get away with, or not? Systematically getting away with it – or impunity – is where power truly lies. And that is what makes agents of the State different from any other bully. State agents can violate rights with reliable impunity because a critical mass of the public considers the aggression of state agents to be exceptionally legitimate. Impunity is power, and as Lord Acton said, power corrupts.
Most IT professionals are following this sordid saga with Hillary "bathroom" server as if this a Hollywood story. Because the level of incompetency displayed by all actors are simply not real. But this email scandal is not a unique event. It is just one chunk of a long chain, a long pattern of ethical lapses, hypertrophied sense of entitlement, arrogance, incompetence, obsessive secrecy and paranoia of Hillary Clinton, about whom Obama said “I don't think there's ever been someone so qualified to hold this office.”
The second important part of the story is the role of FBI in all this mess. They essentially rigged the Presidential elections 2006 pushing Sanders under the bus.
The role of Obama is also probably criminal. The level of antipathy the "constitutional scholar" had shown to the US history and democratic institutions is amazing. That increases the suspicions that Obama was a creature of National Security state and probably was controlled by Brennan, not vice versa.
For any IT professional, especially It professional with the security background, the facts in Hillar Clinton email saga are absolutely jaw deopping. The level on arrogance and incompetence are simply monumental. This "the most qualified" candidate made such a series of spectacular blunders, that makes the whole US government a joke in international circles. Her mixture of greed, arrogance and incompetence managed even to provoke such characterizations by former FBI director Comey (who tried his best to exonerate her) as "extremely careless" and "not sophisticated" (politically correct term for "mentally challenged").
Even more damning is Huma Abedin admission that the Hillary was often "confused". That brings us to her health problems, which are only peripherally replaced to emailgate scandal, but still relevant. Whether she has Parkinson or not, during her election campaign Hillary undeniably demonstrated a set of serious symptoms that might be the tip of the iceberg taking into account the level of health care she receives and huge efforts to swipe them under the carpet. Among them is loss of connection to reality under stress (during rallies). To what level she her cognitive abilities deteriorated during her term as the Secretary of State is not known, but we can suspect that she has both long and short term memory problems at this point, which were amplified by the level of stress in her position (she left the position under the pressure of her health problems after dropping unconscious). So she was prone to make mistakes and shortcuts in pretty nasty and "unfriendly" high security environment. So naturally she preferred to work with more user friendly Microsoft outlook server. In this sense her blunders might be partially health related defense mechanisms.
Details of the Hillary "bathroom email server" setup and its administration, as well as the security dimensions of "emailgate" scandal are not known in in many cases we can only guest the level of blunders committed based on professional level of professionals involved (which was typical for charities level, not even corporate level). State Department can be viewed as a large bureaucracy with highly centralized IT, which everybody hates for inefficiency and arbitrary restrictions, so emergence of "shadow IT" in such organization is giverm. While regulatr bueractacies ensure "death by powerpoint", additional security measures paralyze the organization further, making masy simple operations difficult and complex things impossible. For example high security environmts typically donot support HTML mail, only plain test.
The interesting moment here is that it looks like that the SDepartment of State did not at this time any institutional mechanisms to fight "Shadow IT", nor there was understanding of huge danger that Shadow IT introduces into department, which is essentially a yet another intelligence agency.
As such the State Departments employees do need to adhere to special protocols to avoid leaking sensitive information. Which partially is generated within the agency and partially comes from other government agencies including White House and connted to State Department intelligence agencies.
As John Kenneth Galbraith quipped "If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error." Jeopardizing the whole US Department of State email security for four years is an impressive achievement it itself, that will definitely go into the history books. In view of such blatant disregard to security it is unclear why Russians wasted money and talent of Anna Chapmen and other "spy ladies", when for a fraction of costs they could get direct access to Hillary Clinton emails. Although Hillary produced a lot of disgusted with her behaviour, disgruntled employees with her anger bouts and treating them as dirt, so it may be Russians just do not need to break at her email server at all :-).
This page was written from the position of IT professional and the most attention was paid to available technical details, which are minimal and somewhat contradictory. You need to take information provided with the great of salt.
And not only . Barack Obama corresponded with her on this account does not inpire any confidence in President as well. Unless he was under influence, he should know better then send email to very strange email address that does not ends with .gov. So the fish rots from the head.
