Russiagate color revolution against Trump as the second incarnation of Iraq WMD lies
(also sometimes called Purple revolution; should probably be called American Maydan: two teams of oligarchs struggle for power using
dirty methods against their opponents; one team is represented by neocons and Clinton neoliberals and it was in power since Ronald
Reagan; the composition of the other team in unclear, but it is clear that Pentagon plays important role in supporting Trump after
election in the face of neocon/neolib/intelligence agencies coup d'état )
Two third of the US population now is brainwashed into adamantly anti-Russian mindset, increasing the risk of the major
war; but too big money are involved to allow Trump détente with Russia
In his opening
speech against Catiline, Cicero deplores the viciousness
and corruption of his age. Cicero is frustrated that, despite all of the evidence that has been compiled against Catiline, who
has been conspiring to overthrow the Roman government and assassinate Cicero himself, and in spite of the fact that the senate
has given senatus consultum ultimum, Catiline
has not yet been executed.
Cicero goes on to describe various times throughout Roman history where consuls have killed conspirators with even less
evidence, sometimes – in the case of former consul Lucius
Opimius' slaughter of Gaius Gracchus (one of the
Gracchi brothers) – based only on quasdam seditionum suspiciones,
"certain suspicions of insurrection" (Section 2, Line 3).
Russiagate is the most fraudulent political scandal in modern American history closely connected with the desire of MIC and
intelligence agencies to increase its level of funding, as well as patch cracks in the US neoliberalism facade by uniting the nation
against the common scapegoat. It rests on two core allegations:
That Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an “attack on American democracy” during the 2016 presidential campaign in
order to put Donald Trump in the White House
Trump and his associates willfully colluded, or conspired with Kremlin in this “attack.”
The tragedy here is not that investigation about those baseless charges was opened and surveillance established (actually high
level of electronic surveillance is given just due to existence of NSA), but that they
were concocted. Multiple documented efforts were made by FBI, CIA and MI6 to entrap Trump in this scandal -- there were several attempts to link him
and his associates with politically connected Russians initiated by FBI and/or CIA, and/or MI6 informants. This was an attempt to create condition in which the target commits
crime -- entrapment in legal speak (Entrapment legal definition
of entrapment ):
The act of government agents or officials that induces a person to commit a crime he or she is not previously disposed to
Entrapment is a defense to criminal charges when it is established that the agent or official originated the idea of the crime
and induced the accused to engage in it. If the crime was promoted by a private person who has no connection to the government,
it is not entrapment. A person induced by a friend to sell drugs has no legal excuse when police are informed that the person has
agreed to make the sale.
The rationale underlying the defense is to deter law enforcement officers from engaging in reprehensible conduct by inducing
persons not disposed to commit crimes to engage in criminal activity. In their efforts to obtain evidence and combat crime,
however, officers are permitted to use some deception. For example, an officer may pretend to be a drug addict in order to
apprehend a person suspected of selling drugs. On the other hand, an officer cannot use chicanery or
Fraud to lure a person to commit a crime the person is not
previously willing to commit. Generally, the defense is not available if the officer merely created an opportunity for the
commission of the crime by a person already planning or willing to commit it.
The whole Mueller witch hunt was an attempt to implicate Trump in "obstruction of justice" concocted via firing of Comey (using
Rosenstein as a Trojan horse) and subsequent events. In other words this is just another attempt to entrap Trump.
The coup has been very broad and includes at least seven different groups in separate agencies and
branches of government.
The Intel Mob, including former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of
National Intel (DNI) James Clapper, current Intel IG Michael Atkinson, so-called whistleblower (he
that cannot be named, E*** C**********) and International Man of Mystery Joseph Mifsud.
The gang from the State Department who helped engineer UkraineGate, including former
Ambassador Marie Yovanovich, former Sec’y of State John Kerry, and others. There is that big
herd of rogue lawyers in the DOJ and its stepchild, the FBI, the names widely disseminated by
now, Comey, Strzok, Baker, Boente, Carlin, Clinesmith, et. al.
Robert Mueller and his henchpersons, Andrew Weissmann, Jeannie Rhee, et.
Seditionists in Congress that includes Mark Warner of the Senate Intel Committee, the
now notorious idiot Adam Schiff over in the House, and staffers who worked for both.
Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment that paid over a million dollars to
Alternate International Man of Mystery (actually, CIA asset) Stefan Halper to run entrapment
schemes against people working for Mr. Trump.
Officials in Barack Obama’s White House, including Valarie Jarrett,
Susan Rice, Samantha Powers, Alexandra Chalupa, former Vice-President Joe Biden and the former
President himself.
Democratic Party brass, namely Hillary Clinton, and those connected to her and her
charity fraud, the Clinton Foundation, which is the real and actual predicate for the
whole sordid affair — a list that includes Viktor Vekselberg of Russia’s Skolkovo Project,
$25-million donor Russian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, Russian aluminum magnate Oleg Deripaska, and
Dmitri Alperovich of CrowdStrike, (Russian collusion, anyone?) as well as rascally freelancers
such as Christopher Steele, Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS, lawyer / Lobbyist Adam Waldman, and
Hillary errand boys Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer.
That's why key figures of Obama administration should face trial and if convicted should be jailed for a very long time. The
list might include Obama himself and definitely includes Brennan, Clapper, Comey and McCabe along with two dozens of "lesser"
government bureaucrats in Department of Justice, FBI, CIA and State department. Several UK government officials and MI6
current and former officers are also under strong suspicion and probably should be tried as well even if "in absentia".
On the other hand Russiagate looks a classic palace intrigue—the fracas between the White House, the two houses of Congress and a ghoulish grand inquisitor
named Mueller. But in reality this is the first color revolution that take place in the USA. I think before Russiagate there was
a tremendous gap between perception of the USA political landscape by the majority of the population (constitutional republic, elected
representatives) and the reality (empire, "one dollar one vote", "deep state" with the core of all powerful and out of control intelligence
agencies, etc). Much like in Matrix.
This gap is now shrinking, at least for those who follow this color revolution from the very beginning.
And we can thank Trump for that. He singhadidnly did enormous damage to the image of neoliberal MSM which now are called "fake news"
probably by the majority of Americans. Calling WaPo "Bezos blog" was a stoke of brilliance on his part.
Now most people clearly realize that it was FBI (FBI
Mayberry Machiavellians) and CIA
(Brennan) were the actual
kingmakers in the last Presidential election. Like any true aristocracy they despise the ordinary US voters. They are directly responsible for the election of Trump by pushing Sanders
under the bus. Indirectly via exonerating Hillary, but still they obviously pushed Sanders under the bus. And after Hillary lost
to Trump they launched a color revolution against him in November 2016 to correct this blowback of their meddling in the USA election
process. And to ensure that the US foreign policy remain the same because huge expenses on maintaining global neoliberal empire
fatten pockets of imperial servants. and the US intelligence agencies are such imperial servants. Who actually are ready to remove the
Presidential like Praetorian Guard in Rome to preserve they share.
So one rational behind Russiagate is to secure continuation of neocon policy of "Full Spectrum Dominance" at the expense of
ordinary Americans standard of living. Which including maintaining the "defence" spending on unprecedented level of over one
trillion a year (if counted from all sources). Intelligence agencies are two headed centaur: a part of MIC and a part of Wall Street
so they acted accordingly fueling anti-Russian hysteria to justify this racket.
The reality of Russiagate is that the corrupt neoliberal system and its institutions were laid bare in an unprecedented way. The
Democratic Party is now views as yet another corrupt oligarchic party, it was since Clinton sold it to Wall street. The Republican Party
is no better.
