RHEL Installation
Each flavor of Linux has its own installer with its strong and weak points. It provides you with half-dosen option for
installation media:
- Bootable DVD (traditional method)
- Bootable USB drive
- ISO image
- Using boot image and some network protocol such as NFS or HTTP (FTP is also supported).
- PXE boot
In all three cases you can automate installation using kickstart. You can also install CentOS on Windows 10.
If you installing from
DVD that you burned yourself, please check media before installation: it helps to prevent many nasty
problems. It is important to understand that if you have problems with installing from one source
(for example DVD) it make sense to try another source. On modern computers you can always use a USB
disk instead of DVD.
Please note that it make sense to use custom label for partitions if you use LVM. Also it does not
make sense to put root partition on LVM -- if you screw /etc/fstab and your root partition
is on LVM you are stuck.
RHEL 6.7 and higher installer (anaconda) does a couple of stupid things that you need to aware of:
- If does not enable network interface by default. You need to do it explicitly via GUI or
command line, So by default after installation you do not have network connectivity.
- It installs Network manager, even if installation is for the server that does not have WIFI. It also install many
useless packages such as cups (rarely used).
- Default installation abuse LVM putting everything on it. Which make the recovery much more difficult
- Packages and server installation templates are badly thought out. Looks like Red Hat down not really care about system
administrators but only about market share.
Anaconda in RHEL 7 is even less flexible and provides fewer "server templates". It is also more fragile. Partially this is due to
presence of systemd, partially due to desire of Red Hat to imitate Windows, which adds complexity. Desire to automate some
tasks sometimes backfire.
Here is some information about anaconda adapted from Mark Sobell's book (Practical
Guide to Red Hat® Linux®: Fedora™ Core and Red Hat Enterprise Linux, A, 2nd Edition 2005 edition):
The boot: Prompt You can give many different Anaconda commands at a boot:
prompt. If you are installing from DVD or CD, you can press RETURN without entering a
command to start the installation. Or you can just wait; if you do not type anything for a minute, the
installation proceeds as though you pressed RETURN.
Display problems If you have problems with the display during installation, try to give the following
command, which turns off video memory, in response to the boot: prompt:
boot: linux nofb
Non-CD installations If you are installing from media other than DVD or CD and that means
using FTP, NFS, or HTTP, give the following command in response to the
boot: prompt:
boot: linux askmethod
Booting As the system boots, text scrolls on the monitor, pausing occasionally. After a
while (up to a few minutes, depending on the speed of the system), the installer displays a graphical
or pseudo graphical display, depending on the system you are installing and the commands you gave at
the boot: prompt.
Anaconda Boot Commands
All the commands should be types at the boot: prompt like. The fist word of the command is
always linux. It can be followed by one of more augments passed to Anaconda. Arguments
can be combined. For example, to install Linux in text mode using a terminal running at 115,200
baud, no parity, 8 bits, connected to the first serial device, give the following command (the
,115200n8 is optional):
boot: linux text console=ttyS0,115200n8
The next command installs Red Hat Linux in graphical mode (by default) on a monitor with a resolution
of 1024x768, and get the prompt to specify the source of the installation data (CD, FTP
site, or other).
boot: linux resolution=1024x768 askmethod
How to specify installation source in grub
To specify an installation source, use the linux inst.repo= option in grub. For example:
In these examples, cdrom refers to a CD or DVD drive, ftp refers to a
location accessible by FTP, http refers to a location accessible by HTTP, hd
refers to an ISO image file accessible on a hard drive partition, nfs refers to an expanded
tree of installation files accessible by NFS. In RHEL 7 nfsiso is not used as installer is capable to distinguish
tree from iso file.
For NFS installation which is probably the most flexible and simple see
New Page 1
ISO images have an SHA256 checksum embedded in them. To test the checksum integrity of an ISO image,
at the installation boot prompt, type: linux mediacheck
Following are some of the commands you can give at the boot: prompt.