In any case it is reasonable to state that she potentially gave to all major foreign powers with sophisticated intelligence services (which includes at least Israel, Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, India and Brazil) the keys to the house: a unique, very low cost possibility to have in "in-depth" look into inner working of State Department for at least four years. And the list above might be much longer, although EU intelligence services are probably too penetrated and too merged with the US security apparatus via NATO to dare to do such a thing. The same might be true about Japan and Australia. But you never know.
Hillary Clinton was already known as the only First Lady in history to be fingerprinted. This episode happened during the Whitewater investigation when records long assumed to be missing were found in the Clintons' personal quarters at the White House (CNN) . Now she owns another questionable distinction of being the first Presidential candidate who run her election campaign, while being under official FBI investigation.
The essence of the story is the Hillary violated all State Department and federal regulations as for handing official emails. She used her private server and refused to turn over email after the end of her tenure. Only after considerable pressure she returned selected (by her lawyers) set of emails in printed format. An interesting part here is that Clinton turned over 30,490 messages to the agency that were algorithmically selected by her personal lawyers and associates. Those were arbitrarily classified as work-related. All others including juicy emails related to Clinton foundation and related to problems with her health (joga lessons related) were mercilessly eliminated. By doing this she blatantly disregarded several laws, and by the virtue of being on the Masters of the Universe, the neoliberal higher race, who never suffer any consequences from breaking the laws of the land, unlike Untermenschs, who constitute 99.9% of the US population. Another highly questionable moment is that the deletion of 31,830 messages that were classified by her close associates as "personal", was performed when she was already under investigation. Later, several thousand of recovered emails ware classified by FBI to be work-related, so we deal here with a clear attempt to destruct the evidence.
Moreover, the private server was "wiped clean" and that event also happened while she was under investigation by Congressional Select Committee on Benghazi. While charges of mishandling of classified information were dropped by FBI under some pretty suspicious circumstances ( see Meeting Between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch ), Hillary Clinton got under a new, different investigation that was launched and some of the materials of FBI investigation are now in hands of Congressional committees, while probably will not display the same level of sympathy toward Madam Secretary as FBI under pressure of Obama and the Department of Justice. Currently she might also be under FBI investigation for perjury during the testimony before the Select Committee on Benghazi
Later in July of 2016 "emailgate" scandal became linked to "Clinton cash" scandal due to additional leaks and the whole matter became more toxic for Hillary Clinton . Obama administration (Obama bravely endorsed her while she was under FBI investigation, showing his level of respect for the laws of the land), is desperately trying to swipe those new revelations under the carpet and to limit the damage from the fact that some of the results of FBI investigation are now were provided to the Congress. In fact, the decision of FBI not to pursue criminal charges against Clinton can be viewed as "early" pardon by Obama of Hillary Clinton for her misdeeds. See Stefan Molyneux presentation The Truth About Hillary Clinton s Email Controversy (Feb 3, 2016).
Questions about her private email server are a legitimate political issue because they demonstrate the typical for Clintons pattern of behavior: extremely self-serving, arrogant, with tremendous sense of entitlement, to the extent that some people call her a female psychopath. |
The first question that arise in this while "bathroom server" story is: "Who allowed her to maintain a private email server in her basement for the official email correspondence?". The second question what was the motives such a blatant disregard of the law. In other words "sue bono?".
Who allowed her to maintain a private email server in her basement for the official email correspondence? The most plausible answer: this arrangement was put in place in stealth fashion without any authorization and implemented with the explicit goal to avoid disclosing her emails to FOIA requests. |
The most plausible answer: this arrangement was put in place in stealth fashion without any authorization and implemented with the explicit goal to avoid disclosing her emails to FOIA requests. Storing business-related State Department emails on her private server, completely outside government IT infrastructure is a mind-boggling arrogance and incompetence for anybody who understands the gravity and sensitivity of her position in the US government and possible consequences of the email security breaches. Actually any government, not necessary the USA. It also demonstrates amazing level of negligence by major US security agencies, including first of all the NSA.
Arrogance has it's uses, but arrogance combined with incompetence which was clearly the case here, is rarely going to work well. Obviously Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server and her lax record-keeping while secretary of state violated the department’s policies and her NDA (wsj.com). Any federal employee’s decision to conduct all e-mail correspondence through a private e-mail network, using a non-.gov address, is illegal under NDA she signed, the Federal Records Act and NARA regulations governing all federal agencies. But, again, she will never the forced to pay for her own transgressions, no matter how many laws were broken. This is the essence of neoliberal governance or as some call it Trotskyism for the rich.