And the neoliberal MSM has exposed itself as attack dogs of intelligence agencies
like never before. People are waking up to the corrupt and cruel neoliberal system which was put in place instead of the New Deal
capitalism since 1980th. The reality of the neoliberal system now is exposed in magnifying Russiagate lens under which FBI, CIA,
Justice Department, Pentagon, MSM does not look too good, to say the least. That's probably the only good thing about it
The events after Trump elections really smells with coup d'état. Trump may be a threat but so is this was clearly covert coup
to preserve neocon foreign policy. . Now we know that there were attempts to entrap Trump associated with Russian links (Sater who
initiated Moscow tower project was FBI informant; Was
Natalia Veselnitskaya meeting with Trump Jr. was organized by MI6;
Papadopoulos entrapment
was a joint effort of CIA, FBI and MI6). And there are strong suspicions that Skripal was involved in writing Steele
As James Jatras noted on Jun 9, 2018 (When,
Where, and How Will the Empire Strike Back ), allegations of Trump’s and his team’s collusion with the Kremlin exposed the cover
color revolution against Trump within the structures of the US Deep State (CIA, NSA, FBI, Department of Justice, etc.) with full
support and enthusiastic participation of
British sister agencies (MI6, GCHQ). First they derailed Sanders, then they tried to deny Trump the presidency. While they quickly
succeeded in neutering him, but they still want to remove him from office, and above all to
block any chance of a detente with Russia to protect MIC budget.
Let’s remember that in the Rust Belt states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin, those who voted for Trump wanted not
so much for Trump as against the neoliberal establishment. They voted for him because they wanted a wrecking ball for this corrupt
and cruel system, a human hand grenade, a big “F*CK YOU” to the system. Maybe that’s what we got. In this sense Russiagate only helped
because the political establishment was rendered completely dysfunctional during the Russiagate.
Despite his inspiring election rhetoric's (against neoliberal globalization, foreign wars, unchecked immigration, for creation of
jobs that pay decent wages and reverse of offshoring of the US manufacturing) Trump proved to be another stage of the same process of
degradation of neoliberalism that was in full speed under Obama. With his "bait and switch" maneuver (mainly to save his own scalp,
he is not willing to die for his principles as a noble man). He was emasculated just after three months of his presidency. After
May 2017 Trump became just a continuation of Obama "change we can believe in" scam. With very few exception, which actually confirm
the rule.
In all empires the real political power were eventually transferred to generals. and intelligence agencies are actually a branch
of military-industrial complex not that different from Pentagon.
In this sense the trend was visible as retired military brass is well represented in Trump administration. While it is
interesting and sometimes amusing to observe the level of animosity between Pentagon and CIA (they sometimes even fight each
other in Syria via proxies), that does not change the direction in which the USA administrations evolve.
During the election campaign Donald Trump argued for better relations with Russia. He wanted to engage in a common fight against
the Islamic State and reverse excesses of neoliberal globalization which destroyed parts of the USA manufacturing and impoverished common
people using Russian market as a leverage. He also objected against neoliberal globalization. Hillary Clinton argued for a confrontational
policy against Russia and kicking the can down the road as for neoliberal globalization and outsourcing of industries and jobs. The
foreign policy establishment, the media, the CIA and FBI were solidly on Clinton's side. The people of the United States made their
choice. It was Trump and his vision of proper for the USA policies that were elected. But that was completely unacceptable to globalist
even of the level of lip service. That's why neoliberal establishment decided to reverse the results of the elections launching a color
revolution against Trump. They created the pretext of launching counterintelligence investigation against Trump and later appointment
of the special prosecutor to conduct a witch hunt that supposedly will doom Trump (the real coup d'état which was conducted by Rosenstein
and people who brought him into Trump administration (Jeff Sessions).
which means that like is typical for any color revolution is started under the false, specifically manufactured pretext.
Creating of which was a false flag operation conducted mostly by British intelligence which resulted in creation and dissimilation of
so called "Steele dossier".
In other words Russiagate is not so much about Russia as about the coming collapse of the US-led global neoliberal empire and the
gradual loss of legitimacy of the US neoliberal elite, which currently is in power. The term also serves as the name of color
revolution launched against President Trump. How quickly the US global neoliberal empire disintegrate under the blows of nationalism
and resentment for the sliding standard of living of common people is unclear. One unknown factor in the current situation is
the time when the period of "cheap oil" might end. Because the US economics experience "secular
stagnation" if the price of oil is above approximately $60 dollars per barrel, and falls into full blown recession with the price
above $100 dollars per barrel. Which might be on the horizon
If price of oil will raise to above $100 level in a decade or less as some predict, then the USA will not be able to sustain its
empire beyond this point and needs to retreat. Preferably before it's too late. Because the efforts to sustain the empire in the situation
with the price of oil over $100 per barrel might led to the collapse of the US economy as it will deprived of the necessary for sustainable
development funds. Empires tend of overextend themselves and that lead to their demise. This is essentially the situation which
led to collapse of the USSR and before that of British empire. It might take the form of yet another global financial crisis,
the net result of which would be the elimination of dollar as the primary global currency. IMHO the USA economy is unable to get out
of stagnation when the price of a barrel of oil is above $60-$70. And with prices above $100 per barrel the return to the "Great Recession"
is the most natural outcome. But it also can take the form of WWIII which might threaten the civilization of this planet.
I initially thought that Trump election was due to this efforts of a more forward looking part of the US elite and signified the
start of such a retreat. Logically the USA would be able to cut military budget to manageable 200-300 billion and redirect the rest
on rebuilding infrastructure and manufacturing as well as improving life of the lower middle class, which is the backbone of the society
and standard of living of which continues to slide. I was wrong. Looks like militarism and neoliberal global expansion are here to stay
under Trump. One reason for this is that there is an influential "servants of the empire" caste of the US society, which is materially
interested in sustaining and expansion of the empire, and which is able to block any unacceptable for them change.
Now we know that "Neoliberalism uber alles" faction of the US elite prevailed and quickly emasculated Trump by fraudulently on trump
up changes (see Steele dossier)
appointing the Special Prosecutor.
The also launched unprecedented Neo-McCarthyism campaign replacing
"Soviets" with "Russians" and successfully reviving slogan "Russians under each bed" in
cyberspace. Cyberspace proved to be a perfect environment for
false flag operations creating opportunity to frame chosen adversary in all mortal sins. DNC hacking charges are a prominent
example of this category (despite solid evidence that it was a leak, not a hack the USA MSM continue propaganda complain trying to frame
Russia to this day). If the calculation for the current anti-Russian hysteria is crushing Russia economically and isolating it
politically with the ultimate goal of getting Russian oil for cheap, that does not look too realistic strategy. But this campaign
does work in creating hostile attitude to Russia for majority of Americans.
In any case it is important to understand that it is the alliance of neocons and neoliberals (with the neocons and globalists in
intelligence agencies in key roles) which managed to unleash a color revolution against Trump with the clear goal to depose him by any
means as in " the end justifies the means."
Which means that retreat to "localized" version of Neoliberalism, let's call it "Neoliberalism with human face" and restoration of
some elements of the New Deal is indefinitely postponed. Trump now is emasculated. The process of erosion of the unity of the nation
due to economic difficulties, sliding standard of living, lack of good jobs
as well as job prospects for both young and older Americans,
and side effects of identity politics, which is needed to keep working class in check (as well as the related process of delegitimization
of the neoliberal elite) will continue unabated.
That's crazy and tragic situation: "Those whom the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad.” Unless something more comes
of this, the neocons, globalists and their media cohorts will repeat Iraq WMD fiasco. As in "history repeats itself: first as tragedy,
second as farce".
Steele dossier gambit suggests that we live in a neoliberal empire run by the intelligence services (the core of the "deep state"),
not a republic. And the democracy on federal level is severely curtained by the fact of existence of so powerful agencies. It
is true that there are some counterattacks of democratic forces under the banner of accountability, but generally the horse already
left the barn. Actually, for CIA it took less then twenty years when tail started wagging the dog, if we assume that they played the
key role in JFK assassination. And Herbert Hoover was above any serving President; none was able to get rid of him until his death.
So we have what we have:
Electorate does not matter much and is always presented with two “equally bad” choices, forcing typical for neoliberal
empires ceremonial voting for “lesse evil”.
POTUS now became mostly a ceremonial figure which can be emasculated, impeached, or killed if the "deep state" decided
that he is not acceptable (actually Obama one time mentioned that he is not eager to repeat the destiny of JFK; so he felt the danger).