- linux vnc Installs over a VNC (Virtual Network Computing) remote desktop
session. After providing an IP address, you can control the installation remotely
using a VNC client from a remote computer. You can download the VNC
client, which runs on several platforms, from www.realvnc.com.
- linux text Installs Linux using pseudographical mode. Although the images on the screen
appear to be graphical, they are composed entirely of text characters.
- linux askmethod Gives you a choice of installation sources: local CD or hard drive
or over a network using NFS, FTP, or HTTP.
- Local CD Displays the CD Found screen, which allows you to test the installation
media (the same as if you had just pressed RETURN).
- Hard drive Prompts for the partition and directory that
contains the ISO images of the installation CDs.
- NFS , FTP , or HTTP Displays
the Configure TCP/IP screen from which you can select DHCP or enter the system's
IP address, netmask, default gateway (IP), and primary nameserver.
- linux lowres Runs the installation program at a resolution of 640x480. See also
linux resolution.
- linux mediacheck Tests one or more installation CDs using an MD5 sum. This option works
with the CD, DVD, hard drive ISO, and NFS ISO installation
methods. For more information, refer to "Check the CDs" on page 47.
- FEDORA This test is performed automatically during a normal CD
- linux nofb no framebuffer Turns off the framebuffer (video memory). Useful when
problems occur when the graphical phase of the installation starts. Particularly useful for systems
with LCD displays.
- Linux rescue Puts the system in rescue mode
- linux resolution= WxH Specifies the resolution of the monitor
you are using for a graphical installation. For example, resolution=1024x768 specifies a
monitor with a resolution of 1024 by 768 pixels.
- linux skipddc Allows you to configure the monitor manually; see linux noprobe
for more information.
For more information see
Anaconda Boot Options - FedoraProject
Red Hat has well defined remote installation process using Kickstart.
- 20210315 : CentOS - RHEL 7 - How to Install GUI The Geek Diary ( Mar 15, 2021 , www.thegeekdiary.com )
- 20210315 : Install-Convert A Minimal Installation Into GUI on CentOS-RHEL 6-7 ( Mar 15, 2021 , kapendra.com )
- 20110521 : TipsAndTricks-InstallOnExt4 - CentOS Wiki ( TipsAndTricks-InstallOnExt4 - CentOS Wiki, May 21, 2011 )
- 20050520 : Red Hat Linux Step-by-Step Installation by Mark G. Sobell ( May 20, 2005 , InformIT )
- 20000107 : Linux Article ( Linux Article, Jan 7, 2000 )
Installing the environment group "Server with GUI"
1. Check the available environment groups :
# yum grouplist
Loaded plugins: langpacks, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager
This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register.
There is no installed groups file.
Maybe run: yum groups mark convert (see man yum)
Available Environment Groups:
Minimal Install
Infrastructure Server
File and Print Server
Basic Web Server
Virtualization Host
Server with GUI
Available Groups:
Compatibility Libraries
Console Internet Tools
Development Tools
Graphical Administration Tools
Legacy UNIX Compatibility
Scientific Support
Security Tools
Smart Card Support
System Administration Tools
System Management
2. Execute the following to install the environments for GUI.
# yum groupinstall "Server with GUI"
Transaction Summary
Install 199 Packages (+464 Dependent packages)
Upgrade ( 8 Dependent packages)
Total download size: 523 M
Is this ok [y/d/N]:
The above will install the GUI in RHEL 7, which by default get installed to text mode.
3. Enable GUI on system start up. In RHEL 7, systemd uses 'targets' instead of runlevels.
The file /etc/inittab is no more used to change run levels. Issue the following command to
enable the GUI on system start.
