The first question to ask about "sniper-gate" is classic cui bono? There is no question that
the major beneficiary was the opposition, not the Yanukovich government. For opposition clear benefit
of the sniper killings was to provide a pretext for “regime change”.
That means that the opposition is the primary suspect. The event has all signs of "false flag" operation:
Bullets fired from a single rifle were found to have hit and killed people on both sides of the confrontation.
“at least 21 protesters were killed in the space of a few hours”…”… ten corpses were laid
out on the pavement beneath the awning of a cafe on the northern edge of Independence Square,
where thousands of demonstrators are still camped. At least three of the bodies displayed
single bullet wounds to the heads.
There is an evidence of precise targeting:
One demonstrator, who gave his name as Andreiy, carried in one body on a green military stretcher.
“He died between 90 minutes and two hours ago,” he told a Telegraph reporter. “These are all live
rounds. You can see what they do. He and all the others were shot in the head, the neck or
the heart. None were shot anywhere else like in the legs.” (Telegraph)
During negotiation about signing EU-brokered
agreement on ending crisis Yanukovich essentially capitulated and at the moment of sniper killing
it is not very plausible that he has stomach for such actions. Moreover the key idea and net result
of this action was to derail this agreement which calls for the creation of a coalition and forming
a "national unity" government within 10 days since signing the agreement. Opposition, especially far
right Svoboda Party and (actually no less far right if we judge by
Turchinov-Yatsenyuk tandem actions after getting to power)
Batkivshchina wanted all the power and that was possible only via putsch. Udar Party that was supported
by Germany (Klitschko) was thrown under the bus, exactly as was
prescribed by Nuland. Here is one telling comment
from Feb 20, 2014 published on
The Vineyard
of the Saker site which compares the situation with Generalissimo Franko’s march on Madrid,
Spain in the late 30s counting on the fifth column (the infamous fifth column) supporters within the
city to assist them :
Ukraine: sick fascist filth and gangland violence as political opposition – Rick Rozoff
"With the release of a recent conversation between the US Ambassador to Ukraine and Victoria
Nuland plotting the downfall of the current legitimate elected government in Kiev, it is clear
who is behind the attempted coup in Ukraine. US backed "activists" with sniper rifles and hand
guns are openly firing on police something that would not be tolerated anywhere in the world but
which is being portrayed by western leaders as being legitimate opposition protest behavior. However
such cold-blooded murder would lead to brains being swept off the street in their cities. According
to Voice of Russia regular Rick Rozoff, who spoke on these issues, what we are color revolution
techniques in action and the western media is playing along as a propaganda tool for those behind
the scenes.
But again, you are correct in stating: where something like this to happen in Washington DC,
or Paris, or London, I can assure you the first police officer who was injured in any manner,
would be the cause for a crackdown, the likes of which wouldn’t be forgotten in a hurry. However
the trick about the "regime change", so-called "color revolution technique", which is: to
place the targeted government in a situation where if they do not respond harshly, they are seen
as vulnerable and then the violence is escalated. If they make any effort, no matter how belated,
to even defend themselves, it is seen as being a gross violation of human rights and portrayed
that way by the western governments and their rather formidable media outlets.
And this is a situation that I believe is occurring right now in Kiev. But we have to..anyone
who has seen this, who has gone to my website or Russian websites and has seen the actual fires
in downtown Kiev, this is again the capital city of a European country going up in flames, for
the second time in 15 years we saw Belgrade similarly set of fire by NATO bombers, what will be
15 years from next month, if this is a new world order what you are seeing is a resumption of
fascistic brutal violent uprisings which ultimately are backed by the US and its cohort of NATO
military powers. And what I fear right now, if the violence is not halted very quickly in Ukraine
you are going to see full-fledged, if not civil war, you are going to see foreign-backed-armed-insurgency,
if not comparable in every particular to what’s happening in Syria at least similar in terms of
its basic dynamic.
Incidentally there is a report by INTERFAX Ukraine that armed groups in Western Ukraine and
Lviv have been intercepted by security personnel on route to Kiev. So what you are talking
about is something almost comparable to, say, Generalissimo Franko’s march on Madrid, Spain in
the late 30s counting on the fifth column (the infamous fifth column) supporters within the city
to assist them and so forth. But this is nothing less than an effort to topple a legitimate
government in Europe in the 21st century through vicious street violence, the sort one may have
associated with Adolf Hitler’s attempt to Beer Hall Putsch in 1923 or Mussolini’s March on Rome.
This is the kind of sick fascist filth we are seeing in Ukraine."
The best 101 on events was provided by Justin Raimondo on March 21, 2014. See
Ukraine’s Mysterious
Snipers. Here is a large except
... ... ...
Instead, what happened less than twenty-four hours after the truce was announced was a shocking
act of violence, initially blamed on the Ukrainian police:
20 protesters
were shot and killed. The opposition seized on this and broke the EU-sponsored agreement, as
armed activists from the ultra-nationalist
Svoboda and Right Sector groups attacked police with Molotov cocktails and what had been billed
as a "peaceful" protest turned violent
rather quickly. The narrative was quickly picked up by the "mainstream" Western media: evil pro-Russian
authoritarians murder blameless peaceful "pro-democracy" protesters – the people rise up – Yanukovich
flees –
the Good Guys come to power in Ukraine.
Except the Ukrainian secret service, which had been eavesdropping on a phone conversation between
EU diplomatic honcho
Catherine Ashton
and Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet, in which the latter was reporting on his trip to Kiev.
The audio was promptly uploaded to YouTube,
and here is the relevant portion of the transcript, where Paet is reporting on his conversation with
Olga Bogomolet, who was in charge of a medical team at the Maidan;
... ... ...
The snipers were firing on both the protesters and the police, so that both sides thought
they were under attack from the other side – a perfect recipe for a provocation. But who was behind
The Yanukovich government
had nothing to gain from firing on the protesters: an agreement had already been reached and
the situation showed every sign of being under control. However, somebody didn’t want that agreement
to stand and was determined to see it come unglued. And what better way to do it than to stage such
a provocation?
... ... ...
So who, exactly, is doing the "investigating"? Acting Ukrainian Prosecutor General
Oleh Makhnitsky, a leading figure in the ultra-nationalist Svoboda party. That Svoboda and their
fellow right-wing extremists of Right Sector are the leading suspects in this crime apparently doesn’t
disturb the US State Department – or their amen corner in the US media – which has taken to
whitewashing Svoboda
and its neo-Nazi allies as having supposedly "moderated" their views.
Something awfully ugly is arising out of Ukraine’s seething cauldron of hate.
When a group of Right Sector bully boys broke into the chief prosecutor’s office and
slapped the man in charge around, the Western
media looked away. When the same thugs barged into the office of Ukrainian state television and
beat up the head honcho for broadcasting material they didn’t approve of, our "mainstream" media
pretended it never happened (Chris Hayes on MSNBC was the
notable exception). Now when the Foreign Minister of a state on decidedly hostile terms with Russia
accuses the Ukrainian coup leaders of instigating the catalyzing incident that swept them into power
– still the most of the "news" outlets of the English-speaking world ignore it as if it never happened.
There is nothing subtle about the views of
Svoboda and
Right Sector, the two parties which have moved into
the leadership of the coupist "interim government": the former used to be called the "Social
National Party," and was founded as a memorial to the views of
Stepan Bandera, leader of the World War II pro-Nazi militia
that fought the Russians and directly participated in the Holocaust. Right Sector, a paramilitary
group in charge of "security" at the Maidan, is even more extreme; it was formed from the merger
of several militant neo-Nazi groups, including
"White Hammer" and "Trident." Neo-Nazis
from all over Europe to join in Ukraine’s "national revolution.
Sooner or later, the ugliness of what is occurring in Ukraine is going to come out: you can’t
hide a neo-Nazi "national revolution" under the very thin veneer of a
"pro-EU" protest forever.
And these guys are particularly unpretty – little more than thugs masquerading as political "activists."
There is entirely too much to sweep under the rug here – and the lumps in the fabric are already
We may never know who hired the snipers who handed Ukraine over to a gaggle of assorted fascists,
corrupt oligarchs, and their CIA backers. Yet we don’t need receipts to figure it out. Although
asking "Qui bono?" isn’t always enough to draw a conclusion in such instances, in this case it most
certainly is.
And here’s an intriguing question: what did the US government – whose spies are no doubt crawling
all over Ukraine – know about the mysterious snipers, and when did it know it?
"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was
planned that way."- Franklin D. Roosevelt
"Terrorism is the best political weapon
for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death."- Adolph Hitler
In color revolutions civilian deaths are often triggered deliberately with a view to accusing the
enemy and demonizing a current head of State, an orchestrated "catastrophic and catalyzing event". The
concept of killing civilians and placing the blame on the enemy goes far back in history. See
False flag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is not the first time and not the last time snipers were used for toppling of the government
in color revolutions. Several other examples with unclear origin of snipers shooing protesters which
were quickly and uniformly attributed to the government and has a distinct effect of helping to derail
the government due to subsequent outrage were documented (Unknown
Snipers and Western backed “Regime Change” Global Research)
January Events (Lithuania)
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tanks and soldiers encircle the
TV tower. Soldiers fire live ammunition
overhead and into civilian crowds gathered around the building. Tanks drive straight through lines
of people. Fourteen people are killed in the attack, some of them shot by snipers. The claim that
it was Red Army snipers was later questioned.
The similarities between the Maidan snipers and the snipers in Romania in 89 are striking.
In Bucharest, French snipers were used to give more legitimacy to the incoming new Romanian government.
I wonder who were used on the Maidan.
BTW I don't think real Ukrainians wanted another oligarch in power at all. Half of them stayed
home, the none voted in the east and a few in the south.
I just hope some oligarch would keep their private thugs and armies out of Eastern Hungary,
where they terrorise locals who don't sign up for dodgy deals.
In Susanne Brandstätter’s documentary ‘Checkmate: Strategy of a Revolution’ aired on Arte
television station some years ago, Western intelligence officials revealed how death squads
were used to destabilize Romania and turn its people against the head of state Nicolai Ceaucescu.
Brandstätter’s film is a must see for anyone interested in how Western intelligence agencies,
human rights groups and the corporate press collude in the systematic destruction of countries
whose leadership conflicts with the interests of big capital and empire.
Former secret agent with the French secret service, the DGSE(La Direction générale de
la sécurité extérieure) Dominique Fonvielle, spoke candidly about the role of Western
intelligence operatives in destabilizing the Romanian population.
“how do you organize a revolution? I believe the first step is to locate oppositional
forces in a given country. It is sufficient to have a highly developed intelligence service
in order to determine which people are credible enough to have influence at their hands
to destabilize the people to the disadvantage of the ruling regime”[2]
This open and rare admission of Western sponsorship of terrorism was justified on the grounds
of the “greater good” brought to Romania by free-market capitalism. It was necessary, according
to the strategists of Romania’s “revolution”, for some people to die.
The regime in Kiev totally ignores the
evidence presented last month by the former chief of the Ukrainian Security Service Alexander
Yakimenko, that unknown snipers killing both protesters and riot police on Feb. 20, were hired
by the Western secret services and protected by the commandant of the Self-Defense of Maidan,
Andriy Parubiy, who was later appointed secretary of the National Security and Defense Council
of Ukraine.
Mr. Yakimenko said that shots were fired from the building of the Philharmonic Hall in the Ukrainian
capital, which was under the full control of the opposition forces and Cmd. Parubiy in particular
This time with omnipresence of smartphones and reporters with video cameras on Maidan, there are
several additional video documents which make the theory of government snipers even less plausible then
pure cui bono considerations. There are also intercepts of radio talks of government snipers
which were present and were taken by surprise by the event. Some bullets got into tries which allowed
to determine from which direction they were shot.Funny, but those trees soon disappeared being
replaced by new young trees.
But those facts were very inconvenient for Western MSM so initially they try to hide it in the outburst
of emotion and graphic coverage blaming everything on Yanukovich government as prescribed in standard
color revolution scripts. After junta came to power they generally forgot about the event.
One exception is German TV which made their own investigation (see
Эпизод перед расстрелом «Небесной сотни» так и остался
необъясненной тайной Пашинского, но теперь открываются эти секреты.
Почему до сих пор сотрудники МВД и СБУ, спустя год, не нашли людей, которые были в том автомобиле
и вывозили винтовку? По сути – это те же люди, которые ее туда и привезли в правительственный
квартал, напротив Майдана.
Сергею Пашинскому, как и Арсену Авакову вероятно, есть что скрывать...
Еще кого то удивляет отсутствие правосудия? международные преступники посадили с помощью денег
и радикалов в Киеве свою власть. Вспомните раговор Нулланд про расстрел людей. Все уже давно в
курсе кто и как это сделал.
Дело в другом - всем наплевать на народ Украины и её целостность, главное собрать и снарядить
побольше войск и устроить беспорядки у границ России, ожесточить как можно больше народа, раскачать
ситуацию в самой России и попробывать провести госпереворот.
Ни США ни ЕС денег не щадит на такие вещи. Это по сути одна контора. И ту политику, что мы
сейчас видим от Лидеров стран ЕС и США это все подтверждает.
Около года прошло с тех пор, когда весь мир содрогнулся от массовых расстрелов в Киеве во время
смены власти в Украине. Но до сих пор не найдены убийцы «Небесной сотни».
И чем больше проходит времени, тем больше препятствий находит власть для объективного расследования.
До сих пор неизвестно о хищении 190 уголовных дел из Шевченковского РОВД по потерпевшими и убитым
на Майдане.
По свидетельству врачей, куда доставляли потерпевших — многие пули до сих пор не изъяты, а невостребованную
одежду в крови сожгли. Но самое интересное, что среди массы прочего — упорно замалчивается история
с винтовкой, которую помог вывезти народный депутат Сергей Пашинский. О ней все не просто забыли.
Это стало табу. Словно ничего и не было.
Сегодня нужно восстановить все детали этого события, так как история получила неожиданное развитие.
И так, 18 февраля около часа дня по ул. Институтской, у перекрестка с Крепостным переулком, между
протестующими активистами и стоящими цепью силовиками возникает неизвестный мужчина в белой каске
и лыжных очках. Он попадает в десятки камер мобильных телефонов и телеканалов, которые снимали происходящее.
Одежда привычная для протестующих того времени. При этом мужчина участвует в каких-либо действиях
активистов, но его взгляды нацелены только в одну точку, где припаркован автомобиль HONDA у дома
№ 24/7 по ул. Институтской.
Через некоторое время мужчина в белой каске садится в автомобиль HONDA темно-синего цвета с госномером
АА4774СО и уезжает по направлению дома № 28 — в толпу, где его останавливают протестующие.
При попытке осмотреть машину мужчина сильно нервничает, у него проверяют документы, но отпускают.
А минутой позже останавливают вновь и под напором толпы автомобиль обыскивают, открывается багажник.
В сумке багажного отделения Хонды АА4774С обнаруживается винтовка с глушителем и оптическим прицелом.
И тут же, вдруг, на месте происшествия оказывается один из лидеров оппозиции — Сергей Пашинский.
Он буквально вырывает водителя «Хонды» из рук обескураженных протестующих.
Ничего не поясняя словами, а только одними жестами Пашинский усаживает каких-то людей в «Хонду»,
в машину садится новый водитель и старый водитель в белой каске, лыжных очках и медицинской маске
— «Хонда», уезжает. На вопросы множества людей — «куда вы едете», ответов никто не дает, а авто с
четырьмя неизвестными беспрепятственно уезжает.
Был момент, когда один из сопровождающих автомобиль HONDA АА4774С (его Сергей Пашинский усадил
на левое заднее сидение) открыл окно авто, а затем и вышел из машины, ему сказали, по всей видимости,
забрать документы на авто.
В суматохе не понятно, забрал ли он что-то у протестующих или нет, но в это время неизвестные
в «Хонде» уже набирали скорость без вышедшего. Оставленному товарищу этой группы неизвестных лиц
пришлось догонять автомобиль, в котором увозили винтовку с глушителем и оптическим прицелом.
До сих пор ничего неизвестно ни о тех людях, куда они поехали и кто были эти люди, стреляли ли
из этой винтовки и главное — почему она оказалась в том районе, где позже массово расстреливали людей?
Во всей этой суете остается незамеченным один не приметный, но дающий ответы на многие вопросы
момент. В то время, когда Сергей Пашинский пытается успокоить людей жестами и вывезти водителя в
белой каске, за автомобилем находится молодой человек в темной куртке с желтым откинутым капюшоном.
Он очень внимательно наблюдает за происходящим. Уже через несколько секунд он обходит спереди
автомобиль «Хонда», и садится на водительское сидение! Именно этот нюанс остается без надлежащего
внимания. Всех интересует персона мужчины в белой каске, очках и медицинской маске, но никак не иные
Сергею Пашинскому, вероятно, есть что скрывать?
Этот эпизод перед расстрелом «Небесной сотни» так и остался необъясненной тайны Пашинского, но
сегодня мы начнем открывать эти секреты.
Почему до сих пор сотрудники МВД и СБУ, спустя год, не нашли людей, которые были в этом автомобиле
и вывозили винтовку? И по сути — это те же люди, которые ее туда и привезли в правительственный квартал,
напротив Майдана.
Все началось с звонка сослуживца Юрия Соболты. Он опознал в человеке с желтым капюшоном сотрудника
спецподразделения «Барс» МВД Украины 2009–2010 год. Юрий ему запомнился, как человек любящий снайперское
оружие, когда увидел его на кадрах очень удивился.
Понадобилось несколько дней, чтобы посредством социальных сетей и некоторых источников выяснить
всю картину происходящего и выявить всех лиц, причастных к данной винтовке 18 февраля 2014 года на
ул. Институтской.
Сегодня очень модно извещать обо всей деятельности МВД в «Фейсбуке». Один из тех, кто очень активно
этим занимается — некий Юрий Соболта. Если присмотреться внимательно, то в нем можно с легкостью
распознать того таинственного водителя в темной куртке с желтым откинутым капюшоном, который увозил
компанию неизвестных лиц со снайперской винтовкой на «Хонде».
Кто же такой Юрий Соболта и что его связывает с Пашинским?
Оказывается очень много людей, политиков и активистов Майдана могли узнать человека, который вывозил
оружие с Институтской, но этого никто не сделал.
Итак: Юрий Мирославович Соболта. Родился 2-го мая 1985 года в селе под Дрогобичем. В 2009–2010
годах проходил службу в воинской части № 3027. Это — спецподразделение «Барс». В подразделении безусловно
есть снайперы, а дислоцируется в/ч в г. Ирпень, Киевской области.
Мы пока умалчиваем, когда и за что именно Юрий Соболта получил доверие в партии «Батькивщина»
и о том, какие дела у него были на «гражданке» до службы в спецподразделении «Барс» — Юрий начал
служить не в привычное время для юношей, не в 18–20 лет, а в 24 года.
Юрий Соболта был лично знаком с Александром Турчиновым и Николаем Томенко, Арсением Яценюком и
Андреем Парубий. Многие журналисты знают его. Это подтверждают их совместные фотографии в социальных
сетях. Как Вы думаете, эти люди не узнали Юрия Соболту? Вам не кажется это странным?
Сейчас Юрий Соболта находится на службе в МВД. И, судя по его фотографиям в Facebook, работает
охранником или же личным адъютантом… у министра внутренних дел Арсена Авакова. Кстати того самого,
который до сих пор не может раскрыть массовые расстрелы на Майдане и найти убийц.
Не правда ли — у сюжета невероятный поворот событий?
Ровно через месяц после своего назначения министром внутренних дел Арсен Аваков наградил Юрия
Соболту нарезным пистолетом «Форт 1705» № 110448 с разрешением № 3625 от 28.03.2014. Чем же успел
так выслужиться Юрий перед новым министром, что уже через месяц получил наградной пистолет и стал
его личным охранником?
Выходит, что к событиям 18–20 го февраля 2014 года причастен и Арсен Аваков. Ведь его новый человек
— Юрий Саболта 18 февраля с винтовкой в багажнике оказался там не случайно. Как и ряд других лиц,
но о них мы напишем позже. Все лица из автомобиля опознаны, несмотря на их маски.
До определенного момента Саболта находился среди митингующих, «растворившись» в толпе, наблюдал за
Вполне допустимо, что он и его группа «особого реагирования» прибыли вместе с Пашинским. Все становится
понятно, почему при формировании коалиции шли такие торги за должность министра внутренних дел. И
почему Арсений Яценюк так неистово настаивал на кандидатуре Арсена Авакова. Понятно и то, что в объективном
расследовании преступлений на Майдане нынешняя власть не заинтересована. Именно этот, наконец проясненный
эпизод — тому доказательство.
Нашлись все, кто уехал в той «Хонде» с винтовкой, которой управлял Юрий Соболта и, как оказалось
это не менее интересные люди.
Теперь мы понимаем, почему нет никакого реального расследования убийства «Небесной Сотни». Понимаем,
почему люди, пришедшие к власти не смогли расследовать это чудовищное для страны преступление. Не
смогли расследовать и эпизод с вывозом оружия. Потому что все находившиеся в машине имели непосредственное
отношение к Турчинову, Авакову и Пашинскому.
Они сделали все, чтобы эта история забылась и те лица, которые были в авто остались неизвестными.
Спустя время мы понимаем то, что задумывали люди с винтовкой и оптикой, глушителем 18 февраля,
через несколько дней, у них все же получилось…
Это не конец истории. Расследование продолжается и очень много фактов, свидетельств, видео и фотографий
надо проанализировать.
Обращаюсь ко всем, кто что-то знает — помогите с расследованием, присылайте фотографии, видеоматериалы
и все что Вы знаете. Преступление против своего собственного народа необходимо раскрыть несмотря
— ни на что.
I am afraid it is far too little and far too late.
21 February, 2014 00:37
Anonymous said...
Interesting and revealing interview with a major of Ukrainian internal police troops (these troops
are used to secure government district along with the Berkut riot police. The major took his regiment
out and they are in the process of leaving Kiev:
The interview is in russian. Hopefully, it can be understandable with google translate.
Although the guy is from western Ukraine, he does not sound like rabid nationalist. He sounds
just like a tired and fed up commander who decided to save his men (who are conscripted 18-20 yr
olds) after troops started to be shot at regularly yesterday.
His claim that they had no guns and riot police had only pump-action rubber bullet rifles until
yesterday. He is also describing that during the last two days there was regular sniper fire that
shot rioters in the back.
21 February, 2014 02:13
Anonymous said...
Interesting and revealing interview with a major of Ukrainian internal police troops (these
troops are used to secure government district along with the Berkut riot police. The major took
his regiment out and they are in the process of leaving Kiev:
The interview is in russian. Hopefully, it can be understandable with google translate.
Although the guy is from western Ukraine, he does not sound like rabid nationalist. He sounds
just like a tired and fed up commander who decided to save his men (who are conscripted 18-20
yr olds) after troops started to be shot at regularly yesterday.
His claim that they had no guns and riot police had only pump-action rubber bullet rifles until
yesterday. He is also describing that during the last two days there was regular sniper fire that
shot rioters in the back.
Leaked tape of phone conversation between Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and Catherine Ashton
-- High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy for the European Union reveals
strong suspicion by those two that snipers in Kiev were hired as provocateurs to shoot both protesters
and police
Paet: “All the evidence shows that the people who were killed by snipers from both sides, among
police men and people in the street, that they were the same snipers killing people from both sides.”
Ashton: “Well that’s, yeah…”
Paet: “And she also showed me some photos and she said that has medical doctor, she can say that
it is the same handwriting…”
Ashton: “Yeah…”
Paet: “Same type of bullets… and it’s really disturbing that now the new coalition, that they
don’t want to investigate what exactly happened. So that there is now stronger and stronger
understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovich, but it was somebody from the new coalition.”
Ashton: "I think they do want to investigate, and I didn’t know… pick that up – gosh."
Former State Security Head of Ukraine Oleksandr Yakimenko blames Ukraine's
current government for hiring snipers on Feb. 20, when dozens of people were killed and hundreds
more wounded. The victims were mainly EuroMaidan Revolution demonstrations, but some police officers
were also killed. This was the deadliest day during the EuroMaidan Revolution, a three-month uprising
that claimed 100 lives.
Yakimenko also blamed the United States for organizing and financing the revolution by bringing
illegal cash in using diplomatic mail.
The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine dismissed the charges as ludicrous, while another official with the
current government called the accusations "cynical" propaganda with no factual basis.
... ... ...
Yakimenko made these and other accusations in a 10-minute exclusive interview
to Russia's Vesti channel in an undisclosed location.
"The shots sounded from the building of Philharmonics," Yakimenko told Vesti. "This was the
building supervised by (now National Security Council Chief Andriy) Parubiy."
He said the snipers were shooting in the back of the running police, as well as at protesters.
He said there were two groups of "well-dressed" snipers, each composed of 10 people, operating in
the building. Yakimenko said their exit was witnessed by both SBU operatives and protesters themselves.
He said one of the groups of snipers disappeared, but the other one relocated to Hotel Ukraina
and continued to kill the protesters at a slower pace. Yakimenko said at that point representatives
of Svoboda and Right Sector appealed to him to deploy SBU's special unit Alfa to destroy the snipers.
Yakimenko claims that he was ready to do it, but did not get the permission of Parubiy, who supervised
the self-defense forces.
"To get inside EuroMaidan I needed Parubiy's permission because the forces of self-defense
would hit me in the back," Yakimenko said. "But Parubiy did not give me such a permission."
"Not a single weapon could get onto Maidan without Parubiy's permission,"
he said, adding that EuroMaidan protesters used mercenaries from former defense ministry's special
units, as well as foreign mercenaries, including those from former Yugoslavia.
... ... ....
Yankimenko says that Parubiy, as well as a number of other organizers
of EuroMaidan, received direct orders from the U.S. government. Among those people he named former
and current intelligence chiefs Mykola Malomuzh and Viktor Gvozd, former Defense Minister Anatoliy
Hrytsenko and leader of the opposition Petro Poroshenko.
"These are the forces that were doing everything they were told by the leaders and representatives
of the United States," he says. "They, in essence lived in the U.S. embassy. There wasn't a day when
they did not visit the embassy."
... ... ...
SBU chief Valentyn Nalyvaichenko is also accused of playing to the tune
of the Americans. The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine commented on these accusations in just one word: "ludicrous."
All orders were given either by the U.S. or EU ambassador Jan Tombinski, "who in essence is a
Polish citizen."
"The role of Poland cannot be underestimated," Yakimenko said. "It dreams about restoring its
old wish, Rzeczpospolita."
The EU Delegation had no comment about the accusations.
The former SBU chief also talked at length about the financing of EuroMaidan protests, saying
much of it came directly from the U.S., and that some Ukrainian oligarchs, including Poroshenko,
Dmytro Firtash and Viktor Pinchuk.
"From the beginning of Maidan we as a special service noticed a significant increase of diplomatic
cargo to various embassies, western embassies located in Ukraine," says Yakimenko. "It was tens of
times greater than usual diplomatic cargo supplies." He says that right after such shipments crisp,
new U.S. dollar bills were spotted on Maidan.
He said Ukraine's oligarchs were also financing Maidan because they were "hostages of the situation
and had no choice" because most of their assets are located in the west.
For a few weeks journalists of the German television channel ARD tried to investigate
the events. And their findings completely contradict version of the junta Attorney General.
For example they interviewed a Maidan activist, someone called Mykola. He says he also took part in
the assault on Instytutska street. And well see that his comrades were shot several times from behind.
"On Feb 20 were we were shot from the hotel " Ukraine ", the eighth or ninth
floor . They were mercenaries . In any case - professionals " - said the radical.
During those events the hotel "Ukraine" was in full control of the protesters. And get
into the building could only with their consent . Several rooms were rented by foreign reporters . Video
filmed by them documents with precision that demonstrators were hit from behind. That might be some
even crossfire. From several points.
It was not that difficult to find the direct evidence. All inlets from bullets on the
trees were still present on the Maidan. They point to Hotel Ukraine. And almost no one from Bankova
street, which was defended by "Berkut" . Simple ballistics expertise with a laser pointer stubbornly
points to the upper floors of the hotel "Ukraine" .
At independence Sqare shootings there were four sniper of the structures controlled by the ex-President
of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili
During the tragic to the events of February in Kiev at the protesters fired not fighters of special
division "Berkut", reads the statement of the temporary investigative Commission of the Verkhovna
Rada on the results of the studies used by the snipers ammunition cartridges and bullets.
According to the head of the Commission Gennady Moskal, firing at the demonstrators could be performed
by representatives of the out of control public organizations. Without elaborating on what institutions
are, Moskal said that "the first shot was made at the police", reports ITAR-TASS.