It took just three months for the deep state to emasculate Trump. The working hypothesis now is that FBI along with rogue elements
in the Department of Justice (Rosenstein,
Ohr) and other intelligences agencies (Brennan)
tried to stage a soft coup against Trump after the elections along the lines:
After surprise victory of Trump in Republican primaries, they launched a color revolution against him. which included anti-Russian
hysteria in neoliberal MSM based on falsifications of
Steele dossier, spying on
him to collect dirt and find out which appointees Trump consider for key positions (On Nov 17, 2018 Trump became aware of that
and decided to move his headquarters from Trump tower to Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey at least partially
avoid this) . As well as several false flag operations I view Veselnitskaya meeting with Trump Jr. at Trump Power (organized by
FBI contractor Fusion GPS) as
an early false flag operation, see below. The FBI and CIA contractor
"analysis" of DNC "intrusion" (which was a leak, not an intrusion) also has all signs of a sophisticated false flag operation.
This putsch against the will of American people was the joint operation of at least three intelligence agencies: FBI, CIA and MI6. Along
with as rogue elements in the Department of Justice and the State Department. See
Colonel Patrick Lang discussion at
The recent revelations about Steele's dossier saga implicated intelligence agencies in a "soft coup" against the remnants of the
republic and democracy. To hide this development from the public after
Strzokgate revelations the deep state required a good smoke screen to be launched. "Fire and fury" fitted the bill. Was it part
of the plan, or happened accidentally (it was actually rushed to print) does not matter. The role of the book is to distract the
public from the revelations about Steele Dossier, abuse
of FISA court and intelligence agencies efforts to depose Trump. Since Jan 3, 2018 we observe efforts to replace discussion of
Steele dossier and FISA count abuses with the discussion of salacious gossip about Trump administration provided by Wolff.
Not that Trump is a saint, but he, at least, was duly elected by electorate. Even his meek and by-and-large derailed efforts
to confront the neoliberalism and unhinged neoliberal globalization were positive for the USA population developments. It was
not overly idealistic to hope that Trump would be able to bring a world in which defense forces (and defensive alliances like
NATO) are used for the proper purpose of defense, cut crazy level of military spending at least by half, and end expensive and
destructive wars for expanding neoliberal empire dreamed up by the US neoconservatives. That's what Trump 2016 was about and why he
So opposition to them and the successful attempt of the powerful alliance of neocons and neolibs to derail Trump agenda and enforce
the status quo are reactionary and bad for the country.
The release of the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) memo did corroborate what we already knew. Nunes did amazing
job, which for long was not done. He really served as a watch dog for FBI. Most Congress "oversight" committees are "overlook"
committees. This was an exception.
The biggest Nunes memo revelation has little to do with its content. Essentially Nunes memo implies that FBI considered both
Sanders and Trump movements as insurgency and launched counterinsurgency operation against them. Trying to undermine them by dirty
and potentially illegal methods including new generation of dirty methods which can be called "false flag operations in cyberspace".
In other words FBI was playing the role of "kingmaker" in 2016 Presidential elections. Colliding with CIA and MI5
with the implicit goal of supporting "an extremely ambitious foreign policy agenda" (read "neocon foreign policy"):
“There is reason to suspect that some former and very likely current employees of the FBI have been colluding with elements in
other American and British intelligence agencies, in particular the CIA and MI6, in support of an extremely ambitious foreign policy
agenda for a very long time. “
Implication is that MI5, CIA and FBI were involved in the soft coup to depose of emasculate Trump. And it works. But now some
dirty method are revealed. Which among other thing suggests that due NSA activities CIA and FBI have "implicit" dossiers on members
of Congress, Pentagon and Justice Department. Available with a few clicks of the button. This is "J.
Edgar Hoover on steroids." Dirt that allows to control members of Congress. Is not this the situation in which tail
wags the dog? In this light the fact that members of congress voted for renewal of surveillance act when details on Nunes memo
were already known is a very telling sign. And Trump against all those machinations are directed, signed it. All those people
know that are surveyed by NSA and they know that the revelation of some detailed of their activates might destroy their careers.
The second class of new dirty methods represent what can be called "false flag operations in cyberspace". We will discuss them
later. See also
Everybody understood that the system is pretty well rigged on federal level and there two levels of justice -- one for neoliberal
"masters of the universe" who are by-and-large above the law, and another for shmucks. That's not a news. The news is the
level of sophistication is escaping the changes and use of the accusation of hacking falsified via false flag operation as a new
smokescreen to pass the blame to selected scapegoat.
Here we see very successful efforts to unleash Neo-McCarthyism campaign and put all the blame for Hillary defeat on Russians, which
later was extended into the color revolution against Trump of falsified changed of Russia collision. Few people understand the US MSM
is just a propaganda department of the US intelligence agencies and do their bidding. The fact that at some point CIA controlled major
journalists was known from Church commission hearings. And there was some backlash. But now the situation reversed and due to the regime
to total surveillance their capability to dictate the agenda far exceed the level that was in the past.
moreover, now CIA cyberwarriors can cook any accusation using their "technical capabilities" and spread is using subservant MSM in
a matter of days creating the wave of hate which far exceed what was described in famous dystopian novel 1984 by George Orwell.
Refuting those "cooked" intrusions (which are a new and very nasty form of false flag operations) is difficult what when (and if) it
is done, typically it is too late. As Hermann Goering said (Hermann
Goering War Games):
“Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always
a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them
they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”
— Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials
... ... ...
His comments were made privately to Gustave Gilbert, a German-speaking
American intelligence officer and psychologist who was granted free access by the Allies to all the prisoners held in the Nuremberg
jail. Gilbert kept a journal of his observations of the proceedings and his conversations with the prisoners, which he later published
in the book Nuremberg Diary. The quote offered above was part of a conversation Gilbert held with a dejected Hermann Goering
in his cell on the evening of 18 April 1946, as the trials were halted for a three-day Easter recess.
Paradoxically while the value of cyberspace for offensive operations against adversaries is unclear, it is clear that it has tremendous
potential for conducting false flag operations serving as a pretext for real wars, or some "Show trials" of dissidents in best Stalin
traditions. and witch hunt against Trump is a just form of Show Trials in a court of public opinion.
Everything can be forged in cyberspace -- source of attack, attack methods. Fake personalities like
Guccifer 2.0 can be created to support the accusations.
Sky is the limit for false flag operations in cyberspace. Steele dossier in this sense is old school falsification. It is "DNC
hack" that is the harbinger of things to come.
Sky is the limit for false flag operations in cyberspace. Steele dossier in this sense is old school
falsification. It is "DNC hack" that is the harbinger of things to come.
We may feel uneasy by the idea that people now could be so easily manipulated into sacrificing themselves in wars at the whims of
the neoliberal elite, but perhaps we can be more concerned (and maybe even scared) at the thought that the capabilities to deceive us
are now greater not less that it was before. Much greater. They now really can create "artificial reality" using MSM.
In any case capabilities of intelligence agencies to hatch and then inject into MSM "DNC hack style disinformation" to blackmail
a major political figure using a "cyberspace" false flag operation are now enormous. Even POTUS can be the target of such blackmail.
In this sense the current Russiagate hysteria makes Joseph McCartney like a pretty uninventive, even somewhat dull guy with very limited
capabilities to frame his victims ;-) Recently even Nunes was accused (with impunity) to be a Russian agent. This is "communists
under each bed" type of witch hunt on a new level.
Now we know that Russiagate was initially the criminal plot to exonerate Hillary and derail Sanders campaign hatched by intelligence
community in cooperation with connected members of Clinton campaign like John Podesta (who as a former WH chief of staff has deep connections
to "intelligence community".) Intelligence agencies and journalists connected with intelligence services were recruited and the
well planned obfuscation campaign started. which later morphed into color regulation against Trump (typical for color revolution charges
of rigged election were replaced by accusation of "collision" with foreign power.) All this was done with full cooperation
and eager participation of NYT, WaPo, CNN. MSNBC and other neoliberal outlets. As the result in May 2016 a Special Prosecutor was appointed
to take care of Trump removal.