The server, which later was nicknamed "Clinton bathroom server", was operated by two part time administrators hired outside State Department IT, making it a shadow IT infrastructure (IT director of her 2008 Presidential run campaign and another sysadmin closely connected with Bill Clinton and Clinton Foundation). Later the management was delegated to a mom-and-pop shop with employees that has no federal security clearance located in an apartment (which means with zero level of security outside employees working hours). At one point emails were copied and handled to her private lawyers on USB sticks. Lawyers, who at this point also did not have any security clearance. In other words Hillary Clinton in State Department behaved like a queen, with laws not applicable to her and her close associates.
At the core of "Clinton bathroom server" scandal was the successful creation by Secretary Clinton her private Shadow IT within State Department. |
At the core of "Clinton bathroom server" scandal was the successful creation by Secretary Clinton her private Shadow IT within State Department. This is what makes this case so unique and Hillary Clinton -- a Queen of "Shadow IT". From pure IT security standpoint this is as close to introduction of Trojan horse into State Department IT infrastructure as one can get: an illegal part of infrastructure disguised as legitimate and implicitly designed to nullify State Department IT security.
As Adam Chandler notes in his article "The State Secrets in Chappaqua" Clinton "created her own infrastructure that she privatized entirely and put under her personal control." ( The Atlantic, Mar 4, 2015). In other words for the sake of complete control of her own emails Hillary Clinton put into risk all diplomatic personnel of the US State Department and probably undermined some aspects of the USA foreign policy.
This "Shadow IT" infrastructure was designed to shield Clinton's correspondence from Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests, inhibiting transparency. Secretary Clinton emailed probably around a hundred people within the department and Obama, so this fact was widely known. But queen is the queen and nobody asked her unpleasant question. Concerns raised by at least two State Department employees were squashed by a Clinton loyalist, who occupied the position of Director of S/ES-IRM (Report Concerned State Dept Employees Told to 'Never Speak of' Hillary's Server - Breitbart ). He lied that the arrangement was approved by the State Department legal staff.
Two staff in S/ES-IRM reported to OIG that, in late 2010, they each discussed their concerns about Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal email account in separate meetings with the then-Director of S/ES-IRM. In one meeting, one staff member raised concerns that information sent and received on Secretary Clinton’s account could contain Federal records that needed to be preserved in order to satisfy Federal recordkeeping requirements. According to the staff member, the Director stated that the Secretary’s personal system had been reviewed and approved by Department legal staff and that the matter was not to be discussed any further.
As previously noted, OIG found no evidence that staff in the Office of the Legal Adviser reviewed or approved Secretary Clinton’s personal system. According to the other S/ES-IRM staff member who raised concerns about the server, the Director stated that the mission of S/ES-IRM is to support the Secretary and instructed the staff never to speak of the Secretary’s personal email system again.
S/ES here means the Executive Secretariat (S/ES), which contains among other things the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) and the Bureau of Information Resource Management (IRM), which are two entities at the State Department responsible for the security of Department electronic communications. That means that a single Clinton loyalist in the senior position in State Department, was able to suppress all the mechanisms that were designed to prevent the installation of such a rogue server. Almost like in Hollywood films. Also during her tenure Hillary Clinton communicated from this address with President Obama, members of Congress, NSA staff, etc. How it happened that nobody noticed that "something is wrong" is completly unclear.
Contrary to Hillary Clinton sworn testimony, there were at least 22 emails that have been found among Clinton emails that were considered to be “top secret” and at least one which was classified as Special Access Program (the classification level above Top secret).
The server also has an account for Ms. Abedin, a trusted member of her inner circle as well as several other people from her close circle. In email communications with her Hillary Clinton could pick and chose on which account she wants to communicate, meaning which email to preserve and which do not.
The essence of "Clinton bathroom server" scandal was the successful creation by Secretary Clinton private Shadow IT within State Department. Clinton "created her own infrastructure that she privatized entirely and put under her personal control." This "Shadow IT" infrastructure was designed to shield Clinton's correspondence from Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests, inhibiting transparency. Contrary to Hillary Clinton sworn testimony, there were 22 emails that have been found among Clinton emails that were considered to be “top secret” and at least one which was classified as Special Access Program (the classification level above Top secret). |
Hillary Clinton private email address and the existence of the "bathroom server" was revealed by accidental hack by a Romanian hacker of Bill Clinton's close associate Sidney Blumenthal email account (gawker.com, Mar 20, 2013). Just after the end of her tenure as a Secretary of State. At this point it became clear Clinton’s apparent use of the non-official account likely violated federal regulations governing records retention as well as storage of sensitive materials on her private server as some emails were "private intelligence" reports (zerohedge, 2015-03-03) After that the destruction of information started. It proceeded at two stages:
In March 2013 [email protected] email address was still active and Gawker claims that they were able to email to this address without the message bouncing (This Is Hillary Clinton’s Secret Email [email protected]). Actually at this point anybody could send Hillary a email :-).
