Timeline of Hillary email scandal
Version 2.00 (Aug 25, 2016)

Hillary Clinton checked
every box required for a felony violation of Section 793(f) of the federal penal code (Title 18)
Read more at:
The main page with the periodically updated news section is
Hillary Clinton email scandal: Timeline and summary
Note: The most comprehensive timeline for emailgate and related "Clinton cash" scandals is
Clinton Email Investigation Timeline Just
the facts!
- 2008 -- Hillary Clinton acquires a personal email server for her use in running for president,
and has it installed in her Chappaqua, New York home. The server also provides the ability to use
email on her private (bought in retail) Blackberry which she will use during all her tenure as a
the Secretary of State.
- Jan 13, 2009 -- The domain 'clintonemail.com' was created.
It is assigned to the email server which now is reinstalled (or re-purposed pre-existing server from
her Presidential run) to serve as her private email server. At this point Hillary Clinton create
Shadow IT which run parallel to State Department IT which is administered by personally loyal to
her administrators, not all of which were employees of the Department of State or have adequate security
- Jan 21, 2009 -- Clinton is confirmed by the U.S. Senate as President Obama's secretary
of state
- Jan 21, 2009 - March 29, 2009 -- the server was operating without the security certificate
or using self-signed certificate. During her first months in office until the certificate was obtained,
Clinton traveled to Japan, Indonesia, South Korea, China, Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Belgium, Switzerland,
Turkey and Mexico. It's possible that Clinton didn't use the email system until the certificate had
been obtained, but Kevin Bocek, vice president of security strategy and threat intelligence at Venafi,
says he thinks that is unlikely. Due to the timing of the registration of the domain name and her
swearing in, Bocek said it appears that the system was prepared for her to use as soon as she took
- Jan 22, 2009 -- Mrs. Clinton signs a non-disclosure agreement which acknowledged that
classified markings are irrelevant to State secrets. The agreement states that "classified information
is marked or unmarked ... including oral communications."
- Mar 18, 2009 -- Mrs. Clinton stops using the email address she used as a senator and begins
using an account on "bathroom mail server". So this is the day she started to use her private email
server. Stefan Molyneux in his presentation noted: "Her office also said that messages from the account
she used as a senator are lost and could not be retrieved."
- Mar 29 , 2009 -- The first SSL certificate was
issued for the domain, according to Venafi, a security company that analyzes encryption keys and
digital certificates. Before that communication were most probably unencrypted.
- April 2009 -- At the G20 summit the USA and British intelligence services set up fake
Internet cafes in the hope that government ministers and their staff from poor countries would connect
to Internet hotspots, allowing the agencies " to extract key logging info, providing creds for delegates,
meaning we have sustained intelligence options against them even after conference has finished".
They also penetrated the security on delegates' Blackberries (" Exploited this use at the G20 meetings
last year.") to monitor their email messages and phone calls. Most diplomats and officials who took
part in two G20 summit meetings in London in 2009 had their computers monitored and their phone calls
intercepted on the instructions of their British government hosts, according to documents seen by
the Guardian. "Something tells me the State Department staff are not Edward Snowden fans."
Shadowproof. Among other things they tried to spy on Dmitry Medvedev
- May 2009: Bryan Pagliano is hired as a political employee in the State Department’s IT [Information
Technology] division in violation of norms governing political appointees (they generally should
not be appointed to such a department). His job description has nothing to do with maintaining emails
server at Hillary Clinton NY residence and he continues to manage Clinton’s private server in her
house as a "stealth" system administrator. The Washington Post will later report, “Officials in the
IT division have told investigators they could not recall previously hiring a political appointee.”
Pagliano had worked as the IT director for Clinton’s PAC [political action committee] and also for
her presidential campaign, and was paid by the PAC until April 2009. He also provided computer services
to the Clinton family (The
Washington Post, 3/27/2016). Patrick Kennedy, the department’s under secretary for management,
oversees the hiring of Pagliano. Pagliano’s new bosses Susan Swart, head of the department’s Bureau
of Information Resource Management, and her deputy, Charlie Wisecarver exchange emails expressing
confusion and surprise that Kennedy has given them a political employee to work in the IT division.