Sanders did not have the courage to switch to alternative Open Convention to get a nomination from Democratic Party. He was so afraid
(or was threatened, the meaning of his visit with Obama is not known) that he chose to betray his voters and support Hillary. So with
the help of neoliberal MSM a brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton from a clear violation of the law (with regard to the way she
handled classified information with her private email server; absolutely a crime, absolutely a felony) did succeed. In this
sense Russiagate is in reality FBI-gate.
It is an established fact that Comey and the senior DOJ officials conducted a fake criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton. Following
none of the regular rules, gave her every break in the book, immunized all kinds of people, allowed the destruction of evidence, no
grand jury, no subpoenas, no search warrant. That was not an investigation, that was a Potemkin village. It was a farce.
DOJ should convene grand jury to indict the major players (whose in high positions in DOJ and FBI should be fired). If like torturers
in Bush II era will not be brought to justice this is just another sign that the USA is neither a republic not a democracy.
Unfortunately Trump while a good tactician, is not strategic thinker on any level. He might have some courage which allowed him to
fire Comey, and then tell that truth to American people that this firing is about "Russiagate". But you need more that courage
to take on "deep state". You need to have a plan. You need to have a coalition. And we do not know if Trump was threatened
or not (see Chuck Schumer remark above.) He should address the nation from Oval Office and tell that FBI story can only be believed
by people with IQ below 70. And that DOJ should immediately appoint a Special Prosecutor investigating this matter. But
this will most probably just a fantasy.
Summarizing we can say that "FISA memo" is a testimony of tremendous personal courage of Nunes (note that one neoliberal MSM jerk
already accused him being a Russian spy). He did tremendous job driven by noble motives of restoring justice. And his memo undermined
the Color revolution against Trump by making Mueller position more vulnerable as he is clearly a member of the gang of FBI Mayberry
Machiavellians. It also put Rosenstein into defensive position. But this is an uphill battle and he might lose at the end of the
date. The neoliberal swamp is way too powerful and can consume even such courageous people as Nunes.
The color revolution is a subversive and covert operation of regime change which is conducted by intelligence agencies using
patsy protestors, subservant to intelligence agencies (or neoliberal ideology) part of MSM, large money infusions to fuel discontent
(Steele dossier, Wolff's book, etc), as well as organized system of leaks that accuse the current government in all possible sins
(typically "corruption", but can be incompetence or other sins).
Controlled by intelligence agencies and neoliberal MSM (which are highly intersecting subsets) play the key role in brainwashing
the public that the government acts against their interests and sustain the hysteria until the government is deposed. they are the attack
dogs of the color revolution against Trump.
Controlled by intelligence agencies and neoliberal MSM (which are highly intersecting subsets) play the key role in brainwashing
the public that the government acts against their interests and sustain the hysteria until the government is deposed. they are
the attack dogs of the color revolution against Trump. The deploy system of well timed and carefully coordinated with each other
leaks to undermine the legitimacy of the legitimately elected government. In case of the Purple color revolution they sustain
anti-Russian hysteria which is the cornerstone of the efforts to depose Trump.
Typically large protests are organized using "professional protesters: groomed and well paid students and some parts of "intelligencia"
and professional class. In this sense the color revolution against Trump is abnormal: the only such episode happened during inauguration.
The uniqueness of Purple color revolution against Trump is also that the main charge is not the falsification of the election results,
or personal corruption which is typical for color revolutions. It is the collision with a foreign power, which is tantamount to treason.
That's why instead of using "color scheme" (purple, yellow, etc) this color revolution is most commonly called Russiagate (which
in a narrow sense is a set of fabricated allegations about foreign state "collusion" implicating the president and family members.)
As such is connected with NeoMcCartyism -- a witch hunt unleashed
by neoliberal MSM in which Communists were conveniently replaced by "Russians". Which is a ethnic slur dangerously close to anti-Semitism.
This fact escaped attention of presstitutes working in neoliberal MSM such as NYT and WaPo, who are proud of their "multiculturalism".
But traditionally each "color revolution" also has a "color" assigned to it. That's why we call it the "Purple revolution"
(purple was the color that Hillary and Bill wear after the defeat). This term is less common than the term "Russiagate" but is
more precise, suggesting the set of methods used to depose Trump.
Simplifying, you can understood color revolution as a soft civil war with a more powerful foreign power (and its intelligence
agencies) involved on the side of one of the parties. In Purple revolution two parties remind me
Alliance of neoliberals and neocons interesting in expanding and maintain of global neoliberal empire controlled from Washington,
DC. This coalition include most professionals (programmers, lawyers, accountants, etc), East Cost and California elites,
transnational corporations domesticated in the USA. Also include neocons (lobbyists for Military Industrial Complex(MIC), most
neoliberal MSM (the list too long, but we can mention NYT, WaPo, USA Today, CNN, MSNBC ) and, as we now know, powerful factions of
intelligence agencies including CIA and FBI (see
FBI Mayberry Machiavellians
and Brennan elections
machinations. )
A much weaker rag tag forces with high discontent toward neoliberalism and neoliberal globalization including large part of
middle class, remnants of adherents to New Deal (Sanders voters), "old-style" republicans (paleoconservatives), "tea
party", libertarians, and isolationalists (including weak anti-War movement on the left). Includes some "traditional manufactures"
and small business, which suffer from globalization. Also includes one major MSM (Fox) and some weaker outlets like Bretbart
In case of the USA this still looks like a soft color revolution, but instead of more powerful state involved on the side of the
plotters we supposedly have less powerful state (but very sophisticated in such matters) -- Great Britain. Which was involved is key
events of this color revolution including creation of Steele dossier and spying on Trump in Trump Tower, as well, most probably in the
attempt to entrap Trump Jr. by organizing meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.
The key element of the color revolution (or using German term "putsch" ) that intelligence agencies organized after Trump election
gambit to appoint the special prosecutor. Unfortunately for organizers they run into some unexpected difficulties, when they key
element of the charge of collision with Russians ("Steele
dossier") was discredited (as well as close connection of
Fusion GPS to FBI and the fact
that they financed certain journalists and media outlets became known), illegal surveillance of Trump team revealed (FICA memo scandal)
and the "collision" between certain elements of Justice Department and FBI (
FBI Mayberry Machiavellians
) became known under the name
Such attempts to depose sitting president by the "Deep State" were not unprecedented
(JFK assassination is probably one close instance, Nixon removal is another). The key role was played by close circle of people
within FBI, CIA and Justice Department. Roger Stone listed several elements of the putsch in his post (Stone
Cold Truth):
Politically weaponized the federal government’s electronic intelligence capabilities to spy on a presidential candidate and his
Colluded with foreign and non-state intelligence agents to manufacture evidence used as false pretexts for securing FISA warrants(s)
that employed the national security laws of the United States to give illicit, illegal cover to this political espionage,
Used the fruits of this political espionage activity to damage or otherwise hinder this candidate once they had become president-elect
and eventually President of the United States through surreptitious releases of the criminally-procured information,
Fabricated and instigated false allegations about foreign state collusion implicating the president’s election campaign and family
members, and
Perpetuated this massive criminal fraud on the American people for nearly a full year by manipulating and abusing the investigatory
and prosecutorial powers of the Department of Justice.
We can see several elements of this "color revolution", the putsch of intelligence agencies against Trump that are typical for any
color revolution and allow to classify this putsch as yet another color revolutions:
Letter from a bunch of State Department diplomats -- the Department was infested with neocons since Clinton (or may be even earlier,
since Reagan) so this is far from surprising (compare with a similar letter of Ukrainian diplomats during EuroMaydan)
Attempt to organize protests during inaugurations (which by-and-large fail). Provocations to create racial discord and hate for
white nationalists.
Vicious and non-stop barrage of attacks on Trump administration in MSM and promotion of Steele dossier on the dominant part
of US MSM. The list includes but is not limited to:
Major MSM
Guardian (UK newspaper with substantial US audience),
NOTE: Hatred for Russian and Putin runs so deep in Washington and major MSM that people behind the scenes are dead
set on finding any way possible to depose Trump, or at least prevent him from making friendly overtures to Russia.