As always Hillary resorted to denial and lies. At first she "claimed "it was for convenience" (explanation very similar to ""dog ate my homework" ). Gradually under the pressure of facts and the threat of criminal prosecution, she changes her position. At the end she "kind of" apologized for her "bad decisions".
As Craig Matteson noted in his Amazon review Hillary Clinton emailgate is intrinsically connected with "Clinton cash" scandal. Hillary essentially practiced a gray variation of "protection racket" while being the Secretary of State |
As Craig Matteson noted in his Amazon review Hillary Clinton emailgate is intrinsically connected with "Clinton cash" scandal. Hillary essentially practiced a gray variation of "protection racket" while being the Secretary of State, the variant that makes it difficult to nail her for direct violations of the law, but that leaves bad taste in the mouth. And she wanted to conceal all the traces of this "protection racket" erasing related emails and calendar appointments with foreign officials from public record:
The Clintons have a well-practiced and effective Method of dealing with an immediate crisis caused when yet another scandal arises, and they always do with these two. It works like this: The scandal breaks and Team Clinton immediately sends out people like Begala and Carville to attack the reporters, whistleblowers, or regular folks who dare tell the world what is going on. Another group of somewhat more removed Clintonistas hit the air, cable, and print media to deny the scandal outright. The Clintons avoid speaking for as long as possible. The idea is to consume as many of the information cycles as possible with their own accusations and denials to overwhelm the scandal outright. If they can’t do that and they must speak, they know it doesn’t matter what they say. It can be directly in conflict with the evidence because they have put so much by way of denial in the media that the “fair” media will quote the denials as if they were legitimate bits of evidence, too. Eventually, another event comes along and bumps this scandal from the headlines and then it will either go away or, if it does come back into view, they just refuse to discuss it as old news and declare that the public knows it was politically motivated and that there is nothing to it. Really. This is their method. And it works for them. Absurdly; it works
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A super rich person the Clintons want as a donor and who needs or wants a piece of influence peddled for them by the Clinton Machine for their nation, oil venture, uranium deals, their for profit university, their “non-profit” charity, telemarketing business, or whatever, walks into the shadow of the great Sun of the Clinton Sphere of Influence. Checks are written to the Clinton Foundations, fabulously rich speaking fees are paid, and lavish travel and accommodations are provided to Bill and/or Hillary. While on scene giving the speech, photo opportunities and favorable stories are provided on camera to great fanfare and wide media coverage for the charitable work being publicized. Once the lights, cameras, and recorders are turned off and in the quiet after the reporters go off to wherever it is reporters go when not flacking for the Clintons, deals are worked out in quiet rooms without anything being done directly that breaks the law or at least not recorded and becoming evidence for breaking the law. Remember, this is all about access to the Clinton world. They provide connections to a vast entourage of connected influencers. The price of admission are the big donations to the Clinton Foundation and the fees to Bill and Hillary.
While Hillary Clinton was cleared by FBI of charges of mishandling of classified information on July 5, 2016 based on questionable "lack of criminal intent" justification, information revealed during this process further damaged her reputation, essentially nullified her claim that she is more competent candidate in this race due to her tenure as the Secretary of State. It also cemented her reputation as a pathological liar.... As The New York Times reports it “cast a cloud of doubt over the political futures of a number of her top advisers, including some expected to hold high-level jobs in her administration if she is elected president.” Especially Huma Abedin.
The most damaging for Hillary was FBI claim that she was "unsophisticated", a politically correct term for being extremely stupid in dealing with classified information |
Many questions about such a lenient treatment still linger. due to them the director of FBI was grilled by republicans in Congress hearings on July 7, 2016. This hearings revealed several very unpleasant for Hillary Clinton truths. The most damaging was claim that she was "unsophisticated", a politically correct term for being extremely stupid or mentally incapasitated. Later, after leas of documents for her personal physician office Dr. Bardack, this issue was connected to her health problems, as whose documents (dated 2014) state that she suffers from the initial stage of dementia.
