American Maidan 2020: a brutal struggle for power between two semi-criminal factions of the USA neoliberal elite
American Maidan is a vivid demonstration of sophisticated class warfare conducted on a grand scale to discourage solidarity
across lines that might otherwise threaten the system. It also serves as a distraction from the problem of chronic
unemployment under neoliberalism.
Like in Kiev events, there is not good guys in this Maidan. It looks more and more like Russiagate 3.0: the third stage of color revolution against Trump: yet another hijacked and redirected
from the ills of neoliberalism and financial oligarchy rule protests orchestrated via Clinton mafia in intelligence agencies
and local governments and used for the Clinton wing of Democratic party to regain
When the political reaction comes, as it inevitably will, it will come on little cat feet. And the nation’s elites, secure
in the thought that the systemic racism charge has worked brilliantly in intimidating any lingering dissenters into submission,
won’t see it coming.
Steele's idea is that in the 1960's, many of the hypocrisies of the United States become laid bare: a society partly build
on racism and sexism but professing to believe in equality of opportunity, that professed liberty for all but inserted itself
in the affairs of other nations. In acknowledging these hypocrisies - and Steele thinks the acknowledgement was appropriate -
belief in the United States and its values lost the moral authority it once had. To fill the void, that moral authority was claimed
by those who challenged the values of the United States. Instead of making capitalism more just, overthrow it. Instead of civil
rights movement's goal of integration into American (white) society, the Black Power movement would challenge whether that society
was even worth joining.
"A devastating critique of affirmative action, and other government interventions which, since the sixties, have reinforced
stereotypes of racial inferiority by keeping minorities in states of dependence. A fascinating analysis of the symbiosis between
white guilt and left-wing leverage. "
The sad destiny of Ukrainian people after EuroMaidan should be a warning to all Americans. The currency dropped almost 3 times
against dollar, pensioners starved, infrastructure became decrepit as there were no money for repairs and updates. The country became
the debt slave of the West and the most valuable assets were privatized and sold for pennies on a dollar. Just a different group of
more pro-Western predatory oligarchs got to power and
abuses it to enrich themselves. The single most important element in this population control strategy is to keep the "deplorables"
fissured and divided. As well as distract them with the convenient scapegoat from the problems of neoliberal society they live in.
In no way color revolutions can solve the problem of chronic unemployment under neoliberalism -- the key
problem of any neoliberal society. Attempt to incite blacks against whites is just a skillful and evil distraction: "Look Squirrel!"
type of maneuver of financial oligarchy.
“Colour revolutions” are manufactured from existing grievances (which are abundant under neoliberalism; this is anti-working
people society at the core) along with a well coordinated and financed outside assistance.
In foreign countries embassies are usually serve an focal coordinating points and provide cash funding (delivered via diplomatic mail); upon inspection, there are
always well staffed "control and coordination centers" within embassies. In other words "Uncle Sam" ears are often protruding over the head of extras of “spontanius mass protest". Soros
with his fake "Open Society" foundation
is one well known player in color revolutions in xUSSR space, the person well connected to intelligence agencies. Looks like he also got an assignment
for the American Maidan too.
In the USA the role on the USA embassy assumed intelligence agencies and remnant of Obama administration stooges in them.
Along with the majority of neoliberal MSM, control of which is like the air dominance in the colonial wars.
In a general sense such event as American Maydan is a form of intra-elite competition. Extras can fight each other and police on
the streets with Molotov cocktails and occasional gun violence. But the core of events is a bitter, New York gang style fight
between two oligarchic groups. King of replay of Goodfellas. Mafia and New York has always been a match made in heaven. Not the same
is true about Washington and two political mafias.
The fight is about which group will plunder the country for the next four years. After Hillary fiasco neoliberal group of
"globalists" -- oligarchs who benefits from the neoliberal globalization -- which stand behind Clinton and include Silicon Valley
moguls decided that enough is enough. Madam Pelosi does not support BLM out of purity of her heart,
she supports it in order to topple Trump and restore the power of neoliberal Dems, or more correctly oligarchs who stand behind the
Clinton wing of Dems. The sad reality is that color revolutions usually
drastically lower the standard of living of working and lower middle class.
And, not infrequently, false flag operation are conducted by intelligence agencies and their proxies to increase the level of violence and topple the
government -- mysterious
"snipers on the roof" events are classic now. Look at EuroMaydan "snipergate" as one of such operations.
Katchanovski’s research on the “Heavenly Hundred”
people killed by snipers during Kiev EuroMaidan uprising showing pretty convincingly that the shootings were “a false flag operation involving “an alliance of the far right
organizations, specifically the Right Sector and Svoboda, and oligarchic parties, such as Fatherland." I highly recommend you to
read the whole article, but here is the "money quote" -- nobody was brought to justice, culprits remain unpunished and this is not
it is remarkable that five years after this massacre shook the world, no one has been sentenced for any of the Maidan
This was the best-documented case of mass killing in history, broadcast live on TV and the internet, in the presence of
thousands of eyewitnesses. It was filmed by hundreds of journalists from major media in the West, Ukraine, Russia, and many other
countries as well as by numerous social media users.
Yet, to this day, no one has been brought to justice for this major and consequential crime.
Now in the USA the
Deep state is throwing the kitchen sink at Trump... So everything is possible. That's one reason why current resentments were
exploited and why we have massive, well-funded and organized protests across the US during
an election year. My point of view that they bears strong similarities to EuroMaidan. Is the level of violence, which
correlated with EuroMaidan a coincidence? Nope.
The key issue here is that Neoliberal Dems manage to replace discussion about alternatives to neoliberalism and taming financial oligarchy with the "oppression of blacks".
As soon that his happens Wall Street bankers uncork an expensive champagne, as nobody will investigate their crimes.
The key issue here is that Neoliberal Dems manage to replace discussion about alternatives to neoliberalism and
taming financial oligarchy with the "oppression of blacks". As soon that his happens Wall Street bankers uncork an expensive champagne,
as nobody will investigate their crimes. This is much better
deal with identity issues than with demands for jobs, restoration of the New Deal Social protection and the role of unions, progressive taxation and taming
investment banks, hedge finds, private equity sharks and other parasites. Substituting those issue with racism and LGBT issues make
financial oligarchy much happier.
Creating and financed by financial oligarchy (and most probably by intelligence agencies) an anarchists movements like Antifa (Essentially a
Maoist/Trotskyite group), and "racial protest" movements BLM (a curious mixture of Maoism and black nationalism) is
nothing new. "The historian believes that
"for 15 years, from 1919 to 1933, the Anglo-Saxon elite actively interfered in German politics, with the intention of creating
an obscurantist movement, which could later be used as a pawn in a great geopolitical intrigue… It was not England and America
that created Hitlerism, but they created the conditions in which this phenomenon could survive and prosper."
There are three interconnected factors working in the current protests:
Protests against neoliberalism and the level of inequality in the USA as well as the real issue of police brutality toward the
The third stage of the color revolution against Trump, facilitated by usual suspects from Democratic Party and intelligence
agencies, both interesting is return to "classic neoliberalism" and who view "national neoliberalism" by Trump an abomination,
and Trump himself as a usurper.
Degeneration (look at Trump-Biden duo) and the loss of the legitimacy of the neoliberal elite as a part of the general crisis
of neoliberalism which started in 2008. In this sense defeat of Hillary Clinton (the favorite of neoliberal establishment
in 2016 elections) and the current protests are links of the same chain.
IMHO, what’s happened with the sudden deification of petty criminal George Floyd, in the Seattle Maydan and riot in NYC,
Atlanta and Portland was, without irony, the third stage of a
color revolution against Trump. Which suggest that riots were staffed with paid extras -- both Antifa members and
fringe semi-criminal groups like football hooligans in Europe , often imported from the other states.
The level of remuneration is unclear,
but the source might well be Soros Open Society foundation, which for a long time (at least since 1980th specializes is such things.)
In reality Neoliberal Democratic Party elite promotes racial division solely as the tool
to return to power. This is a very dangerous game with unpredictable consequences,. Things can go out of control. What is more
interesting is that most of them secretly hate African Americans. And if the assumption that this is a color revolution is
true, the financing comes from usual suspects ( Donald Trump vs. the Deep State Revolution, by Israel
Shamir - The Unz Review ):
Our colleague Andre VItchek
suggested we should not describe the process going on in the US, as a ‘colour revolution’. Firstly, the
protesters shouldn’t be discouraged, let alone ridiculed. Secondly, all these revolutions are different, he
says. These are weak arguments. First, I endeavour to understand and explain events, and I leave encouragement
to others. Second, colour revolutions are revolutions made for the benefit of oligarchy. They remove
the ruler who is too strong-willed or social-minded for the billionaires’ liking. And they utilise legitimate
grievances of the people. They ride on the people like a rider rides a horse. It
means that a colour revolution can shift and turn into the real thing, like a horse can throw down the rider
and gallop away, but this is not the usual turn of events.
The Mask Revolution in the US has too
strong a support from corporations to be anything else but a colour revolution. “Black Lives Matter Receives
$100 Million from Foundations, in addition to more than $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement
from George Soros through his Open Society Foundations”, says
Policemag (the article was removed but can be accessed via
It can’t be decoupled from the COVID pandemic,
or rather, from the lockdowns. These unusual means of disease control are deadly for small businesses and for
free-lancers. Big corporations survive and even grow fat; small ones die. Control over the population increases.
Free-lancers are forced to join the regular labor force and work for a large corporation; or die. The actors
of the revolution will be destroyed by the success of their enterprise. We shall know the revolution became
a real one, when the revolutionaries fight the corporations. Likewise, the enemies of the colour revolution
should not fight Blacks and minorities; they should fight the corporations that use the Blacks as their cannon
Because of this connection between lockdowns and the Mask Revolution, Trump should end the lockdowns.
If there is one thing we have learned from first half of the year it is that lockdowns do not help. We have
to live with the virus, even if it that means dying. If you have no lockdown, you’ll have no second wave. The
Swedes did it; everybody can do it. Those who want to lock us down would lock us down forever.
And now, another reason why I disagree with Vltchek. It is not that BLM or DNC are better or worse than Trump’s
warriors. DNC and BLM are close to a hegemonic power. They are loved by the media, by the Masters of Discourse.
If the Democratic candidate wins the 2020 elections, the West will be united behind him. He will humiliate China,
Russia, Venezuela, Iran; the Deplorable will be deplored; European nationalists will be eliminated; the New
World Order will proceed at double speed. No, thank you, Andre. It is better to have America and the West divided
under Trump rather than united under the DNC.
It looks like Democratic party operatives, especially majors of cities were riots took place, are heavily involved in facilitating
the protests. Just look at Seattle city council role in facilitating the creation of CHAZ and its "summer of love" as well as Washington state governor
behaviour, who initially even denied that he know the CHAZ exists ( yet another time demonstrating the above average level of hypocrisy
typical for any USA politician ).
Some observers see more direct analogies, especially in the role of Democratic operatives and donors in organizing and financing
the protests:Ford Foundation is rumored to give BLM connected entities enormous $100 million grants, Soros and the OSF have been another principal
financier of the riots. (American Maidan
as a trump card in presidential elections):
American Maidan as a trump card in presidential elections
Presidential election will be held in the United States on November 3, 2020. The main rivals are incumbent President Donald Trump
and Democratic candidate Joe Biden. The main task of Trump is to maintain stability and order in the country, his competitor is interested
in a situation that demonstrates the incumbent president’s inability to ensure this order.
Now dozens of US cities are hit not just protests but real pogroms with robberies, fires and vandalism. The toughest clashes between
police and protesters took place on June 2 in New York. Manhattan, the heart of the city, is destroyed. Demonstrators beat showcases
and robbed shops on Fifth Avenue. There are many videos on the Web where “protesters” smash windows, take things out of stores, and
set fire to what they were not able to take away.
Riots in
It is extremely interesting to know that there are organized groups of people who deliberately direct the crowd into clashes
with the police and demolitions of shops without taking a direct part in them.
During his press conference,
US Attorney General Bill Barr said that "it seems that in many places the violence is planned, organized." According to Mr. Barr,
these forces "take advantage of the situation to implement their own, violent program."
The New York Post columnist Miranda Devine says, "There are a lot of videos in social media that show ‘mysterious persons’
breaking store windows but not stealing anything, or cutting through the fencing of police stations but not overturning these fences."
According to Devine, these are "domestic terrorists who have captured peaceful protests across the country."
Interestingly, not only white residents of the United States, but also African Americans are affected by pogroms – the ones "whose
lives matter”. In this video, an outraged black man addresses his compatriots:
“You are doing wrong! I'm from the ghetto too. Did
you rebel because of the injustice of whites? Why ruin my business? Why did you break my truck? Why did you steal my computer? I
tried to live like normal people, tried to feed my family, can’t you understand that?! ”
Meanwhile, Joe Biden is photographed with black demonstrators, kneeling, thereby showing that "he is with the people."
Joe Biden during his meeting with the protesters. Photo: Twitter
The politician also claims that the “peaceful protesters” are now on the streets of the USA: “When peaceful demonstrators are
dispersed on the order from the threshold of the People’s House, the White House, using tear gas and stun grenades, when they want
to organize a photo session at a noble church, one can forgive us for the conviction that the president is more interested in power
than principles.”
Ukrainian and American Maidans – is there any difference?
Now a joke is spreading on the Web: “In connection with quarantine, color revolution specialists are forced to work at home.”
We will not evaluate the level of wit of this phrase; we recall only that in every joke there is some truth.
There are a number of obvious analogies between the current situation in the USA, which we have already dubbed the “Black Maidan”,
and the events of Euromaidan in Ukraine.
Both Maidans began shortly before the presidential election in their countries.
In both cases, the opposition of the ruling power has a vested interest.
Both Maidans were accompanied by large-scale media support, in which citizens are made to believe in justified protests
and even their necessity.
The presence of organized groups streamlining protests in the right direction.
In Ukraine and in the USA there were no unconditional reasons for mass protests and especially riots. The level of prosperity
of Ukrainians in 2013 was an order of magnitude higher than after Euromaidan, while the accession to Europe promised by the protest
leaders did not happen. In the United States, there is no problem of racism, at least inasmuch serious as to cause such widespread
It is obvious that the events of both countries are triggered by political strategists who are skillfully inflating the indignation
of citizens and pushing them in the right direction.
On June 3, another analogy with the Ukrainian Euromaidan emerged in the USA – support for protests by some religious organizations,
in particular, by the hierarch of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, Archbishop Elpidophoros.
The Mask Revolution in the US has too
strong a support from corporations to be anything else but a colour revolution. “Black Lives Matter Receives
$100 Million from Foundations, in addition to more than $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement
from George Soros through his Open Society Foundations”, says
Policemag (the article was removed but can be accessed via
The previous two stages of the color revolution against Trump (
Russiagate and
Ukrainegate ) were more like an attempt to stage a palace coup d'état.
Here we see features clearly more similar to Ukrainian Maydan: an attempt to exploit real resentment and grievances of the people with
the current social system to topple Trump.
In case of Maydan trained far right shock troops were intermingled with paid (literally per day) protestors bussed mainly from Western
Ukraine and recruited mainly from students and unemployed. In case of the USA it looks like Antifa members freely travel from
one hot spot to another, but for some reason this movement is not controlled by FBI. How many "protesters" were paid and how many
were driven by real grievances currently is unclear. But with the level of unemployment due to COVID19 epidemic the "cannon fodder"
for protests was available in abundance, anyway.
Behaviour of police also has many similarities with Maidan: partially they were paralyzed by local authorities. Sometimes their actions
were borderline with open provocation. Attempt of Trump to use National Guard in Washington was sabotaged by the Pentagon brass.
Who pays for the tickets and accommodations or "professional revolutionaries" clearly present in the
Why nobody investigated how pallets of bricks and frozen bottled of water in large cans were delivered to
the places of protest?
The suspicious placement of
pallets of bricks in the proximity of numerous protest sites have spurred rumors of sabotage by everything from white supremacist
groups to “Antifa” to law enforcement itself.
...Believe it or not, there could be a kernel of truth in accusations coming mostly from the political right as to the possible
role of the notorious liberal billionaire investor and “philanthropist” George Soros and his Open Society Foundation (OSF).
...The Hungarian business magnate’s institute, like other NGOs involved in U.S. regime change operations such as the National
Endowment for Democracy (NED), is largely a front for the CIA to shield itself while destabilizing U.S. adversaries, the spy agency’s
preferred modus operandi since the exposure of its illicit activities in previous decades by the Rockefeller Commission and Church
Committee in the 1970s. In the post-Soviet world, nations across Central Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and beyond have become
well acquainted with the political disruptions of the international financier and his network. In particular, governments that have
leaned toward warm relations with Moscow during the incumbency of President Vladimir Putin have found themselves the victims of his
Under Putin’s predecessor Boris Yeltsin, Soros made a killing off the mass privatization of the former state-run assets in the
Eastern Bloc, as journalist Naomi Klein
explained in The Shock Doctrine...
In any case, we can assume that Antifa. BLM and several similar organization play the role of shock troops during the protests, while
then mass of "extras" with their often legitimate grievances is just used for nefarious purposes.
Emerging just two years later, the roots of Black Lives Matter were not just in community organizing but partially took inspiration
from the Occupy movement.
Unfortunately, the similarities between them were not limited to a shared lack of clarity in their demands
but facing the same dilemma of being absorbed into the system. While OWS was quickly suppressed after hopeful beginnings, the BLM
leadership became career-oriented apparatchiks of the Democratic Party and left grass-roots organizing behind. Through the non-profit
industrial complex, the Democratic Party has mastered bringing various social movements under its management on behalf of Wall Street
in order to funnel public funds into private control through various foundations. Along with the Ford Foundation which has given
BLM enormous $100 million grants, Soros and the OSF have been one of the principal offenders. Still, many who correctly identify
right-wing protests such as the Tea Party movement and the recent ‘anti-lockdown’ demonstrations as the work of astro-turfing by
the Koch Brothers and Heritage Foundation seldom apply the same scrutiny to seemingly authentic progressive movements assimilated
by corporate America.
One figure who mysteriously appeared on the scene in the early days of OWS connected to Soros was the Serbian political activist
Srđa Popović, the founder of Otpor! (“resistance” in Serbian) and the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS)
political organizations which led the protests in 2000 which ousted the democratically-elected President of Serbia, Slobodan Milošević,
known as the “Bulldozer Revolution.” Not long after Popović’s consulting of activists in Zuccotti Park, Wikileaks documents revealed
the Belgrade-born organizer’s
significant ties to U.S. intelligence through the global intelligence platform Stratfor (known as the “shadow CIA”), exposing
the real motives behind his involvement in U.S. politics of outwardly supporting OWS while trying to sabotage the popular movement.
Since their role as instruments of U.S. regime change in Serbia, Otpor! and CANVAS have received financial support from CIA intermediaries
such as the NED, OSF, Freedom House and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), as well as the Boston-based
Albert Einstein Institute founded by the American political scientist, Gene Sharp.
Despite ostensibly professing to use the same civil disobedience methods of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., Gene Sharp‘s
manual for “non-violent resistance” entitled From Dictatorship to Democracy has been the blueprint used by political organizations
around the world that have only served the interests of Western imperialism. Beginning with the Bulldozer Revolution in Serbia, the
successful formula which ousted Milošević spread to other Central Asian and Eastern European nations overthrowing governments which
resisted NATO expansion and the European Union’s draconian austerity in favor of economic ties with Moscow. These were widely referred
to in the media as ‘Color Revolutions’ and included the 2003 Rose Revolution in Georgia, the 2004 Orange Revolution in Ukraine and
its 2014 Maidan coup d’état follow-up, as well as the 2005 Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan, among others.
Subsequently, Srđa Popović and CANVAS also lent their expertise in Egypt during the predecessor to its Arab Spring in the April
6 Youth Movement which appropriated Otpor!’s raised fist logo as its emblem. In preparation for the organization of anti-government
demonstrations, the activists poured over Gene Sharp’s work in coordination with Otpor! whose fingerprints can be found all over
the Arab Spring uprisings which began as protests to remove unpopular leaders in Egypt and Tunisia but were carefully reeled in to
preserve the despotic Western-friendly systems that had put them to power initially. Where Sharp’s “non-violent” template failed,
countries with U.S. adversaries in power such as Libya and Syria saw their protests rapidly morph into a resurgence of Al-Qaeda and
a terrorist proxy war with catastrophic consequences. This recipe has also been exported to Latin America in attempts to remove the
Bolivarian government in Venezuela, with self-declared ‘interim president’ and opposition leader Juan Guaido having received training
from CANVAS.
And concentrating of "Black life matter" rhetoric (partially protest from oppression, partially black racism, partially some flavor
of Maoism of China Cultural Revolution vintage with a new generation of Hongweibing on the streets (with the requisite statues topping
as well as acts of vandalism and violence) it is also great diversion from the real problem that the country faces.
And the real reason for the current crisi is the ciris of neoliberalism and general impoverishment of the US population since
1980 as well as decination of the New Deal Capitalism Social Protections. And it is pretty funny that back people, who suffered most
from the dismateling of the NEw Deal Capitalism now are used to get hot potatoes for the Democratic Party, which under Clinton w
le border="2" width="90%" bgcolor="#FFFF00">
nstrument of neoliberal elite for dismantling of the New Deal. With Biden playing outsised role in putting black people into
So now the USA has problem connected with destabilizing level of inequality (relected inthe valuelue of
GINI coefficient ) and the problem with out of control
self-enrichment of financial oligarchy. Along with brutal attempts to intimidate into submission the part of working class, which voted
for Trump in 2016 (aka deplorables)
The destabilization caused by the lootings is most useful for the Democratic Party establishment as a tool to mobilize people for
vote in 2020 elections (note Pelosi participation in Floyd deification) and partially even to Republican Party too. Like the fog
of war it covers their crimes against American people.
There are deep analogies with Ukrainian EuroMaidan and Mao Cultural revolution here. In both case this is open and brutal struggle
for power between factions of ruling elite, where students (the major part of protests foot solders) are just pawns, who at the end
will lose the standard of living they enjoyed before.
In case of EuroMaydan the Ukrainians currency soon dropped three times impoverishing lower 80% of population to African level of
poverty when over 80% of population lives on around $2 a day and pensioners simply starve. In case of Mao the result were even
worse: after Cultural revolution people faced real hunger and many died form it. Hongweibings brutally assaulted intellectuals and party
functionaries which has doubt in Mao cult and the usefulness of the continuation of his leadership. We see some elements of this
in the USA in assaulted on independently minded professors who proved to be not woke enough. Some of them were fired.
Later Hongweibings were exiled to the dirt poor countryside as they performed their role and now represented the danger to the ruling
elite. When a new generation of Hongweibing (translated as Red Guards; can be called Black Guards in the case of the USA)
arrive on the streets you can be sure that neoliberal Democrats led by Clintons and Obama are behind them.
Mao made use of the group as propaganda and to accomplish goals such as destroying symbols of China's pre-communist past, including
ancient artifacts and gravesites of notable Chinese figures. Moreover, the government was very permissive of the Red Guards, and
even allowed the Red Guards to inflict bodily harm on people viewed as dissidents. The movement quickly grew out of control, frequently
coming into conflict with authority and threatening public security until the government made efforts to rein the youths in. The
Red Guard groups also suffered from in-fighting as factions developed among them. By the end of 1968, the group as a formal movement
had dissolved.
That was noted by several prominent foreign observers. Alastair Crooke noted a couple of interesting analogies:
Most notable, are the ubiquitous palettes of bricks that mysteriously appear in the background to many videos of the protests
(see here
for a typical selection). Who is positioning them? Who is paying? U.S. commentator, Michael Snyder, too has
the “complex network of bicycle scouts to move ahead of demonstrators in different directions of where police were, and where police
were not, for purposes of being able to direct groups from the larger group to… where they thought officers would not be.”
He observes too, the anticipatory raising of bail money; the preparing of medical teams, ready to treat injuries; and of caches
of flammable materials (suitable for torching official vehicles), pre-positioned in places where protests would later occur. All
this – with simultaneous protests in more than 380 U.S. cities – in my experience, signals much bigger, silent backstage
organization. And behind ‘the organisation’, the instigators lie, far back: maybe even thousands of miles back; and somewhere out
there will be the financier.
... ... ...
Tom Luongo presciently suggests
that should we wish to understand better the context to these recent events – and not be stuck at stage
appearances – we need to look to Hong Kong for indicators.
Writing in October 2019,
Luongo noted that: “What
started as peaceful protests against an extradition law and worry over reunification with China has
morphed into an ugly and vicious assault on the city’s economic future. [This is] being perpetrated
by the so-called “Block Bloc”, roving bands of mask-wearing, police-tactic defying vandals
attacking randomly around the city to disrupt people going to work”.
An exasperated local man
exclaims: “Not only you [i.e. Block Bloc protestors are] harming the people making their living
in businesses, companies, shopping malls. You’re destroying subway stations. You’re destroying our
streets. You’re destroying our hard-earned reputation as a safe, international business centre. You’re
destroying our economy”. The man cannot explain why there was not a single police officer in sight,
for hours, as the rampage continued.
... ... ...
Perhaps an earlier ‘end of Époque’ metamorphosis shows us how readily an old-established elite can swap horses in order
to survive. In the historical Sicilian novel, The Leopard, Prince Salina’s nephew tells his uncle that
the old order is ‘done’, and with it,
the family is ‘done’ too, unless … “Unless we ourselves take a hand now, they’ll foist a republic on us. If we want things to stay
as they are, things will have to change”.
As another example, Russian President Putin (who probably is also well informed about events) noted in his recent interview(
Zero Hedge, Jun 14, 2020):
"In the USA the President says: we need to do so-and-so, and on the ground, the governors say: go away. It seems to me that
the problem is that group party interests, in this case, are placed above the interests of the entire society and the interests of
The danger is the start of internal defragmentation of the US into Dominican Republic and Haiti.
Was rection to the murder of Floyd justified?
There is no argument about whether the treatment of George Floyd was appropriate behavior from police. Both sides (protesters and
Trump/his supporters) agree it was not. There is no argument about whether police brutality in the US is a problem. Both sides agree
that it ockquote>
Lance Mannion ->
BakersfieldRedneck •
6 days ago
I think virtually everyone agrees Floyd from all accounts didn't need to die and the officers involved should face charges, but I
also don't believe his death should be politicized to push the left's agenda. This apparent murder does not represent anything other
than a crime by one police officer against one suspect. There are no wide-reaching implications or reasons to indict all police or
our society because the fact is incidents like this are incredibly rare.
The most plausible narrative so far that it was some kind of a personal vendetta between the cop and Floyd, not a racial issue. Floyd
was a brutal serial criminal, with a long file of past arrests and fines.
Floyd had landed five years behind bars in 2009 for an assault and robbery two years earlier, and before that, had been convicted
of charges ranging from theft with a firearm to drugs,
the Daily Mail reported.
They worked together in a night club, and probably Floyd at some point crossed the cop, hence the revenge. But maybe the white cop
was simply incompetent or simply frustrated by trying to subdue someone so big and powerful? Perhaps it had nothing to do with race?
Such questions are ignored. The Clinton neoliberals and their MSM already has their narrative ready to go about how the event is a manifestation
of white racism and blacks are being brutally oppressed by white racism and murdered by racist white cops every single day. And
this must stop!!!
Converting popular revolt against economic terrorism of financial oligarchy into a new Maydan
Any kind of popular revolt against economic terrorism and plundering instituted by the neoliberal elite and protected by the full
spectrum of state institutions including a police force was snatched right before our eyes even before we could react.
Instead we got St George beatification theater. The well-funded controlled-opposition groups such as BLM and Antifa seized on the
opportunity to declare this a racial matter (and probably enjoyed some injected for this specific purpose funds).
As part of its series of undercover videos exposing left-wing organizations like Antifa, Project Veritas released footage claiming
to show far-left Democrat activists bragging about George Soros funding and political connections. Tom Steyer – who unsuccessfully
campaigned for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination for 2020 – and liberal financier George Soros are both named as financial
contributors in the new clip on Refuse Fascism, an organization dedicated to removing President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike
Pence from office.
Andy Zee, national organizer for the group, mentions during the seven-minute video that Steyer "may not want to be directly connected"
to the group because he has "political ambitions" that may be hurt by such a relationship, but Zee says the group is in communication
with Steyer's assistant and "main adviser on impeachment."
Riots purposefully alienated over 50% of the U.S. population, what we call the middle class, and working class.
There can be no racial justice minus true economic justice
There can be no racial justice minus true economic justice. This means the need for reaching out to the white working class and building
a broad-based alliance. Currently this is impossible dure the radicalism of Antifa and BLM who are the driving force bheind the protests:
Forget all the news-noise in recent days about thuggery, police brutality, frankly ridiculous white middle-class virtue signalling,
and chucking statues in harbours. While the violence and looting was probably driven by opportunism and boredom, the underlying grievances
are about fundamental human emotions.
The real issues are much bigger. Perceptions of rising inequality are rising – in terms of opportunities, rights and
of income. Inequality has been magnified over the last 12 years – as a consequence of the last market crash - and societies
are likely to become even more unequal as this recession plays out.
This growing sense of injustice and unfairness will hit across economies. As the virus bites harder in less developed economies,
the pressure and unrest is likely to escalate. As the global economy deteriorates, unemployment rises and i
... ... ...
The riots demonstrate that tensions are high and rising. As the recession bites, there is a risk of further division and
populism creating political instability...
Meanwhile the neoliberal establishment continues to use identity politics to keep working people permanently divided. Here is one
Liberal cities today will defund and disband their police. Let me tell you right now, when black on black violence grows worse
and property crimes drive tax payers out, the mantra will be, systematic racism caused this. It will be used as an excuse for the
failures of new liberal social justice policies.
Some questions about the current riots
Several legitimate questions arise:
Cue bono? With PRISM and NSA in full boom is it so difficult to decipher plans, the modes of operation, communications,
networking, and finances of the Democratic donors involved, as well as Soros and Co, and use incriminating evidence to squeeze bad
actors? Why nothing at all was done?
Who is responsible for organizing the riots, allowing them to explode out of control, and spread all over the country?
Who supplied the pallets of brick hidden behind fake construction site signs, at places of protests in multiple cities?
What about the discovery of weapons such as pipe bombs, pipes, etc, all hidden in areas close to the pre-planned
protest sites? There are videos of these
What is the real reason Antifa (and other groups of anarchists and Maoists) are allowed to operate by FBI?
Why there is a push by the woke crowd to defund the police departments? After all Floyd was not a saint, but a hardened
Why many arrested for violence participants were released? Should not they be kept without bail as they represent a danger
to public order. Who sanctioned their release?
Is not the slogan "Black Lives Matter" a blatant black exceptionalism. Why not "Black Lives Matter too"?
Protesters will be royally fleeced
If Maydan is any model for the current protest, there is no doubts that protesters will be royally fleeced and will end in much worse
economic conditions than before. Which is given taking into account the Coronavirus lockdown disproportionally affected the city poor.
At the same time most people remains completely ignorant about the evil nature of this kabuki theater and dirty tricks of neoliberal
propaganda machine. Which is pretty capable of gaslighting the whole nation. This happened first of all due to the depth of neoliberal
indoctrination which is taking place in our college system and increasingly, in our primary schools. In the thick smoke of the multicultural
and neoliberal propaganda all of Americans find ourselves in, it becomes almost impossible to see the real evils of the system and trace
them back to the origins, to the root case of what went wrong with the USA society.
Like in Kiev EuroMaydan uprising legitimate grievances are now exploited for nefarious purposes: setting scores in the vicious
fight of two neoliberal clans. It is easy to incite rage against the police among some categories of black people and white unemployed
youth. As well as use assorted anarchists and Maoist grup as storm troopers to vandalism. Looting was taken care by criminal gangs.
People resentment with the system was skillfully exploited. Protests were well financed and organized. It is undeniable fact tha
pallets of bricks were delivered at places of protest in multiple cities -- by whom? For what ? Both questions remain unanswered, and
as in Maydan probably never will be.
Curfews were imposed in major cities around the U.S., including Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle.
About 5,000 National Guard soldiers and airmen were activated in 15 states and Washington, D.C. Still miraculously protest went out
of control and mass looting at night, when policy force was withdrawn (by whom?) occured. Again the question is classic "Que bono?"
At least 4,100 people have been arrested over days of protests, according to a tally compiled by The Associated Press. Arrests ranged
from looting and blocking highways to breaking curfew.
The key role of Anarchist and Maoist elements
Protests were clearly were violent and on the ground probably led by Anarchists an Maoist elements, such as Antifa. funny that at
one point they really thetened White house. Trump was wicked to the bunker. MSM tried to hide this fact emphazing only the fact that
Trump went to the bunker.
I disagree when he says there were a 'few violent protests', the majority were violent, the problem is the MSM are not publishing
them, wanting to keep up the farce that these are peacheful protests. What about the discovery that weapons such as piles of bricks
hidden behind fake construction site signs, weapons, pipe bombs, pipes, etcetc are all hidden in areas close to the pre-planned
protest sites, there are videos of these; these protests and this violence has been planned for a very long time.
Has anyone
seen the videos of the actual riots in NY and Santa Monica at the least? Dozens and dozens of stores were smashed open and completely
looted, we are talking about Bloomingdales/Rolex/Chanel/Dior/Foot Locker/Best Buy/GAP/Louie Viutton/GUCCI and the list is long.
It was so serious in downtown NYC that every single store in uptown NY, all along 57th Street and from Madison all down 5th
Avenue and on to the West Side is completely boarded up, completely.
Does anyone show these videos? When has anyone seen NY like this? Santa Monica was just looted there are videos that the whole
length of stores are destroyed.
...vandalism and looting were initiated and encouraged by hired agent provocateurs. They delivered bricks to strategic locations
and they dispatched saboteurs to break windows -- remember, at least one with an umbrella was caught on video. Where is the investigation
into these crimes? Don't expect one, because it was part of the plot.
Social media platforms are being used by Soros funded groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter to organize and to get out their
orders, but when those that wanted to promote rallies about the unconstitutionality of stay-at-home orders and the lockdowns and shutdowns
, or god forbid question vaccine safety , Facebook and Twitter censors or threatens to block accounts.
The key role of protests and now any help to the black population, they are about helping to return to power by neoliberal Dems
in November 2020
Tucker Carlson is one of the few commentators who sensed the real undercurrent below the protests and got it mostly right (although
he is deeply mistaken about composition of sponsors of the protest -- they included elements of Republin Party too)
Now suddenly, it is obvious. It should have been obvious on the first day. This is about
Donald Trump. Of course, it is. We just couldn't
see it.
For normal people, Donald Trump is the president. You may like him, you may not like him, but either way, there will be another
president at some point, and we will move on as we always have.
But for Donald Trump's enemies, there is nothing else. Everything is about Trump. Everything.
Donald Trump defines their friendships, their careers, their marriages. Donald Trump affects how they raise their children. Trump
occupies the very center of their lives. As long as Donald Trump remains in the White House. They feel powerless and diminished and
panicked. So they cannot be happy.
In everything they do, their overriding goal is to remove Donald Trump from office. And that's exactly what they're trying to
do now. That's what these riots are about. The most privileged in our society are using the most desperate in our society to seize
power from everyone else.
Got that? That's the nub of it. The most privileged are using the most desperate to seize power from the rest of us. They are
not seeking racial justice. If they were seeking racial justice, they wouldn't be denouncing their fellow Americans for their race,
which they are. It has nothing to do with it.
What they are seeking is total control of the country. And it goes without saying that none of this has anything to do with
George Floyd. Shame on those who pretended that
it did -- those who fell for the lie and those who knew better but played along because they are cowards. There are many of those.
You know who they are, and someday we will look back on all of them with contempt.
Meanwhile, the many people promoting this chaos remain clear-eyed. They are not lying to themselves. They never do. They know
exactly what's going on, and they know what they hope to achieve by it. With every night of rioting, they grow bolder. Now, they
are openly defending violence on television.
Bakari Sellers, CNN political commentator: People worry about the protesters and the looters. And it is just people
who are frustrated.
Don Lemon, CNN anchor: They are frustrated, and they are angry, and they are out there. And they're upset. You shouldn't
be taking televisions, but I can't tell people how to react to this.
Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.: I'm
proud of the protests, and I think it is part of the tradition of New York. The violence is bad, reprehensible, and it should
be condemned, but it is not the overwhelming picture in New York.
Nikole Hannah-Jones, The New York Times: Destroying property which can be replaced is not violence.
Chris Cuomo, CNN anchor Too many see the protests as the problem. Please, show me where it says that protests are supposed
to be polite and peaceful.
You're crushed by this. You can't believe what's happening to your country. But for the people you just saw, the real problem
is that the rioting in some rare places is being stopped by police, and their aim is to fix that. They would like to eliminate all
law enforcement for good.
In everything they do, their overriding goal is to remove Donald Trump from office. And that's exactly what they're trying
to do now. That's what these riots are about. The most privileged in our society are using the most desperate in our society to
seize power from everyone else.
... ... ...
In the absence of law enforcement, the answer is no. It means thugs are in charge. The most violent people have the most power.
They can do whatever they want to you. That's the reality. Everyone obeys the violent people, or they get hurt. The mob literally
That probably sounds like a nightmare to you, because it is. But the people pushing this idea don't see it as scary because they
don't fear the mob, because they control the mob. That's the key. And they see violence as an instrument of their political power.
With mobs in the streets that they control, they will finally get what they want -- Donald Trump out of office and a hammerlock
on the country. That's what's happening.
Is this a replay of Maydan and Hong Cong color revolutions ?
It is funny how close are events at the Independence Square in Kiev during EuroMaydan and events in Seattle and the creation of CHAZ
In case of Maydan protesters erected tent camp on the square. In order to provide sanitation and food distribution protesters captured
the Trade Union Building which stands on the side of the square (later the building was burned). In case of Seattle it is unclear what
sleeping quarters the protester have and who provides sanitation and food
The designated zone is located in the city's Capitol Hill district and surrounds the Seattle Police Department's East Precinct.
Police opened the area to protesters on Monday after previously closing the streets following violent demonstrations that took place
following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
...One sign outside the area,
which takes up several blocks, reads,
"You are now leaving the USA." Some participating in the occupation have presented a
list of demands that includes abolishing the Seattle Police Department.
In both cases protesters are pawns of oligarchic clans. In Kiev protested also occupied the City Hall and the same
is true for CHAZ (“Capital Hill Autonomous Zone” which is a repetition of the same scheme with different actors.
In both cases subtle support from the government was evident. In case of Maydan city authorities and some government official sabotaged
the President efforts to deal with protests on one hand, and staged violent clashed with police to aggravate the situation of the other.
In case of CHAZ "Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said he was unaware of protesters setting up a police-free zone in Seattle when asked by
reporters." Jay Inslee on
Seattle's police-free zone 'That's news to me'
I spoke with @MayorJenny and her team about the situation on Capitol Hill. Although unpermitted, and we should remember we are
still in a pandemic, the area is largely peaceful. Peaceful protests are fundamentally American, and I am hopeful there will be a
peaceful resolution.
— Governor Jay Inslee (@GovInslee) June 11, 2020
I can’t stop laughing. I’ve been reading comments on Twitter for the last 10 minutes about this.
Raz(mattaz?) was being filmed while he was trying to convince the guy to stop spray painting. It didn’t
work, so then a scuffle ensued.
He chased his ass down the block and beat him up.
Then they slapped around the guy with the camera and broke his glasses.
You know someone infiltrated the group already. Too much info is coming out. lol
What’s the ETA on the power and water cut off? lolol
...Jay Inslee Laughs About Antifa’s Rebellion in Seattle as He Demobilizes National Guard
During Euromaydan large part of protesters were paid actors, mostly students, bussed from different (mainly Western) regions
of Ukraine. They "worked" in shifts. In case of Seattle, the core are students but whether they are paid or not is unclear. Looters
definitely self-enrich but they are tiny percentage of protesters. There was no looting during Maydan, but protesters burned several
In Seattle they get food somehow, so some shadow channel of financing the protests is avilable.
In case of EuroMaydan, violent clashes were well financed and preaching the slogan "Power comes from the barrel of the gun", violent
groups were the core of the protesters (although they ideology was completely different)
This makes no sense. To the Communists, the Hong Kong protests are evil and violence will be used to suppress them. So is Xi
giving Trump permission to use violence?
Or if the Minnesota riots are about how corrupt the US is, then isn't also the Hong Kong protests about fighting a corrupt
This is the end state of radical propaganda. You end up showing just how evil you are.
If the Chicoms are right I have an idea. Why don't they give us the Hong Kong protestors and, in return, we can give them the
Black Lies Matters and Antifa thugs. The Hong Kong protestors are protesting the "workers paradise" while the thugs here are protesting
"capitalism". If those thugs go to China they can have socialism AND there are very very few white people there. Meanwhile, the
Hong Kong protestors want freedom, which the US offers. Seems like a win/win for the US and China.
No comparison. Hong Kong is not a riot. Just a protest against China..
Minneapolis is not a protest, it is a group of punks and cowards that are a disgrace to the human race and are out to destroy
the United States. Time to take off the gloves and treat them as they are treating others. Time to put an end to what the Democrats
It is strange that this started right after Pelosi went to China and is just the kind of thing the Chinese government is known
In the past, I've used to sympathize and support their movement as they are peaceful protestors with reasonable demand with
HK and China's Central Government. But when they decided to use violence, then it's different story. If they think violence it's
the answer, they gotta go Mainland China and confront the PLA.
Below is the description of the gear used by Hong Cong protesters. There are some analogies here two, especially with Antifa.
"... He defines "wokeism" as a creed that has arisen in America in response to the "moral vacuum" created by the ebbing from public life of faith, patriotism and "the identity we derived from hard work." He argues that notions like "diversity," "equity," "inclusion" and "sustainability" have come to take their place. ..."
"... "Our collective moral insecurities," Mr. Ramaswamy says, "have left us vulnerable" to the blandishments and propaganda of the new political and corporate elites, who are now locked in a cynical "arranged marriage, where each partner has contempt for the other." Each side is getting out of the "trade" something it "could not have gotten alone." ..."
"... Wokeness entered its union with capitalism in the years following the 2008 financial panic and recession. Mr. Ramaswamy believes that conditions were perfect for the match. "We were -- and are -- in the midst of the biggest intergenerational wealth transfer in history," he says. Barack Obama had just been elected the first black president. By the end of the crisis, Americans "were actually pretty jaded with respect to capitalism. Corporations were the bad guys. The old left wanted to take money from corporations and give it to poor people." ..."
"... The birth of wokeism was a godsend to corporations, Mr. Ramaswamy says. It helped defang the left. "Wokeism lent a lifeline to the people who were in charge of the big banks. They thought, 'This stuff is easy!' " They applauded diversity and inclusion, appointed token female and minority directors, and "mused about the racially disparate impact of climate change." So, in Mr. Ramaswamy's narrative, "a bunch of big banks got together with a bunch of millennials, birthed woke capitalism, and then put Occupy Wall Street up for adoption." Now, in Mr. Ramaswamy's tart verdict, "big business makes money by critiquing itself." ..."
"... Davos is "the Woke Vatican," Mr. Ramaswamy says; Al Gore and Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock , are "its archbishops." CEOs "further down the chain" -- he mentions James Quincey of Coca-Cola , Ed Bastian of Delta , Marc Benioff of Salesforce , John Donahoe of Nike and Alan Jope of Unilever -- are its "cardinals." ..."
"... He describes this sort of corporate imposition -- "a market force supplanting open political debate to settle the essence of political questions" -- as one of the "defining challenges" America faces today. "If democracy means anything," he adds, "it means living in a one-person-one-vote system, not a one-dollar-one-vote system." Voters' voices "are unadjusted by the number of dollars we wield in the marketplace." Open debate in the public square is "our uniquely American mechanism" of settling political questions. He likens the woke-corporate silencing of debate as akin to the "old-world European model, where a small group of elites gets in a room and decides what's good for everyone else." ..."
"... The wokeism-capitalism embrace, Mr. Ramaswamy says, was replicated in Silicon Valley. Over the past few years, "Big Tech effectively agreed to censor -- or 'moderate' -- content that the woke movement didn't like. But they didn't do it for free." In return, the left "agreed to look the other way when it comes to leaving Silicon Valley's monopoly power intact." This arrangement is "working out masterfully" for both sides. ..."
"... Coca-Cola follows the same playbook, he says: "It's easier for them to issue statements about voting laws in Georgia, or to train their employees on how to 'be less white,' than it is to publicly reckon with its role in fueling a nationwide epidemic of diabetes and obesity -- including in the black communities they profess to care about so much." (In a statement, Coca-Cola apologized for the "be less white" admonition and said that while it was "accessible through our company training platform," it "was not a part of our training curriculum.") ..."
"... Nike finds it much easier to write checks to Black Lives Matter and condemn America's history of slavery, Mr. Ramaswamy says, even as it relies on "slave labor" today to sell "$250 sneakers to black kids in the inner city who can't afford to buy books for school." All the while, Black Lives Matter "neuters the police in a way that sacrifices even more black lives." (Nike has said in a statement that its code of conduct prohibits any use of forced labor and "we have been engaging with multi-stakeholder working groups to assess collective solutions that will help preserve the integrity of our global supply chains.") ..."
"... Mr. Varadarajan, a Journal contributor, is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and at New York University Law School's Classical Liberal Institute. ..."
"... Seems to me in a nutshell he is saying that these woke corporations are all hypocrites. No surprise there hypocrisy is a defining characteristic of the woke left and you need to assume that characteristic yourself to be able to work within their bounds. ..."
"... Wokeists argue that theirs is not a religion because it doesn't center on a transcendent being. I see Wokeism as a religion that gathers multiple Secularist sects into a big tent. These sects include Environmentalism, Genderism, Anti-Racism, and more. ..."
"... One thing all religions share in common is the elevation of questionable premises to unassailable truths which they defend with religious zeal. Some questionable premises elevated to unassailable truths by Wokeism are that humans are making the Earth uninhabitable, gender is an individual choice, and race is the most important human characteristic. There are more. ..."
A self-made multimillionaire who founded a biotech company at 28, Vivek Ramaswamy is every
inch the precocious overachiever. He tells me he attended law school while he was in sixth
grade. He's joking, in his own earnest manner. His father, an aircraft engineer at General
Electric, had decided to get a law degree at night school. Vivek sat in on the classes with
him, so he could keep his dad company on the long car rides to campus and back -- a very Indian
filial act.
"I was probably the only person my age who'd heard of Antonin Scalia, " Mr. Ramaswamy, 35,
says in a Zoom call from his home in West Chester, Ohio. His father, a political liberal, would
often rage on the way home from class about "some Scalia opinion." Mr. Ramaswamy reckons that
this was when he began to form his own political ideas. A libertarian in high school, he
switched to being conservative at Harvard in "an act of rebellion" against the politics he
found there. That conservatism drove him to step down in January as CEO at Roivant Sciences --
the drug-development company that made him rich -- and write "Woke, Inc," a book that takes a
scathing look at "corporate America's social-justice scam." (It will be published in
Mr. Ramaswamy recently watched the movie "Spotlight," which tells the story of how reporters
at the Boston Globe exposed misconduct (specifically, sexual abuse) by Catholic priests in the
early 2000s. "My goal in 'Woke, Inc.' is to do the same thing with respect to the Church of
Wokeism." He defines "wokeism" as a creed that has arisen in America in response to the "moral
vacuum" created by the ebbing from public life of faith, patriotism and "the identity we
derived from hard work." He argues that notions like "diversity," "equity," "inclusion" and
"sustainability" have come to take their place.