3/24/2016) His initial salary is $133,000 a year. As a Schedule C political hire, Pagliano is
vetted by the State Department’s Office of White House Liaison, where Heather Samuelson holds a top
position. Samuelson worked on Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, as did Pagliano, and in 2014
she will be one of three Clinton aides who decide which of Clinton’s 60,000 emails will be deleted.
(The Daily Caller, 3/3/2016)
- July 31, 2009 -- Hillary Clinton herself ordered State Department staff to spy on foreign
diplomats. Essentially she behaved in best KGB traditions. The document containing spying orders
was sent to the United States Mission to the United Nations in New York as well as 30 US embassies
worldwide, from Amman to Berlin, Paris, London, Moscow and even Zagreb.
- 2009 Officials with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) expressed
concerns over possible violations of normal federal government record-keeping procedures at the Department
of State under Secretary Clinton
- Feb 18, 2010 -- WikiLeaks posted the first of the material from Manning, the diplomatic
cable from the U.S. Embassy in
Reykjavík, a document now known as Reykjavik13.[62]
On March 15 WikiLeaks posted a 32-page report written in 2008 by the U.S. Department of Defense about
WikiLeaks itself, and on March 29 it posted U.S. State Department profiles of politicians in Iceland.[78]
Chelsea Manning - Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia
- mid-June 2010 -- Stixnet worm was identified by the security company VirusBlokAda. a new
age of exploiting Windows vulnerabilities started. Among other things it exploited Windows patch delivery
mechanism to install malware. It was a watershed moment, the "beginning of the NSA activities blowback."
Both hackers and foreign intelligence agencies quickly took notice and probably multiply funding
of the corresponding units of NSA. The arm race for exploitation of Windows vulnerabilities started in full force and despite the USA having home advantage
the situation with cyber security in the USA deteriorated quickly. That includes the cyber security
of the USA embassies. Gloves went off. From this point the security of any "regular" Windows server
or laptop connected to internet and targeted by foreign intelligence agencies can't be assured.
- July 2010 -- WikiLeaks and three media partners—The
New York Times, The
Guardian, and Der
Spiegel—began publishing the 91,731 documents that became known as the Afghan War logs on
July 25, 2010. This was followed on October 22, 2010, by 391,832 classified military reports covering
the period January 2004 to December 2009; these became known as the Iraq War logs.
- Dec 22, 2010 -- The National Archives and Records Administration issues standards
to federal agency heads: all emails, including attachments, relating to government business are considered
records to be preserved under the Federal Records Act.
- Sep 11, 2012 --
Benghazi attack
implicated Hillary Clinton in supply of arms to Sirya rebels and fanning out Syria civil war.
- Nov 7, 2012 -- Judicial Watch files a Freedom of Information Act requesting from State
Department emails related to the
Benghazi attack
- 2012 -- Texts
from Hillary - Wikipedia meme became viral. In June 2016, a
Freedom of Information
Act deposition in a lawsuit by
Judicial Watch, which
was part of the
Clinton email controversy, revealed that the photo caught the interest of state department
employees, who were inspired to investigate if Clinton was using a personal email account instead
of an official state account
Texts from Hillary was an
internet meme that went
viral in 2012, based on a pair of photographs of
Hillary Clinton.[1]
The photos are of the same moment, from slightly different angles, and show Clinton holding a
BlackBerry phone, wearing
sunglasses.One version of the photo was taken by
Diane Walker from Time
the other by
Kevin Lamarque from the
Associated Press.[4][5][6]
The photo was taken while Clinton was
Secretary of State of the United States, aboard a diplomatic trip to
- Mar 20, 2013 -- Clinton's private email address, [email protected], is made
public when a Romanian hacker named 'Guccifer' (whose real name is Marcel Lazăr Lehel) hacks into
longtime Clinton adviser Sidney Blumenthal's AOL email account and leaks images of his inbox -- including
emails from Clinton
- March, 2013. Gawker reporting this news noted that Clinton’s apparent use of the non-official
account likely violated federal regulations governing records retention, and sent inquiries
directly to Clinton and to the White House asking if messages to the clintonemail.com address
were being retained.
- June 2013 -- Hillary's team shifts control of the email domain to an outside IT contractor
in Denver called Platte River Networks, and sends the original server hardware to a data center facility
in New Jersey, where it later was wiped clean.
- Jun 13, 2013 -- Guardian published article about spying of diplomats attending G20 summit
based on Snowden revelations
The Guardian
- Sept 10, 2013 -- Lawsuits started.