Several elements of the possible plot of some cliques within intelligence agencies and first of all FBI and Obama Justice
Department to discredit Trump, to establish surveillance on members of his team (surprise resignation of head of British in January;
see also Trump Offers
No Apology for Claim on British Spying - The New York Times ) and eventually derail his candidacy(Strzokgate)
Series of damaging for Trump administration and well coordinated leaks ( Steele dossier, Comey leaks,
Luke Harding rehash of Steele Dossier, Wolff book
which implicitly suggest that Trump is insane and should be remove, while lionizing Bannon (I view it mostly as "make money fast
exercise" of a gossip columnist, which only by extension became an attempt to discredit Trump), etc
"Special Prosecutor gambit" -- modeled after Clinton Starr inquiry and which used "sacrifices" of Comey to appoint the
Special Prosecutor who assembled "dream team" of very hostile to Trump prosecutors and paralyzed Trump administration for at least
a year.
Pro-Clinton elements of Democratic Party are the core of anti-Trump color revolution. They entered into alliance with neocons
to achieve their goals (in a way neocons in this story look like turncoats who betrayed their own party).
There was a sinister plot to meddle in the 2016 election, after all. But it was not orchestrated from the Kremlin; it was an entirely
homegrown affair conducted from the inner sanctums---the White House, DOJ, the Hoover Building and Langley----of the Imperial City.
Likewise, the perpetrators didn't speak Russian or write in the Cyrillic script. In fact, they were lifetime beltway insiders
occupying the highest positions of power in the US government.
Here are the names and rank of the principal conspirators:
Peter Strzok, deputy assistant director of FBI counterintelligence;
Lisa Page, FBI lawyer;
and countless other lessor and greater poobahs of Washington power, including President Obama himself.
To a person, the participants in this illicit cabal shared the core trait that made Obama such a blight on the nation's well-being.
To wit, he never held an honest job outside the halls of government in his entire adult life; and as a careerist agent of the state
and practitioner of its purported goods works, he exuded a sanctimonious disdain for everyday citizens who make their living along
the capitalist highways and by-ways of America.
I realize that Clinton wing of Democratic Party (soft neoliberals) and their supporters which include a part of Wall Street, large
part of Silicon valley and most MSM progressives hate Donald Trump so much that they believe that any pretext is justified in taking
him down. So they joined efforts with the neoconservatives. That's why war-mongering against Russia is now OK for them and Democratic
party now is just another War Party (as was evident from Hillary campaign).
Many people who detest Trump view Russiagate as the most effective path to achieve Trump’s impeachment, so this desirable end justifies
whatever means. that makes them very similar to supported of Ukrainian Maydan, which removed Yanukovich and installed far right junta
with a lot of unsavory characters. But to me it look like Trump surrendered after just 100 of anti-Russian smear campaign launched by
neocons. So why they still want to finish him? So it must be more to it; there might be some skeletons in the closet
revealing of which previous administration and their factions in intelligence services the are afraid to death . Because their
action is as close to sedition as one can get. In other words they went va bank by unleashing on Trump Steele
dossier (va bank is a common expression among German speakers; which means to put everything at risk in order to win -- similar
to "all in" but with implicit suggestion of weak cards in hand implying the tremendous level of risk). And nowhere it is more
clear then in sordid case of Steele dossier, which looks more and more like intelligence operation of UK government, not so much an
attempt to earn quick bucks by Steele private boutique (the risk for Steele of engaging in the activity tantamount to influencing US
Presidential Elections being a foreign national was way too much)
It is sad that plans were made to remove the Pres. even before he was elected. It has been the use of a special prosecutor has certainly
been a factor in damaging the remnants of the republics and the democracy. From what we know as of January 2018 we can distinguish
following partially overlapping operations (listed not exactly in chronological order):
Attempt to instigate violate demonstrations on the capital during inauguration
Michael Flynn removal
from the Trump team (as a former head of military intelligence agency he was the most dangerous for plotters member of Trump
team). Also allowed the Deep State to place one of their own as National Security Advisor.
Appointment of a Special Prosecutor gambitThat includes firing of Comey, hysteria about this event and subsequent Rosenstein
actions, which on surface were decided to quell the hysteria, but in reality was just the last move of the gambit with
a "check" to Trump. From this point already weakened and partially capitulated to neocons Trump administration was paralyzed
and became completely subservant to neocons.
Neutering Flynn using entrapment and indictment on the falsified charge by Peter Strzok
Even outside WH Flynn represented certain danger for plotters. That's why Strzok entrapped him and later charged with "lying to FBI"
(such a fighter with organized crime, who borrows mafia methods when it suits his goals). That completes the scheme/subplot
of elimination Flynn
Attempt to replace failed (and discredited) by Strzok-gate Russiagate narrative with the "mentally unstable" narrative.
Shooting for the use of 25 amendment to remove Trump. As Peter Van Buren said "His opponents are trying to use the 25th Amendment
as a backdoor to impeachment, but that’s more Maoist than American."
Fascinating response by the Neoliberal MSM and the establishment who have invested so much in the Trump Russia
collusion narrative to so called Nunes memo: Trump was called to testify before Mueller commission under Oath.
As Pat Buchanan noted Trump should
be beware Perjury Trap as "what Mueller is running here is not, as Trump suggests, a "witch hunt." It is a Trump hunt."
The essential part of this color revolution McCarthyism hysteria -- is no less dangerous then this color revolution itself. It successfully
pushed the country on a very dangerous path -- the war path advocated by neocons and MIC. As Biney aptly said on Jan 1, 2018
"Ultimately, my main concern is that it could lead to actual war with Russia. We should definitely not be going down that
path. We need to get out of all these wars. I am also concerned about what we are doing to our own democracy. We
are trampling the fundamental principles contained in the Constitution. The only way to reverse all this is to start indicting
people who are participating in and managing these activities that are clearly unconstitutional."
IMHO the current neo-McCarthyism campaign that was deployed to solve some internal problems within the Democratic Party (rejection by
electorate and subsequent political fiasco of Hillary Clinton) is a very dangerous tool. You can't blame Trump victory on Russia.
It is a sign of systemic crisis of neoliberalism in the USA, somewhat similar to the crisis of Marxism the USSR experienced before dissolution.
Rust Belt voters rejected Hillary and that was it.
In such crisis the elite is de-legitimized and often resort to dirty tricks to
regain the lost legitimacy. A war is one such trick. Neo-McCarthyism campaign is another. Of course Russia in far from being
a saint and bear responsibility for unleashing the civil war in Donbass (and generally destabilizing Ukraine -- it is a curse to be
a neighbor our of such a large and powerful country; Canadians and Mexicans probably think the same ;-) , but what currently we
see in major MSM looks to me like a classic witch hunt with the implicit goal to whitewash humiliating for neoliberal Democrats
(Clinton wing of the party) defeat and blame it on the external force (Putin looks really like "Deus Ex Machina" for Democrats ;-)
Russiagate can be viewed on three distinct levels:
A smoke screen designed to hide Hillary Clinton political fiasco and preserve the power of Clinton wing of Democratic Party
over the party as a whole (by-and-large this plot was successful). Hillary Clinton no longer is viewed by Democratic Party as an
evil warmonger who waited chances to gain power but throwing Sanders under the bus by illegal methods. The attention is skillfully
switched to "Russian machinations" including DNS hack (which is actually a leak, not a hack ). Questionable players like Christopher
Steele and Crowdstrike were higher to advance this agenda.
Attempt of intelligence community and MIC to secure funding in view of possible cuts that can be enacted by Trump (these
worries proved to be fake; Trump dies no have any realistic plan of cutting MIC expenses or intent to rule on Pentagon extravagant
spending). But at least during election campaign Trump alarmed intelligence community including a powerful and well paid strata of
"Washington national security parasites" with the idea to reach some level of detente with Russia (at least during the election
campaign) rightly considering the level of hostility achieved under Obama dangerous and counterproductive (to the extent that Obama
might be controlled by Brennan it might be not Obama personal fault). In this sense Trump also crossed the line (with the only
difference that he did it during he election campaign) and at this point all power of neocons and neolib including their factions
in intelligence agencies was unleashed for his removal.