"Our collective moral insecurities," Mr. Ramaswamy says, "have left us vulnerable" to the
blandishments and propaganda of the new political and corporate elites, who are now locked in a
cynical "arranged marriage, where each partner has contempt for the other." Each side is
getting out of the "trade" something it "could not have gotten alone."
Wokeness entered its union with capitalism in the years following the 2008 financial panic
and recession. Mr. Ramaswamy believes that conditions were perfect for the match. "We were --
and are -- in the midst of the biggest intergenerational wealth transfer in history," he says.
Barack Obama had just been elected the first black president. By the end of the crisis,
Americans "were actually pretty jaded with respect to capitalism. Corporations were the bad
guys. The old left wanted to take money from corporations and give it to poor people."
The birth of wokeism was a godsend to corporations, Mr. Ramaswamy says. It helped defang the
left. "Wokeism lent a lifeline to the people who were in charge of the big banks. They thought,
'This stuff is easy!' " They applauded diversity and inclusion, appointed token female and
minority directors, and "mused about the racially disparate impact of climate change." So, in
Mr. Ramaswamy's narrative, "a bunch of big banks got together with a bunch of millennials,
birthed woke capitalism, and then put Occupy Wall Street up for adoption." Now, in Mr.
Ramaswamy's tart verdict, "big business makes money by critiquing itself."
Mr. Ramaswamy regards Klaus Schwab, founder and CEO of the World Economic Forum in Davos,
Switzerland, as the "patron saint of wokeism" for his relentless propagation of "stakeholder
capitalism" -- the view that the unspoken bargain in the grant to corporations of limited
liability is that they "must do social good on the side."
Davos is "the Woke Vatican," Mr. Ramaswamy says; Al Gore and Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock , are "its
archbishops." CEOs "further down the chain" -- he mentions James Quincey of Coca-Cola , Ed Bastian of Delta , Marc Benioff of
Salesforce , John
Donahoe of Nike and
Alan Jope of Unilever
-- are its "cardinals."
Mr. Ramaswamy says that "unlike the investigative 'Spotlight' team at the Boston Globe, I'm
a whistleblower, not a journalist. But the church analogy holds strong." He paraphrases a line
in the movie: "It takes a village to raise a child, then it takes a village to abuse one. In
the case of my book, the child I'm concerned about is American democracy."
In league with the woke left, corporate America "uses force" as a substitute for open
deliberation and debate, Mr. Ramaswamy says. "There's the sustainability accounting standards
board of BlackRock, which effectively demands that in order to win an investment from
BlackRock, the largest asset-manager in the world, you must abide by the standards of that
Was the board put in place by the owners of the trillions of dollars of capital that Mr.
Fink manages? Of course not, Mr. Ramaswamy says. "And yet he's actually using his seat of
corporate power to sidestep debate about questions like environmentalism or diversity on
The irrepressible Mr. Ramaswamy presses on with another example. Goldman Sachs , he says with obvious relish,
"is a very Davos-fitting example." At the 2020 World Economic Forum, Goldman Sachs CEO David
Solomon "issued an edict from the mountaintops of Davos." Mr. Solomon announced his company
would refuse to take a company public if its board wasn't sufficiently diverse. "So Goldman
gets to define what counts as 'diverse,' " Mr. Ramaswamy says. "No doubt, they're referring to
skin-deep, genetically inherited attributes."
He describes this sort of corporate imposition -- "a market force supplanting open political
debate to settle the essence of political questions" -- as one of the "defining challenges"
America faces today. "If democracy means anything," he adds, "it means living in a
one-person-one-vote system, not a one-dollar-one-vote system." Voters' voices "are unadjusted
by the number of dollars we wield in the marketplace." Open debate in the public square is "our
uniquely American mechanism" of settling political questions. He likens the woke-corporate
silencing of debate as akin to the "old-world European model, where a small group of elites
gets in a room and decides what's good for everyone else."
The wokeism-capitalism embrace, Mr. Ramaswamy says, was replicated in Silicon Valley. Over
the past few years, "Big Tech effectively agreed to censor -- or 'moderate' -- content that the
woke movement didn't like. But they didn't do it for free." In return, the left "agreed to look
the other way when it comes to leaving Silicon Valley's monopoly power intact." This
arrangement is "working out masterfully" for both sides.
The rest of corporate America appears to be following suit. "There's a Big Pharma version,
too," Mr. Ramaswamy says. "Big Pharma had an epiphany in dealing with the left." It couldn't
beat them, so it joined them. "Rather than win the debate on drug pricing, they decided to just
change the subject instead. Who needs to win a debate if you can just avoid having it?" So we
see "big-time pharma CEOs musing about topics like racial justice and environmentalism, and
writing multibillion-dollar checks to fight climate change, while taking price hikes that
they'd previously paused when the public was angry about drug pricing."
Coca-Cola follows the same playbook, he says: "It's easier for them to issue statements
about voting laws in Georgia, or to train their employees on how to 'be less white,' than it is
to publicly reckon with its role in fueling a nationwide epidemic of diabetes and obesity --
including in the black communities they profess to care about so much." (In a statement,
Coca-Cola apologized
for the "be less white" admonition and said that while it was "accessible through our company
training platform," it "was not a part of our training curriculum.")
Nike finds it much easier to write checks to Black Lives Matter and condemn America's
history of slavery, Mr. Ramaswamy says, even as it relies on "slave labor" today to sell "$250
sneakers to black kids in the inner city who can't afford to buy books for school." All the
while, Black Lives Matter "neuters the police in a way that sacrifices even more black lives."
(Nike has said in a statement that its code of conduct prohibits any use of forced labor and
"we have been engaging with multi-stakeholder working groups to assess collective solutions
that will help preserve the integrity of our global supply chains.")
... ... ...
Mr. Varadarajan, a Journal contributor, is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute
and at New York University Law School's Classical Liberal Institute.
Rod Drake 53 minutes ago
Seems to me in a nutshell he is saying that these woke corporations are all hypocrites. No
surprise there hypocrisy is a defining characteristic of the woke left and you need to assume
that characteristic yourself to be able to work within their bounds.
In addition, I have been
saying for some time discrimination based on political belief desperately needs to be
included as a prohibited basis. Where are the Republicans, while the greatest civil rights
violation of our time is going on right under their noses?
Terry Overbey 1 hour ago
I love reading stories about people who are willing to take on the woke political class. For
most people, even if they strongly disagree, their only option is to bite their tongue and go
along. People aren't stupid. If you buck the system, you don't get promoted, you don't get
good grades, you don't get into elite schools, you don't get the government job.
Thank you Mr Ramaswany.
James Ransom 1 hour ago
Well. If nothing else, he just sold me a book. I think we should say that "Wokeism" tries to
"Act Like" a religion, not that it is one. Because of this fakery, we do not need to give it
"freedom" in the sense that we have "Freedom of Religion."
These misguided Americans perhaps need to be exposed to a real religion. Christianity and
Buddhism would be good choices; I don't know about Hinduism, but my point is that "Wokeism"
is more like a mental disorder. We should feel sorry for its victims, offer them treatment,
but not let them run anything.
marc goodman 1 hour ago
Wokeists argue that theirs is not a religion because it doesn't center on a transcendent
being. I see Wokeism as a religion that gathers multiple Secularist sects into a big tent.
These sects include Environmentalism, Genderism, Anti-Racism, and more.
One thing all religions share in common is the elevation of questionable premises to
unassailable truths which they defend with religious zeal. Some questionable premises
elevated to unassailable truths by Wokeism are that humans are making the Earth
uninhabitable, gender is an individual choice, and race is the most important human
characteristic. There are more.
Humans need to believe in something greater than themselves. We fulfill this need with
religion, and historically, the "greater something" has been a transcendent being. Wokeism
fulfills this need for its adherents but without a transcendent being. Ultimately, Wokeism
will fail as a religion because it can't nourish the soul like the belief in a transcendent
being does.
Grodney Ross 2 hours ago (Edited)
Judgement will be passed in November of 2022. I don't see this as a Democrat vs Republican
issue. I think it's a matter of who is paying attention vs. those who are not. We live in a
society where, generally, the most strident voices are on the left, along with the most
judgmental voices. When the "wokeless" engage in a manner that conflicts with views of the
woke, they are attacked, be you from the left or the right, so you keep your mouth shut and go
about your day.
I believe that this coming election will give voice to those who are fatigued and fed up
with the progressive lefts venom and vitriol. If not, we will survive, but without a meaningful
first amendment,14th amendment, or 2nd amendment.
Barbara Helton 2 hours ago (Edited)
Being woke, when practiced by the wealthy and influential, can be extremely similar to
Wokism is an attempt on financial elite to distract and divide and distruct people from the
crisi of neoliberalism in the USA. This is a pretty dirty game.
There are lots of reasons why wokeism spread like wildfire once America lost its collective
mind during the pandemic, quarantine, self-induced recession, and rioting of 2020.
Wokeism was never really about racism, sexism, or other -isms. Instead, for some, it
illustrated a psychological pathology of projection: fobbing one's own concrete prejudices onto
others in order to alleviate or mask them.
So should we laugh or cry that Black Lives Matter's self-described Marxist co-founder turns
out to be a corporate grifter?
Patrisse Cullors has accumulated several upscale homes and is under investigation by the IRS
for allegations of the misuse of funds from one of her foundations.
Is it the case that the more Cullors professes Marxist ideology and damns toxic whiteness,
so all the more she feels at home living in a $1.4 million Topanga Canyon home, in an almost
exclusively ritzy white neighborhood?
Consider outspoken liberal icon Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.). He's one of the
Senate's most woke. Yet Whitehouse turns out to be a mostly unapologetic member of a de facto
all-white prestigious "beach club" of elites in Newport, Rhode Island. Is Whitehouse committed
in the abstract to rooting out white privilege so he can concretely relax amid it with fellow
Barack and Michelle Obama occasionally venture out of either their multimillion-dollar
Washington, D.C. mansion or their Martha's Vineyard estate to lecture the country on its
systemic racism. They express worry over the dangers that apparently white people pose to the
very safety of their own daughters.
Does such sermonizing square the circle that the Obamas have no desire to return to their
Chicago home""a city where nearly 700 African-American males were murdered in 2020, the vast
majority by other black men? So far, Chicago in 2021 is on a trajectory to suffer over 30
percent more murder victims than last year.
Joe Biden about every two weeks lectures America on its racism. And he unleashed the
bureaucracies of the federal government to root out mythical white supremacist
Does Medieval penance explain Biden's fixation on systemic racism? After all, when he
condemns anonymous white racists, does his outrage mitigate his son Hunter's habitual use of
the N-word and anti-Asian riffs?
No Washington politico has compiled a longer record of racialist put downs than Joe Biden.
So apparently, the more Biden hunts for a white racist under every bed, the less necessary it
becomes to look in the mirror or at least to beg his son Hunter to knock off his racist
The second catalyst of wokeism is the distraction it provides from scary problems that
threaten the very existence of American civilization. While the country consumes itself in
demanding more than 12 percent representation of black actors in television commercials, it is
nearing $30 trillion in national debt. Eventually, the astounding red ink will require
recessionary belt-tightening, more inflationary money printing, or both.
The woke Biden Administration cannot stop 2 million immigrants this year from crossing
illegally and with exemption into the United States. Almost all are in need of free American
health care, housing, food, and legal subsidies. Violent crime is spiking at an astonishing
rate. Yet few dare say why that is""or how to stop it.
America also cannot face the likely truth that Chinese researchers engineered a
gain-of-function virus""with oversight from the Communist Chinese military, and subsidies from
Drs. Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak.
So instead of offering real solutions to these crises, we war with each other whether the
deceased children's book author Dr. Seuss or the plastic toy Mr. Potato Head was racist or
otherwise exclusionary.
When our elites are clueless about national debt, inflation, illegal immigration, crime,
soaring gas prices, and a global pandemic, they reassure themselves that at least they can
cancel out Father JunÃpero Serra or knock down another statue of Robert E. Lee.
Finally, the hysterias of wokism are being channeled for profit""if they do not already
reflect the reality of many of our most woke being the richest among us.
One reason why Oprah Winfrey, Meghan Markle, and LeBron James hype charges of white racism
is that their oppression reminds America that one can become rich as Croesus yet remain
sympathetic victims.
For next-generation grifters, like Ibram Xolani Kendi (a.k.a. Ibram Henry Rogers) and Robin
DiAngelo, to claim that America was, is, and always will be racist, means more than just
speaking gigs and book sales.
The solutions for the pseudo-crises they invent are mass reeducation of self-confessional
whites""with lucrative consulting fees for both, and tens of thousands of others.
America is systematically being conned by those who disguise their hypocrisy, who manipulate
the guilt-ridden, who have no interest in solving America's most dangerous problems, and who
get or stay richer by hyping an America in need of massive rebooting - and with it their own
careerist remedies.
It seems that the wokesters who claim that they are "anti-racists" still can't tolerate the
memory of a man who defeated history's most murderous racist. The Thursday defacing of a statue
in Canada is the latest effort to cancel Hitler's implacable foe.
A Downtown statue of Sir Winston Churchill has been vandalized after someone dumped red paint
all across the replica of the former British prime minister...
Churchill, who served as prime minister from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955, is
seen as a national hero for his leadership during the Second World War but held many views
that would be deemed racist.
Perhaps the 20th century's greatest adversary of communist and fascist dictatorships,
Churchill has of course been found wanting by today's dictators of political fashion. This
week's vandalism follows several such instances over the last year involving a U.K. statue of
Churchill in London's Parliament Square. In Canada, Mr. Labine reports:
Elisebeth Checkel, the president of the Sir Winston Churchill Society of Edmonton, said this
is the first instance of the statue being vandalized that she's heard of and was disappointed
to see it happen.
She said Churchill has a complicated legacy and believes it is important to look at him in a
balanced way.
"If we look at any historical figure, we will find the same thing," Checkel said. "If we look
at almost any person from the 1880s, we would find their views were if not repugnant to us
nowadays, we would find they were disagreeable for sure. If you look at Churchill's later
actions and life as he grew, as we all hope to do, his views did change. The balance should
be celebrated because without Churchill we would not even have the right to protest in this
Licia Corbella
writes in the Calgary Herald that this week's vandalism of the statue is "another act of
woke totalitarianism." She adds:
Mark Milke, president of the Sir Winston Churchill Society of Calgary, says it's chilling to
contemplate what the world would be like now had Churchill not been there.
"Imagine if Churchill hadn't been there and the United Kingdom either did a peace treaty with
Hitler or fell during an invasion," said Milke...
"Nazi Germany would have controlled much of Europe... with the Soviet Union controlling the
other half and Imperial Japan raping Asia. Canada and the U.S. would have been pretty much
alone in the world..."
"Churchill is not a Civil War general from the South fighting to protect slavery. He's not
Joseph Stalin or Chairman Mao or Adolf Hitler," continued Milke.
No he's not. In fact Churchill was a stalwart opponent of the ideologies promoted by all
three of the 20th century's most infamous mass murderers. "For the historically illiterate who
like to throw paint on statues," Ms. Corbella notes the bloody legacy of Churchill's enemies
and adds:
What never seems to get mentioned is these statues are works of art. This destruction is not
unlike the Taliban destroying the Buddhas of Bamiyan in 2001. These woke folk are
As for Churchill, Ms. Corbella asks: "If we allow his legacy to be torn down, whose, pray
tell, can stand?"
Fortunately Ms. Corbella is not standing alone. Alberta Premier Jason Kenney tweets :
People should continue to debate Churchill's complex legacy & record, but vandalizing
public property like this is shameful.
No member of the greatest generation can meet the standards of contemporary wokeness. But we
should still honour those who secured our peace and freedom.
Canadian Parliament member Pierre Poilievre adds :
Don't schools teach history anymore?
Now the woke warriors attack the statue of Winston Churchill--the greatest anti-fascist of
all time. He beat Hitler and Mussolini for crying out loud.
Do these vandals wish he had lost?
Coincidentally it was on this day 81 years ago when Churchill addressed the British House of
Commons after the German army had overrun France. Said
I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival
of Christian civilization. Upon it depends our own British life, and the long continuity of
our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be
turned on us. Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this Island or lose the war. If
we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward
into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United
States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new
Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.
Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British
Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, "This was their
finest hour."
If wokesterism could last for a thousand years, would it ever result in a great
"Stop indoctrinating our children. Stop teaching our children to hate the police. Stop
teaching our children that if they don't agree with the LGBT community that they're homophobic.
You have no idea each child's life," she said, adding "You don't know what their family
lifestyle consists of, you don't know the makeup of their life."
Ibrahim shut down school board members' objections several times - in between calling out
two teachers for posting their political beliefs online. When board members told her she wasn't
allowed to reference people by name, Ibrahim claimed those teachers called "for the death of a
former president," and that students who don't support Black Lives Matter should be "canceled
"Why are we not allowed to say names? Why am I not allowed when they purposefully expose
themselves on social media, talking about calling for the death of a former president, or
saying that any child who doesn't believe in Black Lives Matter should be canceled out. Is this
what my tax dollars are paying for?" she asked.
"You're emotionally abusing our children and mentally abusing them," Ibrahim continued
RDinSC 1 hour ago
Never vote for anyone at any level of political office who does not openly and sincerely
oppose CRT and any and all woke indoctrination.
RedDog1 1 hour ago
I'm a super anti-racist. I'm especially against woke neo-racism.
BLOTTO 52 minutes ago (Edited)
Wait until she finds out that Drag Queen Roxy is reading 'The Hips on the DQ go swish
swish swish' to the kids at the local library.
Pooper Popper 1 hour ago
She Rocks!!!!!
high5mail 36 minutes ago
When I listen to this woman and look around me at all the fools who buy into the
"system" as it is, too scared to do what she is doing, it saddens me at the apathy and
cowardice of the general public which will sell their souls for protection on a non deadly
virus and take an unproved vaccine to virtue signal.
She is a modern day Joan of Arc. I would stand beside her in an instant. How many others
would do that or demand the same things she is demanding? Most are too busy trying to
figure out what gender they think they should be or trying on racist social agendas in the
"woke" category.
"... The Black Liberation Movement has made millionaires out of their grifter leaders and enabled the left to remain in power in every city in which rioting occurred. Their local opposition has been cleansed or cowed into submission. The movement continues its success as seen by its adoption by corporations seeking to reduce the power and influence of middle class Americans and by politicians seeking to entrence their power electorally. ..."
The continuing hypocrisy of Black Lives Matter was displayed vividly over the past
weekend– BLM
declared solidarity with Hamas but said nothing about a slew of murders and shootings
targeting black
communities .
There were at least 11 mass shootings in the country over the weekend that combined left
at least 17 people dead and 35 more wounded, according to CNN reporting and an analysis of
data from Gun Violence Archive (GVA),
local media and police reports.
I found it curious that none of the reporting made any mention about the race of the victims
or the perpetrators. Left me wondering so I did some digging. It appears that the majority of
these mass shootings involved black Americans as perpetrators or victims.
At least 55 people were shot across Chicago over the weekend, 12 of them fatally,
including a 15-year-old boy who
was shot in the head on the front porch of a home in Lawndale, and three double
These shootings took place in predominantly black neighborhoods.
Of course. Much political and social capital has been squandered in recent years, all in
an attempt to adumbrate the singular reality that the deeply engrained social pathologies
in the "black community" have more to do with their failure to thrive than white systemic
racism does. We, meaning white America, cannot help them with this no matter how much self
abnegation we indulge in. Black America needs to adopt standards of belief and behavior
that are socially, culturally, and economically functional and they need to teach their
children those values. I have seen this happen with a certain fragment of that demographic,
but it needs to happen more widely. This may be offensive to some readers, but there is
truth in it.
Do blacks themselves need to be uniquely empowered (and protected) to speak up against
black on black violence? What has prevented the peace-seeking black community members from
taking charge of their own neighborhoods.
What Reign of Terror are they living under that those of us outside these communities do
not understand.
Latino gangs terrorize latino communities as well. The violent tyranny of the few
against the decent lives of the many is very, very wrong and should not exist in our
country. But it is a daily reality in our rapidly devolving inner city neighborhoods.
These minority neighborhoods can't have it both ways:
They can't object to successful methods like stop and frisk and then complain
about crime. "Snitches get stiches" is another "cute" saying encouraging crime.
After a time trying to help people who won't help themselves and are often openly
hostile, the cops grow cynical and less proactive; can you blame them?
Because it's "racist" to criticize any form of minority behavior, there can not be an
honest discussion about solutions to this problem and the beat goes on.
People (including the self-hating, phony "guilty" white liberals, BTW) who can live in
segregated neighborhoods continue to live in segregated neighborhoods.
I used to live in CT – very liberal blue state – totally segregated; BLM
signs on the "right" lawns.
Yes here in Mpls the same blue haired tattooed
Nose ring wokes make up a large majority of
The BLM protests. The obligatory signs festoon
Whole neighborhoods. Do they march or picket
The areas where the majority of the shootings occur
And whose victims are all black? Ha! Too dangerous.
The near North side aka Nomi has had continuous
Gunfire for near 1200 days. Now they have running
Gun battles with "Ak" type fully automatic weapons.
It's become a tragedy writ large. Not a virtue
Signal to be seen.
Yes, it's hard to believe that so many are taken in by the rhetoric of Black Lives
Matter when there's evidence on a near-daily basis of black-on-black violence and murder.
It's truly a crime that so-called leaders don't decry it and demand a call to action for it
to stop, a crime that there's so little public discourse about underclass blacks basically
exterminating each other with impunity. It's a taboo subject, and can't be broached without
accusations of racism. We only hear righteous outrage when a member of the black underclass
is killed by a cop.
Why does the charge of "racism" cause so many to immediately recoil and retreat? It is
just a word, yet it has risen to weaponized effectiveness.
What does this word trigger in so many people who will immediately back down and
retreat. Pretty powerful tool -until more don't blink and don't stand down at its mere
Always felt there was an implied threat of "black violence' that accompanied every one
of Obama's political moves. We need to cleanse that threat out of our own psyches or else
this nation will be held hostage by a mere word.
Isn't this an interesting bit of Democrat deja vu, including charges of rigged
voting machines in 2008 the GOP would use to prevent Obama from winning and thereby
triggering a Second Civil War -- "the streets will run with blood .if Obama loses
Thanks to two great political pundits – Erica Jong and Jane Fonda. They did
capture the zeitgeist of the times however, and continue to do so. The threat of black
violence, if you don't do what we went.
Fast forward to 2020 – and the world yet again feared "the streets would run
with blood", but this if Trump won re-election and Democrat Biden did not win.
But this time it bloody well appears it was the Democrats who rigged the voting
processes. Yet again it appears it is the Democrats accusing the GOP of what they were
already doing themselves.
The Black Liberation Movement has made millionaires out of their grifter leaders and
enabled the left to remain in power in every city in which rioting occurred. Their local
opposition has been cleansed or cowed into submission. The movement continues its success
as seen by its adoption by corporations seeking to reduce the power and influence of middle
class Americans and by politicians seeking to entrence their power electorally.
Some people who were black were shot by others who were black? Quit saying that, you,
you, what's the word: racist!; as none of that has been proved in court. Did any of these
'leaders' care about all those shootings in the Sanctuary City of Chicago when President
Hope and Change was in charge? (2016)
Total shootings 4379 Shot and wounded 3664 Shot and killed: 715
Assailant race by percentage
Whoa: you're saying the left behaves hypocritically and is willing to take losses in
order to get what they want?
Such insight!
Ethnic hypocrisy is the ancient problem here, but this focus on contemporary black
antics obscures the issue and is simply another avoidance strategy.
The recent missile duel in the eastern Mediterranean has shown that white conservatives
are more willing to stand up for the safety of non- or dual-citizens overseas than they are
for safety of their own white constituents, whom they refuse even to name.
There is nothing wrong with Obama with his financial success to buy in predominantly
white Martha's Vineyard. The question that blacks should ask however is are those leaders
who use racism and race to gain political power doing much to alleviate the social and
economic issues they face?
There are many successful blacks in all walks of life. Why aren't they celebrated and
used as role models instead of someone like George Floyd?
When you first went on the "BLM website" you immediately were linked to ActBlue
– a fund-raising arm of the Democrat party. There was no independent or "private"
donation link for BLM. Calling BLM "private" in this case would be a stretch for me
after that initial experience with BLM.
So the bigger question is, why is the State Dept etc pushing an arm of the Democrat
Party fund-raising machine within government operations? Did BLM formally dissociate
completely with ActBlue?
Because the State Dept., like the rest of the Democrat party, has accelerated
faster and faster to the left.
They've been selling out America for decades and now, like the rest of the Democrat
party, the last mask has dropped.
Having grown up in Chicago and still living nearby I would say "predominantly black"
neighborhoods is a media fiction, part of the narrative to displace the blame onto others
than black. I assure you these are black neighborhoods, once white now ruined for
generations. I have sympathy for blacks, so much so that I suggest we organize to supply as
much ammo as possible to help them rid the hood of evil doers. Mostly 9mm, drop off crates
in front of playgrounds and street corners so they can be easily found.
Larry's point that BLM doesn't care about Black lives is graphically shown and described
by this Officer Tatum podcast (it's short) of local newscasts, not shown by national news,
of Black children murdered by Blacks.
Florida's Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said Friday that he opposes teaching critical race theory
in the state's public schools, calling the ideas pushed by its advocates as "based on false
history" and "teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other."
DeSantis made the remarks at a Friday press
conference in Pensacola, where he announced the
signing of a bill temporarily establishing several statewide tax-free periods on items like
storm supplies and back-to-school products.
"It's offensive to the taxpayer that they would be asked to fund critical race theory,
that they would be asked to fund teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other,"
DeSantis said.
Floridа Gov. Ron DeSantis is seen during a meeting at the governor's office in
Tallahassee, Fla., on April 1, 2021. (The Epoch Times)
In a
recent interview on NTD's "Focus Talk," Yiatin Chu, an Asian mother of two and co-chair of
the New York chapter of the Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism (FAIR), described
critical race theory as pushing the idea that disparate outcomes, such as academic competency
scores, can be reduced to a single variable""race.
Advocates of the theory, which she said is increasingly being taught at pre-college levels,
push the socialist notion of equality of outcome, and blame differences in outcomes on
entrenched privilege while dividing people into "oppressors" and their victims, the
Republicans across the nation are trying to prevent the teaching of critical race theory in
Recently, South Dakota's Republican Gov. Kristi Noem took aim at both the "1619 Project" and
critical race theory and, like DeSantis, voiced opposition to their incorporation in school
"The 1619 Project relies upon the concept of Critical Race Theory to further divide
students based on the color of their skin," Noem wrote in a series of tweets
"This is inappropriate and un-American. It has no place in South Dakota, and it certainly
has no place in South Dakota classrooms."
In this screenshot from the RNC's livestream of the 2020 Republican National Convention,
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem addresses the virtual convention on Aug. 26, 2020. (Courtesy of
the Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 Republican National Committee via Getty Images)
The "1619 Project," inaugurated with a special issue of The New York Times Magazine,
attempts to cast the Atlantic slave trade as the dominant factor in the founding of America
instead of ideals such as individual liberty and natural rights. The initiative has been widely
panned by historians and political scientists, with some critics calling it a bid to rewrite
U.S. history through a left-wing lens.
Nikole Hannah-Jones, creator of the 1619 Project, responded to the GOP criticism
of the project during an interview with MSNBC on May 3, saying the 1619 curriculum being
allowed in schools is a matter of free speech.
"This isn't a project about trying to teach children that our country is evil, but it is a
project trying to teach children the truth about what our country was based upon, and it's
only in really confronting that truth""slavery was foundational to the United States, we,
after the slavery, experienced 100 years of legalized discrimination against black
Americans," said Hannah-Jones.
"Mitch McConnell and others like him want for our children to get a propagandistic,
nationalistic understanding of history that is not about facts, but it is about how they
would want to pretend that our country is."
Proponents of critical race theory
have argued that it's needed to demonstrate what they say is "pervasive systemic racism"
and facilitate rooting it out.
Critics draw parallels between critical race theory and Marxism, arguing that the concept
advocates for the destruction of institutions, such as the Western justice system, free-market
economy, and orthodox religions, while demanding that they be replaced with institutions
compliant with the critical race theory ideology.
"... If you find it useful that some counties are leaving Oregon and joining Idaho, or the conflict between the left and the right, democrats vs republicans, or whites vs blacks, or whites vs muslims, or vs lations is meaningful, you are simply doing the bidding of the masters, who thrive on pitting communites against each other, and are responsible for destroying the whole country. The easiest and the most fruitful way to bring about a real, benficial change to America would require bringing the American people, regardless of their color or creed together, to easily get rid of their overbearing masters. Regardless of what you claim to be, the fact that you embrace and advance the destructive strategy of pitting the American people agianst one another, and also spew so much hatred of Muslims, exposes your real agenda! ..."
"... The United States doesn't have "rulers" in as much as it has "owners". Consider ..."
One of the most promising movements, " Greater Idaho ," just won a huge
victory. Five counties
voted to leave Oregon and join Idaho. More counties in eastern Oregon may
join . Idaho Governor Brad Little admits creating a new state may be difficult but
says , "They're
looking at Idaho fondly because of our regulatory atmosphere, our values. That doesn't surprise
me one bit."
This should be just the beginning. Frederick County in western Virginia could join West
Virginia. West Virginia State Senator Charles Trump
supports the idea. It could also be a compromise to the DC statehood question. Northern
Virginia is a cancerous outgrowth of federal employees. Booting it
out of real Virginia and tying it to a DC state would mean greater self-government for both
... ... ...
Existing institutions can be the basis for reform and revolution. From the Parliament that
challenged the king in the English Civil War, the Continental Congress that made the American
Revolution, and the state legislatures that voted for secession, we see a clear pattern in the
way we Anglos operate. We are legalistic, even when it comes to revolution. We don't have the
French tradition of mass protests to topple governments. Our revolutions are according to
Robert's Rules of Order. Even the January 6 protesters who marched into the Capitol did so
because they thought they were saving democracy.
I can understand the frustrations and rage of certain folks.
If you're a worker on an oil rig, a truck driver, a policeman, or some such jobs, there's
bound to be moments when you're angry as hell. So, even though such people say crazy things
once a while, I can understand where they're coming from. They need to blow off steam.
But the professor class? These lowlife parasites sit on their asses and talk shi*. They
produce nothing and make a living by spreading nonsense. And yet, they act like they are
soooooooooo angry with the way of the world. If they really care about the world, why hide in
their academic enclaves?
Academia needs a cultural revolution, a real kind, not the bogus "˜woke' kind made up
of teachers' pets.
Hopefully we can reform into a nice looking North American Federation once this mess hits
a bloody climax of some sort or another. Greater Idaho sounds wildly fun. I still wish we
formed the States Cascadia and Arcadia, personally.
The empire WILL become weaker if it promotes incompetents to positions of high
responsibility and authority and enlists women into the armed forces. An empire cannot
sustain itself with sub standard soldiers, administrators, leaders and law makers. This woke
crap will destroy itself. Historians in the future will look back and say "what the hell were
they thinking?".
If the IQ of officer candidates drops below 110 (it's 120 on average currently for the
Marine Corps and has been declining for 40 years) then the positions will be left vacant.
Dumb people can't do the job.
Since Cromwell and even more so the overthrow of James 2 by the invader Dutch William 3
the Amsterdam Jew banker puppet Britain has been nothing more than a Jewish banking
If you find it useful that some counties are leaving Oregon and joining Idaho, or the
conflict between the left and the right, democrats vs republicans, or whites vs blacks, or
whites vs muslims, or vs lations is meaningful, you are simply doing the bidding of the
masters, who thrive on pitting communites against each other, and are responsible for
destroying the whole country. The easiest and the most fruitful way to bring about a real,
benficial change to America would require bringing the American people, regardless of their
color or creed together, to easily get rid of their overbearing masters. Regardless of what
you claim to be, the fact that you embrace and advance the destructive strategy of pitting
the American people agianst one another, and also spew so much hatred of Muslims, exposes
your real agenda!
Dear Mr. Hood, anything undertaken to change a nation's political organization will always
lead to violence. If there is one thing history shows, it is precisely that. If you are
trying to change Idaho's state borders, that qualifies as a drastic change in the US
political organization, if only because if successful, it would set an example that would
find many, many followers, as you are implying yourself.
What the US promotes and condones abroad (secession of Panama from Colombia in 1903,
occupation of Cyprus by Turkey in 1980, occupation of the Western Sahara by Morocco in 1976,
secession of Kosovo, creation of Southern Sudan, etc., etc.) it does not want to see at home.
Of course you are also aware that in the 1860s, Secession has been met with brutal
In this respect, it comes as a relief lo learn that the Deep State is busy trying to turn
the US Army and the CIA into open psychiatry wards.
Very interesting that video ad on the girl "raised by two moms." Poor thing: knowing only
two dykes (her father must certainly be Hans Brinker), all her life she has been yearning to
meet real men. Apparently, she did not find them in college, where the boys are being
terrorized by feminists and forced to become faggots. Thus only the army remains as a place
where one might still find a few real men, the kind that one sees so finely portrayed in the
Russian army ad.
(Come to think of it, that US army ad may also be an attempt at subversion of prevailing
America is in danger, not because of some external threat, but because our rulers
are the Republic's greatest enemies.
The United States doesn't have "rulers" in as much as it has "owners". Consider
it private property to put things in proper perspective "" then! Stake your claim. Forget the
law(they own that too) and the idea of a republic "" owners don't like to share. The banking,
tax code, and debt have got you by the balls, and they'll always keep you thumbed under.
Rep. Maxine Waters of California, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, joined
demonstrations this weekend in Minnesota. She told supporters that if the Chauvin trial
verdict goes the wrong way, "we've got to not only stay in the street but we've got to fight
for justice."
You may recall a president got pilloried a while ago for urging his supporters to "fight"
for their desired outcome. It was noted then that the term is a well-worn rhetorical phrase
that doesn't necessarily amount to a literal incitement to violence. But there can't be much
doubt about the import of what Ms. Waters said. She made her remarks in Brooklyn Center, a few
miles from the barricaded Minneapolis courthouse where the Chauvin trial is taking place and
the site of the killing last weekend of a black man by a police officer. The place has been
aflame for the past week in an orgy of rioting.
The Handler standard, or the Maxine maxim "the idea that we don't really need a trial to
know whether someone is guilty of a heinous crime" has always had its adherents. There have
surely been miscarriages of justice "acquittals of guilty people and convictions of innocent
ones" throughout history. The jury system is never perfect.
But what's frighteningly new about our current climate is that the rejection of apparently
unwelcome trial outcomes is now part of the dominant progressive critique of our longstanding
political and civic order. If U.S. institutions are the product of white-supremacist
exploitation "as is essentially the consensus of the people who run the government, most
corporations, and leading cultural institutions" then the judicial system itself is inherently
and systemically unjust. If the principle of equality before the law is to be supplanted by the
objective of "equity" in outcome, then only outcomes that serve the higher objective of
collective racial justice can be considered legitimate.
So trials that produce the "wrong" verdict are not just miscarriages of justice. They are an
indictment of the entire system.
The ascendancy of this new progressive radicalism adds a frightening element to the unease
the nation feels this week as the jury deliberates in Minneapolis. By all accounts the trial of
Mr. Chauvin has been rigorous, methodical and fair. The prosecution seemed to make a strong
case that Mr. Floyd died at least in part as a result of the officer's actions. The defense may
have sowed some doubts about whether Mr. Chavin's intent rose to the level of culpability
required of the most serious charges.
But under our new rules, the jury's verdict will be tolerated only if it goes the "right"
This rejection of the legitimacy of the judicial process is rooted in the same neo-Marxist
ideology""a race- and identity-based interpretation of structuralism""that holds sway over the
minds of much of our ruling class.
To the old Marxists, the capitalists were the exploiters. In "The ABC of Communism,"
published in 1920, Bolshevik leaders Nikolai Bukharin and Yevgeni Preobrazhensky used language
that sounds strikingly familiar today. They denounced the courts as instruments of "bourgeois
justice," which was "carried on under the guidance of laws passed in the interests of the
exploiting class," and recommended instead the establishment of "proletarian courts."
In one of the more savage ironies of history, some two decades later the authors themselves
were tried by such courts under Josef Stalin and sentenced to death.
Yet even Stalin thought some kind of judicial proceeding was necessary. Our modern
revolutionaries would dispense even with show trials.
Eli Hauser SUBSCRIBER 2 weeks ago (Edited)
Red Queen Rules. Sentence. Verdict. Accusation. Admission of Guilt.
Mark Robbins SUBSCRIBER 2 weeks ago
Liberals have no need for trials with an assumption of innocence. At all times, they KNOW
what is right.
Chris Madison SUBSCRIBER 2 weeks ago
We are living through a "throw the baby out with the bath" moment. Extremists are labeling
anything which doesn't go their way as "systemically racist." If there is no jurisprudence
and due process, no system of laws addressing a variety of crimes, but only the cry for
"justice now" without defining what justice looks like according to law, then anarchy has
taken the place of justice. Ms. Handler is entitled to her opinion. I am glad she is not in a
position of leadership. Congresswoman Maxine Waters likes to make statements which "stir the
pot," potentially raising the "rage level" across our nation. She should know better, but
doesn't. Our nation is on the cusp of a moment when we must intentionally decide who we are
legally, morally, and Constitutionally. Emotions are insufficient for this moment.
Christopher Jones SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago
This essay would have tremendous weight if there was not a video of the murder. Absent that
it is stupefyingly ignorant. "The prosecution seemed to make a strong case that Mr. Floyd
died at least in part as a result of the officer's actions." Really, sir? A video literally
showing the officer kneeling on Mr. Floyd's neck until he passed out and later died. Are you
suggesting that he would have died on his own had the officer not done this?
You are attempting to seem reasonable with your pleas for due process, but you just come
across as obtuse. A video of a man murdering another man and your like, no I don't believe
it. There has to be another explanation.
Tad Story SUBSCRIBER 2 weeks ago
So your saying Mr. Floyd's use of a Highly addictive and equally deadly narcotic on top of
already severe heart condition to which your camera did not display played no role as to the
outcome? Considering the use of Fentanyl is 900 times more deadly than crack-cocaine I feel
it needed to be discussed and weighed, to which it was but the mob had their torches ready
and that carried as much or even more weight, Maxine made sure of that..
beryl silver SUBSCRIBER 2 weeks ago (Edited)
The article failed to mention the words protesters need "to get more confrontational" Maxine
Waters used.
Michael Lapolla SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago
It has been obvious to us that the state of Minnesota offered Derek Chauvin as a sacrifice on
the altar of expediency. Witness the immediate and joyous victory laps by the state AG. It
just took a while and a show trial. It is obvious that the jury had no stomach for another
outcome. This is what you vote for - this is what you get.
And we have a Capitol police person murdering an unarmed trespasser, but our DOJ sees and
hears no evil and utters not a word.
What a national embarrassment. Go back to sleep Minnesota.
He wasn't on his neck. Even the prosecution witness admitted, that when looked at from other
angles, that the cop was on his shoulder blade.
Tim Taylor SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago
Something to think about in the current culture of policing:
Most dangerous jobs in U.S. 1. Logging 2. Aircraft pilots/flight engineers 3. Derrick
operators 4. Roofers 5. Garbage collectors 6. Iron workers. 7. Delivery drivers 8. Farmers.
9. Firefighting supervisors 10. Power linemen 11. Agricultural workers 12. Crossing guards
13. Crane operators 14. Construction helpers. 15. Landscaping supervisors 16. Highway
maintenance workers. 17. Cement masons 18. Small engine mechanics. 19. Supervisors of
mechanics 20. Heavy equipment mechanics. 21. Grounds maintenance workers 22. Police
What Maxine does not seem to understand is that demonizing the police works against gun
control efforts.
The more that the citizenry believes the police cannot be trusted to protect them, the
more citizens will seek to protect themselves, including purchasing and carrying
Kenneth Gimbel SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago
Whew. I guess Minneapolis won't be torched tonight. Or, maybe, just a little bit to satisfy
the mob.
Verne Thibodeaux SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago (Edited)
There are a lot of "undocumented shoppers" who are very disappointed today.
Michael Havey SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago
As I've been saying since the first day of the trial, only the dumbest, most gullible, least
informed Americans believed that Derek Chauvin was innocent.
DK Brand SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago (Edited)
All that without due process being applied? See, you are the problem when the vast majority
of people who saw the video were horrified and felt the officer was guilty of his death. But
we have a system of laws and due process protects everyone, even the seemingly obviously
guilty. There are people who are caught red handed every day who receive the same due
process. So stop crowing about your imaginary opponents and accept that our system has worked
as designed.
William Coburn SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago (Edited)
He did not need to be found innocent, just not guilty.
Nidge M SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago (Edited)
Talk about dark comedy ........
IF Chauvin is convicted the seemingly not very legally au fait Maxine Waters just handed
his team perfect grounds to appeal against any conviction.
The whole situation is peturbing at a frightening number of levels 'though.
What will US cities do if 10%, 20% even 70% their Cops quit?
What will they do even if they don't quit but 'work to the letter of the rules' and slow all
action to a crawl?
Its not too unthinkable given the record of violence the very large man Chauvin was
kneeling on in the course of the arrest.
And add to that the somewhat inept but from the video plausible Police woman now
incacerated for shooting instead of tasering another career criminal .......... Which from
this distance appears to be a based on political rather than legal considerations.
Would you be a cop?
Meanwhile politicians from both main US parties appear to be giving their blessing to
those who wish to userp the rule of law .......... That's viable is it?
Nidge M SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago (Edited)
No, Floyd was not resisting arrest actively & constantly for 9 minutes.
Floyd was a very large male with a record of extream violence, drug abuse and
Its hardly novel for an aprehended person to fake placidity, then when their restrainers
relax to explode into extream violence.
I am not asserting what Chauvin did was right or wrong ........ But I do think its a
reaction which anyone who has had to deal with violent offenders would regard as a pretty
understandable reaction.
I also wonder might those who are so ready to jump on the bandwagon, grandstanding &
howling in condemnation precipitate something far beyond their expectations.
I wonder too what would happen if the majority of those so quick to condemn were handed
responsibility for doing the policing job people like Chauvin have to do.
How would you do it?
Lori Crossley SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago
I don't think anyone wants policing like Chauvin did it. It led to the death of a man. There
were a lot of potential outcomes to this arrest. I would not blame any officer for being
overly cautious based on Floyd's arrest record - and yes, it does count.
But Chauvin was not alone in making this arrest. He had assistance which was not utilized.
Do people fake injury to get away from police officers? I am sure they do.
But there were 9 long minutes when that was not happening. There are thousands of police
officers who leave their homes each day to walk into potentially violent situations. And they
do their job and go home at night (with little thanks) and did not make the same choice
Chauvin did. His trial was fair and the verdict is in. The process worked for Chauvin - not
so much for Floyd.
Mark Allen SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago
I grew up on the block where the police station is located, in an apartment often captured in
the footage of the rioting. And while it did make the local papers, the national news has
failed to report that the folks living in those apartments cannot sleep (due to the rioters)
and have to put wet towels over their windows to keep out the teargas (due to the police).
And the irony in this is that the overwhelming majority of those apartment dwellers are
working-poor, persons of color.
Let that sink in.
Scott Mote SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago
For the regressives and BLMers, those apartment dwellers are just collateral damage. Maybe
BLM will move them into a BLM mansion.
John Smith SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago
Great insights Mr. Baker.
Strange how video evidence clearly convicts the subject in the minds of leftists. They
appear to be able to assign motive and punishment based on their emotional appraisal. We have
a sitting California Congresswoman stating this on video tape.
Well, we are not to believe every video tape. Remember Jussie Smollett? They did the same
to the unnamed racists, who assaulted Mr. Smollett - according to his version of events. All
muscular non black males were guilty, until individually cleared. The usual leftists in
politics, media, and entertainment joined Jussie.
Unfortunately, Jussie's version of events was false. He hired two black men to "assault"
him, then put together his soap opera version of the script. Since both stories could not be
true, no one went to jail. This is what politicians with law degrees have contributed to our
Yes, he still faces felony charges. But it is more than two years hence. Speedy trial?
Paul Stroud SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago
For all of most of our lives we've been able to rely on a civil society that recognized its'
faults, if even after a period of time, and took hard steps to correct them. This is now at
risk as acceptable "civil disobedience" becomes "violent disobedience". We can no longer look
at other parts of the world that are continually wrenched apart by violent, factional
conflict and destruction and think, "oh, at least it can't happen here". It is happening
here, and it is escalating. I hope I am wrong, but I fear for our children and grandchildren.
"... My life story is very similar to yours -- blue collar upbringing, worked graveyard shift in factories during college, made it all the way to Wall Street --- and I completely agree with you. The Democratic Party might have been the party of the working-class families many years ago, but it's absolutely not that now. ..."
"... The most interesting aspect of party realignment in almost every country is the movement of the Anglo-Saxon elites to the parties of leftist authoritarianism, whether in the UK, US, or Canada. Since elites have always had “fluid” political values, one can only assume that they see tyranny as our destiny. ..."
I am a retired attorney but was reared in a blue collar home. I have not lost the values I
learned where my father returned home from work six days a week as a railroad brakeman.
Thanks to my pre-law curriculum I am well read in history and literature. My undergrad major
was history and my minor literature.
Having acquired a love for reading in college I have read both all my life but it has not
changed me from the son my father reared. I worked construction and general labor jobs to
help pay for college and law school and am very aware of how hard those jobs are and I have a
healthy respect for the men and women who provide us with the essential goods and services we
all need.
I therefore have no use for attitude of most on the left and some on the right who have no
respect for average working people and small business.
It seems many in Britain have the same outlook. My Dad was very proud I became a lawyer
but I am just as proud of the job he performed to give me that chance.
SUBSCRIBER 5 hours ago
I therefore have no use for attitude of most on the left and some on the right who have no
respect for average working people and small business. It seems many in Britain have the same
My life story is very similar to yours -- blue collar upbringing, worked graveyard
shift in factories during college, made it all the way to Wall Street --- and I completely
agree with you. The Democratic Party might have been the party of the working-class families
many years ago, but it's absolutely not that now.
SUBSCRIBER 4 hours ago
Most democrat leaders are career politicians like Obama, Biden, Pelosi and Schumer. They
never had a real job and paid any taxes. They love raising taxes for big government and dole
out. Can’t wait for midterm election and take back the congress. R
SUBSCRIBER 14 hours ago
The most interesting aspect of party realignment in almost every country is the
movement of the Anglo-Saxon elites to the parties of leftist authoritarianism, whether in the
UK, US, or Canada. Since elites have always had “fluid” political values,
one can only assume that they see tyranny as our destiny.
"Inside BLM co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors' million-dollar real-estate buying binge.
Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors has gone on a real-estate buying binge in
recent years, snagging four high-end homes for $3.2 million in the US alone, according to
property records.":
This one-to-one replay of Red Guards - Wikipedia but with quite
different sponsors ;-) "Hóng Wèibīng was a mass student-led paramilitary social movement mobilized and guided by Chairman Mao
Zedong in 1966 through 1967, during the first phase of the Chinese Cultural Revolution
Notable quotes:
"... there is an on-going effort to create fads/movements in which the public becomes caught-up and distracts the from reality. ..."
"... The more binary and controversial the better. Red/Blue. I used to be a big fan of sports but have the opinion it is a pointless waste of time and my life is better for that realization. ..."