To set a default target :
# systemctl set-default graphical.target
To change the current target to graphical without reboot :
# systemctl start graphical.target
Verify the default target :
# systemctl get-default
4. Reboot the machine to verify that it boots into GUI directly.
# systemctl reboot
Installing core GNOME packages
"Server with GUI" installs the default GUI which is GNOME. In case if you want to install
only core GNOME packages use :
# yum groupinstall 'X Window System' 'GNOME'
Transaction Summary
Install 104 Packages (+427 Dependent packages)
Upgrade ( 8 Dependent packages)
Total download size: 318 M
Is this ok [y/d/N]:
Step 1: Install Gnome GUI
Run the following command to install GUI
For CentOS 7:
# yum group install "GNOME Desktop" "Graphical Administration Tools"
For RHEL 7:
# yum groupinstall "Server with GUI"
... ... ... Step 2: Make GUI Default Mode For Every Reboot
With the upgrade of Centos/RHEL 7 from CentOS/RHEL 6 concept of runlevel has been changed to
systemd so run following command
For RHEL/CentOS 7:
ln -sf /lib/systemd/system/runlevel5.target /etc/systemd/system/default.targ
... ... ...
Step 3: Reboot the Server
# reboot
Few Short Cut Commands
GUI to CLI : Ctrl + Alt + F6
CLI to GUI : Ctrl + Alt + F1
http://kapendra.com Love to write technical stuff with personal experience as I am working
as a Sr. Linux Admin. and every day is a learning day and Trust me being tech geek is really
This tip allows to use Ext4 on RHEL 5.6 and derivatives.
To allow anaconda to manipulate ext4 filesystems, it is enough to start the installer
using the "ext4" parameter on the command line:
linux ext4
[*] Of course, any other additional options can be added to the command line.
Subsequently the ext4 filesystem will be presented by Disk Druid among all other
filesystems. Mind that because of GRUB limitations, it
is mandatory to use a separate /boot partition formatted as ext2 or ext3 if your root (
/ ) partition is ext4.
For kickstart based installations, just use ext4
instead of ext3 as filesystem. No other change is necessary.
This chapter steps through the process of installing either Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Fedora
Core. Frequently, the installation is quite simple, especially if you have done a good job of planning.
Sometimes you may run into a problem or have a special circumstance; this chapter gives you the
tools to use in these cases.
- Booting the System: The boot: Prompt
- The Anaconda Installer
- Using Disk Druid to Partition the Disk
- Setting Up a Dual-Boot System
- The X Window System
- system-config-display: Configuring the Display
- More Information
Chapter 2 covered planning the installation: requirements, an upgrade versus a clean installation,
classes of installations, planning the layout of the hard disk, how to obtain the files you need
for the installation including how to download and burn ISO (CD) images, and collecting
the information about the system you will need during installation. This chapter steps through the
process of installing either Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Fedora Core. Frequently, the installation
is quite simple, especially if you have done a good job of planning. Sometimes you may run into
a problem or have a special circumstance; this chapter gives you the tools to use in these cases.
[Jan 7, 2000] Linux
Article -- Kickstart
Your company just bought 30 new machines, and it’s your job to install Linux on them.
If you’re using Red Hat Linux, the kickstart install process can save you a lot of time.
Kickstart automates the install process, so that it becomes as simple as putting
the floppy in, turning the machine on, and coming back 15 minutes later. Kickstart is especially
useful if you have a number of machines with similar configurations. In the simplest case, all you
need is an up-to-date boot floppy, a kickstart config file, and an installation CD-ROM. For trickier
installs, you might also need a DHCP or bootp server, an NFS server, and a DNS server.
A kickstart installation requires that you predefine all necessary installation
data in a kickstart config file. The kickstart config file can be split into three parts — the preinstall,
the packages, and the post-install.
The preinstall section of the config file is used to answer the questions that
are usually asked before the install starts. The options, which will be described below, are: lang,
network, {nfs|cdrom|url|harddrive}, {device|noprobe}, keyboard, zerombr, clearpart, part, {install|upgrade},
mouse, timezone, {xconfig|skipx}, rootpw, auth, lilo. See “Configuration Options” for a description
of the preinstall section options.