"Anyone could join the ranks of the protest movement under the guise of struggle against the current
authorities," he said. According to him, it does not exclude the version that shooters can be officers
of the Security Service of Ukraine or the Ministry of Internal Affairs and their supporters, posing
as activists.
The Commission was established to investigate illegal actions of law enforcement and of individual
officers during the events related to mass actions of social and political protest that took place
in Ukraine from 21 November 2013. No one has claimed responsibility for the deaths of the protesters
and law-enforcers, whose number exceeded 100 people. More than half of them were killed on the
morning of February 20 on Independence square and the street of the Institute.
Recall, who seized power in Kiev accused of shooting at protesters fighters police special forces
Berkut. As they say in Kiev, order sniping gave the President Yanukovych, and to perform the operation
helped the Russian special services. Russia denies involvement in these events and question the conclusions
of the Ukrainian authorities.
In early March, a taped conversation of the Supreme Commissioner of EU on foreign Affairs, Catherine
Ashton, with foreign Minister of Estonia Urmas Paet was released . The latter said that the protesters
and police were killed the same snipers, and it would be profitable for the opposition, not to the
In early April at the "Dynamo" stadium in Kiev was found a bullet, similar to the one that murdered
the first victims of the Maidan. There is no such bullets in standard weapons arsenal of "Berkut".
This finding became another argument in favor of the version that the murders on the Maidan including
murders of Maidan protesters were performed by the same people who organized the Maidan.
Finally, mass media disseminated a statement of the Georgian officer, former commander of
the battalion "Avaza" Tristan, Tsitelashvili, who said that at the square there were four sniper
of the structures controlled by the ex-President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili. Moreover, the
curator of the group, according to the officer, could be Givi Targamadze - Georgian MP, well-known
in Russia as the defendant in the trial about events on Bolotnays".
Members of the Coalition Government Were Behind the Sniper Killings?
It should be noted that at least two of the main Neo-Nazi Maidan paramilitary leaders who in all
probability were directly or indirectly involved in the sniper killings now occupy positions of authority
in the new government, overseeing the armed forces, police, and the prosecutor’s office.
Andriy Parubiy co-founder of the Neo-Nazi Social-National
Party of Ukraine (subsequently renamed Svoboda) who now heads the powerful National Security
and National Defense Committee (RNBOU) was one of the man leaders of the Maidan riots. He
was referred to by the Western media as the “kommandant” of the EuroMaidan movement.
Andriy Parubiy together with party leader Oleh Tyahnybok is a follower
of Ukrainian Nazi Stepan Bandera, who collaborated in the mass murderer of Jews and Poles during
World War II.
Another key leader of EuroMaidan was Dmytro Yarosh, who currently leads the Right
Sector delegation in the parliament. He was appointed deputy Secretary of the RNBOU, which overseas
the armed Forces, police,National Security and intelligence.
Yarosh was the leader of the Brown Shirt Neo-Nazi paramilitary during the EuroMaidan riots.
Has criminal or semi-criminal past. He was arrested and was for some time in detention in
Frosinone (Italy)
late March 2012. An Italian court placed Avakov under house arrest as a preventive measure on 12 April
2012. Member of Batkicshchina Party (like Yats and Trupchinov). Like many other in junta, he was a player
in the completely criminal wave of first privatizations. Pathological liar. Intercepted
phone call made him one of suspects in attempt on life on Kharkov major Gennady Kernes
WSJ Kharkiv Mayor at death’s
door after shooting - Crash Magazine Online
Officials said Kernes had made a public statement that he was being subjected to “political persecution”,
adding that Arsen Avakov, Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, was linked to threats against
Kernes and the attack on him.
His career of Interior Minister was marked by series of blunders including disbanding of Berkut.
Earlier Wednesday, acting Interior Minister Arsen Avakov announced that a riot police force used
against anti-government protesters in Ukraine had been disbanded.
Demonstrators accused the elite Berkut force, deployed by the government of Yanukovych to quell
recent protests, of using excessive force.
Avakov said on his Facebook page that he'd signed the order disbanding the force Tuesday.
But the new, pro-Russian mayor of Sevastopol said Tuesday night at a rally in the city that he
had secured funding to keep paying Berkut riot police there even after the force was disbanded.
The mayor, Alexej Chaliy, was elected in an unofficial local vote, but the interim authorities
in Kiev have said he is not a legitimate leader.
Last week, the bloody street clashes between demonstrators and security forces left more than
80 dead, the deadliest violence in the country since it gained independence when the Soviet Union
collapsed 22 years ago.
Russia, which backed Yanukovych, contends that the President was driven out by an "armed mutiny"
of extremists and terrorists. A warrant has been issued for his arrest, but his whereabouts remain
Arsen Avakov was born on January 2, 1964 in Kirov town (Kirovskiy district which is now Binagadinskiy
district) of Baku (Azerbaijan)
into a military family and is of Armenian origin.
Since 1966 Avakov has been permanently residing in
From 1981 to 1982 Arsen Avakov worked as a laboratory assistant at the Chair for Automated Control
Systems in Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute.
In 1988 he graduated from
Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute
as a systems engineer with a major in automated control systems.
In 1987—1990 Avakov was employed by All-Union Scientific-Research Institute on Water Protection
(Kharkiv) as an engineer.
In 1990 Arsen Avakov founded and headed “Investor” JSC, аnd “Basis” Commercial Bank later in 1992.
In 2002 Avakov was elected a Member of the Executive Committee of
Kharkiv City Council.
On February 4, 2005 by the Decree of the President of
Ukraine Arsen Avakov was appointed the Head of
Kharkiv Regional State Administration [ and resigned
from the position of the Head of “Investor” JSC and “Basis” Commercial Bank Supervisory Board.
On March 26, 2006 he was elected a Deputy of Kharkiv
Regional Council of the 6th convocation, a member of the Standing Committee on Budgetary Issues.
On October 31, 2010 Arsen Avakov was elected a Deputy of
Kharkiv Regional Council of the 6th convocation,
a member of the Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Historical Heritage, Intellectual
Wealth and National Minorities.
On February 9, 2010 he resigned pursuant to Part 3 of Article 31 of The Law of Ukraine “On Civil
Service”: “Principled disagreement with decisions made by the public body or an official thereof,
and ethical reasons preventing continuation of civil service”.
On February 1, 2010 Avakov withdrew from “Our Ukraine” political party headed by the President
Viktor Yushchenko. At the close of his term of office in Kharkiv Regional State Administration Avakov
issued a detailed Summary Report.
Avakov was charged on 31 January 2012 with illegally transferring land and he was put on
the international wanted list of
Interpol on 21 March 2012.[1]
He was detention in Frosinone (Italy)
late March 2012.[1]
A Italian court placed Avakov under house arrest as a preventive measure on 12 April 2012.[2]
After in October 2012
he was elected into the Ukrainian
parliament he return to Ukraine on 11 December 2012.[1]
On 10 December 2012, a Court ruling canceled Avakov's restriction measure in the form of detention
and a warranty for Avakov'a arrest, as Avakov was elected as a people's deputy.[3]
Avakov returned to Ukraine the next day.[3]
Avakov published 12 scientific papers, one monograph and a number of essays on political and social
issues. He is married and has a son named Oleksandr.
Arsen Avakov is a member of “Batkivshchyna”
political party.
During the presidential electoral campaign in Ukraine in 2004 Arsen Avakov was the Deputy Head
of Kharkiv Regional Headquarters of V. А. Yushchenko,
a presidential candidate, and the First Deputy Head of “The National Salvation Committee” in Kharkiv
From February 4, 2005 till February 9, 2010 he was the Head of
Kharkiv Regional State Administration,[3]
Deputy of Kharkiv Regional Council of the 5th and 6th convocations; a member of the National Security
and Defense Council of Ukraine from May 5, 2007 through January 21, 2008, Organizing Committee on
the Preparation to Hold Euro 2012 in Ukraine
from April 24 till May 8, 2007, National Council on Interaction between Government Authorities and
Local Self-Government Bodies. He is Honored Economist of
In March 2005 Arsen Avakov was elected into the Council of “Our Ukraine” People’s Union” Party,
a member of the Party Presidium.
On February 1, 2010 he withdrew from “Our Ukraine” political party headed by the President
Viktor Yushchenko.
On April 21, 2010 Arsen Avakov joined the “Batkivshchyna”
party and accepted the offer of Yulia Tymoshenko
to lead the regional organization of “Batkivshchyna” political party.
Valentyn Oleksandrovych Nalyvaichenko (Ukrainian:
Валти́н Олекса́ндрович Налива́йчко) (born 8 June 1966;
is a Ukrainian diplomat, politician and statesman.
On 24 February 2014, the Verkhovna Rada
(Ukrainian parliament) appointed Nalyvaichenko the Head of the
Security Service of Ukraine.[4]
Nalyvaichenko started working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1994 and was appointed deputy
minister in 2004 and ambassador to Belarus in
December 2005.[3][5]
In May 2006, he left that position to become the first deputy head of the Security Service of Ukraine.[6]
In December 2006, Nalyvaichenko became acting head of the SBU following
Ihor Drizhchany's dismissal by parliament.[6]
He kept this temporary position due to political deadlock but was finally confirmed as head of the
SBU in March 2009.[6][7]
In March 2010, following the defeat of
Viktor Yushchenko in the
presidential election,
Nalyvaichenko was replaced by Valeriy
Khoroshkovsky. In September 2010, Nalyvaichenko was chosen to replace
Vira Ulianchenko as the Chairman of
the Political Council of Our
Starting from June 2006 Nalyvaichenko worked in the field of national security. In June 2006 he was
appointed the First Deputy of the Head of the
Security Service of Ukraine
(SBU), and the Head of the Anti-Terrorist Center.
He immediately initiated fundamental reforms to establish state-of-the art European security service,
by, first of all, reviewing its key functions and eliminating “the totalitarian legacy” of the
Soviet KGB.
De-politization and de-militarization of the Ukrainian security service became key priorities
for his reforms, as well as focus on protecting interests of ordinary citizens of Ukraine. He also
focused on fighting corruption, combating terrorism, drug and people trafficking, illegal sales of
weapons. Nalyvaichenko introduced mechanisms of democratic civil control over activities of the SBU.
The State Secret Service under Nalyvaichenko took leadership in promoting and implementing
the Euro-Atlantic strategy of Ukraine. He initiated a joint Working Group “Ukraine-NATO”
on military reform.
Nalyvaichenko initiated unprecedented efforts aimed at restoring historical memory that resulted
in declassifying and digitalization of archives of the SBU, and making them available to public.
He created special research centers to discover, declassify and release documents related to different
periods of modern Ukrainian history, including tragic times of
Holodomor (Ukrainian Famine) of 1932-33, Stalin
repressions, WWII, Ukrainian Insurgent
Army (UPA), repressions against Ukrainian intelligenzia and patriots of the 60-s, 70-s, and 80-s.
For the first time in the history of independent Ukraine people could have access to actual cases
and files of their prosecuted family members and friends.
Nalyvaichenko transferred some of the former KGB property, i.e. administrative building of the
SBU Department in Lviv Oblast, back to the
community. It was later opened to public and turned into the National Museum-Memorial of Victims
of the Occupation Regimes.
In 2009 Nalyvaichenko officially stated that documents from the SBU archives contained indisputable
and conclusive evidence that Holodomor of 1932-33 in Ukraine was organized and orchestrated by the
totalitarian Stalinist regime, and therefore was
a Genocide against people of Ukraine. On June
22, 2009, the State Security Service of Ukraine opened a criminal case on the grounds of Paragraph
1 of Article 442 of the Criminal
Code of Ukraine “in relation to the genocide in Ukraine in 1932-33” that killed millions of innocent
In May 2010, he announced the beginning of a public initiative called «Onovlennya Krainy» (Renewal
of the Country).
In September 2010 he joined
Our Ukraine party and became
Chairman of the Political Council of the party. On May 24, 2012 he resigned as Chairman of the Political
Council and left the party.
Supporting principles and political platform of UDAR
(Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reforms) of Vitaliy Klitchko, on August 1, 2012 he joined his
political party. Valentyn Nalyvaichenko was elected Member of
Parliament of Ukraine in October
2012 from of UDAR; he was # 3 on UDAR party list.[9][10]
On 22 February 2014, just after the "Maidan
the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian parliament)
appointed Nalyvaichenko (with the support of 333 of the 450 MPs[4])
its Commissioner in charge of supervision over the Security Service of Ukraine.[4]
"The contempt for the lives of the soldiers and for France herself has come to
the point of calling people raw material and cannon fodder."
François-René de Chateaubriand, De Bonaparte et des Bourbons
"The whole purpose of propaganda is to make the obvious seem obscure, or offensive."
Stefan Molyneux
False flag (or black flag) describes covert military or paramilitary operations designed to
deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities,
groups or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.
The deep state is term used in Turkey which alleged to be a group of influential
anti-democratic coalitions within the political system, composed of high-level elements within
the intelligence services (domestic and foreign), military, security, judiciary, and mafia. The
notion of deep state is similar to that of a "state within the state". For those who
believe in its existence, the political agenda of the deep state involves an allegiance to nationalism,
corporatism, and state interests.
"... Italian investigative journalist Gian Micalessin interviews three snipers who shot the people in Maidan square. They were Georgians sent to Ukraine by security services people aligned with American allied-educated Mikhail Saakashvili. American mercenary Brian Christopher Boyenger ran the sniper operation on location. Expanded translation of the Italian (the video subtitles are abridged) below the video ..."
"... "They explained to us to shoot to create chaos and confusion. We did not have to stop. It did not matter if we fired at a tree, a barricade, or a molotov. The important thing was to sow chaos. " ..."
"... Alexander, admitting he was involved in the shootout from the Conservatory building, claims to have understood very little. "Everyone started shooting two or three shots at a time. We did not have much choice. We were ordered to shoot both the Berkut, the police, and the demonstrators, no matter what. I was totally outraged. It went on for fifteen minutes maybe twenty. I was out of my mind, agitated, under stress, I did not understand anything. Then suddenly, after 15, 20 minutes the shooting ceased and everyone has put down the weapons. " ..."
"... As wounded and dead arrived in the Ukrainian Hotel's reception, the snipers fled from the rooms. And so the victims found themselves next to their assassins. ..."
"... Alexander says he left in a hurry. "Someone was shouting that there were snipers, I knew what they were talking about," he said, "my only thought was to disappear before they knew about me. Otherwise, they had me. At that time, however, I did not realize, but now I understand. I do understand. We've been used. Used and discarded." ..."
the piece run here at Fort Russ on 27 October "
of Maidan Snipers
" by Darrol, here is the original confessions given to Italian journalist Gian
Micalessin which transcript should closely match the testimony provided in the Belarus' courtroom, noted in
the 27 October piece:
(With English subtitles) Italian investigative journalist Gian Micalessin
interviews three snipers who shot the people in Maidan square. They were Georgians sent to Ukraine by
security services people aligned with American allied-educated Mikhail Saakashvili. American mercenary Brian
Christopher Boyenger ran the sniper operation on location. Expanded translation of the Italian (the video
subtitles are abridged) below the video
What the hell? Who is shooting? Somebody got shot! I can't believe it happened right here! A man standing
right next to me just got shot!
It was at dawn, I heard sounds of gunshots as bullets were flying. Somebody got shot in the head by a
We were ordered to shoot at the police and protestors randomly.
Which location were the shots fired [from]? From the Ukraine Hotel?
The shooting was from the Ukraine Hotel.
Kyiv, February 2014. It is three months the Maidan square, in the heart of the capital, has been filled
with protestors; who've been demanding the government and president, Victor Yanukovych, to sign an
association agreement with the European Union.
On February 18th the clashes have become bloody, with about 30 casualties. The worst moment will be in
the morning of February 20th. A group of unknown snipers began firing at protestors and police. In a short
period of time up to 80 dead were counted.
The next day [February 21st, president] Yanukovych leaves the country. On February 22nd the opposition
seizes power.
But who was shooting at the crowd and opposition?
To this very day, the official version from Kiev is the slaughter was conducted by the order of the
Kremlin-backed [Yanukovych] government. This version seemed suspicious to many. The Foreign Minister of
Estonia, Ermas Paet, was the first one to dispute this.
Returning from a trip to Kiev only 5 days after the massacre, [Paet] reported in a phone call to EU
Commissioner for Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton, revelations from a Ukrainian doctor who examined the
cadavers of Maidan square. The intercepted phone call, published widely by the Russian media, is
"The most disturbing thing [Paet explains] is that all of the evidence points to the people killed by
snipers, both police and people in the street, were killed by the same snipers."
Speaking with a clearly embarrassed Ashton, the foreign minister cites the testimony of the Ukrainian
"She speaks as a doctor, and says it is the same signature, the same kind of bullets. It is really
disturbing that now the new coalition [Paet reaffirms] refuses to investigate what is really going on. There
is a very strong conviction that they're are behind the snipers That it is not Yanukovych, but some of the
new coalition "
After four years from the beginning at November 2013 of Maidan demonstrations, we are able to tell
another truth, completely different from the official story. Our story begins towards the end of summer
2017, in Skopye, the capital of Macedonia. There, after long and complex negotiations, we met with Koba
Nergadze and Kvarateskelia Zalogy, two Georgian participants and witnesses in the tragic shootings and
Both Nergadze and Zalogy are linked to former Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili , who started, in
August 2008, a short but bloody war with Russia's Vladimir Putin. Nergadze, as proved by an identification
card he holds, was a member of a security service at President Saakashvili's order. Zalogy is a former
Saakashvili party activist.
"I decided to come to Skopije to tell you everything we know, about what happened and I and my friend
have decided together, we need to shed some light on those facts," Nergadze says.
Nargadze also says Alexander Revazishvilli, [we met] a few months later, a former sniper of the Georgian
army, participated in the Maidan shootout. [We] met in another Eastern European country.
All three of our participants say that they were recruited at the end of 2013 by Mamuka Mamulashvili, a
Saakashvili military advisor who, after the Maidan action, will move to the Donbass, to lead the so-called
Georgian Legion in clashes with ethnic Russian insurgents.
"The first meeting was with Mamulashvili [was] at the office of the National Movement," Zalogy said. "The
Ukrainian uprising in 2013 was similar to the" Pink Revolution "that took place in Georgia years before. We
had to direct and guide it using the same pattern used for the "Pink Revolution"
Alexander's version is no different. "Mamuka first asked me if I was really a trained sniper, Alexander
recalls, [then] he immediately told me he needed me in Kiev to pick some places."
Our informants integrated to various groups of volunteers between November 2013 and January 2014, [after]
receiving passports with false names, and money advances.
"We left on January 15, and on the plane, Zalogy remembers, I received my passport and another [passport]
with my photo but with different name and surname. Then they gave us each a thousand dollars to begin,
promising to give another five thousand more"
Once in Kiev, our three participants begin to understand better why they were recruited. "Our task,
Alexander explains, was to arrange provocations to push the police to charge the crowd. Until the middle of
February, however, there were not many weapons around. The Molotovs, the shields and the sticks were used to
the maximum."
But in mid-February, clashes around Maidan begin to get worse. "About 15 and 16 February," Nergadze
remembers, "the situation has begun to become more serious every day. It was out of control now. And in the
meantime, the first shoots were heard. "With the rising of tensions, new players [would] come into play"
"One day around February 15, remembers Alexander, Mamualashvili personally visited our tent. There was
another guy in his uniform with him. He introduced him and told us he was an instructor, an American
soldier." The US military veteran Brian Christopher Boyenger, is a former officer and sniper for the 101st
Airborne Division. After Maidan, [Boyenger] moves on to the Donbass front, where he will fight in the ranks
of the Georgian Legion alongside Mamulashvili.
"We were always in touch with this Bryan, Nergadze explains, he was a Mamulashvili man. It was he who
gave us the orders. I had to follow all his instructions"
The first suspects in the possession of firearms among the ranks of demonstrators, involve Serghey
Pashinsky, a leader of Maidan Square, who became, after the fall of Yanukovych, chairman of the Kiev
On February 18, in a video made that day, a rifle locked in a car was recorded with video taken by a
demonstrator, showing an automatic rifle. A few seconds after, Pashinsky approaches and orders the car be
allowed to go. The next day, weapons were distributed to groups of Georgian and Lithuanian mercenaries
residing in Hotel Ukraine, the hotel overlooking the square used as a headquarters by opposition.
"In those days, Pashinsky and three other people, including Parasyuk, had taken the weapons handbags to
the hotel. They were going to get them into my room," Nergadze says.
Volodymyr Parasyuk is one of the leaders of the Maidan Square protest. After the massacre of
demonstrators, he will become famous for an ultimatum in which he will threaten to use weapons to hunt
President Viktor Yanukovych.
"On February 18, recalls Zalogy, someone took some weapons to my room. In the room with me there were two
Lithuanians, the weapons were unpacked by them."
"In each bag, recalls Nergadze, there were Makarov's pistols, Akm automatics, carbines. And there were
packages of cartridges. When I first saw them I did not understand . When Mamulashvili arrived, I also
asked him. "What's going on," I told him, "what are these weapons? Is everything all right?
"Koba, things are getting complicated, we have to start shooting," he replied, "we can not go to the
pre-election presidential elections " "But who should we shoot? And where? "I asked him." He replied that
where he did not care, we had to shoot somewhere to sow some chaos."
"While Nergadze and Zalogy assisted in arms distribution at the hotel, Alexander Revazishvilli and other
volunteers went to the Conservatory, another building overlooking the square. "It was February 16th
Pashinsky ordered us to collect our belongings and bring them in Other people arrived, they were almost
all masked.
"From their cases I understood they carried weapons . They pulled them out and handed them over to the
various groups. Only Pashinsky was talking "He was giving orders. He asked me where we were supposed to
shoot. " "In the meantime, explained Nergadze, even at the Ukraine hotel, the leaders of the revolt
underlined the purpose of using the weapons.
"They explained to us to shoot to create chaos and confusion. We did not have to stop. It did not matter
if we fired at a tree, a barricade, or a molotov. The important thing was to sow chaos. "
On the 20th, in the morning, the plan came into action. "It was supposed to be dawn," Zalogy remembers,
"when I heard the sound of the shots they were not bursts, they were single strokes came from the next
room. At that same time, the Lithuanians opened the window. One of them fired one shot while the other
closed the window. They have fired three or four times everywhere."
Alexander, admitting he was involved in the shootout from the Conservatory building, claims to have
understood very little. "Everyone started shooting two or three shots at a time. We did not have much
choice. We were ordered to shoot both the Berkut, the police, and the demonstrators, no matter what. I was
totally outraged. It went on for fifteen minutes maybe twenty. I was out of my mind, agitated, under
stress, I did not understand anything. Then suddenly, after 15, 20 minutes the shooting ceased and everyone
has put down the weapons. "
As wounded and dead arrived in the Ukrainian Hotel's reception, the snipers fled from the rooms. And so
the victims found themselves next to their assassins.
"Inside, recalls Nergadze, "there was chaos, you did not understand who was who. People ran back and
forth. Someone was hurt someone was armed. Outside was even worse. There were so many injured in the
streets. And the many dead."
Alexander says he left in a hurry. "Someone was shouting that there were snipers, I knew what they were
talking about," he said, "my only thought was to disappear before they knew about me. Otherwise, they had
me. At that time, however, I did not realize, but now I understand. I do understand. We've been used. Used
and discarded."
On February 18-20 th 2014 there was a major escalation of the violence on Kiev's
Maidan, ending in a massacre on the 20 th and ultimately in the overthrow of
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanuykovych. In the center of a European capitol over one hundred
police and demonstrators had been shot to death and hundreds more wounded. Despite the heavy
casualties suffered by police, Western governments, the opposition-turned government and
Western and Maidan media were the very next day unanimous in reporting that the massacre had
been ordered by President Yanukovych and that the shooting was initiated and carried out
exclusively or nearly so by snipers from the Ukrainian state's police and security organs using
professional sniper rifles. To this day, many in Kiev believe it was more likely that Russian
special forces organized and perhaps even carried out the slaughter. As discussed further
below, the Maidan government's chief of the Security Service of Ukraine, Kiev's equivalent of
the KGB or FSB, falsely declared in March 2015 that Russian President Vladimir Putin's advisor,
Vladislav Surkov, organized and commanded the snipers. The three days of killing peaked on the
20 th and ultimately scuttled an agreement to end the crisis signed on February 21
st by Yanukovich and three opposition party leaders and brokered by Russia and the
foreign ministers of Germany, France and Poland.
Less than two weeks after the massacre and Yanukovich's ensuing removal from power there
emerged an audiotape – likely a Russian or Ukrainian government intercept – of a
telephone conversation between Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and the EU's Catherine
Ashton in which the former states that his feeling and the sense in Kiev generally was growing
that someone from the new Maidan regime was behind the shooting. Although when pressed by Paet
that there needed to be an investigation Ashton faint-heratedly agreed, neither party made any
effort to push the issue again, no less demand an investigation.
[1] The legitimacy of the new coalition government and subsequent new Maidan regime
depended on the myth surrounding the snipers' massacre that Yanukovich's alleged deployment of
snipers sparked his overthrow and prompted Western governments to ignore the opposition's
violation of an agreement between the regime and opposition that provided a way out of the
crisis. The martyrs of the Maidan revolution know as the 'heavenly hundred', who were allegedly
killed by Yanukovych's forces, became the heroes and symbol of the revolution. Thus, from the
Paet-Ashton phone call forward, not only did Paet and Ashton stop discussing the shooting, but
not a single Western official discussed this issue so pivotal for the fate of Europe, no less
called for an investigation. Quite disturbingly, Ashton and Paet remained silent until the
audiotape was leaked. Nor would any foreign government, with the exception of Russia, or any
international governmental organization demand an investigation or threaten repercussions for
Kiev's failure to do so.
Mounting evidence now shows that not police, as the Ukrainian opposition and Western
governments and media assume, but rather RS and SP fighters were shooting both police and
pro-Maidan demonstrators on those fateful days. Contrary to Western and Kiev's claims, the
gunfire was initiated by Maidan supporters in the early morning hours, and police initially
showed restraint and sought to convince Maidan leaders to find and stop the shooters so they
would not have to respond. The escalation from Molotov cocktails, chains, and massive bricks
was not a distant leap.
Detailed and comprehensive analysis of publicly available evidence conducted by Ottawa
University professor and Ukrainian scholar Ivan Katchanovski demonstrates that the armed
fighting on both February 18 th and 20 th was initated by the
neofascist-dominated Euromaidan 'self-defense' units and that the RS and SP fighters shot,
killed, and wounded both police and EuroMaidan demonstrators. After the first version of
Professor Katchanovski's research was published, his house in Vinnitsa, Ukraine was seized by
the RS- and NSA-led Azov Battalion's fighters on behalf of the Maidan regime.
[2] Independent investigations by numerous organizations and a plethora of video and audio
evidence support Katchanovski's findings: Germany's Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, a BBC
documentary film, a documentary film by Beck-Hoffman, among several others. The following
account is based on their findings and others. These include interviews with several Maidan
shooters, who testify about their involvement in the killing of police.
Those killed and wounded on 18-20 February 2014 in Kiev were not shot by trained police
'snipers'. For the most part, both police and demonstrators were shot by hunting rifles,
Makarov pistols, and occasionally modified Kalashnikovs. To be sure, some videos show police
aiming but rarely firing rifles with scopes. However, they were doing so long after the RS and
SP fighters began the shooting and are not positioned on building roofs in order to carry out a
clandestine sniping operation. The police are openly deployed on the streets during a retreat
before a violent and advancing crowd, some of whom were deploying firearms as well.
February 18 th , black Tuesday, saw 17 deaths in Kiev. Most were killed in
fighting around the Supreme Rada and Trade Union buildings. The Maidan's 'Self Defense' (MSD)
'self-defense' units or 'hundreds' ( sotniki ) led by the neo-fascist RS attempted to
storm the building of the Verkhovna Rada (for the seond time – the first on January 21
st ) and set the Party of Regions headquarters in Kiev on fire blocking the exits,
killing one worker and seven Berkut and MVD police. In response, the Yanukovich government
authorized plans 'Boomerang' and 'Khvylia' for the the seizure of the Maidan and its
headquarters. An Alfa officer, who led one of the SBU groups that stormed the Trade Union
Building, stated that their main task was to seize the building's 5th floor. The RS occupied
the entire floor, which served as headquarters for both the EuroMaidan, the Maidan Self-Defense
(MSD), which organized and supervised the EuroMaidan's 'sotniki', and RS and housed a cache of
weapons. The fire set by RS fighters in the Trade Union House was allegedly intended to block
the advance of 'spetsnaz' troops and killed at least two Maidan protestors. The Trade Union
House, the Music Conservatory and especially the Hotel Ukraine would wherefrom much of the
gunfire targeting police and demonstrators would come in the next days.