Judicial Watch, a nonprofit
advocacy organization, filed a complaint against the Department of State in the
U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on September 10, 2013, seeking records under
federal Freedom of Information Act relating to Clinton aide
Huma Abedin (a former deputy
chief of staff and former senior advisor at the State Department).[182][183]
Judicial Watch was particularly interested in Abedin's role as a "special government employee" (SGE),
a consulting position which allowed her to represent outside clients while also serving at the State
Department. This is the first request for Clinton email made via court system.
- May 8, 2014 -- the House of Representatives adopted
H. Res. 567, Providing for the Establishment of the Select Committee on the Events Surrounding
the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi, Libya. Trey
Gowdy, became the Chairman of the Committee. Being a good investigator, Gowdy requests Clinton
emails during Benghazi events from the State Department. Note that this is more the a year after
she left her position of the Secretary of State. The situation became hot for Hillary.
- Summer 2014 -- State Department issues a request for her emails that was "prompted entirely
by the discovery that Clinton had exclusively used a private e-mail system."
- Aug 11, 2014 -- Following a congressional subpoena and almost a year delays (if we count
from Judicial Watch lawsuit
U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on September 10, 2013) the State Department
hands over a small number of Clinton's private emails, 10 in all, to a House committee investigating
the 2012 terror attack on a State Department compound in Benghazi, Libya -- including some emails
from the [email protected] address
- August 2014 -- The committee on Benghazi noticed that Hillary had been using a personal
account. Initially the committee members assumed that it was only a matter of time before they
would see correspondence from her government account. But later they realized that this was the main
email address the Hillary Clinton used.
- October 2014 (estimated) -- the server was illegally wiped clean after October 28 at Hillary
Clinton request in the attempt to conceal the evidence, which may represent obstruction of justice.
- November 2014 -- The Benghazi committee asks the State Department for a larger batch
of Clinton's emails and receives about 300 that relate to the Libya saga, amounting to 850 printed
- Dec 5, 2014 -- Clinton's aides say that in response to a request from the State Department,
they have handed over about 55,000 pages of her work-related emails, comprising 30,490 messages.
This happened almost two years after the left the position of the Secretary of State.
- Feb 13, 2015 -- The State Department sends the Benghazi committee another 850 pages of
300 of Mrs. Clinton's emails, including some from two different accounts on the private 'clintonemail.com'
- Feb 27, 2015 -- State Department staffers tell Benghazi committee aides that Clinton
had used her private address exclusively during her tenure at the agency, and that they
don't have any of her emails other than those she provided voluntarily by her attorney in December
2014 (in printed form). Her Attorney did not have any security clearance. As
NYT reported "In what one committee member described as a “very tense” meeting, State Department
officials acknowledged that Mrs. Clinton had not had a government account. She had used her private
email for all of her official business, leaving open the possibility that her account contained classified
information. (Having classified information outside a secure government account is illegal.)"
- Mar 02, 2015 --
NYT reports that "Hillary Rodham Clinton exclusively used a personal email account to conduct
government business as secretary of state, State Department officials said, and may have violated
federal requirements that officials’ correspondence be retained as part of the agency’s record. Mrs.
Clinton did not have a government email address during her four-year tenure at the State Department.
Her aides took no actions to have her personal emails preserved on department servers at the time,
as required by the Federal Records Act"
- Mar 04, 2015 -- The Associated Press reports that it has traced Clinton's private email
address back to a private server at her Chappaqua, New York home, and that the server was registered
under a fake name
- Mar 10, 2015 -- In a contentious press conference following a speech at the United Nations,
Clinton admits that she deleted more than 30,000 emails that she says were personal in nature,
and says she turned over everything work-related to the State Department, while insisting that 'I
did not email any classified material to anyone on my email; there is no classified material'
- Mar 11, 2015 -- The Associated Press sues the State Department to force the release of
Clinton's emails and other documents that the agency has failed to turn over following a Freedom
Of Information Act request.
- Mar 17, 2015 Hillary Clinton declared the server will remain private (CNN).