"... Characteristics of the Woke: They always attack, especially with insults, like "paranoia nonsense". They never address the actual point made, instead they reinterpret the point to make it appear pure evil. Which allows them to attribute the worst possible motivations on the person they are attacking. Naturally they invent things the other person hadn't even mentioned, like climate change. ..."
"... Again the whole woke 'identity' culture that cancels dissent and promotes 'minorities' in positions of power is simply woke fascism. Just as military recruitment is about turning violent video games real for young men, so too is CIA recruitment about inviting the 'woke' for murder and mayhem in the name 'freedom' without which the woke could not wake. ..."
I think that there is an on-going effort to create fads/movements in which the public
becomes caught-up and distracts the from reality.
The more binary and controversial the
better. Red/Blue. I used to be a big fan of sports but have the opinion it is a pointless
waste of time and my life is better for that realization.
Additionally/tangentially, I feel there is a habit in the English language in particular
to create new words to describe things these words are not well define and generate a lot of
discussion and heat about things that nobody knows what they are actually talking about and
end up arguing the meaning of the words.
People who don't know the new words must try to catch
up or be left out of the discussion. I don't direct this at your discussion. I just wonder how
we might see things if we were constrained to a limited vocabulary - as I am as a programmer
of sorts.
Characteristics of the Woke: They always attack, especially with insults, like "paranoia
nonsense". They never address the actual point made, instead they reinterpret the point to
make it appear pure evil. Which allows them to attribute the worst possible motivations on
the person they are attacking. Naturally they invent things the other person hadn't even
mentioned, like climate change.
Again the whole woke 'identity' culture that cancels dissent and promotes 'minorities' in
positions of power is simply woke fascism. Just as military recruitment is about turning
violent video games real for young men, so too is CIA recruitment about inviting the 'woke'
for murder and mayhem in the name 'freedom' without which the woke could not wake.
I will believe that any of this is worth a shit when Snowden wades in with his
opinion...until then its just another distraction
The CIA is why we can't have "wokeism" about the right issue like global private/public
finance.....where is Occupy 2.0?
The current wokeism is like the pet rocks of old days.....would want folks to focus that
woke on the inherited class structure of the private property West, would we?
"...they are terrorists. They hate me. They hate my uniform. They don't care if I die
We have been
discussing the termination of public employees and others for their postings on social
media or public displays. The latest case is out of New Jersey where former Hopewell Township
police officer Sara Erwin was fired recent over a June 2020 posting on Facebook in which she
referred to Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters as "terrorists."
There remains an uncertain line of what political or social views are tolerated and what are
barred on social media. Indeed, Sgt.
Mandy Gray was suspended and demoted for simply liking the June 2020 post.
Gray was the first female officer hired in Hopewell Township and became the first female
sergeant in 2019, according to
Erwin insists that she posted the statement after she and her colleagues were faced with
violent protests and family members who were traumatized by images on television of officers
being attacked. Erwin reportedly wrote i:
" Last night as I left for work I had my two kids crying for me not to go to work. I don't
think I've ever felt the way I did last night. And then I watched people I know and others I
care about going into harms way. I love my police family like my own. So when you share posts
and things on Facebook I'd really appreciate if you'd THINK before doing so. I've seen so
many black lives matter [sic] hashtags in these posts. Just to let you know -- they are
terrorists. They hate me. They hate my uniform. They don't care if I die. "
Township Mayor Julie Blake and the town's council made the decision to fire her in an
unanimous vote to accept the recommendations of a hearing officer.
As will come as little surprise to many on this blog, my default is in favor of free
My concern is the lack of a consistent rule. For example, would the town have fired Erwin if
she said the same thing about another group like the Proud Boys or the NRA?
I can understand the objection to the posting. BLM is a group committed to fighting police
abuse and regularly engages in protests. For an officer to express such bias against BLM can
exacerbate tensions in such protests. However, officers also have a right to be able to express
themselves . The balance of those interests should, at a minimum, have favored a reprimand
rather than a termination for Erwin. If not, the town should establish a clear standard as to
what public employees are allowed to express on political and social issues. This includes
whether certain groups can be criticized but not others.
The action taken by Hopewell Township raises more questions than answers on where this line
is drawn in terms of free speech.
Billy the Poet 1 hour ago
I can understand the objection to the posting. BLM is a group committed to fighting police
abuse and regularly engages in protests. For an officer to express such bias against BLM can
exacerbate tensions in such protests. However, officers also have a right to be able to
express themselves. The balance of those interests should, at a minimum, have favored a
reprimand rather than a termination for Erwin. If not, the town should establish a clear
standard as to what public employees are allowed to express on political and social issues.
This includes whether certain groups can be criticized but not others.
Turley reminds us that rules must be followed consistently if they are to have validity
but I think the larger point is that there are no rules anymore. The former rule book is now
used exclusively as a bludgeon by entitled parties.
A federal politician travels to the scene of a controversial trial to threaten a riot if the
jury doesn’t deliver the “correct†verdict.
Rule of law is such an antiquated idea.
In front of God and country (and journalists with cameras) Rep. Maxine Waters â€"
from behind a face mask/face shield combo for COVID safety, of course â€"
“We’re looking for a guilty
verdict… If nothing does not happen [sic], then we know that we have got
to… stay in the streets…I hope we get a verdict that
says guilty, guilty… And if we don’t, we cannot go
When asked what she thinks protesters should do, Waters explicitly told them to
“get more activeâ€:
"We’ve got to stay on the street. We get more active,
we’ve got to get more confrontational . We’ve got to make
sure that they know that we mean business.â€
The subtext, of course, is that previous protests were not confrontational or
“active†enough. What exactly would a “more
active†Minneapolis riot round #2 look like?
Maxine Waters, incidentally, theoretically represents LA â€" quite a long drive
from Minneapolis or, for that matter, Washington, D.C. Waters most likely flew in on a
chartered jet, though, and left the driving to the proletariat.
The judge in the case, Peter Cahill,
replied to Chauvin’s lawyers’ motion that he declare
a mistrial due to Maxine Waters’ threatening rhetoric on the streets of
“I wish elected officials would stop talking about this case, especially
in a manner that’s disrespectful to the rule of law and to the judicial
branch and our function… I’m aware the Congresswoman
Waters was talking specifically about this trial… if (representatives) want
to give their opinions, they should do so in a manner that is consistent with their oath to the
Constitution to respect the co-equal branch of government… Their failure to
do so, I think, is abhorrent .â€
This is practical proof that the trustees of the fictitious democracy fantasy we are all
forced to accept don’t believe in the legal process or rule of law
â€" as if Americans required more evidence of their Congressional
representatives’ failings, over and over and over.
Outside of rule of law, the federal government and the corporations that functionally own it
treat the American citizenry to a host of abuses:
Warrant-free mass surveillance
Endless foreign wars with no legal declaration of war
‘In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a
speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State.â€
Imagine, for a moment, the mental process of a juror in the Floyd case, a resident of
Minneapolis â€" the same city in which Maxine Waters threatened mass violence if the
jury you belong to fails to render a “guilty†verdict. Perhaps
you live in one of the same neighborhoods that was essentially leveled in the riots of June
Maybe, for some masochistic reason, you enjoyed shopping at your local Target before
“protesters†pillaged it and you couldn’t
buy waffle batter and Korean electronics or whatever.
Or, maybe you really liked the guys at the local AutoZone who helped you out with sourcing
car parts â€" the ones who don’t have a job anymore because they
don’t have a building to work in
after protestors torched it .
Yes, you have been instructed not to view news surrounding the trial as all jurors are. But
now, after coming home from a long day at court, Waters’ tirade is all over
your social media as you scroll through your newsfeed.
How could it not be? A sitting member of Congress not only sanctioned but encouraged riots
in the same case that you, again, are charged with rendering an impartial verdict in.
Even if you wanted to ignore Waters’ threats to remain in good faith as a
juror and try your best to deliver justice, you couldn’t. Humans, however
Stoic, are not robots.
What are you going to do? Is impartiality possible in such circumstances when
it’s your own city, maybe even your own neighborhood, on the chopping block
at the whim of a faceless, nameless mob?
Or are you going to bow to the pressure and give the mob the verdict it wants â€"
and hope and pray that’s enough to satisfy them and prevent more lootings
and burnings (though that’s certainly no guarantee).
If Waters believed in rule of law, a basic Constitutional function of the government, why
would she not let the process finish?
In the weeks leading up to her calls for riots on the streets in the event of an acquittal,
every legal analyst worth his or her salt predicted a guilty verdict on all counts.
So, why would you disrupt the process days before the guilty verdict demanded by the mob,
tainting the jury pool potentially and, as a result, nullifying the entire court proceedings
and mandating a retrial?
“Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may
result in this whole trial being overturned.â€
Of course she gave cause for appeal, by any rational standard or analysis. A sitting member
of Congress traveling to the scene of active protests to fan the flames of rage and threaten
riots on camera that almost literally everyone â€" including the jurors in the case
â€" have seen.
This is not a mere case of Congressional misconduct â€" those happen every day.
This is the instantiation of mob rule as a substitute for law. Justice is now dispensed at the
whim of popular opinion, which is not gauged by any scientific means like polling but rather
through raw expression of power on the streets.
Where this ends is anyone’s guess, but it’s not likely
to be anywhere decent. Some more multinational corporations that worship at the altar of
neoliberalism might get their Minneapolis stores torched along with rule of law, at least, and
no one will mourn the loss.
Ben Bartee is a Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. Contact him via
his portfolio or on
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This is the single biggest way to ensure we can't be silenced for speaking out against
censorship, and the elite/ cabal's plans for a "Great Reset"-- their New World Order meant to
render you impoverished and powerless.
This stupid woman is doing nothing but foment increased racial tension and disgust for
black culture. Black leadership of the likes of Sharpton, Jackson and this evil brain dead
congresswoman is disgraceful and self serving. Their idiotic messages are never about
self-reliance, living by acceptable moral standards, abiding by the law, valuing education,
valuing family, treating others with respect, etc.........but rather always hate filled,
victimhood mentality, and that someone else is responsible for keeping you down. Why on earth
are these self serving pieces of shyte leaders not seen for who they are (race baiting,
hustlers with no real agenda for improving race relations) by their black constituents?
Bioweapon 6 hours ago remove link
Why isn't she arrested for inciting violence? You know it's all aimed at White people and
their businesses and homes of which the remain the vast majority across the state.
left blank 8 hours ago (Edited)
maxine waters refuses to live in Compton neighborhood she represents.
just like the others' in a long list of California politicians who take orders from the
annual bohemian grove meeting of corporations , who then use taxpayer funded govt agencies to
impose their list of 25 rules - to overthrow and topple the usa
In China’s Cultural Revolution, Mao and his extreme leftists sought to
grab power and keep their opposition and public in a state of confusion by extremist
political sloganeering, creating constant chaos, and attacking tradition and rule of law.
They do it without fear of retribution because they cover themselves in sanctimony and
Waters isn’t very smart, but she knows what she’s
doing here.
optimator 6 hours ago (Edited)
a dedicated ruthless 10% of the population that means business is usually enough to grab
control of the government. Russia 1918, American Revolution, etc.
Events of the last few days have made one thing crystal clear: The Democratic Party (and
therefore the nation) is being led by two doddering old fools who should be domiciled in a rest
home, not the Oval Office and the Speaker's Chamber.
How that baleful reality coexists with Wall Street's expectation of an awesome economic
future and stock prices which never stop rising to the sky is one of the great enigmas of our
times. Or maybe it's just because $10 trillion of fiscal and monetary "stimulus" in the past
year can turn the proverbial sow's ear into a silk purse. For a time.
By now, of course, we expect idiocy from Sleepy Joe, especially on the economic front.
Accordingly, at his virtual global summit he will be reading-out from the White House
teleprompter the demented agenda of the Climate Change Howlers. Therein he will promise to cut
greenhouse gases by 50% by the end of this decade, which calamity we can also promise would cut
America's debt-entombed economy to its knees.
That comes after Tuesday's White House contretemps when he first prayed for a guilty verdict
in the Chauvin trial even as the jury was sitting in its deliberations, and then, afterwards,
made the risible claim that this tragedy was the spawn of systemic racism.
In fact, Nanny State over-reach was the underlying cause of George Floyd's arrest and unjust
death -- just as it is the source of most of America's unfortunate violence between police and
unarmed citizens, back, white and otherwise.
In both cases, of course, we find Sleepy Joe fronting for the hideous core agenda -- race
baiting and climate hysteria -- of a Democratic Party which has lost its way and has been taken
over by a camarilla of woke zealots.
Indeed, if there were any doubt about the latter, Nancy Pelosi's truly venal deification of
George Floyd should remove it once and for all.
Yes, the man was a victim, but he was also a drug-addicted criminal lout and grifter, who
deserves no place of honor anywhere; and who's estranged family deserves sympathy and support,
but not a $27 million gift of blood money from a woke city council that takes Minneapolis one
step closer to its demise every time it meets.
"And thank God, the jury validated what we saw, what we saw," Pelosi said in front of the
U.S. Capitol Building as she delivered remarks with the Congressional Black Caucus. "So,
again, thank you George Floyd for sacrificing your life for justice. For being there to call
out to your mom. How heart-breaking was that? To call out to your mom, 'I can't breathe.' But
because of you – and because of thousands, millions of people around the world who came
out for justice – your name will always be synonymous with justice."
For crying out loud. George Floyd didn't sacrifice himself in the cause of justice. He got
hopped up on a lethal dose of fentanyl and then foolishly resisted arrest when the original
officers on the scene attempted to place him in the backseat of a squad car.
That is to say, the entire narrative culminating in Nancy Pelosi's hideous idolization of
George Floyd has been blatantly wrong from the get go. This case is not about racial justice at
all, to say nothing of striking a blow against so called "white privilege".
For want of doubt, we need to repeat the facts. That's because they show that episodes like
the George Floyd case do not fit the stereotypes of either the BLM and its race-card playing
progressive/Dem allies or, for that matter, the Foxified Right's knee-jerk defense of the
nation's over-empowered, over-budgeted, over-militarized police.
Needless to say, the George Floyd case was not an aberration. During the recent past there
were 38 such police killings of unarmed black citizens in 2015, and then 19, 21, 17 and 9
during 2016 through 2019, respectively. That's 104 black lives lost to the ultimate abuse of
police powers.
Of course, the number should be zero police killings of unarmed citizens. There is no
conceivable excuse for heavily armed cops -- -usually working in pairs or groups -- to cause
the death of lone, unarmed civilians, regardless of race or anything else.
And in this case that was especially so, and not withstanding several mitigating
For instance, the Minneapolis police officers originally attempted to put George Floyd
safely in the back seat of a squad car after his arrest for the petty crime of attempting to
pass a counterfeit $20 bill, but he resisted them intensely for up to five minutes. That's
plain as day in the other videos -- those from the cops' body-cams.
The trial evidence from these body-cams also showed that during this struggle around the
squad car Floyd said he couldn't breath six times owing to a severe medical reaction to the
fatal level of fentanyl in his blood and the methamphetamines that he had ingested shortly
before the incident. These reactions were surely compounded by the man's "severe" and
"multifocal" arteriosclerotic heart disease and clinical history of hypertension, which the
Minneapolis medical examiner said was the underlying cause of his death.
Yet after Floyd was cuffed and placed prone on the street, as he himself had requested, and
the officers had called for an ambulance owing to his obvious medical distress, the arrest went
haywire and Chauvin exposed himself to Manslaughter 2, at least, for no plausible or
justifiable reason.
That's because Floyd had been unarmed throughout the incident, was hand-cuffed and incapable
of flight or harming others and was surrounded by four armed officers. Accordingly, he was no
threat to them, nor anyone else, and he therefore presented no policing reason for the extended
knee-hold on the back of his neck -- especially after the surrounding crowd had warned the
police that Floyd was in self-evident dire distress.
So as we see it, Chauvin's conviction on second degree manslaughter does indeed comport with
the Minnesota statute, which reads as follows: the person's culpable negligence whereby the person creates an unreasonable risk ,
and consciously takes chances of causing death or great bodily harm to another;
But here's also where the Woke/Progressive Left narrative goes even more haywire. Floyd's
death was due to an arrest which shouldn't have happened and bad police behavior that has
nothing to do with race .
As to the former point, what should have been on trial in this case was not "systemic
racism", but the Nanny State for grotesquely excessive use of force to enforce a petty
counterfeiting complaint that should not be police business in the first place. It's the job of
retail store owners to handle petty counterfeiters or people who unknowingly pass bad
greenbacks and to absorb the cost of self-protection just like they do in the case of refusing
charges on bad credit cards.
So there is zero reason why George Floyd should ever have been arrested.
As to bad police behavior, you do not have to look too hard to see that it's essentially
color-blind and that being non-black is no guarantee against the same unjust fate.
During the same five-year period in which 104 black lives were lost, a total of 127 unarmed
white lives were wasted by the police, as well. That included 32 white killings in 2015
followed by 22, 31, 23 and 19 in 2016 through 2019, respectively.
Overall, 302 unarmed citizens were killed by the police during those five years, with the
balance accounted for by 71 deaths among Hispanic and other victims. That is, the real issue is
illegal and excessive police violence, not racial victimization.
Indeed, the fact that 34% of these police killings involved black citizens compared to their
13% share of the population is not primarily a sign of racism among police forces, although it
is continuously construed to be.
It's actually evidence that the Nanny State, and especially the misbegotten War on Drugs, is
designed to unnecessarily ensnare a distinct demographic -- young, poor, often unemployed urban
citizens -- in confrontations with the cops, too many of which become fatal.
Alas, young black males are disproportionately represented among this particular
inharms'-way demographic, and that's the reason they are "disproportionately" represented in
the 302 cases cited above.
Stated differently, the Nanny State results in too many black victims of plain old
injustice, even if that is not necessarily the intent of the crusaders and zealots who have
launched the state into anti-liberty wars on drugs, vice and victimless iniquities and
That is to say, statism in the sphere of law and order is every bit as dysfunctional as it
is in the realm of economics, yet neither conservatives nor progressives recognize it.
Conservatives want way too much law and police empowerment in the service of cultural norms
that are none of the state's damn business in the first place; and progressives confuse the
often brutal and unjust over-reach of law enforcement agencies as a manifestation of racism,
when it is actually just policing expectorations in behalf of inappropriate missions such as
the enforcement of drug laws.
Indeed, the main trouble in America today is not overt racism or even simmering racial
animosity. The real evil is the relentless aggrandizement of state power in the form of the
Nanny State -- a conflation of too many laws, crimes, cops, arrests and thereby opportunities
for frictions between the state and its citizenry and for abuse by the gendarmes vested with
legal use of violence.
In a word, some citizens sometimes can't breathe their last breath because in far too many
instances liberty can't breathe in today's unhinged Nanny State, either.
Among the most recent notorious cases, of course, are George Floyd's fatal arrest for
allegedly passing a counterfeit $20 bill; Eric Garner (NYC 2014), subdual for selling untaxed
cigarettes; Rayshard Brooks for falling asleep drunk in his car at a subsequently incinerated
Wendy's in Atlanta; and Breonna Taylor of Louisville for being awake in her own apartment at
1:30 AM when police barged in with guns blaring in a drug enforcement raid.
These are anecdotal cases, of course, but the big picture statistics tell the same story. In
the most recent year of complete data (2018), there were 9.3 million arrests in the US
excluding traffic enforcement charges of DUI. Yet among this massive number of arrests, those
involving serious crimes against persons and property accounted for just 521,000 or 5.6%. These
Negligent murder and manslaughter: 11,970;
Rape: 25,205;
Armed robbery: 88,128;
Aggravated assault: 395,800;
That's it. That's the contribution to core public safety delivered by the 850,000 sworn law
enforcement officers in the USA -- about 0.6 arrests per year for serious crimes per law
enforcement officer.
As for what they were doing the rest of the time and the other 8,777,000 arrests that
occurred in 2018, we can say this: They clearly provided more occasion for conflict between
citizens and the gendarmes and for policing actions to go haywire, as in the George Floyd case,
than any additional increments of public safety.
After all, the single largest category of arrests in 2018 was for drug abuse violations,
which totaled 1,654,282.
In fact, while total arrests for all crimes in 2018 were no higher than they were in 1977
despite a 100 million/50% growth in the US population, and had actually dropped from a peak of
nearly 13 million in 2006, the opposite trend was extant in the case of the nation's
misbegotten War on Drugs arrests.
As shown by the chart below, drug arrests in 2018 were nearly at peak levels and were up by
more than 171% since 1977 -- the vast majority of which are made for drug possession generally,
and marijuana possession most often.
War on Drugs Arrests, 1980-2016
Not surprisingly, the next largest arrest category after drugs is one called "other
assaults" for which 1,063,535 arrests were made in 2018. Yet the FBI's own definitions raise
considerable doubts as to why these are even a proper matter for law enforcement by the
Other assaults (simple) - Assaults and attempted assaults where no weapon was used or no
serious or aggravated injury resulted to the victim. Stalking, intimidation, coercion, and
hazing are included.
Then, of course, we have all the victimless and vice crimes, including the following number
of arrests:
Prostitution and commercialized vice: 31,147;
Sex offenses excluding rape and prostitution: 46,937;
Gambling: 3,323;
Liquor law offenses: 173,152;
Curfew and loitering law violations: 22,031;
Vagrancy: 23,546;
Public drunkenness: 328,772;
Disorderly conduct: 329,152;
Forgery and counterfeiting: 50,072;
Weapons carrying and possession: 168,403;
All other offenses: 3,231,700.
The latter huge number tells you all you need to know. The UCR lists 27 enumerated
categories of crime including all of those itemized above–plus the usual suspects like
fraud and embezzlement for which there were about 135,000 arrests in 2018. Yet when the whole
lists is exhausted, 32% of arrests occurred for crimes that are so minor even the FBI is
embarrassed to enumerate them!
So, yes, we do think there are way, way too many crimes and cops, and that decriminalizing
and de-funding law enforcement are the only route to reducing police violence.
But by the same token, the unwarranted and often mendacious racializing of police
malfeasance, which the George Floyd case has brought to a fever pitch, will only insure
retrogression. That is, it will unleash a blind rallying to the defense of law enforcement by
conservative Republicans, blue collar whites and the Foxified Right, thereby insuring a
continuing failure to attack and drastically curtail the Nanny State regime, which is the real
source of policing injustice.
Of course, don't expect Nancy Pelosi or Sleepy Joe to be any more enlightened on the matter
than Sean Hannity. These doddering old fools are now enthrall to the wokedom of the
progressive-Left; and, as Maxine Water's blatant performance as agent provocateur in
Minneapolis the night before the verdict makes clear, these people want the problem to fester
and metastasize, not be alleviated.
Indeed, it is probably not too far fetched to say that Congresswoman Waters' call for a
guilty verdict or else a new round of violent uprisings amounted to an insurance policy. Three
guilty verdicts could not trigger the latter, but a judicial appeal resulting in a mistrial
order surely would.
In other words, the Democratic Party has fallen into the grip of vicious leftist zealots and
power-hungry authoritarians. And the events of the last two days suggest that two dangerously
wrong-headed and ugly narratives -- -race-baiting and climate hysteria -- now stand at the
center of the Dem agenda because the party's two supreme leaders are too weak and too senile to
resist the mob.
So we'd say to the feverish punters of Wall Street, yes, embrace the putative Economic Boom
impending and buy the Greatest Financial Bubble in history, if you must.
But, really, if the events which culminated in Tuesday's triumph of mob justice do not scare
the living bejesus out of you, then, well, you probably deserve to suffer the thundering
financial gotterdammerung which is surely coming your way. 60,006 194 NEVER MISS THE NEWS
As's Spencer Brown details , Chauvin's lawyers pointed out that jurors were
not sequestered during the case and therefore may not be free from outside influence in the
form of news updates they may have inadvertently or purposefully seen along with ongoing
violence in the community surrounding the Chauvin trial and approaching verdict.
Among their concerns, Chauvin's defense team pointed to Waters and her appearance with
demonstrators in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, over the weekend.
Even though the judge denied the defense's motion for mistrial, he highlighted the damage
her rhetoric may have done, saying "Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal
that may result in this whole trial being overturned."
"... The guy with the badge didn't kill Floyd, he committed suicide by ingesting an overdose of Fentanyl. The Autopsy showed he had a level of 11ng/ml and 3 ng/ml is a Lethal Level. I don't see how the Medical Examiner didn't rule cause of death was Fentanyl. ..."
Didn't the life of the 7 year old Chicago girl shot in the head while in line at a McDonalds
by a gang member "matter"?
Scott Manson CPA JD SUBSCRIBER 14 minutes ago
Unfortunately not
If she had been shot by a Caucasian cop than it would matter
Yes I am sure - is shot or Caucasian the offending word of the day
Exploitation value is all that "matters" to these people.
Chloe Kelley SUBSCRIBER 10 minutes ago
Will that gang member go to jail? Will hundreds of people try to justify the murder as just.
Was the little girl somewhere she shouldn't have been? Was she breaking the law? Was it past
These are questions no one asks when a little girl gets shot. Its obvious that murder is
wrong. Her killer is caught and tried and goes to jail.
When I cop kills someone in cold blood in front of your eyes, you are still willing to and
actually search for reasons other than the obvious. It isn't the murder but the reaction to
it that people protest.
Scott Manson CPA JD SUBSCRIBER 5 minutes ago (Edited)
so its less new worthy and therefore better for a gang member to shoot a little girl than for
a felon to die while resisting arrest
Interesting way to view things
Andrew T SUBSCRIBER 16 minutes ago (Edited)
Get ready for more Democrat riots. Remember Maxine Waters' "get more confrontational" call to
Jerome Ogden SUBSCRIBER 17 minutes ago
The daily threats and attacks on Chauvin defenders must be having a deep psychological impact
on the unsequestered jury.
A guilty verdict for even the least serious charge of manslaughter will surely trigger an
appeal of the decision not to allow a change of venue. And I believe it will have a good
chance of success. Here's why:
Jack Ruby's conviction by a Dallas jury in 1964 for killing Oswald was overturned on
appeal because Ruby's motion for a change of venue was denied. The appeals court judges
recognized that holding the trial in Dallas denied Ruby an impartial jury, because jurors
residing in that city would feel a unique duty to remove the stain that the Kennedy and
Oswald assassinations had left on their city. (google)
Jurors residing in Minneapolis are human. They cannot be impartial under constant mob
I'm betting the appeals court will grant Chauvin a new trial if found guity.
Anything less would mean our judicial system itself is bowing to mob rule.
"Beyond a reasonable doubt," is the legal bench mark, and it hasn't been met no matter how
frustrated you are about the restraint technique used the police in this instance. Mr.
Floyd's drug use was a contributing factor to his death whether Maxine Waters thinks so or
A. James Tagg SUBSCRIBER 22 minutes ago
Watching politicians gas light minorities is so funny to watch, just wait to see the results
of the power vacuum created by the lack of a police presence in these communities. The
result..... one of the worst crime waves that is just gonna SHRED they're community for
Scott Manson CPA JD SUBSCRIBER 16 minutes ago
crime in Minneapolis has been on the rise all year. At one point I remember an article in
which the MInneapolis police chief asked for assistance from other law enforcement agencies
because of all the retirements and lack of funding did not have enough cops to handle the
crime ridden city
Jerome Abernathy SUBSCRIBER 29 minutes ago
At the point Floyd lost consciousness, Chauvin's partner checked Floyd and said he couldn't
find a pulse, yet Chauvin stayed on his neck for over 3 minutes more. He knew Floyd was
unconscious, he knew he had no pulse, yet he stayed on his neck. He didn't administer aid, he
continued grind his neck into his neck. None of the other evidence matters for 2nd degree
Violet Liskey SUBSCRIBER 25 minutes ago
Sufficient in my mind for a second degree manslaughter conviction.
Mac Moore SUBSCRIBER 23 minutes ago
Abernathy writes, "At the point Floyd lost consciousness, Chauvin's partner checked Floyd and
said he couldn't find a pulse, yet Chauvin stayed on his neck for over 3 minutes more."
So, what? Are you looking for evidence to support your hate? How is that helpful? They
jury has all of the facts. The Prosecutors and Defense delivered excellent arguments and
supported them with facts. It seems all of your evidence is of only one perspective. The Jury
has both. I will await their decision, not yours.
Rick Krieger SUBSCRIBER 23 minutes ago
And the Floyd family will skip town with $27 million from the citizens of Minnesota.
Bruce Rado SUBSCRIBER 11 minutes ago
Thank Chauvin for that. The city settled because the bar for a civil award is only "the
preponderance of evidence," and anyone with two functioning eyes could see that Floyd's death
was "wrongful," and that Chauvin's actions were the proximate cause of Floyd's death.
Ellyn Oys SUBSCRIBER 2 minutes ago (Edited)
That is the fascinating part. I awaiting news as to how they spend it. Will they start with a
row of pink Cadillacs?
People who don't make a habit of getting high, committing crimes, then resisting arrest have
nothing to worry about.
John Bartlett SUBSCRIBER 9 minutes ago
Especially after ingesting a lethal dose of Fentanyl, Floyd's blood showed 11 ng/ml and
3ng/ml is considered a lethal level.
Interesting final arguments by the prosecution which just wrapped up.
Next up, the Defense, then rebuttal by the State before the case concludes and jury begins
its deliberations.
The prosecution highlighted the pain suffered by Floyd under Chauvin's knee. Floyd
complained that he couldn't breath and about the pain in his stomach and neck.
According to the Mayo Clinic website, symptoms relating to an "enlarged heart," often
include shortness of breath and may also include chest pain, discomfort in other areas of the
upper body (one or both arms, neck, back, stomach and severe shortness of breath which may
indicate a heart attack), and fainting.
It is inexplicable, however, why Chauvin did not take his knee off Floyd when he had no
pulse. . .
National Guard in DC are playing video games on their phones.
As Minneapolis is largely unprotected, sacrificed for a political agenda.
Violet Liskey SUBSCRIBER 45 minutes ago
Bad closing prosecutor argument is going to justify a stronger reaction if the decision does
not go in the direction of the mob - we needed Steve to do a better job for all concerned
ted williams SUBSCRIBER 41 minutes ago
Which mob? The Jan 6 mob?? I'm confused
Kevin Burke SUBSCRIBER 37 minutes ago
The summer of love mob.
Richard Acuti SUBSCRIBER 52 minutes ago
The verdict and the sentence are irrelevant.
More rioting and violence will occur no matter the output of the trial.
This is a tragic tale of a lousy human being being killed by another lousy human being
with a badge. Neither of these guys are any good.
John Bartlett SUBSCRIBER 45 minutes ago
The guy with the badge didn't kill Floyd, he committed suicide by ingesting an overdose
of Fentanyl. The Autopsy showed he had a level of 11ng/ml and 3 ng/ml is a Lethal Level. I
don't see how the Medical Examiner didn't rule cause of death was Fentanyl.
John Bartlett SUBSCRIBER 9 minutes ago
The Medical Examiner is at fault for not listing Fentanyl as the cause of death, Floyd's
Autopsy showed he had 11 ng/ml and 3 is considered Lethal. An overdose of Fentanyl causes the
persons respiration to slow and even stop and that's what happened to Floyd.
Jerome Abernathy SUBSCRIBER 28 minutes ago
"This is a tragic tale of a lousy human being being killed by another lousy human being with
a badge."
Floyd was addicted to opioids like millions of other Americans. That didn't make him a
lousy human. But, I do question what type of person would accuse him of such.
Scott Manson CPA JD SUBSCRIBER 26 minutes ago
he was also a felon who was in the process of committing a crime -
does that qualify as a lousy human?
Maria Thompson SUBSCRIBER 20 minutes ago
... Conviction for first degree home-invasion robbery where he pointed a gun at a pregnant
woman's abdomen
the Media doesn't mention it much
Looting And burning Footlocker basketball shoe stores will make everything better.
paul grunder SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
Maxine Waters was despicable in what she did by encouraging rioters. Then I also think Chris
Cuomo of CNN should be fired for basically saying, unless white children are shot there will
be no justice Why would anyone encourage the deaths of any children? We have a sicko nation.
p's wife
Albert Griffith SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
The prosecution's closing argument is way too long. He's playing to the cameras.
He wants a CNN show when this is all over.
mitch wilkerson SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
how much pressure was the knee on his back? That's the 64 dollar question. I see not enough
to kill him but merely to restrain as he was high
Violet Liskey SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
I don't think there is any way to know - only the best guess of experts who may nor may not
be influenced by other factors
Keith Dowling SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
I wonder, did the defense point out that G. Floyd said he couldn't breath before he was put
on the ground? That seems to be proof that the restraining hold had nothing to do with his
breathing issues.
The other factor is, what impact did the crowd have on delaying the paramedics in
accessing and treating Mr. Floyd? They said they did a "load and scoot" due to the unruly
Mac Moore SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
Dowling writes, "I wonder, did the defense point out that G. Floyd said he couldn't breath
before he was put on the ground?"
Yes. The Defense has been excellent. Both desks, Defense / Prosecutors, presented their
positions very well. The Jury has a good balance of facts and arguments to work with. I don't
know how they will find, but my guess is that at least one or more jurors will not be able to
conclude murder / manslaughter by the police.
A 7 year girl in Chicagoland was shot in the head yesterday by a gang member and killed.
She was not fighting with police or under the influence of fentanyl.
Was in line at a McDonalds.
No media coverage.
I read about it on Fox News. Didn't see it mentioned on CNN however.
karen graham SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
It's on CNN.
Scott Manson CPA JD SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
so where are the "peaceful protests"
Thomas Fowler SUBSCRIBER 46 minutes ago
There won't be any because if a black is killed by another black, there's no political gain
to be had. This just proves that black lives don't matter unless a white (or maybe Asian) is
Gregory Weinman SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
Based on the evidence I would acquit murder charges. Murder requires an intent the
prosecution has not proven. Involuntary manslaughter in Minnesota is called manslaughter in
the second degree. That seems the appropriate charge. Based on Officer Chauvin's negligence
in the death of Mr Floyd I would convict.
Representative Waters was filmed inciting riot if the jury acquits on murder. She did this in
Brooklyn Center MN, a city already in flames If Minneapolis erupts in riot will she face
sanction or dismissal? I wouldn't bet on it.
Jerome Feldman SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago (Edited)
Is anything going to be done to protect the anonymity of the is done in mob
Not that anything can be done in this day and age. It is likely that the identity of each
juror is already public knowledge.
(Mrs. JF)
M Ruri SUBSCRIBER 47 minutes ago
That is a major issue as to an appeal of the verdict I believe.... because many selected
jurors did say they were worried about their safety in being selected.
John Harris SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
Q: Why were those "9 minutes" necessary?
A: Because he had been successful in forcibly resisting arrest (involving the entire police
force available) during the earlier 20 minutes ... just BEFORE!
...... Summary: It's that SIMPLE!
Violet Liskey SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago (Edited)
I think Floyd passed out at 20:24-5 and was not resisting for the last 3 mins of the 9 mins.
And that is the best prosecutors case for at least second degree manslaughter.
Violet Liskey SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
So far prosecutor's closing argument has been disappointing - playing the jury -- by
misleading claims 9:24, 9:24, 9: 24 or superhumans do not exist in real life or (I know, not
the defense, what Chauvin knows) he knew, he knew, he knew, mock, mock, mock -- guess Steve
figures the jury has the intelligence of 8 year-olds and he is willing to yank their strings
.. although not saying he is wrong
Joseph Areeda SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
I can't help but think the reaction of the mob will hang over jury deliberations.
Imagine the press reaction if Trump had used language similar to Maxine Water's on Jan
We've got to stay on the street and we've got to get more active, we've got to get more
confrontational. We've got to make sure that they know that we mean business.
I pray Mr. Chauvin gets a fair verdict than depends on his actions and the law
not on expected mob reactions, but I don't see how that's possible.
Girish Kotwal SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
Will police officer Derek Chauvin get proper justice from a jury that is being ferociously
intimidated to give a guilty verdict by an organized mob and filthy politicians like Maxine
Watters? It will be the responsibility of the judge and the justice department to assure that
the intimidation should have no influence on the verdict and the jury will be protected from
any repercussions of their verdict no matter what it is. Jury protection measures should be
in place until the mob calms down. I don't think that some of the organizations that were
rioting which are the poodles of the Dems are going to be rioting no matter what the decision
is because after the summer riots they got what they wanted which is the installation of
Biden in the white house. So now they have their puppy in the white house and he is doing
exactly what they want him to do.
The Dems have sowed the seeds of race wars and mass shootings that they cannot blame
Trump. Crime is a crime and deserves to be punished.
karen graham SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago (Edited)
Do you know who the jurors are? This is obviously a high profile case, but who do you think
is intimidating them?
And how did you get Trump into this?
Perhaps the mob gathering outside the courthouse?
Randall Digby SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
and a US Representative from the state of California that the moderators will not allow to be
Alan Pronesti SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago (Edited)
A couple of years ago I watched a documentary on PBS on African American voters, and it said
that if Black participation rates in elections drops just a tiny % (don't remember the
number) Democrats would get killed in elections. If it wasn't for that we wouldn't know who
George Floyd is.
Once that changes the Democrats, Media, and Liberals will throw African Americans under
the bus.
This is not about race it's all about elections for Democrats.
Michael Dulaney SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
No. It was if the death of Floyd was caused only by the action of the police officer or if
there were other factors that, had they not existed, would not have resulted in death.
Floyd's body was full of drugs.
We will see if, in the United States today, Justice is Blind or Justice is now Mob
Scott Manson CPA JD SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago
Let the
"peaceful protests" begin
They already have. Somebody left a severed head of a porcine animal in the driveway of a
defense witness last night.
Scott Manson CPA JD SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
did it have an apple in its mouth?
Michael Dulaney SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
Our democratic cousins.
Jason Miller SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago
Chauvin was already convicted in the media before stepping into court. The majority of the
public also convicted him before knowing all of the facts. So I hope the jury is doing their
job, not judging him from a biased media perspective that has plagued our nation for years.
Either way, there will be riots, whether he's found guilty or not guilty.
Michael Dulaney SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
Retail outlets need to board up before "shopping" begins when the verdict is read.
Michael Schmitt SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago (Edited)
Chicago stores (in all neighborhoods) started boarding up last week. Who wants to go shopping
in person any more? Between rioting, carjackings, personal attacks, homeless on every corner,
it's dangerous and not pleasant. Online shopping will take over. Retail, real estate and
insurance industries need to step up and call out this destruction.
I would hope that everyone would be willing to accept the verdict of the jury, no
matter what the outcome.
This is foundational for our justice system and indeed for our country. People who have
not you been in the courtroom to hear all the testimony, to see all the evidence should
accept the Judgment of the jury. You don't have to be happy with it but you should accept it.
Outside agitators, such as Representative Maxine Waters, should be held in contempt.
Michael Dulaney SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
Maxine Waters is calling for protests against the government. Don't know about Minneapolis,
but in Washington DC she called this an "insurrection".
Maybe she should be tried for treason.
Rachel Glyn SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago
I'm not sure whether anybody can be unbiased enough to judge to what extent Chauvin, as
opposed to George Floyd's drug use and heart condition, caused Mr Floyd's death. Radical
supporters of BLM are convinced that Chauvin murdered Floyd and it was racially motivated.
Some on the Right discount any involvement from Chauvin and blame it all on Mr Floyd. Even if
I were on the jury to hear all the scientific evidence, I might not feel qualified to
I also am unsure whether any jurors can really make an unbiased decision. Even in a worst
case scenario, if Chauvin is racist and evil and deliberately cause Mr Floyd's death, the
jury should decide based on evidence and not mob threats. I'd like to know if the jurors have
heard outside news and if they fear for their own safety.
karen graham SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago
Jurors are instructed not to listen to outside news. Juries tend to take their
responsibilities very seriously.
AM Losee SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
I think a lot of people are convinced this was murder. People were screaming at Chauvin to
get his knee off his neck. How much more blatant can it get?
Because you and other right wingers hate Floyd, you are making excuses for a bad cop, a
really bad cop, who already had 17 marks against his record, some for excessive
The guy should have been thrown off the force.
Mac Moore SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
Losee writes, "I think a lot of people are convinced this was murder."
That is the sad truth. When your lens is blinded by hate, one has difficulty seeing it any
other way.
Michael Dulaney SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
The broad generalization you make against "right wingers"...."hating Floyd" shows that racism
is indeed alive and well in your neck of the woods.
Bruce Anderson SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
AM - how do you know who hates Floyd?
you are a mind reader with a crystal ball?
what a dum statement.
no one heard of Floyd before and now they hate him ?
Charles McGill SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
yes AM and leftists are mind readers and not only that but are righteous, always correct, and
think all sheep should stand quietly and get fleeced.
Joseph Rosenberger SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago
What a sad mess.
Mac Moore SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago
The flame throwers, Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, James, BLM, and, their enablers in the MSM ....
have poisoned the waters of rational thought in America. They have far too many citizens
viewing this event through a racist lens that they created for political malfeasance to gain
power. It is sick.
Floyd was there as a culminations of hundreds, if not thousands, of bad choices of his own
making. The police were there as a request. If Floyd had chosen to comply with the police,
the outcome would have been completely different. How the police acted to gain submission is
in question, but it is political theatrics to call it murder.
For an acquittal, the defense must similarly convince all 12 jurors that the prosecution
failed to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. But it takes only one juror to "hang" the
jury. That means that if 11 jurors want to vote to convict on at least one of the charges
against Chauvin, but one juror doesn't believe the government has met its burden of proof,
there won't be a verdict. Instead, there will be a mistrial, and although the government can
retry the case down the road, a hung jury involves delay and the risk that as the evidence
ages, the prosecution's case may become weaker.
OMG. I just watched 2 strong young black men have a conversation
without screaming RACISM. All they talked about was our freedoms and
our rights. I love watching Lawrence, he is a breath of fresh air in
the media. We need more people like these 2 men to keep the
conversation going about protecting everyone's rights.
It's sad that money was used to help people not for her to buy four
houses I don't understand I work in Brooklyn a lot of people would
need those donations. Sad 🥺
The Great Commission to Uplift the American Negro is a long-running national project that
goes back at least to the 1850s. It's recurred in cycles that always eventually founder,
creating at best a "talented tenth"-type elite and leaving the great mass of the black
underclass where they are or worse.
It can only continue to the extent that it does because of willful ahistoriocity on the
part of its adherents, at least with respect to past cycles.
As our esteemed host has pointed out time and again, liberals are forbidden to know of any
history relevant to blacks prior to the 21st century other than slavery, Jim Crow, redlining,
and Emmett Till.
Why crime rises and falls is a devilishly complicated question.
In journalism, always a blaring alarm that a thumb-sucking pile of BS is about to follow.
In fact, insert anything you want in front of "is a complicated question." But crime in
particular is not complicated to explain. It's just unpleasant and embarrassing to face up
The George Floyd incident is illustrative. Police were not being brutal or confrontational
when they approached Floyd. Floyd escalated the situation by refusing to comply with simple
instructions. This is at the root of almost all police/public confrontations.
Police are required to investigate a violation of the law. If you hinder that
investigation, physically resist or flee things go south. They can't just let you go if they
believe you did something illegal. Had Floyd cooperated he would have likely ended up with a
misdemeanor charge of passing a counterfeit bill,booked at the jail and bonded out in a
couple of hours.
Underclass negroes simply refuse to take the easy way out believing they can talk ( lie )
their way out of a situation of their own making or, failing that, flee and everybody will
just forget about it.
"... It turns out that Floyd had a long criminal record, including an armed robbery in which held a gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman. In short, George Floyd was a real piece of shit. ..."
"... I don't think it is likely Chauvin will get any justice. Presumably the upgraded murder charge works in his favor as he's more likely to get off, but considering the media attention, the state of thinking in America, and the corruption of the justice system, it seems likely that he's going to get railroaded. ..."
"... Actually, he might not have been lying. Covid19 patients are known to have difficulty breathing. Add to that Fentanyl, which also causes sudden death. I wonder if the autopsy included a review for blood clots around his heart, which is not an uncommon cause of death for Covid19 patients. ..."
"... The author of this piece is every bit as much a cry baby as BLM pricks painting up the streets. ..."
"... Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison said that he did not want to release the videos because it might hurt his attempt to prosecute the officers. Get that, he's not interested in justice but to get the pre-determined result: WHITE MAN guilty of racist murder. ..."
"... Agreed that George Floyd got justice, but please remember that it's not the role of police to hand out justice. Agreed that he was not killed by the police, but just what does the author mean by saying that Floyd got what he deserved, ..."
"... Fentanyl is a respiratory suppressor in itself. Some of its analogues are particularly so. Floyd had multiple fentalogues in his system I believe there were also some variety of benzodiazapines as well. These combined are more than lethal at surprisingly low doses for a normal adult male. That doesn't even start to consider all the meth, and metabolites of it, coursing thru his veins. Metabolites will have an effect in this mix, in terms of toxicity. ..."
"... Of course it's a lie. The Mockingbird Media has been lying for decades running about damned near everything. Why is anyone surprised? It's like the old joke in the USSR about Pravda (Truth) and Isvestia (News): There's no truth in the news and no news in the truth . ..."
"... Yes this is very true. Breanna Taylor of Louisville was an actual case of such reckless abuse of power (no knock warrant where the cops killed an innocent black woman). Haven't seen the usual suspects complaining very much about that one. Yes there have been a few scattered BLM riots – but only after the tragic ascension of St. George the Breathless. She didn't get tens of millions via Go-Fund-Me and a state funeral with a gold-plated casket like St. George. Guess St. George serves a higher purpose than Breanna – apparently a mere paramedic rather than the Kang of Wokeundumb Kangz. ..."
"... Honestly, to most Europeans, neither George Floyd nor the cop who knelt on his neck can inspire sympathy. Both are loathsome. Most of us don't like American police methods, they're brutal and dishonourable for a country that pretends to be free, and most of us don't like criminals who are fake victims of racism either because most of the racism we see is against us and our civilisation nowadays. ..."
The cries for justice over the deaths of Trayvon Martin and
Michael Brown were
hoaxes. Both men were criminals who died because they were dumb enough to assault men with
guns. The same is true of Ahmaud Arbery
There are more than forty million black people in America. Can't Black Lives Matter find at
least one actual victim of racism?
Now, with the leak of the police body-camera footage of the arrest of George Floyd, we have
confirmation of what sensible people suspected all along: George Floyd was not a victim of
police brutality or injustice.
The story we had been sold was that, for no good reason, Floyd was thrown to the ground by a
brutal cop, Derek Chauvin, who then put his knee on Floyd's neck for nearly nine minutes while
Floyd pled that he could not breathe, choking him to death.
Based on this story, Derek Chauvin was fired and indicted for murder, and the three other
cops who assisted him were fired and indicted for aiding and abetting murder.
Also based on this story, America has been convulsed by more than two months of race riots,
which have killed dozens, injured countless others, and destroyed billions of dollars in
property and countless livelihoods.
There were many facts that did not fit this story, however.
George Floyd's autopsy revealed that he wasn't suffocated. Instead, he died of heart
failure. He was suffering from heart disease and COVID-19. He also had the opioid fentanyl in
his system as well as methamphetamine. The medical examiner said these drugs contributed to
this death. (He also had traces of cannabis.)
Beyond that, Floyd was apprehended before he could drive off, clearly intoxicated, after
trying to pass a counterfeit bill. Should the police have allowed him to just drive away?
Obviously not. They had to do something to get Floyd out of his car and away from the public so
he could not endanger himself or others.