Also the "lack of intent" claim came under strong fire damaging FBI director reputation (creation of Shadow IT infrastructure clearly demonstrates intent):
So Clinton didn't "intend" to hire computer personnel to implement server hardware at her home, didn't "intend" to secure a domain name, didn't "intend" to register a mail server on the internet, didn't "intend" to have high speed connection infrastructure installed at her home to facilitate data traffic, didn't intend to make all her email accounts point to her secret server, didn't "intend" to delete thousands of emails (that SHE claims were personal ;), didn't "intend" to do all this when facilities were made available and required by rule for her electronic communications while SoS. Based on Comey's logic it was apparently an accident, forced on Clinton without her consent or she just flat didn't understand. This is the same Clinton who spent 8 years in the White House where security measures are everywhere, who underwent numerous security protocol briefings as first lady, who had to take (and affirm by signature) security classes as a senator and the same Clinton that as SoS was fully briefed and required to acknowledge/affirm dept. of State security protocols that specifically prohibited her activities.
It boils down to four letters: "FOIA" - I am above the common man (whom I constantly claim to relate to), the rules don't apply to me, it's none of their business and I figured a way to get around the Freedom Of Information Act (as I claim to be the "most transparent"). WOW!
As on July 18, 2016 Hillary Clinton remains under investigation on perjury changes and possibly another criminal investigation connected to the "Clinton cash" scandal -- Clinton Foundation "pay for play" scheme. As well as Hillary Clinton role in corralling the donors while being the Secretary of State.
As on July 18, 2016 Hillary Clinton remains under investigation on perjury changes and possibly criminal investigation about "Clinton cash" scandal |
The Clinton family’s mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants and pledges in 2013 but spent just $9 million on direct aid ( less then 10%). New York Post . “It seems like the Clinton Foundation operates as a slush fund for the Clintons,” said Bill Allison, a senior fellow at the Sunlight Foundation, a government watchdog group. As Trump aptly remarked: "Clintons turned politics of personal enrichment into an art form" (POLITICO, Jun 08, 2016). Clinton came under fire from Trump on this issue:
"They've made hundreds of millions of dollars selling access, selling favors, selling government contracts, and I mean hundreds of millions of dollars."
Trump also said that Clinton "turned the State Department into her private hedge fund. The Russians, the Saudis, the Chinese all gave money to Bill and Hillary and got favorable treatment in return. It's a sad day in America when foreign governments with deep pockets have more influence in our own country than our great citizens."
In this sense attempt to hide emails from FOIA requests now in mind of most US voters is intrinsically connected with attempt to hide possible fundraising activities of Hillary Clinton while was in position of the Secretary of State. Around 70% of Americans call Hillary Clinton’s email server unethical or illegal.
The reasons for such blatant disregard of security still are unlear and now are linked with her health problems. that fact that of Hillary own emails were "born classified" only increase impression of Hollywood style mystery and complete disregard for the country laws on the part of Hillary and her close associates:
Her claims about not having classified data on her private server collapsed as 1,340 classified e-mails materialized.
She then pleaded that nothing on her server was “marked classified.”
Plenty of “born classified” messages surfaced that anyone with six years’ service on the Senate Armed Services Committee (as she had) easily would recognize as classified — even without markings.
As Eugene Robinson wrote in the Washington Post (Hillary Clinton is her own worst enemy - The Washington Post, August 17, 2015):
If you accept the job of secretary of state, you inevitably surrender some of your privacy. Any public official’s work-related e-mails are the modern equivalent of the letters, memos and diaries that fill the National Archives. They tell our nation’s history and belong to all of us. Even if your name is Clinton, you have no right to unilaterally decide what is included and what is not.
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I wish she would explain why, after turning over to the State Department the e-mails she deemed work-related, she had the server professionally wiped clean. The explanation that she didn’t want people prying into private matters such as “planning for [daughter] Chelsea’s wedding . . . as well as yoga routines, family vacations, the other things you typically find in inboxes” is unconvincing.
Some emails contained the security classification markings which, surprisingly, were ignored by Hillary ( former First Lady and senator, who should have been proficient in those issues). Classified e-mails cannot be forwarded from classified government systems to unclassified email. That suggests that in some cases Clinton’s staff probably retyped or rescanned portion of classified emails or documents and quoted them in the non-classified emails threads in Clinton's private email server. In any case, the fact of the matter is that Clinton’s "retail" BlackBerry and "private" mail server contained multiple classified documents. Which should be obvious to both Hillary Clinton and her close entourage (especially Huma Abedin), due to her long record of government service. So much about the most qualified candidate for President in history.