She stated "The server will remain private,"
- Mar 28, 2015. Head of House Benghazi probe says Hillary Clinton wiped email server 'clean'
"While it is not clear precisely when Secretary Clinton decided to permanently delete all emails
from her server, it appears she made the decision after October 28, 2014, when the Department
of State for the first time asked the secretary to return her public record to the Department,"
Gowdy said in a statement (
Fox News )
- Apr 12, 2015 -- Clinton launches her second presidential campaign with an online video
and begins two months of low-key campaigning marked by a lack of interaction with reporters
- Apr 15, 2015 -- Nearly two years after Congress first issues subpoena emails related to
Benghazi, the State Dept. produces 1,700+ pages.
- Apr 23, 2015 -- State Dept. produces an additional 2,500 pages of documents. House Benghazi
Committee writes Clinton’s personal attorney to reiterate its “request for her to turn over the server
to a neutral, third party, such as an inspector general.”
- Apr 30, 2015 -- Judicial Watch announces a lawsuit to release documents regarding Clinton’s
use of iPhone or iPad for official business.
- May 22, 2015 -- The first 300 of Clinton's emails are made public by the State Department,
revealing a close relationship with Blumenthal in the weeks following the Benghazi terror
attack; one of them has been retroactively classified by the FBI as 'secret' but Clinton insists
it was 'handled appropriately'
- May 27, 2015 -- A federal judge orders the State Department to begin releasing all of
Clinton's emails in installments every 30 days, setting monthly targets for the agency so the work
is completed by Jan 29, 2016
- Jun 16, 2015 -- Week of July 16 the Benghazi committee questioned
Mr. Blumenthal (who was not a federal employee during
Mrs. Clinton tenure and did not have any security clearance, but somehow managed to supply Mrs. Clinton
with "private intelligence" about Libya event, obtained from unknown source) behind closed doors
about his 150 or so emails to Secretary Clinton providing operational intelligence about Libya events
Oct 11, 2015)
- Jun 22, 2015 -- House Benghazi Committee releases 60 emails sent to Clinton by Blumenthal,
including some regarding Libya.
- Jul 21, 2015 -- Judge Sullivan issued supplemental discovery orders, including one that
Clinton, Abedin, and former Deputy Secretary of State
Cheryl Mills disclose any
required information they had not disclosed already, and promise under oath that they had done so,
including a description of the extent Abedin and Mills had used Clinton's email server for official
government business
- Jul 23, 2015 -- Charles McCullough, the inspector general for the U.S. intelligence community
tells members of Congress in a letter that a random sampling of 40 Clinton emails turned up four
that contained material classified as secret
- Jul 24, 2015 -- Andrea Williams, spokeswoman for the McCulloush, says that the emails
'were classified when they were sent and are classified now.'
- Jul 25, 2015 -- During a campaign appearance in Iowa, Clinton changed her position about
whether classified mail were present in her private server mailbox and tells reporters in Iowa that
'I am confident that I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it
was sent and received' Especially trying to state that during her tenure as secretary of State
she never received or composed emails that need to be classified at this time. That presupposes that
she never communicated with Obama on anything sensitive, despite previous conviction of
David Petraeus on similar grounds.
- Jul 31, 2015 -- The second State Department release of Clinton's emails, more than 1,300
in all, includes 41 that were marked 'classified' before they were made public
- Jul 31, 2015 -- The federal judge in a Judicial Watch suit, Emmet Sullivan, orders to
Clinton and top aides Cheryl Mills and Human Abedin to confirm under penalty of perjury, that they
have produced all government records in their possession.
- Aug 4, 2015 -- Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill tried to promote new (the second) position
of Hillary Clinton as for classified mails saying in a statement that the candidate "did not send
nor receive any emails that were marked classified at the time"
- Aug 11, 2015 -- McCullough revises his statement to Congress, saying that two of the
four emails in question should have been classified 'top secret' -- but were not marked that way
-- and contained information from signal intercepts and keyhole satellite data; he adds that the
other two emails are still being evaluated
- Aug 15, 2015 -- Clinton revises her position for the third time. This time she is claiming
that she never sent or received any emails that were marked classified. As her NDA states
that does not matter.
- Aug 16, 2015 -- The first time more
then half respondents of the pools considered her untrustworthy: 51%
- Aug 20, 2015 -- State Dept. tells Judge Sullivan Clinton did not use State Dept. issued
or secure Blackberry device; Blackberries used by Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Human Abedin were
likely destroyed.