Katchanovski's groundbreaking research on the February 18 – 20
th violence uncovered two radio intercepts of Internal Troops units and Alfa
commanders and snipers, confirming that the MSD and RS blocked their attempts to seize the
Maidan headquarters and Trade Union building on February 18 by setting the building on fire and
using live ammunition. Also, a radio intercept of Alfa commanders contains their report about
deploying SBU snipers to counter two Maidan "snipers" or spotters located on a
Maidan-controlled building.
[5] The majority of February 18's deaths were reported to be the result of gunfire wounds,
[6] and several policemen were wounded by gunfire on that day, at least one seriously,
according to a police account.
[7] This confirms Omega commander Strelchenko's testimony, which claims that groups of
Maidan protesters used live ammunition as early as February 18 th during the
so-called "peaceful march" and shot several of his policeman in two incidents near 22/7
Institute Street across the street from the Kiev Music Conservatory with hunting rifles and
Makarov pistols.
Protester Ivan Uduzhov claims someone gave him a Kalashnikov, and he shot at police from
behind protesters during the police attack just prior to police retreat. Uduzhov's description
coincides with events on February 18 th and 20 th and specific 5.45mm
AK-74 and 7.62mm caliber AKM weapons.
[9] An Italian journalist's photograph shows a protester using the cover of demonstrators'
shields to fire a Kalashnikov AK-74 assault rifle at advancing police during the evening of
February 18.
[10] On February 19 th there was a relative lull, but one police report states
that police spotted demonstrators wearing RS symbols in the Music Conservatory that day.
Shortly after midnight on February 20 th RS leader Dmitro Yarosh announced on his
Facebook page that RS would reject any agreement with the Yanukovych regime and that "the
offensive of the people in revolt will continue."
[12] On that day at least 49 Maidan demonstrators and 3 policemen would be killed by
gunfire, and more than a hundred more demonstrator and police would be wounded. Not only was
the shooting on the 20 th initiated by RS and PS fighters of the MDS, but many of
the casualties among the protesters appear to have been shot from areas controlled by the
EuroMaidan and MDS, in particular neo-fascist RS and SP elements. By 9:00am, before any
civilians were hit by gunfire, three policeman were killed and another 13 wounded. Only a few
police appear to have fired at the perpetrators on the 20 th and did so in
self-defence and retreat after the massacre had reached its peak. The February 20 th
shooting of civilians and police centered on Institutskaya (Institute) Street in the Kiev city
center, in particular from the Music Conservatory and Hotel Ukraine, and began with the
shooting of Internal Troops (VV) of the Internal Affairs Ministry (MVD) and 'Berkut' riot
police in the early morning hours.
Different sources contain evidence of pro-Maidan shooters or spotters in at least 12
buildings occupied by the Euromaidan opposition or located within the general territory held by
them during the massacre on February 20. This includes the Hotel Ukraine, Zhovtnevyi Palace,
Kinopalats, Bank "Arkada," other buildings on both sides of Instytutska Street, and several
buildings on the Maidan (Independence Square) itself, such as the Music Conservatory, the Trade
Union Hose, and the Main Post Office. The evidence also indicates that in addition to more than
60 Euromaidan protesters, 17 members of special police units were killed and 196 wounded from
the Maidan-controlled buildings by similar types of ammunition and weapons on February 18-20.
On February 20 th the police had been informed that neo-fascist elements among
the demonstrators had acquired firearms. Nevertheless, for the first hour or so the VV troops
and Berkut used standard crowd control techniques, including three new riot-control vehicles
with water cannons just acquired from Russia, to force the crowd back to the Maidan and off of
Institutka Street. From Institutska the neo-fascists in the crowd had hoped to make it to
Bankovaya (Bank) Street and storm the main government buildings of the president, government
and Supreme Rada as they would succeed in doing the next day. But in the early morning of the
20 th the police had gained their first foothold on Maidan in weeks. Prepared to
clear the square, the VV and Berkut suddenly were forced to retreat when they came under
significant fire from armed protesters. All sources report that around 6:00am and as early as
5:30am gunfire coming from the demonstrators' side, specifically the Conservatory Building and
the Ukraine Hotel's sixth floor, began to hit both demonstrators and police. The Ukraine Hotel,
the Conservatory, and the Trade Union House were all under the Maidan's control. Right Sector
fighters were located in all three buildings and controlled specifically the sixth floor of the
Trade Union House.
[15] One of the EuroMaidan shooters claimed he was firing at police for as long as 20
minutes and saw 10 other Maidan shooters doing the same.
[16] The pro-Maidan Fatherland Party's Rada deputy and former journalist Andriy Shevchenko
told the BBC and other investigators that a police chief in charge of officers on
Institutska– phoned him in desperation saying that his men were under fire from the
Conservatory, casualties were mounting, with 11 initially and within the hour as many as 21
wounded and three already dead, and that soon he would need to return fire if the shooting did
not cease.
[17] This commander was Ukrainian MVD's National Guard 'anti-terrorist' unit Omega
commander Anatoliy Strelchenko, who reported to MSD commander Parubiy at 8:21am that casualties
within his unit had grown to 21 wounded and three killed within a half an hour.
[18] On the same day, pro-Maidan Rada deputy Inna Bogoslovskaya announced from the Rada's
rostrum that there is a video of someone dressed in a Berkut uniform – but not of the
Berkut – shooting from a window in the Ukraine Hotel at both civilians and police in the
early morning.
[19] Other reports, such as the BBC report, also show that the first casualties occurred in
the early morning and were policeman.
The first casualty among the Maidan protesters came at 9:00am, which was several minutes
before the Berkut arrived on the scene, while the Maidan protesters were firing at water
cannons deployed to disperse the crown from Institutka nonviolently.
[21] Tens of other casualties among the protesters came from shots fired from territory and
buildings under the direct control of EuroMaidan's MSD or 'heavenly hundred' units consisting
of shooters from Right Sector, Svoboda, SNA, and the latter's military unit, the Patriots of
Ukraine throughout the day. Buildings under Maidan's comtrol included: the Hotel Ukraina, the
Zhovtnevyi Palace, the Kinopalats, Muzeinyi Lane, the Arkada Building, and Horodetskoho Street.
The data supporting this include eyewitness accounts, videotapes, exit wound analyses, and
markings on trees and building in the areas where civilians were shot. Eyewitnesses report
seeing snipers shooting from buildings such as the Ukraina Hotel at both police/security forces
and protesters.
[22] One video shows journalists and Maidan supporters, including rank-and-file protesters
as well as leaders on the stage, stating they see sniper "coordinator" or spotter on top of the
Trade Union House during the massacre.
A comparable number of casualties came from police, Berkut, and Omega units' fire from the
streets, but these came after the initial early morning massacre of police and Berkut and
during the period when snipers were shooting at both sides. No evidence of police, Berkut or
Omega firing from buildings has been produced. Thus, the day of mass casualties from gunfire
was initiated in the early morning by the neo-fascist elements of the Maidan, and the same
elements fired on both police and protesters later in the morning and the early afternoon.
Police fired on Maidan shooters and some unarmed protesters, but in the latter case the
shooting seemed to target the ground in front of demonstrators in order to drive them back as
they advanced on retreating police up Institutka.
Who Were the Shooters?
By mid-day on the 20 th both sides were firing, but the government forces seemed
to demonstrated some restraint. Thus, there be admissions by the official post-revolutionary
investigation that Maida protesters were killed by firearms not used by the Berkut, MVD
Internal Troops or regular police. The head of the post-Maidan Rada's special parliamentary
commission, Gennadii Moskal, reported that of the 76 protesters killed on February 18-20, at
least 25 were shot with 7.62mm caliber bullets and at least 17 with pellets, while another was
shot with a 9mm bullet from a Makarov pistol. [25] Precisely who initiated fire on the morning of the 20
th also is clear, and it was not the government forces. Small groups of RS and SP
members and fellow travelers from the MSD's heavenly hundreds were the first snipers of
February 20 th .
As noted above, the buildings from which the gunfire emanated – the Trade Union House,
the Music Conservatory, and the Ukraina Hotel – were under the control of Right Sector
and Svoboda groups. Numerous testimony, reports and analyses show that Maidan shooters opened
fire on police as early as 5:30am, wounded at least 14 Berkut police and killed at least 3
before 9:00am and before police returned fire. They were fired on mainly from three buildings:
the Conservatory, Ukraina Hotel, and Trade Union Hall.
[26] Despite RS, SNA and Svoboda fighters being identified in various sources as initiating
and ultimately perpetrating much of the sniper massacre, at the time a group identifiying
itself as the "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" or UPA – apparently named after the World War
Two Nazi-allied Ukrainian organization responsible for mass murders of Jews and Poles –
claimed responsibility for the February 20 th massacre.
[27] This could have been a RS and/or SP subunit.
BBC investigators found a Ukrainian photographer who photographed armed men in the Kiev
Conservatory during the shooting. They also interviewed an ultra-nationalist, called Sergei,
who claims he was part of an armed Maidan unit deployed in the Conservatory and was equipped
with a high-velocity hunting rifle. The Conservatory directly overlooks that part of the Maidan
where the police's water cannon-mounted vehicles had taken up positions. Sergei states that his
unit fired on police in the early morning of February 20 at approximately 7:00am but that they
did not shoot to kill, merely firing at their feet.
[28] According to the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , the
Conservatory riflemen were under the command of 27-year-old Volodymyr Parasyuk, who was the
leader of one of the MSD sotniki units.
Although Andriy Parubiy was commander MSD hundreds, Parasyuk claims his group did not
coordinate its joining the MSD with Parubiy but rather with the Right Sector, speaking with
representatives of opposition UDAR party leader Klichko.
[30] However, as Katchanovski correctly notes, it is highly unlikely that such a large unit
of armed men could have been moving around on the Maidan without permission from someone in the
EuroMaidan leadership – perhaps Klichko.
[31] Parasyuk, a native of nationalistic Lviv in western Ukraine, states that over the
years he received paramilitary training with a range of nationalist groups there and was a
member of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, one of the many Ukrainian organizations
modeled like RS and SP on the World War II era Nazi-allied OUN.
[32] Parasyuk admitted in a Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung interview that many in
his soten or hundred of some 50 men were armed with hunting rifles and fired on the
police from the Music Conservatory, but supposedly only in response to initial police fire.
[33] After playing this key role in the Maidan revolt, Parasyuk would serve as a company
commander in the Donbass battalion organized with the direct involvement of the Right Sector.
In 2015 he would be elected to the Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada, where he would be involved in
several physical attacks on his fellow parliamentarians. One of Parasyuk's Maidan shooters also
joined this battalion,
[34] the commander of which, Semyon Semenchenko, was by February 2016 under investigation
for illegally holding people, using falsified documents, and other unidentified crimes.
Parasyuk's role in initiating the shooting on February 20 th is corroborated by
other sources, including RS EuroMaidan members. The aforementioned RS commander Igor Mazur,
once a leader of the OUN successor organization, the Ukrainian Nationalist Army (UNA-UNSO),
which was one of RS's three founding groups of RS, stated that he saw some 50 armed protesters
in Maidan's underground area and shooting at police on the Maidan on that morning.
[36] Another source staying in the Ukraine Hotel overlooking the Maidan and Institutska
told Business News Europe IntelliNews that a Maidan rifleman demanded entry to the
hotel's guest rooms and then fired from the window at about that time.
[37] Katchanovski and Beck-Hoffman cite and include, respectively, video showing RS and/or
SP riflemen firing from the Hotel Ukraina at the same time.
In an interview given a year after the events, commander of Ukrainian MVD's National Guard
'anti-terrorist' unit 'Omega' Anatoliy Strelchenko confirmed that police and security possessed
prior information that some MSD hundreds were armed. He caims to have witnessed both Maidan
protesters and the police being killed and wounded by shots emanating from the Hotel Ukraina on
February 20 th . Additionally, he stated that shooters and spotters were positioned
in other nearby buildings under the Maidan's control, including but not limited to the Music
Conservatory, the Trade Union House, Zhovtnevyi Palace, Kinopalats, and Muzeiny Lane. At these
and other places Strelchenko and Omega troops came under fire from Maidan protesters with both
hunting rifles and Kalashnikovs.
[39] Strelchenko also testifies that his men were fired on twice on February 21
st – just after midnight and just before noon.
[40] Hours later, they and all other police, MVD, and special forces pulled out of the city
center in accordance with the February 20 th agreement, leaving the government
buildings unprotected to be stormed by the very same RS, SP and other Maidan activists who had
been involved in the shootings.
One Maidan shooter was apparently a member of either the neo-fascist Right Sector or one of
its founding neo-fascist parties, the Social-National Assembly (SNA), and later served in the
notorious Azov Battalion fighting near Mariupol and led by SNA chairman Biletskiy. This shooter
said he was recruited in January for this operation and that on February 19 th at
around 6:00pm he and some 20 others who came forward after someone from the Maidan protest's
podium requested people with shooting skills. They were offered a choice of weapons, including
shotguns and Kalashnikov-based Saiga rifles and told to take up convenient positions. The same
shooter claims he saw about 10 other protesters shooting at police from the Music Conservatory
building in the morning of February 20. Other Maidan protesters who witnessed these events said
that organized groups from western Ukraine's Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk regions, some with
rifles, came to the Maidan and then moved to the conservatory hours after midnight on February
20 th .
[41] Using medical emergency service reports, a Rada special commission confirmed the time
line, concluding that shooting from Maidan and neighboring streets targeting Berkut and
Internal Troops on February 20 th started at 6:10am.
[42] The BBC investigation includes photos showing Maidan shooters with hunting rifles and
a Kalashnikov rifle inside the Music Conservatory shortly after 8:00am.
[43] Two separate '112 Ukraina' television broadcasts reported that between 8:00am and
9:00am several policeman were shot by Maidan shooters from the Music Conservatory. At the same
time, a video shows a Maidan stage speaker warning demonstrators of shooting coming from behind
the stage, demonstrators pointing to a shooter on a hotel rooftop, and sounds of gunfire.
[44] Numerous other reports cited by Katchanovskii, including an interview with a Swedish
neo-Nazi pro-Maidan protester, report Maidan shooters firing on, killing, and wounding police
before 9am.
Euromaidan tweeted at 8:21am -- minutes after Omega commander Strelchenko informed
Euromaidan self-defense chief Parubiy about the first Berkut report of Maidan shooters firing
at police -- that a "sniper" was caught at the Music Conservatory, which is consistent with
both BBC and Vesti interviews of the same shooter, who said that he was "captured" by the
Parubiy's personal security unit and driven out of Kiev.
[46] This 'capture' may have been an early attempt to cover up the hundreds' falso flag
'sniper's' massacre, since later, as Katchanovski reports, Parubiy denied his forces ever
captured a sniper.
[47] It is likely that the ultra-nationalist Parubiy was behind the false flag operation
and nationalist revolutionary seizure of power. He would be rewarded under the new Maidan
regime with the post of Chairman of the Defense and Security Council of Ukraine.
Video evidence compiled by Professor Katchanovski leaves no doubt that Parasyuk and at least
one of his groups of RS and SP snipers were firing from the 14 th floor of the Hotel
Ukraina. One video shows, beginning at 2 minute and 37 seconds into the video, the arrival of a
Parasyuk-led group with Parasyuk and Koshulynsky, who is carrying a Glock handgun. At the 2:47
mark, as the armed demonstrators are still entering, journalists attempt to photograph or film
them at which point they are confronted by people who appear to be in charge with screams,
"Don't photograph (them), don't photograph (them)!" [48] Koshulynsky would chair the Verkhovna Rada emergency session in
the late afternoon and evening of that same day during which the parliament condemned the
Yanukovych government for the massacre and issued a resolution ordering government forces to
withdraw from downtown Kiev. A video from Germany's ZDF television Parasyuk can be seen
removing armed comrades from a 14 th floor room of the Hotel Ukraina at 10:22am
commanded the shooters to stop firing and move because "the press should not be drawn into it."
The SP figure and then Verkhovna Rada deputy speaker Ruslan Koshulynsky is also seen in this
video with the same group of armed shooters. The video was removed in early March 2015 from the
German ZDF website but is available on Professor Katchanovski's Facebook page. [49] Another video shows the men inside the Hotel Ukraine room
shooting out the window. [50] A Ruptly video shows another group of Maidan protesters with at
least one gun and an axe breaking into the same 14 th floor hotel room, which had
been occupied by journalists. Just prior to this a Ruptly reporter showed at 10:12am that he
was shot in his bullet-proof vest about half an hour before, and the ZDF correspondent says in
the video: "They captured our room on the 14th floor of the hotel. They fired out of our
window." [51] All of this, as Katchanovski points out, has been covered up or
denied by the Ukrainian government investigation, avoided in both Maidan Ukrainian and Western
media reporting, and ignored by Western governments.
Around the time of the second anniversary of the February massacre, yet another pro-Maidan
sniper, Ivan Bubenchik, emerged to acknowledge that he shot and killed Berkut before any
protesters were shot that day. In a print interview Bubenchik previews his admission in
Vladimir Tikhii's documentary film 'Brantsy' that he shot and killed two Berkut commanders in
the early morning hours of February 20 th on the Maidan. Bubenchik hails from Lviv,
having learned how to shoot in the Soviet army and undergone training at a military
intelligence academy for operations planned for Afghanistan and "other hot points." Claiming
that he was on the Maidan from the "first day," he soon joined the MSD's "Ninth" soten
tasked with guarding the subway exits onto the Maidan, so the SBU could not use them to
infiltrate the square. At some point, the MVD blocked their acces to the government quarters on
Hrushevskii Strret. The Ninth soten delivered a written ultimatum that if by the next
day Ninth's fighters were not allowed to move freely between the Maidan and the Metro, they
would attack the Internal Troops, which they did with Molotov cocktails and stones. [52]
On February 20 th , Bubenchik claims that the Yanukovich regime started the fire
in the Trade Union House -- where his and many other EuroMaidan fighters lived during the
revolt -- prompting the Maidan's next reaction. As noted above, however, pro-Maidan
neo-fascists have revealed that Right Sector started that fires there. Relocating to the
infamous Conservatory where, Bubenchik confirms other testimony that there were pro-Maidan
fighters "with hunting rifles" shooting at the units of special troops seventy meters away." He
moved them away from windows through which they were firing at the secial forces when the
latter allegedly began throwing Molotov cocktails at the building in order to burn down their
"last refuge." Claiming he had been praying for 40, then 20 Kalashnikovs to appear, on the
morning of the February 20 th an unidentified person brought to them a Kalashnikov
and 75 bullets in a tennis racket bag. He emphasizes that those who claim the weapons had been
captured from the pro-Yanukovich titushki on February 18 th are wrong.
Bubenchik fired at police from a window situated behind columns farthest from the Maidan,
targeting likely commanders betrayed by their "gesticulations." He expresses his pride in
shooting the two commanders in the back of the skull and killing them and then shooting an
unspecified number of other Berkut servicemen in the legs with the intent merely to wound.
Bubenchik then moved out of the Conservatory onto the street and continued to fire on police
from behind the shields of other protesters, who were moved "to tears of joy." After the police
began to return fire, Bubenchik ran out of ammunition and was told by "people with status" that
more was on the way. He does not clarify whether it arrived, but concludes by noting that two
of his comrades in the Ninth hundred were killed: Igor Serdyuk and Bogdan Vaida. [53]
Numerous videos, including those used by the BBC and other documentaries cited herein,
demonstrate that by January the Maidan protests were far from peaceful. Total police casualties
from gunfire for February 18-20 were at least 17 killed and 196 wounded, according to one
[54] Another set of figures holds that there were 578 police casualties, including killed,
wounded, and injured; 80 of these were victims of gunshot wounds during these three February
days. Later, almost all accounts settled on the figures of 85 protesters and 18 law enforcement
officials, with hundreds wounded on both sides.
[55] For the entire history of the Maidan protests, the Ukraine MVD's official figures are
20 police killed and approximately 600 wounded in Kiev alone.
[56] Some 100 civilians were killed during the protests and violence. As the Maidan revolt
radicalized, it increasingly came to represent western Ukrainians. It is not accidental that
the residents of the ten westernmost of Ukraine's 26 regions comprise over half of the
'Heavenly Hundred' martyrs -- those 100 people killed on Maidan during the revolutionary wave
of 29 November 2013 – 21 February 2014 (85 of them during February 18-20 -- and nearly
two thirds of those who were citizens of Ukraine. Twenty percent (19 of the 99 victims with
known residences and/or places of birth) were from the nationalist hotbed of Lviv Oblast', the
heart of Galicia.
Maidan Coverup?
In power, the EuroMaidan regime has stalled in investigating the February snipers' massacre
and appeared to be engaged in an effort to cover up the leading role of pro-Maidan neo-fascist
elements in shooting demonstrators. According to Katchanovski, numerous video and audio tapes
used to charge the Berkut and Omega with all the casualties were edited to delete key pieces of
information included in other sources cited by himslef and others showing that gunfire was
coming from territory and buildings controlled by the EuroMaidan and its neo-fascist elements.
Only the footage showing the Berkut and Omega firing on the streets is advertised by the Maidan
regime, the West, and supportive media.
[58] Two years after the snipers' massacre, the Maidan regime had yet to develop a
believable account of the massacre that could convincingly place the blame solely or even for
the most part on the Yanukovich regime and the Berkut. It is ostensibly investigating the
shootings of protesters and police but in two separate investigations. No charges have been
brought against anyone for shooting police, Berkut, or Omega personnel. When in autumn 2014
then Prosecutor General Oleh Makhnitskiy claimed that many of the protesters were shot with
hunting rifles, as Katchanovski's research suggests, he was soon fired from his post. Later, in
February 2016, leader of the command staff of the MDS, then SBU deputy head in the new Maidan
government, and now Rada deputy from the nationalist People's Front, Andrey Levus tried to lay
the blame for a crucial three-month 'delay' in the investigation on precisely Makhnitskiy,
claiming the SBU had handed over to him a "mass of evidence."
In autumn 2015 cases were brought against three arrested Berkut police for shooting
protesters, but the charges and any supporting evidence have not been laid out in any detail,
and what has been publicized has contradicted the GPO's indictment or been cast in grave doubt
by grave discrepancies with other available facts such as those presented in this chapter. The
prosecution's investigation only placed the accused in the general area of the shootings and
could not specify particular victims, link bullets and firearms, or identify precise time and
place of shootings.
[60] A Reuters investigation even found major "flaws" in the probe. For example, one
of the accused Berkut policeman is missing a hand and could not have fired the weapon as
prosecutors claim.
Moreover, the trial's revelations, Maidan regime General Prosecutor Office (GPO) court
appeals, and resulting court decisions began to undermine the Maidan myth and support
Katchanovski's version of events. The Maidan massacre trial revealed results of forensic
ballistic reports which indicate that the majority of the 39 protesters were killed from the
same single 7.62mm AKM, its hunting versions, or other firearms of the same caliber. Forensic
medical reports concerning locations and directions of entry wounds, videos showing the moments
of killings of most of these protesters, and testimonies of Maidan eyewitnesses show that these
protesters were killed from this firearm from the Maidan-controlled Hotel Ukraina and not from
the Berkut positions on the ground. According to Katchanovskii's most recent research based on
the trial revelations, the forensic medical reports made public during the trial confirmed that
the majority of the protesters were killed from very or relatively steep angles from nearby
buildings and Maidan-controlled locations. At least 12 protesters out of 21, whose cases were
examined during the trial, had wounds at significant angles, three protesters were shot from
nearly horizontal positions, while specific directions of the wounds have not been revealed in
the cases of six protesters. The Berkut policemen were positioned at nearly horizontal levels
with the killed protesters. Trial evidence also revealed that even those killed protesters
whose bullet trajectory was at nearly horizontal angles were shot from other such 7.62 caliber
firearms and hunting weapons from Maidan-controlled locations, such as the Bank Arkada and
Muzeinyi Lane buildings. Moreover still, according to Katchanovski, the investigation is
denying its own findings submitted in a report to the Council of Europe. This report stated
that the GPO investigation determined that at least three protesters were killed from the Hotel
Ukraine and at least 10 others were killed from rooftops.
[62] Nevertheless, on 26 January 2016, the GPO re-charged the Berkut commander and two
Berkut members with killing not 39 but 48 out of 49 protesters as well as terrorism. The sole
exception is apparently a Georgian protester exact circumstances and location of whose death
could still not be confirmed.
Despite claims by some Maidan Ukraine officials that the Russians were behind and/or carried
out the February 2014 shootings, Maidan Ukraine's legal system has begun to investigate RS
fighters' involvement in the killing at least some of the Berkut police and MBD Internal Troops
by January 2016 and at least demonstrator. This was was reflected in several Kiev court
decisions, which also suggested that the GPO was beginning to investigate RS as possible
suspects in the killings. Rulings by Kiev's Pechersk district court in November and December
2015 appeared in Ukraine's online database of court decisions and were publicized on Facebook
and elsewhere by Professor Katchanovski and the present author, but they were reported by the
Ukrainian or Western governments and media. The decisions state that the investigation had
determined that two wounded attackers of a separatist checkpoint near Sloviansk in Donbas at
2:00am on April 20, 2014 used the same weapons used to kill two MVD troopers and wound three
policemen on Maidan on 18 February 2014. [64] Two members of the RS's 'Viking' unit were being investigated by
the GPO by the end of summer 2015 for the February 2014 killings of the police on the Maidan,
following a public admission by one of this neo-Nazis. [65] Moreover, Kiev's Pecherskiy District Court decision shows that
the GPO was then investigating at least one other member of the ultra-nationalist UNA-UNSO, one
of the founding groups of the Right Sector, for murdering a protester by cutting his throat on
February 18, 2014. [66] In February 2016 the Pecherskiy court had added 12 other RS
members to the investigation of the Maidan shootings tied through weapons used near Sloviansk
on 20 April 2014.
The Ukrainian authorities have tried to tie the Maidan snipers' massacre to Putin. In
February 2015, SBU chief Nalyvaichenko claimed that the SBU had evidence, which it has never
produced, showing that Russian President Putin's advisor Vladislav Surkov organized and
commanded the snipers massacre from an SBU base. By April a Rada deputy from President Petro
Poroshenko's party (the Petro Poroshenko Bloc or PPB) revealed that Surkov arrived at 8:00pm on
the evening of the 20 th , when the shooting was already over. Nalyvaichenko then
toned down his story. Testifying at a hearing of the Anti-Corruption Committee in mid-April
2015, he was much more circumscribed in his claims about Surkov. He stated that Surkov was only
in Kiev on February 20-21 and was reportedly seen in the company of then SBU chief Oleksandr
Yakimenko and visited the presidential administration. Nalyvaichenko made no mention of Surkov
coordinating the snipers' attacks at the hearings and he was soon fired.
Only on 29 April 2015, a year and two months after the event, did prosecutors put out a
public call for citizens to turn in any bullet shells they might have taken from Maidan during
or after the snipers' massacre.
[69] In May the Maidan-majority Rada's Anti-Corruption Committee, largely controlled by
Poroshenko's PPB assessed the investigation into the massacre of protesters as unsatisfactory,
finding "sabotage and negligence," and warned that if within two months progress is not made
then it would seek the removal of the leaders of the General Prosecutors Office, MVD, and SBU.
The GPO has gradually and only slightly moved in the direction of Katchanovski's version of
Maidan massacre as an RS/SP-led false flag operation under the cover of the EuroMaidan
'self-defense' forces. Maidan Ukraine's first two GPs were Svoboda and Fatherland members,
respectively, and they never mentioned that shots were fired from areas controlled by
EuroMaidan such as the Hotel Ukraine. Its third GP appointed a new chief of the investigation,
who has acknowledged that some maidan demosntrators were wounded by shots fired from the Hotel
[71] By October 2015, Ukraine's new General Prosecutor Viktor Shokin acknowledged that
there was no evidence of the Kremlin's involvement in the Maidan shootings.
[72] On October 15 th Shokin had the offices and homes of three SP deputies
searched as part of the investigation into the shootings, and these deputies were being
summoned for questioning 'as witnesses.'
[73] However, Shokin's move seems to have been a weapon deployed in the overall struggle
power between the neo-fascist and oligarchic wings dominating post-Maidan Ukraine's polity. The
day before, the SP and RS for the first time since Maidan held a joint march in Kiev ostensibly
in order to honor World War II's OUN and UPA, but the slogans condemned President Poroshenko
and called for a national revolution against what they regard as an oligarchic regime.