The person who called the police reported that Floyd was acting strangely, which in all
likelihood meant that he was intoxicated or mentally ill, thus not to be trifled with.
It turns out that Floyd had a long criminal record, including an armed robbery in which
held a gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman. In short, George Floyd was a real piece of
Moreover, putting a knee on an uncooperative suspect's neck is an approved police control
technique, so how could Chauvin be indicted for murder?
Finally, there was never any evidence that race played any role in Floyd's death. He
was not arrested because he was black, but because he committed a crime. He was not forcibly
restrained because he was black, but because he was uncooperative. Two of the four officers
were non-white. The claim that race had anything to do with Floyd's death at all was simply
a baseless assertion amplified and endlessly repeated by the media and BLM
But now we know that it was all a fraud. What does the police body camera footage
First of all, it reveals that George Floyd was dishonest, uncooperative, and acted deranged
and scary.
Floyd claimed that he had just lost his mother (he hadn't). He claimed to be too
claustrophobic to get in the police car, which was a lie because he was not too claustrophobic
to sit in his own car. He claimed twice that he was not on drugs, falsely. He refused
repeatedly to allow the police to cuff him. He refused repeatedly to get in the police car. He
claimed multiple times that he could not breathe before he ended up on the ground with
Chauvin's knee on his neck. Obviously he was lying before that, so it made sense for Chauvin to
disbelieve him when Floyd was on the ground. And, in any case, remember that the medical
examiner said Floyd did not die of asphyxiation.
Second, the video reveals that the police dealt with Floyd with a level of patience and
professionalism that I certainly could not have mustered. One cannot say that Chauvin lost his
patience or lashed out at Floyd.
Ask yourself, dear reader, would you have been able to maintain your cool in the same
situation? I know I would have snapped. I was thinking "Couldn't we just arm police with
tranquilizer darts to bring these beasts down?" This video gives me nothing but respect for the
police who have to deal day in and day out with deranged criminals like George Floyd.
Was George Floyd a victim of injustice? No, he died because (1) he committed a crime, (2)
refused to comply with the police, and (3) was so high on drugs that he was not up to the
rigors of being forcibly arrested. If he hadn't done any of those things, he -- and a lot of
other people -- would still be alive today. George Floyd's death was entirely his fault.
It wasn't murder. It was the predictable result of Floyd's own bad character and bad choices.
It was his just desserts.
George Floyd got justice.
Now we have to secure justice for Derek Chauvin and his fellow officers, as well as for the
millions of Americans whose lives have been turned upside down by this massive hoax perpetrated
by the government of Minneapolis, the State of Minnesota, Black Lives Matter, the mainstream
media, and the far Left -- aided and abetted by the craven eunuchs of the mainstream Right.
If I were Donald Trump, I would invoke the Insurrection Act, then spend the next few weeks
arresting the leaders of BLM and antifa, as well as their collaborators in state and municipal
governments, for the crimes they have already committed. Once the Leftist beast is decapitated,
I would pardon Derek Chauvin and his fellow officers. Then I'd grab some popcorn.
"But we could never do that! Blacks would burn the country down!"
If that is your initial reaction, I want you to reflect on it. Derek Chauvin, his fellow
officers, and the whole planet have been victimized by a blatant hoax. If we can't do the right
thing and call a stop to it, then aren't we admitting that we have to choose between having
justice and having black people in America ? Well I choose justice. Which is reason number
one-hundred-million-and-one why I believe that blacks and whites in America need to go our
separate ways. We need
a racial divorce .
"I was thinking 'Couldn't we just arm police with tranquilizer darts to bring these
beasts down?'"
That would've killed him flat out, what with a lethal/near-lethal dose of fentanyl in him
already. It seems they'd decided to let EMS deal with him, which was absolutely the correct
decision. Strap the maniac down on a gurney.
I can't find any fault with this assessment. After watching the eight minutes of Floyd
lying about claustrophobia and struggling against the attempt to simply get him safely into
the police vehicle, it makes me sick that I bought into part of the narrative being sold at
the time.
There's not much doubt left that a combination of drug abuse and poor health killed the
man. Chauvin and the others should be released with a clean record.
Which is not to say that no policing reforms are needed. Too many innocent people are
killed by cops. Floyd just wasn't one of them.
I don't think it is likely Chauvin will get any justice. Presumably the upgraded
murder charge works in his favor as he's more likely to get off, but considering the media
attention, the state of thinking in America, and the corruption of the justice system, it
seems likely that he's going to get railroaded.
If he does that will be the saddest part of this whole affair – a cop just doing his
job to police the community gets (presumably life, at least his life ruined) because he was
sent to deal with a deranged, intoxicated negro.
This video shows a silverback coming to the realization that he is going to jail, yet
again, and acting like a typical low I.Q. Negro. He was a career criminal P.O.S. that got
just what he deserved. It's a travesty of justice to charge the cops with anything.
It ought to be a wake up call for any cop that the powers that be need you collectively
but will throw you individually under the bus if it's politically expedient.
He claimed multiple times that he could not breathe before he ended up on the ground
with Chauvin's knee on his neck. Obviously he was lying before that, so it made sense for
Chauvin to disbelieve him when Floyd was on the ground.
Actually, he might not have been lying. Covid19 patients are known to have difficulty
breathing. Add to that Fentanyl, which also causes sudden death. I wonder if the autopsy
included a review for blood clots around his heart, which is not an uncommon cause of death
for Covid19 patients.
I agree with you Greg, yet ANOTHER hoax. Whew. Like you said, they can't even find ONE
legit victim of oppression. I blame Keith Ellison, but most of all I blame the jewish media
for inciting the whole bullshit scam. With the covid scam, two big scams going at once, the
creepy jews have our citizens on their fucking knees.
I've had it. I'm at the not gonna take any more stage, and I suspect that many people feel
the same way I do.
This is what you get when jews run your country incessant lies and hoaxes and gaslighting
and nonsense and chaos and crime and murder.
And one day, for no reason, the entire German populace decided, "Gee ..I don't think I
like the jews anymore ."
Unfortunately the police are proving impossible to love. They bow down to the people who
hate them and want to strip them of their jobs (if not their lives), but then arrest people
who defend themselves against a violent mob. In big cities they have no qualms against
assaulting people for not wearing a mask, nor to enforcing illegal "red flag" laws. They are
the definition of anti heroes:
Violent and oppressive toward peaceful and productive whites, but meek and subservient toward
violent and destructive blacks and communists.
I'm aware that there are exceptions, such as a few rural sheriffs refusing to enforce this
crap. But they're getting tarred by association, simply because you can never tell whether
your district will be run by a patriot or a petty tyrant.
If I were Donald Trump, I would invoke the Insurrection Act, spend the next few weeks
arresting the leaders of BLM and antifa, as well as their collaborators in state and
municipal governments, for the crimes they have already committed. Once the Leftist beast
is decapitated, I would pardon Derek Chauvin and his fellow officers.
This is brilliant. If Trump did this, he would win big -- if they don't alter the results.
If Trump did this, he would become a historical icon akin to Daniel Boone or George
If Trump did this, and ground the Government's boot on the throat of every race agitator,
including celebrities like Winfrey and Cannon, as well as NBA/NFL ingrates, he would forever
change the hustle of blacks to game the system. He would alter America on a cellular level,
and exponentially for the best.
Alas,Trump will never do this. He cares too much (perhaps in a prurient manner) what his
daughter Ivanka thinks and her cunning conniving husband, Jared.
Note: Ron Unz has MAXIMUM backbone to run this fabulous, truth telling piece.
So the marchers are completely correct. There will be no justice. There will be no peace.
They will make sure of both no matter what. At least they tell us of their plan. Veteran
coppers smell what's up. Many have gone fetal. Others are retiring earlier than expected. All
are disgusted by the bullshit they see with this case
George Floyd was dishonest, uncooperative, and acted deranged and scary
Stop the presses! Acting scary is too much! Especially if it's a scary nigger! Kill the
scary nigger! Aaaaahhhhhh!!
The world has become soft, and everyone is just one big victim of every action and
inaction. The author of this piece is every bit as much a cry baby as BLM pricks painting
up the streets. Take your "I suck blue dick" cause on down the road – you're bound
to find followers.
We have to thank the leaker of the body cams video. Minnesota Attorney General Keith
Ellison said that he did not want to release the videos because it might hurt his attempt to
prosecute the officers. Get that, he's not interested in justice but to get the
pre-determined result: WHITE MAN guilty of racist murder.
Ellison was humiliated when he lost the election to the chair of the Democratic National
Committee to Tom Perez because of his affiliation to the Nation of Islam. As a consolation
prize Perez made him Deputy Chair, a meaningless title for a worthless person. I am sure that
if he can deliver a murder conviction of a white police officer the black caucus will demand
a cabinet post for this house muslim.
Yes! Yes! Yes! But you do not understand. The largest crime was not committed by Floyd.
The largest crime was committed by totally criminal media. Particularly CNN.
Agreed that George Floyd got justice, but please remember that it's not the role of
police to hand out justice. Agreed that he was not killed by the police, but just what does
the author mean by saying that Floyd got what he deserved, "his just desserts"? Was
death the form of justice he deserved? Could there have been another path made available to
"salvage" him and turn him into a benefit rather than a detriment to society?
What forces, internal and external, acted on Floyd from the time of his birth to his death
to make him become what he was, behave as he did? Can we build a society in which someone
like Floyd never exists and never needs to be put out of his and our misery?
In Floyd's life and death should we see racism or societal failure? In the reaction to his
death what should we see?
The video will of course be used by BLM and other leftists to enhance their whiny shit.
They'll say that trying to stuff him into the back of the cop car after he told them he was
claustrophobic was cruel, and just exacerbated the situation. They'll also say the cops
should have just let him sit on the ground till the amberlamps arrived.
They'll bitch about the cop pulling his gun on an "unarmed black man," and "they wouldn't
do that to a White guy." Then they'll say something really intelligent like "trying to pass a
fake 20 doesn't deserve the death sentence."
It would have been so simple to pop Floyd in the head while he was sitting in the car,
like they do in Brazil or Mexico. Or what fellow negroes do to each other every weekend. At
least then he would have died once, and the cops certainly would have been justifiably
crucified. But this case will go on and on, and we will have to endure from multiple angles
his dying. And of course the kangaroo court theatrics that will go with it all. Add to that
the scapegoats,( sacrificial pigs).
@AnonymousFentanyl is a respiratory suppressor in itself. Some of its analogues are particularly
so. Floyd had multiple fentalogues in his system I believe there were also some variety of
benzodiazapines as well. These combined are more than lethal at surprisingly low doses for a
normal adult male. That doesn't even start to consider all the meth, and metabolites of it,
coursing thru his veins. Metabolites will have an effect in this mix, in terms of
IMHO dude was a goner, they just showed up too early. And all hell has broken loose over
another opioid overdose not much different than hundreds of others that week but for a video
that looks bad to the unknowing
Weimar Amerika has a problem, it is called the Jewish run media that spreads lies and
causes harm to the nation. We the people have the right and moral duty to remove all Jews
from the press, the tv, from newspapers, etc.
The damage done by the George Floyd hoax is nothing compared to this stupid Covid
insanity, they are actually shutting down schools over nothing. Governments are being run by
insane lunatics, there are no adults in the room making any rational decisions.
This comment gets 5 stars
This is what you get when jews run your country incessant lies and hoaxes and
gaslighting and nonsense and chaos and crime and murder.
And one day, for no reason, the entire German populace decided, "Gee ..I don't think I
like the jews anymore ."
The trial of Chauvin will be interesting. If they do the right thing and acquit him we
might be in for some stormy times. However, sending an innocent man to prison to appease all
the extremists out there isn't something we should be forced to swallow. Buckle up your seat
belts, round two coming up.
It won't matter. This entire issue is based on complete nonsense and fantasy. All of
modern woke identity politics is intentionally fantastic and mystifying and completely
divorced from reality. As many have pointed out, the entire notion of objective truth is
considered simply a form of white supremacy (this is an actual quote from a woman with a PhD
discussing racism in math: "the idea of 2+2 equaling 4 is cultural and because of western
imperialism and colonization, we think of it as the only way of knowing"). Just as the news
will not say a suspect is black or show his face, any discussion AT ALL of actual crimes
committed by "POC" have become verboten on the woke left, and they control the narrative. If
issues were presented and discussed openly and honestly, none of this would have ever
happened anyway. So this video will simply be memory holed or, better yet, edited to somehow
portray Floyd as a victim, just as people still think of Michael Brown as a victim and all
the rest. It just won't matter.
That kind of job cannot be done by a president : there was never such thing as a honest US
president. A honest US president is a president who resigns to avoid his country the shame of
impeachment. Such a job can only be done by a Lucky Luke or so who identifies with the
president and whom the president has no choice but to support.
Of course it's a lie. The Mockingbird Media has been lying for decades running about
damned near everything. Why is anyone surprised? It's like the old joke in the USSR about
Pravda (Truth) and Isvestia (News): There's no truth in the news and no news in the truth
The Pulitzer Prize committee has never rescinded Walter Duranty's prize for his lies from
the 1930s about the great abundance of milk, honey and happiness in the Ukrainian SSR under
the tender care of Stalin's good boy (((Lazar Kaganovich))). Oh what's that? Never heard of
those 8-10 million being starved to death under the machine guns of those nice (((NKVD
men)))? Just another damned conspiracy theory ! (Mentioning this will get you jail
time in the "free country" once known as France – for minimizing the holycost!)
This truthful article is about the big lie regarding the ascension of St. George the
Breathless but that lie is far from the only one told. Along with the holy man's long
criminal record there's the lie about those 4 White cops when only Chauvin was
actually White. One was Black, one was Asian and a third was of mixed ancestry. Almost as big
a lie as the whopper printed about the notorious white soopremaciss involved in the
tragic ascension of St. Trayvon of Skittles and Arizona Iced Watermelon Juice – a
Peruvian octaroon named George Zimmerman. The Germans had the perfect term for our lovely
comrades at the Ministry of Truth: Lügenpresse
Which is not to say that no policing reforms are needed. Too many innocent people are
killed by cops. Floyd just wasn't one of them.
Yes this is very true. Breanna Taylor of Louisville was an actual case of such
reckless abuse of power (no knock warrant where the cops killed an innocent black woman).
Haven't seen the usual suspects complaining very much about that one. Yes there have been a
few scattered BLM riots – but only after the tragic ascension of St. George the
Breathless. She didn't get tens of millions via Go-Fund-Me and a state funeral with a
gold-plated casket like St. George. Guess St. George serves a higher purpose than Breanna
– apparently a mere paramedic rather than the Kang of Wokeundumb Kangz.
If he hadn't been pulled over, he probably still be alive today. I guess blaming the
nigger is a satisfying way for white Americans to cope with the obvious, ongoing decline of
their civilization.
Everyone I know flashes their high beams to warn other drivers of speed traps. The same
hypocrites in this thread massaging cop balls are certainly greateful for it. They only love
the cops when their abusing blacks or their political opponents, not when they're burning
down Waco.
Hmmm well, I'm not seeing the same idiots that came here before to embarrass themselves
with comments insisting that the cop murdered Floyd. Hang your heads in shame, wherever you
You stupid cunt ..Floyd ingested a huge amount of fentanyl AND meth AND cannabis.
The cops were insanely patient with that crazy negro, and then the jew media LIED about
the incident for months creating an entirely false narrative that resulted in horrible loss
of life and property.
It's not "crying" to speak the truth about what happened and to lament the fact that we
were hoaxed yet again.
They DIDN'T kill the crazy buckwheat; he killed himself.
EXCLUSIVE: Police bodycam footage shows moment-by-moment arrest of George Floyd for
the first time – from terror on his face when officer points gun at his head, sobbing
before he's shoved into squad car and begging to breathe as his life drains away .
Worth a look. I think Gould must moonlight on violin.
@Tusk of thinking
in America, and the corruption of the justice system, it seems likely that he's going to get
He will most likely get railroaded by a jury that is afraid of another riot.
The prosecution won't be able to argue that he died by asphyxiation. They will have to
argue that he might have OD'd but the knee on the neck was a factor. Well that's manslaughter
at the most.
They'll probably give him 6-10 and let him out early. I think he should just be fired.
I really don't know why anyone would take a police position under a left-wing mayor.
If I were Donald Trump, I would invoke the Insurrection Act, spend the next few weeks
The media conglomerates, as others have said, and the education conglomerates.
Scrap higher education and go back to the tech schools we had before. It's too late to
save the old system; PC infestation and weird sex rot have ossified them all. When the
country even pretends to be civilized again, we can give it another shot.
All of the media and most of the Antifa's paleface contingent are graduates of our
overweening Institutions of Higher Indoctrination. Defund them all.
@Avianthro d the
meth and fentanyl up his rectum. That's the fastest way to get any drug, legal or not into
the vascular system.
After his last prison term in Texas, he moved to Minneapolis for drug dealing and
counterfeit money passing.
People like you, endlessly posturing and weeping about dangerous thugs like Floyd are more
responsible for " societal failure" than the useless, dangerous thugs you want to cuddle and
care for as if they were babies abandoned in a snowstorm.
Get a rescue dog or cat to lavish your love and care on, instead of defending the likes of
Liberals blacks and Jews claim 2 of the officers got into the back seat with him and beat
him up. Yeah right, 3 men, including the giant Floyd in the back seat.
Remember White Justine Dimond also of Minneapolis. An affirmative action black officer
shot her dead as soon as he saw her, the woman who called the police about a possible
disturbance. Took more than a year to even charge and arrest him.
Lets get this straight. The police did not go over to Floyd and ask him a few questions
about his transaction in the store and then tell him he had to come with them or be arrested
for passing fake money. They just went up to his car GUNS IN HAND, and started demanding he
showed his hands. The people from the store had already been over to the car and talked to
him before this happened, they did not seem to think he was dangerous.
He refused repeatedly to allow the police to cuff him.
The police did not tell him what it was about.They swore at him and pointed a gun at him
and then started pulling him out the car, It was several minutes after he was pulled out and
handcuffed they tell him that this was an arrest on a charge about the counterfeit bill.
He refused repeatedly to get in the police car
Yes he did that.
He claimed multiple times that he could not breathe
Yes he was trying a variation on the old I'm having a heart attack ploy. Maybe the COVID
19 epidemic and the froth at the corners of his mouth ought to have made Chavin think twice
about what he was going to do.
He claimed multiple times that he could not breathe before he ended up on the ground
with Chauvin's knee on his neck. Obviously he was lying before that, so it made sense for
Chauvin to disbelieve him when Floyd was on the ground.
Excuse me? Floyd had three cops on top of him and three knees on his back when he was
prone on the pavement. Chauvin was scoffing that "It takes a lot of oxygen to talk" and told
Floyd to stop yelling about how he could not breath.
One cannot say that Chauvin lost his patience or lashed out at Floyd.
I can and am going to, because in my opinion the most likely thing is Chavin decided to
give Floyd good reason to complain about his breathing and that is why Floyd and his hapless
stooges put him down and knelt on him. They only got off 9 minutes later when they were
told he was not breathing . What was Chauvin trying to achieve, and how long did he plan
on keeping Floyd like that?
Moreover, putting a knee on an uncooperative suspect's neck is an approved police
control technique
The use of knees technique is authorised to a purpose that is not what Chavin was using
the technique for. Chavin got his and his two colleagues' knees on Floyd and kept them there
for 9 minutes 30 seconds while resting his hands on top of his own legs.
how could Chauvin be indicted for murder?
He is charged with felony murder meaning the prosecution merely have to show that he used
the "approved police control technique" in a way that crossed the line into assault. It is
not necessary to show intent for anything but the felony for a felony murder conviction,
George Floyd's death was entirely his fault. It wasn't murder. It was the predictable
result of Floyd's own bad character and bad choices.
One could say the same of many murder victims.
It was his just desserts
He messed with the wrong guy in Chauvin. But Chauvin also messed with the wrong guy. If
Chauvin had done his job properly none of this would have happened.
"In Floyd's life and death should we see racism or societal failure?"
We should see neither, for neither had any demonstrable bearing on his life or death. As
the sage is reported to have said to the seeker: "Some have good fates; some bad. Yours was a
bad one."
The author did not actually suggest that tranquilizing Floyd with darts was the best way
to deal with him. He merely stated the thought would go through his head if he had to deal
with individuals like Floyd, as he would not be able to muster the saintly patience and
forbearance of Derek Chauvin and the other officers.
It's another one of those cases where the narrative is important, not the actual story. In
a real world, with a real press with intelligent reporters, we would have discussed how
horrible the death was. How it was an accidental event but was hard to avoid. They wouldn't
use his death to inflame passions, race bait, try to forement racial hatred, strife, and race
war. Floyd's death wouldn't be an event used by the Beast to get Orange man, because
ultimately, everything the media has done the last 4 years has been one version or another of
"Orange Man Bad". We might be talking about real issues like asset forfeiture or police
immunity from crimes. How police unions weld too much political power and abuse their sacred
position of trust in society. In other words, in a real world, we wouldn't have a
manipulative propaganda organ to make Orwell's head spin like a top. We'd have intelligent
and thoughtful readers that really take a part in debate and help steer the course of
No that would be asking too much I suppose. Eat your gruel, prol.
I agree with that statement but it seems that sometimes the Universe blindly hands out
justice to people. Floyd seem to be one of those. When you consider the toxicology report and
the type and amount of drugs in his system it seems likely that if he had never had any
interaction with the police at all he would have still died that day. By his own hand. But of
course not one black in a million can see it because blacks are not a people that let logic
and truth stand in the way of them venting their constant rage against the White man.
@Biff nd BLM are
producing far worse consequences than merely a deceptive message or a wrong-headed
The BLM circus is not only excusing, but giving credence to, and animating violent,
low-life negro culture which often kills innocents, ruins lives, destroys businesses, debases
entire neighborhoods, and undermines the rule of law. This is worrisome trend.
The spiraling costs associated with the unintended death of one stupid criminal is already
in the billions. And BLM is still on the warpath. It's time to vigorously resist this mob,
not appease them.
People will believe what people want to believe. Curiosity killed the cat, I did a search
to find out what George Floyd's autopsy said.
After all, the whole BLM thing spread over the ocean and came to Europe for no reason
whatsoever. Americans have a shtick to export every piece of shit they crap. Some time ago
they produced some useful stuff, now they manufacture gay prides, surrogate child bearing,
gay marriage, "humanitarian" military interventions, and their latest product, "anti-racism".
Coming from a country that has abolished segregation only half a century ago, it's rich.
Honestly, to most Europeans, neither George Floyd nor the cop who knelt on his neck
can inspire sympathy. Both are loathsome. Most of us don't like American police methods,
they're brutal and dishonourable for a country that pretends to be free, and most of us don't
like criminals who are fake victims of racism either because most of the racism we see is
against us and our civilisation nowadays.
Though George Floyd's autopsy did say that "he died of heart failure" and that he "was
suffering from heart disease", it didn't say that he suffered of COVID-19, it said the
opposite, that he was tested positive to the coronavirus causing it two months before but
that he remained asymptomatic and likely was still so at the time of his death.
To top it, George Floyd's autopsy didn't reveal "that he wasn't suffocated", it said that
there were "no injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngeal structures", in other words
that there were no signs of trauma associated with forcible asphyxiation which doesn't mean
that his heart failure wasn't eventually caused by lack of oxygen, even if drugs in his
organism contributed to it.
As I see it, this video proves nothing either way and will only enhance each side's views
because each side will pick from it just what suits it.
Why can't the racist boot-licking authoritarians here just admit that they love seeing a
black man humiliated and murdered? Step up, you crybaby cunts, embrace your depravity. You
don't care about justice or the rule of law or anything else. The cops easily got the cuffs
on him and easily got him in the car but we can hear the author trembling behind his keyboard
at the big scary black man. The worldview of you idiots guarantees that the US will
periodically burn.
Could there have been another path made available to "salvage" him and turn him into a
benefit rather than a detriment to society?
No, career criminals have no interest in reforming or becoming productive members of
All they care about is getting that easy gimmi dat from the welfare center while getting a
llit of extra cash on the side by selling drugs and robbing other people.
@aandrews after
the police leaders denied that Chauvin was acting to procedure, posted the department police
training manual and noted Chauvin was a trainer and the other officers his trainees that day.
This was all from the police department website! Brilliant.
The media ignored this, of course. Even UNZ missed it.
The Libertarian Institute also pointed out no one is investigating his Floyd's real
murderer, namely whoever sold him the defective drugs. What was being covered up?
Since then, we have world riots to shut down the police department. Why are the
Libertarian fans the only ones noting this looks like a massive cover-up, perhaps the
far-left again getting in bed with far-right and now Islamic organized crime across
No country for white men,first there were those Indian savages, attacking peaceful
settlers, then there were Africans, refusing to take a place, assigned to them by God,then
came Chinese, pretending, they were invited to build Transatlantic railroad,then came
Latinos,claiming that this is their country,since they came first!And there were also those
Russian commies, pretending, they are as white as they could be!
@Biff Race has
been merely one part of a wider Elite effort (ie Nixon's "Southern Strategy" was a new
Indeed, the US is itself entering a new phase: massive unemployment, massive drops in
productivity, mass evictions, mass poverty, massive (dangerous) belligerence towards
international competitors, mass business failure .and so on. And again, only one group seems
to be profiting from this nightmare.
Articles like this one, plus the lunatic & vicious shenanigans of BLM etc are merely
speeding the country towards a precipice beyond which no one knows the depth of the eventual
You've got at least 45% of the voting population who will never see things your way, and
all the organs of media working overtime to influence as many of those on the fence as
possible to buy into the narrative despite any narrative collapse.
As much as it would be justified in a sane world, Trump using the Insurrection Act and
rounding up the leaders of yet another coup in America would play into the narrative and
would lead to a landslide defeat. Unfortunately for Trump, acquiescing isn't doing anything
to make a case for his re-election, but at least it isn't fanning the flames to burn him out
of office for being a dictator. The mayors and governors of these hell holes are all on the
D-team, and the D-team knows the best way to beat Trump is to make him look like a monster
(buffoon just hasn't been working), and so they keep whipping up those flames the best ways
they can.
The rounding up of people should have started with the Russiagate coup conspirators in
2017, but Orange Man was no doubt told by his handlers that that would look like political
revenge and that he should just let it go. That is where everything went off the rails. 2020
would not have gone to hell if 2017 had been handled correctly, forcefully, and
You're reading too much into this. I think it's futile to keep finding reasons why
diversity doesn't work and to try new solutions. It all ends up just being welfare programs
for blacks. Separation is the only sensible solution.
Yet another piece of trash being trotted out of UR, that is increasingly assuming the face
of White supremacy. Yet UR's merciless – and justifiable – criticism of Zionist
Israel as an apartheid, racist entity seems to fly in the face of this blatant diatribe
against minorities in general and Blacks in particular. The purist White "analyses" being
touted here speak of a reality that has never existed in this country and never will. Live
with that.
Mantooso eyes of the masses of conservatives who went along with the story because of the
bad optics in the first video. It will allow them to second guess their judgement and for a
new opinion.
You can almost never change closed minds of the zealot liberal left, nothing will do that,
and this should not be the goal. This is more of a confirmation that thinking people are on
the right path and that their detest of the never ending pandering is right on point.
So it is still good that it came out. The cops are vindicated as well as the disbelievers
in the sensationalist coverage.
Having wasted two generations since the Civil Rights Acts were passed and the negro was
invited to fully participate in American life, the negro today senses time and money have run
out. Worse still, while he bitched and moaned about 'racism' he now realizes he has been
replaced by hispanics for low skill labor. With neither the education or talent necessary for
high paying jobs he, no doubt, realizes he has become superfluous to the American economy.
The covid virus has shut down the only lucrative gigs his race had- professional sports and
entertainment. His only option is to take up the inane slogan of BLM even as he realizes they
Note to Tarantino. "Django 2020, Buying Cigarettes in Crackertown". Script half compete.
Artistic license required for completion. Studies show wide acceptance with young white
female demographic.
Cigarette smoking involves sucking in nasty smelling smoke into your lungs, which from my
naive way of thinking, sure as heck is not going to do anything except add to whatever
breathing problems he had due to the Fentanyl he had in his system.
Unless, of course, he was buying those cigarettes for the other guy who was in the SUV
with him.
I am still wondering where he got that counterfeit $20 dollar bill in the first place.
Last time I mentioned this, my comment disappeared down the memory hole – for the first
time ever on this website. Why might that be, I wonder?
Racial divorce is not the issue. The white Leftist are white. They are freaks and
monsters. Their race does not alter that a teeny bit.
Along those lines you must face the fact that the Negro was made Numinous by Yankee WASP
Elites. The very crowd that idiots like the VDARE bunch would have you serve and emulate
created the Negro Problem in order to use the Negro as weapons and tools to wage culture war
against the non-WASP whites the WASP Elites hate most.
Jussie Smollet and Bubba Wallace were hoaxers painting themselves as victims of hate
crimes. But fake hate crimes are real hate crimes against whites. Both men's careers should
be canceled, and they should end up in jail for their crimes.
That is correct but that is not what will happen.
Now, with the leak of the police body-camera footage of the arrest of George Floyd, we
have confirmation of what sensible people suspected all along: George Floyd was not a
victim of police brutality or injustice.
Exactly. Now where is that asshole, Mercer's retraction?
No sympathy for the cops. They have been using excessive force on ALL kinds of people for
decades. They haven't done a thing to "protect and serve" any of the victims of these
Doesn't matter that the democrat mayors told them to stand down. They know what the right
thing to do is. They could have gone to their unions and bitched that they weren't allowed to
do their jobs, their precinct houses were being attacked etc. Could have went to the media
They did nothing to apply any pressure on these mayors or police chiefs.
They want to cruise around the suburbs, go after soft targets and collect their fat pensions
nothing more!
Cops are well known to take a routine traffic stop and poke and prod at the driver to
escalate a situation until it becomes a physical altercation, and the cops then have an
excuse to arrest and charge the driver with assault.
They like to taze grandmother's in Texas
Karma's a bitch as they say
"Papers please" has been going on in the U.S. for a long time, cops pulling people over just
to ask "where you going, where'd you come from?"
Cops are petty tyrants, the kind of guys who got their jock straps Ben Gay'd, in high school
or their heads swirly'd in the toilet, and now that they have a little power, their going to
exert it maximally using anything as pretense to exert it.
That said, the dirt bag Floyd got justice, Antifa and BLM need to be put down by the
If you can use the military to force whites to have to put up with black degenerates in their
schools, you can use the fucking military to put down riots. There is already plenty of
precedent for the use of military troops to put down riots and insurrection. What BLM and
Antifa are doing is the very definition of insurrection.
Don't dare get together to actually peacefully protest the unjustified, and unconstitutional
Covid lockdowns and other assorted bullshit if your white however That's treason!
The U.S. government as far as I'm concerned has rendered itself "null and void."
Firstly, there is absolutely no reason for his arrest. They did not ask him for ID. They
did not ask him his name. They did not ask him about the $20.00 bill.
You do not get arrested for passing a $20.00 bill. You get arrested for "knowingly" and
with "intent to defraud" pass a counterfeit bills. .
Where is there an iota of evidence that he did it with intent to defaud. The evidence they
had was insufficient to make an arrest.
They did not even ask him any questions about passing the bill before taking out a gun and
arresting him.
But he also knows that the Elites love him and will always use him to terrify the white
middle class and to batter the white working class.
The Numinous Negro knows that that he is, and had ben since roughly the late 1830s, the
beloved pet of the Elites of the Anglo-Zionist Empire, who despise the vast majority of the
whites they rule.
The police asked him and his friends (more than once) 'what he was on'? It appears that
both G.F. and his friends declined to say. He (or perhaps his friends) maybe could have saved
G.F.'s life if he (or they) just would have told the police he was on opiates. They probably
could have given him naloxone. In many jurisdictions the police have that on hand (but I'm
not sure if that is police policy in Minneapolis). But probably it is, according to this
Maybe the more accurate angle on this whole thing is that the friends should be
investigated, as to what they knew about his drug use that day. If it could be determined
they knew, perhaps the correct angle is manslaughter (it being the friends as the guilty
@mark green
teacher's unions and welfare bureaucrats who in the latter case take for themselves 70% of
every dollar supposedly going to help inner-city negroes, so you can take it to the bank both
groups have accounted for the largest number of demonstrators of any color. The white
parasite machinery was out in numbers as well with all the obvious dykes with a hatred of
male-dominated society despite their continued existence relying on white male sympathy
toward such effed up and sexaully disgusting women. But, the worst of it all is that it all
could have been shut down on day one if urban police hadn't proved themselves uniformed
bureaucrats who serve the Democratic political machinery and none other.
But it will open the eyes of the masses of conservatives who went along with the story
because of the bad optics in the first video. It will allow them to second guess their
judgement and for a new opinion.
Tucker Carlson still thinks Derek Chauvin should be charged with something. Carlson is the
best Whites have in the MSM but he is still lacking immensely.
We need to make some distinctions. The police should act differently than bandits. It's
not the competence of the police to decide permanently what is justice or not and also not to
impose and execute death penalties.
In a Rechtsstaat the police only uses violences according to what is allowed by the
law and not more than necessary in a certain moment to restore order.
I don't see any need to use violence of any kind in this case. It's not very probable that
the police arrived there a few seconds or minutes after being called. I think that the
article in the Daily Mail says that Floyd wasn't trying to run away during the time that it
took for the police to come. He was sitting in his car. Second, I don't understand that the
police arrests somebody only because someone accused him of something. How can the police
arrive in some place and know immediately who is guilty of what? It was a petty offense
anyway. The police should speak with him, confront him with an accusation and he could answer
or not answer. After that the police should ask his identification card, write his name down
and go away. Later a prosecutor would see if there is a reason to write him to call him for
an interview, or not.
If the rules allow the knee on the neck, then there will be more people who should answer
for murder besides Chauvin. Could the author of the article explain what Chauvin was doing?
And what for? Why stay with his knee for almost 9 minutes on the neck of someone on the
floor? How can it be that 4 policemen aren't able to arrest one man who has shackles on his
hand? If this was the case, why didn't they call for more policemen to come?
Floyd was free and apparently the police wasn't looking for him. But even if he was a
criminal, criminals have rights. Many Americans seem to think that citizens don't have
rights. Chauvin is now accused of a murder and there is a lot of evidence against him. If I
remember correctly and if what I read was right, then Chauvin had a history of abuse of
authority. To say that Floyd got what he deserved is cynical.
@Tucker I believe
Fentanyl is used medically in obstetrical anesthesia.
Fentanyl may be the choice on the street now because of its potency.
Regardless, if you are getting it and doing it on the street, "recreationally," you are no
stranger to drugs and most likely a junkie. Who in Floyd's case is also doing meth. Going the
full John Belushi.
There is a saying that nothing goes better with cocaine than more cocaine and another
cigarette. This in general holds true across the board in this crowd.
He probably wasn't following his doctor's advice. Any of it.
American justice is a joke–Ofc. Chauvin will only be its latest victim, just like
the Tsarnaev brothers blamed for the Boston marathon bombing, justice like the victims of
America's response to 9/11. But list is a long one
Obviously, those in power in this deeply democrat state had all the tapes and all the
information about how St George died pretty quickly. They parsed it and twisted for a
specific reason, they think angering up the Negro will get them out to vote. The whole bs blm
nonsense, is idiot dems willing to destroy the country so they get elected. They did the same
thing with the Ferguson nonsense in 2014 as the mid-term election was coming up. And Negroes
fall for it every time. If I was sitting in a spaceship, watching this on alien television,
I'd say it was cliche and played out. But it never ends. Low IQ or not, stay off drugs, don't
have kids without being married, obey the law and go to work every day, you'll do fine in the
USA. Why doesn't some Negro preacher say that?
Yes, even if Chauvin et al are acquitted, they will be considered forever guilty by the
same mobs who consider Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin to be murder victims.
St George had 19 nanogram/ml of fentanyl and metabolites in his system. That works out to
19 ug/l. The volume of distribution of fentanyl is 6 liters/kg. Assuming he weighed in at
over 100 kg the amount of fentanyl in his system would be a minimum of 12 thousand micrograms
or 12 mg. The retail street value would be thousands of dollars. The wholesale value would be
less. This suggested he may have been dealing and consumed his stash to avoid prison
*You can always count on Negroes to mouth-off.
*Black Live Matter–except to their bros in the hood.
*Pelosi, Schumer, the Black Caucus and the woke folk will press to have the Lincoln Memorial
replaced by the George Floyd Memorial.
" turns out that Floyd had a long criminal record, including an armed robbery in which
held a gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman. In short, George Floyd was a real piece of
Apparently St G of da 6 Felonies would beat his hoes as badly as Meg would the etard if he
didn't grovel hard enuf whilst takin da knee to a swarthy Hollywooder.
@anastasia You do
not get arrested for passing a $20.00 bill. You get arrested for "knowingly" and with "intent
to defraud" pass a counterfeit bills. .
Where is there an iota of evidence that he did it with intent to defaud. The evidence they
had was insufficient to make an arrest.
They did not even ask him any questions about passing the bill before taking out a gun and
arresting him.
This is BS. This was completely staged.
He was behind the wheel of a car in a highly intoxicated state. Of course there was reason
to arrest him.
wasn't trying to run away during the time that it took for the police to come. He was sitting
in his car. Second, I don't understand that the police arrests somebody only because someone
accused him of something. How can the police arrive in some place and know immediately who is
guilty of what? It was a petty offense anyway.
The call to the police indicated that Floyd was either nuts on or drugs. He was either nuts
or on drugs (in facts, minutes from dying from an overdose) behind the wheel of a car, a weapon
weighing how many pounds? Of course there was good reason to restrain
If he hadn't been pulled over, he probably still be alive today.
Well, the excitement of the arrest didn't help his survivability prospects but I'm not
even sure what you're proposing here. Your argument is so stupid that I'm unsure if it's
coming from a human being. It's like watching an ant twitching his antennae. I know it's
trying to say something but it all translates into gibberish.
Are we supposed to ban arrests because one in a 100K perps might be too sick and/or
drugged-up to survive the ordeal?
To put it simply, blacks were being self-destructive, and elite whites decided not to stop
them because that would be "racist." And now our elites are going further down that path by
glorifying a criminal, George Floyd.
Had our elites fifty years ago used tough love instead of pampering, few blacks would turn
to criminal activities. George Floyd likely would have sold insurance or become a pharmacist
or something else harmless and even productive. Too bad it didn't turn out that way, but it's
impossible to get through to our elites that they are the problem.
@Priss Factor And
CNN, all of them, are pure opinion and propaganda. Made up concern. Not news. No actual
people actually care about this stuff.
Who will give a shit about George Floyd in 2021? There will be another school shooting by
then. Or better, a fucked up election to talk about.
No charges for the officer who shot Michael Brown. No reaction from anybody. No "riots."
Nobody even burned down a Wendy's. Because nobody knows who Michael Brown is. They found all
the statues and Confederate flags. They forgot the thing with Michael Brown. You can't take
them seriously.
@TKK g incidents
like this for crass political purposes.
What's different this time, besides cabin fever from the lockdown, is Trump.
A word to the wise, be a little less credulous about the "Oh, it's just the blacks again"
narrative when purportedly peaceful protests over "systemic racism" quickly become a violent
assault on the White House, with Democrats, Allied Media, and resistance scum like Mitt
Romney and Mattis egging them on.
Apparently, all it took was painting 'BLM' in front of the White House and Trump Tower for
many here to take the bait.
@Robert Dolan
those white nationalists that was over on Unz's The Political Bankruptcy of American White
Nationalism thread, pissing and moaning how he got it wrong too.
Another thing that white nationalists seem to piss and moan about is how wrong the State
is. Constantly deriding big bad government. Yet when big scary black man comes along, it's
straight to the jackboot to wimpier behind. I recognized the same thing when the twin towers
were coming down – save us from those scary Araabs no matter what it takes! or what
you take from us. – Suckers then and Suckers now.
@Alden He didn't
shoot her immediately AFAIK. She, unarmed and in her pyjamas, was taking to the other officer
when this Somali Muslim killed her from inside his car, across his partner.
The biggest red flag for me was the fact that his layers refused to release a statement
after interviewing him. What he did was indefensible so everyone expected some variation of
"I thought I saw something" excuse but his story was, apparently, so bad that they decided to
say nothing.
Needless to say, that case disappeared from the MSM like Jimmy Hoffa. I've heard somewhere
that the killer was convicted but that's all. I still don't know what the Somali Muslim told
his defenders.
There was certainly no reason to restrain him the way it was done. Did the police tell him
why he was being arrested? Did the police know for sure that he was on drugs? How? Or is it
enough that someone tells something about someone and you are arrested? In any case, I
thought he had been arrested because of the 20 dollar bill. Was there a talk between the
police and Floyd or they just came to arrest someone and decided that they would arrest him?
Don't Americans have rights? Can the police jump on your necks and tell the reason later in
case you haven't died?
@Realist Also
take in consideration that in America the justice system by no stretch of the imagination
lives outside of politics. They HAVE TO charge him with something, and it's probably good
that the charges were upped to 2nd degree murder because it will be far harder to prove. Now
the problem is that the courts might end up finding him guilty with an mostly black picked
jury. If that happens white Americans should no longer oppose riots in big cities, or even
care for preserving the police, all of it should go down the drain the sooner the better
because the system will clearly be a openly SJW one against whites.
@Rich he
Cloward-Piven Plan that we see unfolding before our eyes obviously has nothing to do with
justice and everything to do with a hatred and vengeance so great the leftists will burn the
country down around themselves to destroy everything whites have created. This is a point
Nietzsche made long ago, that vengeance and resentment are always the actual motives of those
marching under banners calling for social justice. I'd take the prophesy by a Russian monk
during the height of the Christian massacres in Russia a century ago to heart; namely, that
what the Jews were doing to Christians in Russia was a mere prelude to what they will attempt
to do to Christians in America a century hence.
This idea comes from a view of history that telescopes slave ships, pre-civil war plantation
stories, KKK, Watts Riots and MLK to the year 2010. I think there might once have been white
people who feared to allow large black men to be peacefully questioned about a crime. There
have been almost 80 years of integration, whites voting for blacks and close contact between
the races at work, school and in the military. We know each other well. We're not afraid of
black people.
Where has everybody been since 1940? Not in the country I know well.
was Ellison & Co not releasing the bodycam vids they should be charged as inciting a
population to riot under the PATRIOT ACTS I & II, and the willful obstruction of
Bravo!! You have, with your article, tremendously helped the public good. What the
incompetent press do is to cherry-pick "items" to support their agenda. Recently, the
Herald-Tribune of Sarasota, Florida published a similar hatchet job. Fortunately, on page 6,
they published six real cases, and I concluded what you have in your excellent article. I
sent a comment to the newspaper that the Sarasota police department used appropriate force in
sub-doing the six who were resisting arrest. I had the same question that you express in the
article: What would I do if I was the arresting article?
Even the Jesuit mouthpiece, America Media, joined the cacophony of ridiculous
If a double dose of fentanyl did not bring him down, they would have needed an elephant
But your point is one worth exploring. The key is a drug with fast kinetics. Something
that paralyzes one almost instantly yet last only five minutes. Wouldn't that worth a govt
grant somewhere.
The divorce attorneys for the other side are Jewbaum, Jewberg and Jewfeld, LLP and the
presiding judge will be none other than Dishonorable Jewstein do you see a favorable ruling
for the plaintiffs? I don't think so
Alternative ending: The police never showed up, and Floyd slowly died behind the wheel of
his vehicle as his companions tried to shake him awake.
Cause of death: Meth, fentanyl, Covid, and a bad heart. The fentanyl alone would have
slowed his breathing down to the point of death. As his circulatory system shut down, he
would have fell unconscious and unresponsive. His friends would have panicked, but they also
would have been reluctant to call 911 for obvious reasons.
Of course there are those who believe Floyd was a superman who could have laughed off a
lethal dose of fentanyl that day, "if only the cops hadn't held him down ".
No. He was destined to die of an overdose and he did. The cops holding him for the
paramedics were trying to save his life and should be commended for their
@Moi Ever since
Keith Ellison first ran for Congress in 2006, he has characterized his relationship with
Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam as a sincere but misguided youthful dalliance. Though
Ellison said he was proud of his 18-month association with the Nation of Islam in preparation
for 1995's Million Man March, he wrote to concerned Jewish leaders in May 2006, saying, "I
have long since distanced myself from and rejected the Nation of Islam due to its propagation
of bigoted and anti-Semitic statements and actions of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan,
and [Farrakhan aide] Khalid Muhammed."
Strawman argument. Everyone here knows that blacks, gays, cat ladies, etc. are simply
tools wielded by the Jewish program that has been going forward for 120 years.
I don't see any need to use violence of any kind in this case.
That's because you're living in some weird, out of touch bubble. A guy like that –
text-book example of someone who'll explode into violence at any second – must be
restrained for everyone's sake and the cops did it professionally.
If the rules allow the knee on the neck, then there will be more people who should answer
for murder besides Chauvin.
What? You don't see a problem with throwing a guy in jail for following the rules? Do you
have any idea how a justice system should work in a normal country?
@Realist d. It
would have been easier to just ignore it.
Do you think that Tucker should be judge and jury and proclaim Chauvin innocent? If he did
that, he would deserve to be fired, and I would be all for it. Would Tucker off the airwaves
be fine with you?
Most of Tucker's more discerning fans understand that he must be careful in his language
if he wants to keep his job. The Cancel Culture Left is out for his scalp every day, and will
use any phony excuse to get him removed. If you think that Tucker's a sell-out and is
"lacking immensely," I have an obvious answer. QUIT WATCHING!
I haven't seen that Tucker made any sort of reply to this newest video. It would
surprise me if he didn't respond with asking whether the rioting had a just cause, or
something along that line.
Upon doing a search on Tuckers recent programs I can find no comment that I attributed to
him. It appears I confused comments made by Hannity with Carlson.
Don't forget to blame white Minnesotans who thought it was a good idea to elect a black
Muslim leftist with credible accusations of domestic abuse against him.
Those white racist supremacists, I'll tell you what.
He had some more bills that he (they) shoved in the seat cracks after being stopped. I do
not know, but it is possible the stashing operation kept his hands busy and why there was a
delay showing his hands and was the cause for guns to come out.
We've got an election coming up, or don't you read the papers.
These events were no surprise, Trump was on track to garner a game-over 20% or more of the
black vote.
Heck, the Democrats and their Allied Media even rolled out their old favorite David Duke,
once again shouting that he so wants Trump to win he's available any time for CNN and MSDNC
to tell everybody so.
People like you, endlessly posturing and weeping about dangerous thugs like Floyd are
more responsible for " societal failure" than the useless, dangerous thugs you want to
cuddle and care for as if they were babies abandoned in a snowstorm.
They do this Every. Single. Time.
When the hoax blows up, they tell us how the point still stands that Blacks are victims of
evil racist White society because reasons.
Get ready for round two
Injustice or insurrection.
It will define the USA for decades to come.
Justice, if it clearly prevails – will immediately unleash bloodletting, arson,
robbery, rape, murder and unprecedented mass civil revolution.
If it doesn't prevail it will unleash bloodletting, arson, robbery, rape, murder and
unprecedented mass civil revolution as a chronic ongoing and increasingly vile, corrupt
Either way- the old America is gone to just a hatefilled, brainwashed cesspit of violence and
crime and to civil war – if white people there have the guts to hold their ground and I
wouldn't bet on that.