- Aug 31, 2015 State Dept. publicly releases 7,000 pages of Clinton emails. Among other
revelations, they show that Freedom of Information (FOI) law was violated since responsive emails
had not been provided earlier under various FOI requests. Documents can be found by visiting the
State Dept. FOI page and searching “Hillary Clinton.”
- Aug 11, 2015 -- The FBI takes possession of Clinton's server hardware and three thumb
drives in her lawyer's possession, which are said to contain copies of everything she turned
over to the State Department. In was delivered Aug 12, 2015
- Aug 13, 2015 -- Platte River Networks hires crisis-communications expert
- Aug 18, 2015 -- Hillary Clinton shrugs off question about whether she 'wiped' her server
clean (Daily
Mail Online). She also denies that she send or received classified material on the server: 'I
did not send classified material. And I did not receive any material that was marked or designated
classified -- which is the way you know whether something is.' At this point it is clear that she
violated her NDA agreement with federal government and might face criminal persecution. An aide to
a Republican member of the Senate Intelligence Committee told DailyMail.com shortly after the press
conference that Clinton's claim 'is beyond bizarre and entirely nonsensical.'
That's the designation now given to the contents of two emails that she turned over to the State
Department last year from her private account.
An aide to a Republican member of the Senate Intelligence Committee told DailyMail.com shortly
after the press conference that Clinton's claim 'is beyond bizarre and entirely nonsensical.'
'She was one of a few dozen people in Obama's administration with the knowledge and experience
to decide if something was top secret,' the aide said after a promise of anonymity so he could speak
his mind.
'The way you decide if something is classified, when you're the secretary of state, isn't looking
for a stamp. It's looking at the contents. This is the worst buck-passing I've seen since Hillary's
husband decided there was more than one way to define the word "is".'
- Aug 18, 2015 -- The term "bathroom server" was born. The Daily Mail reported about Platte
River Networks in the article
Hillary's email firm was run from a loft apartment with its servers in the BATHROOM-raising-new-questions-security-sensitive-messages-held
- Aug 20, 2015 -- Platte River Networks, the Denver-based firm that managed the Clinton
server since 2013, said it had no knowledge of the server being wiped, and indicated that the
emails that Clinton has said were deleted could likely be recovered. "Platte River has no knowledge
of the server being wiped," company spokesman Andy Boian told the
Washington Post.
"All the information we have is that the server wasn't wiped."[115]
When asked by the Washington Post, the Clinton campaign declined to comment.[115
- Aug 22, 2015 -- David Miliband dragged into Hillary Clinton email scandal after it emerges
confidential British intelligence was sent to presidential hopeful's private account. it has emerged
that among a host of emails sent and received by Mrs. Clinton from her private account include at
least 30 relating to 'foreign government information'.
Daily Mail Online
- Sep 25, 2015 -- AP reports Obama administration has found work emails between Clinton
and Gen. David Petraeus that she did not turn over. The dates call into question Clinton’s claim
that she turned over all work related emails from her home system. The State Dept. says it’s sending
the House Benghazi Committee 925 more Clinton Benghazi and/or Libya-related emails that were not
previously turned over.
- Sep 08, 2015 -- I AM SORRY STAGE. Hillary finally apologized for her "transgressions".
"I'm sorry about that," Clinton said Tuesday during an interview on ABC News' "World News Tonight
with David Muir," acknowledging that she should have used separate accounts for work and personal
business. "I take responsibility and I am trying to be as transparent as I possibly can."
- Sep 2015 -- analogy with
Petraeus scandal (which
happened just after Benghazi attacks, 2012) started hurting Hillary. See for example
How Gen. David Petraeus Gets It, And Hillary Clinton Still Doesn't huffingtonpost.com, 09/29/2015:
At one point, we thought General David Petraeus would be a strong candidate for U.S. President.
Certainly against this crop of GOP candidates, he’d be the clear front-runner. But then, he
shared classified information, and more than that, with his biographer-turned-mistress (Paula
Broadwell), according to ABC News, undoing an impressive military career, with plenty of political
Hillary Clinton, the former New York Senator and Secretary of State, has been the anti-Petraeus.
As of last week, she still was claiming to the Associated Press that she had done nothing wrong
and her actions were allowed. Even in her “apology,” she was still claiming it was just a “mistake”
according to Fox News.
After being briefed on November 8, 2012 President Obama summoned Petraeus to the White House,
where Petraeus offered his resignation. Looks like Hillary Clinton is not General Petraeus. She
remains the top Democratic contender in the Presidential race.