[74] Thus, the investigation continued to bog down, and no one was fired as Poroshenko
threatened. This suggests that there may be serious split over what direction the investigation
should take between the more moderate Poroshenko and his PPB, on the one hand, and the
ultra-nationalists of Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk's National Front, the Yulia Timoshenko's
Fatherland Party, RS, and SNA, among others, on the other hand. In lieu of international
pressure for an objective investigation, only a final showdown between the two wings of the
Maidan regime won decisively by Poroshenko might lead to an objective investigation and
prosecution of both the neo-fascist and Yanukovich regime perpetrators of the crimes committed
by the 'snipers' of Maidan's February revolution.
Western international organizations have accused the Maidan authorities of poor progress in
investigating, delaying, obstructing or covering up the events of February 20 th .
For example, the Council of Europe's (CE) International Advisory Group concluded that "serious
investigative deficiencies have undermined the authorities' ability to establish the
circumstances of the Maidan-related crimes and to identify those responsible." It regards the
investigation to be hindered by numerous "failures," "obstructiveness" (in particular on the
part of the MVD), a lack of will, too few investigators, and a lack of investigatory
independence and transparency. The CE panel also cited efforts by prosecutors and the MVD to
help Berkut officers avoid prosecution or at least interrogation.
[75] In its annual report for 2015, Amnesty International concluded: "Little progress was
made in investigating violations and abuses related to the 2013-14 pro-European demonstration
in the capital Kyiv ('Euromaydan') and in bringing the perpetrators to justice."
[76] Citing "political motives" on Kiev's part, Interpol refused to accept Kiev's request
for warrants on 23 Berkut officers, whom Kiev alleges killed 39 protesters in the Maidan
[77] In June 2014, SP member and the Maidan government's then acting GP Makhnitskiy claimed
the GPO had given audiotapes to the FBI for enhancement in connection with the investigation,
but more than 20 months later the FBI has neither confirmed receiving the tapes nor released
results of their investigation.
[78] But neither Washington, Brussels, Berlin, London nor Paris have ever demanded an
objective investigation, mentioning the issue only when questioned by journalists, usually
those from Russia.
... ... ...
onno says:
March 15, 2016 at 4:21 am It's one large conspiracy against president Yanukovich and
Ukrainian people who were left in a dream that UA would become part of the EU – which
was NEVER the case. The USA and EU were represented in UA from 1991 and never undertook ANY
investments in modernizing UA industries to meet western standards like DIN standards. As a
result UA industry remained in a sub-Soviet standard not accepted by the west. All western
money was used to modernize government offices and other State buildings. The main reason
that corruption developed at the highest levels in government. However, today's corruption
under Poroshenko is worse than under Kuchma and Yushchenko/Timoshenko.
The main objective of Washington is to destroy Ukraine in the hope that people will become
desperate and will turn their hate/violence against their fellow country men – like
under Bandera in WW II – in the hope Russia will attack UA so USA/NATO have a reason to
start WW III.
korki says:
April 17, 2016 at 11:47 am Meet Andriy Parubiy, the Neo-Nazi Leader Turned Speaker of
Ukraine's Parliament
Philip Owen says:
July 29, 2016 at 3:19 pm The BBC had a piece at the time where one of their reporters
was with a team of 4 policemen sheltered behind a wall, trying to identify and shoot the
snipers. Their main concern like good policemen everywhere seemed to be the safety of ALL
the public present.
The Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine reportedly plans to arrest two prominent recent
members of the parliament and far right activists on charges of their involvement in the
Maidan massacre.
The Ukrainian media reports citing anonymous sources in the Prosecutor General Office of
Ukraine that they plan to charge Volodymyr Parasiuk with the massacre of the Berkut policemen
on February 20, 2014, and Tetiana Chornovol with a deadly arson of the Party of Regions
office that resulted in killing of a computer admin there on February 18, 2014.
My studies concerning the Maidan massacre and the far right in Ukraine found that the
Parasiuk-led company of Maidan snipers was involved in the Maidan massacre and that Chornovol
and far right Maidan activists were involved in this deadly arson attack that involved the
far right.
Both of them were hailed by the Ukrainian and even some Western media and politicians as
Maidan and national heroes, while their involvement in the Maidan massacre and the far right
background were deliberately ignored or denied. Parasiuk was affiliated with the far right
Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists and Svoboda before the Maidan and was a company commander
in the Right Sector-led Dnipro paramilitary battalion after the Maidan. Chornovol was an
activist of the far right UNA-UNSO before the Maidan and in the Fatherland/Peoples Front
during and after the Maidan. The Ukrainian media reports that Parasiuk has already
"... On Tuesday, the sixth anniversary of the beginning of the shootings on Kiev's Maidan was celebrated not only in Kiev, but also in Simferopol, the memory of three Crimeans – Dmitry Vlasenko, Vitaly Goncharov and Andrey Fedyukin, the first Berkut fighters who died on Maidan. We will remind that at the peak of the confrontation between law enforcement officers and maydanovites in February 2014, seven "berkutovites" were killed and about three hundred were injured. ..."
"... On the same day, which in Ukraine is still called by inertia the anniversary of the "revolution of dignity", deposed President Viktor Yanukovych addressed his compatriots, and in fact-to the current President Vladimir Zelensky. For some, the protests were a "revolution", but for the majority of the people they turned into a terrible tragedy, Yanukovych said and stressed: "After the 2019 presidential election, the people of Ukraine removed Poroshenko from power, giving President Zelensky and his team a chance to unite Ukraine." ..."
"... The document of the Prosecutor General's office of Ukraine in 2017 became public, which step by step indicates how and from what weapons the Maidan militants first began then – or rather 8 am on February 20 – to shoot the Berkut fighters who were standing in the cordon. A scan of the materials collected by the group of the head of the Department of special investigations of the Prosecutor General's office, Sergei Gorbatyuk, was published by the publication "Country". ..."
"... The document contains a full list of 34 Maidan activists involved in the shootings on February 20, 2014 in the center of Kiev. It turns out that in the fall of 2017, they were preparing to present a "suspicion". The 34 activists listed are members of the centurion Parasyuk group, mostly natives of the Lviv region. Vladimir Parasyuk, recall, took an active part in Euromaidan, later fought in the Donbass and made a political career in the Verkhovna Rada. On February 21, 2014, it was Parasyuk who appeared on the rostrum of the Maidan and announced the refusal of the protesters to fulfill the agreements concluded by the opposition leaders and Yanukovych. ..."
"... The person who actually started the "revolution", as it turns out, was a clear criminal. As noted in the publication "Country", just a month later, in March 2014, Yuskevich was caught in a robbery in his native Lviv region – and the weapon of the crime was the same gun "Chifsan". For this robbery, he received 7 years and is still in prison. So you don't have to look for it, if anything. It can be assumed that the main motive that prompted Yuskevich to participate in the shooting was the hatred of many criminals for the police. But it is significant that the published documents were put under the cloth. Bring Yuskevich suspected in the shooting of "Berkut" was blocked at the level of the head of the Department of special investigations of the Prosecutor General Sergei Gorbatyuk – it is possible that by order from above. ..."
"... "In the investigation of the death of the" heavenly hundred" held after the Maidan, falsification was carried out from the first days, "Yuriy Sivokonenko, a witness and participant in the tragic events, a veteran of the" Berkut " from Donetsk, said in a comment to the newspaper VZGLYAD. "Completely ignored the fact that the soldiers of the special forces "Berkut" and the internal troops of Ukraine did not have weapons until the morning of February 20, 2014, - said the source. – Four years later, we just started looking for trees on the battlefield, calculating bullet paths, although these trees have long been cut down. This in itself shows the scale of the fraud." ..."
"... The fact that firearms and ammunition could get to the Maidan, most likely, with the knowledge and consent of the future head of the presidential administration Sergei Pashinsky and the future speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Andrey Parubiy, still knew in 2014, said Sivokonenko. "This has been discussed many times. Pashinsky was even detained while trying to remove a sniper rifle from the Maidan in the trunk of his car in 2014. He, like Parubiy, has the most direct and direct relation to the blood on the Maidan," the veteran of "Berkut" stressed. ..."
"... Back in 2016, the Lviv radical Ivan Bubenchik admitted in a conversation with a journalist in the shooting of "berkutovtsev". But the nationalist protection provided him with immunity from prosecution. ..."
"... That is, fragments of the truth were already known before, but now they are for the first time formed into one clear picture. ..."
"... "These facts became known thanks to the active civil position of the former Minister of justice of Ukraine Elena Lukash and Deputy Andrey Portnov. They made this information public at their own risk, " sivokonenko recalled. However, now the official document of the Prosecutor General's office has been made public, and secondly, the full list of alleged shooters. ..."
"... "This is a key issue, in fact. Were the shooters acting on their own initiative or following a specific order? -the editor-in-chief of the online publication noted on Facebook "Страна.иа" Igor Guzhva. – How did they end up at the Conservatory?" Under what circumstances did Parasyuk appear on the podium the next day, February 21, and say that the Maidan will not fulfill the agreements reached with Yanukovych?". ..."
"... "I assume that the government team is trying to reduce pressure from radical groups, trying to reduce the level of exploitation of the Maidan theme, which is resorted to by supporters of Poroshenko and various right – wing groups," suggested political analyst Ruslan Bortnik. ..."
Kiev released documents of the Prosecutor General's office, which describes how in February 2014, the militants on the Maidan
first opened fire on the "Berkut". The names of the murderers and even the brands of weapons are named. Of course, such important
documents are unlikely to get into the press without the sanction of the current leadership of the country. Now there is only one
question: if the perpetrators of the Maidan massacre are named, will its customers be disclosed?
On Tuesday, the sixth anniversary of the beginning of the shootings on Kiev's Maidan was celebrated not only in Kiev, but also
in Simferopol, the memory of three Crimeans – Dmitry Vlasenko, Vitaly Goncharov and Andrey Fedyukin, the first Berkut fighters who
died on Maidan. We will remind that at the peak of the confrontation between law enforcement officers and maydanovites in February
2014, seven "berkutovites" were killed and about three hundred were injured.
On the same day, which in Ukraine is still called by inertia the anniversary of the "revolution of dignity", deposed President
Viktor Yanukovych addressed his compatriots, and in fact-to the current President Vladimir Zelensky. For some, the protests were
a "revolution", but for the majority of the people they turned into a terrible tragedy, Yanukovych said and stressed: "After the
2019 presidential election, the people of Ukraine removed Poroshenko from power, giving President Zelensky and his team a chance
to unite Ukraine."
There was no response to Yanukovych's appeal, and it would be difficult to expect. But it seems that in recent time the myth of
the Maidan, on which was based the Ukrainian government in the years 2014-2019, began to rapidly deteriorate. First of all, the legend
of the "heavenly hundred"came down the other day. As already noted by the newspaper VZGLYAD, among the designated "heroes" were found:
people killed in drunken fights, suicides, as well as those who were killed directly by the "maydanovites" themselves. On the sixth
anniversary of the beginning of the massacre on Institutskaya street, the mythology of the "revolution of dignity" was dealt a second
The document of the Prosecutor General's office of Ukraine in 2017 became public, which step by step indicates how and from what
weapons the Maidan militants first began then – or rather 8 am on February 20 – to shoot the Berkut fighters who were standing in
the cordon. A scan of the materials collected by the group of the head of the Department of special investigations of the Prosecutor
General's office, Sergei Gorbatyuk, was published by the publication "Country".
The document contains a full list of 34 Maidan activists involved in the shootings on February 20, 2014 in the center of Kiev.
It turns out that in the fall of 2017, they were preparing to present a "suspicion". The 34 activists listed are members of the centurion
Parasyuk group, mostly natives of the Lviv region. Vladimir Parasyuk, recall, took an active part in Euromaidan, later fought in
the Donbass and made a political career in the Verkhovna Rada. On February 21, 2014, it was Parasyuk who appeared on the rostrum
of the Maidan and announced the refusal of the protesters to fulfill the agreements concluded by the opposition leaders and Yanukovych.
It is specified that some of the suspects from the list were questioned and even gave confessions. It is reported that the gang
was organized in the first half of February 2014, stocked up on hunting rifles and arrived in the center of Kiev. Specific details
of the beginning of the massacre are given: the first fire was opened by a certain Nazar Yuskevich – from the barricade he fired
at least ten shots at a line of internal troops from a hunting rifle "Chifsan 555", after which the shooting was supported by his
ten accomplices not named in the document.
VZGLYAD-The signal for the overthrow of Yanukovych was the shot of a criminal
The person who actually started the "revolution", as it turns out, was a clear criminal. As noted in the publication "Country",
just a month later, in March 2014, Yuskevich was caught in a robbery in his native Lviv region – and the weapon of the crime was
the same gun "Chifsan". For this robbery, he received 7 years and is still in prison. So you don't have to look for it, if anything.
It can be assumed that the main motive that prompted Yuskevich to participate in the shooting was the hatred of many criminals for
the police. But it is significant that the published documents were put under the cloth. Bring Yuskevich suspected in the shooting
of "Berkut" was blocked at the level of the head of the Department of special investigations of the Prosecutor General Sergei Gorbatyuk
– it is possible that by order from above.
As explained in the publication of "Country", the documents of the Gorbatyuk group as a whole were not given a go, since they
contradicted the official version adopted under Poroshenko: berkutovtsy opened fire on the protesters, on the orders of Yanukovych,
to break the spirit of the Maidan defenders.
"It is clear why under Poroshenko the information was put under the cloth – it would have been necessary to initiate appropriate
criminal cases, prosecute a lot of Maidan activists, and even people's deputies," Ukrainian political analyst Ruslan Bortnik told
the VZGLYAD newspaper.
"In the investigation of the death of the" heavenly hundred" held after the Maidan, falsification was carried out from the first
days, "Yuriy Sivokonenko, a witness and participant in the tragic events, a veteran of the" Berkut " from Donetsk, said in a comment
to the newspaper VZGLYAD. "Completely ignored the fact that the soldiers of the special forces "Berkut" and the internal troops of
Ukraine did not have weapons until the morning of February 20, 2014, - said the source. – Four years later, we just started looking
for trees on the battlefield, calculating bullet paths, although these trees have long been cut down. This in itself shows the scale
of the fraud."
The fact that firearms and ammunition could get to the Maidan, most likely, with the knowledge and consent of the future head
of the presidential administration Sergei Pashinsky and the future speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Andrey Parubiy, still knew in 2014,
said Sivokonenko. "This has been discussed many times. Pashinsky was even detained while trying to remove a sniper rifle from the
Maidan in the trunk of his car in 2014. He, like Parubiy, has the most direct and direct relation to the blood on the Maidan," the
veteran of "Berkut" stressed.
Moreover, at least 6 out of 34 surnames from the list of Gorbatyuk were known earlier. Back in 2016, the Lviv radical Ivan Bubenchik
admitted in a conversation with a journalist in the shooting of "berkutovtsev". But the nationalist protection provided him with
immunity from prosecution. Another shooter – Dmitry Lipovoy, under interrogation by investigators (the video was published last year
by media expert Anatoly Shari), he admitted to handing the tambourine And the father of the future Deputy Zinoviy Parasyuk a saiga
carbine for shooting at security forces.
That is, fragments of the truth were already known before, but now they are for the first time formed into one clear picture.
"These facts became known thanks to the active civil position of the former Minister of justice of Ukraine Elena Lukash and Deputy
Andrey Portnov. They made this information public at their own risk, " sivokonenko recalled. However, now the official document of
the Prosecutor General's office has been made public, and secondly, the full list of alleged shooters.
However, the question remains open – whether Parasyuk's hundred (or Yuskevich's group-Bubenchik-Linden) acted independently or
executed the order. In the draft suspicion that was presented to Yuskevich, investigators of the Prosecutor General's office say
that the leaders of the Maidan did not want a war with Yanukovych, and the Parasyuk group simply "misunderstood" the goals of the
"This is a key issue, in fact. Were the shooters acting on their own initiative or following a specific order? -the editor-in-chief
of the online publication noted on Facebook "Страна.иа" Igor Guzhva. – How did they end up at the Conservatory?" Under what circumstances
did Parasyuk appear on the podium the next day, February 21, and say that the Maidan will not fulfill the agreements reached with
But whatever it was, "sources in the Prosecutor General's office" did their job – and the sensational document has now become
public. Experts suspect that the publication was sanctioned by President Vladimir Zelensky.
"I assume that the government team is trying to reduce pressure from radical groups, trying to reduce the level of exploitation
of the Maidan theme, which is resorted to by supporters of Poroshenko and various right – wing groups," suggested political analyst
Ruslan Bortnik.
"The accuracy of information may raise questions. But in any case, these materials should become an element of the investigation
of the events on the Maidan, which continues today in Ukraine, " the expert added. And in any case, Bortnik believes, " Moscow's
version is growing, according to which the Maidan was an illegal change of power, a coup that led to events in the Crimea and Donbas."
Supporters of Petro Poroshenko admitted on Tuesday that the publication of documents of the Prosecutor General's office was for
them a" retaliatory blow " of the anti-Maidan.
"All these lists are an obvious provocation aimed at aggravating the conflict on the anniversary of the tragic events. The whole
country saw who killed people on Maidan and who was killed. There are video frames!,- the head of the Kiev center for applied political
research "Penta" Vladimir Fesenko told the newspaper VZGLYAD. – And these materials, authored by the then Deputy head of the administration
of President Yanukovych – are an attempt by the anti-Maidan to strike back and present their version. This is an attempt to absolve
yourself of responsibility for the evil, for the blood that was spilled then. Most Ukrainians remember who the killers were."
Fesenko hopes that the majority of Ukrainians will be able to keep on the side of the "revolution of Dignity". This will be easy
to do. Most Ukrainian TV channels ignored the publication of documents of the Prosecutor General's office.
The pro-Trump TV news channel One America News Network has produced a 50 minute
documentary on Ukrainegate hoax. Half of it is however dedicated to the Maidan sniper
massacre of February 2014.
In the documentary, Caputo exposes the cover-up that led to the impeachment of President
Donald Trump and mass murder. The Democrats' crusade to kick our duly elected president out
of office didn't start with a phone call. It began with Ukrainian corruption, election
meddling and a bloody coup that cleared a path for Hunter Biden to get rich.
Tune in this weekend, Saturday and Sunday at 10PM EST / 7PM PST – only on One
America News!
The above page only contains a four minute introduction :
OAN's Jack Posobiec sat down with Michael Caputo to discuss his new special, "One America
News Investigates – The Ukraine Hoax: Impeachment, Biden Cash, Mass Murder."
I have not been able to find the original English language version online. I only found a
version dubbed in Russian via Colonel Cassad.
Note, that the video is age restricted by YouTube, meaning that you can only view it if
you have registered and logged into your Google account. Commenting on the video is disabled,
as is saving it to a playlist or downloading it through some easy to use online service.
The reason for this censorship cannot be "community guidelines". The FCC places far
stringent restrictions on what can be broadcast on television during prime time on Saturday
"The Kyiv Court of Appeal on Dec. 28 released from custody five former police officers of
the now disbanded Berkut unit who had been charged with the alleged murder of protesters
during the 2013-2014 EuroMaidan Revolution."
"... on the eve of the court hearing Prosecutor General Ruslan Riaboshapka replaced [the
prosecutors] with new prosecutors ...]"
"The new prosecutors supported the suspects' lawyers, who claimed that there is no risk of
the suspects fleeing. Later, the new prosecutors also presented a letter from Riaboshapka
saying that the suspects should be released because they are part of the prisoner exchange
with Russia."
"Moreover, the Berkut officers are not considered prisoners of war."
"A law enforcement source who could not be named due to ongoing legal proceedings told the
Kyiv Post that the Ukrainian authorities intend to have a trial in absentia for the accused
Berkut officers if they go to Russia as part of the anticipated prisoner exchange."
A research paper by University of Ottawa academic Ivan Katchanovski on the Maiden massacre.
He seems to be having a hard time getting the results into the MSM. No shit Sherlock. Can't
have anything out there to confront the UkoNazi line of thinking. I ran across this on the
Bryan MacDonald twitter feed for those interested.
Off topic...but of interest to many here at MoA....The snipers that executed the Maidan
massacre in Kiev have come forward and have made sworn testimony///
"Adding a new twist to the story about the 2014 Maidan shootings, a Sputnik correspondent has
met with the purported snipers. The agency has obtained the records of interrogation of Koba
Nergadze and Aleksandre Revazishvili. Both Georgian nationals, they are ready to testify in a
Ukrainian court."
It was a matter of time when the participants in the Maidan Massacre would surface the coup
d'état didn't stop the carnage of Ukrainians nor corruption of people in power. The
witness accounts were described in the hours as the events unfolded. Only the faces were not
known ...
Maidan Massacre Bombshell: #Georgian snipers reportedly confess to massacring along
with Lithuanian snipers both #Police and #maidan protesters in #Ukraine in Italian
#documentary just broadcast by most popular
#Italian #TV channel [h/t Ivan Katchanovski]
US Staged
a Coup in Ukraine - Here's Why and How Chris Kanthan
Fri, 17 Aug 2018 20:42 UTC
Save What's the official narrative about the events in late 2013 and early 2014 in Kiev,
Ukraine? There was a spontaneous and peaceful Euromaidan "revolution" by freedom-loving people,
who forced the corrupt Ukrainian President to flee the country, right? Not so simple. There are
many intriguing facts about geopolitics, 70 years of U.S. meddling in Ukraine, and covert
regime-change operations that need to added to the mix.
US Meddling
First, objectively speaking, it's curious that a US Senator (John McCain) and the US
Assistant Secretary of State (Victoria Nuland) repeatedly attended political protests in
another country. Oh, Nuland is also the wife of a prominent warmongering Neocon, Robert Kagan;
and she's also the one who famously said , "F*ck the EU" while discussing the
future of Ukraine.
In the picture below, McCain is standing on the stage next to Oleh Tyahnybok, the leader of
the far-right group called Svoboda, which uses a not-so-subtle logo that combines "N" and "Z."
Get it?
Save Imagine if Russian or Chinese officials were performing similar stunts at anti-US
rallies in Mexico!
Victoria Nuland also admitted during a speech in 2014 that the US had spent $5 BILLION since
the 1990s to spread "democracy" in Ukraine. (Here's the link to a 1-min video of her speech).
Soros, NED, McFaul
Many people roll their eyes when they hear "George Soros" and think of conspiracy theories.
But Soros' own group - IRF or International Renaissance Foundation - admits in its 2015 annual
report that it spent more than $180 MILLION in Ukraine since 1990.
Save NED or National Endowment for Democracy is a US taxpayer-funded group that specializes
in ... ahem ... regime change. It's chief, Carl Gershman,
wrote in a Washington Post op-ed in 2013 (just before the protests) that "Ukraine is the
biggest prize."
Michael McFaul - US Ambassador to Russia, 2012-2014 - wrote an op-ed in the
WaPo in 2004 where he asked, "Did Americans meddle in the internal affairs of Ukraine?" Then he
answered it, "Yes."
Why did McFaul write the article? Because in 2004 , Soros and other NGOs fomented
the 'Orange Revolution' in Ukraine. Basically, the election was won by a pro-Russia guy, so
Soros and co. helped to organize protests and demand a new election. Then, a month later, the
pro-US guy won the new election with 52% of the votes. Democracy, America-style.
BTW, that guy - Yanukovych - who lost the election in 2004 ... ran again in 2010 and won
fair and square.
History Rhymes
If you go back in history, you will see that the CIA
worked with Neo-Nazis(!) and ultra-nationalists in Ukraine for decades, starting right
after World War II. Declassified CIA documents
describe Project Aerodynamic in the 1950s and '60s that recruited Ukrainian nationalists -
including Nazis and war criminals such as Mykola Lebed who was
accused of killing tens of thousands of Poles and Jews - to work against the USSR.
Save So, now hopefully you can clearly see the pattern and that Ukraine is really of
special importance to the US. But why? Well, have you heard of Brzezinski, the geopolitical
expert who influenced US foreign policy for 40 years? He came up with the idea of Mujahideen in
Afghanistan to fight the USSR, created Al Qaeda, and then repeated the same strategy of using
Islamic terrorists in the Balkans, the Caucasus, Libya and Syria.
Save Brzezinski explained in his 1997 book , The Grand Chessboard, that
"Ukraine is a geopolitical pivot. Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire." He
also said that Ukraine must be brought into NATO by 2010.
Protests and Violence
In 2013, Soros, NED and other NGO's riled up some ordinary people in Kyiv. (BTW, outside
Kiev, there were no protests. In many parts of Ukraine, people are very pro-Russia and were
happy with President Yanukovych).
Then Neo-Nazi thugs acted as
provocateurs and attacked the police with metal bars, chains, fire-bombs, guns and
Save The Ukrainian government's links to Neo-Nazis are never openly admitted in the US, but
this is the reason why Congress
refused to pass a bill that banned funding of Neo-Nazi groups! For fun reading on the
far-right extremists in Ukraine, do some research on "Svoboda", "Stepan Bandera" and "Azov
False Flag Sniper Attack
In a secretly recorded phone call in 2014, Estonia's foreign minister revealed three
shocking facts about the Maidan murders:
The same sniper bullets killed both cops and protesters
The investigators strongly believed that the new coalition government - installed by the
US - was behind the snipers
The new government refused to look into the matter.
(Here's the link
to an excerpt from the phone call).
A couple of years later, in an Italian
documentary called "The Hidden Truth About Ukraine," some men from the Republic of Georgia
came forward and admitted that they were used as snipers in Kiev. As I describe in detail in my
book , similar false
flag sniper attacks were also used in Libya and Syria to foment regime change.
In summary, to advance misguided geopolitical goals, US/EU officials engineered protests and
chaos, and drove a democratically elected president out of the country. Then, without an
election, new oligarchs - a billionaire and an IMF guy - were handpicked by the West to become
the President and the Prime Minister of Ukraine! Democracy in action!
That's the basic truth about the coup in Ukraine, and it hasn't benefited anyone other than
the warmongers. Ukraine is split in two and stuck in a frozen civil war; its debt-to-GDP ratio
has doubled since the US-backed coup; pensions, social services and minimum wages ($140 a
month) have been slashed and the people are still ruled by corrupt oligarchs. The US regime
change ops also ignited a chain reaction of needless hostility, hysterical Russophobia and
crippling sanctions. The EU has lost more than $100 billion in trade with Russia in the last
four years; and the US has pushed Russia deep into China's orbit. Just like the neocon
adventures in Iraq and Syria, the meddling in Ukraine will go down as another disastrous and
reckless chapter in the sordid history of US foreign policy.
But to not only ignore the February 2014 coup in Ukraine that initiated recent hostilities between the U.S. and Russia, but to
also put the blame on the latter's "aggressive behavior," is at best laughable and at worst dishonest. In February of 2014 the democratically
elected government of Ukraine was overthrown in a coup orchestrated by the United States government, an event Chait and his peers
do their best to forget
. Russia's subsequent annexation of the Crimean Peninsula (containing the Russian naval base at Sevastopol) was a wholly reactive
measure. To say the recent estrangement was triggered by anything else than western aggressive behavior is factually inaccurate.
But to not only ignore the February 2014 coup in Ukraine that initiated recent hostilities between the U.S. and Russia,
but to also put the blame on the latter's "aggressive behavior," is at best laughable and at worst dishonest.
You lost me at that point. There was no coup in 2014. That's simply a Putinist lie. Yanukovich ran when he was going to be
brought to book for the murders he ordered on the Maidan. He was interviewed last year and was completely evasive when it came
to questions about the killings he ordered. He's now a fugitive from justice and was righteously removed from office when he ran
for asylum in Russia.
It's long past time for idiots like yourself to get the facts and quit parroting Putin's lies.
I left the Democratic Party yesterday, because I cannot support the first American President who ever installed anywhere in
the world a nazi regime -- it has never happened before, not even under a Republican President; and, until Obama, I had always
assumed that if it ever would happen, it could come only under a Republican President, never under any Democratic one. But I was
wrong -- mortifyingly wrong -- because Barack Obama did this in Ukraine (see here and here for the evidence); he is the first-ever
U.S. President to install a nazi regime anywhere, and so I wrote to my Representative seeking Obama's impeachment by the Democrats
in Congress; and, yesterday, that person, a Democratic member of the U.S. House of Representatives, told me that, notwithstanding
Barack Obama's having unquestionably done this, this Democratic Representative will not introduce on the floor of the U.S. House
(which is the only place where a bill of impeachment can be introduced) a bill of impeachment against this -- what is the appropriate
term for such a person, if not a -- nazi U.S. President. (That's nazi as an ideology, racist fascist, not as a party designation,
which is merely a party's name.) Simply because Obama calls himself a 'Democrat,' that Representative in the House will not introduce
a bill to impeach him. There was no argument on the facts; the facts weren't at issue here at all; it's just that Obama calls
himself a 'Democrat.' That's all ..