The USA has become George Floyd – the nation.
Criminal, brutal. drug ridden, and the gun he holds to a pregnant woman's belly symbolises
the gun held to much of the defenseless planet as the USA plunders and murders across the
Floyd is the USA.
Let us hope it meets the same fate.
@TimeTraveller If
he hadn't been pulled over, he probably still be alive today
That's an assumption. Could very well have smashed into a car full of kids and all we would
have heard was the "tragedy" bracketed by more reports on Kim Kardashians fat ass.
I've had the cops abuse me in my own house in front of my wife and kids over what was
essentially a phoned in SWATing by some anonymous bastard. So I have no love for cops and their
abuse of power. And as far as people flashing their lights its a sign by people who are
systemically abused for non crimes to be on the lookout for the badged
Media is by and large nothing more than an echo chamber of propaganda and disinformation.
I've observed for nearly five decades the consistently increasing volume of BS uttered out of
their pie holes. Its gotten to the point that they no longer even pretend.
Because the purpose of these riots is not to actually address issues with cops, it's to
expand the power of the Police State by getting rid of local cops who might be familiar with
their community and have federal police from elsewhere to act like an occupying army. That
is, of course, the antithesis of what libertarians are all about.
May 27, 2020 New video shows Minneapolis police arrest of George Floyd before death
Four white officers involved in the death of George Floyd have been fired from the
Minneapolis Police Department, but Mayor Jacob Frey is saying that one of the officers should
be arrested for pressing his knee on Floyd's neck.
July 6, 2020 End Qualified Immunity from the Bottom Up
While states can't end a federally-imposed legal fiction on their own, a new state law to
reform the practice can serve as a model for getting something done.
A staff member rushes up to the two officers waving the banknote. 'Before they drive
off, he's parked right here, it's a fake bill from the gentleman,' he tells the cops
Well so glad the cops were able to serve up swift justice for poor Hadji there wouldn't
want this fine looking American to have to go to Friday Prayers with a fake twenty in his
pantaloons, now would we ?
Was reading obit of Herman Cain. His mother taught Cain that what matters is what you
start off with spiritually, not materially. His dad managed to buy a house and did all right.
I've met blacks like Cain's parents. They are solid people. There used to be a lot more of
that type of black.
I think some level of civil war may well be inevitable at this point. However, if Trump
did try that there would be 100% chance of civil war right now. The situation is not dire
enough to declare a state of emergency and may well encourage a coup d'etat by the CIA (who
has ultimate political power and is profoundly hostile to Trump and populism) and allied
elements in the military. Trump today has little room to do much of anything even if he wins
the next election.
They had already run the nogs plate and what do you know An armed violent offender red
flag is burning bright on his his arrest sheet right there on their computer screen. What do
suppose they should have done?. Walk over to the vehicle with a bundle bundle of balloons and
a lollipop.
The worthless nog had children in Texas that he never paid a penny of child support to yet
he's doping it up, making porn and driving around in a fucking Mercedes. He lived the life
and he died like a filthy mutt.
Alternative ending: The police never showed up, and Floyd slowly died behind the wheel
of his vehicle as his companions tried to shake him awake.
Alternative alternative ending: Floyd drove off in his car, had a heart attack or passed
out from drugs, and plowed into another car or a pedestrian or two before coming to a
We have laws against driving drunk for this reason.
@Anonymous e
story makes it clear that the police had reason to believe he was lying. The police
wouldn't know if he had Covid 19, when he was infected, and whether or not he was
If Floyd knew he was infected and knew he was symptomatic, why was he not self quarantining?
As studies from around the world have shown, "having Covid 19" means little, as 50% of those
tested and found to have been infected, have no symptoms, and majority of those infected have
mild to moderate symptoms. If Chauvin and the other cops not done their job, Floyd would have
been counted as a Covid death.
Floyd says 'I'm dying man..'. I don't agree here – the cops were not compassionate
in his arrest. They had guns, he had muscle. Sure, one could have ended up with a broken rib
if they surrounded him and told him to calm the fuck down, but none of them, were really ever
at risk of death – like he was.
He was an imperfect citizen, even an imperfect human being, if you like, but the state
should aim to improve the lives of, and even the individuals themselves.
This is not what the cops did here. The issue is not racism, or even police brutality. It
is US society. Guns, no guns, genetics, culture – something must make US society so
violent that citizens kill cops, and cops kill citizens.
There are enough nations (China, Russia) where there is a melting pot of ethnicities and
cultures, where this kinda shit is much rarer. Why, violence is so exponentially prevalent in
US society (and not say UK society, where 3% of the population is Black), is a question.
In my personal opinion guns without education about guns – an aggressive state
policy, breeds aggressive citizens, white or black – they behave as they are led.
Three cops with guns on one druggy with muscles – either they are pussies or they
are psychopaths. In both cases, they need to either retrain, quit, or be arrested for
intentional harm.
There exists in males what I call a "delayed compliance" reaction. The football coach says
"everyone line-up for wind sprints" and no one, of any color, immediately moves. A brief
delay; a few seconds. It satisfies the ego; creates a false sense of voluntariness: Well,
okay, I will comply, but it is only because I choose to. Authority figures -- coach, the
teacher, parents. A harmless delay game. But whites seem to sense that a policeman is not the
football coach; when a policeman gives an instruction, you comply instantly. Instantly. For
some reason, Blacks think that the policeman is the football coach. Poor, uneducated,
intoxicated Whites, in their stupor, nonetheless seem to know this is not the football
You are being too kind.
The "societal failure" has been, and is, the negrification of virtually every aspect of life,
and claiming it is normal. That ranges from unintelligible ebonics to dressing like pimps, with
drug usage, lax sexual morals, etc along the way. It's all courtesy of the tribe.
Some people don't understand that.
@neprof e
allergies and prior conditions police know nothing about so using any sort of tranquilizer
carries a high risk as does using 'less than lethal' weaponry as you don't know how a person
will fall.
I am reminded of the Dylan song about the prizefighter Davey Moore. Moore was knocked down
but his fall was 'broken' when the base of his skull caught the bottom rope of the boxing
ring. He got back on his feet and finished the round. He even gave a post fight interview but
then lapsed into a coma in his dressing room and soon died. Apparently that lower rope
injured his brain stem
@anonymous ents
don't matter. Science doesn't matter. Only The Narrative™ matters.
So put Chauvin on trial, convict him, and sentence him to thirty years in prison. Then
pull a Witness Protection gambit: give him a new identity, a million bucks for his trouble,
and release him into South Dakota.
Nobody ever follows up on anything anymore, and if Cuomo can get away with murdering
thousands of vulnerable Covid patients in nursing homes, I'm sure the Minneapolis penal
system can carry a phony name on the books for a few years.
Voila, justice. Or at least what passes for it in The Day of Cthulhu.
New elites were emerging with new ideas, and one of them was to pamper blacks instead of
using tough love. Anything blacks did was ok with them, even if it did them no good.
It's called multiculturalism, and it's been the death of every European based country and
@Trevor Lynch .
It doesn't mean they arrest you. They just do it so you don't try to run off or fight back.
So in this case putting cuffs on Floyd was justified as they had evidence of wrongdoing, and
just wanted him neutralized until they figured out what happened. Floyd freaked out, went
crazy, when they even tried to talk to him. It was a tragic event, but I don't see how the
cops really did anything wrong. They followed procedure. Floyd should have remained calm, but
he was too high, mentally unstable, afraid because he knew he messed up, had a panic attack
and a heart attack. Floyd killed Floyd.
He claimed to be too claustrophobic to get in the police car, which was a lie because he
was not too claustrophobic to sit in his own car.
There is a huge difference between sitting in a vehicle that you can freely leave, such as
one's own car, and sitting handcuffed in the backseat of a police car with a grate across the
front–which Floyd could not leave.
I would imagine that there are many people who can handle a car that they are free to
leave–and that can also take them many places , thus easing any sense of confinement,
and being *locked* in the back of a police car.
Other than that, I find myself sympathetic to much in the article. In particular, I have
sympathy for the other police officers who tried to get Chauvin to stop kneeling on Floyd's
neck and who are now facing serious crimina charges.
However, since Floyd did not pose a threat to the safety of the police officers–none
reported being injured–he should not have been killed. And I don't believe he died of
*entirely* natural causes, as there are conflicting autopsies. I think we should wait and
Even by the account given in this article, Floyd was being difficult, not dangerous, and
being difficult does not deserve being knelt on while begging for breath and calling for
@Emily k of gas
are going to find themselves frostbitten and being shot at with no food and nowhere to lay
their head.
You are a woman. We've seen what happens once or twice when some blubbery black teen
female got caught shoplifting in a Korean store and assaulted the Korean woman and she simply
hauled off and shot the girl dead.
When screeching BLM come into suburbs and some black girl throws a rock through the wrong
window some non-white woman is going to simply blast her.
The AG has already he is withholding evidence in order to get a conviction. This is
against everything the prosecution is supposed to be about. He should be disbarred after this
at a minimum but this puts the whole prosecution into jeopardy at the appeals level.
Don't forget to blame white Minnesotans who thought it was a good idea to elect a black
Muslim leftist with credible accusations of domestic abuse against him.
Minnesota is about 85% white, and yet they elect a black supremacist Muslim uber-liberal
who doesn't pay his own taxes.
If they put it to a state-wide referendum, that all white males in Minnesota must be
castrated at birth, I wonder by what margin it would pass. 85%?
If he hadn't been pulled over, he probably still be alive today.
No, more like if he hadn't been pulled over he would probably be dead from the fentanyl
overdose the stupid bastard took. Blaming stupid niggers for their stupid nigger behavior is
quite rational and the fact that you seem to think it inappropriate indicates you have an ax
to grind.
He was high on drugs. He was passing a fake 20 and he had a rap sheet as long as a porn
stars schlong. What part of that did you fail to understand?
That's nine too many right off the bat. And although it's not in your face in media, cops
kill people other than blacks. Many more whites than blacks die during encounters with cops.
I'm not saying it is our biggest problem but there is room for improvement.
@jsinton or "put
cuffs" on anyone they want. It's enough that someone tells something about you (maybe not
even this is necessary). The police may also say that you might get uncoperative at some
point in the future because you are a "text-book example of someone who'll explode into
violence at any second" even if your hands have been tied before and the police has not read
any textbook or got any special education. Did the police make any test, make any question to
know if Floyd had taken drugs, was drunk? No. Did they tell him why they were arresting him?
Not necessary because people don't need rights.
@Ilya G
Poimandres voidance. That's why the cop has his gun out right away.
Police departments develop rigid, inflexible procedures to minimize risk, that leaves less
room for judgement and humanity.
For instance, police have not rescued drowning people on several occasions, because it was
against procedure.
I don't know about Russia, but police in China are notoriously brutal and rights are few
and unenforceable – worse than America, and there is a general callousness towards
human life.
Its hypercapitalism – anywhere hustling and the profit motive is king, human life is
@bruce county
rofessional law enforcement officers kneeling on his torso and another on his legs. As for
the cervical spine, Joe Rogan says anyone putting their shin across a training partner's neck
like that in a Jiu Jitsu class would be instantly told get it the fuck off. Did Chauvin
maintain his position only for the few minutes until Floyd had became weak as a kitten and
begged to be allowed to stand up, or until Chauvin noticed Floyd had suddenly expired?
Neither, Chauvin stayed on top of Floyd for two minutes after medics had found Floyd
had no pulse. A medic had to tell Chauvin to dismount the dead man.
Some commenters mention Jewish support of BLM, and this interests me as someone who has
read Philip Roth. A Roth list of Jewish traits would be something like this: Contentiousness,
dissension, oppositional, hyper-touchiness, hyper-criticalness. Displaying these traits, says
Roth, "Puts a spring in their heel." (is it any wonder that Jewish people do not do very well
in the military?). It seems to me that BLM embraces the very same traits. So maybe Jews see
BLM as colleagues, sharing the same sensibility.
@Jefferson Temple
e needed. Too many innocent people are killed by cops. Floyd just wasn't one of them.
But Duncan Lemp was. And all of these fuck whitey riots have refused to acknowledge his
murder. We STILL don't have bodycam footage. The "defend the police" crowd have no problem with
police or even police brutality. They are upset that blacks get arrested at all. They cheer on
police when they murder white dissidents and seize the guns of law abiding citizens. The crowd
of rioters don't give a damn about police reform, other than to turn the police into a
commisariat to persecute whites
It is about BOPE an elite police squad in Brazil.
One commentator writes
"saw the movie, surely the best movie i've seen in a long time. impressive story. my country
needs BOPE definitely. saudações da Sérvia. respeito!"
Movies of super macho Cops who bash up criminals black and blue are super popular here in
Super Hit super cop movie Singham.
After his last prison term in Texas, he moved to Minneapolis for drug dealing and
counterfeit money passing.
Criminals out on parole often move to another state since they won't be known to the
police. That is why George Floyd moved from Texas to Minnesota and not because he was just a
good guy who made some mistakes and seeking a "fresh start" as the jewsmedia tried to frame
As I wrote in a previous commentary, the attorney general of Minnesota has no case against
these 4 police offiicers. They were merely acting in that incident in accordance with the use
of force protocols of the Minneapolis Police Department. That is simply the best defense they
have. Further, although I am not an attorney. I don't see how any judge could even allow this
to go to trial. There is no legal case. And if it does go to trial, they will surely be
Beyond that, these 4 officers should sue the hell out of the city of Minneapolis, the
state of Minnesota, the mainstream media, both verbal and print, as well as these black
organizations like Antifa, Black Lives Matter, these fake civil rights attorneys like
Benjamin Crump and others of his ilk. And any other entity or entities that were responsible
for this charade and outrageous defamation of character. They should take a leaf out of the
Nick Sandman playbook. Each of these officers could easily wind up with tens of millions of
dollars and be independently wealthy for the rest of their lives.
You're a spineless, virtue signaling nigger loving lunatic. These fucking filthy
primitives do not care about you. When SHTF will you genuflect to you Black invaders. They
will slaughter you and your nigger loving family mercilessly. Your wife and family must be so
proud of you.
@AaronB Caught On
Camera: Cops from Utter Pradesh State mercilessly Beat Up Boy With Cricket Bat
This is so normal, something like this probably happens everyday in the country.
Also applying electric shocks to genetilia etc is common practice here. Before you jump in
say how evul Indian police are, Indian police themselves are brutally beaten up the public
This is how it is and this is how it will always be here.
As the US population becomes more brown and more multiracial and mixed, this will be
future that will await the West. It is inevitable.
@JessicaR not
deserve being knelt on while begging for breath and calling for mother.
He was bullshitting. He lied about his mother. He lied about doing drugs. He was lying about
being unable to breathe. But you want to construct an elaborate rationalization for him not
lying about claustrophobia. And who cares?
Should we disband the police because blacks start claiming they have "jailophobia."
You strike me as a nice person. We have police to protect nice people from horrible people
and ugly realities. Just thank them for their service and go back to thinking happy
His breathing difficulty was most certainly due to the lethal levels of fentanyl in his
bloodstream, which, including both fentanyl and it's active metabolite, norfentanyl, was
about 16.6 ng/mL. The average lethal concentration found in one recent study of opioid
related ODs was 9.8 ng/mL. We're not even sure Floyd was accustomed to opioids, because a
naive user can succumb even at much lower levels. Per the autopsy he had signs of advanced
atherosclerosis, which means he was a ticking time bomb considering his use of illicit
The merchant victim of the bogus bill asked Floyd to void the transaction by returning the
cigarettes and the change for the bill he passed. Floyd refused and that's why the merchant
called the cops on his black ass.
ayments that let them stay in the city and not vote while the political professionals vote
"Democrat" that claim to represent the inert mass / mob, but don't.
Time to end this farce, and it's time because the money has run out to even support the
present system. Supposedly Trump and the Democrats are negotiating a COVID-19 welfare package
that will amount to 2.5 trillion dollars, if the negotiations don't fail. 2.5 trillion
dollars, all borrowed when the Democrat run States and cities (supposedly the richest in the
country) are effectively all bankrupt. The phrase "Dead, but too stupid to fall down" comes
to mind.
It's not the usual beast with a brain to remove. Like ISIS, it's a starfish with arms that
will grow back.
George Floyd was not a victim of police brutality or injustice.
Like the rest of us, he was a victim of the Covid lockdown. He was passing a bad bill
after losing his job. That wasn't his fault, but the DFL governor and mayor's.
@Malla stranger
wanted to start a fight with me in a bar. None of that would ever happen in America, despite
its supposed culture of violence.
America only doesn't look so great when compared with Western Europe (and Eastern?) and
Japan, but police brutality is obviously much less severe in America than in China and
But America should be compared to the most developed places, not India or China or
Thailand or Poland, and it is more brutal than places in that comparison.
Sweden and Norway seem to have worked out a good approach to policing.
Which is reason number one-hundred-million-and-one why I believe that blacks and whites
in America need to go our separate ways. We need a racial divorce.
There needs to be separation because there's certainly no shortage of stupid dysfunctional
blacks like Saint George Floyd or indoctrinated/cucked whites who will take up for them.
Once the former are gone, we can focus entirely on the latter.
@animalogic t of
the divide and conquer strategy. Seems to me Trump has done his job (for his handlers) better
than even Obama; he's the most divisive President by far. I know, the media creates the
controversies, but Trump gets to play his part. He's an actor, taking direction, just like
every Pres. since Kennedy. I've noticed a steady progression beginning with Billy boy, and
reaching new heights of division with Trump.
People who still think "we" elect our President, or that it makes any difference at all
who gets elected,
gotta be deluded or distracted or just not paying attention.
The situation in the United States that this entire George Floyd event crystallizes into a
microcosm of our society even has such people as Dr. Gary Null, a noted researcher on the
Left side of the political spectrum up, in arms.
What is he angry about? That such organizations as BLM and many others of the Left,
concentrate on their own victimhood instead of concentrating on those issues that concern all
of us, together as one nation.
In this afternoon's radio broadcast, Dr. Null leveled a broadside against the Left that
would have had everyone on the Right standing up and cheering
The merchant victim of the bogus bill asked Floyd to void the transaction by returning
the cigarettes and the change for the bill he passed. Floyd refused and that's why the
merchant called the cops on his black ass.
Typical Nigger Behavior.
Unrestrained arrogance + Unmatched ignorance.
Look how many of them will gun each other down over the slightest notion of
Some people will chose death over incarceration, but the duties of police and correctional
officers as properly discharged are to make the aforementioned option a very difficult one in
practice. The guards in the Epstein case are being prosecuted and so are the cops in the
Floyd case. They were paid to do a job.
@AaronB , cops in
America are far more rude than cops in Britain or the rest of Europe or Japan on average. For
some reason, I have never had any problems with police anywhere, for some strange reason cops
and airport officials are nicer to me than others (I have noticed). For example being let off
without fines for bringing in forbidden food products (the food products were confiscated
ofcourse) at airports while all my Indian friends having to pay fines.
But even I found American cops a bit rude compared to Western Euro/ Japanese cops. British
cops are extremely friendly and nice.
While the entire narrative concocted by the Lügenpresse is of course a massive lie,
there are nevertheless real questions to be asked about the tragic ascension of St. George
the Breathless.
*Big-city cops aren't usually very concerned with things like some drugged up hoodlum
passing a fake 20-dollah bill. They usually have better things to do and leave this nonsense
to the feds. (Yes we know they are supposed to enforce all laws – federal included
– except immigration violations which they routinely are ordered not to enforce by the
criminals who issue their orders.)
What was so important about this particular drugged up negro felon when there are so many
out there? Why was this fake 20 so important?? (They're all really fake 20s of course but
we're only referring here t0 those who are not legally entitled to counterfeit versus those
who are.)
*Officer Chauvin and St. George might very well have known each other as they both worked
security for an establishment called El Nuevo Rodeo, which seems to have some interesting
owners connected to the famous representative in our Clown Congress – one Ms. Ilhan
Omar, a paper Murikan from Somalia. Chauvin supposedly worked as outside muscle while St.
George served as inside muscle for this fine, upstanding pillar in a top-notch Minneapolis
*Did St. George ingest all that Fentanyl, etc. himself or did someone help him?? Given his
saintly lifestyle self-medication seems most likely but still if a loose end needs to be tied
up it needs to be tied up.
*Chauvin's record of excessive-force complaints (18) in über-leftist Minneapolis
seems unusual for someone still allowed to work at the pleasure of the Politburo there. Is
this unusual or are they so desperate to keep foot soldiers they'll overlook the number of
complaints (many of which could be nonsense in that environment) despite his being a
*I've read some reports of a massive counterfeiting operation centered in Minneapolis. Did
St. George, Derek Chauvin and the owners of El Nuevo Rodeo have anything to do with this? Is
there any possibility Chauvin was merely making certain that St. George's OD was permanent in
@Sulu worth an
article on Unz because the drug manufacturers are white (so the Chinese or Blacks can't be
blamed). The victims are also white.
It seems obvious that what these people need is medical attention and mentorship. In
Europe, that's what they would have gotten. It probably won't happen, however, because
blaming the victims is easier and more satisfying.
Seeing this shithole country finally crumble makes this a great time to be alive. Hit that
shard pipe, wrap yourselves in the flag, and find other losers to commiserate with you.
At least Hadji was working to build a business instead of Saint Floyd who was working hard
at hardly working. But tbeiving and being an ignorant dope fiend was "job 1" for the
beneficent giant.
" Four white officers " SNIP! And that my friends is where all of this crap falls apart.
When these clowns reporting this nonsense can't even get that right then everything else, all
of the subsequent lies, follow.
@FB dn't want
this fine looking American to have to go to Friday Prayers with a fake twenty in his
pantaloons, now would we ?
Arabs are the ones keeping the lights on in a lot of these areas.
A lot of those mini mart owners are actually refugee Coptics. This is especially true for
Detroit where a Coptic community runs half the businesses. Ironically the Blacks chased out
the Jews in the Detroit riots and the Gov replaced them with Coptics (Not a conspiracy, it's
done through green card requirements).
Muslims don't like handling pork or alcohol unless they have to.
@Anon This is why
I suspect that the smaller prefrontal cortex is really the main issue. We are supposed to
believe it's just a coincidence that this is the area of the brain that is responsible for
self-control. Harsh to talk about but I don't see blaming Whitey as a long term solution.
The obsession alt-right has with IQ tests is corrosive and leaves too many questions
unanswered. I used to live near a group home for severely mentally limited adults and they
were harmless. They were happy to help with anything but weren't able to care for themselves
since they were mentally around 6 or 7.
The Germans and Hitler were right. I wish Germany would have won the second WW. Jews do
not want to join the peoples of the world. Their hog wash ( gods chosen people) keep them
from becoming citizens on the level playing field of world peoples .that leaves one defense
for us non jews get rid of them ..had the Germans won the second WW, there would be no small
state of Israel .and look what a murderous monster state of terrorism it is today
The jews take over of the us Fed Reserve is not acceptable .they run the US congress .through
their lobbys .they steal billions from the US taxpayer .this way .and there you have it .they
are thieves ..period. Get Rid Of Them
Prefrontal cortex executive function would be overthinking it in emergencies. That is why
it gets disconnected under conditions of extreme stress. If you are brought up around chronic
stress, you become programmed to react very instinctively to any threats, even ones to social
That's the flip side of the same "logic" that says that anybody who champions their rights
actually hates themselves and/or wants to have sex with them.
@John Johnson
decline as long as this continues.
Here, biker gangs make and distribute this drug. I guarantee that none of the "pro-white"
commenters here are going to be calling for cops to manhandle them, or even to take any
action at all, since seeing a white guy on a Hayim Davidstein motorcycle that he wouldn't
otherwise be able to afford is fine no matter how many white kids' lives he ruined.
Whites here would rather cry over a Jewess that was killed by a Somali cop, and my thesis is
that no race or community can survive with the problems that white Americans continue to
@anon is what
this "article" is designed to do, to set one group against the other. "Let's you and him
fight." That is how we make color revolutions by the training manual. Look! A plane hit the
building! You didn't see it? Something wrong with your eyes. Look at the video. BLM and
Antifa should think twice when they are sent out because their own trainers may shoot them in
the back for special effects. Of course, it's not just about the Trump Biden election. It's
about who rules the world. The World Trade Center is now "One World Plaza." And to think this
is our own government doing this to us.
prostitutes where some police accused me of soliciting and actually drew their guns on me.
But I was polite and kept my hands away from my pockets (Which makes cops nervous) and in
five minutes they said I was free to go.
Its a kind of utter buffoonery. An oafishness.
On the female side its a grotesque public spectacle. As anyone who has seen a 300 pound
hooker knows. Sure, there are Jewish sex workers. Lots of Gentiles beat off to Joanna Angel
or Nina Hartley films.
But Joanna is not screaming on the sidewalk "The streetlight makes my p((ssy hair glow in
the dark"
I met Joanna Angel once at an electronic trade convention. She was polite and nice.
@anastasia ss a
single counterfeit bill is arrested. The matter is immediately referred to the federal
agency, Secret Service which investigates.
If the arrestee is deemed an innocent person who's innocently acquired the bill. He's not
charged. If the investigation finds the person has acquired the bill from either the
counterfeiters or another passer of counterfeit bills he is charged with knowingly passing a
counterfeit bill.
Floyd was a career criminal. There's a major counterfeiting operation In Minneapolis. As
evidenced by the seizure of 900,000 counterfeit bills recently.
In 1993 on a trip to Spain I saw four cops (one female) club the living shit out of some
Moroccan in Puerto del Sol Madrid. They beat him until two bricks of "mugre" dropped out of
his pants on the sidewalk, slung him in the back of a patrol car and sped off. From first
verbal contact to everybody gone was less than two minutes.
Another hoax perpetrated by the dishonest f media going unpunished for inciting subsequent
hate crimes and destruction against white weaklings and founding fathers images. Racist Lemon
and his colleagues from the CNN together with MSNBC are leading this police onslaught.
The use of police body cams that the Obama administration pushed for and which were
supposed to prove the narrative that police, and especially white police, are
stopping/targeting and killing blacks for no other reason than they are
driving/walking/jaywalking while black, is actually debunking the narrative and showing that
blacks invited and deserved the force that was used against them based on their erratic and
violent behavior.
Not sure who made the prediction but years ago they said that the widespread use of body
cams would do precisely this (debunk the far left narrative), so there would be a new push to
eliminate the use of body cams since it would show blacks acting like animals on the set of
the wild kingdom.
This is a great article but Greggy went soft on the Jewish owned drive by media and if not
for their slanted and propagandistic coverage and false claims the nation wouldn't have been
set on fire for months now. An honest media (Jew free) would have put events in their proper
context and waited for more facts to emerge instead of screaming "racist killer cops"
@Sean they puled
him out because he'd give them the virus in the closed space. Then they called the paramedics
to take care of him. While waiting, one of the cops held him down with a knee on the BACK OF
Floyd's neck, preventing him from turning around and spraying the cop with viruses.
Cops aren't personal maids or nurses, asking them to take care of infectious drug addicts
would require a lot more cops and they wouldn't be cops anymore – that would be a
horrendous way of wasting taxpayer's money. Why didn't you go and take care of the drugged
criminal? At your own expense? His death is your fault
You'll notice that the media, even FOX, hasn't breathed a word about the Hennepin County
Medical Examiner's report. That's because the report contradicts the media's claims that
George Floyd died of asphyxia due to Chauvin's knee on his neck. The medical examiner's
report makes clear that Floyd had no internal or external injuries to his neck. If the
medical examiner's report had claimed Floyd died as a result of Chauvin's actions the leftist
media would be quoting from it every night.
Instead it has been memory holed and the media myrmidons hope everyone will just forget
about it so they don't go looking for it to read it and learn they've been lied to for
months. This way they can convict the four officers in the media with damnable lies.
@anonymous le,
who had murder on their mind. All the Alt-Right and White Nationalists did was complain. No
competent defense attorney volunteered to defend him. Fields wound up with an incompetent
Public Defender who did nothing to try to get him off.
If Chauvin is found guilty, which I'd bet a thousand dollars he will be, again his White
supporters will do nothing but complain on the pages of Unz and like websites. IMO, there is
a much better case to convict Chauvin than there was for sad sack James Fields. Chauvin needs
a top notch Black defense attorney. Unfortunately Johnny Cochran is dead.
" the police dealt with Floyd with a level of patience and professionalism that I
certainly could not have mustered. would you have been able to maintain your cool in the same
situation? This video gives me nothing but respect for the police who have to deal day in and
day out with deranged criminals like George Floyd."
Yup. Browse among the literally thousands of hours of cam footage online showing how
blacks typically react to police in routine stops. Blacks love lying and shouting and
violently resisting. They genuinely believe they have a right to resist lawful arrest, and
have for at least the last ten years.
No way I could be a cop. I would never find the patience to put up with even five minutes
of it. God bless law enforcement.
@Sean It used to
be accepted that Black boys needed harsher punishments. This was accepted by both Blacks and
Now modern egalitarians have decided that all children are the same. Well how is that
working out? Have you read the essay on what it is like to teach black children? For all
indications Black kids were better off in the 40s when Whites had lower expectations. In
today's classroom White liberal teacher lets a few of them run wild and then ruin the class
for the sake of liberal feelings. The Black kids with potential get to college and find out
they are well behind. This happens everywhere.
James Fields plowed his car into a group of protesters, killing one. Your point of view is
the result of the cognitive dissonance between your imagined reality and your observable one.
Taking such indefensible positions has to be understood in the context of your mind
protecting your ego.
Being on drugs did not make Floyd deserving of death. Neither did having a criminal past,
or resisting arrest. This entire situation, where police could apply arbitrary force against
Floyd, resulted from Floyd passing a fake $20 bill. I dont know if you've noticed, but the
FED has been passing trillions in fake twenties these last few months. How can you
counterfeit something that is worth nothing, backed by nothing, signifying nothing, endlessly
created out of nothing? If anything, by injecting his own worthless currency into the
economy, George Floyd was saving the FED some work. He was providing a valuable service,
which is keeping this dead economy afloat.
The author writes that knee on neck is an approved restraint technique, and thus cannot be
illegal, without seeming to realize that this is the CORE of the issue and why many people
are upset and protesting in the first place. George Floyd was not cooperating but he was also
not being violent. Whereas Chauvin used violence to subdue Floyd. It doesnt matter if Floyd
died of heart failure. Do you think his heart would have failed if he didnt have an armed man
kneeling on his neck?
Justice happens in a courtroom buddy, and it's the cop's job to make sure a perpetrator
makes it to a courtroom.
Of course its probably all psychological warfare from top to bottom. The cop's name is
practically Chauvinist for crying out loud. The end result is how we may judge the motive of
the incident. And the end result appears to be the defunding of police departments. Just as
COVID is defunding the rest of the economy.
Whoever is left holding the fake cash loses everything.
If the Feds abused their power in Waco and Ruby Ridge, then they also abused their power
in Portland.
As far as people flahing their high beams, I think it's a pretty clear sign that the people
who do it want the rest of us to avoid a bad encounter with the police.
Sadly, it continues to be fashionable to take whichever side of an issue makes you feel
better about your country and your identity. Here is where nationalism reveals itself as a
bankrupt ideology good for manipulating feelings rather than arriving at any useful
Blacks love lying and shouting and violently resisting. They genuinely believe they have
a right to resist lawful arrest, and have for at least the last ten years.
Golly, I wonder (((who))) put those kinds of RADICAL ideas in their heads?
@Robert Dolan
unable to see through liberalism. If anything they used their intelligence to delude
themselves. This is mocked in the joke about how only someone born really smart can write a
book about how intelligence isn't genetic.
I would trust my local Mexican gardener to craft racial policy over any White liberal with
a Harvard degree. I don't think we are dealing with a lack of intelligence in liberals. I
think the theory of liberals having religious and egalitarian genes make the most sense. This
then overrules their rationality. So in that context I'm really not impressed with
intelligence tests.
Lol if George Floyd really threw the entire "Free World" into spasms of K*ll-the-Boerism
because he pulled a Juice WRLD and ate his stash (which happened to be, I assume, laced with
a lethal amount of fent) to hide it from the porkers welll, that's pretty darn funny. Besides
all the k*ll wypipo stuff, of course.
The truth is that the Leftists don't care what caused Floyd's death. The truth is
irrelevant. A negro died while a white cop was restraining him. The damage that Floydgroids
do to society is stuff we deserve, don't you see? There shouldn't be any cops, unless it's
gentile whites defending themselves, then there needs to be a police state to keep them
@John Johnson
have good jobs and live with wives and kids aren't good parents as a whole judging by the
criminal records drug habits etc the children of so many affirmative action blacks have.
But black fathers are strong, violent rageaholics
So they can keep the little ones in line. But once boy is 5'8 140, beatings I doubt more
beatings will import him. In the old days he could leave home and do farm labor or other
Nowadays the 14 year old thug lives with mamma because of the welfare money. And if the
critters don't go to school, the welfare department cuts off the money.
@TimeTraveller e
an English class. Your I.Q. must be very low to not recognize the use of a simile.
Just the fact that you want this country to burn tells me that you are a looser from an
economic as well as an intellectual standpoint. You're on the bottom and you think if there
is revolution that some how things will get better for you. I can assure you, especially if
you are black, that things are never going to get better for you. As a matter of fact, if you
do happen to be black, things will probably get a lot worse for you before it ever gets
Yes. I didn't comment much on this because, like pretty much EVERY OTHER "racist" incident
the last several years, I figured, if we waited long enough, the truth would come out. Of
course, waaaay after the narrative was set, and the damage was done. I'm curious. Are the
powers that be pushing this b.s. because they genuinely feel blacks face injustice or are
they using the blacks to aid in their attempt to destroy our culture? Either way, the blacks
will ultimately suffer. They're so put upon they have to manufacture countless "crimes"
against them. As if there eventually won't be a backlash bringing on the prejudice they
supposedly wish to stamp out. Lol. Popcorn indeed.
So, George Floyd is 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf'. That make sense because he kept saying
(lying) that he could not breath seems the beginning then those police will not trust him
anymore, and when he truly begin to unable to breath by the kneeing on neck with ton of human
meat on his back and butt, so those police think he lied and didn't trust him and they didn't
even think to double check.
(Note: There is other version with the conclusion is that the boy is eaten by wolf, not
Sorry, the leak video:
1.George Floyd is an Temper Tantrum and his mind is really sane to me, he is not even in
the state of 'drug addict'.
2.It does not prove that George Floyd is killed by the Fentanyl. The leak video, in fact,
proves that Derek Chauvin had accidentally killed George Floyd due to the 'The Boy Who Cried
Wolf' effect, and ignorant on how dangerous kneeing on neck is. I think George Floyd is
killed by the combination of Fentanyl and Kneeing On Neck.
1.Why the police does not release the leak video from the beginning? The video, in fact,
can give Derek Chauvin more excuses to save him from being jail or just get him fire only or
he even able to keep his job due to the police qualified immunity and it can prevent
My own answer for this is that this is literally divide and conquer tactics, make those
anti-police, with many right reasons, like a bunch of idiot and the leak video also cover the
true problem, police abusing power. The police abusing power is usually unable to discussed
and the MSM always turn it into 'police beat black people'.
2.Why the redacted video, which is recorded at the same places, has the date '05/26/2020'
meanwhile the leak video has the date '05/25/2020′? Can anybody explain to me? I truly
curious about this.
That fat (360 pounds) tub of crap Eric Garner had the cops trying to get him to comply
with his arrest for 45 minutes before they laid a hand on him. He had been arrested more than
30 times by the NYPD on charges such as assault, resisting arrest, and grand larceny. Less
than a year before he died, in August 2013, he was charged with aggravated unlicensed
operation of a vehicle, false impersonation and marijuana possession. He was out on parole
for that.
He already had three more pending charges for illegally selling cigarettes–and then
was caught again the day that he died. He was (correctly) afraid that this time he'd be
busted on a parole violation.
He would not just sell the loose cigs–he positioned himself by the store's entrance
and threaten people who would go in and buy legal cigarettes inside.
He had no job due to his obesity and health issues-plus his own wife said on TV that he
was "lazy" (her word). Not totally–he did have 6 kids-with 4 different women.
He was being arrested for counterfeiting. The cops routinely cuff you even when they want
to interrogate you for a possible crime. I see it all the time. Then later they uncuff you
and let you go. What is so hard about that?
Too many cops have been shot going up to a car where they can't see the guys hands. That
is why there is always a cop in the back with his gun drawn in case you try to spin around
and take a shot. Sorry, but that is the way is is because of the people being stopped.
I also have no doubt that liberals would much rather divide children by IQ than
acknowledge that race exists. They would put well behaved White kids with unruly Black kids
for not scoring high enough.
It makes more sense to argue that Whites simply have a right to exist as a people and that
includes all Whites regardless of intellect. There are numerous European gene differences
that are related to cultural preferences and they should not be forced to subject themselves
to some egalitarian dystopia that hates them, especially when said Whites built the empire in
the first place.
@frontier y are
you speaking for cops? David Layman the ex cop and former supermax guard YouTuber, who
deliberately broke fingers until convicts submitted, and once was struck by a colleague to
get him to stop baton choking a rampaging convict to death said the duration of what Chauvin
did to Floyd was nothing like what would be done in the line of duty, clearly unnecessary,
and Chavin knew it because he was resting his hands on his thighs. Relative to the education
and amount of training required to qualify, cops are far better paid than nurses. But that is
going to change because even one Chauvin is too much.
Having a gun out shows they were self-dramatising cops in a fantasy world.
No, you see this all the time when there are two cops on a traffic stop. One approaches
the window and the other hangs back in the guys blind spot with either his gun already drawn
or with his hand on it.
@Sulu se
granddaughter killed herself because of meth isn't even able to grieve properly for his
granddaughter because conservatives declared her the enemy and declared a war on her for the
sake of law and order. His political ideology estranged him from his own seed, and any nation
that makes this the norm is doomed to failure. Its flags deserve to be burned and its
monuments deserve to be defaced.
I guarantee that the old man sympathizes more with Wall Street and Israeli Jews than his
own daughter, and sides with property against life and injury. Such a nation has an
appointment with famine and has no future.
He wasn't really trying to kill anyone if the only person he managed to kill was a
4′ 11″, 330 lb. chain smoker. If he had been black, a mestizo illegal alien or a
major D Party donor his sentence would have been no more than 10 years. The 419 year sentence
was the tell that this had been a political show trial.
Floyd was not "murdered" by the police. How simple to watch and conclude that.
Expose and expose and expose the restraint they show they used on a crazed, resistant and
potentially violent person.
If reason does not prevail here, if the crazed, resistant and potentially violent
person(s) still want to use this as an excuse for violence and destruction, then time to
arrest every one of them, by defending the police, not stupidly "defunding" the police.
To watch the wormy and pompous Jeffrey Nadler utter, "Shame on you," to AG Barr shows what
Nadler would do to efforts to maintain order: encourage rioting, violence and
Go to Israel, Mr. Nadler. That's where you belong! And take Antifa with you.
@Alden ers are
just as bad as the media. They know full well it is a lie and hate that we don't go along
with it. That hate us more than anything. They would happily send us to camps and shut off
the internet in the name of equality.
So they can keep the little ones in line. But once boy is 5'8 140, beatings I doubt
more beatings will import him. In the old days he could leave home and do farm labor or other
Well that is also when 8th grade was the goal and not high school graduation.
From what I have read Blacks really start having problems around junior high.
@TimeTraveller I
agree that America has major problems and a hell of a lot of it can be laid at the feet of
the Jews. But if things go to hell in this country(Civil War) your benefits won't be worth
the paper it's printed on. I don't think this country needs to burn so much as certain groups
within it need to burn.
But I suspect all this civil unrest is little more than poor Kabuki theater designed to
assist in getting Trump out of office. If Biden wins I bet Covid-19 and riots just magically
go away. If Trump is re-elected it's anyone's guess what will happen.
Almost a year ago exactly, yet another drunk-driving illegal alien killed another
American citizen. This time, it was Sarasota, Fla., and the vehicular killer will spend 13
years behind bars.
He pled guilty to the federal charges, not to the sate charges. Presumably he pled guilty
to the federal charges because he didn't want to face the death penalty.
And no, these people don't give a damn about justice. The idea of the great reset is to
continue to push the US into a collectivist state of mind and a China like economic set up
with a fully authoritarian government and no political freedom. Scamdemic lock down and media
manufactured race war are two ways to push us in that direction.
If it looks like a conspiracy and smells like a conspiracy .
I would invoke the Insurrection Act, then spend the next few weeks arresting the leaders
of BLM and antifa, as well as their collaborators in state and municipal governments,
You forgot to arrest the media owners. The one's who have for 4 years, made our
president's life miserable, through lies and innuendos. And, while you're at it grab False
Fauci and his master, Billy boy Gates, thereby putting to an end the entire charade.
There's enough video, and print evidence, available of powerful jews clamoring for the
eradication of white Christians. It's time for those who speak of our genocide, be it a
rabbi, a professor, politician, newscaster, or whomever, to be charged under the hate speech
laws that they themselves rammed through congress.
@John Johnson
inistrators big black mammas, black preachers, and NAACP ADL AJC ACLU lawsuits hovering
about, it's basically illegal to impose discipline on black kids. Just as it's impossible to
fire incompetent troublesome blacks in the workplace.
The White women are stuck in the classroom with the monsters . The black women sit in the
school district office as consultants, coordinators and counselors at high salaries. And
behind them are the Jewish legal foundations and administrators at the state level aiding and
abetting the savages who destroy the schools and make them unsafe for Whites.
Immigrants are fortunate. Most of them come from nations that are free of blacks.
Irrespective of their economic shortcomings, nations such as this offer a peace, security and
tranquility that once they arrive in the US they will never know again. And since so many
immigrants are destined to operate small businesses in the United States, their interactions
with this conflict and crime driven group will be a central part of their lives in the US.
But that's only if they decide to call the years they'll spend interacting with black America
as living.
I didn't have to use DuckDuckGo to find this vid. It was first, right at the top, using
the Carlson episode title as a search phrase. Enjoy:)
Once again, the cop didn't "point a gun" at George Floyd, which is clearly evident in the
video. The pistol is pointed slightly down and to the side. If the trigger had've been pulled
during that segment of the video, the bullet would've struck the hinge area of the opened
door. Look at the trigger guard to get a good idea of the pistol's long-axis alignment.
Tucker's Unreal George Floyd Comments The Young Turks
Aug 5, 2020
These teachers are no different than the scumbags in media in that they believe
egalitarian lies are better than admitting that those other Whites are probably
correct. They can't stomach that outcome so the unspoken plan is to lie and suppress while
hoping that miscegenation somehow evens it all out someday. The unspoken plan is to hope they
just breed out the curve.
Public teachers are part of the problem and they know it. All it would take is a dozen of
them to setup hidden cameras and the system would crash.
Chauvin will no more get justice than has James Fields (he of Charlottesville, Va.), whose
victim wasn't even black (and she wasn't his victim, either).
The mob is in full control, now.
Presumably, he pled guilty because he knew the evidence against him was insurmountable
(i.e., he knew he was guilty) . That would be the simplest presumption to make.
Along those lines you must face the fact that the Negro was made Numinous by Yankee
WASP Elites.
The Unz Jew haters can't handle that reality.
There must have been a Jew in the cupboard or something when Lincoln decided to go to
The same Jew in the cupboard must have forced him to only give lip service to the Liberia
At Unz the Jews are able to magically transverse time and space, filling the innocent
minds of Anglo leaders with egalitarian delusions even where Jews didn't exist or didn't have
The guy is flippin' out and the officers have a handful, to say the least. I also have to
admit that according to this footage, they are being as accommodating as possible considering
the situation.
Like the author, I have to question the claim of claustrophobia, in particular. They are
not putting him in a prowler, but an SUV, as far as I can tell.
And for LAW God fearing common people that believe in karma divine justice and their
simpleton infantile mind that in the battle of good vrs evil and lies vrs TRUTH good shall
prevail over evil and only the TRUTH shall makes us all FREE that divine binary covenant has
been broken. LIES and evil reign supreme and their godless troops in the MSMedia,
politicians, and other lords of darkness not only claim victimhood but make profits in the
process..WE simple deplorables find it incredible that our sacred News media affirms lies,
glorifies lies, certified lies , and if you dont believe lies then you are racist, bigot,
conspiracy lunatic BUT then if LIES win then the truth is irrelevant then it follows that GOD
is a fraud Why is the Black god fearing communities so silenced? all moral religious
INSTITUTIONS whose main source of sustenance is their defense of PEACE, morality, ethics,
GOODNESS, etc.condened BLMANTIFA From Jesus Christ, to Thoreau, MLKING, Mandela, the JUSTICE
and TRUTH ha been the crux of their MORAL force Today the political, religious, civil, MEDIA,
allied themselves with the LIES .its shameful, repugnant While terrorists are financed with
millions$$$ and celebrated in MSM Hollywood WashDC, an honorable man probably alone
devastated with a lifetime career in ruins Derek Chauvin he probably made the same mistake
that most simple humans made ,he believe in GOD that was his demise..IF you believe and hope
in god .you shall perished waiting
@fnn out, and
turned into the wrong street. His car was mobbed, his back window broken out, and he
accelerated into, as it turned out, another mob. That's what happened, I studied the
The acceleration was a panic response. The people responsible for the resulting death were
the people who induced panic in James Fields, not James Fields. Had he not been mobbed and in
justifiable fear of his life, there would have been no death.
Field's trial and conviction were simply not legal. They weren't even a lynching. they
were simply a demonstration of life and death power by the Charlottesville Left. We've seen
quite a few of those demonstrations since then.
One in the chest and one in the head. Sorts all kind of problems out.
Ok where I live, Sweden, the police would have beaten the shit out of him for resisting
arrest. Police don't easily draw their firearm here, but they are quick to draw their baton
and use it. But on the other hand, people arrested here do as the police say, making scenes
as in the video only worsens your case.
Policemen here are respected, and you can always ask a policeman if you are lost for your
Most people here understand they do a hard and health wise taxing job.
I had a girlfriend a long time ago, who was a police officer ( 3,5 years education, minimum
college to entry) she got in a fracas, and was so much she had to quit. And she was not
petite 1,80 cm, really well built, athletic and of course a blonde.
She is now 30 years later a cripple, because of a bad arrest.
They should have shot the motherfucker! I would.
heir pods) encounter here on a regular basis, largely due to a black population unleashed by
liberal and media permissiveness. (You will soon though, when the levels of foreigners with a
migration background but no integration interest rise.)
There are some sadistic cops and they cause trouble (lots of white victims too) and
policing attitudes are bad, but blaming these cops on the death of a hopeless, disgusting
figure like St. George of the Gutter is unfair. Chauvin did ok, even if he did have priors. I
hope he doesn't get fucked over completely and I pray for him and the rest of us here.
Negroes are criminals. they may not have committed a crime yet, but they will soon.
"You can take a man out of the bush, but you can't take the bush out of a man"
Rhodesian proverb.
Niggars was a failed offshoot in making of the white man. It was a dead end, really. Just
like Gorillas and Chimps, will mostly not evolve further.
Once they they movi into your neigboorhood its time to move, same goes for bloody arabs,
sandniggars, bad people.
He didn't plead guilty for the state trial and was sentenced to 419 years by the
State/Commonwealth of Virginia. He risked the death penalty if found guilty in the federal
trial. I know it sounds crazy, but some guys would rather rot in prison than be put to
@John Johnson
maybe they're more honest with me? They are also continually bullied by the black teachers
who just love to hear how the blacks curse defy and hit the White teachers.