Funny enough, her email contains several exchanges of emails with Obama (who should have known better then send his email to this strange address). One US general even suggested that military and intelligence operations now has to change, due to the very real possibility that the Clinton server had been compromised. Handling copies of her "work-related" emails on a thumb drive in her private lawyers was another spectacular blunder committed by this "the most qualified candidate to POTUS position ever" |
Funny enough, her email contains several exchanges of emails with Obama (who should have known better then send his email to this strange address). One US general even suggested that military and intelligence operations now has to change, due to the very real possibility that the Clinton server had been compromised. Handling copies of her "work-related" emails on a thumb drive in her private lawyers was another spectacular blunder committed by this "the most qualified candidate to POTUS position ever"
Looks like "emailgate" scandal will follow her much like Monica Lewinsky scandal followed Bill Clinton. And a special prosecutor might be assigned by Republican Congress, if she is elected.
The scandal also put a long dark shadow on Obama. The problem for Obama is that he gave "wink-wink, nod-nod" type of approval by communicating with Hillary Clinton using her private address. I doubt that he and his staff did not understand that this is a non .gov address. For some reason they did not care. If so, he is an accomplice. That fact makes more probable that there will be more attempts to swipe the dirt under the carpet, this time is perjury inquiry. Moreover, Obama further damaged his already damaged reputation by endorsing her candidacy while FBI investigation was not finished. And if you think about it, FBI is not interested too much in indicting her iether: this "skeleton in the closet" essentially guarantee FBI "free hands" during her presidency.
Due to level of anger about "dual justice" ("Laws are only for small people" or "all pigs are equal but some pigs are more equal then other") "emailgate" served as a powerful electronic amplifier of "Clinton Cash" scandal. While being two separate events, both are connected by a tremendous, pathological ("After me, deluge"), bordering of psychopathic sense of entitlement and feeling of being above the law of Hillary Clinton.
If Obama were true Democrat, he might use this opportunity to weaken the neoliberal (dominant and corrupt to the core) wing of Democratic Party. But in no way Obama is a regular Democrat. He is the same neoliberal/neocon as Hillary and that means that he is also a moderate republican in the sheep skin of a Democrat, and a warmonger, although here Hillary definitely has the edge. Still, there is something wonderful in seeing a corrupt neoliberal Democratic Party elite and Obama forced to jump thou the hoops to save their beloved candidate.
Hillary Clinton email saga is so grotesque that it reminds me the pages of the world-famous novel The Good Soldier Svejk. But the most bewildering part of this entire situation is that high ranking members of the Obama administration did not react to this "anomaly". They did not report to Ms. Clinton. And many probably hated her (that list probably includes president Obama himself). Why they did not use this opportunity to deflate her, and her entourage. What happened ? |
Hillary Clinton email saga is so grotesque that it reminds me the pages of the world-famous novel The Good Soldier Svejk. I would understand that fear of this pretty explosive and rude with subordinates Secretary (with powerful political connections) prevented State Department employees from discussing this problem much. This was simply dangerous for their employment (as in "career limiting move"). Taking into account her vindictive and rude personality is plausible that some might thought something along the lines "F*ck" this bathroom server and Madam Secretary: the deeper she gets into trouble the better." But the most bewildering part of this entire situation is that high ranking members of the Obama administration did not react to this "anomaly". They did not report to Ms. Clinton. And many probably hated her (that list probably includes president Obama himself). Why they did not use this opportunity to deflate her, and her entourage. What happened ?
Another question is "Why none of twenty "three-letter" agencies were aware of it ?" One explanation is along the lines of the classic George Carlin peace Bullshit is everywhere, Apr 12, 2013. In other words this is about bureaucratic incompetence and avoidance of responsibility. Or worse: "Law enforcement is full of sh*t." George was Genius -- Still it slightly puzzling why FBI agents with semiautomatic guns did not appear in the datacenter to which Ms. Clinton shipped the server in violation of all imaginable regulations...
There is no question that Ms Clinton behavior has all the signs of iether tremendous arrogance and/or stupidity or, worse, was clinically insane (aka paranoid). Assuming that she did not understood how bad is all this mess she got herself into, suggests that she has what is politely called "mental deficiency" on the scale that should prevent her from holding any important government position. |
There is no question that Ms Clinton behavior has all the signs of iether tremendous arrogance and/or stupidity or, worse, was clinically insane (aka paranoid). Assuming that she did not understood how bad is all this mess she got herself into, suggests that she has, what is politely called "mental deficiency", on the scale that should prevent her from holding any important government position.
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The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt. Ph.D
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Last modified: March, 18, 2019