- Oct 11, 2015 -- NYT reports that
Clinton emails became the new focus of Benghazi inquiry. The committee’s focus on Mrs. Clinton’s
email, a Republican spokesman said, is a required part of the investigation into what happened in
Libya. “Secretary Clinton’s unusual email arrangement with herself has only made it more difficult
for the committee to ensure the public record with respect to Libya and Benghazi is complete,” the
spokesman, Jamal Ware, said in a statement on Sunday.
- Oct 22, 2015 -- Hillary Clinton gives Testimony at House Select Committee on Benghazi,
- Nov 12, 2005 -- Fox News reported that FBI agents are expanding their investigation into
Clinton’s private email server. They are considering US Code 18, Section 1001, a statute used
against those who cost federal agents time or resources with “materially false” statements. Violation
of Section 1001 results in a felony, punishable by up to five years of prison time.
- Jan 15, 2016 -- The Inspector General for the intelligence community Charles McCullough
tells members of Congress that several dozen additional classified emails have been identified in
Clinton’s stash, including some with a higher classification than top secret, regarding highly sensitive
- February 2016 -- Judge Sullivan issued a discovery order in the case, ruling that
depositions of State
Department officials and top Clinton aides were to proceed.[195]
- March 2016 -- the
National Committee filed four new
complaints in the U.S.
District Court for the District of Columbia stemming from Freedom of Information Act requests it
had filed the previous year. These new filings brought the total number of civil suits over access
to Clinton's records pending in federal court to at least 38.[221]
- April 05, 2016 -- Huma Abedin, was questioned by FBI agents investigating whether classified
material was mishandled on the private email server used by the former secretary of State and her
- May 05, 2016 LATimes hinted that criminal charges against Hillary Clinton and her aides
will be dropped
Top aide to Hillary Clinton questioned by FBI in email server investigation - LA Times
- May 26, 2016 -- Judicial Watch released the transcript of the deposition of Lewis Lukens,[196]
on May 31, 2016, the transcript of Cheryl Mills,[197]
on June 7, 2016, the transcript of Ambassador Stephen Mull,[198]
and on June 9, 2016, Karin Lang, Director of Executive Secretariat Staff.[199]
The testimony of Clarence Finney, who worked in the department responsible for
FOIA searches, said that he first
became curious about Clinton's email setup after seeing the
Texts from Hillary
meme on the Internet.[200]
- Jun 06, 2016 -- As Antiwar.com reported Hillary Clinton Emailed Names of US Intelligence
Officials, Unclassified (antiwar.com)
- Jul 01, 2016 -- Bill Clinton has a 30 min meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch
at Phoenix's Sky Harbor International Airport. Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential
nominee, said on
The Mike Gallagher Show that the meeting was “so terrible” and “one of the big stories of this
week, of this month, of this year.” Republican Sen. John Cornyn of Texas tweeted: “Lynch & Clinton:
Conflict of interest? An attorney, cannot represent two parties in a dispute and must avoid even
the appearance of conflict.”
LA Times
- Jul 02, 2016 -- Hillary Clinton was interviewed by Peter Strzok. The interview lasted approximately
three and a half hours and was not conducted under oath. Later Hillary Clinton claimed that she gave
a "voluntary interview" to the FBI today regarding her email arrangements while she was secretary
of state. Director Comey claimed that she did not lied to FBI during this interview. Director Comey
admitted that he did not participate himself in the FBI’s interview of Hillary Clinton, nor did he
talk to all of the agents who were present at the interview. There evidently is no recording or full
transcript of the interview, but there is an analysis which may or may not be provided to Congress.
- Jul 05, 2016 -- FBI decided not to pursue charges again Hillary Clinton and her associates.
exonarating Clinton’s use of a private email server, calling her and her team “extremely
careless” instead of "grossy negligent" in handling classified information. P{eter Strzok was responsible for redacting the Comey
memo. but still decided not to recommend charges against
Clinton or her aides. gave a scathing statement on Clinton’s use of a private email server, calling
her and her team “extremely careless” in handling classified information. Comey also said that it
was possible that a foreign power managed to hack into Clinton’s personal account and complained
that Clinton had used the unsecured service while traveling in trips "in the territory of sophisticated
- On Tuesday night, Donald Trump complained that the Justice Department review was “rigged” and
suggested that Hillary Clinton
- Jul 06, 2016 -- Attorney General Loretta Lynch closed the case based on the FBI’s recommendation.