A montage of videos showing black behavior in the public schools would be great great
great. If it were not taken down from the internet the first day.
I've seen plenty of internet posts and comments from White teachers describing the
horrendous behavior of blacks from K-12.
Once you've worked with blacks, whether kindergartners or attorneys, you realize the truth
about them.
@John Johnson
were bribed / financed by oil companies. No joke, no conspiracy theories, not "mystic
powers", just businessmen with oil/gas concessions that would go broke under nuclear
competition but managed to bribe the environmentalists to destroy nuclear. Granted, the word
"jewish" is never mentioned, and should have been if only as minor participants, but the
principals were not jewish.
Simple reality is horrifying beyond reason -- we are in a competitive society, like it or
not, and everybody competes ruthlessly. Far more comforting to believe that somebody
somewhere will prevent anything too bad from happening. The puppet masters need puppets, the
people complaining thus have a steady job.
Most ridiculous post I've seen in months. It's the black preachers who are the biggest
problem. They're not really clergymen. They're black racist activists using their churches as
a base from which to operate their political activities.
Mandela was a communist terrorist. MLK was trained at a communist activist school and was
a complete charlatan, grifter con artist and wife and sex partner beater.
The FBI had recordings in his home and there are many tapes of him pounding on his wife.
Source; retired FBI man a relative knows.
Fed Criminals commit crimes against countries, but it's the George Floyds us petty
assholes have to deal with on a daily basis and yes, he was being violent.
I guess replying to a "gay troll" makes me stupid too, but it won't happen again.
It's more likely that during interrogation they told him that the murder conviction was
cinched, that everyone at every level in the country, when they discussed the incident, they
prefaced it with "when the cops killed George Floyd" or some variation. They told him (like
they do people) that he needs to take the "smart" option that is least destructive and
"safer". To me, a plea-bargained acceptance of a penalty has little relation to the truth of
the matter let alone guilt.
It probably very safe say that those cops are under bizarre pressure and it's
semi-ridiculous to pontificate about what they should do, but they need to keep their traps
shut and go to trial. The video that's been released shows the majority of what actually
happened. They did nothing wrong. The only quibble is Chauvin using his knee to keep that
whigged-out nut in position, and it's a permitted technique according to the formal police
guidelines, used against people who are resisting arrest, as Floyd was.
But they all could be sacrificed, especially if the Democrats win (the trial is set for
next spring). Actually, that's probably what he was told. "They're going to kill you
[essentially] and you'd better agree to this before they have a chance."
"Presumably, he pled guilty because he knew the evidence against him was insurmountable
(i.e., he knew he was guilty) . That would be the simplest presumption to make."
@Ilya G
Poimandres ed use their fire arms under the law in that case and if they had the shooting
wouldn't have been a blip on the radar screen given King's actions. Instead, to save King,
they used batons as they were trained and brought a man stated to be under PCP, wildly strong
and deranged under control without killing him or inflicting permanent debilitating injury.
(The two other men with him complied and there was no problem). Officer Koon thought the
whole thing, being taped, would be used as a text book case of how to handle such a
situation. So basically they did what you suggest. How'd that turn out?
What scares me is the insouciance and apathy to the loss of a human life shown by the
white people here. BLM have a point.
Only psychopaths would dwell on the technicalities of how he died and the events that led
to it. Does it matter now? he is dead.
These are two fundamental questions for me.
Would George Floyd has died if he didn't had the encounter with Dave chauvin? Would he
have just died anyway?
Did he deserved to die?
Most reasonable people would say no. People here try to justify his death when there is
nothing to justify here. Watching white people justify his death with cold rationality and a
total lack of empathy gives me the shivers.
The Chinaman is probably just as racist as whites against blacks but George Floyd didn't
do anything to deserve this fate.
Think about how it felt like to die from suffocation under that knee for 9 minutes? What
if it were you ? Would you want someone to help you if you said " I can't breathe"?
She's the one who had a meltdown and had to leave the set and go smoke a big fat hooter
when Trump won the count on election night. And she's the one that bandies about the epithet,
"trash". It's on Youtube, somewhere. It's hilarious.
A montage of videos showing black behavior in the public schools would be great great
great. If it were not taken down from the internet the first day.
And that's what false flag with Capitol ransacking accomplished. It fives Clinton/Obama/Biden
clique card blank for suppressing the dissent
This false flag operation like shooting protesters by snipers during Ukrainian Maydan is a
logical end of American Maidan and pursued the same goals -- deposing the current president,
hijacking political power and consolidating it via repressions.
Notable quotes:
"... That is why we are witnessing the fussy, aggressive actions of the Democrats - a ridiculous re-impeachment of the president, who will leave the White House in a week, the most severe censorship and suppression of dissent. There is no need for the real winners of fair elections to behave like that, as they are aware of their legitimacy and are confident in themselves (relying on the real, not imaginary, support of the majority of the population). ..."
From the "Biden Exploits His Capitol Gains" article:
Joe Biden's own language certainly sounded less like a magnanimous winner uniting his
people than like that used by autocrats and dictators to hold onto power, argues Diana
Diana Johnstone's opinion is quite reasonable. In fact, a "creeping"/"bureaucratic" coup
d'etat took place in the United States. And it wasn't Trump at all, but Biden & Co. The
fact that "Joe Biden's own language sounded like that used by autocrats and dictators to hold
onto power" is further confirmation of this.
If you are in the majority and you win the election honestly, then there is no need to act
the way the Democrats did. The current aggressive rhetoric of Biden (and other Democrats) is
evidence that the elections were stolen/falsified. Biden knows this very well, and therefore
his language is as cruel, irreconcilable and repressive as possible. After the illegitimate
elections, the task is to consolidate own's power and suppress all those who reject what
happened. In fact, this is what happened in Ukraine after the Maidan 2014.
That is why we are witnessing the fussy, aggressive actions of the Democrats - a
ridiculous re-impeachment of the president, who will leave the White House in a week, the
most severe censorship and suppression of dissent. There is no need for the real winners of
fair elections to behave like that, as they are aware of their legitimacy and are confident
in themselves (relying on the real, not imaginary, support of the majority of the
Globalization has made the United States a hollow giant. It has produced an enormous
wealth gap, and this inequality is producing a breakdown in social cohesion. They have faced
crisis before in the form of political polarization, economic hardship and racial tensions,
but the situation now is a combination of every one of the mentioned before amplified by
orders of magnitude by the pandemic.
The power of the MIC, Wall Street and Big Tech along with their MSM minions acting in a
concerted way is the only thing preventing an implosion of the country. Either that or the
notion of "American Exceptionalism" is truly implanted in the hearts and minds of the people,
whether they realize it or not.
Nothing in this year's elections surprises me. I predicted all this over four years ago in
August 2016. The only thing that surprised me was that Trump was sworn in on January 20,
2017. For a short time I believed that the United States was a democracy where elections
could change policy. It is not!
(I originally
wrote this as comment to Andrew Korybko's Facebook post on August 15, 2016.)
Why Trump can't win
Even if Trump gets a majority of the votes the chances of him actually becoming
President are slim. Here are some of the tactics and tricks the Hillary camp could use to
block his election. I cannot say what is the probability of these options, but they have
all been tested in previous US sponsored color revolutions.
Massive propaganda campaign will pressure the electorate to vote against their
favorite candidate.
If Trump still gets over 50% of the vote, the vote count will be falsified.
(Something similar seems to have happened in the Austrian presidential election.)
If the election results actually show a victory for Trump, the results will be
annulled. DNC will claim that "Putin" hacked the voting machines. The Supreme Court will
declare Hillary the winner.
If all else fails, Hillary will call for a Maidan-style occupation of Washington DC.
The revolutionaries will take over the Capitol and the White House -- with the support of
pro-Hillary officials.
I continued in the original post on August 16, 2016.
Trump cannot be allowed to win precisely because -- as you say on the video -- he
represents the non-system opposition. He does not even have the support of his own party.
This is not a simple question of counting votes. For him to actually become president, he
has to win by a large margin.
Andrew, you are an expert on hybrid war. Why would Hillary not unleash the full array of
hybrid war weapons on Trump? In fact they are doing it already. Trump has been labeled the
"Manchurian Candidate". Ukraine fell to Maidan because no one in Ukraine was willing to
defend the institution of the presidency or the Ukrainian constitution. Why would the US be
any different.
You write: "4 wouldn't fully succeed because of the counter-Color Revolution technology
that the Trump supporters could organize in their own demonstrations and movements" You are
wrong. These are not "Trump supporters" but "Putin Trolls". Why would any mainstream media
give any voice to these people?
For an anti-Trump Maidan or coup to fail, Trump would personally have to lead the
opposition. In doing so he would be putting his life, liberty and fortune at risk. He can
be pressured or "advised" to give up the fight. In fact it would be easiest to just
assassinate him.
Many things can happen before we are at scenario 4. The simplest option is to escalate a
crisis or war with Russia, Hillary's anti-Trump strategy is already framing the election as
between her and Putin. In a crisis scenario Trump would simply be dismissed as a Russian
enemy agent.
Why am I writing all this delusional stuff about a coup in the US or even of potential
civil war?
Democracy requires a free press. That no longer exist in the West. Instead the Powers
that Be have created an enormously powerful hybrid war machine that they have turned on
Libya, Syria, Russia (and on European democracy). They are able to manipulate reality like
never before. They are a huge danger to any state or any democracy.
I am just trying to imagine what would happen if these tools were turned on the USA.
"... You do know a guy name Milton Friedman was the architect for Reagan economics? For the record we are currently living thru long term dystopia effects of Reagan economics. ..."
Biden and Kamala are mere figureheads put in office by a stolen election. Any agenda they
think that they have is irrelevant. Here is the Establishment's agenda:
First: Prevent any political organization of the "Trump Deplorables." Any who attempt to
form a real opposition party will be made an example of. In America it is child's play to frame
up anyone. We saw the show in Russiagate, and Trump will now be exhausted with endless frameups
as the Establishment pursues him into oblivion. If the President of the United States can be so
easily framed up, an unknown political organizer in the red states can be disposed of at
... ... ...
Fourth: The Establishment will increase its fomenting of racial and gender conflict in order
to keep Americans too divided to resist its increasingly odious control measures, whether they
be the use of Covid to suppress freedom of movement and association, charges of being a foreign
agent in order to suppress free speech as in the Assange case, or round up and internment of
Trump Americans trying to organize a political party that represents the people instead of the
Modern weapons in the hands of the state are devastating. Mass spying and control techniques
that exist today go beyond those in dystopian novels such as Orwell's 1984 . Free speech
is a thing of the past. Free speech no longer even exists in universities. As I write Twitter,
Facebook and the presstitutes are suppressing the free speech of the President of the United
States, and the President of the United States is powerless to do anything about it.
The Establishment's control over the media means that no charge against President Trump is
too extreme to cause a protest. The enormous support shown for Trump in Washington on January 6
with estimates of participants ranging from 200,000 to 2,000,000 was easy for the Establishment
to turn into a liability by infiltrating the rally.
It was naive for President Trump and his supporters not to realize that infiltration was
guaranteed as it was necessary for the Establishment to turn massive support into a massive
liability. This would achieve two purposes. One purpose was to terminate the challenge to the
electors in the Senate, and it succeeded. Here, for example, is Republican Senator Mike Braun
from Indiana dropping his intent to object to the electors from the swing states where the
election was stolen: "I think that today change things drastically. Yeah, whatever point you
made before that should suffice. Get this ugly day behind us," he said. Even Rand Paul was
intimidated: "I just don't think there's going to be another objection. I think it's over at
that point."
Here is Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler whose reelection to the Senate was stolen from her
acquiescing in Trump's and her own stolen elections: "When I arrived in Washington this
morning, I fully intended to object to the certification of the electoral votes. However, the
events that have transpired today have forced me to reconsider and I cannot now, in good
conscience, object," Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.).
The other purpose served was to insure that Trump would not go out as a president whose
reelection was stolen but as an insurrectionist. And it has succeeded.
Internationally Trump was denounced by NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg for not
respecting democracy. "The outcome of this democratic election must be respected," declared
Stoltenberg. Stolen or not it is democracy to be rid of Trump.
British prime minister Boris Johnson declared that the US is the world symbol of Democracy
and that it is vital there is a peaceful and ordered transfer of power, as if there was an
actual insurrection taking place and an election not stolen.
The French President Macron declared: "What happened today in Washington, DC today is not
American, definitely." In other words, it is unamerican to protest a stolen election that the
Establishment refuses to address. [I watched presentations by independent experts to the
Arizona, Georgia, and Michigan legislatures that proved beyond all doubt the presidential
election was stolen. Half of the professional presenters were people of color.]
Republican senators themselves, former members of Trump's cabinet, and a former chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff jumped on Trump with both feet. The no longer Senate Majority Leader
Mitch McConnell said that Trump's "unhinged thugs" "tried to disrupt our democracy. They
failed. This failed insurrection underscores how crucial the task before us is" to restore
Establishment control.
Republican Senator Richard Burr from North Carolina said: "The President bears
responsibility for today's events by promoting the unfounded conspiracy theories that have led
to this point."
Trump's Secretary of Defense James Mattis told the presstitutes that "Today's violent
assault on our Capitol, an effort to subjugate American democracy by mob rule, was fomented by
Mr. Trump. His use of the presidency to destroy trust in our election and to poison our respect
for fellow citizens has been enabled by pseudo political leaders whose names will live in
infamy as profiles in cowardice."
General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Trump administration
said Republicans "who have continued to undermine a peaceful transition in accordance with our
Constitution have set the conditions for today's violence."
The presstitutes had a field day with misleading and lying headlines. One of the worst
offenders was The Hill , formerly a source of real news on what was going on in
Congress, but today a highly partisan Trump-hating source of Establishment propaganda.
With the American Establishment's foreign puppets, Republicans, Trump's own cabinet members,
military leaders, and the presstitutes speaking with one voice setting up President Trump as an
insurrectionist threat to democracy, the Democrats' wild charges seemed credible.
Democrat Senator Schumer from New York, the new Senate Majority Leader, Democrat House
Speaker Pelosi, and a large number of Democrat members of Congress, together with the New York
Times, have called for Trump's impeachment or his removal from office by invoking the 25th
Amendment. Here is the new Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) making the case:
"What happened at the U.S. Capitol yesterday was an insurrection against the United States,
incited by the president. This president should not hold office one day longer," Schumer said
in a statement.
Here is Adam Smith, Democrat from Washington state and chairman of the House Committee on
Armed Services, calling for Trump's removal from office: "President Trump incited &
encouraged this riot. He & his enablers are responsible for the despicable attack at the
Capitol. VP Pence and the Cabinet should invoke the 25th amendment to remove Trump, otherwise
Senate Republicans must work with the House to impeach & remove him.
For the New York Times , it doesn't not suffice to remove Trump from office. He must
be prosecuted as well.
To understand the extraordinary hatred of President Trump by the Establishment, listen to
his inaugural address. He described the Establishment accurately as a force arraigned against
the American people, a force that he intended to dismantle and restore America to the American
people. This was a revolutionary challenge, a reckless one as Trump is a populist, not a
revolutionary leading a determined movement. Moreover, Trump was so uninformed about Washington
that he never succeeded in appointing anyone to his government, other than General Flynn (an
immediate casualty of the Establishment) who agreed with his agenda of normalizing relations
with Russia, bringing the troops home from the Middle East, ending NATO, and bringing the jobs
home that American corporations had exported to China. Here was Trump unarmed taking on the
American Establishment. This was an act of suicide as it has turned out to be.
People who think in terms of party politics have no likelihood of understanding the
situation. The struggle is not Democrats vs. Republicans. or red states vs. blue states. It is
the Establishment against the people. If you have any doubt about this, note that the US
National Association of Manufacturers, always a throughly Republican organization, agrees with
Schumer and Pelosi that Trump must be removed from office. Here is the organization's
statement: "Vice President Pence, who was evacuated from the Capitol, should seriously consider
working with the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to preserve democracy."
The National Association of Manufacturers want Trump out because they are the ones responsible
for China's rise, the US trade deficit and the destruction of half of the US middle class. All
the goods and services imported from offshored production count as imports. It is the offshored
production that is responsible for America's trade deficit, not China.
The presstitutes throughout the Western world have intentionally misrepresented the January
6 rally in Washington in support of Trump. The rally had to be misrepresented, because no one
in politics today anywhere in the Western World can demonstrate such massive support other than
Donald Trump. No one turned out for Biden or Kamala during the presidential campaign. Their
events, soon cancelled, had no attendees. Yet, they won the election? What saps people are. Who
turns out for Merkel, Macron, Boris Johnson. No one even knows who the leaders are in the rest
of the Western World.
Trump could not be permitted to leave office with such a massive showing of support -- a
terrible embarrassment to the corrupt scum who "speak for the people." So the support had to be
discredited by turning it into an insurrection ordered by Trump against Democracy, a holy word
that is observed nowhere in the Western World.
Here is a description of agitators who suddenly appeared and provoked the entrance into the
Capitol by a few Trump supporters who, unlike the rioters in Minneapolis, Chicago, Detroit,
Seattle, Portland, Atlanta and elsewhere, did not behave as rioters and did no damage. The
report is from a person present not as a Trump supporter but as a person to film the event. The
report was sent to NYU professor Mark Crispin Miller. I have left the person's name off so that
he doesn't get investigated by the FBI:
"I was in Washington, D.C. today filming the Trump rally and related events. I also ran
across your post concerning the Capitol demonstration tonight. Perhaps this short account
will help you assess what others are saying in a small way.
"I was also at the Capitol before the crowd appeared setting-up my camera on a stone wall
around the perimeter of the back of the capitol (the rear facing Constitution Avenue). Then I
waited for President Trump's speech to end and for supporters to walk-up Constitution Avenue
to the Capitol. I was located at the precise location where supporters first rushed up the
slope towards the back of the Capitol after casting aside a section of the first Capitol
perimeter barrier. Supporters gathered roughly at the center of the back of the capitol, but
a circle began to grow around the perimeter as the crowd grew larger. I had no sense that the
growing crowd intended to rush the Capitol.
"After a large crowd emerged at the perimeter a man in perhaps his late 30's or early 40's
showed-up, pacing quickly to his left then to his right before the crowd, and essentially
began hurling insults at the crowd challenging their political wisdom. He excoriated the
crowd for thinking that their attendance would be taken seriously by members of congress.
(Hard to say that he was wrong about that, whoever he was). I cannot recall his precise
words, but for a very short period he engaged in a shouting exchange with supporters, and
suddenly supporters pushed aside the first barrier and rushed towards the back of the
Capitol. Others on the northern edge of the perimeter followed suit. But the first rush was
right at the center of the back of the Capitol. I followed the rush to the bottom of the
Capitol back steps, and began filming again from atop an inner perimeter stone wall.
"The police, so it appeared, were a little surprised by the rush, and this gave supporters
an opportunity to race up the steps. One or two men even made it as far as the steps leading
up to the scaffolds on the south side of the Capitol before police arrested them. By this
time, five or ten men had climbed to the top of the tall steel tower structure facing the
Capitol. Then the police erected and lined-up behind a new barrier perimeter at the foot of
the Capitol steps. Police at the top of the Capitol steps aimed rifles down on the crowd
(perhaps rubber bullet rifles, I could not tell). The crowd began arguing with police and
pressing hard against the new barrier. The police sprayed men pressing directly against the
barrier with tear gas from time to time causing them to retreat. "Meanwhile, the men at the
top of the tower began rallying the crowd to challenge the new barrier (over bull horns) by
filling any gaps between the barrier and the stone wall that I was using as a filming vantage
point. Another man worked the crowd with a bull horn immediately in front of me and also
encouraged supporters to climb over the inner perimeter stone wall (my filming vantage point)
and create a wall of pressure on the new barrier at the bottom of the Capitol back steps.
"After about 30 minutes to an hour I dropped to the bottom of the stone wall to reload my
camera when suddenly the barrier gave way and police attempted to fortify it by blasting tear
gas into the area between the stone wall and the barrier. I was hit by the gas myself and
struggled back over the stone wall in order to breathe. The gas threw many crowd members into
a panic. And I was nearly trampled as I struggled to lift my camera and heavy gear bag over
the wall after two women began pulling desperately on the back of my coat to pull themselves
up and over the moderately high wall in retreat.
"After the second perimeter barrier gave way, the men with the bull horns began working
the crowd very hard to fill-up with Trump supporters the steps of the Capitol and the
scaffolding on both sides of it. At this point one of the calls, which the men with bull
horns repeated from time to time in order to encourage people to climb the Capitol steps was
"this is not a rally; it's the real thing." Another frequent call was "its now or never."
After about a two hour effort peppered with bull horn calls of this nature the entire back of
the Capitol was filled with Trump supporters and the entire face of the Capitol was covered
with brilliant small and very large Trump banners, American flags, and various other types of
flags and banners.
"Sometime after the rush on the back of the Capitol, people were apparently able to enter
the Capitol itself through the front. But I was not witness to anything at the front or
inside the Capitol.
"One clearly bona fide Trump supporter who had apparently entered the Capitol himself was
telling others emotionally and angrily (including press representatives of some sort, even a
foreign newsman) that he witnessed someone inside the Capitol encouraging violence whom he
strongly suspected was not a legitimate Trump supporter (apparently on the basis that the man
showed no signs at all of Trump support on his apparel). I did not pay that close attention
to his claims (for example the precise claim of the violence encouraged) because, naturally,
I had not yet read your post and it had not occurred to me that professional outsiders might
play a role in instigating particular violent acts in order to discredit the event.
"I overheard one Trump supporter (who followed the rush on the Capitol himself) say aloud,
"I brought many others to this rally, but we did not sign on for this" as he watched matters
"Still, from my seat, I would say that large numbers of very legitimate Trump supporters
felt that it was their patriotic duty to occupy the Capitol in light of their unshakable
beliefs that (1) the 2020 election was a fraud, (2) that the vast majority of the members of
congress are corrupt and compromised, and (3) that the country is in the throes of what they
consider a "communist" takeover (although many use the expression "communism" as a synonym
for "totalitarianism"). They are also convinced that the virus narrative is a fraud and an
essential part of an effort to undermine the Constitution –in particular the Bill of
Rights. They have a very real fear that the country and the very conception of any culture of
liberty is on the verge of an irreparable collapse. For most (if not a very large majority)
rushing the Capitol was a desperate eleventh hour act of partiotism –even of the order
of the revolution that created our nation. Some Trump supporters sang the Star Spangled
Banner and other patriotic songs as others climbed the Capitol steps. They also demonstrated
a measure of respect for the Capitol itself. I saw no attempt by anyone to deface the Capitol
simply for the sake of defacing it.
"The incontrovertibly compromised press has called this event a riot. But from what I saw
and heard this would indeed be a gross and intentionally misleading oversimplification at
best. At least from the standpoint of supporters, if their Capitol event was a riot, then so
was the Boston Tea Party. It also seems to me that some professional help (very aware of deep
sentiments) might have come from somewhere to make sure that the party happened."
When I was on the Stanford University faculty, I remember rich and pampered Stanford
students occupying the university president's office in a protest either against the Vietnam
war or the name of the Stanford Football Team (Stanford Indians) and destroying the papers in
the president's files of his life's work. Despite the liberalism of the university president,
the presstitutes regarded the protest justified and well intentioned.
The rioters and looters who rampaged through many of America's major cities suffered no
media condemnation, only support and encouragement. This is because, unlike Trump, Antifa and
Black Lives Matter are financed by and controlled by the Establishment and thus represent no
threat.There is no FBI investigation or intended prosecution of any of the rioters who
destroyed billions of dollars of property in America's cities.
But the Trump supporters provoked into entering the Capitol are in for it says the
Establishment figure Trump, in yet another of his mistakes, put in charge of the FBI.
It is difficult to defend Trump when he consistently puts in charge of his security agencies
and Department of Justice members of the Establishment who hate his guts.
Here is Trump's appointee describing the people who elected the man who appointed him:
"The violence and destruction of property at the U.S. Capitol building yesterday showed a
blatant and appalling disregard for our institutions of government and the orderly
administration of the democratic process," Wray said in a statement.
"As we've said consistently, we do not tolerate violent agitators and extremists who use
the guise of First Amendment-protected activity to incite violence and wreak havoc," he
continued. "Such behavior betrays the values of our democracy. Make no mistake: With our
partners, we will hold accountable those who participated in yesterday's siege of the
Wray announced that the bureau "has deployed our full investigative resources" and is
working with law enforcement partners "to aggressively pursue those involved in criminal
activity" on Wednesday.
"Our agents and analysts have been hard at work through the night gathering evidence,
sharing intelligence, and working with federal prosecutors to bring charges," he said.
He requested the public send in any information about Wednesday's events to the FBI, noting
"We are determined to find those responsible and ensure justice is served."
Notice that Wray, the Establishment's servant, not the servant of the rule of law, aligns
the First Amendment with "violent agitators and extremists" and thus discredits the First
Amendment as a tool of insurrection.
Everyone who was not at the US Capitol building on January 6, which is the entire world
except the Trump supporters, has been brainwashed, by a corrupt, despicable collection of media
whores serving an Establishment of Oligarchs, that Donald Trump intended an insurrection, but
it was defeated. By Whom?
It was Trump who called out the National Guard and who told his supporters to leave the
Capitol and to go home.
What kind of people can present this as an insurrection that requires Trump's removal from
office and prosecution? The answer is totally evil people who have not only the United States
but the entire Western World in their clutches.
The Western World is dead. It is now Mordor.
Trump appointees realize that, unless they add to his orchestrated embarrassment and setup
by resigning, they are targeted for reprisals. Seeing permanent unemployment facing him, US
Deputy National Security Advisor Matthew Pottinger has resigned in response to Donald Trump's
handling of the crisis on Capitol Hill. "Other people named as likely to abandon the sinking
Trump ship are National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien and Deputy Chief of Staff Chris
Everyone everywhere is participating in Trump's destruction. The English language Russian
press loves embarrassing America. The fun and games leaves the world in ignorance of the
extraordinary consequences of what the stolen election and demonization of Trump and his
supporters means. The end of the Western World is a big event, and it will affect everyone.
Addendum: Here is an example of the lies the presstitutes constantly deliver. Every
prestitute organization reports that Trump incited a mob of his supporters this week to storm
the U.S. Capitol: "House Democrats are racing toward impeaching President Trump for a second
time after he incited a mob of his supporters this week to storm the U.S. Capitol and halt
Congress's constitutional duty to certify President-elect Joe Biden's victory."
Clearly, the dumbshits at The Hill, Bloomberg, and everywhere else let their hatred of Trump
run away with them. What would be the point of halting the certification process? It could only
be a temporary halt. The National Guard ordered in by Trump would clear the Capitol and the
process would go forward, as it did. If Trump intended to halt the certification by having
supporters occupy the Capitol, why did he call in the National Guard and tell his supporters to
leave the Capitol? Clearly The Hill's presstitutes are devoid of reasoning ability. What Trump
wanted to happen was to have the electors from the stolen swing states rejected by Congress on
the basis of the evience. It was an unlikely thing to happen, but Trump had no choice but to
exhaust the legal means available.
Trump was too conflicted to lead a populist revolt. He was too mobbed up with wealthy
Zionists and right-leaning factions of the Jewish establishment. Now they'll quickly throw
him under the bus. He's finished, and politically homeless. Not even the Deplorables will
want anything to do with him, given the fact that he betrayed them time and again.
Trump might have been a populist leader had he immediately abandoned his Jewish handlers,
fully adopted the white right, the military and veterans, Christians, Constitutionalists,
small business, Main Street, America First industry and working class, etc. and oriented his
entire administration in their direction. But given that New York Jews were part of his
family, that wasn't going to happen.
A true populist will eventually emerge from the People, and do what Trump should have done
but lacked the guts and integrity to do. And the Deep State will do all it can to strangle
him in the cradle, but will fail, because like Golden Calf Hebrews from the Bible, or like
Cyclops if you prefer Greek fables, it and its sycophants are sick, blind and insane now
beyond any possibility for redemption, intoxicated by their own narcissism.
How long the white knight will take to emerge is hard to say, but he's eventually coming.
Count on it.
The US always had an establishment. So does every country. And in the past, there were
patriotic American establishments that cared about the people. What happened? Jews took over
as the new masters and severed the ties between white elites and white masses. White elites
now exist to serve Jews than to represent the American People.
Elites are formed by social selection. Fish rots from the head. As Jews at the top favor
the most craven and venal goy cucks for promotion, the result is that the elites get filled
up more and more with venal and craven people. And as people don't want to admit they're
craven and venal, they convince themselves that they're on the side of angels and 'liberal
democracy' even though all they do is serve Wall Street, spread worship of sodomy, and push
for Wars for Israel.
When social selection to the top is predicated on patriotism and national unity, a better
kind of people make it to the top. But when selection is based on obeisance to Jews and all
their agendas(anti-white politics, globo-homo degeneracy, magic negro worship, and etc), then
the result is the elites that the US has today.
There was a time when someone like Pat Buchanan and Paul Craig Roberts could serve in the
US government or work in elite industries. But today, even the most 'right-wing' Republican
would rather be dead than be seen anywhere near such individuals.
The Trumpet hasn't been a victim of any "color revolution", he's been the catalyst for the
US Ziocorporate regime's new phase of "democratic" government:
What's so populist about the Trumpet besides his speechwriters' style? He barely repealed
Bombamacare's forced payment of premiums to corporate health peddlers, but not before
doubling down on the Obama/Biden-backed war on Yemen and giving Ziodi Arabia's royal Salafi
headchoppers $400 billion more in weapons, among other pearls of "populist anti-swamp"
People had to occupy their local and state capitols, not the federal Ziocorporatists'
temple of corporate governance masquerading as public office. Why even leave your own
property unguarded to go fight for some billionaire with a tad too much fake tan, or for his
walking corpse president-elect "rival" for the other side of that same coin, though I doubt
anyone would fight for Kameltoe Biden without being paid in advance.
Great Reset was coming with Trump as it is with Biden either way, there wasn't any time to
be an ignorant partisan tool. Things won't be getting any easier now. Even Mexico with its
CIA/DEA-managed druglord wars is looking tame in comparison.
Trump is a moderate and inherently self-contradictory populist, not a phony populist, but
a flawed populist, and in terms of complete program a meager populist. But give him credit,
his tepid, flawed brand of populism has been spectacularly – popular – with tens
of millions of Americans, and countless others around the planet.
One of his advantages has been that the political leadership stage in not just the United
States but in the 'West' is occupied largely by corrupt pathetic figures who do political
theater, scripted, banal, dishonest political puppetry on behalf of transnational agendas and
powers that be, and their personal advantage. Trump populist program has included giving
priority voice to the 'outdated' concepts of national sovereignty and national interest. He
has been an implicit and explicit critic of the global 'full spectrum domination' American
establishment agenda.
In the land of political midgets a person of even modest stature seems a giant.
But more importantly, Trump is actually a great and singular revolutionary, not in normal
terms, of political ideology, or political program, but in terms of the ability to change and
animate public perceptions. His has been a needed revolution in terms of style and substance:
he has been by far the most effective critic on Earth of and enemy of the mass media mind
control system, a system indispensable to establishment power and agenda.
To the political class and the politically minded who demand and depend upon and find
their comfort in adherence to normal ritualistic banality and bromides, Trump's bombastic out
of bounds style is outrageous, he tossing shocking mental hand grenades like confetti on the
nation, his ejaculations sometimes truthful sometimes false, but often refreshing
entertainment for some and outrageous for others.
Recall for example when he merely stated the obvious about the annual joint military
exercises at the borders of North Korea: he described them as provocative. Howls of foreign
policy outrage over this lapse from scripted normality. How dare Trump utter a simple truth
contradicting our investment of decades of on message propaganda on the subject.
And truth – even little bites of truth – is the great nemesis – the
forbidden fruit that must not be allowed to be shown let alone bitten by the public –
of the corrupt system of public mind control and public exploitation and subjugation.
As response to his fundamental, effective if not outright deadly attack on the mind
control system, and for his espousal of national sovereignty over transnational hegemony, he
has been under continual establishment attack since – actually even before – his
2016 inauguration. Public belief in the veracity of mass media's reliability when it comes to
fairness and accuracy has never been as low.
And something else has happened during the last four years: the public perception of the
ethical rot, the stench, of the cesspool that the establishment occupies has grown greatly.
Beyond Pizza gate and Jeffrey Epstein, there is a greatly increased public opinion and
suspicion and perception that elite power is dependent upon and suffused with and tainted
with that which goes beyond mere typical variations of corruption: that there exists
widespread hitherto unthinkable unspeakable evil that preys on children and innocence.
But now, with the obvious massive coordinated election fraud that was engineered against
what was in fact one of the – if not the – greatest landslide presidential
victories in American history, another great service has been rendered by Trump. And this
service goes far beyond his particular case: The legitimacy of all US elections since the
advent of electronic voting machines is now cast into doubt. That is, the entire US political
class, state, local and federal, has had their legitimacy appropriately undermined. And the
call for election procedures which ensure reasonably fair elections will now be ongoing.
Funny how the MSM apparently missed Trump commuting Jonathan Pollard's sentence and
allowed him to fly back to Israel where he disembarked from his plane and kissed the
I think it might have been George W. Bush who was considering pardoning Pollard and the
various intelligence agencies told him there would be a mutiny if he did. And he didn't.
But now ..crickets?
Pollard should have been in federal prison for life with no parole or executed.
But Trump won't pardon Assange for being a journalist or Snowden for alerting the American
people we are all being surveilled 24/7?
"People who think in terms of party politics have no likelihood of understanding the
situation. The struggle is not Democrats vs. Republicans. or red states vs. blue states. It
is the Establishment against the people."
My dear Mr. Roberts, you hit the nail on the head.
Thanks PCR. My exact thoughts. Definitely DC rally was infiltrated with sole intention of
discrediting Trump and his supporters. And the chorus of "leaders" from US vassals like UK,
Germany, France and others is proof of well choreographed scheme. Where were they when
BLM/Antifa with clear support of Dem politicians rampaged through US cities including DC
I wonder whether people of the US would still consider voting as one of the most important
civic duties. This election steal has shown that even with a landslide win, the establishment
will get its way. Sad.
I watched presentations by independent experts to the Arizona, Georgia, and Michigan
legislatures that proved beyond all doubt the presidential election was stolen.
That the counting was manipulated electronically was proven for me by Shiva Ayyadurai
(MIT) in his interesting video showing the statistically impossible change in voting trend in
the early morning counting.
It is difficult to defend Trump when he consistently puts in charge of his security
agencies and Department of Justice members of the Establishment who hate his guts.
This is a real oddity. At the outset he had a good selection of very loyal people to
choose from – but he dumped them all in favour of Establishment people who have
predictably backstabbed him – even his own Vice President. The only explanation that I
can find is that he doesn't really sympathize with the Deplorables at all (certainly never
spends any time with them) and was just using them as an alternative route to a top
Establishment position. The surprise was that the Establishment then rejected him, despite
his best efforts to ingratiate himself.
What's undeniable, is that the ZioGlob US is starting to look, socially and economically,
like an international basket case. Much of the ROW (Rest Of the World) is moving to separate
from it as fast as possible – ref. trade agreements/international payments/currencies
The filthy old swindler could have easily won re-election if he had done even one tiny
thing for the vast demographic making under $34k per year (the median wage) i.e. the working
poor. He could have pushed for a federally mandated $15/ hour minimum wage. He could have
pushed for a universal basic subsidized medical plan instead of trying to take one away. How
about federal money for a new system of trade schools and vocational training institutes?
Instead, he signed off on massive tax cuts for himself and his wealthy jew sponsors. He
signed off on trillions of dollars for his wall street pals, goosing the stock market into
the stratosphere. The old coot played golf while half the nursing home population was wiped
out by the wu-wu. He started a pointless trade war with China after listening to three of the
dumbest jews on the planet: Munchkin, Krudlow, Koshner jews so stupid they couldn't figure
out how to cheat rubes at a corner furniture store. Endless demagoguery, fake religiosity,
phony nationalism, counterproductive race baiting, shameless nepotism, constant lying .but
then what else would you expect from a former WWE wrestling promoter?
This was a "False Flag" as evidenced by Speaker's Pelosi's 'Purple" dress as she elbow
bump's Pence after he did his dirty deed for the Coup.
Look the whole 'Kabuki' was a set up with Capitol Building guards opening the way for
crowds to mill forward after the professional black block antifa gang made the first assault
on police lines and subsequently forced entry
Trump had told people at the rally to be peaceful and we know that message has been
The Republican Party has been exposed, and all seems like all is lost as it appears, as is
the case that the whole fraud has been accomplished in the open, but I think the wrestling
match is not over, which is why impeachment and or 25th Amendment is what seals the coup, or
unseals sealed indictments, full disclosure and the Seals.
As a lawyer, I am convinced the election was stolen from Trump. I am absolutely stunned at
the total denial of this fact by all and sundry in the Establishment and by the citizenry in
both the USA as well as the West who believe the weaponized press and media. In addition the
Roman Catholic Church has now officially joined this political Establishment.
Post-modernism and multiculturalism have come home to roost.
Truth has been banished from the Western Establishment. What an achievement!
Whether they realize it fully or not, there is nowhere else but Hell that bids them on.
From the real God-fearing understandings of Reality, the anti-Christ/Dajjal now rule the
MAGA couldn't be allowed to Continue.
MAGA had to be cut down.
MIGA couldn't Persist with MAGA. Unfortunately, Trump was a MIGA Player First before being a
MAGA Leader.
Catholics couldn't Persist with MAGA – they gained a POTUS and a SCOTUS Seat this Round
– with a mostly Catholic SCOTUS refusing to hear Electioneering Case Arguments.
OpenBorders wouldn't happen with MAGA.
DNC couldn't Persist with MAGA.
GOP_NeverTrumperz couldn't Persist with MAGA.
McConnell+Chao couldn't Persist with MAGA.
MSM couldn't Persist with MAGA
OffShoring couldn't Persist with MAGA.
FB/TWTR couldn't Persist with MAGA.
This article is above brilliant. Nobody can see the situation as clearly as PCR.
I am glad that Trump is gone. There will be no more somebody for MSM to serve as punching
It is unbelievable to me that Trump did withstand such a deluge of abuse from MSM and
Democrats and deep state. Trump did not have any real support from his coworkers. he was
standing alone.
I agree with Mr. Roberts; a bit of anger increased by the repeat of the "steal" in
Georgia, and a large dollop of agents provocateurs, including the famous viking with an
American flag, created an incident being blown up by the real fascisti, the establishment, as
a new Reichstag fire to set up a permanent dictatorial regime based in Washington. They are
in your face and probably hope for unrest because its suppression will consolidate this
odious regime. The only hope is that temporary instability will instigate a loss of control
over the vassal states and/or economic collapse caused by the authoritarian lockdown policies
will weaken the yankee state enough so that it loses influence. Otherwise, unfortunately, Dr.
Roberts' view of the future unfortunately looks accurate to me.
Alhazred the Capitol Police. She told him that a lot of people feel the police didn't do
enough the day before. He told her that at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning he was told to go
home, along with his fellow policemen. He thought this odd, considering there was going to be
a huge rally taking place that day, but off he went home. After hearing of the breach on the
news, he subsequently returned, but he did this on his own; he hadn't been asked to return.
Makes you wonder if they didn't intentionally short-staff the Capitol Police that day in
order to ensure the outcome they got. Made it much easier for the agent provocateurs to get
The leftwing, or the fraud that passes for one, thinks it is now in the money. This is a
naive expectation. The Establishment is in charge, and there will be no leftist agendas
unless they serve the Establishment. If Antifa and BLM cut up, their funding will be cut
off, and the presstitutes will be sicced on them.
I don't believe this is quite true. The attempt by establishment in the US to use
non-Whites and radical leftists for their own ends brings to mind the attempt by the
establishment of the Weimar Republic to use the Nazis in the same way. When you put
power-hungry people in charge of the levers of power, you shouldn't expect them to pull those
levers according to your instructions.
Trump was so uninformed about Washington that he never succeeded in appointing anyone to
his government, other than General Flynn (an immediate casualty of the Establishment) who
agreed with his agenda of normalizing relations with Russia, bringing the troops home from
the Middle East
I was totally opposed to the railroading of Flynn, and while it is true that he
represented a breath of fresh air on Syrian and Russian issues, unfortunately, he–like
pretty much everyone else in Washington–is an Iran-hawk. Thus, I doubt he was actually
in favor of a total ME pull-out, though it is probably true that he would have pulled us out
from Syria if he could have.
Because of his brash, entertaining style of hitting back against the entire
MSM, it seems so much easier now to spot the stringpullers and start connecting the dots. Why
does the media speak with one voice always in support of the Establishment? Why is everything
portrayed by them so falsely and one-sidededly? Who is benefitting from the trajectory being
so relentlessly pushed by them? I see Trump's legacy as having awakened a sleeping giant,
despite the many ways he betrayed the ideals of his moving inauguration speech. How will the
Establishment's coming suppression of free speech for the purpose of attempting to put this
genie back in the bottle be resisted?
Schulosi know that the 25th Amendment move could easily be foiled by Trump long enough to
run out the clock. What they really want and it is being loudly telegraphed in the media is
for Congress to go the Impeachment/removal/bar from future Federal office route as a
dubiously legal Bill of Attainder to prevent Trump from ever again ascending to the pinnacle
of power. Mr. Biden's remarks yesterday seem to suggest Mr. Trump is not going to get the
same professional courtesy that Mr. Trump showed to the Obama regime saboteurs who worked
from well before the 2016 and well into the Trump administration to bring it down.
Trump has been entertaining, much like the old train wreck shows in days of old, but now
he has to accept that his brand has been thoroughly derailed...
The mainstream media and the Harris/Biden gang won't leave Donald Trump and his family
peace until he is destroyed. Craig Roberts described in his excellent article that the script
transforms the US into a "benign" dictatorship. There won't ever be fair and democratic
elections in the so-called beacon of democracy. The Democrats, their Billionaire instigators,
and their storm troopers such as BLM and ANTIFA will transform the US into a living hell for
whites. The brainwashing of the public and the President's framing has been started with
Trump's victory over a corrupt and criminal Hillary Clinton in 2016. In retrospect, it will
look like a child's play what's in the offing for the country in the future.
What happened on Capitol Hill was people power. The phony US political class supported
people power in Georgia, Serbia, Belarus, Ukraine, Venezuela, Moldova, Iran, Hong Kong, to
name a few, not to forget the so-called color revolutions and the Arab spring that were
instigated and organized by George Soros' "Open Society," the CIA and their Western
intelligence supporters.
On every American, Gender ideology will be forced on them. If it doesn't work, reeducation
camps such as in North Korea will be welcome them.
Don't be naïve. Israel's self-proclaimed 'guardian,' Chuck Shumer, is now Senate
Majority Leader. The zio-state will do just fine. Wish I could say the same about my own
I am not surprised by this. In fact, nothing that happens surprises me anymore. I expect
bad things to happen in a world like this.
Perhaps I can understand the thinking of Trump supporters such as the ones in the above
image. They believe that the electoral process has been subverted and that an election that
should have been Trump's has gone to Biden instead. They are outraged. They are rioting and
revolting in response. Unfortunately, these people are misguided.
1, Trump is a Snake and has been a HORRIBLE President. Why fight to defend him? I could
see defending him if he actually did something for America but he did nothing but Tweet. He
does not deserve another four years of the same.
2. The entire American political process is owned by Jewish interests. It was this way
long ago and it is certainly this way now. Whoever wins serves Jewish interests and the Jews
make damn well sure of it. Nobody who is hostile towards Jews stands of chance of getting in
the White House. Only Jewish puppets become President. So stop crying Trump supporters and
wake the fuck up.
3. There are reasons to Revolt against the System but this is not one of them. If you are
going to revolt, revolt for the right reason, not in defense of a lying Jewish scumbag like
4. Trump is directly to blame for this violence. He incited his followers to do this and
then he accepts no blame for it afterwards. Very typical behavior for a lying narcissist like
Trump who wraps himself in the American Flag when he is really just a selfish Bastard who
wants to remain in the White House for his own Egotistical reasons.
5. As a former Trump supporter, all I can tell current Trump supporters is that you have
to wise up and realize that the man you are supporting is not worthy of being supported. You
have to wake up to Trump as I had to wake up. He is not who he says he is. He is a liar and
deceiver who plays on your ignorance and uses your Patriotism to get you to support him
personally. See through his con game.
6. I suspect that this rioting in Washington D.C. is not spontaneous but has been
carefully planned in advance by the Jews who use Trump Supporters the same way as they use
Antifa. Its all controlled opposition being used to sway the opinion of the American public
in a direction that the Jews will use in their favor to further divide Americans from each
other. IMO the above image was Staged meaning that these riots were planned and executed in
the same way as the George Floyd riots were. Never trust a lying scheming Jew not to be
I agree with the writer of this comment and his criticism of Coulter. US subservience to
Israel began under harry Truman, who recognized Israel in 1948 with this comment: "I have
600,000 Jews and no Arabs." We have seen academia, politics, and industry all become
pro-Zionist despite Washington's comment in his Farewell Address that the US should not
became attached to any foreign nation or permanently hate any foreign nation. The hated
nation has become Russia, and the Democrats have blamed Russia for Trump. But it was
Americans who voted for Trump, and fortunately the EC went in his favor. No wonder Hillary
wants to abolish it.
After all of Trump's promises to "drain the swamp" and "make America great again" he's
managed only to usher in a post-democratic America. In typical Trump style he incited his
supporters and after promising to lead them not only abandoned them but disavowed them and
sent in the troops to quell them.
On the 20th Joe Biden will be inaugurated as president of the corpse of America.
Considering the shameful circumstances of his "victory" it will be fitting that he wears a
mask for the occasion.
roy (the ones that, until recently, were independent and therefore a threat).
So, obviously from my last point, I'm not denying their destructive power. Not at all.
It's only too easy to see. I'm denying their ability to manage themselves now that there is
absolutely no obstacle to that power. No obstacle in the West, that is.
They might be partners in crime with The CCP. But it's a dependent relationship and in no
way a friendly one. No one kisses the ass of a friend. Say what you want about The CCP, it
does not, unlike the now completely defeated host populations of the West, strike one as
being all that into power-sharing.
As a final going away present Agent Orange turns on his own supporters. This fraud has no
right to complain about stolen elections or how Pence let him down. None of our problems will
be solved by voting.
You do know a guy name Milton Friedman was the architect for Reagan economics? For the
record we are currently living thru long term dystopia effects of Reagan economics.
Well I'm now depressed, and I voted for the color flag revolution. I didn't predict this
milquetoast one. The storming of the capital was kinda lame, although it did make me laugh.
Guess when you control both sides you really don't need to go hot. The deep staters must be
thrilled they could protect their left wing assets with this one by using Qtards instead.
However there are a lot of things that make you "hmm?". My favorite being the black cop and a
Maga protester doing a slow walk up some stairs with a guy above them taping everything. Odd
but hilarious. Speaking of odd, where were all the Proud Boys? Seems they went poof to live
another day.
Sadly the peculiar and unnecessary murder of Ashli Babbit seems to give Qanon life after
Trump with a martyr. Give the deep state credit they do think ahead. Guess I have cheered
myself up, apparently they aren't done with us yet. My guess is they still need us to keep
the lights on and sewer systems running. Also burly white dudes seem to be the preferred
choice for private security.
So CIA wins again. They stole the election and stuck Biden's reanimated corpse in there.
And now they'll shake him around like a Barbie and make him talk while they blow shit up.