Ukraine's Pres. Poroshenko Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was a Coup
.. The Italian newspaper Il Giornale, and Italian Mediaset Matrix TV, Chanel 5, issued, on November 15th, confessions by a
few of the snipers who on 20 February 2014 fired down into the crowd of "Maidan" demonstrators and police, in order "to sow chaos,"
as they say that they had been instructed to do.
The Georgian mercenary Alexander Revazishvilli said: "Everyone started shooting two or three shots at a time. It went on for
fifteen, twenty minutes. We had no choice. We were ordered to shoot both on the police and the demonstrators, without any difference."
This account is entirely consistent with the leaked phone-conversation on 26 February 2014 in which Urmas Paet, the investigator
whom the EU had assigned to determine whom to blame for the snipers and their massive bloodshed during the overthrow, informed
the EU's Foreign Affairs chief, Catherine Ashton, that the anti-Yanukovych, pro-U.S. and pro-EU side, were to blame, and that
Paet had just been informed of this by Petro Poroshenko (who shortly thereafter became elected as Ukraine's figurehead President).
Paet said: ..
Abe May 20, 2018 at 1:34 pm "Washington has shifted from tacit acceptance to an openly
complicit policy in Israeli annexation of Palestinian territory, an annexation which has been
going on for seven decades since the inception of the Israeli state in 1948. The now de facto
American approval of the annexation of all Jerusalem marked by the opening of the US embassy is
the culmination of 70 years of Israeli expansion and occupation.
"Meanwhile, Putin's unveiling this week of the bridge linking southern Russian mainland to
the Crimea Peninsula is a timely reminder of the brazen hypocrisy of American and European
"Since Crimea voted in a referendum in March 2014 to rejoin its historic homeland of Russia,
Washington and its allies have continually complained about Moscow's alleged 'annexation' of
the Black Sea peninsula.
"Never mind that the Crimean people were prompted to hold their accession referendum
following a bloody coup in Ukraine against an elected government by CIA-backed Neo-Nazis in
February 2014. The people of Crimea voted in a peacefully constituted referendum to secede from
Ukraine to join Russia, which it was historically a part of until 1954 when the Soviet Union
arbitrarily assigned Crimea to the jurisdiction of the Soviet Republic of Ukraine.
"For the past four years, Western governments, their corporate news media and think-tanks,
as well as the US-led NATO military alliance, have mounted an intense anti-Russian campaign of
economic sanctions, denigration and offensive posturing all on the back of dubious claims that
Russia 'annexed' Crimea.
"Relations between the US and the European Union towards Russia have descended into the
freezer of a new and potentially catastrophic Cold War, supposedly motivated by the principle
that Moscow had violated international law and changed borders by force. Russia's alleged
'annexation' of Crimea is cited as a sign of Moscow threatening Europe with expansionist
aggression. Putin has been vilified as a 'new Hitler' or 'new Stalin' depending on your
historical illiteracy.
"This Western distortion about the events that occurred in Ukraine during 2014, and
subsequently, can be easily disputed with hard facts as a blatant falsification to conceal what
was actually illegal interference by Washington and its European allies in the sovereign
affairs of the Ukraine. In short, Western interference was about regime change; with the
objective of destabilizing Moscow and projecting NATO force on Russia's borders.
:That is one way of challenging the Western narrative about Ukraine and Crimea. Through
weighing up factual events, such as the CIA-backed false-flag sniper shootings of dozens of
protesters in Kiev in February 2014. Or the ongoing Western-backed military offensive by Kiev's
Neo-Nazi forces against the breakaway republics of Donbas in Eastern Ukraine.
"Another way is to ascertain the integrity of supposed Western legal principle about the
general practice of annexation of territory.
"From listening to the incessant public consternation expressed by Western governments and
media about Russia's alleged annexation of Crimea, one might think that the putative
expropriation of territory is a most grievous violation of international law. Oh how
chivalrous, one might think, are Washington and the Europeans in their defense of territorial
sovereignty, judging by their seeming righteous repudiation of 'annexation'.
"However, this week's grotesque opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem accompanied by the
massacre of protesting unarmed Palestinians shows that Western professed concerns about
'annexation' are nothing but a diabolical sham. In seven decades of expanding illegal
occupation of Palestinian territory by the Israelis, Washington and the Europeans have enacted
no opposition.
"But when it comes to Crimea, even though their case is not valid, the Western powers never
stop hand-wringing about Russia's 'annexation' as if it was the biggest crime in modern
"Worse than hypocrisy, the US and European Union have been silently complicit in allowing
Israel to continue annexing more and more Palestinian territory despite the stark violation of
international law. Periodic massacres and whole populations held under brutal military siege in
the Gaza Strip and West Bank have never registered any effective opposition from Western
UKRAINE. An American survey shows that the mood in Ukraine is bad and expecting worse
. Well, that's one post-Maidan Ukraine expectation that will be fulfilled. Nadia Savchenko, a former Ukrainian
hero, has been arrested inUkraine on
terrorism charges. She dares to suggest that the massacre was a false flag . (Read Ivan
Katchanovski's paper : "This academic
investigation concludes that the massacre was a false flag operation, which was rationally
planned and carried out with a goal of the overthrow of the government and seizure of power. It
found various evidence of the involvement of an alliance of the far right organizations,
specifically the Right Sector and Svoboda, and oligarchic parties, such as Fatherland.
Concealed shooters and spotters were located in at least 20 Maidan-controlled buildings or
areas". Here are
confessions by some of the snipers that your local news outlet has been too busy to tell
you about.)
"... "We were told to ensure order so that there were no drunks, to maintain discipline and identify rabble-rousers sent in by the authorities," the officer recounted. ..."
Snipers Koba Nergadze and Alexander Revazishvili, who now fear for their lives, are even ready to confirm their stunning account
below in a Ukrainian court.
protestor points a gun during clashes with riot police in the centre of Kiev on January 22, 2014.
It was the shot unheard around the world – everyone knows the Ukraine Crisis began after the 2014 Maidan Coup, but few in the
West know Russia didn't invade Ukraine, fewer still know of the mysterious snipers who rained down death from above those fateful
days in Kiev.
The corporate media was quick to follow standard stenographers union protocol in line with modern western journalistic standards
– so they of course
immediately blamed Russia
without any evidence. They claim Russian trained snipers were supporting the Ukrainian president by
firing on protesters.
Those who actually in Kiev, and not only Russian media, but
independent foreign media
report a key fact: yes, the snipers fired on protesters, but also on security forces. Snipers were
attacking both sides, adding fuel to the raging fires of bloody revolution that laid Kiev – the Mother of Russian Cities – again
to ruin.
thanks to Sputnik
, we have finally identified the snipers, they were Georgian, and their accounts will shock you:
It is necessary to create chaos on the Maidan, using weapons against any targets, protesters and police – no difference"
Said one of the ringleaders
According to Sputnik,
snipers Koba Nergadze and Alexander Revazishvili,
who now fear for their lives,
are even ready to confirm their stunning account below in a Ukrainian court
Sputnik has obtained copies of an official testimony that they gave
to lawyers Alexander Goroshinsky and Stefan
and also copies of air tickets confirming the arrival of Nergadze and Revazishvili to Kiev during the Maidan
To get really understand how we got here, we must go back to the beginning of sniper fire on Maidan, which is where the Sputnik
report begins:
On February 20, 2014, unknown snipers shot at people gathered on Kiev's central Maidan square killing 49 protesters and four
police officers. Local opposition leaders, as well as US and EU representatives, were quick to point a finger at the "regime of
Viktor Yanukovych
." Still, an official investigation failed
to produce any results with the culprits still at large.
A Sputnik correspondent has met with the purported snipers, all of them from Georgia. They insist that they were taking orders
from Maidan leaders. Moreover, they had direct orders to fire at police officers AND protesters in order to enrage the crowd and
provoke a political crisis.
left to right: General Tristan Tsitelashvili, Alexander Revazishvili and Koba Nergadze
According to Sputnik, General
Tristan Tsitelashvili
, erstwhile commander of the Georgian Army's elite Avaza unit,
was the first to expose the fact it was Georgian snipers were firing onto Maidan Square. The General lead troops during the August
2008 hostilities in Abkhazia, until he became a personal enemy of Mikhail Saakashvili, who tried to blame him for his own failures.
trying to eat his tie? Seriously, we couldn't make this up if we tried
While many people have reasonable complaints against the former Georgian President, General Tsitelashvili's issue is far more
personal. His home was raided by Saakashvili's forces who arrested the General, and critically injured his little son. Since 2008,
the two had been sworn enemies, but Tsitelashvili can hardly be considered a friend of Russia, considering he fought for Georgia.
This makes his incredible account all the more credible. Sputnik's report continues with a quote from the General:
I knew already in 2014 about people from Georgia who were present on Maidan square with specific orders to shoot. Some of them
served under my command in the Georgian army. Some are still in Ukraine, fighting, others returned to Georgia. They took their
time to speak out because they were afraid to. They are still afraid because they can simply be eliminated as unwanted witnesses!
One of those snipers who "knew too much" was Koba Nergadze, a carrier Georgian special forces operator. Sputnik spoke with him
as well:
"We were fighting smugglers. The region was divided into zones controlled by Georgian and Ossetian businessmen. Conflicts occasionally
flared up, including real firefights with the Ossetian military. Our brigade suffered 11 or 12 people killed, I can't say for
sure. Overall, the Georgian army lost 45 people," Nergadze said.
After his 2006 departure from the regular army after, he joined the Georgen DEFMIN's Security Service, with the help of a peculiar
This friend was Mamuka Mamulashvili, the commander of the "Georgian Legion" fighting in eastern Ukraine on Kiev's side. Once again,
as with General Tsitelashvili,
these aren't exactly Russia's friends, which makes their claims against Kiev all the more
unbiased and believable
"I first met him while in the army, at the birthday party of my friend Bezho," Koba added. "Officially, we also dealt with
the protection of the rallies held in Tbilisi, to make sure that there would be no clashes between supporters and opponents of
Saakashvili. In fact, we were tasked with suppressing opposition rallies and keeping an eye on the opposition," he admitted.
If necessary, by order of commanders, our service officers beat up opposition leaders. As a rule, we did this while wearing
masks. People called us 'Sonderkommando.' Service members were usually tight-lipped about where they worked and what they did.
Sputnik further explains that:
The agents were divided into "tens." Nergadze was one of the foremen. Other foremen he knew are Georgy Saralidze, Merab Kikabidze
and David Makiashvili. In his interview with Sputnik, Koba mentioned some of the "tariffs." He said that they were paid $1,000
for beating up an opposition MP.
In December 2013, Mamulashvili invited the "foremen" to a meeting and ordered them "to immediately go to Ukraine to help the
protesters." Nergadze's group was allocated $10,000 with an additional $50,000 promised them upon their return.
They used other people's passports to reach their destination. Nergadze had a passport issued in the name of Georgy Karusanidze
(born in 1977).
In Kiev, the group was accommodated on Ushinsky Street and each day, as if to work, they went to Maidan.
"We were told to ensure order so that there were no drunks, to maintain discipline and identify rabble-rousers sent in
by the authorities," the officer recounted.
Nergazde celebrated New Year at Hotel Ukraina, which was already controlled by protesters.
The hotel Ukraiina provides the perfect vantage point for a Sniper, overlooking Maidan square. If a sniper were to fire from the hotel, into the violently rioting crowd, targeting both sides in the middle of the pandemonium,
the fighting would quickly escalate, and the mass panic would help conceal the sniper's identity, position, and very existence.
Hotel Ukraine is the large building on the top left
The report continues:
Alexander Revazishvili
is another former Georgian military man, who arrived in Kiev in the midst of unrest. After
serving in the Georgian army, he was an active member of "Free Zone" – an organization of Saakashvili's supporters. In his own
words, he "infiltrated the oppositionists' ranks, inciting fights and engaging in other provocations."
The organization
was led by Koba Khabazi, who introduced Revazishvili to Mamulashvili. He took a great deal of interest in the ex-officer's military
specialization as a sniper.
In mid-February, Revazishvili, Khabazi and four other representatives of the Free Zone
arrived in Kiev on a UIA flight. They were accommodated at Vozduhoflotskaya Street before being moved to the city conservatory,
which was already controlled by the opposition.
"The following day Mamulashvili brought us to Maidan and placed us in a tent set up on the square. Khabazi told us that our task
was to provoke the protesters to attack. Our group, along with the protesters, attacked Berkut with stones and Molotov cocktails.
Some people were bringing rocks; some were lining up Molotov cocktails, while others assaulted Berkut and the police. Revazishvili
"Sergei Pashinsky Was Bringing the Arms"
fighting with police during Maidan, unaware snipers were targeting both sides
"On February 14 or 15, the
group commanders – me, Kikabidze, Makiashvili, Saralidze, I do not remember the names of the others – were gathered in a suite on
the third floor of Hotel Ukraina.
Among those present were Parubiy (Andrey Parubiy, right-wing Ukrainian politician, the "commandant of the Maidan" during the period
of unrest in Kiev; since 2016 – Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada), and Pashinsky (Sergei Pashinsky, a notorious Ukrainian politician
and businessman, a People's Deputy of Ukraine. – Ed.). 'We need to help our fraternal people, and soon we will have an assignment.'
He gave no further clarification. By that time I had already seen hunting rifles and pistols, carried by the protesters," "Nergadze
Also taking part in the meeting was a certain Christopher Brian, who was presented as a former American soldier.
In the evening of February 19, Sergey Pashinsky and several unfamiliar guys with big bags returned to the hotel.
They took out SCS carbines, 7.62mm Kalashnikov assault rifles, an SVD rifle and a foreign-made carbine. Pashinsky explained to
us that the weapons would be needed "for self-defense," but when I asked him from whom we were going to defend ourselves, he did
not answer and left the room. Sputnik reports.
The next part of their story really proves what the goal of the snipers was to do. Apparently Mamulashvili mentioned some a "special
task" to the snipers.
It is necessary to create chaos on the Maidan, using weapons against any targets, protesters and police – no difference
said Mamulashvili
He said that the money for the "business trip" would be paid once the "assignment" had been completed.
Someone asked Mamulashvili in Georgian: "Where's Misha?" He answered: "With Porokh." Then they left. Sometime later, Pashinsky
and several other men brought in a bag with weapons, mostly SCS carbines. Pashinsky himself was holding a Kalashnikov rifle with
an open butt.
Among those present was Vladimir Parasyuk, the leader of one of the Maidan "hundreds," who subsequently commanded the 4th Company
of the Dnepr Battalion and later became a People's Deputy of Ukraine.
Revazishvili went on to say:
Pashinsky asked me to help choose shooting positions. He said that Berkut [police commandos] could storm the Conservatory during
the night and break up the protesters. At night, about 4 or 5 am, I heard gunshots.
I thought they were coming from the October Palace. Pashinsky jumped up, grabbed the walkie-talkie, and started yelling to
cease fire, that it was not the right time. The shooting immediately stopped.
At about 7.30 am (maybe later) Pashinsky ordered everyone to get ready and open fire, taking two or three shots and immediately
change position. The shooting continued for about 10-15 minutes. After that, we were ordered to drop weapons and leave the building.
Then he returned to Maidan. He heard that people were enraged; some believed that it was the Berkut shooting. Others, on the
contrary, thought that it was the protesters who had fired the shots.
"I realized that this might end badly, that I was in a real fix, that people could tear me up right here if they only knew
the truth. I went out to take a walk on Maidan. They I decided that it was time to fly out. I took a taxi to the airport," Revazishvili
Early in the morning on February 20, at about 8, I heard the sound of gunshots coming from the conservatory; 3 or 4 minutes
later, Mamulashvili's group opened fire from windows on the third floor of Hotel Ukraina. They were shooting in pairs. After each
shot, they moved to another room and fired again. When it was all over, they told us to get out. That same day Bezho and I flew
to Tbilisi.
The ex-officer of the Georgian army was never paid the money he was promised. Today, he fears revenge from his former "colleagues."
Koba Nergadze and Alexander Revazishvili are ready to confirm their words in a Ukrainian court. Sputnik has obtained copies
of an official testimony that they gave to lawyers Alexander Goroshinsky and Stefan Reshko, who represent the interests of former
members of the Berkut police commando unit. Sputnik also has copies of air tickets confirming the arrival of Nergadze and Revazishvili
to Kiev during the Maidan events.
Those who follow alternative media are well aware of the existence of the snipers and the real story of Maidan, however now we
finally may know who they are, and what they did. Moreover, seeing as Sputnik announced that in addition to their legal accounts,
they can prove they were in Kiev during the Maidan coup. We are one step closer to learning more about how the Coup began, but are
we any closer to an end to the war uncertain. This may have incredible implications in coming days, and if anything new arises, we
will be sure to keep you informed.
"... Andrew Bacevich needs to study more deeply about Syrian history and politics, since his description of Syrian president Bashar Assad as a brutal dictator fits as a description of Bashar's father Hafez Assad but is inaccurate in relation to Bashar Assad, who seems to have a rather gentle personality and is actually one of the more benign leaders in the Middle East. ..."
"... Under that new constitution, in 2014 he ran in a free election observed by international observers against two other politicians and was reelected president. He has promised that if he loses the next election he will step down. ..."
"... Nevertheless Assad has been systematically demonized by the governments and MSM of the US, UK, and France, as well as by Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. Demonization is a technique that is often used to prepare the way for regime change, and it is not based on objective analysis. ..."
"... Similar tactics were used in Ukraine in February 2014 by ultranationalist Right Sector sharpshooters, who were seen shooting Maidan demonstrators. The deaths of the demonstrators were then blamed on the police. ..."
"... "'From the start the protest movements were not purely peaceful. From the start I saw armed demonstrators marching along in the protests, who began to shoot at the police first. Very often the violence of the security forces has been a reaction to the brutal violence of the armed rebels.' ..."
"... opposition is armed and frequently employs brutality and violence, only in order then to blame the government. ..."
"... For an objective overview of the context of the events of 2011 in Syria that led to the international war against the elected Syrian government, see Stephen Gowans, "The Revolutionary Distemper in Syria That Wasn't." ..."
"... Also see Gowans' well-researched 2016 book 'Washington's Long War on Syria.' The US has been demonizing and trying to overthrow the Syrian government for several decades now, above all because it is the only remaining semi-socialist nation in the Middle East and has single-payer national health insurance, support for the elderly, and free college education for all. Assad is no saint, but he is one of the more democratic and forward-looking leaders in the Middle East today. ..."
Andrew Bacevich needs to study more deeply about Syrian history and politics, since his description of Syrian president
Bashar Assad as a brutal dictator fits as a description of Bashar's father Hafez Assad but is inaccurate in relation to Bashar
Assad, who seems to have a rather gentle personality and is actually one of the more benign leaders in the Middle East.
Bashar Assad had planned to be a doctor, and he studied medicine for two years in the UK before being ordered to return to
Syria by his father after his elder brother died in an accident. Although there were some excesses by the police in 2011, Bashar
Assad quickly relaxed some old security laws and pushed for a new democratic constitution, which was promulgated in 2012.
Under that new constitution, in 2014 he ran in a free election observed by international observers against two other politicians
and was reelected president. He has promised that if he loses the next election he will step down.
Nevertheless Assad has been systematically demonized by the governments and MSM of the US, UK, and France, as well as by
Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. Demonization is a technique that is often used to prepare the way for regime change, and it is
not based on objective analysis. Although Assad is often called a butcher who gasses his own people, experts such as Theodore
Postol of MIT and others have shown that not a single allegation of gassing by the Syrian government under Assad has ever been
proven. In addition, many of the excesses by the Syrian police against demonstrators in 2011 seem to have been initiated by armed
members of the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda in Syria, who quickly infiltrated the demonstrations.
There have even been allegations that jihadi sharpshooters on rooftops shot demonstrators in false-flag attacks.
Similar tactics were used in Ukraine in February 2014 by ultranationalist Right Sector sharpshooters, who were seen shooting
Maidan demonstrators. The deaths of the demonstrators were then blamed on the police. In the case of Syria:
"Syrian-based Father Frans van der Lugt was the Dutch priest murdered by a gunman in Homs . His involvement in reconciliation
and peace activities never stopped him from lobbing criticisms at both sides in this conflict. But in the first year of the crisis,
he penned some remarkable observations about the violence – this one in January 2012:
"'From the start the protest movements were not purely peaceful. From the start I saw armed demonstrators marching along
in the protests, who began to shoot at the police first. Very often the violence of the security forces has been a reaction to
the brutal violence of the armed rebels.'
"In September 2011 he wrote: 'From the start there has been the problem of the armed groups, which are also part of the opposition
The opposition of the street is much stronger than any other opposition. And this opposition is armed and frequently employs
brutality and violence, only in order then to blame the government. '"
For an objective overview of the context of the events of 2011 in Syria that led to the international war against the elected
Syrian government, see Stephen Gowans, "The Revolutionary Distemper in Syria That Wasn't."
Also see Gowans' well-researched 2016 book 'Washington's Long War on Syria.' The US has been demonizing and trying to overthrow
the Syrian government for several decades now, above all because it is the only remaining semi-socialist nation in the Middle
East and has single-payer national health insurance, support for the elderly, and free college education for all. Assad is no
saint, but he is one of the more democratic and forward-looking leaders in the Middle East today.
"In a dramatic development in the trial in Kiev of several Berkut police officers accused of shooting civilians in the Maidan
demonstrations in February 2014, the defence has produced two Georgians who confirm that the murders were committed by foreign
snipers, at least 50 of them, operating in teams. The two Georgians, Alexander Revazishvili and Koba Nergadze have agreed to testify
[ ]
"This dramatic and explosive evidence was first brought to light by the Italian journalist Gian Micalessin on November 16 in
an article in the Italian journal Il Giornale and is again brought to the world's attention by a lawyer with some courage picking
up on that report and speaking with the witnesses himself. These witnesses stated to Gian Micalessin, even more explosively, that
the American Army was directly involved in the murders.
"The clear objective of the Maidan massacre in Kiev on February 20, 2014 was to sow chaos and reap the fall of the democratically
elected, pro-Russian Yanukovych government. People were slaughtered for no other reason than to destroy a government the NATO
powers, especially the United States and Germany, wanted removed because of its opposition to NATO, the EU, and their hegemonic
drive to open Ukraine and Russia to American and German economic expansion. In other words, it was about money and the making
of money.
"The western media and leaders quickly blamed the Yanukovych government for the killings during the Maidan demonstrations,
but more evidence has become available indicating that the massacre in Kiev of police and civilians – which led to the escalation
of protests, leading to the overthrow of the Yanukovych government – was the work of snipers working on orders of government opponents
and their NATO controllers using the protests as a cover for a coup.
"One of the snipers already admitted to this in February 2015, thereby confirming what had become common knowledge just a few
days after the massacre in Kiev and in a secretly recorded telephone call, the Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet reported to
the EU head of Foreign Policy, Catherine Ashton, in early March 2014, that there was widespread suspicion that "someone from the
new coalition" in the Kiev government may have ordered the sniper murders. In February 2016, Maidan activist Ivan Bubenchik confessed
that in the course of the massacre, he had shot Ukrainian police officers. Bubenchik confirmed this in a film that gained wide
'Dr. Ivan Katchanovski, at the University of Ottawa, published a devastating paper on the Maidan killings setting out in extensive
detail the conclusive evidence that it was a false flag operation and that members of the present Kiev regime, including Poroshenko
himself were involved in the murders, not the government forces. [ ]
"In the November 16 article in the Italian journal Il Giornale, and repeated on Italian TV Canale 5, journalist Gian Micalessin
revealed that 3 Georgians, all trained army snipers, and with links to Mikheil Saakashvili and Georgian security forces were ordered
to travel to Kiev from Tbilisi during the Maidan events. It is two of these men that are now being called to testify in Kiev."
MAIDAN SNIPERS. One of the founding myths of the "Revolution of Dignity" was the massacre on
the Maidan. Ivan Katchanovski has proved, to anyone with the capacity for objective thought,
that it was a false flag operation; here is his paper ;
here is a summary
Two Georgian snipers have come forward to confess; here is a summary
of what they said with links to the original. The story continues to develop and Katchanovski
is following it .
"... So the Ukrainian government is admitting that their previous narrative is false – and that the ultra-rghtist Svoboda and Right Sector, who were the military arm of the Maidan protesters, provoked the incident that led to Yanukovich's overthrow. ..."
"... are opposed to the Minsk agreement, brokered by the EU, which makes concessions to the east Ukrainians. ..."
The truth is often ignored, at first, and when that becomes impossible, truth-tellers are often punished. As two incidents starkly
reveal, this is certainly the case when it comes to the civil war in Ukraine and Washington's unfolding cold war with Russia.
The first illustration of our truth-telling principle occurred after the "Maidan revolution" had already captured the imagination
of the Western media, which was busy promulgating the official view as given expression by US government officials. According to
this narrative, the "protesters" were heroes, the government of "Russian-backed' Viktor Yanukovich was a coven of devils, and the
catalyzing incident that led to Yanukovich's ouster, the
shooting of protesters in the
Maidan, was the work of the Berkut, the Ukrainian government's militarized police.
There's just one problem with this story: it isn't true. A
leaked phone call between Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas
Paet and European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton, revealed that the protesters were shot by their
own leaders – the radical nationalists who had military control of the Maiden.
... ... ...
Ashton's main concern seemed to be that this would get out and discredit the new government "from the very beginning."
Oh, but not to worry: it didn't get out, at least not in the United States. There were oblique mentions of the recording in the
mainstream media, but only weeks afterward and then without any specifics: two months after the fact, the Los Angeles Timesreferred to it in
the vaguest terms, only to dismiss it as a "conspiracy theory." The New York Times didn't cover it: neither did the War
Street Journal, Time magazine, or any of the other usual suspects. The Daily Beast, typically, served as a mouthpiece
for the official Washington-Kiev account,
citing Dr. Bogomolets as claiming her conversation with Paet was a "misunderstanding." Yet Paet didn't cite her as his sole source:
he said "all the evidence." No doubt the Estonians have their own sources in the country, and it's improbable the Foreign
Minister would have made such an assertion based on a single person's testimony.
In any case, the story was pretty much buried here in the US, with the exception of
this space and a few other
alternative news sources.
But in Europe, it was a different story: the German public television station ARD carried
a report which threw the identity of the Maidan shooters
into serious question. And more recently the BBC produced a documentary, "The
Untold Story of the Maidan Massacre," in which eyewitnesses assert that the Berkut were fired on from positions controlled by
the ultra-nationalist Svoboda Party, which, along with the neo-Nazi "Right Sector" organization, ran Maidan security.
Still, the story was ignored in the US, but that may not be possible much longer, and the reason springs from an unlikely source:
the current Ukrainian government of President Petro Poroshenko.
Last week Ukrainian police
raided the homes
of Svoboda Party leadersOleksandr Sych, who served
as Deputy Prime Minister in the post-Maidan government, and
Ole Pankevich,
whose 2013 appearance at a neo-Nazi memorial event provoked the ire of the World Jewish Congress. The Ukrainian prosecutor's office
confirmed that the raid was conducted as part of an investigation into the Maidan shootings:
"The court warrant for the raid on the apartment of Pankevich, a former MP and the ex-head of Lviv regional council, explicitly
referred to a BBC documentary on the subject, according to a copy of the warrant In the documentary, journalist Gabriel Gatehouse
spoke to an opposition nationalist rifleman who had acknowledged having fired on riot police in the morning of February 20."
"[A]lso refers to video footage that showed a rifleman firing out of the Hotel Ukraina, situated on Maidan. The room from
which he fired was occupied at the time by Pankevich, according to the court warrant.
"Police also raided the apartment of Sich, vice-prime minister in the immediate post-Maidan government in 2014, also in
connection with shots fired from the same hotel, where he was also staying on February 20.
"An assistant to Ukraine's prosecutor general, Vladislav Kutsenko, confirmed to the Ukrainian TV channel 112 that searches
of the Svoboda leaders' apartments were linked to an investigation of the February 20 events."
So the Ukrainian government is admitting that their previous narrative is false – and that the ultra-rghtist Svoboda and Right
Sector, who were the military arm of the Maidan protesters, provoked the incident that led to Yanukovich's overthrow.
Why this stunning turnaround?
Both Svoboda and Right Sector have declared war on the Poroshenko regime and are calling for a "national
revolution" – one that would install them in power. The ultra-nationalists are opposed to the Minsk agreement, brokered by
the EU, which makes concessions to the east Ukrainians.
The far right is accusing Poroshenko of "betraying the revolution." They scoff at the ceasefire as a "sellout" because they want
the civil war to continue: and as Poroshenko makes draconian cuts in the government budget in order to mollify Ukraine's creditors,
and to ensure the flow of Western funding, the rightists are gaining ground politically. And they are getting increasingly violent,
staging a riot in front of the parliament building in
which three officers were
killed by
a grenade hurled at policemen: 130 cops were injured. The rightists were protesting the decision by the parliament to grant
the eastern rebels some small degree of autonomy. This incident followed a
series of
shoot-outs with the armed rightist gang known as Right
Sector, which played a key role
in the Maidan protest movement.