Attempt to poison the US public opinion to the level, which excludes any possible future attempts of detente with Russia for
at least a decade (this goal as of January 2018 was probably already achieved) . this is also important for neoliberal elite
from geostrategic point of view as explained in the following post (, Jan 7, 2018):
The USA’s nightmare is Europe (EU, or geographical Europe, incl. for ex. Norway) finally getting together its geo-proximal, cultural
ties, economic dependency / energy input, massive trade exports and imports, with Russia, and affirming, protecting these exchanges.
Previous, the existence of the USSR, the specter of ‘communism’ served to keep dominant economic players in Europe on board with
the US aggression / control.
The USA will do *xxx* to prevent any agreements between Russia and Europe, as the US would then
lose its status as decider, broker, even wielding military might and threat might be no use, doomed to failure even before implementation.
All US moves, even now in Iran, are pointed to desperately blocking new alliances, nobody can join anyone, an exercise in fragmentation,
divide-to-rule. The EU-Russ continent, heh right to China (another story..) energy-rich, powerful, peaceful, as hopefully imagined!
would send the USA into a pathetic backwater of bandits, oligarchs, urban guerrilla warfare, starving exploited children, etc.
- all of which are already visible.
From the point of view of propaganda this was a new McCarthyism campaign -- a completely manufactured hysteria which
try to turn huge disappointment of the American people with neoliberalism and neoliberal oligarchy into a convenient scapegoat -- Russia
and President Putin ("Putin did it" memo).
That's why Steele dossier was created and advertized: as part of anti-Trump coup d'état by the neocons, Clinton neoliberals and parts
of the US intelligence services. In both case the interests of the USA and national security suffers. In a way both neocons and
neoliberals are elements of foreign influence that do not care much about ordinary Americans. In any case now two third of US
population now is brainwashed into adamantly anti-Russian mindset, increasing the risk of the major war
First let's discuss the historical origins of the term “color revolution”. The latter is a new subversive tactics
which was successfully used as a means to triggering “regime change”, which have emerged in a large number of countries in the course
of the last decade, especially in xUSSR space (Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, etc). But the key methods of "color revolution" coup
d'état can be traced to Chilean coup d'état or even earlier.
The “color revolution” is a US intelligence operation which consists of covertly supporting as well as infiltrating protest movements
with a view to triggering “regime change” under the banner of a pro-democracy template. The objective of a “color revolution” is to
manipulate or delegitimize elections (if the winner in nor desired candidate), foment social unrest and use the protest movement to
topple an existing legitimate government. Formatting social unrest is done via media (and achieving media dominance is an important
step in unleashing a color revolution) which serve important role in any color revolution. Similar to the role of aviation in
modern wars. With the only difference that it drops propaganda bombs. The goal is always the same -- to install a compliant pro-neoliberal,
pro-US government (“puppet regime”).
The main underlying features of color revolution is that those activities are structured as intelligence operation and some
players might not even understand that they are puppet of pretty nefarious scheme and believe in noble slogans that are on the
surface of events. A lot of technologies in color revolution was taken from Trotskyite and Bolsheviks handbooks. That include
the role of students as foot soldiers of regime change, Attempt to capture media as the first step, digging dirt on key
figures of existing government (corruption is the favorite change in such revolutions). Color revolution added several new features:
massive financial infusion to keep unrest going, coordinating role of neoliberal NGO and think tanks in particular country, penetration
into and use of law enforcement for deposing the members of the current government (typically on corruption changes).
This contact bombardment of public with negative information about the current administration and "outsize" role of intelligence
agencies we can observe in the current campaign to de-legitimize and depose President Trump. Instead of corruption changes
they use the change of cooperation with country which they demonized and present as adversary -- Russia. That why
some call this color revolution Russiagate. As James Petras observed (Imperial
Power Centers, July 24, 2017) :
With the ascent of Donald Trump to the US Presidency, imperial rulership has become openly contested terrain, fought over amid
unyielding aspirants seeking to overthrow the democratically elected regime.
While Presidents rule, today the entire state structure is riven by rival power centers. At the moment, all of the power seekers
are at war to impose their rule over the empire.
In the first place, the strategically placed security apparatus is no longer under Presidential control: They operate in coordination
with insurgent Congressional power centers, mass media and extra-governmental power configurations among the oligarchs (business,
merchants, arms manufacturers, Zionists and special interest lobbies).
Sectors of the state apparatus and bureaucracy investigate the executive, freely leaking damaging reports to the media, distorting
fabricating and/or magnifying incidents. They publicly pursue a course with the goal of regime change.
The FBI, Homeland Security, the CIA and other power configurations are acting as crucial allies to the coup-makers seeking
to undermine Presidential control over the empire. No doubt, many factions within the regional offices nervously look on, waiting
to see if the President will be defeated by these opposing power configurations or will survive and purge their current directors.
The Pentagon contains both elements that are pro as well as anti-Presidential power: Some active generals are aligned with the
prime movers pushing for regime change, while others oppose this movement. Both contending forces influence and dictate imperial
military policies.
The most visible and aggressive advocates of regime change are found in the militarist wing of the Democratic Party. They
are embedded in the Congress and allied with police state militarists in and out of Washington.
Engineered protest movements are carefully planned and well financed (to the extent of create a caste of "professional protesters").
Again the key feature of all color revolutions is that they are essentially intelligence ops performed via NGO and similar organization,
with huge role of the US embassy as the coordinating center. They use non-governmental organizations and opposition media to recruit
Creation of powerful opposition media is the necessary prerequisite step in preparation of the color revolution. The protest need
to be televised in order to amplify their significance (preferably out of proportion and TV is perfectly suitable for that, using the
necessary angles to create impression of huge crowd and interviewing patsies to show deep discontent), and create a critical mass of
discontent among the population. Again, the change of corruption is the favorite delegitimization tactics in such events (and
who in modern political life is not corrupt, or do not have skeletons in the closet?).
As if it can be stopped by the "regime change" (often after color revolution corruption and looting of the country becomes much worse,
reaching like was case with Russia in 1990th and Ukraine in 1990th and after 2014 really epic scales). Often even more corrupt
oligarchs come to power as a result, only more subservant to multinational corporations. And BTW its multinationals such as GE
which control the US media too. How convenient.
Published evidence suggests that there were at least four intelligence organization involved:
CIA (Brennan probably via FBI and also via the level of control of the MSM and Obama. CIA might be the initial source of dirt
that went in Steele
dossiervia round trip to GB.
FBI via Comey,
Strzokgate and Steele dossier( Hoover was the pioneer of intelligence agencies interference and collecting dirt of politicians to survive. Then came
CIA chief
Allen Dulles (who might also be instrumental in FDR murder). Now it was Brennan, Comey, Clapper and probably some other highly
place officials via control of Hillary Clinton email investigation and initiating surveillance of Trump team.
MI6 (via Steele Dossier and possible help with surveillance of Trump team)
NSA -- via intercepting Trump team communications and participating in create "17 agencies memo".
Much of this like with JFK assassination is hidden and might surface in a decade or two. Currently we know very little. The
elements of this scheme about which we have some information are:
Creation of Steele dossier to prevent Trump for winning.
The use of DNC leak -- presenting it as DNC hack and implicating Russians (via Crowdstrike),
Obtaining FICA order to wiretap members of Trump team (might also be done via MI6, details are currently unclear),
Attempt to hijack election college,
Campaign of unmasking launched at the final days of Obama administrations.
Obama attempt to fuel anti-Russian campaign (expulsions of diplomats and seizure of property)
Attempt to disrupt inauguration,
Removal of Flynn from Trump team
"Appointment of the special prosecutor gambit".
Proven role of some rogue elements in FBI in exonerating Hillary in "emailgate" scandal and later in Mueller investigation
The color revolution usually precede a "quite period" in which "professional protesters" are trained, indoctrinated and financed,
but no mass street protest occur:
In August 1999, the CIA set up a training program for a Serbian NGO entitled OTPOR which subsequently played a key role in the
engineered protest movement conducive to the downfall of president Slobodan Milosevic. A few years later, OTPOR established a training
and strategizing outfit entitled The Centre for Applied Non Violent
Action and Strategies (CANVAS).CANVAS became a consulting outfit specializing in “Revolution” on contract to the
... ... ...