Softpanorama Recommended
Chapter 9. Installing Using Anaconda
Josh's Linux Guide
-- contains several useful essays
Configuring and Troubleshooting X
Linux Commands
Installing Software Packages
Basics and Tips
Your Partitions and Help on LILO
Using RPM
Linux Installation and operation
Crypto and security
Other notes
- Config HOWTO,
by Guido Gonzato <guido@ibogfs.cineca.it>. How to fine-tune and customize your Linux system. Updated
10 April 1998.
- Path mini-HOWTO,
by Esa Turtiainen <etu@dna.fi>. How to use the PATH environment variable. Updated 15 November 1997.
- Bash
Prompt HOWTO by Giles Orr <giles@interlog.com>. Creating and controlling
terminal and xterm prompts. Updated 1 December 1998 .
- DOS/Win
to Linux HOWTO, by Guido Gonzato <guido@ibogfs.cineca.it>. How to move from DOS/Windows to Linux.
Updated 15 April 1998.
- xterm Title
mini-HOWTO, by Ric Lister <ric@giccs.georgetown.edu>. How to put strings into the titlebar of
an xterm. Updated 7 January 1998.
- Tips HOWTO, by
Paul Anderson <paul@geeky1.ebtech.net>. HOWTO on miscellaneous tips and tricks for Linux. Updated
June 1998.
- Clock mini-HOWTO,
by Ron Bean <rbean@execpc.com>. How to set and keep your clock on time. Updated December 1996.
- Update mini-HOWTO,
by Stein Gjoen <sgjoen@nyx.net>. How to stay updated about Linux development. Updated 3 February
- Upgrade mini-HOWTO,
by Greg Louis <glouis@dynamicro.on.ca>. How to upgrade your Linux distribution. Updated 6 June 1996.
- Kernel HOWTO,
by Brian Ward <ward@blah.math.tu-graz.ac.at>. Upgrading and compiling the Linux kernel. Updated
26 May 1997.
Donnie Barnes <djb@redhat.com>. How to use the Red Hat Package Manager (.rpm). Updated 8 April 1997.
- Hard
Disk Upgrade mini-HOWTO, by Yves Bellefeuille <yan@ottawa.com>. How to copy a Linux system from
one hard disk to another. Updated 31 January 1998.
- RPM+Slackware
mini-HOWTO, by Dave Whitinger <dave@whitinger.net>. How to install the Red Hat Package Manager
(RPM) under Slackware. Updated 13 April 1998.
- BackSpace and Delete Configuration
for Linux (VT, xterm, bash, tcsh, netscape and more)
- Bash
Prompt HOWTO by Giles Orr <giles@interlog.com>. Creating and controlling
terminal and xterm prompts. Updated 1 December 1998 .
- The
Linux keyboard and console HOWTO Delete and Backspace
- Keyboard
and Console HOWTO, by Andries Brouwer <aeb@cwi.nl>. Information about the Linux keyboard, console
and non-ASCII characters. Updated 25 February 1998.
- Text-Terminal
HOWTO, by David S. Lawyer <bf347@lafn.org>. This document explains what text terminals are,
how they work, how to install and configure them. Updated November 1998.
- 3 Button
Mouse mini-HOWTO, by Geoff Short <geoff@kipper.york.ac.uk>. How to configure your mouse to use
3 buttons. Updated 31 May 1998.
See also:
Home Server with Linux - document that explains how to share a modem and printer with a Windows
95 machine
by Terry Dawson <terry@perf.no.itg.telecom.com.au>. Howto configure TCP/IP networking under Linux.
Updated August 1998.
- Networking
Overview HOWTO, by Daniel López Ridruejo <ridruejo@esi.us.es>. The purpose of this document
is to give an overview of the networking capabilities of the Linux Operating System providing pointers
for further information and implementation details. Updated 10 July 1998.
- Ethernet HOWTO,
by Paul Gortmaker <gpg109@rsphy1.anu.edu.au>. Information on Ethernet hardware compatibility for
Linux. Updated 6 July 1998.
- ISP Hookup
HOWTO, by Egil Kvaleberg <egil@kvaleberg.no>. Basic introduction to hooking up to an ISP. Updated
5 March 1998.
- ISP Connectivity
mini-HOWTO, by Michael Strates <mstrates@croftj.net>. How to get mail and news over a dialup
connection. Updated 6 November 1997.