Justice Department formally closes Clinton email investigation with no charges -
LA Times. Atty. Gen Loretta Lynch said she had met late Wednesday with Comey and career prosecutors
and agents who conducted the investigation.
- Jul 06, 2016 -- House Speaker Paul Ryan said lawmakers would ask the director to explain
how he could square his scolding of Clinton's decisions with his suggestion that she is not legally
culpable. Ryan also recommended that the Director of National Intelligence "should block her
access to classified information" as a form of punishment.
- Jul 07, 2016 -- FBI Director James Comey testified Thursday before the House of Representatives
Oversight and Government Reform Committee on the FBI’s probe of Hillary Clinton’s and her aides’
handling of e-mails containing classified information on her private e-mail system while she was
Secretary of State. In more than four and a half hours of testimony, he tried to justify his recommendation,
make on July 5th to drop charges against Hillary and he aides.
Full Congressional Hearing
With FBI Director James Comey 7-7-2016
- Jul 07, 2016 -- House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz
(R-UT) asked FBI to investigate if Hillary Clinton lied under oath to Congress. FBI Director James
Comey refused to answer the question if Clinton Foundation is under FBI investigation
- Jul 07, 2016 -- State Department restarted internal review of Hillary Clinton emails
- Jul 11, 2016 --
Letter signed by over 200 members of Congress demanding answers from FBI Director Comey Another
letter from Congress send on the same date asked FBI to transfer all the evidence FBI collected
to the Oversight and Judicial Committee.
Jul 11, 2016 -- Congressman Jason
(R-Utah) and House
Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) sent the following letter to
US Attorney Phillps. I have been waiting for action on this item.
Clinton Accused of Taking Down Congressional Website Calling for Perjury Indictment
Jul 13, 2016 FBI agents who worked on the investigation of Hillary Clinton's
use of a private email server reportedly had to sign an unusual non-disclosure form banning them
from talking about the case unless they were called to testify.
FBI Agents Silenced on Hillary Probe
- Jul 24, 2016 -- Some new information on Pagliano became available
The Missing Man at the Center of Hillary Clinton's Email Scandal
- Jul 31, 2016 --
NSA Architect: Agency Has ALL of Clinton's Deleted Emails
- Aug 4, 2016 -- Hillary compagh emails were hacked. ... leak revealed anti-gay
slurs, mocking African Americans and attempts to con reputable news outlets with fake Trump
Hillary Clintons own campaign is hacked: Dems were warned they were a target in March but REFUSED
to help FBI probe
- Aug 11, 2016 -- Hillary Short-Circuited during Wallace interview revealing
health problem, including probably, serious neurological disorder
Clinton Short-Circuited
- Aug 11, 2016 -- Senator Rand Paul accused Hillary of perjury before Congress that
should be punished by five year imprisonment. He is the first senator that asked for her
imprisonment Rand
Paul Says Jail Hillary Clinton on Reilly Factor
- Aug 16, 2016 -- Congress got some information from FBI, including transcript of the
interview. Most documents are heavily redacted.
FBI hands over Clinton email interview summary to Congress
- Aug 22, 2016 --
Thousands of Missing Hillary Emails Could Go Public Just In Time for Election Day
- Aug 22, 2016 -- I became known that in her FBI interview Hillary was
Blaming Colin Powell for her Private Email Problem - The Atlantic
- Aug 23, 2016 --
Congress subpoenaed three technology companies involved in Clinton bathroom server setup and
- Aug 24, 2016 -- Congress got some information from FBI, including transcript of the
interview. Most documents are heavily redacted.