What is at stake is a “color revolution” Made in America which is marked by fundamental rivalries within the
US establishment, namely the clash between competing corporate factions, each of which is intent upon exerting control over the incoming
US presidency.
The OTPOR-CANVAS-CIA model is nonetheless relevant. Several foundations involved in funding color revolutions
internationally are involved in funding the anti-Trump campaign.
Moreover, while CANVAS’ mandate is to oversee “color revolutions” internationally, it also has links with a number of NGOs currently
involved in the anti-Trump campaign including The Occupy Wall Street Movement (OWS). OWS
launched by Adbusters was funded via the Tides Foundation which in turn is funded by a number of corporate foundations and charities,
including the Ford Foundation, Gates Foundation and the Open Society Institute. Ford is known to have historical links
to US intelligence.
It is worth noting that the raised fist logo first launched by OTPOR in 1999 as a symbol of CIA sponsored color revolutions
(including Egypt during the Arab Spring), also constitutes the symbol of several organizations involved in the anti-Trump engineered
protest movement.
The Inauguration Disrupt Campaign: Disruptj20
... The campaign is calling for the
disruption of the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20, 2017:
#DisruptJ20 is supported by the work of the DC Welcoming Committee, a collective of experienced local activists
and out-of-work gravediggers acting with national support. We’re building the framework needed for mass protests to shut down
the inauguration of Donald Trump and planning widespread direct actions to make that happen. We’re also providing services like
housing, food, and even legal assistance to anyone who wants to join us.
The actions contemplated include “setting up blockades at checkpoints to prevent people from gaining access to the inauguration
proceedings”. A spokesperson confirmed that #DisruptJ20 campaign would be “creating a framework to support mass protests
and direct action to shut down the inauguration of Donald Trump” .
This could potentially lead to violent clashes with tens of thousands of Trump supporters, which is the ultimate objective of
an engineered “Color Revolution” style protest movement supported covertly by US intelligence. It’s part of the logic of a “color
revolution” scenario (e.g. Kiev-Maidan, Cairo-Tahir Square) which is predicated on triggering confrontation and urban violence.
Is the Disrupt Campaign committed to deliberately staging violence on January 20?
“The idea is to shut down access to the parade as much as possible and slowing it down to a crawl,” said DisruptJ20 organizer
Legba Carrefour. “Then there’s the broader goal of shutting down the entire city around it and creating a sense of paralysis
that creates a headline that says, ‘Trump’s inauguration creates chaos.’” (NBC,
January 17, 2017)
The organizers of the engineered protest movement are funded by powerful corporate interests, they are supported by US intelligence.
The objective is not to undermine the racist right wing agenda of Donald Trump as conveyed in the video below. Quite the opposite.
"He is needy and amoral enough to just, you know, insult people for attention" -- Gawker
"Long a media
provocateur Wolff has optimized his barbed bitching for the Internet" -- New York Magazine
From his first book
Burn Rate Wolff emerged as a person with enormous ego, and extremely, pathologically money hungry nut. A person with
no moral code. To blackmail a person for Wolff is as simple as to drink a glass of water, if it will bring him a couple of bucks.
He represent an interesting perversion of journalism in the USA: slanderous attack journalism without any balance or moral compass.
And he has penchant of making notes of the conversation that the counterpart consider private, or off-record. His main motivation
is money and only money. While some of what he says is true, his descriptions of people who often helped him to write his garbage
is cruel and insensitive. You might be even entertained to read the clever caricatures of everyone Wolff lied to, swindled, and stepped
on in his quest for a quick buck
The book teaches us that that are much more grades of distortion of the truth them just intentional lying. It is prudent to view
this book in the context of the color regulation launched to depose Trump. In this sense it might be an opening move of the gambit "Unfit
to serve in the office". Previous gambit connected with sacrificing Comey to appoint the Special Prosecutor failed after Strzok-gate
was uncovered and Stele dossier discredited. Is Wolff another CIA produced pawn sacrificed in order to launch the next gambit
to depose Trump (as well as provide a smoke screen cover for "
Steele dossier fiasco").
The key here is to understand how promoted Wolff and secured his access to WH. His wandering inside WH was such a gross
violation of protocol that suggest that some powerful "sponsor" was involved. And the found disgruntled Bannon, used and destroyed
him in the process. The books can be viewed as a Bannon revenge ("burning the bridges") dictated to sympathetic ear. So
we can say that they succeeded in eliminating Bannon.
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders dismissed the book as “tabloid gossip” that was laced with “false and fraudulent claims.”
While this is true that is not the whole truth. It was actually a pretty powerful attack designed to undermine Trump (and earn
some money in the process -- the author looks not only sleazy but greedy too) by a pretty despicable pressitute and history of
distorting fact to suit his agenda. But who stands behind this sleaze in unclear. Like is the case with Steele, while equally
greedy and unscrupulous, both are not stupid enough in order to fail to understand how foray into such things might end.
The author excels in "soap opera" style of book starting with his 1999
Burn Rate How I Survived the Gold Rush Years on the Internet. His forte is to me Michael Wolff makes his hero to look a bumbling
semi-uneducated amateur. Either Trump put the author's wife in jail, took away his kids or killed his dog because the level of
dislike he has to Trump (who allowed him into WH, not a small fit for sleazy gossip columnist) is really something. Reading this book
was like watching a one guy just keeps hitting the other sitting tied to the chair with a boxing glove; the author kept the zingers
coming from everything from domestic policy issues to Trump children.
The key message is that trump is out-of-touch and unfit to the President of the USA. Essentially rehashed Hillary
The sensationalist and outlandish tone of the book makes me wonder how much of what is written is even remotely true. If you're looking
for an analysis of Trump's policies, don't waste your dollars. This is mostly salacious gossip. In this sense the book belong to "make
money fast" category
I found Wolff writing style annoying and too gossipy... But he is a gossip columnist and this shows. As such he really belong
to Vanity Fair pages. And the book properly compressed and rewritten with less grammar error, less repetition, as well as more
solid logical structure would make a fatly decent article in Vanity Fair. Not more then that.
There are several point that are clear the book release mass hysteria in pro-Hillary MSM and Trump reaction:
This is definitely attempt to take down Trump. A part of color revolution against Trump. So Michael "sleazy" Wolff
probably has some sponsors among Clinton stalwarts.
Trump reaction was amateurish and counterproductive. Which actually confirms some suspicion raised in the book. His "genius"
tweet was especially damaging, even if it was designed as humor mocking Wolff. Few people get the humor, most took it at face value.
The only guy who actually raised to the moment was Stephen Miller. I like his characterization on Bannon line attack on CNN
in his interview with Jake Tapper.
Bannon was the main (or the only) Wolff's source (90% of Wolf 17 or so "excursion" in WH were for meeting
Bannon). Bannon was an idiot to trust Wolff. He also proved to be completely out of depth and iether extremely naive or extremely
disgruntled in assessing Trump Tower Meeting with Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya organized by FBI contractor Fusion
GPS as a trap for Trump Jr. (or the quote was "re-constructed" by Wolff as a payment for all the access to WH; "nothing personal,
simply business" ;-) He also have pretty unrealistic ideas about foreign policy -- too much warmongering toward China
and actually also toward Russia if we take into account his assessment of Trump tower meeting at face value and not as one
of Wolff "exaggerations", designed to make a book the bestseller and earn some serious money.
Trump attorney Charles Harder
said in a
statement that “legal action is imminent” for Bannon allegedly violating his non-disparagement agreement with Trump and making
“in some cases outright defamatory” statements.
Calls Ivanka "stupid" and other character assassination.
Wolf is sleazy gossip columnist who will commit any unmoral acts for money. He is now
rightfully afraid of possible legal consequences.