Nicolai Langfeldt <janl@math.uio.no>. How to set up DNS. Updated 12 November 1998.
- DHCP mini-HOWTO,
by Vladimir Vuksan <vuksan@veus.hr>. How to setup a DHCP Server and Client. Updated 14 November
- Firewall HOWTO,
by Mark Grennan <markg@netplus.net>. How to set up a firewall using Linux. Updated 8 November 1996.
by Paul Russell <Paul.Russell@rustcorp.com.au>. Install and configure the enhanced IP firewalling
chains software. Updated 27 October 1998.
Terry Dawson <terry@perf.no.itg.telecom.com.au>. How to install and configure IPX networking. Updated
06 May 1998.
- Intranet
Server HOWTO, by Pramod Karnad <karnad@indiamail.com>. How to setup a Linux Intranet server.
Updated 7 August 1997.
- Mail HOWTO, by
Guylhem Aznar <guylhem@danmark.linux.eu.org>. Information on electronic mail servers and clients.
Updated January 1998.
- Multicast HOWTO,
by Juan-Mariano de Goyeneche <jmseyas@dit.upm.es>. This HOWTO tries to cover most aspects related
to multicast over TCP/IP networks. Updated 20 March 1998.
Nicolai Langfeldt <janl@math.uio.no>. How to set up NFS clients and servers. Updated 3 November
Thorsten Kukuk <kukuk@vt.uni-paderborn.de>. Information on using NIS/YP on Linux systems. Updated
12 June 1998.
Robert Hart <hartr@interweft.com.au>. Information on using PPP networking with Linux. Updated 31
March 1997.
David Wood <dwood@plugged.net.au>. How to use the Session Message Block (SMB) protocol with Linux.
Updated 10 August 1996.
Guylhem Aznar <guylhem@danmark.linux.eu.org>. Information on UUCP software for Linux. Updated 6
February 1998.
- Bridge mini-HOWTO,
by Chris Cole <cole@lynkmedia.com>. How to setup an ethernet bridge. Updated 7 September 1998.
- Bridge+Firewall
mini-HOWTO, by Peter Breuer <ptb@it.uc3m.es>. How to setup and ethernet bridge and firewall.
Updated 19 December 1997.
- IP Alias mini-HOWTO,
by Harish Pillay <h.pillay@ieee.org>. How to use IP aliasing. Updated 13 January 1997.
- IP Masquerade
mini-HOWTO, by Ambrose Au <ambrose@writeme.com>. How to use IP masquerading. Updated 10 November
- IP Subnetworking
mini-HOWTO, by Robert Hart <hartr@interweft.com.au>. Why and how to subnetwork an IP network.
Updated 31 March 1997.
Pre-installation Checklist mini-HOWTO, by S. Parthasarathy <algolog@hd1.vsnl.net.in>. Pre-installation
checklist and questionnaire. Updated 29 August 1998.
- Partition mini-HOWTO,
by Kristian Koehntopp <kris@koehntopp.de>. How to choose disk partitions. Updated 3 November 1997.
- Installation
HOWTO, by Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com>. How to obtain and install Linux. Updated
20 November 1998.
- Kernel HOWTO,
by Brian Ward <ward@blah.math.tu-graz.ac.at>. Upgrading and compiling the Linux kernel. Updated
26 May 1997.
- BootPrompt
HOWTO, by Paul Gortmaker <gpg109@rsphy1.anu.edu.au>. List of boot time arguments and overview
of booting software. Updated 1 February 1998.
- Bootdisk HOWTO,
by Tom Fawcett <fawcett@croftj.net>. How to create a boot/root maintenance disk for Linux. Updated
1 February 1998.
- KickStart HOWTO,
by Martin Hamilton <martinh@gnu.org>. Briefly describes how to use the RedHat Linux KickStart system
to rapidly install large numbers of identical Linux boxes. Updated 28 September 1998.