That the Poroshenko government, which had previously stonewalled any serious effort to investigate the shooting deaths that sent
Yanukovich packing, is playing this card now is an indication of the regime's desperation in the face of a challenge from the ultra-right.
For to upend the official narrative – one that is fully supported by their Western sponsors, and their amen corner in the media –
is to subvert the very foundations of the post-Maidan order. If the truth comes out, the ultra-nationalists may be finished – but
so may the government that exposes their murderous role.
"The interviews with three snipers of Georgian nationality, conducted by the Italian journalist Gian Micalessin and aired as
a breathtaking documentary on Milan-based Canale 5 (Matrix program) last week, still have not paved its way to the international
mainstream media.
The documentary features Alexander Revazishvili, Koba Nergadze and Zalogi Kvaratskhelia, Georgian military officers They claim
that on Jan 15, 2014 they landed in Kiev equipped with fake documents Having received 1000 USD each one and being promised to
be paid 5000 USD after the "job is done", they were tasked to prepare sniper positions inside the buildings of Hotel Ukraine and
Conservatory, dominant over the Maidan Square. Along with other snipers (some of them were Lithuanians) they were put under command
of an American military operative Brian Christopher Boyenger.
The coordinating team also included Mamulashvili and infamous
Segrey Pashinsky, who was detained by protesters on Feb 18, 2017 with a sniper rifle in the boot of his car The weapons came on
stage on February 18 and were distributed to the various Georgian and Lithuanian groups. "There were three or four weapons in
each bag, there were Makarov guns, AKM guns, rifles, and a lot of cartridges." – witnesses Nergadze.
The following day, Mamulashvili and Pashinsky explained to snipers that they should shoot at the square and sow chaos.
"I listened to the screams," recalls Revazishvili. "There were many dead and injured downstairs. My first and only thought was
to leave in a hurry before they caught up with me. Otherwise, they would tear me apart."
Four years later, Revazishvili and his two companions report they have not yet received the promised 5000 USD bills as a payment
and have decided to tell the truth about those who "used and abandoned" them."
Well that was a clear picture of a sausage-making during the US-sponsored regime change in Ukraine. The neo-Nazi in the US-supported
"government" in Kiev came about naturally.
American military operative Brian Christopher Boyenger. The coordinating team also included Mamulashvili and infamous Segrey
Pashinsky, who was detained by protesters on Feb 18, 2017 with a sniper rifle in the boot of his car The weapons came on stage
on February 18 and were distributed to the various Georgian and Lithuanian groups. "There were three or four weapons in each bag,
there were Makarov guns, AKM guns, rifles, and a lot of cartridges." – witnesses Nergadze.
"I listened to the screams," recalls Revazishvili. "There were many dead and injured downstairs. My first and only thought was
to leave in a hurry before they caught up with me. Otherwise, they would tear me apart."
The New York Times Explains Why Kiev Sniper Massacre Was Likely a False Flag Describes Yanukovich as a flabby leader whose
willingness to appease his opponents demoralized his police. Means it's not very believable he would order a massacre, or that the
police would carry it out for him Marko Marjanović
5,071 9
That is if you can call in-depth an article that is full of omissions. Which you can't. So let's just say it was a very LONG article.
We should still be thankful for it, however, because it reminded us of the real Yanukovich.
This was a guy who took it upon himself to negotiate an association treaty with the EU and came within inches of signing it.
In reality Yanukovich was a centrist who approximated the policies of pro-western Ukraine politicians to the point where he had
lost the active support of eastern Ukraine. Moreover during the Maidan standoff he proved himself an indecisive and timid leader.
amnestied street-fighting radicals and let them keep control of public spaces in the capital for far longer than would be the
case in any western or eastern country. Moreover he bent backward to appease the opposition.
In late January he offered to take them into a new
national unity government and name a PM from their ranks. It was a sweet deal they would have probably taken, but for fear of
running afoul of
the protest movement themselves.
Despite the rebuke Yanukovich still accepted the resignation of his PM Azarov – a reliable loyalist hated by the opposition.
A little earlier in the month his government passed a
set of laws it believed would give it the
power it needed to deal with the situation, but then just as quickly backed away from them.
This was typical Yanukovich. Hapless, in over his head, and wishing problems would just go away so he wouldn't need to deal with
Ashen-faced after a sleepless night of marathon negotiations, Viktor F. Yanukovych hesitated, shaking his pen above the text
placed before him in the chandeliered hall.
Then, under the unsmiling gaze of European diplomats and his political enemies, the beleaguered Ukrainian president scrawled
his signature, sealing a deal that he believed would keep him in power, at least for a few more months.
The security officers said in interviews that they were alarmed by language in the truce deal that called for an investigation
of the killing of protesters.
They feared that a desperate Mr. Yanukovych was ready to abandon the very people who had protected him, particularly those
in the lower ranks who had borne the brunt of the street battles.
The Times covers just the last two days of Yanukovich's reign, but it's safe to say police doubt built up gradually. 21st February
was certainly not the first time Yanukovich attempted to appease his enemies at the expense of his police.
During the first half of February Maidan protesters arrested by the police were released and amnestied on Yanukovich orders in
return for protesters vacating occupied government buildings
and lifting some of their barricades.
Indeed, as The Times itself reports, all along police resented Yanukovich for not having been sent in to disperse the protesters
encampments early on, when they believed it would have still been relatively easy.
All in all the NYT shows Yanukovich on the evening of February 21th was a flabby, indecisive leader who did not comprehend the
seriousness of the situation. Left unstated by the NYT is that that was the picture of Yanukovich throughout the standoff.
The idea that on the February 20th this timid and wavering man woke up, rang his police chief and ordered himself a radical escalation
of the standoff in the form of a mass slaughter of protesters is preposterous. It is at odds with everything about Yanukovich's record
during the crisis.
It is also not believable his demoralized police would carry out such an order from him. It was a force thoroughly discouraged
with what it saw as having been held back, undermined and under-supported.
That leaves the possibility police snipers did it on their own as vengeance for the losses suffered on the 18th and the 20th.
However, this is not much more believable either.
The Times piece makes it clear policemen were actually highly conscious of the possibility they would be hung out to dry by Yanukovich
and face judicial charges for their conduct. Going rogue would make that all the more certain.
Also let us be very clear. Nobody on the western and pro-western side ever tried to argue that is how the massacre went down.
The story has always been that Yanukovich himself was responsible.
In writing the report the NYT has its own agenda. It is trying to argue Yanukovich was "not so much overthrown as cast adrift
by his own allies" due to the "panic in government ranks created by Mr. Yanukovych's own efforts to make peace".
We get it. NYT wants us to know Yanukovich toppling was immaculate. It wasn't so much that he fled the capital because he had
good reason to fear for his safety, it is just that his regime simply dissipated into thin air due to his own flabbiness.
However, isn't it the case that leaders who in their "efforts to make peace" go so far as to cause their allies' desertion generally
do not order the mass murder of their enemies?
*Based on reporting by BBC's Daniel Sandford
fighting started that day with a successful protester advance against the parliament in the morning. It was followed by a police
counter-attack later in the day.
Describes Yanukovich as a flabby leader whose
willingness to appease his opponents demoralized his police. Means it's not very believable he would order a massacre, or that the
police would carry it out for him Marko Marjanović
5,071 9
That is if you can call in-depth an article that is full of omissions. Which you can't. So let's just say it was a very LONG article.
We should still be thankful for it, however, because it reminded us of the real Yanukovich.
This was a guy who took it upon himself to negotiate an association treaty with the EU and came within inches of signing it.
In reality Yanukovich was a centrist who approximated the policies of pro-western Ukraine politicians to the point where he had
lost the active support of eastern Ukraine. Moreover during the Maidan standoff he proved himself an indecisive and timid leader.
amnestied street-fighting radicals and let them keep control of public spaces in the capital for far longer than would be the
case in any western or eastern country. Moreover he bent backward to appease the opposition.
In late January he offered to take them into a new
national unity government and name a PM from their ranks. It was a sweet deal they would have probably taken, but for fear of
running afoul of
the protest movement themselves.
Despite the rebuke Yanukovich still accepted the resignation of his PM Azarov – a reliable loyalist hated by the opposition.
A little earlier in the month his government passed a
set of laws it believed would give it the
power it needed to deal with the situation, but then just as quickly backed away from them.
This was typical Yanukovich. Hapless, in over his head, and wishing problems would just go away so he wouldn't need to deal with
Ashen-faced after a sleepless night of marathon negotiations, Viktor F. Yanukovych hesitated, shaking his pen above the text
placed before him in the chandeliered hall.
Then, under the unsmiling gaze of European diplomats and his political enemies, the beleaguered Ukrainian president scrawled
his signature, sealing a deal that he believed would keep him in power, at least for a few more months.
The security officers said in interviews that they were alarmed by language in the truce deal that called for an investigation
of the killing of protesters.
They feared that a desperate Mr. Yanukovych was ready to abandon the very people who had protected him, particularly those
in the lower ranks who had borne the brunt of the street battles.
The Times covers just the last two days of Yanukovich's reign, but it's safe to say police doubt built up gradually. 21st February
was certainly not the first time Yanukovich attempted to appease his enemies at the expense of his police.
During the first half of February Maidan protesters arrested by the police were released and amnestied on Yanukovich orders in
return for protesters vacating occupied government buildings
and lifting some of their barricades.
Indeed, as The Times itself reports, all along police resented Yanukovich for not having been sent in to disperse the protesters
encampments early on, when they believed it would have still been relatively easy.
All in all the NYT shows Yanukovich on the evening of February 21th was a flabby, indecisive leader who did not comprehend the
seriousness of the situation. Left unstated by the NYT is that that was the picture of Yanukovich throughout the standoff.
The idea that on the February 20th this timid and wavering man woke up, rang his police chief and ordered himself a radical escalation
of the standoff in the form of a mass slaughter of protesters is preposterous. It is at odds with everything about Yanukovich's record
during the crisis.
It is also not believable his demoralized police would carry out such an order from him. It was a force thoroughly discouraged
with what it saw as having been held back, undermined and under-supported.
That leaves the possibility police snipers did it on their own as vengeance for the losses suffered on the 18th and the 20th.
However, this is not much more believable either.
The Times piece makes it clear policemen were actually highly conscious of the possibility they would be hung out to dry by Yanukovich
and face judicial charges for their conduct. Going rogue would make that all the more certain.
Also let us be very clear. Nobody on the western and pro-western side ever tried to argue that is how the massacre went down.
The story has always been that Yanukovich himself was responsible.
In writing the report the NYT has its own agenda. It is trying to argue Yanukovich was "not so much overthrown as cast adrift
by his own allies" due to the "panic in government ranks created by Mr. Yanukovych's own efforts to make peace".
We get it. NYT wants us to know Yanukovich toppling was immaculate. It wasn't so much that he fled the capital because he had
good reason to fear for his safety, it is just that his regime simply dissipated into thin air due to his own flabbiness.
However, isn't it the case that leaders who in their "efforts to make peace" go so far as to cause their allies' desertion generally
do not order the mass murder of their enemies?
*Based on reporting by BBC's Daniel Sandford
fighting started that day with a successful protester advance against the parliament in the morning. It was followed by a police
counter-attack later in the day.
Here's why my news organization decided to shed some light on a dark moment in Ukraine's revolution.
He Killed for the Maidan
My television station had a murderer on air last week - a self-confessed one. Ivan Bubenchik was
calm and collected, his demeanor was open, and he spoke confidently of his actions on February 20,
2014, like he had known exactly what he was doing. After all, he was on the good side of the Euromaidan
revolution, which was raging in Ukraine at the time, and which eventually swept a corrupt president
out of power.
In telling Bubenchik's story, we were breaking a taboo - it was the police, the popular narrative
goes, that were the murderers. The protesters were heroes. But Bubenchik's words were chilling. "To
create a word of mouth effect, you have to shoot two or three [police] commanders," he said to the
camera. "I only picked two. And after that, there was no need to kill anyone else, so I aimed at
the legs."
Bubenchik said he was trying to scare the police away - they had started to dominate the Maidan
Nezalezhnosti, Kiev's central Independence Square, where the anti-government protesters had been
camped for months. His tactic worked perfectly. His first sniper shot killed an officer, his second
wounded another. The rest of the riot police scattered and ran up the hill away from the square.
This was two days before the end of the revolution. President Viktor Yanukovych had not yet fled
to Russia, fearing betrayal of his faithful friends in the government. But the revolution was already
in its final - and deadly - stage. 39 people had already been killed. Most were protesters killed
by the police or by hired thugs. Some 2,000 more people had been wounded - again, mostly protesters,
but also a handful of policemen.
One of the buildings on the square, the Trade Union House, which had served as headquarters of
the revolution since it began, had burned down. This was a great loss for the protesters because
it stranded them in the bitter winter cold without shelter and without their crowd-sourced food and
medicine. But they were determined to stay in the streets and drive President Yanukovych's corrupt
regime out. Much of the country was behind them.
Most oppositional activities - such as rallies, setting up tents, and even traveling in a convoy
of five cars - had been banned by a frightened rubber-stamp parliament loyal to the president. Protesters
had been murdered en masse, the opposition camp lacked leadership, and there was no feasible political
solution in sight. Terror and desperation reigned in Kiev, the country's battered capital.
This is when Bubenchik, a middle-aged man from western Ukraine who worked as a sports coach for
kids, took destiny into his hands.
Two years later, my media company, Hromadske TV, has just told his story for the first time. We
are a small but bold multimedia outlet that set up by a group of journalists in 2013 right before
the revolution began. It was an attempt to plant the seed of real public broadcasting in a media
landscape dominated by oligarchs and government channels. Hromadske's journalists aimed at nothing
less than setting up an outlet that would eventually become the gold standard of Ukrainian broadcasting.
And that means reporting both sides of a story, no matter how unpleasant.
Our story on Bubenchik, the self-proclaimed Maidan sniper, is very much in line with that mission.
It was part of a film we aired on February 18, both on our own online platform and on a national
TV channel, which depicted how his decision to shoot two police officers affected the course of events
on that day. The day - February 20, 2014 - was so dramatic that we called the film Zlam - "The Breaking
Later on that same day, four police officers died from gunshot wounds. But the death toll among
the protesters was much higher - a total of 48 were brutally murdered. This was the single highest
daily death toll not just during the revolution, but since Ukraine gained its independence in 1991.
Two years later, there are 22 policemen being tried for these crimes. Five are currently in detention,
others are still wanted. But Bubenchik, who says he also killed, is free. He had talked openly about
his deed before. But the story had never been picked up by the media, and there had never been a
full-scale investigation. The State Security Service either did not believe his story, or chose to
ignore his confession - in Ukraine, it's not politically correct to judge the victors.
The accepted narrative is that the protesters were the good guys, while the government troops
were murderers. There's no doubt that the protesters really were heroes. They risked their lives,
their families and their well-being to stand up against a crooked political elite. Because of them
the word "hero" started to make real sense for us in Ukraine - it became personified.
But real life is not black and white. Sometimes heroes can act in evil ways, and Bubenchik's story
is a case in point. It complicates an already painful episode in the recent history of a country
that is still bleeding because of an ongoing war with Russia in the east, the annexation of Crimea,
a divided population and endless political infighting.
That's why it took courage to report this story. For our journalists, Anastasiya Stanko and Angelina
Kariakina, it was a massive ethical challenge. Many of their sources, who had themselves been protesters,
kept saying that Ukraine was not ready for the truth. They said the Russian propaganda machine would
kick in and spin Bubenchuk's story for its own purposes - and sure enough, it did, running headlines
like "Kiev government encourages murder" and "The blood of Heavenly Hundred is on the hands of the
protesters." The Heavenly Hundred is a reference to all the protesters who were murdered during the
"This episode about the shootings on February 20 [2014] was emotionally the most difficult one,"
says Anastasiya Stanko, co-author of the story. "Most of all, we wanted to try to approach it without
emotions, as much as possible, and only concentrate on facts."
Incidentally, Bubenchik, our protagonist, believes that he did nothing wrong. "It's important
for me that people understand that it's not an alcoholic or drug addict talking. I understood what
I was doing," he says in the film. "I do not see any crime in my actions."
Bubenchik thinks what he did was justified by the circumstances of that day. The journalists who
reported the story also say that context is key. "It's impossible to separate this day from all three
months of protests - and that was very important to show," says Angelina Kariakina, the other creator
of the film. "The first episode of violence on the Maidan was against a peaceful, mostly student
protest in November. The first murders took place in January. In many ways the 20th of February was
the culmination of those protests," she says.
Despite all these dilemmas, we chose to report the story. Perhaps we're naive, because we believe
in equal rules and justice for all. Or maybe we're setting a new standard for our country's media,
which, as in any free country, should be able to report unpopular truths.
A week after our film aired, the prosecutors finally acted. On February 25, investigators searched
Bubenchik's home in Lviv, as mandated by court order. A real investigation into what he did might
finally be starting.
"... This university investigation concluded that the massacre was a false flag operation, which was rationally planned and executed with the aim to overthrow the government and seize power. ..."
Ivan Katchanovski, professor of political science at the University of Ottawa, conducted a study
on the massacre perpetrated by snipers on the Maidan square of Kiev in February, 2014.
This document, from a presentation to the American Association of Political Sciences in San Francisco
in September 2015, is the first academic study on this event.
It uses rational choice theory and Weber's theory of instrumental rationality to examine the actions
of key players from both the Yanukovich government, specifically various police and security forces,
and opposition, especially of the extreme right and oligarchic elements, during the massacre.
The paper analyzes a large amount of material available from different sources: about 1500 videos
and recordings from the internet and television in different countries (about 150 gigabytes), newsletters
and social media messages from a hundred journalists covering the massacre of Kiev, about 5000 photos,
and nearly 30 gigabytes of radio interceptions of snipers and commanders of the Alfa unit of the
Security Service of Ukraine and Ministry troops of the Interior and finally records of the massacre
trial. This study is also based on field research on the massacre site, witness' reports from both
camps, the commanders of the special units, the statements made by current and former government
officials, approximate estimates of ballistic trajectories, bullets and weapons used and the types
of injuries on both sides. This study establishes a specific timetable for the various events of
the massacre, the shooters locations and the precise timing and location of the death of nearly 50
This university investigation concluded that the massacre was a false flag operation, which was
rationally planned and executed with the aim to overthrow the government and seize power.
Ivan Katchanovski teaches at the School of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa. He has
been a visiting scholar at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University,
visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the State University of New
York at Potsdam, postdoctoral fellow at the Political Science Department at the University of Toronto
and Kluge Postdoctoral Fellow at the Kluge Center at the Library of Congress.
Maidan snipers, seems Svoboda booked hotel rooms used by armed groups who shot at police
and protesters. Lots of interesting evidence, by a rather brave academic.
Interesting; this is definitely the most comprehensive reference I have seen on the killings,
and thank you for it. I see it points out, also tellingly, that Svoboda members were guarding
the stairways and elevators of the Hotel Ukraina also during the massacre, presumably so no unauthorized
persons could enter and interrupt the action ongoing.
У бывших нардепов Украины от "Свободы" проводятся обыски, их подозревают в убийствах так называемой
Небесной сотни, заявил депутат Киевского областного совета от партии "Свобода" Александр Аронец.
"Обыски у экс-нардепов свободовцев происходят из-за событий на Майдане! Ищут взрывчатку и оружие.
Свободовцев подозревают в убийствах героев Небесной Сотни! Это тотальный реванш регионалов", – заявил
он в Facebook.
Напомним, главная киевская площадь Независимости была занята сторонниками евроинтеграции 21 ноября
2013 года, сразу после заявления правительства Николая Азарова о приостановке подписания соглашения
об ассоциации с ЕС.
В результате событий, которые привели фактически к госперевороту, со стороны евромайдановцев
погибло более 100 человек, которых потом назвали
"Небесной сотней". Больше половины из них были убиты утром 20 февраля на площади Независимости и
улице Институтской.
Неизвестные снайперы в центре Киева вели огонь одновременно и по сторонникам Майдана, и по бойцам
Генеральная прокуратура Украины сразу и без объяснений назвала подозреваемыми прежние власти во главе
с Виктором Януковичем, однако не раз появлялись свидетельства того, что к стрельбе и убийствам участников
беспорядков причастны представители евромайдана.
Так, в интернете появилась запись разговора
главы МИД Эстонии Урмаса Паэта и главы дипломатии ЕС Кэтрин Эштон, из которого следует, что лидеры
Майдана наняли снайперов, стрелявших в демонстрантов и милиционеров. В беседе Паэт рассказывает,
что все улики, которые ему показывали, свидетельствуют, что и протестующих, и сотрудников правоохранительных
органов убивали одни и те же люди.
Добавим, что также была обнародована
серия обстоятельств и улик, свидетельствующих в пользу версии о причастности организаторов Майдана
к расстрелу собственных активистов в центре Киева.
Кроме того, 2 апреля во время восстановления колоннады киевского стадиона "Динамо" строители
нашли на крыше охотничью картечь. Предположительно,
именно оттуда велась стрельба по демонстрантам. Рядом с дробинами было обнаружено еще несколько предметов,
похожих, судя по видеосъемке,
на дюбели для строительного пистолета.
Все это может пролить свет на обстоятельства убийства первых погибших активистов – напомним, 22 января
именно из охотничьего оружия были застрелены Сергей Нигоян и Михаил Жизневский. Экспертиза показала,
что в Нигояна попала именно картечь на основе сплава свинца.
Также появлялась информация, что стрельба
велась из офиса Андрея Парубия, который был тогда так называемым комендантом Майдана.
Киев же возложил вину за гибель активистов Майдана на бойцов "Беркута". В феврале Генеральная
прокуратура Украины объявила об установлении
всех якобы причастных к этому силовиков. Приказ вести снайперский огонь, по мнению новых украинских
властей, отдавал Янукович, а проводить операцию помогали российские спецслужбы.
В России опровергли причастность к этим событиям
и подвергают сомнению выводы украинских властей.
При этом авторы агентства Reuters, проводившие собственное расследование убийств на Майдане, отмечали,
что только с 18 по 20 февраля почти 200 правоохранителей
получили огнестрельные ранения и 13 были убиты,
однако "никто не был задержан в связи со стрельбой в милиционеров".
На Украине создали почти религиозный культ "Небесной сотни", ставшей одним из главных символов
Отметим, что противостояние действующих украинских властей и радикальных националистов обострилось.
Так, 31 августа у Рады начались беспорядки
после того как парламентарии в первом чтении приняли
изменения в конституцию в части децентрализации, несмотря на
многотысячный митинг у стен Рады и
заблокированный президиум. Митингующие дважды
предпринимали попытки штурма парламента. Также в силовиков
была брошена граната.
Министр внутренних Украины Арсен Аваков заявил, что митинг у стен Верховной рады
был организован политическими партиями "Свобода",
"Укроп", "Радикальная партия Украины". Глава МВД отметил, что на допрос вызван лидер "Свободы" Олег
Тягнибок, а также члены этой партии Юрий Сиротюк, Игорь Криворучко, Сергей Бойко, Игорь Сабия.
Да ну их... Давно уже не интересен их клоповник в украинской власти.
А вот что думают простые люди - как-то не встречал более-менее подробной информации или статистики.
Но, подозреваю, объективную картину увидеть непросто - все в Украине в какой-то мере запуганы.
"I was shooting downwards at their feet," says a man we will call Sergei, who tells me he took
up position in the Kiev Conservatory, a music academy on the south-west corner of the square.
"Of course, I could have hit them in the arm or anywhere. But I didn't shoot to kill."
Sergei says he had been a regular protester on the Maidan for more than a month, and that his
shots at police on the square and on the roof of an underground shopping mall, caused them to retreat.
There had been shooting two days earlier, on 18 February. The 19th, a Wednesday, had been quieter,
but in the evening, Sergei says, he was put in contact with a man who offered him two guns: one a
12-gauge shotgun, the other a hunting rifle, a Saiga that fired high-velocity rounds.
He chose the latter, he says, and stashed it in the Post Office building, a few yards from the Conservatory.
Both buildings were under the control of the protesters.
Under attack, the police retreated from their position near the front line in the square, falling
back along the street on the north side of Hotel Ukraine.
Protesters then advanced towards the police, where they were shot by retreating security forces
and snipers from surrounding buildings.
More than 50 people were killed, the heaviest death toll of the clashes between protesters and
security forces in the Maidan.
Continue reading the main story
When the shooting started early on the morning of the 20th, Sergei says, he was escorted to the Conservatory,
and spent some 20 minutes before 07:00 firing on police, alongside a second gunman.
His account is partially corroborated by other witnesses. That morning, Andriy Shevchenko, then
an opposition MP and part of the Maidan movement, had received a phone call from the head of the
riot police on the square.
"He calls me and says, 'Andriy, somebody is shooting at my guys.' And he said that the shooting
was from the Conservatory."
Shevchenko contacted the man in charge of security for the protesters, Andriy Parubiy, known as
the Commandant of the Maidan.
"I sent a group of my best men to go through the entire Conservatory building and determine whether
there were any firing positions," Parubiy says.
Meanwhile the MP, Andriy Shevchenko, was getting increasingly panicked phone calls.
"I kept getting calls from the police officer, who said: 'I have three people wounded, I have
five people wounded, I have one person dead.' And at some point he says, 'I am pulling out.' And
he says, 'Andriy I do not know what will be next.' But I clearly felt that something really bad was
about to happen."
Andriy Parubiy, now deputy speaker of the Ukrainian parliament, says his men found no gunmen in
the Conservatory building.
But a photographer who gained access to the Conservatory later in the morning - shortly after
08:00 - took pictures there of men with guns, although he did not see them fire.
Sergei's account also differs from Parubiy's.
"I was just reloading," he told me. "They ran up to me and one put his foot on top of me, and
said, 'They want a word with you, everything is OK, but stop doing what you're doing.'"
Sergei says he is convinced the men who dragged him away were from Parubiy's security unit, though
he didn't recognise their faces. He was escorted out of the Conservatory building, taken out of Kiev
by car, and left to make his own way home.
By that time three policemen had been fatally wounded and the mass killings of protesters had
Kiev's official investigation has focused on what happened afterwards - after the riot police
began to retreat from the square. In video footage, they are clearly seen firing towards protesters
as they pull back.
Only three people have been arrested, all of them members of a special unit of riot police. And
of these three, only two - the lower-ranking officers - remain in custody. The unit's commanding
officer, Dmitry Sadovnik, was granted bail and has now disappeared.
The three policemen are accused of causing 39 deaths. But at least a further dozen protestors
were killed - and the three policemen who died of their wounds.
Some of the dead were almost certainly shot by snipers, who seemed to be shooting from some of
the taller buildings surrounding the square.
Lawyers for the victims and sources in the general prosecutor's office have told the BBC that
when it comes to investigating deaths that could not have been caused by the riot police, they have
found their efforts blocked by the courts.
"If you think of Yanukovych's time, it was like a Bermuda triangle: the prosecutor's office, the
police and the courts," says Andriy Shevchenko. "Everyone knew that they co-operated, they covered
each other and that was the basis of the massive corruption in the country. Those connections still
Ukraine's Prosecutor General, Vitaly Yarema, was dismissed this week, amid harsh criticism of
his handling of the investigation.
Meanwhile, conspiracy theories flourish.
"I'm certain that the shootings of the 20th were carried out by snipers who arrived from Russia
and who were controlled by Russia," says Andriy Parubiy, the former Commandant of the Maidan.
"The shooters were aiming to orchestrate a bloodbath on Maidan."
This is a widely-held belief in Ukraine. In Russia, many believe the opposite - that the revolt
on Maidan was a Western conspiracy, a CIA-inspired coup designed to pull Ukraine out of Moscow's
orbit. Neither side offers convincing evidence for its assertion.
The overwhelming majority of the protesters on Maidan were peaceful, unarmed citizens, who braved
months of bitter cold to demand a change to their corrupt government. As far as is known, all the
protesters killed on 20 February were unarmed.
The leaders of the Maidan have always maintained they did their best to keep guns away from the
"We knew that our strength was not to use force, and our weakness would be if we start shooting,"
says Andriy Shevchenko.
Parubiy says it is possible that a handful of protesters with weapons may have come to the Maidan
as part of a spontaneous, unorganised response to violence from the security forces in the days running
up to 20 February.