Wolf completely destroyed Bannon as a political figure and promoter of "economic nationalism" in the USA. Wolff
probably have tapes with conversation with Bannon. Alt-right will never trust Bannon again. Actually nobody will trust him.
Bannon is effectively dead as a political figure Karl Rove
- YouTube
Wolf assertion that he want to inform people about danger that Trump represents is phony. All he wants is money and a
large scandal to feed his ego. That' shy he waited for a year to launch the book at one year of Trump presidency. There might be
other motives too as the book distracted attention from Steele dossier fiasco and Strzok-gate (Ex-Bush
adviser Why was Wolff allowed in White House):
you guys , now after the fake witch hunt of Russian dossier you are cheat enough to come out with this fake book and fake author
story to malign Trump, , ..... leave us Americans alone , do not waste resources of American tax payers in satisfying your arrogance
and ego, ... instead you must call Obama/Clintons on the MSM and ask the relevant questions how much damage they done to this
great nation
... ... ...
Trump team was dysfunctional at the beginning and the best testament of this is that they allowed this mole to do the damage.
There was not clear lines of responsibility and with flattery you can get pretty far. Looks like Bannon is the main culprit
to blame but there might be other. "That person, by all accounts, was former White House adviser Steve Bannon. While Trump may have
simply known that the biographer of his idol, Rupert Murdoch, was on site, it was Bannon who ensured Wolff had access. "
Why Steve Bannon
let Michael Wolff in the White House - Business Insider.
The AP's White House reporter, Zeke Miller,
said that every time he saw Wolff there it was with an "appointment" badge rather than a "press" badge.
This sentimental story about Melania crying after Trump victory now looks more plausible then when Wolf's book was published.
Being a clever woman Melania probably understood that a lot of dirt will be revealed about Trump as a revenge and part of this
dirt will hurt her directly. Any reasonable women would probably cry in such circumstances. It was also clear that they will not
leave any stone in her own biography unturned. This Democratic dirt bags ;-) here is how
First Lady Melania Trump cried on election night as President-elect Donald Trump looked like he saw a ghost after realizing
he won. That was the shocking reaction that the Trumps had to winning the presidential election, according to Michael Wolff, author
of the new book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House. According to Amazon,
Michael’s book is set to be released on January 9, but new excerpts have already captured the attention of the world.
“Shortly after 8 p.m. on Election Night, when the unexpected trend — Trump might actually win — seemed confirmed, Don Jr.
told a friend that his father, or DJT, as he calls him, looked as if he had seen a ghost. Melania was in tears—and not of joy.”
Wolff asserts that it wasn’t just the night of November 8, 2016, and the early morning hours of November 9, 2016, that drove
Melania to tears when she realized that she had become First Lady Melania Trump. Michael wrote that Trump’s Inauguration Day on
January 20, 2017, also nearly brought Melania to tears as her husband “visibly” fought with Melania.
“Trump did not enjoy his own inauguration. He was angry that A-level stars had snubbed the event, disgruntled with the accommodations
at Blair House, and visibly fighting with his wife, who seemed on the verge of tears.”
Melania Trump cried at Donald’s win, and they ‘visibly’ fought Jan. 20, according to the ‘Fire And Fury’ book by Michael Wolff
In the excerpt titled “Donald
Trump Didn’t Want to Be President” via New York Magazine, Wolff writes about Donald Trump’s plan to lose the presidency
and his shock at winning the highest office in the land. Wolff asserts that Trump used running for president to help make him
the most famous man in the world; one who didn’t want to invest his own money in the campaign but agreed to a loan.
Ann Coulter was the first to break through to Trump after his win and convince him that the Trump administration could not
be filled with only Trump’s children.
“Nobody is apparently telling you this. But you can’t. You just can’t hire your children.”
That’s when Trump hired the 63-year-old “overweight” Steve Bannon, “a dangerous choice.” By the time Trump had reached the
famous Inauguration Day that became the stuff of meme legends, Trump had adopted “his golf face: angry and pissed off, shoulders
hunched, arms swinging, brow furled, lips pursed.”
The intimate peek into the family dynamics is enthralling to readers, who are noting passages that speak about Jared Kushner
“going concave” during a conversation with his father-in-law and letting a matter drop. Despite friends warning Jared and Ivanka
Trump not to take roles in the White House, they did so with the notion of fame, perhaps with more fortune and Madam President
Ivanka Trump on their minds.
“The first woman president, Ivanka entertained, would not be Hillary Clinton; it would be Ivanka Trump.”
All in all, Michael Wolff’s book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, offers an insider’s look at Donald
and Melania’s marriage throughout the surprise victory while chronicling the Trump administration happenings, as well, from Election
Day to October 2016. With the popularity of the excerpts from Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House by Wolff already
creating a buzz online, it appears Henry Holt and Co. may have a best-selling book on their hands.
The book provide Bannon's perspective on the events, which palatably was a payback for the access Bannon provided to this sleazy
gossip columnist. Bannon proved to be a political arsonist who burned his bridges when he left the White House. And that probably
influenced the final content of the book in a negative way, making it a political revenge type of the book. Several themes can discerned under the pile of garbage and gossip:
Trump didn’t intend to win, nor did he live a life planning toward the Presidency. If we assume the Trump is a narcissist
this is vey shaky hypothesis. Such people organically can't image themselves losing. The last with little planning might
be more plausible.
President actions like was in case of Bush II are based on instinct, not so much of rational calculations. Might
more plausible hypothesis but looks at Trump track record in real estate. But the fact that he managed to depose all
republican contenders suggest that there is more to that.
Those closest to the President wield the most power.This is always true in any WH administration. Like for example
was the case with Carter and Brzezinski to great detriment of the USA. So trying to exaggerate this just show the evil
nature of gossip columnist, not so much the inner working of Trump WH.
The presidency is far more than one person. This is also not a news. And the fact that left hand does not know what
right is doing is also a possibility with such amount of staff and various Departments in federal government. For
example intelligence agencies are semi-autonomous entries, which like praetorian guard can revolt against the president and
FBI did this recently.
Trump’s family is not just his saving grace, they are part of who he is and who provides him balance. This undermines
the hypothesis that Trump is a narcissist. The latter are "lone wolf" type of people, who family usually hates and fear.
He is unable to picture the real picture of Donald Trump or understand what his election was about. and it was about the crisis of
neoliberalism in the USA and rejection by electorate establishment stooges like Hillary. The victory of this neocon warmonger
would be a much bigger slap in the USA face the Trump.
Before you read the book please listed to Trump old interview Donald
Trump -- Charlie Rose. IMHO he does not come out of this interview as bumbling idiot. I strongly recommend to
listen to it in full.
In two previous case of removal of president intelligence agencies played outside role. This is also true about color revolution
against Trump: it looks like the headquarters of color revolution are within the intelligence agencies and the main actors are FBI employees
and controlled by CIA press.
John F. Kennedy was entirely right about the CIA … and that was back in 1961. Imagine how much worse the global CIA-run
tyranny is in 2017, 56 years later. In addition to brutally murdering the American president, how many other heads of state
have been summarily assassinated by the Central Intelligence Agency?
Not only did the C.I.A. coordinate every aspect of the assassination of President Kennedy, they have continued to oversee
a highly complex and effective cover-up since November 22, 1963.
The C.I.A. painstakingly set up Lee Harvey Oswald as a patsy because he had warned JFK and his brother of a previous assassination
plot in Chicago earlier that same month.
Not only did the C.I.A. frame Lee Harvey Oswald because he was actually working for Attorney General Bobby Kennedy, they
also killed John F. Kennedy, Jr. to maintain the ongoing cover-up … after they killed Robert F. Kennedy
on June 5, 1968.
It’s true that JFK, Jr. was very close to outing George H.W. Bush as the CIA’s point man in Dallas on the day of President Kennedy’s
Assassination. He even named his iconic magazine — GEORGE — after the elder Bush assassin.
Now the world knows why President Kennedy was so determined to “splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces” as his own son
would eventually be murdered by the same rogue elements in The Company, as would his brother be conspiratorially killed
by them.
The Last but not LeastTechnology is dominated by
two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt.
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