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Among sources used:
Groupthink :
Two Party System
as Polyarchy :
Corruption of Regulators :
Bureaucracies :
Understanding Micromanagers
and Control Freaks : Toxic Managers :
Harvard Mafia :
Diplomatic Communication
: Surviving a Bad Performance
Review : Insufficient Retirement Funds as
Immanent Problem of Neoliberal Regime : PseudoScience :
Who Rules America :
: The Iron
Law of Oligarchy :
Libertarian Philosophy
War and Peace
: Skeptical
Finance : John
Kenneth Galbraith :Talleyrand :
Oscar Wilde :
Otto Von Bismarck :
Keynes :
George Carlin :
Skeptics :
Propaganda : SE
quotes : Language Design and Programming Quotes :
Random IT-related quotes :
Somerset Maugham :
Marcus Aurelius :
Kurt Vonnegut :
Eric Hoffer :
Winston Churchill :
Napoleon Bonaparte :
Ambrose Bierce :
Bernard Shaw :
Mark Twain Quotes
Vol 25, No.12 (December, 2013) Rational Fools vs. Efficient Crooks The efficient
markets hypothesis :
Political Skeptic Bulletin, 2013 :
Unemployment Bulletin, 2010 :
Vol 23, No.10
(October, 2011) An observation about corporate security departments :
Slightly Skeptical Euromaydan Chronicles, June 2014 :
Greenspan legacy bulletin, 2008 :
Vol 25, No.10 (October, 2013) Cryptolocker Trojan
(Win32/Crilock.A) :
Vol 25, No.08 (August, 2013) Cloud providers
as intelligence collection hubs :
Financial Humor Bulletin, 2010 :
Inequality Bulletin, 2009 :
Financial Humor Bulletin, 2008 :
Copyleft Problems
Bulletin, 2004 :
Financial Humor Bulletin, 2011 :
Energy Bulletin, 2010 :
Malware Protection Bulletin, 2010 : Vol 26,
No.1 (January, 2013) Object-Oriented Cult :
Political Skeptic Bulletin, 2011 :
Vol 23, No.11 (November, 2011) Softpanorama classification
of sysadmin horror stories : Vol 25, No.05
(May, 2013) Corporate bullshit as a communication method :
Vol 25, No.06 (June, 2013) A Note on the Relationship of Brooks Law and Conway Law
Fifty glorious years (1950-2000):
the triumph of the US computer engineering :
Donald Knuth : TAoCP
and its Influence of Computer Science : Richard Stallman
: Linus Torvalds :
Larry Wall :
John K. Ousterhout :
CTSS : Multix OS Unix
History : Unix shell history :
VI editor :
History of pipes concept :
Solaris : MS DOS
: Programming Languages History :
PL/1 : Simula 67 :
C :
History of GCC development :
Scripting Languages :
Perl history :
OS History : Mail :
: CPU Instruction Sets :
SPARC systems 1987-2006 :
Norton Commander :
Norton Utilities :
Norton Ghost :
Frontpage history :
Malware Defense History :
GNU Screen :
OSS early history
Classic books:
The Peter
Principle : Parkinson
Law : 1984 :
The Mythical Man-Month :
How to Solve It by George Polya :
The Art of Computer Programming :
The Elements of Programming Style :
The Unix Hater’s Handbook :
The Jargon file :
The True Believer :
Programming Pearls :
The Good Soldier Svejk :
The Power Elite
Most popular humor pages:
Manifest of the Softpanorama IT Slacker Society :
Ten Commandments
of the IT Slackers Society : Computer Humor Collection
: BSD Logo Story :
The Cuckoo's Egg :
IT Slang : C++ Humor
The Perl Purity Test :
Object oriented programmers of all nations
: Financial Humor :
Financial Humor Bulletin,
2008 : Financial
Humor Bulletin, 2010 : The Most Comprehensive Collection of Editor-related
Humor : Programming Language Humor :
Goldman Sachs related humor :
Greenspan humor : C Humor :
Scripting Humor :
Real Programmers Humor :
Web Humor : GPL-related Humor
: OFM Humor :
Politically Incorrect Humor :
IDS Humor :
"Linux Sucks" Humor : Russian
Musical Humor : Best Russian Programmer
Humor : Microsoft plans to buy Catholic Church
: Richard Stallman Related Humor :
Admin Humor : Perl-related
Humor : Linus Torvalds Related
humor : PseudoScience Related Humor :
Networking Humor :
Shell Humor :
Financial Humor Bulletin,
2011 : Financial
Humor Bulletin, 2012 :
Financial Humor Bulletin,
2013 : Java Humor : Software
Engineering Humor : Sun Solaris Related Humor :
Education Humor : IBM
Humor : Assembler-related Humor :
VIM Humor : Computer
Viruses Humor : Bright tomorrow is rescheduled
to a day after tomorrow : Classic Computer
The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by
two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt.
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Last modified:
January, 01, 2020