"I did hear that, after the shootings on 18 February, there were guys who came to Maidan with
hunting rifles. I was told that sometimes they were the relatives or parents of those people who
were killed on the 18th. So I concede that it's possible there were people with hunting rifles on
Maidan. When the snipers began to kill our guys, one after another, I can imagine that those with
the hunting rifles returned fire."
Sergei, again, tells a different story. He says he was recruited as a potential shooter in late-January,
by a man he describes only as a retired military officer. Sergei himself was a former soldier.
"We got chatting, and he took me under his wing. He saw something in me that he liked. Officers
are like psychologists, they can see who is capable. He kept me close."
The former officer dissuaded him from joining any of the more militant groups active on the Maidan.
"'Your time will come,' he said."
Was he being prepared, psychologically, to take up arms?
"Not that we sat down and worked out a plan. But we talked about it privately and he prepared
me for it."
It is not clear who the man who apparently recruited Sergei was, or whether he belonged to any
of the recognised groups active on the Maidan.
And there is much else that we still do not know, such as who fired the first shots on 20 February.
As for conspiracy theories, it is possible that Sergei was manipulated, played like a pawn in
a bigger game. But that is not the way he sees it. He was a simple protester, he says, who took up
arms in self-defence.
"I didn't want to shoot anyone or kill anyone. But that was the situation. I don't feel like some
kind of hero. The opposite: I have trouble sleeping, bad premonitions. I'm trying to control myself.
But I just get nervous all the time. I have nothing to be proud of. It's easy to shoot. Living afterwards,
that's the hard thing. But you have to defend your country."
You can watch a longer video report by Gabriel Gatehouse here and listen to a radio documentary
[Feb 14, 2015] Standupwoman Spiffey 13 Feb 2015 21:02
I'm afraid I agree.
There's also a murkier element to it. That Parabuy is involved is pretty well proven, but we may
never know who (if anyone) was pulling the strings behind him. An American film 'Maidan Massacre'
(now pulled from youtube) had a US expert claiming at least one of the shooters was definitely a
professional sniper, and that does seem convincing from some of the footage. Men like that weren't
Maidan activists - so who were they?
One odd bit of information that never made it into the main western media was the claim by a Georgian
general that four of the snipers were Georgian. That has obviously led to theories of CIA involvement,
but I haven't seen anything that actually proves it.
As you say, we may never know. What matters most is that it wasn't the Berkut (or Yanukovich)
and everything that followed from that does indeed seem to be based on a lie.
BBC staff now decided to play the role of "daughters of an officer" (NSA financed bots in social
networks that assumes this identity and channel State Deportment talking points and trying to discredit
opponents pretending that they write from the place of the event) and all the morning very emotionally
told us that events on Maidan square was not that simple!
It turns out there are witnesses and facts which suggest that its not now Yanukovich who ordered
those snipers to fire, but it was opposition people who were firing at demonstrators. There are even
widows who claim that their statements about the death of loved ones were rejected first by junta
and then by Fat Pig government.
Oh, Oh, what an affront! The British have always been shameless whores, you know.
It seems that the attempts were made, while sluggish, to disown Fat Pig and his camarilla. Let's
see how things will develop next week, Washington Obcom did not provide final guidelines on this
matter yet.
[Jan 31, 2015] It looks as if the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs has exonerated the
Berkut for the killings of the Heavenly Hundred
Also from Fort Russ, it looks as if the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs has
exonerated the Berkut for the killings of the Heavenly Hundred – the young Armenian before
whose simple memorial The Pig knelt in solemn respect only last week was discovered to have been
killed by a shotgun, which the police did not have.
And it further said it did not appear
the police had any of the weapons used to off the rest. Interesting times in Kiev, my friends:
what will happen next?
It looks very much to me as if some of the rats are trying to scramble out from under the
wall they see collapsing on them.
Тайна снайперской винтовки на Майдане уходит корнями к Арсену Авакову (видео)
Эпизод перед расстрелом "Небесной сотни" так и остался необъясненной
тайной Пашинского, но теперь открываются эти секреты.
Почему до сих пор сотрудники МВД и СБУ, спустя год, не нашли людей, которые были в том автомобиле
и вывозили винтовку? По сути – это те же люди, которые ее туда и привезли в правительственный квартал,
напротив Майдана.
Сергею Пашинскому, как и Арсену Авакову вероятно, есть что скрывать...
Ivan Katchanovski, Ph.D. School of Political Studies & Department of Communication University
of Ottawa Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5, Canada [email protected] Paper presented at the Chair of Ukrainian
Studies Seminar at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, October 1, 2014.
The analysis and the evidence presented in this academic investigation put the Euromaidan and
the conflict in Ukraine into a new perspective. The seemingly irrational mass shooting and killing
of the protesters and the police on February 20 appear to be rational from self-interest based perspectives
of rational choice and Weberian theories of instrumentally-rational action. This includes the following:
the Maidan leaders gaining power as a result of the massacre, President Yanukovych and his other
top government officials fleeing on February 21, 2014 from Kyiv and then from Ukraine, and the retreat
by the police. The same concerns Maidan protesters being sent under deadly fire into positions of
no important value and then being killed wave by wave from unexpected directions. Similarly, snipers
killing unarmed protesters and targeting foreign journalists but not Maidan leaders, the Maidan Self-Defense
and the Right Sector headquarters, the Maidan stage, and pro-Maidan photographs become rational.
While such actions are rational from a rational choice or instrumentally-rational theoretical perspective,
the massacre not only ended many human lives but also undermined democracy, human rights, and the
rule of law in Ukraine.
The massacre of the protesters and the police represented a violent overthrow of the government
in Ukraine and a major human rights crime. This violent overthrow constituted an undemocratic
change of government. It gave start to a large-scale violent conflict that turned into a civil war
in Eastern Ukraine, to a Russian military intervention in support of separatists in Crimea and Donbas,
and to a de-facto break-up of Ukraine. It also escalated an international conflict between the West
and Russia over Ukraine. The evidence indicates that an alliance of elements of the Maidan opposition
and the far right was involved in the mass killing of both protesters and the police, while the involvement
of the special police units in killings of some of the protesters cannot be entirely ruled out based
on publicly available evidence. The new government that came to power largely as a result of the
massacre falsified its investigation, while the Ukrainian media helped to misrepresent the mass killing
of the protesters and the police. The evidence indicates that the far right played a key role in
the violent overthrow of the government in Ukraine.
This academic investigation also brings new important questions that need to be addressed.
A new prize-winning American documentary film has been released which suggests that the snipers
who killed 100 demonstrators on Kiev's central square in January and February of this year may have
been working for pro-western groups seeking to...
The authors of this video consider alliance of Oligarch Poroshenko with far right forces was connected
with his Presidential ambitions. He decided that only West can make him President and serving as cash
cow for the USA will be rewarded. By some estimate he spend hundred million on propelling Maidan violence
making him second most important sponsor of EuroMaidan after the West embassies. Video contains annotated
video famous Poroshenko outburst when he was accused in financing Sniper-gate.
A very interesting interview about "internals of Yanukovich rule and faults of Yanukovich personality
that led to his fall, when the USA decided to play a different, more agreesive, game in Ukraine.
Вячеслав Заневский, бывший гражданин РФ, который с середины 2008 до конца 2012 года в формальном
статусе внештатного советника Президента возглавлял Службу безопасности Виктора Януковича рассказал
в программе "Знак оклику" на ТВі о бывшем шефе.
Главный охранник Януковича рассказал о его привычках, его ближайшем окружении, спецслужбах РФ
и Украины, силовых спецподразделениях СБУ, УГО, МВД и о снайперах на Майдане.
По словам Заневского, сразу после инаугурации Янукович изменился, стал высокомерным и надменным.
"Наверное, самый большой минус я вижу, что человек (Янукович - ред.) стал царем. А разница
между президентом и царем в том, что у царя не может быть все плохо", - заявил бывший главный охранник
Януковича (см. 28 минуту видео).
Он также считает, что стремление Януковича к чрезмерному богатству - это следствие детских
комплексов и тюремного прошлого.
Заневский подтвердил, что Янукович мог применить физическую силу в отношении своих подчиненных.
Из-за этого все панически боялись делать экс-президенту замечания или идти к нему с плохими новостями.
Произведение "Охранник Януковича рассказал о бегстве шефа и снайперов на Майдане" созданное автором
по имени Туровци Владислав, публикуется на условиях лицензии Creative Commons "Attribution" ("Атрибуция")
4.0 Всемирная. Туровци Владислав, публикуется на условиях лицензии Creative Commons "Attribution"
("Атрибуция") 4.0 Всемирная.
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Человек выглядит очень достойным. Чувствуется хорошая профессиональная подготовка в области
умения владеть собой. А так же хорошие аналитические способности.
Возможно в России служил в спецслужбе или даже в разведке. Его бы в президенты Украины, он
бы порядок навел. Мог бы стать на уровне
This video proves that shots were fired on the advancing protest party from the rear and clearly
points out bullet trajectories (from the Hotel Ukraine) as well as impact areas.
You Tube version (also graphic)
The video coincides with the release of a hacked EU minister phone call discussing the subject.
Link to You Tube video of ministerial phone call and the Guardian UK story related to the subject.
Skip to 2 minute mark for start of conversation. (Also a graphic warning as video shows pictures
of individuals suffering)
The Ministers give clear impressions of what they think of the protest leaders saying " All
these guys have a dirty past", "They can't be trusted", "The trust level is absolutely low", "They
send uninvited visitors in the night to beat parliament members" "They beat a parliament member
in the streets". "They can't send a reform package yet due to the level of trust it will end badly".
"They have no partner to partner with". They also discuss the doctor who treated the shooting
victims in the video above saying she believes the same individuals were shooting police and protesters
on both sides. Skip to 8:20 mark in the You Tube video to go straight to this quote. They also
say the new coalition doesn't want to investigate who was doing the shooting.
The theory put forth is these individuals being shot were patsies murdered by their own side
in order to blame Ukrainian authorities and gather the sentiment of the rest of the world to the
protesters side. There is some video out there that shows police sniping in certain areas so of
course they are not blameless either. However, the video above lends credence to the possibility
those individuals were murdered in cold blood by their own side.
One thing of note is that the US media has chosen not to cover any of this subject. Neither
the leaked phone calls or the possibility of the protest leaders murdering their own people for
international support. DU'ers can watch the videos and decide if they think it's all BS. The concerns
the EU ministers have should be taken into account however, when considering the fact the US media
has chosen not to cover that aspect of the crisis. The US and EU are planning to give billions
of dollars of US taxpayer money to these individuals. American have a right to know this info
and our media should be covering it.
The similarities between the Maidan snipers and the snipers in Romania in 89 are striking.
In Bucharest, French snipers were used to give more legitimacy to the incoming new Romanian government.
I wonder who were used on the Maidan.
BTW I don't think real Ukrainians wanted another oligarch in power at all. Half of them stayed
home, the none voted in the east and a few in the south.
I just hope some oligarch would keep their private thugs and armies out of Eastern Hungary,
where they terrorise locals who don't sign up for dodgy deals.
iseethroughyou -> PeterSchmidt, 27 May 2014 11:01am
They were the ones who were wearing the red armbands during the Odessa massacre.
As an aside. The head of the parliamentary enwuiry into the massacre stated that the ammunition
used in the snipers killings was never issued to the Berkut.
There is no forensic evidence linking the victims of mass killings in Kiev on February 20 with
officers from the Berkut police unit, the head of the parliamentary commission investigating the
murders told journalists.
Вся документация уничтожена, гильзотека украдена, автоматы украдены
В МВД уничтожили всю документацию и гильзотеку, позволявшие отследить использование оружия и пуль,
которыми расстреливали майдановцев. Об этом рассказал председатель комиссии по расследованию убийств
на Майдане, депутат Геннадий Москаль.
"Сбежал полковник Сергей Кусюк вместе с оружием. Скорее всего, оружие не хранилось там, где должно
было храниться, - в центральном государственном научно-исследовательском институте криминалистических
экспертиз МВД. Я начал обзванивать регионы, и оказалось, что эти гильзотеки хранятся в областях.
А в Киеве исчезли эти контрольные пули (гильзы) и карточки с фотографиями работников, получавших
оружие. Исчезли журналы выдачи оружия, приказы о закреплении оружия за отдельным работником "Беркута"
тоже пропали. Вся документация уничтожена, гильзотека украдена, автоматы украдены", - сказал он.
Ранее Москаль заявлял, что пули от огнестрельного оружия, найденные на месте трагических событий
на Майдане в Киеве 20 февраля, не могли быть выпущены из оружия, находившегося на вооружении "Беркута".
The Commission of Verkhovnaya Rada: It was not the soldiers of "Berkut" who fired at the protesters
in Kiev
At independence Sqare shootings there were four sniper of the structures controlled by the ex-President
of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili
During the tragic to the events of February in Kiev at the protesters fired not fighters of special
division "Berkut", reads the statement of the temporary investigative Commission of the Verkhovna
Rada on the results of the studies used by the snipers ammunition cartridges and bullets.
According to the head of the Commission Gennady Moskal, firing at the demonstrators could representatives
of the out of control public organizations. Without elaborating on what institutions are, Moskal
said that "the first shot was made on the police", transfers ITAR-TASS.
"Anyone could join the ranks of the protest movement under the guise of struggle against the current
authorities," he said. According to him, it does not exclude the version that could shoot as officers
of the security Service of Ukraine or the Ministry of internal Affairs and their supporters, posing
as activists.
The Commission was established to investigate illegal actions of law enforcement and of individual
officers during the events related to mass actions of social and political protest that took place
in Ukraine from 21 November 2013. No one has claimed responsibility for the deaths of the protesters
and law-enforcers, whose number exceeded 100 people. More than half of them were killed on the morning
of February 20 on Independence square and the street of the Institute.
Recall, who seized power in Kiev accused of shooting at protesters fighters police special forces
Berkut. As they say in Kiev, order sniping gave the President Yanukovych, and to perform the operation
helped the Russian special services. Russia denies involvement in these events and question the conclusions
of the Ukrainian authorities.
In early March, was released taped conversation of the Supreme Commissioner of EU on foreign Affairs,
Catherine Ashton, with foreign Minister of Estonia Urmas Paet. The latter said that the protesters
and police were killed the same snipers, and it would be profitable for the opposition, not to the
In early April at the "Dynamo" stadium in Kiev was found shot, similar to the one that murdered
the first victims of the Maidan. In the Arsenal of "Berkut" weapons, firing a shot, was not. The
find became one more argument in favor of the version that the murder on the Maidan are the same
people who organized and the Maidan.
Finally, mass media disseminated a statement of the Georgian officer, former commander of the
battalion "Avaza" Tristan, Tsitelashvili, who said that at the square there were four sniper of the
structures controlled by the ex-President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili. Moreover, the curator of
the group, according to the officer, could be Givi Targamadze - Georgian MP, well-known in Russia
as the defendant in the trial about events on Bolotnays".
To add some nuance, because Mr. Hudson unfortunately messed up:
1) Monitor doesn't claim that shots were only from the hotel but that there
also shots fired from the hotel, additionally to government buildings.
2)The doctor they talk to, who they claim was treating victims from both sides, says that the
victims had been hit by the same type of bullets, which Monitor uses to argue that those shots
were probably not fired by police since they wouldn't have shot their own guys. Since he's not
the only one who treated demonstrators, this doesn't allow to draw further conclusions.
There's obvious need to counteract the pro-EU/NATO propaganda. But by overstating claims, TRNN
leaves itself open to justified attacks that undermine the larger issue.
Michael Hudson is a Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri,
Kansas City. His two newest books are "The Bubble and Beyond" and "Finance Capitalism and its Discontents,"
available on Amazon.
DESVARIEUX: So, Micheal, what are you tracking this week?
HUDSON: The big news is all about the Ukraine. And it's about the events that happened in the
shootings on February 20. Late last week, the German television program ARD Monitor, which
is sort of their version of 60 Minutes here, had an investigative report of the shootings
in Maidan, and what they found out is that contrary to what President Obama is saying, contrary to
what the U.S. authorities are saying, that the shooting was done by the U.S.-backed Svoboda Party
and the protesters themselves, the snipers and the bullets all came from the Hotel Ukrayina, which
was the center of where the protests were going, and the snipers on the hotel were shooting not only
at the demonstrators, but also were shooting at their own--at the police and the demonstrators to
try to create chaos. They've spoken to the doctors, who said that all of the bullets and all of the
wounded people came from the same set of guns. They've talked to reporters who were embedded with
the demonstrators, the anti-Russian forces, and they all say yes. All the witnesses are in agreement:
the shots came from the Hotel Ukrayina. The hotel was completely under the control of the protesters,
and it was the government that did it.
So what happened was that after the coup d'état, what they call the new provisional government put
a member of the Svoboda Party, the right-wing terrorist party, in charge of the investigation. And
the relatives of the victims who were shot are saying that the government is refusing to show them
the autopsies, they're refusing to share the information with their doctors, they're cold-shouldering
them, and that what is happening is a coverup. It's very much like the film Z about the Greek
colonels trying to blame the murder of the leader on the protesters, rather than on themselves. Now,
the real question that the German data has is: why, if all of this is front-page news in Germany,
front-page news in Russia--the Russian TV have been showing their footage, showing the sniping--why
would President Obama directly lie to the American people? This is the equivalent of Bush's weapons
of mass destruction. Why would Obama say the Russians are doing the shooting in the Ukraine that's
justified all of this anti-Russian furor? And why wouldn't he say the people that we have been backing
with $5 billion for the last five or ten years, our own people, are doing the shooting, we are telling
them to doing the shooting, we are behind them, and we're the ones who are the separatists? What
has happened is that the Western Ukraine, the U.S. part, are the separatists trying to break up the
Ukraine, in keeping, pretty much, with what Brzezinski advised in his book some years ago when he
said breaking Ukraine off from Russia would be the equivalent of blocking any Russian potential military
power. Now, the only American who's spoken up against this was, last Friday, very quickly, President
And Jimmy Carter said in an interview with Salon he's very worried. He says, quote, "The
rest of the world, almost unanimously, looks at America as the No. 1 warmonger. That we revert to
armed conflict almost at the drop of a hat--and quite often it's not only desired by the leaders
of our country, but it's also supported by the people of America."Now, the next day in The Financial
Times they did an interview with Singapore's prime minister, Lee. And the prime minister, Lee,
said, I think you--to the Financial Times interviewer, "I think you should have thought of
that before encouraging the demonstrators on the Maidan." I think some people--meaning the U.S.--didn't
think through all the consequences. Can you take responsibility for the consequences? And when it
comes to grief, will you be there? You can't be there, since you have so many other interests to
protect. So what foreign leaders are saying: look what American's doing. This is what it did in the
Hungarian Revolution in 1956, and again with the Czechs in 1968. It encourages foreign groups to
fight against the Russians, promises support, and then it just leaves them hanging. The Ukrainians
in the East are--the Russian-speakers, are very worried, because the separatists in the West, the
American-backed separatists, have already begun to cut off water to Crimea, saying, well, you're
not going to get the water, we're going to starve you out. They've already come and gone into Eastern
They've closed down the Russian-speaking TV stations, saying, if you're trying to defend against
the IMF and the eurozone austerity plan that we have, if you're disagreeing with austerity, if you're
disagreeing for our removing the gas subsidy and making you--razing your rights, we're accusing you
of separatism. They've begun to arrest protesters against austerity. They've sent in assassination
squads to begin killing the people who are protesting the Western-backed austerity plans for the
Ukrainians. Now, already in today's news you have Ukrainians in Western Ukraine saying, wait a minute,
our jobs, to the extent that we're working for factories and industry--we make real cars for Russia,
we make inputs to Russian armaments for the airplanes, for the other things--our market is in Russia.
We've tried to sell to Germany. We're not able to sell to Germany.
Andrew Jack in today's Financial Times has an article on that, that there's already very
low living standards in the Eastern Ukraine. Their only hope is to keep employment. Their only means
of employment is to sell to Russia. And now they're being forced into a condition to say, look, either
you separate, or we'll separate and leave you. Putin has continually said he has no desire at all
for Russia to take part of the Eastern Ukraine. And the reason is quite simple. It's been simple
for the last 20 years. Ukraine is not really very self-supporting. It's a burden to whoever takes
it. Russia doesn't want the burden of supporting the Ukraine. So Putin has asked for a meeting with
the Europeans and the Americans to talk about a federal Ukraine, sort of a loose federation where
each region will have its own autonomy and all the three regions will agree not to have atom bombs
right on their border. What President Obama said over the weekend was, we will only have a meeting
if you surrender, Russia, to us, if you agree not to charge Ukraine for gas, if you agree to give
them gas for nothing at all, without getting paid for gas month after month. You have to promise
to keep giving all of Ukraine gas. You have to give them the money so they can buy our arms to fight
against you. And the president has just--Obama, has just sent naval vessels with atomic weapons into
the Black Sea, threatening Putin to wipe out Russia in 20 minutes. He's threatening World War III.
Europeans are scared stiff about this because they know that they'll be the first recipients of a
Russian retaliation. Why is America rattling this? It's as if Obama is channeling Dick Cheney.
Why is he not telling the American people, look, we've backed opponents to Russia and I'm afraid
they've got out of hand, we're really very sorry that they've been shooting innocent civilians, we're
sorry they're sorry acting illegally, we're sorry they're kleptocrats, we're sorry they have closed
all other Russian-speaking TV stations, we're sorry that they're--you know, this is bad behavior,
this is not democracy, what we want to back is democracy? But he's not saying that. He's saying,
not only are we backing the right-wingers, but we told Putin that there's no--don't even bother coming
to a meeting with us unless you give Ukraine gas for nothing. Well, Putin gave a speech in Russia
saying that Russia is the only country that actually gives to the Ukraine, that is actually giving
them gas. He says that the West has been encouraging him, egging them on, but hasn't been giving
given them any money at all. Now Germany's worried--and that's why it was the German television station
that did this investigative report--Germany's worried because it gets its gas over a pipeline that
runs through the Ukraine. And the Ukrainians' Svoboda Party, the party in charge of investigating
the Maidan massacre, is saying, we're going to blow up the pipelines to Russia, because what we want
to do is prevent Russia from getting the foreign exchange by selling its gas that it would use to
build up its military power.So someone in the neocon administration here in America has said, look,
if we can just stop Russia from getting export payments for its gas, it won't have enough money for
militarization and we'll win the Cold War.
This is the coup de grace, as Brzezinski wrote in his book before. And this is crazy. The Russians
say, well, it's true that Ukraine is making a lot of our arms, that we're importing it from them,
but we can replicate the factories here. It'll cost us a little more money, but we have unemployment
in Russia. We're going to have to actually build up our own industry. And we're obviously thinking
very quickly of how much we can export to China, Iran. They're immediately making a rapprochement
with Iran. They're now questioning whether they're going to let the Americans withdraw from Afghanistan
through Russia by saying, wait a minute, if you just moved naval vessels with atomic weapons right
into the Black Sea, threatening, you know, to bomb us, we're not going to let your army come into
Russia from Afghanistan, because you may just keep on coming. This is crazy. This is what the whole
world is talking about, and there's a total news blackout here. Now, normally there's only a news
blackout like that if there's something very serious going on. I can see Obama is worried about how
is he going to go down in history coming off like George Bush with his weapons of mass destruction
line, but we may not have more, in a couple of days, of history left if he continues along this path.
It's like the Tom Lehrer song, so long, mommy, I'm off to drop the bomby, I'll be home when the war
is over, a couple of hours from now. That's the kind of danger that we're in. And it's as if the
Americans said, well, it's all about freedom fighters trying to defend themselves against the Russian
bear, where it's really a case of America trying to goad Russia into acting intemperately. So the
question is: where are we going to go from here?
Michael Hudson: A German TV investigation disproves the West's claim that Yanukovych was responsible
for killing of dozens of Ukrainian protestors
Michael Hudson: A German TV investigation disproves the West's claim that Yanukovych was responsible
for killing of dozens of Ukrainian protestors, making this President Obama's WMD moment
That's very interesting. Hudson is a little wobbly on the notion of a single USN warship carrying
"atomic weapons" menacing the whole of Russia and frightening Europe out of its wits, but otherwise
it sounds quite compelling and the economic component is just as we have been saying here for
a long time; that the EU Association agreement was a terrible deal for Ukraine and would do absolutely
nothing to arrest its poverty – would instead accustom it to living off of IMF loans while its
resources were looted, and would close it off from its Russian markets or else flood Russia's
markets with cheap EU goods and the goods the EU would not buy from Ukraine.
This is an "alternative" news site; I hope the story develops some legs in the popular press
and they do not just try to bury it, and truly it would benefit from some independent analysis
because this story – it was all the opposition – also sounds too pat and it seemed clear from
earlier video that the shots were coming from more than one direction although the Hotel Ukraine
(under the control of Maidanites) was definitely one of them. I was surprised to see Singapore's
leadership come out with the position that instability is helpful to the west's achievement of
its goals.
A Georgian General named Tristan Tsitelashvili claims that 4 Georgian snipers were the ones who
shot dead the Maidan activists on 20 February
A Gruzian General named
Tristan Tsitelashvili
claims that 4 Gruzian snipers were the ones who shot dead the Maidan activists on 20 February,
thus sparking the revolution that brought the Banderites to power in Kiev.
Tsitelashvili is
a General in Gruzian armed forces, a veteran of Abkhazian war, and he claims he knows the identity
of the 4 snipers. He says they were dispatched to Kiev by Saakashvili.
He also says these 4 Gruzians didn't even bother hiding themselves, and in fact they appeared
on the stage many times and orated to the Maidanuts.
Seven weeks after the fatal Kiev shootings which led to the overthrow of President Viktor
Yanukovich's government, evidence is building up that casts serious doubt upon the official version
of events. According to WDR "Monitor", it is unlikely that the shooting of demonstrators was undertaken
exclusively by the Yanukovich government side.
At a press conference a week ago, the Attorney General's Office and the new transitional government
categorically stated what had happened, subsequently stating that twelve members of the now-defunct
special unit "Berkut" were considered to be the chief suspects.
Investigators doubt the prosecution version
A high-ranking member of the Ukrainian government teams that are involved in the investigation,
has placed the Prosecutor General's statement in doubt. "My findings do not agree with that which
the prosecutor stated at the press conference", Monitor has been told by the investigator, who
wishes to remain anonymous.
The ARD programme also has a recording of the radio traffic between the snipers who were acting
for former President Yanukovich's side and who apparently were stationed on the morning of February
20 on different roofs in the centre of Kiev. This conversation was recorded by a Ukrainian amateur
radio operator and Monitor has managed to get hold of it. There can be heard what sounds like
a sniper asking his colleagues over the radio: "Who just shot then, because our people are not
shooting at the unarmed?" A short time later another says: "Someone has just shot him, but we
didn't do it" and then adds: "Are there some more snipers? Who are they??"
Also shots from the Hotel Ukraina
On videos it can also be appreciated that the oppositionists shot on Institutskaya Street were
shot at not only from the direction of the government buildings, but also from the Hotel Ukraina,
which was behind of them. In an interview with Monitor, which has been confirmed by a witness
who had been present on the day between the hotel and the government buildings and who can be
made out on several videos: "We were shot at from the front and from the rear from about the eighth
or ninth floor of the Hotel Ukraina. These were definitely professionals".
The hotel where numerous media representatives were housed, was securely held on that day by
the opposition. On the morning of the 20th of February they had set up entry control to the building:
into the hotel went only those who had a room key or who could identify themselves.
Lawyers have received no information
The lawyers representing those wounded have raised serious allegations against the Ukrainian
Prosecutor General's Office. The results of the investigation have almost been completely held
back from them. "We have not been told what type of weapon was used; we have not been given access
to expert opinion; we have received no information concerning any plans of action that are to
be taken. We have none of the legal documents that the contending parties have drawn up either.
We just cannot tell you what actually happened according to the point of view of the State Prosecution.
"One of the lawyers has even compared this with how things were done in the Soviet Union and under
Yanukovich: "The State Prosecution Office has not correctly carried out due procedure: they are
protecting their own people and are biased, just like before".
February 20th was the bloodiest day of unrest around Independence Square in Kiev. According
to official figures, more than 30 people died that day on Institutskaya Street.
This is the first evidence I have seen that Yanukovych actually did have snipers – probably not
categorized that way officially, more likely something like "expert marksmen" – deployed on rooftops.
Now that it is mentioned, it stands to reason that he would, and if he did not think of it himself
it would have been recommended to him by his paramilitary commanders. However, this is significant
because it (a) contributes strongly to the believability of the claim that government snipers
deliberately shot unarmed demonstrators, and (b) an effort to capitaize on it would almost certainly
have to have been planned by someone who was briefed on or otherwise knew of the government's
deployment of such professionals. In short, someone who knew of an opportunity which would not
have been known to the public at large did know of it and seized it.