All Trump did was tease them about killing JFK and knocking down the WTC, which everybody
already knows. And Trump wouldn't sit still for their brainwashing briefings, at first. Trump
was no Nixon, turning CIA inside out with Schlesinger at DCI. Trump had no one in congress
like Pike or even Church.
Back then CIA purged Nixon. Don Gregg threatened congress with martial law. And that was
nothing. Look what the ratfuckers at Langley were willing to do to get Trump out. They framed
Flynn to cut him off from Turmp. They took SARS-COV-2 off the shelf and used it on us,
destroyed the economy and killed us, 300 thousand of us and counting. They infected the whole
world to cover their tracks, killed 1.7 million human beings so far. CIA did everything they
could to start a war with Russia and called Trump a Russian agent, making shit up to frame
him too.
Now we see how CIA controls us. We know now that there is nothing CIA won't do to stay in
power. It's like Zappa said: when they were ready, they took away the stage set and left us
looking at a blank brick wall. It's like Rockefeller said: They Control it. All of it.
At this point, anybody who won't face this totalitarian state is not worth listening to
for a second, they're not worth a pound of warm shit. Prouty told you fifty years ago, the
whole world knows who runs this country. CIA.
So just cut the shit. Face facts. They stormed the wrong capitol. We can't escape. We need
the outside world to free us.
...Trump is a populist, not a revolutionary. And when faced with a revolution moment he
had no clue what else to do. I believe Trump supporters, the Deplorables, are the real
substantive patriots. They are sensible and want a stable America. Unfortunately their
opponents the Dems/Leftists and all other assorted groupings just want to win even if they
burn the whole of US. These people worship god of mammon and nothing else...
It seems to me the intent of the Trump supporters was merely to occupy the Capitol and
according to those who were interviewed "make their voices heard". I think those were the
words of Ashli Babbitt about an hour before she was gunned down by a black cop as well as a
few other interviews I came across.
That's neither intent to commit treason nor sedition. At most they are guilty of
trespassing on federal grounds which apparently is now a grievous federal offense if you hold
right of center political opinions. The person who killed a Capitol police officer and those
who destroyed property have some additional legal problems but that's still a far cry from
But let's reverse all this and say that Trump was accused of stealing the election from
Joe Biden because of the suspicious and massive ballot dumps 95-100% for Trump in all
battleground states between 1am and 6:34am after election day along with other
irregularities. Then when legal remedies were sought the corrupt state and federal courts
refused to hear or allow discovery in the vast majority of them using "laches", standing and
other pretexts.
Radical left mobs would have stormed the capitol building and it would be encouraged and
supported by the media and all Democrats. Chris Cuomo or some other leftist shitlord would be
telling us that "this is what happens when Republicans steal an election." Republicans would
be so intimidated that they would probably overturn the election in favor of Joe Biden.
If a female black Biden protester was shot by a white Capitol cop then it would be "say
her name" and the white cop would be immediately fired and probably in FBI custody for a hate
crime. Blacks would destroy D.C. again while authorities did little.
@Katrinka PCR
thinks Trump is the victim of a color revolution when in fact Trump is leading a color
The basis of a color revolution is a claim of a fraudulent election, this was the case in
Ukraine, Venezuela, and Belarus. It is Trump who claimed the election was fraudulent, and if
you follow StormFront you'll know that the Trumpers are now claiming that the entire voting
process in the US is a fraud and worthless.
In the US it is Trump and Trumpers like PCR who are now ripping apart the fabric of US
society, on the basis of endless allegations of a fraudulent election that evaporate with a
moments scrutiny.
The owners of America have decided. You plebes will do as you are told and the owners will
do what they want.
Trump's owners, the military industrial complex and the zionist lobby, have thrown him
under the bus. Bummer dude but you don't get to be "the one". It is so easy to manipulate ego
What deal did they cut with Biden's owners (media (all 6), med-mafia (pharma on top), tech
and CIA+lawfare (DOJ, FBI, IRS))?
1) Biden will NOT end the sanctions against Iran. He may say "we'll negotiate" but it will
drag on forever.
2) The MIC gets to keep the "civilian special forces" and most importantly control of the
So after doing all the dirty work Trump gets thrown under the bus. LMAO. Will he be a
broken man like LBJ or Nixon or will he drift off into irrelevance like most of the rest?
transformation of the United States from a democracy accountable to the people to an
oligarchy of entrenched vested interests.
That transformation happened decades ago. The only difference is, in 2020 (both before the
elections and in November massive fraud) the beast showed its ugly mug more clearly than
Seeing those geriatric demonrats on their knees with their kente cloths, paying homage to
a dead drug addict was one of the more hysterical moments of 2020.
Ducks 8 hours ago
Its a disgusting image. and my Black American peers agree.
Is-Be 9 hours ago
The word missing is "chutzpah".
bobroonie 9 hours ago
Watching scummy democrats in pro slavery garb bend the knee for a POS that OD'd is comedy
u25dtp1 8 hours ago
Is that what they were doing, I thought they were looking for Nancy's Ben and Jerrys.
Sorry, My irrationality
radical-extremist 8 hours ago
They do it because it works. Democrats love the theater. They don't mind being lied to if
it benefits them. Many of them actually believe it's not theater and that their political
heroes are being authentic and sincere....with crocodile tears, feigned outrage and other
drama techniques. I would have to give Adam Schiff an Oscar, but Chuck Schumer definitely
gets second place.
"... On the other side in Kiev was a hesitant, slothful and – it has to be said – corrupt, President, who failed to rouse and organise his supporters. Which is why they put up no resistance to the mob of neo-Nazi thugs who did for the elite in Maidan Square what their Antifa and BLM counterparts are on standby to do outside the White House. ..."
"... This didn't happen overnight, the (((social engineers))) started putting on their (((small hats))) and really gearing up the game shortly after "winning World War II" and "saving the World from fascism." ..."
"... Presidents like Reagan and Trump didn't do America any favors when all is said and done, and both were/are feckless and worthless at the end of the day ..."
The moment Donald Trump drove through the MillionMAGA march to play golf was the moment
America's fate was sealed. It was as if the Continental Army had marched to Valley Forge, only
to see Washington saddle up and head back home for the winter, giving his men a kind word and
dismissive wave as he rode away.
First the positives. Despite widespread attempts at sabotage by NGOs, law enforcement
agencies and Democrat activists, the turn-out was fantastic. In Britain and online, the
absolute silence by the right-wing flagship the Daily Mail, and the sneers and absurd lies
about numbers from the Guardian, Independent and the BBC, spoke volumes for how shocked the
liberal elite were by the endless convoys and the vast and enthusiastic crowd. And, at the end
of a great day, despite waiting until they could pick off stragglers, the paid and cowardly
thugs of Antifa frequently got the painful lesson they so richly deserve.
But we have to be realistic; the historically significant highpoint of the day was the
President's failure to join his vast army of loving, angry and motivated supporters. This was a
terrible and tragic error which will cost Donald Trump and America dear.
What should have happened? At the very least, the President should gave given up an
afternoon's golf and spent a couple of hours with his crowd, chatting and giving the lucky few
the selfies of their lives. A couple of hours returning the love and telling the faithful to be
on standby and to get organised. This isn't exactly political rocket science, it's just common
sense and decency.
You can measure the missed opportunity and the mentality of the man by asking: what would
George Washington have done? Or Teddy Roosevelt, or JFK, or even Reagan or Obama? Anyone of
them would have stood on the back of a pick-up, taken a bullhorn and given the speech of his
life, the speech that made all the difference. Donald Trump gave a few waves and went off in
his armoured limo to play golf.
Purple Revolution
It was vital to seize that opportunity. This is not a time for golf, or any other game. We
are in the middle of the moment that is set to end America as a free Republic under the rule of
law. Not just Donald Trump, but the whole of the USA faces a shattering coloured
Soros, Hillary and the rest of the core conspirators have already even picked the hue; it's
to be named after the favourite, preachy liberal movie, The Color Purple. But the real colour
is red, the colour of the innocent blood that will flow when their rough beast sinks its fangs
into the exposed throat of the old America these people hate.
The coloured revolution road map has already been tried and tested by the Washington liberal
Deep State, most dramatically and bloodily with Victoria Nuland/Kagan taking the steering wheel
in the Ukraine. There too, nearly half of the population wanted the 'revolution' against their
democratically elected government, while the other half were strongly opposed to it. But the
'revolutionary' side were backed by the lovely Victoria with her bag of cookies. Plus George
Soros and the Deep State machine which "invested $5 billion to promote democracy in
On the other side in Kiev was a hesitant, slothful and – it has to be said –
corrupt, President, who failed to rouse and organise his supporters. Which is why they put up
no resistance to the mob of neo-Nazi thugs who did for the elite in Maidan Square what their
Antifa and BLM counterparts are on standby to do outside the White House.
Only once the capital had already fallen, and once the black block death squads had murdered
scores of the defeated President's supporters in Odessa and elsewhere, did a disorganised
resistance emerge. The result was civil war and secession by the eastern core of the
anti-liberal block.
In the case of Ukraine, the anti-liberal rebels were able to hold their own, largely thanks
to the help of their Christian big brother in neighbouring Russia. Ordinary Americans driven to
attempt secession from the coming Harris tyranny would, by contrast, face not just cowardly but
highly organised Marxist militias, but a highly politicised and weaponised FBI, and a military
in which the purge of traditionalist officers initiated by Obama will go into overdrive the
minute Joe Biden is sitting in the Oval Office wondering where he is, and why the dusky tea
lady keeps giving him papers to sign.
America and her people face an existential danger. And if Donald Trump wants to avoid an
Epstein-style death in prison, he needs to do much, much more. The revolutionary time calls not
for golf, nor even giant but essentially aimless protests, but for real leadership and a
A Moment to Organise
The huge pro-Trump march should have been used to create instant grass-roots organisation.
Speaking to the crowd, President Trump should have announced that his mass communication to his
followers would from then on be not enemy-run and –censored Twitter, but Parler,
Telegram, Gab and at least one free speech Facebook alternative.
He should have had teams out there making direct contact with pick-up truck drivers,
collecting names, phone numbers, emails and social media handles. These men are the natural
officers and NCOs of a grass-roots movement. They are already self-selected not only for
loyalty but also for personal competence. They are overwhelming self-employed businessmen with
drive, respect and track records of success. Between them they own the biggest fleet of
go-anywhere, do-anything vehicles in the world.
He should have told them to choose delegates there and then, and got them to an
organisational meeting. It would have been huge and difficult to handle; making absolutely the
right contacts would have been hit and miss, but those who stepped forward would all at least
have been truly onside. If Donald Trump belatedly sees the need for a nationwide network of
Stop the Steal clubs, he now has little choice but to call for volunteers through Twitter. Even
if Jack Dorsey lets him do it, it's guaranteed that those responding would include a pack of
Fed stooges and Democrat trolls.
The President should have co-opted Stop the Tire truckers' movement by calling for a short,
symbolic total lockdown of fuel and supply chains to Democrat-run cities – to show that
whatever chaos BLM can bring, it's nothing compared to what Middle America can do if the elite
and mobs of parasites steal the last majority presidency before demographic change finishes the
job anyway. Even if the truckers' protests leaders proved reluctant to make such a political
move, some of their rank-and-file owner-drivers would certainly answer such a call – as
would thousands of pick-up drivers.
Donald Trump should have spoken to the vast crowd of the fate of America's farmers at the
hands of a climate-obsessed, meat-averse, fuel-taxing Democrat junta. The farmers have the
means and motive to make an enormous practical contribution to a conservative revolutionary
struggle. But only if they are asked and organised, and there will never be anyone with the
authority and pulling power the current President of the United States had that day and with
that crowd in Washington DC.
While creating such a sword of Damocles to hold over the heads of his opponents, Trump
should have concentrated primarily on announcing a rolling series of giant rallies, four or
five a day, criss-crossing the country, building the grass-roots machine.
Missed Opportunity
All this and more was there for the taking but, as we know, the priceless opportunity was
missed. Could the man responsible suddenly wake up, learn from his mistake and seize the moment
next time? In theory, yes, and if Donald Trump happens to read this and belatedly decide to
act, all those thousands of people – and more – would come again if he asked them
But we must be realistic. Why would he change? It was a revolutionary moment, and a
revolutionary leader would have seized it. Imagine Paul Revere, Smedley Butler, Father
Coughlin, Huey Long, or even Martin Luther King – what they would have done? But Donald
Trump is a populist, not a revolutionary. And we have to assume that he is incapable of
He's not a revolutionary, he's a businessman and naïve patriot who rode- at great
personal cost – the last desperate wave of anger and worries over the elite's murder of
America. Or – just possibly – he does actually get it, but doesn't want to get
shot, although in fact that would surely beat dying in prison.
Whatever the underlying reason for his missing the great opportunity, he let it slip through
his fingers. Instead of resolute action we saw a flurry of tweets, blaming the Democrat mayor
for failing to protect his supporters from the jackal packs of leftists who came out once most
of the protesters had left.
It's the same behaviour pattern as his referencing the Proud Boys while letting the Feds
jail patriots for defending themselves. The repeated complaints about liberal social media
censorship, followed by doing nothing to stop his support base being massacred online. Or that
Wall, which was then going to have gates through which illegals could pour to undercut the
wages of his poorest and most needy voters. Bluster. Promises. Inaction. The pattern has been
set for a long, long time.
So if he now does anything at all, it is clear that Donald Trump is going to rely in the
first instance on courts. His calculation is presumably that three of the nine Supreme Court
justices are his appointees, while Clarence Thomas was viciously slandered by then-Senator Joe
Biden during his 1990 confirmation. If Chief Justice John Roberts, once upon a time an
arch-conservative, goes for Trump, that is 5-4.
It would be wonderful if The Donald manages to get a decisive set of actions into the
Supreme Court and if the arithmetic worked out like that. Then we'd just have the question of
the Purple Revolution Maidan mobs to answer.
But this, remember, is the legal system which – despite now supposedly being in the
hands of 'conservatives' – specifically opened the way for the mass mail-in ballots which
facilitated the Great Steal in the first place. They have already sold the legal pass to fraud.
And that was without the huge psychological weight which would be thrown at the judges by
gigantic and ultra-violent Antifa/BLM demonstrations if a couple of unexpected decisions in
Trump's favour began to put Biden's supposed majority in jeopardy.
In a similar vein, Trump may still believe he can win through the constitutional procedure
where each state casts one vote in a contested election outcome. After all, goes this line of
thought, 31 of the 50 states are Republican-controlled. True, but how many senior Republicans
are actually on the side of the populist President who commandeered their vehicle four years
ago? It's not just the open Never Trumpers who will stab him in the back if it comes to
Others who still have faith in President Trump are pinning their hopes on recounts. I can
inform this debate with personal experience. During my time electioneering with the British
National Party, I spent years fighting leftists who were armed with swamping quantities of
mail-in ballots. One of the key reasons we horrified them by winning elections against the odds
for ten solid years was that we made the effort to master the same techniques and, as far as
possible given our very limited resources, to use them ourselves.
... ... ...
Just look at the behaviour of the US Army during Obama's utterly disgusting and truly wicked
war against secular, democratic, tolerant Syria. The generals and the intelligence services
were delighted to arm and train thousands of cut-throat Islamist scum, knowing full-well that
their precious 'moderate rebels' would use their Operation Timber Sycamore arms bonanza to
slaughter Syrian Christians with even more enthusiasm than they would murder other minorities
and pro-Assad genuinely moderate Muslims.
While the top brass went along with the revolting plan, it was ordinary Green Beret non-coms
who did what little they could to salvage a shred of moral decency for America by deliberately
sabotaging the training operations they were ordered to run in Jordan for Secretary of State
Clinton's pet Jihadis. But not even they openly disobeyed orders; they merely did as little as
possible while obeying them.
... ... ...
Nick Griffin, a graduate in History & Law from Cambridge University, is a former Member
of the European Parliament and one-time leader of the British National Party.
There is a vast difference between the USA and America. Trumps preference for Golf over
tending to those who exerted the effort to show up at his political death bed shows clearly
shows how little the office of the president cares about America, its all about the USA and
the commercial feudal lords that own the USA and this condition is basically them same nation
states of the western world. .
The American victim of private public media propaganda causes the media infected American
to believe somehow that the USA government, which is a republic owned by oligarchs, is
somehow a democracy just waiting to serve the interest of those it governs.
No part of the election is national. The states conduct the voting for the House o
Representatives, for the two senate seats, and the organizes and appoints the members of the
electoral college and then oversees the election result of the electoral college.
So Americans are given three votes to vote 3 persons to fill one each of the 527 elected
places in the government: one vote for one member of from their voting district (1 out 424
other house members) and 2 votes ( but there are 98 other Senators voters cannot vote for),
one for each of the two Senators from the home state of the voter.
Graham Greene wrote that most men's lives have a turning point; a point of no return. (He
added that they do not recognize it at the time.) I have always believed that this can be
said of institutions and countries. Many commenters on this webzine have likewise been
interested in this concept during recent years. These commenters have speculated upon when
that moment occurred for the United States. Please correct me if you disagree, but I believe
that the most common candidates for "the moment" of death were: (1) The Kennedy
assassination, and (2) The immigration act of 1965. Of course, it can be logically argued
that (2) occurred as a consequence if (1).
The non-occurring rallying speech by Mr. Trump was not the moment America died, because
America's fate was sealed a long time ago. The unraveling was already quite irreversible.
@mister wong litist
leaders especially one like the orange idiot, who openly murders a leader of a foreign
country, part of a volume of nasty, anti-popular policies of his administration.
the peoples angry mood precipitated by long term elitist exploitation/oppression, peaking
at this fake SARS-Covid moment, should simply refocus, rather redirect to a focus on the
system itself to attacking the system fully, along with the entire elite – including
Trump: With the intent and purpose of killing the system, removing the elite from the social
power, and creating in the vacuum a form form of society relevant to popular need, which in
general participatory process they carry comprehensively and unstoppably forward
I remember watching a video of you talking about how Zionists and banking interests
approached you and the BNP in order to make the movement sell out, by not talking about the
interest slavery and foreign wars. I wonder if you could one day write an article on this
encounter, it would be hugely informative to get a first hand account of how nationalist
movements are subverted and in the case they do not kowtow to Jewish power, are ultimately
Well, boys and girls, welcome to the club. Watching the march live streamed online was a
vivid reminder of the protests I joined in the Sixties. Same excitement, same camaraderie,
same sense of speaking out in public against grotesque injustice. And the same, virulently
hostile media coverage: the legitimacy of the grievances never acknowledged. The size of the
demonstrations always way, way underestimated. And way back when, the longest TV interviews
were always with some weirdo "lone counter-protestor" guy. And the cops, you'll find, are
more than happy to crack your head no matter what your politics are.
Funny how the obvious conclusion, that Mr. T has no respect the people he's been lying to
for four years, has eluded this partisan author. I am expecting one accomplishment from
Sleepy Joe, to do what today seems impossible, but what every American president has done
since Nixon: he'll make his predecessor look like a competent statesman by comparison.
We're not going back to any place we've been -- that much, I can see.
You're right, as is Mr Griffin. All Western societies are going through the bottleneck at
this period. Much of what we have cherished will not survive this experience. Other things
will be misshapen and barely recognisable as a result. We are going to a place we have never
been before. Traditional solutions will not, as you say, put Humpty Dumpty back together.
You're more pessimistic than I am. But time will tell. I only wish I were younger and could
take a more active role in the coming struggle.
If Trump is so adamant about draining the swamp one small jester he could perform is the
pardon of Assange and Snowden. Not much chance of that happening.
Spirit of Enoch Powell e unbowed. I don't think any columnist or commenter at UR has
faced that sort of ordeal. There can be no criticism of the man's courage.
He was always of an independent cast of mind and has altered his views in the light of
events, as all historians should. So I was very pleased to read his thoughtful article here
at UR. Hopefully, there will be more.
He was always a very capable organiser, which is what he is saying White Conservatives should
do from the grass roots. He reformed, re-organised and made the BNP electorally relevant
almost single-handedly. Nick Griffin may be finished with politics, but I don't think
politics is finished with him.
You clearly know nothing about Antifa. They are thugs, but deeply cowardly. There wouldn't
have been a single one in the midst of that vast crowd during the day.
An unscheduled appearance there would have been about the safest place Trump could ever
be. And, in any case, he's what, 74, and facing years or worse in prison if he loses. How
much of a deterrent should the chance of getting shot atbe? Plus he's part Scotch-Irish so
for all his faults, I doubt he's a coward.
Meanwhile The Glorious Leader wants to attack Iran as a parting gift to his benefactors.
How that would further the cause of white emancipation is for the dear reader to figure
Trump could have addressed his fan crowd from behind bulletfree glass, like for example
this guy:
And continuing his journey to his golf course while his people need him, is testimony to
his selfish and narcissistic character. Trump is a failed Messiah.
To qualify as "far-right" by current Western media, politicians and "academics", one only
needs to have circa 1990 conservative social and political views.
To be labeled as extreme or ultra far-right one only needs to have circa 1975 conservative
social and political views.
I'd place myself in about the 1985 bracket – so I guess I'd be considered very
All utter bollox, of course, but we need to face facts and know that it's the Left that
holds the public microphone.
Thanks Nick, a fantastic article that really puts everything in place. For years, many
nationalists have been saying "we're not voting our way out of this", and it's as true as
Trump's supporters came from all over America last weekend to show their love for Trump
and their country and all they got in return was a brief wave from the limo as Trump went to
play golf. And that pretty much sums up how Trump regards the common, working class White
Americans who are his key supporters. Even with the security risk, could he not have at least
shouted a few words of encouragement from the limo? Could he not have cancelled his precious
game of golf and worked to at least show he cared?
Doesn't matter now. Trump, his wife and kids are all going to lose their wealth or end up
in prison.
Trump had a chance to save America and himself (and his family) and he blew it. Now we
have to focus on survival.
This is one of those essays that ought to be read top to bottom several times by every
responsible American. It apparently requires the perspective of an active man from an ancient
civilization to properly analyze this moment in time.
Correct about the MAGA march moment. Trump betrayed his followers many times over during
the last four years, but it could always be attributed to some sense of the politics of the
moment. The Saturday head fake was the most egregious because no temporary tactical advantage
was at stake. It was pure strategic opportunity and would have been grasped by any genuine
leader of men.
The story of the Trump presidency is clear. He saw an opening to a grand new egotistical
adventure in 2015 and, like any exploiter of feminine emotion, gripped the bit in his teeth
and galloped through. (Mixing metaphors is a good thing). He had no intention of marrying the
Your discussion of the mechanics of balloting is especially informative. Once a ballot is
counted or in the box, there is nothing to differentiate it as one that's been cast in
person, mailed, forged by an office worker or gathered by Democrat operatives. Still, I
suspect that the cheating was all done legally, as you say.
I think that the key moment in the election was when Trump gave credence to the Wuhan Flu
pandemic. He singled out Generalissimo Fauci as the man in charge of the nation and stood
with him every day as the fear-mongering bastard ripped into our work, our worship and our
human solidarity. If Trump had the balls or the brilliance he advertises, he'd have squelched
that crap at the start.
UNFORTUNATELY, this article is SPOT ON. America and Trumpstein MISSED AGAIN. Cue: Phil
Collins " I Missed Again" circa 1981.
I've been holding on and looking for the great American comeback, but I think even I felt
it wasn't going to happen. Been feeling it wasn't going to happen for a long time now.
Started way back when I saw the Rodney King riots of 1992. I watched as a feckless Pappy Bush
sat on his hands while "teens" rampaged, burned, looted, attacked and murdered at will in the
City Of Angels for days. We saw a feckless police force "stand by" and offer little if any
meaningful opposition to the thugs. Whites being attacked for wearing the wrong skin color. A
year later, Waco, then the following year, OJ walks and a crowd of Blacks gathered outside
the court house cheer as the double murderer walks free of all charges. The Mexican invasion
in my neck of the woods, Florida at the time, started becoming more obvious by the day about
the time Dubya stole the election from Gore. Not a Gore fan at all, but this was another
OBVIOUS stolen election, and believe me, I think there have been more than a couple IF we
knew the truth. It seems that the Mexicans ( as well as Haitians) really started a run for
the border as soon as old Dubya got in, I mean Florida wasn't Montana, had plenty of
(((diversity))) but other than the seasonal fruit pickers, it wasn't known for Mexicans.
This didn't happen overnight, the (((social engineers))) started putting on their (((small
hats))) and really gearing up the game shortly after "winning World War II" and "saving the
World from fascism."
I really noticed how they kicked it up a notch or two in the Nineties
and how they have went ALL OUT in the last decade. Could've, should've, would've, existed
back in the 1980s really and America or better yet, TRADITIONAL AMERICA was too busy being
coked up yuppies and worshiping an ex-(((Hollywood ACTOR))) named Ronald Reagan, who
basically followed the (((same program))) as others before him while being everyone's
favorite grandpa.
Presidents like Reagan and Trump didn't do America any favors when all is
said and done, and both were/are feckless and worthless at the end of the day. Hey, what did
you expect, (((an ex-actor))), and a (((New York businessman, television star.))) "Come on,
The slogans against open immigration to the US remind of the premature attempts at
abolishing serfdom in Russia. At the end of the 18th century, a German-born Russian empress
convened an all-Russia assembly re serfdom to learn that all societal layers preferred to
have serfs. In the US, all businesses want to have super-cheap labor.
Massive crowds of people converged at Freedom Plaza in Washington on Saturday, joining other
rallies around the country to show support for President Donald Trump and ask for fairness in
the election process.
As The Epoch Times' Allen Zhong reports , the participants marched to the U.S. Supreme
Court holding signs that read "Stop the Steal," "Make America Fair Again," and "Trump 2020."
Before the start of the march, the crowd heard speeches from prominent Trump supporters
including Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) and My Pillow founder Mike Lindell. Several other
prominent figures including Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) and former Trump advisor Sebastian Gorka
were also on the speaking list.
Participants chanted slogans calling to "stop the steal," which is also the name of the
grassroots movement organizing the event in part. Organizer Ali Alexander told The Epoch Times
in a previous interview that the events are a grassroots effort by a coalition of about a
hundred activists and influencers to show "support for President Trump and fair elections and
transparent counting."
Similar events, although smaller in scale, were organized in around 50 other states on the
same day.
Everything was very peaceful (not just mostly peaceful) until the crowds started to disperse
and groups of BLM and Antifa activists began to appear, agitating attendees, and eventually
turning to violence... even against children.
The most disturbing piece of footage depicts a family being attacked by Antifa. A mother is
seen attempting to flee the area with her small daughter. He daughter is eventually thrown to
the ground in the middle of a fight.
So - when will the media admit that the boarding up of stores/businesses/homes ahead of the
election was not out of fear of a Biden victory, but a Trump win and the inevitable
mostly-non-peaceful attacks and looting that would inevitably follow.
Norma had been vocal about her support for President Donald Trump before the election, and
sees no reason to stop now. "I'm supporting Trump right up until the very end," Scott said in
her Trump shirt and buttons, carrying a flag.
ay_arrow 2 Macho Latte , 12 hours ago
Some footage shows people crying in fear as they are pursued by the militants.
FingerInTheDarkness , 12 hours ago
Was it only women that went?
Leakanthrophy , 9 hours ago
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
It is about time for good folks to start getting their hands dirty.
The problem with "good folks" is that they always count on others to fix things for them.
For 4y they counted on Trump to move his magic wand and fix things for them. Now they feel
the burn. There's no Dirty Harry, there's no John Rambo, there's no John McLane, there's no
Walt Kowalski coming to cover your ***.
Don't let anyone mess with you, you mess with them!
PS Learn from a teenager: Kyle Rittenhouse. The kid had more balls than all that million
MAGA circus parade.
Leroy Whitby , 2 hours ago
OK, macho guy. You want women to man up and not cry? Not everyone is a warrior. Those who
are though better see this and know that this is the moment. If they steal this election
there is no other. If we win, don't forget and go back to sleep.
ImGumbydmmt , 11 hours ago
Anyone notice the guy with the Gadson Flag,
Came along side the mom with the stroller to defend her, and was assaulted by BLM thugs
for doing so, and he was knocked down and into the little girl, as soon as this happens the
cop jumps his *** and drags him off the fence line, few seconds later you can see he is back
to fence about to be arrested and like:
"WHAT? Why did you jump me when they are the agresser?".
Expect nothing better from the police ANYWHERE in the USA when the time comes.
If I'm ever doing to be arrested for a felony, My only hope they have to trip and stumble
over a $hit ton scattered of brass and empty mags all around me when they come.
At which point, they'll still to deal with my E-tool.
Being nice hasn't gotten us anywhere so now it's time to put the smack down! And if this
is what they want, then that's what they're going to get but their handlers Arent gonna be
able to control what they're going to unleash!
they've gotten soft and overconfidence and that will be their undoing
nmewn , 11 hours ago
Nothing says "Black Lives Matter" like...BLM & Antifa thugs assaulting an interracial
couple pushing their babies in a stroller while their preteen children cry in fear.
Well done commies, you're giving this new young generation something to despise you for
even more than I do.
JRobby , 9 hours ago
They are essentially total cowards. They never go after anyone or a group that WILL fight
back, ever.
It's always single younger or older people, women and now that they know they are losing,
even children.
nmewn , 8 hours ago
@JRobby, this is true.
In my previous fights with these communist thugs their modus operandi is to pick out one
or two victims, then harass them...only for the purpose of...getting them to fixate on the
harassers to the front of them...while...others sneak up from behind with a sucker punch or a
They DO NOT FIGHT mano a mano (with or without weapons) because they always lose that
A word to the wise, if they are confronting you, ALWAYS look behind you, because at least
one is coming from there ;-)
eftian , 11 hours ago
The military is on our side dip****.
Quia Possum , 10 hours ago
The Obama-installed generals and admirals sure aren't. The enlisted? They have large
contingents of gang members and foreigners seeking citizenship, neither of whom are on our
side. And I seriously doubt many of the other enlisted, even ones who in their hearts are "on
our side", are going to risk refusing to follow orders from said Obama generals.
This sounds awfully like the quasi-religious belief that the police are "on our side",
which didn't last long beyond the video of cops standing back and watching as antifa and BLM
burned, looted, and beat up and even murdered conservatives. The police and military are on
the side of getting paid, nothing else.
Okienomics , 9 hours ago
Millions of veterans say otherwise, starting with this one.
Quia Possum , 8 hours ago
Veterans aren't the military.
Pretty sure the left is unfrightened of a bunch of middle aged guys running around with
rifles and no logistics, no secure comms, no air cover, no artillery, and no leadership.
Izzy Dunne , 3 hours ago
The cops and military are the enforcers for the 1%.
Their job is to protect the Elite.
HelluvaEngineer , 13 hours ago
The people at the top win regardless. Civil wars rarely result in more freedom.
Doomster , 13 hours ago
The last one sure didn't!
HelluvaEngineer , 13 hours ago
In the US you mean, I assume. I've seen some great analyses of that and other "civil
wars". Without foreign support, it's nearly impossible to win. Which country in the world
might support a free USA movement? All but a few are on the same team, the globalist team.
They have unlimited money and quite a bit of manufacturing capacity.
Thurston Howell IV , 13 hours ago
BLM = making the least racist white people hate blacks since 2015.
TBT or not TBT , 11 hours ago
Both organisations are explicitly racist, but in the lefty Orwellian way we live now, are
considered paragons of anti racism. Similarly Antifa, a classic fascist brown shirt
organization, is considered anti-fascist. The left destroys the meaning of words for a
reason, a tyrannical one.
Quia Possum , 10 hours ago
Every black person I know hates Antifa. They see them as a bunch of white kids who
hijacked black people's protests against discriminatory policing. And they absolutely do not
want the police defunded, just cleaned up and subject to real accountability. They also hate
the police unions of course.
TBT or not TBT , 11 hours ago
They enjoy the anonymity of masks. But when you get booked in Project Mayhem, you have a
name. They're making those lists now. Might be a moment to list some names of theirs. These
Bassholes always keep coming back.
Death2Fiat , 13 hours ago
The march was peaceful, completely and totally representative of how a political movement
should be.
Of course the thugs come out once the crows disperse. They are mentally deranged
wolf pup , 11 hours ago
They're also the most dull-witted, brain-dead ignoramuses. Low or no IQ. Abysmal idiocy.
Thick. Just so damned thick. The Stupid just oozes off of them.
J S Bach , 13 hours ago
For those of you unfamiliar with the tumultuous history of Weimar Germany, the Communists
and National Socialists had epic violent battles which the latter won handily once the
rightfully enraged German citizenry and Freicorps veterans unified to defend their nation's
culture and very existence. Let us hope that enough semi-educated and instinctively patriotic
Americans have the same fortitude to defend the vestiges of their once mighty Republic.
Orphan , 13 hours ago
People took an economic hint in Weimar Republic. Along comes antifa to fight the fascists
by looting and burning businesses. Angry citizen implore Hitler to help. He does. The people
are happy and help Hitler gain power. It's backfiring again. Antifa hates free speech. They
are as fascist as Hitler.
HelluvaEngineer , 12 hours ago
See my note above. Without foreign support and an unlimited money supply, it's not
My advice is to look for an Achilles heel. Take down the entire system. Very few have the
aptitude to rebuild society.
J S Bach , 12 hours ago
The National Socialists did it without any "foreign support and unlimited money supply".
They triumphed because they had right on their side and nothing to lose. We, too, have right
on our side and will very soon have nothing to lose as well.
Quia Possum , 10 hours ago
Farg off, Nazi. Fascism and socialism are the same thing, differing only in rhetoric and
choice of scapegoats they use to destroy liberty and individualism.
I don't throw that "N" word around loosely, but you are explicitly defending that
historical movement, so farg off I say again. (censors don't want me to use the f word that
was intended)
Jim in MN , 13 hours ago
DNC stole black men's votes by the hundreds of thousands in Detroit, Philly and
DNC imposes savage lockdowns that have caused over 10,000 mostly black folks to be killed
or maimed in shootings.
DNC/BLM/Antifa only believe in ONE thing: Power at any cost.
HopeToLearn , 10 hours ago
Thank you Zero Hedge for calling it what it is...
Trump supporters Attacked!
these were NOT CLASHES... Trump supporters were beaten and assaulted in unprovoked attacks
for exercising their constitutional rights...
SHAME ON DC ESPECIALLY MAYOR MARIEL BOWSER! She is a sickening human being..
sleeping on a volcano , 11 hours ago
We're trying to let the system work, most people are just now waking up, unfortunately.
Most people have been clueless to how corrupt and perverted our government has become. We
know that once the hell of our wrath is unleashed there is no putting it back in the bottle,
everything will change permanently, we will have to do things that will change us and our
nation forever, we will have to live with the carnage we inflict. The time is rapidly
approaching that we will have to do our duty, we implore our enemies to back off so we don't
have to destroy you.
JackOliver4 , 13 hours ago
SOROS and his BLM army are frankly, TERRORISTS !!
youshallnotkill , 10 hours ago
Violence was anticipated, shops were bordered up. The DC police expected clashes.
All of this was public knowledge. Yet, folks like you would subject your children to
Sincerely hope you are not a parent.
youshallnotkill , 10 hours ago
What am I making up? Direct quote from DC police chief
Newsham said he's concerned about the potential for clashes between the rallygoers and
So which of the following leftist talking points is true?
BLM protesters are peaceful.
Bringing your kid to a Trump rally is endangerment because BLM will attack them.
Can't be both. I mean, it can be both in your f-ed up leftist doublethink mind, but in the
real world it can't be both.
Quia Possum , 8 hours ago
Bringing kids to a Trump rally is child endangerment.
However, sending your kids on foot from Guatemala through Mexico to the US border is an
act of love.
iamresurrected , 12 hours ago
If you watch the videos you will notice not one jogger attacks from anywhere but from
behind. It's their way. Numbers or blind cheap shots. Fvcking eggplants!
Kudos to the old guy in the black and orange jacket. A real man!
KnightOfSwords , 10 hours ago
And they hunt in packs, similar to Chimpanzees
overmedicatedundersexed , 10 hours ago
just got back from DC rally..Peaceful at the Supreme court with Antifa controlled by
Capital Police..once I moved out of area
lost my trump gear and wore black coat and hat..nobody looked twice at me..the thugs were
waiting to pick off single folks
some good folks just walked into seems..the rally was great with the best people
you will ever meet.
RedNeckMother , 10 hours ago
Why weren't people helping those who were attacked?
dirty dolphin , 10 hours ago
It appears they were separated from the pack and surrounded and outnumbered.
ADB , 10 hours ago
Tford: "Proud boys hid and did nothing."
Actually, scumbag, they're steamrolling Antifa right now. Antifa are running away and
hiding behind police lines.
Afternoon: Antifa attack women, children and the elderly.
Evening: Antifa get BTFO when Patriot men respond.
Don't bother replying, vermin. You're on ignore.
el_buffer , 13 hours ago
I'm in Portland and everything is STILL boarded up because of BLM and Antifa violence and
Haven't seen one MAGA hat event devolve into what the Biden-bloc is responsible for night
after night.
Fiscal Reality , 10 hours ago
BLM/Antifa use wolf-pack/hyena tactics. Look for the weak one(s) separated from the herd
and attack en masse. They surround, some losers kick and punch from behind while a wildebeest
screams into a megaphone.
BLM/Antifa attackers (if arrested) get an immediate no-bail release and charges
Law97 , 3 hours ago
Wash Po, NYT, CNN reporting the violence was instigated by Trump supporters. Blatant lies
... being gobbled up by the lefties. The Wash Po story on the unrest has 18K comments almost
universally agreeing with the story that the Trump people are at fault. Total cognitive
bohunkus1 , 12 hours ago
How do you like the Biden Brownshirts?! This how the Biden/Harris administration are going
to deal with people that do not agree with them and they will not prosecute any of the BLM or
boca jon , 1 hour ago
I am ready to completely pummel and destroy these excrements who hide in human bodies.
Democrats were at one time the party of the people
King of Ruperts Land , 3 hours ago
The actual march was the most censored on the internet thing I have ever hardly seen. On
you tube I had to watch a German channel and RUPTLY.
Aristotle'sDisciple , 10 hours ago
I WANT TO APOLOGIZE TO ZH READERS : I have been posting anti Trump comments these last two
days, but watching these videos make my blood boil.
These antifa are the scum of the earth.... attacking kids, families... that's... wow.. no
They deserve to be hunted like the feral dogs they are and be put down.
Absolute disgrace to attack innocent people on streets, especially kids.
Jury_rggd , 13 hours ago
Paid agitators leading the braindead social justice "warriors" to their own
MerLynn , 13 hours ago
same **** different country
dognuts , 13 hours ago
So, a fat white BLM woman attacks a black pro Trump woman and her daughter. A sign of
things to come.
walküre , 2 hours ago
The good news:
More Americans went out yesterday across the nation, to support President Re-Elect Donald
J Trump than all the Biden/Harris supporters combined during their entire campaign of several
DESPITE a global media effort proclaiming Biden/Harris and pretending the election was
legitimate. DESPITE the Bolshevik propaganda to discredit any allegations of fraud and
denying any evidence. Typical modus operandi for Bolsheviks. There's reality and history and
then there's Bolshevik propaganda.
DESPITE a Democrat party that setup the imaginary "president elect Joe Biden HQ" and all
the phoney talk about a "transition team"
PATRIOTS are not being deceived by globalist media proclaiming and distorting 24/7 on
every MSM channel.
Encouraging movement yesterday and there's a lot more where this came from.
BLM/Antifa aka the "brown shirts" of the Bolshevik revolution will do the only thing they
know. Deceive, intimidate and destruct or destroy.
captain noob , 2 hours ago
Using the word Bolsheviks to describe these entitled retards just shows a lack of
walküre , 1 hour ago
striking similarities between today and the beginnings of Bolshevism in Russia
the shoe fits
walküre , 2 hours ago
Lots of cameras at the scene.
78 million supposedly voted for this ****? Riiiiight
Calling it BLM Plaza was a mistake. All those woke and virtual signalling ordinary folk
who wear any BLM insignia or take that stupid knee, have no idea what Bolshevism means.
Bolshevism knows no mercy. They've had to be taken down before because dialogue and
diplomacy are impossible.
walküre , 2 hours ago
on the surface it would appear that way
add Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht to the mix
all the figureheads came from privilege and had intellectual family roots
whatever their intentions were, what role did their heritage play in this?
it contradicted their own family's (or tribe's) financial and capitalist influences
their intellectual ambitions caused a class-war and the downfall for millions of their own
family's heritage
almost seems to be a long lasting family feud at everyone's expense
ultramaroon , 2 hours ago
"BLM Plaza", my rosy red ***. BLM is a Communist Corporation.
It should be safe to bring children to an America political event. Then again, 1/6th of
Iraq's children should not have been slaughtered by perverted cultists operating from D.C.
for that nation's oil and Sumerian artifacts, although America's Secretary of State at the
time (interviewed on ABC by Diane Sawyer) said "it was worth it". You will not find that
infamous statement any longer on YouTube, btw. Her words have been replaced by gibberish.
They're always thinking of you.
Shut. It. Down. , 10 hours ago
Fights Breakout at Trump Rally Between Violent White Supremacists and Peaceful BLM
ScratInTheHat , 13 hours ago
I went to DC with the TEA Party protests. There is zero chance I would go there now. I
won't go anywhere around these clowns unarmed and you can't carry anything in DC. The F-N
COPs are doing nothing to stop these rioters from attacking people.
Jim in MN , 11 hours ago
The 'educated liberal set' has now become completely useless to either side.
No one cares what they think about anything, ever again.
SurfingUSA , 11 hours ago
Intellectual Yet Idiot
Jim in MN , 11 hours ago
Remember: NO more explaining to them.
Just shut them down and shut them out.
No more 'confusion' allowed.
And Facebook is for cat pictures ONLY.
the question , 13 hours ago
Calling people cowards, over and over, from the safety of your keyboard. Highly ironic
captain noob , 2 hours ago
People who have contributed something to society don't behave like this
These are political pawns, unemployables
walküre , 2 hours ago
The universities have spent years in forming this class of privileged BLM/Antifa followers
and protesters.
They're pawns of course but they are being employed across many layers of the educational
systems, the media and political landscape of course.
Bolsheviks occupying positions at polling stations. That's how it's done quasi in broad
daylight without anyone noticing. If it weren't so obvious, they would have gotten away with
At the bottom of the Bolshevist pit are the brutal vermin. They're easy to recruit with
the promise of a day in the sun or a free phone.
Capt.Ahab , 5 hours ago
What a bunch of opportunist cowards. These groups need to be put down. No matter your
beliefs you have the right to gather and peacefully protest. Those who waited to attack those
on their way home are the scum of the earth. I lean left on government sponsored universal
health care and college/trade school tuition for those who test high enough to get into
programs, as well as women's choice, breaking up monopolies and tax policies like we had in
the 50s and 60s. After that everything else is up to the individual. In other words, earn
your way, but havesafetynets in place. There are laws on the books against all
discrimination. I don't care about your sexuality, religion, race, etc. Stop playing the
victim role and get to work. If someone tries to violate your rights, use the system to fight
back. If republicans would support those initiatives, they would have have my vote and the
majority across the country.
Helg Saracen , 5 hours ago
Those who waited to attack those on their way home are the scum of the earth.
ADB , 6 hours ago
So a million Trump supporters turn up in the enemy heartland, despite the social media
censorship. Antifa are reduced to trying to pick off isolated women, children and
grand-parents after the rally is over and people disperse. Then in the evening the Proud Boys
and others run BLM/Antifa out of "BLM Plaza", because once they're up against fighting-age
men, BLM have to run and hide behind the cops they want to defund. BLM/Antifa revealed to be
utter pu$$ies in a fair fight!
"Insurmountable election results??" Really? A few thousand votes separates Trump from
outright sweeping all the battleground states whose vote totals are very sketchy and this
is 'insurmountable?'
This is what I mean by the pressure campaign having gone plaid. There is no responsible
journalism left within the major media outlets.
Only those who were forced out on principle or corruption have the ability to speak
their mind now.
"Insurmountable election results??" Really? A few thousand votes separates Trump from
outright sweeping all the battleground states whose vote totals are very sketchy and this
is 'insurmountable?'
This is what I mean by the pressure campaign having gone plaid. There is no responsible
journalism left within the major media outlets.
Only those who were forced out on principle or corruption have the ability to speak
their mind now.
Never in a million years would I look to Megyn Kelly for the voice of rationality. But
it looks like being excommunicated from the inner circle does wonders for one's ability to
tell the truth.
The division today was cynically stoked and nurtured for this current operation to
effect this exact result. The bigger point Megyn doesn't articulate is that this division
is exactly the kind of 'secondary goal' desired if Trump prevails in the courts or through
the Electoral College.
Regardless of the outcome that division cuts deep enough to ensure an America
permanently weakened, ripe for a complete remaking into a hellish place. There is a
full-court press on right now across the world to attack sovereignty of important states
whose populations are dissident to The Davos Crowd's Great Reset -- notably the U.K., the
U.S., Poland and Russia.
The media will never concede they were wrong, will never report on anything fairly. They
are in on the grift. Looking for them to admit anything is a waste of energy and time.
Simply turn them off and become #Ungovernable.
This is a psychological war now, designed to rob you of your reason and sap your
willingness to fight by creating an overwhelming picture of Trump as the bad guy,
Quixotically clinging to power we're being told he's already lost.
But Megyn Kelly is right in telling people that there will be no reconciliation without
acceptance. And since, at its core, leftism is a religion without the ability to forgive,
since it is vehemently anti-Christian, there will be no acceptance back into the fold,
including for her.
It will be marginalization, retribution and continued vitriol of all Trump supporters
and anyone not down with being reset into the grand vision of the New Soviet Green Man.
They haven't even secured the presidency yet and BLM/Antifa are already turning on white
Biden supporters who are urging peace.
Nothing shields you from the mob once the mob gets going. I hope this person's
conscience is clean that he did his part to stop Orange Man Bad because once this is over,
that's all he'll have left.
Klaus Schwab told you this. You'll Own Nothing and be Happy.
Or else.
The choice was struggle sessions or Trump rallies. I told you months ago you would be
faced with the Hobson's Choice of accepting their dystopic future or having your house
burned down.
Millions chose poorly last week and they will have massive buyer's remorse as the plans
are rolled out and they are sacrificed.
Don't believe me? Ask Ukrainians if they are better off six years after their color
revolution or not? That one was successful.
When the Maidan revolutionaries drove away Ukrainian President Yanukovych, they tried to
force the East of Ukraine to recognize Poroshenko as the new president. The East firmly
answered them that they did not know Poroshenko and did not want to know. Then the new
President Poroshenko threw the army, the national guard and even aviation to the East. And
the revolutionaries from the Maidan began to create volunteer and nationalist battalions and
moved forward to pacify the disobedient.
In response, the inhabitants of the East, ordinary taxi drivers, miners and teachers took
away weapons from the police and some of the military. Then they took away part of the tanks,
guns and even multiple launch rocket systems from the Ukrainian army. All of 2014 and 2015
there were fierce battles. The defenders of the East surrounded and beat the Ukrainian army 8
times, Poroshenko crawled to Minsk 2 times asking for mercy and an armistice.
I wonder if there is a civil society in the US and if they can resist the usurpers? Or are
they divided and atomized and no one cares at all?
The Russian inhabitants of the East of Ukraine are hard as stone and strong as metal, they
cannot be intimidated.