- Multi-Disk
HOWTO, by Stein Gjoen <sgjoen@nyx.net>. How to setup multiple hard disk drives. Updated 3 February
- Linux+DOS+Win95+OS2
mini-HOWTO, by Mike Harlan <r3mdh@raex.com>. How to use Linux and DOS and OS/2 and Win95 together.
Updated 11 November 1997.
- Install
From ZIP mini-HOWTO, by Kevin Snively <k.snively@seaslug.org>. How to install Linux from a parallel
port ZIP drive. Updated 29 April 1998.
- Loadlin+Win95
mini-HOWTO, by Chris Fischer <protek@brigadoon.com>. How to use Linux and Windows95 together,
using loadlin. Updated 9 November 1998.
- LILO mini-HOWTO,
by Alessandro Rubini <rubini@linux.it>. Examples of typical LILO installations. Updated 16 August
- Large Disk mini-HOWTO,
by Andries Brouwer <aeb@cwi.nl>. How to use disks with > 1024 cylinders. Updated 18 May 1998.
- Linux+NT-Loader
mini-HOWTO, by Bernd Reichert <reichert@dial.eunet.ch>. How to use Linux and the Windows NT
boot loader together. Updated 2 September 1997.
- Linux+Win95
mini-HOWTO, by Jonathan Katz <jkatz@in.net>. How to use Linux and Windows95 together. Updated
26 October 1996.
- Multiboot
using LILO mini-HOWTO, by Renzo Zanelli <rzanelli@southeast.net>. Howto multiboot between Windows
95, Windows NT, and Linux. Updated 26 March 1998.
- Kerneld mini-HOWTO,
by Henrik Storner <storner@osiris.ping.dk>. How to use 'kerneld' (dynamic module loading). Updated
19 July 1997.
- ZIP Install
mini-HOWTO, by John Wiggins <jwiggins@comp.uark.edu>. How to install Linux onto a ZIP drive.
Updated 26 January 1998.
- ZIP Drive mini-HOWTO,
by Kyle Dansie <dansie@ibm.net>. Provides a quick reference quide on setting up and using the Iomega
ZIP drive with Linux. Updated 26 August 1998.
by Jeff Tranter <jeff_tranter@pobox.com>. Information on CDROM drive compatibility for Linux. Updated
23 January 1998.
- Ethernet HOWTO,
by Paul Gortmaker <gpg109@rsphy1.anu.edu.au>. Information on Ethernet hardware compatibility for
Linux. Updated 6 July 1998.
- ZIP Drive mini-HOWTO,
by Kyle Dansie <dansie@ibm.net>. Provides a quick reference quide on setting up and using the Iomega
ZIP drive with Linux. Updated 26 August 1998.
- Serial HOWTO,
by David Lawyer <bf347@lafn.org>. How on use serial devices (modems, terminals) with Linux. Updated
July 1998.
- Busmouse HOWTO,
by Chris Bagwell <cbagwell@sprynet.com>. Information on bus mouse compatibility with Linux. Updated
15 June 1998.
- Hardware Compatibility
HOWTO, by Patrick Reijnen <antispam.patrickr@antispam.bart.nl>. A list of hardware known to
work with Linux. Updated 30 July 1998.
Michael Will <Michael.Will@student.uni-tuebingen.de>. Information on PCI-architecture compatibility
with Linux. Updated 30 March 1997.
- CD Writing
HOWTO, by Winfried Trümper <winni@xpilot.org>. How to write CDs. Updated 16 December 1997.
by Dave Hinds <dhinds@allegro.stanford.edu>. How to install and use PCMCIA Card Services. Updated
13 August 1998.
- Optical Disk
HOWTO, by Skip Rye <Skip_Rye@faneuil.com>. How to use optical disk drives with Linux. Updated
1 September 1998.
- Plug and
Play HOWTO, by David Lawyer <bf347@lafn.org>. How to get your Linux system to support Plug-and-Play.
Updated November 1998.