It seems quite apparent
that government forces had been given strict instructions not to fire on anyone who was not armed.
And I believe the claims of people being shot at night or that snipers were "shooting to blind
people" can be discounted; firelight is notoriously difficult to shoot by, and the latter claim
was advanced only for simpletons.
[Apr 13, 2014] Junta has cut down trees on Instituskoy Street to make the determination of the direction
of line of fire more difficult
But really, why "specially traine snipers from Berkut" did killed the leaders "evroMaidana" and
shot rank-and-file protesters. Killing leaders is what snipers are for.
Russia has some information about Ukrainian far-right movement Right Sector involved in the shooting
of snipers in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview
with Sunday Time programme anchored by Irada Zeinalova on Channel One on Sunday. Pettiness of foreign
sponsors of new authorities in Kiev is astonishing, he added.
"We have some information about it. We shared our concerns and suspicions. I cannot affirm
with absolute determination, but there is a good deal of facts that point to this. Certainly,
it is needed to recheck them. I hope that an investigation which current Ukrainian leaders announced
will be finalised and will not be swept under carpet," Lavrov noted.
18 февраля 2014 года, приблизительно в 13:20, на улице Институтской противостояние между
участниками акций неповиновия и правоохранителями было в разгаре. Через полчаса их начнут теснить
на Кловский спуск, но в 13:20 бойцы спецподразделий стояли сткой против стки активистов. Между людьми
и щитами сотрудников МВД была мертвая зона, куда никто из протестующих не заходил ввиду того, что
со стороны милиции момтально начинали стрелять.
Вдруг всеобщее внимание привлек человек, идущий в сторону правоохранителей. Человек делал движия
левой ладонью, как будто приветствовал силовиков или говорил… "я свой"?
Одет мужчина был так же, как множество рядовых "майдановцев" в те дни – маска, каска
(приметная, белая), бронежилет.
Человек подошел к припаркованному автомобилю, сел в него, отъехал. Многие из стоящих протестующих
растерялись, не веря собствным глазам. Со стороны милиции не прозвучало ни единого выстрела, хотя
неизвестный даже не снял маску.
HONDA CIVIC синего цвета поехала прямо на людей, те расступились. Машина проскочила бы сквозь
толпу, если бы не один из мужчин, который начал кричать: "Остановите его, кто это вообще такой?!".
Авто остановили. Водитель вышел, по требованию показал докумты. Ему приказали снять маску. Сначала
он возражал: "Не могу, если мты мя узнают, мне конец".
Под напором протестующих человек лицо открыл. Лицо неизвестного засняли несколько присутствующих,
в том числе журналисты.
Люди захотели осмотреть машину, водитель начал нервничать. Открыли багажник, обнаружили винтовку
с глушителем.
Не успели собравшиеся осознать увидное, как перед ними появился народный депутат Сергей
Пашинский с группой поддержки. Как утверждают, он буквально примчался на место обнаружия винтовки
с улицы Шелковичной.
Не говоря ни слова, не коммтируя мрачную находку, Пашинский знаками приказал сопровождавшим его
людям и водителю машины сесть в авто. После чего просто уехал.
Ни крики людей "эй, куда вы его везете?!", ни протесты присутствовавших на месте журналистов
(на фото – оператор "5 канала") на народного избранника не произвели впечатлия.
Машина умчалась вниз по Шелковичной.
Перед вами единствный сюжет, попавший на ТВ. По неизвестным причинам, остальные каналы видео не
показали, и новости о том, что из эпицтра событий, оттуда, где неизвестные снайперы уже убивали людей
(и убьют до конца противостояния еще немало), увезли винтовку, не сообщили. Но к этому мы еще вернемся.
Кем был этот неизвестный? Что за ружье лежало у него в багажнике? Почему Пашинский увез
его, не объяснив своих действий?
Интернет взорвался вопросами. По запросу "Пашинский ружье" поисковик Google выдает семьдесят тысяч
А что же нынешний глава АП? Ничего. Ни разу не объяснил он случившегося. Создается впечатлие,
что Сергей Владимирович мечтает лишь об одном – чтобы обществность забыла, а тема "замялась".
С учетом повышного внимания к его персоне, вызванной "мутными" многомиллионными схемами, Пашинскому
упоминание о винтовке, что называется, "не в тему".
BBC World News is now running a loaded Panorama documentary on Ukraine & Crimea right now.
They dealt early on with the snipers from Hotel Ukraina and aired an unverified recording of what
they claim is Berkut telling snipers to take position on the top floor of the hotel and simply
haven't questioned its veracity. It doesn't really get any better with the BBC guy going to Crimea
and the base commander confronting the masked troops (clearly because he has made the calculation
that he will not be shot dead live on tv).
It's not that I think that all journalists are fç"'àng stupid, ignorant bastards, editors have
a serious responsibility here and are known to butcher good reporting, but what happened to presenting
a properly balanced analysis of the situation without leading the viewer or listener with smoke
and mirrors, and letting them make their own up mind, FFS? Those fuezing twats who want to 'tell
the story' in an emotional and attached way serve nothing but their own egos inthat they think
they are doing something. Leaving a mark on the world. Making a difference. How fuceing deluded
is that when any normal person knows that foreign policy is simply straightforward amoral interest
led state policy and totally controlled by the political class who are never effected by any reporting
unless it can be selectively taken advantage of and coinciding with the state policy. Big media
and journalism mostly deserves to die, but they don't give a sh*t. It's a career, innit? /rant
Fortunately, I know the other 99% of rest of us are normal.
kirill, March 15, 2014 at 3:29 pm
So, some recording is produced to reconcile the contradiction, eh? Hotel Ukraina was occupied
by Right Sector during the sniper attack. Even one of the BBC reporters on the team that shot
the video saw what one of the shooters from the window was wearing. And it wasn't a Berkut uniform
but the standard Right Sector improvised military-wannabe garb.
Anyway, funny how the west never considers motive when dealing with alleged crimes of governments
who are disloyal. WTF would Yanukovich order a pretext against himself after months of bending
over backward to please the west? A proper crackdown would have been to send in the army to clear
the militants out and not to create martyrs out of them. The western media spew insults the intelligence
so much that it hurts.
Former State Security Head of Ukraine Oleksandr Yakimenko blames Ukraine's
current government for hiring snipers on Feb. 20, when dozens of people were killed and hundreds
more wounded. The victims were mainly EuroMaidan Revolution demonstrations, but some police officers
were also killed. This was the deadliest day during the EuroMaidan Revolution, a three-month uprising
that claimed 100 lives.
Yakimenko also blamed the United States for organizing and financing the revolution by bringing
illegal cash in using diplomatic mail.
The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine dismissed the charges as ludicrous, while another official with the
current government called the accusations "cynical" propaganda with no factual basis.
... ... ...
Yakimenko made these and other accusations in a 10-minute exclusive interview
to Russia's Vesti channel in an undisclosed location.
"The shots sounded from the building of Philharmonics," Yakimenko told Vesti. "This was the building
supervised by (now National Security Council Chief Andriy) Parubiy."
He said the snipers were shooting in the back of the running police, as well as at protesters.
He said there were two groups of "well-dressed" snipers, each composed of 10 people, operating in
the building. Yakimenko said their exit was witnessed by both SBU operatives and protesters themselves.
He said one of the groups of snipers disappeared, but the other one relocated to Hotel Ukraina
and continued to kill the protesters at a slower pace. Yakimenko said at that point representatives
of Svoboda and Right Sector appealed to him to deploy SBU's special unit Alfa to destroy the snipers.
Yakimenko claims that he was ready to do it, but did not get the permission of Parubiy, who supervised
the self-defense forces.
"To get inside EuroMaidan I needed Parubiy's permission because the forces of self-defense would
hit me in the back," Yakimenko said. "But Parubiy did not give me such a permission."
"Not a single weapon could get onto Maidan without Parubiy's permission,"
he said, adding that EuroMaidan protesters used mercenaries from former defense ministry's special
units, as well as foreign mercenaries, including those from former Yugoslavia.
... ... ....
Yankimenko says that Parubiy, as well as a number of other organizers
of EuroMaidan, received direct orders from the U.S. government. Among those people he named former
and current intelligence chiefs Mykola Malomuzh and Viktor Gvozd, former Defense Minister Anatoliy
Hrytsenko and leader of the opposition Petro Poroshenko.
"These are the forces that were doing everything they were told by the leaders and representatives
of the United States," he says. "They, in essence lived in the U.S. embassy. There wasn't a day when
they did not visit the embassy."
... ... ...
SBU chief Valentyn Nalyvaichenko is also accused of playing to the tune
of the Americans. The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine commented on these accusations in just one word: "ludicrous."
All orders were given either by the U.S. or EU ambassador Jan Tombinski, "who in essence is a
Polish citizen."
"The role of Poland cannot be evaluated," Yakimenko said. "It dreams about restoring its old wish,
The EU Delegation had no comment about the accusations.
The former SBU chief also talked at length about the financing of EuroMaidan protests, saying
much of it came directly from the U.S., and that some Ukrainian oligarchs, including Poroshenko,
Dmytro Firtash and Viktor Pinchuk.
"From the beginning of Maidan we as a special service noticed a significant increase of diplomatic
cargo to various embassies, western embassies located in Ukraine," says Yakimenko. "It was tens of
times greater than usual diplomatic cargo supplies." He says that right after such shipments crisp,
new U.S. dollar bills were spotted on Maidan.
He said Ukraine's oligarchs were also financing Maidan because they were "hostages of the situation
and had no choice" because most of their assets are located in the west.
The last time a leaked phone call out of Ukraine
was released about a month ago ostensibly by the Russian NSA equivalent, one between US assistant
sec state Victoria Nuland and the US envoy to the Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, it was revealed that the
real puppet masters behind the Maidan movement, and the true instigators of the Ukraine "revolution"
were none other than the "developed" world superpowers, lead by the US. Also revealed were tensions
between the US and EU strategies on how to overthrow the current government, culminating with the
infamous "Fuck the EU." Needless to say the US, which implicitly confirmed the recording, was angry
at Russia and accused it of using dirty tricks.
That's ironic, because when it comes to "dirty tricks" what is about to be presented,
blows the top off anything Russia may or has done to date.
Earlier today an even more shocking recording
has been "leaked" this time one between the always concerned about human rights EU foreign
affairs chief Catherine Ashton and Estonian foreign minister Urmas Paet, in which it is revealed
on tape that all those photos of horrifying deaths of Ukrainians by snipers during the last days
of the Median stand off, were in fact caused not by Snipers controlled by Yanukovich, but
that the snipers shot at both protesters and police in Kiev were allegedly hired by Maidan leaders!
Here is the key exchange, just after 8 minutes into the conversation :
Paet: "All the evidence shows that people who were killed by snipers from both
sides, policemen and people from the streets, that they were the same snipers killing people from
both sides. ... Some photos that showed it is the same handwriting, the same type of bullets, and
it is really disturbing that now the new coalition they don't want to investigate what exactly happened.
So there is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovych,
but it was somebody from the new coalition."
Ashton: "I think we do want to investigate. I mean, I didn't pick that up, that's
interesting. Gosh."
Paet: "It already discreditates (sic) this new coalition."
So first US orchestrates the Kiev overthrow, and now the new "leaders" of Ukraine are allegedly
found to have fired against their own people - the same provocation they subsequently
used to run Yanukovich out of the country and install a pro-Western puppet government. Of
course, said pro-Western coalition has not been discreditated (sic) because Ms. Ashton has
sternly refused to investigate, knowing quite well how horribly this would reflect on the new Ukraine
"leadership" - a government which shot its own people to fabricate the pretext under which it rose
to power.
Is it any wonder then that Russia has responded the way it has?
As for at least one of the affected parties, Estonia, it has just confirmed the authenticity of
the recording, and the ministry of foreign affairs has organized a press conference to answer media
questions today at 5 pm. From the Valisministeerium:
No. 84-E Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton uploaded
to the Internet today, a phone call is authentic.
Paet and Ashton conversation took place on 26 February, following Estonia's Foreign Minister's
visit to Ukraine, and immediately after the end of the street violence.
Foreign Minister Paet communicate what he had said about the meetings held in Kiev last day
and expressed concern about the situation.
"It is extremely regrettable that such an interception is occurring at all""said
Paet., Including its call for today's photos are not random," he added.
Yes, it is truly regrettable that the people know the truth.
Putin has pushed the idea that the sniper shootings were ordered by opposition leaders, while
Kremlin officials have pointed to a recording of a leaked phone call between Estonia's foreign minister
and the European Union's foreign policy chief as evidence to back up that version.
This much is known: Snipers firing powerful rifles from rooftops and windows shot scores of people
in the heart of Kiev. Some victims were opposition protesters, but many were civilian bystanders
clearly not involved in the clashes. Among the dead were medics, as well as police officers. A majority
of the more than 100 people who died in the violence were shot by snipers; hundreds were also injured
by the gunfire and other street fighting.
... ... ....
Russia has used the uncertainty surrounding the bloodshed to discredit Ukraine's current government.
During a news conference Tuesday, Putin addressed the issue in response to a reporter's question,
suggesting that the snipers in fact "may have been provocateurs from opposition parties."
That theory gained currency a day later when a recording of a Feb. 26 private phone call between
Estonian Foreign
Minister Urmas Paet and European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton was leaked and broadcast
by the Russian government-controlled TV network, Russia Today. In the call, Paet said he had heard
from protesters during a visit to Kiev that opponents of Yanukovych were behind the sniper attacks.
Paet said another physician who treated victims, Dr. Olha Bogomolets, told him that both police
and protesters were killed by the same bullets - and "there is now stronger and stronger understanding
that behind snipers it was not Yanukovych, but it was somebody from the new (government) coalition."
On Wednesday Paet confirmed the recording was authentic, and told reporters in
Tallinn that
he was merely repeating what Bogomolets had told him. He said he had no way of verifying the claims,
though he called Bogomolets "clearly a person with authority."
Bogomolets couldn't be immediately reached by the AP for comment. She did not answer repeated
calls to her cellphone or respond to text messages.
In an interview earlier this week with a correspondent from British newspaper The Telegraph, Bogomolets
said she didn't know if police and protesters were killed by the same bullets, and called for a thorough
"No one who just sees the wounds when treating the victims can make a determination about the
type of weapons," she was quoted as saying. "I hope international experts and Ukrainian investigators
will make a determination of what type of weapons, who was involved in the killings and how it was
done. I have no data to prove anything."
On Thursday, Russia's U.N. envoy said he discussed the leaked phone call during a closed-door
meeting of the U.N. Security Council.
If the call represents the truth, Ambassador Vitaly Churkin told reporters, "it is hard to
imagine how such a parliament ... can be regarded as a legitimate parliament that can pass legitimate
decisions on the future of Ukraine."
A former top security official with Ukraine's main security agency, the SBU, waded into the confusion,
in an interview published Thursday with the respected newspaper Dzerkalo Tizhnya. Hennady Moskal,
who was deputy head of the agency, told the newspaper that snipers from the Interior Ministry and
SBU were responsible for the shootings, not foreign agents.
"In addition to this, snipers received orders to shoot not only protesters, but also police forces.
This was all done in order to escalate the conflict, in order to justify the police operation to
clear Maidan," he was quoted as saying.
Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet confirmed it. On February 25 , he and EU foreign policy Catherine
Ashton spoke.
They were monitored. They didn't know it at the time. Their discussion was leaked.
Paet talked to Ashton after returning from Kiev, he said. "At the time, (he) was already in Estonia,"
he added.
On Wednesday, he held a press conference. He issued a
statement saying
Euromaidan killings demand an independent investigation.
Estonia's Foreign Ministry confirmed the leaked phone call's authenticity.
"We reject the claim that Paet was giving an assessment of the opposition's involvement in the
violence," it stressed.
It's impossible reinterpreting what he meant.
He only commented on what he heard in Kiev. He spilled the beans. Intentionally or not, he confirmed
what's been independently believed all along.
Ukraine's legitimate President Viktor Yanukovych was wrongfully blamed. He had nothing to do with
Euromaidan killings.
The operation was a classic false flag. It was staged to blame him. It's now exposed.
Cui bono matters most. Yanukovych's involvement had everything to lose and nothing to gain.
Catherine Ashton's spokesperson, Maja Kocijancic, was silent. "(W)e don't comment on leaked phone
conversations," she said.
Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) officials loyal to Yanukovych reportedly hacked phones used
by Paet and Ashton. They uploaded what they heard online.
Paet was heard saying "there is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers,
it was not Yanukovich, but it was somebody from the new coalition."
"All the evidence shows" they were shooting at people from both sides. They targeted police and
protesters. Yanukovych was wrongfully blamed.
Ashton was nonplussed. She was tongue-tied. She was caught red-handed. She's part of the dirty
scheme to oust him.
She reacted saying: "Well, yeah...that's, that's terrible. I think we do want to investigate."
"I mean, I didn't pick that up. That's interesting. Gosh." Expect all-out efforts to bury the
story. Whether it's possible remains to be seen.
Paet spoke to Kiev doctor Olga Bogomolets. She's a Bogomolets National Medical University professor.
It's named after her great-grandfather Oleksandr. He founded and served as its Institute of Dermatology
and Cosmetology chief.
She said snipers shot protesters and police. Paet called Dr. Bogomolets' evidence "quite disturbing."
She showed him photos. They revealed "the same handwriting, the same type of bullets, and it's
really disturbing that now the new coalition, that they don't want to investigate what exactly happened,"
said Paet.
During weeks of protests, nearly 100 people were killed. Another 900 were injured.
US-linked Putschists were responsible. Perhaps CIA elements were involved. The game is as old
as empire. Victims are blamed for perpetrator crimes.
Saddam was accused of having nonexistent WMDs. Gaddafi faced numerous false charges.
Assad repeatedly is blamed for US-supported death squad crimes.
Media scoundrels regurgitate official lies. They're complicit in imperial lawlessness.
So-called British forensic expects wrongfully blamed Yanukovych for putschist-linked sniper killings.
They refused to reveal their identity. They claimed useful evidence obtained for future prosecutions,
they said.
They called what happened politically sensitive. They were part of an elaborate false flag scheme.
Yanukovych was wrongfully blamed.
Paet blamed putschists for cover-up. "They don't want to investigate what exactly happened," he
They want it suppressed. Snipers were neo-Nazi hitmen. Yanukovych maintained his innocence.
He gave no orders to shoot, he stressed. He's wrongfully accused of mass murder. He's blamed for
US-linked putschists' crimes.
This type information should making game-changing headlines. Expect all-out efforts to keep fingers
pointed the wrong way.
Expect little said about Putin's 2014 Nobel Peace Prize nomination. Norwegian Nobel Institute
director Geir Lundestad revealed it.
The International Academy of Spiritual Unity and Cooperation Among Nations of the World (IASUCANW)
nominated him.
He's one of 278 candidates. They include 47 organizations. On Tuesday, Nobel Committee members
met. They added their own proposals.
They focused on recent global turmoil. According to Lundestad:
"Part of the purpose of the committee's first meeting is to take into account recent events, and
committee members try to anticipate what could be the potential developments in political hotspots."
Other 2014 nominees include Pope Francis, Edward Snowden, Bradley (Chelsea) Manning, and Malala
She's perhaps the world's most famous teenager. She's called one of the world's 100 most influential
people. In April 2013, Time magazine featured her on its cover.
She was nominated last year. She's a Pakistani blogger/activist for women's rights and education.
In October 2012, she boarded a school bus. Gunmen targeted her. She was shot in the left side
of her forehead.
She was unconscious in critical condition. She survived. She remains threatened.
On October 10, this year's Peace Prize winner will be announced.
Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov both are worthy. They collaborate for peace.
They go all-out for it. They want conflicts resolved diplomatically. They persevere against long
They persist tirelessly. They deserve recognition for their efforts.
Last October, IASUCANW President Georgiy Trapeznikov said its nominating "letter was sent to the
Nobel Committee September 16 and it was received September 20."
"Vladimir Putin has proved his adherence to the cause of peace."
"We know very well what peacemaking role our president played in conflict regions, especially
Beslan and South Ossetia."
He's very much involved in resolving Syria's conflict peacefully. He supports unity governance
resolution in Ukraine the same way.
His press secretary Dmitry Pekov said:
"The primary criterion for the president is satisfaction from a job well done." He seeks no special
recognition or awards.
State Duma MP Iosif Kobzon said Putin deserves this year's prize. He's polar opposite Obama.
"Barack Obama is the man who has initiated and approved the United States' aggressive actions
in Iraq and Afghanistan," said Kobzon.
He bears full responsibility for Libya, numerous proxy wars and Ukraine violence.
Nobel Committee members deplore peace. They represent powerful monied interests.
They believe war is peace. It shows in their annual selections.
Past winners included Henry Kissinger, Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin, FW de Klerk,
Al Gore, Kofi Annan, and four US warrior presidents.
Announcing Obama's award, Committee members said:
It reflects his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between
He's "work(ed) for a world without nuclear weapons."
He "created a new climate in international politics."
"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and
given its people hope for a better future."
Throughout his tenure, he waged war on humanity. He has new targets in mind. He wants unchallenged
global dominance.
He stops at nothing to get it. Putin is polar opposite. He supports peace and stability.
He champions multi-polar world cooperation. He deserves recognition for his efforts. So does Lavrov
for his dedicated collaboration.
Expect malicious Russia bashing to deny them. Warriors win peace prizes. Peacemakers are spurned.
Putin opposes imperial lawlessness. He won't rollover for America. Doing the right thing tarnishes
He's public enemy number one. Being on the right side of history has a price. Waging war on humanity
is rewarded.
A Final Comment: NATO Saber-Rattling
The North Atlantic Council (NAC) is NATO' "principle political decision-making body." On March
4, it met. It did so at Poland's request. It did it under the North Atlantic Treaty's Article 4.
It calls for members to "consult together whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial
integrity, political independence, or security of any" is threatened.
Article 5 considers an armed attack (real or otherwise) against one or more members, an attack
against all. It calls for collective self-defense.
No threat whatever exists. Ukraine isn't a NATO member. Not yet at least.
Its statement said "Russia continues to violate Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity,
and to violate its international commitments."
"These developments present serious implications for the security and stability of the Euro...Atlantic
"Allies stand together in the spirit of strong solidarity in this grave crisis."
"We undertake to pursue and intensify our rigorous and on-going assessment of the implications
of this crisis for Alliance security, in close coordination and consultation."
"We continue to support all constructive efforts for a peaceful solution to the current crisis
in accordance with international law."
"We welcome the ongoing efforts undertaken by the United Nations, the European Union, the OSCE
and the Council of Europe."
"We will continue to consult with Ukraine within the NATO-Ukraine Commission."
"We will engage with Russia in the NATO-Russia Council. We will hold a meeting" Wednesday. What
follows remains to be seen.
Просочившиеся признания о снайперах из разговора - вещь очь важная, но в то же время и довольно очевидная.
Небольшой коммт по поводу текста этого разговора, а так же
поста Соломатина.
1) То
что эти снайперы не были выгодны Януковичу - вполне логично. За три месяца "Майдана" тактика булавочных
уколов со стороны власти полностью показала непродуктивность. Каждый раз его удавалось частично потеснить,
но на следующий дь толпа только разрасталась. Ограничные расстрелы из-за угла могли кого-то испугать,
но в большей степи только разозлить майданную толпу. То есть в окружии Януковича должно было уже
сформироваться понимание что с Майданом нужно примять либо оборонительно-выжидательную тактику ("войну
на истощие") либо жёсткую силовую, полный разгон и зачистку. Анонимные снайперы и несколько десятков
трупов в течии пары дней - самый плохой вариант для власти. Со стороны Януковича более эффективной
тактикой провокаций была бы стрельба в сторону правоохранителей, с существными потерями и озвреием
с их стороны, и затем жёсткая зачистка Майдана.
2) Версия что за этими расстрелами стоит Путин и российские спецслужбы - теоретически такие кульбиты
можно придумать, но это логический эквивалт путешествия из Москвы в Киев через Северный полюс. То
есть такой заранее продуманный план - сначала нужно было максимально разозлить толпу, максимально
дискредитировать действующую власть, добиться её позорного бегства и закреплия в Киеве путчистов,
наимее приемлемых для России, и затем вводить войска в Крым, прикрываясь этой самой бывшей властью,
которую больше не воспринимают серьёзно даже её бывшие сторонники (и которую в самом Крыму не особно
любят)? Самому-то не смешно, Михаил Соломатин?
3) Если есть кто-то кому наиболее выгодны эти снайперы, то это кто-то из путчистов, нынешней времной
власти. Имно как хороший триггер, максимально озлобляющий толпу и дискредитирующий действующую власть,
то что способствует успеху переворота. Соломатин пишет что только путинские спецслужбы могли организовать
этих снайперов, украинской хунте это не по силам по причине общего распиздяйства. Но высокой снайперской
и разведывательной квалификации для этих действий как раз не требовалось - вовсе не надо 100% точности
стрельбы, идеального выдержанного графика и т.д. Для роли этих снайперов вполне достаточно было средней
воной подготовки, и более-мее приличной организации. А главное что требовалось - не попадаться. Для
этой цели более всего подходят фигуранты с хорошей местной осведомлённостью и местными связями, а
не мифические иностранные агты из России. Наиболее действна в этом отношии имно стрельба во все стороны
для максимизации хаоса и озлоблия. Причём преимуществно в толпу, а не в "Беркут" и милицию - просто
потому что со стороны последней более вероятно получить отпор и попасться на этом. Для этого не требовалась,
конечно, широкая осведомлённость со стороны бывшей оппозиции, вполне достаточно узкого круга.
Неудивительно что сразу после бегства Януковича тема сразу как-то отошла на второй план. Казалось
бы, тематика "ужасных злодейств прошлой власти", их быстрое раскрытие и основанная на этом чистка
предыдущей администрации - очь выигрышный фактор легитимизации новой власти, пришедшей в результате
переворота. Но это почему-то перестали раскручивать. Толпе бросили идеологическую кость - "небесная
сотня" и всё такое, но с расследованием как-то совсем не спешат. Неудивительно что майданная толпа
подозревает кто в них на самом деле стрелял - что и признано в разговоре Эштон и Паэта.
Estonian foreign minister Urmas Paet tells EU's Cathy Ashton about claim that provocateurs
were behind Maidan killings
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The conversation featuring EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton was posted on YouTube.
A leaked phone call between the EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and Estonian foreign
minister Urmas Paet has revealed that the two discussed a conspiracy theory that blamed the killing
of civilian protesters in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, on the opposition rather than the ousted government.
The 11-minute conversation was posted on YouTube – it is the second time in a month that telephone
calls between western diplomats discussing Ukraine have been bugged.
In the call, Paet said he had been told snipers responsible for killing police and civilians in
Kiev last month were protest movement provocateurs rather than supporters of then-president Viktor
Yanukovych. Ashton responds: "I didn't know … Gosh."
The leak came a day after the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, said the snipers may have been
opposition provocateurs. The Kremlin-funded Russia Today first carried the leaked call online.
The Estonian foreign ministry confirmed the leaked conversation was accurate. It said: "Foreign
minister Paet was giving an overview of what he had heard in Kiev and expressed concern over the
situation on the ground. We reject the claim that Paet was giving an assessment of the opposition's
involvement in the violence." Ashton's office said it did not comment on leaks.
During the conversation, Paet quoted a woman named Olga – who the Russian media identified her
as Olga Bogomolets, a doctor – blaming snipers from the opposition shooting the protesters.
"What was quite disturbing, this same Olga told that, well, all the evidence shows that people
who were killed by snipers from both sides, among policemen and people from the streets, that they
were the same snipers killing people from both sides," Paet said.
"So she also showed me some photos, she said that as medical doctor, she can say it is the same
handwriting, the same type of bullets, and it's really disturbing that now the new coalition, that
they don't want to investigate what exactly happened."
"So there is a stronger and stronger understanding that behind snipers it was not Yanukovych,
it was somebody from the new coalition," Paet says.
Ashton replies: "I think we do want to investigate. I didn't pick that up, that's interesting.
Gosh," Ashton says.
Russia Today, reporting the call, said: "The snipers who shot at protesters and police in Kiev
were allegedly hired by Maidan leaders, according to a leaked phone conversation between the EU foreign
affairs chief Catherine Ashton and Estonian foreign affairs minister, which has emerged online."
Last month, a recording was leaked in which US state department official Victoria Nuland was heard
venting the White House's frustrations at Europe's hesitant policy towards pro-democracy protests.
Speaking to the US ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, Nuland was heard to say "fuck the EU."
Asked about the emergence of a second embarrassing phonecall, a spokesperson for the US state
department said: "As I said around the last unfortunate case, this is just another example of the
kind of Russian tradecraft that we have concerns about."
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