I'm wondering what the descendants of cowboys and settlers are made of, traditional real
Americans? I hope not from snot and ****.
Video of real battles in 2014, the scene of the East of Ukraine.
I don't need to see the videos. I was IN Lugansk at the time (April 2014) and my Ukrainian
girlfriend was an active member of the Party of the Regions. They were PISSED OFF as hell
about the government overthrow that had occurred in Kiev and they knew it was US sponsored
with directions coming over social media directly from the US Embassy. They also staged
protests in Lugansk against the Poroshenko regime being forced on them, and the protests were
similar to those staged in Kiev because they thought that was best to get the attention of
the world. They built tire barricades and set some on fire. They took over government
buildings. They stopped traffic carrying large sticks. My girlfriend had many friends who
were participating. We brought them tea and bread. (She gave them the stuff. As an American I
just accompanied her and kept my mouth shut.)
I had to leave to catch a plane out before the military actually attacked but I saw the
attack helicopters coming in and the troops. They boarded my bus and checked our IDs.
And I want it pointed out that John Brennan, notorious US CIA Director was making a very
unsecret "secret visit" to Kiev at the time and is widely believed to have been behind the
decision the Ukraine government took to have troops move against the "mostly peaceful"
Black, BLM member beats crap out of liberal white woman at pro-Biden rally. Eating their
own. Protesters try to stop police from arresting because ... he is black.
JOHN: "Human nature does not change" ( 10:00 ) is not a conservative
insight. It is a 'religious' insight, which conservatism recognises. But no 'religion'
analyses human nature, and recognises it for what it is, better than the teachings of a young
Galilean around two thousand years ago. Unfortunately his teachings on our 'human-ness' were
important for the first two hundred years after his death and resurrection; but have, since,
been absorbed, and subsumed, into the image of the 'Christos', in order that the 'leaders' of
the Church might achieve POWER. We see these pathetic 'career-clergy' men and women clinging
to their 'clerical power' to this very day: but covid has found their empty gospel
Very good interview and excellent questions. Dan is very intelligent and has a common
sense, down to earth, moral attitude to life and as a congressman. Do not agree with all of
his judgements politically but respect his thorough investigation and research into the
matter. Really respect his mature attitude and personal comport. Do not agree with his
disdain for the Pres even when agreeing with the Pres actions. There is a personal problem
due to an encounter or some other personal conflict on a deeper level. Credit due to
separating it from the office he holds.
"SYSTEMIC RACISM" EXISTS! 11:58 It's called "Affirmative
Action" -- allowing the skin color of an applicant to weigh in on whether or not to accept
the applicant.
As far as BLM and CHAD and racism is concerned look at South Africa today and what's
happened in South Africa since Mandela and the AMC took power in South Africa after
It took to nearly the end of the interview to state what is truly missing from public
discourse, and that is the understanding that a person's moral compass, a party's moral
compass, a nation's moral compass, depends upon something higher than themselves, for some it
is God, for others it is themselves, in the form of the State. Therein lies the conflict -
between absolute truth and relative truth, between eternal morals and situation ethics,
between thankfulness and entitlement, between forgiveness and condemnation, between love of
country and betrayal. And right now that conflict in the USA is reflected on the political
battlefield between Republicans and Democrats.
The one thing you never hear from the left today, is the idea of personal responsibility
for your own actions and behaviors, which is the cornerstone of freedom. I recently saw a
video of a drug store, where two men came into the store and shoplifted from the store, the
store manager called the Police. The Police had the shoplifters give back what they'd stolen
and were not arrested for their actions. Afterwords a woman got out her phone to record and
began to badger the store manager for his actions. She said to him that he was endangering
the lives of black men because they could have died at the hands of the Police that day.
Never once did she acknowledge that they shouldn't have shop lifted and it was their actions
that should be in question, not the store manager. She got downright nasty with the manager
and later people protested in front of the drug store for the injustice of calling the Police
on shoplifters. Think about that for a second, we've swung completely upside down as a
society with this type of thinking. Recently a Policeman shot and killed a crazed man as he
came charging out a front door wielding a knife over his head running at the officer to kill
him with the knife, the officer ran away but eventually had no choice but to turn and shoot
this man, and people came out in large numbers and protested the officers actions. I guess he
was supposed to sacrifice his life to the black lives matter movement. So in the vocal black
community there is absolutely no need for personal responsibility anymore, no matter what
someone does it's always everyone else's fault, or our racist societies fault, but never
their own due to their own behavior. Now that's some scary shit.
13 minutes "Systemic Racism" Let me start by saying I'm self educated, my observations my
own, I follow no one, and I have no followers :) People are misunderstanding the reasons for
their economic problems (meaning poverty), and inability to ever improve conditions, and
describing it as Systemic Racism. Truth is we all have limited horizons. Parochial, whether
by geography or class, or both. Where I live I see a mix of all race/ethnic- mostly caucasian
(white) Americans, impoverished , homeless, miserable, who tried and failed so much they have
given up. Black people see the same thing but it's mostly black people where they chose to
live. Same with Asians, South Americans, Somalians (Ilhan Omar :( and so forth. Whats stuck
everyone in the mud is called NAIRU (natural anti inflation rate of unemployment), a rule
adopted by all the central banks around the world including the USA and Australia in the last
half of the 1970"s. Search & find dozens of varying descriptions of what NAIRU is about.
That was when or first homeless appeared (generally "overpaid" union American farm workers at
first) It means permanent high unemployment, adjusted by the central banks, leaving workers
in surplus, in order to keep wages flat or slightly declining. In the USA add to that mass
runaway immigration of low skilled workers accustomed to minimal wage. Think of it as a game
of musical chairs. The number of chairs (jobs) is slowly increasing, but the number of people
looking for chairs increases faster. Thus our large and seemingly permanent population living
in alleys and street sidewalks, never able to find employment, and given in to despair. Trump
has turned off NAIRU at our central bank, and greatly slowed the excessive and illegal
immigration, and until the Pandemic shutdowns, turning everything around. A tighter labor
market had employers rehabilitating older homeless workers and employing them, plus raising
wages to attract workers
16:48 Fascism- characterized by
dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and
of the economy. Anarchism - is a political philosophy and movement which is skeptical of
authority and rejects all involuntary, coercive forms of hierarchy. Communism - a
socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production
and the absence of social classes, money and the state. It looks like the congressman is
putting negative words together without understanding they are opposites of each other. He's
become a politician.
Yes! FINALLY someone is contradicting the false claim of "both sides are doing it" with
censorship and cancel culture. Now, if only people would talk specifically about how CRT
fuels the insanity, we would have a chance to pull our country out of this spiral of
destruction. A sane person in Portland needs a little help here!
For 40 years I paid a large chunk of my Paycheck into Social Security. How can Dan call
this an Entitlement. I guess the paycheck that I worked for is an Entitlement too. When did
the labor that I provide become an entitlement. Entitlements are when something of value is
given to those that did nothing to earn it, like welfare checks.
Interesting analysis! Systemic racism is everywhere,🙄 is in the institutions?,
**but it's in you 😳and you don't know it?** So you have to change the institutions
and make the UNEQUAL👹? in order to create
equality🥴😂🤣😂😆😂😂 Isn't Radical Left =
The defunding of the police is to set the way for a national police as proposed by
President Obama in 2009 governed by DC. In its place temporarily, the strong arm of this
movement are Antifa and BLM. I equate these groups to the Brown Shirts of the Nazi party in
the 1930s. Once the German police were pacified and converted to the ideals of the party an
SS was created along with a Ghestappo which made the Brown Shirts an irrelevant and dangerous
group. It was destroyed in The Night of the Long Knives. Now you truly have the recipe for
central control and the tendency towards repression of those that will not conform.
Crenshaw spoke disingenuously about "the debt crisis, " blaming it on seniors. Surely he
realizes we have a fiat money system -- the bankers and other mega-corporate interests seized
TRILLIONS recently in two massive "Covid" heists." Bankers got trillions in October in a REPO
rescue, which was barely reported. Add their 2008 bailout, costing $21 trillion. And don't
forget defense industry payouts PLUS an even larger stealth siphoning revealed in the
delinquent Pentagon audit -- it exposed more TRILLIONS missing! And #Unappropriated by
Congress ! Their excuse: oops, "clerical" Why doesn't Rep Crenshaw complain about trillions
disappeared by the military? Or going to rich bankers? Yeah. Blame it on Boomers living on
Social Security... and who had FICA taxes removed from their paychecks for decades.
Social security is not an entitlement but money that the working class had taken out of
their paychecks for the time they worked for me 35 plus years but maybe your too young to
know about your home work
The globalist technological revolution that we are in the midst of has pulled the economic
and cultural rug out from under the vast majority of citizens of western capitalist
democracies. Many people feel as though they no longer have anything of value to provide
others in a society based on the free and voluntary exchange of goods and services, or if
they do, that someone in China will provide it for far less. This reality has set the stage
for the attractiveness of Marxist ideology. We have made the average person in the West
obsolete or superfluous.
If we start with perception management, we can propose something patently absurd: the
Artificial Creamer Party.
Recognize any familiar tactics in the following campaign strategy?
1) We shall insist on the separation of milk and state, and bar any organization affiliated
with milk from being eligible for public subsidies.
2) The rights of dairy farmers to marry, adopt children, and openly serve in the military
shall be considered morally objectionable and debated at every opportunity.
3) In the event of an election, the multiple evils of milk shall be used to distract the
public from questioning the candidates on anything.
4) Think tanks, foundations, and the political correctness police shall enforce the world's
perception of Artificial Creamer as a "bridge to the future," "the salvation of the global
village," "the right of the human family," "the key to sustainable development," and "the path
to lasting peace."
5) Artificial Creamer will win a Nobel Prize, in light of everything it might do to fill the
world with sparkle ponies.
See? Something for everyone. But that's just perception management. Here's the net
The only ones to benefit will be the 0. 13% who are lactose intolerant and the 7% who make
megabucks. It won't create U. S. jobs because it will be made in Botswana at the emancipating
wage of twenty- three cents a day so 40% of Americans can afford to buy it at Walmart. For the
50% who are destitute, the FDA will declare Artificial Creamer a food group so it can be
purchased with WIC and Food Stamps, lest there be a riot against unfairness or Artificial
Creamer should fail to cash in on its share of national social programs.
Aren't we ingenious? We might demand that great- grandpa bag groceries on an oxygen tank,
thirty years into retirement, to afford his hypertension medicine, and reduce his Social
Security if someone gives him a five dollar tip that puts him over the income limit.
But, by God, he can have Creamer -- in any flavor he wants it. This is a land of choice and
opportunity, damn it.
Which is all fine and good, but when Artificial Creamer doesn't prove to be everything it
said it was, we'll go back to milk (again). And milk will get carried away in an orgy of self-
indulgence until we return to Artificial Creamer (once more). Either way, we'll have the
satisfaction and euphoria of empowerment.
Or something, anyway.
If you're confused about U. S. principles and who's supposed to benefit, you may not be to
blame. We've responded to boom and bust cycles inherent to our development choices and other
countries' criticisms with different programs and palliatives over decades of continuity.
But it doesn't take a genius to see that the tyranny of science is fighting to replace the
tyranny of royalty- teamed- with- religion we rejected in the eighteenth century. Science is
the power that buttresses democracy and capitalism, also in the name of "progress." Not that we
won't play the God card when corruption is so glaring that it requires another support system
which is conveniently available in the form of religious sanction.
It's a function of self- esteem to seek affirmation of our beliefs and share safety in
numbers, but the existence of like- minded people who hold the same fears, hopes, values and
disappointments is what makes them predictable targets and therefore most vulnerable to
strategic manipulation. It's like handing over the remote control to your decision- making
power or wearing a badge on your sleeve
"... Vyacheslav Volodin, Speaker of the State Duma believes that Navalny has been too outspoken: "This guy is a competely shamless fraud." And pointing out how much was done to save his unworthy ass: From the pilots who emergency-landed the plane in Tomsk; to the doctors and nurses who fought ferociously to intubate him; to the President himself who personally gave permission to fly this recidivist to a prestigious German clinic Dante should have designed a special circle in Hell for such an ingrate, who now spits on the entire Russian nation. ..."
"... Putin's Press Secretary Peskov: "We should clarify that CIA specialists are working with Navalny, and give him various instructions. And moreover, this is not the first time, either." ..."
"... Navalny was upset by Peskov's words, he blustered back saying that Peskov is skating on very thin ice [little joke there], and said he planned to sue the man for libel: "He must prove that I actually have ties with American intelligence." Well, that's easy: Just ask Pompeo. ..."
"... Akopov himself believes that Navalny is more than just a "CIA project", he is more like a "joint venture" with all the Westie agencies. And this project also includes the Russian Neo-Liberal elite and the Westernizing section of the Oligarchy. ..."
"... Everybody who has studied Navalny and Navalniada, know what is actually going on here: Navalny and his neo-Liberal kreakle supporters represent that class of bourgeois intelligentsia who came along maybe 5 or 10 years too late to participate in the Yeltsinite plundering of the Russian people. ..."
"... They are only millionaires now, but they want to be billionaires. [yalensis: Although some evil tongues claim that Navalny has actually lost his fortune somehow and is fleeing from his creditors; hence the current crisis.] Putin stands in the way of the kreakles because he (and his caste of functionaries) have somewhat curbed the openly pirate proclivities of the Russian bourgeoisie; partially nationalized them, made them go to Church, and forced them to follow certain rules. ..."
Этот Германн, --
Томский, -- лицо
романическое: у
него профиль
Наполеона, а
Мефистофеля. Я
думаю, что на
его совести по
крайней мере
три злодейства.
Как вы
"This Hermann fellow," Tomsky continued, -- "a truly romantic-era personality, the profile
of a Napoleon, and the soul of Mephistopheles. I believe that on his conscience lie at least
three crimes.
Oh my, you just turned pale!" -- Pushkin, The Queen of Spades "And that's not even counting
KirovLes!" Tomsky should have added.
Dear Readers: Today concluding my review of this piece by reporter/analyst Petr Akopov.
Where we left off, we saw that Navalny may have overstepped the line (just a tad) by
directly accusing Putin of poisoning him.
According to my blog-commenter James, Navalny is now busy on the talk-show circuit, doing a
full Ginsburg on all the imperialist propaganda media.
Describing what it feels like to be poisoned – "Ow! it hurt so much!" in full
And Westie Navalny Goes Va Banque – burghers no doubt lapping up this farce because
it's more entertaining than the circus. –Meanwhile, back in Russia, members of the
government are not very happy with Navalny's wild improvised performance.
Vyacheslav Volodin, Speaker of the State Duma believes that Navalny has been too
outspoken: "This guy is a competely shamless fraud." And pointing out how much was done to save
his unworthy ass: From the pilots who emergency-landed the plane in Tomsk; to the doctors and
nurses who fought ferociously to intubate him; to the President himself who personally gave
permission to fly this recidivist to a prestigious German clinic Dante should have designed a
special circle in Hell for such an ingrate, who now spits on the entire Russian
For 7 long days, Navalny lay in a fake-coma does that work for the 7 card? Furthermore, in a
no-shit kind of epiphany, Volodin opines that this whole poisoning scenario was scripted by the
Westies: "In order to create tension within Russia, and to prevent Belorussia from asserting
its sovereignty." Captain Obvious concludes with: "Navalny himself clearly works with the
special services and organs of goverments of [various] Western countries."
After such a shocking utterance, the Kremlin felt the need to clarify: Uh, it's not so much
that Navalny works for the CIA; as the CIA works for him! Uh huh, that makes perfect sense. As
comedian Yakov Smirnov might say: In America, Secret Agent works for CIA. But in Russia, CIA
works for him!
Putin's Press Secretary Peskov: "We should clarify that CIA specialists are working with
Navalny, and give him various instructions. And moreover, this is not the first time,
Navalny was upset by Peskov's words, he blustered back saying that Peskov is skating on
very thin ice [little joke there], and said he planned to sue the man for libel: "He must prove
that I actually have ties with American intelligence." Well, that's easy: Just ask
Akopov himself believes that Navalny is more than just a "CIA project", he is more like
a "joint venture" with all the Westie agencies. And this project also includes the Russian
Neo-Liberal elite and the Westernizing section of the Oligarchy.
They are all in this together as partners. [yalensis: And these knuckle-heads couldn't come
up with anybody better than Navalny as their Leader?] Akopov would not even want to venture a
guess, which one of these "partners" holds the "controlling interest" in Mr.
Navalny's person.
Although it is plausible that shares might be redistributed during Navalny's stay in
Germany. The question du jour is whether or not Navalny will return to Russia. Gentlemen and
Countesses, you are free to place your bets on this one. Akopov believes that, yes, Navalny not
only will, but must, return to Russia. Why? To complete his Quest. What is his Quest? To change
the internal political structure and geopolitical vector of Russia.
Here is how Navalny himself describes the pathos of the current situation: "A struggle is
taking place between those who stand for Freedom, and those who wish to push us backwards. Into
the Past, into that strange Orthodox imitation of the Soviet Union, only decorated with
Capitalism and Oligarchs." "I win!" Hm I hate to admit it, but Navalny's words actually have a
ring of truth to them, which is why, if they were to come out of the mouth of a real
freedom-fighter, then they might bear some weight.
But you know what people say: If you want to sell a lie, then you have to sprinkle it with
Everybody who has studied Navalny and Navalniada, know what is actually going on here:
Navalny and his neo-Liberal kreakle supporters represent that class of bourgeois intelligentsia
who came along maybe 5 or 10 years too late to participate in the Yeltsinite plundering of the
Russian people.
They regret this, and wish for an opportunity to make their own fortunes, on the backs of
said Russian people.
They are only millionaires now, but they want to be billionaires. [yalensis: Although
some evil tongues claim that Navalny has actually lost his fortune somehow and is fleeing from
his creditors; hence the current crisis.] Putin stands in the way of the kreakles because he
(and his caste of functionaries) have somewhat curbed the openly pirate proclivities of the
Russian bourgeoisie; partially nationalized them, made them go to Church, and forced them to
follow certain rules.
This is what drives Navalny and his ilk crazy. They want it all, and they want it now!
Putin, for his part, in his endless balancing act, trying to maintain two incompatible things,
as Pushkin might have said (=capitalism and Russian patriotism) has scrambled to win the
support of the patriotic bourgeoisie and the clergy, the two pillars of the Lost Russia he
strives to re-build.
Navalny again:
"A part of society repeats Putin's rhetoric about how the country needs to follow its own
path. They are talking about restoring a kind of monarchy, based on certain spiritual values.
And against them stand such people as myself, who consider this to be a lie and hypocrisy, and
who are convinced that Russia must develop only according to the European model."
Ah, Navalny! You had me at "monarchy" but lost me at "European model" – you wretch!
"It's curtains for you, buster!"
Akopov, it goes without saying, is one of those intellectuals whom Navalny despises as
supporting the "Putinite" model of Russian development: Rely on a strong Russian state (which
Navalny mockingly calls an "imitation of the USSR"), lean on the Church, develop one's own
geo-political vector, etc.
Navalny and his crowd regard these types as complete zombies, whose proposed model is
But the only thing that Navalny counter-punts are equally worn-out ideas of what Lenin would
call "the highest stages of capitalism" and which would, in reality, demote Russia to the level
of an American colony.
Same as the rest of Europe! Akopov concedes, however, that Navalny's "vision", if one could
call it that, of a European Russia imbued with "democratic values" does, in fact, enjoy mass
support -- among the Muscovite intelligentsia.
This kreakle mass [Akopov does not say, but there are estimates that the Navalnyite program
enjoys as much as 30% support among the residents of Moscow, not so much in the rest of the
country] believe in exactly the same things that Navalny does.
And have been "fighting" for this program (in one way or another) for the past 30 years.
This section of the Russian bourgeois intelligentsia punts against Putin's "national
project" and now awaits eagerly for the return of their poisoned, and poisonous, hero. [THE
Creacl (креакл) is the latest addition to a list
of existing euphemisms used to describe the phenomenon of a middle class in Russia. Other terms
include creative class , network hamster ( setevoi khomiak) , office
plankton(offisnyi plankton), moral elite (nravstvennaia elita).
The ironic term is an acronym of creative class
класс) but also refers to Greek mythology: in Russian ,
creacl rhymes with Gerakl (Hercules). In one of its first appearances, the term was
used by levsharansky2, a popular LiveJournal blog (which is believed to be run by
pro-Kremlin bloggers) to describe the twelve labors of Creacl :
brainstorming in the hipsters' cafe Jean-Jacques ; attending gay pride parades; taming
lumpen supporters of the Putin regime; or purchasing a new i-Phone or i-Pad.
If we look at the methods of creating humor in Russian satire, it often depends on the
incongruity of applying a lofty style to describing a routine, e.g. Est' mnenie, chto nado
pomyt' posudu (There is an opinion that you need to do the dishes). Here the jargon of the
Soviet partocracy and propaganda is applied to a household chore thereby producing an ironic
effect. Similarly, the term creacl appeared at the time when the definition creative
class became a cliché overused in political polemics, while an unexpected
connotation of grandeur, encrypted in the word form of creacl unmistakably brought about
a humorous effect and assigned new meanings to the definition.
The term took on popular use in January 2013 in connection with Aleksei Kabanov's criminal
case. Kabanov, a popular blogger and chef, was the co-founder of the Project O.G.I. (1998-2012)
literary cafes in downtown Moscow that gathered Russia's bohemians, prominent writers,
musicians, and humanities students. In January 2013, Aleksei Kabanov launched a Facebook
campaign amongst his 1500 friends to help him search for his wife, Irina Cherska, who,
according to him, went missing after a family quarrel. While volunteers and police searched for
the woman, Kabanov kept updating his Facebook account with emotional posts: "Irka still
missing" ("Irka ne nashlas'"). When investigators found body fragments of Cherska in a car that
Kabanov borrowed from a friend a few days later, he confessed to committing the murder. He
revealed that he strangled and then dismembered his wife, hoping to get rid of her body later.
Kabanov was detained and faces up to 15 years in jail for murder. Irina Cherska was 39, and the
mother of three young children.
Kabanov family' tragedy sparked a polemic about the controversial nature of the formation of
the Russian middle class casting doubt on the very possibility of its existence. In a
post that further promoted the usage of
the term creacl, Pavel Prianikov noted that the Kabanovs were seen by many as model
representatives of creative class : both were intellectuals, active participants in
anti-Kremlin protests, prolific bloggers, and emerging small business owners. However, as
Prianikov further suggested, what most people didn't see behind this façade, was a large
family with three kids who rented a small studio apartment in the suburbs, barely had any
income through scarce freelance journalist jobs, and went bankrupt in an attempt to open their
own restaurant in Moscow.
[2] The discussions surrounding Kabanov's crime centered on the deep sociocultural and
economic problems that impede the normal functioning of the "middle class" in Putin's Russia at
all levels, including property ownership, income, socioeconomic values, and stability. Many
Putin supporters gloated over the opposition revealing its real face (especially after the
protesters denounced the violence at the May 2012 Bolotnaya Square demonstrations, declaring
themselves a peaceful group). The Kabanov tragedy should be understood not as an insight into
the opposition, but as a structural absence of opportunities for a thriving middle class in
The phonetics of the word creacl further emphasizes this idea: based on the satirical
device of the elevation of the low, the greatest irony of the term is that it might as well
reveal the nature of something that in fact never existed.
Class Issue and Creacls in Recent Russian Cinema
Paradoxical as it might seem, recent Russian cinema has not clearly revealed class
difference as a realistic aspect of Russian social fabric. Until recently (and especially in
the films released in 2011), the class issue was, at best, replaced with the idea of
generational conflict. Here the focus was either on a lost generation of those born in the
60s-70s and unable to adjust to a new social reality ( Gromozeka, 2011 ), or on
post-Soviet Russians born in a country that no longer exists, who are eternally nostalgic for
the totems of their youth, such as young pioneers, Moidodyr ( a magical creature from a
1923 Soviet poem by Kornei Chukovsky ) or medved'-kosmonavt (the Cosmounaut Bear)
( Chapiteau-Show, 2011 ).
When the issue of class difference finally began to appear in the films of 2011-12 --
Elena (2011), Kokoko (2012), Twilight Portrait (Portret v sumerkakh, 2011), The White Moor
(Belyi Mavr, 2012), Dukhless (2012), An Office Romance: Our Time (Sluzhebnyi roman: Nashe
Vremia, 2011) -- we can't help but notice that the representation of class in the majority
of these films was reduced to the depiction of either lumpens from the city outskirts or
the upper classes and minigarchs from the prestigious zones of the city. In the latter
case, the directors and producers appeared to unequivocally accept that this group of people
inhabiting Moscow's suburbs Rublevka and Zhukovka are numerous enough to represent a vast
social phenomenon of the upper class in Russia. This stands true even for the films with a
clearly articulated agenda of social awareness, such as Elena and Twilight
Portrait. What was obviously lacking in the films mentioned above was a representation of a
middle class: qualified specialists -- representatives of intellectual professions, or midlevel
managers and small business owners.
Creacl5.jpg Creacls of Kokoko at a political rally
Some serious reservations have been recently expressed by sociologists over the existence of
a middle class in Russia (Samson, Krasil'nikova 2012),
[3] who argue that generally accepted socioeconomic and ethical values of "middle class"
that correspond to Western understanding of the concept have not been formed in contemporary
Russia. The same hesitation is obvious in cinematic representations of the middle class. In
fact, many contemporary Russian films are dealing with comical re-enactments of multiple
euphemisms that exist in the rhetoric of the state today to describe the Russian middle class
: creacls, office plankton, network hamsters, creatiff, etc. We may take a look at the
entire gallery of cartoonish creacls presented in the symposium films to get this
message: the inert, inactive, and almost extinct intelligentsia of Kokoko;
representatives of the opposition or rather a group of idiots without a single clearly
articulated political message in Dukhless; or the faceless office plankton floating in
the background in An Office Romance: Our Time. Most of these films about the
contemporary "middle class" share the narrative structure of a collage of loosely connected
stories, e.g. Short Stories ( Rasskazy , 2012 ), Gromozeka, Chapiteau Show
. Contrary to the Russian tradition of favoring longer narrative forms, such collage stylistics
might also point to the fact that Russia lacks sufficient economic and socio-political grounds
for singling out a unified group with an established collective identity that could be called
"middle class."
Generation P (2011) poignantly captures the lost optimism of the 90s, when the
formation of middle class not only seemed a viable possibility for the Russian intelligentsia,
but also a driving force behind social, economic and cultural transformations in post-Soviet
Russia. "Kreatorom, eto tvortsom, esli perevesti?" asks Vladelen Tatarsky, the main protagonist
of Generation P, his potential employer at the advertising agency. "Tvortsy nam zdes' na
khui ne nuzhny! Kreatorom, Vovan, Kreatorom!" answers the agency director. The post-Soviet
Russian intelligentsia aspired to create something significant and eternal, but instead
were reduced to advertising canned pickles. The sad truth is that the contemporary creative
class haven't given up on these aspirations and are still trying really hard to bring social
and political changes to their country, however their prospects for democratic change become
more and more doomed.
All this nonsense started after Bill Clinton drank with Yeltsin and the Moscow Treasury
looted for London and other locales. Bill and Hillary did well ( the foundation) and the boys
in Trump Tower bailed Donnie . Now this is what they want -- -USA to implode and it puzzles
me why WHITE Portland has been so BLM -- -something not adding up
Judging from comment ZH audience does not like Critical Race theory one bit :-). Does this
mean Trump 2020-2024?
It is also clear that the tide of white public opinion that's to BLM and Critical Race Theory
turned against the blacks and turned drastically. In a way founders of BLM did a very bad service
to community. It proved to be extremely divisive for the country.
Schools that teach " white privilege " as fact are breaking
the law , the equalities
minister has told MPs.
MP Kemi Badenoch said the underpinning ideology of critical race theory "sees my blackness
as victimhood and their whiteness as oppression."
"This government stands unequivocally against critical race theory," she
told MPs during a debate on Oct. 20 in which Labour MP Dawn Butler had called for the
curriculum to be "decolonised."
Badenoch, MP for Saffron Waldon and also minister for equalities, said the rise of
critical race theory was a "dangerous trend in race relations."
"We do not want to see teachers teaching their white pupils about white privilege and
inherited racial guilt," she said.
"Any school which teaches these elements of critical race theory or which promotes
partisan political views such as defunding the police, without offering a balanced
treatment of opposing views, is breaking the law."
The defunding of police has been a demand of many key members and supporters of Black
Lives Matter.
"Some schools have
decided to openly support the anti-capitalist Black Lives Matter group, often fully aware
that they have a statutory duty to be politically impartial," said Badenoch. "Black lives
do matter -- of course they do. But we know that the Black Lives Matter movement, capital
B, L, M, is political."
Some Black Lives Matter leaders and groups, including the UKBLM group, are explicitly anti-capitalist.
"What we are against is the teaching of contested political ideas as if they are
accepted facts," said Badendoch.
"We don't do this with communism. We don't do this with socialism. We don't do it with
'Not America'
Badendoch also warned against importing the rhetoric on race from America.
" Our history of race is not America's history of race. Most black British people who
have come to our shores were not brought here in chains, but came voluntarily due to their
connections to the UK and in search of a better life. I should know. I am one of them.
"We have our own joys and stories to tell. From the Windrush generation to the Somali
diaspora, it is a story that is uniquely ours."
During the debate on education and race, MP Dawn Butler had earlier called for the
curriculum to be "decolonised," saying that "history is taught to make one group of people
feel inferior and another group of people feel superior."
Former Windrush passengers and members of the RAF Donald Clarke, George Mason, Sam King
MBE, and Allan Wilmot in the Imperial War Museum in London on June 12, 2008. (Cate
Gillon/Getty Images)
But Badenoch said the curriculum did not need decolonising for "the simple reason that it
is not colonised," adding, "We should not apologise for the fact that British children
primarily study the history of these islands."
In the United States, the Trump administration recently
banned agencies or contractors from "conducting training that promotes race stereotyping,
for example, by portraying certain races as oppressors by virtue of their birth."
"This ideology is rooted in the pernicious and false belief that America is an
irredeemably racist and sexist country; that some people, simply on account of their race
or sex, are oppressors; and that racial and sexual identities are more important than our
common status as human beings and Americans," Trump wrote, later calling the ideology
The UK government last month issued guidance
which says schools should not use resources "produced by organisations that take extreme
political stances on matters."
Examples of unacceptable stances include "a publicly stated desire to abolish or overthrow
democracy, capitalism, or to end free and fair elections," as well as opposition to free
speech or the use of racist or anti-Semitic language. Materials "promoting divisive or victim
narratives that are harmful to British society," were also included as an example.
Lt. Frank Drebin , 1 hour ago
A rare example in these surreal times. I salute you ma'am.
Nothing , 36 minutes ago
Not that rare. Ive heard numbers of blacks and latinos speak out like this. But these
voices are systematically suppressed by Google, by Facebook, and also by the blocking of
peaceable assemblages and by simple conversation with strangers without being muzzled with
the excuse given of coronaphobia.....
Dickweed Wang , 1 hour ago
If all races are so equal why is it that when Europeans first went to the African
continent the people there were not using the wheel?
Yippie21 , 1 hour ago
Now do American Indians; same
CriswellSpeaks , 1 hour ago
If whites are superior to blacks then why didn't the white race completely supplant the
black race in Africa? Short answer, same reason the black race never built any great cities
in Africa, tropical diseases. Geography is destiny and being located at the equator,
tropical diseases have prevented black Africans from creating any great civilizations until
the present era. When the whites of S. Africa attempted to migrate north much past Rhodesia
they were stopped dead in their tracks(literally) by tropical diseases. Imagine what a
society would look like if it got hammered by the Black Death every century and you have
black Africa.
DeathMerchant , 1 hour ago
********! There was no enviromental incentive to progress in equatorial regions. No need
for warmth, food or advanced tools to progress beyond ability to provide basic necessities
which were available to them year round. Compare that to the northern climes which had
minimal seasonal opportunities to provide those things and the development of capability to
cope with such.
CriswellSpeaks , 1 hour ago
Critical Race Theory is a form of back handed racism directed at minorities. According
to CRT, as a white person I possess this magical power to oppress all black people that I
was born with. No matter what black people do, they are powerless is the face of my absence
of skin pigmentation. Seriously, if you do a little digging into the founders of CRT you
will probably find the law firms/lawyers/political lobbyists who were responsible in the
1960's for opposing the abolition of Jim Crow laws. After they lost to color blindness and
integration, they infiltrated the Communists, claimed racial harmony was preventing a
Marxist revolution and had to be reversed for it to happen. CRT would drag race relations
back to the post civil war era.
PCShibai , 32 minutes ago
Ask yourself this, " if ' white privilege ' is the real reason
why blacks cannot get ahead in the US, then why aren't blacks successful in all the other
black-lead nations on the planet?" I mean...... there's ZERO history of ' white privilege '
keeping down Uganda, or the Congo, or ANY other black-lead nation...... and yet they are
all failing their people miserably and have ALWAYS failed their people miserably!
" White
privilege " is the CRUTCH that is used by the black race for their own failures.
Failure to maintain a family that raises children properly, failure to insist that their
children are properly educated, failure to integrate into the successes of the surrounding
culture, failure to accept the fundamentals that make people economically successful.
Until they eliminate the CRUTCH and accept their responsibility for their own success
& their own failures, they will continue to be the one failed culture throughout the
entire world!
cvp , 9 minutes ago
I do not disagree with the point your making; I would like to add, the people who
migrate from the African continent to the United States are some of the happiest people
I've met and worked with in my life. They are not interested in what BLM is selling! Jus
5onIt , 40 minutes ago
None of the black people in this country were brought here in chains either. They are
free to leave whenever they damn well please.
greatdisconformity , 30 minutes ago
The institution of slavery gave black lives a value they did not otherwise have in
Africans simply sold the losers of tribal wars, or their own slaves, to the coastal
It was either the auction block, or the killing fields.
I do not feel any guilt at all.
Without slavery, these people would not exist in any form; here or with descendants in
They owe their existence in its most fundamental form to slavery.
They should be glad.
Whitey is being played. Big time.
Spetzco , 19 minutes ago
Especially as most of the major slave traders in Africa were BLACK themselves.
greatdisconformity , 35 minutes ago
The language of Critical Race Theory is the language of Genocide.
Historically, when an ethnic group is singled out for a savage take-down like Critical
Race Theory, it has been a prelude and pretext for mass killings.
Of course, this time things will be different.
Shifter_X , 14 minutes ago
It's the same playbook the Boshies Nazis and Maoists used. Yes, genocide and wiping out
history, that's their specialty.
St. TwinkleToes , 1 hour ago
When you're a race hustler filled with the dripping hatred of Whitey, and all you have
going in life are endless victim grievance bs regurgitated to get a head in life, it all
makes sense. It's not enough that Blacks have their own BET, endless Black This & Black
That Awards, staring roles in most all feature films, Two term POTUS, no, they want it all.
They want Whitey to live in imaginary Black World Wakanda as indentured Servants as
reparations for slavery 150 years ago. They want to drag us in chains down roads of endless
Persecution until we are no more.
Phuc Critical Race Theory, and Phuc Black Lives Matter.
SunsteintheSodomite , 58 minutes ago
Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa showed the world that you can build a complete
NATION with infrastructure, economic supply routes, trade deals, agriculture, technology,
...then drop off the keys and an instruction manual...
...and within 5-10 years it will be beyond repair.
Throughout their history, blacks have had only one route to civilization:
Follow WHITEY.
Rest Easy , 23 minutes ago
And van jones has the nerve to say white people have a virus. Maybe so van. We are too
Is there a US city and unfortunate surrounding suburbs that has a large percentage of
black persons not causing havoc? Ruin. Just generally weird stupid bs. Morning noon and
night. Tip toeing through the daisies trying to keep the young black kids fun down to a
dull roar. If you are "lucky". Get a little uppity and the klan with a tan comes a
knocking. Sometimes just being white around black Nazis is more than sufficient.
At least teach students about what happened in Rwanda.
Misean , 4 minutes ago
Or Rhodesia, the bread basket of Africa.
After changing it's name to Zimbabwe, the black rulers have reduced the nation to abject
poverty. From feeding much of sub Saharan Africa, the nation now depends on massive food
imports, most of which is given by western nations at great expense.
The population of productive whites and blacks have either left or been killed by roving
bands of bandits. The bandits "reclaimed" commercial farms at gun point, took girls as
slaves killed all makes, and raped then murdered the women.
Having no clue how commercial farming works, but assured by their leaders that
traditional African farming was superior, they sold the farm equipment to smarter thugs,
for dimes on the dollar (the buyers exported the equipment to better run countries, for
sizable profits, this depleting the country of the farm capital necessary to turn things
The farm bandits, with stone age farming techniques, destroyed the soil quickly. Most of
the fertile top soil has washed away, what's left is exhausted.
nsurf9 , 1 hour ago
The only "privileged" our country is suffering under - is not already ending the
Affirmative Action Act of 1986. It had it place 25 years ago. Now, it is nothing more than
a prima facie Government sanctioned systematic discrimination against Caucasians - that's
now well past being justified by any stretch of a "compelling state interest" argument.
If you are being wrongfully discriminated, you have the Equal Protection Clause of the
14th Amendment and State law to pursue your claim - like the rest of us.
SmokingArgus , 25 minutes ago
If you have a "Minister of Equalities" you've already lost.
Shifter_X , 1 hour ago
"" Our history of race is not America's history of race. Most black British people who
have come to our shores were not brought here in chains, but came voluntarily due to their
connections to the UK and in search of a better life. I should know. I am one of them"
What a steaming pile of ********.
The settlers who came to America in 1560 (not 1619 as the fictitious farcical revised
"history" claims) and thereafter brought their slaves WITH THEM FROM THE UK
The UK was happy to pass the slave trade on to the colonies.
But make no mistake, the UK was up to its *** in slavery well before the colonies were
even formed.
DieSocialJusticeWankers , 1 hour ago
A Biden win and there will be affirmative action and CRTheory on steroids. The USA will
die for young white people. Vote Trump white people, or you're fkkkkked!
1. As recently as June of 2019, Biden praised the "civility" of the segregationist
senators he worked with in Congress to pass anti-busing legislation.
2. Biden praised the notorious segregationist politician George Wallace, boasted about
how Wallace once honored him with an award in 1973, and told a Southern audience in 1987
that "we [Delawareans] were on the South's side in the Civil War."
3. Biden opposed busing in the 1970s and expressed fears that it would lead to a "racial
4. Biden voted to protect the tax-exempt status of private segregated schools.
5. Biden told black radio host Charlamagne tha God, "If you have a problem figuring out
whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
6. Biden told the Asian and Latino Coalition of Des Moines that "poor kids are just as
bright and just as talented as white kids."
7. While delivering remarks before a black audience in Delaware, Biden launched into a
meandering story about a gang leader named Corn Pop and claimed that he "learned about
roaches" while working at a community pool in a black neighborhood.
8. In 2008, Biden referred to then presidential candidate Barack Obama as "the first
sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean."
9. In 2006, Biden told C-SPAN, "You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless
you have a slight Indian accent."
10. Biden falsely claimed to have "marched" in the civil rights movement.
Still waiting on Trump's racist comments, been like 6 years.
Brits had slave's just as almost every other country in the world has, in the past even
white slaves (Irish). Brits have no higher ground to stand on than anyone else looking at
their indiscretions in India and China and elsewhere. Such as the opium wars in China.
Silly British. They should realize it has NOTHING to do with race. It's all about
COMMUNISM, they are just as in danger from the cancer of communism as anyone else.
rmogabe , 27 minutes ago
She said it is a political movement.
artytom , 1 hour ago
Thank Goodness. Very surprised to see this coming out of the UK government - but...
Is the tide turning.
Have the World Bank run out of bribes?
Have we passed the tipping point and they have taken off the pressure because they know
there is no going back?
Are they satisfied that the economies are in free fall and won't bounce back?
Are they simply covering their asses (the most likely of all).
DeathMerchant , 1 hour ago
In 1959, AAMD set the IQ threshold for mental retardation at < 85. The civil rights
movement of the next decade forced psychologists to rethink this boundary, because half the
African American population fell below it. In 1973, responding to this concern, AAMD (by
then AAMR) changed the threshold for retardation from IQ < 85 to IQ < 70. The
boundary moved south by one standard deviation! The proportion of blacks below the
threshold instantly dropped from about 50 percent to 12 percent. Subsequent refinements
made it still more difficult to meet the criteria for retardation.
When Binet in 1905 produced the first IQ test, it promised to revolutionize the diagnosis
and treatment of mental retardation. A half century later it came under attack for reasons
Binet could not have imagined. Could any of the pioneer psychometricians have foreseen
Larry P. v. Riles (1979), a California class-action suit that focused on IQ testing of
young black children? The court held that IQ tests were not valid for African Americans. It
banned California from using the tests for placing black students in classes for the
"educable mentally retarded" or equivalent categories on the grounds that the tests were
biased. After a series of appeals, the district court ruled that no special education
related purposes exist for which IQ tests could be administered to black pupils. Though
only a California ruling, the case began a political assault on standardized testing that
has spread beyond the IQ test to college entrance exams, promotional exams and more.
A Case History of Government Intervention
In 1996, The Office for Civil Rights placed 16 school districts nationwide under review for
potential discrimination. The districts were charged with violating the civil rights of
minorities, especially African Americans, because blacks were found to be overrepresented
in special education programs, especially those for the mentally retarded. Five of the 16
districts were in Maryland. Ironically, Maryland is a very liberal state very much in tune
with the goals of the Civil Rights Office. Maryland is also almost 30 percent black. The
offending districts included Baltimore, Howard, Harford, Montgomery and Prince Georges
counties. OCR detectives uncovered "discrimination" by looking at school records. The
offending data appear in Table 1. The irritant is in the last column. Black children were
classified as retarded at 1.5 to 2.2 times the rate of whites. OCR ordered the counties to
find a "remedy."
Fortunately teaching Critical Race Theory or any other invented marxist propaganda is
going to get a lot of people killed.
They'll find they deployed the subversion before gaining a sufficient majority, or
sufficient technological control among a highly educated peasantry.
And by the end of all that killing, there will be a brighter future for European
descendants, darkness relegated to its corner of the Earth.
By that time, all the people who would otherwise wish they'd never uttered a word of
critical race theory will simply be no longer.
Fight back.
You have the moral law on your side and you will win.
GreatUncle , 18 minutes ago
UK Government ... ROFL.
The UK government last month issued guidance
which says schools should not use resources "produced by organisations that take extreme
political stances on matters."
Because see we the UK government do that ... ain't you noticed? So as we do it then it
is all legal like mass immigration to destroy the indigenous population...
MadameDeficit , 1 hour ago
Oh boy, can't wait for the hypocrites to tell her why she's wrong.
Maghreb2 , 1 hour ago
She's right but she should shut her mouth either ways because she's a tory sell out
bitch and we know that because we know the Tories and the
Freud-Murdoch run P.R firms they get their polices from . Real racial theory would have
David Lammy lynched by everyone but the Chinese. Starting teaching the little white boys
Jimmy Savile in Leeds infirmary and we'll have them ready to suicide bomb Buckingham
Palace and go after the nearest member of "the people who will n
ot be blamed for nothing " minority .
Tell them that is what Mi5 are for.
To protect White Privileges and the weaker ones will kill themselves when they see what
they have planned for them in the future. By the Divine right of the Windsors suicide isn't
even legal and just remember that is why he was in the infirmaries. She should remember how
similar the white monkeys are to the black monkeys in their natural habitat .
The west is past imported racial talking points. Blood for the money will be new mantra
after the war starts but we wouldn't expect the people in parliament to have ever
understood that in way because they can't see the real world. Rivers of Blood Libel these
days. Play them this song and we'll see which music turns them into hardened killers over
night. Tell them Guy Burgesses and Rothschild used to go to the
Gargoyle club and the stories about Dolphin Square .
Victim ideology as broadcast by media, politicians and schools is the true divider and
oppressor that reinforces the odious legacy of slavery. The only way people move beyond
what was unacceptable in the past is to release and bury it. Those who are vested in
maintaining the old ugly status quo are the ones who won't let it go. that's the cabal and
all their minions. Enough.
GeezerGeek , 1 hour ago
How many black slaves were needed on Britain's cotton plantations? Duh...
How many black slaves were brought to Britain's colonies in America (not just on the
continent) before it became an independent (at least that's the story) nation? Duh...
As an aside, isn't one particular candidate for VP this year the descendant of a slave
owner in a former British colony?
Compare slaves brought to British colonies against slaves brought into the USA after
independence. Which number is greater and which process lasted longer?
For fun, we can then consider black slaves brought to other places in the Americas, both
North and South, plus the nearby islands.
At least she had the courage to attack CRT, which strikes me as another example of the
soft bigotry of low expectations. How long do you think it will be before she finds herself
looking for a new job?
What is never mentioned is that poor whites suffered from slavery. Depressed wages.
Being forced to man "slave patrols" or risk jail time. That system robbed everyone
Faustus B. , 2 hours ago
The left got so worked up about intelligent design being taught in the classroom, but
apparently it was just political. We must never forget that they'll ram racial
pseudo-science down kid's throats the minute they get the chance.
SergeyBodrov 14 hours ago What a harmonic peaceful country. Is this the same country that
wants to "Lecture" Belarus in how to be a 'non violent' democracy? Eh, nah thanks. We are good.
Reply 38 5 fstthttr SergeyBodrov 9 hours ago Not the people,,, Richland Yabitches" 17 hours ago
Considering those Private Security Gaurds arrested in Belarus who Masquerade as Russian were
actually Ukrainian, too bad none of them got shot but same Terror Club as Antifa/BLMuts" Reply
12 BlueArgonaut 16 hours ago Ukrainian scenario re-enacted. TWOFilms 15 hours ago Who would
have thought things could deteriorate so fast because a criminal black man gets killed by an
uneducated and badly trained cop? The Revolution has started except now it's unorganised,
chaotic and at this rate, will transfer the USA into another 3rd world dictatorship with a huge
arsenal of nukes. Great! Reply 4 Show 1 previous reply JPSCUSA TWOFilms 6 hours ago If it's any
consolation, the people who do this kind of thing are not in a position to launch any missiles,
and wouldn't be able to figure it out given unlimited access to launch facilities. shadow1369
TWOFilms 8 hours ago Floyd's murder was just the trigger, the gun had been loaded already by
the DNC. Most of theses thugs are only doing what they are told, and enjoying looting stuff.
Reditus_sum 3 hours ago A domestic TV station feels the need to employ private security to
protect their staff, they must consider their country to be a war zone. Reply SoTexGuy 6 hours
ago Not enough deaths yet to cause any real upheaval or change. Americans have been normalized
to violent deaths by decades of horrific death perpetrated by us on mostly brown people in far
away places as well as the complacency of Officials to murder cities here. Hollywood also a
factor. A hundred violent, political deaths in a day might do to rouse the sleeping and
cowering majority. Reply Stranded 12 hours ago Private security guard who screams I got a White
Supremacist? What kind of news agency did he work for? Al Jazeera? no_right_turns 9 hours ago
Cops, private or otherwise, are as FA as it's possible to be. The only way one could be
associated with ANTIFA is as an agent provocateur. ununou 13 hours ago White
people...are people! Some smart...most really dumb...but people! Hint...look for the real enemy
and stop killing youself..."most really dumb"....
Recall that in late May as George Floyd and Black Lives Matter related protests reached a
peak, so did reports of mass theft targeting high end neighborhoods of New York known for
luxury boutiques.