- Sound HOWTO,
by Jeff Tranter <jeff_tranter@pobox.com>. Sound hardware and software for the Linux operating system.
Updated 23 January 1998.
- Cable Modem
mini-HOWTO, by Vladimir Vuksan <vuksan@veus.hr>. How to use a cable modem with a cable ISP.
Updated 10 October 1998.
Harvey J. Stein <abel@netvision.net.il>. Information on using a UPS power supply with Linux. Updated
18 November 1997.
- XFree86 HOWTO,
by Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com>. How to obtain, install, and configure XFree86 3.2 (X11R6).
Updated 27 October 1998.
XFree86 Video Timings HOWTO, by Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com>. How to compose a mode
line for XFree86. Updated 20 February 1998.
- X Big Cursor
mini-HOWTO, by Joerg Schneider <schneid@ira.uka.de>. How to use enlarged cursors with XWindows.
Updated 11 August 1997.
- XFree86-XInside
mini-HOWTO, by Marco Melgazzi <marco@techie.com>. How to convert XFree86 to XInside modelines.
Updated September 1997.
- Here are some useful programs for debugging:
- SuperProbe -- attempts to determine your video hardware
- Xconfigurator -- creates /etc/X11/XF86Config
- xf86config -- another program to create XF86Config
Other Useful mini-HOWTOs
The following mini-HOWTOs are available:
- Apache
SSL PHP/FI frontpage mini-HOWTO, by Marcus Faure <marcus@faure.de>. Build a multipurpose webserver.
Updated July 1998.
- Battery
Powered mini-HOWTO, by Hanno Mueller <hanno@lava.de>. How to reduce a Linux system's power consumption.
Updated 21 December 1997.
- Bzip2 mini-HOWTO,
by David Fetter <dfetter@best.com>. How to use the new bzip2 compression program. Updated 29 June
- Colour ls mini-HOWTO,
by Thorbjoern Ravn Andersen <ravn@dit.ou.dk>. How to set up the colours with 'ls'. Updated 7 August
- Cyrus IMAP mini-HOWTO,
by Kevin Mitchell <kevin@iserv.net>. How to install the Cyrus IMAP server. Updated 21 January 1998.
- DPT Hardware
RAID mini-HOWTO, by Ram Samudrala <me@ram.org>. How to configure hardware RAID. Updated 15 December
- Diald mini-HOWTO,
by Harish Pillay <h.pillay@ieee.org>. How to use 'diald' to dial an ISP. Updated 3 June 1996.
- Diskless mini-HOWTO,
by Robert Nemkin <buci@math.klte.hu>. How to set up a diskless Linux box. Updated 12 September 1996.
- Firewall
Piercing mini-HOWTO, by François-René Rideau <rideau@ens.fr>. Using ppp over telnet transparently
through an Internet firewall. Updated 22 August 1998.
- LBX mini-HOWTO,
by Paul D. Smith <psmith@baynetworks.com>. How to use Low-Bandwidth X (LBX). Updated 11 December
- Leased Line
mini-HOWTO, by Rob van der Putten <rob@sput.webster.nl>. How to setup leased line modems. Updated
July 1998.
- Linux+FreeBSD
mini-HOWTO, by Niels Kristian Bech Jensen <nkbj@image.dk> How to use Linux and FreeBSD together.
Updated 18 June 1998.
- Mail Queue mini-HOWTO,
by Leif Erlingsson <leif@lege.com>. How to queue remote mail and deliver local mail. Updated 3 September
- Mail2News mini-HOWTO,
by Robert Hart <iweft@ipax.com.au>. How to set up a mail to news gateway. Updated 4 November 1996.
- Modules mini-HOWTO,
by Riley H. Williams <rhw@bigfoot.com>. How to setup and configure kernel modules. Updated 14 November
- NCD X Terminal
mini-HOWTO, by Ian Hodge <ihodge@nortel.ca>. Describes how to connect an NCD X terminal to a
UNIX host. Updated 3 April 1998.
- NFS-Root mini-HOWTO,
by Andreas Kostyrka <andreas@ag.or.at>. How to set up diskless Linux machines. Updated 8 August
- NFS-Root-Client
mini-HOWTO, by Ofer Maor <ofer@hadar.co.il>. How to set up diskless Linux machines using NFS.
Updated 1 July 1997.
- Netrom-Node
mini-HOWTO, by Karl Larsen <k5di@yahoo.com>. How to setup the ax25-utilities package for Amateur
Radio such making Netrom Nodes. Updated 19 October 1998.
- Netscape+Proxy
mini-HOWTO, by Sarma Seetamraju <sarma@usa.net>. How to set up a proxy server for Netscape.
Updated 15 August 1997.
- Netstation mini-HOWTO,
by Kris Buytaert <Kris.Buytaert@advalvas.be>. How to hook up a IBM Netstation to your local network
using a Linux box as server. Updated 22 February 1998.
- News Leafsite
mini-HOWTO, by Florian Kuehnert <sutok@gmx.de>. How to set up a leaf news site. Updated 4 January
- Offline
Mailing mini-HOWTO, by Gunther Voet <freaker@tuc.ml.org>. How to set up email addresses without
a dedicated Internet connection. Updated 4 June 1998.
- PLIP mini-HOWTO,
by Andrea Controzzi <controzz@cli.di.unipi.it>. How to set up PLIP (Parallel Line Interface Protocol).
Updated 12 March 1998.
- Proxy
ARP Subnet mini-HOWTO, by Bob Edwards <bob@faceng.anu.edu.au>. How to use proxy ARP with subnetting.
Updated August 1997.
- Public
Web Browser mini-HOWTO, by Donald B. Marti Jr. <dmarti@best.com>. How to set up a guest account
to use a WWW browser. Updated 5 January 1998.
- Qmail+MH mini-HOWTO,
by Christopher Richardson <rdn@tara.n.eunet.de>. How to install qmail and MH. Updated 5 March 1998.
- Quota mini-HOWTO,
by Albert M.C. Tam <bertie@scn.org>. How to set up disk quotas. Updated 8 August 1997.
- RedHat CD mini-HOWTO,
by Morten Kjeldgaard <mok@imsb.au.dk> Peter von der Ahé <pahe+rhcd@daimi.au.dk>. How to make your
own CDs from the Red Hat Linux distribution equivalent to the ones commercially available from Red
Hat. Updated 9 September 1998.
- Remote Boot
mini-HOWTO, by Marc Vuilleumier Stückelberg <Marc.VuilleumierStuckelberg@cui.unige.ch>. How
to set up a server-based boot selector. Updated June 1998.
- Remote X
Apps mini-HOWTO, by Vincent Zweije <zweije@xs4all.nl>. How to run remote X applications. Updated
14 July 1998.
Emulator mini-HOWTO, by Irish <irish@eskimo.com>. How to use SLIP-PPP emulators with Linux.
Updated 7 August 1997.
Address Rewrite mini-HOWTO, by Thomas Roessler <roessler@guug.de>. Set up sendmail's configuration
file for the home user's dial-up access. Updated 6 May 1998.
- Sendmail+UUCP
mini-HOWTO, by Jamal Hadi Salim <jamal@glcom.com>. How to use sendmail and UUCP together. Updated
August 1998.
- Software
Building mini-HOWTO, by Mendel Leo Cooper <thegrendel@theriver.com>. How to build software packages.
Updated 6 July 1998.
- Software
RAID mini-HOWTO, by Linas Vepstas <linas@fc.net>. How to configure software RAID. Updated 21
November 1998.
- Soundblaster
AWE mini-HOWTO, by Marcus Brinkmann <Marcus.Brinkmann@ruhr-uni-bochum.de>. How to install the
Soundblaster AWE 32/64. Updated 11 January 1998.
- TkRat mini-HOWTO,
by Dave Whitinger <dave@whitinger.net>. How to install and use the TkRat mail program. Updated 2
February 1998.
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The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by
two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt.
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March 15, 2021